•NRLF HB a a LIBRARY OF THK University of California. GIFT OF Class ^ SELECTED WORKS ON ECONOMICS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPILED BY BENJAMIN RAND, Ph. D. Editor of "Economic History since 1763". BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, 1904, ■6^ The Public Library oi the City of Boston: Printing Department Reprinted from tlie "jNlonthly Bulletin" for March, 1904. ECONOMICS. V^ Selected Works in the English Language Compiled by • BENJAMIN RAND, Ph. D., Editor of "Economic History since 1763." The following list is intended to be helpful in general reading and reference work by students and others interested in Economics. The ordinary list prices of the books are included in order to assist readers and smaller Public Libraries that may wish to enlarge their collections in this department. 5s. New $1.25 Macmillan. $1.50 net Acworth, W. M. The railways of England. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1890. $4.20 net The railways of Scotland. London. Mur- ray. 1890. Adams, Brooks. American economic supremacy York. Macmillan. 1900. The new empire. New York 1902. Adams, C. F., Jr. Railroads and railroad questions. New York. Putnam. 1878. $1.25 Railroads, their origin and problems. Re- vised edition. New York. Putnam. 1878. $1.25 Adams, C. F., Jr., and H. C. Adams. Chapters of Erie. New issue. New York. Holt. 1886. $1.75 Adams, H. C. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. 2d edition. Ann Arbor. Hopkins, 1886. $ .50 Public debts. 2d edition. New York. Appleton. 1898. $2.50 The science of finance. New York. Holt. 1899. $3.50 net Andrews, E. B. Institutes of economics^ Boston. Silver. 1889. $1.30 net Ashley, W. J. An introduction to English economic his- tory and theory. New 'York. Putnam. 1892-93. 2 V. V. I, $1.50 net; v. 2, $3.00 net Surveys historic and economic. New York. Longmans. 1900. $3. 00 The adjustment of wages. New York. Longmans. 1903. $4.00 net The tariff problem. London. King. 1903. 2s. 6d. Ashley, W. J., editor. British industries. London. Longmans. 1903. , . 5s. 6d. Economic classics. New York. Macmil- lan. 1895-98. 4 V. ea. $ .75 net Ashworth, H. Recollections of R. Cobden. New edition. London. Crowell. 1879. 5s. Atkinson, E. The distribution of products. New York. Putnam. 1885. $1.50 The margin of profits. New York. Put- nam. 1890. $ .75 Taxation and work. New York. Putnam. 1892. $1.25 Aveling, E., and Eleanor Marx Aveling. The working class movement in America. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 Bagehot, W. Postulates of English political economy. New York. Putnam. 1885. $1.00 Lombard Street. New edition. New York. Scribner. 1896. $125 Economic studies. R. H. Huttton, editor. New edition. New York. Longmans. 1895. $1.25 Bagnall, W. R. Textile industries of the United States. 1639-1810. Stafford Mills, Conn. Bag- nall. 1893. Vol. I. $5.00 Baker, C. W. Monopolies and the people. 3d revised edition. New York. Putnam. 1899. $1.50 Balfour, A. J. Economic notes on insular free trade. London. Methuen. 1903. is. 2d. Bancroft, H. H. Resources and development of Mexico. San Francisco. Bancroft. 1894. $4.50 Barclay, R. Silver question and gold question. 4th edition. London. Wilson. 1894. 2s. 6d. Barnett, G. E. State banking in the United States since the passage of the National Bank Act. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins Press. 1902. $ .50 Bastable, C. F. The commerce of nations. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 The public finance. 3d revised edition. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $4.00 net The theory of international trade. 4th re- vised edition. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.25 net Q O ^ 1 SELECTED WORKS Bastiat, F. Sophisms of the protectionists Trans- lated by H. White. New York. Putnam. 1875- $1.25 Bates, W. W. American marine. Boston. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1893. $4.00 American navigation. Boston. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1902. $350 net Baxter, R. D. Taxation of the United Kingdom. Lon- don. Macmillan. 1869. 4s. 6d. National debts. 2d edition. London. Bush. 1871. 4s. 6d. Beer, G. L. Commercial policy of England toward her colonies. New York. Macmillan. 1893. $1.50 net Bell, J., and J. Paton. Glasgow: its municipal organization and administration. Glas'gow. Maclehose. 1896. 21s.net Bemis, E. W. Cooperation in New England. New York. Macmillan. 1886. $ .75 net Bemis, E. W., editor. Municipal monopolies. New York. Crow- ell. 1898. $2.00 Biggar, H. P. The early trading companies of New France. Boston. Boston Book Co. 1901. $4.00 net Birkbeck, W. L. Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England. London. Macmillan. 1885. 4s. 6d. Bishop, J. L. History of American manufactures, 1608- 1860. 3 V. Philadelphia. E. Young & Co. 1866. Blackmar, F. W. Economics. Topeka. Crane & Co. 1900. $1.00 Blackmore, E. The British mercantile marine. Philadel- phia. Lippincott. 1897. $1.50 Blanqui, J. A. History of political economy in Europe. Translated by E. J. Leonard. New York. Putnam.. 1880. $3.00 Bliss, W. D. P., editor. Encyclopaedia of social reform. New York. Funk & Wagnalls. 1897. $7.50 net Bohm-Bawerk, E. von. Capital and interest. Translated by W. Smart. New York. Macmillan. 1890. $4.00 The positive theory of capital. Trans- lated by W. Smart. New York. Mac- millan. 1891. $4.00 Recent literature on interest. Translated by W. A. Scott and S. Feilbogen. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.00 net Boissevain, G. M. The money problem and its solution. Translated by J. Warner. New York. Macmillan. 1891. $1.00 Bolen, G. N. Getting a living. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $2.00 net Plain facts on the trusts and the tariffs. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $1.50 Bolles, A. S. Financial history of the United States. New York. Appleton. 1879-86. 3 v. V. I, $2.50; V. 2 & 3, each $3.50 Industrial history of the United States. New York. Funk. 1889. $4.25 American finance. New York. American Banker. 1901. » $1.00 Money, banking and finance. New York. American Book Co. 1903. $1.25 net Bonar, J. Malthus and his work. New York. Mac- millan. 1885. 2 V. $4.00 Philosophy and political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1893. $2.75 net Elements of political economy. London. Methuen. 1903. 4s. 6d. Bonwick, J. British Colonies. London. Low. 1886. 5s. Romance of the wool trade. London. Griffith. 1887. 7s. 6d. Bowack, W. M. Another view of industrialism. London. Unwin. 1903. 6s. Bo wen, F. American political economy. New edition. New York. Scribner. 1885. $5.00 Bowker, R. R., and G. lies. ■Readers' guide in economic, social, and political science, bein'g a bibliography. New York. Putnam. 1891. $1.00 Bowley, A. L. Elements of statistics. New York. Scrib- ner. 1900. $4.20 net English foreign trade in the 19th century. New York. Scribner. 1900. $1.00 Wages in the United Kingdom in the 19th century. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $2.00 net Breckinbridge, R. M. The Canadian banking system, 1817-1890. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $.50 net Breckinbridge, S. P. Legal tender. Chicago. Chicago Univer- sity Press. 1903. $2.00 net Brentano, L. Labor and the law of today. New York Putnam. 1891. $1.50 Hours and wages in relation to produc- tion. New York. Scribner. 1894. $1.00 Brooke, E. A tabulation of factory laws of European countries. London. Richards. 1898. 2s. 6d. Brooks, J. G. The social unrest. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.50 net Brooks, R. C. A bibliography of municipal problems, etc. 2d edition. New York. Reform Club. 1901. $1.50 Brough, W. The natural law of money. New York. Putnam. 1894. $1.00 Browne, W. A. Money, weights and measures of the chief commercial nations. 6th edition. Lon- don. Stanford. 1882. 2s. 6d. Bruce, P. A. Economic history of Virginia. New York. Macmillan. 1903. 2 v. $6.00 net ON ECONOMICS 5 Bullock, C. J. Introduction to the study of economics. Revised edition. Boston. Silver, Bur- dett & Co. 1900. $1.28 net Essays on the monetary history of the United States. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.25 net Burgis, E. The perils to British trade. London. Son- nenschein. 1895. 2s. 66. Burton, T. E. Financial crises, etc. New York. Apple- ton. 1902. [With bibliography.] $1.40 Bushill, T. W. Profit sharing and the labor question. London. Methuen. 1893. 2s. 6d. Butts, L Protection and free trade. New York. Putnam. 1875. $1.25 Buxton, S. C. Finance and politics, 1783-1885. London. Murray. 1888. 2 v. 26s. Byles, J. B. Sophisms of free trade. 6th edition. Phila- delphia. Baird. 1903. $1.25 Byrn, E. W. The progress of invention in the 19th cen- tury. New York. Munn & Co. 1900. Illus. $3.00 Caird, James. English agriculture in 1850-51. 2d edition. London. Longmans. 1852. 14s. Landed interest and supply of food. New edition. London. Crowell. 1880. 5s. India, the land and the people. 3d edition. London. Cassell. 1884. los. 6d. Cairnes, J. E. The slave power. 2d enlarged edition. London. Macmillan. 1863. los. 6d. Essays in political economy. London. Macmillan. 1873. los. 6d. Some leading principles of political eco- nomy. New edition. New York. Har- per. 1884. $2.50 Character and logical method of political economy. 3d edition. New York. Har- per. 1888. $1.50 Caldecott, A. English colonisation and empire. New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 net Cannan, E. History of local rates in England. New York. Longmans. 1896. $ .75 A history of the theories of production and distribution in English political eco- nomy. 1776-1848. 2d edition. London. Percival. 1903. i6s. Cannon, J. G. Clearing houses. New York. Appleton. 1900. $2.50 Carey, H. C. Principles of social science. Philadelphia. Baird. 1855-59. $7-50 Carlile, W. W. The evolution of modern money. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $2.50 net Carroll, E. Principles and practice of finance. New York. Putnam. 1895. $i-75 Cernuschi, H. Nomisma, or legal tender. New York. Appleton. 1877. $1.25 net Chalmers, R. A history of currency in the British Colo- nies. London. Eyre & Spottiswoode. 1893. IDS. Chalmers, T. The Christian and civil economy of large towns. New edition. New York. Scrib- ner. 1900. $1.25 Chapman, S. J. The history of trade between the United Kingdom and the United States. New York. Scribner. 1899. $1.00 Local government and state aid. New York. Scribner. 1900. $1.00 Chisholm, G. S. Handbook of commercial geography. 4th corrected edition. New York. Lon'g- mans. 1903. $4.00 net Clare, G. The A B C of the foreign exchanges. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $125 Clark, J. B. The philosophy of wealth. Boston. Ginn. 1889. $1.00 net The distribution of wealth. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $300 net Clark, J. B., and F. H. Giddings. Modern distributive process. Boston. Ginn. 1869. $ .75 Clarke, W. E. Josiah Tucker. New York. Columbia University Press. 1903. $1.50 net Cleveland, F. A. Funds and their uses. New York. Apple- ton. 1902. $1.25 Clow, F. R. Introduction to the study of commerce. Boston. Silver, Burdett & Co. 1901. $1.25 net Cobb, A. S. Bank cash reserves. Threadneedle Street. London. E. Wilson. 1891. 5s. Cobden, R. Speeches on questions of public policy. Edited by J. E. Bright and J. E. T. Rogers. London. Macmillan. 1870. 2 V. 24s Coffin, G. M. The A B C of banks and banking. New York. S. A. Wilson. 1901. $i-25 Coghlan, T., compiler. Statistics. Six states of Australia and New Zealand. Sydney. Gullick. 1861 ff. Cohn, G. System of political economy. Translated by J. A. Hill. Philadelphia. American Academy. 1894. $1.00 The science of finance. Translated by T. B. Veblen. Chicago. Chicago Univer- sity Press. 1895. $3.50 net Coman, Katherine. The industrial history of the United States. New York. Macmillan. [An- nounced.] Commone, R. Distribution of wealth. New York. Mac- millan. 1903. $1.75 net Conant, C. A. The United States in the Orient. Boston. Houghton. 1900. $1-25 A history of modern banks of issue. New York. Putnam. 1896. $3.00 SELECTED WORKS Cook, W. W. Trusts, etc. New York. Baker. i{ $ -SO The corporation problem. New York. Putnam. 1891. $i-50 Cope, R. The distribution of wealth. Philadelphia. Lippincott. 1890. $2.00 Cossa, L. Taxation. Translated by H. White. New York. Putnam. 1888. $1.00 Introduction to the study of political eco- nomy. New York. Macmillan. 1893, $2.60 net Courtney, W. L. Life of J. S. Mill. New York. Scribner. 1889. $1.00 Cox, Harold. Land nationalization. New York. Scrib- ner. 1892. $1.00 net Mr. Balfour's pamphlet. London. Un- win. 1903. IS. Cox, Harold, editor. British industries under free trade. Lon- don. Unwin. 1903. 6s. Cox, S. S. Free land and free trade. New York. Putnam. 1881. $1.25 Coxe, Tench. A view of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1794. United States arts and manufactures. Philadelphia, 1814. Craik, E. L. History of British commerce. London. Cox. 1844. 4s. 6d. Cummings, J. Poor laws of Massachusetts and New York. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $ .75 Cunningham, Wm. Growth of English industry and com- merce during the early and Middle Ages. 3d edition. New York. Macmillan. 1896. '■ $4.00 net An essay on western civilization in its eco- nomic aspects. New York. Macmillan. 1900. 2 V. ea. $1.25 net The "growth of English industry and com- merce in modern times. New York. Macmillan. 1903. 2 v. $4-50 net Cunningham, Wm., and E. A. McArthur. Outlines of English industrial history. New York. Macmillan. 1894. $1.50 net Curtiss, G. B. Protection and prosperity. New York. Pan American Publ. 1896. $3-75 Dabney, W. D. The public regulation of railways. New York. Putnam. 1889. $1.25 Daniels, W. M. The elements of public finance. New York. Holt. 1889. $1.50 net Darwin, L. Bimetallism. New York. Appleton. 1898. $2.50 Municipal trade. New York. E. P. But- ton & Co. 1903. . $3-50 Davenport, H. J. Outlines of economic theory. New York. Macmillan. 1896. $2.00 net Del Mar, A. History of the precious metals. New York. Cambridge Encyc. Co. 1900. 2 v. $5-00 The history of money in America. New York. Cambridge Encyc. Co. 1900. $1.50 net Devine, E. T. Economics. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $1.00 net Dewey, D. R. Financial history of the United States. New York. Longmans. 1902. $2.00 Digby, W. Prosperous British India. London. Un- win. 1901. I2S. 6d. Dixon, F. H. State railroad control. New York. Crow- ell. 1896. $1.75 Dodsworth, W. , editor. A history of banking in all countries. New York. Journal of Commerce. 1896. 4 v. $24.00 Dolley, O. S. The raw material of commerce. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.25 Dolman, F. Municipalities at work. New York. Scrib- ner. 1895. $1.00 net Dorsey, E. B. English and American railroads com- pared. 2d edition. New York. Wiley. 1887. $1.50 Dos Passos, J. R. The Interstate Commerce Act. New York. Putnam. 1887. $1.25 Commercial trusts. New York. Putnam. 1901. $1.00 net Dowell, S. A history of taxation and taxes in Eng- land. 2d edition. London. Longmans. 1883. 4 V. 2IS. Dun, F. American farming and food. London. Longmans. 1881. los. 6d. Landlord and tenants in Ireland. London. Longmans. 1881. 6s. Dunbar, C. F. Laws of the United States relating to cur- rency, finance and banking from 1789 to 1891. Boston. Ginn. 1891. $2.50 Chapters on the theory and history of banking. Edited by O. M. W. Sprague. 2d edition. New York. Putnam. 1901. $1.25 Dunckley, H. Richard Cobden. London. Unwin. 1896. 3s. 6d. Easton, H. T. Banks and banking. London. E. Wilson. 1896. 3s. 6d. Eaton, J. S. Railroad operations. 32 Park Place, New York. 1903. Edgecumbe, R. P. Popular fallacies regarding bimetallism. London. Macmillan. 1896. 3s. 6d. Edkins, J. Chinese currency. London. King. 1902. Ss. ON ECONOMICS Elliot, J. R. American farms. New York. Putnam. 1890. $1.25 Elliot, O. L. The tariff controversy in the United States. 1 789-1833. Palo Alto, Cal. Le- land Stanford University. 1892. $1.00 Ellison, T. Cotton trade of Great Britain. London. E. Wilson. 1886. ISS. Ellstaeter, K. The Indian silver currency. Translated by J. L. Laughlin. Chicago. Chicago University Press. 1896. $i-25 net Ely, R. T. Labor movement in America. New York. Crowell. 1886. $1.50 Problems of today. New York. Crowell. 1890. $1.50 Outlines of economics. New York. Mac- millan. 1894. $i-25 net Monopolies and trusts. New York. Mac- millan. 189-? $1.25 net Studies in the evolution of industrial so- ciety. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.25 Ely, R. T., and J. H. Finlay. Taxation in American states and cities. New York. Crowell. 1888. $1.75 Emery, H. C. Speculation on the stock and produce ex- change. New York. Macmillan. 1896. $1.50 net Epps, W. Land systems of Australasia. New York. Scribner. 1894. $1.00 Escott, T. H. S. England, her people, polity and pursuits. New edition. New York. Holt. 1885-6. $4.00 Evans, D. Morier. Commercial crisis, 1847-8. 2d edition. London. Letts. 1849. 8s. Commercial crisis, 1857-9. London. Groombridge. 1859. 155. Evans, W. G. The alien immigrant. London. Heine- mann. 1903. 6s. Fairlie, J. A. Municipal administration. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $3.00 net Farr, W. Vital statistics. London. Sanitary Insti- tute. 1885. 30S. Farrar, Lord. Free trade versus fair trade. London. Free Trade Union. 1903. Ss. Farter, J. A. Adam Smith. New York. Putnam. 1881. $1.25 Farrer, T. H. The state in its relation to trade. New York. Macmillan. 1883. $1.00 Studies in currency. New York. Macmil- lan. 1898. $4.00 Fawcett, H. Free trade and protection. New edition. New York. Macmillan. 1885. $1.25 Manual of political economy. 6th edition. New York. Macmillan. 1885. $2.60 net Fernow, B. E. Economics of forestry. New York. Crowell. 1902. $1.50 Fi^k, A. K. The modern bank. New York. Appleton. 1903- $1-36 Flint, C. R., and others. The trust: its book. New York. Double- day, Page & Co. 1902. $125 Flint, H. M. Railroads of the United States. Phila- delphia. Potter. 1868. $1.75 Fonda, A. L. Honest money. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $1.00 Foxwell, H. S. Irregularity of employment and fluctua- tion of prices. London. Simpkins. 1887. 6d. Eraser, J. English railways. London. Wilson. 1903. 5s. Frederiksen, F. C. Finland, its public and private economy. London. Arnold. 1902. 6s. Fry, H. The history of North Atlantic steam navi- gation. London. Low. 1895. los. 6d. Gamier, R. M. History of the English landed interest. New York. Macmillan. 1892. 2 v. ea. $3.50 Annals of British peasantry. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $3.50 George, Henry. Progress and poverty. New York. Doubleday. 1889. $1.00 Protection or free trade. New York. Doubleday. 1895. $1.00 Our land and land policy. New York. Doubleday. 1900. $2.50 Gibbins, H. de B. British colonies and commerce from Elizabeth to Victoria. New York. Scribner. 1893. $ .80 Industry in England. New York. Scrib- ner. 1896. $2.50 net Economic and industrial progress of the century. London. Longmans. 1903. 5s. Gibbons, J. S. The public debt of the United States. New York. Scribner. 1867. $2.00 The banks of New York. New edition. New York. Appleton. 1873. $2.50 Gide, C. Principles of political economy. Trans- lated by E. P. Jacobson. 2d American edition. Boston. Heath. 1903. $2.00 Giffen, R. Essays in finance. 2 series (ist series, 3d edition; 2d series, 5th edition). New York. Putnam. 1890. ea. $3.50 The growth of capital. New York. Mac- millan. 1890. $2.00 The case against bimetallism. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $2.00 Gilbart, J. W. History, principles and practice of bank- ing. New York. Macmillan. 1893. 2 v. $3.00 net Gill, R. Free trade ... its nature and operation. Edinburgh. Blackwood. 1887. 7s. 6d. Free trade under protection. Edinburgh. Blackwood. 1888. 7s. 6d. 8 SELECTED WORKS Oilman, N. P. Profit sharing. Boston. Houghton. 1889. $1-75 A dividend to labor. Boston. Houghton. 1889. $1.75 Oilman, T. A graded banking system. Boston. Houghton. 1898. $1.00 net Federal clearing houses. Boston. Hough- ton. 1899. $1.00 net Ooschen, G. J. Reports and speeches on local taxation. London. Macmillan. 1872. 5s. Ooss, J. D. History of tariff administration in the United States. New York. Macmillan 1891. $1.00 net Oraham, J. C. Taxation local and imperial. 3d revised edition. London. King. 1899. 2s. Oraham, Wm. The social problem. London. Kegan Paul. 1886. 14s. Oreene, T. L. Corporation finance. 2d edition. New York. Putnam. 1897. $1.25 Orey, Earl. The commercial policy of the British Colonies and the McKinley tariff. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $ .30 Oriffin, A. P. C. A list of books relating to trusts. New edition. Washington. Library of Con- •gress. 1902. Orosvenor, W. M. Does protection protect? New York. Appleton. 1870. $2.50 American securities, 1872-85. New York. Daily Bulletin Co. 1886. $2.00 Ounton, G. Wealth and progress. New York. Apple- ton. 1888. $1.00 Principles of social economics. New York. Putnam. 1891. $1.75 Trusts and the public. New York. Ap- pleton. 1900. $1.00 Ouyot, Y. Principles of social economy. Translated by C. H. Leppington. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.25 The sugar question in 1901. London. Rees. 1901. 3s. Hadley, A. T. Economics. New York. Putnam. 1896. $2.50 net Railroad transportation. 2d edition. New York. Putnam. 1898. $1.50 Haines, H. S. American railway management. New York. Wiley. 1898. $2.50 Hake, A. E., and O. E. Wesslau. Free trade in capital. New York. Scrib- ner. 1890. $2.50 The coming individualism. London. Con- stable. 1895. 14s. Haldane, R. B. Life of Adam Smith. New York. Scrib- ner. 1887. $1.00 Hall, F. S. Sympathetic strikes and lockouts. New York. Macmillan. 1898. $1.00 net Hamilton, Alexander. Works. Edited by H. C. Lodge. New York. Putnam. 1885-6. 9 v. $45.00 [See in vol. 3, 'Report on national bank,' 1790; 'On manufactures,' 1791. In vol. 2 and 3, 'On public credit,' 1790-5.) Hamilton, J. H. Saving and saving institutions. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $2.25 net Hammond, M. B. The cotton industry. New York. Mac- millan. 1898. $1.50 net Hankey, T. Principles of banking. New edition. Lon- don. Wilson. 1888. 2s. 6d. Hawley, F. B. Capital and population. New York. Ap- pleton. 1882. $1.50 Hazlitt, W. C. The coinage of the European continent. London. Sonnenschein. 1893. 21s. Helm, E. The joint standard. New York. Macmil- lan. 1894. $1.10 Herrick, C. K. A history of commerce. New York. Mac- millan. 1903. Hervey, H. M. The trade policy of imperial federation. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 Hewins, W. A. S. English trade and finance, chiefly in the 17th century. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 Hill, J. A. The English income tax. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $1.00 net Hill, Wm. The first stages of the tariff policy of the United States. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $1.00 net Hobson, J. A. Evolution of modern capitation. New York. Scribner. 1894. $1.50 The economics of distribution. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.25 net Hole, James. National railways, an argument for state purchase. New York. Cassell. 1893. $1.25 Hollander, J. H., editor. Studies in state taxation, with particular reference to the Southern States. Balti- more. Johns Hopkins Press. 1900. $1.25 Horton, S. D. Silver and gold in relation to resumption. Cincinnati. Clarke. 1877. $1.50 Silver pound and English monetary situa- tion since the Restoration. Cincinnati. Clarke. 1887. $400 * Silver in Europe. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $1-50 Howell, G. The conflicts of capital and labor. New York. Macmillan. 1890. $2.50 Hudson, J. F. The railways and the republic. New York. Harper. 1886. $2.00 Hull, E. The coal fields of Great Britam. 4th edi- ON ECONOMICS tion. London. Stanford. 1881. i6s. Our coal resources. New York. Spon & Chamberlain. 1897. $2.50 Hutcheson, J. H. The commercial restraints of Ireland. London. Simpkin. 1882. Ss. Hyndman, H. M. The commercial crises of the 19th cen- tury. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 Ingram, J. K. History of political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1889. $1.50 net History of slavery and serfdom. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $1.60 net James, E. J. The railway question. New York. Mac- millan. 1887. $ .75 net Municipal administration in Germany. Chicago. Chicago University Press. 1901. $ .Sonet Jeans, J. S. Trusts, pools, and corners. New York. Scribner. 1894. $1.00 net Jenks, J. W. The trust problem. Revised edition. New York. McClure. 1900. $1.00 net Jevons, W. S. The coal question. 2d edition. London. Macmillan. 1866. los. 6d. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 4th edition. New York. Appleton. 1878. $1.75 The theory of political economy. 3d edi- tion. New York. Macmillan. 1888. $2.50 net The state in relation to labor. New York. Macmillan. 1882. $1.00 Methods of social reform. New York. Macmillan. 1883. $3.00 Johnson, E. R. Inland waterways. Philadelphia. Ameri- can Academy. 1903. $1.00 American railway transportation. New York. Appleton. 1903. $1-50 Johnson, G. Graphic statistics of Canada. Ottawa. Government Printing Office. 1888. Jones, E. D. Economic crises. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.25 net Joyce, H. History of the post office to 1836. Lon- don. Bentley. 1893. i6s. Judson, F. A. A treatise on the power of taxation. St. Louis. F. H. Thompson Book Co. 1902. Kearney, J. W. Sketch of American finances, 1789-1835. New York. Putnam. 1887. $1.00 Keltie, J. S. Statesman's year book. New York. Mac- millan. 1903. $3.00 net Kern, A. W. History of banking in Scotland. 2d edi- tion. London. Black. 1902. 7s. 6d. Keynes, J. N. Scope and method of political economy. 2d edition. New York. Macmillan. 1897- $2.25 net Kinley, D. The history, organization, and influence of the independent treasury of the United States. New York. Crowell. 1893. $1.50 Kinsman, D. O. The income tax in the commonwealths of the United States. New York. Macmil- lan. 1903. $1.00 Knox, J. J. United States notes: history of issue. 3d edition. New York. Scribner. 1888. $1.50 A history of banking in the United States. New York. Bradford Rhodes. 1900. $5.00 Lalor, J. J., editor. Cyclopaedia of political science. Chicago. Maynard. 1881-4. 3 v. ea. $5.00 Larrabee, W. The railroad question. Chicago. Schulte. 1893. $1.50 Laughlin, J. L. History of bimetallism in the United States. 2d edition. New York. Apple- ton. 1896. $2.25 Elements of political economy. New edi- tion. New York. American Book Co. 1902. $1.20 Principles of money. New York. Scrib- ner. 1903. $3.00 net Laughlin, J. L., and H. P. Willis. Reciprocity. New York. Baker Taylor & Co. 1903. $2.00 net Laveleye, £. de. Primitive property. Translated by T. R. Marriott. London. Macmillan. 1878. I2S. Elements of political economy. Trans- lated by A. W. Pollard. New York. Put- nam. 1884. $1.50 Le Rossignol, J. E. Monopolies, past and present. New York. Crowell. 1901. $1.25 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. The modern state in relation to society. [Translated by A. C. Morant.] New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 Leslie, T. E. Cliffe. Land systems and industrial economy of Ireland, England, and the Continent. London. Longmans. 1870. 12s. Levasseur, E. The American workman. Translated by T. S. Adams. Baltimore. Johns Hop- kins University Press. 1901. $3.00 Levi, Leone. Work and pay, or principles of industrial economy. London. Strahan. 1877. 2s .6d. History of British commerce. 2d edition. London. Strahan. 1880. i6s. Levy, J. H. Short studies in economic subjects. Lon- don. Personal Rights Association. 1903. IS. 6d Lewis, G. H. National consolidation of the railways in the United States. New York. Dodd. 1893- $1.50 Lindermann, H. R. Money and legal tender in the United States. New York. Putnam. 1878. lO SELECTED WORKS List, F. National system of political economy. Translated by S. S. Lloyd. London. Longman. 1885. Ss. Lindsay, W. S. History of merchant shipping. London. Low. 1874-76. 4 V. ea. 24s. Loria, A. The economic foundations of society. Translated by L. M. Keasbey. London. Sonnenschein. 1899. 3s. 6d. MacCulloch, J. R. The literature of political economy. Lon- don. Longmans. 1845. 14s. Dictionary of commerce. New edition. London. Longmans. 1882. 63s. Principles of political economy. New edi- tion. London. Ward & Co. 1886. is. MacFarlane, C. W. Value, price, and distribution. Philadel- phia. Lippincott. 1898. $2.50 MacKenzie, F. A. American invaders. London. Richards. 1902. 28. 6d. net MacLean, J. L. The British railway system. London. McCorquodale. 1883. is. 6d. MacLeod, H. D. Dictionary of political economy. London. Longmans. 1863. Vol. i. 30s. The elements of economics. New York. Appleton. 1888. 2 V. ea. $1.75 The elements of banking. New edition. New York. Longmans. 1891. $1.25 The theory of credit. 2d edition. New York. Longmans. 1890- 3 v. ea. $3.50 Theory and practice of banking. Fifth edi- tion. New York. Longmans. 1892. 2 v. V. I, $4.50; V. 2, $5.00 History of economics. New York. Put- nam. 1896. $4-50 net MacPherson, L. G. The monetary and banking problem. New York. Appleton. 1896. $1.00 Macrosty, H. W. Trusts and the state. New York. Dutton. 1901. $1.50 MacVane, S. M. The working principles of political eco- nomy. New York. Maynard. 1892. $1.05 net Malthus, T. R. An essay on the principles of population. New edition. New York. Scribner. 1890. $3.50 On the nature and progress of rent. [A reprint.] Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University Press. 1903. $ .40 Marot, H. Handbook of labor literature. Philadel- phia. Free Library of Economics. 1899. $1.00 Marshall, Alfred. Principles of economics. 4th edition. New York. Macmillan. 1898. $4.00 net Marshall, Alfred, and M. P. Marshall. The economics of industry. 3d edition. New York. Macmillan. 1885. $1.00 net Martin, E. W. History of the Grange movement. Phila- delphia. National Pub. Co. 1873. $2.75 Martin, F. The history of Lloyds and of marine in- surance in Great Britain. London. Mac- millan. 1876. 14s. Marx, C. Capital. Translated by S. Moore, and E. Aveling. New York. Scribner. 1887. 2 v. $12.00 Mason, D. H. A short tariff history of the United States, 1783-89. Chicago. Kerr. 1896. $ .25 Meade, E. S. Trust finance. New York. Appleton. 1902. $1.25 Meitzen, A. History and theory of statistics. Trans- lated by R. B. Faulkner. Philadelphia. American Academy. 1891. $1.50 Meyer, B. H. Railway legislation in the United States. New York. Macmillan. [Announced.] Micheli, H. State purchase of railways in Switzerland. Translated by J. Cummings. New York. Macmillan. 1898. $ .50 Mill, J. S. Principles of political economy. New edi- tion. New York. Appleton. 1891. 2 v. $4.00 net Mitchell, J. Organized labor. Philadelphia. Ameri- can Book and Bible House. 1903. $1.75 Mitchell, W. On Scotch banks: their position and po- licy. Edinburgh. Hamilton. 1879. 2S. 6d Mitchell, W. C. A history of the greenbacks. Chicago. Chicago University Press. 1903. $4.00 net Money, L. G. C. Elements of the fiscal problem. London. King. 1903. 3s. 6d. Mongredien, A. History of the free trade movement in England. New York. Putnam. 1881. $ -50 Montgomery, W. E. History of land tenure in Ireland. Cam- bridge, Eng. Cambridge Warehouse. 1889. los. 6d. Morley, John. Life of Richard Cobden. New edition. New Work. Macmillan. 1896. 2 v. $3.00 Mulhall, M. G. Dictionary of statistics. New edition. Philadelphia. Routledge. 1900? $8.50 Industry and wealth of nations. New York. Longmans. 1896. $300 Murray, A. E. Commercial relations between En'gland and Ireland. London. King. 1903. los. 6d. Nash, V. The great famine [in India] and its causes. London. Kegan Paul. 1900. 6s. Newcomb, H. T. Railway economics. Philadelphia. Rail- way Pub. Co. 1898. $1.00 Newcomb, S. Critical examination of our financial ON ECONOMICS II policy during the Southern Rebellion. New York. Appleton. 1865. $1.00 Principles of political economy. New York. Harper. 1886. . $2.50 Newsholme, A. Elements of vital statistics. 3d revised edition. London. Sonnenschein. 1899. 78. 6d. Nicholson, J. S. The effect of machinery on wages. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 A treatise on money. 5th edition. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.90 net Principles of political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1901. 3 v. V. I, $3.00 net; v. 2, $2.25 net; v. 3, $3.00 net Bankers' money. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $i.ipnet Elements of political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $2.25 net Noble, J. Fiscal legislation. 1842-65. London. Long- mans. 1873. 3s. 6d. Northcote, S. H. Twenty years of financial policy, 1842-61. London. Saunders. 1862. 14s. Noyes, A. D. Thirty years of American finance. New York. Putnam. 1897. $1.25 Ouvry, H. A. Stein and his reforms in Prussia. 2d edi- tion. London. Kerby. 1873. 2s. 6d. Page, T. W. The end of villainage in England. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.00 net Palgrave, R. H. L Dictionary of political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1894-1900. 3 v. ea. $6.50 net Bankrate and the money market of Eng- land, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium. London. Murray. 1903. los. 6d. Patten, Simon N. The premises of political economy. Phila- delphia. Lippincott. 1885. $1.50 The economic basis of protection. Phila- delphia. Lippincott. 1889. $1.00 The theory of dynamic economics. Bos- ton. Ginn. 1892. $1.00 net Development of English economic thought. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $300 The theory of prosperity. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $1.25 net Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the United States. New edition. New York. Appleton. 1894. $300 Periodicals. Annals of the American Academy of Poli- tical and Social Science. Philadelphia. American Academy. 1890 ff. yr. $6.00 Bankers' Magazine. New York. Rhodes. 1816 ff. yr. $5.00 Commercial and Financial Chronicle. New York. Wm. R. Dana Co. yr. $10.00 Economic Journal. Edited' by F. Y. Edge- worth. London. Macmillan. 1891 ff. quart. 5s. Economic Review. London. Perceval & Co. 1891. yr. los. Economist. London. 3 Arundel St. 1843 ff. weekly 8d. Journal of Political Economy. Chicago. Chicago University. 1892 ff. yr. $3.00 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London. 9 Adelphi Terrace. 1838 ff. no. 5s. Political .Science Quarterly. New York. [Columbia University.] Ginn. 1886 ff. yr. $3.00 Quarterly Journal of Economics. [Har- vard University.] Boston. Ellis. 1886 ff. yr. $3.00 Yale Review. New Haven. Tuttle. 1893 ff. yr. $3.00 Perry, A. L. Principles of political' economy. New York. Scribner. 1891. $2.00 net Petty, Sir Wm. Economic writings. Edited by C. H. Hull. New York. Macmillan. 1899. 2 v. $6.00 net Pidgin, C. F. Practical statistics. Boston. Smythe. 1888. $1.50 Pierson, N. V. Principles of economics. London. Mac- millan. 1903. 6s. Pitkin, T. A statistical view of the commerce of the United States. New edition. New Haven. 1837- Poor, H. V. Manual of the railroads of the United States. New York. Poor. 1868 ff. $10.00 Porter, G. R. y^'The progress of the nation. 3d edition. / London. Murray. 1851. 24s. Potter, H. C. The citizen and the industrial' situation. New York. Scribner. 1902. $1.00 net Powell, H. B. Baden-. Land systems of British India'. London. Frowde. 1892. 3 v. 63s. Pratt, E. A. American railway transportation. New York. Appleton. 1903. $1.50 Pratt, S. S. The work of Wall Street. New York. Appleton. 1903. $1-25 net Preble, G. H. History of steam navigation, 1543-1882. Philadelphia. Hamersly. 1883. $3-50 Prentice, A. History of the Anti-Corn-Law Lea'gue. Manchester. Bennett. 1853. 2 v. 14s. Price, Bonamy. Currency and banking. New York. Ap- pleton. 1876. $1.50 Chapters on practical political economy. 2d edition. London. Kegan Paul. 1882. 5s. Price, L. L. A short history of political economy in England. New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 net Money and its relations to prices. New York. Scribner. 1900. $1.0© 12 SELECTED WORKS A short history of British commerce and industry. New York. Longmans. 1901. $1.25 Probyn, J. W. Systems of land tenure in various coun- tries. New edition. London. Cassell. 1881. 3s. 6d. Prothero, R. E. The pioneers and progress of English farming. New York. Longmans. 1888. $2.00 Proudhon, P. J. Works. Vol. I. What is property? Trans- lated by B. R. Tucker. Princeton, Mass. B. R. Tucker. 1876. $3.50 Rabbeno, U. American commercial policy. 2d edition. New York. Macmillan. $325 net Rae, G. The country banker. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1886. $1.50 Rae, J. Life of Adam Smith. New York. Mac- millan. 1895. $4.00 net Rand, B. A bibliography of economics. Cambridge. Wilson & Son. 1885. $1.25 Selections illustrating economic history since the Seven Years* War. 4th en- larged edition. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $3.00 net Rawson, R. Tariffs and trade of the British Empire. London. Imperial Federation League. 1888. 2s. 6d. Ricardo, D. Principles of political economy and taxa- tion. Edited by E. D. Conner. New York. Macmillan. 1891. $1.50 net Three letters on the price of gold. Balti- more. Johns Hopkins University. 1903. $ .40 Ridgway, W. The origin of metallic currency and weight, standards. Cambridge, Eng. University Press. 1892. 15s. Ringwalt, J. L. Development of transportation system in the United States. Philadelphia. Van Nostrand. 1888. $7.50 Roberts, E. H. Government revenue: an argument for industrial freedom. Boston. Houghton. 1884. $1.50 Roberts, P. The anthracite coal industry. New York. MacmillanT 1901. $3.50 net Rodbertus, K. Overproduction and crises. New York. Scribner. 1898. $1.25 Rogers, J. E. T. History of agriculture and prices in Eng- land, 1259-1793. London. Frowde. 1866-1902. 7 V. ea. SOS. Six centuries of work and wages. New York. Putnam. 1884. 2 v. $300 First nine years of the Bank of England. New York. Macmillan. 1887. $2.00 The economic interpretation of history. New York. Putnam. 1888. $3.00 The industrial and commercial history of England. Edited by A. G. C. Rogers. New York. Putnam. 1891. $3.00 Root, J. W. The trade relations of the British Empire London. Root. 1903. los. 6d. Roscher, W. Principles of political economy. Trans- lated by J. J. Lalor. New York. Holt. 1878. 2 V. $6.00 Ross, E. A. Sinking funds. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $1.00 net Rousiers, Paul de. The labour question in Britain. Trans- lated by F. L. D. Herbertson. New- York. Macmillan. 1896. $4.00 Row-Fogo, R. An essay on the reform of local taxation in England. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $2.00 net Sato, S. History of the land question in the United States. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins Press. 1886. $1.00 Schloss, D. F. Methods of industrial remuneration. New edition. New York. Putnam. 1898. $2.50 net Schmoller, G. The mercantile system. New York. Mac- millan. 1896. $ .75 net Schoenhof, J. The industrial situation. New York. Put- nam. 1885. $i.oc The economy of high wages. New York. Putnam. 1892. $i.5C A history of money and prices. New York. Putnam. 1895. $1.50 Schulze-Gavernitz, G. V. The cotton trade in England and on the continent. Translated by O. S. Hall. London. Simpkin. 1895. 5s. Schwab, J. C. History of the New York property tax. New York. Macmillan. 1890. $1.00 net The Confederate States of America. New York. Scribner. 1901. $2.50 net Scott, W. A. Repudiation of state debts in the United States. New York. Crowell. 1893. $1.50 Money and banking. New York. Holt 1903. $2.00 net Scrivenor, H. History of the iron trade. London. Bohn. 1854. 3S. 6d. Seager, H. R. Introduction to economics. New York. Holt. 1904. [Announced.] Seeley, J. R. Life and times of Stein. Boston. Little, Brown & Co. 1879. 2 v. $6.00 Seligman, E. R. A. Progressive taxation. New York. Mac- millan. 1894. $1.00 net Essays on taxation. New York. Macmil- lan. 1895. $300 net On the shifting and incidence of taxation. 2d edition. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $3.00 net The economic interpretation of history. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $1.50 net Senior, N. W. Treatise on political economy. London. Griffin. 1850. 4S- ON ECONOMICS 13 Seybert, A. Statistical annals of the United States. Philadelphia, 1818. Seyd, E. London banking and bankers' clearing house. London. Cassell. 1872. 2s. 6d. Shaler, N. S., editor. United States of America: its natural re- sources. New York. Appleton. 1894. 2 V. " $io.oc Sidgwick, H. Scope and method of economic science. London. Macmillan. 1885. 2s. Principles of political economy. 2d edi- tion. New York. Macmillan. 1887. $4.50 net Sinclair, A. H. Municipal monopolies and their manage- ment. Toronto. University Press. 1891. [With bibliography.] Smart, W. Introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, etc. New York. Mac- millan. 1891. $1.25 Studies in economics. New York. Mac- millan. 1895. $2.75 net The distribution of income. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $1.60 net Taxation of land values and single tax. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $ .90 Smith, Adam. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Edited by J. t. Thorold Rogers. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1870. 2 V. 21 s. Lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms. Edited by E.. Cannan. London. Frowde. 1896. los. 6d. net Smith, R. Mayo. Emigration and immigration. New York. Scribner. 1890. $1.50 Statistics and sociology. [Science of sta- tistics. L] New York. Macmillan. 1895. $3.00 net Statistics and economics. [Science of sta- tistics. IL] New York. Macmillan. 1899. $3.00 net Somers, R. The Scotch banks and systems of issue. London. Longmans. 1873. 7s- 6d. Spahr, C. B. An essay on the present distribution of wealth in the United States. New York. Crowell. 1896. $1.50 Stan wood, E. American tariff controversies in the 19th century. Boston. Houghton. 1903. 2 v. $5.00 net Statistical abstract for British India. Lon- don. Eyre & Son. 1867 ff. ea. is. sd. Statistical abstract for colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom. London. Eyre & Son. 1862 ff. ea. is. 6d. Statistical abstract for the United Kin'gdom. London. Eyre & Son. 1854 H- ea. IS. i^d. Statistical abstract for the United States. Washington. Government Printing Of- fice. 1879 ff. Statistical yearbook for Canada. Ottawa. Government Printing Office. 1885 ff. Stevens, W. Investment and speculation in British rail- ways. London. Wilson. 1902. 4s. net Stickney, A. B. Railway problems. St. Paul, Minn. Mer- rill. 1891. $2 50 Stickney, Albert. State control of trade and commerce. New York. Baker. 1897. $2.25 Stirling, P. J. Australian and Californian gold discov- eries. Edinburgh, 1852. Sumner, W. G. Lectures on the history of protection in the United States. New York. Putnam. 1877. $1.00 History of American currency. New edi- tion. New York. Holt. 1876. $3.00 Collected essays in political and social sci- ence. New York. Holt. 1885. $1.50 Protectionism. New York. Holt. 1887. $1.00 The financier and the finances of the American Revolution. New York. Dodd. 1891. 2 V. $5.00 Swank, J. M. History of the manufacture of iron in all ages. 2d edition. Philadelphia. Swank. 1899. $5.00 Taussig, F. W. The tariff history of the United States. 3d edition. New York. Putnam. 1897. $1.25 Wages and capital. New York. Apple- ton. 1896. $1.50 The silver situation in the United States. 3d enlarged edition. New York. Put- nam. 1896. $ .75 Taussig, F. W., editor. State papers and speeches on the tariff. New York. Holt. 1892. $1.00 Taylor, R. W. Cooke. Introduction to a history of the factory system. London. Bentley. 1886. i6s. The modern factory system. New York. Scribner. 1891. $5-25 The factory system and the factory acts. New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 net Taylor, Sedley. Profit sharing between capital and labour. London. Kegan Paul. 1884. 2s. 6d. Thompson, R. E. Social science and national economy. Philadelphia. Porter. 1875. $1.50 Protection to home industry. New York. Appleton. 1886. $1.00 Thompson, W. An inquiry into the principles of the dis- tribution of wealth. New edition. Lon- don. Ward. 1869. los. 6d. Thornton, W. T. Overpopulation and the remedy. London. Longmans. 1845. los. 6d. Tooke, T., and W. Newmarch. History of prices. 1793-1856. London. I-ongmans. 1838-1857. 6 v. Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution of the i8th century in England. 4th edition. New York. Longmans. 1894. $3-50 Trotter, S. The geography of commerce. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.10 net 14 SELECTED WORKS Twiss, T. View of progress of political economy in Europe. London. Longmans. 1847. IDS. 6d. Ure, A. The cotton manufacture of Great Britain. New edition. New York. Macmillan. 1861. 2 V. ea. $1.50 net VilUers, C. P. Free trade speeches. London. Kegan Paul. 1883-84. 2 V. 25s. WaKord, C. Famines of the world. London. Stam- ford. 1879. 6s. Walker, Amasa. The science of wealth. 5th edition, con- densed. Philadelphia. Lippincott. 1872. $1.50 Walker, F. A. Money in relation to trade and industry. New York. Holt. 1879. $1.25 net Land and its rent. Boston. Little, Brown & Co. 1883. $ .75 Political economy. 2d edition. New York. Holt. 1887. $2.00 net The wages question. New edition. New York. Holt. 1891. $2.00 net Money. New edition. New York. Holt. 1891. $2.00 net International bimetallism. New York. Holt. 1896. $1.25 net Discussions in economics and statistics. Edited by D. R. Dewey. New York. Holt. 1899. 2 V. $6.00 net Wall, E. G. The British Empire year book. 1903. London. Stanwood. 1903. 21s. net Wallace, A. R. Land nationalization. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1882. $1.00 Walsh, C. M. The measurement of general exchange value. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $3.00 net The fundamental problem in monetary science. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.50 Ward, C. A. Ancient lowly: history of the ancient working people. Washington. Lowder- milk. 1889. 2 V. ea. $2.00 net Waring, C. A. State purchase of railways. London. Chapman. 1887. 5s. Warren, M. The trade of the great nations. London. Kin'g & Son. 1903. 6s. Watson, D. K. History of American coinage. New York. Putnam. 1899. $1-50 Wayland, F. Elements of political economy. Edited by H. L. Chapin. New York. Butler. 1886. $1.28 Webb, S., and B. Webb. The history of trade unionism. New edi- tion. New York. 1902. $2.60 net Industrial democracy. New edition. New York. Lon'gmans. 1902. 2 v. in i. $4.00 net Problems of modern industry. New edi- tion. New York. Longmans. 1902. $2.00 Weber, A. F. The growth of cities in the 19th Century. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $4.00 net Weeden, W. B. Economic and social history of New England. 1620-1789. Boston. Hough- ton. 1891. 2 V. $4- SO Wells, D. A. Our merchant marine. New York. Put- nam. 1882. $1.00 Practical economies. New York. Putnam. 1885. $1.50 Recent economic changes. New York. Appleton. 1889. $2.00 The principles of taxation. New York. Appleton. 1899. $1.50 West, Sir Edward. The application of capital to land. 1815. [A reprint] Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University. 1903. White, H. Money and banking. 2d revised edition. Boston. Ginn. 1902. $1.50 net Whitney, J. D. The United States: physical geography and natural resources. Boston. Little, Brown & Co. 1889. $3.00 The United States: physical geography and natural resources. Suppl. vol.: Population, immigration, irrigation. Boston. Little, Brown & Co. 1894. $200 Wilgus, H. L. A study of the United States Steel Cor- poration. Chicago. Callaghan & Co. 1901. $2.50 Williams, E. E. Made in Germany. 5th edition. London. Heinemann. 1897. 2S. 6d. The case for protection. London. Rich- ards. 1899. 5s. Williams, F. S. Our iron roads, their history, etc. 7th edi- tion. London. Bentley. 1888. 8s. 6d. Willis, H. P. A history of the Latin monetary union. Chicago. Chicago University Press. 1901. $2.00 net Willoughby, W. F. Workingmen's insurance. New York. Crowell. 1893. $175 Wilson, A. J. Resources of modern countries. London. Longmans. 1878. 2 v. 24s. The national budget. London. Macmil- lan. 1882. 3s. 6d. Wise, B. R. Facts and fallacies of modern protection. London. Triibner. 1879. 2s. 6d. Wood, H. The political economy of humanism. Boston. Lee & Shepard. 1901. $1.25 Wright, C. D. The industrial evolution of the United States. New York. Scribner. 1895. $1.25 net ON ECONOMICS 15 Wyckoff, W. C. The silk goods of America. 2d edition. New York. Van Nostrand. 1879. Yeats, J. The natural history of the raw materials of commerce. 3d edition. London Philip. 1887. • 6s. The technical history of commerce. 3d edition. London. Philip. 1887. 6s. The growth and vicissitudes of commerce in all ages. 3d edition. London. Philip. 1887. 6s. Young, E. Special report on the customs tariff legis- lation of the United States. Washing- ton. Government Printing Office. 1872. Young, T. M. The American cotton industry. New York. Scribner. 1903. $ -75 \. I « « A Of THE ■j^Ll or THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ■:^i^ ':,i 1934 % 0%**^ ^''^^, ^ ^ LD 21-100m-7,'33 YD 0i073 %nf^ ■ n ?