11 m rvej&c : yMoAAu/: h & r ^/^/lC(^Vc<-y AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE THE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, AN ELEMENTAKY TREATISE ON THE INTEGRAL CALCULUS, CONTAINING APPLICATIONS TO PLANE CURVES AND SURFACES. BY BENJAMIN WILLIAMSON, F.R.S. FIFTH EDITION. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON DYNAMICS, CONTAINING APPLICATIONS TO THERMODYNAMICS. BY BENJAMIN WILLIAMSON, F.R.S., AND FRANCIS A. TARLETON, LL. D., Felloivs of Trinity College, Dublin. SECOND EDITION. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE THE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, CONTAINING THE THEORY OF PLANE CURVES, NUMEROUS EXAMPLES. BY BENJAMIN WILLIAMSON, M.A., F.R.S., FKLLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, AND PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN THK UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. %tbtxd\ (Kbitixw, %tb'ntis aiiir <&nhtgtb, NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY i [all rights reserved.] PREFACE. In the following Treatise I have adopted the method of Limiting Ratios as my basis ; at the same time the co- ordinate method of Infinitesimals or Differentials has been largely employed. In this latter respect I have followed in the steps of all the great writers on the Calculus, from Newton and Leibnitz, its inventors, down to Bertrand, the author of the latest great treatise on the subject. An ex- clusive adherence to the method of Differential Coefficients is by no means necessary for clearness and simplicity ; and, indeed, I have found by experience that many fundamental investigations in Mechanics and Geometry are made more intelligible to beginners by the method of Differentials than by that of Differential Coefficients. While in the more ad- vanced applications of the Calculus, which we find in such works as the Mecanique Celeste of Laplace and the Meca- nique Anahjtique of Lagrange, the investigations are all conducted on the method of Infinitesimals. The principles on which this method is founded are given in a concise form in Arts. 38 and 39. In the portion of the book devoted to the discussion of Curves I have not confined myself exclusively to the ap- plication of the Differential Calculus to the subject, but have availed myself of the methods of Pure and Analytic vi Preface. Geometry whenever it appeared that simplicity would be gained thereby. In the discussion of Multiple Points I have adopted the simple and General Method given by Dr. Salmon in his Higher Plane Curves. It is hoped that by this means the present treatise will be found to be a useful introduction to the more complete investigations contained in that work. As this Book is principally intended for the use of begin- ners I have purposely omitted all metaphysical discussions, from a conviction that they are more calculated to perplex the beginner than to assist him in forming clear conceptions. The student of the Differential Calculus (or of any other branch of Mathematics) cannot expect to master at once all the difficulties which meet him at the outset ; indeed it is only after considerable acquaintance with the Science of Geometry that correct notions of angles, areas, and ratios are formed. Such notions in any science can be acquired only after practice in the application of its principles, and after patient study. The more advanced student may read with advantage the Reflexions sur la Hetaphysique du Calcul Infinitesimal of the illustrious Carnot ; in which, after giving a complete resume of the different points of view under which the principles of the Calculus may be regarded, he concludes as follows : — " Le merite essentiel, le sublime, on peut le dire, de la methode infinitesimale, est de reunir la facilite des procedes ordinaires d'un simple calcul d'approximation a l'exactitude des resultats de l'analyse ordinaire. Cet avantage immense serait perdu, ou du moins fort diminue, si a cette methode pure et simple, telle que nous l'a donnee Leibnitz, on voulait, sous l'apparence d'une plus grande rigueur soutenue dans tout le cours de calcul, en substituer d'autres moins naturelles, Preface. vii moins commodes, moins conform es a la marche probable des inventeurs. Si cette methode est exacte dans les re- sultats, comme personne n'en doute aujourd'hui, si c'est tou- jonrs a elle qu'il faut en revenir dans les questions difficiles, comme il parait encore que tout le monde en convient, pourquoi recourir a des moyens detournes et compliques pour la suppleer? Pourquoi se contenter de l'appuyer sur des inductions et sur la conformite de ses resultats avex ceux que fournissent les autres methodes, lorsqu'on peut la demontrer directement et general ement, plus facilement peut-etre qu'aucune de ces methodes elles-m ernes ? Les objections que l'on a faites contre elle portent toutes sur cette fausse suppo- sition que les erreurs commises dans le cours du calcul, en y negligeant les quantites infiniment petites, sont demeurees dans le resultat de ce calcul, quelque petites qu'on les sup- pose ; or c'est ce qui n'est point : 1' elimination les emporte toutes necessairement, et il est singulier qu'on n'ait pas apercu d'abord dans cette condition indispensable de l'elimi- nation le veritable caractere des quantites infinite simales et la reponse dirimante a toutes les objections." Many important portions of the Calculus have been omitted, as being of too advanced a character ; however, within the limits proposed, I have endeavoured to make the Work as complete as the nature of an elementary treatise would allow. I have illustrated each principle throughout by copious examples, chiefly selected from the Papers set at the various Examinations in Trinity College. In the Chapter on Roulettes, in addition to the discussion of Cycloids and Epicycloids, I have given a tolerably com- plete treatment of the question of the Curvature of a Roulette, as also that of the Envelope of any Curve carried by a rolling viii Preface. Curve. This discussion is based on the beautiful and general results known as Savary's Theorems, taken in conjunction with the properties of the Circle of Inflexions. I have also introduced the application of these theorems to the general case of the motion of any plane area supposed to move on a fixed Plane. I have also given short Chapters on Spherical Harmonic Analysis and on the System of Determinant Functions known as Jacobians, which now hold so fundamental a place in analysis. Trinity College, October, 1889. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTEE I. FIBST PRINCIPLES. DIFFERENTIATION. PACR Dependent and Independent Variables, ....... I Increments, Differentials, Limiting Eatios, Derived Functions, . . 3 Differential Coefficients, .......... 5 Geometrical Illustration, ......... 6 Navier, on the Fundamental Principles of the Differential Calculus, . 8 On Limits, io Differentiation of a Product, 13 Differentiation of a Quotient, ......... 15 Differentiation of a Power, . . . . . . . . . l6 Differentiation of a Function of a Function, . . . . . .17 Differentiation of Circular Functions, ....... 19 Geometrical Illustration of Differentiation of Circular Functions, . . 22 Differentiation of a Logarithm, ........ 24 Differentiation of an Exponential, .26 Logarithmic Differentiation, ......... 27 Examples, 30 CHAPTEE II. SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIATION. Successive Differential Coefficients, 34 Infinitesimals, ........... 36 Geometrical Illustrations of Infinitesimals, ...... 37 Fundamental Principle of the Infinitesimal Calculus, . . . .40 Subsidiary Principle, . . . . . . . . . . 41 Approximations, . . . ..... . . .42 Derived Functions of x m , ......... 46 Differential Coefficients of an Exponential, ...... 48 Differential Coefficients of tan" 1 x, and tan" 1 -, ...... 50 Theorem of Leilmitz, 51 Application of Leibnitz's Theorem, 53 Examples, 57 Table of Contents. CHAPTEE III. DEVELOPMENT OF FUNCTIONS. PAGE Taylor's Expansion, . . . . .'. . . . .61 Binomial Theorem, . . ........ 63 Logarithmic Series, .......... 63 Maclaurin's Theorem, .......... 64 Exponential Series, .......... 65 Expansions of sin x and cos x, ........ 66 Huygens' Approximation to Length of Circular Arc, . . . .66 Expansions of tan -1 x and sin -1 x, ........ 68 Euler's Expressions for sin x and cos x, ....... 69 John Bernoulli's Series, ......... 7° Symbolic Form of Taylor's Series, 70 Convergent and Divergent Series, ........ 73 Lagrange's Theorem on the Limits of Taylor's Series, . . . . 76 Geometrical Illustration, ......... 78 Second Form of the Remainder, . 79 General Form of Maclaurin's Series, . . . . . . .81 Binomial Theorem for Fractional and Negative Indices, . . . .82 Expansions by aid of Differential Equations, ...... 85 Expansion of sin mz and cos mz, ........ 87 Arbogast's Method of Derivation, ........ 88 Examples, 91 CHAPTEE IV. INDETERMINATE FORMS. Examples of Evaluating Indeterminate Forms without the Differential Calculus, ............ 96 Method of Differential Calculus, 99 Form Oxoo, 102 Form 2-, 103 Forms o"", 00 °, l tc0 105 Examples, 109 CHAPTEE V. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENTS. Partial Differentiation, . . . Total Differentiation of a Function of Two Variables, Total Differentiation of a Function of Three or more Variables, Differentiation of a Function of Differences, Implicit Functions, Differentiation of an Implicit Function, Euler's Theorem of Homogeneous Functions, . Examples in Fhme Trigonometry, ..... Landen's Transformation, ...... Examples in Spherical Trigonometry, .... Legt-ndre's Theorem on the Comparison of Elliptic Functions, Examples, "3 ll 5 117 119 120 123 130 *33 133 137 140 Table of Contents. xi CHAPTER VI. SUCCESSIVE PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION. Page The Order of Differentiation is indifferent in Independent Variables, . 145 Condition that Tdx + Qdy should be an exact Differential, . . . 146 Euler's Theorem of Homogeneous Functions, . . . . .148 Successive Differential Coefficients of
(x + h, y + k, z + I), 159 Symbolic Forms, . . . . . . . . . . .ito Euler's Iheorcm, 162 CHAPTER IX. MAXIMA AND MINIMA FOR A SINGLE VARIABLE. Geometrical Examples of Maxima and Minima, . . . . .164 Algebraic Examples, .......... 165 Criterion for a Maximum or a Minimum, ...... 169 Maxima and Minima occur alternately, . . . . . . .173 Maxima or Minima of a Quadratic Fraction, ...... 177 Maximum or Minimum Section of a Right Cone, ..... 181 Maxima or Minima of an Implicit Function, ...... 185 Maximum or Minimum of a Function of Two Dependent Variables, . 186 Examples, 188 CHAPTER X. MAXIMA AND MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS OF TWO OR MORE VARIABLES. Maxima and Minima for Two Variables, ...... 191 Lagrange's Condition in the case of Two Independent Variables, . . 191 Xll Table of Contents. Maximum or Minimum of a Quadratic Fraction, . . . Application to Surfaces of Se< ond Degree, .... Maxima and Minima for Thi se Variables, .... Lagrange's Conditions in the case of Three Variables, Maximum or Minimum of a Quadratic Function of Three Variables Examples, .......... rAGH 194 196 198 199 200 203 CHAPTEB XI. METHOD OF UNDETEKMINED MULTIPLIERS APPLIED TO MAXIMA AND MINIMA. Method of Undetermined Multipliers, ....... 204 Application to find the principal Radii of Curvature on a Surface, . . 208 Examples, 210 CHAPTER XII. ON TANGENTS AND NORMALS TO CURVES Equation of Tangent, .... Equation of Normal, .... Subtan gent and Subnormal, . Number of Tangents from an External Point, Number of Normals passing through a given Point Differential of an Arc, .... Angle between Tangent and Radius Vector, Polar Subtangent and Subnormal, Inverse Curves, ..... Pedal Curves, Reciprocal Polars, .... Pedal and Reciprocal Polar of r m = a m cos m9, Intercept between point of Contact and foot of Perpendicular, Direction of Tangent and Normal in Vectorial Coordinates, Symmetrical Curves, and Central Curves, Examples, 212 215 215 219 220 220 222 223 225 227 228 230 232 233 236 238 CHAPTER XIII. ASYMPTOTES. Points of Intersection of a Curve and a Right Line, Method of Finding Asymptotes in Cartesian Coordinates, Case where Asymptotes all pass through the Origin, Asymptotes Parallel to Coordinate Axes, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Branches, .... Parallel Asymptotes, . . . . . The Points in which a Cubic is cut by its Asymptotes lie in a Right Line Asymptotes in Polar Curves, ..... Asymptotic Circles, ....... Examples, 240 242 2 4S 245 246 247 249 250 252 254 Table of Contents. xiii CHAPTER XIV. MULTIPLE POINTS ON CURVES. Pace Nodes, Cusps, Conjugate Points, 259 Method of Finding Double Foints in general, 26 1 Parabolas of the Third Degree, 262 Double Points on a Cubic having three given lines for its As) nrptotes, . 264 Multiple Points of higher Orders, 265 Cusps, iu general, .......... 266 Multiple Points on Curves in Polar Coordinates, 267 Examples, 268 CHAPTER XV. ENVELOPES. Method of Envelopes, 270 Envelope o(Za 2 + 2 Ma + N=o, 271 Undetermined Multipliers applied to Envelopes, . . . . .273 Examples, 276 CHAPTER XVI. CONVEXITY, CONCAVITY, POINTS OF INFLEXION. Convexity and Concavity, 278 Points of Inflexion, .......... 279 Harmonic Polar of a Point of Inflexion on a Cubic, . . . .281 Stationary Tangents, 282 Examples, 283 CHAPTER XVII. RADIUS OF CURVATURE, EVOLUTES, CONTACT. Curvature, Angle of Contingence, ........ 285 Radius of Curvature, .......... 286 Expressions for Eadius of Curvature, ....... 287 Newton's Method of considering Curvature, 291 Radii of Curvature of Inverse Curves, 295 Radius and Chord of Curvature in terms of r and p, .... 295 Chord of Curvature through Origin, 296 Evolutes and Involutes, ......... 297 E volute of Parabola, .......... 298 Evolute of Ellipse, 299 Evolute of Equiangular Spiral 300 xiv Table of Contents. PAGE Involute of a Circle, 300 Radius of Curvature and Points of Inflexion in Polar Coordinates, . .301 Intrinsic Equation of a Curve, ........ 304 Contact of Different Orders, 304 Centre of Curvature of an Ellipse, 307 Osculating Curves, . 309 Radii of Curvature at a Node, 310 Radii of Curvature at a Cusp, . . . . . . . . 311 At a Cusp of the Second Species the two Radii of Curvature are equal, . 312 General Discussion of Cusps, . . . . . . . • 3'5 Points on Evolute corresponding to Cusp? on Curve, .... 316 Equation of Osculating Conic, . 317 Examples, . . 319 CHAPTEK XVIII. ON TRACING OF CURVES. Tracing Algebraic Curves, . . . . . . . . .322 Cubic with three real Asymptotes, . 323 Each Asymptote corresponds to two Infinite Branches, .... 325 Tracing Curves in Polar Coordinates, . 328 On the Curves r m = a m cos mO, ........ 328 The Limacon, . . . . . . . . . . . 331 The Conchoid, • 332 Examples, 333 CHAPTER XIX. ROULETTES. Roulettes, Cycloid, .......... 335 Tangent to Cycloid, 336 Radius of Curvature, Evolute, ........ 337 Length of Cycloid, . 338 Trochoids, . 339 Epicycloids and Hypocyoloids, ........ 339 Radius of Curvature of Epicycloid, ....... 342 Double Generation of Epicycloids and Hypocycloids, .... 343 Evolute of Epicycloid, 344 Pedal of Epicycloid, 346 Epitrochoid and Ilypotrochoid, ........ 34/ Centre of Curvature of Epitrochoid, . . . . . . • 35 1 Savary's Theorem on Centre of Curvature of a Roulette, .... 35 2 Geometrical Construction for Centre of Curvature, ..... 35 2 Circle of Inflexions, .......... 354 Envelope of a Carried Curve, ........ 355 Centre of Curvature of the Envelope, 157 Table of Contents. xv PAGE Radius of Curvature of Envelope of a Right Line, 358 On the Motion of a Plane Figure in its Plane, 359 Chasles' Method of Drawing Normals, 360 Motion of a Plane Figure reduced to Roulettes, 362 Epicyelics, 363 Properties of Circle of Inflexions 367 Theorem of Bobilier, .......... 368 Centre of Curvature of Conchoid 370 Spherical Roulettes, 370 Examples, 372 CHAPTER XX. ON THE CARTESIAN OVAL. Equation of Cartesian Oval, 375 Construction for Third Focus, . . . . . . . . 376 Equation, referred to each pair of Foci, ....... 377 Conjugate Ovals are Inverse Curves, . 378 Construction for Tangent, ......... 379 Confocal Curves cut Orthogonally, .381 Cartesian Oval as an Envelope, ........ 382 Examples, 384. CHAPTER XXI. ELIMINATION OF CONSTANTS AND FUNCTIONS. Elimination of Constants, 384 Elimination of Transcendental Functions, ...... 386 Elimination of Arbitrary Functions, ....... 387 Condition that one expression should be a Function of another, . . 389 Elimination in the case of Arbitrary Functions of the same expression, . 393 Examples, ............ 397 CHAPTER XXII. CHANGE OF INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. Case of a Single Independent Variable, 399 Transformation from Rectangular to Polar Coordinates, .... 403 cPV d 2 V Transformation of — — - + -~-„ , 404 ax 1 dy 1 t d*V d-V cT-V Transformation of — — + -=-? + — -, 40? ax 1 dy* dz l Geometrical Illustration of Partial Differentiation, 407 XVI Table of Contents. Linear Transformations for Three Variables, .... Ca-°e of ( >rthogonal Transformations, . General Case of Transformation for Two Independent Variables, Functions unaltered by Linear Transformations, Application to Geometry of Two Dimensions, Application to Orthogonal Transformations, .... Examples, .......... PAGB 408 409 410 411 412 414 416 CHAPTER XXIII. SOLID HARMONIC ANALYSIS. iPV drV cT-V OntheEquahon— +--+^- = 0, Solid Harmonic, Functions, . Complete Solid Harmonics, . Spherical and Zonal Harmonics, Complete Spherical Harmonics, Laplace's Coefficients, . Examples, .... 418 419 421 423 427 429 432 CHAPTER XXIV. JACOBIANS. Jacobians, ............ 433 Case in which Functions are not Independent, . . . . -435 Jaeobian of Implicit Functions, .... .... 438 Case where /= o, .......... 441 Case where a Relation connects the Dependent Variables, . . . 442 Examples, 446 CHAPTER XXV. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR MAXIMA AND MINIMA. Conditions for Four Independent Variables, ...... 447 Conditions for n Variables, ......... 449 Orthogonal Transformation, ......... 452 Miscellaneous Examples, 454 Note on Failure of Taylor's Theorem, ...... 467 The beginner is recommended to omit the following portions on the first reading: — Arts. 49, 50, 51, 52, 67-85, 88, ill, 114-116, 124, 125, Chap, vn., Chap. viii. ; Arts. 159-163, 249-254, 261-269, 296-301, Chaps, xxiii., XXIV., XXV. DIFFEEENTIAL CALCULUS. CHAPTER I. FIRST PRINCIPLES — DIFFERENTIATION . i . Functions. — The student, from his previous acquaintance with Algebra and Trigonometry, is supposed to understand what is meant when one quantity is said to be a function of another. Thus, in trigonometry, the sine, cosine, tangent, &c, of an angle are said to be functions of the angle, having each a single value if the angle is given, and varying when the angle varies. In like manner any algebraic expression in x is said to be a function of x. Geometry also furnishes us with simple illustrations. For instance, the area of a square, or of any regular polygon of a given number of sides, is a function of its side ; and the volume of a sphere, of its radius. In general, whenever two quantities are so related, that any change made in the one produces a corresponding variation in the other, then the latter is said to be a function of the former. This relation between two quantities is usually represented by the letters F, /,
+&>>*** ±1'::
b~TY7i = v + b'(b + b'n) ; " \ i t ^C\ "
but the fraction -i-z — — — diminishes indefinitely as n
b (b + bn) J
increases indefinitely, and may be made less than any
assignable magnitude, however small. Accordingly the
limiting value of the fraction in this case is Tr
g. Trigonometrical Illustration. — To find the values
of - — ^> an( i ~ a •> when 9 is regarded as infinitely small.
Here - — - = cos0, and when 9 = o, cos0 = i.
Hence, in the limit, when 9 = o* we have
sin0 .. tan 9 . ..
- — Tr = i, and, .•. . _ = i, at the same tune,
tan 9 sin 9
Again, to find the value of - — ^, when 9 is infinitely small.
From geometrical considerations it is evident that if 9 be
the circular measure of an angle, we have
tan 9 > 9 > sin 9,
tan0 9
or -7— n > ^— n > x 5
sin 9 sin 9
* If a variable quantity be supposed to diminish gradually, till it be less than
anything finite which can be assigned, it is said in that state to be indefinitely
small or evanescent ; for abbreviation, such a quantity is often denoted by cypher.
A discussion of infinitesimals, or infinitely small quantities of different orders,
will be found in the next Chapter.
Geometrical Illustration. 7
but in the limit, i.e. when is infinitely small,
tang _
sing " '*
and therefore, at the same time, we have
This shows that in a circle the ultimate ratio of an arc to its
chord is unity, when they are both regarded as evanescent.
10. Geometrical Illustration. — Assuming that the
relation y = f(x) may in all cases be represented by a curve,
where . . .
V - / («)
expresses the equation connecting the co-ordinates (x, y)
of each of its points ; then, if the axes be rectangular, and
two points {x, y), (x x , yi) be taken on the curve, it is obvious
that — — - represents the tangent of the angle which the
chord joining the points (x, y), (z lt y^) makes with the axis
of x.
If, now, we suppose the points taken infinitely near to
each other, so that x x — x becomes evanescent, then the chord
becomes the tangent at the point (x, y), but
V\ — y , dii ., , . . .. .
becomes -f- or / (x) in this case.
Xi — x ax
Hence, f (x) represents the trigonometrical tangent of the
angle which the line touching the curve at the point (x, y) makes
with the axis of x. We see, accordingly, that to draw the
tangent at any point to the curve
y = f( x )
is the same as to find the derived function f'{x) of y with
respect to x. Hence, also, the equation of the tangent to
the curve at a point (x, y) is evidently
y-Y =f'(x)(x-X), (2)
where X, Y are the current co-ordinates of any point on the
First Principles — Differentiation.
tangent. At the points for which the tangent is parallel to
the axis of x, we have f (x) = o ; at the points where the
tangent is perpendicular to the axis, f (x) = oo . For all
other points / (x) has a determinate finite real value in
general. This conclusion verifies the statement, that the
ratio of the increment of the dependent variable to that of
the independent variable has, in general, a finite determinate
magnitude, when the increment becomes infinitely small.
This has been so admirably expressed, and its con-
nexion with the fundamental principles of the Differential
Calculus so well explained, by M. Navier, that I cannot for-
bear introducing the following extract from his "Lecons
d'Analyse": —
"Among the properties which the function y = f{x), or
the line which represents it, possesses, the most remarkable —
in fact that which is the principal object of the Differential
Calculus, and which is constantly introduced in all practical
applications of the Calculus — is the
degree of rapidity with which the
function / (x) varies when the in-
dependent variable x is made to
vary from any assigned value.
This degree of rapidity of the
increment of the function, when x
is altered, may differ, not only
from one function to another, but
also in the same function,
cording to the value attributed to
Fie. i.
the variable. In order to form a
precise notion on this point, let us attribute to x a deter-
mined value represented by ON, to which will correspond
an equally determined value of y, represented by PN. Let
us now suppose, starting from this value, that x increases by
any quantity denoted by Ax, and represented by NM, the
function y will vary in consequence by a certain quantity,
denoted by Ay, and we shall have
y + Ay = f(x + Ax), or Ay = fix + Ax) -fix).
The new value of y is represented in the figure by QM,
and QL represents Ay, or the variation of the function.
Geometrical Illustration. g
The ratio — of the increment of the function to that of
the independent variable, of which the expression is
f(z + Ax) -f(x)
Ax ""'
is represented by the trigonometrical tangent of the angle
QPL made by the secant PQ with the axis of x.
" It is plain that this ratio — - is the natural expression
of the property referred to, that is, of the degree of rapidity
with which the function y increases when we increase the
independent variable x ; for the greater the value of this
ratio, the greater will be the increment Ay when x is in-
creased by a given quantity Ax. But it is very important
to remark, that the value of — (except in the case when
the line PQ becomes a right line) depends not only on the
value attributed to x, that is to say, on the position of P on
the curve, but also on the absolute value of the increment Ax.
If we were to leave this increment arbitrary, it would be
impossible to assign to the ratio -~ any precise value, and
it is accordingly necessary to adopt a convention which shall
remove all uncertainty in this respect.
" Suppose that after having given to Ax any value, to
which will correspond a certain value Ay and a certain
direction of the secant PQ, we diminish progressively the
value of Ax, so that the increment ends by becoming
evanescent ; the corresponding increment Ay will vary in
consequence, and will equally tend to become evanescent.
The point Q will tend to coincide with the point P, and the
secant PQ with the tangent PT drawn to the curve at the
point P. The ratio — - of the increments will equally
approach to a certain limit, represented by the trigonometrical
tangent of the angle TPL made by the tangent with the
axis of x.
"We accordingly observe that when the increment Ax,
io First Principles — Differentiation.
and consequently Ay, diminish progressively and tend to
vanish, the ratio — of these increments approaches in
general to a limit whose value is finite and determinate.
Hence the value of — corresponding to this limit must be
considered as giving the true and precise measure of the
rapidity with ichich the function f (x) varies when the independent
variable x is made to vary from an assigned value ; for there
does not remain anything arbitrary in the expression of this
value, as it no longer depends on the absolute values of the
increments Ax and Ay, nor on the figure of the curve at any
finite distance at either side of the point P. It depends
solely on the direction of the curve at this point, that is, on
the inclination of the tangent to the axis of x. The ratio
just determined expresses what Newton called the fluxion of
the ordinate. As to the mode of finding its value in each
particular case, it is sufficient to consider the general
expression Ay /(, + *,)-/(«)
Ax Ax
and to see what is the limit to which this expression tends,
as Ax takes smaller and smaller values and tends to vanish.
This limit will be a certain function of the independent
variable x, whose form depends on that of the given function
f(x) We shall add one other remark ; which is, that
the differentials represented by dx and dy denote always
quantities of the same nature as those denoted by the variables
x and y. Thus in geometry, when x represents a line, an
area, or a volume, the differential dx also represents a line, an
area, or a volume. These differentials are always supposed
to be less than any assigned magnitude, however small ; but
this hypothesis does not alter the nature of these quantities :
dx and dy are always homogeneous with x and y, that is to
say, present always the same number of dimensions of the unit
by means of which the values of these variables are expressed."
io«. Limit of a Variable Magnitude. — As the con-
ception of a limit is fundamental in the Calculus, it may
be well to add a few remarks in further elucidation of its
meaning : —
Limit of a Variable Magnitude. 1 1
In general, when a variable magnitude tends continually to
equality with a certain fixed magnitude, and approaches nearer to
it than any assignable difference, however small, this fixed magni-
tude is called the limit of the variable magnitude. For example,
if we inscribe, or circumscribe, a polygon to any closed curve,
and afterwards conceive each side indefinitely diminished,
and consequently their number indefinitely increased, then
the closed curve is said to be the limit of either polygon.
By this means the total length of the curve is the limit of
the perimeter either of the inscribed or circumscribed polygon.
In like manner, the area of the curve is the limit to the
area of either polygon. For instance, since the area of any
polygon circumscribed to a circle is obviously equal to the
rectangle under the radius of the circle and the semi-perimeter
of the polygon, it follows that the area of a circle is repre-
sented by the product of its radius and its semi-circumfe-
rence. Again, since the length of the side of a regular
polygon inscribed in a circle bears to that of the correspond-
ing arc the same ratio as the perimeter of the polygon to the
circumference of the circle, it follows that the ultimate ratio
of the chord to the arc is one of equality, as shown in Art. 9.
The like result follows immediately for any curve.
The following principles concerning limits are of fre-
quent application: — (1) The limit of the product of two quan-
tities, which vary together, is the product of their limits; (2) The
limit of the quotient of the quantities is the quotient of their
For, let P and Q represent the two quantities, and p and
q their respective limits ; then if
P=p + a, Q = q + (5,
a and /3 denote quantities which diminish indefinitely as P
and Q approach their limits, and which become evanescent
in the limit.
Again, we have
PQ =pq +pfi + qa + a(3.
Accordingly, in the limit, we have
PQ = pq.
12 First Principles — Differentiation.
Agam - r^-^jwr
The numerator of the last fraction becomes evanescent in
the limit, while the denominator becomes q 2 , and consequently
the limit of — is -.
Q q
1 1 . Differentiation. — The process of finding the derived
function, or the differential coefficient of any expression, is
called differentiating the expression.
"We proceed to explain this process by applying it to a
few elementary examples.
i. y = x*.
Substitute x + h for x, and denote the new value of y by yi, then
yi = (x + A) 2 = x 2 + 2xh + h 2 ;
j/i - y Ay
.-. — ; — or — - = ix + n.
h Ax
If h be taken an infinitely small quantity, we get in the limit
or if /(*) — £ 2 j we have/' (x) = ix.
2. $/=-.
Here yi
x + h
yi V x + h x x(x + h) ;
y\-y nr Ay
h ' Ax x(x + hf
which equation, when h is evanescent, becomes
dy i \x) _ i
dx ~ a; 2 ' dx a?
Differentiation of a Product. 13
12. Differentiation of the Algebraic Sum of a
Finite Number of Functions. — Let
y = « + v - to + &c. ;
then, if x x = x + h, we get
Pi m Ui + Vi - u\ + . . . ;
j/i — y «i - u i\ - v it\ — id
*'• h = ~T~ + ~ h h~ + • • •'
which, beoomes in the limit, when h is infinitely small,
dy du dv dw
dx dx dx dx
Hence, if a function consist of several terms, its derived
function is the sum of the derived functions of its several parts,
taken with their proper signs.
It is evident that the differential of a constant is zero.
13. Differentiation of the Product of Two Func-
tions. — Let y = uv, where u, v, are both functions of x ; and
suppose Ay, Au, Av, to be the increments of y, u, v, corre-
sponding to the increment Ax in x. Then
Ay = (u + Au) (v + Av) - uv -
= uAv + vAu + Au Av,
Ay Av , , Ate
or — = u h (v + Av) — .
A.r A# Ax
Now suppose Ax to be infinitely small, then
Ay Av Au
Ax' Ax' Ax'
become in the limit
dy dv , du
dx' dx' dx '
also, since Av vanishes at the same time, the last term dis-
appears from the equation, and thus we arrive at the result
du dv du , ,
— =u — + v — . (3)
dx dx dx
14 First Principles — Differentiation.
Hence, to differentiate the product of two functions,
multiply each of the factors by the differential coefficient of the
ether, and add the products thus found.
Otherwise thus : let fix), (x), denote the functions, and
h the increment of x, then
t/i =f(? + h) '(x) + (y),
* The Student will observe that this is a case of the principle (Art. 10a) that
the limit of the product of two quantities is equal to the product of their limits.
Differentiation of sin x. 19
we have, in all cases,
du du dy
dx dy dx'
This result must still hold in the particular case when u = x,
in which case it becomes
dy dx'
1. u = (a* - a; 2 ) 5 .
Let a 2 - x 2 = y, then u = y 6 ,
— = 5/, and — - « - 2a?.
Hence — = - io* (a 2 — * 2 ) 4 .
2. u = (a + 5a;3)*. ^w*. — = i2&r 2 (0 + Ja^) s .
3. « = (1 + * 2 )».
4. u = (1 + r")*". — = wn^'fi +a^ , ) m * 1 .
, and « = */a? + 6 2 cos 0.
Hence we get
~ = {a 2 + b 2 )*e a * cos (bx +0).
50 Successive Differentiation.
d z v
-2 = (a' + 5 2 )i e «* [« cos (5a? + ^ = * (sm y sm 2y) = ^ < sm y sm 2y )
= - sin 2 y — (sin 2 y sin iy)
= - 1 . 2 . sin 3 y sin 3?/. (^c. 5, ^r*. 28.)
Hence, also — = 1.2.3. s i n4 V s i Q W 5
and in general, — = (- i) n \n - 1 sin n y sin ny.
Theorem of Leibnitz. 5 1
Again, since tan -1 x - — tan" 1 -,
we have ££gp!J = (- i)™ \n - i sin»y sin ny, (7)
where y = cot" 1 x, as before.
This result can also be written in the form
sin ( n tan -1 -
d n (tan -1 x) , ._., V "ay /ON
— ^- = (- i) n_1 w - 1 * j- 8 • (8)
This symbolic equation is of importance in the solution
of differential equations with constant coefficients. See
" Boole's Differential Equations," chap. xvi.
51. If y = sin -1 x, to prove that
* d ™y t x d n "y d n y
(1 - x 2 ) -7-r, - (2» + 1) x -r~ - n % — ^ = o. (1 *)
v ' dx n+2 v ' dx n+1 dx* K 6)
hence, by differentiation,
. ,, d 2 y dy
(«-^5— a-* ! «*)
Again, by Leibnitz's Theorem, we have
^\"(/ ^ d ~U) r *d M2 y d Ml y d»y
dx) ( v ' dx 2 ) v V# n+i! dx n+1 v ; ob»
.. fd\ n (dy) d n * l y d^y
\dxj \ dx\ dx"* 1 dx"
On subtracting the latter expression from the former, we
obtain the required result by (14).
If x = o in formula (13), it becomes
(d^y\ Jdy\_
W' +2 /o W'/> '
Applications of Leibnitz's Theorem. 55
(d?i/\ d n v
— J represents the value of -^ when x becomes
Also, since i—j = 1, we get, when n is an odd integer,
Again we have f — ) = o ; consequently, when n is an even
integer, we have ( — - I =
6 ' \dapJo
52. If y = (1 +# 2 ) 2 sin (wtan -1 ^), to prove that
/ « d?V / v dy . . . ,
^ + ar) ^~ 2 ( m ~ O^^ + w*^- 0y = o. (15)
dii --1 . --1
y = m#(i + ar 8 ) 2 sin (m tan" 1 a?) +m(i + a: 2 ) 2 cos (?w tan -1 a?) ,
dii - -
(1 + a?) — =ma?(i + a; 2 ) 2 sin(^tan" 1 a;) + m(i+a! 2 ) 2 cosm(tan" 1 a;)
= mxy + m (1 + ar*) 2 cos (m tan" 1 x) ;
/ ,v? / A , x 1 + x*dy
.% (1 + ar r cob (w tan -1 a?) = p - aw.
m dx
The required result is obtained by differentiating the last
equation, and eliminating cos (m tan -1 x) and sin (m tan _1 #) by
aid of the two former.
Again, applying Leibnitz's Theorem as in the last Article,
we get, in general —
. d™y d™y d"y
(l+ ^dx^ + 2 ( n ~ m+ *) x - d ^i + ( n ' m ) ( n ~ m + -^ = °-
56 Successive Differentiation.
Hence, when x = o, we have
Moreover, as when a; = o, we have y = o, and — = m ; it
follows from the preceding that
= ° ; \d^y ( ~ ')"»»(«»- i) . . . (m - 2n). (16)
W n Jo
For a complete discussion of this, and other analogous
expressions, the student is referred to Bertrand, " Traite de
Calcul Diff erentiel," p. 1 44, &c.
Examples. 5 7
d*y 1 4
1. y = x* log *, prove that — - - ~
d n y , ,1.2. ..(n-2)
2.y = x\ogx, „ _£ = (_i)«i \ '.
d 2 y
3. y = x>, „ — = x*(i+logz)* + z*-\
4. y = log (sin z),
V r + x - ' ,2*
5. y = tan- 1 + tan" 1 ^,
* I — X'
6. y = x* log (*i),
2 C03 X
sin 3 x '
d 2 y
dx 1
(1 + x?
dx 5
d 2 y
dx 3
(1 + x*
d n y
e rx sin (a;
\\+x\/2+x* t ,x\/2 d*y %*/ 2 .
8. « = e r * sin a?, „
dx n sm' l , and x = «/ a 2 + x 2 cos )» +1
n + l
= (a 2 + ar2)~2~{cos(» + i) i + 1)
dx" v ' a» + -
18. In like manner, if y = — -,
a 2 + x 2
jn v \n . sin" +1 u ,d n u
(I - x-) - — - - (2« + 1) x - — - - n 2 — = o ;
dx"* 2 dx»* 1 dx n
, (d n *-u\ I d"u\
and l^).-"U;).'
_„ . , , ^w dy
22. If y = e"* sin ox, prove that 2a — -\ (a 2 + b 2 ) y = o.
«z 3 dx
ax + b „ , rf";/
23. Given y = — , find -— .
_ ax + b ac + b 1 ac - b 1
Here — -. = + .
x — (22)
in which /(.r), /' (a;) /( w ) (a*) are supposed finite and
continuous for all values of the variable between X and x.
From the form of the terms included in It n it evidently
may be written in the shape
(X - x) n
7? _ ^ ' p
where P is some function of X and x.
Consequently we have
AX) - {/(*) + Qzllf («) + ... + 2^V^ W
(X-z) n r>)
+ ^_|_LpJ-o. (23)
Now, let s be substituted for x in every term in the pre-
ceding, with the exception of P, and let F(z) represent the
resulting expression : we shall have
F(z) =f(X) - |/(b) + £^*)f>( z ) + .. . + ^^- n PJ, (24)
in which P lias the same value as before.
Again, the right-hand side in this equation vanishes
when z = X ; .-. F(X) = o.
Also, from (23), the right-hand side vanishes when z =x ;
.'. F{x) = o.
Limits of Taylor's Series. 7 7
Accordingly, since the function F (2) vanishes when z = X,
and also when z = x, it follows from Art. 74 that its derived
function F'(z) also vanishes for some value of z between the
limits X and a?.
Proceeding to obtain F'(z) by differentiation from equa-
tion (24), it can be easily seen that the terms destroy each
other in pairs, with the exception of the two last. Thus we
shall have
J" ( Z ) = _ (X Z ^ /W (a) + (X "' - P.
Consequently, for some value of z between x and X we
must have
/W to - P.
Again, if be a positive quantity less than unity it is
easily seen that the expression
by assigning a suitable value to 9, can be made equal to any
number intermediate between x and X.
Hence, finally,
p=/(«) { x + e (x-x)},
where is some quantity > o and < 1.
Consequently, the remainder after n terms of Taylor's
series can be represented by
A -^^/W {•+*(*-*)}. (2 5 )
Making this substitution, the equation (22) becomes
ax) -/(*) + (^-V to + { ^fr to
+ (z - ^) w - 1 /(w _ 1) ( v + C?>f)_ M /(n) { x + (x-x)}. (26)
1 » - 1 » x '
The preceding demonstration is taken, with some slight
modifications, from Bertrand's " Traite de Calcul Differentiel"
( 2 73).
78 Development of Functions.
Again, if h be substituted for X - x, the series becomes
f(x + h)=f(z)+hf'(x) + &o.
+ ^/ (n_1) (*) + £/ (n) (* + ^)- ( 2 7)
In this expression n may be any positive integer.
If n = i the result becomes
f(x + h) -/(*) + V (* + Oh). (28)
When m = 2,
fix + A) -/(«) + //' (0) + ^/" (0 + 0/0. (29)
The student should observe that has in general different
values in each of these functions, but that they are all subject
to the same condition, viz., 6 > o and < 1 .
It will be a useful exercise on the preceding method for
the student to investigate the formulae (28) and (29) inde-
pendently, by aid of the Lemma of Art. 74.
The preceding investigation may be regarded as furnish-
ing a complete and rigorous proof of Taylor's Theorem, and
formula (27) as representing its most general expression.
76. Geometrical Illustration. — The equation
f(X)=f(x) + (X-x)f'{x+0(X-x)}
admits of a simple geometrical verification; for, let y =f(x)
represent a curve referred to rectangular axes, and suppose
(X, Y), (x, y) to be two points Pi, P 2 on it : then
f(X)-f(x) = Y-y
X ~ x X - x'
But — — - is the tangent of the angle which the chord Pi P 2
makes with the axis of x ; also, since the curve cuts the
chord in the points Pi, P 2 , it is obvious that, when the point on
the curve and the direction of the tangent alter continuously,
the tangent to the curve at some point between P t and P 2 must be
parallel to the chord Pi P 2 ; but by Art. 10,/' (.r,) is the tri-
gonometrical tangent of the angle which the tangent at the
Second Form of Remainder. 79
point (a?i, 1/1) makes with the axis of x. Hence, for some value,
x u between X and x, we must have
X- x X-x
or, writing x x in the form x + (X - x),
f(X) -/(•) + (X - «)/ {* + (X- «)}•
77. Second Form of Remainder. — The remainder
after n terms in Taylor's Series may also be written in the form
n = (' g ) W " 1 h n fW ^ + 0/^
«- 1
For it is evident that R n may be written in the form
(X-x)P 1 ;
.-./(X) -/(*) + (X-x) fix) + . . . + gz^? /0») (,)
+ (X-*)Pi.
Substitute 2 for a?, as before, in every term except P Y ; and the
same reasoning is applicable, word for word, as that employed
in Art. 75. The value of F' (z) becomes, however, in this
F'(z) = - {X ~ z)n ~ 1 fW(z)+P 1 ,
and, as F'(z) must vanish for some value of z between x and
X, we must have, representing that value by x + (X - x),
^ m (X-z)^-0)" /w {x+e{x _ x)l (3o)
where 0, as before, is > o and < 1 .
If h be introduced instead of X - x, the preceding result
(1 _ Q)n-i
^= in., h*fl*){x+Qh), (31)
which is of the required form.
80 Development of Functions.
Hence, Taylor's Theorem admits of being written in the
/(•+*) -/m + *rw + ^ rw + . • • + j^V (n_1) ( * }
+ r^- (i-^/w^ + W). (32)
The same remarks are applicable to this form* as were made
with respect to (27).
From these formulae we see that the essential conditions
for the application of Taylor's Theorem to the expansion of
any function in a series consisting of an infinite number of
terms are, that none of its derived functions shall become
infinite, and that the quantity
shall become infinitely small, when n is taken sufficiently
large ; as otherwise the series does not admit of a finite limit.
h n
78. Limit of when n is indefinitely great.
1 . 2 . . n
.Let u n = , then — = ; .*. — becomes smaller
1 . 2 . . n u n n + I «„
and smaller as« increases ; hence, when n is taken sufficiently
great, the series u n+u u n+2 , . . . &c, diminishes rapidly, and
the terms become ultimately infinitely small. Consequently,
whenever the n th derived function ,/M (x) continues to be finite for
all values of n, however great, the remainder after n terms in
Taylor's Expansion becomes infinitely small, and the series has
a finite limit.
* This second form is in some cases more advantageous than that in (27).
An example of this will be found in Art. 83.
Remainder in the Expansion of sin x. 81
79. General Form of Haclaurin's Series. — The
expansion (27) becomes, on making x = o, and substituting
x afterwards instead of h,
/(•) -/(o) +5/(o) +^/(o) + . . . + ^ / dx~ 2 ' d?' C ''
by successive differentiation of the equation /(#) = '" («) («0 8 >
f"(x) = $' (a) . u* + f (u) [>' «r + 3 (w") 2 ] + 6f\u) . (uj. u"
+ '(a).c + '(a), and multiply it
by the next letter b, and similarly in other cases.
Thus $ .b =c, S . c = d, . . .
8 . b m = mb m ~ J c, $ . c m = mc m ~ l d . . .
Also 8 . $' [a) b = "(x) "(x)
and also tf>'"(°) = °> & -•
14. If, in the last, ^-~ = a 2 ; prove that d>[x) = e"* + its true value in all cases is 7.
b (x - cy b
Examples. 97
2. The fraction — ^^ ^^r becomes - when x = o.
Va+£-v a—x °
To find its true value, multiply its numerator and denominator by the com-
plementary surd, \/ a + x + \f a — x, and the fraction becomes
(a) = o ;
h 2
ioo Indeterminate Forms.
substitute a + h for x and the fraction becomes
f{a + h) -f(a)
f{a + h) h
■> or
<£(«+ A)' 0(« + h) - '(a), respectively; hence,
in this case,
/(* + *) = y>)
'(a) = o, the true value of
tK 1S °°«
f r (n\
(3.) If f'(a) = o, and #'(#) = o, our new fraction -77-T is
when a; ~ a.
(x - a y
Here /(a;) = e™* — e ma ,
'{ a ) is o or oo, as r > or < i.
Hence the true value of u is oo or o, according as r > or < i.
This result can also he arrived at hy writing the fraction in the form
{ fn(*-«) — I } e ma e mh _ r
(x - a)'
e">", where h — x — a ;
hence, expanding e mh , and making h = o, we evidently get the same result as
- sin a
X 3
■ when x = o.
f'(x) = i - cos a;,
f'io) = 0.
4>'(x) = 3* 2 >
104 Indeterminate Forms.
latter fraction has a finite limit, its value by the preceding
method is
cp\a) '%» + *'
therefore '■ ,, , = o ; «*. e. when -4 is zero, -r,-4 is also zero, and
4>'(a) '{x) = , and the fraction . , . is still of the form — , but it can
2 O
be transformed into r~, which is of the form - : the true value of the latter
cos 2 * o
fraction can be easily shown to be — 00 when x = -.
' 2
In some instances an expression becomes indeterminate from an infinite value
of x. The student can easily see, on substituting - for x, that our rules apply
equally to this case.
Indeterminate Expressions of the Form {/(#)}*(*). 105
93. Indeterminate Expressions of the Form
{/(«)}+(*). Let u = {/(*)} *W, then log u = 0(a?) log/(ar).
This latter product is indeterminate whenever one of its fac-
tors becomes zero and the other infinite for the same value
of x.
(1.) Let m+»
2. — when x = («)
(sin wx\ "»
cos xd - cos M0
■>. , x = n. 00 .
3 (a; 2 -« 2 )' '
V« + X — \/ 2X
4- — - — ^, * - a.
2;n+; _ a n+l
5. 1 « = - I.
n+ I '
log sin x'
n fx\
- - cot - ) ,
x \nj
[ 3-
x 1 + 2 cos a; - 2
1 a; + sin zx - o sin - 1
1 4 + cos a; - 5 cos - 1
(^-1)3 ' 3'
i — sin x + cos X ir
, *=•-. I.
sin x + cos x — i 2
tan x - sin x I
sin^a; 2
(a 2 - x 2 )i + (a - x)t \/™
(a»-*»)M(a-*)»* • I+»/:
z* tan a;
;, X = o. I.
(«*- l) f
a s ' nx —a w ,
a; = -. a Iok a.
no Examples.
V z + cos ix — sin x . t v '
15. : , when x = -. _4«s.
ar sin ix + x cos x 2 3*-
, a*» sin wa — m° sin xa
16. , * = M.
tan na — tan xa
n<*~ 1 (n cos m« - sin na) cos 5 «a.
x 2 tan nx — n tan a; 4
17. . ■. : , * = o. — .
1 — cos mx n sin x - sin nx m*
(2 sin x — sin 2z) 2 8
18. -. —, x = o. .
(secx — cos2x) J 125
-!- I
19. X'
(« - y) WW + »'( y)} - 2 '"0)
{•-»)* ' *' 6 '
at log (1 + *) _ ^
22. a; . e x ,
e* - er*
23- 1 — ; r» x = o. 2.
log (I +*)'
was — I w _ ^*
24 ' ~a?~ + («»** - 1) *» * 2 *
log (tan 2a;)
log (tan x)
, e* + log(i - x) - 1 1
26. — > a; = o. - -.
tan x - x 2
27. t ; — r=^ tan- 1 V ' w cos d> - — cos d>, m = 1.
cos 2 {xy)m
Differentiation of a Function of Two- Variables. 115
96. Differentiation of a Function of Two Vari-
ables. — Let u = (x + h, y + k) - (x + h, y + k) - $ (x, y + k) + (x + h, y + k) - (x, y +- k) d . ' + *> becomes (x, y, z).
du du dx du dy du dz du du
da dx da dy da dz da dx dz
_. .. . du du uu du du du
Similarly, ^ = - - ^ , ^ J% - Ty \
du du du
' da dfi dy
This result admits of obvious extension to a function of
the differences of any number of variables.
1. If
2. If
dA dA dA
da dB dy
A =
a 2 ,
7 2 ,
8 2 ,
, prove that
« S ,
B f ,
T 3 ,
s 3 ,
dA dA dA
da d@ dy
= 0.
A =
« 2 ,
b 2 ,
7 2 ,
S 2 ,
, prove that
7 4 ,
8 4 ,
b 2 ,
7 2 ,
8 2 ,
« 3 ,
7 3 ,
8 3 ,
1 20 Partial Differentiation.
99. Definition of an Implicit Function. — Suppose
that y, instead of being given explicitly as a function of %, is
determined by an equation of the form
/(*> y) = o,
then y is said to be an implicit function of x ; for its value, or
values, are given implicitly when that of x is known.
100. Differentiation of an Implicit Function. —
Let k denote the increment of y corresponding to the incre-
ment h in x, and denote f(z, y) by u.
Then, since the equation f(x, y) = o is supposed to hold
for all values of x and the corresponding values of y, we
must have
f{x + h, y + k) = o.
Hence du = o ; and accordingly, by Art. 96, we have,
when h and k are infinitely small,
du , du .
— h + -7- k = o ;
dx dy
hence in the limit 1 = ~r =- ~7~- (6)
h dx du v '
This result enables us to dete»:iiine the differential
coefficient of y with respect to x whenever the form of the
equation /(», y) = o is given.
In the case of implicit functions we may regard x as
being a function of y, or y a function of x, whichever we
please — in the former case y is treated as the independent
variable, and, in the latter, x : when y is taken as the inde-
pendent variable, we have
dx dy 1
dy du dy
dx dx
This is the extension of the result given in Art. 20, and
might have been established in a similar manner.
Differentiation of an Implicit Function. 121
1. If z 3 + j/ 3 - laxy = c, to find -~ .
Here ^ = 3(^-^y), -j- = Z^-ax);
See Art. 38.
dy x 2 — ay
dx ax — y 2
x m y™ , „ , dy
2. If — + i- = 1, to find ~.
rfw wis" 1 " 1 d dz
dx dx dy dx dz dx'
df +
df dy df dz
dy dx dz dx
df +
Hence, we get
df dy dfi dz
dy dx dz dx
d<{> d , and draw B'D
perpendicular to AB, produced if
necessary; then, by Art. 37, AB' d i
= AD when .RC is infinitely small, ,
neglecting infinitely small quanti-
ties of the second order.
Ac = AB' -AB = AD-AB = BD;
dc .. ., , Ac BD _
,\ — - limit of — = -7773 = cos B.
da Aa BB
Fig. 4.
Examples in Plane Trigonometry. 131
Similarly, — = cos A ; which, results agree with those arrived
at before by differentiation.
Again, to find -r~. Suppose the angle C to receive a
small increment AC, represented by
BCB' in the accompanying figure;
take CB' = CB, join ABf, and draw
BD perpendicular to AB f .
Ac - AB' - AB = B'D (in the limit)
= BB' cos AB'B = BB' sin ABC(q.-p.). Fig. 5.
Also, in the limit, BB' = EC sin BCB' = a AC.
Hence -^7= = limiting value of —7= = a sin B :
«6 T ° AC
the same result as that arrived at by differentiation.
In the investigation in Fig. 5 it has been assumed that
AB - AD is infinitely small in comparison with BD ; or that
the fraction — — vanishes in the limit. For the proof
of this the student is referred to Art. 37.
When the base of a plane triangle is calculated from the
observed lengths of its sides and the magnitude of its vertical
angle, the result in (15) shows how the error in the computed
value of the base can be approximately found in terms of the
small errors in observation of the sides and of the contained
100. To find — , when a and are considered
Constant. — In the preceding figure, BAB' represents the
change in the angle A arising from the change AC in C;
moreover, as the angle A is diminished in this case, we must
denote BAB' by - AA, and we have
BR = ABAA _ ABAA _ _ cAA
sin AB'B cos B cosB'
k 2
132 Partial Differentiation.
Also, BB' = a&C;
dC AC ...
• • 1~a " Tli ( m the linut ) = 5- ( l6 )
dA AA s a cos B v '
This result admits of another easy proof by differentiation.
For a sin B = b sin A ;
hence, when a and b are constants, we have
a cos B dB = b cos -4 d4 ;
also, since .4 + B + C = tt, we have
dA + dB + dC= o.
Substitute for di? in the former its value deduced from the
latter equation, and we get
(a cos B + b cos A) dA = - a cos B dC ;
or c gL4 = - a cos 5 c?C, as before.
no. Equation connecting the Variations of two
Sides and the opposite Angles. — In general, if we take
the logarithmic differential of the equation
a sin B = b sin A,
regarding a, b, A, B, as variables, we get
da dB db dA
~a~ + tan£ = T + tan -4' ^ 7 '
in. Landen's Transformation. — The result in equa-
tion ( 1 6) admits of being transformed into
dA dC
a cos B c
c = */a 2 + b 2 - zab cos C, and a cos B = */a 2 - b 2 sin 2 .4;
hence we get
dA dC
x/a 2 - b 2 sin 2 A */ a 2 + b 2 - zab cos C
Examples in Spherical Trigonometry. 133
If C be denoted by 180 - 2fa, the angle at A by cos \p + sin sin \p */'i - F sin 2 c.
115. In a Spherical Triangle, to prove that
da db do , .
+ IZrh + 7ZTFi= > ( 2 4)
cos A cos B cos G
sin C .
when -: — Is constant.
sin c
* This mode of establishing the connexion between Elliptic Functions by
aid of Spherical Trigonometry is due to Lagrange.
Examples in Spherical Trigonometry. 137
Let smC = k sin c, and we get
._ k cose , sin A cose .
dC = - 77 tfc = -: -x.de.
cos 6 sm a cos C
substitute this value for dC in (19), and it becomes
. „ _ 7 cos c sin -4 sin B .
dc = cos Adb + cos B da + ~ ac ;
cos C
/ cos c sin A sin 2A
or cos Ado + cos B da = [ 1 ~ dc
\ cos C T /
cos A cos J? .
cos C
since sin -4 sin B cos c = cos C + cos ^4 cos B.
_ rfa <#£> dc
Hence 7 + ~ + 7y = °-
cos A cos i* cos U
Again, since cos .4 = /i - sin 2 ^ = + cos B cos -4rfc = o,
or (cos A - sin B sin C cos a) da + (cos B - sin A sin C cos 5) db
+ (cos (7 - sin A sin i? cos c) dc = o;
.'. cos -4ffo + cos Bdb + cos Cdc
= sini? sin Ce?(sin a) + sin .4 sin CV/ (sin b) + sin J. sin Bel (sin c)
= k 2 { sin 6 sin cd (sin a) + sin a sin erf (sin &) + sin a sin 5rf (sin c) }
= Z,-V/ (sin a sin J sin c) ;
138 Partial Differentiation.
or -v/ 1 - k 2 sin 2 ada + */i - k 2 sin 2 bdb + */\ - k 2 sin 2 c dc
= k 2 d (sin a sin b sin c) . (26)
This furnishes a proof of Legendre's formula for the compa-
rison of Elliptic Functions of the second species.
The most important application of these results has place
when one of the angles, C suppose, is obtuse ; in this case
cos C is negative, and formula (25) becomes
da db dc
\ - k 2 sin 2 a \/i - k 2 sin 2 b \/i - k 2 sin 2 c'
where the relation connecting a, b, c is
cos c = cos a cos b - sin a sin b y^i - k 2 sin 2 c.
In like manner, equation (26) becomes, in this case,
a/i - k 2 sin 2 ada + ^/i - k 2 sin 2 b db
= */i - k 2 sin 2 cdc + k 2 d (sin a sin b sin c).
117. If u = ~di = ^ Tt=t'
_ du du „ du du , n .
Henoe Tt'-Tx^Ty^Tz- {2&)
This result can be easily extended to any number of variables.
1 40 Examples.
(x\ /y\ dx dy
- J + sin" 1 I — J , prove that du = , + — ,
2. If u = xy * ™ + y ^ = 2«.
3. Find the conditions that «, a function of x, y, z, should he a function of
x + y + 2.
aw «« rfw
,4n». — = —-=_.
ax ay dz
4. If /(«c + by) = c, find ■£. „ - ^.
5. If f(u) = are each functions of x and y, prove that
du dv dv du
dx dy dx dy'
du du
t>. Find the values of x — *■ y ~r > when
dx dy
. , axi -t- 3y*
(a) M = r- ;,
wix 2 + ny z
7. If m = sin ax + sin 5y + tan -1 I - J , prove that
t r , z ^y _ yds
du = a cos ax dx + cos oy dy -\ r — .
y 2 + z 2
_, , . . du . du du r du — log*
8. IfM = loguS, find— and— . ,4ms. — = — , — = — — .
dx dy dx xlogy dy y (log y) 2
q. If = tan -1 — , prove that
(z 2 + y 2 ) de = ydx - xtfy.
10. If u = y", prove that
du = y**- 1 (xzdy + yz log yak + xy log yrfz).
Examples. 1 4 1
If a + */ a* - y % = ye a , prove that
dy -y
1-3. In a spherical triangle, when a, b are constant, prove that
dA tan A , dC sin C
-, and — - = — -
dB tan.B dB sin .5 cos ^4
13. In a plane triangle, if the angles and sides receive small variations,
prove that
cAB + b cos AaO= o ; a, b heing constant,
cos CAb + cos BAc = o ; a, A heing constant,
tunAAb = bAC; a, B heing constant.
14. The hase c of a spherical triangle is measured, and the two adjacent
base angles A, B are found hy observation. Suppose that small errors dA, dB
are committed in the observations of A and B ; show that the corresponding
error in the computed value of C is
— cos adB — cos bdA.
15. If the hase c and the area of a spherical triangle be given, prove that
a b
sin* -dB + sin 2 - dA = o.
2 2
16. Given the base and the vertical angle of a spherical triangle, prove that
the variation of the perpendicular p is connected with the variations of the sides
by the relation
sin Cdp = sin s'da + sin sdb,
s and tf being the segments into which the perpendicular divides the vertical
17. In a plane triangle, if the sides a, b be constant, prove that the variations
of its base angles are connected by the equation
dA dB
*f a 2 — b 2 sin 2 A */ br - a 2 sxd?B'
18. Prove the following relation between the small increments in two sides
and the opposite angles of a spherical triangle,
da dB dA db
tan a tan B tan A tan b'
19. In a right-angled spherical triangle, prove that, if A be invariable
Bin 2cdb = sin 2bde ; and if c be invariable, tan ada + tan bdb = o.
142 Examples.
20. If a be one of the equal sides of an isosceles spherical triangle, whose
vertical angle is very small, and represented by da>, prove that the quantity by
which either base angle falls short of a right angle is - cos a da>.
2i. In a spherical triangle, if one angle be given, as well as the sum of
the other angles, prove that
da db
sin a sin b
22. If all the parts of a spherical triangle vary, then will
cos Ada + cos Bdb + cos Cde = kd (k sin a sin b sin e) ;
sin A sin B sin O
where k = — : — = - — r = - — .
sin a sin b sin c
da db dc „ /i\
Also — — t + _-- + -^;=tan^teni?tanC^I-)
cos A cos B cos
These theorems can be transformed by aid of the polar triangle? — M'CullagK,
Fellowship Examination, 1837.
These are more general than the theorems contained in Arts. 115 and 116,
and can be deduced by the same method without difficulty.
23. If z = '
dz dy dy dz
Examples. 143
26. Prove that any root of the following equation in y,
y m + xy = i,
satisfies the differential equation
„ cPt/ , dy 3 dy 2
27. How can we ascertain whether an expression such as
{x, y)
when h is infinitely small.
This expression being regarded as a function of y, let y
become y + [k, x remaining constant ; then — f — j is the
limiting value of
(x+h, y) - H ~ dy>
dP_dhi_ dQ _ d 2 u
dy dydx' dx dxdy
Hence the required condition is
dP = dQ
dy dx'
121. If u be any Function of x and y, to prove that
where x and y are independent variables.
Here each side, on differentiation, becomes
dxdy dxdy'
122. More generally, to prove that
d ( dv\ d ( dv\ , .
Ty\ U dxr H\ U Ty) (4)
where u and v are both functions of 2, and z is a function of
x and y.
_, d ( dv\ du dv d 2 v
For — u-r } = —— + u
dy \ dx) dy dx dydx*
du du dz dv dv dz
dy dz dy* dx dz dx '
d f dv\ du dv dz dz cPv
dy \ dx) dz dz dx dy dydx '
and — ( u — j has evidently the same value.
l 2
148 Successive Partial Differentiation.
123. Euler's Theorem of Homogeneous Func-
tions. — In Art. 102 it has been shown that
du du
where u is a homogeneous function of the n th degree in
v and y.
Moreover, as -7- and — are homogeneous functions of the
ax ay
degree n - 1, we have, by the same theorem,
d fdu\ d fdn\ du
d fdu\ d fdu\ du #
Tx\^jj +y ly'\dy[) = ^'^dj/''
multiplying the former of these equations by x, and the
latter by y, we get, after addition,
, d 2 u dhi , dhc . . / du du\
ar -r-r + 2x1/ -——- + y 1 -—7. = {n-i)\x— + y—\
dx 2 J dxdy J dy> v ; \ dx J dyj
= {n-i)nu. (5)
This result can be readily extended to homogeneous
functions of any number of independent variables.
A more complete investigation of Euler's Theorems will
be found in Chapter VIII.
124. To find the Successive Differential Coeffi-
cients with respect to t, of the Function
d(j> _ d(f>
dt dx dy
Differentiation of \ _ d( d d V
!& ~ dt\df) ~ dtydx + "dyj*
( d dYdcp f a f dVf d (z) becomes
{x) + JL-{ (x + h, y) = 4>(%,y) + h—{ (x -r h. y + k)* = u + h- r + fc —
r v i9i dx dy
h 2 d?u d/u k 2 dru
1 .2 dx 2 * dxdy 1 . 2 dy 2
128. This expansion can also be arrived at otherwise as
follows : — Substitute x + at andy + (St for x and y, respectively,
in the expression § (x, y), then the new function
)-*-&+*4zai+PijP (4)
&c. &o. &c.
These equations may also be written in the symbolio
m-i'Ii + fiih
Again, f a — J u = a r — , &a, since a, /3, are independent
of a; and y : and hence the general term in the expansion of
F(t) can be at once written down by aid of the Binomial
Extension of Taylor's Theorem. 159
Finally, we have, on substituting h for at, and k for fit,
T . T du du h 2 (Pn „ d 2 u
(x + at, y + fit, z + yt),
when u is substituted for (p(x, y, z), becomes
{x + h,y + k). (7)
This is analogous to the form given for Taylor's Theorem
in Art. 67, and may be deduced from it as follows : —
We have seen that the operation represented by e %dx
when applied to any function is equivalent to changing x
into x + h throughout in the function.
Accordingly, e dx § (x, y) = (x + h, y + k),
d £
or e kd ~** hdx (p (x, y) = (x + h, y+k,z + I). (8)
131. If in the development (2), dx be substituted for h,
and dy for k, it becomes
dy 2 ) + &Q. (o)
1 . 2 \da? dxdy y dif J J w/
If the sum of all the terms of the degree n in dx and dy
be denoted by d n
(x + gx,y + gy) = (1 + g) n (x, y) = (1 + g) n u,
or (1 +,)•* = * + ,(*- + y-j
g 2 ( ,d 2 u d 2 u ~d 2 u\
+ T7z{^ + 2X ' J cMy + *Vj + & °"
where u is a homogeneous function of the n th degree in x
and y.
Euler's Theorems. 163
Since the preceding equation holds for all values of g, if
we expand and equate like powers of g, we obtain
du du
** + *-%-"*
2 d 2 u dhi dhi
x 33" + 2x y~j—r + V -7-, = n(n - 1) u.
dx 2 * dxdy * dy 2 v ' '
,d 3 u d 3 u d 3 u d 3 u . . , ,
*S? + 3 * V I*dy + iX!/ d^> + * If = »(•"')(•- •) «>
&c. &o. &c.
The foregoing method of demonstration admits of "being
easily extended to the case of a homogeneous function of three
or more variables.
Thus, substituting gx for h, gy for k, gz for I, in formula
(6) Art. 129, and proceeding as before, we get
du du du
■ — + y (- s —
dx dy dz
x ^z + y~. + z ^z- nu >
d 2 u „d 2 u „d 2 u (Pu cPu
x ti + V tt + z ~r% + 2x y -j~r + 2ZX -j—r
dx 2 * dy 2 dz 2 ' dxdy dzdx
d 2 u . .
+ zyz ~r- — = n[n - i)u.
dydz v '
&o. &o. &c.
These formulae are due to Euler, and are of importance
in the general theory of curves and surfaces, as well as in
other applications of analysis.
The preceding method of proof is taken from Lagrange's
Mecanique Analytique.
m 2
( i6 4 )
133. Definition of a Maximum or a Minimum. — If any
function increase continuously as the variable on which it de-
pends increases up to a certain value, and diminish for higher
values of the variable, then, in passing from its increasing to its
decreasing stage, the function attains what is called a maximum
In like manner, if the function decrease as the variable
increases up to a certain value, and increase for higher values
of the variable, the function passes through a minimum stage.
Many cases of maxima and minima can be best determined
without the aid of the Differential Calculus ; we shall com-
mence with a few geometrical and algebraic examples of this
134. Geometrical Example. — To find the area of the
greatest triangle which can be inscribed in a given ellipse. Sup-
pose the ellipse projected orthogonally into a circle ; then any
triangle inscribed in the ellipse is projected into a triangle
inscribed in the circle, and the areas of the triangles are to
one another in the ratio of the area of the ellipse to that of
the circle (Salmon's Conies, Art. 368). Hence the triangle in
the ellipse is a maximum when that in the circle is a maxi-
mum ; but in the latter case the maximum triangle is evidently
equilateral, and it is easily seen that its area is to that of the
circle as -v/ 2 7 to 471-. Hence the area of the greatest triangle
inscribed in the ellipse is
3 «
where a, b are the semiaxes.
Moreover, the centre of the ellipse is evidently the point
of intersection of the bisectors of the sides of the triangle.
Algebraic Examples of Maxima and Minima. 165
1. Prove that the area of the greatest ellipse inscribed in a given triangle i«
, — (area of the triangle).
1. Find the area of the least ellipse circumscribed to a given triangle.
3. Place a chord of a given length in an ellipse, so that its distance from the
centre shall be a maximum.
The lines joining its extremities to the centre must be conjugate diameters.
4. Show that the preceding construction is impossible when the length of
the given chord is >a\/ 2 or
x x
and the max. value in question is . -^rrj .
W a + vJ)
(a + a) (x + b)
A. -^ — — — — •
x + c
t x , , /. . -l (z + a-c) (z + b-e)
Let x + e = 2, and the fraction becomes .
In order that this should have a real min. value, (a — c)(b — c) must be posi-
tive ; i. e. the value of must not lie between those of a and b, &c.
5. Find the least value of a tan d + b cot d. Ana. i^/ ab,
6. Prove that the expression ; will always lie between two fixed
x 2 + bx + c z
finite limits if a s + c 2 > ab and b 2 < 4 c 2 ; that there will be two limits between
which it cannot lie if a 2 + £ > ab and b 2 > 4 c 2 : and that it will be capable of all
values if a 2 + c 2 < ab.
136. To find the Maximum and Minimum values
ax 1 + zbxy + c\f
a'x 2 + zb'xy + c'y 2 '
Algebraic Examples of Maxima and Minima. 167
Let u denote the proposed fraction, and substitute s for -;
then we get
tfS 2 + 20Z + c
U = a'z* + 2b'z+e' ; (I)
or (a-a'u)z 2 + 2(b-b'u)z + c-c'u = o.
Solving for z, this gives
(a - a'u)z +b- b'u = ± ^/(b - b'u) 2 - (a - a'u) (c - c'u). (2)
There are three cases, according as the roots of the equation
(b' 2 - a'c') u 2 + (ac f + ca f - 2 bb') u+b 2 -ac = o (3)
are real and unequal, real and equal, or imaginary.
(1). Let the roots be real and unequal, and denoted by
a and /3 (of which /3 is the greater) ; then, if b' 2 - a'c > o, we
shall have
(a - a 'u)z + b- b'u = ± {b' 2 - dc) (u-a) {u-(5).
Here, so long as u is not greater than a, z is real ; but
when u > a and < /3, z becomes imaginary ; consequently, the
lesser* root (a) is a maximum value of u. In like manner, it
can be easily seen that the greater root (ft) is a minimum.
Accordingly, when the roots of the denominator, a'x 2 + 2b' x
+ c = o, are real and unequal, the fraction admits of all pos-
sible, positive, or negative values, with the exception of those
which lie between a and (5.
If either d = o, or c' = o, the radical becomes
V / 2
A'x 2 + 2B , xy + C'y 2>
where A, B, C, A', JT, C, denote the coefficients in the trans-
formed expressions ; hence, since the quadratics which deter-
mine the maximum and minimum values of u must have the
same roots in both cases, we have
AC - B 2 = \{ac - b 2 ), AC + CA' ~ 2BB = \(ac' + ca' - ibV),
A'C -B' 2 = \(a'c' - b' 2 ). Q.E.D.
Application to Surfaces. 179
It can be seen without difficulty that
A = (lm' - mf) 2 .
"We shall illustrate the use of the equations (3) and (4) by
applying them to the following question, which occurs in the
determination of the principal radii of curvature at any point
on a curved surface.
145. To find the Maxima and Minima Values of
r COS 2 a + 2S COS a COS/3 + t COS 2 /3,
where cos a and cos (3 are connected by the equation
(1 + p 2 ) cos 2 a + 2pq cos a cos /3 + (1 + q 2 ) cos 2 /3 = 1,
and p, q, r, s, t are independent of a and j3.
Denoting the proposed expression by u, and substituting
- cos a ,
z for ri, we get
cos/3 °
rz 2 + 2sz + t
u =
(1 + p 2 )z 2 + ipqz + (1 •+ q 2 )'
The maximum and minimum values of this fraction, by
the preceding Article, are given by the quadratic
u 2 {i +p 2 + q 2 ) -w{(i +q 2 )r - 2pqs + (1 +p 2 )t} +rt -s 2 = o; (6)
while the corresponding values of z or -^ are given by
2 2 {(i + p 2 )s - pqr) + z{(i + p 2 )t - (1 + q 2 )r)
+ {PQt- (1 +q 2 )s} =0* (7)
The student will observe that the roots of the denominator
in the proposed fraction are imaginary, and, consequently, the
values of the fraction lie between the roots of the quadratic
(6), in accordance with Art. 136.
Lacroix, Dif. Cal., pp. 575, 576.
N 2
1 80 Maxima and Minima of Functions of a Single Variable.
146. To find the Maximum and Minimum Radius
Vector of the Ellipse
ax 7, + zbxy + cy 2 = 1.
(1). Suppose the axes rectangular; then
r 2 = x 1 + y 2 is to be a maximum or a minimum.
Let - = z, and we get
Z 2 + I
r =
az 2 + zbz + c
Hence the quadratic which determines the maximum and
minimum distances from the centre is
r 4 (ac - b 2 ) - r 2 {a + c) + 1 = o.
The other quadratio, viz.
bx 2 - (a - e) xy - by 2 = o,
gives the directions of the axes of the curve.
(2.) If the axes of co-ordinates be inclined at an angle w,
r* = x 2 + y 2 + 2xy cos a>
Z 2 + 2Z COS w + I
az 2 + 2bz + c '
and the quadratic becomes in this case
r 4 (ac - b 2 ) - r 2 (a + c - 2b cos w) + sin 2 w = o,
the coefficients in which are the invariants of the quadratic
expressions forming the numerator and denominator in the
expression for r 2 .
The equation which determines the directions of the axes
si the conic can also be easily written down in this case.
Maximum and Minimum Section of a Right Cone. 1 8 1
147. To investigate the Maximum and Minimum
Values of
ax 3 + ^btfy + 3 CX !/ Z + dy 3
ax 2 + ib'tfy + 3c' xy 2 + d'y 3 '
Substituting z for -, and denoting the fraction by u, we have
w =
az 3 + 3J2 2 + s cz + d
a'z 3 + 3# 'z 2 + $c'z + d''
Proceeding, as in Art. 1 44, we find that the values of u and z
are given by aid of the two quadratics
az 2 + zbz + c = (a'z 2 + 2b'z + (T)u t
bz 2 + 2cz + d= (b'z 2 + ic'z + d')u.
Eliminating u between these equations, we get the following
biquadratic in z : —
z\ab' - ba f ) + 2z 3 (ac r - cd) + z 2 {ad' - a'd + ^(bc - cb'))
+ 2z(bd' - db') + {cd' - c'd) = o. (8)
Eliminating z between the same equations, we obtain a
biquadratic in w, whose roots are the maxima and minima
values of the proposed fraction. Again, as in Art. 144, it
can easily be shown that the coefficients in the equation in u
are invariants of the cubics in the numerator and denominator
of the fraction.
148. To cut tbe Maximum and Minimum Ellipse
from a Right Cone which stands on a given circular
base. — Let AD represent the axis of
the cone, and suppose BP to be the
axis major of the required section;
its centre ; a, b, its semi-axes. Through
and P draw LM&nd. PR parallel to
BC. Then BP = 2a, b 2 = LO . OM
(Euclid, Book in., Pr. 35) ; but LO
=™ } 0M=—; .-. b 2 =-.BC. PR.
2 2 4
Hence BP 2 . PR is to be a maximum
or a minimum.
Fig. 7.
1 82 Maxima and Minima of Functions of a Single Variable.
Let L BAD - a, PBC = 0, BO = c.
sin BCP c cos a
Then BP = 5C
Bin BPC oos(fl-o)'
sin P.BJ2 _ c cos (0 + a)_
slnP^ZP cos (0 - a) J
cos (0 + a) .
•*• w = — ttt; ( is a maximum or a minimum.
COS 3 (0 - a)
-n- du sin 20- 2 sin 2a . n
Hence -^ = —- n r — = o : /. sin 20 = 2 sin 2a.
dO cos 4 (0 - a)
The solution becomes impossible when 2 sin 2 a > 1 ; i.e. if
the vertical angle of the cone be > 30 .
The problem admits of two solutions when a is less than
1 5°. For, if X be the least value of derived from the
equation sin 2 = 2 sin 2 a ; then the value 0i evidently
gives a second solution.
Again, by differentiation, we get
d 2 u 2 cos 20 . . .
3715 = — TTTi v (when sin 20 = 2 sm 2a).
dd 2 cos 4 (0 - a) v '
This is positive or negative according as cos 2 is positive or
negative. Hence the greater value of corresponds to a
maximum section, and the lesser to a minimum.
In the limiting case, when a = 15 , the two solutions
coincide. However, it is easily shown that the corresponding
section gives neither a maximum nor a minimum solution of
the problem. For, we have in this case = 45 ; which value
gives -jjp = o. On proceeding to the next differentiation, we
find, when = 45 ,
d?u - 4 64
W = cos 4 (45 - a) = ~ "9"
Hence the solution is neither a maximum nor a minimum.
When a > 1 5 , both solutions are impossible.
Geometrical Examples. 1 83
149. The principle, that when a function is a maximum
or a minimum its reciprocal is at the same time a minimum
or a maximum, is of frequent use in finding such solutions.
There are other considerations by which the determina-
tion of maxima and minima values is often facilitated.
Thus, whenever u is a maximum or a minimum, so also
is log (u), unless u vanishes along with — .
Again, any constant may he added or subtracted, i.e. if
f(x) be a maximum, so also is/ (x) ± c.
Also, if any function, u, be a maximum, so will be any
positive power of u, in general.
150. Again, if z = f(u), then dz =f'(u)du, and conse-
quently z is a maximum or a minimum; either (1) when
du = o, i.e. when u is a maximum or a minimum ; or (2) when
f(u) = o.
In many questions the values of u are restricted, by the
conditions of the problem,* to lie between given limits ;
accordingly, in such cases, any root of f'{u) = o does not
furnish a real maximum or minimum solution unless it lies
between the given limiting values of u.
"We shall illustrate this by one or two geometrical
(1). In an ellipse, to find when the rectangle under a pair of
conjugate diameters is a maximum or a minimum. Let r be any
semi-diameter of the ellipse, then the square of the conjugate
semi-diameter is represented by a 2 + b 2 - r 2 , and we have
u = r 2 (a 2 + b 2 — r 2 ) a maximum or a minimum.
Here — = 2 (a 2 + b 2 - zr 2 ) r.
Accordingly the maximum and minimum values are,
( 1 ) those for which r is a maximum or a minimum ; i.e. r = a,
or r = b ; and, (2) those given by the equation
r(a 2 + b 2 - zr 2 ) = o ;
• See Cambridge Mathematical Journal, vol. iii. p. 237.
1 84 Maxima and Minima of Functions of a Single Variable.
la 2 + b 2
or r = o, and r = I .
The solution r = o is inadmissible, since r must lie between
the limits a and b : the other solution corresponds to the
equicon jugate diameters. It is easily seen that the solution
in (2) is the maximum, and that in (1) the minimum value
of the rectangle in question.
151. As another example, we shall consider the following
problem* : —
Given in a plane triangle two sides (a, b) to find the
maximum and minimum values of
1 A
- . cos — ,
C 2
where A and c have the usual significations.
Squaring the expression in question, and substituting x
for c, we easily find for the quantity whose maximum and
minimum values are required the following expression :
I 2b a% ~ h%
X X X 3
neglecting a constant multiplier.
Accordingly, the solutions of the problem are — (1) the
maximum and minimum values of x, i.e. a + b and a - b.
(2) the solutions of the equation — , i.e. of
1 4& 3 (a? - b 2 )
— h • — ■ — — = o,
X 2 X 3 X*
or x 2 + 4.bx - 3 (a 2 - b z ) = o ;
whence we get x = v^a? + b 2 - 2b,
neglecting the negative root, which is inadmissible.
Again, if b > a, \/yi 2 + b 2 - 2b is negative, and accord-
ingly in this case the solution given by (2) is inadmissible.
* This problem occurs in Astronomy, in finding when a planet appears
brightest, the orbits being supposed circular.
Maxima and Minima Values of an Implicit Function. 185
If a > b, it remains to see whether a/ 3a 2 + b 2 - 2b lies
between the limits a + b and a - b. It is easily seen that
*/2>a 2 + b 2 - lb is > a - b: the remaining condition requires
a + b > \Zsa 2 + b 2 - 2b,
or a + sb > */ yi 2 + b 2 ,
or a 2 + tab + gb 2 > 3a 2 + b\
i.e. 4 J 2 + 2>ab > a 2 ,
or 4b 2 + $ab + ?-r > ^; .-. 2b + — > —;
16 16 44
or, finally, b > -.
We see accordingly that this gives no real solution unless
the lesser of the given sides exceeds one-fourth of the
When this condition is fulfilled, it is easily seen that the
corresponding solution is a maximum, and that the solutions
corresponding to x = a + b, and x = a - b, are both minima
152. Maxima and Minima Values of an Implicit
Function. — Suppose it be required to find the maxima or
minima values of y from the equation
fix, y) = o.
Differentiating, we get
du du dy _
dx dy dx *
where u represents f(x, y). But the maxima and minima
values of y must satisfy the equation -j- = o : accordingly the
1 86 Maxima and Minima of Functions of a Single Variable.
maximum and minimum values are got by combining* the
equations — = o, and u = o.
153. Maximum and Minimum in case of a Func-
tion of two dependent Variables. — To determine the
maximum or minimum values of a function of two variables,
x and y, which are connected by a relation of the form
f(x, y) = o.
Let the proposed function, df d(p df
dx dy dy dx *
furnish the solutions required. To determine whether the
solution so determined is a maximum or a minimum, it
is necessary to investigate the sign of — . We add an
example for illustration.
154. Given the four sides of a quadrilateral, to find when its
area is a maximum.
Let a, b, c, d be the lengths of the sides, sin xp
„ d 2 u ab cos (6 + \L) ( d\L\ , . .
Hence -—^ = —-, — — 1 + V 1 + a term which
dtf sin Tp \ d(p)
vanishes when + \L = 1 8o° ; and the value of -=—. becomes
r T dtf
in this case
ab f ab
1 + —
sin > \ cd/
which being negative, the solution is a maximum.
1 88 Examples.
r. Prove that a sec b + b cosec 6 is a minimum when tan = lj -.
2. Find when 42 s - 15** + i 2x - 1 is a maximum or a minimum.
Am. x = J, a max. ; a; = 2, a min.
3. If a and * be such that /(«) = f{b), show that /(*) has, in general,
■maximum or a minimum value for some value of x between a and b.
4. Find the value of x which makes
6in x . cos *
cos 2 (6o° — x)
maximum - Am. x = 30 .
5- K 77^t — ^-rl fee a maximum, show immediately that "^is a minimum.
is a maximum.
V 5 — 4 cos a;
-4ms. cos x = 5 ~ V *3
■n- j -l x + 3 X • • 12
7. Jb ind when is a maximum. „ x — - ■■■.
V4 + 5* 2 5
8. Apply the method of Ex. 5 to the expression — .
9. "What are the values of a; which make the expression
ix 3 — 21X 1 + $6x — 20
a maximum or a minimum? and (2) what are the maximum and minimum
values of the expression? Ans. x = I, a max. ; x = 6, a min.
AC the solution is neither a maximum nor a
The necessity of the preceding condition was first estab-
lished by Lagrange ;* by whom also the corresponding con-
ditions in the case of a function of any number of variables
were first discussed.
Again, if A = o, B = o, C = o, then for a real maximum
or minimum it is necessary that all the terms of the third
degree in h and k in expansion (2) should vanish at the same
time, while the quantity of the fourth degree in h and k
should preserve the same sign for all values of these quan-
tities. See Art. 138.
The spirit of the method, as well as the processes em-
ployed in its application, will be illustrated by the following
157. To find the position of the point the sum of the
squares of whose distances from n given points situated in
the same plane shall be a minimum.
Thcorie des Fonctions. Deuxieme Partie. Ch. onzieme.
Maxima and Minima for Two or more Variables. 193
Let the co-ordinates of the given points referred to
rectangular axes he
(oi, 61), (a 2f h), (a 3) b s ) . . . (o„, b n ), respectively ;
(x t y) those of the point required ; then we have
u = (x - atf + (y - J1) 2 + (a? - «a) 2 + (y - b,)* + . . .
+ (a? - a„) a + (y - b n )*
a minimum ;
du t .
,_ «i + a, + . . . + a n bi + bt + . . . + b n
Hence x , y = :
n n
and the point required is the centre of mean position of the
n given points.
From the nature of the prohlem it is evident that this
result corresponds to a minimum.
This can also be established by aid of Lagrange's con-
dition, for we have
a - ^ u - n - d* u _ ri _ d % u _
dx z ' dxdy * dy 2.
In this case AC - B 2 is positive, and A also positive;
and accordingly the result is a minimum.
158. To find the Maximum or Minimum Value
of the expression
ax 2 + by 2 + 2hxy + 2gx + ify + c.
Denoting the expression by u, we have
1 du .
-- = ax + hy + g = o,
1 du J .
- — = hx + by +/ = o.
2dy y J
194 Maxima and Minima for Two or more Variables.
Multiplying the first equation by x, the second by y, and
subtracting their sum from the given expression, we get
u = gx+fy + c;
whence, eliminating x and y between the three equations,
we obtain
a h g
u(ab-h 2 ) = h b f . (3)
9 f
This result may also be written in the form
where A denotes the discriminant of the proposed expression.
. . d 2 u d 2 u 7 d 2 u
Again, _-2«, - = 2 J, j- y = 2h.
Hence, if ab - h* be positive, the foregoing value of u is a
maximum or a minimum according as the sign of a is negative
or positive.
If h 2 > ab, the solution is neither a maximum nor a
The geometrical interpretation of the preceding result is
evident ; viz., if the co-ordinates of the centre be substituted
for x and y in the equation of a conic, u = o, the resulting
value of u is either a maximum or a minimum if the curve
be an ellipse, but is neither a maximum nor a minimum for
a hyperbola ; as is also evident from other considerations.
159. To find the Maxima and Minima Values
of the Fraction
ax- + by 2 + ilixy + 2gx + 2fy + c
a'x 2 + b'y 2 + zlixy-v 2g'x+2f'y+c''
nd denominator be r<
j the fraction by u, we
(pi - u<}> 2 . (a)
Let the numerator and denominator be represented by
2 d 2 u
ltf =U ~oW + o, (9)
and {AB - E*)(AC - (?) > (AF - GH)\
or A{ ABC + 2FGH - AF 2 - BG 2 - CE 2 ) > o, (10)
i.e. A and A must have the same sign, A denoting the dis-
criminant of the quadratic expression (8), as before.
Accordingly, the conditions (9) and (10) are necessary
that x , y n , z Q should correspond to a real maximum or mini-
mum value of the function u.
When these conditions are fulfilled, if the sign of A be
positive, the function in (8) is also positive, and the solution
is a minimum ; if A be negative, the solution is a maximum.
163. Maxima and Minima for any number of
Variables. — The preceding theory admits of easy extension
200 Maxima and Minima for Two or more Variables.
to functions of any number of independent variables. The
values which give maxima and minima in that case are got
by equating to zero the partial derived functions for each
variable separately, and the quadratic function in the ex-
pansion must preserve the same sign for all values ; i.e. it
must be equivalent to a number of squares, multiplied by
constant coefficients, having each the same sign.
The number of independent conditions to be fulfilled in the
case of n independent variables is simply n - i , and not 2 n - i ,
as stated by some writers on the Differential Calculus. A
simple and general investigation of these conditions will be
given in a note at the end of the Book.
164. To investigate the Maximum or Minimum
Value of the Expression
ax 2 + by 2 + cz 2 + ikxy + zgzx + ifyz + 2px + 2qy + 2r% + d.
Let u denote the function in question, then for its maxi-
mum or minimum value we have
— = 2 (ax + hy + gz + p) = o,
= 2(hx + by +fz + q) = o,
= z{gx + fy + cz + r) = o;
hence, adopting the method of Art. 158, we get
u = px + qy + rz + d.
Eliminating x, y, z between these four equations, we obtain
a h g p
h b f q
g f c r
p q r d
d 2 u d 2 u
in, since - = 2a, -
a h g
h b f
g f c
= 2b, &c,
Maxima or Minima for two or more Variables. 201
the result is neither a maximum nor a minimum unless
a h g
\ a h \
is positive, and h b f
9 f
h b
has the same sign as a.
The student who is acquainted with the theory of surfaces
of the second degree will find no difficulty in giving the
geometrical interpretation of the preceding result.
165. To find a point such tbat the sum of the
squares of its distances from n given points shall be
a Minimum. — Let {a, b, c), {a', b', c'), &c, be the co-ordi-
nates of the given points referred to rectangular axes ; x, y, a,
the co-ordinates of the required point ; then
(x - a) 2 + (y - by + (z - c) 2
is equal to the square of the distance between the points
{a, b, c), and (x, y, z).
u = (x - a) 2 + (y - b) 2 + (z-c)* + (tB-tTf+ (3/ - bj + {z -c)'*
+ &o. - 2 (a? - a) 2 + 2(y - b) 2 + 2(s - c)\
where the summation is extended to each of the n points.
For the maximum or minimum value, we havo
— = 22(2? - a) = 2nx - 2^a = o,
— = 2"2(y - b) = iny - 225 = o,
22 2 - c) = 2nz - 22c = o ;
Wo =
z =
n ' " n n
i.e. x , y , So are the co-ordinates of the centre of mean posi-
202 Maxima and Minima of Independent Variables.
tion of the given points. This is an extension of the result
established in Art. 157.
. . d 2 u d 2 u (Pu (Pu
Again _ = 2M) _ = 2 „, _ = 2 „, — = o, &c.
The expressions (10) and (11) are both positive in this case,
and hence the solution is a minimum.
It may be observed with reference to examples of maxima
and minima, that in most cases the circumstances of the prob-
lem indicate whether the solution is a maximum, a minimum,
or neither, and accordingly enable us to dispense with the
labour of investigating Lagrange's conditions-
Examples. 203
Find the maximum and minimum values, if any such exist, of
ax + by + e e + \/a 2 + J ! + e 3
I. -5— — f— - . ^n*. -= .
x 2 + y* + 1 a
as + £y + e
V x 2 + y 2 + 1
3. x* + y* - x 2 + xy - y 2 .
(a), x = o, y = 0, a maximum.
()3). a; = y = ± -, a minimum.
# » \^3 • •
(y). x = - y = ± - — , a minimum.
4. ax 2 + Ixy + dz 2 + Ixz + myz.
x = y = z = o, neither a maximum nor a minimum.
a a
5. If « = ai?y 2 — x i y 2 - spy 3 , prove that x = -, y = - makes w a maximum.
6. Prove that the value of the minimum found in Art. 165 is the -th part of
the sura of the squares of the mutual distances between the n points, taken two
and two.
7. Find the maximum value of
(ax+by + cz)e . Ans. J- {- + - + -^ ,
8. Find the values of x and y for which the expression
(aix + hy + a) 7 + [aix + b%y + e 2 ) 2 + . . . + {c*x + b n y + «*)'
becomes a minimum.
( 20 4 )
1 66. Method of Undetermined Multipliers. — In many
cases of maxima and minima the variables which enter into
the function are not independent of one another, but are con-
nected by certain equations of condition.
The most convenient process to adopt in such cases is
what is styled the method of undetermined* multipliers. We
shall illustrate this process by considering the case of a func-
tion of four variables which are connected by two equations
of condition.
Thus, let u = 0(#i, x 2 , x 3 , + &<*-'>-*
xX yT _ a; 2 y 2 _
2. JFind the equation of the tangent at any point on the curve
ggm ym Xx m ' 1 Y-U m ' 1
— + \- = i. Am. + -f — = I.
Qin font Qtn frm
3. If two curves, -whose equations are denoted by u = o, w' = o, intersect in
a point (x, y), and if « be their angle of intersection, prove that
du du 1 du' du
dx dy dx dy
tan o =
du du du du
dx dx dy dy
4. Hence, if the curves intersect at right angles, -we must have
du du' du du'
dx dx dy dy
5. Apply this to find the condition that the curves
x 2 y' 1 x 1 y %
snould intersect at right angles. Ans. a 2 - b 3 = a' 2 - b'\
Equation of Normal.
1 70. Equation of \ormal. — Since the normal at any
point on a curve is perpendicular to the tangent, its equation,
when the co-ordinate axes are rectangular, is
(7-,)| + X-* = o,
du . N rf« /r v
The points at which normals are parallel to the line
y = mx + n are given by aid of the equation of the ourve u = o
along with the equation
du dv
dy dx
1 . Find the equation of the normal at any point (x, y) on the ellipse
x i y*
a 2 o*
Am. = a 1 - J 1 .
x y
2. Find the equation of the normal at any point on the curve
y» = ax*. Am. nYy + tnXx = ny 2 + mx*.
171. Subtangent and Subnormal. — In the accom-
panying figure, let PT repre- y
sent the tangent at the point P,
PN the normal; OM, PM the
co-ordinates at P ; then the
lines TM and MN are called
the subtangent and subnormal o"
corresponding to the point P. Fig. 9.
To find the expressions for their lengths, let $ = L PTM y
PM dy
MN dy
PM =i ™* = -dx>
MN = y%
2 1 6 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
The lengths of PT and PAT are sometimes called the
lengths of the tangent and the normal at P : it is easily
seen that
i. To find the length of the subnormal in the ellipse
x 2 y 2
„ dy h %
Here y— = - — x;
dx a 1
the negative sign signifies that MN is measured from M in the negative
direction along the axis of x, i.e. the point 2V lies between M and the centre ;
as is also evident from the shape of the curve.
2. Prove that the subtangent in the logarithmic curve, y = a', is of constant
3. Prove that the subnormal in the parabola, y 1 = mix, is equal to m.
4. Find the length of the part of the normal to the catenary
/ - x \
intercepted by the axis of *. Ana. — .
5. Find at what point the subtangent to the curve whose equation is
xy 1 = «*(« — x)
. a
is a maximum. Am. x = -, y = a.
172. Perpendicular on Tangent. — Let p be the length
of the perpendicular from the origin on the tangent at any
point on the curve
F{x 9 y) = c,
Length of Perpendicular on Tangent. 217
then the equation of the tangent may be written
X cos w + Y sin u> = p,
where to is the angle which the perpendicular makes with
the axis of x.
Denoting F (x, y) by u, and comparing this form of the
equation with that in (2), and representing the common value
of the fraction by X,
du du du du
dx du dx ay x
cos a; sm (o p
Hence A' = (g' + g)',
du du
x— +y —
and p = — - — • (4)
jfduV Tdu
<\dx) + \dy)
Cor. If F(x, y) be a homogeneous expression of the n th
degree in x andy, then by Euler's formula, Art. 102, we have
du du
x— + y — = nu = nc.
dx ay
and the expression for the length of the perpendicular
becomes in this case
j/duV /duV
>j{dx) + \dy)
In the curve
x m y m
— 4 — = 1
prove that
= {a cos w) m-1 + (b sin
2 1 8 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
By Ex. 2, Art. 169, the equation of the tangent is
L ^ — f •
comparing this with the form
X cos to + Y sin d(p
a -j- + [3-f- + w«_i + 2W„_2 + . . . + nu = o. (7)
dx dy
This represents a curve of the (n - i) th degree in x and y,
and the points of its intersection with the given curve are the
points of contact of all the tangents which can be drawn
from the point (a, (5) to the curve. Moreover, as two curves
of the degrees n and n - 1 intersect in general in n (n - 1)
points, real or imaginary (Salmon's Conic Sections, Art. 214),
it follows that there can in general be n {n - 1) real or
imaginary tangents drawn from an external point to a curve
of the n th degree.
If the curve be of the second degree, equation (7) be-
dd> n d becomes PTX, or , and Ji + ( — )
Ax dx y ' \ \Ax)
222 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
"becomes J i + ( — j or sec pQ = "^^t the same time;
, dr rdd . rdO . .
or cos \L = — , sin xl = —- , tan xl = — — . (11)
ds ds dr
* These results can be easily established from Art. 37.
Polar Subtangent and Subnormal.
rdOY fdr\ %
Hence, also, we can determine an expression for the
differential of an arc iu polar co-ordinates ; for, since
PQr _ P2P
QM* " l + QM~ % '
we get, on proceeding to the limit,
= 1 +
r 2 dd 2
ds =
r 2 dB 2 7
1 + — -r^- dr.
These results are of importance in the general theory of
181. Application to the Logarithmic Spiral. —
The curve whose equation is r = a e is called the logarithmio
spiral. In this curve we have
, rdO 1
tan \L *■ -7- = ; .
dr log a
Accordingly, the angle between the radius vector and the
tangent is constant. On account of this property the curve
is also called the equiangular spiral.
182. Polar Subtangent and Subnormal. — Through
the origin let ST be drawn perpendi- g
cular to OP, meeting the tangent in T,
and the normal in S. The lines OT and
OS are called the polar subtangent and
subnormal, for the point P. To find
their values, we have
OT = OP tan OPT = r tan xL = T ~.
OS = OP tan OPS = r cot $
Also, if « = -, OT=-
224 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
Again, if ON be drawn perpendicular to PT, we have
PN = OP gob xp = r^. (15)
183. Expression for Perpendicular on Tangent. —
As before, let p = ON, then
. , r*dO
p = r&m\p = — -;
, 1 ds 2 _ dr^ + r^dB" 1 dr 1 1
hence -= ^ = ^ fla = -^ + -,
£-* + ®" (i6)
The equations in polar co-ordinates of the tangent and
the normal at any point on a curve can be found without
difficulty : they have, however, been omitted here, as they
are of little or no practical advantage.
1. To find the length of the perpendicular from a focus on the tangent to an
The focal equation of the curve is
0(1 - e 7 ) 1 - e cosfl
I - ecosfl 0(1 -e 2 )
du e sin
hence -— = — r, ;
dd a(i-e 2 )'
1 _ r + e 2 - ie cos0 _ 1 /2a _ \
*'V = «*(i-e 2 ^ «*(i -e 2 ) \~r ~ )'
2. Prove that the polar suhnormal is constant, in the curve r — a$ ; and the
Bolar subtangent, in the r.nrvn *•« = a.
Inverse Curves. 225
184. Inverse Curves. — If on any radius vector OP,
drawn from a fixed origin 0, a point i y be taken such that
the rectangle OP . OP' is constant, the point P' is called the
inverse of the point P ; and if P describe any curve, P'
describes another curve called the inverse of the former.
The polar equation of the inverse is obtained immediately
from that of the original curve by
k z
substituting - instead of r in its
equation ; where h* is equal to the
constant OP . OP / .
Again, let P, Q be two points,
and P, Q> the inverse points ; then
since OP . OF = OQ . OQ', the
four points P, Q, Q', P / , lie on a
circle, and hence the triangles
OQP and OP'Q' are equiangular ;
PQ _ OP = OP . OQ = OP. OQ
•'' P y Q' " OQ' ~ OQ . OQ' ¥ ' (I7j
Again, if P, Q be infinitely near points, denoting the
lengths of the corresponding elements of the curve and of its
inverse by ds and ds', the preceding result becomes
d8 = T2 ds'. (18)
185. Direction of the Tangent to an Inverse
Carve. — Let the points P, Q belong to one curve, and P / , Q'
to its inverse ; then when P and Q coincide, the lines PQ,
P'Q / become the tangents at the inverse points P and P' :
again, since the angle SPP' = the angle SQ'Q, it follows that
the tangents at P and P' form an isosceles triangle with the
line PP.
By aid of this property the tangent at any point on a
curve can be drawn, whenever that at the corresponding
point of the inverse curve is known .
It follows immediately from the preceding result, that if
ttco curves intersect at any angle, their inverse curves intersect at
the same angle.
226 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
1 86. Equation to tbe Inverse of a Given Curve. —
Suppose the curve referred to rectangular axes drawn through
the pole 0, and that x and y are the co-ordinates of a point P
on the curve, X and Y those of the inverse point i y ; then
£ _ 9JL - 0P • 0jy - ** ••iii_ jl!
X ~ OF ~ OF 2 ~ X*+Y 2 ' y F" X 2 + F 2 ;
hence the equation of the inverse is got by substituting
k 2 x . k 2 y
x 2 + y 2 x* + y*
instead of x and y in the equation of the original curve
Again, let the equation of the original curve, as in Art.
174, be
U n + Un-\ + Wn-2 + • • • + «2 + «l + Wo = O.
When — and , ; are substituted for a? and y, u n
x 2 + y 2 x l + y*
k 2n u
becomes evidently -r-= -tt-v
(«» + y 2 ) n
Accordingly, the equation of the inverse curve is
k 2n u n + k^u^ (x 2 + y 2 ) + F n - 4 M„_ 2 (x 2 + y 2 ) 2 + . . .
+ u (x 2 + y 2 ) n = o. (19)
For instance, the equation of any right line is of the form
u y + u = o ;
hence that of its inverse with respect to the origin is
k 2 Ui + u (x 2 + y 2 ) = o.
This represents a circle passing through the pole, as is
well known, except when u = o ; i.e. when the line passes
through the pole 0.
Again, the equation of the inverse of the circle
x 2 +y 2 + u 1 + u ( > = o,
with respect to the origin, is
(k l + khii + u (x 2 + y 2 )) (x 2 + y 2 ) = o,
which represents another circle, along with the two imaginary
right lines x 2 + y 2 = o.
Pedal Carves. 227
Again, the general equation of a conic is of the form
«2 + t«i - u = o ;
hence that of its inverse with respect to the origin is
k*u 2 + k 2 Ui (a? + y 3 ) + u (a? + y 1 ) 3 = o,
which represents a curve of the fourth degree of the class
called "bicircular quartics."
If the origin be on the conic the absolute term u vanishes,
and the inverse is the curve of the third degree represented
khi z + iii. (x 1 + y 3 ) = o.
This curve is called a " circular cubic."
If the focus be the origin of inversion, the inverse is a
curve called the Limacon of Pascal. The form of this curve
will be given in a subsequent Chapter.
187. Pedal Curves. — If from any point as origin a per-
pendicular be drawn to the tangent to a given curve, the locus
of the foot of the perpendicular is called the pedal of the curve
with respect to the assumed origin.
In like manner, if perpendiculars be drawn to the tan-
gents to the pedal, we get a new curve called the second pedal
of the original, and so on. With respect to its pedal, the
original curve is styled the first negative pedal, &c.
188. Tangent at any Point to the Pedal of a
given Curve. — Let ON, ON'
be the perpendiculars from the
origin on the tangents drawn
at two points P and Q on the
given curve, and T the intersec-
tion of these tangents ; join NN';
then since the angles ONT and
ON'T are right angles, the qua-
drilateral ON N'T is inscribable
in a circle,
.-. lONN=lOTN
In the limit when P and Q coincide, L OTN = L OPN y
and NN' becomes the tangent to the locus of N; hence the
q 2
228 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
latter tangent makes the same angle with ON that the
tangent at P makes with OP. This property enables us
to draw the tangent at any point N on the pedal locus in
Again, if p' represent the perpendicular on the tangent at
N to the first pedal, from similar triangles we evidently have
Hence, if the equation of a curve be given in the form
r =f(p), that of its first pedal is of the f orm — =f(p), in
which p and p' are respectively analogous to r and p in the
original curve. In like manner the equation of the next
pedal can be determined, and so on.
189. Reciprocal Polars. — If on the perpendicular ON
a point P' be taken, such that OP'. ON is constant (k 2 sup-
pose), the point P / is evidently the pole of the line PiVwith
respect to the circle of radius k and centre ; and if all the
tangents to the curve be taken, the locus of their poles is a
new curve. We shall denote these curves by the letters A
and B, respectively. Again, by elementary geometry, the
point of intersection of any two lines is the pole of the line
joining the poles of the lines.* Now, if the lines be taken as
two infinitely near tangents to the curve A, the line joining
their poles becomes a tangent to B ; accordingly, the tangent
to the curve B has its pole on the curve A. Hence A is the
locus of the poles of the tangents to B.
In consequence of this reciprocal relation, the curves A and
B are called reciprocal polars of each other with respect to the
circle whose radius is k.
Since to every tangent to a curve corresponds a point on
its reciprocal polar, it follows that to a number of points in
directum on one curve correspond a number of tangents to its
reciprocal polar, which pass through a common point.
Again, it is evident that the reciprocal polar to any curve
is the inverse to its pedal with respect to the origin.
We have seen in Art. 1 76. that the greatest number of tan-
gents from a point to a curve of the n th degree is n (n ~ 1) ;
* Townsend's Modern Geometry, vol. i., p. 219.
Reciprocal Polars. 229
hence the greatest number of points in which its reciprocal
polar can be cut by a line is n(n - 1), or the degree of the
reciprocal polar is n(n- 1). For the modification in this
result, arising from singular points in the original curve, as
well as for the complete discussion of reciprocal polars, the
student is referred to Salmon's Higher Plane Curves.
As an example of reciprocal polars we shall take the curve
considered in Art. 173.
If r denote the radius vector of the reciprocal polar cor-
responding to the perpendicular p in the proposed curve, we
p = — .
Substituting this value for p in equation (5), we get
m tn m
fk 2 \m~i m-l . m-i
( — j = (a cos id) •*- (0 sm w) ,
or A" 1 " 1 = (ax) m - 1 + (by) m -\
which is the equation of the reciprocal, polar of the curve re-
presented by the equation
— + f- = 1.
In the particular case of the ellipse,
& y 2 _
the reciprocal polar has for its equation
W = a?x 2 4 t/y\
The theory of reciprocal polars indicated above admits of
easy generalization. Thus, if we take the poles with respect
to any conic section ( U) of all the tangents to a given curve
A y we shall get a new curve B ; and it can be easily seen, as
before, that the poles of the tangents to B are situated on the
curve A. Hence the curves are said to be reciprocal polars
with respect to the conic U.
It may be added, that if two curves have a common point,
230 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
their reciprocal polars have a common tangent; and if the
curves touch, their reciprocal polars also touch.
For illustrations of the great importance of this " principle
of duality," and of reciprocal polars as a method of investi-
gation, the student is referred to Salmon's Conies, ch. xv.
We next proceed to illustrate the preceding by discussing
a few elementary properties of the curves which are comprised
under the equation r m = a m cos mO.
190. Pedal and Reciprocal Polar of r m = a"' cos md.
"We shall commence by finding the N
angle between the radius vector and
the perpendicular on the tangent.
In the accompanying figure we
have tan PON = cot OPN - - ~.
Fig. 15-
But m log r = m log a + log (cos mO) ;
hence — - n = - tan m9,
and accordingly, LPON^mO. (20)
Again, p = ON= r cosmfl
or r m+1 = a m p. (21)
The equation of the pedal, with respect to 0, can be im-
mediately found.
For, let l A ON = w, and we have
u - (m +1)6.
fr\ m fp\™**
Also, from (21), (-1 =(-) .
Hence, the equation of the pedal is
p m+l = a m+l cos . (22)
r \m + 1 /
On the Curve r 1 * = a™ cos mB. 231
Consequently, the equation of the pedal is got by substi-
tutingr instead of m in the equation of the curve.
m + 1
By a like substitution the equation of the second pedal is
easily seen to be
„2m+i _ „2m+i
Ar mB
m a"" T1 cos ;
2tn + 1
and that of the n th pedal
m m a
r mn+i _ a mn*k 0QS § / 2 ,\
mn + I 7
Again, from Art. 184, it is plain that the inverse to the
curve r™ = a m cos mB, with respect to a circle of radius a, is
the curve r 1 " cos mB = a m .
Again, the reciprocal polar of the proposed, with respect
to the same circle, being the inverse of its pedal, is the curve
m n m
r"^ 1 cos — — = tP*. (24)
m + 1
It may be observed that this equation is got by substitut-
ing for m in the original equation.
° m + 1
Accordingly we see that the pedals, inverse curves, and
reciprocal polars of the proposed, are all curves whose equa-
tions are of the same form as that of the proposed.
In a subsequent chapter the student will find an additional
discussion of this class of curves, along with illustrations of
their shape for a few particular values of m.
I. The equation of a parabola referred to its focua as pole is
r (1 + cosO) sa ia,
to find the relation between r and p.
Here H cos - = a\, and consequently p* = or,
a well-known elementary property of the curve.
232 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
2. The equation r* cos 20 = a 8 represents an equilateral hyperbola ; prove
that pr = a 2 . •
3. The equation r 2 = a 2 cos i9 represents a Lemniscate of Bernoulli ; find
the equation connecting^? and r in tnis case. Ant. r 3 = a z p.
4. Find the equation connecting the radius vector and the perpendicular on
the tangent in the Cardioid whose equation is
r = a(i 4- cos 0). Ant. r 3 = 2ap z .
It is evident that the Cardioid is the inverse of a parabola with respect to
its focus ; and the Lemniscate that of an equilateral hyperbola with respect to
its centre. Accordingly, we can easily draw the tangents at any point on either
of these curves by aid of the Theorem of Art. 185.
5. Show, by the method of Art. 188, that the pedal of the parabola, p 1 = ar,
with respect to its focus, is the right line p = a.
6. Show that the pedal of the equilateral hyperbola pr = a 2 is a Lemniscate.
7. Find the pedal of the circle r 2 = zap. Ana. A Cardioid, r 3 = zap 1 .
191. Expression for PN. — To find the value of the
intercept between the point of n'
contact P and the foot N of
the perpendicular from the
origin on the tangent at P.
Let p = ON,«>=L NOA,
PN= t; then l NTN'=lNON
= Acu,also SN' = TS sin STN;
■'■ TS= . ^,7/ ? hut in the
sin NON
SN dp
limit, when PQ is infinitely small, -: — . T/ , - T . becomes ~- t
J am NON du>
and TS becomes PN or t :
••■'-£ w>
Also OP' = ON 2 + PN 2 ;
192. To prove tbai
ds dt , s
dio d(o
Vectorial Co-ordinates. 233
On reference to the last figure we have
ds .PT+TQ dt .. ., ,QN'-PN
— = limit of , — = limit of ;
da) Au du) Atu
hut PT+ TQ- QN' + PW= TN- TN'\
, ds dt .. .TN-TN* .. ., ,£JV ___
hence 3 3- = limit of = limit of — = ON=p\
dui du) Aw Ato
is dt
d(o do>
This result, which is due to Legendre, is of importance in
the Integral Calculus, in connexion with the rectification of
If — be substituted for t, the preceding formula becomes
ds d 2 p , ..
ato aw
This shape of the result is of use in connexion with curva-
ture, as will be seen in a subsequent chapter.
193. Direction of Xormal in Tectorial Co-ordi-
nates. — In some cases the equation of a curve can be
expressed in terms of the distances from two or more fixed
points or foci. Such distances are called vectorial co-ordi-
nates. For instance, if r u r 2 denote the distances from two
fixed points, the equation n + r 2 = const, represents an ellipse,
and /*i - r 2 = const., a hyperbola.
Again, the equation
r v + mr 2 = const.
represents a curve called a Cartesian* oval.
Also, the equation
r^r 2 = const.
represents an oval of Cassini, and so on.
The direction of the normal at any point of a curve, in
such cases, can be readily obtained by a geometrical con-
* A discussion oi the principal properties of Cartesian ovals will be found
in Chapter XX.
234 Tangents and Normals to Curves
For, let
F(ri, r 2 ) = const.
be the equation of the curve, where
F 1 P = r 1 , FJP = r^
then we have
dFdn dFdr, _
dri ds dr 2 ds
Now, if PTbe the tangent at P, then, by Art. 1 80, we have
— • = cos xpi, ~ = cos \p 2 , where \p t = l TPF lf xp 2 = L TPF 2 .
tts cts
TT dF . dF .
Hence — cos \p x + — cos \f, 2 = o. (29)
Again, from any point R on the normal draw RL and
RM respectively parallel to F 2 P and F X P, and we have
PL : LR = sin RPM : sin RPL = cos i£ 2 : - cos 1//1
_dF dF
dr z ' dr 2
Accordingly, if we measure on PF r and PF 2 lengths
d~P dT?
PL and PM. which are in the proportion of -7— to -r-, then
di\ dr 2
the diagonal of the parallelogram thus formed is the normal
This result admits of the following generalization :
Let the equation of the curve* be represented by
F(r u r 2 , r 3 , . . . r») = const.,
• The theorem given ahove is taken from Poinsot's Elements de Statique,
Neuvieme Edition, p. 435. The principle on which it was founded was, how-
ever, given by Leibnitz [Journal des Savans, 1693), and was deduced from
mechanical considerations. The term resultant is borrowed from Mechanics,
and is obtained by the same construction as that for the resultant of a number
of forces acting at the same point. Thus, to find the resultant of a number of
lines Pa, Pb, Pc, Pd, . . . issuing from a point P, we draw through a a right
line aB, equal and parallel to Pd, and in the same direction ; through B, a right
line BO, equal and parallel to Pc, and so on, whatever be the number of lines :
then the line PR, which closes the polygon, is the resultant in question.
Normals in Vectorial Co-ordinates. 235
where r„ r 2 , . . . r„ denote the distances from n fixed points.
To draw the normal at any point, we connect the point with
the n fixed points, and on the joining lines measure off
lengths proportional to
dF dF dF dF L . .
*? *? ^"••^' reSpeCtlVely;
then the direction of the normal is the resultant of the lines
thus determined.
For, as before, we have
dFdr, dFdn dF dr n _
dr-i ds dr 2 ds ' ' dr n ds
tt dF . dF . dF . . .
Hence — cos fa + — cos fa + . . . — cos fa = o. (30)
JNow, — cos ^ — cos fa, ... — cos ?//„,
dF , dF , dF
-cos^, _ CO s^ 2 ,... -
are evidently proportional to the projections on the tangent
of the segments measured off in our construction. Moreover,
in any polygon, the projection of one side on any right line
is manifestly equal to the sum of the projections of all the
other sides on the same line, taken with their proper signs.
Consequently, from (30), the projection of the resultant on
the tangent is zero ; and, accordingly, the resultant is normal
to the curve, which establishes the theorem.
It can be shown without difficulty that the normal at any
point of a surface whose equation is given in terms of the
distances from fixed points can be determined by the same
r. A Cartesian oval is the locus of a point, P, such that its distances, P31,
PM', from the circumferences of two given circles are to each other in a constant
ratio ; prove geometrically that the tangents to the oval at P, and to the circles
at M and M', meet in the same point.
2. The equation of an ellipse of Cassini is r/ = ab, where r and / are the
distances of any point P on the curve, from two fixed points, A and B. If
be the middle point of AB, and PiV the normal at P, prove that L A1'0= L BPN.
3. In the curve represented by the equation ri 3 + r 2 3 = a 3 , prove that the
normal divides the distance between the foci in the ratio of r-i to r\.
236 Tangents and Normals to Curves.
1 94. In like manner, if the equation of a curve be given
in terms of the angles } , 2 , . . . n , which the vectors drawn
to fixed points make respectively with a fixed right line, the
direction of the tangent at any point is obtained by an analo-
gous construction.
For, let the equation be represented by
F(0 lt 2 , . . . 0„) = const.
Then, by differentiation, we have
dFdjh dFdfh dFdBn_
dOi ds d0 2 ds ' dd n ds
Hence, as before, from Art. 180, we get
1 dF . , 1 dF . , 1 dF . ,
7M* m + 1 + 7M Bm ^''- + 7 n aT n Bm +» = °- (3I)
Accordingly, if we measure on the lines drawn to the fixed
points segments proportional to
i_dF T_dF i_dF
r, dOS r 2 d6 2 ' .' ' ' r n dd n '
and construct the resultant line as before, then this line will
be the tangent required. The proof is identical with that of
last Article.
195. Curves Symmetrical with respect to a Line,
and Centres of Curves. — It may be observed here, that
if the equation of a curve be unaltered when y is changed
into - y, then to every value of x correspond equal and oppo-
site values of y ; and, when the co-ordinate axes are rect-
angular, the curve is symmetrical with respect to the axis oix.
In like manner, a curve is symmetrical with respect to
the axis of y, if its equation remains unaltered when the sign
of x is changed.
Again, if, when we change x and y into - x and - y, re-
spectively, the equation of a curve remains unaltered, then
every right line drawn through the origin and terminated by
the curve is divided into equal parts at the origin. This
takes place for a curve of an even degree when the sum of
Symmetrical Curves and Centres. 237
the indices of x and y in each term is even ; and for a curve
of an odd degree when the like sum is odd. Such a point is
called the centre* of the curve. For instance, in conies, when
the equation is of the form
ax 2 + 2hxy + by* = c,
the origin is a centre. Also, if the equation of a cubicf be
reducible to the form
tt3 + Wj = o,
the origin is a centre, and every line drawn through it is bi-
sected at that point.
Thus we see that when a cubic has a centre, that point
lies on the curve. This property holds for all curves of an
odd degree.
It should be observed that curves of higher degrees than
the second cannot generally have a centre, for it is evidently
impossible by transformation of co-ordinates to eliminate the
requisite number of terms from the equation of the curve.
For instance, to seek whether a cubic has a centre, we substi-
tute X+a for x, and Y + (5 for y, in its equation, and equate
to zero the coefficients of X 2 , XYand Y 2 , as well as the abso-
lute term, in the new equation : as we have but two arbitrary
constants (a and /3) to satisfy four equations, there will be
two equations of condition among its constants in order that
the cubic should have a centre. The number of conditions is
obviously greater for curves of higher degrees.
* For a general meaning of the word " centre," as applied to curves of
higher degrees, see Chasles's Apercu Jlistoriqite, p. 233, note.
t This name has heen given to curves of the third degree by Dr. Salmon,
in his Higher Plane Curves, and has been generally adopted by subsequent
writers on the subject.
2 38 Examples.
i. Find the lengths of the subtangect ana subnormal at any point of the
yn = a"- l z. Am. nx, — .
2. Find the subtangent to the curve
x*'y n = a m * n . Am. .
3. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve
x s = a 3 «*. Am. = 3.
x y
4. Show that the points of contact of tangents from a point (a, 0) to the
are situated on the hyperbola (m + n) xy = n$x + may.
5. In the same curve prove that the portion of the tangent intercepted be-
tween the axes is divided at its point of contact into segments which are to each
other in a constant ratio.
6. Find the equation of the tangent at any point to the hypocycloid, xi + yi
= a* ; and prove that the portion of the tangent intercepted between the axes is
of constant length.
7. In the curve x n + y" = a", find the length of the perpendicular drawn
from the origin to the tangent at any point, and find also the intercept made by
the axes on the tangent.
a n a 2n
Jns. p = — ; intercept = ; -.
X*n-1 + yin-l pxn-iy"- 1
8. If the co-ordinates of every point on a curve satisfy the equations
x = c sin 26(1 + cos 2d), y = c cos 2d (1 — cos 20),
prove that the tangent at any point makes the angle d with the axis of x.
9. The co-ordinates of any point in the cycloid satisfy the equations
x = a (8 -sing), y = a{i — cob 8):
prove that the angle which the tangent at the point makes with the axis of y
Examples. 239
„ *y dd .9
Her* -i = _=cot-.
ax ax 2
10. Prove that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular from the pole on
the tangent to an equiangular spiral is the same curve turned through an angle
11. Prove that the reciprocal polar, -with respect to the origin, of an equi-
angular spiral is another spiral equal to the original one.
13. An equiangular spiral touches two given lines at two given points ; prove
that the locus of its pole is a circle.
13. Find the equation of the reciprocal polar of the curve
ri cos - = ai f
with respect to the origin, Ans. The Cardioid r* = ai cos -.
14. Find the equation of the inverse of a conic, the focus heing the pole of
15. Apply Art. 184, to prove that the equation of the inverse of an ellipse
with respect to any origin is of the form
zap = OFi . pi + OF 2 • p 2 ,
where Fi and Fz are the foci, and p, pi, 02 represent the distances of any point
on the curve from the points 0, fi and fz, respectively ; f\ and fz being the
points inverse to the foci, F\ and F%.
16. The equation of a Cartesian oval is of the form
r + kr' = a,
where r and r' are the distances of any point on the curve from two fixed points,
and a, k are constants. Prove that the equation of its inverse, with respect to
any origin, is of the form
otpi + Boz -f "% J3 = o,
where pi, pz, p3 are the distances of any point on the curve from three fixed
points, and o, 0, 7 are constants.
17. In general prove that the inverse of the curve
opi + /3p2 + 7P3 = o,
with respect to any origin, is another curve whose equation is of similar form.
18. If the radius vector, OF, drawn from the origin to any point Pon a
240 Examples.
curve be produced to Pi, until PPi be a constant length ; prove that the normal
at Pi to the locus of Pi, the normal at P to the original curve, and the perpen-
dicular at the origin to the line OP, all pass through the same point.
This follows immediately from the value of the polar subnormal given in
Art. 182.
19. If a constant length measured from the curve be taken on the normals
along a given curve, prove that these lines are also normals to the new curve
which is the locus of their extremities.
x 2 v' 2
20. In the ellipse -^ -t j- = t, if # = « sin , , » 2 - * 2
ds = ffl — ■—- d f (ji) +**- l {vf (fl) +/ 1 (iu)} + ^ 2 { I - 2 ^/o / '(/u) + v/i'Ou) +/ 2 ( /U )|
+ &c. = o. (2)
The roots of this equation determine the points of section in
We add a few obvious conclusions from the results arrived
at above : —
i°. Every right line must intersect a curve of an odd de-
gree in at least one real point ; for every equation of an odd
degree has one real root.
2 . A tangent to a curve of the n th degree cannot meet it
in more than 11-2 points besides its points of contact.
3 . Every tangent to a curve of an odd degree must meet
it in one other real point besides its point of contact.
4°. Every tangent to a curve of the third degree meets
the curve in one other real point.
197. Definition of an Asymptote. — An asymptote is
a tangent to a curve in the limiting position when its point
of contact is situated at an infinite distance.
i°. No asymptote to a curve of the n th degree can meet it
in more than n - 2 points distinct from that at infinity.
2°. Each asymptote to a curve of the third degree inter-
sects the curve in one point besides that at infinity.
198. Method of finding the Asymptotes to a Curve
of the n th Degree. — If one of the points of section of the
line y = \ix + v with the curve be at an infinite distance, one
root of equation (2) must be infinite, and accordingly we
have in that* case
/o(a0 - o. (3)
Again, if two of the roots be infinite, we have in addition
v/o'G*) +/1&O - o. (4)
* This can be easily established by aid of the reciprocal equation ; for if we
substitute - for x in equation (2), the resulting equation in z will have one root
zero wnen its absolute term vanishes, i.e., when/o(^t) = o ; it has two roots
zero when we have in addition v/(/*) +/i(m) = ° > an d so on.
Method of finding Asymptotes in Cartesian Co-ordinates. 243
Accordingly, when the values of fi and v are determined
so as to satisfy the two preceding equations, the correspond-
ing line
y = fix + v
meets the curve in two points in infinity, and consequently is
an asymptote. (Salmon's Conic Sections, Art. 154.)
Hence, if fii be a root of the equation f (fi) = o, the line
y = \x x x- jrr— (5)
is in general an asymptote to the curve.
lifiQj) = o and/ (jti) = o have a common root (/xi suppose),
the corresponding asymptote in general passes through the
origin, and is represented by the equation
y = viz.
In this case u n and w^i evidently have a common factor.
The exceptional case when fo(fx) vanishes at the same
time will be considered in a subsequent Article.
To each root of / (/z) = o corresponds an asymptote, and
accordingly,* every curve of the n™ degree has in general n
asymptotes, real or imaginary.
From the preceding it follows that every line parallel
to an asymptote meets the curve in one point at infinity.
This also is immediately apparent from the geometrical
property that a system of parallel lines may be considered
as meeting in the same point at infinity — a principle intro-
duced by Desargues in the beginning of the seventeenth
century, and which must be regarded as one of the first
important steps in the progress of modern geometry.
Cor. No line parallel to an asymptote can meet a curve
of the n th degree in more than (n - 1) points besides that
at infinity.
Since every equation of an odd degree has one real
root, it follows that a curve of an odd degree has one real
* Since fo{/j.) is of the n th degree in fi, unless its highest coefficient vanishes,
in which case, as we shall see, there is an additional asymptote parallel to the axis
of y.
R 2
244 Asymptotes.
asymptote, at least, and has accordingly an infinite branch
or branches. Hence, no curve of an odd degree can be a closed
For instance, no curve of the third degree can be a finite
or closed curve.
The equation f (fi) = o, when multiplied by #", becomes
u n = o ; consequently the n right lines, real or imaginary,
represented by this equation, are, in general, parallel to the
asymptotes of the curve under consideration.
In the preceding investigation we have not considered
the case in which a root of f (n) = o either vanishes or is
infinite; i.e., where the asymptotes are parallel to either
co-ordinate axis. This case will be treated of separately in a
subsequent Article.
If all the roots of f {fx) = o be imaginary the curve
has no real asymptote, and consists of one or more closed
To find the asymptotes to the following curves : —
i . y 3 = ax 2 + x 3 .
Substituting (juc + v for y, and equating to zero the coefficients of x 3 and «*,
separately, in the resulting equation, we obtain
jj? - i = o, and 3/x 2 v = a;
hence the curve has but one real asymptote, viz.,
y - x + -.
2. ^ 4 — z 4 + 2ax 2 y = b 2 x z .
Here the equations for determining the asymptotes are
ft 4 - I = o, and 4/i 3 v + 2afi = o ;
accordingly, the two real asymptotes are
a a
y = x , and y + x + - = o.
2 2
3. x 3 + %x*y - xy 2 - yj 3 + x 2 - zxy + yj' 1 + 4* + 5 = °-
x 3 I 3
Am. y + - + - = o, y = x + -, y + x = -.
3 4 4 2
Asymptotes Parallel to Co-ordinate Axes. 245
199. Case in which u n = o represents the n Asymp-
totes. — If the equation of the curve contain no terms of
the (n - i) th degree, that is, if it be of the form
Wn + «n-2 + w„_3 + &c. . . . + Ui + u = o,
the equations for determining the asymptotes become
/ (/u) = o, and vfo{fi) = o.
The latter equation gives v = o, unless / '(/u) vanishes along
with/ (/x), i.e., unless /o(ju) has equal roots.
Hence, in curves whose equations are of the above form,
the n right lines represented by the equation n n = o are the
n asymptotes, unless two of these lines are coincident.
This exceptional case will be considered in Art. 202.
The simplest example of the preceding is that of the
ax 2 + ihxy + by 2 = c,
in which the terms of the second degree represent the asymp-
totes (Salmon's Conic Sections, Art. 195).
Find the real asymptotes to the curves
1. xy i - x*y = a 2 (x + y) + 4 s . Am. x ■ o, y = o, x — y = o.
2. y z — 3? — a 2 x. „ y — x — o.
3. x* - y* = a 2 xy + W-y 1 . „ x + y = o, x - y = o.
200. Asymptotes parallel to the Co-ordinate
Axes. — Suppose the equation of the curve arranged accord-
ing to powers of x, thus
a x n + {flxy + b) x n ~ l + &c. = o ;
then, if a = o and a : y + b = o, or y = , two of the roots
of the equation in x become infinite ; and consequently the
line a x y + b = o is an asymptote.
246 Asymptotes.
In other words, whenever the highest power of x is
wanting in the equation of a curve, the coefficient of the
next highest power equated to zero represents an asymptote
parallel to the axis of x.
If a Q = o, and b = o, the axis of x is itself an asymptote.
If X" and x n ~ l be both wanting, the coefficient of x n ~* re-
presents a pair of asymptotes, real or imaginary, parallel to
the axis of x ; and so on.
In like manner, the asymptotes parallel to the axis of y
can be determined.
Find the real asymptotes in the following curves : —
1 . y 2 x — ay 2 = x 3 + ax 2 + b 3 . Ans. x = a, y = x + a, y + x + a — o.
2. y(x 2 - 3&S + 2b 2 ) = x 3 — T,ax 2 + a 3 , x = b, x = 2b, y + 3a = x + 3b.
3. x 2 y 2 = a 2 (x 2 + y 2 ). x = ± a, y = ± a.
4. x 2 y* = a 2 (x 2 - y 2 ). y + a = o, y - a = o.
5. y 2 a - y*x = x 3 . X = a.
201. Parabolic Branches. — Suppose the equation
/o(ju) = o has equal roots, then/ '(jui) vanishes along with/ (ju),
and the corresponding value of v found from (5) becomes in-
finite, unless /1 (fj) vanish at the same time.
Accordingly, the corresponding asymptote is, in general,
situated altogether at infinity.
The ordinary parabola, whose equation is of the form
(ax + fty) 2 = Ix + my + n,
furnishes the simplest example of this case, having the
line at infinity for an asymptote. (Salmon's Conic Sections,
Art. 254.)
Branches of this latter class belonging to a curve are
called parabolic, while branches having a finite asymptote are
called hyperbolic.
202. From the preceding investigation it appears that
the asymptotes to a curve of the n th degree depend, in
general, only on the terms of the n th and the (n - i) th degrees
Parallel Asymptotes. 247
in its equation. Consequently, all curves which have the
same terms of the two highest degrees have generally the samt
There are, however, exceptions to this rule, one of which
will be considered in the next Article.
203. Parallel Asymptotes. — We shall now consider
the case where / n (/x) = o has a pair of equal roots, each repre-
sented by jUi, and where fi(ni) = o, at the same time.
In this case the coefficients of x n and # w_1 in (2) both
vanish independently of v, when jx = /ii ; we accordingly
infer that all lines parallel to the line y = fitf meet the curve
in two points at infinity, and consequently are, in a certain
sense, asymptotes. There are, however, two lines which are
more properly called by that name ; for, substituting ju x for fx
in (2), the two first terms vanish, as already stated, and the
coefficient of x n ~ 2 becomes
T^/o"^) + v/ZOuO +/,0« x ).
Hence, if vi and v% be the roots of the quadratic
7^/o"0"0 + /2(/"0 = - 8 « 2 »
and the corresponding asymptotes are
y + x — 2a = o, and y + x + 4a = o.
204. If the equation to a curve of the n th degree be of
the form
\{y + ax + |3)0i + i and 2 .
Now, when x and y are taken infinitely great, the value
of the preceding fraction depends, in general, on the terms
of the highest degree (in x and y) in X and cos B + h sin 9 = o. The radius vector in this case meets
the curve in two consecutive points* at the origin, and is
consequently the tangent at that point.
The direction of this tangent is determined by the
b cos 9 + bi sin 9 = o ;
accordingly, the equation of the tangent at the origin is
box + biy = o.
Hence we conclude that if the absolute term be wanting
in the equation of a curve, it passes through the origin, and
the linear part (wi) in its equation represents the tangent at
that point.
If b = o, the axis of # is a tangent ; if 6 2 = o, the axis
of y is a tangent.
The preceding, as also the subsequent discussion, equally
applies to oblique as to rectangular axes, provided we sub-
stitute mr and nr for x and y ; where
sin (w - 9) , sin 9
m = ■ -, and n = ;
sin to sin a)
w being the angle between the axes of co-ordinates.
From the preceding, we infer at once that the equation of
the tangent at the origin to the curve
x* (a? + y 2 ) = a (x - y)
* Two points which are infinitely close to each other on the same branch of
a curve are said to be consecutive points on the curve.
258 Multiple Points on Curves.
is x - y = o, a line bisecting the internal angle "between the
co-ordinate axes. In like manner, the tangent at the origin
can in all cases be immediately determined.
209. Equation of Tangent at any Point. — By aid
of the preceding method the equation of the tangent at any
point on a curve whose equation is algebraic and rational
can be at once found. For, transferring the origin to that
point, the linear part of the resulting equation represents the
tangent in question.
Thus, if f(x, y) = o be the equation of the curve, we sub-
stitute X + x x for x, and Y + y x for y, where (x x , y x ) is a
point on the curve, and the equation becomes
f(X + x h Y+y,) = 0.
Hence the equation of the tangent referred to the new axes is
\dxji \dy
\ fd f\ r ^ A
( X - X \dx\ +{y - y %
On substituting x - x iy and y - y r , instead of X and Y, we
obtain the equation of the tangent referred to the original
axes, viz.
•"• yi ~ Fl = & 2 ^ {x) + 7TT7-/' {x) + &c - (I)
Points of Inflexion.
When h is very small, the sign of the right-hand side of
this equation is the same in general as that of its first term,
and accordingly the sign of 3/1 - Yi, or of QT, is the same as
that of (p"(x).
Hence, for a point above the axis of x, the curve is convex
towards that axis when "(x) is positive, and concave when
We accordingly see that the convexity or concavity at any
point depends on the sign of ix (x) be not zero at the point, iji - Y x does not
change sign with h, and accordingly the tangent does not
intersect the curve at its point of contact.
Generally, the tangent does or does not cut the curve at
its point of contact, according as the first derived function
which does not vanish is of an odd, or of an even order ; as
can be easily seen by the preceding method.
280 Points of Inflexion.
^ From the foregoing discussion it follows that at a point
of inflexion the curve changes from convex to concave with
respect to the axis of x, or conversely.
On this account such points are called points of contrary
flexure or of inflexion.
221 The subject of inflexion admits also of being treated
by the method of Art. 196, as follows : — The points of in-
tersection of the line y = fxx + v with the curve y = {x) =nx + v. (3)
Suppose A, B, C, D, &c, to represent the points of section in
question, and let #1, x 2 , . . . x n
be the roots of equation (3) ; - ,<£ ^v. — .-^ ^^ —
then the line becomes a /-p >v
tangent, if two of these ^
roots are equal, i.e., if Fi s- 2 9-
0'(#i) = /x, where x x denotes the value of x belonging to the
point of contact.
Again, three of the roots become equal if we have in
addition $"{xi) = o ; in this case the tangent meets the curve
in three consecutive points, and evidently cuts the curve at its
point of contact ; for in our figure the portions PA and CD
of the curve lie at opposite sides of the cutting line, but
when the points A, B, G become coincident, the portions AB
and BC become evanescent, and the curve is evidently cut as
well as touched by the line.
In like manner, if 0"'(#i) also vanish, the tangent must
be regarded as cutting the curve in four consecutive points :
such a point is called el point of undulation.
It may be observed, that if a right line cut a continuous
branch of a curve in three points, A, B, C, as in our figure,
the curve must change from convex to concave, or conversely,
between the extreme points A and C, and consequently it
must have a point of inflexion between these points ; and so
on for additional points of section.
Again, the tangent to a curve of the n th degree at a point of
inflexion cannot intersect the curve in more than n - 3 other
points : for the point of inflexion counts for three among
the points of section. For example, the tangent to a curve
Harmonic Polar of a Point of Inflexion on a Cubic. 281
of the third degree at a point of inflexion cannot meet the
curve in any other point. Consequently, if a point of in-
flexion on a cubio be taken as origin, and the tangent at it
as axis of x, the equation of the curve must be of the form
x 3 + y ) a cusp.
5. Find the co-ordinates of the point of inflexion on the curve
2* 3
X s — %bx 2 + a-y = o. Ans. x = b, y = — .
6. If a curve of an odd degree has a centre, prove that it is a point of
inflexion on the curve.
7. Prove that the origin is a point of undulation on the curve
«i + «4 + W5 + &c., + «„ = o.
8. Show that the points of inflexion on curves referred to polar co-ordinates
are determined by aid of the equation
d 2 u 1
"'^dd*" ' e U = r'
9. In the curve r9 m = a, prove that there is a point of inflexion when
=i/m (1 - m).
10. In the curve y = c sin -, prove that the points in which the curve
meets the axis of x are all points of inflexion.
11. Show geometrically that to a node on any curve corresponds a line
touching its reciprocal polar in two distinct points ; and to a cusp corresponds a
point of inflexion.
284 Examples.
12. If the origin be a point of inflexion on the curve
Ml + «2 + «3 + • . • + Mn = O,
prove that «2 must contain u\ as a factor.
13. Show that the points of inflexion of the cubical parabola
y 2 = (* - a)* (x - b)
lie on the line
ix + a = ifi :
and hence prove that if the cubic has a node, it has no real point of inflexion ;
but if it has a conjugate point, it has two real points of inflexion, besides that
at infinity.
14. Prove that the points of inflexion on the curve y 2 = x 2 (x z + ipx + q)
are determined by the equation 2a: 3 -f 6px 2 + 3 (p 2 + q) x + 2pq = o.
15. If y 2 = /(z) be the equation of a curve, prove that the abscissae of its
points of inflexion satisfy the equation
{/'(*)}* = */(*) ./"(*)•
16. Show that the maximum and minimum ordinates of the curve
y= 2/(*) /"(*)-{/'(*) } 2
correspond to the points of intersection of the curve y z =f(x) with the axis
17. When y l =f(x) represents a cubic, prove that the biquadratic in *
which determines its points of inflexion has one, and but one, pair of real roota.
Prove also that the lesser of these roots corresponds to no real point of inflexion,
while the greater corresponds, in general, to two.
1 8. Prove that the point of inflexion of the cubic
ay 3 + ibxy 2 + 2,cx 2 y + dz 3 + %ex 2 = o
lies in the right line ay + bx = o, and has for its co-ordinates
■\a 2 e . %abe
* = - -£pandy= — ,
where G is the same as in Example 32, p. 190.
19. Find the nature of the double point of the curve
y 2 =(x- 2) 2 {x - s),
and show that the curve has two real points of inflexion, and that they subtend
a right angle at the double point.
20. The co-ordinates of a point on a curve are given in terms of an angle
by the equations
x = sec 3 6, y = tan Q sec 2 6 ;
prove that there are two finite points of inflexion on the curve, and find the
values of at these points.
( 28 5 )
225. Curvature. Angle of Contingence. — Every con-
tinuous curve is regarded as having a determinate curvature
at each point, this curvature being greater or less according
as the curve deviates more or less rapidly from the tangent at
the point.
The total curvature of an arc of a plane curve is measured
by the angle through which it is bent between its extremities —
that is, by the external angle between the tangents at these
points, assuming that the arc in question has no point of in-
flexion on it. This angle is called the angle of contingence of
the arc.
The curvature of a circle is evidently the same at each of
its points.
To compare the curvatures of
different circles, let the arcs AB
and ab of two circles be of equal
length, then the total curvatures
of these arcs are measured by the
angles between their tangents, or
by the angles ACB and acb at
their centres : but
Fig- 3°-
A ACB: Lacb =
arc AB arc ab
AC ac
Consequently, the curvatures of the two circles are to each
other inversely as their radii ; or the curvature of a circle
varies inversely as its radius.
Also if As represent any arc of a circle of radius r, and
A$ the angle between the tangents at its extremities, we have
r = — .
evidently represents the radius of the circle which has the
same curvature as that of the given curve at the point.
This radius is called the radius of curvature for the point,
and is usually denoted by the letter p.
To find an expression for p, let the curve be referred to
rectangular axes, and suppose x and y to be the co-ordinates
of the point in question ; then if a-**- 00 "**-"**!?
' dx
Hence = — - ^± - * W J • (0
- tLence p d$ (Py (Py
ds dx 2 dx 2
d 2 y
At a point of inflexion -^ = o : accordingly the radius of
curvature at such a point is infinite : this is otherwise evident
since the tangent in this case meets the curve in three conse-
cutive points. (Art. 222.)
Again, as the expression ( 1 + f -j- j J has always two
values, the one positive and the other negative, while the
Expressions for Radius of Curvature. 287
curve can have in general but one definite circle of curvature
at any point, it is necessary to agree upon which sign is to be
taken. We shall adopt the positive sign, and regard p as
being positive when —^ is positive ; i. e. when the curve is
convex at the point with respect to the axis of x.
227. Other Expressions for p. — It is easy to obtain
other forms of expression for the radius of curvature ; thus
by Art. 178 we have
dx . dy
cos* = -, smtf>=-
Hence, if the arc be regarded as the independent variable, we
dd> d 2 x dd> d 2 y
y ds ds*' Y ds ds 2 '
from which, if we square and add, we obtain
1 fd , and we have
dx = — a sin 2 — a sin ,
= CP = a<
from which it is easily seen that
a(p 2
242. Radius of Curvature, and Points of In-
flexion, in Polar Co-ordinates. — We shall first find an
expression for p in terms of u (the reciprocal of the radius
vector) and 6.
By Article 183- we have
? =ws+ 8
i dp d 2 u
v l du (W- '
1 du
dp ir dp
302 Radius of Curvature.
consequently „(.+ £[)_-I-.| I + ( *L JJ |
I , C?M I flfc
Again, since « = -,we have _ = --_,
c? 2 w 2 /f/rV i d 2 r
r*d6 2 '
d 2 r fdr\ 2
This result can also be established in another manner, as
follows : —
On reference to the figure of Art. 1 80, it is obvious that
andy = tf>(*),
and that x x is the abscissa of a point common to both curves,
then we have
/(*i) =0(«i).
Again, substituting x Y + h, instead of a? in both equations,
and supposing y y and y 2 the corresponding ordinates of the
two curves, we have
Vx =/(*i + h) -/(a*) + VW + ^/"W + &c,
y 2 = ^ (#1 + ^) = ^ (#1) + h '(x\), or that the curves have a
common tangent at the point, then
In this case the curves have a contact of the first order ;
and when h is small, the difference between the ordinates is
a small quantity of the second order, and as y x - y 2 does not
change sign with h, the curves do not cross each other at the
If, in addition
then y, - y z = — ^— {/">,) - f >,) J + &o.
In this case the difference between the ordinates is an in-
finitely small magnitude of the third order when h is taken
an infinitely small magnitude of the first; the curves are
then said to have a contact of the second order, and approach
infinitely nearer to each other at the point of contact than in
306 Radius of Curvature.
the former case. Moreover, since y x - y 7 ^anges its sign
with h, the curves cut each other at the point as well as touch.
If we have in addition /"'(#i) = ^'"(^O* the curves are
said to have a contact of the third order: and, in general, if
all the derived functions, up to the n th inclusive, be the same
for both curves when x = x x , the curves have a contact of the
n th order, and we have
Vl ~ y2 = bT7 {/(w+1) {Xl) ~ * (n+1) {Xl) } + &G - (l 8)
Also, if the contact be of an even order, n + i is odd, and
consequently h nn changes its sign with h, and hence the curves
cut eac other at their point of contact ; for whichever is the
lower at one side of the point becomes the upper at the
other side.
If the curves have a contact of an odd order, they do not
cut each other at their point of contact.
From the preceding discussion the following results are
immediately deduced : —
(i). If two curves have a contact of the n th order, no curve
having with either of them a contact of a lower order can
fall between the curves near their point of contact.
(2). Two curves which have a contact of the n th order at
a point are infinitely closer to one another near that point
than two curves having a contact of an order lower than
the n th .
(3). If any number of curves have a contact of the second
order at a point, they have the same osculating circle at the
244. Application to Circle. — It can be easily verified
that the circle which has a contact of the second order with a
curve at a point is the same as the osculating circle determined
by the former method.
For, let {X- a y + {Y-py = R 2
be the equation of a circle having contact of the second order
at the point (x, y) with a given curve ; then, by the preceding,
the values of -j- and -Hr must be the same for the circle and
dx dx 2
for the curve at the point in question.
Application to Circle.
Differentiating the equation of the circle twice, and sub-
stituting x and y for X and Y, we get
Hence y - /3 = -
a; - a =
1 + ~
.-. R^s-ay + (y-p) =
1 +
dx 2
y = (a + b) sin 9 - b sin — — - 9.
b J
is a hypocycloid, but only some hypoeycloids are epicycloids. While according
to the correct definition no epicycloid is a hypocycloid, though each can be gene-
rated in two ways, as will be proved in Art. 280.
Epicycloids and Hypocycloids. 341
When the radius of the rolling circle is a submultiple of
that of the fixed circle, the tracing point, after the circle
has rolled once round the circumference of the fixed circle,
evidently returns to the same position, and will trace the
same curve in the next revolution. More generally, if the
radii of the circles have a commensurable ratio, the tracing
point, after a certain number of revolutions, will return to its
original position : but if the ratio be incommensurable, the
point will never return to the same position, but will describe
an infinite series of distinct arcs. As, however, the suc-
cessive portions of the curve are in every respect equal to
each other, the path described by the tracing point, from
the position in which it leaves the fixed circle until it returns
to it again, is often taken instead of the complete epicycloid,
and the middle point of this path is called the vertex of the
In the case of the hypocycloid, the generating circle rolls
on the interior of the fixed circle, and it can be easily seen
that the expressions for x and y are derived from those in (10)
by changing the sign of b ; hence we have
x = (a - b) cos + b cos —7— 0,
y = (a - b) sin - b sin — j— 6.
The properties of these curves are best investigated by
aid of the simultaneous equations contained in formulas (10)
and (11).
It should be observed that the point A, in Fig. 54, is a
cusp on the epicycloid ; and, generally, every point in which
the tracing point P meets the fixed circle is a cusp on the
roulette. From this it follows that if the radius of the rolling
circle be the n th part of that of the fixed, the corresponding epi-
or hypo-cycloid has n cusps : such curves are, accordingly,
designated by the number of their cusps : such as the three-
cusped, four-cusped, &c. epi- or hypo-cycloids.
Again, as in the case of the cycloid, it is evident from
Descartes' principle that the instantaneous path of the point P
is an elementary portion of a circle having as centre ; ac-
34 2 Roulettes.
cordingly, the tangent to the path at P is perpendicular to
the line PO, and that line is the normal to the curve at P.
These results can also be deduced, as in the case of the
cycloid, by differentiation from the expressions for x and y.
We leave this as an exercise for the student.
To find an expression for an element ds of the curve at
the point P ; take (/, 0", two points infinitely near to on
the circles, and such that 00' = 00" \ and suppose the gene-
rating circle to roll until these points coincide :* then the
lines C(y and CO' will lie in directum, and the circle will
have turned through an angle equal to the sum of the angles
OCO' and OG'O"; hence, denoting these angles by dO and dd\
respectively, we have
ds = OP (dO + dff) = Op(i + ^\dd; (12)
since dft = r dd.
2jg. Radius of Curvature of au Epicycloid. —
Suppose w to be the angle OSN between the normal at P and
the fixed line CA, then
w = C'OS- C'CS = ----0; .'. tfa, = -d0Ji+4-|.
22 [2b)
Hence, if p be the radius of curvature corresponding to
the point P, we get
^ = 0P ±±3. (I3)
da) a + 2b
Accordingly, the radius of curvature in an epicycloid is
in a constant ratio to the chord OP, joining the generating
point to the point of contact of the circles.
* It may be observed tbat CO" is infinitely small in comparison with Off ;
hence the space tbrough which the point moves during a small displacement
is infinitely small in comparison with the space through which P moves. It is
in consequence of this property that may be regarded as being at rest for the
instant, and every point connected with the rolling circle as having a circular
motion around it.
Double Generation of Epicycloids and Hypocycloids. 343
Fig. 5S«
280. Double Generation of Epicycloids and Hypo-
cycloids. — In an Epicycloid, it can be easily shown that
the curve can be generated in a second manner. For,
suppose the rolling circle in-
closes the fixed circle, and join
P, any position of the tracing
point, to 0, the correspond-
ing point of contact of the two
circles ; draw the diameter OED,
and join O'E and PD ; connect
C, the centre of the fixed circle,
to (/, and produce CO to meet
DP produced in D', and describe
a circle rouDd the triangle OPD';
this circle plainly touches the
fixed circle ; also the segments
standing on OP, OP, and OO are obviously similar ; hence,
since OP = OO + O'P, we have
arc OP = arc 00' + arc OP.
If the arc 00' A be taken equal to the arc OP, we have
arc OA = arc OP ; accordingly, the point P describes the same
curve, whether we regard it as on the circumference of the
circle OPD rolling on the circle OO'E, or on the circumference
of OPD' rolling on the same circle ; provided the circles each
start from the position in which the generating point coincides
with the point A. Moreover, it is evident that the radius of
the latter circle is the difference
between the radii of the other two.
Next, for the Hypocycloid,
suppose the circle OPD to roll
inside the circumference of O'E,
and let C be the centre of the
fixed circle ; join OP, and pro-
duce it to meet the circum-
ference of the fixed circle in (X ;
draw O'E and PD, join CO',
intersecting PD in D ', and de-
scribe a circle round the triangle
PD'O. It is evident, as be-
fore, that this circle touches the Fig. 56.
larger circle, and that its radius is equal to the difference be-
tween the radii of the two given circles. Also, for the same
reason as in the former case, we have
arc 00' = arc OP + arc O'P.
If the arc OA be taken equal to OP, we get arc C/P
= arc OA ; consequently, the point P will describe the same
hypocycloid on whichever circle we suppose it to be situated,
provided the circles each set out from the position for which
P coincides with A.
The particular case, when the radius of the rolling circle is
half that of the fixed circle, may be noticed. In this case the
point D coincides with C, and P becomes the middle point of
00', and A that of the arc 00'. From this it follows im-
mediately that the hypocycloid described by P becomes the
diameter CA of the fixed circle. This result will be proved
otherwise in Art. 285.
The important results of this Article were given by Euler
(Acta. Petrop., 1781). By aid of them all epicycloids can be
generated by the rolling of a circle outside another circle ;
and all hypocycloids by the rolling of a circle whose radius
is less than half that of the fixed circle.
281. Evolute of an Epicycloid. — The evolute of an
epicycloid can be easily
seen to be a similar epi-
For, let P be the trac-
ing point in any position,
A its position when on the
fixed circle ; join P to 0,
the point of contact of the
circles, and produce PO
until PP= OP '-^4,
a + 20
then P is the centre of
curvature by (13) ; hence
OP' = OP :.
a + 20 Fig. si-
Next, draw P'O perpendicular to P'O; circumscribe the
Evolute of Epicycloid. 345
triangle OP'O by a circle ; and describe a circle with C as
centre, and CO as radius : it evidently touches the circle OP'O .
Then OO : OE= OF : OP = a: a + 20 = CO :CE;
.-. C0-0O:CE-0E = C0:CE,
or CO:C0=C0:CE;
that is, the lines CE, CO, and CO' are in geometrical pro-
Again, join C to B', the vertex of the epicycloid ; let CI?
meet the inner circle in D, and we have
arc O'D : arc OB = CO' : C0= CO : CE=O0:E0
= arc P'O: arc OQ.
But arc OB = arc OQ; .: arc O'D = arc P'O.
Accordingly, the path described by P f is that generated by a
point on the circumference of the circle OP'O rolling on the
inner circle, and starting when P' is in contact at D. Hence
the evolute of the original epicycloid is another epicycloid.
The form of the evolute is exhibited in the figure.
Again, since CO : OE = CO : OO, the ratio of the radii
of the fixed and generating circles is the same for both epicy-
cloids, and consequently the evolute is a similar epicycloid.
Also, from the theory of evolutes (Art. 237), the line
PP' is equal in length to the arc P'A of the interior epicy-
cloid ; or the length of P'A, the arc measured from the
vertex A of the curve, is equal to
2 J^3op' = 20P'^ = 2 op'^.
Hence, the length* of any portion of the curve measured from
its vertex is to the corresponding chord of the generating circle as
twice the sum of the radii of the circles to the radius of the fixed
* The length of the arc of an epicycloid, as also the investigation of its
evolute, were given by Newton (Principia, Lib. i., Props. 49, 50).
With reference to the outer epicycloid in Fig. 57, this
txoPB-zPE.^. (14)
The corresponding results for the hypocycloid can be
found by changing the sign of the radius b of the rolling
circle in the preceding formulae.
The investigation of the properties of these curves is of
importance in connexion with the proper form of toothed
wheels in machinery.
282. Pedal of Epicycloid. — The equation of the pedal,,
with respect to the centre of the
fixed circle, admits of a very
simple expression. For let P be
the generating point, and, as be-
fore, take arc OA = arc OP, and
make AB = go°. Join CA, CB,
CP, and draw CN perpendicular
to DP. Let l PDO = 0, l BCN
= w,lACO = Q, CN = p.
Then since AO = PO, we have
a9 = 20$ ; .'. 6 = — 1.
This class of curves was elaborately treated of by the Abbe Grandi in the
Philosophical Transactions for 1723. He gave them the name of " Ehodoneae,"
from a fancied resemblance to the petals of roses. See also Gregory's Examples
on the Differential and Integral Calculus, p. 183.
For illustrations of the beauty and variety of form of these curves, as well as
of epitrochoids and hypotrochoids in general, the student is referred to the admi-
rable figures in Mr. Proctor's Geometry of Cycloids.
287. Centre of Curvature of an Epitrochoid or
Hypotrochoid. — The position of the centre of curvature for
any point of an epitrochoid can be easily
found from geometrical considerations. For,
let Ci and 2 he the centres of the rolling
and the fixed circles, P 2 the centre of cur-
vature of the roulette described by Pi ; and,
as before, let X and 2 be two points on the
circles, infinitely near to 0, such that OOi
- 00 2 . Now, suppose the circle to roll until
Ox and 02 coincide; then the lines dOi
and C 2 2 will lie in directum, as also the
lines Pi 0i and P 2 2 (since P 2 is the point Fig. 61.
of intersection of two consecutive normals to
the roulette).
Hence L OC.O, + L OC 2 2 = L 0P X X + L 0P 2 2 ,
since each of these sums represents the angle through which
the circle has turned.
Again, let L COP, = $, 00, = 00 2 = ds;
ds ds
Z0d0i = ^-, lOC % % --qq,
,0Pi0i=^, Z0P 2 2 = ^:
35 2 Roulettes.
consequently we have
^^ 2 =cos *(ok + ok) (2i >
Or, if OP x = r u OP 2 = r 2 ,
ii (\ i
- + T = COS — + -
a o r \ri r 2
From this, equation r 2 , and consequently the radius of curva-
ture of the roulette, can be obtained for any position of the
generating point P v .
If we suppose Pi to be on the circumference of the rolling
circle, we get cos OE,'
Hence, if the tracing point P, lie on the circle* OE,B, f
* This theorem is due to La Hire, who sho-\ved that the element of the
roulette traced hy any point is convex or concave with respect to the point of
contact, 0, according as the tracing point is inside or outside this circle. (See
Envelope of a Carried Curve. 355
the corresponding value of OP 2 is infinite, and consequently
P : is a point of inflexion on the roulette.
In consequence of this property, the circle in question is
called the circle of inflexions, as each point on it is a point of
inflexion on the roulette which it describes.
Again, it can be shown that the lines P, P 2 , P x O and Pi E x
are in continued proportion ; as also C\C 2 , CiO, and CiD u
For, from (23) we have
PiP 2 1
op 1 .op 2 oe:
Hence P,P 2 :P i O= OP 2 : OEr,
.-. P l P 2 :P l O=P l P 2 -OP 2 :P i O-OE 1 = P 1 0:P l E l . (24)
In the same manner it can be shown that
C 1 C 2 :C l O = £7,0: C 1 D l . (25)
In the particular case where the base is a right line, the
circle of inflexions becomes the circle described on the radius
of curvature of the rolling curve as diameter.
Again, if we take OD 2 = OD i} we shall have, by describing
a circle on OD 2 as diameter,
dOi : C 2 = C 2 0: C 2 D 2 ;
and also P 2 P, : P 2 = P 2 : P 2 E 2 . (26)
The importance of these results will be shown further on.
291. Envelope of a Carried Curve. — We shall next
consider the envelope of a curve invariably connected with the
rolling curve, and carried ivith it in its motion.
Since the moving curve touches its envelope in each of its
Mdnoires de V Academie des Sciences, 1706.) It is strange that this remarkable
result remained almost unnoticed until recent years, when it was found to
contain a key to the theory of curvature for roulettes, as well as for tho
envelopes of any carried curves. How little it is even as yet appreciated in
this country will be apparent to any one who studies the most recent produc-
tions on roulettes, even by distinguished British Mathematicians.
2 A 2
356 Roulettes.
positions, the path of its point of contact at any instant must
he tangential to the envelope; hence the normal at their
common point must pass through 0, the point of contact of
the fixed and rolling curves.
In the particular case in which the carried curve is a
right line, its point of contact with
its envelope is found by dropping a
perpendicular on it from the point of
contact 0.
For example, suppose a circle to
roll on any curve : to find the envelope*
of any diameter PQ : —
From draw OH perpendicular
to PQ, then N, by the preceding, is F - 6
a point on the envelope.
On OC describe a semicircle ; it will pass through H,
and, as in Art. 286, the arc OH = arc OP = OA, if A be
the point in which P was originally in contact with the
fixed curve. Consequently, the envelope in question is the
roulette traced by a point on the circumference of a circle
of half the radius of the rolling circle, having the fixed curve
A for its base.
For instance, if a circle roll on a right line, the envelope of
any diameter is a cycloid, the radius of whose generating circle
is half that of the rolling circle.
Again, if a circle roll on another, the envelope of any
diameter of the rolling circle is an epicycloid, or a hypocycloid.
Moreover, it is obvious that if two carried right lines be
parallel, their envelopes will be parallel curves. For ex-
ample, the envelope of any right line, carried by a circle
which rolls on a right line, is a parallel to a cycloid, i.e. the
involute of a cycloid.
These results admit of being stated in a somewhat different
form, as follows :
If one point, A, in a plane area move uniformly along a
right line, while the area turns uniformly in its own plane,
then the envelope of any carried right line is an involute to a
cycloid. If the carried line passes through the moving point
* The theorems of this Article are, I believe, due to Chasles : see his Histoirt
dt La Gionutrie, p. 6q.
Centre of Curvature of the Envelope of a Carried Curve. 357
A, its envelope is a cycloid. Again, if the point A move
uniformly on the circumference of a fixed circle, while the
area revolves uniformly, the envelope of any carried right
line is an involute to either an epi- or hypo-cycloid. If the
carried right line passes through A, its envelope is either an
epi- or hj'po-cycloid.
292. Centre of Curvature of the Envelope of a
Carried Curve. — Let a^i represent a
portion of the carried curve, to which Om
is normal at the point m ; then, by the
preceding, m is the point of contact of a x bi
with its envelope.
Now, suppose a 2 b 2 to represent a por-
tion of the envelope, and let P a be the
centre of curvature of tfi&i, for the point m,
and P 2 the corresponding centre of cur-
vature of a 2 b 2 .
As before, take O x and 2 such that
00, = 00 2 , and join P.O, and P 2 2 .
Again, suppose the curve to roll until
Oi and 2 coincide ; then the lines Pi d
and P 2 2 will come in directum, as also
the lines dd and O z C 2 ; and, as in Art.
288, we shall have
L & + L C 2 = L P, + L P 2
and consequently
oc oc 2
From this equation the centre of curvature of the enve-
lope, for any position, can be found. Moreover, it is obvious
that the geometrical constructions of Arts. 289, 290, equally
apply in this case. It may be remarked that these construc-
tions hold in all cases, whatever be the directions of curvature
of the curves.
The case where the moving curve aibi is a right line is
worthy of especial notice.
In this case the normal Om is perpendicular to the moving
line ; and, since the point Pi is infinitely
distant, we have
OP 2 oc 1
= 7777 + 7777 = 7777 ( Art - 2 90);
Fig. 67.
whence, P 2 is situated on the lower circle of
inflexions. Hence we infer that the dif-
ferent centres of curvature of the curves en-
veloped by all carried right lines, at any
instant, lie on the circumference of a circle.
As an example, suppose the right line OM to roll on a
fixed circle, whose centre is C 2 , to
find the envelope of any carried right
line, LM.
In this case the centre of cur-
vature, P 2 , of the envelope of LM,
lies, by the preceding, on the circle
described on OC as diameter; and,
accordingly, CP 2 is perpendicular
to the normal PiP>.
Hence, since L OLP x remains
constant during the motion, the line
CP 2 is of constant length ; and, if
we describe a circle with C as centre, pj K gg_
and CP 2 as radius, the envelope of
the moving lino LM will, in all positions, be an involute of a
circle. The same reasoning applies to any other moving
right line.
We shall conclude with the statement of one or two other
important particular cases of the general principle of this
(1). If the envelope a 2 b> of the moving curve a x bi be a right
line, the centre of curvature Pi lies on the corresponding circle of
(2). If the moving right line always passes through a fixed
point, that point lies on the circle OD 2 E 2 .
292 («). Expression for Radius of Curvature of
Envelope of a Rigut Line. — The following expression
for the radius of curvature of the envelope of a moving right
On the Motion of a Plane Figure in its Plane. 359
line is sometimes useful. Let p be the perpendicular distance
of the moving line, in any position, from a fixed point in the
plane, and w the angle that this perpendicular makes with a
fixed line in the plane, and p the radius of curvature of the
envelope at the point of contact; then, by Art. 206, we have
d 2 p
= P + dZ>'
Whenever the conditions of the problem give/) in terms of
u> (the angle through which the figure has turned), the value
of p can be found from this equation. For example, the re-
sult established in last Article (see Fig. 68) can be easily
deduced from (28). This is left as an exercise for the student.
293. On the Motion of a Plane Figure in its Plane.
— We shall now proceed to the consideration of a general
method, due to Chasles, which is of fundamental importance
in the treatment of roulettes, as also in the general investi-
gation of the motion of a rigid body.
We shall commence with the following theorem : —
When an invariable plane figure mores in its plane, it can
be brought from any one position to any other by a single rotation
round a fixed point in its plane.
For, let A and B be two points of the figure in its first
position, and A x , B x their new
positions after a displacement.
Join A A x and BB X , and sup-
pose the perpendiculars drawn
at the middle points of AA X
and BB X to intersect at ;
then we have AO = A x O, and
BO = B x O. Also, since the
triangles AOB and A x OB x
have their sides respectively
equal, we have LAOB = lA x OB x
Accordingly, AB will be brought to the position A X B X by
a rotation through the angle AOA x round 0. Consequently,
any point Cin the plane, which is rigidly connected yvithAB,
will be brought from its original to its new position, d, by
the same rotation.
This latter result can also be proved otherwise thus : — Join
OC and 0C X ; then the triangles OAC and OA x C x are equal,
Fig. 69.
lAOA, = lBOB x .
360 Roulettes.
because OA = 0A X , AC = A1C1, and the angle OAC, being
the difference between OAB and JBAC, is equal to OAiC x ,
the difference between OA l B i and B1A1C1 ; therefore OC
= 0C X , and lAOC = lA,OC x \ and hence L AOA, = L COC x .
Consequently the point C is brought to C x by a rotation
round through the same angle A 0A X . The same reasoning
applies to any other point invariably connected with A and B.
The preceding construction re-
quires modification when the lines
AA X and BB X are parallel. In this
case the point, 0, of intersection of the / /
lines BA and B X A X is easily seen to be B ^
the point of instantaneous rotation. J
For, since AB = A1B1, and AA X , F -
#2?i, are parallel, we have OA = 0A ly
and OB = 0B X . Hence, the figure will be brought from its
old to its new position by a rotation around through the
angle AOAi.
Next, let A A „ and BB X be both equal and parallel. In
this case the point is at an infinite distance ; but it is
obvious that each point in the plane moves through the same
distance, equal and parallel to AA 1 ; and the motion is one of
simple translation, without any rotation.
In general if we suppose the two positions of the moving
figure to be indefinitely near each other, then the line AA X ,
joining two infinitely near positions of the same point of the
figure, becomes an element of the curve described by that point,
and the line OA becomes at the same time a normal to the curve.
Hence, the normals to the paths described by all the points of the
moving figure pass through 0, which point is called the instan-
taneous centre of rotation.
The position of is determined whenever the directions of
motion of any two points of the moving figure are known; for it
is the intersection of the normals to the curves described by
those points.
This furnishes a geometrical method of drawing tangents
to many curves, as was observed by Chasles.*
* This method is given by Chasles as a generalization of the method of Des-
cartes (Art. 273, note). It is itself a particular case of a more general principle
concerning homologous figures. See Chasles, Histoirc de la Geometric, pp. 548-9 :
also Bulletin Universel des Sciences, 1830.
Chasles* Method of drawing Normals. 361
The following case is deserving of special consideration : —
A right line always passes through a fixed
point, while one of its points moves along a
fixed line : to find the instantaneous centre of
rotation. Let A be the fixed point, and AB q
any position of the moving line, and take y
B A' = BA ; then the centre of rotation, 0, is
found as before, and is such that OA = OA',
and OB = OB'. Accordingly, in the limit the
centre of instantaneous rotation is the inter- F -
section of BO drawn perpendicular to the fixed
line, and A drawn perpendicular to the moving line at the
fixed point.
In general, if AB be any moving curve, and LM&ny fixed
curve, the instantaneous centre of rotation is the point of inter-
section of the normals to the fixed and to the moving curves, for
any position.
Also the normal to the curve described by any point in-
variably connected with AB is obtained by joining the point
to 0, the instantaneous centre.
More generally, if a moving curve always touches a fixed
curve A, while one point on the moving curve moves along a
second fixed curve B, the instantaneous centre is the point of
intersection of the normals to A and B at the corresponding
points; and the line joining this centre to any describing
point is normal to the path which it describes.
We shall illustrate this method of drawing tangents by
applying it to the conchoid and the limacon.
294. Application to Curves. — In the Conchoid (Fig. 49,
P a g e 33 2 )> regarding AP as a moving right line, the
instantaneous centre is the point of intersection of AO
drawn perpendicular to AP, with BO drawn perpendicular to
LM; and consequently, OP and OPi are the normals at P
and Pj, respectively.
For the same reason, the normal to the Limacon (Fig. 48,
page 331) at any point P is got by drawing OQ perpendicular
to OP to meet the circle in Q, and joining PQ.
362 Roulettes.
1. If the radius vector, OP, drawn from the origin to any point P on a curve,
be produced to Pi, until PPi be a constant length ; prove that the normal at Pi
to the locus of Pi, the normal at P to the original curve, and the perpendicular
at the origin to the line OP, all pass through the same point.
2. If a constant length measured from the curve be taken on the normals
along a given curve, prove that these lines are also normals to the new curve
which is the locus of their extremities.
3. An angle of constant magnitude moves in such a manner that its sides
constantly touch a given plane curve; prove that the normal to the curve de-
scribed by its vertex, P, is got by joining Pto the centre of the circle passing
through P and the points in which the sides of the moveable angle touch the
given curve.
4. If on the tangent at each point on a curve a constant length measured
from the point of contact be taken, prove that the normal to the locus of the
points so found passes through the centre of curvature of the proposed curve.
5. In general, if through each point of a curve a line of given length be
drawn making a constant angle with the normal, the normal to the curve locus
of the extremities of this line passes through the centre of curvature of the pro-
295. motion of any Plane Figure reduced to
Roulettes. — Again, the most general motion of any figure
in its plane may be regarded as consisting of a number of
infinitely small rotations about the different instantaneous
centres taken in succession.
Let 0, 0', 0", 0'", &c, represent the successive centres of
rotation, and consider the instant when / -t
the figure turns through the angle O y OO' q 1/ 3
round the point 0. This rotation will /:.-•''' T 2
bring a certain point O x of the figure to 9j*^-~
coincide with the next centre ' . The next "\~ T i
rotation takes place around (/; andsuppose o \>-.. T
the point 2 brought to coincide with the o '\-.
centre of rotation 0". In like manner, by o'V T '
a third rotation the point 3 is brought to \\
coincide with (/", and so on. By this ' '*_, -.
means the motion of the moveable figure F -
is equivalent to the rolling of the polygon
OOidOi . . . invariably connected with the figure, on the
polygon 00 ' 0"0'" . . . fixed in the plane. In the limit, the
polygons change into curves, of which one rolls, without
sliding, on the other ; and hence we conclude that the general
movement of any plane figure in its own plane is equivalent to the
rolling of one curve on another fixed curve.
These curves are called by Eeuleaux* the " centrodes" of
the moving figures.
For example, suppose two points A and B of the moving
figure to slide along two fixed right
lines CX and CY; then the instan-
taneous centre is the point of inter-
section of AO and BO, drawn perpen-
dicular to the fixed lines. Moreover,
as AB is a constant length, and the
angle ACB is fixed, the length CO is
constant ; consequently the locus of
the instantaneous centre is the circle
described with C as centre, and CO as
radius. Again, if we describe a circle round CBOA,
circle is invariably connected with the line AB, and moves
with it. Hence the motion of any figure invariably connected
with AB is equivalent to the rolling of a circle inside another
of double its radius {see Art. 285).
Again, if we consider the angle XG'^Fto move so that its
legs pass through the fixed points A and B, respectively ; then
the instantaneous centre is determined as before. More-
over, the circle BCA becomes a fixed circle, along which the
instantaneous centre moves. Also, since CO is of constant
length, the outer circle becomes in this case the rolling curve.
Hence the motion of any figure invariably connected with the
moving lines CX and CY is equivalent to the rolling of the
outer circle on the inner (compare Art. 286).
295 (a). Epicyclics. — As a further example, suppose one
point in a plane area to move uniformly along the circum-
ference of a fixed circle, while the area revolves with a uniform
angular motion around the point, to find the position of the
" centrodes."
The directions of motion are indicated by the arrow-
heads. Let C be the centre of the fixed circle, P the position
* See Kennedy's translation of Reuleaux's Kinematics of Machinery
pp. 65, &c.
Fig. 74-
of the moving point at any instant, Q a point in the moving
figure such that CP = PQ.
Now, to find the position of
the instantaneous centre of
rotations it is necessary to
get the direction of motion of
the point Q.
Let P, represent a con-
secutive position of P, then
the simultaneous position of Q
is got by first supposing it to
move through the infinitely
small length QR, equal and
parallel to PPi, and then to
turn round Pi, through the
angle RP x Qi, which the area
turns through while P moves
to Pj. Moreover, by hypo-
thesis, the angles PCPi and RPiQi are in a constant ratio:
if this ratio be denoted by m, we have (since PQ = PC)
RQ, = wPPi = mQR.
Join Q and Qi> then QQi represents the direction of mo-
tion of Q. Hence the right line QO, drawn perpendicular
to QQi, intersects CP in the instantaneous centre of rotation.
Again, since the directions of PO, PQ, and QO are, re-
spectively, perpendicular to QR, RQi, and QQ\, the triangles
QPO and QiRQ are similar;
.-. PQ = mPO, i.e. CP = mPO.
Accordingly, the instantaneous centre of rotation is got
by cutting off
PO = — . (29)
Hence, if we describe two circles, one with centre C and
radius CO, the other with centre P and radius PO; these
circles are the required centrodes; and the motion is equivalent
to the rolling of the outer circle on the inner.
Accordingly, any point on the circumference of the outer
circle describes an epicycloid, and any point not on this cir-
cumference describes an epitrochoid. When the angular
motion of PQ is less than that of CP, i.e. when m < 1,.
the point lies in PC produced. Accordingly, in this
case, the fixed circle lies inside the rolling circle ; and the
curves traced by any point are still either epitrochoids or epi-
In the preceding we have supposed that the angular
rotations take place in the same direction. If we suppose them
to be in opposite directions, the construction has to be modified,
as in the accompanying figure.
In this case, the angle R r^?Q,
BPiQ\ must be measured in
an opposite direction to that
of PCPi ; and, proceeding as
in the former case, the direc-
tion of motion of Q is repre-
sented by QQi', accordingly,
the perpendicular QO will in-
tersect CP produced, and, as
before, we have
Hence the motion is equi- Fig. 75.
valent to the rolling of a circle
of radius PO on the inside of a fixed circle, whose radius is
CO. Accordingly, in this case, the path described by any
point in the moving area not on the circumference of the
rolling circle is a hypotrochoid.
Also, from Art. 291, it is plain that the envelope of any
right line which passes through the point P in the moving
area is an epicycloid in the former case, and a hypocycloid
in the latter.
Again, if we suppose the point P, instead of moving in a
circle, to move uniformly in a right line, the path of any
point in the moving area becomes either a trochoid or a
Curves traced as above, that is, by a point which moves
3 66 Roulettes.
uniformly round the circumference of a circle, whose centre moves
uniformly on the circumference of a fixed circle in the same
plane, are called epicyclics, and were invented by Ptolemy
(about a.d. 140) for the purpose of explaining the planetary
motions. In this system* the fixed circle is called the deferent,
and that in which the tracing point moves is called the
epicycle. The motion in the fixed circle may be supposed in
all cases to take place in the same direction around C, that
indicated by the arrows in our figures. Such motion is called
direct. The case for which the motion in the epicycle is direct
is exhibited in Fig. 74.
Angular motion in the reverse direction is called retro-
grade. This case is exhibited in Fig. 75. The corresponding
epicyclics are called by Ptolemy direct and retrograde epicy-
The preceding investigation shows that every direct epi-
cyclic is an epitrochoid, and every retrograde epicyclic a
It is obvious that the greatest distance in an epicyclic
from the centre G is equal to the sum of the radii of the circles,
and the least to their difference. Such points on the epicyclic
are called apocentres and pericentres, respectively.
Again, if a represent the radius of the fixed circle or
deferent, and )3 the radius of the revolving circle or epicycle ;
then, if the curve be referred to rectangular axes, that of x
passing through an apocentre, it is easily seen that we have
for a direct epicyclic
x = a cos 9 + j3 cos mB,
-an- a f (3 ° }
y = a sin ij + p sin mil.
* The importance of the epicyclic method of Ptolemy, in representing ap-
proximately the planetary paths relative to the earth at rest, has recently been
brought prominently forward by Mr. Proctor, to whose work on the Geometry of
Cycloids the student is referred for fuller information on the subject.
We owe also to Mr. Proctor the remark that the invention of cycloids, epi-
cycloids, and epitrochoids, is properly attributable to Ptolemy and the ancient
astronomers, who, in their treatment of epicyclics, first investigated some of
the properties of such curves. It may, however, be doubted if Ptolemy had
any idea of the shape of an epicyclic, as no trace oi' such is to be found in the entire
of his great work, The Almagest.
Example on the Construction of Circle of Inflexions. 367
The formulae for a retrograde epicyclie are obtained by
changing the sign of m (compare Art. 284).
It is easily seen that every epicyclie admits of a twofold
For, if we make mO = ,
respectively : and let Q h Q 2 , he
the corresponding points for
the curves Cidi and c 2 d 2 . Take
P t O> Q t O~-
then, by Art. 290, the points
F x and F x lie on the circle of
inflexions. Accordingly, the circle which passes through 0,
Fi and F iy is the circle of inflexions.
Hence, if i^O meet this circle in Gi, and we take
RiR-i = p ~ , the point R> (by the same theorem) is the
centre of curvature of the roulette described by R x .
In the same case, by a like construction, the centre of cur-
vature of the envelope of any carried curve can be found.
The modifications when any of the curves aj)^ a 2 b 2 , &c,
becomes a right line, or reduces to a single point, can also be
readily seen by aid of the principles already established for
such cases.
298. Theorem of Bobillier.* — If two sides of amoving
triangle always touch two fixed circles, the third side also always
touches a fixed circle.
Let ABC be the moving triangle ; the side AB touching
at c a fixed circle whose centre is 7, and AG touching at b a
circle with centre (3. Then the instantaneous centre is the
point of intersection of b(5 and cy.
Again, the angle fiOy, being the supplement of the con-
stant angle BAC, is given ; and consequently the instanta-
neous centre always lies on a fixed circle.
* Co/as de geomelrie pour les ecoles des arts el metiers. See also Collignon,
Traite de Mecanique Cinemalique, p. 306.
This theorem admits of a simple proof by elementary geometry. The in-
vestigation above has however the advantage of connecting it with the general
theory given in the preceding Articles, as well as of leading to the more general
theorem stated at the end of this Article.
Analytical Demonstration.
Also if Oa be drawn perpendicular to the third side BC,
a is the point in which the side
touches its envelope (Art. 291).
Produce aO to meet the circle
in a ; and since the angle a 0/3
is equal to the angle ACB, it
is constant ; and consequently
the point a is a fixed point on the
circle. Again, by (4) Art. 292,
the circle /30y passes through
the centre of curvature of the
envelope of any carried right
line ; and accordingly a is the
centre of curvature of the enve-
lope of BC; but a has already
been proved to be a fixed point ;
consequently BC in all positions touches a fixed circle whose
centre is a. (Compare Art. 286.)
This result can be readily extended to the case where the
sides AB and AC slide on any curves ; for we can, for an in-
finitely small motion, substitute for the curves the osculating
circles at the points b and c, and the construction for the point
a will give the centre of curvature of the envelope of the
third side BC.
298 (a). Analytical Demonstration. — The result of the
preceding Article can also be established analytically, as was
shown by Mr. Ferrers, in the following manner : —
Let a, b, c represent the lengths of the sides of the moving
triangle, and p ly p 2 , p 3 the perpendiculars from any point
on the sides a, b, c, respectively ; then, by elementary
geometry, we have
ap-i + bp 2 + cp 3 = 2 (area of triangle) = 2 A.
Again, if /»,, p 2 , p 3 be the radii of curvature of the enve-
lopes of the three sides, and w the angle through which each
of the perpendiculars has turned, we have by (28),
api + bp 2 + cp 3 = 2 A.
Hence, if two of the radii of curvature be given the third
can be determined.
2 B
"We next proceed to consider the conchoid of Nicomedes.
299. Centre of Curvature for a Concboid. — Let A
be the pole, and LM the directrix of a conchoid. Construct
the instantaneous centre 0, as before : and produce AO until
It is easily seen that the circle circumscribing A x OR x is
the instantaneous circle of inflexions : for the instantaneous
centre always lies on this circle ; also R\ lies on the circle
by Art. 290, since it moves along a right line : again, A lies
on the lower circle of inflexions of same Article, and conse-
quently A : lies on the circle of inflexions.
Hence, to find the centre of curvature of the conchoid
described by the moving point P x , produce P^O to meet the
circle of inflexions in F lf and take
P G i
P 1 P 2 = W^ftJ then, by (22),
the centre of curvature belonging to
the point P, on the conchoid.
In the same case, the centre of
curvature of the curve described by
any other point Q:, which is inva-
riably connected with the moving
line, can be found. !b'or, if we
produce QiO to meet the circle of
inflexions in E,, and take QiQ?
= -^-= ; then, by the same theorem,
Q 2 is the centre of curvature re- Fig. 78.
A similar construction holds in all other cases.
300. Spherical Houiettes. — The method of reasoning
adopted respecting the motion of a plane figure in its plane
is applicable identically to the motion of a curve on the sur-
face of a sphere, and leads to the following results, amongst
others : —
(1). A spherical curve can be brought from any one
position on a sphere to any other by means of a single
rotation around a diameter of the sphere.
(2). The elementary motion of a moveable figure on a
sphere may be regarded as an infinitely small rotation
Motion of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Point. 371
around a certain diameter of the sphere. This diameter is
called the instantaneous axis of rotation, and its points of
intersection with the sphere are called the poles of rotation.
(3). The great circles drawn, for any position, from the
pole to each of the points of the moving curve are normals to
the curves described by these points.
(4). When the instantaneous paths of any two points are
given, the instantaneous poles are the points of intersection
of the great circles drawn normal to the paths.
(5). The continuous movement of a figure on a sphere
may be reduced to the rolling of a curve fixed relatively to
the moving figure on another curve fixed on the sphere.
By aid of these principles the properties of spherical roulettes*
can be discussed.
301. Motion of a Rigid Body about a Fixed
Point. — We shall next consider the motion of any rigid
body around a fixed point. Suppose a sphere described
having its centre at the fixed point ; its surface will intersect
the rigid body in a spherical curve A, which will be carried
with the body during its motion. The elementary motion of
this curve, by the preceding Article, is an infinitely small
rotation around a diameter of the sphere ; and hence the
motion of the solid consists in a rotation around an instan-
taneous axis passing through the fixed point.
Again, the continuous motion of A on the sphere by (5)
(preceding Article) is reducible to the rolling of a curve
L, connected with the figure A, on a curve A, traced on the
sphere. JBut the rolling of i on A is equivalent to the
rolling of the cone with vertex standing on L, on the cone
with the same vertex standing on A. Hence the most general
motion of a rigid body having a fixed point is equivalent to
the roiling of a conical surface, having the fixed point for its
summit, and appertaining to the solid, on a cone fixed in
space, having the same vertex.
These results are of fundamental importance in the gene-
ral theory of rotation.
• On the Curvature of Spherical Epicycloids, see Eesal; Journal de lEcoU
PoIi/technique, 1858, pp. 235, &c.
2 B 2
372 Examples.
1. If the radius of the generating circle be one-fourth that of the fixed,
prove immediately that the hypocycloid becomes the envelope of a right line of
constant length whose extremities move on two rectangular lines.
2. Prove that the evolute of a cardioid is another cardioid in which the
radius of the generating circle is one-third of that for the original circle.
3. Prove that the entire length of the cardioid is eight times the diameter of
its generating circle.
4. Show that the points of inflexion in the trochoid are given by the
equation cos + - = o ; hence find when they are real and when imaginary.
5. One leg of a right angle passes through a fixed point, whilst its vertex
slides along a given curve; show that the problem of finding the envelope of
the other leg of the right angle is reducible to the investigation of a locus.
6. Show that the equation of the pedal of an epicycloid with respect to any
origin is of the form
r = (a + ib) cos - c cos (6 + a).
v ' a + zb v '
7. In figure 57, Art. 281, show that the points C, P' and Q are in directum.
8. Prove that the locus of the vertex of an angle of given magnitude, whose
sides touch two given circles, is composed of two limacons.
9. The legs of a given angle slide on two given circles : show that the
locus of any carried point is a limaQon, and the envelope of any carried right
line is a circle.
10. Find the equation to the tangent to the hypocycloid when the radius of
the fixed circle is three times that of the rolling.
Am. x cos to + y sin w = b sin 3 (x n + y m ) = z-.
5. z*~ = xy+ = sin 6 cos + cos sin = sin (0 + 0) :
this establishes the result required.
"We have here assumed that whenever equation (2) is satis-
fied identically, V is expressible as a function of v : this can
be easily shown as follows : —
Since V and v are supposed to be given functions of x and
y, if one of these variables, y, be eliminated between them we
can represent V as a function of v and x.
Accordingly, let
V=f{x, v) ;
d _Z _ d f_ d £ (---)•
z x \y xl
._ y 3 »(y) + «
i-x (-)•
7. z=(z + y)'' (u) ,. Jdu du \
hence we obtain two partial differential equations involving
x > Vi z j P> <7> #( M ) an d $'(11) ■ Accordingly, if '(u)
and ip'{v). It is plainly impossible, in general, to eliminate
the four arbitrary functions between three equations; we
accordingly must proceed to form the three partial differen-
tials of the second order, introducing two new arbitrary
functions $"(u) and 4f r {v). Here, again, it is in general
impossible to eliminate the six functions between six equa-
tions, so that it is necessary to proceed to differentials of the
third order : in doing so we obtain four new equations, con-
taining two additional functions, <\»"\u) and \j/"{v). After
the elimination of the eight arbitrary functions there would
remain, in general, two resulting partial differential equa-
tions of the third order.
318. There is one case, however, in which we can always
obtain a resulting partial differential equation of the second
order — viz., where the arbitrary functions are functions of
the same quantity, u.
Case of Two or more Arbitrary Functions. 393
Thus, suppose the given equation of the form
F{x,y y z,${u),ip{u)}=o, (6)
where u is a known function of #, y and 2.
By differentiation we get
dF dF dFfdu du\_
dx dz du\dx dz) *
dF dF dFfdu du\_
dy dz du \dy dz) ' \
Eliminating — between these equations, we obtain
dFdu _ dFdu (dFdu _ dFdu\
dx dy dy dx \dz dy dy dz)
(dFdu dFdu\
+q {dx-dz-dz-Txr°- (7)
This equation contains only the original functions >(w),
-^(w), along with x, y, z, p and q. Again, if we apply the
same method to it, we can form a new partial differential
equation, involving the same functions i. dF dF „ . dF .,. .
du d '(u)
and i//(w), we have
dF , dF J dF J ->
-r- dx + -— dy + -r- dz = o,
dx dy dz
du T du , dw .
dx + — dy + — dz= o \
Eliminating between these equations and
dz = pdx + qdy,
we get the following determinant :
dF dF dF
dx' dy' dz
du du du
dx' dy' dz
which, plainly, is identical with (7).
This admits also of the following statement: substitute c
instead of u in the proposed equation ; then regarding c as con-
stant, differentiate the resulting equation, as also the equation
u = c (on the same hypothesis) : on combining the resulting
equations with
dz = pdx + qdy,
we get another equation connecting (ax + by) + y\p(ax + by).
Here p = 4>(ax + by) + a{x
and so on.
The preceding results can also be arrived at otherwise,
as follows : — The essential distinction of an independent
variable is, that its differential is regarded as constant ; ac-
cordingly, in differentiating — > when x is the independent
Case of a Single Independent Variable. 401
variable we have dl — J = — . However, when x is no longer
regarded as the independent variable we must consider the
numerator and the denominator of the fraction — as both
variables, and, by Art. 15, we get
ti(^\ - dxd?y - dy d 2 x d (dy\ _ dx d 2 y - dy v idv \_cpv
dx 2 + dy 2 ~ dr 2 + r dr + r 2 dV 2 ' ( '
(PV d 2 V (PV
323. Transformation of y-z- + -r-r- +
dx 2 dy 2
dz 2
to Polar
Let the polar transformation be represented by the equa-
x = r sin cos <£, y**r sin sin $, z = r cos ;
also, assume p = r sin 9, and we have
x = p cos <£, y = p sin <£ ;
1. / «n ^^ ^^ ^T irfF 1 d 2 V
hence, by (18), — - + — - = -7-3- + - — + — -7-7.
406 Change of the Independent Variable.
Again, from the equations
p = r sin 9, z ■ r cos 0,
we have in like manner
cPV d 2 V_d 2 V idV i d*V
dp* + dz 2 ~ dr 2 + rdr + p 2 dd 2 '
(PV cPV d 2 V_d 2 V idV j_d 2 V idV i d*V
da? + dtf + dz 2 ~ dr 2 + P dp + p 2 dtf + r dr + r 2 d(T '
But by (17) we have
dV _ . Q dV cos 9 dV m
dp dr r dd '
,, . itfF ia?F cot0c?P
therefore - — - - — + — — -^-.
p dp r dr r do
Hence we get finally
M*> y> M . v ) = o;
d m (?- 2 "- x ) , ...
4. Hence prove that - — — 1S a harmonic function.
(* 3 + y 2 )*
For, let Fo = tan -1 ( - ) ; then, since y = x tan , . , . , . . ,,
that — = - s cos s0, we obtain, on equating to zero tne
d + 2 P m + 2 (s + i) A *D* 1 P„ + * (s + 1) B>P m
-n (» + 1) D*P m = o;
but by Leibnitz's theorem the first three terms are equivalent
to B Hl (uDP n ^ ; whence the equation becomes
D» x {uDP m ) - n(n + i)D s P m = o.
But this equation follows immediately from (10) by
differentiating s times with respect to fx.
Accordingly the expression
satisfies equation (14), and hence
oos^O* a -i)^0P w
satisfies (8).
t vi «P(sin *0) , . „
In like manner, as = - s 2 sin stf>, the expression
sins^-iW — \P n
also satisfies the same equation.
Accordingly, equation (8) is satisfied by the expression
{A s cos s<}> + B s sin s 6 i
dx dy ' dz
was styled by Jacobi a functional determinant. Such a
determinant is now usually represented by the notation
d (u, v, w)
d(x, y, s)'
and is called the Jacobian of the system u, v, to with respect
to the variables x, y, z.
In the particular case where 11, v, w are the partial diffe-
rential coefficients of the same function of the variables x, y, z,
their Jacobian becomes of the form given in Art. 331, and
is called the Hessian of the primitive function. Thus the
determinant in Art. 331 is called the Hessian of u, after
Hesse, who first introduced such functions into analysis, and
pointed out their importance in the general theory of curves
and surfaces.
2 F
More generally, if y ti y 2y y 3 . . . y n be functions of x i} x 2) .r,
. . . x ny the determinant
dx 2 ''
' dx n
dy 2
dx 2 '
dx 2 '
dy n
' dx n
is called the Jacobian of the system of functions y u y a , . . . y n
with respect to the variables x u x 2 , . . . x n ; and is denoted by
d(yi, t/2, • • . y n ) . .
d[X\, x 2y . . . x n )
Again, if y Y , y 2 , . . . y n be differential coeciffients of the
same function the Jacobian is styled, as above, the Hessian
of the function.
A Jacobian is frequently represented by the notation
<%i, 1/2, • • • y n ),
the variables x x , x 2 , . . . x n being understood.
If the equations for y ly y if . . . y n be of the following form,
yi = Jz\%\) X 2) %t)y
yn—Jn\ x \, #2> • • « %n)i
Examples. 435
it is obvious that their Jacobian reduces to its leading term,
dxx dx-i ' ' ' dx n '
This is a case of the more general theorem, which will be
given subsequently (Art. 343)-
1. Find the Jacobian of y\, y<>, . . . y,„ being given
yi = i-xi, y 2 = x\{i - x 2 ), yz = x\xi{i-xz) . . .
y n = X\ X2 . . . X n -l{l - Xn). AtlS. J= (- l)»Xi n - 1 X2 n ~' i . . . x,,-i.
2. Find the Jacobian of x\, xz, . . . x„ with respect to 0i, 02, • • . 0«, being
x\ = cos 0i, xz = sin 0i cos 02, #3 = sin 0i sin 02 cos 03, . . .
x n = sin 0i sin 02 sin 03 . . . sin 0,,-i cos 0„.
d(xi, X2, . . . x n ) . . . „ , „ . „
Am. -7— = (- i)» sin»0i . sin'' 1 2 . . . sin 0„.
d(9 u 02, • • . 0„)
339. Case where the Functions are not Indepen-
dent. — If 1/1, 1/2 • • • Vn be connected by a relation, it is
easily seen that their Jacobian is always zero.
For, suppose the equation of connexion represented by
F{i/i, y%> . . . y n ) - o ;
then, differentiating with respect to the variables x x , x,, . . . x,„
we get the following system of equations : —
dFdfr dFdyt (!F_d]U =
dt/i dxi df/2 dx r dij n dx x
43 6 Jacobians.
dFdyi dFdfr dF dy n _
dy x dx 2 dy 2 dx 2 ' ' dy n dx 2 '
dFdy x dFdy 2 dF dy n _
dy x dx n dy 2 dx n ' ' ' dy n dx n ~ '
, .. . L . dF dF dF
whence, eliminating -r-, — - . . . — — , we eret
dy x dy 2 dy n
d(?/» P*, • • • Vn) , ,
d[x x , x 2) • • • Xfi)
The converse of this result will be established in Art. 344 ;
and we infer that whenever the Jacobian of a system of
functions vanishes identically the functions are not indepen-
dent. This is an extension of the result arrived at in Art.
340. Case of Functions of Functions. — If we sup-
pose u Xf w 2 , u 3 to be functions of y lt y 2 , y 3 , where y x , y 2 , y 3 are
functions of x x , x 2 , x 3 ; we have
du x dui dy x du x dy 2 du x dy 3
dx x dy x dxi dy 2 dx x dy 3 dx x
du x _ du x dy x du x dy 2 du x dy 3
dx 2 dy x dx 2 dy 2 dx 2 dy 3 dx 2
du x _ du x dy x du x dy 2 du x dij 3
dx s dy x dxi dy 2 dx 3 dy 3 dx 3
Case of Functions of Functions.
Hence, by the ordinary rule for the multiplication of de-
terminants, we get
du x
dx 2
dx 3
du 2
du 2
lx 2
dx 3
du 3
du 3
du 3
dx 2
dx 3
diii diii du x
di/i dy 2 dy 3
du 2 du 2 du 2
dt/i dy 2 dy 3
du 3 du 3 du 2
di/i di/2 dij 3
dyi dy 2 dy s ' ' ' dy n
In like manner,
d{ i must
not contain xi ; and accordingly the corresponding equation
is of the form
. . . y n alone. This establishes
our theorem.
Also, it follows that if the Jacobian does not vanish,
the functions are independent.
345. In the particular case where
y x = Fi(x lt Xo, . . . x n ),
y? = F.i(x lf x if . . . x n ),
we have
y n = F n {y ly y,, . . . y„_i, x n ),
d{yx, y 2> ■ ..y») = d]h d]fr <*!/»
d(x l} a* 2 , .. . x n ) dx x ' dx 2 ' ' dx n '
It may be observed that the theory of Jacobians is of
fundamental importance in the transformation of Multiple
Integrals (see Int. Calc. y Art. 225).
44 2 Jacobiam.
i. Find the Jacobian of y h y 2 , . . . y„ with respect to r, 0i, 62, . . . 6n-\,
being given the system of equations —
y\ = r cos $i, yz = r sin 0i cos 2 , yz = r sin 0i sin 02 cos 3 , . . .
yn — f sin 0i sin 62 • • • sin 0n-i.
If we square and add we get
yi 2 + y£ + . . . y» 2 = »- 2 .
Assuming this instead of the last of the given equations, we readily find
/= r*"i sin"" 2 0i sin"- 3 02 . . . sin 0„_2-
2. Find the Jacobian of y\, y2, ■ ■ • yn, being given
yi = #1(1 - aj 2 ), yj = afi«8(i-*s) • • •
y„_i = a;iar2 . . . #„-i(i -x„),
yn = X\%2 • • ' Xn.
Here, yi + y 2 + . . . y n = x\, and we get
d(i/u yi, ■ ■ -y»)
d{x\, X2, . . . X n )
= Xl n - 1 X2 n ' i ■ . ■ Xn-\.
346. Case where a Relation connects the Depen-
dent Variable*. — If y x , y 2 , . . . y n , which are given func-
tions of the n variables cc u x 2 , . . . x n , be connected by an
independent relation,
F[yi> y*> . . • p n ) = o, (15)
we may, in virtue of this relation, regard one of the variables,
x n suppose, as a function of the remaining variables, and thus
consider y x , y 2 , . . . y n _ x as functions of x 1} x 2 , . . . x n . x . In
this case it can be shown that
d{i/i,?h, • • . y n -\) f j!/n d(y„ y 2 , . . . //„) ^
d{x lf x 2 , . . . x n ^) dF d(x 1} x 2 , . . . x n )
d,X n
Case where a Relation connects the Dependent Variables. 443
For, if we regard *„asa function of x l} # 2 , &o. we have
dx^ 1 ' dx, dx n dxS fl^i ' dx, + dx n aW™'
Also, from equation (15),
dF dFd^_ dF dFdx n _
dxi dx n dx! ' dx 2 dx n dx 2 '
dF dF dF_
Again, let A, - |, X, -£ . . . A M -^
aXfi aXn uXfi
Hence /.(*) -& - A.&, ' W -&-X* Ac.
Accordingly, substituting in the Jacobian
d(y„ y 2 , . . . y n _ x )
it becomes
d(Xi, x 2 , . . . av^i)'
otei * dxn dx 2 2 dxn ' ' dx n .i n ~ dx n
flfoi ' c/.r n ' d# 2 " dir n ' ' dx n _ } dx n
If this determinant be bordered by introducing an addi-
tional column as in the following determinant, the other
terms of the additional row being cyphers, its value is readily
seen to be
dx n
dy x dih
dxx dx 2
d]h d]fr
dxi dx 2
dy n -x dy^x
dxi ' dx 2
dF dF
dx^ dx 2
Again, we have
dx n
dx n
dxx '
dx 2 '
dx n
A 2 ,
. . i
dx 2
dx n
dy 2
dy 2
dx 2
dy 2
dx n
dy n -i
dy n -i
uX n
dx n
dF _ dF dyx dF dy 2 dF dy n
dxx dyx dxx dy 2 dx dy n dx x '
dF dy n
dF__dF_dy 1 dFdy 2
dx 2 dyx dx 2 dy 2 dx 2
dy n dx 2 *
Substituting these values in the last row of the preceding
Case where a Relation connects the Dependent Variables. 445
the theorem is established, since we readily find that the de-
terminant is reducible to
dy x
dx 2
dx n
dy 2
dy 2
dx n
dx n
dx 2 '
dy n
dx n
It may be well to guard the student from the supposition
that this latter determinant is zero, as in Arts. 339 and 344.
The distinction is, that in the former cases the equation
F{yi, y 2 , ■ . . y n ) = o, connecting the y functions, is deduced
by the elimination of the variables x ly x 2 , . . . x n from the
equations of connexion ; whereas in the case here considered
it is an additional and independent relation.
i . Being given
find the value of the Jacohian
2. Find the Jacohian
yi = r sin 0i sin 02, t/2 = r sin 0i cos 62,
j/3 = r cos 0\ sin 63, yi = r cos 0i cos 03,
^(.Vl, #2, */3, */4>
<*(»-, ei, &2, e 3 )'
d(x, y, z)
Am. r 3 sin 0i cos (?i.
rf(r, 0, V 1 - w 2 sin 2 0,
where m 8 + »* = 1 .
r 2 (w 2 cos 2 . cos"* 1 *
d*-^ ^ ~ '
d?»z , I . 2 . 3 . . . 2« . cos {in + I) * . COS 2 " ' A
— = (- 0" A — r »
dy 2 " v ; x-"' 1
3« 4
d 2n " l z , s ^ 1 . 2 . 3 . . . (2w+ 1) sin (2«+ 2)(f> . cos 2 " ,; <
Miscellaneous Examples.
35. If u be a homogeneous function of the n th degree in x, y, z, and «i , «2, «s,
denote its differential coefficients with regard to x, y, z, respectively, while
*n> Mil) &c- in like manner denote its second differential coefficients, prove that
n — 1
36. If u be a homogeneous function of the n th degree in x, y, z, tc, show
that for all values of the variables which satisfy the equation u = o we have
Mil, M12, MlS, Ml
KM, M 22 , U22, tt 2
M31, M32, M33, M3
Ml, M2, M3, O
(» " I)
Mil, M12, M13, Uu
«21, M22, M23, M24
«31, MJJ» M33, «3«
««, M42, M«, Uu
37. If x + A be substituted for x in the quantic
, m(m-i) ., „
c n + naix"- 1 + — - a 2 x n - i + &c. + a„,
and if a'o, a'i, . . . . «V . . . . denote the corresponding coefficients in the new
quantic, prove that
lb-™- 1 '
It is easily seen that in this case we have
« r = «r + r« r -lA +
ffr-2\ 2 +&C . . . + 0!oA r ; .*. &C.
38. If <£ be any function of the differences of the roots of the quantic in the
preceding example, prove that
Id d d d \
I «0 3— + 2«i — + 3«2 — + . . . + Mrtn-l -r— M> = o.
\ da\ daz da 3 da n )
This result follows immediately, since any function of the differences of the
roots remains unaltered when x + \ is substituted for x, and accordingly
d (x) is a rational function of x.
42. Show that the reciprocal polar to the evolute of the ellipse
- + V - - 1
with respect to the circle described 011 the line joining the foci as diameter, has
for its equation
a* P
-5 + -J - «•
s 2 jr
43. If the second term he removed from the quantic
(tfo, «i, «2, . . . a„)(x, y) n
by the substitution of * y instead of x, and if the new quantic be denoted
by (Ao, o, Az, A3, . . . A H ) (x, y) ; show that the successive coefficients!
A%, A3 . . . A„ are obtained by the substitution of a\ for x and - a for y in
the series of quantics
(«o, «i, «2) (z, y), («o, ffi, «2, "3) (x, y), • • • («o, «i, . . . an) (*, y).
44. Distinguish the maxima and minima values of
1 + 22 tan -1 x
I +x*
a'x*~ + 2b' x + c'
«• Kyas ■^T^TT7-' provethat
1 rfy (ae — i 2 ) y 2 -f (ac' + a'c — 2W) y + a'e' — V
2 dx (ab') x 1 — (ca') x + {be')
Miscellaneous Examples,
46. If IX + mY + nZ, VX + m'Y + n'Z, l"X + m"Y + ri'Z, be substituted
for x, y, z, in the quadratic expression ax 1 + by 1 + m 3 + 2rfyz + 2ezx + zj'xy ;
and it* a', b , e', d', e', f be the respective coefficients in the new expression ;
prove that
< f '»
= whenever
(x + h, y + k, z + I), 159.
Family of curves, 270.
Ferrers, on Bobillier's theorem, 369.
on Steiner's envelope, 466.
Folium of Descartes, 333.
Functions, elementary forms of, 2.
continuous, 3.
derived, 3.
successive, 34-
examples of, 46.
partial derived, 113.
elliptic, illustrations of, 136, 138.
Graves, on a new form of tangential
equation, 339.
Harmonic polar of point of inflexion
on a cubic, 281.
Iluygens, approximation to length of
circular arc, 66.
Hyperbolic branches of a curve, 246.
Hypocycloid, see epicycloid.
Hypotrochoid, see epithelioid.
Indeterminate forms, 96.
treated algebraically, 96-9.
treated by the calculus, 99, ct seq.
Infinitesimals, orders of, 36.
geometrical illustration, 57.
Inflexion, points of, 279, 281.
in polar coordinates, 303.
Intrinsic equation of a curve, 304.
of a cycloid, 338.
of an epicycloid, 350.
of the involute of a circle, 301.
Inverse curves, 225.
tangent to, 225.
radius of curvature, 295.
conjugate Cartesians, as, 378.
Involute, 297.
of circle, 300, 358, 374.
of cycloid, 356.
of epicycloid, 357.
Jacobians, 433-45-
Lagrange, on derived functions, 4, note.
on limits of Taylor's series, 76.
on addition of elliptic integrals,
r 36- . . .
theorem on expansionin series, 151.
on Euler's theorem, 163.
condition for maxima and. minima,
191, 197, 199, 202.
La Hire, circle of inflexions, 354.
on cycloid, 373.
Landen's transformation in elliptic
functions, 133.
Laplace's theorem on expansion in
series, 154.
coefficients, 429.
Legendre, on elliptic functions, 137.
on rectification of curves, 233.
coefficients of, 426.
Leibnitz, on the fundamental principle
of the calculus, 40.
theorem on the 11 th derived func-
tion of a product, 51.
on tangents to curves in vectorial
coordinates, 234.
Lemniscate, 259, 277, 296, 329, 333.
Limaeon, is inverse to a conic, 227,
. .331, 334, 349, 361, 372.
Limiting ratios, algebraic illustration
of, 5-
trigonometrical illustration, 7.
Limits, fundamental principles, II.
Maclaurin, series, 65, 81.
on harmonic polar for a cubic, 282.
Mannheim, construction for axes of an
ellipse, 374.
Maxima or minima, 164.
geometrical examples, 164, 183.
algebraic examples, 166.
. ax 2 + 2bxy 4- ci/" 1
of — ~ tt- T"5» l66 > r 77-
ax- + 2b xy + pre-
condition for, 169, 174.
problem on area of section of a
right cone, 181.
for implicit functions, 185.
quadrilateral of given sides, 186.
for two variables, 191; Lagrange's
condition, 191, 197.
for functions of three variables,
of n variables, 199, 449.
application to surfaces, 200.
undetermined multipliers applied
to, 204.
Multiple points on curves, 256, 265,
Multipliers, method of undetermined,
Napier, logarithmic system, 25.
Navier, geometrical illustration of
fundamental principles of the
calculus, 8.
on Taylor's theorem, 467.
Newton, definition of fluxion, 10.
prime and ultimate ratios, 40.
expansions of sin a - , cos a;, sin" 1 *,
&c, 64, 69.
by differential equations, 85.
method of investigating radius of
curvature, 291.
on evolute of epicycloid, 345 .
Nicomedes, conchoid of, 332.
Node, 259.
Normal, equation of, 215.
number passing through a given
point, 220.
in vectorial coordinates, 233.
Orthogonal transformations, 409, 414,
Osc-node, 259.
Osculating curves, 309.
circle, 291, 306.
conic, 317.
Oscul-inflexion, point of, 314, 317.
Parabola, of the third degree, 262, 288.
osculating, 318.
Parabolic branches of a curve, 246.
Parameter, 270.
Partial differentiation, 113, 406.
Pascal, limaf (a + h) , and / (a) >f (a - h) ;
and, for a minimum,
f{a) 2 : m being assumed to be greater
than unity.
10. Two plane closed curves have the same e volute : what is the difference
between their perimeters ?
Ans. 2ird, where d is the distance between the curves.
11. Find the radius of curvature at the origin in the curve
3y = 4*- I5* 2 - 3Z 3 :
find also at what points the radius of curvature is infinite.
12. Apply the principles of investigating maxima and minima to find the
greatest and least distances of a point from a given curve ; and show that the
problem is solved by drawing the normals to the curve from the given point.
(a). Prove that the distance is a minimum, if the given point be nearer to
the curve than the corresponding centre of curvature, and a maximum if it be
320 Examples.
(b). If the given point be on the evolute, show that the solution arrived at
is neither a maximum nor a minimum ; and hence show that the circle of curva-
ture cuts as well as touches the curve at its point of contact.
13. Find an expression for the whole length of the evolute of an ellipse.
a 3 - 43
Ans. 4 — .
14. Find the radii of curvature at the origin of the two branches of the curve-
x* ax 2 y — axy 2 + cfiy % = o. Ans. a and -.
2 4
15. Prove that the evolute of the hypocycloid
x\ + y\ = at
is the hypocycloid
(o + 0)1 + (a - £)! = zai.
16. Find the radius of curvature at any point on the curve
y + *y x ( 1 — x) = sin -1 \/ x.
17. If the angle between the radius vector and the normal to a curve has a
maximum or a minimum value, prove that y = r ; where y is the semi-chord of
curvature which passes through the origin.
18. If the co-ordinates of a point on a curve be given by the equations
x = c sin 20 (1 + cos 20), y = e cos 2d (1 — cos 20),
find the radius of curvature at the point. Ans. 4c cos 30
19. Show that the evolute of the curve
r 2 - a 2 = mp*
has for its equation
r 2 — (1 - m) a 2 = mp*.
20. If a and fi be the co-ordinates of the point on the evolute corresponding
to the point (x, y) on a curve, prove that
du da
— — + I = o.
dx d$
21. If p be the radius of curvature at any point on a curve, prove that the
radius of curvature at the corresponding point in the evolute is -J- ; where a>
is the angle the radius of curvature makes with a fixed line.
22. In a curve, prove that
p dx \ us ) '
Examples. 321
23. Find the equation of the evolute of an ellipse by means of the eccentric
24. Prove that the determination of the equation of the evolute of the
curve y = kx n reduces to the elimination of x between the equations
n - 2 k 2 rr . , , „ 2w - i 1
a = * * 2n_1 , and £ = A*» +
kn(n - l)x n -*
25. In figure, Art. 239, if the tangent to the evolute at P meet the parahola
in a point H, prove that HNis perpendicular to the axis of the parabola.
26. If on the tangent at each point on a curve a constant length measured
from the point of contact be taken, prove that the normal to the locus of the
points so found passes through the centre of curvature of the proposed curve.
27. In general, if through each point of a curve a line of given length be
drawn making a constant angle •with the normal, the normal to the curve locus
of the extremities of this line passes through the centre of curvature of the pro-
posed. (Bertrand, Cal. D'f., p. 573.)
This and the preceding theorem can be immediately established from geome-
trical considerations.
28. If from the points of a curve perpendiculars he drawn to one of its tan-
gents, and through the foot of each a line be drawn in a fixed direction, pro-
portional to the length of the corresponding perpendicular ; the locus of the
extremity of this line is a curve touching the proposed at their common point.
Find the ratio of the radii of curvature of the curves at this point.
29. Find an expression for the radius of curvature in the curve p =
<\/m- - r 2 '
p being the perpendicular on the tangent.
30. Being given any curve and its osculating circle at a point, prove that
the portion of a parallel to their common tangent intercepted between the two
curves is a small quantity of the second order, when the distances of the point
of contact from the two points of intersection are of the first order.
Prove that, under the same circumstances, the intercept on a line drawn
parallel to the common normal is a small quantity of the third order.
31. In a curve referred to polar co-ordinates, if the origin be taken on the
curve, with the tangent at the origin as prime vector, prove that the radius of
curvature at the origin is equal to one-half the value of in the limit.
32. Hence find the length of the radius of curvature at the origin in the
curve r = a sin nO. Ans. p = —
33. Find the co-ordinatts of the centre of curvature of the catenary; and
show that the radius of curvature is equal, but opposite, to the normal.
34. If p, p be the radii of curvature of a curve and of its pedal at corre-
sponding points, show that
p (2r- - pp) = r 3 .
Ind. Civ. Scr. Exam., 1878.
( 322 )
257. Tracing Algebraic Curves. — Before concluding the
discussion of curves, it seems desirable to give a brief state-
ment of the mode of tracing curves from their equations.
The usual method in the case of algebraic curves consists
in assigning a series of different values to one of the co-ordi-
nates, and calculating the corresponding series of values of
the other ; thus determining a definite number of points on
the curve. By drawing a curve or curves of continuous cur-
vature through these points, we are enabled to form a tolerably
accurate idea of the shape of the curve under discussion.
In curves of degrees beyond the second, the preceding
process generally involves the solution of equations beyond
the second degree : in such cases we can determine the series
of points only approximately.
258. The following are the principal circumstances to be
attended to : —
(1). Observe whether from its equation the curve is sym-
metrical with respect to either axis ; or whether it can be
made so by a transformation of axes. (2). Find the points
in which the curve is met by the co-ordinate axes. (3). De-
termine the positions of the asymptotes, if any, and at which
side of an asymptote the corresponding branches lie. (4). De-
termine the double points, or multiple points of higher orders,
if any belong to the curve, and find the tangents at such
points by the method of Art. 212. (5). The existence of
ovals can be often found by determining for what values of
either co-ordinate the other becomes imaginary. (6). If the
curve has a multiple point, its tracing is usually simplified by
taking that point as origin, and transforming to polar co-or-
dinates : by assigning a series of values to 6 we can usually
determine the corresponding values of r, &c. (7). The points
On Tracing of Curves. 323
where the y ordinate is a maximum or a minimum are found
from the equation — = o : by this means the limits of the
curve can be often assigned. (8). Determine when possible
the points of inflexion on the curve.
259. To trace the Curve y* = x* (x - a) ; a being sup-
posed positive.
In this case the origin is
a conjugate point, and the
curve cuts the axis of # at a
distance OA = a. Again,
when x is less than a, y is
imaginary, consequently no
portion of the curve lies to
the left-hand side of A.
The points of inflexion, I '
and /', are easily determined
from the equation -^= o ; the
corresponding value of * is — ; accordingly AN = .
Again, if TI be the tangent at the point of inflexion I, it
can readily be seen that TA = - = .
. 9 3.
This curve has been already considered in Art. 213, and
is a cubical parabola having a conjugate point.
260. Cubic with three Asymptotes. — We shall next
consider the curve*
Fig. 38.
y*x + ey = ax 3 + hx % + ex + d,
where a is supposed positive.
The axis of y is an asymptote to the curve (Art. 200), and
the directions of the two other asymptotes are given by the
y 1 - ax 2 = o, or y = ± x y«.
* This investigation is principally taken from Newton's Enumeratio Li-
nearum Tertii Ordtuis.
Y 2
324 On Tracing of Curves.
If the term bx 2 be wanting, these lines are asymptotes ; if b
be not zero, we get for the equation of the asymptotes
r b /- h
y = x^/a + =, y + x >y a + — — = o.
2^/a 2\/ a
On multiplying the equations of the three asymptotes
together, and subtracting the product from the equation of
the curve, we get
e y={°-—j x + d:
this is the equation of the right line which passes through the
three points in which the cubic meets its asymptotes. (Art.
2 °4-)
Again, if we multiply the proposed equation by x, and
solve for xy, we get
e I e 2
= — + lax* + bx 3 + ex* + dx + - : (2)
2 V 4
from which a series of points can be determined on the curve
corresponding to any assigned series of values for x.
It also follows that all chords drawn parallel to the axis
of y are bisected by the hyperbola xy + - = o : hence we infer
that the middle points of all chords drawn parallel to an
asymptote of the cubic lie on a hyperbola.
The form of the curve depends on the roots of the bi-
quadratic under the radical sign. (1). Suppose these roots
to be all real, and denoted by a, /3, 7, $, arranged in order of
increasing magnitude, and we have
- - ± a/ci (x - a)(x - j3)(a? - y)(x - $).
Now when x is < a, y is real ; when x > a and < /3, y is
imaginary ; when x > (3 and < 7, y is real ; when x > 7 and
< S, y is imaginary ; when x > S, y is real.
We infer that the curve consists of three branches, extending
to infinity, together
with an oval lying
between the values
/3 and 7 for x.
The accompany-
ing figure* repre-
sents such a curve.
Again, if either
the two greatest
roots or the two
least roots become
equal, the corres-
ponding point be-
comes a node.
If the interme-
diate roots become Fi S- 39-
equal, the oval shrinks into a conjugate point on the curve.
If three roots be equal, the corresponding point is a cusp.
If two of the roots be impossible and the other two un-
equal, the curve can have neither an oval nor a double point.
If the sign of a be negative, the curve has but one real
261. Asymptotes. — In the preceding figure the student
will observe that to each asymptote correspond two infinite
branches ; this is a general property of algebraic curves, of
which we have a familiar instance in the common hyperbola.
By the student who is acquainted with the elementary
principles of conical projection the preceding will be readily
apprehended ; for if we suppose any line drawn cutting a
closed oval curve in two points at which tangents are drawn,
and if the figure be so projected that the intersecting line is
sent to infinity, then the tangents will be projected into
asymptotes, and the oval becomes a curve in two portions,
each having two infinite branches, a pair for each asymptote,
as in the hyperbola.
• The figure is a tracing of the curve
9*y 2 + io8y = (x - 5) (x - 11) (x - 12).
On Tracing of Curves.
It should also be observed that the points of contact at
infinity on the asymptote in the opposite directions along it
must be regarded as being one and the same point, since they
are the projection of the same point. That the points at
infinity in the two opposite directions on any line must be
regarded as a single point is also evident from the considera-
tion that a right line is the limiting state of a circle of in-
finite radius.
The property admits also of an analytical proof; for if
the asymptote be taken as the axis of x, the equation of the
curve (Art. 204) is of the form
y$ x +