UC-NRLF $B IbS fiSl FORMS OF PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING TO ALMIGHTY GOD To be used on Sunday, the Fourth of August, 1918, The Fourth Anniversary of the Declaration of War Being the Day Appointed for Intercession on behalf of the Nation and Empire and our Allies in this time of War. ISSVETi UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE ARCHBISHOPS j OF CANTERBURY AND YORK. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE London : 6. Si. Martin's Place, W.C.2. Price 2s. 6cf. per 100 net. NOTE. — Any of the Forms of Prayer, or other Special Prayers, already issued hy authority, may be used at the. discretion of the Minister, instead of or in addition to the Prayers that follow. I THE ORDER OF HOLY COMMUNION. ^ In the Order of Holy Communion these Collects shall be used, after the Qollect of the T^ay, with the Epistle and Gosfyel as followeth : OGOD, the ruler of all kings and peoples, whose chastisement is our healing and whose pity is our salvation : Extend thy compassion at this hour to all mankind, that peace may be restored according to thy will, and may be used for our amend- ment to the honour of thy Name ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O MERCIFUL God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life ; in whom whosoever believeth shall live, though he die ; and whosoever liveth and believeth in him, shall not die eternally : We bless thy holy Name for thy servants, our brothers and sisters, who have laid down their lives for their country ; humbly beseeching thee to grant that we with them may be found \yorthy to enter into thine everlasting joy ; through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. The Epistle. Hebrews xii. 1. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith ; who for the joy that was set beforie him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. The Gospel, St. Luke ix. 23. Ha said to them all. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoso- ever will save his life shall lose it : but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels. AT MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER. Special Psalms : One or more of the Psalms following : God reigneth. Psalms xx., cxlvi. God our rafugB. Psalms xxv., xxvii., xlvi., xc. God comforteth. Psalms xxiii., xxxiv. God helpeth. Psalms xlii., Ixxi., xci. Special Lessons : Morning : First Lesson, Isaiah Iv. 6 /o the end. Second Lesson, Colossians iii. 1 to 11 inclusive, - Evening : First Lesson, 1 Kings viii. 54 to 61 inclusive. Second Lesson, 1 St. Peter v. 6 to 11 inclusive. or Revelation xxi. 1 to 5 inclusive. Ill A BIDDING TO PRAYER AND THANKS- GIVING. WHICH MAY BE SAID AFTER THE THIRD COLLECT IN THE ORDER FOR MORNING OR EVENING PRAYER, OR IN THE PULPIT BEFORE OR IN PLACE OF THE SERMON. BRETHREN, on this fourth anniversary of the declaration of war, let us draw near to the throne of God in penitence and humility ; let us pray him to deliver us from the temptations that beset us and, if it be his will, to grant us victory and peace ; let us implore his help for all those who are engaged at home or abroad in carrying on the war ; and let us thank him for mercies already vouchsafed to us. Let us pray. O God the Father of heaven: Have mercy upon us. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world: Have mercy upon us. O God the Holy Ghost: Have mercy upcn us. O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity: Have mercy upon us. Remember not. Lord, our offences, nor the offences of on forefathers ; neither take thou vengeance of our sins : spare u; good Lord, spare thy people, whom thou hast redeemed with th most precious blood, and be not angry with us for ever. Spare us, good Lord. 475 From all pride and vainglory ; from unjust judgment and self-sufficiency ; from the spirit of revenge, and all uncharitable- ness» Good Lord, deliver us. From fornication and drunkenness ; from godlessness of thought ; and from reliance upon the arm of the flesh, Good Lord, deliver us. From ignorance, and lightness of mind ; from foolish talk and baseless rumour, Good Lord, deliver us. From cowardice and faintheartedness ; from loss of faith and failure of endurance ; from weariness in prayer, and doubt of thy love and wisdom, Good Lord, deliver us. From all sedition, treachery, and rebellion ; from discord and suspicion at home, Good Lord, deliver us. We sinners do beseech thee to hear us, O Lord God; and that it may please thee, in this time of sorrow and trial, to guide thy holy Church universal in the right way; JVe beseech thee to hear us. We pray thee For our sovereign Lord King GEORGE, that he may in all things obey thy holy will, and ever seek thy honour and glory; • We. beseech thee to hear us. For all who bear office under the King, that they may minister wisely and faithfully in the tasks entrusted to them; We beseech thee to hear us. For all the peoples of our Empire, that being drav/n together by the bond of sacrifice they may ever be united in service to thee and to mankind; We beseech thee to hear us. For the rulers of the nations allied with us, that through their counsels, we may all work together for the fulfilment of our common purpose; We beseech thee to hear us. For the ministers of thy Word and Sacraments, now serving with the Forces of the King, that in all their work for thee they may be filled with wisdom, courage and love ; We beseech thee to hear us. For those who fight by land or sea, or in the air, that they may be bold and steady in danger, patient in reverse, and merciful in victory; We beseech thee to hear us. For those at home who labour for the supply of food and of munitions of war, that they may serve cheerfully and faithfullj' in the country's need; We beseech thee to hear us. For the wounded and the sick, that it may please thee to comfort them and relieve their pain, and to shew thyself in mercy to the dying; We beseech ihee to hear us. For the prisoners of war, that it may please thee to sustain them in trial, suffering and temptation, and to bring them back to their homes in safety; We beseech thee to hear us. For all those, by land or sea, at home or abroad, who die in the service of their country, that it may pleaSe thee to take them to thyself and to comfort all who are desolate or in sorrow ; We beseech thee to hear us. For our enemies, that it may please thee to forgive them, and to turn their hearts; We beseech thee to hear us. That it may please thee to grant unto us, if it be thy will, speedy victory, and a righteous and abiding peace; We beseech thee to hear us. Let us give thanks unto Almighty God for his mercies. For the spirit of sacrifice and devotion, in which our people have maintained the war; We thank thee, O God. For the zeal of the nations of the Empire in the common cause; We thank thee, O God, For the harmony between ourselves and our Allies; We thank thee, O God. For the powerful and timely aid of the United States of America; We thank thee, O God. For the success already granted to our arms; We thank thee, O God. For the bravery of our sailors and soldiers and airmen ; for the skill and devotion of physicians, surgeons, and nurses ; for the blessing bestowed upon the ministry of the chaplains; We thank thee, O God. For the steadfast endurance of all who have given their labour for their country's service; We thank thee, O God. For the memory and example of all who have been faithful unto death; We thank thee, O God. For the desire which has been quickened within us for the coming of the Kingdom of righteousness and peace among men; We thank ihee, O God. Let us gather up these our prayers and thanksgivings in the words which our Saviour Christ hath taught us, and say — OUR Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth. As it i ^ in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil. Amen. THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. NOTE. — With the foregoing maii he used, at the discretion of the Minister, one or more of the Prayers in Part IV. IV PRAYERS. TO BE USED AFTER THE THIRD COLLECT IN THE ORDER OF MORNIN ^ OR EVENING PRAYER, OR AT SUCH OTHER TIMES AS THE MINISTER IN HIS DISCRETION SHALL JUDGE CONVENIENT. For the King, and all who are set in authority under him. ALMIGHTY God, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech thee to bless our Sovereign Lord, King GEORGE, the Pariiaments in all the dominions of the King, and all who are set in authority under him ; that they may order all things in wisdom, righteousness, and peace, to the honour of thy holy Name, and the good of thy Church and people ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the British Empire. OLORD God of our fathers, who in thy goodness hast led this people hitherto by wondrous ways : who makest the nations to praise thee, and knittest them together in the bonds of peace ; we beseech thee to pour thine abundant blessing on the Dominions over which thou hast called thy servant GEORGE to be King. Grant -that all, of whatever race or colour or tongue, may, in prosperity and peace, be united in the bond of brather- hood, and in the one fellowship of the Faith, so that we may be found a people acceptable unto thee ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Victory. ALMIGHTY God, who rulest all things by thy power, we beseech thee to grant that our warfare may be crowned with swift and final victory, and that, laying aside the sins which hinder the coming of thy Kingdom, the nations of the world may serve thee in freedom and in peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen. OLORD God of Hosts, stretch forth, we pray thee, thine almighty arm to strengthen and protect the sailors and soldiers of the King in every peril, of sea and land and air ; give them victory in the day of battle, and in the time of peace keep them safe from all evil ; endue them vv^ith loyalty and courage ; and grant that in all things they may serve as seeing thee who art invisible ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Royal Air Force. OLORD our Governor, who hast given unto men dominion over earth and air and sea ; we beseech thee to look upon thy servants who are called to serve their country in the air : give them courage*, a steady nerve, and a ready mind ; be with them in all times of sudden peril : and make them to know thy power to save them to the uttermost from all evil, whether in life or death ; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen. For Men under Training. ALMIGHTY God, Who knowest and rulest the hearts of men, look mercifully upon those who are now being trained for war: give them the spirit of discipline and loyalty, and strengthen them with thy grace, that, withstanding all temptations that beset them, they may show themselves worthy defenders of the cause of their country, and true followers of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the same. Thy Son our Lord. Amen. For dhseni Friends. OGOD, who art present to thy faithful people in every place, mercifully hear our prayers for those we love who are now parted from us : watch over them, we beseech thee, and pro- tect them in all anxiety, danger and temptation ; and teach us and them to feel and know that thou art always near and that we are one in thee for ever; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Sick ^^d Wounded. HAVE mercy, we beseech thee, upon the sick and wounded : relieve their pain, comfort and cheer them in weariness and depression ; if it be thy will, give them health again : and make thyself known to them as their present Friend and Saviour, whether they live or die ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Prisoners of War. O MERCIFUL Father, look with thy tender compassion upon all prisoners of war : supply all their needs, and hasten the time of their release : let thy love protect them and thy presence cheer them, that day by day in weariness and hardship they may have strength to endure patiently, and may find peace in thee ; through Jesus Christ bur Lord. Amen. For the Harvest. ALMIGHTY God, who by thy dear Son hast bidden us to ask of thee our daily bread ; Prosper the labour of the men and women working in our fields, and grant us such favourable weather that we may in due time gather in the fruits of the earth ; protect the sailors who bring us food from distant lands ; and give us grace day by day to deny ourselves and to remember the needs of others ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Peace. ALMIGHTY God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed ; kindle, we pray thee, in the hearts of all men the true love of peace, and guide with thy pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth : that in tranquility thy Kingdom may go forward, till the earth be filled with the knowledge of thy love ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen, NarriscH &^ Sens Printers, St. Martin's Lane, IV.C.3. 8 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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