■'';■,"■■■ ■- Mi ^ .it ■^m^\^i-\']}i-'m'itisi\ ii .t^^-. -u-^ jCbfiMBP*~^ "' j^flT' rTSi THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES <^.1 -:^'>. 1 CATALOGUE OF EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES OXFORD HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY CATALOGUE OF EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES AND OBJECTS FROM THE CHRISTIAN EAST IN THE DEPARTMENT OF BRITISH AND MEDIAEVAL ANTIQUITIES AND ETHNOGRAPHY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM BY O. M. DALTON, M.A. ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT LONDON PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM And by Longmans and Co., 39 Paternoster Row Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly; Asher and Co., 13 Bedford Street, Covent Garden Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road And Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner I901 [All rights reserved^ Alii library US' PREFACE The following Catalogue has been prepared by Mr. O. M. Dalton of this Department, who is also responsible for the Introduction. I have compared the description with the objects. CHARLES H. READ. Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities &c. November, 1901. \ gg;:c?775 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF PLATES x LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT xi INTRODUCTION xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xxi CATALOGUE OF EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES I. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS A. Before 600 a. d. and mostly from Italy. (i) Gems: {a) Inscribed i (6) Uninscribed 3 (ii) Rings without gems: {a) Inscribed 8 (6) Uninscribed ............ 11 B. From the Christian East. (i) Gems: (a) Intaglios .......... . . 12 (i) Cameos ............ 16 VUl CONTENTS (ii) Rings without gems: (a) Inscribed : 1. Iconographic . 2. Marriage . . . . 3. Acclamations and prayers 4. Names . . . . 5. Monograms {fi) Uninscribed : 1. Iconographic . 2. Marriage . . . . 3. Miscellaneous . I'AOE 2 I 22 26 27 30 32 33 II. JEWELS, PERSONAL ORNAINIENTS, etc. A. Found with various Silver Treasures (Nos. 227—250) B. From the Christian East (Nos. 251-288) 36 39 III. IVORY CARVINGS (Nos. 289-303). A. From Italy (Nop. 289-294) B. From the Christian East (Nos. 295-303) 48 53 IV. SILVER TREASURES (Nos. 304-424). I. The Esquiline Treasure (Nos. 304-345) II. Roman Silver Spoons of the Fifth Century (Nos. 346-355) III. Carthage Treasure (Nos. 356-375) .... IV. Lampsacus Treasure (Nos. 376-396) .... V. Cyprus Treasure (Nos. 397-424) .... 61 77 19 81 86 V. BRONZE (Nos. 425-597). A. Exagia and Weights (Nos. 425-485) . B. Stamps (Nos. 486-494) C. Lamps and Stands (Nos. 495-529) D. Miscellaneous Vessels (Nos. 530-542) E. Plaques and Medallions (Nos. 543-557) F. Crosses (Nos. 558-580) G. Miscellaneous (Nos. 581-597) . 91 98 100 104 109 1 12 •15 VI. GLASS (Nos. 598-712). A. Gilded Glasses (Nos. 598-651) 117 B. Other Vessels (Nos. 652-659) 131 C. Money Weights (Nos. 660-685) '33 D. Miscellaneous (Nos. 686-712) 136 CONTENTS ix VII. POTTERY (Nos. 713-930). A. Lamps (Nos. 713-859): PAGE i. From Carthage, Sicily, Italy, &c. (Nos. 713-804) . . . . -139 ii. From Egypt, Syria, and Asia Minor (Nos. 805-859) . . . . -147 B. Pilgrims' Flasks (Nos. 860-915) . . . . . . . . -154 C. Other Objects (Nos. 916-930) . . . . . . . . . -159 VIII. STONE (Nos. 931-950). Sepulchral Monuments, Architectural Fragments, &c. . . . . . .164 IX. MISCELLANEOUS (Nos. 951-1003). I. Textiles, &c. (Nos. 951-957) 168 XL Plaster and Clay (Nos. 958-968) 170 III. Small objects of Stone (Nos. 969-980) . . . . . . -171 IV. Wood (Nos. 981-987) 172 V. Bone (Nos. 988-995) 175 VI. Lead (Nos. 996-999) 176 VII. Various small objects (Nos. 1000-1003) 177 TABLE for converting inches into millimetres . . . . . . . .178 INDEX . - 179 LIST OF PLATES I. II, III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. xn. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV, Engraved gems Engraved gems and rings Cameos .... Jewellery Jewellery NU.MBERS I, 2, 15, 16, 18-27, 38, 42, 43 3-7,9.10.31-37.39.40,70.71 104-1 14, 1 16 '. 121, 129-131, 210, 252-254, 264-267, 284, 285, 287 268, 269, 270, 274, 276, 277, 280, 282, 283, 286, 288 Ivory panels from a casket ... Ivory panels . Leaf of an ivory diptych, the Archangel Mich Ivory box with story of St. Menas . Ivory box with story of Daniel, etc. Ivory panels ...... Bone panels from a casket Esquiline treasure : the casket of Projecta The casket of Projecta : top of lid . The casket of Projecta : front The casket of Projecta : back . The casket of Projecta : right end . The casket of Projecta : left end Esquiline Treasure : dome-shaped casket Esquiline Treasure : figures representing cities Carthage Treasure Lampsacus Treasure Lampsacus Treasure Cyprus Treasure Cyprus Treasure Bronze lamps Bronze lamps Gilded glass Gilded glass Gilded glass: 291 • 292, 294 • 295 • 297 . 298 296, 299, 300 • 301 • 304 • 304 • 304 ■ 304 ■ 304 • 304 • 305 • 332-335 358-360, 371, 375 • 376-378 381. 383.383,386-392 • 397, 398 • 414-421 • 495, 496, 529 501-503, 507-509, 512, 525-527 603, 605, 610, 612, 613, 615, 630, 631, 641 608, 609, 619, 632, 636, 637 fragments of a bowl with small medallions . .629 Gilded glass: small medallions from bowls . 601, 602, 606, 616, 618, 620-627, 635 Pottery lamps and pilgrims' bottles . 714, 718, 805, 819, 822, 860, 882, 883 The Constantine bowl 916 XXXV. Carved wooden panels from Cairo ....... 986 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT NUMBER I 2. 28. 44. 46. 57- 60. 64. 78. 83- 84. 87. Enamelled Bvzaniine Cross Inscribed gem Gold ring, sacred monogram Gold ring, garnet intaglio Silver bezel of a ring 48. Gold ring, 'aemilia' . 49. Gold key-ring, 'accipe dit.cis, etc Silver bezel, male bust Gold ring, 'blithia' . Gold ring, palm-branch Gold ring . Jasper intaglio . Crystal intaglio Haematite intaglio 88. Haematite intaglio 90. Jasper intaglio . 92. Chalcedony intaglio . 93-95. Three gems, monograms 97. Steatite seal Onyx cameo Sard cameo . Onyx cameo Gold signet-ring Gold signet-ring Gold signet-ring Gold marriage-ring, niellok Inscription from a gold marriage-rin Bezel of a gold marriage-ring Bronze signet-ring Silver signet-ring Silver ring .... Inscribed bezel of a bronze ring Inscribed bezel of a bronze ring Gold signet-ring, monogram b 2 lOI. 102. 120. 122. 123. 129. 131- J33- 139- 142. 147- 148. 160. 168. PAGE xiv, xxiv 3 5 1 8 8 9 10 10 1 1 1 2 '3 13 13 14 14 1.5 '5 16 16 16 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 26 XII LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT NUMIIER 169. 170. 171. 173- 179. 185. 189. I go. 205. 207. 212. Bezel of a brokzk signet-rinc, monogram . Bezel of a gold signet-ring, monogram Gold signet-ring, monogram Bezel of a bronze signet-ring, monogram . Bezel of a silver ring, moncgram Bronze signet-ring ..... GcfLD SIGNET-RlNG FOUND WITH COINS OF HeRACLI Gold signet-ring from Smyrna . Bronze signet-ring from Beyrut Gold marriage-ring ..... Gold ring from Smyrna .... 400-424. Designs on the backs of silver spoons from Cyprus 227,229,230. Three silver fibulae . 232, 233. Silver pins ...... 235. Head of a silver pin .... 236. Silver ear-ring ...... 237. Silver ear-ring ...... 238. Silver ring ...... 240, 241. Silver charms ..... 2.56. Bronze-gilt fibula ..... 257. Bronze-gilt fibula from Palestine . 258, 261. Bronze-gilt plaques from Palestine . 278. Gold ear-ring ...... 279. Gold bracelet ...... 284. Gold reliquary ...... 289. Ivory pyxis ....... 293. Ivory panel, the Disputation and Baptism 302. Leaf of an ivory diptych, St. Michael 302 a. Ivory panel, Death of Jacob 302 b. Ivory panel, Entry into Jerusalem . 303. Leaf of a triptych ..... 304. Top of the silver casket of Projecta Figures of Muses from the sides of a silver casket Section of a silver casket Embossed silver flask .... Silver ewer ...... Silver amphora ...... Fluted sil\er dish ..... Silver dish ....... Rectangular silver dish, monogram in niello Circular silver dish, monogram in niello . Fluted silver bowl ..... 322. Inscribed silver spoon .... 328. Silver spoon ...... 331. Inlaid silver knife-handle 332. Silver chair-ornament, statuette of Rome 305- 305- 306. 307- 308, 310. 3'i- 312. 316. 321. PAGE 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 32 32 33 35 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 ■(O 41 42 45 45-46 46 48 51 58 58 59 60 61 65 66 67 68 68 69 70 71 71 72 72 73 74 74 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT xm NUMIlliR 335- 336- 338. 354- 356. 361. 364- 376. 379- 380. 387. 390- 393- 397- 398- 399- 399- 400. 405- SlI.VHK CHAIK-ORNAMENl', STATUETTE OK ALEXANDRIA Silver chair-ornament, iianu iioi.niNO po.megran sli.vek-gilt iiorse-trapi'ings rionc gram and cross on a silvi r spoon Silver bowl, pastoral scenes Silver bowl with cover Silver spoon ..... Stamp on bottom of a silver lamp-stand Stamps on bottom of a silver dish . Monogram on a silver spoon Design on a silver spoon . Inscription and monogram on a silver spoon Silver lamp-djsh .... Stamps on the bottom of a silver dish Nielloed design on a silver bowl Stamps on the bottom ok a silver vessel Silver vessel for suspension Inscription on a silver spoon Pounced inscription on a silver spoon 423, 424. Animals on bowls of silver spoons 434. Bronze weight, monogram . 444. Inscribkd bronze weight 447. Bronze weight, two busts . 453. Bronze weight, monogram . 476. Bronze weight, monogram . 478 Circular bronze weight 483. Bronze weight, figures of two saints 485. Steelyard weight .... 491. Cruciform bronze stamp 530. Bronze bo.\ for suspension 532. Inscribed bronze vessel 533. Inscribed bronze lid from Syria 534. Bronze patera ..... 539. Bronze ewer from Egypt . 540. Bronze censer ..... 540. Details of bronze censer . 541. Bronze vase and basin from Spain 543. Bronze plaque from Syria 544. Bronze-gilt plaque, St. Theodore 559. Bronze reliquary-cross from Smyrna 653. Globular glass vessel 658. Blue glass vase from Amiens 664. Glass money-weight, monogram . 675, 676. Glass money-weights, monograms. 679, 680. Glass money-weights, monograms . 686. Cameo glass paste, our Lord I'AGK 7,T 76 76 78 79 80 80 82 82 82 83 84 85 86 87 87 88 89 89 90 92 93 93 94 96 96 97 98 99 104 105 105 106 107 107 108 108 109 no "3 131 132 133 134 135 136 XIV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IX THE TEXT NUMBER 693. Cameo class paste, St. Theodore 697. Glass pendant, the Good Shepherd Types of pottery lamps 821. Pottery lamp from Egypt . 835. Pottery lamp from Syria . 903. Pottery ampulla 916. Interior of the Constantine bowl 926. Impressed design from an earthenware plate 928. Impression of stamp upon a tile 930. Impression of stamp upon an earthenware vi:ss 942. Coptic tombstone ..... 944. Sculptured limestone fragments 946. Capital of a column .... 951. Linen tunic from Egypt .... 951. Tapestry medallion from a tunic 961. Seal from a wine-jar .... 086. Carved cedar panel from Egypt page 137 137 148 150 152 158 160 162 163 163 165 166 167 168 169 170 173 Enamelled Byzantine Cross in the Victoria and .'Albert Museum, South Kensington. Front. INTRODUCTION The objects representing the minor arts of the Early Christian and Byzantine periods in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities were first united in 1893, in which year several rooms were assigned to exhibitions illustrating the various religions of the world. But even now the whole collection is not exhibited in one place. The need for safer custody involved the placing of jewels and objects of gold in the Room of Gold Ornaments and Gems, and the passage by which it is approached, while a few of the ivory carvings are in the Mediaeval Room where they form part of the large series there exhibited. A number of objects are also to be found in other Departments, and with these the present Catalogue is not concerned. For instance, much material illustrating the Christian art of Egypt, together with a large collection of Gnostic gems, is in the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, while the Department of Manuscripts possesses an extensive series of Byzantine leaden seals. In the custody of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities are a number of mosaic pavements of the Christian period obtained in Northern Africa. The collections included in the Catalogue are naturally somewhat miscellaneous in character, and the various divisions are rather unequally represented. For purposes of classification the whole has been divided into nine sections, viz. :— gems and rings, jewels, ivory carvings, silver, bronze, glass, pottery, sculptured stone, and miscellaneous antiquities. Of these classes the gems, ivories, silver, and glass are the most important. The section of rings and gems was chiefly enriched by the acquisition of the cabinets of the Abbe Hamilton in 1856, and of Signor Castellani in 1865 and 1872; while the bequest in 1897 of the collection formed by Sir A. Wollaston Franks, K.C.B., added some of the finest examples to the series. The section of jewellery profited to an equal degree by the generosity of the same benefactor, who indeed contributed in a greater or less proportion to the increase of all the classes enumerated. Of the ivory carvings an important part was acquired in 1856, with the Maskeil Collection, which included valuable examples of Early Christian Art such as the two sets of panels from caskets (nos. 291 and 292), one of which is well known among the earliest representations of the Crucifixion. Among other private collections from which this section has been augmented, may be mentioned those of Mr. Alexander Nesbitt, from which ihe pyxis with the martyrdom of St. Menas was derived ; of Mr. Felix Slade, which included the remarkable panel (no. 299) with the Descent into Hell ; and of Mr. Rohde Hawkins, xvi INTRODUCTION to which the series is indebted for a similar panel (no. 300) with the scene of the Nativity. The nucleus of the series of glass is formed by the fine set of gilded glasses {fondi d'oro) chiefly obtained by the purchase in 1854 and 1S63 of the collections belonging to the Chevalier Bunsen, and the Counts Matarozzi of Urbania. Two exceptional pieces of the same class (nos. 628 and 629) came from the Disch and Herstatt Collections at Cologne, the more remarkable of the two (no. 628) having been bequeathed by Mr. Felix Slade in 1868. The two curious vases, perhaps chalices, of dark blue glass (nos. 658 and 659), one forming part of the same bequest, the other from the Pourtales Collection, are also worthy of especial note. The section consisting of objects in silver is chiefly remarkable for the various Treasures which it contains. Foremost among these is that found in 1793 on the Esquiline Hill, including the famous Bridal Casket of Projecta (no. 304). The other treasures, that from Carthage (nos. 356-375); that found at Lampsacus in 1848 (nos. 376-396) comprising a set of inscribed spoons ; and that discovered in Cyprus in recent years (nos. 397- 424) are all worthy of mention, the last two being of especial interest from the occurrence on four vessels of several Byzantine stamps. The bronze section has a good series of weights and lamps, the latter including a fine example of a polycandclon (no. 529). The class of pottery, in addition to representative collections of lamps and pilgrims' flasks, contains in the so-called Constantine Bowl a remarkable example of the potter's art of the fourth century. Of all the sections, that of sculptured stone is the least satisfactory : the collection as a whole is pre-eminently one of small objects, sculptures and monumental inscriptions being alike scantily represented. As far as the Early Christian Antiquities were concerned, the desirability of publication was long ago recognized, and in ] 899 it was decided to print a catalogue. But as soon as a beginning had been made with the work, it became clear that the mis- cellaneous small objects in the possession of the Department illustrating the minor arts of the Christian East under the Byzantine Empire might be included with advantage. Exigencies of arrangement had brought the two classes together in a small room, and it seemed obviously appropriate that they should be comprised in a single volume. There was another reason which this course rendered desirable. Recent years have witnessed a remarkable revival in the study of Byzantine history and archaeology. In Germany and Russia reviews have been issued entirely confined to these subjects'. In France, and in a far less degree in our own country, a number of valuable books and monographs have been published, while Russian and Modern Greek scholars are devoting themselves to investigations for which they are so advantageously situated ". As a result of this activit)% the evidence afforded by the minor arts is receiving more ' Byzantinische Zeitsduift, edited by Karl Krumbacher, Leipzig, from 1892; Vizanliski Vremetinik, St. Petersburg, from 1S94. The ' Materials for Russian Archaeology ' (Russian), published by the Imperial Archaeological Commission, St. Petersburg, also contains a number of important articles on Byzantine Archaeology. A new publication, Oriens Christianus, devoted to the antiquities of the Christian East has just appeared under the auspices of the German Campo Santo at Rome. " Especial service has been rendered to students of the Minor Arts of the Christian East by the works of M. Gustave Schlumberger of Paris, and Professor J. Strzygowski of Gratz. To the study of enamels, silversmith's work, and ivory carvings, the researches of Professor N. Kondakoff, M. Smirnoff, and Dr. Hans Graeven are of fundamental importance. INTRODUCTION xvii and more attention from students of the liistory of the Later Roman Empire, so that the present moment seems propitious for rendering the collections in the British Museum more accessible by publication. But the proposal to include them in the Catalogue raised difficulties similar in character to those which had already affected the ordinary process of acquisition ; it had to be decided whether all Byzantine antiquities were to be admitted, or only those which bore some obvious mark of Christian ownership. The latter alternative had been adopted for the beginning of the Christian era, with which period the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities was equally concerned Theoretically no objects belonging to these early centuries were placed in the Christian Room which did not bear clear signs of Christian use, but contemporary pagan antiquities were included when they formed part of a single find with those of a religious character. This system was found to work well in practice, and is still con- tinued. But in dealing with the period after the foundation of Constantinople, more especially in countries outside Europe, other difficulties arose, for the Greek and Roman Department does not acquire objects of so late a date. Byzantine antiquities which bore outward evidence of Christianity, that is to say a very large proportion of the whole, found their legitimate place in the Christian Room. But there were others without such evidence, which were in a sense beyond the pale, and might logically have been omitted. It seemed a matter of regret, however, that they should be altogether unrepresented in the National Collection, and they were consequently admitted on grounds of expediency. Their admission introduced an unavoidable complication, for it was now impossible to discriminate, as in the earlier period, between objects with signs of Christianity and those without ; but it was felt that the material advantages of inclusion more than com- pensated for the want of uniformity. It was therefore decided that publication should follow the lines laid down for purposes of exhibition, and that the Catalogue should also comprise all objects of the Byzantine period without exception. This decision was confirmed by the acquisition of the above-mentioned Franks Bequest in 1897, which was separately exhibited, but contained a number of Byzantine objects which it was most desirable to make better known. The above development had, however, the effect of making the Catalogue unsymmetrical. Whereas for Eastern Christianity the close of the Middle Ages was adopted as a general limit, few western antiquities were admitted of a later date than the sixth century. The Romano-British, Teutonic, and Western Mediaeval Collections in the Department are destined to form the subject of independent catalogues^, and the amalgamation of any part of them with the Christian Collection had never been in contemplation ; Russian antiquities, which also form a class worthy of separate treatment, were omitted for similar reasons. An exception was only allowed in the case of one or two objects with Christian inscriptions, such as no. 541 , which, though produced in countries under Teutonic dominion, stood in a more immediate relation to Roman civilization. The division thus adopted cannot ' A few Roman objects found in Britain, and now in the Romano-British collection of the Department, have upon them the sacred monogram :^. They are four cakes of pewter stamped with the name Syagrius (see Arch.Journ., vol. xvi, p. 38 and Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Series II, vol. ii, p. 35) ; and a pewter dish found in Hampshire, on which the monogram is roughly scratched (see Archaeologia, vol. Ivi (1898), p. 17). C xviii INTRODUCTION but be open to criticism, for it is influenced to a certain extent by accidental conditions of arrangement ; but it seemed that the publication of the available material should take precedence of all other considerations, and if the present opportunity had been allowed to pass, this might have been indefinitely postponed. In the province of Early Christian Antiquities, which de Rossi and his numerous distinguished followers have so carefully explored, the date of most objects can be approximately determined. But in dealing with a subject like the minor arts of the Byzantine Empire, where there is so much untrodden ground, the case is very different. Here the danger of premature hypothesis must be set against the security of excessive caution. In the frequent absence of definite landmarks, conjecture is perhaps a greater evil than suspension of judgement, and it is better to err rather on the side of prudence than of temerity. Precise dates have therefore been sparingly assigned, and in many cases the age of an object has been left quite undetermined. But although decisive evidence is unfortunately rare, it is not altogether wanting. In a few cases objects are found associated with coins; for example nos 252-255 were discovered with coins of Constantius, the ring no. 1S9 with coins of Heraclius, while the ring no. 310 contains a coin of Marcian. Internal evidence of a less conclusive nature is sometimes sufficient to date certain classes within comparatively narrow limits ; for example, the occurrence of a pai'ticular form of letter or monogram, or the name of an office like that of Eparch which fell into desuetude after the sixth century, will often serve as a useful guide. Inscriptions cannot always be relied upon to afford exact indications of date, for where so large a proportion of objects are of the most varied material and the rudest workmanship, the different forms of letters cannot be easily differentiated ; moreover, the study of Byzantine epigraphy has yet to be fully developed. The Museum has not the good fortune to possess one of those monuments which, like the Cross of Justin at Rome, the Reliquary of Cortona with the name of Nicephorus Phocas, or the ivory at Paris with those of Romanus IV and Eudocia, make explicit mention of historical persons. It is to rare instances of this kind that the most satisfactory attempts to introduce a chronological sequence in Byzantine antiquities are due ; but even here the permanence of style which a comparison of dated ivories has revealed, proves that if Byzantine art was sometimes slow to rise it was often unexpectedly slow to fall. M. Molinier has truly said, that except in the rather improbable event of striking new discoveries, there must alwa}'s be an element of uncertainty even in the dating of ivory carvings^. Much greater, therefore, is the chance of error in dealing with classes of antiquities which offer no such criteria as the dated ivories provide. In default of significant inscriptions, there remain other less direct indications which are not without value. Among these may be mentioned peculiarities of iconography ; relation to historical epochs, or events such as the Arab invasions, the iconoclastic crisis, or the catastrophe of 1204; and finally the general style of workmanship and various technical or artistic affinities. But the value of these aids is naturally greatest in the case of the finer and more valuable works which have survived in the smallest numbers; the less pretentious objects do not lend themselves ' Histoire gcnhale des arts appliquh ^ rinditstiie, vol. i. Ivcires, p. 98, 1S96. INTRODUCTION xix so readily to exact classification, and it is of these that the collection is very largely composed. Such are the data, scanty and inadequate at best, which enable us to associate different types or styles with different historical epochs. The early period which included the reigns of Theodosius and Justinian is not represented in the collection by many objects of artistic merit, though the lesser like the greater arts probably found their highest expression at that time. But the famous leaf of a diptych (no. 29.5) with the figure of the Archangel Michael, perhaps the finest .surviving ivory carving ever produced in the East, is of this date ; while some of the silver treasures are near enough in point of time to give a favourable idea of the silversmith's art. Of the workmanship of the iconoclastic interval and of the transitional period which followed it, marked as it sometimes was by a reversion to antique models often imperfectly understood, there are two examples among the ivory carvings (nos. 299 and 300) and perhaps one among the gems (no. 104). The period of the Basilian Dynasty, which witnessed so great an external expansion and so marked a revival of the arts within the Empire, is represented by fewer fine examples than are to be found in some other collections ; but there are several rings and jewels (nos. 129 ff.) which can with proba- bility be attributed to this time. The final phase of impoverishment and decay, initiated by the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders, and concluded by the last victories of the Turks, is represented by work insignificant in character and feeble in execution. The difficulty in assigning accurate dates to Byzantine antiquities is perhaps greatest at the beginning and end of the Empire. Between the fourth and sixth centuries the respective claims of East and West are not easy to define, while at the opposite extremity it is hard to say where the Middle Ages pass into modern times. The desire to secure the publication of material which might otherwise remain unnoticed has prompted the inclusion of a few interesting objects, both early and late, which may ultimately be proved intruders. An instance of this latitude is afforded by certain gems in Section B (pp. 12 ff.), the attribution of which is by no means claimed as final. The point at which one archaeological period merges in another can seldom be exactly determined, for the time of transition is as indefinite as the twilight by which darkness is divided from day. Although in the above paragraphs the word ' Byzantine ' has been used for the sake of convenience, it will be observed that in the title, and generally in the Catalogue itself, it has been discarded in favour of the paraphrase ' from the Christian East.' The change has been made for several reasons. In the first place the word Byzantine implies too close an association with the metropolis of the Empire, to the exclusion of art-provinces like Syria and Egypt, the importance of which is daily being more widely recognized. It has been remarked by a French writer on Byzantine history that local differences even now stand out very clearly on the general background of artistic evolution. Thus there was a Byzantine art of Asia Minor, another of Syria, and a third of Egypt ^ We can already anticipate the time when the antiquities of the Christian East will fall into their proper places in spheres well defined by local ' Ch. Dieh\, yus/init/i et la dvilisation Byzantine nu VT"' sih/e, p. 659 (Paris, 1901). C 2 XX INTRODUCTION influence, and when that time arrives, the compromise here adopted will naturally be replaced by phrases of greater precision. In the meanwhile it may serve a useful purpose in so far as it suggests decentralization and implies that finality has not yet been reached. In the second place the term Byzantine has still for many minds a misleading connotation ^. Although the old reproach of formalism is based upon a superficial view of the history and art of the Empire, the prejudice has struck such deep roots that the process of eradication must be slow. If the word as now too often used contributes even in a small degree to the perpetuation of an error, it is better that it should be abandoned where it is not absolutely necessary. A third advantage of the more general phrase is that it has no political associations, and thus permits the inclusion of isolated objects such as gems cut by Persian Christians (cf. no. 82), to which the terms ' Early Christian ' and ' Byzantine ' would not be wholly appropriate. An attempt has been made in the index to illustrate the comparative fertility of different districts in Christian antiquities, the numbers of the objects being entered under the names of their respective countries in all cases where the localities are recorded in the Register of the Department. But as in a large number of cases actual records are wanting, the enumeration must not be taken as exhaustive ; for instance, the prominence of Egypt and Syria would be yet greater if the index took account of probability in addition to registered facts. Yet, imperfect as they are, such lists serve a useful purpose by drawing the attention of the student to the geographical distribution of Christian remains. A metrical scale has been given on each plate, and a parallel scale of centimetres and inches will be found on p. 178. Throughout the Catalogue the dates immediately following the dimensions of objects indicate the year of acquisition. The Trustees are indebted to the Society of Antiquaries of London, and to the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, for the use of several blocks (pp. xiv, xxiv, and 186, and nos. 376, 379, 397-399, 400, 405. 424, 539) inserted in the text. ' On this subject see Professor Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, vol. i, pp. viii and ix. (London, 1889.) LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONS OF BOOK TITLES REFERRED TO IN THIS CATALOGUE Arch. Joiirn. The Archaeological Journal, published under the direction of the Council of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1844 &c. Bonner Jahrbiicher. Jahrhucher dcs Vereim von Alter luins/rcundcn im Rheinlande. Bonn, 1842 &c. Byz. Zeilschr. ' Byzantinische Zeilschri/t, edited by K. Krumbacher. Leipzig, 1892 &c. C. I. G. (1877.) A. Boeckh, Corpus Inscriptionum Graecanim, vol. iv. Berlin, 1877. C. I. L. Corpus Inscriptionum I.atinaruin. Berlin 1863 &c. D'Agincourt, Peinture, Sculpture, Sfc. Seroux d'Agincourt, Histoire de tart par les monuments. Paris, 1823. Delattre, 1890, 1893, &c. Delattre, Articles on terra-cotta lamps in Revue de f Art Chretien. De Rossi, Bullettino. J. B. de Rossi, Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana. Rome, 1863-1894. De Vit, Onomasticon. V. de Vit, Totius Latinitatis Onomasticon. Prato, 1 859-1 867. FoRRER, Friihchristl. AltertUmer. R. Forrer, Die fruhchristlichen Altertumer aus dem Grdberfeld von Achmim-Panopolis. Strasburg, 1893. Garrucci, Sloria. R. Garrucci, Storia delC Arte Cristiana. Pralo, 1872-1880. Garrucci, Vetri. R. Garrucci, Vetri ornati di figure in oro. 2nd ed. Rome, 1864. xxii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Graeven, Elfenbeinwcrke. H. Grae\'en, Fruhchiistlichc and mitlelaltcrliihe Elfenbcinwerke in pholographischer Nach- hildimg. Series I. Rome, 1898. Aiis Sammlungen in England. Series II. Rome, 1900. Alls Sammlungen in Ilalien. King, Antique Gems. C. W. King, Antique Gems and Rings. London, i860. Kr.aus, Uher Begriff, ^-c. F. X. Kraus, Ueber Begriff, L'm/atig, und Geschichte der christlichen Archdologie. Akademische Antrittsrede. Freiburg, 1870. Kraus, Real-Encyhl. F. X. Kraus, Rcal-Encyklopadie der christlichen Alterlhiimer. Freiburg, 1880-1886. Kraus, Geschichte. F. X. Kraus, Geschichte der christlichen Kunst. Freiburg, 1896. Mat. Russ. Arch. Materials for the Archaeology of Russia, edited by the Imperial Archaeological Commission. .St. Petersburg, 1888 &c. (Russian). Mitt. K. n. A. I. Mittheilungcn des kaiser lich deutschen Archaologischen Inslituts. Rdmische Abtheilung. Rome, 1886 &c. MoLiNiER, Ivoires. E. Molinier, Hisloire generate des arts a/>/>liqu/s a I' Industrie du V"'" a la fin du XV I 11"^' Steele. Vol. i, Les Ivories. Paris, 1896. Mon. Plot. Monuments et me'moires public's par V Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Fondation Eugene Plot. Paris, 1894 &c. Pape-Benseler, Worlerbuch. W. Pape, W'drterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen, edited by Dr. G. E. Benseler. Brunswick, 1863-1870. Perret. L. Perret, Les Cataeombes de Rome : architecture, peintures murales, inscriptions etc. des cimctieres des premiers Chretiens. Paris, 1852-1855. PirRA, Spic. Sol. J. B. Pitra, Spicilegium Solesmense, etc. Paris, 1852-1858. Proc. Soc. Ant. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London. London, 1849 &c. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xxiii i?. Q. S. Romische Quaitahchiift filr chris/liche Alliiiumskunde inul filr Kirchengeschichle, edited by Dr. A. de Waal. Rome, 1887 &c. Rev. Arch. Ra'ue Arche'ologique. Paris, 1844 &c. ScHLUMBERGER, Melanges d' Arch. Byz. G. Schlumberger, Melanges d'Arch/ologie byzantine. Paris, 1895. ScHULTZE, Arch, der allchrisil. Kiinsl. V. Schultze, Archaologie der alkhrisllkhcii Kuftsl. Munich 1895. ScHULTZE, Arch. Sludieit. V. Schultze, ArchMogische Studien iiber allchrislliche Monumente. Vienna, 1880. Smith and Cheetham. Sir W. Smith and S. Cheetham, A Dictionary 0/ Christian Antiquities. London, 1893. Stuhlfauth, Elfenbeinplastik. G. Stuhlfauth, Die altchristliche Elfenbeinplastik. Heft ii of J. Picker's Archaologische Studien zum chrisllichen Alter turn iind Mittelalter. Freiburg and Leipzig, 1896. Stuhlfauth, Engel. G. Stuhlfauth, Die Engel in der altchristlichen Kunst. Heft iii of J. Kicker's Archaologische Studien, as above. Freiburg, 1897. VOPEL. H. Vopel, Die altchristlichen Goldglaser. Heft v of J. Picker's Archdologische Studien, as above. Freiburg, 1899. Westwood, Fictile Ivories. J. O. Westwood, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Fictile Ivories in the South Kensington JSIuseum. London, 1876. i Enamelled Byzantine Cross in the \'ictoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Back. CATALOGUE OF EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES I. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS A. Before 600 a.d. and mostly from Italy. Those bearing symbols, such as The Good Shepherd, Anchor, &c., chiefly belong to the 3rd and 4th centuries. The reproductions in the plates I and II are twice the actual size. (i) GEMS. (a) Inscribed. 1. Burned plasma ; the Good Shepherd standing full face and holding the sheep across his shoulders with both hands. To r. and /. the letters IH XP. Plate I, Row I. L. -4 in. Hamilton Coll. 1S56. For the Good Shepherd on gems see Garrucci, Storia, pi. 477, nos. 1-17; Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, pp. 712, 713 ; and for a summary of the literature on the subject in general see Venturi, Storia deir Arte Italiana, vol. i, p. 34 (Milan, 1901). 2. Sard ; the Good Shepherd standing full face with head turned to r. re- garding the sheep, which he holds with both hands across his shoulders. At his feet two recumbent sheep. Legend: ^yV^fV, possibly a barbarized Greek inscription in Latin letters for 'Ii/o-oG vXk Qeov. Plate I, Row 2. L. -56 in. 1865. See Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 712 ; King, Antique Gems, vol. ii. p. 30. 3. Sard ; in the centre is a cross with bosses at the end (part of an anchor ?) resting on a fish; upon the traverse stands a dove. The name IHC|OVC is inscribed to r. and /. of the anchor, and again at the top. Plate II, Roiv 2. L. -56 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Ferret, Les Catacombes de Rome, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 7 ; Garrucci, Storia, pi. 477, fig. 46 ; Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 713. See also C. I. G. vol. iv (1856), no. 9089; King, Antique Gems, vol. ii, p. 29. A fragment has been broken from the upper part of the gem, upon which there was probably a second dove. «7 B 2 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 4. Red jasper ; an anchor with a dolphin upon the shaft. Legend : EniTYNXANOY. Plate II, Rmv 2. L. -5 in. Hamilton Coll. 1K56. Ferret, vol.iv, pl.xvi, fig. 7; Garrucci, Storia, pi. 477, fig. 30; Smith and Cheetham, vol. i. p. 714- For the name of the owner Epitynchanus, cf. de Vit. Onomasticon, s. v. 5. Green jasper ; an anchor flanked by two dolphins; in the field the letters PL A. Plate II, Row 2. L. -38 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Ferret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 1 ; Garrucci, Storia, pi. 477, tig. 32. 6. Sard ; a dove standing to /. upon a fish and holding an olive-branch in its beak. Before it is the sacred monogram ; behind, the letters RVFI. Plate II, Roiv i. L. -4 in. Castellani Coll. 1865. Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 713. The inscription gives the name of the owner, Rufus. 7. Sard ; a hand holding a palm-branch. Above, the sacred monogram ; behind the wrist, the letter O of the word MNHMONEYE, the remaining letters of which are below, Plate II, Row 3. L. -53 in. Castellani Coll. 1865. Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 716. On the formulae firi>5i;Ti, /ii-^/joVeif, &c., see E. Le Blant in Rev. Arch. 1883, pp. 301-304. 8. Red jasper, engraved with an inscription in four lines: MNHMON|EYEMOVyY| XAPINAK|AKON. L. -38 in. 1880. Cf. no. 7. 9. Sard ; a wreath of two palm-branches enclosing the word IX0VC. Plate \\, Roiv ■!,. L. -52 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. See Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 713, and cf. Ficoroni, Gemmae Litteralae, pt. ii, pi. xi, fig. 6 ; Garrucci, Storia, pi. 477, figs. 20, 21. On gems inscribed with lx6<-s, see de Rossi, ' De Christianis Monumentis Ixdiv Exhibentibus,' in Pitra, Spicilegium Solesmense, vol. iii, pp. 555, &c. 10. Sard ; a triangle bisected by a straight line produced beyond the base, from which diverge two branches. Across the apex is a rectangular bar, perhaps intended, with the vertical line to represent a T-cross. From the bar issue two horn-shaped objects, and across the triangle is the name MAPKOY. Plate II, Row 4. L. -52 in. Cf. a gold ring, Garrucci, Storia, pi. 477, fig. 49, on the triangle as a Christian symbol, see de Rossi, in Pitra, as above, p. 514. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS 3 H. Gold ring ; the hoop of plaited wire with a thin wire along the middle and a pair of pellets on each side of the oval bezel, which is set with a red jasper, inscribed 0EOC GCOY YIOC THPEI. L. -34 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 14. The inscription ( '. /. G. vol. iv (1877), no. 9097. Cf. Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 722. 'iviD^ la. Sard; the inscription DEVSDEDIT VIVAS IN DEO between the (fEoXlJ sacred monogram )j| and a wreath. '>ms^ See figure. L. -4 in. Castellan! Coll. 1865. See Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 717, and cf. Ficoroni, Gemmae Litieratae, pi. vii, fig. 20. For the name Deusdedit see de Vit. Onomasticon, s. v. 13 Burned CARNEIJAN, pointed oval; Cameo inscription ISVVRASEN VIVAS IN DEO. L. 7 in. Franks Coll. 1894. 14. Sard; cameo inscription ROGATE VIVAS IN DEO between two palm-branches. L. -46 in. Given by A. J. Hanmer, Esq., 1886. 15. Lenticular amethyst ; bust of a boy to ;-. with mantle fastened on the r. shoulder: legend: VIVAS IN DEO. Plate I, Roiv 4. L. -5 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. .xvi, fig. 16. 16. Chalcedony ; male bust to r. ; behind the head and before the chin a star ; direct legend : DEVS AIY/AADISVNE ? Plate I, Row 4. L. -54 in. 1871. Mounted in a silver hoop of the seventeenth century. 17. Burned CARNELIAN ; a male figure wearing a mantle, walking to r. and extending the /. hand ; over the r. shoulder is a cross. Direct legend : TAYPINOC. L. -62 in. 1867. See Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 716. For the name Tarpii/or see Pape-Benseler, Worterbuch, s, v., and J.-B. Chabot, Index alphabitique . . . des inscriptions grecqiies et latines piiblides par Waddington, s. v. (Paris, 1897). The setting is modern. {b) UniHscribed. 18. Red jasper, octagonal ; the Good Shepherd walking to r. He wears a tunic and buskins, and holds a crooked staff in his /. hand. His r. grasps the legs of a ram which is carried across his shoulders. Near his r. leg is a sheep (?) and on the left is a tree. Plate I, Row 2. L. -54 in. 1865. See Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 712. B 2 4 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 19. NiCOLO; the Good Shepherd, between two sheep, holding another across his shoulders with both hands. Plate I, Roxv i. L. -52. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Cf. two gems at Ravenna, Rev. Arch. 1883, p. 300, pi. x i, figs. 1 and 4. 20. Green jasper ; the Good Shepherd, wearing a tunic and buskins, standing full face beneath a tree on which are two doves. He supports the sheep across his shoulders with both hands : at his right foot is another sheep. Plate I, Roiv \ . L. -43 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 6; Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 477, fig. 15. 21. Pyramidal onyx, of three layers ; hexagonal ; the Good Shepherd, standing and holding the sheep across his shoulders with both hands. On either side a fish. Plate I, Row I. L. -43 in. Castellani Coll. 1865. Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 477, fig. 1 4. 22. Red jasper ; the Good Shepherd between two sheep holding another across his shoulders. To /. a larger sheep ; beneath, a tree on which is perched a dove. Plate I, Row 2. L. -5 in. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 2; Garrucci, Storia. vol. vi, pi. 477, fig. 13. See also Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 717. 23. Green jasper ; two sheep standing to r. with three palm-branches. Plate I, Row 3. L. -54 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 23. See Smith and Cheetham, vol. i. p. 717. 24. Sard ; four sheep standing upon an exergual line. Plate I, Roiv 3. L. -5 in. Cracherode Coll. 1799. 25. Sard ; a composite subject. To /. beneath a tree extending over half the gem, a figure with hands raised in the attitude of an orans flanked by two animals, possibly lions (the Prophet Daniel?). In the middle, the Good Shepherd carrying the sheep across his shoulders ; at his feet are two sheep, and below are two fish. Above his head is a star, and beneath his /. arm a monogram, towards which flies a dove holding an olive-branch. To r. is the Story of Jonah, with the ship, the monster, and the prophet reclining beneath the gourd, which extends over nearly half the gem, almost meeting the other tree. Between the two trees is a star. Plate I, Row 3. L. -7 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 8 ; Garrucci, Stona vol. vii, pi. 477, fig. 8. See also Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p 717, and compare a gem at Ravenna, Rev. Arch. 1883, p. 300, pi. xii, fig. 2. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS 5 26. Sard ; the subject divided into two parts by a horizontal median line. In the upper part the Good Shepherd stands between two sheep with another across his shoulders. To /. is a hut or fold, and in the field above a dove. To r. Jonah reclines beneath the gourd, on which another dove is perched. In the lower part to r. is the monster perhaps swallowing the prophet as he falls from the ship in the centre ; to /., a figure issuing from the ship, and apparently touching the heads of two kneeling figures. Above the ship is an anchor, below it a fish, while to the extreme /. a dove stands upon a rectangular object (the ark). Very rude workmanship. Originally in the possession of the Abate Foggini, Sottocustode of the Vatican Library. Plate I, R01V 2. L. .5 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Costadoni, in Calogierk, Raciol/a d'opuscoli scientifici e filologict, vol. xli, pi. opp. p. 246, no. xii (Venice 1749); Mamachi, Oyiginum et Atitiquitaliim Christianaruni Libri XX (Rome 1751), vol. iii, pi. ii, fig. 6; Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 5; Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 477, fig. 12. Cf. also de Rossi, in Pitra, Spic. Sol. vol. iii, p. 577. Costadoni and Mamachi interpret in a different manner the subject of the lower part of the gem. 27. Sapphire ; the sacred monogram combined with a J-cross. Plate I, Row 4. L. -4 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 18. See King, Antique Gems, vol. ii, p. 28; Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 717. Cf. for this form of monogram Aringhi, Roma Sotterranea, vol. ii, p. 705; Gorlaeus, Dactyliotheca (ed. Gronovius), pi. i, no. 211; Fortnum in Arch. Joian. vol. xxviii (1871), p. 271. 28. Gold ring ; the hoop angular on the outer side ; projecting oval bezel containing a nicolo paste engraved with a composite form of the sacred See figure. D. 1-4 in. D. of bezel, -78 in. Payne Knight Coll. 1824. See Smith and Cheetham, vol. ii, p. 1793. For this form of monogram see Roller, Les Catacombes, &c., vol. ii, p. 296. 29. Bronze ring, with plain rounded hoop and oval bezel set with a red cabochon paste engraved in intaglio with the sacred monogram combined with an anchor. D. -8 in. D. of bezel, -4 in. Franks Coll. 1894. The hoop broken at the back. 30. Carnelian ; part of a ring cut from the solid, with flat oval bezel engraved in intaglio with a dove to r. holding an olive-branch in its beak. D. .75 in. L. of bezel, -34 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. See Fortnum in Arch.Joum. xxvi (1869), p. 140, note I. It may be mentioned here that the Fortnum collection of rings is now in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. The greater part of the hoop wanting. 6 EARI.Y CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 31. Gold ring, with plain hoop and oval bezel, with a pair of pellets at each end, containing an oval sapphire, engraved in intaglio with a dove to /. holding a branch in its beak. Plate II, Roiv I. L. -4 in. 1862. 32. Oval pyramidal Sard ; a bird perched upon a tree. Plate II, Rmv 4. L. -42 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 9. 33. Almandine garnet ; a dove to /. standing upon a branch ; above, a star. Plate II, Roiv i. L. -36 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 22 ; cf. Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 478, figs. 7 and 8. 34. Square carnelian ; a dove to r. standing on a fish and holding an olive- branch in its beak ; before it, a palm-branch. Plate II, Row i. L. -38 in. Given by A. J. Hanmer, Esq., 1886. Set in a silver hoop of the 17th century. 35. Sard ; a fish to r. ; above, a shepherd's crook ; below, a palm-branch. Plate II, Roiv i. L. -45 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 3. See also Smith and Cheetham, vol. i. p. 713. 36. Sard ; two fish above a hemispherical basket with two handles. Plate II, Row 3. L. -4 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. Perret, vol. iv, pi. xvi, fig. 24. Cf. Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 478, fig. 2. On the fish represented with the basket, see de Rossi, in Pitra, Spicilegium Solesmense, vol. iii, pp. 564, 565. 37. Sard ; an anchor flanked by two fishes. Plate II, Rorv 3. L. -4 in. Given by A. J. Hanmer, Esq., 1886. Cf. Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 477, figs. 29, &c. ; Rev. Arch. 1883, p. 301, and pi. xii, fig. 5 (carnelian at Ravenna) ; Forrer, Friihchristl. Alteriiiiner, pi. xiii, fig. 5 ; a gem in the Le Blant Collection, Biblioth&que Nationale, Paris ; Janssen, L., Nederlandsche Romeinsche Daktyliothek, nos. 183, 184, pi. viii (Leyden, 1844). 38. Onyx ; an anchor flanked by two fishes. Plate I, Row 3. L. -36 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. 39. Chalcedony ; an anchor, on the traverse of which stand two doves. On each side of the shank is a fish and a palm-branch. Plate II, Row 2. L. 7 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS 7 40. Sard ; a galley with sail furled,, the yard and mast forming a cross. It is being rowed to /., three oars being visible with the heads of three rowers. Above the stern, a cross potent. Plate II, Rozv 4. L. -36 in. Castellani Coll. 1865. Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 715. See also Foitnum, Anh. Journ vol. xxvi (1869), p. 140 note ; Schultze, Arch, der ultchrist. Kunsl. p. 304. On symbolism of the ship, see de Rossi, in Pitra, as above, p. 563. 41. Chalcedony ; a palm-branch crossing a wreath. L. -54 in. 1881. Cf. Ficoroni, Gemmae Litteralae, pi. iii, figs. 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. 42. NiCOLO ; Adam and Eve ; between them the serpent twined roimd the tree. Plate I, Roiv I. L. -54 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. 43. Carnelian ; the Crucifixion. In the centre, upon an exergual line, a nude figure of our Lord, facing the spectator, but with the head and feet turned to r. Behind the figure is a J-shaped cross, beneath the traverse of which the arms are extended without any apparent means of attachment. On each side stand six small draped figures representing the twelve apostles ; above is the word IX0YC. Owing to a fracture, the first letter of the inscription and three of the small figures are imperfect. A very early representation of the Crucifixion. Found at Constanza (Kustendje), Roumania, with other gems dating from the jst to the 3rd century. Plate I, Roiv 4. L. -54 in. Franks Coll. 1895. C. H. Smith in Annual of the British School at Athens, 1896-7, fig. on p. 202 (discussed on pp. 202-306). Cf. a gem with Crucifixion in Garrucci, Storia, pi. 479, fig. 15; a green jasper, in the Collection at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, j^^ between A and OJ, and the inscr- ARBOR! VIBAS IN CRISTO. D. I -02 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. For name Arborius see de Vit, Onomasticon, s. z>. 51. Gold ring, with flat polygonal hoop engraved on the outer side with a palm branch followed by the inscr. MARFINIANVS VIVAS. D. i-o8 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Brackeland near Jiilich. See Bonner Jahrbiicher, Heft Ixxiii (1882), p. 85, note I, & Ixxiv (1882), p. 64. Cf. two rings described by Fortnum in Arch. Journ. vol. xxvi (1869), p. 140. The name Marfinianus is not given by de Vit, who only has Marfus and Martinianus. 52. Bronze ring, with plain hoop and oval bezel engraved VIV|AS in two lines. D. -88 in. L. of bezel, -53 in. Franks Bequest, 1S97. 53. Silver ring, with plain hoop expanding into an oval bezel engraved VIBAS. D. -74 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. 54. Bronze ring, with flat hoop and rectangular bezel engraved with a reversed inscr.: VIVAS IN D 10 in two lines. D. -88 in. L. of bezel, -45 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Cf. bronze ring in Vatican ; see Fortnum in Arch. Journ. vol. xxviii (1871), p. 279, no. 6. C lo EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 55 Silver, circular bezel of a ring cngravcil in intaglio with the bust of a jouth to ;- , surrounded by the inscr. VIVAS. D. -47 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Naples. 56. Silver, circular bezel of a ring engraved in intaglio with a male bust to r., surrounded by the inscr. GVRDA VI(VAS). D. -4 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Naples. 57 Silver, oval bezel of a ring engraved in intaglio with a male bust j!f^-\ to r. surrounded by an inscription, C/Z/'C////! , apparently a Latin ^J*^ 1 name, at the end of which is V for VIVAS. H^.^ / See figure. \iS^ D. -34 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Rome. 58 Gold RINC; ; the outer surface facetted horizontally, the bezel flat and octagonal with a circular medallion in low relief inscribed ARGYR VIVAS. D. -64 in. D. of bezel, -35 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Rome. The name is possibly Argytiiis ; see de Vit, Onomasticon, s. v. 59 Bronze ring, with plain hoop and projecting square bezel engraved with the inscr. in three lines MER|CVR|IVIV. D. mS in. L. of bezel, -4 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Cf., for shape, ring figured by Fortnum in Arch.Jcurii. vol. .vxvi (1869), p. I45' "O- 20. For the name Mercurius, see de Vit, Onomasticon, s. v. 60. Gold ring ; the hoop double in front with oval bezels, on the upper of which is engraved BLITHIA, on the lower a monogram perhaps representing the same name. See figure. D. I in. L. of bezel, -4 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. Found at Orvieto. See Fortnum in Arch. Jmirn. vol. xxvii (1871), p. 281, no. 2; Smith and Cheetham, vol. ii. p. 1 798. The name may represent BUtia or Blicia ; sec de Vit, Onomasticon, s. v. 61. Bronze ring, with plain hoop ; the bezel in the form of the sole of a shoe and engraved with the direct letters OER between two crosses. D. I in. Franks Bequest, 1897. On shoe-shaped ring-stamps, see Fortnum in Arcli. Journ. vol. x.wiii (1871), p. 289, and Rev. Arch. 1883, p. 53. I 62. Silver ring, with angular shoulders and pointed oval bezel engraved •+eYCe. D D. 92 in. L. of bezel, -5 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. For the name Eusebius, see de Vit, Onomasticon, s. v. The family of the Eusebii became prominent in the middle of the 4th century. 63. Silver ring, with plain rounded hoop and flat oval bezel engraved in intaglio with a bird to r. holding a branch in its beak. D. -82 in. L. of bezel, -36 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS ii 64. Gold rinc, with plain hoop expanding into a bezel engraved with a palm-branch, above and below which are characters probably representing the words AM A ME. See figure. D. -7 ill. Franks Bequest, 1897. Found at Carlisle. [b) Uninscribed. 65. Silver ring, with plain hoop expanding into a bezel 011 which is engraved a palm-branch. D. 74 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. 66. Gold ring ; the hoop very slender at the back and expanding to an oval beze 1 engraved with a palm-branch. D. -66 in. L. of bezel, -3 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 67. Gold ring, with flat hoop expanding into a bezel engraved with a palm-branch, above which there rises from the edge a ciicular setting containing a green paste. D. -6 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 68. Gold ring, with flat octagonal hoop and circular bezel in low relief engraved with an anchor in a vertical position. D. -74 in. Franks Bequest, 1S97. Cf. Rev. Arch. 1883, p. 53. 69. Gold ring, with flat hoop and raised oval bezel engraved with a horizontal anchor. D. 72 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. See Fortnum in Arch. Joiirn. vol. xxviii (1871), p. 281, no. I ; Smith and Cheatham, vol. ii. P- 1795- 70. Bronze ring, with plain slender hoop and oval bezel engraved in intaglio with a galley with six oars visible on one side ; mast and yard forming a cross. Plate II, Roiv 4. D. -94 in. L. of bezel, -5 in. Castellani Coll. 1S72. See Fortnum in Arch. Joitrn. vol. xxviii (1871), pp. 274 and 281, no. 6 ; and cf. no. 40 above. 71. Bronze ring, with spirally fluted hoop and projecting circular bezel engraved in intaglio with a galley to ;-., above which is the sacred monogram inscribed in . a circle. Plate \\, Row A,. D. I in. D. of bezel, -5 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 478, fig. 14. 72 Bronze ring ; the hoop triangular in section ; flat pointed oval bezel engraved with the sacred monogram ■^. D. -96 in. D. of bezel, '5 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 73. Bronze signet ring, with plain hoop and circular bezel engraved with the sacred monogram D. -8 in. D. of bezel, -3 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Obtained in Rome. C 2 12 i:arlv christian antiquities 74. Bronze SICNET ring, with plain hoop triangular in section: rectangular bezel engraved with sacred monogram J^ within a cable border. D. I in. L. of bezel, -34 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 75. Circular bronze bezel of a signet ring engraved with the sacred monogram ■j^ between two dots. D. -5 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 76. Bronze signet ring, with plain hoop and oval bezel engraved with A 5^ Ol). D. -9 in. L. of bezel, -52 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 77. Gold ring, with plain hoop and circular openwork bezel containing the sacred monogram T. D. -9 in. D. of bezel, -4 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 78. Gold ring, with octagonal facetted hoop ; the bezel is an applied setting in the form of the .sacred monogram T, originally- containing stones now lost. See figure. D. -91 in. D. of bezel, -44 in. Castellani Coll. 1S72. See Fortnum in Arch. Journ. vol. xxviii (1871), p. 281, no. 5; Smith and Cheetham, vol. ii, p. 1793. 79. Bronze ring ; the hoop expanding to flat angular shoulders, on each of which is a star. The bezel is a square truncated pyramid of three steps engraved with an equal-armed cross. D. i-i6 in. L. of bezel, -32 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Catania, Sicily. Cf., for shape, Fortnum in Arch. Journ. vol. xxvi (1869), p. 143. 80. Bronze ring, with plain hoop expanding to the front, on which is engraved a cross. D. 72 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 81. Silver ring, with plain hoop and flat oval bezel engraved with a cross. D. -92 in. L. of bezel, -22 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. B. From the Christian East. (i) GEMS. {a) Intaglios. 82. Carnelian, hemispherical and pierced horizontally; two angels kneeling and holding a wreath over a cross between them. Below, a Pehlevi inscription. D. -s in. 1889. On other Christian gems of the Sassanian period see King, Antique (Jems, p. 84 ; Smith and Cheetham, vol. >, pp. 721, 722 ; Chabouillet, Catalogue General des Camees et Pierres gravies de la BibliotMque ImpMnle, nos. 1330-1333 (Paris, 18581. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS 13 83. Green jasper ; a sheaf of corn or palm-tree between two birds, behind each of which is a palm-branch (?). Above, the inscr. Araqan-i t« br]ij.ii. See figure. L. 75 in. Hamilton Coll. 1856. See Smith and Cheetham, vol. i, p. 715 ; and cf. no. 222. The character of the letters of the inscription points to a comparatively late date when the word drj/ioi could only mean one of the factions of the Circus at Constantinople. The first word is therefore perhaps the proper name '.^rao-Tiio-tot. 84. Rock crystal ; a draped figure with nimbus riding sideways upon a horse waliv. -. bust of the pro[)hct Daniel lull face, wearing Oriental costume and in the attitude of an orans; the inscr. : O nPO(|)HTHC (this word in mono- grammatic form) A AN I HA. Rev.: bust of St. Marina full face, wearing a hood and holding her hands over her breast ; to r. and /. H ATI A MAP IN A. L. 1-34 in. 1889. St. Marina (8th century, July 17th), Martyr of Antioch in Pisidia, or of Bithynia. On the former see H. Usener, Acta Saiictae Marinae et S. Chrisiophori, Festschiijt zur fUnften Siicularfeier der Carl-Kuprecltts-Universitdt sit Heidelberg (Ponn, l8£6) ; on the latter, Migne. Patrologiae Cursus, Series Graecu, vol. I 15, p. 347 ff. 118. Schist, rectangular fragment. Obv.: bust of a beardless saint holding his ;-. hand over his breast. Rev. : half of a cross pattee. L. 1-3 in. iKg. Iig. Schist, in form of a tympanum ; half figiue of St. Nicholas, bearded and in episcopal vestments. On both sides O Ar(IOC) j NIKOAAOC. L. -96 in. 1883. (ii) RINGS WITHOUT GEMS. The dale of these rings Inos. 120-226) is difficult to determine with certainty, but the majority belong to the period between the 6th and 13th century. Most of those with cruciform monograms like nos. 1 72 ff. perhaps date from the 8th-ioth century, to which time lead seals with similar monograms are attributed (Schlumberger, Sigillographie Byzantine, p. 80). Many of those found in Egypt and Syria may naturally be earlier than the Arab invasions. (a) Inscrided. I. ICONOGRAPHIC. 120. Gold signet-king, with plain rounded hoop, and applied oval bezel engraved in intaglio with a bust of our Lord, between two crosses. Below, two adoring angels, and between them a cruciform monogram. Round the edge of the bezel is engraved : AflOC AflOC Ar(IOC K)YPIOC CABA0(6). See figure. 6th or ']th century. D. 1-14 in. L. of bezel, 62 in. Franks Bequest, 1S97. Cf no. 189 below. D 3 20 p:arly christian antiquities 121. Gold ring, with engraved and nielloed ornanicnt. The flat and octagonal hoop has applied to one face a flat bezel in the form of a square with four lobes, on which is the Annunciation. To ;-. the Virgin, seated in a high-backed chair, to /. the archangel standing with his face towards her. Round the hoop beginning atr. of the bezel is the inscr. + XePe K € X A P I///////, O KC M€TA COY (Xmpe (cexapiTtofxerrj, u Kvpios fxiTo. aov (St. Luke i. 28) within a herring-bone border. Pla/e IV. About the \oih cenUiry. D. -9 in. L. of bezel, -76 in. Castellan! Coll. 1872. The style of this ring is the same as that of nos. 129-133. Cf. also a ring with the Annunciation figured by G. Schlumberger, Melanges d'arch. byz. p. 169, and Byz.Zeitschr. 1893, p. 191, and another, with bust of our Lord, in the Museo Civico, Venice. The niello is almost entirely lost from the figure of the angel and from most of the inscription. The hoop is much worn. 22 Gold signet-ring, with plain hoop and applied circular bezel engraved in intaglio with a bust of a bearded man full face, with his hair parted in the middle and wearing a diadem. Legend : CAABATOP. See figure. D. -8 in. D. of bezel, -6 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Obtained in Rome. ,57.. 4-payi9 '\u>avvov tov ayiov aTe(f>ai'iTov?). See figure. D. I in. L. of bezel, 73 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Found at Scutari. For the word aihtjs (coronu/us) see Ducange, Ghss/irium, s. v. 124. SiLV er bezel OF A RING, circular, engraved in intaglio with a figure of St. Leontius in military costume standing full face, holding a long cross in his /. hand and supporting a shield in his ;-. Direct legend : AflOC A€ONTIC. D. -48 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Obtained in Constantinople. 125, Silver signet, with plain rounded hoop and applied circular bezel engraved in intaglio with St. Leontius standing full face, holding a long cross in his /. hand, and supporting a shield in his r. To ;-. is a star or the sacred monogram. Direct legend : ATIOC AeONTl. D. I in. D. of bezel, 5 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS 21 126. Bronze SIGNET-rinc, with rounded hoop and applied circular bezel engraved in intaglio with a standing figure of St. Demetrius, full face, in long garments and holding a cross over his breast in his r. hand. To left and right reversed inscr., in two vertical lines : + O ATIOC AHMHTPIC. D, I in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 2. MARRIAGE RINGS. 127. Bronze ring, with flat polygonal hoop engraved on the outer side : XPVCA<1)I0Y GeOAOJPAC ; applied rectangular bezel, engraved in intaglio with a bearded standing figure in military costume holding a long cross in his /. hand, and a shield and spear in his ;-. D. I in. L. of bezel, -7 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. For examples of the name Chr>'saphius see Pape-Benseler, Worterbuch, s. v. ; Muralt, Essai de Chronographie Byzantine (1855), p. 50 ; Theophanes, Chronografihia, year 5938. 128. Iron ring, with slender polygonal hoop and circular bezel engraved CTe<}>|ANY re I OCIA(C)? Three lines, the letters direct. D. I in. L. of bezel, -6 in. Franks Bequest, 1S97. Perhaps the second name is Vikaa'ui. Vikaaiot is known as a late male name. See Pape- Bcnselcr, Worterbuch, s. v., and J.-B. Chabot, Index alphabMque des inscriptions grecques et latines publi^es par Waddington, s.v. (Paris, 1897). 129. Gold ring, with ornament engraved and nielloed. The hoop flat and octagonal ; the bezel, in the form of a square with four lobes, applied to one of the faces. On the bezel four figures stand upon an exergual line, the two in the centre representing our Lord and the Virgin, the former turned to the bride- groom whom he blesses with his r. raised, the latter in a similar attitude with regard to the bride. In the centre above the group is a star, and below the line the legend : OMONYA (6/.iofota). On each of the re- maining seven faces of the hoop is a scene from the History of our Lord in the IIJlJftF^illlglpfSl ;-. side ' ' ^^-^ ' '—" — — ^ following order, beginning from the of the bezel. The Annunciation ; the Salutation ; the Nativity ; the Baptism ; the Adoration of the Magi ; the Crucifixion or £cce Homo ; the Angel at the tomb on Easter morning. It is remarkable that the Baptism and the Adoration are out of their proper order. Plate IV. and figure. About the : oth century. D. -75 in. D. of bezel, -46 in. Franks Bequest, 1S97. Cf. a similar ring in the museum at Palermo with the same scenes, figured Salinas, Del Real Museo di Palermo, pi. A. I (Palermo, 1873); Arch. Journ. vol. xxxviii (l88l), p. 154; Kondakov, Geschichte und Denkmdler des Byzantinischen Emails, p. 264 ; another, formerly in the Pichon Coll., Sale Cat. (1897), no. 26, pi. ii, is also figured by Schlumberger, Melanges d'arch. byz. p. 67. See also O. Pelka, Altchristliche Ehedenkmdler, pp. 105, 109. (Strasburg, 1901.) 22 KAKLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 130. Gold RINc; ; engraved and formerly nielloed, of similar shape but ruder workmanship. On the bezel our Lord stands full face with his r. arm extended and resting on the shoulder of the bridegroom, his /. on that of the bride. Beliind the bridegroom is the letter O, behind the bride the letter M, commencing the word OM(0)NYA (ofxocota), the last three letters of which are below the feet of our Lord, the second O being omitted. Below the feet of the bride is a star. Round the bezel, beginning from the ;-. is the following inscr. between dotted borders: + IPHNHN THN eMHN AHAOMe (St. John xiv. 27). Plate IV. About the \oth century. D. -88 in. L. of bezel, 78 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Clirgtnti. 131. Gold ring ; engraved and nielloed with flat hoop and applied oval bezel. Upon the bezel our Lord stands upon an exergual line with his arms extended over a bride and bridegroom standing on either side of him ; below the line the legend OMONV(A) [ofxoroia). Round the hoop, beginning at the r. is a legend, sec figure, possibly intended for ^eordKe jio,]6ii, a^r),.. ^^ttjc^t-C P tJfr >f>< TJ R TVL Plate IV. and see figure. About the i oth century. ^ ^^ i fa 1^ WJ iJ' H .^^J- D. -82 in. L. of bezel, -6 in. 1856. See Arch.Jouyii. vol. xix (1862), p. 325, from which the figure is reproduced. 132. Gold nielloed ring of similar shape to the last. The group upon the bezel is the same, and beneath the exergual line is the same word OMONVA (cV'Ji'oio) Round the hoop beginning from the ;-. of the bezel is the legend ////INHN TIN eMHN AIAOJMI VMHN (St. John xiv. 27). About the \ctli century. D. 78 in. L. of bezel, -51 in. Franks Lequest, 1897. The inscription and bezel are both much worn. A great part of the niello is wanLng from the former, and the whole from the latter. 133. Gold nielloed signet-ring, with slender, plain hoop and applied oval bezel, on which are engraved in intaglio the busts of a man and woman full face, divided by a nielloed cross patt^e ; above the cross is a bust with nimbus (our Lord ?), on either side of which are the lettej s e|OA, possibly part of the name Theodore. Below the cross tie word (O)MONOIA. The inscriptions are nielloed. See figure. D. 75 in. L. of bezel, -46 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From I'eyrut. 3. ACCLAMATIONS AND PRAYERS. 134. Gold ring, with plain flat hoop expanding slightly at the shoulders, and oval bezel engraved with a star of six rays surrounded by the legend + H €AniC MOY O 0C (// eAm's \i.ov dios). D. 78 in. D. of bezel, -48 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. FrShner, /.i'S Must'es de Fiance, pi. xxxviii, fig. 4. Formerly in the Dimitri Coll. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS 23 135. Silver signet-ring, with facetted octagonal hoop narrowest at the back, and octagonal bezel in low relief engraved with the reversed inscription KAPT|ePei in two lines. I). -92 in. L. of bezel, -5 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 136. Silver ring, with plain rounded hoop and high circular bezel engraved with a direct inscr. in six lines : eiC ee|OC Ke o X|PICTOC AY|TOY K€ TO A|riON nN6|YMA (Elf 0e6s koL 6 Xpiaroi avrov kcu to "Ayioi" Tlvfvixa). D. -88 in. I), nf bezel, -4 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 137. Silver signet-ring, with plain hoop expanding slightly at the bezel, which is oval with a reversed inscr. in three lines: Ke B|OH0I C|VNeCI [Kv/iLe /JoijfJet 2weo-iopovcn)s\ The bezel is engraved with a Medusa-like face from which radiate seven serpents. Above the head a cross. See figure. D. -8 in. n. of bezel, -66 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. This ring was probably worn as an amulet. The design on the bezel may be compared with others of the same character, the use of which for protection against disease or accident is undoubted. See Schlumberger, Melanges, &c., p. 136 ff. ; C. \V. King, TAe Gnostics and their Remains, ^'p. 167-169, and fig. 3; cf. also Antiqidtes de P Empire Russe, \\.\?i% vol. i, pi. 23 (.Moscow, 1849). WS&S^^j^ -[^ojp^'^ 143. Bronze signet-ring ; the hoop engraved on the shoulder with conventional ornament. The bezel is oval, engraved with a reversed inscription in three lines: + Ke ROlHGH THC |0OPX (Kvpie iSoTj^et i'!]ie ^oTj^et tw txovra). D. -94 in. L. of bezel, -66 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Formerly in the Castellani Collection. 147. Silver ring; the hoop rounded on the outer side and engraved on the shoulders with conventional ornament ; oval bezel with a projection at top and bottom, and direct inscr. : Ke BO|HeH TO | 0OPO (Kvpie fioTjdii T^ (f>opovvTi) in three lines within a circle. See figure. D.78in. L. of bezel, -52 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Obtained in Constantinople. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS 25 148. White bronze ring, with broad hoop engraved on the shoulders with a much worn conventional design ; oval bezel with a projection at the top and bottom, and a reversed inscription in four lines beginning Ke BOHGI, &c. See figure. D. -9 in. L. of bezel, 74. Franks Bequest, 1897. Obtained in Con- stantinople. 149. Iron ring, with slender hoop and circular bezel engraved with a direct inscr. in three lines: K(e BO ?) | lAKOY | VriA (Ki5pie /3oj]^ei. "laKiit^ov vyUui?). D. "94 in. D. of bezel, -6 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 150. Bronze ring, with slender hoop and vertical oval bezel engraved with a direct inscr. in four lines : Vf I | IAN|NO|V (wyieta 'Itoawou ?). D. -94 in. L. of bezel, -54 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Tartus, Syria. 151. Bronze ring, with slender polygonal hoop and applied oval bezel engraved in the centre with a plain Latin cross with direct inscr. : YflA lOANNY {vyliia Icoavvov). D. -84 in. L. of bezel, -56 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Beyrut. 152. Iron ring, with slender polygonal hoop and circular bezel engraved with a direct inscr. in three lines: + ANlTIOXY | VflA {'Ai'tloxov vyUia). D. -92 in. D. of bezel, -6 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Smyrna. 153. Silver ring, with plain hoop and raised oval bezel engraved with a direct inscription in three lines: ® | ZCiJH|C. D. 1-04 in. L. of bezel, -54 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 154. Bronze signet-ring ; the hoop rounded and ornamented with a trilobed projection on each shoulder ; the bezel oval and engraved with a reversed inscr. in four lines : e€UJ|YAAK|TY nAT|POC {@fO(f)v\iiKTov zarpos). D. i'26 in. L. of bezel, 7 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. This is perhaps a mourning-ring worn by a son in memory of his father. For the name Theophylactus see Pape-Benseler, Worierbuch, s. v. 155. Bronze ring, with plain rounded hoop and applied circular bezel engraved with a direct inscr. in four lines: + C0PA|riC COAlOMONOC | BOHGI {1pay\, at the extremities. D. -82 in. D. of bezel, -4 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From the Fayum. 218. Iron signet-ring ; the hoop with three lines engraved on each shoulder ; high circular bezel engraved in intaglio with a cross pattde between four dots. D. 1-14 in. D. of bezel, 64 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Thebes, Egypt. 219. Bronze signet ; the hoop triangular in section, the shoulders channeled and cross-hatched. The bezel is lozenge-shaped and engraved with a cross. D. -92 in. L. of bezel, -36 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Naples. 220. Gold ring, with flat hoop cut into four circular and four hexagonal panels alternating with each other. The circular panels are engraved alternately with a bird and a palmette, the hexagons with an S-shaped line crossed by a bar, all the lines terminating in two or three punched dots. All the designs are enclosed within dotted lines. D. 63 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Beyiut. 221. Bronze signet-ring ; the hoop moulded at the shoulders so as somewhat to resemble conventional monsters' heads. The bezel is six-sided with very prominent corners, and engraved in intaglio with a bird to r. and three branches : below is an inverted pyramid of dots, and in front of the head a line of similar dots. D. .94 in. D. of bezel, -66 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Smyrna. 222. Bronze signet-ring, with slender rounded hoop and high circular bezel engraved in intaglio with a palm-tree between two birds. D. i-i in. D. of bezel, -54 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Smyrna. Cf. no. 83. 223. Bronze ring, with plain rounded hoop and applied circular bezel engraved with a bird (dove ?) between two crosses pattee. D. '94 in. D. of bezel, -45 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Lu.xor, Egypt. ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS 35 224. Bronze signet, with rounded hoop and high circular bezel engraved with an eagle displayed, standing upon the back of a lion (?) to /., below which is a serpent. D. I-I2 in. D. of bezel, -6 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. From Cairo. 225. Bronze bezel of a signet-ring, engraved with a lion walking to r. ; above the back A30N (?). D. -7 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Obtained in Smyrna. 226. Iron signet-ring, with slender hoop and oval bezel engraved in intaglio with two rampant lions, confronted and divided by a staff (?). D. -92 in. L. of bezel, '4 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Examples of the designs on the backs of Silver Spoons. Nos. 400-424 below. F 2 II. JEWELS, PERSONAL ORNAMENTS, ETC. A. Found with various Silver Treasures. (Nos. 227-341 form part of the Esquiline Silver Treasure, formerly in the Blacas Collection, see nos. 304-345.) 227. Silver fibula, of the cross-bow type, the outer side of the bow orna- mented with a band of triangles of niello. See figure. L. 2-36 in. Visconti, Lettera intorno ad una antica supellettile d'argento scoperia in Roma neW anno \Ji)2i ; pi. xxv, fig. 8 (Roma, 1827). 228. Another, of similar type ; the pin and knob from the top broken. L. 2-i8 in. 229. Another, bowshaped, ornamented with three beaded collars. L. 176 in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. 7. 230. Another, bowshaped ; the pin-guard punched along one edge with a vandyke pattern. L. 1-9 in. 231. Another, distorted, with fusiform bow. The pin-guard is imperfect, now con- sisting of a flat plate, with extension, upon which are threaded two convex discs face to face. L. 1-74 in. JEWELS, PERSONAL ORNAMENTS, ETC. 37 232. Silver pin, in the form of a slender column with foliated capital upon which stands a figure of Venus, supporting her /. arm upon a Priapic term, and with her r. taking off her sandal. See figure. |^^ L. 4 in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. i. '^'"^ 233. Another, similar ; on the top a standing figure of Venus, holding in her r. hand a mirror, and in her /. a lock of her own hair. See figure. L. 3-3 in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. 2. 234. Pin, with globular head. L. 2-8 in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. 3. 235. Head of a pin (?), pewter, in the form of a left hand grasping a staff with a flat circular head, on one side of which is engraved the letter M, on the other V. On the back of the hand is engraved BYZAN, and below it a plan of a building (?). See figure. L. I in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. 10, 236. Pair OF LOOP-EARRINGS; theupper part is in each case a plain wire ; the lower, a hollow sphere ornamented with spiral tubes and pyramids of pellets, and connected with the upper by two triangular plates similarly ornamented, the angles being filled in with spiral tubes, producing a honeycomb effect. See figure. L. i'5 in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. 5. Cf. similar earrings found in the governments and Kiev, Russia. See Antiquit^s de la Region du Dnieper, Collection Khanenko, nos. 392, 394 and 396 (Kiev, 1901). of Podolsk pt. iv, pi. x, 38 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 237. Earring, similar to last, but smaller. L. -84 in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. 6. 238. Finger ring, with plain hoop and oval bezel engraved in intaglio with a figure of Victory standing to /. Behind the figure is an inlaid gold stud. See figure. D. -86 in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. 9. This is a Greek ring of the 3rd century, B.C. 239. Charm ; a mouse eating fruit. L. 9 in. Visconti, pi. xxv, fig. 4. Cf. Ficoroni, Le Memorie ritrovate nel lerritorio della piivia e scconda citta di Labico (Rome, 1745). 240. Charm ; a panther, with body terminating in scrolls, lying down with its forepaws on a ram's head. See figure. L. 1-42 in. p. 78. 241. Another ; a left forearm holding a torch. L. 1-42 in. Nos. 242-248 form part of the Carthage Treasure (4M century). {See nos. 356-375.) There are no Christian emblems upon them. 242. Necklace, of twelve polygonal rock emeralds, thirteen pale sapphires, and twenty-five pearls, united by gold links. The pearls alternate with the stones. L. (doubled) 15-5 in. 243. Pair of earrings, en suite with the last. Each consists of a penannular gold ring, with a pendant formed of an emerald in a square setting, a pearl, and a pale sapphire, threaded on a gold wire and separated from each other by small gold beads. L. 225 in. JEWELS, PERSONAL ORNAMENTS, ETC. 39 244. Gold FINGEK-RING, with hoop triangular in section. The bezel is a high setting formed of a quadruple claw holding a pearl, on each shoulder two pellets. D. -86 in. 245. Gold necklace ; a chain of thin wire plaited in herring-bone pattern, having at each end a hollow ornament in the shape of a lion's head holding a ring in its mouth. L. 1375 in. 246. Plasma intaglio, oval. A beardless male head of the type of Hercules to r., wearing a skin from the head of a bull, with horns. L. I in. 247. NiCOLO INTAGLIO, from a ring, octagonal. Fortuna standing with head turned back to /., holding a sail with both hands. Behind her a rudder. In the field the inscription : NAVI CA ] FELIX. L. -64 in. 248. Onyx cameo of two layers, white on grey. Head of Minerva to /. Rude workmanship. L. 1-6 in. Nos. 249 and 250 were found with the Lampsacus Treasure (7M centmj), see nos. 376-396. 249. Gold, fart of a necklace, consisting of three rosettes with bases, each with a raised setting, two of which are empty, while the third contains a cabochon amethyst: the backs are pierced with a formal design. Attached to one end is a smaller circular setting containing a flat piece of plasma and fitted with a loop for attachment. L. 2'S4 in. Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. 250. Gold, part of an earring, consisting of a piece of wire, a hollow setting, and a small gold bead. L. l-l in. Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. B. From the Christian East. 251. Gold pendant, oval, set with a carnelian engraved in intaglio with a bird to r. perched on a branch. On the back is punched the sacred monogram %. above the word VERIAE. H. -6 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. 252. Gold panel, formed of two pierced plaques soldered together and confined within a heavy pearled border. On one side is reserved in the metal a female riding to r. with her ;-. hand unliftcd and accompanied by a lion : round the 40 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES figure is scroll work, with a broad formal border and a leaf in each corner. The back is pierced with a diaper of similar leaves. Plate IV. 4,th century. L. 2 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Found with the following three numbers and six aurei of Constantius in Asia Minor. For pierced work of this kind see Riegl, Spiitrdmische Kunstindustrie nach den Funden in Oesterreich-Ungarn, p. 143 (Vienna, 1901). 253. Gold, plate of a buckle, with three heavy studs at the back, and tubes for a hinge at one side. In the centre is a small nielloed medallion with a heavy pearled border containing the bust of a beardless nimbed emperor wearing a chlamys with large fibula. Above and below are three almond-shaped lobes, the middle one in each case embossed to simulate a leaf. Plate IV. ^th century. L. 2-6 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Cf. a bronze pendant from Kiev, Antiquith de la RSgion du Dnieper, Collection Kkanenko, pt. iv, pi. x, no. 260 (Kiev, 1 901). 254. Three fragments of a similar buckle. The circular medallion contains a beardless male bust in a chlamys upon a nielloed background and within a wreath ; each of the other two fragments consists of three ornamental lobes as in the preceding number. Plate IV. 4tk century. Franks Bequest, 1897. 255. Gold, part of a necklace, formed of four strands of twisted wire with a loop at one end. L. 4.5 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Found with nos. 252-254. 256. Bronze-gilt fibula of the cross-bow type, hollow, with hexagonal knobs at the ends of the bow and cross-piece (one wanting). The bow has a band of ornament divided into two equal sections by three medallions, the upper half composed of quatrefoils, the lower of herring-bones. The lower medallion contains a rude human face,the ornament oftheothertwo is effaced. The upper surface of the stem, which is a sort of sheath, has a band of wavy orna- ment terminating at each end in a medal- lion, the upper containing the sacred mono- gram, (jg), the lower a head like that upon the bow. The edges are ornamented with raised pelta-like crescents with incurved JEWELS, PERSONAL ORNAMENTS, ETC. 41 ends, and the upper end is turned up, having on the inner side a ninibed bust. See figure. Late j,t/i century. L. 3-5 in. 1856. Fibulae of this form have been found with coins from Valentinian I to Arcaciius, and are seen on monuments of that period, e.g. the ivory diptych of Stilicho and Serena in the Cathedral of Monza (Molinier, Ivoires, pi. i). Cf. an example figd. by de Longpe'rier in Rev. Arch, xiv (1866), p. 105. Cf. also a gold fibula in the Kunsthistorisches Hofniuscuni, Vienna (Riegl, Die spdtromisihe Kunstindusirie naih den Fii/iden in Ocsterreich-Un(;er Erzengel Michael 171 der Bildenden Kunst, pp. 6-16 (Stuttgart, 1886). 296. Ivory panel ; the Raising of Lazarus. Our Lord with cruciferous nimbus, wearing tunic and pallium with sandals, advances to ;-. with his ;-. hand raised with the first finger extended as if in discourse ; in his /. he carries a staff. Behind him walks a bearded apostle with his r. hand in the fold of his mantle ; before him are Mary and Martha, wearing long-sleeved tunics with ornamented stripes, and fringed mantles drawn over their heads like hoods, one standing in a listening attitude, the other kneeling on one knee with her hands extended in supplication. Behind them to r. is an acdictila with cupola, in which is placed in an erect posture the swathed body of Lazarus. In the background the buildings of Bethany. Plate XI. 6th centtiry. L. 7| in. 1856. Formerly in the church of St. Andrew at Amalfi. Gori, Thesaurus Difitychortivi, vol. iii, pi. xiii. Photo. : Graeven, E/fenbeinwerke, series i, no. 29. This panel, which was perhaps made in Egypt, is identical in style with six others in the Museo Archeologico at Milan, representing the story of St. Mark in the Pentapolis, and to be ascribed with some probability to the chair of St. Mark at Grado. This chair was presented to the Church at Grado by the Emperor Heraclius and remained there until 1521, but had disappeared in 1659 (see Graeven in Roinische Qicartalschrift, vol. xiii (1899), p. 109 ff. ; Bonner Jahrbiicher, Heft 105, p. iji, and El/enbeinwerke, series ii, nos. 42-4S). Our panel may have also belonged to this chair, but it has no projecting flange at the sides like the others. For other carvings probably belonging to the same group, see a/so Strzygowski, Orient oder Rom, pp. 65-89 (Leipzig, 1901). 297. Ivory box {pyxis), oval, and cut from the solid, with provision for a hinge and lock, as in the case of no. 289. The sides are carved with scenes representing the martyrdom and the sanctuary of St. Menas of Alexandria. On one side (a and b) a Roman official in tunic and mantle is seated to r. as judge upon a stool with cushion, his feet resting on a footstool ; his r. hand is raised as if in discourse, and in his /. is a staff or wand. Behind him is a guard with helmet, spear, and oval shield ornamented with a foliate design, and holding up his r. hand in a gesture of surprise ; beyond is a basket beneath the space formerly covered by the lock. Before him is a table covered with a cloth, upon which is an inkpot. Behind the table stands a man wearing a chlamys with the rectangular patch {tablion) over the breast ; in his /. hand he holds a diptych, while his r. is extended over the table. Behind is a veiled doorway, perhaps representing the entrance to the praetorium. Before the table St. Menas, IVORY CARVINGS 55 a beardless figure wearing only a loincloth, and with his hands bound behind his back, has fallen upon his /. knee ; an executioner wearing long trousers and a girded tunic ornamented with stripes grasps him by the hair with his /., while in his r. he brandishes a sword. Behind him is seen an angel flying down to /., his hands extended beneath his mantle as if to receive the soul of the saint. On the other side {c and d), beneath an arch supported by two twisted columns, stands St. Menas wearing a short tunic, closely fitting trousers, and a chlamys with the tablion ; his hands are raised in the attitude of an oralis, and he now has the nimbus. On each side of the sanctuary is seen the head of a recumbent camel, and from each direction approach two worshippers with extended hands — on the ;-. two men, one wearing a striped tunic and mantle, the other a. pacniila : on the /. two female figures, behind whom and occupying the space between the hinges is a tree. The more important figures appear to have their hair bound with fillets. Flaie IX. 6i/e century. Probably made in Egypt. L. 485 in. 1879. Fonnerly in the Collection of Mr. Nesbitt, who obtained it in Koine. Archaeologia, vol. xliv (1873), pp. 332 and 324: t^arrucci, Storia, pi. 446, fig. 3; Banner Jahrbikher, Heft 105 (1900), pi. xix, fig. 2 (Judgement scene only). Photo.: Parker, nos. 1780-1783 ; Graeven, series i, nos. 14-17. See also 'WcslwooA, Fictile Ivories, p. 274 ; Stuhlfiiuth, Etfenbeinplastik, p. 92, and Die Engel, p. 178. The carving upon this pyxis resembles in style that of the chair of Maximianus at Ravenna, and is probably of the same school. See Strzygowski in Roinische Quartalschrift, 1897, p 40; Graeven in Bonner Jalu-biicher, Heft 105, p. 158. On the story of St. Menas see. E. Michon, La Collection (T Ampoules d, Eulogie, &c., in MMatiges G. B. de Rossi, supplement to Mi-hmges d'Archeologie et ifHistoire [Ecole frangaise de Rome), Paris-Rome, 1892. For the scene of a tribunal cf Gebhardt und Harnack, Codex Rossaneiisis, pi. xvi (and Haseloff's edition of the same Codex, 1S99) ! E- Le Blant in Rev. Arch. 18S9, pt. i, p. 23 ff ; Molinier, Ivoires, vol. i, pi. iv (Diptych of Probianus) ; and especially for the trial of St. Menas, Albani, Metiologiwn Graecorum, &c., Dec. 10th. For St. Menas standing in the sanctuary between two camels, cf an ivory panel at Milan (Graeven, Elfenbeinwerke, series ii, no. 47). Cf. also no. 860 ff., below. 298. Ivory bo.v {pyxis), formerly with a locked cover, now wanting. On one side {a and b) Daniel, a youthful figure in oriental costume, cap, tunic, mantle, and closely fitting trousers, stands full face with hands raised in the attitude of an orans beneath a canopy supported by four square columns. To r. stands a man (a guard) in tunic, mantle, and trousers, holding a staff or spear in his /., and raising his r. above the canopy as if in astonishment. From the /. approaches a flying angel, leading by the hair a youthful figure (Habbakuk) in a mantle, bearing in both hands a bowl of bread and pottage for the prophet {History of the Destruction of Bel and the Dragon, v. 33 to 39). On the ground beneath is a basket. On the other side {c and d) an angel, walking to r., points to a ram which stands near a palm tree ; behind the angel, a female figure in a mantle moves to /. with head turned back ; before her is the rectangular space left by the lock, below which is a cross between two swans. Plate X. tth or ']th century. Made in Egypt. 56 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES D. 4- 1 5 in. 1877. Formerly in the Garthe Coll., Cologne. Stuhlfauth, Elfenbeinptastik, p. 189 (from a cast); Strzygowski, Orient oder Rom, p. 93 (a only) ; Liibke-Semrau, Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte, vol. ii, p. 55, fig. 50 (a and b, after Graeven's photographs); Graeven, Elfenbeiniverkc, series i, nos. 18-21. See also Strzygowski, Orient oder Rom, p. 94 ; Byz. Zeitschr. vol. viii, p. 681. Cf. a pyxis with similar subjects from Nocera Umbra, in the Museo Nazionale deile Terme Diocleziane, to be figd. L'Arte, 1901 ; one side reproduced by Strzygowski, as above, p. 94, fig. 40 ; the other by Venturi, Storia delF Arte Italiana, vol. i, p. 447, fig. 406 ; and the book cover from Murano in the Museum at Ravenna (Garrucci, Storia, pi. 456, and Rohault de Fleury, La Messe, vol. ii, pi. 156). The scene d, which has been interpreted as part of the sacrifice of Isaac, may be a symbolic representation, the lamb, like Daniel, being a type of Christ, but the meaning of the figure near the lock is obscure. Strzygowski, as above, thinks that the scene is the same as that on the doors of St. Sabina, Rome (Garrucci, Storia, pi. 499. 8 ; Wiegand, Das altchristliche Haupt- portal, lie, pi. xix). The pyxis has been broken into two pieces and roughly nailed to a wooden cylinder. 299. Panel ; the Descent of our Lord into Hell {Anastasis). To ;-., in a glory {mandorla), our Lord with cruciferous nimbu.s, wearing tunic, pallium, and sandals, supported upon a rainbow and resting his feet upon a carved footstool. His r. hand is extended in the gesture of benediction (Greek form) ; in his /. is a jewelled book of the gospel ; behind him is a group of eight angels with curly hair. To /. stands a tall figure similarly clothed but with plain nimbus (St. John the Baptist), his ;-. hand extended in the gesture of benediction above the heads of three small nude figures with curly hair emerging from a rectangular tomb. Behind, upon a basement of masonry, a building (part of the city of Hades) with two gables, each supported on two columns, below which are seen two windows and a closed door. Above the gables is the inscr. TOie O XC AHA TV ffi HN£CC€N TA OCT A (Tore 6 Xptoros- 810 tov Upobpofxov avicmpjev to. ooto). Plate XI. Byzantine. <)th century. L. 5-8 in. Given by Felix Slade, Esq. 1856. Round the rim are seven holes, in one of which is a bone peg. H. Graeven, Jahrbuch der kunsthist. Samml. des allerh. Kaiserhauses, vol. .\x (1899), p. II, fig. 4. Photo. : Graeven, series i, no. 45. See also Maskell, Ivories in the South Kensington Museum, p. 152, no. II. Cf. Stuhlfauth, Elfenbeinplastik, pi. iv, fig. 3; Graeven, Elfenbeinwerke, series ii, no. 2; Bode und von Tschudi, Beschreibung der Bildwerke (1888), pi. Ixii, no. 442, and 2nd ed. by Voge (1900), no. 11. The interpretation of the scene will be found in Graeven, Jahrbuch, as above. This panel is interesting as an early example of the Anastasis, but especially for the introduction of St. John the Baptist, who was formerly supposed to appear first in this scene in the year 1037 [see Millet in Mon. Piot, vol. ii, p. 209, and Diehl, ibid., vol. iii, p. 232). With the peculiar style of the angels and the small figures, probably due to the copying of more ancient work in silver, cf. nos. 104 and 301 ; and see Graeven, as above, p. 5 ff. 300. Panel ; the Nativity and Washing of the Infant Jesus. In the middle the Virgin reclines on a couch, while behind her in a manger 'of masonry lies the Child wrapped in swaddling clothes. Beyond the manger are seen the heads of the ox and the ass, and above these a group of seven angels, of whom IVORY CARVINGS 57 the foremost on the r. leans over with outstretched hand addressing two herdsmen holding staves and wearing tunics and high boots, who stand below to ;'. of the manger. Below the herdsmen are three goats. In the foreground to /. is seated Joseph, resting his head on his /. hand, while to r. a kneeling nurse immerses the Child in a large two-handled vase, beside which stands a ewer, the spout of which has the form of a bird's head. The Angels, the Virgin, and Joseph have the plain nimbus ; the Child, the cruciferous nimbus. In the field theinscr. H reNNHCIC. Plate XI. Byzantine. ()t/i century. L. 4-6 in. Rohde Hawkins Coll. 18S5. H. Graeven in Jahrhich der kiinsthistor. Samml. des allerh. Kaiserhauses, vol. .\x (1899), p. 12, fig. 5. Photo. : Graeven, Flfenbeinwerke, series i, no. 4/]. The panel has raised borders, with four holes for pegs in the rim. The rim of the /. hand lower comer and the r. hand lower comer are restored. Cf. for the scene of the washing of the new-born Infant the Ivory Book Cover at Ravenna (Rohault de Fleury, L'Evangile, vol. i, pi. xii, fig. i); and the Menologium of Basil, Albani's ed., pt. i, p. 24, Sept. 8th (Nativity of the Virgin), where the ewer is identical with that here seen. 301. Two SIDES OF A CASKET, bone plates backed with wood, with hunting and dancing scenes within borders of formal rosettes. («) To /. a nude hunter, with pointed cap, holding a spear and accompanied by a large dog, approaches a hare of exaggerated size nibbling a bush near a tree. In the centre a similar hunter, with scarf or mantle flying in the wind, is shooting with a bow at a stag which is attacked by two dogs. To r. a leopard and a wolf are fighting or playing together, (b) is divided into two compartments by an indeterminate rectangular object. To /. a man dances with a mantle or scarf, another poised in the air blows a horn, while beneath him a third, in a similar attitude, holds out a rectangular object with four small globes at the top towards two dancers, one of whom holds two wreaths, while the other plays a tambourine. In the r. hand compartment are five figures : to /. a man dances with a mantle or scarf, in the middle two figures, one poised in the air holds a loop or skipping-rope, in the centre of which a fourth figure is dancing with a garland and scarf; to r. a fifth figure blows a horn and holds a garland in his ;'. hand. Plate XII. Byzantine. ()th century. L. 13 in. and 12 in. Rohde Hawkins Coll. 1885. Photo. : Graeven, El/enbemwerke, series i, nos. 46 and 47. See also Nesbitt in Arch. Journ. vol. xxiv (1867), p. 283 ; Graeven m Jahrbuch der kimsthistor. Samml. des allerh. Kaiserhauses, 1899, p. 25, and p. 26, no. 12. Cf. the casket from the cathedral of Veroli in the Victoria and Albert Museum, no. 216-65 (Maskell, Description of the Ivories, &c., p. 47), and nos. 104, 299, and 300 above ; and see Graeven, as above, pp. 5-29. With the hunting scenes cf. miniature in a loth- century MS. of the Gospels in the Bibliothfeque Nationale (Bordier, Description des Peintttres, &.C., p. 104). The figures on these caskets, with their pseudo-antique style, exaggerated muscles, and conventionally curled hair, are characteristic of the iconoclastic period, and are probably copied from antique Roman silver plate. I 58 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 302. Panel from a casket. The archangel Michael advancing to /-., holding a rod in his /. hand and raising his r. in discourse. Above, MIX(AHA) with traces of red pigment in the letters. See figure. Byzantine. \oth-\itJi century. L. 2-66 in. Rohde Hawkins Coll. 1885. Part of the scene of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Graeven in L' Arte, 1899, Adamo ed Eva siti cofaneiti d''avorio Bizantini, fig. 10 * ; Graeven in Jahrbuch der kunst- hist or. Samvilungen des allerh. Kaiserhauses, xxi (1900), p. 107 ( Typen der Wiener Genesis aiif Byzantinischen Denknidlern) ; Schlumberger, L'Apop^e Byzantine d la Fin dii A""" Sihle, Pi. ii, Basile II, p. 105. Photo. : Graeven, Elfenbeinwerke, series i, no. 23. This panel is related in style to the following number, 302 a. 302 a. Panel from a casket, with two scenes from the history of Joseph ; Jacob blcssi?tg Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. Ixviii), and The death of Jacob. In the first scene, which is on the /., the Patriarch is seated on a cushioned chair without a back and with reel-moulded legs. He has long hair and beard, and wears a long garment falling to his feet, which rest upon a stool. His arms are crossed ^''••nr!yxiar?i/;ii^ti;7fc^^if4 before him, the r. and /. hands resting upon the heads of the two boys, who stand by his knees. In the background stand four of his sons. In the second scene the corpse of the Patriarch lies on a high table or bier, the legs of which are moulded like those of the chair in the scene of the blesssing. At the head stands Joseph in a long robe, and wearing on his head a diadem surmounted by the Uraeus ; at the feet and behind the bier four of Joseph's brothers ; beneath the top of the bier is a square box-like object ornamented with circles. IVORY CARVINGS 59 The costumes of all the figures except Joseph and Jacob consist of a tunic reaching to the knees, widely opened at the neck and with roUed-up sleeves, and high boots. The head-dresses of Joseph's brothers, which appear to be oriental in character, are worthy of remark. Jacob, Joseph, and the figure at the foot of the bier are drawn on a larger scale than the others, and the feet of the figures in the background are not shown except in one instance, where the position of the leg would seem to be a distortion. Of the border above and below a small part only remains, especially in the case of the latter ; the former appears to have been of an acanthus pattern, and is pierced with four holes. 6'^^ figure. Byzantine. ioth-\ 2th century. L. 7-25 in. H. 3.5 in. 1901. The border at the two ends is modern, and the whole panel has been backed with an ivory plate in recent times. A circular hole near the head of the bier has also a modern plug. The higher parts of the relief, e. g. the heads of the two boys, are much worn. This panel was let into the cover of a 13th century MS. of the romance of Parceval le Galois belonging to the Barrois Collection, bought by the Earl of Ashbumham, and sold at Sotheby's in June, 1901 (Lot 463). It forms part of the same series illustrating the Story of Joseph, to which belong the two panels in the Royal Museum at Berlin (Bode und Von Tschudi, Beschreibting der Bildwerke (i888), nos. 434, 435, pi. Iv, and Voge, Beschreibung, &c. (1900), nos. 13 and 14). It may be compared in style with several other ivories, especially with three small panels from the Pulszky and Oppcnheim Col- lections (Molinier, Ivoires, pi. ix, figs. 2 and 3) ; two panels in the Museo Olivieri, Pesaro (Graeven, Elfenbeinwerkc, series ii, nos. 49 and 50, and a panel in the Museo Civico, Bologna, ibid. no. 3). Cf. also no. 302 above. 302 b. Panel ; the entry into Jerusalem. Our Lord is seated sideways upon the ass, which advances to r. He wears the tunic and pallium, and makes with his r. hand the gesture of benediction, while he holds a scroll in his /. A boy is spreading a tunic in the way, while behind him a man is leading another child by the hand. In the background is a crene- lated tower, and by the side of it a palm-tree, into the branches of which a I 2 6o EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES boy has climbed. Behind our Lord follow four apostles in tunic and pallium, and from the upper r. and /. corners descend two angels. See figure, i oth- 1 a /// ecu tury. L. 4-1 in. Maskell Coll. 1856. The panel has raised borders, which are pierced with four holes at the top and two at the bottom. 303. Side leaf of a triptych. Two saints. Above, in a medallion, a bust of St. John the Baptist in a mantle fastening over the breast. Below, a bishop in episcopal vestments, with his r. hand in the gesture of benediction, and a maniple over his /., which holds a book. The sides are ornamented with an undulating raised border with serrated edges of acanthus pattern. The back has a cross with a rosette in the centre and at the end of each of the limbs ; and down one side is a band of zigzag ornament. See figure. Byzantine. \2th century. L. 47 in. 1890. At the top are two holes. Photo. : Graeven, Etfetibeinwerke, series i, no. 23. With the bust of St. John of. an ivory at Liverpool, Graeven, ibid., no. 10, and Cat. of the Mayer Museum (1882), pt. iii, no. 28. IV. SILVER TREASURES. I. The Esquiline Treasure. (Nos. 304-345 with nos. 227-241.) Found in 1793 on the Esquiline Hill, Rome, near the church of Saints Silvester and Martin. The miscellaneous nature of the objects which comprise this treasure suggests that it was buried at some time of danger, such as a barbaric invasion. i^th-^th century. Formerly in the Collections of Baron von Schellersheim and the Due de Blacas. Acquired 1866. See Visconti, Lettera sii di una antica argenteria nuovamente scoperta in Roma (Rome, 1793) ; the same, Lettera ititomo ad una afttica supellettile d'argento, &c., a reprint with plates, edited by Montagnani (Rome, 1827) ; the same, Opere Varie, edited by G. Labus, vol. i, pp. 210-235, pi. xvii and .wiii (Milan, 1827) ; d'Agincourt, Histoire de I'art par les monuments^ Satlpture, pi. Lx (Paris, 1823) ; Bottiger. Sabina, oder Morgenszenen im Putzsimmer einer reicheti Romerin, vol. i, p. 63 ff. (Leipzig, 1806) ; C. T. Newton, Guide to the Blacas Coll. of Antiquities, British Museum, 1867. In the foUowing description, where the name Visconti is given alone, the reference is to the second edition of the Lettera, edited by Montagnani. 304. Oblong casket known as the casket of Projecta, embossed and partly gilt, the lid in the form of a truncated pyramid, the body of corresponding shape. 62 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES It has three hinges at the back and a swing handle at each end, and is without lock or fastening. The gilding is applied to the drapery of the figures and to other accessories, which are also ornamented with lines of punched dots, circles, &c. Plate XIII. THE LID. See figure, p. 6 1 . The Top. Within a wreath supported on either side by a genius with a gilded band across the shoulders are the half-length full-face figures of a husband and wife. The former wears a chlamys fastened over the r. shoulder by a fibula with vertical stem, and dotted with small pounced rings in groups of three, and small pounced circles. The latter has the hair dressed high at the top of her head, and wears a broad jewelled collar over a mantle diapered with small circles of punched dots ; she holds with both hands a roll, perhaps the volumen nuptiale. Plate XIV. Front Panel. In the centre Venus seated in a shell dressing her hair. A dotted gilded band runs round her neck and is continued down the body as far as the navel. The shell is supported on either side by a Triton, one of whom holds up a mirror before the goddess, in which her face is reflected. On the back of each Triton is a genius, one holding a basket of fruit, the other a box. Plate XV. Cf. BiilL delta Commissione Arch. Comunale di Roma, pi. xiv and xv (Rome ifi77). End Right Hand Panel. A nereid partially draped seated on a hippocamp to /. Behind her are a genius and a dolphin ; before her face a duck. Plate XVII. End Left Hand Panel. A nereid riding a sea monster, her veil twisted round her arms and blown into an arch above her head. She holds a garland before her with both hands. Behind is a genius, in front swim two dolphins. Plate XVIII. Back Panel. The deductio of the bride. In the centre is a palace crowned by a large central dome flanked by domes of smaller size : the fa9ade is supported by two twisted columns and two piers ; the upper part is pierced with four arches, while the /. side is formed of one large arch. To the /. of the building the bride approaches, conducted by a boy {pner patrimus et matritnus), and followed by a girl carrying a large oval box. From the r. come three persons bringing nuptial gifts. In the centre is a woman carrying in both arms a large rectangular box, conducted by a girl bearing a candelabrum, and followed by another with a ewer and a patera with a handle. On the ground behind is a bucket or basket. The background consists of an arcade with twisted columns and floriated capitals. Plate XVI. These five panels are separated by formal foliated bands, the leaves arranged herring-bone fashion and gilded in alternate sections of about one inch in length. SILVER TREASURES 63 The bottom of the h'd is a flat ledge, along the front of which is punched the inscription f SEC VNDE ET PROIECTA VIVATIS IN CHRI(STO) (j^^ figure, p.6i), and on the flange in front are pounced figures indicating the weight, which is twenty- two pounds, three and a half ounces, (see Plate XI 11, and Visconti, PI. V.) Dr. O. Pelka (Altchristliche Ehedenkmiilcr, p. 117, Strasburg, 1901) suggests that the cupolas are really arches at the back of the inner court of the house. The finials upon three of them are against this \iew. See note on next page. THE BODY. The decoration of the sides consists of an arcade of round and pointed arches alternating and draped with curtains, each arch occupied by a human figure, except at the ends of the sides, where there are peacocks. Both sides and ends are enclosed in a border ornamented with meandering vine scrolls. The Front. In the middle is the bride seated full face upon a cushioned chair with high back : in her r. hand she holds a fillet for her hair, in her /. a cylindrical unguent box. To r. stands an attendant holding up a mirror in her ;-. hand, to /. another attendant holding in both hands a rectangular box. At each end is a peacock. In the spandrils are two rosettes, two doves, and two baskets filled with fruit. Plate XV. Right End. In the middle is an attendant holding a pillow (?) before her breast with both hands. To the /. is a girl with a ewer in her r. hand and a patera in her /. ; to the right another, holding in her r. a bucket. In the spandrils arc two ducks. Plate XVII. Left End. In the centre a female figure holding a box (?) in both hands. To r. and /. two long-haired youths (?) holding a torch in the /. and r. hand respectively ; they wear long tunics with gilded vertical stripes down the breast and circular ornaments (prbiculi) at the bottom in front, similar to those seen on tunics from Achmim-Panopolis in Egypt (cf. no. 951). In the spandrils two birds and two rosettes, /"/^/f XVIII. The Back. In the middle a female figure holding in her /. a cylindrical casket with pyramidal cover suspended by three chains (cf. no. 305). To r. a similar figure holding a shallow basin in both hands, to /. a third holding a box (?), while on the ground at her feet is a vase (cf. no. 306). At the ends are peacocks, and in the spandrils a pair of filled baskets, a pair of birds, a rosette, and a disc. The three riveted hinges are ornamented with a design of quatrefoils and dots. Plate XVI. The bottom of the casket seen from the interior is filled by a large embossed lozenge upon a raised rectangle. The swing handles at the ends are semicircular and fluted, and one has been restored. The hinges are very clumsy, and can hardly have been applied by the maker of the casket. The metal is in places much decayed, and has been strengthened inside with 64 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES numerous plates, but the actual restoration of any of the ornamental parts is very slight. Of the inscription, the left side of the monogram, the lower halves of the third and fourth letters in VI VAT IS, the lower part of the I and the last three letters in CHRISTO are restored. L. 21-7 in. H. II in. W. 17 in. Weight, 125,620 grains (over 21 J lb.). Visconti, Lettt-ra, Sec, pi. i-vi, and 0/>erf Varu-, vol. i, pi. xvii ; Bottiger, Saiina, vol. i, pi. iii ; Sanclementi, Numism. Selecta, vol, iii, p. 203 flf. ; Mozzoni, Tuvo/e cronologiche rldla Storia della Chiesa, &c., Secolo iv, p. 47 (Venice, 1857); Du Sommerard, Les arts au moyen age. Album, P^ sdrie, pi. ii, fig. 3; Kraus, Geschichte tier christlichen Kunst, vol. i, p. 216, fig. 178; O. Pelka, Altchristliche Ehedenkrniiler, pi. ii-iv (Strasburg, 1901). See also Piper, Mythologie und Symbolik der christl. Kunst, vol. i, pp. 20 and iSSfT. ; Raoul Rochette, m Journal des Savants, 1830, p. 626 ff. ; Kraus, Die christl. Kunst in iliren friiliesten An/dngen, p. 214 (Leipzig, 1872), RflMa Sotterranea, pp. 232,233 (Freiburg, 1879), Real-Encykl. vol. i, p. 384; V. Schultze, Arch. Studien, p. no, Die Katakomhen, p. 215 (Leipzig, 1882), Arch, der altchristl. Kunst, p. 278 ; E. Le Blant, Mdanges d'Arch. et d' Histoire, vol. iii (1883), p. 441, and Cat. des Mon. chrit. du Must'e de Marseille, p. 24 (Paris, 1894). The early representations of the casket are misleading, as they unite the front of the lid with the back of the body, and show the former in an imperfect condition. This casket, which was a wedding gift, should be compared with the sarcophagi of the late 4th and early 5th centuries, in many of which portraits of husbands and wives in medallions, and a similar disposition of figures under arcades, will be found. It is of especial value in the illustration which it affords of contemporary costume, and in this it may be compared with the gilded glasses of the same period (cf. nos. 608 fif.). It has been often quoted as an example of the syncretistic spirit which prevailed among many Christians at this time, the pagan subjects upon the lid scarcely according with the sacred monogram beneath them. But in this respect it has numerous parallels, and it is not necessary to suppose that the inscription with the Christian monogram is later than the casket itself. It may be remarked that the domes of the buildings upon the back of the cover suggest oriental influences, and the finials upon some of them may be compared with those seen on ivory carvings and MSS. from Egypt and Syria {see Strzygowski, Orient oder Rom, pp. 33, 34). The circumstances of the discovery and the relation to Roman sarcophagi make it probable that the casket was executed in the Capital ; but this need not necessarily have been the case, as there exist fragments of an ivory casket found in Egypt, and now in the Gizeh Museum, which present close similarities of style and subject, and there can be little doubt that work of this kind might equally well have been produced, for instance, in Alexandria. Projecta must have been the wife of some member of the great family of the Asterii, perhaps of L. Turcius Rufius Apronianus Asterius, Prefect of Rome in 363 ; though inscriptions show that this family did not embrace Christianity till quite late in the 4th century. (See C.T.L. vol. vi, 1768-9 and 1772-3, and V. Sch-a\iit, Arch. Studien, p. 112.) 305. Casket, with embossed ornament and domed cover with hinge fastened by a hasp ; it is suspended by three chains uniting in a large ring. The dome and sides are shaped alternately as broad flutes and flat panels. On the cover the flutes are plain, and the panels ornamented with a vine scroll growing from a vase and enclosing a bird. On the top is a medallion with a female figure seated on a folding stool beneath a tree, and holding a garland to which she is adding from a basket ; behind her is a parrot {see fig. a). In the flutes on the sides stand figures of eight Muses, beneath arches, supported by fluted columns. To r. of the lock is Urania, in a long tunic and mantle. She stands with crossed legs, her /. arm supported on a column, herr. hand, which holds a rod, resting upon a globe [see fig. b). Next is Melpomene, in a girded tunic, with (i) Uhania. (c) Melpomenk. Id) Clio. («) Polyhymnia (/■) Terpsichore. {£") Euterpe. i<) Calliope. 66 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES her /. foot raised; in her /. hand she holds a tragic mask, in her r. a club Near her upon the ground is an open scroll [see fig. c). To her r. is Clio, holding in her /. hand an open roll ; on the ground at her side is a scrinium containing other rolls [see fig. d). Polyhymnia follows, holding out a mask in her /. hand ; in her r. she holds the end of a veil or mantle passing over her /. shoulder [see fig. e). Next comes Terpsichore, in a girded tunic and mantle ; she holds in her ;-. hand a plectrum, while her /. is covered by the plate of the ring to which one of the chains is attached {see fig./)- Euterpe, who follows, holds a flute in each hand {see fig. g). Thalia has a pedum in her r. hand and a comic mask in her left {see fig. k). The last in order is Calliope, wearing a mantle over both shoulders and holding a scroll in both hands ; on a column at her side is a vase {see fig. i). All the Muses have a feather in their hair, in allusion to their victory over the Sirens. Of the alternate flat panels, that containing the lock has a wreath, below which are two doves ; the others all have a similar design, a vase from which rises a conventional plant, forming a symmetrical scroll-design between two birds. Within is a thin bronze plate with five circular holes, the largest in the centre. In the four outer holes are cylindrical silver boxes with lids, and engraved with horizontal lines ; in the centre hole is a narrow necked flask of similar workmanship {see figure). Plate XIX. H. lo in. D. 131 in. Weight 75,660 grains (over 13 lb.). Visconti, pi. vii-xi ; d'Agincourt, Sculpt, pi. ix, fig. g and 10 ; Bottiger, Sabina, vol. i, pi. iv. Visconti's description of fig. a as the Muse Erato is doubtful, as this figure has not the proper attributes, and is without the feather in the hair. On the Muses and their attributes in late Roman art see O. Bie, Die Musen in der antikcn Kunst. It will be noticed that the central figure on the back of the Casket of Projecta, pi. xvi (lower panel), carries a casket suspended by chains in a similar manner to the present example. The bronze plate has been broken and mended with rivets between one of the smaller holes and the edge. The interior has been strengthened with plates and a modern lock and key added. 306. Flask of elegant outline, with embossed ornament consisting of six zones of spiral scrolls, diminishing in size towards top and bottom. The larger contain : SILVER TREASURES 67 a. A genius riding a kicking ass to /. ; beneath, a basket of grapes overturned ; b. a genius seated on a basket plucking grapes while a goat stands with its forefoot on his r. knee ; c. a genius standing to r. picking grapes over a bowl or basket to which a bird is flying down from r. ; d. a genius walking to r. holding a basket of grapes upon his head while a hare rises on its hind legs before him. The remaining zones and interspaces contain single animals, in several cases repeated more than once ; they are the goat, ram, lamb, hare, and numerous birds. In one instance {d) a grasshopper occurs, and in another a bird with a snake. H. 13-5 in. Weight 11,040 grains (nearly 2 lb.). Visconti, pi. xv, fig. 2 ; d'Agincourt, Sculpt, pi. ix, fig. 13. The neck has been broken and mended, and the foot restored. K 2 68 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 307. Ewer, with facetted sides, slender handle of octagonal section, and long horizontal spout with hinge for a lid, which is missing. Round the shoulders a sunk oval occupies the width of each facet, on six of which, in front, is an inscription filled with niello (j-^^ figure) PELEGRINA VTERE FELIX. See figure. H. I3'7 in. Weight, 24,360 grains (nearly 4J lb.), Visconti, pi. xv, fig. 1 ; d'Agincourt, Sculpt, pi. ix, fig. 12. Many of the letters of the inscription, especially the last four, are almost totally efifaced. PEL E NA VTE RiiiF 4f.i: «iiv 308. Amphora, with plain handles of stout wire. See figure. H. 7-9 in. Weight, 9,280 grains (over ij lb.). Visconti, pi. xv. 309. Amphora matching no. 308. H. -8 in. SILVER TREASURES 69 310. Large circular dish, with foot-rim and twelve radiating flutes terminating in scallops, the spaces between which are engraved with formal foliated bands in pairs. The circular centre contains a square diapered with quatrefoils ; in the space unoccupied by the square are formal foliated designs. See figure. D. 22-5 in. Weight, 42,360 grains (7 lb. 4 oz. 5 dvvt.). Visconti, pi. xvii. The dish has been broken, and is strengthened by plates at the back. 70 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 311. Flat circular dish, with upright scalloped rim. The background represents a rectangular trellis with a large circular medallion, containing a rosette at each point of junction. In the centre is a medallion engraved with a beardless emperor (?) holding a roll in his /. and sacrificing before an altar. The design has been outlined in gold, a small part of which remains. The surface is trique, meaning that the four dishes together weighed five Roman pounds, see Visconti, p. 26. The actual weight is 25,220 grains (a little under 4J lb.). 320. Circular dish, with foot-rim. In turning the piece on the lathe the edge has been ribbed and simple concentric circles produced in the bottom. D. 9.45 in. Weight, 9,760 grains (over ij lb.). Visconti, pi. xviii. 321. Circular bowl, on low foot-rim. the outside ver- tically fluted. See figure. D. 4-72 in. Visconti, pi. xv. 322. Spoon, with a pear-shaped bowl ending in a vertical disc, on the upper edge of which is fixed a tapering handle of octagonal section. On the upper part of the handle nearest the bowl is engraved: IVNONI LANVMVINAE SPS SVLP Q_VIRIN (Junoni Lanuvmae sua pecunia Serviiis Sulpicius Quirimis {dono dedit)). See figure. L. 79 in. Visconti, pi. xvi, fig. 3. This spoon had perhaps at one time formed part of the treasure of the Temple of Juno Sospita at Lanuvium. SILVER TREASURES 73 323. SroON, with narrow pear-shaped bowl ending in a stout vertical spiral, upon the upper edge of which is fixed a tapering fluted handle. In the bowl is T\ xT engraved a monogram. |a\I L. 874 in. Visconti, pi. xvi, fig. i. 324. SrooN, with similar bowl ending in a stout scroll, to the upper edge of which is fixed a straight tapering handle of octagonal section. L. 7-9 in. Visconti, pi. xvi, fig. 2. 325. Spoon, with pear-shaped bowl ending in a pierced vertical disc, upon the upper edge of which is fixed a plain tapering handle. Upon one side of the disc are the letters MA, deeply cut and probably once filled with niello. L. 7-44 in. Visconti, pi. xvi, fig. 4. 326. Spoon, with similar bowl, the bottom modelled to imitate a leaf and ending in a stout scroll, to the top of which is fixed a tapering fluted handle. L. 8-2 in. 327. Spoon, with shallow oval bowl ; the handle, which is octagonal in section, rises at an angle and expands to a spatulate end, engraved with a simple geometrical design. L. 6 in. Visconti, pi. xvi, fig. 6. 328. Spoon, with fiddle-shaped bowl ending in a stout scroll, from the end of which issues the straight handle, pierced and moulded at the upper part and tapering to the end. L. 5-86 in. Visconti, pi. xvi, fig. 7. 329. Spoon, with fiddle-shaped bowl and handle of octagonal section, terminating in a conical knob. L. 57 in. Vsconti, pi. xvi, fig. 8. 330. Spoon, with straight tapering handle and shallow circular bowl, in which are scratched the letters €YXe (?). L. 3-9 in. Visconti, pi. xvi, fig. 5. Part of the bowl is missing. L 74 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 331. Handle of a knife, octagonal in section, the surface covered with engraving. At each end are longitudinal bands of guilloche, and scrolls partly inlaid with gold ; in the middle, bands of fret pattern with inlaid gold crosses. Between the fretted bands there are on opposite sides two plain bands, on one of which is engraved MH AYFFI, and on the other CCAYTON (Mr) Xwet a-eavTov). On the butt are traces of engraving and gold inlay. See figure. L. 27 in. 332. Ornament, partly gilt, for the end of the pole of a sedia gestatoria, or for the cross-piece of a chair. It consists of a rectangular socket, on the end of which is seated a female figure, the Tyche of Rome, wearing a girded tunic and mantle, and a crested helmet. In her r. hand she holds a spear in her /. a circular shield. Two clavi upon the tunic are represented by bands of pounced dots, and the mantle is diapered with similar dots in groups of three. Below the socket in front is a leaf-shaped pendant, the veins of which are indicated by pounced lines. The socket is pierced with two holes, through which passes a pin to hold the ornament in position. Plate XX. H. 5-4 in. Weight, 11,340 grains (nearly 2 lb.). Visconti, pi. xix, fig. i ; d'Agincourt, Sculpt, pi. ix, fig. 17 ; P. Gardner in Joiirn. of Hellenic Studies, vol. ix (1888), pi. V. On personifications of towns see Gardner, /. c, pp. 77-8 ; Strzygowski, Die Kalenderbilder des Chronographen,\xiJa]n-buch des kaiserlich-deiitschen Arch. Instituts, Erganzungsheft I, Berlin, 1888. Cf. also for Rome and Constantinople various con- sular Diptychs (esp. two at Vienna, VVestwood, /vV///.? A'orzVj.nos. 79and 80), and gilded glasses, Garrucci, Veiri ornati di figure in oro, pi. xxxvi, fig. i . 333. Similar ornament. The female figure, which represents Constantinople, is draped in a similar manner, but wears an armlet and a bracelet on the r. arm. In her r. SILVER TREASURES 75 hand she holds ,i patera, and in her /. a cornncopiac. The chain and pin for fastening the socket are missing. Plate XX ; and see figure. H. 5-4 in. Weight, 11,340 grains (nearly 2 lb.). Visconti, pi. xix, 2; d'Agincourt, Sculpt. pi. ix, 18 ; Gardner, as above, pi. v. See also Strzygowski, Analecta Graeciensia, Festschrift ziir 420. Versainmhing Deutsche)- Philologen in Wien, 1893, p. 148 ((}raz. 1893); and for the type of the Tyche of Constantinople in general, ibid., pp. 143-153. 334. Another. The figure, representing the City of Antioch, wears a turreted crown, and holds in her r. hand flowers and ears of corn. Beneath her feet is a nude half-length figure representing the River Orontes. The pin and chain for fastening the socket are missing. Plate XX. H. 5-2 in. Weight, 11,340 grains (nearly 2 lb.). Visconti, pi. xx, 2; d'Agincourt, Sculpt. pi. ix, 19 ; Gardner, as above, pi. v. This figure is probably a copy of the statue of Eutychides ; see Gardner, as above, p. 78. 335. Another. The female figure, here representing Alexandria, wears a turreted crown, and holds in her hands fruits and ears of corn, while beneath her /. foot is the prow of a ship. The socket is fitted with a pin and chain for attachment. Plate XX ; and see figure. H. 5.4 in. Weight, 11,100 grains (nearly 2 lb.). Visconti, pi. xx, I ; d'Agincourt, ^c?/^/. pi. ix, 16; Gardner, as above, pi. v. L 2 76 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 336. Ornament from a chair, partly gilt, in the shape of a riglit forearm holding a vertical cylinder surmounted by a conventional pomegranate. On the wrist is a twisted bracelet. See figure. 337. Ornament to match the last ; a /. arm. H. 13 in. Weight of each, 17,360 grains. 338. Horse-trappings (phalerae), partly gilt, formed of nine plates, and a buckle to /. The plates are of two different designs, the first, four in number, are circular and embossed with three lions' heads and an eagle respectively. Each has a leaf-shaped projection at the top and a pendant at the bottom, that below the eagle being an inverted crescent. The plates of the second type alternate with the others : each is a broad oval, consisting of two pelta-like ornaments, the curves of which form the outer edges, and having an applied quatrefoil in the centre. See figure. L. 25 in. Visconti, pi. xxiv. SILVER TREASURES 77 339. Similar phalerae. L. 25 in. 340. Others, similar ; buckle to ;-. L. 25 in. 341. Others, similar. L. 25 in. 342. Other,s, incomplete ; buckle and two plates, one pelta-shaped, the other with lion's head. 343. Others, incomplete ; buckle and four plates, two pelta-shaped alternating with two others, one with lion's head and one with eagle. 344. Handle of a jug, fluted, at the bottom is a leaf with engraved veins. The upper part is ornamented with scrolls in openwork and is semicircular, fitting the lip of the jug. Its upper surface has an ornament of punched dots large and small, the latter forming scroll designs. H. 7.6 in. 345. Pair of swing-handles, semicircular, with recurved ends shaped like swans' heads, from each of which a flat leaf-like tab hangs by a hook of the same bird-shaped pattern. H. 5-6 in. Probably from a casket. II. Roman Silver Spoons of the Fifth Century. 346. Spoon, with pear-shaped bowl ending in a vertical disc, from the upper end of which issues a tapering fluted handle. On the upper part of the handle nearest the bowl is -|- ALEXANDER engraved and filled with niello. On one side of the disc the number III. L. 8"32 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. Weight, 563 grains. This spoon with the following six nos. was found somewhere in the neighbourhood of Rome in 1886. De Rossi, Bullettino, 1868, pi. opposite p. "ji, fig. 2; and see ibid., pp. 79-84; Fortnum in Arch. Journ. x.wiii, 1 871, p. 285-6 ; and cf. Le Blant, Inscr. Chritienrus de la Gaule, vol. ii, p. 370, no. 583. 347. Similar spoon, with name + Q_vadraGISIMA and the number II. L. 9 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. Weight, 640 grains. De Rossi, as above, fig. 3. Bowl imperfect. 78 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 348. Spoon of similar shai'E ; on one side of the disc, connecting the handle with the bowl, is engraved a monogram ps£, on the other a Latin cross in niello. L. 8-4 in. Castellan! Coll. 1872. Weight. 506 grains. De Rossi, as above, fig. 4. The name represented by the monogram is conjectured by de Rossi to be hcitti/s. 349. Similar spoon, with the name + FAVSTVS and the number VII. L. 8-88. Castellani Coll. 1872. Weight, 600 grains. De Rossi, as above, fig. 6. A silver ring in the Fortnum Collection at Oxford, said to have been found in the same place, is engraved with the same name. See Fortnum, Arch. Journ. vol. xxviii (1871 ), p. 285. 350. Similar spoon, with the same monogram but without the cross. L. 8-7 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. Weight, 562 grains. 351. Spoon of similar shape, without inscriptions. L. 9-14 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. Weight, 647 grains. 352. Similar spoon ; the bowl imperfect. L. 8-3 in. Castellani Coll. 1872. Weight. 525 grains. 353. Spoon, with pear-shaped bowl terminating in a vertical disc continued under the bowl in a keel-like ridge, and having fixed to its upper edge a tapering handle of round section. On one side of the disc is the crux inonogrammatica (f) with the extremities pattees, on the other a bunch of grapes, both engraved and filled with niello. L. 8-8 in. Weight, 480 grains (i oz). Franks Bequest, 1897. Said to have been found in the Seine near Paris. 354. Similar spoon. On one side of the disc is engraved a monogram formerly nielloed, on the other a Latin cross pattee, in which the niello still remains. See figure. L. 8-9 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. Found at Metz. 355. Similar spoon, with fluted handle. On each side of the disc is engraved a Latin cross, probably once nielloed. L. 8-9 in. Weight, 720 grains (l* oz.). Franks Bequest, 1897. Found near Augsburg. SILVER TREASURES 79 III. Carthage Treasure. (Nos. 356-375, with nos. 242-248.) Found on the Hill of St. Louis, Carthage. ^th and early ^ih centuries. Franks Bequest, 1897. 356. Hemispherical bowl, with foot-rim and broad flat edge ornamented with four pastoral groups chased in relief, each representing a shepherd with dogs, sheep, goats, &c. The groups are separated by four profile masks, male and female alternately. The circumference is bordered by an edging of large pellets In the bottom on a circular medallion is ashepherd standing between a ram and a dog. See figure. D. 69 in. H. 225 in. Weight, 6,000 grains (\2\ oz.). 357. Similar bowl, with narrower edge, having a beaded line round the inner side. The edge is divided into four groups chased in relief and divided by four masks male and female alternately ; with the male are associated the pedum, syrinx, and altar, with the female, tympana. Of the groups, two are pastoral, representing shepherds with cattle, horses, &c. ; of the remaining two one shows a hind chased by a lion, the other the same animal pursued by a leopard. In the bottom is engraved an eightfoil. D. 6-6 in. H. 2 in. Weight, 5,040 grains (10^ oz.). 358. Identical dish, but with the inscription : Plate XXI. D- D- ICRESCONI CLARENT. D. 5-4 in. H. 1-25 in. Weight, 2,400 grains (5 oz.). The Cresconii were a well-known family in N. Africa in the 4th and 5th centuries. See de Vit, Onomasticon, s.v.; C. I. L. Africa, pt. i (1881), nos. 2,403, 4,354, 10,891; Moinmsen, Ephenieris Epigraphica, vol. iii, 1 87 1, p. 78. 8o EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 359. Dish with foot-rim. In the centre, within concentric circles turned and gilt, the inscription LOQVERE FELICITER, preceded by the sacred monogram >g flanked by h and CO. Round this is a broad band of engraved flutings within a gilt band. The steep sides are vertically fluted and gilt round the edge. P/a/f XXI. D. 54 in. H. 1-25 in. Weight, 2,400 grains (5 oz.). 360. Shallow bowl, with foot-rim and horizontal handle. The centre is convex and embossed with a frog in high relief within a circle, the spots on the body being represented by circles of pounced dots. The handle is ornamented by four rows of drop- shaped bosses. P/afe XXI. L. 9-8 in. D. 6-2 in. H. 1-9 in. Weight, 4,800 grains (10 oz.). The frog, which is sometimes found upon pottery lamps from Egypt, is emblematic of the Resurrection, and sometimes supposed to signify a heretical sect {see note on no. 819). It is uncertain whether it has any such meaning here. 361. Low HEMISPHERICAL BOWL on a high foot, the outside ornamented with broad vertical hammered facets. Flat saucer- shaped cover, similarly ornamented, and having in the centre a high rim like that beneath the bowl, to serve as a foot-rim when the cover was used as a dish. See figure. H. (with cover) 4-5 in. H. of cover, 1-3 in. D. 4-9 in. Weight, 6,880 grains (14! oz.). 362. Identical bowl, without cover. Weight, 4,680 grains (gf oz.). 363. Another. 364. Spoon, with deep circular bowl and short handle of octagonal section ter- minating in a knob. At the juncture of the bowl and handle is a square panel with a curved continuation on each side ; on the panel is a cross be- tween two scrolls, all inlaid with niello. See figure. L. 6 in. D. of bowl, 2-56 in. Weight, 960 grains (2 oz.) SILVER TREASURES 8i 365 370- Six identical spoons. The bowls of some of these spoons are coated inside with an incrustation of pale buff soil, traces of which were found in nos. 361-363. 371. Spoon, with pear-shaped bowl, modelled on the under side to imitate a leaf, the interior ornamented with traverse flutings on either side of a plain median band. The bowl terminates in a stout pierced vertical scroll, to the upper edge of which is fixed a fluted handle. Plate XXI. L. 69 in. Weight, 6cx) grains (ij oz.). 372. Similar spoon, imperfect. L. 5-8 in. 373. Similar spoon, the interior of the bowl plain. L. 64 in. Weight, 480 grains (l oz.). 374. Another. L. 7-36 in. Weight, i 02. 375. Spoon, with shallow circular bowl connected with a fluted tapering handle by a stout pierced veitical scroll. Within the bowl is engraved the sacred monogram (~g) between <\ and Cl). Plate XXI. L. 672 in. D. of bowl, i-6 in. Weight, 240 grains (i oz.). IV. Lampsacus Treasure. (Nos. 376-396, with nos. 249 and 250.) Found at Lampsacus on the Hellespont. dth — ']th century. The greater part was given by Earl Cowley in 1848; the rest was partly acquired in 1886, and partly bequeathed by Sir A. Wollaston Franks, K.C.B., 1897. 376. Tripod lamp-stand, resembling a pricket candlestick, with square spike rising from a disc on a baluster-moulded stem with hexagonal expanding base, having three hollow feet. Beneath are two impressions of a cruciform stamp, both imperfect, but containing the letters of a name — CeCTOC. Plate XXII ; and see figure. H. 8-3 in. Weight, 5,040 grains (loi lbs.). Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. M 82 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES With the stamp cf. those on nos. 379, 397, and 399, and see the references there given. Possibly a chalice. 377. Cylindrical vessel, raised on a small, low circular foot. Plate XXII. H. 3-88 in. D. at top, 49 in. Weight, 3,840 grains (8 oz.). Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. It is worthy of note that this piece has not been put on the lathe either inside or out. The finish is very rough, and hammer-marks show clearly over the whole surface. It is imperfect, one side being broken away. 378. Shallow dish, round at the bottom. Inside, with the arms extending to the edge, is a gilt cross, having in the centre a double circle enclosing a punched and nielloed monogram. Plate Xy.U. D. 7-'i in. Weight, 3,960 grains (&\ oz.). 1886. The name represented by the monogram is perhaps Menas. 379. Similar dish, with identical design. On the bottom are the impressions of three stamps, all imperfect, one cruciform twice repeated, one rectangular, and one with an arched end. The cruciform stamp has in the centre a monogram of the same shape, and at the ends the letters of a name, probably CICINNHC, a variant of CICINNIOC. See figure. D. 6-2 in. Weight, 2,S8ograins(6oz.). Given by Earl Cowley, I S48 With these stamps cf. those on the lamp-stand (no. 3761 and on the silver vessels from Cyprus (nos. 397 and 399). For similar stamps see also Arneth, Die antiken Gold- u?id Silber-Momimente, &c„ pi. S. vii, and AnJtaeologia, vol. Ivii (1900), p. 166; Stephani, in Compte rendu de la Commission Imp. archeologique, St. Petersburg, 1867, pp. 50, 52, 211, and 1878-9, pp. 148, 157-8. For mention of stamps still unpublished, see Bulletin arch, du Lomite des travaux historigues, Paris, 1893, pp. 88-9 ; Compte rendu, as above, 1897. pp. 28 and 103. 380. Spoon, with pear-shaped bowl, engraved on the back with a symmetrical foliated design and having at the end a vertical disc, to the upper edge of which is attached a baluster-moulded handle, hexagonal in section nearest the bowl. On the top of the hexagon is engraved + MAeGeOC, the letters having been once nielloed. On one side of the disc is engraved a monogram. Plate XXIII {back vieiv), and sec figure. L. 9-25 in. Weight, 1,200 grains (2^ oz.). 18S6. 381. Identical spoon, with the name MAPKOC. Plate XXIII. Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. SILVER TREASURES 83 382. Another, with the name AOYKAC. Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. 383. Another, with the name lAKOJBOC. Franks Bequest, 1897. 384. Another, with the name ncTPOC. Franks Bequest, 1897. The names upon inscribed spoons are usually those of the owners (cf. nos. 346-349) but the above four coincide with those of apostles, as in other examples, see de Rossi, BuUettino, 1878, pp. 117-120, and pi. 8; and Kraus in Bonner JahrbiUher^ Heft Ixxiii (18S2), p. 87. On silver spoons of the Early Christian period, see also Btillettino, 1868, p. 81 ff. 385. Spoon, with similar bowl and identical monogram, but with the lower part of the handle round in .section and expanding to the end. Plate XXIII {back view). L. 9-22 in. Weight, 1,235 grains (over 2i oz.). Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. 386. Another, identical. Plate XXIII. L. 9-22 in. 1886. 387. SroON, with pear-shaped bowl terminating in a stout vertical disc connected with the bottom by a keel-like ridge. The handle is attached to the upper edge of the disc, and near the bowl is square in section, the remainder being round, with a number of turned parallel lines at each end, and terminating in a baluster finial. On the back of the bowl is a symmetrical foliate design, and round the rim a band of continuous loop-coils. On one side of the disc is engraved a monogram {see figure, no. 390) within a wreath, the whole filled with niello ; on the other side is a formal plant {see figure). Along the interior 0/ the bowl and on the upper part of the square section of the handle is engraved the hexameter: TCPMA A OP AN BIOTOIO COACON ICPAIC 6N AGHNAIC once filled with niello, and on one side of the same part of the handle: COC Al XPHCGAI TCO Bid), in the letters of which the niello still remains. Plate XXIII. L. IO-3 in. Weight, 1,133 grains (over z\ oz.). Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. The saying of Solon is given by Herodotus, Bk. I. c. 32. See also Leutsch, Corpus Paroeniiographoruin graecorum, vol. ii, p. 665. For the Inscriptions upon this and the following five nos. see Dubner, F., Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina, vol. ii, p. 74 (Paris, 1 872) ; Frohner, W., in Pliilologus, Zeitschrift fiir das klassische Alterluin, Supplement-Band V, Kritisclie Analek/en, p. 56 (Gottingen, 1 889). The four Greek hexameters of nos. 387-390 are found together in an Anonymous Epigram on M 2 84 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES the Seven Sages, beginning — 'En-ra v epio) Kar en-or TniKiv, ovvojin, (i>vrjv. See Fraginenta Philosophoriim Craecortint, ed. F. G. Mullachius, vol. i, p. 235 (Paris, i860!. The second parts of the inscriptions, upon the sides of the handles, do not appear to be directly connected with the first. A spoon with Greek inscriptions, probably belonging to the same set, is in the Salle des Bijoux in the Museum of the Louvre. 388. Identical SPOON inscribed: XeiAWN A eN KOIAH AAKCAAIMONI | TNOJei C€AYTON and K nPOTPenOY CYN€XWC (Kai -npoTpiiiov A- Plate XXUl. L. 10-35 in. 1886. The niello is missing in all the letters inside the bowl. This saying is that usually attributed to Chilon, though sometimes to Solon or Bias. 389. Spoon, identical with the foregoing, but inscribed TOYC nAEONAC KAKIOYC Ae BIAC I AneOHNe nPIHNeYC on the interior of the bowl and top of handle, and TOYC MICHAONOYC on the side of the handle. The inscriptions were once all nielloed, but the niello only remains in the letters upon the handle. Plate XXIII. L, 1 04 in. Given by Earl Cowley, 184S. The original saying of Bias, as given by Demetrius Phalereus, is : o[ n-XfitrTot avdpatiroL KaKoi. The version given by Diogenes Laertius is : 'EXtye dnv Km (piXf'iv i>s pitrijcrovTas' tuvs yap nXfiarovs fwai KaKois (Bk. I, S/). See also Leutsch, as above, vol. ii, p. 6S5. 390. Identical spoon, inscribed: TTITTAKOC ,. — — - ^ - _____ OYAeN AfAN OC CHN rCNOC 1 eK MITYAHNHC i$IA lN&6AYa,0POVC^ and <1>IAIN AC AYAOPOYC. {(PiXelv be Koibopovs.) The niello missing in bowl as before. Plate XXIII. L. 10-35 in. Franks Bequest, 1897. For the inscription, see Leutsch, as above, vol. ii, p. 614. MtjSh ayair is ascribed by Demetrius to Solon. 391. Identical spoon, with bilingual inscriptions: OMNIA VINCIT AMOR ET NOS | CEDAMUS AMORI (Virgil, £cl. x. 69), and on the side of the handle: Tpcore ePOTOKPOYcTc. Plate XXIU. L. 10-4 in. 18S6. Some of the uncial forms here employed are as early as the end of the third century, others become common from the end of the fourth (Hiibner, Exempla Scripturac^ Proleg. p. 67, and pp. I146-1152J. A spoon of very similar character, with bilingual inscriptions {Balnea Vina Venus faciunt properantia fata, and GYOJN THPI THN KHAHN COY), is in the Museum of the EvayyeKiKrj 'S.^oKfj at Smyrna ; see Mitt, des Deutsch. Arch. Inst., 4th year, 1879, p. 121. Tpayc is probably the imperative of the word Tpwyeiv, the sense being 'eat, love-smitten one,' rather than ' O love-smitten Trogus.' SILVER TREASURES 8: 392. Identical spoon, with bilingual inscriptions; O FORMOSE PUER NIMIUM NE I CREDE COLORI (Virgil, i;,;/. ii. 17), AKePMiC OYK €1 eVMOPOOC. Plate XXIII. L. 5-15 in Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. Imperfect. " \Kn>fui perhaps stands for (iKf/j/iu r, ' penniless.' the sense being that wealth as well as good looks are needed for success in love. 393. Pendent i..\MV-iilsn{polycandeloti). The flat edge is pierced with six holes one inch in diameter, alternating with either an equal-armed cross or a palmette-like design. The sunk centre has been pierced with six radiating limbs and the interspaces filled with similar palmette-like designs. The dish is suspended by three chains uniting at the top in a star-shaped finial and a ring. See figure a and figure b {restoration). D. 10 in. Given by Earl Cowley, 1S48. It is much damaged, and has been mounted on a plate of zinc. Cf. the larger bronze polycandelon, no. 529. 394. Rectangular border for a table (?) made of thin beaten plates of silver. L. 30-5 in. B. 21-5 in. Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. 86 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 395. Frac;ments of a folding stool or stand, silver with cores of iron. They consist of broken bars of baluster-design, two terminating in bronze human feet in sandals, and one in a silver finial representing a lion's head. L. of longest fragment, 8 in. Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. 396. Handle from a vessel or box, bifurcating at each end, each of the four ends being twisted once upon itself. L. 7 in. Given by Earl Cowley, 1848. V, Cyprus Treasure. (Nos. 397 to 424.) Found within the last few years of the 19th century in a mound near the Monastery of Acheripoetos. six miles west of Kerynia on the north coast of the Island. bth century. Acquired 1899. 397. Flat circular dish (a paten ?) with low foot-rim and moulded edge. In the centre is a cross with loops at the extremities within a wavy border of con- ventional ivy leaves. Both designs are filled with niello and enclosed within two gilt circles. On the bottom are the im- pressions of five stamps, two circular, two originally arched with rectangular bases, and one cruciform {sec figures a-e'). Stamp a has at the top a nimbed bust of a saint (?) with the legend: + IWANNIC, and below, a cruciform monogram which would read FieTPOY. Stamp b, which is imperfect, has a rectangular monogram which might make the same name and the legend : + TPY(0)(jJN. Stamp c has a bust with legend, + eCL)M(AC); d a monogram with (+ I(jl))ANNOY; and c (cf. no. 379) a cruciform monogram with the name CiCINNIC i^wlvvw^). Plate XXIV. D. 10-5 in. Weight, 18,460 grains (nearly 'sh 'b-' Stroganoff Coll. found in the government of Perm, S. Russia, see Stephani, in Coinpte rendu dc la Comin. Imp. arch., St. Petersburg, 187S-9, pp. 156 and 158. Figd. Arcliaeologia, vol. Ivii (1900), pi. xvi. For similar stamps see nos. 376, 379, and 399. It has been suggested that the names are those of priests or donors, and that the busts are those of saints. But researches, as yet unpublished, by M. Smirnoff of the Imperial Museum of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, tend to prove that the stamps are 'hall-marks,' and that five was the usual number of impressions. The names and monograms correspond in some cases with those of emperors, but they occur in considerable variety, and would seem to be as a rule those Cf. two similar plates in the SILVER TREASURES 87 ^ ^ \ y {\ of officials. Tlie uUimate publication of all the examples in the Russian collections will doubtless throw light on points at present obscure. The monogram, fig. d, is similar in style to those of Justinian 1. The rim is considerably oxydized, and near it two holes have been worn through the metal. 398. Bowl on low foot-rim. In a central circular medallion surrounded by a broad band of conventional nielloed ornament {see figure) with plain borders turned on the lathe is a half-figure of a nimbed saint in relief, full face. He is youthful and beardless, with curly hair, holding the folds of his garment in his /. hand and a long cross in his ;•., which is raised. He wears a chlamys fastened on the r. shoulder by a fibula, and showing over the breast the rectangular patch of a different colour known as the Ta(3Xwv. On his r. shoulder is seen an embroidered rosette, and round his neck a collar of peculiar design. The rim is chased with a double band of conventional leaves. P/ate XXIV. D. 945 in. H. 2-85 in. Weight, 15,980 grains (over 2 J lbs.). 1899. The saint is clearly St. Sergius or St. Bacchus (Oct. 7th, see Analecta Bollandiana, vol. xiv, p. 373). The costume is that of an officer in the Imperial Bodyguard, a distinguishing feature being the peculiar collar, which in some instances at least was set with jewels in the front. For figures of St. Sergius and St. Bacchus illustrating this collar see Strzygowski, Orient oder Rom, p. 124 (encaustic painting from Sinai, now at Kiev); Millet, Le Monastire de Daphne, p. 147, fig. 61, and pi. X, fig. 4 (Paris, 1900); Graeven in L'Arte, 1899; Adamo ed Eva sui cofanctti Bizantini, fig. 1 3 A. For other examples of bodyguards wearing the collar see Strzygowski and Pokrovsky, Der Silberschild aus Kertsch, in Mat. Ritss. Arch., no. 8 (1892), (votive shields of Justinian and Theodosius ) ; d'Agincourt, Sculpt., pi. x, fig. 7 (obelisk of Theodosius) ; Garrucci, Storia, pi. 123, fig. 2 (Vienna MS. of Genesis), pi. 264 (mosaic of Justinian at San Vitale); W. Meyer, Zwei antike Elfenbeintafeln, &c., pi. iii (Munich, 1879), (ivory carving) ; Molinier, Ivoires, no. 38 ; Archaeologia, vol. Ivii, p. 162 (another) ; Bordier, Descr. des Feint iircs et autres orneinetits contenus da?is les MSS. grccs de la Bihliotheqiie Nationale, p. 85 (miniature in Homilies of Gregory Nazianzen, 9th century, Bibl. Nat. MS. 510) ; Schlumberger, L'Kpflpt'e Byzantine, &c. (Paris, 1896), p. 601 (loth cent. MS.); Uvarov, Album Bysantin. pi. V, fig. 8 (Moscow, 1890). 399. Hexagonal vessel, with low circular foot-rim ; on the edges are three pierced ears for chains which are now missing. Each face is embossed with a bust within a border of conventional palm-leaves which unite at the angles in small medallions each engraved with a cross ; the six busts are arranged \\ symmetrically in two sets of three, of which our Lord and the Virgin are the, central figures. Our Lord is represented full face with long hair and short beard and with the cruciferous nimbus ; like 88 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES all the other male figures, he holds a book. To his /. is St. Peter holding a long cross over his /. shoulder ; to his r. St. Paul. Both Apostles have the distinguishing characteristics of Early Christian Art, St. Peter thick hair and short beard, St. Paul scanty hair and beard of greater length. The Virgin has her mantle drawn over her head, or wears a veil, with a cross above the forehead. To her /. is St. John the Evangelist, youthful and beardless; to her ;-. a bearded saint resembling St Peter, and probably intended for St. James. To the interior still adhere small fragments of bronze plates showing that the <^ i 4- vessel once had a lining of this metal. On the bottom and within the foot are impressions of three stamps {see figure) similar to those on the plate, no. 397, one at least, the cruciform example, being identical with fig. a. The SILVER TREASURES 89 stamps have been mutilated by the lathe, which shows that the bottom of the vessel was turned after the appHcation of the stamps. See figures. D. 4.12 in. n. 2-66 in. Weight, SJ oz. 1899. Archaeologia, vol. Ivii, pi. xvii. This vessel must have been a censer rather than a lamp, as a bronze lining would hardly be necessary for the latter. It is true that the Byzantine censer, as seen in the illuminations of MSS. passim and in extant examples (see Byz. Zeitschr. vol. v (1896), p. 567, and vol. vii (189S), p. 29), is usually hemispherical with a high foot. But a hexagonal bronze vessel described as a thurible has been found at Akhmim (Panopolis), [see Korrer, F)uhchrisll. Allertiimey, &c., pi. vi, fig. 4), and others of the same shape are still preserved in oriental collections (see Strzygowski in Byz. Zeitschr. vol. x (1901), p. 731). The vessel should be compared with a silver reliquary found near Sebastopol, and now in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg (see Compte rendu de la Commission Imp. arch. 1897, pp. 28 and 103, figs. 87, 88 = figs. 213, 214) ; and with a large silver vase found at Emesa in Phoenicia, now in the Museum of the Louvre (see Heron dc Viilefosse in Bull, des Ant. de France, 1892, p. 239). 400. Spoon, with pear-shaped bowl engraved on the under side with a symmetrical foliate design and ending in a vertical disc, from the upper edge of which issues a straight handle, at first hexagonal and afterwards round in section, expanding slightly to the end. On the top of the hexagonal part are four engraved and nielloed letters in two pairs divided by a cross {see figure, and Archaeologia, as above, p. 1 70, fig. 1 2 (central spoon)). For the designs engraved on the backs of this and the following spoons see cut on p. 35. 401-403. Three identical spoons. 404. Similar spoon, without inscr. and with knob at end of handle. Imperfect. L. 9-3 in. 1889. Weight of each spoon, 1,198 grains (nearly ^\ oz.). 405. Similar spoon ; the part of the handle next the bowl hexagonal in section, the central part a short baluster, the end round in section, terminating in a small knob. [6 c; 0~7v^C/v P O YTfiiT On one side of the hexagonal part is pounced the name eeOAOJPOY. See figure. L. 8-9 :n. Weight, 1,168 grains (over 2\ oz.). 406. Similar spoon, uninscribed. 407. Another. 408. Spoon, similar ; the handle next the bowl hexagonal in section, the rest fluted. 409-413. Five identical spoons. L. 95 in. Weight of each spoon, 1,250 grains (over 2 J oz.). N go EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 414. Spoon, of similar general shape, but with a baluster handle. In the interior of the bowl a ram to /. in relief. Plate XXV. L. lo-l 5 in. Weight, 2,098 grains (over 4^ oz.). The remaining spoons are uniform with this ; the majority are also figured in Archaeologia, vol. Ivii {1900), pi. xviii. 415. Another, with a gryphon. Plate XXV. 416. Another, with a panther. Ditto. 417. Another, with a tiger. Ditto. 418. Another, with a stag. Plate XXV. 419. Another, with a bear. Ditto. 420. Another, with a horse. Ditto. 421. Another, with a boar. Ditto. 422. Another, with a bull. Ditto. 423. Another, with a lion. .SV^ figure. 424. Ano ther (bowl only), with a hare. See figure. Archaeologia, vol. Ivii (1900), pi. xviii, and figs. 15 and 16, p. 171. V. BRONZE. A. Exagia and Weights. Chiefly of the Eastern Empire and dating from the 5th and 6th centuries. The Latin and Greek denominations are both employed, the unit, the equivalent of the older scxttda, being called solidiis or v6)xi, nos. 12-20, pp. 263, 264. 428. Another; n. L. -S in. Weight, 52 grains. 1868. 429. Another ; N. L. -6 in. Weight, 60 grains. 430. Another; N L. -6 in. Weight, 64 grains. N 2 92 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 431. Another ; N. L. -55 in. Weight, 66 grains. 432. Another; N. L. -52 in. Weight, 69 grains. From Benha-el-Assal, Egypt, 1872. 433. Quadrangular; on one side TIBERIANI PROC, on the other MENA'TIS PR¥f, the letters outlined with pounced dot.s and inlaid with silver. (A solidiisl) L. -64 in. Weight, 517 grains. Perhaps from Sardinia. See C. I. L. vol. xv, under no. 7121. A Menas ws.% praefectus ■praetorio, 528 A. D. The name of another praetorian prefect (Phocas) occurs on a second example of Justinian's reign (Daremberg and Saglio, Did. des antiquitds grecques et roviaines, vol. ii, p. 878). 434. Another ; on one face a monogram within a plain border ; on the other the the letters V. C. {vir clarissivius) \ the whole inlaid with silver. (A solidus ?) See figure. L. -62 in. Weight, 58 grains. See C. I. L. vol. xv, no. 7124 g., and for a weight with a monogram of similar style cf. Sabatier, Antiuaire de la Soc. de Numismatiqtie et d'ArMo- logie, vol. ii (Paris, 1S67), p. 278, pi. xviii, fig. 2. 435. Another; on one face BITALIS, on the other PROCONSVA, the letters out- lined with punched dots and inlaid with silver. Pierced near one corner. (A solidus ?) L. -66 in. Weight, 61 grains. See C. I. L. vol. xv, no. 71 21. For other weights signed by proconsuls see Daremberg and Saglio, as above, p. 877 ; Garrucci, as above, p. 204. 436. Another; on one face SILB|ANI, on the other V T [viri laudabilisl). (A solidus ?) L. -56 in. Weight, 63 grains. Blacas Coll. 1867. From Algeria. See C. I. L. vol. xv, under no. 7124. A weight in the Museo Kircheriano, mentioned in the same place, has identical inscriptions. Another has the name of Acacius Silbanus, proconsul. (Garrucci, as above, p. 204.) 437. Another ; on one face two busts rudely engraved and surmounted by a cross, on the other A I KG. (A solidus}) L. -56 in. Weight, 64 grains. 438. Another ; on one face the letter S. (Sicilicus?) L. -66 in. Weight, 95 grains. The sid/tctis=i\ solidi. For weights of this denomination see Papadopoulos Kerameus, Moitreioi' kq'i ^t^XtodrjKrjj as above, nos. 23-6, pp. 80-81. 439. Another ; on one side A, on the other O or Q_. (A sicilicus ?) L. -54 in. Weight, loi grains. 1868. 440. Another ; on one face [^ (Two solidi) L. -75 in. Weight, 124 grains. BRONZE 93 441. Another, identical inscription. L. -54 in. Weight, 133 grains. 442. Another ; NB {vofx'uTfxaTa hvo, 2 solidi) within a wreath. L. -68 in. Weight, 135 grains. For other weights with NB see Renan, Mission de PMnicie, p. 490 (Paris, 1864) ; Papado- poulos Kerameus, 'Kdtjvcwiv, vol. vii (1878), pp. 262, 263. 443. Octagonal ; NB within a wreath, the letters inlaid with silver. L. -54 in. Weight, 138 grains. 1867. 444 Quadrangular; on one face D~~N | THEODlERICl, on the other m ; round the edges CATV|LINVS ] VC. ET | INL. PFV.| {vir clarisshnus et inliistris prae- fccius jii'bi), the letters inlaid with silver. (Three solidi.) Z^IA')^ ^\kh JJ2^V/,Sy|\V CclM^ ^ H? ^^l^l?) WJ See figure. L. -86 in. Weight, 184 grains. 1870. Cf. Daremberg et Saglio,Z>/i,7. des anitquiUs grecqiies et ro- maines, vol. ii, p. S77 {exagium in the Louvre) ; J. Friedlander, Die Miinzeti dcr Ostgothe?!, p. 29 (figure of an example with the same inscriptions described by Muratori, Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi, vol. ii, p. 577 and 581 (Milan, 1739) ; Dissertation 27, and G. R. Carli, Delle Monete e delle Zecche d'Jtalia, pt. i, p. 89. A vir illtistrt's Catulinus is mentioned by Sidonius Apollinaris (Bk. I, Ep. xi) as living in the time of Majorian, and the twelfth Carmen of the same writer is addressed to a vir clarissimus of the same name). 445. Another; on one side l^r (NofxtV/xara rpta, 3 solidi, or \ ounce); above, a rosette with six leaves. L. I in. Weight, 188 grains. 1872. From Egypt. For weights with NT cf. Papadopoulos Kerameus, ^ k6r\vaiov, as above, p. 262 a, 263, no. 8 ; id., Mouorfioi' &c., as above, p. 83, nos. 1 1-13. 446. Circular ; NT within a wreath. D. -84 in. Weight, 19S grains. Cf. J. Friedlander, in Zeitschr.fur Ntmismatik, vol. xi (1884), p. 58 (example at Berlin). 447. Quadrangular ; two beardless busts, each with a chlamys the faces inlaid with silver ; below, the letters IB similarly inlaid. (Half ounce = 3 solidi) See figure. L. -8 in. Franks Coll. 1880. Cf. nos. 462-3. IB here stands for \ ounce, whereas in no. 425 it represented J solidus. Cf. nos. 462, 463 below, and see Kubitschek, as above, p. 86, no. 17, and p. 87, note 4; Papadopoulos Kerameus, ^uvatiov &c. as above, p. 80, no. 20. 94 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 448. Circular, rudely engraved on one side with a rude cross between R and M (?), on the other a similar cross between D and C (?). D. -86 in,' Weight, 241 grains. 1868. 449- Quadrangular ; Kl E, surmounted by a star of six rays and within a wreath ; the whole inlaid with silver. (No/xiVfiaTa TreVre, 5 solidi. % oz.) L. -9 in. Weight, 316 grains. Cf. Kubitschek, as above, p. 88, no. 5 ; Papadopoulos Kerameus, 'Afli/raiox, as above, p. 263. no. 6. 450. Another; on one side y. ; on the other, X. (Six .w//rt'/, one ounce.) L. 1-2 in. Weight, 297 grains. Cf. J. F^iedlander, Zei/sc/ir./ur Numisi/uitik, vol. xi (1844), p. 57 (example at Berlin). 451. Another ; above I (for i oz.) ; below SOL|G, the last numeral between two trefoils. All inlaid with silver. (Six solidi, one ounce.) L. -96 in. Weight, 395 grains. 1 86 1. 452 Another ; the same inscriptions. L. -94 in. Weight, 402 grains. 1879. 453. Quadrangular; on a slightly raised circular medallion. KIS surmounted by a monogram which has a trefoil enclosing the letter T above and on each side of it. (No/xiir/xara e^, six solidi or one ounce.) See figure. L. -94 It). Weight, 359 grains. Franks Coll. 1866. Found near Taunton, Somerset. For other weights with In|S see Papadopoulos Kerameus, Vlovauov &c., as above, pp. 82, 83, nos. 5-7. 454. Another ; t^ S, surmounted by a cross. L. 93 in. Weight, 392 grains. 455. Another ; ^ S. L. -93 in. Weight, 408 grains. 1 868. 456. Octagonal ; N S and a cross. D. i-i in. Weight, 413 grains. 1867. 457. Quadrangular, the same. L. -96 in. Weight, 430 grains. 1867. 458- Another; HA. (oiiyxta ^ti'a, one ounce, six W/(//.) L. I.I in. Weight, 388 grains. For weights with PA see Papadopoulos Kerameus, ' hB-qvaiov, as above, p, 259, nos. J and 6, and Mouo-fioi' &c., nos. 9-17. BRONZE 95 459- ANOTliER; FA inlaid with silver and surmounted by a rosette of seven dots. L. -9 in. Weight, 391 grains. Blacas Coll. 1S67. 460. Circular ; FA surmounted by a cross. < D. I in. Weight, 403 grains. 1880. From Alexandria. 461. Quadrangular ; FA surmounted by a cross, the whole inlaid with silver. L. I in. Weight, 390 grains. Given by Major- General Meyrick. 1878. 462. Quadrangular ; two laureated busts wearing the chlamys ; below, FA. L. -81 in. Weight, 410 grains. Blacas Coll. 1867. Cf. no. 447 above. The persons are probably two Augusti. Cf. Sabatier in Revue Numis- inalique, N. S. vol. viii (1863*, pi. ii, fig. 2 ; Gazette Archeologiqiie, vol. viii (1883), pi. 50, fig. 6, and p. 300; Papadopoulos Kerameus, Moucrcioi' &c., p. "J"] and pi. vi, no. i. 463. Another ; two similar busts, the faces inlaid with silver ; below, FA. L. 1 in. Weight, 417 grains. 464. Circular ; FA. D. I in. Weight, 410 grains. 18S0. 465. Another; fa surmounted by a cross, and within a wreath. Below the letter A, VN rudely engraved. D. 1 in. Weight, 412 grains. 466. Quadrangular ; FA surmounted by a cross and within a wreath. (One ounce.) L. I in. Weight, 433 grains. 1879. From Egypt. 467. Another ; H. L. '9 in. Weight, 428 grains. The numeral suggests that this = 8 solidi, or \\ oz., but the weight seems in this case too little. For weights with NH see Revue tie I'Art Chn'tien, iv™* sdrie, vol. i (1890), p. 226 (Carthage) ; Papadopoulos Kerameus, '\Pr]vaiov, as above, p. 263, no. 5 (Athens) ; zV/. Mouo-eioi' &c., as above, p. 82, nos. 3 and 4. 468. Another; N I, surmounted by a cross and within a wreath. (NofiiV/xara hUa, ten solidi, i§ oz.) L. l-i6in. Weight, 664 grains. 1S67. Cf. Kubitschek, as above, p. 89, fig. 3. 469. Another ; above, II (two ounces); below, SOL XII. (12 solidi, 2 oz.) L. I in. Weight, 793 grains. Blacas Coll. 1867. Sabatier, in Revue Ntimismatique, N. S. vol. viii (1863), pi. ii, fig. i. 470. Another; sol Xll; above, VSLDN (rVfrt/V/zjif sacranim largitioiiuiii doiiiiui nostri). {12 solidi, 2 oz.) L. i-i6 in. Weight, 803 grains. 1850. The Comes sacrarum largitio7ium was one of the various officials who controlled the standards of weights and measures in the Eastern Empire (see Daremberg and Saglio, Diet, des antiquith grecques et romaines, vol. ii, pp. 876-7). 96 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 471. Another ; ^... {12 so lidi= 2 oz.) L. 1-3 in. Weight, 830 grains. 472. ANOTHER: with channeled edges ; rjl;}, on either side of a cross. (OuyKiat 8J0, two ounces.) L. i-l in. Weight, 711 grains. 1880. Cf. Papadopoulos Kerameus. ^ .\6rivaiov, as above, pp. 2589, and .Moio-eioi' &c, as above, p. 78, no. 7. 473. Another ; r|B flanking a cross, the whole within a wreath. (Two ounces.) L. 1-2 in. Weight, 806 grains. 1866. 474. Another ; rjB flanking a cross. (Two ounces.) L. 1-24. Weight, 831 grains. 475. Circular, N (IB ?) surmounted by a cross. {^oixlfrit-arabdhiKa, 12 solidi=2 oz.) D. i-4in. Weight, 825 grains. 1880. 476. Quadrangular ; Si I B surmounted by a monogram, the whole beneath an arch. See figure. L. m6 in. Weight, 836 grains. 1880. From Alexandria. 477. Another, with channeled edges. On one side two confronted birds perched on a tree ; on the other, two confronted birds within a pounced pelta-shaped border. (Three ounces ?) L. 1-26 in. Weight, 1,207 grains. 478. Circular; on one side F T (oiyKiai rpeij, 3 oz.) ; above, a cross ; below, the letter ?, the whole written within a four-lobed border, and inlaid with silver: the other side is the same, but with a trefoil instead of . See figure. D. 1-56 in. Weight, 1,228 grains. 1877. Cf. Kubitschek, as above, p. 89, nos. 2-5 Papadopoulos Kerameus, in 'Afliji/aiovjas above, p. 258, no. 2 ; id. Movaitov &c., as above, pp. 70, 71, nos. 2-6. BRONZE 97 479- QUAnRANGUl.AR, with channeled edges. Upon a slightly raised medallion r|r flanking a cross with long lower limb under a rounded whole formerly inlaid with silver. (Three ounces.) L. 1-3 in. Weight, 1,254 grains. 1863. 480. Another ; under an arcade of two pointed arches and one central arch, the letters fS, below which is a cross. Above the arches, a effaced inscription '^6/////^, perhaps ©., but whether it has that signification here is doubtful. 483. Quadrangular ; on one side two military saints standing side by side holding spears in their r. hands, and in their /. imbricated shields. In the lower r. hand corner, and threatened by the spear of one of the saints, is a spotted animal resembling a pan- ther (a dragon ?). Above its head is a tree without leaves, the branches terminating in round fruits. Below, in the middle, are the letters A A (AiVpa fiia, one pound). The letters, the faces and legs of the saints, and the head of the animal are all inlaid with silver. Sec figure. L. 2-46 in. Weight, 4,992 grains. Given by F. W. de Salis, Esq., December 28, 1863. Sabatier in Revue Numismatique, N. S. vol viii (1863), pi. ii, fig. 4; De Linas in Rtiue de I' Art Chrc'tien, series iii, vol. iii (1885), p. 19; Babelon, in Daremberg and Saglio, Diet, des antiquites grecques et romaines, fig. 98 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 2851, p. 877 (Paris, 1873). The saints may be either St. Demetrius or St. George, or St. Theodore Stratelates and St. Theodore Tyron. On the abbreviation IK {^Xirpa) see Garrucci, in Fiorelli, Annali di Numismattca, i (1846), p. 207. 484. Quadrangular ; engraved lAKCOBOY ] 0E B0| {QtoroKe ^or/^ei) and AT {Ktrpai. rpfh) within a circle, the whole inlaid with silver. In the angles beyond the circle are the letters lAKCx), similarly inlaid, and beyond these a quadrangular border. L. 3-12 in. Weight, 14,612 grains. 1873. Dumont, in Rev. Arch, xxi (1870), pp. 236-248, fig. on p. 237. Cf. a circular weight of the same denomination from Samos, Byz. Zeitschr., 1900, p. 477. The name 'Idicw^ot may either be that of an official under whom the weight was verified, or that of the owner of the weight. 485. Steelyard weight filled with lead, in the form of the bust of a bearded emperor with long hair, wearing a diadem, and a chlamys fastened on the r. shoulder by a circular fibula with three pendants. On the tunic covering the upper ;-. arm is a circular ornament marked with a cross. 5r^ figure. Early] thcctitury. H. ^\ in. Weight, 12 lb. 3 oz. 1867. From Haifa, Palestine. The ring at the top of the head is wanting, and the back is imperfect. A comparison with coins of Phocas (602-610) suggests that the weight may represent that emperor. B. Stamps. dfth-dth century. 486. S-SHAPED, with ring at back; on the front in relief XASASOH (possibly x^P" L. 3-66 in. 1888. From BeyrOt. BRONZE 99 487. Rectangular, with ring at back ; on the front is engraved the seven-branched candlestick with a palm branch and bunch of grapes. In the field (reversed) AEONITIOY. L. 3-1 in. iS From Sardis. 488. Rectangular; in relief, XPlCTe|BOHei. L. 4 in. 1875. 489. S-SHAPED ; in relief, IX0YS (reversed) with a heart-shaped leaf between the e and Y. L. 2-5 in. 1852. See C. H. Smith, Joiini. Hellenic Studies, vol. iv (1883), p. 161, where it is suggested that such stamps may have been used for stamping jars containing fish. 490. Cruciform; in relief, AOMI|TIANOY; the end of one arm pierced for suspension. L. 276 in. 1884. 491. Cruciform ; with ring at back ; in relief, ZOH Y|riA (fo)!; V"a). the three last letters at right angles with the first. See figure. L. 3-4 in. 1884. The same inscription occurs on two stamps in ! the Grande Salle of the Cabinet des Mddailles, Bibliothfeque Nationale, Paris, and on a Cameo Sardony.\ in the same collection, with the addition of the word X''f"f (Babelon, Cat. des Camees, 5:c., no. 353, pi. 41). 492. Cruciform ; in relief, eY9YN|l A ; at the back a ring with an oval bezel. L. 3-04 in. 1884. 493. Lozenge-shaped; in relief, KHCT, the letters crossing each other at right angles ; at the back a loop. Pierced in four places. L. 1-22 in. 1888. From Constantinople. 494. Circular ; in relief, a monogram. At the back a ring with flat oval bezel. D. 1-5 in. Franks Coll. 1877. f O % loo EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES C. Lamps and Stands. Chiefly from the Christian East, especially from Egypt. ^th to 'til century. In the following descriptions the words ' for a stand ' imply that the lamp has an aperture underneath into which the spike of the lamp-stand fitted ; the words ' for suspension ' signify that there are loops for chains on the top. Lamps of both the above descriptions have usually a circular foot, enabling them to be set down upon a flat surface. 495. Lamp and stand. The stand has a baluster stem with expanding tripod base divided into six concave compartments, and thick disc with grooved edge below the spike. The lamp has a long neck and a low foot pierced with a square hole into which the spike penetrates. The handle consists of two spirals side by side united at the top by an ornamental finial, the ends below terminating in discs ; from the central disc rises a cross pattee. The circular hole for filling is covered by a conical lid with double hinge. Plate XXVI. H. of lamp, 7-9 in. H. of stand, 12 in. 1850. 496. Lamp and stand ; of similar style and construction, the tripod stand having at the base three lions with their heads facing inwards. The lamp is similar with double handle of interlacing curves uniting in a cross pattee on which is perched a dove. Plate XXVI. H. of lamp, 6 in. H. of stand, 117 in. 1894. Cf. lamp and stand from Akhmim (Panopolis), Forrer, Friihchristl. Alterth mer, pi. vi, fig. 3 (Strasburg, 1893). 497. Lamp for a stand, of similar design to no. 496, but without the dove. L. 722 in. Franks Coll. 1894. Probably from Egypt. 498. Stand, resembling a pricket-candlestick, with square spike rising from a disc on a baluster-moulded stem with expanding base having three feet in the form of birds' heads. H. 11-2 in. Towneley Coll. 1805. Cf. following nos. and no. 376 ; also Our Work in Palestine (Palestine Exploration Fund), 1873, p. 146. 499. Lamp with two spouts, for a stand. The handle is a cross pattee with a loop at the back, and the hinged lid of the hole for filling resembles the half of a bivalve shell. L. 8-8 in. H. 7-4 in. 1875. From Damanhur, Egypt. One arm of the cross is broken. BRONZE loi 500. Lamp for a stand; the handle is of openwork, lyre-shaped, containing a cross between two palm-branches. The hole for filling has a hinged hemispherical cover with a projection at the top. L. 8-3 in. H. 7 in. 1870. From Rhodes. 501. Lamp for suspension, with hexagonal cali.x-shaped handle ; the neck and spout are each contained by a collar from which project leaves with upturned ends. On each side is the monogram T in relief, flanked by the engraved letters A U). The lamp stands on a low foot. The cover is missing. Plate XXVn. L. log in. Londesborough Coll. 1879. F. W. Fairholt, Miscellanea Graphica, Reproductions of the Ancient, Mediaeval, and Renaissance remains in the possession of the Earl of Londesborough, pi. xx.xii, fig. 4 (London, 1857). Cf. Doublet, Le Musee d' Alger (Mtisces et Collections archcologiques dc F Algdrie), pi. xiv, fig. 4 (Paris, 1890); Garrucci, Storia, pi. 470, fig. 2; Darcel and Basilewsky, La Collection Basilewsky, pi. iii, no. 36. 502. Lamp for suspension, the curved handle in the shape of the head and neck of a crested dragon holding an apple (?) in its mouth, and bearing on its head the monogram T surmounted by a dove ; the neck is ornamented by a collar of leaves with projecting ends. The hole for filling is covered by a dome-shaped lid, and the chain for suspension terminates in a hook. Plate XXVIL L. 8-4 in. H. 6-2 in. Given by Miss Sloane Stanley, 1897. Cf. similar lamps, de Rossi, Bullettino, 1868, pi. opp. p. 77, tig. I ; Garrucci, Storia, pi. 470, figs. 3 and 8 ; Perret, Les Catacombes de Rome, vol. iv, pi. v, fig. 6 ; Darcel and Basilewsky, La Collection Basilewsky, pi. iii, no. 32 ; Roller, Les Catacombes, pi. xci, fig. 5 ; Bellori, Le antiche Lucerne, pt. iii, pi. 25. 503. Lamp for a stand, with two spouts. The curved handle is in the shape of a dragon's head as in the case of the preceding number ; between the ears rises a cross. On each side and between the spouts is a cross composed of punched circles and dots. Plate XXVII. L. 6-5 in. H. 4.84 in. 504. Another, with circular body flat at the top, and long neck with crescent- shaped indentations at the sides. The openwork leaf-shaped handle contains a cross pattee, and the hinged circular cover of the hole for filling has a projecting tongue prolonged almost to the spout. L. 5-46 in. 1875. 505. Another, of similar shape, with lyre-shaped openwork handle. L. 6-7 in. 1875. 506. Another, similar, the upper part of the handle missing. L. 6-2 in. 1875. I02 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 507. Lamp with two spouts, one at each end, and hole for filling in the centre with hinged dome-shaped lid in the middle. From the centre of each side projects a ram's head, and from the top, on each side of the hole for filling, rises a cup-shaped projection. Plate XXVII. L. 87 in. Franks Coll. 1891. 508. Lamp, for suspension, in the shape of a bird ; the hole for the wick is at the top of the head, and the hole for filling in the middle of the back. Plate XXVII. L. 59 in. H. 3-34 in. 1872. From Medinet el-Fayum (Crocodilopolis). For other lamps in the form of birds cf. Garrucci, Storia. vol. vi, pi. 472, figs. 3 and 4. 509. Lamp for a stand, in the shape of a peacock, with circular foot. The spout is at the end of the tail, and the hole for filling in the back is covered by a hinged leaf-shaped lid. Plate XXVII. L. 57 in. H. 5-46 in. 1865. From Egypt. 510. Lamp for suspension, of the same shape. L. 45 in. H. 5-32 i 1873. From Tel el-Yahudeh, Egypt. 511. Another, similar. H. 475 in. L. 624 in. 1873. Tel el-Yahudeh. 512. Another, in the shape of a duck, with chain of S-shaped links. Plate XXVII. L. 6 in. H. 4-1 in. Given by John Henderson, Esq., 1865. 513. Another, in the form of a bird. The wings and legs are cast, the details of the feathers punched and tooled. The hole for filling is in the centre of the back, and the spout with long neck projects from the tail. L. 5-5 in. 1875. The head missing. 514. Another, with a loop-handle faced with a cross pelletee. L. 4-5 in. 1872. From Medinet el-Fayum (Crocodilopolis). Cf. Roller, Les Catacombes, pi. xc, fig. 13. 515. Another, with rounded body and long neck. The loop-handle is surmounted by a horizontal heart-shaped leaf. At each end of the neck, on the upper side, is a pair of small protuberances. L. 3-62 in. 1875. 516. Another, with concave circular top and flat bottom ; upon the handle a dolphin. L. 4-3 in. 1875. BRONZE 103 517. Another, with circular body and long neck ; large circular hole for filling. L. 4-2 in. 1875. The handle is broken. 518. Another, shallow, the neck fluted on the upper side. Loop-handle, faced with a cross pattee ornamented with punched circles. L. 4-86 in. 1875. 519. Another, with circular body, long neck and loop-handle, faced with a heart- shaped leaf. L. S-4 in. H. 36 in. 1875. 520. Another, shallow, the body circular, with two divergent spouts. The top is open and surrounded by five projecting flowers at equal intervals. Loop-handle, faced with foliated ornament. L. 6-6 in. 1S75. 521 Another, with circular body and long neck. The hole for filling is large and circular, with a border ornamented with concentric circle.s, and was formerly covered by a hinged lid. Loop-handle, surmounted by a leaf. L. 51 in. 1875. 522. Another, with circular body and angular sides. The neck has at the shoulders two projections in the shape of flowers. Round the hole for filling, which once had a hinged cover, are two concentric bands of hollows divided by zig-zag and straight lines. At the bottom is a low almond-shaped foot-rim. Loop- handle, terminating in a vine leaf pierced with two holes. L. 6'2 in. 1875. 523. Another, of similar shape. L. 4-44 in. 1875. 524. Another, with rounded sides, projecting neck, and circular hole for filling, with hinged lid resembling half a bivalve shell. Loop-handle, faced with the remains of a cross. L. 5-15 in. 1875. 525. Another, without foot, somewhat in the shape of a shoe, the upturned toe of hexagonal section forming the spout. The hole for filling, which is also hexagonal, is at the ankle. Plain loop-handle. Plate XXVI L L. 6-7 in. 1875. 526. Another, in the shape of a shoe with cylindrical spout above the toe, and loop- handle. The hole for filling is at the ankle, and the sides are ornamented with triangular compartments chased with a floral design enclosing on each side a cross between four discs. Plate XXVII. L. 5-32 in. 1875. From Tel el-Yahudeh, Egypt. I04 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 527. Lamp-filler, hemispherical, with a pierced border chased with scrolls, long straight spout, and flat handle chased with a palm-tree between two confronted birds. Plate XXVII. L. 5-S in. 1896. From the ruins at IMedinct Habu. 528. Pierced disc with serrated edges and two loops at opposite points of the circumference. The design consists of a cross pattce inscribed within the circle ; on each side are punched twelve small concentric circles, five upon the cross and eight round the border. D. 6-25 in. 1881. Obtained in Athens. Probably part of the chain of a lamp ox f;abatha, cf. de Rossi, Bii/lettim, 1871, pp. 66 ff. 529. POLYCANDELON, a circular openwork disc, the design consisting of sixteen bars radiating from the centre to as many circles. Between the bars are an equal number of crosses, resting on and supporting rounded arches. The whole is suspended by three chains uniting in a hook at the top. Plate XXVI. D. 1775 in. Cf. G. Schlumberger, Melanges d'Aixh. Byzantine, p. 176, and Bys. Zcitschrift, vol. ii (1893), pp. 441 fr. (example in the Louvre). A somewhat similar polycandelon found at Beneventum was sold at the Hotel Drouot on March 18, present year (Anonymous Collection, no. 290 and the fig.). On poiycandela and coronae in general see S. Beissel in Zeiischrifl fiir christliche Kunst, 1896, pp. 339-341, and Kraus, Real-Encykl. vol. ii, p. 271. Cf. also no. 393 above. D. Miscellaneous Vessels. btJi century and later. 530. Oval box for suspension ; it has a flat lid terminating in the head and tail of a bird, probably a duck. Two holes at each end of the lid correspond with others in the box, and through these passed a chain, a piece of which still remains. See figure. ^ ^_ f^ L. 7-4 in. Given by Signer Alessandro Castellani, 1S81. tomb in Calabria. Found in an ancient Christian BRONZE 105 531. Spoon, with flat circular bowl and cruciform handle, at the end of which is a rude human head. The handle is engraved with wavy lines, and near the bowl is a loop for suspension. L. 2-96 in. 1SS3. 532. Circular vessel with flat bottom, upontheflat projecting rim is engraved + YTTeP ANAnAYCeOC lOYAIANOY TOY ATIOY ZAXAPIA, the inscription terminating in a palm-branch. A fracture at one point on the rim shows that a handle or cover has been broken off. See figure. D. 3-64 in. 1887. The mention of Zachariah suggests that this vessel may have been used for incense, but it does not appear to have been suspended. 533. Lid of a vessel, circular, with a socket for a hinge, two loops, and a perforation, at four equidistant points of the circumference. It is moulded to represent a human mask, the eyes and mouth being pierced, and the hair and beard conventionally treated. Round the rim is pounced + KYPie BOHGI NICIOY AIAKOY Ke TYC AAOTYC AYTOY (Kvpie /3o^0et ^ktLov hiaKovov Ka\ Tuv'• 538. Amphora and stand, with a single remaining handle. The stand is of openwork. H. 2-82 in. 1872. From Medinct cl- FayOm (Crocodilopolis). 539. EWKR, with low circular foot, the body facetted vertically and taper- ing to a slender neck. The handle has at the top a projecting horse's head, and is constricted at the middle, where it takes the form of a square block, below which it describes an acute angle before joining the body. See figure. H. 6-5 in. 1894. From a Coptic monastery. 540. Censer, with low circular foot and rounded sides, with scenes in relief rudely executed and much worn. The scenes are as follows T/ie Annwicia- tion (?) ; the angel from /. approaches the seated Virgin. TJie Baptism ; St. John stands to ;-. with his r. arm stretched out over the head of a dimi- nutive figure of our Lord ; above is the dove, and on either side, an angel. The Cr2tcifixion ; our Lord is in the centre upon the cross, wearing a long colobiiini ; on either side of his head are the sun and moon, and beneath the arms of the cross the Virgin and St. John(?). The Maries at the Sepiilchre\ to /. the angel (?) to ;-. the two Maries ; in the centre the tomb, a domed building with a rounded doorway in front. On the foot is a seated figure of the Virgin (?) on a chair. See figure P 2 io8 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES H. 2-55 in. D. 3-25 in. 1872. Obtained at the convent of Mar Muza el Habashi between Damascus and Palmyra. Proceedings of the Soc. of Antiquaries of London, 1872, plate opp. p. 290. Cf. a censer of similar style but finer workmanship, Tolstoi and Kondakov, Russkiya Drevnosti, vol. iv (St. Petersburg, 1891), figs. 28, 29, p. 35 (censer from the Crimea, attributed to the 9th or loth century) ; see also Rohault de Fleury, La Messe, vol. v, p. 155, and pi. 416. 541. Vase and basin. The vase, perhaps originally an ewer, stands on a low foot, and has a band of conventional ornament round the upper part. The basin, which BRONZE 109 stands on a low foot-rim, has in the centre a boss or omphalos with engraved ornament of intersecting lines on the sides. This is surrounded by two bands of herring-bone pattern enclosing the inscription + IN NOMINE D(OMI)NI DEOCICI MANEFICIV(M) ADMIRARE. The rim has on the inner side a similar band of herring-bone, outside which is engraved + VICIT LEO DE TRIBVS IV— DA RA DIS DAVID ALLELVIA. (Revelation v. 5.) See figures. VisigotJiic. 6ik-']th century. H. of ewer, 64 in. D. of basin, 72 in. igoo. Obtained in -Spain. Proc. Soc. AnL-JoX. \\\\\ ( 1900-1901), pp. 363, 364. These vessels are well made, and have been turned on the lathe ; the vase is imperfect at the neck, and has in the sides several holes made by a pick ; the handle is wanting. The inscriptions are rudely engraved, and from their character would appear to belong to the 6th or 7th century. The formula In Nomine Domini is a common prefix to Christian inscriptions of the period, but the name Deocicus does not seem to be found elsewhere. The boss in the centre of the basin, though solid, recalls the omplialos in vessels of earlier times, of which it is perhaps a late survival. A basin with the same peculiarity is recorded as having been discovered in the district of Guarda, Province of Beira, Portugal (Hiibner, biscr. Hispaniae Christiiinariim Supplcmenttnn, no. 529, p. 135). 542 Object resembling a handle, straight and hollow, the transverse section being semicircular. One end is pointed, and across the top is a sinuous line in relief, at right angles to which is engraved a serpentine figure. L. 4'9 in. 1900. Obtained in Spain. Found with the preceding number. E. Plaques, Medallions, &c. dill century and later. 543. Rectangular PLAQUE (/rt/v//(? ««.?«/«) with raised border and projection at each end. It is nidely engraved in intaglio with a long-haired beardless figure (an emperor?) riding to /. upon an exergual line. He wears a tunic and chlamys. and high boots. His r. hand is raised, and he holds a lance in his /. The horse which is richly caparisoned is led by an attendant wearing a tunic and boots, and holding a lance in his ;-. hand. Behind the horse is the word VriA in a wreath no EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES above a vertical palm-branch. At the top are two confronted snakes and the words GIC 96 OC ; below is a larger snake to /. See figure. 6tk century. L. 6-35 in. 1900. Found near Tyre. The subject may be derived from a scene representing an emperor entering a town or riding in triumph. Cf. the gold medallion of Justinian {Revue Numismatique, 1899, pi. i) ; the Barberini Uiptych now in Paris ( Schlumberger, in Mon. Piot. vol. vii (1900), pi. x) ; the votive shield of Justinian found at Kertch (Strzygowski and Pokrovsky, Der SitberschUd aus Kerisch, in Mat. Russ. Arch., 1892, pi. x, and Venturi, Storia delP Arte Italiana, p. 501); and the top of a casket in Troyes Cathedral (Molinier, Ivoires, p. 92). In the present case the addition of the serpents and the inscription suggest that the plaque was made to bring health or luck like an amulet. Serpents and lions are found on objects of this description ; e. g. on a bronze bracelet found near Jerusalem with an inscription beginning th 6(6i ; on a plaque with a figure of Solomon slaying a demon of disease (Rev. Arch. 1892, pt. ii, p. 263) ; and a gem with two serpents, an egg, the rod of Aesculapius, and the word YFI A {C. I. G. vol. iv, 1877, no. 7038). The words fft 6ei:ndant, with loop at the top. Obv. An engraved nimbed figure in a mantle, standing to /. and holding a whip over a nude figure crouching before him. On either side of his head are the sun and moon, and above is an inscription in four lines continued round the field, CIC eeOC ] O NIKCON TA KAKA ] lAO) CABAGO 1 ON COAOMCON 1 MIXAHA TABPIHA OYPIHA (DVAAZON KAI IAIA(?) Rev. AN MH CAN H | MeiAYPOY ITI| OJC AGACON MEN HTI (jl)C TAVP0C| MYKAC eil WC APAKOJN eiAI€C MAN HMOC eAHCCN ArTieAOC eAVCGN KYPI|OC MATHPAAnOYl nCEN C0OC AKOlYCAC eOYreN] (DYAAZON BABIlNAN HN CTHKCN 06AOJCIA. H. 6-3 in. 1887. From the neighbourhood of Akka, Palestine. This object is an amulet invoking divine assistance, and the aid of the Archangels and Solomon against any disease which may menace one Babina, daughter of Theodosia. The first part of the inscription on the reverse referring to the disease as bellowing like a bull, roaring like a lion, and coiling like a snake, is of comparatively frequent occurrence, but the conclusion is usually an appeal to it to lie down like a Iamb. On the whole subject of such amulets see G. Schlumberger, Melanges d' Archeologie Byzantine, pp. 116 ff., where the principal existing examples are quoted. The superstitious ideas illustrated by this and similar objects probably originated in Alexandria before the time of Constantine, but continued in use down to a late period. 556. Relief, with a peg at the back for fixing to a flat surface. It is in the shape of a mounted saint (St. George?) nimbed and beardless holding in his r. hand a long cross or lance with cruciform butt, and extending his /. arm over the horse's head which is turned backwards towards him. On the horse's shoulder is engraved a cross. H. 6-3 in. 1887. From the neighbourhood of Akka, Palestine. 557. Mould, flat and roughly rectangular, for casting a figure of St. George and the dragon. The saint stands on foot holding a shield in his /. hand and piercing a serpent-like dragon with a spear. In the field reOJPrilOC. Pearled border. L. 1-96 in. Given by Charles Dawson, Esq., 1S95. F. Crosses. 6tli century and later. 558. Cross for a relic, imperfect ; the edges are flanged behind, and at top and bottom project parts of the hinge and fastening by which the back was attached ; at the corners of the transverse arms are loop-shaped projections. On the front is rudely incised the figure of a nimbed saint in the attitude of an orans. About the \%th century. L. 3.32 in. 1887. From Beyrut. Cf. de Rossi, Bulletthio, i888-g, pi. xi, and pp. 161 ff. BRONZE 113 559 Another ; on the front a standing figure of St. Stephen in the attitude of an orans. He is nimbed and wears a dalmatic ; in his r. hand he carries a censer (?). In the field (a) CTeANOC. See figure. L. 3-84 in. 1880. From Smyrna. 560. Another ; on the front St. Stephen in the same attitude ; under each arm, a rosette. In the field above the head ATHC CieOANE. L. 3 in. 1884. 561. Another ; on the front St. George standing in the same attitude ; above his head O AfHO (r)HOPri. In the centre of the cross is a small circular cavity perhaps intended to contain a glass paste. L. 2-96 in. Castellan! Coll. 1872. 562. Another ; on the front a saint in the same attitude. L. 3-1 in. 1887. From Antioch. The left arm broken. 563. Cross, flat, with a double incised band across the end of each lateral arm. L. 1-9 in. 1879. Quft, Egypt. 564. Another, with equal arms each surmounted by a cap, making it resemble a cross potent. L. -5 in. 1875. 565. Another, made of two thin plates fastened by a stud in the centre. Both ends pierced. L. 3-3 in. 1868. 566. Another, with pellets at the extremities of the upper limbs. On the lower limb is a pounced inscription IOJAN|NHC VeiOC | €NrOjAIOY | eVZAlMENOC | THN eY|XHN AjneAOJlKA. L. 97 in. Franks Coll. 1S96. From Seleucia. 567. Another, thin and flat, the ends of the upper liinbs bifurcating. L. 575 in. Given by Henry Wallis, Esq., 1894. From Erment. Q ,,4 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 568. Another, pattdc, with loop for suspension and cross-hatching on the ends of the arms. L. -£6 in. 569. Another, thin and flat, the lower limb longest. L. 3-3 in. 1896. Probably from Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt. 570. Another, pattee, with loop for suspension. L. 72 in. 1875. 571. Another, with loop for suspension, the front ornamented with punched circles containing dots. L. i-i6 in. 1876. From Qflft, Egypt. 572. Another, with similar ornament. L. 1-22 in. 1876. From Quft. 573. Another, imperfect, ornamented with groups of similar circles. L. 4-32 in. 1880. From Smyrna. 574. Another, part of the upper limb, with a small disc at each extremity, ornamented with an engraved cross between dots. It is engraved with the head and shoulders of a saint, above which is inscribed O (XTHOC XIPVCOXON. L. 1-9 in. 1883. From Hierapolis. The saint is perhaps St. Chrysogonus, martyr under Diocletian. 575. Another, surmounted by a dove. L. 2-04 in. 1876. From Eg>-pt. Perhaps an ornament from the handle of a lamp. 576. Cross, within a quatrefoil, on a long circular shaft. L. 9-38 in. 1867. From Egypt. 577. Cross with rounded li.mbs, expanding at the ends and loop for suspension. L. 1-53 in. 1880. From Smyrna. 578. Another, flat ; the arms are rounded at the ends, each of which has a pair of lateral projections. On each surface is an obliterated inscription. L. 2-4 in. 1S83. From Hierapolis. 579. Another, with loop-like projections at the extremities of the limbs. At the top is part of a hinge and an attachment like the tongue of a buckle. In the centre is a raised circular medallion, and at the back are two loops. The surface is pitted with small circular hollows. L. 3-1 in. Franks Coll. 1877. BRONZE 115 580. Anothkr, with loop for suspension ; on the front our Lord as crucified wearing a long garment. Above the head, an oval medallion with the letters Ic xc. L. 2-56 in. 1880. From Smyrna. G, Miscellaneous, ()th century and later. 581. Brooch, in the form of an animal with a cross above the head, and ornamented with punched circles each with a dot in the centre ; at the back, spring and catch for a pin. L. 1-66 in. 1883. From Egypt. Cf. similar brooch from Akhmim (Panopolis), Forrer, FrUhchrisll. Altertiimer, pi. x, fig. II. 582. Another, in form of a dove, with similar ornament ; the pin missing. L. 1-62 in. 1883. From Egypt. 583. Another, in the form of a bird. Imperfect. L. 21 in. 1879. From Qiift, Egypt. 584. Buckle, the plate chased to resemble a disc supported on two leaves ; on the disc the monogram F- 61/1-"] I h century. (i) L. 1-62 in. 1872. Medinet el-Fayum. With this and the following two nos. cf. a buckle found on the Hill of St. Louis, Carthage. See Bulletin arch, du Comiti des Travaux Hist. et Scieniifiques, Paris, 1893, p. 98. Y -N 585. Another, of identical design but with the monogram A- L. 17 in. 18S0. From Athens. (1) 586. Plate of a buckle, in openwork, ornamented with engraved scrolls and wavy lines. At the narrower end is engraved the monogram fl- at the broader end and at the back are two pierced projections. L. 2-66 in. 1881. From Athens. (U 587. Another, part of; on one surface in relief a bird standing opposite a vase : a corresponding bird has been broken off the other side. L. 1-2 in. 1880. From Athens. 588. Buckle, the plate in the form of a cross with bifurcating ends. It is orna- mented on the front with punched circles containing dots, and has two loops on the back. L. 2-4 in. 1881. From Athens. Q 2 ii6 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 589. Another, oval, ornamented with two horizontal pearled bands ; on the upper part of the tongue, a cross with bifurcating ends. L. 17 in. 1876. 590. Plate ok a buckle (?), rectangular and pierced, with traces of gilding. It is engraved with eight busts in circular medallions superposed in pairs. L. 1-5 in. 18S9. From .Smyrna. 591. Part of a buckle, in openwork ; a cross pattee enclosed in a rectangle. L. 1-3 in. 1877. 592 Part of a buckle, engraved with a cross pattee within a pearled circle ; at the back three loops. L. 19 in. 1880. 593. Part of a chain (?) formed by a small circular capsule and two oval medallions connected by hinges. On the capsule is engraved a cruciform monogram, and on each of the medallions is a quadruped in relief. L. 2-52 in. 1875. 594. Pedestal, with quadrangular base on four feet, the upper part a hollow cylinder. H. 4-22 in. 1S72. From Medinet el-Fayum (Crocodilopolis). 595. Rod, with moulded stem and screw at the lower end. At the top a bird. H. 2-6 in. 1S81. From Egypt. 596. Figure of a goose, concavo convex. L. 4-1 in. Egypt. Probably from Medinet Habu. 597. Another, in the round. L. 1-9 in. Egypt. Probably from Medinet Habu. VI. GLASS. A. Gilded Glasses (Fondi D'Oro). ^rd-^th century. Chiefly the bottoms of bowls made as wedding and family gifts ; tlie majority found in the Roman Catacombs and in graves at Cologne. The numbers given immediately after the name Vopel refer to the list of gilded glasses at the end of Dr. H. Vopel's work, Die altchristlichen Goldgldser. (Vol. v of J. Picker's Aixhdo- logische SUidien zum christlichcu Altcrtinn und Mittelalier. Freiburg, 1899.) 598. Fragment ; ZH CAIC ; below, five lozenge-shaped dots. L. 17 in. Slade Bequest, 1868. Vopel, no. 3. The protecting layer of glass has almost entirely disappeared. 599. Four fragments ; an inscription in five lines, alternating with rows of lozenges, ////// EDONI FR(//////) [ ////// CARIS COIV|GE TVA // IE ZESES | O M N I B V// //E N E T I l/H// I S ///// A . {Edoni Prater cum car is coniuge tna pic zeses. Omnibus Veneiianis vita.) At the end of each line is a terminal ornament — dots, and leaves or flowers. The protecting glass is missing. L. of larger fragment, 4-8 in. D. of the whole, c. 6 in. Garrucci, Ve/ri, pi. x.xxviii, fig. 6. See also ibid., p. 216; Vopel, no. 6, and p. 81, note; C. I. L. vol. XV, 7044. The inscription is a congratulatory expression of good wishes to Edonius, or perhaps Macedonius, a member of the Blue Faction in the Circus (Venetiani). Carisia has been suggested as an alternative reading for Caris. 600. Fragment of a cup, very thick, with a small part of the sides remaining. Inscription (A)NNI BONI, in two lines, executed in gold wire with a border of the same ; above, a wavy line in the same material ; below, a horizontal rod of blue glass L. 1-9 in. Vopel, p. 85, fig. 9. Cf. Frohner, La Collection Tyszkiewicz, Choix de Monuments Antiques, pi. viii, fig. 2 (Munich, 1892); C. I. L. vol. xv, 7055, and Collection Aiiguste Dutuit, no. 138, p. 68 (Paris, 1879). The cup may have been a gift at the Strenae. VIT 601. Diminutive medallion, imperfect. Inscription . . The protecting glass at the back is green. Plate XXXI. D. -56 in. Franks Coll. 1886. Vopel, no. 28 and p. 82. 602. Another. To r. a recumbent bull ; to /. a nude beardless figure with his back to the animal and his r. arm extended. The protecting glass at the back is blue. Plate XXXI. ii8 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES L. -56 in. Ciarrucci, Velri, pi. xxxv, fig. lo. See also Vopel, no. 45 and p. 97. ' Medallions' of this kind are really fragments broken from the bottoms of bowls like no. 629. The designs were executed on the transparent bottom of the bowl, and rough discs or backings of coloured glass laid upon them, a flux being placed between the two. The bowl was then heated in the furnace until the fusion took place. It is possible that the glass employed, which must have been made with a wood furnace, may have been sometimes sufficiently soft to coalesce of itself, but in most examples the presence of a flux is undoubted. 603. Bottom of a drinking vessel, with parts of the thin transparent sides still remaining. On the circular bottom, which has a blue background, is a gladiator {rctiarius) advancing to /., holding a sword in his r. hand and a trident in his /. His loincloth is of silver foil with indented edges, and his belt is outlined and ornamented in red. The upper part of his body is nude, but the /. arm is protected by being covered with padding tightly bound with leather thongs, and to the upper part of it is fastened \\\^ galcrus, a piece of defensive armour peculiar to gladiators. Across his body is a baldric, perhaps part of the attachment of the galcrus, and his ankles are protected in much the same way as his /. arm. Behind, to ;., is a cippits on which rests a windbag (coryciis, ox follis pugilatorius) used in practising boxing. On the front of the cippiis are two crossed swords. Round the field is the inscription STRATONICAE BENE VICISTI VADE IN AVRELIA (Strato)iicc, bene vicisti, vade in Anrcliani). Plate XXVIII. L. 3-44 in. Tyszkiewicz Coll. 1898. Catalogue de la Coll. Alessa/uiro Castellatii, Rome, 1884, no. 428, fig. on p. 62; Lanciani, Btillcflino della Cojnmissio?ie Arch. Comunalc, 1884, p. 55; Frohner, W., La Collection Tyszkiewicz, Choix de Moniiiiients, pi. viii, fig. 3; Arc/i./otirn. vol. Iviii (igol), p. 234, pi. ii. See Vopel, no. 56, and for the inscr. C. I. L. vol. xv, 7041. For the equipment of gladiators see P. Meier, De gladiatura Romana quaestiones select ae, Bonn, 188 1, and for the galerus^ Overbeck, Pompeii und seine Gebciude, &c., p. 458 (Leipzig, 1884). For good examples of the ?etiarius in a similar equipment on Roman pottery see Bonner Jahrbiicher, Ixxiv (1882), pp. 150, 151, and C. Roach Smith, Collectanea Antigua, vol. iv, pi. xxi, fig. 1, and p. 80. The Aurelia referred to in the inscription must be the province of that name in Cisalpine Gaul. 604. Fragment, much defaced. A beardless man wearing a toga contabnlata and holding in his r. hand a short staff curved like a litnns or a. pediDn. In the field to r. of the head s a wreath. Round the figure and within a rectangular border is the inscription /// ACH! DVLCIS VIVAS C //////. L. 2-5 in. Buonarruoti, Osservazioni sopra alcuni fravnnenti di vasi, &c., pi. xix, fig. i ; Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xxxii, fig. 4, and Storia, pi. 200, fig. 4 ; Smith and Cheetham, vol. ii, p. 1568 ; Vopel, no. 72. The glass has sufl^ered considerably since the time of its publication. The protecting glass is gone and the design has been much worn. The inscription originally ran Amachi dulcis vivas cum caris tuis. 605. Medallion, with ground edges. Half-length portrait of a beardless man full- face, the hair cut straight across the forehead. He wears a long-sleeved tunic with pattern represented by cross-hatching, and a chlamys fastened on the ;-. GLASS 119 shoulder by a fibula. In his /. hand he holds a voliuiicii the top of which he almost touches with the extended fingers of his r. In the field to /. of the head is a case containing three styli. Within a plain linear border is the inscription EVr////TA VIVE VIVAS PIE ZESES. Plate WWW. D. 2-1 in. Given by the Executors of Felix Slade, Esq., 1870. \'opel, no. 77, p. 44, fig. I. The person represented was perhaps an official or scribe. The reduplication in 777^ vivas is curious. Perhaps the first word should have been BIBE as e.g. Bonner J ahrbiicher, Hefte v-vi, p. 379, though here again there would be a repetition. 606. Diminutive medallion. A youthful beardless bust wearing a mantle [lacerna] fastened over the breast with a circular fibula. Octagonal linear border. Plate XXXl. D. -96 in. Garrucci, Velri, pi. xx, fig. 5 ; Storia, pi. 189, fig. 5 ; Vopel, no. 91. 607. Bottom of a drinking vessel, with low foot-rim ; a female bust in tunic and mantle, holding a voluvien in her hand. In a circular border the inscription BI//AS ^^llll^ll\^ll/lj\'^\^ "^ l/l^ TVO {Vivas parent ibiis tiiis viro tiio) . D. 3-1 in. Garrucci, Storia, pi. 200, fig. 5 ; Vopel, no. 100. The upper layer of glass is imperfect and both surfaces are highly iridescent. There are three layers, so that the design must have been already protected when the bottom was fused to the bowl. 608. Another, with similar foot-rim. In the circular field are the half-figures of a husband and wife between whose heads is a small figure of Hercules standing on a disc about the level of their shoulders. The husband is beardless ; he wears a tunic with a red stripe on the r. shoulder and over this the toga contabidata. The wife has her hair dressed in a succession of curls round the forehead, and wears a diadevia with a green gem ^?) in each of the lower corners near the ears. She is clothed in a mantle, and has round her neck a broad collar ornamented with a row of rectangular green gems between two rows of smaller red stones and having a fringe of pear-shaped green pendants. The figure of Hercules stands to /. and wears the lion's skin over his /. shoulder pressing it against his body with his /. arm. In his /. hand he holds three globular objects coloured green ; his club rests on his r. shoulder. The group is inclosed in a circular inscription ORFITUS ET COSTANTIA IN NOMINE HERCV LIS, which is continued in smaller letters in the upper part of the field about the heads of the figures, ACERENTINO FELICES BIBATIS- Plate XWX. D. 4-25 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Veiri, pi. xxxv, fig. i ; Passeri, Lucernae Fictites, vol. iii, pi. xcii ; Parker, Tlie Arcliaeology of Rome, pt. xii, Tlie Catacombs, pi. viii (0.\ford, 1877); Deville, Hist, de I' Art de la Verrerie, pi. xlviii (Paris, 1873); Arch. Journ. vol. Iviii (1901); O. Pelka, Altchristliche Ehedcn/cmater, p. 104. See also C. I. L. vol. xv, 7036; Vopel, no. 113, p. 230, pl. i. I20 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES The inscription has been variously read. ' Orfitus and Constantia may ye live happily in the name of Hercules Acheruntinus ! ' ACE RENT I NO being thus an error for ACHE RUNT IN I, an epithet given to Hercules in honour of his descent into Hades ; or ' drink in happiness of Cerentinian wine,' the wine-bearing district alluded to being either Ccrinto in Boeotia, or Cerctano in Italy, Jtr Garrucci, Ve/ri, pp. 69, 70; Vopel, p. 29. Cavedoni, Osscr7iazioni sopia alcuiii franiDiejiti di vast di vetro, in Bullet tino deW Instituto, 1859, p 62, would read Acerentini as an adjective from Aceruntia or Acerentia (Acerenza), a town in Apulia. Sanclementi, Musei SanclemeJitiani Numismata Selecta, vol. iii, p. 202 (Rome, 1S09), suggests Ferentino. Hercules is invoked in favour of a fruitful union. 609. Another, imperfect. A family group, husband and wife (Pompeianus and Theodora), and their two children standing between two trees. The husband, who is beardless, stands on the r. wearing the toga contabitlata and sandals. His /. hand rests on the shoulder of the little girl standing before him, his r. on the /. shoulder of his wife, who stands by his side ; she in her turn rests her /. hand on the shoulder of her little son who stands in the foreground by his sister's side. The headdress of Theodora is the same as that of Constantia in no. 60S, but she wears a narrow necklace and is wrapped in a richly embroidered mantle. The boy wears a long tunic (daluiatica) with circular embroidered ornaments (orbiciili) on the /. shoulder and in front of each knee, and boots ; in his /. hand he holds a partly opened roll, and his r. is extended as if speaking. The girl, who also carries a roll, wears a pacniila or planeta with embroidered vertical stripes down the front, and embroidered shoes. In the field between the heads of the two principal figures is the inscription POMPEIANE TEODORA VIBATIS, and lower down between the heads of the children is the sacred monogram >^. The group is enclosed in a border of conventional floral scrolls. Plate XXIX. D. 4-3 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xxix, fig. 4, and Storia, pi. 198, fig. 4; Sanclementi, Numism. Selecta, vol. iii, p. 192 ; Kraus, and Geschichte, vol. i, p. 167 ; O. Pelka, as above, p. 155 ; Vopel, no. 116. Real-Encykl. vol. i, p. 385. The lower surface is much cracked, and only part of the foot-rim remains. 610. Another ; a family group, half-length portraits of a husband and wife, and their little daughter. The costume of both resembles that of Orfitus and Con- stantia in no. 608, the daughter is dressed like her mother, but appears to have her hair drawn up in a knot on the top of her head. Between the heads of the principal figures is the sacred monogram -^ between two dots, and surmounted by a wreath or diadem. The group is enclosed in a double toothed border. Round the upper part of the field is the inscription SEBERE COSMAS LEA ZESES. Plate XXWU. D. 3-3 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xxix, fig. 5, and Storia, pi. 19S, fig. 5 ; Sanclementi, Numism. Selecta, vol. iii, pi. xliv, fig. 4 ; d'Agincourt, Peintures, xii. 26 ; O. Pelka, as above, p. 154; Vopel, no. 1 19. The name Lea suggests a Jewish origin for this family (\'opel, p. 83, note). The name of the mother is probably intended for Severn, but Garrucci, Storia, Descr. of plate, 198, fig. 5, reads it as the vocative of Severus, taking Cosmas as a female name. GLASS 12 1 6ll. Seven fragments from the bottom of a drinking vessel of unusual size. Within a double border, consisting of an inner serrated band and an outer band of detached inverted triangles, is a family group consisting of a husband (r), wife (/.), and little boy in the middle. The /. half of the man's body alone remains. He wears a short tunic and apparently a chlamys with two purple stripes, while with both hands he holds a small tunic (?) edged with purple stripes. Within the border behind him is the inscription/// JUGE TVA ET FORTUNIO FILIO TVO. The figure of the husband covers three fragments. On three others are the head and /. shoulder of the mother and the lower part of her body and that of the boy Fortunius. She wears an embroidered mantle and the boy a short tunic. Original Diameter, c. 6 in. Garrucci, Vefri, pi. xxxi, fig. 3, and Storta, pi. 201, fig. 3 ; O. Pelka, as above, p. 159. The scene perhaps represents the assumption by the boy of the distinctive garments of manhood. The Christian origin of the glass is not certain. The protecting layer of glass is missing, and the designs have suffered much from exposure. The surface is in parts highly iridescent. 6i2. Bottom of a drinking vessel, imperfect, with low foot-rim. Busts of a bride and bridegroom. Between them hovers Cupid with his hands resting on their heads and his legs crossed. Round the upper part of the field is the inscription ////// 'N^ TZVCINVS BIBITE with interpunctuations of heart-.shaped leaves. Tzucinus is beardless with curly hair. He wears a tunic and the togacontabtdata, and holds a roll with both hands. His wife wears an embroidered mantle and a diadcvia above which her hair is tied up in a net {reticulum). She also holds a roll in both hands. In the field beyond the heads are two trefoils. Plate XXVIU. D. 3-8 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri. pi. xxviii, fig. 6, and Sioiia, pi. 197, fig. 6; SdincXcmf^nxi, A'umism. Selecta, vol. iii, pi. xlii, fig. 6 ; O. Pelka, as above, p. 104 ; Vopel, no. 125. 613. Another ; busts of a bride and bridegroom, the former in a richly embroidered mantle and collar, the latter in the toga contabidata. Above them stands a small figure of our Lord in tunic and pallium, with arms extended, holding a wreath over each of their heads. Inscription DVLCIS ANIMA VIVAS. Plate XXVIII. D. 2-22 in. Tyszkiewicz Coll. 1898. Vopel, p. 47, and no. 137 ; O. Pelka, as above, p. 103. The back of this glass has been photographed to obtain a clearer result ; the inscription is therefore reversed. 614. Fragment from the bottom of a drinking vessel, with foot- rim. Lower part of the busts of a man and woman, the latter wearing an embroidered mantle. Border as in no. 611. L. 3 in. Bunsen Coll. 1854. Garrucci, Vetr\ pi. xxxii, fig. 5 ; Vopel, no. 145. 615. Lower half of the bottom of a drinking vessel, with foot-rim. The seven- branched candlestick with foliated ends to the branches. In the field below are, ,22 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES to the /., an amphora, a circular cake perhaps of unleavened bread, and a ram's horn {shofar) ; to the r., a citron {et/irog), and a bundle of palm, willow, and myrtle branches {hilah). Round the edge, /// LV • PIE • ZESES. Plate XyMWl. D. 304 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Velri, pi. v, fig. 4, and Storia, pi. 490, tig. 4 ; Sancltmcnti. A'uiiiisin. Selecia, vol. iii, pi. xlii, fig. 10 ; Vopel, no. 164. The objects here represented are connected with the Jewish Cult, and are frequently found on other Jewish monuments such as sarcophagi, mosaics, and frescoes. For mosaic see Rev. Arch. 1883, p. 157 f, and 1884, pi. ix and x (Hammam Lif, Tunis). For paintings see Rev. Arch. 1889, pt. i, pp. 17S ff. (Gamart, near Carthage). The lulab and ethrog are still used at the feast of tabernacles. The horn was blown at various festivals. 616. Diminutive medallion, with protecting layer of blue glass. A nude male figure (Adam) standing to r. extending his ;-. hand and covering his nakedness with his /. In the field four leaves ; octagonal linear border. Plate XXXI. L. -98 in. Garrucci, Vdri, pi. ii, fig. 3, and Storia, pi. 172, fig. 3 ; Vopel, no. 171. 617. Bottom of a drinking vessel, with foot-rim. Within a rectangular field, Moses, a beardless figure in tunic and pallium, holding out a rod in his r. hand towards a rock from which issues a stream of water. Below the rock to /. is a beardless youth in a tunic kneeling on his r. knee and extending his ;-. hand towards the water. Between the two figures is a tree, and in the r. hand top corner above Moses a voluiiioi or roll. Round the border is the inscription HILARIS CVM TVIS PIE ZESES IN DEO. D. 3 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. ii, fig. 10, and Storia, pi. 172, fig. 9 ; Sanclementi, Numism. Selecfa, \ol. iii, pi. xlii, fig. 5 ; Vopel, no. 188. The design is much clouded by a milky substance, perhaps the flux used to unite the two layers of glass. 618. Diminutive medallion, with protecting layer of blue glass. Within an octagonal linear border a nude beardless figure (Daniel), full-face, his body inclined towards the /. and his arms extended in the attitude of an orans. In the field four leaves and a circular dot. Plate XXXI. L. -92 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. iii, fig. 12, and Storia, pi. 173, fig. 12 ; Vopel, no. 201. 619. Bottom of a drinking vessel, with foot-rim. Daniel killing the dragon of Bel with a poisoned cake {see History of Bel and tlic Dragon, v. 27). To ;-. the dragon, with long sinuous neck and crested head, issues from a rocky hole and bites at the cake held towards it by Daniel with both hands. The prophet, who GLASS 123 is beardless, wears a tunic and chlamys, and turns his licad backwards towards our Lord, who stands behind him. Tlie Saviour is also beardless, has a plain nimbus and is clothed in tunic and pallium. His r. hand is extended towards Daniel, and in the /. is the rod of power. The group is enclosed in a rectangular ornamental border with a pyramidal projection in the centre of each side. Plate XXIX. D. 3-56 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Veiri, pi. ill, fig. 13, and Sloria, pi. 173, fig. 14; Arch. Journ. vol. U'iii (1901), p. 238, pi. iii ; \'opeI, no. 206 and p. 67. 620. Diminutive med.m.lion, with blue protecting glass. Within a plain oval border a youthful figure in a tunic walking to /. and carrying a spherical object in both hands. In the field three leaves. Possibly Daniel carrying the poisoned cake. Plate XXXI. D. 92 in. Bunsen Coll. 1854. Garrucci, Vctri, pi. iv, fig. 11, and Storia, pi. 174, tig. 5 ; Vopel, no. 212. 621. Another, with amber-coloured protecting glass. Within a horizontal oval border a beardless male figure, one of the Three Children of Babylon, standing full-face in the attitude of an oralis. He wears a double oriental tunic and cap with pendant strings. Round his feet rise conventional flames. In the field two dots and two leaves. Plate XXXI. L. 106 in. Bunsen Coll. 1S54. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. iii, fig. 10, and S/on'a, pi. 173, fig. 19; Vopel, no. 220. 622. Another, with green protecting glass. A monster with contorted body and widely opened mouth. The monster which swallowed Jonah. Plate XXXI. L. 1-2 in. Bunsen Coll. 1854. Garrucci, Ve/ri, pi. iv, fig. 2, and Storia, pi. 174, fig. II ; Vopel, no. 228. 623. Another, with blue protecting glass. Jonah lying upon his back beneath the gourd with his ;-. arm behind his head. Plate XXXI. D. -86 in. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. iv, fig. 4, and Storia, pi. 174, fig. 15 ; Vopel, no. 231. 624. Another, with blue protecting glass. In an oval border Lazarus standing swathed like a mummy beneath the portico of a tomb with gabled roof and walls of masonry. Plate XXXI. D. 1 in. Bunsen Coll. 1854. Garrucci, Vitri, pi. ix, fig. 5, and Storia, pi. 178, fig. 5 ; Vopel, no. 265. R 2 124 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 625. Another, with green protecting glass. A female figure kneeling to r. with both hands extended. She wears a mantle and a veil which is blown out behind her by the wind. Probably Mary or Martha at the tomb of Lazarus. Plate XXXI. L. -94 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Veiri, pi. ix, fig. 2, and Storia, pi. 178, fig. 2 ; \"opel, no. 269. 626. Another, with blue protecting glass. Within an octagonal border a beardless male figure (our Lord) in tunic and pallium moving to /. In his r. hand he holds out the rod of power, in his /. he grasps the folds of his mantle. In the field three leaves and three dots. Plate XXXI. D. -94 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. vii, fig. 6, and Storia, pi. 176, fig. 8 ; d'.\gincourt, Peiniure, pi. xii, fig. 25 ; Vopel, no. 271. 627. Another, with blue protecting glass. Within an octagonal border a beardless figure (our Lord) standing full-face in tunic and pallium and holding out the rod of power in his r. hand. In the field a leaf and a dot. Plate XXXI. D. -88 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vclri, pi. vii, fig. 8, and Storia, pi. 176, fig. 10; Vopel, no. 273. 628. Large disc or plate with ground edges and without protecting glass. The designs, w^hich are in gold and silver foil coloured in places with red and green, are upon a blue ground and are disposed in eight compartments divided by columns, radiating from a central circular medallion. Of this central medallion, which was surrounded by a serrated border, only a few fragments now remain ; on one is visible part of the body of a lamb (?), on two others are the letters EC DVLCI {Ecce dulcisl); the scene perhaps represented the Good Shepherd. Of the surrounding compartments two, which adjoin each other, represent the story of Jonah. In one is seen the ship moving to /. with large square sail etched with checkers, and with the yard and the planks of the hull painted red. There appears to be a second sail near the bows, though this may possibly belong to another ship in the background. In the ship are two nude figures, one in the bows the other near the stern ; they are facing each other and holding the nude body of Jonah which has half disappeared in the jaws of the monster. The water is coloured blue, and in the r. hand top corner is a standing dove, probably with a symbolic meaning. In the next compartment to the /. the monster is vomiting forth Jonah upon the shore, while in the background the prophet is again represented lying beneath the gourd. The water in the foreground is represented by horizontal streaks of blue. The next compartment to the /. shows Daniel standing in the attitude of an orans between four lions. He is youthful and beardless, wearing a girded tunic of silver or pale gold with red davi and red stripes at the wrists. In the background are four trees with leaves painted green above the gold. The next compartment, again to the /., contains GLASS 125 the Three Children of Babylon standing in a broad furnace of masonry represented in pale gold or silver from which issue red flames. The central figure stands full- face in the attitude of an orans, the two others are seen in profile with their arms stretched out before them. Continuing again to the /. we find a scene which has been variously interpreted as the sacrifice of Isaac, the restoration to sanity of Nebuchadnezzar, the abduction of Habakkuk by the angel, and the healing of the blind man by our Lord. On the r., near a tower or wall of masonry, stands a beardless figure in a tunic with red clavi and a pallium, turned slightly to the ;■. and laying his ;-. hand upon the head of a smaller figure before him ; in the background is a tree with double top and leaves painted green above the 'gold. If the scene is interpreted as the healing of the blind man, the walls would probably represent those of Jericho (Luke xviii. 35). The next compartment has again given rise to controversy, the several interpretations being The Nativity, Daniel on the walls of Babylon with Nebuchadnezzar in the form of an ox beneath, and Susanna : the last interpretation is perhaps the least improbable. Above a wall of masonry stands a figure in the attitude of an oraiis wearing a long' girded tunic with red clavi. On either side is a tree the leaves of which are coloured green above the gold. In front of the wall to /. is a recumbent ox, while on the r. are traces of a second ox or other animal. Upon the top of the wall is an indeterminate object consisting of a long horizontal bar supported on a number of veitical bars all slightly curved. It has a general resemblance to a swathed corpse but its length makes it impossible to describe it as the infant Saviour (as Nesbitt). On the other hand the curvature of the lines is rather against the interpretation as a railing. If the scene represents Susanna praying to God on the wall of the garden, the oxen may have been merely added to give local colour, or they may be symbolical of the elders. In the adjoining compart- ment is the healed paralytic in a tunic with red clavi, standing and holding across his shoulders with extended arms a bed with rectangular framework, the top of which is filled in with cross-hatching probably to represent straps or bands : in the background are trees. The subject of the last compartment has also provided matter of dispute. A youthful figure in pallium and tunic with red clavi stands to /. holding with his ;-. hand a wand or staff over a surface coloured bluish-green and bordered on both sides by a broad wavy band of gold like a twisted column. Upon the coloured surface may be seen scattered a head, two arms, and two legs. One suggestion is that the scene represents Moses striking the rock, the scattered limbs representing in a very unusual fashion the Israelites crowding to drink at the miraculous stream ; another is that it is intended for Ezekiel quickening the valley of dry bones. Whichever conclusion is adopted the treatment is very remarkable. D. 7 in. Slade Bequest, 1868. Formerly in the Herstatt Collection. Found in i£66 with other fragments of glass and objects of jet in a cist containing the burned bones of a woman in the Ursulagartenstrasse, Cologne. Bonner Jahrbiicher, xlii (1867), pi. v ; Garrucci, Storia, pi. 169, fig. i ; Nesbitt, Catalogue oj the Collection of Class foi-med by Felix Slade, Esq., p. ;o (London, 1871) ; Kraus, Real-Ettcykhpddie, 126 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES i. 619, and Gcschichle tier chtistliclun Kunsi, vol. i, p. 481 (Freiburg, 1896). See also Bonner Jahrb., as above, p. 168 (Prof. Diintzer), and xli, p. 132; de Rossi, BuUettino, i856 (Prof. Houser) ; Kolnisches Pasloralblatt, 1867, pp. 42-56 (Heuser); Nesbitt, as above, pp. 50 52. Vopcl, no. 291 and pp. 2, 16, 66, 69, 73, 76, 83. The condition of this remarkable object is far less perfect than the published reproductions would lead one to suppose. The fractures are numerous, almost the whole of the central medallion being lost, while the absence of any protecting glass has resulted in the loss by attrition of many details in the design. It would be almost useless to photograph it in its present condition, and as the drawings already published are sufficiently good for all practical purposes, it has not been thought worth while to reproduce it again by the same means. The purpose for which it was made is not certain. Some have supposed that it was a paten on which the host was placed and buried with the corpse, others that it was simply a medallion of an ornamental character of a kind manufactured by Christians for presentation to each other {see XiViMz^x, Bonner Jahrb. xlii, p. 176; Aus'm Weerth, zWf/, xliii (1867), pp. 219, 220). The curious fact that it was found in the tomb of a pagan Roman lady is then e.\plained on the sup- position that it was placed with the body by a Christian friend. It does not appear that there was ever anything in the shape of a protecting glass, and this would militate against the use of the medallion for any purpose which would necessitate frequent handling or rubbing. It may have been used as a paten, but there is no positive evidence of this. The originality of the treatment of so many of the subjects points to a strong individuality in the artist, and it may well be that it is a local product made on the Rhine, where the usual iconographic uniformity may have been less rigidly maintained than in Italy. The excellence of the work points to a comparatively early date of manufacture, not later in any case than the middle of the 4th century, and quite possibly considerably earlier. The fact that the body with which it was found was incinerated would favour the 3rd century rather than a later period. 629. Two PORTIONS OF A BOWL of transparent glass, each composed of three fragments. They are ornamented w ith twenty-one medalhons, protected at the back with green and bkie glass ; these are of t\\ o classes, the larger kind which are about i in. long, having figure subjects, the smaller, which only average half that length, stars or eight-petalled flowers. They are arranged in concentric circles, the smaller kind being placed in the spaces between the larger. Of the four medallions remaining from the outermost circle one (green) represents our Lord or Moses with the rod of power (cf. nos. 626-7). a second (blue) Adam and Eve standing on either side of the tree round which the serpent is coiled, a third the sacrifice of Isaac, the fourth Susannah (?) wearing a long girded tunic with clavi and standing in the attitude of an craits between two trees. In the scene of the sacrifice of Isaac, the boy lies nude upon the ground to /. with his hands bound behind him, Abraham stands in the centre, bearded and wearing a striped tunic. With his /. hand he grasps Isaac by the hair, with his r. he brandishes a knife : his head is inclined backwards towards the arm of the Almighty which issues from heaven behind him. In the r. hand corner stands the ram to ;-. also with its head turned backwards ; in the upper part of the field between Abraham's head and the knife is the altar of sacrifice. The eight remaining figured medallions illustrate three subjects, the stories of Jonah, Daniel, and the Three Children of Babylon. To the first subject are devoted four contiguous medallions. In the first (green) is the ship occupied by four men ; above them is a large dolphin. Beneath this on the r. (green) is the monster GLASS 127 swallowing the i)rophct, whose legs project from its jaws. To the /. of this (blue) the monster vomits forth Jonah on the shore. To the /. again (blue) Jonah is seen lying beneath the gourd. Beyond the cycle of Jonah begins that of Daniel, only two medallions of which remain. On the lower (blue) is a seated lion ; on the higher (green) Daniel, a nude youthful figure, stands in the attitude of an oralis. The two medallions with the story of the Three Children are both on the smaller portion of the bowl. They are very similar, each representing a youthful figure in oriental costume standing in the attitude of an orans in the midst of conventional flames. (Cf. no. 621.) The protecting glass is in one case blue, in the other green. Plate XXX. L. 6'5 in. Formerly in the Disch Collection, i83l. Found in a cemetery in the quarter of St. Severinus' Church, Cologne. Disch, Romisches Glas, pi. i, figs, i and 2 ; de Rossi, BuUetlino, 1864, plate opp. p. 81 ; Garrucci, Storia, pi. 170, fig. I ; Bonner Jahrbuc/ier, 1864, xxxvi, pi. iii, fig. 3; Kraus, Reai- Encyklopddic, i, p. 618 (1880) ; id., Geschichte der clirislliihcii Kunst, vol. i, p. 482, fig. 358. The bowl had a rounded bottom and curved sides, and was engraved round the top with two pairs of parallel lines, a section of which is preserved on one of the fragments. Prof. Kraus (Geschtik/e, p. 481) is inclined to suppose that it served a liturgical purpose, and that it may have been one of the glass patens sanctioned by Zephyrinus. 630. Bottom of a drinking vessel; within a lozenge itself contained in a square, a bust of our Lord, beardless and youthful with hair cut across the forehead and falling in flowing curls upon the shoulders. He wears a tunic and a mantle fa.stened over the breast with a circular brooch. In the field on either side oi the head is the inscription CRIS|TVS, with five dots. Within each of the angles of the outer square is a beardless bust clothed in a similar manner and flanked by two dots. Beyond each side of the square is a triangle with the apex outwards. Plate XXVI 1 1. L. 3-6 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xviii, fig. i, and Stoiia, pi. 187, fig. i ; Sanclementi, Numism. Selec/a,\-o\. iii, pi. xlii, fig. 9 ; C. Torr, On Portraits nf Clirist in the British Museum, fig. 2, p. 5 (London, 1898) ; Vopel, no. 297. The glass of this example is of exceptional thickness. 631. Another, imperfect ; a central circular medallion surrounded by six radiating compartments divided by columns. In the centre a bust of our Lord closely resembling the last no., and with the same inscription. In each of the surrounding compartments, none of which are perfect, was a standing figure in tunic and pallium. Plate XX Vm. L. 3-4 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xviii, fig. 2, and Storia, pi. 187, fig. 2 ; Sanclementi, Numism. Setccta, vol. iii, pi. xlii, fig. 7 ; Torr, On Portraits of Christ in the British Museum, fig. I , p. 5 ( 1 898) ; Vopel, no. 300. This example has three layers of glass. The columns dividing the standing figures were probably surmounted by labels bearing their names. Cf. Garrucci, Vetri, xix, 6 and 7. 632. Another ; with foot-rim. The circular field is divided into two halves by a horizontal line. In the upper half stand four beardless figures in tunic and 128 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES pallium holding rolls in their hands and separated by spirally fluted columns with foliated capitals connected by a festoon-like curtain. Above is the inscription PIE ZESES. On either side of the three figures to the r. are their names PAVLVS, SVSTVS iyXystus), and LAVRENTEVS. The lower half contains three bearded half-figures in tunics and mantle, their heads bald above the forehead, with their names IPPOLITVS, CRISTVS, TIMojEVS, in the field to/, of their heads. The lateral figures look towards the central person who is full-face and holds a roll in his hand. The space behind the head of St. Timothy is occupied by a roll. Plate XXIX. D. 3-86 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1S63. Gamicci, Vetri, pi. .wii, fig. 2, and Storia, pi. 186, fig. 2 ; Sanclementi, Numism. Selecia, vol. iii, pi. xli, fig. I ; Roller, I.es Catacombes de Rome, vol. ii, pi. Ixxvii, fig. 2 ; Vopel, no. 305. It is difficult to suppose that the central figure in the lower division of this glass can be intended for any other person than our Lord (though see Garrucci, Vetri, expl. of pi. xviii, fig. 2). But the type is very exceptional, being that usually adopted for apostles, especially for St. Paul. It has been suggested that Cristus is a mistake for Calistus. 633- Fragment ; bust of St. Peter full-face, bearded and wearing tunic and pallium. In the field to /. of the head the inscription PE|TRVjS PROlTEGjA (T). L. 1-46 in. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. x, fig. I, and Storia, pi. 179, fig. I ; Vopel, no. 316. This specimen has three layers of glass. 634 Fragment, with foot-rim. To /. St. Peter, bearded and wearing a tunic, is seated on a folding stool : he holds a roll with both hands. In the field behind him are the letters PET, with a trefoil and a dot. Before him stands a female figure of which the lower part only remains. She wears a long tunic and mantle above which is visible the border of a veil. D. 342 in. Bunsen Coll. 1854. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xvi, fig. 2, and Storia, pi. 185, fig. 2; Vopel, no. 318. The female figure has been conjectured to represent St. Petronilla, St. Pudenziana, St. Praxed, or the Church. 635. Diminutive medallion with dark blue protecting glass. Bust of St. Paul, youthful and beardless, in tunic and pallium. In the field PAVjUVS. Plate XXXI. D. -94 in. Hamilton Palace Coll. 1856. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xiv, fig. 5, and Storia, pi. 183, fig. 5; Perret, Les Catacombes de Rome, vol. iv, pi. xxi, fig. 2 ; Vopel, no. 320. Set in a modem gold ring. 636. Bottom of a drinking vessel, with foot-rim. Busts of St. Peter and St. Paul side by side, their faces turned towards each other. Above and between them stands a small figure of our Lord, beardless and with long straight hair parted in the middle ; he wears the tunic and pallium, and extends both his arms, each hand holding a wreath over the head of an apostle. St. Peter and St. Paul are both of the same type, bearded and with their heads bald over the forehead. They wear mantles [lacernae ?) fastened over the breast with circular brooches. GLASS 129 Their names PETRVS and PAVLVS are in the field behind their heads. Round the border the inscription BICVLIVS DIGN(ITAS AM)ICORVM VIVAS PIE ZESES. Plate XXIX. D. 4 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xii, fig. 4, and Storia, pi. 181, fig. 4; Vopel, no. 333. The name Biculius is strange, and perhaps stands for Buculeus or Bucolus or even Vigilius (Vopel, p. 82, note 5). Dignitas Amicoruni is probably a complimentary term, ' the pride of thy friends.' The broken edges of this example, which project a little further than is usually the case, show by their curva- ture that the vessel must have been a shallow bowl. 637. Another, of a larger size, with foot-rim. Within a double circular border, consisting of an engrailed band and an outer line of half-ovals, St. Peter and St. Paul seated in discourse upon folding-stools. The apostles are both beardless and clothed in the tunic and pallium, St. Peter to /., St. Paul to r. ; their names PETRVS and PAVLVS are in the field behind their heads. St. Peter extends his r. hand as if speaking, St. Paul holds a roll over his breast. Between their heads is a wreath of oak-leaves with ribbons and a detached leaf in the centre. Plate XXIX. D. 4.9 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xiv, fig. 4, and Storia, pi. 183, fig. 4 ; Sanclementi, Numism. Selecta, vol. iii, pi. .\li, fig. 3 ; Vopel, no. 344. The design is largely obscured by a milky substance, possibly caused by the melting of the flux in process of manufacture. 638. Fragment ; bust of St. Peter, bearded, and in tunic and pallium ; to his r. is the head of a similar figure, and between the t\\ o a branch or flower. In the field to /.//ETR VS. L. 2-04 in. Bunsen Coll. 1854. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xi, fig. 4, and Storia, pi. 180, fig. 4 ; Vopel, no. 360. 639. Another ; part of bust of St. Peter to r. ; in the field PETRS. L. 1.42 in. Given by Major-General Meyrick, 1878. Vopel, no. 368. 640. Another; a beardless head of St. Paul to/.; in the field PAVL|S: border similar to that of no. 637. Plate XXIX. L. 74 in. Franks Coll. 1893. Vopel, no. 369. 641. Bottom of a drinking vessel, with foot-rim. Within a plain circular border two beardless male busts in tunics and mantles folded over the breast. In the field SVSTVS TIMOTEVS. Between the heads a quatrefoil. Plate ^YN\\\. D. 272 in. Matarozzi Coll. 1863. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xxix, fig. i, and Storia, pi. 193, fig. i ; Sanclementi, Numism. Selecta, vol. iii, pi. xlii, fig. 8 ; Vopel, no. 412. The form Siistus is equivalent to Xysttis or Sixlus. S I30 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 642. Fragment; with foot-rim. It contains three imperfect compartments out of six which formerly radiated from a centre as in no. 631. pi. xxviii. In the two to the /. are two beardless busts with the names (SIM)ON and DAMAS. The third is very incomplete, containing only the letter S. L. 3.8 in. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xxv, fig. 8, and Storia, pi. 194, fig. 8 ; Vopel, no. 426. The name in the third compartment was perhaps Sustiis. 643. Another; part of a draped figure seated on a folding-stool with a border like that of no. 637. pi. xxix. L. 1 6 in. Franks Coll. 1886. Formerly in the Nesbitt Collection. The figure was probably St. Peter or St. Paul. 644. Another ; with foot- rim. Part of a circular temple or sanctuary supported on round columns with foliated capitals and architraves ornamented with scrolls, the whole standing on a draped basement. From the front architrave is suspended a vase or lamp with a foot, and below this the space between the columns is crossed by a rail [cancelhis) indicated by cross-hatching. In the field to r. are the words IN DEO. L. 3-5 in Bunsen Coll. 1854. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xxxix, fig. 10, and Storia, pi. 203, fig. 7 ; Vopel, no. 459. 645. Another ; with a roll and the letters lES. L. 1-8 in. Garrucci, Vetri, pi. xxxii, fig. 8, and Storia, pi. 200, fig. 8 ; \'opel, no. 464. 646. Another ; the letters C I . L. I in. Franks Coll. 1886. Vopel, no. 472. Perhaps the inscription was Dulcis Annua. 647. Another ; the letters RV. L. -7 in. Bunsen Coll. 1854. Vopel, no 473. Perhaps part of the name Petriis. 648. Another; with foot-rim. L. 1 in. 649. Another ; without protecting glass. L. -82 in. 650. Another ; with part of a border similar to that of no. 637. L. i-i in. Slade Bequest. Slade Cat. no. 121. 651. Another ; without protecting glass. L. I '46 in. GLASS 131 B. Other Vessels. \th and ^th centuries. 652. GoiiLF.T, expanding from the base to the rim. The sides are rudely engraved with three bibHcal scenes, Adam and Eve, Moses strii). To /. and r. cB and ^ ('PcSm'/s)- D. -7 in. Weight, 22 grains 1884. Schlumberger, p. 64, no. 5. See also E. Cuq., in /?«'. Anh. 1897, pt. ii, pp. 109 f. ; cf. a bronze weight in Gazette Archdologique, 1883, pp. 298 f. 663. Pale green ; a bust surrounded by the inscription + em IWANNY efFAPX V . D. I in. Weight, 6g grains. Franks Coll. 1892. Schlumberger, p. 64, no. 5. Cf. Mordtmann, p. 605, no. 4. 664. Pale greek ; a monogram surrounded by the inscription eni icoANNOvenAPXY. See figure. D. I in. Weight, 67 grains. Franks Coll. 1893. From Egypt. Another example in the Department of Coins and Medals. Schlum- berger, p. 67, no. 13. 665. Pale green ; a bust with the r. hand held up and containing an object resem- bling a inappa. Inscription + eni(J)ASr€PONTIS [liA 4>Ao(/3tov) Yipovriov). D. 1 in. Weight, 66 grains. Franks Coll. 1892. Schlumberger, p. 67, no. 11 ; Mordtmann, p. 605, no. 5. Flavius Gerontius was Praefectus Urbi, 559-60. 666 Pale green, with identical bust and inscription. D. -86 in. Weight, 34 grains. Franks Coll. 1892. 134 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 667. Pale green; a bust with r. hand held up as before. + €171 GeOAOTV enAPXV. In the field to r. a cross. D. 76 in. Weight, 18 grains. 1891. Another example in the Department of Coins and Medals. Cf Schlumberger, p. 66, no. 10; Arckaologischer Anzeiger, i860, pp. 103-4. 668. Pale green; a bust as before. + €711 KOCMA CnAPXX. D. I in. Weight, 69 grains. Slade Coll. no. 322. Schlumberger, p. 64, no. 4. Found on the site of Porphyrion near Sidon by M. Charles Schefer and presented by him to the Emperor Napoleon IH. 669. Pale green ; a bust holding up a staff (?) in his ;-. hand and an object shaped A in his /. + eni PO/ZZ/Y eflAPXX (f-i 'Poyaroi; iiiapxov, or 'Po/xdrov i-napxov). D. -8 in. Weight, 28 grains. 1879. From Egypt. Schlumberger, p. 65, no. 7 ; cf. Mordtmann, pp. 605-6. Rogatus (?) may possibly be the father-in-law of Heraclius, see Theophanes fed. de Boor), vol. i, p. 298, 21. 670. Pale blue; bust with inscription AOMIANIf + TOV eNAOES (Ao//iTtarov ToC ivho^oTarov firdpxov). D. -96 in. Weight, 68 grains. 1882. Cf Schlumberger, p. 62, no. i . 671. Dark blue ; a bust with inscription AAMGLAi^iY within a scalloped border. D. -92 in. Weight, 63 grains. 1884. Schlumberger, p. 62, no. i , 2nd example. 672. Blue ; a monogram with inscription + eYTTPAZIOY. D. -94 in. Weight, 65 grains. Franks Coll. 1893. From Egypt. Schlumberger, p. 67, no. 12, 3rd example. 673. Pale greenish blue ; a bust between two crosses. D. 74 in. Weight, 32 grains. Given by the Executors of Felix Slade, Esq. 1S72. From Beyrut. 674. Pale green ; a bust. D. -8 in. Weight, 30 grains. Franks Coll. 1874. 675. Pale green ; transparent, a monogram. See figure. D. -8 in. Weight, 35 grains. Pranks Coll. 1893. Schlumberger, p. 73, no. 34. The monogram might be KMco-rni'TiVou, cf. Mordtmann, p. 607, no. 11. 676. Pale green ; a monogram. See figure. D. 76 in. Weight, 32 grains. Franks Coll. 1892. Cf Schlumberger, p. 74, no. 35. GLASS 135 677. Purple ; the same monogram. D. -66 in. Weight, 18 grains. F'ranks Coll. 1892. Cf. Schlumberger, p. 74, no. 35. 678. Pale translucent ; the same monogram. D. 72 in. Weight, 20 grains. Franks Coll. 1892. 679. Greenish blue ; a monogram. See figure. D. -94 in. Weight, 71 grains Franks Coll. 1893. From Egypt. Another example in the Department of Coins and Medals. Cf. Schlum- berger, p. 74, fig. 36. 680. Green, translucent ; a monogram See figure. D. 84 in. Weight, 33 grains. 1865. 681. Pale green, translucent ; a monogram. D. 1 in. Weight, 69 grains. 1S91. Another example in the Department of Coins , and Medals. Schlumberger, p. 68, no. 16. -K 682. Pale green ; a monogram. D. I-I2 in. Weight, 70 grains. Given by the Executors of Felix Slade, Esq., 1S72. 0" Schlumberger, p. 71, no. 25. The monogram may read Kvpov, Mordtmann, p. 604. 683. Blue ; a monogram. D. 74 in. Weight, 19 grains. Franks Coll. 1892. Schlumberger, p. 71, no. 24. 684. Green ; a monogram. D. •82 in. Weight, 23 grains. Schlumberger, \<. 71, no. 26. O — i) — K 685. Green ; a monogram. D. 96 in. Weight, 68 grains. Franks Coll. iS -K # 136 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES D. Miscellaneous. Pastes, Pendants, Crosses, &c. Nos. 686-696 represent a class of cameo pastes usually opaque red, brown, or blue, which appear to date from about the nth to the 13th century. They have been obtained in various places (Athens, Smyrna. Akhmim (Panopolis), and Rome), and they bear inscriptions in both Latin and Greek. Among the examples omitted from the catalogue on account of their presumably Western and Mediaeval origin are pastes with the following subjects : The Nativity ; The Crucifixion ; St. John Baptist, with inscription S. lOlj^lS bATI ; St. Christopher, with inscription S. CRISTOFORI ; and St. James (of Compostella ?) adored by two kneeling pilgrims with flat hats and staves, with inscription S- lACOB. For other pastes of the same class, seeVon Stosch, Gemmae Ant. Caelatae, &c., pp. 16-18. 686. Circular, dark blue ; bust of our Lord full-face. He has the cruciferous nimbus, and with the r. hand makes the gesture of benediction. On either side Ic xc. See figure. D. i'3 in. Slade Bequest, 1868. 687. Hexagonal, dull brown streaked with red ; our Lord with cruciferous nimbus seated on a throne with footstool, his r. hand raised in the gesture of benediction. To /. stands a nimbed female figure (the Virgin ?), to r. a male (?) figure (imperfect). On either side of the head of our Lord IC (XC). L. 1-8 in. 1880. Obtained with a collection from Egypt and Asia Minor. 688. Another, oval, clear ; a half-figure of the Virgin to /., holding the Child in her r. arm. Inscription MP 6Y. L. 1-24 in. 1883. Obtained with objects from Egypt and Asia Minor. 689. Another, green translucent ; the same subject. L. I in. 1874. 690. Another, opaque red ; the same subject. L. 1-2 in. 18S9. Obtained in Athens. 691. Another, opaque red ; the Virgin standing in the attitude of an oralis between two palms. Inscription MP 9Y. L. -92 in. 1884. GLASS ^37 692. Another, opaque red ; St. Theodore riding to r. and transfixing the dragon with his lance. In the field (a) eeWjAOPOC. L. 1-22 in. 1889. From Athens. 693. Another, opaque brown ; St. Theodore as before. (a) eCCOjAOPOC. See figure. L. 124 in. 1874. 694. Another, blue ; half-length figure of St. Demetrius, full-face. The saint is beardless, and carries a spear in his ;-., and a circular shield over his /. arm. In the field on either side of the head (J) ///HNVI|TPIOC. L. 1-2 in. Given by Major-General Meyrick, 1878. 695. Another, red ; the same subject and inscription. L. I -16 in. Given by the E.xecutors of Feli.x Slade, Esq., 1872. 696. Another, red; half-figure of St. Nicholas, full-face, in episcopal vestments with a book in his /. hand, and his r. in the gesture of benediction. On either side of the head (a) IsHKOjAAOC. L. I in. Franks Coll. 1893. 697. Pendant, of amber-coloured glass, with the Good Shepherd in relief^ T ; i Sec figure. L. -8 in. 1900. The loop broken Probably from a necklace. Cf. two similar pendants from Syria with different subjects, Garrucci, S/on'a, pi. 479, figs. 20, 21 ; see also Chabouillet, Canines et pierres gravees de la Bibl. ImpMale, nos. 3474-5. This example and nos. 698-706 appear to date from the 3rd to the 5th or 6th century. The subjects of these pendants are not always Christian, some having, e. g. figures of the god Bes upon them. 698. Another, yellow ; the same subject. L. I in. Given by the Executors of Felix Slade, Esq., 1871. From Cyprus. 699. Another, amber-coloured ; the same subject. D. '8 in. 1881. From Alexandria. 700. Another ; the same colour and subject. D. 76 in. 1883. From Egypt. 701. Another, blue ; Daniel wearing a tunic, and standing in the attitude of an orans between two lions. D. -82 in. Given by the Executors of Felix Slade, Esq., 187 1. From Cyprus, Cesnola Coll. 138 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 702. Another ; same colour and subject. L. 74 in. Given by the Executors of Felix Sladc, Esq., 187 1. From Cyprus, Cesnola Coll. 703. Another, amber-coloured. The seven-branched candlestick between a hornC) and a branch (?). L. -9 in. Franks Coll. 1889. Froin Tyre. 704. Anoitiek, pale green ; the same subject. L. -94 in. 1882. 705. Another, of blue glass, with loop for suspension. On one side a cross pattee in relief between four dots inscribed in a circle. L. 1-22 in. 1891. 706. Another, pale green ; on one side -^l^. D. -66 in. 1875. 707. Cross of translucent green glass, pierced for suspension. L. 1-4 in. 1882. 708. Another, imperfect. L. 1-4 in. l8v'6. 709. Another. L. 1-2 in. 1880. 710. Seal from a bottle of greyish-green glass, with f in relief within a pearled border. D. 1.72 in. 1881. From Alexandria. 711. Disc of opaque green glass, with a cross pattee in relief within a cable border. Pierced for suspension. D. -7 in. 1888. From Akhmim (Panopolis). 712. Another, with a cross in relief within a circle of raised dots. D. 1 in. 1878. Formerly in the Garthe Coll., Cologne. VII. POTTERY. A. Lamps. i\tli to "jth ccutiiyy. i. From Carthage, Sicily, Italy, &c. Where no description of the shape of the lamp is given, it is understood that the type resembles no. 714, pi. xxxii. The majority of the specimens are of a rather bright red ware, but they vary considerably in fineness of execution. 713. Fragment ; half of a lamp with loop-handle ; a rosette bordered by a raised inscription/// VIVAS IN ^\ on the bottom, the letters NIVI, impressed. 4/A century. L. 4 in. Sloane Coll. no. 1073. 1753. In the MS. Catalogue of the Sloane Co'.l. the inscription is given as HERENNIA POR VIVAS IN )^, so that at the time the entry was made the lamp must have been complete. It belongs to an earlier type than those which follow. Cf. de Rossi, Biillettino, 1875, p. 152. 714. Male bust, wearing a chlamys and Phrygian cap, and holding in the /. hand a staff resembling a standard. Border of concentric circles, flowers and chevrons. On the bottom two concentric circles. Plate XXXII. L. 5.3 in. Towneley Coll. 1805. Cf. Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 476, fig. 2 ; Delattre in Rev. de I' Art Chitien, 1892, p. 139, no. 740, and 1893, p. 38, no. 906. The mark on the bottom is common on Carthaginian lamps. 715. An imperial (?) bust to/. ; border of chevrons, quatrefoils and concentric circles. L. 5-44 in. Towneley Coll. 1805. Cf. Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 476, fig. I (lamp in Museo Kircheriano). 716. Beardless bust to /., within a wreath. Border of palmettes, cinquefoils and heart-shaped leaves, having at one end a rectangle containing the sacred monogram \. L. 4-42 in. Cf. Delattre in Rev. de t'Art Chi^tien, 1892, no. 702, p. 137 (in Musde de St. Louis, Carthage). 717. Similar bust. Border of concentric circles, squares inscribed with circles, and palmettes. L. 4-38 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliflfe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. T 2 I40 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 718. Jonah lying under the gourd, before him the monster with open mouth. Border of dolphins alternating with heart-shaped leaves. Plate XXXII. L. 5-36 in. Sloane Coll. no. 620. 1753. Cf. Garrucci, Sloria, vol. vi, pi. 475, fig. 5; Delattre, Rev. de rArt CJm't. 1892, p. 134, no. 675 ; Kraus, Real-Encykl. vol. ii, p. 271, fig. 112. 719. Male figure, holding a shield in his r. and in his /. a spear, with which he menaces a lion. Border of concentric circles terminating at each end in a chevron. L. 6-2 in. Sloane Coll. no. 621. I753- For a similar scene from the amphitheatre upon a lamp cf. Stuhlfauth in Mittheilungcn dis kaiserlich deutschen Archdologischen InstiUits (Rome, 1898), p. 286. 720. Daniel standing between two lions in the attitude of an orans, and wearing a girded tunic. To /. is an angel, to r. Habakkuk holding out a cake. Border of alternating squares and concentric circles. L. 5-42 in. i860. From Carthage. Cf. Stuhlfauth, as above, pi. x, fig. 6 ; Delattre, as above, 1892, p. 135, nos. 676 ff. ; Le Blant in Rev. de PArt Chretien, 1875, p. 91 ; Kraus, Real-Eiicylcl. vol. ii, p. 273, fig. 118. 721. Our Lord holding a long cross and standing upon a dragon. Border of concentric circles and quatrefoils. L. 5-25 in. i860. From Carthage. Cf. Stuhlfauth, as above, p). ix, fig. 8 ; Delattre, as above, 1892, p. 136; Forrer, Friihchristl. Altertiimer, pi. iv, fig. 2 (example from Cologne); de Rossi, Bulleitino, 1867, pp. 9-16, 1874, pp. 129 ff., 1887, p. 164, 1890, p. 13; Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 466, fig. 2; Rev. Arch, xiii (1889), pi. viii, fig. 33; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, Cat. du Mitsee Alaoui, p. 195, nos. 499-501. 722. Youthful figure in a striped tunic standing and holding a hare on his breast. Border of doves and ornamental squares. On the bottom a mark in the form of a reversed S. L. 4-34 in. 1857. From Carthage. Cf. Stuhlfauth, as above, p. 287, pi. v, fig. 19; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, Cat. du Musie Alaoui, no. 521, p. 196; Delattre, as above, 1S92, p. 133, nos. 662, 663. For the mark cf. Delattre, ibid. 1890, no. 22, p. 134, &c. 723. Three figures in short tunics standing in a line. Border of sixfoilsand leaves. L. 4-1 in. 1857. From Carthage. Perhaps the Three Children of Babylon after their rescue. Cf. Stuhlfauth, as above, p. 286, pi. x, fig. 14 ; Delattre, as above, 1892, p. 133. 724. Three similar figures. Border of sixfoils and leaves. L. 4-5 in. 1857. From Carthage. 725. Standing figure in a tunic, drawing a sword (?). Border of concentric circles alternating with heart-shaped leaves. L. 5-62 in. Sloane Coll. no I loi. 1753. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1892, nos. 735, 736, and 742, p. 139. POTTERY 141 726. A HUNTER (?), carrying in one hand an animal; in tine other, fruit (?). Horder of squares alternating with butterflies. L. 4-5 in. 1857. From Carthage. Cf. Stuhlfauth, as above, pi. x, fig. 21 ; Delattre, as above, 1892, nos. 726 and 727. 727. The two spies, carrying the grapes of Eshcol on a pole across their shoulders. Beneath their feet is stamped another conventional bunch of grapes. Border of alternating doves and heart-shaped leaves. On the bottom two concentric circles. L. 5-26 in. i860. From Carthage. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1892, pp. 133, 134 ; Stuhlfauth, as above, pi. x, fig. 16 ; de Rossi, Bull. 1887, p. 49 ; Rev. Arch. 1883, p. 50 ; Garrucci, Storia, vol. vi, pi. 475, fig. 3, and pi. 476, fig. 4 ; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, Cat. du Musde Alaotii, no. 512, pi. xxwi ; R. Q. S. 1887, pi. x, figs. 3 and 4, and 1899, p. 142. 728. A LION, seated. Border of quatrefoiis with a dolphin in the centre of one side. On the bottom, concentric circles. L. 5 in. i860. From Carthage. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1890, pp. 136-138, and 1893, p. 34; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 559-564 ; Bulletin des Musees, 1890, p. 291. 729. A LION, recumbent. Border of palmettes, rosettes and circles inscribed in squares. L. 4-6 in. Townejey Coll. 1805. 730. A LION, standing. Twisted border. L. 4 in. 1859. From Cnidus. 731. Another, walking. Arched border. L. 6-8 in. Sloane Coll. no. 622. 1753. 732. Another, running. L. 4-2 in. 1857. From Carthage. Cf. Notizie degli Scavi, 1885, p. 295, fig. 25. 733. Another, running. Border formed by two palm-branches. L. -4 in. Sloane Coll. no. 603. 1753. Very rough work. Cf. lamps found at Syracuse, Orsi, Di alcuni ipogei Cristiani, &c., in R. Q. S. 1897, pi. ii, fig. 16, and pi. iii, fig. 16. 734. A STAG (?). Border of palm-branches. L. 4-46 in. For the stag cf. La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 536, 537, p. 198. 735. A HOUND, running. Border of lozenges alternating with squares enclosing circles. On the bottom a circle. L. 375 in. 1857. From Carthage. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1891, nos. 162, 168,. 171, p. 42. The mark is common on Carthaginian lamps. 142 EARLY CMRISTIAN AXTIOUITIES 736. A FOX. Border of cinquefoils, pellets, and arches. L. 4-8 in. Sloane Coll. no. 591. 1753. Cf. La Blanchi^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 578, 579, pp. 200, 20t. 737. A KAMI!. Border of concentric circles and other figures, much worn. L. 5-2 in. i860. From Carthage. Cf. Stuhlfauth. as above, pi. ix, fig. 13 ; Bullelin lUs Musc'es, 1890, p. 291 ; Delattre, as above, 1890, pp. 40-42; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 527-533, p. 197. 738. Fragment, part of a lamb. Border of rosettes and squares. L. 3-5 in. 1857. From Carthage. 739. An ibex, running. Border of qnatrefoils, branches, and concentric circles, with a palmette at one end. L. 45 in. i860. From Carthage. 740. Fragment, a hare (?). Border of triangular leaves. L. 3-5 in. 18S0. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1S91, p. 40 ; Forrer, Friihchristl. AStcrtiimer, pi. iv, fig. 4 (example from Cologne). 741. A DOVE. Border of quatrefoils, concentric circles, interlaced designs, &c. L. 5-42 in. 1857. From Carthage. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1891, pp. 44-46, and 1893, p. 35; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 544-552, p. 198 ; Venturi, Sto?-ia dell' Arte Italiana, vol. i, p. 473. 742. Another ; border of concentric circles and heart-shaped leaves. L. 5-6 in. i860. From Carthage. 743. Another ; border indistinct. L. 5-4 in. 1857. From Carthage. 744. Another ; border of circles, quatrefoils and leaves. L. 4-1 in. 1857. From Carthage. 745. Two birds, upon a vase with two handles. Border of heart-shaped leaves and chevrons. L. 4-9 in. 1882. Obtained in Naples. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1891, no. 259, p. 46; Forrer, Friihchristl. Altertiimer, pi. v, fig. i. 746. Two birds, beak to beak. Border of concentric circles. L. 4-68 in. 1881. 747. Two BIRDS, peacocks (?). Border of squares, heart-shaped leaves and lozenges, with a dove at each end. On the bottom a stamp B. L. 5-52 in. 1S60. From Carthage. For the stamp see Delattre, as above, 1890, no. 9, p. 134, no. 40, p. 136, and 1891, no. 151, p. 41, no. 190, p. 43, no. 595, p. 305, &c. POTTERY 143 748. A COCK. Border of lozenges and quatrefoils. L. 4-62 in. Sloane Coll. no. 601. 1753. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1890, pp. 46, 47 ; Stuhlfauth, as above, 1898, pi. ix, fig. 15 ; La Blan- chtre et Gauckler, as above, p. 198, nos. 541-543 ; Orsi, Di alcuni ipogei Cristiani a Siracusa, in A'. 52 -S^- 1897, pi. ii, fig. 5 ; Chcrbonncau, Album dit Mush de Consiantine, pi. vi, no. 666. 749. Another ; border of concentric circles alternating with squares inscribed with circles. L. 4-4 in. 1867. From Kphesus. 750. A lURD with long beak withiti a wreath. On the bottom a stamp in the form of a branch within a pear shaped loop. L. 464 in. i860. From Carthage. 751. A FISH. Border of concentric circles, squares inscribed with circles, and heart- shaped leaves. L. 5-32 in. 1857. From Carthage. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1890, p. 134; Forrer, Friihchristl. Altertiiiitcr, pi. ii, figs. 1-4; La Blanchfere et Gauckler, as above, p. 200, nos. 571-574 ; Roller, Les Catacoinbes de Rome, pi. xc, fig. 5 ; Notizie degli Scari, 1885, p. 295. 752. Another ; border of squares and heart-shaped leaves. L. 54 in. i860. From Carthage. 753. A DOLPfHN (?). Border of circles, heart-shaped leaves, quatrefoils, &c. The whole worn and indistinct. L. 4-6 in. 1857. From Carthage. For the dolphin on terra cotta lamps cf. Delattre, as above, 1890, pp. 134 f. ; La Blanchfere et Gauckler, as above, nos. 553-555, p. 199 ; Bulletin des Mushs, i8go, p. 291. 754. A PALM-TREE. Border of quatrefoils and concentric circles. L. 424 in. 1889. Obtained at Pozzuoli. For N. African lamps with the palm-tree see Delattre, as above, 1891, p. 50; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, p. 205, nos. 621-633. 755- ^ VASE, from which issues a vine (?). L. 4-4 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. 756. The SEVEN-BRANCHED CANDLESTICK. Border of a double row of raised dots. L. 46 in. 1857. From Carthage. For the seven-branched candlestick on fictile lamps see Delattre, as above, 1891, p. 29S ; La Blanchfere et Gauckler, as above, p. 201, nos. 589-591 ; de Vogue in Rev. Arch. 1889, pt. i, pp. 183, 184, and pi. viii ; d'Agincourt, Recueil de fragments de sculptu?-e antique en terre cuite, pi. xxiv, fig. 3 (Paris, 1814). For lamps with similar border see Forrer, Friihchristl. Alter- turner, pi. ii, fig. 6 ; Delattre, as above, 1889, p. 153. 757. Another, represented with nine branches. Border of two palm-branches. On the bottom are stamped three circles. L. 3 in. i860. From Carthage. For the mark cf. Delattre, as above, 1890, p. 137. 144 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 758. The sacred monogram ^ jewelled. Border of chevrons. L. 47 in. Given by H. Martin Gibbs, Esq., 1900. Cf. Delattre, as above, 1891, pp. 299, 300 ; 1893, p. 36. 759. Another ; border of heart-shaped leaves. On the bottom a stamped mark V. L. 494 in. 1857. From Carthage. The mark is common on lamps from this locality, see Delattre, as above, 1890, p. 135, no. 26, &c. 760. Another, within a wreath. Border of two palm-branches. L. 41. 1876. 761. Another ; border of two palm -branches. L. 392 in. i860. From Carthage. 762. Another ; similar border. L. 4-IO in. Towneley Coll. 1805. 763. Another ; on the bottom is stamped a palm-branch. L. 3-9 in. For the mark cf. Delattre, as above, 1891, p. 39, no. iii, &c. 764. Another ; border of concentric circles alternating with quatrefoils. L. 4 in. 1857. From Carthage. 765. The sacred monogram reversed, J, within a wreath. Border of chevrons alternating with concentric circles. L. 5.3 in. Given by H. Martin Gibbs, Esq., 1900. For the reversed monogram see Delattre, as above, 1891, pp. 300, 301. 766. Another ; border of concentric circles, lozenges and flowers. L. 46 in. Towneley Coll. 1S05. 767. Another ; border of two palm-branches. L. 4-54 in. Towneley Col). 1805. 768. Another ; border of concentric semicircles. On the bottom is stamped a palm-branch. L. 4-6 in. Given by H. Martin Gibbs, Esq., igoo. 769. Another, having beneath it a two-handled vase. Border of chevrons alternating with scrolls. L. 4 in. 1877. Imperfect. 770. Another, lower part only. Border of concentric circles, a palmette, a leaf, and a quatrefoil. L. 3-5 in. 1857. From Carthage. Imperfect. POTTKRY 145 771. The SACRF.D monogram, a-ux monogramniatka, T, jewelled. Border of quatrefoils and leaves. L. 5-15 in. i860. From Carthage. For this form of monogram on Carthaginian lamps see Delattrc, as above, 1891, p. 300, and •893, p. 37 ; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 619 fF., p. 204. 772. Another, jewelled. Border of squares alternating with circles enclosing the monogram ^c- L. 5'6 in. 1847. Found at El-Jcm in Tunis. 773. Another ; border of leaves, &c., much worn. L. 494 in. 1876. From Syracuse. 774. Another ; border of quatrefoils. L. 4-42 in. 1S57. From Carthage. 775. Another ; border of concentric circles, rosettes, &c. L. 4-2 in. J856. From Sardinia. 776. Another ; border of alternating sixfoils and leaves. L. 5 in. Towneley Coll. 1805. From Syracuse. 777. Another ; border of heart-shaped leaves. L. 47 in. 1857. From Carthage. 778. The same monogram reversed, 1", and jewelled. Border of heart-shaped leaves, having on each side of the handle a vase (?), and at each lower end concentric circles. L. 4-35 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redclifife, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. For the aux moiipgrammatka reversed .f^'i' Delattre, as above, 1891, pp. 303, 304; 1893, p. 37. 779. Another ; border of heart-shaped leaves with a cross at one end. L. 526 in. Sloane Coll. no. 623. 1753. 780. Another ; border of conventional ornament much worn. L. 5-32 in. 1857. From Carthage. 781. Another ; border of quatrefoils with dolphins? in three places. L. 5-2 in. 1857. From Carthage. 782. A cross jewelled ; border of sixfoils alternating with heart-shaped leaves. L. 4-5 in. i860. From Carthage. For N. African lamps with cross see Delattre, as above, 1891, pp. 304-7, and 1893, p. 37; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 594 ff., p. 203 ; Stuhlfauth, as above, xiii (1898), pi. ix, figs. 9 and 12. 783. Another ; border of quatrefoils, &c., much worn. L. 332 in. Temple Bequest, 1856. Obtained in Pozzuoli. 146 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 784. Another; border of squares inscribed witli circles alternating with concentric circles. L. 5-44 in. 1857. From Carthage. 785. A CROSS TATTEE ; border of quatrefoils and circular flowers. L. 4-9 in. 1857. From Carthage. 786. AnotheRj jewelled ; border of heart-shaped leaves. L. 46 in. 1857. From Carthage. Cf. Ferrer, Fyiilicluist!. Altertiimer, pi. iii, fig. 12 (Akhmtm). 787. Another; identical border. L. 5-15 in. i860. From Carthage. 788. Another ; identical border. L. 47 in. 1857. From Carthage. 789. Another; border of quatrefoils, &c. L. 496 in. 1857. From Carthage. 790. Another ; border of heart-shaped leaves. L. 4 in. Given by Major-General Meyrick, 1878. 791. Another ; border of bearded heads, originally twelve in number and represent- ing the Apostles. L. 394 in. 1 88 1. Upper part only. For lamps with a similar border of Apostles' heads see Ferret, Les Catacombes de Rome, vol. iv, pi. xiii, fig. 2 ; Roller, Les Catacombes , pi. xci, fig. 4 ; de Rossi, Bulleithio, 1867, pp. 25 and 27, and 1883, p. 98 ; Garrucci, Sioria, vol. vi, pi. 473, figs, i, 2, and 5 ; Tourret in Rev. Arch. 1883, p. 49. 792. A CROSS within a square panel ; border of leaves, much worn. L. 4-5 in. 1857. From Carthage. 793. A CROSS ; border of leaves and flowers. The handle pierced. L. 324 in. Given by Major-General Meyrick, 1878. 794. A SCALLOP SHELL; ribbed border. On the bottom is stamped a mark |i. L. 6-3 in. Sloane Coll. no. 619. 1753. With the shell cf. Delattre, as above, 1891, p. 296, and La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 592, 593, p. 202. With the mark cf. Delattre, 1890, p. 135, nos. 26 ff. 795. Geometrical design ; a square ornamented with lozenges and triangles forming a St. Andrew's cross. Border of concentric circles, scrolls, quatrefoils, &c, L. 6 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. For lamps with geometrical ornament see Delattre, as above, 1891, p. 30S ; La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, p. 201, nos. 584-588, and pi. xxxvi. POTTERY T47 796. The letter I, jewelled ; border of concentric circles alternating with squares. L. 42 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. It has been suggested that the character represents the first letter of the name Jesus. 797. A LOZENGE, jewelled with a triangular projection on each side. Border of heart-shaped leaves alternating with sixfoils- L. 442 in. 1857. From Carthage. 798. A SQUARE ; border of concentric semicircles alternating with S-scrolls. L. 4 in. Given by Lord .Stratford de RedclifFe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. 799. A ROSETTE ; border of two palm-branches. L. 3 in. 1857. From Carthage. Cf. Dclattre, as above, 1891, pp. 296, 297, and La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, pp. 205, 206, nos. 634-642. 800. Two TRIANGLES interlaced, with concentric circles within the angles ; border of chevrons alternating with quatrefoils. L. 3-75 in. 1S77. 801. An ARCH (?). L. 5 in. 1850. From Carthage. 802. Indistinguishable design ; the surface much worn. L. 5.3 in. i860. From Carthage. 803. Another. L. 4 4 in. 804. Mould, for the upper part of a lamp. In the centre an ibex (?), on the neck a figure in the attitude of an orafis ; geometrical border. L. 5-8 in. 1881. For other lamp-moulds see La Blanch^re et Gauckler, as above, nos. 396, 397, p. 253 ; Doublet et Gauckler, Ca/. du Mt(S^e de Constantine, p. 60 ; Clermont-Ganneau in Archives des Missions scientifiques el littcraires, vol. xi (1885), p. 183. ii. From Egypt, Syria, and Asia Minor. The lamps from these countries are more varied in form, but most of them approximate to the outline types A — E on p. 148. The larger number have only a single hole for pouring in the oil, and are commonly made of a paler ware than the lamps found at Carthage. 805. Ovate, of red pottery. The top is convex, with a flat central disk on which is a monogram )K interpunctuated with circles. Above the spout is a cross between two beardless busts to r. Round the inscription: CYMOPOOI KAA^ {evixdp(f>if KOAu). F/aU XXXII. 148 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES L. 354 in. Given by H. Martyn Kennard, Esq., 1894. From the ruins of the town of Coptos. Inscribed lamps mostly come from Egypt. See V. Schultzc, Arch, der altclirisll. Kiinst, p. 299 ; de Rossi, BiilUltiiw, 1S66, p. 72, 1877, p. 70, 1879, p. 32, and pi. iii, fig. 2, 1880, p. 73, 1882, p. 109, 1884, p. 33; d'Agincourt, Recueil de fragments de sculpture antique en terre cuite, pi. xxii, fig. 14 ; Ferrer, Friihcliristl. Altertihner, pi. i, fig. 11, and p. 12, pi. v, fig. 4. Other inscribed examples are in the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. 806. Upper part of a lamp, pear-shaped, of buff ware. At the top a foliate design with a number of small circles; round the sides the inscription: TOY ATIOY (A)BBA AIOY with a leaf at each end. L. 32 in. 1876. From Egypt. The inscription probably refers to a saint whose name began with A I, perhaps Dionysius. The word Abba at the beginning of the name is a prefix used as a mark of honour, and occurs on a lamp,C./.C vol. iv (1877), 8981. Zi.Le Mus^e ArcMologique, i876,p.i25; and G. Schlumberger in Byz. Zeitschr. vol. ii (1893), p. 178. It is also found on silver dishes in the Gizeh Museum, which will be included in the forthcoming volume on Coptic Monuments forming part of the Catalogue Giniral. POTTERY 149 807. Flat almond-siiaped; on the top a small cross potent above a vertical band of nine disks, the whole enclosed within a border of three raised bands. L. 44 in. 1879. From Luxor. 808. Lamp OF TYPE A {see p. 14*^); a cross pattee with a pellet enclosed in each limb. Broad border of small bosses. L. 372 in. Given by T. W. U. Robinson, Esq., 1886. 809. Another ; a cross pattde with three pellets in each limb. L. 5 in. 1877. 810. Another, circular, with prominent spout and no handle ; large central opening with conventional border. On the neck is impressed a palm-branch, and on the bottom three palm-branches united at their bases. L. 3 in. 18S1. 811. Another, of type A, with single hole for oil ; border of small circles. L. 3-8 in. 1871. From Alexandria. 812. Another, resembling in form no. 835 ; it has a single large opening, between which and the spout is impressed a palm-branch. Round the sides a debased Cufic inscription in relief. L. 3-66 in. Given by E. J. Rogers Bey. 1883. Found in the ruins of Fostat. On lamps with Cufic and Arabic inscriptions cf. C\trmoxi\.-Ga.nnta.\i, Archaeological Researches in Palestine during the years 1873 '^""' 1874, vol. i, p. 69 (London, 1899) ; the same author in Reciieil d'Anh. Orientale, vol. ii, pp. 19 and 67 ; in Archives des Missions scientifiques et litthaires, vol. xi (1885), no. 81, p. 190, and in Rev. Arch. 1898, pt. ii, pp. 296, 297. The earliest of these lamps probably date from a period soon after the Arab invasions of Egypt and Syria, the latest may go down to the middle ages. There is in the Department a small almond- shaped lamp, approximating to the Christian forms, bearing in Arabic characters the inscription, ' perpetual honour to the owner,' such as is found on pottery of the Mameluke period. 813. Another, with prominent spout, above which is a cross palt^e ; on each side a diagonal band of geometrical ornament, and at the back a St. Andrew's cross. L. 3-9 in. 1880. From Alexandria. 814. Another, of type A [see p. 148), but with a loop-handle ; a rudely executed human figure standing between two palms ; twisted border. L. 338 in. 1882. From Alexandria. Cf. a border of a Syracusan lamp, Orsi, Di alcuni ipogei Cristiani a Siracusa, in R. Q. S. 1897, pi. ii, fig. 2. 815. Another, of the same type, and with the same design. On the bottom is a cross with bifurcating ends between dots in four groups of three, and within a border of dots in larger groups, concentric circles and S-shaped lines. L. 3 in. 1882. 150 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 816. Anotmeu, same type, but with loop-handle ; a cross pattee between four palm- branches. Dark red pottery. L. 4 3 in. 1876. From Egypt. 817. Another, same type the seven-branched candlestick. L. 346 in. Given by T. W. U. Robinson, Esq., 1886. From Alexandria. Cf. Forrer, Friiluhristl. Altertiimer, p!. ii, fig. 5. 818. Another, same type ; the same subject. L. 3-56 in. 1877. 819. Lamp in the form of a frog, of grey pottery. On the bottom is impressed a cross formed of palm-branches. Plate XXXII. L. 312 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1878. From Egypt. Cf. de Rossi, Bulkttino, 1879, p. 32, and pi. iii, fig. 2 ; d'Agincourt, Recueil tie fi-ngments tie sculphire antique en terre cuite, pi. xx\iii, fig. 4 ; Forrer, Friiiiciiristi. Altertiimer, pi. iii, fig. 17. The frog is supposed to have been the mark of a heretic, see E. Le Blant, Notes sur queiques lanipes ^gypticnnes en ferine cie grenouille, in Mhnoires de la Soci^ti Nationale des Antiqtiaires de France, vol. x\x\x (1878), pp. 99 fF. ; and the same author in Rev. Arch, xxxvii (1879), pp. 87 and 243. Cf also no. 360 above. 820. Lower half of a lamp, ovate. In the centre of the bottom a cross potent ; at the broader end a similar but smaller cross ; at the narrower end a palm- branch. L. 4 in. 1879. From Egypt. 821. Lamp with projecting spout, of red pottery. The f^at body is rounded at the back and angular in front. In the centre is a square enclosing a central cross pattee surrounded by four similar smaller crosses. Border of conventional flowers and small circles. See figure. L. 4-3 in. 1879. From Abydos, Egypt. Cf. a Syracusan lamp, Orsi in R. Q. S. 1897, pi. ii, fig. 12. 822. Almond-shaped, elongated and with loop-handle. Near the handle is a POTTERY 151 rosette, in the centre of which is the opening ; below this is a cross patt(5e. The border is a band of zigzag with small circles in the angles. F/afeXXXU. L. 576 in. 1S76. 823. Lamp of type C ; on the top a cross. Border of vine-leaves and grapes. I.. 41 in. 1884. 824. Lamp OP' TYPF A ; a cross within a wreath, with three circles between each of the arms. L. 33 in. 1 88 1. Cf. a lamp from Akhmim, Forrcr, Friihchristl. Alterliimer, pi. iii, fig. 3. 825 Anotiif.r, similar ; a cros.s. L. 35 in. 1878. 826. Another, of similar type; the crux nioiiogiujiiiinatkal; on the bottom are stamped concentric circles. L. 33 in. 1881. Cf. lamp from Akhmim, Forrer, Friiluhrisll. Alteiiuiner, pi. iii, fig. 2 ; and another from Athens, V. Schultze in Christlkhes Kunslblatt, 1893, p. 18, fig. 2*. 827. Another, similar ; a cross with the limbs formed of short transverse bars. The border is a broken guilloche enclosing pyramidal bosses. L. 3-5 in. 1882. 828. Lamp resembling type C, with prominent spout and handle in the form of a cross. Border of scrolls. L. 4-92 in. Franks Coll. 1892. 829. Another, with similar handle. Border of radiating lines. L. 2-8 in. 1881. 830. Lamp of type A, but broad and shallow and with loop-handle. A seated figure holding a cross and cornucopiae. L. 4-2 in. 1883. 831. Lamp of type D. The top and sides are ornamented with rude impressed geometrical designs, the bottom with concentric circles. L. 5 in. Towneley Coll. 1805. Cf. Forrer, Friihchristl. Alterliimer, pi. ii, fig. 7 (Akhmim) ; Ferret, Les Catucombes de Rome, vol. iv, pi. xix, fig. 6; d'Agincourt, Recueil de fragments de sculpture antique en terre cuite, pi. xxvii, fig. 12. 832. Another ; on the top two lenticular panels and an impressed palm-branch. L. 42 in. 152 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 833. Lamp of type B ; a peacock displayed. L. 3-56 in. 1878. 834. Lamp of type A, but convex at the top ; it is of exceptionally large size, and dark red in colour ; large central opening surrounded by a conventional border ; near the spout a cross with bifurcating ends. L. 5-36 in. 1878. 835. Almond-shaped ; on the top a concave circle with hole in the centre, and a cross ; on the sides two pairs of peacocks confronted eating berries. See figure. L. 4 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1884. From Beyrut. Cf. a lamp from Sarfend, Clermont- Ganneau in Archives ties Missions scienlifiques et litlh-aires, vol. xi (1885), no. 105, p. 196. 836. Another, similar; the top ornamented with lozenges and pellets. Border of vine-scrolls. L. 39 in. 1883. From Beyrflt. 837. Another, similar ; on the top a cross between dots in groups of three. Border of scrolls. L. 4-1 in. Franks Coll. 1894. From Tyre. 838. Lamp in the shape of a swathed human figure, the head rising to form a handle, the face on the inner side. L. 374 in. Franks Coll. 1894. From Tyre. 839. Another, of similar shape, but the face replaced by a cross. L. 3-5 in. Franks Coll. 1894. From Tyre. 840. Lamp of type B ; a cross with bifurcating ends ornamented with impressed concentric circles between four holes ; border of raised bosses. The bottom is ornamented with small impressed circles and the under sides with radiating lines. L. 4-2 in. 1867. Cf. Forrer, Friihchristl. Altertiimer, pi. iii, fig. 3. 841. Another ; border of radiating lines ; near the spout a cross. L. 3 in. 1867. From Ephesus. POTTERY 153 842. Lamp of type A, but convex at the top ; border of palm-branches (?) ; on the bottom and under sides small raised rings. L. 373 'I- '853- Very rude work. Cf. lamp from Niand, Clermont-Ganneau, Archives des Missions scientifiqttes et littdraires, vol. xi {1885), p. 184. 843. Another, similar. L. 382 in. 1853. From Tarsus. 844. Flat circular lamp, with large central opening surrounded by a border of geometrical ornament. On the bottom is impressed a quadruped surmounted by a palm-branch, the whole within a circle. L. 32 in. 1887. This shape has been found at Syracuse, j^^ Orsi, in R. Q. S. 1897, pi. i, fig. 5. 845. Lamp of type C, with two holes ; on the top a cross ; plaited border and fluted neck. L. 37 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. 846. Another, similar ; a cross, with a second smaller cross on the neck. Border of small bosses. L. 4-2 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. 1856. 847. Another, similar ; across. Border of circles containing dots. L. 4 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. 848. Another, similar ; an animal seizing a man by the leg. Border of circles. L. 3-8 in. 1884. 849. Lamp of type B ; a cross. Border of small bosses. L. 4 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1856. 850. Lamp of type C ; the crux monogramtnatica T. L. 4 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. 851. Another, similar ; a palm-tree, below which is a cross. Border of concentric circles. L. 4 in. 1884. 852. Almond-shaped lamp, resembling no. 835 above. Single hole near the handle, between which and the spout is the figure ^(C- O" ^^ch side a pair of peacocks confronted. L. 352 in. 1883. Obtained in Athens. 853. Another, elongated ; a cross pattee. L. 45 in. 1883. From Malta. Very rough work. X 154 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 854. Another, similar ; a cross pattee with border of two palm-branches. L. 4-54 in. Towneley Coll. 1805. 855. Lamp of type E ; on each side of the handle a conical boss ; border formed of two palm-branches. L. 36 in. Cf. Ferret, Les Catacombes de Rome, vol. iv, pi. xiii, fig. 3. 856. Another, similar, with a group of bosses near the handle. L. 3-8 in. 857. Another, similar, but with circles containing dots instead of bosses. L. 37 in. 858. Another, similar, but with ornament identical with no. 856. L. 3-7 in. Sloane Coll. no. 1061. 1753. 859. Another, similar, with the same design. L. 3.7 in. Sloane Coll. no. 1065. 1753. B. Pilgrims' Flasks. Made at the shrines of various saints. They were filled with oil from the lamps burning at the tombs and carried away by pilgrims. The majority come from the shrine of St. Menas, near Alexandria, and are ampullae, with flat circular sides with designs in relief. The handles are in most cases imperfect. ^th to 6th century. 860. Ampulla ; St. Menas in tunic and chlamys, between two camels, and legend AflC (M H N)AC, the whole within a wreath; rev. the same design within a border containing the retrograde inscription : TOY (AT) lOY MHNA €YOAOri A AAB0M6N. (FoC 'Ayiov Mrjva ivXoyiav K.djiojxiv, We receive the blessing of St. Menas.) Plate XXXII. H. 5-5 in. 1875. Cf. E. Le Blant in Rev. Arch., vol. .\xxv (1878), pp. 299 flf. ; E. Michon, La Collection tPAmpoitles a Eulogie du Musee du Lou7're, in Melanges G.-B. de Rossi, Supplement aitx Mdanges dArchSo- logie et iFHistoire {^cole franqaise de Rome), 1892, pp. 183 ff. ; V. Schultze, Arch, der altchristl. Kunst, pp. 300 ff., and Arch. Studien, p. 282. 861. Another, identical on both sides ; St. Menas between two camels. On either side of the head : O ATIOC | MHNA. H. 4-5 in. 1878. Imperfect. 862. Another ; the same designs within wreaths. The inscriptions partially obliterated. H. 45 in. 1880. From Alexandria. POTTERY 155 863. Another ; the same designs. H. 37 in. 18S2. 864. Another ; the same designs ; a cross on each side of the saint's head ; border of bosses. H. 375 in. Franks Coll. 1876. 865. Another ; the same designs. H. 3 in. Given by Major-General Meyrick, 1878. 866. Another; the same designs ; double pearled border. H. 4 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1886. 867. Another ; on one side the saint standing between two camels as before, with legend: CVAOn A KYPIOY eni ; on theother a cross with : TOY ATIOY MHNA. H. 3-5 in. 1882. 868. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other a cross surrounded by the legend, TOY ATIOY MHNA within a wreath. H. 285 in. 1883. Very rough work. 869. Another ; the same designs. H. 25 in. 1877. From Alexandria. 870. Another ; on one side the saint as before within a wreath ; on the other a cross without inscription within a border of bosses. H. 375 in. Franks Coll. 1880. 871. Another ; the same designs on a smaller scale. H. 3-25 in. 1877- 872. Another ; the same designs ; a cross on each side of the saint's head. H. 2-8 in. 1876. 873. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other two crosses, one placed over the other, forming a star with eight rays within a dentated border. H. 3-13 in. 1881. From Alexandria. 874. Another ; on one side the saint as before within a pearled border ; on the other a circle enclosing a cross surrounded by six smaller circles containing dots. H. 375 in. 1883. 875. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other a rosette within a pearled border. H. 275 in. 1876. 876. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other the legend : eYAOTI A TOY ATIOY MHNA within a wreath. H. 4 in. 1876. X 2 156 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 877. Another ; the same, with a sh'ght variation in the inscription: AriO(Y) MHNA (€)VAOr(IA). H. 363 in. 1883. 878. Another ; the same. H. 3-25 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. One-half wanting. 879. Another ; the same ; the inscription obliterated. H. 3-5 in. 1875. From Alexandria. 880. Another ; similar, but with inscription. eVAOTIA TOY AnOY, beneath which is a palm-branch. H. 2-5 in. 1S75. From Alexandria. evA 881. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other H. 3-5 in. 1875. Very rough work. 882. Another ; on one side the saint as before within a wreath ; on the other a female figure between two bulls and two dogs (?). Plate XXX.U. H. 5'5 in. 1876. The surfaces considerably worn. 883. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other a ship. Plate XXXII. H. 3-6 in. 1882. Cf. Anhaeologia, vol. xliv, p. 330; E. Michon, as above, p. 190, note I. 884. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other a bird (?). H. 3-15 in. 1883. The surfaces much worn. 885. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other an architectural design between a cross and an amphora (?). H. 3-5 in. 1878. Imperfect. 886. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other a female bust, full face. H. 362 in. 1882. It has been suggested that the female head may represent St. Catherine. See R. Q. S., 196, pp. 244 fif. 887. Another ; on one side the saint as before ; on the other a youthful head of negroid appearance to r. within a wreath. H. 41 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1S56. On this negroid type, possibly representing a Libyan as representative of the peoples among whom St. Menas is said to have lived, see E. Michon, as above, pp. 188, 1S9; but see also J?. Q. S., as above, p. 246, where it is suggested that the negroid head may represent St. Peter of Alexandria or St. Anthony. POTTERY 157 888. Another ; on one side the same negroid head to r. within a double pearled border; on the other eYAlOTIA TO|YAriOY |MHNA in four lines within a pearled circle. H. 3-s in. Franks Coll. 1876. Found in Egypt. 889. Another ; the same head and inscription. H. 3-75 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1883. 890. Another ; identical. H. 5-25 in. 1877. 891. Another ; on one side the same head ; on the other a cross, each within a wreath. H. 3 in. Franks Coll. 1880. 892 Another ; the same head on both sides. H. 2-9 in. 1882. €VA 893. Another ; on one side ; on the other a cross within a wreath. H. 4 in. Franks Coll. 1876. Found in Egypt. 894. Another; on one side TOY AflOY MHN, in two lines; on the other a cross within a wreath H. 3 in. 1881. 895. Another ; on one side TOY AT I OY MHN A ; on the other a palm-tree. H. 3-85 in. 1882. Cf. Ii. Michon, as above, p. 190. 896. Another ; on one side + €YAOriA XAPIC ; on the other TOY ATIOY MHNA. H. 3-25 in. 1882. 897. Another ; on one side a cross between four pellets within a circle of geometrical patterns ; on the other a larger cross. H. 3 in. 1876. From Egypt. 898. Another ; on each face a rosette within a pearled circle. H. 3-5 in. 1883. 899. Another ; on both sides concentric pearled circles within wreaths. H. 3 in. 1881. From Egypt. 900. Another ; concentric circles on one side. H. 3-25 in. 1881. 901. Another ; on each side an eagle (?) impressed. H. 3-5 in. 1875. From Alexandria. Very rude work. 158 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 902. Another ; on each side a bird. H. 2-65 in. 1S77. From Egypt. 903. Large ampulla, of red ware. To /. the Virgin holding the Child(?), to ;-. a bearded figure standing to /. and holding a book in both hands, each figure under a rounded arch. Behind the man is a cock perched on a column. Inthespandril between the arches is a cock, while below are three goats. On the other side the same design, with the excep- tion that below are a goat and two cocks. See figure. H. 7-65 in. 1882. 904. Another, of pale ware ; on one side a horseman (? St. George) to r. piercing a dragon (?) with a lance; on the other two pairs of animals fighting, with a single animal behind. H. 5-65 in. 1882. 905. Oval flask of red ware, pierced at the shoulders. On each side a cross within a wreath. H. 375 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, 1S56. 906. Another ; a cross on each side. H. 2'6s in. 1883. From Eohesus. 907. Another : on each side a cross with bifurcating ends. H. 2-85 in. 1876. 908. Another : on eacli side a cross within a wreath. H. 2-5 in. Franks Coll. 1891. From Smyrna POTTERY 159 _ c 909. Another ; on one side KY €AeHON; on the other TH CIONIKCT///, the inscrip- tion in each case having above it three arches surmounted by a cross between two palm-branches, and below it a bird. H. 38 in. Franks Coll. 1876. Found in Egypt. 910 AXOTHF.R ; on one .side a long-bearded evangelist (?) holding over his breast an open book, on which are the letters kV I//, and having in his /. hand a cross ; on the other a standing beardless figure in a mantle, holding a book over his breast with both hands. H. 2-75 in. 1887. Cf. E. Michon, as above, pp. 194 ft. 911. Another ; the same subjects. H. 2-55 in. 1877. 912. Another ; on one side a saint with long hair and beard standing between two palms, and holding a book over his breast with both hands ; on the other a bearded figure (an evangelist ?) seated to r. at a desk and writing in a book. H. 2-65 in. 1883. From Ephesus. Cf. a flask in the Louvre, E. Michon, as above, pp. 195, 196. 913. Another ; on each side a half-length bearded figure holding a book over the breast. H. 2-65 in. Franks Coll. 1892. 914. Another ; on each side a beardless figure (St. George or St. Theodore), full- face, standing upon a serpent or dragon. He wears a short tunic and holds a lance with cruciform end in his /. hand. H. 2-8 in. Given by Lord Stratford de Redclifife, 1856. Obtained at Calymnus. 915. Another ; on one side three beardless figures in a boat, the central person larger than the others ; on the other a single figure standing beneath a pointed arch, holding a book over his breast with his /. hand and touching a cup (?) with his r. H. 5-65 in. 1882. C. other objects of Pottery. 916. Bowl of buff ware covered with a vitreous glaze. In the interior is a subject incised in the paste ; on the outside a chequer pattern, the squares of which are alternately blue and white. hitcrior. The bottom is occupied by a three-quarter figure of our Lord seated, with his r. hand extended and open ; the position of the /. hand is uncertain, as the bowl is imperfect at this point, but it very probably held a book. The head, which is surrounded by a cruciferous nimbus, is bearded and i6o EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES almost enclosed by long flowing hair ; ou each check is a small circle. The costume consists of a richly embroidered tunic, and a mantle hanging down over the /. shoulder, but only drawn slightly forward over the r. Across the middle of the bowl, and visible on each side of the figure, are three parallel lines. Above these, and near the shoulders, are two circular medallions, that above the r. shoulder with a profile head evidently intended for Constantine the Great, the other with a similar profile of the Empress Fausta. Round the edge is a band formed of two groups of three lines, having between them the inscription /// VAL • COSTANTINVS • PIVS ■ FELIX • AVGVSTVS • CVM • FLAV . MAX • FAVST/// which when perfect probably commenced: + FLAV. and terminated //A AVCVSTA. Exterior. The chequer pattern has its outlines in relief, and the hollows filled alternately with white slip and light blue glaze. The foot-rim encloses radiating lines in relief glazed a canary yellow. The chequer design may be compared with the Roman enamelled Rudge cup at Alnwick (Horsley, Britannia Romana, p. 192, no. 74, London, 1732). Plate XXXIII, and see figure. D. 5-06 in. H. 2 in. Given by The Friends of The British Museum, 1901. H. VVallis, Typical Examples of Egyptian Ceramic Art, &c., pi. xii (London, 1900). See also Strzygowski, Orient oder Rom, pp. 61 ff. (Leipzig, 1901). POTTERY i6i This interesting bowl is remarkable for its style, date, and technical peculiarities. The incised lines of the subject and of the inscription, as well as the white squares of the exterior, have been filled up with a fine white slip ; while the whole has been covered somewhat unequally with a vitreous glaze, which has in the thicker parts a pale greenish tinge, and is full of bubbles of varying sizes. The chemical changes which have followed upon long burial in the soil have altered the relative qualities of glaze and body, so that the incised subject is no longer as clearly visible as without doubt it was originally intended to be ; but upon immersing the whole bowl in water, the saturation of the body darkens its tint, and thus allows the white colour which fills the incised lines to be clearly seen. The bowl was bought by the late Count Tyszkiewicz from a dealer in Rome, who professed to be unaware of the existence of the subject in the interior, and to have only discovered the fact by accident in the process of washing. For the reasons stated below it was probably found in Egypt, but may have remained for some time in Rome, as pieces of pottery of quite a different class but with the same incised design have been counterfeited in imitation of it. The bowl is probably to be attributed to Egypt not only on account of the method of its manufacture but also from the treatment of the figure of our Lord. Thus the manner in which the mantle is worn is characteristic of other Egyptian monuments (Strzygowski, as above, pp. 63, 64). The busts in medallions on either side of our Lord's head may be paralleled by other examples, while the cruciform nimbus does not imply a late date, for, contrary to the former belief, its use as early as the 4th century has already been proved. The whole figure of Christ is indeed of the greatest importance to the study of Byzantine iconography (Strzygowski, as above, pp. 63 flf.). The circumstances connected with the death of the Empress Fausta make it certain that any object on which she is represented with her husband could only have been made during her lifetime, i.e. before 329. The inscription is correct in form, but the omission of the first N in the name of Constantine caused the genuineness of the bowl to be called in question by Professor Strzygowski, who has recently, however, changed his opinion (as above, p. 64, and Byz. Zeitschr. vol. X (1901), p. 734). The omission is certainly very unusual, but would appear to be not un- exampled (cf. C. I. L. vol. viii, no. 10,035 ; and Mommsen, Ephemeris Epigraphica, vol. v, no. 10,999). In Greek the omission of the n is more frequent, and it is not unnatural to suppose that if the bowl was made in a place where Greek was commonly spoken, the Latin spelling of the name may have been influenced by the vulgar pronunciation. The whole appearance of the bowl is such as to make it difficult to believe that it could have been produced in modem times ; and it may therefore be claimed as a unique example of the ceramic industry of the late Empire. From a technical point of view it is admirable, showing that perfection of the potter's art which might be expected in a town like Alexandria, where the craftsmen of Egypt practised their inherited skill for the benefit of the wealthy citizens of the Empire. 917. Circular stamp, with pierced conical handle engraved with a cross with double traverse, having on either side o the shaft in two lines I C X | 6 jG ('Ijjo-oCs Xptoroy ©ecu i^los ?). D. 1-9 in. 1856. 918. Another ; with a cross pattee. About the 6th century. D. 3-6 in. 1892. Cf. stamps found at Akhniim (Panopolis), Forrer, Friihchristl. Altertiimer, pi. i and ix. 919. Another ; a horseman (St. George?) transfixing a dragon. Above, letters of mutilated inscription. L. 2-2 in. 1874. Found on the site of the temple of Diana at Ephesus. Y l62 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 920. Another, with cylindrical handle ; the crux monogramuiatica f, with a small cross within the loop. ^th century. H. 1-4 in. 1882. 921. Another ; a nimbed figure standing in the attitude of an orans. To /. a bird with long neck, to r. an indeterminate object. About the 6th century. D. 2.6 in. Given by E. J. Rogers Bey, 1883. Probably found near Cairo. 922. Another, with conical handle : a cross within a quatrefoil border. About the 6th century. D. 4 in. 1881. 923. Fragment of a plate, of fine red pottery impressed with a jewelled cross within a circle. 5/// or 6th century. L. 3-36 in. 1882. Cf. Delattre, in Rnme de VArt Chretien, 1893, p 39; Doublet et Gauckler, Le Musce de Constantine, p. 62 (Paris, 1892); La Blancherc et Gauckler, Catalogue du Musee AlK CO within a wreath; above and below the inscription : VRSICINVS lACETlCVM PACE. L. 10 in. Given by John Evans, Esq., 1889. From St. Acheul, Amiens. Le Blant, Inscriptions Chretiennes de la Gaule, vol. ii, pi. xci, no. 544, and p. 568. For the name Ursicinus cf. Le Blant, Nouveau Reaieil des Insa: Chr^t. de la Gaide, no. 289, p. 314 ; Kraus, Die chrisilichen Inschriften der Rheinlandt:, vol. i, no. 122. pi. ix, no. 26. 933- Another; inscribed: + GVNDEBEBIUS | FAMVLVS DEI VIXIT ANNOS///. H. 6-25 in. W. 9-25 in. From Santiponce (Italica), near Seville, Spain. Hiibner, Inscr. Hispaniae Chrislianae, no. 64. 934. Another, of grey earthenware, with the monogram ^ in relief under a rounded arch between two columns. To /. two imperfect letters of an inscription, continued to r. : VI VAS C(VM) TVIS. H. 1275 in. 1889. Obtained in Spain. 935. Another; inscribed: CDLONICVS FID|ELIS IN PACE VI|XIT MS III. {menses ires.) H. 13-25 in. W. 14-5 in. i860. From Carthage. With the name Colonicus cf. Colonica at Cherchel, see Rev. Arch. 1891, pt. i, p. 29. On the iarmxild. fidelis in pace as characteristic of N. Africa see Le Blant in Rev. Arch. vol. xlii (1881), p. 240. 936. Fragment of a sepulchral slab, engraved with a cross with a small R on the upper limb (a Latinized form of the crux moiiogratnmatica T) and the .. IN PACE/// mscnpfon^^^^^j;. L. 8-5. i860. From Carthage. The name was probably Attilius. STONE 165 937. Another, marble. Inscription: ANNOSVII| MENSES llll. H. 8 n. W. 875 in. i860. From Carthage. 938. Another; inscription: FIDELlS IN \ ////?R\^\ SiFidelh in f>r!mis) H. 7 in. W. 9 in. i860. From Carthage. '4 939. Another ; inscription : /// WTO) 1 ///./€/// I /// OYAOC////XAPIN. H. 6-5 in. W. 3-5 in. i860. From Carthage. 940. Another ; inscription : ///eiPHNHC 1 M€TA TH j AKPOnC///. B. 12 in. H. 87 in. 1S73. From Ephesus. 941. Marble Fragment ; two right hands holding a tablet on which is en- graved the .sacred mono- gram %. L. 5 in. 1865. 942. Sepulchral slab of limestone carved in relief with two subjects sepa- rated by an inscription and surrounded by a double border of vine- scrolls and guilloche. The upper panel contains a cross patteewith a loop on the upper limb, between two twisted columns with foliated capitals ; in the lower is a dove stand- ing above a branch with its wings raised above its head so as to enclose a medallion containing a [. ^c.->^-<*— ^ "-■"— ,. ' ^J^^^~ Z «*^^" cross. Round its neck '■Miiiii'-^^***""' '^''<*^I0^ -^^^^J^^ is tied a pendant disk, and beneath its beak a small cross. The inscription is in four lines: €IC eCOC i66 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES OBOHeaJlNCCO0PONH€TeAe I VTHCeN nAXOJN ITH]CIA//INAIK/////. showing that the stone is in memory of Sophronc, who died on the tenth day of the month Pac/ioii, in the eleventh year of an indiction which the effacement of the last part of the inscription leaves uncertain. See figure. Coptic, ■jf/i or ?>tk century. H. 33 in. W. 15-5 in. Cf. Gayet, Les Monuments Copies du Musde de Boulaq [Mcmoires piiblU's par /es iiiembres de la Mission AnliMogigue fra?i(aise ate Caire, tome iii, Paris, 1889), pi. Ivii, Ixi, l.\.\iii. The monuments most similar in style to this have been obtained at Krment (Hemionthis). Those in the Gizeh Museum will be found photographically reproduced in the volume on Coptic Monuments by W. E. Crum, forming part of the Catalogue G^n^ral. 943. Circular SLAK of limestone carved in relief with a dove upon a branch with an olive branch in its beak. Roimd its neck is suspended a rectangular object. Coptic. ']th or '^th century. D. 1375 in. Cf. Gayet, as above, pi. xvi, and lix-l.\i. 944. Limestone fragment carved in relief with scrolls of foliage enclosing a human face and a panther (?). See figure, '^th or 6th century. H. II in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1S70. From Medinet el-Fayum (Crocodilopolis). Cf. Naville, Ahnas el Medineh, pi. xv, xvi (Eleventh Memoir of the Eg>'pt Exploration Fund, London, 1S94) ; Gayet, as above, pi. vi : Riegl, Spafromisthe Kunstindustrie, fig. 54, p. 147. 945. Similar fragment ; the head and shoulders of a lion within .similar foliage. H. IO-5 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1870. From Medinet el-Fayum (Crocodilopolis). STONE 167 946. Capital of an engaged column, of grey stone, rudely carved with two figures, one bearded standing on the ;■., the other kneeling. The head of the second figure has been destroyed. In the top is a deep cavity. See figure. H. 20 in. 947. Cornice of grey stone; in the centre an equal-armed cross in high relief; background in low relief, consisting of an arcade of rounded arches supported on double columns which rest on bases of two steps. Beneath each arch is a conventional tree. L. 31 in. H. 6-5 in. 948. Slab of grey stone, imperfect, carved in relief with a cross pattee within a circle. L. 28 in. H. 185 in. 949. Small limestone slab ; in the centre is painted the Virgin seated with the Child in her arms, the colours almost entirely lost. On each side stands an angel once similarly painted, the background being cut away, leaving the figures in outline ; engraved border, at the top and bottom of cross-hatching with a medallion containing a cross pattee in the centre, on the two sides, of con- ventional palms ; at each corner an engraved quatrefoil. L. 8-2 in. H. 5-8 in. 1855. 950. Corner of another slab, with .somewhat similar border. L. 4-1 in. 1855. IX. MISCELLANEOUS. I. Textiles, &c. ((ith — Wi century!) 951. Linen tunic, with applied tapestry ornament. The front and back both have two vertical stripes {c/avi) terminating in medallions, and connected at the neck by broader transverse bands. Below each of the stripes is a larger medallion (orbicuhis or segmcntuni), while a similar medallion is seen on each shoulder. Apart from the horizontal bands, which have animals in different arrangements, only two designs are used, one for the stripes, the other for the medallions ; but variety and symmetry are attained by employing each in two forms, direct and reversed, an example of one matching an example of the other on each side of the garment. The design of the stripes is a series of superimposed panels within conventional borders containing figures, the central panel representing the Virgin and Child. That of the larger medallions is the scene of the Adoration of the Magi (see figure). The colours employed are crimson for the ground, and yellow, MISCELLANEOUS 169 dark and pale green, brown, pinW, dark and light blue, purple-brown, black, and white, for the figures. L. 52 in. Given by the Executors of Major W. J. Myers. 1901. From Egypt. The tunic resembles those discovered at Akhmim (Panopolis), and perhaps came from that place. It is very ragged in parts, and the tapestry on one side and on the shoulders is greatly frayed and faded. It should be compared with the garments worn by the attendants on the left end of the Casket of Projecta (pi. xviii). 952. Fragment of a tunic (?), ornamented with narrow inwoven purple lines, and a square of the same colour containing a cross between four smaller crosses. L. 46in. W. 28 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1873. From Tell Atrib (Athribis). 953. Similar fragment, with a narrow inwoven purple stripe down the centre. L. 36 in. W. 24 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1873. From Tell Atrib (Athribis). 954. Another, ornamented with H. inwoven in purple. L. 24 in. W. 20 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1873. From Tell Atrib (Athribis). 955. Linen hood, with an inwoven cross and a narrow line in purple on each side. L. 13 in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1873. From Tell Atrib (Athribis), Z lyo EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 956. Another ; on the outside horizontal rows of tags and knots. L. II in. Given by the Rev. G. J. Chester, 1873. From Tell Atrib (Athribis). 957. Cross of gilt leather, with looped ends. It stands upon a base of four steps, and is ornamented with cut designs ; upon each limb a plaited band, and upon the base bands of zigzag, with small pounced circles in the angles. A narrow black border runs round the whole. L. 30 in. Given by J. Gardner Wilkinson, Esq., 1834. From Medinet Habu, Thebes, to be from a vestment. Said II. Plaster and Clay. Nos. 958 — 965, seals from wine-jars, of the 4th to 7th century. 958. Plaster seal of a wine-jar, with the sacred monogram -J^ and inscription XM(r)/////a)MA. D. 3-5 in. Given by the Egypt Exploration Fund, 188S. Cf. C. I. L. vol. XV, nos. 4886, 4888-4890. The letters X M F stand for Xpio-rof Mi^ai^X Vafiplr{\, and are usually a sign of Syrian origin. See de Rossi, Bullettiiio, 1890, p. 42, and 1894, p. 104 ; Le Blant m Rev. Arch. iZti, p. 130; Bulletin de Correspondance HelUnique (Ecole /rangaise d^Athines), 1894, p. 24 ; Renan, Mission de PMiiicie, p. 592 ; V. Strazzulla in R. Q. S. 1899, p. 132. 959. Another ; the cn/x vtouogrammatka T and a mutilated inscription. D. 3-1 in. Given by the Egypt Exploration Fund, 1888. From Naucratis. 960. Another ; in the centre R VV\, surrounded by a border with the inscription : VTHMANARITANO. D. 3-6 in. Given by H. Martyn Kennard, Esq., 1894. From Coptos, Egypt. For an example of a wine-jar closed by a similar seal see La Blanch^re et Gauckler, Cat du Miis^e Alaotii, no. 390, p. 251 (Paris, 1897). 961. Another ; in the sunk top is a ligatured inscription. In the back are imbedded five fragments of red pottery. D. 4-8 in. Given by H. Martyn Kennard, Esq., 1S94. Coptos. Egypt. 962. Another, impressed with the figure of St. Menas between two camels. Pieces of reed adhere to the back of the seal. D. 4 in. Franks Coll. 1880. See C. H. Smith mjourn. Hellenic Studies, vol. iv (1883), p. 159. 963. Another, with cruciform monogram between letters forming the word KaKQKh.ya{Qov). The proper name may be 'Icodwou. D 4-1 in. 1882. KA KA AO TA MISCELLANEOUS 171 964. Another, with a cruciform monogram and a cross. D. 4-1 in. Franks Coll. 1880. T < 0) . -X 965. Another, with the name lOYAIANOY, and the seven-branched candlestick. D. 3-6 in. Franks Coll. 1880. 966. Medallion, (impression of a seal?) of pale clay. The Entry into Jerusalem ; our Lord riding an ass to /. and carrying a cross. Before him stand two figures carrying palm-branches. In the field, a star. D. 1-9 in. Blacas Coll. 1S67. 967. Another ; our Lord with cruciform nimbus riding to r. on an ass. He holds up his r. hand, and carries a cross in his left ; before the ass walks a bearded figure. D. 1-82 in. 1889. From Smyrna. 968. Another ; the Annunciation (?). The Virgin is seated to /. on a folding stool, and holds up her r. hand towards the angel who stands before her. On the ground between the two figures is the basket ? containing the wool which the Virgin has been spinning. D. I '64 in. 1882. From Edfu, Egypt. m. Small Objects of Stone. 969. Limestone stamp, oblong and of triangular section, pierced for suspension ; the rectangular face engraved: MARTI ANy^| VIVASI/^, in two linesj the letters reversed. Martiane vivas i(n Deo). 4th century. L. 675 in. Given by the Egypt Exploration Fund, 1888. From Benha. Imperfect. 970. Another, conical and pierced for suspension. The face is rudely engraved in intaglio with a bird. ^th or f)th centiii-y. H. 25 in. 1877. From the Fayum. 971. Another, of similar shape, also pierced ; engraved \ B L. 2-26 in. 1876. 9 Z 2 172 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 972. Another ; a cylinder drilled longitudinally and engraved in intaglio with a cross pattee within a circle of radiating lines. About the 6th century. L. -86 in. 1880. From Alexandria. 973. Another, pyramidal, engraved as in figure ('Itjitovs Xpurros vixa). (C XC About the 6th century. |s| I k/// L. 2- 1 5 in. 1S92. From Cyprus. Cesnola, Salamitn'a, fig. 117. Possibly a stamp for the Eucharistic bread; cf. E. Michon, in Mt'langes G.-B. de liossi ' Eioie /ran<;azse de Rome , 1892, p. 199. 974. Another, of black stone, flat and circular, engraved with a cross pattee within a circle of zigzag bands interrupted by four small crosses. D. 2-3 in. 1879. Possibly a stamp for the Eucharistic bread ; cf E. Michon, as above. 975. Mould, of dark green stone, flat and oblong, engraved on one side with a rosette of eight petals within a pearled border. Pierced at both ends. L. 17 in. 1879. Perhaps a mould for casting jewellery ; cf Doublet et Gauckler, Le MusJe de Constantine, p. 54 (Paris, 1892) ; S. Reinach, Esqiiisses archMogigues, ch. v ; Mat. Russ. Arch. no. 23 (1899), p. 27. 976. Pectoral cross, of steatite. About the 6th century. L. I in. 1875. From Egypt. 977. Another. L. I in. 1S76. From Egypt. 978. Another. L. I in. 1884. From Egypt. 979. Another. L. I in. 1879. 980. Another, within a lozenge ; cut from the solid. L. 9 in. 1S79. IV. Wood. 981. Cylindrical stamp, grooved round sides. On one face is engraved in intaglio a lion (?) rampant with head turned back ; in front of the breast, a small cross. On the other face is engraved Solomon's seal with a star in the centre. 6th or 1th century. D. 244 in. 1S90. From Akhmim (Panopolis). MISCELLANEOUS 173 V > 982. Another ; on one side is engraved a monogram, sec figure ; on the other, another cruciform monogram. dth or "jth century. D. 3-2 in. 1890. From Minyeh, Egypt. 983. P.\NEL, with holes for pegs along both the side-edges, and carved on both surfaces in low relief. On one side is a row of nine rosettes within a zigzag border ; on the other, si. x medallions containing formal flowers (?) separated by as many crosses, and bordered above and on the left side by a band of guilloche. I-. 23-3 in. Imperfect. 984. Fragment of a panel, carved on one side in low relief with a fish to /. between two geometrical designs. On the back, part of a much weathered in- scription in three lines. L. 10-5. 1881. From Egypt. 985. Candlestick of soft, brown wood carved with geometrical patterns. The base is in openwork standing on four feet ; the body is barrel-shaped, and the upper part cylindrical with two pierced pro- jections, one on either side. H. 87 in. 1891. From Egypt. 986. Carved cedar panels from a door, four purely ornamental, the remaining six with scriptural subjects. The panels of the former class are identical in design, each having a large central cross with floriated extremities and two medallions containing smaller crosses upon the ver- tical limb ; the ground is covered with a rich decoration of interlacing floral scrolls {see figure). The panels of the second class represent the following scenes : the Annunciation ; Nativity and Adoration of the Magi ; Baptism ; Entry into Jeru- salem ; Ascension ; Descent into Hell ; and Pentecost ; the Annunciation and Baptism being on the same panel. The Annunciation (pi. xxxiv, lower part of central panel). The angel Gabriel approaches from the /., extending his r. 174 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES arm towards the Virgin, who stands before him with her ;' hand raised and holding a book in her /. The Nativity (pi. xxxv, left hand). In the centre the Virgin, wearing a richly embroidered mantle, is seated to /. ; behind her is the Child in the manger, above which are seen the heads of the ox and the ass. Behind are three shepherds. From the /•. approach the Magi with their gifts. Below to /. is seated Joseph, and at the bottom two nurses are washing the Child, while an ass is feeding in the /. hand corner ; above is a choir of angels, above whom is a star. The Baptism (pi. xxxiv, upper part of central panel). Our Lord, an adult bearded figure with cruciferous nimbus, stands up to the waist in the Jordan ; to r. stands St. John in a garment of skins with his ;-. hand extended over our Lord's head, and a long cross in his /. Above is the dove, and to /. are three angels holding garments. The Entry into Jerttsaltiu (pi. xxxiv, left panel). Above is our Lord, full- face, riding sideways upon an ass. He has the cruciferous nimbus with the addition of a small cross above the head, and his garments are richly embroidered. Behind him is visible the top of a palm-tree, which rises from the lower part of the panel ; in it are seated four small figures cutting branches ; see the Painter's Guide of Mount Athos, Didron, Manuel d Icoiiographie Chr^tienne, p. if^6 (Paris, 1845). Below is a group of Jewish spectators of both sexes. The Descent into Hell (pi. xxxv. ;-. hand). In the middle is our Lord holding a long cross in his /. hand and helping Adam and Eve to rise from an open tomb. Behind him stands King David, and in the background are the prophets and just men of the Old Testament. Below, two angels are binding with chains the prostrate figure of Beelzebub. The Pentecost (pi. xxxiv, right panel). The twelve Apostles are seated round a table which terminates in front in a rounded arch. In the background are buildings, and at the top is the dove descending from heaven. The Ascension (pi. xxxv, central panel). Above, our Lord in a maiidorla supported by two angels ; with his /'. hand he makes the gesture of benediction. Below stand the twelve Apostles, in front of whom is the Virgin between two angels. Plates XXXIV and XXXV. 13/// ccntnry. H. of the panels, 12 in. 1878. From the church of Sitt Miriam {At Mu 'Allaka), Cairo. See Arch. Jou)^. vol. xxix (1872), p. 128, and cf. Strzygowski in R. Q. S. 1S97 (Die christ- lichen Dcnkmaler Aegypte7is). The arabesques which form the principal ornament of some of the panels, and are introduced to fill up the background of the others, are in the style of con- temporary Arab art. The treatment of the gospel scenes is in general in accord with the rules of the Painter's Guide of Mount Athos, but there are marked divergencies, as in the case of the Annunciation, where the Virgin holds a book instead of the spindle and wool, and in the Pentecost, where the figure representing the world is absent from the arch in the foreground of the scene. 987. Wooden panel, gilt and painted, with four scenes. The Annunciation. The Virgin stands in the traditional manner before her MISCELLANEOUS 175 chair, holding the spindle in her /. hand. The angel approaches from the /. with his ;-. hand extended and holding a staff in his /. In the background are buildings. Inscription: O €•Y^>^YYeXl CMOC, O ^TABPIHA, MP BY. The Baptism. In the centre our Lord, adult and bearded, standing in the river ; to /. the Baptist, to r. a group of angels, and at the top the dove. Inscriptions : H BAnTlClC.and Tc" XC . The Nativity. In the centre the Virgin upon a couch ; behind her the Child in the manger and the angels with the shepherds. In the foreground, to /., the washing of the Child, to r., Joseph seated. Inscriptions : H XY r€NNHC|C, and Nff 0Y. The Transfiguration. Above, our Lord in a circular glory ; on the top of the mountain on either side Moses and Elias standing ; lower down in the foreground Peter, James and John in attitudes of amazement and adoration. Inscription: (jJC|C, and IC XC. 1 1th — 1 3//; century. L. 15-3 in. 1851. From the Monastery of the \'irgin near the Natron Lakes, Syria. V. Bone. 988. Six rings, with diagonal flutings on the outer sides, and with traces of mortar adhering to them. About the 4th century. D. 17 to i-l in. Probably impressed in the mortar of the loculi in the Roman Catacombs. Cf. de Rossi, Roma Sotierranea, vol. iii. p. 583; Bosio, Roma Solterranea, passim; Boldetti, pp. 504, 506. 989. Pectoral cross. 6th or Tth century. L. -82 in. 1880. From Egypt. 990. Pendant, a flat tablet. On one side is very rudely carved in relief St. George riding to r. and transfixing with a lance a dragon (?) upon the ground before him. (>th or "Jth century. L. -84 in. 1882. From the Fayum. Cf. a similar object from Akhmim ; see Forrer, Friihchristl. Altertiimer, pi. xxi, tig. 6. 991. Another ; the same subject. ()th or jth century. L. I '8 in. Given by W. Edkins, Esq., 1879. 992. Long bone of an animal, longitudinal section, carved on the convex side with a floral design, above which is a chevron. It is pierced with two holes at opposite corners. 6th or Jth centniy. L. 5-5 in. 1896. From Egypt. 176 EARLY CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES 993. Another, similar. L. 525 in. 1S96. From Kgypt. 994. Another, pierced with two holes in a straight line. L. 37 in. 1896. From Egypt. 995 Another, with a single hole. L. 262 in. 1896. From Egypt. VI. Lead. Note. — The collection of Byzantine lead seals is in the Department of MSS. 996. Medallion, with loop for suspension ; on one face in relief the standing figure of a military saint with long chlamys, supporting a shield with his /. hand, and holding a spear in his r. ; on the other side, a saint standing in the attitude of an oralis between two crouching animals. Perhaps St. Menas. D. -34 in. 1882. 997. Ampulla, with ornament in relief: on each side of the neck is a cross. On one side of the body are two military saints standing side by side, each holding a spear in his /. and an oval shield in his ;•. hand. In the field the vertical inscriptions: 0AH|TIO(C) and O r€|OP!(ri)|OC. (Saints Aetius and George.) On the other side is a building with three round arches, above which are a gabled roof flanked by a cupola and a turret. Under the central and largest arch is our Lord lying in the manger, above which is seen the head of an ox. From each of the smaller arches a lamp (?) is suspended. H. 2-26 in. Franks Coll. 1876. C. Roach Smith, Collectanea Antigua, vol. v, pi. xxix, fig. i. St. Aetius was one of the forty military martyrs of Sebaste in Armenia under Licinius (March 10). 998. Another ; on each side in low relief within a plaited border the bust of a military saint with circular shield on his /. arm and spear in his ;-. hand In the field on one side, the remains of defaced vertical inscription. H. 2-22 in. Franks Coll. 1S76. C. Roach Smith, Collectanea Antigua, vol. v, pi. xxix, fig. 2. 999. Another ; on one face within an engraved plaited border the bust of a military saint with spear and shield; in the field, on either side of the head, remains of an inscription. On the other side is a similar bust. H. 2 in. Franks Coll. 1876. C. Roach Smith, Collectanea Antigua, vol. v, pi. xxix, fig. 3. MISCELLANEOUS 177 VII, Various Small Objects. 1000. PkndaNT of rock-crystal, hemisi^herical, engraved on the convex side with the sacred monogram j^; in a bronze setting with loop for suspension. 4/// century. L. 1-6 in. 1S90. Obtained in Rome. lOOi. Pi'XTORAL CROSS pattee, of pearl shell, pierced for suspension. (ith or Jth century. L. 1-6 in. 1883. Probably from Egypt. 1002. Figure of a peacock rudely carved from a flat piece of pearl shell. fit/t or "jth century. L. 1-32 in. 1879. From Thebes, Egypt. 1003. Iron rod, of round section and blunt at the lower end, square in section with engraved geometrical ornament in the upper part, which terminates in a cross pattee surmounted by a hook. 6/// or ~th century. L. 675 in. iSt'2. Probably from Egypt. Perhaps a rod for stibium. The Casket of Pkojecta. No. 304. A a Inches Millimetres 95 3-5 85 on •7*^ ft*C ^ fio T5 en ac art ?-5 prt 13 -5 ■ ■ =T Comparative English and Metrical Scale. INDEX 'Afifia, 806 Abraham, 629 Accipe ditlcis viultis atim's, 49 Acerentinus {Acherunlinus ?), 608 Adam, 616 — and Eve, 42, 629, 652, 986 Adoration of the Magi, 116, 129, 284, 986 Aegae, 88 Aemilia, 48 "Aytos 'Ayiot 'Ayios, &C., I20 "AKipfiis, 392 Akhmim, 535-6, 711, 981 Akl 487, 500. 554, 559. 566, 573, 577-8, 580, 590, 717, 730, 749, 755, 778, 795-6. 798, 841, 843, 845-50, 878, 906, 908, 912, 914, 919, 940. Ass, 306, 986 Athens, 94-5, 528, 586-8, 690, 692 Athribis, 952-6 j Attilius, 936 AY + AA, 400 Aurelia, 603 Augsburg, 355 B. Bti^ira, 555 Babylon, Three Children of, 621, 628-9, 723-4 Baptism, the, 129, 293, 540, 986-7 Basket, 36, 297 Bear, 419 A a 2 i8o INDEX Bearded Angel (?), 293 Bfffaia aT7]fHn KK, 115 Elias, 987 El Jem, 772 'EXjri'r liov 6 6(6s, 134 K/iOi 8e fiij yeVoiTo Kav)(a(Tdat, &C., 285 Emperors, figures of, 253, 485, 548, 660-1 Enamel, 266-7 VlvyoXios, 566 ^Evdo^oTaTos, 671 Eparchs, 662 ff. Ephesus, 749, 841, 906, 9r2, 919 Equestrian figures, 84, 252, 543 Erment, 567 Erythrae, 277 Eshcol, grapes of, 727 Esquiljne Hill, treasure from, 304 ff. Evayy(\i(Tfios, see Annunciation Eix-i (f). 336 EiXoyia, 86o ff. Einrpa^ios, 672 Evert jSios, 62 Eidvvia, 492 EvTv^as TrpoKtmTf, 280 Exagia, 425 ff. E. Famulus Dei, 933 Fausta, Empress, 916 Faustus, 349 Fayfim, The, 217, 970, 990 Fibulae, 227-31, 256-7, 264, 280-1, 581-3 Fidel is in pace, 935 — inprimis, 938 Fish, 35-9, 48, 654-5, 751-2, 984; see also Dolphin Fisherman, 46 Flask, 657 Flavins (^Xd^iof), 665-6 Flux, used in making gilded glasses, 602 Fondi d'oro, 598-651 Forearm, 241 Fortnum collection of rings, 30 Fortuna, 247 Fortunius, 611 Fostat, see Cairo Fox, 736 Frog, 360, 819 i8: NDEX G. r, lo, for (wyKla, 458 ff. Gabatha, 528 Gabriel, Archangel, 104, 121, 193, 555, 986-7 Ga/erus, 603 Galley, 40, 70, 71, see Ship ri Xpitrros, 106-7, 1 1 2-5, 686-7, 917 ICXCNIKA, 551, 973 159 Isuurasen (?), 13 I'aly, 55-8, 60, 73, 122, 167, 219 'ladvvTjs, 150-I, 397, 566, 662-4 J- facet cum pace, 932 Jerusalem, 256, 263 — Entry into, 90, 966, 967 Jonah, 25-6, 623, 628-9, 7 '8 Jordan, River personified, 294 Joseph, see Saints Judas, Death of, 291 b Judgement Scene, 291 a Juno Lanuvina, 322 Justinian, 211 K. KaXoKayn^oj, 963 KapTfpu, 135 Kerynia, 397-424 Key-rings, 46, 49 Knife-handle, 331 Ko(T/inr, 668 KavcTTavTlavo! (?), 140 Kvpie ^otjdfi, &C., 102, 137-49, 288, 532 Kustendje, 43 L. A for Xtrpa, 483 Lamp filler, 527 Lamp mould, 804 Lamps, 495-529. 713-859 Lampsacus, 249, 250, 376-96 Lamp stands, 376, 495-98 Lanuvium, 322 Lazarus, Raising of, 291 c, 296 Lea, 61 Lead, objects of, 996-9 Afo'j/Tior, 164, 487, and see Saints Leuboiicus, 931 Light of the World, The, 106 Lions, 25, 97, 225-6, 245, 252, 338, 628-9, 701. 719. 720. 728-33. 981 Locket, 266, 284 Aot'Sopoi, 390 Longinus, 291 b Loquere felidkr, 359 Aoi^KOf, 382, 554 Luxor, 216, 223, 807 M. MA, 325 Ma^^aJoy (M'o(f?Tf), 105 Metz, 354 Michael, Archangel, 295, 302, 555, 930 Mt^aijX, 165 Minerva, 248 Minieh, 926, 982 Miracles, 628 Mcrj/ioVeuf, 7, 8, 103 INDEX 183 Monogram, The Sacred, '*• 12, 71, 72-5, 256, 609, 610, 713, 758-64, 934, 941, 958, 1000, % 716, 765-70, * 27, ^ 25t, f 78, 353, 422, 501, 771-7. 826, 850, 920, 927-9, 936, 959, _1'278-84, A>Ka., 50, 76, 359, 375, 932 MP GY {u!}Tr^p6(oii), 104, 109-15,688-91, 987 N. N for vofutriia, 427 flf. Naples, 55-6, 167, 219, 745 Narses, 928 Nativity, The, 116, 129, 284, 300, 986-7, 997 Naucratis, 959 Navigafelix, 247 Necklaces, 242, 245, 249, 282 Nicholas, see Saints Niello, 121, 129-33, 207, 227, 282, 307, 312- 19.331.346-55, 364. 378-92. 397-8, 403. 404 Nt/ci]Tas, 138 N/o-iaf, 533 Ni!/ni(rfia, 427 ff. 594. O. OER, 61 0/onnose puer, &c., 392 Omnia vincit amor, &c., 39 c 'O/idrata, 129, 133 Orans, 44, 98, 100, 109, 117, 283, 287, 297-8, 558 ff., 618, 628-9, 690, 701-2, 720, 921 Orbiculi, 609, 951 Orfitus, 608 Orontes, River, personified, 334 Orpheus, 123 Orvieto, 60 Olihiv ayav, 390 Our Lord, 43, 90, 97, 106-8, 120, 122, 129, 130, 189, 190, 287, 293-4, 300, 399, 550, 580, 619, 626-7, 629, 630-1, 636-7, 721, 916, 986 Oxen, 628 P. Pachon, month, 942 Paemda, 609 Palm-branch, 9, 10, 35, 39, 41, 64-7, 760-1, 763, 767-8, 810-1, 820, 832, 844, 855, 909, 926 1 84 INDEX Palm-tree, 754, Hr^i nai/(iyta, gg2 Panther, 240, 416 Paralytic, Healing of the, 628 Taris, 353 Parrot, 305 Passion, Scene from. 108 Pastoral Scenes, 289 356-7 Paul, St., see Saints Peacocks, 276-7, 279, 304, 509, 833. 1002 Pehlevi inscription, 82 Pelegrina, 307 Pentecost, 986 Peter, St., see Saints nirpoi, 384, 397 Phahrae, 338-43 Phocas, Emperor, 485 Pie Zeses, 605, 617, 632, 636 Die f^trat? cift eV ayndoii, 653 Pins, 232-5 Pittacus, 390 Plane la, 293, 609 Polycandela, 393, 529 Pomegranate, 336-7 Pompeianus, 609 Porphyrion, 668 Pottery, 713 ff. Pozziioli, 174, 754, 783 Pracfectus urbi, 444 Projecta, 304 Purification, The, n6 Q. Quadragisima, 347 QCft, 214, 563, 571-2, 583 Quirinus, 322 R. Ram, 414, 507 Reliquaries, 284, 558-62 Requiescii in pace, 931 Retiarius, 603 Rhodes. 500 RogatUS, 14; 'Pt;{yaTor) (.'), 669 Roll, 305, 605, 607, 612, 617, 632, 637 Rome, 57-8, 73, 122, 304-52, 1000 Rouen, 210 Rufus, 6 852, Sacrifice, 2 1 r St. Louis, Hill of, 356 ff. Saints. Chrysogonus (?), 574; Cosmas and Damian, 284 ; Damasus, 642 ; Demetrius, 126, 694-5; Dionysius (?), 806; Episcopal, 303; George, 195 ff'., 549, 551, 556, 557, 561, 904, 914, 919, 990, 99r, 997; Hip- polytus, 632 ; James, 399, 987 ; John Evangelist, 291 b, 399, 987 ; John Baptist, 105, 293, 299, 303, 986-7; Joseph, 284, 300, 986-7 ; Laurence, 632 ; Leontius, 124, 126; Luke, 554 ; Marina, 1 17 ; Matthew, 553; Menas, 194, 297, 860 ff., 966; Mili- tary, 115, 127, 287, 483, 996-9: Nicholas, 696 ; Paul, 292c, 399, 547, 632, 635-7. 640 ; Peter, 2911, 292I', 399, 633-4, 636-9, 987 ; Sergius, 398; Sixtus (Xystus), 632, 641; Stephen, 558-60 ; Theodore, 544, 548, 692- 3; Timothy, 632-41 Salutation, The, 129 Salvator, 46, 122 Sanctuary, 644 Santiponce, 933 Sardinia, 282, 775 Sardis, 487 Scrinium, 305 Scutari, 123 Siu/e/hi, 316 Seals, 97-100 — from wine-jars, 958 ff^. Secundus, 304 Sedia gestaloria, 332 Seleucia. 566 Sergius, 167, afid see Saints Serpent, 42, 543 Sheep, 23-4, 289, 737, 926 Shepherd's Crook, 35, 289 Ship, 88, 628-9, 883, 9r5, see Galley Shoe, 525-6 Sicily, 130, 141, 186, 773, 776, 928 Silvanus (Silbanus), 436 Simon (?), 642 Sitt Miriam, Church of, 986 SfCOTTfXof, 287 Smyrna, 114, 144, 152, 156, 1(0, 163, 179. INDEX 185 190, 203, 212, 222, 225, 554, 559, 573. 577, 580, 590, 908, 967 Soldier, 108, 297-8 Solidus, 426 ff. Solomon, 155-6 Solon, 387 Sophrone, 942 Spain, 541-2, 933-4 Spies and grapes, 727 Spindle-wliorls. 262-3 Spoons, 323-30, 346-55, 364-75. 380-92. 400-24, 531 Stag, 418, 734 Stamps, bronze, 486-94 — pottery, 917-22 — stone, 969 ff. — wood, 981-2 — impressions of, on silver plate, 376, 379, 397- 399 Star, 25, 79 Steelyard weight, 485 2T((paviTiis [?), 123 2T(if>avot, 128, 139 Stool (?), fragments of, 395 Stratonicus, 603 2vv((TtOS, 137 Susanna (?), 628 Syracuse, 776, 844 Syria-Palesiine, in. 133, 169, 170, 193, 202. 205, 220, 257-63, 279, 485-6, 533, 540, 543, 555-6, 558, 574, 578, 668, 673, 703, 835- 40, 987 Swans, 279, 298 T. Tabitha, Raising of, 292 b Td|3Aioi', 398 Tapestry, 951 Tarsus, 843 Tartfls, III, 150, 169, 202, 533 TavpLfos, I 7 Tel el-Yahfldeh, 510, 511, 526 Tfpfia 8' opav /3i(Sroio, &C., 387 Thebes, 196, 213, 215, 218, 1002 Thecla, 292 c 6fo'8o70f, 667 Theodora, 127; Teodora, 609 Theodore, see Saints &(68apos, 405 Seodfatxla (GfSoxrta), 555 Theodoric, 444 6f6s Qfov v'lis Trjpfi, 1 1 Q(ut6k( ^o!]6ei, &c.. 131, 176, 178, 183, 484 Gf oC x^W, 264, 480 Qeax^vXaKTos, 1 54 Thomas, incredulity of, 291 d ea)/x5r, 397 Tiberianus, 433 Tiger, 417 Timotheus (Timoteus), see Saints Toga Conlabulata, 604, 608—9, 612—3 Tombstones, 939 ff. Tore 6 XpttTTos Sia tov UpoSpipov avitTTrjiriv ra oara, 299 Toiit nXfovas kukiovs fie, &C., 389 Transfiguration, The, 987 Tree, 18, 20, 22, 25, 32, 48 Triangle, lo, 800 Tribunal, 297 Trisagion, 120 Tritons, 304 Tpi(pa>v, 397 Tpwye f poiTOKpovaTf J 391 Tunic, 951 Tunis, 772 Tychfe, 332-5 Tyre, 543, 837 Tzucinus, 612 U. ■Yyla {iylita), I49-52, 187, 49I, 543 'YTTairavTij, see Purification Uriel, Archangel, 555 Ursicinus, 932 Uterefelix. 307 V. C. (Vir clarissimus), 434, 444 V. L. {Vir laudabilis (?)), 436 VSLDN { Vicartus (?) sacrarum largitionum Domini Nostri), 470 Vases, 279, 755, 769 Venetiani, 599 Venus, 232-3, 304 Bb 1 86 INDEX Veria, 251 Vesica piscis, see Glory Vie it leo de tribu luda, 541 Vir excellentissimus, 928 Virgil, lines from, 391-2 Virgin, The, 98, 104, 109, 110, in, 121, 129, 193, 279, 283, 287, 291 b, 399, 548, 690, 986 Virgin and Child, 91-2, 112-5, 191-2, 545-6- 688-90, 903, 949, 951 Vila, 599, 601 Vivas, 51-3, 55-9. 604, 607, 613 Vivas cum luis, 934 Vivas in Christo, 50 Vivas in ■^, 713 Vivas in Deo, 12-5, 54, 969 Vivatis ( Vibatis), 609 Vtvalis in Chrisio, 304 Vivatis {bibatis) in nomine Herculis. 608 Vive vivas. 605 Vivitt [bibite), 612 Voiumen, see Roll Volumen nuptiale, 304 W. Washing of the Infant Jesus, 300 Weight, Signs of, 304. 316 Weights, 425-84; (glass), 66o-8,t Wine-jars, seals from, 958 ff. X. Xystus (Sixtus, Sustus), see Saints Za^npiOf, 532 Z^o-atr, 598 Zeses, 610 z<">7, 153 Za>y] irylaa, 491 Stamps on a Silver Vessel at Vienna. (After j. Arneth, Die antiken Gold- und Silber-Momimente e^c. pi., S. vii.) For comparison with No. 397 above. Plate I 42 i9 18 26 23 n /i 38 24 "-J-,. '' < < 1 43 'i';ii> •■' lb ENGRAVED GEMS Pl.ATK II ^4^ ■ 33 31 4^- 35 39 fi 37 / 36 40 71 70 ENGRAVED GEMS AND RINGS Plate III O < Plate IV V '> N o Plate V -J w Pl.ATK \'I If) < U t. J < Oh O > 2 Plate VII 29217 292/; 292 c 294 292;? CM 2g2i IVORY PANELS Plati: VIII 295 LEAF OF AN IVORY DIPTYCH THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL Plati-: IX w. > 'v»- •- ■ V- 9 w^^ -:&.■ ^.< \\ .V • ^1 tV *"'^V1^ en < 2 -^ o O' ^ O 3 > ^ Plate X I ^^m$!^^e.^ — w >• = o §^ « o O > -V 2 (J Pi.ATi: XI (/3 W z >- o > 1 Plate XII ■3 O z 0-, o Plate XIII < U Ui O H W •< u I w D < H w z Plate XIV < H u w o Di O H W u: < U I w D < w H w 5 o» CO u n o o ^\ Plate XV < H u o H W if) <^ u I w c; ID t/) <: H w 2 Ij 3 o* t/) f- z o Qi Plate XVI d o H C/3 < eq 2 ID Plate XVII 304 ESQUILINE TREASURE- CASKET OF PROJECTA RIGHT END Plate XVIII ESOUILINE TREASURE-CASKET OF PROJECTA LEFT END Plate XIX T^r. -"^'C^~ < u Q W w Q (-■ Id -J O < CO O Q I a H 2 a w Q H o ^^g^ Plate XX CO I o z H Z W W 2i a O E I D < Plate XXI w in < w a: H w O < * H < u Plate XXII < w H c/} ID U < Oh < Platk XXIII w en <: w oi H m ID U < a. S < Plate XXIV 30 W Oi. P < w H p Pi Plate XXV w OS Ha m < w H c« ID CL, Plate XXVI < w N Z o Plate XXVII CL, < N Z O Di Plate XXVIII liV' V ■^^■^- wZ !iL I—' — - II ■ » J ^W ^ O Q W Q I—) O o Plate XXIX /ti>^ >v^ y ^'/■.^ 03 en <: J o Q W Q ►J On Plate XXX o CQ < c/) (/) J H <: Z Q w w o < X -1 H u Q J O Plate XXXI ^/ o O O z o < Q W CO 5 N < O Q W Q O o Platk XXXII H O O 2 < <: w H O 0, Plate XXXIII ?,•»* <: Lr^^ \ /tif^< '^^ r<»] O W 2 2 < H 2 O U w 2 0) H B o id X o H Plate XXXIV o o b S < CU z w o o o o > < Plate XXXV CO O < U O U, C/2 W a, W Q O O Q W > < u OXFORD : HORACE HART PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY /3 ART L BRARV RECEIVED npn 1 4 1990 ART LIBRARY APR 1.41PP4 Al : , 315 m '"■J s- •■-; • :■ , ♦.• ..fH'-v ! ,-• ., :■ •' -■:::-^:' ...ti: ■' -' , ,.;.■"^^f^.■„*^vi; . ;-^;r5';>: J -vfc^ ■■-■ '■ >-, . 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