> v ^-tc CATALOGUE BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA INCLUDING A LARGE NUMBER OF RARE WORKS Pit I VTEf > BEFORE 19OO AMONGST WHICH A NEARLY COMPLETE COLLECTION OF THE DUTCH PUBLICATIONS ON NEW-NETHERLAND FROM 1612 TO 1820. ON SALE AT THE PRICES AFFIXED BY FR. MULLER, HEERENGRAGT AMSTERDAM. c_ 9 ORDRES RECEIVED ON THIS CATALOGUE BY MSB. A. ASHER & COMP., BERLIN; BOSSANGE, DURAND, A. FBANCK, ARIS; D. NUTT, 0. RICH & SONS, LONDON; APPLETON & COMP., GAR- RIGDE, WESTERMANN BROTHERS, NEW- YORK; LITTLE & BROWN, BOSTON; SCHWARTZ, NEW-ORLEANS. No. 1. JULY 1850. 7 / CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. The prices are marked in American Dollars. PART I. COLLECTIONS -OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES. es bone iu bdjalf of tlje fittr!) draft -3nbia Compamj. a) Dutclt, editions. FIRST EDITION; 9 parts 4to oblong with separate title?, an introduction which contains a short account of the East- India Company; and a general title ,,OOST-!NDISCHE VOYA- GIE;" the following parts are relating to America ,,SEB. DE WEERT; Voyage through the Straits of Magellan" ,,()LIV. VAN NOORT Voyage round the world" 4to. Amsterdam 1617. $150. This edition is so very rare that we have never seen a perfect copy of it; if we announce a price for the one contained in this catalogue, it is only in the hope, to find someday the few parts wanting. SECOND EDITION; 10 parts and introduction, each with separate title; and under the general title: ,,OosT ENDE WEST-INDISCIIE VOYAGIE." This edition contains besides the account of DE WEERT S and VAN NOORT S expeditions also the voyage of JURIS v. SPILUERGEN, of which it is the first edition; at least as far as we consider the complete report, of this important expedition, a short account having already been printed in 1G17. (see in our catalogue under ,,Arnerica in general") 4to. Amsterdam 1G19. Si 00. This second edition is quite as rare as the first one, only there may be a complete copy in America. Mr. Mul- ler sold all the 10 parts separatly and afterwards the general title to the late Mr. O. Rich of London. F. MULLER. No. l-r- 2 PART I. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS 3. THIRD EDITION. Begin en Voortgangh van tie Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctr. Oost-Ind. Compagnie. 2 vols. 4 to. obi. 1646. Si 5. The following parts are relating to America. No. IV. Scb. de Weert; Voyage through the Straits ofMagellan. No. V. Oliv. v. Noort; Voyage round the world. No. XVIII. Jor. v. Spilbergcn; Voyage through the Straits of Magellan. No. XIX. J. L hermite voyage with the Nassau -fleet. 4. FOURTH EDITION; 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, Ilartgers , 1648. in 20 to 25 parts with separate titles. Of this very important edition we possess at present the following parts. Vol. I. General title: ,,Begin ende Voortgang van de Ne derlantsche Oost-Ind. Compagnie. 4to. 1648. 1. Gir. de Veer s Voyage. 2. lloutmanns Voyage. 3. van Neck s Voyage. 4. van Noorts Voyage. 5. Seb. de Weert. 6. J. van Spilbergen. 7. P. van den Broeke. 8. Spilbergen and W. Schouten. 9. Nassausche Floot. 1 0. Bontekoe. 11. T. Schip Batavia. 12. Twist, Beschr. v. Indien. 13. Caron, Beschryv. van Japan. Vol. II, 1 and 2. Het Gout-Ryk Guinea; 2 parts, with plates. 3. Beschryvinge van N. England, N. Nederland etc. maps and plates. This imperfect copy is perhaps the most complete one that may ever be brought together; these being the only parts we were able to find during two years of active research. To account for the rarity of this book we may be allowed to say, that most probably very few copies were issued with general titles and the in troduction; the parts having been all separatly printed, and most certainly separatly on sale; as we find them bound up with all kinds of historical pamphlets. AVe mark no price for the volume, and beg only to state, that we will give the title gratis to the purchaser of all the parts, as they are marked under the headings ,, America in general," ,,New-Netherland etc." 5. FIFTH EDITION; also by Hartgers. 4to. 1650 52. Of this edition we have the following parts now on sale. IN VAKIOUS LANGUAGES. 3 1. C. Houtmaiiu 1650. 2. van Neck 1650. 3. van Noort 1650. 4. Spilbergen 1652. 5. Nassau -Fleet 1652. 6. Bontekoe 1650. 7. T. Schip Batavia 1651. 8. Caron 1652. Each $10. . SIXTH EDITION. ,,Oost-Indische Reyzen met de Beschry- vingc van Indien", published by Saeghman in Amsterdam. 4to. about 1660. Of this very rare edition I saw but one perfect copy, which was sold in 1849 to Mr. II. Stevens in London; it contained 20 parts, of which there are several wanting in our copy. The following voyages are now on sale. Introduction with general title (engraved on copper) Linschoten as described No. 16. (3 parts.) 1. C. Houtmann. 2. v. Neck Schipvaert naar Oost- Indien. 3. Tweede Keys. 4. van Noort. 5. Sebald de Weert. 6. Spilbergen. 7. v. d. Broeke. 8. Spilbergen tweede Keys. 9. Schouten (W. C.) 10. Bontekoe. 11. T. Schip Batavia. Each $10. b) French editions. FIRST EDITION. Premier livre de 1 histoirc de la Navigation aux Indes Orien- tales par les Hollandais: et des choses a cux advenues, etc. par G. M. A. W. L. Le second livre, Journal on Comptoirs, contcnant le vray discours et narration historique du Voyage fait pour les huit navires d Amsterdam, 1 an 1598, sous Jacques Cornille Nee. et Wibrant de Warvic etc. Vraye description de trois voyages de meur trcs admirables faits ou nord , pour derriere Norwege , Moscovie et Tar- tarie, vers les royauines de China, J. Catay, etc. pour Girard le Veers. Description du penible voyage fait ciitours de 1 Univers par Mr. Olivicrs du Nort. , 2* 4 PART I. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS Description generate du riche royaume d or de Gunea, outre- ment nomine, la cost de 1 ors de Mina, gisante en certain endroit d Afrique, etc. folio. Amsterdam 1600 1610. fine copies, With numerous plates. S50. Each part separatly SlO. 8. COLLECTION des Voyages qui out servi a Tetablissement de la Compagnie des Indes. 12 vols. 12 mo. Paris. SlO. 9. Idem. 12 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam 1722. SlO. 10. Idem. 12 vols. 12mo. Ibid. 1725. SlO. This collection of voyages is undoubtedly the most im portant one, that ever was published ; as it contains the originals of at least one half of the voyages reprinted and translated by Hulsius and De Bry. The date of the publication and an exact comparison of the contents will show as well as the maps and plates which were copied by the german editors, that these collections were mostly the material they worked upon. 11. LINSCHOTEN (J. II.) Itinerarium ofte Schipvaert naar Oost-Indien. Reysgeschrift der Portugalese. Beschryvinge van Guinea, together in 1 vol. fol. Amsterdam 1596. First edition quite complete fine copy. Si 5. 12. Idem, together with: Beschryvinge van America, fol. Ib. 1614. fine copy. Si 5. 13. Idem. fol. Ib. 1644. Sl5. 14. Voyagie ofte Schipvaert van by Noorden om langs Noorwegen, de Nortcap, Laplant, Venlant etc. fol. Franeker 1601. exceedingly rare, first ed. S20. 15. Idem. fol. Amst. 1644. . Hare. Si 5. (These two editions are printed quite in the same size with the other voyages of Linschoten.) 16. Itinerarium ofte Schipvaert. lleysgeschrift der Portu- galesen. Beschryvinge van Guinea. Beschryvinge van America. Voyagie naar den Vaygatz. Beschryvinge van versch. Seecoursen. 4to. Ibid. (1660) S3 5. This abriged 4 to edition is so exceedingly scarce that there are but 3 copies of it known to me and none ever quoted by the Bibliographers. 17. Histoire de la navigation, fol. Amst. 1610. First edition. Si 5. 18. Idem with : Description de I Amerique. Ib. 1619. SlO. 19. Idem. fol. Ib. 1638. SlO. 20. Navigatio et Itinerarium in Orientcuc. fol. Amster dam 1599. First edition. Si 5. IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES. 1. LINSCIIOTEN, navigatio in orientem. fol. Amsterd. 1614. 810. 2. His discourse of voyages in the East- and West- Indies. fol. London 1598. very rare. !3. DAPPER (0.) COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES in Dutch. 13vols.ini 2. fol. ,,velin corde." Amsterdam 166988. Si 00. Containing the following parts of 800 to 1200 pages each. MONTANUS (A.) BESCHRYVINGE VAN AMERICA EN HET ZUID- LAND ; Amst. 1671; maps and plates. (For a description see wider America in general") Gezantschappen der O.-I. Maatschappy in t vercin. Ne- derl. naar Japan. Ib. 1669. maps and plates. NIEUHOF (J.) BRASILIAANSCHE ZEE EN LANTREIZE BENEVENS BESCHRYVINGE van Nederl. Brazil, fol. Ib. 1669. maps and plates. Gezantschap d. nederl. O.-I. Compagnie naar China. Ib. 1670. maps and plates. Zee en Lant-Reize door Oost-Indien en Verhaal der Stad Batavia. Amst. 1682. DAPPER (O.) 2e en 3e Gezantschap naar China, en Be schryvinge van Sina. Ib. 1670. Asia; of Beschryvinge van het Ryk cles groot Mogol. Ib. 1672. maps and plates. Beschryvinge van de Afrikaensche Gewesten. 2d edition. Ib. 1676. maps and plates. Beschryvinge van Syria en Palestina etc. Ib. 1677. maps and plates. Beschryvinge van Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assyric, Kl. Asie, Arabic etc. Ib. 1680. maps and plates. Beschryvinge de Eylanden in den Archipel der Middel. Zee. Ib. 1688. maps and plates. Beschryvinge van Morea etc. Ib. 1688. m. and plates. BALDAEUS (C.) Beschryvinge van Malabar, Choromandel en Ceylon, hieraan een Malabar Spraakkonst. Ib. 1672. 24. AA (P. v. DER) Naaukeurige Versamelinge der gedenk- wardigsten Reisen. 29 vols. 8vo. Leyden 1704. vellum. S20. 25. Idem, halfbnd neat. Si 5. 26. Idem, boards uncut. Si 2, 50. 27. Idem. 8 vols. fol. Leyden (1707) vellum neat sides and back richly gilt. S30. 28. Idem. 8 vols. fol. Ib. halfbnd. S20. 29. Idem. 8 vols. fol. calf. 825. This is a translation of De Bry. 30. Gedenkwaardige West-Ind. Voyagien. containing: Chr. Columbus. 6 PART I. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS Am. Vcsputius. Ludw. Hennepin. Benzoni and several voyages of minor im portance. 4to. Leyden 1704. Maps and plates. SlO. This volume may be considered as a sort of Appendix to the great collections of Van der Aa in 8 vols. in folio or 29 vols. in 8vo. 31. BLAEU, Atlas, 12 vols. imperial, fol. vol. 10: AMERICA; containing 80 maps, amongst which Z. of New - Netherland. vellum richly gilt, gilt edges. Si 00. This magnificent work sold a hundred years ago up to 1,500 guilders; and the high esteem in which it was held by the Dutch may be seen out of the instance of a copy splendidly bound in russia, and kept in a splendid carved oak case, most richly and beautifully ornamented, which was undoubtedly made an purpose. This copy is now on sale and may be had with the case for S200. (The case is about 8 feet high and 3 feet broad.) 32. HERRERA Beschryvinge van de Westersche Indien. fol. Amsterdam 1622. Si 5. Besides Ovalles and several other descriptions of America, there is an original edition of Lemaires discovery of the: ,,Straits Lemaire" and a collection of all the voyages through either the straits of Lemaire or the straits of Magellan. 33. Idem in latin, fol. Amsterdam 1623. Si 2, 50. 34. Idem in french. fol. Ib. 1623. Si 2, 50. 35. HISTORISCHE Beschryvinge der Reizen, 21 vols. 4to. Amsterdam 1730; vellum neat, with a large number of fine plates by the celebrated Picard. $30. 36. MARTINEZ (P.) Recueil de quelques missions des Indes Occidentales et orientales. 12mo. Lyon 1594. SlO. 37. T. (J. P.) Histoire de plusieurs voyages aventureux et perilleux faits sur la mer en diverses contrees. 16mo. Rouen 1600. SlO. 38. RECUEIL de divers Voyages en Afrique et en Amerique qui n ont point encore etc public s. 4to. Paris 1674. $5. 39. TERNAUX - COMPANS (H.) Voyages, Relations et Memoires originaux pour servir a 1 histoire de la decouverte de 1 Amerique. 20 vol. 8vo. Paris 1840 42. br. Sl5. 40. HISTOIRE generale des voyages ou Nouvelle Collection de toutes les relations de voyages etc. Paris, Didot. 1747. 52 tomes, small 12mo. boards. Si 7, 50. IX VARIOUS LANGUAGES. 7 1. LETTRES edifiantes et curieuses ecrites des missions ctrangeres. 34 ,,recueils" in 32 vols. 18mo. first edition. Hare. Paris 1717 76. S20. 2. Idem. 26 vols. and maps. 18mo. Paris 1780 83. S20. :3. Idem. 26 vols. Atlas. 18mo. Toulouse 1810 11. Sl5. The vast importance of this collection of voyages is so generally known to every one who has any knowledge of history or litterature in general, there are so many reprints, translations and extracts , made, that it is hardly necessary to recommend to amateurs these original edi tions of the celebrated ,,Lettres" written by the Jesuit Missionaries from the stations they were sent to; these are nearly the only documents existing of the important labours of the Jesuit -Missions. .4. STOCKLIN (Jos.) New-Weltbot, oder Briefe und Reise- bcschreibungen, welche von den Missionars der Gesellschaft Jesu aus beyd. Indien und andern iiber das Meer gelegenen Landern seit 1642 bis 1730 in Europa angelangt sind. 24 vols. in 4; fol. calf. Augsburg 1728 32. 35. This rare collection contains a translation of the lettres edifiantes et curieuses, and a large number of original gernian letters and reports, nowhere else printed. [5. DE BRY; Grands Voyages; in get-man. 14 vols. in 5; red morocco gilt edges; fine clean and perfect copy. Si 20. t6. Idem in latin; 14 vols. in 4; vellum. Si 00. -.7. Novus Orbis regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitarum una cum tabula cosmographies et aliquot aliis consimilis argument! libellis. Fol. Basileae 1532. SlO. 18. Idem. Fol. Basileae 1534. SlO. it 9. Novus Orbis, sive navigationes primae in American!, I quibus adjunximus Gaspari Varrerii de Orphica regione. 12mo. Rotterdam 1616. SlO. >0. PONTANUS (J.) Rerum et Urbis Amsteladami descriptio. | fol. Amsterd. 1611. vel. gilt; gilt edges. SlO. This volume contains also a history of the Voyages of the Dutch up to 1610, illustrated with many plates, and maps; amongst which one of the ,,ylacies a Hudsone inventa." iOa. Beschryvinge van Amsterdam, small folio. Ib. 1614. SlO. 51. HARRIS (J. ) Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 very large fol. vols. London 1714. calf. 10. 8 PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. PART II. AMERICA IN GENEKAL. 52. ACOSTA (J.) Histoire des drogues episcerie et dc certainea ; mcdicamens simples, qui naissent e,s Indes et en Amerique, par Ch. de 1 Eduse, Ch. de la Coste (Acosta) et Monard. ; Wood engravings. 12mo. 1G02. morocco. So. 53. Histoires des Indes tant orientales qu occidentales ; traduite par Regnauld, eauxois. 8vo. Paris 1016. calf. S4. j 54. Idem. 12mo. Lyon 1619. morocco. S5. 55. Historie Naturae! en Morael van de Westersche In- dien, overghesct door J. II. v. Linsclioten. 8vo. Enchuysen 1598. SlO. 56. Historia natural en moral van de Westersche Indien. 4to. Amst. 1624. SlO. 57. AMERIQUE (! ) decouverte en 6 livres. 12mo. Autun 1782. sewed. Si 7. 58. AMSTERDAM S Daem-Praetge. 4to. Amsterdam 1649. 40 pages. S7,50. 59. Idem, entirely uncut in its original state. SlO. Relating to East India, Brasil and New-Netherland. 60 ANSON (G.) Voyage autour du Monde fait en 1740 a 1744 traduit de 1 Anglais. 4 vols. 12mo. plates. Paris 1764. calf. S2. 61. ARCHENHOLTZ (J. W. D ) Histoire des Flibustiers, traduite de rallemand. 8vo. Paris 1804. halfbnd. S25. 62. BECKMAXN, Literatur dcr Reise-Beschreibungen. 2 vols. 8vo. Gottingen 1807. S5. 63. BELLIX. Recueil des mcmoires qui ont ete publics avec les cartes hydrographiques dc I Amdrique. 1 vol. 4to. unbound. S2. 64. BENNET (R. G.) Nederlandsche Zeereizen. 5 vols. 8vo. Zettlat, Dordrecht 1828. S4,50. 65. BENNET and VAN WIGK-ROELDZ, Verhandeling over de nederlandsche Ontdekkingen in Amerika, Australie, de In dien en de Poollanden. 8vo. Utrecht 1827. uncut. S2. 66. BENZONI, historia del mondo nuovo. La qual tratta delle Isole et mare nuovamente ritrovati et delle nuove citta -da lui proprio vedute. first ed. 8vo. Venetia 1565. $25. 67. Historic van de niemve wereldt. 8vo. Haerlem 1610. S7,50. 68. Historie der Neue Welt. 4to. Hamburg 1648. SlO. 69. BERQUEN (Ron. DE) Les merveilles des Indes Orientales et occidentales. 4to. Paris 1669. bound. S6. 70. BISSELIUS (JOANNIS) Societatis Jesu. Argonauticon Amc- PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. a rieanum, sive historia perieulorum Petri cle Victoria ac sociorum ejus libri XV. 12mo. Monachii 1647. So. 1. BORDONE (BENEDETTO.) Libro di B. B. , nel qual si ragiona de tuttc e Isole del inondo con li lor nomi autichi o moderni, historic, favole, e modi del loro vivere e in qual parte del mare stanno e in qual parallelo e cliina giacciono. fol. s. 1. (Venetiae?) 1528. d. r. Fiy. en loin. Premiere edition, tres rare. Cet overage contient des Cartes de Cuba, Jamaica, du Cote de Labrador. A. Aslier. SlO. 2. Isolario nel qual se regiona di tuttc le isole del Imondo. fol. Venetia 1534. Si 5. Containing a large number of wood cut maps. At the end is a copy of a letter from the Prefetto of New Spain giving an account of the conquest of Peru by Pizarro in 1533. This is, if not the first, at least one of the first publications relating to Peru. I d. BR ANDES (BRENDERA.) Proeven van geschied en Letter- kundige Oeffeniagen, zo wel den Handel en de Scheepvaert als de Dechtkunde betreffende. 8vo. Haarlem 1801. Si. T4. BRISSOT. Lettres a Barnave sur le rapport concernant les colonies. 8vo. Paris 1790. sewed. Si. F5. B. (V. D.) Leeven en daden der doorluchtighste Zee- Helden en Ontdeckers van Landen beginnende met Chris tofi el Colombus en eyndigende met M. A. de Ruyter. pi. 4to. Amsterdam 1676. vol. SlO. 75a. Leeven en Daaden der Zee-Helden beginn. met de Tocht na Damiaten in d. J. 1227 en eindigende met den Admirael M. A. de Ruyter. Door V. D. B. pi. and portr. 4to. Amsteldam 1683. vel. SlO. 76. C. (J. M.) Precis des gemissements des sang-meles dans les colonies Franchises. 8vo. Paris 1789. sewed. Si. 76a. CAMPI (P. M.) Dell historia ecclesiastica di Piacenza. Piacenza 1657. 3 tonii. fol. vel. Letronne p. 228. S20. DlSCORSO HISTORICO COREA LA 1 ATRIA , E NASCITA DI CliRI- STOFORO COLOMBI SCOPRISORE DEL MoNDO NUOVO. This memorial on the birth and family of Columbus included in vol. Ill is nowhere else printed. 77. CAMUS. Memoire sur la collection des grands et petits voyages et sur Thevenot. 4to. boards, scarce. Paris 1802. boards. $2. 8. CATALOGUE gene ral des livres composant les bibliotheques du departement de la Marine et des colonies. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris 1838 43. This highly interesting catalogue contains numerous books 10 PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. entirely unknown to all bibliographers, besides a very excellent collection of every kind of publications relating to the french colonies; from the 16th century to the most recent times : a whole volume contains merely voyages. The book is very scarce, having not been printed for the trade, but for the Government only, sewed. Si 6, calf very neat. $22,50. 79. CAYET (PIERRE VICTOR.) Chronologic septenaire de 1 histoire de la Paix entre les Roys de France et d Espagne; avec le succez de plusiers navigations faites aux Indes Orien- tales, Occidentals et Septentrionales depuis le commencement de Van 1598 jitsques a la fin de Tan 1604. 8vo. Paris 1607. halfbnd. So. 80. CHAMBON. Le commerce de 1 Amerique par Marseille, ou expliquation des lettres patentes du Hoi donnees en Fevrier 1719. 4to. maps and plates. Avignon 1764. calf. S2,75. 80a. Idem, sewed. S2,25. 81. CLODORE. Relation de cequi s est passe dans les isles et terre-ferme de 1 Amerique pendant la derniere guerre avec 1 Angleterre et depuis en execution du traite de Bre da. 2 vols. 12 mo. Paris 1671. SlO. 82. COLIGNY (A. DE) Essai sur les colonies francaises. 8vo. Paris 1839. sewed. Si. 83. COLOMBO (F.) Historic nelle quali s ha particolare e vera relatione della vita e dc fatti dell Ammiraglio D. C. Co lombo. Svo. Venetia 1571. 87,50. 84. CONSIDERATIE ovcrgelcvert by de Heeren Bewinthebbern van de Oost-Indische Compagnie, waeromine het voor selve Compagnie on mogelick ende ondienstigh is, om met de West-Indische Compagnie te treden in handelinge, om beyde onder een Octroy ende Societeyt gebracht te worden. 4to. S Gravenhage 1644. 8 pages. S3. 85. CONSIDERATIEN tot wederlegginge van de voorstellingen door de Heer Mr. Nicolas Muys van Holy, opgestelt in zyne Memorie, om de Negotie van Oost en West-Indische Actien. 4to. uncut, s. 1. n. d. 12 pages. S3. 85a. Idem: other edition, uncut. 20 pags. S3. 86. CONSIDERATIONS generales sur les trois classes, qui peuplent les colonies francaises. 8vo. Paris 1814. sewed. Si. 87. COOPER (Tn.) Renseignements sur 1 Amerique. map. Svo. Paris 1795. 87a. Idem. Svo. Hambourg 1795. sewed. S ,80. 88. COPYE van de Resolutie van de Heeren Burghemeesters PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. 11 mde Raden tot Amsterdam opt Stuck van de W. J. Com- pagnie. 4to. Amsterdam 1649. 86. COREAL (FR.) Voyages aux Indes occidentales , depuis 1666 jusqu a 1697; avec une relation de la Guyane de VV. Raleigh et le voyage de Narbrough par le detroit de Magellan. 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam 1722. Si, 75. 9. CORLI (J. R.) Lettres americaines, dans lesquelles on 2xamine 1 origine, 1 etat, les moeurs etc. des anciens habitans de rAme rique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1788. calf. Si, 7 5. 9 a. Idem sewed uncut. Si, 50. 9. C0sm0flrtt|)l)iai* introductio cum quibusdam geometriae ac astronomiae principiis ad earn rein necessariis. Insuper quatuor Americi Vespucij navigationes. Universalis chos- mographiae descriptio tarn in solido, quam in piano, eis etiam insertis que in Ptholomeo ignota a nuperis reperta sunt. woodcut pi. 4to. Deodate 1507. Si 00. . DAMPIER (W.) Nieuwe Reystogt rondom de Wereld. 2 vols. 4to. maps and plates; S Gravenhage 1698. S5. {. DEGERANDO, considerations sur les diverses methodes a isuivre dans 1 observation des peuples sauvages. 4to. Paris. An Vm. sewed. Si. J . DELLE degli stato colonic degli anticlie et asservazioni sur le colonie delle nazioni moderne et la condotta degli Inglesi in America. 8vo. Philadelphia 1780. halfbnd. Si, 50. ! . DE RUYTER (J. A.) Journael ofte Daghregister over de iReyse in de West -Indies. 4to. Amsterdam 1665. 8 pages. : F u tst edition, extremely rare. S7,50. !!. DESCRIPTION de 1 Afrique, escrite par Jean Leon Africain, premierement en langue arabesque, puis en toscane et a prcsant mise en francais. 2 vols. fol. Lyon 1556. Si 5. ,,Cet ouvrage, malgre son titre, contient cependant plusieurs relations d Amerique traduites de Ramusio." ! r . DESCRIPTION de 1 Amcrique et des parties d icelle, comme i de la Nouvelle France, Floride, Antilles etc. , a la Suite de la navigation d hughes de Lindschot aux indes Occidentales. fol. Amsterdam 1639. SlO. 3. DKSSEINS du Cardinal Richelieu sur 1 Amcrique, ce qui s y est passe dc plus remarquable depuis I etablissement des l Colonies, et un ample traite du naturel, de la religion et des meurs des indiens insulaires et de la terre-ferme. 4to. Rouen 1659. SlO. 9. DEUBER (PROF. DR.) Geschiedenis der Scheepvaert in den Atlantschen Oceaan; ten bewyze van de bekendhyd van America; naer het Hoegdietsch. 8vo. Amsterdam 1819. $2. 00. DIE NEWE WELT der Landschaften und Insulen so bis hieher alien alten Weltbeschreibern unbckandt, yu ngst aber 12 PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. von den Portugalesern und Hispaniern im Niedergenglichen . Meer erftmden. fol. Strasburg 1534. SlO.! 101. DISCOURS van Pieter en Pauwels op de Handelinglie van den Vrede. 4to. 1608. 4 pages. S3. Important for the question of the commerce to Asia and; America. 102. DISCOURS op verscheyde Voorslaghen nakende d Oost en West-Indische Trafykeu t Eerste deel. 4 to. 1645. 40 pages. S2,50.i 103. DISCOURS in Forme van Remonstrantie vervattende de Nootsaeckelickheyd van de Oost-Indische Navigatie. 4to. 1608. 16 pages. S8. Equally interesting for the East -Indian and American question. 103a. DUBOCCAGE (Mme.) La Colombiade ou la foi parlie au nouveau monde, poeme. plates. 8vo. Paris 1756. sewed. Si. 104. Du commerce des colonies; ses principes et ses loix. 8vo. 1785. sewed. Si. 105. E. (E. B. D ) Essai sur cette question: Quand et com ment 1 Amerique a-t-elle etc peuplee d hommes et d Ani- maux? 5rl. 12mo. Amsterdam 1767. bound. $2,50. 106. Eine schb ne neue Zeitung so Kayserlich Majestat autz India yatz newlich zukommen seind gar hiipsde von den neuen Inscln. 4to. Augsburg 1520. SlO. 107. EXPOSE de 1 etat actuel des Missions Evangeliques chez les peuples Infideles, tels qu on les connaissait au commen cement de J820. sewed, large map. 8vo. Geneva 1821. sewed. Si, 20. 108. FORSTER (G.) A voyage round the world; in his Brit, Maj. Ship Resolution commanded by Capt. Cook. 2 vols. 4to. map. London 1777. S3. This is one of the most celebrated modern voyages. G. Forster the well-known companion of Capt, Cook was also the early and most intimate friend of Alex. v. Humboldt. This author says in his ,,Ansichten der Natur" that he owes to G. Forster his desire to travel in the tropical regions, and that he is indebted to his illustrious friend for most of the profound viewes of nature which we admire in his works. 109. GAGE, Surwey of the West -Indies, fol. London 1655. S7,50. 110. GENEST. Etat politique actuel de 1 Angleterre, ou lettres sur les ecrits publics de la Nation Anglaise, relativement aux circonstances actuels. (Containing very numerous ar- TART II. AMRRICA ix GENERAL. 1 3 tides relating to the English colonies in America.) 8 vols. 12mo. calf neat, maps. 1757 58. bound. S4. 11. GENLY (L AHBE) I lnflucncc de la decouverte de 1 Amc- riquc sur le bonheur du genre humain. 8vo. Orleans 1787. sewed. Si. 12. GOXZAGA. Historia scraphici ordinis Franciscan!, fol. Romae 1587. S25. This magnificent work published by the Duke Gonzaga contains many hundred engravings, drawn by first-rate artists in a time when art was most florishing in Italy. In fact the whole execution of this beautiful publication may rank with the masterpieces which Typography and art produced. About 120 pages describe the convents and towns in America where the order of St. Franciscus was established: illustrated by the portraits of the Saints and Martyrs of the New-World. The part relating to East and West-India was re printed in Ingolstad in 1625. 13. Chronica ordinis sancti Francisci, observantiac strictioris per christianimi orbem et American!, Peru, Chi nas, Japanes, Indes, Chichimecas etc. difi usa. 4to. Ingol- stadii 1625. S7,50. 14. GOTTFRIEDT (Jon. LUDW.) Newe Welt u. Amcrikan. llistorien innhaltende Bcschreibung aller West-Indianischen Landschaften , Insuln etc. maps and plates par Merian. fol. Frankf. a. M. 1631. SlO. 14 a. other edition, fig. fol. Franckfurt 1655. r. d. t. SlO. 115. GUOXDICH Discours op deu Vrede- Handel. 4to. 1608. 16 pages. $5. Very important on the question of the East- and West- Indian Navigation. 116. GKOTII (II.) Mare liberum sive de jure Batavis completis ad Indiana commercia dissertatio. 12mo. Lugd. B. Elzevir, fine copy very neatly bound in ,,veau fauve," gilt edges. S6. 116a. Idem, vellum neat. S3, 50. 117. llAl PELlus (E. G.) Mundus mirabilis tripartitus oder Wunderbare Welt in einer kurtzcn Cosmographia. fig. 3 vols. 4 to. Ulm 1687. vel. S2,50. ,,Ccs ouvrages curicux contiennent un grand nombre de notices geographiques, historiques etc. sur I Amcrique." 118. HERRERA (Axx. DE.) Historia General do las hcchas de las Castellanos en las Islas i tierra firmc del niar Oceano. 4 vols. fol. Madrid 1601. S25. II PART I. AMKRICAN IN GKXEKAL. 119. HORNII (G.) DC originibus Amerieanorum libii IV. 12mo. Hague comitis 1652. (Elzevir.) bound. 82. 120. INGA (A i ii.) Wesfc-Ihdfoche Spieghel, waerinne men sien kau, allc de Eyhuiden ..., het miichtige liyck van Mexico en t gout en silver-rycke Laiidt van Peru, maps and plates. 4to. Amsterdam 1624. vel. 87,50. 121. INSTRUCTION pour les colonies franeaises, contcn. un projet de constitution. 8vo. Paris 1791. sewed. S ,50. 122. KORT discours ofte naardere verklariiige van de on- derstaendc V Poincten. 4to. s. 1. 1644. 36 pags. S6. These 5 points are all relating to America, and to the commerce of the Dutch in West-India. 123. LABARTHK. Harmonies maritimes et coloniales, contcnant un precis de 1 etablissement des Fraii( ( :ais en Amerique en Afrique et en Asie. 8vo. Paris 1815. sewed. Si. 124. LAKT (J. DE) Notae ad Dissertationcm II. Grotii de Originc gentium Americanoruni. 12mo. Amst. Elzevir 1643. vellum. So. 125. Idem. 12mo. Paris 1613. vellum. 85. 126. Hesponsio ad dissertationem scr. Ilugonis Grotii de origine Gentium Americanorum. 12mo. Amst. Elzev. 1644. halt bound. 82. 127. Beschryvinge van West-Indieu. fol. maps. Leyd. 1625. S15. 128. Idem, second edition, fol. Leyd. 1630. 815. 129. Historic ofte Jaerlick verhael van de Verrichtinghen. der geoctroyeerde Westindische Compagnie. fol. Leyde. Elzev. 1624. 815. 130. Beschryvinghe van West-Indien. fol. 1630. with Jaerlijk verhael van de West-Ind. Compagnie. fol. Leyd. 1644. 2 vols. fol. half-bd. neat. 835. These two volumes are illustrated with a large number of original Mss.: Maps and Charts, of which many on Brasil. These maps are of the 1 7th century and have never been published. They are very neatly done and mostly illuminated. 131. Novus Orbis, sen descriptions Indiae Occidentals libri XVIII. Novis tabulis geographicis et variis animau- tium, plantarum fructuumque iconibus illustrati. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1633. 810. 132. LAFFAURIS. Outre mer, ou les interets coloniaux en visages dans leur rapport avec la civilisation et nos in dustries. 8vo. Paris 1839. sewed. 81. 133. LAS CASAS (BARTII.) Spicghel der Spaenscher tyrannye in West-Indien. 4to. 1607. very slightly wormed; else fine copy. 86. PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. 15 133;i. LAS CASAS (BAUTII.) Relation des voyages ct dc- couvertes que les Espagnols out faits dans Ics Indcs; avec la relation du voyage de Montauban eapitainc des Flibustiers, en Guinea 1695, et 1 art de voyages eclielement. 8vo. Amsterdam 1G98. bound. S2. 134. Narratio regionum indiearuin, per Hispanos quos- dam devastatarum. 4to. Frankf. a. M., Th. de Bry, 1598. 87,50. 135. LEBAS. Voyage antour du monde et prineipalement h la cote nord-ouest de I Amcrique fait en 1785, 86, 87 et 88. 2 vols. Svo. maps and plates. Paris 1789. calf. 82. 136. LE BLANC (VINCENT.) Lcs Voyages famcux du V. L., qu il a faits aux Indes Orientales et Occidentals etc. etc., redigez par P. Bergeron et corrige par Couloii. o part in 1 vol. 4 to. Paris 1658. calf. SlO. Ottvrage important, atissi bicn pour La connaissance de UAsie que de VAmcriqiie. Les chap-tires xur le Ca nada la Viryinie , la Floride etc. sont fort interessants (A. Aaher.) SlO. 137. L EUROPE ct ses colonies en dccembre 1819. 8vo. Paris 1820. sewed. Si. 138. M** (Ih.) Le spectateur Amerieain, suivi de recherclies philosophiques sur la decouverte du uouveau- Monde. 8vo. Amsterdam 1784. uncut. $2. 139. MACER. Les trois livres de 1 Histoire des Indes ac- compagncs de plusieurs clioses memorables. S5. 140. MALONET. Memoirs et correspondanees ofticielles sur 1 administration des colonies et notamment de la Guyane francaise et hollandaise. 5 vols. Svo. Paris an X. sewed. S4. 141. MARTYR (PIERRK ANGLERIA.) De Orbe novb. Decades octo. Lahore et industria Kichardi Haklvyti. Svo. Parisiis 1587. vel. S15 . De rebus Oceanicis, et de orbe novo decades, ejus- dem, preterea legationis Babylonicae libri III. fol. Basileae 1533. 40 pages. SlO. 43. I3 e re busj Oceanicis et novo Orbe, Decades trcs, 8vo. Coloniae 1574. 10. 144. MAXIMILIANI. Transsylvani de Moluccis insulis itcmquc aliis pluribus mirandis epistola perquam jucunda. 4 to. 29 pages. Roma 1523. 20. 145. MAUNY ( LE CTE. DE) Essai sur 1 administration des colonies. Svo. Paris 1837. sewed. 1. 146. MIDDKLKN en motiven om het kopen van Oost- en A\ r est-Indische actien die niet getransportert werden. 4 to. 8 pages. Amsterdam 1689. 3. 16 PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. 147. MOLL (G.) Verhandeling over ccnige vroegere Zeetog- ten der Nederlanders. 8vo. Amsterdam 1825. $2,50. 148. MUNSTER (SEB.) Cosmographiae univcrsalis Lib. VI. fol. Basileae 1572. SlO. 149. N.. (MR.) Voyage aux cotes de Guinee et en Amerique, plates. 12ino. Amsterdam 1719. calf. S2. 150. Idem. 12mo. Amsterdam 1739. calf. Si, 2 5. 151. OCTKOY by de Ilooghe Mogende Heeren Staten Genera cl verleent aende West-Induche Compagnie; in date den 3. Juni 1621. FIUST EDITION. For a translation see O Cal- laghan; History of N. York. Appendix. 4 to. 24 pages. S Gravenhage 1621. S25. 152. Orders and articles granted by the high and mighty Lords the States Generael. 4 to. London 1621. SlO. Very rare translation of the ,,Octroy of 1621. 153. Placcaet by de Hooghmo: Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden ghemaekt op t besluyt van de West-Indische Compagnie. 4to. 8 pages. S Gravenhage 1621. S8. 154. Ordonnantien ende Articulen beraemt by de Hoogh Mo. II. Staten Generael op het rusten van eenc West-In dische Compagnie. 4to. 16 pages. 1621. Si 5. Keprint of the Octroy. 155. Nootwendigh Discours oft Vertoocli van de Hooch- Mogende Heeren Stat. Gen. van de Participanten der ().- I. Conip. 4 to. 40 pages. 1622. S6, Relating chiefly to the foundation of the West -Indian Company. 156. Consideration ende Kedencn der G. Heeren Be- windhebbern van de Geoctroyerde West-Indische Compagnie in de vcrgaderinge van de Ed. II. Mog. Heeren Staten Generael over den Treves met den Koningh van Spangien 4to. 32 pages. Haerlem 1629. S3, On the question of the truce with the King of Spain considered as it regards the navigation and commerce to America. 157. lledenen van dat die West-Ind. Compagnie of! Handelinge niet allcen profiotelyk maer ook notsaeckelyk is 4to. 16 pags. 1636. uncut. *S15 158. Verhooginghe van de Capitalen in de W.-Ind Compagnie. 4to. 8 pags. S Gravenhage 1639. uncut. S5. 159. Idem: a large poster, which was to be pasted ir the time, on the walls of Amsterdam. S3 1 large fol. leaf; in the best possible state. S Gravenhage 1639 160. Remonstratie ende Consideratien aengaende d( PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. 17 Vereeninghe van de Oost- ende West-Indische Compagnien. 4to. S Gravenhage 1644. 40 pages. S3. 6 1. Aenwysinge datmen van de Oost- en West-In dische Compagnien, een Compagnie dient te maken. 4to. S Gravenhage 1644. 86 pages. S5. .63. Ooghen Salve tot verlichtinghe van alle Partici- pianten so van de Oost ende West-Indische Compagnien. 4to. S Gravenhage 1644. 36 pages. S3. 64. Twee Deductien aengaende de Vereeninghe van d Oost ende West-Indische Compagnien. 4to. S Hage 1644. 24 pages. S3. 65. Discours op verseheyde Voorslaghen Rakende d Oost en West-Indische Trafyken. P.I. 4to. 1645. 40 pages. nearly uncut. S2. 66. Examen van de Valsche Resolutie van de Heeren Burgemeesters ende Raden tot Amsterdam Opt stuck van de W.-Ind. Compagnie. 4to. Amsterdam 1649. sewed. 36 pages. S5. 67. ,,Aen de H. M. Staten Generael etc." Report made the 26th of March 1649 to the States-General on the West-Indian Company, and their affairs in Brasil. 4to. s. d. 20 pages. S5. 68. Vertoogh over den Toestant der West-Indische Compagnie. Eerste Deel. 4to. Rotterdam 1651. 16 pages. So. This pamphlet contains an abridged, but most interesting history of the West India Company, from its commence ment to the year 1651. 69. Octroy by de H. M. Staten Gen. verleent aan de West-Ind. Compagnie, in date 20 Sept. 1674. 4to. S Gra venhage 1674. 36 pages. S7,50. 6 9 a. Idem the introduction only, on a large poster, fol. Ibid. 1674. 2. 69b. Idem second original edition. 36 pages. 4to. Ibid. 1675. 5. 70. Idem third original edition. 4 to. S Gravenhage 1681. 40 pages. 83,50. After the definitive cession of New-Netherland to England, the states published this second patent, which is quite different from the one of 1621. rl | Articul - Brief van de W. Ind. Compagnie. 4to. S Gravenhage 1675. 40 pages. S-2. This is a sort of supplement to the Octroy of the pre cedent year. 72. NEWE unbekanthe Landte und ein newe Weldte in kurz vergangener Zeythe erfunden. Fol. Nurnberg 1508. 16 pages. Si;,. F. MULLER. No. 1. JULY 1850. - 2 1 8 PART II. AMERICA IK GENERAL. 173. NOTELIJKE Consideration die alle goede Liefhebbers des Vaderlandts behooren rypelyc te overweghen op den vorgheslagen Tractate van Peys met den Spagniarden. 4to.~ 1608. 16 pages. 6 On the Oost- and West-Indian Commerce. 174. ONPARTYDICH Discours opte handelinghe van de Indien 4to. (1608.) sewed. 8 pages. $5 174a. Idem, red morocco gilt edges. S7,50 175. OPEKE Brieven of Octroy onder t Groot Zegel van Schotland; voor een Compagnie om op Africa ende Indien Koophandel te dryven. 4 to. S. d. 1697; the margin slightly ingured. 12 pages. Si, 50 Containing several special articles on America. 176. PAW. Recherches philosophiques sur les Americains avec une dissertation sur I Amerique et les Americains e defense des recherches philosophiques par Pernetty. 3 voL 8vo. Londres 1771. calf. $1,50 177. PENCIIET. Etat des Colonies et du Commerce des Europcens dans les deux Indes; depuis 1783 jusqu a 1821 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1821. sewed. S2 178. PIGAFETTA. Le premier voyage autour du monde sur 1 escadre de Magellan pendant les annees 1519 a 1522 e notice sur Martin Behaim. maps and plates. 8vo. Paris an IX. halfbnd. Si, 2 5 179. PLUMIER (LE R. P. CH.) Description des plantes d< 1 Amerique. fol. Paris 1693. 108 plates, neatly bounc calf. S6 179a. Idem, gilt and ornamented. S7 180. POIVKE. Voyages d un Philosophe; on observations sur les moeurs et les arts des peuples de 1 Afrique de 1 Asie e de rAmerique. 12mo. Yverdan 1768. sewed. Si 181. Idem. 18mo. Paris an IV. sewed. Si 182. PONS (F. J. DE) Perspective des Rapports politiques et commerciaux de la France dans les deux Indes, sous la dynastic regnantc. 8vo. Paris 1807. sewed. Si 183. PRADT (DE) Les trois ages des Colonies, ou de leur etat passe, present et a venir. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris 1801 boards. S2,50 184. Des Colonies et de la revolution actuelle de rAmerique. 2 thick vols. 8vo. Paris 1817. sewed. Si, 50 185. L Europe et rAmerique en 1821. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris 1822. sewed. Si, 50. 186. L Europe et rAmerique en 1822 et 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1824. sewed. Si, 50. 187. L Europe et 1 Amerique depuis le congrcs d Aix- la-Chapelle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1828. sewed. Si, 50. PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. 1$ 88. QUELQUES considerations sur nos colonies. 8vo. Paris 1821. sewed. Si. 89. PRIVILEGIEX, vergtmt aan de Ceur - Brandenburgse Americaense Compagnie; by syn Curv. Doorl. en de Republ. van Embden. 4 to. s. 1. 1G90. 50 pages. SlO. This translation of a charter, the original of which is probably lost, is a great curiosity. 90. PROCOCCIII. L Isole pin famose del Mondo. fol. Ve- netiae 1572. $5. 91. PROEVE over de Middelen die tot Bescherming van de Zeevaart en Koophandel en tot verdediging van de Binnen- en Buitenlandsche Bezettingen der Republicq in de Oost- Indien en America. 8vo. Amsterdam 1783. halfbnd. Si, 50. 92. PSALTERIUM haebraeum, graecum, arabicum, et chaldaicum, cum tribus interpretationibus et glossis. Fol. Genua 1516. SlO. 93. RAFN. Antiquitates Americanae sive scriptores septen- trionales rerum ante Columbianarum in America. Large paper, maps and pi. 4to. Hafhiae 1837. halfbnd. Si 5. 94. RAYNAL (G. M.) Analyse de 1 histoire philosophique et politique des Etablissements des Europeens dans les deux Indes. 8vo. Paris 1775. bound neat. Si. 94a. Idem, sewed uncut. Si. 95. RECUEIL des lettres des Eveques et des Missionnaires des Missions des deux Mondes. 8vo. Louvain 1825. uncut scarce. 96. RENSEIGNEMENTS complcmcntaires a fournir pour la deuxieme edition des notices statistiques sur les Colonies francaises. Fol. Paris, scarce. 82,50. 97. REIZEN van een Matroos met Capt. Cook gedaan rondom de Waereld. 8vo. Amsteldam 1796. uncut. S3. 98. RICHARD (T.) Voyages chez les peuples sauvages, ou rhomme de la nature, hist, des peuples sauvages des deux Continent et des Naturels des Isles de la mer du Sud. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris 1808. plates, halfbnd. S2,50. 9,9. ROBERTSON. Histoire de 1 Amcrique traduite par Suard et Jansen. 2 vols. 4to. maps and plates. Paris 1778. calf. S2,50. 200. ROUSSELOT DE SlJRGY. Mcmoires geographiques et historiques de FAsie, 1 Afrique et FAmerique, tirees des lettres edifiantes. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris 1767. bound. S2. 201. SANSON D ABHKYILLE. L Amerique en plusieurs cartes nouvelles et exactes et en divers traictes de geographic et d histoire. cart. 4to. Paris 1662. veau. S.5. 202. SCIIERER (J. B.) Recherehes historiques et geographi- 2* 20 PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. ques sur le nouveau monde. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1777. sewed. $1,25, 202a. Idem calf neat. $1,50. 203. SPRANKHUYSEN. Traanen over den doot van P. Pietei Heyn. 4to. Delf 1629. 20 pages. $2,50. This pamphlet contains amongst a float of theological declamations several curious facts about the conquesl of the silver-fleet in Havana. 204. STADNITSKI (P.) Voorafgaand Bericht wegens eene Negotiatie op Landen in America. 12mo. Amsterdam 1792. 37 pages. $1,50. 205. S TUCKEN gementioneert in den BykoriT etc. 4to. 1608. S Gravenhage. 52 pages. $10. This is a sort of collection of pieces relating to the truce between Spain and the Dutch, AMONGST WHICH ONT OF 12 PAGES ON THE EAST AND WEST-INDIAN NA VIGATION. 206. THEVET (A.) Les singularites de la France Antarctique, autrement nominee Amcrique; et de plusieurs isles et terres decouvertes de notre terns. 4to. Paris 1557. $50. 206a. Idem. 4to. Paris 1558. $18. This is the first book on Canada. About 40 pages at the end of the volume relate to the manners and customs of the inhabitants of that country. Thevet s America has been translated into English and into Italian. 207. THIERY DE MENONVILLE. Traite de la culture du Nopol et de 1 education de la cochenille dans les colonies fran- caises de I Amcrique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1787. sewed. $2,75. 207a. Idem, calf neat. $3,25. 208. TJASSENS (Jon.) Zee-Politie der Vereenighde Neder- landen. 4 to. S Gravenhage 1652. $15. 208a. Idem. 2e. edition. 4to. Ibid. 1670. $15. Several chapters of this scarce and much sought tract contain the history of the East and West Indian Com panies, and reprints of the privileges (,,Octroy") which these Companies obtained from time to time from the States General. The first edition is so scarce that one would be inclined to believe that it had been quite suppressed on the publication of the second. 209. TOLCK (J. J.) De groote wonderlycke Wereldt; korte Beschryvinge des gantsche Aert-boden, aewelcke in vier deele ghedeelt is, te weten: Europa, Asia, Africa, America. 4to. Amsterdam 1659. map. $15. PART II. AMERICA ix GENERAL. 21 210. TOUROX (LE R. P. DE) Histoire generale dc 1 Amerique depuis la decouverte. 14 vols. 12mo. Paris 1768 70. sewed. $8. 210a. Idem, calf neat. $12. 211. ULLOA. Mdmoires philosophiques concernant la dccou- verte de TAmerique; traduits par Lefevre de Villeburne. 2 vols. ,8vo. Paris 1787. calf neat. Si, 60. 21 la. Idem, sewed. Si, 50. 212. UDEMANS (G.) T Geestelyk Roer van een Coopmans Schip. 4to. Dordrecht 1638. vellum. S25. 212a. Idem, 2e edition. 4to. Ibid. 1640. 25. The title of this work : The spiritual rudder of a mer chantman, that is: ,,faithful advice as to how a merchant or the captain of a merchantman should conduct him self in peace and in war, before God and man, on see and on land, especially among the heathens of the East and West Indies," sufficiently shows that the whole of this work is of the first importance for the history of India and of America. Among some ecclesiastical treatises on the duties of a priest in heathen countries, this book contains: Chap. 4. On the navigation to the East and West Indies. 1st ed. 53 183. Ilnd ed. 105 366. This most rare book has completely escaped the attention of all bibliographers, although its importance renders it one of the most desirable to the student of the history of India and America. 213. USSELIXCX (W.) Vertoogh, hoe nootwendich, mit ende profytelick het sy te behouden de Vryheyt van te handelen op West-Indien. 4to. (1608.) 20 pages. 20. After much deep investigation a learned Dutchman, Mr. van Dussen v. d. Berg, has ascertained that the present treatise is from the pen of William Usselincx , the celebrated founder of the West Indian Company. 214. Bedenckinghen over den Staet van de vereenighdc Nederlanden. Naerder Bedenckingen over de Zeevaert, Coophandel, Neeringhe etc. 4to. 1608. 52 pages. $25. The author says : a few years ago I took the pen into my hand, in purpose to induce my countrymen to found a West-Indian Company"; it is evident, that no one but Usselinx had the right to say so. The 2d. part of this pamphlet is full of curious remarks on West-India; such as may he expected from a man who devoted the greater part of his life to the en couragement of American commerce and colonisation. 22 PART II. AMERICA IN GENERAL. 215. USSELINCX (W.) Waerschauvinghe over den Troves met den Coninck van Spaengien. 4to. Vlissinghen 1G30. 48 pages. SlO. 216. Le Plaidoyer de 1 Indien Hollandais centre le pretcndu Pacificatcur Espagnol. 4to. 1608. nearly uncut, extremely rare. 8 pages. Si 5. Mr. v. Dussen v. d. Bergh attributed this pamphlet to Usselincx. 217. VERARDI (C.) De expugnatione Granatae a Fcrdinando Hispaniorum rege; ct CHRIST. COLOMBI de insulis in mare Indico repertis. 4to. Basiliae 1494. S30. 218. VERIIAEL van de Occasie en Oorsaeck \vaer door de Nederlandcn gecomen zyn aen den Vreedehandel. 4to. 1608. 8 pages. S6. On the East- and West-Indian navigation. 219. VOYAGE autotir du monde en Asie, Amerique et Afri- que en 1788 a 1790 etc. 3 vols. 8vo. plates. Paris an V. calf. $2,50. 220. WAERSHOUWINGIIE van de ghewichtige redenen die de Heeren Staten generael behooren te beweghen, om gheen- sins te wyken van de handelinghe ende Vaert van Indien. 4to. (1608.) 8 pages. SlO. FIRST EDITION; the only one under this title; for the other editions (about five or six) see the following number. 221. MEMORIE van de ghewichtige Redenen die de Heeren Staten behooven te beweghen om gheensius te wyken van de handelinghe ende Vaert van Indien. 4to. (1608.) uncut. 8 pages. 5. This little treatise was reprinted more than five times in the same year. The first edition was published under the title: Waerschouwinge van de ghewichtige Redenen etc. 222. WEUYES. Reflexions historiques et politiques sur le commerce de France avec les colonies de 1 Amerique. 8vo. Paris 1780. sewed. Si. 222a. Idem, calf. Sl,25. 223. WEST-INDISCH Discours verhandelndc de Wcst-Indische Saecken. 4 to. 1653. S6. 223a. Idem, calf neat, gilt edges. 16 pages. S7,50. This small pamphlet is extremely rare. It is the more worthy of being consulted by the amateurs, as it treats of the affairs of the West India Company, in Brazil as well as in New Netherland , with as much energy as truth. PART III. NORTH -AMERICA IN GENERAL. 23 224. VRIES (S. DE) Curieusc Acnmerkingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische verwonderenswaerdige Dingen. fig. 4 vols. 4to. Utrecht 1682. red morocco gilt edges. S3 5. 224a. Idem, calf neat. S30. 224b. Idem, vellum neat. S30. 225. WONDERLICKE Avonturc van twee Goeliven, de eene ghenaemt Sr. Waterbrandt, ende onder Joufrouw Winter- groen. 4to. Leyden 1624. 36 pages. S25. This rare and curious novel is of high interest not only for the general reader, but the more so for the American amateur because it is in its greater part acting on American ground. The originality of the idea renders it of importance for the history of novelwriting as perhaps the first work in a manner which has furnished our litterature with a prodigious number of volumes of which many full of interest. 226. WOODS ROGERS. Voyage autour du Monde de 1708 a 1711; on y a joint des pieces sur la riviere des Amazones et de la Guyane. maps and plates. 3 vols. 12mo. Am sterdam 1716. calf. S2,50. 227. Idem traduit p. Gombreville. 3 vols. 12mo. Am sterdam 1723. bound. $2,25. 228. WYTFLIET (C.) et A. MAGIN. Histoire universelle des Indes Occidentales et Orientales et de la conversion des Indiens. fol. Dovay 1611. SlO. PART III. NORTH -AMERICA IN GENERAL. 229. ACHENWALL (D. G.) Einige Anmerkungen iiber Nord- Amerika mid iiber dasige Grossbritannische Colonien. 8vo. Helmstedt 1777. 2. 230. Aanmerkingen wegens Noord- America; uyt het hoogduitsch vertaald. 8vo. Utrecht 1778. uncut. S2. 231. ALMANACH Americain, ou etat physique, politique, ec- clesiastique et militaire de I Amerique. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris 1784 85. very scarce. Si, 50. 232. BASQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE. Histoire de rAmerique septentrionale, contenant le voyage du Fort Nelson, dans la Baie de Hudson, la Description du Fleure St. Laurent. 4 vols. 12mo. plates. Paris 1722. bound. S5. 233. Idem. 4 vols. 12mo. plates. Paris 1752. bound. S5. 24 PART III. NORTH - AMERICA IN GENERAL. 234. BEKNOPTE en Zakelyke Beschryvinge der voornaamste Engelsche Volkplantingen in Noord-Amerika. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam 1776. uncut. 235. BERTH (P.) Tabularum geographicarum contractarum libri VII. 4to. obi. Lugd. Bat. 161G. red morocco. The ,,liber septimus" bears the following title: ,,America cum luculentis Tabularum singularum explicationibus;" it contains 55 pages of which 13 maps. S8. 236. Bossu. Nouveaux Voyages clans 1 Amerique septentrio- nale. 8vo. plates. Amsterdam 1777. sewed. Si. 2:57. Idem, calf. Sl,25. 238. CARVER (JONATHAN) Voyage dans les parties intcrieures de 1 Amerique, traduit par Mr. de C. map. 8vo. Paris 1784. calf. Sl,25. 239. CHASTELLUX. Voyages dans I Amerique septentrionale dans les annees 1680 h 1782. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1786. calf. Sl,50. 240. COOPER (Tii. ) Some information respecting America. 8vo. map. Lond. 1795. sewed. Si, 50. 241. COXE. Les nouvelles decouvertes des Russes entre 1 Asie et 1 Amerique. 4to. maps and plates. Paris 1781. calf. 82. 242. DASSIE. Description general e des Cotes de l Amerique, havres, isles, caps, golfes, banes etc., des peuples qui les habitent, du temperament, de 1 airs, de la qualite des terres etc. 12mo. Rouen 1677. SlO. 243. DENIS (NICOLAS). Description Geographique et historique des Cotes de l Amerique- septentrionale avec 1 histoire naturelle du pays. 2 vols. 12mo. map. Paris 1670 1672. Sl5. 244. Geographische en historische beschrijving der Kii- sten van Noord- America, met de Natuurlijke Historic des Landts. pi. 4to. Amsterdam 1688. SlO. 245. HISTOIRE de la negociation de la France et de 1 Angle- terre depuis le 26 Mars on 20 Septbre 1761. 8vo. Paris 1761. bound. Si. Concerning the disputes of the english and French Go- vernements in America. 246. KALM (P.) Reis door Noord-America. 2 vols. 4to. in one. uncut. Utrecht 1772. halfbnd. 247. LA HONTAN. Voyages dans 1 Amerique septentrionale. 2 vols. 12 mo. Amsterdam 1705. S2. 248. Idem. 12mo. plates. La Haye 1706. S2. 249. Reizen in het Noordelyk America. 2 vols. 12mo. good copy. S Gravenhage 1739. PART ILL NORTH- AMERICA IN GENERAL. 25 250. L AMERIQUE anglaisc, ou description des Isles et tcrres da Roi d Angleterre dans I Amerique. maps. Amsterdam 1G88. calf. 230a. Idem, morocco. ^ 8 * 251. Idem. 12mo. Ib. 1715. 252. Le Peuple instruit, ou de 1 alliance dans laquclle les Ministres de la Grande-Bretagne ont engage la nation, de- puis le commencement des troubles de 1 Ohio, jusqu a la perte de Minorque. Etat de la Pensilvanie 1756. 12mo. map. 2 vols. in 1. Paris 1756. calf. Si, 50. 253. LE ROUGE. Recueil des Plans de 1 Amc rique septen- trionale. 15 plates, fol. Paris 1755. boards. $6. 254. MARTINIERE (DE LA). Voyage des pays septentrionaux. 12mo. plates. Paris 1671. bound. $2. 255. Nouveau Voyage du Nort. plates. 12mo. Amster dam 1708. bound. * 1,50. 256. Idem under the title: Nouveau Voyage au Sep- tentrion. Ib. 1708. bound. $1,50. 257. MOOT Omstandig Journael van de Reize naar Groenland. 4 to. Amst. 1787. 258. MULLER. Voyages des Russes le long des cotes de la mer glaciale, et sur 1 ocean oriental ; tant vers le Japan que vers 1 Amdrique; on y a joint 1 histoire du fleure Namur; traduit par C. G. F. Dumas. 2 vols. 12mo. map. Amster dam 1766. sewed. $1,25. 258a. Idem, calf neat. $2. 259. NORTH-AMERICAN Review; April 1832, October 1833. 8vo. Boston. 260. OBSERVATIONS sur \e traite de paix conclu a Paris le 10 fevrier 1763 entre la France, 1 Espagne et 1 Angleterrc. 12mo. Amst. 1780. calf. $1,25. Relating to the disputes between England and France in North-America. 261. PAINE (Tn.) Remarques sur les erreurs de 1 histoire philosophique et politique de Mr. G. Th. Raynal. 8vo. Bruxelles 1783. sewed. S ,75. 2 6 la. Idem, bound. Si. 262. PRECIS de , 1 c tat actuel des colonies anglaises dans 1 Amerique septentrionale. 12mo. Milan 1771. Si. 263. ROBIN (L ABBE) Nouveau voyage dans 1 Amerique sep- tentrionale en 1 annce 1781; et campagne de 1 armee de Mr. de Rochambeau. 8vo. Paris 1782. $1,50. 264. ROGERS (ROB.) A concise account of North -America, containing a description of the several British Colonies etc. 8vo. calf. London 1765. 265. STEDMAN (G.) The history of the origin, progress, and 26 PART IV. 1. GREENLAND. termination of the American war. 2 vols. 4to. maps. London 1794. 266. VOYAGE dans 1 intericur de 1 Amerique. Sept. Traduit et avec des notes par Noel. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1793. sewed. $1,50. 267. Idem, bound. Si, 7 5. 268. VOYAGES au Nort. 5 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam. SlO. PART IV. DIFFERENT PARTS OF NORTH -AMERICA. I. GREENLAND. 269. BONTEKOE (WILLEM IsuRANTSz) Joumael ofte gedenk- waerdige beschryvinge van de Ost-Indische Reyse; together with DIRK ALBERT RAVEN S Reize naer Groenlandt. 270. Idem. 4to. Amsterdam 1648 Hartgers. SlO. 271. Idem. 4 to. Ibid. 1650 Hartgers. SlO. 272. Idem. 4 to. Ibid. 1660 Saeghman. SlO. 273. Idem. 4to. Ibid. 1660 Jacobsz. 87,50. 274. Idem. 4to. Ibid. 1657 De Groot. S5. 275. Idem. 4to. Ibid. 1672. So. 276. Idem. 4to. s. 1. reprint of the last century, sewed uncut, very rare. S5. 377. EGEDE (H.) Beschryving van Oud-Groenland. 4to. Delft 1746. maps and plates, uncut. S2,50. 278. Description et hist, naturelle du Greenland, traduit par Desroches et Parthenay. map and plates. I2mo. Copenhagen 1763. bound. Si, 7 5. 279. ELLIS (H.) Voyage de la Baye de Hudson, pour la de- couverte d une passage de Nord-Ouest. 2 vols. 12mo. map. Paris 1749. bound. Si, 2 5. 280. HOEKSTRA (KL. ) Daguerhaal van het Galgootschip Haarlingen in Straat Davids. 8vo. large folding map. Harlingen 1828. Si, 50. 281. KERGUELEN-TREMAREC. Relation dim voyage dans la mer du Nord, aux cotes d Islande, du Greenland, de Ferro, de Schetland, et fait en 1767 et 68. plates. 4to. Paris 1771. bound neat. Si, 50. 282. Idem. 4to. Leipzig 1772. Si, 50. 283. LA PERYERE (J.) Relation du Greenland. 12mo. Paris 1647. SlO. 284. Idem. 8vo. Ib. 1651. SlO. PART IV. 2. CANADA. 27 285. OUTIIIER. Journal d tm Voyage au Nord 1736 et 37. 12mo. plates and map. Amsterdam 1746. bound. Si, 25. 286. RAFN. Antiquitates Americanae, sive scriptores Septen- trionales Rerum Ante Columbianarum in America. 4to. large paper copy; vellum neat. Hafniae 1838. Si 5. 287. SANTE (GEDRET VAN) Alphabetische Naam-Lyst van alle de Groenlandsclie en Straat-Davissche Commandeurs, die zedert het Jaar 1700 of Greenland, en zedert het Jaar 1719 of de Straat-Davis, voor Holland en andere Provincien heb- ben gevaaren. 4to. Haarlem 1770. halfbnd. SlO. 288. STRICT placcaet van de Heeren Staten Generaei ver- biedende alle vreemde Equipagie hier te Lande ontrent de Groenlants Vaert. 4to. 1661. 8 pages, uncut. $4. 289. ZORGDRAGER (C. G.) BlocJjende Opkomst der Aloude en Hedendaagsche Groenlandsche Visschery, uitgebreid door Abraham Moubach. maps and pi. 4to. Amsterdam 1728. vel. S5. 290. Idem, large stout writing paper ; uncut, red mo rocco top gilt. Si 5. 2. CANADA. 291. ARRIVEE des Ambassadeurs de Patagoce et de la Nouvelle France. 4 pages. 4to. Paris 1648. morocco. very rare. StO. 292. CALVET (PIERRE DUC DE MONTREAL) Appel a la Justice le Etat avec une lettre a- MM les Canadiens, les sentiments du Canada sur le bill de Quebec, et nouvelles du 4. et 10. Mai etc. 8vo. Londres 1784. sewed. S2. 293. CARTIER (JAQ.) Brief recit de la navigation faite es is les de Canada, Hochelage, Saguenay et autres. 8vo. Paris 1545; fine copy with rough leanes. Si 25. ,,Cette edition est de la plus grande rarete; je n en con- nais pas d exemplaire. L cditeur de celle de Rouen de 1598 annonce qu il 1 a fait traduire de langue ctrangere, probablement de 1 italien de Ramusio ; ce qui prouve que dcja, a cette epoque, cette premiere edition etait introuvable." Ternaux. 294. CAZEAU (FR.) Reclamation a la cour de France d unc dette authentique, reconnue par les Etats-Unis de I Araerique. 4to. 1787. S2,50. 295. Precis de la reclamation du sieur; 4to. 1787. Si, 50. 296. CHABERT (DE) Voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans 1 Amerique sept, pour rectifier les cartes de 1 Acadie, Isle royale et Terre-neuve. 4to. maps. Paris 1753. bound. S5. 297. CHAMPLAIN (SAM.) Des sauvages, on voyage de Sam, PART IV. 2. CANADA. .Champlain du Brouage fait en la nouvelle France 1 an mil six cent trois. 8vo. Paris 1604. $15. 298. CHAMPLAIN (SAM.) Les voyages du sieur es annees 1615 et 1618. 12mo. Paris 1620. $15. 299. Les voyages du sieur Ch.; cm journal tres fiddle des observations faites en la Nouvelle France. 4to. Paris 300. Voyages et decouverte faites en la nouvelle- France, depuis 1 annce 1615 jusqu a la fin de 1 annce 1618. 8vo. Paris 1627. $15. 301. CONDUITE des Frai^ois par rapport a la nouvelle Ecosse. 12mo. Londres 1755. calf. rare. $4. 302. CORNUTI (JAC.) Canadensium plant-arum aliarumquc nondum editarum historia. 4to. Parisiis 1635. plates. calf, very large margins. $15. 303. CRESPEL (It. P. E.) Voyages dans le Canada et son naufrage, en revenant en France. 12mo. Francfort a. M. 1742. sewed, very rare. $7,50. 304. Idem. 12mo. Amsterdam 1757. calf. 3,50. 305. DESCRIPTION, a short, of his Majesty s province of Up per-Canada. 8vo. Lond. 1799. bound. S2. 306. DIEREVILLE. Relation du Voyage du Port-Royal, de 1 Acadie et de la Nouvelle -France. 12 mo. Rouen 1708. bound. $5. 307. ELLIS (II.) Reize naar de Baai v. Hudson; (from the English original.) 8vo. Leyden 1750. uncut. $,1. 308. GODARD-LANGE. La congregation ou une mission chez les Iroquois, poe me ascetique. 8vo. Paris 1846. sewed. $2. 309. HENRY (AL.) Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territory. 8vo. Montreal 1809. title injured. bound. $1,50. 310. Idem. 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8vo. portrait. New- York 1809. $1,25. 311. HISTOIRE geogr. de la nouvelle Ecosse. 12mo. Londres 1755. bound. $3,50. 312. INSTRUCTIONS nautiques relatives aux Cartes et Plans du Pilote de Terre-Neuve. 4to. Paris 1784. Impr. Royale. sewed. $3. 313. LALLEMAND (P. CHARLES: Superieur de la mission de Canada). Lettre envoyee au pere Hierosme Lallemand de la meme Compagnie. 8vo. Paris 1627. $15. 314. LE BEAU. Avantures, ou voyage parmi les sauvages de 1 Amerique septentrionale , dans les quelles on trouvera une descript. du Canada. 2 vols. 12mo. plates. Amsterdam 1738. very scarce. $4. 315. LE CLERQ. Etablissement de la foy dans la Nouvelle- PART IV. 2. CANADA. 29 France. 2 vols. 18mo. map. very fine copy. Paris, 1791. S20. 316. LE CLERQ. Relation de la Gaspesie. 18mo. Paris 1791. $5. 317. LEDESMA (P.) Doctrine chretienne traduite en langue Canadienne par un P. de la meme Compagnie. 12mo. Rouen 1630. S20. 318. L EscARBOT (M.) Histoire de la nouvelle France. 12mo. Paris 1609. SlO. 319. Idem, with: ,,Muses de la nouvelle France." 8vo. Ib. 1618. S15. 820. LETTRES et Mcmoires pour servir a 1 histoire du cap Breton, jusqu U la reprise de cette Isle par les Anglois en 1758. 12mo. London 1760. sewed. S3. 321. LOCKHARDT (EPH.) Expose des poursuites vexatoires du gouvernement Britannique dans le but de perdre le Cte. de Stirling en nouvelle Ecosse. 4to. Lond. 1836. boards. S2,50. 322. LONG (J.) Voyages chez diflcrentcs nations sauvages de 1 Amerique septentrionale , traduit par Bellecocq. 8vo. map. Paris an II. sewed. S2. 323. MACKENZIE (AL.) Voyages dans 1 Interieur de 1 Ameri que septentrionale faits en 1789 93, traduit par Castera. Portr. maps. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris 1802. half bound. $6. 324. MKMOIRES sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu a 1760 en trois parties. 8vo. Quebec 1838. maps and plates, sewed. S2,50. 325. MKMOIRES des commissaires et de ceux de S. M. Brit- tannique sur les possessions et les droits des deux couronnes en Amerique, contenant les memoires sur 1 Acadie sur 1 Islc de St. Lucie, 1 Isle de Tabago etc. 4 vols. 4to. maps. Paris 175557. Sl5. 326. QUEBEC (M. I EVCQUE DE) Etat present de 1 Eglise et de la Colonie Francaise dans la Nouvelle France. 8vo. Paris 1688. Si 5. 327. RAGUENEAU (LE P. PAUL). Relation de ce qui s est passe en la mission des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus , depuis 1 ctd de 1649 jusqu a 1 ete de 1650, aux Hurons. 12mo. Paris 1661. Sl5. 328. SAGARD-THEODAT (G.) Le grand Voyage du pays des Hurons situe en Amerique vers la mer Douce et dernier con- fins de la Nouvelle -France ditc Canada. 12mo. Paris 1682. S30. 329. SOULKS (F.) Relation de 1 etat actuel de la nouvelle Ecosse. 8vo. Edinbourg 1787. sewed. Sl } 50. 30 PART IV. 3. UNITED STATES. 330. TRAITE de paix entre 1 Angleterre et la France sur le pays des deux puissances en Amerique. very rare. 4to. Paris 168G. morocco, silk lining binding of the It century. Si 8. 331. TRANSACTIONS of the litterary and historical society Quebec. 1829 to 1833. 2 vols. 12mo. boards, plates 1829 to 1833. boards. S3. 332. WELD (J.) Voyage an Canada pendant les annes 1795, 96 et 97. 3 vols. 8vo. maps and plates. Paris an VIII. sewed. S3. 333. Idem, neatly bound. Ib. $4, 3. UNITED STATES. A. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 334. 1775* EXPLICATION d une prophetic de Nostradamus, faite en 1770, dans laquelle il predit la grande revolution qui devait arriver en Angleterre et dans les colonies Anglaises de 1 Amerique, qui seront victorienscs. 12mo. London, sewed. S2,50. 335. 1776, ENTRETIENS de Guillaumc de Nassau et du Gener. Montgommery sur la revolution des Pays-Bas et les affaires actuelles de I Ameriquc. 12mo. Paris, sewed. Si. 336. 1778, RECUEIL des Loix constitutives des colonies angloises sans le nom de Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique septentrionalc. 12mo. Paris 1778. sewed. S ,75. 337. 1778, ACTE dTndepcndance des Etats-Unis et constitution des republiques francaise, cisalpine et ligurienne. In French, German, English and Italian. 8vo. Paris, sewed. Si. 338. 1778, CONSTITUTIONS of the several states, declaration of independance, articles of confederation, the treatise between the most Christian Majesty and the States. 12mo. Phila delphia 1781. boards. With the Autoyrapli of John Adunts. Si, 75. 339. 1778. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (Mu. LE Due DE) Constitutions des 13 Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique. 4to. Paris 1783. red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. (Only a few copies are printed in 4to.) S4,50. 340. 1778, "idem. Svo. Paris 1783. sewed. Si. 341. 1778, ABREGE de la Revolution de 1 Amerique Anglaise dep. 177J. jusqu a Janvier 1778. 12mo. Paris 1778. bound. S ,75. 342. 1770, A VIEW of the evidence relative to the conduct of the A. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 31 American war, under Sir W. Howe and General Burgoyne. 8vo. London 1779. boards. Si. 343. 1780. LA BOUSSOLE morale et politique des hommes et des empires; traitant de Carthage moderne, Boston etc. 12mo. Boston 1780. sewed. S ,40. 344. 1780. Idem, bound. S ,60. 345. 1780. REFLEXIONS impartiales sur les consequences qui doivent resulter de 1 Independance des Ameriquaines. 12mo. London. S 1 . 346. 1781. RAYNAL (Tn. G.) Tableau et revolutions des colonies angloises dans 1 Amerique septentrionale. 2 vols. 12 mo. Amsterdam 1781. sewed. Si. 347. 1781. Idem, calf neat. $1,25. 348. 1781. RAYNAL. Revolution de l Amerique. portr. Lond. 1781. sewed. S ,45. 349. 1781. Idem, calf neat. Si. 350. 1781, HILLIAKD D AUBERTEUIL. Essais historiques et poli- tiques sur la Revolution de l Amerique septentrionale. 4 vols. in 8vo. Bruxelles. bound. S3. 351. 1781. VERZAMELING van Stucken tot de dertien vereenigcle Staetcn van Noord- America bctrekkelijk. 8vo. Leyden 1781. halfbnd. S2. 352. 1781. HOWE (GiiL. SIR W.) Campagnes militaires dans 1 Ame rique septentrionale. 8vo. Rotterdam 1781. S3. 353. 1782. COIJHESPONDANCE de Lord G. Germain avec Clinton, Cornvallis etc. 8vo. Berne 1782. bound. Si. 354. 1782. Idem, sewed, uncut. Si. 355. 1783. L AMKRIQUE. Esquisse d tm poeme sur I independance de l Amerique. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterd. 1783. sewed. S2. 356. COMPLOT d Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton centre lea Etats-Unis et le general Washington, map. and portraits. 8vo. Paris 1816. sewed. Si. 357. DE MAYEH. Les ligues achccnnc, suisse et hollandaise et la revolution des Etats-Unis comparees ensemble. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris 1787. sewed. Si, 2 5. 358. Idem, calf neat. Si, 50. 359. DESLANDES (LE CIIEV.) Discours sur la grandeur de la Revolution, qui vient de s accomplir dans 1 Amerique septen trionale. 12mo. Paris 1785. sewed. S ,60. 360. DUEY Abrege de 1 histoire des revolutions de rAmeri- que septentrionale dcpuis les premieres decouvertes jusqu au voyage du General Lafayette en 1824 et 1825. 2 vols. 8vo, Paris 1827. sewed. Si. 361. HISTOIKE de la derniere guerre entre la Grande Bretagne et les Etats-Unis de 1 Ame rique, la France, 1 Espagne et la 32 PART IV. 3. UNITED STATES. Hollande depuis 1775 jusqu a 1783. 4 to. Paris 1787. numerous maps, calf neat. 82,75. 362. HISTOIRE de 1 administration de lord North. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1784. bound. Si, 25. 363. JONES (PAUL) Memoires, ou il expose ses principaux services et rapelle ce qui lui est arrive pendant la revolution Americaine. portr. 18mo. Paris 1798. sewed. 82. 364. LE DESTIN de 1 Amerique. 8vo. London (time of the war of independance). sewed. $1. 365. LE NORMAND. Ode sur la conquete de 1 Amerique d apres, le traite d alliance avec les 13 Etats-Unis presentee aii Roi, lors de son arrivee a Rouen le 25 Juin 1786. Si. 366. RAMSAY (DE). Histoire de la Revolution par rapport a la Caroline Meridionale. 2 vols. 8vo. plates and maps. Paris 1787. sewed. $2,25. 367. Idem, bound neat. 2,75. 368. S. (W.) Lettres d un cultivateur Americam depuis 1770 jusqu a 1781. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1784. Si, 50. 369. ST. JOHN DE CREVECOEUR. Lettres d un cultivateur Americam depuis 1 annec 1770 jusqu a 1786. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris 1787. calf. 82,50. 70. THE American military pocket- Atlas ; of the British Co lonies; especially those which may the theatre of war. 6 maps. 8vo. London, boards. 8 1,50. B. UNITED STATES IN GENERAL. 371. ACTES passes au eongres des Etats-Unis de rAmerique. 8vo. Paris 1790. sewed. Si. 372. BAIRD. Histoire des societcs de temperance des Etats- Unis, avec quelques details sur cellos d Angleterre etc. 8vo. .Paris 1836. sewed. Si. 373. BAYARD (T.) Voyage dans I lntcrieur des Etats-Unis; a Bath, Winchester, dans la vallee dc Shenandaha; pendant 1 ete 1797. 8vo. Paris An VI. sewed. $1. 374. BECUYOUR (CiiKV. FELIX DE). Apercu des Etats-Unis au commencement du 19e. siecle, depuis 1800 jusqu a 1810 avec des tables statistiques. 8vo. map. Paris 1814 sewed. 81. 375. BETTINGER (J. B.) Guide des Emignints aux Etats-Unis. 12mo. Le Havre 1834. sewed. Si. 376. BIRCKBECK (M.) Notes on a Journey in America from ths coast of Virginia to the territory of Illinois, with the proposal of an establishment of a colony of English. 12 mo. map. Philadelphia 1817. 81. 377. Idem, 2d edition. 12mo. London 1818. boords. $1. PART IV. 13. UNITED STATES IN GENERAL. 33 78. BIRCKBECK (M.) Lettres sur les nouveaux etablissemcnts qui so forment dans les parties occidentales des Etats-Unis de I Amerique. 8vo. Paris 1819. sewed. S ,75. 79. BONNET (J. E.) Les Etats-Unis de I Amerique h la fin du 18e siecle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, sewed. Si. 80. (M. L.) Tableau des Etats-Unis au commencement du 19e siecle. 8vo. Paris 1816. sewed. S ,75. 81. BRACKEWRIDGE (H. M.) Histoire de la guerre entre les Etats-Unis de I Amerique et 1 Angleterre pendant les annees 1812, 13, 14, 15; traduit par A. de Dalmas; map. Paris 8vo. 1822. sewed. Si, 50. 82. BRIDEL. Le Pour et le contre, ou avis a ceux qui se proposent de passer dans les Etats-Unis, suivi d une de- sciiption de Kentoucki. 12mo. Map. Basle 1803. sewed. S ,60. 83. BRION. Almanac interessant dans les circonstances pre- pentes; description abregee des Etats-Unis, des possessions Anglaises etc aux Indes orientales. maps and plates? ISmo. Paris, scarce. Si. 84. BRISSOT. Nouvcau voyage dans les Etats-Unis. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris 1791. half bound. $2. 85. CARCTAT. Bibliotheque Americaine, ou Journal de I A merique du Nord. 9 No. in 2 vis. 8vo. halfbnd. scarce. Paris 18068. S4. 86. CHAMBRE DES DEPUTES. Documents communiques h, 1 ap- pui du projet de loi relatif au traite du 4 Juillet 1831, avec les Etata-Unis. 2 vis. 4to. Paris 1835. S3. 87. CLAVIERE (E.) ET BUSSOT DE WARVILLE. De la France et des Etats-Unis. 8vo. Londres 1787. sewed. S 75. 388. GOBBET (W.) A years residence in the United States. 8vo. London 1818. Vol. I. bound. Si. j389. CONSTITUTIONS des treize Etats-Unis de I Amerique. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1792. sewed. Si, 50. 390. Idem, bound neat. S2. 391. CONSTITUTION of the United States of America, with the latest amendments, also the declaration of independance, the articles of confederation with the federal institution. 12mo. New -York 1820. boards. S ,75. 392. DEFAITE de 1 armee Anglaise, commandee par S. Edw. Packenham b, 1 attaque du 8 Janvier 1815 de la ligne de retranchements de 1 armee Americaine par le General Jack son. 8vo. Plate. New-Organs 1815. S, 50. *93. DEMETZ & ABEL BLOUET. Rapports & Mr. de Monta- livet, sur les Penitanciers des Etats-Unis. Fol. Paris 1837. sewed. $2,75. F. MULLER. No. 1. JULY 1850. 3 34 PART IV. B. UNITED STATES IN GENERAL. 394. DEMEUNIERS. Essai sur les Etats-Unis. 4to. unbound. $1,25, 395. Du PONCEAU. Expose sommaire dc la Constitution tra- duit par d Homergue. 8vo. Paris 1837. sewed. S ,(JO. 396. Du PONT (V.) Ex -consul charge du consnlat do la Republique Frangaise pres les Etats-Unis d Amerique, an citoyen Abral. 8vo. Paris 1798. (An 7) sewed. S ,40. 397. FEDERALISTS (LE) traduit par Trudaine de la Sabliese. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1792. sewed. S 2,50. 398. FRANKLIN (13.) Eloge civique de, prononcc le 21 Juillet 1790 par 1 abbe Fauchet. 8vo. Paris 1790. sewed. S ,60. 399. Memoires dc la vie privee de B. Franklin. 8vo. Paris 1791. sewed. S ,75. 400. Correspondance inedite depuis 1753 jusqu h 1790. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1817. sewed. Sl,75. 401. Correspondance choisie, publiee par W. Franklin. 8vo. Paris 1817. sewed. S ,75. 402. Memoires sur la vie et les ecrits publics par W. J. Franklin son petit -fils. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1818. sewed. Si, 75. 403. Collection of family letters and miscellaneous pa pers of Benjamin Franklin. 12mo. Boston 1833. by Sparks, boards. Si. 404. HUTCHIUS (Tn.) Topographic dc la Virginie, de la Pen- sylvanie du Maryland et de la Caroline septentrionale ; plus supplement contenant le Journal de Patrice Kennedy sur la riviere de 1 Ohio. Svo. maps. Paris 1781. Si, 50. 405. INDEPENDANCE absolue des Americains des Etats|-Unis prouvee par 1 Etat actuel du commerce avec les Etats Euro- pe ens. Svo. Paris 1798. sewed. S ,75. 406. LA RoCHEFOUCAULD-LiANCOURT. Voyage dans les Etats- Unis d Ame rique, fait en 1795, 1796 et 1797. maps. 8 vis. Svo. Paris. An VII. sewed. S4. 407. Idem, halfbound neat. S5,50. 408. LOEWENSTERN (J.) Voyage aux Etats-Unis. Svo. Paris 1845. uncut. Si. 409. MABLY (L ABBE DP:) Observations sur le Gouvernement et les loix des Etats-Unis. 12mo. Amsterdam 1784. S ,75 410. MACLURE. Observations on the Geology of the United States of America, plates. 8vo. Philadelphia 1817. sewed. S ,75. 411. Idem, boards. Si. 412. MARSHALL (J.) Life of George Washington. 5 vis. 8vo. & Atlas. 4 to. Philadelphia 18047. bound. S4,50 413. (HUMPHRY) Arbustum Americanorum, the american grove, or on alphabetical catalogue of forest -trees and PART IV. B. UNITED STATES IN GENERAL. 35 shrubs, natures of the United -States. 8vo. Philadelphia 1785. sewed. S ,75. 414. MARSHALL (HUMPHREY) Catalogue des arbres et arbris- seaux qui croissent naturellement dans les Etats-Unis; tra- duit gar Lezermes. sewed. S ,75. 415. MIR ABE AU (LE COMTE DE) Considerations sur 1 ordre do Cincinnatus, on imitation d un pamphlet Anglo- Americain. 8vo. Londres 1785. sewed. S ,75. 416. Idem, bound neat. Si. 417. MORSE (J.)| The American geography or a view of the present situation of the United -States of America. 8vo. maps. London 1792. bound. Si, 2 5. 418. Tableau de la situation actuelle des Etats-Unis trad, par Pechet. 2 vis. 8vo. maps. Paris 1795. sewed. Si, 50. 419. OFFICIAL papers, printed for the common council of the citie of Boston, comprising the constitution of the Uni ted-States, and the constitution of Massachusets. Svo. Bo ston 1822. sewed. Si. 420. PAINE (Tn.) Le sens commun; adressd aux habitans de 1 Amcrique. Svo. Paris 1791. sewed. S ,60. 421. La crise Americaine. Svo. Ibid 1791. br. S ,75. 422. POLITICS for American farmers, being a series of tracts exhibiting the blessings of free governement, as it is ad ministered in the United States ; compared with boasted stupendous fabric of the British Monarchy. 12mo. Washing ton city 1807. S ,60. 423. RAMON DE LA SAGRA. Cinq mois aux Etas-Unis de 1 Amerique, traduit par Rene Baissat. Svo. Paris 1837. sewed. S ,40. 424. RAMSAY (D.) Vie de G. Washington, general des ar niees des Etats-Unis. Svo. Paris 1809. halfbound. S ,75. 425. RAPPORT fait au nom de la commission chargee d exa- miner le projet de loi relatif au traite de Juillet 1831. Traite de Juillet 1831, entre la France et les Etats-Unis. 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4to. Paris 1835. sewed. S2. 426. RECIIERCHES historiques et politiques sur les Etats-Unis de rAmerique septentrionale ; par un citoyen de la Virginie. 4 vis. Svo. Paris 1788. sewed. S2,50. 427. Idem. 2 vis. Svo. Colle 1788. halfbound. S3. 428. REPONSES aux principales questions qui peuvent etre faites sur les Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique. 2 vis. Svo. Lau sanne 1795. sewed. Si, 50. 429. ROCHEFORT. Hist, naturelle des iles Antilles; dernicre edition revue et augmcntec d un rccit de 1 etat present de la Virginie, de Marie -land, de la Caroline, du nouveau duchd de York de Penn-Sylvania etc 4to. Rotterdam 1081. SlO. 3 * 36 PART IV. B. UNITED STATES IN GEHERAL. The ,,Recit de 1 etat prdsent" consists of 44 pages, with a separate title placed at the end of the work. It con tains one of the earliest accounts of Pennsylvania, which was first established in this year. 430. SAULNIER; Nouvelles observations stir les finances Rich des Etats-Unis. 8vo. Paris 1831. sewed. S ,40. 431. SCHEFFER; Histoire des Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique sep- tentrionale. 12mo. Paris 1829. sewed. S ,60. 432. SCOTT (J.) The United States Gazetteer, containing an authentic description of the several states. 19 maps. 12mo. Philadelphia 1795. Si. 433. SEYBERT (A.) Annales statistiques des Etats-Unis; trad, par Scheflfer. 8vo. Paris 1820. sewed. Si. 434. SOMMER (S. G.) Beschrijving der nieuwe Staten van Ame rica. 8 vis.. 8vo. Amsterdam 1828. uncut. Si. 435. ST. CLAIR (HENRY) The United States criminal calen dar, plates. 12mo. Boston 1833. sewed. S ,75. 436. SUR 1 education nationale dans les Etats-Unis d Ame- rique. 2de edit. 8vo. Paris 1812. sewed. S ,75. 437. SWAN. Causes qui se sorit opposees aux progres du com merce entre la France et les Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique. 8vo. Paris 1790. sewed. S ,75. 438. Idem, bound neat. Si. 439. TOURNEE & la mode dans les Etats-Unis au voyage de Charlestown & Quebec et d Albani a Boston ; traduit de 1 an- glais par Bourgeois. 3vo. map. Paris 1829. sewed. Si. 440. TRAITE du 4 Juillet 1835 entre la France et les Etats- Unis. 4to. Paris 1835. sewed. Si, 25. 441. TROLLOPE (MRS.) Zeden, Gewoonten, en huisselijk Leven der Noord-Americanen. 2 vis. 8vo. uncut. Haarlem 1833. S2. 442. VOLNEY: Tableau des climats et du sol des Etats-Unis d Amerique suivi d Eclaircissements sur la Floride, sur la colonie Fraiu^aise etc. 2 vis. 8vo. plates and maps. Paris 1803, sewed. Si, 50. 443. VOYAGE d Amerique, dialogue en vers. 12mo. Paris 1786. sewed. S ,75. 444. WANSEY (H.) The Journal of an excursion to the Uni ted States, in the summer 1794, 8vo. Salisbury 1796. boards. Si. 445. WEGWIGZER en Raadgever voor Landverhuizers naar Noord- America; inzonderheit naar de westelijke Staaten. 18mo, Zwijndrecht 1846. uncut. S ,50. PART IV. C. NEW -ENGLAND. D. NEW- YORK. 37 C. NEW- ENGLAND. ANDROSSE (Sm EDMOND) Proceedings in New-England. r 8vo. London 1691. i$7,50. *47. CATALOGUS universatis Havardianae. 8vo. Cantabrigae (Massachusets) 1818. uncut. Si. |448. GESCHICHTE und Handlung der Englischen Colonien in dem nordlichen America; veteutscht durch A. G. U. 12mo. Frankft. a. M. 1755. Si, 50. 449. HOORNBEEK (Jon.) Institutions Theologicae. 18mo. Lugdimi 1758. SlO. This scarce book contains numerous remarks on the Brownists. 450. MORSE (J.) & E. PARISH. A compendious History of New -England. 8vo. London 1808. Si. 451. NEW-ENGLAND S plantation. 4to. London 1628. SlO. 452. RELATION or Journall of the beginning and proceedings of the english plantation setteld at Plymouth in New -Eng land; and three other treatises on New-England. 4to. Lon don 1623. SlO. 453. REPORTS of the commissioners of Massachusets on the routes of canals from Boston harbour to the Connecticut and Hudson rivers. 8vo. Boston, sewed. S ,80. 454. SAD and deplorable news from New-England, practically declared by an inhabitant there. 4to. 1675. S7,50. D. NEW- YORK. ( NEW - NETIIERLAND. ) 454a. BESCHRYVINGHE van Virginia, Nieuw-Nederlandt, Nieuw- Engelandt en d Eylanden Bermudes, Barbados, en S. Chri- stofel. 4to. map. Amsterdam 1651. Hartgers. Si 25. The map contained in this volume and which is also found in the copy of the Leyden library, is wanting in the three copies which are in the trade, one of which belonged to Mr. Asher of Berlin, the two others to Mr. Stevens. The wiew of New Amsterdam contained in this book ap pears to be taken from the same engraving as that of the first edition of v. d. Donck. There are three en graved views of New Amsterdam; one in the present volume, an other view of the opposite side of the city in the second edition of v. d. Donck and the third in Montanus. A fourth, which I have not been able to compare with the other three, is to be found on a 38 PART IV. I). NEW -YORK. large engraving of the cities in the colonies , of which Amsterdam forms the center piece. I have seen but one copy of this plate which I was not able to procure. That upon the map of Blaen is probably taken from the same drawing as that in v. d. Donk, for it resembles it in everything, except the execution of the details which are put in a will. 555. BRAKEL (W.) Briefe aan de Heer N. N. Koopman in Nieuw-Nederland. 4to. Rotterdam 1705. 5th edition. With the authors autograph. $75. 556. BREEDEN RAEDT aende vereenighde Nederlandsche Provintien. 4to. Antwerpen 1649. uncut. $250. 457. Idem, fine copy. S200. This pamphlet is the first, and certainly not the least important publication which treats specially of New Netherland. Its extreme rarity is the only explanation we can give for its being so long unknown to the bibliographers. It is so much the more remarkable as it gives a history rather than a description of New Netherland whilst almost all the other treatises on this country give rather a desciption than a history, so that the ,,Breeden Raedt" explains many points till now doubtful, and for an explanation of which we may consult O Callaghan, Smith, or indeed any other historian in vain. To show more clearly the great importance of this book, we shall give a few extracts. The reader must know, that the whole is a dialogue between eight persons : B. Passing over several minor abuses, in order to come to the tyrany which ruins the whole country, you must know that Governor Kieft had for a long time secretly intended to begin a war with the savages of New Netherland, because they had refused, on reasonable grounds, to give him a certain contribution, alleging they were not obliged to give it to the director, or to the Dutch: 1. Not for the sake of the soldiers, since they did them no service, in case of Avar with other tribes; for than they crept, toge ther like cats upon a piece of cloth and might be killed a thousand times over, before news could be got to the fort, which was at a great distance from them; still less that they could be delivered or seconded in time by its soldiers. 2. Further, that they had allowed us to remain peaceably in their country, that they had never demanded a recompense from us, and that, for that reason, we were under obligations to them and not they to us. 3. Item, that when our nation, having lost a ship, there had built a new one, they had supplied them with victuals and all other necessaries, and had taken care of them for two winters, till the ship PART IV. D. NEW -YORK. 39 was finished; consequently we were under obligations to them, not they to us. 4. For that reason they asked why they should supply us with maize for nothing, since they paid as much as we asked, for every thing they came to purchase of us. 5. If we, said they, have ceded to you the country you are li ving in, we yet remain masters of what we have retained for ourselves.. Have w r e not supplied you SwanneTcens (i. e. Germans or Dutch men) on your first arrival here and when you had no mochols (i. e. ships) with provisions for two whole winters, and had we not have died of hunger? The delegates from all the savage tribes, such as the Baritans, whose chiefs called themselves Oringkes, from Orange, the Hacquin- sacks, the Wappenas, Hogelanders, Wicquasgecks, Beckewacke, Me_ reckewacks, Dappanders, Massapems, Zinkeeuw, and others, had go as many objections to make, as there were points to discuss. They however separated peaceably, contenting themselves with giving us no contributions nor asking for any from us. Director Kieft, seeing himself deprived of this contribution which he was very greedy of by so many reasons, and also because it would disgrace him in the eyes of his countrymen, invented other means to satisfy his insatiable avaricious soul. E. Well skipper how did all that end? B. When in the year 1643, about shrovetide, the savages were surprised by some other tribes (which were too powerful for them) and obliged to retreat, they took refuge in our territory, not suspec ting they had any thing to fear from us. About the same time there was a feast at the house of Jan Janssen Damen, at which the director , in a significant toast , communicated his intended attack on the savages to three inconsiderate boors, Viz. Maryn Adriaensz, Jan. Jansz and Abraham Plancy who presented a (pretended) request composed by secretary Tienhoven, to the governor, begging him to allow them to take revenge on the savages, who killed the servant of Mr. v. Nederhorst which crime had not been punished; this re tribution being necessary to maintain the reputation of our nation. K. Was that true? B. I will tell you sir. A certain savage chief named Hacquin- sacq who was considered as heedless even by the savages themselves, having been intoxicated with brandy by our men, being asked whe ther he was able to make a good use of his bow and arrow when in that state, in reply pointed his arrow at a certain man called Ger- rit Yansz, a servant of the deceased Mr. van Nederhorsts, whom he actually killed, asking whether he was able or not. To revenge this mans death several savages had been killed, and our people were again in peace with them; so that at the time the director ordered this massacre, the same tribe who had killed the deceased Mr. v. Xe- derhorsts servant, had been visited some weeks before by the di rector himself, and supplied with all necessaries; this pretent was there fore altogether a specious one. K. Was it than in the power of one man to begin a war or massacre for that? 40 PART IV. D. NEW- YORK. B. That it might appear plausible, they had such a request presented; to which, on Feb. 25. 1643 they answered that they au thorised Maryn Adriaensz with his company, to make an attack on the savages, camped at Curlers plantation, and to treat them as time and circumstances required. E. Who ever gave you such an authorisation? Who could have been the author of that authorisation? 15. Why secretary Cornelius van Tienhoven, Avho is now retur ned home to make a report on New Netherland ; the same who had composed the request. C. A child might see that that was but a pretext. The secre tary deserved to be torn to pieces by four horses as a traitor; and as for the three boors ^ accordingly to law they had forfeited their lives. In the mean time were the settlers warned to be on the alert, that they might not run any risk either by assistance or resistance? B. Nobody at all was warned but the three before mentioned. The settlers were not so much as thought of. The secretary him self went to reconnaitre the camp of the savages the day before the attack, and if the settlers had known what was intended , supposing there had been reasons for it, not one of the savages would have escaped; but if, as was really the case, there had been no reasons, the director would never have been able to commit such a murder, if even he had such traitors as secretaries. J. By what I understand of the affair , the secretary is the principal cause of what followed. But how did they proceed? B. Between the 25 and 26 Febr. 1643, at midnight 80 and odd savages were murdered at Panonia, by 80 soldiers. Young chil dren, some of them snatched from their mothers, were cut in pieces before the eyes of their parents, and the pieces were thrown into the fire or into the water; other babes were bound on planks and then cut through, stabbed and miserably massacred, so that it would break a heart of stone; some were thrown into the river and when the fathers and mothers sought to save them, the soldiers would not suffer them tho come ashore but caused both old and young to be drowned. Some children of from 5 to 6 years of age, as also some old infirm persons, who had managed to hide themselves in the bushes and reeds, came out in the morning to beg for a piece of bread and for permission to warme themselves, but were all mur dered in cold blood and thrown into the fire or the water. A few escaped to our settlers, some with the loss of a hand, others of a leg, others again holding in their bowels with their hands, and all so cut, hawn and mained, that worse could not be imagined; they were indeed in such a state that our people supposed they had been sur prised by their ennemies, the tribe of the Maquaes. After this ex ploit the soldiers were recompensed for their services, and thanked by the director Kieft in person. In an other place, on the same night, at Curlers Hock, near Curlers plantation, about forty savages were surprised in their sleep in the same way, and massacred like the others. D. Did ever the duke of Alba do more evil in the Netherlands ? F. Certainly you have such Dutch governors or directors who honour and respect the duke of Alba. PART IV. D. NEW- YORK. 41 B. Yes sir, it is a scandal for our nation ; and if silence would have remedied it I should never have mentioned it. But information has been given of it in the proper quarter, and not only it has not been remedied, but it has gone still worse as you shall hear directly. H. But did ilte savages suffer this so quietly? B. Ohno sir. As soon as they found how the Swannekens treated them, they killed all the men they could lay hands on, but I never heard that they did any harm to the women or children. Besides this they burned and destroyed all the houses, farms, barns and everything they could come at, so that they began a declared und destructive war. C. Quicquid delirant reges plectuntur achivi. B. I am told for a fact that a certain skipper Isaac Abraham- sen, having saved a young boy, and hidden him under the sails in order , to give him to one Cornelius Melyn , towards morning the poor child , overcome with cold and hunger , made some noise and was heard by the soldiers, 18 German tigers, dragged- from under the sails in spite of the endeavours of the skipper , who was alone against 18, cut in two and thrown overboard. F. But what did the inhabitants say of the massacre? B, They were not only much displeased but took notes of all that passed from time to time, for those of the country (planters) were all ruined, and in the forts there was little provision and little strength. This they wrote and sent to government relating the cau ses and occasions of the war, with all the circumstances as they had occurred. J. How did you do in the meanwhile, before an answer arrived? B. We had but ac hoice of evils. The Director robbed and murdered where ever he could, and in the manner already related 1600 savages were killed in the years 1643 and 1644; some of them were settled among the English, at a distance of from 10 to 20 miles from us, who were most of them surprised in their sleep, many of them never having seen a German much less ever having done them any harm. In April of the year 1644, seven savages were arrested at Heemstede (where an English clergyman, Mr. Fordan, was governor) on a charge of killing two or three pigs, though it was afterwards discovered that some Englishmen had done it themselves. Director Kieft was informed by Mr. Fordan, that he had just arrested seven savages, who were confined in a cellar, but whom he had not dared to treat inhumanely as he could not answer for the consequences to himself, because such things are not to be winked at there, or perhaps because the English nation Avish to cause a general dislike among the savages to our people. Kieft immediately sent ensign Opdyk with an Englishman, John Onderhil, and 15 or 16 soldiers, who killed three of the seven in the cellar. They then took the other four with them in the sailing boat, two of whom were towed along by a string round their necks till they were drowned while the two infortunate survivors were detained as prisoners at fort Amsterdam. When they had been kept a long time in the corps de garde, the director be came tired of giving them food any longer and they were delivered to the soldiers to do as they pleased with. The poor infortunate 42 PART IV. "D. NEW- YORK. prisoners were immediately dragged out of the guard house and soon dispatched with knives of from 18 to 20 inches long which director Kieft had made for his soldiers for such purposes, saying that the swords were too long for use in the huts of the savages, when they went to surprise them; but that these knives were much handier for bowelling them. The first of these savages having received a frightful wound, desired them to permit him to dance what is cal led the Kinte Kacye, a religions use observed among them before death; he received however so many wounds that he dropped dawn dead. The soldiers then cut strips from the other s body, beginning at the calves, up the back, over the shoulders and down to the knees. While this was going forward, director Kieft, with his coun- cellor Jan de la Montaigne, a Frenchman, stood laugliiag heartily at the fun and rubbing his right arm, so much delight he^took in such scenes. He then ordered him to be taken out of the fort, and the soldiers bringing him to the Beaver s path (he dancing the Kinte Kacye all the time) threw him down, cut off his partes ^enetales, thrust them into his mouth while still alive, and at last, placing him on a mill -stone cut off his head. H. What shameful barbarity! B. What J tell you is true, for be the same token there stood at the same time 24 or 25 female savages, who had been taken prisoner at the N. W. point of the fort; and when they saw this bloody spectacle they held up their arms, struck their mouth, and, in their language exclaimed: ,,For shame! for shame! such unheard of cruelty was never known, or even thought of among us." The savages have often called out to us from a distance: what scound rels you Swannekens are, you do not war upon us, but upon our wives and children whom you treacherously murder; whereas we do no harm either to your wives or your children , but feed and take care of them, till we send them back again to you. K. Well skipper you know more news, if they were only good news, then all of us put together. How did they get on? B. Director Kieft, not content with this causing the hunted sa vages to be surprised, engaged some English spies to accompany his soldiers as guides, into places unknown to our people, by which many poor inoffensive savages were cruelly and traitorously massacred. B. The states general being informed of all those evils, ordered the governors (of the West Indian Company) to remedy them; and; the latter, conscious of having trifled too long with director Kieft, with whom they were thorouglJy acquainted , chose a certain Petrus Stuyvesant, formerly director of Curasao, the son of a minister in Vriesland, to supersede him. This same Stuyvesant robbed the daughter of his boste and being discovered would have had to suffer for the crime but that he was forgiven for sake of his father. E. How in the world did the company manage to find so many rascals? Why they must have whole magazines full of them. PART IV. D. NEW -YORK. 48 B. Their High Mightinesses now thought, that the governor would take care that there should be no more complaints of an op pressive or tyrannical direction, we are however, informed in what manner the same governors who had intrigued with Kieft, instructed the new director, to the decline and ruin of New Netherland, to maintain Kieft and vex the inhabitants under any appearance or pre- tent whatever. Neither could he contain himself till lie had time and opportunity, but even upon his passage threatened that when he arrived in New Netherland he would teach them better to know their plans. As however he had promised their high mighti nesses by oath that he would punish the faults of director Kieft ac cording to their deserts , and properly support th*e inhabitants ; the result however has shown quite the contrary of these fine promises, according to the instructions given him by the governors (which he has shown to several persons) in which he is ordered to do as he afterwards did. J. Is not that the same Stuyvesant who some time before at tempted to take fort St. Martin for the company, and who lost his leg by in the attempt? B. The very same; the governors looked upon that as quite a piece of Roman courage. J. Yes, but all who attended that expedition will tell another story; how he burnt all our powder in firing salutes during the whole of the journey, so that when the time for action arrived there was none to be found; and every thing relating to that expedition was so disorderly that the like was never seen. Indeed when we broke up the siege and retired without effecting any thing, only bt- cause of his leg, which was shot off by the first cannon shot from Fort St. Martin we left every thing behind , and among other things 5 or 6 fine field pieces. Was in that a fine Roman achievement? Who knows how much expense that expedition cost the company? Such a prudent hero deserved indeed to be advanced to director and chosen and sent to New Netherland as redresser-General of all abuses. B. When he comes, these the governors may send him as president to Brazil, in order to spoil the little that still remains there, just as he is always used to do. J. He is now however getting older and ought to improve his conduct, in ordre to wipe out former faults. How does he get on in New Netherland? B. Improve do you say messmate? Like old wolves and old ships, worse from day to day. J. Does he still hoan and rage and storm as much as he used to do , even to striking and beating ? B. In all that he is just the man lie has always been; and so there is no change to be expected but for the worse. J. What was his reception in New-Netherland ? B. There was so much shouting on all sides that they were obliged to send to an other place to buy powder for exercising and in case of need. J. I could have guessed as much, but how did he treat the inhabitants from the very first? B. As soon as lie arrived, some of the principal inhabitant- 44 PART IV. D. NEW- YORK. coming bareheaded to welcome their new director, he let them wait for several hours bareheaded, he himself keeping his hat on his head; as if he was the Czar of Moscovy, nobody was offered a chair, while he seated himself very very comfortably on a chair, the better to give the welcomers an audience. J. You speak in so lively a wig of his manner of acting, that I can fancy I see it all passing before my eyes: go on telling about that unliked bear. B. In a word , when he was to take the direction from Kieft, the whole community being called together for that purpose, Kieft began by thanking them all for their fidelity to him, which he much exaggerated in hopes that the community could unanimously have thanked him; but some of them said boldly that they would not thank him as they had no reason to do so; among these were Joa chim Pieterz Kuyter and Cornelis Melyn. Stuyvesant, under the canopy of heaven declared loudly that every one should have justice done to him, which assurance was very agreable to the community; a few days afterwards however, being well persuaded and led away by Kieft, Stuyvesant began to assemble a court of justice, had the missive of the 8 deputed petitioners to the chamber of Am sterdam laid before it, and having chosen the side of Kieft and wis hing to take care that afterwards no similar charge should be brought against him, he considered these 8 chosen men as private persons, and regarded all their conduct and the whole process between Kieft and them in no other light. In his opinion it was treason to petition against one s magistra tes whether there was cause or not. What Kieft simply denied was considered as of more weight than the proofs produced by his an- tagoniste. And when the arbiters produced diverse memorials points and persons to prove the truth of what was written their statement were either entirely rejected or a part of what came to light was sup pressed. And what was more the other persons who had subscribed two letters were prevailed upon and obliged by high authority and severe menaces as also by fair promises, not to divulge what would be communicated to them, to revoke what had been Avritten, or at least in order to give it another appearance to declare they had been bribed to subscribe it and had been misinformed, not knowing what they subscribed, but having only done it at the earnest entreaties of some who persisted in subscribing it and still maintained their sig nature. So director Stuyvesant passed sentence against Joachim Pietersz and Cornelis Melyn, whom he charged with having accused, by li bellous letters their legitimate governor and chief, director Kieft, in a clandestine and lying way; with having insured and calumniated him, the which he and his counsil desiring to present in the well or dered commonwealth of New Netherland, and executing justice in the name of their High Mightinesses the states General, His High ness the Prince of Orange, and the General chartered West Jndia C ompany , condamned Joachim Pietersz Knyter to a -banishment of three consecutive years and a penalty of a hundred and fifty guilders, PARS IV. D. NEW -YORK. 45 one third for the fiscal, one third for the poor and on third for the church. Cornelis Melyn was charged in his sentence with more cri mes and punished more severely, (because Kieft had formerly platte- red himself that he should have a part with him in Staten Island, and finding himself deceved, he had been obliged to make other conditions with other persons; and Kieft played him this trick, as was afterwardrs proved) and in virtue of the preceding arguments was found guilty of Crimen laesae Majestatis, crimen falsi, crimen of libel and defamation, and on that account was to forfeit all benefits derived from the company or which he might still claim, a penalty of300 guilders, to be applied at above, and to be bonished from New Ne- therland for the term of 7 years. So that those who had accused Kieft were kicked out and sent away by Stuyvesant. It is well known that when director Kieft was reminded that these suits would most probably, have taken another turn in Holland, he replied: why should we alarm each other with justice in Holland; in this easel only consider it as a scare crow. And Stuyvesant replied : if I was per suaded that you would appeal from my sentences or divulge them, I would have your head cut off, or have you hanged on the high est tree in New Netherland. He also represented Kieft s affair in so favourable a light, inweighed so furiously against the constant ar biters, that the foam hung on his beard. To show still more clearly that he did not at all intend to follow the orders of their High Mightinesses or fulfil the promises he made them, or to satisfy the community,, he immediately appointed Jan Jansen Damen, (one of those who had signed the request to slaughter the savages) as churchwaden. E. A very nice churchwarden that, one with bloody hands. B. Jt is to be feared that if the united Provinces, their High Mightinesses and his Highness do not take measures to prevent the occurrence of such injustice, their reputation will suffer, not only among the savages but through all Christendom and it is disgrace ful enough already that this has not yet been done ; there-fore those who have the prosperity of the Netherlands, of New Netherland, of its inhabitants and of its government at heart, ought to strive to redress such grievances. J. But was that sentence executed? B. Most assuredly; for that was now of as much consequence to the new director Stuyvesant as his own honour, reputation, even his own life. They were brought on board like criminals and torn away from their goods, their wives and their children. The Princess was to carry the director and those two faithful patriots from New Netherland, but coming into the wrong channel it struck upon a rock and was wrecked. And now this wicked Kieft, seeing death before his eyes, sighed deeply and turning to these two, said: Friends! J have been injust towards you, can you forgive me? Towards morning the ship was broken to pieces. Melyn lost his son , the mi nister Bogardus; while Kieft, captain John de Vries and a great number of other persons were drowned. Much treasure was also lost, as Kieft was on his i"eturn with a fortune of four hundred thousand guilders. Joachim Pietcrsz Kuyter remained alone on a part of the ship on which stood a cannon , which he took for a man, 46 PARS IV.. D. NEW- YORK. but speaking to it and getting no answer he supposed him dead. He was at last thrown on land together with the cannon to the great astonishment of the English, who crowded the strand by thousands, and who set up the pine or ordinance as a lasting memorial. Mclyn, Seating on his back, fell in with others who had remained on a part of the wreck till they were driven on a sandbank which beca me dry with the ebb. They then took some planks and pieces of wood, fastened them together and having made sails of their shirts etc., they got at last to the Mainland of England. As these per sons were more concerned for their papers than for any tiling else they caused them to be dragged for, and on the third day Joachim Pie- tersz got a smale bon of them, which arc in being to this day. C. How people are sometimes buffetted about the world / How will these persons ever get justice? B. According to what they told me, when they arrived in Hol land, the Dutclx directors much lamented the loss of the ship and its rich cargo, and were doubly vened that while so many fine men were lost, two rebellious bandits should survive to trouble the com pany with their complaints. J. Was that all the comfort they got? B. That was not all their comfort but some of the directors undertook to prevent them from getting a hearing from their High Mightinesses. J. T was better to send such scoundrels to the devil. Who da red to undertake that? B. Those who had always corresponded with those wicked chil dren of Belial, van Beeck Perquin; they got a hearing however and set their affair in such a light before their H. M. that it Avas resolved to prevent such unrightious proceedings, dispatsched let ters of inhibition, ordered Stuyvesant either to appear in person or by prony in order to hear his sentence maintained confirmed or annul led ; or else to await it there , and to that end their H. M. supplied the complenants with all necessary orders, safeguards, acts and in struments. 45 7 a. CONDITIF.N, die, door de Heeren Burgermeesteren der Stadt Amstercdam, volgens t gemaeckte accoordt met de West-Ind. Comp. gepresenteert werden aen alle de gene, die als Coloniers na Nieuw-Nederlandt willen vertrecken etc. 4 to. Amsterdam 1656. S30. The original and very scarce edition of a small treatise to be found at the end of the second edition of v. d. Donck. The contents are the very same, the only dif ference being in the number of pages , which in v. d. Donck amount to 8, but in our copy to 16. A com plete translation is to be found in O Callaghan, vol. II. p. 318333. 45 7b. DE LAET. Bcschryvinge van West-Indien. fol. maps. Leyd. 1625. lf>. 457c. Idem, second edition, fol. Leyd. 1630. Si 5. PARS IV. t). NEW -YORK. 47 The great importance of the learned De Laet s work, is I think by this time generally known in America. He is indeed the first dutch author, who gives us a faith- full and truly scientific report of the colonisation and commerce of the Dutch in America. But the chief im portance of the two dutch editions of this work con sists in the reports on New-Netherland therein con tained. These being quite different from each other in the two editions ; and both of equal importance for the history of the Dutch colony. The first one contains extracts from a journal of Hudsons second voyage to America; which have been too long time neglected by the historical authors who wrote about this matter; the second a large number of original remarks, made by De Laet himself during his stay in New-Netherland. 458. DE VRIES (DAVID PIETERS) Korte historiael ende Journaels acnteyekeninge van verscheyden voyagices ende vier deelen des Werelds- Rondo, als Europa, Africa, Asia ende Amerika gcdaen. t Hoorn voor D. P. de Vries. 4to. 1688. portrait. 8250. Captain De Vries s volume, of which copies have only been very recently brought to America, has always been considered as a book of the utmost importance and of a rarity, equalled only by a few of the most valuable bibliographical curiosities. The zeal with which R. Brodhead Esqr. and several other American gentle men sought for it in Holland was not rewarded by any success; nay, they did not happen even to see, much less to purchase a copy of this scarcest of volumes. It is only owing to Mr. Muller that the copies which have been until now forwarded to America and the present one have been found amongst the filth which incum- bers a stallkepers magazines. And a very interesting book might be written on the travels of this volume from its first possessor, a poor carspenter in Haarlem, to its present owners in America. As to the matter con tained in ,,De Vries" I think it needs no mention that everything that may be said about it, and some ex tracts translated into English will be found in col lections of the N. York histor. society. 1841. 459. DOWNING; Verdere anteyckeninge of Duplyke op sec- ckere Replycque. 4to. S Gravenhage 1666. $50. 460. Idem. Ibidem 1666. uncut. $60. This pamphlet is highly interesting to every American. It furnishes the exactest documents on the great dispuet between the English and Dutch, on the Delaware and 48 PART IV. D. NEW- YORK. Hudson, the remembrance of which is still so fresh in the United States. It contains 33 pages and what is still more 33 pages of documents extracted from books and registers kept at New Amsterdam and Boston. The present edition is the original one, there is a coun terfeit edition of the same date printed at Middelburg. 461. Idem. 4to. Middelburg 1666. 30. 462. HUDSONI (H.) Detectio freti. 4 to. maps and plates. Amsterdam 1612,. 825. 463. Idem. 4to. Ibidem, maps and pi. 1613. S25. 464. KORT en bondigh Vorhael vant geene in den Oorlogh tusschen den Koningh van Engelandt, de H. M. Staten der Vrije Nederlanden en den Bisschop van Minister is voor- gevallen. 4to. Amsterdam 1667. plates, red. morocco g. edges. S50. Containing pag. 27 31: Capture of New - Netherland by the English, in 1664; the first printed report. pag. 22 25: List of the vessels and goods captured by the English from the Dutch in different parts of America, pag. 73 80: De Kuyter s voyage to the West-Indies, pag. 88: Capture of 4 West -Indian vessels. pag. 170: French affairs in Barbados, p. 229 32: Short account of the disputes in America which - were to be arranged in the peace of Breda ; amongs which a very abriged report of the capture of Suriname by the Dutch. 465. Idem, translated into the french. 4 to. Ibidem 1668. very rare. S40. 466. LAMBRECHTSEN (N. C.) Korte Beschrijving van de ont- decking en de verdere Lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland. 8. Middelburg 1818. Si. 467. LAWS of the state of New- York, comprising the con- > stitution and the act of legislature , since the Revolution, from the first to the fifteenth session. 2 vis. 8vo. 1792. boards. $2,50. 468. LETTERS on the Cholera asphycia, as it has appeared in the city of New -York; by Mr. Payne. 8vo. New -York 1832. boards. S 75. 469. KORT Verhael van Nieuw-Nederland. 4to. 1662. 84 pages. This treatise countains the following matters: Summary I. A short account of the situation, good qualities, natu ral privileges and peculiar advantages for colonisation of New Netherland, fol. I. Together with a short ac count of the natives , their size , manners customs etc. fol. 18-. Also of agriculture in N. N. PART IV. D. NEW- YORK. 49 II. The state has guaranteed the decline or loss of this N. N. by proper immunities. Reasons for this book s being printed. Reasons why some points are explained more fully, and why, instead of a village or hamlet, they have endeavoured to make it a province worthy of the state or town. Most important reasons why mini sters are forbidden, fol. 28. The pretended equality is maintained together with several weighty arguments tending to establish a glorious and permanent demo cracy, fol. 29. III. Several explanations and annulements of some arti cles in argument D. IV. Several requests, arguments, deductions etc. tending to obtain proper privileges for peopling N. N. fol. 43. and especially the argument or deduction D. fol. 50. which has been a provisory outline of governement, and which above mentioned explanations tend to recommend. V. A postscript, containing several matters of state fol. G8. VI. A most remarkable chapter drawn from a certain book entitled: Frank discourse of Mr. D Aubignc a french nobleman, and formerly attendant to Henry the Great (II. IV.) king of France, proving the absurdity of those who will not suffer anybody to speak of reformation, fol. 80; together with a remarkable extract from a discourse of an old Leyden magistrate, concerning the liberty of speaking and writing, fol. 84. The ,,Kort Verhael" is indisputably one of the scarcest books on America; O Callaghan, who was acquainted with the title, had most probably never read the book which is not cited in his history, even when he treats of affairs" to which this work specially relates, that is to say, the new argument entered into between the city of Amsterdam and N. N. in the year 1G62. 470. MELTON (Edw.) Zeldzaame en gedenkwaardige Zee- en Land-Reizcn door Egypten, West-Indien, Perzien, Oost- Indicn en d aangrenzende gewesten. 4to. Amsterdam 1681. vellum, fine copy. S25. 471. Idem, 2d edition. 4to. Ibid. 1702. very fine copy. S25. The second edition is an exact reprint of the first. The part of this voyage which treats of America, the se cond of the collection,, occupies 104 pages, 33 of which are consecrated to a very detailed description of New Netherland. This description is rendered still more im portant by the circumstance that Melton was at New York in 1668, in the height of the quarrel between F. MULLER. No. 1. JULY 1850. 4 50 TART IV. D. NEW- YORK. England and Holland, on the possession of the Country, so that he makes use of the names New York and New- Netherland indiscriminately. The following are the arguments of the chapters which treat of New Netherland. Chop. II. Arrival at New Netherland and description of the place; Boundaries of New Netherland. Who first discovered it. Advantages of its coast, promontory and harbours description of the principal rivers. Affecting misfortune of two Indians in the North river. The principal waters and wonderful properties of some foun tains, springs etc. Chaj). III. Qualities and products of the soil. Numerous sorts of timber, and description of the principal ones. Many vineyards. Colours and points of the Indians, and in what manner they are prepared. Their pointing and exceedingly fine red, etc. Chop. IV. Description of the wild and domestic animals found in N. N. Ferocity of the wounded boars and of their winter sleep. Shape of the musk cat, and where the civet comes from. Wonderful nature and properties of the Bever. Birds of N. N. Of the eagles. Very strange Woodpeckers. Immense quantities of fish. Form and nature of the horrid rattle snake. Seasons etc. Chap. V. Size and disposition of the aboriginals of N. N. Of their food etc. How they treat their guests. Their clothing and ornaments- Form of their houses, castles, and villages and the manner of building them. Manner of marriage, divorce, etc. Strange customs with regard to the birth of children. Remarkable funerals and lamen tations for the dead. Feast days and councils. Consul tations with the devil. Incantations of the exorcists, etc. Chap. VI. Differences in race and language in N. N. Money of the natives, and the manner of making it. Natural disposition and amusements of the Indians. Strange bath -stones. Difference in birth and rank among the savages. Their manners of making war; weapons; cruelty towards prisoners. Administration of Justice; treaties of peace and alliances. Strange state councils. Service of God and of the devil. Ridiculous ideas of God, as also of the creation of the world, and of souls, etc. 472. MELTON. Anmerkenswaardigeen zcldzame West-Indische Zee en Land-Reizen, door de Caraibische Eylanden, Nieuw- Nederland, Virginien, en de Spaansche West-Indien. plates. 4to. Amsterdam 1705. vel. SlO. PART IV. D. NEW- YORK. 51 This is a continuation of the second part of Melton; from 1682 to the Author s death. 473. MKMOIR on the subject of the wheat and flour of the states of New- York. 8vo. New- York 1820. boards. S ,75. 474. MOXTANUS (A.) Beschryvinge van America en het Zuid- land. Amsterdam 1671. maps and plates. $10. This is one of the volumes which were published under Dapper s inspection. The description of New-Netherland, is enriched with many details which had become known, since by the political affairs the eyes of the mother - country had been drawn several times upon its Ameri can colony. The volume contains besides a view of New- Amsterdam , which is quite different from the one published in the Vertoogh , Blaeu or v. d. Donck, and several plates, of animals and plants of the country. 475. OCTIIOY by de Hooghe Mogende Heeren Staten Gene- rael verleent aende West-Indische Compagnie: in date den 3. Juni 1621. Jirst edition. 4to. 24 pages. S Gravenhage 1621. S25. 476. Ordres and articles granted by the high and mighty Lords the States Generael. 4to. London 1621. SlO. Very rare translation of the ,,Octroy of 1621." 477. Placcaet by de Hoogrno: Heeren Staten Generael der Vereeuighde Nederlanden ghemaekt op t besluyt van de West - Indische Compagnie. 4to. 8 pages. S Gravenhage 1621. $8. 478. Ordonnantien ende Articulen beraemt by de Hoogh Mo. IT. Staten Generael op het rusten van eene West-Indi sche Compagnie. 4to. 16 pages. 1621. Si 5. 479. Pti- MARQUES SUCCINCTES etc. 4to. La Haye 1665. uncut. Verbal translation of the former. This translation is of ex treme rarity. S25. 480. SOMMIERE anteyckeninge ende deductie ingestelt by de gedeputeerden van de Staten Generael op de lest-ingediende Memorie van S. Downing. 4to. S Gravenhage 1665. in its primitive state; neither cut around nor cut open. 25. This pamphlet is of the highest interest for the history of New-Netherland; not by the exact detail of the facts which it presents, but as the first and energetic protest of the Dutch governement ;igainst the most illegal capture, which was a few months before effectuated by the inhabitants of New -England. Besides the 3 or 4 pages on New-Netherland there are several chapters full of interest on the East -Indian, the African and several other questions. S25. 4* m . )0. 52 PART IV. D. NEW -YORK.- 481. STEENDAM (JACOB) t Lof van New-Nederland. 4 to. A sterdam 1GG1. Si 00 A small poem entirely unknown to the Bibliographers. 482. VAN DER DONCK (A.) Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Neder- land; ghelyk het tegenwoordigh in Staet is. 4to. Amster dam 1655. Si 25. First and extremely scarce edition of this work. Mcuscl, Tcrnaux and Rich always considered the second edition as the first. Very curious details on this book and on it s author may be found in O Callaghan s History of New-York; it is generally considered as the foundation of the history of New- York, and it is only since it has become known in America , that the history of New- Netherland is understood. Even in 1832 Mr. Rich spoke of the existence of a work on New-Netherland, before the year 1670, as very doubtful , and it is owing in a great measure to the researches made in Holland by Mr. Brodhead , Mssrs Asher, father and son, and myself that there are now no less than fifteen publications of an earlier date known; this catalogue itself contains ten which have never yet been mentioned by the bibliographers. 483. Beschryving van New-Nederland. 4. map. very fine clean copy. Amsterdam 1656. SlOO. 484. VERBAEL gehouden door de Heeren H. v. Beverninck, W. Niewpoort, J. v. de Perre, en A. P. Gongestal. 4to. S Gra- venhage 1725. vellum. Si 5. 485. Idem, calf neat. Si 5. The ,,Verbael" treats on the ncgociations of Dutch am bassadors with the English republic in 1651 and 1652 which concerned chiefly New-Netherland. It contains all the speeches and reports made upon that question by both parties and furnishes therefore a great deal of in struction which would be difficult elsewhere to procure. 486. VERTOOGH van Niew-Nederland; weghent de Gheleghent- heydt, Vruchtbaerheydt en Soberen Staet desselfs. 4to. S Gra- venhage 1650. SlOO. 487. Idem. 4 to. uncut. Ib. 1650. S150. This volume, already so rare and so much sought for, and which long passed for the first book in existence which treated on N. N., becomes still more curious by the condition of our copy, which is uncut. O Callaghan, who had probably not seen it when he pu blished the first volume of his History of New-Nether land, speaks of it at large in the second, where he gives a long extract, p. 109 119. PART IV. D. NEW -YORK. 53 1 488. WASSENAER (On. CLAKS) Historisch Verhael der ghe- denek-werdichste gheschiedenisse etc. 21 vis. in 5. 4to. vel- lum. Amsterdam 1622 32. S75. This collection is of immense importance for the history | of America; it contains above 150 ,,neics of the den/ , relating to this part of the world, among which those on New -Nether- land are the more worthy of consideration as they are the I first printed reports on this country, giving thousands of curious 3 details and containing undoubtedly the most important and the I most curious of the first attempts at the colonisation of NEW- jiYoRK. Indeed I may boldly affirm that a more complete hi- | story of New -York from the year 1624 to 1632 is to be i found in these volumes than in any work we possess, those of i O Callaghan and Smith not excepted, for this collection is ! equally unknown to both. In order to prove the great interest of the present work more clearly, we subjoin the detail of a few chapters. Vol. I. 1621. April. Articles of the West -India Company. Vol. II. 1622. February. The States of the United Provinces promote the erection of the West-India Company taking away the obstacles. Vol. in. 1622. April. Their High Mightinesses further promote the erection of ! the West-India Company, removing all misunderstandings. July. Their H. M. the States General again promote the West- India Company and forbid trafficking with Punto del Key. Vol. IV. 1623. February. The State of Spain and the loss of the silver fleet. The salt pans Punto del Key, fortified by the King of Spain. Vol. V. 1623. June. Continuation of the account of the fleet under general Jacques 1 Heremite Amplification of the charter granted to the West- India Company. Proclamation of the States General for closing the list of the West- India Company. All foreign na tions and free republics contribute to the above Company. July. Continuation of the account of the fort at Punto del Key, and how one must sail thither. A new voyage for salt to the Island of Majo, in which the fleet of general 1 Heremite is 54 PART IV. D. NEW-YORK. seen. The Spanish West- India Admiral is wrecked. The directors of the West- India Company finding that the inhabitant* of these countries had deserted the coasts of the West- Indies by order of their M. the States General, send on three sMps , The Orange Tree, The Gracing llagle and The Love, in order to keep up the intercourse: thus hoping to get an adcance of the grant for the company which was yet completed. August. The Brasilian ships taken by adventurers. Vol. VI. 1623. October. A ship laden with salt and wood arrives at Horn from the West -Indies. November. The West- India fleet supported by the board of gover nors. The West -India company sends ships to Africa and the Amazon. December. The West -India Company much favourd. The .first ship for the profit of the Company comes in. The W. J. fleet sets sail. The King of Rio de Gabon. The state of Brasil. 1624. January. Continuation of the West-Ind. fleet. The vice admiral sent out with the third ship for the West-Ind. Comp. arrives in Holland with profit. February. Description of New-Netherland in which those who wish to colons, are informed how to establish and secure themselces ly the example of those in Florida, as well Dutch as French, which were ruined by the Spaniards. Vol. VII. 1624. April. Of the colonies from their first commencement, and in what manner the board of directors of the W. I. Comp. began that in Virginia. How it ought to be begun. Dissentions frequently the cause of a colont/s being dissolved. An account how the Spaniards in the colony of Florida acted against the inhabi tants and afterwards against the French, which was the cause of its total ruin. . May. Continuation of what Admiral Jacob Willekens, an Amster- dammer, performed in taking the city of St. Salvador and the Bahia de todos los Sanctos by storm. June. Disturbances in Mexico, where the viceroi was deprived TAUT IV. D. NEW- YORK. 55 of his place and declared a heretic, for having exiled the bishop. Of the state of the United Provinces and the prosperity of the West-India Company who receive a ship from the river Amazon; with an account of the customs, politics and religion of the natives. Continuation of the prosperity of the West-Ind. Comp. ; they receive a ship from Cabo Verde; some account of the inhabitants of that place, their manner of life etc., and of the nature of the land. Description of the New Island of Greenland called Mauritius. July. Human sacrifices in the West- Indies. August. News arrive in Spain of the loss of Bahia de todos los Sanctos. September. Thanks, givings and rejoicings for the conquest of the ci ties of Salvador and Bahia de todos los Sanctos. Vol. VIII. 1624. October. Secours sent to the city of Breda and a day of thanks giving fixed for the four ships arrived from Bahia, bringing the governor and Jesuits prisoner; how they conducted themselves and disclosed the state of politics and of the church. The silver fleet running out of Havanna meets with a misfortune. November. Their High Mightinesses the states General strengthen the West India company by forbidding the sale of shares by bro kers who did not possess them. December. The Portuguese fleet destined to act against the city of Salvador and Bahia sets sail. Of the preparations in Spain against Bahia; and of the offer which Alphonso Naronjo ma kes of his services. Continuation of the Swedish and Danish commerce about which an agreement was made ; as also of the state of affairs in Gottenburg, where the King of Sweden thought proper to form a West India Company. Account of Neiv Netherlands, who first navigated thither and the present state of its affairs. A ship destined for the West Indies is wrecked. The opinion we must form of the governor of Bahia from his discourse and faithful services rendered to his king, for which he risked his head. The West-India Company sells the conquered goods and marchandise. Departure of the West- India fleet for Bahia; return home of Admiral Jacob Willekens. 56 PART IV. NEW- YORK. 1625. January. Of the Spanish fleet at Bahia; of the English AYest- India fleet. March. Admiral Lam sets sail from Zealand to Bahia, whither the Spanish and Portuguese fleet has preceded ; with an ac count of the most notable persons on the Portuguese fleet. Vol. IX. 1625. April. Continuation of the .state of New - Netlicrland; means used to increase cultivation and agriculture. Discovery of Greenland and New - Netherland. May. Further account of General Jacques I llercmite s -fleet, and what happened to him on his voyage. A Yacht from the fleet driven by a storm to the straits of Magellan, and by scarcity of provisions obliged to land several men on the Island of Fernando de Norovie; further success on their return. The ad ventures of viceadmiral Gheen (Jan Hughen) in Guaiaquil. Departure of the silver fleet from Lima to Panama and so on through Rio de Chagre to Porto Velo, Cartagena, Havana and with great loss to Spain. A discourse of the Armada which carries silver in the North to Spain, with an account of how the king is defrauded in the tolls. The immense income the king receives, and by default of that what enormous treasures he receives from the public as an alms. Of the ta king of St. Salvador and Bahia de todos los Sanctos by ge neral Don Frederico de Toledo; with an account of the whole voyage; what Portuguese nobles of consequence were on board the fleet, how they arrived, landed the forces, bombarded the town and afterwards treated with the Dutch governor; the po werful succours sent to the latter, but which arrived too late. June. The Yacht Greyhound arrives from Bahia with tidings of the siege of St. Salvador. On their way they had touched at Fernando de Naronio and taken in the seven men belonging to the fleet of Jacques I lleremite, who had been landed there and had lived there for a long time without bread. Descrip tion of the Island and its advantages. July. SkijJS arrive from Capo Verde and from New -Netherland. Vol. X. November. Arrival of snips from New - Netlierland. PART IV. I). NEW -YORK. 57 December. The West- India fleet for the king of Spain comes to Calis Malis. Vol. XI. 1626. May. Continuation of the Dutch soldiers from Bahia. Continua tion of the state of Bahia. Admiral Boudewyn Ilcndrieksz s successful voyage. The prisoners from Bahia sentenced and pardoned. July. Arrival of two ships from the Nassau fleet, with a conti nuation of the account, of that fleet, and how the voyage finished, especially the expedition to Lohve , for the profit of the East India Company. Vol. XII. November. Discourse on New - Netherland. The silver fleet arrives in ISpain. December. Sales of the West -India Company in Zealand and Am sterdam. Vol. XIII. 1627. April. State of the Spanish fleet. September. State of affairs in Brazil. Vol XIV. December. Exploit of admiral Pieter Heyn. The state of Bahia. Of the silver fleet. Vol. XV. 1628. April. Commander Dirk Symonsz captures ships for the West- India Company, on the coast of Brasil. August. Sea fight of Havana in which Pieter Adrivensz Vlissinger captures two ships from Honduras. September. Capture of the silver fleet by Pieter Pictersz Heyn, in the Bay of Matanca. Vol. XVI. October. Arrival of ships for the West-India company from Capo Verde, Neiv-Netherland and Guinea, together with the capture of a Spanish ship. 58 PART IV. D. Ni-w-YouK. November. Tidings of the capture of the silver fleet arrive in Holland. December. General Pietor Hcyn arrives in England. Tidings at court of commander Dirk Symonsz and of his doings in Brazil. 1629. February. The Zealand adventurers sell the booty taken on the coasts of the West -Indies, Brazil and the Spanish coasts. March. A full account of the fleet under general Pieter Pietersz Heyn, and of the treasure taken by him. Meeting of the West Indian Company and their resolutions. Vol. XVII. April. An account of the voyage and success of Dirck Symonsz admiral for the West India Company. Vol. XVIIL 1630. February. The taking of the town Olinda in Fernambuco. March. Privileges granted to the inhabitants of New-Netherland. Vol. XIX. April. News arrive in Holland of the conquest of Fernambuco. Thanks givings and rejoicings in the United Provinces for the conquest of Fernambuco. May. Arrival of many ships from Brazil and Guinea. August. Cargo of the Spanish fleet coming from Terra Firma and Nova Hispania. Vol. XXI. 1631. October. Five ships, from Guinea and Fernambuco, arrive for the West India Company. Sea fight between Don Antonio de Oguendo and admiral Pater. 1632. March. Tidings of Nova Hispania and Fernambuco. April. A few ships of the silver fleet arrive in Spain. 489. WEST-INDISCHE COMPAGNIE Articulen, on Olinda di Phernambuca, hier zyn achter by ghedruckt de Vryheden van Niew-Nederlant 4to. Amsterdam 1631. $75. There are two editions, equally rare, of Vryheden van PART IV. E. NOVA SUECIA, F. PENNSYLVANIA. 59 Niew-Nederland", the first of which was published se parately in 1630 the present edition the second. The importance of this document, which is nothing less than the first charter granted to the colonists of New- Netherland, cannot be doubled; indeed one may safely say that the whole futurity of the colony is to be found in it. A translation of the ,,Vryheden" is given in O Callaghan vol. I. p. 112 120. The articles on Olinda are still more scarce than ,,Vryheden" which have been printed several times in Wassenaar , in the ,,Notulen der negentienen v. d. West-Ind. Compagnie etc.; while the present treatise only exists in this sole edition. E. NOVA SUECIA. (SWEDISH COLONY OX THE DELAWARE.) 490. ACRELIUS (J.) Beskrifting om de Suenska Forcandingars tillstand uti America. 4to. Stockholm 1759. 85. 491. MARQUARD; De jure inercantorum. fol. Francof. 1662. F. PENNSYLVANIA. 492. CALENDRIER de Philadelphie pour 1777. sewed. SoO. 493. Idem 1779. sewed. $40 494. ETAT present de la Pcnsylvanie. 12 mo. map. 1756. calf. gl. 495. Idem, sewed. S ,75 496. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD -LiANCOUirr. Des prisons de Phi ladelphie. 8vo. Paris. An 4. sewed. $ ,60. 497. Idem. 8vo. Paris 1819. sewed. S ,60. 498. LA science du Bonhomme Richard, interrogatoire de Mr. Franklin. 12 mo. Paris 1778 79. sewed. Si. 499. LETTRES d un fermier de la Pennsylvania aux habitans de 1 Amerique septentrionale. 12mo. Amsterdam 1769. calf. Si. 500. Idem, sewed. S ,75. 501. MARSILLAC (J.) La Vie de G. Penn, fondateur de la Pensylvanie ; contenant 1 histoire des premiers fondateurs de la Pensylvanie. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1791. sewed. Si, 25. 502. Idem, bound. Sl,50. 503. MEASE (J.) The picture of Philadelphia. 12mo. Phila delphia 1811. Si. 504. PENN (W.) Een kort Bericht van de Provintie ofte Landschap Penn - Sylvania genaemt, leggende in America. 4to. 1681. uncut. 24 pages. S40. This dutch translation of the English description of Penn sylvania is so rare, that it would be difficult to find 60 PART IV. G. VIRGINIA. another copy. It is quite unknown even to the best informed Bibliographers. 505. Missive aan de Commissar de vrye Societeijt van Handelaars op Penn-Sylvanie. 4 to. 28 pages, s. 1.1684. 20. 506. Tweede bericht van den tegemvoordigen toestand en gelegentheid dezer Colonie. 4to. 20 pp. 1688. Si 5. 507. Narder informatie en bericht voor diegene die ge- negen zyn, omzich en de Prov. Pensylvanie neder te zetten. 4to. Amsterdam 1686. 12 pp. $10. 508. Een Brief van zeker lleer aan W. P. Eggenaar en Gouverneur van Pensylvania beucflcns zyn antwoort darop. 4to. Ibid. 1689. 16 pp. Si 5. This translation is very rare indeed. 509. ROBINSON (J.) The Philadelphio directory for 1804. 12mo. Philadelphia 1804. bound. S ,60. 510. ROUSSELOT DE SURGY ; Histoire naturellc et politique de la Pensilvanie, et de I ctablissement des Quakers dans cette contree. 12mo. map. Paris 1768. calf. Si. 511. VOYAGE dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans 1 Etat de New-York. 3 vis. 8vo. Maps and Portraits. Paris 1801. 512. Idem, calf neat, sewed. S2,25. G. VIRGINIA. 513. HISTOIRE de la Virginie par un habitant du pays. 12mo. plates. Paris 1707. calf. S2,50. 514. Idem. 12mo. Amsterdam 1707. calf. $2. 515. Idem. 12mo. Amsterdam 1712. calf. Si, 50. 516. JEFFERSON. Observations sur la Virginie. 8vo. map. Paris 1786. sewed. Si. 517. Idem, bound neat. Sl,25. 518. Observations upon certain passages in Mr. Jeffer- sons notes on Virginia. 8vo. New -York 1804. 32 pages. S ,25. This stupid tract justifies the fear of its author: his efforts may not through their imbecility do an injury to the cause which he desires to serve. 519. SMYTH (Capt. J.) The generall historic of Virginia, New-England and the Summers isles, with the names of the adventurers, planters and governors, fol. London 1626. S40. 520. Adventures and observations in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, from A. D. 1593 to 1629. Together with a continuation of his general history of Virginia, Summers is les, New-England, fol. London 1630. S30. 521. THE laws of Virginia, fol. London 1662. S30. PART IV. H. OHIO. Cl H. OHIO. 522. BOUQUET (H.) Relation historique de 1 expedition contre les Indiens de 1 Ohio; traduite par C. G. F. Dumas, maps & plates. 8vo. Amsterdam 1769. sewed. Si, 25. 523. Idem, bound neat. Si, 50. 524. DESCRIPTION de cette portion des Etats -Unis, situee entre la Pensylvanie, les rives de 1 Ohio du Scioto et le lac Erie. 8vo. Paris 1789. sewed. S ,75. 525. DRAKE (I).) Natural and statistical view, or picture of Cincinnati and the Krainy. maps. 12mo. Cincinnati 1815. calf. Sl,25. 526. EDIT du congres des Etats-Unis pour les terres depen- dantes des Etats, situes au Nord-ouest de hi Riviere de 1 Ohio. map. 8vo. Paris 1789. S GO. 527. LE nouveau Mississipi, ou les dangers d habiter les bords du Scioto. 8vo. Paris 1790. sewed. S ,60. 528. LEZAY-MARXESIA Lettres ecrites des bords de 1 Ohio. 8vo. Paris. An IX. sewed. S ,60. 529. MICHAUX (F. A.) Voyage a, 1 ouest des monts Alepha- nys dans les etats de 1 Ohio, du Kentucky et du Tennessee, et de retour h Charlestown, par les hautes Carolines. 8vo. Paris 1808. sewed. Si. 530. Idem, bound neat. Si, 2 5. 531. OBSERVATIONS sur rEtablissement du Scioto. 8vo. large map. sewed. S ,60. 532. generates et impartiales sur I afi aire du Scioto. 8vo* Paris 1790. sewed. S ,60 533. PROSPECTUS sur 1 etablissement sur les rives de 1 Ohio et du Scioto en Amerique. 4to. map. rare, sewed. S ,75. I. KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE. 534. M . . . Voyage au Kentucky et sur les bords du Te- nesee etc. par M. map. 8vo. Paris 1821. sewed. Si. 535. ORIGINE et progres de la mission du Kentucky. 8vo. Paris 1821. sewed. S ,40. 536. THE Emigrants guide, or pocket geography of Ken tucky, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, Mississipi etc. 1 2mo. Cin cinnati 1818. bound. Si, 2 5. 537. TILSOX (J.) Histoire de Kentucky, nouvelle colonie a 1 ouest de la Virginie; traduite par Parraud. 8vo. Paris 1785. sewed. Si. 538. Idem, bound. Sl,25. 62 PART IV. K. LOUISIANA. K. LOUISIANA. 539. ANNALES philosophiques , polltiques et litdraires par un habitant de la Louisiane. Pars I. Philadelphia 1817. sewed. 88. 540. BARBK-MARBOIS. Ilistoire de la Louisiane et de la ces sion de cette colonie par la France aux Etats-Unis. 8vo. Paris 1829. large map. sewed. S9. 541. BAUDRY DES LOZIEREF. Voyage de la Louisiane et snr le continent de I Amerique septentrionale fait dans les an- ne es 1794 98. 8vo. map. Paris 1802. $1,25. 542. Second voyage, faisant suite an premier, de 1794 a 1798. 2 vol. Svo. Paris 1803. sewed. S2. 543. CuBiifRKS (DE) Memoire sur les Cypres de la Louisiane. Svo. Versailles 1809. sewed. S ,40. 544. D... Lettre de Mr. D. au sujet de la noblesse coin- mercante, ou Ton dcmontre la facilite de remedier a la de population tant en France, que dans les colonies et specia- lement en Louisiane. 8vo. Paris 175G. unbound. Si. 545. DEBOUCIIEL (V.) Ilistoire de la Louisiane depuis la premiere decouverte jusqu en 1840. 12mo. New- Orleans 1841. half bound. Si, 2 5. 546. DUVALLON (B.) Vue de la colonie espagnole du Mis- sissipi, ou des provinces de Louisiane et de Floride occiden- tale. Svo. Paris 1803. Si. 547. HENNEPIN. Description de la Louisiane nouvellernent decouverte au Sud-ouest de la Nouvelle -France par ordre du roi. 12mo. Paris 1683. So. 548. Aenmerkelyke Voyagie gedaan na t gedeelte van Noorder- America. 4 to. Leyden 1704. fine copy, large paper. S3. 549. Nouvelle decouverte d un grand pays situe en Ame- rique entre le nouveau Mexiquc et la mcr glaciale. 12mo. Utrecht 1697. uncut, So. 550. Idem, vellum neat, Ibid. 1698. S3. 551. JOURNAL historique de 1 etablissement des Francais dans la Louisiane. 8vo. Paris 1831. sewed. S - ,80. 552. LA FAYETTE. Visitc du general de La Fayctte a la Louisiane. 12mo. Nouv. -Orleans 1825. sewed. S ,80. 553. LAVAL (Le pere). Voyage a la Louisiane: fait en 1720. maps. 4to. Paris 1728. SlO. Beautifully bound in red turkey-morocco gilt edges richly, tooled sides and back; a splendid specimen of English binding in the last century. 554. NOTICE sur 1 etat actuel de la mision de la Louisiane. Svo, Paris 1820. sewed. S ,40. PART IV. L. FLOKIDA etc. M. CALIFORNIA. N. MEXICO. 63 555. RELATIONS de la Louisiana et du fleuve Mississipi. 18mo. plates. Amsterdam 1720. uncut. S 2,50. 556. TIXIER (V.) Voyage aux prairies de la Louisiane et du Missouri, 1839 & 1840. plates. 8vo. Clermont 1844. sewed. S >90. VERGENNES (DE) Memoire historique et politique sur la Louisiane. 8vo. portrait. Paris 1802. sewed. S ,90. r, -7 L. FLORIDA, CAROLINA, TEXAS. 558. GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histolre de la jconquete de la Floride, traduite par Richelet. 12mo. Paris 1711. calf. Sl,25. 559. BARTIAM (W.) Voyage dans les parties du sud de 1 Amurique septentrionale; les Carolines, la Georgie etc. 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates.* Paris an VII to IX. sewed. $2,50. 559a. Idem, bound neat. S3. 5 GO. HARTMANN et MOILLARD. Le Texas, ou notice histori que sur le champ d asile. 8vo. Paris 1819. sewed. Si. 5G1. JOLLIVET. Annexion du Texas, nouveau document Ame- ricain. 8vo. Paris 1845. S ,40. M. CALIFORNIA. 502. HISTOIRE naturelle de la Californie traduite par Lidous. 3 vols. 12mo. map. Paris 1767. calf. Si. 563. CIIAPPE D AUTEROCHE. Voyage en Californie, redige par Cassini. maps and plates. 8vo. Paris 1772. bound. S2,50 564. Voyage to California, map. Svo. Lond. 1778. boards. S ,75. N. MEXICO. 565. BELTRAMI (J. C.) Le Mexique, 2 vols. Svo. Paris 1830. sewed. S2,50. 566. Idem, bound. S3. 567. BERNAL DIAZ DEL CASTILLO. Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva-Espana, sacada a Luz por. Fr. Al fonso Remon. fol. Madrid 1632. $10. 568. BEULLOCH. Le Mexique en 1823, ou relation d un voyage dans la nouvelle Espagne; trad, par Beyerley. 2 vols. Svo. Paris 1824. sewed. $2,50. 569. Idem fine paper halfbound. $3,50. 570. BILLAUD DE VARENNES. Mcmoires ecrits au Port-au- Prince en 1818, cont. la relation de son voyage dans le Mexique jusqu en 1817. 2 vols. Svo. Paris 1821. sewed. $1,50. 64 PART IV. N. MEXICO. 571. BRISSOT. Voyage au Goagacoalcas aux Antilles et au: Etats-Unis. 8vo. Paris 1837. sewed. S ,75 572. C. (J. C.) Correspondance entre la legation du Mexiqu a Washington et le ministere des affaires etrangeres de Etats-Unis sur le passage de la Sabine par les troupes d: General Games. 8vo. map. Paris 1837. sewed. S ,60 573. CORTF.Z (F.) Praeclara F. C. de nova maris Ocean Hyspania narratio sacr. et univ. Carolo Ixomanorum impe ratore anno Domini MDXX. Tertia F. Cort. in nova mari Oceani Ilispania generalis perfeoti praeclara narratio. fol Norimberg. 1524. $10 574. GAGE (Tn.) Nouvelle relation etc. contenant les voyage dans la nouvelle Espagne (avec 1 Instr. de la Langue Pochonchi 4 vols. in 12mo. Paris 1677. calf scarce. S5 575. Idem. 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam 1685. calf. 82 57G. Idem. 2 vols. 12mo. maps and plates. Amst 1720. calf. Si, 50 577. Idem. 2 vols. 12mo. maps and plates. Ibid 1721. calf. Si, 50 578. HAEFKENS (J.) Centraal America. 8vo. Dordreech 1832. uncut. Si 579. HERNANDEZ. Historia naturalis Mexicans. 2 vis. in 1 fol Romael651. red morocco ancient binding; gilt edges. S20 Hernandez s work was written in Spanish; but this lateii edition is so much enlarged that it may be considcrec as quite a different work. The woodcut illustration; belong to the best contributions which the botany o America ever received. 580. HUMBOLDT (ALEX. DE). Essai politique sur le Royaumi de la nouvelle Espagne. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris 1811. sewed. S6 581. LALLEATEGUI (J. D.) Description botanique du Chi rantho dendron, arbre du Mexique, nouvellcment connu traduit par Lescallier. plates. 4to. Paris 1805. sewed. Si 582. LE Mexique conquis. 2 vols. , 12 mo. Paris 1752 bound. Si, 50 583. Idem. 2 vols. in 1. dutch vellum gilt edges Unknown to liich. S2 584. LOPEZ (GREGOIRE). Vie de G. L. dans la Nouvelle Espagne, composee en espagnol par F. de Losa, pretre li cencie, et mise en francais par un P. de la C. de J. 12mo Paris 1G44. 7,50 585. LOWENSTERN (J.) Le Mexique. Souvenirs d un Voyageur 8vo. Paris 1843. uncut. Si 586. MANSION (H ) Precis historique sur la colonie fran9ais< de Goazacoalcas; avec la refutation des prospectus publie PART IV. N. MEXICO. 65 par Maisnd tie Villeveque, Giordan ct Barradere. 8vo. Londres 1823. sewed. Si. 587. MOLL (G.) Verhandeling over eenige vroegere Zee- togten der Nederlanders. 8vo. Amsterdam 1825. S2,50. 588. NELLO. Relation de 1 expedition de la corvette ,,La Creole" en Mexique , en 1838 39. 8vo. Paris 1839. sewed. SCO. 589. PALAFOX. Ilistoire de Dom Jean de; et ses diflerents avec les P. P. Jesuites. 1690. 12mo. bound. 8 1,50. 590. Vie du venerable Dom Juan de; eveque d Angolo- polis et ensuite eveque d Asme. 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8vo. plates. Paris 1767. bound. Si, 50. 591. RELATIOXES, DREY NEWE. Erste, auss Japon, was sich darinn . . . zugetragen. Andere, von Missionibus oder Rei- sen, so etliche Priestcr Jesu, im J. 1607 in das Konigreich Mexico angestellt. Dritte, von ableiben des Konigs Mogor, und wie nach selbigen das Religion und Politisch wesen be- schafi en. 4to. Augspurg 1611. sewed. 8 10. 592. ROURE (M. P.) La Conquete du Mexique, poe me en 10 chants enrichi de notes, du precis de la conquete du Mexique et de son etat ancien et moderne. 8vo. Paris 1811. sewed. S ,75. 593. SOLIS (A. DE). Historia de la conquista de Mexico, poblacion y progresos de la America septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva Esparia. fol. Madrid 1684. 85. 594. Historia de la conquista de Mexico, fol. Ambe- res 1704. fine clean copy, sewed, uncut. $5. 595. Idem, plates. Fol. Barcelona 1766. half- bound. 84. 596. Ilistoire de la conquete du Mexique on de la Nouvelle-Espagne. 4to. Paris 1691. bound. 82,50. 597. Idem. 4to. 1759. Si, 50. 598. Idem. 2 vols. 12mo. maps and plates. Pa ris 1774. bound. $1,50. 599. Istoria della conquista del Messico trad, un academico de la Crusca. plates. 4to. Firenze 1699. bound. 83,50. GOO. UNITED Mexican mining association report. 8vo. plates. 1827. sewed. S ,60. F. MULLER. No. 1. JULY 1850. GG PART V. WEST- INDIA -ISLANDS IN GENERAL. PART v. WEST-INDIA-ISLAXDS IN GENERAL. 601. BELLIN. Description geographique ties Isles Antilles, possedees par les Anglois. 4 to. maps. Paris 1758. calf. $2,75. G02. BOYER-PEYIIELEAU. Lcs Antilles francaises particuliere- ment la Guadeloupe, depuis lour decouverte jusqu au Novbr. 1825. 3 vols. 8vo. map. Paris 1825. sewed. S3. COS." Idem, half bound neat. 4. G04. BRYAN-EDWARDS. Geschiedenis der Engelsche Volk- plantingen in de West-Indien. 4 vols. in 2. 8vo. Ilaerlem 1794. G05. D. (J.) Considerations sur 1 Esclavage aux Antilles Fran9aiscs et de son abolition. 8vo. Paris 1843. sewed. S ,50. GOG. DRAKI (FRANCISCI) Expeditio equitis angli in India? Occidentals a. MDLXXXV qua urbes forum D. Jacobi, J). Dominici, I). Augustini et Carthagena capta fucre. 4to. Leyda 1588. Extremely rare. Si 5. GO 7. Du TERTRE (LE 1\. P. J. B.) Ilistoire generale des isles de S. Christophe, la Guadeloupe, la Martinique et autres dans TAmc rique, on Ton verra 1 ctablissemcnt des Co lonies francaises dans ces isles. 4to. Paris 1654. S7,50. G08. Ilistoire generale des Antilles habitces par leg Francais. 4 vols. 4to. Paris 1667 71. S25. GOO. ERDMAN-ISERT (P.) Voyages en Guince et dans les is les Cara ibes de 1 Amcrique. 8vo. Paris 1793. Si. G10. ESSAI sur 1 administration des colonies francaises et par- ticulierement d une partie de celles de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris 1788. 2 maps, sewed. Si. Gil. HISTOIRE du commerce des Antilles Anglaises. 12mo map. 1758. calf. Si. 612. LACOMBE. Observations sur le projet de loi concernanl 1 etat des personnes libres aux Antilles Francaises. 8vo Paris, sewed. S ,75 613. LAON (J. DE). Relation du Voyage des Francais fail ou Cap-Nord en Amcriquc. 12mo. Paris 1654. SlO G14. M. Souvenirs des Antilles, voy. en 1815 et 1826 au> Etats-Unis et dans 1 Archipel. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1818 halfbound. Si, 7 5 615. Idem sewed. Si, 50 616. MOREAU DE JONNES. Essai de 1 hygicnc militaire de; Antilles. 8vo. Paris 1816. sewed. S ,15 PART V. WEST- INDIA- ISLANDS IN GENERAL. G7 017. MOREAU DE JONNKS. Monographic hist, ct medic, de La ficvrc jnnnc dcs Antilles. Svo. Paris 1820. sewed. Si. C18. Tableau du climat des Antilles et des phenomenes de son influence sur les plantes, les animaux et 1 espece humaine. Svo. Paris 1817. sewed. S ,GO. do. Idem. Svo. Paris 1821. S ,40. G20. MOREAU DE ST. MERY. Loix et coutumes des colonies francaises de I Amerique sous le vent. 6 vols. 4to. Paris 1784 8G. boards, very scarce. Si 5. G21. Idem, red morocco gilt edges. S20. 622. NOTICES statistiques sur les colonies Francaises Martini que, Guadeloupe et ddpcndanccs. Svo. Paris 1837. sewed. Si, 25. C23. O STIIELL (B. B.) Reponses aux objections clevees contre les systeme colonial aux Antilles, suivies d un appendix, o;i Ton demontre les dangers de l afTranchissement graduel des Nogres; par Buxon. Svo. sewed. Sl,25. G24. PATRON (F.) dc la Guadeloupe. De quelques questions relatives aux colonies francaises. Svo. Paris 1832. sewed. S ,40. G2"). RAYMOND-BRETON (LE P.) Dictionnaire francais-Caraibe. 12 mo. Auxerre 1GGG. S7.50. G2G. RAYNAL (G. M.) Histoire philosophique et politique des Isles francaises dans les Indes occidentales. Svo. Lausanne 1784. sewed. Si. G27. ROCIIEFORT. Histoire naturelle des Isles Antilles de rAinerique; avec un vocabulaire Caraibe. 2 vols. 12mo. Lyon 1GG7. calf neat. S2,50. G28. Naturlykc en zedelyke Historic van d Eylanden dc Voor-Eylanden van Amerika. 4to. Rotterdam 1GG2. vellum. S7,50. G29. Idem calf; indefTer. binding; a part of the title cut off. S3. G30. Histoire naturelle et morale des isles Antilles de l Amerique. 4to. Rotterdam 1G58. plates. SlO. G31. ROUME. Coup d oeil sur les colonies fra^aises en AiiK rique; yet unedited. 105 pages. 4to. Mss. So. For another work of Roume see No. 821. OH -2. S. (J. G.) Ses maanden in de West-Indien. Svo. Dordrecht 182G. uncut. Si, 50. 633. SAINT-MICHEL (Mn. DE). Voyages des isles Camercanes de TAmcrique qui font partie des Indes-Occidentales. Svo. an Mans. 1G52. SlO. 634. SES maanden in de W. Indien 25. Jan. Vert, in L. Eng. door J. G. S. Dordr. 1S2G. G35. VAN LENNEP- COSTER (G.) Aantcekeningen gehoudcn 5* C8 PART VI. 1. CUBA. gedurcnde mijn verblijf in de West-Indicn. 8vo. Amster dam 1842. plates, uncut. 636. YOUNG (W.) The West- India Common -place book: Compled from parliamentary and official documents showing the interest of Great-Britain in its Sugar Colonies etc. Lond. 1807. 4to. PART VI. SEPARATE ISLANDS. 1. CUBA. C37. Bei-icht wie es mit der Silberfiotta hergangen, wann, durch wen, wie, und wieviel solehe im Jahr 1628 erobert etc. Nebenst Specificirung aller Gutter, auch wie sic unter d. West-Indische Compagni aussgetheilt worden. 4to. Ambsterdam 1628 (see No. 6 46). SlO. G38. HUBER (B.) Apercu statistique de 1 Isle de Cuba, precede de quelques lettres sur la Havane. Svo. maps. Paris 1826. sewed. Si, 25. G39. Idem, halfbound. Si, 50. 640. MARTINI (F.) Argo-Nauta Batavua, seu exped. pluralis, quam alter noster Jason etheros fortiss. Petrus Heinius suscepit. Carmen heroic umCampis. 1629. 4to. 28 pages. Sl5. 641. MASSKL (L. M.) L Isle de Cuba et la Havane. Svo. Paris 1825. sewed. Sl,25. 642. RAMON DE LA SAGRA. Observations et conparaisons statist, sur le mouvement de la population de la Havane dans les 7 ans 1825 1830. Svo. Paris 1831. sewed. S ,50. 643. Breve Idea de la administration y de la rentos y fastos de la Isla de Cuba; durante los aiios de 1826 a 1834. Svo. Paris 1836. sewed. S ,60. 644. Anales de ciencias, agricultura, comercio y artes. 4to. Habana 182829. (vol. 2 et 3.) $2. 645. ROSEMOND (J. B.) L Isle de Cuba. vol. I. (the only one publ.) 8vo. Paris 1844. sewed. Si. 646. SPRANCKIIUYSEN (DiON.) Triumph van weghen de gheluckige ende Over-Ryke Victorie, welcke de Heere verleent heft aen de Vlotte van de West-Ind. Compagnie onder het Beleydt van P. P. Heyn. 4to. Delf 1629. 80 pages. nearly uncut. S25. This is the completes! account of the capture of tlie PART VI. 2. JAMAICA. 3. MARTINIQUE. 69 silver fleet. Perhaps no success ever made so great a sensation in Holland as this. All the little political pamphlets of these times which have come down to us, on whatever subject they treat, and even historians who did not write under the immediate influence of the universal enthusiasm, all unite in excusing P. P. Heyn. Public gratitude did not end here; on his return to his country he was appointed Admiral, an honour which he however did not long enjoy, for in Wassenaar, we are told that his death took place in August 1629. This important capture not only enriched Holland, but inspired the West -India Company with new courage; for immediately afterwards they began to elaborate the privileges of the colonists of New Netherland. It was with the money gained in this affair that the company in a great measure defrayed the enormous but fruitless expenses of its North American colony. Grant attri butes the success of the Company in Brazil principally to this powerful auxiliary ; indeed the company never showed so much zeal or obtained so much success as in the years 1629 and 1630. 647. VERTOOGH van de Redenen die den Capiteyn Thomas Danielsz bewogen hebben in Jamaica aan en intelopen. 4to. Rotterdam 1690. $7,50. 2. JAMAICA. 648. BECKFORT (M. W.) Vues pittoresques de la Jamaique; traduit de 1 anglais par Lausanne. 2 vols. 12mo. neatly bound. Si, 2 5. 649. Idem, sewed. 1. 650. DROUIN DE BERCY. Histoire civile et commerciale de la Jamaique. 8vo. Paris 1818. sewed. Si. 651. M... Histoire de la Jamaique; traduitc de 1 anglais. 2 vols. 12mo. Londres 1751. bound. Si, 25. 652. RAUGHLEY. The Jamaica planters guide, or a system for planting and managing a sugar estate. 8vo. Lond. 1823. boards. $1,25. 653. THE history of Jamaica. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1774. halfb. maps, bound, (the 3d volume is wanting.) $2,50. 3. MARTINiaUE. 654. ANXALES de la Socicte d Agriculture et d economie po- litique a la Martinique. 70 PART VI. 4. HAITI, 655. BISSETTE. Memoire justifieatif ties liommes dc couleur de la Martinique. 5 vols. Svo Paris 1825 29. S5. 65G. BOUTON (LE P. J.) Relation do I ctablLssemeut des Francais depuis 1 an 1635 en 1 Isle de la Martinique, 1 une des Antilles de 1 Amerique, des moeurs des sauvagcs, de la situation et outres singularity s dc lisle. Paris 1640. SlO. 657. CIIANVALLOX (TIIIBAULT DE). Voyage li la Martinique contenant des observations sur la physique, 1 histoire na- turelle, I* Agriculture, les Moeurs ete. de cette Isle. 4to. map. Paris 17G3. sewed. S2. 658. f . dem, lialfbound. S2,50. 659. CORMILLIERE (LE COMTE DE). La Martinique en 1842. Svo. Paris 1843. Si, 50. 660. DuJiAND-MoLAHD. Code dc !a Martinique; continue par Dufresne de St. Cergues. 5 vols. Svo. St. Pierre-Marti nique 1807 10. Si 5. 661. ISA-MBERT. Memoire pour les deportc s de la Martini que. Svo. Paris 1824. Si. 662. MEMOIRE pour les colonies franeaiscs. Svo. St. Pierre- Martinique 1821. sewed. S ,40. 663. MKYNAHD DE QUEILHE (L. LE). Outre Mcr; 2 vols. Svo. Paris 1835. printed on large and coloured paper. Si. This interesting book treats on the wars in Martinique. 664. MONNIER (M. P.) Description nautique des cotes de la Martinique. Svo. Paris 1828. Si. 665. MORREAU DE JONNES. Monographic du Tragonocephale des Antilles , ou Grande vipere fer-de-lance de la Martini que. Svo. Paris 1816. sewed. S ,50. 666. ORDONNANCE du l\oi, portant application du Code d instruction criminclle a 1 Isle de la Martinique. 4to. Paris 1828. sewed. S ,75. 667. PLAIDOYER pour le syndic des Creanciers des Mr. Lioncy freres centre la Societe des Jesuites. (relating to Martini que,) 1 21110. Paris 1761. Si. 668. Pt. (J.) Voyage U la Martinique. 8vo. Paris 1804. sewed. S ,60. 669. RENOUARD (P.) Statistiquc dc la Martinique. 2 vols. Svo. map. Paris 1822. S2,50. 4. HAITI. 670. BARBE DE MARBOIS. Etat des finances de St. Domingue depuis le 10 Novbrc 1785 jusqu au 1 Janvier 1788. 4to. Port-au-Prince 1788. sewed. Si, 50. 671. BELLIN. Description des debouqucments qui sont au PAKT VI. -1. HAITI. 71 Nord de 1 Isle do St. Domingue. Very numerous maps and charts. 4 to. Paris 17G8. !?2. 672. BRYAN-EDWABDS. Histoire civique et eommereiale des Indes occidentals, suivic d un tableau hist, et politique de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris 1804. sewed. Si. 07 3. BUSSOUL (Du). Jsouvelles considerations sur St. Dom. en reponse a cellos de Mr. II. D. (Milliard Daubcrteuil.) 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1780. calf. Si, 50. 674. CHEVALIER. Lettres a Mdme Jean sur les maladies de St. Domingue. 12mo. Paris 1752. bound. S ,75. 675. DucoEUR-JoLY. Manuel des liabitans de St. Domingue, contenant un precis do 1 histoire de cette Isle; suii-i d un dictionnaire Francais - Creole et conversations Francois "Creoles. 2 vols. 8vo. map. Paris 1802. S3, 50. 676. ESSAI sur les Colonies francaises ou discours politicoes sur la nature du gouvernement de la population et du com merce de St. Domingue. 12mo. 1754. bound. S ,75. 677. GREGOIRE. La litterature des Negres. 8vo. Paris 1808. Si, 75. 678. Cri des colons centre un livre de Mr. Gregoire: La litterature des Negres. 8vo. Paris 1810. sewed. Si. 679. GUILLERMIN. Precis des derniers evenements de la partie de Test de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris 1811. Si, 50. 680. HILLIARD D AUBERTEUIL. Considerations sur 1 etat actuel do St. Domingue. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1776. calf. Si, 7 5. 681. Idem, sewed. Si, 50. 682. HISTOIRE de St. Domingue depuis la decouverte par Christophe Colomb jusqu en 1818. Svo. Paris 1819. sewed. S 1 . 683. LAFASSE. Avis sur les maladies de St. Domingue. Svo. Paris 1787. sewed. S ,75. 684. LE PILOTE de 1 Isle de St. Domingue. (an atlas con taining numerous maps and charts.) large fol. Paris 1787. bound. S6. 685. LEBORGNE DE BOIGNE. Nouveau systeme de la coloni sation pour St. Domingue. Svo. Paris 1817. sewed. S ,75. 686. MKMOIRKS du cerclc des Philadelphcs. Svo. Port-au- Prince 1788. 1st volume (the only one published. Extre mely rare ). 4. 687. MOLENFANT (LE COL.) Des Colonies, ct de cello de St. Domingue particulierement. Svo. Paris ] 81 4. sewed. S ,75. 688. MOREAU DE ST. MEIIY. Description topographique, physique, civique, historiquc et politique do la partie fran- caise de St. Domingue. 2 vols. 4to. large map. Phila delphia 179798. S8. 72 PART VI. 5. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING 689. MOREAU DE ST. MERY. Description topographique et politique de la partic espagnole de St. Domingue. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia 179G. calf. S4. 690. NEUFCHATEAU (FR. DE). Memoire en forme de dis- cours sur la disette du Numeraire a St. Domingue. Svo. Metz 1788. served. S ,75. 691. Idem, bound. Si. 692. NICOLSON (P.) Essai sur 1 histoire naturelle de St. Domingue. Svo. many plates. Paris 1776. bound. Si, 25. 693. POISSONNIER-DESPERRIERES. Traitc des ficvres de St. Domingue. 12mo. Paris 1763. calf. S ,75. 694. Idem, red morocco, very neat, gilt edges. Si, 7 5. 695. Idem. Svo. Paris 1780. sewed. S ,75. 696. Idem, halfbound. Ib. Si, 2 5. 697. POUPPE-DESPORTES. Histoire des maladies et dcs plantes usuelles de St. Domingue. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris 1770., bound. Si, 75. 698. PROISY (CiiEV. DE). Etat des finances de St Domingue depuis Janvier 1789 jusqu au 31 Decbre. 4to. Port-au- Prince, sewed. $1,50. 699. DAHVO - SOULUSTRE. Voyage parterre de St. Domingo au cap Francais. Svo. plates. Paris 1809. sewed. Si. 5. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO THE REVOLUTION IN HAITI. 700. 1789* KEPONSE succinte des deputes de St. Domingue. Svo. Versailles 1789. sewed. S ,40. 701. 1789, RECLAMATION de I intendant de St. Domingue. Svo. 1789. sewed. S ,40. 702. 1789, GILLET DE LA PAQUEMiNiERE. Rapport fait au nom de la section du comite d agriculture et de commerce de 1 examen de la reclamation de St. Domingue. Svo. Pa ris 1.789. S ,50. 703. 1789, BARBE-MARBOIS. Memoire laisse a St. Domingue. 4to. Port-au-Prince 1789. sewed. Sl,75. 704. 1790. Memoire et observations sur une denoncia- tion signee par treize deputes de St. Domingue; au nom des trois comites de la colonie. 4to. Paris 1790. sewed. S ,75. 705. 1790* L ASSEMBLEE general e de la partie fra^aise de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris, sewed. S ,40. 706. 1790. CONDUITE de Mr. de Santo-Domingo. 8vo. Paris. S ,40. 707. 1790* COURAZOLLES. Memoire ou replique a la justi fication de W. de Luzerne. Svo. Paris. S ,50. TO THE REVOLUTION IN HAITI. 73 708. 1790, ML.MOIRE de M. de Luzornc a 1 Assemblee na- tioiuilc. 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4to. Si, 2 5. 709. 1790, DE TONS. Observation sur lit situation do St. Doininguc. 8vo. Paris. S ,60. 710. 1791, RAYMOND. Ilistoire da prejuge des colons blancs contrc les homines de eouleur. 8vo. Paris. S ,75. 711. 1791, MOREAU DE ST. MKRY. Recueil des vues de la colonie francaise de St. Domingue. 23 plates, fol. Paris, sewed, very rare. S6. 712. 179tJ, MICIIAUX. Mcmoires et pieces justificative^ adressees a la convention. 8vo. Paris. S ,60. 713. 1793, ANDRE CONSCIENCE a la convention nationale sur les diverses evenements de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris. S ,50. 714. 1794, BKYAN-E WARDS Histoire de St. Domingue 1789 a 1794. 12 mo. Paris 1802. sewed. Si. 715. 1797. SONTHONAX. Discours sur la situation de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris. S ,50. 716. 1797, VAUBLANC. Discours sur 1 etat de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris. S ,50. 717. 1708, GARRAN (J. PH.) Rapport sur les troubles de St. Domingue an V VII. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, very scarce. S5,50. 718. 1798, COUSIN D AVALON. Vie de Toussaint-L Ouverture. 12mo. portrait. Si, 50. 719. 1798, DUBROCA. Vie de Toussaint L Ouverture. 8vo. portrait. Paris. Si. 720. 1799, BARBE ST. VENANT. Des colonies modernes sous la zone torride; et partiellement de St. Domingue. 8vo. sewed. Si. 721. 1802, SOIREES BERMUDIENNES ou entretiens sur les evenements qui ont opere la mine de la population francaise de St. Domingue. 8vo. Bordeaux 1802. Si, 25. 722. 1802, BACON -TACON. Re ponse a Sonthonax. 8vo. Paris. S ,75. 723. 1803, DE LATTRE. Campagnes frai^aises a St. Do mingue. 8vo. Paris 1803. sewed. Si. 724. 1804, DUBROCA. Vie de Dessalines. 12mo. Paris 1804. sewed. Si, 25. 725. 1804, Idem, halfbound neat. Si, 50. WITHOUT DATE. 726. APPEL inter] ette par 1 Assemblc gener. de la partie Franc, de St. Domingue a 1 Assemblee Nationale.- sewed. S ,40, 74 PART VI. 5. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING etc. 727. COMPTE renclu a la partic dc St. Domingue par les rc- presentants vcnus en France sur le ,,Leopard." 8vo. Paris. S ,40. 728. CoUBRAND (L AIUJE DE) Reponse aux observations d"un habitant des colonies, sur le meinoire en favour des gens de couleur U St. D. 8vo. Paris, sewed. S ,50. 729. CONSPIRATIONS, trahisoiis et colonnies devadees de I Amcrique. S ,60. 730. Ex AMEN du rapport fait par Barnave a 1 Asscmblee Na- tionale. 8vo. Paris, sewed. S ,75. 731. MAILLET. Nouvel examen du rapport le Barnavc. 8vo. Paris, sewed. S ,75. 732. LANSON. Precis hist, de la derniere expedition de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris, sewed. Si. COOKS ON Tin; DEVOLUTION IN GENERAL. 733. D ALMAS. Ilistoire de la Revolte de St. Domingue. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris 1814. sewed. Si, 50. 734. DKOUIN DE BERCY. De St. Domingue,- de ses guerres, de ses revolutions de ses ressources etc. 8vo. Paris 1814. S ,75. 735. GROUVEL. Faits historiques sur St. Domingue 1786 jusqu a 1805. 8vo. Paris 1814. sewed. Si. 786. METRAL. Ilistoire de 1 Insurrcction dans le Nord de St. Domingue. Svo. Paris 1818. sewed. S ,75. 787. P. (MLLE. DE). Vies de Miles, de St. Janvier les deux scules blanches conservees a St. Domingue. Proof prints with letters and without letters and with the original drawings. 12mo. sewed. S3, 50. 788. ROCHAMBEAU. Memoircs militaires. 2 vols. Svo. Parh 1809. sewed. S2, AFFAIR OF 1824 (DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE). 789. GREGOIRE. De la liberte de conscience et de culte a Haiti. 12mo. Paris 1824. S ,60. 790. MODO (Cn.) Ilistoire d Ha iti (St. Domingue) depuis la decouverte jusqu en 1824. Svo. Paris 1825. sewed. Si. 791. METRAL (A.) Histoire de 1 expedition a St. Dominguc sous Bonaparte, suivi des mernoires d Isaac 1 Ouverture sui son pere. Svo. Paris 1825. sewed. S ,75 792. SALVAXD Y (DE). De 1 emancipation de St. Domingue 8vo. Paris 1825. sewed. S ,40 793. BARSKETT (J.) Ilistoire politique et statistiquc de 1 islc de Hayti; traduite par Placide Justin. Svo. large map thick vol. Paris 1826. sewed. Si, 2 5 794. Idem. Svo. Paris 1826. half bound. Si, 50 PART VI. 0. GUADELUPE. 75 795. VANUFEL (Cii.) ct CHAMPION -VILLEXEUVE. Code do Colons dc St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris 1826. sewed. S ,75. 79G. CODK-CIVIL d llaiti. 4to. Port-au-Prince 1826. sewed. $Sj25. 797. Idem. Svo. Paris 1826. sewed. Si, 2 5. 798. Idem, halfbnd. neat. Si, 50. 799. WALLEZ. Precis historique des negotations entre hi France et St. Domingue. Svo. Paris 1826. Si. 800. Sen 1 independanee do St. Domingue et sur rindemnite aux ancicns habitans. 8vo. Paris 1826. S ,40. 801. AFFAIRE d Haiti. Svo. Paris 1826. sewed. S ,40. 802. ISAMBERT. Mcmoirc pour son Exellence le president de hi llepublique d llaiti centre Mr. Planchet, tivocat, sur la question morale de ce proces. Svo. Paris 1827. sewed. S ,75. 803. Ari FL a Topinioii publique sur I lndemnite de St. Do mingue et sur la commission de liquidation. Svo. Paris 1829. sewed. S ,40. 6. GUADELUPE. 804. ALMANACH de la Guadeloupe et dependanec. 12mo. Basse -terre- Guadeloupe 1822. sewed. S ,60. 805. de la Guadeloupe. 12mo. Ibid. 1830. S ,60. So.!. BOITEL (Cn.) Quelques mois de 1 existence d un fonc- tioimeur public aux colonies de la Guadeloupe. Svo. Paris 1832. sewed. S ,75. 807. COLLECTION of governement bills of the Guadelupe such . as they were stuck up on the walls there; the original co pies, mostly signed. This interesting and unique collection extends from 1818 to 1823 and is bound up in 3 vis. 4to. r. morocco, gilt edges. $20. 808. CONSELL de la Guadeloupe, thick. 8vo. vol. Pointc a Pitre 1837. sewed. Si, 2 5. 809. GUST (M. DE) Depute de la Guadeloupe. Motion au nom des colonies reunies. Svo. Paris 1789. sewed. S ,30. 810. MOXROUX (P.) Memoires pour Pierre Monroux capitaine de fregate dans la marine franeaise et ci-devv.nt chef du mouvement du poste a la Pointe-ii-Pitre. 8vo. Paris 1803. sewed. S ,75. 811. PELAGE CMAGL.) Memoire pour le chef de brigade Ma- glaire Pelage et pour les habitans de Guadeloupe. 2 vis. Svo. Paris 1803. sewed. Si, 25. 812. PREVENTION de complicitc dans une poursuitc en con cussion, dirigee contre le capitaine-general de la Guadeloupe. 4to. Paris 1813. sewed. Si, 50. 76 PART VI. 7. CURACAO. 8. TABAGO. 7. CURACAO. 813. BESCHRYVING van het Eiland Curasao door cen Bewoner van dat Eiland. 8vo. Haarlem 1819. uncut. Si. 814. BLIK ap den vroegeren en tegenwoordigcn Tocstand van het Eiland Curasao. 8vo. Rotterdam 1848. 28 pages. Si. 815. BISSCHOP-GREVELINK (A. H.) Bemerkingen betreflende de Nederlandsche West-Indische Eilanden. 8vo. Rotterdam 1848. uncut. 37 pages. Si. 816. Idem. pt. II. Ibid. 1848. 30 pages. Si. 817. CHANGUION. Relaas van het voorgevallene op het Ei land Curacao, van den 22 Dec. 1806 tot op den 1 Jan. 1807. 32 pages. Si. 8. TABAGO. 818. BRIEFVE Deduction par laquelle est clairement monstre que 1 isle de Tabago appartient a Monseigneur le Due en Livonie etc. 4to. Mittau (in Russia) 1668. in Dutch and French. Si 5. This pamphlet is extremely scarce and is certainly one of the most singular publications we possess on the history of the New world. One will be not a little sur prised at the claims of the duke of Livonia to the is land of Tabago. We may boldly assert that this is the only work on America and probably the only Dutch book, ever printed in Courland. 819. RAPPORT sur la commission etablie a Tabago au nom des comites de commerce et des colonies reunies. 8vo. sewed. S ,75. 820. ROCHEFORT. Relation de 1 isle de Tabago on la Nou- velle-Oualere, une des isles Antilles de 1 Amerique. 18mo. Paris 1666. S7,50. 821. ROUME (M. DE) Commiss. ordinaire de 1 Isle de Tabago, qui refute des reprcsantions faites par les creanciers anglais des colons de Tabago. 8vo. Paris 1790. sewed. S ,75. 822. Idem. 8vo. Paris 1791. sewed. S ,75. PART VII. SOUTH -AMERICA IN GENERAL. 823. ANALYSE des notes des conseils coloniaux. Ir legisla ture, Part I. (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyane fra^aise, Isle Bourbon.) 4 to. Paris 1838. sewed. Si. PART VII. SOUTH -AMERICA ix GENERAL. 77 824. AVEXDAXO (DIDACUS DE). Thesaurus indicus, seu gene- ralis instructoris pro regimine conscientiu in iis quac ad In- dias spectant. 2 vol. fol. Anvcrs 1660. SlO. 825. BRIEF van Ileer Philippus, Koningh van Sierra Leone aen de Magesteyt van Spaengien ; translated from the Spa nish of B. Audriesz. 4 to. Rotterdam 1621. wormed. $7,50. 826. BROWERS (HENDRICK) Journal van de reyze gedaen by oosten ders Stroat Lemoire, ners ders Kust von Chili. 4to. Amsterdam 1643. S7,50. 827. BURXEY (J.) A chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific ocean. 4 vis. 4 to. maps, half- bound. London 1803. S6. 828. CHORIS (L.) Vues et paysages des Regions equinoxiales receuillis dans un voyage autour du Monde. 24 lith. Plates, fol. Paris 1824. sewed. 555. 829. CONDOMIXE (DE LA) Relation d un voyage en Amerique meridionale; map of the Amazon-River. 8vo. Paris 1745. calf. St,50. 830. DAMPIER (W.) A new voyage round the world. 3e edit. 8vo. maps and plates. London 1698. S3. 831. DAXviox-Lavaysse. Voyage aux Isles de Trinidad de Tabago, de la Marguerite et dans diverses parties de Ve nezuela et dans 1 Amerique meridionale. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1813. very large map. sewed. $2,50. 832. DE GRAAF (Nic.) Reysen naer de vier gedeelten des werelds, als Asia, Africa, America en Europa. 4to. Hoorn 1704. $2,50. 833. DEPOXS. Voyage a la partie orientale de la terre ferme dans 1 Amerique meridionale; pendant les annces 1801 a 1804. 3 vis. 8vo. Paris 1806. sewed. S2,75. 834. Idem, bound neat. S3. 835. DUFEY. Abrege de 1 histoire des revolutions de rAme rique meridionale jusqu a ces jours. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris 1827. Si. i 836. ESSAI sur la population des colonies a sucre. 8vo. La Haye 1781. sewed. S ,75. 837. ESQUEMELIXG (J.) De Amenkaeiische Zee-Rours. 4to. Amsterdam 1678. plates. S25. This is the rarissime original edition of a book the im portance of which is, I helieve undoubtful to every one, who knows only one tenth of the novels, imaginary voyages, books for the youth and for the people, come dies and tragedies which were taken from it by allmost every European nation; so that to collect all that lit- terature might be the task for man s life. There was 78 PART VII. SOUTH -AMERICA IN GENERAL. certainly no other book of that time which experienced .1 popularity similar to that of the: ,,Bucanicrs of Ame rica" which was in the ten years following its public a tion translated into most of the European languages and there is a fact most curious in the littcrary histor) of all times; that the original was abriously imknowr to all the translators but one; who were all of then inclined to take the Spanish edition for the original nay even the learned editors of Mr. Grcnville s cata logue seem doubtful, whether the Dutch edition existed in print or in Mss. only. I leave it to amateurs more learned than myself to decide , whether this is owin<: to the barbarity of the Dutch language or to the scar city of the book; and shall only add, that there is nc notice about it either in Mr. Rich s or in Mr. Ternanx ,- catalogue, which both contain the Spanish, english am French translations; whilst Mr. Tcrnanx notices a largr number of Dutch books of minor importance. As to my self, I never saw more than two copies before, whicl were sold to American amateurs. 837. ESQUEMELIXG (J.) Bucaniers of America. London 1684 Buccaniers of America, the second volume containing tin dongerous voyage and bold attempts of Capt. 13. Sherrp am others performed upon the coasts of the S. Sea, etc., by M Basil Kingrose. 4to. London 1685. 82 f) 838. Piratas dc America y luz dc la dcfcnsa d< las costas de las indias occidentals, traducida de la lengu; flamenca en la cspanola, por el doctors du Buena-Maison 12mo. Colomia 1681. 810 839. Idem, de i Aradrique; first frenck edition; after th( Spanish translation. 2 vis. Svo. Paris 1C 86. calf. 84 840a. Idem, morocco g. edges. S6 840b. Idem. 2 vis. Svo. Paris 1688; with Lussan Jour nal. (see No. 8ii.4.) together 3 vis. Svo. calf neat. 8-1 841. F. (A.) Precis historiquc sur la revolution des province unies de 1 Ame rique du sud. Svo. Paris 1819. sewed. S ,4C 842. FORTIEK. Des colonies francaises. Svo. Paris 1839 sewed. S ,5C 843. FEUILLKE (II. P. L.) Journal des observations physi qnes Mathemat. et Botaniques faites par 1 ordre du Koi su les costes orientales de 1 Amerique meridionalc et dans le Indes occidentalcs. 2 vis. 4to. many plates. Paris 1714 bound. 844. FREZIER. Rcis-Bcschrvving door de Zuid-Zee, langs d PART VII. SOUTH- AMERICA ix GENERAL. 79 Knstcn van Chili, Peru en Brazil: opgestclt a.p eenc Reistocht <redaan in do Jnrcn 1712, 1713 en 1714. 4 to. Amsterdam 1718. plates vellum; large paper. 82,50. 84"). FROGER, Relation d nn voyage fait en 1G95, 1G9G ct 1G97 anx cotes d Afrique, detroit de Magellan, Bresil, Ca yenne et Isles Antilles avcc une escadre commandec par Mr. de Gcnnes. 12mo. Amsterdam 1G98. calf. 81,50. 846. Idem. 12mo. Paris 1G99. calf. 82. 817. HELMS (A. Z.) Voyage dans I Amdrique Meridionale commencant 11 Buenos -Ayres et Potosi, jusqu a. Lima. 8vo. in aps. Paris 1815. sewed. 8 1 . 8!S. HEYLYX (P.) Mixyfixoffitns; a little dccription of the great world. 4to. Oxford 1G33. vellum. 87,50. The 40 last pages arc on America. 849. L llEiniiTE (JACQUES) Jonrnael vandc Na ssausche vloot. 4 to. Amsterdam 1648. Ilartgers. 8lO. R4Pa. Idem. 4 to. Amsterdam 1G52. Ilartgers. 810. 850. Idem, together with Th. Candish voyagie and Fr. Draeck voyagie, with several other voyages. 4to. Amstel- redam 1642. 8 10. 851. Idem: ibidem 1G43. 8 10. 852. LAFITAU (Jos.) Ilistoire dcs decouvertes et conquest es des Portugais dans le nouvcau mondc. 2 vis. 4to. Paris 1734. sewed. 85. 853. LAS CASAS (BARTHOL. DE LAS) Les Dccouvcrtes des Indes Occidentales par les Espagnols; traduit par Pralard. 8vo. Paris 1G97. bound. 82,50. 854. LUSSAX (RAVKNEAU DE) Journal du voyage fait h la mcr du sud avec les flibustiers de I Amerique en 1G84 et annces suivantes. 12mo. Paris 1689. 87,50. 855. MOLL (G.) Verhandeling avec de froegere Zeetogten der Nederlanders. 8vo. Amsterdam 1825. uncut. 82. 85G. N. N. Voyages interessants dans differentes colonies franchises, anglaises, espagnoles ct un memoire sur les ma ladies les plus communes a St. Dominguc. 8vo. Paris 1788. sewed. Sl,25. 857. Idem, calf. Si, 50. 858. NECK (JACOU v.) Waerachtig verhael van de Schipvaert op Oost-Indien. 4 to. Amsterdam (1660). Saeghman. 810. 859. Idem, with: Sebald de weert voyagie naar dc Stract Magelanes. 4to. Amsterdam 1G48. Ilartgers. 810. 860. Idem. 4to. Amsterdam 1650. Ilartgers. S 10. 861. Twcede Revs naer Oost-Indien. 4to. Amsterdam Saeghman (1660). SlO. 862. NOORT (Onv. v.) Beschryvinghe von de voyagie om 80 PART VII. SOUTH -A ME RICA IN GENERAL. den geheelen Wcrelt Cloot. first edition. 4to. Amsterdam 1G02. Six 863. Description du penible voyage pour travcrsant le destroict de Magellanes, descouvrir les costes de Cira, Chili et Peru. fol. Amsterdam 1C 02. $10. 864. Idem, second, edit. fol. Ib. 1610. $10. 865. Wahrhaftige und eygcntl. Besclireibung der lang- wierigen, sorglichen Reise. 4to. Frankfurt 1602. $10. 866. Journael van de wonderlycke Voyagie door de Sfraet Magalanes. 4to. Amsterdam, Saeghman (1660). $10. 867. Idem, with: Van Neek; tweede Voyagie naer Oost- Indien. 4to. Ibid. 1648. Hartgcrs. SlO. 868. Idem. 4 to. Ibid. 1650. ITartgers. $10. 869. OUTLINE of the revolution in Spanish America or an account of the origin, progress etc. of the war carried on between Spain and Spanish America. 12mo. New -York 1817. boards. $2,50. 870. PELLEPRAT (PIERRE) Relations des missions de la Comp. de Jesus dans les isles ct dans la terre ferme de 1 Amc- rique mcridionale; avec une introduction a la langue des Galibis, sauvages de la terre ferme de 1 Amcrique. 8vo. Paris 1655. $10. 871. PETIT; Droit public, au gouvernement des colonies fran- 9aises d apres les lois faites par ce pays. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1771. sewed. $2,75. 872. RECEUIL de toutes les pieces qui ont paru sur les af faires de Jesuites, principalement dans 1 Amerique Meridio- nale et dans le Roy. de Portugal. 4 thick volumes. 12mo. 1760. half bound. $2,50. 873. REVOLUTIONS de rAmerique Espagnole. 8vo. Paris 181 9. sewed. $ ,75. 874. ROELANDSZOON (S. v. WYK) Korte Schets der Neder- landsche Entdekkingen. 18mo. Groningen 1842. 30 pag. 875. ROUTIEU des Isles Antilles, des cotes de la terre ferine et de celles du Golfe du Mexique, from the Spanish, by Chacheprat. 8vo. sewed. $1,25. 876. SCHOUTEN (W. v. HOORN) Wahrhafte Beschribung der wunderbarliche Rcise und SchifFarth. 4to. Arnheim 1618. $7,50. 877. Diarium vel descriptio laboriosissimi itineris. 4to. Amsterdam 1619. $7,50. 878. The relation of the wonderful voyage. 4to. Lon don 1619. $10. 879. Reyze gedaen dors W. C. Schouten v. Iloorn etc. 4 to. Hoorn 1648. $7,50. 880. Diarium vel descriptio laboriosissimi et molestis- PART VII. SOUTH -AMERICA IN GENERAL. 81 simi itineris facti, annis 1G15, 1G1G et 1617. 4to. Amster dam 1648. $7,50. 881. SCIIOUTEN (W. v. HOORN) Journael ofte Beschryvinge van de wonderlycke Reyse. . 4to. Amsterdam 1632; with 6 very scarce plates. 4to. Dockum 1649. $10, 882. SPILBERGHEN (J. v.) Copie van ecu Brief. Inlioudende de Voyage by hem gedaen door de Straate Magelanica etc. 4to. Delf 1617. This pamphlet is extremely rare, and is to be reckoned among that small number of books which may conscien tiously be said to be unique. Its importance is equal to its rarity, for it is the first edition of one of the most tought of voyages, of which there are at least thirty different editions. 383. Miroir oost et west-indical, auquel sont descriptor les deux dernicres navigations faites par G. de Spielbergen et J. Leraaire. 4to. Amsterdam 1621. 87,50. 884. Journael van de Voyagie gedaen met 3 Schepen uyt Zeelandt naer Oost-Indien. 4to. Amsterdam 1648. (Hart- gcrs.) $10. 885. Idem. Ibid. 1652. (llartgers.) SlO. 886. Idem, marocco, gilt edges. Ibid. 1652. $12. 887. Voyagie door de Strate Magellanes ; nacr de Mo- luques. 4to. Amsterdam (1660). Saeghman. SlO. 888. Idem with W. Schouten v. Hoorn Voyagie door de Stract Magalanes. 4to. Ibid. 1648; Hartgers. SlO. 889. ULLOA (A. DE.) Hist. Reis-Beschryving van geheel Zuid- America door Don G. Juan en D. Ant. de Ulloa. 2 vis. 4to. Goes 1771; large and thick paper uncut. S2,50. 890. VOYAGE d un Suisse dans differentes colonies de 1 Amc- rique pendant la derniere guerre, avec une table metreolo- gique de St. Domingue. 8vo. Paris 1786. calf. $1,25. de 1 Amerique meridionale, dcs Indes occidentales et du 891. VOYAGE d un jeune American! dans differentes parties Mexique. 8vo. New- York 1790. sewed. Si. 892. WEERT (LEIJ. DE) Journal vant geene vyf Schepen van Rotterdam naar de Straet Magellanes varende, over gekom- men is. 4to. Amsterdam; Saeghman (1660). SlO. 893. ZUYDLAND. Tweejaarige Reyze Rond om de Wereld ter narder Onddeckinge der onbekende Zuytland. Nevens de Reyzc van het Oost-Ind. Schip Barneveldt. 4to. Dord recht 1728. plates, uncut. S3. F. MULLER. No. 1. JULY 1850. 82 PART VIII. 1. COLUMBIA. 2. VENEZUELA. 3. RIVER PLAT PART VIII. PARTS OF SOUTH-AMERICA. 1. COLUMBIA. 894. A CHOROGRAPHICAL and statical description of the d trict of Columbia , tlie seat of the general governement the United States, map. 8vo. Paris 1816. 8 ,7 895. HALL (Cn. Fn.) Colombia its present State etc. 8v map. Lond. 1827. sewed. S ,7. 896. Idem, half bound neat. S 897. LALLEMENT. Histoire de la Colombie. 8vo. Paris 182 sewed. S 898. MOLLIEN. Voyage dans la Republique de Colombi 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1825. sewed. $2,4; 899. Idem, bound. S 2,7 2. VENEZUELA. 900. CAMPAGNES et croisieres dans les Etats de Venezue et de la nouvelle Grenade, traduit de 1 Anglais. 8vo. Pai 1827. halfbound. Si, 2 901. CODAZZI (A.) Atlas Fisico y Politico de la Republi de Venezuela, fol. Caracas 1840. S 902. GEOGRAFIA general para el uso de la juventu de V nezuela. 4 vis. 4to. Caracas 1833 37. sewed, rare. Si 3. RIVER PLATE. 903. BACLE (Hyp.) Relation du naufrage de la Polacre Sai< Vigilante" with a plate representing the shipbreak, and map of the mouth of the River Plate. 8vo. Buenos -Ayr 1833. sewed. Si, 5 904. C. (L.) Relation <l un voyage fait recemment dans 1 provinces de la Plata et description de Buenos-Ayres. 8v Paris 1818. sewed. S 905. JOURNAL d un voyage sur les cotes de 1 Afrique et ai Indes d Espagne, avec une descript. de la Riviere La Plat en 1702 1706. 12mo. Amsterdam 1730. calf. 906. NOTE officielle du consul de France a Buenos Ayrc 8vo, Buenos Avrcs 1838. sewed. S PART VIII. 4. ESSEQUEBO ET DEVEERARY. 5. PERU. 83 907. NUNEZ (JEAN) Esquisses hist.-polit. et statist, de Bue nos Ayres, des autres provinces du Rio de la Plata, et de la Republique de Bolivar. 8vo. Paris 1826. sewed. Si. 908. S. (C. DE.) Les provinces de La Plata erige es en Mo narchic. Svo. Paris 1820. sewed. S ,40. 4. ESSEaUEBO and DEVEERARY. 909. BRIEVEN over het Bestuur van Essequebo en Demerary. 12 vis. 8vo. Amsterdam 1785. uncut. $6. 910. RODSCHEID (E. K.) Medizinische und chirurgisclie Be- merkungen iiber das Klima, die Lebensweise und Krankhei- ten der Einwohner der Holland. Kolonie Rio Essequebo. Svo. Frankfurt 1796. uncut. Si. 5. PERU. 911. ALVARES (DOMINGO -DE) Copy van een Brief aen den Commissaris generael berinen dese Provincie, aengaende het verdestrueren der Stadt Lima, in America. 4to. 1688. very rare. $10*. 912. BALBOA (M. CAVELLO) Histoire du Perou, publiee par Mr. H. Ternaux-Compans. Svo. Paris 1840. Si. 913. BEAUCHAMP (A. DE) Histoire de la conquete et des re volutions du Perou. 2 vols. Svo. portraits. Paris 1808. sewed. S2. .914. BOUGUER. Justification de plusieurs faits qui concernent les operations des academiciens au Perou. 4to. Paris 1752. large map. Si. 915. BRAVO (Jos.) Voto consultivo que afirece al exc. Sennor Manso de Velasco Governador del Peru. 4to. Lima 1761. vellum. $3. 916. DURAN (P. Jos. MIG.) Replica apologetica al defensorio del M. R. P. Fr. Juan de Narrimon. 4to. Lima 1773. calf. S3,25. 917. D(URET) Voyage de Marseille a Lima; et dans les au tres lieux des Indes occidentales. 12mo. Paris 1720. calf. Si, 25. 918. FERNANDEZ. Historia del Peru. fol. Sevilla 1571. Si 2. ,,By an order of the council of Indies, this work was not permitted to be sent to America. It relates principally to the civil wars of the Spaniards, and Robertson says, its iiu- thor may be ranked amongst the historians now distinguished for their industry in research, or their capacity in judging with respect to the events which they relate. Ixich. " 6* 84 PART VIII. G. PARAGUAY. 919. GAKCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Commentaries Reales, que tratan del origen de los Incas, Reyes que fueron del Peru, de su idolatriii, Leyes etc. 2 vis. fol. Lisboa y Cordova 1609 16. mar. $15. 920. Idem. Histoire des guerrcs civiles des Espagnols dans les Indcs; traduit par Baudoin. 2 vis. 4to. Paris 1650. calf. 86. 921. Idem. Histoire des Incas. 3 vis. 8vo. Paris 1830. sewed. $2,25. 922. HISTOIRE des tremblements de terre de Lima et autres lieux; avec la description du Perou trad, de 1 Anglais. 2 vis. 12mo. La Have 1752. calf. $1,25. 923. JUAN DE PADILLA. Memorial del Peru. 4 to. Lima 1660. $25. 924. LENOIK DU PARE (1 abbc) Nouveau recueil de plaido- yers francais sur la ville de Lima. 12mo. Paris 1786 sewed. $ ,75. 925. LETTRE a Madame *** sur I cmcute excitee a Cuei^a le 29 d Aout 1739. sewed. $ ,75. 926. MONTEAGUADO (D. B.) Peruvian pamphlet being an ex position of the admir. labours of the Peruvian governement till July 1822. 8vo. London 1823. sewed. $,60. 927. PRESCOTT (W. H.) Zeden Gewoonten, Regering storm in Peru voor de Komst der Spaangaarden. 8vo. Amsterdam 1849. uncut. $2. 928. SKENXER (J.) Voyages au Perou faites par les P. P. Sobreviela et Narcisso y Barcelo, traduite par Henry. 2 vis. 8vo. with Atlas 4to. Paris 1809. halfbnd. $3,25. 929. VIE de St. Rose dn Perou; 40 plates with printed title fol. neat. (17th century.) $8. 930. WILLIAMS (HELLEN MARIA) Peru, a poem in six cantos. 4to. London 1784. sewed. $ ,75. 931. ZARATE (A.) Histoire de la conquete du Perou, traduite par J. d. C. 2 vis. 12mo. Paris 1700. sewed. $1,50. 932. Idem, bound neat. Sl,75. 933. Idem. 2 vis. 12mo. Ibid. 1706. bound. Si, 50. 934. Idem, sewed. $1,50. 6. PARAGUAY. 935. FRERET. Lc Paraguay jesuitique ou description succinte des terres dont les Jesuites se sont empares dans i Amerique septentrionale. 12mo. Amsterdam 1768. unbound. Si. 936. CHARLEVOIX (LE R. P.) Histoire du Paraguay. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris 1757. maps, bound. $6. PART VIII. GUYANA. 85 937. HISTOIRE tie Nicolas I, Roi de Paraguay et empereur des mamelncs. 12mo. St. Paul 175G. sewed. S ,75. 938. Idem. calf. Si. 939. MACHAULT (P. J.) Relation des missions du Paraguay. 8vo. Paris 163G. SlO. 940. MURATORI. Relation des missions du Paraguay. 12mo. map. Paris 1754. bound. S ,75. 941. O AzAROR. Essais sur 1 histoire naturelle des quadru- pedcs de la province de Paraguay, traduits par Moreau de St. Mery. sewed. S2. 942. Idem, calf neat. $2,50. 943. RENGGEH, et Longchamp. Essai historique sur la revolu tion du Paraguay et le gouvernement dictatorial du Dr. Fran- cia. map and plate. 8vo. Paris 1827. sewed. Si. 7. GUYANA. 944. AANTEEKENINGEN betrekkelyk de Kolonie Suriname. 8vo. map. Arnhem 1826. maps. Si. 945. ACCOORDT met de Staten van Zeeland aangegaan we- gens de Koop en Overneminge van de Colonie van Suri name. 4to. Amsterdam (1749). large and thick writing paper. SlO. This is a collection of official publications, made from 1682 to 1749 and under separate titles; the parts prin ted from 1682 to 1713 are with their original titles and dated. 946. ALMANACK de la Guyanne fra^aise. 8vo. Cayenne 1822. sewed. Si. D47. Idem. 8vo. Ibid. 1823. Si. 948. AMERIKAANSCHE Voyagie naar Rio de Berbice en Suri name. 4to. S. d. (1689). S4. Wants one or two leaves of the introduction, which is without any interest. The volume is else complete ; it is one of rarest voyages in the Dutch language. 949. ANECDOTES sur le 18 fructidor et nouveaux memoires des deportes de Guyane. sewed. S ,75. 950. AYME (J. J.) Deportation t naufrage; suivis de tableaux de vie et de morts a son depart de la Guyane. 8vo. Paris, sewed. S ,75. 951. BAGON. Memoires pour servir a 1 histoire de Cayenne et de la Guianne Fra^aise. plates. 8vo. Paris 1777. 2 vis. bound. S3. 86 TART VIII. 7. GUYANA. 952. BANCROFT. Essay on the natural history of Guyana. 8vo. bound. Sl,25. 953. BARBE MARBOIS. Journal d un deporte non jugc. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1834. sewed. Si, 75. 954. Idem, boards. S2,25, 955. BARRIKRE. Nouvelle relation de la France Equinoxiale 12mo. Paris 1 743. numerous plates. Si, 50. 956. Essai sur 1 hist. naturelle de la France Equinoxiale, 12mo. Paris 1749. sewed. Si. 957. Idem. calf. Si, 50 958. BESCIIRYVINGE van Guiana desselfs situatie gesontheyt vruchtbaerheydt ende ongemeene profyten ende Voordeeler boven andere Landen. 4to. Hoorn 1676. uncut. 25. This pamphlet is excessively scarce and quite unknown tc all bibliographers. 959. BIET (A.) Voyage en 1 Isle de Cayenne. 4to. Paris 1604. bound. S6 960. GAZE (DE) Compagnie de Colonisation generale de It Guyane fran9aise par de Caze. 8vo. Paris 1826. sewed. S 50 961. COLLECTION of pieces relating to the french emigrations to Guyana. 8vo. 1844. Not published. S2 962. CONDITIEN tusschen de Dry Respective Leden van d( Societeyt van Suriname, geconvenieert in Dato 21 May 1683 4to. Amsterdam 1683. S5 963. CONDITIEN, do welcke by de Ed. Gr. Mog. Heer Stater v. Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, toegestaen weerden aer een yeder, die gcnegentheydt mochten hebben, om een aen seenlyke Colonie uyt te setten op de vaste Kust van Ame rica. 4to. (1676.) Sl5 964. CONVENTIE tusschen de Directeuren van de geoctroyerdc Societeyt van Suriname. 4to. S Gravenhage 1734. Si, 50 965. COPIA van t Octroy de Hoogh Mog. Heeren Stateri Ge nerael oen Jaen Keeps, en syne mede Participanten, om eer Colonie op te rechten aan cle Westzyde von Rio de Las Amazones tot aen Cabo d Orange. 4to. S Gravenhage 1689 uncut. Si 5 Holland in its immense activity, not content with its com mercc to both the Indies, and with the flourishing settlement which enriched it from day to day, was con tinually seeking to augment its power. This account, 1 for the numerous colonies we see planned every year to such an extent that we are at a loss to understanc how so small a country could furnish a sufficient num ber of persons willing to exile themselves in order tc people the remotest corners of the globe. The colom of Jan Keeps is one of those works we are surprised tc PART VIII. 7. GUYANA. 87 find any trace of in history, so much it was lost sight of among greater and more successful speculations. In deed one is hardly able to say if this expedition left Holland or not. The extreme scarcity of this pamphlet has prevented persons more competent than ourselves from giving their opinion on the history of this colony ; and it is almost the duty of those men in America who devote their studies to make the history of the new world known to us, to give us some details of this almost forgotten country. In the .mean time we re commend this tract to their notice, assuring them they will read it with interest, 966. DE LA GUIANE fra^aise ou du projet du peuple avec des laboureurs Europeens, ou 1 examen d un ouvrage de Mr. le Marquis de Barbe-Marbois. sewed, s. 1. S ,75. 967. DE Zes eerste Brieven betreffende de Plantagien Water- land, Arichen, Palmeribo in Surinambo gelegen in de Kolonie Suriname. 8vo. (Amsterdam 1833.) 60 pag. S ,75. 968. DIEPERINK (H. H.) Voorleging over de Bewaring der Gezondheid in Paramaribo. 8vo. Hoorn 1825. uncut. 36 pag. S ,25. 969. DUPERRE. Precis de la colonisation de la Mana, a la Guyane Fra^aise. 8vo. Paris 1835. sewed. S ,50. 970. EEX kort en bondigh Vertoogh van de considerable Co- lonie, die de Edele Groot mogende Heeren Staten van Hol land ende West- Vrieslandt geresolveert uyt te setten op de vaste Kuste van America, one large fol sheet. - Si 5. It is easy to understand the extreme rarity of a loose sheet, destined to be posted on the walls of Amster dam. In ten years time we shall most likely not find one of those numberless placards which we now see posted on almost every scaffolding and wall in and about London and Paris , inviting all who are desirous of making their fortune to emigrate to California, and yet the above is a poster which has resisted the rava ges of time far more than 150 years, and which is still in the same state as when it left the printers hands; this is owing to the fine paper it is printed on, which is much superior to that made use of for such purposes in the present days. 971. EEN nette onpartydighe Beschryvinge van Surinam. 4to. Cabout 1660. So. Wants title and first leaf; but contains the entire de scription of the country of Surinam, one of the most accurate documents which remain from the history of 88 TART VIII. PARAGUAY. the first colonisation of- America. It is therefore impor tant for every amateur to procure even this imperfect copy, till he be able to get a more complete one; whicl as far as I know will be allmost impossible. 972. EEX Vertoogh van de considerable Colonie, by de Ed Gr. Mog. H. Staten v. Holland ende West-Vriesland, uyt- geset op de vaste Kust van America. 4 to. S Gravenhage 1676. uncut. Si 5 An official publication not devoid of interest, composed for the purpose of encouraging emigrants, and showing all the advantages of Guiana in their most favourable light. The colony here mentioned was destined for tht river Wiapoca; the prices of land, the different kinds of animals found there, etc. etc., are to be seen ir this volume. 973. FERMIX (Pn.) Description generale, hist. geographiquc et physique de la colonie de Surinam. 2 vis. 8vo. plates Amsterdam 1769. bound. $2. 974. Nieuwe algemeene Beschryving van de Colonie v Suriname. 2 vis. 8vo. plates. Harlingen 1770. $2 975. Traitc des maladies les plus frequentes a Surinam 12mo. Maestrich 1764. uncut. S 2 976. Idem, new ed. 12mo. Amsterdam 1765. uncut. S2. 977. FOCKE (H. C.) Verhaal van een hogtge naar de Land- streek Para in de Kolonie Suriname. 8vo. si. u. d. 1830 33 pages. Si 978. FREYTAG (Gener.) Memoires; contenans des details sui les deportes du 18 fructidor. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1824. sewed SI, 50 979. FUSEE (AUBLET) Histoire des plantes de la Guyane fran- caise. 4 thik. vis. 4to. containing 400 plates, calf very neat splendid copy. Paris 1775. SlO 980. GALLART DE TERROULEE. Tableau de Cayenne ou de Is Guiane Franchise. 8vo. Paris an 7. sewed. S ,75. 981. GEDACHTEX over den Slavenhandel te Zuriname. 8vo, In den Hage 1807. uncut. S ,25, 982. GEDACHTEX over de Emancipate der Negerslaven. 8vo. S Gravenhage 1844. uncut. 32 pag. S ,25. 983. GERBIER (B.) Sommier verhael van seeckere americaen- sche voyagie. 4 to. 1660. Si 5. 984. Idem. 2d edition with 2 plates. S20. 985. A Summary description manifesting that greater profits are to be done in the hot than in the could parts of the coast of America. 4to. S. L. 1660. Si 5. 986. GIRAUD. Me moire sur la Guiane franchise. Svo. Paris 1804. sewed. S ,50. PART VIII. PARAGUAY. 80 987. HEYLIDY (II.) Pleitrede over den graad van praeferentie der particuliere W. Ind. Bank ten aainzien van de by de- zelve helecnde Effecten uitgesproken voor liet Geregtshof der Kolonie Suriname. 8vo. Utrecht 1844. Si. 988. HL. S. D. Bcschryvinge van de Volkplantmge Zuriname. 4to. Seenwaldcn 1718. maps and plates, very large margins. S4. 989. Idem, second edition. 4to. ibidem 1718. S4. 990. HOOGENDORP (G. K. v.) Aanmerkingcn op eene Verhan- deling betrefi cnde de Kolonie Suriname. 8vo. Amsterdam 1834. uncut. S4. 991. JAQUEMIN. Memoire sur la Guiane frangaise. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris an VII. sewed. S ,75. 992. KORTBONDIGE Beschryvingc van de Colonie van Berbice. 4to. map and plate. Amsterdam 1763. 84. 993. L. M. B. (Barbe-Marbois) Voyage a la Guyane et a Cayenne, fait en 1795 et annee suivante: avec un vocabu- laire francais-galibi. 8vo. Paris an VI. $3,1. 994. KoiiT-BoNDiGii Beschryvinge van Berbice. 4to. Amster dam 1763. plates, uncut. S3. 995. KORTE Aenwysinghe von de bysondere nuttigheden etc. van de Colonie Suriname. 4to. 1691. very rare. SlO. 996. LABAT (Lr, II. P.) Voyage du chevalier des Marchais en Guinee, Isles Voisines, et Cayenne fait en 1725, 1726 & 1727. 4 vis. 12mo. Paris 1730. calf. $2,50. 997. LANS (W. H.) Bydrage tot de Kcnnis der Kolonie Su riname. 8vo. S Gravenhage 1842. * S3. 998. LEBLOND. Description abregee de la Guyane Fran9aise. 8vo. map by Poirson. Paris 1814. sewed. S ,75. 999. LESCALLIER (D.) Expose des moyens de mettre en valeur et d adrninistrer la Guyane. 8vo. map. Paris an VI. sewed. S ,75. 1000. LES VEILLKES de Cayenne; par un deporte. 12mo. Pa ris an VI. sewed. So. 1001. MANIERE van procedeercn voor de edele achtbaren Hove van civile j as title der Colonie Suriname. 4to. Para maribo 1794. Si, 50. 1002. MAYER (A. A.) Memoires sur la Guyane francaise. 4to. Cayenne 1820. sewed. Si. 1003. MERIAX (M.ME SYBILLE) Dissertation sur la generation et transformation des Insectes du Surinam, fol. La Haye. $5. The execution of this valuable work excites equal admi ration in the minds of both the artist and the philoso pher by the accomplished beauty and extreme faithful ness of its drawings, halfbound very neat. 1004. NOTICES statistiques sur He Bourbon et la Guyane fran- 9aise. -8vo. Paris 1838. sewed. Si, 50- PART VIII. 8. BRASIL. 8. BRASIL. 1035. ACCOORDT ende articulen tusschen de Croone van Poi tugael, endc H. M. Heeren Staten Generael der vereenigd Nederlanden weghens dcr West-Indische Compagnie dese Landen. 4to. Amsterdam 1641. SC 1036. ACCOORD von Brasilien. 4 to. Amsterdam 1654. S5 1037. AEX-SPRAECK aen den getromven Hollander nopend de proceduren der Portugesen in Brasil. 4to. S Gravenhag 1645. uncut. Sl r , 1038. AMSTERDAMS Tafel-Praetge. 4 to. Gouda 1649. entirel uncut. < On Brasil and Angola. 1039. ARANGO (D. A. J. I) ) Poesias offerendas as senhora Brasileiras. 12mo. Kio de Janeiro 1831. Sl,5( 1040. ARXOUT vox LIEBERGEN. Apologia ofte waerachtigh verantwoordinghe over de enorme ende noyt gehoorde prc cedueren, gegens zijnen persoon gebruyckt, by de gewesen Hooge Raden von Brasil. 4to. Amsterdam 1643. Sl( 1041. AUCTEXTICK Verliael van t remarcquabelste is voorgc vallen in Brasil tusschen den Hollandtschen Admirael Wil lem Cornelisz ende de Spaensche Vloot. 4to. Amsterdai 1640. foot uncut. Si The marks ,,C 3" and ,,D" at the foot of two of th pages are evidently misprinted and instead of A and B. 1042. B. (J.) Plain and true relation of the going forth c a Holland fleet to the coast of Brasil. 4to. Rotterdai 1623. Sl( 1043. BAERS (J.) Olinda ghelegen int Lant von Brasil et< 4to. Amsterdam 1630. Si; An excessively scarce little pamphlet, containing a deta led account of the taking of Phernambuco by the Dutcl the first place they retook after being expelled in 162( It was after the success of this enterprise that the gained almost entire possession of Brazil, which the soon rendered one of the finest and most flourishin countries in the world. See Grant s History of En zil p. 54. 1044. BARLAEI (C.) Rerum per octennium in Brasilia et alii nuper gestarum; sub praefectura Mauritii Nassovia comiti fol. Amsterdam 1647. S2< Clement (Bib. Cur. vc. II p. 430) calls this work ,,foi rare" most of the copies having been consumed by fire, which destroyed the ware -house of Blaeu the pi PART VIII. 8. BRASIL. 93 blisher. It is a magnificent work, profusely illustrated with maps, views etc." Rich. 1045. BARLAEUS (GASP.) Rerum per octcnnium in Brasilia et alibi gestarum, sub pracfectura comitis J. Mauritii Nassa- viae etc. historia. Cui accesserunt G. Pisonis , tractatus de aedibus, aquis et locis in Brasilia etc. plates. 8vo. Clevis 1GGO. vel. $7,50. 1046. Brasilianische Geschichte., bei der Regierung Jo- hann Moritz, Fiirsten zu Nassau. Aus dem Latein. 8vo. fig. Clevc 1659. vel. S5. 1047. BEAUCIIAMP (Alex, de) L Independance du Bresil. 8vo. Paris 1824. sewed. $ ,60. 1048. BESCHREIBUNG welcher gestalt die Hauptstatt dess K6- nigreichs Brasilien, Phernambuco, von dem Herrn Hcinrich Cornel. Lonch General pp. und II. Dietrich v. Wartenburg, Obristen pp. im Namen der West-Indischen Compagny be- liigert u. im J. 1630 erobert worden. 4to. Ambsterdam 1630. 810, 1049. BUASIL. A constituecao de Portugal; por J. P. L. 4to I Rio de Janeiro 1824. $1,25. 1050 BRASILSCIIE Gelt- Sack, waerin dat daerlijk vertoont wordt, waer dat de Participianten van de West-Ind. Com-* pagnie hacr gelt ghebleven is. 4to. Op t Reciflf (near Olinda di Phernambuco) 1647. $25, This is the first Dutch book printed in Brasil , and in America alltogether; it is perhaps too the first print done by the inhabitants of Brasil. The pamphlet itself is full of interest and contains many curious details about the administration of the West- Indian-Company, which explain a part of those diffi culties which weighed so havily on the other colonies of the company, chiefly on New-Netherland. 1051. BRASYLS Schuyt Praetgen. 4to. s. 1. 1649. $5. 1052. CLAAR Vertoogh van de verradersche en vyantlykcke ; Acten en Procedure!! van Poortegal in Brasil. 4 to. Amster dam 1647. uncut. $5. 1053. CONSIDERATIEN op de Cautie van Portugal. 4to. 1647. uncut. $5. 1054. CONSTANTIO. Remonstrance des negociants du Bresil, k contre les insultes faites au pavilion portugais et centre la | saisie violentc de plusieurs de leurs navires ; par les officiers de la marine anglaise. 8vo. Paris 1814. sewed. $ ,75. 1055. CONTRA -MANIFEST van Signor Fernando Telles de Faro. 4to. 1659. uncut. $5. On the question of the West -Indian company. 1056. COPYEN van drie Missiven een door den Marquis de 94 PART VIE. 8. BRASIL. Montuval, Vice -Roy van dc Bay, gheschreven ende gheson- den aen S. Ex. Grave Mauritius von Nassau tot Fernam- bouk etc. 4to. Amsterdam 1641; in its primitive state, uncut and not cut open. 8 10. 1057. Idem, second edition. 4to. Ibidem 1642; fine old ned morocco binding gilt edges. 1058. DE BRASILSCHE Breede-Byl ofte Tsammensprak tus- schen Kees Schutt en Jan Maet. 4to. 1647. S5. 1059. EXAMEN op het vertoogli teghen het onghefondeerde ende schadelyk sluyten der vryen handel in Brasil. 4 to. 1637. uncut. S5. 1060. EXTRACT ende copye von versclieyde Brieven en Schrif- ten belangcnde de Rebellie der paepsche Portugesen vor desen Staet in Brasilien. 4to. 1646. Si 5 1061. GUELEN (A. dc) Briefve relation de 1 estat de Pher- nambucq, dcdie a 1 assemblee dcs 19 poems la tres noble compagnie d West-iridc. 4to. Amsterdam 1640. SlO 1062. HAERLEM S Scbuyt Pratgcn op t Redres van de West- Indische Compagnie. 4to. 1649. SlO On Brasil and containing a few words about New-Ne- therland. 1063. HET Spel von Brasilien verghcleken by ecn zoedt Ver- keer Spel. 4 to. 1633. uncut. So. 1064. JOURNAEL ofte Kort Discours, nopende de Rebcllyc ende verradelykc Desseynen der Portugesen, allhier in Bra sil voorgenomen , t welck in Junio 1645 is ontdeckt. 4to Arnheim 1647. S25 This volume which is excessively rare, gives the bes abridgement we possess of the conquest of the Dntcl Brazils by the Portuguese. In this frightful affair th( Dutch lost so many men, that of about 20,000 Brasi lians and 40,000 negroes, only a few hundreds of rui ned persons returned to Holland after the war. 1065. KORTE Antwoort tegens T Manifest ende Remonstrant** overgclevert aan de Portugesche Natie, en Inwoonderen voi Pharnambuca, wegens t cen-nemen der wapenen tegens dt West-Indische Compagnie. 4to. s. d. 1647. S5 1066. KORTE Observation op het Vertoogli door een onge naemden uytgegen nopende de Proceduren von Brasil. 4to Amsterdam 1647. S5 1067. LERY (J. DE) Histoire d un voyage fait en la terre di Bresil. 8vo. Geneve 1611. SlO 1068. Histoire d un voyage fait en la terre du Bresi dite Amerique, contenant la navigation et choses remarqua PART VIII. 8. BRASIL. 95 bles vues sur mer par 1 atiteur, le comportement de Ville- gaignon etc. 8vo. Rouen 1578. SlO. 1069. LETTRES du Japon et du Bresil envoyees au general des Jesuites. 8vo. Paris 1598. SlO. 1070. LETTRES sur 1 administration du Bresil, sur la Douane de Rio Janeiro. 8vo. Paris 1826. sewed. S ,60. 1071. LINDLEY (Tn.) Voyage au Brcsil ou Ton trouve la description du pays, ses productions etc. 8vo. Paris 1806. sewed. Si. 1072. MACIKL da Costa (J. S.) Memoria sobra a necessi- dade de abolir a introd. dos Escraves africanos no Brasil. 4to. Coimbra 1821. S ,75. 1073. MANIFEST door d lnwoonders van Parnambuco uytge- gcvcn tot Imn verantwoordinge. 4to. Antwerpcn 1646. 815. The defence of the inhabitants of Olinda against those who accused them of having taken part in the insur rection of the Portuguese. This important pieces, eems to have been unknown to NieuhoiT and Grant; at least neither of them mentions it. 1074. MAREGNIER. . Du clhnat de Phernambuco. 4to. Paris 1829. sewed. S ,40. 1075. MAWE (J.) Travels through the interior of Brazil. 2d edit., illustr. with color, plates. 8vo. London 1821. $2,50. 1076. Voyage dans 1 intcrieur du Bresil particulierement dans les districts dc Tor et du diarnant; en 1809 et 1810 traduit par Eyries. 2 vis. 8vo. plates. Paris 1816. halfbnd. $2,50. 1077. MEMORIA sobre las principues cauzas, por quo deve o Brazil reassumir os sens directos por B. J. G. 4 to. Rio de Janeiro 1822. sewed. Si, 50. 1078. MOREAU (P.) Klare en warachtige Beschryvinge van de leste Bewerten en Afval der Portugezen in Brasil. 4to. , Amsterdam. $7,50. 1079. PEDRO I. Empercur du Bresil. Correspondance avec Jean VI de Portugal, ou sont les troubles du Bresil , avec la vie de Pedro par Monplane. thick Svo vol. Paris 1827. S ,75. 1080. Pisoxis (G.) De medicina Brasiliensi libri, Margravii, his tori a ver. nat. Brasilie; J. de Laet de Tapungis et Chi- lensibus. 12mo. Amstelodami 1648. wood cut. S6. 1081. PRADT (DE) Des trois derniers mois de I Amerique septentrionale et du Bresil. Svo. Paris 1817. sewed. S ,60. 1082. PROJECTO di constituica para o imperio do Brasil. Svo. Rio de Janeiro 1823. sewed. S ,60. 1083. PROPOSITIE ghedaen ter Vergaderinghe von hare Hoogh- Mog. d lleercn Staten Gcnerael der vereenichde Ncderlan- 94 PART VIII. 8. BRASIL. Montuval, Vice -Roy van de Bay, gheschreven ende gheson den aen S. Ex. Grave Mauritius von Nassau tot Fernam bouk etc. 4to. Amsterdam 1641; in its primitive state, uncu and not cut open. SlO 1057. Idem, second edition. 4to. Ibidem 1642; fine ol< ned morocco binding gilt edges. 1058. DE BRASILSCHE Breede-Byl ofte Tsammensprak tus schen Kees Schutt en Jan Maet. 4to. 1647. So 1059. Ex AMEN op hot vertoogh teghen het ongliefondeerd ende schadelyk sluyten der vryen handel in Brasil. 4tc 1637. uncut. S5 1060. EXTRACT ende copye von verscheyde Brieven en Schrii ten belangcnde de Rebellie der paepsclie Portugcscn vo desen Staet in Brasilien. 4to. 1646. Sic 1061. GUELEN (A. de) Briefve relation de 1 estat de Phei nambucq, dedie a I asseinblce dcs 19 poems la tres nobl compagnie d West-inde. 4to. Amsterdam 1640. Sl( 1062. HAERLEM S Schuyt Pratgcn op t Rcdres van de West Indisclie Compagnie. 4to. 1649. Sit On Brasil and containing a few words about New-Ne therland. 1063. HET Spcl von Brasilien verglicleken by ecn zoedt Vei keer Spel. 4to. 1633. uncut. 1064. JOURNAEL ofte Kort Discours, nopende de Rebelly ende verradelyke Desseynen der Portugesen, allhier in Bra sil voorgenomen, t welck in Junio 1645 is ontdeckt. 4t( Arnheim 1647. $2i This volume which is excessively rare, gives the be; abridgement we possess of the conquest of the Dutc Brazils by the Portuguese. In this frightful affair th Dutch lost so many men, that of about 20,000 Bras lians and 40,000 negroes, only a few hundreds of ru ned persons returned to Holland after the war. 1065. KORTE Antwoort tegcns T Manifest ende Remonstranti overgelevert aan de Portugesche Natie, en Inwoondercn vo Pharnambuca, wegens t een-nemen der wapenen tegens cl West-Indische Compagnie. 4 to. s. d. 1647. 1066. KORTE Observation op het Vertoogh door een ong< naemden uytgegen nopende de Proceduren von Brasil. 4t< Amsterdam 1647. 1067. LERY (J. DE) Histoire d un voyage fait en la terre c Bre sil. 8vo. Geneve 1611. 1068. Histoire d un voyage fait en la terre du Bret dite Ame rique, contenant la navigation et choses remarqu; PART VIII. 8. BRASIL. 95 bles vucs sur mer par 1 auteur, le comportement de Ville- gaignon etc. 8vo. Rouen 1578. SlO. 069. LETTRES du Japon et du Bresil envoyees au general des Je suites. 8vo. Paris 1598. 8 10. 070. LETTRES sur 1 administration du Bresil, sur la Douane de Rio Janeiro. 8vo. Paris 1826. sewed. S ,60. 071. LINDLEY (Tn.) Voyage au Bresil ou Ton trouve la description du pays, ses productions etc. Svo. Paris 1806. sewed. Si. 072. MACIEL da Costa (J. S.) Memoria sobra a necessi- dade de abolir a introd. dos Escraves africanos no Brasil. 4to. Coimbra 1821. 6 ,75. 073. MANIFEST door d lnwoonders van Parnambuco uytge- gcven tot hun verantwoordinge. 4to. Antwerpen 1646. Si 5. The defence of the inhabitants of Olinda against those who accused them of having taken part in the insur rection of the Portuguese. This important pieces, eems to have been unknown to NieuhoiT and Grant; at least neither of them mentions it. 074. MAREGNIER. . Du clhnat de Phernambuco. 4to. Paris 1829. sewed. S ,40. 075. MAWE (J.) Travels through the interior of Brazil. 2d edit., illustr. with color, plates. Svo. London 1821. $2,50. 076. Voyage dans 1 intcrieur du Bresil particuliercment dans les districts de Tor et du diamant; en 1809 et 1810. traduit par Eyries. 2 vis. 8vo. plates. Paris 1816. half bnd. $2,50. .077. MEMORIA sobre las principues eauzas, por que deve o Brazil reassumir os sens directos por B. J. G. 4 to. Rio de Janeiro 1822. sewed. Si, 50. .078. MOREAU (P.) Klare en warachtige Beschryvinge van de leste Bewcrten en Afval der Portugezen in Brasil. 4 to. Amsterdam. S7,50. .079. PEDRO I. Empereur du Bresil. Correspondance avec Jean VI de Portugal, ou sont les troubles du Bresil; avec la vie de Pedro par Monplane. thick Svo vol. Paris 1827. S ,75. 080. Pisoxis (G.) De medicina Brasiliensi libri, Margravii, historia ver. nat. Brasilie; J. de Lact de Tapungis et Chi- lensibus. 12mo. Amstelodami 1648. wood cut. S6. 081. PRADT (DE) Des trois derniers mois de 1 Amerique septentrionale et du Bresil. Svo. Paris 1817. sewed. S ,60. .082. PROJP:CTO di constituica para o imperio do Brasil. Svo. Rio de Janeiro 1823. sewed. S ,60. 083. PROPOSITIE ghedaen ter Vergaderinghe von hare Hoogh- Mog. d llecren Staten Generael der vereenichde Nederlan- 96 PART VIII. 8. BRASIL. den; Ins Gravenhage den 16 August! 1647; door Fr. Sous; Continho. 4 to. s. d. 1647. 85 1084. PYRAVEL de Laval. Voyage aux Indes - orientales e aii Brasil. 2 vis. 8vo. Paris 1615. Si 5 1085. SOUSA de Maccdo. Propositions cathegoriques touclian les differens du Bresil. 4 to. 1651. In the original state uncut and not cut open. $G 1086. Discours pros M. M. les Etats Generaux 6 Mar 1651. 4to. 1651 ; in its original state, neither cut opei nor cut around. $6 On the affairs of Brasil. 1087. SPECULATIEN op t concept van lleglement op Brasil 4to. Amsterdam 1647. uncut. $5 1088. STADEX (II.) Wahrhaftige Historie und Beschreibun< eyner Landschaft der wilden, nacketen grimmigen Menschen frcsscr Leuthen in der newen Welt America gelegen vo: und nach Christi Geburt in Land zu Hessen unbekant bii uff dies neevv vergangcne Jar, da sic Hans Staden von Horn berg auss Hessen durcli seine eygne Erfarung crkannt, unt yetzo durch den Truck an Tag giebt. 4to. Marburg 1557. $25 1089. ST. HILAIRE (A. DE) Apei^u d un voyage dans 1 inte rieur du Bresil. 4to. Paris 1823. sewed. S ,60 1090. TAUNAY (Til. & F. J.) Idylles Bresilicnnes, latin-frail- caiscs. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro 1830. sewed. Si 1091. TAUXY (Hypr.) & F. DENIS. Notice historique et ex plicative sur Rio Janeiro. 8vo. Paris 1824. sewed. S ,60 1092. UYT-VAERT van West-Indische Compagnie met eer propositie ende vertooninghe, ghedaen door een seker IIcer< aenden Coninck van Castilien, teghens de West-Indisch< Compagnie. 4to. 1645. Si 5 1093. VARGAS (D. Thomas Tamayo de) Restauration de 1; Ciudad del Salvadors y Bahia de todas Sanctos en la pro vincia del Brasil. 4to. Madrid 1626. Si 5 1094. VEROWERIXGH van de Stadt Olinda ghelegcn in d< Capitania von Phernambuca. 4to. t Amsterdam 1630. Si 5 Most rare and curious pamphlet. A short account of th< taking of Fcrnambuco. 1095. VERTOOGH by een Licf-hebber des Vaderlants vertoon teghen het ongefondeerte endc schadelijk sluyten der vryci handel in Brazil. 4to. 1637. uncut. 85 1096. VERTOOGII aen de II. e. M. H. Staten Generael no pende dc voorgaende ende tcgenwoordigc Proceduren v Brasil. 4to. Amsterdam 1647. uncut. S4 1097. WP:ERDENBURCH (Generael) Copie van de Missive, ghc schreven aende Staten Generael, nopende de veroweringh< PART VIII. 9. SOUTH -SEA. 97 van Olinda de Fernambuco. 4 to. S Gravenhage 1630. First report extremely rare. $5. 1098. WEL-VAERT van de West - Indische Compagnie waer in klaerlijk vertoont wert door wat middel deselve Compagnie tot groote Conquesten soude konnen gheraken. 4to. Mid- delburg 1646. $5. On Brasil and Guinea. 1099. WEST -INDISCHE Compagnie; Eeglement over het open- stellen van den handel op Brazil, provisioned ghearesteert. 4to. S Gravenhage 1648. $5. 1100. Idem, other edition. 8 pages. Ibid. 1648. 9. SOUTH -SEA. 1101. BASTIDE (M. DE LA) Memoire sur un nouveau passage de la mer du nord a la mer du sud. 8vo. Paris 1781. sewed. $ ,50. 1102. BYRON (C.) A voyage round the world; in which is contained a description of the streights of Magellan, and of the gigantic people, called Patagonian etc. 8vo. London 1767. $,75. 1103. The same translated into French by E. 12mo. Paris 1767. calf. $ ,75. 1104. Idem. 8vo. Berlin 1799. calf. SI, 25. 1105. Idem, sewed. $1. 1106. DALRYMPLE. Voyages dans la mer du sud par les Espagnols et les Hollandais. Svo. Paris 1774. calf. SI. 1107. DESCRIPTION des terres Magellaniques et des Pays adjacents; traduit par B. 2 vis. 12mo. Paris 17 87. sewed. SI. 1108. Idem, halfbound. $1,25. 1109. FREZIER. Eelation du voyage de la Mer du Sud aux cotes de Chili et de Perou, fait pendant les annees 1712, 13 & 14. 4to. Amsterdam 1717. neat. $2,50. : 1110. Idem. 2 vis. 12mo. Paris 1732. sewed. $1,50. 1111. LABORDE (DE) Histoire abregee de la Mer du Sud 3 vis. Svo. & Atlas. 4to. Paris 1791. $5. 5 1112. TREVILLE. Histoire des nouvelles decouvertes faites dans la mer du Sud en 1767. 68. 69 et 1770. 2 vis. Svo. Paris 1774. calf. Sl,75. 1113. VAUGONDY & BUACHE. Memoires sur les pays de 1 Asie et de 1 Amerique situes au nord de la mer du Sud. 4tO. Pa- L ^ ris 177475. sewed. Si. 114. Idem, halfbound. $1,25. F. MULLER, No. 1. JULY 1850. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. CONTAINING SOME BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ON . ASIA, AFRICA AND AUSTRALIA. 1115. AEN de Ed. M. Heeren Commissar, van S. Maj. van Brit- taingen, De ootm. Siipplicatie vande Bewinth. ende Comp. Coopluyden in London, handelende op Oost-Indien. 4to. Rot terdam 1661. nearly uncut. $2. 1116. ANATOMIA ofte ont Ledinge roercnde de saeken dcr Engelsche en Hollanders in Amboyna. 4to. Amst. 1652. $3. 1117. ANTWOORT van de H. M. Staten Generaelaen de Heere Downing. 15 Sept. 1664. 4to. Middelburg 1664. S3. Relating to the ,,H. Bonaventure" and ,,Bonne Esperance." 1118. ANTWOORT van de H. M. Heeren Staten Generael op de Memorie van de Heere Downing. 4to. Rotterdam 1664. $ 3. On the vessels "Charles" and "Jack." 1119. ANTWOORDE vande Gedeputeerde van de Nederl. Oost- Ind. Comp. op de frivole Requeste gepresenteert aens Ko- nincx Commissarissen. 4to. S. 1. 1681. nearly uncut. $2. 1120. ANTWOORT van de H. M. H. Staten Generael aende Heer Downing. 4to. Amsterdam 1664. $5. On the Ships: Bonne Esperance, Bonne Aventure, Hoop- vel and Luypart captured on the East - Indian and African shore. 1121. ARTIKEL tusschen den Doorluchtigsten Prince Karel II cnde de Staten Generael; om de geschillen der Engelsche en Nederlandsche Oost-Ind. Compagnie. 4to. 1675. $3. 1122. ARTicuLEN en Conditien op welcke de Kooplieden en Negotianten de Koningh van Vrankryk ootmoedigh versoght hebben, om syn Majesteyts Declaratie en toestemminge, aengaende t oprechten van een Oost - Indische Compagnie in Vrankrijk. 4to. 1664. uncut. $2. 1123. BONDIGH verhael van den Oorlogh tusschen de Oost- Indische Compagnie en den Koningh van Macasser; voorge- vallen in den Jare 1666, 1667, 1668; after the copy prin ted in Batavia. 4 to. Ley den 1669. $4. 1124. BRIEF van de Oost-Ind. Compagnie aen de Staten Generael. fol. 1665. leaf. $2. 1125. CHARISIUS (P.) Naerder Klagten ontrent de Deensche Afri- caensche Compagnie die de Nederl. W. Ind. Compagnie aldaer niet will gedoghen ende alle schade aen doet. 4to. 1660. S..2. 1126. DEDUCTIE ingestelt tot onderrichtinge van den Coning van Groot-Britannien. 4to. S Gravenhage 1664. $3. On the ships Maria and Charles in Africa. APPENDIX. 99 1127. DE leste Deliberation van de Hoogh Moog. Heeren Statcn Generael teghens de Heer Downingh. 4to. Amster dam 1662. $7, On the ships Bon-Aventure and Bon Esperance taken away on the East -Indian caost. 1128. ENGELSCHE Duymdrayery ofte tgeen de Oost - Indische Compagnie in Nedcrland van de Engelsche word nageseyd; aengaende Amboyna. 4to. Amsterdam 1652. $3. 1129. FORMOSA; T verwaaiioosde, of waerachtig Verhael hoe- danigh door verwaerloosinghe der Nederlanders in Oost - In- dien, het Eylandt Formosa van den Chinesen Mandaryn, cnde Zeeroover Coxinga overrompelt , vermeestert, ende ont- weldight is geworden. 4to. Amsterdam 1675. plates vellum. This account is translated in the french edition of the voya ges done for the Dutch East -India Company ; and should therefore be joined to every complete collection of the original editions of the voyages contained in that col lection. 1130. GUINEA. Beschryvinge van de Goud-Kust. 2 vis. in 1. 4to. Amsterdam 1650. Hartgcrs. $10. 1131. Idem. 4to. Ibidem 1658. Baumann. $10. 1132. HOOGENDORP (G. THOEN) Batavias Kerkgevaarte plegtig ingewyt. 4to. Delft 1737. $2,80. 1133. HOGERWAARD (W.) Lyk-Ecde by ghelegenheyd van het afsterven van Mvr. Adr. de Haan. gem. van d. W.-C. H. St. Versluys inBatavia. 4 to. S Gravenhage 1728. $,50. 1134. Afscheids - Keden tot de Gemeente op Batavia;and Hoornbeeks Sorg en Haad aangaande de Evangelie - Prediking in Oost- en West-Indien. 4to. S Gravenhage 1732. $15. With a very full relation on all the Dutch and French Mi nisters in New-NetherL, etc. from 1650 to 1730, con taining all their names many curious remarks on the settlements, etc. Scarce. 1135. JOURNAEL ofte warachtige Beschryvinge van de gruwe- lyke Conspiratien der Engelschen ondekt in de Eylanden van Amboyna in Oost-Indien. 4to. Amsterdam 1652. $3. 1136. JOURNAEL ofte warachtige Beschryvinge van de gruwe- lyke Conspiratien der Engelschen in Amboyna. 4to. Amster dam 1652. $3. 1137. KLAGH Yervolgh van den Deenschen Koninck aen de Heeren Staeten. 4to. Delft 1662. $2. Eclating to the difficulties between the Dutch and Danish companies in Africa. 1138. KLACHTE gedaen by den H. Protect, van de Republ. van Engelandt, over de schade door de Ned. Oost-Ind. Comp. gedaen aen de Oost - Ind. Comp. 4to. Amst. 1658. $2. 100 APPENDIX. 1139. KLAGTE van verscheydene Kooplicden en Handclaars van London teghen de Bewinthebbers der Oost-Ind. Com- pagnie. from the English. 4to. Amsterdam 1691. $1. 1140. KORT BONDIGH Verhael van den Op- en Ondergang van d Heer Constantyn Faulcon voornaam gunsteling des Ko- nings van Siam. 4to. Amsterdam 1690. $6. 1141. LEYD S Veer Schuyts-Praetgen, hier achter syn by ghe- voecht twee Brieven gheschreven in Batavia. 4to. 1630. $2. 1142. LOF der Oost-Indise Compagnie; ende de E. Heeren Bewinthebbern van dicn. 4to. Amsterdam 1646. $2. 1143. MEMORIE ende Klachten gedaen en overgelevert door d. Heer Marquis <T Abbeville Extraord. envoye v. Gr. Britt. over het voorgevallene tot Masulipatnam. 8vo. Amsterdam 1687. $1. 1144. MEMORIE van de Heere G. Downing, overgegeven aen de H.StatenGenerael; Dec. 30. 1664. 4to. 1664. uncut. $3. On the East -Indian and African question in general. 1145. NAARDER Eeglement op het subject van de vrye Vaart op de Kust von Africa. 4to. S Gravenhage 1734. uncut. $2. Several of the articles of this Publication are relating to Essequebo, Demerary and other places in America. 1146. NADER Memorie door den Heer Marquis d Albeville ovei het Werk van Masulipatnam en Betancapan, op d. 29 Sept. 1689 aen H. M. H. overgegeven. 4to. (1689.) uncut. $1,50 1147. NAERDER Artyculen ende Poincten, waerop tusscher den Groot mogenden Paducca Siri Sultan Hassan en der Coninck ende de vordere Eegeringe van Macassar, ter eene ende den Heere Corn. Speelman, oud Gouverneur van d< Cust Choromandel etc. etc.; is gemaeckt geslooten en vas gestelt een euwigduerende Vriendschap en Bondgenootschap 4to. Batavia 1668. $2 1148. OCTROY by de H. M. Heeren Staten Gener. verleen aen d Oost-Indische Compagnie. 2oth of March 1602. 4to S Gravenhage 1689. $2 1149. OOST-INDISCH-PRAETYEN; voorgevallen in Batavia tus schen vier Nederlanders. 4to. s. 1. 1663. $2 1150. OPRECHT Verhaal van t Eiland Pines en deszelfs Bevol king. 4to. Rotterdam 1668. uncut. $4 Pines is one of the Islands of Australia. 1151. THE same beautifully bound in red marocco, gilt edge by Duru in Paris, fine specimen of modern French bin ding. S> 5 1152. PLACCAET vande Doorl. ende Hoogh. Mog. Heer. Ste ten Generael op t stuck vant verkoopen van Action ind Oost ende West - Indische Compagnien. 4to. S Gravenhag 1621. $$ APPENDIX. 101 1153. PUBLICATION on the shares of the East -Indian Com pany, fol. one large leaf. 1674. $2,50. 1154. Q,UIR (PETR. FERN.) Relation von dem new erfundenen vierdten theil der Welt (so bisher in Mappis oder Land- schaften terra Australis incognita genannt) so der Konigl. Maj. in Spanien iibergeben. Aus dem Spanischen. 4to. Augsburg 1611. $10. 1155. REGLEMENT ter vergad. der XXII gearresteert waerop de Kameren sullen vermogen de Luyden en Eamilien haer voorkomende, te transporteren naer Ceylon. 4to. 1669. uncut. $1,50. 1156. REMONSTRANTIE aen de H. Staten Generael overgegeven den . . Juny 1664; by de H. Bewinthebberen van de Geocrt. W. Ind. Compagnie; op en jegens de Memorien van den H. Charisius wegens de Deensche Africaensche Compagnie. 4to. Amsterdam 1664. $2,50. 1157. SENTENTIE ghegeven tot Paris den 30 Nov. 1663 in- houdende toe-eygeninghe van de Prysen ghenomen inde Boode Zee en aen t Eylandt Marteneyro; door Capit. L. Davidts. 4to. Antwerpen. (1663.) $1,80. 1158. SOMER (JAN) Zee en Landt Reyse gedaen naer de Levante. 4to. Amsterdam 1661. , $3. 1159. SYMS (J. C.) Authenticq Verhael vant* Gepasseerde in de Oost.-Ind. Compagnie tot Hoorn. 4to. Uytrecht 1671 uncut. S5. 1160. THYSSEN (Jon.) Journael mitsgaders Verhael van den Toestant der Plaetsen van Ost-Indien, die d Ed. Com pagnie aldaer bezit. 4to. Rotterdam 1669. uncut. $2. 1161. VAN DER SPUY (D.) Dank Altaar gode ter eere op- gericht ter Gelegentheydt van Ed. Comp s hondertjaarige possessie van Cabo de goede Hoop. 4to. Utrecht 1753. $ 2,50. 1162. VERHAEL van den wonderlijken Oproer voorgevallen in de Provincie van Malambruino, gelegen een graed bezuiden het Eyland Pines. 4to. s. 1. 1672. $2. 1163. VERKLARINGE voor de H. M. Staten Generael op de Declaratie van Sijne Maj. van Groot-Brittannien 9 Oct. 1664. $3. On several ships taken on the African shore. 1164. VERTOOGH van den Heer G. Downing aen de H. M. H. Staten Generael. 4to. s. d. 4 Dec. 1664. $3. Relating to the ships taken on the African and. East- Indian shore. 1165. WAERACHTIG Verhael van de victorieuse Zee-Strydt tusschen acht Portugesche Galeonen cnde vier Hollandtschc met vier Engelsche Schepen omtrent Ormus ende de Persi- sche Kust voorghevallen. 4to. Amsterdam 1626. uncut. $1,50. 102 APPENDIX. HOC. WAERACIITIG vcrhacl van de tijdingcn gckomen uyt de Oost-Indien met hct Jaclit gonaemt de Haze im Junio 1624. 4to. . $2.. 1167. VERSCHEYDENE Brieven van H. H. Mog. de Staeten Ge- ncrael tot Kefutatie van verscheydene Brieven en Memoria- len van den Koning von Groot-Brittannien. 4 to. Amsterdam 1662. $3,50. 1168. WAERACHTIG verhael van de tijdinghen gecomen uyt de Oost-Indien; aengaende de conspiratie in de Eylanden van Amboyna. 4to. 1624. , $3. 1169. ASHER (A.) Bibliographical essay on the collection of voyages and travels, edited and published by Levinus Hul- sius and his successors at Nuremberg and Francfort from 1598 to 1640. 4to. London 1839. carton. Scarce. $3, 1170. BEAUCHAMP (A. DE) Histoire de la Conqucte et des revolutions du Perou. 2 tomes. 8vo. Paris 18 OS. Av. portr. rel. $2,50. 1171. BOELEN, JR. (J.) Keis naar Zuid-Amcrika. 3 vol. 8vo. Amst, 1835. hf. bound, with map and col. plates. $6,50. 1172. CASTANEDA (H. LOPEZ DE) Historia del descubrimento y conquisto dela India por los Portugueses. 8vo. Anvers 1554. $3,- 1173. COLLECCION general de documentos tocantes a la per- secucion, que los regulares de la Compania suscitaron y siguieron tenazmente desde 1644 hasta 1660 contra D. Bern, de Cardenas, Obispo del Paraguay, y de manejos de dichos de la Comp., per evitar que este Prelado entrase ni visitase sus Misiones del Parana, Uruguay e Itati. 2 vol. 4 to. Ma drid 1768. $4, 1174. CONSTITUTIEN der Vereenigde Staten van Amcrika. 2 vol. Svo. Dordr. 1781. $1,50. Dutch transl. of all the Constitutions of the United States. 1175. CORTES (F.) Brieven aan Keizer Karel V. wegens de verovering van Mexico. 2 vol. Svo. Amst. 1780. bd. W. plates and map. $1,50. 1176. GONCALES DE MENDOCA (J.) Historia de las cosas suas notables, ritos y cotumbres del Key no de la China, etc. Con un Itinerario del nuevo Mundo. Svo. Anvers 1596. velin. $&, 1177. HAETKENS (J.) Centraal Amerika, uit een geschiedk., aardrijksk. en statist, oogpunt. Svo. Dordr. 1832. with map. and pi. $1,50. 1178. HISTORIA dos descobrimentos e conquistas dos Portugue ses no novo mundo. 4 tomi. Svo. Lisboa 1786. bd. $3,50. 1179. HISTORIE dcr beroerten van Engelandt aengaende de APPENDIX. 103 veelderley scctcn, die aldacr in Kerckc Jcsu Christ! zijn ont- staen. Dordr. H. v. Esch. 1647. 8vo. min. Scarce. $6, Contains an historical relation of the different religious sects, as were the Brownists, etc. who took in the midst of the 17th century their refuge into the New World. 1180. JOURNALEN van drie voyagien, te weten 1. van T. Can- dish door de Magellaensche Straet rondom de Werelt. 2. van F. Draeck ende J. Haukeins naar W. Indie in 1593. 3. Jour- nael van de Nassausche Vloot, onder t beleydt van J. 1 He- remite in 162326. Hierby een beschryv. van Peru door P. de Madriga, enz. 4to. Amst. J. Pz. Wachter. 1643. with maps. $10, 1181. LACROIX (P. DE) Memoires pour servir a I histoire de la revolution de Saint-Domingue. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris 1819. rel. $1,50. 1182. LAFITEAU (J. F.) De zeden der Wilden van Amerika. fol. SHage 1731. with plates, calf. $2, 1183. DWIGHT (T.) Travels in New -England and New -York. 4 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1823. with maps, etc. $4, 1184. LAND- en Yolksverhuizingen, Kolonien en Yolkplantin- gen, of enkele hoofdtrekken harer geschiedenis, inzonderheid van die van Nederland. 8vo. (Assen 1847.) $2,50. Beautiful reprint, on large vellum paper, from a Dutch Journal. Unique copy. Contains many curious remarks relating the colonisations of the inhabitants of the Netherl., New-Netherland, etc. 1185. MALO (Cn.) Histoire de File de Saint-Dominguc, jusqu a . ce jour; suivie de pieces justificatives, 2e ed. 8vo. Paris 1819. , rel. $1,50. 1186. OCTROY van de Staten Generael verleent aende W. Ind. Compagnie 3 Juny 1621. Mette Ampliatie van dien, ende accoordt tusschcn de Bewinthebberen ende Hooft-Participan- ten. 16 Oct. 1624. 4to. SHage. 1624. 36 pages. $8, 1187. RAMSAY (D.) Geschiedenis d. N. Amerikaansche Staats- omwenteling (Dutch transl. from the Engl.). 2vol. Svo. Cam- pen 1792. bd. $1,50. 1188. A REMONSTRANCE of the Directors of the Netherlands East India Company of the Un. Prov. in defence of the said Com pany touchnig the bloody proceedings against the English Mer chants, executed at Amboyna. With the Acts of the Processe, etc. 4to. Lond. John Dawson. 1632. 30 and 48 pag. hf. bd. Scarce. $12,50. 1189. KOBERTSON (W.) Gcschiedenis van America. 5 vol. Svo. Amst. 17781801. $3, The 5th vol. containing an history of British America is very scarce in this edition. 104 APPENDIX. 1190. ROBINSON (K.) Gedenkschriften der Omwenteling in het rijk van Mexico, etc. (Dutch transl. from the English). 8vo. Haarl. 1823. bd. $1,50. 1191. SOULES (F.) Histoire des troubles de PAmerique Anglaise. 2 torn. Svo. Paris 1787. avec des cartes, en v. $2, 1192. HANS STADEN VAN HOMBORGHS Beschrijvinge van Ame rica. 4to. Utrecht 1683. 72 pages, with woodcuts. $"6, 1193. STUART (J.) Drie jaren in Noord-Amerika. (Dutch trans lation.) Svo. Gorinch. 1835. with pi. hf. bd. $1,25. 1194. SWART (J.) lets over Ta iti en de nederzetting der Fran- schen op dit eiland. Svo. Amst. 1845. Very scarce reprint from the: Verliand. enBerigten betrekk. ket Zeewezen. $2, 1195. TAFEREEL der Omwenteling van Spaansch Amerika. Door eenen inwoner van Zuid-Amerika. (Transl. from the French). 2 pts. 1 vol. Svo. Midd. 1S17. bd. $1,50. 1196. TROUIIERTIGHE Onderrichtinge aen alle Hooft Partici- panten en Liefhebbers van de Geoctroyeerde W.-Ind. Compa- gnie. Nopens het open stellen van den handcl op de Gust van Africa, namentlyck St. Thome, Guinea, Angola, St. Paulo de Loando, mitsg. de Marignian, Nieu-Nederlant ende West-In- dien. Door een trou Liefhebber, V. W. C. Ghedruckt in t Jaer 1643. 4to. 20 pages, uncut. $10, 1197. \ 7 EGA (GARCILASSO DE LA) Histoire des Yncas, Roi du Perou, trad, de 1 Espagnol par J. Baudoin. 2 vol. Svo. Amst. 1718. Av. planches, bd. $1,50. 11 98. Histoire des guerres civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes. (trad, de 1 Espagnol par G. Kuiper). 3 vol. Svo. Paris 1830. rel. $2, 1199. VENEGAS (M.) Natuurlijke en burgerlijke historic var California, (transl. from the Spanish). Svo. Haarl. 1761 bd. $1,75 1200. WARDEN (D. B.) Description des Etats-Unis de 1 Ame rique Septentrionale , dep. les. premiers etablissements. Trad de 1 Anglais. 2 vol. Svo. Paris 1820. hf. bound. $1,50 1201. ZARATE (A.) Conqueste van Indien. De wonderlycfo ende warachtighe historic vant Coninckryck van Peru, ghele gen in Indien, enz. 4to. Amsteldam, C. Claesz. 1598. Witl a map of Sud America on the title page. $11, 1202. ZORGDRAGER (C. G.), Gronlandische Fischerei und Wall fischfang aus dem Holland, iibersetzt. 4to. Leipzig 1723 calf. $2,- PRINTED BY C. A. SPIN AND SON JN AMSTERDAM,