er Geological Library presented to the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO by DR. & MRS. W L GARTH ELEMENTARY LESSONS PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN ( (i . PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY BY ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S. Director-General of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, and Director of the Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street, London ; formerly Murchison Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the University of Edinburgh ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODCUTS AND TEN PLATES HottDon MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1892 The Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved. 312575 First Edition prated and elcctrotyped 1877. Reprinted 1878, 1880, 1882, August and October \yi,z, Thoroughly revised and clectroty fed July 1884. Reprinted 1886, 1887, 1889, 1890, PREFACE. A SIMPLE but systematic and yet interesting descrip- tion of the familiar features of the Earth's surface may be regarded as a natural introduction to the teaching of science. Treated from this point of view, Physical Geography may be made a valuable instrument of education. To give it such importance, the most advantageous method is to make use of the common knowledge and experience of the pupils, and, starting from this groundwork, to train them in habits of observation and in scientific modes of thought and inquiry among every -day phenomena. From the very outset the instruction should be as far as pos- sible practical. A shower of rain, the growth and disappearance of a cloud, the flow of a brook, the muddy water of a river, the shape of a cliff, the out- lines of a mountain, the undulations of a plain these and the thousand other common features of landscape should be eagerly seized by the teacher and used as vivid illustrations of the broad fundamental principles which it will be his main object that his viii PREFACE. pupils should thoroughly master. Thus employed, Physical Geography is not learnt as an ordinary task, but rather becomes a delightful recreation, in which, however, the observing faculty is exercised, the power of induction cultivated, and the imagination kept constantly active. Having been long convinced that such a method of instruction would place this branch of science upon a firmer and broader footing in our educational system, and would moreover prove of great service in foster- ing a spirit of observation and reflection even among children, I projected many years ago the Primer of Physical Geography, published in the series of Science Primers. The continued sale of large impressions of that little work encourages the hope that the method advocated has been found successful in practice. The present volume may be regarded as a further development of the same plan of instruction. As its title implies, it still deals mainly with the broad ele- mentary questions of Physical Geography. It would have been impossible to find a place within its Lessons for the treatment of every branch of the wide subject, and as impossible, had it even been desirable, to bestow equal fulness upon every branch for which room has been made. I have devoted most space to PREFACE. ix those aspects of the science which, in my own ex- perience, have been found best suited for practical instruction. While as much general information as may be feasible should be communicated to them, young pupils cannot of course be expected to find the same interest in all divisions of the subject. It is of far more consequence to awaken in them a taste for such pursuits, and lead them to carry on the study of their own accord, than to try to charge their memories with dry facts and figures which, in the absence of intelligent and suggestive teaching, are too commonly meaningless and repulsive. While, therefore, adhering to a systematic treat- ment, I have been led to dwell, for example, on the phenomena of the atmosphere at much greater length than is usual in elementary class-books. These phenomena are among the most familiar and uni- versal features of the globe ; examples of them can be constantly adduced, and they may thus be used with singular advantage to illustrate how the facts of science are observed and its laws are deduced. I acknowledge with pleasure my obligations to my friend Mr. Buchan, who not only kindly allowed me to make use of his Charts of Atmospheric Pressure x PREFACE. and Temperature, but who also read over the proof- sheets of the first two chapters and gave me valuable suggestions on subjects regarding which he is so high an authority. The present Edition has been carefully revised throughout. Two new Plates have been added, one (from the " Challenger " results) showing the form of the great sea-basins as revealed by recent deep-sea research ; the other (from Professor Loomis' Chart) indicating the general distribution of rain over the globe. May 1884. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . i CHAPTER I. THE EARTH AS A PLANET. LESSON I. The Earth's Form 8 ,, II. The Earth's Motions n ,, III. The Earth and the Sun . . . .17 ,, IV. Measurement and Mapping of the Earth's Surface . . . . . .24 ,, V. A General View of the Earth ... 32 CHAPTER II. AIR. LESSON VI. Its Composition 38 VII. The Height of the Air . . . -45 ,, VIII. The Pressure of the Air .... 47 ,, IX. The Temperature of the Air ... 54 ,, X. The Moisture of the Air .... 64 ,, XL The Movements of the Air . . 83 CHAPTER III. THE SEA. LESSON XII. The Great Sea-basins . . . .103 ,, XIII. The Saltness of the Sea . . 113 ,. XIV. The Depths of the Sea . . . 119 ,, XV. The Temperature of the Sea . . -125 XVI. The Ice of the Sea 129 ,. XVII. The Movements of the Sea . . . 137 XVIII. The Offices of the Sea . . . .152 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. THE LAND. PAGE LESSON XIX. Continents and Islands . . . 162 ,, XX. The Relief of the Land Mountains, Plains, and Valleys . . 173 ,, XXI. The Composition of the Earth . .182 ,, XXII. Volcanoes ...... 196 XXIII. Movements of the Land . . . 210 XXIV. The Waters of the Land Part I. Springs and underground Rivers . 222 ,, XXV. The Waters of the Land Part II. Running Water Brooks and Rivers . 244 XXVI. The Waters of the Land Part III. Lakes and Inland Seas . . . 258 XXVII. The Waters of the Land Part IV. The Work of Running Water . . 272 XXVIII. The Waters of the Land Part V. Frost, Snow-fields, Glaciers . . 293 ,, XXIX. The Sculpture of the Land . . .314 CHAPTER V. LIFE. LESSON XXX. The Geographical Distribution of Plants and Animals 328 XXXI. The Diffusion of Plants and Animals- Climate Migration and Transport Changes of Land and Sea . . 337 INDEX ..... . 357 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. 'TO FACE PAGE PLATE I. The World in Hemispheres 24 ,, II. Pressure of the Atmosphere over the Globe in January . 46 ,, III. Pressure of the Atmosphere over the Globe in July . 50 ,, IV. Isothermal Lines over the Globe for January . . 54 ,, V. Isothermal Lines over the Globe for July ... 60 VI. Map showing the mean Annual Rainfall of the Globe . 76 ., VII. The Ocean Basins ...... . 103 ., VIII. Ocean Currents ........ 144 JX. Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes over the Globe .......... 200 ,, X. Zoological Provinces of the Globe 328 WOOD-CUTS. FIG. PAGE Ocean-Waves Frontispiece 1. Curvature of the Earth's Surface, as shown by ships at sea . . 9 2. The Earth and Moon as seen from space jo 3. The Earth's path round the Sun 14 4. Plan of Volcanic Hills and Craters in the Bay of Naples . . 19 5. A part of the Surface of the Moon, showing Volcanic Craters . 20 6. Measurement and Mapping of a Country by means of Triangu- lation 31 7. What is seen after some raindrops collected in a town are evapor- ated, and the residue is placed below a microscope ... 40 xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PACK 8. Diagram showing the influence of the varying thickness of the atmosphere in retarding the Sun's heat ..... 57 9. Clouds condensed by the Cliff of the Noss Head, Shetland, with a clear sky and a S. E. wind ....... 73 10. Snow-flakes ........... 80 11. Position and height of the Snow-line between Equatorial Africa and the North Polar Seas 81 12. Sand-dunes ridges of dry sand blown inland off the shore by the wind 100 13. What is seen when a drop of concentrated sea-water is evaporated under a microscope 115 14. Some of the Ooze of the Atlantic floor, magnified . . . . 124 15. Iceberg at Sea 130 16. The Birthplace of the Arctic Icebergs 132 17. Scene among the disrupted ice of the frozen Arctic Sea . . 134 1 8. The Ice-foot of Greenland . . . . . . . .136 19. Diagram illustrating the origin of the tides . . < . .149 20. Diagram showing the relation of the beach to the lines of high and low water 152 21. View of the sea-cliffs south of the river Tyne (magnesian limestone worn away by the waves, and the isolated fragments left) . . 159 22. Steep shore descending abruptly into deep water .... 167 23. Low shore shelving into shallow water 167 24. Section of one side of a Continent . . . . . . -175 25. Section to show the formation of soil and subsoil from rotting away of rock underneath 183 26. Bedded arrangement of rocks 185 27. Piece of shale containing portion of a fossil fern .... 186 28. Piece of limestone, showing how the stone is made up of animal remains 187 29. Some of the grains of a piece of chalk 188 30. A piece of granite, showing the composition of a Crystalline Rock 188 31. View of the geysers of Iceland. Great Geyser in eruption . . 193 32. Plan of the Peak of Teneriffe, showing the large crater, partly effaced, and smaller craters with lava currents issuing from them ............ 198 33. View of a Street in Pompeii 199 34. View of Vesuvius as seen from Naples during the eruption of 1872 201 35. Mount Vesuvius as seen from the sea, with the remaining part of the old crater of Somma behind 202 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. I'AGE 36. Houses surrounded and partly demolished by the lava of Vesuvius, 1872 204 37. View of the extinct volcanoes of Central France, taken from the Puy de Pariou 208 38. House rent by earthquake (Mallet) ...... 215 39. Diagram-section to illustrate the propagation of an earthquake- wave and the mode of calculating the depth of its origin . . 215 40. View of an old sea-terrace or raised beach, with sea-worn caves on its inner margin . . . . . . . . .217 41. Raised sea-terraces of the Alien Fjord, Norway .... 218 42. Section of an island with a fringing coral reef .... 219 43. Section of an island with a Barrier reef 219 44. Section of an Atoll or coral island built over submerged land . 220 45. View of an Atoll or coral island 220 46. Section across a valley to show how the simplest kinds of springs arise ............ 228 47. Section to show how deep-seated springs arise . - . . . 229 48. Section to show the intricate underground drainage which issues in a deep-seated spring . 230 49. Section to the position of the water-bearing rocks below the clay at London . 231 50. Section across the cliff and landslip of Antrim . . . 242 51. View of part of the cliffs and landslip of Antrim . . . 242 52. Delta of the Nile 246 53. Windings of the Mississippi 249 54. Part of the Island of Lewis, illustrating the abundant lakes of the north-west of Europe 259 55. Section of a lake-basin excavated in solid rock .... 260 56. Section of a lake-basin lying in a hollow of superficial detritus . 261 57. Section of a lake dammed up by a barrier of earth or gravel . 261 58. Prints made in soft mud or moist sand by rain-drops . - . 273 59. Earth pillars of the Tyrol ........ 274 60. View of ravines cut by streams out of a table-land . . . 277 61. Cascade and pot-holes of a water-course ..... 278 62. Section of a waterfall and ravine ....... 279 63. Terraces of gravel, sand, and mud, left by a river . . . 287 64. Delta of the Mississippi ......... 292 65. Snow-field and glaciers of Holands Fjord, Arctic Norway . . 301 66. View of a glacier, with its lines of rubbish (moraines) and the river which escapes from its end 302 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 67. Plan of the Mer-de-Glace of Chamouni and its tributary glaciers, showing the way in which lateral moraines become medial . 305 68. Glacier table a pillar of ice supporting a block of stone . . 308 69. The Pierre-a-Boat, near Neufchatel 309 70. Glacier descending to the sea. Head of Jokuls Fjord, Arctic Norway 310 71. Stone polished and striated under glacier ice .... 313 72. Quarry in flat stratified rocks ........ 316 73. Section across a mountain-chain to show how the level rocks of the plains are bent and inverted along the flanks of the moun- tain, while the lowest and oldest rocks are made to form the central and highest point of the chain 318 74. Section across a mountain-chain, showing two successive periods ofuplift ........... 319 75. Section across a mountain-chain showing three successive periods ofuplift ... 320 76. Scene on the Coast of Caithness 322 77. Portion of the west front of Salisbury Crag, Edinburgh . . 323 78. Vertical distribution of climate on mountains .... 343 ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION. 1. At night, when the sky is clear, the largest stars seem to stand out in front, with others less in size and brightness crowding behind them. As we gaze into these depths, still remoter and feebler twinkling points appear, until at last our eyes can no longer shape out any distinct specks of light. Such a sight impresses our minds, as nothing else can do so vividly, with the vastness of the Universe. We feel how comparatively small must, after all, be the distance which we can see into that " star- dust " which has been sown through the regions of space. And even when, with the aid of a good telescope, we return to these same skies, it is to find more cause than ever to acknowledge how immeasurably vast is that part of the Universe which man can thus explore ; but at the same time, to meet again with a vague limit, beyond which we cannot see, not because we have reached the utmost verge of creation, but because our instruments can carry our vision no farther. Far beyond that limit, it may be that the regions of space contain other stars and systems, though too remote ever to be brought into ) sandstone ; (c) shale. 9. Rocks formed of these water-worn materials have been accumulated to depths of many thousand feet. They now frequently form lofty ridges of mountains. They spread also over the lower grounds, and form the wide plains of the world. One of their most obvious features is their arrangement in layers, beds, or strata, which, varying in thickness from less than an inch to several feet or yards, are piled over each other. Hence a cliff of these rocks has a striped or banded look 186 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. (Fig. 26). They are known as bedded or stratified rocks. 1O. Together with these there often occur other rocks formed wholly or in great measure of the remains of plants or animals. For instance, amid a mass of sandstone and hardened clay, traces of the fronds of ferns (Fig. 27), and the seed-cones, leaves, stems, .and roots of other plants, may occasionally be observed. These vegetable remains have in some places been so crowded together FIG. 27. Piece of shale containing portion of n fossil fern. as to form black or brown seams of coal, and in that condition supply much of the fuel which man consumes at the present day. 11. Again, many rocks are composed mainly or entirely of broken shells, corals, and other animal remains. Limestones, for example, commonly have this composi- tion, as shown in Fig. 28, which represents a piece of limestone made up of the crowded joints of the encrinite or stone-lily a marine animal of which there are some small modern kinds still living. Chalk is a variety of limestone consisting mainly of the broken remains of xxi.] THE COMPOSITION OF THE EARTH. 187 minute forms of marine animal life (Fig. 29) like those that compose the modern ooze of the Atlantic sea-bottom (Fig. 14). 12. Limestone, made up entirely of the crowded remains of corals, shells, sea-urchins, and other sea- creatures, is extensively formed at the present time upon submerged banks in the tropical seas. Rock of a similar kind, and anciently formed in like manner on the sea- Fic. 28. Piece ofTimestone, showing how the stone is made up of animal remains. floor, covers thousands of square miles in many countries, and not only underlies parts of the plains, but, like sand- stones and shales, rises up even into lofty mountains. The outer ridges of the Alps, Himalaya, Rocky Moun- tains, and Andes, for example, are in large measure built up of limestones and other rocks, formed mainly or in part of animal remains. 13. It appears, then, that most of the land, as far as we can see it, is made of rocks, which are either hard- 1 88 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. ened gravel, sand, and clay, or have been formed out of the broken and compressed remains of once living plants and animals. From these facts we conclude first, that FIG. 29, Some of the grains of a piece of chalk. what is now land must have been under water ; secondly, that as the limestones and other strata contain chiefly marine forms of life, the water in which most of them were deposited must have been the sea ; thirdly, that the materials out of which the land has mainly been formed were laid down in the sea ; and fourthly, that by some means these ancient deposits of the deep have been upheaved into dry land. 14. In the second place, besides the various stratified rocks, which have been chiefly derived from the wearing FIG. 30. A piece of granite, showing the composition of a Crystalline Rock. down of rocks older than themselves, others may be seen in which no bedded or stratified arrangement exists. These are not made up of fragments derived from pre- viously-formed rocks, but, for the most part, are crystal- xxi.] THE COMPOSITION OF THE EARTH. 189 line, that is, are made up of crystals, either felted together or imbedded in a glass or base. Granite, porphyry, and basalt are examples of such crystalline rocks. Instead of spreading out in vast sheets over the continents, as the stratified series does, the crystalline rocks occur in bands or bosses, and rise through the stratified rocks sometimes in huge disruptive masses, sometimes in veins and variously -shaped intrusions. They are particularly to be noticed along the central portions of mountain-chains, where they may be seen coming up through the very oldest of the stratified rocks. They likewise appear in the eruptions of volcanoes the molten rock known as lava being one form of the crystalline rocks. 15. There can be little doubt that, as a rule, the rocks of the crystalline series have come from below, and have been thrust in a melted state among the other rocks, or have been poured out at the surface as lava. Hence we must infer that beneath the outer layer of stratified or derivative rocks, though it may be many thousands of feet in thickness, there must be an inner layer or mass of crystalline material, which has here and there been squeezed through the stratified rocks, as in the axis of mountain-chains, or has communicated with the surface by means of the openings of volcanoes. 16. So far these conclusions, being founded on what can be actually seen, may be regarded in the light of established truths. We have traced the materials of the solid earth from the thin outer layer of surface-soil down through the thick piles of stratified sandstones, clays, limestones, and other rocks into the still lower granite, lava, and other crystalline masses. We have seen that most of the materials of the land have been raised up out of the sea, and that portions of the underlying crys- talline rocks have actually been pushed up into the very heart of the mountains. Can we descend any far- ther and trace still deeper layers in the structure of our planet ? Not directly ; no distinct lower portions have 190 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. come through the crystalline rocks. Nevertheless, evi- dence enough may be gathered to indicate with some probability what lies still farther down. 17. Most of the rocks at the earth's surface weigh from twice to thrice as much as water. In other words, their specific gravity is from 2-0 to 3-0, that of pure water being reckoned as i -o. Experiments made with the pendulum and the plumb-line on the earth's attrac- tion, indicate that the weight of the planet is about twice as much as that of the rocks at the surface, or, more shortly, the density of the earth is about 5-5. Obviously the interior of the earth consists of materials heavier than those that form the land. 18. Owing to the increase of the force of gravity, the density of every substance becomes greater in propor- tion as it approaches the centre of the earth. But we know very little of the rate of compressibility in the high temperature that exists within the earth. If the increase of density continued unchecked, air would be as heavy as water at a depth of 34 miles, and water would be as heavy as mercury at a depth of 362 miles. But the effect of heat is to expand bodies and thus to diminish their density, and doubtless the earth's internal heat prevents the density of the whole planet from being so great as it would otherwise be. 19. The deepest mines do not reach one mile in depth, or aa 1 62 of the distance from the surface to the centre of the earth. Man can never, indeed, hope to penetrate far into the interior of the planet on which he lives. There are yet several kinds of evidence open to him which go to demonstrate our globe's high internal temperature. These are: ist, mines, wells, and borings; 2d, hot-springs ; and 3d, volcanoes. 20. (i.) It has long been known that the air of deep mines is warmer than that above ground, and that, as a rule, the deeper the mine the warmer is the air in it. A coal - mine sunk at Rose Bridge near Wigan, for xxi.] THE COMPOSITION OF THE EARTH. 191 example, to the great depth of 2445 feet has a tempera- ture at the bottom of 94 Fahr., while the temperature at the surface is only 50 Fahr., which is a mean increase of i Fahr. for every 55 feet of descent. But the rate varies greatly at different places and even at different levels at the same place. The water that rises from deep borings is warm. Thus from a well sunk to a depth of 1798 feet at Crenelle, near Paris, water issues with a temperature of 81-7 Fahr. As the results of observa- tions made all over the globe it appears that an increase of temperature always occurs, and that though it varies in amount in different kinds of rock, its average rate is about I Fahr. for every 60 feet of descent. 21. If this rate should continue, it is plain that at a comparatively short depth even the most refractory sub- stance would be at its melting-point, though the effect of the enormous pressure within the earth may prevent it from actually passing into a molten condition. Water at 12,000 feet would be as hot as boiling water at the surface. At a depth of about 24 miles, if its component gases could remain united, it would be as hot as melting gold. 22. (ii.) In almost all countries of the world springs of warm water rise from the ground. In volcanic districts the water is often even at the boiling-point, and remains permanently so. Warm springs often occur, however, at a distance from any active volcano. Those of Bath, for example, rise with a temperature of 1 20 Fahr., in the low- lands of the south-west of England, more than i ooo miles from the burning mountains of Iceland on the one hand and more than 1 1 oo from Vesuvius on the other. At Bux- ton in Derbyshire the springs have a temperature of 82. In Germany the wells of Wiesbaden throw out water at a temperature of 158, and those of Carlsbad at 167, while in the north-west of Spain some of the springs have a temperature as high as even 192. All these places are remote from an active volcano, but it may often be 192 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. noticed that hot springs rise along mountain-chains, or at least on lines where the rocks have been intensely crumpled and where they may have been greatly heated during the crumpling. Here and there, as will be pointed out in the next Lesson, the remains of volcanoes occur which are now quite cold and silent, and from which no eruption has taken place within the memory of man. Yet some of these extinct volcanoes are still associated with hot springs. In the ancient volcanic district of Central France, for example, numerous springs occur, sometimes with a temperature of as much as 174. 23. By far the most remarkable kinds of hot springs, as showing the great heat of at least some parts of the earth's interior, are those which throw out their contents with violence. They occur in volcanic districts, and are called geysers (that is, gushers), that being the local name borne by those of Iceland, which were first de- scribed. The part of Iceland where they chiefly occur is a space about two miles square in a low, wide valley among volcanic rocks. In this limited tract the ground is pierced with abundant openings from which jets of steam and hot water escape. These openings, said to be nearly 100 in number, are usually surrounded with basin-shaped rims or mounds of white, gray, and vari- ously coloured incrustations of silica called sinter, depo- sited from solution in the hot water. They vary in size from mere tiny bowls, a few inches across, up to huge cauldrons, like the Great Geyser, which rises 1 5 feet above the ground, and measures 56 feet in diameter. In the centre of the basin of the Great Geyser a pipe or funnel, eight feet wide, descends into the earth. From this opening boiling water is constantly ascending into the basin and flowing over the lowest part of its lip into the plain. At intervals of a few hours a loud rumbling is heard to proceed from the funnel, the water in the basin begins to boil up, and jets of it together with clouds xxi.] THE COMPOSITION OF THE EARTH. 193 of steam are spurted up for a few feet. After these in- termittent eruptions have continued for about a day, they are succeeded by a much more violent explosion. The ground trembles slightly, as the rumbling sound in- creases in violence, until a huge column of boiling water, 150 or 200 feet high, is thrown up into the air, with FK;. 31. View of the geysers of Iceland. Great Geyser in eruption. loud explosions and clouds of steam. In this way the basin and pipe are emptied of water, but they gradually fill again, the rumblings and jets of water and steam begin anew, until next day another grand outburst emp- ties the geyser. It has been found by observation that the lower parts of the subterranean column of hot water o 194 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. are sometimes actually raised to a temperature of 261 Fahr., or 49 degrees above the common boiling-point. Hence when this superheated water rises to near the surface, and is thereby relieved of the pressure of the column of water that previously lay above it, it flashes into steam with a loud roar, and throws out jets of boil- ing water and steam. 24. The Yellowstone National Park, in the Territories of the United States, contains several hundreds of gey- sers scattered over a volcanic tract of country, some exceeding the Great Geyser of Iceland in size and in the height and volume of water and steam which they dis- charge when in eruption. One of the most remarkable, known as " Old Faithful," emits a lofty jet of hot water and steam, with great regularity, about once an hour. The sites of the underground foci appear to shift their positions from time to time. Some of the vents have evidently been only recently opened, for the trees invaded by their deposits are hardly dead yet. Others are no longer active geysers, but mere quiet pools of hot water, or mounds, whence only steam rises. But many are quite extinct ; their rims and basins of siliceous incrust- ations, standing above the ground, mark where the boiling water once rose, and the surrounding forest is beginning to encroach upon their decaying heaps of sinter. 25. Another interesting series of geysers occurs in New Zealand, where also active and extinct volcanoes are met with. The spouting hot springs of Orakei- korako gush forth in numbers on either side of a river- valley, while at Tetarata the water is so largely charged with silica that it has formed a series of terraces and basins down the precipitous bank from near the top of which it takes its rise. 26. (iii.) Volcanoes form so interesting a part of the earth that they will be described in some detail in the following Lesson. We need only note here that xxr.] THE COMPOSITION OF THE EARTH. 195 being openings from which steam and other hot vapours as well as streams of melted rock are discharged, and occurring in many parts of the world, they prove that within the earth the temperature must be at least as high as the white heat at which lava issues at the surface. 27. It is plain, then, from such evidence that the earth cannot but have an enormously high internal tem- perature. Much dispute has arisen as to whether the interior is liquid or solid. Some have maintained that the earth consists of a ball of molten material with an exterior crust which has been variously estimated at from 20 to 1000 miles in thickness. Others have in- sisted that a planet so constituted could not rotate as the earth does, and that our globe must be solid to the centre. 28. If the heat goes on increasing at the same rate as it is observed to do in the comparatively shallow borings which man can make into the earth, the ordinary melt- ing-point of even the most refractory substance would, no doubt, be met with at a comparatively short depth beneath the surface (Art. 21). But it does not follow, therefore, that the materials of the interior should be actually in a state of fusion. Pressure is believed to have the effect of raising the melting-point of such sub- stances as those which form most rocks, that is, it keeps them from melting until a still greater heat is applied. The pressure at great depths within the earth must be enormous. Hence below a depth of a few miles, where the temperature reaches the ordinary melting-point of most rocks at the surface, each successive layer of the earth's substance may not be actually fused, but may be just at the melting-point proper to its depth. The whole globe might thus be solid, but the least diminution of pressure at any point would allow the parts so relieved to melt at once. This, so far as can be judged, seems to be the most probable condition of the interior of the earth. 29. The internal heat being so great, there seems no 196 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. reason why the innermost parts of the planet may not consist of metal, such as iron or gold. And indeed there is some reason to infer that they are really metallic. Cracks have been made abundantly through the rocks forming the land, and in many of these occur metallic ores which are believed to have not improbably come up from a metallic region below. Researches into the constitution of the sun and of the other planets have tended to confirm this view of the metallic composition of the central parts of the earth. 3O. Summing up what has been said in this and pre- vious Lessons regarding the constitution of the globe, we conclude that beneath the outer envelopes of the atmosphere and the sea, the solid earth has an upper layer of loose, crumbled materials gravel, sand, and mud on the sea-floor, soil upon the land under which lies a thick series of stratified and derivative rocks ; that still farther down masses of crystalline rocks, which have in many places been forced through the overlying series, descend to an unknown depth, and that within them there may be a metallic central core. We see, more- over, that since the heat rapidly increases as we descend, the innermost parts of the globe must have a tempera- ture, probably more than sufficient to melt every known substance, but that the pressure of gravity may be great enough to retain the general mass of the globe in a solid state, except at such places as supply the streams of molten lava that flow from volcanoes. LESSON XXII. Volcanoes. 1. The word " volcano " is derived from Vulcanus, the name of the Roman god of fire, who was supposed to have his subterranean forges at the roots of the moun- tain Etna. It is applied to any conical mound, hill, or mountain, formed of materials which have been erupted xxn.] VOLCANOES. 197 in a molten or solid condition from beneath the surface. A volcano is active when it ejects with violence gases, steam, water, mud, dust, stones, or molten rock from its summit, or from fissures or other openings on its sides. The term volcanic action is used to describe all the kind of work done by a volcano. A volcano may be dormant when it remains a long time without any erup- tion ; and it is said to be extinct when, though its external form may remain, it does not seem to have been in eruption for a great many centuries, and gives none of the usual signs of volcanic action. 2. The size of a volcano varies from a mere little mound, a few yards in diameter, like some of the mud- volcanoes around the Caspian Sea, up to a giant moun- tain like Cotopaxi, which rises among the Andes to a height of 18,887 f eet above the sea, its upper 4000 feet forming a smooth snow-covered cone, with an orifice at the top, whence hot ashes and stones are scattered far and wide over the surrounding country. 3. At the top of a volcano lies a basin-shaped hollow called the crater, from the bottom of which the pipe or shaft descends, whereby the volcanic products are brought to the surface. Showers of fine dust and stones are frequently thrown out from volcanic craters. These materials falling down the slopes of a cone gradually increase its diameter and height. In like manner streams of molten rock called lava, issuing either from the lowest part of the lip of a crater or from some fissure or orifice on the outer declivity, pour down the slope and harden there, thus still further augmenting the bulk of the hill. 4. As a volcano increases in size, and cracks are formed in weak parts of the cone, smaller cones are piled up on its flanks by the emission of dust, stones, and lava from these fissures. A large volcanic moun- tain, like Etna, or the Peak of Teneriflfe, is thus some- times loaded with small volcanoes which may reach a PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. height of five or six hundred feet. In the drawing (Fig. 32) a plan is shown of one of these great volcanoes with its groups of minor cones. 5. At the beginning of a volcanic eruption rumblings are heard, like the muttering of distant thunder, while the ground is felt to tremble slightly. These noises and FIG. 32. Plan of the peak of Teneriffe, showing the large crater, partly effaced, and smaller craters with lava currents issuing from them. tremors increase in intensity, successive loud explosions take place in the pipe of the volcano, and at last clouds of fine dust and steam are hurled with prodigious force far up into the air. The steam rapidly condenses into rain, which falls in torrents down the outer slopes of the mountain. The fine dust is sometimes given out in such quantities as to darken the sky for many miles around. In the famous eruption of Vesuvius, which in the year XXII.] VOLCANOES. 199 79 destroyed the Roman cities, Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Stabice, the air was as dark as midnight for twelve or fifteen miles round, and a thick deposit of fine ashes and stones fell on the whole district. Some notion of how completely this eruption of ashes covered the country may be obtained from the accompanying drawing, which FIG. 33. View of a Street in Pompeii. represents one of the streets of Pompeii as it now ap- pears, after the volcanic deposit under which the city lay buried for sixteen centuries has been cleared off. At the farther end of the street where the excavations have stopped, the dark layer on the top of the walls, and on which the pine-tree is growing, represents the thick- ness of the general covering of volcanic ashes. In some volcanic eruptions the finer dust, carried up into a strong 200 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. upper current of air, has been known to be transported for hundreds of miles before descending to the ground. Illustrations of this kind of transport were cited in Lesson XI. to prove the existence of these upper currents in the atmosphere. 6. Besides the light dust, vast numbers of white-hot or red-hot blocks and smaller fragments of stone are ejected from the crater. Many of these strike against each other as they rise and fall, producing at night a wonderful spectacle as their sparks and flashes light up the darkness. Of the force with which the stones are occasionally discharged some notion may be formed from the feats of the volcano Cotopaxi, which is said to have thrown a block, estimated to weigh 200 tons, to a distance of nine miles. The volcano of Antuco in Chili is reported to have sent stones flying to a distance of thirty-six miles. 7. It is not difficult to understand why, in the earlier stages of a violent eruption, so vast an amount of frag- mentary materials should be ejected. During the suc- cessive explosions, the walls of the crater and the accumulated lava and other volcanic ejections, which had gradually choked up the funnel, are rent and finally blown into fragments. It is possible that at the deep roots of a volcano the temperature is so high as to keep the elements of water dissociated. Where these elements can still remain combined, under enormous pressure, and at a temperature far above the boiling-point, the water, which has perhaps saturated the molten and solid rocks in the pipe of the volcano, instantly explodes, when, in its upward ascent, it can overcome the influence of the superincumbent pressure. So violent is the conver- sion of such superheated water into steam that the molten lava is actually blown into the finest dust. It is the liberation of successive portions of this highly-heated water into the gaseous state that produces the explosions which form so magnificent a part of a great volcanic EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES. The Earthquake districts are l_ coloured blue, the frequency 1 and force of the shocks being indicated by the intensity of the tint. Active, dormant, and re- | cently extinct Volcanoes are shewn by Bed dote. , % PLATE IX. 20 40 60i^.i 80*<~~IOO 120 140 160 XXII.] VOLCANOES. 201 eruption. At each explosion a vast ball of steam shoots up into the air, at once condensing into white clouds and rolling over in huge folds (Fig. 34), which either dissolve and float away in the higher atmosphere or are further condensed and fall as rain. 8. The upper part of a cone, during the early part of FIG. 34. View of Vesuvius as seen from Naples during the eruption of 1872. a tremendous eruption, sometimes disappears, because it is shattered by the explosions and blown up into frag- ments, which fall back either into the crater or down the outer slopes of the mountain. Mount Vesuvius has sup- plied some excellent illustrations of this kind of destruc- tion. Prior to the first century of the Christian era that mountain was a dormant volcano, from which no ex- PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. plosions had ever been known to come, but which had an enormous crater on its summit, overgrown then with brushwood and wild vines, like the crater of Astroni and some of the other extinct volcanoes near Naples (see Fig. 5). Suddenly in the year 79, when the great eruption took place which destroyed Pompeii, the south- western side of the cone was blown away and a new cone of much smaller dimensions was formed inside the circuit of the former crater. In the drawing of Vesu- FIG. 35. Mount Vesuvius as seen from the sea, with the remaining part of the old crater of Somma behind. vius (Fig. 35) as seen from the sea, the crescent-shaped half of the old crater appears behind the modern dimin- ished cone. In August 1883 the volcanic cone forming the island of Krakatau in the Sunda Strait was almost entirely destroyed by one of the most colossal volcanic explosions of modern times. 9. The enormous expansive force of imprisoned water and steam drives the molten lava up the pipe of the volcano. After the first explosions, during which a column of molten rock has been propelled upwards in xxii.] VOLCANOES. 203 the funnel, lava is seen to flow either from the top or from one or more points on the side of the cone. Should the sides of the mountain be solid enough to resist the enormous pressure of the ascending lava, the latter will, of course, find no escape until it fills up the crater to the level of the lowest part of its rim, over which it will pour down the mountain. More usually, however, there are weak parts, such as rents, caused by the previous explosions, through which the lava finds egress to the outer slopes of the cone. 10. Few sights in nature are more terrible than that of a lava torrent as it pours down the side of a mountain. At first, glowing with a white light, it flows freely like melted iron ; but rapidly grows red and darkens. Its surface soon hardens into a black or brown crust that breaks up into rough cinder-like pieces, beneath which, as may be seen at the rents, the main mass still remains red-hot. A short way from the point of emission, the lava-stream looks like a river of rugged blocks of slag, grinding against and over each other, with a harsh metallic sound, and revealing, every here and there, a glimpse of the fiery flood underneath, over which they are floating. Clouds of steam and hot vapours rise from all parts of the moving mass. Its rate of march varies much according to the slope of the ground, distance from the point of exit, and other causes. Thus, in the year 1805, a current of lava ran down the first three miles of the slope of Vesuvius in four minutes, yet took three hours to reach its farthest point, which was only six miles. In 1840 one of the more liquid lavas of Mauna Loa, in the Sandwich Islands, was observed to run eighteen miles in two hours. 11. The front of a slowly advancing lava-current seems to be a huge mound of rubbish, somewhat resembling one of the piles of debris at ironworks, or a new railway embankment, with its raw earth and stones. The rugged blocks of lava tumble over each other as the mound 204 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. slowly advances. A breeze coming from the lava is hot and stifling, for it carries with it some of the steam and acid vapours that stream out abundantly from the molten rock. Trees, walls, gardens, and vineyards are suc- cessively buried under the burning flood. A house or range of houses may form a temporary barrier ; but FIG. 36. Houses surrounded and partly demolished by the lava of Vesuvius, 1872. eventually these buildings are pushed over like mere houses of card and engulfed (Fig. 36), or the lava is piled up against, and passes round them, meeting again below so as to leave their roofs, perhaps, projecting from the middle of a rugged sea of lava. It occasionally happens that the still liquid rock inside bursts through the hardened cnist at the side or in front, and pours xxii.] VOLCANOES. 205 down in a new direction. This is always one of the risks to be considered in such populous and cultivated tracts as those along the slopes of Vesuvius. 12. The distance to which a torrent of lava may flow can never be foretold, even when it is seen pouring down from a mountain at a great velocity. At Vesuvius many of the lava-streams have reached the sea ; others have not travelled farther than a few hundred yards from their point of emission. The most tremendous floods of lava ever known to proceed from a volcano were those of Skaptar Jokul in Iceland, in the years 1783-5. Vast torrents of molten rock were then poured over that island, filling up river-courses, ravines, and lakes, and completely destroying the surface for many hundreds of square miles. The lava reached to an extreme distance of forty-five miles in one direction, and of fifty miles in another. In some level places, where the lava spread out, the stream reached a breadth of fifteen miles, and a thickness of 100 feet, but it accumulated in narrow valleys sometimes to a depth of 600 feet. It has been computed that the total mass of lava poured forth dur- ing that series of eruptions would form a mountain equal in bulk to Mont Blanc. 13. The hardened crust on a lava -stream forms an excellent non-conducting layer between the still molten mass underneath and the air. One can walk on that crust, though, through the fissures, the red, glowing lava may be seen to lie only a few inches below. It is evi- dent that the inner parts of such a current, even at a considerable distance from the point of emission, may retain a very high temperature, long after the current itself has come to rest. Thus the lava of the eruption of Vesuvius in 1858 continued to give out steam and hot vapours in 1873, and still retained so much heat that one could not keep one's hand in some of the fissures for more than a few seconds, although the surface of the current was everywhere quite cold. 206 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 14. When the lava begins to flow freely from a vol- cano, the violence of the eruption usually abates. The showers of ashes gradually cease, or at least do not ex- tend beyond the crater and its immediate vicinity. The explosions and subterranean rumblings disappear, and except for the cloud which always hangs over the summit of the mountain and marks how constantly and abun- dantly steam still continues to rise from the crater, nothing at last remains to indicate from a distance that volcanic action is not extinguished, but merely quiescent for a time. Yet a visit to the summit of the cone at such an interval would show that hot vapours and gases still keep streaming out from the summit and sides of the mountain. Occasionally after an eruption of Vesuvius it is observed that a large destruction takes place among hares and birds on the hill-sides, owing to the plentiful emanation of the poisonous carbonic acid gas. Many centuries after a volcanic district has ceased to be subject to any eruptions this gas continues to rise, sometimes in large quantities, either bubbling through the water of springs or coming out of crevices in the ground. 15. The active volcanoes on the surface of the globe are not distributed at random, but follow certain lines, as shown in the map on Plate IX. It will be observed that these lines generally coincide with some of the ridges on the surface of the earth already referred to (Lesson XIX.). Almost all volcanoes are ranged close to one or other of the great ocean basins. The continental and island barriers which encircle the Pacific Ocean form one vast ring of active volcanoes. Beginning on the east side we find in the giant chain of the Andes a series of active volcanoes, some of them the loftiest on the globe, running along the western margin of South America. This series is continued through Guatemala and Mexico into North America, and stretches through the Aleutian and Kurile Islands, forming a close -set fringe to the northern Pacific Ocean. The line is xxii.] VOLCANOES. 207 prolonged down Japan, the Formosa and Philippine Islands, to the Malay Archipelago, where it divides into two branches. One of these, turning south-eastward by New Guinea and the New Hebrides into New Zealand, is prolonged, but with wide gaps, across the Pacific basin in the volcanoes of the Friendly, Society, Marquesas, and Easter Islands, towards the coast-line of South America, thus completing the vast volcanic ring. Even along the centre of that basin on the submarine ridge alluded to (Lesson XII. Art. 18), magnificent active volcanoes appear in the Sandwich Islands, some of those in Hawaii exceeding 1 3,000 feet in height. 16. Returning to the Malay Archipelago we observe that the second branch of the volcanic line turns north- westward through Java and Sumatra, where more active and dormant volcanoes are crowded into a shorter space than anywhere else in the world, and where the eruptions have sometimes been on a colossal scale (Art. 8). It is prolonged through the islands off the west coast of Bur- mah. After a wide interval it reappears in Mantchouria, then on the southern borders of the Caspian Sea, whence it may be traced by the Greek Archipelago, Vesuvius, and the Italian Islands, to the Azores, Canaries, and Cape Verde Islands. 17. Besides these main lines, however, scattered vol- canoes occur on other distant islands or on the edges of the continents. In the Arctic Ocean lie the active craters of Iceland and Jan Mayen. On the west side of the basin of the Indian Ocean we find small vol- canoes on the Red Sea and in the Isle of Bourbon. The line of volcanoes in Terra del Fuego at the southern apex of America seems to be continued in the chain of the South Shetland Islands, and to extend even into the supposed Antarctic continent, where, amid the vast snow- fields of that region, Sir James Ross in 1841 discovered an active volcanic cone 12,369 feet high. 18. But besides active volcanoes there is a still larger 208 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. xxii.] VOLCANOES. 209 number which are either dormant or extinct. It would seem that few large tracts of land exist where evidence may not be obtained of former volcanic action. Lava- streams and consolidated beds of volcanic dust may be found in almost all countries. Sometimes, indeed, as in Central France (Fig. 37) the cones are still as fresh as if they had been thrown up only recently ; and yet no record remains that they have ever been in eruption within the times of human history. Hence, if to the present long list of active volcanoes be added those which are now extinct, the whole surface of the land will be found to be studded over with points of volcanic eruption. 19. When we consider that each of these points marks an orifice at which highly-heated materials are emitted now, or at least have been emitted at some former period, and that they are so widely distributed over the earth's surface, we see how important is their evidence as to the high internal temperature of the earth (Lesson XXI. Art. 27). 20. It was pointed out (Lesson XXI. Art. 29), that while the interior of the earth is probably solid as a whole, each portion of it, beyond a depth of a few miles, is probably at the melting-point and ready to pass into a liquid condition when any diminution of the pressure takes place. The ridges on the surface of the earth, formed, as they have been, during the contraction and consequent general subsidence of the outer parts of the planet, have doubtless by their uprise relieved the pres- sure upon the parts underneath them. This relief has probably allowed portions of the interior to pass into the state of fusion. Observe how the active volcanoes of the globe are mostly arranged along such lines of eleva- tion, whether on a continent, as in South America, or in chains of islands, as on the western and northern sides of the North Pacific Ocean. This arrangement can hardly be accidental. It helps to connect the elevation of the p 210 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. land and the phenomena of volcanoes by showing that long spaces of melted rock should be expected to lie under those very regions where active volcanoes occur. Volcanoes do not pierce every mountain-chain, however, though in many cases they can be shown to have once existed there, but to have been long extinct. 21. Reservoirs of lava may exist underneath without giving rise to actual volcanic explosions, so long as no passage is opened to the surface, and nothing occurs to determine volcanic excitement. The vapours absorbed in lava may be partly original constituents of the earth's interior, partly derived from water which, supplied by rain, rivers, lakes, or the sea, filters through the upper rocks. In the deep, intensely hot regions, whether its gases remain combined or not, the absorbed water must exist at an enormously high temperature, and in a con- dition that would be impossible save under enormous pressure. Portions of this superheated water that may succeed in effecting their escape and in blowing out an opening in the earth's crust, relieve the pressure on the deep-seated mass of molten rock which is then im- pelled upwards to the surface. With a loud explosion the liquid rock is blown into dust as its water flashes into steam, and lower portions then begin to flow out tranquilly as streams of lava. LESSON XXIII. Movements of the Land. 1. Along certain lines, or at certain points, where communication has been opened between the surface and intensely hot materials below, showers of dust and stones, and streams of melted rock, have been emitted in such quantity as to form huge mountains like Etna, the Peak of Teneriffe, and Cotopaxi. But other notable effects show the influence of the internal condition of the globe upon its surface. The solid earth is subject to xxiii.] MOVEMENTS OF THE LAND. 211 movements either sudden and violent, or slow and im- perceptible. It is sometimes convulsed and rent open, sometimes one tract is gradually raised up above the sea-level, while another is step by step depressed. We shall consider these movements under the three divisions of ist, Earthquakes ; 2d, Upheaval ; 3d, Subsidence. 2. (i.) Earthquakes. These, as the word denotes, are tremblings or concussions of the ground. They vary in intensity from mere slight tremors, like that caused by a loaded waggon moving along a street, up to such violent catastrophes as those in which the ground is thrown into undulations whereby rocks are loosened, trees are shaken out of the soil, and villages and cities are levelled to the ground. 3. It is chiefly the terrible devastation of life and property which is usually dwelt upon as the main feature of importance in earthquakes. In a moment, without the least warning of any kind, a rumbling like that of distant thunder or the firing of cannon is heard or felt, and before men have had time to ask each other what the tremor can be, the earthquake conies upon them. The ground rises and falls under their feet ; houses rock to and fro until they are rent from top to bottom, or fall with a crash into ruins ; the earth here and there opens and closes again. In a few seconds a whole city is de- molished, and hundreds or thousands of its inhabitants are dead or dying. The Lisbon earthquke in 1755, for instance, destroyed 60,000 human beings. The Cala- brian earthquake a generation later proved fatal to not less than 40,000. Nor is the destruction confined to one limited district. Frequently it spreads over thou- sands of square miles, carrying death and havoc far and wide through different provinces and states. 4. When, however, we regard earthquakes as part of the machinery of nature, it is not so much their influence upon human life and property as their permanent effects upon the surface of the land which claim our notice. 212 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. An earthquake is not felt simultaneously over the whole region affected by it. It begins at one side or end, and travels rapidly to the other, or it is experienced first and most violently over a certain central space, from which it spreads with diminishing intensity in all directions. The sound of its approach, like that of distant thunder, artillery, or rumbling waggons, may precede by a few seconds the advent of the earthquake itself. When the shock comes, the ground is felt to be alternately raised and depressed, with more or less violence, as if an undula- tion like the ground-swell of the sea were passing beneath. Several shocks in succession, but commonly less destruc- tive than the first, may follow within a few seconds. 5. The earthquake is really of the nature of a wave passing through the substance of the solid earth. Just as the masts of ships at rest in a harbour are seen to rock to and fro, as the swell of the sea rolls under them, so trees and other tall objects have been observed to sway backwards and forwards during an earthquake. 6. On steep banks and cliffs, large masses of clay or rock are sometimes disengaged by an earthquake shock, and are sent rolling down into the water-course or valley below. The streams are thus choked up, temporary lakes are formed, until, by the bursting of the barrier of fallen debris, the water rushes out with great force and carries another kind of devastation down the valley. 7. On many occasions the ground has been seen to be rent open. The fissures thus formed sometimes swallow up trees, houses, or other objects on the surface, and close up again. Sometimes they remain open and are subsequently deepened and widened by running water into ravines and valleys. 8. Again, the ground has been found to have been permanently raised above or depressed below its former level. Thus in the year 1835, during a violent earth- quake, which convulsed the coast of Chili, the ground at the island of Santa Maria was suddenly upheaved from MOVEMENTS OF THE LAND. 213 eight to ten feet above high-water mark, so that the gaping sea-shells still adhering to the rock were exposed to the air, where they soon began to putrefy. The valley of the Mississippi was the scene of a succession of earth- quakes, from the end of the year 1811 to 1813, at the close of which time, the ground was in many places left with huge yawning fissures, and in certain districts sank down, so as to be converted into lakes, some of which are fifty miles in circumference. Part of this submerged land is called " the Sunk Country." And even now, large trees of walnut, white oak, mulberry, and cypress may be seen ten or twenty feet or more below the water, and a canoe may be paddled among their submerged branches. 9. When the earthquake shock takes its rise under the sea and travels thence towards the land, the greatest amount of destruction is caused. Not only does the solid land rock to and fro, but the waters of the sea are shaken, and sent with terrible force against the margin of the land. From the point of origin of the shock a long, low undulation is propagated over the surface of the sea in all directions. When it reaches shallow water, its front, like that of the bore of a tidal wave in an estuary (Lesson XVII. Art. 30), becomes steep and advances with great rapidity. To those on shore the approach of this wave is seen to be preceded by a retreat of the sea from the beach. Spaces never bare before are now exposed to view as the water retires, but only for a few seconds. The wave, gathering up the retreating water, rushes forward with a front sometimes sixty feet or more in height, not only covering the beach but even sweeping far in upon the land. 1O. This sea-wave does not travel across the ocean so fast as the earthquake- shock. Hence it arrives at a coast some time later and completes the destruction. This was the case in the famous earthquake of 1755, by which Lisbon was destroyed. Again, on the I3th of August 1868, when Peru and Ecuador were devastated by a 214 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. disastrous earthquake, a great sea-wave inundated and overthrew Arica, the principal port in the south of Peru, with such rapidity and completeness, that in a few minutes every vessel in the harbour was either ashore, wrecked, or floating bottom upwards. A man-of-war was swept inland for a quarter of a mile. Another vessel disap- peared, and no vestige of it was ever seen again. Lastly, in the great eruption of Krakatau, in August 1883, a sea- wave, said to have been as much as i oo feet high, swept across the Sunda Strait, and is supposed to have killed between 30,000 and 40,000 people. 11. The true cause of earthquakes is not yet well understood. Probably they take their rise from more causes than one. Thus, they may sometimes be due to the giving way of the roofs of the cavities which no doubt exist in the interior of the earth, especially in volcanic countries ; sometimes to the sudden fracture of rocks under great strain ; or to the sudden generation or escape of steam. Whatever be the cause of their origin, some sudden blow within the interior of the earth will account for the phenomena of earthquakes. The point directly- above that from which the blow is given suffers the severest shock, and the intensity diminishes outwards from this centre. The effect may be compared to that produced on a surface of still water into which a stone is thrown. Where the stone strikes, a series of rings is formed which are propagated outwards in ever-widening circles, but become less marked and farther apart as they recede from the point of origin. 12, If, after an earthquake has passed, the point can be ascertained where the shock was vertical, and if, by further observations upon the direction of the rents in walls and other evidence (Fig. 38), it can be determined at what angle the earth-wave emerged at the surface in one or more places beyond the centre, an indication may be obtained as to the probable depth at which the shock took its rise. Let v in Fig. 39 be the point at which the MOVEMENTS OF THE LAND. 215 shock was felt to have come up vertically, and A a village or town where, from the prevalent direction of the rents in the buildings, the shock appears to have come up FIG. 38. House rent by earthquake (Mallet). The arrow shows the direction from which the earthquake-wave must have reached the surface. obliquely. If we prolong the path indicated by these rents until it meets the vertical, we obtain at F the probable focus of disturbance. Calculations of this kind FIG. 39. Diagram-section to illustrate the propagation of an earthquake- wave and the mode of calculating the depth of its origin. were made by the late Mr. Mallet, who concluded that, on the whole, earthquakes are not deep-seated, but pro- bably never arise at a greater depth than thirty geogra- 2i6 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. phical miles. As implied in the diagram, the successive waves, like the rings on the pool of water (Art. 1 1 ), are closer and stronger at the focus, whence they spread in all directions through the solid earth, becoming less and less violent as they recede. 13. Earthquakes, as represented in Plate IX., are most frequent in volcanic districts, though not by any means confined to them. The great earthquake region of the Old World stretches from the Azores along the basin of the Mediterranean into the heart of Asia. In the New World the western border of the Continent suffers most from earthquakes, especially from Guatemala southwards through Ecuador, Peru, and Chili. 14. Most frequently the more striking effects of earth- quakes are comparatively local, though pulsations in lakes and on the sea may be noticed at long distances from the centre of disturbance. At the time of the Lisbon earthquake some of the lakes of Scotland were agitated, and the sea-wave that was generated travelled across the Atlantic, and was felt on the American coast. Occasionally the actual vibration of the ground is sensibly felt for a great distance, as in the case of the earth- quake of the 1 3th August 1868, which was felt in Peru for 2000 miles. 15. (ii.) Slow Upheaval. After an earthquake has ceased, the ground is sometimes found to have been per- manently raised above or depressed beneath its previous level. But besides such sudden movements others have affected different parts of the earth in so slow and quiet a manner as not to be perceptible at the time. As a rule, they can only be detected by careful observation of their effects along the margin of the land. 16. Old harbours and sea-walls are sometimes found to stand now at some height above even the highest tide. Islands once separated by a water-channel from the land are now joined to it. Caves, evidently hollowed out by the sea, may be seen far above the reach of the XXIII.] MOVEMENTS OF THE LAND. 217 waves. Barnacles and sea-shells are found still adhering to rocks, at heights of several hundred feet above the level where they lived and died. Terraces of sand and gravel, quite like the present beach, and containing sea- shells, occur at different heights above the sea (Figs. 40 and 41). These terraces are old beaches, each of which marks a former level of the sea, before the land rose to FIG. 40. View of an old sea-terrace or raised beach, with sea-worn caves on its inner margin. its present height. Many such terraces skirt the shores of Great Britain. They form a marked feature of the coast in the north of Norway (Fig. 41). On the western margin of South America they occur in great perfection, reaching sometimes a height of 1 300 feet above the sea, where sea-shells, still in position, attest the amount of uprise. 17. By evidence of these various kinds it has been ascertained that many long tracts of coast-line are slowly 218 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. rising from the sea. Thus the shores of Sweden at Stockholm and northwards appear to be upheaved at a rate varying from six or ten inches to two and a half feet in a hundred years. Farther north, the island of Spitzbergen is fringed with raised beaches up to a height of 147 feet. The coast-line of northern Russia and Siberia for hundreds of miles has been recently elevated out of the sea, as is shown by raised beaches with marine FIG. 41. Raised sea-terraces of the Alien Fjord, Norway. shells. The shores of the Mediterranean afford local illustrations of uprise, while the great sandy desert of the Sahara, containing here and there scattered sea- shells, up to a height of 900 feet, is a case of -the recent elevation of a wide tract of sea-bottom. 18 (iii.) Slow Subsidence. While in some regions the slow, imperceptible movement of the ground is an up- ward one, in others it is downward. This may be shown by different kinds of evidence. Thus, some seaport towns in the south of Sweden contain, under their pre- sent streets, traces of older structures which are now XXIII.] MOVEMENTS OF THE LAND. 219 below the sea-level. At different parts of the coast of Scotland and the south-west of England, stumps of trees, with their roots still imbedded in the soil on which they grew, are to be seen actually under the water of the sea. 19. Until recently the most striking evidence of the subsidence of large portions of the earth's surface was believed to be supplied by the Coral Reefs of the Pacific FIG. 42. Section of an island (L), with a Fringing coral reef (R) and Indian Oceans. These are reefs or submarine banks of a kind of lime-stone, formed entirely by the growth of coral polypes. Three kinds of reef were recognised by Mr. Darwin. The first, called Fringing Reefs, skirt the margin of the land at a distance of one or two miles, with a shallow-water channel or lagoon inside. The out- side of the reef is its highest part, and there the large strong kinds of coral live which delight in the dash and play of the waves ; the finer and branched kinds prefer the stiller water of the lagoon. Reefs of this kind skirt the east coast of Africa and occur also in the West Indies and fronting the shores of Brazil. The accompanying figure (Fig. 42) shows a section of an island where the land (L) is skirted by a fringing reef (R). 2O. The second kind of reef is called a Barrier Reef (Fig. 43). It may skirt a long tract of coast, as in the 220 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. north-east of Australia, where the great reef fronts the land for 1000 miles ; or it may encircle an island, as at Tahiti. Its slope to the sea is in the upper part nearly precipitous, but beneath this steep face the bottom slopes away gently into the surrounding sea-floor. Inside, the reef is separated from the land by a deep lagoon channel. FIG. 44. Section of an Atoll or coral island (R R) built over submerged land (L). There may sometimes be more than one island inside a barrier reef. 21. The third form of reef has received the name of Atoll or coral island (Figs. 44 and 45). It is a ring of coral rising out of a deep ocean, and having a FIG. 45. View of an Atoll or coral island. breadth of about a quarter of a mile. The outer face towards the sea is precipitous in the upper part, like a barrier reef. Inside lies a lagoon of comparatively shallow water, full of the more delicate branching kinds of coral. The waves break off fragments from the outer edge of xxin.] MOVEMENTS OF THE LAND. 221 the reef, and pile these up above the ordinary limits to which the sea reaches. By degrees a narrow ring of land is formed on the reef. Seeds are carried to it and take root, and at last a humap population arrives and finds shelter and the means of subsistence. 22. It has been ascertained that the reef-building corals cannot live in deep water, that indeed they do not go down farther than about twenty fathoms. Con- sequently they cannot have grown up from the deep bottom on which the atolls are planted. As they could not have begun to build more than about twenty fathoms from the surface, Mr. Darwin inferred that the bottom has been gradually sinking, while the little coral-builders have kept pace with the subsidence, and have maintained their reef at the sea-level. The three sections here given (Figs. 42, 43, and 44) illustrate the stages in this sup- posed subsidence. First comes the fringing reef, with its shallow lagoon and not very deep water outside. Then this shore reef passes into the barrier reef, with its deeper lagoon channel and much deeper sea outside. The land inside becomes less in height and extent as it settles down beneath the sea-level. At last it sinks out of sight altogether, and the barrier reef remains as an atoll. 23. This theory of Mr. Darwin's has been so long accepted, and presents so impressive a picture of vast sub- sidence in the ocean-basins, that it still holds its ground. More recent observations, however, by Messrs. Semper, Murray, Rein, and Agassiz, have brought to light many facts that were not known to Mr. Darwin, and which show that the growth of coral-reefs and islands can be satisfac- torily explained without the supposition of any depression of the sea-bottom. In particular, it has been ascertained that in the surface water and on the bottom of tropical seas animal life is so prodigiously abundant, that the remains of the calcareous organisms accumulate on the bottom as a growing deposit of limestone. By the con- tinued growth of such limestone the tops of submarine 222 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. peaks and ridges may eventually be brought up to the limit of depth within which reef- building corals can thrive. Having once established themselves on the platform prepared for them, these creatures grow upward until they reach the level of low- water. But, though unable to grow higher, they continue to thrive vigorously on the outer face of the reef in the full play of the surf, which brings them their supplies of food. The breakers tear off huge blocks of solid coral and strew these down the slope below, piling them here and there even into a precipitous wall. Meanwhile the living coral continues to build outward on the top of the blocks which, by the chemical action of the sea-water and the settling of coral- sand into their interstices, are cemented together into a compact mass. In this way, the steep sea- ward front of barrier reefs and atolls may be explained. In the inner parts of a reef the corals, being removed from con- tact with the open sea, from which they get their food, dwindle and die. Hence the coral rock does not grow in the lagoons. On the contrary it appears to be gradu- ally eaten away by the solvent action of the sea-water, whereby the lagoons are probably widened and deepened. LESSON XXIV. The Waters of the Land Part I. Springs and Underground Rivers. 1. From every water-surface on the globe invisible vapour is ascending into the air, where it is condensed into clouds, and whence it is returned to the surface of the earth again in rain, dew, snow, hail, or sleet. Dis- charged upon the land, the water partly sinks under- ground to rise again in the form of springs, partly flows off in rivers into the sea, whence, once more evaporated, it enters the atmosphere to begin again the same cycle of change (Lesson X.) xxiv.] SPRINGS. 223 2. There is thus a continual circulation of water be- tween the atmosphere, the land, and the sea. The more this circulation is considered the more importance will be assigned to it in the general plan of the earth. The clouds form and melt and form again. Day by day, or season by season, the rain-showers reappear, to moisten the parched soil. The brook and waterfall, ever rushing downwards, are yet continually fed with renewed supplies from above. The river still bears its broad breast of waters to the sea, as it has done ever since the earliest tribes of men settled upon its banks. The sea, though receiving the surplus drainage of all the continents, is not thereby raised in level, but yields to the air those abundant vapours which, borne back to the land, and condensed into running water, once more renew their downward journey to the sea. This con- tinual coming and going of water may be looked upon as the pulsation of the very life-blood of our globe as a habitable planet. 3. Let it be remembered, too, that water enters largely into the composition of the bodies both of plants and animals. If its circulation were arrested, our earth would cease to be the green, populous planet which it is at present. Were evaporation and condensation to cease, clouds, springs, and rivers would disappear. Scorched by the fierce heat of the sun during the day, and frozen by the intense cold of radiation at night, the land would become lifeless and silent. 4. The moisture of the air returns to the land either in the liquid form, as water, or in the solid form, as ice (Lesson X.) In the former state it chiefly appears as Rain ; in the latter as Snow. The all-important part which, under each of these conditions, water takes in the daily operations of nature, deserves the most attentive study. In this and the following Lessons we shall look more in detail at the circulation of water over the land, taking first Rain and its consequences, and then Snow. 224 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 5. When rain reaches the surface of the land, part of it sinks into the soil, and the rest flows off into brooks and rivers, by which it is carried back to the sea. These two portions of the rainfall have each an inde- pendent history, and may be conveniently considered separately. In the present Lesson, therefore, we shall deal with the underground course, and in the following Lesson with the course above ground. 6. It might naturally be supposed that the portion of the rain which sinks into the earth is permanently with- drawn from the circulation of water on the earth's surface. But a little reflection will convince us that if this were really the case, the amount of water flowing over the land would be diminished. Rivers and lakes would shrink in size, or dry up altogether. Yet as this does not happen, there must obviously be some way in which the water that sinks into the ground is restored to the surface again. This restoration takes place by means of springs, which are the outflow of the subterranean water from openings in the ground. 7. The intimate connection between ordinary springs and rainfall is familiar to every one. We know that in a season of drought many springs and wells give a limited supply of water, or fail altogether, while, as wet weather sets in, they fill again. They obviously derive their supplies from rain-water, which has percolated through the rocks beneath the surface. Such springs as have a deep-seated origin are less affected by rainy or dry seasons, because they gather their stores from a wider area of subterranean drainage, where the effects of a scarcity of rain take longer to make themselves felt than is the case near the surface. 8. All rocks, even the hardest, are porous, and there- fore pervious to water. The channels of brooks and rivers, the beds of lakes, and the floor of the sea, are all more or less cracked, so as to present openings for the descent of water. Rain-water, therefore, not only soaks xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 225 through the soil, but, sinking lower still, finds its way through the pores and joints of rocks underneath. Water is likewise supplied by lakes, rivers, and the sea, either oozing through the pores of rocks or entering open cracks, and carrying with it sand and other impurities. 9. In the sinking of deep wells in some districts of France, leaves and other parts of plants have come up with the first gush of water from a depth of nearly 400 feet. These organic remains were comparatively fresh, and were supposed to have travelled in underground channels from hills I 50 miles distant, and to have been three or four months on their subterranean journey. The same phenomenon has been observed in other places ; sometimes even live fish have been brought up in borings from depths of 1 70 feet. 10. As the result of this constant percolation and descent of water from the surface, the rocks, for some way down, are in many places charged with moisture. Proofs of the almost constant presence of water are fur- nished in quarries, pits, and mines, in short, in nearly every place where any considerable cutting is made through rock. It is this underground water which forms one of the greatest obstacles in quarrying and mining operations. Before the introduction of steam machinery many coal-pits, after having been worked to a certain depth, had to be abandoned, from the impossibility of getting rid of the water. They were then said, in the expressive language of the miners, to be "drowned." The powerful pumping engines, now to be seen everywhere in the coal-fields, point to the abundance of water below ground, and to the labour and cost which are necessary for removing it. 11. Another and familiar illustration of the way in which water everywhere pervades the soil and rocks is to be seen in the sinking of wells. These are artificial cavities, dug out to serve as receptacles wherein the water that is soaking through the rocks may be collected. Q 226 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. Wells may be successfully made even in places where it could hardly be supposed that water would be found. Thus, on the borders of the African deserts, where little or no rain falls, and where, therefore, there can be but a scant supply of water from the surface, serviceable wells are dug. The French colonists of Algeria sink what are known as "Artesian wells" (Art. 18) on the northern margin of the great desert of Sahara, and the sandy tracts between Cairo and Suez yield water even so near the surface as at a depth of fifty feet. The existence of those fertile green patches called Oases, in the midst of the barren deserts of Africa and Arabia, is due to the rise of springs. Again, in the valley of the Mahanadi and other Indian rivers, where, in the dry season, little or no rain falls, a hole dug out to the depth of thirty or forty feet is sure even then to be partly filled with water. Hence we may conclude that the springs of a district do not always or necessarily obtain their water from the rainfall of the immediate neighbourhood. If that were the case there could hardly be perennial springs and wells in the African deserts, where rain is exceedingly rare. 12. To what depth the water will descend must depend greatly upon the nature and condition of the rocks at each locality. Very deep mines are often without water. When the Alps were pierced in making the railway tunnel between France and Italy, the rocks at a depth of more than 5000 feet below the summit of Mont Cenis were quite dry. We need not suppose, therefore, that the water generally sinks to a very great depth. But here and there it no doubt does find its way down even into the intensely hot internal regions of the earth, whence it reissues in those vast clouds of steam that play so important a part in the arrangements of active vol- canoes (Lesson XXII.). It is probable that in spite of the plentiful discharge of steam at these volcanic open- ings, a part of the water which descends so far may be xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 227 lost by absorption into the molten rock, or by being decomposed, and forced to enter into chemical combina- tion. If this be the case, then the earth must be losing its superficial water ; slowly and insensibly, indeed, but yet if continuously, with the probable result of ultimately reducing our planet to the dry and sterile condition of the moon. 13. Though the water which falls upon the land is distributed over the surface as rain, when it reappears at the surface it does not ooze everywhere from the soil. Sinking underground, it finds its way along cracks and hollows of the rocks below, until it comes out again to the surface at certain points. Just as in the subaerial course of the fallen rain, the water at once runs off into brooks and larger streams until it finally enters the sea, so in a somewhat similar way, the underground drainage, collected from many branching channels, is brought out to the surface in springs. 14. A difficulty may be felt in understanding how the water, having once sunk down, can ever be driven up again. But we must remember that the springs, which form its points of escape at the surface, lie at a lower level than the ground from which the original supplies of rain have been drawn. A little reflection on this sub- ject will convince us that the underground circulation must be effected in one or other of two ways ; either by simple gravitation, as in what may be called Surface Springs, or by hydrostatic pressure, as in Deep-seated Springs. 15. (I.) In the case of Surface Spring's the water, which has been steadily flowing downward as well as onward in its underground course, comes to a point where, owing to some depression of the surface, it finds itsfcii again in the open air. The subjoined woodcut will explain how such springs arise. A porous bed of rock (b), or one traversed with cracks or joints, lies nearest the surface, and allows the rain water to soak through it, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. down to a stiff impervious layer (a), by which the descent of the water is arrested. Unable, therefore, to sink farther downward, the water flows along the surface of this lower bed. If a valley should happen to cut through these rocks, there will be a spring or line of springs (s) on the junction of the two rocks along the side of the valley. In the same way, the rain which falls upon a mountain may sink underground, and gush out in springs at the foot of the mountain. In springs of this kind, the water merely descends in the ordinary way by gravita- tion, and issues where the surface happens to sink below the level of the subterranean water-channel. In heavy rain a good deal of water soaks through the soil into the nearest brooks without ever forming actual springs. FIG. 46. Section across a valley to show how the simplest kinds of springs arise. Wherever water accumulates among underground rocks, whether in the pores or in the open crevices, so as to convert the rocks into subterranean reservoirs, it will rise in them up to the lowest levels at which it can find outlets to the surface, where it will appear in these surface- or land-springs. This " water-level " must be reached before a well can catch a supply of water. 16. (II.) In Deep-seated Springs, on the other hand, the water has in its journey sunk to a lower level than its point of escape, and has risen again by hydrostatic pressure, as in a syphon. Evidently the arms of a syphon may be as long as we choose to make them, yet while the one is longer than the other, and is supplied with water at the top, the water will continue to flow out from the top of the shorter arm. In like manner the subterranean channel of a deep-seated spring may descend xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 229 for hundreds of feet, yet the water which fills it will not cease to flow and to rise again to the surface. Having reached its greatest depth, often far below the level of the sea, the water accumulates there, saturating such porous rocks as lie in its way, until the pressure of the column of water behind it forces it up any fissure which may allow of its escape to the surface, and there it bub- bles up as a spring. The rain which falls on the high grounds, and is absorbed by the rocks and soils, flows down more or less permeable rocks which may be arranged in different beds or strata (a in Fig. 47). Taking advantage of the cracks that may opportunely X *^ FIG. 47. Section to show how deep-seated springs arise. present themselves, as much of the water as these open- ings will admit rises through them to form springs, as at s, s. At f the strata are broken across by a great frac- ture or dislocation, which brings them against a hard massive rock (g). Here a considerable body of water may escape to the top at s'. Hence the direction of a great dislocation of the rocks is often traceable at the surface by a line of springs. 17. In nature, the course which water takes under- ground is in reality, for the most part, much more com- plicated than is shown in the diagram (Fig. 47). All rocks are abundantly traversed by divisional planes called "joints ; " they are likewise full of cracks, and they pre- sent many changes in texture. So that subterranean water finds a most intricate network of passages through which it must flow. It may possibly come many times 230 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. near to the surface, and then sink down again through other fissures, performing in this way a zigzag up-and- down journey, before it finally issues in springs. A rough representation of this kind of circulation is given in Fig. 48. FIG. 48. Section to show the intricate underground drainage which issues in a deep-seated spring. The numerous joints and cracks in the rocks lead the water at last into a main channel, by which it reascends to the surface as a spring at J. 18. On further reflection we perceive that there must necessarily be many underground rocks which are per- manently saturated with water. These, if they can be reached, will furnish an abundant and constant supply of water. Advantage is taken of this kind of knowledge to sink deep wells, called "Artesian," from the old French province of Artois, where they have long been in use. The principle on which these wells are made is as fol- lows : When an impervious rock covers a porous one over a considerable district of country, the water that soaks into the lower bed will tend to accumulate there as in a great reservoir. If now a hole be drilled through the upper retentive bed, the water will rise in it at once, xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 23! as it would do if a natural fissure existed there, and may ascend even above the surface of the ground. The water occasionally issues from these bore-holes with such force as to form a jet, rising to a height of thirty feet or more above the soil. In the north of France the force of the jet has been made use of to drive mills. Many wells on this principle have been sunk in London and its neighbourhood. The section (Fig. 49) across the dis- trict in which London lies, shows roughly how the water which falls on the high grounds to the north and south, filters through the sands and gravels (b) at the top of the chalk (a), and is imprisoned by the retentive London clay (c). 1 When wells are sunk down to this water- bearing zone, water ascends in abundance. So many FIG. 49. Section to the position of the water-bearing rocks below the clay at London. wells, however, have now been made, that the level of the water in them has gradually sunk year by year, the consumption being thus somewhat more rapid than the supply to the underground reservoirs. 19. In trying to picture to ourselves the amount of water which is always circulating under ground, we ought not to measure it merely by what is seen coming out at the surface in well-marked springs. For, in the first place, we must bear in mind that the abundance of springs is really much greater than might at first sight appear. Much of the water which rises from under ground does not bubble up in the form of well-marked springs. When it reaches the surface, it soaks through the soil or trickles over it in tiny runnels. On unculti- 1 In the diagram the curve of the beds has necessarily been greatly exag. gerated, there being in reality hardly a basin at all. 232 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. vated land such places are marked by greener patches of vegetation, or by tufts of rushes and a swampy soil. Sometimes, too, we may see them exposed, even on ploughed fields, during dry weather in spring-time. From want of rain the bare soil becomes dry and light in colour. Here and there, however, it is diversified with dark brown patches, which point to places where the water is oozing out from below, and soaking through the soil, in spite of the drain-pipes of the farmer. In these and similar cases, the water, after coming up to the surface, sinks down again into the rocks, and commences another underground journey. 20. In the second place, we must remember that the natural flow of water from a higher to a lower level must carry much of the underground drainage to the rocks under the sea, so that, if the water rises to the surface, it will do so on the sea-floor, instead of under the open air. Springs along the beach within tide -marks are sufficiently common, and many cases have been observed in the Mediterranean where powerful springs or even underground rivers rise to the surface of the sea at some distance from the shore, so that fresh water may actually be obtained at these places for the supply of ships. 21. In some countries, where there are no rivers, and little or no rain, springs and artificial wells are the only sources from which a supply of water can be obtained by the inhabitants. But even in regions where both rain and rivers abound, the usefulness of springs is hardly less apparent. Think for a moment what would happen if all the rain were immediately to run off" the surface of the land, without allowing any portion to sink under ground. Except where fed from melting snow, the brooks and rivers would flow only after showers. Their channels would dry up in the absence of rain. It is the under- ground circulation which, by means of springs, replenishes the water-courses of the land, even in drought, and thus preserves the surface of the land fresh and green. xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 233 22. Rain is water nearly in a state of chemical purity ; but in its descent it takes up a little air and some of the impurities which may be floating in the air (Lesson VI.). These admixtures, however, form only a minute propor- tion in rain-water, especially at a distance from the smoke and vapours of towns and manufactories. But the water of any spring, even the clearest and most sparkling, though it sank into the ground as pure or almost pure water, reappears again with an impregnation of various substances. These are often so abundant as to be made readily visible after the water has been boiled and evapor- ated, when they remain behind as a film on the bottom of the vessel. They are chemically dissolved in the water, and do not interfere with its clearness and brilliancy, nor in most cases do they impart to it any taste. They may be found in the water of every spring, but their quantity varies greatly. Sometimes they occur in such minute proportions as fifty parts in every million parts of water ; in what are called mineral waters they may rise to as much as 32,700 parts in the million. 23. Three questions naturally arise in reference to this remarkable impregnation of all spring-water : firstly, what are the substances present in the water ? Secondly, how does the water obtain them ? and, thirdly, what is the result of their constant removal by the water ? 24. (i.) Substances contained in spring- water. If a glass of bright sparkling spring- water be allowed to stand for a time, minute bubbles may be observed adher- ing to the inner surface of the glass. These are air, or gas, which has been dissolved in the water. They rise by degrees and escape, and when they have done so, the water ceases to have the same fresh brisk taste which it had when first drawn from the spring. In like manner, if the water is boiled it acquires an unpleasant insipid taste, not because anything has been put into it, but because the air or gas which it contained has been driven out. Hence it appears that at least one cause of the 234 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. pleasantness of spring-water to the taste is the presence of gaseous materials. 25. Chemists have carefully examined these materials, and have found that they consist mainly of oxygen and nitrogen, that is, the ordinary gases of the air. Pure water when saturated with air will contain by volume 17-95 parts of air in every 1000 parts of water. The proportions of the two atmospheric gases, oxygen and nitrogen, in this dissolved air are considerably different from those in the atmosphere, being in every hundred parts 65-09 of nitrogen and 34-91 of oxygen. The latter gas being more soluble exists in considerably larger proportions in water than in the air (Lesson X. Art. 35). Spring water also contains carbonic acid, and sometimes sulphuretted hydrogen, marsh gas, or other gases. 26. The fine white film of mineral substance left behind, when a quantity of spring-water has been boiled down and driven off" into vapour, is found to vary greatly in composition in different springs. It commonly consists of carbonates or sulphates of lime, soda, magnesia, and often includes chloride of sodium or common salt. In limestone districts, owing to the large proportion of lime or magnesia in the water, much soap is needed in wash- ing, because the mineral constituents unite with the fatty acid of the soap to form a curdy insoluble compound. Such water is said to be hard. When the hardness is due to the presence of carbonates, it disappears when the water is boiled. A hard crust is deposited on the inside of the kettles or boilers in which the water is boiled. If the hardness arises from the presence of sulphates it cannot be removed by boiling. Where the percentage of mineral matter is small, the water is called soft. The softest water that can be had for domestic purposes is of course rain, for it contains little or no mineral admixture. 27. While all spring-water holds more or less mineral matter in solution, some springs contain so much that it xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 235 affects the taste or becomes visible as the water flows over the ground. These are known as Mineral Springs. The chief mineral substance in solution is carbonate of lime. When the water begins to evaporate, as it trickles away from the spring, the lime is sometimes deposited as a white crust upon stones or other objects lying in its way. This is particularly apt to occur on certain kinds of moss which prefer water containing much lime. A white limey crust gathers round every little fibre and completely en- closes it, so that as the plant dies the white crust remains and retains the outward form of the original moss. These calcareous springs, as they are called, occur abundantly in limestone countries. In other springs, carbonate or sulphate of iron is the principal substance contained in the water, which, as it flows along, deposits iron oxide as a yellow or brown scum on the sides of its channel. Springs of this nature are known as ferruginous or chaly- beate. Common salt is the characteristic of some springs, and when they contain a large proportion of it they re- ceive the name of brine-springs. Sometimes they are nearly or quite saturated with salt. Many springs con- taining a considerable admixture of mineral ingredients are useful in certain diseases, either in the form of draughts or of baths. They are termed Medicinal springs. For example, the waters of Bath contain car- bonate of lime, sulphate of soda, sulphate of lime, chloride of sodium, silica and carbonic acid ; those of Harrogate, carbonates of magnesia and lime, sulphate of magnesia, chlorides of sodium, magnesium, and lime, nitrogen, car- bonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen. The waters of Vichy are alkaline and acidulous from the quantity of soda, potash and carbonic acid which they contain. Those of Carlsbad abound in sulphates, those of Wies- baden in chlorides. 28. In mountainous and snow-covered ground, spring- water may be met with scarcely above the freezing-point. From that extreme, every degree of temperature may be 236 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. noted in different springs, up to such boiling fountains as the Geysers. Evidently, the temperature of the spring must depend upon that of the rocks from which the water rises. If the water comes from melting snow and ice, it will necessarily be cold. If it sinks deep within the earth, so as to come within the influence of the internal heat, it will be warm. So that there seems good reason to regard the temperature as affording some indication of the probable depth from which the water has risen. 29. Hot water has a greater power of dissolving most substances than cold water. Consequently, warm or thermal springs are often largely impregnated with mineral matter. Many medicinal wells are warm. Those of Vichy, for example, have a temperature of 1 1 1 Fahr., those of Carlsbad, 165 Fahr., and those of Chaudes Aigues, 178 Fahr. One of the substances particularly soluble in hot water is silica, which has been already alluded to as occurring in the water of boiling springs, and as being deposited in the form of a hard crust round the orifices from which the water escapes, as in the Geysers of Iceland, the Yellowstone Park and New Zealand (Lesson XXI. Art. 24). SO. The proportion of mineral matter held in solution differs widely in different springs. In common spring- water it may range from 50 to 400 or 500 parts in every million parts of water. But in districts where the water is "hard" the proportion may rise to 2000 parts in every million. In mineral springs, the proportion is of course very much greater. Thus, in the Vichy waters, the solid contents are ^VoVoo' tf> ose f Seidlitz contain I QOOOOO ; those of Piillna, in Bohemia, J^OOOOQ- The proportion in the Atlantic Ocean water, is about JQOOOOO* wn '" e m the Dead Sea, it is iVooVoV 31. When the discharge of water, as well as the pro- portion of dissolved mineral matter, is large, the quantity of material dissolved out of the rocks below ground and carried up by springs, must be enormous. Thus, one of xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 237 the hot springs of Leuk, in Switzerland, having a tempera- ture of 144 Fahr., is estimated to bring to the surface every year nearly 9,000,000 of pounds of gypsum. If this mass of mineral could be collected it would form a square column, upwards of 650 feet high, and twenty- seven feet on each side. The brine spring of Neusalz- werk, near Minden, has been found to yield in one year enough of brine to form a cube of solid salt, measuring seventy-two feet. The wells of Bath, in like manner, are computed to yield annually enough of mineral matter to form a square pillar ten feet on the side, and eighty feet high. 32. (ii.) Origin of the Substances dissolved in Spring-water. Rain in falling dissolves a little air, but takes considerably more oxygen and carbonic acid gas than the normal proportions of these gases in the atmosphere (Lesson VI. Art. 35). The proportion of carbonic acid gas indeed is between thirty and forty times greater. In sinking through the soil rain obtains, from decomposing plant and animal remains, more carbonic acid and vari- ous organic acids. In old volcanic districts, as Auvergne in Central France, and the Eifel in Rhenish Prussia, carbonic acid is given off in great quantities from sub- terranean sources, and is here and there brought up by springs, which like the Bad Tonnistein in the valley of Brohl, are so full of it that it escapes in copious bubbles when the water comes to the surface. 33. The oxygen and carbonic acid carried by perco- lating rain downward into subterranean rocks are of great importance in aiding the water to decompose rocks. The presence of carbonic acid enables it to dissolve large quantities of various mineral substances. How this solution takes place is admirably illustrated above ground by what happens at the arches of many bridges. On the under side of an arch, or the vaulted roof of a cellar, each line of mortar between the courses of masonry is often marked by a sort of fringe of 238 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. slender pendent white stalks or pencils. At the point of each of these stalks, a clear drop of water may be noticed, which in time falls to the ground, and is slowly replaced by another drop. Should the ground beneath the arch be undisturbed by passing footsteps, where the drops fall upon it, a white deposit, like that of the roof above, grows up in little mounds, each of which is kept wet by the constant drip of the water. These white incrustations may be seen to increase in size from year to year. It is evident that they have come out of the masonry and that trickling water has had something to do with their formation. 34. Rain-water containing, as it does, carbonic acid, has the power of dissolving lime, and holding it in solu- tion in the form of what is known as carbonate of lime. The mortar which binds the masonry together consists mainly of lime. Being usually more porous than the stone or brick, which it cements, it allows some rain to sink through the seams and joints of the masonry. The water in its passage from the upper to the under sur- face of the archway, takes out a little lime, and carries it off in solution. As each drop appears upon the roof and hangs for a time before falling, it is diminished by eva- poration, and losing part of its carbonic acid, cannot hold so much lime as at first. It is therefore compelled to deposit the surplus as a white film upon the roof. The drop then falls, and is succeeded by the next, which goes through the same stages, and thus the original ring of lime, left round the edges of the first drop, grows into a long slender hollow tube or stalk, like an icicle of stone. If it is undisturbed, it may lengthen until it actually reaches the floor, and its sides may be added to by fur- ther trickling water until it becomes a stout rod, or even a pillar seeming to support the roof. These hanging stalks or columns of lime are called stalactites, 35. But the drops do not leave all their lime behind them on the roof. They carry some of it with them to xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 239 the ground, where, on further evaporation, they deposit it as a white solid crust called stalagmite. This process of removal and re-deposit, seen so well in a small way in arches of masonry, occurs sometimes on a magnificent scale in vast limestone caverns (Arts. 39-41). 36. If, now, in sinking through a few feet of masonry, rain-water can work such great changes, what may we not expect to take place under ground, where the water has to traverse vast masses of rock, and where its solvent power may be increased by the earth's internal heat ! 37. (iii.) Results of the removal of materials from below in spring-water. In tracing the results of the universal percolation of water through underground rocks, and of the removal and transport to the surface of so much of their solid substance, we may consider first the effects on the surface, and secondly the effects below ground. 38. With regard to the influence exerted on the earth's surface by the solution of subterranean rocks, we may reflect that springs supply rivers and lakes, and thus, indirectly, the sea, with lime, iron, soda, and other soluble ingredients. In fresh water and in the sea, there are large tribes of animals which obtain the materials of their shells or skeletons from the lime or other minerals pre- sent in the water. If these mineral substances could be removed for a time, the result would be to destroy a large part of the denizens of our rivers, lakes, and seas. Man himself would suffer, not only by losing some of the most valuable of his supplies of food molluscs (oysters, etc.), crustaceans (lobsters, crabs, etc.), and fishes, but from the mere absence in his drinking water of mineral sub- stances, useful in keeping his body healthy. The failure of medicinal springs, too, would deprive him of an im- portant element in the curative treatment of many diseases. 39. It is in its underground operations, however, and the effect of these upon the surface, that the effects of the 240 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. removal of mineral matter by springs are most striking. Since every spring is continually dissolving and carrying up to the surface some of the solid substance of the earth's interior, and since the amount so carried by many springs even in a single year would, if it were collected in the solid form, make considerable hills, the result must be that cavities arise among the subterranean rocks. That this is really the case is best seen in limestone countries. Limestone is liable to be dissolved and removed by per- colating rain-water, in the same way as the mortar of an archway (Art. 33). It is full of chinks and joints, by which water finds its way downward. Each of these passages is gradually widened by the solution and re- moval of the rock at its sides. Hence in districts where limestone forms the uppermost rock, the ground is some- times full of holes, which have been eaten out of the solid rock by trickling rain-water, and which lead down into numerous branching tunnels and chambers under- ground excavated in the same way. 4O. One of the most remarkable examples of this kind of scenery is that of the Karst in Carniola on the flanks of the Julian Alps. It is a table-land of limestone, so full of holes as to resemble a sponge. All the rain which falls upon it is at once swallowed up and disappears in underground channels, where, as it rushes among the rocks, it can be heard even from the surface. Some of the holes which open to daylight lead downward for several hundred feet. Some turn aside and pass into tunnels in which the collected waters move along as large and rapid subterranean rivers, either gushing out like the Timao at the outer edge of the table-land, or actually passing for some distance beyond the shore, and finding an outlet below the sea. Here and there the labyrinths of honeycombed rocks expand into a vast chamber, with stalactites of snowy crystalline lime hanging from the roof, or connecting it by massive pillars and parti- tions with the floor. Such is the famous grotto of Adels- xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 241 berg near Trieste a. series of caverns and passages with a river rushing across them. 41. Still more extensive is the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky a cavern about 10 miles long, but with many ramifying passages which are said to have a united length of more than 200 miles. In the Island of Antiparos, a famous grotto lies 600 feet below ground, forming a spacious hall 300 feet wide and 240 feet high. 42. Partly from the solvent action of descending water upon the sides of chinks of the limestone, and partly from the falling in of the roofs of underground passages, the surface of the ground in some limestone countries is so full of holes, and at the same time so bare of soil, as to become a kind of barren and dry desert. All its rain, its springs and its rivers are with- drawn from the surface. In the course of time the ground has here and there subsided to such an extent as to form hollows in which the water collects into lakes. These, however, have no outlet at the surface. The water issues from openings in the rocks to fill them, and flows away by other openings of the same kind. The Zirknitz See in Carniola is a good instance of a lake of this kind. It is about five miles long and from one to two miles broad, but usually not more than from six to ten feet deep. Its bottom is said to be perforated with about 400 funnels or pipes through which the water ascends. In wet weather it rises to three times its ordinary height. But even at high water, it is so surrounded with high ground, that it cannot find any outlet at the surface, and has to discharge its surplus waters down some of the innumerable caverns in the limestone (Lesson XXVI. Art. 13). 43. In some parts of the world, therefore, and more especially in limestone regions, the surface of the ground is greatly changed by the chemical action of subterranean water. But there is yet another way in which the cir- culation of water below ground affects the form of the R 242 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. surface. Where rain sinks through a porous sloping bed of soil or rock, it sometimes forms a loose watery layer underneath, which, by destroying the support of the overlying mass, allows the latter to slip down the FIG. 50. Section across the cliff and landslip of Antrim. slope and tumble into fragments below. This is called a landslip. Changes of this kind can, of course, only occur on the sides of mountains, cliffs, ravines, or steep FIG. 51. View of part of the cliffs and landslip of Antrim. slopes, where movement by gravity from a higher to a lower level is possible. They are common along the sea-coast, many parts of the shore-line of the British islands being fringed with old landslips. When the slipped mass is large in extent and becomes covered xxiv.] UNDERGROUND WATER. 243 with vegetation, it forms a strip of broken and picturesque ground in front of the higher cliff behind. Such is the undercliff of the Isle of Wight, and the long line of rough crags and grassy mounds flanking the steep cliffs of Antrim. In the latter case (Figs. 50, 51) a great table- land of ancient hard lava beds (b) rises from the coast in a line of noble cliffs, resting upon layers of much softer and more porous rocks (s). Owing to the loosening of the support of the upper part of the cliff by the trickling of water between the beds in the lower half, huge slices of the heavy solid lava-rocks have been launched down to the low ground. Many of these fallen fragments are themselves large enough to be called hills. 44. In hilly countries subject to heavy rains, land- slips are of frequent occurrence. The earth and upper layers of rock, saturated with water, are loosened, and slide down the slopes, carrying trees and fields to the valleys below, and piling up vast heaps of ruin there. In Sikkim, and other districts to the south of the Himalayan chain, the surface of the ground is being altered from this cause after every heavy fall of rain, vast spaces of mountain-slope, many acres in extent, being detached so as to sweep down, with their covering of forest, into the lower ground. Sometimes these fallen masses of earth and rock are thrown across a valley, so as to bar back the river and form a lake. But as the barrier con- sists only of loose rubbish, it is apt to give way to the pressure of the accumulating waters, which then pour down the valley with great force, sweeping everything before them, and desolating the district for many miles along their course. 45. When landslips take place in well-peopled and cultivated valleys, they sometimes cause great destruc- tion of life and property. Thus, in the valley of Goldau, Switzerland, in the year 1 806, after a continuance of wet weather, a bed of rock, 100 feet thick, resting on saturated sandy layers, slipped down. The whole side 244 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. of the mountain of the Rossberg seemed to be in motion. In a few minutes the descending mass had, with a terrible noise, rushed across the valley, burying five villages and about 500 people under a mass of ruined rocks 100 to 250 feet high. LESSON XXV. The Waters of t/ie Land Part II. Running water. Brooks and Rivers. 1. Having in the last lesson followed the course of that portion of the rainfall which disappears into the ground, we have now to trace what becomes of the rest. Since the surface of the land is higher than the sea, and slopes downward to the sea-level, the water which falls upon it from the sky cannot remain there, but must, in obedience to gravity, seek the lowest level. This it can only do by moving downward, till it flows into the sea. If the land sloped evenly from a central ridge, like the roof of a house, the rain might run off in sheets of water. But instead of such uniformity it everywhere presents the most irregular surface. Even on what we might suppose to be a perfectly level and smooth piece of ground, there are innumerable little heights and hol- lows, which become at once apparent during a shower of rain, for then the hollows are marked by tiny runnels of water which course along them to a lower level. 2. "Water -courses and River-basins. Owing, therefore, to the unevenness of the surface of the land, the surplus rain runs off into the hollows, down which it flows until it can descend no farther. These hollows or channels, which receive and conduct the drainage of the land, are termed water-courses. They vary in size, from the rut that holds the merest rill or gutter, up to the bed of a broad river which carries the drainage of half a continent to the sea. xxv.] BROOKS AND RIVERS. 245 3. Take the map of any large country, or of a con- tinent, and notice in the arrangement of the water-courses upon it, that they are grouped somewhat like the branches and stem of a tree. On the low grounds, towards the sea, a river, in one single trunk, bends to and fro across the land. But farther inland it divides into separate limbs, these again into smaller branches, and so on as far as the upper limit of the region drained by the river. This is the common plan on which the drainage of the land is arranged, innumerable little runnels in the heart of a country, coalescing more and more as they descend, until they all finally unite into a few main streams. 4. Let us in imagination trace the course of a large river, from its beginning in the midst of a continent, to its end in the sea. Among the "far mountains, where the sources of the river must be sought, the higher sum- mits are probably covered, or at least streaked, with snow, while long tongues of snow and ice may be seen creeping down the upper parts of the valleys. Perhaps the river issues from the melting end of a " glacier " (Lesson XXVIII.). If so, it springs up at once as a tumultuous torrent of muddy water, and rushes down the valley, receiving from either side innumerable minor torrents and runnels, which descend the rugged slopes, either from the melting edge of the snow, or from abundant clear bubbling springs. Or perhaps the river takes its origin in some single spring, not larger, it may be, than many others in its neighbourhood, but which has been fixed upon from early times by the human population of the district as the true fountain of the river. Such a spring, either welling quietly from the ground or gushing out copiously, supplies the first little stream which dashes down its rocky channel, receiving from each side, as it descends, many tributary torrents, until after leaping from rock to rock in foaming cascades, and working its way through deep gullies, it reaches a more 246 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. level part of the valley. In this first or torrent part of its course, the infant river is only one of many such streams by which the sides of the higher mountains are channelled. 5. But when it gains the valley it enters on a second and distinct portion of its journey. Its flow is less rapid, its channel less steep and uneven. It winds to and fro, in many bends and loops, across the flat parts of the valley, and rushes through the narrow gorges that occur FIG. 52. Delta of the Nile. at intervals. Growing, by the addition of many smaller streams from either side, it becomes more and more like a true river, as it rolls along. This valley part is by far the longest and most important in its course. Here it receives most of its water, and puts on its distinguishing characters as a river. Its tributaries are no longer mere torrents or brooks, but rivers, sometimes as large as itself. As these increase in size, however, they become fewer in number, so that in the last stages of its journey, the main stream receives few or no affluents. xxv.] BROOKS AND RIVERS. 247 6. When at last, quitting the valley which has con- ducted it through the hills and the lower undulating country, the river reaches the low plains towards the sea, it enters upon the final section of its course, that of the delta. Hitherto it has always been receiving, but never giving off branches. But now, reaching the low level land of the delta, it begins to divide, sending off many arms which wind to and fro, and again divide among the swampy flats. So much does the river ramify in this part of its course, that it may enter the sea by many channels, or mouths, often so nearly of the same size, that it may be hard to say which of them should be called the chief. Moreover, these intricate channels are constantly shifting their position as the river- water moves seaward. Hence, what was once the chief mouth is now perhaps half-filled up, and the principal discharge takes place by another channel at some distant part of the delta. 7. It will be noticed on a map, that except where flowing along some straight valley among mountains, most rivers do not run in a straight line for more than a short distance. This is the case in every part of their course. The channel is continually winding from side to side. On a small scale, the same arrangement of curving water- lines may be observed when the rain, during a heavy shower, is running down a sloping piece of roadway. At the upper part, the runnels, though always rushing downwards, cannot, owing to the unevenness of the ground, descend in straight lines, but are deflected, now to one side, now to another, by little pebbles or bits of clay or other roughnesses on the road. Where straight ruts have been made for them by cart wheels, they take advantage of these, and flow then in straight courses, as a river does in a longitudinal valley. But they escape before long, and resume their winding way as before, joining each other in the descent, and swelling the main runnel which sweeps down the road, and eventually finds 248 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. its tvay into some neighbouring ditch. What the peb- bles, ruts, and other roughnesses on the road are to rain, the uneven surface of the country is to brooks and rivers. In either case, the water seeks the readiest path of escape to lower levels. But this path is seldom the shortest. Every obstacle which the water cannot surmount or remove, serves to turn it aside, and, as such obstacles abound, the flow of the water is a continuous series of turnings and windings. Ridges and hollows, heights and valleys, turn the streams, now to one side, now to another, until, after a journey which may be many times longer than the direct distance from their source, the waters find at last a rest in the great sea. The ser- pentine curves or meanderings of running water form one of its most characteristic features. They are ex- hibited by tiny brooks flowing in shallow channels across level meadows, and by mighty rivers that wind in deep gorges over vast table-lands. The curves of a portion of one of the large rivers of the globe are represented in Fig. 53 ; but a closely similar drawing might be made from the course of many a little runnel or beck. 8. Amidst its bendings, a river will here and there eventually cut through the narrow part of a loop, and thus shorten and straighten its channel. The loop being gradually shut off from the river by an accumulation of sand and mud, becomes a crescent-shaped pool or la- goon of stagnant water. Instances of this kind occur commonly along the courses of streams which flow through flat land, as in the case of the Mississippi (Fig. 53). In the delta of the Rhone they are called " Aigues Mortes," or dead waters. 9. In consequence of the frequent shifting of the direction of a river-course, what is at one place the east side, may be successively the north, south, and west sides in the space of a few miles. It would therefore lead to much confusion were we to speak of the east or west side, or the north or south bank of a river. Accordingly, it XXV.] BROOKS AND RIVERS. 249 is usual to call one side the right bank, and the other the left bank, the observer being supposed to be looking down the river in the direction of its flow, so that no matter how much the river may wind, the terms right and left are always correctly descriptive. FIG. 53. Wind Mississippi. The shaded part marks the alluvial plain. 1O. As may be readily understood from a map, each large river is the natural drain for a wide region. For instance, all the surplus rain and the discharge from melted snow and springs over by far the largest part of North America, find an outlet to the sea by a single river the Mississippi. The space drained by this river 250 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. is computed to be 1,244,000 square miles. This is termed the drainage-basin or catchment-basin of the river. The drainage-basin of the Ganges is estimated at 432,480 square miles ; that of the Rhine at 75,000 ; that of the Severn 8580 ; of the Thames at 6960 ; of the Shannon at 6946 ; and of the Tay at 2250 square miles. 11. A pencil line traced on the map of North America, round the sources of all the streams which are tributary to the Mississippi, will represent what is called the water-shed, 1 water-parting', or divide of the Mis- sissippi basin. To the north of it lie the basins of the Mackenzie and of the rivers that drain into Hudson's Bay, to the east the St. Lawrence and the smaller rivers of the Eastern States, while to the west the Fraser, Columbia, Sacramento, Colorada, and many lesser rivers carry the drainage of the Rocky Mountain slopes into the Pacific Ocean. 12. The water-shed of a country or continent is thus a line which divides the flow of the brooks and rivers on two opposite slopes. On many maps it is marked as if it were a ridge or mountain-chain. But in reality it does not necessarily coincide with the highest ground. Trace on the map of Europe, for example, a pencil line between the streams which drain to the Atlantic, Baltic, and North Sea on the one side, and those which drain to the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas on the other. Such a line will mark the general water-shed or divide of the continent, but you will observe that the line, instead of running along, and coinciding with, any central moun- tain-chain, crosses all the great mountains, table-lands, and plains. Beginning at Gibraltar, it traverses the table- 1 Sir John Herschel proposed to write this word water-scJud, meaning " separation of the waters, not water-iAfrf, the slope down which the waters run " (Physical Geography, p. 120). But the original meaning of "shed" was to dividt*, or part, and this use of the word still holds in Scotland, where a girl is said to shed her hair in the middle. The idea of disjunction is a secondary one, which has gradually come to be the common usage of the word. xxv.J BROOKS AND RIVERS. 251 land of the Spanish Peninsula, crosses obliquely the chain of the Pyrenees, passes athwart the plateau of Central France, on the right bank of the Rhone, runs through and across the ranges of the Alps, the Black Forest, and the Carpathians, and then descends into the vast plains of Russia, across which it winds in a general north-easterly course to the chain of the Urals. That the water-shed need not be a high ridge, may often be noticed even on low or gently undulating ground, where the same valley may have a stream at either end, flowing in opposite directions, the water- shed being a quite imperceptible rise of the surface between them. 13. Some important lessons as to the form of a country may be learnt by noting the line of its water-shed upon a map. That line seldom runs down the centre of a region like the ridge on the roof of a house. Very commonly it lies much to one side, and winds in great curves as it traverses the land. Now the position of the water-shed, like the axis described in Lesson XIX. Art. 25, suffices to indicate the relative slopes of the two sides of a continent or country, especially where these two sides descend to the sea-level. Take South America by way of illustration. The water-shed of the whole continent lies near the western coast-line. The slope facing the Pacific must thus be very much steeper than that which looks towards the Atlantic. A heavy shower of rain falling on the water-shed will of course run off partly to the west and partly to the east. The westward portion, starting from a height of perhaps 1 0,000 feet, will reach the Pacific after a journey of not more than seventy miles in direct distance ; while the other half, setting out from the same elevation, will have a journey of about 2000 miles in a straight line before it can enter the Atlantic. The water-shed of Hindostan, south of the Gulf of Cam- bay, is another example of this one-sided position. On a smaller scale, Scandinavia, Great Britain, and Spain illustrate the same feature. 252 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 14. When a water-shed runs close to one edge of a continent, there is no room for large rivers on that side ; these must flow on the opposite slope. America again furnishes an admirable instance of this obvious arrange- ment. In South America, for example, there is no river of large size flowing down the short slope into the Pacific, but on the east side, the largest rivers of the world bear the drainage of the continent into the Atlantic. 15. Sources of Rivers. Every shower of rain that falls, and every spring that rises, within the drainage basin of a river, may be regarded as one of the sources of the river. In many parts of the world indeed, such, for example, as the central and southern regions of India, where there are dry and rainy seasons, and where the rivers do not take their rise in high snowy mountainous ground, the water that floods the streams during the wet months is mostly derived from the rain which runs off the saturated soil. In common language, however, the source of a river is understood to mean the point from which the head-waters of the main branch of the river take their rise. It is often hard to say which of the branches of a large river should be called the chief. One may be largest in volume of water, another greatest in length of course. One of the branches has usually been selected by the people of the country, and called by them the main stream. 16. Large rivers rise from various sources springs, rains, melted snows, or the ends of glaciers (Lesson XXVI 1 1.) and lakes. A great proportion of them may be traced up till their farthest little tributary brook is found gushing out as a spring from the side of some hill or mountain. In limestone countries, as stated in the foregoing Lesson, large rivers sometimes issue from the caverns by which the underground rocks are there per- forated. Occasional or periodical rain directly supplies much of the water of many rivers. The Nile, for example, owes its annual rise to the heavy rainfall of the wet xxv.] BROOKS AND RIVERS. 253 season among the mountains of Abyssinia. The snow- fields of the higher mountains furnish unfailing nourish- ment to many of the largest rivers of the globe. Thus in Europe, the Rhine and the Rhone take their rise from the melted snow and ice of the Alps. In Asia, the rivers of Northern India descend from the snows and glaciers of the giant chain of the Himalaya. In North America, the abundant patches of snow which mark the higher parts of the Rocky Mountains supply part of the water which drains from the west into the great valley of the Mississippi. Here and there, among the higher summits of the land, little hollows arrest the first runnels of melted snow or of springs, and form little lakes, out of which the infant waters of important rivers flow. Or a lake on lower ground at the confluence of several tribu- taries fills a vast hollow of the land, whence the united drainage escapes by one large river, like the Rhine from the Lake of Constance, or the Rhone from the Lake of Geneva. 17. Proportion of the Rain-fall carried to sea by Rivers. Since the size of rivers depends upon the amount of rain -fall or snow-fall within their drainage- basins, we may naturally inquire how much of the total moisture discharged from the air upon the land is actu- ally returned to the sea by rivers. The proportion be- tween rain-fall and river-discharge has never been very satisfactorily determined, but is said to vary from ^ to ^ ; that is to say, only about a third or a fourth part of the water which falls upon the land as rain or snow is carried off by streams. The greater portion is returned to the air again by evaporation. From the moistened soil, from every surface of snow or water, from each spring, brook, lake, and river, vapour is continually passing into the air. The rivers, therefore, do not bear to the sea even all the water poured into them, for they are continually losing water by evaporation from their surface. 254 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY [LESS. 18. The diminution of rivers, the drying up of brooks, and the cessation of springs, during seasons of drought, show how dependent is the flow of water over the land upon its circulation through the air. In countries like Britain, where heavy rains may occur at any time of the year, the rivers are subject to irregular increase. In those regions, however, where a wet and dry season suc- ceed each other at certain intervals, the rivers have their periodical rise and fall. The most familiar example of this regularity is that shown by that historical river the Nile. Egypt, through which this river flows, is a singu- larly dry country, wherein rain seldom falls, and yet every year, and with such regularity that almost the very day of the change may be foretold, the river begins to rise, and continues to do so until the low plains on either side are overflowed. It then slowly subsides, leaving a film of fine mud over the ground, and resumes its former channel. This remarkable feature greatly puzzled the ancients. They accounted for it by supposing that the Nile rose among snowy mountains far to the south, and that the inundations were caused by the melting of the snows. But in recent years the true cause has been ascertained. The high and rocky table-land of Abyssinia is visited by heavy rains during the months of March and April. The numerous gullies and gorges which intersect that rugged country, and which were previously quite dry, are then filled with torrents of water, which rush down and swell that branch of the great river known as the Blue Nile. It is these annual rains in the far highlands of Abyssinia, therefore, which cause the regular inundation of the rainless plains of Egypt. 19. In countries liable to heavy periodical rains, the relation between the flow of rivers and the rain-fall is made strikingly clear. The Mahanadi River in Central India, for instance, has its basin within the area to which the south-west monsoon brings the copious rains alluded to in Lesson X. Falling upon high rocky ground, the xxv.] BROOKS AND RIVERS. 255 rain at once rushes down by innumerable channels to swell the main river, which, unable to find in its channel room for all this water, overflows the surrounding country, producing great havoc in its course. But in the dry season, from February to May, the river is low, because, as little or no rain then falls, it depends for its water upon the supplies which it receives from springs. 20. Another illustration of the relation between rain- fall and rivers is supplied by those singular dry ravines and gravel-tracks, so common in Syria, Arabia, and the Valley of the Euphrates, called " wadys." Those which lie within tracts where there is a rainy season, are turned into water-courses during the wet part of the year. But over a great part of the region where they occur, little or no rain falls, so that they remain constantly dry. That they were once the channels of brooks and rivers cannot be doubted. It is apparent that a change has taken place in the climate of these districts, perhaps partly caused or at least aggravated by the destruction of the ancient woods and forests, and the abandonment of the cultivation of the soil. The rains that once refreshed the land have ceased to fall, the river-beds which carried the surplus water to the sea are now dry, and the valleys are parched and barren. 21. In a country which is subject to heavy rains at different and uncertain times of the year, the rivers are liable to be swollen on any day ; and as heavy rain often succeeds dry weather, the rivers may pass rapidly from a state of low water to full flood. Where, as in the case of the Nile, the rain comes regularly at the same season, the river swells and falls again with remarkable slowness and uniformity. But there is another cause of the regular, as well as irregular, flooding of rivers. Where a river draws its supplies of water in great part from the melting of snow among the mountains, it will evidently have a larger volume in summer and autumn than in winter and spring. The Rhine and Rhone, for example, which take 256 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. their rise among the snows and glaciers of the Alps, fill their channels with water during the dry hot weather of July and August, and shrink in size during the cold and often wet months of the year. Besides this annual in- crease and diminution, the upper course and higher or mountain tributaries of such snow-fed rivers are liable to occasional and sometimes disastrous floods in summer, not caused by heavy rains, but by dry and warm weather. When the warm south wind called Fbhn blows upon the snowy slopes of the Alps, it causes a rapid thaw. Tor- rents of milky snow-water pour down the sides of the mountains and feed the brooks, these soon swell and rush forward into the rivers, which rapidly rise and sweep down their valleys, often carrying away bridges, inundat- ing meadows and strewing them over with gravel, or even breaking down parts of villages and towns built upon their banks. 22. Flow of Rivers. Standing by the side of a broad rushing river, trying to estimate the rate at which the water is moving, and how much passes us in an hour or day, we should probably, in most cases, guess the rate of motion to be faster than it is. The broad stream, with its eddies and gurglings of water, impresses us with the idea of rapidity as well as of volume. The rate of flow is determined mainly by the angle of slope, partly also by the volume of water, and the form of the chan- nel. The average angle of slope of river- channels is considerably less than we might have expected it to be, that of the larger rivers of the continents probably not exceeding two feet in the mile. The Missouri has a mean fall of 28 inches in the mile ; but the Volga does not slope more than 3 inches in the mile. To be easily navigable, a river should not have a mean declivity of more than 10 inches in the mile or i in 6336. Of course, in their mountain-track, streams have much higher angles of descent. That of the Arve at Chamounix is r in 6 1 6, and that of the Durance varies from i in 467 to I in xxv.] BROOKS AND RIVERS. 257 208. But such rapid declivities are those of mountain torrents rather than of rivers. 23. A moderate rate of the flow of a river is about I i mile in the hour ; that of a rapid torrent does not exceed 18 or 20 miles in the hour. The larger rivers of Britain have a velocity varying from about i mile to about 3 miles in the hour. Hence we may walk by the margin of a river and easily outstrip the rate of its current. 24. But the water of a river does not flow in every part of the channel at the same rate. Owing to friction against its bed, the river moves slower at the sides and bottom than in the middle. On a small stream, we can easily prove this by throwing in pieces of wood, and watching how much faster those travel which fall in the middle, than those which have lighted near the edge. Evidently, therefore, the addition of more water to the same channel will increase the rate of motion of the stream. When two rivers join into one, the united stream may occupy a channel no broader than one of them did before, but, without acquiring any increased slope, it runs faster, because the water has now to overcome the friction of only one channel instead of two. For the same reason, a river confined in a deep narrow gorge runs faster than where, with a like declivity, it spreads over a broad gravelly bed. When this cause is kept in mind, we can understand the meaning of the curious fact that a river is sometimes not increased in breadth, even by the influx of large tributaries. Thus the Mississippi becomes no wider, even after it receives its largest affluents. Eighteen hundred miles above its mouth it is 5000 feet, or nearly a mile, broad. But at New Orleans, where it enters the Gulf after having been successively fed by the vast streams of the Missouri, Ohio, Arkansas, and Red Rivers, it is only 2470 feet broad, or less than half a mile, and yet in that comparatively narrow channel the drainage of nearly half a continent passes out to the sea. s 258 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 25. Volume of Water discharged by Rivers. Measurements and estimates have been made of the amount of water carried annually into the sea, or hourly past certain places by different rivers. The Mississippi, for example, has been found, after a careful survey of its operations, to discharge annually into the Gulf of Mexico no less than 21,300,000,000,000 cubic feet of water, enough to make a lake as large as the whole of England and Wales and twelve feet deep. The Danube sends into the Black Sea 207,000 cubic feet of water every second. The Tay, though not the largest river in the British Islands, brings down more water into the sea than any other, its annual discharge being estimated at 144,020,000,000 cubic feet. LESSON XXVI. The Waters of the Land Part III. Lakes and Inland Seas. 1. Owing to inequalities of the surface, the water that falls upon the land cannot always flow off at once into the sea. Hollows occur which intercept the drainage, until it fills them and flows over from the lowest parts of their margins, or otherwise escapes. Such water-filled basins are called lakes, but when they are of large size and are occupied by salt water, they receive the name of inland seas. Lakes. 2. At first lakes might be expected to lie indifferently on any part of the earth's surface. Any good general map of the world, however, shows that they are not dis- tributed altogether at random, but are chiefly developed in certain regions. An attentive study of this develop- ment throws some light upon the problem of the origin XXVI.] LAKES AND INLAND SEAS. 259 of the hollows, and why they should be where we now find them. 3. (i) First, then, in the northern hemisphere, lakes may be observed to be scattered in extraordinary abun- dance over the northern parts of Europe, down to about FIG. 54. Part of the Island of Lewis, illustrating the abundant lakes of the north-west of Europe. the 52d parallel of latitude, and in America to about the 42d parallel. In some districts within these regions, there seems to be almost as much water as land. In Finland, for example, nearly a third of the country is covered with lakes and marshes, and as there are no 260 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. mountain-ridges, and no dominant lines of valley, the undulating surface looks like that of a land which has been half submerged. In the north-west of Scotland similar scenery occurs ; from some of the hill-tops there, the undulating surface of the low country is seen to be plentifully strewn with lakes. In the accompanying figure (Fig. 54) a representation, on the scale of one inch to a mile, is given of a portion of the surface of Lewis, one of the islands of the Outer Hebrides, from which some idea may be formed of the abundance and irregular distribution of these sheets of water. Again in North America, the British possessions and a large part of the FIG. 55. Section of a lake-basin excavated in solid rock. north-eastern States are plentifully dotted over with lakes, varying in size from such vast basins as that of Lake Superior down to mere pools or tarns. 4. In these northern regions, as the lakes are not con- fined to valleys, but lie indiscriminately over the surface, they may be found at any height, from the sea-level to near the crest of the land, which is generally undulating and hilly rather than mountainous. The abundance of these lakes has been associated by many geologists with the fact that the land in the northern hemisphere has been covered with sheets of ice which, grinding down the surface, have left it strewn with clay, gravel, and sand (Lesson XXVIII.). Many of the lakes lie in hollows excavated out of the solid rock (Fig. 55), which still retains abundantly the scratches and groovings made XXVI.] LAKES AND INLAND SEAS. 261 upon it by the movements of the ice. Other sheets of water are enclosed among heaps of debris, left on the land when the ice melted (Fig. 56). FIG. 56. Section of a lake-basin lyi 5. (2) A further feature in the distribution of lakes, which may be observed on maps, is the more or less abun- dant occurrence of these sheets of water among mountains. Take Europe as an illustration. Even in the comparatively low mountain groups of Scotland, Cumberland, and Wales, lakes abound, forming one of the great charms of the well-known scenery of these districts. Among the Alps a series of large lakes occurs on each side of the main axis of the chain, and innumerable minor sheets of water FIG. 57. Section of a lake dammed up by a barrier of earth or gravel. occur scattered at all heights among the central moun- tains, up even to the borders of the snow -line. All mountain systems, indeed, have not the same abundance of water-filled hollows ; in some there are few or none. Lakes among mountains may be, in some cases, hollows formed during the elevation of the mountains (Lesson XXIX.) ; in other examples, like those referred to in Art. 4, they may either have had their basins scooped out by glaciers or formed by the irregular piling up of 262 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. ice-borne debris (Fig. 57). In most volcanic districts, lakes occur in cavities which have been formerly blown open by explosions from below. 6. (3) A third series of lakes may be observed to occupy depressions on table-lands. The most remarkable examples are furnished by the great lakes of Equatorial Africa. Of these the Victoria Nyanza lies at a height of about 3300 feet above the sea, and is believed to cover an area of not less than 30,000 square miles. On the same continent a vast depression, with many small lakes, extends westward from the Nile valley, and stretches between the southern limits of Barbary and the country drained by the River Niger. Another smaller hollow lies in the southern part of the continent, and contains some small lakes, of which Lake Ngami (2900 feet above the sea) is the largest. On the great table-land of Asia numerous lakes occur over Thibet, Turkestan, and Mongolia. 7. It will be noticed that many of these table-land lakes have no outlet, but lie in hollows below the general level of the surrounding country. They receive supplies of water from the streams which drain into them, but no river escapes even from the lowest parts of their borders. Now almost all lakes of this kind are filled with salt water. That they should be salt, will be found on reflection to be a necessary consequence of the solvent action of running water on the land (Lesson XXIV. Arts. 22-36). Water flowing over or through rocks dissolves out of them some of their soluble in- gredients. Among the substances so removed, common salt, sulphate and carbonate of lime, and sulphate of magnesia, are of common occurrence. These dissolved salts are carried down by rivers, and in most cases find their way ultimately into the sea. But in the depressions of the great table-lands, the hollows into which the water drains and finds no outlet may be compared to great evaporating vats or troughs, like those in which sea-water xxvi.] LAKES AND INLAND SEAS. 263 is boiled down in the manufacture of salt. Water is con- stantly poured into them and none flows out ; yet their level is not rising, because, as fast as the water enters, it passes off again in invisible vapour into the atmosphere. The supply of water and atmospheric evaporation just balance each other, and any cause that diminishes the one or the other would make the level of the lakes rise or fall. But the vapour which rises from the inland basins leaves behind in the water the various saline solutions carried into them by rivers. Hence year by year these lakes and pools become salter. When they dry up, they leave a crust of salt upon the ground which they once covered. The soil is in such places so impregnated with salt that plants will not grow upon it, and its arid sandy surface stretches for leagues as an inhospitable desert. 8. Where a fresh-water lake does occur in these regions it will be found to have some outlet by which its surplus water is removed, so as to prevent increase of saltness. Lake Chad in Central Africa, for example, lies in a hollow from which no river escapes to the sea, and it was believed in consequence that this fresh-water lake had no outflow, and was thus an exception to the general rule. More recently, however, a river has been found opening from its north-eastern margin and carry- ing the overflow along a wide valley, in which the water is finally dried up amid sandy wastes. 9. In the eastern countries bordering the Mediter- ranean many salt-lakes occur, as well as ground incrusted or impregnated with salt. The naturally-formed salt has been used from time immemorial by the dwellers there. A little reflection on the mode of its formation and its composition explains the meaning of a curious passage in the Bible which is not in itself very intelligible. It occurs in the Sermon on the Mount. " If the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted ? it is thence- forth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." (St. Matthew v. 13.) 264 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. Were the substance here spoken of our common salt (chloride of sodium), it would be difficult to explain how it could possibly lose its taste without ceasing to exist at all. Its taste is to us as essential a character as its chemical constitution. But no doubt the substance referred to was the white incrustation obtained in the East from the sides of salt lakes and the bottoms of dried-up saline pools. Now this incrustation, besides common salt, contains also carbonates or sulphates of magnesia, lime, soda, and other ingredients. Of these various components, common salt is one of the most soluble (Lesson XIII. Art 5), that is to say, it is among the last ingredients to appear when the water is evaporated, and among the first to disappear when moisture is supplied again. We can see, therefore, that the white natural crust used by the people of Syria for salt, being kept for a time and exposed to damp or rain, might lose all its salt. The more insoluble residue, consisting of gypsum, carbonate of lime, etc., though in appearance unchanged, yet having little or no taste, would be quite useless for the purposes for which the salt had been gathered. The question, therefore, might well be asked " If the salt have lost his savour (or taste), wherewith shall it be salted ? " 10. (4) A fourth series of lakes occurs along many parts of the margin of the land where the ground is low, and consists of soft sandy, clayey, or gravelly materials. These maritime sheets of water are known by the name of lagoons. In Europe they fringe all the Prussian shores of the Baltic, reappear on the west of Denmark, Holland, and Belgium, and are found at intervals along the northern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, from the east of Spain to the western shores of Greece. In Asia they extend for hundreds of miles along the eastern and western sides of the peninsula of Hindostan. In America a long line of them skirts the Atlantic sea-board of the United States. 11. Lagoons along the sea-margin are, for the most xxvi.] LAKES AND INLAND SEAS. 265 part, shallow and narrow, running parallel with the coast, from which they are separated by a strip of low land formed of sand, gravel, or other loose materials. When the sea flows into them, the waters are salt or brackish. When they communicate with the sea only by a narrow outlet, or when they have no outflow, but soak through a porous bar which banks them out from the sea, they are fresh. 12. Most lakes derive their water from streams that flow into them. In Fig. 54, for example, this connection is well shown, though there the feeders of the smaller lakes are too minute to be shown upon the map. Many valleys contain chains of lakes along their course. A river flowing in one of these valleys, appears alternately to contract and expand, having a comparatively rapid flow where it takes its own river-form, and losing itself in still water when it enters a lake. It would seem that this arrangement was formerly commoner than now, for in many mountainous districts the rivers wind to and fro across flat meadows where no doubt lakes once lay. The meadows are, in fact, the alluvial plains formed by the gradual filling up of the lakes, owing to the deposit of sediment brought down by the inflowing streams (Lesson XXVII. Art. 30). 13. But lakes likewise derive their supplies partly from springs which rise beneath them. In some cases, indeed, the whole supply comes from such underground sources. The Lake Zirknitz near Trieste (Lesson XXIV. Art. 42) affords an excellent illustration of this feature, for it comes and goes with the seasons. After long drought it disappears. When heavy rains fall on the surrounding mountains of Carniola, which are formed of remarkably honeycombed limestones, the water at first sinks out of sight, but after filling the underground pas- sages, it comes out with a roaring noise from the fun- nels and caverns which open upward into the hollow of Zirknitz, which is then converted into a lake. No 266 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. stream flows out of it, since both its supply and its overflow pass away by underground channels. This example shows how lakes, like rivers, depend ultimately upon the rainfall for their water, and are apt to vary in level with the wetness or dryness of the seasons. In Northern Africa also, the Sebka-el-Faroon, a hollow loo miles in length, lying to the South of Tunis, at a level of several feet below the Mediterranean, is in winter covered with water to the depth of two or three feet. Having no outlet, and undergoing rapid evaporation during the parching summer of that hot climate, the lake disappears and leaves a salt-crusted floor. 14. Some of the largest fresh -water lakes in the world are those of North America, Lake Superior alone covering an area of 23,000 square miles, its surface being 627 feet above the level of the Atlantic, and its average depth nearly 1000 feet. Another series of vast sheets of fresh-water, already (Art. 6) referred to as lying on the tableland of equatorial Africa, forms the source whence the Nile and the Congo take their rise. In the heart of Asia, Lake Baikal stands at a height of 1363 feet above the sea, and covers a space 370 miles in length by from 20 to 70 in breadth. On these vast sheets of water storms arise on a scale hardly inferior to those on the sea itself. Fresh-water, being lighter, is more easily stirred by the wind than salt-water. It is soon raised into ripples, and when deep and wide, and driven onward under the pressure of a continuous high gale, it rises into large waves, which roll across and burst in foam against the windward shore, heaping up gravel and sand, or cutting down the cliffs, as is else- where done by the waves of the sea (Lesson XVIII. Art. n). 15. The depth of lakes varies almost within as wide and indefinite limits as their size. The form of the land round a lake generally affords some indication of the probable depth of the basin, as the depth of the sea xxvi.] LAKES AND INLAND SEAS. 267 near the land may be inferred from the contours of the shores. Thus, if the ground is low and slopes gently into the water, we may infer with some confidence that the lake must be shallow. If, on the other hand, the ground rises steeply out of the water, as when a lake fills a valley between two precipitous mountain-ridges, we may be prepared to find that the lake is deep. Several of the Alpine lakes attain a great depth. Thus Lake Como is nearly 2000 feet deep, and the Lago Maggi- ore 2800 feet. In both of these lakes the bottom sinks below the level of the sea, that of the Lago Maggiore being 2149 and that of Como 1318 feet below the sur- face of the Mediterranean. But they all have outlets, and their waters are fresh. In Scotland, Loch Ness forms a remarkable feature in the great valley which cuts the Highlands in two, its surface being about 70 feet above the sea, and its greatest depth 810 feet. The bottom is therefore not only below the sea-level, but actually a good deal deeper than any part of the North Sea between Scotland and Denmark. 16. Little has yet been done in exploring the depths of these profound hollows on the land. Some of them, like Loch Ness, were at a comparatively recent period filled by the sea, and though probably all trace of the salt-water has long since been removed, perhaps some lingering forms of life may have survived the change, and, though possibly somewhat modified by the changed conditions in which they have lived, may exist still in the undisturbed abysses, somewhat in the same way that certain common shore-plants, such as the coast-plantain {Plantago marittma), are met with on the tops of the Scottish mountains. 17. It would be interesting also to know the distribu- tion of temperature in the water of these deep lakes. According to observations made in Loch Lomond, in Scotland, the depth of which is about 600 feet and its surface 25 feet above the sea, it appears that a tolerably 268 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. constant temperature of about 42 Fahr. characterises the lowest stratum of water for 100 feet or so above the bottom. The cold water of winter must sink down, and as the sun's rays can sensibly heat the water only for a short way beneath the surface, the temperature of the deeper parts of such lakes must be kept permanently low. In the Lake of Geneva in autumn, while the sur- face water shows a temperature of 78 Fahr., the bottom water, at a depth of 950 feet, marks 41 '7 . Similar observations on the other deep lakes of Switzer- land and Northern Italy show that they all have a per- manent mass of cold water at the bottom. Farther south the Lago Sabatino, near Rome, was found to have a temperature of 77 at the surface, but one of 44 at a depth of 490 feet. 18. One great and useful office of lakes is to exercise an important equalising influence on temperature, pre- venting the air around them from being so much heated in summer and so much cooled in winter as would other- wise happen. (Lesson XXXI. Art. 20.) The mean annual temperature of the surface water of the Lake of Geneva as it issues into the Rhone is nearly 4 warmer than that of the air. A second and still more important function of lakes is to regulate the flow of the rivers that issue from them. They receive the water discharged by heavy rains and rapidly-melted snows, spread it over a large surface, and allow it gradually to escape by the out- flowing river. In this way they prevent the occurrence of those sudden and destructive floods, which, in the absence of such natural reservoirs, are apt to occur in all countries subject to copious rain, or where large masses of snow may be quickly thawed. A third part played by lakes is that of arresting the gravel, sand, and mud brought down by the streams which flow into them. These materials, which so often discolour the tributary brooks and rivers, fall to the bottom when the currents are checked by entering the still lake-water. Lakes in this way filter xxvi.] LAKES AND INLAND SEAS. 269 the rivers. The Rhone, for instance, is a muddy stream where it enters the Lake of Geneva, but at the lower end, where it quits the lake, its water is as pure and limpid as that of a spring. Its sediment has been dropped upon the bottom of the lake, which must conse- quently be slowly rising. The Lake of Geneva is being gradually filled up in the manner already referred to in Art. 12. Inland Seas. 19. From what has been said in Arts. 6-9 the learner will have no difficulty in tracing out upon a map those areas of the earth's surface where the lakes must be salt. In every tract of land into which rivers flow without an outlet, and where the surplus water passes off by evapora- tion, brackish or salt lakes may be looked for. A salt lake need not necessarily have been once connected with the main ocean. So constantly are salts present in fresh- water that any fresh-water lake, where the only escape for the water is by evaporation, will eventually become salt. The salt lakes on the table-lands of Asia and Africa were, no doubt, fresh at first, and have gradually grown salt as the process of evaporation has been con- tinued century after century. In North America, the Great Salt Lake at Utah, lying at a height of 4200 feet above the sea, and covering a space of 7 5 miles in length by from 15 to 40 in breadth, together with many other smaller salt lakes in the same region, afford most inter- esting evidence of the process whereby fresh-water lakes, by change of climate, leading to diminished rainfall and increased evaporation, become saline and even intensely bitter. 20. But in some parts of the world there exist sheets of salt-water which are either still connected, or can be shown to have been once connected, with the main body of the ocean, from which they have been separated by 270 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. subterranean movements. Inland seas, now com- pletely isolated, may have their surface below the level of the main ocean, or they may have been carried up together with the land around them, so as to lie above that level. By far the most remarkable of these sheets of water is the chain of inland seas and salt lakes which extends from the Black Sea and Sea of Azov east- ward into the basin of the Caspian and Aral Sea. At one time the Arctic Ocean extended for some way south- ward across what are now the " tundras " or frozen plains of Siberia, while the Black, Caspian, and Aral Seas formed a united mediterranean sea, though it is not ascertained that this sea was once united to the Arctic Ocean. Europe and Asia were thus, in some measure at least, separated from each other by arms of the sea. Owing to underground movements this separation has been in great measure obliterated. But in the deeper cavities of the ancient depression portions of the sea still remain, retaining even yet the marine shells, fishes, and seals which abounded in the water before the elevation of its bed. Of these relics the largest and most important is the Caspian Sea, which lies 84 feet below the level of the Black Sea, is from 2000 to 3000 feet deep in the central parts, and covers an area of about 180,000 square miles. It receives the drainage of the whole of the south-east of Russia in Europe by such important rivers as the Volga and the Ural, but it has no outlet. So large is the mass of fresh- water poured into the Caspian, that the saltness of the greater part of that sea is not more than about one-third that of ordinary sea-water (Lesson XIII. Art. 6). But along the shore numerous lagoons occur, where, in the dry and hot weather of summer, so much evaporation goes on that the water becomes intensely bitter and salt, and saline incrustations form at the bottom and on the shores. On the east side of the sea, lies the wide but shallow Karaboghas Bay, which may be looked upon as xxvi. LAKES AND INLAND SEAS. 271 a vast evaporating basin. A current is always passing in through the narrow opening, but there is said to be no compensating under -current outwards, so that, as the water-level does not rise, all this constant inflow must be supplying the loss by evaporation. The bay, therefore, grows every year salter. A solid layer of salt forms on the bottom of some of the shallower parts of its shores, and the water is there so saline that a cord on being let down into it and pulled up again is immediately crusted over with salt. Seals, which used to flourish there, are said to have been driven away by the increasing saltness of the water. 21. The Sea of Aral fills another of the hollows in the same ancient depression between the European and Asiatic high-grounds. It is a lake of brackish water 265 miles long and 145 broad. It is said to be at a height of only 33 feet above the level of the sea. On its southern side it receives the Oxus, which carries into it the drainage from the northern slopes of the great chain of the Hindu Kush mountains. It likewise obtains sup- plies of water and mud from the Jaxartes, which takes its rise among the lofty Thian-Shan mountains. Yet the Sea of Aral, like the Caspian, has no river flowing out of it. It loses by evaporation as much water as it receives. Indeed, the loss from this cause would seem at present to be greater than the supply of water, for the sea is said to be sensibly decreasing in size. 22. The valley of the Dead Sea is remarkable as being the most depressed on any part of the land of the globe. The surface of that sheet of water is 1298 feet below the level of the Mediterranean Sea. The water, so intensely salt as to be a kind of brine, contains in every 100 parts rather more than 24 parts by weight of salts, or about seven times the proportion in ordinary sea-water. 272 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. LESSON XXVII. The Waters of the Land Part IV. The Work of Running "Water. 1. In the two previous Lessons we have followed the circulation of running water over the surface of the land in an elaborate network of branching water- courses, which, stretching from the slopes of the central mountains down to the sea-shore, carry back to the ocean the sur- plus drainage of the land. We have seen how in the hollows of the land the water gathers into lakes, yet that it does not accumulate indefinitely there, since it either overflows and again takes the form of streams, or passes off by evaporation. Delivered to the sea, and mingling once more with that great body of water, it is anew raised by the sun's heat into invisible vapour, and carried by winds across the land to begin again the same circulation. 2. So vast a body of water, ceaselessly moving over the land, slowly, but in the end, extensively, modifies the forms of mountains, hills, valleys, and plains on which it falls and flows. We shall now consider the nature of the change thus effected, beginning with the tiny rain- drop, and tracing the operations of running water down to the mouths of the great rivers as they enter the sea. 3. Rain. The action of rain in washing the air was described in Lesson X. Art. 35. Its further influence in decomposing rocks underneath the surface of the ground was traced in Lesson XXIV. Similar changes take place upon the surface of the land. Rain-water, by means of the carbonic acid which it takes out of the air and soil, or the organic acids which it absorbs from decomposing vegetable matter, attacks rocks exposed to the air, dissolving and removing the more soluble parts of them, thereby loosening their cohesion and causing them gradually to crumble down. Calcareous rocks, like marble, suffer much from this kind of waste ; but even xxvii.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 273 hard rocks like granite do not escape. The solvent action of the acids upon some of the ingredients of the stone is a chemical process. But when the outer layer or crust of rock has, in this manner, been loosened, heavy rain may wash off the disintegrated particles, and thereby expose a new surface to further decay. The action now becomes mechanical. These two combined processes powerfully influence the scenery of the land (Lesson XXIX.). 4. The little prints which the rain-drops leave upon a surface of moist clay or sand offer the simplest instance of the mechanical action of rain (Fig. 58). From such apparently trivial effects many stages may be traced, until FIG. 58. Prints made in soft mud or moist sand by rain-drops. we reach huge pillars, like those shown in Fig. 59, which have been carved out by the blows of innumerable rain- drops. The material of these columns is a stiff earth or clay, stuck full of stones and large blocks of rock, and readily crumbling down under the influence of the weather. The large blocks, remaining of course unwasted, serve each to protect the portion of the earth lying underneath it, while the surrounding clay is washed down. Thus the block becomes, as it were, the capital of a pillar which seems to rise slowly out of the rest of the earthy mass. Each pillar stands as a monument of the con- tinuous waste, somewhat in the same way as the columns of rock or clay, left by the workmen in a railway-cutting or quarry, show the extent of material which has been removed. On reaching the more level ground, the run- nels of rain drop the particles of earth, washed by them T 274 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. from the slopes and steep faces, and spread them out over the soil. 5. Here then, in the action of the rain-drops, a sort FIG. 59. Earth-pillars of the Tyrol (from a photograph). of type may be seen of the work of all the great rivers of the globe. It is threefold. First we have Erosion, in the loosening of the particles of earth or rock. xxvii.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 275 Secondly, Transport, in the removal of these loosened particles, and the consequent exposure of fresh surfaces to waste ; and thirdly, Deposit, in the laying down of a new stratum formed out of the removed materials. Let us now see how these three kinds of action are manifested over the surface of the land by rivers. 6. River-Erosion. Every runnel, brook, and river, in short every current of water, no matter how small, which moves over the land is busy removing part of the soil or rock over which it flows. This work, like that of the rain-drops, is twofold. In the first place, the rain and the water of the streams, dissolving certain parts of the solid substance of the land, and carrying them away in chemical solution, effect a considerable amount of waste in countries where the rocks consist of limestone, or con- tain a marked proportion of soluble substances, although the running water is not visibly affected in colour or transparency. Some idea of the extent of the loss thus sustained by the surface of the land may be formed from the amount of dissolved mineral matter which is found in the water of rivers (Art. 14). 7. In the second place, the solvent action of rain and the disintegrating effects of frost (Lesson XXVIII.) cause the surface of exposed rocks to crumble down into loose clay, sand, and angular rubbish, even the hardest rocks being split into fragments. This debris of the land, washed away by the rain and brooks, becomes the instrument of still further destruction. As it is hurried along, its par- ticles, ground against each other, are reduced still further in size, and at the same time are worn smooth and round. They thus acquire that familiar water-worn character which we recognise as the most obvious and distinguish- ing feature of the detritus in the channel of a stream. So constant is this character, that when, at any point in the course of a river, sharp-edged fragments appear on the banks, we naturally conclude that they cannot have lain very long in the current, nor have travelled very far. 276 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. The fragments, the longer they are rolled about, and the farther they are carried, grow smaller in size, until at the far end of the river they may be found as mere fine sand and mud. The source of this fine sediment must be sought among the rocks of the far distant mountains, in the higher part of the river-basin. In many rivers it may be traced upward through every gradation of sand, gravel, shingle, and boulders, until its origin is found in the huge blocks and abundant angular rubbish loosened from the parent cliffs, which in the course of ages have supplied a constant and abundant tribute of detritus to the river. In some respects a river may be compared to an enormous grinding-mill, where large pieces of stone go in at one end, and only fine sand and mud are seen to emerge at the other. 8. But the loose materials swept away by the streams not only wear each other down, they likewise erode the sides and bottom of the water-courses. The water-worn character is thus not confined to the loose sand, gravel, and stones, but is as marked upon the solid rocks over which these materials are driven. Even the hardest kinds of stone cannot resist constant friction. They become smooth and polished, though, where out of the scour of the water, they may present a rough surface and sharp edges. The upper limit of the grinding action of the flooded stream is in this way well defined along the sides of a rocky ravine. 9. In the course of time the stream grinds out a channel for itself through even the hardest rocks. This channel, however, is seldom a mere deep straight trench. Since rocks offer many varying degrees of resistance to erosion, they are worn down unequally, being scooped out where more easily worn away, and left projecting where more durable. The stream, thrown from side to side, dashes along, sweeping onward the sand and mud which it drives over its rocky bed, and excavating those winding picturesque ravines which are such familiar fea- tures in water-courses. xxvn.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 277 1O. Along the walls of ravines when the water is low, curious round cauldron-shaped cavities with smooth sides may often be observed. These, known as pot-holes (Fig. 61), are formed by the grinding action of loose stones, which, caught in eddies of the water, are kept in rapid rotation. Of course the stones, in excavating the holes, are themselves reduced to sand or fine gravel, but other stones are swept in to supply their place. On the sides VlG. 60. View of ravines cut by streams out of a table-land. of many a narrow gorge through which a stream forces its way, traces of old pot-holes may be seen high above the present water-line. These mark former levels of the stream, and show how in course of time the rocky bed has been gradually dug out. 11. Another way in which a stream erodes its channel is by means of "waterfalls (Fig. 62). It is not always possible to tell from what cause a particular waterfall may have been formed at first. Some original cliff or steep bank, when the stream began to flow, or some 2 7 8 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. harder mass of rock, encountered in the erosion of the ravine, may have determined it. But in what way soever it may have begun, a waterfall gradually creeps up stream, carving out a ravine between its original FIG. 61. Cascade and pot-holes of a water-course. point of commencement and the point which it has now reached. This excavation is done by the recoil of the water and spray, whereby the rocks behind the bot- tom of the fall are loosened and precipitated into the xxvii.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 279 whirlpool or rapid below. So long as these crumble down more easily than those at the top of the fall, the cliff over which the water dashes will remain precipitous. Slice after slice being cut off its face, the precipice over which the water tumbles will shift its place farther and farther up the stream, carrying with it the waterfall which, though slowly moving up the gorge, may appear stationary, because it will preserve from year to year the same general appearance. If, however, from any differ- FIG. 62. Section of a waterfall and ravine. ence in the nature or position of the rocks, the rate of waste should become more rapid at the top of the cliff than at the bottom, the cliff, instead of overhanging, will then begin to retire at its upper part. The waterfall will now gradually grow less marked, until it will pass into the condition of rapids, that is, a shoot of water over a steep and rough part of the bed. Finally, these rapids may themselves be worn down, and all trace of the original fall will then disappear, except the gorge which it excavated during its recession. 280 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS 12. Almost every large river, flowing through a hillj or mountainous region, illustrates these features of the erosive action of running water. Perhaps the most stupendous example is that of the Niagara River. The famous Falls of Niagara consist of two vast cascades separated by a small island, and having a united breadth of 950 yards and a height of 140 to 160 feet. It has been computed that 670,000 tons of water are poured every minute over these falls into the foaming torrent below, from which vast clouds of spray rise up into the air. Originally the falls stood at Queenstown, where the limestone forms a cliff above a great plain. Since that period, however, the cataract has slowly receded for about seven miles to its present position. That it is still moving upwards is shown by the large slices of rock that from time to time fall from the cliff over which the water rushes. The present rate of retreat has been com- puted at about one foot in the year. Probably this is an exaggerated estimate ; if it be taken as an average for the past work of the river, somewhere about 35,000 years must have been required to excavate the ravine between the present Niagara Falls and Queenstown. 13. Every stream, then, which drives along sand and gravel on its bottom, is busy with the work of erosion. If even in ordinary weather this action may be perceived, how much more stupendous must it be in floods, when every little runnel is swollen, when earth, sand, and stones are swept by rain off the ground, and when the rivers, rising high above their ordinary level, and acquiring from the increase of their volume augmented velocity of flow, rush over the land and bear their vast burden of detritus down to the sea. A river may do far more of its erosive work in a few hours of flood than in many days or weeks of its ordinary flow. Hence this kind of river-action reaches its maximum when the river attains its greatest body of water and highest velocity. 14. River-Transport. The loose materials acquired xxvir.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 281 in the process of erosion are removed and variously dis- posed of by the streams. As long as the water has velocity enough, it keeps the sediment moving, and con- veys it sometimes to great distances. Any check to the velocity causes some of the sediment to fall to the bot- tom. In considering the nature and amount of work done by rivers in the transport of mineral materials from the land, we must bear in mind that these mate- rials exist not only in visible form, such as gravel, sand, and mud, but invisibly dissolved in the water. As every spring is busily employed in bringing up to the surface mineral substances which the water has dissolved out of underground rocks, and as rain and streams are similarly engaged above ground, a vast quantity of dissolved material must be conveyed into the sea. It is not difficult to make an approximate estimate of the amount of invisible mineral substance thus carried by a river. The amount of water discharged by the river must be ascertained, likewise the average propor- tion of mineral ingredients contained in a gallon or other given quantity of the water. The one sum multiplied by the other will give the required result. The celebrated chemist, Bischoff, calculated that the Rhine carries past Emmerich every year enough carbonate of lime, chemi- cally dissolved in its water, to form 332,539 millions of oysters of the usual size. If all these oysters could be put together they would form a cube measuring 560 feet in the side. The river Rhone is estimated to carry past Avignon every year 8,290,464 tons of dissolved salts in its water. The annual discharge of the Thames past Kingston, which stands a few miles above London, is estimated at 548,230 tons of mineral matter, two-thirds of which is carbonate of lime. It has been computed that the rivers of England and Wales carry every year into the sea 8,370,630 tons of solids in solution. If this quantity were entirely dissolved away from the surface, it would be equivalent to a general lowering of the sur- 282 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. face of the country at the rate of one foot in 12,978 years. 15. But by far the largest amount of mineral matter borne by rivers from the land is in the form of mechanical sediment gravel, sand, and mud. Every river is more or less muddy. After heavy rain even the clearest brook is discoloured by the earth it carries down. Mere dis- coloration, therefore, is a proof of the constant trans- port of sediment by running water. The amount of material thus transported depends partly, of course, upon the carrying power of the river, which is regulated by its volume and velocity; partly upon the nature of the soil and rocks of its drainage-basin, whether they happen to be earthy and easily worn away, or the reverse ; partly upon the distribution of the rain-fall, whether it is spread over all the seasons of the year, or crowded into a few weeks or months, so as to produce a swollen and muddy torrent while it lasts ; and partly, where the river takes its rise from a glacier, upon the quantity of mud which escapes from the melting end of the ice. (Lesson XXVIII.) 16. A stream having a current of about half a mile in the hour, which is a comparatively feeble flow, can carry along ordinary sandy soil suspended in the water. With a velocity of twelve inches in a second, which is about two-thirds of a mile in the hour, it can roll along fine gravel, while, when the rate rises to three feet in a second, or a little more than two miles in the hour, it can sweep away slippery angular stones as large as an egg. We can readily understand that in torrents, with a steep slope and high velocity (Lesson XXV. Art. 22), the power of transport must be enormous. Huge masses of rock, as large as a house, have been known to be moved during heavy floods. 17. It is evident, therefore, that in a rapid river or brook, the mud which discolours its water represents only a part of the sediment carried down. A great deal xxvn.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 283 of sand and gravel, or even coarse shingle, is at the same time being pushed along the bottom. This material cannot, indeed, be seen, but the large stones may some- times be heard rattling against each other, as they are rolled onward by the current. 18. Measurements and estimates have been made of the proportion of sediment in the water of different rivers. This proportion varies, of course, in different seasons, being greatest during floods, and least when the rivers are low. The Ganges, during its four months of flood, is stated to contain one part of sediment in every 428 parts by weight of water, while the mean average for the year is one part in 510. In the water of the Irrawaddy the proportion was found to be one part in 1700 by weight of water during floods, and one part in 5725 during the dry season. In the water of the Mississippi the average proportion was determined to be one part in i 500 by weight, or one part in every 2900 by volume of water. The Danube has been found to contain a mean proportion of one part in 3060 by weight of sus- pended matter, and during extraordinary floods discharges into the Black Sea as much as 2,500,000 tons of silt in twenty-four hours. 19. In any adequate estimate of the total discharge, the coarse heavy sediment which is pushed along the bottom must also be allowed for. In the case of the Mississippi, this moving layer has been estimated to de- liver into the Gulf of Mexico the vast amount of 750,000,000 cubic feet of earth, sand, and gravel every year. 20. Having ascertained the average quantity of mine- ral matter suspended in the water, or pushed along the bottom, and having estimated the average amount of water carried by a river into the sea, we may easily obtain, by multiplication, the total quantity of sediment removed from the land by that river in a year. Thus the Rhone is estimated to carry into the Mediterranean 284 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. every year rather more than 600,000,000 of cubic feet of sediment. The discharge of the Danube into the Black Sea has been determined to be 67,760,000 tons of silt annually. The mean yearly amount of solid matter carried in suspension by the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico is estimated to be about 362,723,000 tons ; and this, including the coarse sand and gravel which are pushed along the bottom, would make a column one mile square and 268 feet high. We may form some notion of this amount of material by suppos- ing that 1000 merchantmen, each laden with 1000 tons of it, were to arrive every day for a whole year at the mouth of the Mississippi and discharge their cargoes into the sea. They would little more than equal as carriers the work of this single river. 21. But many rivers greatly exceed the Mississippi in the proportion of solid matter which they transport. During the rainy season in India the streams become torrents of mud. Dr. Livingstone in his African travels came upon " sand -rivers " currents of sand, moving along with a comparatively small amount of water. In trying to ford them, he felt thousands of particles of sand and pebbles of gravel striking against his legs, even in dry weather, and he saw that after the rains the quantity of detritus removed by these streams must be enormous. 22. The amount of sediment carried down by a river to the sea in a year represents the extent of loss which the region drained by the river has sustained within that time. Knowing the quantity of sediment and the area of country from which it has been derived, we can de- termine the amount by which the general surface of the river-basin has been lowered. Thus at its present rate of work, the Mississippi reduces the general level of its drainage area g^o of a foot annually, or one foot in 6000 years. Could this rate of denudation be continu- ally kept up over the surface of the land, which is com- puted to rise to an average level of about 1000 feet xxvii.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 285 above the sea, a whole continent might be reduced to the sea level in about 6,000,000 years. Such calcu- lations are of importance in showing that the present surface forms of the land must be continually changing, and cannot, therefore, be of comparatively high antiquity. 23. River-Deposit. All rivers, then, are constantly busy grinding down and transporting gravel, sand, and mud over the surface of the land. To ascertain what becomes of all this material, let us in imagination again follow the course of a river, from the mountains to the sea, and watch how the sediment is disposed of by the way. 24. When running water has its velocity checked, it loses some of its power to transport sediment, which then partly sinks to the bottom. This may happen when a stream enters upon a gentle slope or plain, where it must move more slowly, or when it joins a larger and more gently-flowing current, or when it falls into still water, like that of a lake, or into the sea. Hence, dur- ing its course, as well as at its termination, a river necessarily encounters many obstacles to its progress, by which it is compelled to slacken its pace and to drop some of its sediment. The general name of alluvium or "alluvial deposits " is given to accumulations of detritus by running water. 25. Beginning among the mountains, we meet with abundant examples of this arrest of the detritus which the torrents have been sweeping down the declivities. A steep slope is often deeply trenched with gullies that have been torn out of the soil or rock by torrents. Where, at the bottom of these ravines, a strip of more level ground stretches in front of them, they each heap up a pile of rub- bish, which the headlong brooks, checked in their flow by the change in their angle of descent, have been forced to throw down. Among mountains, so numerous may be the torrents, and so vast the heaps of gravel and stones which they tear out of the hill-sides and strew over the 286 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. slopes and valleys, that it is in many places difficult to maintain roadways, for these are liable at one point to be buried under huge masses of debris, and at another to be swept away by a flooded stream. 26. But only the coarser kind of sediment is usually arrested at the foot of such mountain slopes. The finer parts, and even some of the rougher gravel, are carried farther into the valley, where the various brooks unite into one main stream. At every point where this stream is checked, an accompanying deposit of sediment occurs. Among its many serpentine windings the current, though rushing briskly round the convex side of a bend, is thrown into an eddy or slack water on the concave side, and there a bank of sand or shingle will generally be found. 27. When the stream is flooded, it not only fills its ordinary channel, but rises and overflows the flat meadows on either side. These tracts of level ground, by dimin- ishing the velocity of the overflowing water, compel the stream to drop some of its sand and mud upon them. Should they be covered with herbage or brushwood, the leaves and branches act as filters, and clear the water by retaining the sediment. So that when the stream has subsided, the inundated ground is found to have received a coating of fine silt, or even, it may be, of coarse gravel. The flat land which lies on either side of a river, and is liable to inundation when the water rises, is termed the flood-plain. 28. If, then, each flood adds to the height of the flood-plain, the time will come when, even at the high- est flood, the water will not be able to overspread the plain. This result arises not only from the height- ening of the plain by deposit of sediment, but also from the gradual deepening of the stream-channel by the scour of the current. As the channel is deepened, the current continues to eat into its banks, curving from side to side, and forming a new plain at a lower level. This process has been in progress for a long time in most xxvil.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 287 river-valleys. A succession of terraces marking former levels of the river-floods may be seen rising even up to heights of several hundred feet above the present rivers. The accompanying figure (Fig. 63), representing a sec- tion drawn through such a river valley (s. S.), shows the relation which the low level terrace or present flood-plain (3) bears to the higher, and, of course, older ones (2, i). In some of the latter, remains of primitive man, such as chipped stone spear-heads and other implements, have been met with in different parts of Europe, showing that when the rivers flowed at the level of these higher ter- races, a rude human population already existed in coun- tries wherein the river -valleys have undergone hardly any appreciable change within historic times. RIVER FIG. 63. Terraces of gravel, sand, and mud, left by a river. 29. While still in the mountainous or hilly part of its course, a river may have to traverse one or more lakes. Each of these sheets of still water, by arresting the cur- rent, compels it to drop its burden of sediment. Lakes filter river-water, which, leaving on their floors its sand and mud, issues at the lower end quite clear (Lesson XXVI.). The chief deposit takes place where the river enters the lake. By degrees that portion of the lake is filled up and converted into a plain, which, after being gradually heightened by the river-floods, at last comes to lie above the flood-limit. In this way the upper end of the Lake of Geneva has been so diminished by the de- posits of the Rhone, that a Roman port, still called Port Valais, is now nearly two miles from the edge of the lake, the intervening space consisting of meadows and marshes. 288 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 30. Lakes must evidently in course of time be filled up by the earth and sand washed into them. This has already been the fate of many. The once united lakes of Thun and Brienz in Switzerland have been separated by a tract of land, formed by the deposits brought down from either side by the streams at Interlaken. In Great Britain, as well as generally throughout Northern Europe, every stage in the disappearance of lakes is abundantly shown, from the mere tongue of sand encroaching upon the edge of a deep mountain tarn up to the flat moss or fertile meadow, which marks where a former lake has been silted up. 31. When a river enters the lowlands, the diminished slope of its course causes it to flow with a weaker current, and therefore to drop some of its burden of mud and sand as it moves along. Winding to and fro, it cuts down its banks at one part, and heaps up sediment at another, so that in course of time, the whole of a wide plain comes, piece by piece, to be levelled by the shifting stream. The plain is formed, indeed, out of sediment carried down by the water from higher ground. A well or pit, sunk anywhere over its surface, shows that beneath the soil there lie layers of water-worn silt, sand, or gravel, like the materials now being transported and deposited by the river. 32. When its plain is long and the seaward inclina- tion slight, the flow of a river may be so lazy that, instead of scouring out its channel, it may at last be unable to prevent the sediment from sinking to the bottom and actually heightening the bed of the stream. During floods, the chief deposit of silt takes place on the banks. These are consequently raised in level more than the plain beyond, which, not being so liable to inundation, receives less " sediment. In this manner, the river gradually comes to flow at a higher level, between broad embankments of its own building. From time to time it breaks through the lower or weaker parts of these xxvii.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 289 embankments, and inundates the plain, perhaps even scouring out here and there a new bed. In cultivated regions, like those watered by the courses of the Po and Adige, in the plain of Lombardy, and by the lower portion of the Mississippi, much care is needed to strengthen and heighten the banks, with the view of averting inundations. Some rivers have so heightened their channels that their surface flows during floods at a higher level than the streets of towns on their banks. 33. The most famous example of such a broad plain, formed by the accumulation of sediment brought from the interior of the land and laid down by the long-continued flow and overflow of a river, is Lower Egypt, which even in ancient times was recognised to be a "gift of the Nile." At midsummer every year, this river begins to rise and to cover the flat land on either side of its course. The inundation is at its height in about three months, and then the waters, after remaining stationary for nearly a fortnight, retire to their former level. This annual rise corresponds to the rainy season in the mountainous table- land of Abyssinia (Lesson XXV. Art. 1 8). When the monsoon blows from the Indian Ocean it brings torrents of rain, which rush down the rugged slopes of that country and sweep along a prodigious amount of mud. Thousands of swollen and muddy streams are at last united in the Blue Nile, which carries this vast body of discoloured water down into Egypt. After the inundation has ceased, the overflowed ground is found to be covered with a thin coating of rich fertile mud. It has been estimated that the thickness of this annual deposit does not exceed that of a thin sheet of pasteboard, so that a depth of only two or three feet of the soil of Lower Egypt represents the continuous deposits of a thousand years. The increase of the Egyptian plain evidently takes place at the expense of the high grounds of Abyssinia. It is the finer particles, worn away from the rocks of these uplands, which form the mud spread over Egypt. Here we see how the erosion, U 290 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. transport, and deposit of materials by running water com- bine to build up a plain and renew its fertility. 34. The great plains of India furnish, likewise, admir- able illustrations of the way in which the debris of the mountains is spread out on low grounds by rivers. The valleys of the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra have been filled up by the accumulations carried down from the Himalaya chain by these great rivers. The Tigris and Euphrates have combined to fill up the upper half of the valley of which the Persian Gulf is the still remaining lower half. On the American continent, also, this pro- cess is exhibited on the most stupendous scale. Much of the eastern borders of the United States is a plain formed by the deposit of sediment washed off the land. Many thousands of square miles of nearly level land in the valleys of the Mississippi and its tributaries are under- laid by alluvial deposits. The valley of the Amazon, with its vast forests or silvas, forms so long and so level a plain that ships can sail up the river to the very foot of the Andes, a distance of 2000 miles inland from the sea. 35. Lastly, it remains to inquire how the sediment borne down by rivers is disposed of when it reaches the sea. Many rivers have, at their mouths, what is called a bar, that is, a ridge of gravel or sand stretching across the channel, and always tinder water. From what has been said already in this Lesson, the origin of this bar will now be understood. It is evidently due mainly to arrest of the sediment, where the river current is checked by coming in contact with the sea. The coarser gravel and sand, pushed along the bottom of the river channel, now encounter the opposition of the salt-water, over which the lighter fresh water of the river flows onward. The sea piles up fresh materials upon the bar from the outside, while, on the other hand, the river when flooded drives its bar farther seaward. Hence this barrier to navigation at the mouth of a river is continually shifting its position xxvn.] THE WORK OF RUNNING WATER. 291 and altering its shape and size, according as the action of the river or that of the sea predominates. 36. Some of the larger rivers of the globe exhibit at their mouths on a vast scale the same operations that take place where streams enter lakes. The sediment deposited by them in the sea has gradually filled up bays or gulfs and converted them into flat land, or has pushed its way out to sea. This advancing tract of river-formed ground is usually triangular in form, the apex pointing up the river. It was this resemblance to the Greek letter A that suggested the name of delta, as applied to these accumulations at the mouths of rivers. Down to the head of its delta a river (Fig. 52) is usually augmented by tributaries from either side, and does not branch, except for a limited space, as where it encircles an island in its course. Its current thus be- comes more and more ample. But when it reaches the delta it begins to subdivide, and continues to branch out, until in some cases the flat plains and marshes are traversed by innumerable tortuous channels of water. (Lesson XXV. Art. 6.) By this ramification over the flat ground the velocity of the current is diminished and the deposit of sediment is facilitated, consequently the chan- nels are being continually filled up, while new ones are cut through the soft alluvial earth and silt. Two or more main branches of the river carry out the chief part of the water and sediment to sea, and at their mouths the increase of the delta is most apparent. 37. The general form of a typical delta is shown by that of the Nile (Fig. 52) which enters the tideless Mediterranean. The Mississippi, on the other hand (Fig. 64), brings down such an amount of sediment that not only has it filled up its valley, but it now pushes tongues of alluvial land far out into the Gulf of Mexico. The average rate of advance of this delta has been estimated to amount to 86 yards in the year. The Tiber throws forward its delta at the annual rate of about 1 2 292 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. to 1 3 feet. The delta of the Po has increased at such a rate that the port of Adria, which stood on it and was so important in Greek and Roman times as to give its name to the Adriatic sea, is now 14 miles inland. 38. The deltas of some of the larger rivers of the globe are of enormous size. That of the Mississippi embraces an area of about 40,000 square miles. That OF Fro. 64. Delta of the Mississippi. of the Ganges and Brahmaputra is as large as the whole of England and Wales. Their vast superficial extent indicates the high antiquity of these deltas. But we must remember also that, as they have been formed by the gradual filling up of gulfs of the sea, a prolonged period of time, where these gulfs were deep, would be occupied in bringing up the level of the bottom to that xxviii.] FROST, SNOW-FIELDS, GLACIERS. 293 of the surface, before any advance of the plain of the delta could take place. Where the tides and currents of the sea interfered in such a way as to sweep away much of the sediment as it arrived, the time required would be still further increased. The delta of the Ganges has been bored into at Calcutta, and its deposits, consisting of sand, gravel, silt, and layers of vegetation, were found to be more than 400 feet thick. 39. In cases where the form of the coast is unfavour- able to the formation of deposits, or where the rivers flow with sufficient velocity to carry out their mud to sea, or where marine currents sweep past the river-mouths and carry away the sediment, deltas do not occur. The Amazon and La Plata, for example, form no deltas. But they nevertheless pour a vast quantity of fine silt into the Atlantic. Even for a distance of 300 miles from the mouth of the Amazon the sea is said to be perceptibly discoloured by the mud of that river. LESSON XXVIII. The Waters of the Land Part V. Frost, Snow-fields, Glaciers. 1. The moisture of the air, when the temperature sinks to the freezing-point, passes into ice (Lesson X. Art. 36). We have now to follow the course of this ice when it falls from the air to the land. We must further consider how the waters of the land are affected when cooled down below the freezing-point ; for, changed into solid ice, they cannot but acquire new and different powers from those which have been the subject of the last four Lessons. What part, then, does the frozen water of the land play in the general plan of the globe ? Some answers to this question may be found in the study of the behaviour of three forms of ice on the land Frost, Snow-fields, and Glaciers. 294 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 2. Frost. Most substances suffer contraction from cold, and consequently increase in density. A cubic foot of pure water, for example, at a temperature of 40 Fahr. weighs more than the same quantity at 60 : or, in other words, a vessel exactly filled with water at 60 would be found to be not quite full were the water cooled down to 40. 3. But a remarkable change takes place during the further cooling of the water. When the temperature reaches 39-1 Fahr., contraction ceases. This is, there- fore, the temperature at which pure water is heaviest, and is called the point of maximum density of fresh-water. Below this point, the water expands, and instead of sink- ing, remains on the surface where it is at last converted into ice when the temperature has fallen to 32. Hence it is that sheets of water are not frozen to the bottom. The ice being lighter than water, floats on the surface. As the cold continues, the first thin crust of ice is thick- ened by additions to its under side, until after a severe winter it may be a foot or two in thickness. In this way, during a long and hard frost, rivers and lakes be- come so firmly frozen over that caits and heavy waggons may be drawn across them, though the water with its living inhabitants remains still liquid underneath. Canals and rivers which, for most part of the year, are high- ways for boats and barges, become, in such cold winters, thoroughfares for carriages and sledges, as well as pass- engers on skates or on foot. 4. The parts of the earth's surface where this curious transformation may be ordinarily seen in winter are indi- cated on Plates IV. and V. by the position of the isotherm of 32. In the northern hemisphere, over all the ground lying to the north of that isotherm, and in the southern hemisphere, on all the ground lying to the south of it, the waters are frozen during winter. But even in much more temperate latitudes, the cold is occasionally severe enough to make the rivers and canals passable on foot, and what xxvni.] FROST. 295 is more remarkable, actually to encrust the sea with ice. Thus in the year 401, and again in 642, the winter was so intensely cold in Southern Europe that the Black Sea was entirely frozen over ; in 850 the Adriatic was covered with ice ; while in 1233 and in 1314 the rivers in northern Italy were likewise frozen. In the year 1205 a severe frost, lasting for three months, bound up the soil of Eng- land so that it could not be ploughed, and froze the canals, rivers, and ponds. The last time that the Thames at London was passable on ice was in the year 1814. Thousands of passengers crossed the river on foot between London and Blackfriars Bridges, and numerous wooden booths and tents were erected on the ice, together with merry-go-rouads and other amusements, so that the busy concourse of people was called " Frost Fair." 5. The freezing of sheets of water on the land may take place so equably, and the ice may disappear again so quietly, that after the frost has passed away, no trace may be left of its having occurred at all. But should a frozen lake break up under a storm of wind, large masses of ice will be driven ashore, and may push up sand, gravel, and stones lying at the water's edge. Such heaps of ice often take some weeks to thaw, and after they have melted, the stones and sand which they had driven ashore are found scattered over the ground, as may be seen on a great scale on the shores of the large Canadian lakes. In the lakes and rivers of Canada also, another result of severe frosts may be observed. Blocks of stone lying in shallow water are frozen into the ice, and when the spring thaws set in are actually lifted from their places by the fringes of ice which have formed round them, and are floated away to some other part of the shore, or may even be driven out into the deeper water, so as at last to be dropped there. This transport of stones has been particularly observed on the shores of the St. Lawrence. 6. An indirect result of the freezing of rivers, but one ig6 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. of great importance, is the accumulation of the ice in bars, whereby disastrous floods are produced. When the ice breaks up in a rapid thaw, huge blocks of it, borne down by the current, and piled upon each other, may be driven together in such a way as to dam up the river. The water accumulates behind the ice -barrier, and at last bursts through it, sweeping with prodigious force down the valley, and carrying destruction far and wide in its course. 7. The effects of frost, however, are to be traced not merely on sheets of water on the land. Rain, falling upon the land, soaks through soil and rocks, which con- sequently contain abundant water in their pores and cavities. When severe frost sets in, this 'water freezes. The soil becomes hard, so that even muddy places, where one would have sunk deep in mire, can now be safely and easily traversed on foot. A jug of water exposed to severe frost is apt to be split. In insufficiently warmed dwell- ing houses, water-pipes in like manner burst during frost. The reason of these mishaps is to be sought in the ex- pansion of water in the act of freezing. When passing from the liquid to the solid state, water undergoes a sudden and remarkable expansion, amounting to about one-tenth of its volume. At the moment of change it exerts great force upon the sides of the vessel or cavity containing it, and if it cannot readily escape it will do its best to burst these sides, that it may find room for its increase in bulk. Now what takes place in a water-jug or pipe, goes on also among the little particles of water enclosed between the grains of soil and rocks. Frost by expanding the water, pushes these grains aside. On a winter morning, after a night of sharp frost, we may notice that the expansion has been great enough to force the little pebbles of a roadway out of their places. So also, in countries like Canada, where the winters are extremely cold, wooden fences are, in the course of a year or two, twisted out of the ground. xxvui.] FROST. 297 8. It is not until a time of thaw that we are made fully aware of what the frost has done. So long as the cold continues, the separated particles of soil are kept together by the ice, which binds them into a hard solid mass. But when this ice melts, the grains of sand and earth become loosened from each other. Walking on a road or over a ploughed field after frost, we find that this loosening has been carried so far that the ground has become coated with mud. Indeed the millions of little ice crystals, which frost wedges in among the grains of soil, have much the same effect as if the earth were ground down in a grinding-mill or mortar. They pulver- ise it, that is, reduce it to powder, and thus lay it more open to the branching roots of plants, which obtain so much of their sustenance from the soil. Farmers are in the habit of ploughing their land before cold weather sets in, so as to leave the upturned loam exposed to the beneficial effects of succeeding frosts. 9. The powerful mechanical effects of frost are so well seen in soil, because of the abundant moisture retained among the particles of which soil is composed. But any porous rock which contains sufficient water, and is exposed to a great enough cold, may show the same kind of disintegration. Hence in countries where the winters are severe, ordinary building-stones and mortar are found to peel off in successive crusts, or to crumble down into powder, after frost has given way to milder weather. Even in the comparatively mild winters of Britain, this may be constantly seen ; in the severer climate of North America it is a serious and costly evil, since it prevents the use of many kinds of building-stone, which in the absence of frost would be very valuable. 10. Passing now from the water retained and frozen among the pores of soil and of rocks, let us consider further the result of the formation of ice in the larger cracks and crevices of cliffs and crags. To realise how abundant these natural lines of division are in all rocks, 298 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. look at any exposed face of rock such as a sea-cliff, the ravines of a river, or the precipitous sides of a mountain. No matter what may be the kind of rock, it is traversed by many parallel and intersecting divisional planes or "joints," which serve as channels, wherein the surface water descends underground and re -ascends to form springs (Lesson XXIV. Art. 17). When frost becomes so severe as to penetrate beyond the mere outer crust of rock, the water contained in the external parts of the joints freezes. This must often take place in cavities where there is little room for expansion, and where, there- fore, the ice exerts its great force in pushing the walls asunder. Winter after winter the process is repeated, until at last the portion of rock on the outside gets so far wedged off from the rest, that it loses its balance and falls to the bottom of the cliff. In all countries subject to intense frosts, the bases of cliffs and crags may be seen to be strewn with large rough blocks, which have in this manner been loosened from their places above. In the valleys among mountains that rise high up above the snow- line, the operations of frost are powerful in splintering the crags and pinnacles, and giving them the sharp spiry forms they so often assume. (Lesson XXIX.) 11. Snow-fields. Wherever the land rises above the snow-line, it is buried under a permanent sheet of snow, from which only the higher and steeper mountain peaks project. In some regions, as on the table-land of Nor- way, a broad and tolerably level plateau allows the snowy covering to spread in a vast undulating sheet, three or four thousand feet above the level of the valleys. Standing upon one of the heights at the edge of such an expanse of snow, we see what looks like a white frozen plain, with no limit save the line where it meets the sky. In other parts of the globe, where rugged groups of mountains tower above the snow-line, and there are consequently no such level tracts, the snow accumulates in the hollows xxvin.] SNOW-FIELDS. 299 and on the higher slopes. The semicircular ranges of mountain cliffs and crests often enclose vast basin-shaped depressions, each of which becomes a gathering place for the snow. To all the permanent sheets of snow, whether occurring on table-lands or in the hollows of mountains, the general term of snow-fields is given. 12. In these regions, since the moisture falls from the air as snow rather than rain, and the heat of summer is insufficient to melt it all, the quantity of snow would increase indefinitely were there no provision for the removal of the surplus. The thickness of snow on some snow-fields must amount to many hundred feet. Green- land, for example, is almost wholly buried under one vast snow-field, so deep as to cover over the inequalities of the surface of the land almost as completely as the furrows of a ploughed field are lost beneath a heavy snow-wreath. The Antarctic regions are believed to be buried under a mantle of snow passing down into solid ice, having a thickness of 10,000 feet or more. 13. There are two ways, besides melting and evapora- tion, in which the snow-fields get rid of their excess of snow ; these are avalanches and glaciers. Where the edges of a snow- field overhang steep slopes, por- tions of the more or less consolidated snow from time to time break off, and rush with a noise like thunder and a terrific force into the valleys, tearing up the soil, sweeping down loose blocks of stone, uprooting or break- ing trees, and carrying destruction as far as they reach. These snow-falls are called avalanches. In Alpine countries, forests which lie in the pathway of such de- scending masses of snow are carefully preserved as barriers to protect the meadows and villages from ruin. Roads which pass along the base of snowy mountains require in some places to be covered over with a strong archway of masonry to protect them from the disasters caused by frequent snow-falls, which would not only sweep away every traveller and carriage in their course, 300 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. but would even tear up the road itself, or bury it under heaps of earth and stones. 14. Glaciers, however, are the chief means whereby the superabundant snow above the snow-line is removed. While the snow forming the surface of a snow-field is loose and open in texture, like that which covers the ground in winter and disappears in spring, the under portions become more and more close and firm under the pressure of the overlying mass. This compacted snow (nez>J or firn, as it is called in Switzerland) passes by degrees into clear blue ice, as the imprisoned air is more and more completely squeezed out of it. If the snow-fields lay on perfectly level table-lands, there would be no general movement of the snow except along the edges of the plateaux, where the gathering snow-sheet would break or slide off into the valleys. But since the surface of the land has a more or less marked inclination from its axis or water-shed, the snow, by virtue of the action of gravity, must slide downward even upon a very gentle slope. It is chiefly during this movement that the air is pressed out, whereby the loose, white, opaque snow is converted into solid blue, transparent ice. Having acquired a slow, sliding motion, the mass of snow seeks the lowest levels. It therefore moves downward into the heads of the valleys that ascend into the snow-fields. Each of these hollows becomes a kind of reservoir in which the snow, pressing downwards from each side as well as from behind, accumulates to a great depth, and is so jammed up between the mountain slopes as to take the form of solid ice from bottom almost to top. Driven onwards by the pressure of the advancing mass behind and by its own gravity, this ice fills up each valley sometimes to a depth of several hundred feet, and for a distance of many miles. Such a tongue of ice, proceeding from a snow-field above and descending below the snow-line, is termed a glacier. In the accompanying drawing (Fig. 65) two glaciers are XXVIII.] GLACIERS. 301 seen descending from one of the great snow-fields of Arctic Norway. In one case, the ice almost reaches the sea ; in the other the glacier is smaller, and does not proceed so far from its parent snow. 15. A glacier, then, represents the escaping drainage of the snow-fall, above the limit of perpetual snow, as a river does the surplus drainage of the rainfall. Its size must depend upon that of its enclosing valley, and on the FIG. 65. Snow-field and glaciers of Holands Fjord, Arctic Norway. extent and declivity of the gathering ground of snow from which it issues. In the Alps, for example, the Great Aletsch Glacier extends about fifteen miles down its valley. Sometimes a little glacier fills up a high recess on the flank of a mountain, and never reaches even to the nearest valley. In other cases the glacier descends far below the snow-line, even into the region of meadows, corn-fields, and gardens. The lower glacier of Grindel- wald, in the Bernese Oberland, reaches to. a point about 3500 feet below the snow-line on the north side of the Alps. 16. To realise as clearly as possible the general 302 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. appearance presented by a glacier, let us suppose our- selves placed at the lower end of one of those among the Alps. On either side of the valley the slopes are clothed with pine. Patches of green pasture catch the sunlight in the hollows and on the lower projecting hills ; while around us lie scattered cottages and bright mea- dows. In front stands the abrupt end of the glacier a FIG. 66. View of a glacier, with its lines of rubbish (moraines) and the river which escapes from its end. Ice-worn hummock of rock and trans- ported stones are shown in the foreground. steep, craggy face of ice, from the base of which issues a river of pale muddy water. Numerous large blocks of rock are scattered about on the valley-bottom below the ice. The ground there, indeed, is mainly composed of coarse shingle, like that which forms the bed of the present river. Even on the ice itself we may see heaps of stones, some, perhaps, poised just on the verge of the xxviii.] ' GLACIERS. 303 last steep slope of the glacier, whence they must soon roll down to join the crowd of others that have preceded them. Looking into one of the deeper rents in the ice, we see it to be of wonderful purity, and of the most ex- quisite blue colour. And yet most of its outer surface may be so obscured by earth and stones, that at first, perhaps, we can hardly be persuaded that it is ice at all. 1*7. We ascend to the surface of the glacier, either by mounting among the broken cliffs of ice forming its abrupt front, or by choosing a safer and easier path up the slope on one side of the valley. The ice is now seen to lie as a great sheet, filling the bottom of the valley from side to side, and stretching far up into the heart of the mountains. Its surface has at first a gentle slope, and is comparatively smooth, though many glaciers even at the lower end present a marvellously rugged aspect, like that of a tempestuous sea suddenly frozen. Ascending the valley, we notice that the surface accumu- lations of earth, gravel, and stones are especially abun- dant along the sides of the glacier, and likewise in one or more ridges along its centre. During the day, when the sun shines out warmly, the surface of the ice is thawed, and consequently abundant little runnels of water flow over it. At night, when these are frozen, the glacier becomes once more silent. 18. In several respects a glacier resembles a river ; and this resemblance is closer than might at first appear. If the position of any prominent object on the surface of the ice be observed with relation to some fixed point on the bank, or if, as in the original survey of the Mer-de- Glace by the late Principal Forbes, a transverse series of stakes be driven into the ice across the breadth of the glacier, and their position be observed at intervals from the bank, the ice is found to be slowly moving down the valley. This motion is faster in the centre than at the sides, because the friction of the sides impedes the flow of the ice. The average rate of movement on the Mer- 304 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. de-Glace was thus ascertained to be, during summer and autumn, from 20 to 27 inches in the twenty-four hours at the centre, and from 13 to 19^ inches at the side. 19. Bending from side to side, and travelling over an uneven, rocky floor, the glacier is split across by rents called crevasses, which often open and form wide and deep chasms, extending sometimes down to the very bottom of the glacier. Stones and earth lying on the surface of the ice frequently fall into these fissures, and thus reach the floor of the valley beneath the glacier, or are imprisoned in the ice, when the sides of the yawning crevasses are pressed together again as the glacier moves onward. 20. When a river reaches a steep and rocky part of its bed it forms a rapid ; when it comes to a cliff, it takes the shape of a waterfall. Ice, not having the same mobility as running water, cannot so easily adapt itself to the irregularities of its channel. But it shows these irregularities in a very marked way. In the course of the glacier which we have supposed ourselves to be visiting, after, perhaps, some miles of slow ascent, we come to a precipitous slope, where the ice, completely shattered by innumerable fissures, rises into pinnacles and sharp crests of many fantastic forms. Could we watch that tumultuous descent of broken ice for a long enough time, we should find it to be all in slow motion down- wards. It is an icefall, and answers in the mechanism of a glacier to the waterfall in that of a river. Under- neath it, the bottom of the valley is steep or precipitous, and the ice, unable to descend the declivity in one un- broken sheet, is cracked and splintered in this wonderful way. But just as a river, no matter how much it may have been tossed into foam by its descent in a waterfall, speedily takes its usual shape and rolls onward as if no sudden plunge had so recently disturbed its current, so a glacier, though it may have been reduced, as it were, to fragments at one of these icefalls, soon reunites at the XXVIII.] GLACIERS. 305 bottom, and again pursues its course as a solid and con- tinuous sheet of ice. If the glacier is a large one it may FIG. 67. Plan of the Mer-de-Glace of Chamouni and its tributary glaciers, showing the way in which lateral moraines became medial. receive tributary glaciers from valleys on either side. The Mer-de-Glace of Chamouni, for example, is formed X 306 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. by the united mass of several glaciers, as shown in Fig. 67. Each of these, as well as the main stream, may be traced upward until it is found insensibly merging into the snows which fill up the hollows in the higher part of the mountains. 21. One cannot trace the course of a glacier, and realise on the ground the size and character of those vast tongues of ice which carry off the drainage of the snow-fields, without wishing to know what task is allotted to them in the general economy of nature. The rivers which bear away the surplus water of the land are busy in a stupendous work, wearing down the mountains and valleys, and strewing their debris over the plains, or sweeping it out to sea (Lesson XXVII.). Glaciers, too, are engaged in a similar task. They transport the waste of the mountains down to lower levels, and they erode the sides and bottoms of the valleys in which they move. 22. Transport. Whence come the earth and stones which so darken and obscure the surface of the ice, and which, far below the snow-line, where the glacier melts almost at the edge of the meadows and gardens, lie piled in heaps on every side ? From a good point of obser- vation above the glacier we may notice that the heaps are not scattered wholly at random across the surface of the ice ; but that there are long lines of stones that keep apart from but parallel to each other, and run along the length of the glacier. They wind to and fro, with the varying curves of the glacier in its course, until they are lost in the distance. In the drawing of a glacier in Fig. 66, for example, some of these lines of stones are seen both in the centre and towards either side. Following the central line on a glacier (sometimes there are several lines down the middle), we find at last that, at some higher part of the valley, it brings us to a point where two branches of the glacier join, and where the line of stones either continues up the side of one of the xxviii.] GLACIERS. 307 branches, or divides into two, one portion keeping to the right-hand side of one of the tributary glaciers, the other remaining on the left-hand side of the other branch (Fig. 67). In every case it will be observed, if the glacier is followed far enough up its valley, that a line of stones in the middle of the ice comes really from the side, and is due to the confluence of two branches of the glacier. Owing to the irregularities in-the slope and breadth of the glacier-channel, and the manner in which the ice is consequently driven to adapt itself to these, as well as owing to the melting of the surface of the glacier (Art. 25), the lines of stones are apt to lose their distinctness as they advance down the valley, until, after some great icefalls and abundant crevasses, the rubbish comes to be spread more or less over the whole of the glacier's surface, as it is towards the lower end of the Mer-de-Glace (Fig. 67). 23. These heaps of stones earth, and gravel lying on the ice are known by the name of moraines. When on the side of the glacier, they are termed lateral mo- raines ; on the centre, they are called medial; at the end, where the glacier throws down its burden as the ice melts, they are spoken of as terminal. 24. In all cases, then, these moraine-heaps can be followed up the glacier to the base of some cliff or craggy mountain-slope, whence the blocks of rock have been derived. In such positions one sees how the frag- ments have been loosened by the severe and prolonged frosts of these high grounds, until, wedged off from the face of the cliffs, they have rolled down to find a resting- place upon the glacier below. Once on the ice, they are slowly borne down the valley, and dropped among the heaps of rubbish at the far end of the glacier. Much of the rubbish, however, falls down the numerous rents or crevasses in the ice, and reaches the bottom of the glacier, there to aid the ice in accomplishing anothei important part of its work (Art. 28). 308 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 25. Watching the progress of one of the large blocks as it travels with the ice, we discover what might not otherwise be so evident, that the surface of the glacier is continually being lowered by melting and evaporation. Take the case of a large flat stone, which, bounding from some high crag, has found a lodgment upon the ice. The portion of the ice lying below the stone is screened from loss by thawing and evaporation, but the surrounding parts of the glacier, not so protected, are insensibly wasted away. Consequently the stone begins, as it were, to rise out of the glacier. Its pedestal of ice FIG. 68. Glacier table a pillar of ice supporting a block of stone. continues to increase in height, but being exposed on the sides to sun and air, is lessened in diameter, until it becomes too slim to support the heavy burden of stone, which then tumbles down upon the surface of the glacier (Fig. 68). But as the general waste of the surface of the ice continues, the new position of the stone is soon marked by the rise of a new pillar of ice as before. The same block of rock may thus, in the course of its journey down the glacier, become the capital of several succes- sive ice-columns. The same kind of testimony to the remarkable lowering of the surface of the glacier is shown by the long parallel moraine mounds. Looking at one of these ridges, and even climbing and standing XXVIII.] GLACIERS. 309 on it, we might suppose it to consist of fragments of stone throughout. But by pulling down some of the loose blocks, we find that solid ice lies immediately below. It is in fact a ridge of ice with a coating of debris which has protected it from the general waste, as the detached stones screen the ice - pedestals beneath them. 26. In most valleys with glaciers in them, large blocks of rock may be observed above the present limits of the FIG. 69. The Pierre-a-Bot, near Neufchatel (J. D. Forbes). ice, but in places to which at one time the ice evidently reached. They occur poised sometimes in the most precarious positions, as if a man's strength would be sufficient to dislodge and send them down the slope. These perched blocks, as they are called, furnish good proof of the former extent of the glaciers. By their means, for instance, combined with other evidence, it can be proved that the glaciers of the Alps at one period filled up the Swiss valleys, and even spread over the broad plain of Switzerland, between the Bernese PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. Oberland and the Jura. On these vast ice-rivers blocks of granite from the Mont Blanc group of mountains were transported across what is now the valley of the Rhone and the Lake of Geneva, and were stranded high on the sides of the Jura range. The accompanying figure (Fig. 69) by Principal Forbes, representing one of these travelled blocks, erratics, or, as the Swiss call them, foundlings, shows the great size which some of them attain. FIG. 70. Glacier descending to the sea. Arctic Norway. ; Fjord, 27. We conclude then that one important part of the work of glaciers is the transport of the materials of the mountains from higher to lower levels. In the case of such a mountain chain as the Alps or the Himalaya, the glaciers melt long before they can reach the outskirts of the high grounds. They, therefore, do not bear their burden beyond the mountain region, though, as we have just seen, they once carried it much farther than they do now. But in Arctic and Antarctic xxviii.] GLACIERS. 311 regions the glaciers actually reach the sea-level, and, even pushing their way out to sea, break off into icebergs (Lesson XVI.). The accompanying drawing (Fig. 70) represents the little glacier at the head of the Jokuls Fjord in the north of Norway, which descends into the sea. A few transverse crevasses may be observed in it near the base. From time to time the outer portions break away, and fragments of ice, which are true minia- ture icebergs, float slowly on the current of fresh water moving down the inlet. Pieces of stone may now and then be seen upon these little bergs. In Greenland vast glaciers, like the Humboldt glacier, which measures 60 miles in width, descend to the sea-level, and extend for some distance from the shore, till large sections of their seaward ends split off and float away as icebergs (Fig. 1 6). Occasional blocks of stone have been noticed on icebergs on the ocean. The debris of the mountains is thus actually borne by the ice out to sea, and may travel for many hundreds of miles before, as the bergs melt, it sinks at last to the bottom of the ocean. 28. Erosion. In the second place, a little further observation will suffice to show that the carrying of materials down its valley is not all the work which the glacier performs. Let us consider the river of muddy water that escapes from the end of the ice. Muddy at every season of the year, it is most copious and dis- coloured during the warm dry weather of summer and autumn. The mud cannot come from the melting of the glacier itself, for the ice is clear and pure. Very little of it can be derived from the bright little brooks and torrents which rush down from the melting snows and the springs on either side of the valley. Yet it un- doubtedly comes out from beneath the glacier. Mud consists merely of the finer particles worn from rocks. There must, therefore, be a great deal of waste some- where to account for this constant and plentiful supply of mud. 312 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 29. Following this inquiry further, we observe that the rocks which rise on either side of the valley from under the glacier are remarkably smoothed. Under- neath the ice, as we may sometimes detect, the floor of the valley is similarly smoothed and polished. The contrast between the rounded and smoothed outlines of the knobs and hummocks of rock near the ice, and the sharp, rugged forms of the crags above, is often singu- larly well-defined. Besides this smoothing and polishing, the surface of the rocks may be observed to be covered with many parallel or intersecting scratches and groov- ings, varying from such lines as might have been graven by a hard grain of sand to such deep ruts as would re- quire the forcible pressure of some sharp edge or blunt corner of stone. These markings are seen to run in a general direction down the valley. They have been evidently produced by some agent which has descended with sufficient force and steadiness to grind the rocks along the bottom and the lower slopes of the valley. SO. It is now and then possible to creep in under the ice at the end of the glacier, and to see where it rests upon its rocky bed. At such times we may, as it were, catch the glacier in the very act of grinding down and striating the rocks below it. Pieces of stone and grains of sand are jammed between the ice and the rock over which it moves. Held there, and pressed against the rock, they groove and scratch it. As this goes on year after year, the surface of the rock necessarily undergoes continual waste, and acquires that smoothed, polished, and striated appearance so characteristic of the bottom and sides of glacier-valleys. 31. Here, then, is the main cause of the unfailing muddiness of the water that issues from the end of a glacier. The glacier is busily engaged in wearing down its channel with the same kind of grinding powder which a river uses ; but employs these materials in its own way, and forms with them a peculiar smoothed and grooved xxviii.] GLACIERS. 313 surface, such as no other agent in nature can produce. The earth, sand, and stones that fall from the moraine heaps through the crevasses, or between the glacier and its rocky sides, form the hard materials by which the ice erodes its channel. While employed to wear down the solid rocks, they themselves are undergoing constant wear and tear. They become smoothed, pol- ished, and striated like the solid rocks, over which they are ground along. One of these ice-smoothed and stri- ated stones is represented in Fig. 71. FIG. 71. Stone polished and striated under glacier-ice. 32. We conclude, then, that another great task in which every glacier is ceaselessly engaged is the erosion of the sides and bottom of its valley. That this is an important work in regard to the general scenery of a country may be shown by the great height and the long distances to which the peculiar forms of ice-worn rocks may be traced. The former greater thickness and wider extent of the Alpine glaciers are not more de- cisively shown by the dispersion of the erratic blocks than by the range of the polished and striated rock-sur- faces. By this test it can be proved that a great part of Northern Europe and America has been under mov- ing sheets of land-ice, which, passing over the land from mountain-ridge to seashore, have left behind them their 314 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. memorial in the almost indelible markings engraved upon the rocks. 33. Again, no one can see the tumultuous body of discoloured water escape from a glacier without appre- ciating that in time a sensible deepening of the valley must take place in consequence of this ceaseless erosion and removal of materials. The deepening cannot be uniformly spread over the whole of the valley. There are places where the ice exerts more grinding power than at others, as a river at its falls and rapids effects more destruction than among meadows and plains. The rocks, too, of the glacier's bed vary much in hardness and power of resistance. Some parts must be more readily scooped out than others. So that, should the glacier retreat up the valley, these more deeply excavated portions, unless concealed under moraine rubbish, would become basins filled with water. Lake-basins of this kind in the midst of ice-worn rocks are a marked feature of glacier districts, and of all those regions of Northern Europe and Northern America which have just been re- ferred to as having been at one time buried under ice (Lesson XXVI. Art. 4). LESSON XXIX. The Sculpture of the Land. 1. In Lesson XX. the leading features of the general external form of the land were described its mountains, table -lands, valleys, and plains. At the end of that Lesson the question naturally arose whether any ex- planation could be given of the origin and history of these various features, but the answer to this question was postponed until after some consideration had been given to the nature of the materials and the internal constitution of the globe, and to the operations of water upon the surface of the land. We are now, therefore, in a position to return to the subject, and to apply to xxix.] THE SCULPTURE OF THE LAND. 315 the investigation of it the facts and deductions about the interior and exterior of the land which have come before us in the last eight Lessons. 2. The existing land consists of the higher parts, pro- jecting above sea-level, of those ridges into which the exterior of our planet has been wrinkled during its gradual consolidation and contraction from an original fluid or viscous condition (Lesson XXII. Art. 20). We must not hastily conclude, however, that the land, such as we now see it, is the original surface of the solid globe. That it cannot be so must be evident from two considerations, to which reference has already been made, rst. All the land, as far as we know, has been under the sea, and, even up to its mountain tops, consists in great part of hardened and altered sand, mud, and other materials, which were originally laid down upon the floor of the sea (Lesson XXI. Art. 13). 2d. The whole surface of the land is subject to a constant and enormous, though unequally distributed decay and removal. A comparatively short period would suffice for the entire destruction of the continents, were their surfaces to be continuously wasted even at the rate of the Mississippi's operations and other rivers work considerably faster. At any probable rate of degradation, the land surface that first appeared above the earliest ocean must have been long since destroyed, and we can hardly hope to find any trace of it, even buried under the later accumula- tions of which the continents consist (Lesson XXVII. Art. 22). 3. But though no portion of the present land can be looked upon as part of the original or earliest solid surface of the planet, there can be no doubt that the existing continents must be very old. Not improbably they occupy the sites of the first ridges that appeared upon the cooling and shrinking mass of the globe. In the course of ages, these primeval ridges would be worn down by the action of water and air. But from time to PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. time, if renewed uprisings took place along the same original lines, the land would be formed and destroyed, and then formed and destroyed again. That this view is not mere theory, but rests on a strong basis of pro- bability, may be shown by a consideration of the way in which the materials forming the land have actually been put together. If the existing ridges can be proved to have been upraised again and again during past ages, they may at least be plausibly conjectured to mark generally the primeval lines of elevation on the surface of the globe. FIG. 72. Quarry in flat stratified rocks. 4. Let us, then, return to the composition of the earth described in Lesson XXI. All over the globe, it is found that by far the largest mass of the land is built up of materials that have been slowly accumulated as sedi- ment on the floor of the sea. These materials are arranged in layers or strata which have been laid down upon each other, until a depth of many thousands of feet has been formed. It is evident that the original posi- tion of these strata must have been nearly or quite hori- zontal, seeing that they were piled one upon another, as sand and mud are laid down on the level or gently slop- xxix.] THE SCULPTURE OF THE LAND. 317 ing bed of the sea at the present time. The subterranean movements whereby they have been raised above the sea into dry land, have taken place over such wide re- gions that this original level or gently inclined position may remain. The flat bedding of the rocks shown in Fig. 26 is of common occurrence, and most people will recognise the familiar look of such sections as that of the quarry represented in Fig. 72. In such cases of horizontality, we may conceive a large tract of the sea- floor to have been raised up into land so uniformly and equably, that the sheets of hardened sand and mud re- mained nearly, or quite in their original level condition. In Central and Northern Russia, in China, and in the Western Territories of the United States, this gentle and equable upheaval has taken place over regions many thousands of square miles in extent. 5. While the earth has been contracting as a result of its cooling, the effects of this contraction have not been uniformly distributed over the surface. The vast basins of the oceans, no doubt, mark the regions where the subsidence has been greatest. Probably they have been depressions from the beginning, though portions of them, particularly along their margins, have from time to time alternately risen and sunk. Every tract which sinks requires to accommodate itself to a diminished superficial area, and therefore exerts a strong lateral thrust upon the adjoining more stable parts. Under the influence of this force, long ridges have been raised into land between the ocean basins. Every successive sub- sidence may thus have carried with it a corresponding upheaval. So that, as regards the whole globe, although subsidence was the rule, and although the land was being continually wasted by air, rain, rivers, and the sea, never- theless these periodic uplifts along the same general lines of movement, that is, along the axes of the conti- nents, have compensated for the loss, and seem to have maintained, on the whole, the balance of dry land. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. Ja 41* 6. But it could hardly happen, in the midst of these movements, that the upheaval should be always so gentle and uniform as not to disturb the original level, or nearly level, position of the strata. On the contrary, over wide tracts of land, and more parti- cularly along vast extended lines, the rocks have not only been upraised, but have been crumpled up and broken. Instead of remaining in horizontal or slightly in- clined sheets, they may be found tilted up in all directions, and often placed on end like books on a library-shelf. Every great mountain-chain furnishes examples of these more complex arrangements. On the plains and lowlands, the rocks may stretch for hundreds of miles as level as before they rose out of the sea. But towards the interior they begin to bend in wave-like undulations, which increase in magnitude until, along the flanks of the mountains, the rocks are sometimes found actually so thrown over that the lowest lie uppermost. This structure is explained in the accom- panying diagram (Fig. 73). 7. In the form of mountain-structure, illustrated in Fig. 73, there is evidence of only one general upheaval which took place after the formation of the various rocks of the region, for these have partici- pated in the change of position. In the example represented in Fig. 74, there is proof of two upheavals. First, the older series of rocks, A, was contorted and raised ; then, against its sides and upon its broken and worn edges, the series B was formed, and thereafter raised into land. A still '3 6 xxix.] THE SCULPTURE OF TIJE LAND. 319 longer succession of movements is shown in Fig. 75. We there see that after the two movements which dis- turbed the rocks A and B, a third uplift took place, whereby a still newer series, C, which had been deposited upon the side of B, came to be raised into land. 8. Two facts about mountains are presented to the mind by such sections as these. First, that a great axis of elevation on the earth's surface, in other words, a mountain chain, may have again and again served as a line of relief from the strain of terrestrial contraction, and may have consequently been successively pushed up between subsiding areas on either side. And secondly, A FIG. 74. Section across a mountain-chain, showing two successive periods of uplift. that between each period of uplift there has been great waste of the upraised land air, rain, frosts, brooks, rivers, glaciers, and the sea, all wearing down the surface and producing the materials out of which the next series of rocks was formed. 9. It is evident also that by means of such sections we may compare the relative dates of different mountain- chains. If the rocks represented in Fig. 73 be the same as those marked C in Fig. 75, then the mountain shown in the former section must be much younger than that shown in the latter. We see, indeed, that the mountain in Fig. 7 5 is not only older, but older by two earlier up- heavals. It is the province of the science of Geology to investigate these questions regarding the structure and age of mountain -chains. Geologists have discovered that among the rocks of the earth's crust a chronological order can be made out, and they can thus assign to each 320 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. great elevation on the surface of the globe its relative date in the history of mountains. 1O. But while the existence of dry land and of the mountain-chains which traverse it must be ascribed to movements of the solid crust of the earth, the present aspect of the surface of the land cannot be its original aspect, but must have been largely determined by the action of those various agents which wear down its sur- face (Art. 2). The vast amount of mud annually trans- ported into the sea by rivers proves how much material is continually removed from the land, and therefore, how FIG. 75. Section across a mountain-chain, showing three successive periods of uplift. greatly, though it may be insensibly, the height and appearance of the mountains and valleys must, in course of time, be changed. This progress of disintegration and removal is going on all over the globe, here more rapidly, there more slowly, but always advancing, and always involving changes in the aspect of the land. In the lapse of the long periods of time during which it has been in progress, how vast must have been the mutations on the surface of the globe, how many suc- cessive mountain ranges may have been upraised and worn away ! 11. The working of the chief agents that erode the surface of the land has been described in previous lessons the air, by its gases and vapours, its winds and changes of temperature ; frost by its oft-renewed wedges of ice ; rain, brooks, and rivers, by their movement down the land, and their power to sweep along the loosened debris ; avalanches and glaciers, by the fragments of stone with xxix.] THE SCULPTURE OF THE LAND. 321 which they grind and polish the rocks of the valleys ; the sea, by the waves thrown incessantly against its shores. We may compare the general results of the co-operation of all these forces to the work of a sculptor. They are, so to speak, the different tools with which the framework of the land is carved. But the sculpture they achieve is never completed. It goes on continuously so long as the land remains above the sea. 12. At first it may seem almost incredible that the whole surface of the land, even the loftiest and stateliest mountains, should thus be crumbling down. But the more we search for proofs of the assertion, the more clear and abundant do they become. We learn that, whatever may have been the aspect of the land when first pushed out of the sea, it has been, and is now being, chiselled from its highest peaks down to'beiow the tide-marks. Its cliffs and pinnacles are split upland grow more shattered and sharp every year. Its ravines are widened and deepened. Its hilly surfaces become more roughened and more deeply seamed by the lines which running water traces over them. Its valleys and plains are levelled and strewn with debris washed down from higher grounds. 13. In travelling from place to place we cannot fail to notice the evidence of this universal decay, and, on further observation, to remark that, though the wearing down of the land may be traced more or less clearly everywhere, its rate and the changes of scenery which it brings with it depend very much upon the nature of the rocks of each region. Here again we may have recourse to the simile of the sculptor's work. The character of a statue depends not only on the design and manipulation of the artist, but also on the material employed. Out of a piece of granite or of pudding-stone, no matter what amount of genius and skill were bestowed on it, the same effect could never be produced as from a block of white marble. So we find that the hills, valleys, and mountains differ from each other, in great measure, according to Y 322 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. the nature of the rocks of which they consist. In our journeys, whether in our own district or in other regions, we shall find it not uninteresting nor uninstructive to take note of the changes in the aspect of the scenery through which we pass, and to connect them with variations in the character of the rocks. FIG. 76. Scene on the Coast of Caithness. Influence of joints among stratified rocks in the formation of vertical cliffs and outstanding square blocks of rock. 14. Apart from the varying nature of the materials, nothing contributes more to the character of scenery than those lines of division or " joints " which have already been referred to as traversing all rocks. They serve as channels for the descent and reascent of sub- xxix.] THE SCULPTURE OF THE LAND. 323 terranean water (Lesson XXIV. Art. 17). They are FIG. 77. 'Portion of the west front of Salisbury Crag, Edinburgh, showing the influence of joints in promoting the splitting up of the igneous rock, and the preservation of a vertical face to the cliff. made use of by frost as the lines along which the wedges 324 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. of ice are driven most effectively into exposed faces of rock (Lesson XXVIII. Art. 10). Every mountain-peak and cliff, indeed, every large naked mass of rock which projects into the air, owes more or less of its character- istic outlines to the way in which its joints have been split open. Among the stratified rocks the joints allow vertical cliffs to be formed and large square buttress-like masses to project from the cliff or even to be isolated from them. The foregoing drawing (Fig. 76), for ex- ample, shows how the forms of coast -cliffs are deter- mined by the position of the intersecting lines of joint, each vertical face of rock corresponding with the direc- tion of one of these lines. Where such rocks form lofty mountainous ground, they are often carved into the most picturesque forms of pinnacle and buttress. Again, among the unstratified rocks, such as granite and basalt, the influence of the joints is no less marked, as, for instance, where it defines the ledges and rifts in a preci- pice, or where it has allowed the most solid rock to be so completely shattered as to look like a huge mass of ruin. In Fig. 77 a representation is given of part of the face of a basalt cliff, where abundant joints traverse the rock in such a way as to divide it into rude prisms, which are gradually wedged off from each other by frost, until, detached at last, they fall to the base of the preci- pice. The ruined masses below are further broken up and carried away piecemeal by frost, rain, and in the general process of " weathering," or in other cases, by waves along a sea-shore or by the flow of a brook or river. Their removal permits the continuous decay of the cliff and preserves the steep face of the precipice, which thus slowly recedes as slice after slice is cut away from its front. But where the detached blocks gather at the base, they form in the end a protecting bulwark, and either retard or prevent the farther recession of the line of cliff. 15. Among the higher parts of the mountains this xxix.] THE SCULPTURE OF THE LAND. 325 kind of rude chiselling of the rocks is most conspicuous. Not only are steep crags and lofty precipices formed, but the very mountain ridges are cut away into sharp crests. These, again, still further split and splintered by the severe frosts and furious storms of the mountain climate, are cut into slender pinnacles and spires, some- times at a distance seeming so needle-like in their slimness and sharpness, as to have received, among the Alps, the name of aigralles, or needles. The blocks loosened from these high crags and crests furnish abundant stones for glacier moraines (Lesson XXVIII. Art. 22). 16. From the top of a high hill, or of a mountain beneath the snow-line, one may sometimes look down upon a wide region and mark, as in a vast map or model, how the little gullies on the sides of the slopes widen out into larger channels, how these run together into valleys, and how the whole landscape seems thus to be trenched with water-courses. One who has the good fortune to see such a scene as this, after having learned to appre- ciate how ceaselessly and potently every brook and river is cutting out its channel (Lesson XXVI.), will realise more vividly than from any map or description how the valleys are carved out by the power of running water. Every little gully and ravine down the steeper declivities is a sample of the way in which the forms of the solid land are changed ; every gradation of size and shape may be traced, from the trench that was opened by some storm last winter, up to the deep and wide gorge through which a foaming river rushes, or the ample valley down which the collected waters from a whole range of mountains sweep onward to the sea. One may not be able to tell how far the line of any particular valley may have been originally determined by the shape which the ground had when it first rose out of the sea. But, as a heavy shower of rain produces runnels which soon cut out a miniature drainage system on a roadway, so, in the course of time, the flow of brooks and rivers over 326 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. the surface of the land must necessarily erode systems of valleys. Whatever might have been the original shape of a country, rain and frost, brooks and rivers, snow-fields and glaciers could not have been at work upon it for even a comparatively short time, without carving out valleys for themselves, and sculpturing the mountains into such sharp and rugged forms as they now wear. Everywhere there lie proofs of excavation ; hill- sides are furrowed with gulleys, mountain slopes are trenched with ravines, tablelands are cut down until they become only chains of ridges separating the valleys which have been carved out of them (Lesson XX. Art. 19). 17. While the effects of disintegration in roughening the surface of the land are most marked among the high grounds, the results of this process show themselves among the lower regions in the strewing of the crumbled fragments of the hills over the valleys and plains. Every tract of fertile meadow or level field bears witness to the way in which the lowlands have been smoothed and raised in level by the sand and earth spread over them by rain and streams. And yet this increase of height in the plains does not really compensate for the waste of the high-grounds. A little consideration of the matter shows, in the first place, that though the plains do obtain considerable additions to their surface from the materials swept down upon them by rivers, they receive only a part of these materials, the remainder being carried out to sea ; and in the second place, that even the plains themselves are wasted ; floods tear up their soil and sweep away their river-banks. 18. It appears, then, that the tendency of the process of sculpture, which gives to landscapes their character- istic details of outline, is in the end to reduce the dry land to the level of the sea. But this is not all. While the general surface of the land undergoes attacks from the atmospheric influences its margin is continually xxix.] THE SCULPTURE OF THE LAND. 327 suffering from the assaults of the waves. Only the parts of the earth's surface lying under a considerable depth of ocean are protected from decay (Lesson XVIII. Art. 19). Along the margin of the land the waves are gnawing away the coast-line, or are only kept from doing so by the bar of detritus which has been thrown up against them. 19. Were no other operation to come into play, the natural and inevitable result of this ceaseless destruction would be the final disappearance of dry land. But here we see the meaning and importance of the underground movements already referred to as the results of terrestrial contraction. The great ocean basins have from time to time sunk down, and in so doing have pushed up ridges of land between them. These ridges, on each successive uplift from beneath sea- level, consisted mainly of the more or less consolidated debris worn away from their predecessors. The same materials have thus served, over and over again, to form the framework of the upraised land, and thus, while looking at the subject from one side, we see only ceaseless destruction, moun- tain and valley continually crumbling down before us ; yet, taking a wider view, we perceive that decay of the surface is needed to furnish soil for the support of living plants and animals which people the earth, and that the materials so removed from sight are not lost, but are carefully stored away, to be, in some future time, raised into new land, thereafter to go again through a similar cycle of change. .328 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. CHAPTER V. LIFE. LESSON XXX. The Geographical Distribution of Plants and Animals. 1. The foregoing Lessons have treated of the parts of the earth, their relation to each other, and the constant changes and reactions between them which constitute the Life of the globe. But above and apart from all these movements within or upon the surface of the earth, another kind of activity and progress now claims our attention, where the forces concerned are not air, sea, and land, but the living energy of plants and animals. Our planet is not merely a theatre for the evolution of physical phenomena. It has been appointed as the dwelling-place of a vast and varied series of living things, which move through the air and people both land and water. The study of these living organisms is comprised under the general name of Biology, or the science which deals with vegetable and animal life. 2. So vast a study, opening up wide fields of inquiry far beyond those over which we have been travelling in these Lessons, must needs be subdivided into different departments. Thus one branch inquires into the struc- ture and growth of plants, another deals with the way in which plants are distributed over the globe, a third treats of the structure of the various tribes of animals, a fourth follows the action of the different parts of an animal's body and the part which each of these plays in the life into which the Surface of the Earth is divided. (l>r Srioter A A/r A R. Wallace.) PLATE. X. 20 40 60L- t 80.rck~.IOO 120 I4O 160 xxx.] BIOLOGICAL REGIONS. 329 of that body, a fifth arranges the enormous numbers of animal forms in due order, to show their grade in the scale of being, and to allow the general assemblage of living forms in one region to be compared with that in another. These and the other branches of biology deal chiefly with the plants and animals as they are in them- selves, or as they stand in relation to each other. 3. But it is evident that, just as we ourselves are en- compassed by external conditions of geography, climate, and vegetation which, it may be unconsciously, govern our everyday life, so each plant and animal on the globe comes under the control of similar surrounding influences. Apart, therefore, from the structure, functions, or classi- fication of vegetable and animal life, we may study it with reference to its relation to these external and domi- nant conditions. From this point of view, physical geography and biology are seen to be closely linked to each other. It is impossible to gain any intelligent con- ception of the present distribution of plants and animals over the globe without entering upon inquiries which form part of the scope of physical geography. 4. We all know how greatly the plants and animals of different quarters of the globe differ from each other. The equatorial regions nourish a rank and luxuriant vegetation, including palms, bananas, tall tree -grasses with rope -like lianas twisting round their stems, and bright-hued, strangely-shaped orchids hanging from their branches. The animals are equally characteristic, for they include lions, tigers, elephants, rhinoceroses, camels, giraffes, crocodiles, large serpents, with crowds of gor- geously-plumed birds and brilliant butterflies. 5. The temperate zone is distinguished by a very different assemblage of plants and animals. The forests and woods show such trees as the oak, ash, elm, syca- more, beech, poplar, birch, hazel, and pine. The dells are bright in spring with snowdrops, anemones, and primroses ; and in summer with speedwells, geraniums, 330 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. and wild roses. But both the plants and the animals are more sober in colouring than in the hotter parts of the earth. The birds include thrushes, larks, and other songsters. Among the wild animals of the low-ground we find mice, rats, weasels, hedgehogs, badgers, otters, foxes ; and in hilly districts wild-cats, wolves, and bears. 6. Within the Arctic and Polar regions life becomes much less abundant and varied. As we advance, trees disappear, though stunted forms of birch, fir, and willow extend a long way northwards. By degrees these too die out, and the scanty vegetation consists, at last, mainly of mosses and lichens, with saxifrages, gentians, and a few more flowering plants. These snow-covered lands are wandered over by polar bears, white foxes, reindeer, musk-oxen, and ermines ; the seas are fre- quented by seals, walruses, and whales ; while the coasts are sought by large flocks of northern sea-fowl and by snowy falcons, buntings, ptarmigans, owls, and other white-feathered birds. At the extreme northern limits reached by explorers, life of any kind is hardly to be met with among the deep snow-fields and piled-up heaps of ice which cover land and sea. 7. From the extreme exuberance and variety of plant and animal life in the equatorial and tropical lands there is thus a gradual diminution polewards, until in the far polar regions almost the zero of vegetation and of animal existence is reached. There can be no doubt, therefore, that one grand influence in the distribution of plants and animals is temperature ; warmth being favourable, cold unfavourable, to the growth of living things. 8. But if temperature were the sole cause that deter- mined the character of the plants and animals of any country, then every zone of latitude should be marked by the same kind of vegetation and by the same groups of animals. It would then be enough to know the geo- graphical position of any place to be able to tell what must be its flora^ that is, its assemblage of plants, and xxx.] BIOLOGICAL REGIONS. 331 its fauna, or population of animals. But a very little inquiry suffices to show that no such strict coincidence between latitude and the distribution of plants and animals really exists. The Old and the New Worlds are traversed by the same isothermal bands (Lesson IX. Art. 2), and have similar kinds of climate, soil, and exposure. Yet, in regions closely resembling each other as to conditions of physical geography, the plants and animals, though sometimes presenting such general resemblance as to show them to be mutually representative of each other, are often widely different in the two hemispheres. The lion of the Old World gives way to the puma in the New ; the tiger is replaced by the jaguar ; the elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, by tapirs and peccaries ; camels by vicunas ; apes and baboons by flat-nosed monkeys and marmosets. The birds are not less dis- tinct ; the Old- World vulture being represented by the New-World condor ; sun-birds by humming-birds. 9. The present arrangement oi plants and animals over the earth's surface is one of the most difficult ques- tions with which science has to deal. The first step towards its investigation must necessarily be a careful inquiry into the actual facts regarding the distribution of the various kinds of plant and animal life. This inquiry has been carried on by naturalists in all parts of the world with the result of enabling them to parcel out the earth's surface into distinct regions and sub-regions, each characterised by a peculiar flora and fauna, though sometimes containing a number of the same plants and animals in common. These regions, to which the fol- lowing names and limits have been assigned, are shown in Plate X. 1 O. (i.) Palsearctic Region, comprising all Europe with the temperate parts of Asia, and the tracts of Africa 1 The arrangement here followed is that of Mr. Sclater, as modified by Mr. Wallace in his admirable work on The Geographical Distribution oj Animals. 332 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. lying to the north of the Sahara desert ; or the northern parts of the Old World, from Iceland to Behring Strait, and from the Azores to Japan. In the Arctic portions of this vast region the vegetation is comparatively meagre, showing an abundance of mosses and lichens, which, in the tundras of Siberia, cover thousands of square miles of barren waste. In favourable places, flowering plants, such as saxifrages and gentians, peep out from beneath the snows during the short but warm summer ; stunted forms of willow, azalea, and rhododendron form here and there a kind of scrub upon the slopes, while south- wards from the mean annual isotherm of 32, pine-trees make their appearance and increase in number, till they form wide ranges of dark forest, as in Norway, and on the higher mountain groups farther south. Between the isotherms of 40 and 60 the sombre pine-forests, retain- ing their leaves throughout the year, give place to a more varied and luxuriant deciduous vegetation, which sheds its leaves in autumn and renews them again in spring. The trees include many noble kinds, birch, alder, beech, ash, oak, elm, sycamore, walnut, chestnut, and maple. Northern fruits, like the cranberry, cloud- berry, bilberry, strawberry, currant, and raspberry, are succeeded farther south by luscious pears and apples, almonds, olives, figs, grapes, and oranges. The cereals wheat, barley, oats, etc. are abundantly cultivated throughout most of the region. In the more southern countries, with a mean annual temperature, between 60 and 70, the trees do not lose their leaves in winter. Here we find the evergreen oak, myrtle, and laurel, with some plants, such as palms, which more properly belong to the tracts lying nearer the equator. 11. The animals of the region show a development similarly connected with the distribution of temperature. In the extreme north, white bears and foxes, reindeer, whales, walruses and seals, many peculiar sea-birds, together with white owls and ptarmigan, form a distinct xxx.] BIOLOGICAL REGIONS. 333 assemblage. As most of these species disappear south- wards, their places are taken by brown bears, badgers, otters, horses, buffaloes, fallow and roe-deer, chamois, wild goats, wild sheep, hares, rabbits, moles, hedgehogs, and dormice ; golden eagles, hawks, grouse, pheasants, house-sparrows, magpies, jays, and thrushes. Farther south the camel is the most characteristic animal. 12. (ii.) The Ethiopian Region embraces Central and Southern Africa, with the tropical part of Arabia, Madagascar, and the neighbouring islands. To the south of the great desert of Sahara the western portion of the African continent is largely covered with dense forests, where the oil-palm, the huge baobab, euphorbias, big- nonias, tamarinds, and many other tropical plants, form a dense luxuriant vegetation in the hot moist air of that climate. Farther to the east lie vast elevated lands, covered with tall grasses and sedges, and dotted with patches of forest. The flora of the southern part of Africa is distinguished by its great variety of heaths, its fig-marigolds, carrion-scented stapelias, aloes, and pelar- goniums. 13. The fauna of the Ethiopian region is marked on the one hand by the absence of such wide-spread animals as camels, deer, goats, sheep, wild oxen, wild boars, and bears ; and, on the other hand, by the presence of many remarkable forms of life, including the gorilla, chim- panzee, baboon, lemurs, aye -aye, lion, leopard, civet, hyaena, zebra, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, giraffe, antelope, elephant, ostrich, ibis, flamingo, chameleon, and crocodile. 14. (iii.) The Oriental Region includes Southern Asia, from the mouth of the Indus along the southward slopes of the Himalaya mountains and the Chinese up- lands to Ningpo, with Formosa, the Philippines, Borneo, and the Malay Islands as far as the south-east end of Java. Much of the surface of this region is covered with dense forests of tropical vegetation. Among the better-known plants occur the ginger, arrow-root, banana, 334 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. cocoa-nut, screw-pine, yam, bamboo, rice, gourd, custard- apple, mango, coffee -tree, mangrove, ebony -tree, big- nonia, hemp, and sandalvvood. 15. The fauna contains some characteristic animals the ourang-utan, long-armed monkeys, flying lemur, many civets, the tiger, hyaena, jackal, wild cattle, ele- phant, rhinoceros ; many bright-feathered birds, as tro- gons, hornbills, goat-suckers, sunbirds, long-tailed parrots, and peacocks ; numerous reptiles, including ground and tree-snakes, cobras, and crocodiles ; and a vast assem- blage of insects, among which the size and brilliancy of the butterflies and many of the beetles are remarkable. 16. (iv.) The Australian Region, embracing Australia, New Zealand, and the numerous islands to the east of Java, Borneo, and the Philippine group, con- sists wholly of islands, which, lying apart from all the great continental masses of land, show a peculiar assem- blage of plants and animals. The vast insular expanse of Australia, situated partly within and partly without the tropics, and exposing a wide desert interior to the hot rays of the sun, while its coast-line is washed by the open sea, presents contrasts of climate not met with in the smaller islands of the region. From its she, also, and its proximity to the south-eastern limits of the Ori- ental region, it contains a greater diversity in its flora and fauna. Over the dry and warm tracts of Australia, the general heath-like vegetation is marked by a per- vading dead blue-gi;een colour, with dull leaves so ar- ranged upon the plants as to afford but little shade. The eucalyptus, or gum-tree, and other trees and shrubs bearing bright honeyed flowers, together with thickets of acacia and scattered marsh-oaks, give a peculiar charac- ter to the forest-lands. Vast regions are covered with grasses, and furnish good pasture. Along the northern limits, where this region borders the Oriental islands, the flora contains some of the forms of vegetation found more plentifully towards the north and north-west, such xxx.] BIOLOGICAL REGIONS. 335 as pandanus, cabbage-palm, fig, nutmeg, and sandalwood. On its southern margin, where the climate assumes a moister and more temperate character, ferns, cycads, and pines abound, while the heath -like epacris, and numerous proteas enliven the surface with their bright blossoms. New Zealand is distinguished by the verdure of its flora, which consists largely of ferns, often growing as trees, and many kinds of pines. The scattered islands of the Pacific have their cocoa-nut palm, bread- fruit, tacca, grasses, and sedges. 17. The fauna of the Australian region is the most peculiar on the face of the globe, both for the types which it contains, and for the almost universally diffused forms which it has not. No apes or monkeys chatter in its woods, no wild horses, cattle, or sheep browse over its pastures, no wolves, foxes, tigers, or other simi- lar beasts of prey prowl across its hills and valleys. The place of these various and wide-spread species is taken in Australia by a totally distinct and less highly- organised class of animals called marsupials, of which the kangaroo may serve as the type. Of these there are many varieties, some living on fruits, others on roots, others on smaller animals of their own kind, others on insects ; some keeping to the ground, others taking to trees. The birds likewise are peculiar, for they include the bird-of-paradise, lyre-bird, cassowary, paroquets, and honey-suckers. 18. (v.) Neotropical Region. Under this term are included the whole of South America, the islands of the Antilles group, and the tropical part of North America. Ranging across the whole zone of the tropics, and as far south as the 5 6th parallel of south latitude, and rising up to the snow-line in the Andes, this region presents many varieties of climate, which are well shown by differences of vegetation. The lower grounds within the tropics present the most luxuriant flora in the world. It abounds in mangroves, palms (cabbage -palm, ivory-palm, and 336 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. other kinds), bananas, tree-ferns, and mimosas, growing in dense jungles, and having their stems and branches clustered round with many smaller plants, such as lianas and ferns, or gorgeously-blossomed cactuses, orchids, and passion-flowers. The vast plains or llanos of the Orinoco, with their tall grasses and occasional clumps of pines and mimosas, represent the pasture lands of the Old World, but with their bright lilies show a brilliancy of colour peculiar to themselves. Farther south the basin of the La Plata presents similar plains or pampas, which, getting less and less luxuriant in their vegetation, are at length succeeded by the barren moors of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. On the lower mountain slopes, characteristic trees are cinchonas, from the bark of which quinine is prepared. Mahogany, rosewood, the indiarubber tree, with many plants yielding spices, bal- sams, and perfumes, give a distinctive character to the South American flora. On the more elevated tracts, calceolarias, gentians, and low -growing plants occur, that remind the traveller of some features of mountain vegetation near the snow-line in the Old World. 19. The fauna of this region is more varied than that of any other. It contains the peculiar jaguar, flat-nosed monkeys and marmosets, blood-sucking bats, chinchillas, sloths, armadilloes, ant-eaters, racoons, opossums, deer, llamas, alpacas, vicunas, tapirs, and peccaries ; but no native sheep or oxen. Among the birds occur condors, curassows, rheas, or American ostriches, toucans, jaca- mars, mot-mots, macaws, and numerous forms of hum- ming-bird. The reptiles include the boa-constrictor and many other serpents, the alligator, crocodiles, tortoises, and turtles. The insect life is immensely abundant and varied. 20. (vi.) The Nearctic Region embraces all North America lying to the north of the tropic of Cancer. Its greatest breadth lies towards the cold northern regions ; whence it rapidly narrows southward, so as to be con- xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 337 nected with the Neotropical region merely by a narrow strip of land. This isolation is accompanied by a some- what less varied flora and fauna than in the correspond- ing region of the Old World. The plants and animals, taken as a whole, present much less contrast to those of the Palasarctic region than those of the Neotropical and Ethiopian regions do to each other. The northern tracts of North America extend far within the Arctic Circle, into the snow-covered lands where vegetation reaches its lowest point of development. The southern limits of the province, on the other hand, lie towards the tropical zone, where the sugar-cane, yucca, cotton, maize, and tobacco are characteristic plants. In California and Oregon many large and distinct kinds of pine occur in the forests, such as the gigantic Sequoia (Wellingtonia) and the Douglas pine. Eastward of the Rocky Moun- tains vast undulating pasture lands or prairies stretch over the basin of the Mississippi and its tributaries. The British Possessions are covered with extensive forests, which, as the country becomes peopled, are gradually giving way to pasture and cultivation. 21. The fauna varies with the latitude. In the north are found musk-sheep, moose-elks, reindeer, gluttons, skunks, racoons, beavers, lemmings, jumping-mice, and tree -porcupines. Farther south vast herds of bisons roam over the prairies. Other typical animals are the grizzly bear, black bear, puma, lynx, prong-horned ante- lope, prairie-dog, flying-squirrel, pouched-rat, opossum, humming-bird, blue-crow, and rattlesnake. LESSON XXXI. The Diffusion of Plants and Animals. Climate. Migration and Transport. Changes of Land and Sea. 1. It is not enough to know how the various tribes of Z 338 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. plants and animals are distributed over the surface of the globe. We are irresistibly led to ask ourselves why and how their distribution has come to be as we have traced it in the preceding lesson. Not very long ago, men were content with supposing that the present arrangement had always existed, ever since the different continents and islands rose out of the sea and received their earliest inhabitants. 2. But in the gravels and clays beneath the soil, or in the limestones, sandstones, and other rocks lying below, traces have been found all over the world of older and different plants and animals, which occupied the land before the present denizens had appeared. Our modern horses and cattle, for example, were pre- ceded by other kinds which are no longer living. The bears, wolves, and hyaenas of to-day are not quite the same as those of which the teeth and bones are found in caves and ancient alluvial deposits. 3. A thoughtful study of this subject suggests three main influences which may have guided the distribu- tion of the present faunas and floras of the earth's sur- face, ist. Climate. 2d. Migration and transport. 3d. Changes in the form and height of the land and in the depth and extent of the seas. A knowledge of the nature and effect of these influences helps us to understand much that would otherwise be inexplicable, but there still remain, and perhaps must ever remain, many diffi- culties which no amount of research may be able to remove. I. Climate. 4. This term includes the general temperature, mois- ture, winds, and other atmospheric conditions which prevail in any district, and which directly affect the growth and vigour of plants and animals. From the statements made in Lesson IX. it appeared that the xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 339 climates of different portions of the globe greatly differ, and some of the causes of such differences were there traced. But a knowledge of the annual distribution of heat at any place, though it gives us one main element in determining the climate of that place, requires to be enlarged by further knowledge respecting the rainfall, the direction of the prevalent winds, the shape, height, and position of the ground, the character of the soil, vegetation, and other more local details. Since Lesson IX. we have been led over most of these subjects, so that we may now return to the question of climate in reference to the arrangement of plants and animals. 5. On due consideration of this subject, five distinct influences by which the climate of any place is deter- mined may be recognised. 1st. Distance from the equator. 2d. Distance from the sea. 3d. Height above the sea, 4th. Prevailing winds ; and 5th. Local influences, such as soil, vegetation, and proximity to lakes or to mountains. Each of these causes directly, and often powerfully, controls the spread of vegetable and animal life. 6. (i.). Distance from the Equator. Climate, having temperature for its main element, must follow generally the course of the isothermal bands over the earth's surface. The warmest climates are necessarily those of the inter-tropical regions, where the sun's rays are vertical, or not much inclined from vertical. In proportion as we recede from the equator, the rays fall more and more obliquely, and the same amount of heat- rays is therefore spread over an increasing breadth of surface, while, moreover, they have to pierce a greater mass of air. Round the poles, the least amount of heat is received, and the climates are coldest. 7. Were the earth's whole surface either land or water, the climates would be arranged in parallel and regular bands from the equator to the poles. But owing to the way in which land and water are grouped, such an 340 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. arrangement has been prevented (Lesson IX.). Two places on the same latitude may have very different average temperatures, and therefore very dissimilar climates. Nevertheless, the great predominating influ- ence of position with regard to the equator is, on the whole, maintained in the arrangement of climates. It influences, in a marked way, vegetable growth, as is shown by the time of flowering or of ripening among widely-distributed plants. On the continents, this time becomes later in proportion as the country is distant from the equator. Thus the elm comes into leaf, at Naples about the beginning of February ; at Paris, not until late in March ; and in the centre of England, not until the middle of April. Ripe cherries may be gathered in the south of Italy about the beginning of May ; they are ready in Northern France and Central Germany at the end of June ; but not generally in England for three or four weeks later. Nothing could show more strikingly the difference of climates between the different latitudes of a continent. 8. But these differences are not merely marked by the variations in the growth of the same plants. As shown in last lesson, when we pass from one climate to another we encounter different plants and different animals. One by one characteristic forms of life drop away, and their places are taken by others. So constant and marked are these changes that such expressions as " an arctic vegetation," " a temperate flora," " a tropical fauna," have passed into general use, and convey a dis- tinct picture to the mind. 9. We have found, however, that if such a distribu- tion of plants and animals were due to differences of climate alone, wherever the same climate recurs it should be accompanied by the same kind of vegetation and of animal life, but that no general coincidence of this kind exists, when regions remote from each other are compared. The climate of Central Europe closely xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 341 resembles that of parts of the United States. Yet the wild animals and birds are strikingly different ; mice, hedgehogs, buffaloes, chamois, and jays in the Old World are replaced by jumping- mice, racoons, opos- sums, bisons, llamas, and humming-birds in the New. In Central South America the forests are tenanted by jaguars, sloths, armadilloes, tapirs, curassows, and tou- cans. On corresponding latitudes in equatorial Africa these animals are represented by lions, leopards, hyaenas, hippopotamuses, elephants, guinea-fowl, and touracoes. In Australia these forms are again replaced by a strange and peculiar assemblage of animals, including kangaroos, wombats, flying opossums, emus, lyre-birds, and crested pigeons. While, therefore, difference of latitude usually means difference of climate and of plant and animal life, identity of latitude with similarity of climate does not necessarily imply agreement in the character of the flora and fauna. 10. (ii.) Distance from the Sea. The influence of the sea upon the distribution of temperature and moisture has been already described (Lessons IX., X., and XVIII.) As water is more slowly heated and cooled than land, the climates of the sea and of the coasts of the land are much more moist and equable than those of the interior of the land. In proportion, therefore, as places recede from the sea, their climates become more extreme. An insular or oceanic climate is one where the difference between summer and winter temperature is reduced to a minimum, and where there is a copious supply of mois- ture from the large water-surface. A continental climate is one where the summer is hot, the winter cold, and where the rainfall is comparatively slight. 11. These variations cannot but make themselves visible in the distribution of plant and animal life. They are well shown by contrasting the times of flowering and ripening of the same plants along the Atlantic border and in the central countries of Europe. It will be remem- 342 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. xxxi. bered that owing to the influence of the warm Atlantic water the temperature of the whole of the north-west of that continent is raised considerably higher than it would otherwise be. (Lesson XVIII. Arts. 7, 8.) Conse- quently vegetation is much earlier in the south of Sweden than in the same latitudes to the east. The lilac and elm begin to show their leaves sooner at Upsala than at Paris, and while winter still reigns to the east of the Baltic, spring blossoms have already spread far up into Scandinavia. 12. The difference between an insular or oceanic and a continental climate is likewise well brought out by the fact that such evergreens as the Portugal laurel, aucuba, and laurustinus grow luxuriantly even in the north of Scotland, while they cannot withstand the severe cold of the winter at Lyons. 13. (iii.) Height above the Sea. In Lesson IX. Art. 20 reference was made to the gradual diminution of temperature with increase of elevation above the sea. This cause of variation in climate is of a more local character than the two already illustrated. But its effects upon the spread of plants and animals is singularly well marked. If the fall of the thermometer be taken at i Fahr. for every 300 feet of ascent, we can readily per- ceive that the times of flowering and ripening of the same plants must become later, in proportion to the height of their place of growth, until at last the ground is too high and bleak to let them ripen at all before the winter sets in. They have thus an upper limit beyond which they cannot extend. But while they disappear, other plants, better able to withstand the rigorous climate of the up- lands, take their place. As we climb to higher elevations the familiar vegetation of the plains is gradually succeeded by a vegetation peculiar to the mountains, until at last we reach the edge of the snow line. This influence of height on vegetation is illustrated in a graphical form by Fig. 78. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 344 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. On the animal world, too, the influence of elevation may be distinctly seen. In Europe rabbits, moles, hedgehogs, otters, foxes, larks, thrushes, lapwings, and many other common forms occur among the lower grounds, while in the mountains such animals as the marmot, goat, ibex, chamois, brown bear, and eagle find their congenial home. 14. (iv.) Prevailing Winds. Air lying upon the surface of any part of the globe tends to acquire the temperature of that surface. Consequently winds which come from a cold region are cold, those from a warm region are warm. Winds from the sea are usually moist, those from the land are generally dry. Sea-breezes are not liable to the same extremes of temperature as those from the land. The vapour which they carry with them cools the heat of summer and lessens the cold of winter. On the other hand, winds blowing from the interior of a continent are apt to be hot and suffocating in summer, piercingly cold and dry in winter. Winds which come from lower into higher latitudes, or from warmer to cooler climates, have their moisture condensed, and are there- fore rainy, while those which blow from higher to lower latitudes, or from cold to warm regions, are dry. 15. Much, therefore, in the climate of any place, must be due to the prevailing winds. This is more particularly noticeable on the coasts of the continents, where the winds blow alternately from and to the sea. The striking contrasts between the extremely rainy and almost rainless districts in certain parts of India have already been re- ferred to as showing the great influence of the winds in determining the moisture of a climate. (Lesson X. Arts. 32, 34-) 16. It is evident that, as regards plant-growth, mois- ,ture is hardly less important an element than temperature in the climate. Those tracts are most plentifully covered with vegetation which are most copiously watered. Both the abundance and the character of the vegetation de- xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 345 pend greatly upon the amount of rain-fall. The west side of the British Islands, for example, which receives the first and largest precipitation of the moisture from the Atlantic, is much greener and more luxuriantly clothed with vegetation than the east side. 17. Whatever regulates the growth and distribution of plants must tell effectually upon the spread of animals. The herbivorous species naturally haunt those regions where their supplies of vegetable food are most abundant. In their train come the predatory kinds which prey upon them. Any change of climate, therefore, unfavourable to the vitality of the pasture will drive away or even locally exterminate the herds of plant-eating animals, and when they disappear the beasts of prey must vanish also. 18. (v.) Local Influences. Various minor causes of a more local kind help to modify the climates of differ- ent places, and thereby to affect the flora and fauna. The nature of the soil is one of the most important of these. Wet, marshy ground lowers the mean tempera- ture, seeing that its water absorbs and conveys down- ward the heat which would otherwise warm the soil. Consequently the effect of drainage is to raise the mean annual temperature. In Britain increase from this cause amounts sometimes to as much as l 3 Fahr., which is as great a change as if the drained ground had actually been transported 100 or 150 miles farther south. A waste of sand presents the greatest extremes of climate, for while the dry surface readily absorbs the sun's heat, so as to rise even to 200 Fahr. during the day, it cools rapidly by radiation, and during a clear night may grow ice-cold. 19. A surface of vegetation prevents the soil from being as much warmed and cooled as it would be if bare, and since leaves never become so hot as soil, they equalise the temperature. A large mass of forest thus exercises a well-marked influence on the climate of the region, tempering alike the heat of the day and the cold of night. 346 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. 20. Similar effects are produced by lakes. The sur- face water, chilled by the cold of winter, descends to the bottom, leaving a warmer layer at the top, which, cooled in its turn, sinks down and allows another warmer portion to lie at the surface. By this means the temperature of the air overlying the water is kept above that of the air overlying the adjoining land, while the colder air from all sides flows down to the lake and is there warmed. (Lesson XXVI. Art. 17.) Many deep lakes do not freeze in winter, and then serve as reservoirs of warmth to keep the temperature of the surrounding ground higher than that of places only a short distance away. On the other hand, during summer the water cools the air lying upon it, and thereby lessens the heat of the locality. 21. One other local cause affecting climate may be re- ferred to, viz. proximity to hills or mountains. The influence of high ground shows itself in augmenting rain- fall (Lesson X. Art. 29), and in producing currents of air, which, moving alternately up and down the valleys (Lesson XL Art. 8), give rise to gusts and blasts of cold wind that rush down to the plains. 22. It was formerly imagined that each climate had its own characteristic forms of life, and that the bound- aries between the different botanical and zoological regions were as ancient and as well defined as between the various climates. But while similarity of climate does not always bring similarity of vegetation and of ani- mals, the want of resemblance between the plants and animals of two distant countries having similar climates does not arise from any unfitness in the one country for the organisms of the other. Cattle and horses introduced by the Spaniards into South America now run wild there in vast herds. The rat, originally not a native of America, may now be found in all parts of the continent. Hogs, goats, cats, and dogs, first brought into the New World by Columbus and his successors, are to-day found running xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 347 wild in great numbers. In Australia, too, the domestic animals introduced by the colonists are rapidly supplant- ing the kangaroos and other aboriginal forms. A fresh- water plant accidentally imported from America has spread rapidly over England, and is choking up canals and the channels of rivers. 23. From the foregoing statements it may be con- cluded that under similar climates remarkably dissimilar assemblages of plants and animals may exist if they are sufficiently isolated from each other ; that such botanical and zoological distribution is not referable to the influence of climate, for plants and animals when artificially removed from the areas within which they are naturally restricted have been found to increase rapidly when transported to a distant but similar climate ; and that while climate has evidently an important influence in the distribution of life over the globe, it is not sufficient to account for all that we see. II. Migration and Transport. 24. It might be supposed that the present plants and animals first appeared in one region or continent, whence they gradually spread over the whole of the globe. No doubt, many species are endowed with remarkable powers of diffusing themselves, and of living even vigor- ously under the greatest extremes of climate. But further consideration suffices to convince us that this explanation is wholly incapable of accounting for the existing arrange- ment of the faunas and floras of the earth. 25. Plants have many facilities for spreading them- selves. Their seeds are often swept up into the air by whirlwinds, and may be carried along for hundreds of miles before being dropped again to the ground. Should the soil, climate, and other conditions be favourable, these transported seeds may take root and spread over their 348 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. new abode. In other cases, seeds may be borne for long distances over the sea, either floating by themselves or enclosed among earth and leaves in masses of drift-wood. Cast up at last on some remote shore, they sometimes find a fitting home and take root there. To the feathers of birds and the fur of animals seeds must often adhere, and may thus be carried far away from their original source. Seeds which have been for many hours in the crops of birds have been found to be still alive. It may now and then happen, therefore, that when, after flying across hundreds of miles of sea, the birds fall a prey to other predatory members of the feathered race, seeds, fall- ing from their torn crops, find a lodgment in the earth, where eventually they spring into leaf. In these and other ways, many kinds of plants may have spread far beyond their original bounds. Yet, at the best, these are but limited means of transport. Differences of climate and soil, lofty mountain-chains, and intervening seas, have placed barriers in the way of such diffusion, which com- paratively few species of plants can ever surmount. 26. Animals enjoy greater facilities for dispersal, since their movements are voluntary as well as involuntary. On some of the large tropical rivers rafts of drift-wood are now and then to be seen, with monkeys and other wild animals upon them, all sailing down the current on their way to the ocean. In the great majority of cases rafts of this kind are broken up at sea, and their un- fortunate denizens are drowned. But cases have been known where the animals have actually found their way to land. We may suppose, therefore, that islands in mid- ocean may sometimes have had both plants and animals introduced into them by these means. Again, in the Arctic seas, polar bears have been noticed upon icebergs at a great distance from land ; so that by drifting ice as well as by floating vegetation, animals may be diffused from one country to another. But here again the means of transport are so scanty, and the chances of the animals xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 349 being able to live and multiply in their new home are so small, that we may be sure it is not in this way that the continents have been peopled. 27. While most animals live within tolerably well- defined limits, marked out by the climate and the kind of vegetation which the climate supports, some species have great powers of migration, and when impelled by their migratory instinct, whether from stress of hunger or from change of season, will travel for hundreds or thousands of miles. In North America, many remarkable instances are on record of the hordes of bisons, beavers, and squirrels, which from time to time have quitted their previous haunts in search of a new home. Birds show this instinct strongly. Many of the most familiar birds of the temperate region, both in the Old and the New World, are migratory. They go north in summer to breed, and after spending some months in a cooler climate, and seeing their young brood able to fly, they again take wing and return to their winter quarters in the south. In Europe the swift, swallow, and cuckoo wing their way in summer even far up within the Arctic Circle, but before winter has set in, they have crossed the Mediterranean to the milder air of Northern Africa. 28. But while a limited number of animals are fitted to spread over wide regions and to endure great diversities of climate, the vast majority are confined within their own district, beyond which they cannot stray, not because they are in all cases unfitted for distant journeys, but because of the insuperable barriers to their advance. Of these obstacles, the most potent is no doubt climate, which acts not only on the animals themselves, but on the vegetation that directly or indirectly furnishes their food. Some species of animals can live only in woods, others cannot stray far from the marshes and jungles, where alone they find their proper support ; some are adapted for life solely in the moist hot air and 350 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. {LESS. luxuriant vegetation of the tropics ; others find their congenial home among arctic snows. 29. Even, however, where an animal is endowed, like the tiger, with extraordinary powers of accommodating itself to wide extremes of temperature and great variety of food, it is surrounded by many obstacles to its dif- fusion. A lofty snow -covered mountain -chain may effectually prevent it from crossing into districts where, if it could once reach them, it would find abundance of food and shelter. A strip of barren arid desert is another efficacious barrier, preventing the animals of one province from passing over into another. An arm of the sea or strait only a few miles in breadth suffices to keep the plants and animals of the opposite shores distinct ; while of course a wide and deep ocean is an insuperable barrier. 30. Let us suppose, however, that through some excep- tionally favourable circumstances, a few animals of one or more species have succeeded in crossing one of these natural barriers, what are the chances that they will be able to establish themselves on the farther side ? The climate must be one in which they can live and increase. They must be able to find enough of their proper food. If herbivorous they must needs find vegetation fitted to support them ; and if carnivorous they will require to meet with animals less powerful than themselves, in num- bers sufficient to yield them subsistence. It would seldom happen that the invaders would have all these chances in their favour. But if they were able to maintain them- selves at first, they would soon find their advent op- posed by some rival species already long established and numerous. In the struggle that would follow the new comers could seldom make good their hold in the country, and unless able to return to their original haunts would in most cases perish. 31. The vast majority of animals are thus hemmed in by barriers climate, food, mountains, deserts, wide xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 351 rivers, seas, or rival species barriers which, whether seen or unseen, effectually restrain them from spreading beyond the limits of their own district or region. We are therefore forced to conclude that most of the present species of animals (and the same holds true for the great majority of plants) cannot have spread from any one common centre, but from their very nature and require- ments must always have been restricted in their distribu- tion, generally to the same tracts in which they now live. While certain forms of plant and animal have been able to diffuse themselves over almost the whole globe, the flora and fauna of each of the great biological regions remain distinctly marked out by more or less definite boundaries. That these regions have in every case had a long history, and that their existing species of plants and animals have been preceded by other and different species, is shown by the rocks which form the land, and the traces both of former vegetable and animal life found in these rocks. In trying to discover how and whence the continents have received their mantle of vegetation and their hosts of animals, science needs to grope backwards among the records contained in the rocks, which form the subject of Geology. To some aspects of this question, which show how closely Physical Geography is linked with Biology, and how the plants and the animals of a continent may be made to tell a part of the ancient history of the land on which they live, the concluding pages of these Lessons may fittingly be given. III. Changes of Land and Sea and of Climate. 32. From the facts recorded in previous Lessons it is manifest that the present heights and hollows of the land have not always existed, that the continents have been uplifted at different times from the bed of the sea, 352 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. that each mountain-chain has been ridged up and altered at various periods, and that the valleys have been slowly deepened and widened by the rivers flowing in them. We cannot suppose that such important changes could take place without affecting more or less potently the various forms of plants and animals. Investigation shows that the present distribution of life sometimes bears striking and independent witness to these changes. How this is made evident will be clear from one of the simpler illustrations. 33. The plains of Central Europe up to the shores of the Baltic are clothed with a vegetation which has one common character throughout. Many of the plants are of course local, but a vast number range far and wide over the region. Crossing from the continent into Britain we meet with the same general assemblage of plants, and as the greater number of these could not have been drifted across the intervening sea, but must have travelled by land, they show that originally Britain formed a part of the European continent, and that its separation into islands has taken place since the present species of plants spread over its surface. 34. Any one who ascends the higher hills in Britain, or a part of the mountain - chain of the Alps or the Pyrenees, finds that as he reaches higher elevations he loses the common and characteristic plants of the plains. The vegetation, as it becomes less luxuriant, assumes a more and more distinct type, not only by the disappear- ance of lowland species, but by the occurrence of others, such as peculiar gentians and saxifrages never seen below, but plentiful on the higher hill-tops and mountain slopes. So general is this change, that every hill or mountain in Central and Northern Europe, rising high enough to reach the fitting climate, may be expected to contain more or less fully this " alpine " flora. And this is found to be the case even when the groups of mountains are separated by wide intervals of low country. The xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 353 Scottish Highlands furnish on their higher slopes an abundant growth of alpine forms of vegetation. Cross- ing the Lowlands, where none of these plants occur, we again meet with them on some of the more elevated summits in the Cheviot Hills. After another interval they reappear on the hill-tops in the Cumberland lake- district, and again on the higher mountains of Wales. Across the whole breadth of England they are absent from the low grounds. They are not to be found on the opposite si ores of the Continent. But far to the south they reappear abundantly on the tops of the Pyrenees, and below the snow-line along the whole chain of the Alps. 35. We must not suppose these plants to be merely species peculiar to lofty elevations and always found there. They do not occur on mountains lying to the south of the Palsearctic region. On the Peak of Teneriffe, for instance, they are absent, though the climate and soil would have been well fitted for them. On comparing the heights at which they are met with, we perceive that they approach nearer the sea-level the farther north we trace them. In the Alps they grow in the zone between the upper limit of trees and the snow-line, or at a height of from 6000 to 10,000 feet above the sea. In the Scottish Highlands they descend to 2000 feet, or even lower. In Scandinavia they come down to the sea- level, and grow in such vigour and abundance there as to show that they are really northern or arctic plants. 36. How then did an arctic flora overspread the mountains so far south as the Alps ? It could not do so at present. The intervening low grounds are clothed with an abundant vegetation of another type, across which the northern plants could not force their way. To enable them to advance southwards this lowland vegetation would need to be removed. If the climate of Central Europe were to grow as severe as that of Norway or of the higher Alps, the effect of the change would be to kill 2 A 354 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. the vegetation of the plains, or as much of it as could not endure the greater cold. At the same time the arctic plants, finding their congenial temperature pro- longed across the European plain, would gradually spread southwards, descend from the mountains, and finally become the dominant vegetation over the whole region where the arctic climate prevailed. This seems to have been the condition of things when the northern plants found their way to the Alps and Pyrenees. 37. Is there, then, any corroborative evidence that such a wonderful change in the aspect of Europe did really take place ? Undoubtedly there is. Below the soil in different parts of the lowlands of France and England, as well as in the deposits covering the floors of caves, bones of reindeer have been found in considerable abun- dance. This we know is an arctic animal. Remains also of the musk- sheep, glutton, arctic fox, lemming and others, which are all northern forms, have been exhumed from similar situations. So that there can be no doubt that at one time characteristic animals of the arctic regions roamed over Europe as far at least as the south of France. We cannot doubt that this could have hap- pened only through some change of climate which, driving out the usual denizens of the plains and forests, allowed the northern animals to occupy their place. 38. But further and abundant proof of an extremely rigorous climate having overspread Europe is supplied by the polished rocks and heaps of earth described already (Lesson XXVIII.), as part of the work of glacier-ice. Traces of former glaciers are found through- out the more hilly districts of Britain. Similar traces occur both in Norway and among the Alps and Pyrenees, far beyond the limits of the present glaciers, showing that the ice formerly extended in vast sheets into the plains. 39. It was during some part of this cold period that the arctic plants and animals overspread Europe. Since xxxi.] PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 355 that time the climate has gradually ameliorated. Step by step, in the struggle for life, the northern plants have been driven out of the plains and up into the mountains, where, among the congenial frosts and snows, to which their competitors on the lower grounds do not follow them, they are able to maintain themselves in scattered colonies. The animals have long since been pushed back into the icy north. 40. In North America a similar record has been pre- served. As far south as the White Mountains of New Hampshire in the United States (lat. 45) the summits are peopled with Labrador plants, which once no doubt extended over the low grounds up into the northern lands, where the same species are now found abundantly down to the sea-level. 41. This illustration by showing how far the present distribution of plants and animals may be from that which once existed, and also how distinctly groups of plants or of animals may sometimes tell of former changes in physical geography may serve to indicate why the prob- lem of accounting for the existence and boundaries of the biological regions should be so difficult. So many causes have to be considered and so much knowledge is needed regarding the events which preceded the present state of things. Much has been done by naturalists in this department of research during recent years, but they have as yet only entered upon the beginning of the in- quiry. The story of the peopling of each of the great regions with plants and animals may never be fully told. But that it will be made far fuller and clearer than it is, and that it will help to illustrate the history of the con- tinents themselves, cannot be doubted. 42. One grand object of science is to link the present with the past, to show how the condition of the globe to- day is the result of former changes, to trace the progress of the continents back through long ages to their earliest beginnings, to connect the abundant life now teeming in 356 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. [LESS. xxxi. air, on land, and in the sea, with earlier forms long since extinct, but which all bore their part in the grand on- ward march of life, now headed by man ; and thus, learning ever more and more of that marvellous plan after which this vast world has been framed, to gain a deeper insight into the harmony and beauty of creation, with a yet profounder reverence for Him who made and who upholds it all. INDEX. ADELSBERG GROTTO, 240 Adriatic Sea, 292 Africa, winds of, 93, 95 ; coast-line of, 168 ; average height of, 170 ; deserts of, 179; plateau character of, 181 ; coral reefs of, 219 ; great lakes of, 262, 266 ; fauna and flora f> 333 Air, composition of, 38 ; capacity of, for vapour, 43. 65, 80 ; height of, 45 ; pressure of, 47 ; temperature of, 54 ; moisture of, 64 ; movements of, 70, 83, 143 Algeria, wells of, 226 Alluvium, 285 Alps, comparative mass of, 170; de- scription of, 174 ; snow-line of, 177 ; valleys of, 177 ; glaciers of, 301, 309, 313 ; vegetation of, 176, 352 Amazon, River, 290 America, coast -line of, 168; axis of, 171 ; plains of, 172, 178, 200; salt- lakes of, 173 ; mountain-chains of, 177 ; table-lands of, 180; drainage of, 250, 253, 290 ; water-sheds of, 251 ; lagoons of, 264 ; great lakes of, 266 Anchor-ice, 137 Animals, geographical distribution of, 328 ; migration and transport of, 347. Antarctic Ocean, 109, 114, 129 Anticyclone, 84 Antiparos Grotto, 241 Antipodes, 16 Arabia, desert climate of, 77, 226 Aral, Sea of, 112, 271 Archipelago, 165 Arctic Circle, 15 Arctic Ocean, 109 Arctic regions, ice of, 131, 135 ; plants and animals of, 330, 332, 336 Artesian wells, 230 Ascension Island, no Asia, winds of, 93 ; position of axis of, 171 ; salt-lakes of, 173 ; mountain system of, 178 ; plateau of, 180 Atlantic Ocean, form and depth of, 109; density of water of, 114; temperature of, 126 ; height of waves in, 142 ; currents of, 144 ; form of, how determined, 165 Atmosphere, 38 Atmospheric pressure, 47, 83, 96 Attraction, force of, 12 Australia, proportion of coast to area of, 1 68 ; barrier-reef of, 220; fauna and flora of, 334 ; animals intro- duced by man into, 347 Australian region, 334 Avalanches, 299 Azores, no 1! BALTIC SEA, ground-ice of, 137 Barometer, 48 Bays, 166 Bay of Biscay, sand-dunes of, 101 Beach, origin of a, 152 Beaches, raised, 217 Black Lands of Russia, 179 Black Sea, 113, 295 Blood-rain, 92 Bore of the tidal wave, 150 Borings, internal heat of earth shown , b , y > I? Brazil-current, 144 Breakers, 142 Britain, rainfall of, 76; winds of, 90, 96 ; fall of volcanic dust in, 91 ; sand-dunes of, 101 ; position of axis of, 171 ; table-land of, 181 ; warm springs of, 191, 235 358 INDEX. CANADA, temperature in, 61 ; winter in, 137, 295 ; forests of, 336 Canary Islands, dust showers in, 92 Cancer, Tropic of, 16 ; Calms of, 90 Cape Horn current, 145 Capricorn, Tropic of, 16 ; Calms of, 90 Carbon, 41 Carbonic acid, or carbon dioxide, in the air, 41 ; given off in volcanic districts, 206, 237 ; solvent power of in water, 237 Caribbean Sea, no Carlsbad, hot springs of, 191, 235 Caspian Sea, 112, 173, 179, 270 Catchment-basin, 250 Caverns, formation of by acidulous water, 240 ; tunnelled, cut by the sea, 158 Chalk, origin of, 186 Challenger expedition, 108-112, 123 Climate, origin of differences of, 60, 156; continental and insular, 156, 342 ; how determined, 338 ; affected by distance from Equator, 339 ; af- fected by distance from the sea, 341 ; affected by height above the sea, 342 ; affected by prevailing winds, 344 ; affected by local in- fluences, 345 ; secular changes of, 35 1 Clouds, formation of, 69 ; check forma- tion of dew, 68 ; as indications of aerial currents, 91 Coal, origin of, 186 Coast-lines, 166 Condensation, 66 Conduction, 56 Continents of the globe, 35 ; distribu- tion of, 164; coast -lines of, 166; general relief of, 169 ; average height of, 170 ; axes of, 170 ; an- tiquity of, 315 Convection, 56 Coral-reefs, 219 Cotopaxi, 197 Craters, volcanic, 197 Crust of the earth, corrugation of, 209, 3i5, 3i7 Currents of the sea, 143 Cyclone, 84 DANUBE, annual discharge of, 258 ; mineral matter transported by, 283, 284 Day, causes in difference of length ol the, 13 Dead Sea, 173, 271 Deltas, 247, 291 Deposit by running water, 275 Deserts, climate of, 55, 77, 345 ; sand wastes of, 101 ; aspects of, 179 Dew, 68 Dew-point, 68 Diatoms, deposits of, on sea -bottom, 124 Diliquescence, 116 Disease-germs in the air, 39 Distribution of plants and animals, 328 Dolphin Rise, no Drainage, effects of, 232, 345 Drainage-basin, 250 Dredge, use of, 108 Dust, importance of, in dry climates, 102 E EARTH as a planet, 8 ; proved to be a globe, 8 ; axis of, n ; movements of, n ; orbit of, 12 ; hot interior of, 18, 21, 190, 195, 209; history of, 21, 107 ; measurement and map- ping of, 24 ; diameter of, 29 ; gene- ral view of, 32, 196 ; size of, 32 ; density of, 100 ; possible metallic interior of, 196 ; contraction of, 107, 209, 313, 3'7 Earthquakes, 211 Eclipse, 9 Elbe, bore of, 151 Elevation of land. See Land England. See Britain Equator, n Equatorial calms, 88 ; current, 143 ; regions, plants and animals of, 329, 333. 335 Equinoxes, 13 Erosion by running water, 274, 275 Erratics, 310 Ethiopian region, 333 Europe, winds of, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96 ; climate of, 155, 342 ; coast-line of, contrasted with that of Africa, 168 : average height of, 170 ; axis of, 171 ; plains of, 172, 179; salt -lakes of, 173; table -lands of, 181 ; water- shed of, 250 ; lagoons of, 264 : glaciation of, 313, 354 ; changes of climate in, 352 Evaporation, 43, 64, 75, 153 INDEX. 359 F FAROE ISLANDS, no Fauna, the assemblage of animals of a district, 331 Field-ice, 133 Firn of Alpine snow-fields, 300 Floe-ice, 133 Flood-plain, 286 Flora, the assemblage of plants of a district, 330 ; Alpine, of Europe, 352 Florida, peninsula of, no Fog, formation of, 69 Fohn, of the Alps, 256 France, dunes of, 101 ; tidal wave on coast of, 151 ; hot springs of, 192 ; extinct volcanoes of, 192, 200 ; vegetation in, affected by climate, 342 1'rost, 79, 294, 323 Fundy Bay, tides of, 150 GANGES, drainage area of, 250 ; mineral matter transported by, 283 ; delta of, 292, 293 Geneva. See Lake of Geneva Geography, physical, defined, 3 Geological changes influencing climate and the distribution of plants and animals, 351 Geysers, 192 Glaciers, formation of, 131^ 290, 300; transport by, 306 ; erosion by, 311 Globigerina ooze of sea-bottom, 123 Gorges, excavation of, by rivers, 277 Gravity, action of, 12 Great basin of North America, 181 Great Salt Lake of Utah, 269 Greenland, glaciers of, 131, 311 ; ice- foot of, 135 Grottos, formation of, 240 Ground-ice, 137 Ground-swell, 141 Gulf Stream, 60, 144-154 H HAIL, 82 " Hard " water, 236 Harmattan, 95 Hawai, in, 207 Headlands, 166 Heights,' measurement of, by baro- meter, 49 Hemispheres of the Globe, 15, 33 ; excess of density in Southern, 107 ; excess of land in Northern, 164 High-water, 148, 152 Himalaya Mountains, height of, 169; height of snow- line on, 80, 343; formation of, 187 ; glaciers of, 253 ; vegetation of, 177 Hindostan. See India Hoar-frost, 69 Horizon, extent of the visible, 103 ICE, formation of, 78 Icebergs, 129 Ice-foot, 135 Iceland, climate of, 61 ; volcanic erup- tions of, 91 ; position of, on a sub- marine plateau, no; hot springs of, 192 India, rainfall, 76, 99 ; water-shed of, 251 ; lagoons of, 264 ; alluvial plains of, 200 Indian Ocean, temperature of, 127 ; moisture supplied by, 154 Indus River, 290 Inland seas, 112, 269 Irrawaddy, transport of mineral matter by, 283 Islands, oceanic, of volcanic origin, in Isobars, 53 Isotherms, 55 Isthmus, 164 !AN MAVEN ISLAND, 207 apan, winds of, 93 ; volcanoes of, 207 ; current, 145 {upiter, size of the planet, 30 ura Mountains, 174, 310 K KARST, honeycombed structure of the, 240 Kentucky, Mammoth Cave of, 241 Khasi Hills, rainfall of, 76, 99 Krakatau, volcanic explosion of, zca, 214 360 INDEX. LABRADOR, coast ice of, 133 ; cold cur- rents and climate of, 60, 156 Lagoons, 264 Lake Baikal, 266 ; Brienz, 288 ; Como, 267 ; Geneva, 268, 287 ; Maggiore, 267 ; Sabatino, 268 ; Superior, 266 ; Thun, 288 Lakes, formation of, 172 ; without out- let (salt lakes), 172, 181, 262 ; de- fined, 258 ; abundant in Northern latitudes, 259 ; connected with ice- action, 260, 314 ; disappearance of, 265, 288 ; sources of, 265 ; storms on, 266 ; depth of, 266 ; survival of marine forms in, 267 ; distribu- tion of temperature in, 267 ; offices of, 268, 287 ; filter rivers, 287 ; freezing of, 295, 346 ; influence of, on climate, 346 ; revolutions in dis- tribution of, 351 Land, general aspects of the, 162 ; distribution of, 33, 164 ; average height of, 170 ; relief of, 173 ; nature of materials forming, 182-185; for- merly under water,i88 ; movements of, 210; upheaval of, 212, 216, 316 ; subsidence of, 213, 218; lowering of level of, by erosion, 284, 320 ; sculpture of, 314 ; not original part of the surface of globe, 315 Land-breeze, origin of, 86 Landslips, 242 Latitude, finding the, 27 ; influence of, on temperature, 58 Lava, nature of, 197 ; outpouring of, 203 ; absorbed vapours of, 210 Left bank of a river, meaning of, 240 Life, plant and animal, on the globe, 328 Lime, carbonate of, in sea-water, 118 ; in springs, 235, 237 Limestone, origin of, 187 Loch Ness, 267 ; Lomond, 267 Longitude, finding the, 25 Low-water, 148, 152 M MAELSTROM WHIRLPOOL, 152 Mahanadi River, 226, 254 Malay Archipelago, 207, 333 Map, construction of a, 30 Medicinal springs, 235 Mediterranean Seas, 112 Mercury, distance of planet, from the Sun, 30 Meridians, of longitude, 26 ; measure- ment of a degree of, 29 Meteors, 45 Migration of plants and animals, 347 Mines, evidence furnished by, as to internal temperature of the earth, 19. Mississippi, windings of, 249 ; breadth of, 257 ; volume of annual dis- charge of, 257 ; mineral matter transported by, 283, 284 ; alluvial plains of, 290 ; delta of, 291, 292 Missouri, mean slope of, 256 Mist, formation of, 69 Mistral, 94 Moisture, distribution of by winds, 7S ' 98 Monsoons, 77, 93 Moon, craters of the, 19 Moraines, 307 Mountains, varieties of, 174 ; formation of, 318 ; influence of, on climate, , 7, 346 . Mountain-chains, 173 N NEAP-TIDES, 148 Nearctic Region, 336 Nebulae, 23 Nebular theory, 23 Neotropical region, 335 Neptune, planet, distance of, from Sun, 30 Neve of Alpine snow-fields, 300 Newfoundland, banks of, no New Zealand, on a submarine ridge ; in ; hot springs of, 194 Niagara, River and Falls, 280 Nile, delta of, 246 ; annual rise of, 252, 254 ; alluvium of, 289 Norway, coast-line of, 152, 155 ; snow- fields and glaciers of, 301, 311 Nova Scotia, 146, 150, 156 O OASES of deserts, 179, 226 Oceans, 34. See Sea Ooze of sea-bottom, 124 Organic matter in sea-water, 119; in soil, 183 Oriental region, 333 Ozone, 40 INDEX. 361 PACIFIC OCEAN, basin of, in ; depth of, 112 ; density of water of, 114 : deep-sea deposits of, 124 ; tem- perature of, 127 ; tidal wave in, 150 ; influence of, on climate of America, 154 ; volcanic girdle of, 206 ; coral-reefs of, 219 Pa!a;arctic region, 331 Parallels of latitude, 28 Perched blocks, 309 Persian Gulf, filling up of, 290 Peru, rainless climate of, 77 ; elevation of, 217 Plains of the globe, 178 ; formed by alluvial deposits, 326 Planets, 22 Plants, distribution of, according to height, 176 ; geographical distri- bution of, 328 ; migration and transport of, 347 ; remains of in rocks, 1 86 Plateaux, 180 Po, delta of, 291 Polar regions, plants and animals of, 33o, 33^1 337 Pole the Celestial, 27 Poles, North and South, n Pompeii, buried under the ashes of Vesuvius, 199, 202 Pot-holes, 277 Prairies, 178 Precipitation, 2one of Constant, 76, 88 Protoplasm, in sea-water, 119 Pumice of sea-bottom, 123 Pyrenees, arctic vegetation of, 352 RACE of the tides, 151 Radiation, 56 ; checked by water- vapour in the air, 67 Rndiolaria, deposits of, 124 Rain, washes the air, 40, 78; forma- tion of, 74 ; composition of, 78, 114, 233 ; floats on sea-water, 115; supplies spring--, 224 ; work done by, 272 Rainfall, distribution of, 76, 153, 282 ; proportion of, carried to sea by rivers, 253 ; of Britain, 76 : Caspian basin, 113 ; Europe, 77 ; India, 76, _ 77 ; South America, 77 Rainless climates, 77, 154, 179, 235 Rain-prints, 273 Rainy seasons, 16, 254 Raised beaches, 217 Rapids, 279 Revolution of the earth, 12 Rhine, drainage area of, 250 ; annual rise of, 255 ; mineral matter in solution in water of, 281 Rhone, mineral matter transported in water of, 281, 284 Right bank of a river, meaning of, 249 Rivers, underground, 232, 240 ; course of typical, 245 ; sources of, 252 ; flow, 256 ; volume of water dis charged by, 257 ; erosion by, 275 ; transporting power of, 280 ; de- posits from, 285 ; freezing of, 295 River-bars, 290 River-basins, 244 Rocks, bedded, 185, 316 ; containing plant remains, 186 ; containing animal remains, 186 ; crystalline, 188 ; specific gravity of, 190 Rocky Mountains, 177, 178, 187, 337 Rotation of the earth, 1 1 SAHARA, Desert of, 77, 101, 179, 218, 226, 333 St. Helena, height of tide at, 150 St. Paul's Rock, Atlantic Ocean, no Salt, incrustations of, 263 Salt-lakes 262,' 269 Salts, of sea-water, 115 Sand-dunes, 100 Sandstone, origin of, 185 Sandwich Islands, in, 203,207 Sargasso Sea, 145 Scandinavia, oscillation of level in, 218 ; position of axis of, 171 ; table- land of, 181 Scenery, how influenced by sculpture of the land, 320 Sea, general aspects of the, 104 ; depth of, 106, no, in, 112 ; deepest abysses of, 112 ; saltness of, 113 ; density of water of, 114 ; composi- tion of water of, 117-119; nature of floor of, 120, 165 ; plants and animals on bottom of, 120; tem- perature of, 125 ; ice of, 129 ; movements, 137 ; offices of, 152 ; supplies the atmosphere with moisture, 153 ; regulates the dis- tribution of temperature, 60, 154 ; wears away its shores, and thus 362 INDEX. tends to reduce the area of the dryland, 156; receives and pre- serves the materials out of which new land will be formed, 160 ; action of, on the whole conserva- tive, 161 ; submarine ridges and oceanic islands of, 165 Sea-basins of the globe, 103 Sea-breeze, origin of, 86 Sea-dust, 92 Sea-level, 35 Sea-shore, forms of, 166 ; waste of, 156 ; gain of land at, 160 Seasons, cause of the, 15 Sebka-el-Faroon, 266 Seine, bore of the, 151 Shannon, drainage area of, 250 Siberian tundras, 179, 332 Silica in sea- water, 117 Silvas of South America, 290 Simoom, 95 Sinter of hot springs, 192 Sirocco, 94 Sleet, 82 Snow, 78, 298 Snow-fields, 298 Snow-line, 81, 177, 343 Sodium-chloride in sea-water, 116 " Soft " water, 236 Soil, formation of, 182 ; influence of, on climate, 345 Solano, 95 Solar System, 23 Sounding-line, use of, 108 Space, vastness of, i Spain, table-land of, 181 ; hot springs of, 191 Spitzbergen, 144 Spring-tides, 148 Springs, 222 ; dependent on rainfall, 224 ; surface, 227 ; deep-seated, 228 ; composition of water of, 233 ; mineral, 235 ; temperature of, 235 ; thermal, 191, 236 ; quantity of mineral matter abstracted by, 237 ; origin of substances dissolved by, 237 Stalactites, origin of, 238 Steppes, 179 Storms, 95 ; how caused, 53 ; destruc- tiveness of, 100 Stratification of rocks, 185 Striation of rocks by ice, 312 Subsidence of land, 173, 218 Subsoil, formation of, 184 Sun, distance of, 10, 12, 30; heat of, 21, 56, 64 ; composition of the, 22 ; rotation of, 22 : size of, 30 Sun-spots and weather, 63 TABLE-LANDS, 180 Tahiti, in Tay, drainage area of, 250 ; annual discharge of, 258 Temperate regions, plants and animals of, 329, 332, 337, 340 Temperature, how determined, 54 ; how interchanged, 56; regulated by latitude, 58 ; regulated by form I of land and height above sea, 63 ; daily range of, 63 ; distribution of by winds, 97 TenerifFe, Peak of, 198, 353 Thames, drainage area of, 250 ; mineral matter in water of, 281 ; frozen over, 295 Thermometer, 54, 108 Tiber, delta of, 291 Tides, 139, 147 Tigris River, 290 Trade-winds, 90 Transport by running water, 275, 280 ; of plants and animals, 347 Travelled blocks, 310 Triangulation, 31 Tristan d'Acunha, no Tropical regions, rainfall of, 76, 153 ; fauna and flora of, 177, 329, 333, 336 Tropics, 16 Tundras, 179, 270 Titscarora expedition, in, 112 U UNDERGROUND circulation of water, 222 United States, winds of, 89, 94 ; mount- ains of, 177, 180; plains of, 178; salt-lakes of, 173 ; table-lands of, 180; geysers of, 194; volcanic action in, 206 ; earthquakes in. 213 ; fauna and flora of, 336, 341, 349, 055 Upheaval of land, 317 Utah, Great Salt Lake of, 269 VALLEYS, longitudinal and transverse, 177 ; hollowed out by running water, 325 ; deepened by glaciers, 312 INDEX. 363 Vegetation, influence of, upon climate, 345 ; distribution of, regulated by climate, 338 Vesuvius, eruptions of, 108, 201, 203, 204, 205 Volcanic dust, transported by aerial currents, 91 ; eruption, 198 Volcanoes, nature of, 194, 196 Volga, mean slope of, 256, 270 W WADYS OF SYRIA, 255 Water, circulation of, on the globe, 44, 114, 222 ; its three conditions, 68 ; underground circulation of, 224 ; possible ultimate abstraction of from the surface, 227 ; hard and soft, 234 ; work of running, 272, 325 ; point of maximum density of, 294 Water-courses, 244 Waterfalls, 277 Water-shed, 250 Water-vapour in the air, 43, 56, 64, 86 Water-worn character of detritus, 275 Waves, formed by wind, 140 ; height of, 142 ; force of, 142, 157 ; caused by earthquakes, 213 Weather forecasts, 95 Wells, 225, 230 West Indian Islands, no; plants drifted from, to shores of Europe, 139 Westward growth of European towns, cause of, 90 Whirlpools, 152 Wiesbaden, hot springs of, IQI, 235 Winds, cause of, 85 ; periodical (seas- onal), 77, 93 ; constant, 88 ; local, 94 ; rate of, in storms, 96 ; office of, 97, 1 1 8, 256 ; wet and dry, 99 YEAR, how determined, 12 Yellowstone, geysers of the, 194 ZENITH, 28 Zirknitz, Lake of, 241, 265 Printed by R & R. 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