LD MAR 28 1917 ERSITY OF OREGON BULLETIN FERRUARY, 1914 Vol. XI, No. 6 GENERAL REGISTER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 1873-1913 FEBRUARY, 1914 monthly by the University of Oregon, and entered at the postoffice in Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter GIFT OF UNIVERSITY OF OREGON GENERAL REGISTER OF THE OFFICERS AND ALUMNI 1873 - 1913 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY FEBRUARY, 1914 L-' SALEM, OREGON : STATE PRINTING DEPARTMENT 1914 CONTENTS Alumni Association Officers 5 Honorary Alumni 9 College of Literature, Science and the Arts and College of Engineering 10 Normal Department 78 English Course 79 Scientific Didactics 80 School of Music 80 School of Law 81 School of Medicine 96 Summary of Alumni 106 The Board of Regents- Officers of the Board of Regents 107 Executive Committee 107 Members 108 Ex-Officio Members 109 The University Officers of Administration 110 Officers of Instruction 112 Historical Sketch 131 Name Index .. ._ 136 355135 The Alumni Association OFFICERS PRESIDENTS Robert S. Bean '78 1879 1880 George S. Washburne* '78 1880 1881 M. S. Wallis '78 1881 1882 Nettie McCornack Collier, Mrs '80 1882 1883 Emery E. Burke* '81 1883 1884 Wallace Mount '83 1884 1885 B. B. Beekman '84 1885 1886 Anne Whiteaker '81 1886 1887 H. F. McClure '85 1887 1888 C. S. Williams '81 1888 1889 Seymour W. Condon '82 1889 1890 Edgar McClure* '83 1890 1891 E. O. Potter '87 1891 1892 Edward H. McAlister '90 1892 1893 Fletcher Linn '90 1893 1894 Arthur L. Veazie '90 1894 1895 Herbert T. Condon '92 1895 1896 Julia Veazie Glen, Mrs. '90 1896 1897 Fred S. Dunn '92 1897 1898 Irving M. Glen '94 1898 1899 C. E. Woodson '97 1899 1900 Charles V. Galloway '99 1900 1901 Lawrence T. Harris '93 1901 1902 C. N. McArthur '01 1902 1904 Homer I. Keeney '97 1904 1906 Homer D. Angell '00 1906 1907 L. R. Alderman '98 1907 1909 Allen H. Eaton '02 1909 1911 Woodson T. Slater '83 1911 1913 John C. Veatch '07 1913 G en er a, i Register VICE-PRESIDENTS J. C. Whiteaker* '78 1880 1881 Harvey C. Condon '79 1880 1881 Nettie McCornack Collier, Mrs. '80 1880 1881 Ellen Condon McCornack, Mrs. '78 1881 1882 Carrie Cornelius McQuinn, Mrs. '78 1881 1882 T. C. Powell '80 1881 1882 C. S. Williams '81 1881 1882 J. N. Pearcy '79 1882 1883 J. C. Whiteaker* '78 1882 1883 Minerva Starr* '80 1882 1883 Anne Whiteaker '81 1882 1883 Ida Dunn Pruett, Mrs. '82 1882 1883 George S. Washburne* '78 1883 1884 Julia Adams McDaniel, Mrs. '79 1883 1884 Minerva Starr* '80 1883 1884 Clay M. HilJ '81 1883 1885 Geo. M. Hoyt* '82 1883 1884 T. C. Judkins '83 1883 1884 J. C. Whiteaker* '78 1884 1885 Mary Hayes '79 1884 1885 C. K. Hale '80 1884 1885 Reubena Spiller* '82 1884 1885 Edgar McClure* '83 1884 1886 Nettie McCornack Collier, Mrs. '80 1885 1886 J. A. McQuinn '79 1885 1886 L. H. Wheeler '80 1885 1886 C. S. Williams '81 1885 1887 Edward Bailey '82 1885 1886 J. C. Whiteaker* '78 1886 1887 Harvey C. Condon '79 1886 1887 lone Cranfill* '80 1886 1887 Maggie Sergent Conn, Mrs. '82 1886 1887 Carrie Walker Mount, Mrs.* '83 1886 1887 W. W. Cardwell '84 1886 1887 Anna Patterson Potter, Mrs. '85 1886 1887 W. J. Roberts '86 1886 1887 Ellen Condon McCornack, Mrs. '78 1887 1888 J. A. McQuinn '79 1887 1888 A. F. McClaine '80 1887 1888 Anne Whiteaker '81 1887 1888 University of Oregon Mary McCornack '82 1887 1888 Minnie Porter '83 1887 1888 Walter T. Eakin '84 1887 1888 Jennie McClure '86 1887 1888 E. M. Brattain '87 1887 1888 C. A. Wooddy '81 1888 1889 Nettie McCornack Collier, Mrs. '80 1888 1889 Bettie Shaw Humphrey, Mrs. '84 1889 1890 Alice Dorris Boardman, Mrs. '82 1889 1890 Mary McCornack '82 1890 1893 J. D. Fenton '84 1890 1891 Robert Johnson '87 1891 1892 L. E. Woodworth '90 1892 1893 Etta Levis Macey, Mrs.* '91 1892 1894 Ada Sharpies '89 1893 1894 Anne Whiteaker '81 1894 1895 Carrie Friendly Harris, Mrs. '94 1894 1895 Sue Dorris '90 1895 1896 Laurie E. Beattie '95 1895 1896 Wallace Mount '83 1896 1897 Fred Mulkey '96 1896 1897 Ina McClung '95 1897 1898 C. A. Wintermeier '96 1897 1898 Guy Hovey '90 1898 1899 Melissa Hill '94 1898 1899 Myra Norris Johnson, Mrs. '93 1899 1900 Ida Patterson '86 1899 1900 Melissa Hill '94 1900 1901 Lizzie Griffin Bryson, Mrs. '99 1900 1902 Lewis R. Alderman '98 1901 1902 Louise Yoran '96 1902 1909 E. H. McAlister '90 1902 1909 W. L. Whittlesey '01 1903 1904 Susie Bannard '01 1904 1905 Edith Kerns Chambers, Mrs. '95 1905 1906 David Graham '05 1906 1907 Benetta Dorris Nash, Mrs. '95 1907 1908 Allen H. Eaton '02 1908 1909 Fred J. Zeigler '02 1908 1910 Bernard C. Jakway '01 1909 1910 Ella Dobie Hathaway, Mrs. '06 1909 1910 General Register L. R. Alderman '98 1910 1911 Arthur M. Geary '10 1910 1911 Therese Friendly Wachenheimer, Mrs. '98 1910 1911 Ida Patterson '86 1911 1912 Ray Goodrich '04 1911 1913 Edith Kerns Chambers, Mrs. '95 1912 1913 Katherine Patterson Bean, Mrs. '97 1913 Luke L. Goodrich '01 1913 SECRETARIES Edward P. Geary '80 1880 1881 R. S. Bean '78 1881 1882 G. S. Washburne* '78 1882 1885 Clay M. Hill '81 1885 1886 TREASURERS Nettie McCornack Collier, Mrs. '80 1881 1882 C. S. Williams '81 1882 1883 SECRETARY-TREASURERS George Bushnell '81 1886 1887 Anna Patterson Potter, Mrs. '85 1887 1889 Emma Dorris Hardy, Mrs. '89 1889 1890 Alice Dorris Boardman, Mrs. '82 1890 1891 Clara Condon Nolf, Mrs. '90 1891 1892 Linna Holt Gaylord, Mrs.* '91 1892 1893 Philura Murch '87 1893 1894 Emily Bristol Potter, Mrs. '87 1894 1897 Philura Murch '87 1897 1898 D. V. Kuykendall '98 1898 1899 Edith Kerns Chambers, Mrs. '95 1899 1900 Theresa Friendly Wachenheimer, Mrs. '98 1900 1901 Emma Wold '94 1901 1902 Emily Bristol Potter, Mrs. '87 1902 1903 J. A. Gamber '02 1903 1905 Holt Stockton '03 1905 1906 University of Oregon A. R. Tiffany '05 1906 1909 M. F. McClain '06 1909 1910 C. W. Converse '02 1910 1913 Arthur M. Geary '10 1913 1914 Ben Williams '10 1914 ALUMNI MEMBERS OF ATHLETIC COUNCIL C. N. McArthur '01 1903 1909 L. L. Goodrich '01 1903 1906 Fred J. Zeigler '02 1903 Resigned W. L. Whittlesey '01 1903 1904 D. V. Kuykendall '98 1904 . 1905 W. B. Dillard '00 1905 1907 C. A. McClain '06 1906 1907 L. T. Harris . '93 1907 G. W. Hug '07 1907 C. A. McClain '06 1909 1911 Benjamin H. Williams '10 1911 1912 J. Eberle Kuykendall '08 1913 1913 Benjamin H. Williams '10 1913 HONORARY ALUMNI Professor Mark Bailey,* Ph. D., 1880 Professor J. R. Wortman, M. A., 1885 Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 0. C. Pratt, LL. D., 1886 Portland, Oregon. President Luella Clay Carson, M. A.; LL. D., 1894 Mills College, California. Hon. Robert S. Bean, LL. D., 1895 Portland, Oregon. Hon. William P. Lord,* LL. D., 1895 Dr. J. Block, LL. D., 1897 Portland, Oregon. B. S. Pague, M. A., 1898 Portland, Oregon. 10 GeneralRegister MEMBERS. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS, AND COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 1878 Robert Sharp Bean, LL. D., 665 Elliott St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1878; LL. D., University of Oregon and Willamette Uni- versity. United States District Judge. Ellen Condon McCornack (Mrs.), B. S., R. F. D. 3, Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1878. At home. Matthew S. Wallis, B. S., 1117 llth Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1878. Accountant.' George S. Washburne,* B. S., B. S. 1878. (Died 1888.) John C. Whiteaker,* B. S., B. S. 1878. (Died 1888.) 1879 Julia Adams McDaniel (Mrs.), M. A. 337 Fargo St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1879; M. A. 1893. At home. Harvey C. Condon,* B. S., B. S. 1879. Carrie Cornelius McQuinn (Mrs.), B. S., 669 Belmont St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1879. At home. Mary Hayes, B. S., B. A. 1879. John A. McQuinn, B. S., 410 McKay Bldg, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1879. Civil Engineer. Joel N. Pearcy, M. A., 340 Montgomery St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1879; M. A. 1882. Lawyer. University of Oregon 11 1880 John W. Bean, M. D., R. F. D. 2, Ventura, California. B. S. 1880; M. D. Jefferson Medical College 1882. Farmer (Citrus and Walnut Grower.) Whitney L. Boise, B. S., 308-309 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1880. Lawyer. Charles F. Clarke, B. S., 695 E. Ash St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1880. Salesman of John Deere Plow Co. lone Cranfill,* B. S., B. S. 1880. (Died 1887.) Alfred Coolidge, B. S., 1405 Ninth Ave, Spokane, Washington. B. S. 1880. Farmer. Edward P. Geary, M. D., 643 Holly St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1880; M. D. Jefferson Medical College. Physician. Charles K. Hale, B. S., Portola, Oregon. B. S. 1880. Farmer. Jacob F. Hill, B. S., Davenport, Washington. B. S. 1880. Postmaster. Adolphus Fielding McClaine, B. S., 01212 Summit Boulevard, Spokane, Washington. B. S. 1880. President of Trader's National Bank. Nettie McCornack Collier (Mrs.), B. S., 421 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1880. At home. Agnes McCornack Geary (Mrs.), B. S., 643 Holly St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1880. At home. William J. McDaniel,* M. D., B. S. 1880; M. D. (Died 1902.) George Noland, M. A., Klamath Falls, Oregon. B. S. 1880; B. A. 1882; M. A. 1885. Lawyer. Owen Osburn, B. S., 147 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. S. 1880. Druggist. Thomas C. Powell, M. A., Nome, Alaska. B. A. 1880; M. A. 1893. U. S. Marshal. 12 General Register Eva S. Rice, B. S., 362 Third St., Apartment 1, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1880. Teacher. Abraham S. Rosenthal, B. S., 699 Marshall St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1880. Clothing salesman. Minerva Starr,* B. S., B. S. 1880. (Died 1910.) Clifton A. Wass,* B. S., B. S. 1880. (Died 1904.) Laban H. Wheeler, LL. B., 747 New York Blgd., Seattle, Washington. B. S. 1880; LL. B. Georgetown University. Lawyer. 1881 Emery E. Burke,* B. A., B. A. 1881. (Died 1883.) George E. Bushnell, M. D., 202 Edgewood Ave., San Francisco, California. B. S. 1881; M. D. Cooper Medical College 1884. Retired Phy- sician. Claiborne Milton Hill, D. D., 2509 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, California. B. A. 1881; M. A. 1884; D. D. McMinnville College. President of Pacific Coast Theological Seminary. Edgar J. Maxwell, B. A., B. A. 1881. Anne Whiteaker, B. S., 974 Charnelton St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1881. Business woman. Claiborne A. Wooddy, D. D., 308 Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1881; M. A. 1885; D. D. California College. Clergyman. 1882 Edward Bailey, M. D., Mansfield, Douglas County, Washington. B. S. 1882; M. D. 1885 Rush Medical College. Physician and Surgeon. Seymour W. Condon, "B. S., 240 South Chester Ave., Pasadena, California. B. S. 1882. Editorial writer on "Los Angeles Express." University of Oregon 13 Alice Dorris Boardman (Mrs.), M. S., 14 N. 6th St., North Yakima, Washington. B. S. 1882; M. S. 1893. At home. Ida Dunn Pruett (Mrs.), B. S., 1066 W. Monterey St., Pomona, California. B. S. 1882. At home. Arthur L. Frazer,* M. A., B. A. 1882; M. A. 1888. (Died 1907.) Geo. M. Hoyt,* M. A., B. A. 1882; M. A. 1885. (Died 1887.) Mary E. McCornack, B. S., 715 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1882. Graduate New England Conservatory of Music. Music teacher. Chester F. Miller, M. A., Dayton, Washington. B. A. 1882; M. A. 1885. Judge Superior Court. Eva Rogers Spicer (Mrs.), M. A., Antelope, Oregon. B. S. 1882; M. A. 1891. At home. Margaret Sergent Conn (Mrs.), B. S., Paisley, Oregon. B. S. 1882. Reubena P. Spiller,* B. S., B. S. 1882. (Died 1885.) Charles S. Williams, B. A., 1165 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1882. Mill owner. 1883 Etta Cogswell,* B. A., B. A. 1883. (Died 1886.) Emma Cornelius Howell (Mrs.), B. S., 408 East 8th St. S., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1883. At home. Mary Dorris Condon (Mrs.), B. S., 240 South Chester Ave., Pasadena, California. B. S. 1883. At home. Alwilda E. Dunn, B. S., R. F. D. 2, Corvallis, Oregon. B. S. 1883. Teacher. 14 G e n e r a I R e g i s t e r John Nelson Goltra, M. D., 1612 Hinman Ave, Evanston, Illinois. B. A. 1883; M. A. 1886; M. D. Columbia University 1887. Author and Lecturer. Anna Pengra Hill (Mrs.), B. S., 2509 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, California. B, S. 1883. At home. Thomas C. Judkins, B. S., Mills Bldg., San Francisco, California. B. S. 1883. Lawyer. Elma Lockwood Eakin (Mrs.) , B. S., 440 15th St., Astoria, Oregon. B. S. 1883. At home. Samuel Edgar McClure,* M. A., B. A. 1883; M. A. 1886. (Died July 27, 1897.) Wallace Mount, B. S., llth and Columbia Sts., Olympia, Washington. B. S. 1883. Judge Supreme Court. Minnie E. Porter, B. S., 1004 Washington St., Albany, Oregon. B. S. 1883. Teacher. Woodson T. Slater, M. A., 292 N. Church St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1883. Attorney. Eliza L. Spencer, B. S., 985 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1883. Jennie Spencer Luckey, B. S., 985 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1883. At home. Carrie Walker Mount (Mrs.),* B. S., B. S. 1883. (Died December 22, 1896.) A. C. Woodcock, M. A., 18 West 9th St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1883; B. A. 1886; M. A. 1891. Lawyer. 1884 Emma Bean Lucas (Mrs.), B. S., 312 W. llth St., Aberdeen, Washington. B. S. 1884. At home. Benjamin B. Beekman, LL. B., 308 Commercial Blk., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1884; M. A.; LL. B. Yale. Lawyer. University of Oregon 15 William W. Cardwell, M. A., 621 North Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1884; M. A. 1891. Lawyer. Robert Haskell Collier, M. A., 1019 Vallejo St., Russian Hill, San Francisco, California. B. A. 1884; M. A. 1891. Merchant. Walter T. Eakin, B. S., 426-428 Commercial St., Astoria, Oregon. B. S. 1884. Abstractor. Jefferson Davis Fenton, M. D., 509-510 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1884; M. D. Physician and Surgeon. George Washington Hill, M. A., Rokumantai Chi, Tennoji, Osaka, Japan. B. A. 1884; M. A. Missionary, A. B. F. M. S. J. M. Neville, B. A.,* B. A. 1884. (Died May 3, 1886.) Caspar W. Sharpies, M. D., 528 Burke Bldg., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1884; M. A. 1887; M. D. University of Pennsylvania. Physician and Surgeon. Bettie Shaw Humphrey (Mrs.), B. S., 496 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1884. At home. William Carson Taylor, D. D., First Baptist Church, Clarksburg, West Virginia. B. A. 1884; M. A. 1888; D. D. Georgetown College, Kentucky, 1895. Minister. Joseph R. Whitney, M. A., 770 Everett St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1884; M. A. 1887. Publisher. 1885 Daniel Waldo Bass, LL. D., McMurray, Washington. B. A. 1885; M. A. 1888; LL. D. Willamette. Farmer and merchant. Henry F. McClure, M. A., 1509 Hoge Bldg., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1885; M. A. 1888. Lawyer. Anna Patterson Potter (Mrs.), B. S., 893 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1884. At home. 16 GeneralRegister Royal F. Reasoner, M. A., Winter, California. B. A. 1885; M. A. 1888. Graduate McCornic Seminary. Re- tired Presbyterian Minister. 1886 George W. Dunn, M. A., Box 64, R. F. D. 1, Ashland, Oregon. B. A. 1886; M. A. 1893. Farmer. William H. Gore, M. A., Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1886; M. A. 1889. Banker, Medford National Bank. Frank A. Huffer, M. A., 410 Fidelity Bldg., Tacoma, Washington. B. A. 1886; M. A. Lawyer. Jennie McClure, M. A., 1815 13th Ave. S., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1886; M. A. Ida Patterson, M. A., 751 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1886; M. A. 1890. Florist. William Jackson Roberts, M. A., 1904 Washington St., Olympia, Washington. B. A. 1886; M. A. 1893; B. S. in C. E. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1891. Highway Commissioner. William Ira Vawter, M. A., 310 West Main St., Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1886; M. A. 1893. President Jackson County Bank, Medford. 1887 Eldon M. Brattain, LL. B., Lakeview, Oregon. B. A. 1887; LL. B. Lawyer. Emily Bristol Potter (Mrs.), M. A., 734 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1887; M. A. 1890. At home. Herbert S. Johnson, 69 Bay State Road, Boston, Massachusetts. B. A. 1887; A. B. 1891 Harvard; B. D. Rochester Theological Seminary; D. D. 1911 Berea College. Clergyman. Robert C. Johnson, M. A., 627 Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. B. A. 1887; M. A. 1893. Editor. Jessie McClung Friedel (Mrs.), M. A., R. F. D. 1, Vancouver, Washington. B. A. 1887; M. A. 1893. At home. U niv er sity o f Oregon 17 Frank L. Moore,* M. A., B. A. 1887; M. A. 1890. (Died February, 1905.) Philura E. Murch, M. A., 410 Harrison St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1887; M. A. Librarian. Edwin O. Potter, LL. B., P. O. Box 516, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1887; M. A. 1890; LL. B. 1890. Lawyer. Edward L. Powell, M. A., Ill W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois. B. A. 1887; M. A. 1893. Newspaper work. S. S. Spencer, M. A., 641 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1887; M. A. 1893. 1888 Mark Bailey, M. A., 1553 Grand Ave., Kalamazoo, Michigan. B. A. 1888; A. B. Harvard 1890; M. A. 1891 Harvard. Pro- fessor of Latin, Kalamazoo College. Hazen A. Brattain, M. A., Paisley, Oregon. B. A. 1888; M. A. 1893. Land, Cattle and Banking Business. Arthur James Collier, M. A., 1018 Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1888; M. A. 1893; B. S. Harvard 1894. Professor of Geology, University of Oregon. Leathe McCornack Wells (Mrs.), M. A., B. A. 1888; M. A. Henrietta E. Moore, Ph. D., Moscow, Idaho. B. A. 1888; M. L. University of California 1896; Ph. D. Colum- bia University 1904. Professor of English Literature at University of Idaho. John R. Pattison, LL. B., R. F. D. 1, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1888; LL. B. 1891; M. A. 1893. Farmer. 1889 L. J. Davis, M. A., 741 East Madison St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1889; M. A. 1893. Lawyer. Emma Dorris Hardy (Mrs.), M. A., River Road, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1889; M. A. 1890. At home. Frank M. Mulkey, M. A., Mulkey Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1889; M. A. 1893; LL. B. 1891. Lawyer. 18 General Register Ada W. Sharpies Young (Mrs.), M. A., Bend, Oregon, B. A. 1889; M. A. 1893. 1890 Lennah Bain Kerr (Mrs.), M. A., 3234 Garretson Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. At home. Clara Condon Nolf (Mrs.), M. A., 5019 Tenth Ave. N. E., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. At home. Fannie C. Condon,* M. A., B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. (Died 1897.) Sue M. Dorris, M. A., Cherry Building, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. Photographer. Agnes Green Veazie (Mrs.), M. A., 695 Hoyt St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. At home. James R. Greenfield, LL. B., 707-8-9 Selling Building, Portland, Oregon. M. A. 1890; LL. B. 1892. Attorney. Albert G. Hovey, Jr., M. A., 722 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893; LL. B. Willamette 1892. Fletcher Linn, M. A., 574 Laurel St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. Pacific Incorporators Company. George Haskell Marsh, LL. B., 490 Mill St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1890; LL. B. 1893. Deputy Clerk, U. S. District Court. Edward H. McAlister, M. A., 334 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean of College of Engineering, University of Oregon. Horace McClure, M. A., 1931 East Lynn St., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1890; M. A. Newspaper man. Walter A. McClure, M. A., 1509 Hoge Bldg., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. Lawyer. Arthur Lyle Veazie, LL. B., 695 Hoyt St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893; LL. B. 1893. Lawyer. Joseph M. Widmer, M. A., 710 16th Ave., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1890; M. A. 1893. Principal, Central School. University of Oregon 19 Loyal E. Woodworth,* M. A., B. A. 1890; M. A. (Died 1902.) 1891 Veina Adair Sigler (Mrs.), B. A., 607 Madison St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1891. At home. Linna Holt Gaylord (Mrs.),* M. A., B. A. 1891; M. A. 1894. (Died ) S. Etta Levis Macey (Mrs.),* B. A., B. A. 1891. (Died 1902.) J. Clarence Veazie, B. A., 610-613 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1891. Lawyer. 1892 Jerry E. Bronaugh, LL. B., 355 Hall St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1892; LL. B. 1894. Lawyer. Herbert Thomas Condon, LL. B., 4616 21st Ave. N. E., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1892; LL. B. University of Michigan 1894. Bursar, University of Washington. Frederic Stanley Dunn, M. A., 1410 Alder St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1892; A. B. Harvard 1894; M. A. 1899; A. M. Harvard 1903. Professor of Latin, University of Oregon. John S. McClure, B. A., McClure Acres, R. F. D. 1, Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1892. Fancy poultry. George W. Norris, B. A., Patterson St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1892. Farmer. Frank H. Porter, B. A., Halsey, Oregon. B. A. 1892. Stockman and farmer. Lenn Stevens,* B. A., B. A. 1892. (Died November, 1910.) Joseph E. Young, B. A., 653 Pacific Highway, Cottage Grove, Oregon. B. A. 1892. Lawyer. 20 G en era I Register 1893 May Dorris Bronaugh (Mrs.), B. A., 350 32nd St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1893. At home. Lawrence T. Harris, LL. B., 181 W. 5th St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1893; M. A. 1896; LL. B. University of Michigan 1896. Circuit Judge. , Charles E. Henderson, LL. B., Bloomfield, Indiana. B. A. 1893; M. A. 1896; LL. B. University of Michigan 1895. Lawyer. Harold L. Hopkins, B. D., 301 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1893; M. A. 1896; Ph. D. Oberlin 1894; B. D. Yale 1898. Teaching. K. K. Kubli, B. A., 916 Belmont St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1893. President of Kubli-Miller Co., Inc. E. H. Lauer, Ph. G., 2756 West Ninth St., Los Angeles, California. B. A. 1893; M. A. 1895; Ph. G. Philadelphia College of Phar- macy 1895. District Sales Manager A. D. S. Carey F. Martin, LL. B., 412-13-14 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1893; M. A. 1895; LL. B. Willamette University 1898. Lawyer. Arthur Patch McKinlay, Ph. D., Lincoln High School, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1893; M. A. 1894; Ph. D. Harvard 1906. Head Depart- ment of Latin. J. G. Miller, B. A., 836 Newell St., Walla Walla, Washington. B. A. 1893. Lawyer. Myra Norris Johnson (Mrs.), B. A., 1116 Charnelton St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1893. At home. Daniel H. Roberts,* M. A., B. A. 1893; M. A. 1896. (Died January 2, 1902.) Thomas M. Roberts, B. S., 11 Essex Ave., Orange, New Jersey. B. A. 1893; M. A. 1896; B. S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chief Electrical Engineer, Edison Storage Battery Co. University of Oregon 21 1894 Paul J. Brattain, B. A., Paisley, Oregon. B. A. 1894. Stockman. Mary Collier Johnson (Mrs.), B. A., Chula Vista, California. B. A. 1894. At home. Carrie Friendly Harris (Mrs.), B. A., 675 Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles, California. B. A. 1894. At home. Irving Mackay Glenn, M. A., 4533 15th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1894; M. A. 1897. Director of Fine Arts Department, University of Washington. Melissa E. Hill, B. A., 741 E Madison St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1894. Teacher of English in Washington High School. George W. Jones, Ph. D., Tulare, California. B. A. 1894; Ph. D. Illinois Wesleyan University. Ranchman. James Anderson Laurie, M. A., 214 Palouse St., Wenatchee, Washington. B. A. 1894; M. A. Columbia University 1897. Pastor of First Presbyterian Church. Amy Powell McClure (Mrs.), M. A., 432 Boylston Ave. N., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1894; M. A. 1897. At home. Elias M. Underwood, M. A., 88-89 Front St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1894; M. A. 1897. Wholesale hardware. George F. Welch,* B. A., B. A. 1894. (Died 1903.) Emma Marie Wold, M. A., 641 E 20th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1894; M. A. 1897. 1895 Laura Beatie Carter (Mrs.), B. A., Gladstone, Oregon. B. A. 1895. Christian Science Practitioner. Edith Brown Miller (Mrs.), B. A., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1895. Benetta Dorris Nash (Mrs.), B. A. 42 E. 84th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1895. At home. 22 General Register Ruth Eaves, B. A., Princeton, Colusa County, California. B. A. 1895. Farmer and horticulturalist. Willa Hanna Beattie (Mrs.), B. A., Juneau, Alaska. B. A. 1895. At home. Edith Kerns Chambers (Mrs.), B. A., 729 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1895. At home. Frank B. Matthews, B. A., 222 Cajon St., Redlands, California. B. A. 1895. Minister. Ina McClung, B. A., 687 Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1895. Roslyn McKinlay,* B. A., B. A. 1895. (Died 1896.) Herman Linn Robe, B. A., Tangent, Oregon. B. A. 1895. Principal High School. Julia Veazie Glen (Mrs.), B. A., 4533 15th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1895. At home. 1896 Jennie Beatie Harris (Mrs.), B. A., 361 5th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1896. At home. John M. Edmunson, B. A., Goshen, Oregon. B. A. 1896. Farmer. Herbert R. Hanna, B. A., La Grande. Oregon. B. A. 1896. Court reporter. Katherine E. Hanna, B. A., 994 Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1896. Fannie Hemenway Brumfield (Mrs.), B. A., 746 Pettygrove St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1896. At home. Lester Gilbert Hulin, B. A., 1063 Charnelton St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1896. Merchant and real estate. Virgil Victor Johnson, B. D., 1395 Bristow St., The Bronx, New York City, New York. B. A. 1896; B. A. Harvard 1899; B. D. Rochester Theological Seminary 1901. Pastor Grace Baptist Church. University of Oregon 23 Clarence W. Keene, M. D., Silverton, Oregon. B. A. 1896; M. D. 1901. Physician. Charles E. McClure, M. D., 1815 13th Ave. S., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1896; M. D. University of Pennsylvania 1902. Physician and surgeon. William E. McClure, D. C. L., 1509 Hoge Building, Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1896; LL. B. George Washington University 1900; LL. M. 1901; D. C. L. 1902. Lawyer. Frederick William Mulkey, LL. B., Mulkey Building, Portland, Oregon B. A. 1896; LL. B. New York Law School, New York City, 1899. Lawyer. Henrietta Owen Mansfield (Mrs.), B. A., 1109 Oak St., Oakland, California. B. A. 1896. Advertising manager. Anna Roberts Stephenson (Mrs.), B. A., 820 First St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1896. At home. Verna Sharp Millican (Mrs.), B. A., Walterville, Oregon. B. A. 1896. At home. W. Carleton Smith, M. D., 1153 Oak St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1896; M. D. University Medical College, Kansas City, Missouri 1899. Physician. Frank M. Taylor, M. D., 912 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1896; M. D. 1901. Physician. Harry Sumner Templeton, B. D., 404 West 10th St., Vancouver, Washington. B. A. 1896; B. D. San Francisco Theological Seminary 1900. Presbyterian minister. Maude Wilkins Condon (Mrs.), B. A., 4616 21st Ave. N. E., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1896. At home. Charles A. Wintermeier, B. A., 1092 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1896. Lawyer. 24 G ener a I R e g is ter Louise C. Yoran, B. A., 992 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1896. Clerk, U. S. Forest Service. 1897 Isabel Brown Dearborn (Mrs.), B. A., 685 9th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1897. At home. Earl Church, B. A., Tacoma Iron Works, Tacoma, Washington. B. A. 1897. Bookkeeper. Dorothy Cooper, B. A., Independence, Oregon. B. A. 1897. Fred Fisk, B. S., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1897. Banker. Stuart B. Hanna, B. A., Volunteer Park, Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1897. Insurance agent. Ada Hendricks Smith (Mrs.), B. A., 910 Washington St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1897. At home. John C. Higgins, LL. B., 817 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1897; LL. B. University of Washington 1902. Lawyer. Lotta Johnson Smith (Mrs.), B. A., 1153 Oak St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1897. At home. Homer I. Keeney, M. D., 620-21 Medical Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1897; M. D. Jefferson Medical College. Physician and surgeon. Kate S. Kelly Brown (Mrs.), B. A., 654 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1897. At home. Barbra Lauer Kahn (Mrs.), B. A., 214 W. Bannock St., Boise, Idaho. B. A. 1897. At home. Carrie Matlock Roudebush (Mrs.), B. L., 1871 Sacramento St., San Francisco, California. B. L. 1897. At home. Annie Laura Miller, M. A., 509 E. 21st St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1897; M. A. 1900. Writer. University of Oregon 25 Ida Noff singer, B. S., 302 M> Park St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Teacher, City Schools. Katherine Patterson Bean (Mrs.), B. L., 978 High St., Eugene, Oregon. B. L. 1897. At home. Stella Robinson Littler (Mrs.), B. A., 129 E. 6th St., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1897. At home. Ida Belle Roe Woodson (Mrs.), B. A., Heppner, Oregon. B. A. 1897. At home. Fred M. Templeton,* B. A., B. A. 1897. (Died August 24, 1911.) Lee M. Travis, B. A., 470 7th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1897. Lawyer. Margaret Underwood Love (Mrs.), B. A., 620 N. 8th St., Tacoma, Washington. B. A. 1897. At home. Owen M. Van Duyn, B. A., Caldwell, Idaho. B. A. 1897. Lawyer. Edith Veazie Bryson (Mrs.), B. A., 532 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1897. At home. Gertrude D. Widmer, B. S., 710 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington. B. S. 1897. At home. Clinton E. Woodson, B. A. Heppner, Oregon. B. A. 1897. Attorney-at-Law. 1898 Lillian Ackerman Carleton (Mrs.), B. A., 1030 Union St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1898. At home. Agnes Adams Randle (Mrs.), M. A., Nehalem, Oregon. B. A. 1898; M. A. 1899. Teacher. Lewis R. Alderman, B. A., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1898. City Superintendent of Schools. Sadie Baum, B. S., Fordham Apartments, Apt. 36, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1898. Teacher. 26 G e n e r a I R e g i s t e r Ralph A. Brown, B. S., South Junction, Oregon. B. S. 1898. Stock raising. Joel Clarence Booth, M. D., Lebanon, Oregon. B. S. 1898; M. S. 1905; M. D. College Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, 1900. Physician and Surgeon. Alfred Alexander Cleveland, Ph. D., Pullman, Washington. B. A. 1898; M. A. 1903; Ph. D. Clark University 1906. Pro- fessor of Psychology and Head of Department of Educa- tion, Washington State College. Howard Davis, B. A., La Grande, Oregon. B. A. 1898. Real estate. Mahlon Harlow Day, B. A., 1115 East State St., Rockford, Illinois. B. A. 1898; B. D. Rochester Theological Seminary 1901. Pastor State Street Baptist Church. Rosetta Eastland Templeton (Mrs.), B. A., Bellevue, Washington. B. A. 1898. Teaching. Clyde Van Nuys Fogel, B. A., New York City, New York. B. A. 1898. Composer of music. Therese Friendly Wachenheimer (Mrs.), B. S., 248 W. 113th St., New York City, New York. B. S. 1898. At home. Will Grimes, B. S., R. F. D. 1, Box 7, Harrisburg, Oregon. B. S. 1898. Farmer. Madison Curtis Harris, D. D. S., 760 Jefferson St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1898; D. D. S. Northwestern Dental School 1904. Den- tist. Julia Hill Atwell (Mrs.), B. S., University of Rio Prebrox, Porto Rico B. S. 1898. Diploma in Fine Arts Columbia University. Philo Holbrook, B. S., 341 E. 13th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1898. Civil Engineer (County Surveyor). D. V. Kuykendall, B. A., 32 California Ave., Klamath Falls, Oregon. B. A. 1898. Lawyer. Henryette C. Lauer, B. S. ; 674 Everett St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1898. University of Oregon 27 Balm Mann Hodgson (Mrs.), B. A., Yonkers, New York. B. A. 1898. Herbert S. Murch, Ph. D., A-l Campbell Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. B. A. 1898; M. A. Yale 1903; Ph. D. Yale 1906. Teacher. John D. Newsome, LL. B., Prineville, Oregon. B. A. 1898; LL. B. 1902. Lawyer. O. P. Overton, M. D., Woodburn, Oregon. B. A. 1898; M. D. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chi- cago, Illinois 1902. Physician. Cora Estelle Pattee, B. A., 631 E. Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1898. Instructor in Latin, Washington High School. B. B. Richards, B. A., Athena, Oregon. B. A. 1898. Grain dealer or miller. William Hyde Stalker, B. A., 611-612 Wilcox Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1898. Broker. Blanche Taylor Thurston (Mrs.), B. S., 931 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1898. Teacher. Sibyl Thurston Snyder (Mrs.), M. A., Liberty, Ind ! ana. B. S. 1898; M. A. 1902; Graduate Scholar Bryn Mawr 1902-3. At home. Florence Watkins Robb (Mrs.), B. A., 641 Mountain Blvd., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1898. At home. Frank P. White,* B. A., B. A. 1898. (Died 1902.) William S. Young, B. A., Roswell, Idaho. B. A. 1898. Minister. 1899 John Raymond Barber, M. D., U. S. Army, care Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. B. A. 1899; M. D. Rush Medical College 1902. Medical Officer U. S. Army. Lawson G. Bradley, B. A., 1120 Bannoch St., Boise, Idaho. B. A. 1899. Real estate. 28 G en er a I R e gist er Roscoe S. Bryson, B. A., 516 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1899. City Recorder. James H. Carrico, M. D., Selling Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1899; M. D. Medical Department University of Illinois 1902. Physician. Dorethea P. Dale, B. A., 7820 Decker Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. B. A. 1899; M. A. University of Minnesota 1902. Library Assistant, Cleveland Public Library. Charles V. Galloway, B. A., Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1899. State Tax Commissioner. George Wesley Gilbert, B. A., 103 Hemlock St., La Grande, Oregon. B. A. 1899. Business man. Lizzie Griffin Bryson (Mrs.), B. A., 516 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1899. At home. Anna Grimes Calef (Mrs.), B. S., 1322 Wisteria Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1899. At home. Zola Grimes Sorenson (Mrs.), B. S., Harrisburg, Oregon. B. S. 1899. At home. Elaine H. Hovey, B. A., 722 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1899. Fire Insurance Agent, Maude I. Kerns, B. A., 4710 19th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1899; B. S. and diploma of Fine Arts, Columbia Univer- sity 1906. Art Instructor, Seattle High School. Mary Marsh Day (Mrs.), B. A., 1115 East State St., Rockford, Illinois. B. A. 1899. At home. Grace Murray Evans (Mrs.), B. A., R. F. D. 2, Box 39, Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1899. At home. Clara Pengra Olsson (Mrs.), B. S., 702 Fullerton St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. S. 1899. At home. Lawrence A. Read, B. S., Gladstone, Oregon. B. S. 1899. Teaching. U niv er sity o f O r e g on 29 Lula Renshaw Dunbar (Mrs.), B. A., 77 llth Ave. E., Apartment 2, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1899. At home. Leslie M. Scott, B. A., Oregonian, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1899. Newspaperman. (Vice-President Oregonian Pub- lishing Co.) Bertha Slater Smith (Mrs.), M. A., 1149 E. 27th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1899; M. A. 1903. At home. Charles L. Templeton, M. D., 323 24th Ave. S., Seattle, Washington. B. S. 1899; M. D. Jefferson Medical College. Physician and Surgeon. Mary Thompson Paslay (Mrs.), B. S., 535 Union Ave. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1899. At home. Marville Lawrence Watts, B. A., 4th and Jefferson Sts., Athena, Oregon. B. A. 1899. Flour Mill manager and farmer. 1900 Daisy Allaway Waltz (Mrs.), B. A. 3420 51st St. S. E., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1900. At home. Homer D. Angell, LL. B., 726 Upper Drive, Portland Heights, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1900; M. A. and LL. B. Columbia University, 1902-3. Lawyer. Moray L. Applegate, B. A., B. A. 1900. Oscar E. Baird, B. A., 1077 Williams Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1900. Merchant (Allen & Lewis). Walter B. Dillard, M. A., 1289 Ferry St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1900; M. A. 1901. Lawyer. Oscar E. Hemenway, M. A., Box 66, Springfield, Oregon. B. A. 1900; M. A. 1901. Photographer. Victor L. Holt, B. A., 470 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1900. Real estate. 30 General Register Mary McAlister Gamber (Mrs.), B. A., 1487 University St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1900. At home. Joseph Edgar Tyree, M. D., 303 McCormick Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah. B. A. 1900; M. D. Rush Medical College 1907. Physician. Arthur B. Waltz, B. D., 3420 51st St. S. E., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1900; B. D. Rochester Theological Seminary 1903. Pastor East Forty-fifth Street Baptist Church. George A. Warfield, M. A., 2131 So. Clayton St., University Park, Colorado. B. A. 1900; M. A. Professor Economics and Sociology, Uni- versity of Denver. S. A. Young, E. M., 1762 Duane St., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1900; E. M. Montana State School of Mines. Mining engineer. 1901 Percy Paget Adams, B. S., 1826 Alder St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1901; B. S. 1902. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineer- ing, University of Oregon. Sadie Atwood Martin (Mrs.), M. A., R. F. D. 1, Wilbur, Oregon. B. L. University of Minnesota 1899; M. A. 1901. At home. Susie Bannard, B. A., 1158 High St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1901. Stenographer, University of Oregon Correspon- dence Study Department. W. Gilbert Beattie, B. A., P. O. Box 146, Juneau, Alaska. B. A. 1901. District Superintendent of Schools under U. S. Bureau of Education. George Ray Campbell, C. E., 2828 W. Boone Ave., Spokane, Washington. B. S. 1901; C. E. 1901. Civil Engineer, U. S. Government. Fred Allen Edwards, E. E., Mayville, Oregon. B. S. 1901; E. E. Salesman. Claude Russell Fountain, Ph. D., Athens, Georgia. B. A. 1901; Ph. D., Columbia University 1908. Adjunct Pro- fessor of Physics, University of Georgia. University of Oregon 31 Luke L. Goodrich, B. A., 2190 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1901. Bank cashier. Winifred Bessie Hammond, M. A., 386 East 51st St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1901; M. A. 1902. Manager Recording Room, Court House. Bernard C. Jakway, B. A., Alder and llth Sts., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1901. Merchant (Unander and Jakway). Esther Johnson Jakway (Mrs.), B. A., 308 E. 38th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1901. At home. Clifton N. McArthur, B. A., 1125-29 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1901. Lawyer. Condon C. McCornack, M. D., Manila, P. I. B. A. 1901; M. D. Jefferson Medical College, Captain of Medi- cal Corps U. S. Army. Albert E. Meserve, B. S., 1014 E. Stark St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. in E. E. 1901. Electrical contractor. Winifred Kelly Miller, B. A., 509 East 21st St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1901. Garwood H. Ostrander, M. D., 412 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1901; M. D. 1904. Physician and surgeon. Adele Jackson Pickel Kramer (Mrs.), B. A., Valdez, Alaska. B. A. 1901. At home. Roy R. Robley, B. S., 1276 E. Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1901. Operating Engineer, Portland Railway Light & Power Co. Vestella Sears Smith (Mrs.), M. S., 524 S. 59th St., Tacoma, Washington. B. S. 1901; M. S. 1902. At home. Richard Shore Smith, LL. B., 32 9th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1901; LL. B. Columbia University. Lawyer. Bernard E. Spencer, B. S., Helena, Montana. B. S. 1901. Mining. 32 G ener a I R e g i ster Walter V. Spencer, M. D., 905 Electric Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1901; M. D. 1904. Physician and surgeon. Coleridge Edwin Stanton, M. A., Pomfret Center, Connecticut. B. A. 1901; B. A. Harvard University 1903; M. A. Harvard 1904. Teacher of Greek and Latin. Mary Straub Stafford (Mrs.), M. A., 1210 Patterson St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1901; M. A. 1902. At home. Hartford Sweet, M. D., Fontanelle, Iowa. B. A. 1901; M. D. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Uni- versity of Illinois. Physician and surgeon. Edward S. Van Dyke, B. A., 512 N. 6th St., Grants Pass, Oregon. B. A. 1901. Lawyer. Charles E. Wagner, B. S., 1068 E. Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1901. Electrician. Harriet Warfield Huddle (Mrs.), B. A., 15 S. Ritter St., Indianapolis, Indiana. B. A. 1901. At home. Walter Lincoln Whittlesey, B. A., 310 W. 95th St., New York City, New York. B. A. 1901. Accounting Principles, American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Gaeta Wold Boyer (Mrs.), M. A., Westminster Hotel, 240 Jarvis St., Toronto, Canada. B. A. 1901; M. A. 1902. Peter Irving Wold, E. E., Peking, China. B. S. 1901; E. E. 1902. Professor in Physics, Tsing Hua College. David H. Wolfle, M. A., Port Orchard, Washington. B. A. 1901; M. A. University of Washington. Superintendent of Public Schools of Kitsop County, Washington. 1902 Edward N. Blythe, B. A., 651 Belmont St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1902. Newspaperman. Ida Calef Slawson (Mrs.), B. A., Chetek, Wisconsin. B. A. 1902. At home. University of Oregon 33 Charles Willard Converse, M. A., 973 Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1902; M. A. 1905. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Oregon. Allen H. Eaton, B. A., Fairmount Hills, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1902. Storekeeper and politician. J. Arthur Gamber,* M. A., B. A. 1902; M. A. 1905. (Died December, 1913.) Roy W. Glass, M. A., 1661 Portsmouth Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1902; M. A. 1904. Merchant. George Oliver Goodall, B. A., R. F. D. 3, Box 77, Los Angeles, California. B. A. 1902. Oscar Gorrell, B. A., Oakland, Oregon. B. A. 1902. Rancher. Ansel F. Hemenway, Ph. D., 454 Walnut St., Lexington, Kentucky. B. A. 1902; M. A. 1904; M. A. Harvard 1909; Ph. D. Univer- sity of Chicago 1912. Professor of Botany. May Hemenway Hale (Mrs.), B. A., 428 E. 39th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1902. At home. Amy Holmes, B. A., 388 34th St., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1902. At home. Isabel Jakway Blythe (Mrs.), 651 Belmont St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1902. At home. William H. Johnson, B. A., 1168 Oak St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1902. Warehouse manager. Leston Leland Lewis, B. A., 1340 Mill St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1902. Sales Manager, The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Elizabeth Logan Ennis (Mrs.), B. A., Benguella, West Africa, via Lisbon, care of A. B. C. of F. M. B. A. 1902. Missionary. Grace Plummer,* B. A., B. A. 1902. (Died 1903.) Charles A. Redmond,* B. A., B. A. 1902. (Died 1903.) 34 General Register Raemer R. Renshaw, Ph. D., 156 High St., Middletown, Connecticut. B. S. 1902; M. S. 1903; Ph. D. Columbia University 1907. Associate Professor of Chemistry Wesleyan University. Marvin McRae Scarbrough, M. D., 22 College St., New Haven, Connecticut. B. A. 1902; M. A. Yale 1905; M. D. 1907. Physician and surgeon. Sadie Sears Van Gross (Mrs.), B. A., Garden Home, Oregon. B. A. 1902. At home. Grace Elsie Smith Edmonds (Mrs.), B. A., R. F. D. 1, Box 24, Ridgefield, Washington. B. A. 1902. At home. Kate Wilson Landon (Mrs.), B. A., Corby St., Woodburn, Oregon. B. A. 1902. At home. Fred J. Ziegler, M. D., 520 Medical Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1-902; M. D. Jefferson Medical College, 1905. Physician and surgeon. 1903 Dollie Ankeny Miller (Mrs.), B. A., 26 Cottage St., Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1903. At home. Estelle V. Armitage, B. A., 745% Hoyt St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Teaching Latin in Washington High School. Condon R. Bean, B. S., 665 Elliott Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1903. Salesman, John A. Roebling's Sons & Co. Frank E. Billington, M. A., Kempis Apartments, 6th and Wash. Sts., Spokane, Washington. B. A. 1903; M. A. 1913. Educational Field Worker for Chris- tian . Church in Northwest. Marie Bradley Manly (Mrs.), M. A., 3475 Holmeat Place, Washington, D. C. B. A. 1903; M. A. University of Wisconsin 1907. At home. Walter T. Carroll, B. S., Junction City, Oregon. B. S. 1903. Pharmacist. Calvin Casteel, B. S., Okanogan, Washington. B. S. 1903. Project Manager W. S. R. S. University of Oregon 35 Lula Craig Gorrell (Mrs.), B. A., Oakland, Oregon. B. A. 1903. At home. Gene Crawford, B. A., 414 College St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Harvey P. Densmore, B. A., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1903; A. B. Oxford 1907. Instructor, University of Washington. George William Eyre, B. A., Dayton, Washington. B. A. 19tf3. Teacher. Ralph Albert Fenton, M. D., 511-12-13 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903; M. D. Northwestern University Medical School 1906. Physician and surgeon (specialist eye, ear, nose and throat). Chester C. Fisher, B. S., Boise, Idaho. B. S. 1903; C. E. 1912. Civil Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. James Henry Gilbert, Ph. D., 1833 Alder St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1903; Ph. D. Columbia University 1907. Assistant Pro- fessor of Economics, University of Oregon. John J. Handsaker, B. A., 6936 45th Ave. S. E., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Minister. Elma L. Hendricks, B. A., 764 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Assistant Librarian, Eugene Public Library. Ruby Hendricks Goodrich (Mrs.), B. A., 263 9th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1903. At home. Florence Hudson Winterstein (Mrs.), B. A., Spring Valley, San Diego County, California. B. A. 1903. At home. Sibyl Kuykendall Smith (Mrs.), B. A., 427 Fowler St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1903. At home. Stanley Lamb, M. D., Medical Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903; M. D. 1907. Physician and surgeon. 36 General Register Alice McKinlay Miller (Mrs.), B. A., 1102 B. Ave., La Grande, Oregon. B. A. 1903. At home. Kenneth C. Miller, B. S., Sheridan, Oregon. B. S. 1903; B. S. in Mining, University of California 1906. Farmer. Mabelle Dell Miller Kirkwood (Mrs.), B. A., 532 E. 36th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903. At home. Will D. Murphy, B. A., 418 S. 10th St., Corvallis, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Fuel dealer. Rea Norris, M. D., Oregon City, Oregon. B. S. 1903; M. D. Cooper Medical College. Physician and surgeon. Harriet Patterson, B. A., 751 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Florist. Ross Mills Plummer, B. A., 260 3rd St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Druggist. Charles V. Ross, B. A., 981 Commercial St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Salesman. Earl A. Sargent, B. A., B. A. 1903. Alice Mae Smith Handsaker (Mrs.), B. A., 6935 45th Ave. S. E., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1903. At home. Holt Stockton, B. S., R. F. D. 1, Sheridan, Oregon. B. S. 1903. Farming and horticulture. Fred Stockton,* B. S., B. S. 1903. (Died 1905.) Fred G. Thayer, M. D., 1031 West 10th St., Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1903; M. D. Northwestern University 1907. Physician. Ella Travis Edmunson (Mrs.), B. A., 84 19th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1903. At home. Homer I. Watts, LL. B., Athena, Oregon. B. A. 1903; LL. B. Harvard 1907. Lawyer and farmer. Thomas Larkin Williams, B. A., 1025 Fir St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1903. Bank clerk. University of Oregon 37 1904 Margaret Bannard Goodall (Mrs.), B. A., 526 W. Irvington Ave., Hunting Park, California. B. A. 1904. At home. John Rice Cain, B. A., B. A. 1904. Charles Lois Campbell, B. S., Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington. B. S. 1904. Civil Engineer, Navy Department. Herbert Johnston Campbell, B. A. 88 22nd St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1904. Newspaperman. Virginia Cleaver Bean (Mrs.), B. A., B. A. 1904. Lula Wynne Currin, B. A., Cottage Grove, Oregon. B. A. 1904. High School teacher. Rosa Dodge Galey (Mrs.), B. A., Yuma, Arizona. B. A. 1904. At home. Ray Goodrich, B. A., 263 9th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1904; LL. B. University of Washington 1907. Banker. Lulu Holmes Plummer (Mrs.), B. A., R. F. D. 1, Oswego, Oregon. B. A. 1904. At home. Louise Jones, B. A., Arleta School, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1904. Teacher. Edna Pearl Luckey Eastham (Mrs.), Nortonia Hotel, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1904. Estella Melrath Murphy (Mrs.), B. A., 418 S. 10th St., Corvallis, Oregon. B. A. 1904. At home. John Platts, B. S., 755 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1904. Mining engineer. J. O. Russell, B. A., Wasco, Oregon. B. A. 1904. Superintendent of Wasco Public Schools. Ralph S. Shelley, B. S., 503 Beck Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1904. Deputy Supervisor, Oregon National Forest. 38 GeneralRegister J. Frederick Staver, B. S., 754 Schuyler St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1904; B. S. Mining, University of California, 1906. Min- ing engineer. Lon L. Swift, M. A., Missouri Flat, Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1904; M. A. 1908. Farmer. Ben F. Wagner, LL. B., Hotel Athens, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1904; LL. B. 1912. Creditman for Pacific Coast Biscuit Company. Pauline Walton, M. A., 433 9th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1904; M. A. Northwestern University 1906. Teacher of History in Eugene High School. 1905 Cecile Adams Foley (Mrs.), B. A., Bend, Oregon. B. A. 1905. At home. Alice Benson Beach (Mrs.), B. A., 1015 Quimby St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1905. At home. Vanda Ruth Coffey, B. A., Fairbanks, Alaska. B. A. 1905; M. A. 1907. Teaching. Mary Dale Owens (Mrs.), B. A., The Newport, Apt. 14, Washington, D. C. B. A. 1905. At home. Carl H. Davis, M. D., Chicago, Illinois. B. A. 1905; M. D. Rush Medical College. Physician. Frank C. Dillard, B. S., Burns, Oregon. B. S. 1905. Civil engineer. Herbert Claire Eastland, M. D., North Main St., Halfway, Oregon. B. A. 1905; M. D. 1909. Physician and surgeon. Mabel Eaton McClain (Mrs.), B. A., 10th and Alder Sts., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Assistant University of Oregon Library. Ruth Flynn Barrett (Mrs.), B. A., 710 W. 5th St., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1905. At home. John F. Frost, B. A., McMinnville, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Rancher. U niv er sity o f O r e g o n 39 David M. Graham, B. A., 828 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Retail Shoe Merchant. Mary A. Gray, B. A., 745% Hoyt St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Teacher, Washington High School. Augusta Holmes, B. A., 388 34th St., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Student University of California. Lola Howe, B. A., 455 12th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Graduate Student University of Oregon. Mae D. Kinsey, B. A., 382 10th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Teacher in English, Eugene High School. Mildred Lister Edwards (Mrs.), B. A., Nortons, Oregon B. A. 1905. At home. Adelle McMurren Hunt (Mrs.), B. A., B. A. 1905. Herbert G. Moulton, B. S., Care Eugene Meyer, Jr., & Co., 14 Wall St., New York City, New York. B. S. 1905. Civil engineer. Clayborne Frank Rhodes, B. S., Box 65, Medford, Oregon. B. S. 1905. Civil and mining engineer. Cora Madeleine Shaver, B. A., R. F. D. 2, Box 154, Hillsdale, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Teacher. Dafoe H. Sherk,* B. A., B. A. 1905. (Died Sept., 1905.) Mabel Copley Smith Fenton (Mrs.), B. A., Care 512 Oregonian Bldg., Portland. Oregon B. A. 1905. Writer. Fred N. Stump, B. A., Suver, Oregon B. A. 1905. Farmer. Joseph H. Templeton, B. A., 1112 Hoge Bldg., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1905. Lawyer. Albert R. Tiffany, B. A., 663 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Registrar, University of Oregon. Vernon W. Tomlinson, B. A., 33 Concord Building, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Lawyer. 40 G e n e r a I R e g i s t e r Chester W. Washburne, B. A., U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. B. A. 1905. Geologist. Nellie Fern Williams, B. A., 960 12th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1905. High School teacher at Paso Robles, California. Cora I. R. Wold, B. A., 641 E. 20th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1905. Teacher, Washington High School. Elizabeth Woods, B. A., 744 St. Helen's Court, Cottage Grove, Oregon. B. A. 1905; M. A. 1910. Fellow in Psychology, Clark Univer- sity. Ora C. Wright, M. A., 308 Y. M. C. A., Portland, Oregon. M. A. 1905. Superintendent of Missions of Oregon Baptist State Convention. 1906 Earl Richard Abbett, B. A., 590 E. Burnside St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Chief Clerk to Supt. S. P. & S. Ry. Andrew Alfred Anderson, LL. B., 4-5 Fulton-Dement Bldg., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1906; LL. B. 1909. Lawyer. George Homer Billings, B. A., Ashland, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Real estate and insurance. Alice Bretherton Brown (Mrs.), B. A., Box 115, Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1906. At home. Clifford W. Brown, M. E. (E. E.), Box 115, Salem, Oregon. B. S. 1906; M. E. in E. E. Cornell University. Dealer in hops. Camille Carroll Bovard (Mrs.), B. A., 1060 High St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1906. At home. Frank D. Carruth, B. A., Stanfield, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Principal of school. Charles Elmer Cleveland, B. S., 569 E. 59th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1906. University of Oregon 41 Katherine Daisy Crawford, B. A., 414 College St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Harry L. Dale, M. D., War Department, Washington, D. C. B. A. 1906; M. D. University of Chicago 1911. Physician U. S. M. C., U. S. Army. Florence DeBar Stackpole (Mrs.), B. A., Ketchikan, Alaska. B. A. 1906; B. A. Wellesley 1907. At home. Ella Dobie Hathaway (Mrs.), B. A., 738 East Main St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Joseph B. Dodson, B. A., McMinnville, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Lawyer. Thomas E. Dodson, B. A., 617 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Real estate dealer. Virgil D. Earl, B. A., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Teacher, Washington High School. Horace B. Fenton, M. D., 312 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1906; M. D. Johns Hopkins Medical School 1910. Physi- cian and surgeon. Nellie Foshay Douglas (Mrs.), B. A., Springfield, Oregon. B. A. 1906. At home. Frank M. Friesell, B. A., Honolulu, T. H. B. A. 1906. Associate Member American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1912. Engineer, Honolulu Water Works. Milton B. Germond, C. E., 531 Fowler St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. S. 1906; C. E. 1912. City engineer. Jeannie Gray, B. A., Grayhaven, Milwaukie, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Farming. Norma L. Hendricks, B. A., 764 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Harry H. Hobbs, B. A., 468 llth Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Banker. Edward Doak Jasper, B. A., Alicel, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Farmer. 42 General Register Gertrude Johnson Knox, B. A., 828 East First St., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1906. At home. Loris M. Johnson, B. A., B. A. 1906. Mary Emma Kent, B. A., 897 University Ave., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Seth M. Kerron, M. D., Tillamook, Oregon. B. A. 1906; M. D. 1909. Physician. Arthur D. Leach, B. S., 1146 East Yamhill St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1906. Civil Engineer, Northwestern Electric Co. Carl A. McClain, B. S., 2095 17th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1906. Instructor in Civil Engineering, University of Oregon. Marion F. McClain, B. A., 10th and Alder Sts., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Merchant. George H. Merritt, B. A., 200 5th Ave., Fifth Ave. Bldg., New York City, New York. B. A. 1906. National Field Scout Commissioner. Victoria Olive Mitchell, B. A., Merlin, Oregon. B. A. 1906. George W. Murphy, B. A., Granger, Washington. B. A. 1906. Superintendent of Schools. Cloan N. Perkins, D. M. D., 1144 M; Union Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1906; D. M. D. North Pacific College, Portland, Oregon. Dentist. Ralph R. Poppleton, E. E., R. F. D. 1, Oswego, Oregon. B. S. 1906; E. E. 1910. Consulting engineer. Charles Roy Reid, E. E., Chula Vista, Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1906; E. E. 1912. Instructor in Electrical Engineering, University of Oregon. Chester H. Starr, B. A., 616 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Broker. Frederick Steiwer, B. A., 920 Vincent St., Pendleton, Oregon. B. A. 1906. Lawyer. Douglas W. Taylor, Jr., B. S., 605 First St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1906. Civil engineer. U niv er sity o f Oregon 43 Mary Warfield McAlister (Mrs.), B. A., 15th and University Ave., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1906. At home. Walter C. Winslow, LL. B., 775 Church St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1906; LL. B. Willamette Law School. Lawyer. 1907 Joseph L. Barber, B. A., 483 E. 16th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Oscar Peter Beck, B. S., 811 Borthwick St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1907. Cement expert. Elbert George Beebe, B. A., Indian Lake, New York. B. A. 1907. Minister. Omar N. Bittner, B. A., 700 E. 59th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Teaching in Washington High School. Clara M. Blais, B. A., R. F. D. 1, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Teacher in Silverton High School. S. Aurelia Burch, B. A., Rickreall, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Teacher in Silverton High School. Antoinette Burdick Oberg (Mrs.), B. A., 958 E. Couch St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. At home. William G. Chandler, B. S., Coke Bldg., Marshfisld, Oregon. B. S. 1907. Architect. Mabel Cooper, B. A., Independence, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Teaching. Margaret Cundiff Withers (Mrs.),* B. A., B. A. 1907. (Died 1909.) Edwin Ray Fountain, M. D., 595 x / First St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907; M. D. Northwestern Medical School, Chicago, 111., 1911. Physician and surgeon. Lorene Maude Gallogly, B. A., Gladstone, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Francis V. Galloway, B. A., Cor. of 4th and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Lawyer. Margaret Gittins, B. A., Amity, Oregon. B. A. 1907. 44 General Register W. Harley Glafke, M. D., 1421 Peoples Gas Building, Chicago, Illinois. B. A. 1907; M. D. Northwestern Medical School, 1911. Physi- cian and surgeon. Lela Goddard Fenton (Mrs.), B. A., 686 Hoyt St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. At home. Roy Wallace Hammack, M. D., Manila, P. I. B. A. 1907; M. D. Johns Hopkins University 1911. Instructor in Pathology and Bacteriology, University of the Philip- pines. Harry A. Hampton, B. S. ; Jennings Lodge, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Civil engineer. Max Sylvius Handman, B. A., 2509 Wichita St., Austin, Texas. B. A. 1907. Student, University of Chicago. Dan Ernest Hardin, B. A., Schofield Building, Vancouver, Washington. B. A. 1907. Lawyer. Louis A. Henderson, B. A., Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Civil engineer; real estate and insurance. Theodore P. Holt, M. S., 339 Park Ave., Park City, Utah. B. S. 1907; E. M. 1908; M. S. University of Utah 1909. Metal- lurgist. George W. Hug, B. A., 1244 Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Principal, Eugene High School. Andrew W. Jackson, M. A., B. A. 1907; M. A. 1909. Oney G. Jackson, B. S., Box 413, Tillamook, Oregon. B. S. 1907. County surveyor. Faith Johnson, B. A., 374 3rd St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Graduate nurse. Wistar W. Johnson, B. A., 765 Schuyler St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907; A. B. Oxford 1911. Student (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Roy W. Kelly, B. A., Care Kelly Bros., Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Farmer. John R. Latourette, B. A., 527 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Lawyer. University of Oregon 45 Laurids Lauridsen, B. S., 802 Y. M. C. A., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1907. Electrical engineering. Bertha McKinney, B. A., 2680 Court Ave., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Teacher. Helen McKinney Arnspiger (Mrs.), B. A., 711 Palm St., Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1907. At home. Henry M. McKinney, B. A., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Rancher. Stuart A. McQueen, B. A., 135 14th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Chemist. Maude Ethelyn Miller, B. A., 406 E. Fourth St., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Latin Teacher in High School. Felix E. Moore, B. A., 638 Boulevard, Ashland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Principal of High School. Guy Mount, M. D., Oregon City, Oregon. B. A. 1907; M. D. Columbia College of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York City 1911. Physician and surgeon. Paulus Edwin Newell, B. A., 1116 Woodward Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Lawyer. Harry 0. Paddock, B. A., Box 348, Gladstone, Oregon. B. A. 1907. U. S. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue. Grace Parker McClain (Mrs.), 2091 17th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1907. At home. Mabel Poill Tibbetts (Mrs.), B. A., Roseville, California. B. A. 1907. At home. Harry L. Raffety, B. A., 418 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Lawyer. Kirkman Kenson Robinson, Ph. D., Wilderville, Oregon. B. A. 1907; M. A. 1908; Ph. D., Clark University, 1913. Clarence W. Ross, M. D., Lebanon, Oregon. B. A. 1907; M. D. 1912. Physician and surgeon. Mary Rothrock Culbertson (Mrs.), B. A., 1002 Sherman Ave., Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1907. At home. 46 General Register Jean C. Slauson, B. A., 684 Wasco St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Teacher in Washington High School. John C. Veatch, LL. B., University Club, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907; LL. B. 1911. Lawyer. Charles T. Warner,* B. S., B. S. 1907. (Died December, 1907.) Harvey Arnold Wheeler, M. A., 12 C Higashi Yamate, Nagasaki, Japan. B. A. 1907; M. A. 1909. Educational Missionary. Angeline Williams Stevenson (Mrs.), B. A., 1565 S. Liberty St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1907. At home. Clara Petra Wold, B. A., 641 E. 20th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1907. Librarian, University Park Branch. John Pool Woodley, B. A., U. P. Station, Des Moines, Iowa. B. A. 1907. Student. 1908 Allie B. Beebe, M. A., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908; M. A. 1909. Jessie M. Bell, B. A., Pioneer, Oregon. B. A. 1908. At home. Walter M. Berry, B. A., 1551 E. Flanders St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Chemist, Portland Gas & Coke Company. Ernest J. Bertsch, B. A., R. F. D. 2, Springfield, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Farming. Paul G. Bond, B. A., 997 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Business. Louise Bryant Trullinger (Mrs.), 482 E. 53rd St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Journalist. Cora Cameron Lawrie (Mrs.), B. A., White Salmon, Washington. B. A. 1908. At home. Clara Caufield Wood (Mrs.), B. A., Route 1, Washougal, Washington. B. A. 1908. Edna Caufield Henderson (Mrs.), B. A., 721 Cascade Ave., Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1908. University of Oregon 47 Jessie Emily Chase, B. S., 384 Harvard St., Brookline, Massachusetts. B. A. 1908; B. S. Simmons College 1913. Secretarial Work (R. H. Stearns & Co., Boston). James Cunning, B. A., 1304 3rd St., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1908. City Clerk. Elsie Davis Bond (Mrs.), B. A., 225 S. Mill St., Madison, Wisconsin. B. A. 1908. William A. Dill, Springfield, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Editor, Lane County News. Albert J. Elton,* B. S., B. S. 1908. (Died July 11, 1908.) Mary Foshay Needham (Mrs.), B. A., R. F. D. 1, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. At home. Oscar Furuset, B. A., 1410 Yeon Bldg., Portland Oregon. B. A. 1908. Lawyer. Curtis A. Gardner, B. S., 1235 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1908. Architect. Winifred Hadley Kuykendall (Mrs.), B. A., 27 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. At home. Mozelle Hair, B. A., 630 12th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Secretary Correspondence-Study Department, University of Oregon. Charles Bolton Hamble, B. A., Fairmount Blvd., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Harvey A. Houston, B. S., 802 Paulsen St., Spokane, Washington. B. S. 1908. Real estate. Benjamin Huntington, Jr., B. A., Drain, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Druggist. Lilla Irvin, B. A., Aurora, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Frederick C. Jackson, B. A., 1230 Taylor Ave., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1908. Principal of Ward School. 48 General Register Grover J. Kestly, B. A., Care Marshall Wells Hardware Co., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Hardware salesman. Bessie M. Kidder, B. A., E. Oak St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Instructor in English, Roseburg High School. Webster L. Kincaid, B. A., 155 9th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Real estate. John Eberle Kuykendall, M. D., 27 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908; M. D. Cooper Medical College 1912. Physician and surgeon. Irene Lincoln Poppleton (Mrs.), B. A., Rockspur Station, R. F. D. 1, Oswego, Oregon. B. A. 1908. At home. Joseph W. McArthur, C. E., 1873 Garden Ave., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1908; C. E. 1912. Civil engineer. R. Dell McCarty, B. A., E. 37th and Hawthorne Sts., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Merchant. Lena Miller Wood (Mrs.), B. A., 222 E. Third St., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1908. At home. Leslie P. Miller, B. A., Yoncalla, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Farmer. Walter J. Moore, B. S., 20th and Olive Sts., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1908. Concrete construction. Gordon C. Moores, B. A., Richland, Washington. B. A. 1908. Farmer. Frank Reid Mount, M. D., St. Luke's Hospital, New York City, New York. B. A. 1908; M. D. Columbia University 1912. Physician. Emilie Muhr McMickle (Mrs.), B. A., 208 16th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1908; P. D. Chicago, P. C. T. S. 1913. William B. Neal, M. D., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908; M. D. Northwestern University, Chicago, 111., 1912. Physician. Elmer D. Paine, B. A., 245 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Banker. UniversityofOregon 49 Robert W. Prescott, B. A., 860 V 2 Emerald Ave., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Assistant Professor in Public Speaking, Univer- sity of Oregon. W. Oscar H. Prosser, M. D., 212 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908; M. D. University of Pennsylvania 1913. Physi- cian and surgeon. Floyd C. Ramp, B. A., P. 0. Box 17, Brooks, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Farmer. Ward L. Ray, M. A., Aledo, Illinois. B. A. 1908; M. A. University of Wisconsin 1910. Professor of Chemistry, William & Vashti College. Claudius C. Robinson, B. A., R. F. D. 2, Grants Pass, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Farmer. Helene Robinson Hendershott (Mrs.), B. A., 680 Broadway, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1908. At home. Mary Ellen Scott, B. A., Corning, California. B. A. 1908. Teaching in High School. Harrison K. Shirk, B. A., Enterprise, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Teacher. Agnes Stevenson, B. A., 646 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Student University of Oregon. Donald M. Stevenson, B. S., 1565 S. Liberty St., Salem, Oregon. B. S. 1908. General contractor. George Eugene Sullivan, E. M., 101 10th St., Oregon City, Oregon. B. S. 1908; E. M. 1909. Assistant Hydraulic Engineer, Port- land R., L. & P. Co. W. Ray Taylor, M. D., Milwaukie, Oregon. B. A. 1908; M. D. Northwestern University Medical School, 1912. Physician and surgeon. Mabel A. Tiffany Penland (Mrs.), B. A., 119 W. 7th St., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1908. At home. 50 General Register Claire Edmund Travillion, B. A., 515 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Chemist Union Meat Co., North Portland, Oregon. Belle Van Duyn Stafford (Mrs.), B. A., R. F. D. 2, Junction City, Oregon B. A. 1908. Mirian Van Waters, M. A., 43 Hawkins St., Boston, Massachusetts. B. A. 1908; M. A. 1910. Boston Children's Aid Society. Wesley M. Wire, B. A., Newberg, Oregon. B. A. 1908. Farmer. Charles Roy Zacharias, B. S., 719 10th St., Modesto, California. B. S. 1908. Garage. 1909 Jesse G. Ayers, B. S., 4th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon, B. S. 1909. Civil engineer. William Barker, Jr., B. S., Maid of Oregon Mining Co., Granite, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Mining. Mae Barzee Hickson (Mrs.), B. A., 923 E. Couch St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1909. At home. Agnes Beach, B. A., 530 Chapman St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Teacher. Ormond R. Bean, B. S., 846 Multnomah St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Architectural Draftsman (Ellis P. Lawrence, Architect) . Cornelius M. Beebe, B. D., Burns, Oregon. B. A. 1909; B. D. Rochester, N. Y., 1913. Minister. Jesse H. Bond, B. A., 225 S. Mill St., Madison, Wisconsin. B. A. 1909. Graduate Student at University of Wisconsin. Floyd Wilson Booth, B. A., 284 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Eaton's Bindery. Greta Elizabeth Bristow, B. A., 414 Lawrence St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Merle R. Chessman, B. A., 414 Water St., Pendleton, Oregon. B. A. 1909. City Editor, East Oregonian. University of Oregon 51 Herbert F. Clarke, LL. B., 695 E. Ash St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1909. LL. B. 1911. Winifred M. Cockerline Barker (Mrs.), B. A., Mill St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Ethan A. Collier, B. S., 537 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Civil engineer. Benjamin Conger, B. S., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Abstractor (Wisner Abstract Co.). Frances Cooper, B. A., Independence, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Teaching. Walter McCrum Eaton, B. S., Box 345, Albany, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Consulting engineer. Gladys Farrar Kellogg (Mrs.), B. A., Marshfield, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Ray DeCoudres Fisher, M. A., Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. Willamette University; M. A. University of Oregon, 1909. Teacher, Eugene High School. Kate Fullerton Graham (Mrs.), B. A., 812 Fourth St. S. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota. B. A. 1909. Elizabeth Gallogly, B. A., No. 376, Gladstone, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Teacher. L. Adele Goff McEwen (Mrs.), B. A., R. F. D. 1, Athena, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Charles Elmer Hardin, B. S., Rock Creek, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Homesteader. Nieta N. Harding, B. A., 1006 Main St., Oregon City, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Teaching. Howard A. Harrold, B. S., City Heights P. O., Vancouver, B. C. B. S. 1909. Civil engineer. Susan Elizabeth Hayes, B. A., Box 116, Fossil, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Teacher. 52 General Register Robert E. Hickson, B. S., 923 E. Couch St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Junior Engineer U. S., offices Custom House, Portland. Eda Claire Humphrey, B. A., 692 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Teacher. Jessie Hurley Moores (Mrs.), B. A., Richland, Washington. B. A. 1909; B. A. Goucher College, Baltimore, Md., 1910. Blanche Huston Clifford (Mrs.), B. A., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Frances Elizabeth Kelly, B. A., 1294 Willamette St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Arthur Frederic Kerr, M. F., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1909; M. F. Yale 1911. U. S. Forest Service. Earl Kilpatrick, B. A., 160 Division St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Principal Salem High School. Harriet Lane, B. A., 1300 Columbia Rd., Washington, D. C. B. A. 1909. Harry Lowell, B. A., Oak St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Civil engineer. Cecil K. Lyons, B. A., 603 19th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Gladys MacKenzie Hug (Mrs.), B. A., 1244 Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1909. At home. Earl E. Mayo, B. S., 466 ^ Broadway, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Civil engineer. Ralph B. McEwen, B. S., R. F. D. 1, Athena, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Farmer. Nellie F. McNeill, M. A., Dundee, Oregon. B. A. 1909; M. A. 1910. Principal of School. Harold C. Merryman, LL. B., Klamath Falls, Oregon. B. A. 1909; LL. B. 1911. Lawyer. University of Oregon 53 Harvard C. Moore, M. D., 621-22-23 Medical Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1909; M. D. 1913. Physician and surgeon. Ellsworth A. Morgan, B. A., Orting, Washington. B. A. 1909. Teaching at Startup, Wash. Frances Maxwell Nelson Carrol (Mrs.), B. A., Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1909. At home. Henry R. Patterson, Jr., B. S., Gray's River, Washington. B. S. 1909. Logging engineering. Jennie May Perry, B. A., 316 S. Main St., Pendleton, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Paul W. Reid,* B. S., B. S. 1909. (Died September, 1911.) Olivia Risley, B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1909. High School Teacher. Maude Service Kerr (Mrs.), B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1909. At home. MacCornac Snow, LL. B., Alexandra Court, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1909; LL. B. Harvard 1912. Attorney-at-Law. Reuben U. Steelquist, M. E., Corvallis, Oregon. B. S. 1909; M. E. Cornell 1910. Local Manager, Oregon Power Co. Earl F. Strong, B. A., 450 S. Main St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Furniture salesman. F. Francis Sullivan, B. S., 101 Tenth St., Oregon City, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Head of Department of Mechanical and Archi- tectural Drafting, Portland School of Trades. George T. Talbert, B. S., Milton, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Farmer. Thomas R. Townsend, B. A., Hotel Marion, Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Traveling salesman, Allen & Lewis. Arthur S. Trew, B. A., 802 Wells Fargo Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1909. Chief Clerk, Accrediting Dept., O.-W. R. & N. Co. Paul W. Van Scoy, B. S., 1158 High St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1909. Civil engineering. 54 Gene r a I Register Mary Elizabeth Watson, M. A., 1399 Franklin St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1909; M. A. 1911. Instructor in English Literature, University of Oregon. 1910 Adah Ardys Allen, B. A., 267 E. 45th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Eva Allen Bean (Mrs.), B. A., 846 Multnomah St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Leroy A. Arthur, B. A., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Instructor in German at Baker High School. Ruth Balderree Wheeler (Mrs.), B. A., 12 C Higashi, Yamate, Nagasaki, Japan. B. A. 1910. Missionary. Ethel Frances Barnard Myers (Mrs.), B. A., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910; Graduate Physical Culture Training School, Chi- cago, 111., 1912. At home. Harold E. Bates, B. A., Forest Grove, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Student. Edith S. Beebe, B. A., Walterville, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teaching. Annie Bergman, B. A., 1871 Franklin Ave., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teaching. Livia Bond Marsters (Mrs.), B. A., 497 E. 37th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Glenn L. Briedwell, B. A., Amity, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Merchant. W. Wilshire Bristow, B. A., 414 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Jeweler. William M. Cake, Jr., B. A., 330 Park St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Fire insurance. William Chester Campbell, B. A., 209 "C" St., McMinnville, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Real estate dealer. U niv er sity o f Oregon 55 Norwood R. Charman, B. S., 1115 Washington St., Oregon City, Oregon. B. S. 1910. Highway and civil engineer. Dudley R. Clarke, B. A., 590 E. Burnside St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Real Estate (Empire Investment Co.). J. Dean Collins, M. A., 414 Jefferson St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910; M. A. 1911. Newspaperman. Bertha Frances Comings, B. A., 653 12th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A, 1910. Latin teacher in Eugene High School. Chauncey S. Cunning, B. A., 1304 Third St., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Harold A. Dalzell, B. A., 4501 Clifton Ave., Chicago, Illinois. B. A. 1910. Secretary Men's Club, Fourth Pr.sbyterian Church. Henry R. Davies, B. A., 118 S. Mills St., Madison, Wisconsin. B. A. 1910. Assistant in Physics, and Student at University of Wisconsin. Pauline Davis Steelquist (Mrs.), B. A., Corvallis, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Ella M. Deyoe, B. A., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Ralph M. Dodson, B. A., 518 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland. B. A. 1910. Medical Student. Bertha Dorris, B. A., 312 9th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Graduate Student, University of Oregon. Elsie Dow Walker (Mrs.), B. A., 801 Taylor St., Oregon City, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Claude C. Downing, B. A., 333 W. 76th St., Los Angeles, California. B. A. 1910. Teacher Y. M. C. A. High School. Chester A. Downs, B. A., 297 Fargo St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Medical Student. Ruth Duniway, B. A., 626 Flanders St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teacher. Carolyn Leach Dunston, B. A., 621 E. 4th St., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1910. History Department, Annie Wright Seminary, Tacoma, Washington. 56 GeneralRegister Barry C. Eastham, B. S., Norton Hotel, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1910. Scientist. Blanche E. Ferdine, B. A., Elgin, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teacher. Arthur M. Geary, B. A., 643 Holly St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Student at Columbia University, New York City. Dean T. Goodman, B. A., 437 Ainsworth St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Salesman, Hardware. Irvin M. Grodin, B. A., B. A. 1910. Essie Mae Haley, B. A., 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teacher. Ruth Hansen Word (Mrs.), B. A., 294 E. 24th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Pearl Virginia Hawthorne, B. A., 382 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Alice Hayes Lefschetz (Mrs.), M. -A., 937 Missouri St., Lawrence, Kansas. B. A. 1910; M. A. Clark University 1911. Kathleen E. Henderson, B. A., 56 6th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1510. Bookkeeper. Vera Delle Horner, B. A., 115 Mosher St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teacher of History, Roseburg High School. E. Pearl Huff, B. A., La Grande, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teaching. Helena S. Hughes, B. A., 474 Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Hazel B. Humphrey Shoemaker (Mrs.), B. A., 692 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Oliver Bruce Huston, LL. B., 622 Elm St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910; LL. B. Yale 1913. Lawyer. Harper N. Jamison, B. A., 582 Main St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teacher Jefferson High School. University of Oregon 57 Ethel Johnson Nicholas (Mrs.), B. A., 933 Brooklyn St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Hannah Maude Kenworthy, B. A., 766 Broadway St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. William C. Kiltz, Jr., B. A., 1643 Woodland Drive, Vancouver, B. C. B. A. 1910. Lumberman. Mabel Kuykendall, B. A., 1250 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Grace La Brie, B. A., Wilbur, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teaching Domestic Science, Pennsylvania State College. Homer M. Lackey, B. A., Care Marshall-Wells Hdw. Co., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Jennie Lilly, B. A., 638 Laurel St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teacher. Roscoe C. Lyans, M. S., 2001 Allston, Berkeley, California. B. S. 1910; M. S. University of California 1913. Lily Alberta Lyster, B. A., Sunrise Cottage, Fifth St., La Mesa, California. B. A. 1910. Teacher. Earl A. Marshall, B. A., 643 Summit Drive, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Civil engineer. Walter E. Mclntire, B. S., 88 S. 15th St., San Jose, California. B. S. 1910. Assistant city engineer. Lela T. McPherson, B. A., Springfield, Oregon. B. A. 1910. High School teacher. Arthur Roland Moore, B. S., Kelowna, B. C., Canada. B. S. 1910. Civil engineer. Carl B. Neal, M. F., Care Forest Service, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910; M. F. Yale 1913. U. S. Forest Service. Oliver B. Needham, B. A., Box 147, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Student of music, and farmer. 58 G ener a I R e g is t er James K. Neill, B. S., 511 E. 41st St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1910. Electrical engineer, Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Ferdinand J. Neubauer, M. A., 2210 Chapel St., Berkeley, California. B. A. 1910; M. A. 1912. Graduate Student at University of California. Earl Ashby Nott, LL. B., U. S. National Bank Bldg., McMinnville, Oregon. B. A. 1910; A. M.; LL. B. Willamette University 1912. Lawyer. S. Frances Oberteuffer Moller (Mrs.), B. A., Edgemoore Orchard, R. F. D. 3, Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1910. C. Edwin Platts, E. E., 755 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1910; E. E. 1911. Assistant Instructor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Oregon. Alfred Powers, B. A., Florence, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Principal of High School. George J. Poysky, B. S., Box 413, Tillamook, Oregon. B. S. 1910. Civil engineer. Ruby Pratt Loomis (Mrs.), B. A., 496 Mill St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Edith Prescott Booth (Mrs.), B. A., 284 Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Ormond Rankin, B. A., 528 E. Burnside St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Insurance. Joel Henry Richardson, B. A., 2001 2nd St., La Grande, Oregon. B. A. 1910. George X. Riddell, B. S., 735 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1910. Civil engineer. Harold J. Rounds, B. A., Central City, Nebraska. B. A. 1910. Estella Mae Sage Dalzell (Mrs.), M. A., 4501 Clifton Ave., Chicago, Illinois. B. A. 1910; M. A. 1911. Herman A. Scullen, B. A., 722 Burnett Ave., Ames, Iowa. B. A. 1910. Instructor, Iowa State College. University of Oregon 59 Essie Sechrist Kitching (Mrs.), B. A., 7111 Foster Road, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home.- C. Paine Shangle, B. A., Richland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Principal of Union High School. Ethel E. Sharpe, B. A., Oregon Yacht Club, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Teacher. Isolene Shaver Gilbert (Mrs.), B. A., 1833 Alder St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910. At home. Loretta Showers, B. A., 447 Montgomery St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Clarence A. Steele, B. A., Care Soon Itt Memorial Institute for Young Men, Bangkok, Siam. B. A. 1910. General Secretary of above Missionary Institute. Leland L. Steiwer, B. A., Fossil, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Banker. Frank H. Swift, M. M. E., 496 Mill St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1910; M. M. E. Cornell University 1911. Electrical en- gineer. Roy Keats Terry, B. A., 1524 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Lawyer. Laurie Shannon Van Valzah, B. A., Springfield, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Medical Student. Wilfred Wattenburg, B. S., La Grande, Oregon. B. S. 1910. Assistant Engineer, O.-W. R. & N. Co. Orel Alvin Welsh, B. A., 716 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois. B. A. 1910. Student, Rush Medical College. Herman A. Wetterborg, B. S., Springfield, Oregon. B. S. 1910. Local Manager, Oregon Power Co. Frederick James Whittlesey, B. A., 810 Wasco St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1910. Insurance. Benjamin H. Williams, M. A., 182 9th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910; M. A. 1912. William G. Williams, B. S., 2007 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1910. (Schwarzschild's Book Store.) Frances Packard Young, M. A., 599 9th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1910; M. A. Stanford University 1912. Teacher. 60 GeneralRegister 1911 Edith A. Baker, M. A., 2335 Alder St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911; M. A. 1913. Assistant, Department of Romance Languages, University of Oregon. Helen Beach Mitchell (Mrs.), B. A., 528 9th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. William M. Beals, B. A., 5539 Page Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. B. A. 1911. Teaching. ,-'- Emma Lenore Belat, B. A., 201 W. 7th St., The Dalles, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching. Cecilia Bell, B. A., Pioneer, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Assistant, English Department, University of Oregon. Mary Belshaw, B. A., 1228 Charnelton St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Beulah Bridges, B. A., Brownsville, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Philander A. Brownell, B. S., 875 E. Taylor St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Engineer. Jessie Calkins Morgan (Mrs.), B. A., Owyhee, Malheur County, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Farming. Sophie M. Catlin, B. A., 1209 Chemeketa St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Marshall J. Clapp, B. A., Canyonville, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Lilah P. Clark, B. A., Lents, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher. Percival M. Collier, B. A., 325 E. Jefferson St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. B. A. 1911. Law Student. Mary K. Criteser, B. A., 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching, Washougal, Washington. Juliet Cross Burke (Mrs.), B. A., Gladstone, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. University of Oregon 61 Francis Day Curtis, B. S., 1057 East Salmon St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Teaching in Eugene High School. Mary De Bar, B. A., 383 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Gertrude Denhart, B. A., Cor. 6th and Baseline Sts., Hillsboro, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher of German and Mathematics. David Leslie Dobie, B. A., Room 6, Columbia Bldg., Superior, Wisconsin. B. A. 1911. Land, lumber and staves. Olive Start Donnell, B. A., 459 Baldwin St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher, Jefferson High School. Howard W. Drew, B. A., Cor. 10th and Stilwell Ave., Tillamook, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching. Claire Dunn, B. A., 1190 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching at Redmond, Oregon. Jessie Fariss, B. A., 952 9th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911; B. Mus. 1913. Assistant Instructor in Music, University of Oregon. Myron Warren Getchell, B. A., 1372 Oak St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Verner A. Gilles, B. S., Yerington, Nevada. B. S. 1911. Mine Superintendent. R. June Gray, B. A., 652 9th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911; B. S. Oregon Agricultural College. Teaching Domestic Science and Latin at Ontario, Oregon. Benjamin W. Grout, B. S., 511 E. 41st St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Electrical Construction. Madge N. Hamble, B. A., Fairmount Blvd., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Teaching. Mabel Hill, B. A., Junction City, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher. Grace Hobbs, B. A., 1227 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911; B. S. Oregon Agricultural College 1913. Assistant Instructor in Domestic Science at Eugene High School. 62 General Register Gertrude Holmes, B. A., 297 Morris St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher in School of Trades. Conifred Kurd, B. A., P. O. Box 24, R. F. D. 2, Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher. Virginia Hurd, B. A., P. O. Box 24, R. F. D. 2, Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher. Eugene F. Hurlburt, B. S., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Electrical engineer. Hattie E. Hyde, B. A., 1235 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher, Eugene High School. Pearl Johnson, B. A., 574 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher, Eugene High School. Laura Hall Kennon, B. A., 2356 Carter St., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching in High School. Winifred Kerr, B. A., Holden Annex, 10th and Salmon Sts., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching at Lincoln High School. John J. Kestly, B. S., Wise Villa, Walton, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Civil engineer. Charles W. Koyl, B. A., 360 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Secretary of University of Oregon Y. M. C. A. Maybelle Larsen Huggins (Mrs.), B. A., 1411 Franklin Aye., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Effie Belle McCallum, B. A., 1165 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching in Eugene Bible University. Louis E. McCoy, B. S., Nugget Creek, Treadwell, Alaska. B. S. 1911. Superintendent of Power Plant. Hazel McNair Paine (Mrs.), B. A., 245 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. W. E. Moses, B. A., Jefferson, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Superintendent of Schools. Lloyd Mott, B. A., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Medical Student at Portland. UniversityofOregon 63 William B. Mott, M. D., Rooms 7-8-9-10 Simpson Bldg., North Bend, Oregon. B. A. 1911; M. D. Willamette University 1912. Physician. Melvin P. Ogden, B. A., 130 E. llth St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Law Student. George H. Otten, B. A., 295 E. 15th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Graduate Student at Columbia University. Leon C. Parks, B. S., Junction City, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Local Manager of Light & Power Co. Alonzo A. Perkins, B. S., 463 Union Ave. N., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1911. (Perkins Bros.) Cornelia A. Pinkham Knapp (Mrs.), B. A., 675 Talbot Road, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. Louis H. Pinkham, B. S., Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Engineer with Oregon Electric. Merwin Rankin, LL. B., 528 E. Burnside St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911; LL. B. 1913. Lawyer. Charles W. Robinson, B. A., 411 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Law Student. Ruth F. Rolfe Neill (Mrs.), B. A., 250 E. 1st St. N., Serene Court, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Blanche Ross, B. A., 1791 E. 19th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher. William Rueter, B. S., 785 E. Taylor St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Reinforced concrete engineer. Arthur Hayes Sargent, M. A., Eureka, California. M. A. 1911. Minister. Alfred W. Scullen, B. S., 520 Franklin St., East Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. B. S. 1911. Tester (W. E. & Mfg. Co.) Harvey M. Slater, B. A., 328 Ashton St., Baltimore, Maryland. B. A. 1911. Medical Student, Johns Hopkins Medical School. Morris W. Starbuck, B. A., 1377 Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Bank Clerk. Alice Erna Stoddard, B. A., 16 E. 16th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching. 64 General Register Ferdinand I. Struck, B. S., R. F. D. 2, Hood River, Oregon. B. S. 1911. Student, Columbia University, New York City. Helen Washburne Martin (Mrs.), B. A., Care Northwest Steel Company, Vancouver, B. C. B. A. 1911. George White, B. A., Bacolor, Pampanza, P. I. B. A. 1911. Educational work. Pearl Wilbur Hall (Mrs.), B. A., Lents, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. Cecile Wilcox Chandler (Mrs.), B. A., 131 Alder St., Marshfield, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. Lucia Wilkins Moore (Mrs.), B. A., 133 E. 34th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. Naomi Williamson, B. A., 103 Gainsborough St., S. 3, Boston, Massachusetts. B. A. 1911. Student. Edith V. Witzell, B. A., 415 N. Cottage St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teacher in Harney County High School. Edith M. Woodcock Whittlesey (Mrs.), B. A., Woodlawn, Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. Ray Woodruff Jenkins (Mrs.), B. A., 559 5th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1911. At home. Wiletta Wright, B. A., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1911. Teaching. 1912 Grace M. Adams, B. A., 15th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. Jean K. Allison, B. A., 305 Portland Blvd., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher, High School at Milton, Oregon. Rachel E. Applegate, B. A., Klamath Falls, Oregon. B. A. 1912. High School Teaching. Mildred E. Bagley, B. A., llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher. University of Oregon 65 Rita Ellen Banfield, B. A., 692 Vista Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher. Herbert L. Barbur, B. S., 784 E. Franklin St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Concrete inspector with city engineer. Wendell C. Barbour, B. A., 620 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Student at Harvard Law School. Neta Bartlett, B. A., 2053 E. Couch St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Designer. Maude Joy Beals, B. A., Auburn, Washington. B. A. 1912. Supervisor of Music. Harold C. Bean, B. A., 665 Elliott Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Student of Medicine. Ethel Beebe Jackson (Mrs.), B. A., Tillamook, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Pansy B. Beebe, B. A., R. F. D. 1, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Jessie Merle Bibee, B. A., 658 Clackamas St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. Hazel Harriet Bradley, B. A., 408 West 3rd St., Weiser, Idaho. B. A. 1912. Alberta W. Campbell, B. A., 361 12th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Instructor in Music and Reader of English, Uni- versity of Oregon. Lucia E. Campbell, B. A., 1170 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching at Myrtle Point. Louise Cecil, B. A., 615 E. Madison St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher. Cora Chase, B. A., Merritt Hospital, Oakland, California. B. A. 1912. Student Nurse. Earl Childers, B. A., 1838 Gardner Ave., Spokane, Washington. B. A. 1912. Minister. Fay Clark, B. A., Vale, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. Harold B. Cockerline, B. S., 21 Eagle St., Schenectady, New York. B. S. 1912. Student engineer. Hugh P. Currin, E. E., Cottage Grove, Oregon. E. E. 1912. 66 G ener al R e g is ter Clementine Cutler, B. A., 1009 Union Ave. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Edna Prescott Datson (Mrs.), B. A., Care Men's Dormitory, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Clerk. Harry E. Devereaux, B. S., 371 Jefferson St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Draftsman, City Engineer's office. Forrest E. Dunton, B. S., Mollala, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Principal High School. William Gates Dunlap, B. A., 524 Spring St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Ethel Lena Evans, B. A., 2623 Parker St., Berkeley, California. B. A. 1912. Graduate Student, University of California. Roy Fitch, B. A., Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching Chemistry. Eva Frazer, B. A., N. Pearl St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Harry W. Fredericksen, B. A., R. F. D. 1, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Orchard work. Ellen Beadle Frink, B. A., 907 Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. At home. Jennie H. Fry, B. A., 600 S. High St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Margaret Fulton, B. A., 509 Franklin Ave., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1912. George A. Gabriel, B. A., Dayton, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher. L. Raphael Geisler, B. A., 1415 Dewey Ave., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. Frieda Goldsmith, B. A., 161 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Assistant Instructor in Physical Training, Uni- versity of Oregon. Ethel Gladys Green, B. A., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching at Leaburg, Oregon. Charles A. Guerne, B. A., Athena, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Principal of High School. Celia V. Hager, B. A., 1009 Hull St., Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. UniversityofOregon 67 Ruby Hammerstrom, B. A., Box 352, St. Helens, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher, Saint Helens High School. Ruth Claire Hardie, B. A., 293^ E. 21st St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Lloyd O. Harding, B. A., 1006 Main St., Oregon City, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Newspaper work. Raymond Heider, B. S., Sheridan, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Bookkeeper. Sidney E. Henderson, B. S., Tillamook, Oregon. B. S. 1912. City engineer. Robert H. Hendricks, B. S., Fossil, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Manager of Wheeler County Abstract Company. Edward J. Himes, B. A., Room 8, Uglow Bldg., Dallas, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Civil engineer. A. E. Houston, B. A., 388 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Newspaper work. James Hunter Howard, B. A., 1435 Church St., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. Ruth M. Howell, B. A., 408 E. Eighth St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Assistant in Botany, University of Oregon. Leigh M. Huggins, B. S., 6419 28th Ave. S. E., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Civil engineer. Walter M. Huntington, B. A., 634 Flanders St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Law Student. Homer B. Jamison, B. A., 582 Main St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Advertising. James S. Johns, B. A., Pendleton, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Abstractor. J. Lewis Johnson, B. S., Box 69, Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Civil engineer. J. Earl Jones, B. S., Room 808, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Civil engineering. B. Florence Junkins, B. A., 735 Bismark St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher. Robert N. Kellogg, B. S., Marshfield, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Civil engineer. John George Kelly, Jr., B. S., 70 4th St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Civil engineer. 68 General Register Jane M. W. Knox, B. A., 185 E. 12th St. S., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching at Junction City, Oregon. Mabel Joy Lane, B. A., Harribsurg, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Assistant Cashier in First National Bank. Alice E. Larsen, B. A., 1315 Main St., Oregon City, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher. Earl C. Latourette, B. A., First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Attorney-at-Law. Maude A. MacDonald, B. A., 4512 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle, Washington. B. A. 1912. Teaching. William S. Mains, B. S., Goleta, California. B. S. 1912. Engineer. Melissa M. Martin, B. A., Brownsville, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Charles L. Marshall, B. S., 643 Summit Drive, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Civil engineer. David L. McDaniel, B. S., 799 Haight Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Grain dealer. John P. McGuire, B. S., 21 Eagle St., Schenectady, New York. B. S. 1912. Electrical engineer. Merle I. McKelvey, B. A., 69 East 71st St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. Edna Clarinda McKnight, B. A., 1105 South Washington St., Albany, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching at Ashland, Oregon. R. Imogene McKown, B. A., 360 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher in Eugene High School. Ruth M. Merrick, B. A., 839 East Main St., Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Ermel Miller Briedwell (Mrs.), B. A., Amity, Oregon. B. A. 1912. At home. Graham John Mitchell, M. A., 528 9th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1912; M. A. Columbia University, New York City, 1913. Assistant Instructor in Geology, University of Oregon. Chester A. Moores, B. A., 281 E. 15th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Secretary-Treasurer, The Moores Motor Car Co. University of Oregon 69 Ralph D. Moores, B. A., 895 Chemeketa St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Journalist. Ella L. Moulton, B. A., 1522 Washington St., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Nell Murphy, B. A., 1243 High St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Piano Teacher, University of Oregon. F. Ford Northrop, B. S., Payette, Idaho. B. S. 1912. Farming. Charles Raymond Oleson, B. S., 121 Portland Blvd., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Lumberman, Boring, Oregon (with Oleson Lum- ber Co.). Olga Eunice Olsen, B. A., Eugene, Oregon B. A. 1912. Assistant Librarian, University of Oregon. Alma Payton, B. A., 2623 12th St., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1912. High School Teacher, Richland, Oregon. Robert Burns Powell, B. A., 414 Jefferson St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Law Student. Jessie A. E. Prosser, B. A., 212 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Falley G. Rasmussen, B. A., 268 12th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Machinist. John V. Rast, B. S., 456 Rast Ave., Roseburg, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Engineering. L. Leon Ray, B. A., R. F. D. 1, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Henrietta Frieda Rhodes, B. A., 1488 Alder St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Clerk, County Assessor's office. Sara S. Riddle, B. A., May Park, La Grande, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. George W. Schantin, B. S., R. F. D., Cleone, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Teacher. Dorothy Schoolcraft, B. A., Bend, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher. John Wesley Shattuck,* B. A., B. A. 1912. (Died August, 1912.) Pansy Shaver, B. A., R. F. D. 2, Box 154, Hillsdale, Oregon. B. A. 1912. 70 General Register Javina Lucy Stanfield Means (Mrs.), B. A., Umatilla, Oregon. B. A. 1912. At home. Matthew M. Stastny, B. A., Jefferson, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Harry M. Stine, B. A., Moro, Oregon. B. A. 1912. With Eastern Oregon Land Co. William Errle St. John, B. A., Monroe St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teacher. Rex A. Turner, B. A., 335 N. Capitol St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Law Student. Raymond V. Thomas, B. S., Ashland, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Engineer. Ida Viola Turney, M. A., Hull Apartments, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1912; M. A. 1913. Teaching. Clarence W. Walls, B. S., 600 So. Church St., Salem, Oregon. B. S. 1912. Draftsman, State Highway Commission. Emma Jane Waterman, B. A., 275 Burton Court, Pasadena, California. B. A. 1912. Physical Director in Pasadena Schools. Hazel E. Wightman, B. A., Orchards, Washington. B. A. 1912. Teaching English in High School. Birdie Wise, B. A., 478 Harrison Ave., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Teaching. Thomas M. Word, Jr., B. A., 294 E. 24th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1912. Deputy Sheriff. 1913 Lucile Abrams, B. A., 29 Claremont Ave., New York City, New York. B. A. 1913. Art Student. Grace W. Adamson, B. A., 818 N. Arthur Ave., Pocatello, Idaho. B. A. 1913. Teaching. Franklin S. Allen, B. A., 1311 Ferry St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Newspaper work. Norman B. Ashcraft, B. A., Ashland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Edward Flint Bailey, B. A., 191 llth St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Tax Collector. U niv er sity o f O r e g on 71 Faye Elizabeth Ball, B. A., 408 Ninth St., Astoria, Oregon. B. A. 1913. A. Lester Barnhart, B. A., Falls City, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching at Cottage Grove, Oregon. Edith Florence Barrett, M. A., 40 20th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. M. A. 1913. At home. Lloyd D. Barzee, B. A., 376 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Instructor in Eugene High School. Verena Black, B. A., Jefferson, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Principal of High School. Abe B. Blackman, B. S. in E. E., 525 O'Farrell St., San Francisco, California B. S. 1913. Florence E. Bonnell, B. A., 419 E. 21st St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Hilda M. Brant Carruth (Mrs.), B. A., Box 31, Waitsburg, Washington. B. A. 1913. At home. Paul Robert Briedwell, B. A., Amity, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Merchant. Harold J. Broughton, B. A., 445 E. 15th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Timberman. Lyle F. Brown, B. S., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Bookkeeper in Eugene Loan and Savings Bank. Elizabeth Busch, B. A., 914 Seventh St., Oregon City, Oregon. B. A. 1913. High School Teacher. Ralph Harlan Cake, B. A., 330 Park St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Student at Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Russell Dean Calkins, B. A., 344 South Division St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. B. A. 1913. Student in Law School. Agnes Dorothy Campbell, B. A., Monmouth, Oregon. (Kufsteiner, Str. 4, die Eisner Schoneberg, Berlin, Germany.) B. A. 1913. Studying Literature and Art. Raymond J. Caro, B. A., Burke, Idaho. B. A. 1913. Graduate Student University of Wisconsin. Richard Scott Carrick, B. S. in E. E., Hilo, Hawaiian Islands. B. S. 1913. Civil engineer. 72 G e ner a I R e g is t er Gladys Cartwright, B. A., 754 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Alvin Burleigh Cash, B. A., 13th and Taylor Sts., Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. James Carrol Cecil, B. A., Burns, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Farming. Benjamin R. Chandler, B. A., Care First National Bank of Coos Bay, Marshfield, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Banker. Florence Ruth Cleveland, B. A., 55 E. 24th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Grace May Cole, B. A., R. F. D. 1, Wilbur, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Student, Oregon Agricultural College. Andrew M. Collier, B. A., Klamath Falls, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Banking. Marjory Cowan, B. A., 692 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. Lucile Allen Davis, B. A., 1288 Rodney Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching. Carin H. Degermark, B. A., 1084 E. Grant St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Nettie V. Drew, B. A., 537 E. 36th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Librarian. Ruby C. Edwards, B. A., 1508 S. Oak St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. Wayne E. Elliott, B. A., 164 llth Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Reader in English Literature, University of Oregon. Alice Good Farnsworth, B. A., Lindsay, California. B. A. 1913. Walter S. Fisher, B. A., 802 E. Douglas St., Roseburg, Oregon. B. A. 1913. City Editor, Roseburg Review. Edsall P. Ford, B. A., 726 Clackamas St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Architectural Draftsman. Kenneth Francis Frazer, B. A., Drain, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching in Drain High School. University of Oregon 73 Lida Oakes Garrett, B. A., 1486 Columbia St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. High School Teacher. Lillian Lucille Gardner, B. A., 829 E. Stark St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. Ruth Gibson, B. A., 591 Glisan St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Helen Blair George, B. A., 829 E. Stark St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. Carl Grayson, B. A., Buhl, Idaho. B. A. 1913. Farmer. Maude Lillian Guthrie, B. A., 216 V 2 Main St., Ames, Iowa. B. A. 1913. Student at Iowa State College. Lenora Hansen, B. A., 703 Glisan St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Grace Martha Hartley, B. A., Alsea, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Assistant Principal in High School. Nellie H. Hemenway, B. A., 300 N. Douglas St., Cottage Grove, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Journalist. Walter S. Hodge, B. S., Coquille, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Deputy County Surveyor of Coos County. Helen Corey Holbrook, B. A., 1280 E. 30th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Minnie Marie Holman, B. A., La Grande, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Vesta Holt, B. A., 470 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Alicia Pearl Horner, B. A., Corvallis, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching at Dallas, Oregon. J. Buford Jones, B. S., 409 E. 12th St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Druggist. Ada Gleason Kendall, B. A., 634 Myrtle St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Walter W. Kimmell, B. A., Lebanon, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Farmer. Beulah B. Kinsey, B. A., 382 Tenth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon B. A. 1913. Teaching. Chester T. Kronenberg, B. A., Elgin, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. 74 General Register Robert B. Kuykendall, B. A., 2150 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Law Student. Ernest Dolph Lamb, B. A., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Student at University of Oregon Medical School. Elizabeth Paige Lewis, B. A., 720 Salmon St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. William K. Livingston, B. A., 145 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Assistant in Zoology Laboratory, University of Oregon. Mabel Lorence, B. A., Monmouth, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching at Monroe, Oregon. John Elwood Luckey, B. A., 229 7th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Clerk. Esther Maegley, B. A., 729 Glisan St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Ira Albert Manville, B. A., 1108 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Furniture dealer. Edgar E. Martin, B. S., 1143 Oak St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Civil engineer. W. Homer Maris, B. A., 35 E. 9th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching. Eva Lucile Marshall, B. A., 1113 S. Oakdale Ave., Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher in English, Medford High School. Karl H. Martzloff, B. A., 114 East 27th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Medical Student. Herbert Hill Matthews, B. A., 2239 16th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Principal of High School, Alsea, Oregon. Walter Rayburn McClure, B. A., R. F. .D. 1, Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Farmer. Mary Alice McFarland, B. A., R. F. D. 2, Springfield, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching. Hazel McKown, B. A., 360 llth Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher in Central School. Anna S. McMicken, B. A., 660^ Halsey St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. High School Teacher. Edna May Messenger, B. A., 556 E. 29th St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. University of Oregon 75 Cyril Hope Meyers, B. S., Gresham, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Cecil Olive Miller, B. A., 321 Eugene St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Bessie Morrison Keeney (Mrs.), 1157 Patterson St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. At home. Wallace Mount, Jr., B. A., Olympia, Washington. B. A. 1913. Will T. Neill, B. S., 252 Court House, Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Electrical Inspector, State Railway Commission of Oregon. Lena Bertha Newton, B. A., 1393 Beach St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher in High School, Springfield, Oregon. Karl W. Onthank, B. A., 311 Montello Ave., Hood River, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Principal of High School. Merle S. Pate, B. A., Lincoln, Nebraska. B. A. 1913. Graduate Student at University of Nebraska. Mark A. Paulson, M. A., Mayville, North Dakota. M. A. 1913. City Superintendent of Schools. Ruth Peter, B. A., 1728 Valley Ave., Baker, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher at Lebanon, Oregon. David C. Pickett, B. A., Elmira, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. Pauline Potter, B. A. 1178 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Student at Simmon's College, Boston. Blanche Powell, B. A., 27 E. 18th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Attending Monmouth Normal. Margaret Powell Lamb (Mrs.), B. A., 27 E. 18th St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching. Lora Belle Pummill, B. A., Grants Pass, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching at Riddle, Oregon. Helen Ramage, B. A., Newport, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. Charles N. Reynolds, B. A., Hillsdale, Oregon. B. A. 1913. With Freight Auditing Department of O.-W. R. & N. 76 General Register Allyn F. Roberts, B. S., R. F. D. 1, Boyd, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Farmer. Mason H. Roberts, B. S., 50 V 2 23rd St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Eva Roche, B. A., 1181 Montana Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Marguerite Rohse, B. A., 1510 Corbett St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher. Agnes Jane Ryder, B. A., 1810 Harris St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching at Ada, Oregon. James A. Ryder, B. S., 1810 Harris St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Civil engineer. Annette H. Smedley, M. A., 194 South Ave., Bradford, Pennsylvania. M. A. 1913. Zella Mae Soults, B. A., 1342 High St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching at Junction City, Oregon. Carlton E. Spencer, B. A., 409-410 Tilford Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Secretary University of Oregon Law School. Otto Stoehr, B. S., 164 R. F. D., Wilwaukie, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Ruth M. Stone, B. A., 369 N. 31st St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Glen Edwin Storie, B. A., R. F. D. 1, Pendleton, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Farming. Mary Alice Tappenden, B. A., 544 Borthwick St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Herman C. Tschanz, B. A., Coburg, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teacher in Coburg High School. Charles Herbert Van Duyn, B. S., 650 15th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Graduate Student at University of Oregon. Vernon Hill Vawter, B. A., 310 W. Main St., Medford, Oregon B. A. 1913. Bank Clerk. Elizabeth Wagner, B. A., Ashland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. University of Oregon 77 Fendel Sutherlin Waite, B. A., Sutherlin, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Stock raising. Mildred Waite, B. A., Sutherlin, Oregon. B. A. 1913. At home. Dean H. Walker, B. A., Independence, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Graduate Manager of Associated Students, Uni- versity of Oregon. Harold Johnson Warner, B. A., 547 E. 23rd St. N., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Ida Maude Warnock, B. A., 1262 Mill St., Eugene, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching at Lorane, Oregon. Muriel Watkins, B. A., Grants Pass, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching. Edith Elizabeth Watt, B. A., Bay City, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Claude B. Washburne, B. S., Junction City, Oregon. B. S. 1913. Assistant Cashier First National Bank. Thaddeus H. Wentworth, B. A., 569 Tacoma Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Clerk, Freight Accounting Department, O.-W. R. & N. Co. Mildred R. Whittlesey, B. A., 810 Wasco St., Portland, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Clara M. Wines, B. A., Medford, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Teaching at Central Point, Oregon. Ernest C. Wigmore, M. A., 708 15th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. M. A. 1913. Minister and Teacher in Eugene Bible Univer- sity. Howard K. Zimmerman, B. A., R. F. D. 9, Salem, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Law Student at Stanford University, California. Mabel June Zimmerman, B. A., Cleone, Oregon. B. A. 1913. Student in Kindergarten Work, Portland. Olive Hope Zimmerman, B. A., Cleone, Oregon. B. A. 1913. 78 G e n e r a I R e g i 8 t e r NORMAL DEPARTMENT 1883 Anna Bushnell Vestal (Mrs.), B. S., Payette, Idaho. B. S. 1890. At home. Sarah Chrisman, B. S., 418 West 5th St., Newberg, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Teacher. Cutting S. Calef, B. S., R. F. D. 2, Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Farmer. Nettie H. Denny,* B. S., B. S. 1890. (Died ) Alvin J. Hackett, B. S., Red Bay, Alabama. B. S. 1890. Banking and Attorney. Hamilton H. Hendricks, B. S., Fossil, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Attorney-at-Law. Oliver P. McFall, B. S., 301 Vienna St., San Francisco, California. B. S. 1890. Accountant. Alice Parrish Winchester (Mrs.), B. S., 891 Belmont St., Portland, Oregon. B. S. 1890. At home. Lincoln Taylor, B. S., 1112 S. 6th St., Cottage Grove, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Civil Engineer and Contractor. 1884 Darwin Bristow, B. S., 414 Lawrence St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Banker. Nellie Brown Swift (Mrs.), B. S., 559 Franklin Ave., Astoria, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Alva 0. Condit, B. S., 855 Oak St., Salem, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Attorney-at-Law. Susan W. Moore, B. S., 1713 Valley Ave., Baker, Oregon. B. S. 1890. At home. Fannie McDaniel Wilcox, (Mrs.),* B. S., B. S. 1890. (Died ) Lillie Porter Forbes (Mrs.),* B. S., B. S. 1890. (Died July 22, 1900.) University of Oregon 79 1885 Clara Adams Eakin (Mrs.), B. S., 51 Grand Ave., Astoria, Oregon. B. S. 1890. At home. Viola A. Colbert,* (Died 1886.) Marion F. Davis, B. S., Union, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Postmaster. Bessie Day, B. S., 690 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon. B. S. 1890. Charles R, Fenton,* B. S., B. S. 1890. (Died ) Ida Hendricks Chambers (Mrs.),* B. S., B. S. 1890. (Died 1900.) Albert S. Mulligan, B. A., 477 Center St., Salem, Oregon. B. A. Willamette University 1888; B. S. University of Ore- gon 1890. Minister. Catherine S. Powell, B. S., 526 Stone Ave., Brooklyn, New York. B. S. 1890. Private Teacher. Ada Osie Walton, B. S., 1023 Union St., Seattle, Washington. B. S. 1890. Business woman. The Normal Course of the University of Oregon was abolished at the close of the school year 1884-85 by action of the Board of Regents, November 14, 1884. At the annual meeting of the Board, June, 1890, the degree of Bachelor of Science was conferred on all graduates of the Normal Course. ENGLISH COURSE 1892 Carrie Hovey Burden (Mrs.), 388 7th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. 80 . General Register SCIENTIFIC DIDACTICS 1897 Beulah Bowman Stalker (Mrs.), B. S. D., 611-12 Wilcox Bldg., Portland, Oregon. B. S. D. 1897. Dora Laird Lewis (Mrs.), B. S. D., Eulalia Palmer, B. S. D., Ora Read Hemenway (Mrs.), B. S. D., Cottage Grove, Oregon. B. S. D. 1897. B. O. Eugene Bible University. At home. George C. Widmer, B. S. D., R. F. D. 1, Eugene, Oregon. B. S. D. 1897. Farmer. Margaret M. Widmer, B. S., 710 16th Ave., Seattle, Washington. B. S. D. 1897; B. S. Columbia University. Teacher, Broadway High School. (The degree of Bachelor of Scientific Didactics was conferred only one year, 1897.) SCHOOL OF MUSIC 1891 May Huff Smith (Mrs.), B. M., Roney Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. B. M. 1891. Piano. At home. Mary Kinsey Krausse (Mrs.), B. M., 831 Overton St., Portland, Oregon. B. M. 1891. Piano. At home. 1893 Ethel Simpson Worrell (Mrs.), B. M., North Bend, Oregon. B. M. 1893. At home. Carrie Hovey Burden (Mrs.), B. M., 388 7th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. M. 1893. Piano. At home. 1894 Ada Bertha Walter, B. M., B. M. 1894. Piano. Linna Holt Gaylord (Mrs.),* B. M., B. M. 1894. (Died ) University of Oregon 81 Ada Pearl Thomas, B. M., Box 175, Turner, Oregon. B. M. 1894. Voice and Theory of Piano. Trained Nurse. 1895 Stella Dorris Macrum (Mrs.), B. M., Hotel Portland, Portland, Oregon. B. M. 1895. At home. Joyce Brownell Neilan (Mrs.), B. M., 1217 Rodney Ave., Portland, Oregon. B. M. 1895. At home. Ethel Carolyn Palmer, B. M., Fort Dodge, Iowa. B. M. 1904. Piano, Voice and Theory. Music Teacher. 1911 Lila C. Prosser, B. M., 212 14th Ave. E., Eugene, Oregon. B. M. 1911. 1913 Jessie Fariss, B. M., 952 9th Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. B. M. 1913. Assistant Instructor in Music, University of Oregon. Ruth Evelyn Davis, B. M., 1410 Emerald Ave., Eugene, Oregon. B. M. 1913. Assistant Instructor in Music, University of Oregon. SCHOOL OF LAW 1886 George M. Hoyt, A. M. LL. B.,* '(Deceased.) John M. Pittinger, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. 1887 William T. Muir, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John T. Milner, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. 1888 Gilbert J. McGinn,* LL. B., {Deceased.) Harold Pilkington, LL. B., Yerington, Nevada. Henry F. McClure, A. M., LL. B., Seattle, Washington. 82 General Register Silas M. Shipley, B. S., LL. B., J. F. Booth, LL. B., 1889 Perry Q. Rothrock, B. S., LL. B., F. R. Osborne, B. S., LL. B., W. E. Birkhimer, LL. B., M. L. Bergmann,* LL. B., (Deceased.) F. L. Keenan,* LL. B., (Deceased.) George M. Miller, A. M., LL. B., S. J. McFall,* LL. B., (Deceased.) 1890 Earl C. Bronaugh, A. M., LL. B., Edwin C. Potter, A. M., LL. B., Sidney Fox, LL. B., John C. Rutenic, B. S., LL. B., John U. Smith, B. S., LL. B., Charles N. Wait, LL. B., Lawrence A. McNary, LL. B., Elmer E. Miller, LL. B., F. L. Moore,* LL. B., (Deceased.) Eldon M. Brattain, A. M., LL. B., Charles E. Lockwood, LL. B., 1891 Calvin U. Gantenbein, LL. B., Guy C. Willis, LL. B., Francis M. Mulkey, LL. B., Thaddeus S. Potter, LL. B., John R. Pattison, LL. B., A. M., Frederick S. Lafferty, LL. B., Cecil H. Bauer, LL. B., Herbert N. Cockerline, LL. B., Charles J. Schnabel, LL. B., 1892 Daniel J. Malarkey, LL. B., John W. Gwilt, LL. B., John F. Logan, LL. B., Seattle, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Spokane, Washington. Spokane, Washington. Colonel U. S. A. Chicago, Illinois. Portland, Oregon. Eugene, Oregon. Big Timber, Montana. Klamath Falls, Oregon. Hilo, Sandwich Islands. Clackamas County, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Paisley, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Eugene, Portland, Portland, Albany, Portland, Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Portland, Oregon. San Francisco, California. Portland, Oregon. University of Oregon Charles H. Chance, LL. B., Rodney L. Glisan, A. M., LL. B., Wm. A. M. Jones, LL. B., Reginald W. Thompson, LL. B., Russell A. Sewell, LL. B., George C. Stout, LL. B., (Deceased.) Valentine Brown, LL. B., Austin F. Flegel, LL. B., Thomas G. Greene, LL. B., James R. Greenfield, A. M., LL. B., Clarence W. Avery, B. S., LL. B., James M. Hughes, LL. B., William H. Smith, LL. B., Charles A. Showers, LL. B., Henry Stanislawsky, LL. B., Milton G. Butterfield, LL. B., 1893 Walter H. Dodd, A. M., LL. B., Arthur L. Veazie, A. M., LL. B., Roswell B. Lamson, LL. B., Eddy E. Wilson, B. S., LL. B., Paul Van Fridagh, LL. B., John Paul Kavanaugh, LL. B., George H. Marsh, A. M., LL. B., John L. McGinn, LL. B., Thaddeus W. Vreeland, LL. B., Thomas H. Bartlett, B. S., LL. B., A. Kink Wilson, LL. B., George S. Smith, LL. B., Jerome B. Wells, LL. B., Alfred D. Miller, LL. B., Bemer S. Pague, LL. B., Mitsudoro Yananaka, LL. B., Charles E. Margrave, LL. B., Maurice McKinn, A. M., LL. B., George A. Jolliffe, LL. B., Reuben P. Graham, LL. B., W. DeWitt Smith, LL. B., Robert Catlin, LL. B., Sumpter, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon. Mount Vernon. Portland, Oregon. Spokane, Washington. New York. New York. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Corvallis, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Alaska. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Forest Grove, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Vancouver, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Forest Grove, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. 84 General Register 1894 Stuart Armour, LL. B., Charles E. Simms, LL. B., Guy R. Jewett, LL. B., John H. Middleton, LL. B., Jerry E. Bronaugh, A. B., LL. B., William Connell, LL. B., (Deceased.) Jesse R. Caples, B. S., LL. B., Ardee H. Morrill, LL. B., George Tazwell, LL. B., Henry Denlinger, LL. B., Raymond Jubitz, LL. B., William N. Gatens, LL. B., Ernest E. Merges, B. S., LL. B., Harvey E. Lounsberry, LL. B., Percy E. Stowell, LL. B., Joseph C. Harris, LL. B., Allen A. Hurgren, LL. B., Joseph W. Schnabel, LL. B., (Deceased.) Wells A. Bell, LL. B., Chester V. Dolph, LL. B., J. Francis Drake, LL. B., Montford Mendenhall, LL. B., Walter Gowan, LL. B., William E. Mitchell, LL. B., (Deceased.) Fred L. Olsen, LL. B., 1895 Gustave Anderson, LL. B., Jacob Block, LL. B., John L. Colby, LL. B., Lewis Denham, LL. B., S. D. Dennis, LL. B., J. A. Houck, LL. B., H. W. Gullette, LL. B., Carrol E. Hughes, LL. B., Elmer E. Hull, LL. B., Otto J. Kraemer, LL. B., British Columbia. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Forest Grove, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Salem, Oregon. Prineville, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Baker, Oregon. Vancouver, Washington. Bellingham, Washington. LaCamas, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. University of Oregon 85 C. W. Lawrence, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. George Lawrence, Jr., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. W. S. Macrum, A. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Elmer E. Mallory, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Julius Meier, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. C. H. Meusdorffer, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Roscoe E. Morrill, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Frank Hotter, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John R. Oatman, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. William E. Pulliam, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. H. J. Schulderman, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. W. P. Sinnott, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. A. C. Spencer, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. D. W. Stevens, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Walter Wolf, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John F. Smith, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. 1896 G. A. Adams, LL. B., O. F. Akin, LL. B., W. C. Avery, LL. B., A. P. Armstrong, LL. B., F. S. Bennett, LL. B., F. R. Blochberger, LL. B., S. Bloom, LL. B., S. H. Bloomer, LL. B., W. O. Buffington, LL. B., D. P. Cartwright, LL. B., H. C. Eastman, LL. B., A. M. Esson, LL. B., H. Y. Freedman, LL. B., F. 'A. French, LL. B., James H. Gibson, B. S., LL. B., H. W. Goddard, LL. B., D. A. Grout, LL. B., H. S. Gullixson, LL. B., F. E. Harlow, LL. B., F. F. Freeman, LL. B., O. J. Clancy, LL. B., J. J. Heilner, LL. B., H. W. Huston, LL. B., (Deceased.) Alaska. Portland, Oregon. Chicago, Illinois. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. British Columbia. Portland, Oregon. British Columbia. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Warrenton, Oregon. Washington, D. C. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Troutdale, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Vancouver, Washington. Baker, Oregon. 86 General Register J. P. Kennedy, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. G. P. Lent, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. B. M. Lombard, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Thomas McCusker, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Edwin Mays, LL. B., The Dalles, Oregon. E. 0. Miller, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. J. B. Mulkey, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Lewis Russell, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. H. C. Robertson, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. S. B. Riggen, LL. B., (Deceased.) Waldemar Seton, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. J. A. Strowbridge, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Isaac Swett, LL. B., . Portland, Oregon. C. T. Tooze, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. A. Wagner, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. W. S. Ward, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. A. H. Withington, LL. B., Medford, Oregon. Anna E. Wood, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. 1897 Charles M. Kahn, LL. B., Florence E. Olson, LL. B., Harry E. Northrop, LL. B., Dexter Rice, LL. B., Robert S. Farrell, LL. B., Melvin H. Carter, LL. B., Robert W. Galloway, LL. B., (Deceased.) Frank Schlegel, LL. B., Robert L. Stevens, LL. B., John W. Rowlands, LL. B., Clarence H. Gilbert, LL. B., Orville M. Rankin, LL. B., Gustavus A. Wikander, LL. B., Frederick 0. Burkhardt, LL. B., Lionel L. Paget, LL. B., James C. Menzies, LL. B., William P. Adams, LL. B., John Van Zante, LL. B., Adam M. Shallon, LL. B., Conrad W. Durette, LL. B., Boise, Idaho. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Roseburg, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Oregon City, Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. University of O r e g o 87 Narcisse Conn, A. M., LL. B., Reuben F. Robinson, LL. B., John Gebbie, LL. B., 1898 John Brooke, LL. B., Joseph O'Conner, LL. B., Edward H. Cahalin, LL. B., William B. Singer, LL. B., Francis J. Richardson, LL. B., Leon H. Steinhart, LL. B., Harold G. Rice, LL. B., George Black, LL. B., Orville D. Cochran, LL. B., Lincoln Working, LL. B., George P. Goggin, LL. B., Charles E. Maybee, LL. B., Alex. H. McGowan, LL. B., Jacob Duback, LL. B., Louis A. Harlow, LL. B., 1899 Raleigh Trimble, LL. B., Frederick C. Hoecker, LL. B., William E. Borden, LL. B., Clinton P. Haight, LL. B., Oscar A. Neal, LL. B., William L. Morgan, LL. B., Herbert C. Bryson, LL. B., Marie J. Pfunder, LL. B., Luther F. Steel, LL. B., Alfred C. Wheeler, LL. B., Richard Wright, LL. B., 1900 Anthony G. Derse, LL. B., Arno W. Dosch, LL. B., Frederick A. Dunham, LL. B., Roy H. Hurley, LL. B., Andrew L. Kavanaugh, LL. B., Frank Y. Matsuoka, LL. B., Thaddeus W. Miles, LL. B., Roseburg, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Helena, Montana. Portland, Oregon. Weston, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Vancouver, Washington. Troutdale, Oregon. Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Hillsboro, Oregon. San Francisco, California. Portland, Oregon. Tacoma, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. 88 General Register Frederick L. Morgan, LL. B., William E. Parker, LL. B., Drew P. Price, LL. B., Ore L. Price, LL. B., George G. Root, LL. B., William D. Smith, LL. B., E. Scott Snelling, LL. B., John F. Watts, LL. B., Ralph F. Barnes, LL. B., Charles D. Bronson, LL. B., Fred C. Dunham, LL. B., Phillip Herr, LL. B., Yahachi Inomata, LL. B., Minoru Maita, LL. B., Charles McGinn, LL. B., (Deceased.) Wendell D. Schutt, LL. B., Clarence D. Sewall, LL. B., John Teuscher, LL. B., J. Leslie Wallace, LL. B., P. Mark Wendell, LL. B., James G. Wilson, LL. B., 1901 1902 James M. Ambrose, LL. B., R. James Bukowsky, LL. B., Paul S. Dick, LL. B., Hopkin Jenkins, A. B., LL. B., J. Harry Klosterman, A. B., LL. B., Nehemiah Mossessohn, D. D., Ph. D., LL. David N. Mossessohn, LL. B., Hiroshi Numeda, LL. B., John D. Newsome, A. B., LL. B., Jacob R. Ofner, LL. B., M. Otto Pickett, B. S., LL. B., B. Leroy Stowell, LL. B., Robert H. Thomas, B. S., LL. B., Jay H. Upton, LL. B., N. Wilbur Wallace, LL. B., Hoquiam, Washington. California. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Japan. Japan. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Hillsdale, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. B., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Japan. Prineville, Oregon. Washington, D. C. Waitsburg, Washington. New York. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. University of Oregon 89 1903 Alfred A. Aya, LL. B., Allen M. Ellsworth, LL. B., Marion E. Dolph, A. B., LL. B., Bert E. Haney, LL. B., Alfred E. Smith, LL. B., George W. Smith, LL. B., 1904 Ernest Brand, LL. B., Leslie E. Crouch, LL. B., Andrew J. Derby, LL. B., George C. Hatton, LL. B., Edward H. Joehnk, LL. B., Mortimer D. Latourette, LL. B., Lonna J. Parker, LL. B., George F. Perkins, LL. B., Francis M. Scoblic, LL. B., Frank Stewart, LL. B., Austin M. Wade, LL. B., Henry N. Windsor, LL. B., Bert E. Youmans, LL. B., Alex. C. Roe, LL. B., 1905 Adolph Abbey, LL. B., John A. Beckwith, LL. B., John F. Cahalin, LL. B., Joseph T. Ellis, LL. B., Walter H. Evans, B. S., LL. B., Seneca Fouts, LL. B., John W. Graham, LL. B., Lee L. Hartley, LL. B., Ben Irwin, LL. B., Albert E. Johnson, LL. B., George F. Kelly, LL. B., Henry F. Latourette, LL. B., Moses Mossessohn, LL. B., William C. E. Pruitt, LL. B., Clyde Richardson, LL. B., Frank B. Rutherford, LL. B., Walter H. Stivers, LL. B., Arthur R. Stringer, Jr., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. San Francisco, California. Portland, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. St. Paul, Minnesota. San Francisco, California. Montesano, Washington. Evansville, Illinois. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Denver, Colorado. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Graeme, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Milwaukie, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Pendleton, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Pendleton, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. 90 General Register 1906 Andrew D. Anderson, LL. B., Yori Matsui, LL. B., Clinton A. Ambrose, LL. B., Richard N. McCann, LL. B., Harry Yancwich, LL. B., Edwin L. Minar, LL. B., Abner H. Jones, LL. B., Alpheus W. Parshley, LL. B., Archibald F. Leonard, LL. B., Thomas M. Peters, LL. B., George H. Reed, LL. B., C. Ben Riesland, LL. B., William M. Russ, LL. B., Herman A. Schmeer, LL. B., Edward 0. Stadter, LL. B., M. Victor Staley, LL. B., David H. Stephenson, LL. B., Charles B. Sternberg, LL. B., Clarence C. Stout, LL. B., Graydon T. Treadgold, LL. B., Thomas H. West, LL. B., 1907 Robert Aistrop, LL. B., Seid Back, Jr., LL. B., J. E. Craib, LL. B., Delia Crigler, LL. B., John E. Cronan, LL. B., L. E. Carter, LL. B., Mark E. Carter, LL. B., Virgil L. Clark, LL. B., G. L. Davis, LL. B., H. Daniels, LL. B., C. W. DeGraff, LL. B., H. L. DeArmond, LL. B., F. L. Everson, LL. B., F. G. Gronenrt, LL. B., O. M. Hickey, LL. B., T. A. Hayes, A. B., LL. B., E. E. Hendershott, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Japan. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. San Francisco, California. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Baker, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Albany, Oregon. McMinnville, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Lewiston, Idaho. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon. Rainier, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Albany, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. University of Oregon 91 C. V. Howard, LL. B., Wm. M. Hart, LL. B., Victor H. Joergensen, LL. B., E. L. Johnson, LL. B., Wm. Kennell, LL. B., Ella Grim Lynch, LL. B., C. D. Livingston, LL. B., Allen McCurtain, LL. B., G. W. McArthur, LL. B., T. M. Morris, LL. B., F. E. McGinnis, LL. B., E. M. Orth, LL. B., T. A. O'Gorman, LL. B., W. J. Prendergast, LL. B., Alex. G. Riddell, LL. B., J. K. Starr, LL. B., W. B. Shively, Jr., A. B., LL. B., F. E. Swope, LL. B., F. A. Sullivan, LL. B., M. D. Schwartz, LL. B., R. S. Searle, LL. B., C. A. Studebaker, LL. B., A. E. Wheelock, LL. B., E. D. Williams, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Crawfordsville, Iowa. Portland, Oregon. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Walla Walla, Washington. Boise, Idaho. Portland, Oregon. Hood River, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. The Dalles, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Castle Rock, Oregon. Monmouth, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. 1908 William C. Reimer, LL. B., Des Moines, Iowa. Fred R. Salway, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Chester A. Sheppard, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. NOTE. No regular graduating class, owing to extension of course from two to three years. 1909 Alfred A. Anderson, A. B., LL. B., Leon W. Behrman, LL. B., Wilda Buckman, LL. B., John C. Bryant, LL. B., C. D. Christensen, LL. B., Frank T. Collier, B. P., M. A., Willard M. Conklin, LL. B., James F. D'Arcy, LL. B., Robert H. Downs, L. B., LL. B., Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Portland, Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. Oregon. 92 General Register W. Louis Fliedner, LL. B., Claud H. Giles, LL. B., Robert Goetz, B. S. D., LL. B., George C. Johnson, B. S. D., LL. B., Shosaburo Kato, LL. B., Norman Roy Landis, LL. B., C. J. Mahoney, LL. B., David P. Mathews, B. S. D., LL. B., Alva W. Person, LL. B., Alton Rogers, LL. B., Emil P. Slovarp, LL. B., Orville A. Stevens, LL. B., Lawrence B. Smith, LL. B., M. Takahashi, LL. B., Ira Taylor, LL. B., Joseph Woerndle, LL. B., 1910 Carl A. Applegren, LL. B., James A. Bennett, LL. B., Malcolm Hamilton Clark, LL. B., Richard Deich, LL. B., John Richard Downes, LL. B., Wm. Walker Dugan, Jr., LL. B., John Corliss Dunning, Ph. B., A. M., Ph. Walter P. Dyke, LL. B., Clarence L. Eaton, LL. B., Walter E. Emery, M. A., LL. B., Michael J. Gersoni, LL. B., John P. Hannon, LL. B., Victor S. Howard, LL. B., John R. Hughes, LL. B., Samuel M. Johnson, LL. B., Joseph H. Jones, LL. B., G. Allan Johnson, LL. B., John Michael Joyce, LL. B., Franklin Frederick Korell, LL. B., Albon P. Mann, Jr., LL. B., Hugh McCreedie, Jr., LL. B., Peter A. McDonald, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Myrtle Point, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. lida, Japan. Portland, Oregon. Marshfield, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Hirashima City, Japan. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. D., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Hillsboro, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Huntington, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Wallace, Idaho. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Vancouver, Washington. Portland, Oregon. University of Oregon 93 Richard F. Peters, A. B., LL. B., Harry J. Parkison, LL. B., Albert Streiff, LL. B., George N. Vidal, LL. B., John Wilkinson, LL. B., 1911 Lester D. Butler, LL. B., J. Dean Butler, A. B., LL. B., Ira W. Carl, LL. B., Herbert F. Clark, A. B., LL. B., L. B. Coovert, LL. B., Paul B. Deicke, LL. B., Frederick M. Dempsey, LL. B., Arthur L. Dundas, LL. B., Clarence M. Eubanks, LL. B., Kenneth L. Fenton, A. B., LL. B., Walter B. Gleason, LL. B., John W. Griffin, LL. B., Fred B. Hammond, LL. B., A. W. Hawkins, LL. B., Arthur D. Hay, LL. B., Wilber Henderson, LL. B., Roy 0. Hollabaugh, LL. B., Clifford G. Holland, LL. B., Clarence R. Hotchkiss, LL. B., Bert Heitschmidt, LL. B., Tsunekichi Kimura, LL. B., Arthur H. Lewis, LL. B., Blanche Luckey, LL. B., Alva McKinley, LL. B., Harold C. Merryman, B. A., LL. B., Frank R. Miller, LL. B., George H. Mullins, A. B., LL. B., Abraham Nelson, LL. B., Frank A. Peil, A. B., LL. B., Fred J. Phillips, LL. B., F. L. Phipps, A. B., LL. B., Arthur C. Raven, LL. B., Robert D. Searcy, LL. B., Frank S. Sever, LL. B., Melvin D. Snow, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Willsdale, Oregon. Arctic, Rhode Island. Vancouver, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Monmouth, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Milwaukie, Oregon. Indianapolis, Indiana. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Wallowa, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Arietta, Washington. Hillsboro, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. North Yakima, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. 94 General Register Harry A. Swart, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. T. T. Stenberg, A. B., A. M., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. W. A. Tupper, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John C. Veatch, B. A., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Elmer E. Young, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. 1912 James R. Bain, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. J. H. Barbour, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John L. Bozorth, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Fay Lloyd Brown, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Daniel D. Bump, A. B., LL. B., Forest Grove, Oregon. A. H. Burton, A. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Beatrice Butler, A. B., LL. B., Gresham, Oregon. Edward J. Chapman, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Harry E. Coleman, B. S. D., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Herbert A. Cooke, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Eugene A. Dueber, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Ross Farnham, LL. B., Valley City, North Dakota. Paul C. Fischer, LL. B., Gladstone, Oregon. Valentine A. Fryer, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Thomas W. Gillard, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Joseph L. Gould, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Christopher J. Hayes, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Karl Herbring, LL. B., The Dalles, Oregon. C. F. Hogan, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Wong Back How, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. William Maurice Hudson, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Frank Carson Hunt, Ph. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. J. B. Killough, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Frank Layman, A. M., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Gon Kew Lee, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Herman F. Loeding, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. David N. Mackay, L. A., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. A. E. Mackenzie, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John M. McNulty, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Mario G. Montrezza, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. William Adrin Morey, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Robert Nixon Munly, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Shirley D. Parker, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Everett Pechin, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. F. M. Phelps, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. University of O r e g o n 95 Clemmer Webb Platt, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. George M. Schaefer, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Jesse Kimberland Scott, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. William J. Staples, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Charles D. Takeoka, LL. B., Hirashima, Japan. Eijiro Uo, LL. B., Toyama Ken, Japan. Benjamin F. Wagner, A. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Kaname Wakasugi, LL. B., Kumamoto, Japan. William Herman Witt, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Erskine Wood, A. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Bert Yates, LL. B., Vancouver, Washington. 1913 James F. Alexander, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Charles Banks, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. C. C. Bechtold, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Earle Francis Bernard, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Edward 0. Bundy, LL. B., Salem, Indiana. James A. Burke, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Paul Wortman Campbell, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Chester Samuel Caplinger, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Robert G. Closterman, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Thomas B. Collins, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. James C. Cooper, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Harry W. Dahleen, A. B., LL. B., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Jacob Feldman, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Aaron M. Frank, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Walter F. Frazier, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John Clyde Fox, M. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Netta A. Garland, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Thomas L. Garland, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. George C. Graham, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Donald M. Graham, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Martin W. Hawkins, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John M. Hickson, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Leland J. Knox, LL. B., Fossil, Oregon. Albert F. Knight, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John Cornelius Lane, LL. B., Detroit, Michigan. George Orr Latimer, A. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Chester A. Martin, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Carl G. Marioth, J. D., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Lydia A. May, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. 96 General Register Leroy M. McDuffee, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Walter Thomas McGuirk, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Arthur J. Moore, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Clyde M. Morris, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Emil Nelson, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Anton Nielsen, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Louis T. O'Brien, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. W. Forbes Paterson, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Merwin Rankin, A. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Charles W. Robison, A. B., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Louis T. Recken, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Wallace Redman, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. J. J. Rosenberg, M. Sc., M. D., LL., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Clifford Glenn Schneider, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John G. Schroeder, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Sannosuke Sekiguchi, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. William H. Sibbald, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Newton C. Smith, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Fred Conrad Suren, B. A., LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Genevieve Thompson, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Sen-ochi Tomhiro, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. Edgar H. Whitney, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. John Daniel Williams, LL. B., Portland, Oregon. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 1888 Felix Callahan, M. D., A. E. Severance, M. D., H. B. Stanley, M. D., Charles T. Thomas, M. D., H. J. Whitney, M. D., James Hunter Wells, M. D., Harrison Akers Wright, M. D., C. W. Cornelius, M. D., Jefferson D. Fenton, M. D., J. W. Haines,* M. D., J. P. Tamiesie, M. D., H. A. Wall, M. D., 1889 California. Seattle, Washington. San Miguel, California. Spokane, Washington. Davenport, Washington. Corea. Seattle, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Hillsboro, Oregon. Vancouver, Washington. University of Oregon 97 1890 Frank M. Brook, M. D. ; D. W. Browne,* M. D., W. H. Ehlen, M. D., George E. Houck, M. D., J. H. Kime, M. D., G. H. F. Spaulding, M. D., J. M. Wells, M. D., W. L. White, M. D., R. W. Glendenning, M. D., John Huntington, M. D., Hugo Meesman, M. D., Mayes Case, M. D., G. W. Cusic,* M. D., Walter Farnham, M. D., J. P. Low,* M. D., Alfred V. Marion, M. D., E. H. Thornton, M. D., B. E. Crosby, M. D., James B. Cutter, M. D., H. C. Fenton, M. D., Emil Pohl, M. D., C. P. Richards, M. D., Helena Scammon, M. D., 1891 1892 1893 1894 W. L. Buckley, M. D., Andrew S. Cassidy, M. D., Esther Clayton Pohl (Mrs.), M. D., A. D. McKenzie,* M. D., Edwin Ross, M. D., W. W. Stockwell, M. D., Calvin S. White, M. D., 1895 James H. Cook, M. D., Frederick Gullette, M. D., Portland, Oregon. Genesee, Idaho. Roseburg, Oregon. Alton, California. Seattle, Washington. Boston, Massachusetts. Pullman, Washington. Clifford, Colorado. Starbuck, Washington. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. New Brunswick. Palouse, Washington. Hatton, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Washington. Los Angeles, California. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Almira, Washington. Milton, Oregon. Sydney, N. S. W. Portland, Oregon. St. Helens, Oregon. Stockton, California. Portland, Oregon. McMinnville, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. General Register G. F. Himners, M. D., Sein Oishi, M. D., William A. Trimble, M. D., George Eliot Watts, M. D., 1890 George Ainslie, Jr., M. D., H. R. Biersdorf, M. D., F. W. Brooke, M. D., Ella Brown (Mrs.), M. D., J. H. M. Clinch, M. D., Jessie Davis, M. D., H. A. Dedman, M. D., Lillian Demsey, M. D., Tillie Dittenhoefer (Mrs.),* M. D., C. W. Faull, M. D., B. F. Giesy, M. D., Olive Hartley, M. D., Mary P. Johnson (Mrs.), M. D., O. P. Low, M. D., Thomas Marks, M. D., W. T. Miracle,* M. D., J. B. Manley, M. D., William L. Parker, M. D., Elizabeth Reed (Mrs.), M. D., Alexander Reid, A. J. Rossiter, M. D., A. A. Witham, M. D., 1897 Isabel D. Arthur, M. D., Louis T. Brock, M. D., Louis Buck, M. D., Elbert E. Cable, M. D., Malcolm J. Denny, M. D., Henry F. Fleckenstein, M. D., Matthew B. Grieve, M. D., Walter S. Hamilton, M. D., John L. Harris, M. D., Charles E. Hawke, M. D., Henry T. Hoople, M. D., Benaish R. Job, M. D., Idaho. Japan. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Salem, Oregon. Oakland, California. Danville, Illinois. Silverton, Oregon. Canby, Oregon. Vallejo, California. Baker, Oregon. Aurora, Oregon. Wasco, Oregon. Oregon. Arlington, Oregon. Halsey, Oregon. Salem, Oregon. Baker, Oregon. Echo, Oregon. Oswego, Oregon. Paisley, Oregon. Nelson, B. C. Reno, Nevada. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Spokane, Washington. Roseburg, Oregon. Pullman, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Vale, Oregon. Cottage Grove, Oregon. University of Oregon 99 Henry C. Johnson,* M. D., Smith S. Johnson, M. D., Seattle, Washington. Albert W. Kime, M. D., Bandon, Oregon. Harrie A. Littlefield, M. D., Newberg, Oregon. Marietta Marsh, M. D., Seattle, Washington. Adelbert J. Mclntyre, M. D., Hoquiam, Washington. Otto Messman, M. D., Belle C. Rinehart, M. D., Prineville, Oregon. John H. Rosenberg, M. D., Prineville, Oregon. Albert H. Ruedy, M. D., Arlington, Oregon. Clayton S. Seaman, M. D., Portland, Oregon. Frank E. Selover, M. D., Eugene, Oregon. Ida Skelton, M. D., Michigan. George H. Snape,* M. D., George H. Strowbridge, M. D., Portland, Oregon. Henry H. Sutcliffe, M. D., San Francisco, California. Charles E. Taylor, M. D., Tacoma, Washington. Aaron Tilzer, M. D., Portland, Oregon. Charles E. Wade, M. D., Drain, Oregon. Irving L. Ward, M. D., Castle Rock, Washington. Robert D. Wiswall, M. D., La Camas, Washington. 1898 (No graduates. Course lengthened to four years.) 1899 Clementine Bell, M. D., Dothan, Oregon. G, E. French, M. D., Elyria, Ohio. Ethel L. Gray, M. D., Portland, Oregon. Eugenia G. Little, M. D., Portland, Oregon. E. D. Pierce, M. D., Vancouver, Washington. J. B. Roth, M. D., Portland, Oregon. A. B. Sedgewick, M. D., Vancouver, Washington. Sheldon S. Thayer, M. D., Brownsville, Oregon. Edna Timms,* M. D., James O. C. Wiley, M. D., Portland, Oregon. 1900 Clement Wood Bates, M. D., Clatskanie, Oregon. Louis Lambert Conrardy, M. D., China. Grace Van Davis, M. D., San Francisco, California. Kittie Plummer Gray, M. D., Portland, Oregon. 100 General Register Harney Harley Hartley, M. D., Jeu Hawk, M. D., Frederick R. Hedges, M. D., Raymon W. Logan, M. D., Frank Delbert Reames,* M. D., Louis Arthur Shane, M. D., Joseph Frederic Wood, M. D., 1901 Benjamin F. Brooks, M. D., Arthur W. Chance, D. D. S., M. D., Octave J. Goffin, M. D., Marie Miller Goffin, M. D., Clarence Whittier Keene, M. D., Charles W. McKinley, M. D., Leon Ricen, M. D., John D. Scanlon, M. D., August Stark, M. D., Frank M. Taylor, M. D., Nellie S. Vernon, M. D., 1902 E. Martin Adams, M. D., Alys Abigail Bixby, M. D., Walter B. Braden, M. D., Charles S. Edwards, M. D., William King Haviland, M. D., Alfred E. King, M. D., Maude W. Kremer, M. D., Stanford Loeb, M. D., Edward Albert Marshall, M. D., Ralph Charles Matson, M. D., Ray William Matson, M. D., Neal A. O'Leary, M. D., Elsie Deputy Patton, M. D., Frederick Salander Smith, M. D., Alvon B. Stone, M. D., George William Tamiesie, M. D., Ward B. Van Vetchen, M. D., Floyd Marion White, M. D., Nancy Newkirk White, M. D., Sherold Fisher Wiltsie, M. D., Goldendale, Washington. China. Everett, Washington. Moro, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Moro, Oregon. Moro, Oregon. Silverton, Oregon. Brewster, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Vancouver, Washington. Albany, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon. Arlington, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Prineville, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Grants Pass, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Woodburn, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Tacoma, Washington. Klamath Falls, Oregon. Coquille, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. University of O r t e,g o n 1903 George Lee Biggers, M. D., Marie D. Equie, M. D., Harry Hammonde Franklin, M. D., Katherine C. Manion, M. D., A. D. Morrison, M. D^, Hugh Stevens Mount, M. D., Mary Ellen Parker, M. D., Mary D. Skinner, M. D., Eunice Eleanor Van Alstine, M. D., 1904 Oscar DeVaul, M. D., Theodore Fessler, Ph. G., M. D., Herbert M. Green, M. D., Robert Eugene Golden, B. M. E., Chester Garfield Hall, M. D., James Cresap Hayes, M. D., Harry L. Houston, M. D., Mary Mac Lachlan, M. D., Richard Neubauer, M. D., Gail Simpson Newsome, M. D., Garwood Henry Ostrander, M. D., Olive M. Slate, M. D., Walter Valentine Spencer, M. D., Orville Arthur Thornton, M. D., George Arthur Torgler,* M. D., Ralph Coffyn Walker, M. D., K. Yamada, M. D., 1905 Joseph A. Applewhite, M. D., R. S. Armes, M. D., J. B. Bilderback, M. D., Robert Tilden Boals, M. D., Henry B. Day, M. D., Roscoe Field, M. D., Robert Grieve, M. D., Albert Chester Hanson, M. D., Thomas W. Hester, M. D., Harvey O. Hickman, M. D., La Grande, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Carlton, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon. California. Seattle, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Washington. Sherwood, Oregon. Baker, Oregon. Marshfield, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Prineville, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Spokane, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Japan. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Tillamook, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Oregon. Mexico. Lents, Oregon. Jacksonville, Oregon. Oregon City, Oregon. 102 General Register George Wrigh I Kill, M. D., William Wilson Pratt Holt, M. D., Jacob Frederick Hosch, M. D., E. Lloyd Irvine, M. D., Cora B. Lemon, M. D., Fred A. Lieuallen, M. D., Bertha Taylor Patton, M. D., Fred Peacock, M. D., Merritt Edmund Reitzel, M. D., John C. Ross, M. D., Thomas W. Ross, M. D., J. Howard Snively, M. D., Frederick George Uhlman, M. D., Harry Archer Start, M. D., Glenn Wheeler, M. D., Percy Joseph Wiley, M. D., 1906 Oliver Miller Babbitt, M. D., Simon Peter Bittner, M. D., Alfred Edward Teasdale-Buckell, M. Harry Earl Estey,* M. D., Ferdinand P. Fisch, M. D., William J. Inman,* M. D., Henry J. Kavanaugh, M. D., Ernest E. McLeod, M. D., Charles Leon Moad, M. D., William A. Monroe, M. D., Claude Powell, M. D., Asa Bertrand Starbuck, M. D., Frederic F. J. Thompson, M. D., John Thompson Townley, M. D., James Leonidas Wooden, M. D., Thomas E. Zieber, M. D., 1907 John George Abele, M. D., Henry Victor Adix, M. D., Oro De Garmo Babcock, M. D., Adalbert G. Bettman, M. D., Jo Bennett Blair, M. D., Fred Russell Chancy,* M. D., Portland, Oregon. Eagle Point, Oregon. Cascade Locks, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Grants Pass, Oregon. Adams, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Cathlamet, Washington. Lafayette, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Gresham. Oregon. D., Lewiston, Idaho. Portland, Oregon. Albany, Oregon. Spokane, Washington. Wenatchee, Washington. Tacoma, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Dallas, Oregon. Columbus, Washington. The Dalles, Oregon. Clatskanie, Oregon. Ellensburg, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Estacada, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Elma, Washington. University of Oregon 103 B. Elizabeth Drake, M. D., Samuel Morse Gellert, M. D., Carl Crawford Griffith, M. D., Carl Julius Hoffman, M. D., Joseph Edward Kane, M. D., William Milton Killingsworth, M. D., Augustus Marshall Kinney, M. D., Harry Stanley Lamb, Emma Riihi Maki, M. D., Willard Needham Morse, Jr., M. D., Benjamin Louis Norden, M. D., Clara W. Young-Reames, M. D., William Evert Smith, M. D., John Stephen Thomas, M. D., 1908 H. B. Babcock (Mrs.), M. D., M. Burden (Miss), M. D., Arvid Bursell, M. D., T. J. Fox, M. D., H. N. Hendershott, M. D., R. E. L. Holt, M. D., Louis Hugh, M. D., W. F. Kaiser, M. D., S. M. Kyde, M. D., H. C. Lieser, M. D., M. N. Lieser, M. D., J. W. McCollom, M. D., E. B. Northey (Mrs.), M. D., F. S. Pratt, M. D., Carl Rahal, M. D., A. M. Regan, M. D., A. R. Sargeant, M. D., B. E. Smith, M. D., L. F. Smith, M. D., L. R. Tyler (Miss), M. D., E. B. Waffle, M. D., C. B. Zeebuyth, M. D., 1909 Otis Franklin Akin, M. D., George Andrew Cathey, M. D., Tacoma, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Woodland, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Illinois. Portland, Oregon. Astoria, Oregon. Portland; Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Seattle, Washington. Eugene, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Philip, South Dakota. Vancouver, Washington. Vancouver, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Stevenson, Washington. Portland, Oregon. San Francisco, California. Astoria, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. 104 General Register James Albert Darby, M. D., tlalph F. David, M. D., Herbert C. Eastland, B. A., M. D., E. E. Gambee, M. D., James P. Graham, M. D., Homer B. Haile, M. D., Donald H. Jessop, M. D., Leslie G. Johnson, M. D., Seth Metcalf Kerron, B. A., M. D., Homer A. Rue, M. D., Charles L. Rybke, M. D., Ravenna T. Spurrier (Miss), M. D., Guy F. Via, M. D., 1910 Banner R. Brook, M. D., George G. Carl, M. D., John B. Dinsmore, M. D., Merle V. Forrest, M. D., Arthur Gale, M. D., George G. Gaunt, M. D., Robert St. Clair Graffis, M. D., Marion J. Jones, M. D., James F. McCauley, M. D., William J. Miller, M. D., Earl V. Morrow, M. D., Samuel E. Rosenthal, M. D., Homer E. Russell, M. D., John C. Whiteaker, M. D., C. C. Wilcox, M. D., 1911 Frederick Adams, M. D., Edgar Harris Anderson, M. D., William Harrison Barendrick, M. D., James Marr Bisaillon, M. D., Walter A. Borland, M. D., Henry Augustus Canfield, M. D., Collins Flint Cathey, M. D., Thompson Coberth, James Burton Gillis, M. D., Roland Vivian Leep, M. D., Pomeroy, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Halfway, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Myrtle Point, Oregon. Tillamook, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Buxton, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Hardman, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Eugene, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland. Oregon. Sandy, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Tacoma, Washington. Drain, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. The Dalles, Oregon. Joseph, Oregon. Bandon, Oregon. University of Oregon 105 Albert Mount, M. D., Michael Edward Purcell, M. D., George Elmer Riggs, M. D., John Reith, M. D., Harry Everett Shoot, M. D., Christian Emil Stafrin, M. D., 1912 Ira Ellis Barrett, M. D., Earl Bruce Brookbank, M. D., Lloyd Wesley Brooke, M. D., Willis Dole Butler, M. D., Frederick Robert Hunter, M. D., Charles Franklin Loeding, M. D., Arthur Clifford McCown, M. D., George Everett Murphy, M. D., Allen Pendleton Noyes, M. D., Luman Samuel Roach, M. D., Lafayette Oren Roberts, M. D., Clarence Wesley Ross, A. B., M. D., Thomas Harris Boyle Runnalls, M. D. William Taylor Stout, M. D., Stanley Leon Wang, M. D., Arthur Ernest Younie, M. D., Joseph, Oregon. Los Angeles, California. Grass Valley, Oregon. Walla Walla, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Woodland, Washington. Hillsboro, Oregon. Forest Grove, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Lents, Oregon. Milwaukie, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. Olympia, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. Puyallup, Washington. Portland, Oregon. Marshfield, Oregon. Marshfield, Oregon. 1913 Cecil Else Brous, M. D., 1791 Haven St., Portland, Oregon. Roscoe William Cahill, M. D., St. Vincent's Hospital, Portland, Oregon. John A. Hughes, M. D., 634 Williams Ave., Portland, Oregon. Mary Leona Jacob, M. D., 826% Williams Ave., Portland, Oregon. Hinton Denny Jones, M. D., 213 Comstock St. West, Seattle, Washington. Herbert Francis Leonard, M. D., 319-20 Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Harry M. Makins, M. D., Tacoma General Hospital, Tacoma, Washington. Dwight Franstone Miller, M. D., 1142 V 2 Division St., Portland, Oregon. Harvard Clayton Moore, M. D., 133 E. 34th St., Portland, Oregon. 106 General Register Hugh S. McKenzie, M. D., Fossil, Oregon. Julius F. Neuberger, M. D., 682 Everett St., Portland, Oregon. Frederick Graham Nichols, M. D., R. F. D. No. 5, Seattle, Washington. Edward Allen Noyes, Jr., M. D., 155 N. 22nd St., Portland, Oregon. Harvey Earl Rinehart, M. D., 302 Vista Ave., Portland, Oregon. Harry Freeborn McKay Shannon, M. D., 411 Eiler Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Ralph Louis Sharkey, M. D., 206 E. 8th St. N., Portland, Oregon. Henry Frederick Thiel, M. D., Prescott, Washington. Alfred W. Z. Thompson, M. D., North Yakima, Washington. Archie Clifford Van Cleve, M. D., Medical Building, Portland, Oregon. SUMMARY OF ALUMNI Honorary Alumni 8 College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and College of Engineering 1,025 Normal Course 24 English Course 1 Scientific Didactics 6 School of Music School of Medicine 464 School of Law 436 Total graduates 1,977 University of Oregon 107 THE BOARD OF REGENTS Name Matthew P. Deady* Henry Failing* 'Robert S. Bean PRESIDENTS Address Portland Portland Portland Expiration Appointed of Term 1873 1893 1893 1898 1899 Joshua J. Walton* Louis H. Johnson SECRETARIES Eugene Eugene 1873 1905 1905 John H. McClung B. F. Dorris A. G. Hovey* A. G. Hovey, Jr. Stuart B. Eakin* TREASURERS Eugene Eugene Eugene Eugene Eugene 1873 1878 1883 1898 1901 1878 1883 1898 1901 1909 The State Treasurer assumed the office in 1909. W. J. J. Scott* T. G. Hendricks J. M. Thompson* B. F. Dorris Rodney Scott R. S. Bean A. G. Hovey* Joshua J. Walton* Samson H. Friendly D. P. Thompson Cyrus A. Dolph R. S. Bean EXEC UTI VE COMMITTE K Eugene 1876 Eugene 1876 Eugene 1876 Eugene 1876 Eugene 1882 Eugene 1882 Eugene 1893 Eugene 1893 y Eugene 1897 Portland 1897 Portland 1899 Salem 1899 1876 1897 1882 1882 1893 1893 1898 1895 1900 1901 108 General Register Charles B. Bellinger* J. C. Ainsworth R. S. Bean Milton A. Miller A. C. Dixon Charles H. Fisher Portland Portland Portland Lebanon Eugene Salem 1901 1902 1909 1909 1912 1912 1902 1912 1912 MEMBERS Matthew P. Deady* John M. Thompson Thomas G. Hendricks George Humphrey* Joshua J. Walton* Benjamin F. Dorris William J. J. Scott* L. L. McArthur* R. S. Strahan Dr. S. Hamilton* E. R. Geary* Henry Failing* A. Bush* Rodney Scott R. S. Bean C. C. Beekman A. G. Hovey* Joshua J. Walton* Samson H. Friendly S. P. Sturgis* Chas. Hilton Charles B. Bellinger* D. P. Thompson* R. S. Bean William Smith Cyrus A. Dolph Nehemiah L. Butler James W. Hamilton Frederick V. Holman J. C. Ainsworth Milton A. Miller A. C. Dixon Portland 1873 1893 Eugene 1873 1882 Eugene 1873 1897 Eugene 1873 1879 Eugene 1873 1882 Eugene 1873 1882 Eugene 1873 1877 The Dalles 1873 1897 Albany 1873 1882 Roseburg 1877 1901 Eugene 1879 1887 Portland 1882 1898 Salem 1882 1894 Eugene 1882 1894 Salem 1883 1895 Jacksonville 1887 1903 Eugene 1893 1905 Eugene 1893 1895 Eugene 1895 Pendleton 1895 1896 Portland 1895 1905 Portland 1897 1902 Portland 1897 1899 Salem 1898 Baker 1898 Portland 1898 Dallas 1899 1911 Roseburg - 1901 Portland 1903 Portland 1902 1912 Lebanon 1905 Eugene 1911 University of Oregon 109 Charles H. Fisher W. K. Newell Salem Gaston 1911 1912 Oswald West, Governor Ben W. Olcott, Secretary of State L. R. Alderman, Supt. of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill, Supt. of Public Instruction EX-OPPICIO MEMBERS Salem Salem Salem Salem 1911 1911 1911 1913 1913 110 General Register The University OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION PRESIDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY John W. Johnson* Eugene Charles Hiram Chapman Frank Strong Prince Lucian Campbell Portland Lawrence, Kan. Eugene 1876-1893 1893-1899 1899-1902 1902-.... STEWARD OF THE UNIVERSITY Louis H. Johnson Eugene 1900-.... REGISTRARS OF THE UNIVERSITY Eugene Camilla Leach Nanna P. Paddock Wright* (Mrs.) John Arthur Gamber* Albert R. Tiffany Eugene 1897-1900 1900-1902 1902-1905 1906-.... Mark Bailey* Dora Scott Camilla Leach M. H. Douglass LIBRARIANS Eugene Eugene Eugene Eugene CURATOR OF MUSEUM Benjamin J. Hawthorne Eugene 1884-1891 1891-1897 1897-1908 1908-.... 1887-1898 University of Oregon 111 DEAN OF COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ARTS John Straub Eugene 1899- DEAN OF COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Arthur Lackman San Francisco 1899-1902 Edward Hiram McAlister Eugene 1902- DEAN OF GRADUATE SCHOOL Frederick George Young Eugene 1899- DEAN OF SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Simeon Edward Josephi Portland 1887-1912 K. A. J. Mackenzie Portland 1912-.... DEAN OF SCHOOL OF LAW Richard Hopwood Thornton Portland 1884-1902 C. U. Gantenbein Portland 1902-.... DEAN OF WOMEN Luella Clay Carson Mills College, Cal. 1899-1909 Ellen M. Pennell Eugene 1909-1912 M. Ruth Guppy Eugene 1912-.... DEAN OF SPECIAL STUDENTS Luella Clay Carson Eugene 1899-1904 DEAN OF SCHOOL OF MUSIC Wallis Gifford Nash Portland 1900-1902 Irving Mackay Glen Seattle, Wash. 1902-1911 Mary Goodbar Morgan El Paso, Texas 1911-1912 Carl V. Lachmund Portland 1912-1913 Ralph H. Lyman Eugene 1913- 112 General Register GRADUATE MANAGER OF ASSOCIATE STUDENTS Arthur M. Geary Portland 1912-1913 Dean H. Walker Eugene 1913- OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION THE COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS John W. Johnson,* 1876-1898. President of the University, 1876-93. Professor of Latin and Greek, 1876-82. Professor of Latin Language and Ethics, 1882-95. Professor of Latin, 1895-98. Thomas Condon, Ph. D.,* 1876-1907. Professor of Geology and Natural History, 1876-95. Professor of Geology, 1895-1905. Emeritus Professor of Geology, 1905- 1907. Mark Bailey, Ph. D.* 1876-1895. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. Mary P. Spiller,* 1876-1888. Principal of the Preparatory Department, 1876-1880. Pro- fessor of Elocution and Principal of the Preparatory Depart- ment, 1880-1888. Mary E. Stone, 1876-1877. Tutor. Elizabeth Boise, 1877-1879. Tutor. John Straub, A. M., 1879- Tutor in Greek, 1879-80. Professor of Greek Language and Literature, and Modern Languages, 1880-82. Professor of Greek and Modern Languages, 1882-95. Professor of Greek since 1895. Eugene, Oregon. Thomas M. Gatch, A. M., 1879-1880. Professor of History and English Literature. George H. Collier, A. M., 1879-1895. Professor of Chemistry and Physics. Charles E. Lambert, A, M., 1882-1884. Professor of Mental Philosophy and English Literature. University of Oregon 113 Emery E. Burke, A. B.,* 1883-1883. Tutor. A. C. Woodcock, B. S., 1883-1887. Tutor. Ambrose E. Gantenbein, B. S., 1883-1884. Tutor. Benjamin J. Hawthorne, A. M., LL. D., 1884-1910. Professor of Mental Philosophy and English Literature, 1884- 95. Professor of Mental Science, 1895-1901. Professor of Psychology, 1901-1910. B. B. Beekman, A. M., LL. B., 1884-1885. Tutor, 1884-85. Lecturer on Agency, 1906- 1906- Richard Hopwood Thornton, LL. B., 1884-1902. Professor of the Science and Practice of Law. Portland, Oregon. Matthew P. Deady, LL. D.,* 1885-1893. Lecturer on Constitutional Law, and Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. John William Whalley, 1885-1897. Lecturer on Equity and Pleading. L. L. McArthur,* 1885-1897. Lecturer on Pleading. Erasmus D. Shattuck, 1885-1886. Lecturer on Equity. D. W. Coolidge, 1886-1888. Professor of Music. C. E. S. Wood, LL. B., 1886-1889 Lecturer on Equity. Frank A. Huffer, A. M., 1887-1891. Tutor. S. E. McClure, A. M.,* 1887-1897. Tutor, 1886-92. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, 1892-95. Professor of Chemistry, 1895-97. Simeon Edward Josephi, M. D., 1887- Dean of School of Medicine and Professor of Obstetrics and Nervous Diseases, 1887-1912. Professor of Mental Nervous Diseases, 1912- 114 General Register Curtis Clark Strong, M. D.,* 1887-1889. Professor of Gynecology and Clinical Obstetrics. Holt Couch Wilson, M. D., 1887-1908. Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery, 1887-1905. Emeritus Professor of Surgery, 1905-1908. Otto S. Binswanger, M. D., 1887- Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. Portland, Oregon. Kenneth Alexander J. MacKenzie, M. D., 1887- Professor of Theory and Practice of Clinical Medicine, 1887- 1905. Professor of Operative Surgery, 1905-1912. Dean of School of Medicine and Professor of Operative Clinical Sur- gery, 1912- Portland, Oregon. A. D. Bevan, M. D., 1887-1888. Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy. A. C. Panton, M. D., 1887-1890. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1887-1888. Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy, 1888-1890. M. A. Flinn, M. D., 1887-1900. Professor of Physiology. George Milton Wells, M. D., 1887-1911. Professor of Pediatrics. Henry E. Jones, M. D., 1887-1895. Professor of Clinical Gynecology. William Henry Saylor, M. D., 1887-1904. Professor of Diseases of Genito-Urinary Organs and Clinical Surgery. Andrew Jackson Giesy, M. D., 1887-1911. Professor of Dermatology and Hygiene, 1887-1895. Professor of Clinical Gynecology, 1895-1911. F. B. Eaton, M. D., 1887-1890. Professor of Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. William Jones, M. D., 1887-1911. Professor of Clinical Gynecology, 1887-1888. Professor of Clinical Surgery, 1888-1895. Professor of Clinical Surgery, 1897-1907. Emeritus Professor of Clinical Surgery, 1907-1911. O. D. Butler, M. D., 1887-1909. Demonstrator of Anatomy. University of Oregon 115 Luella Clay Carson, A. B., LL. D., 1888-1909. Professor of Rhetoric and Elocution, 1888-1895. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, 1895-1903. Professor of Rhetoric and American Literature, 1903-1909. Mary E. McCornack, B. S., 1888-1895. Professor of Music. James Francis Bell, M. D., L. R. C. P. (London), 1889- Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1889-1905. Professor of Ophthalmology. Professor of Theory and Prac- tice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, 1905-1907. Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine, 1907- C. B. Bellinger,* 1889-1902. Lecturer on Equity. Richard Nunn, B. A., B. Ch., M. D., 1890- Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1890-1891. Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy, 1891-1897. Professor of Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 1897- Portland, Oregon. Philura E. Murch, A. M., 1890-1897. Tutor in Modern Languages. George F. Wilson, M. D., 1890- Lecturer on Operative and Military Surgery, 1890-1891. Pro- fessor of Operative and Military Surgery, 1891-1895. Profes- sor of Military and Operative Surgery and Clinical Surgery, 1897-1905. Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery, 1905-1912. Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery, 1912- Portland, Oregon. J. D. Fenton, M. D., 1891-1895. Demonstrator of Anatomy. George F. Koehler, M. D., 1891-1895. Adjunct to Chair of Anatomy, 1891-1895. Lecturer Adjunct to Chair of Anatomy, 1898-1900. 1898-1900. Clinical Assistant, 1906-1910. 1906- Lecturer on Diseases of Stomach and Intestines, 1910-1912. Associate in Medicine, 1912- Portland, Oregon. J. Hunter Wells, M. D., 1891-1893. Lecturer on General Pathology. H6 General Register Edward H. McAlister, A. M., 1891- Tutor in Mathematics, 1891-1896. Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, 1896-1898. Professor of Applied Mathe- matics, 1898-1899. Professor of Applied Mathematics and Engineering, 1899-1902. Dean of College of Science and En- gineering, and Professor of Applied Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 1902-1904. Dean of College of Engineering, and Professor of Applied Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 1904-1909. Dean of College of Engineering and Professor of Civil Engineering, 1909- Eugene, Oregon. Louise Sawyers Linn (Mrs.), 1892-1905. Assistant in Music. Elizabeth Sawyers, B. M., 1893-1895. Assistant in Music. T. M. Roberts, A. B., 1893-1894. Tutor. William Bell Gilbert, 1893- Lecturer on Constitutional Law. Portland, Oregon. Ernest Fanning Tucker, M. D., 1893- Lecturer on Clinical Gynecology, 1893-1895. Professor of Gen- eral and Descriptive Anatomy, 1897-1898. Professor of Gyne- cology, 1898- Albert Edward Mackay, M. D., 1893- Lecturer on Microscopy and Histology, 1893-95. Lecturer on Microscopy and Bacteriology, 1897-1899. Lecturer on Bac- teriology, 1899-1904. Professor of Diseases of Genito-Urinary Organs, 1904- Portland, Oregon. J. R. Wetherbee, 1894-1897. Director of the Gymnasium. E. B. McElroy, Ph. D.,* 1894-1900. Professor of English Literature, 1894-1897. Professor of Logic, 1897-1900. Ellen Condon McCornack, A. M., 1894-1895. Tutor in Science. Seth Harley McAlister, 1893-18971898-1900 Assistant in Chemistry, 1893-1897. Instructor in Mechanics and Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, 1898-1900. R. P. Baker, 1894-1895. Professor of Music. University of Oregon 117 H. Lee Mitchell, 1894-1895. Principal of Business Department. John D. Letcher, B. S., C. E., 1895-1897. Professor of Mathematics. Charles Friedel, Ph. D., 1895-1906. Professor of Physics. Frederick L. Washburne, A. M., 1895-1902. Professor of Biology. Frederick G. Young, A. B., 1895- Professor of Economics and History, 1895-1899. Professor of Economics and Sociology, and Instructor in Philosophy and Education, 1899-1901. Dean of the Graduate School and Pro- fessor of Economics and Sociology, 1901- Eugene, Oregon. Marie Louise Baright, 1895-1907. Professor of Elocution. N. L. Narregan, 1895-1897. Dean of Preparatory Department. Inez DeLashmutt, A. B., 1895-1897. Tutor in English and English Literature. W. Gifford Nash, 1896-1902. Director of Music. Arthur Lachman, Ph. D., 1897-1902. Professor of Chemistry. George Lilley, Ph. D.,* 1897-1902. Professor of Mathematics. Frederic G. G. Schmidt, Ph. D., 1897- Professor of Modern Languages and Literature, 1897-1906. Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature, 1906- Eugene, Oregon. Irving Mckay Glen, M. A., 1897-1911. Professor of Elocution, 1897-1898. Professor of Philology and Oratory, 1898-1900. Professor of Early English Litera- ture and Oratory, 1900-1901. Professor of English Language and Early English Literature, 1901-1903. Professor of Eng- lish Language and Early English Literature, and Dean of the School of Music, 1903-1911. Charles A. Burden, 1897-1906. Director of Physical Education. 118 General Register Camilla Leach, 1897- Librarian and Registrar, 1897-1899. 1913- Instructor in Freehand Drawing and the History of Art, 1899- 1900. Librarian and Instructor in History of Art, 1900-1909. Reference Librarian, 1909-1912. Instructor in Freehand Draw- ing. 1913- Clinton E. Woodson, A. B., 1897-1899. Assistant in History. Arthur Charles Hiatt, 1897-1900. Assistant in Physics. Max A. Plumb, B. S., 1898-1899. Assistant in Chemistry. Ida Bel Roe Woodson (Mrs.), A. B., 1898-1905. Assistant in English, 1898-1900. Instructor in English, 1900- 1905. Frederic Stanley Dunn, A. M., 1898- Associate Professor of Latin, 1898-1899. Professor of Latin, 1899- Eugene, Oregon. Franklin Cauthorn, M. D., 1898-1899. Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy. Bernard E. Spencer, B. S., 1899-1900. Assistant in Chemistry. Marguerite Hansen, 1899-1900. Instructor in Voice. Mrs. W. L. Delano, 1899-1902. Instructor in Piano. Andrew Charles Smith, M. D., 1900-1906. Lecturer on Clinical Surgery. William E. Maxwell, M. D., 1900-1901. Lecturer on Dermatology. Robert Clark Yenney, M. D., 1899- Lecturer on Histology and Pathology. Professor of Histology and Pathology. Professor of Clinical Medicine, 1911- Lewis Berkley Cox, 1899-1900. Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence. Edward Payson Geary, M. D., 1899-1909. Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis. University of Oregon 119 Cortes Holiday Wheeler, M. D., 1899-1911. Lecturer on Hygiene. Portland, Oregon. John McCarty Brooke, M. D., 1899-1900. Demonstrator of Anatomy. Edward John Labbe, M. D., 1899- Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1899-1905. Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy, 1905-1911. ' Professor of Pediatrics, 1911- Portland, Oregon. P. Irving Wold, E. E., 1900-1903. Assistant in Physics, 1900-1901. Assistant Instructor in Physics, 1901-1903. Henry H. Northrup, LL. B., 1900-.... Lecturer on Pleading, 1900-1906. Lecturer on Pleading, Prac- tice and Probate Law, 1906- John A. Van Gross, 1900-1901. Assistant in Mathematics. Orin Fletcher Stafford, A. M., 1900- Instructor in Chemistry, 1900-1902. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1902-1906. Professor of Chemistry, 1906- Eugene, Oregon. Henry Davidson Sheldon, Ph. D., 1900-1911. Instructor in Philosophy and Education, 1900-1901. Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Education, 1901-1906. Professor of Philosophy and Education, 1907-1909. Dean of School of Education and Professor of Education, 1909-1911. Thomas William Barrett, M. D., 1900-1901. Demonstrator of Anatomy. Joseph Schafer, Ph. D., 1900- Instructor in History, 1900-1901. Assistant Professor of His- tory, 1901-1906. Professor of History, 1906- Eugene, Oregon. Louis Arthur Shane, M. D., 1900-1911. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1901-1905. Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1905-1910. Assistant in Anatomy, 1910-1911. George Burnside Story, M. D., 1900- Lecturer on Dermatology, 1900-1901. Professor of Physiology, 1901-.... 120 General Register James Oscar Wiley, M. D., 1900-1912. Lecturer on Histology and Syndesmology, 1900-1908. Lec- turer on Physical Diagnosis, 1908-1912. Edwin DeVore Ressler, A. M., 1901-1902. Assistant Professor of Education. Carl Cosmo Rice, Ph. D., 1901-1902. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages. Richard S. Smith, B. A., 1901-1902. Scholar in Latin. Mark Wolfe, B. A., 1901-1902. Scholar in History. Charles A. Redmond, A. B.,* Scholar in Economics. Winifred B. Hammond, B. A., 1901-1902. Scholar in Romance Languages. Percy Paget Adams, B. S., 1901- Fellow and Assistant Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1901- 1902. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1902-1908. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1908- Eugene, Oregon. Archibald A. Atkinson, A. B., 1901-1902. Fellow and Assistant Instructor in Biology, 1901-1902. Arthur Louis Frazer, 1901-19041905-1906. Instructor in Piano. Bertha Ellsworth Slater, B. A., 1901-1908. Fellow and Assistant Instructor in English, 1901-1902. As- sistant Instructor in Rhetoric and English, 1902-1905. Instruc- tor in Rhetoric and American Literature, 1905-1908. Sibyl Thurston Snyder (Mrs.), A. B., 1901-19021903-1906. Assistant Instructor in Romance Languages, 1901-1902. As- sistant Instructor in Romance Languages, 1903-1906. Walter Lincoln Whittlesey, A. B., 1901-1905. Fellow and Assistant Instructor in Economics, 1901-1902. Assistant Instructor in Economics, 1902-1905. Charles W. M. Black, Ph. D.,* 1901-1902. Instructor in Mathematics. Amy Grace Powell, A. B., 1901-1902. Assistant Instructor in Latin. University of Oregon 121 Herbert Crombie Howe, A. B., 1901- Assistant Professor of English Literature, 1901-1902. Profes- sor of English Literature, 1902-1908. Professor of Modern English Literature, 1908- Eugene, Oregon. Raemer Rex Renshaw, M. S., 1901-1904. Scholar and Assistant in Chemistry, 1901-1902. Assistant Instructor in Chemistry, 1902-1904. Richard Harold Dearborn, M. E., 1901- Instructor in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 1900- 1903. Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Electrical Engi- neering, 1903-1906. Professor of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, 1906-1911. Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1911- Alfred F. Sears, LL. B., 1902-1907. Lecturer on Equity. Albert Raddin Sweetser, A. M., 1902- Professor of Biology, 1902-1910. Professor of Botany, 1910- Eugene, Oregon. Edgar Ezekiel DeCou, M. S., 1902- Professor of Mathematics. Marvin M. Scarborough, 1902-1903. Assistant Instructor in Biology. Arthur Patch McKinlay, A. B., 1902-1903. Assistant Professor of Latin. Charles W. Converse, A. B., 1902- Engineer, 1902-1905. Instructor in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 1905-1910. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1910- Thomas Howell, 1903-1S04. Collector in the Department of Botany. James Cullen Zan, M. D., 1903- Lecturer on Dermatology, 1903-1905. Assistant Professor Ma- teria Medica and Therapeutics, 1905-1907. Professor of Ma- teria Medica and Therapeutics, 1907-1911. Adjunct Professor of Clinical Surgery, 1911-1912. Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Rose Midgley Hollenbeck, 1903-1904. Instructor in Piano. 122 General Register Calvin U. Gantenbein, LL. B., 1902- Dean of the School of Law, and Professor of the Common Law and the Law of Contracts and Evidence, 1902-1906. Dean of the School of Law and Professor of Criminal Law, Torts and Evidence, 1906- Portland, Oregon. Eva I. Stinson, B. M., 1909-1913. Instructor in Voice, 1909-1913. Susie Fennel Pipes, 1909-1911. Instructor in Violin, 1903-19051909-1911. Frank D. Frazer, A. M., 1903-1905. Instructor in Mathematics. William Pingry Boynton, Ph. D., 1903- Assistant Professor of Physics and Assistant in Mathematics, 1903-1906. Professor of Physics, 1906- Eugene, Oregon. James MacDonald Hyde, A. B., 1903-1906. Assistant Professor of Economic Geology and Mining. John F. Bovard, M. S., 1903-19041906- Assistant Instructor in Biology, 1903-1904. Instructor in Biology, 1906-1907. Assistant Professor of Biology, 1907-1910. Professor of Zoology, 1910- Harvey Bruce Densmore, A. B., 1903-1904. Assistant Instructor in Latin. Ralph S. Shelley, 1903-1904. Assistant Instructor in Physics. William L. Brewster, 1904-1907. Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence. William Reed Veazie, 1904-1905. Assistant Instructor in Chemistry. Lulu Virginia Cleaver Bean (Mrs.), A. B., 1904-1905. Assistant Instructor in English Literature. Andrew Warren Jackson, 1904-1909. Assistant Instructor in Physics. Herbert Moulton, 1904-1905. Field Assistant in Civil Engineering. Ella E. McAlister, 1904-1907. Assistant Instructor in Piano. Abby Whiteside, B. M., 1904-1907. Instructor in Piano. University of Oregon 123 Blanche T. Bigelow, A. B., 1905-1907. Assistant Instructor in English. David Graham, A. B., 1905-1906. Assistant Instructor in Economics. J. Allen Gilbert, Ph. D., M. D., 1905- Lecturer on Clinical Medicine. Assistant Professor of Medi- cine, 1912- Luther W. Hamilton, M. D., 1905- Adjunct Lecturer on Materia Medica, Electro-Therapeutics and Dietetics, 1905-1907. Lecturer on Electro-Therapeutics, 1907-1912. Associate in Surgery, 1912- Portland, Oregon. William Wilson P. Holt, A. B., M. D., 1905-1906. Laboratory Demonstrator of Chemistry. William House, M. D., 1905- Clinical Lecturer on Mental Diseases, 1905-1907. Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence, 1907- Portland, Oregon. Wiley Jerome Huddle, M. A., 1905-1907. Assistant Instructor in Chemistry, 1905-1906. Instructor in Chemistry, 1906-1907. Ralph Charles Matson, M. D., 1905- Lecturer on Bacteriology, 1905-1910. Lecturer on Bacteriology and Clinical Lecturer on Tuberculosis and Vaccine Therapy, 1910-1912. Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, 1912- Ray William Matson, M. D., 1905-1910. Lecturer on Histology. Carl Arthur McClain, B. S., 1905- Field Assistant in Civil Engineering, 1905-1906. Assistant Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1906-1907. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1907-1912. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1912- Eugene, Oregon. Condon C. McCornack, A. B., M. D., 1905-1909. Clinical Assistant. C. J. McCusker, M. D., 1905- Laboratory Demonstrator of Physiology, Lecturer on Hema- tology. Instructor in Anatomy, 1912- Portland, Oregon. William Cecil McKechnie, M. D., 1905-1906. Laboratory Demonstrator of Therapeutics. 124 General Register Charles Roy Reid, B. S., 1905- Assistant Instructor in Mathematics, 1905-1906. Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1906-1907. Instructor in Civil En- gineering and Physics, 1907-1909. Instructor in Electrical Engineering and Physics, 1909-1911. Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1911- Eugene, Oregon. William H. Skeene, M. D., 1905-1906. Adjunct Lecturer on Gynecology. Frank M. Taylor, A. B., M. D., 1905- Adjunct Lecturer on Materia Medica, Electro-Therapeutics and Dietetics, 1905-1907. Lecturer on Dietetics, etc., 1907- 1912. Associate in Medicine, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Orville Arthur Thornton, B. S., M. D., 1905-1910. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1905-1908. Lecturer on Osteology and Syndesmology, 1908-1910. George Shattuck Whiteside, M. D., 1905- Clinical Assistant, 1905-1909. Clinical Lecturer, 1909-1912. Assistant Professor of Genito-Urinary Diseases, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Otis Buckminster Wight, A. B., M. D., 1905-.. Lecturer on Clinical Surgery, 1905-1911. Lecturer on Gyne- cology, 1911-1912. Assistant Professor of Gynecology, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Elizabeth J. Woods, A. B., 1905-1906. Assistant Instructor in English Literature. Timothy Cloran, Ph. D., 1906- Assistant Professor of Romance Languages. Professor of Romance Languages, 1907- Eugene, Oregon. Arthur C. Terrill, B. S., 1906-1908. Assistant Professor of Mining and Metallurgy, 1903-1907. Professor of Mining and Metallurgy, 1907-1908. Hugo Frank Bezdek, A. B., 1906-1907. Physical Director, Director of Men's Sports, 1913- Heman Burr Leonard, Ph. D., 1906- Instructor in Mathematics, 1906-1910. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1910-1912. Professor of Mathematics, 1912- Eugene, Oregon. John E. Brindley, M. A., 1906-1907. Assistant Instructor in Economics. University of Oregon 125 Joseph Knapp, B. S., 1906-1907. Assistant in Civil Engineering (Testing Station). Camille Cairoll Bovard (Mrs.), A. B., 1906-1907. Assistant Instructor in English Literature. Veda J. Quackenbush, 1906-1908. Assistant Instructor in Piano. Ina M. Watkins, 1906- Assistant Instructor in Piano. Eugene, Oregon. Clyde B. Aitchison, B. S., 1906- Lecturer on Water Rights. F. D. Chamberlain, A. B., LL. B., 1906- Lecturer on Corporations and Partnership, 1906-7. 1908- John B. Cleland, LL. B., 1906- Lecturer on Sales. Arthur L. Frazer,* M. A. (Deceased), 1906-1907. Lecturer on Domestic Relations. Thomas G. Greene, LL. B., 1906- Lecturer on Bankruptcy. Thomas G. Hailey,* LL. B. (Deceased), 1906-1909. Lecturer on Brief Making and Supreme Court Practice. Otto J. Kraemer, LL. B., 1906- Lecturer on Justice's Court Practice. Wallace McCamant, A. B., 1906- Lecturer on Bailments and Carriers. Martin L. Pipes, A. B., 1906-1910. Lecturer on Contracts. Harrison G. Platt, A. B., 1906-1910. Lecturer on Negotiable Instruments. Arthur L. Veazie, A. M., LL. B., 1906- Lecturer on Real Property. Charles E. Wolverton, A. B., LL. B., 1906- Lecturer on Federal Procedure. Theo. Fessler, M. D., 1906- Laboratory Demonstrator of Chemistry, 1906-1912. Instructor in Chemistry, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Mary E. Kent, A. B., 1906-1909. Assistant in Biology. 126 General Register J. C. Elliott King, M. D., 1906- Lecturer on Dermatology, 1906-1912. Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, 1912- Guy S. Ostrander, B. S., M. D., 1906- Assistant Laboratory Demonstrator of Pathology, 1906-1908. Assistant Laboratory Demonstrator of Pathology, 1908-1911. G. O. Pelgram, 1906-1908. Laboratory Demonstrator of Therapeutics. Frederick L. Shinn, Ph. D., 1907- Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1907-1913. Professor of Chemistry, 1913- Eugene, Oregon. James H. Gilbert, Ph. D., 1907- Instructor in Economics, 1907-1910. Assistant Professor of Economics, 1910-1913. Professor of Economics, 1913- Eugene, Oregon. Susan C. Church Campbell (Mrs.), 1907-1908. Assistant Librarian, 1907-1908. Katherine Ward Pope (Mrs.), 1907-1908. Instructor in Vocal Music. Stephanie Schuecker (Mrs.), 1907-1908. Instructor in Piano and Theory. Mabel Cooper, A. B., 1907-1909. Assistant Instructor in English Literature, 1907-1908. As- sistant in Correspondence School, 1909. Angeline Williams Stevenson (Mrs.), 1907-1910. Assistant Instructor in English Literature. Robert Carlton Clark, Ph. D., 1907-.. Professor of History. Eugene, Oregon. Richard W. Montague, LL. B., 1907- Lecturer on Equity. Portland, Oregon. Julia Burgess, M. A., 1907- Instructor in Rhetoric, 1907-1913. Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, 1913- Eugene, Oregon. August M. Kinney, M. D., 1907-1908. Laboratory Demonstrator of Bacteriology. Robert L. Gillespie, M. D., 1907-1911. Clinical Assistant, 1907-1908. Clinical Lecturer on Insanity, 1908-1911. University of Oregon 127 Le Roy Gesner, 1907-1909. Instructor in Violin. Alberta Campbell, 1907- Assistant Instructor in Piano, and Reader in English Litera- ture. William Hayward, 1907- Physical Director, 1907-1909. Director Men's Gymnasium, 1909- Eugene, Oregon. Lewis R. Alderman, B. A., 1908-1910. Professor of Education and Director Correspondence School, 1908-1909. Professor of Education and Field Director Corre- spondence School, 1909-1910. Franklin L. Barker, E. M., 1908-1913. Professor of Mining and Metallurgy. Professor of Geography. James Duff Barnett, Ph. D., 1908- Professor of Political Science. Earl C. Bronaugh, A. M., LL. D., 1908- Lecturer on Domestic Relations. Walter H. Evans, B. S., LL. D., 1908- Secretary School of Law, 1908-1911. Lecturer on Contracts and Negotiable Instruments, 1911- Portland, Oregon. Fred Goodrich Frink, M. S., 1908- Professor of Railway Engineering, 1908-1912. Professor of Engineering and Mathematics. Robert G. Morrow, Ph. B., 1908- Lecturer on Brief Making and Supreme Court Practice. Portland, Oregon. Thomas O'Day, LL. B., 1908- Lecturer on Bailments and Carriers. Portland, Oregon. James Currie, M. A., 1908-1909. Instructor in Chemistry. Samuel Eliot, B. A., 1908-1909. Instructor in Psychology. Mozelle Hair, B. A., 1908- Assistant Instructor in Modern 1 English Literature, 1908-1909. Secretary Correspondence-Study Department, 1909- Eugene, Oregon. 128 General Register Hugo Wilhelm Koehler, B. A., 1908-1910. Instructor in German, 1911-1913. Ellen M. Pennell, 1908- Instructor in English and Assistant Dean of Women, 1908- 1911. Instructor in English and Acting Dean of Women, 1911-1912. Instructor in English and Art, 1912- Eugene, Oregon. Mary Hallowell Perkins, M. A., 1908- Instructor in Rhetoric, 1908-1913. Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, 1913- Miriam Van Waters, B. A., 1908-1909. Assistant in Correspondence School. Alvin W. Baird, M. D., 1908-1912. Lecturer on Operative Surgery. Mary Goodbar Morgan, 1908-1912. Instructor in Piano and Theory, 1908-1911. Acting Director, School of Music, and Instructor in Piano and Theory, 1911- 1912. Grace E. Campbell, 1908-1909. Instructor in Voice. Ethel Evans, B. Mus., 1908-1912. Assistant in Piano. Nell G. Murphy, B. Mus., 1908- Assistant in Piano. Louis I. Wolf, M. D., 1908-1909. Clinical Assistant. Marius Breckenridge Marcellus, B. S., M. D., 1908- Assistant Laboratory Demonstrator of Pathology, 1908-1912. Instructor in Pathology, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Gustave W. Buchen, B. A., 1909-1911. Assistant Professor of Public Speaking. Bertha Stuart, A. B., M. D., 1909- Director Women's Gymnasium. Eugene, Oregon. Edward Allen Thurber, M. A., 1909- Professor of Rhetoric and American Literature. Eugene, Oregon. Richard L. Grider, E. M., 1909-1910. Instructor in Mining. University of Oregon 129 Mary Watson, B. A., 1909- Assistant in English Literature, 1909-1911. Instructor in English Literature, 1911- Emma Wold, M. A., 1909-1910. Assistant in Botany. E. B. Waffle, M. D., 1909-1910. Laboratory Demonstrator of Histology. Herbert M. Greene, M. D., 1909-1910. Clinical Lecturer. William A. Shea, M. D., 1909-1911. Laboratory Demonstrator of Therapeutics. C. J. C. Bennett, Ph. D., 1910-1912. Professor of Psychology. Professor of Education and Psy- chology. W. B. Kempthorne, Ph. B., 1910- Instructor in Mathematics. Eugene, Oregon. George F. Lussky, B. A., 1910-1911. Instructor in German. Arthur J. Collier, M. A., 1910- Professor of Geology. Eugene, Oregon. Arthur Mitchell, Ph. D., 1910-1911. Assistant Professor of Psychology. David Nathaniel Roberg, M. D., 1910- Acting Professor of Anatomy and History, 1910-11. Professor of Anatomy and Histology, 1911-1912. Professor of Pathology, 1912- Ethel Rowland, 1910-1911. Instructor in Theory and Harmony. Paul Bond, B. A., 1910-1911. Assistant in Physics, 1910-1911. Assistant Instructor in Physics, 1911-1912. Edmund S. Conklin, Ph. D., 1911- Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1911-1913. Professor of Psychology, 1913- Eugene, Oregon. John D. MacLaren, Ph. D., M. D., 1911- Acting Professor of Physiology anad Embryology, 1911-1912. Professor of Physiology, 1912- Portland, Oregon. 130 General Register Franklin Chambers McLean, B. S., M. D., 1911- Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacology, 1911- Portland, Oregon. Archibald F. Reddie, B. A., 1911- Professor of Public Speaking. Eugene, Oregon. J. LeRoy Johnson, B. A., 1911-1912. Instructor in Public Speaking. Maude I. Stinson, B. A., 1911-1912. Assistant in English. Harriet Thomson, B. A., 1911- Instructor in Physical Training. Calvin S. White, M. D., 1911- Lecturer on Hygiene, 1911-1912. Assistant Professor Medi- cine, 1912- Portland, Oregon. David Campbell, 1911-1913. Instructor in Piano. Lila C. Prosser, B. Mus., 1911-1912. Assistant in Voice. Eugene, Oregon. Fred J. Ziegler, M. D., 1911- Lecturer on Minor Surgery, 1911-1912. Associate in Surgery, 1912- Portland, Oregon. A. M. Creadick, M. D., 1911- Laboratory Demonstrator of Physiology, 1911-1912. Instruc- tor in Pathology, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Otis Franklin Akin, M. D., 1911- Laboratory Demonstrator of Anatomy and Lecturer on Ortho- pedic Surgery, 1911-1912. Associate in Surgery, 1912- Portland, Oregon. George Andrew Cathey, M. D., 1911- Laboratory Demonstrator of Bacteriology, 1911-1912. Instruc- tor in Bacteriology, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Ralph A. Fenton, M. D., 1911- Clinical Lecturer on Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology, 1911-1912. Associate in Rhinology and Laryngology, 1912- Portland, Oregon. Robert H. Ellis, M. D., 1911 Clinical Lecturer on Obstetrics, 1911-1912. Assistant Profes- sor in Obstetrics, 1912- Portland, Oregon. University of Oregon 131 Fred Carleton Ayer, M. S., M. A., 1912- Professor of Education. Eugene, Oregon. Montana Hastings, B. S., 1912- Assistant Professor of Education. Eugene, Oregon. Eric W. Allen, B. A., 1912- Professor of Journalism. Eugene, Oregon^ Robert L. Benson, M. D., 1912- Associate Professor of Anatomy. Portland, Oregon. John M. Connolly, M. D., 1912- Associate Professor of Physiological Chemistry. Portland, Oregon. M. Ruth Guppy, B. L., 1912- Dean of Women. Eugene, Oregon. Robert W. Prescott, B. A., 1912- Assistant Professor of Public Speaking. Eugene, Oregon. George Rebec, Ph. D., 1912- Professor of Education. William Mackey Smith, Ph. D., 1912- Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1912-1913. Secretary to the President, and Professor of Mathematics. Eugene, Oregon. Walter T. Williamson, M. D., 1912- Assistant Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases. Portland, Oregon. Ethel Barnard, B. A., 1912-1913. Assistant Instructor in English Literature. Cecilia Smith Bell, B. A., 1912- Assistant Instructor in English Literature. Eugene, Oregon. Mabel Holmes Parsons, M. A., 1912- Instructor in English. Eugene, Oregon. George Ainslie, M. D., 1912- Associate in Ophthalmology. Portland, Oregon. J. B. Bilderback, M. D., 1912- Associate in Pediatrics. Portland, Oregon. Noble Wiley Jones, M. D., 1912- Associate in Medicine. Portland, Oregon. Ralph Walker, M. D., 1912- Associate in Medicine. Portland, Oregon. 132 General Register John N. Coughlan, M. D., Associate in Rhinology and Laryngology. Horace Burnett Fenton, A. B., M. D., Instructor in Physiology. Donald H. Jessop, Ph. G., M. D., Instructor in Anatomy. William S. Knox, M. D., B. S., Instructor in Medicine. Frederick A. Kiehle, A. B., M. D., Instructor in Ophthalmology. Mary Vera Madigan, M. D., Instructor in Physiological Chemistry. James Wendell Rosenfeld, A. B., M. D., Instructor in Pediatrics. Lawrence Selling, A. B., M. D., Instructor in Medicine. W. E. Smith, M. D., Instructor in Pathology. Perry J. Payne, S. B., M. D., Instructor in Dermatology. Gertrude French, M. D., Assistant in Ophthalmology. Mary MacLachlan, M. D., Assistant in Obstetrics. Carl V. Lachmund, Acting Director, School of Music, and Instructor in Piano and Theory, 1912-1913. Instructor in Piano and Theory, 1913- Winifred Forbes, 1912- Instructor in Violin. Eugene, Oregon. Avis Benton, 1912- Instructor in Piano. Eugene, Oregon. Margaret C. Upleger, 1912- Reference Librarian. Eugene, Oregon. W. F. Allison, C. E., 1913- Professor of Sanitary and Hydraulic Engineering. Eugene, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912- Portland, Oregon. 1912-.... University of Oregon 133 A. E. Caswell, Ph. D., 1913- Instructor of Physics. Eugene, Oregon. Karl M. Dallenbach, Ph. D., 1913- Instructor in Psychology. Eugene, Oregon. Kuth, Davis, B. Mus., 1913- Instructor in Music. Eugene, Oregon. Colvin V. Dyment, B. S., 1913- Professor of Journalism. Eugene, Oregon. Charles H. Edmondson, Ph. D., 1913- Assistant Professor of Zoology. Eugene, Oregon. Jessie Fariss, B. Mus., 1913- Instructor in Music. Eugene, Oregon. Frieda Goldsmith, B. A., 1913- Instructor in Physical Training. Eugene, Oregon. Hermione Hawkins, 1913- Instructor in Music. Eugene, Oregon. Clifton Freemont Hodge, Ph. D., 1913- Professor of Civic Biology. Eugene, Oregon. Edward W. Hope, Ph. D., 1913- Professor of Law and Instructor in Latin. Eugene, Oregon. Ealph H. Lyman, A. B., 1913- Dean of School of Music. Eugene, Oregon. Graham J. Mitchell, B. S., 1913- Instructor in Geology. Eugene, Oregon. George H. R. O'Donnell, B. S., 1913- Instructor in German. Eugene, Oregon. John P. O'Hara, 1913- Instructor in History. Eugene, Oregon. Edgar W. Shockley, 1913- Assistant Physical Director for Men. Eugene, Oregon. Don. C. Sowers, M. A., 1913- Professor of Municipalities and Public Accounting. Eugene, Oregon. Fred L. Stetson, M. A., 1913- Assistant Professor of Education. Eugene, Oregon. 134 General Register Edward Thorstenberg, Ph. D., 1913- Professor of Scandinavian Languages and Literature. Eugene, Oregon. Roy M. Winger, Ph. D., 1913- Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Eugene, Oregon. Wayne E. Elliott, B. A., 1913-1914. Reader in English Literature. Eugene, Oregon. U niv ersity of Oregon 135 HISTORICAL SKETCH. University of Oregon established by act of the legislature, October 19, 1872. Deady Hall, erected by the University Association of Eugene, presented to the Board of Regents, July, 1876. University of Oregon opened for the reception of students, 1876. First class graduated 1878. Henry Villard gave $1,000 for the establishment of a University Library, 1882. Henry Villard gave $50,000 towards an endowment for the Uni- versity, 1883. Law School established 1884. Normal course abolished 1884. Villard Hall erected 1885. Medical School established 1887. Observatory erected 1888. Henry Failing gave $2,500, and C. C. Beekman $1,600 for the establishment of the Failing and Beekman Prize Fund, 1889. Men's Dormitory erected 1893. Collier Hall and grounds purchased 1896. Gymnasium erected 1897. McClure Hall erected 1900. Electrical Building erected 1901. Preparatory Department abolished 1904. Testing Station estbalished 1905. Library Building erected 1906. Mary Spiller Hall erected 1907. Kincaid Field and additional land secured, 1908. Engineering Hall erected 1909. Men's Gymnasium erected 1910. Women's Gymnasium rebuilt and equipped 1910. Administration Hall erected 1914. Wing to Library added 1914. INDEX General Register of the Officers and Alumni of the University of Oregon For Medical Department Willamette University see page 165. A. PAGE Abett, E. R 40 Abbey, Adolph 89 Abele, J. G 102 Abrams, Lucile 70 Ackerman, Lillian (Carleton) 25 Adair, Viena (Sigler) 19 Adams, Agnes (Randle) 25 Adams, Cecile (Foley) 38 Adams, Clara (Eakin) 79 Adams, E. Martin 100 Adams, Frederick 104 Adams, G. A 85 Adams, Grace M 64 Adams, Julia (McDaniel) 6-10 Adams, Percy P 30-120 Adams, W. P 86 Adamson, Grace 70 Adix, H. V 102 Ainslie, George, Jr 98-131 Ainsworth, J. C 108 Aistrop, Robert 90 Aitchison, Clyde B 125 Akin, O. F 85-103-130 Alderman, L. R..... 5-7-8-25-109-127 Allaway, Daisie (Waltz) 29 Alexander, James F 95 Allen, Adah Ardys 54 Allen, Eva V. (Bean) 54 Allen, Eric W 131 Allen, Franklin 70 Allison, Jean K 64 Allison, W. F 132 Ambrose, Clinton A 90 Ambrose, J. M 88 Anderson, A. A 91 Anderson, Andrew D 40-90 Anderson, Edgar Harrison 104 PAGE Anderson, Gustave 84 Angell, Homer D 5-29 Ankeny, Dolly (Miller) 34 Applegate, Moray L 29 Applegate. Rachel 64 Applegren, Carl A 92 Applewhite, J. A 101 Armes, R. S 101 Armitage, Estelle V 34 Armour, Stuart 84 Armstrong, A. P 85 Arnspiger, Helen McKinney, Mrs 45 Arthur, Isabel D 98 Arthur, Leroy A 54 Atkinson, Archibald A 120 Atwell, Julia Hill, Mrs 26 Atwood, Sadie (Martin) 30 Ashcraft, Norman C 70 Avery, C. W 83 Avery, W. C 85 Aya, Alfred A 89 Ayer, F. C 131 Avers, Jesse C.... 50 B. Babbitt, O. M 102 Babcock, H. B., Mrs 103 Babcock, O. D 102 Back, Seid 90 Bagley, Mildred 64 Bailey, Edward 6-9-12 Bailey, Edward F 70 Bailey, Mark 9-110-112 Bailey, Mark, Jr 17 Bim, James R 94 Bain, Lonnnh CKerr).... 18 138 General Register PAGE Baird, Alvin W 128 Baird, Oscar E 29 Baker, Edith A 60 Baker, R. P 116 Balderee, Ruth (Wheeler) 54 Ball, Faye E 71 Banfield, Rita E 65 Banks, Chas 95 Bannard, Margaret (Goodall) 37 Bannard, Susie P 7-30 Barber, John R..... 27 Barber, Joseph L 43 Barbour, J. H 94 Barbour, Wendell 65 Barbur, Herbert L 65 Barendrick, William H 104 Baright, Marie L 117 Barker, Franklin L 127 Barker, William 56 Barker, Winifred Cockerline, Mrs 51 Barnard, Ethel F. (Myers). .54-131 Barnes, R. F 88 Barnett, James Duff 127 Barnhart, A. Lester 71 Barrett, Edith F 71 Barrett, Ira Ellis 105 Barrett, Ruth Flynn, Mrs 38 Barrett, Thomas W 119 Barrett, T. H 83 Bartlett, Neta 65 Barzee, Lloyd D 71 Barzee, Mae (Hickson) 50 Bass, Daniel W 15 Bates, Clement W 99 Bates, Harold E 54 Bauer, Cecil H 82 Baum, Sadie 25 Beach, Agnes 50 Beach, Alice Benson, Mrs 38 Beach, Helen (Mitchell) Mrs. 60 Beals, Maude J 65 Beals, Wm. M 60 Bean, Condon R 34 Bean, Emma (Lucas) Mrs 14 Bean, Eva Allen, Mrs 54 Bean. Harold C 65 PAGE Bean, John W 11 Bean, Katherine Patterson, Mrs 8-25 Bean, Ormond R 50 Bean, Robert S 5-8-9-10-107-108 Bean, Virginia Cleaver, Mrs.. .37-122 Beatie, Jennie (Harris) 22 Beattie, Laurie E 7-21 Beattie, W. Gilbert 30 Beattie, Willa Hanna, Mrs 22 Beck, Oscar P 43 Beckwith, J. A 89 Beebe, Allie B 46 Beebe, Cornelius M 50 Beebe, Edith S 54 Beebe, Elbert G... 43 Beebe, Ethel (Jackson) 65 Beebe, Pansy B 65 Beekman, C. C 108 Beekman, B. B 5-14-113 Bechtold, C. C 95 Behrman, Leon W 91 Belat, Emma L 60 Bell, Cecilia 60-131 Bell, Clementine T 99 Bell, James F 115 Bell, Jessie M 46 Bell, W. A 84 Bellinger, C. B 108-115 Belshaw, Mary 60 Bennett, Charles J. C 129 Bennett, F. S 85 Bennett, James A 92 Benson, Alice (Beach) 38 Benson, Robert L 131 Benton, Avis 132 Bergman, Annie 54 Bergmann, M. L 82 Bernard, Earle F 95 Berry, Walter M 46 Bertsch, Ernest J 46 Bettman. A. G 102 Bevan. A. D 114 Bezdek, Hugo F 124 Bibee, Jessie M 65 Biersdorf, H. R 98 Bigelow, Blanche T..... . 123 University of Oregon 139 PAGE Biggers, George L 101 Bilderback, J. B 101-131 Billings, G. Homer 40 Billington. F. E 34 Binswanger, Otto S 114 Birkhimer, W. E 82 Bisaillon, James Marr 104 Bittner, Omar 43 Bittner, S. P 102 Bixby, Alys A 100 Black, Charles W. M 120 Black, George 87 Black, Verena 71 Blackman, Abe B 71 Blair, J. B 102 Blais, Clara 43 Blockberger, F. R 85 Block, Jacob 9-84 Bloom, S 85 Bloomer, S. H 85 Blythe, E. N 32 Blythe, Isabel Jackaway, Mrs 33 Boals, Robert T 101 Boardman, Alice Dorris, Mrs..7-8-13 Boise, Elizabeth 112 Boise, W. L 11 Bond, Elsie Davis, Mrs 47 Bond, Jesse H 50 Bond, Livia (Marsters) 54 Bond, Paul G 46-129 Bonnell, Florence 71 Booth, Edith Prescott, Mrs 58 Booth, Floyd W 50 Booth, Joel C 26 Boothe, J. F 82 Borden, W. E 87 Borland, Walter A 104 Bovard, Camille Carroll, Mrs. 40-125 Bovard, John F 122 Bowman, Beulah (Stalker) 80 Boyer, Gaeta Wold, Mrs 32 Boynton, William Pingry 122 Bozorth, John L 94 Braden, Walter B 100 Bradley, Hazel H 65 Bradley, I,. G 27 PAGE Bradley, Marie M. (Manly).... 34 Brand, Ernest 89 Brant, Hilda M. (Carruth) 71 Brattain, Eldon M 7-16-82 Brattain, Hazen A 17 Brattain, Paul J 21 Bretherton, Alice (Brown) 40 Brewster, William L 122 Bridges, Beulah 60 Briedwell, Ermel Miller, Mrs. 68 Briedwell, Glenn L 54 Briedwell, Paul 71 Brindley, John E 124 Bristol, Emily (Potter) 8-16 Bristow, Darwin 78 Bristow, Greta E 50 Bristow, W. Wilshire 54 Brock, Louis T 98 Bronaugh, Earl C .....82-127 Bronaugh, May Dorris, Mrs... 20 Bronaugh, Jerry E 19-84 Bronson, C. D 88 Brook, Banner R 104 Brook, Frank M 97 Brookbank, Earl Bruce 105 Brooke, F. W 98 Brooke, John McCarty 118 Brooke, Lloyd Wesley 105 Brooks, Benjamin F 100 Brooks, John 87 Brous, Cecil Else 105 Broughton, Harold J 71 Brown, Alice Bretherton, Mrs. 40 Brown, Fay Lloyd 94 Brown, Clifford W 40 Brown, Edith (Miller) 21 Brown, Ella, Mrs 98 Brown, Kate Kelly, Mrs 24 Brown, Isabel (Dearborn) 24 Brown, Lyle F 71 Brown, Nellie (Swift) 78 Brown, R. A 26 Brown, Valentine 83 Browne, D. W 97 Brownell, Joyce (Hopkins) 81 Brownell, Philander A.... 60 140 General Register PAGE Brumfield, Fannie Hemenway, Mrs : 22 Bryant, John C 91 Bryant, Louise (Trullinger).... 46 Bryson, Edith Veazie, Mrs 25 Bryson, Herbert C 87 Bryson, Lizzie Griffin, Mrs 7-28 Bryson, Roscoe S 28 Buchen, Gustave 128 Buck, Louis 98 Buckell, A. E. T 102 Buckley, W. L 97 Buckman, Wilda 91 Buffington, W. 85 Bukowsky, R. J 88 Bump, Daniel D 94 Bundy, Edward 95 Burch, Aurelia 43 Burden, Carrie Hovey, Mrs 79-80 Burden, Charles A 117 Burden, M., Miss 103 Burdick, Antoinette (Oberg).... 43 Burgess, Julia 126 Burke, Emery E 5-12-113 Burke, Juliet Cross, Mrs 60 Burke, James A 95 Burkhardt, F. 86 Bursell, Arvid 103 Burton, A. H 94 Bush, A 108 Busch, Elizabeth 71 Bushnell, Anna (Vestal) 78 Bushnell, George E 8-12 Butler, Beatrice 94 Butler, Lester D 93 Butler, J. Dean 93 Butler, Nehemiah L 108 Butler. O. D 114 Butler, Willis Dole 105 Butterfield, M. G 83 C. Elbert E 98 Cahalin, E. H 87 Cahalin. J F 89 Roscoe William 105 PAGE Cain, John R 37 Cake, Ralph Harlan 71 Cake, William M., Jr 54 Calef, Anna Grimes, Mrs 28 Calef, C. S 78 Calef, Ida (Slauson) 32 Callahan, Felix 96 Calkins, Jessie M. (Morgan).. 60 Calkins, Russell D 71 Cameron, Cora (Laurie) 46 Campbell, Alberta 65-127 Campbell, Agnes Dorothy 71 Campbell, Charles L 37 Campbell, David 130 Campbell. George R 30 Campbell, Grace E 128 Campbell, H. J 37 Campbell, Lucia 65 Campbell, Paul W 95 Campbell, Prince L 110 Campbell, Susan Church, Mrs. 126 Campbell, William Chester 54 Canfield, Henry Augustus 104 Caples, J. R 84 Caplinger, Chester S 95 Cardwell, W. W 6-15 Carl, George G 104 Carl. Ira W 93 Carleton, Lillian Ackerman. Mrs 25 Caro. Raymond J 71 Carrick, Richard C 71 Carrico. James H 28 Carroll. Frances M. Nelson, Mrs 53 Carroll, Caraille (Bovard) 40 Carroll, Walter T 34 Carruth, Frank D 40 Carruth, Hilda Brant, Mrs 71 Carson, Lxiella Clay 9-1 11-1 In Carter, Laura Beatie, Mrs 21 Carter. L. E 90 Carter, Mark E 90 Carter. M. H 86 Cartwright, D. P 85 Cartwright, Gladys 72 Casf\ Ma yes . 97 University of Oregon 141 PAGE Cash, A. Burleigh 72 Cassidy, A. S 97 Casteel, Calvin 34 Caswell, A. E 133 Catthey, Collins F 104 Cathey, George A 103-130 Catlin, Robert 83 Catlin, Sophie M 60 Caufield, Clara M. (Wood) 46 Caufield, Edna J. (Hender- son) ; 46 Cauthorn, Franklin 118 Cecil, James C 72 Cecil, Louise 65 Chamberlin, F. D 125 Chambers, Edith Kerns, Mrs.,7-8-22 Chambers, Ida Hendricks, Mrs. 79 Chance, Arthur W 100 Chance, Charles H 83 Chandler, Benjamin R 72 Chandler, Cecile Wilcox, Mrs.. 64 Chandler, Wm. G 43 Chaney, F. R 102 Chapman, Charles Hiram 110 Chapman, Edward J 94 Charman, Norwood R 55 Chase, Cora 65 Chase, Jessie 47 Chessman, Merle 50 Childers, Earl 65 Chrisman, Sarah 78 Christenson, C. D 91 Church, Earl 24 Church. Susan (Campbell) 126 Churchill. J. A 109 Clancy, O. J 85 Clapp, Marshall J 60 Clark, C. F 11 Clark, Fay 65 Clark, Lilah P 60 Clark, M. H 92 Clark, Robert Carlton 126 Clark, Virgil L, 90 Clarke, Dudley R 55 Clarke, Herbert F 51-93 Clayton, Esther (Pohl) 97 Cleaver, Virginia (Bean) 37-122 PAGE Cleland, John B 125 Cleveland, A. A 26 Cleveland, Charles E 40 Cleveland, Florence R 72 Clifford, Blanche Huston, Mrs. 52 Clinch, J. H. M 98 Cloran, Timothy 124 Closterman, Robert G 95 Coberth, Thompson 104 Cochran, O. D 87 Cockerline, H. N .82 Cockerline, Harold B 65 Cockerline, Winifred (Barker) 51 Coffey, Vanda R 38 Cogswell, Etta 13 Colbert, Viola A 79 Colby, J. L 84 Cole, Grace M 72 Coleman, Harry E 94 Collier, Andrew M 72 Collier, Arthur J 17-129 Collier, Ethan A 51 Collier, Frank T 91 Collier, G. H 112 Collier, Mary (Johnson) 21 Collier, Nettie McCornack, Mrs. 5-6-7-8-11 Collier, Percival M 60 Collier, Robert H 15 Collins, James Dean 55 Collins, Thomas B 95 Comings, Bertha F 55 Condit, Alva 78 Condon, Clara (Nolf) 8-18 Condon, Ellen (McCornack).... 6-10 Condon, Fannie C 18 Condon, Harvey C 6-10 Condon, Herbert T 5-19 Condon, Mary Dorris, Mrs 13 Condon, Maude Wilkins, Mrs... 22 Condon, Seymour W 5-12 Condon, Thomas W 112 Conger, Benjamin 51 Conklin, E. S 129 Conklin, Willard M 91 Conn, Maggie Sergent. Mrs 6-13 Conn, Narcisse 87 142 General Register PAGE Connell, William 84 Connolly, John M 131 Conrardy, Louis L 99 Converse, Charles W 9-33-121 Cook, J. H 97 Cooke, Herbert A 94 Coolidge, Alfred 11 Coolidge, D. W 113 Cooper, Dorothy 24 Cooper, Frances 51 Cooper, James C 95 Cooper, Mabel 43-126 Coovert, L. B 93 Cornelius, Carrie (McQuinn).. 6-10 Cm-m-lius, C. W 96 Cornelius, Emma (Howell) 13 Coughlan, John N 132 Cowan, Marjory 72 Cox, Lewis B 118 Craib, J. E 90 Craig, Lula (Gorrell) 35 Cranfill, lone 6-11 Crawford, Gene 35 Crawford, Katherine D 41 Creadick, A. M 130 Crigler, Delia 90 Criteser, Mary 60 Crocker, Veda Quackenbush, Mrs 125 Cronan, J. E 90 Crosby, B. E 97 Cross, Juliet (Burke) 60 Crouch, L. E 89 Culbertson, Mary Rothrock, Mrs 45 Cundiff, Margaret (Withers).. 43 Cunning, Chauncey 55 Cunning, James 47 Currie, James 127 Currin, Hugh P 65 Currin, Lula W 37 Curtis, Francis D 61 Cusick, G. W 97 Cutler, Clementine 66 Cutter, J. B 97 D. PAGE Dahleen, Harry W 95 Dale, Doretha P 28 Dale, Harry 41 Dale, Mary (Owens) 38 Dallenbach, K. M 133 Dalzell, Harold A 55 Dalzell, Estella Mae Sage, Mrs. 58 Daniels, H 90 Darby, James A 104 D'Arcy, James A 91 Datson, Edna Prescott, Mrs 66 David, Ralph F 104 Davies, Henry R 55 Davis, Carl H 38 Davis, Elsie (Bond) 47 Davis, G. L 90 Davis, Grace 'Van 99 Davis, Howard 26 Davis, Jessie 98 Davis, L. J 17 Davis, Lucile A 72 Davis, Marion F 79 Davis, Pauline (Steelquist) 55 Davis. Ruth E 81-133 Day, Bessie 79 Day, Henry B 101 Day, Mahlon H 26 Day, Mary Marsh, Mrs 28 Deady, Matthew P 107-108-113 Dearborn, Isabel Brown, Mrs. 24 Dearborn, Richard H 121 D'Armond, H. L 90 DeBar, Florence (Stackpole).. 41 DeBar, Mary 61 DeCou, Edgar E 121 Dedman, H. A 98 Degermark, Carin H 72 DeGraff, C. W 90 Deich, Richard 92 Deicke, Paul B 93 DeLano, W. L., Mrs 118 DeLachmutt, Inez 117 Dempsey, Frederick M 93 Dempsey, Lillian 98 Denham, Lewis 84 Denhart, Gertrude .. 61 University of Oregon 143 PAGE Denlinger, Henry 84 Dennis, S. D 84 Dennis, S. D 84 Denny, Malcolm J 98 Denny, Nettie H 78 Densmore, Harvey B 35-122 Derby, A. J 89 Derse, A. G 87 DeVaul, Oscar 101 Devereaux, Harry E 66 Deyoe, Ella M 55 Dick, Paul S 88 Dill, William 47 Dillard, Frank C 38 Dillard, Walter B 9-29 Dinsmore, John B 104 Dittenhoefer, Tillie, Mrs 98 Dixon, A. C 108 Dobie, David L 61 Dobie, Ella M. (Hathaway).... 7-41 Dodd, W. H 83 Dodge, Rosa (Galey) 37 Dodson, J. B 41 Dodson, Ralph M 55 Dodson, Thomas E 41 Dolph, Chester V 84 Dolph, Cyrus A 107-108 Dolph, M. E 89 Donnell, Olive Start 61 Dorris, Alice (Boardman) 7-8-13 Dorris, Benetta (Nash) 7-21 Dorris, Benjamin F 107-108 Dorris, Bertha 55 Dorris, Emma (Hardy) 8-17 Dorris, May (Bronaugh) 20 Dorris, Mary (Condon) 13 Dorris, Stella (Macrum) 81 Dorris, Sue M 7-18 Dosch, A. W 87 Douglas, Nellie Foshay, Mrs. 41 Douglass, M. H 110 Dow, Elsie (Walker) 55 Downes, J. R 92 Downing, Claude Clarence 55 Downs, Chester Arthur 55 Downs, Robert H 91 Drake, B. Elizabeth ., . 103 PAGE Drake, J. F 84 Drew, Howard 61 Drew, Nettie V 72 Duback, J. D 87 Dueber, Eugene A , 94 Dugan, W. W $2, Dunbar, Lulu Renshaw, Mrs... 29 Dundas, Arthur L 93 Dunham, F. A 87 Dunham, F. C 88 Duniway, Ruth 55 Dunlap, Wm. G 66 Dunn, Alwilda E 13 Dunn, Claire 61 Dunn, Frederic Stanley 5-19-118 Dunn, George W 16 Dunn, Ida (Pruett) 13 Dunning, John C 92 Dunston, Carolyn L 55 Dunton, Forrest E 66 Durette, C. W 86 Dyke, Walter P 92 Dyment, Colvin V 133 E. Eakin, Clara Adams, Mrs 79 Eakin, Elma Lockwood, Mrs... 14 Eakin, Otis F 103 Eakin, Stuart B 107 Eakin, Walter T 7-15 Earl, Virgil 41 Eastham, Barry C 56 Eastham, Edna Pearl Luckey 37 Eastland, Herbert C 38-104 Eastland, Rosetta (Templeton) 26 Eastman, H. C 85 Eaton, Allen H 5-7-33 Eaton, Clarence L, 92 Eaton, F. B 114 Eaton, Mabel (McClain) 38 Eaton, Walter M 51 Eaves, Ruth 22 Edmonds, Grace E. Smith, Mrs. 34 Edmondson, C. H 133 Edmunson, Ella Travis, Mrs... 36 Edmunson, J. M. .. 22 144 General Register PAGE Edwards, Charles S 100 Edwards, Fred A 30 Edwards, Mildred Lister, Mrs. 39 Edwards, Ruby C 72 Ehlen, W. H 97 Elliott, Samuel 127 Elliott, Wayne E 72-134 Ellis, Joseph T 89 Ellis, Robert H 130 Ellsworth, Allen M 89 Elton, Albert J 47 Emery, Walter E 92 Ennis, Elizabeth Logan, Mrs. 33 Equi, Marie D 101 Esson, A. M 85 Estey, Harry E 102 Eubank, Clarence M 93 Evans, Ethel 128 Evans, Ethel L. 66 Evans, Grace Murray, Mrs 28 Evans, Walter H 89-127 Everson, F. L 90 Eyre, George W 35 F. Failing, Henry 107-108 Farrell, R. S 86 Fariss, Jessie 61-81-133 Farnham, Ross 94 Farnham, Walter 97 Farnsworth, Alice 72 Farrar, Gladys (Kellogg) 51 Faull, C. W 98 Feldman, Jacob 95 Fenton, Charles R 79 Fenton, Horace B 41-132 Fenton, H. C 97 Fenton, Jefferson D 7-15-96-115 Fenton, Kenneth L 93 Fenton, Lela Goddard, Mrs 44 Fenton, Mabel Smith, Mrs 39 Fenton, R. A 35-130 Ferdine, Blanche 56 Fessler, Theodore 101-125 Field. Roscoe 101 Fisoh, F. P. . 102 PAGE Fischer, Paul C 94 Fisli.-r, C. C 35 Fisher, C. H 108-109 Fisher, Ray D 51 Fisher, Walter S 72 Fisk, Fred 24 Fitch, Roy 66 Fleckenstein, H. F 98 Flegel, Austin F 83 Fliedner, W. Louis 92 Flinn, M. A 114 Flynn, Ruth (Barrett) 38 Fogel, Clyde V 26 Foley, Cecile Adams, Mrs 38 Forbes, Lillie Porter, Mrs 78 Forbes, Winifred .' 132 Ford, Edsall P 72 Forrest, Merle V . 104 Foshay, Mary (Needham) 47 Foshay, Nellie (Douglas) 41 Fouts. Seneca 89 Fountain. Claude R 30 Fountain, Edwin R 43 Fox, John Clyde 95 Fox. Sidney 82 Fox, T. J 103 Frank, Aaron M 95 Franklin, H. H 101 Frazer, Arthur L 120 Frazer, Arthur L. (Judge). ...13-125 Frazer, Eva 66 Frazer. Frank D 122 Frazer. Kenneth F 72 Frazier. Walter F 95 Frederickson. Harry W 66 Freeclman, H. Y 85 Freeman. F. F 85 French, F. A 85 French. G. E 99 French, Gertrude 132 Friedel, Charles 117 Friedel. Jessie McClung, Mrs... 16 Friendly. Carrie (Harris) 7-21 Friendly. Samson H 107-108 Friendly. Theresa (Wachenhei- mer) 8-26 Frlesoll. Frank M. . 41 University of Oregon 145 PAGE Frink, Ellen Beadle 66 Frink, Fred Goodrich 127 Frost, John 38 Fullerton, Kate (Graham) 51 Fulton, Margaret 66 Furuset, Oscar 47 Fry, Jennie H 66 Fryer, Valentine A 94 G. Gabriel, George A 66 Gale, Arthur 104 Galey, Rosa Dodge, Mrs 37 Gallogly, Elizabeth 51 Gallogly, Maude 43 Galloway, Charles V 5-28 Galloway, Francis 43 Galloway, R. W 86 Gambee, E. E 104 Gamber, J. A 8-33-110 Gamber, Mary McAlister, Mrs. 30 Gantenbein, A. E 113 Gantenbein, C. U 82-111-122 Gardner, Curtis A 47 Gardner, Lillian L 73 Garland, Netta A 95 Garland, Thomas L 95 Garrett, Lida Oakes 73 Gatch, Thomas M 112 Gatens, W. N 84 Gaunt, George 104 Gaylord, Linna Holt, Mrs...8-19-80 Geary, Agnes McCornack, Mrs. 11 Geary, Arthur McCornack 8-9-56-112 Geary, Edward P 8-11-118 Geary, E. R 108 Gebbie, John 87 Geisler, Raphael 66 Gellert, Samuel M 103 George, Helen B 73 Germond, Milton B 41 Gersoni, Michael, J 92 Gesner, LeRoy 127 Getchell, Myron W 61 Gibson, James H. 85 PAGE Gibson, Ruth 73 Giesy, A. J 114 Geisy, B. F 98 Gilbert, C. H 86 Gilbert, George W 28 Gilbert, Isolene Shaver, Mrs... 59 Gilbert, J. Allen 123 Gilbert, James Henry 35-126 Gilbert, William Bell 116 Giles, Claud H 92 Gillard, Thomas W 94 Gilles, Verner A 61 Gillespie, Robert L 126 Gillis, James Burton 104 Gittins, Margaret 43 Glafke, Harley 44 Glass, Roy W 33 Gleason, Walter B 93 Glen, Irving Mackay....5-21-lll-117 Glen, Julia Veazie, Mrs 5-22 Glendenning, R. W 97 Glisan, Robert L. 82 Goddard, H. W ... 85 Goddard, Lela (Fenton) 44 Goetz, Robert 92 Goff, L. Adele (McEwen) 51 Goffin, Marie Miller 100 Goffin, O. J 100 Goggin, G. P 87 Golden, Robert E 101 Goldsmith, Frieda 66-133 Gould, J. L 94 Goltra, John N 14 Goodall, George 33 Goodall, Margaret Bannard, Mrs 37 Goodman, Dean Trueman 56 Goodrich, Luke L 8-9-31 Goodrich, Ray 8-37 Goodrich, Ruby Hendricks, Mrs. 35 Gore, William H 16 Gorrell, Lula Craig, Mrs 35 Gorrell, Oscar 33 Gould, Joseph L 94 Gowen, Walter 84 Graffis, R. S 104 Graham, David .. ....7-39-123 146 General Register PAGE Graham, Donald M 95 Graham, George C 95 Graham, Kate Fullerton, Mrs. 51 Graham, James P 104 Graham, John W 89 Graham, R. P 83 Gray, Ethel L 99 Gray, Jeannie 41 Gray, R. June 61 Gray, Klttie P 99 Gray, Mary A, 39 Grayson, Carl 73 Green, Ethel G 66 Green, T. G 83-125 Greene, Agnes (Veazie) 18 Greene, H. M 101-129 Greenfield, J. R 18-83 Grider, Richard L 128 Grieve, M. B 98 Grieve, Robert 101 Griffin, John W 93 Griffin, Lizzie (Bryson) 7-28 Griffith, C. C 103 Grimes, Anna (Calef) 28 Grimes, Will 26 Grimes, Zola (Sorenson) 28 Grodin, Irvin M 56 Gronnert, F. G 90 Grout, Benjamin W 61 Grout, D. A 85 Guerne, Charles A 66 Gullette, Frederick 97 Gullette, H. W 84 Gullixson, H. S 85 Guppy, M. Ruth 111-131 Guthrie, Maude L 73 Gwilt, John W. . 82 H. Hackett, Alvin J 78 Hadley, Winifred (Kuyken- dall) 47 Hager, Celia V. 66 Haight, C. P 87 Haile, Homer B 104 Hailey, Thomas G. .. . 125 PAGE Haines, J. W 96 Hair, Mozelle 47-127 Hale, Charles K 6-11 Hale, May Hemenway, Mrs... 33 Haley, Essie Mae 56 Hall, C. G 101 Hall, Pearl Wilbur, Mrs 64 Hamble, Charles Bolton 47 Hamble, Madge M 61 Hamilton, J. W 108 Hamilton, Luther W 123 Hamilton, S 108 Hamilton, Walter S 98 Hammack, Roy 44 Hammerstrom, Rubie 67 Hammond, Fred B 93 Hammond, Winifred B 31-120 Hampton, Harry 44 Handman, Max 44 Handsaker, Alice Smith, Mrs. 36 Hand-saker, John J 35 Haney, B. E 89 Hanna, Herbert R 22 Hanna, Katherine E 22 Hanna, Stuart B 24 Hanna, Willa (Beattie) 22 Hannon, John P 92 Hansen, Lenora 73 Hansen, Marguerite 118 Hansen, Ruth (Ward) 56 Hanson, A. C 101 Hardie, Ruth C 67 Hardin, Charles E 51 Hardin, D. Ernest 44 Harding, Lloyd 67 Harding, Nieta N 51 Hardy, Emma Dorris, Mrs 8-17 Harlow, F. E 85 Harlow, L. A 87 Harris, Carrie Friendly, Mrs. 7-21 Harris, Jennie Beatie, Mrs 22 Harris, Joseph C 84 Harris, J. L 98 Harris, L. T 5-9-20 Harris, M. C ... 26 Harrold, Howard 51 Hart, W. M 91 University of Oregon 147 PAGE Hartley, Grace M 73 Hartley, H. H 100 Hartley, Lee L 89 Hartley, Olive 98 Hastings, Montana 131 Hathaway, Ella M. Dobie, Mrs 7-41 Hatton, G. C 89 Haviland, W. K 100 Hawk, Jeu 100 Hawke, Charles E 98 Hawkins. A. W 93 Hawkins, Hermione 133 Hawkins, Martin W 95 Hawthorne, Benjamin J 110-113 Hawthorne, Pearl V 56 Hay, Arthur D 93 Hayes, Alice (Lefschetz) 56 Hayes, Christopher 94 Hayes, J. C 101 Hayes, Mary 6-10 Hayes, Susan 51 Hayes, T. A 90 Hayward, William 127 Hedges, P. R 100 Heider, Raymond 67 Heilner, J. J 85 Heitschmidt, Bert 93 Hemenway, Ansel F. 33 Hemenway, Fannie (Brum- field) 22 Hemenway, May (Hale) 33 Hemenway, Nellie H 73 Hemenway, Oscar E 29 Hemenway, Ora Reed, Mrs 80 Hendershott, E. E 90 Hendershott, H. N 103 Hendershott, Helene Robin- son, Mrs 49 Henderson, C. E 20 Henderson, Edna Caufield, Mrs 46 Henderson, Kathleen 56 Henderson, Sidney E 67 Henderson, Louis 44 Henderson, Wilbur 93 Hendricks, Ada (Smith) . 24 PAGE Hendricks, Elma L 35 Hendricks, Hamilton H 78 Hendricks, Ida (Chambers) .... 79 Hendricks, Norma L 41 Hendricks, Robert H 67 Hendricks, Ruby (Goodrich).. 35 Hendricks, T. G 107-108 Herbring, Karl 94 Herr, Phillip 88 Hester, Thomas W 101 Hiatt, A. C 118 Hickey, O. M 90 Hickman, Harvey 101 Hickson, John M 95 Hickson, Mae Barzee, Mrs 50 Hickson, Robert E 52 Higgins, J. C 24 Hill, Anna Pengra, Mrs 14 Hill, Clay M 6-8-12 Hill, George Washington 15 Hill, George Wright 102 Hill, Jacob F 11 Hill, Julia (Atwell) 26 Hill, Mabel 61 Hill, Melissa E 7-21 Hilton, Charles 108 Himes, Edward J 67 Himners, G. F 98 Hobbs, Grace 61 Hobbs, Harry H 41 Hodge, Clifton F 133 Hodge, Walter S 73 Hodgson, Balm Mann, Mrs 27 Hoecker, F. C 87 Hoffman, C. J 103 Hogan, C. F 94 Holbrook, Helen C 73 Holbrook, Philo 26 Hollabaugh, Roy 93 Holland, Clifford G 93 Hollenbeck, Rose Midgley, Mrs 121 Holman, Frederick V 108 Holman, Minnie 73 Holmes, Amy 33 Holmes, Augusta 39 Holmes, Gertrude .. 62 148 General Register PAGE Holmes, Lulu (Plummer) 37 Holt, Linna (Gaylord) 8-19-80 Holt, R. E. L 103 Holt, Theodore 44 Holt, Vesta 73 Holt, Victor L 29 Holt, William Wilson P 102-123 Hoople, H. T 98 Hope, Edward W 133 Hopkins, Harold L 20 Hopkins, Joyce Brownell, Mrs 81 Horner, Alicia Pearl 73 Horner, Vera Delle 56 Hosch, Jacob F 102 Hotchkiss, Clarence R 93 Houch, George E 97 Houck, J. A 84 House, William 123 Houston, A. E 67 Houston, Harvey A 47 Houston, H. L 101 Hovey, A. G 107-108 Hovey, A. G., Jr 7-18-107 Hovey, Elaine H 28 Hovey, Carrie (Burden) 79-80 How, Wong Back 94 Howard, C. V 91 Howard, James H 67 Howard, Victor S 92 Howe, Herbert Crombie 121 Howe, Lola 39 Ho well, Emma Cornelius, Mrs. 13 Howell, Ruth 67 Howell, Thomas 121 Hoyt, George M 6-13-81 Huddle, Harriet Warfield, Mrs. 32 Huddle, W. J 123 Hudson, Florence (Winter- stein) 35 Hudson, William M 94 Huff, Pearl 56 Huff, May (Smith) 80 Huffer, Frank A 16-113 Hug, George W 9-44 Hug, Gladys MacKenzie. Mrs. 52 Huggins. Leigh M 67 PAGE Huggins, Maybelle Larsen, Mrs 62 Hugh, Louis 103 Hughes, C. E 84 Hughes, Helena S 56 Hughes, John A 105 Hughes, J. M 83 Hughes, John R 92 Hulin, Lester G 22 Hull, E. E 84 Humphrey, Bettie Shaw, Mrs. 7-15 Humphrey, Eda Claire 52 Humphrey, George 108 Humphrey, Hazel (Shoemaker) 56 Hunt, Adelle McMurren, Mrs. 39 Hunt, Frank C 94 Hunter, Frederick Robert 104 Huntington, Benjamin 47 Huntington, John 97 Huntington, Walter M 67 Hurd, Conifred 62 Hurd, Virginia 62 Hurgren, A. A 84 Hurlburt, Eugene F 62 Hurley, Jessie (Moores) 52 Hurley, Roy H 87 Huston, Blanche (Clifford) 52 Huston, H. W 85 Huston. Oliver Bruce 56 Hyde, James M 122 Hyde, Hattie .. 62 Inomata. Yahachi 88 Inman, William J 102 Irvin, Lilla 47 Irvine, E. L 102 Irwin, Ben 89 J. Jackson, Andrew W 44-122 Jackson, Ethel Beebe, Mrs 65 Jackson, Frederick C 47 Jackson. Oney G 44 Jacob, Mary Leona 105 University of Oregon 149 PAGE Jakway, Bernard C 7-31 Jakway, Esther Johnson, Mrs. 31 Jakway, Isabel (Blythe) 33 Jamison, Harper N 56 Jamison, Homer B 67 Jasper, Edward D 41 Jenkins, Hopkin 88 Jenkins, Ray Woodruff, Mrs... 64 Jessop, Donald H 104-132 Jewet, G, R 84 Job, B. R 98 Joehnk, E. H 89 Joergensen, V. H 91 Johns, James S., Jr 67 Johnson, Albert 89 Johnson, E. L 91 Johnson, Esther (Jakway) .. 31 Johnson, Ethel M. (Nicholas).. 57 Johnson, Faith 44 Johnson, G. A 92 Johnson, George C 92 Johnson, Gertrude (Knox) 42 Johnson, Henry C 98 Johnson, Herbert S 16 Johnson, J. Lewis 67 Johnson, J. LeRoy 130 Johnson, John W 110-112 Johnson, Leslie G 104 Johnson, Loris 42 Johnson, Lotta (Smith) 24 Johnson, Louis H 107-110 Johnson, Mary Collier, Mrs 21 Johnson, Mary P 98 Johnson, Myra Norris, Mrs... 7-20 Johnson, Pearl 62 Johnson, Robert C 7-16 Johnson, Samuel 92 Johnson, Smith S 99 Johnson, Virgil V 22 Johnson, William H 33 Johnson. Wistar 44 Jolliffe, G. A 83 Jones, Abner H 89 Jones, Geo. W 21 Jones, H. E . 114 Jones, Jesse Buford 73 JORPS. J. Earl .. 67 PAGE Jones, Joseph H 92 Jones, Louise 37 Jones, Marion J 104 Jones, Noble W 131 Jones, William 114 Jones, W. A. M 83 Jonez, Hinton Denny 105 Josephi, S. E 111-113 Joyce, John M 92 JVibitz. Raymond 84 Judkins, T. C 6-14 Junkins, B. Florence 67 K. Kahn, Barbara Lauer, Mrs 24 Kahn, C. M 86 Kane, J. E 103 Kaiser, W. F 103 Kavanaugh, A. L 87 Kavanaugh, Henry J 102 Kavanaugh, J. P 83 Keenan, F. L 82 Keene, C. W 23-100 Keeney, Bessie Morrison, Mrs. 75 Keeney, Homer 1 5-24 Kellogg, Gladys Farrar, Mrs... 51 Kellogg, Robert M 67 Kelly, Frances 52 Kelly, George F 89 Kelly, J. George, Jr 67 Kelly, Kate (Brown) 24 Kelly, Roy 44 Kempthorne, W. B 129 Kendall, Ada G 73 Kennedy, J. P 86 Kennell, William 91 Kennon, Laura H 62 Kent, Mary 42-125 Kenworthy, H. Maude 57 Kerns. Edith (Chambers) ....7-8-22 Kerns, Maude 1 28 Kerr, Arthur Frederick 52 Kerr, Lennah Bain, Mrs 18 Kerr, Maude Service, Mrs 53 Kerr, Winifred 62 Kerron, Seth 42-104 Kestly. Grover J. . 48 150 General Register PAGK Kestly, John J 62 Kidder, Bessie M 48 Kiehle, F. A 132 Kilbough, J. B 94 Killingsworth, W. M 103 Kilpatrick, Earl 52 Kiltz, William C 57 Kime, A. W 99 Kime, J. H 97 Kimmell, Walter W 73 Kimura, Tsunekichi 93 Kincaid, Webster L 48 Kinney, A. M 126-103 King, A. E 100 King, J. C. E 126 Kinsey, Beulah B 73 Kinsey, Mae D 39 Kinsey, Mary (Krausse) 80 Kirkwood, Mabel Miller, Mrs... 36 Kitching, Essie Sechrist, Mrs... 59 Klosterman, J. H 88 Knapp, Cornelia Pinkham, Mrs 63 Knapp, J. B 125 Knight, Albert F 95 Knox, Gertrude Johnson, Mrs. 42 Knox, Jane M. W 68 Knox, Leland J 95 Knox, W. S 131 Koehler, George F 115 Koehler, Hugo W 128 Korell, Franklin F 92 Koyl, Charles W 62 Kraemer, O. J 84-125 Kramer, Adele J. P 31 Krausse, Mary Kinsey, Mrs 80 Kremer, Maude W 100 Kronenberg, C. T 73 Kubli, K. K 20 Kuykendall, D. V 8-26 Kuykendall, J. Eberle 9-48 Kuykendall, Mabel 57 Kuykendall, Robert B 74 Kuykendall, Sibyl (Smith) 35 Kuykendall, Winifred Hadley, Mrs 47 Kyde. S. M 103 PAGE Labbe, E. J 119 LaBrie, Grace 57 Lachman, Arthur 111-117 Lachmund, Carl V 111-132 Lackey, Homer M 57 Lafferty, F. S 82 Laird, Dora (Lewis) 80 Lamb, Ernest D 74 Lamb, H. Stanley 35 Lambert, Charles E 112 Lamson, R. B 83 Landis, N. R 92 Landon, Kate Wilson, Mrs 34 Lane, Harriet F 52 Lane, John C 95 Lane, Mabel Joy 68 Latimer, George 95 Latourette, Earl C 68 Latourette, Howard F 89 Latourette, J. R 44 Latourette, M. D 89 I^arsen, Alice E 68 Larsen, Maybelle (Huggins) .. 62 Lauer, Barbara (Kahn) 24 Lauer, E. H 20 Lauer, Henryette 26 Lauridsen, Laurids 45 Laurie, Cora Cameron, Mrs 46 Laurie, J. A 21 Lawrence, C. W 85 Lawrence, George 85 Layman, Frank A 94 Leach, Arthur D 42 Leach, Camilla 110-118 Lee, Gon Kew 94 Leep, Roland Vivian 104 Le"schetz. Alice Hayes, Mrs... 56 Lemon, Cora B 102 Lent, G. P 86 Leonard, A. F 90 Leonard. Herbert Francis 105 Leonard. Heman Burr 124 Letcher, J. D 117 Levis, Etta (Macey) 7-19 Lewis. Arthur H 98 Lewis. Elizabeth .. 74 University of Oregon 151 PAGE Lewis, Leston L 33 Lewis, Dora Laird, Mrs 80 Lewis, Russell 86 Leiser, H. C 103 Leiser, M. N 103 Lieuallen, F. A 102 Lilley, George 117 Lilly, Jennie 57 Lincoln, Irene (Poppleton) 48 Linn, Fletcher 5-18 Linn, Louise Sawyers, Mrs 116 Lister, Mildred (Edwards) 39 Little, Eugenia 99 Littlefield, Harrie A 99 Littler, Stella Robinson, Mrs... 25 Livingstone, C. D 91 Livingstone, William K 74 Lockwood, Charles E 82 Lockwood, Elma (Eakin) 14 Loeb, Stanford 101 Loeding, Charles F 105 Loeding, H. F 94 Logan, Elizabeth (Ennis) 33 Logan, J. F 82 Logan, R. W 100 Lombard, B. M 86 Loomis, Ruby Pratt, Mrs 58 Lorence, Mabel 74 Lord, Wm. P 9 Lounsbury, H. E 84 Love, Margaret Underwood, Mrs 25 Low, J. P 97 Low, O. P 98 Lowell, Harry 52 Lucas, Emma Bean, Mrs 14 Luckey, Blanche 93 Luckey, Edna Pearl (East- ham) 37 Luckey, Jennie Spencer, Mrs... 14 Luckey, J. E 74 Lyssky, George F 129 Lyans, Roscoe C 57 Lyons, Cecil Kenyon 52 Lyman, Ralph H 111-132 Lynch, Ella C 90 Lyster, Lilly A. .. 57 M. PAGE MacDonald, Maude A. Macey.. 68 Macey, Etta Levis, Mrs 7-19 Mackay, Albert E 116 Mackay, David N 94 Mackenzie, A. E 94 MacKenzie, Gladys (Hug) 52 MacKenzie, K. A. J 111-114 MacLachlan, Mary 101-132 MacLaren, John D 129 MacLeod, E. E 102 Macrum, Stella Dorris, Mrs 81 Macrum, W. S 85 Madigan, Mary V 132 Maegly, Esther 74 Mahoney, C. J 92 Main, William S 68 Maita, M 88 Maki, Emma R 103 Makin, Harry M 105 Malarkey, Dan J 82 Mallory, E. E 85 Manion, Katherine 101 Manley, J. B 98 Manly, Marie M. Bradley, Mrs. 34 Mann, Allon P., Jr 92 Mann, Balm, (Hodgson) 27 Mansfield, Henrietta Owen, Mrs 23 Manville, Ira A 74 Marcellus, Marius B 128 Margrave, Charles E 83 Maris, W. Homer 74 Marion, Alfred V 97 Marioth. Carl G 95 Marks, Thomas 98 Marsh, George H 18-83 Marsh, Marietta 99 Marsh, Mary (Day) 28 Marshall, E. A 57-101 Marshall, Charles L 68 Marshall, Eva L 74 Marsters, Livia Bond, Mrs 54 Martin, Carey F 20 Martin, Chester 95 Martin, Edgar E 74 Martin, Helen Washburne, Mrs. 64 152 General Register PAGE Martin, Melissa M 68 Martin, Sadie Atwood, Mrs 30 Martzloff, Karl H 74 Matlock, Carrie (Roudenbush) 24 Mathews, David P 92 Matthews, Frank B 22 Matthews, Herbert H 74 Matson, R. C 123-101 Matson, R, W 123-101 Matsui, Yori 90 Matsuoka, F. Y 87 Maxwell, Edgar J 12 Maxwell, William E 118 May. Lydia A 95 Maybee, C. E 87 Mayo, Earl E 52 Mays, Edwin 86 McAlister, Edward H 5-7-18-111-116 McAlister, Ella E 122 McAlister, Mary (Gamber) .... 30 McAlister, Mary Warfield, Mrs. 42 McAlister, Seth H 116 McArthur, C. N 5-9-31 McArthur, G. W 91 McArthur, Joseph W 48 McArthur, L. L 108-113 McCallum, Effie B 62 McCarty, R. Dell 48 McCamant, Wallace 125 McCann, R. N 90 McCauley, James F 104 McClain. C. A 9-42-123 McClain, Grace Parker, Mrs... 45 McClain, Mabel Eaton, Mrs 38 McClain, Marion F 9-42 McClaine, Adolphus F 6-11 McClung, Ina 7-22 McClung, Jessie (Friedel) 16 MeClung, John H 107 McClure, Amy Powell, Mrs 21 McClure, Charles E 28 McClure, Henry F 5-15-81 McClure, Horace 18 McClure, Jennie 7-16 McClure. John S 19 McClure. S. Edgar 5-6-14-113 PAGE McClure, Walter A 18 McClure, Walter R 74 McClure, Will E i':: McCollom, J. W 103 McCornack, Agnes (Geary) .... 11 McCornack, C. C 31-123 McCornack, Ellen Condon, Mrs 6-10-116 McCornack, Leathe (Wells) .... 17 McCornack, Mary E 7-i:!-1ir. McCornack, Nettie (Col- lier) 5-6-7-8-11 McCown, Arthur Clifford 105 McCoy, Louis E 62 McCredie, Hugh 92 McCurtain, Allen 91 McCusker, C. J 123 McCusker, Thomas 86 McDaniel, David L. 68 McDaniel, Fannie (Wilcox) 78 McDaniel, Julia Adams. Mrs... 6-10 McDaniel, W. J 11 McDonald, Peter 92 McDuffee. Leroy M 96 McElroy. E. B 116 McEwen, L. Adele Goff, Mrs. 51 McEwen. Ralph B 52 McFall, Oliver P 78 McFall. S. J 82 McFarland, Mary A 74 McGinn. Charles 88 McGinn, G. J 81 McGinn. J. L 83 McGinnis. F. E 91 McGowan, A. H S7 McGuire, John P 68 McGuirk. Walter T 96 McTntire. Walter E 57 Mclntyro. A. J 99 McKechnio, Wm. C rjr: McKelvey, Merle RS McKenzie. A. D 97 McKenzie. Hugh S 106 McKinlay. Alice (Miller) 36 McKinlay. A. P 20-121 McKinlay, Roslyn 22 McKinley, Alva 98 University of Oregon 153 PAGE McKinley, C. W 100 McKinney, Bertha 45 McKinney, Helen (Arnspiger) 45 McKinney, Henry 45 McKinn, Maurice 83 McKnight, Edna C 68 McKown, Hazel 74 McKown, R. Imogene 68 McLean, F. C 130 McMicken, Anna S 74 McMickle, Emilie Muhr, Mrs. 48 McMurren, Adelle (Hunt) 39 McNall, S. J 82 McNair, Hazel (Paine) 62 McNary, L. A. 82 McNeill, Nellie P 52 McNulty, John M 94 McPherson, Lela T 57 McQueen, Stuart 45 McQuinn, Carrie Cornelius, Mrs 6-10 McQuinn, John A 6-10 Means, Javina Stanfield, Mrs. 70 Meesmah, Hugo 97 Meesman, Otto 99 Meier, Julius 85 Melrath, Estella (Murphy) 37 Mendenhall, Montford 84 Menzies, J. C 86 Merges, E. E 84 Merrick, Ruth M 68 Merritt, George H 42 Merryman, Harold 52-93 Meserve, Albert E 31 Messenger, Edna M 74 Meusdorffer, C. H 85 Meyers, C. H 75 MHdleton, J. H 84 Mi:lgley, Rose (Hollenbeck).... 121 Miles, T. W 87 Miller, A. D 83 Miller. Alice McKinlay, Mrs... 36 Miller, Annie Laura 24 Miller, Cecil 75 Miller, Chester F 13 Miller, Dolly Ankeny, Mrs 34 Miller, Dwight Franstone . 105 PAGE Miller, Edith Brown, Mrs 21 Miller, Elmer E 82 Miller, E. 86 Miller. Ermel M. (Briedwell) 68 Miller, Frank R 93 Miller, George M 82 Miller, J. G 20 Miller, Kenneth C 36 Miller, Lena (Wood) 48 Miller, Leslie P 48 Miller, Mabel (Kirkwood) 36 Miller, Maude 45 Miller, Milton A 108 Miller, William J 104 Miller, Winifred K 31 Millican, Verna Sharp, Mrs 23 Milner, J. T 81 Minar, Edwin L 90 Miracle, W. T 98 Mitchell, Arthur 129 Mitchell, Graham J 68-133 Mitchell, H. Lee 117 Mitchell, Helen Beach, Mrs 60 Mitchell, Victoria 42 Mitchell, W. E 84 Moad, C. L 102 Moller, S. Frances Oferteuf- fer, Mrs 53 Monroe, W. A 102 Montague, Richard W 126 Montrezza. Mario G 94 Moore, Arthur R 57 Moore. Arthur J 9C Moore, Frank L 17-82 Moore, Felix 45 Moore, Harvard C ....53-105 Moore, Henrietta E 17 Moore. Lucia Wilkins, Mrs... 64 Moore, Susan W 78 Moore, Walter J 48 Moores, Chester A 68 Moores, Gordon 'C 48 Moores. Jessie Hurley, Mrs 52 Moores, Ralph D 68 Morgan, Ellsworth A 53 Morgan. F. L. . 88 154 General Register PAGE Morgan, Jessie M. Calkins, Mrs. 60 Morgan, Mary G 111-128 Morgan, W. L 87 Morey, William A 94 Morrill, A. H 84 Morrill, R. E 85 Morris, Clyde M 96 Morris, T. M 91 Morrison, A. D 101 Morrison, Bessie (Keeney) 75 Morrow, Earl V 104 Morrow, Robert G 127 Morse, W. N., Jr 103 Moses, William E 62 Mosessohn, D. N 88 Mosessohn, Moses 89 Mosessohn, Nehemiah 88 Mott, Lloyd 62 Mott, Wm 63 Motter, Frank 85 Moulton, Ella L 68 Moulton, Herbert G 39 Mount, Albert 105-122 Mount, Carrie Walker, Mrs 6-14 Mount, Frank R 48 Mount, Guy 45 Mount, H. S 101 Mount. Wallace 5-14 Mount, Wallace, Jr 75 Muhr, Emilie (McMickle) 48 Muir, William T 81 Mulkey, Francis M 82 Mulkey, Frank M 17 Mulkey, Fred W 7-23 Mulkpy, J. B 86 Mulligan, Albert S 79 Mullins. George H 93 Munly, Robert N 94 Murch, Herbert S 27 Murch, Philura E 8-17-115 Murphy, Estella Melrath, Mrs. 37 Murphy, George Everett 105 Murphy, George W 42 Murohy. Nell 69-128 Murphy, William D 36 Murray, Grace (Evans) 28 Myers, Ethel Barnard. Mrs 54 PAGE Narregan, N. L. 117 Nash, Benetta Dorris, Mrs 7-21 Nash, W. Gifford 111-117 Neal, Carl B 67 Neal, O. A 87 Neal, William B 48 Needham, Mary Foshay, Mrs. 47 Needham, Oliver B 57 Neilan, Joyce Brownell, Mrs... 81 Neill, James K. 58 Neill, Ruth Rolfe, Mrs 63 Neill, Will T 75 Nielson, Anton 96 Nelson, Abraham 93 Nelson, Emil 96 Nelson, Frances M 53 Neubauer, Ferdinand J 58 Neubauer, Richard 101 Neuberger, Julius F 106 Neville, J. M 15 Newell, Paulus Edwin 45 Newell, W. K 109 Newsome, Gail S 101 Newsome, J. D 27-88 Newton, Lena Bertha 75 Nicholas, Ethel M. Johnson, Mrs 57 Nichols, Frederick Graham 106 Noffsinger, Ida 25 Noland, George 11 Noff, Clara Condon, Mrs 8-18 Norden, B. L 103 Norris, E. Rea 36 Norris, George W 19 Norris, Myra (Johnson) 7-20 Northey, E. B 103 Northrup. Frank 69 Northrup, H. E 86 Northrup, H. H 119 Nott, Earl Ashby 58 Allen Pendleton 105 FMw.ml Allen, Jr 106 Numeda. Hiroshi 88 Nunn. Richard ... 115 University of Oregon 155 O. PAGE Oatman, J. R 85 Oberg, Antoinette Burdick, Mrs 43 Oberteuffer, S. Frances (Mol- ler) 58 O'Brien, Louis T 96 O'Conner, Joseph 87 O'Day, Thomas 127 O'Donell, George H. R 133 Ofner, J. R 88 Ogden, Melvin P 63 O'Gorman, T. A 91 O'Hara, John P 133 Oishi, S 98 Olcott, Ben W 109 O'Leary, Neil A 101 Oleson, Charles R 69 Olsen, Fred L 84 Olsen, Olga 69 Olson, Florence E 86 Olsson, Clara Pengra, Mrs 28 Onthank, Karl W 75 Orth, E. M 91 Osburn, F. R 82 Osburn, Owen 11 Ostrander, Garwood H 31-101 Ostrander, Guy S 126 Otten, George H 63 Overton, O. Percy 26 Owen, Henrietta (Mansfield).. 23 Owen, Mary Dale, Mrs. .. 38 Paddock, Harry 45 Paddock, Nanna (Wright) .... 110 Paget, L. L 86 Pague, B. S 9-83 Paine, Elmer D 48 Paine, Hazel McNair, Mrs 62 Palmer, Ethel C 81 Palmer, Eulalia 80 Panton, A. C 114 Parker, Grace (McClain) 45 Parker, L. J 89 Parker, Mary E 101 PAGK Parker, Shirley D 94 Parker, William E 88 Parker, William L 98 Parkison, Harry J 93 Parks, Leon C 63 Parrish, Alice (Winchester).. 78 Parshley, A. W 90 Parslay, Mary Thompson, Mrs. 29 Parsons, Mabel H 131 Pate, Merle S 75 Paterson, W. Forbes fi6 Pattee, Cora E 27 Patterson, Anna (Potter)... .6- 8- 15 Patterson, Harriet 36 Patterson, Henry R. Jr 53 Patterson, Ida 7-8-16 Patterson, Katherine (Bean).. 8-25 Pattison, John R 17-82 Patton, Bertha T 102 Patton, Elsie D 100 Paulson, Mark A 75 Payne, Perry J 132 Payton, Alma 69 Peacock, Fred 102 Pearcy, J. N 6-10 Peckin, Everett 94 Peil, Frank A 92 Pelgram, G. 126 Pendergast, W. J 91 Pengra, Anna (Hill) 14 Pengra, Clara (Olsson) 28 Penland, Mabel A. Tiffany, Mrs 49 Pennell, Ellen M., Mrs 111-128 Perkins, Alonzo A 63 Perkins, Clean N 42 Perkins, George F 89 Perkins, Mary H 128 Perry, Jennie May 53 Person, Alva W 92 Peters, Richard 93 Peter, Ruth ...'. 75 Peters, T. M 90 Pfunder, Marie J 87 Phelps, F. M 94 Phillips, Fred J 9$ 156 General Register PAGE Phipps, F. L 93 Pickel, Adele J. (Kramer) .... 31 Pickett, David C 75 Pickett, M. Otto 88 Pierce, E. D 99 Pilkington, Harold 81 Pinkham, Cornelia (Knapp) .. 63 Pinkham, Louis H 63 Pipes, Martin L 125 Pipes, Susie Fennel, Mrs 122 Pittinger, J. M 81 Platt, Clemmer Webb 95 Platt, Harrison G 125 Platts, Edwin 58 Platts, John 37 Plumb, Max A 118 Plummer, Grace 33 Plummer, Lulu Holmes, Mrs. .. 37 Plummer, Ross M 36 Pohl, Emil 97 Pohl, Esther Clayton, Mrs 97 Poill, Mabel (Tibbetts) 45 Pope, Katherine Ward, Mrs... 126 Poppleton, Irene Lincoln, Mrs. 48 Poppleton, Ralph 42 Porter, Frank H 19 Porter, Lillie (Forbes) 78 Porter, Minnie E 7-14 Potter, Anna Patterson, Mrs. 6-8-15 Potter, Emily Bristol, Mrs 8-16 Potter, E. 5-17-82 Potter, Pauline 75 Potter, T. S 82 Powell, Amy (McClure) 21-120 Powell, Blanche A 75 Powell, Burns 69 Powell, Catherine S 79 Powell, Claude 102 Powell, E. L 17 Powell, Margaret 75 Powell, T. C - 6-11 Powers, Alfred 58 P^ysky, George J. 58 Pratt.' F. S - 103 Pratt. O. C Pratt. Ruby (Loomis) . Prescott. Edith (Booth) 58 PAGE Prescott, Edna (Datson) 66 Prescott, Robert W 49-131 Price, D. P 88 Price, O. L 88 Prosser, Jessie 69 Prosser, Lila C 81-130 Prosser, W. Oscar H 49 Pruett, Ida Dunn, Mrs 6-13 Pruett, William C. E 89 Pullman, W. E 85 Pummill, Lora B 75 Purcell, Michael .. .105 Q. Quackenbush, Veda J. (Crocker) . .12.", Rae. A. C 89 Raffety, Harry- L 4:. Rahal, Carl 103 Ramage. Helen 75 Ramp, Floyd 49 Randall, Agn^s Adams, Mrs... 25 Rankin. Merwin 63-96 Rankin, Ormond R 58 Rankin. Orville M 86 Rasmussen. Falley G 69 Rast, John V 69 Raven, Arthur C 93 Ray, Leon L 69 Ray. Ward L 49 Read, Lawrence A 28 R'-amt s. Clara W 103 Reames, F. D 100 Reasoner, Royal F 16 Rebec. George 131 Recken. Louis T 96 Reddie. A. F 130 Redman. Wallace 96 Redmond, Charles A 33-120 R-^ed. Elizabeth 98 Reed. G. H 90 Red. Ora (Hemenway) 80 Regan. A. M. .103 University of Orego 157 PAGE Reid, A. S 98 Reid, C. R 42-124 Reid, Paul W 53 Reimer, William C 91 Reith, John 105 Reitzel, M. E 102 Renshaw, Lulu (Dunbar) 29 Renshaw, R. R 34-121 Ressler, E. D 120 Reynolds, Charles N 75 Rhodes, Clayborne, F 39 Rhodes, H. Frieda 69 Rice, Carl C 120 Rice, Dexter .'. 86 Rice, Eva -S 12 Rice, H. G 87 Ricen, Leo 100 Richards, B. B 27 Richards, C. T 97 Richardson, Clyde 89 Richardson, F. J 87 Richardson, Joel H 58 Riddell, A. G 91 Riddell, George X 58 Riddle, Sara S 69 Riesland, C. B 90 Riggern, S. B 86 Riggs, George Elmer 105 Rinehart, Belle C 99 Rinehart, Harvey Earl 106 Risley, Olivia 53 Roach, Lyman S 105 Robb, Florence Watkins, Mrs. 27 Robe, Herman L 22 Roberg, David N 129 Roberts, Allyn F 76 Roberts, Anna (Stephenson).... 23 Roberts, D. H. ..: 20 Roberts, Lafayette Oren 105 Roberts, Mason H 76 Roberts, T. M 20-116 Roberts, W. J 6-16 Robertson, H. C 86 Robinson, Charles W 63 Robinson, Claudius C 49 Robinson, Helene (Hender- shott) 49 PAGE Robinson, Kirkman K 45 Robinson, R. F 87 Robinson, Stella (Littler) 25 Robison, Charles W 96 Robley, Roy R 31 Roche, Eva 76 Roe, Ida B. (Woodson) 25 Rogers, Alton 92 Rogers, Eva (Spicer) 13 Rohse, Marguerite 76 Rolfe, Ruth F. (Neill) 63 Rosenberg, J. H 99 Rosenberg, J. J 96 Rosenfeld, James W 132 Rosenthal, Abraham S 12 Rosenthal, Samuel E. 104 Ross, Blanche 63 Ross, Charles V 36 Ross, Clarence W 45-105 Ross, Edwin 97 Ross, J. C 102 Ross, Thomas W 102 Rossiter, A. J 98 Roth, J. B 99 Rothrock, Mary (Culbertsori).. 45 Rothrock, Perry 82 Root, G. G 88 Roudebush, Carrie Matlock, Mrs 24 Rounds, Harold J 58 Rowland, Ethel 129 Rowland, J. W 86 Rue, Homer A 104 Ruedy, A. H 99 Rueter, William 63 Runnell, Thomas H. B 105 Russ, W. M 90 Russell, Homer E 104 Russell, J. Oscar 37 Rutenic, J. C 82 Rutherford, F. B 89 Rybke, Charles L 104 Ryder, Agnes Jane 76 Ryder, James 76 158 General Register S. PAGE Sage, Estella Mae (Dalzell).. 58 Salway, F. R 91 Sargent, A. R 103 Sargent, Arthur Hayes 63 Sargent, East A 36 Sawyers, Elizabeth 116 Sawyers, Louise (Linn) 116 Saylor, W. H 114 Scammon, Helena 97 Scanlon, J. D 100 Scarbrough, Marvin M 34-121 Schafer, Joseph 119 Schaefer, George M 95 Schlagel, Frank 86 Schmeer, H. A 90 Schmidt, F. G. G 117 Schnabel, C. J 82 Schnabel, J. W 84 Schneider, C. G 96 Schroeder, John G 96 Schoolcraft, Dorothy 69 Schuecker, Stephanie, Mrs. 126 Schulderman, H. J 85 Schutt, W. D 88 Schwartz, M. D 91 Scoblic, F. M. 89 Scott, Dora 110 Scott, Jesse K 95 Scott, Leslie M 29 Scott, Mary Ellen .'. 49 Scott, Rodney 107-108 Scott, W. J. J 107-108 Scullen, Alfred W 63 Scullen, Herman A 58 Seaman, C. S 99 Searcy, Robert D 93 Sears, Alfred F 121 Sears, Sadie (Van Gross) 34 Sears, Vestella (Smith) 31 Searle, R. S 91 Seachrist, Essie (Kitching) .... 59 Sedgwick, A. B 99 Sekiguchi, Samosuke 96 Selling, Lawrence 132 Selover. F. E 99 Sergent, Maggie (Conn) 6-13 PAGE Service, Maude L. (Kerr) 53 Seton, Waldemar 86 Sever, Frank S 93 Severance, A. E 96 Sewall, C. D 88 Sewell, Russell E 83 Shallon, A. M 86 Shane, Louise A 119-100 Shangle, Paine 59 Shannon, Harry Freeborn Me Kay 106 Shantin, George W 69 Sha rkey, Ralph Louis 106 Sharp, Verna (Millican) 23 Sharpe, Ethel 59 Sharpies, Ada W 7-18 Sharpies, C. W 15 Shattuck. E. D 113 Shattuck, John W 69 Shaver, Cora M 39 Shaver, Isolene (Gilbert) 59 Shaver, Pansy 69 Shaw, Beattie (Humphrey).. 7-15 Shea, William A 129 Sheldon, Henry Davidson 119 Shelley, R. S 37-122 Sheppard, C. A 91 Sherk, Dafoe H 39 Shinn, Frederick L 126 Shipley, S. M 82 Shirk, Harrison K. 49 Shiveley, W. B 91 Shockley, Edgar W 133 Shoemaker, Hazel B. Humph- rey, Mrs 56 Shoot. Harry Everett 105 Shosaburo, Kato 92 Showers, C. A 83 Showers, Loretta 59 Sibbald, William H 96 Sigler, Veina Adair, Mrs 19 Simms, C. E 84 Simpson, Ethel (Worrel) 80 Singer, W. B 87 Sinnott, W. P . 85 Skeene, William H 124 Skelton. Ida .. 99 University of Oregon 159 PAGE Skinner, Mary D 101 Slate, Olive M 101 Slater, Bertha (Smith) 29-120 Slater, Harvey M 63 Slater, Woodson T 5-14 Slausen, Jean C 46 Slawson, Ida Calef, Mrs 32 Slovarp, Emil P 92 Smedley, Annette H 76 Smith, A. C 118 Smith Ada Hendricks, Mrs 24 Smith, A. F 89 Smith, Alice (Hunsaker) 36 Smith, B. E 103 Smith, Bertha Slater, Mrs 29 Smith, F. S 100 Smith, George S 83 Smith, George W 89 Smith, Grace Elsie (Ed- monds) 34 Smith, John F 85 Smith, J. U 82 Smith, Lawrence B 92-100 Smith, L. F 103 Smith, Liotta Johnson, Mrs 24 Smith, Mabel (Fenton) 39 Smith, May Huff, Mrs 80 Smith, Newton C 96 Smith, Richard S 31-120 Smith, Sibyl Kuykendall, Mrs. 35 Smith, Vestella Sears, Mrs 31 Smith, W. Carlton 23 Smith, W. DeWitt 83 Smith, W. M 131 Smith, William 108 Smith, William D 88 Smith, William E 103-132 Smith, William H 83 Snape, G. H 99 Snelling, E. Scott 88 Snively, J. H 102 Snow, McCornac 53 Snow, Melvin D 93 Snyder, Sibyl Thurston, Mrs. 2 7-1 20 Sorenson, Zola Grimes, Mrs... 28 Soults, Zella Mae 76 Sowers, Don C. .. .133 PAGE Spaulding, G. H. F 97 Spencer, A. C 85 Spencer, Bernard E 31-118 Spencer, Carlton E 76 Spencer, Eliza L 14 Spencer, Jennie (Luckey) 14 Spencer, S. S 17 Spencer, Walter V 32-101 Spicer, Eva Rogers, Mrs 13 Spiller, Mary P 112 Spiller, Rubena P 6-13 Spurrier, Ravena T. 104 Stackpole, Florence DeBar, Mrs 41 Stadter, Edward 90 Stafford, Belle Van Duyn, Mrs. 50 Stafford, Mary Straub, Mrs 32 Stafford, Orin F 119 Stafrin, Christian Emil 105 Staley, M. V 90 Stalker, Beulah Bowman, Mrs. 80 Stalker, William Hyde 27 Stanfield, Javina, (Means).... 70 Stanislawsky, Henry . 83 Stanley, H. B 96 Stanton, Cole E 32 Staples, William J 95 Starbuck, Asa 102 Starbuck, Morris M 63 Stark, August 100 Starr, Chester H 42 Starr, J. K. 91 Starr, Minerva 6-12 Start, H. A 102 Stastney, Matthew M 71 Staver, J. Frederick 38 Steel, Luther F 87 Steele, Clarence A 59 Steelquist, Pauline Davis, Mrs 55 Steelquist, Reuben U 53 Steinhart, L. H 87 Steiwer, Frederick, 42 Steiwer, Leland L 59 Stenberg, T. T 94 Stephenson, Anna Roberts, Mrs. 23 160 General Register PAGE Stephenson, D. H 49-90 Sternberg, C. B 90 Stetson, Fred L 133 Stevens, D. W 85 Stevens, Lenn 19 Stevens, Orville A 92 Stevens, R. L, 86 Stevenson, Agnes 49 Stevenson, Angeline Williams Mrs 46-126 Stevenson, Donald M 49 Stewart, Frank 89 Stine, Harry M 70 Stinson, Eva 1 122 Stinson, Maude 1 130 Stivers, Walter H 89 St. John, William E 70 Stockton, Fred 36 Stockton, Holt 8-36 Stockwell, W. W 97 Stoddard, Alice E 63 Stoehr, Otto 76 Stone, A. B 100 Stone, Mary E 112 Stone, Ruth M 76 Storie, G. B 119 Storie, Glen Edwin 76 Stout, G. C 83 Stout, William Taylor 105 Stowell, B. L 88 Stowell, P. E 84 Straham, R. S '. 108 Straub, John 111-112 Straub, Mary (Stafford) 32 Streiff, Albert 93 Stringer, A. R 89 Strong, C. C 114 Strong, Earl F 53 Strong, Frank 110 Strowbridge, G. H 99 Strowbridge, J. A 86 Struck, Ferdinand 64 Stuart, Bertha S 128 Studebaker, C. A :.: 91 Stump, Fred N 39 Sturgis, S. P 108 Sullivan, F. A. 91 PAGE Sullivan, Francis F 53 Sullivan, George E 49 Suren, Fred C 96 Sutcliffe, H. H 99 Swart, Harry A 94 Sweet, Hartford 32 Swett, Isaac 86 Sweetser, Albert Raddin 121 Swift, Frank H 59 Swift, Lon L ., 38 Swift, Nellie Brown, Mrs 78 Swope, F. E 91 T. Takashi, M 92" Takeika, Charles D 95 Talbert, George T 53 Tamiesie, G. W 10ft Tamiesie, J. P 96 Tappenden, Mary A 76 Taylor, Blanche (Thurston).. 27 Taylor, Charles E : 99 Taylor, Douglas W 42 Taylor, Frank M 23-124-100 Taylor, Ira 9 Taylor, Lincoln 78 Taylor, W. C 15 Taylor, W. Ray 49 Tazwell, George 84 Teasdale-Buckell, Alfred E 102 Templeton, Charles L 29 Templeton, Fred M 25 Templeton, Harry S 23 Templeton, Joseph H 39 Templeton, Rosetta Eastland, Mrs 2fr Terrill, Arthur C 124 Terry, Roy Keats 59 Teusoher, John 8S Thayer, Fred G 36 Thayer. S. S 99 Thiol. Henry Frederick lOfr Thomas. Ada Pearl 81 Thomas, C. P 96 Thomas, J. S 103 Thomas. R. H. . 8S University of Oregon 161 PAGE Thomas, Raymond V 70 Thompson, Alfred W. Z 106 Thompson, D. P 107-108 Thompson, F. F. J 102 Thompson, Genieve 96 Thompson, J. M 107-108 Thompson, Mary (Paslay) .... 29 Thompson, R. W 83 Thomson, Harriet 130 Thornton, E. H 97 Thornton, O. A ...101-124 Thornton, Richard H 111-113 Thornstenberg, Edward 134 Thurber, Edward A 128 Thurston, Blanche Taylor, Mrs. 27 Thurston, Sybil (Snyder) 27 Tibbetts, Mabel Poill, Mrs 45 Tiffany, Albert R 9-39-110 Tiffany, Mabel A. (Penland) 49 Tilzer, Aaron 99 Timms, Edna 99 Tomhiro, St-n-ochi 96 Tomlinson, Vernon W 39 Tooze, C. T 86 Torgler, G. A 101 Townley, J. T 102 Townsend, Thomas R 53 Travillion, Claire E 50 Travis, Ella (Edmundson) .... 36 Travis, "Lee M 25 Treadgold, G. T 90 Trew, Arthur S 53 Trimble, Raleigh 87 Trimble, W. A ; 98 Trullinger, Louise Bryant, Mrs , 46 Tschanz, Herman C 76 Tucker, E. F 116 Tupper, W. A 94 Turner, Rex A 70 Turney, Ida V 70 Tyler, L. R., Miss 103 Tyree, Joseph Edgar 30 U. Uhlman, F. G 102 "Underwood, Elias M. . 21 PAGE Underwood, Margaret (Love) 25 Uo, Eijiro 95 Uplrger, Margaret C 132 Upton, J. H 88 V. Van Alystine, Eunice 101 Van Cleve, Archie Clifford.... 106 Van Duyn, Charles H :. 76 Van Duyn, Belle (Stafford).... 50 Van Duyn, Owen M 25 Van Dyke, Edward S 32 Van Fridagh, Paul 83 Van Gross, J. A 119 Van Gross, Sadie Sears, Mrs... 34 Van Scoy, Paul W 53 Van Valzah, Laurie Shannon.. 59 Van Vetchen, W. B 100 Van Waters, Miriam 50-128 Van Zante, John 86 Vawter, Vernon Hill 76 Vawter, W. 1 16 Veatch, John C 5-46-94 Veazie, Agnes Greene, Mrs... 18 Veazic, Arthur L 5-18-83-125 Veazie, Edith (Bryson) 25 Veazie, J. Clarence 19 Veazie, Julia (Glen) 5-22 Veazie, W. R 122 Vernon, Nellie S 100 Vestal, Anna Bushnell, Mrs... 78 Via. Guy F. 104 Vidal, George N 93 Vreeland, T. "W 83 W. Wachenheimer, Theresa Friend- ly, Mrs 8-26 Wade, A. M 89 Wade, C. E 99 Waffle, E. B 103-129 Wagner, A 86 Wagner, Benjamin F 38-95 Wagner, C. E. . 32 162 General Register PAGE Wagner, Elizabeth 76 Wait, C. N 82 Waite, Fendel S 77 Waite, Mildred i" Wakasugi, Kaname 95 Walker, Carrie (Mount) 6-14 Walker, Dean H 77-112 Walker, Elsie Dow, Mrs 55 Walker, R. C 101-131 Wall, H. A 96 Wallace, J. L 88 Wallace, N. W 88 W;illis, Matthew S 5-10 Walls, C. W 70 Walter, Ada Bertha 80 Walton, A. Osie 79 Walton, J. J 107-108 Walton, Pauline 38 Waltz, Arthur B 30 Waltz, Daisy Allaway, Mrs 29 Wang, Stanley Leon 105 Ward, Irving L 99 Ward, W. S 86 Warfield, George A 30 W;n-field, Harriet (Huddle).... 32 Wai-field, Mary (McAlister).... 42 AVamer, Charles T 46 Warner, Harold J 77 AYarnock, Ida M 77 Washburne, Chester W 40 Washburne, Claude B 77 Washburne, F. L 117 AVashburne, G. S 5-6-8-10 Washburne, Helen (Martin).... 64 Wass, Clifton A 12 Waterman, Emma J 70 Watkins, Florence (Robb) 27 Watkins, Ina M 125 Watkins, Muriel 77 Watt, Edith E 77 Wattenberg, Wilfred 59 Watson, Mary E 54-129 Watts, G. E 98 Watts, Homer 1 36 Watts, J. F 88 Watts. M. L 29 Welch, G. F. . 21 PAGE W.-lls, G. M 114 W.-lls. J. B 83 Wells, J. Hunter 115-96 W.lls. J. M 97 Wells. Loathe McCornack, Mrs. 17 WVlch, Orel A 59 \\Vndt-ll. P. M 88 \\Vimvorth. T. H 77 UV.si. Thomas H 90 W.-st. Oswald 109 W.-therbee, J. R 116 Watterborg, Herman A 59 Whalley, J. W 113 Wh.-der, A. C 87 Wheeler. Cortes H 119 Whi-eler, Glenn 102 Wheeler, Harvey A 46 Wheeler, Laban H 6-12 Wheeler, Ruth Balderree, Mrs. 54 Wheelock, A. E 91 White, Calvin S 130-97 Whit.-. F. M 100 White, Frank P 27 White, George 64 White. Nancy N 100 White. W. L 97 Whiteaker, Anne 5-6-7-12 Whiteaker. John C 6-10-98-104 Whiteside, Abby 122 Whiteside, G. S 124 Whitney. Edgar H 96 Whitney. H. J 96 Whitney. Joseph R 15 Whittlesey, Frederick J 59 AYhittles.-y. Mildred R 77 Whittlesey. Walter L 7-9-32-120 Widmer. George C 80 Widmer, Gertrude D 25 Widmer, Joseph M 18 Widmer, Margaret M 80 AYight. Otis B 124 Wightman. Hazel 70 Wigmore, Ernest C 77 AA'ikander. G. A 86 Wilbur. Pearl (Hall) 64 Wilcox. C. C 104 Wilcox. Cecile (Chandler).... 64 University of Oregon 163 PAGE Wilcox, Fannie McDaniel, Mrs. 78 Wiley, J. 120-99 Wiley, P. J 102 Wilkins, Lucia W. (Moore).... 64 Wilkins, Maude (Condon) 23 Wilkinson, John 93 Williams, Angelina (Stevenson) 46-126 Williams, Benjamin H 9-59 Williams, Charles S 5-6-8-13 Williams, E. D 91 Williams, John Daniel 96 Williams, Nellie Fern 40 Williams, Thomas L 36 Williams, William G 59 Williamson, Naomi 64 Williamson, W. T 131 Willis, G. C 82 Wilson, A. K 83 Wilson, E. E 83 Wilson, G. W 89 Wilson, Holt C 114 Wilson, J. G 88 Wilson, Kate (Landon) 34 Wiltsie, S. F 100 Winchester, Alice Parrish, Mrs. 78 Windsor, H. N 89 Wines, Clara M 77 Winger, Roy M 134 Winslow, Walter C 43 Wintermeier, C. A. .._: 7-23 Winterstein, Florence Hudson, Mrs 35 Wire, Wesley M 50 Wise, Birdie 70 Wiswall, R. D 99 Witham, A. A 98 Withers, Margaret Cundiff, Mrs 43 Withington, A. H 86 Witt, William H 95 Witzel, Edith V 64 Woerndle, Joseph 92 Wold, Clara P , 46 Wold, Cora I. R 40 Wold, Emma M 8-21-129 Wold, Gaeta (Boyer) .. 32 PAGE Wold, Peter Irving 32-119 Wolf, Louis 1 128 Wolf, Walter 85 Wolfe, Mark 120 Wolfle, David H 32 Wolverton, Charles E 125 Wood, Anna E 86 Wood, C. E. S 113 Wood, Clara M. Caufield, Mrs. 46 Wood, Erskine 95 Wood, J. F 100 Wood, Lena Miller, Mrs 48 Woodcock, A. C 14-113 Woodcock, Edith M 64 Wooddy, Claiborne A 12 Wooden, J. L 102 Woodley, J. P 46 Woodruff, Ray (Jenkins) 64 Woods, Elizabeth J 40-124 Woodson, C. E 5-25-118 Woodson, Ida B. Roe, Mrs 118 Woodworth, L. E 7-19 Wooddy, Claiborne A 7-12 Word, Ruth Hansen, Mrs 56 Word, Thomas M., Jr 70 Working, Lincoln 87 Worrell, Ethel Simpson, Mrs... 80 Wortman, J. L 9 Wright, H. A 96 Wright, Nanna Paddock, Mrs. 110 Wright, Ora C 40 Wright, Richard 87 Wright, Willetta 64 T. Yamada, K 101 Yananaka, Mitsuodoro 83 Yankwich, Harry 90 Yates, Bert 95 Yenney, R. C 118 Yoran, Louise C 7-24 Youmans, B. E 89 Young, Elmer E 94 Young, Frances P 59 Young, Frederick G 111-117 Young, Joseph E 19 164 General Register PAGE Young, Sig A 30 Young, William S 27 Younie, Arthur Ernest .. . 105 Z. Zacharias, Charles Roy 50 Zan, James, C 121 Zeebuyth, C. B 103 PAGE Zeigler, Fred J 7-9-34-130 Zieber, Thomas E 102 Zimmerman, Howard 77 Zimmerman, Mabel J 77 Zimmerman, Olive H 77 Historical Sketch 135 Summary of Alumni 106 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Alumni under the terms of a merger of the Medical Department of Willamette University with the Medical Department of the University of Oregon, dated February 14, 1913. Cusick, W. A., Jones, D. M. Martin, J. L. Baker, W. D. Davidson, J. E. Giesy, M. Gray, W. C. Hall, C. H. Jessup, S. R. Smith, L. A. Wythe, W. T. Alexander, E. V. H. Bell, J. N. Bond, Benjamin F. Helm, A. C. McDowell, W. S. Raffety, C. H., Roberts, W. H. Saylor, W. H. Smith, W. M. Atwood, J. P., Bailey, Frank A., Boswell, C. M. Foley, L. Locke, D. Shipley, L. L. Tower, C. W., Graduates Since 1867 1867. 1868 Salem, Oregon 1869 1870 Portland, Oregon Baker, Oregon Hillsboro, Oregon Marshfield, Oregon 166 General Register Ford, J. Hill, J. L., Lee, N. L., Carter, F. M., Denison, J. S. Flynn, M. A., Grubbs, W. P. Kuykendall, G. B., Nicklin, A. J. Odell, G. W. Rowland, L. L. Turney, J. W. Whitney, G. A. Bean, James A. Bryant, W. E. Howard, James W. Matteson, F. S. Nicklin, John Saweteele, C. M. Beach, William W. Herndon, Joseph F., Miller, Abram P. Cox, D. W. Cromwell, I. N., Davis, L. L. Doane, O. D., Givens, J. W., Holschaw, B. F. Stone, S. C., Brown, Jonathan P. O. Brown, L. W., (Deceased.) Giesy, A. J., Lane, Harry Mann, Thomas. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 Albany, Oregon Junction City, Oregon Newport, Oregon Portland, Oregon Pomeroy, Washington Sacramento, California Union, Oregon The Dalles, Oregon Orofino, Idaho Salem, Oregon Portland, Oregon Washington, D. C. University of Oregon 167 1877 Dodson, O. M., Dodson, Z. T., Ford, A. L. Hill, G. J. Holmes, Reese. Irvine, J. F. Kitchen, J. M. Morgan, John. Morrison, W. F. Hyde Oglesby, W. W. Payton, J. E. Power, I. N., Robinson, (Ford), Mrs. E. A. J. Starr, I. W., Warren, (Ford), Mrs. A. L., Baker, Oregon Cleveland, Washington Portland, Oregon North Yakima, Washington Block, Spokane, Washington Cottage Grove, Oregon Cle Elum, Washington Brownsville, Oregon Portland, Oregon 1878 Davis, R. M. Farley, W. J. McCauley, W. F. McNary, (Johnson), Mrs. J. A. Rinearsen, F. B. Robinson, J. W., Smith, J. R. 1879 Carlton, C. Brown, E. M., Cox, H. W. Hendrex, J. F. Holt, J. D. Kennedy, J. H. Osborne, R. M., Parrish, Mrs. J. L. Williams, H. 0. Yeargain, E. L. Blaney, O. C., Burton, Ben T. Howell, W. A. Kent, Lewis A., 1880 Jacksonville, Oregon Tacoma, Washington Van Buren, Arkansas Portland, Oregon San Francisco, California Portland, Oregon 168 General Register Powell, F. F. Tuttle, Jay, Boyd, W. E. H., Buckley, E. V. Byrd, W. H., Chapman, W. L. Cheadle, E. M. Eddy, D. M. Flett, George H. Giffen, John R. Hill, J. W. Pruden, W. F., Rafferty, David, Smith, J. N., Smith, W. Tyler, Embree, T. V. B. Estes, L. J. Goucher, E. E. Lyall, Robert, McCormac, T. J. Vanderpool, Mary, Watkins, Ed. T. Whetham, James. Whiteaker, J. C., Allen, Hiram R. Beebe, Charles E., Blair, Hannibal, Bonebrake, Allen, Davis, William H. Geary, John W. Graham, James W., Irvine, Elijah L. Smith, Ellen J. Stott, John W., Whipple, Marie Ella Byland, D. C. Flannigan, William H., 1881 1882 1883 Astoria, Oregon Portland, Oregon Salem, Oregon 1884 Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Salem, Oregon Sheridan, Oregon McMinnville, Oregon Seattle, Washington Marshfield, Oregon Eugene, Oregon Eugene, Oregon Woodland, California Elma, Washington Goldendale, Washington Albany, Oregon Burns, Oregon Lompoc, California Portland, Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon University of Oregon 169 Goldson, Melinda, Harris, J. W., Martin, C. B. McCauley, J. C., Newland, T. J. Pool, William E. Pring, Ernest, Watkins, William B. Bass, Frederick, Davis, S. T., Everest, Ernest, Langhary, John. Moser, J. M. Rand, D. H., Robison, F. M. Whitney, Mary H. Fitzgerald, Peter H., Gillespie, Robert L., Humphrey, T. C., Macdonald, Henry J., Palmer, Martha B. Schmeer, Belle H. Smith, Gusta. Butler, Otis B., Cardwell, Herbert W., Holcomb, Curtis, Jeffries, W. D. Sellwood, John J., Wright, Frank S., Amick, D. B., Brower, David M., Goodard, Henry S., Patten, Mathew J. Smith, J. S. Barklow, Jacob S. Bostwick, E. Ordway. 1885 1886 1887 1888 Oakland, California Eugene, Oregon Ellensburg, Washington Berkeley, California San Francisco, California Syracuse, N. Y. Cornelius, Oregon Portland, Oregon Beaverton, Oregon Salem, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Richmond Hill, N. Y. Independence, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Salmon, Idaho Oceanside, California Ashland, Oregon Vancouver, Washington 1889 170 General Register Brown, Myra A. Caples, Byron McBride. Hampton, L. Victoria, Hill, Harry Green Kellem, C. Carrie. Linden, Emma M., Palmer, William H. H. Parrish, William Henry. West, Ossian T., Amos, William F., Ballard, F. R., Beers, H. E. Beers, Olive K. Botkins, A. W., Callahon, Josephine. Cathey, G. A. Clymer, H. Vance, Harris, Laura A., Hill, Charles E., Mewitt, Mary A. Marquam, Sarah S. Pilkington, Robert J., Riddle, D. T. Sommer, E. A., Weatherford, J. W. Clymer, Eugene. Fanning, George J. Morse, Willis B., Yeargain, Orville W. Apjohn, H. J., Quigley, John M., Russell, Anna K., Shubert, Emil. Smith, I. N. Batcheler, James M., Botsford, Florence V. McMaster, Joseph W. Perry, William E. 1890 1891 1892 1893 Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Seattle, Washington Portland, Oregon Seattle, Washington Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Yuma, Arizona Eugene, Oregon Portland, Oregon Astoria, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Salem, Oregon Yuma, Arizona San Francisco, California Seattle, Washington Tillamook, Oregon Portland, Oregon University of Oregon 171 1894 Ausplund, Andres A., Channell, Dudley B., Griffen, John R., Rossiter, Edward W., Steeves, Burpee, Vial, Arthur J., Bristow, James H., French, Gorilla G. Marquam, Lulu M., McKay, Harry F., Schnauffer, (Mrs. E. H. C.), Shaw, John D. Johnson, E. D., Jones, L. M., Schroeder, August C., Anderson, Edward T., Brewer, Charles Henry, Cartwright, Richard, M. D., Fisher, Charles Victor, Plamondon, James Dillon, Philbrook, Edgar B., M. D., Prettyman, Alice Stinson. Steiner, R. E. Lee, Smith, Frank E, Webb, James Ellsworth, Clark, Daniel G., Stuart, Charles A., Bowersox, F. R., Brown, F. E., Kirby, E. G., Robnett, J. H., Richardson, Boyd M., Sanders, I. N., Bennett, Laura B., Byars, J. Rex. 1895 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 Portland, Oregon Oakland, California Bangor, Michigan Bandon, Oregon Salem, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Lebanon, Oregon Tualatin, Oregon Weiser, Idaho Stayton, Oregon Salem, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Athena, Oregon Santa Cruz., California Salem, Oregon Salem, Oregon Mt. Angel, Oregon Harrisburg, Oregon Oregon City, Oregon Monmouth, Oregon Council, Idaho Elgin, Oregon Salem, Oregon Portland, Oregon Cornucopia, Oregon San Pedro, California 172 General Register Ong, H. F., Portland, Oregon Ringo, R. E. Pendleton, Oregon Seely, E. R., Medford, Oregon 1902 Bean, 0. W., Salem, Oregon Beauchamp, F. E., Long Creek, Oregon Bruce Walter, Portland, Oregon T'amiesie, A. E., Salem, Oregon Thomas, J. W., Seattle, Washington 1903 Parker, Edward Otis, Pendleton. Oregon Patterson, John Gordon, Merrill, Oregon Purvine, Mary (Bowerman), Salem, Oregon Ransom, Clayton, Mill City, Oregon Russell, George Pond. Schimada, Kaname, M. D. Wilson, Belle Holland, Vancouver, B. C. 1904 Bailey, A. B., D. D. S., Portland, Oregon DeArmond, R. S., Portland, Oregon Hockett, Clyde, Enterprise, Oregon Holland, Leon G., Walla Walla, Washington Mortensen, R. P., Yoncalla, Oregon Pomeroy, Mrs. M. E., Salem, Oregon Todd, E. R. 1905 Allen, W. W., Jefferson, Oregon Beauchamp, Harry, Stayton, Oregon Miles, O. B., Salem. Oregon Nakaki, K., M. D., Seattle, Washington Schmidt, Rudolph. Van Winkle, J. O., Salem, Oregon Williams, Alfred. 1906 Biswell, Roger, Haines, Oregon Bollman, L. A., Dallas, Oregon Byrd, Rod D., Salem, Oregon Fryer, C. P., Castle Rock, Washington Hunter, R. F., Hoquiam, Washington Judd, W. C., Portland, Oregon University of Oregon 173 Kelty, H. E. LeMiller, A. J. Looney, W. W., Mishina, Hishashi, Power, H. L., M. D. Evans, John, Smith, L. V., Snyder, W. P. Austin, Hisyl L., Barr, J. Randolph, Becker, Walter H., Forbes, D. A., George, J. L., Hewett, Fred K., Hewitt, L. L., Hamilton, R. R., Kantner, William C., Jr., Mann, Smith J., Pollard, William H., Handle, Harry C., Rebhan, William C., Wood, R. Lee, Wolf, Osmar K. Wainscott, Elmer J., Barker, Z. Chandler, C. E., Graves, Luzana, Irvine, M., Knotts, Roy R., McKinney, Mendenhall, F. T., Paxton, T. 0., Robertson, Dr. Geo. M., Takabatake, Dr. Y. Bellinger, Grover, Fox, Merle C., Lewis, F. D., Russell, J. L, 1907 1908 1909 Vale, Oregon Salem, Oregon Floydada, Texas Portland, Oregon Springfield, Oregon Sherwood, Oregon Talent, Oregon Cresswell, Oregon Richland, Oregon Independence, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Seattle, Washington Bandon, Oregon Springfield, Oregon Nehalem, Oregon Springfield, Oregon Amity, Oregon Oakland. Oregon Mukilteo, Washington St. Johns, Oregon North Powder, Oregon Yuma, Arizona Seattle, Washington Coburg, Oregon Seattle, Washington Brownsville, Oregon Salem, Oregon Florence, Oregon Silverton, Oregon Willamina, Oregon 174 General Register Silversmith, Esther M. Smith, Walter C. Stuart, James E. Thompson, Fred H., Salem, Oregon 1910 Bartlett, J. C., Bruneau. Idaho Massey, George A., Turner, Oregon Murphy, J. T. Pemberton, Ray L., Salem, Oregon Windom, A. L., Wenatchee, Washington 1911 Byrd, Prince W., Portland, Oregon Soule, A. A., Central Point, Oregon Boyer, C. O., Salem, Oregon 1912 Carstens, Paul M. E., Beaverton, Oregon Downey, Carl Harris, Jervis, Oregon Ellis, Remaldo Vinton. Garnjobst, Henry, Halsey, Oregon Garnjobst, Julius Herman, Salem, Oregon Hobson, Everett Hillary, Scio, Oregon Low, G. Earl, Spray, Oregon Mclntire, Ross T., Independence, Oregon Pemberton, Wilfred Lee, Langlois, Oregon Snider, Clarence Ulm, Portland, Oregon Wainscott, Clyde Otis, Hermiston, Oregon Williamson, Walter Hugh, Portland, Oregon 1913 Bates, C., Salem, Oregon Bellinger, I. E., Salem, Oregon Cropp, C. W., Monument, Oregon Hamilton, V. L. Hayden, D. N. Hobson, L. C., Portland, Oregon Newmyer, Phil L. Mott, L. H., North Bend, Oregon Ross, D. R., Salem, Oregon Rose, J. W., Mabton, Washington NOTE. The insertion of the data pertaining to Willamette University Medical Department in the back of the book instead of its natural ordrr. is explained by the fact that the copy was not available for the printer until presswork was completed on the other portions of the book. INDEX PAGE Allen, Hiram R 168 Allen, W. W 172 Alexander, E. V. H 165 Amick, D. S 169 Amos, William F 170 Anderson, Edward T 171 Apjohn, H. J 170 Atwood, J. P 165 Ausplund, Andres A 171 Austin, Hisyl L, 173 Bailey, A. B., D. D. S 172 Bailey, Frank A 165 Baker, W. D 165 Ballard, F. R 170 Barker, Z 173 Barklow, Jacob S 169 Bartlett, J. C 174 Barr, J. Randolph 173 Bass, Frederick 169 Batcheler, James M 170 Bates, C 174 Beach, William W _ 166 Bean, James A 166 Bean, O. W 172 Beauchamp, F. E 172 Beauchamp, Harry 172 Becker, Walter H 173 Beebe, Charles E 168 Bellinger, Grover 173 Bellinger, I. E 174 Bennett, Laura B 171 Beers, H. E 170 Beers, Olive K 170 Bell, J. N 165 Biswell, Roger 172 Blair, Hannibal 168 Blaney, O.- C 167 Bollman, L. A 172 Bond, Benjamin F 165 Bonebrake, Allen 18 Bostwick, E. Ordway 169 Boswell, C. M 165 Botkins, A. W 170 Botsford, Florence V 170 Bowersox, F. R 171 PAGE Boyd, W. E. H 168 Boyer, C. 174 Brewer, Charles Henry . Bristow, James H 171 Brower, David M 169 Brown, E. M - 167 Brown, F. E 171 Brown, Jonathan P. 166 Brown, L. W. (Deceased) 166 Brown, Myra A 170 Bryant, W. E 166 Bruce, Walter 172 Buckley, E. V 168 Burton, Ben T 167 Butler, Otis B 169 Byars, J. Rex 171 Byland, D. C 168 Byrd, Prince W 174 Byrd, Rod D 172 Byrd, W. H 168 Callahon, Josephine 170 Caples, Byron McBride 170 Cardwell, Herbert W 169 Carlton, C 167 Carter, F. M 166 Carstens, Paul M. E 174 Cartwright, Richard M. D 171 Cathey, G. A 170 Chandler, C. E 173 Channell, Dudley B 171 Chapman, W. L 168 Cheadle, E. M 168 Clark, Daniel G 171 Clymer, Eugene 170 Clymer, H. Vance 170 Cox, D. W 166 Cox, H. W 167 Cromwell, I. N 166 Cropp, C. W 174 Cusick, W. A 165 Davidson, J. E 165 Davis, L. L 166 Davis, R. M 167 Davis, S. T 169 Davis, William H 168 176 General Register PAGE DeArmond, R. S 172 Denison, J. S 166 Doane, O. D 166 Dodson, O. M 167 Dodson, Z. T 167 Downey, Carl Harris 174 Eddy, D. M 168 Ellis, Remaldo Vinton 174 Embree, T. V. B 168 Estes, L. J 168 Evans, John 173 Everest, Ernest 169 Fanning, George J 170 Farley, W. J 167 Fisher, Charles Victor 171 Fitzgerald, Peter H 169 Flannigan, William H 168 Flett, George H 168 Flynn, M. A 166 Foley, L 165 Forbes, D. A 173 Ford, A. L 167 Ford, J 166 Fox, Merle C 173 French, Gorilla G 171 Fryer, C. P 172 Garnjobst, Henry 174 Garnjobst, Julius Herman 174 Geary, John W 168 George, J. L 173 Giesy, A. J 166 Giesy, M 165 Giffen, John R 168 Gillespie, Robert L 169 Givens, J. W 166 Graham, James W 168 Graves, Luzana 173 Gray, W. C 165 Griffen, John R 171 Grubbs, W. P 166 Goldson, Melinda 169 Goodard, Henry S 169 Goucher, E. E 168 Hall, C. H 165 Hamilton, R. R 173 Hamilton, V. L 174 Hampton, L. Victoria 170 PAGET Harris, J. AV 169 Harris, Laura A '. 170 Hayden, D. N 174 Helm, A. C 165 Hendrex, J. F 167 Herndon, Joseph F 166 Hewett, Fred K 173 Hewitt, L. L 173 Hill, Charles E 170 Hill, G. J 167 Hill, Harry Green 170 Hill, J. L 166 Hill. J. W 168 Hobson, Everett Hillary 174 Hobson, L. C 174 Hockett, Clyde 172 Holcomb, Curtis 169 Holland, Leon G 172 Holmes, Reese 167 Holschaw. B. F 166 Holt, J. D 167 Howard, James W 166 Howell, W. A 16T Humphrey, T. C 169 Hunter, R. F , 172 Irvine, Elijah L 168 Irvine, J. F 167 Irvine. M 173 Jeffries, W. D 169 Jossup, S. R 16S Johnson, E. D 171 Jones, D. M 165 Jones, L. M 171 Judd, W. C 172 Kantner, William C., Jr 173 Kellem, C. Carrie 170 Kelty, H. E 173 Kennedy, J. H 167 Kent, Lewis A 167 Kirby, E. G ...... 171 Kitchen, J. M 167 Knotts, Roy R 173 Kuykendall, G. ,B 166 Lane, Harry 166 Langhary, John 169 Lee, N. L 166 LeMiller, A. J. . 173 U n i v e r of Oregon 111 PAGE Lewis, F. D 173 Linden, Emma M 170 Locke, D 165 Looney, W. W 173 Low, G. Earl 174 Lyall, Robert 168 Macdonald, Henry J 169 Mann, Smith J 173 Mann, Thomas 166 Martin, C. B. 169 Martin, J. L 165 Marquam, Lulu M 171 Marquam, Sarah S 170 Massey, George A 174 Matteson, F. S 166 McCauley, J. C 169 McCauley, W. F 167 McCormac, T. J 168 McDowell, W. S 165 Mclntire, Ross T 174 McKay, Harry F 171 McKinney ...; 173 McMaster, Joseph W 170 McNary, (Johnson) Mrs. J. A 167 Mendenhall, F. T 173 Mewitt, Mary A 170 Miles, O. B 172 Miller, Abram P 166 Mishina, Hishashi 173 Morgan, John 167 Morrison, W. F 167 Morse, Willis B 170 Mortensen, R. P 172 Moser, J. M 169 Mott, L. H 174 Murphy, J. T 174 Nakaki, K., M. D 172 Newland, T. J 169 Newmyer, Phil L 174 Nicklin, A. J 166 Nicklin, John 166 Odell, G. W 166 Oglesby, W. W 167 Ong, H. F 172 Osborne, R. M 167 Palmer, Martha B 169 Palmer, William H. H. .170 PAGE Parker, Edward Otis 172 Parrish, Mrs. J. L 167 Parrish, William Henry 170 Patten, Matthew J 169 Patterson, John Gordon 172 Paxton, T. 173 Payton, J. E 167 Pemberton, Ray L 174 Pemberton, Wilfred Lee 174 Perry William E 170 Philbrook, Edgar B., M. D 171 Pilkington, Robert J 170 Plamondon, James Dillon 171 Pollard, William H 173 Pomeroy, Mrs. M. E 172 Pool, William E 169 Powell, F. F 16 Power, H. L., M. D 173 Power, I. N 167 Pring, Ernest 169 Prettyman, Alice Stinson 171 Pruden, W. F 168 Purvine, Mary (Bowerman) 172 Quigley, John M 170 Rafferty, David 168 Rafferty, C. H 165 Rand, D. H 169 Randle, Harry C 173 Ransom, Clayton 172 Rebhan, William C 173 Richardson, Boyd M 171 Riddle, D. T 170 Rinearsen, F. B 167 Ringo, R. E 172 Roberts, W. H 165 Robertson, Dr. Geo. M 173 Robinson, (Ford) Mrs. E. A. J... 167 Robinson, J. W 167 Robinson, F. M 169 Robnett, J. H 171 Rose, J. W 174 Ross, D. R 174 Rossiter, Edward W 171 Rowland, L. L 166 Russell, Anna K 170 Russell, George Pond 172 Russell, J. I. . 173 178 General Register PAGE Sanders, I. N 171 Saweteele, C. M 166 Saylor, W. H 165 Schimada, Kaname, M. D 17- Schmeer, Belle H 169 Schmidt, Rudolph 172 Schnauffer, (Mrs. E. H. C.) 171 Schroeder, August C 171 Seely, E. R 172 Sellwood, John J 169 Shaw, John D 171 Shipley, L. L 165 Shubert, Emil 170 Silversmith, Esther M '.. 174 Smith, Ellen J 168 Smith, Frank E. ... .' 171 Smith, Gusta 169 Smith, I. N 170 Smith, J. N 168 Smith. J. R 167 Smith, J. S 169 Smith, L. A 165 Smith, L. V 173 Smith, Walter C 174 Smith, W. M 165 Smith, W. Tyler 168 Snider, Clarence Ulm 174 Snyder, W. P 173 Sommer, E. A 170 Soule, A. A 174 Starr, I. "W 167 Steeves, Burpee 171 Steiner, R. E. Lee 171 Stone, S. C 166 Stott, John W 168 Stuart, Charles A. .. .171 PAGE Stuart, James E 174 Takabatake, Dr. Y 173 Tamiesie, A. E 172 Thomas. J. W 172 Thompson, Fred H 174 Todd, E. R 172 Tower. C. W 165 Turni-y. J. W 166 Tuttle. Jay 168 Yanderpool, Mary 168 Van Winkle, J. 172 Vial, Arthur J 171 Wainscott, Clyde Otis 174 Wainscott, Elmer J 173 \Vari.ii. (Ford) Mrs. A. L 167 \Vatkins, Ed. T 168 Wat kins. William B 169 Weatherford, J. W 170 Webb, James Ellsworth 171 West, Ossian T 170 Wlirtham. James 168 Whit.'aker, J. C 168 Whippl*-. Marie Ella 168 Whitney. G. A 166 Whitney, Mary H 169 Williams. Alfred 172 Williams, H. C 167 Williamson. Walter Hugh 174 Wilson. Belle Holland 172 Windom, 4. L 174 Wolf, Osmar K 173 Wood. R. Lee 173 Wright, Frank S 169 Wythe. W. T 165 Yr-nrgain. E. L 167 Yeargain, Orville W 176 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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