COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS g AND SURGEONS LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 099(0 y nervous shocks, which may be the consequence of complete derangement of mind, as also of a jaded brain, develop this other nutritive disorder, which we designate under the name of arthritism, in both of these each cell will have a tainted nutrition, and will produce cells that maintain the same nutritive t} r pe. And amongst these cells the generative elements ovule or spermatozoon in their turn will give birth to the cells of a new being, whose nutritive activity 8 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. will be similar to the individual that has begotten them. The acquired diathesis has become hereditaiy ; it does not recognize for its cause in the descendants the vice of their own nerve reactions. In these, nevertheless, the diathetic state really arises from nerve perturbations experienced by their ancestors. There are certain historical families whose pathological gene- alogy we even know, and where the reality of the origin of these morbid states can be verified. The diathetic nutritive disorder is more than a morbid threatening ; it is disease in activity. But how is this disease going to break out ? It is generally after, the operation of an external cause which has induced nerve changes ; another example of the necessary association of several pathogenic processes. Here is an arthritic ; how will he be seized with an attack of gout? Very often after a chill, a shock, emotional or from injuiy. Disease thus called forth in the course of a diathesis is an episode, a paroxysmal accident ; but this acci- dent, this episode, may appear spontaneously, as the consequence of the excess of the nutritive disorder which oftenest recognizes as its determining cause nerve change. Some people persist in not making this distinction, in not seeing in gout anything but the gouty accession; so much so that gout would not be a disease, but a succession of independent diseases. But what explains and links the attacks together is precisely this diathetic state, which I consider the result of a failure of nutrition. The attack of gout, on the contrary, which is the paroxysmal acci- dent in the course of a diathesis, is characterized by an accelera- tion of nutrition, as I said a long time ago, and is repeated to-day, as if it were a novelty : it is the curative attempt which re-establishes the broken equilibrium. If nerve shock is capable of thus inducing an attack of gout in an arthritic it will never cause it in an individual whose nutrition is not weakened. The nutritive derangement which renders possible the pathogenic influence of nerve reactions fa- vors also parasiticism. Is it not amongst arthritics that you see developed by preference pityriasis versicolor? Is it not amongst the scrofulous that you see erysipelas repeated witli a truly dis- heartening frequency ? I have multiplied examples sufficiently SEARCH AFTER MICROBES. 9 to be able to say that, without any preliminary change in nutrition, man is sheltered from infection. I have excepted syphilis, against which he seems unprotected. It is because several pathogenic conditions are necessary before disease can be pro- duced that we generally resist harmful influences. The causes of disease are innumerable ; but, in order to attack and conquer us, the} 7 must be associated ; without this necessity they would, without doubt, have annihilated the human species. Thus, only to deal with infectious diseases, I am right, you see, in telling you now that the physician ought not to allow himself to be absorbed alone in the research after a microbe. He ought to occupy himself with the infectious agent ; but he ought also to retain a good deal of his anxiety for the study and research of circumstances which disarm the organism against the invasion of that agent. When the physician shall be in possession of this double knowledge that man}' diseases are produced by mi- crobes, and that these can only act by means of a deterioration of the health, resulting from various pathogenic processes, he will recognize that the new discoveries contain nothing sub- versive, and that the lessons taught by ancient medical observa- tions are not compromised; he will know that the part he has to play is still the same to-day as it was twenty years ago, and that whilst seeking the means of combating microbes he ought and he will always be obliged to sustain the forces of the organism and make good its defence, inspiring himself constantly with this truth : before every illness there is a disturbance in life, for nu- trition is life. What can bring about this disturbance, the first step to be overcome before becoming ill ? It may bring about a change in the production or distribution of the forces which lib- erate certain substances elaborated by the living organism. It may modify the matter itself, augment or diminish it, whilst preserving the normal proportion, or it may bring about dispro- portion of the constituent elements ; it may, in short, cause the appearance of abnormal substances through perversion of the changes associated with nutrition. From absolute increase of normal matter, or the production of abnormal, intoxication may be developed. Substances the most essential to the constitution of the body 10 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. may become hurtful when they accumulate. If the subtraction of water is dangerous, its excess is none the less so ; it changes the conditions of osmosis ; it causes a swelling up of the cells, and washes out their dialysable material ; it thus disturbs their chemical constitution, and weakens or perverts their functional activity. Mineral substances can, by their excess, equally deter- mine accidents that are truly toxic, the salts of potassium par- ticularly. The most important excrementitious material car- bonic acid could not be retained in the organism a few minutes without death being the consequence. The biliary acids also, if they do not find a free escape outwardly, produce fatal poisoning. All the soluble ferments elaborated by certain glands can exer- cise a poisonous influence, either local or general. We find even in certain secretions in saliva, for example products ex- tremely toxic, and which are not ferments. This toxicity is only partly due to alkaloids. Whatever opinion we may have in regard to the origin of alkaloids, it is certain that we meet with them in normal tissues, and it is possible that they may be one of the results of this disassimilation of animal cells ; but it is not demonstrated that these alkaloids of the normal tissues are toxic. It is not thus, however, with the alkaloids of certain products of secretion, of urine in particular. Without multi- plying examples, you see that the augmentation of normal sub- stances, either by increased formation or retention, can induce quite a series of toxic accidents, some of which have already been named, such as asphyxia, uraemia, uricsemia, cholsemia, glycaemia. Perverted nutrition leads up to the development of new sub- stances which may become toxic. There are often formed in the organism peptones, which do not originate in the intestinal tube, but which are injurious in this sense, that, being dialysable, they escape by the urine, and thus bring about an abnormal spolia- tion of the organism. There are thus produced abnormal albu- mens, which escape by the kidneys, and seem capable of destroy- ing the nutrition of the renal epithelium and of inducing certain nephrites. Disease also causes the appearance of abnormal coloring matter or of substances transformable into coloring matter, amongst which are found those that, in urines, take on ACTION OF MICROBES UPON THE TISSUES. 11 a red coloration under the influence of perchloride of iron. I will mention leucin, tyrosin, and all the imperfect excre- mentitious products which arise from insufficient elaboration on the part of the liver, and many other toxic substances, of which I know neither the names nor the constitution, but whose presence in morbid urines I shall demonstrate to yon physiologically. All these substances are capable of producing forms of intoxication, amongst which I will mention eclampsia, acholia, diabetic coma, and many other grave conditions, as also numerous indispositions. If intoxication is one of the accidents likely to arise from disturbances of nutrition let us see what infection can do. We have thought over many of the hypotheses bearing upon the mode of action of microbes. But if the anatomy of these hurt- ful agents is scarcely known their ph}-siology is still less known. We have imagined that they act in five different ways. We have ascribed to them a mechanical role, supposing that they might cause obstruction in the vessels, more particular!}- those of the lung and the kidney. The fact is perfectly demonstrated for charbon and for the septicaemia of Charrin ; but the microbes which live in the blood are rare almost the exception. It is also admitted that they ma3 T induce traumatic changes, erode and perforate cells. This is a hypothesis whose aid I called in when I established the group of infectious nephrites. We really find microbes in the organism, in urine, and we find a lesion of the renal epithelium. It is admissible that they have broken through this epithelial barrier, and that in their course through it they have brought about its deterioration ; but in this there is only probability. The history of the cholera of fowls proves to us that they attack muscular fibre ; in certain catarrhs of the bladder and vagina they penetrate in large numbers the epithe- lial cells. I have demonstrated in blennorrhagia that the micro- coccus of Neisser inhabits essentially the protoplasm of the pavement cells of the urethra or of the conjunctiva, and that the leucocytes are for it an accessory or secondary resting-place. It is also said that microbes cause death by the anatomical lesions which they develop. Assuredly there is amongst them those which produce oedema, haemorrhage, suppuration, emphy- 12 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. sema, and gangrene ; but to say that they act because they pro- duce these effects is to solve the problem by admitting as dem- onstrated that which is still a matter of discussion ; the essen- tial thing would be to know by what process they determine such local lesions. This fourth hypothesis has been enunciated : that the mi- crobe, in order to nourish itself, consumes what is useful, the subtraction of which is prejudicial to the organism. The ex- ample of charbon has been quoted in support of this, and its aerobic bacteridium takes hold of the oxygen to the detriment of the blood-corpuscles. This ingenious hypothesis has not even received the beginning of demonstration. Lastty, infectious agents can produce something injurious, can elaborate substances that are toxic. There, at least, and there only, do we find a beginning of the proof. Indeed, we know a good many bodies produced by the life of microbes. We have studied in the fermentations which they induce in the flask, carbonic acid, marsh-gas, hydrogen, even sulphuric acid, am- monia, the ammonia compounds, the volatile fatty acids, many complex alkaloids whose toxicity has been experimentally demonstrated, indol, phenol, skatol, etc., all can poison, for these bodies are toxic. They besides form soluble ferments, which undoubtedly play a part in the production of local lesions by breaking up in some way or other living cells. It is therefore certain that intoxication in part arises from the harm- ful action of microbes ; in all probability such is the part they chiefly play. It is not only in infectious diseases that we have to reckon with the intoxication produced by them, it is also in the normal state. Indeed, man, -in the condition of physiological life, is inhabited, for a considerable length of his digestive tube, by inferior vegetables. I have formerly shown you the toxicity of intestinal matter; it is in part due to the poisonous products elaborated by these microbes. A portion of these products is absorbed, disease may prevent their elimination, and there arises from this a poisoning. Intestinal fermentation increasing ab- normally, the heap of toxic matter may become such that its absorption produces intoxication in spite of the integrity of the VARIOUS MEANS BY WHICH TOXIC PRODUCTS ARE FORMED. 13 renal emunctory ; it is to this cause that many d}'speptic acci- dents ought to be referred. Thus, in the normal as in the patho- logical state, the organism is a receptacle and a laboratory of poisons. The object of the lectures which follow will be to find out what part is played by self- intoxication in the production of disease and morbid accidents. LECTURE II. PRODUCTION AND ELIMINATION OP POISONS BY THE ORGANISM. The healthy organism receives and forms poisons. Constant danger of auto- intoxication. Means by which the organism manages to escape from it. Origins of poisons in the healthy organism; alimentation, especially min- eral substances ; the secretions (saliva, bile) ; digestion and intestinal putrefactions ; disassimilation of the tissues. The blood is the ebbing and flowing current of all the poisons. Demonstration of the presence of poisons in the blood. Direct demonstration is still incomplete. Indirect demonstration : we find in the urine, naturally or modified, the same poisons as in the digestive canal and in the tissues ; they must, therefore, have trav- ersed the blood. Opinions offered to explain the harmlessness of the poisons of the digestive canal. Destruction or modification by dialysis in passing through the intestinal mucous membrane, the epithelium, and the capillaries (Stich). Hypothesis relating to the white cells. Protective part played by the liver, which stops on their passage alkaloidal poisons coming from the intestine (Heeger), and destroys them. Experiments of Schiflf. Role of the emunctory organs in the expulsion of poisons. Intestinal emunction : the putrid diarrhoea of anatomists ; salutary diarrhoeas. Illu- sions relative to diarrhosa spoken of as supplementary to the renal emunction. Cutaneous emunction : elimination of water ; perspiration favorable to elimination of poisons. Elimination of volatile fatty acids : odors arising from the skin when nutrition is deranged. Causes of the death of animals which have been varnished. Pulmonary emunction, carbonic acid, water, volatile fatty acids : fetidity of the breath in those who are constipated and in hypochondriacs. Renal emunction : its preponderating influence. The kidney can eliminate all toxic products except gas. Toxicity of urine : danger of oliguria : critical polyuria at the decline of fevers. I HAVE said that the organism, in its normal, as in its patho- logical state, is a receptacle and a laboratory of poisons. Amongst these some are .formed by the organism itself, others by microbes, low forms of vegetables, which either are the guests the normal inhabitants of the intestinal tube, or are parasites at second hand, and disease producing. Man is in this way constantly living under the chance of being poisoned ; he is alwaj^s working toward his own destruction ; he makes con- tinual attempts at suicide by intoxication. And yet this intoxi- cation is not realized, for the organism possesses numerous resources which enable him to escape the intoxication which is (14) PRODUCTION AMD ELIMINATION OF POISONS BY THE ORGANISM. 15 always threatening. He throws off these toxic substances into a special reservoir, from which they afterward pass outward; and, besides, the blood constantly subtracts from the organs the poisons as soon as the}' are formed in them. I have shown in the first lecture how numerous are the toxic substances contained in the organism. In the first rank are placed the mineral substances introduced with our food ; then come the products of physiological secretion, saliva and bile; the products of digestion ; digestion, too, whilst it transforms albuminoid substances into peptones, also gives birth to alka- loidal poisons; and, lastly, toxic substances resulting from intes- tinal putrefactions. Without doubt, the stools eliminate the greatest part of these poisons which are expelled with them, but, nevertheless, owing to the slow movement of the intestinal contents, the mucous membrane absorbs a certain part of them. We find in the close relationship of our tissues other poisons which are the result of the life of cells. The}- pass out into the extra-cellular fluids, along with which they pass into the lymphatics and blood-vessels. It is, therefore, into the blood that all the poisons are carried, the whole of those that are made by the tissues, and part of those which are formed in the digestive tube. Theoretically we cannot conceive how things could be otherwise. But, evident even as this view of the sub- ject appears, it must be demonstrated. Direct demonstration of it has only been realized in a very incomplete manner. After ligature of the colon, Planer found H 2 S in the blood of the portal vein. Carter has there met with indigo in animals the subjects of intestinal derangements. I have seen, like Gautier, alkaloids not only in the tissues, but in the blood. Here is a beginning of direct objective demonstration, but it is only yet a resemblance. It is not a certainty. On the 4th of December, 1884, we extracted, by means of chloroform, alkaloids from 50 cubic centimetres of muscle of beef. These alkaloids, soluble in chloroform, give precise reactions with the following reagents : Tanret's solution, iodized iodine, phos- l>ko-inolybdate of soda and tannin. September 3, 1884, a healthy rabbit is killed, then cut up into pieces; it weighs thus minced, 16 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. without the abdominal viscera, 1012 grammes. It is digested in 2 litres of absolute alcohol, to which has been added water acidu- lated with H 2 SO 4 , and this macerates for two days. We collect the alcohol as it is filtered, and again unite it to the alcohol which bathed the muscles of the animal, and which we obtain by pressure. We have thus 1896 cubic centimetres. We evaporate at 40 ; then the alcohol, reduced by one-third, is evaporated at 80 (we lose by accident one-third of this). In the watery residue we find all the reactions usual to alkaloids. The precipi- tates obtained are abundant with the following reagents : Tanret, iodized iodine, phospho-molybdate of soda, ferric cyanide, double iodide of potassium, and cadmium. This residue, made alkaline by soda, is mixed well with ether. We decant the ether, which, shaken up well with a little HC1 that has been added to it, is dis- tilled. The residue is an ethereal extract. It is precipitated fairly well, by means of the iodized iodine and molybdo-phos- phate of soda reagent. Indirect demonstration will be given if we find in the prod- ucts of excretion those poisons which we have observed in the tissues and in the intestinal canal; and, if it is proved that these poisons are eliminated by organs in which they are not formed, the logical conclusion will be that the blood is the necessary medium between the seat of the formation of these poisons and their place of elimination. But the poisons which exist in the tissues and in the intestinal canal are also found in the urine, either naturally or modified by oxidation or united to nitrogenous or sulphur radicals : oxalic acid, in the state of oxaluric acid ; phenic acid, in the state of compound sulpho- phenic acid, or phenyl-sulphurous ; bodies of the aromatic series, indol, scatol, cresol ; butyric acid, as in the stomach; lactic acid, as in the stomach and first part of the intestine ; acetic acid, as it is formed under certain pathological influences, in considerable quantity in the whole length of the intestinal canal. We also find alkaloids in the urine : some show themselves in a modified form, as quinine ; others naturally, and without having undergone any previous alteration. Amongst these alka- loids some are soluble in chloroform, others are insoluble in this body, but soluble in ether ; both are found in the urine, with the REASON WHY TOXIC ACCIDENTS ARE INFREQUENT. 17 same characters as in the intestine. There is nothing in physiol- ogy which warrants us in considering all these bodies as products elaborated by the kidney ; it is the blood, therefore, which carries them there. One of the first authors occupied in the experimental investigation of these intoxications (Stichj thought that the poisons of the intestinal canal must be neutralized, destroyed, or undergo modifications which would deprive them of their toxicity, consequent upon their passage through the absorbent membranes of the intestinal canal, which played the part of a dyalyser, through the epithelial cells and through the walls of the capillaries. He is astonished to find so many poisons in the intestinal canal and yet so few toxic accidents ; and, considering that the poisons of the intestinal canal are innocuous to the animal which has formed them, whilst the same poisons become harmful to an animal of any other species into which they have been introduced by the rectum or stomach, he is led to think that each kind of animal has the power of destroy- ing of itself the poisonous substances which it forms. This is a view of the matter of which we have no demonstration. According to Hoffmeister, the white globules play a part in the transformation of peptones into albumen, since we no longer find in the emunctories the peptones which we have injected into the blood. We could, perhaps, apply this hypoth- esis of Hoffmeister to the destruction of poisons, and say that the toxic substances corning from the intestinal canal are neutralized in the blood by the white globules. To explain the harmlessness of the poisons of the intestinal canal, we have in addition invoked the protective action of the liver. This organ stops, arrests, as we know, certain portions of our food ; it impedes the passage of grape-sugar and stores up glucose under the form of glycogen. It plays also a protective part in arresting alkaloidal substances. Heeger has injected into the portal vein blood containing alkaloids (nicotine, strychnine, mor- phine, quinine). The blood examined coming from the liver contains less of these ; the substances injected have diminished by one-fourth or one-half. Perhaps the liver places itself in opposition to all the poisons of the organism, and robs it of the blood which carries them. 2 18 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Schiff has revived the question. He operates with nicotine. The same dose of this substance which, introduced into a peripheral vein, kills an animal, does not kill another animal of the same weight if we inject it into a branch of the portal vein. Schiff introduces a quantity of nicotine into the intestinal canal of an uninjured animal, and it is not found to be intoxi- cated by it. The same dose intoxicates the animal if we have ligatured its portal vein, for then the toxic substance reaches the general circulation by the accessories of the portal venous system, without having passed through the liver, which would have arrested it. Fresh liver is triturated with nicotine. An infusion of this is injected into an animal, and it does not kill it. The same dose of nicotine ground up with an equal weight of renal or muscular tissue kills it. The liver is not alone content in arresting these poisons ; it destroys them. These facts have been experimentally verified in my laboratory by C. H. Roger, who, as regards this question of the protection of the organs by the liver, has added to our knowledge many new facts, which I shall have occasion to describe to you. But the alka- loids are not the most poisonous substances of the organism. This explanation is right as regards them, but is not applicable to all ; it is necessary to add to it this other piece of information, that man escapes intoxication by the intestinal, cutaneous, pul- monary, and renal emunctions. The part played b}' the intestinal emunctory in the elimina- tion of certain poisonous substances is attested by the com- monly fetid stools of persons who frequent the post-mortem theatre. Their fetid character recalls the putrid odor of the emanations from the cadavera. Sometimes this emunction is defective ; for, if the largest part of the toxic material is thus expelled, a part is absorbed ; there is a defective circle for cer- tain molecules of poisons. We find in the intestine toxic sub- stances arising from the disassimilation of matter, taurocholic and glycocholic acids, or their derivatives, cholic and cholalic acids, dyslysin, a b'ody formed by the liver, afterward trans- formed in the intestine. We find these mineral salts formed out of bile or secreted by the intestinal glands themselves. The IMPROBABILITY OF VICARIOUS FUNCTION. 19 intestine also contains gases which are not all formed there ; there are individuals in whom, in a very short time, an excessive tympanitis is developed. In such cases certain gases are probably secreted by the digestive canal. I do not know what they are, nor even whether they are analogous to those which bring about fermentation. We find hydrocarbons, sure enough ; nitrogen probabty ; perhaps carbonic acid, and even ox}-gen, since certain aerobic microbes live in the intestine. To what extent are these gases poisonous? It is difficult to reply to this question. Those which produce hysterical tympanitis do not appear to be poisonous. From these facts follow certain applications that may be made to pathology. Has it not been said now for a long time past that there are " salutary diarrhoeas ? " People who have lived for several years, the subjects of diarrhoea, and retain- ing the appearance of perfect health, have seen their diarrhoea and their health disappear at one and the same time. We may de- rive from these facts some encouragement in inducing diarrhoea in certain cases, without, however, raising exaggerated hopes in any one, the subject of a supplementary diarrhoea, of his being able to compensate the insufficienc}' by another emunctory. We have spoken of the intestine acting vicariously for the kidney by discharges of serum. For my part, I scarcely believe in vicarious functions any more for the skin than for the intestine. In increasing more actively the cutaneous and intestinal secre- tions we remove a considerable quantity of water from the organism, but not what ought to be eliminated dissolved in the water. There is a certain quantity of material associated with a determined quantity of water, according to the emunctory by which the water is thrown out. If, for example, there is in the blood 0.15 gramme of urea for 1000 grammes of water, the urine carries away 15 grammes of urea for every 1000. The sweat will only carry awa} r 0.15 gramme for every 1090, exactly the proportion which is found not in the blood, but in the liquor sauguinis. Then 1 kilogramme of water, which by the renal channel would have carried away 15 grammes of urea, only carries away 30 centigrammes by the skin and the intestine. One emunctory can scarcely vicariate for another. 20 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. By the skin are eliminated water, salts in small quantity, carbonic acid, and some volatile fatty acids. Copious perspira- tions may be useful in certain intoxications, caused by poisons, for instance, not because they eliminate the poisons themselves, but probably because they expel from the organism the abnormal products which it has formed under the influence of the poisons. In many putrid intoxications amongst individuals who are the subjects of deep-seated foul sores the odor of the skin recalls that of their suppuration. What enables us to understand the useful part played by the perspiration in the cure of these morbid states is the odor which the skin takes under the influence of certain disorders of nutrition. Amongst hypochondriacs the alienated, living in absolute inactivit} r , and with defective alimentation fatty acids are eliminated more abundantly by the skin. From this arises the odor special to the places inhabited by men forced to this kind of life, the odors of asylums, of prisons, barracks, odors which differ one from the other. When nutrition is deranged, by depressing influences acting through the intermediary of the nervous system, we may be warned of its being so by the odor. There is in existence an experimental demonstration of the part which the cutaneous emunctory plays in the elimination of toxic substances. We know that the varnishing of the skin of animals produces a marked fall in the heat of the body. Is this the result of failure of the cutaneous respiration ? It is hardly probable. Is it due to the action of the vaniish upon the nerve terminations ? Why, this reflex action is much less than faradi- zation, the application of cold or of heat ; besides, what these forms of irritation of the tissues determine is albuminuria, not haematuria, convulsions, and reduced temperature. What is special to the varnishing is perhaps the retention of poisonous substances which the skin ought to eliminate. By the lungs are eliminated carbonic acid (1100 grammes in twenty-four hours), water, ammonia sometimes, and often volatile fatty acids, which explain the fetid character of the breath of people the subjects of constipation and of hypochondriasis, and which are the result of a depraved nutrition or of an incomplete destruction of matter. By the lungs, too, are eliminated poi- KIDNEYS, THE MOST IMPORTANT ELIMINATING ORGANS. 21 sonous substances scarcely known, to which Du Bois-Reymond has drawn attention, especially the volatile poisons accidentally introduced into the digestive canal (alcohols, ethers, chloroform, asa foetid a). But of all the organs of elimination the most important is the kidnej r . One cannot, as in the case of the intestine, reproach it with being a defective emunctory, capable of re-absorbing a part of the products which it eliminates. Absorption does not take place in the urinary channels, at least in the normal con- dition. If there is produced a desquamation of epithelium, intoxication, it is true, shows itself; it is then a complex thing, resulting not only from the re-absorption of substances which the kidney ought normally to eliminate, but from poisonous sub- stances which the decomposing urine forms in the urinary chan- nels under the influence of ferments which are found there. What, then, does the kidney eliminate? Everything save gaseous material: in the first place, water; then two-thirds, at least, of the solid matter, especially mineral matter, of which you will not be slow in recognizing the eminently poisonous power; many nitrogenous substances (urea, coloring and odoriferous material). Certainly, all these substances are not poisonous, but many of them are. What is certain is that urine, taken altogether, is toxic. We have always regarded oliguria as a troublesome thing ; whereas, on the contrary, at the declination of fevers, a critical polyuria is nearly always useful, because it expels poisonous substances formed by the economj* during the illness. There may arise unpleasant symptoms, according to the relative impermeability of the kidney for certain substances. LECTURE III. PRELIMINARIES TO THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OP THE TOXICITY OF THE PRODUCTS OF EMUNCTION. Necessity of demonstrating experimentally that the retention of excrementitious material may cause intoxication. Pulmonary, intestinal, and cutaneous emunctories are inconvenient for this demonstration. Choice of the urinary secretion for research upon the toxicity of the products of emunction. Comparison of the various methods employed by the. experimenter for introducing in to the organism substances the toxicity of which he wishes to study. Introduction by the digestive canal and subcutaneous injection inconvenient. Advantages of iutra-venous injection. Its- harmlessness ; its facility. Uniformity of the results obtained. Study of the action consequent upon the liquids employed to serve as excipieuts in the injection of poisonous substances, water, alcohol, glycerin. THERE exists, as we have said, in the organism an incessant tendency to toxaemia from accumulation, and from which it es- capes by various means, thanks to the part plaj'ed by the liver, which forms an active barrier to poisons taken from the digestive tube, but is insufficient -for those formed in the tissues, thanks especially to the safeguard which is established through the einuuctory apparatus. In order that intoxication may be avoided, it is necessar3 T that the five emunctory offices should be in a state of anatomical and functional integrity; that the blood, the circulatory apparatus, and the nervous system should func- tionate normally. Everything caught in the meshes of these organs may cause intoxication. It seems, at least, that this should be so ; but appearance may not be real : presumption is not demonstration. If I say that death nearly always arises from intoxication, because, in nearly all diseases, it is asphyxia which puts a ter- mination to all vital acts, and that asphyxia is an intoxica- tion, I seem to be formulating a syllogism which is indisput- able. Yet it is only a sophism, however, for asphyxia is a (22) STUDY OP THE TOX1CITY OF THE PRODUCTS OF EMUNCTION. 2y volume, 20 cubic centimetres of absolute alcohol for 80 cubic centimetres of water ; 1.45 cubic centimetres of absolute alcohol carried to this degree of dilution produce narcosis and comaj 3 cubic centimetres kill. For each 100 grammes of blood it is, then, necessary to take 2 cubic centi- metres of alcohol to produce narcosis and 3.9 cubic centimetres to bring about death. Glycerin is less toxic than alcohol. We cannot employ pure glycerin ; it produces viscid emboli. We must prefer dilu- tion of it to 50 for each 100. We establish that 5 cubic centi- metres of anhydrous glycerin for each kilogramme of the animal produce muscular tremors, and that 14 cubic centimetres induce death, with immediate cadaveric rigidity. We know, then, for the future, that the substance whose toxic power we wish to test by intra-venous injection ought not to be dissolved in more than 90 cubic centimetres of water, in more than 1.45 cubic centimetres of alcohol, diluted in the proportion of 20 to each 100, or 5 cubic centimetres of glycerin, diluted in the pro- portion of 50 to 100 for each kilogramme of the animal. LECTURE IY. ON THE TOXICITY OF URINES. Admitted from all time by physicians, the toxicity of uriue has only recently been demonstrated. Cl. Bernard and Frerichs have stated the question. Isolated study of some of the toxic elements of certain urines: Gabriel Pou- chet. Study of the toxicity of urine taken in its entirety negative conclu- sion: Murou. Positive conclusion: Feltz and Ritter, Bocchi aud Schiifer. Study of certain pathological urines: Lepine, Dupard, and Gudriu. My owii experiments upon the toxicity of normal urine injected en masse by intra-venous channel. Reply to certain objections raised against this method. Choice of the rabbit as the animal to exhibit reactions. Physiological phenomena consequent upon the intra-venous injection of normal urine, myosis, accelerated respiration, torpor, polyuria, fall of temperature due to diminished heat production ; survival or death, according to the dose injected. Discussion upon the possible causes of death. Determination of the unity of toxicity. Urotoxy. Urotoxic co-efficient. Toxicity of urines different according to whether they have been secreted during the waking hours or sleep. WE have said that if the organism forms poisons and yet is not poisoned, it is because the liver stops some of them and that the rest are eliminated. The safeguard to the economy resides in having an organ of arrest and in the emunctories. We have admitted this idea hypothetically, but we have recog- nized the necessity of verifying experimentally this view of the matter, reasonable as it appears to us. From amongst possible demonstrations we have chosen that which consists in prov- ing that the emunctories really cast out externally toxic sub- stances and that the excrementitious products are toxic. For various reasons, which we need not recall, we have addressed ourselves, in order to verify the toxicity of excrementitious products, to those which the kidney eliminates, and we have adopted the intra-venous injection as the experimental method. Are urines toxic ? To this question we have at all times re- plied in the affirmative, so much so that there is no necessity to raise the question again. Upon this undebated point has been built the thepry of uraemia. Urine is toxic : thus, when it ceases to be secreted the organism is poisoned. We may say (29) 30 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. that this is a true medical opinion of the matter ; but, true as it appears to be, it claims demonstration. Cl. Bernard raised the question ; Frerichs has followed it up. Physicians and physi- ologists have, after these, emulously striven to find out what are the substances to which urine owes its toxicity, ammonia, urea, etc. In all these researches it is not of the urine itself that there is question, but certain substances which we find in it or which are developed in it in consequence of catalytic changes, car- bonate of ammonia, for example. It is the study of certain toxic substances of the urine which we have at length broached, and not that of the toxicity of urine in kind. We have blamed the coloring matter, odorous and volatile, and mineral matters, potass in particular. They are, without doubt, toxic ; but they constitute only a part of the toxicity of urines. M. Gabriel Pouchet has found in normal urine alkaloids chemically similar to the toxic alkaloids. In 1882 I extracted from certain urines taken from patients the subjects of infectious diseases alkaloids, with which I have been able to produce, ex- perimentally, dilatation of the pupil, acceleration of the beats of the heart, physiological effects which approach those of atropine. But the question here was one of abnormal alkaloids, or at least of alkaloids extracted from the urines of sick people. It is by repeated attempts, made in various ways, that we approach the solution of the problem. The question, taken in its entirety, dates from 1868. Muron, having made subcutaneous injections of urine, affirms the non- toxicity of it ; but the method which he adopted ought to put us into a state of mistrust ; we have seen why. MM. Feltz and Ritter (in 1881) made intra-venous injections of urine just as it is, and have concluded for the toxicitj 7 of urine. Bocchi (at the end of 1882) repeated the experiments, and also con- cluded that urine is toxic, considered as a whole. He has sub- cutaneously injected normal urine into frogs, and has killed them ; but amongst mammalia the rat and guinea-pig he has not produced the toxic phenomena which he met with in the frog. In April, 1883, Schiffer employed ethereal extracts of urine. He killed frogs with the extract taken from 16 to 25 grammes of urine, and rabbits with a quantity of extract which represents URINE NOT TOXIC FROM ITS ACIDITY ONLY. 31 1^ litres of urine; but if he has demonstrated the toxicity of a product contained in urine, he has not elucidated the problem of the toxicity of normal urine in man, for, according to these experiments, it would be necessary, while the due proportions were observed, that man should retain in his body a quantity of urine equal to his own weight in order to be intoxicated by it. The experiment of Schiffer only proves that urine contains something which, in excessive dose, may become toxic. Very interesting experiments, regarded from a physiological point of view, were made in 1883 and 1884 by M. Dupard, under the inspiration of M. Lupine, and afterward by MM. Lepine and Guerin ; but as these experimenters only made use of pathologi- cal urines, the results obtained do not demonstrate the toxicit}- of normal urines. It is necessary to return to the method sug- gested b}< Feltz and Hitter, the injection of normal urine just as it is; that is what I have done, as these authors did in 1883 and 1884, by intra-venous channels. It seems at first sight unlikely that one could introduce into the vascular system urine as it is ; and, before everj'thing else, it is necessary to reply to certain objections which cannot fail to be raised against the legitimacy of this proceeding. And, first, can we, without causing accidents, introduce into the blood a considerable quantity of water, such as that which would serve as a vehicle for the solid matter of the urine? We said in the preceding lecture that we can inject without danger into the blood up to 90 cubic centimetres of water for each kilo- gramme of the animal. Can we inject urine as it is with an acid reaction? Do we not run the risk of attributing to the action of urine effects which would be sufficiently determined by the introduction of a nornwllj r acid bod)' into an alkaline medium? Theoretically we cannot afford to overlook this possible cause of error, although there may be reason for us asking ourselves if it concerns the theory of intoxication by retention in the blood of urine not secreted, and if the acidity might not be due to the action only of the renal secretion. We see neutral salts which have become acid after having undergone dialysis ; it is there a borrowed acid. In every case it would not be legiti- mate to compare the effects of the retention of neutral urine 32 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. with the injection of acid urine. In fact, I have acknowledged that the question of the reaction is a thing of indifference. At first the urine is acid to a feeble degree ; it contains few free acids; the acidity is chiefly due to acid salts. I have injected, for the sake of comparison, and without obtaining differences in the results, acid urines and the same urines exactly neutralized by carbonate of soda. Yet, to be more cautious, I have, in all my experiments, exactly neutralized the urines before injecting them into the blood. It is a precaution which cannot diminish the toxicity of urines, and which puts in the shade the objection announced higher up. That admitted, we cannot inject into the blood of an animal normal urine without determining physio- logical phenomena and death with doses generally less and often much inferior to those in which distilled water is toxic. The phenomena which I am going to describe have been ob- served exclusively in the rabbit. The rabbit is the best animal to choose when there is question of injecting into the veins. The posterior marginal vein on the dorsal part of the face, as it spreads over the ear, easily allows of penetration taking place, without preliminaiy removal of the skin, by means of a Pravaz syringe. We can, even in the rabbit, penetrate directly into the median artery of the ear. The choice of this animal singularly diminishes the difficulties, and especially the slowness, of intra- venous injections. The guinea-pig, which offers the same ad- vantages, scarcely lends itself so well for experiments in the laboratorjr, for there are economical necessities before which it is necessary to bow. The first phenomenon which follows the intra-venous injec- tion of normal urine is contraction of the pupil. After the injection of 10, 12, or 15 cubic centimetres of urine there appears a myosis, which goes on gradually increasing until the pupillary opening becomes pin-pointed. A little after the begin- ning of the injection we notice acceleration of respiratory move- ments, with a diminution of their range. Then the animal is enfeebled, its movements become irregular and laborious ; somno- lence now comes on. We remark, also, increase in the urinary secretion and frequency of voiding the urine. Urine increases more than any other material the urinary secretion. The diu- EFFECTS OF THE INTRA-VENOUS INJECTION OF URINE. 33 resis induced by the injection of distilled water is not to be compared to that produced by the injection of normal urine. At the same time, the temperature falls. This fall is constant, it is true, after every intra-venous injection of liquid, but it is much more considerable after the injection of urine. The amount of heat lost by the animal is greater than that neces- sary to raise to the temperature of the blood the quantity of liquid injected. It is a thermic fall, which is dependent upon a diminution of heat production. The temperature of the rabbit falls from 39 C. (102.2 F.) or 37 C. (98.6 F.) to 32 C. (89.6 F.); the hypothermia of itself in certain cases may ex- plain the death. We also notice a diminution of the palpebral and corneal re- flexes ; often, too, exophthalmos. Death comes at last, without convulsion or with moderate muscular tremors, with persistence of the cardiac beats, and of contractility of the striated and unstri- ated muscular fibre. The pupil remains contracted after death, then it dilates again in some of the cases. If the smallest dose of urine is injected, sufficient to produce coma, but not death, the animal remains passive, with respiratory movements of feeble range; chilled; with pupillary contraction; and with a polyuria such that every two minutes an emission of urine takes place. The superficial vessels are dilated ; the arteries beat with such amplitude that their pulsations are easily felt up to the tip of the ear. Then torpor diminishes, the fall of temperature is arrested, heat production goes on again, and the pupil dilates. At the end of half an hour return to health is definite, without secondary phenomena. The animal may be kept under observa- tion for weeks or months, without our being able to observe in it any pathological accident. One fact to note is, that we rarely set up albuminuria unless, for the most part, an albumi- nuria which is very slight and very fleeting in the animals which survive. On the contrary, after the injection of pathological urines certain kinds, at least albuminuria is constant and notable ; one may witness, too, luematuria. What quantit}' of normal urine is necessary to produce intoxication by intra-venous injection? This is a difficult ques- tion to decide. The oscillation habitually takes place between 34 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. 30 and 60 cubic centimetres for each kilogramme of the animal, 45 cubic centimetres, on an average. Pupillary contraction often begins to show itself after the employment of 10 cubic centimetres. The urine of a subject in whom abundant drinks had produced a normal polyuria has been injected with im- punity up to 97 cubic centimetres for each kilogramme of the animal, a dose in which distilled water is already toxic. The urine of this same individual, who was submitted to a chill without becoming febrile, has killed with a dose of 12 cubic centimetres for each kilogramme of the animal. The variations of toxicity, already large in the limits of the normal state, become still more considerable as we reach the border of the pathological. Pathological urines am not always more toxic than normal urines ; they may be less ; they may differ from them in pro- ducing other symptoms. Certain pathological urines determine, with a dose of 10 cubic centimetres, convulsions, which we hardly ever observe after the injection of normal urines. With certain others it is necessary, in order to induce a phenomenon of some kind or other, to inject as much urine, and even more, than the dose in which distilled water causes death. Thus, dis- ease sometimes augments, sometimes it diminishes the toxicity of urine. Amongst certain albuminurias the innocuous nature of the urine is a remarkable fact ; the kidney seems to have separated from it the toxic substances, retaining them within the organism. When death follows an injection of urine, we may suppose that it results from the mechanical action of the mass of urine injected or from dilution of the blood. It is not so ; for we can double and almost treble the mass of blood without inconve- nience. Nor is death more to be attributed to the general hydra- tion of the bodj r . If we reduce by evaporation the quantity of urine lay one-half, only expelling the water from it, the toxicity is doubly increased. The degree of concentration of a healthy urine causes its toxicity to vary : a healthy man, but oliguric, is more toxic than the polyuric, so far as regards an equal quan- tity of urine, which proves that the urine does not kill by the water, but by the substances which are in a state of solution ON THE TOXICITY OF URINES. 35 in the water. Whatever those substances may be, it is interest- ing to know the degree of toxicity that they communicate to urines ; that is to say, the toxic power of the matter which is elaborated by a given weight of man and is eliminated in a given time by his urine. It has appeared to me necessary, for the clearness of later explanations, to create a new name, and I excuse n^-self for doing so. This neologism has for its object the denomination of the unit, which will serve as a term of comparison in the estimation of the variations of the toxicity of urine. I shall call the unit of toxicit}' "urotoxy"; that is to say, the toxic amount necessary to kill a kilogramme of living matter. This unit we shall determine by experiment. I shall stucty thus the urotoxic co-efficients; that is to say, the quantity of urotoxies which 1 kilogramme of man can form in twenty-four hours. A healthy man, weighing 60 kilogrammes, passes in twent}'- four hours 1200 cubic centimetres of urine. If 50 cubic centi- metres of this urine kill 1 kilogramme of animal, 1200 cubic centimetres ought to kill 24 kilogrammes of the animal ; then 60 kilogrammes of man make and eliminate l>y the kidneys in twenty- four hours what would kill 24 kilogrammes of animal. Thus, 1 kilogramme of man forms in twenty-four hours what would kill 400 grammes of an animal. In order to kill 1 kilogramme it is necessary to have 1 urotoxy. The urotoxic co-efficient of this man of 60 kilogrammes is thus 0.4. This is almost the normal co-efficient, which I have found to be, on an average, 0.464. If 1 kilogramme of man forms in twenty-four hours what is sufficient to kill 464 grammes of animal, he forms in twenty- four hours almost one-half of what is necessary to kill himself. On an average of two days and four hours man makes a mass of urinary poison capable of intoxicating himself. There are varia- tions in the normal state for the urotoxic co-efficient, but they are limited. In the pathological state the urotoxic co-effick-nt raivly exceeds 2 and rarely descends below 0.10. The toxicity of normal urines varies according to numerous circumstances, cerebral activity, muscular activity, sleep, diet- ing, etc. The variations bear upon the intensity and upon the 36 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. quality of this toxicity. The urines of sleep, although more dense, more rich in solid matter, are, in equal volumes, almost always less toxic than the urines of the day. In an equal time the urines secreted during sleep always contain an amount of material less toxie than that secreted during the day. Man elaborates during sleep from two to four times less poison than during an equal time of cerebral activity. TOXICITY OF THE URINES FORMED DURING THE DAY AND OP THOSE FORMED DURING SLEEP. September 15, 1885. We gather the urine of twenty-four hours of a healthy adult man weighing 81 kilogrammes and 700 grammes. These urines are collected in three portions correspond- ing to the periods of secretion, having in each a duration of eight hours. The first portion commences from the moment of waking quarter past 7 in the morning to quarter past 3 after mid- day (morning period); the second portion from quarter past '3 to quarter past 11 at night (evening); the third portion from quarter past 11 to quarter past 7 on the following morning (sleep). Urine of Eight' Hours the Morning Period. Quantity, 865 cubic centimetres ; density, 1027. This acid urine is exactly neutralized by bicarbonate of soda, filtered, and injected into a vein of the ear of a rabbit weighing 1750 grammes. The rectal temperature of the rabbit before the operation was 39.6 C. (103.2 F.) ; owing to its not moving about, the temperature fell at the beginning of the injection to 39.2 C. (102.6 F.). Contraction of the pupil began when the animal had received 25 cubic centimetres ; at 33 cubic centimetres, emission of urine ; at 35 cubic centimetres, restlessness, re- spiratory arrest, loss of palpebral and corneal reflexes ; death. At this moment the temperature was at 39.3 C. (102.8 F.). The heart still continued to beat for some little time. The temperature of the urine injected was 26 C. (78.8 F.). The animal was killed by the injection of 85 ^ >00 = 2( > cubic centi- metres of urine for each kilogramme of the animal. Urine of the Eight Hours Belonging to the Evening Period. Quantity, 320 cubic centimetres; density, 1028; reaction, acid; neutralized and filtered ; this urine is injected into the vein of a rabbit weighing 1560 grammes. At the beginning of the injection the rectal temperature of this rabbit was 40^C. (104 F.). At 3 cubic centimetres, quickened respiration; at 28 TOXICITY OF URINES PASSED DURING THE DAY AND NIGHT. 37 cubic centimetres myosis commences, and is complete at 36 cubic centimetres ; at 35 cubic centimetres, excessive movement ; at 39 cubic centimetres, convulsions, opisthotonos, death. The heart continues to beat. The rectal temperature at the moment of death is 39.8 C. (103.6 F.). The temperature of the urine injected was 23 C. (73.4 F.). The animal was killed by the injection of 39 ^ 00 = 25 cubic centimetres of urine for each kilo- gramme of animal. Urine of the Eight Hours of Sleep. Q.uantity, 220 cubic cen- timetres; density, 1031; reaction, acid. This urine, neutral- ized and filtered, was injected into a vein in the ear of a rabbit weighing 1600 grammes. At the beginning of the injection the rectal temperature was 40.2 C. (104.5 F.). After 6 cubic cen- timetres had been injected there was quickened respiration. At 21 cubic centimetres myosis had begun ; at 33 cubic centi- metres, clonic convulsions; at 34 cubic centimetres, loss of palpebral reflexes, exophthalmos, and momentaiy suspension of respiration; at 46 cubic centimetres, very severe clonic convul- sions ; then opisthotonos and death. The heart continued to beat. The rectal temperature at the moment of death was 39.9 C. (103.8 F.). The temperature of the urine injected was 23 C. (73.4 F.). The animal was therefore killed by the injection of ^ =28.75 cubic centimetres of urine for each kilogramme of animal. In equal volumes, the urines of the morning period, although less dense, are more toxic than the urines of the evening period. The totality of the urines of the morning period is represented by \Y = 18.25 urotoxies. The totality of the urines of the evening period represents 3 5 2 g = 12.8 urotoxies. The urines of the sixteen hours of da}' represent, therefore, 31.05 urotoxies; or, by the hour, 1.9406; or, by the hour and per kilogramme of man who has furnished the urines, 0.02375. During one hour of wake- fulness this man has therefore eliminated on an average per kilo- gramme of his weight a quantity of urinary poison capable of destroying 23.75 grammes of living tissue. In equal volumes, the urines of sleep, although more dense, are less toxic than the urines of wakefulness. The totality % of the urines of eight hours of sleep represents 7.65217 urotoxies; or, by the hour, 0.956521 ; or, by the hour and per kilogramme of the man who' bus farnished the urines, 0.0117 urotoxies. One kilogramme of man, during one hour of sleep, eliminates, therefore, a quantity of urinary poison capable of destroying 11.7 grammes of living tissue. In sixteen hours of wakefulness this person has elimi- nated per kilogramme what would kill 380 grammes of animal, and in eight hours of sleep he has eliminated what would kill 93.6 38 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. grammes of animal. In the twenty-four hours (waking and sleeping) he has thus eliminated a quantity of urinary poison capable of destroying 437.6 grammes of animal. The urotoxic co-efficient of this man was therefore 0.4736. From this we conclude that, to kill 1 kilogramme of living matter, it would have required for each kilogramme of this man two days, two hours, and forty-three minutes. On September 19, 1885, we gathered the urine of twenty-four hours of a healthy adult man weighing 81 kilogrammes, 700 grammes. This urine had been received in two portions, one corresponding to the sixteen hours of wakefulness and the other corresponding to the eight hours of sleep. Urine of Sixteen Hours of Wakefulness. Quantity, 700 cu- bic centimetres ; density, 1028 ; urea, 24.4 grammes for every 1000, or 17.08 grammes for the whole of the wakeful period ; reaction, slightly acid. This urine, neutralized and filtered, is injected into a vein of the ear of a rabbit weighing 1720 grammes. The rectal temperature at the beginning of the injection was 40.3 C. (104.6 F.). At the time that 23 cubic centimetres of urine have been injected myosis commences ; the pupil is pin-pointed at 33 cubic centimetres; at 36 cubic centimetres, exorbitism, agitation ; at 43 cubic centimetres, respiratory pause ; at 46 cubic centimetres, loss of e} r elid and corneal reflexes, death without convulsions. The heart continued to beat. The pupils continued pin-pointed after death. The rectal temperature at the time of death was 39.5 C. (103.2 F.). The temperature of the urine injected was 22 C. (71.6 F.). This animal has, therefore, been killed by the injection of 26.74 cubic centimetres of urine for each kilogramme. Urine of the Eight Hours of Sleep. Quantity, 225 cubic centimetres; density, 1034; reaction, acid; urea, 27.2 grammes for 1000, or, for the whole of the eight hours of sleep, 6.12 grammes. This urine, neutralized and filtered, is injected into a vein on the ear of a rabbit weighing 1610 grammes. The rectal temperature at the commencement of the injection was 40.2 C. (104.4 F.). Myosis commences after 21 cubic centimetres had been injected ; it was complete after 33 cubic centimetres; after 26 cubic centimetres, agitation ; at 46, clonic convulsions ; at 48, strong convulsions whilst in opisthotonos ; death.- The heart continued to beat but feebly, except the auricles, which contracted with force. The pupils remained contracted after death. The rectal temperature at the time of death was 39.7 C. (103.4 F.). The temperature of the urine injected was 22 C. (71.6 F.). This animal was, therefore,' destroyed by the injection of 4 -^~^= 29-81 URINE MOST TOXIC IN EARLY PART OF THE DAY. 39 cubic centimetres of urine for each kilogramme. The urines of the sixteen hours of the wakeful period represent ^g^j =26.178 urotoxies, or, by the hour, 1.G361 ; or, by the hour and per kilo- gramme of man who has furnished this urine, 0.2002. A kilo- gramme of man in one hour of the wakeful state eliminates, therefore, what would kill 20.02 grammes of living material. The urines of the eight hours of sleep represent J^ = 7.88336 urotoxies, or, by the hour, 0.98542, and, by the hour and for each kilogramme of body-weight of the man who has furnished the urine, 0.01206. A kilogramme of this man in one hour of sleep eliminates, therefore, what would kill 12.06 grammes of living tissue. There results from this that he eliminates what would kill, in sixteen hours of the wakeful period, 320.32 grammes, and in eight hours of sleep, 96.48 grammes of animal. Therefore, in twenty-four hours he eliminates what would kill 416.80 grammes of living- matter. The urotoxic co-efficient of this man is beyond 0.4168. It would require for each kilo- gramme of this man, in order to kill 1 kilogramme of living matter, two days, nine hours, and thirty-five minutes. During wakefulness the greatest toxicity belongs to the first half of the day period. From a very health} 7 adult, I have gathered separately the urines of the three periods of eight hours, representing the whole supply of a day of twenty-four hours, waking and sleeping. The first two periods from 7.15 A.M. to 3.15 P.M., and from 3.15 to 11.15 P.M. represent the period of wakefulness. The last period from 11.15 P.M. to 7.15 on the following morning had been devoted to sleep. This man fur- nished, per kilogramme and for eveiy hour, in the first period (morning), what would kill 27.92 grammes of living tissue; in the second period (evening) what would kill 19.58 grammes ; and in the third period (sleep) what would kill 11.70 grammes. The proportion of the urinary toxicity during these three periods of the day has always been sensibly shown to be the same ; it may be expressed respectively by the indices 7, 5, 3. A graphic record will allow of the more easy penetration into the details of this study. I represent a complete nycthdmere from 10 o'clock at night to 10 o'clock in the morning. The period of sleep is shaded; it extends from 10 o'clock at night to 6 o'clock on the following morning : it is thus eight hours. The period 40 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. of wakefulness is exactly divided into two equal parts of eight hours. The one from 6 o'clock in the morning to 2 o'clock in the afternoon represents the morning period of wakefulness ; the other, from 2 o'clock in the afternoon to 10 o'clock at night, represents the evening period. The horizontal line measures the duration of the periods of elimination. The area of the trapezes which rest upon this line represents the quantity of poison eliminated in each period ; the /\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 10 P.M. 6 A.M. MID DAY 2P.M. 10 RNI. vertical lines indicate by their length the intensity or the rapidity of the toxic elimination for every instant of the day. We see that the minimum of this elimination is at the moment when man is asleep ; that it is then nine times less intense than the eight hours previously, in the middle of the period of wakeful- ness, and five times less than eight hours later on, at the end of the period of sleep. We thus see that from the minimum to the maximum, during the sixteen hours which represent sleep and the morning period of wakefulness, the intensity of the URINE OP SLEEP ANTIDOTAL TO THAT PASSED DURING THE DAY. 41 toxic elimination is produced with a rapidity twice greater. The urines of the day period do not only differ from the urines of sleep by a toxicity twice greater, but the toxicity of these two urines presents differences of a qualitative character. The urines of sleep are always markedly con- vulsive ; those of the day period are very little or not at all convulsive, but they produce narcosis. It is at such a point that we are asked if there is no possibility of accepting the old toxic theoiy of sleep, that, according to which, the activity of nerve-tissue is accompanied by the production of a substance from disassimilation, whose action upon nerve-cells would be soporific. If this theor}^ could be revived it would be necessary, I believe, to expand it, and to attribute to the whole of the economy the production of nai-cotic material. , What is certain is, that during the day the body forms a substance which, when accumulated, would induce sleep, and that during sleep it elabo- rates, instead of this narcotic substance, a convulsive substance which, when accumulated, could produce muscular twitchings and induce waking. The poisons of the day period and the poisons of sleep are not only different as regards intensity and qualit}-, they are antagonistic : the one is the antidote of the other. If we mix the urines of the day period and those of the night proportion- ately to their respective bulks, the toxicity of the mixture is not a mean it is not necessarily intermediate between the toxicity of the urines of the day and those of sleep ; it may be less than the mean of those urines which were the least toxic. From this we know that, in order to appreciate the whole of the toxic matter formed by man, in order to determine his urotoxic co-efficient, it is well not to attempt the toxicity of his urines by employing a portion only of the mixture of the urines passed in the twenty-four hours. It is necessaiy to determine respective!}' the whole toxicity of the urines of the day period and the whole toxicity of the urines of sleep, then to add the two results. In determining alone the toxicit}- of the mixture of the two urines we would get too small an index. 42 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. TOXICITY OF THE URINES OF THE DAY AND NIGHT MIXED. We gathered the urine of twenty-four hours passed by a young, healthy man, aged 28, weighing 69 kilogrammes. We gathered separately the urine of nine hours of sleep from 10 o'clock at night to 7 o'clock in the morning and the urine of fifteen hours of wakefulness, from 7 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock at night. Urine of Sleep. Quantity, 450 cubic centimetres ; density, 1024. This urine, neutralized and filtered, was injected into a vein on the ear of a rabbit weighing 1775 grammes. Death supervened, after veiy slight convulsions, when 91 cubic centi- metres had been injected. The animal had thus received for each kilogramme 51.26 cubic centimetres of urine. Urine of the Day Period. Quantity, 720 cubic centimetres ; density, 1014. . This urine, neutralized and filtered, was injected into a vein on the ear of a rabbit weighing 1725 grammes. Death supervened, without convulsions, after 45 cubic centi- metres. The animal had thus received 26.08 cubic centimetres of urine for each kilogramme. Urine of Twenty-Four Hours. We mixed one-third of the urine of sleep (150 cubic centimetres^ and one-third of the urine of the day period (240 cubic centimetres). This mix- ture represented pretty accurately the mixture of the urine of twenty-four hours. This urine, neutralized and filtered, was in- jected into a vein in the ear of a rabbit weighing 1555 grammes. Death supervened, without convulsions, after 73 cubic centi- metres. The animal had thus received for each kilogramme 46.94 cubic centimetres. The urine of sleep represented g^g =8.778 urotoxies. The urine passed during the day repre- sented 2^g= 27.607 urotoxies. The urine of the twenty-four hours represented, therefore, 8.778 -f 27.607 = 36.385 urotoxies ; but if we wished to estimate this toxicity of the urine of the twent}'- four hours by the experiment which shows the toxicity of the mixture, we find that this toxicity would only be -^^=24.925 urotoxies. Thus, from the fact of their being mixed, the urines of the day and of night lose about one-third of their toxicity. From this we ought strongly to conclude that man eliminates during sleep urine which is parti} 1 - antidotal to the urine of the day, or vice versa. There would thus be, therefore, in the dif- ferent conditions of nerve function, different elaborations of material capable of giving rise to poisons antagonistic to each other. From this experiment we can equally deduce that this man was eliminating for each kilogramme of his own weight, every hour during sleep, sufficient to kill 14.135 grammes of TOXICITY OF URINE REDUCED BY MUSCULAR EXERCISE. 43 living matter, and during the daj r 26.673 grammes ; that during the period of twenty -four hours (day and night) he was eliminat- ing sufficient urinary poison to kill 527 grammes of living matter. His urotoxic co-efficient was therefore 0.527. To in- toxicate his weight of living material he would require forty- five hours and twenty-eight minutes. The toxicity of the urine of sleep being only half of the toxicity of the urine secreted during an equal period of the day, we might think that the urine of repose ought to be less toxic than the urine of muscular effort. But it is the contrary which is true. One day of great muscular activity, spent in the open air, in the country, diminishes the toxicity of the twenty -four hours by one-third, and on that day the toxicity does not dimin- ish only during the time devoted to muscular exercise. The toxicity, which diminishes during work, remains less during the repose which follows this work and during the sleep which succeeds this day of muscular activity. This fact has, I think, an important bearing, it shows that a large part of the toxicity is not attributable to the mineral substances, which certainly are not diminished by the fact of exercise, and that it depends upon organic substances incompletely oxidized, whose toxicity dimin- ishes in proportion as oxidation is more completely effected. We urge upon all, without insisting upon it too much, the interest which this experiment has from a therapeutical point of view. INFLUENCE OF EXERCISE UPON THE TOXICITY OF URINE. We gathered the urine of the day and of sleep of a man of 81,700 kilogrammes, after a day of great bodily exercise, spent in the open air. We have for the day urine 1070 cubic centi- metres (density, 1020) and for the urine of sleep 243 cubic centimetres (density, 1027). These urines are acid. The urines of the day period were gathered on the llth of October, from 1.15 to 10.30 in the evening, and on the 12th of October, from 7 A.M. to 1.15 P.M. We have therefore the urine secreted during fifteen and a half hours. The urines of sleep were received from 10.30 P.M. to 7 A.M., i.e., during eight and a half hours. 44 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Into a rabbit weighing 1360 grammes we made an intra-venous injection of the urine of the day period. Death supervened after 72 cubic centimetres, preceded by some slight convulsive movements. It had received, for each kilogramme of its own weight, 52.94 cubic centimetres. The pupils were pin-pointed at the moment of death. Into a rabbit weighing 1360 grammes we injected the urine of sleep. Death occurred after 66 cubic centimetres, after severe convulsions and retroflexion of the body in the form of opis- thotonos. It had received, for each kilogramme of its weight, 49.26 grammes. The pupils were pin-pointed. Thus, during the fifteen hours and a half of the day period 1070 cubic centimetres of urine had been secreted. This urine killed a kilogramme of rabbit with a dose of 52.94 cubic centi- metres. Man during the day has therefore secreted what would kill ^j 4 kilogrammes, and for each kilogramme of man and for every hour 52 79 X$LJ x is.5 =0 - 01596 kilogrammes. Therefore, during the day period 1 kilogramme of man secreted in one hour what would kill 15.96 grammes of rabbit. During the fifteen and one-half hours of the day 1 kilogramme of man secretes what would kill 247.38 grammes of rabbit. During eight and one-half hours of sleep 243 cubic centi- metres of urine had been secreted. This urine killed 1 kilo- gramme of rabbit with a dose of 49.26 cubic centimetres. Man, during eight and one-half hours of sleep, killed J^~ kilogrammes, and in one hour 492 g 4 ^ g --; and 1 kilogramme of man secreted dur- ing one hour of sleep what would kill ^ex^sxsiT^ 7 ' 103 g rammes of rabbit. In eight hours and thii'ty minutes of sleep 1 kilo- gramme of man secreted what would kill 60.38 grammes of rab- bit. In twenty-four hours (night and day) 1 kilogramme of man secreted sufficient to kill 247.38 + 60.38 = 307.76 grammes of rabbit. The urotoxic co-efficient of this man is, in round figures, 0.308 : 1 kilogramme of man, in order to secrete what would kill 1 kilogramme requires three days, five hours, and fifty-five minutes. In equal time the urines of the day period have a toxicity more than double that of the urines of sleep. The exact rela- tionship for the toxicity of sleep compared to the toxicity of the wakeful period is 7.103 : 15.96 = 0.45. On the whole, therefore, the urotoxic co-efficient of this man, on a day of heavy muscular work in the open air, is 0.308. It was, at two periods of repose, the 17th of September and the 19th of September, 0.474 and 0.417, or a mean of 0.445. The THE TOXICITY OF URINE. 45 relationship of the toxicity of the man who works to the toxicity of the man in repose is as 0.308:0.445 = 0.692, or, in round figures, 0.7. Muscular eifort in the open air has therefore sup- pressed j\ of the toxicity. In this man twice, on the occasion of sedentary work in town, the toxicity for each kilogramme ami for every hour had been, during the day, 23.75 grammes and 20.62 grammes, a mean of 21.88 grammes, and during sleep 11.70 grammes and 12.06 grammes, a mean of 11.88 grammes. By the fact of severe bodily exercise in the open air it became, during the day, 15.96 grammes and during sleep 7.10 grammes. The amount ^ = 0.720. The amount J = 0.597. Muscular effort in the open air diminished thus from 27 for every 100 the toxicity of the da}^, and its influence extended also to the period of sleep which followed work, causing a loss of 40 in the 100 to the toxicity of the urine of sleep. The causes which influence urinary toxicity may therefore act during the period of their application and also during a long period of time after they have ceased to exist. It is for this reason, doubtless, that the morning period is more toxic than that of sleep and the period of sleep less toxic than that of the evening. It is not sufficient to know that the urines have been rendered toxic by the solid substances which they contain. What are these substances? Amidst the different symptoms of urinary intoxication, what symptoms belong to such and such a sub- stance? Is there no substance whose toxicity is masked by its union with those that are more toxic, these killing the animal before the first may even have been manifested, and whose toxic power would be shown if they acted separately ? Is there not, in the pathological state, a diminution of normal toxic sub- stances and an increase of other substances incapable normally of intoxicating? There are many other questions also to which we must endeavor to reply. Before demonstrating the degree of the toxicity of urine taken in the bulk there is only one resting-place for our re- searches. It is necessary to dissect, so to speak, this mass, and to operate upon it in portions, in order to know intimately the degree of toxicity of each of the elements which compose it. LECTURE Y. CAUSES OF THE TOXICITY OF URINE. RSsumfi of the physiological phenomena produced by the iutra-venous injection of normal urine. Definition of urotoxy and the urotoxic co-efficient. Research as to the possible causes of the toxicity of urine. Modification of the toxicity of urine by time, temperature, exposure to air, fermentation. Examination of the constituent elements of urine from the point of view of the part which they may play in its toxicity. Water. Volatile substances. Urea : Intra-venous injection of urea. Experiments of MM. Grehant and Quinquaud by subcutaneous injection. Insignificant toxicity of urea. Uric acid : Intra-venous injection of uric acid. Feeble toxicity of uric acid. Creatinine : Its toxicity nil (Rauke and Schiffer). Odorous substances. Coloring matters. Intra-venous injection of colored urine and of urine decolorized by means of carbon. Very important diminution of toxicity and loss of the myotic power of the urine after decoloration. Alkaloids. Analy- sis of the toxic properties of urine by the dichotomic study of the extracts. Substances soluble in alcohol. Substances insoluble in alcohol. Unequal toxicity and toxic modality different in the two extracts. Effects pro- duced by the substances soluble in alcohol, somnolence, coma, diuresis, salivation. Hypothesis relative to the appearance of this property, which is not possessed by urine naturally. Effects of the substances insoluble in alcohol. Convulsions, myosis, diminution of heat-production. Unequal assimilation of the toxic power of urine to that of certain alkaloids. Hypothesis bearing upon the explanation of the physiological effects proper to urinary extracts. Urea is, perhaps, the cause of the diuresis. Loss of the myotic power and considerable diminution of the curative property after carbonization, which has left in the urinary extracts nothing else than mineral matter. Insufficiency of soda to produce the toxicity of urine. Toxic importance of potass, which partly contributes to the convulsive power of urine. HAVING introduced normal urine into the veins, I have been able to demonstrate that its toxic action bears especially upon the nervous system, since it paralyzes movement without destroying the contractility of muscle, in so far as it allows the heart to continue beating. Disorders of movement become, at length, apparent in the pupil, which becomes pin-pointed. Myosis persists up to death, without there being any lesion of the muscles of the iris, since the pupil generally dilates after death. The movements of the respirator}' muscles are quick- ened, those of the locomotor muscles weakened. The loss of (46) DEFINITION OF UROTOXIC CO-EFFICIENT. 47 the reflexes in the advanced phases of intoxication, somno- lence, and coma still show that the brunt is borne by the ner- vous system. It is in the same sense that the disturbances of the secretory apparatus are to be considered, the frequent emission of urine, the salivary hypersecretion, of which we shall speak soon, and, lastly, the fall of the temperature by diminution of heat-production. That is the first fact, and it is the funda- mental one in the phenomena of intoxication. Before going further, it is necessary to establish a standard to estimate whether an individual forms in a given time more toxic matter than another individual. I have adopted the term urotoxy, toxic unit, or toxicity of urines. The toxic unit is the quantity of toxic matter capable of killing one kilogramme of living animal, hi order to study afterward the reports of the various toxicities, I have established what the urotoxic co-efficient is, of which a brief argument will explain the necessity. If to kill a kilogramme of rabbit 30 cubic centimetres of the urine of Peter and 60 cubic centimetres of the urine of Paul are necessary, we are first led to believe that the urine of Peter is the more toxic. Yet, we are not altogether right in stating the con- clusion thus : for if, in twenty-four hours, Paul has secreted twice as much urine as Peter, the loxicit}- is equal in the two. I go fur- ther : Two individuals eliminate in twenty -four hours the same quantity of urine; they kill with the same dose a kilogramme of rabbit ; it does not necessarily follow from this that they have the same toxic power, for another cause of variation 111:1 y intervene, the weight of the individuals; if one, weighing less by a half than the other, makes the same quantity of toxic material, he has evidently a toxic power double that of the other. We are thus led to define the co-efficient of toxicity as the quantity of toxic matter which a unit of weight produces in a unit of time. I will say, with greater precision, the urotoxic co-efficient of an individual is the number of urotoxies formed in twenty-four hours by a kilogramme of that individual. These premises granted. \vc come now to seek among the constituent elements of urine for those to which the toxicity of 48 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. urine is due. We discard at once the idea that the water is toxic. It may be introduced with impunity into the blood in doses much larger than that in which urine kills. Besides, evapo- ration causes the urine to become more toxic. When, by evapo- ration, we reduce to one-half of its volume a urine which kills 1 kilogramme of rabbit with a dose of 60 cubic centimetres, we see that this urine thus concentrated kills with a dose of 30 cubic centimetres. Toxicity depends, therefore, not on the water, but upon the substances which it holds in solution. If evaporation is made slowly, we notice an absolute increase of the toxicity, and no longer an increase proportional to the degree of concen- tration. This can only be explained by chemical changes undergone by substances that are unstable, substances which really do not belong to the group of minerals. This fact, the increase of toxicity by evaporation, allows us also to conclude that the other volatile substances contained in the urine are not either the cause of its toxicity. We increase the toxicity of urines by leaving them for a long time to themselves, even if we protect them from fermentation. Rise of temperature, exposure to air especially, length of time in keeping, all modify their toxic power. Such a urine which killed by coma becomes toxic with a smaller dose, but it does so by inducing convulsions. If fermentation is set up in it, the toxicity varies ; it may be increased or diminished ; it is in every case changed by it. If there is produced within it car- bonate of ammonia, we may have the special phenomena wit- nessed in annnonsemia. The increase of toxicity on keeping the urine already allows us to assume that it is not the mineral substances which are the sole cause of the toxicity, since they are not more abundant in old urine, the potass, notably, remains in the same quantity. Before going further, we may pass in review some hypotheses which have been enunciated on this subject, viz., the causes of the toxicity of urine. Formerly, for example, urea was consid- ered the chief poisonous agent, after the teaching of Wilson. The intra-venous injection of urea, which I have practiced a great many times, enables me to say that we can certainly kill with urea, as with many other bodies, by modifying the INTRA-VENOUS INJECTION OF UREA. 49 conditions of osmosis : by increasing in such proportions the density of the blood and the liquids of the organism that we ph3'sically hinder the functions of nutrition. But the solutions of urea which have not this excessive density do not kill, or they lead to death only if we have injected more than 122 cubic centimetres of it for each kilogramme, a dose in which pure water kills. INTRA-VENOUS INJECTION OF UREA WITHOUT MORBID PHENOMENA. October 16, 1884. Into a rabbit weighing 1690 grammes we inject, in ten minutes, into a vein on its ear, 100 cubic centi- metres of an aqueous solution, which contains exactly 4 grammes of urea. The animal has thus received per kilogramme 2.366 grammes of urea, and, as this urea has been introduced into its blood, that makes 30.758 grammes per kilogramme of blood, about two hundred times the normal quantity (2.366 X 13 = 30.758). The temperature at the commencement was 39.7 C. (103.4 F.) ; at the end of the experiment it was 38.8 C. (101.8 F.). No morbid phenomenon. October 25th. The animal is well. October 28th. It remains quite well. The temperature of this animal has fallen in ten minutes nine- tenths of a degree. The heat-capacity of the tissues being 0.8, the animal has, therefore, lost 1690 X 0.8 X 0.9 = 1216.8 calorics. On the other hand, water injected, which was, at the commence- ment, of a temperature of 1 6 degrees, is heated to 22.8 degrees, and consequently has absorbed 100 X 22.8 = 2280 calorics. Water has, therefore, taken from the body of the animal a quantity of heat more considerable than that which it lost in falling from 39.7 degrees to 38.8 degrees. Consequently, the in- jection has not produced refrigeration by impeding heat-produc- tion ; on the contrary, there has been, during the period of the injection, an increase of calorification, since the temperature of the animal has remained higher than that which it would have attained by the fact alone of the refrigeration due to the injection. Fatal accidents supervene only after an injection containing 6.31 grammes of urea per each kilogramme of the animal, or 82 grammes per each kilogramme of blood ; a supposition that there is ten times more urea than we have found in the blood of ' 50 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. patients who have succumbed, as one would say, to intoxication from this substance. It is not admissible that urea is the toxic agent of urine. INTRA-VENOUS INJECTION OF A VERY LARGE DOSE OF UREA DEATH. October 25, 1884. We injected, in thirty-five minutes, into a vein in the ear of a rabbit weighing 1790 grammes, 113 cubic centimetres of an aqueous solution of urea at y 1 ^ let us say 11.3 grammes of urea ; or, for each kilogramme, 6.31 grammes ; or, for the total mass of the blood (137 grammes), 11.3 grammes ; or, for a kilogramme of blood, 82.03 grammes. A fter injecting 35 cubic centimetres, respiratory disturbances were the first to be noticed ; respiration became slower. After 58 cubic centimetres, slight convulsions and tremors renewed from time to time; respiration was still further slowed. At the end of the injection the animal was comatose ; it died ten minutes after stopping the injection. At the autopsy we found the blood of a blackish- brown color ; nothing in the lungs ; almost no urine in the blad- der. The quantity of urea which had been introduced into the blood was about five hundred times greater than that which the blood contains in the natural state. We might ask if the accidents were due to the toxicity of this solution or to its degree of con- centration, which might have modified the physical conditions of the blood-globules or of the cells of the tissues. The experiments which I have just cited appear to disagree with the recent researches of Grdhant and Quinquaud. Death supervened, in their experiments, after injection of 6 grammes of urea for each kilogramme of animal ; but the injection was made into the cellular tissue. Now, the additional loading of blood by urea could only have been produced if the whole dose had penetrated, all at once, into the circulation, which is scarcely possible by the subcutaneou's method. These experiments, inter- esting from an experimental point of view, are without clinical application. Six and thirty -one hundredths grammes of urea are necessary to kill 1 kilogramme of animal ; to kill a man of 60 kilogrammes it would require, therefore, that his blood should retain more than 380 grammes of it at one time. But 1 kilogramme of man IS URIC ACID TOXIC? 51 forming, in twenty-four hours, only 0.33 grammes of urea, or 20 grammes for each 60 kilogrammes, it would require, in order that his death should be due to retention of urea, that he should make nineteen times more of it ( 3 2 ^ = 19) in twenty-four hours, and that he should not eliminate any of it during that time ; or that, making the normal quantity, he should remain nineteen days without eliminating any. Some have incriminated uric acid as the cause of the toxicit y of urine. But it is made in our bod} 7 in far too minute a quantity (50 to 60 centigrammes in twenty-four hours), and the gouty man can have hundreds of grammes of urate in his de- posits without being intoxicated by it. Besides, I have been able to inject experimentally into the blood 30 centigrammes of uric acid for each kilogramme of animal without apparent accident ; I have even been able to inject as much as 64 centi- grammes of uric acid in solution in 160 cubic centimetres of water, to which the necessary additional quantity of soda had been added to produce its solution. EXPERIMENT BEARING UPON THE TOX1CITY OF URIC ACID. March 8, 1886. "We took 1 gramme of uric acid, which we dissolved in 1 cubic centimetre of soda-lye and distilled water. We obtained 250 cubic centimetres of liquid. We passed through it a current of C0 2 until it caused visible alterations. We redissolved with a trace of soda, and filtered. A rabbit, 1560 grammes. Injection into the auricular veins of 250 cubic centimetres. The animal received 1 gramme of uric acid, or, per kilogramme, 0.641 ; it received of the liquid 160.35 cubic cen- timetres. It did not die. Removed, it was only sick. Urine alkaline, muddy, containing blood. Heated, this urine became slightly clear. Albumen was precipitated. We filtered it hot. On cooling, it again became muddy, in a very notable manner, and gave an abundant precipitate of basic unites. We filtered. Into the limpid liquid \ve poured a little acetic acid. We had again an abundant precipitate of acid n rates. The murexide reaction was very distinct. One hour and three-quarters after- ward very strong convulsions, which were repeated, until death, two hours and twenty minutes after the commencement of the experiment. Autopsy : numerous foci of pulmonary apoplexy. Nothing in the other viscera. 52 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. The animal died slowly, and another experiment, performed for comparison, in which I injected the same quantity of water and soda without uric acid, has proved to me that death was alone due to the excess of the vehicle. En resume, 1 kilo- gramme of man forms, in twenty-four hours, 8 milligrammes of uric acid. We are far from accounting for, by means of this agent, the intoxication which 10 to 20 cubic centimetres of urine produce. CONTROL EXPERIMENT MADE WITH THE SAME QUANTITY OF SODA- LYE WITHOUT URIC ACID. March 10th. We made a solution of 1 cubic centimetre of the same soda-lye which had served for the previous experiment in a quantity of distilled water sufficient to make 250 cubic cen- timetres. We passed through it a current of C0 2 until it was neutralized, and we injected some of this into the veins of a rabbit weighing 1460 grammes. It received 236 cubic centi- metres of this solution, or 160 cubic centimetres of liquid per kilogramme. The injection was made at 4 o'clock; it lasted fifteen minutes. At 7.30 the urine was bloody, limpid, acid. After coagulation of the albumen by heat, filtration, and cooling, no precipitate was produced ; nor was there produced .any greater precipitate, in this same filtered and cold liquid, when we added acetic acid to it. Died during the night. The only difference between this and the last experiment is, that the first rabbit received uric acid, whilst the second received none at all. The results being the same in the two cases, it is clear that death ought to be attributed to this excessive quantity, viz., of water, 160 cubic centimetres, injected per kilogramme of the animal, and we know that distilled water produces death after 122 cubic centimetres. Therefore, with 64 centigrammes per kilogramme, uric acid is not toxic. I add that we can never introduce into the veins of an animal more uric acid than in the first experiment, since this dose of uric acid would saturate a quantity of water which, of itself alone, is toxic. We could continue the demonstration for creatinine, but the experiments, already old, of Ranke and Schiffer having estab- lished that it is not toxic, enable us not to insist any more upon it. Besides, we shall return, on another occasion, to this experimental investigation. THE COLOR PRINCIPLES IN URINE. 53 I have given some attention to the part which coloring and odoriferous substances may play in toxicity. Evaporation, which drives off odoriferous materials, increasing the toxicity of the urine, puts them sufficiently out of all causal influence. Also, as regards the coloring principles, I have proceeded in the following manner: I estimate the toxic power of a urine by a natural injection. I decolorize it by carbon. I inject this decolorized urine, and I ascertain that it has lost nearly one- third of its toxicity. A quantity equal to that which killed only produces accidents that are scarcely perceptible. It pro- duces particularly nothing more than pupillary contraction. INTRA-VENOUS INJECTION OF URINE, COLORED AND DECOLORIZED. December 4, 1884. 1. We injected 65 cubic centimetres of a mixture of urine, taken from two healthy men, filtered and neutralized, into the auricular veins of a rabbit which weighed 1650 grammes, or 39 grammes for each kilogramme. We soon produced a pupillary contraction, very marked, but not pin-pointed. The animal, after the injection, was very much depressed. The temperature, previously 39.2 C. (102.6 F.), fell Jo 38.4 C. (101.2 F.), and then to 37.8 C. (100 F.). 2. We injected 102 cubic centimetres of the same urine, after having decolorized it, into a rabbit weighing 1670 grammes, or 64 grammes for each kilogramme. The pupil was not con- tracted. The animal appeared, after the injection, much less indisposed than that in the previous experiment. Temperature before, 39.2 C. (102.6 F.) ; after it, 38.6 C. (101.5 F.). We are, therefore, tempted to say that one of the toxic agents of urine is a substance fixed by carbon, and, as the coloring substances have this property, of attributing to them one-third of the toxicity of urine; but the conclusion does not follow, for, along with the coloring material, other substances may be fixed in the carbon. One-sixteenth of the potass is arrested by the carbon, nearly the whole of the alkaloids. If decolorized urine, which has lost one-sixteenth of its potass, has lost, at the same time, one-third of its toxicity, then it follows that in the urine 54 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. there is something toxic besides the potass. And if the urine, which has lost the whole of its alkaloids, still retains two- thirds of its toxicity, then it follows that the toxicity does not wholly reside in the alkaloids. When we exhaust the dry residue of the urine by means of alcohol, we see that the alco- holic extract, which really contains the greater part of the alka- loids, is sensibly less toxic than the residue insoluble in alcohol, which ought to contain only a few of the alkaloids. Carbon, therefore, removes from urine the substance which causes con- traction of the pupil, but not all its toxic principles. Let us follow the analysis of the toxic properties of urine by means of extracts and by adopting the dichotomic method. We shall evaporate a measured quantity of urine whose toxicity is known. The dry residue is washed, at different times, in absolute alcohol, and then we evaporate to dryness the whole of the alcoholic liquids. We thus obtain two extracts, the one containing substances soluble in alcohol, the other substances insoluble in alcohol. These two extracts having been dissolved in water, we have two solutions, the one representing the sub- stances of the urine which are soluble in alcohol, the other the substances which are insoluble in alcohol. We gauge the tox- icity of these two extracts. We establish the fact that both are toxic, but in different ways. INJECTION INTO THE VEINS OP A RABBIT OP THE AQUEOUS EXTRACT OP NORMAL URINE INSOLUBLE IN ALCOHOL ; DEATH. November 11, 1884. We take 200 cubic centimetres out of the whole quantit} 1 " of 1300 centimetres of normal urine passed in twenty-four hours. We evaporate to dryness upon the water bath with chloride of calcium ; the residue has been washed in absolute alcohol ; all the alcoholic liquids poured together, filtered, have been distilled in the i*etort to dryness ; the residue .is the extract soluble in alcohol. The residue of the washings in alcohol taken up by the water represents the substances of the urine insoluble in alcohol. This aqueous solution of the residue insoluble in alcohol occupies a volume of 48 cubic centimetres. It is introduced by intra-venous injection into a rabbit weighing 1610 grammes. After the entrance of 12 cubic centimetres the animal is ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OP NORMAL URINE. 55 seized with tonic convulsions accompanied by straightening of the head. These convulsions rapidly disappear after we discon- tinue the injections- At the end of 42 cubic centimetres the animal is seized with a violent tonic convulsion with opisthotonos, vibratory tremor, and it dies. At no period did it present contraction of the pupil except immediately after death. Temperature before in. jection, 39.2 C. (102.6"F.) ; at the moment of death, 38.6 C. (101.5 F.). Symptoms commenced on the entrance of 31 grammes of urine for each kilogramme, and death supervened when we had injected the insoluble extract from 108 grammes of urine. INTRA- VENOUS INJECTIONS OF THE ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF NORMAL URINE; DEATH. November 11, 1884. Of 200 grammes of urine treated in the same way as we have said in the previous experiment, we take the extract which is soluble in alcohol. This extract, containing 3.90 grammes of urea, is diluted with distilled water in such a manner as to have a volume of 39 cubic centimetres. Urea is found there to be one-tenth. We inject 33 cubic centi- metres of this solution into the veins of a rabbit which weighs 1870 grammes. We see the pupil contract rapidly; after the tenth centimetre it is markedly contracted. Starting from this moment its diameter oscillates, but up to the end of the in- jection it remains smaller than in the normal state. From this point of view this result is exceptional ; as a rule, the pupil is contracted more by the aqueous than by the alcoholic extract. The animal has no convulsion, but it falls gradually into a state of sleepiness ; remains unmoved ; lies upon its side ; its pupil gradually dilates and becomes very large. During this coma- tose period the rabbit salivates and urinates abundantly. The initial temperature, which was 39.4 C. (102.9 F.), falls in a few minutes (10 or more) to 38.8 C. (101.8 F.). In this experiment, the contraction of the pupil was mani- fested, under the influence of the soluble extract, from 27 grammes of urine for each kilogramme. The last symptoms corresponded to the injection of the soluble extract, from 90 cubic centimetres of urine for each kilogramme. November 12th. The animal died during the night. Nothing special at the autopsy. The toxicity varies according to the individuals who have 56 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. furnished the urines. The toxicity of each of the extracts is less than that of the whole urine. The manner in which they show their toxicity is different. Thus, the solution from the dry extract of substances soluble in alcohol produces somno- lence, deep coma, diuresis. It does not cause a marked dimi- nution of heat-production (the small quantity of caloric lost is only equivalent to the equalization of the temperature, which takes place owing to the quantity of liquid necessary to inject the extract) ; it does not cause nryosis, but a new symptom is caused, viz., salivation, a salivation lasting three-fourths of an hour, at least equal to that which is produced by jaborandi. Here, then, is a fact, at first sight inexplicable. How can one part of the urine itself produce what the aggregate cannot? In order to salivate, it probably requires a measured quantity of the sialogenous material soluble in alcohol, and 3 r et there exists an insufficient quantity of this sialogenous matter in the total quantity of urine to cause death. Experimented upon in its turn alone, the extract of sub- stances insoluble in alcohol produces myosis, like normal urine ; also convulsions, which we never obtain with the extract of substances soluble in alcohol, but which we obtain exceptionally with the aggregate of urine. The convulsions are a phenome- non of later development ; it requires a larger quantity of the extract insoluble in alcohol to induce convulsions than to bring about contraction of the pupil. We observe, too, in addition, diminution of temperature; but we neither obtain coma, diuresis, nor salivation. Thus, we are forced to admit that there is a plurality of toxic substances in urine. The tendency which we have to regard intoxication by means of urine as similar to that produced by certain alkaloids is not justified. Muscarine, for example, produces myosis and salivation, but we see these two phenomena dissociated when we experiment separately with the extract of substances soluble and with that of others insoluble in alcohol. We can still say that coma, diuresis, and salivation are not produced by mineral substances, of Avhich a very small quantity (some salts of potass) pass into the alcoholic washing ; that the convulsions, myosis, and fall of temperature are not attrib- PRODUCTION OP MY08IS AND CONVULSIONS. 57 utable to the mass of organic substances which have been caught in the washing with alcohol. Coma, which the soluble sub- stances in alcohol produce, is never caused by urea. This causes, before death, no other phenomenon than diuresis ; it does not cause diminution of temperature, and does not kill, except as we have seen it in enormous doses by preventing osmosis. That is what I mean. As for replying to other questions, as to the part which is played by such or such a body on the production of each of the symptoms observed after the injection of extracts, I cannot. I do not know what is the substance which, passing with the urea in the alcoholic wash, produces coma. Diuresis belongs to normal urine, to the part of the extract soluble in alcohol, as it does to urea, which, experimented upon purely isolated, is certainly diuretic. I may therefore think that it is the urea which is the cause of the diuresis. Urea does not increase salivation. Blood which has a sial- ogenous power greater than urine contains much less urea. I do not know what is the substance which produces salivation. I can only say that we find it in the blood, in the muscles, and in the liver. What is it that produces myosis and convulsions ? Is it the mineral substances ? We are tempted to say that it is. Decol- orized urine, however, which has lost little of its mineral sub- stance no longer causes convulsions nor myosis. Experiment- ally, after carbonization of the extract, the dissolved residue, which no longer contains anything but mineral substances, does not produce convulsions or myosis. Myosis is never produced ; but if we inject more mineral material than the mass of urine contains which has killed without convulsions, we may induce death, and then it is always preceded by convulsions. We might raise as an objection to this experiment that car- bonization has caused to become volatile certain mineral salts, or that it has changed their chemical condition. But carbonization is not calcination ; besides, in experimenting with fixed bases, soda and potass, we can appreciate the direct etfects of these substances. Soda is convulsion-producing. Neutralized by carbonic acid, 58 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. that is to say, under the form of bicarbonate of soda in dilute solution, it induces haemorrhages, by rendering the blood more fluid. As Magendie said, and as I established again experi- mentally in 1869, severe convulsions appear with a dose of 1.20 grammes for each kilogramme of animal, and death at 2.50 grammes. But urine contains at the most 8 grammes of salts of soda per litre, that is to say, 48 centigrammes for 60 cubic centimetres of urine. Urine contains, therefore, scarcely half of the soda capable of producing convulsions, and one-fourth of that capable of inducing death. Potass is infinitely more toxic. Bicarbonate of potass causes death, with violent convulsions, in small doses of 5 centigrammes for each kilogramme of animal, and convulsions come on after a dose of 3 centigrammes. Potass is forty-four times more toxic than soda; but if AYC find 2 grammes of salts of potass per litre of urine, that is, 12 centigrammes for 60 cubic centi- metres, it is not in the form of potassium bicarbonate, but as chloride sulphate and other salts of potassium, which are less toxic, and whose degree of toxicity we shall investigate later on. We can, nevertheless, admit that for potass there is a limit as to toxicity. If there arise an excess of it in the blood, even little, convulsions and death may be the consequence of it. When we inject a solution of mineral substances, obtained not by carbonization but by calcination, we sometimes observe this paradoxical result : in order to kill, it requires less of these substances than there is in the quantity of normal urine, the injection of which produces death. That explains, I think, how calcination has transformed into carbonates a part of the alka- line salts ; and, as regards the same quantity of soda or of potass, the carbonates of these bases are two or three times stronger than the chlorides, sulphates, or phosphates. Ammonia is toxic, less than potass, but more than soda. At 15 centigrammes per kilogramme, ammonia, regarded as an anhydrous substance, and neutralized in water by means of car- bonic acid, produces convulsions and then death. But normal urine only contains doubtful quantities of ammonia. In short, amongst the mineral matters, potass is the one thing alone which, perhaps, makes itself felt in the toxic totality. POTASS A TOXIC ELEMENT. 59 I have finished telling you what I know of the part which belongs to each of these substances in the toxicity of urines which we suspect. I' have said what I know, but not what we ought to know. Analj-sis and the isolation of various toxic principles from the urine ought certainly in the future to be carried further. LECTURE VI. Toxic PRINCIPLES IN URINE THE PART THEY PLAY IN PRODUCING UREMIA. Recapitulation of the seven toxic substances found in normal urine. Diuretic substance, which is in reality urea. Useful function of urea. Narcotic sub- stance. Sialogenous substance, whose action is not shown after the injection of normal urine, because it is found to be masked by more toxic substances. Two substances which cause convulsions. Organic convulsive substance, whose physiological action is habitually masked by its association with a narcotic substance. Substance which contracts the pupil. Heat-reducing substance, acting through diminished heat formation. Mineral convulsive material : potass. Neutralization of its action by a substance which produces narcosis. Analysis of the cause of death after double nephrectomy. Com- parison of the clinical symptoms of uraemia and of the physiological proper- ties of the toxic substances of urine. Coma or convulsions : causes of the comatose form, convulsive or mixed. Dyspnoea. Myosis : importance of this sign, from a diagnostic point of view, as regards uraemia. Salivation. Hypothermia. Diminution of the urinary secretion when urea ceases to be formed or is retained in the organism. Re-instatement of the urea. Additional toxic substances of urine, salts of soda, alkaloids. AFTER having concluded the physiological analysis of the toxic principles of urine, if we recapitulate the substances which we have disassociated we find there are seven of them. There is, first, a diuretic substance, fixed, of organic nature, since it is destroyed by heat. It is not fixed by carbon ; it is soluble in alcohol, and we find it mixed in the alcoholic extract along with other substances which have different properties. This sub- stance possesses, besides the preceding characters, the property which experimentation allows us to attribute to urea, that of augmenting the quantity of urine. We have thus the right to say that this diuretic substance contained in normal urine is no other than urea. Urea in this way, although it is a product of disassimilation, plays a useful role in the economy : it possesses the property of forcing the renal barrier; of removing, whilst making its own escape from the organism, both the water in which it is itself dissolved and other toxic matters which are united with it. Without doubt, urea is itself toxic. It is like (60) TOXICITY OF UREA. 61 ever}* other substance, like water itself, which, introduced in sufficient quantity into the organism, can kill. But in what dose is urea toxic? An enormous dose? It is necessary to fetter the functions of the organism ; to introduce into the veins 5.5 grammes to 6.3 grammes of urea per kilo- gramme of the weight of the animal. In the experiments in which we have killed rabbits b}' the injection of urea we required from 71.5 grammes to 82 grammes for 1000 grammes of blood. There are, therefore, few bodies in the organism so feebly toxic as urea, if we except albumen and the water which naturally exists in the blood. Sugar is more toxic ; we can, experi- mentally, scarcely introduce more than 5 grammes per kilo- gramme, or 65 grammes per litre of blood. Yet, in order to kill immediately by intra-venous injection of a sucrose liquid, we must introduce almost 10 grammes per kilogramme of the rabbit, or 130 grammes per kilogramme of blood. In pathological blood there may be 8 grammes of sugar per kilogramme of blood ; but in pathological blood urea has been found in quantity at least equal. Amongst the mineral substances the most inoffensive elements, even bicarbonate of soda, which we so readily pre- scribe therapeuticall}', cannot be injected in a larger dose than 2.50 grammes per kilogramme of animal, 32 grammes per kilo- gramme of blood. In order to kill 1 kilogramme of a rabbit 5 grammes of chloride of sodium are sufficient; 6 grammes of phosphate of soda; 9 grammes of sulphate of soda. Urea has almost the toxicity of the most inoffensive salts. We might say that urea, by inducing renal secretion, is eliminated quickly, and that this rapid elimination protects us against its toxic influence. The reply to this objection is found in nephrectoni}' followed by injection of urea, an experiment already performed by Bernard. In one of my experiments of the intra- venous injection of urea in the rabbit, the animal was dead after the introduction of 6.31 grammes of urea per kilogramme. It had not urinated during the experiment, and at the autopsy the bladder was empty. Besides, however active the renal circulation may be, the rapidity with which the quantity of urea that we in- ject is found, as having entered into the circulation by our method of intra-veiious injection, is such that the elimination 62 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. has not time to occur, and the physiological properties of urea show themselves immediately. We have afterward met with in the urine a substance truly toxic. It is narcotic; it is fixed, of organic nature ; is not fixed by carbon ; is soluble in alcohol, and is found in the alcoholic extract with urea and other substances. Certainly it is not urea, since in the experiments made with urea we do not see it produce narcosis. This narcotic substance which the urine contains I cannot name to you ; a chemical analysis of it has not been made. We can only designate it by enumerating some of the physical, chemical, and physiological characters which we have found belonging to it. A third substance is sialogenous; it produces salivation. Its presence in urine could not be suspected from the injection of normal urine ; the total quantity of urine sufficient to kill does not contain this sialogenous substance in sufficient quantity in order to produce its physiological effect. We only see saliva- tion appear after the injection of urine deprived of a part of its toxic substances, of those which lead up to death too rapidly without giving time for the sialogenous substance to show its properties. This substance is stable, organic, not fixed by carbon, soluble in alcohol like the preceding, but it is distinct from urea as well as from the narcotic substance. It certainly comes from the body like urea, for we find it in the blood, the liver, and the muscles in a greater quantity than in urine, but urea is only found in minimum quantity in the extracts of blood and muscle. We do not yet know its name or its chemical nature ; we are only on the threshold of discoveries which yet remain to be made in the chemical analysis of urine ; we have only succeeded so far in dividing urine into several parts, in each of which one day we shall isolate those bodies of which we are only able to suspect the presence. We find in urine two substances endowed with the property of causing convulsions: one is fixed, stable, organic, since it is de- stroyed by carbonization, and yet it is retained by carbon ; it is, therefore, not mineral ; it is insoluble in alcohol ; it might belong to the group of coloring substances, from the manner in which it behaves ; it is really an alkaloid, since it is insoluble in alcohol either in the form of a salt or a base. This organic SUBSTANCES WHICH CAUSE CONVULSIONS AND MYOSIS. 63 matter which determines convulsions is found in less quantity in the urine of the day period than is the narcotic material, but it is of less physiological activity ; and if injections of normal urine do not often produce convulsions, it is probablj' because the narcotic substance kills the animal before the convulsive substance can have exhibited its properties. In order to produce convulsions it is necessary to remove first from the urine the poison which kills rapidly. Of this convulsive sub- stance we also do not know the name. Then there is a substance which causes contraction of the pupil ; fixed, organic, attaching itself to carbon ; non-mineral ; consequently it is comparable in certain respects to the substance which induces convulsions. We might suppose that it is mixed with it ; that is to say, that one substance might be endowed with the two properties ; we might also ask if it is not a coloring substance or an alkaloid. A coloring substance ? It is possible. Alkaloid ? Probably not, for the same reason that we have given when speaking of the convulsive substance. It is not probable that it is mixed with the preceding, for all normal urines contract the pupil, but it is very few of them which induce convulsions. It would be necessary to admit that the substance which convulses the sphincter iridis is more energetic than that which brings on general convulsions. Urine produces pupillary contraction in small doses, from 10 cubic centimetres, and in general it causes death without con- vulsion in doses of from 30 to 50 cubic centimetres. We ought, with cpnvulsive urines, at 60 cubic centimetres to see imme- diately happen contraction of the iris, whilst the phenomenon shows itself slowly enough. The separation of these two physio- logical effects shows that they belong to two different substances. We cannot give, any more than for other toxic substances, the name of that which causes contraction of the pupil. We have met with in the urine a substance which reduces heat. It lowers the temperature by diminishing heat-produc- tion, and not only like every cold liquid, which, introduced into the organism, subtracts from it a certain number of calorics in order to put it into equilibrium with its own temperature ; for when we inject a cold liquid into the circulation, we only pro- 64 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. duce a very slight fall of the temperature of the body ; in real- ity, in this case, we stimulate calorification exactly as is done by the external application of cold : the organism tends to remake, by an acceleration of internal combustions, the calorics which we have removed from it, and it restores really a part of it. After the injections of urine, on the contrary, the animal is colder, not only as after every injection of cold water, because the organism puts itself into an equilibrium of temperature with the liquid injected, but because the organism loses a part of its heat-producing power. Each unit of weight of the body forms in a given time fewer calorics than in the normal state. The heat-lowering substance is fixed, organic. Ammonia also possesses the property of reducing temperature ; but that of which we speak fixes itself on carbon, and is not, therefore, a mineral. It is insoluble in alcohol, like the preceding. It maj' be a color-substance ; it is certainly not the same material as that which produces convulsions, for we do not observe any propor- tion between the hypotfaonoic effect and the convulsive, no more than between these and the pupillary contraction. It is, therefore, a substance with an individuality of its own. In short, we find in urine another convulsive substance, fixed, inorganic. It is, briefly, potass, whose toxic and convul- sive properties we have known for a long time. Nevertheless, we cannot attribute to it alone the convulsions which the in- jections of urine produce, for, in order to inject potass in a toxic dose, very much larger quantities of urine would require to be injected. If we could get rid of, by means of carbon, a convulsive substance which kills too rapidly, we might see convulsions come on due to potass. If, in dealing with, the extract which at one and the same time contains both the convulsive organic substance and potass, we destroy, by means of heat, the organic matter ; convulsions are still produced, but there must be, occasionally, a double quantity of urine. Alcohol, it is true, has removed a part of the potass ; some- times, however, in order to kill in convulsions, it is sufficient to inject the mineral substances taken from a quantity of urine less than the normal quantity of urine which produces death without convulsions. This paradoxical result, which I have TWO SUBSTANCES CAUSE CONVULSIONS. 65 already mentioned and attempted the interpretation of in the last lecture, might also be explained by the antagonistic action of certain organic substances which correct the convulsive action of potass. En resume, there are two substances in urine which induce convulsions, one, organic, producing a rapid effect, which kills before the convulsions caused by potass could have been produced; the other, potass, a salt of which, viz., chloride of potassium, is convulsive and toxic at 18 centigrammes for every kilogramme of the animal. This neutralization of one toxic substance through admixture with another is seen under many circumstances. Atropine can neutralize the physiological action of pilocarpine. In the injections of normal urine the convul- sive properties of the salts of potass are neutralized by their mixture with a substance which produces narcosis and coma. Thus, nrines contain the antidotes to certain of their own poisons. When we destroy the extract of urine by heat, the convulsive action of the residue is, perhaps, weakened by the volatilization of a part of the potass. In every case, there is good cause for taking into account potass in the toxic phenomena con- sequent upon the retention of substances which ought to be eliminated by the urine ; for the accumulation of potass may go on more rapidly than that of other substances coming from the organism. If, in consequence of failure in the elimination of the substance in urine which reduces calorification, disas- similation of the tissues diminishes, the potass which con- tinues to be introduced into the organism b}' the food and drink may be soon found to be in a predominating proportion, and may induce convulsions, which is one of its properties. Thus, with urea, the urine contains seven toxic substances. To be exact, it would be necessary to say that everything in the urine is toxic, evei-y thing contained therein, even water and soda, but I say seven, including therein only the substances which are toxic in doses in which normal urine is experimentally toxic. In this analysis, long as it may seem, of the toxicity of urines, it is still only^vn outline, which chemistry, without doubt, will finish, by the aid of improved methods. 66 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. It is sufficient for us, for the moment, to have demonstrated experimentally that urine removes poisons from the body ; that the kidney plaj'S a useful role ; that it is a good emunctory ; that its suppression would be fatalty hurtful to the economy, an old opinion, which is sanctioned by the name of emunc- tory. Is it the case, however, that suppression of the urinary secretion is fatally dangerous? At first, proof appears to arise from the fact that death invariably follows double ne- phrectomy. We say that death is, then (in such), the result of an auto-intoxication. But the argument is not indisputable. There are many other modes of death besides nephrectomy. Might it not be that death was afterward caused by the want of elimination of water, or that the reflex paths of the renal plexus, being irritated, produce, in consequence of changes in the elaboration of the matter of the body, transformation of certain organic compounds, like that of urea, into carbonate of ammonia, or that new compounds were formed by reaction, and in an indirect manner? To this, as an objection, it has been replied that after nephrectomy we neither see produced anasarca nor oedema of the brain ; that we do not find in the organism more carbonate of ammonia ; that the reflexes could not of themselves have done so, since we have suppressed, in certain experiments, the track along which they have passed. What- ever the worth of this argument may be, in order to clear away the last point which separates us from certaint}', it is necessary that we should find again in the symptoms of uraemia the physio- logical characters proper to the toxic matters of the urine. Does the clinical picture of uraemia supply this want ? (Edema may be present, but it is rare. We observe coma and convulsions, sometimes one, some- times the other of these symptoms, probably because the kidney does not offer the same resistance to all the substances which pass through it. In interstitial and in parenchymatous nephritis it does not always retain the same substances, salts, extractives, etc. ; from these differences in its permeability for such and such a toxic substance might well result the predomi- nance of comatose or of convulsive uraemia, or one of a mixed nature. UREMIA AND ITS MANIFESTATIONS. 67 Dyspnoea is present in uraemia, with diminution of the range of respiratory movements. I may point to myosis as one of the constant characters of uraemia. In the evolution of chol- eraic phenomena we see in succession the intoxication proper to cholera and unemic intoxication. When this latter arises myo- sis appears. All those suffering from the anuria of cholera have the pupil contracted. Myosis has already been pointed out by Roberts as one of the signs of anuria. Salivation has been observed by A. Robin in uraemia. A sub- normal temperature has been regarded as one of the commonest manifestations. What is awanting in the picture of uraemia, in order that it may be identical with that which poisoning by means of the toxic principles of urine produces ? There is only awanting the abundance of the secretion induced by the great elimination of urea, for it is urea which is diuretic. Urea upon a diseased kidney can no longer exercise a beneficent influence. Besides, when urea is no longer formed in the body, the kidney even when normal ceases to show its functional activity. In hepatic uraemia, when the liver no longer forms urea; although the kid- ney remains normal, we often see the same symptoms arise as if it had become impermeable. We are thus led to this unexpected conclusion, that the substance urea, which has been for such a long time the scare-crow of physicians, is especially injurious when it is deficient. In the enumeration of the toxic substances of urine, I have neglected some, either because they are really scarcel}' toxic, like the salts of soda, or because they are only found in the urine in very small quantity. Such are the urinary alkaloids b}' which we have only recently tried to explain the toxic acci- dents of diseases in general, but which, although numerous in both the normal and pathological state, have not until now been proved, from our point of view of the toxicity of normal urine. They belong, without doubt, to the number of those indeter- minate and unknown substances of which I have attempted to give a physiological analysis. M. Gabriel Pouchet said in 1880 that they were toxic : he saw them produce, in animals, muscular weakness, stupor, convulsions, then death, with the heart in diastole. But he had operated with the ethereal extract of large quantities of urine, and upon very small animals, 68 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Confining ourselves to the limit of things applicable to pathology, if, instead of attending to the frog, we operate upon the rabbit, we find that the toxicity of these alkaloids is nil in the doses in which they are extracted from quantities of urine capable of bearing some comparison to man. The quantity of urine which would be capable of killing a man does not give off to the ether sufficient alkaloid to kill a rabbit. I believe that I have not neglected, in this analysis of the toxicity of urines, anything but which was worthy of neglect. The alkaloids of the urine are interesting from the physiological point of view of their origin, but they do not seem to have the power of explaining by themselves alone the intoxication arising from normal urines. LECTURE VII. ORIGIN OF THE Toxic SUBSTANCES OF URINE TOXICITT OF THE BLOOD AND TISSUES. The blood is unceasingly traversed by a current containing toxic material which, coming from the organs, is continually being eliminated by the emunctories ; but blood ought never to contain at any time, in the normal state, more than an infinitesimal quantity of poison. Estimation of the toxicity of blood by experimentation and calculation. Toxicity of the liquor sanguinis. Com- parative injections of blood into animals of the same and different species. Injections of blood-serum, of distilled water, and of artificial serum. Increase of the toxicity of blood by the destruction of globules, which disengage potass. Toxicity of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of blood. Toxicity of the tissues and organs ; difficulty of this research. Toxicity of the extract of meat due to the presence of mineral salts, 'such as potass ; and to organic substances, such as creatiuin. Intra-venous injections of extracts of muscle. Aqueous extracts of muscle produce convulsions, with the exception of myosis. The extract of muscle, deprived of the potass which it contains, does not produce any accident. Toxicity of an extract of liver. Toxicity of bile. Various explanations offered. The toxicity of biliary salts is less than one would have believed It ; they probably act only indirectly in destroy- ing anatomical elements and in setting at liberty mineral or organic products derived from cellular disintegration. Cholesterin possesses only an insig- nificant toxicity. The coloring matters ought to play a very important role in the toxicity of bile, since it, when once decolorized, becomes much less toxic. Toxicity of bilirubin. WE must now deal with the problem of the origin of the toxic substances which urine contains. Whence does urine obtain its toxicit}' ? We have established the fact that the orgnnism forms toxic products, and that the kidney eliminates them. It is now for us to show whether, on the side of the kid- ney, there is anything toxic in the blood and in the tissues. A priori, it is physiologically inadmissible that normal blood can be toxic. If it was, the animal could not live. We know that urine may be toxic such as when found outside of the organism in a reservoir from which it cannot be re-absorbed in the natural state; but blood itself cannot be, circulating, as it does, in vessels which are not opposed to its diffusion into the- tissues. If blood is not toxic, it is because normal urine is, and (69) 70 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXTCATION. is incessantly removing toxicity from it. The blood is con- tinually being traversed by a current of toxic material. It is true that the poison is never found in it but in harmless quan- tities. There is less toxic matter in the blood than in the organs. The anatomical elements form substances which, if retained, would fetter their life, but these substances leave them, little by little, in order to penetrate into the blood. The quan- tity of toxic matter eliminated by the kidneys in twenty-four hours is, without doubt, one-half of what is necessary to kill the whole of the body, and the blood has really received that quan- tity in twenty-four hours ; but the elimination is incessant, and at every instant of the day the blood never contains at one time more than an infinitely small fraction of poison. The estimation of those fractions ma}' be made for units of time ; that is to say, for a complete revolution of the blood, say about forty-seven seconds, taking into account certain slower revo- lutions which take place in certain departments of the vascular system. A man of 65 kilogrammes expels in twenty-four hours 1350 cubic centimetres of urine, which kill 1 kilogramme of rabbit with a dosage of 45 cubic centimetres. This man eliminates, therefore, in twenty-four hours, by his urine, sufficient to kill ~ = 30 kilogrammes of living matter. The whole quantity of blood of this man is jg 5 kilogrammes. The five kilogrammes of blood of this man are thus traversed in twenty-four hours by a quantity of poison capable of killing 30 kilogrammes. The number of complete circulatory revolutions is 1850 in twenty-four hours. In each complete revolution the kidneys remove from 5 kilogrammes of blood a quantity of poison capable of killing J^, and from 1 kilogramme of blood 185 ^ X5 = 0.003243 kilogramme, or 3.243 grammes. If, during a complete revolu- tion, each kilogramme of blood discharges a quantity of poison capable of destroying 3.243 grammes of animal substance, in the same time this mass of poison will be furnished to each kilogramme of blood by the organism, the in-going being equal to the out-going. It follows from this that the blood ought to con- tain constantly , at the least, this quantity of poison. It ought even to contain more, for the blood is, during each cardiac revolution, only deprived of a fraction of its quantity of poison by the renal RAPIDITY OF ELIMINATION. 71 emunctory. It is probable that there is in the blood more toxic material than this minimum portion which penetrates there, and which leaves it during the forty-seven seconds of a complete revolution, and that there is a reserve of toxic material circulating with the blood. Analogy helps to show us that it is thus as it ought to be, and it will enable us to appreciate hypothetically the importance of this reserve. A man of 65 kilogrammes eliminates in twenty-four hours, by 1350 cubic centimetres of urine, 1300 grammes of water and 24 grammes of urea. In a complete circulatory revolution he eliminates 1850 times less of each substance, that is, O.T gramme of water and 0.01297 gramme of urea. These quantities of water and of urea are given up by 5 kilogrammes of blood. One kilogramme of blood gives, therefore, during one total revo- lution, five times less, or 0.14 gramme of water and 0.002592 gramme of urea. But this kilogramme of blood only gives up these quantities of material from its liquid part, from its plasma, which only constitutes one-half of the mass of blood ; and the 500 grammes of plasma in 1 kilogramme of blood con- tain only 450 grammes of water and 0.16 gramme of urea. The calculation made, the blood loses, during a complete revolution, SST? P ai 't f water from its plasma and ^ part of urea from its plasma, which proves, as I established in 1872, that urea is eliminated by the kidney fift} r -two times quicker than the water (=M). If the rapidity of the elimination of the blood-poison was equal to that of urea, 1 kilogramme of blood would contain sixty-two times the quantity of poison which this kilogramme of blood eliminates in a complete revolution ; and as this quan- tity eliminated is capable of killing 3.243 grammes of living matter, 1 kilogramme of blood ought to contain sufficient poison to kill 3.243 X 62 = 201 grammes of living matter, which repre- sents a minimum of toxicity. If, on the contrary, the rapidity of the elimination of the poison was equal to that of the water, the quantity of toxic matter inclosed in 1 kilogramme of blood ought to be 3214 times the quantity eliminated by this kilogramme of blood during a complete revolution. One kilogramme of blood would, 72 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. therefore, be capable of killing 3.243X3214=10,423 grammes of living tissue. This result is not preposterous ; this maxi- mum of toxicity would not be incompatible with life. With such a toxicity of its blood the animal would poison itself, if 1 kilogramme of blood was distributed 'to 10 kilogrammes of its body ; but, in reality, 1 kilogramme of blood is distributed to 13 kilogrammes of the organism. It is, moreover, extremely probable that the real toxicity of the blood is less, and that it is comprised between these two extremes. These hypothetical calculations only show us the extreme limits of the possible toxicity of the blood. We can, fortu- nately, approach the question from the experimental side. The injection of the blood of an animal into the veins of another animal can produce death without this death being attributable to embolism and without the augmentation of the mass of blood being incriminated. The injection of 25 cubic centi- metres of blood per kilogramme of animal invariably causes death. What proves that death in such is the result of an intoxication is that the fatal dose varies according to the part of the vascular apparatus from which this blood has been with- drawn. If, instead of drawing it from the general venous system, we draw it from the portal vein, 14 cubic centimetres are sufficient to cause death, instead of 25, this blood being charged with putrid and biliary poisons taken from the intestine, and not having them as yet removed from it by the liver. But a kilogramme of animal contains ^=77 grammes of blood. After the injection of 25 grammes of blood, this kilogramme would contain 102 grammes, and then the animal dies. We ma}' therefore say that 102 grammes of blood are sufficient to kill 1 kilogramme of animal. In other words, 1 kilogramme of venous blood retains, in the normal state, sufficient poison to kill 9804 grammes of living matter. These conclusions would be strictly exact if the blood injected came from an animal of the same species as that into which we make the injection. But, in my experiments, it is the blood of the dog which has been injected into the rabbit. I have reasons for believing that the blood is more toxic for an animal of another species than for an animal of the same species. EFFECTS OF INJECTION OF BLOOD. 73 In experimental studies bearing upon transfusion, we have properly said that the blood of one species is poisonous to another, but we have" not made the estimation of the degree of this toxicity, and we have always gone away from this point with a false view that the blood of an animal is not toxic for an animal of the same species. Whilst the blood of the dog kills a rabbit at the dose of 25 cubic centimetres per kilogramme, I have known the blood of the dog injected into another dog to the extent of 30 cubic centimetres only produce a fleeting- indisposition, whilst in the rabbit, in order to cause death, it is necessary to inject 126 cubic centimetres of blood of rabbit. This amount is considerable. It is true that it was a question 6f the injection of arterial blood. Death supervened by con- vulsions, with moderate pupillary contraction. The urine con- tained only traces of albumen, none of blood, none of haemo- globin. There were no haemorrhages into any organ, except from embolic foci, numerous enough, but very small, of pulmonary apoplexy, to which death could not be attributed, the respiratory rhythm not having been modified before the final convulsion, which was very short. In this experiment the animal died when each kilogramme of its body was irrigated by 77 + 126 = 203 grammes of blood. From this we infer by cal- culation that 1 kilogramme of rabbits' blood is capable of killing 4926 grammes of rabbit, in round numbers, 5 kilogrammes. And we still further draw the inference, if you wish to refer to calculations just recently made, that l>y the kidneys the poisons of the blood should be eliminated twice more quickly than the water, but twenty-six times slower than urea. This remark is not without some interest. It shows that if the kidney cannot be got to eliminate urea, it may succeed in expelling blood- poisons, and that, in the case of auto-intoxication, the witli- drawal of large quantities of serum, or merely of water, might not be without some utility. One last conclusion to draw from the experiment is that, in order that death may be produced by auto-intoxication, it is sufficient that the amount of the poisons of the blood should become two and one-half times greater than the normal quantity. I give you the different steps by which I have entered into 74 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. this study of the toxicity of blood, the l^pothesis, calculation, and experiment. I have no difficulty in recognizing that more recent experiments have obliged me to admit that blood has a toxicity still less than that which seems should be inferred from the preceding experiment. In blood, the plasma alone may be toxic. The living cells retain within themselves the inert or hurtful substances of which they are composed. In order that these poisons may act, it is absolutely necessary that they should be in solution ; it is necessary that they should dialyze from the blood into the tissues ; it is necessary that they should be in the liquid part, non-living, in the plasma. There has, therefore, been good cause for experimenting upon the toxicity of the blood-serum. I have extracted from ten rabbits, by arterial bleeding, 600 grammes of blood. The clot, after having been in an ice-box for twenty-four hours, has furnished to me 260 grammes of a limpid serum, scarcely tinged. This serum has been filtered and then injected into the veins of a rabbit. The animal died, after having received 125 cubic centimetres of serum per kilogramme. Death was preceded by a distinct, but not punctiform, contraction of the pupil, by exorbitism, by dilatation of the superficial veins, and, in the last moments, by the loss of ocular reflexes, b}- convulsions, and by a frothy, san- guineous running from the nostrils. The lungs, voluminous but pale, were dotted with patches of pulmonary apoplexy. There were no haemorrhages at any other point in the body. The urine contained neither blood nor albumen. The heart continued to beat for a long time after death. The serum constitutes about one-half of the mass of blood. I have injected, in this experiment, the poison dissolved from 250 grammes of blood. The animal had already in its vessels, before the injection, 77 grammes of blood. When it died, its tissues had at their disposal, per kilogramme of its weight, the poison of 327 grammes of blood ; from this I am obliged to conclude that 1 kilogramme of blood is capable of killing about 3 kilogrammes of animal. Was death, in this experiment, due to toxicity of the blood alone? I would not dare* to say so. I am obliged to take some cognizance of the apoplectic patch in the lung and of the san- IS BLOOD MORE TOXIC THAN WATER? 75 guinolent oozing from the nostrils, which suggest the idea of plethoric haemorrhages, and which raise the question whether the enormous increase in the mass of blood has not been the cause of death. Remember, however, that the animal died, after having received into its veins 125 cubic centimetres of serum, like the animal in the preceding experiment, after having received 126 cubic centimetres of defibrinated blood. Re- member, too, that distilled water causes death when we intro- duce into the vessels more than 122 cubic centimetres of it. From this comparison you will be able to conclude that blood is less toxic than pure water. It is ou\y apparently so, and, at the same time, a misuse of language. Water is not toxic, properly speaking, and a liquid which kills in a larger dose than water may be toxic. Water does not kill by its chemical composition, by toxicity ; nor does it kill ain* more by its mechanical action, by plethora; it kills by its phj-sical action, by swelling out the globules and dissolving out the haemoglobin. If you wish, to know to what point it is requisite to increase the mass of blood in order that death may follow, or what is the limit at which plethora becomes fatal, it is necessaiy, as I have done, to inject into the veins water, to which a salt very slightly toxic has been .uldrd, and in such proportion that in this solution the globules of the blood are not deformed, a solution of sea-salt, 7 parts in 1000, an artificial serum. Yet, with such a liquid, death comes in the rabbit only when we have injected for each kilogramme 396 cubic centimetres of the solution, or when we have multiplied the mass of the blood six times. In such it is really with plethora that we have to deal ; death is the result of a mechanical effect, for during life the veins are seen to be extremely distended, injection becomes difficult and laborious, and the piston of the syringe is constantly driven back by the excess of the intra- venous tension. All the liquid injected remains in the circulatory apparatus, for the urinary secretion is not increased ; we do not find liquid either in the stomach, intestines, or serous cavities, and there is no oedema in any part, but we detect a focus of pulmonary apoplexy. There has not been any physical action, for the blood-globules are neither deformed nor decolorized ; there has not been any chemical or toxic action, for we have 76 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. only injected 2.772 grammes of sodium chloride, and to kill a kilogramme of rabbit we require 5.31 grammes of this salt. If in order to kill by plethora we must increase the mass of blood six times, I have not even tripled it in my injections of serum or of blood, I add that in these experiments death can- not be explained by a physical action, as when there is question of distilled water. I have introduced into the veins a liquid which is the natural medium of the globules, in which they neither become swollen nor retracted. I come therefore to my first conclusion, death is apparently only explained by intoxi- cation ; but, notwithstanding, I maintain a reserve, for it is not poisoning which could have provoked pulmonary apoplexy ; something must have been added to the intoxication. To avoid this something, we would require to inject the poison of the serum in a state of greater concentration, the removal of the water, the removal, too, of albuminoids, which, I suppose, cannot be the toxic substances ; at least, when we inject blood from one species into an animal of the same species. That is what I have done ; I have coagulated the albumen and concentrated by freezing the liquid got by washing the coagu- lum. In order to produce death, I have been obliged to inject the extract from more than 400 grammes of serum representing 800 grammes of blood ; yet it was simply the extract from the serum of horse injected into the rabbit. In this experiment, 1000 of blood would kill 1250 of living matter. Calculation has forced us to admit that a kilogramme of blood would be capable of killing at the least 201 grammes, and at the maximum 10,423 grammes of living matter experimentation has narrowed these extreme limits. It shows us that a kilogramme of blood could destroy at the least 1250 grammes, and at the greatest 3000 grammes of living matter. The true index, as yet undetermined, is between these two extremes. Besides the plasma, blood contains globules. Do these globules increase the toxicity of the blood ? Experimental^-, no ; yet these globules contain toxic materials, and even in large quantity; but they are materials belonging to the constitution of the globules, and these are living. Blood is only a tissue of mobile cells, which haA r e, like every cell, a frame- work. What enters into the composition of this frame-work is CELLS IN THEIR DESTRUCTION LIBERATE POISONS. 77 inoffensive for the cell so long as it is living ; but each cell con- tains potass, which it keeps combined with other substances, mineral or organic. This potass cannot injure living cells except when liberated by the destruction of other cells ; in these con- ditions potass passes into the liquids and its toxicity may then be shown. If we destroy the globules by boiling or by charring and inject the aqueous solution of this into the blood of an animal, we bring about convulsions and death. Alcohol removes water from the globules, extractive matters, fat, cholesterin, and the salts of potass. With the alcoholic extracts of blood we induce muscular weakness, convulsions, , and very rapidly salivation, as I pointed out apropos of a toxic substance in urine. It is from the blood that the kidney gets this substance, which causes salivation. With the alco- holic extract of blood, narcosis is observed only under abnormal circumstances. I have seen it produced in one case with the blood of a uraemic patient who was not eliminating its toxic substances, but with normal blood we do not induce narcosis. Into the alcoholic extracts of blood there pass nitrogenous bodies, both basic and neutral ; I cannot say to which of them the physiological phenomena of which I speak are due. I con- sider that the living globules are harmless, but that they furnish toxic matter when they are destroyed. I can only incriminate the potass liberated by this destruction. I cannot always accuse the alkaloids found, in normal blood, by Gautier and myself, for they are found in a still smaller quantity than that which urines contain, and we have seen that they represent only a minimum part of the toxicity of urine. En resume, blood contains, as we know, a reserve quantity of poison; a small quantity of this poison is incessantly eliminated by the kidneys ; it receives from the tissues an equal quantity of it ; it contains, therefore, in the normal state, alwa3*s a cer- tain quantity. If elimination is prevented and the supply of it continues, accumulation of toxic material produces intoxication. We know what the quantity of toxic matter is that is introduced into the blood and eliminated by the kidney in a circulatory revolution, and we also know what quantity of living matter might be killed by this amount of toxic material ; we can, then, 78 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. fix the time necessary for 1 kilogramme of blood to kill 1 kilo- gramme of animal. This period is two days and four hours ; that is a theoretical average. In reality the time necessary is longer, because in uraemia there are produced functional derange- ments of the intestinal tube which prevent it absorbing the poisons which it contains, were it only the potass of alimentary origin ; moreover, the formation of the poisons of disassimila- tion is prevented by intoxication itself; vomiting, chill. The poisons only act when dissolved in the plasma ; the globules are not toxic whilst they remain alive. The materials constituting these anatomical elements are retained therein by the force of tension which resides in every living cell ; but in case of death or rapid disintegration of the cell, freedom is given to all the sub- stances which were part of its constitution, potass, creatin, leucin, and other nitrogenous substances. The proteid matters would themselves be incriminated if it is true that they can, by undergoing certain modifications, pass into the condition of soluble ferments ; the experiments of Alex. Schmidt would tend to make this a supposition. In every case, in spite of the work of the school of Dorpat, I do not believe that the intoxication pro- duced by blood can be attributed to dissolved haemoglobin. The result of the sudden or rapid destruction of blood-corpuscles is the production of such phenomena as muscular debility, sali- vation, convulsions, and death, but never narcosis, unless when we operate with the blood of a person who is ursemic or is suf- fering from choleraic anuria. Of those effects, some are due to the mineral constituents ; from the potass, notably the convulsive phenomena arise ; of the organic substances there is one which is present in the alcoholic extract of blood and urine, liver and muscle, and to which salivation is attributed. After having studied the toxicity of the blood, it would be desirable to get to know the toxicity of the tissues. But this is a still more delicate research ; we cannot inject them as they are into animals ; we can only inject their extracts, and these ex- tracts, these products of the disintegration of tissues, are toxic. The toxicity of the extract of flesh has been known for a long time. This may be of some utility from an alimentary point of view ; to a certainty it is toxic. Jf it does not poison, that is LIFE WITHOUT FREE OXYGEN. . 79 because it has been introduced only in small quantity into the organism, and that it is being constantly eliminated ; besides, in every aliment there are toxic substances, and every aliment would become a poison if renal elimination was not the safe- guard of the body. It is said that what is toxic in the extract of meat besides the mineral salts, potass, are organic substances, such as creatinin, which in meat is in the form of creatin. The stimulating effects after muscular depression are attributable to it. With the aqueous extract of muscle, which contains mineral and organic substances, we produce neither salivation nor nar- cosis, but convulsions, and, exceptionally, contraction of the pupil. In these phenomena of intoxication there is no place for the action of alkaloids ; the alcoholic extract of muscle causes the salivation. An alcoholic extract of liver causes an excessive salivation; the extract from 117 grammes of liver determines death in the rabbit. When we know the toxicity of an extract, if we suppress the potass which it contains, we deprive it of its power of producing convulsions. For this purpose it is suffi- cient to precipitate it in the state of tartrate of potass. After this operation the extract of 216 grammes of muscle, which caused convulsions and death, produces no accident whatever. Besides potass, there exist in the extracts of the tissues such bodies as tyrosin, leucin, butyric and acetic acids; they play their part in those phenomena of intoxication, during life, com- parable to those which supervene after the absorption of the poisons of putrefaction. Here is a remark of Gautier : " By the side of aerobic life there is anaerobic life, thanks to which the cell is able to live for some time without oxygen. The anatomical elements are still engaged in the phenomena of oxidation, but at this time they are taking oxygen into the tissue itself. If we weigh the respired oxygen, that mixed with the fluids drunk and in combi- nation with the food, and on the other side the oxygen fixed in the carbonic acid exhaled by the lungs, the skin, contained in the dejections and combined in the excreta, we find absolute equality on both sides. But the free oxygen has not been sufficient; the respired oxygen does not explain the surplus of water and cur- 80 . LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. bonic acid ; the oxidations, therefore, have been made with the oxygen of the combinations ; one-third of life is supported by oxidation without free oxygen." Nutrition is thus, on one side at least, comparable to fermentation when air is excluded. Let us return to the liver and to its particular emunctory function. Bile plays, without doubt, a part in digestion, but it is a constituent of the excreta, and it undergoes, in part, ab- sorption. Does the part absorbed produce intoxication ? Schiff has told us that we can find bile in the blood just come from the intestine, but not in the general circulation. He has ad- mitted that the bile is seized again by the liver, then secreted anew, and again retaken without cessation. If this perpetual circle is true, the liver would, therefore, act as a protector to the general circulation, as regards bile and other poisons. That is possible, but not emphatically demonstrated. In every case the contrary is true in pathological conditions ; bile may im- pregnate the blood and tissues. Even in the normal state, in the dog, bile passes into the whole of the circulation ; in this animal jaundice is physiological. To return to man, may bile itself cause in him intoxication ? For a long time we have suspected the toxicity of bile. Deidier, in the last century, made intra-venous injections of bile from those who died of the plague. In our own century, at different times, there have been undertaken experiments to clear up this question. Bouisson concluded that filtered bile is inoffensive ; that, unfiltered, it kills. It can bring about, like all viscid liquids, like pure glycerin, pulmonary embolisms. Von Dusch, Frerichs, and Bamberger have injected large doses of it, and have only rarely induced death. Vulpian has injected up to 250 grammes of it into a dog during several days, 96 grammes in one day alone. He has omitted to mention the weight of the dog. Supposing it to weigh 10 kilogrammes, the toxicity of the bile would be 9 cubic centimetres per kilogramme of the animal, that is to say, five or six times stronger than that of urine. That is little, when we think of the fatal consequences which are attributed to bile. I have established that the bile of oxen, mixed in twice its volume of water and injected into the veins of a rabbit, produces death in the dose of 4 to 6 cubic TOXICITY OF BILE. 81 centimetres of pure bile for each kilogramme of animal. I have recognized, besides, that bile decolorized by carbon loses two-thirds of its toxicity. Of the toxicity of bile, numerous explanations have been offered. The biliary salts have been declared toxic in almost infinitesimal quantities ; they have been found in such small quantity in the blood of those who have died from severe jaun- dice and from poisoning by phosphorus. Injections of tauro- cholate and glycocholate of soda, made by von Dusch, Huppert, and Kuhne, have produced scarcely any effect whatever. And yet the results obtained by Leyden upon the dog and frog have 'little in agreement with each other. Concurrently with M. Tapret, I have determined that the biliary salts in an aqueous solution of 2 per cent, kill 1 kilogramme of rabbit ; the cholate of soda, in the dose of 54 centigrammes ; and choleate of soda, in the dose of 46 centigrammes. We might incriminate cholesterin, but we have only been able to induce cholesteraemia experimentally, by processes too defective to enable us to draw from them any conclusion. The absurd quantities of cholesterin which have been introduced into the blood have only been done through the medium of soap and water, or of potass, which would kill of themselves. At any rate, amongst old people, the atheromatous abscesses which we find widely open in the aorta contain sometimes several grammes of cholesterin without there being any poisoning from them. The coloring substances ought to be suspected by us as toxic agents, since bile, once decolorized, is much less toxic. Equally with M. Tapret, I have shown that bilirubin kills in the dose of 5 centigrammes per kilogramme. As for the biliary salts, they do not kill by direct intoxica- tion alone. We can see under the microscope the harm which they do. They dissolve and break up the blood-globules, and also other cells, striated muscular fibres, and the cells of the liver. They therefore cause anatomical lesions, and intoxication arises from the setting free of toxic substances which enter into the composition of the cellular elements. This intoxication develops but slowly. People intoxicated by bile are, therefore, in the condition of 82 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. animals into whom we have injected aqueous or alcoholic extracts of the tissues. Amongst patients, so long as there is functional activity of the kidney, all goes on well ; but if not, then they die intoxicated by the potass and by other products of cellular destruction. But it is not a primary intoxication ; it is secondary, and is caused by the mineral or organic products, and from the breaking up of the anatomical elements. Amongst jaundiced people, we indeed observe a rapid dimi- nution of the weight of the body. In acute yellow atrophy of the liver, it seems that the muscles diminish in size. Besides, if the kidney functionates well in jaundiced people, their urine is very toxic, but not in the same manner as normal urine. This does not determine convulsions ; jaundiced urine is convulsive, and not narcotic. In small doses, even absolutely decolorized, it remains toxic ; but it does not owe this property to the con- vulsive material of normal urine, since this remains fixed in the carbon. The convulsive property comes to it probably from the potass, for bile produces nothing similar to it. Thus, jaundiced urines owe their toxicity chiefly to the waste products of cellular disintegration, and especially to the mineral products. We are now beginning to foresee what intoxication may be in the economy. LECTURE VIII. ORIGIN OF THE Toxic SUBSTANCES OF URINE TOXICITT OF THE FLUIDS AND OF THE CONTENTS OF THE INTESTINE (BlLE AND THE PRODUCTS OF PUTREFACTION). Toxicity of the fluids. It is due to the disassimilation or destruction of cells. Products of disassimilation turned into the intestine by the liver. Toxic power of bile compared with that of urine. Dangers of absorption or reten- tion of bile. How the organism protects itself against the toxicity of bile. Precipitation of a part of the biliary elements in the intestine and metamor- phoses having for their object the insolubility of other elements ; toxicity of jaundiced urines ; diminution of the toxic power of jaundiced urine brought ' about by decolorizing. Putrefaction in the intestine caused by microbes which are found normally therein. Role of the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice which neutralizes the activity of these microbes. Are putrid substances toxic? Opinion of Haller. Experiments of Gaspard, Pamnn, Bergmann, Billroth. Koch's argument. IF animal juices are scarcely toxic, although they contain more poison than the quantity which they give up to the emunc- tories, the cells enclose poisonous substances which they retain because these substances are part of their constitution, and which, freed by the death of the cells, cause the fluids to become toxic. These toxic matters are substances organized and mineral. PotMss occupies the first rank among them; in the normal state it is a constituent of the anatomical elements, but not of the llnids. In the economy of the living animal a measured quan- tit} r of toxic substance exists in a state of combination in the cellular elements, and it is only by an abnormal modification of these elements that we see their poisons come into the lluids. The fluids contain notably only the exact quantity of potass which they carry to the tissues or to the emunctories; the potass, therefore, is only on its transit in these fluids. The mineral and organic poisons are, therefore, in general, poisons of disassimilation ; but in the organs whose disassimi- lation produces poisons there are those which liberate a part of the material of which they are composed, immediately it is free, into particular canals, which conduct it to the exterior, e.g., the glands of the skin, the liver. (83) 84 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Bile escapes direct absorption by the blood, but not all con- tact with it, since at the surface of the intestine it is in contact with the mesenteric capillaries ; only the liver is still there to seize it anew and to throw it out again into the intestine. Would bile be dangerous to the blood ? Assuredly ; its tox- icity is less than is believed, but it is still considerable. In an experiment of Vulpiau we see that 10 grammes of bile per kilogramme of animal constitute a poisonous dose. We even see it kill with 4, 5, or 6 grammes one kilogramme of animal. Bile is, therefore, at least five times (occasionally ten times) more toxic than urine. The small size of the gall-bladder and the small quantity of bile which we find in it post-mortem would lead us to believe that this secretion is of little importance. We change that opinion when we know the quantity of bile secreted in twent3 r -four hours. According to Beaunis, we may value at about 1 kilogramme the quantity of bile produced in twenty- four hours in man. From observation in cases of biliary fistulae, Ran'ke found a mean of 14 grammes of bile per kilogramme of living weight for twenty-four hours. Von Wittich has obtained from such in a woman, in twenty-four hours, 528 cubic centi- metres ; and in a woman equally suffering from fistula of the gall- bladder, with complete obliteration of the gall-duct, I have seen the daily quantity of the bile reach 800 grammes. Thus, if, in equal time, the urine eliminates half of that which would kill a man, bile eliminates thrice the quantity. The total quantity of bile is six times more toxic than the totality of urine. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE TOXICITY OF BILE AND THAT OF URINE. A man of 65-70 kilogrammes eliminates in twenty-four hours 1350 cubic centimetres of urine on an average, or about 20 grammes of urine per kilogramme. This urine can kill an animal of 1 kilogramme after a dose of 45 cubic centimetres. Man, for each kilogramme of his body-weight, eliminates, there- fore, in twenty-four hours, by his urine, sufficient to kill 10U ^X20_. 444 grammes of living matter. A man of 37 kilogrammes elim- inates in twenty-four hours 652 cubic centimetres of bile ; that is, 13.45 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. This bile can kill TOXICITT OF BILE AND THAT OF URINE. 85 an animal of 1 kilogramme at the doge" of 5 cubic centimetres. Man, for each kilogramme of his body-weight, eliminates, there- fore, in twenty-four hours, by bile, sufficient to kill -J^~ = 2690 grammes of living matter. From what precedes we may con- clude (1) that 1 kilogramme of living matter being killed by 5 cubic centimetres of bile and by 45 cubic centimetres of urine, bile is nine times more toxic than urine ; (2) that the quantity of bile secreted in twenty-four hours by 1 kilogramme of man being capable of killing 2690 grammes of living matter, whilst the quantity of urine secreted by 1 kilogramme of man in twenty-four hours is capable of killing only 444 grammes of living matter, the toxic activity of the hepatic secretion is six times greater than the toxic activity of the renal secretion. ^-==6. If all the bile which the liver secretes passed directly into the blood, man would be poisoned by his own bile in eight hours fift3'-five minutes. If all the urine that the kidneys secreted passed directly into the blood, man would be poisoned by his own urine in two days, six hours, and thirty -two minutes. We see the danger which results either from any impediment placed in the way of the elimination of bile or from its absorp- tion. Fortunately, more than one-half is eliminated in twenty - four hours by the digestive canal ; the water of the faeces repre- sents the water of 400 grammes of bile. Besides, the other half of the bile is not absorbed, for if it was eliminated by the urine the toxicity of urine would be much more considerable, We would be obliged to admit that the urine of twenty-four hours was capable of killing the whole individual, or even twice the individual ; but experiment has shown us that urine has not this toxicity. What becomes, then, of this half of the bile which is not thrown out by the digestive canal ? Does the liver destro}- it? Do the tissues change it? These two hj'potheses are possible, but not demonstrated. What is demonstrated is, that in the intestine a portion of the bile ceases to be absorbable. The coloring matter and the biliary suits are metamorphosed, precipitated or rendered insol- uble. Yet, in certain morbid conditions, bile may be absorbed in the liver itself, at the margin of the hepatic cells. In these cases, if the kidneys remain permeable, it becomes a menace to 86 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. intoxication ; if they have ceased to be so, poisoning is the result. If the kidney has remained permeable, and no general accidents have arisen, the urine becomes toxic, not to the indi- vidual himself, but to the animals upon which we experiment. Certain jaundiced urines are toxic at the rate of 13 cubic centi- metres per kilogramme ; these urines owe, without doubt, a great part of their toxicity to the presence of coloring matters, since, once decolorized, they may be injected in double or triple the quantity ; but the destruction of the blood-globules and hepatic cells, the products of increased disassimilation, which the rapid diminution in weight amongst jaundiced people bears witness to, and especially the potass, contribute to rendering jaundiced urines very toxic. INTRA- VENOUS INJECTION OF A HIGHLY-JAUNDICED URINE. March 11, 18S5. Into a rabbit weighing 1650 grammes we injected 22 cubic centimetres of a very pronounced jaundiced urine, coming from a patient in the Saint Landry Ward (Hopital Lariboisiere), who was passing 900 grammes of it in twenty-four hours. After the sixth cubic centimetre, agitation. At the ninth cubic centimetre, pupil in great part contracted. At the fifteenth cubic centimetre, pupil pin-point; spasms; hurried respiration. At the twentieth cubic centimeti'e, screams ; spasms. At the twenty-second cubic centimetre, death, the heart still beating. The animal received 13 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. INJECTION OF THE SAME URINE DECOLORIZED, IN NEARLY TRIPLE QUANTITY. We completely decolorized, by means of animal charcoal, a portion of the urine which served for the preceding experiment. We injected into the veins of the ear of a rabbit weighing 1680 grammes 50 cubic centimetres of this urine. The injection was driven in pretty rapidly. At the twenty-seventh cubic centi- metre, slight tonic shaking, stronger at the forty-first cubic centimetre. At the forty-eighth cubic centimetre, spasms, not ceasing even at the fiftieth cubic centimetre. At this moment tonic convulsions, with opisthotonos. Respiration, which had become rapid after the twenty-fifth cubic centimetre, stopped ; but the animal returned to life. At no moment had the pupil been contracted. The rabbit had received SO cubic centimetres PUTREFACTIVE INTOXICATION. 87 per kilogramme. On the 12tli of March the rabbit had diarrhoea and much albumen in its urine. On the 14th of March it was quite well. INTRA-VENOUS INJECTION OP JAUNDICED URINE. March 14, 1885. Forty -five cubic centimetres of urine from the same patient whose urine had served for the preceding experiments were injected into a rabbit weighing 1450 grammes. Spasms commenced after 12 cubic centimetres. At 20 cubic centimetres the pupil began to contract. At 42 cubic centi- metres it was ptinctiform. Spasms began and death came after 45 cubic centimetres, or 31 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. INJECTION OF NEARLY DOUBLE QUANTITY OF SAME DECOLORIZED URINE. Into a rabbit weighing 1300 grammes we injected 70 cubic centimetres of the preceding urine, decolorized by means of carbon. Spasm came on after 68 cubic centimetres. The pupil was not contracted. Death came after the seventieth cubic centimetre. That was 54 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. If bile is toxic directly and indirectly, the intestine is already far as bile is concerned a source of intoxication, in as feeble a proportion as we please, but still really so. From there pass onward into the blood, in addition, other materials which are eliminated by the urine, mineral salts (, potass) intro- duced by the food, and other toxic substances of alimentary origin. Nevertheless, this is only a minimum portion of the poisons which the blood may derive from the intestinal canal. There is a third source of intoxication for the blood ; it is putrefaction : not only that which arises from the imperfect metamorphosis of digested matter, but that which the presence of micro-organisms in the intestinal tube incessantly maintains. In the digestive canal the conditions most favorable for the elaboration of poisons are realized. Therein are found nitrog- enous substances, already peptonized ; and peptones are, as you know, excellent culture-media for microbes. They are in asso- ciation with a notable quantity of water in a tube at a constant temperature of 37 degrees. The digestive canal is constantly 88 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. open exteriorly. Besides, the foods taken carry in with them putrefactive agents ; respiration allows of the deposition of dust in the pharynx, which, with each movement of degluti- tion, is caught by the saliva, along with the micro-organisms which it conceals. The conditions favorable for the mainte- nance of putrefaction are so numerous that we ask whether digestion can ever go on normally. Fortunately, the organism secretes in the stomach, on the introduction of food, a juice which is opposed to all fermentation. Experimentally, we know that 1.10 grammes of anhydrous hydrochloric acid per litre pre- vents all fermentation ; but the gastric juice contains more. We find therein, per litre, up to 3.30 grammes, and even 5 grammes, of hydrochloric acid, estimated as the fuming acid of commerce. But infectious agents have not been destroyed by the gastric juice in the stomach ; they have only been neutralized ; they have only passed into a state of latent vitality. The action of organized ferments re-commences when the foods have passed through the pylorus. The acid of the gastric juice finds itself at this moment neutralized by the alkalies of the intestine, whose contents, if not alkaline or neutral, are in every case only feebly acid by a commencement of acetic fermentation. We have regarded the bile as capable of prolonging the arrest of fermentations ; but bile is capable of undergoing fer- mentation itself, or of putrefying. It can, therefore, only feebly oppose fermentation in the small intestine. At any rate, it can have no influence upon those which are actively carried on in the large intestine. Thus do we find the small intestine, on the one hand, and the large intestine particularly, on the other, capaple of passing products of putrefaction into the blood. But, are the putrid substances toxic? Haller believes they are not. Gaspard, in 1822, established the fact that putrid substances are toxic, and that they are actually more so than substances arising from disassimilation. He injected into the veins of animals liquid arising from putrefaction of blood or of meat. He induced faintness, diarrhoea, and vomitings ; hyperaemia of mucous mem- branes; then death; and at the autopsy ecchymoses of the digestive canal were seen ; also of the cellular tissues, those PUTREFACTIVE INTOXICATION. 89 of the muscles and of the heart; swelling of the spleen and the mesenteric glands ; congestion of the lungs, phenomena all of which were verified by those who have since repeated Gaspard's experiments. Magendie has studied intoxication by gases from the basins of water-closets, he had previous knowledge of the morbid influence of putrid emanations. The experiments of Gaspard have been regarded as correct by Panum, Bergmann, and Billroth. It yet remains to be known whether the facts observed by Gaspard arose from intoxication or infection. So far as he is concerned, he could not distinguish putrefaction from infection, not having any knowledge of infec- tious agents. He injected into the blood of animals the prod- ucts of the life of inferior organisms, and at the same time these organisms themselves. At one and the same time, therefore, he caused intoxication and infection. Panum tried to solve this difficulty. By boiling at 100 C. he destroj'ed the organisms themselves before injecting the prod- ucts of putrefaction, and he, too, observed the same phenomena. Koch has, besides, furnished another argument. If it is a question of intoxication, the effects produced ought to be imme- diate and proportional to the quantity of putrid matter injected. If it is one of infection a period of incubation is necessarj*, and the quantit} r ought not to seriously influence the accidents which follow. Experiment, however, shows that in those cases the accidents happen immediately after the injection of the putrid material. If we inject small quantities of it, we have accidents less grave than from large quantities. Thus, the absence of incubation and the proportional ratio of accidents to the quantity of poison decide the question of their nature ; they are truly of the order of intoxications. It remains, now, to isolate the toxic substances produced by the lower organisms. LECTURE IX. ORIGIN OF THE Toxic SUBSTANCES OF URINE TOXICITY OF THE PRODUCTS OF PUTREFACTION AND OF THE FAECES. Toxicity of the products of putrefaction in general. The accidents which they determine belong to the order of intoxications. Attempts to isolate the various products of putrefaction. Panum, Hemmer. The sepsine of Berg- maun and Schmiedeberg. Multiplicity of the alkaloids of putrefaction. Zulzer and Sonnensteiu, Selmi, A. Gautier, Brouardel, and Boutmy. Variability of the products of putrefaction, according to temperature. Dim- inution of the toxicity of putrid substances owing to filtration through char- coal. Enumeration of the toxic substances which putrefaction causes in vitro, acetic acid, butyric, valeric, sulphuric, ammonia, leucin, tyrosin, indol, skatol, cresol, phenol, hydrocarbons, etc. All these bodies exist also in the putrefactions induced in the interior of the digestive canal. They contribute to rendering the faeces toxic. Demonstration of the toxicity of faeces. Stich. My researches upon the alkaloids of faeces ; their multi- plicity and their chemical characters. Intra-veuous injections of the extracts of faeces. Aqueous and alcoholic extract. Extract of fasces deprived of their mineral substances. Resume of the sources of toxicity. IT is proved that putrefaction gives birth to poisons whose effects are revealed in the putrid fever of Gaspard. We have wondered if death, in the cases which he observed, was really the result of intoxication. It is not explained by embolism, for we find neither the clinical character nor the lesions of such. Was it, then, a question of infection? Putrefaction, including, as it does, infectious agents and their products, we introduce all at once when we make injections of putrid substances. The results obtained are capable of being attributed to infectious accidents just as much as to toxic phenomena. The disease may be explained by multiplication in the blood of micro-organ- isms acting in accordance with one of the five methods which are proper to them. To this objection the experiment of Panum replies, for he only injected putrid matter after having heated it to 100 degrees ; and he, also, observed the same phenomena as Gaspard. Hiller introduced into the blood filtered putrid matter no (90) TOXICITY OF PRODUCTS OF PUTREFACTION. 91 longer containing any figured corpuscle visible under the micro- scope ; he observed the same phenomena. Besides, I have recalled to you the theoretical argument of Koch, if it was a question of infection, a period of incubation would be necessary in order that pathogenic organisms might have time to multiply in the circulation. The microbes which are the most rapid in their development require twenty minutes in order that one of them can give birth to two others. Besides, one microbe alone being quite sufficient theoretically to bring about infectious disease, a most minute quantity ought to be sufficient to produce the most severe accidents. We only know that the pl^siologi- eal effects are, in these cases, proportional to the mass of toxic matter introduced into the organism. The toxicity of the products of putrefaction, taken generally, being once established, we ought to try to isolate each one of them. Panum, in 1856, made the first attempt at isolation. He evaporated to dryness putrid matter; exhausted, by alcohol, the dry residue; evaporated, by boiling, the alcohol from the alcoholic solution, and had thus two extracts, the alcoholic extract and the residue, insoluble in alcohol, which would be the aqueous extract. Redissolving in water the two extracts, he studied comparatively the effects which each one might produce upon the living organism. He established thus the fact that the alcoholic extract is very feebly toxic ; it represented one- fifth of the total toxicity. The substances insoluble in alcohol represent, consequently, the four-fifths of that toxicity. Ten 3'ears later Heminer showed that putrid poison is in- soluble in alcohol. In 1868 Bergmann and Schmiedeberg made researches upon the chemical character of the substances which cause putrid material to be toxic. They obtained a crystallizable bod}-, com- parable chemically to vegetable alkaloids, combining with acids to form crystallizable salts, and producing the same physiologi- cal effects as the injection of putrid matter. They have, there- fore, considered it proper to ascribe to this body a role in the production of toxic accidents. This sepsine, as they called it, has been incriminated, since then, by surgeons, as the cause of certain complications of wounds (pyaemia, etc.). But already 92 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. the experimenters of whom I have spoken had recognized, by the side of this sepsine, other bodies having a different toxicity. In 1869 Zulzer and Sonnenstein had signaled out the presence of alkaloids in the products of putrefaction, having chemical reactions comparable to those of atropine, having the property of dilating the pupil and of accelerating the heart, alkaloids which also exist (as I showed in 1882) in the extracts of the urine of patients attacked with typhoid fever. In 1871 Selmi again extensively resumed the study of the question of the very numerous alkaloids of putrefaction, as well as Gautier in 1872, Brouardel and Boutmy in 1880, devoting their time to the study of the alkaloids of the cadaver. The result of all these researches is that numerous alkaloids, variously toxic, are developed in the course of the putrefaction of organized substances. A putrid mass, taken en bloc, has a very variable toxicity. Its toxicity increases more and more in proportion as putrefaction advances. After the first products of the transformation of organized matter are destroyed, the toxicity, Avhich has been at length increasing in it, afterward diminishes, and becomes annihilated at the end of a certain time. Putrefaction by heat develops a more intense toxicit}' ; by cold, it is not only slower, but modified also in its intensity, as the following experiment proves. As certain toxic organic substances lose a part of their tox- icity after having been filtered through charcoal, I have caused putrid substances to be filtered. These lose a large part of their toxicity by this means. INTRA-VENOUS INJECTION OP AN AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF MUSCLE PUTREFIED IN THE COLD. April 30, 1885. We macerated, in the cold, 500 grammes of muscle in 500 grammes of water for twenty-four hours. We pressed it; we obtained 502 cubic centimetres of a distinctly colored liquid, and filtered it. We injected into a rabbit weigh- ing 1850 grammes 50 cubic centimetres of this liquid, or 27 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. We observed a medium my- osis and great depression. The liquid was not sufficient to allow of a larger injection. TOXICITY OF PRODUCTS OP PUTREFACTION. 93 INTRA-VENOUS INJECTION OF AN AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF MUSCLE PUTREFIED BY HEAT. M:iy 5, 1885. 1. We macerated 1200 grammes of muscle in 1200 grammes of water, in a stove, for two days. The liquid, strongly colored red, was filtered. Into a rabbit weighing 1720 grammes we injected 40 cubic centimetres of this liquid. Death supervened, with dyspnoea and convulsions, but with little my- osis, after a dose of 23.25 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. 2. We decolorized, by means of charcoal, a certain quantity of this same liquid. Into a rabbit of 1480 grammes we injected 100 cubic centimetres. Death supervened, with slight convul- sions and myosis. The animal received 67.56 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. The pupillary contraction which the injection of normal urine causes is also produced by the injection of putrid material, even though it has been filtered through charcoal. The toxicity of these substances is, therefore, due to another substance than that which exists in normal urine, since this, filtered through charcoal, loses its power of causing contraction of the pupil. These researches are still only on the surface, so to speak. We have, at length, seen putrid intoxication in its entirety ; we have afterward studied certain isolated parts of it. The alkaloids have been studied with some care ; but the toxicity of putre- factive products is due to other causes than alkaloids. There is 3 r et another series of toxic substances which putrefaction causes. The acids, acetic, butyric, valeric, sulphuric, ammonia and the ammonia compounds, leucin, leuceine, tyrosin, indol, skatol, cresol, phenol, and the hydrocarbons are all toxic. All may and do contribute, in their part, to the toxicity of putrid substances, taken en bloc. All that has just been said of putrefaction in vitro is appli- cable to putrefaction in the digestive tracts ; for the digestive canal is a veritable putrefactive apparatus. Moisture, heat, and the germs coining from the atmosphere concur in producing putre- faction as soon as the hydrochloric acid or the bile has disap- p( :i red or become changed in its nature. The alimentary residues which have not been digested and the peptones not yet absorbed are transformed, without any alteration, into infectious agents. 94 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Theoretically, in the second and, particularly, in the third parts of the intestine, there ought to occur the same phenomena, and the same bodies should develop which chemistry has revealed in experimental putrefaction. In fact, we find in faecal matter the alkaloids of putrefaction (as I have shown, in 1882). They may develop there even under the influence of a ferment which is not organized, trypsine. Since 1881 Tanret has seen that ether and soda carry into the peptones some substances having the char- acters of alkaloids, and which, in spite of certain analogies in chemical reaction, differ already from peptones by their solubility in ether. In 1883 Brieger demonstrated that alkaloids are devel- oped during the act of peptonization. Faecal matter contains also excretine, whose presence and toxicity Marcet has drawn atten- tion to. Strong as was the presumption in favor of the toxicity of faecal substances, it was yet necessaiy to demonstrate it briefly. In 1853 Stich showed that faecal matter is toxic, but not to the individual who has produced it ; because this experimenter introduced into the intestine of one animal the faecal matter of another. In reality, faecal matter is toxic, in a general way, to living cells. If we seek for those elements to which the toxicity of faecal matter is due, we have only the embarrassment of choice. I will insist upon the alkaloids whose existence I demonstrated in September, 1882. I made extracts by means of chloroform and by ether, after having rendered faecal matter alkaline. I arrived at this conclusion, that faecal matter contains various alkaloidal substances, some soluble in ether and insoluble in chlo- roform, others insoluble in ether and soluble in chloroform. All have the characters of alkaloids, behaving like them under the iodo-iodurated reagent, double iodide of mercury and potassium, phospho-molybdate of soda, tungstate of soda, and tannin. I have isolated them in notable quantities, but insufficient to pro- duce intoxication. I believe, therefore, that putrefaction plays a part in the toxicity of faecal substances, but less than is sup- posed. I have practiced intra-venous injection with the extracts of faecal matter. The aqueous extract is toxic. It produces depression and diarrhoea, phenomena the precursors of death. But it is chiefly the alcoholic extract which is energetically toxic in small doses. TOXICITY OF FAECAL MATTER. 95 I have seen the alcoholic extract from 1 7 grammes of faecal mat- ter kill, having induced severe convulsions. Now, man forms, in twenty -four hours, 400 grammes of faecal matter. We can seek for that substance to whose presence is due this toxicity of the faeces. The extract of faecal matter, when it is deprived of its mineral substances, salts of potass, and ammonia, when it has been reduced to dryness, taken up again with absolute alcohol, treated by an alcoholic solution of tartaric acid, filtered, neutralized by sodium carbonate, evaporated, taken up again by alcohol, dried anew, and taken up by water, only kills in doses infinitely larger. It is no longer the extract from 39 gi-ammes of faecal matter that we must inject to induce toxic and fatal accidents, but the extract of 298 grammes. INTR A- VENOUS INJECTION OF EXTRACT OF F.SCAL MATTER AND OF THE SAME EXTRACT DEPRIVED OF MINERAL SUBSTANCES. April 28th. We collected on April 23d 600 cubic centimetres of faecal matter, which we exhausted with 1 litre of absolute alco- hol. The alcohol was filtered and distilled. The residue was taken up by 225 cubic centimetres of absolute alcohol. We afterward divided the liquid into two parts, one of 150 cubic centimetres, representing 400 grammes of faecal matter; the other, 75 cubic centimetres, representing 200 grammes of faecal matter. A. The second part (200 grammes) was distilled and taken up by water. After filtration we obtained 90 cubic centimetres of liquid, of which 1 cubic centimetre represented 2.22 grammes of fecal matter. Into a rabbit of 1850 grammes we injected 33 cubic centimetres of this liquid. At this moment convulsions, death. That is, 17.8 cubic centimetres per kilogramme, or the ex- tract of 39.5 grammes of faecal matter. B. The first part (400 grammes) was distilled and taken up by absolute alcohol. We precipitated the potass and ammonia by tartaric acid. We also neutralized, after filtration by sodium bicarbonate, filtered, evap- orated, and took up by absolute alcohol. Again we filtered, evaporated, and took up by distilled water, and then filtered. We obtained 35 cubic centimetres of liquid, of which 1 cubic centimetre represented 13.4 grammes of faecal matter. Into a rabbit of 1340 grammes we injected, by an intra-venous channel, 35 cubic centimetres. No phenomena were observable. The rabbit received 400 grammes of faecal matter, or the extract of id 4UU g offeecal 298 grammes offeecal matter per kilogramme. 96 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. We may, therefore, consider the following as contributing to the toxicity of the fseces : on the one hand, potass and ammonia chiefly ; on the other, something which is soluble in alcohol, and which is neither potass nor ammonia ; then bile, and, lastly, the residues of putrefaction. To sum up : the aqueous extract of putrid matter is very toxic, that of faecal matter is slightly so ; the alcoholic extract of putrid matter is not very toxic, that of faecal matter is decidedly so. If we class toxic products together, we place in the first line mineral substances, chiefly potass, alimentary products, or those furnished by disassimilation ; in the second line the prod- ucts of intestinal putrefaction, amongst which ammonia occu- pies an elevated position ; in the third line the organic products of disassimilation, and therein is included a small quantity of bile, which may be re-absorbed by the intestinal mucous membrane. Thus we recognize all the sources of the toxic materials of the economy, the tissues, secreting organs, foods, putrefactions. The toxic products coming from these four seats of origin, introduced into the blood, give to it that slight degree of tox- icity which we have been able to estimate. The blood imposes this toxicity upon the products of secretion, and especially upon the renal emunctory. After having demonstrated that the urine is toxic, I showed that it cannot be otherwise. The blood is not, to any extent, habitually toxic, because urine is strongly so ; if this were no longer toxic the blood would become toxic, since poisons are always being introduced into it, proceeding from disassimilation, from foods, the products of intestinal putrefaction, and the products of secretion. We never observe accidents the outcome of intoxication with normal kidne}^ ; if the kidneys are diseased the individual dies. To all cases of death arising from suppression of the renal function we apply the term uraemia. But what we already know enables us to foresee that a complexity of phenomena is hidden under this name. LECTURE X. INTESTINAL ANTISEPSIS. Resume of the causes of the toxicity of the contents of the digestive canal. Potass and ammonia, bile, putrid substances. Poisons absorbed in the intestine must traverse the blood, since they are found in the urine. Parallelism between the toxicity of urine and that of material contained in the intes- tine. We can diminish the toxicity of urine by inducing disinfection and antisepsis of the digestive canal. Influence of charcoal taken in a suffi- cient quantity upon diminution of the toxicity of urine. On intestinal antisepsis. Conditions which a medicament ought to fulfill when destined to briug about intestinal antisepsis. Salicylate of bismuth, salts of mer- cury, iodoform, naphthalin. Their advantages and inconveniences. Method of administering naphthalin. Charcoal fixes the coloring matter and the toxic products of bile. Naphthalin is opposed to intestinal fermentation. THE organism contains poisons the origins of which we know, viz., the destruction of cells, disassiniilation, secretion, ingestion, and putrefaction. The digestive canal contains three orders of these poisons : those which come from the ingesta, bile, and putrid material. Its contents, therefore, should be toxic. Experimentation has demonstrated that they are toxic from the potass and ammonia, toxic from the bile and putrid material. There are, therefore, poisons in one part of the organism from which absorption is continually taking place. Can this absorption produce intoxication ? We cannot demonstrate ex- perimentally that the poison enters the blood, but we can demon- strate that it leaves it. It is, therefore, necessary to see whether the toxicity of the urine is in keeping with the toxicity of the digestive tube, and as to whether their variations are parallel. In 1882, whilst demonstrating the alkaloids found in normal feecal matter, I considered those as the source of nearly all the alkaloids of the economy. I have been able in one instance to estimate their quantity as 15 milligrammes per kilogramme of faecal matter. I noticed that each time these alkaloiclal sub- stances increase in the fneces they increase in the urine, although always smaller in quantity. I noticed, too, that the parallelism is preserved not only from a quantitative point of view, but also 7 (97) 98 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. as regards their nature. Just as there has been a predominance, in the digestive canal, of alkaloids soluble in ether or those which are soluble in chloroform, so have I seen predominate, in like manner, one or the other in the urine. I am less inclined, to-day, to add so much -importance to these toxic products. We can arrive at the same opinion by taking toxic substances in their totality. We may suppress a part of the toxic matter of urine by fixing that of the intestine by means of charcoal, which retains the coloring substances and the alkaloids. This is to induce not antisepsis, but disinfection of faecal matter. The extract of 200 grainmes of fsecal matter, in the case of patients by whom we have caused to be ingested the required quantity of charcoal, is inoffensive to those animals into which we have injected it, whilst we killed with the extract of 17 grammes, of fsecal matter not disinfected, per kilogramme. This intestinal disinfection by charcoal diminishes also the toxicity of urine by from one-half to two-thirds. If we wished to push the inquiry further, it would be necessary to produce antisepsis by preventing even the putrefaction which is produced in the intestinal canal. It is a long time since we have produced antisepsis without knowing it, just in the same way as M. Jourdain* made prose. By giving calomel, or the black sulphide, we diminish, without knowing it, putrefaction. Many physicians have done so con- sciously, supposing that substances with a putrid odor would be offensive to the elements with which they are in contact. We have employed chlorine internally, and pure iodine, ex- cellent antiseptics, the sulphites, hyposulphites, phenic acid, creasote (Pecholier), and boracic acid. We have obtained nothing by these means save, perhaps, with the sulphites (Sem- mola, Pauli) and the sulphide of carbon (Dujardin-Beaumetz). A reproach which at the outset we can theoretically raise in regard to all of these substances, with the exception, perhaps, of the last one, is, that they are soluble and absorbable. In the long journey from the mouth to the intestine the antiseptic agent loses some of its power. One other inconvenience which * This refers to " Le Bourgeois Gentilhoinme " of Moliere. INTESTINAL ANTISEPSIS. 99 might arise from absorption of the antiseptic agent is, that, when introduced into the blood in a sufficiently large quantity, it might exercise therein a toxic influence. The conditions which a substance should fulfill when des- tined to bring about intestinal antisepsis are, that it should not be absorbable, and yet should be capable of being given in doses efficaciously antiseptic without inducing by itself any toxic influence upon the organism. We must, therefore, use insoluble antiseptics. Salicylate of bismuth and iodoform, extolled by Vulpian ; naphthalin (Rossbach) ; calomel, which is changed into bichloride in the stomach and black sulphide in the intestine ; black sul- phide employed alone (Serres, Becquerel), these have each in their turn enjoyed considerable favor. A portion of these agents is always absorbed. Thus, with salicylate of bismuth the faecal matter is black- ened owing to the sulphide of bismuth, and the urine contains salicylic acid. With iodoform, which I have employed for a long time now, we find a little iodine in the urine, and the stools contain free iodoform. When we administer naphthalin the stools contain it. This body, hitherto considered insoluble in water, is absorbed to the extent of some centigrammes for every 5 grammes we have given. The urine rapidly takes on a brownish-black coloration, different from that of carbolic acid, which is tinted black, and from creasote, which is of a greenish black. Acetic acid, in small quantity, modifies the substance which results from the passage of naphthalin into the urine. Under its influence a rosy tint appears, which acetic acid does not pro- duce in normal urine. We can estimate in the urine a body of a compound-sulphur character, resulting from the combination of naphthol and sulphur, a naphtho-sulphurous acid, which may be arranged as naphtho-sulphite of soda. This union can only have occurred by sulphur having been borrowed from the organ- ism ; that is to say, by destroying albumen or nitrogenous matter. But this quantity of sulphur is insignificant, as I have been able to ascertain by the aid of M. Rosenstichl. From the whole of 100 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. the urine passed by a woman who had taken for ten days 5 grammes of naphthalin we were only able to remove 0.03 centi- gramme of naphtho-sulphite of soda per litre. For ten years I have made use of charcoal in large doses, and, thanks to it, have obtained a diminution of the toxicity of urine and of fsecal matter without preventing fermentation. Since then I have added iodoform to charcoal, which neutral- izes putrid ferments, according to the formula : Charcoal, 100 grammes ; iodoform, 1 gramme. Following Rossbach, I experimented with naphthalin to solve the question of the seat of the infectious agent in cholera; then in typhoid fever, gastric fullness, putrid diarrhoeas ; finally, in the healthy individual, without injury to the latter. I give the formula : Five grammes of naphthalin, mixed with an equal quantity of sugar, made aromatic with 1 or 2 drops of bergamot, divided into twenty powders, one of which is to be taken every hour. Fsecal matter at length loses its odor, unless it is simply masked by that of naphthalin. But a second and greater advantage is, that fsecal matter loses, to a great extent, its tox- icity, the putrefactions within the intestinal tube being com- pletely suppressed. In the case of a man the subject of gastric trouble, 35 to 40 cubic centimetres of urine induced death for every kilogramme of animal. After disinfection of the faeces by naphthalin, 90 to 100 cubic centimetres of urine were harmless. This harmless- ness of the urine lasted as long as the antisepsis of the digestive canal. Antisepsis suppressed, the urine became toxic again. With charcoal I was less enlightened upon the cause of the inoffeusiveness of the urine, since it fixed the coloring matter of the biliary secretion. By means of naphthalin I only sup- press fermentation. We would also require to suppress the bile ; but as, in the case of people in whom bile ceases to flow into the intestine, it passes into the blood, the problem cannot be solved. We would require to have an individual the subject of biliary fistula, and suppress in him alimentation. All causes of toxicity removed, whatever will remain of a toxic character in the organism would be attributable to the poisons of disassimi- lation. Here is research for the future. INTESTINAL ANTISEPSIS. 101 To sum up : I have succeeded in demonstrating that not only are there poisons in the intestine, but that the}' are a con- stant menace of intoxication to the organism. After having explained the sources of toxic substances, I have shown their passage through the organism, their elimination by the urine, and the sewage-wave ladened with toxicity coming from other sources. If urine is not formed, there may result from this fact intoxication, which will often be of intestinal origin. That is why, in place of uraemia, I have proposed to call it stercoraemia or coprsemia. If I have written at such length upon plrysiological data, it is because they were indispensable before undertaking the analysis of pathological facts. LECTURE XL PATHOGENESIS OF URJEMIA DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE SYMPTOMS OF THE PRE-UR.&MIC PERIOD OF NEPHRITIS AND THE SYMPTOMS OF INTOXICATION. The knowledge of the action of the toxic substances contained in the urine does not explain all the symptoms of nephritis. It only explains those of the period of intoxication, when the organism produces more poison in twenty- four hours than the kidneys can eliminate in the same time. A normal kidney can eliminate more toxic material than it does in an ordinary way. Examination of the various accidents which we observe in diseases of the kidney before the uraemic period, albuminuria, cachexia from hypo-albu- minosis. Dropsy. Vascular and cardiac troubles; their effect upon the digestive canal and the nutrition of the skin. Haemorrhages. Eye troubles. Spurious serous phlegmasias. All accidents precipitated may come on when the urine is still normal as regards quantity and density. When the renal impermeability has become excessive, the period of intoxication is announced by one or several of the seven poisons which normal urine contains, variously associated. There would, therefore, be not one, but several uraemias. Clin- ical investigation has, for some time past, established various symptomatic forms, and the five theories actually in existence, which are proposed in order to explain the pathogenesis of uraemia, contain, all of them, an element of truth. WE know the various groups of toxic substances which, in the normal state, enter into the blood and are eliminated by the kidney. By lesions of the kidney allowing of the accumulation of toxic products in the organism, it is apparent that we can now clearly interpret the accidents which are produced in people who are the subjects of disease of the kidney. We must not delude ourselves, however; the pli3 T siological knowledge which we have acquired only throws light upon some of the accidents which complicate diseases of the kidnej^. Amongst the symptoms of nephritis, many do not belong to the domain of intoxication. Besides, every disturbance of the renal function is not capable of determining a sufficient accumu- lation of toxic substances in the econonry, and for sj'inptoms to show it. In order that intoxication may be invoked, it is not sufficient that the kidney should be diseased. It is necessary that its permeability should be diminished to a degree such that (102) PATHOGENESIS OP UREMIA. 103 it can no longer eliminate, in twenty-four hours, the quantity of poison which the organism forms in twenty-four hours. Now, it is certain that the kidney can, in the normal state, eliminate infinitely more toxic material than it generally does. Let us consider what a normal kidney can do. Instead of the 1200 to 1500 grammes of urine which it secretes ordinarily in twenty- four hours, a normal kidney can secrete as much as 25 litres of urine, and more. Instead of 20 to 30 grammes, it can eliminate 120 grammes of urea, and more, as in a large number of cases of diabetes insipidus. Instead of 55 centigrammes of uric acid, which the kidney eliminates in the normal state, it can, in cirrhosis and in leukaemia, eliminate 8 grammes of it, and more, in twenty-four hours. It can, in addition, eliminate other ab- normal substances, up to 140 grammes of sugar per litre. Add to this the fat existing in the form of granules, and not dis- solved (chyluria). The kidney also eliminates substances which it ought to retain, peptones and albumen. It requires the kidney to be considerably diseased, for, owing to its permeability, it is sufficient alone to eliminate the poison formed by the organism, in proportion to its production. Below this rate commences intoxication ; but before this arises we see abnormal phenomena appear, and, first of all, albuminuria. Albuminuria is the accident of bad repute in diseases of the kidney, that to which we attach extreme importance, behind which we find O3dema and all the rapidly developed or slowly evolved accidents of Bright's disease, and which we regard as causing exhaustion. Yet it is often a few centigrammes at the most, a few grammes of albumen which the patient eliminates each da}'. Such a slight spoliation is not capable of causing de- terioration of the system. A woman who is nursing loses, with- out any injury, 40 to 50 grammes of albumen or other proteid matter by the lacteal secretion, and yet the system is not weak- ened thereby. Her safeguard is the integrity of her appetite and digestion. She loses albuminoid matter under one form and recuperates it under another. But, in the same way as in the nurse, insufficient alimentation and vomiting may diminish the proteids ; and if the renal disease is accompanied by fever or other phenomena which prevent nutrition and reparation, intense 104 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. albimiinuria becomes a cause of exhaustion, like abundant leucor- rhoea, dysentery, suppurations, and frequently-tapped ascites. An elimination of albumen in considerable quantity may cause impoverishment of the blood. There are large albuminurias, from 8 to 12 grammes in twenty-four hours. This last limit is seldom exceeded ; we mention as very rare that of 16 grammes. I have seen a patient lose 19 grammes daily of albumen, reck- oned as dry albumen ; it was in a case of amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, liver, spleen, and stomach. In these cases we understand that a rapid cachexia is produced, by hypo-albumosis, when the nephritis is accompanied by functional alterations or lesions of the digestive canal. There are patients in whom the density of the serum falls from 1030 to 1013, consequent upon the absolute want in the blood-plasma of proteid matter, and of a relative hydrsemia. There is produced a correlative increase of water, relative hydrsemia, and, besides, often enough, an absolute hydrsemia, because there has been retention of water. The extreme cases belong chiefly to amyloid nephritis, be- cause in such the liver, spleen, stomach, and intestine are dis- eased. All the organs whose function it is to transform the peptones of digestion into serum-albumen have undergone de- terioration at the same time as the kidney. When such a large number of organs is diseased we can scarcely regard all the accidents which happen as due to renal impermea- bility. We cannot say that there is uraemia, nor even kidney disease ; there is a general disease of the organs concerned in assimilation. Hydrsemia is not always caused by the retention of water ; it may be produced by diminution in the amount of solid matter. On the other hand, hydrsemia may be prevented by attacks of vomiting, diarrhoea, anasarca, in spite of oliguria; then comes thirst, a frequent accident, which introduces as much water as the accessory emunctories can remove. There is then a collection of conditions extremely complex, and all foreign to intoxication ; therefore we do not pretend to explain by intoxication most of the accidents of nephritis. As a consequence of hypo-albumosis there appear oedemas, PATHOGENESIS OP UREMIA. 105 anasarca, and serous accumulations in the large cavities. Accord- ing to Bartels, the hypothesis of Bright, which regards hydrse- mia as favorable to the diffusion of serum, would not be suffi- cient. Bartels believes that there is a hydrsemic plethora. He calls to his aid the oliguria which generally accompanies oedema. And yet in absolute anuria, such as is produced in the obstruc- tion of the two ureters by calculi, anasarca is exceptional. I do not know how oedema is produced in albnminuria, but the hypothesis of Bartels seems to me to be inadmissible. In a goodly number of cases we must take into consideration both vascular and cardiac disturbance, but in interstitial nephri- tis, in which cardiac lesion is the rule, we find little oedema, and in amyloid degeneration, where the heart is normal, dropsy is extreme. Yet some have thought that the hypertrophy of the heart was compensatory to the renal impermeability ; at any rate, it may be said that the heart is a dangerous auxiliary, for grave accidents may result from this so-called providential lrypertroph} r . We see in certain cases lesions of the kidney, heart, and vessels develop simultaneously ; all the vascular system is seized, from the central organ of the circulation up to the finest extrem- ities; and if the kidney can suffer from such a delicate symptom as albuminuria, we have no right to disregard, on that account, the sufferings of other organs. We know bow modifications of the cardio-vascular S3 r stem bring about secretoiy disturbance in the digestive canal, a dryness and a condition of prurigo of the skin, which may be the consequence of a nutritive affection of the terminations of the nerves in the skin. As the result of vascular lesions we also observe hemorrhages, epistaxis, htem- atemesis, entorrhagias, cerebral haemorrhage, and purpura. All this is not allied to uraemia ; it is all beyond intoxica- tion, and shows itself when the urine has still a normal density or is raised, and when its quantity is increased, normal, or slightly diminished. All the foregoing accidents being eliminated, we ask what remains to cause intoxication? It will be quite legitimate to attribute to it one part only of the phenomena which might supervene when the impermeability of the kidney is such that 106 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. it can no longer eliminate the toxic substances produced by the organism in proportion to their formation. Testing the urinary toxicity would -give us sufficient infor- mation on this point, but it is a method little practiced, and at the bedside we are in the habit of making estimations upon the total quantity of urine eliminated in twenty-four hours and upon its specific gravity. If the quantity and density remain normal we have the right to say, from these facts, that the kidneys func- tionate normallj 7 . If both are diminished, there is a danger of intoxication. We must not, in this estimation, take for our type the quan- tity of urine secreted by a health)' man ; a sick man ingests and destroys little. The numbers e.g., of 1350 cubic centi- metres as the quantity and 1019 as the density are too high for a patient ; they are only normal in a man who is walking about and eating well. Lastly, the quantity and the density may balance each other in a certain measure. However it may be, all the accidents of nephritis of which we have hitherto spoken are produced during a period in which the urine is still normal in quantity and density. Retinitis, amau- rosis, inflammation of serous membranes, and phlegmons appear at a period already advanced. And yet there is nothing to show that the retinites are uraemic accidents of the same nature as the respiratory disturbances, or coma and convulsions. I admit that, in individuals who retain their toxic products, all the cells of the organism have a weakened vitality, only bordering upon inflammation which has not resolved. But these incomplete phlegmasias, cadema of glottis, hnemorrhagic and purulent peri- carditis, are, at any rate, only accidents further removed and indirectly due to intoxication. They denote simply a cachectic state, of which poverty of blood and insufficient alimentation are the principal factors. Yet, after having eliminated from the category of uraemia all these symptoms, all the accidents that we have just reviewed, we come to others which, in the advanced periods of chronic nephritis or in the course of acute nephritis, directly flow from renal imperfection which has become excessive. Beyond that we enter into the domain of intoxication. PATHOGENESIS OF URJEMIA. 107 We find ourselves in the presence of an intoxication which may be due to one of the seven poisons, which analysis of the products of toxicity has revealed to us, or to several amongst them, associated two by two, three by three, or to all the seven together ; finally, water (the elimination of which may be pre- vented) may play a part in the morbid accidents. It appears impossible that there should be one form of uraemia only. Already clinically there have been described for a long time different symptomatic forms. Perhaps there is a place in patho- genesis for the five following theories, which include (1) cere- bral oedema (Traube) ; (2) urea (Wilson) ; (3) ammonia (Frerich) ; (4) extractive matters (Schottin), and, notably, oxalic acid (Bence-Jones), urochrome (Thudicum), and (5) potass (Feltz and Hitter). LECTURE XII. PATHOGENESIS OP URAEMIA DISCUSSION OP THE EXCLUSIVE THEORIES. The uraemic period of nephritis is characterized by the appearance of chronic or paroxysmal nervous accidents, cephalalgia, dyspnoea of the Cheyne- Stokes type, convulsions, coma, associated or not with disturbances of calorification and with other symptoms of the pre-uraemic period; for example, cedemas. Clinical observation has established several modes of grouping of symptoms of the uraemic phase whilst seeking to relate them to certain anatomo-pathological forms. Every inventor of a pathogenic theory has appealed to bedside observation for a justification of his opinion. Traube incriminated, as the cause of uraemic accidents, the cerebral oedema which might result from hydraemic plethora. His opinion is awant- ing in anatomo-pathological proofs, and rests rather upon inadmissible physiological arguments. Wilson invoked excess of urea in the blood. Urea cannot explain accidents in the quantity in which it exists in the blood of uraemics. Injection of urea into the stomach, into the cellular tissue, into the veins after nephrectomy. I HAVE shown that many of the accidents called ursemic happen at a period of nephritis in which the retention of toxic products is inadmissible. As long as the urine is of sufficient quantity and has a density high enough, there is no intoxica- tion. The question of uraemia can only be argued from acci- dents happening at a time beyond that in which imperfection of the kidney has become excessive, such as when it eliminates no longer, in twent3 7 -four hours, the toxic products introduced into the organism or formed by it during this length of time. Then we may see a series of chronic or paroxysmal nervous accidents happen, characterized by pain in the head, dyspnoea of the Cheyne-Stokes type, vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions, and coma, at the same time as a certain number of accidents of the preparatory period persist. We still find cedemas, which increase or diminish ; alterations of temperature ; sometimes hypothermia, which may fail and give way to hyperthermia. The nervous accidents may be isolated or associated ; and already, from this point of view, as from that of the co-exist- ence of unusual symptoms, the presence or absence of low tem- perature, cases of uraemia, observed clinically, seem so different (108) DISCUSSION OF EXCLUSIVE THEORIES. 109 the one from the other that we must think of the existence of various and mixed pathogenic conditions. Very likely we have to do not with one intoxication only, but with numerous causes, which may be isolated or associated ; so that if one explanation holds for one case it does not necessarily hold for others, and a false theory in one case may not be so in others. If we wish to include the whole pathogenic study of uraemia, we must be persuaded that we cannot offer one explanation alone of all the nervous accidents which may appear in the course of disease of the kidne} r . Besides, clinical observation has endeavored to group a certain number of particular cases, according to their symptom- atic resemblances, by calling to its aid pathological anatomy. There exists a symptomatic form, characterized by early dropsy of the anterior surface, developed a long time ago or just a short time previously. We have seen oedema increasing, the urine becoming less abundant, its density increasing (a greater quantity of solid matter being found in each unit by weight), or remaining the same. The patient has neither diar- rhoea, vomiting, nor any other flux capable of carrying away water, and there is oliguria ; there is, therefore, retention of water in the organism. The other normal secretions continue ; the tongue is moist. We in vain seek for the presence of ammo- nia in the expired air. In these cases are found reunited all the conditions of hydraemia or of hydraemic plethora. The urine continuing to carry away the total quantity of solid matter which ought to be eliminated by the kidneys, it is impossible to ex- plain, by the theory of intoxication, the accidents which arise. There is, on the contrary, an undoubted accumulation of water in the organism. Thus, the idea has arisen that the accidents called uraemic are due to an accumulation of water. Traube has actually thought that the consequence of l^drae- mia was a tendency to the production of oedema, and, notably, to cerebral oedema. Coindet and Odier have seen there suf- ficient conditions to explain the development of a ventricular dropsy. According to their manner of viewing the subject, interstitial oedema or ventricular drops} 7 , by compressing the en- cephalon within and without, diminishes the space left free for the blood ; hence cerebral anaemia involving the production of 110 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. comatose conditions when the anaemia is especially marked at the level of the convolutions, or convulsions if it predominate in the mesencephalon. If we wished to furnish, like Traube, a general explanation of the facts reputed to be ursemic, his theory would be false ; and it is so in effect, as he has formulated it. Indeed, in the large majority of cases followed up by an autopsy cerebral oedema, ventricular dropsy, and cerebral anaemia are wanting. And not only has evaporation not demonstrated the existence of a larger proportion of water in the tissues of the brain than normally, but in place of anaemia it is easy to establish congestion pushed to the point of extreme fullness of blood-vessels and to ecchy- moses. These are the cases that disprove his theory. But, besides, this must hold good for all cases or its falsity is not demonstrated ; otherwise, it remains a pure hypothesis which does not rest upon any foundation of direct observation. It is untrue even as a theory, for a certain number of physiological arguments invoked by Traube are inadmissible. In a large number of cases we see ursemic accidents produced in patients who are eliminating water in excess ; their urine is more than the normal in quantity, and they have evacuations from the stomach and intestines. Hydraemia should have, as an effect, osdcma ; but it would be necessary to demonstrate experimentally this relationship, for neither experimental pathology nor clinical observation confirms it. Double calculous obstruction, suddenly developed, produces uraemic accidents, at the end of a recognized time, without inducing oedema. Thus is found broken one of the links in the chain of reasoning of Traube. Richardson has injected into the peritoneum of a dog a quantity of water equivalent to one-fifth of the weight of the animal. He has produced everj'thing but intoxication. He has caused death by septicaemia, rendering possible, thanks to the modifications which the injection had suddenly brought about in the tissues, the escape of some infectious agent from the digestive tube or from without, and which has become capable of producing septicaemia. DISCUSSION OF EXCLUSIVE THEORIES. Ill But, in what disease of the kidneys do we flnd in the body such an accumulation of water? Falck has injected the same quantity of water into the veins ; he has seen convulsive accidents and death ; but these, we might say, from the point of view of experimental pathology, are mon- strous operations which are not at all comparable to pathological facts. It is the exaggeration of a legitimate demonstration. We may inject water into the blood in considerable quantity. Death results from this injection when we have introduced into the blood 122 grammes of water per kilogramme of animal, in which case the density of the serum of the blood falls to 1007 ; but the density of the serum of the blood in those the subjects of uraemia falls seldom, if ever, below 1016. In the experiment of Richardson and Falck the blood is nothing more than a diluted blood. There come no longer into the capillaries any- thing but swollen globules, deprived of haemoglobin and inactive. How can we compare this excessive hy^lraemia with the moderate retention of water in the blood which may exist in pathological cases ? In absolute anuria uraemic accidents burst forth some- times before the fifty-sixth hour, when a man has not as yet accu- mulated more than 35 grammes of water per kilogramme of his weight. But we know that injections of water only begin to be injurious after 90 grammes per kilogramme. It has not only been shown that the viscera may be invaded by oedema. Bartels has proved, at any rate, that pulmonary oedema does not exist in those suffering from uraemia. Let us accept, however, if you please, cerebral oedema. I am ready for all. concessions. But then it will be no longer a question of intoxication. If this oedema has nothing to do with the retention of solid matter it enters into the category of the phenomena which we have previously eliminated from the list of uraemia ; they are part of the mechanical accidents of nephritis, and are improperly included amongst chemical accidents. But, are there any chemical and toxic accidents in Bright's disease? We can furnish proof j'es, direct proof of this. Uraemic patients are those whose urine has lost its toxicity. We have seen renal elimination diminish in quantity and the density of 112 . LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. urine fall, and we have been forced to believe that, the whole of the solid substances 110 longer being eliminated, the individual was going to become intoxicated. But on the day in which nervous accidents called ursemic appear the urine ceases to be toxic. The whole of the urine of twenty-four hours from a ursemic patient cannot kill a rabbit, nor does it exceed the toxicity of distilled water. And yet, whilst with 120 cubic centimetres of distilled water per kilogramme of animal, used as an intra-venous injection, you are in danger of inducing death, with this same dose of certain urines taken from ursemic subjects you will deter- mine no phenomenon, not even the pupillary contraction caused by normal urine. There yet remains to be known what is or what are the poisons which determine the toxic and chemical accidents of ursemia. Let us return for a moment to hypotheses. In the first line is placed the old hypothesis of Wilson, which has recently been revived, and according to which the accidents called ursemic would be caused by the accumulation of urea in the blood. It is no longer sufficient to say that the urine of those suffering from ursemia con- tains less urea. It has been shown that there was in the blood as much as thirty-two times more urea than in the normal state ; that in the muscles there was as much as 1.20 grammes instead of simply traces of it. I have met with it, amongst those suffer- ing from choleraic anuria, in the tissues where it is not formed normally. The theory, therefore, would be legitimate save for its demonstration. Gallois has injected into the stomach, Treitz into the veins, and Richardson into the cellular tissue, large doses of urea. Grehant and Quinquaud have likewise injected it into the cellu- lar tissue. These last observers have seen toxic accidents. Treitz, who had made injections into the veins, has not observed anything. Hammond practices nephrectomy and then makes an injection of urea, the animal dies. The experiment of Ham- mond is repeated by Frerichs, Oppler, and Petroff, and these conclude that after nephrectomy the animals, into which they injected urea, do not die more quickly. This contradiction was so singular that Feltz and Hitter have repeated the experiment. They have at length induced death as speedily in healthy DISCUSSION OF EXCLUSIVE THEORIES. 113 animals as in those upon whom they had performed nephrec- tomy. They employed urea which they had sent from Ger- many, so as to have it purer. The verification made, it con- tained sulphate and chloride of ammonia. Hitter began to prepare pure urea himself, and, setting out from the day in which he made injections with this urea, he no longer deter- mined accidents. Such is, perhaps, the explanation of the contradiction between various experimenters. As for myself, relying upon my own experiments, I say that urea, in the quantity in which we meet with it in the organism, in pathological states, cannot be invoked to explain the acci- dents called ursemic. In order to kill a man it would require the quantity of urea which he makes in sixteen days. But, in double calculous obstruction, suddenly developed, uraemic accidents appear sometimes at the end of the second day or at the commence- ment of the third at the time that man has not yet made the eighth part of that amount of urea which is necessary in order to cause death. But during that time, as we know, he has been able to accumulate sufficient of other toxic substances to bring about intoxication. Clinical observation is here, therefore, com- pletely in accordance with experimentation in denying to urea the power of producing the intoxication called uraemic. LECTURE XIII. PATHOGENESIS OF URAEMIA DISCUSSION OP THE EXCLUSIVE THEORIES. Theory of ammoncemia (Frerichs). Is the carbonate of ammonia resulting from the breaking up of urea in the blood the cause ? Is urea transformed into carbonate of ammonia in the digestive canal ? (Bernard and Grandeau, Treitz, Jaksch.) Objection to the theory of ammonsemia as the absolute explanation of ursemic accidents. Theory which incriminates extractive substances; that of Schottin, Scherer, Oppler, Chalvet. Creatincemia of Jaccoud. Examination of the possible action of each of the extractive sub- stances, uric acid, hippuric acid, creatin, creatinin, leucin, tyrosin, taurin, xanthin, hypoxanthin, guanin. Theory which invokes the coloring sub- stance, urochrome (Thudicum). Element of truth which it contains. THE clinical fact of which we are going to seek the explana- tion is this : The co-existence of nervous disturbances, called ursemic, with a diminution of the solid matter contained in the urine of twent} r -four hours, a diminution proved by the volu- metric examination of the whole of the urine of twenty-four hours and the examination of its densit3 r . I have shown that this diminution of solid matter of the urine had for its corollary the retention of toxic material, since I have proved the harmlessness of the urine passed by uraemic subjects. After this, whilst reviewing the various hypotheses which have been built upon the nature of the poison or poisons, the retention of which produces uraemic accidents, I have combated the theory which recognizes this poison in urea; not that I deny the toxicity of urea (I admit that of distilled water), but because I am certain that urea cannot be toxic in the dose in which it exists in the blood of unemic patients. Urea being thus dethroned, we can conceive how, incapable as it is of causing injury by itself, it may become harmful after having undergone transformation. Frerichs has advanced the theory that the carbonate of ammonia resulting from the disinte- gration of urea is the pathogenetic poison of uraemia ; such is the (114) UREMIA NOT DUE TO AMMONIA. 115 theory of ammonsemia. As was said when discussing oedema, some have twisted the clinical aspect, in order to give a symptom- atic entirety which would appear to be in accordance with theory. It has been said that a particular form of uraemia shows itself in those suffering from albnminuria without oedema, but having diarrhoea and vomiting and with dry tongue. Then supervene severe eclamptic accidents. The urine is scanty, and of little density. Some may have found ammonia in the blood, and the ammoniacal exhalation of the breath has been sometimes established. Here, then, is a theory which stands well simply as a theor}'. Yet let us see, for a little, some of the details. One thing alone is convincing in this picture, the diminution in the quantity and densit}' of the urine. But the retention of ammonia is insufficient to explain this diminution of the density. The presence of ammonia in the urine, although it is denied still by many authors, is really and simply a trace, especially at certain hours of the day. When I was physician at the Bicetre, eight years ago, I established the presence of ammonia in the urine after meals composed of roasted meat, that is, alimentary ammonia ; otherwise, these ammonurias consequent upon meals are feeble. The presence of ammonia in the expired air belongs to a large number of pathological and even normal cases ; it is suf- ficient that there may have been diyness of the throat and of the mouth, owing to diminution of the secretions. We have met with ammonia in the blood of some who were the subjects of uraemia, but normal^ we find traces of it in the blood ; there is constantly some of it in the blood of cadavera. There is nothing, therefore, to authorize the incrimination of the transformation of urea into carbonate of ammonia. Besides, if urea is transformed into carbonate of ammonia, it is not by the phenomenon of retention, it is by a fact of faulty nutrition. But if nothing authorize the admission of this transforma- tion as the cause of unemia, here is what authorizes its rejec- tion. When we inject urea into the blood, it is eliminated in its entirety in twenty-four hours, without the ammonia of the urine being increased (Feltz and Ritter). The amount of urea found in the urine exceeds but slightly that of the injected urea ; 116 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. besides, normal urea, owing to its diuretic action and by its bathing the tissues better, leads to the elimination of an excess of urea; but we do not find ammonia in the urine, or not more than in the normal state. Therefore, the theory of Frerichs is wrong. Bernard and Grandeau, Treitz, and Jaksch have thought that urea may be transformed into carbonate of ammonia, not in the blood, but in the digestive canal, after having passed through the intestinal wall. But the renal path is the natural channel of elimination, and so elective is it for urea that it is all but impossible that it should take any other. Urea is eliminated fifty times more quickly by the kidney than by any other emunctory. If 1 kilogramme of blood contains 16 centigrammes of urea, 1 kilogramme of urine contains 16 grammes. But it is the plasma of the blood which delivers the urea, and 1 kilogramme of plasma contains 32 centigrammes of urea, fifty times less than the urine contains. Urea, as I have said, passes through the kidney in the ratio of 52, while water is as 1. As regards the other organs of elimination, on the contrary, through the wall of the stomach, for example, the filtration of urea is just the same as for water. The liquid secretion contains urea and water in the same proportion as the plasma of blood. Blood cannot, therefore, carry to the stomach and intestine sufficient urea for its transformation to explain intoxication. In 1872 and 1873 I have shown this fact, apropos of hysterical vomiting, attributed wrongly to ischuria or anuria. As for invoking the disintegration of urea, in order to explain the presence of ammonia in the digestive canal, it is quite useless. There is enough of it normally, without the inter- vention of urea. Can we say that ammonia may not play some other part in uraeinic accidents ? I only say that ammonaemia is not an explanation applicable to the whole of the facts of uraemia, and that neither in the intestine nor in the blood can urea produce ammonia in sufficient quantity to bring about intoxication. Nevertheless, ammonaemia may be produced in cases of abso- lute retention by the kidney. Ammonia is toxic, in moderate doses, like potass ; it produces convulsions and a great fall of temperature. This symptom, which ammoniacal intoxication UR2EMIA AND THE PRESENCE OF EXTRACTIVES. 117 produces in the highest degree, is only an accident contingent to certain uraemias. It may be, therefore, that ammonia belongs to the number of toxic substances the accumulation of which in the economy causes accidents, but it is not demonstrated that the uraemic accident can be explained by the presence of am- monia in the blood. We reject ammonaemia as the absolute explanation, whilst admitting that it may be the key to certain peculiarities, to some of the special symptoms of uraemia, and that it may particularly arise in cases where intestinal fermenta- tion is increased. Hypothermia is produced by normal urine, but this, once it is filtered through charcoal, loses this property. Urinary ammonia passes through the filter whilst the substance which determines hypothermia is fixed on the charcoal. The hypothermia of certain uraemias is not, therefore, capable of being attributed to ammonia. There exists in urine a group of bodies which are not all named, and which are confounded under the title of extractive substances. By degrees we recognize the chemical characters of some of them, so much so that the unknown part of the extract becomes gradually less and less. For a long time, now, have these extractive substances been incriminated by Scherer, Schottin, Oppler, Perls, and Chalvet. In this way has the theory of poisoning by extractive substances originated which Jaccoud has formulated, under the name of creatinaemia, with- out accusing more particularly creatin, except in symbolizing, under this category, the toxic action of all the group. Clinical observation, which has pretended to give support to the different theories, brings to this its array of -observations; but, if we examine the facts cited as bearing upon poisoning by extractive substances, for example, those of Chalvet, who has demonstrated in these cases the increase of extractive matters in the blood, we do not see such or such a clinical symptom predominate. It is the picture of uraemia complete in all its forms, with the exception of this form of supposed uraemia in which the urine contains in twenty-four hours a quantity of solids equal or superior to the normal. In the cases in which Chalvet and those who share his opinion have spoken, we see the amount of the extractives, of 118 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. urea, and coloring matter diminish in the urine ; in the blood extractives increase whilst the toxicity of the urine diminishes, as I have shown. That is true uraemia. .Well, let us see what may be, from the point of view of the production of toxic accidents, the action of each of the organic substances taken from this group of extractives : Uric acid is not toxic in the dose of 0.64 gramme per kilo- gramme of the animal. Hippuric acid, according to Challon, Feltz, and Hitter, can only become toxic in the quantities formed by the animal in ten to twelve days. I have injected into the veins of the rabbit hippuric acid, dissolved in water by the help of a little soda, in the dose of 4.59 grammes per kilogramme of animal, without inducing the slightest toxic phenomena. This inoffensive amount represents nearly the whole quantity which the animal would have required one hundred days to make. Creatin undoubtedly increases in the blood of individuals who succumb to uraemia (Scherer, Schottin, Hoppe, Oppler). Is the toxicity due to it? Challan finds it toxic, Testut not toxic. Feltz and Ritter have not been able to kill an animal by injecting into it all at once the quantity of creatin which it excretes in seventeen days. Creatin may, therefore, be incriminated still less than urea ; for, if urea can kill when it is injected abruptly into the veins of an animal in the quantity which it would have formed in sixteen days, we do not determine in it, according to my experience, any appreciable toxic accident, by injecting into it the quantity of creatin which it would have formed in seventy-two days. Crea- tinin, which exists in the blood in such small quantity that it appears doubtful to many physiologists, is formed in the kidney by transformation of creatin. Could it be taken up again by the blood, in case of obstruction to the renal excretion ? Feltz and Ritter have proved that the creatinin excreted in six days does not kill, but that death may be caused by the quantity which is excreted in thirteen days. It can, therefore, induce intoxication, if it exist in the blood in sufficient quantity. But it is an energetic base, capable of producing accidents by virtue of its excess of alkalinity. It can only be employed in the form of salts. The chloride of creatinin is hardly injurious ; the quantity of creatinin excreted during ten days, and injected, UREMIA AND THE TOXICITY OP COLORING SUBSTANCES. 119 in the form of crcatinin chloride, by .111 intra-venous channel, does not hasten death by one minute, in the case of a dog, after nephrectoiny. Death has been induced on the third day, as ordinarily (Feltz and Hitter). Leucin: All that water can dissolve of it produces no acci- dent (Feltz and Hitter). The quantity of tyrosin excreted in three days by sick men is not followed by any toxic effect. Taurin, in the dose of 0.5 gramme per kilogramme of animal, is without effect. Xanthin, hypoxanthin, and guanin do not pro- duce any result either. The coloring substances have been incriminated ~by Thudi- cum, on account of the feeble coloration of the urine of those suffering from uraemia. We have seen already that normal urine loses the one-half of its toxicity by decoloration ; decolor- ized bile is also less toxic. The coloring matters are, therefore, suspected by me from their toxicity point of view ; but does not filtration by charcoal remove from the urine any other thing than the coloring substances ? I am not right in saying that the coloring substances are the true the principal cause of the toxicity of urine. Nevertheless, they belong to the group of those organic substances to which we ought to attribute nearly the one-half of this toxicity. I have tried to estimate the degree of toxicity of one of the coloring substances of the urine, viz., nrobiliu. Thrice I have made, in the case of a rabbit, an intra-venous injection of this substance ; thrice the experiment has failed, from want of sufficient quantity of ma- terial. I can only say that, if bilirubin kills, after a dose of 5 centigrammes per kilogramme, urobilin, in a dose of 15 centi- grammes, does not kill at all. LECTURE XIV. PATHOGENESIS OP URAEMIA THE PART PLAYED BY ORGANIC SUBSTANCES AND MINERAL MATTERS IN UR^EMIC INTOXICATION. Urea represents one-seventh or one-eighth of the total toxicity of urine ; ammo- nia contributes to it a part scarcely appreciable. We can accord to the coloring substances, and others fixeil by charcoal, two-fifths of the toxicity ; but the sum of all the organic matter represents only two-thirds of the total toxicity. The .difference is, therefore, made up by the mineral matters. Exaggerated statements of Feltz and Ritter, who consider them the sole cause of uraemia. -Analysis of the action of various mineral matters. Earthy salts ; alkaline salts. Small importance of the salts of soda. Im- portance of the salts of potass (chloride of potassium ; phosphate, sul- phate, and phenylsulphate of potass). Physiological antagonism between narcotizing substances and those of an organic and mineral nature, which cause convulsions. The predominance of coma or convulsions in uraemia depends upon the retention of convulsion-causing or narcotizing substances. Uraemia is a mixed form of poisoning, and due to many causes. IN recapitulating the bodies in which we recognize a certain toxic power, we find urea, which would represent one-seventh or one-eighth of the total toxicity of urine; ammonia, which is toxic, but in a fraction which escapes us ; those substances which behave in the manner of coloring matters, being, like them, fixed by charcoal, and to which we ascribe two-fifths of the toxicity. Each one of these bodies induces intoxication, and may play its own part ; but the sum of all these organic substances only rep- resents two-thirds of the whole toxicity of the urine. What is, then, the difference necessary to complete this totality ? There remains to us the mineral substances which, according to Feltz and Ritter, would be the exclusive cause of the toxicity. There is evidently fallacy in the statement of these authors, who have made such remarkable researches. They refuse to take any notice of partial or fragmentary intoxications ; they do not wish to admit as a toxic agent anything but one substance alone. This is the vulnerable point of their work. These experimenters, who deny that all the toxic action is due to the organic substances, have yet recognized their toxicity ; but they do not take any account of these organic substances, because (120) UREMIA AND MINERAL SUBSTANCES. 121 l>y them alone they have not been able to produce death, not having carried the injection sufficiently far, and in strong-enough doses. In the case of an animal dying within three days after nephrectomy, they have said that the cause of death could only be the substance which kills in a quantity equal to that which is normally excreted in three days. Now, since by the extract of the organic substances of the urine of three days the} r have not been able to produce death, they deny to the organic substances every toxic action, without wishing to admit that their partial toxicity could be regarded as an explanation of the complete toxicity. Let us see, however, with MM. Feltz and Hitter, what the mineral substances can do ? These are vei\y numerous, but a large number of them can be left out of consideration, on account of their insignificant weight. A man of 75 kilogrammes eliminates in twenty-four hours 1350 grammes of urine, the densit}' of which is 1019. This urine contains 59 grammes of solid matter, which is decomposed into 43 grammes of organic matter and 16 grammes of mineral. These last are composed of 2 grammes of earthy salts (salts of lime and magnesia), 4 grammes of salts of potass, and 10 grammes of salts of soda, including in these weights the acids of the bases. If we state these as being the figures for the composition of a litre of urine, we have : finlkl mittpr 44 PTimTnps S Organic, 32 grammes. ( Earthy salts, 1.50 grammes, lid matter, grammes, j Mineral) 12 grailimes . ) Salts of potass, 3.00 grammes. ( Salts of soda, 7.50 grammes. The whole of the earthy salts do not come out well in experi- ment, on account of the difficulty which there is in maintaining them dissolved in the blood-plasma by intra-venous injection. I cannot, therefore, say anything about them. Besides, they are in small quantity in the mineral mass. The alkaline salts, on the contrary, are verj' soluble. They are of large quantity, and deserve our attention. The salts of soda seem the more important on account of their weight. In reality they have only a feeble toxicit}-. Chlo- ride of sodium kills 1 kilogramme of animal, in the dose of 5.17 grammes; but chloride of sodium is the most toxic of the salts of soda of the urine. The soda of the urine of twent3'-fotir hours would kill, at the outside, 2 kilogrammes, whilst this quantity of urine kills 30. 122 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. It is otherwise with the salts of potass. They are occa- sionally present in large quantity, 3 milligrammes per cubic centimetre of urine. Forty to sixty cubic centimetres of urine being toxic (the mean 45), the quantity of urine which kills one kilogramme of animal would contain nearly 13 or 14 centi- grammes of salts of potass. This would be nearly a suffi- cient quantity if all the salts of potass were represented by chloride of potassium ; but there are the phosphate, sulphate, and phenylsulphate of potass, which do not have the same toxicit}^. The chloride of potassium is the most toxic ; it kills in the proportion of 18 centigrammes per kilogramme of animal. But the phosphate of potass only determines toxic accidents after a dose of 26 centigrammes. With the phenylsulphate we have seen toxic accidents, but not death. These differences of toxicity explain to us that the mixture of the salts of potass gives a less toxicity than the chloride of potassium. Like Feltz and Hitter, I have destroyed the organic matter of urine and dissolved the mineral substances, and I have noticed that frequently, contrary to their statements, the salts of potass contained in 50 cubic centimetres of urine do not induce any accident, but that accidents arise if -we take the salts of potass contained in a double quantity of urine. In order to kill, there is required sometimes a qantity of potass double that which the usual quantity of urine causing death contains. Besides, this quantity of potass kills in quite another way, with convulsions ; whilst normal urine, taken during the height of the day, does not induce convulsions. In death by potass the heart is arrested ; it continues to beat, however, when it is urine which has caused the poisoning. A normal, decolorized urine which still contains nearly all its potass does not kill, even when we increase the dose by one-half, and then it kills without convulsions ; in spite of the larger dose, the action of potass remains obscured. We have already spoken of these toxic associations which exist in urine. The convulsive substance insoluble in alcohol, when added to that which is soluble in alcohol, does not give rise to convulsions. It is the result of a physiological antago- nism. A substance which determines convulsions is neutralized by another organic substance which produces narcosis, and this INFLUENCE OF POTASS. 123 association of the two hinders the appearance of convulsions. There is an antagonism between the narcotic substances soluble in alcohol and the convulsive substances which are insoluble; a possible antagonism, too, between the first and potass. The equilibrium resulting from the antagonism between these various substances may be broken by increasing either the potass or the convulsive organic substance. There are pathological urines which, though decolorized, retain their convulsive power; this is perhaps due to the potass. Convulsive urines are especially febrile urines, since there is suppression of alimentation and an increase of cellular destruction. The diminution of alimentation does not introduce more potass into the economy ; it diminishes the totality of the min- eral salts. But the increase of disassimilation augments certain nitrogenous substances, and particularly potass, by destroying the mineral frame-work of the cells. Also, whereas potass only represents one-fourth of the whole mass of the mineral sub- stances, we find potass present in quantity at least equal to the soda. If urine become scant} 7 , if, instead of 1000 grammes, the secretion falls to 500, admitting the specific gravity to be equal or higher even than the normal, the quantity of mineral matter which it carries away may be equal to the normal, per litre, but not for the twenty-four hours ; the emunction falls to one-half or two-thirds of that which it ought to be ; there is produced in the organism an accumulation of mineral substances, particularly potass. This may then become a cause of intoxica- tion ; for the substances which are antagonistic to it in the nor- mal state no longer suffice to neutralize its convulsive action. We know that, amongst ursemic phenomena, there may be, in certain conditions, a predominance of the action of potass, which may represent two-thirds of the toxicitj 7 , instead of one-third. The study of the accidents which arise from intoxication by potass leads up to the denial to it of the role of its being the sole cause of uraemia. There are summed up in this word convul- sions and death in opisthotonos ; but we observe neither con- traction of the pupil, diuresis, low temperature due to dimin- ished calorification, nor salivation. All the salts of potass kill with stoppage of the heart, which urine does not. 124 LECTURES ON AUTOINTOXICATION. Thus I admit that potass is toxic, but not that urines are rendered toxic by it alone. If we seek in clinical facts some reasons for or against the exclusive pathogenic role of potass, we find in uraemia reasons to reject the affirmation. First, we must show that in those suffering from uraemia there is an accu- mulation of potass ; but observers who have believed that they have found this in excess have estimated their dosage upon the total quantity of blood. Now, what is toxic in the blood can only be what is in solution in the plasma; what is held as a constituent part of the living cell by force of tension cannot take any part in toxic actions. There is in serum only traces of potass. In the researches, otherwise insignificant and con- tradictory, which have been made upon the variations of potass, we have taken notice of the serum and of the globules, which are so richly provided with it and so strong in their affinity for it. Suppose even that there is an accumulation of potass in the blood-plasma ; it would not explain the unemia, in which there are only convulsions ; it would not explain the subjective symp- toms which precede those or accompany them, narcosis ; ursemic coma; pupillary contraction, which is a prominent phenomenon in uraemia (a circumstance impressed upon me during the course of the last cholera epidemic). All these symptoms intoxication by the whole of the substances of the urine explains, but not by potass. We can appreciate the relative toxicitj" of the prin- cipal mineral substances of the urine from the following table, which I have taken from experiments made in common with M. Tapret : NAME OF SUBSTANCE. Index of Solution. Quantity of Substance Necessary to Kill One Kilogramme of Animal. Chloride of potassium, Sulphate of potass, . . . . Phosphate of potass, ... . . 0.263 gramme Chloride of sodium ttV Sulphate of soda, Phosphate of soda, ? 9.00 grammes. Chloride of magnesium, .... ? Sulphate of magnesia Chloride of calcium, . , gramme. ' ORGANIC SUBSTANCES AND MINERAL MATTERS. 125 If we apply these facts to the results of the analyses of urine of man, we arrive, by means of calculations, of which I shall spare you the details, at the following results : One kilogramme of man eliminating in twenty-four hours a quantity of urine capable of killing 461 grammes of animal, the proportional part of the mineral matter in this toxicity may be indicated as follows : potass kills 217 grammes ; soda, 30 grammes ; calcium, 10 grammes ; magnesia, 7 grammes. The whole of the mineral matter kills 264 grammes. On the other side, urea kills 63 grammes. There remains to be destroyed 134 grammes. We know from other experiments that normal urine leaves behind in charcoal one-third of its toxicity ; that charcoal, consequently, retains matter which must be capable of killing 154 grammes. Amongst these substances fixed in charcoal there is one-sixteenth of the total potass ; this fraction of potass would kill 14 grammes. The organic substances capable of being fixed by charcoal would therefore be capable of killing 140 grammes. This figure passes by 6 be3'ond the 134 grammes which remain to produce intoxication. That is due to errors inherent in all these estimates; the cause of it maybe in the charcoal being able to fix a part of the urea or some mineral matter other than potass ; it may finally be explained by the urine containing poisona which are antagonistic, a fact which we have placed beyond doubt. We may say that 1 kilogramme of man eliminates in twenty- four hours organic matter, capable of being fixed by charcoal, which is able to destroy at least 134 grammes of animal. These substances (coloring, extractives, or alkaloids) represent 30 per cent, of the total toxicity. It is to these substances, still undetermined, that hereafter the effort of chemistry should be directed. We know of them only what physiology has taught us, the one contracts the pupil, another is convulsive, and the third lowers the temperature. Chemistry will also have to iso- late, in the alcoholic extract, the narcotic substance and the sali- vating, which is perhaps toxic. I have thought that the alkaloids will only explain a very small portion of these 30 per cent, of the toxicity attributable to undetermined bodies. In any case, we have come to this conclusion : It is that the 126 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. whole of the mineral substances reckon, at the most, as 57 per cent, of the urinary toxicity, and that potass explains, at the most, 47 per cent, of this toxicity. Thus, uraemia comprises vari- ous and multiple intoxications, to which are attributable various symptoms. It is a mixed poisoning, not by urine (as one calls it by misapplication of words), but by what should have become urine ; for the accidents from the retention of urinary substances are not those from the re-absorption of urine. The sources of uraemia are: disassimilation, a certain number of secretions, alimentation, especially the alimentary mineral substances, and, lastly, intestinal putrefactions. The knowledge of these origins of uraemia furnishes, as we shall see, valuable indications from the point of view of treatment. LECTURE XV. THE THERAPEUTIC PATHOGENESIS OP URAEMIA. Resumt of the pathogenesis of uraemia considered as a complex intoxication and due to poisons resulting from disassimilation, furnished by alimentation, the biliary secretions, and intestinal putrefactions. The renal emunction, having become insufficient, may be supplemented by other apparatus, the skin and lung ? Baths of hot and dry air ; vapor baths. Sudorific medica- ments. These methods have the fault of diminishing the renal secretion. Means destined to arouse the renal function, either by reducing congestion of the kidneys (revulsives, cupping, sinapisms) or by accelerating ,reflexly the renal circulation (utility of dry cutaneous friction). Action of medicaments called diuretics (caffeine, digitalis). Indications, counter-indications, and management of digitalis in nephritis. Cold injections as a diuretic ; cool drinks. Urea as a diuretic medicine. Can we supplement the kidney by utilizing, as an emunctory, the mucous membranes of the digestive canal ? Vomitings : their inconveniences. Purgatives : the dehydration of the tissues which they produce may become dangerous. Of bleeding : it removes from the blood one-sixteenth of the extractive material which the urine ought to throw out. A bleeding of 32 grammes removes as much poison as 280 grammes of diarrhoeic liquid, and as 100 litres of perspiration. Utility of bleeding supported by clinical experience. Its formal indication in acute curable nephritis. Its employment owing to its being the best and a rapid expedient in the terminal uraemia of chronic nephritis. Antidotes to uraemic poisons. Inhalations of chloroform. Action of chloral. Bromide of sodium. Traditional and pathogenic therapeutics. Milk regimen to diminish biliary secretion and to prevent putrescible intestinal residues. Charcoal as the means for fixing the coloring matter of the bile. Interdic- tion of roast meat, aliments rich in extractive and mineral matter, soup. Diet composed of milk, white of egg, cheese, boiled meat. Disinfection and intestinal antisepsis with iodoformized charcoal and naphthalin. Agree- ment between the means which experiment has ratified and those which are the outcome of a study of pathogenesis. I REGARD unemia, then, as a complex poison, to which, in unequal proportions, all the poisons introduced normally into the organism or found therein physiologically contribute, when the quantity of poison formed or introduced in twenty-four hours can no longer be eliminated in the same time by the kidneys, which have become scarcely sufficiently permeable. This view, the legitimacy of which, I think, I have experimentally demon- strated to you, differs, to a certainty, from the old doctrines and (12T) 128 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. even from those which still prevail to-day, since each one of them endeavors to attribute to the action of one substance alone all the accidents called uraemic. Between the best of these opinions that which, self-recommended by the name of Schottin, incriminates the whole group of extractive substances, an opinion which M. Jaccoud designates under the theory of creatinsemia and that which I have proposed there is still this difference, viz, that Schottin and the partisans of his theory have only regarded as toxic agents the substances which originate from disassimila- tioii ; but to me this is only one of the sources of the produc- tion of the toxic bodies, and it is necessary to add to them the poisons furnished by the biliary secretion, alimentation, and intestinal putrefactions. The pathogenetic theory which I admit is, then, more com- prehensive than its predecessors. Uraemia is to me, I repeat, intoxication by all the poisons which, normally introduced into or found in the organism, ought to have been eliminated by the renal path, and are prevented from being so owing to the im- permeability of the kidneys. Such a conception has led to therapeutic views which appear to me not to be deprived of interest. But before approaching them I ought to treat the question of the possible supplanting of the kidney by other eliminating organs. We have really,, for a long time, thought, in cases where the renal apparatus fails, to accomplish its depurative acts, of causing it to be sup- planted by other organs, such as the skin and lungs. Thus we have given to those suffering from uraemia baths of hot and dry air; we have proposed by this means to introduce, at each inspiration, a certain quantity of dry air, which, expelled during expiration ladened with moisture, removes in this way water from the organism. We have also tried to induce depri- vation of water from the economy by increasing the perspira- tion, either by administering vapor baths or by the employment of sudorific medicines, such as jaborandi. In all these cases we certainly remove something from the blood, but not, unfor- tunately, that which is toxic. We, perhaps, remove from the economy certain toxic substances which ought normally to depart by the skin, but not those which the kidney is charged THE THERAPEUTIC PATHOGENESIS OF UREMIA. 129 with the duty of eliminating. What we specially remove from the organism by this means is water. The inevitable result is diminution of the quantity of urine ; and it is difficult for me to admit that this diminution of urine is a useful result in the case of patients whose urine is already diminished, both as regards quantity and specific gravity. The question might be more logical!}' raised when it is pro- posed to increase the secretion of urine by various means. Some- times we have attempted to diminish the congestive state of the kidney, either in acute diseases or in cases of congestive exacer- bations arising in the course of chronic affections of this organ, b} T means of revulsives (wet or dry cupping, leeches, sinapisms). Sometimes we are obliged to stimulate the nervous sj-stem by irritating its cutaneous branches by friction, in order to obtain, in a reflex manner, a quickening of the renal circulation and, consequently, an increased secretory activity of the kidney. I am convinced that, in manj' cases, cutaneous friction increases urinary secretion. We have demanded the same result for cer- tain medicines, caffeine and digitalis especially, means differing from the preceding, since they are applied to the central nervous system. Apropos of digitalis, I cannot refuse to tell }-ou that this medicine ought not to be indifferently emplo3 r ed at all pe- riods in diseases of the kidney. When the function of the kid- ney is impeded it is prudent to use only with extreme caution certain medicines. When the impermeability of the kidney has become such that it ceases to have the power of eliminating toxic substances formed by the organism, there is then retained the medicinal substances ; the kidney is as impermeable for therapeutic poisons as for natural poisons, and the emplo3'ment of toxic medicines, in similar cases, has no other effect than to bring about an association of medicinal intoxication with a ursemic. Digitalis succeeds, however, in certain cases of Bright's dis- ease, in increasing the quantity of urine, but it is chiefly so when there are cardiac disorders associated with disease of the kidney, and when this organ has not become very impermeable; at a period more advanced we ought to dread the action of digitalis. I do not say that it is absolutely necessary to renounce it, but 130 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. it is necessary to watch the administration of it very carefully. Prudence, moreover, does not consist in using small doses only ; we must employ, on the contrary, sufficiently large doses, doses which run the risk of being toxic, without which we would not obtain any result ; but these doses ought to be sufficiently small so that we may have time to immediately suppress the adminis- tration of the drug if there appear signs of intolerance, nausea, or vomiting. It goes without saying that digitalis is inapplicable in that form of uraemia which is characterized clinically by gastro-intestinal accidents. There are yet other means of increasing the quantity of urine. We may propose the displacement of a part of the mass of blood, which is in relative stagnation in certain parts of the vascular system, and to throw it into the main circulation, in order to increase the pressure within the vessels of the kidney. Between the arterial capillaries of the abdomen and the liver is found quite a considerable mass of blood accumulated in the portal system and in the hepatic and splenic parenchyma; we may throw that reserve, nearly stagnant, into motion in the general circulation ; we may empty, in a word, the portal system, in order to augment the general arterial tension and, in conse- quence, set the renal function agoing. This result may be ob- tained by the introduction of cold water into the abdomen, by the employment of cold injections. I have seen, in certain cases, a grave anuria disappear by the use of cold injections ; it is therefore a means we ought not to neglect. We may carry in cool drinks, which, besides the stimulation which they impress upon the contractility of the abdominal vessels, will induce ab- sorption of a certain quantity of water, in order still to increase diuresis. Amongst the liquids which it is usual to prescribe, milk is one of the most powerful medicaments which we can op- pose to uraemic accidents, and not only to albuminuria. Its advantages are numerous, as we shall see. We can also utilize as a medicament a body which has been considered, until to-day, a poison, and which is capable, more than any other, of encouraging the secretion of urine. I am now speaking of urea, to which we certainly cannot attribute the accidents of uraemia, and which, on its own side, even com- UREA AS A DIURETIC. 131 bats them by forcing the renal barrier. In animals, urea has been experimentally demonstrated to be a diuretic. In a healthy man, ingested by the gastric mucous membrane, it has not ap- peared to increase the quantit} r of urine. It would therefore remain to be determined whether, in a sick person, by subcu- taneous injections of urea, we could succeed in increasing the urinary secretion. I have undertaken in animals, and more lately in men, experiments bearing upon this point. In a patient with Bright's disease, the subject of a cardiac affection, I have once seen the subcutaneous injection of urea induce a diuresis of 7 litres in twentj'-four hours ; but I ought to say that in the renewed relapses of oliguria in this same patient the injection of urea has failed, as has also, at other times, the administration of digitalis, which some weeks previously had abundantly induced diuresis. I have established that the skin and the lung cannot vicari- ously aid the kidney which has become incapable of accomplish- ing its task of elimination. But, have other emunctories the power? Or, at least, can we not utilize as emunctories large mucous surfaces, such as that of the digestive canal, the stom- ach, and intestine? For a long time we have combated uraemia by inducing vomit- ing. We have sought to imitate what occurs in certain cases of uraemia in which vomiting is frequent ; it is therefore proposed to provoke a secretion of extractive matter from the surface of the stomach. It is not shown that the vomiting notably increases the gastric secretion. It 1ms, on the contrary, two evident inconveniences : it produces two effects, lowering of arterial tension and, in consequence, diminution of renal secretion ; and increase of the cutaneous secretion, which further diminishes the renal secretion. Besides, some have quickly given up this practice, and have had recourse to the intestine, in which the}' have provoked l^-persecretion by drastic purgatives. Purgatives have been employed for a very long time, in accordance with theoretical views. It is upon the theoiy of Wilson that phy- sicians have relied, who have wished, by means of purgatives, to remove urea from the blood ; but the intestinal secretion has no elective action upon urea ; it only removes urea from the 132 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. blood ill the proportion in which it is found in the blood-plasma. If the serum of blood contains, per litre, 32 centigrammes of urea, the liquid which exudes into the intestine under the influ- ence of purgatives contains exactly 32 centigrammes of urea per litre. On the other hand, if we remove one litre of water from the blood by the intestinal tract, it is simply a litre of water less that will pass away by the renal path ; but this litre of water, eliminated as urine, could have removed fifty times more urea. In addition, we know that the theory of Wilson is wrong, and that urea is not the cause of the uraemic accidents. Let us see what is the composition of the substances elimi- nated by purgatives, only considered as poisonous. Purgatives remove from the blood, in the first place, water ; they dehydrate the blood and, consequent!}', the tissues; this dehydration, per- haps, causes a diminution of cedemas and effusions into serous cavities; this will remove, perhaps, water from the cells and, along with this water, a portion of toxic material. But there will only result from this a favorable effect if we immediately restore to the tissues the water which we have just removed; otherwise, we shall have only displaced the poison by making it pass from the cells into the plasma ; after dehydration it is necessary to bring about immediate hydration. This is a dan- gerous game ; we are never sure of being able to graduate at will these alternatives of subtraction and restitution of water from the blood an,d tissues. Nevertheless, I do not wish to- proscribe a method in favor of which clinical experience seems to have decided for a long time past. Diarrhoea does not remove urea from the blood, but it removes poisons from it. In an adult, in good health, I have, for six consecutive days, measured the urinary toxicity, in periods of four hours. The curve of the toxicity is reproduced each day, regularly and always at the same time. But I have established a disturbance coincident with a diarrhoea. During the four hours coincident with this diarrhoea, urinary toxicity had undergone notable diminution. I have thought that the poisons which were then awanting in the urine had been carried away by the intestinal fluid. BLEEDING IN UREMIA. 133 We have until now only discussed means that are injurious or uncertain. What is thought of bleeding? What happens when we remove blood from a uraemic ? In removing 32 grammes of blood you remove from it 50 centigrammes of extractive sub- stances ; the daily elimination by urine is 8 grammes ; you, there- fore, in this way, remove one-sixteenth of the extractive sub- stances which the urine ought to carry away. This result is not insignificant ; for, if the kidney ought to remove in one hour these 50 centigrammes of extractives, and if the convulsive or comatose accidents resulting from this non-elimination can kill the patient during this hour, the bleeding which you induce may save the life of the patient, by removing, for the moment, from him, the excess of toxic material which causes the develop- ment of fatal accidents. In an\ r case, it is certain that we remove from the economy more extractives b}- bleeding than by any other channel, the renal tract excepted ; for a bleeding of 32 grammes removes from it as much as 280 grammes of a liquid diarrhoea does, or as 100 litres of perspiration. Besides, it is not only 32 grammes of blood the quantity drawn by two leeches which we have removed in similar cases. Abercrombie, Marshall Hall, Ra}'er, and many others in addition, have employed copious bleedings for uraemic accidents, and the}* have seen patients cured who were assuredly threatened by death. It is chiefly in acute cura- ble nephritis, such as scarlatinal nephritis, that bleeding finds its formal indication, and if uraemic accidents arise; for, in these cases, the renal malady only demands cure when the patient does not succumb to the fleeting attack of uraemia. In these cases, therefore, it is obligator}- to practice bleeding, not only because it is theoretically legitimate, but because, practically, it has been shown to be useful. On the contrary, in chronic diseases of the kidney, the utility of bleeding is doubtful. We cannot incessantly go on bleeding a patient with uraemia whose kidney is definitively and irrevocably diseased ; we should only hasten death by impov- erishing his blood. There is scarcely, therefore, cause for prac- ticing bleeding in the terminal uraemia of chronic nephritis, except once, viz., at that moment when accidents threaten inline- 134 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. diate death, and when there is no other hope than of delaying for a little the fatal termination. Since, in the majority of cases, we cannot derive great benefit from bleeding, we have thought of employing antidotes capable of opposing their physiological effects to those of the poisons which have induced the uraemic attacks. Inhalations of chloroform have been successful, especially in this particular intoxication, which singularly resembles uraemia, viz., in the eclampsia of lying-in women. The evidence of their utility has not been so great in the uraemia of nephritis. In every case they find their application only in the convulsive form, and, of course, we cannot think of them for the comatose form. It is also for the convulsive variety that the action ol chloral should be reserved, of which we do not otherwise know what is its exact value in these cases. Bromide of potassium, which has also been proposed, ought to be rejected at once ; for it can of itself determine intoxication by the potass which it contains. If we wish to treat uraemic convulsive accidents by bromide preparations we should use bromide of sodium ; but never should we employ, in uraemia, any salt of potassium, no more the bromide of potassium than the nitrate. Under other condi- tions we would replace them with advantage by the bromide and nitrate of sodium, which are just as active therapeutically and forty times less toxic. That is, therefore, the therapeutic programme for uraemia, such as our predecessors have bequeathed to us. Amongst all these means, what of worth remains? Certain diuretic agents, first, such things as milk, and bleeding for certain cases. Yet perhaps something else might be done for these uraemic accidents by applying the pathogenic therapeutics which I have been trying to put in favor during the six years that I have lectured. There are, perhaps, therapeutical indications to be de- rived from the knowledge we possess of the sources of the accu- mulation of toxic substances in the econonry, disassimilation, the secretion of the liver, alimentation, and intestinal putrefac- tions. Let us see if we cannot act upon one or other of these sources of intoxication, so as to exhaust or diminish them. Can we delay disassimilation ? Is there any indication for THE THERAPEUTIC PATHOGENESIS OP UREMIA. 135 administering those substances which have the reputation of diminishing the exchanges of nutrition, and which have been called the medicines that save the wear and tear, e.g., arsenic and valerian ? It would be quite useless. Disease itself has produced this arrest of disassimilation. The accumulation of toxic sub- stances has checked the condition of osmosis ; an equilibrium of tension has been established between the fluids, intra-and extra- cellular ; the circulation of matter through the cell no longer goes on, except imperfectly; combustible substances and the heat-pro- ducing agent, oxygen, no longer enter, but with difficulty, into the conflict, so little that we see the temperature fall, an evident proof of a check given to nutrition. The temperature, taken in the rectum, may fall to 30 degrees. The disease itself has gone be} r ond the point wished for in our calculations. It is useless, then, to think of impeding further oxidation, whose insufficiency may, by itself alone, become fatal. I go farther : those things which are especially toxic are the products of life without oxygen. Increase the free oxygen, and you will only moderately increase disassimilation, but the products of this disassimilation will be much less toxic. I have seen exposure in compressed air diminish by more than one-half urinary toxicit}'. It is, therefore, rational to adopt the practice of Jaccoud, who speaks highly of the inhala- tions of oxygen in the treatment of uraemia. What can we do to combat that source of poison which is resident in the biliary secretion? We can first diminish the quantity of bile secreted. A means used empirically, and which is excellent, is milk, when it is well digested, for if it is not absorbed it purges and increases the biliary secretion. But when the digestion of milk is perfect constipation is established, and the dry and hard faecal residue which it leaves contains almost no biliary pigment. We can also expel bile, when it has been formed, by washing it out by the help of certain neutral salts, whose action is limited to making it force its way rapidly through the intestinal contents as far as the anus. You will avoid, in every case, the potass purgatives, soluble cream of tartar and the salt of Seignette. But in bile the greatest part of its toxicity rests in the coloring matter. We have proof that decolorized bile is much less toxic. We have the means of 136 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. decolorizing bile in the digestive canal by administering char- coal in sufficient quantity. We can diminish the toxicity which is resident in food- sources by diminishing, from this point of view, chiefly their mineral substances, e.g., potass, which contributes a very im- portant share in the production of intoxication. We will choose, for ursemic subjects, food that is quickly digested and absorbed, and which will also have the advantage of not handing over to the agents of intestinal putrefaction undigested and easily putrescible material. We will search for foods not rich in extractives and in potass. We will, then, avoid meat and, as we have done, empirically, for a long time, we will choose milk, which is slightly rich in potass, and which has proved itself satisfac- torily, from so many points of view, in the treatment of uraemia. We will add to this the white of egg, and, in case of need, cheese which no longer contains the soluble mineral matter of milk and boiled meat ; but we will interdict soup. Finally, a very important indication is to prevent intoxication caused by the products of intestinal putrefaction. We ought to endeavor, first, to admit only a small quantity of putrescible matter into the digestive canal, so that the digestive residue may form solid masses, presenting at the point of contact with the absorbing mucous membrane only surfaces that are hard and not extensive. The past}' residues incessantly mashed by the intestines, on the contrary, successively allow of the absorption of the poison contained in their superficial and deep layers. Milk-food, when it is well tolerated, which is the rule when milk is ingested in small quantities and well broken up, produces the desirable result ; that is to say, faecal matter scanty and solid. Thus, from whatever point of view we regard it, milk is opposed to all sources of intoxication. We can still fix the toxic products of intestinal putrefaction so as to prevent their absorption. Charcoal gives us the means of doing so. We may even oppose putrefaction itself by induc- ing intestinal antisepsis. We possess, in the association of iodoform in charcoal, and in naphthalin, means which theoret- ically permit us to practice this thoroughly. Salicylate of bismuth may be employed for the same end, and, if we were afraid of the BENEFICIAL INFLUENCE OF INTESTINAL ANTISEPSIS. 1ST passage and accumulation in the blood of the small quantity of salicylic acid absorbed, we might substitute for it the subnitrate. In fact, my colleague, Dr. Tapret, has applied this theoret- ical idea to the treatment of uraemia, and he has thrice seen ursemic accidents disappear when intestinal antisepsis had been induced. I, myself, have seen in one case, formidable ursemic d3-spncea disappear within twenty-four hours after the adminis- tration of naphthalin. The patient, who was diabetic, succumbed later on to gangrene, but, to a certainty, he would have been dead more quickly from his uraemia. These are only four cases, but they are encouraging, especially when we think of the small number of therapeutic means at our disposal for treating uraemia. Thus, to resume, diuretics (and, in the first place, milk: milk as food), intestinal antisepsis, bleeding for accidents imme- diately threatening, and, finally, inhalations of oxygen, that is the treatment which experience has confirmed. It is also that which arises naturally from the conception of the disease, which we have admitted. LECTURE XYI. TRANSITORY OR ACUTE AUTO-!NTOXICATION OP INTESTINAL ORIGIN INTERNAL STRANGULATION AND CONSTIPATION. Increase of the quantity of poison contained in the digestive canal when there is an augmentation of the activity of normal fermentation. Symptoms and signs of the increase of acid fermentation and of putrid fermentation. Parallel relation between the increase of intestinal fermentation and increased toxicity of urine. Poisons which are found in the intestines and which pass into the urine. Phenol, indol, and indican ; cresol. Substance which gives a claret color to urine after the addition of perchloride of iron, but which is not acetone. How the organism is protected against poisons derived from the intestines. Part played by the liver from the point of view of the arrest and destruction of putrid poisons. Experiments of Schiff and of G. H. Roger. Utility of hardening the intestinal contents. Role of auto-intoxication of faecal origin, in internal strangulation and the morbid states called intes- tinal septicaemia (Humbert). The two periods of constipation : constipation with retention of liquid faecal matter causes symptoms of intoxication, and hardening of the substances renders the second period of constipation less harmful. WE know that tbe poisons contained in the intestines, also those which come from food, from bile, or putrefaction, enter, on the one hand, into the complex intoxication called uraemia. We can, therefore, understand how, if the quantity of poison increase in the intestines, an intoxication becomes possible ; at the same time, that disassimilation does 'not hand over to the blood a larger amount of toxic material even when the kidney remains permeable. To-day we are going to study intoxication by re-absorption of substances contained in the digestive canal, without the presence of other pathological states. Experiment has proved to us that the toxicity of the intestinal contents is mixed, and has revealed to us its various sources. These sources, let us recall them : 1. Foods even the most inoffensive in appearance and the flesh of muscle are toxic, particularly, on account of the mineral matter and" potass principally. We have shown this by injecting aqueous decoction and the alcoholic extract of meat. (138) AUTO-INTOXICATION OP INTESTINAL ORIGIN. 139 2. Bile contains poison. The eight hundred or one thousand grammes of bile which are turned each day into the intestines of an adult of average weight are toxic on account of the color- ing matters principally, e.g., bilirubin, and also other substances: some known, such as the biliary salts, others unknown. 3. Putrefactions which develop in the alimentary residues engender poison. The extract of 2.5 grammes of putrefied meat is sufficient to kill. 4. Finally, we have learned that faecal matter is toxic ; that this toxicity is due chiefly to potass and ammonia; and, on the other hand, and this represents about one-fifth of the total tox- icity, to the union of organic principles, in which are included alkaloidal substances. Thus, the paths are prepared for the study of intoxication of intestinal origin, since we know that, in normal conditions even, there is material for intoxicating, and as to what proportion each of the poisons shut up in the intestines bears to the toxicity of the whole. We shall now see how, under normal conditions, the contents of the intestines may become more toxic, and how, even with a kidney functionally free, if the production of toxic material is accidentally more abundant, it may yet accumulate in the blood in a proportion capable of causing S3 r mptoms of intoxication to arise. When fermentation has become more active in the whole length of the digestive tube, we see produced a succession of phenomena truly characteristic. The unusual development of gas determines abdominal meteorism and tympanites, which may be from the stomach or intestines, or it may be at once carried to the stomach or intestines. The disengagement of gas reveals itself by eructations, preceded by burning sensations in the stomach, or accompanied by pyrosis in the oesophagus and ph.'irynx. It may induce acid vomiting, the acidit}- of which is most frequently due to acetic acid v rarely, h} r drocbloric. The acidity of the mouth may cause changes in the teeth. The con- tents of the intestines, which have become abnormally acid, may not only provoke diarrhoea, by irritating the mucous membrane, but irritate also the skin outside the rectum, as witness the erythema of the bu.ttocks in the acid dyspepsias of infants. An 140 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. acid reaction is substituted for the normal of the intestinal contents. We notice changes in the color of the stools : bile is expelled, with a green color. The production of sulphuretted hydrogen is diminished. Certain substances, administered with the view of arresting the diarrhoea, such as bismuth, give no longer to the stools a black color, for there is no longer formed sulphide of bismuth. These are the external signs which indi- cate, even to the naked eye, the production of acid fermentation in the digestive canal. When fermentation of a putrid character predominates, there is produced rather an excessive disengagement of 'sulphuretted hydrogen, ammonia, and sulphate of ammonia, which reveal themselves to our senses by the odor of the gas expelled. Parallel to these objective phenomena there exist those of a subjective character, amongst which the most ordinary are fatigue, depression, headache, buzzing in the ear and deafness, disturbances of sight, and vertigo. With a kidney acting well things may not go farther ; but, if the renal emunction is insufficient, we ma} 7 see developed a fraction of urasmic intoxication through simple exaggeration of intestinal fermentation. If, for example, abun- dant vomiting has caused oliguria, we may have coldness estab- lished, paralysis of the vessels of the skin, cramps, convulsions, coma, paralyses, death even, whilst the kidney itself may not be really diseased. It will be sufficient for the development of such accidents that the quantity of toxic material introduced into the blood should exceed the activity of the kidneys charged with the function of eliminating it. From proof of the preceding facts, we can already con- clude that the quantity of urine passed is very important in the intoxication of intestinal origin; that variations of urinary toxicity may be, in similar cases, the measure of the degree of intoxication ; and that we should find, under the influence of intestinal fermentation, an increase in the toxicity of the urine. I have known that in a large number of diseases it is thus. If I suppress intestinal fermentation, I cause the toxicity of urine to diminish ; I cause it to diminish, but not to disappear, since I only suppress one of the natural sources of its toxicity. I can diminish the toxicity of urine either by neutralizing the INTESTINAL SOURCE OP CERTAIN POISONS. 141 products of putrefaction, by the aid of charcoal, which prevents their absorption, or by preventing putrefaction itself, through causing intestinal antisepsis, by means of iodoform and naph- thalin. I have thus proved the reality of the passage of a larger quantity of toxic material from the intestines to the kidnej' in cases where there has been an increase in intestinal fermentation. This proof had already been given formerly by chemistry. In my experiments of 1882, in which I only occupied myself with one class of toxic agents, alkaloids, I had shown that they increase in a parallel manner in the faeces and in the urine. I had concluded that the organism is, from this fact, under the risk of a constant menace of intoxication. Other observers had preceded me in this path. Stadeler, in 1848, had found phenol in the urine, without drawing any conclusion from it. In 1877, Baumann found phenol in faecal matter; we must really admit that this passes from the digestive tube into the urine. In 1826, Tiedemann and Gmelin discovered in the duodenum a substance which gave a red color with chlorinated water, indol. Bracon- not, without noticing in his discovery any relationship with the preceding, has shown in the urine the existence of a certain substance of a different color, cyanurine, which is indican derived from indol. In 1872, Jaffe made a subcutaneous injec- tion of indol, and he saw that indican appeared or increased in the urine. The indol, therefore, which is formed in the faeces is the cause of the urinary indican. These early experiments are the source of all that have been made since then. A very convincing experiment is that of Senator. He seeks for indican in the urine of the newly-born, and he does not find it ; he analyzes the meconium, and does not find indol therein. Nothing is better shown to-day than the parallel relation between the increase of indican in the urine and indol in the faeces. That is to say, variations of urinary imlk-an according to the activity of intestinal fermentation. Aloysius Martin established that in every disease of the intestinal tube there was an increase of urinary indican. Hassal found a large proportion of it in the urine of people suffering from cholera; Gubler, in typhoid fever and cholera. One of Gnbler's pupils A. Robin studied its variations in typhoid fever. 142 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Carter and Jaffe have shown that urinary indican increases in consequence of the retention of faecal matter in intestinal obstruction and in internal strangulation. Senator showed the same fact in certain kinds of constipation ; in these the alvine secretions are maintained in a liquid or semi-solid state. Analogous researches have been made for other substances by Salkowsky, for phenol and cresol. We see them increase like indican in the urine, in certain forms of diarrhoea, and in intestinal obstruction. I will say the same of a substance, not defined chemically, revealed in the urine by a claret coloration induced by the addition of perchloride of iron to it. It has been observed by Senator, Riess, and Litten, not only in aceton- semia or sugary diabetes, in pernicious anaemia or leucocy- thsemia, but in grave dyspeptic states, in certain cases of carci- noma of the stomach, all cases in which anomalous fermenta- tion is produced in the digestive tube. I have also seen, often enough, this coloration of urine in the grave forms of dilatation of the stomach, in cancer of the stomach, and in typhoid fever. This material is assuredly not acetone ; it is analogous to it only by this reaction when brought into contact with perchloride of iron. It was absent in certain diabetics whose breath, more- over, had the odor of acetone. I believe, with the authors named above, that it is frequently found related to increase of fermentation in the digestive canal. All these substances, known or suspected, are only some of the products of intestinal putrefaction, but they show very well the parallelism between the entrance of putrid matter into the blood and its increase in the urine. We know, therefore, that if these putrid substances are formed in excess, there may result from them an intoxication even without the kidney being dis- eased. Nevertheless, as all these substances exist normally in the digestive canal, we may ask whether the organism has no other protection against them than the kidney. It is possible that the liver may give this protection, and that the experiments of Schiff relative to the alkaloids may be of a more general sig- nificance. This hypothesis may rest upon some experiments recently performed in my laboratory by G. H. Roger. The alcoholic extract of rotten meat is twice less toxic when SENTINEL ACTION OF LIVER. 143 we inject it into the portal vein than when introduced into the general circulation. Extracts of the intestinal contents of the rabbit and the dog kill, by a smaller dose, frogs deprived of their liver, than healthy frogs, or those in which we have tied the afferent vessels of the kidneys. It appears, therefore, to be certain that the liver arrests or transforms toxic substances which originate in the intestinal canal. This conception again has been verified experimentally : blood drawn from the portal vein of the dog kills a rabbit in a dose of from 13 to 14 cubic centimetres per kilogramme, whereas it is necessary to use 23 cubic centimetres of blood removed from the liver. These recent experiments seem to lend support to a hypothe- sis put forward by Schiff now a long time ago. You know that, in consequence of an abrupt ligature of the portal vein, the animal falls into a state of somnolence and dies in one or two hours, if it is a dog ; in thirty or fort} 7 minutes, if the experi- ment has been performed upon a rabbit. Schiff supposes that the death is due to an intoxication consequent upon the reten- tion of a poison which the liver was charged with the function of destroj'ing. This poison would originate during disassimila- tion, and Schiff considers that he has demonstrated its existence by the following experiment : He removes the liver from a frog, the animal bearing the operation well ; that is, without immedi- ate death. He injects into it blood removed from a healthy dog ; the frog does not die. He ties the portal vein of this dog, which falls into somnolence and dies. He takes some blood from this dog and injects it into the frog ; this becomes, in its turn, somnolent, and dies, at the end of from half an hour to an hour. The experiment has been repeated in my laboratory by M. Roger; he has injected into rabbits the blood of a dog, before and after ligature of the portal vein. In these two cases the toxicity has been the same, viz., 25 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. This result completely opposed to that of Schiff does not cause me, in any way, to repudiate the idea that the liver arrests and is constantly transforming toxic products ; the comparative toxicity of the portal and hepatic blood demonstrates it. Only, in the experiment of Schiff, poisoning has no time to be pro- 144 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. duced ; the animal appears to succumb, as Claude Bernard has said, to an intestinal hyperaemia and consequent cerebral anaemia. In order to study auto-intoxication, after suppressing the function of the liver, it will be necessaiy to join together the portal vein and the renal. The experiment made by Holni- kew, from another point of view, has allowed the animal to live from eight to ten hours. I think that we may, therefore, conclude that the liver is an organ of protection to the economy ; that it arrests more or less of the toxic material in general, not the whole, since a part passes into the urine. The liver is certainly not the only agent which acts the part of protector to the organism against poisons. There may yet be made to intervene, as an auxiliary agent of protection, rapidity of intestinal expulsion by the stools, hard- ening of the intestinal contents, which, transformed into a hard, faecal bolus, becomes almost inoffensive, because it no longer allows of absorption. After having admitted this hypothetical and theoretical mechanism of intoxication by poisons of intestinal origin, let us see if there exist, really and clinically, such intoxications. On this point I shall borrow from the teaching laid down in the work of M. Humbert, who has used the word intestinal septi- caemia in the sense of intoxication. I find therein startling examples of intoxication in some of the phenomena which are produced in the course of surgical affections causing intestinal obstruction. In the first place, mechanical phenomena are demonstrated by the arrest of matter, pain complained of above the obstacle, and abdominal distension. Then reflex actions : vomiting which cannot be attributed to intoxication, fall of arterial tension, frequency of the pulse, perspiration, etc. All these reflexes are often arrested at the end of one or two days, and during these two days vomiting ceases. Then appears a new phase, characterized by prostration and collapse, a par- ticular pallor of the skin, not pale, owing to spasm of vessels, but earthy-looking, from being impregnated with coloring matter; coldness, and muscular cramps. Humbert asks whether a part of this complicated clinical picture should not be attrib- uted to intoxication. We must certainly reply to him in the AUTO-INTOXICATION OF INTESTINAL ORIGIN. 145 affirmative. Why this period of respite? It is inexplicable on the theory of reflexes. It finds, on the contrary, an explanation in intoxication. Examination of the aforementioned facts does not offer to us, doubtless, a true demonstration, but it forces us to consider. It is not uncommon to observe cases of strangulated hernia in which accidents continue when the intestinal strangu- lation has been relieved, because putrid material is freely spread throughout the whole length of the digestive tube, which absorbs it. An objection often made to the hypothesis of intoxication of faecal origin is the fact that constipation is compatible with health. If this hypothesis were true, say some, intoxication would be realized to the full in constipated people. I reply that constipation ought to be regarded as a protection against intoxication. It supposes that all that is absorbable has been absorbed, the aqueous part with what was held in solution. In constipation there is, at first, a preliminary phase, in which appears a threatening of intoxication, but, in the second place, intoxication is no longer in operation. Besides, are constipated people healthy ? They have head- ache, migraine, and vertigo. Hypochondriacs, whose suffer- ings are chiefly subjective, are constipated. They experience a number of nervous disorders of sensibility, buzzing in the ears and psychical troubles. All the insane are constipated, and alien- ists endeavor specially to guard against constipation. I do not say, of course, that psychical troubles are caused by constipation. I only say that they are, in a certain sense, exaggerated by it. I say that the nervous system is maintained in a condition of hurtful disposition by constipation, and that we render a service to patients attacked by cerebral troubles when we cause to dis- appear, at the same time as constipation, the unhealthy disposition of the nervous system. Thus we see, in the two examples of septicremia of Humbert, and of constipation, the maximum and the minimum of accidents attributable to the intoxication of intestinal origin. LECTURE XVII. ACUTE OR TRANSITORY INTESTINAL AUTOINTOXICATION GASTRIC DISORDERS INDIGESTION POISONING BY TAINTED MEATS. Explanation of the symptoms of gastric disorder from retention of toxic material in the stomach. Washing out of the stomach in certain forms of intestinal obstruction. Indications for emptying the intestines in surgery and obstet- rics. Indigestion, with excessive production of toxic matter in the digest- ive canal. Presence of sulphuric acid in the intestines and emunctories in a case of grave indigestion (Senator). Case of indigestion with enormous quantity of alkaloids in the intestines and urine. Poisoning by tainted meats : old sausages. The epidemic at Andelflngen. Why these morbid states are intoxications and not infections. I HAVE just shown you, in internal strangulation and m con- stipation, the two extremes, the maximum and the minimum of intoxication of intestinal origin. In the morbid state still badly known which we call acute dyspepsia things are, at their origin, obscure and complex. We do not know what is the primary cause of gastric fullness, but we do know that there exists in this affection, at a given moment, a diminution of the secretions ; of the saliva, whence the clammy state of the mouth; of the gastric juice, whose peptogenetic power is weak- ened ; of the intestinal glands, which causes constipation. The appetite is diminished, and that is very advantageous, since the digestive power is less, and also because the taking of food in as large a quantity as under ordinary conditions would transfer to parasitic ferments more putrescible material. In these condi- tions of imperfect digestive secretions I see the possibility of a development of anomalous fermentations. It is certain that the subjective troubles felt by patients cannot be explained by an insufficient alimentation of so short a duration. On the con- trary, the production of putrid fermentations explains the bitter- ness felt in the mouth, headache, and depression. If I have not, therefore, any information as to the primary cause of the dis- ease, I have reasons for supposing that one part ought to be attributed to intoxication in the pathogenesis of some of the accidents. (146) WASHING OUT OF STOMACH. . Ht In certain individuals habitually the subjects of diarrhoea, who have, nevertheless, during each day, only one liquid and fetid stool, we observe nearly always headache, vertigo, and some shivering. They in general experience bitterness in the mouth ; their breath and their skin have a disagreeable odor. But all these inconveniences may disappear for a time by evacuating the contents of the large intestine. The individual who awakens with a sensation of lassitude ma}' be deprived of it l>y a simple injection. What I say to you in regard to this does not consti- tute a demonstration, but it is more a reason for adding to the probabilities in favor of the part played by intoxication in the genesis of troublesome, though attenuated, nervous symptoms, apart from any completely-established disease. We may see more severe symptoms yield after simple evacua- tion of the contents of the digestive canal. Washing out of the stomach is not a curative means, properly speaking; but it removes certain forms of malaise, headache, and migraine. In certain patients, the subjects of dilatation of the stomach, lavage causes not only the disappearance of pain, pyrosis, and heart-burn, but all the other accidents called reflex. Assuredly, washing out does not cure dilatation of the stomach, but it is in certain cases necessary, and it renders considerable service in weaken- ing the most painful symptoms, services which are manifest, but, unfortunately, also transitory. In my clinique was :i woman whose stomach was dilated. She suffered from constant supra- orbital headache. Washing out was always immediately followed by a disappearance of this headache. When the stomach retains substances more toxic, which happens, for example, in intestinal obstruction, washing out has a utility no less observable. Senator had formulated this indi- cation. M. Chaiitemcsse was able to verily the reality of this in a patient, in my service, attacked with an intestinal obstruc- tion from an unknown cause. Faecal vomiting bore witm-ss t. the accumulation of toxic material in the stomach, and would explain the general symptoms which accompany intestinal ob- struction : the small pulse, coldness, owing to paralysis of the cutaneous vessels, etc. Four litres of a horribly fetid liquid were evacuated by means of the cesophagcal tube, and we saw 148 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. the disappearance of symptoms of peritonism, which so closely resemble intoxication. A new accumulation of faecal matter was followed by a return of the grave symptoms, which evacu- ation of the contents of the stomach again caused to disap- pear and cured the individual. He was cured not by lavage, but thanks to the lavage, which gave him respite by arresting intoxication and in giving to him, I presume, time for the strangulation to free itself. There are, therefore, cases in which toxic accidents caused by the reflux of putrid material into the stomach have disappeared, thanks to lavage. There are other circumstances in which we might suppose that stagnation of intestinal material causes fever. After laparotomy the- fever cannot be explained, in many of the cases, by a septic condition of the peritoneum, and we see it disappear after get- ting rid of constipation (Kiistner). Accoucheurs know quite well how certain febrile incidents which supervene in the course of parturition disappear after alvine evacuation, either sponta- neous or induced by light purgatives. This hurtful influence of the stagnation of matter in the intestines after operations ex- plains old traditions forgotten in surgical practice. It was the rule in olclen times to prepare those about to be operated upon by administering to them in succession an emetic one day, then on the following day a purgative, and that in two or three takings. We no longer push to the same extent to-day this preventive line of therapeutics ; but, the operation concluded, unless it be one upon the abdomen, we can, with advantage, it would appear, and upon the evidence of M. Verneuil, induce intestinal evacuation. These, then, are clinical facts which agree with theoiy. There are cases in which we have been able to demonstrate that the grave accidents of a true indigestion were of a toxic order. Senator has seen in one of his friends a fact of this kind, in whom intoxication resulted from sulphuretted hydrogen pro- duced in the intestines of the patient. There had been vomiting and eructations, giving off, as well as the gases emitted by the anus, the odor of rotten eggs. The symptoms consisted of fainting, anxiety, and clouding of the intellect. But the poison could be detected in the emunctories ; the emitted gases black- INTESTINAL AUTO-INTOXICATION. 149 ened paper impregnated with acetate of lead ; the stools, the urine also, contained sulphuretted hydrogen. We could, there- fore, notice in these cases certain symptoms which contribute in part to the classical picture of poisoning by H 2 S, as in certain dyspepsias. We have demonstrated the presence of this poison in the intestines, and then in the urine ; it is, therefore, certain that it had traversed the blood. In some people special foods, without being either toxic or putrid, induce regularly an indigestion and grave phenomena. In similar cases, if there is intoxication, it is the result not of the food, but of the non-digestion ; the digestive juices cease to transform food which the stomach does not care to receive ; the nervous system produces disorders of secretion ; the gastric juice stops flowing into the stomach, or else the HC1 is absent from it at the moment of the conflict of the food with the microbes. But the HC1 not only serves the purpose of swelling and of l)3'drating the alimentary mass, it ought to protect it against parasitic ferments. These being no longer- neutralized, anomalous fermentations are produced in the stomach and in the intestines ; the toxic products of these fermentations are re- absorbed. There arises from this an intoxication, which is not serious, fortunately, because the renal function protects the organism. In 1882 I made known the following observation: A man could not take fish, cooked the day before and eaten cold. One day, when he had partaken of this, which his nervous system did not accept, digestion was arrested, and he experienced the ordinary symptoms of an indigestion, at first stomachal and then intestinal. Diarrhoea Listed not only until the last particles of the ingested food were eliminated, but well beyond that even. It was accompanied by prostration and anguish. But the first accidents only appeared after a veritable incubation of eight hours, during which, without doubt, microbes had formed the amount of poison which caused so prolonged an intoxication; and, in order that there should be formed such an abundance of the poison, it was necessary that there should have been an undoubted multiplication of normal bacteria in the digestive canal. In fact, I have been able to estimate the quantity of 150 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. microbes, in these cases, as one-third of the faecal mass. There was an increase of the intestinal alkaloids, since from 12 grammes of faecal matter I was able to remove sufficient alkaloids to esti- mate the proportion of it as 15 milligrammes per kilogramme of faecal matter. In the urine was also found a quantity of alkaloids fifty times greater than the normal amount. That is a case, therefore, in which, without there having been an introduction of meat in a state of fermentation into the digestive canal, and without our being able to establish particular microbes, there was produced, by the multiplication alone of normal bacteria, a considerable increase of one, at least, of the toxic substances which the intestine ordinarily receives. I know of the circumstance of three people who were simultaneously seized by accidents of the same kind. Breakfasting together, they had eaten fish, with a certain distaste, about 10 or 11 in the forenoon. At 7 o'clock at night one of the three felt indis- posed ; the other two sat down at table, but found themselves attacked, at the time of dessert, by identical symptoms. It was a question of an illness consisting of vertigo, prostration, vomiting, and diarrhoea. These symptoms were not the result of an intoxication, since they only appeared after an incubation of eight hours. The diarrhoea was not that which supervenes in indigestion and which ceases immediately after the elimination of food not digested ; it continued, night and day, during eight days, with from eight to fifteen evacuations daity. The patients remained, all this time, in a semi-sleepy condition. The three people are now cured, and for all of them the duration of the illness was the same. This disease might be attributed, quite legitimately, to a putrefaction which had taken place in the digestive canal, and to a reproduction of putrid agents which had formed poisons. We must recognize in these facts something analogous to poisoning by sausages, known for a century and a half, since 1735. Facts are plentiful. Muller, in 1869, had collected 263 observations. Some have sought for the toxic material in the residue of meat. This research had remained, without any result, until Hoppe-Seyler discovered the existence of an al- kaloid, but without demonstrating its toxicity. Brouarclel and TAINTED MEATS AND SAUSAGES. 151 Botmy, more fortunate, have demonstrated the toxicity of an alkaloid which was contained both in the viscera of a woman who died, after having eaten some preserved goose, and in what was left of this goose. This alkaloid presented analogies with conicine, but also differences. It is certain that true intoxication may result from the eating of tainted meats. Gaspard and Panum have shown that the putrefaction of meat develops a poison capable of inducing accidents both serious and fatal. But in these cases the symp- toms are quickly developed; thej ? commence half an hour after the ingestion of tainted meat. Besides, in a general wajr, we do not eat meat actually putrefied and alreadj 7 ' capable of intoxi- cating by itself. We ingest meat which is only beginning to putrefy, in the depths of which microbes are at work determin- ing a fermentative process, which goes on, under conditions par- ticularly favorable, when the tainted food has found its way into the digestive tube. The accidents which result from it are slowly developed ; they only light up eight to eighteen hours after the ingestion of suspected foods. In this period of incu- bation no sj'mptom reveals the explosion which is preparing; but, once the poison is formed, toxic accidents are quickly developed. Krautzer has related a case of intoxication by sausages. Four people had treated themselves to Wtirtemberg sausages scarcely sufficiently cooked, for people with delicate tastes prefer particularly sausages the superficial part of which alone has been influenced by the fire. Out of these four people, one remained free from any symptom, the other three were taken ill, and one of them died. After an incubation period of eighteen hours, the symptoms experienced were almost identical in in- tensity ; they consisted in disturbances of sight strabismus, diplopia, ptosis, pupillary dilatation and paralytic phenomena. Injections of pilocarpine which were made did not induce perspira- tion. Thus, there is a form of intoxication caused by a poison which dilates the pupil and hinders the secretion of sweat, which, consequently, is not awanting in analogy to atropine. And yet, amongst the putrid alkaloids, there is one which is endowed with analogous properties, which I had formerly extracted from the 152 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. faecal matter of patients the subjects of typhoid fever, a disease in the course of which intestinal putrefactions are very intense. We have just witnessed a small epidemic in a family. We have also seen epidemics of a similar nature visit with severity a whole locality. The unwholesome flesh of an animal is given out for consumption in a village, at the time of a fete, which draws a great many people there. The incubation of accidents having been long amongst the first consumers, the tainted meat continues to be distributed amongst the people who have come from neighboring villages. These, returned each to his own house, are seized with identical troubles, and quite a series of small epidemics is developed, having for its origin the infection caused by the unwholesome meat consumed in the village where the fete had taken place. Twelve years ago I broke the lance with Lebert in the inter- pretation of the epidemic at Andelfingen. In the little town in Switzerland, a large number of deaths resulted from an intoxi- cation due to diseased meat. And yet there was always a slow incubation and a long duration, which eliminated the idea of intoxication. There was question rather of a disease which de- veloped gradually in the individual, and continued after the com- plete elimination of the tainted food. In similar cases the sub- stances although healthy after ingestion putrefied in their turn. Some have thought that this disease was trichinosis or typhoid fever. Griesinger was party to this last opinion. Lebert, on the contrary, was inclined to regard it as an intoxication from tainted meat. Having had the documents in hand, I insist upon the long duration of the incubation which was observed in the patients. It has been shown since that there could not be any question of trichinosis. At the autopsy of some of the people who had been at that time ill, and had recovered, made a long time after- ward, no calcified cysts were found in their muscles. If one allies himself with the opinion of Lebert, he can only accept the unwholesome meat as having caused the intoxications; the accidents can only be explained by the mechanism of infection. Why had certain individuals no sign of illness, in spite of the fact that they consumed the same meat as those who became ill or died? It is probable that they had eaten the parts of the AUTO-INTOXICATION AND INFECTION. 153 tainted meat that were the best cooked, the external parts, where the action of heat had in part neutralized the poison. Thus, in the famity epidemic of which I have just spoken, out of four people who ate the same sausage, one remained free from accident. This fortunate individual was the apprentice, and to whom the masters had given the crust of the sausage, a part much less prized by them than the central, but in which microbes must have been destroyed by the action of heat. The infection in the cases which I have just examined is not an infection with- out any relation to intoxication, for there is no question of a general infection, but of a surface infection. Without doubt, there is at once induced an increase, more or less rapid and enormous, of the quantity of infectious agents introduced into the digestive canal ; but, secondaril}' to infection, there is, in all probability, produced an intoxication. There are infectious maladies in which microbes inhabit the blood ; they can subtract oxj'gen from the blood-cells or from emboli in the small vessels. There are other infectious diseases where microbes are present in certain tissues, and induce therein anatomical lesions. In all these cases the symptoms and death are easily explained. But there are other infectious diseases where microbes,, only exist upon a mucous surface, where they do not penetrate, and do not alter the limiting membrane. How, in these cases of sur- face infection, are we to explain the general symptoms and death, if it be not by intoxication ? The danger as regards the organism can only arise from the absorption b}' it of the toxic products secreted by the infectious agents. The small microbes form poisons like many large mushrooms. There are cases in which infection no longer operates in an acute transitory manner, but during several months and years; it is the result of habitual putrefactions, of which the digestive tube is the seat, in many of the chronic diseases which affect it, and which are opposed alike to good digestion as to the healthy elaboration of material. This is seen in cancer of the stomach, in certain chronic dyspepsias, and in dilatation of the stomach. Thus, besides the inconveniences which, from a nutrition point of view, flow from imperfect digestion and insufficient alimenta- tion, we see symptoms and alterations arise which bear witness to the chronic deterioration of the organism by intoxication. LECTURE XVIII. CHRONIC G ASTRO-INTESTINAL AUTO-INTOXICATIONS DILATATION OP THE STOMACH. Chronic auto-intoxication, having as the point of its origin the digestive canal, is observed in chronic diarrhoea, cancer of the stomach or of the intestine, and in chronic dyspepsia. Dilatation of the stomach may be taken as the type of the morbid states which produce chronic auto-intoxication. Incredulity of a part of the medical public as regards the subject of dilatation of the stomach. Its frequency demonstrated by clinical statistics. Why it lias been until pow unknown. It can only be revealed by physical signs. Insuf- ficiency of percussion as the means of diagnosis of dilatation. Value of the splashing sound as a means of delimitation of the stomach. Consequences of gastric dilatation. Direct symptoms on the side of the gastric tube and its annexes. Gastritis. Gastro-intestinal dyspepsia. Hepatic congestion. Ectopia of the right kidney : floating or mobile kidney only exists in women and military men ; it is induced by repeated congestion of the liver in people the base of whose chest is made to undergo habitual constriction. Acci- dents remote and at a distance. Disorders of innervation : sensibility to cold. Disorders of the senses and intelligence. Disorders of general nutri- tion and of the emunctories. Skin affections. Catarrh of mucous mem- branes. Albuminuria and peptonuria. Inflammation of certain tissues and of phlebitis. Alterations of the osseous tissues : deformity of the phalango-phalangeal articulations of the fingers. Its semeiological value; possible relation between dilatation of the stomach, rachitis, and osteomala- cia. How can we explain the reaction of dilatation of the stomach upon the whole of the organism ? Beau had already taught how dyspepsias pro- duce an impression upon the nervous system. .Dyspeptic coma. General accidents of dilatation of the stomach are no more surprising than those of nephritis. Functional dignity and importance of the digestive canal in the relative positions of the organs. Why the train of symptoms in dilatation of the stomach should not be confounded with arthritism ; it constitutes, at the most, minor arthritis. Clinical types of dilatation of the stomach: latent forms, dyspeptic, hepatic, neurotic, cardiac, asthmatic, renal, cutane- ous, rheumatic, acute or chronic consumptive. -Diseases of debility in- which dilatation of the stomach is induced : chlorosis, tuberculosis. Dilatation of the stomach is the result of an acquired diathesis. THE facts enumerated in the preceding lecture do not all constitute a strict demonstration of intoxication, they onl}' cause it to be presumed. Nevertheless, there are some of them which cany conviction, that of Senator, for example, in which (154) TOXINS OP INTESTINAL ORIGIN. 155 one poison only sulphuretted hj'drogen was found in the intestine and in all the excreted products : that which is personal to me, and in which I have found alkaloids in enormous quan- tity in the urine, as well as in the intestine. Secondary intoxication can alone explain the fatal accidents consecutive to surface infection ; for, if we understand the mechanism of death in diseases where the infectious agent is spread out in the whole of the organism, in the blood, or in the principal viscera, how could life be arrested by a disease in which the infectious agent rests on the surface of the mucous membrane of the digestive tube, if that infectious agent does not forniva poison which, being absorbed, diffuses itself through the whole economy so as to impregnate the cellular elements or to energetically impress the nervous system ? There are, besides, cases in which some have been able to isolate and define chemically toxic bodies ; Brouardel and Boutin} 7 have done so. There are others where the symptoms observed bear a remarkable analogy to certain well-known forms of poisoning. Lepine and Daniel Molliere saw a case of intes- tinal obstruction followed \>y accidents simulating intoxication by atropine, with scarlatinal redness, mydriaSM, and acceleration of the pulse. We are now going to approach chronic intoxications having as their point of origin the intestinal tube. They may be ob- served in chronic diarrhea, in cancer of the stomach or intestine, in chronic dyspepsia, and, above all, in dilatation of the stomach. A year ago, I brought forward the statistical analysis of 220 cases of dilatation of the stomach which I had personally ob- served. I could bring forward to-day nearly 400 cases, of which 274 have been seen by me outside of the hospital, and the others in my service. When I announced to 3-011, last year, my virws upon the consequences of dilatation of the stomach, I had not met opponents by word alone. But at the Medical Societ}* of the Hospitals, in the press, and in conversations with confreres, I have found incredulity and jesting, which in our country always welcome a new announcement. I believe that my oppo- nents have passed bej'ond the question ; that they cannot judge otherwise, because they were in want of facts to control my 156 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. way of viewing it. I do not know whether my opponents have subsequently made the control Of that which I had advanced ; but I have done it. Some may sa}', it is true, that my control ought to be held only as a suspicion. And yet, if I am not mis- taken, it seems to me that the denials, which were universal, are fewer and less noisy ; they may carry with them divergence of opinion as to the frequency of such a fatal concomitant, or bf disease itself, but people no longer deny the existence of it. I have said that dilatation of the stomach was neither an anatomical curiosity nor a rarity ; that, whilst very frequent in the sick, it is relatively uncommon in the healthy; and I have mj^self asked the question whether people who, in appearance, are not ill, but still have the physical signs of dilatation of the stomach, are truly healthy? I have said that, generally speak- ing, gastric dilatation had existed for a long time before the' commencement of the disease with which we find it associated, and that there is a cause for considering, in a very large number of patients, besides the principal disease by which they are designated, the other, dilatation of the stomach, which has the appearance of being an accessory, and which has, perhaps, pre- pared the way for invasion of the first. Why has dilatation of the stomach been so little known for such along time past, and yet so frequent? Because it cannot be recognized save by establishing its physical signs ; but often- est, on examination of the patient, the symptoms of which they complain are not of the nature*to lead us to search for it. Indeed, I can affirm, from an analysis of the facts, that dilatation of the stomach may exist without inducing anomalous sensations, without dyspeptic or gastralgie symptoms, in two- thirds of the cases. It is a disease which does not announce itself; we know that it passes unperceived. The physical signs which permit of the recognition of dila- tation of the stomach can be furnished by different methods of clinical examination. Percussion is difficult and delicate to practice, sometimes insufficient, and is rendered false in its results, owing to tympanites of the colon. Succussion furnishes no certain sign; it may bring out the noise of fluid in a normal stomach, and yet it cannot reveal the extent of the dilatation. DILATED STOMACH AND ITS DETECTION. 15 f I Lave pointed out as the best sign the sound of splashing, already drawn attention to by Chomel. But it is necessary, in order that it should have the whole of its semeiotic value, that there should not have been recently the ingestion of any con- siderable quantity of food capable of producing mechanically a fleeting distension ; it is necessary that splashing should be detected in a person who is fasting. If 3-011 do not hear it at the first stroke, 3 r ou must not affirm that the stomach is not dilated. It may be flattened and fall flabbily behind the abdom- inal wall, like an apron ; but if you introduce one-third of a glass of water into a dilated stomach, you will immediately hear splashing over a region much greater in extent than in the normal state. In the healthy man this phenomenon is never perceptible fifteen hours after a meal. I still admit, through courtesy, that it is necessary to perceive the splashing below the middle of a line drawn from the umbilicus to the point nearest to the border of the left costal arch. But, in reality, this line is of little importance. Every stomach which is not retracted when it is empty is a dilated stomach. Dilatation is not disten- sion. A dilated stomach is a stretched stomach the cavity of which is apparent only when it is empty, because, though its walls then touch each other, it is no longer capable of diminishing its own size by retraction. It is not enough to know only that the stomach is dilated ; it is necessary to know, in a precise manner, the dimensions of this dilated stomach, to know its extreme limit below and its extreme limit to the right of the median line, to pursue the search after splashing until it disappears from above downward and from left to right, and to establish thus its limits by the determination of the two lines, traced upon the limits of the zone where we observe splashing, one of these lines being horizontal, the other vertical, parallel to the median line and situated to the right of this line. Is it possible, as some have said, to confound stomachal with intestinal splashing? No; this is heard lower down. Besides, we proceed to seek it from above downward, and from left to right. In addition, it is easy to establish that the arrival of water in the stomach is immediately followed by the noise 158 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. (bruit) of splashing ; water has not had sufficient time to reach the colon. I still insist upon the necessity of assuring one's self of the constancy of the phenomenon, which, sought for under the same conditions, ought always to be perceived at the same points. If the demonstration can be considered as clinically accom- plished, it is also anatomically. We can cause chopping to appear in the cadaver, and we delimit the dimensions of the area where it is heard ; we open the abdominal wall, and we can convince ourselves that these are indeed the limits of the stomach ; afterward, we sew up the wall, and anew we observe chopping within the same limits. Be certain that we do not often give ourselves the trouble of seeking for dilatation of the stomach in the exact conditions which I have indicated, and still less of measuring it. Yet we ought to be able to know exactly the number of centimetres which a stomach measures. If there truly exist marked dilata- tion of the stomach, such as I have indicated; if there are stomachs which, during several years, reach almost to the pubis, as we have been able to verify them at the autopsy, it appears a priori impossible that such an anomaly could exist without disturbance of health. Assuredly, one can have a large stomach and not experience dyspeptic troubles, but he is the victim of disturbances in the elaboration of food. Men whose stomach is dilated complain of their indisposition as being of very slow development ; they are, nevertheless, ill for a long time before becoming patients. Their diseases are, therefore, diseases of debility, because the alimentary material, incompletely digested and undergoing putrid fermentation, is no longer sufficient for their nutrition. They are the victims of an insufficient alimenta- tion both because the imperfection of digestion reduces the value of assimilable material and because putrid fermentation destroys another part of this ; for the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, being too diluted, is no longer capable of oft'ering opposition to the anomalous fermentative actions induced by the figured ferments. We notice, then, in individuals who present the physical signs of dilatation of the stomach : 1. Pulmonary phthisis. 2. Chlorosis SYMPTOMS OF DILATED STOMACH. 159 (both of which accompany gastric dilatation, the first in two- thirds of the cases, the second in four-fifths). 3. Nervous or hypo- chondriac S3 r tnptoins. We see men without energy, who present themselves at the hospital because they can no longer work, on account of phj r sieal and mental debility ; we regard them often as idlers, if not as hypochondriacs; we make an error in diag- nosis. 4. Lastly, other symptoms, so varied and so numerous that their mention at first provokes incredulity. I shall not return to the details which I gave last }-ear upon this subject. I ought, nevertheless, to make again a brief men- tion of them. We meet, amongst patients whose stomach is dilated, symptoms directly connected with the digestive tube. The appetite is in general preserved ; it may be augmented. The most of those who are the subjects of dilatation eat largely. Ingestiou is not at all painful. But, at the end of two, three, or four hours, the stomach is blown out, eructations are produced, inodorous at first, then musty, sometimes fetid ; a sensation of heaviness or of heat at the epigastrium ; pyrosis ; regurgitations, whose acid odor demonstrates the reality of the anomalous fer- mentations which are going on in the stomach, for the hydro- chloric acid has no acid odor. This is due to acetic acid. The faeces are generally doughy, stinking, acid ; although soft, they are expelled slowly, and with pain. Their acidity is due, we can assure ourselves, to the predominance of acetic acid. The consequence of this development of acid in the whole- length of the digestive tube is an inflammatory condition. We notice catarrh of the stomach, ulcerative gastritis, to which patients often succumb after twentj'-five years of bad stomach ; these are the false cancers, as they are called, or malignant gas- tritis without tumor. The large intestine is inflamed ; around the Hecal matter are seen glairy secretions and sometimes blood (membranous enteritis). Besides the phenomena of gastro-intestinal dyspepsia, there exists hepatic congestion. We find, amongst people with dil:iU-d stomach, a swollen liver, often indolent; sometimes there exi>ts an aching in the right hypochomlriuin ; sometimes jaundice, without colorless stools. This congestion of the liver is of short duration, and is modified vi-ry rapidly ; it may appear and 160 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. disappear in two or three days ; it sometimes, too, passes unno- ticed. Of the 274 cases which I have observed outside the hospital, I have found it thirteen times in 100 ; that is to say, in one-eighth of the cases. The knowledge of this tendency to hepatic congestion is not without interest, from the point of view of the explanation of the recurring jaundice of infants. It also explains, perhaps, the ectopia of the right kidney, which I have always seen co- incide with a dilatation of the stomach, but I can only believe that this coincidence is accidental. It was made, in 1875, by Bartels. This observer has an opinion different from mine as to the bond which unites these two facts, ectopia of the kidney and dilatation of the stomach. Bartels believes in the primary displacement of the kidney. The kidney, says he, falls upon the horizontal portal portion of the duodenum and opposes mechani- cally the departure of food from the stomach, which thus dilates. But if the kidney is displaced primarily, why is it always the right kidney ? I say that the right kidney is dislocated, because it is the liver which pushes it out of its place. We do not find ectopia of the right kidne}' in all people whose stomach is dilated, but only in those whose thorax is the seat of a habitual constriction at its base, in women and military men. Bartels has recognized this fact. The corset and the abdominal band prevent the liver, when it increases in volume, from passing in front of the kidney. Thus, if, ten or fifteen times a year, there are produced sudden developments of hepatic congestion, we can easily understand how the kidney, pressed against, little by little, is displaced consecutively to the gradual elongation of its vascular attachments. We observe, in all the cases of dilatation of the stomach, luxation of the kidney four- teen times out of 100. If we consider sex, the frequency is 28 per cent, in women and 3 per cent, only in men. Thus, if in women more than one-fourth of the dilatations are attributable to luxation of the kidney, dilatation of the stomach ought to be in men sensibly less frequent than in women. Yet experience shows that dilatation of the stomach is at least as frequent in men as in women. Dilatation of the stomach, on account of the anomalous fer- NERVOUS SYMPTOMS IN DILATATION OF THE STOMACII. 161 mentations which are the consequence of it, is accompanied, besides, by distant disturbances, many of which form part of the classical series of dyspepsias and are considered of the nature of reflex. These are first the nervous symptoms of dyspeptics (dyspepsia is accompanied by dilatation of the stomach in seven- eighths of the cases). Those who are ill are depressed in the morning, on awaken- ing; at the end of half an hour they have often recovered their alacrity. They complain of a painful circle around their head, of headache, of feeling very depressed, an uneasy disposition ; sensibility to cold, insomnia, vertigo, which belong to the history of all diseases of the stomach ; obscuration of sight, hemiopia, diplopia, weakness of the right internal muscle of the eye, hallucinations of sight ; partial and fleeting dropsy of the limbs, of an arm or a leg ; contracture of the extremities of the hands, as pointed out by Kussmaul, Dnjardin-Beaumetz, Hanot, and Hayem, and of which I have recently met with an example. I have seen a patient who, at 2 o'clock in the morn- ing, awoke in a start, and in a state of grief, with a contrac- ture of the hands, a contracture which extended up to the arms and the shoulders ; this condition lasted for five weeks. I de- tected in her a dilatation of the stomach, and prescribed the ap- propriate treatment ; on the following night she had not the crisis, nor had she it on the subsequent evenings, so long as she observed the regimen. One day she failed to do so ; the same evening con- tracture of the hands re-appeared. It has entirely disappeared since, thanks to the continued observance of a better hygiene. I have noticed, too, transitory aphasia, and once fatal syn- cope, disturbances of vascular innervation, a sensation as if two or three fingers were dead, palpitation, flushing of the face two or three hours after meals, false angina of the breast, nocturnal perspirations (limited to the head, neck, and thorax). I would also mention, following Chantemessc and Le Noir, bilateral inter- costal neuralgia. All these phenomena may be, strictly speaking, regarded as reflex. But there are others which arise from the abnormal metamorphosis of matter. And, as for these, how ara they to be explained if not by intoxication ? 11 162 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Besides the nervous symptoms which are rightly or wrongly considered reflex, I have detected, in people whose stomach is dilated, symptoms on the side of the general nutrition and dis- turbance of the emunctories. I have said that they are, in general, patients who are chilly ; they have, nevertheless, free perspirations, night and day, and after the least exercise, a walk on foot upon even ground, or after having ascended two flights of stairs. These perspirations have a heavy or musty odor, as of mouldy bread, according to the statement of some of the patients. We notice amongst them eczema thirteen times out of one hundred, pityriasis in front of the sternum or of the head, pityriasis versicolor. Urticaria is not uncommon amongst those suffering from dilatation. But urticaria, although it does not pass for a dis- ease of intoxication, and although it is not frequently noticed in the course of infectious diseases, yet it has arisen, in some unexplained way, during indigestion and gastric embarrassment. We have seen it follow the ingestion of mussels, certain stale fish, and various shell-fish. Are not these all toxic causes ? Urti- caria has often been observed after puncture of hydatid cyst of the liver; it has been attributed, in similar cases, to the intro- duction of a part of the fluid of the cyst into the peritoneum and to its subsequent entrance into the lymphatic channels ; it would be, even there, a kind of intoxication. It is not correct that some should put as the cause of it exclusively the action of the peritoneum. Whilst chef de clinique, I have seen a young girl, the subject of a hydatid cyst, upon whom Behier had ad- vised a large opening of the liver to be made by means of suc- cessive cauterizations, after the manner of Recamier ; in order to bring about adhesion with the abdominal wall, he had, by means of Canquoin paste, produced a kind of tunnel into the hepatic tissue. He reached a cyst of a size so small that he thought that there were multiple cysts and that he would have to resort to puncture, to be made in the depths of the tunnel. There only flowed out a few spoonfuls of a liquid clearly hydatid, in which booklets were detected by the microscope. He pushes .the treatment farther, and there is seen to escape a jet of red SKIN ERUPTIONS AND DILATATION OP THE STOMACH. 163 blood, come from a branch of the portal vein. And yet, the only accident after this was a general eruption of urticaria. It is evident that penetration of the liquid of the cyst, took place- directly into the blood, and that there was here clearly a case of toxic urticaria without any intermeddling of the peri- toneum. Besides, I think that urticaria is often of a toxic nature, like other congestive eruptions with vesicles on the skin ; quinine eruptions, which may assume the erythematous form ; scarlatinal or papular, like a variety of the erythema due to copaiva, or like the exanthem of belladonna. Amongst certain young girls, we see acne on the temples on the parts about the chin coincide frequently with dilatation of the stomach, as well as acne rosacea, with scarlet redness of the nose and cheeks, which -develop about two hours after meals, and which, for a long time past, have been considered as indica- tions of a bad stomach. Are not these cutaneous manifestations of toxic origin, like those which often follow the ingestion of chloral ? I suppose that, as the result of the ingestion of these various medicaments, the cutaneous vasomotors are impressed by the direct action of the poison, or their disturbance is the result of a reflex of the nervous system. Yet, Avhen it is a question of morbid secretions, like acne and eczema, it is difficult to admit the interference of the nervous system. Would it not be more advisable to incriminate the elimination of fatty volatile acids? Whatever may otherwise be the interpretation, the empirical fact of the linking on of dilatation of the stomach to a large number of cutaneous manifestations remains certain ; it is, therefore, a series of links and not an accidental association. For a pathogenic explanation I propose to you, for the time being, intoxication. The mucous membranes, like the cutaneous coverings, serve for the elimination of gaseous matters and volatile fatty acids arising from abnormal fermentation which has taken place in the stomach. The odor of the breath is a witness to their elimination by the respiratory mucous membrane. Besides, people who are the subjects of dilatation of the stomach catch cold easily, cougU 164 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. habitually ; their bronchi secrete mucous sputa which are with difficulty detached, and lead up to dyspnoea and rhouchi. I have (bund sibilant, noisy, recurrent bronchitis ten times in every one hundred of my actual statistics (instead of 15 per cent, in my statistics of last year) ; dyspnoeic respiration of paroxysmal character, recalling the advent of asthma, four or five times in every one hundred. I have also noticed recurring coryza and frequent sneezing in the morning. These, also, I suspect, we must rather consider the result of the elimination of toxic sub- stances than a reflex act. On the part of the kidneys, there exist important disturb- ances. Without speaking of ectopia, upon which I need not re- turn, and whose mechanism is quite peculiar, albumiuuria is extremely frequent, not only as a trace, but in measurably large quantities, in the form of a retractile coagulurn when the action of heat is made to follow that of coagulating reagents. I have established it seventeen times in one hundred cases in my most recent statistics (I had said 13 per cent, for one hundred last year). When the condition of the stomach has been relieved albuminuria diminishes, or even disappears, to return, however, on the least indiscretion of diet. It follows in a line parallel to that of the disease. Can we consider the albuminuria as dyscrasic and arising from a vitiation of the general nutrition ? Is it the consequence of irri- tation, or of inflammation of the renal tissue by toxic substances which it is eliminating? I do not undertake the solution of these questions. Albuminuria is variable as regards its intensity and its per- sistence ; it is most frequently curable. In certain cases it lasts for a long time, being the sign of a renal lesion. M. Tapret had pointed out the bruit de galop in a case in which albuminuria appeared to be associated with the existence of a dilatation of the stomach ; the albuminuria having disappeared, the heart ceased to beat in accordance with the albuminuric rhythm ; later on, it is true, cardiac troubles had returned. I have observed several analogous cases. Peptonuria is frequent in dilatation ; I believe I was the first to draw attention to it. Whilst in the normal state, peptone AFFECTION OF TEIE BOOT TISSUES. 165 cannot be discovered in the blood, either because it has been transformed into albumen in its passage through the walls of the intestine, or the liver has changed it, or the white blood-cells have laid hold of it. In certain people, the subjects of dilated stomach, it passes into and remains in the blood, and is dialyzed afterward in its passage through the kidneys. Let us now put upon record the modifications of general nutrition in people whose stomach is dilated. As a goodly number of the organs suffer, it is, therefore, not surprising that one should have to note loss of power, diminution of physical and moral energy, emaciation in the advanced phases, but often, also, lax obesity with pallor, abundant deposit of unites in the urine, increase of acidity of the urine, and the appearance of a red-wine coloration on the addition of perchloride of iron. Inflammation may seize certain of the tissues ; we notice phlebitis. I have, twice out of one hundred times, noticed spontaneous phlebitis, and I have insisted upon the importance of this point, which no longer permits us to accord to sponta- neous phlebitis coming on in the course of a chronic d3 r spepsia the signification which Trousseau assigned to it. Purpura, which indicates fragilit}' and bad nutrition of the vessels, is met with two or three times in every one hundred. In short, I ought to recall the existence of modifications of the bony tissue in the neighborhood of certain articulations. I have insisted upon the frequency of nodosities on the phalan^o- phalangeal articulations of the fingers; they are formed by enlargement of the bases of the second phalanx ; in some rare cases upon the anterior part of the base are seated two lateral nodules, as we see them in the rheumatic nodules of Heberden, which are always found at the third articulation. We often see the four fingers of the two hands present, simul- taneously, these deformities. Nearly always the patients are astonished when we call their attention to these ; the}' consider that they have always had them. Sometimes, however, the parents know the date, approximately, of their appearance, after an absence from home, such as, for instance, their return from college. In some people, pains are felt in the joints which have become deformed. 166 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Sometimes other joints may be deformed. I have noticed, at the metacarpo-phaiangeal articulation of the thumb, a swelling and pain. In cases much more rare, I have noticed pain and swelling at the level of the wrist; we sometimes observe painful swellings of other joints, and, in particular, of the internal extremity of the clavicle. Out of the whole of the observations, I have noticed joint deformities twenty-five times in every one hundred, and in men, taken apart, thirty-two, times in one hundred. They are susceptible of improvement, or of lessening if the stomach improve. I have seen oscillations running pai'allel with this condition. What can be the meaning of these nodosities? Some have said, in opposition to me, that they were the effect of rheumatism, just as dj'spepsia is. But, really, there is no choice in this of rheumatic deformation. Chronic partial rheu- matism affects the knee and the hip ; the nodosities of Heberden are seated at the third articulation of the fingers. Asthenic primary gout and deforming rheumatism seize the wrists and the phalango-phalangeal articulations at once, and only sec- ondarily the second articulations. Why do we not see, in dilatation of the stomach, other joints seized, the knees and metacarpo-phaiangeal? Otherwise, the subarticular signs of rheumatism are awanting in those who, having dilatation of the stomach, are, at the same time, the bearers of nodosities on the fingers ; it is only by a begging of the question that we attribute them to arthritism. In any case, I maintain the reality of the following empirical fact : When you find people whose fingers present, at the level of the second articulation, the nodosities of which I have spoken, you will nearly always notice in them the physical signs of dil- atation of the stomach. We may see nodosities situated also at the second joint of tlie big toes ; one is rarely led to seek for them in consultation, but, seeking them, I have found them in some cases. Not only may other joints be affected, but the osseous tissue itself may suffer, even in the continuity of the long bones. Thus may sometimes be explained rachitis and osteomalacia. If in the child, rachitis, as M. Comby has said, may be one of the con- DYSPEPTIC COMA. 167 sequences of dilatation of the stomach, it has appeared to me in several cases that osteomalacia, in the adult, may receive a similar interpretation. En resume, it seems to follow, from the existence of so man}' organic and functional troubles in people the subjects of dilatation of the stomach, that there is created in the organism a special aptitude for the tissues to become inflamed, and for perversions of nutrition to arise, from which result fragility of some part of the tissues and changes in the form of others. What has occasioned surprise among many physicians, when I have pretended to establish a relationship of cause and effect between dilatation of the stomach and the other symptoms which are associated with it, is the variety of these symptoms, which a simple change of form of that viscus is incapable of explaining to them. Numerous, however, are the local diseases which take their hold upon the organism. For a long time past, since Beau and before him, we have known how dyspepsias cause an impression upon the nervous system, the feelings, movements, nerves of the vascular system, and ideation ; we have admitted that certain nervous symptoms, contracture of the extremities, may be induced by gastro-intestinal trouble. Whatever the disease of the stomach may be, certain functional disturbances are sufficient to cause the development of dyspeptic coma, which, symptomatically, is identical with diabetic coma. This coma has been seen in cancer, chronic ulcerative gas- tritis, and I have seen it in dilatation of the stomach. Jacksch and Senator have properly described it. There is, at first, agi- tated movement, jactitation ; then comes a gradual somnoles- cence, rapidly changing into coma. We notice a singular form of dyspnoea, twenty or thirty respirations only per min- ute, but constituted by a deep and laborious inspiration, with great movement of the larynx and a moaning, panting expira- tion. The temperature is normal; the pulse small, frequent, and compressible. The odor of the breath recalls that of chloroform ; probably it is due to the same substance as that which is exhalrd in the breath of diabetics, since we find it in urine with the same chemical reaction. It has, besides, been also noticed in leucocytluemia and pernicious anu-mia. 168 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Is it astonishing, therefore, that severe nervous symptoms should be caused by a simple dilatation of the stomach ? What occurs in the chronic gastroenteritis of infants due to a defective or premature alimentation ? At first there appears green, acid diarrhoea, which excoriates the buttocks; then arise subsequent phenomena, fever, cutaneous eruptions (erythema- tous, eczematous, and pustular), and, lastly, the peculiar nodosi- ties of rachitis. These are, really, alterations of the bony tissue, induced by a primary disease of the stomach. It has been accepted, but not without difficulty, that, the kidney being diseased, there may result from it general disturb- ances, dropsies, nervous accidents, headache, pruritus, deaf- ness, amaurosis, dyspnoea from functional trouble of the heart, but, also, modifications in the structure of the heart ; hypertrophy of the left ventricle with, as a stethoscophic sign, reduplication of the first sound. It has been thoroughly acknowledged, be- cause each fact was presented in an isolated and successive man- ner, that all these conditions, so varied, arise from disease of the kidney. I believe that, in the same manner with regard to dilatation of the stomach, we will come to recognize the fact that the accidents so varied which accompany it are really subordi- nated to it. If I am of this opinion, it is because I represent to myself the kidney as an organ with a functional dignity inferior to that of the digestive canal ; it eliminates matter without alter- ing it; and j'et, what disturbances its diseases cause in the organism ! What can it be, therefore, which passes when the stomach is at fault, the functional derangement of which disturbs the whole intestine ? How is it possible for its derangement not to affect the whole organism ? Think of the physiological importance of the digestive tube. It introduces into the organism all the solid and liquid material, all except oxygen, and, before introducing the material, it must elaborate it. It has, therefore, not only to play the part of an emunctory, but its functional derangement must vitiate part of the emunctory apparatus and the cells of all the organism. Some people are willing to admit the reality of the symp- AFFECTIONS OF JOINTS. 169 toraatic grouping which I have indicated, but they do not con- sider that all the associated symptoms may be subordinated to the stomach; there would be links established between them and it, but no subordination. As in certain cases of dilatation we find re-united several symptoms which recall arthritism, nodosi- ties of joints, migraine, neuralgias, sibilant bronchitis, eczema, :md as arthritism determines dyspepsia accompanied by a cer- tain degree of laxity of the stomach, we are forced to rely upon this coincidence, so as to say that dilatation of the stomach is only one of the consequences of arthritism, like the other symptoms of which I have just spoken. But this assemblage of symptoms of an arthritic nature is only the small coin, as it were, of arthritisra ! They are dis- orders which may arise outside of the arthritism ; they are not the grand, fundamental signs of the diathesis; it is, so to speak, arthritis minor. We have in this enumeration met with neither diabetes nor gout. These are two diseases which are not met with outside of arthritism ; on the contrary, dilatation of the stomach is rare amongst diabetics and the gouty. The} 7 may, nevertheless, arise in such by way of d}-spepsia, should they be dyspeptic, and yet great eaters ; for they accumulate one meal upon the preceding one not digested ; they thus take meals irregularl} r , and in too great quantity. I do not say that arthri- tism is not concerned as a predisponent in the pathogenesis of certain dilatations of the stomach. But there is another influ- ence, the direct heredity of this organic disposition. We very often see a mother and her four children the subjects of dilata- tion. Is it because they live in common and in the same manner, and undergo the same hygienic trials ? No ; it is that there are families in whom the stomachs have a congenital tendency to undergo dilatation. In a ward in the hospital, out of ten patients taken at ran- dom, you will find three with dilatation. This frequency of dilatation in the class of people attending hospital, and which is less predisposed to arthritism, agrees little with the opinion which would see in dilatation of the stomach an affection of an arthritic nature. It is true that, in our time, men of the work- ing class have borrowed from the governing classes a certain 170 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. number of their faults and vices of Irygiene. But I have little hope in convincing the generation to which I belong. When one has taken up a certain line of study he does not care to leave it to undertake another. I address myself, therefore, chiefly to those who are now receiving their education, and I ask them to affirm my statements. It is not by immediate dis- cussion that one can settle such questions, but only by facts. And yet, amongst those who attack my manner of viewing them, how many of them are there who have ever thought of seeking for dilatation of the stomach amongst all patients ? Amongst those who may wish to do so, how many of them know how to do it? And, amongst those who can seek for the existence of a dilata- tion, how few are preoccupied with the greatness of the question? If we now examine under what appearances dilata- tion of the stomach is presented to us, we are led to recognize several clinical types of it. There exists a latent form ; it is the most frequent, since it constitutes two-thirds of the cases. No abnormal sensation is complained of by the patient ; no functional trouble is revealed on his being interrogated. Only a careful examination of all the organs can alone enable us to recognize the physical signs of dilatation of the stomach. In the dyspeptic form, the patient complains of pains, of slowness of digestion, and often of constipation. The hepatic form is constituted by congestion of the liver, which shows itself by increased size in the volume of this organ and sensation of weight in the right hypochondrium. It is sometimes accompanied by jaundice, and frequently appears in young subjects, which is, perhaps, the explanation of the chronic jaundice of infancy. There exists a form which simulates biliary lithiasis ; pseudo- gastralgic pains, which are often really gastralgic, show them- selves slowly, when intestinal digestion commences. Owing to the hydrochloric acid being deficient, acetic acid is produced in excess, and irritates the mucosa of the intestinal tract. We should include movable kidney rather in the renal form, although it depends upon repeated congestions of the liver. To the neurosal type belong vertigoes, depression in the mornings, migraine, vascular spasms of the fingers, spinal irrita- ORGANS AFFECTED. 171 tion, cerebro-cardiac neurosis, hj'pochondriasis, contractures of the extremities. The cardiac form includes palpitations, breathlessness, beat- ing in the temples, redness of the face, cardiac anguish, and false angina pectoris. The asthmatic form, or bronchitic, is that in which coryza is frequent; in which glutinous expectoration, occluding the bronchial tubes, provokes laborious cough with sibilant sounds, which disappear when the patient has succeeded in expelling it. The renal form it is very important to recognize. When we have established in a person an albuminuria which is not the transitory albuminuria of fever, and when we are undecided be- tween the hypothesis of a lesion of the kidney and that of a car- diac affection, it is necessary to think that this albuminuria may be of dyspeptic and stomach origin, since seventeen times in every one hundred albuminuria co-exists with dilated stomach. Simultaneously, the same accidents may exist as those which are under the dependence of other albuminurias, cardiac hyper- trophy, for example. Under the name of the cutaneous form we may include urticaria, acne rosacea, and certain circumscribed eczemas, etc. The rheumatismal form, although the word may be defective, is characterized by the predominance of joint manifestations, which at once attract the attention, and which are often wrongly looked upon as chronic rheumatism. To this form phlebitis is, perhaps, attached. I have seen this amongst medical men who had dilatation of the stomach and who considered themselves the subjects of rheumatismal phlebitis. Lastly, there is occasion to admit an acute or chronic con- sumptive type. In the acute consumptive type the patient has always suffered in his stomach for ten or fifteen years, then he rapidly feels himself thoroughly exhausted, and soon after he is no longer able to leave his room, not even his bed. The phy- sician, finding no organic lesion, calls the case one of nervous fever. To the chronic consumptive type belongs the case of so many patients who in the hospitals pass either for idlers or hypochondriacs. H2 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. We could multiply these types, but around these ten ma}' be grouped all the other sjnnptoms. We must still remember the fact that dilatation of the stomach renders the economy more vulnerable, and opens the door to diseases of debility. Chlorosis amongst young girls and pulmonary phthisis are often induced by dilatation of the stomach. This latter exists in two-thirds of the tubercular, and, if we have sought for it early enough, we can convince ourselves that the physical signs of dilatation have sometimes for long preceded the first symptoms that may be regarded as the premonitions of tuberculosis. I am, therefore, fully of the opinion that dilatation of the stomach is the outcome of a veritable acquired diathesis, a morbid disposition due to a disturbance of the general nutrition. Do we not see it, for example, induce alterations in the skeleton in the same way as that to which we attribute the production of rachitis? If it is true that in rickets it may be the formation of lactic acid in excess which hinders the calcification of the bones, in patients attacked with dilatation of the stomach the formation in the digestive tube and the absorption of acetic acid in excessive quantity perhaps explain the nodosities on the fingers. I have even seen osteomalacia produced ; at least, the bones were painful at the level of the ribs, joints, femur, and pelvis. I have seen the pain increase by standing so as to render walking impossible. LECTURE XIX. DILATATION OF THE STOMACH ETIOLOGY, PATHOOENESIS, AND THERAPEUSIS. Causes of dilatation of the stomach. Hygienic causes : excessive, permanent, or too frequent distension of the stomach, In consequence of bad alimentary hygiene. Pathological causes : catarrhal or interstitial inflammations ; me- chanical obstacles to the evacuation of the contents of the stomach. Physio- logical causes : insufficient iunervation ; congenital or acquired debility of the muscular tunic ; reciprocal relations between typhoid fever and dilatation of the stomach ; predisposition of those suffering from dilatation to contract typhoid fever. Therapeutics based upon the knowledge of causes. General stimulants. Alimentary hygiene. Regularity and infrequency of meals. Sub- stantial alimentation in small volume. Choice of foods. The unsuitableness of alcoholic drinks and of everything which keeps up excessive fermentation in the stomach. Why insufficiently-baked bread is not easily digested. Re- cent researches upon the fermentation of bread. Necessity for reducing the quantity of drink. How the dietary which I propose for dilatation of the stomach is not simply the dry regimen proposed by Chomel for dyspep- sia due to the use of liquids. Milk food as the preparatory regimen in the cure of dilatation. Mixed regimen of eggs and milk. Regimen of infre- quent and complete meals. Nutritive enemata. Antiseptic medica- tion as an auxiliary to the dietetic regimen : chloroform-water, hydrochloric lemonade. Indications for washing out the stomach. Treatment of pyrosis and of ulcerative gastritis. Advantageous result of the above-mentioned regimen : rapid disappearance of the most disturbing and most painful symptoms. Necessity for lengthened continuation of treatment, in order to arrive at a complete cure, which is not always possible. IN order to place before you again, in a few words, all the knowledge we have accumulated upon intoxication of intestinal origin, I recall to you that, after having demonstrated their reality, I have shown 3-011 how intoxication may be the result of normal fermentation, if the kidney is diseased, and how, with a healthy kidney, intoxication may be produced by abnormal fermentation. Afterward, I have proved to you that intoxication of intestinal origin, from abnormal fermentation, may show itself in either the acute or chronic state. The time has now come for consid- ering the therapeutics of this intoxication. I ought already to have dealt with, in a summary manner, intestinal antisepsis, (173) 174 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. having been almost of necessity led to it, in order to interpret ursemia and to study its therapeutics. I am now led to undertake this question, whilst studying the treatment of intoxication from chronic dyspepsia ; that is to say, chiefly from dilatation of the stomach. But all the treatment of chronic intoxication of digestive origin does not lie in intestinal antisepsis. It is not sufficient to neutralize or to delay fermentations. Without neglecting the employment of charcoal, which fixes the products of putrefaction, of iodoforrn, and of naphthalin, which prevent these from developing, it is necessary to address ourselves to the physiological actions of the organism, in order to correct the functional disturbances of the digestive canal. We ought, if we can, to act upon the disease which leads to fermentation in the digestive canal by referring to its causes, or to what is predominant in chronic dyspepsias, that is, dilatation of the stomach. In eight cases of dyspepsia we find seven times an exaggerated distension of the stomach with an impos- sibility of retraction. The causes of this excessive, permanent distension are numerous. Some arise from faulty alimentary hygiene. Excessive distension, too often repeated and pro- longed, leads up, more or less rapidly, to a forced condition of stomach. Individuals who eat too much or drink too often dilate their stomach, but other hygienic errors lead to the same result. To eat too quickly, when we come to table with an excessive appetite, due to irregularity in our meals, is hurtful, for a very fine mechanical division of food is indispensable for its digestion. Irregularity of meals has also for its conse- quence the leaving of only too short an interval between certain meals. A meal is then introduced into the stomach, which still contains part of the preceding one. These are all bad hygienic habits, which mechanically engender dilatation of the stomach. Other causes may also be in operation, such as bad teeth, which prevent good mastication. We can remedy all these causes in the premonitory period, but when the stomach is thus forced, what then ? You will be able to advise a certain number of palliative measures, which will only bring to the patient a minimum of help, if you do not seek in the minute analysis of the elements of the morbid state PYLORIC OBSTRUCTION AND MUSCULAR DEBILITY. 175 those which therapeutics could attack with the greatest chances of success. Mechanical distension sometimes follows from pathological causes, from an antecedent dyspepsia having determined habitually too long location of food in the stomach ; from a chronic catarrh of the mucous membrane, preventing physio- logical secretion ; cancerous or cicatricial constrictions of the pylorus. The puckered cicatrix of a cured ulcer of the pylorus may progressively lead up, in quite a mechanical manner, to distension of the stomach, where digestion, nevertheless, is normal in operation. "We may attribute a large share in the pathogenesis to debility of the muscular wall. General nervous debility that state of irritable debility and neurasthenia which exists amongst hysterical people and in ataxies causes varia- tions in the energy of the central nervous sj-stem, whence there results distension ; but this is rarely permanent. We notice, too, an intermittent distension in exophthalmic goitre, in convales- cence from serious affections, after grief, prolonged indisposition, sad mental preoccupation. All these distensions have not }-et become dilatation, but may end in it. It is also necessary to take cognizance of the radical debility of such and such a tissue in certain people, in consequence of which, in the pathogenesis of dilatation of the stomach, there is occasion given for the influence of heredit}'. It is certain that in the same famil}'- dila- tation of the stomach exists amongst several individuals, without our being able to call to our aid, in order to explain it, a group of hygienic defects. It may be said of the stomach, as of the scrotum, which is habitually retracted in certain people, that there is a weak condition in some, owing to a natural muscular debility. Lastly, debility of the muscular wall of the stomach may be the result of a morbid degeneration. The study of degenera- tions of the muscular wall has been made in the intestine by Blaschko, Sasaky, Nothnagel, and Schleimpflug. They have seen atrophy to be the result of fatty degeneration of the muscular tunic itself, consecutive to inflammatory affections of the mucous membrane, to intemperance, or to habitual alcoholic intoxica- tion, to lesions of the intestinal and central nervous system, and, lastly, to infectious diseases. 176 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. These causes are probably attributable to debility of the gastric muscular wall. After typhoid fever it is developed ; oftener it arises at the beginning and even before the commence- ment of the disease. It is not rare that t} r phoid fever is devel- oped in people whose stomach has already been dilated. I have seen, in the course of these two last years, twelve cases of typhoid fever in my practice at the hospital ; that is to say, coming on in patients under treatment for another illness, twelve times was there question of patients the subject of dilatation of the stomach. We might ask the question, whether dilatation had not prepared the way for the introduction of the infectious agent ? I content myself, for the moment, by an empirical statement of the fact. The largest number of patients whom we treat in the hospitals for typhoid fever carry nodosities on the second articulations, which prove that dilatation was the primary. If these, therefore, are the varied causes which may., take part in dilatation of the stomach, what resources may their knowledge furnish us with for their therapeutics ? Nothing of consequence, save two things. If there exist habitually a con- dition of primary dyspepsia, aggravated recently, it will be advisable to combat this dyspeptic state, in order to allow the stomach to become retracted. If the nervous system should increase the retractility of what remains of healthy muscular fibres, general stimulants can indirectly give advantageous results ; they will not cure, but they will aid in the cure. We may stimulate directly the nerve terminations in the gastric wall by simple bitters and astringent bitters. We may give attention to the general nervous system in its cutaneous and peripheral expansions ; we may prescribe dry or aromatic friction, change of air, high altitudes, sea-air. It is necessary to remove all care, preoccupation, and to procure distraction by traveling and pleasurable occupation. Distraction is particularly neces- sary during meals, which it is well to take in pleasant company. These are small measures, but their utility is beyond question. We might derive benefit from the cold or hot douche, or the shower bath, with ordinary water, or that containing sulphur or saline material. We need not ask how a cutaneous douche PRINCIPLES OF ALIMENTARY HYGIENE. 177 revives the stomach ; it is simply a question of improving function. With a bad tool a workman may do pretty good work. Sulphur- ous and saline baths, sea-baths, cold baths, and baths of Plom- bieres may be useful. I can scarcely believe in the favorable influence of electricity, in spite of the results of which some have made a great noise. They publish at first the successful cases, and they forget to mention the others. Inhalations of oxygen sometimes answer well ; these improve the appetite and stimulate digestion. Lastly and chiefly, we must pay attention to alimentary hygiene. This includes the whole of the means which cause digestion to be rapid, and which thus prevent a protracted stay of food in the stomach. We may put it in the following axiom : it is necessary that the stomach should be distended the least pos- sible, least often, and for the shortest time possible. We must first masticate well; consequently, certain buccal preparations are sometimes necessary. We must eat slowly, and without mental worry. It is necessary to abstain altogether from work immedi- ately after meals. Fatiguing work is bad, even if it is physical work ; what is useful is no longer repose, but muscular activity in the open air, without it being pushed to the extent of fatigue. There must be neither eating nor drinking between meals. The meals must be widely separated from each other. To eat once a day is impossible. If we only make two meals, should these be separated b} r twelve hours? No ; the needs of the organism are much less during the period given up to repose. We must allow nine hours between the two meals as the interval by day, and fifteen hours as the interval by night. This infre- quency of meals is sometimes sufficient to cause heartburn to disappear and the sensations of heat, and to arrest the emacia- tion of patients who should moderate their appetite in order to prevent their pains. As a rule, we must allow to patients three meals per diem, with an interval of eight hours between the two principal ones and four hours between the first and second. We must make exception for growing children. The hours should be, for example, 7.30 and 11.30 in the forenoon, and 7.30 in the evening. In the cases where this interval is not sufficient for the digestion of the preceding meal to be completed, it will 178 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. be necessary to proceed with the artificial evacuation of the stomach. The meals ought not to be copious, but substantial. It is advisable to suppress all that is unnecessary and made with water, consequently, liquid foods. Yet it is necessary to give sufficient, and even a little more, because the organism may be obliged to eliminate an excess of solid material l>y the urine, which can only be done by the help of a determined quantity of water. We must never expose ourselves to the attempt to reach the limit on this side of which urinary depura- tion might be prevented. We would not allow liquids at other than meal-times ; 375 grammes of drink at each meal, or three- fourths of a litre in twenty-four hours, ought, in a general way, to be sufficient. As digestion requires that the foods should be not only softened, but penetrated by the gastric juice, they must not be fatty. The stomach is not called upon to digest fat, but the latter might prevent the stomach from digesting what it ought, by preventing the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice from softening, penetrating, and hydrating meat and other alimentary substances. It is better still to have the fat emulsionized, as in milk. The food ought to be as much divided as possible ; we must, therefore, prescribe food easy of mastication, not hard food, but cold or very well cooked meat and boiled fish. It is necessaiyto avoid, as much as possible, everj'thing that may have a tendency to undergo fermentation, alcohol, which furnishes acetic acid, acid substances, and certain parts of bread. Wine is certainly unfavorable, especially red wine, and, above all, pure red wine. But pure water is distasteful to certain people, and, as they no longer have any appetite, they lose weight if they are submitted to this regimen. In order to give the least amount of alcohol possible, we must advise to be added to wtiter one-fourth of white wine, one-third of beer, or a teaspoonful of brandy. Bread is generally badly borne by dyspeptics, but rice, barley, oatmeal, and unfermented pastes are allowed. As re- gards bread, we may allow only the crust or grated crumb. The reason for this restriction is this : Baking, having inter- rupted the fermentation of the dough, has not stopped it alto- FERMENTATION AND THE PROCESS OF BAKING. 179 gether; consequently, this fermentation re-appears when moisture and temperature are again favorable to it. In thoroughly-baked bread fermentation is,'on the contrary, entirely stopped. What, then, is this fermentation of bread ? The idea generally adopted on the subject is that which was clearly defined by Graham. In the presence of cereal! n (diastase) starch is broken up into maltose and dextrin. Maltose, under the influence of saccharo- myces minor, forms two sugars, dextrose and Isevulose. The two sugars, un'der the influence of the saccharom3 T ces, ferment, producing alcohol and carbonic acid, which cause the bread to rise. M. Duclaux, who has accepted this theory in principle, denies, moreover, the existence of alcohol in this fermentation. The question has been taken up again by M. Chicandart. The result of his researches is that, in dough in process of fermentation, we do not find either soluble starch or dextrin. The first part, therefore, of the theory of Graham falls. We do not find in it more sugar than in flour. We do not find alcohol either, but in the fermented dough there exist acetic and butyric .'ic-ids, supposing we only employ gluten without starch, and lactic acid with pure gluten. We also find leucin, ty rosin, phenol ; that is to say, the products of the fermentation of a nitrogenous substance. What undergoes fermentation in dough is, therefore, the glu- ten, which gives birth to the products of acetic fermentation in the presence of a bacterium, the bacillus glutinis. But this resists the temperature to which the centre of the crumb is found to be carried during cooking ; and it may, therefore, carry on in the stomach acetic fermentation. By the knowledge of these facts is explained the usefulness of un fermented and grated bread in the feeding of dyspeptics. After having laid down the general rules for a dietary which has for its aim the attainment successively of functional ameli- oration, then the anatomical restoration of a digestive canal deteriorated by dilatation of the stomach, I proceed to state precisely the concrete formula of the regimen. I remind you that meals ought to be takt'ii :it iv.irular hours; that, if it is possible to obtain consent from patients for only 180 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. two meals in twenty-four hours, these ought to be separated by an interval of nine hours ; but that, as during the greater part of the time three meals are necessary, the intervals ought to be four hours between 'the first and second and eight hours between the second and third. Thus, the first meal will be taken, for example, at 7.30 in the morning, the second at 11.30, and the third at 7.30 in the evening. The patients ought to take nothing between meals, and should strongty resist any impulses of hunger or thirst, when even this resistance would cause them suffering, and in spite of the momentary relief which satisfaction of these desires would appear to give them. We will frequently secure from patients this difficult resignation when we have clearly made them under- stand the necessity, and when we have dazzled them with the hope of a definite and absolute cure. Meals should be taken slowly, and mastication should be slow enough to reduce the aliments into pulp. It is necessary to insist upon the prohibition of liquid ali- ments which dilute the gastric juice, and of fats which remove from the action of this juice the solid alimentary substances, and to insist, also, upon the advisability of eating only a little bread. The early breakfast should not be abundant : an egg, cooked fruits, or marmalade, neither bread nor drinks. At the second meal there should be cold meats (well cooked), hot meats (but broiled in preference to underdone roasts), meat-soups, boiled fish, eggs lightly cooked, eggs prepared in milk, milk in some way solidified, paste (e.g., vermicelli) ; rice prepared in milk, or in soup, or with the juice of meat; vegetable-soups (considered, wrongly, as increasing flatulent dyspepsia), cheese, comp6tes of fruit. Of fresh fruits these only will be allowed : strawberries, peaches, and grapes. I do not know why the}' are better digested than other fruits by dyspeptics, but I indicate the fact to you as the result of experience. Other fruits should only be allowed cooked. The important advice as regards drinks is resumed in the instruction not to drink at the first meal nor between meals, and not to drink at any of the two principal meals more than a glass and a half, each glass containing 250 grammes ( litre). In the EATING AND DRINKING: INDICATIONS TO BE FULFILLED. 181 summer-time, for patients who perspire profusety, we would moderate, somewhat, the rule, in order to make some compensa- tion for the loss of liquid. Drink should be, by preference, pure water; alcohol ought to be avoided, because it gives rise to acetic acid. But, our habits being repugnant to the use of pure water, we would advise the addition to the water of one-third beer or one-fourth of white wine ; we would reject red wine, which contains too much alcohol and tannin, also the infusion of tea. It has been wrongly stated that the regimen, thus formulated, was the dry regimen already laid down by Chomel. But the whole regimen, according to Chomel, was limited to the sup- pression of liquids. Mine proposes to satisfy three indications; to obtain these gastric distension should be slight, infrequent, and of short duration. In order to bring about the first, I am willing to give sufficient alimentation in the smallest volume possible. I moderate the employment of water, both because it occupies space and dilutes the gastric juice. Chomel has seen dyspepsia from liquids which is real and which may coincide with certain cases of dila- tation of the stomach, but not with all; the dyspepsia of liquids is not dilatation of the stomach. The second indication requires that the meals should be infrequent. The third is fulfilled by the emplo3 r ment of solid foods, easy to digest and very finely divided, in order that the surface of digestion may be increased. I exclude aliments easily trans- formable into acetic acid ; that is why I reduce alcohol to a minimum ; and I suppress bread, which I only allow transformed into crust or toasted. This regimen, such as I have just formulated, presupposes that there is still great digestive power. In a certain mnulu'r of cases, neither meat nor farinaceous vegetables are digested. What is to be chosen, then, the dry regimen? No; but milk diet, on condition of instituting it according to the precepts laid down by Cruveilhier for the treatment of ulcer of the stomach, in frequent doses and in small quantities, in order that its digestion may be rapid and complete. Milk diet is a prepar- 182 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. atory regimen. We should begin with the quantity strictly necessary to prevent deterioration of the organism, 1 table- spoonful every two hours, if it is advisable; then 1 litre daily in ten equal doses; that is to say, 100 grammes every two hours, from 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning to 10 or 11 o'clock at night, nine doses in the day ; one during the night. By increasing progressively each dose, we reach 2 litres in the twenty -four hours, which are sufficient for the sustenance of any man. Lastly, 2^ litres, in ten doses of 250 grammes, should not be exceeded. And then we should proceed, by insensible transi- tion, to mixed diet. We add, first, a } r elk of an egg to one of the cups of milk, then to several, which brings us up to ten yelks of eggs. At this period we would replace, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the cup of milk by rice-soup, barley, oats, oatmeal, or paste, but suppressing the cup at midday, in order to allow the stomach four hours to digest the soup. In the evening the same substitution should be made at 6 o'clock. After a week of these two light meals, suppressing four cupfuls of milk, we can then add a whole egg to the soup ; then fish or cold fowl at the morning meal, and at that of the evening clear soup of potatoes. From this time onward we may boldly approach the diet of two complete meals in the twenty-four hours ; then we may alternately add, if necessary, the small, supplementary meal of the morning. Sometimes from the first it may be necessary to maintain the patient a little more, if his weakness is excessive, or to beguile his thirst. We may have recourse to alimentary drinks or to nutritive enemata. We may employ aqueous solutions of pep- tones, properly prepared, which we now find procurable in France, and which have nothing in common with the products falsely sold for a long time under this designation. Or shall we be obliged to have recourse to alimentary powders (to meat powder), which have been of signal service in certain diseases in which it was necessary to maintain nutrition ? I do not think so. They have, doubtless, the advantage of being very finely divided, but they remain difficult of digestion, because they nau- seate. We cannot dispense with the part which the nervous system plays in the cure of the diseases of the stomach ; the HOW TO PREVENT FERMENTATION IN THE STOMACH. 183 patient who swallows with dislike does not digest. It would be better, in case of need, to allow any fine pulp of cooked meat. In order to prevent the excessive fermentation which dilata- tion of the stomach favors, we should have recourse to the anti- septic method. Many antiseptics are at our disposal. Creasote (which has been employed for more than thirt} r }'cars, in acid dyspepsias particularly), iodoform, and naphthalin fail, very often, because they spoil the appetite; salicylic acid, in a suf- ficient dose to be truly antiseptic, induces nervous derange- ments ; salicylate of bismuth, less soluble, is also less active. Chloroform-water is better; oxygenized water is good ; but what is better still is hydrochloric acid, which prevents anomalous fermentations and aids physiological digestion. No fermenta- tion is possible in a liquid which contains for every 1000 parts 1.10 grammes of anhydrous hydrochloric acid, equivalent to 3.30 grammes of the fuming hydrochloric acid of commerce. The liquor which I employ is a solution with this formula : Fuming hydrochloric acid, pure, . . 4 grammes. Water, 1000 grammes. It is, generally speaking, neither disagreeable nor irritating. It is a little painful to some patients, cancerous particularly, or those who have ulcerations lying upon the great curvature. We may give it at one meal, only in the dose of a few mouthfuls dur- ing the course of the meal, or a glassful at the end of it. We may give as much as 750 grammes of the solution apart from the meals. When digestion is not terminated three or four hours after the meal, we must come to the aid of the stomach by replacing its exhausted secretions. As a help, I ought to speak of the practice of washing-out, so much in vogue for the last few years. It has given satisfaction on the old erroneous idea that fluids which have accumulated in the stomach ought to be removed. The real service which it renders is, to free the stomach of the remains of previous digestions not attacked by the gastric juice and undergoing putrefaction. Washing out the stomach does not cure dilatation, it can only relieve some of its consequences ; and as for its advantages, these are accompanied by certain inconveniences, e.0.,the dim- 184 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. inution of the appetite and of digestion, and, in consequence, increase of emaciation. Nevertheless, it is a necessary method under certain circumstances. We ought to lay it down as a principle that we should never introduce an additional meal into the stomach when the previous one has not been digested. Five hours after ingestion the presence of food in the stomach is pathological, and from the sixth hour onward there will occur in this alimentary mass anomalous fermentation. Beyond the seventh hour the alimentary residue will undergo exclusively acid or putrid fermentation. When, therefore, rational signs or exploratory catheterization shall have established stagnation of the alimentary residue in the stomach, there will be formal reasons for evacuating it. Then we can leave the stomach to rest for two hours, to recover itself, so to speak. Patients undergoing lavage ought to have only two meals per diem. At the same time you should make antisepsis; but, in order to attain this end, no liquid is necessary. We cannot introduce hydrochloric acid into an empty stomach, especially as, in these cases of putrid stagnation, there exists already upon the greater curvature punctated haemorrhages and ulceration of the mucous membrane. But there is no inconvenience whatever in intro- ducing iodoform (in pill), creasote, or nitrate of silver, which may be useful in overcoming pyrosis. This extremely painful symptom yields too, generally speaking, after a few days of regimen, without the employment of medicines. When pain is such that, in spite of the stoicism which you would like to inspire in your patient, it is necessary to intervene to give him immediate relief, we can neutralize the corrosive acids which cause such great pain by means of sodium bicarbo- nate, prepared chalk, calcined magnesia, charcoal, to all of which may be added a small quantity of opium or combined with chloroform-water, which relieves pain and checks fermenta- tion ; finally, cocaine may render some service in diminishing the sensibility of the mucous membrane. When ulceration of the stomach supervenes, the therapeutic indications are those laid down by Cruveilhier. The patient is then in a grave con- dition, having reached a very advanced stage of the illness. In making an abstract of the cases in which patients come GASTRIC DILATATION AND ITS PROSPECTS OP CURE. 185 to you only in the last stages of their illness, you will derive great benefit always from the dietetic and therapeutic rules which I have just laid down. You will sometimes see patients who have suffered for ten years lose their suffering at the end of two days, and declare themselves cured at the end of three weeks. Remember that this is not even an apparent cure, and that all the symptoms will re-appear on the day following that on which the regimen has been abandoned. At the end of what time, then, can we hope for a cure? In the case of certain stomachs, dilated from the period of infancy, cure will never be realized ; but, thanks to the permanence of the treatment, we can overcome the anatomical imperfection of the organ. The largest number of patients can, nevertheless, be cured, but not in less than two years ; and these cures are easily broken. Long before the cure of the gastric symptoms you will, fortunately, have the satisfaction of seeing disappear the superadded diseases, unless phthisis is part of the morbid process and the mushroom bacillus has developed upon the waste which the organism has supplied to it. There are nervous symptoms which may yield at the end of a few hours, even cer- tain sibilant rales of bronchitis, which arise from intoxication, and are due to gastric fermentation ; certain anginal cardiac symptoms (dyspnoeal), and the cutaneous, and especially renal, manifestations. Albuminuria rapidly improves and totally dis- appears, at the same time that it is accompanied by cardiac re- duplication. The alterations in the joints, caused and main- tained by the excess of acetic fermentations, may even retrocede. The possibility of obtaining similar results is a reason, in my opinion, for insisting upon the indications to be fulfilled and the rules to be followed in the treatment of chronic intoxication of a digestive origin, the type of which is dilatation of the stomach.* * Since these lectures were delivered, M. P. le Gendre has studied more par- ticularly certain points in the history of dilatation of the stomach, and he has pub- lished the result of his researches in an inaugural thesis, "Dilatation of the Ktonmch and Typhoid Fever. Scmeiological Value of the Nodosities of Bouchard." M. le Gendre has commenced by fixing the mean capacity of the stomach of the adult, estimated in cubic centimetres of water, basing his remarks upon an examina- tion of sixty stomachs of cadavera taken hap-hazard ; he believed that he might con- clude that this average was less than 1300 cubic centimetres. But in twelve cases, in 186 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. which he had made the autopsy upon subjects in whom dilatation had been diagnosed during life by "splashing" as the method adopted for diagnosis, the stomach had a cubic capacity of from 1450 to 3600 cubic centimetres. M. le Gendre has described very minutely, from a morphological and anatomical point of view, the knotty condition of the phalango-phalangeal joints of the fingers, the semeiological value of which I have made known. In what refers to those who are the subjects of dilatation, and are predisposed to contract typhoid fever, I am reminded that, in nineteen cases of this disease which have come under my care within the last two and a half years, the contagion had exerted itself nearly always upon patients attacked with dilatation of the stomach ; it had even attacked four authentic cases of relapse of typhoid fever, facts certainly very rare concerning the subjects of dilatation. He draws attention to the relative frequency with which we meet with taenia and the lumbrici in individuals whose stomach is imperfectly fulfilling its functions ; which shows that the digestive canal of the subjects of dila- tation is particularly favorable for the lodgment of disease-producing parasites, large or small. M. le Gendre finally insists upon the very peculiar frequency with which we observe, in those the subjects of dilatation, certain morbid conditions badly classed in nosology, afebrile or febrile gastric obstruction, continued febricula, synocha ; choleriforni, gastro-intestinal catarrh, many of which are, perhaps, attenuated forms of typhoid fever. LECTURE XX. AUTO-lNTOXICATION OF INTESTINAL ORIGIN TYPHOID FEVER. Part played by auto-intoxication in typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is caused by an infective agent. History of the research after the pathogenic agent of enteric fever. State of the question. My own researches. The infective nature of typhoid fever, although not absolutely demonstrated, is probably absolute. Besides the general infection of the economy by the pathogenic agent, the intestinal ulce rations are a cause of intoxication, either by increasing normal fermentations or by the induction of anomalous fermenta- tive processes. Role of secondary infections arising from the migration of common infective agents outside of the intestine, and of superadded infections, by penetration into the debilitated economy of special pathogenic agents : parotiditis, erysipelas, gaseous gangrene, furuncle, anthrax. Role of increased temperature from the point of view of therapeutic indication of the part played by inanition. Therapeusis of the accidents of auto-intoxi- cation of intestinal origin ; disinfection of faecal material by charcoal. Anti- sepsis of the intestine by iodoform and naphthalin. Part played by purga- tives. Influence of intestinal antisepsis seen in the diminution of mortality. THE stucty of intoxication of intestinal origin does not appear to lead naturally to a digression upon typhoid fever. This is an infectious disease, and not a toxic one, and j-et, -when we come to study its therapeutics, it is necessary to deal with intoxica- tion. In t3 r phoid fever, in short, there come into play not only the minor vegetable organisms which, by one means or another, produce all the disorders which an infective agent can cause. By the side of infection there is evolved a secondary process, an accessory one, which is subordinate to intoxication. Well, then, were it only for this alone, therapeutics ought to concern itself with intoxication in typhoid fever. The primary cause of abdominal typhus is certainly regarded as an infective agent, and this enters by the intestinal canal ; all that we know of its mode of transmission authorizes us to believe this. But the infective agent only exists trausitionally in the digestive tube; that is not its habitat. The place where it is developed is the lymphatic system, the closed follicles, Peyer's glands, mesen- teric glands, and spleen. It may be eliminated by the intestine, landing there at the moment of necrosis of Peyer's patches, and be carried away by alvine discharges. (187) 188 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. The organism which may be the infective agent of enteric fever has been known for a long time, since 1811, by Reckling- hausen ; then by Klein, Sokolof, Browitz, and Fischl, in 1878. I have myself found it, in 1879, and I communicated, in 1880, my researches. I have found it in all the pathological liquids, with the exception of sudamina. It is a rod possessed of the power of changing its form frequently, a bacillus one day, disposed, later on, in the form of beads, then as isolated micrococci. We find it, at the autopsy, in certain organs, the kidneys, spleen, and glands. During life, I have found it in the urine; this fact was a novelty at that period ; it led me to form the concep- tion of infectious nephrites. I have said that, detected in the 'blood and urine, the microbe leaves its habitat to be eliminated by the renal emunctory. This fact has been confirmed since by Letzerich, who saw one form of the microbe, the coccus ; then by Eberth, who saw it in the form of a rod ; and, finally, by Klebs, Meyer, Friedlander, and Gaffky. But does this fact, although agreed upon, prove that the microbe is the pathogenic agent of typhoid fever? Certainly not ; it is necessaiy that we should have proved its presence in all individuals ; that we should have isolated it by successive cultures, which deprive it, by degrees, of all that has been borrowed lay it from the patient or the cadaver ; and that in inoculating its descendants into animals we reproduce in them the disease with all its characteristics. Besides, we cannot raise objections to the method that the organism, even isolated and cultivated, has not caused the disease. Negative results do not prove that this organism may not be the pathogenic microbe. Do we know that there exists an animal species liable to contract typhoid fever? In every case the result of inoculations have been alwaj-s negative; the cultures made from all the humors, with the exception of sudamina, have been successful. I have inoculated them into the rabbit, serpent, cat, dog, and pig, and I have introduced them by the digestive canal, by subcutaneous methods, and intra-venous injection. I have inoculated quanti- ties of the culture fluid which are far from being weak, and which certainly contain milliards of bacteria. I have readily produced in the pig a feverish illness, with TYPHOID FEVER AND MICRO-ORGANISMS. 189 evening rise of temperature, and in which the thermometric curve is broken up into a series of ascending oscillations a stadium or plateau and a line of descending oscillations. Re- covery took place in the two pigs operated upon. Had they had a bastard typhoid fever? In these cases I ought to have commu- nicated to them immunity for the future. Yet fresh intra-venous injections of typhoid cultures have caused in them renewed pyrexia similar to the first. Typhoid fever being a disease which creates immunity, the anatomical lesions which are char- acteristic of it in man, not having been established in other inoculated pigs which have not recovered, I am forced to admit that the disease which I have communicated to these animals is not typhoid fever. Things remain, therefore, at the point in which they were before these experiments, and I have no right to teach that typhoid fever is a parasitic disease, like anthrax or glanders. Thus we have had, so far as the subject of the infectious nature of typhoid fever is concerned, only probabilities. An important argument is that typhoid fever is transmissible, con- tagious. As a general rule, we do find a relationship between cases. A patient who has come to a district becomes a centre from which radiate other patients, who scatter the disease in the healthy localities. Transmission especially occurs, as we know, by the dejecta, and mediately through the drinking-water which the dejecta have impregnated. Thus it is that, calculating upon clinical and etiological facts, and not upon microscopic, we have come to regard typhoid fever as the result of the introduc- tion of a parasitic agent into the organism. But, besides general infection, the disease induces local effects. The most remarkable are the intestinal lesions, consisting in ulceration and in gangrene of certain parts of the intestine, then in excessive putrefactions, which are in this way developed, showing them- selves by meteorism and a fetid diarrhoea. I do not say that these putrefactions arise from the presence of a pathogenic organism, but we have reason to believe that it operates upon the normal excessive fermentations in the intestine, besides the anomalous fermentative processes of which the organs are the seat. 190 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. If the fecal matter of a man in health is toxic, in typhoid fever the unusual intensity of normal putrefaction may easily add something to the infection, and we may conceive how, from such a source, there must be some notice taken of intoxication in the treatment. We -must deal, too, with the secondary infec- tions arising from the migration of ordinary infectious agents from the intestine and from the surface of intestinal wounds into the blood and the tissues, where their multiplication is favored by want of resistance of the latter. It is probably these common infectious agents, on the move, which cause certain forms of abscess, furunculosis, anthrax, and externally ordinary eschars ; in parts of the body which are not subjected to pressure, certain spontaneous forms of gangrene arise, perhaps from the action of common infective agents upon the tissues, where their influence for harm is no longer counter-balanced by the activity of the circulation and nervous system. We sometimes see, in the course of typhoid fever, certain infective processes superadded, such as parotiditis. Inflamma- tion of the parotid is produced by ordinary infective agents, which are introduced by the excretory salivary ducts; and this occurs as much by other glands,, by the kidney when it is no longer in function, and when the bladder is the seat of in- flammation (miliary abscess ; surgical kidney). Erysipelas is frequent in the advanced periods of typhoid fever. We may even see it cause gaseous gangrene. In certain cases the eschars from the decubitus of the patient are the point of departure of an emphysema which extends some distance. I have seen a case in which gaseous gangrene has been the cause of death. It is not simply enough to conceive of typhoid fever as the result of a general infection by putrid intoxication derived from the digestive tube, or of secondary infection, and of superadded infection ; we must consider it along with one of its necessary effects, the fever. It is impossible to build up a systematic treatment upon one pathogenic view onh r . Doubtless, if we could at once destroy the pathogenic agent, this great blow would be decisive and would put an end to the fever, as also to all the fatal accidents. But, since we cannot attain this end, we must, I repeat, reckon with the fever, and, if this becomes of itself dangerous, try to reduce it. ANOMALOUS SYMPTOMS IN TYPHOID FEVEE. 191 We are here in the presence of a continued fever, which is, without intermission, destroying the patient for weeks, which is higher than 39 C. (102.2 F.), which brings about unusual meta- morphoses in living matter, depriving it of oxygen ; induces modifications which are subversive of nutrition and perversive of disassimilation. This excessive temperature produces effects which are harmful to muscular fibre and the nervous system. Sometimes the patients die simply from the persistent hvper- thermia. The physician has not, therefore, only to deal with the cause of the disease. When he cannot suppress that, he ought to struggle in succession against all the effects arising from this cause. During the long course of this fever, inanition is extreme. The patient, taking no combustible material from the outer world, lives upon his own tissues. He finds that it is impossible for him to digest. We cannot, therefore, nourish him like another person ; still, we should try, by ingenious means, to introduce into his organism combustible material, and not allow him to destroy his own tissues. As many as are the indications to be fulfilled in the treat- ment of typhoid fever, just as many are the difficulties to be overcome. We must, so to speak, lay siege to the disease and attack it at all points where it appears vulnerable. Yet I have only laid down general indications ; there are still special indications for such and such a disease, such and such a particular accident. I now come to the therapeusis of the accidents of intoxica- tion of intestinal origin. In the last ten years I have been giving charcoal to neutralize a part of the toxic products. More recently, I have completed this method by the addition of means to prevent the fermentations which develop toxic products. I will tell you some results which I have obtained in these two phases of my practice : With charcoal I have deodorized and discolored completely faecal matter; I diminished their toxicit}', and the alkaloids found are no longer but in insignificant quantity in the filtered liquid. These first effects some have denied. It has been said, in one of the learned societies, that charcoal was not an anti- 192 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. septic substance, without it being known for what reason I was employing it. Besides, it has been stated, too, that charcoal does not succeed in disinfecting ; yet we have had proof of all that I have said, by giving 2 grammes of charcoal in medicated cachets. As for myself, who gave 100 grammes daily, spoonfuls by the mouth every two hours, I have obtained liquid stools, black, odorless, and not resembling fascal matter. Such matter has not only optical and olfactory properties which are less dis- agreeable, but intra-venous injections show that they are much less toxic ; their toxicity is found reduced by four-fifths. Not only is the matter contained in the intestine less toxic, but a consequence easj r of demonstration is that the individual is not poisoned, for the toxicity of his urine is found considerably diminished. The urine remains toxic owing to the products of alimentation or of disassimilation, but they are no longer convul- sive. We must employ from 90 to 120 cubic centimetres of urine in order to kill 1 kilogramme of animal. Owing to the disinfection of the stools, we also obtain other beneficial results. The patients have no longer the earthy complexion, but a clear skin, white and red; the intestinal dis- tension diminishes; the tongue remains moist; eschars are extremely rare. Finally, statistics resting upon more than 300 cases have shown that the mortality had fallen to 15 per cent., instead of 20 to 25 per cent. In these statistics I include all the cases, with- out exception, which have come under my hospital care : the patients who have not been submitted to this treatment, those who have come with an intestinal perforation, or have succumbed to slow complications. I would be perfectly right in deducting all these patients, in order to judge of the value of the treatment by itself; but I have not done so in order to establish a compari- son with other methods. I take the total mortality, en bloc, of the hospitals of Paris. For the last two years I have added, to disinfection, intestinal antisepsis. After numerous attempts, after having employed creasotelike Pecholier, salicylic acid, and mercurial preparations, I have returned to the true principles of intestinal antisepsis by- applying substances capable of acting throughout the whole MEANS EMPLOYED TO INDUCE INTESTINAL ASEPSIS. 193 length of the digestive canal; that is, insoluble substances, the stilicylate of bismuth, iodoform, naphthalin. I have onl} 7 em- ployed pheuic acid to wash out the large intestine, morning and evening. I have caused to be given a carbolic enema of 1 in 1000, except in the case of infants, where this sometimes causes a collapse rather disquieting in appearance ; in the adult, even, one has seen perspiration, faintness, almost coma. With the doses to which I have alluded, these accidents are very rare; they may be such as to cause a little fear, but they are not grave. I cause to be taken daily by my typhoid patients 1 gramme of iodoform, finely powdered and representing a surface of 60 square metres. I obtain, by this method, as the fecal matters are deodorized and discolored, a diminution of the alkaloids which the filtered liquid contains, a diminution of the toxicity of the fsecal matter, the almost complete disappearance of the agents of putrefaction. Microbes are no longer found in the alvine secretions, save in very minute quantity. The tongue of the patient is never diy. The mortality in the same hospital, in the same quarter, with the same physician, has fallen to 10 per cent., an index at once consoling. The partisans of the cold-bath treatment are proud enough with this index of 10 per cent., but I have reached it without baths. I have taken care to add to the preceding methods a purga- tive every three days, a glassful of Seidlitz water, and I never abandon the treatment without subsequently causing a clearing out of the intestine by a purgative. Otherwise, there may be produced in the large intestine a hard accumulation, capable of causing alarming obstruction, with faecal vomiting. This pur- gative is castor-oil, administered to the patient in a small dose, whilst he is in a bath. Such, then, are the principles of the antiseptic method applied to the digestive tube of patients attacked with typhoid fever. For one year I combined naphthalin with iodoform; the time has not yet arrived for me to be able to judge of the value of this new method of medicinal treatment. LECTURE XXI. PATHOGENIC THERAPEUSIS OF TYPHOID FEVER ANTISEPSIS OP THE INTERNAL MEDIUM. Is general antiseptic medication theoretically admissible ? Can we destroy in- fectious agents in the economy ? Antisepsis of the internal medium. Refu- tation of objections. Substances capable of preventing the multiplica- tion of infectious agents that are vegetable are not necessarily fatal to animal cells : the aspergillus, for example. The antiseptic action of medicaments is not paralleled by their toxic power. Therapeutic and anti- septic equivalents. Antisepsis is proposed not so much in order to de- stroy microbes as to prevent their reproduction. A simple change of the medium is sufficient to cause large vegetables to become sterile. Expe- rience has demonstrated the utility of employing antiseptic medicaments. Specific medicaments are all antiseptic. Mercury. Quinine. Salicylic acid. Phenic acid. The largest number of medicaments called antipyretics act, perhaps, only as antiseptics. Attempts at producing general anti- sepsis in typhoid fever. Mercury may, perhaps, shorten the duration of typhoid fever. Its inconveniences as the exclusive method. I CONTINUE the study of the therapeutic indications in typhoid fever. Beyond internal antisepsis, of which I have shown to you by statistics the incontestable advantages, is there not something to do from the point of view of real general anti- sepsis? Is there a therapeusis rigidly pathogenic of typhoid infection? This disease may serve as an example to us more than any other in order that we may judge of certain questions of general therapeusis. Apropos of it, we may study the prin- ciples of the antiseptic method, of the antipyretic method, and the rules which should regulate the feeding of patients in infectious febrile diseases. I am anxious to declare that I do not substitute the anti- septic method for the antipyretic in the treatment of typhoid fever, and that I have not the desire to suppress all that has been done in the way of antipyretic medication, in order to attempt to substitute, for real and serviceable results, that which is still hypothetical and irregular in its effects. But if it is good to attack hyperthermia, which is a source of continual danger in fevers, it is permissible to attack it in its (194) ANTISEPSIS OF THE INTERNAL MEDIUM. 195 origin ; and in those maladies whose cause is the penetration of vegetable organisms into the system, does it not become us to seek for that which we ourselves can oppose to their presence and multiplication? Can we, definitely, in infectious diseases, effectually attack the infective agent? Some have denied that this is possible. And yet the ques- tion has been settled in the affirmative by surgery. We can no longer discuss here the possibility of suppressing septic agents. We are now dealing with infection of free or unbroken surfaces, on which infectious agents multiply; on which are accumulated toxic substances, infective agents which may proceed to form colonies in various organs, and poisons which may cause else- where secondary functional derangement. It is, besides, through the imitation of that which surgeons have obtained that I have demonstrated the possibility of effecting intestinal antisepsis. In medicine, we can still quote the example of certain diph- therias which remain for a time infectious on the surface, and to which antisepsis of the surface is applicable. When we are dealing with patients in whom the infection is no longer on the surface, but one of general infection, things are presented, it is true, under another light. Sometimes it is the blood which may be the natural habitat of the infectious agents, as in anthrax and relapsing fever. Sometimes the pathogenic agents are localized in the tissues. In every case, one must succeed in impregnating the whole organism with the antiseptic agent. But do we not injure, at the same time, the animal cells? This objection, which appeals to sense, has been from the first the principal reason why the opponents of antiseptic medication have never supported it. It has been formulated in a startling manner when it has been said, " We aim at the microbe and we strike the patient." Nevertheless, this masterly expression, for which I entertain respectful esteem, is, at the bottom, only a sophism. We can answer, actually, that what is hurtful to one vegetable cell is not always hurtful to another cell of an animal nature. Thus, is there not a whole series of pathogenic agents which are killed by a substance indispensable to the animal, viz., oxygen (they are, unfortunately, not the most numerous) ? We 196 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. cannot, therefore, say that what will kill the microbe will neces- sarily destroy the patient. We can, besides, support the argu- ment by the experiment of Raulin, who has shown that silver, in an almost infinitesimal dose, is opposed to the development of the aspergillus. Here, then, is a substance fatal to certain vegetable cells in a dose not at all hurtful to animal cells. On the contraiy, certain inferior vegtables live preferably in media poisonous to the animal (solutions of quinine, arsenic, and anti- mony in doses fatal to man). We must, therefore, separate off antiseptic substances so as to state precisely those which are very hurtful to vegetable cells, and yet innocent so far as the elementaiy tissues of the animal are concerned. The antiseptic action of medicaments does not proceed in a parallel manner with their toxic power. Bert was wrong in identifying the nerve cell with the cell of the ferment. To say that what is hurtful to a vegetable cell ought to injure, a for- tiori, a nerve cell, is only true for certain cases and in certain conditions. Aniline is toxic and antiseptic. Phenic acid is equally toxic and antiseptic. But is there an} r parallelism be- tween their toxicity and their antiseptic power? Aniline is five times less antiseptic than phenic acid, but four times more toxic for animal cells. Can we compare, from the same points of view, phenic acid with mercury? With the same toxic power, phenic acid is six times less antiseptic than the salts of mercury. The choice of these second substances is imposed upon us, therefore, when we wish to obtain maximum action against microbes and the least against the animal elements. Amongst mercurial salts, all have not an antiseptic action proportionate to their toxicity. The biniodide, eminently anti- septic, is less toxic than an equal weight of the bichloride. The iodides of potassium and sodium are moderately anti- septic. To prevent the fermentation of a litre of soup, we must add to it 48 grammes of iodide of potassium or 50 grammes of iodide of sodium. The action that is hurtful to the ferment is then sensibly the same for these two bodies, but the iodide of sodium is forty times less hurtful to the animal than iodide of potassium. ANTISEPSIS TO PREVENT REPRODUCTION OP MICROBES. 197 It is advisable, therefore, to compare therapeutic equivalents of medicaments and their antiseptic equivalents. We can also derive benefit from the combination of different antiseptic sub- stances. If we wish to administer, simultaneously, two or three antiseptics, it seems that we must in order not to run the risk of causing intoxication not give any one of these bodies in more than one-half or one-third of the dose which is the limit of their toxicity. I have observed that we can go beyond these fractions. In choosing antiseptics and in associating them, we can double the antiseptic power and only increase by one-third their toxic activity. Such a vegetable organism is not otherwise influenced by an antiseptic agent which kills other vegetables. There is room, therefore, for fresh experiments ; but it is advisable to follow these therapeutic attempts, relying at first upon the experimental method amongst animals. I have tried to make experiments with antiseptics upon the infective agent of typhoid fever, or at least upon its assumed pathogenic agent whose culture is easy in the neutral soup made from beef; its sensibility is greater to the action of biniodide of mercurv than is that of the bacterium of fermenting soup, a long bacterium whose sensibility is as 2, that of the typhogenetic agent being 3. Finally, as a last argument, it is said in objection that we cannot kill pathogenic bacteria without destroying the cells of the patient. But what we propose is not so much to bring about death of the microbes in the depths of the organism as to prevent their multiplication. It is one thing to destroy an individual and another to render him sterile. I borrow a con- vincing example from botany. A palm-tree from Biskra, which covers itself with fruits destined to ripen when it grows to the limit it would have attained in the desert, can live quite well in the greenhouses of the museum, but it will never develop within them fruit capable of reproducing itself; it will not even bear fruit in Algeria. Thus, a simple modification of the medium, whilst leaving to vegetable organisms their vital integrity ami all their energy, can render them incapable of multiplication. The liquid of a malignant-pustule culture inoculated into sheep belonging to Beauce will cause death in all of them, but if sheep of the same breed are taken to Algeria, and are inoculated with the 198 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. same culture, nineteen inoculations out of twenty will remain sterile. What is true with regard to large vegetables is also true of the smaller. If we pass to the application of this idea of re- production, it is perfectly immaterial whether man is rendered incapable of multiplying cells during his illness ; but if we can prevent the cells of his parasite from being multiplied, the disease ceases, for it is not caused only by the presence and development of the ferment, but by its multiplication. Let us propose to ourselves only to oppose the latter, and let us merely try to impede the activity of this multiplication. En r&sume, general antisepsis is theoretically admissible, and we have no right to refuse its admission by an a priori exception. What it requires now is not argument; facts are necessary to establish, and that thoroughly, the employment of antiseptics which have impeded the course of certain infectious diseases. Well, has experience not already produced an opinion ? Is syphilis cured by the antiplastic virtue of mercury ? We can scarcely maintain that to-day. In intermittent fever, is it as an antithermic that sulphate of quinine brings about a cure ; and in rheumatism, salicylic acid? Quinine brings about a reduction of temperature in an im- portant and useful manner in three diseases only, intermittent fever, typhoid fever, and one of the forms of puerperal fever. In a healthy man it increases it l>y some tenths of a degree; it does not reduce it in other febrile diseases. In fibrinous lob:vr pneumonia 3 to 4 grammes of quinine produce quinism without reducing the temperature more than one-half a degree. In the subject of pleurisy the effect is not more marked. In erysipe- las you do not reduce the temperature even with large doses of quinine. In the diseases in which quinine acts, it is only by acting in opposition to the infective agent that it causes a cessation of the fever which is the consequence of it. It is not so with phenic acid. Plienic acid reduces tempera- ture by its physiological properties ; by its action on animal cells it diminishes calorification and also acts upon the vegetable cells of infectious organisms. An enema containing 48 grammes of crystallized phenic acid was administered to two of my patients, at intervals of two SPECIFIC MEDICAMENTS ALL ANTISEPTIC. 199 minutes between each injection. The mistake was made by attendants who were new to the work. The first patient uttered loud cries while the solution was being administered to the second. The nurse, being alarmed, ran for the house-surgeon, who ordered the bowels to be immediately washed out with 15 litres of water. The patients were already in a state of coma, in which they remained for several hours, their temperature being 35 C. (95 F.). One of them had a temperature of 40 C. (104 F.) before this accident, the other was convalescent; the first rose to 41.8 C. (107.4 F.) in the evening, and in the same time the other reached exactly the same temperature ; the one that had a temperature of 40 C. (104 F.) was apyretic the next day with a temperature of 37 C. (98.6 F.), and remained con- valescent; the disease was destroyed, but the patient was nearly killed as well. This is also true of alcohol ; I observed it in the case of a young woman who had caught tj'phoid fever in Rome. She was having injections of 1 in 1000 of phenic acid. The Sister of Mercy, by mistake, one day administered an enema with alcohol at 80 C. (176 F.). Her malady had reached the ninth day ; the first lenticular red spots were appearing. Her temperature fell to 35 C. (95 F.) ; she was delirious and totally blind. When the temperature once returned to 37 C. (98.6 F.), it remained at this point for four days. The maladj" resumed its course ; the microbes had merely been dormant ; they required a certain time to reproduce the pyretic symptoms. Almost all the drugs that reduce fever in typhoid fever are antiseptic. All those that are reputed specifics or nro generally considered useful are antiseptic : chlorine, iodine, sulphurous acid, the sulphites and hyposulphites, the mercurials, essence of tere- binthine, creasote, thymic acid,benzoic acid, salicylic acid, boric acid, iodoform, quinine, resorcin, kairin, antipyrin, thallin. I think, therefore, that experience confirms the general opinion as to their usefulness, and that, practically as well as theoreti- cally, a favorable effect may be obtained in the course of in- fectious diseases by the employment of the above-named substances. Of these, one especially lias been considered a spe- cific, viz., mercury. It is long since calomel has been admin- istered in large doses, or the black sulphide. Mercurial friction 200 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. was used by Serres, and by Becquerel, until salivation and ulcer- ation of the mouth were produced. Since that time calomel has been recognized as a valuable agent in German}- and Eng- land, and in France by M. Salet, of Saint-Germain. He recom- mends a method which consists in administering 1 centigramme of calomel every hour until salivation ensues. At this juncture the illness takes a turn one way or another. This mode of treatment being supported by a considerable number of facts, I determined to verify the results. I gave thirty- two patients who were suffering from typhoid fever 40 centi- grammes of calomel a day, in doses of 2 centigrammes every hour, until mercurial salivation was produced.* In almost every case this took place in from five to seven days. All the patients that experienced this salivation recovered. The mean duration of the malady was twenty one days, a short period, twenty-five days being the usual duration. The mortality was low ; two out of thirty-two died, or 6 per cent. Certainly, the number of cases was too small to enable us to arrive at any definite conclusions. I may merety mention that those who died were those who had taken the least mercury, and were consequently not sufficiently under its influence. The recoveries in less than twenty -one days were twice more numerous than by the other method. But I did not continue this treatment, although the patients recovered more quickly, and seemed to recover more com- pletely, as it has the disadvantages of causing a long period of convalescence, great debility, and anaemia. Certain accidents, too, seemed to me more frequent : epistaxis ; intestinal haemor- rhage ; dysenteric, sanguinolent, and mucous stools. Other patients suffered from later complications, pneumonia twelve days after recovery from the original malady and a vegetative endocarditis. However, although I rejected this method as an exclusive mode of treatment, I thought it might be used with advantage if the system were less completely impregnated with the drug. I adopted it, therefore, at the commencement of the illness only, and associated it with other therapeutic agents, under the form of a mixed system of treatment, which I shall describe in detail hereafter. * 40 centigrammes equal 6.2 grains ; 2 centigrammes equal 0.31 grain. LECTURE XXII. ON THE PATHOGENIC THERAPEUTICS OF TYPHOID FEVER THE TREATMENT OP HIGH TEMPERATURE. The use of calomel in minute doses as a general antiseptic agent. Conse- quences of excessive temperature in infectious diseases. The effects of high temperature obtained by experiment. The effects of high temperature as regards denutrition. Excessive temperature indicates the gravity of the disease, but does not cause it. It is, however, advisable to endeavor to reduce it. Methods of lowering it. Sources of abnormal heat. Causes of the rise of temperature in febrile maladies. The effects of antitherrriic drugs and modes of treatment. I HAVE described under four headings the therapeutics of typhoid fever: the general antiseptic treatment, the intestinal antiseptic treatment, the antipyretic medicinal treatment,, and the dietetics of food and drink. I have described at some length, in speaking of chronic intoxications of intestinal origin, how I proceed with the intes- tinal antiseptic treatment ; in my last lecture I gave my reasons for rejecting the general antiseptic treatment by the exclusive use of mercurial salts, at the same time admitting the specific action of mercury. Thus, I employ part of the general anti- septic method in combination with other modes of treatment. I use calomel in minute doses at the outset, and until the commencement of the second week. I administer each day 40 centigrammes of calomel, divided into 20 doses which a re- taken every hour, without either trying to produce or obtaining salivation. This treatment is continued for four consecutive days. Generally speaking, it has seemed to me that the thermic curve was modified, and that sometimes after the second day the fever began to abate, varj'ing, at the end of four days, liciwcrn 39 C. (102.2 F.) and 40 C. (104 F.),at a period when in the ordinary course of the malady the temperature would either be rising or remaining stationary. I do not wish to produce and I never obtain salivation. I will now proceed to discuss those antipyretic or antithermic drugs that are in great favor at the present day. There is a (201) 202 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. certain school of medicine that sees nothing in fevers but fever; with doctors of this class the thermometer is the source of all therapeutic and prognostic indications ; they see improvement only in lowering of the temperature. No clinical practitioner can accept such a doctrine, and the audacity of the assertions of the school in question has given rise to a reaction in the con- trary direction, in Germany as well as in France. Thus we now see the current of medical opinion take a new course. It is now urged that fever may do some good, and that it should be treated with respect, a theory that has long been unheard of in the medical world. This is a return to the Hippocratic and tra- ditional doctrine, which I have supported as regards diseases of nutrition. I have dwelt upon the theory that there are fevers which, at certain times, re-establish equilibrium in exhausted nutrition by bringing about interstitial metamorphoses. This is evident in gout. But is it also true of infectious diseases? Can fever help the system to free itself from the infectious organism ? We know that certain microbes cannot live beyond certain tempera- tures which do not kill a human being. The bacteria of malig- nant pustule, which cannot live in a temperature higher than 40 C. (104 F.), have no effect on birds, their normal tem- perature being above that point. Pasteur has shown that it is necessary to cool a fowl, in order to render it able to contract this disease. This experimental argument is brought forward to show that the elevation of the temperature of the body in fever creates a.plrysical medium that is unfavorable to the infectious organism. Nevertheless, the whole school of which I have already spoken sees in pyretic maladies no other danger than that which results from elevation of temperature. Liebermeister says ex- pressly that the danger in fevers lies, above all, in excessive elevation of temperature. He brings forward as an argument the coagulation and decomposition, at 44 C. (111.2 F.), of the lecithine which enters into the composition of the nervous ele- ments and of the corpuscles of the blood. At 42 C. (107.6 F.), at 43 C. (109.4 F.), and even at 41 C. (105.8 F.), the nerve cells show abnormal excitability in the animal experimented upon. EFFECTS OF HIGH TEMPERATURE. 203 We note muscular agitation, acceleration in the beating of the heart, and of the respiratory movements. The phenomena of osmosis are modified by thermic elevation. Water is retained in the cells. The tissues of those suffering from fever are richer in water than when they are in their normal state. All this is, unfortunately, true. But these are not the only phenomena to be considered in cases of fever, and, moreover, the elevation of temperature in illness does not reach 44 C. (111.2 F.),or even 43 C. (109.4 F.), unless it is, exceptionally, at the moment of death or a little while after it. Naunyn and Rosenthal have studied the effects of excessive elevation of temperature obtained artificially. At 44 C. (111.2 F.), the cardiac muscle, like the other striated muscles, remains contracted, and death ensues; but the same experimenters were able to keep rabbits alive for weeks ranging between 41 C. (105.8 F.) and 43 C. (109.4 F.), without any ill effects being observed. It is the same with fatty degeneration of the viscera, which I studied in 1867, making experiments in elevation of tempera- ture upon a dog. I caused the animal to raise its temperature itself, simply by preventing it from losing the greater part of its heat. It lived in an atmosphere saturated with moisture, and heated to a degree very little below its own temperature. Thus the loss of caloric, by contact and by evaporation, was sup- pressed ; the animal, continuing to produce caloric, accumulated it. The effects obtained thus, by the gradual elevation of tem- perature, are increased action of the heart (300 beats) and of respiration (80 to 90). The animal died, at 44 C. (111.2 F.), at the end of about four hours. Independently of hemorrhages under the pleura and the pericardium, we observed, four hours after the commencement of the elevation of temperature, fatty degeneration of the cardiac muscle and of the hepatic cells. I was led to think that the excessive elevation of temperature was the cause of the fatty degeneration, but Naunyn and Rosenthal found that no similar effect was prodiicc'd in animals at the excessive temperatures observed in man when suffering from disease. On the other hand, elevation of temperature does not seem 204 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. to increase nutritive metamorphoses ; the waste of nitrogenous tissue is much the same when animals are subjected to elevation of temperature as when they are in a normal condition. (Sima- nowsky.) Speaking from a clinical point of view, there is in a patient no parallel, notwithstanding the assertions of Hirtz, between the excretions of urea and the elevation of temperature. It cannot be said that high temperature appreciably increases disassimilation. Charvot had already been struck, when he was studying the elimination of urea in typhoid fever, at the slight elimination that took place during the hyperthermic period, whereas it increased during the abatement of the disease, and still more during the period of convalescence. I pursued this question further, studying the variations in the weight of the body in typhoid cases. In these cases all the combustions supposed to be necessaiy for the production of excessive eleva- tion of temperature are compensated for, the diminution in weight being quite insignificant, whereas, when they enter upon convalescence, the diminution in weight is rapid, and attains its maximum after apyrexia, when food is administered to the patients. Excessive elevation of temperature is, therefore, not a source of danger from the point of view of anatomical lesions or from the point of view of denutrition. We may say, there- fore, that it indicates the gravity of the disease, but d*oes not cause it. Elevation of temperature announces, but does not constitute, the danger. It is even an established fact that the accelerated action of the heart which accompanies eleva- tion of temperature cannot produce exhaustion of the heart ; the functional incapability through excess of work is a myth, for the mechanical work effected b}' the heart is less when the contractions are so rapid (200 to 300 pulsations). The relaxa- tion of the capillaries and the diminution of the arterial and venous tension relieve the heart, and, from the point of view of fatigue, the lessening of the resistance is not counterbalanced by the multiplication of the cardiac contractions. However, these considerations do not alter the fact that methods of lowering the temperature are useful in certain cases, or that when we have succeeded in lowering the temperature we note an improvement in the symptoms and an amelioration in SOURCES OF ABNORMAL HEAT. 205 the general condition of the patient. Although the complica- tions experienced by a patient whose temperature is 40 C. (104 F.) or 41 C. (105.8 F.) do not seem to result from the elevation of temperature, nevertheless drugs or modes of treatment that lower this excessive temperature cause some of these compli- cations to disappear. This is seen to be the case, at least, with typhoid fever and certain cases of scarlatina or cerebral rheu- matism, for, except in these three diseases, it is not certain that antipyretic treatment is really useful. How, then, shall we deal with excessive elevation of temperature? By acting upon the causes which produce normal heat or abnormal heat ? We cannot choose indiscriminately between these two methods. We may reduce the sources of normal temperature by bleeding, by ab- stractions of serum, or by the administration of poisons producing the same effect (veratrine and tartrate of antimony). These methods, long in use, are now almost entirely abandoned. But what are the sources of abnormal heat ? We do not know yet, we can only surmise. They must be very different accord- ing to different diseases. Are they normal processes carried to excess, or are they abnormal processes that raise the tempera- ture to fever height ? It has been suggested that there are mi- crobes which burn side by side with normal organisms and raise the temperature in the body as in test-tubes. This is merely a hypothesis, supported by analogies, but not by experiment. Another hypothesis is that of the retention of heat. It has been said that tissue wastes more quickly in fevers. This is true in certain diseases; in acute atrophy of the liver, for instance; but it is not true in typhoid fever. Chalvet, twenty years ago, observed, after Traiibe, that in a fever patient the heat radiation is less than in a healthy person. A squaiv decimetre of his skin loses a smaller number of calories than a square decimetre of the skin of a person in normal health. It is possible that a diminution in the abstraction of caloric results from this. The rapid diminution of the corpuscles of blood in pyretic diseases has been brought forward as showing a more rapid de- struction of matter. Bockmann replies that the moment the temperature becomes normal again, the corpuscles suddenly reappear. They remain suspended in some part of the body 206 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. during the fever. Bockraaun and Naunyn admit that they are temporarily withdrawn from the general circulation. This would account for the great increase in volume of the spleen. Hu'ter has observed, in septic and pyaemic disorders, globular stagnations in certain parts of the capillary blood-vessels ; this fact may be mentioned as corroborating the theory of a tempo- rary abstraction of some of the corpuscles. Winternitz has quite recently revived the opinion that the retention of heat is the cause of fever. Marey also attributed fever to a defective distribution of caloric. If, therefore, certain fevers ma}^ be caused by the retention of caloric, it may be suggested that the radiation of the latter should be increased. Riess, experimenting upon animals suffering from infectious dis- eases, lowers their temperatures artificially until they become normal ; but the diseases continue and death ensues. The danger, therefore, does not lie wholly in the excessive elevation of temperature. Nevertheless, I repeat that clinical experience shows that the antithermic treatment is advantageous. How then does it act ? Let us endeavor, as far as possible, to know what we are doing when we employ antithermic agents ; those that have been used successfully are quinine, salicylic acid, antipyrin, kairin, thallin, and, above all, hydro-therapeutic treatment. Murri has succeeded in showing that all these methods raise the temperature of the skin, and, consequently, bring the heat to the surface of the body, thus favoring the lowering of the central temperature. Moreover, they do not act upon a fever patient in the same way as upon a person in health. Quinine does not lower normal temperature; yet it can, in typhoid fever, cause the temperature to fall three degrees in a few hours. In a healthy person it raises it one or two tenths of a degree, but it increases the flow of blood to the skin. This is true in a higher degree of salicj^lic acid, which favors perspiration ; like the cold-bath treatment, which at first physically abstracts a few degrees of heat, but afterward favors the relaxation of the cutaneous capillaries, the congestion and heating of the skin ; then the cooling, at the surface of the body, of a larger quantity of blood from the central organs. EFFECTS OF ANTITHERMIC TREATMENT. 207 Theoretically, the cold-buth treatment increases combustion, and should therefore increase calorification ; this is true in the case of a healthy man, who then produces more heat than under normal conditions. But, in the fever patient, this treat- ment retards calorification. In typhoid fever, according to Ssis- setzky, the patient does not give off any more carbonic acid and does not excrete any more urea when he is subjected to refriger- ation. Taking into account the uncertainties of theory, we are justified in concluding that the causes of fever are various ; that it depends sometimes on an increase of the normal calorifi- cation, sometimes on the life of the infectious organisms, and sometimes on the retention of the normal heat. In any case we may safely say that the antithermic method is not without its uses in typhoid fever ; that in this disease quinine is useful ; that it answers to certain indications and realizes certain effects ; that it is the same with cold baths ; but that in other disorders pneumonia, pleurisy, etc. this antithermic treatment does net offer the same advantages. LECTURE XXIII. PATHOGENIC THERAPEUTICS OF TYPHOID FEVER NEW MODE OF BATHING IN FEVERS; DIETING OF FEVER PATIENTS. Uncertainties regarding the nature of fever. Probable multiplicity of the patho- genic sources of fever. Impossibility of counteracting it by pathogenic therapeutics. Antipyretic modes of treatment acquired by empiricism. Antithermic drugs. Inconvenience of phenic acid and antipyrin. Utility of quinine. My method of administering quinine in typhoid fever. Hydro- therapeutic modes of treatment: lotions, wrappings, baths. The methods of Brand, Liebermeister, Ziemssen, Riess. Their advantages and disadvan- tages. My method : tepid baths, gradually cooled, but remaining tepid. Details of their administration. Their advantages. The dieting of pa- tients in typhoid fever and other long fevers. Didactic summary of my treatment of typhoid fever. Statistical results. BEFORE entering upon the practical side of the antipyretic method, it would be expected that we should discuss the doc- trines concerning the nature of fever. But, in examining pyre- tological doctrines, we are met at every point by contradictions, and I see that I am reduced to the confession, so humiliating to a professor of general pathology, that I do not know what fever is. Galen was not troubled with these uncertainties. To him febris was color prseter naturam. This is a definite and concise assertion, and the resume, as it were, of a description of the morbid state. But now science demands further particulars, and wishes to know the origin of this morbid condition, and what is the source of fever. It is not certain that there is one pathogenic source of fever. I think, myself, there are several pyretogenetic processes. We may raise the temperature of a body in various ways, by com- bustion, radiation, friction, condensation, etc. ; in the same way the temperature of the bodies of animals may be raised abnor- mally under very varying conditions. Fever may be the result of an increased combustion or an increased dehydration, or it may be produced by the liberation of the heat produced by the life of infectious germs, or by a diminution in the losses of the body, or by resolution of the forces of tension. (208) THEORY OF FEVER. 209 In the living organism forces exist that are developed by the metamorphosis of the matter in the cells, and which do not act externally, either by motion or by heat. Life is a sort of un- stable equilibrium that is maintained by the forces of tension. These oppose the freedom of the chemical and physical actions, where opposite electrical actions meet, the acids and alkalies. J. Ranke proved, long ago, that the nucleus of a living cell is electro-positive, whereas its envelope is electro-negative. Why do not these opposing kinds of electricity combine to bring about a condition of electrical neutrality, unless it is because they are prevented by the opposing forces of tension ? If death occur, neutralization is immediate. It is the same with the nerves as regards the electrical con- dition of the axis-cylinder and of the envelope ; the former is acid, the latter alkaline, during life ; upon death, neutralization ensues. The combustion being the same, if the tension is diminished, part of the force will become apparent under the form of heat. Is this theory regarding fever applicable to certain forms of pyrexia ? I do not know. We can only form h} r potheses on this subject. Remember what I said about uraemia. We have found poisons, but not the poison of unemia. As regards fever, there may exist not one single explanation, but various patho- genic conditions. I have, moreover, called attention only to those processes for which experimental or clinical data can be furnished. In short, fever is with us as with Galen, elevation of tem- perature arising from causes that may strangely vary. Now, from a therapeutic point of view, not being sure what fever is, we are compelled to give up the idea of drawing up a system of pathogenic therapeutics for its treatment. We are thus obliged to return to empiricism, which is not sufficient to satisfy us, but which can give us information result- ing from the long accumulation of individual facts. Let us, therefore, enter the domain of empirical observations. We know, empirically, that certain modes of treatment lower the temperature and bring about an improved state of affairs. Thus, in the first place, quinine has evidently a beneficial action on typhoid fever and some other forms of pj'rexia, intermittent 210 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. fever, and in one form of infection of women in childbed ; its action is undoubtedly favorable, but it is only temporary. Phenic acid has a certain antipyretic action, but perhaps not a favorable one ; autipyrin has also this action, but its influence is unfavorable. When the temperature is at 40 * or 41 C., a suf- ficient dose of quinine produces a fall of from 1 to 3 degrees, which may last for twenty-four hours. At the same time, we note also the disappearance or diminution of the nervous troubles that were attendant upon the high temperature ; the patient is evi- dently better, and accidents which might soon cause death may thus be averted. It would, therefore, on first thoughts, seem advisable to prolong indefinitely this favorable effect. Vogt twenty years ago, and Joft'roy recently at the Hotel-Dieu, have tried the continuous administration of quinine. I also wished to see what results could be obtained by this means. I was soon obliged to abandon the experiment. With 2 grammes of quinine we get a fall of 1, 2, or 3 degrees ; but in the evening of the next day the temperature rises again, and by the morning of the fol- lowing day the fever has reached its original height. Should quinine, therefore, be administered in the evening as a prevent- ive ? But the second dose does not produce the same effects. Three days at least must elapse before the quinine regains its power. It is an intermittent remedy. It has been asserted that if given continuously the temperature varies between 39 and 40 C., instead of between 40 and 41 C. Is this advantage suf- ficient? As for myself, I never give a second dose of quinine until after an interval of sevent3'-two hours. I only give it then if the temperature taken in the morning in the rectum exceeds 40 C., or if that taken in the evening exceeds 41 C. The doses that I have adopted are 2 grammes during the first and second periods of seven days ; 1^ grammes in the third period ; 1 gramme in the fourth and after. I never give less than this ; ^ gramme would be of no use. It is well to know that from the eighth to the eleventh day we often obtain only a slight lowering with doses that are generally efficacious either before that time or after. This is almost necessarily the effect produced * 40 C. equal 104 F. To convert degrees Centigrade into Fahrenheit multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32 to the result. SUDDEN DEATH IN FEVER ATTRIBUTED TO QUININE. 211 by quinine; it aims only at an accident, viz., the excessive ele- vation of temperature. As for other remedies that are reputed to be antithermic, phenic acid, resorcin, antipyrin, thallin, you cannot depend upon them. In regard to antipyrin, the lowering that it produces is rarely accompanied by an improved general condition, for it causes at the same time a lowering of nervous activity. The only objection to quinine, setting aside the buzzing in the ears, which, however, affects fever patients less than persons in health, is the accusation urged against it that it is liable to cause sudden death. During ten years, out of five hundred cases, I have only found sudden death occur seven times with patients who were taking quinine. Four of these deaths happened in the same week ; and in several hospitals, at the same time, similar cases came under my notice. But chemical analysis showed that the drug administered to the patient under the name of quinine was really not quinine. It was a compound little known, in which cinchonine predomi- nated. If we set aside these cases, therefore, there remains three cases of sudden death out of five hundred cases of typhoid fever, a proportion which does not exceed the ordinary percentage of sudden death in this malady. The post-mortem examination showed that in the patients that had died suddenly the heart was contracted and absolutely empty of blood. Now, the toxi- cology of quinine teaches us that when death is caused by this drug the heart is found to be dilated and gorged with blood. Moreover, since that time, I have not had a case of sudden death. In short, then, I consider that by administering quinine to typhoid patients, according to the rules already stated, we obtain, as well as a diminution of temperature, an improved condition generally. But I must add that in most other forms of pyicxia this treatment has failed. In pneumonia, pleurisy, and erysipelas, we obtain, as a rule, neither a full of temperature nor an im- proved general condition. Abstraction of heat is the only non-medicinal means of lowering the temperature of fever patients. Many methods of abstracting heat in fever patients have been tried. Since the time of Sydenham and Currie, cold air has been used, currents of air between open windows, and cold water in various ways. 212 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. The continuous sprinkling of the patient is, perhaps, the most painful process. A cold shower-bath also produces a dis- agreeable nervous action. Bathing with cold water gives an unpleasant shock, and the abstraction of heat by these two methods is very slight. Wrapping in a wet sheet is painful for some moments. Local applications, such as a bladder of ice on the abdomen, produce, at first, a vascular spasm, and then stasis in the vessels ; the skin is chilled and the cellular tissue also ; necrosis may set in, but the body, as a whole, is not cooled. The circulation of cold water by means of the ingenious con- trivances of Dumontpallier and Clement produce a real refriger- ation, but these processes are little used as yet, and I am not, therefore, in a position to express an opinion as to their merit. Enemata of cold or iced water certainly cool the rectum, but they do not produce a general reduction of temperature. It now remains for us to speak of the method which is gen- erally preferred, the ordinary bath, in which the temperature of the water is lower than that of the body of the patient. The cold bath may be given according to the method of Brand or Liebermeister. According to Brand, when the temperature exceeds 38.5 C., a bath of low temperature is given eight times a day, for from ten to fifteen minutes. Liebermeister leaves the patient in the bath throughout the whole course of the illness ; the duration is the same, and he gives twelve baths a day. The temperature may be 15 C., but this has been abandoned ; from 18 to 20 C. is the general rule ; it may be even 25 C. Care must be taken to apply cold water to the head first. The patient is left in the bath until the cold chill is complete, and he is often taken out in an alarming state. Our feelings must be well under control if we are to carry out this treatment rigorously in face of the sufferings of the patients. It is worth mentioning that if we cause them great suffering we can almost guarantee their recovery. But is there no treatment that is as efficacious without being so inhuman ? The cruelty of cold baths has led to tepid baths being sub- stituted for them. There is the tepid bath at a disagreeably low FEVER-TREATMENT BY BATHS. 213 temperature, viz., 28 C., which might as well be called a cold bath ; for to a man whose temperature is 40 C. the sensation is the same at 28 C. as at 25 or 20 C. Ziemssen has proposed a tepid bath, gradually cooled. The temperature, at first, is 35 C., and to a fever patient even this gives a very unpleasant sensation of cold. Then the tempera- ture of the bath is rapidly lowered, so that in ten minutes it fulls to 25 C. The patient remains in this cold bath for from ten to fifteen minutes, until the teeth begin to chatter, as in the methods of Brand and Liebermeister. This is the cold bath preceded by a short phase of bearable temperature. But this method does not do away with the sudden nervous shock. I will also mention Riess's continuous bath, which lasts twenty-four hours a day at a temperature of 34 C. The tem- perature is moderated b}- this method, which may be useful. The mortality would be 6 per cent., according to Riess, but his statistics are only derived from forty-eight cases. This continuous tepid bath becomes rapidly unbearable, and the patients prefer the cold baths according to Brand's method. I will now describe my own method, which I have been trying for more than a year. My object was to develop a bath in which the patient might lose heat without anj' nervous shock or spasm of the cutaneous vessels. What we wish to arrive at is not merely abstraction of heat by contiguity or conductivity. On the contrary, what we require is that the blood should come from the centre of the body to the surface to be cooled. The temperature of the bath, at first, is two degrees below the central temperature, 38 C., for instance, if the temperature of the patient is 40 C. The patient can bear this well and experi- ences no shock. The water is gradually cooled at the rate of one-tenth degree per minute, or one degree in ten minutes, until it is lowered to 30 C., but it is never cooled beyond this point. The time necessary for this cooling is an hour and a half if the temperature of the patient is 40 C.,or an hour and ten minute-; if it is 38 C. No feeling of nervous shock and no peripheral vascular spasm occur during this long period. The pulse is not constricted. At about 33 C. the patient finds his bath cool ; at 32 C. he finds 214 LECTURES Otf AUTO-INTOXICATION. it cold, but even at 30 C. he continues to speak and talk, show- ing a wonderful mental condition. He has nothing of the typhus stupor about him. The lowering of temperature realized is much more considerable than with the cold bath. I give the bath eight times a day, like Brand. Certain pa- tients can thus pass half the day in the water. The lowering of the temperature is more lasting than with the cold bath, and sudden rises of temperature are much less considerable. By plunging a patient into a bath which is only two degrees below his own temperature, I do not provoke the reflex vascular spasm that prevents the blood from coming to the skin to be cooled. The lowering of the temperature of the water is effected insensibly, and never transforms the bath into a cold one. * What are the effects that result from baths administered ac- cording to the mode that I recommend ? An almost constant lowering of the central temperature, a refrigeration which varies according to the stage of the disease and the hour of the day. The -cooling is, on an average, five-tenths of a degree; it may sometimes amount to three degrees. I speak from an experience supported by the results of six thousand baths. Some excep- tions should be mentioned. For instance, in certain patients the temperature is not reduced ; we even observe a rise of tempera- ture of one- to five- tenths of a degree. This anomaly is seen in certain very nervous women, and in certain men toward the end of the treatment, when the repetition of the baths has ended by developing in them an insurmountable repugnance and keen irri- tation. The elevation of temperature which takes place after the bath is slow; it is never a sudden rise. It is to be remarked that we succeed better in cooling the patient in proportion as his temperature is higher, so long as his temperature remains between 37 and 40 C. ; but, on the contrary, with patients whose temperature is excessive, above 40 and 41 C., the cooling is slighter in proportion as the tem- perature is higher. The lowering is less between 41 and 42 C. than between 40 and 41 C. Below 38 C., also, cooling is diffi- cult ; a man in health is scarcely cooled at all in a tepid bath. The differences in the lowering of the temperature in the baths EFFECTS OF BATHS. 215 vary also according to the periods of the disease. In that stage where excessive temperature is the leading feature, and at the commencement, it is more difficult to cool the patients ; the aver- age fall is five-tenths ; later on it is six-tenths ; and in the fourth week, seven-tenths. There are also variations according to the time of day. The temperature of a typhoid patient rises from 7 o'clock in the morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon ; then a diminution takes place, and after that another rise, the maximum of which is reached about midnight. From midnight to 7 o'clock it abates again, and the patient loses the excess of temperature that he had gained during the day. It is between midnight and 6 o'clock in the morning that the most important diminutions of temperature are obtained after the bath ; a fall of three degrees is often observed toward morning. Do the patients derive any other benefits from the baths be- sides the physical abstraction of heat ? Without doubt they do. In the first place the lowering of temperature resulting from the bath is accompanied by an improved general condition, as with quinine ; whereas with the diminution of heat obtained by means of antip3 - rin the general condition remains the same or grows worse. Other advantages also are obtained. When delirium sets in at the commencement, it abates after, at the most, three days of the treatment. There is no more of the real typhus stupor. The patients that are treated by the baths do not cease to understand what is said to them and to answer questions. According to Skinner, one of my pupils who has written a very good thesis on the study of my system of baths, we find that the patients always take great interest in the variations of their temperature, and discuss among themselves during the bath the number of tenths of a degree noted before and after. The tongue remains moist, and if dry at the beginning of the treatment, this dryness disappears after a few baths. The teeth are not discolored. The complexion has not tlint e:irtliy pallor that denotes the thorough poisoning of the system. It is wliito and often even pink in those patients that have a fine skin. Lastly, the need of sleep manifests itself M l't r r.-u-h lmtli,and 216 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. the patients enjoy sleep at night, an unusual thing with typhoid patients. For this last reason I do not give baths from 2 to 6 o'clock in the morning, for fear of disturbing this night-sleep, which is precious. Only in order to give the eight baths in the twent3 r -four hours, the intervals between them should be a little shorter from 3 o'clock to midnight. Amongst the advantages of the baths I may mention the rarity of eschars. But all these results are obtained from tepid baths in typhoid fever only. We have said that cold baths could be employed in pneumonia, erysipelas, and pleurisy. I tried in these diseases cold baths and tepid baths systematically cooled. I did not in these cases observe the salutary effects which are so evident in typhoid fever. Thus I do not think that this can be called a general anti- thermic method. Perhaps, however, it would be applicable to certain hyperthermic forms of scarlatina and cerebral rheuma- tism. I cannot speak from personal experience on this point. I have, however, observed remarkable results from it in measles. Are there no disadvantages attendant upon this system of tepid baths gradually cooled ? We cannot attribute to them pulmonary congestion, which is neither more frequent nor more marked than with other modes of treatment, and which, on the contrary, veiy often decreases during the baths. Neither pneumonia, pleurisy, nor any other grave visceral lesion has been reported as resulting from the baths. But when the epidermis at last becomes puffy and macerated at the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, we often find, in the case of workmen, or in cases where the epidermis is very thick, that whitlows and accumulations of pns close to the nails form under the skin. Besides this inflam- matory complication, it is not unusual to find, after a few baths, a rather painful glandular swelling in the axilla, but never real adenitis. The hands and feet must be watched so as to let out the pus as soon as it is observed, or we shall find that extensive inflammation of the lymphatics will soon ensue. However, these are accidents of minor importance. I discontinue the use of the baths in the event of intestinal hasmorrhage or pulmonary hepatization. When, in a female OBJECTIONS TO MILK. 217 patient, the menstrual period occurs during the course of typhoid fever, I do not generally find it necessarj' to interrupt the baths. I now come to an important point in the therapeutics of grave pyretic diseases, the question of diet. In these disorders, and especially in typhoid fever, the secre- tions of the digestive tube are dried up or perverted. It seems, therefore, a priori impossible to feed the patients, and natural to condemn all attempts at alimentation. Milk, which is so easy to digest, and which from its fatty nature and its sugar seems so well adapted to keep up the strength of fever patients, and make up for the waste by combustion, is not without its drawbacks. It raises the temperature, and the urinary secretion is lessened. Those who are in favor of a milk regimen order a large quantity to be given in typhoid fever so as to increase the urinarj^ secretion. Now, when I give milk in any considerable quantity, I notice that it causes, through indigestion, an aggravation of the patient's condition. I there- fore maintain that all food should be rigorouslj- withheld. But I give water in abundance, and water containing substances that are slightly nutritive and capable of introducing into the system certain mineral elements, under the form of meat extract, broth, and cereal extract. This latter was considered useful in fever cases two thousand years ago. The ptisan of Hippocrates was a decoction of bade}'; strained ptisan was prescribed at the begin- ning of fevers, and ptisan that was not strained at the end. I give my patients an extract of meat and barley which contains mineral elements that are calculated to repair the losses resulting from the disassimilation of mineral material in the cells. I en- deavor to prevent the waste of mineral matter, as it plnys tlu> part of middle-man in organic changes. Chloride of sodium is indispensable for the phenomena of osmosis ; phosphates are the mediums between the bases and the acids. To this regimen I add vegetable acids, in the form of lemon- juice, which introduces potass, and which is combustible. Lastly, I administer substances that nre both plastic and combustible, peptones. I give 50 grammes * per day, ivi-kiming the dry peptone. These peptones, which are chemicall}' pure I.e., a little more than 1% ounces of dry peptone. 218 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATtOtf. and prepared honestly, and are very different from certain prod- ucts sold under the same name in commerce, are, as we have said, plastic combustible substances calculated to make up for the waste of nitrogenous matter in the body. In the regimen of our typhoid patient another substance that figures as a combustible agent is fat in a form that can be ab- sorbed, i.e., glycerin formed outside of the system ; for we know that glycerin is one of the products of the division of fatty sub- stances in the duodenum. The patient absorbs every day 200 grammes of glycerin, and }'et is not purged. I only allow wine in very small quantities. This is the whole of my system of dietetics. Thanks to it, only a very slight loss of weight is observed during the period of fever. The loss of weight is sometimes nil; it varies gen- erally between 100 and 300 grammes a day up to the end of this period, as far as the fifteenth day ; later on, at the moment of the crisis, and when convalescence is established, the loss may amount to 1 kilogramme per day for three to five days ; but, from the third day after alimentation is resumed, the weight of the patient increases again. Several principles of this dietary are applicable to the intense fever of certain chronic maladies. In the acute p} r rexia of very short duration, as in pneumonia, the necessity for alimentation is not so urgent. I will now sum up briefly and didactically the rules for the treatment of typhoid fever as I have just described it. These rules may be classed under four main headings : the general antiseptic treatment, the intestinal antiseptic treatment, the antithermic treatment, and the regimen to be observed. As soon as the diagnosis is made or suspected, I prescribe: (a) A purgative, to be repeated regularly every three days (15 grammes of sulphate of magnesia). (6) Forty centigrammes* of calomel per day, in 20 doses of 2 centigrammes (one every hour), are administered for four con- secutive days. This constitutes the general antiseptic treatment. (c) The intestinal antiseptic treatment consists in mixing 100 grammes of powdered vegetable charcoal with 1 gramme of iodoform and 5 grammes of naphthalin. The whole is mixed * 40 centigrammes equal 6.2 grains. SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT OF FEVEB. 21 9 with 200 grammes of glycerin and with the 50 grammes of pep- tone that form the basis of nourishment. This mixture forms a black, semi-liquid paste, which is taken in twenty-four hours in doses of a tablespoon ful every two hours in a third of a glass of water. I wash out the bowels regularly ever}' morning and evening by means of an injection containing 1 part in 1000 of phenic acid, each injection consisting of 50 centigrammes of phenic acid to 500 grammes of water. (d) Fjrom the first day the patient takes eight baths a day until he is completely cured, when the temperature varies between 37 and 38 C. The baths are resumed if the temperature exceed 37.5 C. I reserve quinine for cases in which, notwithstanding the baths, the temperature remains too high. The doses are 2 grammes during the first two periods of seven days, l grammes during the third period, and 1 gramme during the fourth and fifth. These quantities are administered in large doses 50 centi- grammes every half-hour. But I do not return to quinine until after an interval of three days. The signal for the employment of quinine is a temperature in the rectum of 40 C. in the morn- ing or 41 C. in the evening. Often the baths dispense with the nse of quinine and constitute in themselves a sufficient system of antithermic treatment. (e) The diet comprises : broth cooked with barley and ad- ministered freely (l litres to 2 litres a day) ; glycerin (asso- ciated, as I have said, with charcoal, iodoform, and naphtlialin, and also with peptones) ; lemonade made from lemons, with the addition of a little wine. This is certainly a complicated sj-stem of therapeutics ; it cannot be otherwise, as the indications to be fulfilled are complex. This systematic treatment, te it understood, does not exclude the treatment of certain accidents ; for instance, excessive or prolonged delirium by opium, pcritonitic complications l>y nic:ms of ice or Neapolitan ointment. I have only discussed those symptoms that are common to all patients; for if, as has been said, we are to study the patients and not the disease, it is no less true that all patients show in their illnesses general featmv* without which they would not have the disease at nil. Why should I be reproached for employing a systematic mode of 220 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. treatment? Is it not as natural to contend systematically with excessive temperature, infection, and self-poisoning, as it is to feed one's self systematically every day ? When I discontinued the baths for some reason in the course of the illness, the tem- perature in the patients went up again to 40 and 41 C., and sometimes they died. What results have I obtained from my method ? Formerly the mortality from typhoid fever, in the cases that came under my notice, was 25 per cent. When I succeeded in neutralizing the intestinal poisons, it fell to 15 per cent., then to 10 per cent., when I obtained a successful intestinal antiseptic treatment. It has fallen to 7 per cent, since I instituted the complete system of treatment, which was in April, 1884. This is a better result than Liebermeister has obtained by cold baths. And I reckon the total mortality, including patients that arrive at the hospital at a very advanced stage of the fever, without having been treated at all, having, as I found in one case, a temperature of 42.6 C., and those who are brought to us already attacked with peritonitis through perforation ; I in- clude deaths that may be attributed to later complications, cases in which the treatment has been suddenly discontinued for some cause or other, and those cases in which the method has not been strictly carried out. Thus, in the beginning, when it was not possible for me to arrange for baths at night, in the case of one patient, the temperature, which had fallen during the day under the influence of the baths, rose in the night to 42 C., and the third night he died. The number of patients that have been subjected to the com- plete treatment is now one hundred and twent} r -nine,* out of which there have been nine deaths, showing a mortality of 7 *At the date of this publication (November, 1886) the number of cases of typhoid fever treated by M. Bouchard's staff at the Lariboisiere Hospital since April 1, 1884, is two hundred and twenty-six, out of which there have been thirty-one deaths, or a mortality of 11.7 per cent. Is this increased rate of mortality to be at- tributed to a chance accumulation of critical cases, or to a modification introduced into the treatment, salicylate of bismuth having been substituted for the charcoal, and the peptones having been suppressed against his will, during a considerable period ? But in any case 11.7 per cent, is low as compared with the general mortality in this hospital. The Lariboisiere Hospital has been open a third of a century, and during that time the average mortality in typhoid fever has been 21 per cent. It is still 18 per cent, for the last six years. IMPROVED MORTALITY STATISTICS. 221 per cent. The mean duration of the illness has been nineteen days. The frequent relapses which attack 20 per cent, of the patients have fallen to 10 per cent, in the last period. In fact, we have every reason to congratulate ourselves on these results ; and I am convinced that we have obtained them by attacking the malady wherever we find it vulnerable, in its primordial cause infection, as in its necessary effects poisoning, fever, and inanition. LECTURE XXIY. AUTO-INTOXICATION BY BILE. PATHOGENESIS OF JAUNDICE. The elements constituting bile. Experimental studies of the toxic nature of bilirubiu and the biliary salts. How the greater number of the elements of bile become inert by precipitation in the digestive tube. The role of the liver as a protecting agent against the part that might be re-absorbed. When bile passes into the blood, the white connective tissues, by fixing the bilirubiu, prevent it from injuring the other elements. The urine then draws it off little by little. The biliary salts are gradually eliminated by the urine. The sudden injection of a considerable quantity of bile into the blood kills animals without producing jaundice. The slow injection of the same quantity of bile causes jaundice and does not kill. Influence of biliary retention on the hepatic cells and on nutrition. BEFORE concluding the study of intoxication by the natural poisons of the system, I will discuss poisoning by bile, or jaun- dice. This is a question that I have already touched upon in- cidentally when, in speaking of uraemia, I had occasion to quote some of the data relating to the poisonous nature of bile. When once it is spread over the surface of the intestines, bile is found to be under very different conditions than when it is in the liver. The re-absorption of bile takes place, no doubt, with some in- tensity in the duodenum, but it is principally inoffensive matter that is re-absorbed, and, moreover, if the noxious portion of the bile is re-absorbed in any considerable quantity, it is again stopped by the liver and rejected into the intestines. In order, there- fore, to study fully the toxic effects of bile, we must examine it in the liver at the moment of its secretion. Bile is very abundant, being almost equal in quantity to the urine ; its secretion is over 800 cubic centimetres in twenty-four hours; and it may even amount to 1200 and 1300 cubic centi- metres. It is a diffusible liquid, passing b}' means of exosmosis into the blood; it is rich in solid substances (from 10 to 15 per cent.) all capable of dialysis. Bile does not contain albumen ; but mucin is found in it, and this gives it its viscosity ; it also contains cholesterin, which is erroneously considered poisonous, as we find considerable quantities in atheromatous abscesses of (222) POISONOUS QUALITIES OF BILIARY DERIVATIVES. 223 the aorta ; olein, margarin ; coloring matter, important from a toxic point of view ; the biliary salts and the alkaline soaps, by means of which the cholesterin is held in solution. Of the various coloring substances, bilirubin is the only one that we need discuss; the others bilifulvin, biliverdin, bili- fuscin, biliprasin, and bilihumin are merely derivatives of bili- rubin. Bilirubin is soluble in water and in chloroform ; it gives rise to Gmelin's reaction when treated with nitric acid. This coloring matter is generally precipitated suddenly in the intestines, on contact with the acid cli3 r me, which renders it insoluble and prevents it from being re-absorbed. We must take into account the biliary salts whose base is sodium, which is a non-poisonous base. The glycocholic and taurocholic acids of Lehman n, still known as cholic and choleic acids, are very unstable. Under the influence of potass and heat they generate cholalic acid, and, besides this, the first-named gives off glyco- col, and the second taurin. The biliary acids are also trans- formed, under the influence of sulphuric acid, into choloidic acid and into glycocol or taurin, a reaction which, upon contact with certain digestive juices, is effected in the intestines as in the test-tube. Finally, the cholalic and choloidic acids take the form, in the intestines, of an insoluble substance, viz., dystysin, which is no longer injurious. The coloring matter and the biliary acids, which are both poisonous, becoming thus insoluble in the intestines, we need not wonder that, notwithstanding the quantity of bile poured into the intestines and the intensit}' of its re-absorption, no poisoning takes place, even when the kidney is only slightly permeable. But these transformations are neither immediate nor constant. In certain persons we find, even near the anus, bilirubin still intact, and biliary acids that have not undergone transformation, owing to the rapidity and intensity of the con- tractions of the intestines. Even in a normal state of health a certain quantity of the toxic matter may be re-absorbed in the duodenum. But the liver, as Schiff has shown, arrests these poisonous substances and restores them to the intestines or transforms them into harmless matter. 224 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. In any case, the reality of the toxic nature of bile, which has long been believed in by the medical world, has recently been experimentally established. According to my experi- ments, from 4 to 6 cubic centimetres of bile are required to kill in convulsions a living animal weighing 1 kilogramme, and, since the daily secretion of bile is about 1000 cubic centimetres, we must conclude that during every twenty-four hours a man makes, by the activity of his liver alone, an enormous quantity of poison, enough to kill, in twenty-four hours, three men of his own weight, 1 kilogramme producing enough to kill more than 2800 grammes of living matter. Man forms, in eight hours, enough poison to kill himself simply by his hepatic secretion. Now, in twenty-four hours the urine does not eliminate half the quantity necessary to poison a man ; the urine of two days and four hours would be required in order to do this. The volume being equal, bile is nine times as poisonous as urine ; in an equal period of time the biliary secretion represents a degree of toxic power six times as great as the urinary secretion. I have shown that bile decolorized by carbon has one-third of the toxic properties of bile in its natural condition. This leads us to suspect the toxic nature of bilirubin. We M. Tap ret and myself have demonstrated it by an intra-venous injection of this substance dissolved in water by means of a little soda. Bilirubin kills rabbits in a dose of 5 centigrammes per kilogramme. We found, moreover, that each of the biliary salts is only one-tenth part as poisonous as bilirubin. The urine does not carry away the whole of the poisonous matter secreted by the liver, therefore the greater part of this substance must be neutralized in some part of the body. Even if the urine owed the whole of its poisonous nature to bile, the latter would have had to lose five-sixths of its toxic properties in some other way. This neutralization is effected in the intestines, in the liver, in the tissues, and in the blood. Schiff thinks that bile does not poison us, because the liver take.s it back and rejects it, to take it back and reject it again, and that each time a smaller and smaller portion is absorbed. The true protection seems to me to be the precipitation of the PROTECTIVE ROLE OF THE TISSUES IN JAUNDICE. 225 poisonous elements of the bile, i.e., the coloring matter and the salts, which, when once precipitated, escape from absorption. I think, also, that the tissues play a certain protective r61e : they consume and transform the minute portions of bile which, having been absorbed, have penetrated into the general circula- tion ; they fix the bilirubin. The blood consumes the biliary acids. Is it the same when the bile is re-absorbed into the liver itself? When, in consequence of an osmotic change, the bile passes from the biliary cell into the blood-vessels, the flow of bile extends to the general circulation, and is no longer confined to one region ; the protection of the intestines and the liver is suppressed. It is the bile in its entirety that passes from the liver into the blood, and not the part which is unimportant, from a toxic point of view which was re-absorbed in the intes- tines. The coloring matter and biliary acids will circulate through- out the body. A part will escape through the kidneys, but the greater part goes to impregnate the tissues, the anatomical ele- ments, the normal and pathological humors. The skin, the con- nective tissue, the hepatic cells, the muscular fibres, the vitreous bod} r , all the epithelial cells, the sj-novial fluid, and the serous cavities are penetrated with bile. Upon examination, the ana- tomical elements give two reactions : that of Gmelin for the pig- ment and of Pettenkofer for the acids. This is what is asserted by clinical and pathological anatomy, but the appearance of these gross manifestations of the passage of bile into the blood is not immediate ; emotional jaundice, if it exist, is a rare excep- tion. When we are quite sure of the precise moment of the stoppage of the bile, as in hepatic colic, in which it is indicated by pain, we may easily see that it is often twentj'-four hours, or even more, before the icteric tint shows itself in certain mucous secretions and in certain parts of the skin. The urine is colored more quickly. How is it that so -long a time elapses before the tint shows itself upon the person himself? This fact seems to contradict the data furnished by experiment. I make an intra-venous injection of bile and kill the animal in a few minutes, without the skin having taken the jaundiced 226 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. tinge or the urine having been colored. This is an experimental fact that contradicts clinical experience. It has even been asserted that the intra-veuous injection of bile cannot produce jaundice.* Feltz and Ritter never succeeded in obtaining it. Vulpian injected 250 cubic centimetres of bile into a dog slowly, the injection lasting three days ; the animal became icteric. It is true that dogs are often icteric normally. Never- theless, in Yulpian's experiment the tissues and organs were tinged with bile, and the jaundice was certainly very pronounced. It is because bile is so poisonous that a sudden injection of bile does not produce jaundice ; death ensues before the tissues have had time to become colored. When, instead of bile, a solution of bilirubin only is injected, the five centigrammes of bilirubin that are sufficient to kill one kilogramme of living animal matter are also sufficient to cause intense jaundice during the few minutes that elapse between the commencement of the injection and death. When the bile is suddenly introduced into the circulation, the coloring matter does not tinge the tissues. A piece of white silk, quickly plunged into icteric urine and washed immediately, is scarcely colored ; in this urine still more diluted it is colored in proportion to the duration of its immer- sion, and the urine is discolored. When the animal is suddenly poisoned, we must consider the quantity of soluble poison that can, at a given moment, produce an impression on the nerve- cells, also the time necessary for the fixation of the pigment on the white tendinous and aponeurotic fibres, etc., in order to color them. In order to color a tissue, time is necessary, rather than concentration of bile. Once freed from its coloring matter, bile loses part of its toxic property ; thus, when bile is injected, if the injection is sufficiently slow, the white fibres, by fixing the bilirubin, pro- tect the nerve-cells. During this time, the biliary salts escape by way of the kidneys or are consumed in the blood. We may * Vaughan Harley has shown (Brit. Med. Jour., Aug., 1892) that in jaundice, contrary to the hitherto-entertained pathological doctrine, the bile which stains the skin and discolors the urine is not absorbed into the general circulation by the blood- capillaries, but solely by the lymphatic system of vessels, and that it does not reach the general circulation by the hepatic veins, but by the thoracic duct. Where the thoracic duct has been ligatured no bile is found in the urine or blood. A similar view is held by Foster, in Text-book of Physiology, p. 440. T. O. RENAL PERMEABILITY THE SAFEGUARD IN JAUNDICE. 227 thus, both experimentally and clinically, obtain icteric colora- tion without poisoning, if the injection or re-absorption be slow. Clinically speaking, if all the bile secreted in eight hours were introduced suddenly into the blood, we should see fatal nervous effects produced immediately. But as elimination is incessantly being effected through the kidneys, and as the fibres of the connective tissue are being incessantly colored, whilst the blood re-absorbs only gradually, nervous accidents are thus averted. The tissues serve to. protect the organism against certain poisons. Experience shows us that the most intense form of jaundice, viz., black jaundice, does not kill, pre- cisely because the coloring matter, which is ten times more poisonous than the biliary salts, becomes fixed. Thus, in addition to the protection afforded by the liver and intestines, the system finds a protection against biliary poisoning owing to tissues which, as regards functional importance, occupy the lowest rank among the anatomical elements, drawing off from the blood the greater portion of the coloring matter, in order to absorb it themselves. Lastly, the kidneys also take part in the elimination of the biliary acids ; we find, in the urine of those suffering from jaundice, sulphur incompletel}- oxidized, or in the form of sulphur compounds; this sulphur is derived from the taurin, and should be eliminated by the intestines. Notwithstanding this elimination through the kidneys, part of the biliary salts, passing through the system, affects the blood- corpuscles, the hepatic cells, the muscular fibre, the epithelial elements, and according as the kidne} 7 performs more or less perfectly its work of elimination it causes more or less rapid destruction of these elements. Sometimes only disassimilation is merely hastened, and emaciation is then rapid. Sometimes disassimilation is so rapid that the oxygen that is available ceases to be available for combustion ; fatty degeneration then results from the persistence of one of the products of the disintegration of the nitrogenous matter. Moreover, the retention of the biliary acids acts upon the hepatic cell, which itself undergoes fatty degeneration. Then a new effect is produced, the functional consequence of acute 228 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. atrophy of the liver, viz., suppression of the final processes of disassimilation. The substances disassimilated no longer undergo all the met- amorphoses to which the}' are normally subjected in the liver. The matter that is decomposed no longer takes the form of ex- crement ; the albuminoid substances remain colloid, instead of being crystalloid and therefore dialysable. Urea, which is an eminently diuretic substance, diminishes ; the result is a diminu- tion of renal activity. Now, this is a new danger, a fresh obstacle to elimination. Often also the kidney is affected on its own account by the cause that has produced jaundice, an infectious malady, for example. But this has to do with quite another kind of poisoning. The liver no longer makes bile, and yet it is not acholia that kills the patient. The poisoning is due to all the causes that are poisoning the system when the kidneys no longer act, and also to those substances that are ordinarily transformed by the liver into excrementitious mattei*. The greatest danger in jaundice is renal impermeability. On the other hand, severe cases of jaundice may be cured if the kidneys remain permeable. LECTURE XXV. MALIGNANT JAUNDICE : AGGRAVATED JAUNDICE. Importance of the functional and anatomical soundness of the kidneys from the point of view of the cure of jaundice. The various causes that often render the kidneys unhealthy in jaundice. Consequences of the tissues being im- pregnated with bile. The diminution and then the suppression of the hepatic functions : the influence of the stoppage of the functions of the liver on assimilation and disassimilation. Accumulation in the blood of the waste products of nutrition incompletely transformed and unfit for excretion. To auto-intoxication by natural poisons succeeds poisoning by anomalous poisons. The relation of the various accidents attendant upon aggravated jaundice : cholaemia, acholia, uraemia. The extremely poisonous nature of the urine of patients suffering from jaundice, so long as the kidneys are permeable. Importance of polyuria in the prognosis of jaundice. Distinc- tion between the aggravated forms of jaundice and the particular malady called malignant jaundice, or acute yellow atrophy of the liver, which is, perhaps, caused by an infective agent, and may be developed without jaundice. FROM what I said in the preceding lecture on the subject of the causes of the poisoning in jaundice, I showed that there are two poisons in bile, the biliar}- salts, which have alwa3*s been recognized as poisons, and a substance which, up to the present, has not been appreciated, from a toxic point of view, viz., the coloring matter. This is, I think, anew revelation in pathology. I wish also to call particular attention to the fact that, although in jaundice a considerable quantity of poison enters into the system, nevertheless, in the great majority of cases, this intro- duction of poison is not followed by death, as the organism is doubly protected. In the first place, the kidneys cany off part of the pigment and the biliary acids and their derivatives ; therefore the urine becomes poisonous, and I have found that jaundiced urine kills in the proportion of ten and even seven cubic centimetres per kilogramme of the animal. On the other hand, the fibres of the connective tissue fix the most important of the poisons of bile, the coloring matter. The tissues, by becoming colored, with- draw from the circulation, in increasing proportion, this poison, (229) 230 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATlOtf. and exercise gradually a sort of condensing power. Neverthe- less, notwithstanding this double protection, we observe, even in mild cases of jaundice, as the first signs of poisoning, slowing of the pulse, pruritus, nasal haemorrhages, and rapid emaciation. If the kidneys become less permeable, the conditions of poison- ing increase. Now, the kidneys often act insufficiently in jaun- dice, frequently through a cause that is independent of and anterior to the jaundice itself. Nephritis may supervene and aggravate the malady, resulting often from the same cause that has produced the jaundice, an infective agent. The liver also may become disordered, like the spleen and the kidnej^s, owing to infectious agencies having reached it. Lastty, the impermea- bility of the kidneys may be the consequence of the jaundice itself altering the epithelial cells. The consequence of the im- permeability of the kidney is the retention of the coloring mat- ter and of the biliary salts. The biliary impregnation of the red corpuscles, the hepatic cells, muscular fibre, epithelial cells, and the vascular membranes causes destructive modifications in all these elements. Disassimilation is more rapid or is affected by anomalous processes. The destruction of the cellular elements takes place either totally or by fatty degeneration. We note a diminution in the number of corpuscles, which are swollen and spherical. The serum contains haemoglobin in solution, not modified. The heart, which is altered in its structure, loses some of its energy ; its beats are at first slower, and then feebler and more frequent. Then atrophy of the liver may set in. Atrophy of the liver is characteristic of one form of jaundice, but does not belong exclusively to it, and it may occur even in cases which pass from the benign to the grave form. We note at first a gradual diminution, and finally suppression, of the hepatic function, which consists in transforming the materials of disassimilation, as well as those of assimilation. We must not forget that the liver has a double function. On the one hand, it has to develop the matter absorbed from the intes- tines sugar, for instance in order to form glycogen ; if this work cease, the organism is deprived of a substance that is indispensable to it. On the other hand, the liver has to com- CONSEQUENCES OP SUPPRESSED HEPATIC FUNCTION. 231 plete the development of the materials produced \>y disassimila- tion ; before they pass inta the excretory passages, colloids should be converted into crystalloid dialyzable material. Thus, when atrophy of the liver sets in, the repair of the waste of tissue is interfered with, and there is an accumulation of the matter produced by disassimilation, which has not been able to pass into the state for being excreted. The proteid substances no longer reach the state of urea; therefore, the urea diminishes. Now, this is the most important physiological diuretic, forcing the water to pass away through the kidneys and to carry off at the same time the other solid excrementitious matter. While these modifications are taking place in the natural chemistry of the liver parallel chemical modifications of the blood are also going on. An accumulation of leucin, tyrosin, xanthin, and hypoxanthin is produced in the blood and in the tissues. These same substances consequently appear in the urine ; and besides other substances, the greater number of which are little known, we find in the urine imperfectly-formed albumens, which have not the normal point of coagulation by heat, and which act differently when treated by chemical reagents. The kidney is not constructed for the elimination of these bodies, but, nevertheless, they force their way through the renal barrier. The biliary function, also, of a liver which is being destroyed by jaundice is soon diminished or suppressed. The liver be- comes incapable of forming the pigment and the biliary acids, so that the jaundice itself may diminish, and even disappear; the biliary pigment decreases in the urine, and at a given moment, in patients that were at first poisoned by bile, biliary poisoning is suppressed. We no longer find in the urine biliary acids or compounds of sulphur, or the incompletely-oxidized sulphur derived from them. When we administer to a patient suffering from acute atropl^y of the liver a substance which, tinder normal conditions, should undergo certain metamorphoses in the liver, substances which, like naphthalin, fix the sulphur radicals, we find that the elaboration of this body say, 1 naphthalin is not accomplished according to the normal processes. Instead of being eliminated 232 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. in the form of naphthyl-sulphite of soda, it is found in cholera patients, for instance in the urine, in a form which is as yet undefined, notwithstanding M. Rosenstiehl's researches ; it gives rise to a particular coloring matter, of a purple-violet tint, similar to that of permanganate of potash. I have observed this coloration, which is due to an anomaly in the elaboration of the naphthalin, in acute atrophy of the liver and in .two cases of typhoid fever. Thus, when the liver is destroyed, disassim- ilated substances are defectively elaborated ; the chemistry of malignant jaundice confirms this, and this particular case of the anomalous elaboration of naphthalin in acute atrophy of the liver and cholera furnishes a still better demonstration. Besides the disorders resulting from the suppression of the hepatic functions in malignant jaundice the kidneys, if not already disordered, soon become so. In the same way that lead, silver, mercury, and cantharides, when being eliminated, cause true toxic nephritis, so do the biliary poison and the poisons fabri- cated in a secondary manner, by imperfect disassimilation, during their elimination, produce renal changes. This is, then, a fresh hindrance to renal ejection, and a new cause of the retention of poisons in the system. Lastly, the vessels also become affected ; extravasations are produced, and in some cases, which cannot be called exceptional, renal haemorrhage still further increases the impermeability of the kidneys. Thus, while the chances of biliary poisoning diminish, causes of secondary poisoning appear, which continually increase in consequence of the renal imperme- ability, the anomalous elaboration of the liver, and the alteration of all the cells of the body. Auto-intoxication by natural poisons is succeeded by self- poisoning by other morbid poisons. If objections are raised to this singular complexity of the phenomena, if I am blamed for substituting for the too simple and natural idea of the patho- genesis of the serious accidents attendant upon jaundice, owing to the action of the biliary salts, that of the train of processes which take place one after the other in natural sequence, I shall answer that not a single link in this chain can be shown to be false, and that the truth of each separate detail can be established. Only the degree of their subordination is left in doubt. RENAL PERMEABILITY THE SAFEGUARD IN JAUNDICE. 233 Now, with regard to jaundice that has become serious, we are obliged to appeal to this succession of the various processes. I cannot affirm positively that such and such a succession is the absolute order of facts, but I firmly believe that they all play an important part, and I am inclined to believe that the order of complications is as follows : Biliary poisoning (cholaemia) ; cell- degeneration, particularly alteration of the hepatic cells; atrophy of the liver and suppression of its functions (acholia), renal changes from various causes, ending in renal inadequacy; Lastly, self-poisoning, of a mixed nature, through acholia, i.e., through the retention of anomalous toxic products; and through uraemia, i.e., through the non-elimination of the normal toxic products, which should be carried off by the urine. This uraemic element cannot alwaj-s be compared with ordi- nary uraemia ; it cannot be uraemia from an alimentary cause, the patients being scarcely nourished at all ; nor can it be poison- ing from re-absorption of bile, since the latter ceases to be secreted ; the putrefactions of intestinal origin certainty con- tribute to it as one cause, but it is principal!}* a poisoning by the normal or abnormal refuse throwli off by intense disassimila- tion, setting free potass, which is quite capable of poisoning and of causing convulsions in a large number of cases, and also organic matter incompletely elaborated. Thus, the greatest danger in severe jaundice is the impermeability of the kidnej-s. If the kidneys remain permeable, the patients discharge urine that is intensely poisonous, and which has a great tendency to cause convulsions. This urine, even when decolorized by carbon, retains its convulsive power; it is sufficiently powerful to kill animals in opisthotonos, as if they were poisoned by the potass that has been sent in excess into the blood through the exag- gerated disassimilation of the tissues. If the kidneys are no longer permeable, the urine will no longer have this convulsive power, but the patient will be poisoned and have the con- vulsions. As long as renal impermeability is not manifested, the prog- nosis may be reserved in severe attacks of jaundice, and complete recovery is possible. In certain cases, after having observed the hepatic dullness diminish every day, we then see it return by 234 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. degrees to its original limits, showing that the liver has regained its volume in the space of a few weeks or a few days. I have personally remarked two instances of this kind. The severe jaundice was not then complicated by renal lesions ; the polyuria remained constant, and from three to four litres of urine were secreted daily. Is all that I have said applicable to the partic- ular malady which Rokitansky has called acute } r ellow atrophy of the liver? to the form of severe jaundice described by Ozanam ? to the typhoid jaundice of Lebert? to the essential hsemorrhagic jaundice of Monneret, or the essentially-grave jaundice of Genou- ville ? I do not think so. What I have said applies to simple attacks of jaundice that have become severe ; moreover, these are perhaps the most common class. According to Frerichs, the primordial cause is atrophy of the liver, which, by vitiating the elaboration of the various kinds of matter, produces all the other complications. Other hypotheses have been proposed. We need not discuss jaundice proceeding from the suppression of the hepatic function, no more than jaundice from polycholia or from too great activity of the hepatic function, the jaundice in these cases being only slight, of short duration, or absent. At least, there have been as many theories formed about severe jaundice as about uraemia. Buhl's theory is, that severe jaundice is the result of cerebral oedema ; that, elimination of water by the bile being suppressed, hydraemia ensues, and then cerebral oedema. Can we admit that the 800 or 1200 grammes of water in the quantity of bile formed daily can produce such effects when we know that, normally, the intestines re-absorb half or two-thirds of this water? Uraemia alone is to be considered the cause, according to another opinion. I have taken it into account, as you know, but we can only trace its terminal complications. There onty, then, remains acholia, the suppression of the part played by the liver in disassimilation ; this is French's theory, and I believe it to be the correct one. But what can produce the atrophy of the liver? Everything tends to show that it is the consequence of a general infective malady, not only because infectious agents have been found in ACUTE ATROPHY OP THE LIVER, AN INFECTIVE PROCESS. 235 the fluids and the tissues, but because at the same time we find fever, purpura, a polymorphous erythema, scarlatiniform, cir- cinate, and globular eruptions on the skin, the pharynx, and the palate, and because an acute nephritis exists, with parallel determinations to the various viscera. Jaundice does not necessarily supervene in acute yellow atrophy of the liver, but it may form a connecting link between the destruction of the hepatic cells and .the appearance of a nephritis, which adds to the symptomatic list its own contingent of accidents traceable to uraemia. The study of severe jaundice thus serves as an introduction to the study of poisoning by anomalous products. LECTURE XXYI. THE Toxic NATURE OF PATHOLOGICAL URINES. Causes of death in infectious diseases. Examination of the poisons in the tissues of animals that have died from infection. The toxic nature of the urine in tetanus. Special characteristics of the toxicity of the urine in fevers ; con- vulsive properties. The part played by poisoning in the ataxo-adynarnic accidents of fevers and in the death-struggle. WE know that in the course of infectious diseases there exists a perversion of the nutritive processes, more particularly in the function of the liver-cells. Under the influence of the disease we note the appearance in the urine of anomalous material, the products of imperfect disassimilation, colloid substances, and modified albumens. We find drugs undergo unusual trans- formations, naphthalin, for instance, being eliminated without having entered into combination with sulphur. Some of these anomalous products may be poisonous, but this is only a matter of conjecture, requiring demonstration. This task is not an easy one, and often ends in a negative or doubtful -result. I have long endeavored to find the substance which causes death in infectious diseases. If, in certain cases, death may be attributed to the withdrawal of oxygen from the blood, as in charbon ; to capillary obstructions hi the more important organs ; to septic foci being established by the infectious agents passing out of the vessels, the explanation, in the majority of cases, lies in poisoning. I have found hardly any trace of those poisonous substances that are well known, especially in infections of diges- tive origin, surface infections. I found that the alkaloids were increased, but that they could only account for a very small part of the auto-intoxication. I have searched for this poison in gaseous gangrene. Charrin has also endeavored to find it while studying the form of septicaemia that will in future bear his name. Extracts were taken from all the organs of five animals that had died of septicaemia. These extracts were injected into healthy animals and produced poisoning, but with extracts from (236) ANIMAL ALKALOIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. 237 the organs of healthy animals we also obtain poisoning. Does not the destruction of the anatomical elements allow substances to become free that are held in the living cells by the forces of tension ? The normal poisons have thus prevented the discovery of the anomalous poison. Amongst the substances that may be suspected we have particularly studied the alkaloids. We have extracted alkaloids from the bodies of animals that have died of infectious diseases ; but we also find alkaloids in the tissues of healthy animals, although, perhaps, in smaller quantities. However, the quantity of alkaloids extracted from the bodies of five animals that had died of septicaemia was not sufficient to produce poisoning. We have not, therefore, succeeded in finding the morbid poison that kills in infectious diseases, but these negative results do not alter the fact that we must admit the existence of such a poison in these cases. How, for instance, can we explain the fact that gaseous gangrene, which is so emi- nently infectious, but which only produces local anatomical injury, without embolism or any inflammatory process, can cause death, if it is not that, simultaneously with the production of oedema, a poison is fabricated which kills the higher elements of the system ? This is mere hypothesis, it will be said. Yes, but hypothesis that is almost necessary. Not having been able to select one single poisonous substance that could really be considered capable of producing the effects referred to, I endeavored to study the poisonous element as a whole, taking all the poisonous substances in the eliminating liquid, the urine. By proceeding in this manner, I arrived at results that seemed to me to be convincing. A patient attacked with tetanus passed no urine for two days. M. Labbe collected the urine when it re-appeared. On being injected into the veins of an animal, it produ< . This does not mean that there are not in certain maladies true morbid poisons, engendered by the normal life of microbes or the diseased life of human cells. But the difficulty is to collect and isolate these poisons. (242) BLUE PUS. 243 If this subject could be studied like the pathogenic agent of blue pus, it could perhaps be more easily explained. Blue pus is characterized by two things, a body having the chemical characteristics of the alkaloids, and which has long been recog- nized, viz., pyocyanine ; and a microbe, a mobile bacillus, which produces this substance, and which is mentioned by Gessard. The microbe is easily recognized, since the blue color of the sub- stance that it fabricates betrays it wherever it is met with. The blue is completely fixed by chloroform ; afterward, in the pres- ence of acidulated water, the chloroform is discolored and the water takes a roseate tinge. By this reaction we can always recognize this organism, which develops rapidly and resists the action of all the other ferments. Taking advantage of this characteristic, M. Charrin has made experiments in inoculation and injection with liquid cultures. Clinical surgery has shown that blue pus, when brought into contact with a wound, does not produce infectious accidents ; but, it may be asked, what would happen if it forced its way through the barrier of the tissues? This hypothesis has been answered by the injection into the veins of pure "culture liquids" containing both the microbe and pyoc3'anine. The subcutaneous injection seems harmless, hut an animal that is subjected to an intra-venous injection of 1 or 2 cubic centimetres of liquid, prepared in this way, becomes feverish and tvuses to eat ; it may be attacked with intense albuminuria and diarrhoea ; it becomes emaciated and ill. We must mention that a certain number of rabbits prove refractory, and that often considerable doses are required in order to succeed. Is this malady of an infectious nature? We know that microbes are cliininatnl by the urine and faecal matter. But are they still alive? Yes ; since we observe, simultaneously with their presence, the reaction of pyocyanine in the liquids impregnated with these substances. We may push the question still further, and, by treating the bacillus and the chemical substance separately, we may endeavor to ascertain their respective roles in the mechanism of the dis- ease. We withdraw the microbes from the liquids in which they have been cultivated, employing for this purpose either 244 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. heat and filtration or filtration by means of the tested Chamber- land cylinders; * we find in the filtered liquids all the reactions of pyocyanine, and we can, moreover, make sure by cultivation that these liquids no longer contain any microbes. If, under these conditions, we inject into the veins of a rabbit the filtered liquid, which is rich in pyocyanine, we find that the toxicity of this liquid is comparatively slight, whether we inject successive quantities for several days, or whether we inject at once 60 cubic centimetres of the liquid. The animals, upon receiving these injections, which are made antiseptically, show only transi- tory effects, and in some cases can be cured ; whereas, when the same liquids, containing microbes, are injected in the same animals, these animals, as I have said, become diseased and generally die. We are thus led to think that in the development of this experimental disease, while taking into account the action of the chemical substance, we must also consider the material lesions, nephritis, enteritis, etc., which seem to be created by the microbe itself. To speak of nephritis only, for instance, we do not always produce it in a lasting form, by injecting into a rabbit, in a certain quantity, crystallized pj-ocyanine, or a liquid containing pyocyanine deprived of microbes ; whereas, when we inject a liquid culture containing microbes, if the animal survive a certain number of days, nephritis is established perma- nently, and microbes are found in the blood, the kidneys, and the urine. "Under these conditions the blood, the kidneys, or the urine, on being treated, show the presence of pyocyanine. It is, therefore, from these experiments, probable that the microbe, besides its possible chemical action, produces a traumatic effect on the kidneys and causes a nephritis, which then acts on its own account, and places the animal in the position of a patient attacked with Bright's disease, f * See Wilson's Hygiene, page 232. t The results indicated were obtained by experiments on the rabbit ; we are not speaking of those that can be obtained upon other animals, the guinea-pig, for instance, and by varying the modes of introduction. The results in these cases may be different, and this is not surprising, since the conditions of the experiment are changed. M. Charrin is of opinion that fresh reservations should be made as regards the role of the chemical substance. Recent experiments have shown him that the pyocyanine bacillus could live under certain conditions without gener- ating pyocyanine itself. It is, therefore, possible that in the animal a body is formed which is more or less like pyocyaiiine, but possesses a different degree of toxicity and acts differently. CONSEQUENCES OF EXCESS OF SUGAR IN THE BLOOD. 245 We must now endeavor to find out whether the poisons are produced in consequence of a disordered state of the general nutrition. As regards sugar, the formation of which is considered by certain physicians as the result of a disordered state of nutrition of the liver, can we look upon it as a poison ? Not in my opinion. Sugar is not essentially poisonous ; it only becomes injurious by its quantity. If it is not consumed, transformed, or destroyed by the organs, it becomes a poison like carbonate of soda, which, in excess, may become poisonous although it forms an integral part of the blood. As long as the blood contains only one in a thousand of sugar, the system is not appreciably affected ; but above 3 per 1000 (Bernard) or 5 per 1000 (Pavy) the effects of poisoning ensue, and a special pathological condition is established. One of the first symptoms of excess of sugar in the blood is glycosuria, which does not exist when there is only 1 per 1000 of sugar in the blood. When this proportion is increased, the hyperglycaemia deranges the quantity of the urine. In fact, when sugar is eliminated, it carries awa}^ its equivalent of water of diffusion, which is in the proportion of 7 parts of water to 1 of sugar. Under normal conditions, the blood does not allow itself to be dehydrated ; when it gives up a portion of its water, it recovers it immediately by drawing it from the plasmas and the elements of the tissues. The blood cannot have less than its normal percentage of water; in order to supply the renal secretion, it must be incessantly receiving water, which is either conveyed to it by drinking, or which it draws from the tissues and especially from the plasmas, which represent in weight a third of the economy. If the water obtained by drinking and the water from the plasmas fail to keep up the required supply, under any other circumstances than the case of hyperglycoemia the renal secretion could be dimin- ished or suppressed. But as long as there is in the blood water and sugar in excess, there is produced a glycosuria accompanied by the water of diffusion due to the sugar; when the glycaemia is intense, the sugar, which must necessarily be supplied with its equivalent of water of diffusion, dehydrates more and more 246 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. the plasmas and the tissues. One of the primary effects of poison- ing by sugar is, therefore, the extraction of water from the system. Then a modification is produced in the phenomena of osmosis ; the sugar, having rendered the blood more dense, becomes a fresh medium for the elements of the system, and is thus another cause of the abstraction of water from the plasmas. We find the sensa- tion of thirst appear. A diminution ensues in the aptitude of the water to leave the blood ; the , pulmonary exhalation dimin- ishes as well as the cutaneous exhalation. Under normal conditions one-third of the total quantit}^ of water that passes out of the system is eliminated by the lungs and the skin. In a diabetic subject, according to Burger, these emunctories only eliminate one-twelfth. Among the consequences of this dehydration of the tissues, we must note diabetic cataract, which has been demonstrated by an ingenious experiment performed by M. Lecorche. This is the explanation that is generally admitted ; but in reality the crystalline opacity which is produced experimentally by de- hydrating the body by means of sugar or salt is not cataract ; it disappears when the tissues have regained their normal per- centage of water. Diabetic cataract, on the contrary, is per- manent, and we not infrequently see it developed in patients that are suffering from oedema, in which case there is no question of dehydration. As the results of the derangemeut of the nutritive processes, we note the appearance of anomalous products of disassimilation, anomalous albumens, so frequent in diabetic subjects, and the increase of extractives or urea ; these features are not the unfailing rule, but they are accidents that might be explained by hyperglycsemia. The dehydration of the tissues, when it exists onty in a mod- erate degree, provokes certain functional disturbances, which, in the nerve-elements, take the form of an exaggerated excitability and rapid fatigue, and, in the muscular elements, are manifested by cramp, as in cholera. A higher degree of dehydration is attended by nervous accidents of great gravity, in which cate- gory we may perhaps include diabetic coma. When we were discussing typhoid fever and dyspepsias, we COLOR-TEST OP URINE IN ACETON^EMtA. 247 mentioned a particular alteration of the fluids, in consequence of which the breath exhales an odor similar to that of chloroform or rennet-apples, and also a particular chemical reaction of the urine. It has been suggested that this odor of the breath and this reaction of the urine may belong to acetone. In certain urines a few drops of perchloride of iron will give a claret-colored tint, or the shade produced may be darker, even violet. The reddish-brown tinge is very frequent under various morbid conditions; this is due to substances the nature of which has not been chemically defined ; acetone gives a wine-red color, but this tint may be produced by other substances. This reaction is met with in certain forms of dyspepsia, in t3'phoid fever, scarlatina, leucocythaeinia, and in pernicious ancemia ; it is very frequent in diabetes. Nevertheless, in many diabetic sub- jects, we may observe for years the chloroform ic odor of the breath, without ever detecting it in the urine, and still rarer in this disease is the reaction of perchloride of iron. If a salt due to the combination of diacetic ethyl with soda resulted from the transformation of the acetone, we should obtain the colora- tion without the odor ; otherwise we get the chloroformic odor in the urine without the coloration. In short, in nearly all cases of diabetic coma, perhaps in all, we find the color-reaction of the urine and the odor of the breath. It is therefore proba- ble that in these cases poisoning exists similar to that of severe dyspepsia. I know nothing of the pathogenic condi- tions of those forms of poisoning termed acetonaemic. The clinical fact having been observed by Brieger, at the clinic of Frerichs, under various pathological conditions ; by Senator, by Jaksch in carcinoma of the stomach and in severe forms of dys- pepsia, and by myself in typhoid fever and in a very great num- ber of cases of dilatation of the stomach, it seems to me pr ! ta- ble that the cause of it is some morbid substance elaborated in the intestines. These accidents can be reproduced in every feature experimentally, as has been shown l>y tin- experiments of M. de Gennes. However this may be, we note in certain diseases, not neces- sarily infectious, a body, or a series of bodies, which, on being eliminated by the urine, give a red coloration upon the addition 248 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. of perchloride of iron. These bodies are the result of the defec- tive elaboration of matter by the human organism ; they are anomalous substances, not engendered by microbes. Amongst these substances are acetone, diacetic ether, and oxybutyric acid, which are poisonous ; thus we find in this class some true morbid poisons. In diabetes this reaction of the urine and the odor of the breath may serve as a basis of diagnostic and prog- nostic indication. Two years ago the odor of the breath enabled me to form the diagnosis in a case in which a child had been suddenly attacked with comatose symptoms. It was not known that the child was ill when he was brought home from school in a state of complete coma. The skin was dry, and there was no patellar tendon reflex. Guided by the odor of the breath and the absence of the reflex, I expected to find sugar in the urine ; but, as the child passed no urine, I had those parts of his clothing washed that were likely to be stained with urine ; in the infusion thus procured I obtained the reaction of sugar, and was thus enabled to pronounce the attack to be diabetic coma, which ended in death in a few hours. LECTURE XXVIII. POISONING BY PATHOLOGICAL POISONS. CHOLERA. Former opinions as to the causes and the nature of cholera. Influence of the prevailing pathogenic theories on the choice of prophylactic modes of treatment. Mode of propagation of cholera. Importance of the transmis- sion by water. Other possible modes of contagion. Attempts to discover the agent of infection. The French Commission in Egypt. The researches and opinions of Koch. The value of the comma bacillus. Studies of the trausmissibility of cholera to animals. IN studying diseases caused by poisoning I am naturally led to speak of cholera and to sum up the knowledge that we pos- sess of its nature. All that has been said with regard to the etiology of the plagues of antiquity and of the Middle Ages has been repeated in modern times with regard to cholera. It was at first attributed to the wickedness of man and the anger of God; to this religious view succeeded the idea of poisoning by means of witchcraft, a theory to which were attached corollaries of certain practices that were reputed to be prophylactic. Wells and springs were believed to be poisoned. Certain persons, and especially doctors, were accused of being the promoters of direct poisoning. These absurd accusations were made in Paris in 1832 and in Naples in 1884. In the past, Jews and doctors were often associated together in public denunciations relating to pestilen- tial diseases. They were suspected of poisoning food. Travel- ers generally were also suspected, not only those who were infected, but all foreigners; a foreigner was looked upon as a deadly enemy. Previous to the pestilence being attributed to water, the air and the clouds had been made responsible for it ; there was a time when a certain cloud hovering over a town was reputed to be pestilential in virtue of some peculiar reflection or some unusual tint. These ideas were prevalent in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and we have actually seen them revived in the second half of the nineteenth century ! Naturally the pro- phylactic measures proposed were in harmon}' with these etiolog- ical chimeras. It was necessary to avert the divine wrath by (249) 250 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. expiatory deeds, by penances and fastings imposed on evil-doers. Believers in the efficacy of pilgrimages and processions are to be found, even at the present day, in all classes of society. People were more practical during the Black Plague ; they appointed sentinels to guard the wells. In Paris also, in 1865 and in 1873, 1 noticed that the casks of the water-carriers on the Quai St. Bernard were guarded by the police. Was this a con- cession to popular prejudices on the part of the authorities, or did the authorities share these prejudices? Sentinels were also placed at the gates of towns, the portcullis was lowered and the drawbridge raised. In our own times sanitary cordons have been drawn up round uninfected towns in the south and travelers have been received with gunshot. Yet- a calm examination of facts has shown that cholera is a disease that is endemic in certain countries ; for centuries it has been prevalent on the Delta of the Ganges. Thence it spreads ; it follows a caravan and marks the route from the Ganges to Mecca, where it attacks the Mussulmans, Hindoos, etc., assembled together; on its return it rages amongst all the caravans, some- times completely destroying them, or it advances with them as far as Hedjaz and Persia ; it then continues its migration through Russia to Western Europe. Its progress has also been traced from Hedjaz into Egypt, to Alexandria, where it forms a fresh centre, thus menacing Europe from two sides. We know that its migrations are determined by commerce and by routes followed by the great human currents, seas, rivers, roads, and railways. What strikes us in the history of cholera, when we hear of its having appeared almost simultaneously at several points, is that it is always a sea-coast town that is first attacked. It never appears first in an inland district. With regard to this, it has been asserted that, in a certain number of instances, a port has been infected without any patient suffering from cholera having disembarked there. But even if the infection is not conveyed by those who have been attacked, the ship itself has been contaminated or brings infected linen. The corpses of those that have succumbed to the disease may have been thrown into the sea, but the discharges and the linen impregnated with them have remained on board. In these cases DISSEMINATION OP CHOLERA. 251 the linen has never been disinfected; the truth has not been told as regards this matter. We can see how much importance may be attached to the official statements relating to the disin- fection of suspected ships or cargoes by the pretense of disinfec- tion that we witnessed during the last epidemic. The authorities did right not to insist upon the disinfection of the people them- selves ; I am not so sure that they were justified in not ordering the thorough disinfection of clothes, linen, and bedding after landing ; it was then too late. But at the lazaretto how did they act? They did not even demand that the people entering the lazaretto should take a bath. Since that time a great outcry has been raised against us by the public and the press, and public authorities have been shaken in the confidence they had placed in doctors, and begun to ask themselves whether the latter had ever deserved this confidence. Often still, when we follow the dissemination of cholera through France, we can trace it to linen that has not been disin- fected. On studying the history of a great number of local epi- demics, we find that laundresses have been attacked first. The dissemination of cholera has also been attributed to water. It is probable that several centres have been created by this agency. It is almost an established fact that, in towns, the districts that have escaped have been those which could not come into contact with the discharges of those attacked, conveyed through the medium of water; on the other hand, our canal of the Ourcq, with its array of boats, was one of the most powerful agents of transmission at an}^ rate, in the last epidemic ; and the districts first attacked were a part of the Faubourg Saint Antoine and the Rue Sainte-Marguerite, those to which the water of the Ourcq was brought by direct canalization. In hospitals where water is economized, where infected and nnfiltered water might be used for culinary nnd i>li:inu:iriMitir:il purposes, at La Charite* and at Lariboisiere, cases occurred* within the building before any cholera patient from the town had been brought to the hospital. To the same cause mny IT attributed the disastrous infection of the Asylum for Old People, in the Rue de Bretenil. As regards the other centres of infection, it is impossible to explain their origin categorically, on account 252 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. of the mixing of the water of the Dhuys and the Vanne with that of the Ourcq, in consequence of the anastomoses which are the great fault of our system of canalization, and which cause an ebb and flow from one stream to the other. With regard to the spreading of infection by water we cannot believe that there is any truth in the assertion that the infection may be conveyed up the river, along the Rhone for instance, from Marseilles to Avignon ; no one, on reflection, can admit that the germs could be carried against the stream. The link that is missing in the chain of evidence of contagion is direct contagion. But if measles, small-pox, and scarlatina are spread chiefly in this way, we can understand that with typhoid fever and cholera the infection is conveyed not through the body itself, but through what comes from the body. We must also take into account the vegetables that grow close to the earth and that are eaten raw, and various modes of contamination by drinking. We have naturally been led to consider cholera as a disease that is indirect^ contagious, like typhoid fever ; it was natural, therefore, to look for the agent of contagion in cholera. The pathogenic study must be entered upon from a parasitic point of view, and, in fact, the first reports of the discovery of organisms said to be infectious date from 1848. These first reports have no scientific value, but they serve to show the spirit in which the investigations have been carried on since that time. Virchow in 1848 and Hallier in 1867 found frequently para- sitic organisms, but in liquids where microbes constantly exist. Regular, systematic investigations did not commence until the European commissions were sent to Alexandria, in 1883; these researches were instituted by the French Commission, which in- cluded among its members Messrs. Straus, Roux, Nocard, and Thuillier, and by the German Commission of R. Koch. The great secrecy observed by the French Commission was fully justi- fied. At first, it is true, the telegraph told too much ; but when the members of the Commission spoke themselves, they expressed their doubts at the right time. They had found traces of an organism in the blood, but they added that this differed singu- larly from the various ferments known, not being colored by the ordinary processes and not being susceptible of cultivation. CHOLERA AND THE COMMA BACILLUS. 253 Koch has also, on the other hand, discovered an organism in the form of a comma, which cannot be classed under any of the five groups of ordinary parasitic intestinal microbes. These comma-shaped organisms appeared to him to be on the surface or in the interior of the intestine of cholera patients, and they are sometimes in such quantities as to constitute nearly the whole of the excretions. Koch has seen them in the choleraic discharges, on the cells whilst desquamation is going on, or between them and penetrating into the interior of the intestinal glands and into the superficial parts of the mucous membrane ; but he has neve* found them anywhere else, having searched for them vainty in the ganglia, the kidne3's, the spleen, the blood, and the lymph, and yet he has already asserted that these organ- isms' are the pathogenic agents. The comma bacillus is a short, slender, moving body, which fixes certain stains like other patho- genic organisms. The examination of this germ presents no difficulty. It is slightly curved ; its dimensions are as follow : length, from 1^/K to 2|^; breadth, from 0.6ft to 0.7/M. These comma microbes maybe found linked together by twos or threes, so as to form a little chain ; they may be curved in opposite di- rections or in the same direction, so as to appear in the form of an S, or of part of a circle, or they may assume a spirillar form. Such is the statement of Koch, which rests solely on the empiri- cal fact of his having found, on the surface of the intestine, an organism which is not present under ordinary conditions, and which is very abundant in cholera. But it has yet to be ex- plained how this organism causes the disease. Koch says that, after it has left the intestine, he can continue its germination on any moist surface, on the surface of food, and on the soil when the temperature is not too low and when the atmosphere is damp. The question then arises as to how a district is ever freed from it. The fact that a lake contained any of these organ- isms would be sufficient to render it permanently infected, and Koch actually discovered in India a lake the waters of which contained these comma bacilli, which he was able to cultivate; in this way there would be a perpetual interchange of infectious germs between the earth and man. This explanation is simple ; in fact, it is too simple to be admitted. If it were true, how is 254 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. it that in Paris and in Germany, where the cultivation of chol- era germs has been studied unceasingly, the various labora- tories have not been infected? How is it that the disease has not broken out amongst the experimentalists ? In order to distinguish the bacillus which he has found in those attacked with cholera, Koch has endeavored to find cer- tain special characteristics a different action on gelatin, and a particular configuration in the zone of liquefaction which would reveal the nature of the bacillus. This characteristic, however, is not wholly convincing. It must be remarked that the same organism has been found in cases of sporadic cholera by Finckler, of Bonn ; it was, per- haps, somewhat larger than Koch's bacillus. Thus, in two dis- eases which resemble each other in their symptoms to such a degree that the most learned physicians do not express a decided opinion as to the nature of the accidents attendant upon them until after the extension and propagation of the disease, we find microbes exactly similar in form. Against the pathogenic value to be attached to the comma microbes it has been urged that, as they exist only in the intestine, they could not so rapidly cause such serious general disorders. But it may be that these organisms engender a toxic substance, which, when once absorbed, affects all the cells of the sj-stem. Other investigators M. Emmerich at Vienna, and M. Doyen here think, moreover, that they have found pathogenic mi- crobes in some of the viscera. M. Emmerich, who states that he has seen them, did not recognize amongst them the comma bacillus. M. Doyen, not having absolutely detected them in sections, draws conclusions from sterilized cultures made with portions of the liver and kidneys, in which the existence of the microbe was not shown by the microscope ; these cultures had reproduced the comma bacillus. All this consists merely of hypothesis. I am ready to grant that the comma bacillus may be a microbe that is peculiar to cholera, although it has been found in the saliva of people not suffering from that disease. But what conclusions can be drawn from the discovery of this microbe? It has been cultivated, but these cultivations have not succeeded in reproducing the FAILURE TO PRODUCE CHOLERA EXPERIMENTALLY. 255 disease. Is it likely that the result, which could not be obtained even from the discharges of the patients themselves, could be obtained from the supposed agent of infection of cholera, culti- vated and isolated, when not an atom of the organism of the person attacked with the disease had been removed with it? Since 1865 and 1866 attempts have been made to produce cholera experimentally with the perspiration, the vomit, and the dis- charges of cholera patients. The experimentalists have suc- ceeded in killing animals, probably by communicating to them certain forms of septiceemia, but not by reproducing cholera ; and yet the}' hope to succeed by the introduction of the great-grand- nephews of microbes that have been taken from material that will not of itself produce cholera ! It was thought that the failure of the experiment was due to a defective method of introducing the pathogenic organisms into the intestine, because they did not avert the protecting influence of the gastric juice, the acidity of which would pre- vent the development of the microbes. Now, since 1832, it has been erroneously asserted that the choleraic discharge is always neutral or alkaline ; I have found it to be acid. The acidity of the intestinal liquid was slight, but was still present at the moment of death. This fact contradicts the theory of the sup- posed protective influence that would be exercised by the gastric juice. Moreover, if animals do not take cholera when choleraic matter is introduced into their stomachs, how is it that the dis- ease is conveyed through the gastric channel in the case of men, who also have an acid gastric juice ? Certainly they have it no longer when they are suffering from cholera, but they had it up to that time. When we introduce the agents, that are supposed to generate cholera, directly into the duodenum, the action of the bile being suppressed by means of a ligature round the bile-duct (Nicati and Rietsch), accidents are produced which resemble those of cholera ; and as it is found, at the post-mortem exam- ination of cholera patients, that the gall-bladder is distended, and that there is no bile in the intestine, the development of cholera in man is attributed to the suppression of the biliary secretion. Bat it is because the patient has cholera that we 256 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. find in him the biliary secretion suppressed. After examining all the theories that have been expressed and all the experiments that have been made, I arrive at the conclusion that the proof of the transmissibility of cholera to animals is still wanting ; they have been caused to die sometimes from peritonitis, from septicaemia, or from poisoning, but not from cholera. LECTURE XXIX. CHOLERA (CONTINUED). Objections to the pathogenic value of the comma bacillus. Introduction of the microbe by the hypodermic method ; M. Ferran's inoculations. Experi- mental researches relating to the value of the comma bacillus. Intestinal antiseptic treatment does not prevent choleraic accidents. Search after a poison in the discharges of cholera patients, in their tissues and their secre- tions. The intra-venous injection of the urine of cholera patients into animals reproduces most of the symptoms of cholera. IN the critical examination which I have made of the pathog- eny of cholera I have examined the claims of Koch's bacillus, and I have found various objections calculated to lessen the confidence that might be felt with regard to its importance. The only argument of any weight in favor of Koch's opinion is the presence, in the second part of the intestines of those attacked with cholera, of special organisms not found in the intestines of healthy people, nor in those of patients suffering from other dis- eases ; it is, in fact, the presence of these organisms from the very commencement of the choleraic attacks, often in consider- able quantity and sometimes to the exclusion of all other microbes, in the alimentary canal. With the exception of this empirical fact, which only leads to a hypothesis, all the argu- ments brought forward are misleading. The demonstration to be desired was to obtain the suspected organism in a state of purity, and by its introduction into a healthy body to reproduce cholera. It was thought that this experiment could only be tried on animals. Now, animals do not contract this disease. They have always, both spontaneously and experimentally, resisted the influence of choleraic discharges introduced directly into their bodies. Could it, then, be expected that cholera would be communicated to them by means of the cultivated germs? It seemed highly improbable; but, neverthe- less, attempts have been made to realize this result by distorting nature, so to speak. (257) 258 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Experimentalists endeavored to get rid of whatever might protect the animal against the action of the cholera germ, viz., the gastric juice, the bile, and the intestinal movements. They rendered the gastric juice alkaline, they conveyed the organism supposed to be pathogenic directly into the duodenum, and they introduced into the peritoneum as much as 5 grammes of tincture of opium per kilogramme of the animal. The results obtained were various. Sometimes death ensued, but more often the animal survived. When death occurred, it was generally from peritonitis or septicaemia. No results calculated to con- vince us of the truth of the theory were obtained ; only Messrs. Nicati, Rietsch, Koch, Ferran, and Van Ermengen are convinced. Others, even M. Cornil, who still holds that the comma bacillus is really the cholera bacillus, make formal reservations with regard to the subject of the experimental reproduction of cholera. These results, which I consider negative, do not, however, prove that Koch's bacillus is not pathogenic. They only prove that animals, which are, as we know, refractory to the action of choleraic matter, also resist the cultivated descendants of the microbes which it contains. But is it the same with man ? He contracts cholera spontaneously. Is he, then, attacked with symptoms of cholera when the comma bacillus is developed in his system ? We cannot quote any experiment of importance in answer to this question. We may mention the experiments of Bochefontaine, who swallowed pills containing choleraic dis- charge : he experienced nausea and even vomiting. He inoc- ulated himself in the cellular tissue with the liquid in which the germs were cultivated : inflammatory swellings resulted, but there was no sign of the general symptoms of cholera. The first experiment must not be considered absolutely convincing. The bacilli might be absent from the matter introduced into the system, or they might be in a very small quantity, or the mode of administration might have neutralized them. The second method cannot be appealed to, as cholera is not contracted by hypodermic inoculation. All that we know goes to prove that the infectious agent is introduced through the digestive channels. This mode of inoculation has been repeated by M. Ferran. INOCULATION OF CHOLERA. FERRAN. 259 He obtained the local phenomena experienced by Bochefontaine, local septic action in the tissues, rarely terminating in suppu- ration. I do not know what value may be attached to these inoculations from a prophylactic point of view.* But I can see already objections to his methods of procedure. In any case, as far as man is concerned, the facts obtained by experiment do not enable us either to admit or deny the theories of Koch with regard to his bacillus ; but, experimental proofs being wanting, observation may, in a roundabout fashion, lead us to certain conclusions. Before the period when I had to treat cholera patients in the last epidemic I had for a long time reflected on what course I should adopt if cholera did break out. I had seen that the results of physiological treatment were absolutely nil, with the exception of intra-venous injections. On the other hand, I knew the uselessness of all empirical modes of treatment. Opium, alcohol, etc., have given the same statistical results. I was thus justified in making an experiment in pathogenic therapeutics at the time when a new doctrine gave us the hope of defending the patient against the parasitic germ that was supposed to menace his life. * At the time this lecture was delivered wo had no definite information to enable us to form an opinion on the experiments of Ferran. It could only be said that the principle of his method, if there was any principle in it, had not been proved so far as cholera was concerned. The attempt to create a sort of immunity from a disease by simply changing the mode of introduction of a microbe is a principle that was known before M. Ferran's time. Messrs. Arloing, Cornevin, and Thomas were the first to demonstrate it, in their splendid experiments on symptomatic charbon. But what is true of one pathogenic agent of disease may be false as regards another, and we should therefore, in this case as in all others, guard against hasty generalizations. Unfortunately, the importance of the results announced by M. Ferran is considerably diminished by the report of the French Commission, composed of Messrs. Brouardel, Charrin, and Albarran. This report shows us that M. Ferran was not able, or, at all events, not willing, to give proofs of what he had advanced, both as regards the morphology of the comma bacillus and the effects obtained from it upon animals. The phenomena observed in persons inoculated in no way resemble those of a slight attack of cholera, as the Spanish physician asserted ; their blood never contains any of the bacilli. Moreover, M. Ferran refuses to explain the composition and prepara- tion of his lymph, or, if he gives an explanation, he abandons it a few days after for another. Lastly, the statistics that ho publishes, although numerous, are far froa being unassailable. In short, the scientific value of M. Ferran's method has not yet been proved. This is the verdict pronounced by the French Commission, and we must own that tins verdict has boon in no way weakened by the later reports of the other Commissions (Belgian, American, Italian, and Spanish) that were sont to Valencia for the same purpose. 260 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. Accepting, therefore, the theory of Koch provisionally, everything seemed to indicate that antiseptic treatment adapted to cholera was the path to follow. If we were dealing with an agent of infection that was scattered through the blood and the tissues, all idea of antiseptic treatment would have had to be given up. But we had before us a doctrine that asserted, authori- tatively, arguments that were capable of misleading. I therefore applied the doctrine of Koch to the therapeutics of cholera in all sincerity and good faith. It may be summed up thus : Cholera is produced by a poison formed by organisms in the intestinal canal; it is an infection of an accessible surface. We were able to destroy by antiseptics other microbes in the alimentary canal. Therefore, if Koch was right, it was necessary to intro- duce into the alimentary canal a substance capable of destroying life in all the microbes, a non-absorbable and, consequently, an insoluble substance. I was led to proceed in cholera as in typhoid fever. I employed iodoform in such a state of division that the dose employed represented a surface of sixty square metres; I gave 1 gramme a day in conjunction with 5 grammes of naphthalin, a substance that is almost insoluble. I have had a mortality of 66 per cent., i.e., equal to that of the other hos- pitals. This is not a very gratifying result, but we may learn something from it. What objection can be raised to the accuracy of the following proposition ? " If the pathogenic organism exists in no other part of the system, and if we have succeeded in destroying it in the intestines, choleraic accidents ought not to be produced." In the first place, it may be urged that Koch's microbe is not influenced by iodoform or by naphthalin. This resistance would be sur- prising on the part of an organism that is more vulnerable than most of the known microbes, since it is killed by heat and desic- cation. Moreover, I may mention an experiment made by M. Chantemesse, who checked the germination of the bacilli by introducing into the substance about to be used for their cultiva- tion a small quantity of the preparation administered to the patients. It may also be said that the treatment was instituted too late, the morbid poison being already formed and absorbed. I CHOLERA NOT THE RESULT OF INTESTINAL INFECTION. 261 answer \>y facts. A certain number of the patients subjected to the antiseptic treatment recovered. I continued to give them iodoform and naphthalin ; several of them had a relapse. Now, these had ceased to be influenced by the poison absorbed at first. A fresh germination must, therefore, have taken place in the system of infectious agents that had remained in some part of the organism, but not in the alimentary canal, the latter having remained aseptic. I conclude from this that the germination of the pathogenic agent of cholera does not take place in the intestines. While I was attending the cholera patients, I also attended typhoid patients in other wards. The latter having been sub- jected rigorously to iodoform and naphthalin, their intestines were aseptic, and yet two of them took the cholera in the course of the typhoid fever, and their evacuations consisted of black matter having only the odor of naphthalin. We have, therefore, two series of facts proving that cholera cannot be a surface infection seated exclusively in the intestinal cavity. The ali- mentary canal is, in all likelihood, the channel through which the infectious agent enters, this entrance being probably effected through the stomach rather than through the intestines ; but it is not in the alimentary canal that the multiplication of this organism takes place. If Koch's theory is undermined, it is only in one of its claims. I do not say that the bacillus is not the pathogenic agent, but I think that, if it is, it must exist elsewhere than where Koch has seen it. Other investigators believe that they have succeeded in staining it, and in finding it in various organs; they have obtained cultures with fragments of the viscera. Whether the infectious germ in cholera is Koch's bacillus or any other, one must exist ; and we should not be justified in denying its existence simply because we have not seen it. The microbe of hydrophobia, which we cultivate in animals and which we can attenuate or intensify, has not yet been discovered. We may, therefore, proceed, notwithstanding the absence of direct demon- stration concerning its nature, and admit, in the interest of both prophylaxis and therapeutics, that cholera is an infectious disease. But, granting that there must be a certain pathogenic agent in 262 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. cholera, let us ask ourselves if this agent does not produce some substance, and if it does not kill by causing a kind of poisoning. This idea, which I formulated in 1879, speaking of infectious diseases generally, has been taken up by Klebs and Koch, in connection with cholera. It would be necessary to show that there exists in the bodies of those attacked with cholera, or in their excretions, a particular toxic substance, capable of repro- ducing in other living beings symptoms similar to those of cholera. M. Gabriel Pouchet has discovered the existence of an alka- loid in the discharges of cholera patients, and M. Hayem also mentions one. It would have been more satisfactory if they had stated whether these were particular alkaloids distinguished from those which are found normally in the faecal matter of both the sick and the healthy. Even before these discoveries, on September 20, 1884, in the case of a rag-picker suffering from cholera, one of that little group of individual cases that formed the local epidemic of Saint-Ouen, the forerunner of the true Parisian epidemic, I found, in an extract of 575 cubic centimetres of intestinal matter, a consider- able quantity of an alkaloidal substance, a quantity which cer- tainly exceeded the proportion of alkaloids generally contained in faecal matter. This alkaloidal substance differed from the other intestinal alkaloids in one of its chemical characteristics. If, like them, it was precipitated by the iodo-ioduretted reagent, by the iodides of mercury and of potassium, by the phospho- molybdate of soda, by tungstate of soda, it did not present the reaction with tannin. During the epidemic of November, 1884, I found this alkaloid again with the same characteristic. I also saw it crystallized in the form of long and extremely fine needles ; but I was not able to experiment upon its physiological characteristics, not having been able to obtain a sufficient quan- tity of it. For this reason, I thought it best to leave the report of these observations among my laboratory notes. Another question arises as regards this alkaloid. Supposing it to be a substance peculiar to cholera patients, might it not have been produced in some other way than by the action of parasitic organisms? I know that in cholera patients matter is formed SYMPTOMS PRODUCED BY INJECTION OF CHOLERAIC URINE. 263 differently from that in other people, whether ill or in good health. Speaking of this, I may mention a peculiarity in connection with naphthalin. All my patients were treated with this substance. In some it underwent normal metamorphoses. In others it underwent unusual metamorphoses, which I have also remarked in acute yellow atroph} r of the liver and in two cases of typhoid fever. In these latter cases, the urine, instead of retaining the somewhat dirty, blackish-brown tint which it assumes in people that have been subjected to naphthalin, assumed spontaneously, at the moment of emission, a deep-violet color, like that of a solution of permanganate of potass. It was not the pink tint that is generally obtained by means of acetic acid in the urine of patients who were being treated with naphthalin. The violet matter in choleraic urine is soluble in ether, whereas that which appears upon the addition of acetic acid in the urine of other patients treated with naphthalin will not dissolve in ether. This anomalous fact is probably owing to certain changes in the liver. Other substances besides naphthalin might, therefore, be as irregularly transformed, and certain anomalous substances found in the passages or in the alimentary canal of cholera patients may have been generated in the liver or in the system without the intervention of microbes. There are, besides, in cholera patients, special toxic substances, which cause death in a different manner to the normal poisons of the system. There is a choleraic poison which is shown by the special toxicity of the urine of cholera patients. The experimental injections of the urine of cholera patients rarely produce in animals the symptoms of poisoning by normal urine. Myosis is generally defective. Instead of appearing at the tenth cubic centimetre, it comes later or is absent altogether. But one sign is very soon observed, which is not produced by injections of any other kind of urine, cyanosis, which is shown on the inner surface of the ear in the rabbit ; then muscular cramps, which in no way resemble the convulsions produced by other kinds of urine, being spasms which begin long after the commencement of the injection and continue for half an hour after it has ceased. They consist of a slow and protracted stretching of the hind-limbs, followed by four or five spasms at 264 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. the end of a minute and a half, another rigid extension of the limbs, and fresh spasms ; eight, ten, or fifteen similar contrac- tions may take place, and then quietness is restored. Cooling of the surface is more marked after the injection of choleraic urine than with normal urine. Albuminuria appears at the commencement and is intense, whereas it is rare and does not appear till late with normal urine. After the injection of normal urine the animal is restored to health ; after the injection of chol- eraic urine it is seized with pea-soupy diarrhoea, the motions being pale or reddish, without any trace of bile. The albuminuria goes on increasing; then, after a day and a half, anuria sets in, the refrigeration continues and is more marked, and the animals die, with a rectal temperature of 33 or 34 C. On the bodies being examined, the intestine is found to be congested and filled with pea-soupy, diarrhoeic matter, constituted mainly by the intes- tinal desquamation, resembling choleraic diarrhoea so much that it might be mistaken for it, except that no bacilli are found. Either the urine injected was infectious, or we had obtained a form of poisoning similar to that determined by the infectious agent in cholera when it has produced the toxic matter. LECTURE XXX. CHOLERA (CONCLUSION). A special poison exists in the urines of cholera patients. The symptoms of the animals into which they are injected cannot be explained by infection. Effects produced on animals by the substances soluble and insoluble in alcohol and contained in choleraic urine. The poison which causes the choleraic symp- toms in animals is soluble in alcohol anjd is organic. The second period in cholera is the result of a fresh intoxication occasioned by the normal poisons, from which the kidneys no longer free the system : it is uraemia. Myosis in cholera patients that are anuric. This terminal uraemia in cholera diflers from ordinary uraemia, as several of the sources of the ursemic poisons are suppressed. THE history of the progress of cholera compels us to look upon it as an infectious disease. But it is doubtful whether Koch's pathogenic agent is the true one. Admitting, from analogy, that there is an infectious agent peculiar to cholera, we must ask ourselves whether the microbe is responsible for all the ill effects observed, or whether, amongst the symptoms of the illness, there may not be toxsemic accidents attributable to a substance formed by the system itself, or by the microbe. I believe that this poison really exists, and the study of the toxic nature of the urine in cholera patients has led me to think that it is eliminated by the urine. The toxicity of choleraic urine presents special characteristics. Besides the properties which it has in common with normal urine (pupillary contraction, weakening of the muscles, certain respiratory disturbances, fall of temperature, and diuresis) choleraic urine produces, in the animals into which it is injected by the intra-venous method, very marked cyanosis on the inner surface of the ear, a much greater fall of temperature, lasting until death takes place ; cramps, which I have never observed with injections of other kinds of urine, and which are very different from opisthotonos and convulsions, cramps which consist of a long, slow exten- sion of the limbs, which is repeated at short intervals for half an hour ; diarrhoeic evacuations, which may occur with certain nor- (265) 266 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. mal or pathological urines as with distilled water, but in this last case only with enormous quantities of urine, whereas a very small quantity of choleraic urine produces motions of a whitish, yellow- ish, grayish, or reddish color, the coloring being due to epi- thelial desquamation of the small intestine and to the retention of bile in the gall-bladder. Albuminuria, which is rare and very slight with normal urine, is in this case always considerable or intense, lasting throughout the experimentally-produced disease. This albu-' minuria may be succeeded at the last by complete anuria. At length death ensues, not during the injection, but after an inter- val of from twelve hours to four days ; whereas, with animals whose death is caused by the injection of other normal or patho- logical urine, death occurs always during the injection. With choleraic urine nearly all animals die ; in those that survive we may follow the development of the disease. The thermometer indicates the gradual return of heat production ; the appetite does not return for some time, the albuminuria diminishes, and complete recovery is not effected until after about six days. In what light are we to consider these accidents ? Are we dealing with a case of infection or of experimental poisoning ? I have answered some of the suppositions that might be made. To account for infection, the infectious agent must have been in the urine of the patient ; discharges containing bacteria must have come from the kidneys. Now, we do not find any microbes in the urine of cholera patients, either by direct examination or after coloration. It is true that, in several diseases which are evidently virulent, we cannot find microbes (hydrophobia, for instance), or we can only demonstrate their existence by improved methods of coloration (as in tuberculosis or leprosy). Thus, there are microbes which remain invisible to us; the cholera germ is perhaps one that calls for a special technical treatment in order to be discovered. We might have tried to obtain cultures with the urine of cholera patients. I have not tried this, as I was only able to obtain the urine of female patients; and in their urine one is always liable to meet with some of those agents of infection which germinate readily on the external genitals, the conditions of INJECTIONS OF CHOLERAIC URINE. 267 temperature and moisture being very favorable to their develop- ment. But these means were not required in order to settle the question. If the disease that we communicated to animals by intra-venous injections of choleraic urine had taken the course of an infectious disease, we should have to acknowledge the existence of a phase of incubation which was altogether absent. We saw all the symptoms appear immediately after the introduc- tion of the urine and continue their course without any interrup- tion. This total absence of incubation is a decisive argument. Moreover, if the disease that we produced was of an infectious nature, the quantity of urine injected would be of little impor- tance ; the infectious germs, by their multiplication, would always produce the same symptoms, whatever the quantity of choleraic urine introduced into the system. Now, this was not the case : we always observed an exact proportion between the quantity of urine injected and the gravity of the disease. Two animals survived, having been subjected to an injection of only 12 cubic centimetres. All of those that died received more than 17 cubic centimetres, and some as much as 90 cubic centimetres. From the two reasons given above, I conclude that the experimentalty-produced disease resulting from injections of choleraic urine is of a toxic nature. I evaporated all the water from some choleraic urine and obtained, by the processes that I employ with normal urine, two extracts, one containing the substances that are soluble in alcohol, the other those that are insoluble in alcohol. I poisoned some animals with these two extracts, but the results observed were not the same in both cases. After the injection of the alco- holic extract of normal urine we observe salivation, coma, and death, if the quantity injected is sufficient ; if not, the animal is restored to health in less than half an hour. With the alcoholic extract of choleraic urine we rarely obtain salivation ; we sometimes get somnolence, but the animals do not recover. They have albuminuria and diarrhoea, and die within two days. These last accidents albuminuria, colorless diarrhoea, and death in two days are the same as those pro- duced by the injection of choleraic urine itself. But I did not obtain cyanosis and cramps with the alcoholic extract alone. 268 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. With the aqueous extract containing the substances that are insoluble in alcohol I observed, as with normal urine, myosis and, when the quantity was sufficient, convulsions, but these last in no way resembled the spasms produced by the urine of cholera patients. Lastly, in order to produce death, larger quantities of the aqueous extract were required than of the choleraic urine itself. When death occurred, it was always immediate, never delayed. I never observed either albuminuria or diarrhoea, and all the animals that survived were restored to health after this short toxic illness of half an hour's duration. Thus, there exists in choleraic urine something which is carried off by alcohol, and which is different from the substances generally found in urine, something which can be separated from the other parts ; in short, a special morbid poison. Amongst the toxic accidents caused by the alcoholic extract of choleraic urine we note the absence of cramps. Are we mistaken in attributing them to the cholera poison? Besides the special features belonging to cholera poisoning, might not the cramps be caused by the substance that gives the urine its convulsive property, viz., potass ? But choleraic urine produces cramps at 17 cubic centimetres per kilogramme of the animal. I evaporated 400 cubic centimetres of choleraic urine ; the extract was reduced to ashes and the residuum washed in distilled water, which carries off all the potass. Now, the whole of the aqueous liquid obtained was injected little by little, without producing any toxic phenomena or convulsions. Thus, there is in choleraic urine a poison which is a soluble organic substance, and which I call the choleraic poison. I cannot either name or define this poison chemically ; I only know it by its physiological properties. I do not know whether it is formed by the diseased organism carrying on the work of elab- oration defectively, or by microbes, whether it is produced by the patient himself, or by the vegetable parasites that have caused the disease. I cultivated in my laboratory Koch's comma bacillus. I had at my disposal a considerable quantity of pure culture-liquid, and I endeavored to solve the two following questions: 1. Does the comma bacillus determine in the liquid the formation CULTURES OF THE COMMA BACILLUS ARE NON-TOXIC. 269 of a toxic substance ? 2. Does the comma bacillus really possess a special pathogenic property, i.e., does inoculation with it produce in animals the appearance of cholera ? In order to answer the first question, I made several experi- ments. I inoculated by the subcutaneous method some guinea- pigs, weighing on an average 550 grammes, with from 3.8 to 35 cubic centimetres of the undiluted liquid in which comma bacilli had been cultivated. These animals experienced no morbid symptoms. In the second instance I introduced under the skin of another guinea-pig, weighing 575 grammes, 20 cubic centi- metres of the liquid heated to 63 C. Neither at the time of the inoculation nor after it did the animal seem affected in any appreciable degree. Proceeding with the solution of this first question that I had asked myself, and wishing to employ the intra-venous method, I experimented on the rabbit. I injected into the veins of the ear of a rabbit, weighing 1800 grammes, 79 cubic centimetres of the culture-fluid, which had neither been heated nor filtered from the bacilli, that is, 43 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. At the moment of the experiment the only effect shown by the animal was accelerated respiration, especially at the end of the injection. It died twenty-four hours afterward. The post-mortem examination showed pulmonary congestion, slight diarrhoea, somewhat intense albuminuria, the absence of comma bacilli in the excrement, and the presence of some of these bacilli in the kidneys, to which the blood, having received, had conveyed them. Altogether, the symptoms observed, and especially the interval of time that elapsed between the injection and death, suggested infection, and not poisoning. Lastly, an- other rabbit, weighing 1990 grammes, received in the veins of the ear in five minutes 92 cubic centimetres of the liquid, which had been heated and filtered from the bacilli, or 46 cubic centi- metres per kilogramme. The temperature fell eight-tenths at the moment of the experiment, but the animal showed no other sign of disturbance, and it afterward continued in good health. These experiments, which I describe briefly, enable me to dispense with long arguments. They fully justify me in giving a negative answer to the first question : the liquids in which the comma bacilli are cultivated contain no substance of a toxic nature. 270 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. In order to answer the second question, as to whether the comma bacillus is capable of producing cholera in animals, I experimented, like Koch, on guinea-pigs. Like Koch, I intro- duced into the stomach of my guinea-pigs 11 cubic centimetres of the liquid, after having first, according to the German scien- tist's method, alkalized the stomach by means of 5 cubic centi- metres of a 5-per-cent. solution of carbonate of soda, and arrested all motion in the intestine by the intra-peritoneal injection of 3 cubic centimetres of tincture of opium. I must own that the results I obtained were the same as those obtained by Koch himself. My guinea-pigs soon died. After death I found that the stomach was in most cases dilated, that the small intestine contained, more or less abundantly, diarrhoeic matter, and that there were comma bacilli, in varying quantities, to be observed in this material. But I also instituted other experiments : with some other guinea-pigs I alkalized the stomach and checked the action of the intestine exactly according to Koch's method and as I had done in the experiment just described. But in this second experiment, instead of using the same kind of liquid as before, I introduced into some of the guinea-pigs 11 cubic centi- metres of an old charbon culture-fluid and into others 11 cubic centimetres of liquid that had been turned acid by exposure to the air, or some old pyocyanic culture-fluid. Well, the animals died almost as rapidly as those that had received the comma bacilli, presenting almost the same symptoms, except that the diarrhoea was less abundant. These last results singularly de- tract from the value of the first series of experiments; and, without denying that the comma bacillus has any pathogenic property, we are, in my opinion, justified in asserting that this pathogenic property has not yet been clearly demonstrated. If, then, judging by its analogy to other infectious diseases, and by the history of its migrations and of its localized centres, I am led to admit that cholera is caused by infection, I am also justified in saying that, side by side with the infection, there ex- ists in the pathogeny of cholera a secondary poisoning conse- quent upon infection. I think that the symptoms which are considered characteristic of cholera, and which enable us to form the diagnosis, are the results of this poisoning. It is to this THE URAEMIA OF CHOLERA. 2tl cause that we must attribute cyanosis, refrigeration, respiratory disturbance, hiccough, the peculiar form of diarrhoea, intestinal desquamation, cramps, dehydration of the tissues, albuminuria, and anuria. These are the symptoms of cholera poisoning, and I may add to the list the preservation of consciousness and the absence of pupillary contraction. But soon a second poisoning supervenes, which is associated with the first or alternates with it ; it takes the clinical form of mental torpor, loss of consciousness, somnolence, and coma. The respiratory rhythm changes ; it becomes that of uraemia, or what is known as the Cheyne-Stokes respiration. The temperature is affected, sometimes rising and sometimes remaining low. At the same time the pupils contract and become punctiform. Is not this series of symptoms very different from that of the earlier period ; and does it not, therefore, spring from another kind of poisoning? We observe all these symptoms when anuria and myosis appear, and they are all to be found in the clinical picture of uraemia. Among authors I have not found any indication bearing upon this fact. I was myself ignorant of it until the day when this coincidence between the suppression of the urinary secretion and the appearance of those symptoms, the existence of which I knew to be in uraemia, stood clearly out before me. This uraemia of the second phase of cholera is not the ordi- nary uraemic intoxication by poisons produced from four sources ; we cannot in this case attribute it to alimentation, or to intes- tinal putrefactions, or to biliary re-absorption, since there is no jaundice at the time, and the absorption cannot be effected by the intestine. The poison in this case comes from disassimilation. This uraemic period has long been designated the period of reaction, the external temperature being higher, i.e., equilibrium being established between the rectal and peripheral temperatures, a singular reaction, in which torpor appears instead of spasms, and in which we can only see inertia of the whole nervous system I It is a perversion of the meaning of the word to apply such a name to this phase of the disease. It has also been termed the typhoid phase, and the period of typhoid reaction, a designation that is certainly less open to criticism, for in the condition of 272 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. the patients there is certainly something that reminds us of typhoid fever. But the pathogenic conditions are not abso- lutely the same. In cholera patients whose intestines are sub- jected to antiseptic treatment there is no intestinal putrefaction ; they experience poisoning by disassimilation only. It was therefore asserted that this phase of cholera must be considered a uraemic period. There was no need to wait for pupillary con- traction in order to detect signs of uraemia ; the blood and the tissues were analyzed, and extractive matter and urea were found accumulated in them in considerable quantities (1 gramme 20 centigrammes and 1 gramme 30 centigrammes of urea per kilo- gramme of muscular tissue). This period can be foreseen when anuria sets in ; after pupillary contraction it can be affirmed. In all patients seized with anuria myosis occurs ; I have observed it in every case ; this is a clinical fact which, in my opinion, is of some importance. If we do not find in the uraemia following cholera all the symptoms usually observed in ordinary uraemic poisoning, it is. because several of the sources of the uraemic poisons are sup- pressed. Disassimilation may supply the narcotic poison as well as the convulsive poison. When potass is sent into the blood in excess it causes convulsive uraemia ; but if convulsive uraemia is not generally observed in the uraemic phase of cholera, we can understand why not. The rapid and premature dehydra- tion has drawn off with the water all the potass of the fluids and a portion of that in the anatomical elements ; thus, when the period of excessive destruction of matter arrives, potass and mineral substances are not so superabundant in the blood as organic and extractive substances. In a case that I have already quoted, there was so little potass that an extract of 400 grammes of the patient's urine did not cause convulsions in an animal. We see that cholera furnishes us with an example of double self-poisoning : first, by an anomalous product (this is cholera poisoning, properly so called); second, by normal products (this is a variety of uraemic poisoning). Moreover, the study of cholera corroborates the theory that anomalous substances may exist in some diseases, and that morbid poisons are not a dream. LECTURE XXXI. THE GENERAL THERAPEUTICS OF SELF-POISONING. The course to be pursued is to prevent the poisons being formed ; to oppose their penetration into the system ; if they have been absorbed, to try to destroy them or to stimulate the action of the liver, which is a physiological destroyer of poisons ; lastly, to encourage the elimination of poisons by the skin, the lungs, the intestines, and the kidneys. Sudorifics, purgatives, diuretics, bleeding, inhalations of compressed air and oxygen ; intra-venous injections of antiseptic remedies. Is it possible to make any therapeutic application of the knowledge that we have acquired with regard to the pathogeny of self-poisoning? The first course to take is to prevent the poison being formed. When once it is formed, we must endeavor to oppose its penetration into the S3 r stem by preventing its absorption. This can be realized in certain cases ; certain toxic substances are naturally precipitated in the intestines, and others may be fixed by charcoal, which retains them physically. If the poison has been absorbed, we must endeavor to destroy it. We have found that the liver has the power of arresting poisons ; it withdraws them from the intestine and eliminates or -destroys them. We should therefore stimulate its action by certain thera- peutic treatment. Lastly, if the poison has escaped the action of the liver it should be eliminated by the skin, the lungs, the intestines, and the kidneys. If all these attempts should fail, we must have recourse to certain antidotes which tend to counteract the physiological effects of the poisons that menace the system. We have a striking example of the antagonistic properties of poisons in atropine and pilocarpine. This side of the question has so far merely been sketched out. We have, however, indicated, from a pathogenic point of view, the existence of poisons that are allied or opposed to one another; in poisoning by substances in the urine, I have shown how the action of the narcotic material prevents that of the convulsive poisons. The knowledge of these facts shows us, at any rate, that we should not give up the contest. In is (273) 274 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. any case, we must never neglect, in auto-intoxication, to keep up the strength of the patient, so that he may have time to eliminate the poison. Sometimes we only require to keep him alive a few minutes more in order to save him ; we cannot supply him with radical force, but what he requires is active force. Thus we are led to administer not tonics, but stimulants, which may awaken some force remaining latent. The therapeutic treatment is effected, to a certain extent, by nature, or a portion of it is carried out by our organs ; in uraemia, one of the sources of poisoning is already lessened, dis- assimilation being checked by the disease itself in uraemic and other patients attacked with self-poisoning. Poisoning by substances of alimentary origin may be diminished. If potass really kills, the diminution of solid ingesta diminishes the poison- ing ; now, these patients still drink, but no longer eat. They must not take broths which contain the mineral elements of meat. The poisons of the secretions are opposed to each other, both naturally and physiologically. The system itself exercises prophylactic action. The bile which is not eliminated by the intestine is pre- cipitated. Of the poisons which it contains, one, which is emi- nently poisonous, the coloring matter, is precipitated when brought into contact with acid chyme ; the other the biliary salts is transformed and brought to the condition of dyslysin. In this way man lives, thanks to the therapeutics which the system exercises incessantly upon itself. The substances which are generated in the intestine by putre- faction, and which are neither precipitated nor eliminated, pass on into the blood ; but a natural effort to stop them is made by the liver, which partly prevents them from penetrating into the general circulation. From this point of view, there is a great difference between poisoning through the digestive channels and that which is effected by intra-venous or subcutaneous processes. I know a patient who takes daily 20 grammes of laudanum without ill effects. Is this because the poison is eliminated through the urine ? If so, this should be poisonous. But it is not ; it kills only in the proportion of 64 cubic centimetres per kilogramme. I might conclude that the poisons of the opium have been destroyed, but in stating this conclusion I must make ELIMINATION OF POISONS. 275 the most express reservations, for a rabbit shows itself almost as refractory to intoxication by opium as to poisoning by belladonna. In my opinion, the reason why this patient has not been poisoned is because I have introduced the poison through the intestine. I must remind you of the facts observed by Schiff with regard to the protective function of the liver, facts which Messrs. Charrin and Roger have recently verified hi my labora- tory. But still the true protecting agent of the system is the kidney. If I have once more returned to the many physiological actions which tend to neutralize and expel poisons, it is in order to show more clearly how therapeutic treatment may com- plete the task of deliverance commenced by the system. As far as the alimentary canal is concerned, I have shown that we can expel the contents of the intestine, precipitate with charcoal and fix certain poisons, and even suppress the formation of poison- ous matter by instituting intestinal antiseptic treatment. I have mentioned bleeding, which can curry oil' in one opera- tion, by the abstraction of 32 grammes of blood, more poisonous matter, it is said, than 100 litres of perspiration. I have sketchi-d out the physiological compensations for the action of poisons that can be obtained by the help of chloroform, chloral, bromide (of sodium), diffusible stimulants, alcohol, and injections of ether. In most diseases the morbid poison is a natural one, and the ataxic or adynamic accidents of pyretic diseases are the con- sequence of febrile oliguria ; these are auto-intoxications resulting from more intense disassimilation, or from more rapid cell-de- struction, which sets at liberty imperfectly-oxidized nitrogenous matter and an excess of potass. We should, therefore, by stimulating the renal discharge, hasten the elimination of this excess of poison that has been sent into the circulation. In cases which are certainly more rare, but the number of which will be increased perhaps when we shall hnvr prm-li-rUnl further into the secrets of the pathogenic processes, in cases where a morbid poison is really formed by perversion of tin- nu- tritive functions, we must endeavor to prevent the formation of this poison. If it is formed in the tissues, will this be possible ? It has always, up to now, been said that we cannot act upon 276 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. poisons which have impregnated the system. But, in the first place, without speaking of poisons of interstitial origin, there are those which may be formed on accessible surfaces. Already, in some cases, we are able to effect a rapid cure of the suppura- tion in abscesses, fistulae, and empyemata. We know how to encourage the elimination of the poison, and to prevent its continuation by drainage, washing, and the attitude in which the patient is placed. We draw off mechan- ically the putrid products, and contend against putrefaction in the accessible natural cavities, the vagina, the uterus, and the intestines. In such cases, antiseptic remedies bring about an improvement at once: a sudden fall of temperature, a dimi- nution in the dryness of the mouth, and alterations of the car- diac rhythm. In diseases caused by eating bad food, in severe putrid diarrhoea, provided that the treatment is instituted before the occurrence of secondary accidents and the establish- ment of metastatic centres, we can really effect a cure ; but, if we have not succeeded in preventing the formation of poisons, we cannot depend upon the protection of the liver, unless it is interposed between the source of the poisons and the other organs. This condition only exists in poisoning of intestinal origin. It is true that a portion of the poisons absorbed will pass back into the liver with the blood of the general circula- tion, but this will only be a very small fraction instead of the whole. I very much doubt whether we shall ever know that the function of the liver can be stimulated by medicinal treatment, and whether the employment of purgatives, in intoxications that are not produced through the intestines, can thus be justified. In toxaemia from intestinal poisons, the utility of purgatives is explained in quite another way ; they expel the poison mechanically. What can we do against poisons in the circulation ? Endeavor to eliminate them. In all ages the course adopted has been to increase the action of the various emunctories of the body. To provoke perspiration was the alpha and omega of the thera- peutic treatment of antiquity. Hot or warm drinks, wrapping in hot linen or wet sheets, the administration of Dover's powder DIAPHORESIS AND BLEEDING. 277 have all been employed with the object of acting upon the hu- mors. I am inclined to think that the result of perspiration is not beneficial, since perspiration lessens the urine, which carries out of the system so many toxic products. If in former times it was thought advisable to provoke "perspiration, it was not used so much in cases of poisoning in order to eliminate the poison as in cases in which a dynamic action, such as the dilatation of the cutaneous capillaries, might relieve the centres ; and when in our own times we have thought it advisable to produce copious perspiration with pilocarpine, we have not found the general condition improved. It is true that perspiration may help to eliminate certain toxic substances, but the true depuration of the system is accomplished chiefly through the kidneys. It is the kidneys that enable the body to be thoroughly cleansed, and this is effected by increasing the renal secretions by cold drinks and cold bathing. When in typhoid patients the quantity of urine rises from 500 grammes to several litres and the result is an improvement, it is very probable that this is owing to the expulsion of toxic matter through the urinary passages. Lastly, we must not omit the intestinal outlet, which may be acted upon by judicious drastic treatment. Bleeding is of use only in toxaemia attended with anuria and serious impermeability of the kidneys. Perhaps it is possible to do something more to destroy the poison or prevent its formation. I have told you in what proportions compressed air diminishes urinary toxicity. This may be explained in two ways : either disassimilation, taking place in presence of a greater proi>ortion of oxygen, gives rise to more completely oxidized products, which are less toxic, or the corpuscles, having more oxygen at their disposal, destroy in the blood a greater mass of poison. Hence the utility, which is, perhaps, somewhat theoretical, of compressed air or inhalations of oxygen. If these methods fail, we can only have recourse to antidotes the properties of which we have learned empirically ; in ataxo- adynamic fevers, opium, musk, and sometimes chloral, which can neutralize certain poisonous effects ; diffusible stimulants, al- cohol, coffee, injections of ether. Even if the morbid poison is 2t8 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. formed by microbes within the organs, we are not justified in saying that it is impossible to oppose its development. At any rate, I have attempted this impossibility. In my trials of gen- eral antiseptic treatment, I had to turn my attention to sub- stances capable of arresting life in the infectious agents and rendering the activity of the microbes less intense. I had to adopt the intra-venous mode of injection for these substances ; for the absorption is so slow by the subcutaneous or intestinal method, and the elimination through the emunctories so rapid, that the antiseptic agent would not have time to impregnate the whole system. Observe that in all that I am saying there is nothing that should at present be applied to the therapeutic treatment of man; but I am justified in seeking, by experiments on animals, the solution of problems which so deeply concern the future of medicine. In order to try general antiseptic treatment by the intra-venous method, it was necessary to attack first those dis- eases in which the microbe exists exclusively in the blood. The objection will perhaps be raised that the pathogenic agents of infectious maladies do not, as a rule, inhabit the blood ; this would, however, be to forget recurrent fever, charbon, or malig- nant pustule. But, to speak only of the infectious diseases of animals, if my attempts failed when directed against Charrin's septicaemia, I obtained some encouraging results when treating bacteridian charbon. Last year I made out a list of some of the substances that may be utilized for general antiseptic treatment. Of these I will only discuss mercury. For my experiments I chose the bin- iodide of mercury, the most antiseptic, but not the most toxic of the salts of mercury. The therapeutic equivalent of the iodide of mercury is 2 milligrammes. If we exceed this quantity we jwovoke protracted albuminuria. This quantity is dissolved by means of an equal quantity of iodide of sodium in from 5 to 12 cubic centimetres of water. I will now give the resume of the trials of general antiseptic treatment that I made with iodine and mercury. The greater number of the animals attacked with bacteridian charbon that I treated with injections of biniodide of mercury died. Never- theless, when we effected the inoculation of the bacteria not GENERAL ANTISEPSIS. 279 under the skin, but in the blood in the veins, these animals lived longer by several hours, even a day longer. Moreover, when the animals died we no longer found any bacteria in their blood, nor in cultivations of their organs, and the inoculations made with their blood were negative. Why, then, did they die ? No doubt because they were not able to bear the double attack of the ex- perimental disease and the treatment ; but they no longer had charbon. At length, after a series of failures, one animal recov- ered, and this animal, on being re-inoculated twelve days after, did not contract charbon. This is certainly only one fact, but I may say that it is full of promise, and this single fact enables us to believe that general antiseptic treatment is not merely a vain dream, or a therapeutic chimera. LECTURE XXXII. GENERAL RECAPITULATION. HAVING arrived at the end of this study of the part played by auto-intoxication in disease, it will be to our advantage to take a rapid survey of the knowledge that we have acquired, and we will therefore devote the last of these lectures to this recapit- ulation. We found, in the first place, -that disease may spring from four main sources. Man, as we have said, contains in himself the cause of many diseases. His life may not be normal, or, to express the same idea in other words, his nutrition may be defective. This impaired nutrition may have been inherited, or he may be the victim of acquired nutritive disorders. Thus, disease may arise from derangement of the nutritive functions. The human organism may be disordered through external causes, mechanical, physical, or chemical. To give an example of each of these causes, we may mention bodily injuries, burns, and poisoning. These causes reach the cells directly and provoke their immediate reaction. I must own that this pathogenic process rarely remains in a condition of simplicity, and that often it is rendered more complex by nervous reflex action or by infection. External causes, in fact, may also exercise an indi- rect influence upon us through the medium of the nervous system; it is through this fresh pathogenic process that the diseases are developed which I have called diseases induced through nervous reactions. Lastly, our bodies may be attacked by parasites and become diseased through infection. Poisoning, at its inception, comes under one of these great pathogenic groups; but the other processes the preliminary disorders of the nutritive functions, as well as nerve-reactions and infection may also act in a secondary manner by intoxication. When nutrition is lessened, as in obesity and gout, for in- stance, we frequently observe certain nerve-troubles, apathy, dejection, inaptitude for work, and headache, and we generally (280) HOW ATJTO-INTOXICATION IS PRODUCED. 281 note in the renal, cutaneous, or pulmonary excretions some incompletely-oxidized products of disassimilation, oxalic acid and the volatile fatty acids. It is admitted, not without an appearance of reason, that these bodies, which are all toxic, are not foreign to the production of these nerve-symptoms. They are the very first signs of poisoning due to the previous derange- ment of nutrition. The same injurious substances, causing similar nervous disorders, may, in people who are in good general health, be produced superabundantly or destroyed insuf- ficiently, owing to excesses, late hours, mental anxiet}-, or to the influence of dampness, cold, or living in places that are badly ventilated and badly lighted ; all of which causes affect the body only by first acting upon either the central or peripheral nervous system. This is another example of the first signs of poisoning due to a pathogenic nerve- reaction. Amongst the substances formed by certain microbes there are some which, even in small quantities, are eminently poisonous. From such substances certain microbes develop putrefactions, which may become the pathogenic agents of certain forms of septicaemia. If, then, the disease is not complicated by injury to important organs; if the microbes do not exist in the blood, the nerve-centres, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, or the heart ; if they only exist sup- pose it is a case of septicaemia in the cellular tissue of the region contaminated, it is quite natural to attribute the general symp- toms to the absorption of the poisonous matter formed by these microbes, and we can hardly understand that these general symptoms could have any other origin. There are, then, to all appearances, certain cases in which infection leads in a secondary manner to intoxication. Thus, man is poisoned not only when he swallows a poisonous substance or when he breathes :i im-philic gas, but also when he is attacked by certain diseases. Wh.-n the poison is produced by some external cause, or when it is formed in the system by a perversion of the nutritive functions or by the secretion of a microbe, it must be considered an anom- alous substance, either as regards its nature or its quantity. But normal poisons exist. The healthy man, as I have said, is both a receptacle and a laboratory of poisons. In fact, he receives them in his food, he 282 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. creates them by disassirailation, and he forms them in his secretions. The human body is the theatre of the toxic elab- orations carried on by the normal microbes which constantly inhabit the alimentary canal. And yet man is not poisoned. He is defended in various ways against poisoning. In the first place, his liver protects him, by arresting on their way, before they pass into the general circulation, the poisons brought from the intestine by the portal vein, in order to neutralize them or throw them back into the intestine. Then the excretory sys- tem expels the poisons which are in circulation. This is not a purely theoretical view. I have demonstrated it experimentally, taking the natural product of an excretion and studying its toxicity by injecting it into the veins of an animal. The traditional idea that normal urine is poisonous had been rejected by Huron; its truth was only established in 1880, by Feltz and Ritter. But they only observed the fact of the tox- icity of the urine ; they did not pursue in detail the study of the characteristics of the poisoning which results from the introduc- tion of the urine into the veins. I have studied this subject, determining not only the quality, but the intensity, of the urinary toxicity. I found first what mass of living matter can be killed by the poisons which each kilogramme of the body of a healthy man supplies in twenty-four hours to the renal secretion. I thus possessed a standard which enabled me to study the variations of intensity in the urinary toxicity, under certain physiological conditions and under various pathological circumstances. By varying the experiments I showed that there was not one particular urinary poison, but that the urine contains many poisons. Having by the h'elp of charcoal acted upon urine with alcohol so as to separate its many constituents, I succeeded in disassociating the various elements of its toxicity, and in showing that it contains at least seven toxic substances: a diuretic substance (urea); a narcotic substance; a substance that produces salivation; one that contracts the pupil ; one that lowers the temperature; two convulsive substances, one of an organic nature, the other a mineral (potass). It is because all these substances are carried away through the HOW AUTO-INTOXICATION IS PREVENTED. 283 urine that the urine is poisonous, and that man escapes. All these poisons come from the blood ; and yet the blood is not poisonous, for it is continually freeing itself from those that flow into it, either by transferring them to the excretory system or to the various organs, or by consuming them when they are brought into contact with the corpuscles. I have just said that the blood is not poisonous ; this assertion must not be taken literally. As poisons are continually passing through it on their way to the excretory system, the blood must necessarily contain toxic matter at each moment. The blood, then, has really a toxicity, which may be very slight ; the question is, can this degree of toxicity be disregarded? To conclude that the blood is not poisonous, from the fact that man lives with it dif- fused over all his organs, is simply nonsense. The only state- ment that we can permit ourselves to make, a priori, is that the blood is not sufficiently toxic for a quantity amounting to 1 kilogramme to be able to kill or even seriously injure 13 kilo- grammes of living matter. The toxicity of the blood is no doubt considerably below this estimate ; but I have shown you by several experiments that this toxicity really exists, and I have fixed the somewhat narrow limits within which it is con- fined. I have been led to the conclusion that a kilogramme of living blood contains in its plasma, and only in its plasma, enough poison to kill more than 1250 grammes of living matter, and that a man would die toxsemic if his blood came to con- tain ten times as much poison as it does in its normal con- dition. But if the plasma of the blood is only sligtly toxic, its cells contain poison, like all the cells of the body, and these toxic constituents of each cell can only be set at liberty by disassimi- lation or by the destruction of the cell itself. Amongst these substances there are some which are toxic. These poisons, which are contained in abundance in the cells of all the tissues, are of two kinds ; there are organic substances resulting from disas- simijation and secretion, and mineral substances, at the head of which we must place potass. Amongst the products of secretion, bile, which flows peri- odically into the alimentary canal, contains poison ; it derives its toxicity much more from its coloring matter than from the 284 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. biliary salts. But, normally, the bile that is secreted is not very dangerous ; its coloring matter and its salts are, for the most part, precipitated in the alimentary canal. The alimentary canal, however, is an important source of poisons ; it contains, in addition to the potass supplied by various foods and the bile, the products of intestinal putrefaction. I had to take up this question of intoxication by putrid products from the points of view of many different experimentalists, Gaspard, Panum, Hemmer, Bergmann and Schmiedeberg, Ziilzer and Sonnenstein, Selrni, Gautier, Brouardel and Boutmy. Then I studied intestinal putrefaction ; I showed that alkaloids exist in faecal matter, that these alkaloids are of several kind.s, and that when those of one kind predominate in the intestines we also find them predominate in the urine. I established, accord- ing to Stich, the toxic ity of faecal matter. I analyzed the elements of this toxicity, and showed that it is due mainly to potass and ammonia, but that, when freed from these two ele- ments, faecal matter still retains a certain degree of toxicity which must not be overlooked. I have shown that intestinal antiseptic treatment, which causes the alkaloids to disappear from faecal matter and urine, diminishes the toxicity of both. Knowing the normal poisons and the various sources from which they spring, I was able to study a form of poison due to their retention, viz., uraemia. But I took care to distinguish it from the non-poisonous symptoms that arise in diseases of the kidneys, albumin uria, haemorrhage, cardiac and arterial injuries, and oedema, including cerebral oedema. Thus, as you know, I only admit as ursemic symptoms those that are toxic. I have, moreover, furnished the only convincing proof of the reality of toxic uraemia by showing that the urine of ursemic patients is not poisonous. The urine of uraemic patients is not toxic, owing to the fact that all the poisonous substances normally eliminated by the urine are retained in the system of those suffering from this disease. But is all that is thus retained poisonous ? If only a part is poisonous, which part is it? It is not urea. It is not the mass of extractive matter ; it is not potass exclusively. The toxicity cannot be explained by any one of these bodies singly. POISONING OF THE INDIVIDUAL BY FOOD. 285 Each of them contributes a different share to the general tox- icity, the coloring matter three-tenths, the extractive matter one- to two- tenths, and potass and other mineral substances four- to five- tenths. The knowledge of the multiplicity of the toxic agents enables us to understand, according to the one which predominates, the many clinical features that uraemic poisoning may assume, particularly the convulsive and the comatose forms. It explains the appearance of certain special symptoms, such as low temperature and pupillary contraction. I think I have succeeded in showing you, gentlemen, that these pathogenic observations not only satisfy scientific curiosity, but that they have for corollaries practical applications ; and that, in a word, they are far from being unimportant from a therapeutic point of view. After having studied the form of intoxication resulting from the retention of the normal poisons, I commenced the study of the morbid conditions caused by the exaggeration of their formation, for example, gastric disorders, constipation, and intestinal obstruction. I traced the history of various intoxi- cations by poisons of intestinal origin, such as toxaemia from bad sausages ; I quoted a case of Senator's, in which the cause of the malady was hydrosulphuric acid, a case of poisoning from fish, which I observed personally, and in which the ill effects were attributable to the formation of an excessive quantity of alkaloids ; I called your attention to a case of poisoning from some preserved goose, in which Brouardel and Boutmy discovered a poisonous alkaloid. I showed you that all these cases are, in reality, within the domain of infection before they end in intoxication. In all these cases, in short, we find, between the consumption of the tainted food and the appearance of toxic symptoms, rather a long period of incubation. It seems to me that the poison elaborated by the microbes in the tainted food was too small in quantity to cause poisoning, but that the microbes, continuing to multiply with greater rapidity in the alimentary canal, amounted in a few hours to a prodigious number, and that then the toxic matter elaborated by them formed a mass of sufficient importance to produce poisoning. Here, again, incubation obliges us to admit infection ; but the 286 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. infectious agents form a poison, and the infection ends in poisoning. But the most common condition in which we find in- toxication occurring through the excessive formation of poisons in the alimentary canal is, as I have told you, dilatation of the stomach, which, independently of the digestive and nervous troubles always recognized as being attendant upon the various forms of dyspepsia, seem to me to cause many other disorders. It engenders, especially, a habitually chronic albuminuria, which may become permanent, but which remains curable for a long time, and which is rapidly cured if, suspecting its cause, we take the trouble to seek it out, and if, having discovered it, we know how to contend against it. It is by provoking anomalous gas- tric fermentation, by rendering excessive intestinal fermen- tation, by preparing poisons, and especially acetic acid, that dilatation of the stomach vitiates the nutrition of the osseous tissue and produces a peculiar deformity of certain joints, a kind of nodose rheumatism, osteomalacia, and, perhaps, rachi- tis. There are other diseases of degeneration which spring from disorders of the nutritive functions caused by dilatation of the stomach ; I will merely mention those in which this patho- genic influence is most manifestly shown, chlorosis and pulmo- nary phthisis. I showed the part played, even in infectious diseases, by certain secondary intoxications, and I was thus led to expound to you my views as to the treatment of typhoid fever, the car- dinal points of which are, in my opinion, intestinal antiseptic treatment, general antiseptic treatment, antithermic treatment, consisting of tepid baths, gradually cooled, and a certain sys- tem of dietetics. I was thus enabled to formulate, with regard to typhoid fever, certain general rules that might be applied to other acute diseases. I showed you the share contributed by poisoning in jaundice. This poisoning is twofold. The bile, contrary to what was sup- posed, is poisonous mainly in its coloring matter. What saves the system from the toxic power of this coloring matter is the urine, which is continually eliminating a portion of it; and also the cellular tissue and the fibrous tissues, the white fibres of which retain within themselves the excess of coloring matter RENAL ACTIVITY PREVENTS AUTO-INTOXICATION. 287 that is not eliminated, and which, if it remained in circulation, would seriously affect the working of the nerve-cells. On the other hand, the biliary salts increase disassimilation, destroy muscle-cells and blood-corpuscles, and thus set free organic and mineral poisons, particularly potass. Now, in many of the diseases that produce jaundice the liver, whose normal function is to protect the system against the intes- tinal poisons, is diseased or checked in its working. It ceases to exercise its protective influence; it also ceases to form urea, and urea is the best diuretic. It is this substance which, by forcing the renal barrier, carries away "the other toxic material. Thus, complete poisoning takes place, the successive phases of which are cholaemia, acholia, and uraemia. In fact, in jaundice, the true safeguard against poisoning is the kidnej'. As long as it acts, the patient's urine is very toxic ; not owing to the bile which it contains, but from the matter produced by ex- aggerated disassimilation. If the kidneys perform their work of depuration insufficiently, the urine ceases to be toxic, but the patient is poisoned through the retention of the normal poisons. We have seen that the normal poisons are not alone the cause of all intoxication. I showed you, in acute yellow atrophy of the liver, an example of anomalous substances produced by the vitiated elaboration of matter by the system. I allude to certain unusual albumens, to the unusual transformation of medicaments, such as naphthalin, which ceases in the case of atrophy of the liver to pass from the system in the form of naphthylsulphite of soda. Amongst these anomalous substum-rs there are some which are toxic. I will remind you that, in glycosuric patients, besides the symptoms arising from incomplete destruction of the sugar formed by the system, the latter may generate a substance which, in the urine of patients attacked with diabetic coma, takes a claret-colored tinge when brought into contact with per- chloride of iron. This substance does not exist only in diabetic subjects; it has been found in dyspeptic coma, in certain cases of cancer of the stomach, pernicious ansemia, leucocythffiinia, and I have observed it in dilatation of the stomach and in 288 LECTURES ON AUTO-INTOXICATION. typhoid fever. It has been experimentally established, as you know, that this substance is toxic. Unlike the greater number of auto-intoxications that we have met with up to the present, what we call acetonsemia is self-poisoning by an anomalous poison, a truly morbid one. In cholera an anomalous elaboration of matter also exists, as shown by the violet coloration observed, even at the time of emission, in the urine of certain cholera patients that have been treated with naphthalin. But cholera is an example of complex poisoning. I told you that there exists in those attacked with cholera a primitive poison, the essence of which is unknown, which is produced either by the system under the influence of pathogenic microbes, or by these microbes themselves. The existence of this poison is shown, in my opinion, by the special toxicity of the urine of cholera patients, which, on being injected into rabbits, produces in them the choleraic syndrome, the appearance of cholera, but not cholera itself. But I also told you that besides the symptoms caused by choleraic poisoning those suffering from cholera underwent, at a certain stage of the dis- ease, a secondary intoxication through the retention of the normal poisons, and I indicated myosis as the clinical criterion of the appearance of this uraemic poisoning. I concluded the series of these lectures with therapeutic ap- plications, with regard to intoxications in general, deduced from pathogenic knowledge. The treatment of self-poisoning derives several of its features from the antiseptic method. It was nat- ural, therefore, to see what result might legitimately be expected from general antiseptic treatment. In conclusion, I gave you certain reasons and quoted certain experiments, of a nature to lead us to hope that in the future general antiseptic treatment may produce good results. And now, gentlemen, having taken a rapid retrospective glance at the ground we have gone over together, I think I am justified in making this assertion : When I have hazarded certain hypotheses, I have never disguised from you the fact that they were hypotheses; on the other hand, whenever I have made positive affirmations, they have been supported by experimental demonstration. INDEX. Acetonaemia, 247, 248 Acetone, in urine, 142, 247 tests for, 142, 247 Acholia, abnormal metabolism a cause of, 11 in jaundice, 228, 233. 234 Acid, acetic, in dough, 179 in intestine, 16 in muscle-extract, 79 in putrefactive products, 16, 93 in tissues, 16, 79 in urine, 16 phalangeal nodes due to, 172 Acid bile, 140 Acid, boracic, an antiseptic, 98 butyric, in dough, 179 in intestine, 16 in muscle-extract, 79 in putrefactive products, 16, 93 in tissues, 16, 79 in urine, 16 carbolic, an antipyretic, 198, 210, 211 an antiseptic, 98. 196 and mercury, 196 in dough, 179 in faeces, 141 in intestine, 16, 141, 142 in putrefactive products, 16, 93 in tissues, 16 in typhoid, 193, 219 in urine, 16, 141, 142 micro-organisms produce, 12 toxic power of, 196 cholic, in intestine, 18, 223 cholalic, in intestine. 18, 223 diarrhoea, 139. 140, 168 dyspepsia, 139, 140 faeces of dilated stomach. 159 glycocholic, in intestine, 18, 223 hippuric, toxic power of, 118 unemia due to, 118 hydrochloric, an antiseptic, 88, 149, 158, 183, 184 functions of, 149 in dilated stomach, 183, 184 lactic, in intestine, 16 in t issues, 16 in urine, 16 odor of breath. 159 oxalic, in Intestine, 16 in tissue, 16 in urine, 16 lira-Una due to, 107 stools. LM, iin. uj sulphuric, micro-organisms produce, 12 a putrefactive product. '.'.! taurooholio. in intestine, 18, 228 uric, ride Uric acid valeric, in putrefactive products, !:{ vomiting, 139 Acids, bile excretion of, 227 fatty, micro-organisms produce, 12 in dough, 179 in intestine, 16, 18, 141, 142, 223 Acids, in muscle-extract, 79 in putrefactive products, 16, 98 in tissues, 16 in urine, 16, 141, 142 toxic power of, 31, 32 vegetable, in typhoid, 217 Acne, in dilated stomach, 163 rosacea, in dilated stomach, 163, 171 Acquired diathesis, 7, 8 Acute atrophy of liver, circulatory system haemorrhages in, 232 jaundice in, 235 kidneys in, 232 metabolism in, 232 naphthalinin.231,232,263 renal system in, 232 urine of, 232 Advantages of the intra-venous method of study, 24 Ague, quinine in, 198, 209 Albumen, and peptones, 10, 17, 104, 164, 165 nephritis due to, 10 white blood-cells from, 17 Albuminuria, exhaustion due to, 104 hydrseiniadue to. 104 in Bright's disease, 103, 104 in diabetes, 246 in dilated stomach, 164, 171. 185 in intra-venous injections, 25, 26, 83, 61, 73, 87, 248, 264, 266, 267 in jaundice, 231 in lardaeeous disease, 104 in subcutaneous injections, 24 ffidema in, 105 Alcohol, intra-venous injections of, 27, 28 toxic power of, 28 Alcoholic extract, intra \ emm- injections of. 65-57, 77-79, 91, 6, 142, 148, 267. of blood, 77, 78 ,,1 choleraic in inc. 267, 268 ,.: i of liver, 79 of muscle, 79, 112. 148 of putrefactive product*. 9L.M, MS, Ml of n line, .Y.-.-.7. I..'.. LW, 288 the narcolic of, 56, 125 the Bialagoirae of, .A 78, 125 Aleoi.oi, -m. dilated -t..inach due to. 175 Alimentary method ot producing artificial toxemia, 23,24 system, in dilated stomach, 159 ' in dx-pcp-i... I" 1 ' Hi'. lUi. 117 lie Inline-, lit.. 117 in Intestinal ..i.-nneti..,,. in In intra v. noii* inji 66,77 in 111:1-1111:1. 108, 109 in the. 88, 93, 97.101 in :i-n,i.i. r-V I Alkaloid, sepsii.. Alkaloi.K in Mood. i:,. 17.77 in faces, 94, 97, 98, 139, 141, 1,50, 262 (80) 290 Alkaloids, in intestine, 97, 98, 155 in putrefactive products, 91-93 in tissues, 15, 237 in urine, 10, 16, 30, 55, 67, 68, 77, 92, 97, 98, 125, 141, 150, 155 intestinal poisons due to,' 139 micro-organisms produce, 12 mydriatic, 92 of cholera, 262 tests for, 15, 16, 94, 262 the total toxic power of, 125 toxic power of, vide Toxic power trypsin develops, 94 Amaurosis, in Bright's disease, 106 Ammonaemia, 48, 107, 115-117 convulsions in, 116 temperature in, 117 Ammonia, an antipyretic, 64, 116, 117 in blood, 115 in faeces, 96, 139 in intestine, 140 in putrefactive products, 93, 96, 140 in urine, 115 micro-organisms produce, 12 toxic power of, 58, 96, 97, 116, 117, 120 uraemia due to, 107, 115-117 Anaemia, pernicious, odor of breath in, 167, 247 urine of, 142, 247 urochromes of, 142 Angina, false, in dilated stomach, 161, 171 Anhidrosis. in toxaemia, 151 Anilin, antiseptic power of, : of, 1! of urine, bat lim toxic power of, 196 Antagonism of the toxic 41-13, 62, 63, 122. Antidotes, in uraemia, 134, 13 Antipyretic, ammonia as an, 64, 116, 117 antipyrin as an, 199, 206, 210, 211, 215 carbolic as an, 198, 210, 211 quinine as an, 198. 199, 206, 209-211, 219 the, of urine. 63, 64, 117, 125 treatment, 205-217 aths in, 205, 206, 212-216 mits of, 205, 216 Antiseptics, anilin, 196 bile, 88, 93 boracic acid, 98 calomel, 98, 99, 199, 200, 218 carbolic acid, 98, 196 charcoal, ^98, 100, 136, 174, 184, 191, 192, combined, the more effective, 197 creasote, 98 formulae for use of, 100, 218, 219 general, discussed, 194-199 hydrochloric acid, 88, 149, 158, 183, 184 in dilated stomach, 174, 183, 184 in typhoid. Idl-l'i::. 198-200, 218, 219 intestinal, 98-100, 136, 137, 191-193, 199, iodoform, 99, 100, 136, 141, 174, 183, 184, 193, 199, 218, 219 , 100, 136, 141, 174, 183, 193, potassium iodide, 196 sodium iodide, 196 toxic power of, 99, 196, 197 uraemia, 136, 137 Anuria, choleraic, 78, 112, 271, 272 enemata in, 130 myosis in, 67, 272 obstructive, 105, 110, 111, 113 ocular symptoms in, 67, 272. Anuria, treatment of, 130, 277 urea of, 112 venesection in, 277 Aphasia, in dilated stomach, 161 Arthritic diathesis, 6-S Arthritis in dilated stomach, 165, 166 Artificial toxaemia, methods of producing, Ascites, exhaustion due to, 104 Asphyxia, death by, 22 normal substances a cause of, 10 toxic origin of, 22, 23 Asthma, in dilated stomach, 164, 171 Asthmatic type in dilated stomach, 171 Ataxia, dilated stomach in, 175 Bacillus glutinis. 179 of cholera, 252-255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 268,269 of typhoid, 188, 189 injections of, 188, 189 pyocyaneus, 243, 244 injections of, 243 tests for, 243 Baths, in dilated stomach, 176, 177 in measles, 216 hi pneumonia, 216 in rheumatism, 216 in scarlatina, 216 in typhoid, 207, 212-217, 219, 220 in uraemia, 128 inflammations due to, 216 limits of, 216, 217 methods of use of, 212-214 the results of, 214-216 Bile, acid, 140 acids, disease due to, 10 excretion of, 227 in intestine, 18, 223 amount secreted per diem, 84, 139, 222 an antiseptic, 88, 93 and urine, toxic power of, 80, 84, 85, 224 blood arrests, 224, 225 charcoal acts on, 81, 135, 136, 224 composition of, 222, 223 excretion of, 85, 227, 229 in urine, 229 intestinal toxaemia due to. 138, 139 intra-venous injections of, 80, 81, 225, liver arrests, 80, 84, 222-224, 227 minerals, toxic power of, 82 83, 86 of dyspepsia, 140 pigment, vide Bilirubin poisons in, 139 potass in, 82, 83, 86 salts, tests for, 225 toxic power of, 81, 224, 227, 229 suppression of, 231 tests for, 223, 225 tissues arrest, 224-227, 229, 230 total toxic power of, 224 toxaemia, 222-235 toxic power of, vide Toxic power Bilirubin and bile-salts, toxic power of, 224,227 in intestine, 223 intra-venous injections of, 224, 226 properties of, 223 tests for, 223, 225 tissues arrest, 225, 227 toxic power of, vide Toxic power Blood, alcoholic extract of, 77, 78. INDEX. 291 Blood, alkaloids in the, 15, 17, 77 ammonia in, 115 amount of poisons in, necessary to pro- duce death, 73 cells, from albumen, 17, 165 destroy poisons, 17 liberate poisons, 78-78 extract, iutra-venous injections of, 77, 78 toxic power of, 77, 78 in diarrhoea, 104 indigo in, 15 intoxication of the t 87 intra-venous injections of, 73, 143 leucin in, 231 micro-organisms in, 188 minerals in, 87 of Bright's disease, 104, 105 of cholera, 78 of diabetes, 245, 246 of jaundice, 230, 231 of lardaceous disease, 104 of p> rexia, 205, 206 of typhoid, 188 of uraemia, 78, 112,116 peptones in, 17, 165 poisons in the, vide Poisons portal, 15, 17, 72, 143 potassium in, 124 putrefactive products in, 88, 89 sugar in, 245 sulphuretted bydromnte. 15, 149 the sialagogue of, 57, it, 78 the three sources of intoxication of, K7,88 toxic power of, 69-78, 143 tyrosin in, 231 urea in, 112, 116 xanthin in, 2IU Bread, the fermentation of. 1<9 Breath, odor of, in coma, Itf7, 247 in diabetes, 167, 247, 248 in dilat.-.l stomach, 15!, 163, 167, 247 in dyspepsia. 1-17, 217 in l.'-uksi-miii, I7.-JI7 in pernicious amuuiia, 167, .247 in tvphoid. 247 Bright-; disease, albuiuinuria in, 103, 104 anianrosis in, 106 l)l.XKl of, 101. 111'. cerebral haemorrhage in, lOo circulatory system m, 105, 106 coma m. 106 convulsions in, 106 cutaneous system in, lOa entorrhagia in, 105 C|>M:i\i.- in. KIT, ha;inateincsis in, 105 ha-moriha^o in. Ht"), 106 hyha-mia m. I inflammation* in, 106 nervon.- -\>tem in. 106 ocular symptom- in, 108 cedema in, 105, 108 pericarditis in, 106 prarico in, liio puipuni in. lu-i retinitis in, 1U6 symptoms in, 103-106 Bronchitis, in diluted stomach. 164, 1<1 Bulimia, in dilated >tom;irh, 158 Butyric acid, vide Arid. l.t\ i ic Caffeiue, in uraemia, 129 Calomel, an antiseptic, 98. 99, 199, 200, 218 in typhoid, 200, 201, 218 disadvantages of, 200 Canquoin paste, a caustic, 162 Carbolic acid, vide Acid, carbolic eneraata in typhoid. 193, 219 Carcinoma, gastric, coma in, 167 dilated stomach due to, 175 toxaemia due to, 155 Cardiac type of dilated stomach, 171 Cardialgia, in dilated stomach, 159 in dyspepsia, 139 Cerebral haemorrhage, in Bright's disease, 105 oedema, in jaundice, 234 hi uraemia. 107, 109-111 Charcoal acts on bile. 81, 135, 136, 224 on faeces, 98, 100, 192 on putrefactive products, 92, 136, 141 on urine, 54, 57, 98, 100. 125. 192 Charcoal, an antiseptic, 98, 100, 136, 174, 184, 191, 192, 218, 219 formulae for us.- of. 100, 218, 219 in typhoid, 191, 192, 218, 219 in uraemia, 136, 137 Chemistry of putrefactive products. 91, 92 Chevne-Stokes respirations, inchoi. in uraemia, 108 Chloral, in nra-mia, 134 Chloroform, in dilated stomach, 183, 184 in ma-mi. i. 134 Chlorosis, in dilated stomach, 158, 172 Cholaemia. in jaundice, 233 normal substances a cause of, 10 Cholalic acid, in intestine, IN. '^3 Cholera, alkaloids of, 262 anuriaof, 78. 111!. 157 1. '. bacillus of, 252-255, 257, - 258, 280, 281, 388, blood of. 78 In \ ne-stokes respirations in, 271 etiology of. -Jl> experimental, 255-259 la ., M of, 282 ioilolorm m. IN* i. "Jill mv*i- in. I". 1_M. -7I. 'jr.' naphtlialin in. .' nervous svst.-m in. i~. l-'l. 271, 272 patholo renal system in, '-Tl respiratory syst, m in. '.Tl sNinpiomsln, 7. f.'l. 271, 372 triiipciatun- in, -Tl treatment of. 260, 261 uraemia in. 'J71 nrnif of, 112,141.268 Choleraic urine, extract* of .aW. 9M mtra-yeiioiis Injection of, 26B ml , ( lio|i--ti-nn, t..\i, power of, 81. 221 Cli.-lic aci.l. i" intc-tin. Circulat..rv -\~trm. m MaM >eilow atro- phy of liver in Bright's disease, 106, 108 'sie7.2IS.246 , in dilated stomach, 158, 101, 165, 167, 171. 172 in sia, 140 to Ifiterfnia obvtraotiom, i4, 1S5 il.illt.-Mil.kll. in intra-venoua injectiooa, 38, 86-88, M, in jau'ii'iUm, 1 280, 282, 284, 285 292 INDEX. Circulatory system, in pyrexia, 203, 204 in typhoid, 200 Clinical types, the ten, of dilated stomach, Coma abnormal metabolism a cause of, 11 diabetic, 167, 246-248 dyspnoea in, 167 in Bright' s disease, 106 in dilated stomach, 167 in dyspepsia, 140, 167 in gastric carcinoma, 167 in gastric ulcer, 167 in intra-venous injections, 32, 47, 55-57, 77 in toxaemia, 140 in uraemia, 66, 106, 108 ligature of portal vein a cause of, 143 odor of breath in, 167, 247 pulse in, 167 respirations in, 67, 167 temperature in, 108, 167 the breath in, 167 urine of, 247 Constipation, headache in, 145 in dyspepsia, 146 in hypochondriasis, 145 in insanity, 145 migraine in, 145 nervous system in, 145 toxaemia in, 145 urine of, 142 vertigo in, 145 Consumptive type of dilated stomach, 171, Convulsions, and myosis, 57, 63 in ammonaemia, 116 in Bright' s disease, 106 in dyspepsia, 140 in emaciation, 240 in intra-venous Injections, 34, 37, 38, 51, 55-57, 74, 77, 79, 86, 87, 93, 95, 233, 237-240 in jaundice, 233 in typhoid, 240 in uraemia, 66, 106, 108 Convulsive, of urine, the inorganic, 64, 65, 125,239 the organic, 62, 63, 65, 125. 239 potassa, 58, 64, 65, 78, 79, 82, 95, 122, 123, urine of 'jaundice, 82, 86, 87, 233, 238 of pyrexia, 123, 238-240 of sleep, 37, 41 Copraemia, 101 Coryza, in dilated stomach, 164, 171 Cramps, in dyspepsia, 140 in intestinal obstruction, 144 in intra-venous injections, 264, 265 Creatin, toxic power of, 79, 118 uraemia due to, 118, 119 Creatinaemia, 117, 128 Cresol, in putrefactive products, 93 in urine, 16, 142 Cupping, in uraemia, 129 Cutaneous eruptions, toxic origin of, 162, 163 system, excretion by, 18-20, 23, 131 in Blight's disease, 105 in diabetes, 246 in diarrhoea, 139, 168 in dilated stomach, 161-163, 171 in dyspepsia, 139, 140. 147 in gastric fullness, 147 in gastro-enteritis, 168 Cutaneous system, in intestinal obstruc- tion, 144, 155 in intestinal toxaemia, 140, 144, 151 in intra-venous injections, 263 in jaundice, 230, 235 in typhoid, 192, 215 in uraemia, 131 type of dilated stomach, 171 Jyanosis, in intra-venous injections, 263 Deafness, in dyspepsia, 140 Death, amount of poison necessary to pro- duce, 73 by potassium, 123 by quinine, 211 in infectious diseases, 236, 237 Debility, dilated stomach due to, 175 Definition, of diathesis, 3 of uraemia, 96 of urotoxic co-efficient, 35, 47 Diabetes, acetonaemia in, 247, 248 albuminuria in, 246 blood of, 245, 246 breath in. 167, 247, 248 cataract in, 246 circulatory system in, 167, 245, 246 coma of, 167, 246-248 cutaneous system in, 246 metabolism in, 246 nervous system in, 167, 246, 247 ocular changes in, 246 odor of breath in, 167, 247, 248 renal system in, 245, 247 respiratory system in, 167, 246 symptoms in, 167, 246-248 urea of, 246 urine of, 142, 245-248 urochromes of, 142, 247, 248 Diaphoretics, in uraemia, 128 Diarrhoea, acid, 139. 140, 168 erythema in, 139, 168 in dyspepsia, 139, 140 in intra-venous injections, 87, 88, 94, in typhoid, in uraemia, 108, , _.. nerve-reactions a cause of, 6 salutary, 19 toxaemia due to, 155 toxic power of urine diminished by, 132 urine of, 132, 142 Diathesis, acquired, 7, 8 arthritic, 6-8 definition of, 3 in dilated stomach, 165, 166. 169 Diet, improper, dilated stomach due to, 174 in dilated stomach, 177-182 in typhoid, 217-219 in uraemia, 136, 137 toxic power of the urine varies with, Digitalis, in uraemia, its dangers and uses, 129, 130 Disease, abnormal metabolism a cause of, 9-11 albumens a cause of, 10 Bright's, vide Briglit's disease excess of minerals a cause of, 10 of water a cause of, 10 four pathogenic processes in, 2-12 infectious, dilated stomach a cause of, 176 dilated stomach due to, 175, 176 lardaceous, 104 INDEX. 293 Disease micro-organisms, a cause of, 4, 5, 9 in urine of, 188 nerve-reactions, a cause of, 2-8, 66, 163 normal substances, a cause of, 10, 11 odor of sweat indicates, 20 pathogenic processes in, 2-13 peptones, a cause of, 10 secretions, a cause of, 10 sweat indicates, 20 the causes of, must be combined, 9 urochromes of, 141, 142, 232, 247, 248 Diseases, causing exhaustion, 104 due to abnormal metabolism, 10, 11 skin, in dilated stomach, 162, 163 Diuretic, the, of urine, 60, 61 urea as a, 57, 60, 61, 67, 116, 130, 131, 228, 231 Diuretics, in uraemia, 129-131 Dysentery, a cause of exhaustion, 104 Dyslysin. in intestine, 18, 223 Dvspcpsia, acid, 139, 140 acul diarrhcea in, 139, 140 vomiting in, 139 alimentary system in, 139, 140, 146, 147 breath in, 147, 247 cardialgia in, 139 circulatory system in, 140 coma in, 140, 167 constipation in. 146 convulsions in, 140 cramps in, 140 cutaneous system in, 139, 140, 147 deafness in, 140 diarrhoea in, 139, 140 dilated stomach due to, 161, 174, 175 erythema in, 139 faeces in, 139, 140 fatigue in, 140 headache in, 140, 147 intestinal antiseptics in. 111 intestinal gases of, 140, 148, 149 lavage in, 147, 148 nervous system in, 140. 147 ocular symptoms in, 140 paralyses in. 140 pyrona in, 139 renal system in. 140 secretions of. 139, 146, 147 sulphuretted hydrogen in, the intes- tines of. ] ill. 1 K. ] |(l. l.V, symptoms of, 139, 140, HO, 147 taste in, 137 teeth in, 119 toxemia in, 140, 148, 149, 155 treatment of, 147, 148 uni'iiiio symptoms in. 140 u rine of, 140-142, l'4i. '-M7 iirorhroiiie- of, 141, 142, 247 vertigo in. 140, 147 vision disturbed in, 140 vomiting of, 139 Dyspeptic type of dilated stomach, 170 Dyspnoea, in coma, 167 in dilated stomach, 164 in uraemia, 67, 108 Eclampsia, abnormal metabolism a cause of, 11 Eczema, in dilated stomach, 162, 163, 171 in gastro-enteritia, 168 Emaciation, convulsion* in. 240 in dilated Stomach, 165 in jaundice, 82, 230 in typhoid, 191, 204, 218, 240 Emetics, in uraemia, 131 Enemata, in anuria, 130 in dilated stomach, 182 in typhoid, 193, 219 in uraemia, 130 Enteritis, in dilated stomach, 159 gastro-, of children, 168 Entorrhagia, in Bright's disease. 105 Epistaxis, in Brighfs disease, 105 in jaundice, 230 in nerve-reactions, 6 in typhoid, 190 Erysipelas, in typhoid, 190 Erythema, in diarrhcea, 139, 168 in dilated stomach, 163 in dyspepsia, 139 in gastro-enteritis, 168 in intestinal toxaemia, 155 in jaundice, 235 Etiology, of cholera, 249-252 of dilated stomach. 169. 174-176 of typhoid, 176, 189 of uraemia, 109 Evening, the urine of, 36-40 Excretion, of albumen, 103 of bile, 85, 227. 229 of bile-acids, 227 of fats, 103 by the kidneys, vide Kidneys of peptones, 103 of poisons, vide Poisons of sugar, 103 of urea, 71, 103. 116, 204, 207 of uric acid, 103 of urine, 103. 125 Excretory power of kidneys, 103 Exercise, urine of, 43-45 Exhaustion, causes of, 103, 104 Exophthalmic goitre, dilated stomach in, 175 Exophthalmos, in intra-venous injections, 33.37.38,74 Extractives, in fa-ces. 111 in putrefactive products, 93 micro-organisms produce. 1'J toxic power of, 1I7-11U. Iti', uremia due to, 107, 117-119, 125 Extracts, acids in. 7!> alcoholic. 55-37. 77-79, 91, 94-06, 125, 142, 143. 27. 268 in typhoid. "JIT intr.i venous injections of, 54 88. 89. 92-&, 98, 142, 148. 286. &7\ J'.T. _'!. of blood, 77, 78, 88, 89 of choleraic urine, 387, 388 ,,, ,.,.,, . MI.-*. H of liver, 78, TO of iii t\ pboid, 217 ofm,,s,-]e.7S I 7 ! ..88:W,a2.88,H2.143 of putrefactive product*, 88, 80, 91-9* . ! 3 78, 125, 267, 268 the narcotic, of urine, 58, 125 the sialogenou* of urine. 56, 78, 125 watery, 64-57. 79, 91-08, 368 Fasces, acid, of dilated stomach, 169 alcoholic extract of, 04-08 alkaloids in the, 94, 97, 08, 189, 141, 150, ammonia in. 98, 139 carbolic acid in, 141 charcoal acts on, 98, 100, 192 294 INDEX. Fasces, extractives in, 141 extracts of, 94-96, 98 fetid, 159 indol in, 141 intra-venous injections of extracts of, 94, 95, 98 minerals in, 139 naphthalin acts on, 99, 100 of cholera, 262 of dilated stomach, 159 of dyspepsia, 140 organic matter in, 139 poisons in. 139, 141 potass in, 96, 139 putrefactive products in, 94, 96 toxic power of, 94-96, 98, 139 watery extract of, 94-96 Fatigue, in dyspepsia, 140 Fats, excretory power of kidney for, 103 Five modes of action of microbes, 11, 12 (1) anatomical (2) destructive (3) ingestive (4) obstructive (5) productive Five theories of uraemia, 107-128 (1) ammonaemia, 107, 115-117 (2) cerebral oedema, 107, 109-111 (3) extractives, 107, 117-119, 125 oxalic acid, 107 urochromes, 107, 119, 125 (4) minerals, 107, 120-126 (5) urea, 107, 112, 113 Flatulence, in dilated stomach, 159 Food, intestinal poisons due to, 96, 97, 138 uraemia due to, 126, 136 Formula for use of charcoal, 100, 218, 219 of iodoform, 100, 218, 219 of naphthalin, 100, 218, 219 Four pathogenic processes, 2-13 (1) disturbed nutrition (2) elementary dystrophies (3) infection (4) nerve-reactions Four sources of intestinal poisons, 138-15? (1) bile (2) faeces (3) food (4) putrefactive products Four sources of toxic materials, 96 (1) food (2) glands (3) putrefactive products (4) tissues Four sources of uraemia, 126, 134-138 (1 ) disassimilation (2) food (3) putrefactive products (4) secretions Gangrene, in typhoid, 190 Gases, in intestine, 19, 140, 148. 149, 155 Gastric carcinoma, coma in, 167 dilated stomach due to, 175 toxaemia due to, 155 urine of, 142 catarrh, dilated stomach due to, 175 juice neutralizes poisons, 88, 93 ulcer, dilated stomach due to, 175 coma in, 167 milk in, 181. 182 Gastritis, coma in, 167 dilated stomach due to, 175 in dilated stomach, 159 astro-enteritis of children, symptoms of, 168 lands, a toxic source, 96 in jaundice, 230 in typhoid, 188 micro-organisms in, 188 Grlycaemia, 10, 245 GHycerin, in typhoid, 218, 219 intra-venous injection of, 28 toxic power of, 28 Glycocholates, vide Bile-salts Glycocholic acid, in intestine, 18, 223 Glycosuria, 245 Goitre, exophthalmic, dilated stomach in. 175 Hsematemesis, in Bright's disease, 105 Haematuria, in intra-venous injections, 33, 51 laemoglobin, toxic power of, 78 Haemoglobinaemia, in jaundice, 230 Haemorrhages, in acute yellow atrophy of liver, 232 in Bright's disease, 105, 106 in dilated stomach, 165 in intra-venous iniections, 33, 51, 73-75 in jaundice, 230, 232. 235 in nerve-reactions, 6 in typhoid, 200 Headache, and constipation, 145 in dilated stomach, 161 in uraemia, 108 Hepatic type of dilated stomach, 170 Hernia, toxaemia in, 145 Hippuric acid, toxic power of, 118 uraemia due to, 118 Hydatids, urticaria a complication of, 162, 163 Hydraemia. causes of, 104 in Bright's disease, 104, 105 in jaundice, 234 in lavdaceous disease, 104 uraemia due to, 107, 109-111 Hydrochloric acid, vide Acid, hydro- chloric Hydrogen sulphide, in blood, 15, 149 in excretions. 149. 155 in intestine, 140, 148, 149, 155 in urine, 149 toxaemia due to, 148, 149 Hydropathic treatment, ride Baths Hyperpyrexia, vide Fyrexia Hypochondriasis, constipation in, 14o in dilated stomach, 171 Indican, and indol, 141 in urine, 141, 142 of intestinal disease, 141 Indigo, in portal blood, 15 Indol, and indican, 141 in faeces, 141 in intestine, 141 in putrefactive products, 93 micro-organisms produce, 12 Infection, abnormal metabolism precedes, and intoxication, 89-91, 145, 160-153, 186, 190 in typhoid, 189 nervous influences precede, 6, 7 Infective disease, death in, 236, 237 dilated stomach a cause of, 176 due to, 175, 176 INDEX. 295 Inhalations, in dilated stomach. 177 in uraemia, 128, 135 Injections, in uraemia, 130 intra-venous, albuiuinuria in, vide Al buminuria alimentary system in, vide Ali- mentary system circulatory system in, vide Circu- latory system coma in, vide Coma convulsions in, vide Convulsions cramps in, 264, 265 exophthalmos in, 33, 37, 38, 74 haematuria in, 33, 51 haemorrhages in, 33, 51, 73-75 morbid anatomy in, 88, 89, 143 myosis in, vide Myosis nervous system in, vide Nervous system ocular symptoms in, vide Myosis and Nervous system of alcohol, 27, 28 of alcoholic extracts, 55-57, 77-79, 91, 95, 142. 143, 267, 268 of bile, 80, 81, 225, 226 of blood, 73, 143 of blood-extracts. 77, 78 cf blue pus, 243, 244 of choleraic urine, 263-267 of diabetic urine, 24, 25 of evening urine, 36-39 of extracts, vide Extracts of faecal extracts, 94, 95, 98 of glycerin, 28 of jaundiced urine, 86, 87, 238 of liver-extract, 78, 79 of micro-organisms, 26, 188, 189, 243, 244 of morning urine, 36-39 of muscle-extracts, 78, 79, 88, 89, 92, 93, 142, 143 of pathological urines, 24-26, 34. 86, of pus, 243, 244 of putrefactive products, 88, 89, 91-93, 142, 143 of pyrexial urine, 238, 239 of septic urine, 26 of serum, 74-76 of sleep, urine of, 36-18 of soda-lye, 52 of tetanic urine, 237, 238 of typhoid bacillus, IKS, 189 of urea, 49,50,61, 112, 113 of uric acid, 51, 52 of urine, 25^59. 86, 87, 237-240, 267, 268 of urochromes, 53 of water, 27, 75, 76, 111 of watery extracts, 54-56. 94-96, 268 reflexes in, vide Reflexes renal system in, vide Kenal system respiratory system in, vide Respi- ratory system salivation in, vide Salivation temperature in, vide Temperature the strength of, 28 urine in, 264-267 subcutaneous, albuminuria in, 24 of urine, 24 Insanity and constipation, 145 Intestinal antiseptics, 98-100, 186, 137, 191- 193, 199. 219 in dilated stomach, 174, 183, 184 Intestinal antiseptics, in dyspepsia, 141 in typhoid, l!)l-li)3, '10&-200, 218, 219 in uraemia, 136, 137 disease, indican and indol of, 141 urine of, 141, 142 fermentation, symptoms of, 139 gases of dyspepsia. 140, 148, 149 obstruction, circulatory system in, 144. 155 collapse in, 144 cramps in, 144 cutaneous system in, 144, 146 earthy pallor of, 144 erythema in, 155 lavage in, 147. 148 mydriasis in, 155 nervous system in, 144 reflex symptoms in, 144. 145 symptoms of. 144, 145, 155 sweating in, 1-14 toxaemia due to, 145, 155 treatment of, 147 tympanites in, 144 urine of, 142 vomiting in, 114 poisons, origin of, 138, 138 toxaemia, 138-192 acute, 138-153 anhidrosis in, 151 treatment of, 147, 148 Intestine, acetic acid in, 16 acids in, 16, 18. 141, 142,223 alkaloids in, 97, 98, 155 ammonia in, 140 bile-acids in, 18, 223 -pigment in, 223 -salts in, 223 butyric acid in, 16 carbolic acid in, lit, 141, 142 Cholalir acid in. IS. 223 cholic acid in, 18. 223 dyslysin in, 18, 223 gases in, 19, 140, 148, 149, 155 glycocholic acid in, 18, 223 hydrogen sulphide in, 140, 148, 148, 155 indol in, 141 lactic acid in, 16 minerals in, 138, 139 origin of poisons in, 188, 188 oxalic acid in, 16 taurocholic acid in. 1 Intoxication, and infection, 89-91, 145. 1 .10- 153, 187, 190 of blood, the three sources of the. K7, K8 lodoform, an antiseptic, !:;;. i:;7. 111. 171. 183, 1*1. 1'.'",. I!-!.. . formulae for use of. 100. 218. 219 in cholera, 260, 261 in dilated stomach. 174. 183, 184 in typhoid, 193, 218, 219 in uramla, 186 Jaundice, aeholia in, 2'J8, 233, 284 Ibonlnnrta in, 231 bio..d of. at". 2:11 cerebral 0' erythema in, 235 296 INDEX. Jaundice, fatty degenerations in, 227, 230 glands in, 230 haemoglobinaemia in, 230 haemorrhages in, 230, 232, 235 hydraemia in, 234 in acute yellow atrophy of liver, 235 in dilated stomach, 159, 160, 170 intra-venous injection of urine of, 86, 87,238 kidneys in, 227, 228, 230-235 leucin in, 231 liver in, 228, 230-235 metabolism in, 227, 228, 230, 231, 233 prognosis of, 233 pruritus in, 230 pulse in, 230 purpura in, 235 pyrexia in, 235 renal system in, 227, 228, 230-235 spleen 'in, 230 symptoms in, 225, 230 temperature in, 235 theories of, 234 tissues in, 224-227, 229, 230 toxaemia in, 222-235 toxic power of urine of, vide Toxic power tyrosinin,231 uraemia in, 233-235 urea of, 228, 231 urine of, 82, 86, 87, 225-227, 229, 231, 233, xanthin in, 231 Kidneys, excretion by the, 19, 21. 70, 71, 73, 86, 103, 116, 229, 230, 241, 242 floating, 160, 164, 170 in atrophy of liver, 232 in dilated stomach, 160, 164. 172 in jaundice, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235 in typhoid, 188 in uraemia, 106, 108, 131 micro-organisms in the, 188 vide Renal system Lactic acid, vide Acid, lactic Lardaceous disease, albuminuria in, 104 exhaustion diie to, 104 hydraemia in, 104 metabolism in, 104 peptones of, 104 Latent type in dilated stomach, 170 Lavage, in dilated stomach, 147, 178, 183, 184 in dyspepsia, 147, 148 in intestinal obstruction, 147, 148 in toxaemia, 147, 148 Leeches, use of, in uraemia, 129 Leucin, disease due to, 11 in blood, 231 in dough, 179 in muscle-extract, 79 in putrefactive products, 93 in tissues, 231 in urine, 231 toxic power of, 11, 78, 93, 119 uraemia due to, 119 Leucocythsemia, the breath in, 167, 247 urine of, 142, 238, 247 urochromes of, 142, 247 Leucorrhcea, exhaustion due to, 104 Liver, acute yellow atrophy of, 231, 232, 235, atrophy of, 227, 228, 230-234 bile arrested, by, 80, 84, 222-224, 227 Liver, enlarged, ectopia due to, 160 -extract, intra-venous injection of, 78, fatty degeneration of, 227 functions of the, 230, 231 in dilated stomach, 159, 160, 170 of jaundice, 228, 230-235 poisons arrested by, 17, 18, 22, 80, 84, 142-144, 222-224, 227 putrefactive products arrested by, 143 Lungs, excretion by the, 18, 20, 21, 23, 131 Measles, baths in, 216 Meat, tainted, toxaemia due to, 151-153 Meat-extract, in typhoid, 217 Mercury, advantages of, 200, 201 an antiseptic, 98, 99, 196, 199, 200, 218 and carbolic acid, 196 disadvantages of, 200 in typhoid, 199-201, 218 method of use of, 201 salivation by, 200 sequelae after use of, 200 toxic power of, 196 Metabolism, abnormal, acholia due to, 11 coma due to, 11 eclampsia due to, 11 uraemia due to, 126, 134, 135 and infection, 5 diminished, in uraemia, 135 in acute yellow atrophy of the liver, in diabetes, 246 in iaundice, 227. 228, 230, 231, 233 in lardaceous disease, 104 in pyrexia, 204 in typhoid, 204 Micro-organisms, acid products of, 12 action of, on the tissues, 11, 12 alkaloids a product of, 12 ammonia a product of, 12 and peptones, 87 bacilli, vide Bacillus carbolic acid a product of, 12 extractives a product of, 12 fatty acids a product of, 12 gaseous products of, 12 fn blood, 188 in dough, 179 in pus, vide Bacillus in the glands, 188 in the kidneys, 188 in the spleen, 188 in the tissues, 11, 12 in the urine, 188, 243 indol a product of, 12 intra-venous injection of, 26, 188, 189, 243, 244 ' modes of action of, 11. 12 of cholera, vide Bacillus of typhoid, vide Bacillus products of, 12 tests for, 243 the five modes of action of, 11, 12 the search alter, 9 toxic products of, 12 skatof a product of, 12 sulphuric acid a product of, 12 Migraine, in constipation, 145 in dilated stomach, 170 Milk, in dilated stomach, 180-182 in gastric ulcer, 181, 182 in typhoid, 217 in uraemia, 130, 135-137 INDEX. 297 Minerals, as intestinal poisons, 138, 139 disease due to excess of, 10 in bile, 82. 83, 86 in blood, 87 in faeces, 139 in typhoid, 217 in urine, 57-59, 64, 65, 82, 83, 116, 117, 120, 122, 124-126 table of the toxic power of, 124 total toxic power of, 125, 126 toxic power of, vide Toxic power uraemia due to, 107, 120-126. 233 Mixed urine, toxic power of, 42, 43 Morbid anatomy, in intra-venous injec- tions, 88, 89, 143 of uraemia, 110 Morning, the urine of, 36-43 urine, intra-venous injection of, 36-39 Mortality of typhoid, 192, 193, 200, 220, 221 Muscle, alcoholic extracts of, 79, 142, 143 and urine, the toxic powers of, 93 -extract, composition of, 79 intra-venous injection of, 78, 79, 88, 89, 92, 93, 142, 143 putrefactive products of, 93 watery extract of, 79, 92, 93 Mydriasis, in intestinal obstruction, 155 in toxaemia, 151 Mydriatic alkaloids, 92 Myosis, and convulsions, 57, 63 in an u ri:i. 67 272 in cholera, 67, 124, 271, 272 in intra-venous injections, 26, 32, 33, 36-38, 46, 53, 55^57, 74, 79. 86, 87, 93, 237, 238, 240, 263 in uraemia, 67, 124 Myotic, the, of urine, 63, 125 Naphthalin, action of, on faeces, 99, 100 on urine, 99, 100 formula? for use of, 100, 218 219 in acute yellow atrophy of the liver, 231,232,263 in cholera, 232, 260. 261, 263 in dilated stoniarh. 171. Ki in typhoid, litt, 218, 219, 232, 263 in uraemia. 136, 137 in urine, 99. 100, 232 Narcotic, the, of urine, 62, 125 urine, 41, 239 Nerve-reactions, a pathogenic process, 2-8 diarrhoea due to, 6 disease due to, 2-8, 66, 163 epistaxis due to, 6 haemorrhages in, 6 polyuria due to, 6 syncope due to, 6 -stimulation in uraemia, 129 Nervous debility, dilated stomach due to, 175 influences induce disease, 2-8, 66 precede infection, 6, 7 system, in ammonaeraia. 116 in anuria, 67,272 in Bright's disease, 106 in cholera, 67, 124, 271, 272 in constipation, 145 in diabetes, 167. 246, 247 in dilated stomach. 161, 167, 170, 171 in dyspepsia, 1 10, 1 17 in intra-venous injections, 26, 32-34, 36-38, 46, 47. 51, 5~3. S5-57. 74, 77, 79, 86, 87, 92-95. 233, 237-240, 263 in toxaemia, 140, 144, 145, 150, 151, 155 Nervous system, In uraemia, 66, 67, 106, 108- type of dilated stomach, 170, in Neuralgia, in dilated stomach, 161 Neurasthenia, dilated stomach due to, 175 Nodes, bony, in dilated stomach, 165, 166, 172,176 Obstructive anuria, 105, 110, 111, 113 Ocular symptoms, in anuria, 67, 272 in Bright's disease, 106 in cholera, 67, 124, 271, 272 in diabetes, 246 iu dilated stomach, 161 in dyspepsia, 140 in intra-venous injections, vide Myosis in toxaemia, 151, 155 in typhoid, 92 in uraemia, 67, 106, 124 Odor, of breath, vide Breath of sweat, in dilated stomach, 162 indicates disease, 20 CEdema, in Bright's disease, 105, 106 Organic, the, convulsive of urine, 62,63, 65 Osseous system, in dilated stomach, 165- 168, 172, 176, 185 Osteomalacia, in dilated stomach, 166, 167, 172 Oxalic acid, vide Acid, oxalic Oxygen inhalations, in dilated stomach, in uraemia, 135 Paralyses, in dilated stomach, 161 in toxaemia, 151 Peptones, and albumen, 10. 17, 104, 164, 165 and micro-organisms, 87 blood-cells transform, 17, 165 disease due to, 10 excretion of, 103 in dilated stomach. 182 in the urine. 164, 165 in typhoid, 217-219 of lardaceous disease, 104 toxic power of. 10 Percussion sign, in dilated stomach, 156 Pericarditis, in Bright's disease, 106 Phalungeal nodes, in dilated stomach, 165, 166, 172, 178 P ..ebitis, in dilated stomach, 165, 171 Phthisis, in dilated stomach. 1 Physical signs of dilated stomach. 1.56-158 Pityriasis versicolor, in dilated stomach, 162 Pneumonia, baths in, 216 quinine in, 198 Poison, uraemia is a complex, 109, 127, 128, Poisons, amount of, necessary to produce death, 78 blood a source of, 77, 78 arrests. 17 224 225 excretion of, 15, 18, 20-23, 66, 70-78, 102, 103 food a source of, 98, 97, 138 gastric juice neutralizes, 88, W hi blood, is. 17. 70-73, bsTw in faeces. 139, 141 in the alimentary system, in tissues. 16. 22, 83, 98, 97, in urine. 16. 141, 142 liver arrests, vide Liver modes of arrest of, 144 origin of, 98, 87 87. 101 298 INi)EX. Poisons, purgatives remove, 132 putrefactive products a source of, 88- 90, 138, 139 Portal blood, 15, 17, 72, 143 indigo in, 15 sulphuretted hydrogen in, 15 toxic power of, 72, 143 vein, coma after ligature of, 143 Potassium, action of, as a toxic power, 122,123 an antiseptic, 196 as a convulsive, vide Convulsive bromide, dangers of, 134 chloride, toxic power of, 122, 124 death by, 123 in bile, 82, 83, 86 in blood, 124 symptoms due to, 123 total toxic power of, 125, 126 toxic power of, vide Toxic power uraemia due to, 107, 120-126, 233 Prognosis, of dilated stomach, 185 of jaundice, 233 Pruritus, in jaundice, 230 Ptisan, in typhoid, 217 Puerperal fever, quinine in, 198, 210 Pupil, vide Mydriasis and Myosis Purgatives, in surgical operations, 148 in typhoid, 193, 218 in uraemia, 131, 132. 135 remove poisons, 132 Purpura, in Bright's disease, 105 in dilated stomach, 165 in jaundice, 235 Putrefactive products, alkaloids in, 91-93 ammonia in, 93, 96, 140 and urine, 93 a source of poisons, 88-90. 138. 139 charcoal acts on, 92, 136, 141 composition of, 93 extracts of, 88, 89, 91-93, 96, 142, 143 in blood, 88, 89 in faeces, 94, 96 intra-venous injection of, 88, 89, 91-93, 142, 143 liver arrests, 143 toxaemia due to, 139-141, 145, 149-153 toxic power of, vide Toxic power principles in. 93 trypsin develops. 94 uraemia due to, 126, 134-136, 233 Pylorus, obstructed, dilated stomach due to, 175 Pyrexia, artificial, 203 baths in, 206, 207, 212-217, 220 blood of, 205, 206 circulatory system in, 203, 204 convulsive urine of, vide Convulsive diet in, 217-219 discussed, 202-209 effects of. 202, 203 heart in, 204 in jaundice, 235 in typhoid, 191 metabolism in, 204 multiple causes of. 205, 207-209 pathology of. 205. 200, 208, 209 quinine in, 198, 199, 206. 209-211, 219 salutary, 202 treatment of, 205-207. 209-217 urine of, vide Convulsive urochromes of, 240 venesection in, 205 veratrin in, 205 an intermittent remedy, 210 death due to, 211 in ague, 198, 209 in pneumonia, 198 in puerperal fever, 198, 210 in pyrexia, vide Pyrexia in typhoid, 198, 199, 206, 207, 210, 211, 219 limits of, 198, 206. 209 method of use of, 210 Recapitulation, general, 280-288 Reflex symptoms, in toxaemia, 144, 145 Reflexes, in intra-venous injections, 26, 33, 36-38, 47, 74 Renal system, in acute yellow atrophy, 232 in cholera, 271 in diabetes, 245, 247 in dilated stomach, 160, 164, 165, 171, 185 in dyspepsia, 140 in intra-venous injections, 25, 26, 32, 33, 36, 47, 55, 56, 87, 243. 264, 266,267 in jaundice, 227, 228, 230-235 vide Albuminuria and Kidneys type of dilated stomach, 171 Respiratory system, in cholera, 271 in coma, 67, 167 in diabetes, 167, 247 in dilated stomach, 158, 163, 164, 167, 172 in intra-venous injections, 26, 36, 37, 46, 50, 74, 86, 89, 93 in typhoid, 190, 200 in uraemia, 66, 106, 108. 131 Revulsives, in uraemia, 129 Rheumatic type of dilated stomach, 171 Rheumatism, baths in, 216 Rickets, in dilated stomach, 166, 168, 172 Salivation, in intra-venous injections, 47, 55-57, 77, 79, 125 in uraemia, 67 mercurial, 200 Sausages, toxaemia due to, 151-153 Scarlatina, baths in, 216 Secretions, uraemia due to, 126, 134-136 Sepsine, an alkaloid, 91 Septic urine, intra-venous injection of, 26 Serum, intra-venous injection of, 74-76 Seven, the. toxic principles of urine, 60-65 (1) antipyretic (2) convulsive, inorganic (3) convulsive, organic (4) diuretic (5) myotic (6) narcotic ogueth of blood. 57, 77, 78 the, of urine, 56, 57, 62, 125 Sinapisms, in uraemia, 129 Skatol, in putrefactive products, 93 in urine, 12 micro-organisms produce, 12 Skin, vide Cutaneous system Sleep, the urine of, 36-43 Soda, an antiseptic, 196 in the urine, 67 -lye, intra-venous injection of, 52 toxic power of, vide Toxic power Spleen, the, vide Glands Stercorsemia, 101 Stomach, dilated, acid faeces of, 159 acne in, 163, 171 albuminuria in, 164, 171, 185 INDEX. Stomach, dilated, alcoholism a cause of, 175 alimentary system in, 159 and typhoid, 176, 186 angina, false, in, 161, 171 antiseptics in, 174, 183, 184 aphasia in, 161 arthritis in, 165. 166 asthma in, 164, 171 asthmatic, type of, 167 baths in, 176, 177 bread in, 178, 179 bronchitis in, 164, 171 bulimia in, 159 carcinoma a cause of, 175 cardiac type of, 171 cardialgiain,159, 171 chlorosis in, 158, 172 circulatory system in, 158, 161, 165, 167, 171, 172 clinical types of, 170-172 coma in, 167 consumptive type of. 171, 172 contractions in, 161, 171 coryza in, 164, 171 cutaneous system in. 161-163, 171 cutaneous type of, 171 debility a cause of, 175 diathesis in, 165, 166, 169 diet in, 177-182 dyspepsia a cause of, 161, 174, 175 dyspeptic type of, 170 dyspnoea in. 164, 167 eczema in, 162, 163, 171 emaciation in, 165 enemata in, 182 enteritis in, 159 erythema in, 163 etiology of. 169, 174-176 faeces of, 159 fluids in, 178, 180, 181 gastric causes of, 175 Gastritis in. 159 aemorrhages in, 165 headache in, 161 hemiopia in, 161 hepatic type of, 170 heredity in. 169, 175 hydrochloric acid in 183, 184 hypochondriasis in, 171 improper diet a cause of, 174 in ataxia, 175 in goitre, 175 infectious disease a cause of, 175, I7i; infectious disease due to, 176 inhalations in, 177 jaundice in, HiO, 170 kidneys in, 160. \M, 170 latent type of. 170 lavage in, 147, 178, 183, 184 litniasis in, 170 liver in, 159, 160, 170 mental causes of, 175 migraine in, 170 milk in, 180-182 nervous causes of, 175 nervous system in, 161. 107, 170, 171 nervous type of. 170, 171 neuralgia in, 161 night-sweats in. Hit nodes, bony, in. UB, 166. 172, 176 ocular affections in, 161 Stomach, dilated, osseous system in, 165- 168, 172, 176, 185 osteomalacia in. 166, 167, 172 paralyses in, 161 peptones in, 182 percussion sign in, 156 phlebitis in, 165, 171 phthisis in, 158, 172 physical signs of, 156-158 pityriasis versicolor in, 162 prognosis of, 185 purpura in, 165 renal system in, l(K), 164, 165, 171, 185 respiratory system in, 158, 163, 164, 167, 172 rheumatic type of, 171 rickets in, 166, 168, 172 splashing sign in, 157, 158 stimulants in, 178, 181 succussion sign in, 156 symptoms of, 158-172 the breath in, 159, 163, 167, 247 the sweat of, 162 the ten clinical tvpes of, 170-172 toxaemia in, 155-m treatment of, 174-186 urine of, 142, 164, 165, 171, 247 urochrouies of. 142. 165. 247 urticaria in, 162, 163, 171 vertigo in, 161 Succussion sign, in dilated stomach, 156 Sulphuretted hydrogen, vide Hydrogen sulphide Sulphuric acid, vide Acid, sulphuric Summary of the treatment of typhoid, 218-220 of uraemia, 137 Sweat, vide Odor of Symptoms, in anuria, 67, 272 in Bright's disease, 103-108 in jaundice, 225, 230 in potass poisoning, 123 in toxaemia, 150, 151 in typhoid, 1!M), 191, 200 in uraemia, 66, 67, 106. 108, 109 of aimnoiwmia, llli. 117 of dilated stomach. 158-172 of dyspepsia, 139-147 of gastro-enteritis, 168 of intestinal obstruction, 144, 145, 155 Table of the toxic power of minerals, 124 Taurocholic acid, in intestine, 18, 223 Teeth, changes in the, in dyspepsia, 139 Temperature, in ammonaMnia, 117 in cholera. 'J71 in coma, 108, 167 in intra venous injections, 25, 26, 38, 86-38. 47, 49, 58, 55-57, 238, 240, 243, 264. 265 in uraemia, 67, 108, 135 vide Pyrexia Ten, the, clinical types of dilated stomach, 170-172 (1) asthmatic ('_') cardiac (3) consumptive I 1 I cutaneous (5) dyspeptic (6) hepatic (7) latent (8) nervous (9) renal (10) rheumatismal 300 Tests, for acetone, 142, 247 for alkaloids, 15, 16, 94, 262 INDEX. , , , , for bacillus pyocyaneus, 243 225 toxication of for bile, 223, Tetanus, the urine of, 237, 2:38 Therapeutics, general, 273-279 Three, the, sources of blood, 87, 88 (1) bile (2) minerals (3) putrefactive products Tissues, a toxic source, 96 acids in, 16, 79 alkaloids in, 15, 237 bile arrested by the, 224-227, 229, 230 in jaundice, 224-227, 229, 230 in uraemia, 112 leucin in, 231 micro-organisms in the, 11, 12 poisons in, vide Poisons urea in the, 112 Toxaemia, acute intestinal, 138-153 auhidrosis in, 151 bile, 138, 139, 222-235 chronic intestinal, 155-186 constipation a cause of, 145 cutaneous system in, 140, 144, 151, 155 diarrhoea a cause of, 155 etiology of, 145, 155 food a source of, 96, 97, 138 four sources of, 96, 138-153 hydrogen sulphide a cause of, 148, 149 in dilated stomach, 155-172 in dyspepsia, vide Dyspepsia in hernia, 145 in jaundice, 222-235 in typhoid, 190 methods of producing artificial, 23, 24 nervous system in, vide Nervous sys- tem ocular symptoms in, 151, 155 paralyses in, 151 putrefactive products a source of, vide Putrefactive products symptoms in, 148-151 tainted food a cause of, 149-153 treatment of, 147, 148 urine of, 140-142 urochromes of, 142 vertigo in ? 150 vomiting in, 150 Toxic accidents, why infrequent, 17 coefficient, 35, 47 materials, 96, 138-153 origin of cutaneous disease, 162, 163 Toxic power, of acid urine, 31, 32 of alcohol, 28 of alkaloids, 10, 14, 15, 18, 30. 54, 56, 58. 62, 67, 68, 77, 91-94, 125, 139, 151. 237, 239 of ammonia, 58, 96. 97, llfi, 117, 120 of anilin, 1% of antiseptics, 99, 196, 197 of aromatics of urine, 53 of bile, 15, 18, 80-82, 84-S6, 96, 97, 119, 135, 139,2241235 and urine, 80 84, 85, 224 of bilirubin, 81, 119, 135, 139, 224, 229 of blood 69-78, 143 of carbolic acid, 196 of cholesterin, 81, 222 of creatin, 79, 118 of extractives. 117-119, 125 of faeces, 94-96, " ["oxic power, of glycerin, 28 of haemoglobin, 78 of hippuric acid, 118 of jaundiced urine, 82, 86, 87, 229, 233, of leucin, 11, 78, 93, 119 of leukaemic urine, 238 of mercury, 196 of minerals, 10, 15, 18, 43, 48, 53, 54, 57, 58, 61, 64, 65. 77-79, 82, 83, 86, 95-97, 120-126, 134, 138, 139. 196. 233, 240 of pathological urines, 34, 237-241 of peptones, 10 of pigments, vide Toxic power of bili- rubin and urochromes of potassium, vide Toxic power of min- erals of pus, 243 of putrefactive products, 87-93, 97, 139- 141, 150-153 of pyrexial urine, 123, 238-240 of secretions, 10, 15 of serum, 74-76 of soda, 57, 58, 61, 67, 121, 134 of sugar, 245 of tainted meats, 149-153 of typhoid urine, 92, 192, 238 of tyrosin, 119 of urea. 48-50, 57, 60, 61, 67, 107, 112-114, 126 of uric acid, 51, 52, 118 of urine, and bile, 80, 84, 85, 224 concentrated, 34, 48 decolorized, 86, 87 mixed, 42, 43 of evening. 36-40 of exercise, 43-45 of diarrhoea, 132 of jaundice, 82, 86, 87, 229, 233, 238 of leukaemia, 238 of morning, 36-43 of pvrexia, 123, 238-240 of sleep, 36-43 of typhoid, 92, 192, 238 of uraemia, 111, 112. 114, 238 pathological, 34, 237-241 the total, 125, 126 variations in the, 34-46, 48 of urochromes, 10, 11, 53, 119, 120, 125, 240 of water, 10. 48, 75 of xanthin, 119 the total, of alkaloids, 125 of bile, 224 of extractives, 125 of minerals, 121, 125,126 of pigments, 119, 120, 125 of urea, 120 of urine. 125, 126 Toxic powers, table of the, 124 of urine, antagonism of the, 62, 63, 122, 123 origin of the. 69 ratio o of the. 120 the seven, 60-65 Treatment, antipyretic, vide Antipyretic antiseptic, vide Antiseptic hydropathic, vide Baths of amiria, 130, 277 of cholera, 260, 261 of dilated stomach, 174-186 of dyspepsia, 147, 148 of measles, 216 of pneumonia, 207, 216 301 Treatment, of puerperal fever, 198, 210 of rheumatism, 216 of scarlatina, 216 of typhoid, 191-220 of uraemia, 128-137 Trypsin develops alkaloids, 94 Typhoid, anaemia in, 200 and dilated stomach, 176, 186 baths in, vide Baths blood of, 188 calomel in, 200, 201, 218 carbolic acid in, 193, 219 charcoal in, 191, 192. 218, 219 circulatory system in. 200 complications of, 190, 200 convulsions in, 240 cutaneous system in, 192, 215 diarrhoea in, 189 diet in, 217-219 emaciation in, 191, 204, 218, 240 endocarditis in, 200 enemata in, 193, 219 erysipelas in. 190 etiology of, 176, 189 glycerin in, 218, 219 haemorrhages in, 200 inoculation of, 188. 189 iodoform in, vide lodoform metabolism in, 204 micro-organisms of, 188, 189 milk in. 217 minerals in, 217 mortality of, 192, 193, 200, 220, 221 naphthalin in, vide Naphthalin ocular symptoms in, 92 peptones in, 217-219 ptfean in, 217 purgatives in, 193, 218 pyrexia in, 191 quinine in, vide Quinine respiratory system in, 190,200 sequelae of, 200 summary of treatment of, 218-220 symptoms in, ](*>. 191, 200 the bacillus of. 188, 189 the breath in, 247 the glands in, 188 toxaemia in. I:MI treatment of, 191-220 urea of. 204 urine of, 92, 141, 142, 188, 192, 238, 247 urochromes of, 142, 247 vegetable acids in, 217 Tvrosin. in blood, 2:11 in dough. 17!i in muscle-extract, 79 in putrefactive products, 93 in uraemia. 119 in urine, 231 toxic power of, 119 Uraemia, a complex poison, 109, 127, 128, . abnormal metabolism :\ cause of, 126, i :i. l.r, alimentary system in, 108, 109, 126, 134, ammonia a cause of, 107, 115-117 antidotes in. 131. 13."i antiseptics in. i::i, 1 :' baths m, 128 1.1 ..... 1 of. 78. 112, 116 bromides in ; their dangers, 134 caffeine in, 129 Uraemia, cerebral oedema a cause of, 107, charcoal in, 136, 137 chloral in, 134 chloroform in, 134 coma in, 66, 106, 108 convulsions in, 66. 106, 108 creatin a cause of, 118, 119 cutaneous system in, 131 definition of, 96 diarrhoea in, 108, 132, 133 diet in, 136, 137 digitalis in, 129, 130 diminished metabolism in, 135 diuretics in, 129-131 dyspnoea in, 67, 108 emetics in, 131 enemata in, 130 etiology of, 109 extractives a cause of, 107, 117-119, food a source of, 126, 136 four sources of. 126, 134-138 headache in, 108 hippuric acid a cause of. 1J8 hyursemia a cause of, 107, 109-111 in jaundice, 233-235 inhalations in, 128, 135 injections in. 130 iodoform in, 136 kidneys in. 106, 108. 131 leucin a cause of, 119 milk in, 130, 135-137 minerals a cause of, vide Minerals morbid anatomy of, 110 myosis in, 67, 123 naphthalin in, 136, 137 nerve-stimulation in, 129 nervous system in, 66, 67, 106, 108-110 obstructive, 110, 111, 113 ocular symptoms in, 67, 106, 124 of cholera. 271 oxalic acid a cause of, 107 pathology of. 107-128 potass a eau-e ui. !/(/< Minerals purgatives in, 131. 1 putrefactive, products a cause of, 126, 184-188,$ respiratory system in, 66, 106, 108, 131 revulsives in, 129 salivation in, 67 secretions a source of, 12t>, 134-136 summary of the treatment of. 137 symptoms m , (Hi. 1-7. KKi. 10K, 100 the five theories of, 107-128 treatment of. 12S-137 tvroMii a cau-c of. lift urea a cau-e ..f, lnT, 112. 113 urea in, 130, 131 uric acid a cail-e of. MX urine of. M. ii7. Ins, nut, ni, 112, 114, uroehromes a cause of, 107, 119, 125 \cne-i-ction in. 133 vicarious fum-iion- in, I'M vomiting in. li-s. |::i when does it occur ? 108 Uraemic symptoms, in dyspepsia, 140 in eXOMUTfl vomiting. 111) l"iea. a diuretic, rir/r iMurctic iction of, vide Excretion in blood. 112. 116 in the tame*. ii-J in uremia, 130, 131 302 Urea, intra-venous injection of, vide In- jection of anuria, 112 of diabetes, 246 of jaundice, 228, 231 of typhoid, 204 toxic power of, vide Toxic power urzemia due to, 107, 112, 113 Uric acid, excretion of, 103 intra- venous injection of, 51, 52 toxic power of, 51, 52, 118 uraemia due to, 118 Uricaemia, 10 Urine, acetic acid in, 16 acetone in, 142, 247 acids in, 16, 141, 142 albumen in, vide Albuminuria alcoholic extract of, 55-57, 125, 267, 268 alkaloids in, vide Alkaloids ammonia in, 115 and bile, toxic power of, 80, 84, 85, 224 and putrefactive products, 93 antagonism of the toxic powers of, 41-43, 62, 63, 122, 123, 239 aromatics of, 53 butyric acid in, 16 carbolic acid in, 16, 141, 142 charcoal acts on the, 54, 57, 98, 100, 125, concentrated, toxic power of, 34, 48 convulsive, vide Convulsive cresol in, 16, 142 decolorized, toxic power of, 86, 87 diabetic, 142, 245-248 excretion of, 103, 125 extractives of, uraemia due to, 107, 117- 119, 125 extracts of, 54-57, 78, 125, 267, 268 hydrogen sulphide in, 149 in diarrhoea, 132, 141, 142 indican in, 141, 142 intra-venous injections of, vide Injec- tions lactic acid in, 16 leucin in, 231 micro-organisms in the, 188, 243 minerals, their toxic power, vide Min- erals and Toxic power mixed, toxic power of, 42. 43 naphthalin acts on the, 99, 10 normal, toxic power of, 30 of acute yellow atrophy of liver, 232 of anaemia, 142. 247 of cholera, 112, 141,263 of constipation, 142 of day, and sleep, 41 is narcotic, 41 of dilated stomach. 142, 164, 165, 171, 247 of dyspepsia. 140-142, 246, 247 of evening, 36-40 of exercise, 43-45 of intestinal disease, 141, 142 obstruction, 142 ndice e, 104 of leukaemia. 142, 238, 247 of morning. 36-43 of nerve-reactions, 6 of pyrexia, vide Convulsive of sleep and day, 36-43 toxic power of, 36-43 of tetanus, 237, 238 of toxaemia, 140-142 Of typhoid, 92, 141, 142, 188, 192, 238, 247 ostructon, 142 of jaundice, vide Jaun of lardaceous disease, Urine, of uraemia, 66, 67, 108, 109, 111, 112, 114, 115, 238 origin of the toxic powers of, 69 oxalic acid in the, 16 pathological, 34, 237-241 peptones in, 164. 165 poisons in, 16, 141, 142 purgatives diminish toxic power, 132 septic, injections of, 26 skatol in, 12. 16 soda in, toxic power of, vide Toxic power of soda subcutaneous injection of, 25 sugar in the, 245 the antipyretic of, 63, 64, 117, 125 the diuretic of, 60, 61 the narcotic of, 62, 125 the seven toxic principles of, 60-65 the sialagogue of, 56, 57, 62, 125 total toxic power of, 125, 126 toxic power of, vide Toxic power principles in, the seven, 60-65 ty rosin in, 231 urea the diuretic of, vide Diuretic urochromes of, 10. 11, 119, 120, 125. 141, 142,232 watery extracts of, 54-56, 268 xanthm in, 231 Urochromes, intra-venous injection of, 53 of diabetes, 142, 247, 248 of dilated stomach, 142, 165, 247 of dyspepsia, 141, 142, 247 of leucocytbaemia, 142, 247 of pyrexia, 240 of toxaemia, 142 toxic power of, vide Toxic power uraemia due to, 107, 119, 125 Urotoxic coefficient, the, 35, 47 Urticaria, a complication of hydatids, 162, in dilated stomach, 162, 163, 171 toxic origin of, 162, 163 Valeric acid, in putrefactive products, 93 Variations in the toxicity of urine, 34-46, 48 Venesection, in anuria, 277 in uraemia, 133 Vertigo, in constipation, 145 in dilated stomach, 161 in dyspepsia, 140, 147 in toxaemia, 150 Vicarious functions, 19, 131 Vomiting, acid, 139 exhaustion due to, 103 in intestinal obstruction, 144 in toxaemia, 150 in uraemia, 108, 131 uraemic symptoms due to, 140 Water, disease due to, 10 intra-venous injections of, 27, 75, 76, 111 toxic power of, 10, 48, 75 Watery extracts, intra-venous injection of, vide Injections of choleraic urine, 268 of faeces. 94-96 of muscle, 79, 92, 93 of putrefactive products, 91-93, 96 of urine, 54-56, 58 Xanthin, in blood, 231 in urine, 231 of jaundice, 2S1 toxic power of, 119 I |={| AUQUST, 1894. 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