JC-NRLF SB bbl b?b AND FITTINGS FOR ALL. PRESSURES PURPOSES CATALOGUE No. 5O JUNE. 1917 FOUNDED BY R. t. CRANE 1855 CRANE CO. 936 SO. MICHIGAN AVC. CHICAGO OAKLAND BRANCH _ Rfe-^fi"* r/R * ~ ^^^A^T^ 7^'^Z' ^^^ CY sw>*^^ -** *-*; ^ * f ^t^C^?^ *** ^JSTfe^^ ^^^ MJSP04*1 K'Si&fi&n iW^-VK-^i^if^ ^1^%^^^ - .!/. ^V^^JS^^^St , i/, ^ k/ ^fe ^^ v >tf ^r-2]h ^Sfc^fc v^frSMfctf- ^Sfe^'Ti ? ^l^^^JjS^^^ ^ vr i^>^u^!r> ^^ \ Jf^xK^. ^5 35 , ^:. Js'. /v FOUNDED BY R. T. CRANE. 1855 CRANE CO. 836 SO. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO WE MANUFACTURE A COMPLETE LINE OF VALVES, COCKS AND FITTINGS IN BRASS, IRON, FERROSTEEL AND CAST STEEL FOR ALL PRESSURES AND PURPOSES MALLEABLE AND CAST IRON SCREWED FITTINGS DRAINAGE FITTINGS HYDRAULIC VALVES AND FITTINGS SIXTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ARTICLES FOR USE IN HANDLING STEAM, WATER, GAS, OIL, ETC. FLANGED FITTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PIPE FITTERS' TOOLS AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES STEAM SPECIALTIES AUTOMATIC STOP-CHECK VALVES, EMERGENCY, EXHAUST RELIEF AND BACK PRESSURE VALVES, STEAM AND OIL SEP* AriATORS, STEAM TRAPS, POP SAFETY AND RELIEF VAt-VES CAST STEEL VALVES AND CAST STEEL FITTINGS ESPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM ESTIMATES FURNISHED FROM DRAWINGS SUBMITTED, ON COMPLETE PIPING EQUIPMENT, PIPE BENDS, ETC. CABLE ADDRESS, CRANECOY, CHICAGO CRANE CO. FACTORIES, CHICAGO, ILL.. AND BRIDGEPORT. CONN. SALES OFFICES, WAREHOUSES AND REPRESENTATIVES IN THE FOLLOWING CITIES ABERDEEN, S. D. (Crane & Ordway Co.) 324 Railroad Avenue, S. E. ATLANTA, GA. 31 Garnett Street BALTIMORE, MD. 626 W. Pratt Street BIRMINGHAM, ALA. 2 South 20th Street BOSTON, MASS. 48 W. First Street (So. Boston) BRIDGEPORT, CONN. 510 Main Street BROOKLYN, N. Y. 249 Willoughby Street BUFFALO, N. Y. 81 Broadway CHICAGO (City Sales) 156 N. Jefferson Street CINCINNATI, OHIO 824 Broadway DAVENPORT, IOWA 600 E. Fourth Street DES MOINES, IOWA 1440 Walnut Street DETROIT, MICH. 2 Randolph Street DULUTH, MINN. (Crane & Ordway Co.) 8 E. Michigan Street FARGO, N. D. (Crane & Ordway Co.) 636 Northern Pacific Avenue GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 56 Ellsworth Avenue GREAT FALLS, MONT. (Crane & Ordway Co.) Great Northern Ry. Yards INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 333 W. Market Street KANSAS CITY, MO. 1328 W. Eleventh Street KNOXVILLE, TENN. 607 State Street LITTLE ROCK, ARK. 400 E. Second Street LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 321 E. Third Street MEMPHIS, TENN. 254 Court Avenue MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 400 Third Avenue, North MUSKOGEE, OKLA. 302 Commercial Street NEWARK, N. J. 86 Mechanic Street NEW YORK, N. Y. 494 Cherry Street NEW YORK, N. Y. (Crane Goods Exhibit) 1102 Architects' Building Park Ave. and 40th St. OAKLAND, CALIF. 346 Ninth Street OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. 221 W. First Street OMAHA, NEB. 323 South 10th Street PHILADELPHIA, PENN. 245 Master Street PORTLAND, ORE. 160 North 14th Street SACRAMENTO, CALIF. 1227 Front Street SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 307 W. Second South Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 301 Brannan Street SEATTLE, WASH. 419 Second Avenue, South SIOUX CITY, IOWA 223 Jackson Street SPOKANE, WASH. 126 South Post Street SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 62 Hampden Street ST. LOUIS, MO. 30 South 16th Street ST. PAUL, MINN. (Crane & Ordway Co.) 283 East Fifth Street TACOMA, WASH. 1209 South A Street TERRE HAUTE, IND. 209 Ninth Street VANCOUVER, B. C. 540 Beatty Street WASHINGTON, D. C. 1221 Eye Street, N. W. WICHITA, KAN. 135 N. Water Street WINNIPEG, MAN. 93 Lombard Street WAREHOUSES CAMDEN, N. J. SAVANNAH, GA. 23-29 N. Second Street River Street and Merchants OGDEN, UTAH and Miners Wharf 20th Street and Wall Avenue WATERTOWN, S. D. POCATELLO, IDAHO 141 Dakota Avenue 1st Avenue and Putnam Street REPRESENTATIVES W. H. FRANKLIN (Government Dept.), 1221 Eye Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. W. J. WALL, 134 Bleury Street, Montreal, Que. F. W. KNAPP, 402 Boston Bldg., Denver, Col. T. K. McKNIGHT, 630 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburg, Penn. PREFACE This 1917 edition of the Complete Crane Catalogue lists the full line of Crane products and the goods have been classified, grouped and arranged in such a way that they may be easily located. The Valves are grouped, first according to the material of which they are made, then the type of valve, and finally the working pressures. The Fittings are first divided into screwed and flanged sections, then according to materials and their working pressures. The catalogue numbers, with which the trade is more or less familiar, have been retained, but in the rearrangement they do not follow con- secutively. There is, however, following the general index, a number index, the use of which will be an aid when looking for an article the number of which is known. It is our constant aim to supply every need of the trade, and cor- respondence is solicited on any point not fully covered in this catalogue. CRANE CO. CRANE CO. TERMS Terms: Cash unless otherwise agreed upon. Prices and Designs: Subject to change without notice. Contracts subject to strikes, accidents or other causes beyond our control. No claims allowed unless made within ten days of receipt of goods. We guarantee Crane goods to the extent that we will replace those having manufacturing defects when used in the service for which we recommend them, but no goods are taken back unless our consent has first been obtained. Orders covering special goods are not subject to cancellation, except upon agreement to make payment for special work which has been performed. All tubular goods are carefully tested and inspected, but as it is impos- sible to always detect imperfections, the only guarantee that is given by us is to replace such goods as prove defective or allow credit for such' goods, at our option. Under no circumstances are we responsible for any damages beyond the price of the goods. If goods appear defective, dis- continue their use and notify us promptly so the matter may be investi- gated without delay. Requests for cancellation of orders calling for odd sizes or cut lengths of pipe will not be considered if the manufacture of the material has been commenced when the request reaches the mill. All special goods made to specification, where buyer is to inspect, must be inspected and accepted before shipment is made. After shipment is made our responsibility ceases. No charges for labor or expense required to repair defective goods, or occasioned by them, will be allowed. If the goods are defective, the measure of the damage is the price of the defective goods only. The carriers are responsible for goods lost, damaged or delayed in transit; therefore, as required in Section 3 of Uniform BUI of Lading con- ditions, in case of loss, damage or delay in transit, consignee must imme- diately notify the railroad agent at destination, in writing, sufficiently describing shipment and contents to enable railroad to identify it, in order to substantiate formal claim when presented. In case of shortage in, or damage to, goods, railroad agent should be required to make and sign notation to that effect on the freight bill. Boxing and Cartage are charged at cost. CRANE CO. CRANE CO. DISTINGUISHING MARKS The name CRANE is the adopted marking which will distinguish nearly all goods made by this Company. Exceptions to the above marking are as follows: Brass Goods such as Steam, Gas and Water Cocks are marked CC. Standard lines of Malleable and Cast Iron Screwed Fittings and Forged Steel Screwed Fittings are marked C. Certain other goods such as Unions, Union Elbows and Tees, in addition to the mark C, have specific marking, viz.: CHICAGO RAILROAD NAVY ETC. Cast Steel Valves and Cast Steel Flanged Fittings are marked CRANE STEEL W Cast Steel Screwed Fittings are marked with CRANE or C on one side and y^ on the other. Forged Steel Valves have CRANE on the center piece and C on the body. MARKING WORKING PRESSURES Respective pages in this catalogue representing various goods, spe- cify the Working Pressures as applying either to the entire line (regard- less of sizes) or mention the specific working pressure for which each size is recommended. To further complete and perfect this system, all articles bearing the distinguishing mark CRANE will also have their respective Working Pressure plainly stamped or cast on each article, and is to be under- stood as meaning: THE STEAM WORKING PRESSURE FOR WHICH THEY ARE INTENDED. This marking should not be misconstrued to mean Water or Test Pressure, as, in the case of Water Valves or strictly Hydraulic Goods, the marking will designate the Water Working Pressure. IMPORTANT EXPLANATORY NOTICE WITH REFERENCE TO CHANGE IN MARKING We formerly marked some of our Valves and Fittings, showing "TEST PRESSURES," but have concluded it best to mark them with the "WORKING PRESSURES" instead. For instance, Extra Heavy Valves and Fittings which were formerly marked CRANE 800 (indicat- ing test pressure) are now marked CRANE 250, meaning steam working pressure. This new marking does not in any respect alter the con- struction or affect the quality of the goods. PROPORTIONATE WATER WORKING PRESSURES For convenience in determining the approximate or admissible Water Working Pressures to which Valves and Fittings may be sub- jected, proportionate to or based on the designated Steam Working Pressures, we suggest the following conservative rule, although a much greater range may be safely used with comparatively small sizes of Valves and Fittings: Low Pressure, Standard and Medium Valves and Fittings will stand a Water Working Pressure 40 per cent greater than the Steam Working Pressure on sizes 12 inch and smaller; and sizes 14 inch and larger will stand 20 per cent greater Water Working Pressure. The above also applies to Extra Heavy Globe Valves and Screwed Fittings and all Extra Heavy Goods larger than 8 inches. Extra Heavy Gate Valves, Check Valves and Flanged Fittings will stand 400 pounds Water or Natural Gas Working Pressure on sizes 8 inch and smaller when temperature does not exceed 100 Fahrenheit. CRANE CO. CRANE METALS In order to insure a uniform and reliable product Crane Company maintains complete laboratories for making chemical, physical and metallographic analyses and tests of the materials which it uses. Daily analyses are made of the raw materials used, and the tensile and trans- verse strengths, ductility, etc., of Gray Iron, Ferrosteel, Malleable Iron and Cast Steel are regularly determined. These results are recorded and furnish invaluable data for maintaining a uniform product. Crane Company also has a special testing department in which investigations are conducted as to the merits of Crane goods to meet not only present requirements but a.lso special conditions as they arise. Complete facilities are provided for duplicating almost any service t9 be met with, consequently recommendations made for our various lines of goods may be safely followed as they are based on actual performance. We give below some of the characteristics of the metals regularly used in the articles illustrated on the following pages. CRANE HARD METAL This is a pure copper-tin Bronze of great strength and hardness which years of satisfactory service have proved thoroughly reliable for valves and fittings for use with high pressures under extremely severe conditions. Its hardness and average tensile strength of 34,000 pounds per square inch make it an exceptionally desirable material for valves, valve seats and discs to withstand severe service. CRANE SPECIAL BRASS Crane Special Brass is a high grade steam metal which has been found most desirable for use where conditions call for a superior valve metal, and in view of the satisfactory service which it has given to thousands of users we have no hesitation in recommending it. CRANE STEM METAL To procure a metal to withstand the great torsional and tensile strains to which valve stems are subjected, Crane Company has developed "Crane Stem Metal " which is now used where "cast bronze" stems were formerly called for. This material has an average tensile strength of 55,000 pounds per square inch. CRANE GRAY IRON Through constant application of scientific control in the choice of materials, their mixture and making into nwlten metal, Crane Com- pany's Gray Iron has long been held to a high standard. It has an average tensile strength of 22,500 to 25,000 pounds per square inch. With this strength goes a uniformity and a softness which makes it particular- ly adaptable to the manufacture of Cast Iron Valves and Fittings. CRANE FERROSTEEL This material, which is 50 per cent stronger than Gray Cast Iron, is reg- ularly used for the larger sized valves and fittings in which close grain and strength are most needed. Its close grain makes it particularly valuable for lines which are to convey ammonia and other gases and high pressure steam. CRANE MALLEABLE IRON Crane Malleable Iron has an average tensile strength of 37,000 pounds per square inch. By the application of improved methods in furnace practice, casting and annealing, we are able to offer a superior line of malleable iron goods. iron and The annealing of"the articles made from it, we illustrate a torsional test bar, one of which is made half-hourly during each day's run. CRANE CO. CRANE CAST STEEL VALVES AND FITTINGS To meet the increasing demand for Valves and Fittings for the higher pressures, and for superheated steam, Crane Company has installed a fully equipped steel foundry. By a combination of superior design, proper materials, chemical control and expert foundry and machine work, we have succeeded in turning out a product of superior quality. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH GRADE STEEL CASTINGS 1. Castings must be properly designed and proportioned with particular reference to the service intended. 2. They must be sound and free from sponginess, shrinkage, blow, sand or gas holes. 3. They should have a surface as smooth as possible. 4. Ordinarily the metal from which they are poured, must comply with the following minimum requirements: Usual Crane Requirements Cast Steel Tensile Strength per square inch 60,000 62,000 to 85,000 Elastic Limit per square inch 30,000 35,000 to 45,000 Elongation in 2 inches 20% 20% to 25% Reduction of Area 25 % 25 % to 35 % Cold Bend 90 90 to 180 Sulphur 06 , Phosphorus 05? Under .06% Under .05% r o REQUIRED TEST CRANE TEST CRANE TENSILE TEST BAR BEFORE AND AFTER TEST The 90 bend is required by leading Engineers. Our bars often stand a great deal more. These cuts represent a bar of Cast Steel one inch square, bent cold without cracking or distress. 5. Careful and accurate annealing is necessary to relieve cooling strains and remove brittleness. All Crane Steel Castings are annealed in furnaces fitted with recording pyrometers. MONEL METAL Valve discs and seat rings must be made of a non-corrosive material, which has the same expansion and contraction as the metal of which the valve is made. Crane Cast Steel Valve seat and disc rings are made of Monel Metal which is highly non-corrosive and the highest grade metal known for this service. The rings will not loosen from the expansion and contraction of the metals under either saturated or superheated steam temperatures. Extensive tensile and torsional tests, covering all temperatures met with in steam engineering practice, has demonstrated the great superior- ity of rolled Monel Metal as a material for stems. Its high resistance to corrosive influences and its high elastic limit under both tension and torsion, make it particularly serviceable and it is regularly furnished in Crane Cast Steel Valves. CRANE CO. CRANE CO. SIMPLIFIED INDEX ORDER IN WHICH GOODS APPEAR IN CATALOGUE BRASS VALVES PAGE Globe, Angle and Cross Valves, Standard 1-9 " " " " Medium 10-13 Extra Heavy 14-27 " u u u Hydraulic 28, 29 Ch ck Valves, Standard 30-33 " Medium 34-36 " Extra Heavy 37-40 " Hydraulic 41, 42 Gate Valves, Standard 43-51 " " Medium 52, 53 Extra Heavy 54, 55 " " Hydraulic 56 Radiator Valves 57-72 Hose Valves 73-79 Cocks, Standard 81-86 * Medium 86 " Extra Heavy 87 Gas 88-93 Water 94-98 IRON VALVES Globe, Angle, and Cross Valves, Standard 99-105 " Medium 106-109 Extra Heavy 110-114 Check Valves, Standard 115-121 a Extra Heavy 122 " Hydraulic 123 Gate Valves, Low Pressure 124-127 Standard 128-141 " " Medium 142-145 " u Extra Heavy 146-152 Hydraulic 153-157 Cocks, Standard 158-163 " Extra Heavy 164-166 STEEL VALVES Globe and Angle Valves, Extra Heavy 167-169 Hydraulic 170 Check Valves, Extra Heavy 171 Hydraulic 172, 173 Gate Valves, Extra Heavy 4 . 174-178 " Hydraulic 179-182 SPECIALTIES Indicator Posts 183-185 Floor Stands 186, 187 Geared Valves and Valves with Floor Stands 188, 189 Hydraulic Lift Gate Valves 191, 194 Motor Operated Valves 192, 193 Clean-Out Pockets 195 Stop-Check Valves 196-201 Back Pressure Valves 202, 203 Combination Back Pressure and Exhaust Relief Valves 204, 205 Emergency Engine Stop Valves 206, 207 Throttle Valves 208 Pressure Regulators 209-213 Temperature Control Valves 214-215 CRANE CO. SIMPLIFIED INDEX CONTINUED SPECIALTIES CONTINUED PAGE Strainers and Sediment Traps 216-218 Butterfly Valves 219 Float and Tank Valves 220, 221 Safety Valves 222-241 Relief Valves 242-247 Blow-Off Valves 248-255 SEPARATORS Low Pressure Separators 256-260 Standard 261 Extra Heavy 262-265 STEAM TRAPS Cranetilt Traps 269-275 Crane Open-Float Traps 276 EXPANSION JOINTS Low Pressure Expansion Joints 277 Standard " 278-282 Extra Heavy " 283-286 SCREWED FITTINGS Railing Fittings 289-297 Drainage Fittings 298-319 Brass Fittings, Standard 323-325 Extra Heavy 326, 327 Cast Iron Fittings, Standard 328-337 " Extra Heavy 341-343 Malleable Fittings, Standard 344-356 Extra Heavy 359 Hydraulic 360 Steel Fittings, Extra Heavy 361 Hydraulic 362-364 Unions, Brass 365-366 Malleable 367-373 FLANGED FITTINGS Unions, Brass 374 Cast Iron 375, 376 Malleable 377, 378 Steel 379 Flanges, Standard .388-391 Extra Heavy 392-408 Hydraulic 401-402 Brass Fittings, Standard 409 Extra Heavy 410-411 Cast Iron Fittings, Low Pressure 412-418 * " u Standard 419-433 * " Extra Heavy 434-451 Ferrosteel Fittings, Hydraulic 452-453 Cast Steel, Extra Heavy 454-463 " Hydraulic 464, 465 Ammonia Valves and Fittings 469-528 Gaskets and Packing 529-541 Miscellaneous 542-553 Boiler and Engine Trimmings. . . 554-582 Tools 583-600 Pipe Supports 603-610 Pipe and Pipe Bends 611-648 Drilling Templates 649-654 Dimensions of Valves and Fittings .... 656-731 Tables 732-741 Stock and Classification Lists for Fittings 742-775 CRANE CO. SUMMARY INDEX GOODS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WORKING PRESSURES LOW PRESSURE GOODS ^GE Expansion Joints 227 Fittings, Iron Flanged 412-418 Valves, Iron Gate 124-127 STANDARD GOODS Cocks, Brass 81-86 Iron . . 158-163 Engine and Boiler Trimmings 554-582 Expansion Joints 278-282 Fittings, Brass Flanged 409 " Screwed .323-325 u Cast Iron Flanged 419-433 " " Screwed 329-337 " Drainage 298-319 " Malleable 329,344-356 Railway 289-297 Pipe Bends 632-638 Supports, Brackets, etc 527, 603-610 Sizes and Classification of Fittings 742-775 Steam Fitters' and Engineers' Tools 583-600 Valves, Brass Check 30-33 Gate 43-51 " Globe, Angle and Cross 1-9 a Iron Check 115-118 " " Gate . . 128-140 Globe, Angle and Cross 99-105 Radiator 57-72 Water and Hose Goods . .73-79, 118-121, 127, 132, 138, 139, 338, 339, 544-553 MEDIUM PRESSURE GOODS Valves, Brass Check 34-36 Gate 52-53 u u Globe, Angle and Cross 10-13 " Ferrosteel Gate 142-145 Globe, Angle and Cross 106-109 EXTRA HEAVY GOODS Expansion Joints 283-286 Fittings, Brass Flanged 410, 411 " Screwed... 326,327 Cast Iron Flanged 435-450 " Screwed. ... 341-343 SteeJ Flanged 454-463, 466, 467 " " Screwed 361 Ferrosteel Flanged 435-450 Malleable Screwed 359 Flanged Pipe Joints 384-387, 404, 405 Pipe Bends 632-638 Valves, Brass Check 35-40 a Gate 54, 55 Globe, Angle and Cross 14-27 Cast Steel Check 171 Gate 174-177 " Globe and Angle 167-169 Ferrosteel Check 122 Gate... 146-151 " Globe, Angle and Cross 110-114 CRANE CO. SUMMARY INDEX CONTINUED CAST STEEL GOODS FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM PAGE Drip Pockets 267 Fittings, Flanged 454-463 " Screwed 362, 363 Pressure Regulators 212, 213 Separators 263-265 Valves, Automatic Stop-Check 200, 201 Check 171 " Emergency Engine Stop 206, 207 Gate 174-177 " Globe and Angle 167-169 " Pop Safety 236 Temperature Control 214-215 HYDRAULIC GOODS Fittings, Forged Steel Screwed 362, 363 Malleable Screwed 360 " Rolled Steel Screwed 364 Shock Absorbers 247 Valves, Brass Check 41, 42 " Gate 56 Globe and Angle 28, 29 " Relief 244 " Cast Steel Check 172 Gate 179-181 Relief 246 " Ferrosteel Check 123 Gate 154-156 " Forged Steel Check 173 " Globe and Angle 170 PIPE Brass and Copper 611 Cast Iron 612, 613 Riveted 614,615 Wrought 625, 629 SPECIALTIES Crane Open-Float Steam Traps 276 Cranetilt Steam Traps 269-274 Cranite Packing 531 Pressure Regulators for Water, Steam and Air 209, 212, 213 Steam and Oil Separators 256-265 Unions 365-379 Valves, Automatic Stop-Check 196-201 Blow-Off 248-250, 254, 255 Combination Back Pressure and Exhaust Relief 204, 205 Emergency Engine Stop 206, 207 Motor Operated 192, 193 Pop Safety 223, 241 Temperature Control 214, 215 AMMONIA GOODS Valves and Fittings for Ammonia 470-530 RAILROAD GOODS Fittings . . .341, 342, 352, 368, 370, 371, 373 Valves 21-26, 40, 239, 254, 255 CRANE CO. NOTES CRANE CO. GENERAL INDEX A PAGE Air, Valves for 153 Brake Fittings 352 Cocks 566 a Hoist Three Way Cocks 85 Valves 71, 72 All Iron Gate Valves 136, 137 Globe and Angle Valves 103 Altitude Gauges 565 American Standard for Flanged Fittings 701-709 Ammonia Valves and Fittings 470-530 " Gauges 520 Angle Valves, Brass .' 1-29 " Cast Steel 167-169 " Dimensions of Cast Steel 678, 679 " Extra Heavy 662, 663 " " " Jenkins Disc 658, 659 " Medium 660, 661 " Standard 656, 657 " " Forged Steel 170 " Gate 145, 150 u Hydraulic 170 " Iron 99-113 Apartment House Cocks 93 Asbestos Materials 540 Packed Cocks 163 Ash-Pan Blower Valves ... . . 254 B Back Pressure Valves 202, 203 * " and Exhaust Relief Valves 204, 205 Ball Check Valves 32 Beam Clamps 604 " Hooks 603 Bends, Pipe 621, 632-637 Beta Check Valves 30 u Globe and Angle Valves i 2 Bibb Cocks 544 Bibbs, Compression 545 Blind Flanges, Extra Heavy 396, 397 Standard 390 " for Ammonia 504 CRANE CO. B CONTINUED PAGE Blow -Off Cocks 251 u u Crosses 252 " a Valves 248-250, 255 " " " How to Install 253 Boilers, Fittings for Range 354 Boiler Flanges 406 u Tubes, Dimensions of 644, 645 " Tube Expanders 583 a Scrapers 583 Bolts 601 Brackets, Wall 607 Branch Tees 332 Brass Mounted Globe, Angle and Cross Valves 103 u Tubing 611 Brine Cocks 95 British Thread Valves 7, 51 Butterfly Valves 219 c Car Heater Fittings 341, 342 Casing, Well 630 Cast Iron Pipe 612, 613 C. C. Self Cleaning Strainers 216 Ceiling Plates. ., 357, 358 Chain Wheels for Valves 190 Chandelier Hooks and Loops 353 Checks and Wastes 94, 96 Check Valves, Brass 30-42 * Cast Steel 171,172 Check Valves, Dimensions of Clearway Swing 665 " Standard 664 " " Forged Steel 173 tt Hydraulic Brass 41, 42 Cast Steel 172 Forged Steel 173 Iron 123 Iron 115-118 Circular Flanges 381 Classification of Standard Malleable Screwed Fittings. 758-767 Clean-Out Pockets for Gate Valves 195 Clearway Swing Check Valves 118 u Dimensions of 665 Cocks, Air 566 Bibb 544 * Blow-Off 251 Brass 81-98 u Cylinder 567 CRANE CO. C CONTINUED PAGE Cocks, Gauge 560, 561 Iron 158-166 u Steam Gauge 566, 567 " for Compressing Air 84, 85 Coke Oven Valves 79 Common Flanges 380 Companion Flanges 382, 383 u Brass 411 " Dimensions of 715, 716, 719, 720 " " Extra Heavy 392-395 * " Facing Extra Heavy 398, 399 " Hydraulic 401, 402 a a Prices for Attaching Extra Heavy 400 Standard 391 " Shrink 403 u Standard 388, 389 " " for Ammonia 499-503 Condensation Receivers 275 Converse Joints 631 Copper Discs 16 " Disc Globe and Angle Valves 15 " Tubing 611 Corporation Stop Cocks 98 Couplings, Special 631 Wood Rod 553 " Wrought 342, 622-624 " for Ammonia '. 518 Crane Cement 322 Crane-Erwood Non-Return Valves 198, 199, 201 u Dimensions of 684 Cranelap Pipe Joints 404 Craneweld Flanged Pipe Joints 405 Cranite Packing 531 Cross Overs and Cross Over Tees 347 " Valves, Brass 1-29 u Dimensions of Extra Heavy 662, 663 " Medium 660, 661 ft Standard .656, 657 " " Iron 99-114 Cutters, Glass Tube 562 Cutter Wheels, Knurled 591 Cylinder Cocks . . 567 D Damper Regulators 575 Dies, Pipe 590, 591 CRANE CO. D CONTINUED PAG B Dimensions of Ammonia Flanges 731 " " Ball Railing Fittings 693 " " Base and Anchorage Fittings 713, 714 " " Brass Screwed Fittings 694 " " Cast Steel Gate Valves 680, 681 Globe and Angle Valves 678, 679 " " Clearway Swing Check Valves 665 " " Companion Flanges 715, 716, 719, 720 u " Crane-Erwood Non-Return Valves 684 u " Combination Back Pressure and Exhaust Relief Valves . . . 685 " " Expansion Valves for Ammonia 722, 723 " " Extra Heavy Cast Iron Screwed Fittings 696 Double Disc Gate Valves 675 *'.. -..*..' Flanges 718 "..*'.* Flange Facings 717 ;-", Flanged Fittings 706-709, 714 Gate Valves 672, 673 9 * * * Globe, Angle and Cross Valves 662, 663 a Fittings for Ammonia 724730 a " Forged Steel Screwed Fittings 699 u " Hydraulic Cast Steel Gate Valves 682 Flanged Fittings 710-712 Gate Valves 676, 677 a Malleable Fittings 698 " " Jenkins Disc Globe and Angle Valves 658, 659 u u Low Pressure Gate Valves 666, 667 * " Malleable Screwed Unions, Union Elbows and Union Tees. . 700 " Medium Gate Valves 670, 671 u " Globe, Angle and Cross Valves 660, 661 " Pop Safety Valves 687, 688 " u Pressure Regulators 686 u u Separators 689-682 u " u for Ammonia 721 u u Standard and Low Pressure Flanged Fittings 702-705,713 " " Cast Iron Screwed Fittings 695 Check Valves 664 " " Double Disc Gate Valves 674 Gate Valves 668, 669 " " " Globe, Angle and Cross Valves 656, 657 .'., Malleable Iron Screwed Fittings 697 " Stop Check Valves 683 u " Valves for Ammonia 722-726 Double Disc Gate Valves 140-151 Drainage Fittings 298-319 Drilling Templates 649-654 Drip Pockets 266, 267 Drive Pipe Couplings 631 Drop Elbows 344 Tees 346, 347 CRANE CO. E PAGE Eccentric Bushings 335 Reducers 333 Tees 331 Ejectors 569 Emergency Engine Stop Valves 206, 207 Engine Stop Valves 206, 207 English Thread Valves 7, 51 Exhaust Pipe Heads 542, 543 u Relief Valves, Combination Back Pressure and 204, 205 u u u u Dimensions of.. 685 Expansion, Table of 638 Tees . 468 Joints 277-286 " Valves for Ammonia 484489 Dimensions of 722,723 F Faced Couplings 617 Lock Nuts 617 Felt 540 Fittings, Brass Flanged 409-411 " Screwed 323-327 Cast Iron Screwed 328-343 " Steel Screwed 361 u Classification of Standard Malleable Screwed 758-767 " Dimensions of Ball Pattern Railing 693 u u Base and Anchorage 713, 714 * Brass Screwed 694 Extra Heavy Cast Iron Screwed 696 a a Flanged 706-709, 714 Forged Steel Screwed 699 " Hydraulic Flanged 710-712 Malleable Screwed 698 a Standard and Low Pressure Flanged 702-705, 713 " Cast Iron s cr e W ed 695 Malleable Screwed 697 tt Extra Heavy Flanged Cast Iron 434-451 u Steel 454-463, 466 Flanged Cast Iron 412-453 Forged Steel Screwed 362, 363 u Hydraulic Flanged Cast Steel 464, 465 " u u Ferrosteel 452,453 Malleable Iron .360 " Large Malleable Iron 352 " Low Pressure Flanged Cast Iron 412-418 Malleable Iron Screwed 328, 329, 344-356, 359, 360 u Names of Flanged 701 u Prices for Facing Extra Heavy 400 CRANE CO. F CONTINUED PAG E Fittings, Reducing Flanged 770, 773 Rolled Steel Screwed 364 " Sizes of Extra Heavy Cast Iron Screwed 756, 757 Malleable Screwed 768, 769 u u " Hydraulic Malleable Screwed 768, 769 Long Sweep 753-755 " * * Reducing Extra Heavy Flanged 774, 775 " Standard Flanged 771, 772 u u Sprinkler 750-752 " " " Standard Cast Iron Screwed 742-749 Malleable Screwed 749, 758-767 Standard Flanged Cast Iron 419-433 Special Flanged 467, 468 Union 370-373 " for Ammonia 492-498, 505-513, 516, 517 " Dimensions of 724-730 Flange Facings 384-386 Flanged Pipe Joints, Comparison of Prices 387 Flanges 380-405 " Dimensions of Ammonia 731 Extra Heavy 718 Flange Facings, Dimensions of Extra Heavy 717 Flexible Joints 287, 288 Float Valves 220, 221 Floor Flanges 289, 290, 381 Plates. 357, 358 " Sleeves 358 " Stands 186, 187 u u Applications of 189 Flush Joint Tubing 631 Foot Valves, Brass 32 Iron 119-121 Four Way Cocks, Brass 83 u u a Iron 166 " Tees 346 Fusible Plugs 576 G Garden Hose Valves 74 Gas, Valves for 153 " Cocks 88-93 Plyers 584 Gasfitters* Augers, 584 Cement 538 Hooks 93 Caskets 532-537 Rope 539 u for Ammonia 529, 530 CRANE CO. G CONTINUED PAGE Gate Valves, Angle 145, 150 Brass 43-56 Cast Steel 174-177, 179-181 " Dimensions of Cast Steel 680, 681 Hydraulic Cast Steel 682 Extra Heavy 672, 673 " Double Disc 675 Hydraulic 676, 677 L OW Pressure 666, 667 " Medium 670, 671 "Standard 668,669 Double Disc 674 " Hose 75-78 u u Hydraulic Brass 56 Cast Steel 179-181 " " Ferrosteel 153-156 Iron 124-156 Gauge Cocks 560, 561 " Glasses 562 Gauges, Altitude 565 " Ammonia 515 u Hydraulic 565 Steam 563, 564 " Vacuum . 564 " Water 556-559 " Pressure 564, 565 Geared Gate Valves 125, 127, 133, 188 Gearing for Gate Valves 188 Glasses, Gauge 562 Glass Tube Cutters 562 Globe and Angle Valves for Natural Gas 8 a Valves, Brass 1-29 a " Dimensions of Cast Steel 678, 679 " Cast Steel 167-169 " " Dimensions of Extra Heavy 662, 663, 678, 679 " Jenkins Disc 658, 659 " Medium 660, 661 "Standard 656,657 " " Hydraulic Brass 28, 29 " " Iron ' 99-112 " a Forged Steel 170 " " Hydraulic 170 Governors, Pump 571 Grease Cups 577 Guards for Water Gauges 562 H Hair Felt 540 Handles, Hydrant 553 CRANE CO. H CONTINUED PAQE Handles for Brass Valves 80 Hangers, Pipe 604-606 Headers 468 " Drilling and Tapping Pipe 627 Hook Plates 603 Hose 546 " Clamps 552 u Fittings 549-551 " Nozzles , 547 " Pipes 548 ft Valves 73-79 Hub End Gate Valves 127, 132 Hydrant Clamps 553 " Cocks 97 u Handles 553 Hydraulic Gauges 565 Lift Gate Valves 191, 194 I Indicator Gate Valves 134 Posts 183-185 Injectors 368 J Jenkins Discs 5, 105 " Disc CLack Valves 30 " Globe and Angle Valves 5, 6, 104, 105 u u Angle Valves, Dimensions of 658, 659 Joints, Special 631 Jute Packing 538 K Keys, Street Washer 553 L Lag Screws 602 Lamp Wick 538 Leather Disc Globe and Angle Valves 7 Line Pipe Couplings 631 Lock Shield Globe and Angle Valves 8 " u Radiator Valves 68 CRANE CO. L CONTINUED PAGE Locomotive Ash-Pan Blower Valves 254 " Blow-Off Valves 255 Check Valves 40 " Pop Safety Valves 238, 239 " Valves 21-26, 40, 254, 255 Long Screws 617 u Sweep Fittings 340 Lubricators ... 578-581 M Machine Bolts. 601 Marine Globe and Angle Valves 13, 20 Matheson Joint 631 Mine Cocks 162 Modulating Radiator Valves 69 " Systems, Accessories for 70 Motor Operated Gate Valves 192, 193 Muffler Attachments for Pop Safety Valves 240 N Navy Check Valves 35, 36 " Globe, Angle and Cross Valves 10-12 Needle Point Globe and Angle Valves 9 Nippies, Brass 616 " Soldering 98 Tank 617 " Wrought 618-620 " with Hexagon Centers 353 Non-Return and Cut-Out Valves 198, 199, 201 o Oakum 538 Offset Couplings 353 Offsets 350 Oil Cups 582 P Packing, CC Sheet 539 " Steam 538 * for High Pressure 531 Partition Tees and Crosses . . 347 CRANE CO. P CONTINUED PAGE Pipe, Dimensions of Wrought 640-643 " Cast Iron 612, 613 " Expansion of 638 " Large O. D 629 a Price List of Wrought 628, 629 " Riveted 614, 615 u Safe Working Pressure 625, 626 " Wrought 625-629 Pipe Bends - 621, 632-637 " Cement 322 " Clamps 355 " Coil Stands 603 " Coverings 541 " Cutters 587 " Hangers 604-606 " Drills 589 " Headers, Drilling and Tapping 627 " Reamers 589 Saddles 356 " Stands for Ammonia Condensers 527 " " Brine Coolers 527 Stocks and Dies 590-598 " Supports 608-610 " Taps 589 u Tests 625 a Tongs 585, 588 a Vises 599, 600 Wrenches 585, 586 Piston Packing 538, 539 Plugs, Fusible 575 Plyers 584 Pop Safety Valves 223-227, 230-239 " Dimensions of 687, 688 Pressure Reducing Valves 210, 211 " Regulators, Steam or Air 212, 213 " Dimensions of 686 " " Water 209 Price List for Drilling Extra Heavy Cast Steel Valves 178 " " u Hydraulic Cast Steel Valves 182 " " " Hydraulic Ferrosteel Valves and Fittings 157 " " " Drilling Low Pressure and Standard Valves and Fittings.. . 141 " " " u Medium and Extra Heavy Valves and Fittings 152 Pump Governors 571 Pumps, Steam Jet 570 Q Quick Opening Gate Valves 49, 50, 135 CRANE CO. PAGE Radiator Air Valves 72 " Elbows 67 Valves 57-69 Railing Fittings 289-297 Regrinding Check Valves 38-40 Globe, Angle and Cross Valves 10-12, 17, 18 Regulators, Damper 575 Relief Valves 242-246 " " Hydraulic Brass 244 " " " Cast Steel 246 ; for Ammonia 524, 525 Reversible Stop and Waste Cocks 96 Riveted Pipe 614, 615 Rope Gaskets 539 Rubber Valves 538 s Saddle Flanges 406 Nozzles 407, 408 Safety Valves 222-239 Screwed Joints, How to make 320 Screws, Long 617 Sediment Traps 217, 218 u " for Ammonia 523 Separators, Dimensions of 689-692 " Ammonia 721 Oil for Ammonia 521, 522, 528 " Steam and Oil 256-265 Service Tees 346 Shock Absorbers 247 Side Outlet Elbows 345 Sizes of Extra Heavy Cast Iron Screwed Fittings 756, 757 " " " " Malleable Screwed Fittings 768, 769 " " Hydraulic Malleable Screwed Fittings 768, 769 " " Long Sweep Fittings 753-755 " " Reducing Extra Heavy Flanged Fittings 774, 775 " " " Standard Flanged Fittings 771, 772 u Sprinkler Fittings 750-752 " Standard Cast Iron Screwed Fittings 742-749 " Malleable Screwed Fittings 749, 758-767 Snif ting Valves 242, 243 Soldering Nipples and Unions . . f 98 Sprinkler Fittings 338, 339 Steam Cocks, Brass 81-83, 86, 87 " Gauges 563, 564 Gauge Cocks 566, 567 " Jet Pumps 570 Traps ... 269-276 CRANE CO. S CONTINUED PAGE Stocks and Dies 590-598 Stop Check Valves 196, 197, 200 u Dimensions of 683 Stops, Rough Brass 94, 95 Strainers 216, 217 Straps, Pipe 93 Street Washer Keys 553 Supports, Pipe 608-610 Swing Check Valves 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 117, 118, 122, 123, 171, 172 " u Cast Steel 171,172 " " Iron 117,118,122,123 u Joints 278, 286 Syphons for Steam Gauges 563 T Tank Nipples 617 Temperature Control Valves 214, 215 Templates for Drilling Flanges 649-654 " " Valves and Fittings for Ammonia 731 Test Yokes for Pop Safety Valves 237 Threads, American Briggs Standard Pipe 646, 647 " British Standard Pipe 648 " Defects in 321 " Length of 639 u for Wrought Pipe 627 Three Way Cocks, Brass 83, 85 " Iron 160,161 " " Valves 26 Throttle Valves 208 Traps, Steam 269-276 Tubes, Dimensions of Boiler 644, 645 Tubing, Brass and Copper 611 Tables 732-741 Table, Ammonia 740 8 Steam 738, 739 u Strength of Bolts 741 " of Areas of Geometric Figures 736 u u Circumferences and Areas of Circles 734, 735 " " Decimal Equivalents and Metric Conversion Chart 733 " " Flow of Steam in Pipes 737 " " Horse Power of Boilers and Engines 737 " " Pipe Sizes, Velocities and Loss of Head 732 a " Steam Consumption 737 U Underwriters* Gate Valves 138, 139 " Hose Gate Valves 78 CRANE CO. U CONTINUED PAGE Underwriters' Indicator Posts 185 Swing Check Valves 118 Union Bonnet Globe, Angle and Cross Valves 10-12 Union Elbows, Dimensions of Malleable Screwed 700 " Tees, Dimensions of Malleable Screwed 700 Unions 365-379 " Flange 374-379 Hydraulic 378, 379 Screwed 365-369 Soldering 98 u for Ammonia 514, 519 " Dimensions of Malleable Screwed 700 V Vacuum Gauges 564 Valves for Ammonia 470-491 * " u Dimensions of 722-726 u Prices for Facing Extra Heavy 400 Vises 599, 600 w Wall Brackets 607 tf Plates'. 353 Wash Tray Tees 347 Washers, for Water Gauges 562 Waste 538 a Nuts 350 Water Columns 554, 555 " Gauges 556-559 u Pressure Gauges 564 a Regulators 209 a Troughs for Ammonia Condensers 526 Well Casing 630 Wheels for Brass Valves 80 Whistles 572-574 Wrenches 585, 586 " for Iron Cocks 164, 166 Y Y Bases for Pop Safety Valves . . 241 CRANE CO. NUMBER INDEX No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page 01 260 14 6 34 270 67 G 63 104 273 135 E 447 03 260 15 7 34^ 33 68 E 55 105 273 137 D 466 05 260 15H 7 35 34 68 G 63 105 D 458 137 E 447 07 261 16 6 35 270 69 E 55 105 E 444 139 D 466 09 261 17 7 35H 34 69 G 63 106 273 139 E 442 on 262 17H 7 36 222 70 11 107 273 141 D 466 Oil S 263 18 1 36 270 71 12 107 D 458 141 E 442 013 262 20 30 36 A 201 72 35 107 E 444 144 61 013 S 263 20 E 112 36 E 199 73 36 108 273 145 G 64 014 264 21 ,30 37 34 74 11 109 D 459 146 61 017 264 21 A 168 37 270 74 E 37 109 E 446 147 G 64 019 264 21 B 168 37 A 201 75 12 HID 459 148 61 020 264 21 C 168 37 E 199 75 E 37 111E 440 149 E 408 021 265 21 D 168 38 270 76 13 112 58 149 G 64 1 1 21 E 112 38 E 122 77 13 112 D 460 151 E 393 1 340 22 30 39 70 78 E 38 112E 445 153 E 396 1 A 71 22 E 113 39 270 80 E 87 112^D 460 155 E 394 2 1 23 30 39 D 171 82 E 18 112E 445 161 E 403 2 340 23 A 169 39 E 122 83 E 18 113 59 164 62 2E 148 23 B 169 40 228 85 E 20 113 D 462 166 62 3 3 23 C 169 42 228 87 E 20 113 E 449 168 62 3 340 23 D 169 44 219 90 272 115 D 462 174 67 3D 175 23 E 113 46 208 90 E 18 115E 449 181 E 404 3E 148 24 31 46 E 207 91 272 117D 461 192 67 4 14 24 E 114 46^E 207 91 E 18 117 E 448 198 68 4 340 25 E 114 48 8 92 272 119D 461 199 68 5 340 26 31 48 E 283 92 E 39 119 E 448 5D 175 27 A 168 49 A 285 93 272 121 D 457 nnn 5E 148 27 B 168 49 D 285 93 E 39 121 E 441 200 68 6 4 27 C 168 49 E 283 94 272 123 D 463 200 D 181 6E 149 27 E 112 50 73 95 272 123 E 450 200 H 155 7 334 28 31 50 E 284 96 272 123D 463 201 D 181 7 A 176 28 A 200 51 E 286 96 E 366 123E 450 201 H 155 7B 176 28 E 197 52 73 97 272 124 60 203 H 155 7C 176 29 A 169 52 E 284 97 E 375 125 D 455 204 D 180 7D 176 29 B 169 54 E 151 98 272 125 E 439 204 H 156 7E 149 290 169 55 E 151 98 E 369 125 D 455 205 D 180 8 4 29 E 113 56 74 99 E 376 125JD 455 205 H 156 9A 177 30 270 57 E 151 126 60 206 72 9B 177 30 A 200 58 74 j r\fi 127 D 456 207 H 155 9C 177 30 E 197 58 E 151 100 273 127 E 440 210 72 9D 177 31 32 59 79 101 273 128 60 220 65 9E 149 31 E 114 60 9 101 D 454 131 D 466 220 D 172 HE 150 32 270 60 E 16 101 E 438 131 E 443 220 H 123 12 5 33 32 61 E 16 102 273 133 D 466 221 D 172 12 E 150 33 270 66 E 54 103 273 133 E 443 221 H 123 13 5 34 33 67 E 54 103 D 454 135 D 466 222 66 CRANE CO. NUMBER INDEX CONTINUED No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page 225 H 170 278 88 327 159 375K2 118 441 46 510 185 226 H 170 279 D 465 328 160 376 229 442 49 511 145 227 H 173 280 89 329 159 377 229 442H 50 513 145 228 H 27 280 465 330 160 380 219 444 48 515 368 230 H 56 281 D 393 330 D 379 381 219 446 48 517 373 231 69 282 D 395 331 161 382 208 448 48 519 368 232 H 28 283 D 403 332 165 384 202 449 51 519^ 368 234 H 41 284 90 333 161 385 202 450 76 520 184 236 H 29 285 90 334 164 390 249 450>i 77 521H 365 238 H 42 287 D 397 335 161 391 249 452 76 522 365 239 H 378 288 91 336 164 392 19 452^ 77 523 365 240 H 366 289 93 337 164 392 248 453 78 523^ 365 250 81 291 E 393 338 165 392^ 19 458 53 525 420 251 D 402 292 92 339 166 392H 248 459 53 526 425 251 E 393 293 E 403 340 107 393 249- 460 130 527 420 251 H 401 294 92 341 107 393H 249 461 130 528 425 252 81 295 E 405 341 BP 107 394 120 462 132 529 426 253 E 396 298 93 342 108 394H 119 462^ 138 530 429 254 81 299 E 406 343 108 395 120 463 133 531 426 255 E 394 343 BP 108 395^ 119 464 131 532 429 256 81 inn 344 109 396H 250 464 H 131 533 428 258 81 300 278 345 109 397 121 465 131 534 427 260 86 300 D 362 345BP 109 398 279 465M 131 535 428 260 D 361 301 D 362 350 100 399^ 250 467 139 536 427 260 H 360 302 D 362 351 100 469 134 537 431 261 E 403 304 D 362 352 101 470 135 538 424 262 86 305 84 353 101 Ann 471 135 539 431 262 D 361 306 84 354 103 400 279 472 136 540 424 262 H 360 306 D 362 355 103 401 280 473 136 541 430 263 H 360 307 84 356 103 403 280 475 137 543 430 264 D 361 308 85 357 103 404 278 475^ 137 545 423 264 H 360 '310 163 358 104 406 278 480 140 547 432 265 82 310 D 363 359 104 408 282 481 140 549 421 266 82 311 163 360 105 409 281 482 140 550 421 266 D 361 311 D 363 362 102 411 277 483 140 551 422 266 H 360 312D 363 363 102 412 277 491 125 552 407 267 H 360 314 D 363 364 103 415 205 493 126 553 388 268 83 316 251 365 103 415 A 205 498 127 555 390 269 83 316 D 363 366 115 415 H 205 556 388 270 88 317 251 367 115 415V 205 558 388 271 D 464 318 162 368 116 416 203 ' r n n 559 388 271 E 393 319 162 369 116 417 203 500 143 560 388 272 88 320 158 372 117 437 52 501 143 567 413 273 D 464 322 158 373 117 437H 52 503 143 569 413 275 D 465 324 158 374 117 438 44 504 144 571 416 276 88 325 159 374H 118 440 46 505 144 573 416 277 D 465 326 160 375 118 440^ 47 507 144 575 417 CRANE CO. NUMBER INDEX CONTINUED No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page 577 389 706 566 nnn 548 1014 302 1068 318 1506 491 577 417 708 566 900 1014^ 302 1069 319 1507 479 578 415 710 566 902 548 1015 302 1101 232 1507H 481 579 414 712 566 904 547 10153^ 302 1508 491 580 414 714 566 906 547 1016 302 1509 480 581 418 720 567 908 547 1016H 302 1103 233 1509H 481 582 418 722 567 920 550 1017 303 1105 232 1510 491 585 354 724 567 924 550 1018 303 1107 233 1510H 482 586 354 730 560 927 552 1019 304 1116 235 1511 485 587 354 732 560 929 552 1020 305 1116A 236 1512 489 588 354 734 560 930 550 1021 305 1117 235 1513 486 589 354 736 560 940 549 1022 311 1117A 236 1514 489 590 370 738 561 942 549 1023 311 1123 245 1515 487 591 370 740 561 944 549 1024 307 1 123 A 246 1516 489 592 370 741 561 946 549 1025 307 1126 243 1517 488 593 370 742 567 948 549 1026 312 1127 243 1518 489 594 371 744 567 950 551 1027 312 1128 243 1519 485 595 371 750 576 952 551 1028 308 2230 244 1519J4 487 596 371 751 576 954 551 1029 308 1132 243 1519^ 486 597 371 752 576 962 213 1030 309 1134 243 1519^ 488 598 373 753 576 963 213 1031 309 1138 243 1520 496 600 572 800 544 971 210 1032 310 1144 227 1521 492 972 210 1033 310 1145 227 1522 496 973 210 1034 313 1146 227 1523 493 602 572 974 210 1035 313 1148 227 1526 496 604 573 802 545 975 210 1036 313 1149 227 1527 495 606 573 804 94 990 217 1037 314 1150 227 1530 497 607 574 806 94 991 571 1038 314 1152 225 1532 497 607^ 574 812 95 993 221 1039 315 1158 225 1534 497 608 572 814 95 995 221 1046 304 1160 223 1538 497 610 557 816 97 1000 299 1047 300 1162 223 1539 497 613 559 820 96 1048 310 1165 224 1540 497 615 559 822 96 1049 315 1165 V 70 1542 497 616 558 830 98 1050 306 1180 239 1544 502 624 556 833 98 1001 300 1051 306 1181 239 1545 499 650 582 834 98 1002 299 1052 306 1182 239 1547 499 652 582 835 98 1003 299 1053 306 1183 239 1549 500 668 577 836 98 1004 300 1054 306 1500 491 1551 500 670 577 842 98 1005 299 1055 306 1553 502 672 577 844 98 1006 299 1056 3CO 1554 500 680 581 846 98 1007 299 1057 300 1501 474 1555 504 682 581 850 553 1008 301 1058 300 1502 491 1557 504 700 566 852 553 1009 301 1059 315 1503 475 1559 505 854 553 1010 301 1060 319 1504 476 1561 505 856 553 1011 301 1062 319 1504H 477 1562 506 702 566 858 553 1012 302 1064 319 1505 476 1564 506 704 566 860 553 1013 302 1066 318 1505H 477 1570 507 CRANE CO. NUMBER INDEX CONTINUED No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page 1572 507 1576^ 516 1582^ 503 1588^ 518 1800 1813 23 1573H 517 1577 510 1583 503 1589 519 21 1820 40 1574 516 1578 512 1583^ 503 1590 518 1801 22 1838 254 1574H 516 1579 511 1584 503 1590H 518 1803 24 1840 255 1575 510 1579^ 511 1585 514 1591^ 519 1805 23 1842 255 1575H 516 1581 512 1586H 515 1594^ 522 1810 26 1575% 516 1581H 512 1587 520 1595 523 1811 24 1576 516 1582 503 1588 518 1596 525 1812 25 CRANE CO. NOTES CRANE CO. STANDARD BRASS VALVES GLOBE ANGLE, CROSS AND CHECK MERITS OF STANDARD BRASS VALVES These Valves are well proportioned, are of good weight, and suffi- ciently strong to stand the steam working pressures as given on the fol- lowing pages. They are thoroughly tested under steam pressure before leaving the factory. The question is constantly being raised as to what material in Valves and weight of Valves are suitable for the different pressures that are used in engineering practice. In many cases ordinary Standard Valves are used for high pressures and there is no doubt they are sufficiently strong to stand the working pressures, as we have at various times subjected them to a hydraulic pressure of 500 to 1000 pounds without leaking ; but, as stated above, we do not recommend them for more than the steam working pressure as specified on the following pages. It is not only a question of the Valves standing a higher pressure, but, also standing the strain of expansion, contraction, weight of piping and settling, also the cutting effect of the steam on the disc and seat. It is, however, possible that the Standard Valves might be reasonably satisfactory for higher working pressures, provided the expansion, con- traction, weight of piping and settling were all taken care of. The construction of the Standard Globe and Angle Valves is such that they may be packed when open, without steam escaping. To do so, have Valve wide open. All users of Valves will appreciate the advantage in being able to repack a Valve without shutting off steam, as it frequently happens that it is necessary they be run continuously. CRANE CO. STANDARD BRASS GLOBE, ANGLE AND CROSS VALVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 3 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 3 l /2 AND 4 INCH, UP TO 100 POUNDS No. 1 GLOBE No. 2 ANGLE i/ No. 1, Globe Each 78 .72 .72 .77 1.00 1.26 1.80 IK 2.52 No. 2, Angle Each .72 .72 .77 1.00 1.26 1.80 2.52 No. 18, Cross Each 1.25 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 Size Inches IJ 2 VA 3 3K 4 No. 1, Globe Each 3.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 No. 2, Angle Each 3.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 No. 18, Cross Each 5.00 8.00 16.00 24.00 FOR DESCRIPTION OF THESE VALVES, SEE PAGE 1 BETA GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES Size Inches % H X 1 IK U4 2 Globe or Angle Each .77 1.00 1.26 1.80 2.52 3.50 5.30 Although these Valves are lighter than our No. 1 and No. 2 Standard Valves, they are equal in weight to many Standard Valves of other manufacture. Unless otherwise ordered, Standard Globe and Angle Valves will be supplied. CRANE CO. STANDARD BRASS GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 3 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 3 l /2 AND 4 INCH, UP TO IOO POUNDS Size Inches X 1 IX 1H 2 Price Each 5.00 6.75 8.50 10.50 16.00 Center to Face, Flanged, Angle . . . Inches 2M 2H 2% 3A 3^ Face to Face, Flanged, Globe Inches 3^ &A V/s 4^ 5^ Diameter of Flanges Inches 3^ 4 /2 2 2^ 3 No. 37, Angle Screwed. . .Each 7.00 10.00 19.00 27.00 Flanged Angle Swing Check Valves made to order at a special price. No. 37 ANGLE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS No. 35H MAY BE USED IN A HORIZONTAL POSITION OR FOR UPWARD FLOW Size Inches H 1 \\i 1H 2 2i/2 3 No. 35 1 /2, Horizontal Flanged . Each 10.00 12.50 17.00 21.00 35.00 50.00 65 .00 Face to Face Inches 4H 5 5^ VA 7^ 8J/2 9M Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 3^ 4 4 1 /2 5 6 7 7' 2 Templates for drilling, page 649. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 35 CRANE NAVY VALVES UNION BONNET REGRINDING HORIZONTAL AND ANGLE CHECK VALVES CRANE SPECIAL BRASS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 1}4 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 225 POUNDS SIZES \ 1 A TO 3 INCH, INCLUSIVE, UP TO 2OO POUNDS POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH Size Inches V* V* H Y4 1 No. 72, Screwed Each 1.15 1.35 1.70 2.25 3.15 Size Inches V/4 iy?. 2 2^ 3 No. 72, Screwed Each 4.50 6.30 9.90 18.00 26.00 In ordering, give Valve number and state whether Horizontal or Angle. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGRINDING Unscrew the large nut or cap and take out disc; put fine emery and a little oil on disc; replace the disc and rotate forward and backward until a tight joint is formed. 36 CRANE CO. CRANE NAVY VALVES UNION BONNET REGRINDING HORIZONTAL AND ANGLE CHECK VALVES CRANE SPECIAL BRASS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 15O POUNDS TESTED TO 250 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH NO. 73 FLANGED Size Inches X y* y?, 3 4 1 No. 73, Flanged Each 5.00 7.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 3^ 4 Face to Face, Horizontal, Flanged Inches 3^ 4A Center to Inlet or Outlet, Angle, Flanged .... Inches VA 2^ Size Inches l l A V/2 2 2H 3 No. 73, Flanged Each 10.00 13.00 18.00 30.00 43.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 4^ 5 6 7 7 1 A Face to Face, Horizontal, Flanged Inches 4& 5A 6 6% 7H Center to Inlet or Outlet, Angle, Flanged .... Inches m 3& 3^ 4A 4^ In ordering, give Valve number and state whether Horizontal or Angle. For directions for regrinding, see page 35. Templates for drilling, page 649. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 37 EXTRA HEAVY SWING CHECK VALVES CRANE SPECIAL BRASS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 8OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE HORIZONTAL UPWARD FLOW Size Inches Yi 1 IK 1H 2 VA No. 74 E, Screwed Each 3.25 3.25 4.25 6.00 7.50 12.00 25 . 00 No. 75 E, Flanged Each 13.00 18.00 22.00 37.50 55.00 Diameter of Flanges . Inches 4^ 5 6 V/2 m ALL PARTS OF THESE VALVES ARE MADE OF "CRANE SPECIAL BRASS," THE MERITS OF WHICH ARE FULLY DESCRIBED ON PAGE B These Valves can be furnished with Hard Metal Body and Disc, as illustrated on page 38. Templates for drilling, page 649. Price List for drilling, page 152. 38 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY REGRINDING SWING CHECK VALVES HARD METAL RECOMMENDED FOR 350 POUNDS SATURATED STEAM 250 POUNDS SUPERHEATED STEAM WITH TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 7OO FAHR. COLD WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 50O POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 800 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE No. 78 E MAY BE USED IN A HORIZONTAL LINE OR FOR UPWARD FLOW Size Inches Vi H 1 1M m 2 Price Each 4.25 5.00 6.50 8.50 11.50 17.50 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. THE BODY AND DISC OF THESE VALVES ARE MADE OF HARD METAL." ALL OTHER PARTS ARE MADE OF " CRANE SPECIAL BRASS." THE MERITS OF THESE METALS ARE FULLY DESCRIBED ON PAGE B. DIRECTIONS FOR REGRINDING Remove cap and stop-plug, raise disc, and place a small quantity of grindstone dust moistened with soap and water on seat, lower disc into place. Insert a screw-driver through stop-plug opening, until point engages with slot in clapper-stud. Rotate disc until a new surface has been secured. CRANE CO. 39 EXTRA HEAVY REGRINDING UNION BONNET HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVES CRANE SPECIAL BRASS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS Size Inches X M 1 A % 1 No. 92 E, Screwed Each 1.15 1.35 1.70 2.25 3.15 No. 93 E, Flanged Each 5.00 7.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 4 4^ Face to Face, Flanged Inches 3M 3% 4^ Size Inches IK m 2 2H 3 No. 92 E, Screwed Each 4.50 6.30 9.90 18.00 26.00 No. 93 E, Flanged Each 10.00 13.00 18 .00 30.00 43.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 5 6 6^ lYi 8M Face to Face, Flanged Inches t 5 1 A Q 1 A 7^8 SYs INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGRINDING Unscrew the large nut or cap and take out disc ; put fine emery and a little oil on disc; replace the disc and rotate forward and backward until a tight joint is formed. Templates for drilling, page 649. Price List for drilling, page 152.. 40 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY REGRINDING SWING CHECK VALVES CRANE SPECIAL BRASS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 1820 MAY BE USED IIS FEMALE INLET, FEMALE UNION OUTLET WITH MALLEABLE NUT Size Inches \y 2 2 Price... ..Each 14.00 20.00 These Valves are especially recommended for Locomotive Service. CRANE CO. 41 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CHECK VALVES HARD METAL FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 1 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 20OO POUNDS HYDROSTATIC SIZE iM INCH, UP TO 15OO POUNDS HYDROSTATIC THESE VALVES ARE TESTED TO HYDRAULIC PRESSURES CORRESPONDING TO THE ABOVE WORKING PRESSURES NO. 234 H HORIZONTAL Size Inches y* H g 1 m Price Each 5.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 11.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. The diameter of the seat opening of these Valves is approximately the same as the inside diameter of Double Extra Strong Pipe. THE BODY AND DISC OF THESE VALVES ARE MADE OF "HARD METAL." ALL OTHER PARTS ARE MADE OF CRANE SPECIAL BRASS." THE MERITS OF THESE METALS ARE FULLY DESCRIBED ON PAGE B. 42 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CHECK VALVES HARD METAL BOLTED BONNET HORIZONTAL, SCREWED FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 2500 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 250O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 238 H Size Inches 1 1 1M 1H 2 Price Each 18.00|22.50 27.50 J40.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. THE BODY AND FEATHER OF THESE VALVES ARE MADE OF "HARD METAL." ALL OTHER PARTS (EXCEPT STUDS AND NUTS) ARE MADE OF " CRANE SPE- CIAL BRASS." THE MERITS OF THESE METALS ARE FULLY DESCRIBED ON PAGE B. The diameter of the seat opening of these Valves is approximately the inside diameter of Double Extra Strong Pipe. CRANE CO. 43 STANDARD GATE VALVES BRASS WITH GLAND WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM (NEW PATTERN) MERITS OF BRASS WEDGE GATE VALVES The No. 438 Standard Gate Valves have been redesigned and im- proved throughout. They are well proportioned, of good weight, and are suitable for steam working pressures up to 125 pounds. Each Valve is thoroughly tested under steam pressure before leaving the factory. We have subjected these Valves to hydraulic pressures ranging from 500 to 1,000 .pounds, without leaking, but do not recommend them for more than the steam working pressure specified, as it is not only a question of the Valves withstanding the higher pressures, but also the strain of expansion and contraction, the weight of piping, settling, and the cutting effects of the steam on the discs and seats. It is possible, however, that these Standard Valves might be reason- ably satisfactory for higher working pressures, providing the expansion and contraction, the weight of piping and settling were all taken care of; still the cutting effects of the steam would render them less ser- viceable than the Valves which we recommend for higher pressures. The construction of No. 438 Valves is such that they may be repacked under pressure, when wide open, without steam escaping. All users of Valves appreciate the convenience of repacking without shutting off steam, as it is often necessary that the Valves be in ser- vice continuously. The guides on the discs and the ribs in the bodies of these Valves are accurately fitted, which insures true and easy movement, prevents wear of the faces, and also prevents the discs from touching the seats in the bodies except at the point of closing. CRANE CO. STANDARD GATE VALVES BRASS WITH GLAND WEDGE GATE 3PEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS No. 438 Size Inches & X Y2 H 1 1 1 A V/2 2 2 1 A 3 Price Each 1.45 1.45 1.65 2.05 2.80 3.70 5.00 7.30 13.00 19.00 Weight Pounds .75 .75 1.05 1.65 2.40 3.70 5.00 7.33 12.50 18.25 These Valves have been designed for general service and are recom- mended with fullest confidence for use wherever Wedge Gate Valves are required. The weight of each size as given in the above table is as light as this type of Valve should be made, and is an important feature which should always be considered when making comparisons with similar, but much lighter Valves of other manufacture. CRANE CO. 45 STANDARD BRASS GATE VALVES BRASS SEATS DOUBLE GATE RISING STEM MERITS OF BRASS DOUBLE GATE VALVES The Standard Double Disc (Double Gate) Valves have been in the market for many years, and to the best of our knowledge have given general satisfaction. We do not recommend them for more than the steam \vorking pressures as specified on the following pages. They are tested under steam pressure, and we have at various times subjected the No. 440 Valves to a hydraulic pressure of 400 to 700 pounds, and the No. 440^ Valves to a hydraulic pressure of 500 to 1,000 pounds, without leaking, but, as stated above, we do not recommend them for more than the steam working pressures, as specified. It is not only a question of the Valves standing a higher pressure, but also standing the strain of expansion, contraction, weight of piping and settling, also the cutting effect of the steam on the discs and seats. It is, however, possible that these Standard Valves might be reasonably satisfactory for higher working pressures, provided the expansion, contraction, weight of piping and settling were all taken care of. Still, the cutting effect of the steam would render these Valves less durable than the Valves which we recommend elsewhere in this book for higher pressures of steam. 46 CRANE CO. BRASS OPEN TO THE LEFT STANDARD GATE VALVES BRASS SEATS DOUBLE GATE RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 3 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 3,''2 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 1 0O POUNDS NO. 440 Size Inches K y* Y2 Z A l IK l l /2 No. 440, Screwed Each 1.45 1.45 1.65 2,05 2.80 3.70 5.00 Size Inches 2 2 1 A 3 VA 4 5 6 No. 440, Screwed Each 7.30 13.00 19.00 43.00 58.00 110.00 165 . 00 No. 441, Flanged Each 25.00 33.00 39.00 68.00 83.00 135.00 190 .00 Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 6 7 7 l /2 8 1 A 9 10 11 Face to Face, Flanged . Inches 5^ 6 6M VA 7 9M 10% Note. The 3H to 6 inch Valves have flanged bonnet, non-rising stems, and are made to order. These Valves are constructed with Parallel Seats and the bearing of the Wedge being central, it acts uniformly on all parts of the discs; consequently, it will force the discs to their seats and have an equal bearing on all parts. Templates for drilling, page 649. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 47 STANDARD GATE VALVES BRASS DOUBLE WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT BRASS SEATS RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Size Inches H y* x 1.65 H 2.05 1 1* l l /2 2 2Y 2 3 Price Each 1.45 1.45 2.80 3.70 5.00 7.30 13.00 19.00 These Valves are a heavier type than the No. 440 Valves. They are made with Taper instead of Parallel Seats and the self-adjusting Discs which have their bearings near the outer edge, give maximum strength at these essential points and bring the discs tightly and uniformly to their seats. 48 CRANE CO. STANDARD GATE VALVES BRASS DOUBLE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS No. 446 NO. 444 WOOD WHEEL Size Inches H H 1 \% l 1 /^ 2 Price, Rough Body, Plain . . . Each 2.00 2.55 3.40 4.50 6.00 8.90 Price, Rough Body, Plated all over Each 2.40 3.00 3.85 5.00 6.60 9.65 Price, Finished all over Each 3.30 4.00 5.10 6.75 9.00 13.90 Price, Finished and Plated all over Each 3.70 4.50 5.60 7.35 9.70 14.80 NO. 446 WOOD WHEEL WITH UNION Size Inches H M 1 IK 1H 2 Price, Rough Body, Plain . . . Each 3.20 3.75 4.65 6.00 8.25 11.90 Price, Rough Body, Plated all over Each 3.65 4.25 5.20 6.60 9.00 12.80 NO. 448 FINISHED BRASS WHEEL Size Inches X H 1 1H IK 2 2V 3 Price, Rough Body, Plain.Each 2.90 3.30 4.65 5.85 7.60 10.60 16.70 24.30 Price, Finished all over. . .Each 4.15 4.60 4.80 5.30 6.35 8.10 10.60 15.60 24.00 35.00 Price, Finished and Plated all over. Each 6.95 8.80 11.40 16.50 25.25 36.75 These Valves are made to order only. Can be furnished with Lock and Shield when so ordered, at a special price. These Valves are the same type as the No. 440 Valves shown page 46, CRANE CO. 49 SLIDING STEM GATE VALVES QUICK OPENING DOUBLE GATE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS No. 442 Size Inches K 1 IK IV?, 2 2Y?, 3 No. 442, Screwed Each 3.60 4.80 6.20 8.50 11.80 20.25 30.00 These Valves are of a heavy pattern and, like No. 440, have parallel seats. The winged nut at top of stem, locks the disc at any desired opening. 50 CRANE CO. STANDARD GATE VALVES ,S DOUBLE WEDGE GATE QUICK OPENING FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 442^ WITH TAPER SEATS Size Inches H 1 \% 1H 2 2H 3 No. 442H, Screwed Each 3.60 4.80 6.20 8.50 11.80 20.25 30.00 These Valves are so constructed that the discs can not bind or stick when installed in any position. These Valves are made screwed only. CRANE CO. 51 DOUBLE DISC STANDARD BRASS GATE VALVES NON-RISING STEM PARALLEL SEAT FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS No. 449 Size Inches % 1 \% 1H 2 2^ 3 Price Each 2.05 2.80 3.70 5.00 7.30 13.00 19.00 Flanged Valves, also Valves with British Standard Threads, will be made to order at special prices, according to sizes and quantities required. 52 CRANE CO. HEAVY STANDARD GATE VALVES BRASS WITH GLAND WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS NO. 437 Size Inches 5 H 1 A X 1 1 1 A 1H 2 2y 2 3 No. 437, Screwed... Bach 1.45 1.45 1.65 2.05 2.80 3.70 5.00 7.30 13.00 19.00 No. 437^, Flanged.. Each 10.25 12.00 15.00 25.00 33.00 39.00 Face to Face, Flanged . . Ins. 3H 3^ 4^ 5 1 A 6H 7^ Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 4 4^ 5 6 7 7y 2 May be packed while under pressure; to do so have Valve wide open. To our extensive line of Valves the No. 437 and No. 437 }4 Heavy Standard Gate Valves have been added. These are of ampler pro- portions and greater weight than Standard Valves. We have subjected these Valves to hydraulic pressures ranging from 700 to 3,000 pounds, with Valves closed and pressure against the discs, without leaking, and with Valves open we have tested the bodies to pressures ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 pounds without leaking, but they are not recommended for more than the working pressure specified as it is not only a question of the Valves withstanding the higher pressures, but also the strain of expansion and contraction, the weight of piping, settling, and the cutting effects of the steam on the seats and disc. Templates for drilling, page 649. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 53 MEDIUM GATE VALVE CRANE SPECIAL BRASS WEDGE GATE WITH GLAND FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS NO. 458. NON-RISING STEM, SCREWED NO. 459. RISING STEM, SCREWED WITH OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE Size Inches H i 1 1H \H 2 2^ 3 No. 458, Screwed. .Each 2.75 3.25 4.50 6.00 8.00 13.00 20.00 32.50 No. 459, Screwed. . .Each 8.75 10.25 12.00 15.00 22.00 32 .OG The No. 458 Non-Rising Stem Valves are of a heavy pattern, but otherwise they are similar in construction to our No. 438 Straight-Way Wedge Gate Valves, as shown and described on pages 43 and 44. They may be packed while under pressure; to do so, have Valve wide open. The No. 459 with Outside Screw and Yoke and Rising Stem is the type of Valve approved by the Underwriters and required by many local governments, on certain classes of work. They will come into general use when their merits are recognized. 54 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES CRANE SPECIAL BRASS sWITH GLAND WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 8OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 35O POUNDS NO. 66 E Size Inches Ys H 5.00 3 /l 6.00 1 IK IK 2 2 1 A 3 No. 66 E, Screwed, Each 4.00 8.00 11.25 16.50 23.00 40.00 65.00 No. 67 E, Flanged, Each 16.00 21.50 30.00 41.00 65.00 100.00 Diam. Flanges. .Inches VA 5 6 VA 7K 8M Face to Pace Flanged .... Inches 4^ 4& 5A 61% lYs 8^r THESE VALVES ARE MADE EXTRA HEAVY IN ALL PARTS AND ARE ESPE- CIALLY DESIGNED FOR EXTREME HIGH PRESSURE STEAM WORK. ALL OF THE BRASS PARTS ARE MADE OF " CRANE SPECIAL BRASS," THE MERITS OF WHICH ARE FULLY DESCRIBED ON PAGE B. These Valves can be furnished with Hard Metal Body and Wedge Gate, as illustrated on page 56. These Valves may be packed when wide open and under pressure. Templates for drilling, page 649. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 55 EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES CRANE SPECIAL BRASS OPEN TO LEFT WITH GLAND WEDGE GATE OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 500 FAHRENHEIT TESTED TO 80O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 35O POUNDS NO. 68 E Size Inches % 1 1 1 A 1H 2 No. 68 E, Screwed Each 10.00 13.00 17.00 23.00 35.00 No. 69 E, Flanged Each 16.00 21.00 27.00 39.00 55.00 Gate Valves with outside screw and yoke and rising stem are being more generally used as their merits are becoming recognized. This type of Valve has been approved by the Underwriters and is required by many local governments on certain classes of work. Templates for drilling, page 649. Price List for drilling, page 152. 56 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC GATE VALVES HARD METAL WITH GLAND WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM RECOMMENDED FOR 350 POUNDS SATURATED STEAM 250 POUNDS SUPERHEATED STEAM WITH TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 7OO FAHR. FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 800 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 8OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE Size Inches Y2 H 1 IX m 2 Price Each 7.50 9.00 12.00 15.50 22.50 34.50 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. THE BODY AND WEDGE GATE OF THESE VALVES ARE MADE OF "HARD METAL." ALL OTHER PARTS (EXCEPT WH EEL) ARE MADE OF "CRANE SPECIAL BRASS." THE MERITS OF THESE METALS ARE FULLY DESCRIBED ON PAGE B. These Valves may be packed when wide open and under pressure. When larger sizes are wanted we recommend our Extra Heavy Hydraulic Ferrosteel Gate Valves, as shown on page 156. CRANE CO. 57 RADIATOR VALVES FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES WE ILLUSTRATE A FULL VARIETY OF RADIATOR VALVES. WHICH WE BELIEVE IS SUFFICIENT TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE TRADE. 58 CRANE CO. RADIATOR VALVES WITH COMPOSITION DISCS WOOD WHEEL Right Hand on Bottom No. 112 WITH UNION Size Inches H */4 1 IK IH 2 No. 112, Roiih Body, Plated all over. . Each 3.15 3.80 4.75 6.40 8.10 13.10 We do not furnish the above Valves with Female Outlet. Finished and Finished and Plated Valves will be made to order at a special price. These Valves will satisfactorily answer the purpose where the jobs are small and the steam pressure is low. Still, for the small difference in cost, we recommend the use of our Standard Valve, which is heavier and is really a good article. The Disc Holder in these Valves is the size of Jenkins Standard Disc, and is so constructed that the Disc may readily be replaced. CRANE CO. 59 CORNER RADIATOR VALVES WITH COMPOSITION DISCS WOOD WHEEL Inlet Right Hand Thread Inlet Right Hand Thread LEFT HAND RIGHT HAND No. 113, WITH UNION Size Inches M 3 4 1 IK 1H 2 No. 113, Rough Body Plated all over . .Each 3.45 4.20 5.25 7.05 8.95 14.45 We do not furnish the above Valves with Female Outlet. Fin- ished and Finished and Plated Valves will be made to order at a special price. In ordering Corner Radiator Valves, state whether Right Hand or Left Hand Valves are wanted. Both openings have right hand thread. These Valves will satisfactorily answer the purpose where the jobs are small and the steam pressure is low. Still, for the small difference in cost, we recommend the use of our Standard Valve, which is heavier and is really a good article. The Disc Holder in these Valves is the size of Jenkins Standard Disc, and is so constructed that the Disc may readily be replaced. 60 CRANE CO. STANDARD RADIATOR VALVES WITH JENKINS STANDARD DISC WOOD WHEEL Right Hand on Side Right Hand on Bottom NOS. 124, 126 AND 128 WITH UNION Size Inches 3 4 1 IK iy?. 2 No. 124, Rough Body .Plated all over Each 3.90 4.70 6.25 8.15 13.00 No. 126, Finished all over Each 4.00 4.80 6.40 8.75 13.85 No. 128, Finished and Plated all over Each 4.40 5.20 6.80 9.15 14.25 To facilitate ordering: Simply state size and number; the number sufficiently indicates the style and finish. Finished Valves and Finished and Plated Valves are made to order only. CRANE CO. 61 STANDARD CORNER RADIATOR VALVES WITH JENKINS STANDARD DISC WOOD WHEEL Inlet Right Hand Thread LEFT HAND VALVE WITH UNION NOS. 144, 146 AND 148 Size Inches H i 1 T, lYz 2 No. 144, Rough Body, Plated all over. . . .Each 3.45 4.25 5.15 6.95 8.95 14.25 No. 146, Finished all over Each 3.60 4.40 5.30 7.05 9.65 15.25 No. 148, Finished and Plated all over. . .Each 3.90 4.80 5.70 7.45 10.05 15.66 THESE VALVES ARE MADE RIGHT HAND AND LEFT HAND AS SHOWN PAGE 59 In ordering, always give Valve numbers and sizes, and state whether Right Hand or Left Hand Valves are wanted. Finished Valves and Finished and Plated Valves are made to order only. 62 CRANE CO. STANDARD OFFSET RADIATOR VALVES WITH JENKINS STANDARD DISC WOOD WHEEL NOS. 164, 166 AND 168, WITH UNION OUTLET Size . Inches % 1 IK 1^2 2 No. 164, Rough Body, Plated all over . Each 4.25 5.15 6.95 8.95 14.25 No. 166, Finished all over Each 4.40 5.30 7.05 9.65 15.25 No. 168, Finished and Plated all over. Each 4.80 5.70 7.45 10.05 15.65 These Valves are made to order only. To facilitate ordering: Simply state size and number; the number sufficiently indicates the style and finish. CRANE CO. 63 GOVERNMENT PATTERN HEAVY RADIATOR VALVES WITH JENKINS STANDARD DISC WOOD WHEEL Right Hand on Bottom Nos. 67 G, 68 G AND 69 G WITH UNION Size Inches % % 1 VA 1 1 A 2 No. 67 G, Rough Body, Plated all over. Each 3.15 3.90 4.70 6.25 8.15 13.00 No. 68 G, Finished all over Each 3.20 4.00 4.40 4.80 5.20 6.40 6.80 8.75 13.85 No. 69 G, Finished and Plated all over. Each 3.60 9.15 14.25 Lock and Shield Valves furnished at same price. Keys Extra. These Valves are heavier than our Standard Pattern Radiator Valves. They are especially adapted for use in large buildings, or where a heavier type Valve is necessary or desirable. They are capable of standing greater strain in connecting up and more severe service in their application, where extreme variations exist in expansion and contraction. To facilitate ordering: Simply state size and number; the number sufficiently indicates the style and finish. Finished Valves and Finished and Plated Valves are made to order only. 64 CRANE CO. GOVERNMENT PATTERN HEAVY CORNER RADIATOR VALVES WITH JENKINS STANDARD DISC WOOD WHEEL LEFT HAND VALVE Nos. 145 G, 147 G AND 149 G WITH UNION THESE VALVES ARE MADE RIGHT HAND AND LEFT HAND Size Inches % 3 4 1 IK iy?, 2 No. 145 G, Rough Body.Plated all over.Each 3.45 4.25 5.15 6.95 8.95 14.25 No. 147 G, Finished all over Each 3.60 4.40 5.30 7.05 9.65 15.25 No. 149 G, Finished and Plated all over.Each 3.90 4.80 5.70 7.45 10.05 15.65 Lock and Shield Valves furnished at same price. Keys Extra. All the above Valves are heavier than our Standard Pattern Radia- tor Valves. They are especially adapted for use in large buildings, or where a heavier type Valve is necessary or desirable. They are capable of standing greater strain in connecting up and more severe service in their application, where extreme variations exist in expansion and contraction. In ordering, always give Valve number and size, and state whether Right Hand or Left Hand Valves are wanted. Finished Valves and Finished and Plated Valves are made to order only. CRANE CO. 65 CRANE STANDARD SELF-ADJUSTED PACKED STEAM OR VACUUM SYSTEM RADIATOR VALVES JENKINS DISC RISING STEM (PATENTED) No. 220 WITH UNION Size Inches M X 1 l 1 ^ m 2 No. 220, Rough Body, Plated all over. . .Each 3.15 3.90 4.70 6.25 8.15 13.00 The illustration shows at "A" the Crane Patent Stop which is a part of the center piece casting and a lug on the stem of the Valve. These parts, coming in contact when the Valve is wide open, pre- vent the jamming of the disc against the center piece. The auxiliary spring at "B" automatically takes care of any shrinkage in the Jenkins disc, and prevents leaks when the Valve is closed. These Valves have been thoroughly tested by being connected up under high pressure steam and opened and closed equal to ten years service without showing a leak. As these Valves are generally used on low pressure steam this test is all the more convincing. Finished Valves and Finished and Plated Valves will be made to order at a special price. 66 CRANE CO. CRANE STANDARD SELF-ADJUSTED PACKED STEAM OR VACUUM SYSTEM RADIATOR VALVES JENKINS DISC RISING STEM (PATENTED) CORNER VALVES No. 222 LEFT HAND, WITH UNION NO. 222 RIGHT HAND, WITH UNION Size Inches v-> 3 /i 1 IK 6.95 IV?, 2 No. 222, Rough Body, Plated all over . . Each 3.45 4.25 5.15 8.95 14.25 These Valves have been thoroughly tested by being connected up under high pressure steam and opened and closed equal to ten years service without showing a leak. As these Valves are generally used on low pressure steam this test is all the more convincing. In ordering, state whether Right Hand or Left Hand Corner Valves are wanted. Finished Valves and Finished and Plated Valves will be made to order at a special price. CRANE CO. 67 HOT WATER RADIATOR VALVES BRASS UNION ELBOWS FOR HOT WATER RADIATORS NOS. 192, 194, 196 NO. 174 BOTH OPENINGS R. H. RADIATOR VALVE Size Inches v?, H 1 1W IV? 2 No. 174, Rough Body, Plated all over .Each 2.40 2.85 3.65 5.05 7.10 10.85 These Valves have a brass plate with an arrow fitted at top of wheel which indicates whether the Valve is open or closed. It is open when the arrow points in the direction of the side opening of Valve ; a quarter turn closes it. The construction of the Valve is such that there is no obstruction, the full area of the pipe being maintained. A By-pass in the disc insures continuous circulation when the Valve is closed, thereby preventing freezing. To facilitate ordering: Simply state size and number; the number indicates the style and finish. UNION ELBOW Size Inches % Z /4 t IK IV?. 2 No. 192, Rough Body, Plated all over .Each 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.20 4.00 7.00 To facilitate ordering, simply state size and number; the number sufficiently indicates the style and finish. 68 CRANE CO. LOCK AND SHIELD RADIATOR VALVES WITH COMPOSITION OR JENKINS DISC Any of our Radiator Valves, as shown on pages 58 to 64, can be made with Lock and Shield, when so ordered, at same price. In describing kind wanted, give Valve numbers, using words "Lock and Shield." Keys extra as per list prices below. KEYS FOR LOCK AND SHIELD VALVES ^W No. 198 ^& No. 199 No. 200 Plated *No. 198 Each .70 *No. 199 Each 1.00 *No. 200 Each .25 *See table below showing various Lock and Shield Valves these keys will fit. Size of Valve Inches No. 48 Nos. 112-113 Nos. 124-144 126-146 128-148 Nos. 67G-145G 68G-147G 69G-149G Nos. 220-222 % 200 1 A 200 200 198 198 198 X 198 198 198 198 198 l 198 198 198 198-199 198 IX 198-199 198 198-199 198-199 198-199 VA 198-199 198-199 198-199 199 198-199 2 199 198-199 199 199 199 CRANE CO. 69 BRASS MODULATING RADIATOR VALVES WITH UNION SELF-ADJUSTING PACKED STUFFING BOX (PATENTED) NO. 231. Size ............................................ Inches| \ 1 I 1 1 A Price, Rough Body, Plated all over ............ Each| 3.15| 3.90 4.70 6.25 These Valves allow control of the steam flow to each radiator of a heating plant. These Valves may be adjusted to give the required maximum opening, without dismantling the Valve. The amount of steam passing through the Valve depends on the area of the opening. By turning the handle the Valve may be opened by degrees according to requirements. An indicator on the top of the Valve shows the exact opening at which the Valve is set at all times. Special shaped guides control the area of the opening, corresponding to the markings on the indicator. It is a well-known fact that any Valve used to throttle steam will soon leak on account of the cutting action at the seat. The construction of these Valves is such that the seat is not exposed to the action of the steam, is self -cleaning, insuring a complete shut- off and a longer life to the Valve. The throttling lip prevents the lodging of foreign matter on the seat. These Valves are placed at the top of the radiator, are of a compact design and have a pleasing appearance. The Valves are nickel plated, the finished parts polished and are supplied with a polished rosewood handle. 70 CRANE CO. ACCESSORIES FOR MODULATING HEATING SYSTEMS No. 39 ANGLE CHECK VALVE WITH UNION No. 8 HOFFMAN RETURN LINE VALVE Size Inches % No. 39, Rough, not Plated Each 3.55 No. 39, Rough, Plated Each 3.85 No. 8, Hoffman Each 6.00 The No. 39 Angle Check Valve is of the regrinding type, has large areas and no complicated parts. The No. 8 Hoffman can also be furnished in the corner pattern at an advanced price. No. 1165V POP VALVE Size Inches 1 IX m 2 2 l /2 3 Price Each 6.00 6.75 8.25 11.25 26.00 37.50 The No. 1165 V Pop Valve is especially ground at the seat so as to be tight under steam pressure or vacuum. CRANE CO. 71 AUTOMATIC AIR VALVES AIR VENT VALVES A I No. 1 A No. 1 HOFFMAN SIPHON AIR VALVE No. 4 HOFFMAN JUNIOR QUICK VENT AIR VALVE Size Inches 1 A l 0 Cfl 4y 2 JfK t'K 5 or or 6 7 8 10 12 NO. 363. FLANGED Size Inches 3 3V S 4 4H 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price Each 20.00 25.00 28.50 36.00 41.00 54.00 85.00 100.00 175.00 265.00 19 Diameter of Flanges.. Inches. 7H 8y 2 9 934 10 11 12^/2 13H 16 Pace to Pace, Flanges. Inches 9y ioy 2 \VA 12 13 14 16 17 20 24 For general dimensions, see page 657. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 103 STANDARD GLOBE, ANGLE AND CROSS VALVES IRON BODY BRASS MOUNTED FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Size . . Inches 2 m 3 No. 354, Globe, Screwed . . .Each 5.40 7.35 9.80 No. 355, Globe, Flanged . . .Each 7.00 9.00 12.50 No. 356, Angle, Screwed ...Each 5.40 7.35 9.80 No. 357, Angle, Flanged No 364 Cross Screwed . . .Each 7.00 6cr 9.00 9 (\O 12.50 1 o CA No. 365, Cross, Flanged . . .Each 9.00 11.75 16.50 Face to Face, Flanged, Globe and Cross. . . . . Inches 8 8^ $ 1 A Center to Face, Flanged, Angle and Cross . . . . Inches 4 4M 4% Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 6 7 7 l /2 ALL IRON IMOS. 348 GLOBE AND 349 ANGLE Size Inches H % 1 1H 1H 2 2>/ 2 3 Price, Screwed Each 3.60 3.85 5.70 6.00 6.60 7.50 9.40 12.50 Specify clearly, when ALL IRON Valves are wanted. Otherwise, Brass Mounted Valves will always be furnished. For general dimensions, see page 657. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 104 CRANE CO. JENKINS DISC GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES IRON BODY WITH YOKE BRASS TRIMMINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Renewable Jenkins Disc Easily Taken Oat and Replaced No. 359 Size Inches 2 1 A 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 No. 358, Globe or Angle, Screwed. Each 12.00 16.75 19.50 24.00 32 .00 40.00 No. 359, Globe or Angle, Flanged. Each 14.00 18.50 21.50 26.00 34.00 42.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 No. 358, Globe or Angle, Screwed. Each 48.00 80.00 90.00 130.00 185 . 00 No. 359, Globe or Angle, Flanged. Each 50.00 80.00 90.00 130.00 185.00 Valves 7 inch and larger have steel stem, plated; smaller sizes, brass stem. In ordering, specify whether Globe or Angle Valves are wanted, otherwise Globe Valves will be furnished. When Valves are wanted for cold water, they will be furnished with Jenkins Soft Disc, at same price. Valves for air will be made to order with Jenkins Soft Disc at a special price. For general dimensions, see page 659. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. For extra Jenkins Soft Discs, see page 105. CRANE CO. 105 JENKINS DISC GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES IRON BODY BRASS MOUNTED FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURE UP TO 125 POUNDS Renewable Jenkins Disc Easily Taken Out and Replaced Size . . . Inches 2 V/2 3 No. 360, Globe or Angle, Screwed Each 7.25 11.00 16.00 In ordering, specify whether Globe or Angle Valves are wanted, otherwise Globe Valves will be furnished. When Valves are wanted for cold water, they will be furnished with Jenkins Soft Disc, at same price. Valves for air will be furnished with Jenkins Soft Disc at a special price. These Valves are made with screwed ends only. For general dimensions, see page 659. EXTRA JENKINS DISCS Size Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 4H Price Each .36 .48 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price Each 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 4.50 5.00 106 CRANE CO. MEDIUM GLOBE, ANGLE AND CROSS VALVES FERROSTEEL BODY WITH YOKE CRANE SPECIAL BRASS SEATS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 175 POUNDS NO. 341 . GLOBE VALVE The demand for Medium Valves suitable for steam working pressures between our Standard and Extra Heavy, is so frequent that we have been induced to make a complete line of patterns to meet the require- ments of this trade. The Body of these Valves, all sizes, is made of Ferrosteel. The Yoke is made of Ferrosteel in sizes 8 inch and larger. In Medium Valves the Stem in sizes 2 to 5 inch is made of brass and larger sizes of steel, plated. The stuffing box flange on all Valves having a steel stem is made of Malleable Iron with a brass follower, which gives additional strength and durability to these parts. THESE VALVES MAY BE PACKED WHILE UNDER PRESSURE; TO DO SO, OPEN THE VALVE WIDE UNTIL THE DISC NUT FORMS A JOINT BY CONTACT WITH THE LOWER FACE OF BONNET FLANGE. Unless otherwise specified, we will always furnish our Extra Heavy and Medium Flanged Valves, also our Extra Heavy Companion Flanges and Flanged Fittings, with A inch raised face, for which we make no extra charge. This style of facing will hold any gasket, and is especially necessary where a thin corrugated copper gasket is used, as this gasket draws down to 3Jj inch or less and the heavy bolting would (without the raised face) spring the flanges until the edges touch, without putting sufficient pres- sure upon the gasket. THE MERITS OF CRANE FERROSTEEL ARE DESCRIBED ON PAGE B CRANE CO. 107 MEDIUM GLOBE VALVES WITH YOKE CRANE SPECIAL BRASS SEATS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 175 POUNDS No. 341 BP Size Inches 2 2 1 A 3 3^ 4 4H No. 340, Screwed Each 13.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 35.00 No. 341, Flanged Each 15.00 18.00 23.00 28.00 33.00 40.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 10 12 No. 340, Screwed Each 42.00 50.00 80.00 90.00 135.00 190.00 No. 341, Flanged Each 47.00 55.00 85.00 95.00 145.00 200.00 ]No. 341 BP, Flanged, with By-Pass.. Each 85.00 115.00 125.00 195.00 250.00 We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. The By-Pass on Globe Valves is located on the right hand side look- ing at the inlet end, that is, the end with the passage under the disc. It is desirable that all Valves 6 inch and larger have a By-Pass. In ordering, always specify the style number of Valve wanted. For general dimensions, see page 661. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. 108 CRANE CO. MEDIUM ANGLE VALVES FERROSTEEL BODY WITH YOKE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 175 POUNDS NO. 343 No. 343 BP Size Inches 2 VA 3 3 1 A 4 4H No. 342, Screwed Each 13.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 35.00 No. 343. Flanged Each 15.00 18.00 23.00 28.00 33.00 40.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 10 12 No. 342, Screwed Each 42.00 50.00 80.00 90.00 135.00 190.00 No. 343, Flanged Each 47.00 55.00 85.00 95.00 145.00 200.00 No. 343 BP, Flanged, with By-Pass. .Each 85.00 115.00 125.00 195.00 250.00 We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. The By-Pass on Angle Valves is located on the back, that is, opposite the outlet. It is desirable that all Valves 6 inch and larger have a By-Pass. In ordering, always specify the style number of Valve wanted. For general dimensions, see page 661. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 109 MEDIUM CROSS VALVES FERROSTEEL BODY WITH YOKE CRANE SPECIAL BRASS SEATS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 175 POUNDS NO. 345 No. 345 BP Size Inches VA 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 No. 344, Screwed Each 22.00 27.00 32.00 37.00 45.00 54.00 No. 345, Flanged Each 25.00 31.00 37.00 43.00 52.00 60.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 No. 344, Screwed Each 65.00 100.00 115.00 185.00 260.00 No. 345, Flanged Each 72.00 107.00 122.00 195.00 275.00 No. 345 BP, Flanged, with By-Pass.. Each 102.00 137.00 152.00 245.00 325,00 We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. It is desirable that all Valves 6 inch and larger have a By-Pass. In ordering, always specify the style number of Valve wanted. For general dimensions, see page 661. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. 110 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY GLOBE, ANGLE AND CROSS VALVES FERROSTEEL WITH YOKE HARD METAL SEATS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 80O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH No. 21 E GLOBE VALVE THESE VALVES MAY BE PACKED WHILE UNDER PF OPEN THE VALVE WIDE UNTIL THE DISC NUT FORMS WITH THE LOWER FACE OF BONNET FLANGE. :SSURE; TO DO so, JOINT BY CONTACT Unless otherwise specified, we will always furnish our Extra Heavy and Medium Flanged Valves, also our Extra Heavy Companion Flanges and Flanged Fittings, with ^ inch raised face, for which we make no extra charge. This style of facing will hold any gasket, and is especially necessary where a thin corrugated copper gasket is used. This gasket draws down to -& inch or less and the heavy bolting would otherwise spring the flanges until the edges touch, without putting sufficient pressure upon the gasket. CRANE CO. 111 EXTRA HEAVY GLOBE, ANGLE AND CROSS VALVES FERROSTEEL WITH YOKE HARD METAL SEATS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS These Valves are tested to 800 pounds hydraulic pressure per square inch with Valve open, and are also tested with the Valve closed and the pressure under the disc to 300 pounds hydraulic pressure. We have at various times subjected them to a hydraulic pressure with the Valve closed and the pressure under the disc as follows : Size: 2 1 /to3inch. 4 to 5 inch. 6 inch. 8 to 10 inch. 12 inch. Tight at : 1500 pounds 1200 pounds 800 pounds 500 pounds 300 pounds It will be seen that some sizes of these Valves will not stand the full pressure of 800 pounds under the discs. This we consider unnecessary, as there are never any unusual strains affecting this part of the Valve. Actual Bursting Pressures of Extra Heavy Actual Bursting Pressures of Ferrosteel Cast Iron Globe, Angle and Eitra Heavy Globe, Angle and Cross Valves Cross Valves Sizes 4 to 6 inch 10 and 12 inch 14 inch Pounds Sizes 2400 to 3000 4 to 6 inch 1200 to 1450 10 and 12 inch 1400 14 inch Pounds 3200 to 4000 1550 to 1800 O. K. at 1500 THE BODY AND YOKE OF EXTRA HEAVY VALVES ARE MADE OF FERROSTEEL The above table of comparative destructive Hydraulic tests will be useful as a guidance to engineers in adopting a factor of safety applicable to varying conditions. The factor of safety used by us is conservatively high, but it is not only a question of the goods standing the pressure, but also standing the strains of expansion, contraction, settling, weight of piping and water hammer; also the cutting effect of the steam, as the destruction of the seat of a Valve which renders it necessary to renew a Valve in a large plant is a very serious matter. Hence it follows that the brass used in all these Valves should be and is, of a superior quality. A really good ar- ticle is now furnished so cheap that there is no economy in using an inferior quality. CONSTRUCTION The body of this Valve is very heavy, and has large and free openings. The seat in the body is made extra heavy of hard metal^ and has our Improved Bridge to guide the swivel disc. The swivel disc is made with a guide. Sizes up to 3*4 inch are made extra heavy of solid hard metal. The larger sizes, 4 inch and upward, are made very heavy of Cast Iron, with hard metal facing, thereby making the disc very rigid. The combination of the guide on the disc and the bridge on the seat ensures the square seating of the disc, and also prevents the rattling of the disc caused by the pulsation of the steam passing through a partly open Valve. The liability of the seat and disc in a Valve subjected to extreme steam pressure being cut or wire-drawn, makes it necessary to use the very best metal that can be made for these parts. Hard Metal is the very best material that can be made to stand the wea^r which the seats of these valves are subjected to. If desired we can furnish these Valves with the Crane Removable Copper Disc at a special price. THESE VALVES ARE FITTED WITH OUR IMPROVED DISC NUT, WHICH EN- ABL.ES THE VALVES TO BE PACKED WHEN OPEN WITHOUT STEAM ESCAPING. The stem in all sizes is made of Steel, and plated, and the stuffing box flange is made of Malleable Iron, with a brass follower, which gives additional strength and durability to these parts. The wheel is very large in order to enable the operator to get a good leverage in thoroughly closing the Valve. 112 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY GLOBE VALVES FERROSTEEL WITH YOKE HARD METAL SEATS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25O POUNDS TESTED TO 8OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH NO. 21 E Size Inches 2 2^ 3 3J/2 4 4^ 5 No. 20 E, Screwed Each 26.00 33 00 37.00 42.00 46.00 56.00 61.00 No. 21 E, Flanged Each 27.50 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 60.00 65.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 No. 20 E, Screwed Each 75.00 95.00 114.00 190 00 No. 21 E, Flanged Each 80.00 100.00 120.00 200.00 No. 27 E, Flanged, with By-Pass. Each 110.00 130.00 150.00 250.00 350.00 450.00 450.00 We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. The By-Pass on Globe Valves is located on the right hand side look- ing at the inlet end, that is, the end with the passage under the disc. It is desirable that all Valves 6 inch and larger have a By-Pass. In ordering, always specify the style number of Valve wanted. For general dimensions, see page 663. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY ANGLE VALVES FEPROSTEEL WITH YOKE HARD METAL SEATS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 80O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH No. 23 E Size Inches 2 2^ 3 3H 4 4^ 5 No. 22 E, Screwed Each 26.00 33.00 37.00 42.00 46.00 56.00 61.00 No. 23 E, Flanged Each 27.50 35.00 40.00 45.00 SO.OOj 60.00 65.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12~1 14 15 No. 22 E, Screwed Each 75.00 95.00 114.00 190:00 No. 23 E, Flanged Each 80.00 100.00 120.00 200.00 No. 29 E, Flanged, with By-Pass. Each 110.00 130.00 150.00 250.00 350.00 450.00 450.00 We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. The By-Pass on Angle Valves is located on the back, that is, oppo- site the outlet. It is desirable that all Valves, 6 inch and larger, have a By-Pass. In ordering, always specify the style number of Valve wanted. For general dimensions, see page 663. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. 1 14 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CROSS VALVES FERROSTEEL WITH YOKE HARD METAL SEATS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 8OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH NO. 25 E Size Inches 2 WL 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 No. 24 E, Screwed Each 33.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 70.00 75.00 No. 25 E, Flanged Each 35.00 43.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 75.00 80.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 No. 24 E, Screwed Each 95.00 120.00 145.00 240.00 No. 25 E, Flanged Each 100.00 125.00 150.00 250.00 No. 31 E, Flanged, with By-Pass. Each 130.00 155.00 180.00 300.00 425 . 00 550.00 550.00 We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. It is desirable that all Valves, 6 inch and larger, have a By-Pass. In ordering, always specify the style number of Valve wanted. For general dimensions, see page 663. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 115 STANDARD HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVES IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 367 NO. 366 SCREWED Size Inches 2 2y 2 3 3H 4 4H 5 6 Price Each 3.60 6.50 8.90 12.25 14.25 19.00 22.00 30.00 NO. 367 FLANGED Size Inches 3 4 5 6 7 Price Each 11.50 18.00 26.00 35.00 50.00 Diam. Flanges Inches $Vz Wz 11^ 9 10 11 12Y Z Size Inches 8 10 12 14 15 Price Each 62.00 115.00 175.00 300.00 Pace to Face Inches 17 20 24 28 30 Diam. Flanges Inches 13^ 16 19 21 22& Sizes 3 inch and smaller are furnished with a brass cap, which is screwed into the body. Sizes 3 l / 2 inch and larger are furnished with an iron cap bolted to the body. Larger sizes made to order at a special price. For general dimensions, see page 664. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 1 16 CRANE CO. STANDARD VERTICAL CHECK VALVES IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS No. 369 No. 368. SCREWED Size Inches 2* 3 3%. 4 Price Each 9.50 12.50 17.00 21.00 Size Inches *K 5 6 Price Each 30.00 33.00 40.00 No. 369. FLANGED Size Inches 6 7 8 10 Price Each 45.00 67.00 78.00 135.00 Face to Face Inches 14 16 17 20 Diameter of Flanges 12H 13*4 16 Vertical Check Valves are furnished in all sizes with bolted cap. For general dimensions, see page 664. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 1 17 STANDARD SWING CHECK VALVES WITH BRASS OR LEATHER DISC BRASS SEAT FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS. ABOVE 16 INCH UP TO 100 POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A MAY BE USED IN HORIZONTAL POSITION OR FOR UPWARD FLOW Size Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 4^ 5 No. 372, Screwed, with Brass Disc. . .Each 11 .00 1 2.00 13.50 17.50 20.00 26.00 30.00 No. 373, Flanged, with Brass Disc. . .Each 13 .00 1 4.50 17.00 21.00 24.00 30.00 34.00 Add for Leather Disc Each 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 No. 374, Hub, with Leather Disc .... Each 19.00 27.00 38.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 6 7 V*/2 8X2 9 9M 10 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 14 No. 372, Screwed, with Brass Disc. . .Each 36.00 55.00 70.00 110.00 160.00 No. 373, Flanged, with Brass Disc. . .Each 41.00 60.00 75.00 115.00 168.00 340.00 Add for Leather Disc Each 4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 12.00 No. 374, Hub, with Leather Disc .... Each 45.00 82.50 125.00 185.00 340.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 11 12H 13^2 16 19 21 Size Inches 15 16 18 20 24 30 No. 373, Flanged, with Brass Disc . . . Each 400.00 450.00 600.00 700.00 1000.00 1650.00 No. 374, Hub, with Leather Disc. . . . Each 450.00 600.00 700.00 1000.00 1650.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 22M 23^ 25 WA 32 38^ Swing Check Valves, Screwed and Flanged, for COLD Water, preferably should have LEATHER discs. F9r hot water or steam, brass discs should be used. Unless otherwise specified on order, Screwed and Flanged Swing Check Valves will be furnished with brass discs, and Hub End Swing Check Valves with leather discs. Valves made to order with By-Pass. Prices on application. Hub End Check Valves may be used for the same water working pressures as recommended for Hub End Gate Valves, page 132. For general dimensions, see page 664. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 118 CRANE CO. STANDARD CLEARWAY SWING CHECK VALVES IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE, UNDERWRITERS' PATTERN FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS TESTED TO 3OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH Size Inches 2^ 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 No. 375, Flanged. . .Each 14.50 17.00 24.00 34.00 41.00 75.00 115.00 168.00 No. 374H, Screwed .Each 14.50 17.00 24.00 34.00 41.00 75.00 115.00 168.00 No. 375H.HubEnd.Each 14.50 17.00)24.00 34.00 41.00 75.00 115.00 168.00 Add for Leather Disc .... Each 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 12.00 These Valves are designed in accordance with the rules and require- ments of the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. Valves are marked "CU" to denote their use for fire protection service. Furnished in Flanged, Screwed and Hub End Patterns as required, and with BRASS FACED or LEATHER FACED discs as specified. Unless otherwise specified, BRASS FACED DISCS will be furnished. These Valves are provided with bosses that may be tapped for by- pass when desired. CRANE CO. 119 STANDARD FOOT VALVES IRON BODY WITH STRAINER BRASS SEAT RING BRASS CLAPPER STYLE, SIZES 2 INCH TO 6 INCH STYLE, SIZES 7 AND 8 INCH NO. 394H Size Inches Price No. 394 H Screwed Each Price No. 395 H Flanged Each Largest 0. D. No. 394 ^ Inches Total Height No. 394M Inches Largest 0. D. No. 3953^ Inches Total Height No. 395^ Inches Diameter Flanges Inches 2 10.00 5H 5^ 6 5^ 6 2MJ 11.00 6% 6^ 7 e 3 ^ 7 3 12.00 13.00 7 6 3 /4 7^ 7 1Yi 3^ 13.00 14.00 8^ 8 3 4 8^ 9H V/2 4 14.00 15.00 8% 8 3 4 9 9H 9 5 15.00 16.00 10H 10M 10H H 3 ^ 10 6 18.00 20.00 11% 11% 11% 12% 11 7 35.00 37.00 13H 10% 13^ H 3 ^ 12X 2 8 45.00 48.00 15% 12M 15H 13% 13H These Valves are made to order only. Brass Foot Valves, with Strainer, page 32. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 120 CRANE CO. STANDARD FOOT VALVES IRON BODY WITH STRAINER LEATHER DISC STYLE, SIZES % INCH TO 6 INCH STYLE, SIZES 7 INCH TO 16 INCH Size Inches Price No. 394, Screwed Each Price No. 394, Gal- vanized Each Price No. 395, Flanged Each Price No. 395, Gal- vanized Each Largest 0. D. No. 394 Inches Total Height No. 394 Inches Largest O. D. No. 395 Inches Total Height No. 395 Inches Di- ameter Flanges Inches % 1.15 1.75 3% 3H 1 1.30 2.00 3 5 -i 3^2 1H 1.40 2.10 4^2 3% IH 1.90 2.85 5% 1 A 2 2.40 3.60 3.50 5.50 *>}4 5% 6 5J-2 6 2 Hi 3.30 5.00 4.50 7.00 6% 6% 7 6^8 7 3 3.90 5.75 5.75 9.00 7 6M 7^2 7 7>2 3H 5.60 8.50 7.50 12.00 8% 8% 8K 9^ 8H 4 7.30 11.00 9.50 15.00 8 7 X 8% 9 9^8 9 41/2 10.50 15.75 13.00 20.00 10>2 10H 10>2 11^ 9% 5 11.25 16.75 14.00 22.00 w l A W 5 /s 10^ 11% 10 6 14.75 22.00 17.50 27.00 11% n% 11% 12% 11 7 35.00 53.00 38.00 57.00 13H 10% 13J^ 11% 12M 8 41.00 62.00 45.00 72.00 14% 12J4 15% 13% 13M 10 64.00 110.00 70.00 120.00 19% 18H 19^s 18 1 A 16 12 100.00 155.00 112.00 170.00 20K 16% 20% 18 19 14 150.00 24^ 19% 21 15 175.00 25% 21% 22% 16 200.00 I 27 24^ 23 J/6 These Valves, as constructed, insure free openings. Can be furnished with brass disc in place of leather disc, at an extra price. Brass Foot Valves, with Strainer, page 32. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 121 FOOT VALVES IRON BODY WITH MULTIPLE DISCS BRONZE SPRINGS RUBBER VALVES CAST IRON STRAINER NO. 397. FLANGED Size Inches 16 18 20 24 30 36 Price Each 190.00 235.00 265.00 400.00 780.00 1200.00 Valves with Brass Seats will be made to order at a special price. DIMENSIONS Size Inches 16 18 20 24 30 36 A Diameter of Flanges. . . . Inches 23^ 25 27y 2 32 38% 45% B Greatest Diameter Inches 34% 40% 46 54M 69K 82 C Height Inches 17% 2iy 8 24 29 35 38% Thickness of Flange Inches 1A 1M IN l* 1% 1% Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 122 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY SWING CHECK VALVES FERROSTEEL FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25O POUNDS TESTED TO 8OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A MAY BE USED IN HORIZONTAL POSITION OR FOR UPWARD FLOW Size Inches 2 2 ]4 3 3 y 2 4 4^ 5 No. 38 E, Screwed Each 15.00 20.00 28.00 36.00 41.00 49.00 54.00 No. 39 E, Flanged Each 17.00 22.00 30.00 38.00 44.00 52.00 57.00 End to End, Screwed. .Inches 9H 10% 11% 12% 13 14 15 Face to Face, Flanged . Inches 10 l /2 \\y 2 12K 13% 14 15 15% Diameter Flanges Inches 6 1 A "Yi 8% 9 10 1Q 1 A 11 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 No. 38 E, Screwed Each 66.00 84.00 100.00 170.00 No. 39 E. Flanged Each 70.00 88.00 105.00 175.00 250.00 350.00 350.00 End to End, Screwed. .Inches 16J 18% 20 23% Face to Face, Flanged. Inches 17K 19% 21 24 K 28 33 33 Diameter Flanges Inches 12H 14 15 17H 20^ 23 1 24H Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 123 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC SWING CHECK VALVES FERROSTEEL HARD METAL SEATS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS! 2 AND 2^/2 INCH, 12OO LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 3 AND 4 INCH, 10OO LBS. HYDROSTATIC; s TO 12 INCH, BOO LBS. HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 20OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 221 H MAY BE USED IN HORIZONTAL POSITION OR FOR UPWARD FLOW Size Inches 2 iy? 3 4 5 No. 220 H. Screwed Each 25 00 30.00 40.00 55.00 75.00 No. 221 H, Flanged Each 25.00 30.00 40.00 55.00 75.00 End to End, Screwed . . . Inches 10M 12 13H 15M ITU Face to Face, Flanged . . Inches UH 12H 14 16 18 Diameter of Flanges .... Inches 7 1 A 8M 10 11^ 13M Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 No. 220 H, Screwed Each 110.00 No. 221 H, Flanged Each 110.00 150.00 190.00 240.00 350.00 End to End, Screwed . . . Inches 19 21 24^ 26^ Face to Face, Flanged . . Inches 20 22 26 30 34 Diameter of Flanges. . . . Inches 15 16 17 21 23V6 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. We do not recommend the use of screwed valves larger than 6 inch. Unless otherwise specified, Flanged Valves will always be furnished with Male Face; in which case, Companion Flanges, when ordered with Valves, will be furnished with Female Face. The length Face to Face of Male or Female Flanged Valves is measured from the face of the Flange and not from tongue or recess. Templates for drilling, page 653. Price List for drilling, page 157. 124 CRANE CO. ILLUSTRATION OF 72 INCH LOW PRESSURE GATE VALVE OPERATED WITH SPUR GEARS This Valve was installed in the City Water Works System of Tacoma, Washington. Weight, 32,240 pounds. Height, over all, 17 feet 8 inches. CRANE CO. IRON BODY OPEN TO THE LEFT LOW PRESSURE GATE VALVES PATENTED NON-RISING STEM BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GATE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25 POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 50 POUNDS TESTED TO 50 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE Size Inches 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Price Each 120.00 165.00 215.00 300.00 345.00 475.00 540.00 740.00 Price, with Gear. Each 665.00 900.00 Size Inches 28 30 32 34 36 *42 *48 Price Each 875.00 1025.00 1125.00 1200 00 1450.00 1900.00 2800.00 Price, with Gear. Each 1075.00 1250.00 1375.00 1475.00 1750.00 2250.00 3200.00 *These sizes are always furnished geared, unless otherwise ordered. The stem in these Valves is made of Brass. These Valves are suitable for Low Pressure and Exhaust Steam, Vacuum Lines, etc. When wanted for gas, we will furnish ALL IRON VALVES at a special price. LARGER SIZES, PRICES ON APPLICATION For general dimensions, see page 667. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 126 CRANE CO. LOW PRESSURE GATE VALVES IRON BODY OPEN TO THE LEFT PATENTED RISING STEM BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GATE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25 POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 50 POUNDS TESTED TO SO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE No. 493. FLANGED Size Inches 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Price Each 150.00 200.00 255.00 340.00 395.00 535.00 610.00 820.00 Size Inches 28 30 32 34 36 42* 48* Price Each 965.00 1125.00 1250.00 1350.00 1650.00 2150.00 3100.00 *Always furnished geared unless otherwise ordered. The stems in these Valves are made of Steel, plated. Brass stems, when so ordered, will be furnished at an extra price. These Valves are suitable for Low Pressure and Exhaust Steam, Vacuum Lines, etc. These Valves are fitted with outside screw which indicates whether the Valve is open, partly open or closed. LARGER SIZES, PRICES ON APPLICATION For general dimensions, see page 667. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 127 LOW PRESSURE WATER GATE VALVES HUB ENDS FOR WOOD PIPE IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM IFOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 50 POUNDS TESTED TO SO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE No. 498 HUB Size Inches 4 6 8 10 12 14 Price Each 18.50 30.50 50.00 82.00 120.00 165.00 Size Inches 16 18 20 24 30 36 *42 *48 Price Each 215.00 300.00 345 . 00 540.00 1025.00 1450 .00 1900.00 2800 .00 Price, With Gear, Without By-Pass.Each 665 . 00 1250.00 1750.00 2250.00 3200.00 *These sizes are always furnished geared unless otherwise ordered. The Hub Ends of these Valves have the same construction and inside diameter of hub as our No. 462 Standard Water Gates, and may be used with either Cast Iron or Wood Pipe however, where diameters of hubs given in table, page 667, are not suitable, the required diameters will be furnished on Valves at a special price. Hubs are usually furnished rough if bored hubs are required, orders should so specify. Prices upon application. LARGER SIZES, For general dimensions, see page 667. 128 CRANE CO. STANDARD GATE VALVES DY BRASS TRIMMINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 18 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 1 0O POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A WEDGE GATE NO. 461 NON-RISING STEM No. 465 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE THESE VALVES MAY BE PACKED WHILE UNDER PRESSURE To DO so WITH NON-RISING STEM VALVES, open the Valve wide by run- ning the wedge tightly up to top of bonnet, which, in turn, draws the collar of stem down tightly to the top flange of bonnet, forming a steam or water tight joint. OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVES. The arrow in above sectional view shows how the joint is made at stuffing box when packing this style Valve. The stem is screwed out until the taper collar on stem engages with and forms a tight joint at the top of bonnet. Flanged Valves will always be furnished smooth faced, and not drilled, unless otherwise ordered. The dimensions of Flanges of our Standard and Low Pressure Valves and Flanged Fittings are the American Standard. CRANE CO. 129 STANDARD GATE VALVES IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GATE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 18 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 1OO POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES. SEE PAGE A These Valves are tested to 150 pounds hydraulic pressure with the Valve closed, and we have at various times subjected them to a hydraulic pressure, without leaking, as follows : Size 2tol6inch. 18 to 24 inch. SOinch. Tight at 500 pounds. 300 pounds. 250 pounds. BREAKING STRENGTH We have at various times broken an assortment of sizes under hydraulic pressure and found the following result: Size 4 to 8 inch. 10 to 16 inch. Burst at 1000 to 1500 pounds 900 pounds. SIZES 18 TO 30 INCHES. The larger sizes, 18 to 30 inch, we have not burst, but have subjected the 18 inch to 450 pounds pressure, and the 20 to 30 inch to 300 pounds pressure without bursting casting. It will seem that the factor of safety is very high, but they not only have to stand the strain due to the working pressure, but are also liable to unusual strains such as expansion and contraction, water hammer, weight of piping, settling, etc., and for this reason we keep the limit of the working pressure for which we recommend them, down to a perfectly safe point. It is, however, possible that these Standard Valves might be reason- ably satisfactory for a much higher working pressure, provided the expan- sion, contraction, weight of piping and settling were all taken care of. Still, the cutting effect of the steam on the disc and seats would render these Valves less durable THAN THE VALVES WHICH WE RECOMMEND FOB A HIGHER PRESSURE OF STEAM. The guides on the disc and ribs in the body are so finished and fitted as to insure true and easy movement of disc and prevent wear of the faces ; and also prevent the disc from touching the seats of the body of the Valves, except at point of closing. The seats in the body of Valves and faces of discs are made of brass. The Stem in the Valve with inside screw is made of Brass and in the Valve with outside screw and yoke, is made of Steel, and plated; Brass Stem for the latter Valves will be furnished at an extra price. The stuffing box flange on all Hub End Valves is made of Malleable Iron with a brass follower, which give additional strength and durability at this point, and a particularly desirable feature on Water Service Valves. The construction is such that the Valves may be packed when open, without steam escaping. To do so, have Valve wide open. See explana- tory cuts on following page. All users of Valves will appreciate the advantage in being able to repack a Valve without shutting off steam, as it frequently happens that it is necessary that they be kept in continuous use. VALVES FOR AIR OR GAS SERVICE WILL BE GIVEN A SPECIAL AIR TEST. PRICES ON APPLICATION. WATER GATES ARE GIVEN A SPECIAL TEST OF 3OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH IRON BODY OPEN TO THE LEFT STANDARD GATE VALVES BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GA NON-RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 18 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 1OO POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A Size Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 4H 5 No. 460, Screwed Each 10.00 11.50 14.00 17.00 19.00 24.00 27.5 No. 461, Flanged Each 12.00 13.50 16.50 19.50 23.00 28.00 31.5 E. to E., Screwed Inches 5^ 5^ 6K 6^ 6^ Tji 7& F. to F., Flanged Inches 7 7y 2 8 sy 2 9 VA 10 Diam. Flanges Inches 6 7 7 1 A V/i 9 9H 10 Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 No. 460, Screwed. .Each 32.50 45.00 54.00 76.00 90.00 125.00 No. 461, Flanged. .Each 36.50 49.00 58.00 81.00 95 00 133.00 181.00 220.0 E. to E., Screwed. Inches 1% VA H VA 9 7 /^ 11** F. to F. , Flanged . Inches W 1 A 11 ny 2 12 13 14 15 15 Diam. Flanges . . Inches 11 12H W/2 15 16 19 21 22^ Size Inches 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 No. 461, Flanged.. Each 260.00 350.00 425.00 530.00 600.00 800.00 950.00 1100.C F. to F., Flanged. Inches 16 17 18 19 20 23 26 30 Diam. Flanges . . Inches 23^ 25 27H 29^ 32 34M 36H 38^ For general dimensions, see page 669. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 131 STANDARD GATE VALVES WITH OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 18 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 10O POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES. SEE PAGE A The outside screw and yoke in- dicates whether the Valve ia open, partly open or closed. For general dimensions, see page Templates for drilling, page 650, Price List for drilling, page 141 Size Inches 2 VA 3 3 4 4H No. 464, with Steel Stem, Screwed. Each 17.50 19.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 37.00 No. 465, with Steel Stem. Flanged .Each 19.50 21.00 24.50 27.50 34.00 41.00 No. 464K, with Brass Stem, Scrd. .Each 19.00 20.50 23.50 27.00 32.50 40.00 No. 465 x /2, with Brass Stem, Flgd. .Each 21.00 22.50 26.00 29.50 36.50 44.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. 464, with Steel Stem, Screwed. Each 42.00 48.00 64.00 80.00 105.00 122.00 No. 465, with Steel Stem, Flanged . Each 46.00 52.00 68.00 84.00 110.00 127.00 No. 464J/6, with Brass Stem, Scrd. .Each 45.00 52.00 69.00 86.00 113.00 131.00 No. 4651/6 , with Brass Stem, Flgd. . E ach 49.00 56.00 73.00 90.00 118.00 136.00 Size Inches 12 14 15 16 18 20 No. 464, with Steel Stem, Screwed. Each 160.00 No. 465, with Steel Stem. Flanged. Each 168.00 236.00 285.00 325.00 435.00 525.00 No. 464^, with Brass Stem, Scrd. . Each 172.00 No. 465 VS, with Brass Stem, Fled. . Each 180.00 255.00 310.00 350.00 470.00j 565.00 Size Inches 22 24 26 28 30 No. 465, with Steel Stem, Flanged. Each 650.00 725.00 950.00 1125.00 1300.00 No. 465M, with Brass Stem, Flgd. .Each 700.00 775.00 1025.00 1210.00 1400.00 132 CRANE CO. STANDARD GATE VALVES WATER GATES IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GAT OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 12 INCH AND SMALLER. UP TO 175 POUNDS SIZES 14 AND 16 INCH, UP TO 15O POUNDS SIZES 18 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 12O POUNDS TESTED TO 300 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 462 HUB Size Inches I 3 4 5 6 i 7 S 10 Price Each 10.00 14. IX) 19.00 27.50 32.50 45.00 54. 00 iHUK) For Matheson or Converse Joint Pipe Each 19.00 32.50 54.^0 90.00 End to End Inches gu 9 UH 4 10' 4 10* 4 10*4 12 12*4 Size Inches 12 14 16 IS 80 24 30 Price Each 125.00173 .1X1 250 00340.00 415.005W.OO 1075.00 Price, with By-Pass. . . Each 315.00415.00 500. 00 MO. 00 1225.00 End to End Inches ISH 133 4 16 17 17 I 18 30 These Valves will be furnished "Open to the Right" when so ordered at same price. All Valves 20 inch and smaller have 2 inch square head on stem: 21 inch and larger have 3 inch square head on stem. Stuffing boxes havt bolted followers. These Valves are suitable for use with Cast Iron or Wood Pipe however, where diameters of hubs given in table, page M>, are not suitable, the required diameters will lie furnished on valves at a special price. Hubs are usually furnished rough if bored hubs are required orders should so specify. For general dimensions, see page 609. CRANE CO. 133 STANDARD GATE VALVES OPERATED WITH GEARING IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GATE OPEN TO 'THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 18 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 1OO POUNDS For Water Working Pressures, see page A No. 463. WITH SPUR GEARS FLANGED WITH BEVEL GEARS Size Inches 16 18 20 22 24 26 Price, Flanged Each 360.00 460.00 550.00 675.00 750.00 1000.00 Price, Flanged, with By-Pass Each 425.00 535.00 635.00 775.00 850.00 1125.00 Price, Hub Ends Each 350.00 450.00 540.00 740.00 Price, Hub Ends, with By-Pass. .Each 415.00 525.00 625.00 840.00 Face to Face, Flanged . . Inches 16 17 18 19 20 23 Diameter of Flanges. . . . Inches 23H 25 27^ 29H 32 34M Size Inches 28 30 36 42 48 Price, Flanged Each 1200.00 1400.00 2100.00 3150.00 4300.00 Price, Flanged, with By-Pass. ... Each 1350.00 1550.00 2300.00 3400.00 4600.00 Price, Hub Ends Each 1375.00 2050.00 3100.00 4250.00 Price, Hub Ends, with By-Pass . . Each 1525.00 2250.00 3350.00 4550.00 Face to Face, Flanged . . Inches 26 30 36 Diameter of Flanges. . . . Inches 36^ 38^ 45M In ordering, state whether Spur or Bevel Gearing is wanted. Prices for larger sizes or sizes not listed, upon application. Hub End Valves are always furnished with square stem nut instead of hand wheel unless otherwise ordered. For illustrations of Various Styles of Gearing, see page 188. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 134. CRANE CO. STANDARD GATE VALVES WITH INDICATOR IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A NO. 469. FLANGED Size Inches I *H I 3 I 3H I 4 Price Each 21 AY :*.:: :~ ' 34.00 40.00 Face to Face Inches 7^ S S : - 9 10 Diameter of Flanses Inches 7 7- ^ >"- 9 10 Size Inches Face to Face Inches 11 14 Diameter of Flanges Inches 11 :;-; 134 16 I 19 The Indicator Attachment enables the operator at a glance to deter- mine the position of Valve, whether open, partly open or closed. The Indicator is so designed that it may be turned to face any of the four sides of the Valve. The Indicator shield and traveling-nut are made of brass. The plate bearing the words "open" and "shut," is made of alum- inum with black background and polished letters. These Valves are designed in accordance with the rules and require- ments recommended by the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION AS- SOCIATION. These Valves are especially recommended for use on Sprinkler - terns. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 135 STANDARD GATE VALVES QUICK OPENING IRON BODY WEDGE GATE BRASS TRIMMINGS SLIDING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A Size Inches 2 2V2 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 6 No. 470, Screwed. .Each 17.50 19.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 37.00 42.00 48.00 No. 471, Flanged. . . Each 19.50 21.00 24.50 27.50 34.00 41.00 46.00 52.00 End to End, Screwed . . . Inches 5A VA S 1 A 6H VA 7H 7& 7H Face to Face, Flanged . . Inches 7 1 1 A 8 8 1 A 9 $y 2 10 10H Diam. of Flanges. Inches 6 7 7 1 ? VA 9 9^ 10 11 Size Inches 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 No. 470, Screwed. . .Each 64.00 80.00 105.00 122.00 160.00 No. 471, Flanged. . . Each 68.00 84.00 110.00 127.00 168.00 236.00 285.00 325.00 End to End, Screwed . . . Inches 8M 8H 9M VA U 5 A Face to Face, Flanged . . Inches 11 HH 12 13 14 15 15 16 Diam. of Flanges. Inches 12^ 13H 15 16 19 21 22^ 23^ Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 136 CRANE CO. STANDARD ALL IRON GATE VALVES OPEN TO THE LEFT WEDGE GATE NON-RISING STEM Size Inches 2 m 3 3^ 4 No. 472, Screwed Each 10.00 11.50 14.00 17.00 19.00 No. 473, Flanged Each 12.00 13.50 16.50 19.50 23.00 End to End, Screwed Inches 5rV 5 7 A 6H 6^ 6K Pace to Face, Flanged Inches 7 7 1 A 8 3K 9 Diameter of Flanges Inches 6 7 lYi 8^2 9 Size Inches 4H 5 6 7 8 9 No. 472, Screwed Each 24.00 27.50 32.50 45.00 54,00 76.00 No. 473, Flanged Each 28.00 31.50 36.50 49.00 58.00 81.00 End to End, Screwed Inches 7M 7A 7M 8M 8H 9M Face to Face, Flanged Inches 9H 10 10H 11 HH 12 Diameter of Flanges Inches 9K 10 11 12^ 13J4 15 Size Inches 10 12 14 15 16 No. 472, Screwed Each 90.00 125.00 No. 473, Flanged Each 95.00 133 . 00 181.00 220.00 260.00 End to End, Screwed Inches 9^ 11% Face to Face, Flanged Inches 13 14 15 15 16 Diameter of Flanges Inches 16 19 21 22M 23^ For general dimensions, see page 669. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 137 STANDARD ALL IRON GATE VALVES OPEN TO THE LEFT WEDGE GATE RISING STEM NO. 475 H Size Inches 2 2H 3 3^ 4 4H 5 No. 475, with Steel Stem, Scrd. .Each 17.50 19.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 37.00 42.00 No. 475 ^, with Steel Stem, Flgd. Each 19.50 21.00 24.50 27.50 34.00 41.00 46.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 No. 475, with Steel Stem, Scrd .Each 48.00 64.00 80.00 105.00 122.00 160.00 No. 475 H, with Steel Stem, Flgd.Each 52.00 68.00 84.00 110.00 127.00 168.00 For general dimensions, see page 669. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 138 CRANE CO. IRON BODY OPEN TO THE LEFT STANDARD GATE VALVES WATER GATES BRASS TRIMMINGS WEDGE GATE NON-RISING STEM FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE, UNDERWRITERS' PATTERN FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS TESTED TO 300 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 462^ HUB Size Inches 4 6 8 10 12 Price Each 19.00 32.50 54.00 90.00 125.00 End to End Inches 10K 10^ 12 12^ W/i These Valves are designed in accordance with the rules and require- ments of the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. These Valves are marked "CU" to denote their use for fire protection service. The Indicator Post Flange is cast on the bonnet. For general dimensions, see page 669. CRANE CO. 139 STANDARD GATE VALVES WITH OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS BRASS STEM OPEN TO THE LEFT WEDGE GATE FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE, UNDERWRITERS' PATTERN FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS TESTED TO 300 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE The outside screw and yoke indicates whether the Yalve is open, partly open or closed. For general dimensions, sea page 669. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. No. 467. FLANGED Size Inches 2^ 3 3H 4 5 6 Price Each 22.50 26.00 29.50 36.50 49 .00 56.00 Size Inches 7 8 10 12 14 Price Each 73.00 90.00 136.00 180.00 255.00 Screwed Valves will be made to order at the same price as flanged. These Valves are designed in accordance with the rules and require- ments of the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. These Valves are marked ( 'CU" to denote their use for fire protection service. For Valves with Indicator, see page 134. 140 CRANE CO. STANDARD GATE VALVES DOUBLE DISC CRANE SPECIAL BRASS PARALLEL SEATS IRON BODY FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 125 POUNDS SIZES 18 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 1OO POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A TO THE LEFT NO. 481 FLANGED No. 483 FLANGED PRICE LIST. NON-RISING STEM VALVES Size Inches 2 m 3 3M 4 4H 5 6 No. 480, Screwed. .Each 10.00 11.50 14.00 17.00 19.00 24.00 27.50 32.50 No. 481, Flanged. .Each 12.00 13.50 16.50 19.50 23.00 28.00 31.50 36.50 Size Inches 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 No. 480, Screwed. .Each 54.00 90.00 125.00 No. 481, Flanged. .Each 58.00 95.00 133.00 181.00 260.00 350.00 425 . 00 600.00 THESE VALVES ARE USED EXTENSIVELY FOR HOT WATER WASHOUT SYS- TEMS AND IN WATER CONSERVING PLANTS. PRICE LIST. RISING STEM VALVES Size Inches 2 2H 3 3^ 4 VA 5 6 No. 482, Screwed. .Each 17.50 19.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 37.00 42.00 48.00 No. 483, Flanged. .Each 19.50 21.00 24.50 27.50 34.00 41.00 46.00 52.00 Size Inches 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 No. 482, Screwed. .Each 80.00 122.00 160.00 No. 483, Flanged . . Each 84.00 127.00 168.00 236.00 325.00 435.00 525.00 725.00 For general dimensions, see page 674. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. VALVES FOR WOOD PRESERVING PLANTS When these Valves are to be used in Wood Preserving Plants, they will be furnished with Monel Metal Trimmings and Stems. PRICES ON APPLICATION CRANE CO. 141 PRICE LIST FOR DRILLING STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE FLANGED VALVES Size Inches Drilling Valves with 2 Flanges except Angle Valves Each Drilling Angle Valves Each Drilling Cross Valves and Cross Safety Valves Each % .60 1.00 1.20 1 .60 1.00 1.20 U4 .60 1.00 .20 Itt .60 1.00 .20 2 .75 1.25 .50 2H .75 1.25 .50 3 .75 1.25 .50 3H 1.00 1.50 2.00 4 1.25 1.75 2.50 4V 2 1.50 2.00 3.00 5 1.50 2.00 3.00 6 1.75 2.50 3.50 7 2.25 3.00 4.50 8 2.25 3.00 4.50 9 2.50 3.50 5.00 10 2.50 3.50 5.00 12 3.50 5.00 7.00 14 4.00 6.00 15 4.50 6.50 16 5.00 7.00 18 6.00 10.00 20 7.50 12.00 22 9.00 14.00 24 10.00 16.00 26 11.00 18.00 28 12.00 20.00 30 12.00 22.00 32 12.00 22.00 34 14.00 24.00 36 14.00 24.00 42 25.00 48 30.00 BOLT HOLES WILL NOT BE SPOT FACED UNLESS SO ORDERED, WHEN AN EXTRA CHARGE OF FIVE CENTS, NET, PER HOLE WILL BE MADE. FOR DRILLING TEMPLATES, SEE PAGE 65O 142 CRANE CO. MEDIUM GATE VALVES FERROSTEEL BODY CRANE SPECIAL BRASS SEATS WEDGE GATE FOR STEAM AND WATER WORKING PRESSURES. ACCORDING TO SIZE, VIZ.: ( SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER. UP TO 175 POUNDS STEAM -j S|ZES 18 |NCH AND LARGER . UP TO 15O POUNDS ( SIZES 12 INCH AND SMALLER. UP TO 25O POUNDS WATER *i " ( SIZES 14 INCH AND LARGER . UP TO 20O POUNDS TESTED TO 50O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH ACTUAL BURSTING PRESSURES OF CAST IRON MEDIUM GATE VALVES Sizes, 4 to 8 inch; 1200 to 1900 Pounds | Sizes, 10 and 12 inch; 850 Pounds ACTUAL BURSTING PRESSURES OF FERROSTEEL MEDIUM GATE VALVES Sizes Pounds Sizes Pounds Size Pounds 4 to 8 inch 1900 to 2600 14 inch O.K. at 1000 18 inch O. K. at 700 10 and 12 inch 1400 to 1500! 16 inch O. K. at 750 The above tables of comparative destructive hydraulic tests will be useful as a guidance to engineers in adopting a factor of safety applic- able to varying conditions. The demand for Medium Gate Valves, suitable for a working pressure between our Standard and High Pressure (Extra Heavy Pattern) has been so frequent that we have been induced to make a complete line of patterns to meet the requirements of this trade. The Body of these Valves, all sizes, is made of Ferrosteel. The Bonnet is made of Ferrosteel in sizes 8 inch and larger. Their construction is similar to the Standard, except that they are much heavier, and were designed for steam plants carrying pressures up to 175 pounds (sizes 16 inch and smaller), and will be found a very service- able Valve for the purpose intended. The STEM in the Valve with inside screw is made of Brass and in the Valve with outside screw and yoke is made of Steel, Plated. Brass stem for the latter Valves will be furnished at an extra price. The stuffing box flange on all these Valves is made of MALLEABLE Iron, with brass follower, which gives the requisite additional strength and durability at this point. Each Valve is tested to 500 pounds hydraulic pressure before leaving the factory. It is desirable that all Valves 6 inch and larger have a By-Pass. The construction of these Valves is such that they may be packed when open. To do so, have Valve wide open, as shown and explained, page 146. Unless otherwise specified, we will always furnish our Extra Heavy and Medium Flanged Valves, also our Extra Heavy Companion Flanges and Flanged Fittings, with & inch raised face, for which we make no extra charge. This style of facing will hold any gasket, and is especially necessary where a thin corrugated copper gasket is used, as this gasket draws down to -fa inch or less and the heavy bolting would (without the raised face) spring the flanges until the edges touch, without putting sufficient pressure upon the gasket. THE MERITS OF CRANE FERROSTEEL ARE DESCRIBED ON PAGE B CRANE CO. 143 MEDIUM GATE VALVES FERROSTEEL BODY CRANE SPECIAL BRASS SEATS OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM WEDGE GATE PATENTED FOR STEAM AND WATER WORKING PRESSURES. ACCORDING TO SIZE, VIZ.: STEAM 5 SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER . UP TO 175 POUNDS | SIZE 18 INCH ...... UP TO 150 POUNDS WATER \ SIZES 12 INCH AND SMALLER . UP TO 25O POUNDS I SIZES 14 INCH AND LARGER . UP TO 2OO POUNDS TESTED TO 50O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH NO. 501 No. 503 Size Inches 2 2^ 3 VA 4 4H 5 6 7 No. 500, Screwed.. Each 15.00 17.00 20.00 25.00 28.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 75.00 No. 501, Flanged.. .Each 17.50 19.50 23.00 28.00 33.00 40.00 45.00 57.00 82.00 No. 503, Flanged.. Each 85.00 110.00 Size Inches 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 No. 500, Screwed.. Each 87.00 120.00 145.00 185.00 No. 501, Flanged.. Each 94.00 127.00 153.00 195.00 300.00 350.00 390.00 400.00 No. 503, Flanged.. Each 125 .001 158 .00 185.00 230.00 340.00 450.00 575.00 We do not recommend the use of screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. It is desirable that Valves 6 inch and larger have a By-Pass. For general dimensions, see page 671. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. WE HAVE PATTERNS AND CAN FURNISH PROMPTLY, SIZES UP TO AND INCLUDING 24 INCH. PRICES ON APPLICATION. 14-4 CRANE CO. MEDIUM GATE VALVES FERROSTEEL BODY CRANE SPECIAL BRASS SEATS WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT PATENTED FOR STEAM AND WATER WORKING PRESSURES, ACCORDING TO SIZE, VIZ.: ( SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER . UP TO 175 POUNDS I SIZES 18 INCH AND LARGER . UP TO 15O POUNDS ( SIZES 12 INCH AND SMALLER . UP TO 25O POUNDS I SIZES 14 INCH AND LARGER . UP TO 20O POUNDS TESTED TO 50O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH STEAM j WATER \ No. 505 Size.. .Inches 2 VA 3 3H 4 4H 5 6 7 8 No. 504, Scrd . Each 23.00 25.00 29.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 54.00 65.00 90.00 110.00 No. 505, Flgd. Each 25.50 27.50 32.00 38.00 45.00 55.00 59.00 72.00 97.00 117.00 No.507,Flgd.Each 100.00 125.00 148.00 Size. . .Inches 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 24 No. 504, Scrd. Each 145.00170.00 215.00 No. 505, Plgd.Each 152.00178.00 225.00 340.00 400.00 450.00 600.00 775.00 1175.00 No. 507, Flgd. Each 183.00210.00 260.00 390.00 450.00 510.00 660.00 850.00 1250.00 The outside screw indicates whether Valve is open, partly open or closed. It is desirable that all Valves 6 inches and larger have a By-Pass. For general dimensions, see page 671. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 145 MEDIUM GATE VALVES ANGLE PATTERN FERPOSTEEL BODY WEDGE GATE CRANE SPECIAL BRASS SEATS OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR STEAM AND WATER WORKING PRESSURES, ACCORDING TO SIZE, VIZ.: | SIZES 16 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 175 POUNDS | SIZE 18 INCH UP TO 150 POUNDS I SIZES 12 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 25O POUNDS I SIZES 14 INCH AND LARGER, UP TO 2OO POUNDS STEAM ] WATER 1 TESTED TO 5OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH NO. 511 NON-RISING STEM No. 513 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE Size Inches 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 No. 511, Price. . . .Each 65.00 85.00 100.00 130.00 150.00 195.00 225.00 300.00 No. 513, Price Each 77.00 100.00 115.00 145.00 175.00 220.00 250.00 330.00 These Valves will be furnished, screwed, 12 inch, and smaller at a special price. Other sizes than those listed, prices on application. When so specified, By-Pass. inch and larger Valves can be fitted with For general dimensions, see page 671. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. 146 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES FERROSTEEL HARD METAL SEATS WEDGE GATE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 800 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A NO. 3 E NON-RISING STEM NO. 7 E OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE THESE VALVES MAY BE PACKED WHILE UNDER PRESSURE. TO DO so, WITH NON-RISING STEM VALVES, open the Valve wide by run- ning the wedge tightly up to top of bonnet, which in turn draws the collar of stem down tightly to the flange of bonnet, forming a steam or water tight joint. THE OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVES; the arrow in above sectional view shows how the joint is made at stuffing box when packing this style Valve. The Stem is screwed out until the taper collar on Stem engages with and forms a tight joint at the top of bonnet. Unless otherwise specified, we will always furnish our Extra Heavy and Medium Flanged Valves, also our Extra Heavy Companion Flanges and Flanged Fittings, with 3^ inch raised face, for which we make no extra charge. This style of facing will hold any gasket, and is especially necessary where a thin corrugated copper gasket is used. This gasket draws down to -fa inch or less and the heavy bolting will spring the flanges until the edges touch, without putting sufficient pressure upon the gasket. CRANE CO. 147 EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES FERROSTEEL HARD METAL SEATS WEDGE GATE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25O POUNDS These Valves are tested to 800 pounds hydraulic pressure per square inch with the Valve open, and are also tested with the Valve closed and the pressure against the disc to 500 pounds hydraulic pressure. We have at various times subjected them to a hydraulic pressure with the Valve closed and the pressure against the disc as follows : Size : 1H to 8 inch. 10 to 14 inch. 16 and 18 inch, 20 to 24 inch. Tight at 1300 pounds. 900 pounds. 800 pounds. 600 pounds. It will be observed that all sizes up to and including 18 inch are tight with a pressure of 800 pounds against the disc. The 20 inch, 22 inch and 24 inch Valves are tight against 600 pounds, which is as heavy a strain as a Valve of these sizes should be subjected to. ACTUAL BURSTING PRESSURES OF ACTUAL BURSTING PRESSURES OF CAST IRON EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES FERROSTEEL EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES Sizes 4 to 8 inch 10 and 12 inch 14 to 16 inch Pounds Sizes 1600 to 1900 4 to 8 inch 1350 to 1550 10 and 12 inch 1100 14 to 16 inch 18 inch 20 to 24 inch Pounds 2450 to 2600 1750 to 1900 1200 to 1350 O. K. at 850 O. K. at 600 THE BODY AND BONNET OF EXTRA HEAVY VALVES ARE MADE OF FERROSTEEL The above tables of comparative destructive hydraulic tests will be useful as a guidance to engineers in adopting a factor of safety applicable to varying conditions. The factor of safety used by us is conservatively high but it is not only a question of the goods standing the pressure, but also standing the strains of expansion, contraction, settling, weight of piping and water hammer ; also the cutting effect of the steam, as the destruction of the seat of a Valve, which renders it necessary to renew a Valve in a large plant, is a very serious matter. Hence it follows that the brass used in all these Valves should be and is of a superior quality. CONSTRUCTION The body is very heavy and has extra heavy hard metal seats which are screwed to shoulders in body, thereby insuring perfect joints. This construction of seat and method of screwing it in body is very much better than any other, as there is no necessity of an auxiliary gland to keep the seats in exact line and no trouble with leaks between seat and body, which is liable to occur in other styles. These seats can be removed at any time should it be found necessary to renew them. The gate is made very stiff and faced with hard metal. The guides in the gate are carefully finished so as to slide smoothly on ribs in body, thus preventing any rattling when Valve is partly open or any uneven wear of the faces. The stem in the Valve with inside screw is made of Hard Metal, and in the Valve with outside screw and yoke is made of Steel, and plated. Hard Metal Stems for the latter Valves will be furnished at an extra price. . The stuffing box flange on all these Valves is made of Malleable Iron with a brass follower, which gives the requisite additional strength and durability at this point. The construction of these Valves is such that they may be packed when open. See explanatory cuts on opposite page. Hard Metal is the very best material that can be made to stand the wear which the seats of these Valves are subjected to. We can make these Valves with a male face when so desired. THE MERITS OF CRANE FERROSTEEL ARE DESCRIBED ON PAGE B 148 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES FERROSTEEL HARD METAL SEATS WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT NON-RISING STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 80O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A Size Inches IK \Yi 2 2H 3 3H 4 4H 5 No. 2E, Screwed. Each 24.00 25.00 27.50 33.00 45.00 57.00 60.00 77.00 85.00 No. 3E, Flanged. Each 26.50 27.50 30.00 35.50 48.00 60.00 65.00 82.00 90.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 No. 2 E, Screwed. Each 100.00 125.00 155.00 225 . 00 250.00 No. 3 E, Flanged . Each (107.00 132.00 162.00 232.00 258.00 335 . 00 440.00 540.00 675.00 No. 5 E, Flanged . Each 1 155 . 00 215.00 310.00 400.00 It is desirable that all Valves, 6 inch and larger, have a By-Pass. We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. For general dimensions, see page 673. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 149 FFRROSTEEL WEDGE GATE EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE (PATENTED) HARD METAL SEATS OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 8OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A Size Inches 1 1 A 1H 2 VA 3 3^ 4 4H 5 No. 6E. Screwed. Each 41.00 54.00 72. 00 100.00 No. 7E, Flanged. Each 34.50 35.50 38.00 43.50 57.00 70.00 77. 00 97.00 105.00 No. 9E, Flanged. Each 153.00 Size Inches 6 7 | 8 | 9 10 12 14 15 16 No. 7 E, Flanged. Each 122.00 147.00J187 00:257.00 283.00 590.00 510 00 610.00 750.00 No. 9E, Flanged. Each 170.00195.00J240 00310.00 335.00455.00 580 00 680.00 825.00 Size Inches 18 20 22 24 No. 9 E, Flanged. Each 1050.00 1250.00(1575.00 1700.0( ) It is desirable that all Valves, 6 inch and larger, have a By-Pass. We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. The outside screw indicates whether the Valve is open, partly open or closed. For general dimensions, see page 673. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. 150 CRANE CO. ANGLE PATTERN FERROSTEEL WEDGE GATE EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES RISING AND NON-RISING STEM HARD METAL SEATS OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 800 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A No. 12 E Size Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. 11 E, Flanged Each 140.00 175.00 210.00 250.00 325.00 375.00 No. 11 E, Flanged, with By-Pass. .Each 225.00 260.00 300.00 375.00 430.00 No. 12 E, Flanged Each 155.00 190.00 225.00 275.00 350.00 400.00 No. 12E, Flanged, with By-Pass.. Each 325.00 400.00 455.00 NOTE: IN ORDERING VALVES WITH BY-PASS, STATE WHETHER THE BY-PASS IS TO BE LOCATED ON THE RIGHT OR LEFT HAND SIDE, VIEWED FROM THE FACE OF SIDE OPENING. The above Valves are made to order only. Prices of other sizes furnished on application. For general dimensions, see page 673. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 151 EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES DOUBLC DISC HARD METAL PARALLEL SEATS FERROSTEEL BODY FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A No. 55 E FLANGED No. 58 E FLANGED PRICE LIST. NON-RISING STEM VALVES Size Inches 2 2^ 3 Wi 4 4^ No. 54 E, Screwed Each 27.50 33.00 45.00 57.00 60.00 77.00 No. 55 E, Flans:ed Each 30.00 35.50 48.00 60.00 65.00 82.00 Size Inches 5 6 8 10 12 No. 54 E, Screwed Each 85.00 100.00 155.00 250.00 No. 55E, Flanged Each 90.00 107.00 162.00 258.00 335.00 PRICE LIST. RISING STEM VALVES Size Inches 2 3 4 5 No. 57 E, Screwed Each 35.50 54.00 72.00 100.00 No. 58 E, Flanged Each 38.00 57.00 77 .00 105.00 Size Inches 6 8 10 12 No. 57 E, Screwed Each 115.00 180.00 275.00 No. 58 E, Flanged Each 122.00 187.00 283.00 390.00 For general dimensions, see page 675. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. VALVES FOR WOOD PRESERVING PLANTS When these Valves are to be used in Wood Preserving Plants, they will be furnished with Monel Metal Trimmings and Stems. PRICES ON APPLICATION 152 CRANE CO. PRICE LIST FOR DRILLING MEDIUM AND EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON AND FERROSTEEL FLANGED VALVES Size Inches Drilling Valves with 2 Flanges except Angle Valves Each Drilling Angle Valves Each Drilling Cross Valves Each Drilling Pop Safety Valves 1 Flange Each Valve Drilling Pop Safety Valves 2 Flanges Each Valve 1 .60 1.00 1* .60 1.00 1H .60 1.00 2 .75 1.25 1.50 2H .75 1.25 1.50 .75 1.25 3 .75 1.25 1.50 .75 1.25 3% 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.50 4 1.25 1.75 2.50 1.25 1.75 4tt 1.50 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 5 1.50 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 6 1.75 2.50 3.50 1.75 2.50 7 2.25 3.00 4.50 For drilling 5*4 inch Marine Pop Safety Valves, use 6 inch prices. 8 2.25 3.00 4.50 9 2.50 3.50 5.00 10 2.50 3.50 5.00 12 3.50 5.00 7.00 14 4.00 6.00 8.00 15 4.00 6.00 8.00 16 5.00 7.00 18 6.00 20 7.50 22 9.00 24 10.00 30 12.00 BOLT HOLES WILL NOT BE SPOT FACED UNLESS SO ORDERED, FOR WHICH AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF FIVE CENTS, NET, PER HOLE WILL BE MADE. FOR DRILLING TEMP CRANE CO. 153 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC VALVES AND FITTINGS We manufacture two lines of Hydraulic Flanged Valves and Fittings as follows: Hydraulic Ferrosteel 1^ to 12 inch, inclusive For Cold Water or Oil Working Pressures from 800 to 1200 pounds per square inch Hydrostatic, depending on sizes. Hydraulic Cast Steel \Y 2 to 6 inch inclusive For Cold Water or Oil Working Pressures up to 3000 pounds per square inch Hydrostatic. We manufacture Malleable Iron, Cast Steel and Forged Steel Hydraulic Screwed Fittings covering a range of working pressures up to 6000 pounds per square inch Hydrostatic. We manufacture Brass, Forged Steel and Cast Steel Screwed Valves covering a range of working up to 6000 pounds per square inch Hydro- static. In addition to the ordinary types of valves and fittings, we manu- facture yari9us specialties which are used to a considerable extent in Hydraulic Pipe Lines, such as Water Relief Valves, Sediment Separators and Shock Absorbers. We are adding to our line as demand warrants and furnish material not shown in this catalogue if ordered in sufficient quantities. We have endeavored to build material to cover the requirements of ordi- nary hydraulic work. Material for HIGH TEMPERATURES or UNUSUAL CONDITIONS should be taken up as a SPECIAL PROP- OSITION and we will endeavor to take care of any requirements. HYDROSTATIC AND SHOCK WORKING PRESSURES All valves and fittings in this catalogue are suitable for the working pressures specified when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or negligible and where the temperature does not exceed 125 degrees Fahrenheit. It is well known that in certain classes of hydraulic installations where quick operating valves are used, such as hydraulic forging plants, steel mill operating systems, etc., the piping is subjected to more or less SHOCK because of the sudden operation of valves. Service of this character is sometimes very severe on the valves and fittings, and though the use of properly designed Shock Absorbers at various points will reduce the over-pressure, it is usually necessary to use heavier valves and fittings than would be required for an installa- tion where shock is absent. Ordinarily, hydraulic valves and fittings subject to shock should not be used for working pressures higher than 65 percent of the "Hydro- static" working pressure ratings published, and where shock is severe 50 per cent or even 40 per cent will be more conservative. Installations of this character should always be protected by Shock Absorbers, placed to the best advantage. AIR AND GAS Our Hydraulic Valves and Fittings may be used on High Pressure Air or Natural Gas service up to the Hydrostatic Working Pressure published, providing the temperature does not exceed 125 degrees Fahrenheit. However, material for this service should always be ordered special, because WHEN SO ORDERED, it is given a high pressure air-under- water test in addition to the usual hydraulic test. An additional charge is made for this test. We can not be responsible for valves or fittings used on air or gas, unless THE ORDER SPECIFIES THAT THEY ARE FOR SUCH SERVICE. Valves and Fittings for High Pressure Air or Gas where the tem- perature exceeds 125 degrees Fahrenheit are entirely special. Orders or inquiries for prices should give complete information regarding service conditions. Ordinary Hydraulic Check Valves will not give satisfactory service on High Pressure Air or Gas. Valves for this service will be furnished with special construction. Prices on application. 154 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FERROSTEEL GATE VALVES HARD METAL SEATS WEDGE GATE FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS! 1/i TO 2^2 INCH, 120O POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH HYDROSTATIC 3 AND 4 INCH, 1OOO POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH HYDROSTATIC 5 TO 12 INCH, 8OO POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 2OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH j NO. 205 H ' NON-RISING STEM OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE CONSTRUCTION The bodies, bonnets and yokes of these Valves are made of Ferrosteel. The stem in the Non-Rising Stem Valve is made of Brass; in the Valve with Outside Screw and Yoke it is made of Steel and plated. Brass stems for the Outside Screw and Yoke Valves will be furnished at an extra price. The body is very heavy and has extra heavy hard metal seats which are screwed against shoulders in the body, thereby insuring perfect joints. This construction of seat and method of screwing it in the body is very much better than any other, as there is no necessity of an auxiliary gland to keep the seats in an exact line and no trouble with leaks between the seat and the body which are liable to occur in other styles. These seats can be removed at anytime should it be found necessary to renew them. The gate is made very rigid and faced with hard metal. The guides in the gate are very carefully finished so as to slide smoothly on ribs in the body, thus preventing any rattling when Valve is partly open or any uneven wear of the faces. The stuffing box gland flange on all these Valves is made of Malleable Iron with a brass follower, which gives the requisite additional strength and durability at this point. Hard Metal is a superior metal and will withstand the wear that the seats of these Valves are subjected to. The Outside Screw and Yoke, with its Rising Stem, is a perfect Indicator showing whether Valve is open or closed. Valves with Inside Screw have Non-Rising Stem and are especially suitable for use on pump columns in mines, etc. THESE VALVES MAY BE PACKED WHILE UNDER PRESSURE. To do so, with Non-Rising Stem Valves, open the Valve wide by running the wedge tightly up to the top of the bonnet, which in turn draws the collar of the stem down tightly against the flange of the bon- net, forming a steam or water tight joint. For the Outside Screw and Yoke Valves the stem is screwed out until the taper collar on the stem engages with the top of the bonnet and forms a tight joint. Unless otherwise specified, Flanged Valves will always be furnished with Male Face; in which case, Companion Flanges, when ordered with Valves, will be furnished with Female Face. WORKING PRESSURES These Yalves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. When SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. CRANE CO. 155 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC GATE VALVES OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE WITH AND WITHOUT BY-PASS FERROSTEEL WEDGE GATE HARD METAL SEATS OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: 1/^TO zYz INCH, 120O LBS. HYDROSTATIC! 3 AND 4 INCH, 100O LBS. HYDROSTATIC! 5 TO 12 INCH, 800 LBS. HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 2000 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 201 H NO. 203 H Size Inches 1H 2 2H 3 4 5 No. 200 H, Screwed Each 20.00 27.00 40.00 54.00 75.00 100.00 No. 201 H, Flanged Each 22.00 30.00 45.00 59.00 80.00 108.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 No. 200 H, Screwed Each 130.00 No. 201 H, Flanged Each 140.00 195.00 210.00 330.00 430.00 No. 203 H, Flanged with By-Pass . .Each 1 160. 00 220.00 235.00 360.00 460.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on Pag6 153 ' AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. Larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. It is desirable that all Valves 6 inch and larger have a By-Pass. We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. Unless otherwise specified, Flanged Valves will always be furnished with Male Face; in which case, Companion Flanges, when ordered with Valves, will be furnished with Female Face. For general dimensions, see page 677. Templates for drilling, page 653. Price List for drilling, page 157. 156 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC GATE VALVES NON-RISING STEM WITH AND WITHOUT BY-PASS FERROSTEEL WEDGE GATE HARD METAL SEATS OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: iMToaHiNCH, 1200 LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 3 AND 4 INCH, 1000 LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 5 TO 12 INCH, 800 LBS. HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 2OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH No. 205 H No. 207 H Size Inches 1H 2 2^ 3 4 5 No. 204 H, Screwed Each 18.00 22.50 34.00 48.00 65.00 90.00 No. 205 H, Flanged Each 20.00 25.50 39.00 53.00 70.00 98.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 No. 204 H, Screwed Each 115.00 No. 205 H, Flanged Each 125.00 170.00 180.00 300.00 400.00 No. 207 H, Flanged with By-Pass. . .Each 140.00 195.00 210.00 330.00 430.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on Page 153 ' AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL, page 153. See Explanatory notes on Larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. It is desirable that all Valves 6 inches and larger have a By-Pass. We do not recommend the use of Screwed Valves larger than 6 inch. Unless otherwise specified, Flanged Valves will always be furnished with Male Face; in which case, Companion Flanges, when ordered with Valves, will be furnished with Female Face. For general dimensions, see page 677. Templates for drilling, page 653. Price List for drilling, page 157. CRANE CO. 157 PRICE LIST FOR DRILLING EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FERROSTEEL FLANGED VALVES AND BOLTING COMPANION FLANGES TO VALVES AND FITTINGS Size Inches Drilling Valves with Two Flanges Each BOLTING ON COMPANION FLANGES, NOT INCLUDING BOLTS OR GASKETS; FOR LABOR ONLY Extra for Valve or Fitting with 2 Flanges Net Extra for Fitting with 3 Flanges Net Extra for Fitting with 4 Flanges Net IK .80 .30 .45 .60 2 1.00 .30 .45 .60 VA 1.10 .50 .75 1.00 3 1.20 .50 .75 1.00 3H .50 .75 1.00 4 1.30 .50 .75 1.00 4K .60 .90 1.20 5 2.25 .60 .90 1.20 6 3.00 .60 .90 1.20 7 5.00 .70 1.05 1.40 8 6.00 .70 1.05 1.40 10 8.00 .80 1.20 1.60 12 9.00 .80 1.20 1.60 BOLT HOLES WILL NOT BE SPOT FACED UNLESS SO ORDERED, FOR WHICH AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF FIVE CENTS, NET, PER HOLE WILL BE MADE. 158 CRANE CO. STANDARD IRON COCKS FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS SCREWED NO. 320. ALL IRON COCKS Size Inches H % 1 1M Ujj 2 2V* Price Each .90 1.05 1.30 1.60 1.95 2.70 4.40 Price, Galvanized Each 1.35 1.60 1.95 2.40 2.95 4.05 6.60 Size Inches 3 VA 4 5 6 8 Price Each 6.75 12.00 15.50 32 .00 45.00 100.00 Price, Galvanized Each 10.15 18.00 23.25 48.00 67.50 150.00 NO. 322. IRON COCKS WITH BRASS WASHER Size Inches H % 1 IK Itt 2 2K Price Each 1.00 1.20 1.55 1.95 2.35 3.20 5.15 Size Inches 3 3H 4 5 6 8 Price Each 7.75 14.00 19.00 38.00 53.00 110.00 NO. 324. IRON COCKS WITH BRASS PLUG SiM.. Inches % % 1 IK iy z 2 2y 2 3 BK 4 5 6 8 Price. ..Each 1.30 1.60 1.90 2.65 3.75 5.25 8.75 13.00 27.50 36.50 67.00 94.00 200.00 Flat Head, l / 2 inch to 2 inch, and Square Head, 2 l / 2 inch to 8 inch, will always be furnished, unless otherwise ordered. These Cocks will be furnished with Check when so ordered, at a special price. CRANE CO. 159 STANDARD IRON COCKS FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS FLANGED Size Inches 2 2^ 3 3H No. 325, All Iron Each 4.25 6.25 9.50 15.00 No. 327, with Brass Washer Each 4.75 7.00 10.50 17.00 No. 329, with Brass Plug Each 7.00 10.50 15.75 30.00 Diam. Flanges Inches 6 7 1 1 A 8H Size Inches 4 5 6 8 No. 325, All Iron Each 19.00 36.00 50.00 107 .00 No. 327, with Brass Washer Each 22.50 42.00 58.00 117 .00 No. 329, with Brass Plug Each 40.00 70.00 100 .00 210.00 Diam. Flanges Inches 9 10 11 13H Flat Head, 1 to 2 inch, and Square Head, 2K to 8 inch, will always be furnished, unless otherwise ordered. These Cocks will be furnished with Check when so ordered, at a special price. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. STANDARD IRON THREE WAY COCKS FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS SCREWED NO. 326. ALL IRON THREE WAY COCKS Size Inches H 1 1M V4 2 2H Price Each 1.65 1.80 2.05 2.65 3.65 5.35 Price, Galvanized Each 2.50 2.70 3.10 4.00 5.50 8.00 Size Inches 3 3^ 4 5 6 Price .' Each 7.50 14.00 19.00 36.50 52.00 Price, Galvanized Each 11.25 21.00 28.50 54.75 78.00 NO. 328. IRON THREE WAY COCKS WITH BRASS WASHER Size Inches X 1 1M iy z 2 2Y 2 Price Each 1.80 2.05 2.40 3.05 4.15 6.10 Size Inches 3 3K 4 5 6 Price Each 8.50 16.00 22.50 42.50 60.00 NO. 330. IRON THREE WAY COCKS WITH BRASS PLUG Size Inches * 1 m 1H 2 M Price Each 2.20 2.40 3.10 4.50 6.25 9.75 Size Inches 3 3^2 4 5 6 Price Each 13.75 30.00 40.00 71.50 100.00 These Cocks will be furnished with Check when so ordered, at a special price. CRANE CO. 161 STANDARD IRON THREE WAY COCKS FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 331. ALL IRON THREE WAY COCKS Size Inches 2 2^ 3 4 5 6 Price Each 7.00 9.00 12.75 26.00 44.00 60.00 NO. 333. IRON THREE WAY COCKS WITH BRASS WASHER Size Inches 2 2H 3 4 5 6 Price Each 7.50 9.75 13.75 29.50 50.00 68.00 NO. 335. IRON THREE WAY COCKS WITH BRASS PLUG Size Inches 2 2^ 3 4 5 6 Price Each 9.50 13 .25 19.00 47.00 80.00 108.00 These Cocks will be furnished with Check when so ordered, at ; special price. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 162 CRANE CO. CRANE MINE COCKS FOR COMPRESSED AIR LINES IRON BODY BRASS PLUG STEEL SPRING TESTED UNDER AIR PRESSURE SUITABLE FOR 125 POUNDS AIR PRESSURE AND ITS POUNDS COLD WATER WORKING PRESSURE THE SPRING AUTOMATICALLY TAKES UP WEAR NO. 318, LOCK-SHIELD TRIANGULAR HEAD NO. 319, EXPOSED SQUARE HEAD Size Inches No 318 Each % 9 9*\ M 9 4O 1 9 4.O 1M 9 fi^ 1M 4 00 2 6 65 3 13 00 4 No. 319 Each 2.25 2.40 2.40 2.65 4.00 6.65 13.00 40.00 Triangular Key Wrench . . . Each .20 .20 .20 .25 .40 .65 1.00 5.00 Square Key Wrench Bach .20 .20 .20 .25 .40 .65 1.00 5.00 NO. 318 PREVENTS TAMPERING CAN ONLY BE OPERATED WITH TRIANGULAR WRENCH These Cocks are recommended for use on gasoline lines. OTHER SIZES MADE TO ORDER AT A SPECIAL PRICE STANDARD IRON COCKS Standard Cocks are made from well proportioned heavy patterns and are suitable for working pressures up to 125 pounds. They are made either All Iron, Iron with Brass Washer or Iron with Brass Plug. The All Iron Cock should never be used for Water, as the Plug will stick in the barrel and it is almost impossible to turn it. We recom- mend Cocks with Brass Plug for Water. Cocks will be furnished Galvanized at a special price, when so ordered. ALL STANDARD COCKS ARE TESTED TO ISO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE CRANE CO. 163 ASBESTOS PACKED COCKS SOLID OR CHANNEL PACKED TESTED AT 50O POUNDS PRESSURE AND SUITABLE FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO ISO POUNDS No. 310 SCREWED No. 311 FLANGED Size Inches Ys H Ys 1 A 1 M IK No. 310, Screwed. .Each 1.30 1.30 1.45 1.60 2.10 2.50 3.50 4.76 No. 311, Flanged. . . Each 1.60 2.10 2.50 3.50 4.75 Diameter of Flanges Inches 3/2 4 4/2 5 Size Inches 2 2K 3 &A 4 5 6 No. 310, Screwed. . . Each 7.00 12.00 18.00 27.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 No. 311, Flanged.. .Each 7.00 12.00 18.00 27.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 6 7 7^ 8^ 9 10 11 Heavy and Extra Heavy, also Angle and Three-way Cocks, also Ammonia Cocks with recessed and gland ends; prices on application. 164 CRANE CO. SPECIAL IRON COCKS EXTRA HEAVY FLAT HEAD WITH CAST IRON PLUG, NUT AND WASHER FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 20O POUNDS SCREWED Size Inches % ^ 1 1M V4 2 2Y 2 3 4 No. 334, All Iron Each 1.15 1.25 1.75 2.10 2.80 3.65 6.50 9.00 22.50 No. 336, with Brass Washer. . .Each 1.25 1.40 2.00 2.45 3.20 4.15 7.25 10.00 26.00 No. 337, with Brass Ping Each 1.70 2.25 2.80 3.85 5.60 7.00 13.25 19.00 56.00 These Cocks are made extra heavy, with very liberal bearings. WRENCHES FOR FLAT HEAD STANDARD AND SPECIAL IRON COCKS Size Inches H X 1 1M m 2 2^ 3 Number 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Price Each .20 .20 .35 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.25 WRENCHES FOR SQUARE HEAD STANDARD IRON COCKS Size Inches H Z A 1 1M IK 2 Number 30 31 32 33 34 35 Price Each .20 .20 .35 .45 .60 .75 Size Inches 2^ 3 3H 4 5 6 Number . 36 37 38 39 40 41 Price Each .90 1.25 1.50 1.65 1.90 2.10 CRANE CO. 165 SPECIAL IRON COCKS EXTRA HEAVY FLAT HEAD WITH MALLEABLE IRON PLUG, NUT AND WASHER FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS No. 332 No. 338 NO. 332 Size Inches 1 1M 1J6 2 2^ 3 4 No. 332 Each 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 10.00 13.00 31.00 These Cocks are made extra heavy, with very liberal bearings. Owing to complaints made, from Flat Head Iron Cocks having the heads twisted off by opening, we designed the Malleable Iron Plug, which is very much superior in strength, and can not be broken by opening or closing the Cock. The nut and washer are other good features, on account of being much stronger than cast iron, and will not break when tapped with hammer in loosening the plug. NO. 338 OIL COUNTRY PATTERN EXTRA HEAVY FLAT HEAD BRASS WASHER FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 20O POUNDS Size Inches 1 2 No. 338 Each 2.00 4.50 Weight each Pounds 4M 17** Furnished with Brass Plug at a special price. Square Head Oil Country Cocks furnished when so specified. 166 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY FOUR WAY COCKS IRON BODY. BRASS PLUG AND CAP NICKEL PLATED STEEL SPRING FOR COLD WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS THE SPRING AUTOMATICALLY TAKES UP WEAR INLET No. 339 SCREWED Size Inches H % 1 IX iy 2 2 Price, Screwed Each 8.00 11.50 15.00 23.00 30.00 42.00 Cocks for air are specially ground at an extra price. . The spring, which is located between the ground plug and the cap, automatically takes up wear, insuring a tight joint between the plug and body, and at the same time allows a free and easy movement of the These Cocks are especially adapted for use in operating Hydraulic Presses, Hydraulically Operated Gate Valves, etc. The efficiency and durability of these Cocks, especially under hard ind trying service conditions, will be appreciated by all users. When these Cocks are wanted for steam they will be furnished with iron plugs and are good for steam pressures up to 250 pounds. For air, a brass plug is furnished and the Cocks are suitable for pressures up to 250 pounds. WRENCHES Size Inches 1 A K 1 IK 1 1 A 2 Price Each .20 .20 .50 .65 .65 1.00 CRANE CO. 167 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES Class A Class B No. 21 STEEL GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 350 LBS. STEAM WORKING PRESSU RE 8OO F. TOTAL TEMPERATURE Cast Steel Body, Yoke and Swivel Disc. Sizes 4 inch and larger, discs are faced with Monel Metal, 3J^ inch and smaller, solid Monel Metal Discs. Monel Metal Seat. Monel Metal Stem. 35O LBS. STEAM WORKING PRESSURE 8OO F. TOTAL TEMPERATURE Cast Steel Body, Yoke and Swivel Disc. Sizes 4 inch and larger, discs are faced with Monel Metal, 3^ inch and smaller, solid Monel Metal Discs. Monel Metal Seat. Rolled Steel Stem. 250 LBS. STEAM WORKING PRESSURE 55O F. TOTAL TEMPERATURE Cast Steel Body and Swivel Disc. Sizes 4 inch and larger, discs are faced with Monel Metal, 3% inch and smaller, solid Monel Metal Discs. Ferrosteel Yoke. Monel Metal Seat. Rolled Steel Stem. 400 LBS. WATER WORKING PRESSURE FOR BOILER FEED WATER THROTTLES Cast Steel Body, Yoke and Swivel Disc. Sizes 4 inch and larger, discs are faced with Hard Metal, 3H inch and smaller, solid Hard Metal Discs. Hard Metal Seat. Monel Metal Stem. NOTE. All Valves furnished with ^ inch raised face. In ordering, always specify by NUMBER and LETTER denoting combination wanted. For Cast Steel Valves for High Pressure Water Lines, see pages 180 and 181. 168 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL GLOBE VALVES WITH YOKE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE 167 NO. 21 STEEL NO. 27 STEEL Size Inches 2 2H 3 3 1 A 4 4^ No. 21 A, Flanged Each 57.50 70.00 85.00 100.00 115.00 130.00 No. 21 B, Flanged Each 52.50 62.50 75.00 90.00 100.00 115.00 No. 21 C, Flanged Each 47.50 52.50 65.00 77.50 87.50 102.50 No. 21 D, Flanged Each 52.50 62 .50 75.00 90.00 100.00 115.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 10 No. 21 A, Flanged Each 145.00 170.00 210.00 245.00 375.00 No. 21 B, Flanged Each 125.00 145.00 180.00 210.00 325.00 No. 21 C, Flanged Each 110.00 127.50 160.00 185.00 290.00 No. 21 D, Flanged Each 125.00 145.00 180.00 210.00 325.00 No. 27 A, Flanged, with By-Pass . Each 215.00 255.00 290.00 425.00 No. 27 B, Flanged, with By-Pass. Each 190.00 225.00 255.00 375.00 No. 27 C, Flanged, with By-Pass. Each 172.50 205.00 230.00 340.00 All Valves 6 inches and larger should have a by-pass. For detailed specifications, see page 167. For general dimensions, see page 679. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 178. CRANE CO. 169 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL ANGLE VALVES FLANGED WITH YOKE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES. SEE PAGE 167 NO. 23 STEEL NO. 29 STEEL Size Inches 2 2H 3 V/1 4 4H No. 23 A, Flanged Each 57.50 70.00 85.00 100.00 115.00 130.00 No. 23 B, Flanged Each 52.50 62.50 75.00 90.00 100.00 115.00 No. 23 C, Flanged Each 47.50 52.50 65.00 77.50 87.50 102.50 No. 23 D, Flanged Each 52.50) 62.50 75.00 90.00 100.00 115.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 10 No. 23 A, Flanged Each 145.00 170.00 210.00 245.00 375.00 No. 23 B, Flanged Each 125.00 145.00 180.00 210.00 325.00 No. 23 C, Flanged Each 110.00 127.50 160.00 185.00 290.00 No. 23 D, Flanged Each 125.00 145.00 180.00 210.00 325.00 No. 29 A, Flanged, with By-Pass . Each 215.00 255.00 290.00 425.00 No. 29 B, Flanged, with By-Pass. Each 190.00 225.00 255.00 375.00 No. 29 C, Flanged, with By-Pass. Each 172.50 205.00 230.00 340.00 All Valves 6 inches and larger should have a by-pass. For detailed specifications, see page 167. For general dimensions, see page 679. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 178. 170 CRANE CO. DOUBLE EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FORGED STEEL GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 6000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC Size Inches y* % 3 4 1 IX No. 225 H, Globe Each 21.00 23.00 27.00 33.00 45.00 No. 226 H, Angle Each 21.00 23.00 27.00 33.00 45.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on Page 153 ' AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. The diameter of the seat opening of these Valves is slightly smaller than the inside diameter of Double Extra Strong Pipe. These Valves have been designed to meet the demand for a thoroughly reliable valve for use with hydraulic presses and extreme high pressure air or gas installations. The body is machined from a solid steel forging. Sizes % to 1 inch, inclusive, are made with screwed bonnet; l l /i inch size is made with bolted bonnet. The seat is easily renewable. Larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. Valves for higher pressures made to order. Prices on application. CRANE CO. 171 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL SWING CHECK VALVES CAST STEEL BODY HARD METAL SEATS FOR BOILER FEED LINES UP TO 400 POUNDS WORKING PRESSURE No. 39 D STEEL MAY BE USED IN A HORIZONTAL LINE OR FOR UPWARD FLOW Size Inches 2 VA 3 3H 4 JH No. 39 D, Flanged Each 45.00 1Q1Z 55.00 iii/ 62.50 i oi/ 72.50 i qi/ 85.00 14 95.00 I K Diameter of Flanges Inches 6^ l l /2 %v* 9 10 \J^Q 1 A Size Inches 5 6 7 8 10 12 No. 39 D, Flanged Each 100.00 120.00 145.00 160.00 275.00 325.00 Face to Face Inches 15M 17^ 19M 21 24^ 28 Diameter of Flanges Inches 11 12^ 14 15 17H 20 NOTE. "Y" Pattern Stop Check Valves are meeting with con- siderable favor among many engineers for a hand-closed check valve in boiler feed lines and may be substituted for No. 39 D. This Valve has the important advantage of being easily reground. The flanges of these Valves are regularly furnished with a raised face ^ inch high inside the bolt holes. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 178. 172 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL SWING CHECK VALVES FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3OOO POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 3000 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE HARD METAL SEATS No. 221 D STEEL MAY BE USED IN A HORIZONTAL LINE OR FOR UPWARD FLOW Size Inches 2H 3 4 5 6 Inside Diameter of Port Inches 2 2J4 3 4 5 210.00 No. 220 D, Screwed Each 85.00 105 . 00 120.00 160.00 No. 221 D, Flanged Each 90.00 115.00 130.00 170.00 225.00 End to End, Screwed Inches 12 13 14 16 18 Face to Face, Flanged Inches 12K 14 16 18 20 Diameter Flanges Inches 834 10 ny 2 13H 15 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. The inside diameter of these Valves is approximately the same as that of Double Extra Strong Pipe. Unless otherwise specified, Flanged Valves will always be furnished with Male Face; in which case, Companion Flanges, when ordered with Valves, will be furnished with Female Face. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 178. CRANE CO. 173 DOUBLE EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FORGED STEEL HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVES FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 6000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 6OOO POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH HYDRAULIC PRESSURE Size Inches i i i ^ 1 1M No. 227 H Each 21 .00 23 00 27.00 33 .00 45.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressure specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. The inside diameter of these Valves is slightly smaller than that of Double Extra Strong Pipe. These Valves have been designed to meet the demand for a thoroughly reliable valve for use with hydraulic presses and extreme high pressure air or gas installations. The body is machined from a solid steel forging. Sizes % to 1 inch, inclusive, are made with screwed bonnet; \% inch size is made with a bolted bonnet. The seat and disc are easily renewable. Large sizes made to order. Prices on application. Valves for higher pressures made to order. Prices on application. 174 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL GATE VALVES NON-RISING STEM No. 7 STEEL OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE Class A Class B GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 35O LBS. STEAM WORKING PRESSURE 8OO F. TOTAL TEMPERATURE Cast Steel Body, Bonnet, Yoke and Disc. Sizes 2^ inch and larger, discs are faced with Monel Metal, 2 inch and smaller, solid Monel Metal Discs. Monel Metal Seats. Monel Metal Stem. 350 LBS. STEAM WORKING PRESSURE 8OO F. TOTAL TEMPERATURE Cast Steel Body, Bonnet, Yoke and Disc. Sizes 2^ inch and larger, discs are faced with Monel Metal, 2 inch and smaller, IiU-l- p\JJL , \_llOVxQ dJ.C AUiWCU. Will, solid Monel Metal Discs. Monel Metal Seats. Rolled Steel Stem. 250 LBS. STEAM WORKING PRESSURE 5SO F. TOTAL TEMPERATURE Cast Steel Body and Disc. Sizes 2^ inch and larger, discs are *Class I faced with Monel Metal, 2 inch and smaller, solid Monel C ) Metal Discs. Ferrosteel Bonnet and Yoke. Monel Metal Seats. Rolled Steel Stem. 600 LBS. COLD WATER WORKING PRESSURE AND 4OO LBS. BOILER FEED LINES Class I Cast Steel Body, Bonnet, Yoke and Disc. Sizes 2^ inch and D 1 larger, discs are faced with Hard Metal, 2 inch and smaller, solid Hard Metal Discs. Hard Metal Seats. Monel Metal Stem. NOTE. *Classes A, B and D Valves only are furnished with con- densing chamber and pet cock as shown. All Valves furnished with ^ inch raised face. In ordering, always specify by NUMBER and LETTER denoting the combination wanted. For Cast Steel Valves for High Pressure Water Lines, see pages 180 and 181. CRANE CO. 175 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL GATE VALVES WEDGE GATE NON-RISING STEM OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE 174 No. 3 STEEL NO. 5 STEEL WITH BY-PASS (PATENTED) Size Inches 1 1 A 1H 2 2 1 A 3 3H 4 4H No. 3D, Flanged. .Each 42.50 45 . 00 49.00 60.00 74.00 88.00 100 00 115.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 No. 3 D, Flanged. . . Each 125.00 145.00 175.00 205.00 255.00 315.00 380.00 No. 5 D. Flgd. with By-Pass Ea. 190.00 250.00 165. Or 445.00 All Valves 6 inches or larger should have a by-pass. For general specifications, see page 174. For general dimensions, see page 681. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, see> page 178. 176 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL GATE VALVES OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE WEDGE GATE OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE 174 NO. 7 STEEL Size Inches 1M l l /2 2 2 1 A 3 VA 4 4H 5 No. 7 A, Flg'd..Each 50.00 52.50 57.50 70.00 85.00 100.00 115.00 130.00 145.00 No. 7 B, Flg'd.Each 45.00 47.50 50.00 62.50 75.00 90.00 105.00 120.00 135.00 No. 7C, Flg'd.Each 40.00 42.50 45.00 56.50 69.00 78.00 90.00 105.00 120,00 No. 7 D. Flg'd.Each 45.00 47.50 51.50 62.50 77.00 92.00 105.00 120.00 130.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 No. 7 A, Flg'd .Each 170.00 210.00 245.00 310.00 375.00 475.00 625.00 625.00 800.00 No. 7 B, Flg'd. Each 155.00 190.00 225.00 285.00 340.00 435.00 560.00 560.00 720.00 No. 7 C, Flg'd. Each 137.00 170.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 375.00 500.00 500.00 650.00 No. 7 D, Flg'd. Each 150.00 185.00 215.00 265.00 330.00 400.00 530.00 530.00 665.00 All Valves 6 inches and larger should For general specifications, see page see page 681. For have a by-pass. 174. For general dimensions, page 178. drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, see CRANE CO. 177 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL GATE VALVES OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE (PATENTED) WEDGE GATE WITH BY-PASS OPEN TO THE LEFT FOR WORKING PRESSURES. SEE PAGE 174 No. 9 STEEL Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 No. 9 A, Flg'd. . .Each 225.00 265.00 300.00 365.00 440.00 560.00 710.00 No. 9 B, Flg'd. . .Each 205.00 240.00 275.00 335.00 400.00 515.00 640.00 No. 9 C, Flg'd. . .Each 180.00 215.00 245.00 300.00 350.00 440.00 565.00 No. 9 D, Flg'd.. .Each 200.00 235.00 265.00 320.00 385.00 470.00 600.00 Size Inches 15 16 18 20 22 24 No. 9 A, Flg'd. . .Each 710.00 885.00 1200.00 1500.00 2000.00 2250.00 No. 9 B, Flg'd. . .Each 640.00 800.00 1100.00 1350.00 1825.00 2050.00 No. 9 C, Flg'd. . .Each 565.00 715.00 1000.00 1225.00 1675.00 1850.00 No. 9 D, Flg'd . .Each 600.00 735.00 1000.00 1250.00 1700.00 1900.00 For general specifications, see page see page 681. For drilling templates, see page 652 page 178. 174. For general dimensions. Price List for drilling, see 178 CRANE CO. PRICE LIST FOR DRILLING AND SPOT FACING EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED VALVES Size Inches Globe or Gate Each Valve Angle Each Valve 1M 2./5 1H 2.75 2 3.00 3.50 2Mi 3.25 3.75 3 3.75 4.25 3H 4.00 4.50 4 4.50 5.00 4^ 4.75 5 25 5 5.00 5.50 6 6.00 7.00 7 7.00 8.00 8 .oo 9.00 9 9.00 10.00 10 10.00 11.00 12 12.00 13.50 14 14.00 16.00 15 15.00 17.00 16 16.00 18 20.00 20 25.00 22 30.00 24 33.00 FOR DRILLING TEMPLATES, SEE PAGE 652 CRANE CO. 179 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL GATE VALVES - FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 30OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE No. 205 D LJ y NO. 201 I NON-RISING STEM OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE CONSTRUCTION The bodies, bonnets, yokes and discs of these Valves are made of Crane Cast Steel. Sizes above 2 inch, the disc is faced with hard metal ; size 2 inch, the disc is solid hard metal. The stem in the Non-Rising Stem Valve is made of Brass; in the Valve with Outside Screw and Yoke it is made of Rolled Steel. Brass Stems for the Outside Screw and Yoke Valves will be furnished at an extra price. The body is very heavy and has extra heavy hard metal seats which are screwed against shoulders in the body, thereby insuring perfect joints. This construction of seat and method of screwing it in body is very much better than any other, as there is no necessity ot an auxiliary gland to keep the seats in exact line and no trouble with leaks between the seat and body which are liable to occur in other styles. These seats can be removed at any time should it be found necessary to renew them. The gate is made very rigid and faced with hard metal. The guides in the gate are very carefully finished so as to slide smoothly on ribs in the body, thus preventing any rattling when Valve is partly open or any uneven wear of the faces. Hard Metal is a superior metal and will withstand the wear that the seats of these Valves are subjected to. The stuffing box gland flange on all these Valves is made of Malleable Iron with a brass follower, which gives the requisite additional strength and durability at this point. The Outside Screw and Yoke with its Rising Stem, is a perfect Indicator showing whether Valve is open or closed. Valves with Inside Screw have Non-Rising Stem and are especially suitable for use on pump columns in mines, etc. THESE VALVES MAY BE PACKED WHILE UNDER PRESSURE. To do so, with Non-Rising Stem Valves, open the Valve wide by running the wedge tightly up to top of bonnet, which in turn draws the collar of the stem down tightly to the flange of bonnet, forming a steam or water-tight joint. For the Outside Screw and Yoke Valves the stem is screwed out until the taper collar on the stem engages with the top of the bonnet and forms a tight joint. Unless otherwise specified, Cast Steel Flanged Valves when ordered Faced and Drilled are always furnished with Spot Faced Bolt Holes, which is included in list price for drilling, page 182. Unless otherwise specified, Flanged Valves will always be furnished with Male Face; in which case, Companion Flanges, when ordered with Valves, will be furnished with Female Face. The inside diameter of these Valves is approximately the same as that of Double Extra Strong Pipe. WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. When SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. 180 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL GATE VALVES FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3OOO POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 3OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE INSIDE SCREW NON-RISING STEM WEDGE GATE HARD METAL SEATS OPEN TO THE LEF NO. 205 D STEEL Size Inches 2 2H 3 4 5 6 Inside Diam. of Port Inches 1JX 2 2 1 A 3 4 5 No. 204 D, Screwed Each 90.00 110.00 130.00 150.00 190.00 270.00 No. 205 D, Flanged Each 95.00 115.00 140.00 160.00 200.00 285.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressure specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. Larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. Unless otherwise specified, Flanged Valves will always be furnished with Male Face; in which case, Companion Flanges, when ordered with Valves, will be furnished with Female Face. For general specifications, see page 179. For general dimensions, see page 682. For drilling templates, see page 654. Price List for drilling, page 182. CRANE CO. 181 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL GATE VALVES FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 3OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE WEDGE GATE HARD METAL SEATS OPEN TO THE LEFT Size Inches 2 VA 3 4 5 6 Inside Diam. of Port Inches IMj 2 2y 2 3 4 5 No. 200 D, Screwed Each 95.00 115.00 135.00 160.00 200.00 285.00 No. 201 D, Flanged Each 100.00 120.00 145.00 170.00 210.00 300.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Valves are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight -as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153, AIR OR GAS Valves for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. Larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. Unless otherwise specified, Flanged Valves will always be furnished with Male Face; in which case, Companion Flanges, when ordered with Valves, will be furnished with Female Face. For general specifications, see page 179. For general dimensions, see page 682. For drilling templates, see page 654. Price List for drilling, page 182. 182 CRANE CO. PRICE LIST FOR DRILLING AND SPOT FACING EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL FLANGED VALVES FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC Size Inches Price Each 2 4.00 VA 5.00 3 5.00 4 6.00 5 9.00 6 10.00 TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING, PAGE 654 CRANE CO. 183 INDICATOR POSTS These posts are made in two patterns; the STANDARD PATTERN" suitable for all ordinary installations, and the UNDERWRITER PATTERN which is designed in accordance with the rules and re- quirements of the National Fire Protection Association and is marked CU to denote its use for fire protection service. The object of these Indicator Posts is to provide means for operating underground Valves and furnish a positive indicator showing whether the Valves are open or closed. They are used principally in factory or mill yards in connection with the fire protection service, but may, with advantage, be used at any point where the Valve is underground. The use of this post does away with the annoyance and delay of searching for a Valve box, which may be covered with snow or dirt. The device consists of a strong cast-iron, tubular, adjustable post, made in two or more sections, as depth requires, which extends below the surface, where it is fastened to the Valve. The Valve stem is joined to the square operating rod by a suitable socket. Turning the nut to the left opens the Valve and exposes the word "Open" through the glass of the indicator; turning to the right closes the Valve and exposes the word "Shut." Indicator Posts for Valves opening to the Right can be furnished on special order. The operating nut is made \\i inches square, unless otherwise ordered. The post is not affected by the elements. The indicator openings are provided with removable metal frames, which carry heavy plate glass ^ inch thick. The letters are large and easily read. To prevent moisture gathering on indicator glass during cold weather, small openings are provided under cover which thoroughly ventilate the entire post. The lower plate of the Indicator is adjustable, and its position on this Indicator is changed to suit the size of the Valve. 184- CRANE CO. INDICATOR POSTS STANDARD PATTERN SUITABLE FOR OPERATING VALVES FROM 2 TO 14 INCH ENLARGED SECTIONAL VIEW OF HEAD DOUBLE FACE NO. 520 AS APPLIED TO NO. 462 GATE VALVE Distance from Ground Level to Bottom of Pipe Feet 2 to 6 Indicator Post, including Wrench Each 40.00 Posts for Bury greater than 6 feet; prices on application. When ordering, state size and catalogue number of Valve. Also give distance from ground level to bot- tom of pipe or trench, as shown by dimension A on INFORMATION illustration above. FOR ORDERING When post is to be used with other than Crane Valves, state name of maker of Valve, size and style of end connections ; also 1 Whether Valves open by turning to right or left. 2 Number of turns required to fully open and close. A Depth of trench. B Center of pipe to top of stuffing box flange. C Center of pipe to bottom of Valve stem square. D Diameter of stuffing box. E Size of square on Valve stem. F Height of square on Valve stem. G Length of threaded end on Valve stem. H Diameter of stuffing box bolt circle. J Diameter of stuffing box studs. K Number of stuffing box studs. Indicator Posts, when furnished for use with other than Crane Valves, will be made to order at a special price. CRANE CO. 185 INDICATOR POSTS FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE, UNDERWRITERS' PATTERN SUITABLE FOR OPERATING VALVES FROM 2 TO 14 INCH VIEW OF HEAD DOUBLE FACE AS APPLIED TO No. 462^2 GATE VALVE Distance from Ground Level to Bottom of Pipe . . . . . . .Feet 2 to 6 Indicator Post, including Wrench . . .Each 40.00 Posts for Bury greater than 6 feet; prices on application. WHEN ORDERING, STATE SIZE AND CATALOGUE NUMBER OF VALVE. ALSO GIVE DISTANCE FROM GROUND LEVEL TO BOTTOM OF PIPE OR TRENCH, AS SHOWN BY DIMENSION A ON ILLUSTRATION ABOVE. WHEN ORDERING POSTS FOR USE WITH OTHER THAN CRANE VALVES, GIVE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON PAGE 184. These Posts are designed in accordance with the rules and require- ments of the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. These Posts are marked "CU" to denote their use for fire protection service. 186 CRANE CO. FLOOR STANDS WITH OR WITHOUT INDICATOR ATTACHMENTS SUITABLE FOR RISING OR NON-RISING STEM VALVES FLOOR STAND WITHOUT INDICA- TOR ATTACHED TO NON-RISING STEM VALVE FLOOR STAND WITH INDICATOR ATTACHED TO RISING STEM VALVE PRICE LIST WITHOUT INDICATOR 20 Inches High 32 Inches High Painted column; japanned wheel; wneel stem coup- ling; no extension stem Each 15.00 20.00 Finished column; japanned wheel; wheel stem coup- ling; no extension stem Each 28.00 35.00 Finished column; rim and hub of wheel finished, spokes japanned; no extension stem Each 40.00 48.00 WITH INDICATOR 20 Inches High 32 Inches High Painted column; japanned wheel with indicator trim- mings complete ; no extension stem 22.00 27.00 Finished column; japanned wheel with indicator trimmings complete ; no extension stem 35.00 42.00 Finished column; rim and hub of wheel finished, spokes japanned; indicator trimmings complete; no extension stem 47.00 55.00 Extension Stems extra. Price according to length, size and style of valve. Directions for ordering Floor Stands, on opposite page. CRANE CO. 187 FLOOR STANDS WITH OR WITHOUT INDICATOR ATTACHMENTS SUITABLE FOR RISING OR NON-RISING STEM VALVES DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING FLOOR STANDS FOR ALL VALVES 1 Specify with or without indicator. 2 Give size and style of valve. 3 Give manufacturer's name and catalogue number of valve. 4 Give outside diameter of hand wheel on valve. 5 Give number of turns right or left to open valve. IF WANTED WITH EXTENSION STEMS The following additional information is required. A Center of valve to floor level. NON-RISING STEM VALVES. B Center of valve to bottom of square on valve stem. C Size and length of square part of valve stem. RISING STEM VALVES. D Center of valve to bottom of sleeve. E Give in detail construction of sleeve where wheel fits. NOTE. Unless otherwise specified, the 32 inch stand will be fur- nished for Valves having a hand wheel 9 inches and larger in diameter and the 20 inch stand for Valves having a hand wheel less than 9 inches in diameter. Extension Stems are made up of Extra Strong pipe with suitable couplings riveted to same, unless otherwise ordered. In addition to regular Stands we can furnish special Stands for various conditions. See page 189 for a number of various applications of Floor Stands. Drawings and estimates furnished on Floor Stands for complex applications. 188 CRANE CO. ILLUSTRATING VARIOUS STYLES OF GEARING FOR OPERATING LARGE VALVES NON-RISING STEM VALVES STYLE S SPUR GEARING STYLE U STYLE V BEVEL GEARING WITH EXTENDED SHAFT. BOX AND HAND WHEEL WHICH CAN BE SET AT ANY HORIZONTAL ANGLE RISING STEM VALVES STYLE N PINION SHAFT PERPENDICULAR TO RUN OF VALVE STYLE O PINION SHAFT PARALLEL TO RUN OF VALVE STYLE P SPUR GEARING WITH HAND WHEEL ABOVE STYLE Y SPECIAL SPUR GEARING WITH EXTENDED OPERATING SHAFTS FOR OPERATING DIRECTLY BELOW PRICES ON APPLICATION CRANE CO. 189 ILLUSTRATING VARIOUS APPLICATIONS OF CRANE FLOOR STANDS WITH OR WITHOUT INDICATOR ATTACHMENTS APPLICATION D MOTOR APPLICATION E FLOOR STANDS ATTACHED TO HORI- ZONTAL VALVE WITH BY-PASS APPLICATION L FOR NON-RISING STEM VALVES. BELL PATTERN FLOOR STAND FOR CLOSE QUARTERS APPLICATION F FLOOR STAND WITH SINGLE BEVEL GEARING APPLICATION G FLOOR STAND WITH DOUBLE BEVEL GEARING APPLICATION K FLOOR STAND WITH ARM APPLICATION H FLOOR STAND, ATTACHED TO VERTICAL VALVE BY MITRE GEARING APPLICATION J FLOOR STAND FOR RISING STEM VALVE, BOLTED TO VALVE BONNET FOR CLOSE QUARTERS PRICES ON APPLICATION ALL INQUIRIES SHOULD STATE WHETHER PLAIN OR INDICATOR FLOOR STANDS ARE WANTED. 190 CRANE CO. CHAIN WHEELS AND GUIDES FOR CRANE VALVES PRICES OF CHAIN WHEELS AND GUIDES* In f JUwHUi I Pitch Diameter of Chain Wheel Inches Non-Rising Stem Gate Valves Each Rising Stem Gate Valves Each Guides for Chain Wheels Each 3 1.50 3.50 4 1.50 3.50 5 1.75 3.75 7^ 2.25 4.50 9.00 10 2.50 5.00 9.00 14 5.50 8.00 9.50 18 9.00 12.00 10.00 24 12.00 16.00 13.00 30 21.00 26.00 15.00 *Prices of Chain Wheels are extra over price of complete Valve. No allowance for regular wheel. The prices for Guides include putting them on the Valves. Chain Wheels for Globe and Angle Valves are same price as for NTon-Rising Stem Gate Valves. Price of Chain for Chain Wheels per foot .20 Price for connecting Ends of Chain per chain .30 In ordering Chain for Chain Wheels be sure to specify the diameter of the Wheel with which the Chain is to be used. TABLE GIVING SIZES OF CHAIN WHEELS USED ON CRANE VALVES BRASS VALVES Pitch Diameter I Chain Wheel ALL VALVES EXCEPT BRASS GATES, GLOBES AND ANGLES GATES GLOBES AND ANGLES Light Stand- ard Me- dium Extra Heavy draulic Light Stand- ard Medium Extra Heavy draulic Stand- ard Me- dium Extra Heavy 2-2^ 1H-2 H-H 1-lM %-l 3 3-3M 2^-3 2-2^ \yr-2 H-H 4 5 n-u 4 3M 3 VA 2 2-2K 3-3^ 2-2M IK 2-2^ 3-3^ 2-2M 2 4 3H-4 3 2^-3 7K 4 4^-5 3-3K 2 4 4^-5 3 3^-4 2M 3-3M 10 6-7 8-9 4 4K-5 2^ 3-3 yt 6-7 4^-5 6-7 4 14 12 14-15 16-18 10-12 6-7 4 4M-5 8-10 8-9 5-6 18 20-22 24-26 14 15-16 8 9-10 6-7 12 10 12-14 7 24 ~30~ 28 30-32 34-36 18-20 22-24 12-14 15-16 18-20 8-9 10-12 14 15-16 18-20 8 10-12 40-42 30 122-24 14-15 CRANE CO. 191 EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES WITH HYDRAULIC LIFT AND HAND RELEASING DEVICE FERROSTEEL BRASS LINED CYLINDER HARD METAL SEATS WEDGE GATE SURES UP TO 250 POUNDS NO. 13 E WITH No. 339 FOUR-WAY COCK As the name indicates, these Valves are actuated by water pressure, either from suitably high pressure city water supply or from boiler feed or service pumps, by simply opening the four- way cock, which may be located in any convenient place within reasonable distance from the Valve. The Valve Steam extending above the hand wheel indicates whether the Valve is open, partly open or closed. The hand wheel at top of Valve has a very short travel and is used only for the purpose of releasing the wedge from its seats, after it has been closed tightly by the piston. This wheel is not suitable for totally clos- ing or opening the Valve. We make these Valves to order, either screwed or flanged ends. By-Pass Valves also furnished, when so specified. When made of cast steel with Monel Metal trimmings these Valves are good for superheated steam up to 350 pounds working pressure and a total temperature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit. INQUIRIES FOR PRICES SHOULD SPECIFY whether Valves are to be furnished with either screwed or flanged ends, and in what position the Valves are to be installed; also working pressure of fluid in valve; also minimum and maximum actuating water pressure to which the cylinder will be subjected. We recommend that the water pressure for actuating the cylinder be as high as available, thus allowing the use of as small diameter cylinder as possible, on large size Valves. 192 CRANE CO. MOTOR OPERATED GATE VALVES GENERAL DESCRIPTION These Valves are manufactured in sixes 4 to 72 inch, inclusive, for all conditions of pressure and service. Any of the various lines of Crane iron body and steel gate valves can be supplied with motor. Sizes 24 inch and smaller are furnished with outside screw and yoke unless otherwise ordered. Sizes larger than 24 inch are furnished with inside screw non-rising stem unless otherwise ordered. Non-rising stem valves are made with indicator to show the position of the gate. The motor is mounted on a stand which is bolted to the valve bonnet and operates the valve through a train of enclosed gears. All parts of the motor drive are on the outside. The valve has no more inside parts than a hand operated valve. A hand wheel is provided by means of which the valve can be operated by hand when electric power is not in service. The motors for Crane Motor Operated Gate Valves are manu- factured especially for valve service and can be installed directly on full voltage without the use of resistance or compensating starter. They are sufficiently powerful to operate the valve under the most extreme conditions and can be furnished for direct current or poly- phase alternating current of standard voltages. All Crane Motor Operated Gate Valves are provided with a limit switch which automatically stops the motor when the valve is tightly seated or wide open. This switch is capable of fine adjustment and is so constructed that the adjustment cannot change in operation. Two types of control can be furnished ; Short Distance and Remote. The short distance control consists of a panel with a line switch, operating switch and fuses. In opening or closing the valve the operator manipulates only one switch. The motor may be stopped at any point of the valve travel, by merely opening the operating switch. The remote control is used when the valve is installed at a consider- able distance from the control station. This type of control has two panels, one for the control station and the other to be located as near the valve as convenient. The operation of the valve is controlled by manipulation of the single switch on the operator's panel just as it is with short distance control. Indicator lamps on the operator's panel show whether the valve is open, closed, or partly open. CRANE CO. 193 MOTOR OPERATED GATE VALVES (PATENTED) Any of the various lines of Crane Iron Body and Steel Gate Valves can be supplied with motor. Orders or inquiries for prices should specify the following: 1. Working pressure. 2. Description of service. 3. If direct current, give voltage. 4. If alternating current, give voltage, cycles and phases. 5. Specify type of control, whether short distance or remote. 6. If short distance, state whether indicating lamps are desired. Remote control is regularly furnished with indicating lamps. 7. If remote control, state whether Valve is to be operated from one or from more than one station. 194 CRANE CO. GATE VALVES WITH HYDRAULIC LIFT CYLINDERS FOR ALL PRESSURES AND PURPOSES As the name indicates, these Valves are actuated by water pressure, either from the city water supply, or from boiler feed or service pumps, by simply opening the four-way cock, which may be located in any convenient place with- in reasonable distance from the Valve. Unless otherwise specified, these Valves will be furnished with ths piston rod extending through the top cylinder head, for the purpose of indicating whether the Valve is open, partly open or closed. We make these Valves to order, either screwed, flanged or hub ends. By-Pass Valves also fur- nished, when so specified. INQUIRIES FOR PRICES SHOULD SPECIFY whether Valves are to be fur- nished screwed, flanged or hub ends, and in what position the Valves are to be installed, with stem horizontal, vertical or at an angle ; also, the maximum pressure to which the Valve will be subjected; also, the minimum and maximum actuating pressure to which the cylinder will be subjected. We recommend that the water pressure for actuating the cylinder be as high as available, thus allowing the use of as small diameter cylinder as possible, on large size Valves. CRANE CO. 195 GATE VALVES WITH CLEAN-OUT POCKET FOR CREOSOTE FOR ALL PRESSURES FERROSTEEL BODY WEDGE GATE PARALLEL SEATS AND DOUBLE DISC THE CLEAN-OUT POCKET which is removable, retains sediment, foreign matter, etc. To clean the Valve it is unnecessary to remove it from the line or take Valve apart; simply remove Clean-Out Pocket. Then free access to interior of Valve is allowed. The following Valves can be furnished with Clean-Out Pocket for use with Creosote in Wood Preserving Plants. Medium Wedge Gate Valves, pages 143 to 145. Extra Heavy Wedge Gate Valves, pages 148 to 150. Standard Double Disc Gate Valves, page 140. Extra Heavy Double Disc Gate Valves, page 151. PRICES ON APPLICATION WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY FOR CREOSOTE WITH CLEAN-OUT POCKET 196 CRANE CO. CRANE Y PATTERN AUTOMATIC STOP-CHECK VALVES EXTRA HEAVY GUARANTEE IF PROPERLY INSTALLED THESE VALVES ARE GUARANTEED AGAINST DEFECTS IN DESIGN, WORKMANSHIP OR MA- TERIAL, FOR A SERVICE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. SHOULD A DEFECT DE- VELOP ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY OF THE ABOVE CAUSES, WE WILL EX- CHANGE THE DEFECTIVE VALVE FOR A NEW ONE WITHOUT CHARGE. All steam plants having more than one boiler should have one of these combination Stop-Check Valves in the piping, between each boiler and the main steam line or header. In the event of a tube blowing out, or the bursting of a joint in the boiler lead to which a Stop-Check Valve is connected, the valve will instantly and automatically close, cutting out the boiler, and acting as a non-return valve, prevent a back flow of steam from the main. They also act as a Safety Stop-Valve, preventing any steam entering or backing into a closed boiler while men are at work inside. Each Valve will open promptly and automatically when the boiler to which it is connected reaches the full pressure in the main, but will remain closed against a higher pressure in the main: consequently, a sluggish boiler may be readily detected, and the firing given proper attention. They should be placed so that the boiler pressure comes underneath the disc. CRANE CO. 197 AUTOMATIC STOP-CHECK VALVES EXTRA HEAVY FERROSTEEL BODY AND YOKE STEEL STEM SEATS AND DISCS OF HARD METAL RENEWABLE SEAT FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 28E STRAIGHT Y USED IN HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL LINES 1 ANGLE Y PAT. APPLIED FOR USED IN EITHER POSITION Size Inches VA 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 No. 28E, Straight Flanged. Ea. 45.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 95.00 120.00 145.00 240.00 No. 30E, Angle Flanged. Each 45.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 95.00 120.00 145.00 240.00 Screwed Valves 2^ to 6 inch will be furnished at the same price. When ordering Stop-Check Valves it is good policy to give the horse power and working pressure of the boiler on which the Valve is to be used. These Stop-Check Valves conform to the requirements of paragraph 303, page 76, of the A. S. M. E. Boiler Code. For general dimensions, see page 683. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. 198 CRANE CO. CRANE-ERWOOD AUTOMATIC DOUBLE ACTING NON-RETURN AND EMERGENCY CUT-OUT VALVES EXTRA HEAVY (PATENTED) PRINCIPAL DUTIES OF THE CRANE-ERWOOD VALVE No. 1. BOILER PROTECTION In the event of a tube blowing out or the bursting of a joint in the boiler to which a Crane-Erwood Valve is connected, the Valve will instantly and automatically close, cutting out the boiler, and, acting as a non-return valve, prevent the back-flow of steam from the mam. No. 2. CUTTING IN Each Valve will open promptly and automatically when the boiler to which it is connected reaches the full pressure in the main, but will remain closed against a higher pressure in the mam; consequently a sluggish boiler may be readily detected and the firing given proper attention. No. 3. HEADER PROTECTION The valve when properly adjusted will close automatically in case any large part of the header or distributing lines gives out, such as the bursting of a fitting, valve or pipe. NO. 4. OPENING LARGE VALVES The Crane-Erwood Valve will close automatically in case the operator opens a large valve too rapidly. No. 5. AUTOMATIC CUT IN When the Valve has automatically closed, due to a break or sudden reduction in pressure beyond the outlet of valve, it will automatically open when the pressure in the header or main steam pipe again equals that of the boiler. This is done through the medium of the by-pass which should be open at all times, except when it becomes necessary to cut out the header from the boiler on account of breaks or shut- downs. No. 6. REMOTE CONTROL As an Emergency Valve, a cable may be attached to the lever so that the Valve can be closed by hand at a distance. The Valve may also be closed from any part of the building by an electrical attach- ment. No. 7. LINE PROTECTION These Valves may be used as line protect on valves, for protecting long lines of steam piping such as branch lines from power house to various points, either overhead or trench work and long Lines for heating systems, etc. NO. 8. HEADER PROTECTION When a boiler "primes" heavily, the Valve will close, and prevent slugs of water entering the header. GENERAL INFORMATION The levers on the outside of the Valve are in line with the discs, and give a positive indication of their position and the operation of the Valve at all times. The separating link, connecting the outside levers, may be adjusted to suit the load to be carried. Shortening the link decreases the volume of steam passing through the Valve; lengthening the link increases the volume and does not interfere with the automatic operation of the Valve. The Valve may be adjusted to close at any desired velocity. The adjustments are made from the outside while the Valve is in operation. CRANE CO. 199 CRANE-ERWOOD AUTOMATIC DOUBLE ACTING NON-RETURN AND EMERGENCY CUT-OUT VALVES (PATENTED) EXTRA HEAVY FERROSTEEL BODY HARD METAL SEATS AND DISCS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 36 E. HORIZONTAL No. 37 E. VERTICAL PRICE LIST FLANGED VALVES Size Inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 No. 36 E, Horizontal Each 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 400.00 No. 37 E, Vertical Each 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 400.00 Vertical type Valves are the same general design and dimensions as the horizontal, but differ as to the location and position of the outside operating parts. When ordering Vertical, be particular to specify Vertical No. 37 E, otherwise Horizontal No. 36 E will always be furnished. For general dimensions, see page 684. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. 200 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL AUTOMATIC STOP-CHECK VALVES CAST STEEL BODY AND YOKE MONEL METAL SEAT SEAT MONEL METAL DISC MONEL METAL STEM FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM UP TO 35O POUNDS WORKING PRESSURE AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 8OO DEGREES FAHRENHEIT No. 28 A STRAIGHT Y USED IN HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL LINES No. 30 A ANGLE Y PAT. APPLIED FOR USED IN EITHER POSITION Size Inches 2^2 3 4 I 5 6 7 8 10 No. 28A Straight Flanged. E a. 97.50 120.00 160.00195.00 245.00 295.00 375.00 575.00 No. 30 A Angle Flanged. Each 97.50 120.00 160.00195.00 245 . 00 295.00 375.00 575.00 For general dimensions, see page 683. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 178. CRANE CO. 201 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL CRANE-ERWOOD AUTOMATIC DOUBLE ACTING NON-RETURN AND EMERGENCY CUT-OUT VALVES (PATENTED) CAST STEEL BODY FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM UP TO 35O POUNDS WORKING PRESSURE AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 8OO DEGREES FAHRENHEIT No. 36A HORIZONTAL No. 37 A VERTICAL PRICE LIST FLANGED VALVES Size Inches 4 5 6 7 8 10 No. 36 A, Horizontal Each 275.00 315.00 360.00 420.00 480.00 800.00 No. 37 A, Vertical Each 275.00 315.00 360.00 420.00 480.00 800.00 Vertical Type Valves are the same general design and dimensions as the horizontal, but differ as to the location and position of the outside operating parts. When ordering Vertical, be particular to specify Vertical No. 37 A, otherwise Horizontal No. 36 A will always be fur- nished. For general dimensions, see page 684. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 178. 202 CRANE CO. STANDARD BACK PRESSURE VALVES IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS WEIGHTED FOR BACK PRESSURE UP TO FIVE POUNDS HORIZONTAL VERTICAL NO. 384 SCREWED Size Inches 2 2H 3 3i/2 4 5 Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 NO. 385 FLANGED Size Inches 6 7 8 10 12 Price Each 47.00 75.00 90.00 130.00 200.00 Face to Face Inches 14 16 17 20 24 Diameter of Flanges Inches 11 i2y 2 13!/ 2 16 19 THE CONSTRUCTION OF THESE VALVES IS SUCH THAT THE HORIZONTAL PATTERN CAN ONLY BE FURNISHED IN SIZES 4 INCH AND LARGER. TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING, PAGE 650. PRICE LIST FOR DRILLING, PAGE 141 COMBINATION BACK PRESSURE AND EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES, PAGES 2O4, 2O5 CRANE CO. 203 NOISELESS BACK PRESSURE VALVES FOR NON-CONDENSING ENGINES ONLY DOUBLE DISC IRON BODY PISTON TYPE BRASS TRIMMINGS HORIZONTAL VERTICAL CAN BE PLACED IN EITHER HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL POSITION BY CHANGING THE POSITION OF LEVER AND WEIGHT NO. 416. SCREWED Size . Ins. 2 2K 3 3H 4 4H 5 6 7 8 9 Price . Ea. 14.00 16.00 18.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 End to End Inches 6^ 7% 9 9% 10H UK 12H 13% 14H 16% 17% NO. 417. FLANGED Size Inches 2 2% 3 3% 4 4H 5 Price Each 14.00 16.00 18.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 Diam. of Flanges. Inches 6 7 7% 8% 9 9M 10 Face to Face .... Inches 1W 9 9% 10% 11^ 12% 13% Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 Price Each 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 145.00 220.00 345.00 Diam. of Flanges.Inches 11 12% 13% 15 16 19 21 Face to Face Inches 14% 15% 16K_ 18% 20^ 24M 26 3 ^ Size Inches 15 16 18 20 22 24 Price Each 400.00 465.00 600.00 750.00 900.00 1050.00 Diam. of Flanges.Inches 22% 23% 25 27% 29M 32 Face to Face .... Inches 26% 2sy 8 31% 33^ 44^ 44% These Valves have a single disc equal to the full area of the pipe and are provided with a balancing disc to eliminate excessive weighting. Standard Valves are intended for a working pressure range limit as follows: Sizes 2 to 6 inch, 1 to 10 pounds; 6 to 10 inch, 1 to 6 pounds; 10 to 20 inch, 1 to 4 pounds ; 20 to 24 inch, 1 to 3 pounds, with a preference for horizontal installation. When these Valves are desired for other ranges, the positions and pressures must be specified. Valves will be furnished, based on the above working range, up to 15 pounds without extra charge. These Valves are not absolutely tight. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 204 CRANE CO. COMBINATION BACK PRESSURE AND EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES FOR CONDENSING OR NON-CONDENSING ENGINES IRON BODY BRASS MOUNTED No. 415 H HORIZONTAL GENERAL These Valves are provided with outside dashpot to cushion the discs and prevent pounding or hammering and are so constructed that foreign matter can not collect and interfere with their operation. The lever weights are arranged so that the Valves may be used as ATMOSPHERIC EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES for condensing en- gines or as BACK PRESSURE VALVES for non-condensing engines. Sizes 16 inch and larger have double levers and weights. EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES FOR CONDENSING ENGINES When used as ATMOSPHERIC EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES for condensing engines, they remain closed while the vacuum is main- tained in the condenser, but should the vacuum be lost, the Valves will open automatically by reason of the pressure of the exhaust steam lifting the disc, permitting the engine to exhaust freely into the atmosphere and STAY OPEN UNTIL CLOSED BY HAND when the weight is located on the angle arm of the outside levers, as shown in cut above. Means are provided for water sealing the Valve seat. BACK PRESSURE VALVES FOR NON-CONDENSING ENGINES When arranged as BACK PRESSURE VALVES for use with non-condensing engines, the weight is bolted to the horizontal arm of the lever. They may be weighted for a maximum Back Pressure of five pounds. These Valves are also recommended for use on Vacuum Heating Systems. CRANE CO. 205 COMBINATION BACK PRESSURE AND EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES STAY OPEN TYPE FOR CONDENSING OR NON-CONDENSING ENGINES IRON BODY BRASS MOUNTED NO. 415 H HORIZONTAL No. 415A ANGLE SPECIAL DOWN DISCHARGE PRICE LIST OF HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL AND ANGLE VALVES No. 414 SCREWED Size Inches 4 4H 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 64.00 72.00 88.00 120.00 175.00 195.00 260.00 310.00 385.00 No. 415 FLANGED Size Inches 4 &A 5 6 7 8 | 9 10 12 Price Each 64.00 72.00 88.00, 120.00 175.00 195.00 260.00 310.00 385.00 Size Inches 14 I 15 16 18 20 22 24 30 36 Price Each 475.00525.00 575.00 675.00 775.00 1050.00 1350.00 2100.00 3000.00 THE IS INCH IS MADE ONLY IN THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL PATTERNS Sizes 7 inch and smaller have internal Dash Pots. Sizes 8 inch and larger have external Dash Pots. The above prices do not apply to the Special Down Discharge Valves, which are made to order only in sizes 12 inch and larger, at a special price. Sizes 16 inch and larger have double levers. For general dimensions, see page 685. For drilling templates, see page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 206 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY EMERGENCY ENGINE STOP VALVE The frequency of accidents which require shutting down the engine instantly has led several States to require by law a quick-closing Engine Stop Valve on the steam lead to each engine. We have developed a Valve for this purpose which meets all the exacting requirements. This Valve may be closed instantly in case of accident. It may be operated from one or several points outside the danger zone. It is simple hi construction, has few parts, and is not likely to get out of order. The metals and proportions are such as to safely withstand the shock of suddenly stopping the flow of steam. It may be tested as often as required to show that it is in working condition. The design is that of a Swing Check Valve with the flow against the back of the disc. The disc is attached to a shaft which extends through a stuffing box to the outside of the Valve. A lever is attached to the shaft, one end of which engages with the releasing device (hand or electrical) , and a weight is attached to the other end of the lever to assist in closing the Valve. A by-pass is provided to equalize the steam pressure on both sides of the disc, when the Valve is to be opened. A drain is provided to take care of condensation. The Valve may be installed in a vertical or horizontal position, or at any angle, by adjusting the lever so the disc will open and close properly. While the engine is running, the disc is held out of the path of the steam by the releasing device, operated either by a cord or electrical push-button. To stop the engine, the cord is pulled or the button pushed and the weight on the lever brings the disc into the path of the steam and it is closed instantly. To reset the Valve, the throttle valve must be closed. The by-pass on the Engine Stop Valve is then opened, and when the pressure is equalized on both sides of the disc, the lever may be raised and the Valve reset. The by-pass valve should then be closed. CRANE CO. 207 EXTRA HEAVY EMERGENCY ENGINE STOP VALVE NEW PATTERN (PATENT APPLIED FOR) FERROSTEEL BODY AND COVER HARD METAL SEAT AND DISC MANGANESE BRONZE HINGE AND STEM FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS OPEN BY-PASS TO EQUALIZE PRESSURE RELEASE OPEN BY-PASS TO EQUALIZE PRESSURE PULL TO CLOSE VALVE NO. 46 E HAND RELEASE NO. 46^ E ELECTRICAL RELEASE FOR REMOTE CONTROL Size Inches 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 No. 46 E, Hand Release . Each 90.00 100.00 120.00 145.00 175.00 2JO.OO 260.00 No. 46V6 E, Electrical Release. Each 135.00 145.00 165.00 190.00 220.00 255.00 305.00 Face to Face Inches 13H 14 \&A 17 1 A 19^ 21 24^ Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 8^ 10 11 12 1 A 14 15 17^ The prices given above include the releasing device mounted on Valve. No chain, pulleys, wires or push buttons are furnished. In ordering specify whether Valve is for use in horizontal or vertical pipe and whether for upward or downward flow. These Valves are regularly furnished with a raised face ^ inch high inside the bolt holes. When made of Cast Steel with Monel Metal seats and discs these Valves are good for superheated steam up to 350 pounds working pres- sure and a total temperature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. TO SOURCE OFCURRENT WIRING DIAGRAM FOR ELECTRICAL RELEASE PUSH BUTTONS OR SWITCHES MAY BE LOCATED ANYWHERE 208 CRANE CO. THROTTLE VALVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 382 IRON BODY BRASS MOUNTED No. 46 BRASS NO. 46 Size Inches H 1 V/4 UJ 2 2H Price Each 10.00 11.50 14.00 20.00 25.00 35.00 In ordering, always specify Brass Throttle Valves. NO. 382 Size Inches 2H 3 3K 4 Price, Screwed Each 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 End to End Inches 7y s 8 m 9K Full opening in one-quarter turn. These Valves will also be furnished with body and bonnet of Cast Steel for steam working pressures up to 250 pounds. Prices on application. CRANE CO. 209 WATER PRESSURE REGULATORS FOR SERVICE PIPES ROUGH BODY Size Inches H M 1 IX IH 2 Price, Rough Each 8.00 8.50 13.50 16.45 . 28.60 39.20 Valves 1 inch and smaller are regularly furnished with Iron Body and Hard Bronze Inside Parts. Valves IK inch and larger have Brass Bodies. Special small relief valves made to interchange with the Regulator Cap on sizes 1 A,%,1 inch are furnished when required at an additional price. For larger size Regulators, we recommend using a % inch Standard Water Relief Valve (listed elsewhere in this catalogue) which we will furnish when ordered, at an additional price. These Relief Valves should be used to prevent excessive pressure on the delivery side as a result of a failure of the Regulator to close tightly. These Regulators should always be protected by an efficient strainer. Regulators are not set unless so ordered. They are readily adjusted to suit the desired pressure by turning the tension screw to the Right to increase or to the Left to reduce the pressure. f Orders must specify delivery pressure wanted. Regularly furnished for delivery pressures of from 20 to 50 pounds. Can be furnished for delivery pressures ranging from 5 to 75 pounds where so specified, at the same prices. 210 CRANE CO. STANDARD PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES FOR STEAM, ALSO WATER OR AIR WHEN SO SPECIFIED NO. 974 INTERIOR VIEW No. 975 MARINE TYPE PISTON TYPE LOW PRESSURE TYPE No. 971 REGULATORS are for general service and used where the duty is steady on the reduced pressure side. No. 972 REGULATORS are the same as No. 971 with the addition of Dash Pot, which prevents noise or chattering when duty on the reduced pressure side is varying, due to the quick opening and closing of Valves, or the pulsation of pressure, as in the steam pipe of Engines or Pumps, or the exhaust of high speed Engines. No. 973 REGULATORS have Expanded Outlet, allowing steam to ex- pand quickly and decrease in velocity. These Valves are especially adapted to conditions requiring large volumes of steam, reduced noiselessly from comparatively high to very low pressures for steam heating and other purposes. Expanded Outlet Valves of the 975 Low Pressure type for use on Low Pressure and Vacuum Heating Systems, are also furnished in corresponding sizes and numbered 975Vi. Prices on opposite page. Nps. 971 , 972 AND 973 REGULATORS are suitable for initial steam working pressures up to 200 pounds. No. 974 REGULATORS (MARINE TYPE) are fitted with very heavy worki have s arees^ ____________ NO. 975 LOW PRESSURE REGULATORS are principally used for steam heating purposes and intended for low pressure service only. Their operation is^very sensitive and positive and is governed entirely by the pressure existing in the low pressure main, which acts directly on the diaphragm, by means of the small size pipe connection. The lever is fitted with an adjustable regulating weight on each end. These Regulators are also furnished in the Expanded Outlet type. No. 975^, for extremely low pressure or vacuum systems. Sizes and Price List on opposite page. CRANE CO. 211 STANDARD PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES FOR STEAM. ALSO WATER OR AIR WHEN SO SPECIFIED Size Inches No. 971 Scr'd or Fl'gM Each Nos.972 and 974 Scr'd or Fl'g'd Each No. 975 Scr'd or Fl'g'd Each Size Inches No. 973 Ex- panded Outlet Each No. 975^ Expanded Outlet Not Illus. Each Diam. of Stand- ard Flang's Inches Diam. of Extra Heavy Flang r s Inches H IS. 00 22.00 26.00 1X2 35.00 40.00 % 20.00 24. OJ 26.00 1^X2/2 40.00 50.00 1 22.00 26.00 28.00 11/2X3 48.00 60.00 1H 24.00 28.00 32.00 2X3 54.00 70.00 1H 25.00 30.00 35.00 2x4 60.HO 80.00 2 30.00 36.00 40. CO 2*72X5 80.00 90.00 6 6tf 2H 35.00 42.00 50.00 3X5 90.00 110.00 7 iy* 3 40.00 48.00 60.00 3X6 100.00 130.00 '145.00 7 1 /2 8& 31/2 50.00 60.00 70.00 3V 2 X7 110.00 8H 9 4 60.00 72.00 80.00 4X6 110.00 160.00 9 10 5 75.00 90.00 105.00 4X7 130.00 175.00 10 11 6 100.00 120.00 140.00 4X8 160.00 190.00 11 32 1 / 2 7 135.00 160.00 180.00 5X8 170.00 210.00 12!/2 14 8 175.00 200.00 230.00 5X9 220.00 230.00 13 Hi 15 10 275.00 300.00 290.00 5X10 235.00 250.00 16 17 1 /, 12 400.00 435.00 360.00 6X8 220.00 280.00 19 20 6X10 250.00 300.00 21 22H 6X12 335.00 320.00 8X12 400.00 350.00 8X14 430.00 400.00 8X16 475.00 450.00 10X16 650.00 600.00 10X20 700.00 650.00 inch and smaller Regulators are made of all brass ; the 2 inch and larger have iron bodies and brass trimmings. ThelV2 inch and smaller Regulators have screwed ends only; 2 to 6 inch, made either with, screwed or flanged ends; larger sizes made with flanged ends only. When ordering, be particular to state size and style number, whether screwed or flanged; also give boiler pressure and pressure desired on re- duced side ; state what purpose Regulator is for, and whether same is to be used on steam, water or air. Unless otherwise specified, screwed Regulators up to and including 6 inch will be sent, and in all cases when the style is not given, No. 971 will be furnished. When flanged Regulators are ordered, we will always furnish with standard diameter flanges, and not drilled, unless otherwise specified. Extra heavy diameter flanges will be furnished when so specified, without extra charge. Drilling flanges will be at an extra price. The No. 974 Regulator (Marine Typ^e) will always be furnished with extra heavy diameter flanges in sizes 2 inch and larger, and smaller sizes with screwed ends, unless otherwise specified. The No. 973 and No. 975 1 / 2 Expanded Outlet Regulators, sizes 1X2 to 2X4, have screwed ends only; 2 L /X5 to 3x6 have inlet screwed and outlet flanged ; 3}4X7 to 10X20 have inlet and outlet flanged only. The No. 975 Low Pressure Regulators, sizes 2 to 6 inch, are made either screwed or flanged ; sizes 7 inch and larger, with flanged ends only. Templates for drilling Valves with Standard diam. flanges, page 650. Price List for drilling Valves with Standard diam. flanges, page 141. Templates for drilling Valves with Ex. Heavy diam. flanges, page 652. Price List for drilling Valves with Ex. Heavy diam. flanges, page 152. 212 CRANE CO. PRESSURE REGULATORS FOR STEAM AND AIR The prevailing use of high pressures and the increase in the number of industrial processes using steam and air have greatly increased the need for automatic devices which will reduce and properly regulate steam and air pressures. Not all power apparatus is adapted for the high pressures so common today, nor is it economical to use a pressure higher than that required to do the work, and steam for heating systems is often taken from high pressure power boilers. Wherever it is necessary or desirable to reduce the pressure of steam or air, a Crane Pressure Regulator should be used because they are designed particularly to give accurate automatic pressure regula- tion. Our regulators are recommended because they possess the following features: Reliability, wide range of variation in reduced pressure, simplicity of operation, accessibility for inspection, conven- ience in making repairs. All Crane Pressure Regulators are made for any initial working pressure of air or saturated steam up to 250 pounds. They may also be used with superheated steam up to 200 pounds working pressure and a total temperature not to exceed 500 degrees Fahrenheit. One pressure regulator will perform the entire reduction regardless of the difference between initial and reduced pressures provided a regulator of the proper capacity is used. See important note at bottom of page 213. Crane Pressure Regulators are adapted for use with steam heating systems, vulcanizers, cookers, paper machines, engines, pumps, tur- bines, dryers, various industrial processes, air tools, blasts, heaters of various kinds, etc. CRANE CO. 213 PRESSURE REGULATORS FOR SATURATED STEAM OR AIR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 2OO POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 5OO DEGREES FAHRENHEIT No. 962 UNION ENDS No. 963 FLANGED Size Inches 1 A % 1 IX 1H 2 W4 No. 962 Each 43.00 48.00 54.00 67.00 83.00 104.00 No. 963 Each 130.00 Size Inches 3 3K 4 5 6 8 No. 962 Each No. 963 Each 155 . 00 200.00 225.00 310.00 420.00 800.00 Navy Type of Spring Case equipped with padlock, supplied with any size, at $7.00 extra list. Regulators are regularly furnished with the pilot valve on the left hand side. Sizes ^ to 2 inch, inclusive, will be furnished right hand when so ordered. Sizes 2 ^ to 8 inch, inclusive, are reversible and may be changed "on the job" to either right or left hand. Facing the inlet, the side the pilot valve is on determines whether the Regulator is right or left hand. The No. 963 is regularly furnished with flanges faced and drilled, for which no extra charge is made. For drilling templates, see page 652. The port openings of the No. 963, sizes 2^ to 8 inch, inclusive, are tapped iron pipe size so that the Valves may be connected by screwed joints if desirable. The No. 962, sizes 1 to 2 inch, inclusive, have union connections. For general dimensions, see page 686. IMPORTANT NOTE. A Regulator will not give satisfactory service unless it is of the proper size. This is not determined by the size of the pipe line in which it is to be placed but by the service it is to perform. Send for Circular No. 126, which gives the capacities of Crane Regulators and rules for arriving at proper sizes. 214. CRANE CO. TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVES Many industrial processes using steam for heat require control of the temperature in a vessel or compartment. In some processes the steam is not allowed to come in direct contact with the material being heated, the heat only of the steam being utilized. The temperature desired may be much lower than the temperature of the steam itself. The need for a reliable, simplified device which will automatically maintain a desired temperature has been recognized for years. Effect- ive temperature control means a saving in steam and accuracy in the process. To be effective a device of this kind must be sensitive, because no great variation in temperature above or below that required for the process is allowable. Nearly all temperature control devices now on the market have a thermostat, actuated by the difference in the expansion of two metals, which operates a pilot valve through a system of multiplying levers. The pilot valve controls the flow of water or air to a diaphragm chamber on the valve controlling the flow of steam. This type of control requires a great deal of attention, fine adjustment and a constant flow of water or compressed air. We recommend the Crane Temperature Control Valve for use wherever it is desired to automatically control the temperature of a vessel or compartment heated by steam, because it has the following important features: reliability, simplicity of operation, accessibility for inspection, convenience in making repairs, lowest possible cost of operating. The Crane Temperature Control Valve consists of a readily adjust- able indicating thermometer-thermostat electrically connected with a solenoid operating a pilot valve mounted on and controlling the steam valve. The whole device is extremely sensitive and will operate within a variation of one degree. Power for the solenoid may be taken from any lamp socket and the current required to operate it (20 Watts) is used only when the steam valve is closed. Crane Temperature Control Valves may be used for a variety of purposes as the following list will show: Rubber Vulcanizing, Dry Kilns, Pasteurizing, Drying Apparatus of all Kinds, Laundry and Hotel Water Heaters, Cooking Apparatus of all Kinds, Melting Wax, Lard, etc., Dye Kettles, Railroad Car Heating. Send for Circular No. 127, which gives details of construction and operation, capacities, etc. CRANE CO. TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVES FOR SATURATED STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 500 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT BRASS BODIES AND CAPS UNION ENDS HARD METAL SEATS AND DISCS c. c. s. c. C. C. B. C. Size Inches % */4 1 IK iy?. 2 Price, C. C. S. C Each 251.00 256.00 261.00 276.00 296.00 346.00 Price, C. C. B. C Each 335.00 340.00 345.00 360.00 380.00 430.00 Prices include the Valve, C. C. Strainer and Thermostat, complete. Type C. C. S. C. Thermostat is used to control the temperature of a room or compartment and is self-contained. Type C. C. B. C. Thermostat is used to control the temperature where a bulb is necessary. Larger sizes, prices on application. SCALES USED ON THERMOSTATS AND RECOMMENDED WORKING RANGES Scale No. 12, C. C. S. C. Scale No. 16, C. C. B. C. Scale No. 2, C. C. B. C. Scale No. 17, C. C. B. C. Scale No. 13, C. C. B. C. Scale No. 8, C. C. B. C. . Range, 70 to 140 degrees Fahr. . Kange, 115 to 165 degrees Fahr. . Range, 165 to 215 degrees Fahr. . Range, 215 to 265 degrees Fahr. . Range, 265 to 315 degrees Fahr. . Range, 350 to 480 degrees Fahr. Scale No. 12 is used on the C. C. S. C. type only. All other scales are used on C. C. B. C. type only. Send for Circular No. 127, which gives details required for ordering. 216 CRANE CO. C. C. SELF-CLEANING STRAINERS FERROSTEEL FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS LIST PRICES Sizes Inches CONNECTIONS EXTRA STRAINER CYLINDERS Screwed Flanged PERFORATIONS 3*4 inch, ^ inch and & inch * l /8 *y y s 2.50 .55 1 A 2.50 .55 % 2.75 .55 1 3.25 .70 IK 4.50 .80 1M 5.00 1.00 2 8.00 11.75 1.20 2 1 A 11.75 15.50 1.70 3 13.00 19.50 2.15 3^ 19.50 24.50 2.75 4 23.00 28.00 3.00 4^ 36.50 43.00 4.75 5 43.00 50.00 5.25 6 55.00 61.00 8.00 8 115.00 126.00 14.00 10 195.00 213.00 18.00 12 280.00 300.00 25.00 *These sizes made in Brass only. All others of Ferrosteel. C. C. Self-Cleaning Strainers protect Turbines, Engines, Pumps, Steam Traps, Pressure Regulators, Pressure and Vacuum Heating Systems, Aut9matic Air Tools, Blasts, Meters, Burners; in short, where- ever steam, air or gas is passed through pipe lines, they assure positive, continuous service. C. C. Self-Cleaning Strainers as listed are suitable for 250. pounds steam or gas working pressure or 400 pounds liquid pressure. Cast Steel Bodies are supplied for superheated steam and high pressure liquid service at special prices. Unless otherwise specified C. C. Self-Cleaning Strainers are supplied with Strainer Cylinders having ^ inch perforations and are suitable for either steam, air or gas service. When specified for liquid service, Strainer Cylinders have ^ inch perforations. Extra Strainer Cylinders are frequently desirable in liquid service. Strainer Cylinders will be supplied on order with ^, K. A or ^ inch perforations. Screwed Connections are furnished unless otherwise specified. Flange Connections; faced only, drilling extra. CRANE CO. 217 SEDIMENT TRAPS CAST IRON FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS Size Inches PRICE LIST DIMENSIONS Screwed Each Flanged Each Blow- off Tapped Inches End to End Screwed Inches Face to Face Flanged Inches Center of Inlet or Outlet to Bottom Inches Center of Inlet or Outlet to Top Inches Diam- eter of Flanges Inches y* 2.00 Made in Screwed Ends Only % 3 Made in Screwed Ends Only 3^ 2 Made in Screwed Ends Only y* 2.00 % 3M 4A 2^ i 2.25 y 3M 4A- 2^ IM 2.50 5 5H 3 iy 2 3.50 5 5V 8 3 2 8.00 12.50 7 10M G 5 /8 3M VA VA 9.00 14.50 7 10% V/s 3^ 1 1 A 3 12.00 18.75 ix 8 1 A 12^ 8^ 4^ 8M 3^ 13.00 20.00 IK &A 12H 8^ 4H 9 4 15.00 23.50 IH 10 14H 9K- 5^ 10 4H 16.00 26.00 1*4 10 14H 9^ 5^ 10H 5 17.50 29.00 VA 11 15^ lOfcj 5J^ 11 6 8 20.00 33.00 VA 12H 17 12^ 6^ 12^ 65.00 VA 21H 14^ 8^ 15 These Sediment Traps are constructed in a strong and substantial manner and will be found especially valuable for use in connection with Steam Traps, Pumps, Injector and Ejector Suction Pipes, Feed Water Lines, etc., by preventing foreign substances from passing through and finding lodgment on Valve Seats, clogging up steam and water nozzles of Injectors and Ejectors and other passages and ports that should neces- sarily be kept entirely clear and free from such obstructions. Sizes 1*4 inch and smaller have screwed inlet and outlet connections. On the larger sizes, we can furnish the connections either screwed or flanged. When traps with flanged ends are ordered, we furnish, without extra charge, the companion flanges and bolts, but no gaskets. Special prices quoted on larger sizes. Templates for drilling, page 652. 218 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC SEDIMENT SEPARATORS Sizes 1^4 to 6 inch, inclusive. Prices on application. When ordering or requesting prices, specify size and working pres- sure, also whether screwed or flanged. Sediment Separators will be made of Ferrosteel or Cast Steel, depending upon the pressure they are required for. CRANE CO. 219 STANDARD BUTTERFLY VALVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS No. 380 IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS NO. 44 Size Inches X 1 IX IK 2 2H 3 Price Eacn 3.10 4.40 5.65 6.75 10.00 13.75 21.00 In ordering No. 44 Valves, always specify Brass Butterfly Valves, otherwise sizes 2 inch and larger will be furnished iron body as below. NO. 380 Size Inches 2 2^ 3 8K 4 5 No. 380, Screwed Each 8.00 9.50 12.00 16.00 18.50 28.50 No. 381, Flanged. . Each 9.50 11.50 15.00 19.00 22.00 32.00 End to End, Screwed Inches VA &A &A 5H 6 6% 6M Face to Face, Flanged Inches 4M 4M 5M 5^2 6 Diameter Flanges Inches 6 7 7^ 8H 9 10 Size Inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 No. 380, Screwed Each 42.50 No. 381, Flanged Each 47.00 90.00 125.00 160.00 275.00 350.00 End to End, Screwed Inches 7^ Face to Face, Flanged Inches 7X 2 9M 10% 12*/2 14 16 Diameter Flanges Inches 11 13K 16 19 21 2V/2 These Valves are not intended to be steam tight. Can be made with a brass stem instead of steel stem, at an extra price. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 220 CRANE CO. FOSTER FLOAT VALVE FOR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS AND FOR WATER OF ANY TEMPERATURE UP TO 212 DEGREES SIZES Y TO 2 INCH, INCLUSIVE, ALL COMPOSITION SIZES 2^ TO 8 INCH, INCLUSIVE, IRON BODY, COMPOSITION TRIMMINGS Size Inches % 1 m 1H 2 2H Screwed Each 6.50 8.00 9.50 12.00 20.00 40.00 Flanged Each 25.00 45.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 6 7 Size Inches 3 4 5 6 8 Screwed Each 60.00 88.00 110.00 150.00 Flanged Each 65.00 93.00 115.00 155.00 200.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches IVi 9 10 11 MM Furnished globe or angle as desired. Always specify whether globe or angle is wanted. This Valve is a reliable device for maintaining a constant level of water or other liquid in a tank. Unlike most devices of this kind it is not necessary to place it directly over the tank. It may be placed in the supply line to an open tank at any convenient point and connected with the operating float in the tank by means of a cord or wire. OPERATION Inlet is at A, outlet at B. Normally, the main Valve rests on its seat and the Valve 5 is open when water line is below the float. The main Valve is loosely fitted in chamber 2, which allows the water to flow past it, filling the chamber above the piston. Excess leakage escapes from annular space through central part of main Valve. The water pressure entering at A exerts a pressure on the underside of main Valve and opens it, allowing the water to discharge at B. The flow continues until the float rises and closes Valve 5. Closing Valve 5 allows the water pressure to accumulate in the annular space above main Valve and forces the latter to its seat, thereby stopping all flow from the supply pipe. When the water level in tank falls, the float drops, lifts Valve 5 and allows water in the annular space to escape and open main Valve. Always install a short length of pipe on the discharge side to prevent pulsation of the float when water is being discharged into the tank. CRANE CO. 221 BALANCED TANK FLOAT VALVES SUITABLE FOR COLD WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS NO. 993. ANGLE No. 995. GLOBE Size Inches Price Angle or Globe Each Diameter of Copper Float Inches Diameter of Flanges Inches Face to Face Screwed End Inches Face to Face Flanged End Inches H 11.00 7 3^ i 13.00 7 4^ 1M 14.00 7 4M iH 16.00 7 4^ 2 19.00 7 6K 7M 2M 25.00 8 7 8 9 3 31.00 8 7y 2 9H 9% 3^ 36.00 8 &A 9% 9M 4 42.00 8 9 9^ 10^8 4M 50.00 10 $ 1 A 11M WA 5 54.00 10 10 UK 12H 6 64.00 10 11 wt 13 7 76.00 10 12K 14^8 8 86.00 10 13M 16M 10 110.00 12 16 20M 12 150.00 12 19 22^ The above prices are for either angle of globe, complete with float and levers as shown. Screwed up to 2 inch; either screwed or flanged 2^2 to 6 inch; and flanged only, 7 inch and larger. Sizes % to 1 ^2 inch are made of brass ; sizes 2 inch and larger have iron body with brass valve, seats and trimmings. When ordering, state whether angle or globe, screwed or flanged. Unless otherwise specified, Angle Valves will bo furnished screwed up to and including 6 inch; larger sizes flanged only. Drilling of flanges will be extra. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. Valves specially constructed for hot water. Inquiries and orders should specify temperatures. Unless otherwise ordered, Valves for cold water will always be furnished. Center to end dimensions of Angle Pattern Float Valves, both screwed and flanged ends, are half of the Face to Face dimensions of the Globe Pattern Float Valves. 222 CRANE CO. LOW PRESSURE BRASS SAFETY VALVES WITH IRON BALL No. 36 BALL WEIGHTED FOR 8 TO 1O POUNDS PRESSURE Size Inches Y* 1 IK m 2 Price Each 2.60 3.30 4.50 6.35 8.65 CRANE CO. 223 LOW PRESSURE BRASS POP SAFETY VALVES FOR STEAM HEATING BOILERS SET AT ANY PRESSURE SPECIFIED UP TO 20 POUNDS These Valves are made of brass, and are fitted with best steel springs. In addition to their extensive nse on Steam Heating Boilers, they are also useful on Boiling Kettles, Tanks, etc. When not otherwise specified we will furnish No. 1160 rough body Valves set at 10 pounds. No. 1160 NO. 1162 Size Inches H 3 X 1 IX 1H 2 2H 3 No. 1160, Rough Body Each 5.25 5.25 6.00 6.75 7.75 8.25 11.25 26.00 37.60 41.00 No. 1162. Finished Each 6.00 6.75 6.006.75 9.50 13.00 28.00 No. 1164, Finished and Nickel Plated . .Each 6.757.50|8.75 10.50 14.00 30.00 44.00 The outlet holes on all sizes of these Valves are located to blow "downward." In localities where Boiler Inspector Seal is required and so specified, we will furnish these Valves with lug cast on body and corresponding holes drilled through this lug and the hexagon corners of cap, for attaching wire and seal. 224 CRANE CO. LOW PRESSURE NON-ADJUSTABLE POP SAFETY VALVES FOR STEAM HEATING BOILERS THESE VALVES CONFORM WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE A. S. M. E. BOILER CODE SET AT 15 POUNDS PRESSURE MALLEABLE IRON BODY AND BASE NICKEL PLATED BRASS SEAT AND DISC Size Inches 1 IK IK 2 2K 3 Price Each 6.00 6.75 8.25 11.25 26.00 37.50 These Valves are made of malleable iron with brass trimmings. Special attention has been paid to the bases, which are rigid and provide ample clearance for the tools, when Valves are installed in difficult places. These Valves will be furnished locked up in such a way that the popping pressure can not be changed from the original set pressure. In localities where Boiler Inspector Seal is required and so specified we will furnish these Valves drilled in such a way that wire and seal can be efficiently attached. If larger size Valves are wanted we will on order furnish our No. 1101, shown on page 232, to conform with the rules of the A. S. M. E. Code for Low Pressure Boilers for which a special price will be charged. CRANE CO. 225 STANDARD BRASS POP SAFETY VALVES SET AT ANY PRESSURE SPECIFIED UP TO 125 POUNDS Inches Inches H i 1 IX 1H 2 Price Each 8.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 23.00 WHEN ORDERING THIS STYLE VALVE ALWAYS SPECIFY NO. 1152, AND STATE THE PRESSURE VALVES ARE WANTED SET TO BLOW OFF. These valves are made without the self-adjusting feature, and for ordinary purposes, where uniform working pressure not exceeding 125 pounds is carried, they answer all requirements. Thousands are. in use giving general satisfaction on small stationary, portable, hoisting and threshing engine boilers. MUFFLER BRASS POP SAFETY VALVES SET AT ANY PRESSURE SPECIFIED UP TO 250 POUNDS These Valves are recommended for Steam Road Rollers, Traction, Farm, Portable and Threshing En- gine Boilers and all small Station- ary Boilers where it is necessary or desirable to muffle the noise of discharging steam. They are made of brass, with best steel springs, and will subdue the objectionable noise of escaping steam to the greatest possible ei- tent, without retarding or affecting the fall relieving capacity of the Valve. Size . . Inches 1 1M 26 00 14 32 00 48.00 Price Price, with Locked Up attachment ..Each 26.00 32.00 39.00 55.00 These Valves will be made with female or flanged base, when so ordered, at an extra price. 226 CRANE CO. BRASS POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) FOR STATIONARY BOILERS SET AT ANY PRESSURE SPECIFIED UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 1144 INTERIOR No. 1144 EXTERIOR No. 1146 LOCKED UP NO. 1148 INTERIOR No. 1148 EXTERIOR No. 1150 LOCKED UP Nos. 1146 and 1150 are furnished with lock-up attachment but no lock. Locks will be furnished when ordered at an extra price. These Valves can be made to conform with the A. S. M. E. Boiler Code for pressures up to 150 pounds when so ordered, for which an additional charge will be made. For pressures higher than 150 pounds special valves can be made to the code if ordered in sufficient quantities. Valves with Special Enlarged or Reduced Inlets for Threshing En- gines, made to order at a special price, according to quantity wanted. CRANE CO. 227 BRASS POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) FOR STATIONARY BOILERS SET IN ANY PRESSURE SPECIFIED UP TO 250 POUNDS PRICE LIST FOR STATIONARY BOILERS Size Inches No. 1144 Brass Disc Each No. 1145 with Jenkins Disc Each No. 1146 Each No. 1148 Brass Disc Each No. 1149 with Jenkins Disc Each No. 1150 Each Vi 11.00 15.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 9.00 M 11.00 15.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 9.00 l 13.00 19.50 14.00 10.00 16.00 11.00 IK 16.00 22.50 17.00 12.00 18.00 13.00 1M 19.00 25.50 21.00 15.00 21.00 17.00 2 29.00 35.50 31.00 23.00 29.00 25.00 2M 38.00 40.00 31.00 33.00 2^ 46.00 55.00 49.00 38.00 45.00 40.00 WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS SPECIFY STYLE NUMBER, AND STATE THE ESSURE AT WHICH VALVES ARE WANTED SET TO BLOW OFF. The 2*4 inch Valve has regular 2H inch pipe connections. These Valves will be made with female base or flanged connections when so ordered, at an extra price. In localities where Boiler Inspector Seal is required and so specified, we will furnish the No. 1146 or No. 1150 Valves with suitable holes drilled for attaching wire and seal in place of pin and lock. Nos. 1145 and 1149 with Jenkins Disc are suitable for use on air lines. VALVES FOR MARINE SERVICE These Valves, when wanted for pressures lower than 150 pounds to comply with the requirements of the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, will be suitably constructed and made of "Crane Special Brass" at an extra price. Be sure to specify for Marine Service. ILLUSTRATIONS ON OPPOSITE PAGE 228 CRANE CO. STANDARD SAFETY VALVES ANGLE AND CROSS BRASS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 10O POUNDS SCREWED Size Inches VA. % Yz % 1 No. 40, Cross Safety Valve Each 2.20 2.50 >> en 3.25 3 OK 3.90 3 on 4.70 47ft Size Inches 1H I 1 /, 2 2% 3 No. 40, Cross Safety Valve Each 7.15 9.00 12.50 22.50 33.50 No. 42, Angle Safety Valve Each 7.15 9.00 12.50 Levers are graduated from 40 to 100 pounds. If desired, we can supply with any other graduation to order, not to exceed 100 pounds, at a special price. Cross Safety Valves, sizes 1^ inch and larger, will be furnished in Iron, unless Brass is specified. These Valves should not be confused with Spring Loaded Safety Valves of more recent origin containing pop chambers. They have no positive opening and closing points and must be set 10 to 20 per cent higher than the working pressure regularly carried on the apparatus to which they are connected in order to prevent a continuous leakage past the seat. CRANE CO. 229 STANDARD SAFETY VALVES IRON BODY BRASS TRIMMINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 100 POUNDS NO. 376. SCREWED Size Inches 4 iy z 2 2Y* 3 3* Size Inches 4 4tf 5 6 7 8 Price Each 28.75 34.50 41.50 57.75 93.50 132.00 NO. 377. FLANGED Size Inches 4 5 6 7 8 Price Each 34.00 48.00 65.00 100.00 140.00 Diameter of Flanges Inches 9 1 1 1/ 10 i 5% 6V 2 7 8 sy 2 Levers are graduated from 30 to 100 pounds. If desired, we can sup- ply any other graduations to order, not to exceed 100 pounds, at a special price. When so ordered these Valves can be furnished for pressures below 30 pounds. Sizes \Y to 2 inch have brass cap screwed into the body; 2V inch and up have iron cap bolted to body. These Valves should not be confused with Spring Loaded Safety Valves of more recent origin containing pop chambers. They have no positive opening and closing points and must be set 10 to 20 per cent higher than the working pressure regularly carried on the apparatus to which they are connected in order to prevent a continuous leakage past the seat. General dimensions of bodies, same as Cross Valves on page 657. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 230 CRANE CO. CRANE IMPROVED POP SAFETY VALVES THE PATENTED SELF-ADJUSTING AUXILIARY DISC AND SPRING, operating entirely independently of the main disc and spring, is a feature found only on Crane Pop Safety Valves. This device automatically regulates the blow-back of the Valve within certain limits and combines the following desirable qualities: HIGH DISCHARGING CAPACITY SMALL BLOW DOWN OF PRESSURE MINIMUM WASTE OF STEAM ABSENCE OF WIREDRAWING AT THE SEAT PROMPT SEATING WITHOUT HAMMERING Experience has proved that these features fulfill the demands of modern practice and are essential to efficiency and long life. The huddling or pop chamber of a Crane Pop Safety Valve is so constructed, that it is practically steam tight when the Valve is closed. As a result the slightest relief of steam past the seat immediately becomes effective and insures full lift, thereby reducing the wire- drawing effect of the steam to a minimum. To compensate for the restriction past the lip on the main disc, which ordinarily would result in a blow-back greater than is considered economical, the auxiliary device is provided with ports which instantly relieve the pop chamber and furnish automatic control of this condition. When the velocity of the escaping steam is no longer sufficient to sustain the disc against the tension of the spring, the Valve closes with a snap which insures tight seating. By means of the pop chamber employed in connection with the auxiliary disc and spring device, a steam cushion is formed which allows the main disc to seat tightly, but without destructive hammering. The high lift and small blow-back of Crane Pop Safety Valves affords quick relief, with the smallest possible loss of steam. CRANE ENCASED SPRING VALVES are constructed with a casing or chamber enclosing both springs. This type is necessary where a number of Valves are connected to one exhaust or discharge pipe. The spring chamber extends over a large portion of the top surface of the Valve disc and prevents any tendency of back-pressure retarding the action of a Valve, about to pop. This casing also tends to prevent chattering, caused by back-pressure due to long or crooked discharge pipes. THE IRON BODY AND STEEL SAFETY VALVES DESCRIBED ON PAGES 231 TO 236, CONFORM IN ALL RESPECTS WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE A. S. M. E. BOILER CODE. CRANE CO. 231 IMPROVED POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) All Iron Body Valves are made with either Brass or Monel Metal Bushings. Unless otherwise ordered all Valves will be furnished with Brass Bushings. All Valves are made with Bevel Seats at an angle of 45 degrees. Best steel springs are used, with self-adjusting spring discs. OUTLET CONNECTION IN BASE CASTING All Iron Body Valves are so constructed they can be taken apart for examination, cleaning or repairs without disturbing the outlet pipe or removing the Valve from boiler. EACH VALVE IS CORRECTLY SET, THOROUGHLY TESTED AND GUARANTEED PERFECT BEFORE SHIPMENT DIRECTIONS FOR CLEANING, GRINDING AND ADJUSTING IRON BODY POP VALVES TO RESET VALVES: Remove lock (if a locked-up Valve), take out the flat key connecting top cap with stem. Remove the lever pin and lever, lift off the top cap, loosen lock-nut, then SCREW PRESSURE PLUG UPWARD TO DECREASE PRESSURE OR SCREW PRESSURE PLUG DOWNWARD TO INCREASE PRESSURE then tighten lock-nut and replace parts removed. These Valves being self-adjusting within reasonable limits, there is no necessity of readjusting the auxiliary to regulate the "Pop" should occasion require moderate changes in the set pressure. There is, of course, a limit to the range in the capacity of all springs, as they vary according to their strength and the pressure for which they were originally intended. TO CLEAN OR GRIND SEAT, follow the directions as given above; take all tension off spring by screwing upward the pressure plug, then unbolt the bonnet from body of Valve, and all parts are accessible. The Valves are Ground in the same manner as an ordinary Valve. In connecting Valves, great care should be used in making joints with red lead, as it lodges on the Valve Seat and prevents tight closing. This, as well as pipe scale and other foreign matter, is frequently found to be the cause of leaky Valves. BRASS POP VALVES To clean or grind seat, remove the cap, lock-nut and casing and grind in same manner as an ordinary Valve. To reset Valves, loosen the lock-nut and screw the cap plug UP TO DECREASE PRESSURE and DOWN TO INCREASE PRESSURE; then tighten lock-nut. 232 CRANE CO. IRON BODY POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) FOR STATIONARY BOILERS THESE VALVES CONFORM WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE A. S. M. E. BOILER CODE SET AT ANY PRESSURE SPECIFIED UP TO 250 POUNDS BRASS OR MONEL METAL SEATS NO. 1 101 PLAIN SPRING TYPE No. 1 105 ENCASED SPRING TYPE PRICE LIST Size Inches With Brass Seat Each With MonelMetalSeat Each With Brass Seat Each With MonelMetalSeat Each 2^ 42.00 48.00 57.00 63.00 3 50.00 57.00 68.00 75.00 3K 68.00 75.00 88.00 95.00 4 75.00 87.00 98.00 110.00 4H 100.00 115.00 125.00 140.00 WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS SPECIFY THE STYLE NUMBER OF VALVE, AND STATE THE PRESSURE AT WHICH VALVES ARE WANTED SET TO BLOW OFF. WHEN NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, NO. 11O5 VALVE WITH BRASS SEAT WILL BE FURNISHED. These Valves are made with combination flanged and screwed base. Hexagon screwed base furnished, when so ordered, at same price. In localities where Boiler Inspector Seal is required, and so specified, we drill an extra hole in the Stem Key at top of Valve, for attaching the wire and seal. This at no extra charge. No. 1101 Valves furnished locked up at 50 cents each net extra. No. 1105 Valves are furnished locked up. No. 1105 Valves can be furnished with flanged outlets, when so ordered, at a special price. FOR DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE 687 CRANE CO. 233 IRON BODY POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) TWIN PATTERN FOR STATIONARY BOILERS THESE VALVES CONFORM WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE A. S. M. E. BOILER CODE SET AT ANY PRESSURE SPECIFIED UP TO 250 POUNDS BRASS OR MONEL METAL SEATS NO. 1103 comprises two No. 1101 Plain Spring Valves mounted on YBase. No. 1 107 comprises two No. 1105 Encased Spring Valves, locked Up, mounted on Y Base. No. 1103 PRICE LIST. TWIN PATTERN Size Inches No. 1103 No. 1107 With Brass Seat Each With Monel Metal Seat Each With Brass Seat Each With Monel Metal Seat Each 2H 118.00 130.00 148.00 160. CO 3 142.00 156.00 178.00 192.00 3^ 186.00 200.00 226.00 240.00 4 210.00 234.00 256.00 280.00 4^ 290.00 320.00 340.00 370.00 WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS SPECIFY THE STYLE NUMBER AND STATE THE PRESSURE AT WHICH VALVES ARE WANTED SET TO BLOW OFF. WHEN NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, No. 11O7 TWIN TYPE WITH BRASS SEATS WILL BE FURNISHED. The above prices include two Valves and corresponding Y Base all bolted together as shown in cuts. No. 1107 Valves can be furnished with Flanged Outlets, when so ordered, at a special price. For dimensions, see page 687. 234 CRANE CO. OUTSIDE SPRING AND YOKE POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) These Valves are designed to meet the exacting requirements of modern practice in the use of high pressure steam and have embodied in their construction all the Crane features that have proved so satis- factory in the past; notably the Patented Auxiliary Disc and Spring. They act quickly to prevent wiredrawing, but without shock even under the high pressures so common to-day. The main springs are not subjected to the deteriorating effect of high temperatures since they are placed practically outside the body. These Valves have been given long service tests and will pass the requirements of any adopted boiler rules. Their capacities are equal to the maximum capacities recognized by the A. S. M. E. Boiler Code. In addition to the auxiliary disc and spring device, fully explained on page 230, particular attention is called to the SUPPLEMENTARY BLOW-BACK REGULATOR This provides a means for adjusting the blow-back when changing or regulating the set pressure and permits the user of these pop valves to regulate at will the amount of steam wasted by turning our patented combination encasing sleeve and blow-back regulator. The threads on which this device operates are placed so that they are not affected by the extreme temperatures of the steam, and it is accessible at all times which is not true of devices for similar purposes in other makes of pop safety valves. TO CHANGE OR ADJUST PRESSURES Proceed as directed on page 231. Should the valve waste too much steam between opening and closing, turn the regulator in the direction indicated by the arrow on upper edge of sleeve until the desired blow- back is obtained. Should the valve work too close to be practical or simmer too long before popping, turn sleeve in opposite direction. FULL INSTRUCTION CARD FURNISHED WITH EACH VALVE The regulation of the blow-back described above can be accom- plished without taking the valve apart and with pressure on. WHEN MADE OF CAST STEEL WITH MONEL METAL SEATS AND DISCS THESE VALVES ARE GOOD FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM UP TO 35O POUNDS WORKING PRESSURE AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 80O DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. FOR DESCRIPTION, SEE PAGE 236. CRANE CO. 235 OUTSIDE SPRING AND YOKE POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) WILL FULFILL ALL SAFETY VALVE REQUIREMENTS OF STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILER RULES CAST IRON BODY AND YOKE BRASS OR MONEL METAL SEAT SET TO ANY PRESSURE UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 1117 FLANGED OUTLET No. 1116 SCREWED OUTLET Size Inches 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ No. 1116 & No. 1117 Brass Seat. . .Each 120.00 135.00 160.00 170.00 225.00 No. 1116 & No. 1117 Monel Metal Seat. . Each 126.00 142.00 167.00 182.00 240.00 WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS SPECIFY THE STYLE NUMBER OF VALVE AND STATE THE PRESSURE VALVES ARE WANTED SET TO BLOW OFF, ALSO WHETHER BRASS OR MONEL METAL SEAT. VALVES WITH BRASS SEAT WILL ALWAYS BE FURNISHED UNLESS MONEL METAL SEAT IS SPECIFIED. THESE VALVES ARE FURNISHED LOCKED UP. When so desired guards for the spring can be furnished giving the yoke the appearance of an ordinary bonnet. An extra charge will be made for these guards. FOR DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE 68 236 CRANE CO. CAST STEEL OUTSIDE SPRING AND YOKE POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) WILL FULFILL ALL SAFETY VALVE REQUIREMENTS OF STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILER RULES CAST STEEL BODY AND YOKE MONEL METAL SEAT SET TO ANY PRESSURE UP TO 350 POUNDS WILL WITHSTAND ANY TEMPERATURE UP TO 8OO DEGREES FAHRENHEIT u No. 1116A SCREWED OUTLET No. 11 17 A FLANGED OUTLET SIZES l}/2 TO 4 1 A INCH, INCLUSIVE PRICES ON APPLICATION When ordering always specify the style number of Valve, and state the pressure at which the Valves are to blow off. When not otherwise specified No. 1116 A Valve will be furnished. For dimensions, see page 688. CRANE CO. 237 INSPECTOR TEST YOKES FOR POP SAFETY VALVES ATTACHED TO IRON BODY VALVE WITH INSIDE SPRING ATTACHED TO IRON BODY VALVE WITH OUTSIDE SPRING These Yokes are easily attached and may be used with any of the following Valves Nos. 1101, 1103, 1105, 1107, 1116, 1117. They do not interfere with the tension on spring or the original set pressure, consequently, the spring is not injured by undue strain or ex- cessive pressure, and the Valve is ready to resume service without re-ad- justment. Screw the bolt down lightly on top of cap, USING ONLY ENOUGH PRESSURE TO PREVENT THE VALVE FROM LIFT- ING, and it will firmly and tightly hold the Valve to its seat against the required water pressure applied by the Inspector when testing the boiler. : THE YOKE AFTER THE TEST IS COMPLETED Price for Inside Spring Valves Net, Each Price for Outside Spring Valves Net, Each .50 ~T76~~ 238 CRANE CO. LOCOMOTIVE IMPROVED POP SAFETY VALVES (CRANE PATENT) OPEN POP AND MUFFLER TYPES These Valves are constructed on the same general principles as our Improved Pop Safety Valves for Stationary and marine boilers, which we have been manufacturing for many years, and the thousands now in constant use and subjected to the severest kind of service will establish OUR CLAIMS FOR SUPERIORITY ON ALL POINTS, VIZ.: In addition to the Automatic Auxiliary Valve, as fully explained on page 230, particular attention is called to the SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATING RING Which, in conjunction with the Automatic Auxiliary device, provides means for the greatest possible range in adjustment when changing or regulating set pressures. This is accomplished by means of the conveniently located OUTSIDE "POP" REGULATOR Which operates the gearing, lowering or raising the adjustment ring as the pressure is increased or decreased, and maintaining the constant feature of a minimum waste or loss of steam between the opening and closing points under the greatest possible range in extreme pressure with, in the capacity of the spring. This can be done while the boiler is under pressure. CHANGING OR ADJUSTING PRESSURES To change pressure, unscrew the top bolts and remove the cap, slacken lock-nut. To increase pressure, turn screw plug " Down " (to the right). To decrease pressure, turn screw plug " Up " (to the left), .then tighten lock-nut. Should the Valve waste too much steam between the opening and closing points, turn the outside Pop Regulator " to the Left " until the desired waste is obtained. Should it work too close, turn Regulator " to the Right " for greater waste. FULL INSTRUCTION CARD FURNISHED WITH VALVES FOR ILLUSTRATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS WHEN ORDERING, SEE OPPOSITE PAGE CRANE CO. 239 IMPROVED LOCOMOTIVE POP SAFETY VALVES OPEN AND MUFFLER TYPES (CRANE PATENT) MALLEABLE IRON BODIES BRASS BASES AND TRIMMINGS SET TO ANY PRESSURE UP TO 250 POUNDS MUFFLER VALVE No. 1180 FEMALE BASE NO. 1181 MALE BASE OPEN VALVE No. 1183 MALE BASE No. 1182 FEMALE BASE Size Valve Seat Opening Inches 2H 3 Diameter of Body Open and Muffler. . Inches 5M 6^ /~k <-><> 11 TI i^-t- $ Female Inches 12 13 13^ 14 Overall Height j Male Inches Size of Base Connection, Iron Pipe j Female Inches Threads ( Male. Inches 2 2H T 2 Size of Bore in Male Base Inches 2 VA Price, Nos. 1180 or 1181 Each 80.00 90.00 Price, Nos. 1182 or 1183 . . Each 65.00 75.00 VALVES FURNISHED LOCKED UP WHEN SO SPECIFIED Orders that do not otherwise specify: Valves will be furnished with female base having regular iron pipe size thread and corresponding to one size smaller pipe, as given in above table. For instance, when 3 inch Valves are ordered, female base will be furnished, with 2 ^ inch regular iron pipe thread. On special orders, the base of Valves will be made either male or fe- male, as required, and to suit any special thread called for in specifica- tions. Special Bushings to screw or press into dome will also be furnished to order according to drawings and specifications submitted. When ordering, always specify style number and the pressure at which Valves are wanted set to blow oft*. 240 CRANE CO. MUFFLER ATTACHMENT FOR POP SAFETY VALVES CAST IRON Size Inches 2^ 3 3H 4 &A Price, Screwed Each 12.00 14.00 16.00 19.00 25.00 Price, Flanged Each 15.00 17.00 20.00 23.00 30.00 Diameter Flange Inches 7 7H 8 1 A 9 9M These Muffler Attachments are admirably adapted for use in con- nection with Stationary or Marine Pop Safety Valves. They may be attached either directly to the outlet of Valve or at the end of discharge pipe, as may be most convenient. They will effectively subdue the objectionable noise of escaping steam as far as it is possible to do so, without interfering with the operation of Valve, or retarding the free escape of steam. The several perforated plates provided in the construction of this Muffler Attachment, give a total area of perforations, allowing ample capacity, considerably in excess of the area required to afford free outlet to the steam. These Attachments are not necessarily confined to use in connection with Pop Safety Valves. They may be applied to the end of any pipe to subdue noisily discharging steam. Templates for drilling, page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 241 CAST IRON Y BASES FOR TWIN POP SAFETY VALVES PRICE LIST Size Outlets Inches 2H 3 3^ 4 4H Faced Each 24.00 32.00 38.00 45.00 68.00 Faced and Drilled Each 27.00 35.00 42.00 50.00 75.00 DIMENSIONS Size Outlets Inches 2H 3 8^ 4 4H Diameter Top Flanges Inches TH VA 9 10 IOH Size Inlet Inches 3^ 1 A 5 6 7 Diameter Inlet Flange Inches 9 10M 11 12^2 14 Largest O. D Inches 15H 16^ 18^ 20H 21^ Face to Face Inches T*A 8H 9 $% 10^ AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE WILL BE MADE FOR SPECIAL DIAIV 242 CRANE CO. BRASS WATER AND CYLINDER RELIEF VALVES No. 1126 NO. 1127 NO. 1128 NO. 1132 No. 1134 NO. 1138 Nos. 1126 and 1138 are intended for use as Water Relief Valves. Sizes 2 K inch and smaller will be set at any pressure specified from 10 to 250 pounds and sizes 3 inch, 3 M inches and 4 inch will be set at any pressure specified from 10 to 200 pounds. The No. 1126 while regularly made with a hand wheel for quick adjustment, can also be furnished for wrench adjustment with a screwed cap for the protection of the adjusting screw, when so ordered. When furnished this way the outside appearance is similar to that of the No. 1134 Valve. No. 1138 is the No. 1126 Valve fitted with lock-up attach- ment but no lock. Locks are furnished when ordered at an extra price. When boiler inspector's seal is required, suitable holes are drilled for attaching wire and seal in place of lock and pin. No. 1127 Hydro-Pneumatic Relief Valve is intended for service in connection with water systems operated by means of compressed air, and where a very positive service with only small fluctuations in pressure is wanted, as on hot water heating systems. This style of Valve will be set at any pressure from 10 to 250 pounds. No. 1128 will be set at any pressure specified from 5 to 500 pounds and is especially adapted for high class service, boiler feed lines, etc. This style of Valve is furnished with female base. Male or flanged base will be made to order at a special price. Nos. 1132 and 1134 Cylinder Relief Valves will be set at any pressure specified from 5 to 250 pounds. These Valves are recommended for service on Compressor and Steam Cylinder where instantaneous relief is wanted from excess pressures. CRANE CO. 243 BRASS WATER, CYLINDER AND SNIFTING RELIEF VALVES FOR PUMPS, STEAM ENGINE CYLINDERS, PIPE LINES. TANKS, HYDRAULIC PRESSES AND ELEVATORS PRICE LIST Size Ins. No. 1126 No. 1127 No. 1128 No. 1132 No. 1134 No. 1138 Price Fin- ished Each Price Nickel Plated Each Price Fin- ished Each Price Fin- ished Each Price Nickel Plated Each Price Fin- ished Each Price Nickel Plated Each Price Fin- ished Each Price Nickel Plated Each Price Fin- ished Each Price Nickel Plated Each *A 11.00 12.00 19.00 25.00 26.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 % 11.00 12.00 19.00 25.00 26.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 i 13.00 14.00 21.00 30.00 32.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 14.00 15.00 1 J 4 16.00 18.00 24.00 35.00 37.50 13.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 17.00 19.00 1 1 A 19.00 22.00 28.00 40.00 43.00 16.00 19.00 19.00 22.00 21.00 24.00 2 29.00 32.00 38.00 55.00 59.00 24.00 27.00 29.00 32.00 31.00 34.00 2*A 46.00 50.00 57.50 100.00 106.00 40.00 44.00 46.00 50.00 49.00 53.00 3 77.00 85.00 3H 105.00 115.00 4 135.00 150.00 WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS PRESSURE AT WHICH VALVES , CIFY THE STYLE NUMBER AND STATE THE Nos. 1126 and 1134 will be furnished with male base up to and in- cluding 2^ inch. No. 1126 will be furnished with female base sizes 3 to 4 inch, inclusive. When required otherwise or flanged they will be fur- nished at a special price. For wrench adjustment, Brass Valves will be made with removable Cap as shown in cuts. To adjust for different pressures, loosen lock-nut, turn hand-wheel or pressure screw to the Right to increase pressure; to the Left to decrease pressure, then tighten lock-nut. 244 CRANE CO. BRASS HYDRAULIC RELIEF VALVES No. 1130 Size Inches H % 1 1M m 2 2H Price Each 45.00 45.00 50.00 85.00 90.00 130.00 225.00 Hydraulic Relief Valves should be ordered set 15 % to 20 % higher than the maximum operating pressure of the installation. This will insure against wastage of water caused by the Valves relieving when not necessary to safeguard the system. The regular Valves will be set at any pressure specified up to the following : Yz inch Valve up to 5000 pounds pressure. % inch Valve up to 4000 pounds pressure. 1 inch Valve up to 3500 pounds pressure. 1% inch Valve up to 3000 pounds pressure. \Yi inch Valve up to 2500 pounds pressure. 2 inch Valve up to 2000 pounds pressure. 2^ inch Valve up to 1800 pounds pressure. If wanted for pressures higher than these, Valves will be made to order. Price on application. These Valves are made Extra Heavy, of a special metal, with long and durable springs of best quality steel. They will be furnished with hexagon female bases, as shown in cut above, unless otherwise specified. They have found extensive use for all purposes where prompt and efficient relief is required in connection with extremely high pressure service, such as Hydraulic Presses, High Pressure Pumping Systems, Hydraulic Elevators, Pipe Lines, etc. These Valves can not be used as Shock Valves. CRANE CO. 245 WATER RELIEF VALVES IRON BODY BRASS SEAT FOR PUMPS, STAND PIPES, PIPE LINES, CYLINDERS, ETC. SET AT ANY PRESSURE SPECIFIED FROM 1O TO 2SO POUNDS To change set pressures: Turn wheel to the left (up) to decrease pressure. Turn wheel to the right (down) to increase pressure. Letters and arrow are cast on wrench nut as shown, When wanted for wrench adjust- ment the square stem nut, as shown above, will be used in place of hand-wheel on this style Valves. NO. 1123 Size Inches Price, with Brass Seat Each Diameter of Base Flange Inches Diameter of Outlet Flange Inches Center of Outlet to Bottom of Base Flange Inches Center Valve t End of Outlet Inches of Total Height Inches 2H 42.00 7% *S"^ CD 5^ 3% ., 17% 3 50.00 sy rt*j 5% 434 s 18% 3H 68.00 9 K*g a S'S 6& 4% T3 05 20% 4 75.00 10 I1S ~r3 0) 6tt 5 21 4y 2 100.00 ioy 2 H.-B *.3 *2* 7H 6 J 22H 5 120.00 11 10 7% 7* | 23% 6 170.00 12H 11 8H 8% \ 25% Unless otherwise specified, Valves with Hand Wheel will always be furnished. These Valves are made with combination flanged and screwed base. Hexagon screwed base furnished, when so ordered, at same price. Base or outlet flanges, will be made to suit any diameter or thick- ness required, at an additional price. Price List for drilling, page 433. When Valves larger than 6 inch are required, we recommend using 8 inch. For oonv^nience, these may be attached to a Y Base, as shown pages 233 and 241. When Valves are wanted for higher pressures than 250 pounds, prices will be quoted on application. When these Valves are wanted for hot water service the order should so specify. 246 CRANE CO. CAST STEEL HYDRAULIC RELIEF VALVES CAST STEEL BODY AND BONNET MONEL METAL SEAT AND DISC PRICES ON APPLICATION 2}/2 TO 4 INCH. HYDRAUL.C PRESSES. NCLUS.VE :Mm, ELEVATOR s. PIPE LINES, ETC. No. 11 23 A Hydraulic Relief Valves should be set 15 % to 20 % higher than the maximum operating pressure of the installation. This will insure against wastage of water caused by Valves relieving when not necessary to safeguard the system. These Valves are made of superior materials with long and durable springs of best quality steel. They are furnished with combination flanged and screwed bases. Hexagon screwed bases furnished when so ordered. Outlets on sizes 2 l /2 to 4 inch furnished screwed unless other- wise ordered. When Valves larger than 4 inch are required, we recommend using smaller Valves to equal, as nearly as possible, the capacity of the large Valve. For convenience these may be attached to a Y Base as shown on page 241. THESE VALVES CAN NOT BE USED AS SHOCK VALVES CRANE CO. 247 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL SHOCK ABSORBERS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS Size Diameter of Piston Inches Diameter of Flange Inches Thickness of Flange Inches IH 1 V/2 H 2 1M Wz i 2Y 2 2 &A IH 3 2y 2 10 IX 4 3 HH m Prices on application. When ordering or requesting prices, specify size and normal working pressure. In hydraulic systems having quick clos- ing Valves, the shock on the piping due to sudden stoppage of flow is sometimes very severe, and unless provision is made to cushion the shock, there is danger of rup- ture in the piping. These Shock Absorbers consist of a piston loaded with springs which are com- pressed sufficiently to balance the normal pressure in the line. Over -pressure due to shock causes further compression which provides a cushion and prevents undue strains on the piping. The springs are long and liberally proportioned, to provide ample lexibility. Unless otherwise specified, Shock Absorbers are furnished Flanged with male face, and companion flanges when ordered with Shock Ab- sorbers are furnished with Female Face. Templates for drilling, page 654. Dimensions of flange faces, page 720. VALVES -. - . - - v - -f - :. 7 ..:_-- i- . - - 250 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY FERROSTEEL QUICK REPAIR BLOW-OFF VALVES FOR STEAM WORKINQ PRESSURES UP TO 25O POUNDS NO. 396^2 ANGLE NO. 399H These Valves are MADE TO ORDER ONLY. They are made with ferrosteel body and bonnet, Hard Metal renewable seat and renewable iron disc. Seat may be slipped into body (no threads) and has an opening the same size as the inlet of Valve. Granite gaskets at bonnet and seat joints. When made with Cast Steel body and bonnet and Monel Metal renewable seat these Valves are good for steam working pressures up to 350 pounds. CRANE CO. 251 EXTRA HEAVY ALL IRON STRAIGHT-WAY BLOW-OFF COCKS WITH COMPENSATING SPRING FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS THE SPRING AUTOMATICALLY TAKES UP WEAR Size . . . Inches 1H 2 2y 2 No. 316 Screwed (Without Wrench). . ....Each 9.00 11.00 18.00 No. 317 Flanged (Without Wrench).. . . ...Each 11.00 13.00 20.00 Wrench . . . .Each .70 .80 1.00 Face to Face, Flanged . . Inches 6^ iy* & 1 A Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 6 V/2 7 1 A Flanged Blow-Off Cocks are always furnished faced only unless otherwise specified. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. THE COMPENSATING SPRING Which is located between the plug and the cap automatically takes up wear and holds the plug securely in place at all times, thereby pre- venting the accumulation of scale, sediment, etc., which would tend to impair the ground bearing surfaces of the plug and body. 252 CRANE CO. BLOW-OFF CROSSES CAST IRON STANDARD: FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS EXTRA HEAVY: FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS LIST PRICES OF STANDARD Size Inches VAXVA 2^X2 2HX2H 3X1^ 3X2 4X2 Price Each 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 Size Inches 4X2^ 5X2H 5X3 6X2^ 6X3 Price Each 12.00 18.00 18.00 27.00 27.00 LIST PRICES OF EXTRA HEAVY Size Inches 2HX2H 3X2 4X2 4X2^ Price Each 12.00 13.50 16.00 16.00 The utility and convenience of this special fitting for feeding and blowing-off boilers will recommend itself. It is most conveniently placed in the position as shown in cut. The large openings on the run are of same size. The reduced openings are usually of one size, but can be made to suit requirements. The reduced top inlet is used for feeding the boiler. To the lower reduced outlet the Blow-off Valve or Cock is connected. The blind flange is removable for cleaning out purposes. Other sizes Extra Heavy Blow-off Crosses made to order. Prices on application. FOR LIST OF SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK, FOR STANDARD, SEE PAGE 74?; FOR EXTRA HEAVY, SEE PAGE 756 CRANE CO. 253 HOW TO INSTALL VALVES FOR BLOW-OFF LINES BLOW-OFF VALVE BLOW-OFF CROSS "Y" BLOW-OFF VALVE BLOW-OFF VALVE EXTRA HEAVY BLOW-OFF CROSS BLOW-OFF COCK Every blow-off outlet of each boiler in a battery should be equipped with a blow-off cock, or a Y blow-off valve, between the boiler and the blow-off valve, as shown above. "When blowing off a boiler, the cock or Y valve should be opened first, and the blowing-off operation controlled by the blow-off valve. When through blowing off, the blow-off valve should be closed first and then the cock or Y valve. 254 CRANE CO. LOCOMOTIVE ASH-PAN BLOWER VALVE EXTRA HEAVY MALLEABLE IRON BODY HARD METAL DISC AND SEAT OR STEEL DISC AND SEAT FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS I - i 12 INTERIOR VIEW EXTERIOR VIEW No. 1838 SIZE OF VALVE SEAT OPENING 174 INCHES, WITH BEVELED SEAT SIZE OF BOILER AND OUTLET CONNECTION, 1 ^ INCH, FEMALE MADE IN l ! j INCH SIZE ONLY Size Inches iy? Price, Hard Metal Disc and Seat Each 16.00 Price, Steel Disc and Seat Each 32.00 REPAIR PARTS 11 CAP 12 BODY 13 DISC 14 BODY RING 15 STUFFING BO! 16 COTTER PIN 17 LEVER YOKE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THIS VALVE TO STICK OPEN; IT CLOSES AUTOMAT- ICALLY WITH THE PRESSURE. ALL WEARING PARTS ARE READILY RENEWABLE. CRANE CO. 255 LOCOMOTIVE BLOW-OFF VALVE EXTRA HEAVY MALLEABLE IRON BODY FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS IARD METAL DISC AND SEAT OR STEEL DISC AND SEAT NO. 1840 EXTERIOR VIEW INTERIOR VIEW NO. 1842 EXTERIOR VIEW SIZE OF VALVE SEAT OPENING 2^ INCHES, WITH BEVELED SEAT SIZE OF BOILER AND OUTLET CONNECTION, 2 INCH MADE IN 2 INCH SIZE ONLY Size Inches 2 No. 1840, Hard Metal Disc and Seat Each 18.00 No. 1840, Steel Disc and Seat Each 36.00 No. 1842, Hard Metal Disc and Seat Each 20.00 No. 1842, Steel Disc and Seat Each 38.00 CAP BODY FOR NO. 184O REPAIR PARTS 4 DISC 5 BODY RING 6 LEVER LEVER PIN COTTER PIN UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, VALVES WITH HARD METAL DISC AND SEAT WILL BE FURNISHED. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THIS VALVE TO STICK OPEN; IT CLOSES AUTOMAT- ICALLY WITH THE PRESSURE. ALL WEARING PARTS ARE READILY RENEWABLE. This type of Valve has been thoroughly tried out, and the excellent service it is giving has resulted in its adoption as a Standard by several prominent Railroads. The comparatively low price and durable form of construction, combined with superior grades of material used, strongly recommend this as the most desirable and easiest operated Blow-Off Valve on the market. 256 CRANE CO. STEAM AND OIL SEPARATORS CRANE PATENT NO. 03 NO. 014 LOW PRESSURE EXTRA HEAVY STEAM OIL SEPARATOR SEPARATOR OIL SEPARATORS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25 POUNDS STEAM SEPARATORS STANDARD: FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS EXTRA HEAVY: FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS CAST STEEL: FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT With reference to cuts on following pages : the design of these Sepa- rators is based upon the most approved and scientific principles. Their construction covers all the desirable features and essential points that have suggested themselves during the course of our highly successful tests and their continued satisfactory performance. We do not hesitate to offer this superior line of Separators in com- petition with any Steam or Oil Separating Devices on the market. They have large areas and ample baffling surfaces, affording the highest degree of efficiency with the slightest loss in pressure. HORIZONTAL SEPARATOR It will be observed that the corrugations on the baffle plate do not run vertically but at an angle to the rising current of steam. This angle affords ready drainage and at the same time effectually prevents the steam from picking up any globules of water and carrying them over the top of baffle plate. The steam on entering strikes the corrugated baffling plate and free- ing itself from the entrained water, rises naturally over the top, where it sweeps around the curved walls of the head, is again deflected against the corrugated surface on the opposite side of the baffle, and then passes out to the engine in as dry condition as can be obtained through mechan- ical separation. With the exception of the slight modification in the form of baffle plate in the larger sizes, this description applies equally as well to the efficiency of Separators in the elimination of oil and water from exhaust steam. VERTICAL SEPARATOR The same general ideas are carried out, the change in form necessitat- ing, of course, a modification of the details in construction. All vertical separators are the top inlet type. Vertical separators with bottom inlet made to order. Prices on application. FOR SECTIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS, SEE PAGES 257, 258 CRANE CO. 257 ILLUSTRATING SECTIONAL VIEWS OF THE VARIOUS TYPES OF STEAM AND OIL SEPARATORS SIDE SECTION SIDE SECTION (PATENTED) TOP SECTION Nos. 01, 07, 01 1 TOP SECTION OF BAFFLE SIDE SECTION OF BAFFLE NOS. 05, 09, 013 END SECTION END SECTION END SECTION OF BAFFLE; 258 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY RECEIVER STEAM SEPARATORS STEEL PLATE SHELL AND FERROSTEEL SEPARATING AND RECEIVER HEADS (PATENTED) FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 014 HORIZONTAL NO. 017 TOP INLET VERTICAL No. 019 ANGLE BOTTOM INLET TOP INLET NO. 020 ANGLE SIDE INLET The advantages of our Combined Separators and Receivers will be readily appreciated. Receiver Separators of suitable capacity, when placed close to the engine, act as a steam reservoir, and maintain a steady flow through the pipe, regardless of any sudden demand made by the engine, by reason of fluctuating loads, thereby preventing vibration and the possibility of serious damage resulting therefrom, by the shaking and jarring of building, walls and other parts of the plant. In addition to furnishing dry steam to engine, they also provide storage capacity in case of a sudden influx of water, which might be too great for the drainage system to take care of with the promptness such conditions would require. CRANE CO. 259 AUTOMATIC DRAINING SYSTEM AS APPLIED TO CRANE VACUUM OIL SEPARATORS USING CRANETILT VACUUM TRAP JP>1 2 ANGLE VALVE. EXHAUST. PIPE. ^ DRAIN RIPE, GATE VALVES. DISCHARGE. .CHECK VALVE. GLOBE VALVE. STEAM PRESSURE. USE SWING CHECK VALVES. IN ALL CASES SET TRAP LEVEL PRICES ON APPLICATION All Oil, Steam and Air Separators to give best efficiency should be I automatically drained. Every class of separator requires the correct trap for Automatic Drainage. Cranetilt Non-Return, Lifting and Vacuum Traps are particularly adapted to give the best service. Let I us handle your separation and drainage problems. 260 CRANE CO. OIL SEPARATORS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF OIL AND WATER FROM EXHAUST STEAM AND VACUUM LINES (PATENTED) FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25 POUNDS CAST IRON No. 01 HORIZONTAL No. 03 HORIZONTAL No. 05 VERTICAL SIZES 1O INCH AND SIZES 12 INCH AND TOP INLET SMALLER LARGER SIZES -\ 1 A TO 12 INCH, INCLUSIVE Size Inches IVi 2 2H 3 3H 4 4H Price. Horizontal or Vertical . . . Each 24.00 28.00 34 .00 42.00 50 .00 |58 .00 68.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, Horizontal or Vertical . . .Each 76.00 98.00 116.00 134.00 152.00 170.00 200 . 00 Size Inches 14 15 16 18 20 22 Price. Horizontal only . .Each 250.00 300 . 00 325.00 450.00 550 .00. 700 . 00 Size . . . . , Inches 24 26 28 30 36 Price. Horizontal only. .Each 850 . 00 1000.00 1300.00 1600.00 2250.00 MADE TO ORDER OF FERROSTEEL AT AN ADVANCE OF 25 PER CENT The above prices include Water Gauge, Drain Valve and Nipple, also the drilling of flanges for all sizes including Companion Flanges and Bolts, but no Gaskets for sizes up to and including 12 inch, but do not include Companion Flanges, Bolts or Gaskets for sizes 14 inch and larger. The Flange on bottom of the No. 03 Separator may be removed, and the baffle plate examined and thoroughly cleaned by hand, if necessary. For general dimensions, see page 689. Templates for drilling, page 650. For further description and sectional illustrations, see pages 256, 257, CRANE CO. 261 STANDARD STEAM SEPARATORS (PATENTED) FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS CAST IRON No. 07 HORIZONTAL No. 09 VERTICAL TOP INLET Size Inches n 2 2H 3 3^ 4 4H No. 07 and No. 09 Each 24.00 28.00 34.00 42.00 50.00 58.00 68.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 12 No. 07 and No. 09 Each 76.00 98.00 116.00 134.00 152. 001170. 00 200.00 MADE TO ORDER OF FERROSTEEL AT AN ADVANCE OF 25 PER CENT We will furnish 1 and 1 % inch Separators made from same patterns and at same price as 1 ^ inch size. The above prices include Water Gauge, Drain Valve and Nipple, also Companion Flanges and Bolts, but no Gaskets. For general dimensions, see page 690. Templates for drilling, page 650. For further description and sectional illustrations, see pages 256, 257. 262 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY STEAM SEPARATORS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS FERROSTEEL No. 011 HORIZONTAL No. 013 VERTICAL TOP INLET Size Inches VA 2 2 1 A 3 3\i 4 4^ No. Oil and No. 013. . . .Each 26.50 31 .00 37 .50 46.00 55 .00 64.00 75.00 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 No. Oil and No. 013 ... .Each 84 .00 108.00 128.00 147.00 187.00 187.00 220.00 We will furnish 1 and 1 % inch Separators made from same patterns and at same price as 1 y^ inch size. The above prices include Water Gauge, Drain Valve and Nipple, also Companion Flanges and Bolts, but no Gaskets. For general dimensions, see page 691. Templates for drilling, page 652. For further description and sectional illustrations, see pages 256, 257. CRANE CO. 263 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL STEAM SEPARATORS FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 35O POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 8OO DEGREES FAHRENHEIT No. 011 STEEL HORIZONTAL No. 013 STEEL VERTICAL TOP INLET No. Oil S and No. 013 S. .Each iv z 70.00 2 2y 2 3 V/2 4 4H Size Inches No. Oil S and No. 013 S . .Each 5 140.00 6 175.00 7 200.00 8 250.00 9 375.00 10 400.00 12 500.00 We will furnish 1 and 1^ inch Separators made from same patterns and at same price as iy 2 inch size. The above prices include Water Gauge, Drain Valve and Nipple, also Companion Flanges and Bolts, but no Gaskets. For general dimensions, see page 691. Templates for drilling, page 652. For further description and sectional illustrations, see pages 250, 257. 264 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY RECEIVER STEAM SEPARATORS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS (PATENTED) No. 014 HORIZONTAL SIZES 4 TO 20 INCH, INCLUSIVE NO. 017 VERTICAL SEZES 4 TO 20 INCH, INCLUSIVE No. 019 ANGLE No. O20 SIZES 4 TO 2O INCH, INCLUSIVE RIVETED STEEL PLATE SHELL WITH FERROSTEEL OR STEEL PLATE HEAD No. 017, sizes 6 inch and smaller are made entirely of Ferrosteel. CAN BE CONSTRUCTED SO THAT STEAM MAY ENTER AT TOP, BOTTOM OR SIDE: INQUIRIES SHOULD STATE DIRECTION OF FLOW PRICES ON APPLICATION For general dimensions, see page 692. Templates for drilling, page 652. For further description and sectional illustrations, see pages 256 and 258. WE ALSO MAKE THESE RECEIVER STEAM SEPARATORS TO ORDER. WITH CAST STEEL SEPARATING AND RECEIVER HEADS OR STEEL PLATE HEAD AND 6TEEL PLATE SHELL, SUITABLE FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM WORKING PRES- SURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 8OO DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. CRANE CO. 265 EXTRA HEAVY, DISTRIBUTING RECEIVER STEAM SEPARATOR FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 021 RIVETED STEEL PLATE SHELL SADDLE NOZZLES, HEADS AND BASE MADE OF FERROSTEEL These Combined Receivers and Steam Separators can be furnished to conform to various designs and specifications. The above cut is intended merely to give a general idea of construction. They may be constructed so that steam will enter from the side or top, and outlets can be taken from any desired point in the upper section. WHEN ORDERING OR REQUESTING PRICES, SUBMIT DRAWINGS, STATE WORKING PRESSURE AND FOR WHAT SERVICE REQUIRED, MADE IN SIZES 10 INCH AND LARGER PRICES ON APPLICATION WE ALSO MAKE THESE RECEIVER STEAM SEPARATORS TO ORDER, WITH CAST STEEL SEPARATING AND RECEIVER HEADS OR STEEL PLATE HEAD AND STEEL PLATE SHELL, SUITABLE FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM WORKING PRES- SURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. PRICES ON APPLICATION 266 CRANE CO. CAST IRON DRIP POCKETS FOR STEAM MAINS STANDARD: FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS EXTRA HEAVY: FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS 1 1 I FOR VERTICAL PIPE FOR HORIZONTAL PIPE FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL PIPE Size Ins. PKICE LIST DIMENSIONS STANDARD EXTRA HEAVY A Height of Drip Pocket Inches Size of Drain Connection Inches With Faced Flanges Each With Faced and Drilled Flanges Each With Faced Flanges Each With Faced and Drilled Flanges Each 2Y* 19.00 20.00 19.00 20.00 13 % 3 21.00 22.00 21.00 22.00 14 1 3fc 23.00 24.00 23.00 24.00 16 1 4 24.00 26.00 24.00 26.00 16 1 4y 2 26.00 28.00 26.00 28.00 18 Ifc 5 28.00 30.00 28.00 30.00 18 m 6 35.00 37.00 35.00 37.00 20 IK 7 47.00 50.00 47.00 50.00 24H 134 8 52.00 55.00 52.00 55.00 245-4 1* 9 72.00 75.00 72.00 75.00 28 154 10 77.00 80.00 77.00 80.00 28 IK 12 115.00 120.00 115.00 120.00 32 IK DIFFERENT DISCOUNTS APPLY TO THE ABOVE LIST PRICES OF STANDARD AND EXTRA HEAVY DRIP POCKETS. EXTRA HEAVY DRIP POCKETS FURNISHED TO ORDER OF FERROSTEEL AT AN ADVANCE OF 25 PER CENT. These Attachments not only serve as drainage collectors, but also keep the piping clear of pipe scale, dirt and other foreign matter that would otherwise accumulate and cause trouble in new installation work. Excepting sizes above 12 inch, we always recommend using FULL SIZE DRIP POCKETS, corresponding to the size pipe to which they are connected, thus avoiding any possibility of water being carried beyond them, as would very " r size Pockets. take care of the condensation ch, inclusive. In using this Drip Pocket on larger _________________________ , . sizes than 12 inch, it will be necessary to use a reducing fitting to conform to the or 12 X 20% flange on the Drip Pocket. Drip Pockets will be furnished faced 12X19 or only, unless otherwise ordered. Prices do not ku?lude the flanged fittings or bolts shown in above cuts. Drip Pockets will be tapped for water gauge. Water Gauge will be furnished when ordered, at an extra price. Diameter of Flanges and Templates for drilling, for Standard, see page 650; for Extra Heavy, see page 652. CRANE CO 267 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL DRIP POCKETS FOR STEAM MAINS i POUNDS WORKING PRESSURE AND A BOO DEGREES FAHRENHEIT *1R ..aJl^HM^ i FOR VERTICAL PIPE FOR HORIZONTAL PIPE FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL PIPE Size Inches PRICE LIST DIMENSIONS With Faced Flanges Each With Faced and Drilled Flanges Each A Height of Drip Pocket Inches Size of Drain Connection Inches 2H 18.00 20.00 13 % 3 20.00 23.00 14 1 3K 23.00 26.00 16 1 4 26.00 29.00 16 1 5^~ 31.00 34.00 18 IH 34.00 37.00 18 1 6 42.00 46.00 20 M 7 51.00 56.00 24^ \X 8 60.00 65.00 WA M 9 71.00 76.00 28 m 10 84.00 90.00 28 1H 12 103.00 110.00 32 IH These Attachments not only serve as drainage collectors, but also keep the piping clear of pipe scale, dirt and other foreign matter that would otherwise accumulate and cause trouble in new installation work. Excepting sizes above 12 inch, we always recommend using FULL SIZE DRIP POCKETS, corresponding to the size pipe to which they are connected, thus avoiding any possibility of water being carried beyond them, as would very likely happen by using reduced openings or smaller size Pockets. The 12 inch Drip Pocket is large enough to take care of the con- densation in steam lines from 14 to 24 inch, inclusive. In using this Drip Pocket on larger sizes than 12 inch, it will be necessary to use a reducing fitting to conform to the 12X20^ flange on the Drip Pocket. Drip Pockets will be furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. Prices do not include the flanged fittings or bolts shown in above cuts. Drip Pockets will be tapped for water gauge. Water Gauge will be furnished when ordered, at an extra price. Diameter of Flanges and Templates for drilling, page 652. 268 CRANE CO. SPECIAL 36 INCH HORIZONTAL RELIEF VALVE EE PAGES 2O4 AND 2O5 FOR BACK PRESSURE AND EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES CRANE CO. 269 CRANETILT STEAM TRAPS PATENTED PATENTS PENDING NON-RETURN, DIRECT RETURN, THREE VALVE LIFTING AND VACUUM WILL WORK ON PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH CRANETILT STEAM TRAPS Will handle condensation from all sources and conditions of service,, and under any pressure of steam up to 250 pounds. Their discharging capacities are much greater than any other style> Tilt Trap now on the market, and the Non-Return will handle ten times more water than bucket, pot or float traps having equal size pipe connections. The Direct Return will automatically return all condensations, at any pressure or temperature, directly back into the boiler, and deliver feed water to the boiler as a feed pump. Cranetilt Three Valve Traps are designed to be used as Lifting,. Vacuum or Metering Traps. These traps are especially adapted for use on return lines handling- condensation under varying pressures, especially where the pressure will vary from a vacuum to high steam pressure. CONSTRUCTIONAL REASONS WHY CRANETILT ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHER STEAM TRAPS THE RECEIVING OR TILTING TANK is made of malleable- iron, cast in one piece of uniform thickness; it is perfectly balanced and combines great strength and durability. These Tanks are tested to 800 pounds hydraulic pressure per square inch and are fully capable of withstanding the severe strains to which Tilting Traps are sub- jected, overcoming entirely the troubles which heretofore have beeiL experienced with other style tanks. ALL OPERATING PARTS ARE ON THE OUTSIDE, easily accessible for examination or repairs, and are very simple in construction. The trunnions and all interior passages throughout the Traps have full pipe size openings. The tilting movement indicates perfect working. Its powerful mechanism insures positive action to all working parts,, eliminating every possibility of binding or sticking at any point. THE DISCHARGE AND DUPLEX VALVES are of special de- sign and have exceptionally large openings. They are entirely friction- less and absolutely perfect in action. The body and bonnet are of extra heavy cast iron. The brass working parts are made of "Crane Hard Metal," which has wearing qualities almost equal to steel and successfully resists the cutting effects of steam and water. WIDE RANGE OF APPLICATION As Cranetilt Traps, both Non-Return and Direct Return, are adapted to such a wide range of application, WQ do not attempt to illustrate or fully describe the varied and almost unlimited conditions of service which they are capable of fulfilling. The principle and operation being practically alike in nearly all cases, it will be understood that the location of Trap, arrangements of piping, etc., may vary to- suit the requirements and local conditions covering each application. TRAP PROBLEMS Customers having complex trap problems to overcome are re- quested to submit fully described conditions, with sketch if possible, and we shall be pleased to furnish complete information. 270 CRANE CO. CRANETILT STEAM TRAPS NON-RETURN FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS NOS. 30, 32, 33, 34, 35 Nos. 36, 37, 38, 39 SERIES 30 PRICE LIST PIPE CONNECTIONS Number of Trap List Price, Including Sediment Trap and Wrench Approximate Shipping Weight Pounds Size of Inlet and Outlet Inches H 30 32.50 95 1 A 32 55.00 170 *A 33 75.00 250 i 34 100.00 320 1 1 A 35 145.00 510 \H 36 210.00 850 2 37 300.00 1,175 2 1 A 38 425.00 1,750 3 39 550.00 2,600 FOR RATINGS AND CAPACITIES, SEE PAGE 271 MERITS OF CRANETILT NON-RETURN STEAM TRAPS The Cranetilt Non-Return Trap is the most economical, simple and practical device that can be used for automatically separating con- densation from steam at any temperature or pressure. It does not require any power to operate it other than the weight of the water in the tank. Lubricating oils or steam are not used as in the case of a pump. Its durability is unlimited and the necessity for repairs is practically nothing. It has the least amount of mechanism or operating parts in use on any piece of machinery built for such work. There are no interior valves, floats, buckets, levers or other working parts to give trouble or get out of order. The discharge valve is on the outside, easily accessible and simple in construction and has an area 50 per cent greater than the area of the inlet pipe. The trunnions have the full area of the pipe or inlet connection, thereby giving the trap exception- ally large discharging capacity. At all times it can be told at a glance that the trap is working, as the tank tilts at each discharge. THIS TRAP WILL NOT DISCHARGE WATER INTO A BOILER CRANE CO. 271 RATINGS OF CRANETILT NON-RETURN TRAPS POUNDS OF WATER DISCHARGED PER HOUR WITH VARIOUS EFFECTIVE PRESSURES AT THE TRAP The capacity of any steam trap depends on the area of the valve opening and the effective pressure available at the trap. To determine the size of a Cranetilt Non-Return Steam Trap by the following table: Find in the first column the pressure equal to the effective pressure at the trap; follow the horizontal line across the table to the quantity of water to be handled; the correct size and number of trap will be found at the head of the column. NUMBER OF TRAP AND SIZE OF INLET AND OUTLET sure at Trap 30 M-in. 32 H-in. 33 M-in. 34 1-in. 35 IM-in. 36 iy 2 -in. 37 2-in. 38 2H-in. 39 3-in. 5 372 930 1,860 3, ICO 4,650 6,200 9,300 12,400 15,500 10 528 1,320 2,640 4,400 6,600 8,800 13,200 17,600 22,000 15 648 1,620 3,240 5,400 8,100 10,800 16,200 21,600 27,000 20 756 1,890 3,780 6,300 9,450 12,600 18,900 25,200 31,500 25 852 2,130 4,260 7,100 10,650 14,200 21,300 28,400 35,500 30 920 2,310 4,620 7,700 11,550 15,400 23,100 30,800 38,500 40 1,080 2,700 5,400 9,000 13,500 18,000 27,000 36,000 45,000 50 1,200 3,000 6,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60 1,320 3,300 6,600 11,000 16,500 22,000 33,000 44,000 55,000 75 1,488 3,720 7,440 12,400 18,600 24,800 37,200 49,600 62,000 100 1,704 4,260 8,520 14,200 21,300 28,400 42,600 56,800 71,000 125 1,896 4,740 9,480 15,800 23,700 31,600 47,400 63,200 79,000 150 2,064 5,160 10,320 17,200 25,800 34,400 51,600 68,800 86,000 175 2,292 5,730 11,460 19,100 28,650 38,200 57,300 76,400 95,500 200 2,400 6,000 12,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 250 2,700 7,750 13,500 22,500 33,750 45,000 67,500 90,000 112,500 272 CRANE CO. CRANETILT STEAM TRAPS DIRECT RETURN FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS Nos. 90, 91, 92, 93 Nos. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 SERIES 90 PRICE LIST AND CAPACITIES List Price, CONNEP Including CAPACITIES PER HOUR, BASED ON TIONS Sediment Trap, j ORDINARY CONDENSING CONDITIONS. Num- Two 1 Approx- Size of Size ber Swing ! imate Lineal Pounds Gallons Square Water of of Check Ship- Feet of of Water of Water Feet of Inlet and Dis- Steam and Vent Trap Valves, Tee, Nipples wetgLt 1 inch Pipe Trap Will Trap Will Discharge into Trap Will Discharge into Radiation Trap Will Drain charge Valve and Drain Boiler Boiler Inches Inches Wrench Pounds Feet Pounds Gallons Feet H X2 90 75.00 187 4,000 800 96 1,333 H H 91 95.00 260 7,500 1,500 180 2,500 i i 92 125.00 375 12,500 2,500 300 4,167 IH 1M 93 175.00 527 18,000 3,600 432 6,000 V/2 iy* 94 250.00 850 25,000 5,000 600 8,333 2 2 95 370.00 1,175 39,000 7,800 936 13,000 V/2 2 l / 2 96 525.00 1,750 57,500 11,500 1,380 19,167 3 3 97 675.00 2,600 77,500 15,500 1,860 25,833 4 3 98 925.00 3,900 140,000 28,000 3,360 46,667 MERITS OF CRANETILT DIRECT RETURN STEAM TRAPS The Cranetilt Direct Return Trap will receive the water of condensation and boiler feed water from any source and automatically deliver it into a power or heating boiler at practically the temperature of the boiler due to the pressure at which the steam is condensed. In order to maintain a high efficiency in steam condensing apparatus of any descripti9n, it is important that the condensation be removed rapidly and then delivered into the boiler before it vaporizes, thereby securing pure hot water. This is the most economical, simple and practicable device that can be used for this work, as it will operate under any pressure or temperature, its durability is unlimited and the necessity for repairing infrequent. It has the smallest number of operating parts in use on any piece of machinery built for such work. There are no interior valves, floats, buckets, levers or other working parts to give trouble or get out of order. The steam and vent valves are on the outside, easily accessible and simple in construction. The trunnions have the full area of the pipe or inlet and discharge connection, thereby giving the trap exception- ally large discharging capacity. The action and working of the trap may be judged at all times, as the tank tilts at each operation. Cranetilt Direct Return Traps are the most efficient devices on the market for delivering feed water to a boiler and they will handle water of any temperature. CRANE CO. 273 CRANETILT STEAM TRAPS THREE VALVE LIFTING FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25O POUNDS Nos. 100, 101, 102, 103 Nos. 104, 105, 106, 107. 108 SERIES 100 -PRICE LIST AND CAPACITIES PIPE CONNEC- TIONS List Price, Including CAPACITIES PER HOUR, BASED ON ORDINARY CONDENSING CONDITIONS Sediment Approx- Size of Water Size of Num- ber of Trap, Swing Check imate Ship- Lineal Feet of Pounds Gallons Square Feet of Inlet and Dis- charge Steam and Vent Valve Trap Valve, Nipple and Wrench weight 1 inch Pipe Trap Will Drain of Water Trap Will Discharge of Water Trap Will Discharge Radiation Trap Will Drain Square Inches Inches Pounds Feet Pounds Gallons Feet H Yi 100 90.00 213 4,000 800 96 1,333 H % 101 110.00 270 7,500 1,500 180 2,500 i 1 102 145.00 395 12,500 2,500 300 4,167 1M 1 1 A 103 200.00 542 18,000 3,600 432 6,000 \y 2 \y 1 A 1 A Diam. Flanges and Rings . . . Inches 16 19 21 22% 23X2 25 wy 2 Thickness of SteelRing.No.412 . Inches 1 A y Vi Yi Vi y% y% Size Inches ' 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 No. 411 or 412 Each 450.00 500.00 600.00 650.00 725.00 800.00 875.00 F. to F., Flanges, No. 411 ... . Inches 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 F. to F., Copper Shell, No. 412 . Inches 7 7 8 8 % 1 A 8H 8^ Diam. Flanges and Rings . . . Inches 29^2 32 34% 36 1 A 38% 41% 43% Thickness of SteelRing. No.412 . Inches % % % % K '1/8 K Size Inches 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 No. 411 or 412 Each 950.00 1000.00 1100.00 1200.00 1300.00 1400.0C 1500.00 F. to F., Flanges, No. 411 .... Inches 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 F. to F., Copper Shell, No. 412 . Inches 8^2 9 9 9 9 9 9 Diam. Flanges and Rings . . . Inches 46 48% 50% 53 55% 57% 59^ Thickness of SteelRing, No.412 . Inches 1 1 1 JH 1H 1H 1% These Copper Expansion Joints are recommended for use only where the expansion does not exceed % inch. The flanges or rings are adjustable, thus making easy the alignment of bolt holes. Pipe Lines containing these Expansion Joints must be anchored at suitable points, in order to force the Joints to compensate for the con- traction and expansion in the piping. STYLE No. 412 IS ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED ON HIGH VACUUM SYS- TEMS, AS ITS CONSTRUCTION PROVIDES AGAINST DANGER OF COLLAPSING, DUE TO EXTERNAL OR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. No. 411 is furnished faced and drilled, as shown in illustration. No. 412 comprises the copper shell and Split Rings only, faced and drilled. Bolts for No. 411 will be regular diameter and length corresponding to thickness of our Standard Cast Iron Flanges. Bolts for No. 412 will be shorter, proportionate to the difference in thickness of the steel ring, as compared with the thickness of Standard Cast Iron Flanges. Templates for drilling, page 650. In ordering No. 411, specify whether horizontal or vertical is wanted. 278 CRANE CO. STANDARD EXPANSION JOINTS ALL BRASS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 404. SCREWED, STANDARD TRAVERSE Size Inches H X 1 1 X 4 Bg 2 2 1 / 2 3 Traverse Inches 2 2H 2H 2^4 2^4 2K 2K 2^ End to End, Open. Inches 6% m 7% 7% 7% 8% 9H 10% Price Each 1.50 2.20 2.75 4.00 5.00 8.00 17.50 24.00 NO. 406. SCREWED, SPECIAL TRAVERSE Traverse Size Inches 1 A % 1 IX 1H 2 2y 2 4 Inches .Price Each 3.80 4.00 4.90 6.30 7.40 9.10 *6 Inches Price Each 8.25 9.00 10.00 11.50 13.50 24.00 8 Inches Price Each 9.00 10.00 11.25 13.00 15.50 27.00 10 Inches Price Each 9.75 11.00 12.50 14.50 17.50 30.00 12 Inches Price Each 10.50 12.00 13.75 16.00 19.50 33.00 *E as tern Traverse. Expansion Joints are not furnished packed unless so ordered, and then at a special price. If wanted packed specify kind of packing required. For linear expansion of pipe, see page 638. STEAM SWING JOINTS BRASS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 300 Size Inches %.-><%, 3 4X% 1X1 1&X1& 1HX1& 2X2 2 1 /X2 1 / 2 3X3 Priee, Hough.. Each 2.50 3.50 5.00 6.50 9.00 13.00 22.00 30.00 Price, Finished... Each 3.00 4.00 5.75 7.25 10.00 15.00 24.50 33.00 Finished Swing Joints are made to order only. CRANE CO. 279 STANDARD EXPANSION JOINTS IRON BODY BRASS SLEEVE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 398. SCREWED, STANDARD TRAVERSE Size Inches 2 2* 3 3H 4 4H 5 Traverse Inches 2H 2y 2 2 3 3*4 3* 4 End to End, Opened Inches Utt 12H iA 14^ 15& 16 17^ Price Each 7.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 18.00 30.00 38.00 Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 Traverse Inches 5 6 7 7 7 8 End to End, Opened Inches 20% 23V 4 26^ 27 28 31 A Price Each 45.00 70.00 100.00 110.00 160.00 225.00 NO. 400. SCREWED, SPECIAL TRAVERSE Traverse Size. Inches 2 2y 2 3 3& 4 4!/2 5 6 7 8 *6in. Price. .Each 11.00 13.00 17.50 25.00 30.00 40.00 45.00 55.00 10 in. Price. .Each 16.00 19.00 25.00 35.00 42.00 52.00 62.00 80.00 100.00 140.00 12 in. Price.. Each 18.50 22.00 29.00 40.00 48.00 60.00 67.00 70.00 92.50 115.00 160.00 14 in. Price. .Each 21.00 25.00 28.00 33.00 45.00 50.00 54.00 60.00 78.00 105.00 130.00 16 in. Price. .Each 23.50 37.00 75.00 86.00 94.00 117.50 145.00 18 in. Price. .Each 26.00 31.00 41.00 55.00 66.00 130.00 *Eastern Traverse. No. 400 Expansion Joints, sizes 7 to 12 inch, inclusive, can be fur- nished with 6 inch Traverse when so ordered. Prices on application. Expansion Joints are not furnished packed unless so ordered, and then at a special price. If wanted packed specify kind of packing required. Standard Expansion Joints will be made to order with base or side outlet. Prices on application. For linear expansion of pipe, see page 638. 280 CRANE CO. STANDARD EXPANSION JOINTS IRON BODY BRASS SLEEVE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 401. FLANGED, STANDARD TRAVERSE Size Inches 2 2/2 3 3H 4 4H 5 6 Traverse Inches 2H 2H 2% 3 3& 3/2 4 5 Face to Face, Opened Inches 11% lift 12H 13tt 14% 15/2 16% 19H Price Each 15.00 16.00 18.50 25.00 30.00 40.00 48.00 55.00 Diam . Flanges Inches 6 7 7/2 8% 9 9H 10 11 Size Inches 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 Traverse Inches 6 7 7 7 8 10 10 10 Face to Face, Opened Inches 22JL- 25^ 26^4 27 30% 39M 40 41 Price Each 80.00 110.00 120.00 175.00 250.00 500.00 550.00 600.00 Diam. Flanges Inches 121/2 13/2 15 16 19 21 22M: 25/2 NO. 403. FLANGED, SPECIAL TRAVERSE Traverse Size Inches 2 2/2 3 3/ 2 4 4/2 * 6 Inches Price Each 18.00 20.00 25.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 10 Inches Price Each 23.00 26.00 32.50 45.00 52.00 63.00 12 Inches Price Each 25.50 29.00 36.50 50.00 58.00 70.00 14 Inches Price Each 28.00 32.00 40.50 55.00 64.00 77.00 16 Inches Price Each 30.50 35.00 44.50 60.00 70.00 85.00 18 Inches Price Each 33.00 38.00 48.50 65.00 76.00 Traverse Size Inches 5 6 7 8 10 12 *6 Inches Price Each 55.00 65.00 10 Inches Price Each 72.00 90.00 112.00 150.00 225.00 300.00 12 Inches Price Each 80.00 102.50 127.00 170.00 255.00 360.00 14 Inches Price Each 88.00 115.00 142.00 190.00 285.00 400.00 16 Inches 1ft Tn-Vioo Price Each 96.00 127.50 157.00 210.00 315.00 OCfl f\l *Eastern Traverse. No. 403 Expansion Joints, sizes 7 to 16 inch, inclusive, can be fur- nished with 6 inch Traverse when so ordered. Prices on application. Expansion Joints are not furnished packed unless so ordered, and then at a special price. If wanted packed specify kind of packing required. Standard Expansion Joints will be made to order with base or with side outlet. Prices on application. For linear expansion of pipe, see page 638. Templates for drilling, cage 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. CRANE CO. 281 DOUBLE EXPANSION JOINTS IRON BODY BRASS SLEEVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 409 WITH ANCHORAGE SADDLE BASE AND LATERAL SERVICE BRANCH Size Inches 2 2 1 A 3 3H 4 4^ 5 6 No. 409, Flanged. . .Each 35.00 40.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 90.00 105.00 130.00 Service Opening. . Inches 2 2 2 2 2 1 A 2H 3 3 End to End, Open, Screwed. Inches 28 2S 1 A 29H 30% 31% 32 32^ 34 Face to Pace, Open, Flanged . Inches 28 28^ 29K 30% 31% 32 32H 34 Diam. of Flanges. Inches 6 7 7H 8V 9 9K 10 11 Size Inches 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 No. 409, Flanged. . . Each 165.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 400.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 Traverse on Each Sleeve . Inches 4 4 4 3H 3H 3^ 334 VA Service Opening. . Inches 4 4 4 4 4H 4M 5 5 End to End, Open, Screwed . Inches 36% 37% 39% 39% 43 Face to Face, Open, Flanged. Inches 36M 37% 39% 39M 43 45 46^ 48H Diam. of Flanges. Inches 12H 13H 15 16 19 21 22M 23^ These Expansion Joints can be furnished with screw ends when so specified, at same price. Unless otherwise ordered, the service outlets will be made with screwed ends on expansion joints 4H inch and smaller, and flanged ends on sizes 5 inch and larger. The above Double Expansion Joints are made of the same general proportions as our Standard Patterns and are more particularly designed for underground work. Expansion Joints are not furnished packed unless so ordered, and then at a special price. If wanted packed specify kind of packing required. Single Standard Expansion Joints can also be furnished with Base and Lateral Service Branch. These will be made to order only. Prices on application. 282 CRANE CO. DOUBLE EXPANSION JOINTS IRON BODY BRASS SLEEVES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 408 WITH ANCHORAGE SADDLE BASE Size Inches 2 VA 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 6 No. 408, Flanged. . .Each 32.50 37.50 42.50 55.00 70.00 85.00 100.00 120.00 Traverse on Each Sleeve . Inches 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 End to End, Open, Screwed. Inches 28 28^ 29^ 30% 31% 32 32H 34 Face to Face, Open, Flanged. Inches 28 28H 29K 30% 31% 32 32^ 34 Diam. of Flanges. Inches 6 7 7H 8^ 9 9M 10 11 Size Inches 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 No. 408, Flanged. . . Each 155.00 190.00 240.00 290.00 390.00 575.00 675.00 775.00 Traverse on Each Sleeve . Inches 4 4 4 3^ 3H 3 1 A 3H 3K End to End, Open, Screwed . Inches 36M 37% 39% 39% 43 Face to Face, Open, Flanged. Inches 36M 37% 39% 39M 43 45 46H 48^ Diam. of Flanges. Inches 12K 13^ 15 16 19 21 22M 23>i These Expansion Joints can be furnished with screwed ends, when so specified, at same price. The above Double Expansion Joints are made of the same general proportions as our Standard Patterns and are more particularly designed for underground work. Expansion Joints are not furnished packed unless so ordered, and then at a special price. If wanted packed specify kind of packing required. Single Standard Expansion Joints can also be furnished with Base. These will be made to order only. Prices on application. CRANE CO. 283 EXTRA HEAVY EXPANSION JOINTS WITH TIE RODS BRASS SLEEVE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS NO. 49 E WITH ANCHOR BASE STANDARD TRAVERSE Size Inches 2 2^ 3 3H 4 5 6 7 No. 48 E, Screwed . Each 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 No. 49 E , Flanged . Each 35.00 45.00 55.00 65.00 75.00 85.00 105.00 125.00 6 Traverse Inches 2M 2^ 2M 3 3M 4 5 E. to E. Screwed, Opened. .Inches 15H 15x4 18% 18 18K 21H 24^ 25M 27^ E. to P. Flanged, Opened. .Inches 15H 16 17^ 18H 19M 22^ 28^ Diam. Flanges . . . Inches VA 7M VA 9 10 11 12K 14 Size Inches 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 No. 48 E , Screwed . Each 145.00 190.00 240.00 290.00 1000.00 No. 49 E, FJanged . Each 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 750.00 Traverse Inches 7 7 7 8 10 10 10 10 E. to E. Screwed, Opened . . Inches 30M 31M 32M 36M F. to F. Flanged, Opened. .Inches 31^ 31^ 33^ 37H 43 43^ 45 46^ Diam. Flanges. . .Inches 15 16M 17K 20^ 23 24^ 25^ 28 Prices of Expansion Joints with Anchor Base on application. Expansion Joints are not furnished packed unless so ordered, and then at a special price. If wanted packed, specify kind of packing required. For linear expansion of pipe, see page 638. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. 284 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY EXPANSION JOINTS RON BODY WITH TIE RODS BRASS SLEEVE FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 52 E WITH ANCHOR BASE PRICE LIST NO. 50 E SCREWED SPECIAL TRAVERSE Tra- verse Size.. .Inches 2 2H 3 3M 4 5 6 7 8 4 in. No. 50 E, Scrd.Each 35.00 45.00 55.00 65.00 75.00 6 in. No. 50 E, Scrd.Each 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 85.00 105.00 10 in. No. 50 E, Scrd.Each 45.00 55.00 65.00 75.00 85.00 95.00 125.00 145.00 175.00 12 in. No. 50 E Scrd.Each 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 105.00 135.00 160.00 205.00 14 in. No. 50 E, Scrd.Each 55.00 65.00 75.00 85.00 95.00 115.00 145.00 175.00 235.00 16 in. No. 50 E, Scrd.Each 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 125.00 155.00 190.00 265.00 PRICE LIST-NO. 52 E FLANGED-SPECIAL TRAVERSE Tra- verse Size... Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 5 6 7 8 4 in. No. 52 E, Flgd.Each 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 6 in. No.52E,Flgd.Each 45.00 55.00 65.00 75.00 85.00 90.00 110.00 10 in. No. 52 E, Flgd.Each 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 130.00 150.00 180.00 12 in. No. 52 E, Flgd.Each 55.00 65.00 75.00 85.00 95.00 110.00 140.00 165.00 210.00 14 in. No. 52 E, Flgd.Each 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 240.00 16 in. No. 52 E, Flgd.Each 65.00 75.00 85.00 95.00 105.00130.00160.00195.00270.00 Prices of Expansion Joints with Anchor Base furnished on applica- tion. Expansion Joints are not furnished packed unless so ordered, and then at a special price. If wanted packed, specify kind of packing required. Made to order with longer traverse than above, at a special price. For linear expansion of pipe, see page 638. Templates for drilling, page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 285 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL EXPANSION JOINTS WITH TIE RODS No. 49 A STEEL NO. 49 A STEEL WITH ANCHOR BASE Size Inches 4 5 6 8 10 12 No. 49 A, Flanged Each 150.00 175.00 200.00 250.00 325.00 400.00 No. 49 D, Flanged Each 90.00 110.00 135.00 200.00 275.00 325.00 Traverse Inches 3M 4 5 7 7 8 Face to Face, Open Inches 19H 22^ 25M 31J/2 33^ 37H Diameter of Flanges Inches 10 11 12^ 15 ny> 20H GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS {350 POUNDS STEAM WORKING PRESSURE WITH TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 FAHRENHEIT Cast Steel Body, Spool and Gland with Body and Gland bushed with Monel Metal. Sleeve Monel Metal. f5OO POUNDS COLD WATER AND 40O POUNDS HOT WATER WORKING Class PRESSURE D I Cast Steel Body, Spool and Gland, t Sleeve Crane Special Brass. Prices of Expansion Joints with Anchor Base on application. Expansion Joints are not furnished packed unless so ordered, and then at a special price. If wanted packed, specify kind of packing required. For linear expansion of pipe, see page 638. All End Flanges are furnished with ^ inch raised face. In ordering, always specify by NUMBER and LETTER denoting combination wanted. Cast Steel Expansion Joints for higher working pressures made to order. For drilling templates, see page 652. page 178. Price List for drilling, see 286 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY SWIVEL EXPANSION JOINTS CAST IRON FLANGED BRASS BEARINGS AND SPLIT SHOULDER RINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS ILLUSTRATING METHODS OF PLACING SWIVEL EXPANSION JOINTS IN A STEAM LINE No. 51 E SWIVEL JOINT Size Inches Price Swivel Joint Only Each Price for Drilling Per Joint Bolts Per Set Face to Face Inches Diameter of Sleeve Flange Inches Diamter of Body Flange Inches 3 70.00 1.25 1.35 10 8M 5X11 y/2 80.00 1.50 1.35 10H 9 5X11 4 90.00 1.75 2.00 UH 10 6X12^ 5 105.00 2.00 2.50 12 11 7X14 6 120.00 2.50 2.95 12& 12H 9X16M 7 140.00 2.50 4.30 13H 14 10X17^ 8 170.00 2.50 4.30 14H 15 12X20M 10 250.00 4.00 5.85 16M 17H 14X23 12 300.00 5.00 5.85 18 20^ 16X25K 14 500.00 6.00 7.25 20 23 18X28 16 750.00 7.50 10.55 21 % 25H 22X33 Sizes above 16 inch, prices on application. These Joints will be made to order of Ferrosteel, at an extra price. It will be noted that the sleeve and body Flanges are the regular Extra Heavy diameters and are drilled to the regular Extra Heavy templates. Templates for drilling, page 652. The construction of these Joints is such that they will make an entire revolution without danger of the sleeves blowing out. All bearing parts are faced with brass ; in consequence, they will not corrode, stick nor bind. These Joints will be furnished with stuffing box packed at an addi- tional price which will depend upon the kind of packing required. CRANE CO. 287 STANDARD FLEXIBLE JOINTS OF THE "MORAIM" TYPE These Joints are made of the loose type and be- come tight when the pres- sure is put on. Tight Joints will be made to order at a special price. Size Inches H y* 1 A % 1 IK m Price Each 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.75 4.25 5.25 6.00 Size Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 5 6 Price Each 7.50 9.00 11.25 14.00 15.00 18.75 25.00 Both ends are female; Iron Pipe Standard Threads. The above Joints are All Iron. Will make to order All Brass, at a special price. BARCO FLEXIBLE JOINTS Size Inches Y JJ H H 1 1# 1H Straight Each 6.75 7.00 7.50 8.80 9.90 12.30 14.00 Angle Each 7.25 7.50 8.00 9.30 10.40 12.80 14.50 Size Inches 2 2^ 3 4 5 6 Straight Each 17.50 21.00 26.30 35.10 43.90 58.50 Angle Each 19.50 23.00 28.30 38.10 47.90 63.50 In ordering, please specify whether brass, malleable or cast iron joints are wanted,using the following as a guide as to how they are regularly made: BRASS. % inch to 2*/ inch, both male and female ends. MALLEABLE. ^ inch to 2H inch, both male and female ends. MALLEABLE. 2H inch to 4 inch, female ends only, unless other- wise specified. CAST IRON. 4 inch to 6 inch, female ends only, unless otherwise specified. Standard joints are suitable for steam working pressures up to 150 pounds and extra heavy joints up to 250 pounds. Sizes 4 inches to 36 inches will be furnished flanged at a special price. 288 CRANE CO. WALKER FLEXIBLE JOINTS PATENTED FOR SUBMERGED PIPE LINES GAS SUCTION OR PRESSURE MAINS Size Inches Screwed Each Flanged Each Hub and Spigot Each Approximate Weight Pounds 4 17.50 17.50 16.00 145 6 22.75 22.75 21.00 174 8 29.00 29.00 27.00 323 10 37.25 37.25 35.00 475 12 46.00 46.00 43.00 666 14 57.50 54.00 970 16 68.00 64.00 1140 18 79.00 74.00 1275 20 93.00 86.00 1460 24 125.00 115.00 1900 Flexible Joints are used in the laying of Submarine Pipe Lines of all kinds, but more especially where a Diver is not employed. An excellent proof of the merits of these Joints, is the fact that they have been adopted and have given satisfaction in upwards of one hun- dred submarine pipe lines, under pressure of from 10 to 250 pounds. In ordering, state whether Screwed, Flanged or Hub and Spigot ends. Drilling of Flanged Joints at an extra price, when so ordered. CRANE CO. 289 RAILING FITTINGS BALL PATTERN FINISHED BRASS FOR OFFICE RAILING, ENCLOSING ENGINES AND MACHINERY, EXHIBITION SPACES, ETC. |R.H B.H RH. No. 1 BRASS R.K NO. 2 BRASS NO. 3 BRASS NO. 4 BRASS B.H, No. 5 BRASS R.H. No. 6 BRASS No. 7 BRASS L.H, No. 8 BRASS Pipe Size Inches % % 1 IX 1H 2 No. 1 Brass, Elbow. Each .40 .60 .80 1.20 1.60 2.50 No. 2 Brass, Elbow, Side Outlet Each .75 1.00 1.10 1.70 2.00 3.00 No. 3 Brass, Tee Each .60 .85 1.10 1.70 2.00 3.00 No. 4 Brass, Tee, Side Outlet. Each 1.05 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.40 3.50 No. 5 Brass, Cross Each 1.05 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.40 3.50 No. 6 Brass, Cross, Side Outlet. . . .Each 1.20 1.45 1.70 2.25 3.00 4.0G No. 7 Brass, Floor Flange, Square. . . Each .75 .90 1.00 1.35 1.75 2.50 No. 8 Brass, Ball Ornament. . Each .75 .90 1.00 1.35 1.75 2.50 Brass Railing Fittings are made to order only. Railing Fittings will be furnished tapped, as shown in cuts, or Right Hand on all openings when so specified, at regular price. Tapped otherwise will be charged at 15 per cent, additional net. Orders for fittings to be tapped special should be accompanied by a sketch. In ordering, specify catalogue number and size. FOR MALLEABLE IRON RAILING FITTINGS, SEE FOLLOWING PAGES BRASS ROUND FLOOR FLANGES Size Inches % Vi H 1 IK m 2 (Price, Finished.. . .Each 1.06 1.24 1.50 2.00 2.34 3.00 3.60 290 CRANE CO. BALL PATTERN RAILING FITTINGS MALLEABLE IRON FOR ALL PURPOSES L.H. R.H. Pipe Size Inches Yi X 1 IK IK 2 2y 2 3 4 No. 1, Elbow Each .15 .18 .20 .35 .45 .72 1.60 2.25 4.50 No. 2, Elbow, Side Outlet. .Each .20 .23 .25 .40 .50 .80 1.75 2.50 5.00 No. 3, Tee Each .20 .23 .25 .40 .50 .75 1.75 2.50 5.00 No. 4, Tee, Side Outlet. . . .Each .30 .30 .35 .33 .35 .35 .40 .45 .45 .55 .58 .90 1.00 1.35 1.90 1.80 2.00 2.60 5.25 5.25 5.50 No. 5, Cross Each .33 2.60 No. 6, Cross, Side Outlet. . .Each .38 .50 .65 2.75 No. 7, Floor Flange, Square. Each .16 .18 .18 .20 .40 .50 .90 .90 1.35 2.50 2.00 5.00 4.25 No. 8, Ball Ornament Each .16 .20 .25 .35 1.35 For Railing Fittings with Adjustable or Special Angles, see pages 294 to 297. For Reducing Railing Fittings, see page 291. Railing Fittings will be furnished tapped, as shown in cuts, or Right Hand on all openings when so specified, at regular price. Tapped otherwise will be charged at 15 per cent additional net. Orders for fittings to be tapped special should be accompanied by a sketch. In ordering specify catalogue number and size. FLOOR FLANGES CAST IRON COUNTERSUNK HOLES FOR SCREWS NOT FACED Size Inches YsX3 KX3H MX3H 1X4 1J4X4 1KX4H 2X&A Price Each .10 .15 .15 .16 .16 .22 .35 Price, Gal v. Each .30 .30 . 32 .32 .44 .70 Fittings will be Reamed for Slip Joints, when so specified, at an ad- ditional price. Inquiries and orders should be accompanied by sketches showing clearly which openings are to be so reamed. ADD SO PER CENT TO ABOVE PRICES FOR GALVANIZED RAILING FITTINGS CRANE CO. 291 REDUCING RAILING FITTINGS MALLEABLE IRON FOR ALL PURPOSES REDUCING ELBOWS, NO. 1 Size Inches 1KX1 1 1 AX1 1 A 2X1K 2X1^ 2^X2 3X2H Price Each .40 .52 .82 .82 1.85 2.60 REDUCING SIDE OUTLET ELBOWS, NO. 2 Size Inches 1^X1X1 i^xmxiM 2X1MX1M Price Each .46 .58 .92 Size Inches 2X1HX1H 2^X2X2 3X2^X2^ Price Each .92 2.00 2.90 REDUCING TEES, NO. 3 Size Inches 1X1X1& IKX1KX1 l&Xi&XlH Price Each .46 .46 .58 Size Inches 1HX1MX1M 1^X1^X2 1^X1^X2 Price Each .58 .85 .85 Size Inches 2X2X1^ 2X2X1H 2X2X2H Price Each .85 .85 2.00 Size Inches 2^X2^X2 2^X2^X3 3X3X2H Price Each 2.00 2.90 2.90 REDUCING SIDE OUTLET TEES, NO. 4 Size Inches 1MX1MX1X1 1^X1^X1^X1^ 2X2X1MX1M Price Each .52 .63 1.05 Size Inches 2X2X1^X1^ 2^X2^X2X2 3X3X2^X2^ Price Each 1.05 2.20 3.00 *REDUCING CROSSES, NO. 5 Size Inches 1^X1^X1X1 1^2X1^X1^X1^ 2X2X1KX1K Price Each .52 .67 1.15 Size Inches 2X2X1HX1H 2^X2^X2X2 3X3X2^X2^ Price Each 1.15 2.10 3.00 REDUCING SIDE OUTLET CROSSES, NO. 6 Size Inches 2X2X1^X1^X1^ Price Each 1.55 *Reducing Crosses are always tapped with one end of large run left hand. ADD SO PER CENT TO ABOVE PRICES FOR GALVANIZED RAILING FITTINGS Reducing Fittings will always be tapped same as straight sizes, unless otherwise ordered. 292 CRANE CO. GAS FITTING PATTERN RAILING FITTINGS PLAIN PATTERN MALLEABLE IRON JR.H. R.H. NO. 61 RK NO. 62 L.K L u ^^ mm R-H. R.H.BH BF ^r R.H. R.H. No. 64 No. 65 Pipe Size Inches % 1 134 iy* 2 2% 3 No 61, Elbow, Black Per Pound .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 No. 61, Elbow, Galvanized . .... Per Pound .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 No. 62, Elbow, Side Outlet, Black. Per Pound .20 .28 .12 .20 .28 .12 1 Q .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 No. 62, Elbow, Side Outlet, Galvanized . .Per Pound .28 .28 .28 .28 .28 No. 63, Tee, Black Per Pound .12 1 Q .12 1Q .12 1 Q .12 1Q .12 1 Q No. 64, Tee, Side Outlet, Black .. .Per Pound .20 .20 .28 .20 .28 .20 .20 .20 .28 .20 .28 No. 64, Tee, Side Outlet, Galvanized. Per Pound .28 .28 .28 No. 65, Cross, Black Per Pound .20 .20 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 .19 No. 65, Cross, Galvanized Per Pound .28 .28 .19 .19 .19 .19 No. 66, Cross, Side Outlet, Black. Per Pound .20 .28 .20 .20 .20 .28 .20 .28 .20 .28 .20 .28 No. 66, Cross, Side Outlet, Galvanized . .Per Pound .28 .28 Fittings larger than 2 inch are made to order only Fittings will be furnished tapped, as shown in cuts, or Right Hand on all openings when so specified, at regular price. Tapped otherwise will be charged at 15 per cent additional, net. Reducing sizes will be made to order at a special price, and unless otherwise specified, will be tapped same as straight Fittings, as shown in above cuts. Fittings Will be Reamed for Slip Joints, when so specified, at an ad- ditional price. Inquiries and orders should be accompanied by sketches showing clearly which openings are to be so reamed. IN ORDERING, SPECIFY CATALOGUE NUMBER AND SIZE BLACK WILL ALWAYS BE FURNISHED UNLESS GALVANIZED IS SPECIFIED CRANE CO. 293 AUXILIARY RAILING FITTINGS MALLEABLE IRON R.H. HJi.HBaBlR.H- No, 9. RECESSED COUPLING No. 1O LR NO. 60 Pipe Size Inches 1 j3 1/2 2 No. 9, Recessed Pipe Coupling Each .35 .45 .55 .70 No. 9, Recessed Pipe Coupling, Galv Each .40 .55 .70 .90 No. 10, Floor Flange, Long Base No. 11, 45 Side Outlet Elbow No. 12, 45 Side Outlet Tee No 50 Stair Rail Bracket Each Each Each .30 .50 .55 OK .60 .70 .75 OK .75 .90 1.00 oe 1.25 1.50 1.60 No. 51, Stair Rail Bracket No. 52, Stair Rail Bracket Elbow No. 55, Loafer Rail (Cast Iron) 18 in. 1 Each Each ong..Each .45 .30 .45 1.10 .30 .45 1.30 .30 .45 .30 No. 56, Hitching Post Caps, Male Each .35 No. 57, Hitching Post Caps, Female . . Each .40 .90 No. 58, Board Walk Flange Each .35 .40 .50 .65 No. 59, Board Walk Bracket Each .35 .40 .50 .65 No. 60, Self-Closing Gate Hinge . . Per Set 3.00 3.00 3.75 4.75 No. 60, Self-Closing Gate Hinge, Galv . . Per Set 3.75 3.75 5.00 6.50 ADD 5O PER CENT* FOR GALVANIZED WHERE GALV. PRICES ARE NOT GIVEN. In ordering these Fittings, describe kind wanted by number and size. 294 CRANE CO. FLUSH JOINT STAIR RAIL FITTINGS FOR SCHOOLS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Size . .Inches 1 1 4 1Y?, 2 No. 91, Stair Lajiding Elbow . ..Each 2.50 2.75 3.25 No. 91, Stair Landing Elbow, Galvanized. . . . . .Each 2.80 3.15 3.75 No. 92, Center Rail Tee . . . .Each 2.75 3.00 3.50 No. 92, Center Rail Tee, Galvanized . . . .Each 3.15 3.50 4.15 No. 93, Angle Elbow . . . .Each 2.50 2.75 3.25 No. 93, Angle Elbow, Galvanized . . .Each 2.80 3.15 3.75 Furnished in any angle between 27y 2 and 47^. THESE FITTINGS ARE MADE WITH AN EXTENSION OR CONNECTOR, OVER WHICH THE PIPE IS TIGHTLY DRIVEN UP TO THE FACE OF FITTINGS, FORM- ING A SMOOTH, FLUSH JOINT. THESE FITTINGS WILL BE FURNISHED TO ORDER ONLY. INQUIRIES AND ORDERS SHOULD SPECIFY STYLE NUMBER, SIZE AND ANGLE, ALSO WHETHER BLACK OR GALVANIZED, MALLEABLE IRON OR FIN- ISHED BRASS. CRANE CO. 295 SLIP AND SCREW JOINT VARIABLE ANGLE MALLEABLE IRON STAIR RAIL FITTINGS ANGLE FITTINGS, VERTICAL JOINTS SCREWED ANGLE JOINTS DRILLED FOR RIVETS ffHlS ANGLE DETERMINE Ik These Fittings may be used on any Stair Rail between 27^ and 47^, 30 Fittings for angles between 27^ and 32^. 35 Fittings for angles between 32^ and 37K. 40 Fittings for angles between 37K and 42^. 45 Fittings for angles between 42H and 47M. When ordering, specify number and angle of fitting required. Size . . . Inches 1 m iy?, 2 No. 15. Angle Tee . . . .Each .30 1.50 2.00 2.50 No. 16, Angle Elbow . . . .Each .10 1.25 1.70 2.25 No. 17, Angle Cross . . . .Each .50 1.75 2.35 2.75 No. 18, Angle Tee Each .30 1.50 2.00 2.50 No. 19, Single Angle Cross . . . .Each .50 1.75 2.35 2.75 No. 20, Single Angle Tee Each .30 1.50 2.00 2.50 No. 21, Angle Tee, Right Hand. SideOutlet.Each .85 2.20 3.00 3.60 No. 22. Angle Tee, Left Hand, Side Outlet.Each .85 2.20 3.00 3.60 No. 23, Square Post Angle Flange. . . . . . .Each .50 1.75 1.90 2.25 These Fittings take the place of Special Angle Fittings, have a better appearance and are stronger than the adjustable, and are time and money savers. The Posts are first screwed together and the rails are then fitted and riveted. 296 CRANE CO. ADJUSTABLE RAILING FITTINGS MALLEABLE IRON No. 70 No. 71 No. 72 No. 73 NO. 74 NO. 75 NO. 76 NO. 79 Pipe Size Inches 1 1% 1V 2 2 No. 70, Elbow Each 1.10 1.25 1.70 2.25 No. 71, Tee Each 1.30 1.50 2.00 2.50 No. 72, Stair Tee Each 1.30 1.60 2.15 2.50 No. 73, Cross Each 1.50 1.75 2.35 2.75 No. 74, Stair Cross Each 1 50 1.85 2.50 2.75 No. 75, Stair Landing Tee Each .90 1.10 1.50 2.15 No. 76, Stair Landing Cross Each 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.40 No. 79, Flange Each 1.65 1.75 1.90 2.50 ADD SO PER CENT. TO ABOVE PRICES FOR GALVANIZED RAILING FITTINGS. Almost any Angle required for Stair Railings may be obtained with these Fittings. All openings will be furnished tapped Right Hand. When ordered tapped otherwise, they will be charged 15 per cent, additional net. IN ORDERING, DESCRIBE KIND WANTED BY NUMBER AND SIZE CRANE CO. 297 ALL-SLIP ADJUSTABLE RAILING CROSS MALLEABLE IRON NO. 77 ALL-SLIP ADJUSTABLE CROSS No. 78 MALLEABLE CAP No. 7 SQUARE FLOOR FLANGE, THREADED Size . . . Inches 1 m 1H 2 No. 77, All-Slip Cross . . . .Each 1.25 1.40 1.65 2.25 No. 77, All-Slip Cross, Galvanized. . . . . . .Each 1.50 1.75 2.10 2.85 No. 78, All-Slip Cap Each .40 .45 .50 .60 No. 78, All-Slip Cap, Galvanized . . . .Each .50 55 .65 .80 FOR PRICE OF NO. 7 SQUARE FLOOR FLANGE, SEE PAGE 29O This All-Slip Adjustable Cross is so constructed that it will take any angle between a straight line and 90 degrees. This gives an adjustable horizontal swing of 180 degrees, which will make possible a rail almost circular or elliptical in form, depending upon the diameter or radius required and the number of posts used. It will thus be seen that its range of application will cover almost any horizontal angle from an approximate circle to a square. The Cross will not be furnished drilled for pins unless so specified, in which case an extra charge is made. Orders should state the size of pin holes. The Malleable Cap is not threaded; it is constructed to be tightly driven into the pipe above the Cross. 298 CRANE CO. DRAINAGE FITTINGS SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE TO THE PLUMBING TRADE: Attention is invited to the largely increased number of sizes, and the variety of Drainage Fittings now carried in stock by us. On June 1, 1911, a revised list on Drainage Fittings was made effective. The old list was very unequal, some of the smaller sizes being too high, while the larger sizes, as a rule, were too low. At the present prices, the Wrought Pipe Drainage System can be installed so inexpensively that it is not much of an item, and as it is so much superior to the old method, we feel sure it will be used exten- sively in residences, as well as in large buildings. These Fittings are made with a shoulder, and are the same inside diameter as wrought pipe. The pipe screws in up to the shoulder, making a continuous passage, leaving no pockets in which solid matter can lodge, thus preventing the choking up of the pipe. When not otherwise specified, these Fittings will be coated with heated asphaltum, excepting those for use in New York City, which will not be coated. GALVANIZED DRAINAGE FITTINGS We have exceptional facilities for furnishing Galvanized Drainage Fittings promptly. MALLEABLE IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS We have furnished these Fittings made of malleable iron from regular patterns, and are prepared to fill orders in any quantity on short notice. Use same list as for Cast Iron Drainage Fittings with special discount. VACUUM CLEANING INSTALLATIONS We recommend the use of our Drainage Fittings for Vacuum Clean- ing installations. Fittings that are ordinarily tapped pitched for drainage work can be furnished without pitch to order. ALL DRAINAGE FITTINGS ARE RECESSED TO ALLOW EASY ENTRANCE OF THE PIPE CRANE CO. 299 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAS >T RON -A SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE NO. 1000 ^//\y TI Size. Ins. U^XIM 2X1M 3A 4K 5& 6H 7 1 A 8^ 9 11 13 14^ Price. .Each .35 .42 .65 1.40 1.75 2.75 5.25 7.50 13.50 19.00 38.00 57.50 75.00 Price, Galv . Each .60 .72 1.15 2.45 3.10 4.80 9.20 13.15 23.50 33.25 66.50 100.00 130.00 The 90 Long Turn Elbows are tapped, pitched M inch to the foot. 45 LONG TURN ELBOWS Size. . Inches IK 1H 2 2H 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 Dimensions A.In. 1M 1^8 2M 2H 2K 3 T 7 e 4K 4^ 5X2 6 7K2 8^ 9X 2 Price. .Each .35 .42 .65 1.40 1.75 2.75 5.25 9.20 7.50 13.50 19.00 38.00 57.50 75.00 Price, Galv.. Bach .60 .72 1.15 2.45 3.10 4.80 13.15 23.50 33.25 66.50 100.00 130.00 90 LONG TURN ELBOWS No. 1047 WITHOUT BASE ~ ? y Size Inches 4 w^\ j \ j / Dimensions A. Inches 6M Dimensions B. . Inches 2>8 s Size of Cleanout . . Inches 2 -^-\ No. 1047 No. 1947 Galv. .Each 8.75 * A *\ No. 1056 .Each 7.00 No. 1056 No. 1056, Galv .Each 12.25 WITH BASE STREET ELBOWS No. 1057 Size . Inches 1M Vti 2 Dimension A. . . Inches 2^8 2H 3A Dimension B. . .Inches 1H m 2y s Dimension C. . . Inches ]H 2 2^ Dimension D.. . Inches IJs IK 1 3 4 Price . .Each .35 .40 .60 Price, Galv. . . . .Each .60 .70 1.10 No. 1058 90 STREET ELBOW 45 STREET ELBOW DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CRANE CO. 301 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE -A- A 90 ELBOWS WITH SIDE OUTLET NO. 1008 90 ELBOWS WITH HEEL OUTLET NO. 1009 Size Inches 4 Dimensions A Inches 3M Size of Side Outlet Inches 2 Size of Heel Outlet Inches 2 Price Each 3.85 Price, Galvanized Each 6.75 OUTLET THREE WAY ELBOWS NO. 1010 _i REDUCING THREE WAY ELBOWS NO. 1011 Size Inches IK 1% 2 2H 3 4 ^Dimensions A Inches 4^ V/4 6^ V^8 8^ 10% Dimensions B Inches 2K 2% m 3H 4^ 5^ Price Each .75 .85 1.10 2.25 3.00 5.00 Price, Galvanized Each 1.25 1.50 1.95 3.90 5.25 8,75 Size Inches 4X3 5 5X4 6 6X4 6X5 Dimensions A Inches W. 12M 11^ 14% 12% 13% Dimensions B Inches 15 6^ 5A 7 1 A H 6M Price Each 5.50 7.50 8.25 13.50 15.00 15.00 Price, Galvanized Each 9.65 13.15 14.50 23.50 26.25 26.25 The inlets of Three Way Elbows are tapped, pitched } inch to the foot, j The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 302 CRANE CO. DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE CLOSET ELBOWS FLANGED ONE END Size Inches Dimension A Inches Dimension B Inches Diameter of Flange C Inches Price Each" Price, Galvanized . . . . Each 7.40 REDUCING CLOSET ELBOWS Size Inches Dimension A Inches Dimension B Inches Price Each Price, Galvanized Each 4X5 3ft 4.25 No. 1013 7.40 Closet Elbows are tapped pitched M inch to the foot. CLOSET FLANGES FOR FLAT GASKET FOR RING GASKET No. 1014 MALL. IRON No. 1014H BRASS FOR FLAT GASKET No. 1015^0 BRASS FOR RING GASKET No. 1015 BRASS No. 1016 MALL. IRON No. 1016^ BRASS Size. . Inches Diameter of Flange Inches Price, Nos. 1014, 1016, Malleable Iron Each 1.35 Price, Nos. 1014. 1016, Malleable Iron, Galvanized Each 2.35 Price, Nos. 1014^, 1015, 1015H, 1016^, Brass Each 7.00 DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. CRANE CO. 303 DRAINAGE FITTINGS SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE TEES NO. 1017 Size... .Inches 1M U4 HXH 2 2X1M 2X1^ 2H 2^X2 3 3X1^ Dimension A. Inches 1% 2A 2A 2A 2M m 3A Dimension B. Inches &A 4^ 4^ 4% 4X8 &A 6H Price. . . .Each .45 .55 .60 .80 .90 .90 1.50 1.65 2.00 2.20 Price, Galv. . . Each .80 1.00 1.10 1.40 1.60 1.60 2.50 2.75 3.50 3.85 Size.. . .Inches 3X2 4 4X2 4X3 5 | 5X2 5X3 5X4 6 7 Dimension A. Inches 3 4 3& &A 4^ | 4* 4^8 6A 5M Dimension B. Inches 5 1 A 8 6 7 m 6 6 7 /8 IOH HH Price.. . .Each 2.20 3.25 3.60 3.60 6.00 6.60 6.60 6.60 8.75 16.00 Price, Galv. . . Each 3.85 5.70 6.30 6.30 10.50 11.55 11.55 11.55 15.25 28.00 Size... .Inches 8 10 12 12X8 12X10 14X8 14X10 14X12 Dimension A. Inches 6^2 7M 9 Dimension B. Inches 13 15H 18 Price. . . .Each 21.00 43.00 60.00 65.00 65.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 Price, Galv. . . Each 37.00 75.00 100.00 110.00 110.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 I BASIN TEES Size Inches IK IH HXli 2 2X1M 2X1H 2M Dimension A Inches 4 5 /S 5Y 8 5^ 7 6M 6M 8M Dimension B Inches _14_ .60 2H 2 3H 3H 3^ 4^ Price Each .70 .77 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.75 Price, Galvanized Each 1.00 1.22 1.35 1.95 2.10 2.10 3.00 The inlets of Tees and Basin Tees are tapped, pitched M inch to the foot. The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 304 CRANE CO. DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE ,NLET 1 BASIN CROSSES Size . . Inches IK iy?, 2 2X1 1 A Dimensions A Inches 4^ &A 7 V/2 Price Each 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.95 Price, Galvanized Each 2.25 2.50 3.10 3.40 The inlets of Basin Crosses are tapped, pitched % inch to the foot. VENT PARTITION CROSSES NO. 1046 Size Inches iKxiK Dimension A Inches 3 1 A Dimension B Inches 5^2 Price Each 1.25 Price, Galvanized Each 2.20 Partition Crosses have been made to supply a demand in certain localities, but may not be passed by inspectors everywhere. The inlets on Reducing Fittings are alwayi the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CRANE CO. 305 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE j- B 5" N ( 90 Y BRANCHES INLET . HT- 1 i If NO. 1020 fcHJl TEE PATTERN I 1 1 i RUN Size Inches i \y \y 2 2 2^ 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 Dimension A Inches 3K 3^ 4M 5fV 6fk 7 K 8% lOrg 11-H 13^g ISA 20 Dimens ons B nches 1*1 2M 2M 3A 3H 4 K 5A 6y 8 7H % 1 A 9 11^ Price Each .40 .45 .57 .85 1.802 203.50 6.50 9.50 17.50 23.0047.00 Price, Galv. ..Each .70 .801.001.50 3.153 856.15 11.35 16.5030.50 40.0082.00 RUN REDUCING 90 Y BRANCHES INLET AT NO. 1021 1 1~\ C f 11 TEE PATTERN jjm Size.. Inches IKXIJIMXI 1 V 1 2X1MJ2X1M 2|XH 2ixHl2^X2 Dimension A ... .Inches 3% 4^ ^Vs 5M Dimension B . . . . Inches 2M 2fl STS 3A Dimension C . . Inches 2^8 2ii 2y| 3M Price Each .50 .63 .63 .95 .95 2.00 2.00 2.00 Price, Galvanized.. Each .90 1.10 1.10 1.65 1.65 3.50 3.50 3.50 Size Inches 3Xly^ 3X2 4X1^" 4X1H 4X2 4X2^ 4X3 Dimension A Inches 5iV 5fe 5J4 5H 6iN? 7^8 Dimension B Inches 3fV &/8 3fe 4^ 4ft 4^ Dimension C Inches 2ff 3A 3 3^ 3M 4A Price. . Each 2:40 2.40 2.40 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 Price, Galvanized. . Each 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 Size Inches 3X4 5X1H 5X2 5X2J/2 5X3 5X4 6X1M 6X2 Dimension A Inches 8% 5ft 6>6 7% 9H 634 Dimension B Inches 5-16 4!H? 4^ 534 5ii 5M? Dimension C Inches 5^8 3^ 3ft 4^ S^g 3^8 Price Each 3.85 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 10.50 10.50 Price. Galvanized. .Each 6.75 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 18.50 18.50 Size Inches 6X3 6X4 6X5 8X2 8X3 8X4 8X5 8X6 Dimension A Inches r/s 9^4 10ft lift lift l5rV Dimension B Inches 5% 6^ 6^ 7K 7ft 8M> Dimension C Inches 4ft 5ft 6M m l l /2. 10 Price Each 10.50 10.50 10.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 Price, Galvanized.. Each 18.50 18.50 18.50 44.50 44.50 44.50 44.50 44.50 The inlet of 90 Y Branches DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SL is tapped, pitched % inch to the foot. IGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 306 CRANE CO. DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE | eD+f 90 T c Y BRANCHES VENTS (CLOSET TEES) WITH f A j- i i r -> Size Inches 4 Dimension A Dimension B Inches Inches ~H~ f No. 1050 Dimension Dimension C D Inches Inches -ff- No. 1050, with 2 inch Vent on Branch .on Right Side .Each 5.75 No 1050, with 2 inch Vent on Branch , on Right Side, Galv..Each 10.00 No. 1051, with 2 inch Vent on Branch , on Left Side .Each 5.75 No. 1051, with 2 inch Vent on Branch , on Left Side, Galv.. ..Each 10.00 i 1 i U > I 90 Y BRANCHES WITH AUXILIARY INLETS (CLOSET TEES) k 1 _L^_ f r i Size Dimension A Inches Inches 4 8g No \t -B- 1052 Dimension B Dimension C Inches Inches 5A 3A No. 1052, with 2 inch Inlet on Body, on Right Side .Each 5.75 No. 1052, with 2 inch Inlet on Body, on Right Side, Galv.. ..Each 10.00 No. 1053, with 2 inch Inlet on Body, on Leftside... .Each 5.75 No. 1053, with 2 inch Inlet on Body, on Leftside Galv.... .Each 10.00 90 Y BRANCHES WITH AUXILIARY INLETS (CLOSET TEES) ! |p Size .... Inches 4 If !< J ^ Dimension B .... Inches 5 1 No. 1 054 Dimension C .... Inches STS No. 1 054, with 2 inch 45 Inlet on Body, on Right Side Each 6.35 No. 1 054, with 2 inch 45 Inlet on Body, on Right Side, Galv. Each 11.00 No. 1 055, with 2 inch 45 Inlet on Body, on Left Side. . ..... Each 6.35 DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ABOVE CUTS SHOW RIGHT HAND INLETS CRANE CO. 307 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE DOUBLE 9O Y BRANCHES No. 1024 TEE PATTERN Size... Inches 1 334 _V34 ^M 4H 1% 2 M 3 734 8 1 A 4 5 6 7 8 10 Dimension A Inches lot 10A lilt 13^8 15r 20 Dimension B Inches 3% 1234 14K 16K 18 22^ Dimension G Inches ~M 1.05 234 .70 1.22 23/2 .85 1.50 3rfi _3tt 2.85 5.00 4^4 5& 1 A 73^ 83/8 9 "eoToo" Price.. Each 1.30 2.30 3.40 5.25 9.50 14.00 25.00 36.00 Price, Galv.. .Each 5.95 9.20 16.50 24.5042.50 62.00 102.00 INLETp^ RUN - DOUBLE REDUCING 90 Y BRANCHES No. 1025 | R _ ptr .. O ' C*~ -r -c TEE PATTERN Size , Inches 1KX1 HxU 2X134 2X1^ 2* XI* 2^X2 3X1H Dimension A Inches 3% 4^ 5M 5^ Dimension B Inches 5 5^ S 6 5 ^ Dimension C Inches 77 2 8 QK Icn m 1CA 31 c VA 31 C 2H 37c Price, Galvanized Each 1.35 1.65 2.60 2.60 5.50 5.50 6.55 Size Inches 3X2 4X2 5X4 6X2 6X4 6X5 8X6 Dimension A Inches 5H 5M 9^ 634 934 IOA ISA Dimension B Inches 7M sy s 11% IOK 12% 13K 17 Dimension C Inches 3A &A 5^ VA 5& 6K 10 Price Each 3.75 5.75 10.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 40.00 Price, Galvanized Each 6.55 10.00 18.50 27.00 27.00 27.00 68.00 The inlets of Double 90 Y Branches are tapped, pitched ^ inch to the foot. The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 308 CRANE CO. DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE RUN 45 V BRANCHES NO. 1028 REDUCING 450 Y BRANCHES NO. 1029 45 Y BRANCHES m 14% 16** 18** 10 20 12 24^ 14 28 IH_ 3.85 12% ISA 7 . 10 10 .50 19 .00 25 .00 52 .00 75.00 95.00 6.75 12.5018.5033.2544.0091.00130.00165.00 REDUCING 45 Y BRANCHES Size . .Inches IfcU 2X11 2X1! 2JU1 2iXli 2^X2 3X1M 3X1^ 3X2 3X2^ Dimension A.. Inches 5% 6A 7& 6^ 7*A 8 Dimension B.. Inches 4% 4^ 5H 5A &A 5M Dimension 0. . Inches 4rV 4^ 4*| 4j* 5A 5H Price . . . Each .72 1.05 1.05 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 Price, Galv. . .Each 1.25 1 85 1.85 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 Size . .Inches 4xH 4Xl| 4X2 4X2| 4X3 5X2 5X3 5X4 6X2 6X2^ Dimension A.. Inches 7& m 9M 8M 9H 11^ 8^ Dimension B.. Inches 6rV 6A TA 7^ 7% 8^ 8A Dimension ('..Inches &A 6 6% 6% 7 5 A 8& 7A Price . . . Each 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 7.40 4.25 7.80 7.80 7.80 11.50 11.50 Price, Galv. . . Each 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 13.65 13.65 13.65 20.00 20.00 Size . .Inches 6X3 6X4 6X5 7X3 7X4 7X5 7X6 8X3 8X4 8X5 Dimension A.. Inches 10 11% 13 10 11& 16H 16H 11& Dimension B.. Inches 8M 9% 10 9^ 10M. ion HA 11 Dimension C.. Inches 8A 9^ 9M 8K 9H 10H HYs IOA Price . . .Each 11.50 11.50 11.50 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 27.50 27,50 27.50 Price, Calv. . .Each 20.00 20.00 20.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 Size . . Inches 8X6 10X4 14 10X5 10X6 12X6 14X3 14X4 14X5 14X6 14X12 Dimension A.. Inches 14*& roY? 18 19M Dimension B. . Inches 12% 12% 14K 15% 17% Dimension C. . Inches ny* 11^ is y>. 14% 16% Price. . .Each 27.50 57.00 57.00 57.00 80.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 Price, Galv. . . Each 48.00 97.00 97.00 97.00 140.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT I CRANE CO. 309 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE 45 DOUBLE Y BRANCHES No. 1030 Size Inches l% \Vi 2 2H 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Dimension A. . . .Inches 5 $y>. 6^e 4A 7K 5% 9 6A 10% im 14% 16H 18M 20 Dimensions B. . .Inches 3M 3^ 7H 9A 10% 12% 13rV 16% Price Each .90 1.00 1.45 3.25 4.00 5.75 10.75 .16.00 28.50 38.00 78 00 Price, Galv.Each 1.60 1.75 2.55 5.70 7.00 10.00 18.80 28.00 50.00 66.50 137.00 REDUCING 45 DOUBLE Y BRANCHES NO. 1031 Size Inches HXU 2XU-2 2*XU 2| XH 3X1^ 3X2 4X2 4X3 5X2 Dimension A Inches 5% 6A 6^ 7/ s TH 9M 8% Dimensions B Inches 4Jj 4 5 /i 5A 5% 6A 7A 7A Dimension C Inches 4^ 4^ 4M 5A 6 6% 6% Price Each 1.10 1.60 3.60 3.60 4.40 4.40 6.35 6.35 11.75 Price. Galv. .Each 1.90 2.80 6.30 0.30 7.70 7.70 11.00 11.00 20.50 Size Inches 5X3 5X4 6X2 6X3 6X4 7X6 8X4 8X6 Dimension A Inches m ny s 8^ 11% 11A 14H Dimensions B Inches 1% V/2 8A 9^ 11 12^ Dimension C Inches 7 5 A 8^ 7A 9 T V 10A 11% Price Each 11.75 11.75 17.50 17.50 17.50 31.50 42.00 42.00 Price, Galv. .Each 20.50 20.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 54.00 72.00 72.00 The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 310 CRANE CO. CAST IRON RUN DRAINAGE FITTINGS SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE 60 Y BRANCHES NO. 1O32 Size Inches Hxii 2X2 2xiy 2 3X2 4X4 4X2 4X3 5X5 5X2 Dimension A.... Inches 4^ 5H 4tt 6& 9^ 6H n% Dimension 6.. . .Inches &/8 3M 3^ 4^ 5% 4% &A Dimension C Inches /s 3^ il m 5^ 4A &A Price Each .65 .95 1.05 2.90 3.85 4.25 4.25 7.10 7.80 Price, Galvanized . . Each 1.15 1.65 1,85 5.10 6.75 7.40 7.40 12.50 13.65 Size Inches 5X3 5X4 6X6 6X2 6X4 6X5 8X4 8X6 Dimension A Inches 8K 13 Dimension B. . . . Inches 6 7% Dimension C.. . .Inches 5ft T'A Price Each 7.80 7.80 10.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 27.50 27.50 Price, Galvanized . . Each 13.65 13.65 18.50 20.00 20.00 20.00 48.00 48.00 INCREASERS Size Inches 3X2 4X2 4X3 5X2 5X3 5X4 6X4 6X5 Dimension A ... Inches 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Price Each 2.50 3.75 3.75 5.50 5.50 5.50 6.50 6.50 Price, Galvanized. Each 4.40 6.55 6.55 9.65 9.65 9.65 11.35 11.35 Size Inches 7X4 7X6 8X4 8X6 10X8 12X10 14X6 14X8 Dimension A ... Inches 9 9 Price Each 12.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 40.00 55.00 55.00 Price, Galvanized. Each 20.00 20.00 26.25 26.25 35.00 70.00 95.00 95.00 TUCKER CONNECTIONS Size Inches 2 3 4 5 6 8 Dimension A Inches 4H 4^4 7 7 7 7 Price Each .80 2.00 3.25 6.00 8.75 21.00 Price, Galvanized Each 1.40 3.50 5.70 10.50 15.25 37.00 The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CRANE CO. 311 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE 90 LONG TURN Y BRANCHES NO. 1022 TEE PATTERN Size Inch Dimension A . . Inches Dimension B . .Inches 4% 7A ** 13M 24A, 14 A 16J/8 Dimension C . .Inches 2^8 3^2 4^8 12 Price. Each .57 .70 1.10 2.40 3.35 6.00 9.50 20.00 30.00 40.00 Price, Galv. . . . . Each 1.00 1.22 1.95 4.20 5.85 10.5016.5035.00 52.50 70.00 REDUCING 90 LONG TURN Y BRANCHES TEE PATTERN Size. . .Inches HXI HXI HxlJ 2X1 2xl| 2XU 2^X1 2*xli 2Jxl* 2^x2 7^ 5M 3xl| 3X2 7A 6A 1H 3.75 Dimension A . Inches 4M 4H 5>i 5M 5 3 4 5M 5 Dimension B . Inches 3 1 A 3^ 3K 4H 4^ Dimension G . Inches 1 1 1A L20 1A 1A 1^8 2.65 1A 3.75 Price. . .Each .63 .80 .80 1.20 1.20 2.65 2.65 2.65 Price. Galv. ..Each 1.10 1.40 1.40 2.10 2.10 2.10 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 6.55 6.55 Size. . .Inches 3x2^ 4xH 4X2 4x2^ 4X3 5x1$ 5X2 5x2^ 5X3 5X4 6X2 -7TT Dimension A . Inches 6rV 7H H 10 ^ 7M iok 13 Dimension B . Inches 5& &A 7iV 8A 6 7^8 8^/8 10 A a Dimension C . Inches 3 iy* 2 2^ 1H 1H 2;^ JB 1% Price . . . Each 3.75 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 22.00 Price, Galv... Each 6.55 11.55 11.55 .1.55 11.55 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 38.50 Size. . .Inches 6X3 6X4 6X5 7X3 7X4 7X5 7X6 8X3 8X4 10X4 12X5 Dimension A . Inches 10% 13TV 16rV 10% ISA 10^8 13% 14 17 Dimension B . Inches 9^ 11 12t* 9H 11^8 10M 12 13 18H Dimension C . Inches 2A 2K 3JJ 2^8 2K 2^ 2tt 3 4 Price . . , Each 22.00 22.00 22.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 44.00 44.00 60.00 85.00 Price, Galv... Each 38.50138.50 38.50 58.00 58.00 58 .OC 58.00 77.00 77.00 102.00 150.00 The inlet of 90 Long Turn Y Branches is tapped, pitched % inch to the foot. The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 312 CRANE CO. DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE RUN , B INLET - RUN DOUBLE 9O LONG TURN Y BRANCHES No. 1026. TEE PATTERN Size Inches 1% 1H 2 2K 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dimension A. . . Inches 4% 5H 7^ 8% 9H 13% 15% 18H 21^ 24A Dimension B. . . Inches 7% 8% W/s 12M 15 19% 24K 29K 33% 38^ Dimension C. . . Inches 1A IK m 2 2A 2 7 /8 3^ 4M 4% 5% Price Each 1.00 1.10 1.75 3.60 5.00 9.00 14.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 Price, Galv Each 1.75 1.95 3.10 6.30 8.75 15.75 24.50 52.50 79.00 105.00 RUN RUN DOUBLE REDUCING 90 LONG TURN Y BRANCHES No. 1027. TEE PATTERN Size Inches 1%X1 1MX1 UXH 2X1% 2X1^ 21X11 21X14 3X1H Dimension A .... Inches 4% 4H 5Ks 5% 5% 5H Dimension B . . . . Inches 7 7% 7% 8% 9K 10 Dimension C . . . . Inches 1 1 1A IA 1A 1A Price Each 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.90 1.90 4.00 4.00 5.50 Price, Galvanized.. Each 1.90 2.25 2.25 3.35 3.35 7.00 7.00 9.65 Size Inches 3X2 4X2 4X3 5X4 6X2 6X4 6X5 . Dimension A .... Inches 7& 7H 10 13 7H 13A 16A Dimension B . . . . Inches 12^ 13% 16H 20J^ 15H 22 25^ Dimension C . . . . Inches m 1H 2H zy s 1^ 2^ 3H Price Each 5.50 10.00 10.00 15.50 33.00 33.00 33.00 Price, Galvanized.. Each 9.65 17.50 17.50 27.00 58.00 58.00 58.00 The inlets of Double 90 Long Turn Y Branches are tapped, pitched % inch to the foot. The inlets on Reducing Fittings are always the smallest openings. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CRANE CO. 313 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE B- HUB CONNECTIONS NO. 1034 Size Inches 2 3 4 5 6 Dimension A Inches 3^ 4& &/* m 7% Dimension B Inches 3H 4rl 6 7& 8A Dimension C Inches 3 4^ 5^ 6 1% Price Each 1.15 1.20 1.50 2.00 4.25 Price, Galvanized Each 2.00 2.10 2.60 3.50 7.40 BRASS SOLDERING NIPPLES NO. 1035 Size ...Inches 1 1M IM 2 3 4 5 Price . . . Each .80 .90 1.05 1.50 2.75 4.00 9.00 S TRAPS NO. 1036 Size Inches 2 3 4 5 6 Dimension A -. Inches Dimensions B Inches Dimension C Inches Size of Cleanout Inches *K 6%. 8 1 10% 8& HM 1M 14H io^g 13% 2 1&A 12ft 16^8 2 20^ ISA 19% 2 Size of Vents Inches Price Each Price, Galvanized Each 2 4.00 7.00 3 9.25 16.00 4 14.00 24.00 4 21.00 37.00 4 36.00 63.00 DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 314 CRANE CO. DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON OUTLET SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE HALF S TRAPS NO. 1037 Size Inches IK 1M 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dimension A Inches 2?V 23/2 3^ 4A 5M GTS 6ft 7% Jr Dimension B Inches 3H 3% 4 Ys 7 s 3 ^ lO^j UK Dimension C Inches 2 2K 2ft 3}/> 4 i% 4% 5ft 6^8 6M Size of Vent Inches IK V/i 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 Size of Cleanout Inches % 1 1 IK 2 2 2 2 3 Price Each 1.55 1.70 2.20 5.00 10.00 21.50 32.50 40.00 55.00 Price, Galvanized Each 2.70 3.00 3.85 8.75 17.50 37.50 57.00 70.00 95.00 VENT VENT RUNNING TRAPS SIM ...Inches I 1 /* 1 1 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 Dim. A.. Inches 7 3 4 8 3 /6 10 ^ 13% 17 K 20 H 23K 26M 30K 36K 41^ 45 Dim. B.. Inches 3K 3% 4 5 3 ^ 7 8 3 /6 iov* UK 12^ 8 14% 17 18^ Dim. C.. Inches Size of Vents In. 2 IK 2K V/?. 2ft 3H 4^ 4% 5& 6^ e 3 ^ 8K y^ 10^ 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 8 Size Cleanont ID. % 1 1 IK 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 Price .... Each 2.40 2.70 3.30 5.50 9.75 24.50 33.50 50.00 65.00 115.00 180.00 300.00 Price, Gak Each 4.20 4.70 5.75 9.50 17.00 43.00 58.50 87.50 115.00 200.00 300.00 500.00 The outlet of Half S Traps and inlet and outlet of Running Traps are tapped, pitched % inch to the foot. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CRANE CO. 315 DRAINAGE FITTINGS CAST IRON SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE P TRAPS No. 1059 OUTUT Size Inches IK. 1M 2 Dimension A. ... Inches lii m 2& Dimension B. . . . .Inches 2 2K 2 3 ^ Dimension C. . . . Inches g y* % Size of Cleanout Inches 8 i 1 Black ..Each 1.45 1.55 2.00 Galvanized . .Each 2.55 2.70 3.50 OFFSETS NO. 1039 SPECIAL UPRIGHT Y BRANCHES NO. 1049 OFFSETS Size. . .Inches 2 2 2 2 3 | 3 3 3 4 4 4 Off set B.. Inches 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 Length A.Inches IVi 9^ HH 13^ 8^ 10^ 12 3 X 14M 9*4 HM 13^ Price... .Each 2.15 2.40 2.60 2.85 3.35 4.00 4.75 5.50 5.00 5.75 6.50 Price Galv Each 3.75 4.20 4.55 5.00 5.85 7.00 8.30 9.65 8.75 10.00 11.35 Size.. . .Inches 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 Offset B.. Inches 10 12 6 8 10 12 6 8 10 12 Length A Inches 15^ 17& 12** 14% 16% 18% 13% 15% 17^ 19% Price Each 7.50 8.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 Price, Galv . . . Each 13.15 15.00 15.75 17.50 19.25 21.00 22.00 23.50 25.50 27.00 SPECIAL UPRIGHT Y BRANCHES Size Inches 2X1H 2*XH 2^X2 3X2 3X3 4X2 4X4 Dimension A Inches 5^ 5H 7H 9H 9H 1% HM Dimension B Inches m 3& V/s 4% 4% 4& 5H Price Each 2.90 4.50 4.50 6.00 5.50 8.75 8.00 Price, Galvanized Each 5.10 7.75 7.75 10.50 9.75 15.25 14.00 DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 316 CRANE CO. A NEW LINE DRAINAGE FITTINGS FOR WALL CLOSETS The new line of drainage "Y's" illustrated on the following pages has been designed for use wherever back or wall outlet closets are installed in batteries. They are especially adaptable for buildings of reinforced concrete construction. Using these fittings in connection with wall hung closets eliminates the necessity of cutting and thus weakening the floors, as the HORIZONTAL WASTE LINE IS ENTIRELY ABOVE THE FLOOR. Before the advent of these fittings it has always been necessary to suspend the horizontal waste line of a battery of closets from the ceiling below, unless a groove was made in the floor or the floor of the toilet room raised. All of these methods are objectionable but are necessary where ordinary drainage fittings are used. As will be seen from the illustrations, these fittings are tapped for the closet connection at different distances from the center of the run, so that when the closets in a battery are set in line and the fittings placed in consecutive order according to the tapping numbers given them, the waste line is given a pitch. Each fitting takes the place of a drainage tee, nipple and "Y" required where regular fittings are used, reducing the number of joints for each closet and simplifying the piping. The regular tapping shown in the dimension tables will take care of batteries up to twelve closets. For sanitary reasons, the long turn fittings should be used wherever possible, and will be sent on orders unless the short turn is specified. The long turn fittings are made in the 4X4 and 4X5 inch sizes, either right or left hand and single or double. The short turn fittings are made for use where the utility corridors are narrow and are also furnished in the 4X4 and 4X5 inch sizes, right or left hand, but in single pattern only. When ordering, give catalogue number, size, tapping number, and, if single fitting, whether right or left hand. Standing with back to the stack, the side the closet connection is on, determines if fitting is right or left hand. CRANE CO. 317 3 o 3 S a o C 43 g. 43 2 " * .' 3 * | a 5 Z s 11 .SS I "I 5 o H S S .S ill 2 2 ft a 318 CRANE CO. CAST IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE SHORT TURN Y FOR BATTERY OF CLOSETS (PATENTED) Center to Face of Vent Center to Face of Vent No. 1066 RIGHT HAND NO. 1068 LEFT HAND TAPPINGS AND DIMENSIONS 4X4 5X4 Tap- m Tap- 10 5% F Center to Face of Vent In. PRICES Size .... .... Inches 4X4 4X5 No. 1066, R. H Each 17.00 20.00 No. 1066, R. H Galvanized Each 22.00 26.50 No. 1068, L. H Each 17.00 20.00 No. 1068, L. H. Galvanized Each 22.00 26.50 DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CRANE CO. 319 CAST IRON DRAINAGE FITTINGS SCREWED FOR WROUGHT PIPE LONG TURN Y FOR BATTERY OF CLOSETS (PATENTED) TAPPINGS 4"X4"and5"X4" Tapping No. Dimen- sion A 1 &A 2 VA 3 4K 2 4 4^ 5 &A 6 3H 7 3 8 2^ 9 2M 10 iji IHj 11 12 m PRICES Size . Inches 4X4 5X4 No. 1060, R. H . .Each 20.00 22.50 No. 1060, R. H. Galvanized. . . .Each 26.50 31.00 No. 1062, L. H . . .Each 20.00 22.50 No. 1062, L. H. Galvanized. . . . . .Each 26.50 31.00 No. 1064, Double . .Each 28.00 31.00 No. 1064, Double Galvanized . . .Each 38.00 41.00 PRICES OF COUPLINGS Size Inches 4 5 No. 1069, Coupling Each 2.30 4.25 No. 1069, Coupling, Galvanized . .Each 4.00 7.40 B Length Inches 2 5 /s 2M DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO A SLIGHT VARIATION AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 320 CRANE CO. MAKING TIGHT SCREWED JOINTS FOR VERY HIGH PRESSURES BY R. T. CRANE We are in doubt if the trade clearly understands the conditions that are necessary in order to make good screw joints with pipe and fittings, especially when they are intended to withstand very high pressure, and in any event we think it might be best to put this matter before you once more. It has been our experience that the ordinary steamfitter, when called upon to put up piping that will be subjected to a pressure of 200 or 300 pounds of steam, feels that he is shouldering a very heavy responsibility; but should he be called upon to make joints that would have to bear 1,000 pounds of air pressure, he might not feel like assuming the responsibility at all; or, should he undertake the work, probably he would feel certain that it would be necessary to resort to extraordinary means to get the desired result. In all probability he would decide that with the ordinary material manufactured and supplied to the general market, such work under these conditions was impossible. We have demonstrated beyond the possibility of a doubt, that tight joints for 1,000 pounds air may be made with the ordinary line pipe, providing clean cut threads are made, and extraordinary care and intelligence are exercised in putting them together. The secret of making a tight joint is to avoid or overcome the friction incident to screwing pipe and fittings together. This friction is due to the large amount of bearing surface, especially when there is grit in the threads and the joints are coming up close to the bearing. Friction pro- duces heat, and heat produces expansion, and as the pipe is lighter than the coupling or fitting, it expands nK>re; then when both become cold the pipe contracts more than the coupling, thus causing a tendency to leak. Some years ago we ran across an instance where a pipe line was being put together in the field by machinery. The machine would do the work quickly, and the work- men concluded that they had tight joints, when the joints became hot; but after the material was cold, and the heat of the friction was gone, the joints would not be tight. The fact of the matter was that the heat showed conclusively that the threads had not been properly cleaned, and instead of the heat being an evidence of a tight joint, it was evidence of a bad joint, and we have no doubt that there has been, and still is, an enormous amount of pipe line work being botched up in this way. Some time ago we took occasion to make a test on this question on an eight-inch pipe line to withstand 1,000 pounds of air pressure; and this we did with the regular weight of line pipe and a coupling weighing about 24 pounds the weight of a first- class line pipe coupling of this size. The result of the experiment on thirty-two joints was that on the first test all were tight excepting one, and w r hen this joint was taken apart and again made up, it also proved tight. These cases simply prove that it is a comparatively easy matter to make tight joints for 1,000 pounds air pressure, and with the ordinary pipe line material. It must be evident to any one who has given any thought whatever to this subject, that in order to make good joints, the iron must be brought together as solidly as possible. To secure this result the first essential is that the threads should be absolutely clean; and the next is that the very best lubricant should be used in order to prevent friction, and they should not be screwed up fast enough to make any change in the temperature of the material. It is necessary that the threads be cut clean, that is, that taps and dies be in perfect condition. A taper thread is not absolutely necessary to the making of a tight joint. (In one experiment we made one joint with coupling which had no taper at all, and the others but very little.) Nor is a large amount of bearing necessary to make a tight joint although for permanency and serviceability the standard length of threads and taper we consider necessary and correct. We made one joint with a thread reduced to three-eighths of an inch in length and it was tight at 1,500 pounds hydraulic pressure, thus proving that the length of thread is not essential to prevent the stripping of the thread, either from the pipe or from the coupling. We are satisfied that especially long threads are a detriment to the making of a good joint; for it must stand to reason, that the longer the thread the more the ten- dency to friction, which prevents the iron from coming up close together, not to mention the natural irregularities in the threads acting in the same direction. This will be better understood if we go to an extreme in the matter. For instance, should we undertake to make a joint on eight inch pipe, with a thread six inches long, the friction and irregularities would be so great that it would be practically impossible to get the requisite thread contact. It should be understood that absence of heat in pipe or coupling does not mean absence of grit or gum in the threads. Dirty threads may be screwed up very slowly, and thus avoid the heating due to friction, and yet the joint be anything but tight. CRANE CO. 321 DEFECTS IN THREADS ON WROUGHT IRON OR STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS BY R. T. CRANE It is surprising what erroneous ideas are held regarding the placing of too much importance on defects in threads of pipe and fittings* by those whose business it is to make joints with them. In order to show how mistaken are these ideas. Crane Co. some time ago made the most searching and conclusive tests, giving abundant evidence that the many defects for whicb. pipe and fittings often are rejected, are entirely unimportant and dp not in the slightest, militate against the making of a thoroughly tight and ser- viceable joint. One of the causes assigned for the rejection of pipe and material is that the threads are a trifle broken. Probably not so much as one per cent, of the whole bearing of the thread is gone, or marred, yet there are steamfitters who will throw out such material. Crane Co. has shown conclusively, in the following practical way, that it is absurd to discard such material for ordinary defects in threads. A piece of eight inch pipe was threaded for a distance of two and a quarter inches. This pipe was then put in, a lathe and was mutilated, as shown in the accompanying illustration. In the threaded part three grooves were turned, each %e of an inch wide and to the bottom of the thread. The top of the remaining threads, with the exception of the one at the end of the.pipe, were turned off, giving them a flat surface V 3 2 of an inch wide. Next, at three places on the circumference of the tapered thread, flat spots were filed, one inch wide and two inches long, extending one inch on the threaded part. Twenty -five grooves were then filed in the thread of the pipe and the same number in the coupling, all parallel with the pipe and two-thirds of the depth of the thread. When all this deliberate mutilating was finished, the threads were cleaned thoroughly and coated with "Crane Cement." The joint was then screwed up so that the lengthwise grooves did not come opposite one another. The outer ends of the pipe and coupling next were plugged and the joint was tested to 425 pounds of air pressure. The joint was found to be tight, and the same result followed a hydraulic pressure test of 1000 pounds. The amount of defect in the thread of this joint was at least one hundred times greater than that for which many regular steamfitters and engineers reject material* These tests show the amount of ignorance there has been in these matters all these years. Crane Co. reasoned this subject out, and, confident the public held a wrong theory, caused this experiment to be made. x % Undoubtedly the amount of material rejected for minor and wholly unim- portant defects in the past, must have cost the trade many thousands of dollars. NOTE. The lubricant used when making the foregoing tests was "Crane Cement." We have used this preparation for nearly forty years, and have not found anything quite so satisfactory for this purpose. It is economical, because the saving in time and annoyance more than balances the small first cost. AMERICAN BRIGGS STANDARD GAUGE THE THREADS IN ALL OUR VALVES AND FITTINGS UP TO AND INCLUDING 12 INCH, ARE TAPPED TO AMERICAN BRIGGS STANDARD GAUGE, WHICH HAS ALSO BEEN ADOPTED AS THE UNIVERSAL STANDARD BY ALL THE LEADING WROUGHT PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS MANUFACTURERS IN THE UNITED STATES. OUR CUSTOMERS MAY DEPEND UPON IT, THAT ALL OUR THREADS WILL CONFORM PERFECTLY TO THE AMERICAN BRIGGS STANDARD GAUGE AS ABOVE MENTIONED, AND SHOULD ANY DEVIATIONS DEVELOP, THE FAULT WILL UN- DOUBTEDLY BE FOUND DUE TO COMPARISON WITH OTHER THREADS WHICH DO NOT CONFORM TO THIS GAUGE. 322 CRANE CO. CRANE CEMENT FOR MAKING TIGHT PIPE JOINTS PUT UP IN ONE, FIVE, TEN AND TWENTY POUND CANS, MIXED AND READY FOR USE ONE POUND CANS FURNISHED IN CASES CONTAINING 24 CANS LIST PRICE, 25 CENTS PER POUND Crane Cement, now so thoroughly well known to the steam fitting trade, has been constantly and exclusively used by us in our business for nearly thirty years, and from our personal experience, we know it to be superior to Eed or White Lead, and much more economical, being double in bulk. Crane Cement has the merits to produce less friction, and joints can be made more solid with it than with any other make of cement. We had occasion to make joints tight in an eight inch pipe line, so that they would stand 1,000 pounds air pressure. This we accomplished with the regular weight of line pipe and extra heavy couplings. Making absolutely tight joints at such pressure, is convincing proof of the superiority of this article The principle involved is to make tight joints, iron to iron, and, as stated before, Crane Cement has these merits. We therefore recommend it to the trade, knowing that it will accomplish satisfactory work. CRANE CEMENT WILL ALWAYS BE FURNISHED IN ONE POUND CANS, UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED FOR MERITS OF CRANE CEMENT, SEE PRECEDING PAGES CRANE CO. 323 BRASS STEAM FITTINGS IRON PIPE SIZE ROUGH FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Size Inches H H % Yi .28 .35 X 1 1M 1K 2 2 2^ 3 3H 4 Elbows Each .12 .15 .19 .20 .25 .40 .50 .63 ~W .90 1.10 1.20 1.50 2.00 3.50 6.00 8.00 10.00 Elbows, Reducing. . Each 2.50 4.25 7.50 10.00 12.50 Elbows, 45. Each .16 .20 .25 .31 .40 .63 .90 1.20 2.00 3.50 6.00 10.00 Elbows, Street .... Each .25 .27 .33 .48 63 .85 1.50 2.00 3.25 Elbows,Drop,Female.Each .35 .60 .45 .65 1.05 1.90 1.50 2.75 2.00 3.60 3.40 6.00 Elbows, Side Outlet .Each .85 1.20 10.50 18.00 Tees Each .17 .21 .28 .40 .55 .85 TTos 1.25 1.55 1.70 2.10 2.80 5.00 8.50 11.00 14.00 Tees, Reducing . . . Each .25 .35 .50 .70 3.50 6.25 10.50 14.00 17.50 Tees, Drop, Female. . Each .43 .57 .80 1.65 1.25 2.50 3.75 Tees, 4-Way.Each ~AQ 1.20 5.00 8.50 Crosses Each .25 .30 .55 .80 1.25 1.80 2.40 4.00 7.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 Crosses, Reducing.. Each .38 .50 .70 .15 1.00 T22~ 1.55 .35 2.25 3.00 .70 5.00 1.00 8.75 15.00 20.00 25.00 Bushings. . .Each .10 .12 .50 1.50 2.50 3.75 5.00 Faced Bushings. . . Each .12 .15 .19 .27 .44 .62 .87 1.25 1.85 3.10 4.75 6.25 Plugs Each .08 .10 .12 .15 .20 .30 .45 .60 .95 1.50 2.25 3.75 5". 00 Solid Plugs. Each .18 .22 .22 .30 .45 .45 .80 1.20 .90 1.90 3.00 4.50 7.50 10.00 Countersunk Plugs.Each .30 .65 1.40 Caps Each .10 .13 .16 .20 .30 .42 .60 .80 1.25 2.50 3.50 5.50 7.00 Lock-nuts. .Each .10 .10 .15 .12 .15 .20 .40 .37 .28 .40 .55 80 1.75 1.60 1.75 2.75 4.00 5.00 8.00 Reducers. . .Each .20 .28 .60 .55 .90 .80 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.30 2.75 4.00 6.00 Couplings. . .Each .10 .13 .17 .17 .22 .25 2.50 3.50 5.25 7.00 Couplings, R. & L. . Each .30 .45 .70 2.00 3.10 4.50 Return Bends, Close.Each .70 1.00 1.25 1.80 2.15 2.50 4.25 Return Bends, Open.Each .80 1.10 1.40 3.00 4.75 5.50 8.25 11.00 Y Bends... .Each .75 1.10 1.65 2.50 3.30 9.50 16.00 |26.00 For Brass Unions, see page 365. Right and Left Elbows, Right and Left Return Bends, also Bush- ings and Reducers, reducing more than two sizes, will be furnished at an advance of 25 per cent over above prices. 324 CRANE CO. BRASS STEAM FITTINGS IRON PIPE SIZE FINISHED FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Size Inches % H n H 5 1 IX 1H 2 2Y?. 3 3H 4 Elbows Each .30 .35 .45 .56 .75 1.10 1.55 2.00 3.00 5.50 9.00 14.00 17.50 22.00 19.50 Elbows, Reducing . .Each .44 .55 .70 .95 1.40 1.90 2.50 3.75 6.75 11.25 17.50 Elbows, 45. Each .38 .45 .55 .66 .85 1,08 1.23 1.70 2.30 2.80 4.70 2.20 3.25 6.00 9.75 Elbows, Street. . . . Each .47 .52 .63 .83 1.45 2.00 3.00 4.50 Elbows,Drop,Female.Each .85 1.05 1.40 3.60 5.40 Elbows, Side Outlet .Each 1.35 1.70 2.25 3.30 6.00 9.00 16.50 27.00 Tees Each .42 .49 .63 .80 1.05 1.50 2.15 2.80 4.20 7.75 12.75 19.50 24.50 Tees, Reducing. . . .Each .60 .77 1. 00 1.30 1.85 2.65 3.50 5.25 9.75 15.80 24.50 30.50 Tees, Drop, Female. . Each 1.13 1.37 1.80 2.55 Tees, 4-Way.Each 2.05 2.70 3.90 5.70 7.40 11.50 Crosses Each .60 70 .90 1.10 1.50 2.20 3.10 4.00 6.00 11.00 18.00 28.00 35.00 Crosses, Reducing. . Each .88 1.10 1.40 .35 1.85 2.75 .70 .75 3.85 1.00 5.00 7.50 13.75 22.50 35.00 44.00 8.00 Bushings. . .Each .22 .30 .27 .37 .47 1.40 2.00 3.00 4.50 6.25 Plugs Each .23 .43 .55 1.00 1.30 1.95 3.00 4.25 6.25 8.00 Solid Plugs. Each .43 .50 .65 .90 1.35 1.90 2.90 4.50 6.50 10.00 13.00 Countersunk Plugs. Each .42 .55 .80 1.15 1.55 2.25 Caps Each .20 .25 .31 .40 .55 .77 1.10 1.50 2.25 4.00 5.50 8.00 10.00 Lock-nuts. .Each .24 ~24~ .25 .32 .40 .56 .50 .65 1.05 .85 1.55 1.10 1.60 3.25 4.75 6.50 8.00 Reducers. . .Each .35 .45 .75 1.90 2.75 4.75 7.00 12.00 15.50 Couplings. . .Each .28 .36 .46 .63 .90 1.30 1.60 2.35 4.00 5.75 9.75 12.50 Couplings, R. & L. .Each .37 .47 .58 .80 1.15 1.65 2.10 3.00 5.10 7.50 Return Bends, Close.Each 1.55 2.05 2.65 3.75 4.90 7.25 Return Bends, Open. Each 1.65 2.15 2.80 4.10 4.45 5.40 5.70 7.75 14.25 20.00 Y Bends... .Each 1.60 2.1513.05 8.50 15.50 25.00 41.00 For Brass Unions, see page 365. Right and Left Elbows, Right and Left Return Bends, also Bush- ings and Reducers, reducing more than two sizes, will be furnished at an advance of 25 per cent over above prices. CRANE CO. 325 BRASS STEAM FITTINGS IRON PIPE SIZE FINISHED AND NICKEL PLATED FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Size Inches H y* *A Yi i 1 1M Wt 2 VA 3 3H 4 Elbows Each .36 .42 .53 .65 .87 1.10 1.25 1.60 1.75 2.25 2.85 3.35 6.15 10.00 16.00 20.00 Elbows, Reducing. . Each .52 .65 .82 2.15 4.15 7.60 12.50 20.00 25.00 Elbows, 45. Each .45 .53 .65 .78 1.00 1.43 1.95 2.55 3.65 6.85 11.00 22.50 Elbows, Street. . . . Each .54 .60 .73 .95 1.23 1.65 2.55 3.35 4.90 Elbows.Drop, Female.Each 1.00 1.25 2.00 1.65 2.30 3.20 5.35 4.10 6.80 6.00 Elbows, Side Outlet. Each 1.60 2.60 3.75 10.00 18.50 30.00 Tees Each .50 .58 .75 .93 1.22 1.70 2.45 3.15 4.65 8.65 14.00 22.30 28.00 Tees, Reducing. . . . Each .72 .90 1.15 1.50 2.10 3.00 3.95 5.85 10.90 17.50 28.00 35.00 Tees, Drop, Female. .Each 1.33 1.62 2.35 2.15 3.05 2.95 Tees, 4-Way.Each 4.35 6.35 8.20 12.50 Crosses Each .72 .84 1.05 1.30 1.75 2.50 3.50 4.50 6.70 12.30 20.00 32.00 40.00 Crosses, Reducing. . Each 1.05 1.30 1.65 2.15 3.15 4.35 5.70 8.30 15.40 25.00 40.00 50.00 Bushings. . .Each .26 .32 .42 .55 .67 .82 1.15 1.65 2.35 3.50 5.15 7.10 9.00 Plugs Each .28 .37 .45 .52 .90 1.20 1.55 2.30 3.50 4.90 7.10 9.00 Solid Plugs. Each .51 .59 .77 .63 1.05 .92 1.55 1.30 2.15 1.75 3.25 5.00 7.15 10.85 14.00 Countersunk Plugs. Each .49 2.55 Caps Each .23 .29 .36 .39 .47 .48 .63 .60 .89 1.25 1.00 1.75 2.60 4.50 6.15 8.85 11.00 9.00 Lock-nuts. .Each .29 .30 .77 1.30 1.85 3.75 5.40 7.35 Reducers. . .Each .42 .53 .65 .87 1.20 1.75 2.15 3.10 5.40 8.00 14.00 18.00 Couplings. . .Each .29 .33 .42 .53 .72 1.00 1.45 1.80 2.60 4.50 6.50 11.25 14.25 Couplings, R. & L . . Each .44 .55 .67 1.85 .92 2.40 1.30 3.10 1.85 2.35 3.35 5.75 8.50 Return Bends, Close.Each 4.40 5.70 8.25 Return Bends, Open. Each 1.95 2.50 3.25 4.75 6.20 8.75 16.25 23.00 Y Bends.. . .Each 1.90 2.50 3.50 5.10 6.50 9.50 17.50 28.00 46.00 Right and Left Elbows, Right and Left Return Bends, also Bush- ings and Reducers, reducing more than two sizes, will be furnished at an advance of 25 per cent over above prices. 326 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY BRASS FITTINGS ROUGH MADE FROM STANDARD CAST IRON PATTERNS FLAT BAND CRANE SPECIAL BRASS IRON PIPE SIZC FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS ELBOW CROSS - ^0 RETURN BEND, OPEN Size Inches X % 1 A % 1 VA l l A 2 2y 2 3 3H 4 Elbows Each .33 .45 65 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.00 4.50 8.00 11.25 16.00 22.00 Elbows, Reducing. .Each .55 .75 1.20 1.80 2.60 3.50 5.25 9.00 13.00 19.00 25.00 Elbows, 45.. Each .55 .75 1.10 1.65 2.50 3.25 4.50 8.00 11.25 16.00 22.00 Tees Each .45 .60 .90 1.35 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 10.75 15.00 22.00 30.00 Tees, Reducing. . . . Each .70 1.05 1.55 2.30 3.50 4.50 6.75 12.00 17.00 25.00 35.00 Crosses Each 1.30 1.50 1.65 2.00 3.00 4.50 6.00 9.00 16.00 22.50 28.00 37.00 Crosses, Reducing. . Each 2.40 2.50 3.60 5.25 5.00 7.00 10.50 18.00 26.00 32.00 42.00 Return Bends, Close. Each 3.50 7.00 10.00 16.00 22.00 40.00 Return Bends, Open. Each 2.75 4.00 5.50 8.00 11.00 18.00 25.00 45.00 Y Bends.... Each 1.50 2.50 3.50 5.50 7.25 11.00 19.00 27.00 33.00 45.00 Couplings.. .Each .40 .50 .70 1.10 1.65 2.25 3.00 4.50 7 00 10.00 13.00 17.00 Fittings can be furnished cast in Brass from any of our Standard or Extra Heavy Cast Iron Patterns. Prices will depend upon the quantity wanted. CRANE CO. 327 EXTRA HEAVY BRASS FITTINGS FINISHED MADE FROM STANDARD CAST IRON PATTERNS FLAT BAND FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TEE RETURN BEND, OPEN Size Inches K % y 2 H 1 m iy 2 2 2^-2 3 3H 4 Elbows Each .73 .95 1.25 1.75 2.50 3.50 4.50 6.25 10.50 14.75 23.50 31.00 Elbows, Reducing... Each 1.15 1.50 2.10 3.00 4.10 5.35 7.50 12.00 17.25 28.00 36.00 Elbows, 45.. Each 1.15 1.50 1.70 2.00 2.85 4.00 5.10 6.75 11.00 15.50 25.00 33.00 Tees Each 1.00 1.25 2.35 3.35 4.65 6.00 8.35 14.00 19.75 32.00 42.00 Tees, Reducing Each 1.50 2.05 2.80 4.00 5.50 7.00 9.75 16.00 23.00 37.00 50.00 Crosses Each 1 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.00 9.00 12.50 21.00 29.50 43.00 55.00 Crosses, Reducing . .Each 3.00 4.25 4.00 6.00 5.50 8.25|10.75 15.00 24.00 35.00 50.00 64.00 Return Bends, Close. Each 2.85 7.50 10.00 13.50 21.00 29.00 58.00 Return Bends, Open.Each 4.25 6.00 8.00 11.00 14.50 23.00 32.00 63.00 Y Bends.. ..Each .75 2.70 4.00 5.50 8.00 10.25 14.50 24.00 34.00 48.00 63.00 Couplings. ..Each .90 il. 15(1.70 2.40 3.2014.15 5.85 9.00 13.00 18.50 24.00 Fittings can be furnished cast in Brass from any of our Standard or Extra Heavy Cast Iron Patterns. Prices will depend upon the quantity wanted. 328 CRANE CO. STANDARD CAST IRON AND MALLEABLE IRON SCREWED FITTINGS MERITS OF STANDARD SCREWED FITTINGS The universal satisfaction expressed by all of our customers in the design, utility, strength and general appearance of our Standard Screwed Fittings fully justifies the statement that they have attained the highest degree of excellence. In general design our Reducing Fittings are in direct proportion with the straight sizes, thus harmonizing the fittings in any combina- tion of piping. All fittings are recessed, permitting an easy entrance of the pipe, and are uniformly threaded to the American Briggs Standard Gauge, which steam fitters will appreciate. These fittings are well proportioned, of good weight and suitable for thQ steam working pressures for which they are recommended. LARGELY INCREASED VARIETY OF SIZES We believe that the largely increased variety of straight and reduc- ing sizes tabulated on pages 742 to 767 will be found sufficient to fully meet the requirements of the trade. To avoid making fittings to order we recommend the use of bushings. Where it is necessary to have special fittings made, without the use of bushings, we will, upon receipt of specifications, name prices, which, unless quantities are large, will be very high. GALVANIZED FITTINGS Such fittings as are listed on pages 742 to 767, and marked with an * are carried in stock galvanized. Other sizes will be made to order only. TESTED FITTINGS Fittings tested to 200 pounds air pressure or 250 pounds water pressure will be made to order. Prices according to quantity wanted. Always state whether these fittings are to be used for steam, water, gas or air. CRANE CO. 329 STANDARD CAST IRON FLAT BAND SCREWED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 175 POUNDS We have, at various times, taken these fittings at random out of stock and subjected them to hydraulic pressures of 1,000 to 2,500 pounds, according to size, before breaking them. It is evident from these tests that we are supplying fittings with a very large factor of safety. But we do not recommend them for more than 125 pounds steam working pressure. It is not only a question of the fittings standing a higher pressure, but also the strain of expansion, contractor!, weight of piping, settling and water hammer; there is also a possibility that they will not run uniform. When fittings are wanted for a higher steam working pressure than 125 pounds, we recommend our Extra Heavy Fittings. FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS SEE PAGE 695 STANDARD MALLEABLE IRON FLAT BAND SCREWED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS We have at various times subjected these fittings to hydraulic pressures of 2,000 to 4,000 pounds, without bursting them. See illustra- tion of twisted test bar, page B. It would seem that fittings which stand this test should be perfectly safe for 250 pounds steam working pressure. If proper care is exercised in using them, they will undoubtedly answer every purpose for pres- sures up to 500 pounds, but as all fittings are subjected to strain due to expansion, contraction or the making up of joints, we do not rec- ommend them for more than 150 pounds working pressure. As goods made especially for extra heavy pressures are so very cheap, it is false economy to use Standard fittings for Extra Heavy work. STANDARD MALLEABLE IRON PLAIN PATTERN SCREWED FITTINGS Plain pattern fittings are generally used for low pressure gas and water, house plumbing and railing work. Plain fittings are dipped unless otherwise ordered. AIR BRAKE FITTINGS We carry in stock specially tested Malleable Fittings for air brake use, as illustrated on page 352. 330 CRANE CO. STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS ELBOWS CAST IRON STRAIGHT R. and L. H. Elbows have Ribs on L. H. End Size Inches H H Vi 3 X 1 IK 1H 2 2M 3 Price, R. and L. . .Each ~06" .10 .06 .07 .08 .09 .lUz .12 .16 .18 .20 .23 .28 .32 .50 .60 .75 .85 Price, R. H., Galv..Each .10 .12 .16 .21 .32 .40 .56 1.00 1.50 Price, Pitched Each .08 .10 .13 .20 .25 .35 .65 1.00 Size Inches &A 4 4H 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, R. H Each 1.05 1.20 1.75 2 00 2 75 4 70 6 75 9 00 13 50 20 00 Price, R. H., Galv. . Each 2.10 2.40 3.50 4 00 5 50 9 40 13 50 18 00 27 00 40.00 Price, Pitched. . . .Each 1.30 1.50 REDUCING ELBOWS CAST IRON Size Inches % % 3 X 1 IK iy?, 2 2H 3 3H Price Each .06 .07 .09 .12 .18 .23 .32 .60 .85 1.20 Price, Galv.. . .Each .14 .18 .10 .24 .36 .46 .64 1.20 1.70 2.40 Price, Pitched . Each .13 .20 .25 .35 .65 1 00 1 30 Size Inches Prifp TfnnVi 4 4V* 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, Galv Each 2.80 4.00 4.60 6.30 10.80 15.50 21.00 31.00 46.00 See page 742 for sizes of Reducing Elbows carried in stock. 45 ELBOWS CAST IRON We can make to order, 30 or any other special degree fittings, at a special price, according to sizes and quantities wanted. Size Inches M H y 2 H 1 IK U4 2 2H 3 Price Each .06 .12 .06 .07 .10 .12 .19 .24 .34 .60 .90 Price, Galv Each .12 .14 .20 .24 .38 .48 .68 1.20 1.80 Size Inches 3^ 4 4K 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 1.25 1.45 2.20 4.40 2.50 3.45 5.90 8.50 11.25 17.00 25.00 Price, Galv Each 12.50 2.90 5.00 6.90 11.80 17.00 22.50 34.00 50.00 60 AND 22^ CAST IRON ELBOWS Size Inches H 3 4 1 IK iy?. 2 2H 3 4 5 6 Price, 60 or 22^. Each .25 .30 .35 .45 .50 .60 1.10 1.65 2.75 5.00 7.00 CRANE CO. 331 TEES CAST IRON STRAIGHT Size Inches M H M 1 IK 1H 2 2H 3 Price Each .08 .08 .09 .12 .15 .23 .29 .41 .73 1.10 Price, Galv. . . .Each .16 .16 .18 .24 .30 .46 .58 .82 1.46 2.20 Size Inches 3H 4 4H 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, Galv. . . .Each 3.00 3750 sTTo 6~00 8.00 13.60 19.50 26.00 39.00 29.00 58.00 REDUCING TEES CAST IRON Size Inches % H *A 1 IK 1H 2 2^ 3 m Price Each .09 .10 .14 .17 .27 .33 .47 .83 1.25 1.75 Pnce, Galv. . . .Each .18 .20 .28 .34 .54 .66 .94 1.66 2.50 3.50 Size Inches 4 4H 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, Galv. . . .Each 4.00 5.90 7.00 9~20 15.60 22.50 30.00 45.00 33.50 67.00 See page 743 for sizes of Reducing Tees carried in stock. ECCENTRIC TEES CAST IRON The object of these fittings is to prevent lodging places for water, which always is the case where double reducing fittings are used. Some engineers believe that the lodgment of water causes the pipe to eat away by rust. Inquiries and orders for Eccentric Tees should be accompanied with a sketch showing the exact position in which the fitting is to be placed. PRICES ON APPLICATION 332 CRANE CO. BRANCH TEES BRANCHES R. H. RUN OPEN R. H. INLET OPEN R. H. RUN OPEN R. H. NO. 1* NO. 2* BRANCHES R. H. CLOSED OUTLET OPEN R. H. BRANCHES L. H. INLET OPEN R. H. NO. 3* The run and back opening of Branch Tees are tapped the same size as branches, unless otherwise ordered. No. OF [ BRANCHES 1 IN. BRANCH TEES l^IN.BRANCH TEES 1^ IN.BRANCH TEES 2 IN. BRANCH TEES 2% in. Center to Center 3 in. Center to Center 3K in. Center to Center 4^ in. Center to Center 1 in. or 1% in. Run IK in. Bun 2 in. Bun 1% in. orl^ Bun 2 in. Bun 2K in. Bun IK in. or 2in. Bun 2^ in. Bun 3 in. Bun 2 in. Bun 2^ in. or Sin. Bun 3K in. Bun 2 .90 1.00 1.15 1.30 2.10 4.10 3 1.05 1.15 1.35 1.65 1.90 2.40 2.70 3.45 3.80 5.25 5.75 6.25 4 1.15 1.30 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.85 3.35 4.15 4.60 6.40 7.00 7.75 5 6 7 1.35 1.45 1.85 2.40 2.90 3.55 4.00 5.00 5.50 7.65 8.50 9.25 1.60 1.75 2.10 2.80 3.30 3.95 4.65 5.75 6.25 8.80 9.75 10.75 1.90 2.20 2.45 3.20 3.90 4.20 5.25 6.50 7.25 10.60 11.75 13.00 8 2.20 2.45 2.75 3.60 4.50 4.95 5.85 7.00 7.75 11.50 12.75 14.00 9 2.65 2.90 3.40 4.30 5.25 6.15 6.50 8.25 9.00 12.25 13.50 15.00 10 3.30 4.00 4.80 5.85 6.85 7.60 9.25 10.00 13.50 15.00 16.50 11 4.50 4.80 5.00 6.25 7.25 8.00 9.75 10.75 12 13 14 15 16 4.75 5.10 5.25 6.50 7.65 8.50 10.50 11.50 5.50 6.00 6.00 7.00 8.25 7.00 7.25 6.75 7.75 9.00 7.50 7.75 7.50 8.50 9.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 9.50 10.75 BACK OR SIDE OUTLETS CHARGED AS ADDITIONAL FRONT OUTLETS *Nos. 1 and 2 Branch Tees with branches tapped left hand, and No. 3 Branch Tees with branches tapped right hand, can be furnished at the regular prices. 1 inch Branch Tees, 1 inch or 1 ^ inch run, are 1 M inches inside diam- eter. 1 inch Branch Tees, 1 Yz inch or 2 inch run, are 2 % inches inside diameter. 1 M inch Branch Tees are all 2 Yt inches inside diameter. 1 K inch Branch Tees are all 2 % inches inside diameter. 2 inch Branch Tees are all 3 Yi inches inside diameter. Always order Branch Tees by size and number. CRANE CO. 333 CROSSES CAST IRON STRAIGHT Size Inches Vz Y 1 IM m 2 2H 3 3^ Price Each .16 .22 .27 .42 .53 .75 1.30 2.00 2.70 Price, Galv.Each .32 .44 .54 .84 1.06 1.50 2.60 4.00 5.40 Size Inches 4 4H 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 3.15 4.60 5.50 7.25 12.25 17.50 23.50 35.00 52.50 Price, Galv.Each 6.30 9.20 11.00 14.50 24.50 35.00 47.00 70.00 105.00 REDUCING CROSSES CAST IRON Size Inches y* H 1 Itf 1 1 A 2 2^ 3 3^ Price Each .18 .25 .30 .46 .60 .83 1.45 2.20 3.00 Price, Galv.Each .36 .50 .60 .92 1.20 1.66 2.90 4.40 6.00 Size Inches 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 3.50 5.10 6.00 8.00 13.50 19.25 26.00 38.50 58.00 Price, Galv.Each 7.00 10.20 12.00 16.00 27-.00 38.50 52.00 77.00 116.00 See page 746 for list of Reducing Crosses carried in stock. REDUCERS CAST IRON Size Inches 4J^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 1.85 2.00 2.70 5.35 6.75 8.35 10.00 15.00 Price, Galv Each 3.70 4.00 5.40 10.70 13.50 16.70 20.00 30.00 ECCENTRIC REDUCERS CAST IRON Size Inches IK 1H 2 2 J /2 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 Price Each .55 .72 1.00 1.50 2.40 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 334 CRANE CO. CAPS CAST IRON Size Inches 4 V/z 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 Price Each .87 1.05 1.20 1.55 2.50 2.85 4.75 5.50 | 7.00 Price, Galv.Each 1.74 2.10 2.40 3.10 5.00 5.70 9.50 11.001 14.00 Y BENDS CAST IRON Size Inches H X 1 1M 1H 2 2Hj 3 3^2 Price Each .20 .28 .34 .54 .66 .94 1.66 2.50 3.50 Price, Galv.Each .40 .56 .68 1.08 1.32 1.88 3.32 5.00 7.00 Size Inches 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price Each 4.00 5.90 7.00 9.20 15.60 22.50 45.00 67.00 Price, Galv.Each 8.00 11.80 14.00 18.40 31.20 45.00 90.00 134.00 LOCK NUTS CAST IRON Size Inches 2H 3 3H 4 4H 5 Price Each .27 .34 .47 .64 .85 .90 Price, Galvanized Each .54 .68 .94 1.28 1.70 1.80 Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 1.30 1.70 2.35 2.70 3.00 4.00 Price, Galvanized Each 2.60 3.40 4.70 5.40 6.00 8.00 The Threads of our Hexagon Lock Nuts conform to the American Briggs Standard, adopted by the Committee of Manufacturers, March 16, 1915. JN MEDIUM SWEEP REDUCING DOUBLE BRANCH ELBOWS NO. 7. CAST IRON Size Inches IXIXIM 1KX1MX1H 1HX1MX2 2X2X2^ Price Each .75 1.05 1.50 2.25 Size Inches 2^X2^X3 3X3X4 4X4X5 5X5X6 Price Each 4.25 6.50 12.00 16.50 In describing Medium Reducing Double Branch Elbows, the Run is first named, then the Inlet. CRANE CO. 335 BUSHINGS CAST IRON Size Inches y M .04 .08 % .05 1 IK .07 1H 2 2H 3 3H Price Each .04 .06 .09 .14 .21 .30 .40 Price, Galvanized .... Each .08 .10 .12 .14 .18 .28 .42 .60 .80 Size Inches 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each .50 .75 1.50 .93 1.25 1.87 2.75 3.25 3.75 5.00 Price, Galvanized. . . .Each 1.00 1.85 2.50 3.75 5.50 6.50 7.50 10.00 ECCENTRIC BUSHINGS CAST IRON Size Inches m 1H 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4^ Price Each .22 .25 .27 .42 .60 .80 1.00 1.50 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 1.85 2.50 3.75 5.50 6.50 7.50 10.00 SQUARE HEAD PLUGS CAST IRON SQUARE HEAD COUNTERSUNK Size Inches l /8 1 A H 1 A % .03 .06 1 IK 1H 2 2^ 3 Price Each .02 .02 .02 .04 .02 .04 .04 .08 .05 .07 .10 .18 .25 Price, Galvanized . Each .04 .10 .14 .20 .36 .50 Price, Tapped for Air Cock. Each .12 .06 .15 .20 .25 .30 Price, L. H. Plugs.Each .04 .08 .09 .11 .15 Price, Solid Plugs . Each .04 .04 .04 .06 .08 .09 .11 .15 .27 .38 Size Inches 3^ 4 4^ .65 5 .88 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each .38 .42 1.20 1.85 2.75 3.25 3.75 5.00 Price, Galvanized . Each .76 .57 .84 .63 1.30 1.00 1.75 2.40 3.70 5.50 6.50 7.50 10.00 Price, Solid Plugs. . Each 1.35 1.80 COUNTERSUNK Size Inches % H 3 4 1 .08 IK IV* 2 Price Each .04 .04 .06 .09 .11 .15 Size Inches 2Y?. 3 3H 4 5 6 Price Each .30 .40 .92 1.10 2.003.50 336 CRANE CO. RETURN BENDS CAST IRON RETURN BENDS, CLOSE PATTERN CAST IRON Size Inches X % 1 1H W* J_ .57 2y 2 3 4 Price, Right Hand Each .18 .20 .22 .28 .40 1.20 1.70 5.00 Price, Right and Left Each .21 .23 .26 .33 .46 .66 1.40 1.95 5.25 Price, Left Hand Each .21 .23 .26 .33 .46 .66 1.40 1.95 5.25 Price, Right Hand, Galv Each .36 .40 .44 .56 .80 1.14 2.40 3.40 10.00 Center to Center Inches 1M iy 1% 2% 2V4 3^4 3% 4M 6 Close Pattern Return Bends will not make up parallel coils, as the distance, center to center, of two adjacent bends is greater than the center to center of openings of a single bend. RETURN BENDS, CLOSE PATTERN, PITCHED CAST IRON SUITABLE FOR COILS AS PER TABLE BELOW Size Inches 1 1 1 1 1 1* 1H H4 Length of Pipe in Coil Feet 3 4 5 6 8 4 5 6 Price, Right Hand Each .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .33 .33 .33 All Right and Left Pitched Return Bends are made to order. One inch Return Bends for coils longer than 8 feet are tapped straight. Pitched Return Bends have length of coils marked on them. RETURN BENDS, OPEN PATTERN CAST IRON Size Inches % 1 iy iy 2 2y 2 3 4 Price, Right Hand Each .26 .30 .40 .55 .80 1.35 2.20 6.50 Price, Right and Left Each .30 .35 .46 .64 .92 1.55 2.50 Price, Right Hand, Galv Each Center to Center Inches .52 1% .60 2% .80 3 1.10 3 X /2 1.60 4y 2 2.70 5y 2 4.40 6H 10.00 7H FOR OTHER CAST IRON RETURN BENDS OF VARYING CENTERS, SEE EXTRA AVY CAR HEATER PATTERN, PAGE 341. CRANE CO. 337 RETURN BENDS CAST IRON WIDE PATTERN RIGHT HAND WITH UNION ENDS Size Inches 1 1 1 1 1 m IK IK Price Each .45 .50 .60 .75 1.00 1.00 1.25 * Price, Galv Each .80 .90 1.10 1.30 1.60 1.75 2.00 * Center to Center . Inches 3 4 5 6 8 4 6 8 Size Inches U4 1H iy 2 2 2 2 2 4 Price Each 1.30 1.60 2.00 1.75 2.00 3.00 3.50 7.50 Price, Galv Each 2.30 2.60 3.25 3.00 3.25 4.50 5.00 11.00 Center to Center . Inches 4^ 6 8 4^ 6 7 8 11 *See page 341 for price of 1MX8 Return Bends. WITH UNION ENDS Size Inches IK 2 Price Each 1 . 60 3 . 00 Center to Center . . . . . .Inches 4^8 6 RETURN BENDS CAST IRON SPECIAL PATTERNS: MADE TO ORDER ONLY Size Inches 1 1 2 2 2H Center to Center. . . . . Inches 4 4i/ 2V* 3 y RETURN BENDS BACK OUTLET CAST IRON Size Inches 3 K 1 IK \% 2 2^ 3 Price, Right Hand Each .38 .42 .60 .80 1.15 2.00 3.00 Price, Right and Left. . .Each .42 .48 .70 .95 1.30 2.30 3.50 Price, Right Hand, Galv.Each .76 .84 1.20 1.60 2.30 4.00 6.00 Center to Center Inches l 7 /8 2K 2K 2H 3K 3K 4K RETURN BENDS, BACK OUTLET CAST IRON SPECIAL PATTERNS: MADE TO ORDER ONLY Size Inches j IK iy?, 2 Center to Center Inches 4 3K 4 4 Size, Back Outlet Inches IK IK m \Yi The back outlet of Right and Left Return Bends is always tapped right hand. 338 CRANE CO. AMERICAN STANDARD SPRINKLER FITTINGS The Fittings shown on page 339 are designed in accordance with the rules and requirements of the National Fire Protection Association and are known as "AMERICAN STANDARD SPRINKLER FIT- TINGS." They are made in sizes 2^ to 6 inch, inclusive, in the various types shown. Our regular Standard Cast Iron Screwed Fittings, sizes 2 inch and smaller, and our Standard Flanged Fittings, sizes 7 inch and larger, are acceptable to the National Fire Protection Association, and with the fittings shown on page 339 form a complete line of fittings for sprinkler service. Screwed fittings, flanged fittings, and combination screwed and flanged fittings all have the same center to end dimensions for each respective size. Reducing fittings will not have any opening less than 50 per cent of the largest opening. When one end is flanged, the largest opening will be flanged unless otherwise specified. Fittings are guaranteed for water working pressures up to 150 pounds and are marked CRANE and w ^5 ; W denoting water and CU their suitability for fire protection service. Tappings will be provided only for drain or test purposes, in which case fittings will be provided with bosses for tapping when required if the location and size of tapping are specified. Slip bosses having blind holes will be provided when required to act as sockets for supports. Fittings 2^ to 6 inch, inclusive, may be tapped % inch on the side without boss and fittings larger than 6 inch may be tapped % inch without boss. For list of sizes, see pages 750 to 752. In describing Tees and Crosses the run is first named and then the outlet or outlets. All Flanges and Drilling Templates are the "AMERICAN STAND- ARD." CRANE CO. 339 AMERICAN STANDARD SPRINKLER FITTINGS CAST IRON FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS ELBOWS TEES CROSSES * # Size Inches 2H 3 31-2 4 5 6 Style A, Elbows Each 1.20 2.25 3.25 3.50 6.50 8.75 Style B, Elbows .Each 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.50 10.00 14.00 Style C, Elbows Each 6.75 7.50 8.50 10.00 12.50 17.50 Style D, Elbows Each 8.00 11.00 15.00 18.00 Style G, Tees Each 2.40 4.50 6.50 7.00 13.00 17.50 Style G, Tees, Reducing Each 3.60 6.75 9.75 10.50 19.50 26.25 Style H, Tees Each 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 22.00 Style K, Tees Each 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 22.00 Style L, Tees Each 9.00. 10.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 22.00 Style M, Tees Each 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 22.00 Style N, Tees Each 10.00 11.50 13.00 15.00 18.00 26.00 Style O, Crosses Each 3.20 6.00 8.75 9.50 17.50 24.00 Style P, Crosses Each 12 .50 13.50 15.00 17.00 22.00 30.00 Style R, Crosses Each 12.50 13.50 15.00 17.00 22.00 30.00 Style S, Crosses Each 13.50 15.00 17.00 20.00 25.00 35.00 Furnished Galvanized at double the above prices. The above prices include the facing and drilling of the flanges. For list of sizes, see pages 750 to 752. Sizes not listed above, prices on application. Templates for drilling, page 650. These Fittings are designed in accordance with the rules and require- ments of the National Fire Protection Association and are marked "CU" to denote their use for fire protection service. 34-0 CRANE CO. LONG SWEEP FITTINGS CAST IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 15O POUNDS V f No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 ELBOW DOUBLE BRANCH TEE ELBOW Size Inches X 1 1H Wi 2 2H 3 3 l / 2 4 No. 1 Elbows Each .26 .32 .40 .55 .80 1.20 2.25 3.25 3.50 No. 1 Elbows, Reducing. . Ea. .40 .48 .60 .83 1.20 1.80 3.38 4.88 5.25 7.00 No. 2 Dbl. Branch Elbows. Ea. .64 .80 1.10 1.60 2.40 4.50 6.50 No.EDbl.Branch Elb.,Red'ng.Ea. .96 1.20 1.65 2.40 3.60 6.75 9.75 10.50 No. 5 Tees Each .64 .80 1.10 1.60 2.40 4.50 6.50 7.00 10.50 No. 5 Tees, Reducing. Each .96 1.20 1.65 2.40 3.60 6.75 9.75 No. 3 Tees Each .48 .60 .82 1.20 1.80 3.40 4.90 5.25 No. 3 Tees, Reducing. Each .72 .90 1.23 1.80 2.70 5.10 7.35 7.88 No. 4 Crosses Each .85 1.10 1.5012.15 2 . 25 1 3 . 23 3.20 6.00 8.75 9.50 No. 4 Crosses, Reducing. .Ea. 1.65 4.80 9.00 13.13 J4.25 Size Inches 4H 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 No. 1 Elbows Each 5.50 6.50 8.75 13.00 17.00 25.50 30.00 40.00 No. 1 Elbows, Reducing . . Ea. 8.25 9.75 13.13 19.50 25.50 38.25 45.00 60.00 No. 2 Dbl. Branch Elbows . Ea. 11.00 13.00 17.50 26.00 34.00 51.00 60.00 80.00 No. 2 DbLBranch Elb.,Red'ng . Ea. 16.50 19.50 26.25 39.00 51.00 76.50 90.00 120.00 No. 5 Tees Each 11.00 13.00 17.50 26.00 34.00 51.00 60.00 80.00 No. 5 Tees, Reducing. Each 16.50 19.50 26.25 39.00 51.00 76.50 90 .00 120.00 60.00 No. 3 Tees Each 8.25 9.75 13.25 19.50 25.50 38.00 45.00 No. 3 Tees, Reducing. Each 12.58 14.63 19.88 20.25 38.25 57.00 67.50 90.00 No. 4 Crosses .... Each 17.50 24.00 35.00 45.00 68.00 80.00 107.00 No. 4 Crosses, Reducing. .Ea. 26.25 36.00 52.50 67.50 102.00 120.00 160.50 Furnished Galvanized at double above list. For Long Sweep Fittings with Flanged Ends, see page 339. For List of sizes, see pages 753 to 755. CRANE CO. 34-1 CAST IRON CAR HEATER FITTINGS EXTRA HEAVY ELBOWS Inches R H. Each R. and L. Each K .22 .22 % .25 .25 1 .27 .27 i* .30 .30 1KX134 .45 .45 IK .45 .45 2 .55 .55 TEES Size Inches Price Each K .30 % .35 i .40 1M .45 U4X&X1M .45 134X134X& .45 154X134XK .45 IKXIKX& .65 IK .65 2 .85 RETURN BENDS Size Inches 154 134 Distance Between Centers zy* PKIOE KH. Each .45 .45 .60 .70 .85 1.10 .80 1.25 1.00 1.75 B. and L. Each .90 1.25 2.00 RETURN BENDS WITH BACK OUTLET PRICES ON APPLICATION Size 1 Inches 0. to 0. Back Outlet IK 342 CRANE CO. CAR HEATER FITTINGS EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON COUPLINGS Size Inches PKICE Size Inches PKICE R. H. Each R. and L. Each R. H. Each R. and L. Each 1 .25 .35 iy 2 .45 .55 1M .30 .40 2 .55 .65 WROUGHT COUPLINGS Size Inches Actual Outside Diameter Inches Length of Couplings Inches PBICE R. H. Black Each R. and L. Black Each R. H. Galvanized Each R. and L. Galvanized Each K 1.13 1.88 .14 .20 .20 .25 X 1.44 2.13 .20 .30 .25 .35 1 1.63 2.38 .26 .40 .32 .45 J 2.13 2.13 .34 .45 .42 .55 1/2 2.31 2.87 .42 .55 .55 .70 2 2.81 3.13 .56 .70 .75 .90 CRANE CO. 343 EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25O POUNDS THESE FITTINGS ARE TESTED TO HYDRAULIC PRESSURES CORRESPONDING TO THE ABOVE WORKING PRESSURE For Extra Heavy Cast Iron Return Bends, see page 341. TEE CROSS Size Inches H i 1 M 1H 2 2H 3 VA Elbows Each .25 .30 .35 .45 .60 .75 1.25 2.00 2.75 Elbows, Reducing. Each .40 .45 .55 .75 .95 1.55 2.50 45 Elbows. .. Each .35 .40 .44 .55 .70 .90 1.50 2.50 3.50 Tees Each .40 .45 .55 .70 .90 1.15 1.80 3.00 4.25 Tees, Reducing. . . Each .60 .70 .90 1.15 1.40 2.25 3.75 5.30 Crosses Each .70 .90 1.20 1.50 2.50 4.00 5.50 Y Bends. . . .Each 1.35 1.80 2.25 3.75 6.00 Plugs Each .04 .06 .08 .09 .11 .15 .27 .38 .57 Size Inches 4 4H 5 6 7 8 10 12 Elbows Each 3.50 4.25 5.50 8.00 12.00 17.00 28.00 40.00 Elbows Reducing. Each 4.40 6.80 45 Elbows.. .Each 4.50 5.50 6.75 9.75 14.50 21.00 34.00 48.00 Tees Each 5.50 6.75 8.25 12.00 18.00 25.00 42.00 60.00 Tees, Reducing.. .Each 6.85 8.50 10.25 15.00 22.50 31.00 52.00 75.00 Crosses Each 7.00 8.50 11.00 16.00 24.00 34.00 56.00 80.00 Y Bends .... Each 11.00 24.00 36.00 50.00 Plugs .Each .63 1.00 1.35 1.80 GALVANIZED EXTRA HEAVY FITTINGS DOUBLE ABOVE LIST The radius of these Fittings is longer than the ordinary, thereby reducing friction. We do not recommend the use of Screwed Fittings above 6 inch ; for larger sizes, flanged are more suitable. For list of sizes of Reducing Fittings carried in stock, see pages 756 and 757. Should other sizes be wanted, we will make them to order by bushing in the sand to the required size, and will charge extra, according to quantity wanted. 344 CRANE CO. ELBOWS MALLEABLE IRON STRAIGHT AND REDUCING Size Inches X % % % H 1 IK IV* Price, R. H Each .06 .07 .08 .10 .15 .22 .25 .35 Price, R. and L Each .09 .11 .13 .17 .25 .30 .40 Price, Galv., R. H... Each .08 .09 .11 .14 .20 .32 .40 .60 Price, R. and L., Galv Each .12 .16 .17 .23 .35 .45 .65 Size Inches 2 2K 3 H 4 4H 5 6 Price, R.H Each .50 .90 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.50 4.00 6.50 Price, R. and L Each .65 Price, Galv., R.H... Each .90 1.50 2.60 3.75 5.00 6.50 10.00 Price, R. and L., Galv Eaoh 1.00 45 ELBOWS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches K % g X 1 1* iy* 2 Price Each .08 .10 .12 .18 .26 .36 .54 .82 Price, Galvanized. . . Each .12 .15 .20 .25 .40 .50 .85 1.35 Size Inches Prino TTo^Vi 2y 2 1QK 3 3H 4 4H 5 6 Price, Galvanized . . . Each 1.90 3.75 4.75 6.75 9.00 11.00 60 ELBOWS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches 1H 1H 2 Price Each .30 .45 .65 Price, Galvanized Each .45 .70 1.05 CRANE CO. 345 STREET ELBOWS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches H X 3 /8 y* 3 X 1 1 1 A l 1 ^ 2 2^ 3 4 Price Each .08 .10 .10 .12 .20 .25 .40 .55 .90 1.50 2.25 3.50 Price, Galvanized .Each .10 .12 .12 .15 .28 .35 .55 .80 .55 1.30 2.25 3.50 3~50 Price, 45 Each .12 .12 715 1.12 .12 .20 .25 .40 .55 .90 2.25 Price, 45, Galv. . .Each .15 .15 .15 .28 .35 .80 1.30 SJDE OUTLET ELBOWS MALLEABLE IRON Size. . . Inches X Y* l /2 % 1 IX 1^ 2 Price . . . Each .08 .08 .10 .10 .15 .18 .30 .45 .60 .90 1.00 1.50 Price, Galv. Each .10 .25 .45 .65 DROP ELBOWS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches % % J4 % Price, Female Each .06 .08 .12 .20 Price, Female, Galv Each .09 .12 .20 .35 Price, Male and Female . . Each .08 .12 Price, Male and Female, Galvanized . . Each .12 .20 LONG DROP ELBOWS MALLEABLE IRON Size Price Inches Each *4X% .10 %X% .10 1 / 2 x% .18 YzXYz .18 Price, Galvanized Drop Length, over all Each Inches .18 2% .18 2y 2 .27 3y s .27 3y 8 346 CRANE CO. TEES MALLEABLE IRON STRAIGHT AND REDUCING Size Inches % X % V* H 1 1M 1H Price Each .07 .08 .09 .11 .15 .25 .30 .45 Price, Galvanized . Each .09 .10 .13 .16 .20 .38 .50 .70 Size Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 4^ 5 6 Price Each .60 1.05 1.70 2.50 3.40 4.25 5.00 7.75 Price, Galvanized. Each 1.00 1.90 3.00 4.25 5.75 8.00 12.00 Parties desiring R. & L. Tees will state, when ordering, which hole is to be tapped left hand. Such goods can always be furnished to order. FOR 7 AND 8 INCH MALLEABLE FITTINGS, SEE PAGE 352 SERVICE TEES MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches n H H 1 1H 1M 2 \2y 2 3 3X2^X3 3X3X4 Price Each .12 .15 .25 .35 .50 .75 1.15 2.00 2.50 2.50 4.00 Price, Galv.Each .15 .20 .35 .50 .70 1.10 1.65 FOUR WAY TEES MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches % ^ Vi *A 1 IK IV* 2 Price Each .12 .12 .14 .20 .35 .50 .80 1.25 Price, Galvanized. Each .17 .17 .20 .28 .50 .70 1.10 1.75 lH^HraBi' DROP TEES MALLEABLE IRON H. % and 1 inch male and female, also 1 inch female Drop Tees, are made only in the reducing sizes shown on page 764. Size . .Inches H V* i 3 4 1 Price, Female . . . Each .10 .14 .22 .30 Price, Female, Galvanized . . .Each .15 .25 1 .40 Price, Male and Female . . .Each .10 .14 1 .22 .30 Price, Male and Female, Galvanized . . . . . Each .15 .25 .40 CRANE CO. 347 LONG DROP TEES MALLEABLE IRON Size . Inches N MXMXH 1X1XK I^XIMXH Price . .Each .12 .30 .40 .60 Price, Galvanized . .Each .17 Drop Length, Over All . . Inches 2^ 3^ 32-8 3M WASH TRAY TEES MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches Vi % %XH Price. Galvanized Each .20 .30 .30 PARTITION TEES AND CROSSES MALLEABLE IRON INCHES END TO END OF RUN Size . . . . Inches y 8 xysxy 8 y*xy? y s xy s xy s xyz Price, Tees Each .20 .25 Price, Tees, Galvanized Each .28 .35 Price, Crosses Each .25 .30 .30 Price, Crosses, Galvanized Each .35 .40 .40 Male ends are % inch size. CROSS OVERS MALLEABLE IRON CROSS OVERS CROSS OVER TEES Size .... Inches ^ 3 4 1 Price, Cross Overs Each .20 .30 .45 Price, Cross Overs, Galvanized Each .25 .40 .60 Price, Cross Over Tees, Galvanized .... . . . . . .Each .38 .56 348 CRANE CO. CROSSES MALLEABLE IRON STRAIGHT AND REDUCING Size Inches K y* K *4 1 IX IH Price Each .09 .10 .16 .20 .30 .40 .60 Price, Galvanized Each .12 .14 .25 .29 .45 .60 .90 Size Inches 2 2Y 2 3 3^ 4 5 6 Price Each 1.00 1.75 3.00 3.25 5.25 7.50 13.00 Price, Galvanized Each 1.50 2.75 4.50 8.00 REDUCERS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches % y* 1 A Y 1 IK Price Each .05 .06 .07 .10 .16 .20 Price, Galvanized Each .08 .10 .10 .15 .25 .35 Size Inches 1Y2 2 2 1 A 3 m 4 Price Each .28 .45 .70 1.00 1.50 1.85 Price, Galvanized Each .45 .75 1.05 1.65 2.40 3.05 SHOULDER BUSHINGS MALLEABLE IRON REDUCING ONE SIZE ONLY SHOULDER Size Inches % y l /2 H 1 1M l_H 2 2H Price Each .04 .04 .04 .05 .06 .07 .09 .14 .21 Price, Galv.Each .08 .08 .08 .10 .12 .14 .18 .28 .42 FACE Size Inches V* H JL .11 1 IK 1H 2 2H 3 Price Each .08 .09 .13 .17 .22 .32 .48 .70 Price, Galvanized Each .12 .14 .17 .20 .25 .33 .48 .72 1.05 Size Inches 3H 4 4H 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price Each 1.20 1.50 2.25 2.10 2.60 3.75 8.00 9.00 14.00 20.00 Price, Galvanized Each 1.80 3.15 3.90 5.60 CRANE CO. 349 CAPS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches V* X 3/ g H X 1 1M 1M Price Each .03 .03 .04 .05 .08 .12 16 .24 Price, Galvanized . Each .04 .04 .05 .08 .12 .17 .24 .38 Size Inches 2 2 1 A 3 3H 4 5 6 Price Each .32 .45 .85 1.00 1.20 2.50 3.50 Price, Galvanized . Each .52 .76 1.30 1.60 2.00 3.50 5.00 We can furnish "HEXAGON" Malleable Caps, sizes M. % and 1 A inch, at a special price. Y BENDS MALLEABLE IRON STRAIGHT AND REDUCING Size Inches H H 1 1 1 A 1 1 A 2 2H 3 4 ~JW Price Each .40 .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.70 2.00 4.00 Price, Galvanized . Each .60 .75 .90 1.25 1.50 2.50 3.00 6.00 8.25 60 Y BENDS MALLEABLE IRON Size . . Inches 2X2 2Xl l A Price Each 1 . 70 1 . 70 Price, Galvanized Each 2.50 2.50 LOCK NUTS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches Ys y y* 1 A % 1 1 1 A \Yi 2 Price Each .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .07 .09 .11 .18 Price, Galvanized. Each .03 .04 .05 .07 .10 .14 .20 .30 The threads of our Hexagon Lock Nuts conform to the American Briggs Standard, adopted by the Committee of Manufacturers, March 16, 1915. 350 CRANE CO. WASTE NUTS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches !/4 3 /8 H % 1 m 1H Price Each .04 .05 .06 .08 .10 .15 .25 Price, Galvanized Each .08 .10 .12 .16 .20 .30 .50 MALLEABLE IRON COUPLINGS RIBBED, RIGHT AND LEFT Size Inches X y* \/ 2 % 1 ik m 2 w>. 3 Price Each .04 .06 .08 .12 .16 .25 .36 .52 .70 1.00 Price, Galvanized. . . .Each .06 .09 .10 .17 .25 .35 .55 .75 1-05 1.50 MALLEABLE IRON COUPLINGS RIGHT HAND Size Inches l /4 3 /s ' Yz ! M 1 Ik la 2 2H 3 Price Each .03 .05 ; .07 | .10 .14 .20 .25 .35 .60 .90 Price, Galvanized. . . .Each .05 .07 .10 ; .17 .23 .30 .40 .55 .95 1.40 OFFSETS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches Z 4 1 1M Price Each .25 .40 .75 Offset Inches 1H \y> 2 Length Inches 3M 4 5H CRANE CO. 351 MALLEABLE IRON RETURN BENDS RETURN BENDS, CLOSE OR MEDIUM PATTERNS Size Inches M % i 1M m 2 Price, Eight Hand Each .18 .25 .35 .50 .75 1.00 Price, Right Hand, Galv Each .25 .35 .55 .75 1.15 1.65 Price, Right and Left Each .23 .30 .45 .60 .90 1.25 Price, R. and L., Galv. Close. . Each .35 .40 .65 .85 1.30 1.90 Price, R. and L., Galv. Medium.. Each .40 .65, Price, Left Hand Each .23 .30 .45 .60 .90 1.25 Center to Center, Close .... Inches 1 1M 1H IK 2A 2H' Center to Center, Medium . . Inches IK m m 2K VA 3 Close Pattern Return Bends will not make up parallel coils, as the distance, center to center, of two adjacent bends is greater than the center to center of openings of a single bend. SPECIAL WIDE RETURN BENDS, OPEN PATTERN Size Inches % y 1 IK 1H 2 VA 3 Price, Right Hand. Each .20 .30 .50 .65 .85 1.25 2.00 3.00 Price, Right Hand, Galv . . . Each .28 .45 .70 .90 1.25 2.00 3.50 5.00 Price, Right and Left Each .25 .38 .60 .80 1.05 1.55 2.50 3.75 Price, Right and Left, Galv . Each .55 .80 1.05 1.50 2.40 Price, Left Hand . . Each .25 .38 60 .80 1.05 1.55 2.50 3.75 Center to Center . Inches 1 1 A 2 2V6 3 3^ 4 VA 5 RETURN BENDS, SPECIAL WIDE PATTERN, RIGHT HAND Size Inches y s K K 1 IK iy 2 Price Each .25 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.00 Price, Galvanized Each .30 1.35 1.65 1.70 1.70 2.75 Center to Center Inches 1 1 A 4 6 6 6 6 Size Inches 2 3 3 4 6 Price Each 3.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 16.00 Price, Galvanized Each Center to Center Inches 4.00 5 6.50 6.50 8 6 12 EXTRA HEAVY MALLEABLE RETURN BENDS, PAGE 359 352 CRANE CO. SPECIAL TESTED AIR BRAKE FITTINGS MALLEABLE IRON PRICE LIST ELBOWS Size Inches 1 A % 1 A % 1 IK 1KX1 IK Elbow,Right Hand.Each .07 .08 .10 .15 .22 .25 .25 .35 Elbows, R. and L. . Each .09 .11 .13 .17 .25 .30 .30 .40 Street Elbows, R.H. Each .10 .10 .12 .20 .25 .40 .40 .55 PRICE LIST TEES Size .... Inches H % ixixi ixixi *X|X1 H 1X1X1 1 IK IK Tees Each .08 .11 .15 .15 .15 .15 .25 .25 .30 .45 LARGE SPECIAL MALLEABLE FITTINGS STANDARD PATTERN, BEADED Size Inches 7 8 8X3 8X4 8X6 Price, Elbows Each 15.00 20.00 Price, 45 Elbows Each 20.00 Price, Tees Each 21.00 25.00 Price, Tees, Reducing Each 25.00 25.00 25.00 10 and 12 inch Malleable Fittings will be made to order from our Standard, Flat Band, Cast Iron Patterns; Prices on application. CRANE CO. 353 OFFSET REDUCING COUPLINGS MALLEABLE IRON This Fitting is the same as a Male and Female Reducer, except that the inlet and outlet are on the same level. By its use water pockets are prevented. Size Inches 1X3S 1MX1 I^XIM 2xiy 2 2^X2 3X2*4 Price Each .60 .70 .90 1.10 1.80 2.50 Size Inches 3^X3 4X3 4X3H 4>4X4 5X4 5X4^ The male end is the large size. CHANDELIER HOOKS AND LOOPS EXTENSION PIECE WALL PLATE Size Inches % y \ Price, Extension Pieces Each .06 .09 .12 Price, Extension Pieces, Galvanized Each Tm -L .09 in .13 .18 Price, Wall Plates Each .12 .16 .30 Can furnish Male Hooks when so specified. R. AND L. NIPPLES WITH HEXAGON CENTERS MALLEABLE IRON Size Inches H % 4 % 1 1H 1H 2 2% '3 3H 4 Price Each .20 .20 .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 .70 1.10 1.50 1.90 2.40 Right Hand Hexagon Nipples made to order at a special price. 354 CRANE CO. CIRCULATING BOILER FITTINGS MALLEABLE IRON GALVANIZED NO. sJftT"^ 587 NO. 588 No. 58 9 Size Inches Female, Male. MXMX1 Female, Male. MX^Xl Female, Male. HX^Xl Price, Boiler Elbows, Galv. . . .Each .40 .40 .40 Price, Boiler Elbows, with Union, Galvanized. . Each .75 .75 .60 Price, Boiler Coupling, Galv. . .Each .40 .40 .40 Price, Boiler Coupling, with Union, Galvanized. Each .75 .75 .60 In ordering always specify whether " old pattern " or " new pat- tern " Union Elbow is required. Unless otherwise specified " old pattern " Union Elbows will be furnished. To avoid mistakes, particular care should be used in making orders quite clear for the above fittings. SPECIAL PATTERN CIRCULATING BOILER TEES MALLEABLE IRON GALVANIZED Size Inches 3SX%X1 Price, without Union Each .50 Price, with Union Each .80 CRANE CO. 355 WATER PIPE CLAMPS MALLEABLE IRON WITH WROUGHT IRON STRAP o ii NUMBER CLAMPS WILL, FIT Size of Wrought Iron Pipe Connections Pipe Clamps are Tapped for, inches Price Each 525 CLAMPS WILL FIT Size of Wrought Iron Pipe Connections Pipe Clamps are Tapped for, inches Price Each Outside Diameter of Circle, inches Size Wrought Iron Pipe, inches Size Outside Diam- eter Casing, inches Size Cast Iron Pipe, inches Outside Diameter of Circle, inches Size Wrought Iron Pipe, inches Size Outside Diam- eter Casing, inches Size Cast Iron Pipe, inches 1% Wz 2 Vz and % 1.00 19 6% 6 6% % tO iy 2 2.25 1 2 3 4 2% 2 2H Yt to 1 1.00 20 6% 6 6% 2 2.50 2% 3 L /2 2!4 2% 3 2 K to IM 1.25 21 6% 6 6% 7 7 2Y 2 and 3 5.00 3 3H >4tol 1.25 22 7 6 6 % to 1H 2.50 3Yz 3 8J4 1H to 2 1.50 23 7 2 2.70 5 4 4 3H 3/2 4 3 3 Htol 1.50 24 25 7 7 6 2i/ 2 and 3 5.00 6 4 I&to2 1.75 1% 7 7% % to li/ 2 2.50 7 4* 4y 2 4y 2 4 4y 2 V6 to 11/2 1.75 26 1% 7 7 7% 7% 7 2 2.70 8 9 4 4^2 2 2.00 27 1% 21/2 and 3 5.00 4 4H 214 and 3 4.00 28 8 8 M to 11/2 4.50 10 5 4 1 /* 5 4 % to 11/2 1.80 29 8 8 7 2 5.00 11 12 5 5 4H 4y 2 5 4 2 2.15 30 8 8 7 21/2 and 3 5.50 5 4 2Y Z and 3 4.00 30V4 8% 8 8% % to 11/2 5.50 13 5/2 5 sy 2 % tO ll/ 2 1.80 31 8% 8 8% 2 to 3 5.50 14 5!/2 5 6H 2 2.15 32 8% 8 8% 4 6.00 15 16 5H 5 5H 2i/ 2 and 3 4.00 33 9% 9 lo~ 9 11/2 to 3 8.00 6 6 5 l / 2 to iy 2 2.00 34 10 2to2 9.00 17 18 6 6 5 5 2 2.40 35 10% 10 fcto 2 9.00 6 6 2V4 and 3 4.50 36 12% 12 % to 2 10.00 Always order Water Pipe Clamps by number. Size No. 33 has malleable iron strap. 356 CRANE CO. STEAM PIPE SADDLES MALLEABLE IRON WITH WROUGHT STRAPS FOR WROUGHT PIPE Size of Pipe laches IK 2 2Yz 3 3Yz 4 4H Tapped for Pipe . . . Inches Yz and \ Yz to lYz % to lYz %to 2 %to2, %to 2 %to2 Price Each .90 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.40 1.50 2.50 Size of Pipe Inches 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 Tapped for Pipe . . . Inches Mto 2 2i/ 2 and 3 %to 2 2Yz to 4 1 to 4 Ito 4 l!/ 2 to 4 Price Each 2.75 2.75 2.75 5.75 6.50 6.50 8.50 Size of Pipe Inches 10 10 12 12 15 16 Tapped for Pipe . . . Inches lYz to 4 Yz to 6 lYz to 4 4H to 6 3 to 6 3 to 6 Price Each 10.00 10.00 14.00 14.00 22.00 25.00 CRANE CO. 357 CRANE CEILING PLATES FOR WROUGHT PIPE This simple device enables the steamfitter to put up the pipe first, then the plates afterward, thereby saving a great deal of labor and annoy- ance, as is the case in using the old style, which is made in one piece. Care is taken to insure perfect fit, each piece being interchangeable. Size Inches X 1 IK IK 2 2K 3 3K 4 5 6 8 Price Each .22 .28 .32 .40 .50 .65 .90 1.00 1.20 2.00 2.50 3.75 FLOOR AND CEILING PLATES ONE PIECE CAST IRON No. 5 FLOOR PLATE Size Inches K *A 1 IK Floor Plates. . Each .06 .06 .08 .11 Ceiling Plates. Each .11 .13 .16 .18 Size Inches IK 2 2K Floor Plates. .Each .14 .16 .24 Ceiling Plates. Each .23 .27 .36 No. 7 CEILING PLATE CEILING PLATES IN ONE PIECE Size Inches Price Each .50 .55 .68 .95 1.25 3K CRANE FLOOR PLATES This Floor Plate is made with grooves on the under side of the flange, as shown in cut, in . order that it may be easily parted by a slight blow when required to be used in halves. Size Inches M % 1 IH IK 2 2K 3 3K 4 5 6 8 Price Each .06 .06 .08 .11 .14 .16 .24 .30 .35 .42 .60 .75 1.75 358 CRANE CO. BEATON'S FLOOR AND CEILING PLATES NO. 3 CEILING PLATE O No. 6 FLOOR PLATE No. 10 PERFECTION PRICE LIST Nos. 3, 6 AND 10 NICKEL PLATED Size. . . Inches H K 1 1 1 A 1H 2 V/2 3 Price. . .Each .27 .28 .32 .35 .38 .45 .65 .80 Larger sizes, prices on application. COLD ROLLED STEEL, HINGED, FLOOR AND CEILING PLATE CRANE TELESCOPING FIRE-PROOF FLOOR SLEEVES GALVANIZED SHEET IRON WITH NEAT CAST IRON FLANGE ON TOP AND BOTTOM Easily adjusted to any permanent position within its range of length. Has no screws, slots or springs to get out of order. We have designed these Galvanized Sheet Iron Floor Sleeves to meet the demand for a cheaper article than Cast Iron Floor Sleeves. No. 1 Size of Pipe Inches H 1 1 1 A Minimum Length Inches 12 12 12 Maximum Length Inches 17 17 17 Price No. 1 Each 1.00 1.10 1.30 Size of Pipe . . Inches % 1 IK IH 2 2^ 3 3' 2 4 5 6 8 Minimum Length. . Inches 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Maximum Length.. Inches 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Price No. 2.. . .Each 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.50 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.75 CRANE CO. 359 EXTRA HEAVY MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS THESE FITTINGS ARE TESTED TO HYDRAULIC PRESSURES CORRESPONDING TO THE ABOVE WORKING PRESSURES ELBOW 45 ELBOW TEE Size Inches H H 1 A 3 /4 1 1 1 A 1H Elbows Each .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .55 .70 45 Elbows Each .25 .30 .35 .42 .50 .65 .85 Long Sweep Elbows. . . .Each .64 .80 1.10 Tees Each .30 .40 .45 .50 .60 .80 1.05 Crosses Each .60 .80 .90 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.10 Reducers Each .28 .30 .40 .45 .55 Size Inches 2 2 1 A 3 3H 4 5 6 Elbows Each .90 1.50 2.40 3.25 4.25 6.50 9.50 45 Elbows Each 1.10 1.85 2.85 4.00 5.00 7.50 10.50 Long Sweep Elbows. . . .Each 1.60 2.40 4.50 6.50 7.00 13.00 17.50 Tees Each 1.35 2.25 3.60 5.00 6.50 9.75 14.25 Crosses Each 2.70 4.50 7.20 10.00 13 .00 19.50 28.50 Reducers Each .70 1.30 12.25 For Malleable Iron Fittings for High Pressure Air Service, up to 500 pounds, see page 497. Galvanized Extra Heavy Malleable Fittings made to order at 50% advance on above list. Long Sweep Elbows, 45 Elbows and Crosses are not carried in stock in Reducing Sizes, but will be made to order by bushing in the sand from the straight patterns, at a special price, according to quantity wanted. For Reducing Sizes Elbows, Tees and Reducers carried in stock, see pages 768 and 769. Reducing Elbows and Tees carried in stock, furnished at same price as straight sizes. SEE PAGE 36O FOR EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS Special Extra Heavy Malleable Iron Return Bends, page 506. ' 360 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS ! 1 INCH AND SMALLER, 2000 LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 1^ TO 2 INCH, 15OO LBS. HYDROSTATIC; iVi TO 4 INCH, 1000 LBS. HYDROSTATIC; s AND e INCH, soo LBS. HYDROSTATIC; B INCH, eoo LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 10 AND 12 INCH, 500 LBS. HYDROSTATIC When these fittings are used on pipe lines subject to shock, sizes 6 inch and smaller are good for 500 pounds working pressure and sizes 8 to 12 inch, inclusive, for 400 pounds. THESE FITTINGS ARE TESTED TO HYDRAULIC PRESSURES CORRESPONDING TO THE ABOVE WORKING PRESSURES. ELBOW NO. 260 H 45 ELBOW NO. 262 H LONG SWEEP ELBOW No. 263 H TEE NO. 264 H CROSS NO. 266 H REDUCER No. 267 H Size Inches H a 1 A H 1 VA 1H 2 2^ 3 Elbows, No. 260 H Each .20 .25 .30 .30 .35 .35 .40 .50 .55 ^65 .70 "785" .90 1.50 1.85 2.40 2.85 45 Elbows, No. 262 H .. Each .25 .42 1.10 L. S. Elbows, No. 263 H . Each .64 .80 1.10 1.60 2.40 4.50 Tees, No. 264 H Each .30 .60 .40 .45 .90 .50 1.00 .30 .60 .80 1.05 1.35 2.25 3.60 7.20 Crosses, No. 266 H Each .80 1.2!) 1.6C .45 2.10 2.70 TTO" 4.50 Reducers, No. 267 H .... Each .40 .55 Size Inches 3V6 4 5 6 8 10 12 Elbows, No. 260 H Each 3.25 4.25 6.50 9.50 21.00 37 .00 60 .00 45 Elbows, No. 262 H .. Each 4.00 5.00 7.50 10.50 L. S. Elbows, No. 263 H..Each 6.50 7.00 13.00 17.50 Tees, No. 264 H Each 5.00 6.50 9.75 14.25 32.00 55 .00 90.00 Crosses, No. 266 H Each 10.00 13.00 19 .50 28.50 WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153 AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. Long Sweep Elbows, 45 Elbows and Crosses are not carried in stock in Reducing Sizes, but will be made to order by bushing in the sand from the Straight Patterns, at a special price, according to quantity wanted. For Reducing Sizes Elbows, Tees and Reducers carried in stock, see pages 768 and 769. Reducing Elbows and Tees carried in stock, furnished at same price as straight sizes. For general dimensions, see page 698. CRANE CO. 361 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL SCREWED FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: 3 TO 4^ INCH, INCLUSIVE, UP TO 1 50O POUNDS; 5 AND 6 INCH UP TO 12OO POUNDS TESTED TO HYDRAULIC PRESSURES CORRESPONDING TO THE ABOVE PRESSURES NO. 262 D 45 ELBOWS NO, 264 D TEES r c JO. 26 ;ROSS 6D >ES Size Inches 3 3^ 4 VA 5 6 No. 260 D, Elbows Each 6.00 7.75 8.50 10.00 12.00 16.50 No. 262 D, 45 Elbows Each 6.00 7.75 8.50 10.00 12.00 16.50 No. 264 D, Tees Each 9.00 11.50 12.75 15.00 18.00 25.00 No. 266 D, Crosses Each 12.00 15.50 17.00 20.00 24.00 33.00 The radius of these Fittings is longer than the ordinary, thereby reducing friction. For Steel Screwed Fittings, sizes % to 2% inch, inclusive, see pages 362 and 363. WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. These Fittings may also be used with superheated steam up to 350 pounds and a total temperature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit. 362 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FORGED STEEL SCREWED FITTINGS FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 35O POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 80O DEGREES FAHRENHEIT FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 3000 POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 302 D 45 ELBOW w " : No. 304 D TEE Size Inches }4 Y 1 1M 1 1 A 2 2 1 A No. 300 D, Elbows Each 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.75 2.10 2.50 4.00 No. 301 D, Reducing Elbows. Each 1.70 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.50 3.00 4.80 No. 302 D, 45 Elbows. .Each 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.75 2.10 2.50 4.00 No. 304 D, Tees Each 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.65 3.15 3.75 6.00 No. 306 D, Reducing Tees . . .Each 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.75 4.50 7.00 These Fittings are made from solid forgings. WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL, page 153. For general dimensions, see page 699. Larger sizes made to order of Cast Steel. See explanatory notes on Prices on application. CRANE CO. 363 DOUBLE EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FORGED STEEL SCREWED FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 6000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 6OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 312D 45 ELBOW Size Inches v* l /2 H 1 1% m 2 No. 310 D, Elbows Each 1.90 2.00 2.15 2.40 2.75 3.25 5.00 No. 31 ID, Reducing Elbows. Each 2.40 2.60 2.90 3.30 3.90 6.00 No. 312 D, 45 Elbows. . .Each 2.00 2.15 2.40 2.75 3.25 5.00 No. 314 D, Tees Each 2.85 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.75 7.00 No. 316 D, Reducing Tees . . . Each 3.40 3.75 4.10 4.75 5.50 8.00 These Fittings are made from solid forgings. WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. For general dimensions, see page 699. Larger sizes made to order of Cast Steel. Prices on application. Fittings for higher pressures made to order. Prices on application. 364 CRANE CO. SPECIAL HYDRAULIC ROLLED STEEL FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 6000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC COUPLING REDUCING COUPLING PLUG BUSHING SIZES % TO 2 INCH, INCLUSIVE These Fittings are made to order only. Prices on application. WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. CRANE CO. 365 BRASS UNIONS GROUND JOINT NO GASKET REQUIRED FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS NO. 521M ROUGH Size Inches V* *A 1 A % 1 IK 1H 2 *2K 2 | *3 No. 521 K. Rough . . . .Each .50 .65 .85 1.15 1.60 2.25 2.70 4.00 7.50 11.50 *Made to order only. FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES SIZES 3 INCH AND SMALLER, UP TO 2OO POUNDS SIZES 3 ! 2 INCH AND 4 INCH, UP TO 125 POUNDS Unless otherwise specified, No. 522 Semi-Finished Un- ions will always be furnished. No. 522 No. 523 SEMI-FINISHED FINISHED Size Inches y 8 K Y% H H 1 IK No. 522, Semi-Finished. .Each .45 .55 .75 .95 1.30 1.75 2.50 No. 523, Finished Each .50 .60 .85 1.05 1.40 1.90 2.75 Size Inches \y 2 2 *2^ *3 *3H * 4 No. 522, Semi-Finished. .Each 3.00 4.50 8.25 12.75 22.50 30.00 No. 523, Finished Each 3.25 5.00 9.00 14.00 25.00 33.00 *Made to order only. FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS Size Inches 5 % H % 1 No. 523^, Rough. . .Each .65 .85 1.10 1.50 2.00 Size Inches IK m 2 *2M *3 No. 523 H, Rough. . .Each 2.80 3.60 5.25 9.00 14.00 *Made to order only. No. 523H OCTAGON EN DS No. 523 ^ Unions comply with U. S. Navy speci- GOVT. PATTERN, ROUGH fications in design and material. 366 CRANE CO. BRASS UNIONS EXTRA HEAVY FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS CRANE SPECIAL BRASS GROUND TAPER JOINT NO GASKET REQUIRED RING FINISHED HEXAGON TAIL PIECES ROUGH Size Inches tf X % H 1 No. 96 E Each 1.10 1.40 1.60 1.85 3.00 Size Inches IK VA 2 *2H *3 No. 96 E Each 4.00 5.25 7.50 10.00 15.00 *Made to order only. HYDRAULIC FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: Y INCH TO \ 1 A INCH, 2000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC \^A. INCH AND 2 INCH, 1 50O POUNDS HYDROSTATIC zYz INCH AND 3 INCH, 1OOO POUNDS HYDROSTATIC CRANE SPECIAL BRASS FINISHED ALL OVER FITTED WITH COPPER GASKET Size Inches Y* H Yi % 1 No. 240 H Each 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 Size Inches IK 1H 2 *2H *3 No. 240 H Each 5.00 7.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 *Made to order only. WORKING PRESSURES No. 240 H Unions are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Unions for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. CRANE CO. 367 STANDARD UNIONS MALLEABLE IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS GASKET EXTRA FEMALE UNION FEMALE TWO-THIRD UNION MALE AND FEMALE UNION Size Inches % H H 1 A X 1 IK Female Union, Black. . .Each .18 .18 .20 .22 .27 .33 .46 Female Union, Galv. . . .Each .27 .27 .30 .33 .40 .50 .70 Male and Female Union, Black . . Each .23 .25 .28 .33 .40 .57 Male and Female Union, Galv . . . Each .32 .35 .39 .46 .57 .81 Size Inches VA 2 2^ 3 3H 4 Female Union, Black. . .Each .58 .75 1.55 2.10 3.65 4.35 Female Union, Galv.. . .Each .90 1.15 2.35 3.15 5.50 6.50 Male and Female Union, Black . . Each .72 .95 1.95 Male and Female Union, Galv . . . Each 1.04 1.35 2.75 LIST PRICES OF FEMALE TWO-THIRD UNIONS Size Inches 1 A H K % 1 1 1 A Price Each .12 .14 .16 .19 .22 .30 Price, Galvanized Each .18 .20 .22 .25 .35 .50 Size Inches 1H 2 2^ 3 VA 4 Price Each .40 .50 1.00 1.40 2.40 3.00 Price, Galvanized Each .60 ,75 1.60 2.10 3.70 4.35 CRANE UNIONS MALLEABLE IRON EXTRA HEAVY METALLIC GASKET FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS Size Inches X y* Hi % 1 Price Each .20 .24 .28 .35 .40 Price, Galv Each .24 .28 .35 .46 .55 Size Inches IK 1H 2 2 1 A 3 Price Each .56 .80 .95 2.00 2.75 Price, Galv Each .78 1.12 1.35 2.90 3.75 The Crane Union is extra heavy, and has a metallic gasket. The face of the Union, being corrugated, holds the metallic gasket in place. This improvement makes the blowing out of the gasket absolutely impossible. Should it at any time be necessary to replace the gasket, it can be readily done. 368 CRANE CO. MALLEABLE IRON BRASS TO IRON SEAT UNIONS MALLEABLE ENDS MALLEABLE HEXAGON RING OUR BRASS TO IRON SEAT UNIONS HAVE BEEN EXAMINED AND TESTED BY THE UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES AND LISTED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. RAILROAD UNIONS No. 519 FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS TESTED TO 25O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE No. 519 FEMALE ENDS Size Inches l /8 Yi *A H % 1 Price Each .30 .30 .40 .50 .60 .80 Price, Galvanized . Each .45 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.20 Size Inches 1M 1H 1.60 2 2H 3 Price Each 1.20 2.00 3.20 4.80 6.20 Price, Galvanized . Each 1.80 2.40 3.00 4.80 No. FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS TESTED TO 25O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 519H Size Inches X y* i/ *A 1 Price Each .38 .50 .62 .75 1.00 Price, Galvanized. . . .Each .53 .70 .87 1 05 1.40 Size Inches IK 1H 2 i m 3 Price Each 1.50 2.00 2.50 4.00 5760 6.00 Price, Galvanized. . . .Each 2.10 2.80 3.50 8.40 MALE AND FEMALE ENDS CHICAGO UNIONS WITH BRASS HEXAGON RING FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS TESTED TO 25O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 515 Size Inches M | H l /2 H 1 Price Each .19 .22 .27 .40 .48 With Galvanized Ends. Each .23 .26 .34 .49 .60 Size Inches IK 1H 2 2V 2 3 Price Each .66 .80 1.14 2.10 2.75 2.65 With Galvanized Ends. Each .82 1.10 1.40 3.50 The brass seat ring is forced into place by special machinery and cannot loosen. The seats are ground in, so that a tight joint is obtained. The brass to iron seat eliminates the use of gaskets, and causes less trouble in making up pipe lines. New Unions are not needed when a joint is broken as the brass to iron seat makes it possible to use them again and again. CRANE CO. 369 MALLEABLE IRON UNIONS NAVY OCTAGON ENDS BRASS TO IRON SEAT GROUND JOINT NO GASKET REQUIRED EXTRA HEAVY FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: M TO 2 INCH, INCLUSIVE, 3OO POUNDS 2 l /2 AND 3 INCH, 25O POUNDS TESTED TO 30O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE CRANE NAVY UNIONS WITH BRASS TO IRON SEAT HAVE BEEN EXAMINED AND TESTED BY THE UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES AND LISTED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OP FIRE UNDERWRITERS. NO. 98 E Size Inches X V* Y* % 1 Price Each .30 .40 .50 .60 .80 Price, Galvanized Each .45 .60 .75 .90 1.20 Size Inches IX \Vi 2 2H 3 Price Each 1.20 1.60 2.00 3.20 4.80 Price, Galvanized Each 1.80 2.40 3.00 4.80 6.20 These Unions have been re-designed and improved and are now furnished with octagon ends. These are excellent Unions for severe service as all parts are of heavy construction. The brass ring is forced into place by special machinery and cannot loosen. The seats are ground in, so that a tight joint is obtained. The brass t9 iron seat eliminates the use of gaskets, and causes less trouble in making up pipe lines. New Unions are not needed when a joint is broken as the brass to iron seat makes it possible to use them again and again. Brass to brass seats will be made to order at special price. We also furnish Extra Heavy Cast Iron Navy Flange Unions, No. 99E of similar construction, as shown page 376. 370 CRANE CO. RAILROAD UNION ELBOWS BRASS TO IRON SEAT GROUND JOINT NON-CORROSIVE NO GASKET REQUIRED READILY TAKEN APART MALLEABLE IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS TESTED TO 25O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE OUR BRASS TO IRON SEAT RAILROAD UNION ELBOWS HAVE BEEN EXAM- INED AND TESTED BY THE UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES AND LISTED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDER- WRITERS. NO. 590 ELBOW WITH FEMALE UNION No. 592 ELBOW WIITH MALE UNION Size Inches y .45 .60 Ys .60 .80 Y2 H 1 V/A, 1H 2 2H Price, No. 590, Elbow Each .75 l.CO .75 .90 1.20 1.20 1.60 1.20 1.80 2.40 2.40 3.20 3.00 4.00 4.80 6.40 Price, No. 590, Galvanized. .Each Price, No. 592, Elbow Each .45 .60 .90 1.80 2.40 3.20 3.00 4.80 Price, No. 592, Galvanized. .Each .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.40 4.00 6.40 No. 591 ELBOW WITH FEMALE UNION No. 593 ELBOW WITH MALE UNION Size Inches X % 1 A H 1 m \Yi 2 Price, No. 591, Elbow Each .45 .60 .45 .60 .60 80 .60 .75 1.00 .75 .90 1.20 1.20 1.60 1.20 1.80 2.40 2.40 3.00 Price, No. 591, Galvanized Each 3.20 4.00 3.00 4.00 Price, No. 593, Elbow Each .90 1.80 2.40 2.40 3.20 Price, No. 593, Galvanized Each .80 1.00 1.20 1.60 THESE FITTINGS ARE OF THE SAME CONSTRUCTION AS OUR RAILROAD UNIONS SHOWN ON PAGE 368, COMBINING ALL THE ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES OF MERIT THAT HAVE MADE THESE UNIONS THE STANDARD ON MANY RAILROADS. THE CONSTANTLY GROWING DEMAND IS OUR STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION. FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE TOO CRANE CO. 371 RAILROAD UNION TEES BRASS TO IRON SEAT GROUND JOINT NON-CORROSIVE NO GASKET REQUIRED READILY TAKEN APART MALLEABLE IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS TESTED TO 25O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE OUR BRASS TO IRON SEAT RAILROAD UNION TEES HAVE BEEN EXAMINED AND TESTED BY THE UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES AND LISTED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. No. 594 TEE 'ITH FEMALE UNION No. 596 TEE WITH MALE UNION Size Inches % V?, X 1 IK \Y2 2 2^ Price, No. 594, Tee Each .50 .66 .82 .99 1.32 1.98 2.64 3.30 5.30 Price, No. 594, Galvanized. .Each .67 .88 1.10 1.32 1.75 2.65 3.50 4 40 3.30 7.10 5.30 Price, No. 596, Tee Each .50 .66 .82 .99 1.32 1.98 2.64 Price, No. 596, Galvanized. .Each .67 .88 1.10 1.32 1.75 2.65 3.50 4.40 7.10 REDUCING RAILROAD UNION TEES No. 595 WITH FEMALE UNION |li I n vH No. 597 WITH MALE UNION Size Inches i*y s IxH x=>4 No. 595 Each 1.45 1.45 .45 No. 595, Galvanized ". . .Each 1.95 1.95 .95 No. 597 Each 1.45 1.45 .45 No. 597, Galvanized Each 1.95 1.95 .95 THESE FITTINGS ARE OF THE SAME CONSTRUCTION AS OUR RAILROAD UNIONS SHOWN ON PAGE 368, COMBINING ALL THE ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES OF MERIT THAT HAVE MADE THESE UNIONS THE STANDARD ON MANY RAIL- ROADS. THE CONSTANTLY GROWING DEMAND IS OUR STRONGEST RECOM- MENDATION. FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE TOO 372 CRANE CO. UNION ELBOWS MALLEABLE IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 1 SO POUNDS GASKETS EXTRA WITH FEMALE UNION WITH MALE UNION Size Inches 34 % K X 1 1H IK 2 2* Price, with Female Union Bach .38 .40 .42 .54 .63 .90 1.05 1.55 2.85 Price, with Female Union, Galvanized, Each .57 .60 .63 .81 .62 .95 1.35 1.05 1.58 2.35 4.30 Price, with Male Union. -Each .43 .45 .48 .72 1.20 1.80 3.30 Price, with Male Union, Galvanized .. Each .65 .70 .72 .93 1.08 1.60 1.80 2.70 4.95 UNION TEES MALLEABLE IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS GASKETS EXTRA WITH FEMALE UNION WITH MALE UNION Size Inches X % % % 1 IK IVi 2 zy* Price, with Female Union Each .40 .43 .45 .57 .70 1.05 .95 1.15 1.70 3.20 Price, with Female Union, Galvanized, Each .60 .65 .68 .86 1.45 1.75 2.55 4.80 Price, with Male Union . . Each .48 .50 .52 .65 .80 1.10 1.30 1.95 3.70 Price, with Male Union, Galvanized. .Each .72 .75 .78 1.00 1.20 1.65 1.95 | 2.95 5.55 FOR BRASS TO IRON SEAT UNION ELBOWS AND TEES, SEE PAGES 37O AND 371 FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE TOO CRANE CO. 373 RAILROAD UNION TEES BRASS TO IRON SEAT GROUND JOINT NO GASKET REQUIRED READILY TAKEN APART MALLEABLE IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS TESTED TO 25O POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE OUR BRASS TO IRON SEAT RAILROAD UNION TEES HAVE BEEN EXAMINED AND TESTED BY THE UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES AND LISTED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. No. 598 WITH FEMALE UNION ON OUTLET Size Inches y */* 1 A H 1 Itf No. 598 Each .70 .75 .82 .99 1.32 1.98 No. 598, Galvanized Each .90 1.00 1.10 1.32 1.75 2.65 BRASS TO IRON SEAT PUMP STUD UNIONS GROUND JOINT NON-CORROSIVE NO GASKET REQUIRED READILY TAKEN APART MALLEABLE IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 200 POUNDS NO. 517 Size. . . Inches 1X& 1MX1 I^XIM 2xiy 2 No. 517 Each .90 1.20 1.80 2.40 No. 517, Galvanized Each 1.20 1.60 2.40 3.20 The male end is one pipe size larger than the female. 374 CRANE CO. BRASS FLANGE UNIONS STANDARD FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS CASKET EXTRA Size Inches Yi 3 4 1 1M iy?. 2 Price Each 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 7.00 9.00 Diameter Flanges Inches 2H m 3M m 4^ 5H Nc. of Bolts - 3 3 4 4 4 4 Size Inches 2V 2 3 3H 4 5 6 Price Each 11.50 15.00 18.00 22.00 35.00 45.00 Diameter Flanges Inches 6 6^ m 8 9H 10^ Number of Bolts . . 4 4 4 5 5 6 EXTRA HEAVY FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS FACED WITH IRON BOLTS GASKET EXTRA ROUGH Size Inches *A 1 1 m 2 21x4 Price Each 7.50 8.50 11.00 13.00 16.00 18.00 Diameter Flanges Inches 3M 3^ 4^ 4^8 5H 6 Number of Bolts 4 4 4 4 5 5 Size Inches 3 3H 4 4M 5 6 Price Each 24.00 27.00 30.00 37.00 48.00 60,00 Diameter Flanges Inches W4 m 8 8% 9^ WA Number of Bolts 6 6 7 8 8 9 CRANE CO. 375 CAST IRON FLANGE UNIONS STANDARD FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS FACED GASKET EXTRA Size Inches H *A 1 1M 1H 2 2H Price Each .40 .46 .52 .64 .78 1.00 1.25 Price, Galvanized Each .80 .92 1 04 1.28 1.56 2.00 2.50 Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 2% V/ s 3^8 4H V/2 5H 5 7 /8 Number of Bolts 3 3 Size Inches 3 3H 4 4H 5 6 7 Price Each 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.70 3.15 3.95 5.50 Price, Galvanized Each 3.00 3.60 4.20 5.40 6.30 7.90 11.00 Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 6% IX 7% 8H 9^ 10 3 / HH Number of Bolts 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 Size Inches 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 Price Each 7.00 10.00 11.50 16.00 28.00 35.00 60.00 Price, Galvanized Each 14.00 20.00 23.00 32.00 56.00 70.00 Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 12% 13% 15H 17% 20^ 20^ 23 Number of Bolts 8 9 10 12 14 14 16 Sizes 14 inch and larger are to be used with O. D. pipe of the same sizes. EXTRA HEAVY FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 97 E Size Inches H % 1 IH 1H 2 Price Each .60 .70 .80 1.00 1.15 1.50 Diameter Flanges Inches 3 3'4 3^ 4% 4^ 5 Number of Bolts 3 4 4 4 4 5 Size Inches 2^ 3 3^ 4 4H 5 Price Each 1.90 2.25 2.70 3.15 4.00 4.75 Diameter Flanges Inches 6 6% 1 1 A 8 8% 9^ Number of Bolts 5 6 6 7 8 8 Size Inches 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 6.00 8.25 10.50 15.00 17.25 24.00 Diameter Flanges Inches 10% 12 13^ 14^ 15% 18 Number of Bolts 9 10 10 12 12 14 376 CRANE CO. CAST IRON FLANGE UNIONS NAVY EXTRA HEAVY FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS GROUND JOINT BRASS TO IRON SEAT NO GASKET REQUIRED NO. 99 E Size Inches % 1 IX 1H 2 Price Each .60 .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 Diameter Flanges Inches 3H VA 4J/8 0* 5H Number of Bolts 4 4 4 4 5 Size Inches 2K 3 3K 4 VA Price Each 3.20 4.80 6.00 7.50 8.75 Diameter Flanges Inches 6 %y 7^ 8 &A Number of Bolts 5 6 6 7 8 Size Inches 5 6 7 8 10 Price Each 10.00 12.50 15.00 18.00 28.80 Diameter Flanges Inches 9H 10^ 12 13^ 15% Number of Bolts 8 9 10 10 12 These Unions have found universal favor among the most ex- perienced users and are strongly recommended as a superior article. The brass ring is forced into place by special machinery and cannot loosen. The seats are ground in, so that a tight joint is obtained. The brass to iron seat eliminates the use of gaskets, and causes less trouble in making up pipe lines. New Unions are not needed when a joint is broken as the brass to iron seat makes it possible to use them again and again. Brass to brass seats will be made to order at special price. We can furnish these Unions to order, in larger sizes, made of Cast Iron, Ferrosteel, Malleable Iron, Cast Steel or Forged Steel. The dimensions and style will be the same as our Extra Heavy Screwed Flanges. Prices on application. OIL COUNTRY PATTERN EXTRA HEAVY NOT FACED GASKET EXTRA Size Inches 2 Price Each 1.50 Diameter Flanges Inches 5^r Number of Bolts 4 CRANE CO. 377 MALLEABLE IRON FLANGE UNIONS STANDARD FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Size Inches Y* 1 m IV* 2 Price Each 1.40 1.60 2.00 2.50 3.00 Price, Galvanized Each 2.80 3.20 4.00 5.00 6.00 Diameter Flanges Inches 2K 3^ 3^ 4^ 5^ Number of Bolts 3 4 4 4 4 Size Inches VA 3 3^ 4 4H Price Each 3.50 4.40 5.25 6.00 7.00 Price, Galvanized Each 7.00 8.80 10.50 12.00 14.00 Diameter Flanges Inches 6 6^ IVi 8 8% Number of Bolts 4 4 4 5 5 Size Inches 5 6 8 Price Each 8.00 9.00 18.00 Price, Galvanized Each 16.00 18.00 36.00 Diameter Flanges Inches w* 105^ 13^ Number of Bolts 5 6 7 378 CRANE CO. MALLEABLE IRON FLANGE UNIONS EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC TONGUE AND GROOVE WITH GASKET FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: M INCH TO 2 INCH, 2OOO POUNDS HYDROSTATIC 1 l /1 INCH TO 4 INCH, 10OO POUNDS HYDROSTATIC THESE UNIONS ARE TESTED ON WATER TO THE HYDROSTATIC PRESSURES GIVEN ABOVE No. 239 H Size Inches y *A V 2 M 1 1M Price Each 1.35 1.35 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 Largest Outside Diameter . . Inches 3 w% V/2 3^ 3H 4^ Number of Bolts 2 2 2 4 4 4 Size Inches 1 1 A 2 2Y 2 3 W 22.00 25.00 27.50 31 00 140.00 155.00 8.50 24X32 27.00 30.50 34.00 38.00 165.00 180.00 10.00 FOR MALLEABLE IRON FLANGES No. 559, USE DOUBLE THE LIST PRICES OF NO. 553 CAST IRON FLANGES AND DISCOUNT APPLYING TO MALLEABLE IRON FLANGES. Bolts per set for One Joint, see price list, page 390. *Cast Steel Flanges, when ordered faced and drilled, will always be furnished with bolt holes spot faced at the prices given above. Furnished smooth faced and not drilled, unless otherwise specified. Standard Cast Steel Shrink Flanges made to order. Prices on application. Special Eccentric Flanges, page 467. For general dimensions, see page 715. For drilling templates, see pages 6,50 and 651. Prices for spot facing bolt holes, page 141. CRANE CO. 389 STANDARD REDUCING COMPANION FLANGES CAST IRON WITH RIBS NO. 557 FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS , Size Inches No. 557 Size Inches No. 557 Size Inches No. 557 Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 1X6 1.30 1.55 4^X11 3.30 3.80 8X21 | 15.00 16.35 1MX6 1.30 .55 5X11 3.30 3.80 9X21 15.00 16.35 1^X6 1.30 .55 4X12^ 4.40 5.00 10X21 15.00 16.35 1^X7 1.45 .70 4^X12^ 4.40 5.00 12X21 15.00 16.35 2X7 1.45 .70 5Xl2}/6 4.40 5.00 8X22M 19.00 20.70 1^X71/2 1.55 .85 6X12H 4.40 5.00 10X22M 19.00 20.70 2X7^ 1.55 .85 2X13^ 5.10 5.80 12X22M 19.00 20.70 2HX7H 1.55 .85 2^X131/2 5.10 5.80 14X22M 19.00 20.70 2X8J/2 2.00 2.35 3X13^ 5.10 5.80 10X23}i 22.00 23.80 2 l /2XSy 2 2.00 2.35 4X13K 5.10 5.80 12X231/2 22.00 23.80 3X8^ 2.00 2.35 5X13H 5.10 5.80 14X23^ 22.00 23.80 2X9 2.20 2.65 6X13^ 5.10 5.80 15X23K 22.00 23.80 2J^X9 2.20 2.65 7X13H 5.10 5.80 12X25 26.50 28.50 3X9 2.20 2.65 6X15 6.35 7.15 14X25 26.50 28.50 3^X9 2.20 2.65 7X15 6.35 7.15 15X25 26.50 28.50 2^X9^ 2.40 2.85 8X15 6.35 7.15 16X25 26.50 28.50 3X9^ 2.40 2.85 2HX16 7.45 8.45 14X27^ 31.00 33.50 3^X9^ 2.40 2.85 3X16 7.45 8.45 15X27K 31.00 33.50 4X9J4 2.40 2.85 3^X16 7.45 8.45 16X27^ 31.00 33.50 2X10 2.65 3.10 4X16 7.45 8.45 18X27K 31.00 33.50 2^X10 2.65 3.10 5X16 7.45 8.45 15X29H 36.00 39.00 3X10 2.65 3.10 6X16 7.45 8.45 16X29H 36.00 39.00 3HX10 2.65 3.10 7X16 7.45 8.45 18X293^ 36.00 39.00 4X10 2.65 3.10 8X16 7.45 8.45 20X29H 36.00 39.00 4i/iXlO 2.65 3.10 9X16 7.45 8.45 14X32 44.00 47.50 2X11 3.30 3.80 6X19 10.75 11.90 16X32 44.00 47.50 2^X11 3.30 3.80 7X19 10.75 11.90 18X32 44.00 47.50 3X11 3.30 3.80 8X19 10.75 11.90 20X32 44.00 47.50 3^X11 3.30 3.80 9X19 10.75 11.90 4X11 3.30 3.80 10X19 10.75 11.90 MADE TO ORDER OF FERROSTEEL AT AN ADVANCE OF 25 PER CENT When ordering, see Notes on page 770. Bolts per set for One Joint, see price list, page 390. Furnished smooth face and not drilled, unless otherwise specified. Special Eccentric Flanges, page 467. For general dimensions, see page 715. For drilling templates, see page 650. Prices for spot facing bolt holes, page 141. 390 CRANE CO. STANDARD CAST IRON BLIND FLANGES No. 555 16 INCH O. D. AND SMALLER 19 INCH O. D. AND LARGER Size of Valve or Fitting and O.D. of Flange Inches Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Bolts for One Joint Per Set Size of Valve or Fitting and O.D. of Flange Inches 1 Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Bolts for One Joint Per Set 1X4 .12 12X19 9.75 10.90 1.70 1^X4^ .12 14X21 13.50 14.85 2.50 1MX5 .16 15X221^ 17.00 18.70 3.30 2X6 1.15 1.40 .25 16X23^ 20.00 21.80 3.30 2^X7 1.30 1.55 .25 18X25 24.00 26.00 5.00 3X7H 1.40 1.70 .25 20X27^ 28.00 30.50 6.20 3HX8K 1.80 2.15 .25 22X29^ 33.00 36.00 8.40 4X9 2.00 2.45 .50 24X32 40.00 43.50 8.40 4HX9J4 2.20 2.65 .75 26X34M 62.50 70.00 10.50 5X10 2.40 2.85 .75 28X36^ 77.50 85.00 12.25 6X11 3.00 1 3.50 .75 30X38^4 90.00 100.00 21.00 7X12H 4.00 4.60 .75 32X41% 110.00 120.00 26.00 8X13H 4.60 5.30 .80 34X43% 122.50 135.00 30.00 9X15 5.75 6.55 1.20 36X46 137.50 150.00 31.00 10X16 6.75 7.75 1.60 MADE TO ORDER OF FERROSTEEL AT AN ADVANCE OF 25 PER CENT Furnished smooth face and not drilled, unless otherwise specified. For drilling templates, see page 650. Prices for spot facing bolt holes, page 141. CRANE CO. 391 EXTRA NET PRICES FOR ATTACHING COMPANION FLANGES TO STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS AND VALVES SHOWING COMPANION FLANGES BOLTED ON SHOWING WOODEN FLANGE PRO- TECTORS BOLTED ON Size of Fitting or Valve Inches BOLTING COMPANION FLANGES TO FITTINGS NOT INCLUDING BOLTS OB GASKETS FOR LABOR ONLY WOODEN PROTECTORS BOLTED ON WITH Two BOLTS Price for Each Flange Price for Each Flange IX .10 .20 1H .10 .20 2 .10 .20 2 1 A .10 .20 3 .10 .25 3H .10 .25 4 .10 .25 4^ .15 .25 5 .15 .25 6 .15 .25 7 .15 .30 8 .15 .30 9 .20 .30 10 .20 .35 12 .20 .35 14 .20 .40 15 .25 .40 16 .25 .45 18 .25 .45 20 .25 .50 22 .25 .50 24 .25 .50 Sizes above 24 inch, prices on application. The above net prices apply to both Straight and Reducing Flanged Fittings, Flanges and Valves. Gaskets will be furnished only when specified and at an extra price. See price list of Gaskets, pages 532 and 533. For drilling templates, see page 650. Price List for drilling, page 141. 392 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY COMPANION FLANGES Unless otherwise specified, we will always furnish our Extra Heavy Companion Flanges and Flanged Fittings, also our Extra Heavy and Medium Flanged Valves with & inch raised face, for which we make no extra charge. This style of facing will hold any gasket, and is especially necessary where a thin corrugated copper gasket is used, as this gasket draws down to & inch or less and the heavy bolting would (without the raised face) spring the flanges until the edges touch, without putting sufficient pres- sure upon the gasket. Extra Heavy Brass Flanged Fittings and Companion Flanges, are furnished with edge of flanges finished and plain face. MERITS OF CAST IRON THREAD JOINTS We have made some tests to determine the holding value of Cast Iron Threads. These tests show that with a thread of half the standard depth of thread, the Flange will break before the thread will strip. On a 10 inch flange, with six pipe threads engaged instead of the usual number, the flange broke at 950 pounds, but the threads were intact. Other tests made with pipe threads of half the usual length give similar results, so that the ordinary cast iron screw joint is sufficiently strong for ANY STEAM PRESSURE CARRIED TODAY, in view of the fact that the more threads there are the more bearing there is to overcome by friction and the more grit there likely will be to obstruct the making of a good joint, so that for ordinary purposes it is a question whether the manufacturers have not been providing considerable more bearing and threads than is desirable. CRANE CO. 393 EXTRA HEAVY COMPANION FLANGES CAST IRON FERROSTEEL CAST STEEL FORGED STEEL AND MALLEABLE IRON FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS BACK VIEW, SHOWING HUB RAISED FACE Size Inches No. 151 E CAST IRON No. 251 E FERROSTEEL No. 281 D CAST STEEL No. 291 E FORGED STEEL Threading Pipe, Mak- ing on , and Ret'acing, notlncl'd- ing Flange Net Each Faced Each Faced and Dril'd Each Faced Each Faced and Dril'd Each Faced Each * Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 1X4^ .95 .30 .20 1.65 5.00 6.50 7.50 8.00 .60 1MX5 1.00 .35 .25 1 70 5.40 7.00 8.40 9.00 .60 1HX6 1.10 .45 .35 1 80 5.90 7.50 9.40 10.00 .65 2X6^ 1.25 .60 .55 2.00 6.90 8.50 10.40 11.00 .70 2HX7H 1.40 .75 .75 2 20 7.30 9.50 11.80 13.00 .75 3X8*4 1.60 2.05 2.00 2.55 8.70 12.00 13.70 15.00 .85 3HX9 2.00 2.55 2.50 3.20 12.10 15.50 17.60 19 00 .90 4X10 2.25 2.95 2.80 3.70 14.80 18.50 18.30 20.00 .95 4*X10X2 2.40 3.10 3.00 3.90 15.80 19.50 20.30 22.00 1.00 5X11 2.65 3.35 3.30 4.20 16.80 20.50 22.30 24.00 1.10 6X12^ 3.30 4.05 4.10 5.05 20 40 25.00 25.40 27.00 1.25 7X14 4.40 5.30 5.50 6.60 24 70 30.50 27.20 32.00 1.35 8X15 5.10 6.15 6.40 7.70 27.00 33.00 32.00 35.00 1.55 9X16^ 6.30 7.50 7.90 9.40 29.50 35.50 37.00 40.00 1.80 10X17M 7.40 8.90 9.25 11.00 34 50 41.50 45.00 48.00 2.00 12X20^ 10.75 12.50 13.50 15.50 46.00 54.00 56.00 60.00 2.75 14X23 15.00 17.00 18.50 21.00 55.50 65.00 75.50 80.00 3.50 15X24^ 19.00 21.50 24.00 27.00 64.00 75.00 84.00 90.00 3.75 16X25^ 22.25 25.00 28.00 31.00 78.00 90.00 93 00 100.00 125.00 4.75 18X28 26.00 29.00 32.50 36.00 98.00 111.00 118 00 7.00 20X30^ 31.00 35.00 39.00 44.00 117.00 131.00 142.00 150.00 8.25 22X33 36.00 41.00 45.00 51.00 140.00 157.00 9.50 24X36 45.00 50.00 56.00 62.00 165.00 182.00 11.00 Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. FOR MALLEABLE IRON FLANGES (NO. 271 E) USE DOUBLE THE LIST PRICES OF NO. 151 E CAST IRON FLANGES AND THE DISCOUNT APPLYING TO MALLEABLE IRON FLANGES. Bolts per set for one joint, see price list, page 396. *Cast Steel Flanges when ordered faced and drilled, will always be furnished with bolt holes spot faced, at the prices given above. Special Eccentric Flanges, page 467. For general dimensions, see page 716. For drilling templates, see page 652. Prices for spot facing bolt holes, page 152. 394 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY REDUCING COMPANION FLANGES CAST IRON WITH RIBS NO. 155 E FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS No. 155 E No. 155 E No. 1 55 E Size Inches Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Size Inches Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Size Inches Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 1MX6 1.80 2.15 3X12^ 5.50 6.25 10X20K 17.50 19.25 1^X6^ 2.10 2.45 4X12^ 5.50 6.25 8X23 25.00 27.00 VAX7Y2 2.30 2.65 4HX12M 5.50 6.25 9X23 25.00 27.00 2X7y 2 2.30 2.65 5X12^ 5.50 6.25 10X23 25.00 27.00 1HX8M 2.65 3.10 4}/6Xl4 7.25 8.15 12X23 25.00 27.00 2X8M 2.65 3.10 5X14 7.25 8.15 8X243/6 31.50 34.00 2^X8M 2.65 3.10 6X14 7.25 8.15 10X24^6 31.50 34.00 2X9 3.30 3.85 3X15 8.40 9.45 12X24^ 31.50 34.00 2^X9 3.30 3.85 3MX15 8.40 9.45 14X24H 31.50 34.00 3X9 3.30 3.85 4X15 8.40 9.45 10X25H 37.00 39.75 2X10 3.70 4.40 5X15 8.40 9.45 12X25^ 37.00 39.75 2^X10 3.70 4.40 6X15 8.40 9.45 14X25^ 37.00 39.75 3X10 3.70 4.40 7X15 8.40 9.45 15X25^ 37.00 39.75 3^X10 3.70 4.40 4X16^ 10.50 11.70 12X28 43.00 46.00 2X10^ 4.00 4.70 5X16M 10.50 11.70 14X28 43.00 46.00 2^X10^ 4.00 4.70 6X1634 10.50 11.70 15X28 43.00 46.00 3X10^ 4.00 4.70 7X16M 10.50 11.70 16X28 43.00 46.00 3HX10H 4.00 4.70 8X16M 10.50 11.70 14X30^ 51.00 55.00 4X10^ 4.00 4.70 5X17^ 12.00 13.50 15X30H 51.00 55.00 2X11 4.40 5.10 6X173/6 12.00 13.50 16X30H 51.00 55.00 2HXH 4.40 5.10 7X17^ 12.00 13.50 18X30K 51.00 55.00 3X11 4.40 5.10 8X17K 12.00 13.50 16X33 60.00 65.00 3HXH 4.40 5.10 9X17K 12.00 13.50 18X33 60.00 65.00 4X11 4.40 5.10 6X20^6 17.50 19.25 20X33 60.00 65.00 4^X11 4.40 5.10 7X20H 17.50 19.25 18X36 74.00 79.00 2X12^ 5.50 6.25 8X203^ 17.50 19.25 20X36 74.00 79.00 2HX12H 5.50 6.25 9X20H 17.50 19.25 J When ordering, see notes on page 773. Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. MADE TO ORDER OF FERROSTEEL (NO. 255 E), AT AN ADVANCE OF 25 PER CENT Bolts per set for One Joint, see price list, page 396. Special Eccentric Flanges, page 467. For general dimensions, see page 716. For drilling templates, see page 652. Sizes 14 inch and larger are to be used with O. D. Pipe of the same sizes. Prices for spot facing bolt holes, page 152. CRANE CO. 395 EXTRA HEAVY REDUCING CAST STEEL COMPANION FLANGES WITH RIBS No. 282 D Size Inches Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Each Size Inches Faced Each * Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Each Size Inches Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Each 134x73/2 10.80 13.00 4X12K 30.90 35.50 10X2034 70.00 78.00 2X7J/2 10.80 13.00 4^X1234 30.90 35.50 8X23 85.00 95.00 1HX8M 12.70 16.00 5X123i 30.90 35.50 9X23 85.00 95.00 2X8M 12.70 16.00 434X14 36.70 42.50 10X23 85.00 95.00 234X8M 12.70 16.00 5X14 36.70 42.50 12X23 85.00 95.00 2X9 18.10 21.50 6X14 36.70 42.50 8X24H 94.00 105.00 234X9 18.10 21.50 3X15 40.00 46.00 10X24^ 94.00 105.00 3X9 18.10 21.50 334X15 40.00 46.00 12X24^ 94.00 105.00 2X10 21.80 25.50 4X15 40.00 46.00 14X2434 94.00 105.00 234X10 21.80 25.50 5X15 40.00 46.00 10X2534 115.00 127.00 3X10 21.80 25.50 6X15 40.00 46.00 12X25K 115.00 127.00 334X10 21.80 25.50 7X15 40.00 46.00 14X2534 115.00 127.00 2X1034 23.80 27.50 4X16M 44.00 50.00 15X2534 115.00 127.00 234X10H 23.80 27.50 5X16M 44.00 50.00 12X28 145.00 158.00 3X1034 23.80 27.50 6X16M 44.00 50.00 14X28 145.00 158.00 334X1034 23.80 27.50 7X16M 44.00 50.00 15X28 145.00 158.00 4X1034 23.80 27.50 8X16M 44.00 50.00 16X28 145.00 158.00 2X11 24.80 28.50 5x1734 52.00 59.00 14X3034 175.00 189.00 234X11 24.80 28.50 6X1734 52.00 59.00 15X3034 175.00 189.00 3X11 24.80 28.50 7X1734 52.00 59.00 16X3034 175.00 189.00 3^X11 24.80 28.50 8X17J4 52.00 59.00 18X30H 175.00 189.00 4X11 24.80 28.50 9X1734 52.00 59.00 16X33 210.00 227.00 434X11 24.80 28.50 6X20^ 70.00 78.00 18X33 210.00 227.00 2X1234 30.90 35.50 7X2034 70.00 78.00 20X33 210.00 227.00 23^X1234 30.90 35.50 8X20H 70.00 78.00 18X36 250.00 267.00 3X1234 30.90 35.50 9X2034 70.00 78.00 20X36 250.00 267.00 Bolts per set for One Joint, see price list, page 396. *Cast Steel Reducing Companion Flanges when ordered faced and drilled, will always be furnished with spot faced bolt holes at the prices given above. Special Eccentric Flanges, page 467. In ordering Reducing Companion Flanges, see remarks and in- structions, page 773.. general dimensions, see page 716. Forj For i Lrilling templates, see page 652. 396 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY BLIND FLANGES CAST IRON AND FERROSTEEL FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS 16 INCH O. D. AND SMALLER 17' 2 INCH O. D. AND LARGER Size of Valve or Fitting and O. D. of Flange Inches No. 153 E CAST IBON No. 253 E FEKROSTEEL Bolts per set for one Joint Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 1^X6 1.65 2.00 2.05 2.50 .25 2X6^ 1.90 2.25 2.35 2.80 .25 2 l AX7y 2 2.10 2.45 2.60 3.05 .40 3X8M 2.40 2.85 3.00 3.55 .80 3^X9 3.00 3.55 3.75 4.45 .80 4X10 3.35 4.05 4.20 5.10 .80 4MX10H 3.60 4.30 4.50 5.40 .80 5X11 4.00 4.70 5.00 5.90 .85 6X12H 5.00 5.75 6.25 7.20 1.25 7X14 6.60 7.50 8.25 9.35 1.70 8X15 7.65 8.70 9.60 10.90 1.80 9X16K 9.50 10.70 11.90 13.40 2.60 10X17^ 11.00 12.50 13.75 15.50 3.50 12X20^ 16.00 17.75 20.00 22.00 5.15 14X23 22.50 24.50 28.00 30.50 6.70 15X24^ 28.50 31.00 35 . 50 38.50 8.70 16X25^ 33.50 36.25 42.00 45.00 8.70 18X28 39.00 42.00 48 . 50 52.00 10.80 20X30^ 46.00 50.00 57.50 62.50 18.50 22X33 54.00 59.00 68.00 74.00 23.00 24X36 67.00 72.00 84.00 90.00 Sizes 14 inch and larger are to be used with O. D. Pipe of the same sizes. Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. Special Eccentric Flanges, page 467. For drilling templates, see page 652. Prices for spot facing bolt holes, page 152. CRANE CO. 397 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL BLIND FLANGES No. 287 D 16 INCH O. D. AND SMALLER 17H INCH O. D. AND LARGER Size of Valve or Fitting and O. D. of Flange Inches Faced Each * Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Each 2X6^ 8.40 10.00 2^X7^ 8.80 11.00 3X8& 10.70 14.00 3MX9 14.60 18.00 4X10 18.30 22.00 4HX10^ 19.80 23.50 5X11 20.80 24.50 6X12^ 24.90 29.50 7X14 30.70 36.50 8X15 34.00 40.00 9X16^ 37.00 43.00 10X17^ 52.00 59.00 12X20K 70.00 78.00 14X23 85.00 95.00 15X24^ 94.00 105.00 16X25H 115.00 127.00 18X28 145.00 158.00 20X30H 175.00 189.00 22X33 210.00 227.00 24X36 250.00 267.00 Bolts per set for One Joint, see price list, page 396. *Cast Steel Blind Flanges when ordered faced and drilled, will always be furnished with spot faced bolt holes at prices given above. Special Eccentric Flanges, page 467. For general dimensions, see page 716. For drilling templates, see page 652. 39S CRANE CO. CRANE CO. 399 S-o^ g 61! ,gs > \x : , ^^c i X < 1 S ' 400 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS CAST IRON FERROSTEEL CAST STEEL EXTRA NET PRICES FOR SPECIAL FACING, ETC. ELBOW WITH FEMALE FLANGES ELBOW WITH OOVED FLANGES TEE WITH TONGUED FLANGES COMPANION FLANGES BOLTED ON WOODEN FLANGE PROTECTOR BOLTED ON Size Ins. MALE OR FEMALE, TONGUED OR GROOVED, OR RAISED FACE FOR GRINDING BOLTING ON COMPANION FLANGES NOT INCLUDING BOLTS OR GASKETS FOR LABOR ONLY FURNISHING AND BOLTING ON WOODEN PROTECTORS INCLUD- ING 2 BOLTS Extra for Fitting or Valve with Two Flanges Extra for Fitting or Valve with Three Flanges Extra for Fitting with Four Flanges Extra for Fitting or Valve with Two Flanges Extra for Fitting or Valve with Three Flanges Extra for Fitting with Four Flanges Extra for Fitting or Valve with Two Flanges Extra for Fitting or Valve with Three Flanges Extra for Fit- ting with Four Flngs. H&H 1.00 1.25 1.75 .20 .30 .40 .40 .60 .80 2 .00 1.75 2.25 .20 .30 .40 .40 .60 .80 2^ .25 1.75 2.25 .20 .30 .40 .40 .60 .80 3 to 5 .25 1.75 2.25 .30 .45 .60 .50 .75 .00 6 .50 2.00 2.50 .40 .60 .80 .50 .75 .00 7 .50 2.00 2.50 .40 .60 .80 .60 .90 .20 8 and 9 2.00 2.50 3.00 .40 .60 .80 .60 .90 .20 10 2.00 2.50 3.00 .40 .60 .80 .70 .05 .40 12 2.50 3.00 3.50 .50 .75 1.00 .70 .05 .40 14&15 3.25 4.00 5.00 .50 .75 1.00 .80 .20 .60 16 4.00 5.00 6.00 .50 .75 1.00 .90 .35 .80 18 5.00 6.25 7.50 .50 .75 1.00 .90 .35 .80 20 6.00 7.50 9.00 .50 .75 1.00 1.00 .50 2.00 22 8.00 10.00 10.00 .50 .75 1.00 1.00 .50 2.00 24 10.00 12.50 12.50 .50 .75 1.00 1.00 .50 2.00 The above net prices apply to both straight and reducing sizes. To avoid mistakes in facing flanges, furnish drawing. Gaskets will be furnished only when specified and at an extra price. Unless otherwise specified all flanges of Medium and Extra Heavy Valves and Fittings will be furnished with a raised face ^ inch high for which no extra charge will be made. For dimensions of facings, see page 717. For drilling templates, see page 652. Price List for drilling, page 152. CRANE CO. 401 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC COMPANION FLANGES FERROSTEEL MALE OR FEMALE FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS! ^2 TO 2 l /2 INCH, 120O LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 3 TO 4 INCH, 1OOO LBS. HYDROSTATIC \ 4>y o bo 3 7.50 9.15 8.60 10.25 iiti 3^ 8.90 10.80 10.25 12.15 1 > ^ 4 9.75 12.00 11.25 13.50 SPf-eL 4^ 12.00 14.25 13.75 16.00 5 13.50 15.75 15.50 17.75 W M2 ^ 6 16.50 19.50 19.00 22.00 a g 1 7 23.00 26.35 26.50 29.85 > 8 26.00 29.75 30.00 33.75 'E^g 9 37.00 42.00 42.50 47.50 il 10 41.50 47.50 47.75 53.75 3 ^ j 12 61.00 67.75 70.00 76.75 i.s-11 14 90.00 98.25 103 . 50 111.75 E g 2 -P e n3 fcc'-rt ^ 15 102.00 112.00 117.00 127.00 1* Sis 1,6 119.00 131.00 137.00 149.00 o o flF 18 154.00 168.00 177.00 191.00 fe fe 02 -g 20 195.00 210.00 225.00 240.00 73 c3 22 247.00 267.00 285.00 305.00 "^ 24 305.00 328.00 350.00 373.00 Made to order of i'ERROSTEEL, sizes 3^ inch and smaller, at an advance of 50 per cent., an sizes 4 inch and larger, at an advance of 25 per cent, AN ASSORTMENT OF REDUCING TEES No. 1O7 E IS CARRIED IN STOCK AS PER LIST ON PAGES 774 AND 775. TO OVERCOME THE DELAY IN FILLING ORDERS FOR SUCH SIZES AS ARE NOT CARRIED IN STOCK, WE CAN USE THE REDUCING FLANGES WITH RIBS, AS PER NOTE AND ILLUSTRATION ON PAGE 773, IF DESIRED BY THE CUSTOMER. CRANE CO. 445 EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS DOUBLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES NO. 112 E REDUCING DOUBLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES No. 112H E Size Inches No. 112 E *No. 112% E For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. See page 775 for advanced prices beyond regular list and discount on Reducing Flanged Tees not carried in stock. For list of reducing sizes carried in stock, see page 775. Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 2 7.50 8.85 2^ 8.00 9.35 9.15 10.50 3 8.60 10.25 9.90 11.55 3^ 10.25 12.15 11.75 13.65 4 11.25 13.50 13.00 15.25 4J^ 13.75 16.00 15.75 18.00 5 15.50 17.75 17.85 20.10 6 19.00 22.00 22.00 25.00 7 26.50 29.85 30.50 33.85 8 30.00 33.75 34.50 38.25 9 42.50 47.50 49.00 54.00 10 47.75 53.75 55.00 61.00 12 70.00 76.75 80.00 86.75 14 103.50 111.75 119.00 127.25 15 117.00 127.00 135.00 145.00 16 137.00 149.00 158.00 170.00 18 177.00 191.00 204.00 218.00 20 225.00 240.00 260.00 275.00 22 285 . 00 305.00 327.00 347.00 24 350.00 373.00 402.00 425.00 Famished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. Made to order of FERROSTEEL, sizes 3| inch and smaller, at an advance of 50 per cent., and sizes 4 inch and larger, at an advance of 25 per cent. *Double Sweep Tees are not made reducing on the run. Should such Tees, however, be wanted, we will alter patterns (which will be ex- pensive and change the dimensions) and charge at a special price. Dimensions on request. We can only increase branch (outlet) within a reasonable limit, which must be regulated by our patterns. 446 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS BUNGLE SWEEP FLANGED TECS No. 109 E REDUCING SINGLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES REDUCING IN RUN OR BRANCH NO. 111 E Size Inches No. 109 E No. Ill E For general dimensions, -see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. See page 775 for advanced prices beyond regular list and discount on Reducing Flanged Tees not carried in stock. For list of reducing sizes carried in stock, see page 775. Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 2 7.50 8.85 v/i 8.00 9.35 9.15 10.50 3 8.60 10.25 9.90 11.55 3^ 10.25 12.15 11.75 13.65 4 11.25 13.50 13.00 15.25 4^ 13.75 16.00 15.75 18.00 5 15.50 17.75 17.85 20.10 6 19.00 22.00 22.00 25.00 7 26.50 29.85 30.50 33.85 8 30.00 33.75 34.50 38.25 9 42.50 47.50 49.00 54.00 10 47.75 53.75 55.00 61.00 12 70.00 76.75 80.00 86.75 14 103.50 111.75 119.00 127.25 15 117.00 127.00 135.00 145.00 16 137.00 149.00 158.00 170.00 18 177.00 191.00 204.00 218.00 20 225.00 240.00 260.00 275.00 22 285.00 305.00 327.00 347.00 24 350.00 373.00 402.00 425.00 Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. Made to order of FERROSTEEL, sizes 3 inch and smaller, at an advance of 50 per cent., and fines 4 inch and larger, at an advance of 25 per cent. We do not make Single Sweep Tees with side openings larger than the run. CRANE CO. 447 EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25O POUNDS FLANGED SIDE OUTLET TEES NO. 135E REDUCING SIDE OUTLET FLANGED TEES No. 137 E Size Inches No. 135 E No. 137 E Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 4 42.00 45.00 47.00 50.00 5 47.00 50.00 52.00 55.00 6 53.50 57.50 59.00 63.00 7 63.00 67.50 70.50 75.00 8 72.50 77.50 80.00 85.00 10 102.00 110.00 112.00 120.00 12 131.00 140.00 146.00 155.00 14 159.00 170.00 174.00 185.00 16 184.00 200.00 204.00 220.00 MADE TO ORDER OF FERROSTEEL AT AN ADVANCE OF 25 PER CENT Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. 4-48 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS FLANGED LATERALS REDUCING FLANGED LATERALS REDUCING IN RUN OR BRANCH NO. 119 E Size Inches No. 117 E No. 119 E For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. See page 775 for advanced prices beyond regular list and discount on Reducing Flanged Laterals not carried in stock. For list of reducing sizes carried in stock, see page 775. Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 2 10.00 11.80 2H 10.50 12.30 12.00 13.80 3 11.50 13.75 13.25 15.50 3X2 13.50 16.00 15.50 18.00 4 15.00 18.00 17.00 20.00 4H 18.00 21.00 21.00 24.00 5 20.50 23.50 23.50 26.50 6 25.00 29.00 29.00 33.00 7 35.00 39.50 40.00 44.50 8 40.00 45.00 46.00 51.00 9 56.00 62.75 65.00 71.75 10 63.00 71.00 72.00 80.00 12 92.00 101.00 106.00 115.00 14 136.00 147.00 158.00 169.00 15 155 . 00 169.00 177.00 191.00 16 180.00 196.00 207.00 223.00 18 235.00 253.00 270.00 288.00 20 300.00 320.00 345.00 365.00 22 375.00 401.00 430.00 456.00 24 465 . 00 495.00 535 . 00 565.00 Made to order of FERROSTEEL, sizes 3 inch and smaller, at an advance of 50 per cent., and sizes 4 inch and larger, at an advance of 25 per cent. Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. CRANE CO. 449 EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS FLANGED CROSSES No. 113 E REDUCING FLANGED CROSSES No. 115 E Size Inches No. 113 E No. 115 E For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. See page 775 for advanced prices beyond regular list and discount on Reducing Flanged Crosses not carried in stock. For list of reducing sizes carried in stock, see page 775. Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each IM 10.00 11.80 m 10.00 11.80 2 10.00 11.80 11.50 13.30 2*A 10.50 12.30 12.00 13.80 3 11.50 13.75 13.25 15.50 8H 13.50 16.00 15.50 18.00 4 15.00 18.00 17.00 20.00 4^ 18.00 21.00 21.00 24.00 5 20.50 23.50 23.50 26.50 6 25.00 29.00 29.00 33.00 7 35.00 39.50 40.00 44.50 8 40.00 45.00 46.00 51.00 9 56.00 62.75 65.00 71.75 10 63.00 71.00 72.00 80.00 12 92.00 101 . 00 106.00 115.00 14 136.00 147.00 158.00 169.00 15 155.00 169.00 177.00 191.00 16 180.00 196.00 207.00 223.00 18 235.00 253.00 270.00 288.00 20 300.00 320.00 345.00 365 . 00 22 375.00 401.00 430.00 456.00 24 465.00 495 . 00 535.00 565.00 Made to order of FERROSTEEL, sizes 3 inch and small* sizes 4 inch and larger, at an advance of 25 per cent. Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. r, at an advance of 50 per cent., and 450 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS FLANGED TAPER REDUCERS NO. 123 E FLANGED ECCENTRIC TAPER REDUCERS NO. 123^ E PRICES ON APPLICATION Size Inches No. 123 E Size Inches No. 123 E Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 2^X2 9.50 10.40 12X10 84.00 88.50 3X2 10.25 11.35 14X6 105 . 00 110.50 VAX2 1 A 12.25 13.50 14X8 105.00 110.50 4X2 13.50 15.00 14X10 105.00 110.50 4X2>i 13.50 15.00 14X12 105 . 00 110.50 4X3 13.50 15.00 15X8 120.00 127.00 5X2 18.75 20.25 15X10 120.00 127.00 5X2^ 18.75 20.25 15X12 120.00 127.00 5X3 18.75 20.25 15X14 120.00 127.00 5X4 18.75 20.25 16X8 135.00 143.00 6X3 22.75 24.75 16X10 135 . 00 143.00 6X3H 22.75 24.75 16X12 135.00 143.00 6X4 22.75 24.75 16X14 135.00 143.00 6X5 22.75 24.75 18X10 157.00 166.00 7X3 31.50 33.75 18X12 157.00 166.00 7X4 31.50 33.75 18X14 157.00 166.00 7X5 31.50 33.75 18X16 157.00 166.00 7X6 31.50 33.75 20X12 180.00 190.00 8X3 36.00 38.50 20X14 180.00 190.00 8X4 36.00 38.50 20X16 180.00 190.00 8X5 36.00 38.50 20X18 180.00 190.00 8X6 36.00 38.50 22X14 225.00 238.00 10X4 57.00 61.00 22X16 225 . 00 238.00 10X5 57.00 61.00 22X18 225.00 238.00 10X6 57.00 61.00 22X20 225.00 238.00 10X8 57.00 61.00 24X16 285 . 00 300.00 12X5 84.00 88.50 24X18 285.00 300.00 12X6 84.00 88.50 24X20 285.00 300.00 12X8 84.00 88.50 24X22 285.00 300.00 For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. Flanged Taper Reducers of any other dimensions, or Ferrosteel, will be made to order at a special price. CRANE CO. 451 GALVANIZED EXTRA HEAVY FLANGED FITTINGS AND FLANGES Galvanized Extra Heavy, Cast Iron or Ferrosteel Flanged Fittings and Companion Flanges will be made to order at an advance over the black price as below: EXTRA PRICE FOR GALVANIZING Size Inches No. 101E Flanged Elbows No. 121E Reducing Flanged Elbows No. 103E Flanged 45 Elbows or No. 123E Flanged Taper Reducers Extra, Each Nos. 105E, 107E, 109E, 11 IE, 112E, U2UE Flanged Tees and Flanged Reducing Tees Nos. 125E, 125KE Flanged Base Elbows or No. 127E Flanged Long Radius Elbows Extra, Each Nos. 113E. 115E Flanged Crosses and Flanged Reducing Crosses or Nos. 117E, 119E Flanged Laterals and Flanged Reducing Laterals Extra, Each Nos. 151E, 251E Companion Flanges Extra, Each Nos. 155E, 255E Reducing Companion Flanges or Nos. 153E, 253E Blind Flanges Diam- eter Inches Extra, Each JWi 3.00 4.50 6.00 .85 V/2 3.00 4.50 6.00 .85 6 1.25 2 3.00 4.50 6.00 1.00 6H 1.50 2X2 3.10 4.65 6.25 1.05 7H 1.60 3 3.50 5.25 7,00 1.15 VA 1.75 3^ 4.10 6.15 8.25 1.40 9 2.10 4 4.50 6.75 9.00 1.65 10 2.50 4^ 5.50 8.25 11.00 1.75 W 1 A 2.65 5 6.00 9.00 12.00 1.90 11 2.85 6 7.50 11.25 15.00 2.30 12H 3.50 7 10.00 15.00 20.00 3.00 14 4.50 8 11.25 16.75 22.50 3.50 15 5.25 9 16.00 24.00 32.00 4.15 16H 6.25 10 18.00 27.00 36.00 5.25 17H 8.00 12 26.00 39.00 52.00 7.00 20H 10.50 14 37.50 56.00 75.00 10.00 23 15.00 15 44.00 66.00 88.00 12.50 24^ 19.00 16 50.00 75.00 100.00 15.00 25^ 22.50 452 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FERROSTEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: H TO lYl INCH, 12OO LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 3 TO 4 INCH, 1 OOO LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 4>2 TO 8 INCH, 80O LBS. HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 2OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH ELBOWS 45 ELBOWS FURNISHED MALE OR FEMALE AS ORDERED Size Inches ELBOWS 45 ELBOWS Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 1V4 15.00 17.00 15.00 17.00 2 17.00 19.00 17.00 19.00 2V4 18.00 20.50 18.00 20.50 3 20.00 22.50 20.00 22.50 SH 22.50 26.00 22.50 26.00 4 26.00 30.00 26.00 30.00 4% 33.50 37.50 33.50 37.50 5 38.00 42.00 38.00 42.00 6 46.00 50.00 46.00 50.00 7 57.50 65.00 57.50 65.00 8 67.50 75.00 67.50 75.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. Other sizes made to order. Prices on application. Dimensions, pages 710 and 711. Templates for drilling, page 653. CRANE CO. 4-53 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FERROSTEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS! INCH, 1200 4 INCH, 1OOO LBS. HYDROSTATIC ', 4Yz TO 8 INCH, 800 TESTED TO 2OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH TEES CROSSES FURNISHED MALE OR FEMALE AS ORDERED .Size Ins. TEES REDUCING TEES CBOSSES REDUCI'G CROSSES Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each Faced Each Faced and Drilled Each 1H 20.00 22.50 20.00 22.50 28.50 31.50 28.50 31.50 2 22.50 25.00 22.50 25.00 32.00 35.00 32.00 35.00 2* 24.00 27.00 24.00 27.00 33.50 37.50 33.50 37.50 3 27.00 30.00 27.00 30.00 38.00 42.00 38.00 42.00 3Vi 30.00 35.00 30.00 35.00 43.00 49.00 43.00 49.00 4 35.00 40.00 35.00 40.00 49.00 55.00 49.00 55.00 4% 45.00 50.00 45.00 50.00 64.00 70.00 64.00 70.00 5 50.00 55.00 50.00 55.00 69.00 75.00 69.00 75.00 6 60.00 65.00 60.00 65.00 84.00 90.00 84.00 90.00 7 75.00 85.00 75.00 85.00 107.50 120.00 107.50 120.00 8 90.00 100.00 90.00 100.00 122.50 135.00 122.50 135.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. Other sizes made to order. Prices on application. Dimensions, pages 710 and 711. Templates for drilling, page 653. 454 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A FLANGED ELBOWS NO. 101 D 45 FLANGED ELBOWS No. 103 D Size Inches No. 101 D No. 103 D Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Faced, Faced Drilled and Each Spot Faced IX 9.00 11.00 9.00 11.00 JH 10.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 2 11.00 13.00 11.00 13.00 2H 13.00 15.00 13.00 15.00 3 14.00 17.00 14.00 17.00 3H 17.00 20.00 17.00 i 20.00 4 19.00 22.00 19.00 22.00 4H 22.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 5 24.00 27.00 24.00 27.00 6 29.00 33.00 29.00 33.00 7 36.00 41.00 36.00 41.00 8 43.00 48.00 43.00 48.00 9 52.00 57.00 52.00 57.00 10 61.00 67.00 61.00 67.00 12 77.00 84.00 77.00 84.00 14 100.00 108.00 100.00 108.00 15 112.00 120.00 112.00 120.00 16 130.00 140.00 130.00 140.00 18 170.00 180.00 170.00 180.00 20 210.00 ! 225.00 210.00 225.00 22 270.00 ! 290.00 270.00 290.00 24 335.00 355.00 335.00 355 . 00 The flanges of these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face ^ inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price. See page 717. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. CRANE CO. 455 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WOR SSURES, SEE PAGE A FLANGED SQUARE BASE ELBOWS No. 125 D FLANGED ROUND BASE ELBOWS NO. 125^ D No. 125 D or No. 125 H Size Inches Faced, Except Base Flange Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced, Except Base Flange Facing, Drilling and Spot Facing Base Flange 4 28.00 32.00 3.00 VA 33.00 37.00 3.00 5 37.00 41.00 3.00 6 44.00 50.00 3.00 7 54.00 61.00 6.00 8 63.00 70.00 6.00 9 76.00 83.00 8.00 10 88.00 97.00 8.00 12 110.00 120.00 10.00 14 148.00 160.00 | 12.00 15 165.00 177.00 | 13.00 16 190.00 205.00 1 15.00 The flanges of these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face A inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price. See page 717. Sizes above 16 inches, prices on application. FLANGED BASE TEES MADE TO ORDER For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. 456 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 35O POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES SSURES, SEE PAGE A FLANGED LONG RADIUS ELBOWS No. 127 D Size Inches Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Radius Inches 2 14.00 17.00 5M VA ' 16.00 19.00 m 3 18.00 22.00 VA 3H 22.00 26.00 VA 4 25.00 29.00 m 4^ 30.00 34.00 TH 5 35.00 39.00 m 6 42.00 48.00 9H 7 52.00 59.00, 10K 8 63.00 70.00 12 9 72.00 79.00 13 10 83.00 92.00 14^ 12 105.00 115.00 16M 14 145.00 157.00 18% 15 160.00 172.00 20 16 190.00 205.00 21M 18 23^ 20 2(5 The flanges of these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face iV inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price. See page 717. Long Radius Elbows of dimensions differing from the above made to order at a special price. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. CRANE CO. 457 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A FLANGED REDUCING TAPER ELBOWS NO. 121 D No. 1 21 I) No. 1 21D Size Inches Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Size Inches Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced 2X1^ 14.00 16.00 7X6 43.00 48.00 2X1K 14.00 16.00 8X4 51.00 56.00 2 1 AX1 1 A 16.00 18.00 8X5 51.00 56.00 2 1 AX2 16.00 18.00 8X6 51.00 56.00 3X1^ 17.00 20.00 8X7 51.00 56.00 3X2 17.00 20.00 10X5 73 . 00 79.00 3X2H 17.00 20.00 10X6 73.00 79.00 3^X2 21.00 24.00 10X7 3^X2^ 21.00 24.00 10X8 73.00 79.00 3V6X3 21.00 24.00 12X7 93.00 100.00 4X2 23.00 26.00 12X8 93.00 100.00 4X2M 23 . 00 26.00 12X9 93.00 100.00 4X3 23.00 26.00 12X10 93.00 100.00 4X3^ 23.00 26.00 14X6 120.00 128.00 5X2^ 29.00 32.00 14X10 120.00 128.00 5X3 29.00 32.00 14X12 120.00 128.00 5X4 29.00 32.00 15X6 135.00 143.00 6X3 35 . 00 39.00 15X10 135.00 143.00 6X3H 35.00 39.00 15X12 135.00 143.00 6X4 35.00 39.00 16X8 155.00 165.00 6X4H 35.00 39.00 16X10 155 . 00 165.00 6X5 35.00 39.00 16X12 155.00 165.00 7X4 43.00 48.00 16X14 155 . 00 165.00 7X5 43.00 48.00 The flanges of these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face i^ inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price. See page 717. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. 458 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A FLANGED TEES NO. 105 D REDUCING FLANGED TEES REDUCING IN RUN OR BRANCH NO. 107 D Size Inches No. 105 D No. 107 D Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Faced Each Faced. Drilled and Spot Faced IX 13.00 16.00 m 14.00 17.00 2 15.00 18.00 15.00 18.00 2 1 A 17.00 20.00 17.00 20.00 3 19.00 23.00 19.00 23.00 3H 22.00 26.00 22.00 26.00 4 25.00 29.00 25.00 29.00 4^ 30.00 34.00 30.00 34.00 5 33.00 37.00 33 . 00 37.00 6 40.00 46.00 40.00 46.00 7 49.00 56.00 49.00 56.00 8 58.00 65.00 58.00 65.00 9 69.00 76.00 69.00 76.00 10 81.00 90.00 81.00 90.00 12 100.00 110.00 100.0,0 110.00 14 135.00 147.00 135.00 147.00 15 150.00 162.00 150.00 162.00 Itf 175.00 190.00 175.00 190.00 1.8 230.00 245.00 230.00 245.00 20 300.00 320.00 300.00 320.00 22 375.00 405.00 375 . 00 405 . 00 24 460.00 490.00 460 . 00 490.00 The flanges on these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face iV inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price. See page 717. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. CRANE CO. 459 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A SINGLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES No. 109 D REDUCING SINGLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES REDUCING IN RUN OR BRANCH NO. 111 D No. 109 D No. Ill D Size Inches Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced 2 16.50 19.50 2^ 19.00 22.00 19.00 22.00 3 21.00 25.00 21.00 25.00 3^ 24.00 28.00 24.00 28.00 4 28.00 32.00 28.00 32.00 4H 33.00 37.00 33.00 . 37.00 5 37.00 41.00 37.00 41.00 6 44.00 50.00 44.00 50.00 7 54.00 61.00 54.00 61.00 8 63.00 70.00 63.00 70.00 9 76.00 83.00 76.00 83.00 10 88.00 97.00 88.00 97.00 12 110.00 120.00 110.00 120.00 14 148.00 160.00 148.00 160.00 15 165.00 177.00 165.00 177.00 16 190.00 205.00 190.00 205.00 18 255.00 270.00 255.00 270.00 20 330.00 350.00 330.00 350.00 22 415.00 445.00 415.00 445.00 24 505.00 535.00 505 . 00 535.00 The flanges of these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face fg inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price. See page 717. We do not make Single Sweep Tees with side openings larger than the run. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. 4-60 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A DOUBLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES REDUCING DOUBLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES No. 112K D Size Inches No. 112 D No. 112H D Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced 2 16.50 19.50 % 19.00 22.00 19.00 22.00 3 21.00 25.00 21.00 25.00 m 24.00 28.00 24.00 28.00 4 28.00 32.00 28.00 32.00 4 a /2 33.00 37.00 33.00 37.00 5 37.00 41.00 37.00 41.00 6 44.00 50.00 44.00 50.00 7 54.00 61.00 54.00 61.00 8 63.00 70.00 63.00 70.00 9 76.00 83.00 76.00 83.00 10 88.00 97.00 88.00 97.00 12 110.00 120.00 110.00 120.00 14 148.00 160.00 148.00 160.00 15 165.00 177.00 165.00 177.00 16 190.00 205 . 00 190.00 205.00 18 255.00 270.00 255.00 270.00 20 330.00 350.00 330.00 350.00 22 415.00 445 . 00 415.00 445.00 24 505.00 535.00 505.00 I 535.00 The flanges of these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face i^ inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price See page 717. Double Sweep Tees are not made regularly reducing on the run. If such Fittings are wanted we will make them to order at a special price. We can make outlet or branch larger than run only within a reason- able limit, depending upon our pattern dimensions. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. CRANE CO. 4-61 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 35O POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A FLANGED LATERALS No. 1 17 D REDUCING FLANGED LATERALS REDUCING IN RUN OR BRANCH NO. 119 D Size Inches No. 117 D No. 119 D Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced 2 21.00 25.00 2H 25.00 29.00 3 27.00 33.00 3H 32.00 38.00 4 36.00 42.00 36.00 42.00 4^ 42.00 48.00 42.00 48.00 5 45.00 51.00 45.00 51.00 6 55.00 63.00 55.00 63.00 7 68.00 78.00 68.00 78.00 8 81.00 91.00 81.00 91.00 9 100.00 110.00 100.00 110.00 10 115.00 127.00 115.00 127.00 12 145.00 160.00 145.00 160.00 14 190.00 205.00 190.00 205.00 15 210.00 225.00 210.00 225.00 16 245.00 265.00 245.00 265.00 18 320.00 340.00 320.00 340.00 20 400.00 430.00 22 510.00 550.00 24 635 . 00 675 . 00 The flanges on these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face ^ inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price. See page 717. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. 462 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 35O POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A FLANGED CROSSES No. 1 13 D REDUCING FLANGED CROSSES No. 115 D No. 115 D Size Inches Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced IX 17.00 21.00 1H 19.00 23.00 2 21.00 25.00 21.00 25.00 2H 25.00 29.00 25.00 . 29.00 3 27.00 33.00 27.00 33.00 3H 32.00 38.00 32.00 38.00 4 36.00 42.00 36.00 42.00 4M 42.00 48.00 42.00 48.00 5 45.00 51.00 45.00 51.00 6 55.00 63.00 55.00 63.00 7 68.00 78.00 68.00 78.00 8 81.00 91.00 81.00 91.00 9 100.00 110.00 100.00 110.00 10 115.00 127.00 115.00 127.00 12 145.00 160.00 145.00 160.00 14 190.00 205.00 190.00 205.00 15 210.00 225.00 210.00 225.00 16 245.00 265.00 245.00 265.00 18 320.00 340.00 320.00 340.00 20 400.00 430.00 400.00 430.00 22 510.00 550.00 510.00 550.00 24 635.00 675.00 635.00 675.00 The flanges on these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face iV inch high inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines, at an extra price. See page 717. For general dimensions, see pages 706 to 709. For drilling templates, see page 652. CRANE CO. 463 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 350 POUNDS AND A TOTAL TEMPERATURE OF 800 DEGREES FOR WATER WORKING PRESSURES, SEE PAGE A FLANGED TAPER REDUCERS NO. 123 D FLANGED ECCENTRIC TAPER REDUCERS NO. 123H D Size Inches Size Inches Size Inches Size Inches 3X2 7X5 14X8 20X12 3MX2H 7X6 14X10 20X14 4X2 8X3 14X12 20X16 4X2^ 8X4 15X8 20X18 4X3 8X5 15X10 22X14 5X2 8X6 15X12 22X16 5X2H 10X4 . 15X14 22X18 5X3 10X5 16X8 22X20 5X4 10X6 16X10 24X16 6X3 10X8 16X12 24X18 6X3^ 12X5 16X14 24X20 6X4 12X6 18X10 24X22 6X5 12X8 18X12 7X3 12X10 18X14 7X4 14X6 18X16 Made to order. Prices on application. The flanges of these Fittings are regularly furnished with a raised face & inch inside the bolt holes. Fittings can be furnished with Male Flanges for high pressure water lines at an extra price. See page 717. Flanged Taper Reducers in accordance with special dimensions made to order. Prices on application. Templates for drilling, page 652. 464 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 3OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE NO. 271 D ELBOWS No. 273 D 45 ELBOWS FURNISHED MALE OR FEMALE AS ORDERED Size Inches Inside Diameter of Port Inches No. 271 D ELBOWS No. 273 D 45 ELBOWS Faced Each Faced, Drilled and Spot Faced Faced Each Faced. Drilled and Spot Faced m 1% 29.00 32.50 29.00 32.50 2 VA 31.50 35, 00 31.50 35.00 2 1 A 2 35.00 40.00 35.00 40.00 3 VA 42.50 47.50 42.50 47.50 4 3 51.50 57.50 51.50 57.50 5 4 68.50 77.50 68.50 77.50 6 5 80.00 I 90.00 80.00 90.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. The inside diameter of these Fittings is approximately the same as that of Double Extra Strong Pipe. Other sizes made to order. Prices on application. For dimensions, see page 712. Templates for drilling, page 654. CRANE CO. 465 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 3OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE FURNISHED MALE OR FEMALE AS ORDERED No. 275 D No. 277 D No. 279 D No. 280 D Inside TEES REDUCING TEES CROSSES REDUCI'G CROSSES Size of Port Faced Faced, Drilled and Faced Faced, Drilled and Faced Faced, Drilled and Faced Faced, Drilled and Spot Spot Spot Spot Ins. Ins. Each Faced Each Faced Each Faced Each Faced iy* VA 35.00 40.00 35.00 40.00 53.00 60.00 53.00 60.00 2 V/2 37.50 42.50 37.50 42.50 57.00 64.00 57.00 64.00 m 2 41.00 48.00 41.00 48.00 62.00 72.00 62.00 72.00 3 VA 48.00 55.00 48.00 55.00 72.00 82.00 72.00 82.00 4 3 58.50 67.50 58.50 67.50 88.00 100.00 88.00 100.00 5 4 78.00 90.00 78.00 90.00 117.00 135.00 117.00 135.00 6 5 96.00 110.00 96.00 110.00 145.00 165.00 145.00 165.00 WORKING PRESSURES These Fittings are suitable for the working pressures specified above when used in hydraulic installations in which shock is absent or so slight as to be negligible. WHEN SUBJECT TO SHOCK they are NOT recommended for these pressures. See explanatory notes on page 153. AIR OR GAS Fittings for Air or Gas are SPECIAL. See explanatory notes on page 153. The inside diameter of these Fittings is approximately the same as that of Double Extra Strong Pipe. Other sizes made to order. Prices on application. For dimensions, see page 712. Templates for drilling, page 654. 466 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FLANGED SIDE OUTLET ELBOWS NO. 131 D REDUCING SIDE OUTLET FLANGED ELBOWS No. 133 D FLANGED DOUBLE BRANCH ELBOWS NO. 139 D REDUCING DOUBLE BRANCH FLANGED ELBOWS NO. 141 D FLANGED SIDE OUTLET TEES No. 135 D I REDUCING SIDE OUTLET FLANGED TEES No. 137 D THE ABOVE FITTINGS IN SIZES 2 TO 24 INCH MADE TO ORDER ONLY PRICES ON APPLICATION Reducing Side Outlet Elbows are made reducing on the side outlet only. Double Branch Elbows are made reducing only on the run. Dimensions, pages 706 to 709. When ordering or requesting prices, send sketch showing sizes of all openings. CRANE CO. 467 SPECIAL FLANGED FITTINGS CAST IRON, FERROSTEEL OR CAST STEEL LOW PRESSURE, STANDARD AND EXTRA HEAVY PATTERNS ANCHORAGE AND BASE FITTINGS ANCHORAGE TEE OUTLET AT SIDE ANCHORAGE TEE OUTLET AT TOP ECCENTRIC FITTINGS FLANGE TAPPED ECCENTRIC ECCENTRIC TEE ONE END OF RUN, OR BRANCH, OR BOTH, MAY BE ECCENTRIC FITTINGS WITH TAPPED BOSSES IT ELBOW SHOWING WHERE TAPPED BOSSES MAY BE LOCATED i I TEE SHOWING WHERE TAPPED BOSSES MAY BE LOCATED SPECIAL ANGLE ELBOWS RING CLOSING PIECE FACED ON BOTH SIDES Beveled Filling Ring Paced on Both Sides for Closing Up Between Two Flanges which Do Not Face Squarely PRICES ON APPLICATION Dimension drawings should accompany orders or inquiries for prices. See other designs of Special Flanged Fittings, page 468. 468 CRANE CO. SPECIAL FLANGED FITTINGS CAST IRON, FERROSTEEL OR CAST STEEL LOW PRESSURE, STANDARD AND EXTRA HEAVY PATTERNS DISTRIBUTING HEADER Bn| I EXPANSION TEE FOR EXHAUST LINES ONLY This Tee is furnished with Gland and Studs and is bored to take Wrought Steel Pipe. Can be furnished with Brass Sleeve when so ordered. CAST IRON TEE WITH FLANGE AND HUB ON ENDS OF RUN AND SCREWED OUTLET CAST IRON PIPE WITH FLANGE AND SPIGOT SPECIAL LENGTHS OF CAST IRON FLANGED PIPE CAST IRON PIPE WITH FLANGE AND HUB The above illustrations show a few of the many special patterns we are called upon to furnish. We have exceptional facilities for making any required designs and for all purposes. PRICES ON APPLICATION Dimension drawings should accompany orders or inquiries for prices. See other designs of Special Flanged Fittings, page 467. CRANE CO. 469 ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES WE LIST A COMPLETE LINE OF VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA 47O CRANE CO. VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA '"pHE valves and fittings for Ammonia illustrated on the ^ following pages were designed in accordance with the most approved engineering practice as to standards, inter- changeability of parts, proportions, thickness of metal, etc., no attempt being made to utilize old patterns and tools. Flanges, flanged valves and flanged fittings, one inch and larger, are drilled in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter; bolt holes straddle center line. Bolt circles and number and sizes of bolts, are the American extra heavy standard, adopted by all the leading manu- facturers September 17, 1913. This conforms to our past practice, there being no changes in the flanges of our ammonia line. Valves, elbows, tees and crosses of the same type and size, have same center to end dimensions. A tongue and groove globe valve, for example, may be substituted for a tongue and groove tee or cross, a tongue and groove angle valve for a tongue and groove elbow, etc. (See dimension table, page 725.) The trimmings of valves are standardized so that the bonnet of a globe valve may be placed on an angle or a cross valve body, and vice versa. The trimmings of any size valve are the same, whatever the end connections of the valve may be. Bolted bonnets were adopted because our experience of over half a century in the manufacture of valves has demon- strated beyond any question that for ammonia, bolted bonnets are in every way superior to screwed bonnets. Valves have special metal disc rings, plated steel stems with Acme threads and liberal stuffing-boxes, chamfered at top and bottom. Valves may be repacked under pressure when wide open, the shoulder on the stem closing against the seat on bottom of bonnet, forming a tight joint. CRANE CO. 471 CRANE valves and fittings for ammonia are suitable for working pressures for which they are marked, and are sub- jected to an air-under-water test of 300 pounds. We have tested different sizes of ammonia valves to 4,000 pounds without breaking. ALL CRANE VALVES AND FLANGED FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA ARE MADE OF FERROSTEEL, a close-grained metal developed by our metallurgists especially for use where working conditions are severe. The tensile strength of Ferrosteel averages 33,500 pounds, and test bars, taken regularly at short intervals, show a remarkable uni- formity, the variation from the average being only about five per cent either way. CRANE malleable iron, the metal used in the manufacture of our screwed ammonia fittings, has an .average tensile strength of 37,000 pounds, and is very uniform in strength and quality. The smaller sizes of Crane malleable fittings (two inches and under) have been tested frequently to 8,000 pounds without breaking, and the larger sizes have frequently withstood 3,500 pounds. Constant analyses and tests are being made to insure uniformity of product. We can furnish any of the valves and fittings illustrated in this catalogue made in cast steel. Prices upon application. Any of the valves and fittings illustrated will be supplied galvanized, if desired. Prices upon application. ANY INFORMATION IN ADDITION TO THAT GIVEN IN THIS CATALOGUE REGARDING OUR LINE OF VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA WILL BE SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. 472 CRANE CO. CRANE VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA POINTS OF SUPERIORITY (SEE CUT ON OPPOSITE PAGE) (A) Deep stuffing box, holding five rings of packing. (B) When valve is wide open the strain comes on the stem instead of the disc. (C) Disc nut is pinned firmly and can not work loose. (D) Disc and nut made to give great strength and durability. (E) Special metal disc ring rolled in and faced, the disc and disc holder practically forming a homogeneous piece of metal. (F) All stems are cold rolled steel, plated. AN IMPORTANT FEATURE EXCLUSIVE WITH CRANE AMMONIA GOODS With Crane tongue and groove valves and fittings, except Gate valves, it is unnecessary to tear down, cut off and rethread pipe and screw on flanges again when substituting a valve for a fitting, or vice versa. Having the same center- to-end dimensions, globe valves are interchangeable with tees and crosses, and angle valves with elbows, tees and crosses. Tongue and groove ends are marked T. or G. on the flanges as a guide in placing in the line or making changes. The American standard for flanged fittings is used, giving Crane Ammonia goods heavier flanges than those of other make. CRANE CO. 473 CRANE VALVES FOR AMMONIA No. 1501 474 CRANE CO. GLOBE VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL SPECIAL METAL DISCS COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS No. 1501 Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size Inches 1 A H H 3 X 1 IX 1H 2 2H No. 1501, without Com- panionFlanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 6.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 9.00 15.00 16.00 19.00 28.50 No. 1501, with Com- panion Flanges , B olts and Gaskets . . . Each 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.50 11.00 18.00 19.00 23.00 34.00 Style of Flanges ROUND Size Inches 3 3H 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 No. 1501, without Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 43.20 55.80 72.00 103.20 138.00 168.00 228.00 288.00 420.00 No. 1501, with Com- pani on Flanges , Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 53.40 67.80 86.40 121.20 162.00 198.00 264.00 336.00 480.00 Sizes 1 J^ inch and smaller have malleable iron hand wheels. Valves, sizes 7, 8, 10 and 12 inch are made with yoke. Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Valvee complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For dimensions, see pages 722 to 726. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO. 475 ANGLE VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL SPECIAL METAL DISCS COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Style of Flanges 0) fAL SQUARI j Size Inches H *A H X 1 IK IK 2 2H No. 1503. without Com- panionFlanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 6.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 9.00 15.00 16.00 19.00 28.50 No. 1503, with Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.50 11.00 18.00 19.00 23.00 34.00 Style of Flanges ROUND Size Inches 3 3K 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 No. 1503, without Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 43.20 55.80 72.00 103.20 138.00 168.00 228.00 288.00 420.00 No. 1503, with Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets. . .Each 53.40 67.80 86.40 121.20 162.00 198.00 264.00 336.00 480.00 Sizes 1^ inch and smaller have malleable iron hand wheels. Valves, sizes 7, 8, 10 and 12 inch are made with yoke. Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For dimensions, see pages 722 to 726. For drilling templates, see page 731. 476 CRANE CO. GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL SPECIAL METAL DISCS COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS SCREW END No. 1505 Size . Inches H % y 2 H 1 'No. 1504, Globe, or No. 1505, Angle Each 3.50 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 Size . Inches \\i \y 2 2 2K 3 No. 1504, Globe, or No. 1505, Angle Each 7.50 9.00 12.00 16.00 21.00 With the exception of the end connections, these valves are the same construction as the tongue and groove end valves. For dimensions, see pages 722 to 725. CRANE CO. 477 NEW PATTERN REGRINDING GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL COLD ROLLED STEEL STEM MALLEABLE UNION RING SCREW END WITH UNION BONNET No. 1504^ No. 150SH Size. .. Inches H 3/ 8 Hs % Price, Globe or Angle Each 3.00 3.60 4.00 4.40 Center to End, Angle Inches 1H m m 2 End to End, Globe Inches 3 314 VA 4 These valves have a long, tapering, plug seat, which is easily reground. 478 CRANE CO. IMPROVED CHECK VALVES FOR AMMONIA Crane improved check valves for ammonia are con- structed with a dash pot which prevents the disc from hammer- ing and thereby eliminates noise in operation. This construction also greatly increases the durability of the valve. In case of accident, Crane check valves close promptly, as the back pressure comes squarely on top of the disc. These valves have full opening. CRANE CO. 479 HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS No. 1507 Style of Flanges Ov AL SQUARE Size . ... Inches Yi Z A 1 1J4 \Yi No. 1507, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 8.70 10.00 11.20 18.50 19.80 No. 1507, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 10.05 11.30 13.05 21.25 22.55 Style of Flanges SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 5 6 No. 1507, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 23.50 34.70 53.50 68.40 89.00 127.00 170.00 No. 1507, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 27.20 40.20 62.80 79.80 102.30 143.65 192.15 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. Can furnish the above Valves to order, in sizes up to 12 inch. Prices on application. For dimensions, see page 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. 480 CRANE CO. ANGLE CHECK VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS No. 1509 Style of Flanges Ch 'AL SQUARE Size Inches % 14" 1 l 1 ^ \V> No. 1509, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 8.70 10.00 11.20 18.50 19.80 No. 1509, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 10.05 11.30 13.05 21.25 22.55 Style of Flanges SQUARE ROUND Size . . Inches 2 2M 3 3H 4 5 6 No. 1509, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 23.50 34.70 53.50 68.40 89.00 127.00 170.00 No. 1509, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets. Each 27.20 40.20 62.80 79.80 102.30 143.65 192.15 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. Can furnish the above Valves to order, in sizes up to 12 inch. Prices on application. For dimensions, see page 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO. 481 HORIZONTAL AND ANGLE CHECK VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL SCREW END No. 1507H No. 1509^ Size Inches Vi % 1 No. 1507}4 Horizontal, or No. 1509K, Angle. . -\ ...Each 6.80 7.25 8.00 Size . . Inches IK IK 2 No. 1507J4 Horizontal, or No. 1509*4 Angle. . ...Each 10.75 12.40 15.40 482 CRANE CO. CROSS VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL SPECIAL METAL DISCS COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS NO. ^5^o l A Style of Flange Ch r AL SQUARE Size Inches 1 A % 1 IX m No. 1510}/2 without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 9.70 11.35 12.40 19.50 20.50 No. 1510H, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 11.60 13.75 16.00 23.25 25.00 Style of Flange SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 2 2H 36.70 3 56.00 3H 4 5 6 No. 1510M, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 26.00 72.40 93.00 134.00 179.00 No. 1510^. with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 31.00 45.70 71.00 89.40 113.00 157.00 209.00 Sizes 1 % inch and smaller have malleable iron hand wheels. Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. Can furnish the above Valves to order, in sizes up to 12 inch. Prices on application. For dimensions, see pages 722 to 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO. 483 VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL SPECIAL METAL DISCS COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS BOYLE (TONGUE) ENDS Valves and fittings with Boyle ends (all ends tongued) will be made to order at the same list prices that apply to similar valves and fittings with tongue and groove end connections. Either Boyle or groove flanges may be used with valves and fittings with Boyle ends. 484 CRANE CO. EXPANSION VALVES FOR AMMONIA We furnish two styles of ex- pansion valves, one of the needle type with non-rising stem and soft-metal seat ring, and the other of the plain needle type with rising stem. The non-rising stem valve does away with wire drawing, the special metal ring clearing the seat before expansion starts. These valves may be packed under pressure. NON-RISING STEM The stems of both styles have very fine threads, per- mitting the minutest possible adjustment, and are made of cold rolled steel. All sizes of both styles of expansion valves are fur- nished either with tongue and groove ends or screw ends. These valves have ferrosteel bodies and bonnets. A special indicating type hand wheel is supplied with all Expansion Valves. RISING STEM CRANE CO, 485 NON-RISING STEM GLOBE EXPANSION VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL SPECIAL METAL DISC RINGS COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Size . Inches 1 A 3 A H H 1 No. 1511, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 6.00 6.50 7.0*0 8.00 9.00 No. 1511, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets .Each 7 50 8.00 8.50 9 50 11 00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish flanged Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. SCREW ENDS Size .Inches H y 8 y* y 1 No. 1519 Each 4.75 5.50 6.00 6.80 7.50 End to End . . .Inches 4H 4% 5 5^j 6M For dimensions, see pages 722 to 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. 486 CRANE CO. RISING STEM GLOBE EXPANSION VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL INTEGRAL COLD ROLLED STEEL STEM AND DISC No. 1513 No. 1519M TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Size Inches M Yi H 1 No. 15 13, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets .Each 6 00 6 50 7 00 8 00 9 00 No. 1513, with Companion Flanges Bolts and Gaskets Each 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.50 11.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish flanged Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. SCREW ENDS Size .Inches 1 A V% H % 1 No. 1519H .* Each 4.75 5.50 6.00 6.80 7.50 End to End Inches 4V W* 5 5 1 '2 e 1 ^ For dimensions, see pages 722 to 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO. 487 NON-RISING STEM ANGLE EXPANSION VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL SPECIAL METAL DISC RINGS COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS No. 1515 No. TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Size . . .Inches X 1 No. 15 15, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 6.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 9.00 No. 1515, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.50 11.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish flanged Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. SCREW ENDS Size Inches X % X % 1 No. 1519M Each 4.75 5.50 6.00 6.80 7.50 Center to End Inches VA 2^ 2y 2 2^ 3M For dimensions, see pages 722 to 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. 488 CRANE CO. RISING STEM ANGLE EXPANSION VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL INTEGRAL COLD ROLLED STEEL STEM AND DISC No. 1517 NO. 1519% TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Size .Inches H 3 8 H % A 1 No. 1517, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 6.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 9.00 No. 1517, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.50 11.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish flanged Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. SCREW ENDS Size Inches X 3 /8 H *A 1 No. 1519%.... Each 4.75 5.50 6.00 6.80 7.50 Center to End Inches 2^ 2^ 2H 2& 3H For dimensions, see pages 722 to 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO. 489 EXPANSION VALVES FOR AMMONIA GLOBE AND ANGLE FERROSTEEL COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS SCREW ENDS WITH GLANDS NO. 1512 NO. 1518 NON-RISING STEM VALVES WITH SPECIAL METAL DISC RINGS Size Inches H % 1 A H 1 No. 1512, Globe Valves, with Com- panion Glands, Bolts and Gas- kets Each 6.40 7.25 7.75 9.00 10.00 No. 1516, Angle Valves, with Com- panion Glands, Bolts and Gas- kets... ...Each 6.40 7.25 7.75 9.00 10.00 RISING STEM VALVES INTEGRAL STEEL STEM AND DISC Size Inches y M H ~y 1 No. 1514, Globe Valves, with Com- panion Glands, Bolts and Gas- kets Each 6 40 7.25 7.75 9.00 10.00 No. 1518, Angle Valves, with Com- panion Glands, Bolts and Gas- kets Each 6.40 7.25 7.75 9.00 10.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For dimensions, see pages 722 to 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. 490 CRANE CO. VALVES FOR AMMONIA WITH ALL-STEEL DISCS For use on high temperature, we will furnish, on special order, globe, angle and cross valves with case hardened steel discs and beveled seats. In other respects, the valves will be the same as our regular line. The accompanying sectional illustration shows the construction of the disc and seat. Valves with all-steel discs in J4, % an d Yi inch sizes, will be supplied at the same prices as similar valves with soft metal seat rings. Sizes, % to 6 inch, inclusive, will be furnished at the following additional cost over valves with regular metal seat rings: Size Inches % 1 IH \\/i 2 2^ 2.70 Additional Cost Each 1.00 1.30 1.70 2.30 2.65 Size Inches 3 3K 4 5 6 Additional Cost Each 5.40 6.30 6.75 8.25 8.80 Sizes, Y inch and larger have guide wings. In ordering valves with ALL-STEEL DISCS, the number and size should be given and "ALL-STEEL DISC" specified. CRANE CO. 491 GLOBE, ANGLE AND CROSS VALVES FOR AMMONIA SPECIAL METAL DISCS COLD ROLLED STEEL STEMS HORIZONTAL AND ANGLE CHECK VALVES FERROSTEEL SCREW ENDS WITH GLANDS Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size Inches X y* % v 1 1M 1M No. 1500, Globe Valve, with Compan- ion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 6.40 7.25 7.75 9.00 10.00 16.50 18.50 No. 1502, Angle Valve, with Compan- ion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 6.40 7.25 7.75 9.00 10.00 16.50 18.50 No. 1506, Horizontal Check Valve, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets Each 9.70 10.85 12.50 20.45 21.65 No. 1508, Angle Check Valve, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gas- kets Each 9.70 10.85 12.50 20.45 21.65 No. 1510, Cross Valve, with Compan- ion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 10.25 12.40 14.50 21.60 23.25 Style of Flange SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 2 2^ 3 3H 4 5 6 No. 1500, Globe Valve, with Compan- ion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 22.50 34.00 52.80 66.60 82.80 117.60 158.40 No. 1502, Angle Valve, with Compan- ion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 22.50 34.00 52.80 66.60 82.80 117.60 158.40 No. 1506, Horizontal Check Valve, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets Each 26.05 38.60 60.40 76.55 97.75 138.00 185.00 No. 1508, Angle Check Valve, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gas- kets Each 26.05 38.60 60.40 76.55 97.75 138.00 185.00 No. 1510, Cross Valve, with Compan- ion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 29.00 43.60 68.50 86.25 108.25 151.50 205.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. Sizes I l /2 inch and smaller have malleable iron hand wheels. For dimensions, see pages 722 to 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. 492 CRANE CO. FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA ELBOWS FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size Inches H y% H X 1 IK IK 2 2K No. 1521, without Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 5.50 No. 1521, with Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets... Each 2.00 2.40 2.45 2.75 3.50 4.75 5.00 6.00 11.00 Style of Flanges ROUND Size Inches 3 3K 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 No. 1521, without Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets. . . Each 10.00 13.50 15.00 20.00 30.00 42.00 55.00 70.00 95.00 No. 1521, with Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 13.50 17.00 21.00 28.50 40.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 115.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Fittings complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For dimensions, see page 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO 493 FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA TEES FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS NO. 1523 Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size ... . Inches H Ys H H 1 IX IH 2 2H 8.00 No. 1523, without Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets... Each 1.50 1.75 1.95 2:20 2.50 3.70 3.75 4.00 No. 1523, with Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 2.75 3.10 3.50 4.25 4.75 7.50 7.55 8.00 15.00 Style of Flanges ROUND Size Inches 3 3H 4 23.50 5 6 7 50.00 8 10 12 No. 1523, without Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 17.00 21.00 29.00 36.00 65.00 85.00 120.00 No. 1523, with Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 26.00 31.00 34.50 43.00 53.00 70.00 95.00 130.00 170.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Fittings complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For dimensions, see page 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. 494- CRANE CO. REDUCING TEES TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS SIZE INCHES. No. 1525, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets. Each. No. 1525, with Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets. Each. Hx y s 2.00 3.50 ^x K 2.00 3.75 ^x y 2 3.50 5.50 1 x'H 3.50 6.10 i^x y 2 3.75 7.00 l^x M 3.75 7.00 !Mx2 3.75 8.00 l^x K 3.75 7.00 l^x ^ 3.75 7.00 l^xl^ 3.75 7.00 mx2 3.75 8.00 1^x2^ 3.75 8.75 2 x y 2 4.00 8.00 2 x M 4.00 8.00 2 xl 4.00 8.00 2 xl^ 4.00 8.00 2 xl^ 4 00 8.00 2 x2^ 5.50 11.50 2 x3 8.25 14.50 2'^xlM 7.00 13.00 2^xlM 7.00 13.00 2^x2 7.25 13.25 2^x3 12.25 19.40 3 xlH 14.50 22.50 3 x2 14.50 22.50 3 x2^ 15.30 24.50 3 x4 21.55 33.70 3^x2 18.00 26.30 3}4x2^ 19.00 28.65 3^x3 22.50 33.75 4 x2 20.60 30.00 4 x2H 21.30 31.40 4 x3 25.30 35.60 5 x2 22.25 34.90 5 x2^ 23.60 36.20 5 x3 27.80 40.60 5 x4 30.75 45.20 6 x2H 41.50 61.00 6 x4 41.50 64.00 Size of opening determines style of flange, viz; openings M to % have oval flanges; 1 to 23/2, square; 3 to 6, round. For dimensions, see page 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO. 495 FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA CROSSES FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size Inches X H H M 1 1M IH 2 214 No. 1527, without Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 1.75 2.40 2.50 3.00 3.30 4.95 5.00 6.00 10.00 No. 1527, with Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 3.60 4.25 4.75 5.30 5.80 9.95 10.00 11.50 18.25 Style of Flanges ROUND Size . . . Inches 3 3M 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 150.00 220.00 No. 1527, without Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 23.00 26.00 30.00 38.00 47.00 65.00 85.00 110.00 165.00 No. 1527, with Com- panion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets . . . Each 31.00 37.00 44.00 53.00 65.00 90.00 125.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Fittings complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For dimensions, see page 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. -496 CRANE CO. FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA ELBOWS, TEES AND CROSSES FERROSTEEL SCREW ENDS WITH GLANDS Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size Inches M H l /2 K 1 1M 1H No. 1520, Elbows, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 2.00 2.40 2.45 2.75 3.50 4.75 5.00 No. 1522, Tees, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 2.75 3.10 3.50 4.25 4.75 7.50 7.55 No. 1526, Crosses, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 3.60 4.25 4.75 5.30 5.80 9.95 10.00 Style of Flanges SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 2 2^ 3 3H 4 5 6 No. 1520, Elbows, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 6.00 11.00 13.50 17.00 21.00 28.50 40.00 No. 1522, Tees, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 8.00 15.00 26.00 31.00 34.50 43.00 53.00 No. 1526, Crosses, with Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets, Each 11.50 18.25 31.00 37.00 44.00 53.00 65.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Fittings complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For dimensions, see page 725. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO. 497 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA SCREW ENDS WITH SOLDERING RECESS Size Inches H y 8 1 A X 1 Ik V/2 No 1530 Elbows. . Each 20 25 30 35 40 55 70 No. 1532, 45 Elbows Each .25 .30 .35 .42 .50 .65 .85 No. 1534, Tees Each .30 .40 .45 .50 .60 .80 1.05 No. 1538, Crosses Each .60 .80 .90 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.10 No. 1540, Solid Plugs, Cast Iron, Ba. .04 .04 .04 .06 .08 .09 .11 No. 1542, Hollow Plugs, Cast Iron, Ba. .02 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .07 Size Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 5 6 No. 1530, Elbows Each .90 1.50 2.40 3.25 4.25 6.50 9.50 No. 1532, 45 Elbows Each 1.10 1.85 2.85 4.00 5.00 No. 1534, Tees Each 1.35 2.25 3.60 5.00 6.50 9.75 14.25 No. 1538, Crosses Each 2.70 4.50 7.20 10.00 13.00 19.50 28.50 No. 1540, Solid Plugs, Cast Iron, Ea. .15 .27 .38 .57 .63 1.35 1.80 No. 1542, Hollow Plugs.Cast Iron, Ea. .10 .18 .25 .38 .42 .88 1.20 Reducing sizes Elbows, Tees and Crosses will be furnished at 15 per cent, advance over straight sizes. For list of sizes of reducing fittings carried in stock, see page 498. REDUCING COUPLINGS NO. 1539 CARRIED IN STOCK Size Inches MxK lx^ l^xH l^xl IHxH iHxi 2xH 2x1 2x1^ Price Each .30 .40 .45 .45 .55 .55 .70 .70 .70 498 CRANE CO. LIST OF SIZES MALLEABLE IRON REDUCING FITTINGS FOR AMMONIA CARRIED IN STOCK MX REDUCING ELBOWS 2 x 2 x REDUCING TEES MX MX M I** ,xl^ t xlH 3 x3 x2 1 xl x M 2 x2 xlH 3 x2 x3 1 xl x H 2 x2 xlM 4 x4 x3 i x Mxi 2 x2 xl 4 x4 x2 IMxl^xl 2 x2 x M 4 x3 x4 IKxlJix M 2 x2 x Vi 6 x6 x4 l^xl^x M 2 xl*/ 2X2 6 x6 x3 l^xl xlM 2M j x 2, 1 / 2X2 IMxl^xlM 2V ix2 x2^/2 The above Reducing Fittings are carried in stock. Other sizes will be made to order by bushing in the sand. Reducing sizes Elbows, Tees and Crosses will be furnished at 15 per cent, advance over straight sizes. CRANE CO. 499 COMPANION FLANGES FOR AMMONIA MALLEABLE IRON TONGUE GROOVE No. 1547 TONGUE No. 1545 GROOVE Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size Inches Yt H 1 A H 1 IX 1H 2 2H No. 1545, without Bolts or Gasket Each .40 .45 .50 .65 .95 1.00 1.20 1.40 2.50 No. 1545, with Bolts and Gasket Each .50 .55 .70 .90 1.20 1.25 1.50 1.70 3.00 No. 1547, without Bolts or Gasket Each .40 .45 .50 .65 .95 1.00 1.20 1.40 2.50 3.00 No. 1547, with Bolts and Gasket Each .50 .55 .70 .90 1.20 1.25 1.50 1.70 Style of Flanges OUND Size Inches 3 3M 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 No. 1545, without Bolts or Gasket Each 3.00 3.50 4.25 5.25 6.25 7.50 9.00 12.50 18.50 No. 1545, with Bolts and Gasket Each 3 75 4 25 5 00 5 75 7 50 8 50 11 00 15 50 21 50 No. 1547, without Bolts or Gasket Each 3.00 3.50 4.25 5.25 6.25 7.50 9.00 12.50 18.50 No. 1547, with Bolts and Gasket Each 3.75 4.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 8.50 11.00 15.50 21.50 For dimensions, see page 731. Templates for drilling, page 731. 500 CRANE CO. (0 Id O z z o Z O o o z o D O LI DC D O Z o H Ill g|j| S o g g g g S ^ S S S ^ % u S ^g^W W o DC tf u! S *T3 ^ rt JS-S1 * S g S S S S S S g o 8 3 10 10 z "O - - ij^ s g g 8 S S S ^ c5 ^ 8 ^|^H o g M 5 u m 1 llll ^^^ S s s S S s s > S 8 8 bi -i IO g l. to S sill ^ z ^ n-T P o ^jT3 o EH llll g<5 s s S 3 s , , , OS 3 S S u m gJ IVAO aava&a u M * f 0) 10 s g w 02 t i z \^ R i ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ , ^ 5 -! ^t ^t N* 5 \^ 5 CRANE CO. 501 anvnfrs ^^^ 502 CRANE CO. COMPANION GLANDS AND BOYLE FLANGES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL NO. 1544 COMPANION GLAND No. 1553 BOYLE FLANGE NO. 1544 COMPANION GLANDS Style of Flanges Ov AL SQUARE Size Inches H 3/ V* H 1 1% 1H ' Price, with Bolts and Gaskets, Each .50 .55 .70 .90 1.20 1.25 1.50 Style of Flanges SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 2 2K 3 3M 4 5 6 Price, with Bolts and Gaskets, Each 1.70 3.00 3.75 4.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 NO. 1553 BOYLE FLANGES Style of Flanges Ov AL S QUARE Size. . . Inches 1 A N 1 A H 1 IX \y 2 Price, with Bolts and Gaskets, Each .50 .55 .70 .90 1.20 1.25 1.50 Style of Flanges SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 2 2H 3 3K 4 5 6 Price.with Bolts and Gaskets, Each 1.70 3.00 3.75 4.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 For dimensions, see page 731. For drilling templates, see page 731. CRANE CO. 503 SPECIAL COMPANION FLANGES AND GLANDS FOR AMMONIA FOR DOUBLE PIPE RETURN BENDS AND SPECIAL REDUCING TEES BOYLE No 1583 FERROSTEEL No. 1584 FERROSTEEL GLAND No. 1582 FERROSTEEL TONGUE GROOVE No. 1582 1 2 MALLEABLE NO. 1583H MALLEABLE Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE RECTANGUIAR Size Inches IK 2 2 3 2 VA No. 1582, Gland, without Bolts and Gas- ket Each .60 .85 No. 1582, Gland, with Bolts and Gas- ket Each .75 1.00 No. 1582^ Tongue Flange, without Bolts and Gaskets Each .85 No. 1582J4 Tongue Flange, with Bolts and Gaskets Each 1.00 No. 1583, Boyle Flange, without Bolts and Gasket Each .60 .85 .85 1.80 No. 1583, Boyle Flange, with Bolts and Gasket Each .75 1.00 1.00 2.25 No. 1583^, Groove Flange, without Bolts and Gasket Each .85 No. 1583H, Groove Flange, with Bolts and Gasket Each 1.00 No. 1584, Boyle Flange, without Bolts and Gasket Each 1.50 1.50 No. 1584, Boyle Flange, with Bolts and Gasket Each 1.80 1.80 No. 1582 special oval glands are used on double pipe return bends for condensers and brine coolers; 2-inch oval glands are also used on 2x4^ inch return bends with screw-gland ends. No. 1583 special square Boyle flanges are used on double pipe return bends for condensers and brine coolers and on special reducing tees; the 1583 H 2-inch special square groove flange in addition to being used on 2x4;Hj inch return bends with tongue and groove ends, may be used interchangeably with the 2-inch No. 1583 Boyle flange. 5O4 CRANE CO. BLIND FLANGES FOR AMMONIA MALLEABLE IRON TONGUE GROOVE No. 1555 TONGUE NO. 1557 GROOVE Style of Flanges OVA L SQUARI Size Inches i^ 3/g H *A j \y IK 2 lYi No. 1555, without Bolts or Gasket Each .40 .45 .50 .65 .95 1.00 1.20 1.40 2.50 No. 1555, with Bolts and Gasket Each .50 .55 .70 .90 1.20 1.25 1.50 1.70 3.00 No. 1557, without Bolts or Gasket Each .40 .45 .50 .65 .95 1.00 1.20 1.40 2.50 No. 1557, with Bolts and Gasket Each .50 .55 .70 .90 1.20 1.25 1.50 1.70 3.00 Style of Flanges ROUN D Size Inches 3 3K 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 No. 1555, without Bolts or Gasket Each 3.00 3.50 4.25 5.25 6.25 7.50 9.00 12.50 18.50 No. 1555, with Bolts and Gasket Each 3.75 4.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 8.50 11.00 15.50 21.50 No. 1557, without Bolts or Gasket Each 3.00 3.50 4.25 5.25 6.25 7.50 9.00 12.50 18.50 No. 1557, with Bolts and Gasket Each 3.75 4.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 8.50 11.00 15.50 21.50 For dimensions, see page 731. Templates for drilling, page 731. CRANE CO. 505 RETURN BENDS FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS No. 1559 No. 1561 Size Inches IX 1M * 2 2 2 2 2 Center to Center Inches 4 6 4% 6 8 10 12 No. 1559, Plain, without Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 1.90 2.40 2.60 2.85 3.40 4.25 5.10 No. 1559, Plain, with Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 3.40 3.90 4.60 4.85 5.40 6.25 7.10 No. 1561, with Back Outlet, with- out Flanges, Bolts and Gas- kets Each 2 30 2 90 3 10 3 40 No. 1561, with Back Outlet, with Flanges, Boltsand Gaskets, Each 4.15 9. 75 5.45 5.75 Size of Back Outlet Inches H Vi H H *On tongue and groove end return bends, with 4^ inch centers, it is necessary to use special square flanges, prices for which are given on page 503. Standard flanges are used on all other sizes. Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Fittings complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For dimensions, see page 730. 506 CRANE CO. RETURN BENDS FOR AMMONIA MALLEABLE IRON SCREW ENDS WITH SOLDERING RECESS Size Inches 1 1 1 IX 1M IK 1M 1H 1K CentertoCenter, Inches VA 2^ 3 2M 2 1 A 3 3H 4 6 No. 1562, Plain.. Each .60 .75 .85 .90 .95 1.00 1.15 1.20 1.55 No. 1564, with ^ inch Back Outlet... Each 1.90 Size . . .Inches 1 1 A \y> 1*4 2 2 2 2 ? ?. Center toCenter,Inches 3 6 8 3 3H 4 4^ 6 8 No. 1562, Plain.. Each 1.15 1.75 2.00 1.25 1.30 1.90 2.25 3.25 3.50 No. 1564, with ^ inch Back Outlet... Each 2.15 2.25 An extra price is charged for tapping right and left. For dimensions, see page 729. CRANE CO. 507 DIVIDED RETURN BENDS FOR AMMONIA MALLEABLE IRON SCREW ENDS WITH SOLDERING RECESS No. 1570 Size Inches \y \ 1 4 2 2 2 2 Center to Center. Inches 4 6 3 1 A 4 45^ 6 No. 1570, Plain Each 2 50 2 70 4 40 4 75 5 00 6 00 No. 1572, with Back Outlet Each 3.15 4.85 5.20 5.45 Size of Back Outlet Inches y> H For dimensions, see page 730. 508 CRANE CO. APPLICATION OF DOUBLE PIPE AMMONIA CONDENSER FITTINGS ->> 2 O- CQ 00 0^ a ^ fl'o fl TJ ^X ri O d "rtV a 2 M I fficC O J^^J, 3 I> !> 00 00 lOOiOiO H ^Hr-tr-l^l i OO I I 1 CRANE CO. 509 APPLICATION OF DOUBLE PIPE BRINE COOLER FITTINGS t g o I o> - S3 . Wc3 g S' 5 73 M I ill D W IJ. J s . 9 ill 51O CRANE CO. DOUBLE PIPE RETURN BENDS FOR CONDENSERS AND BRINE COOLERS Size Inches 2x \Y 21% Y \\A 2 l /ox2x1lx' 3x2 Center to Center Inches Y% 45^ 4/1? 6 No. 1575, Ammonia Return Bends, without Companion Flanges, Glands, Bolts and Gas- kets Each 4 55 5 25 5 25 No. 1575, Ammonia Return Bends, with Two Special Companion Boyle Flanges, Two Special Oval Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets Each 8 00 10 35 10 35 No. 1577, Ammonia Return Bends, without Companion Flanges, Glands, Bolts and Gaskets Each 7 50 No. 1577, Ammonia Return Bends, with Two Special Companion Boyle Flanges, Two Special Oval Companion Glands, Bolts and Gaskets Each 14.00 Unless otherwise specified, we will always furnish Bends complete with Companion Flanges, Glands, Gaskets and Bolts. Crane Double Pipe Return Bends are so constructed that a particular water or ammonia bend may be removed, thus permitting a section of pipe being taken out of any part of a condenser or brine cooler without tearing down the entire stand. This construction also makes it possible to easily detect leaky joints. Double Pipe Bends for condensers and brine coolers are identical in design, the only difference being in the size. For dimensions, see page 727. For Double Pipe Water Cooler Fittings, see page 516. CRANE CO. 511 SPECIAL REDUCING TEES FERROSTEEL FOR DOUBLE PIPE BRINE COOLERS INLET TEES No. 1579^ Size Inches 2xl^xH 2x mxi 2x1^x1 4 2xli4xm No. 1579, without Companion Flange and Gland, Bolts and Gaskets Each 4.00 4 .25 4.25 4.25 No. 1579, with Special 2 inch Square Groove or Boyle Com- panion Flange and Special \Y inch Oval Companion Gland, and Bolts and Gaskets for same Each 6.45 ( >.70 6.70 6.70 Size Inches 2xl^x 2 2V3 ' cl^x2 No. 1579, without Companion Flange and Gland, Bolts and Gaskets Each 4.25 1.75 No. 1579, with Special 2J-6 inch Rectangular or Boyle Compan- ion Flange and Special l l /i inch Oval Companion Gland, and Bolts and Gaskets for same, Each 6.70 S.30 OUTLET TEES Size Inches 2xl^x^i 2xl34x^ 2xlKx$* No. 1579H, without Companion Flange and Gland, Bolts and Gasket Each 4.00 4.00 4.00 No. 1579H. with Special 2 inch Square Groove or Boyle Companion Flange and Special \Y inch Oval Companion Gland and Bolts, and Gaskets for same .... Each 6.45 6.45 6.45 Size Inches 2x1^x1 2xlMxlM 2x1^x2 No. 1579J^, without Companion Flange and Gland, Bolts and Gaskets Each 4.25 4.25 4.25 No. 1579J^ with Special 2 inch Square Groove or Boyle Companion Flange and Special \\i inch Oval Companion Gland and Bolts, and Gaskets for same .... Each 6.70 6.70 6.70 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Tees complete w'th Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. For Inlet and Outlet Water Cooler Tees, see page 516. For Special Companion Flanges and Glands, see page 503. 512 CRANE CO. SPECIAL REDUCING TEES FERROSTEEL FOR DOUBLE PIPE AMMONIA CONDENSERS No. 1581 NO. 1581H INLET TEES Size Inches 3x2xK 3x2xM 3x2x2 No. 1581, without Companion Flange, Gland, Bolts and Gaskets Each 9.00 9.00 9.50 No. 1581, with Special 3 inch Special Square Companion Boyle Flange, Special 2 inch Oval Companion Gland, and Bolts and Gaskets for same Each 13.50 13.50 14.00 OUTLET TEES Size Inches 3x2x1^ 3x2x1^ 3x2x2 No. 1581^, without Companion Flange, Gland, Bolts and Gaskets Each 9.50 9.50 9.50 No. 1581 J/6, with Special 3 inch Square Boyle Companion Flange, Special 2 inch Oval Companion Gland, and Bolts and Gaskets for same Each 14.00 14.00 14.00 Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Tees complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. BACK OUTLET ELBOWS FOR AMMONIA CONDENSERS Size Inches 1 1 A 2 No. 1578, with Back Bolts and Gaskets. . Outlet, without Flanges, Each 5.25 5.50 Size of Back Outlet . . Inches y 2 K For Special Companion Flanges and Glands, see page 503. CRANE CO. 513 (0 K LJ If) Z LJ O z o O liJ MMON OSTEEL EADER TEES FOR 514 CRANE CO. BOYLE UNIONS FOR AMMONIA No. 1585 FERROSTEEL Style of Flanges Ov VL SQUARE Size Inches K % H 1 IK IK No. 1585 Each 1.05 1.15 1.35 1.60 1.95 2.65 3.10 Style of Flanges SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 2 VA 3 3H 4 5 6 No 1585 . Each 3.70 6.25 9.50 ,1.50 13.65 18.00 22.00 For dimensions, see page 731. For extra ferrules, see page 51 7. CRANE CO. 515 SAFETY AMMONIA GAUGES WITH AUTOMATIC GAUGE VALVES No. 1586H The construction of these Gauge Valves is such, should the glass tube be broken, the valves instantly and auto- matically close, allowing the installation of a new tube and preventing loss or danger from escaping ammonia. PRICE, COMPLETE INCLUDING GLASS TUBE AND GUARD 15 INCH CENTER i inch size. inch size . . 12.50 15.00 Over 15 inch center add 25 cents per inch. EXTRA PARTS FOR GAUGES WITH 15 INCH CENTERS Size Inches V?, % Guard Each 4.50 4.50 Glass Each .20 .25 Valve Each 5.00 6.50 The glass and guards in these gauges are % inch. 516 CRANE CO. DOUBLE PIPE WATER COOLER FITTINGS DOUBLE PIPE WATER COOLER RETURN BEND PRICE, COMPLETE AS SHOWN Size Inches 2x1^x4^ Price, Black ..Each 4.75 Price, Galvanized Each 6.50 No. 1575H INLET AND OUTLET WATER COOLER TEE -\ PRICE, COMPLETE AS SHOWN Size . . . . Inches 2x1^x2 Price, Black Each 4.50 Price. Galvanized .... Each No. 1575% RETURN BENDS FOR CONDENSERS. BRINE COOLERS AND WATER COOLERS No. 1574 NO. 1574^ Size Inches 1H 2 Center to Center Inches 4^ 6 No. 1574, Water Return Bends, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 1.75 No. 1574, Water Return Bends, with Special 1H inch Oval Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 3.25 No. 1574H, Water Return Bends Each 1.60 No. 1576J/6, Brine Return Bends Each .3.00 No. 1576, Brine Return Bends, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 2.45 No. 1576, Brine Return Bends, with Special 2 inch Oval Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 4.45 Nos. 1574 and 1576 Bends have both ends tongue. Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish No. 1574 and No. 1576 Bends complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. CRANE CO. 517 FERRULES FOR AMMONIA FITTINGS FERROSTEEL Size Inches X H H 3 X 1 IK 1H 2 No. 1586 Each .25 .25 .30 .30 .30 .30 .35 .35 Size Inches 2y 2 3 3K 4 5 6 7 8 No. 1586 Each .45 .45 .95 .95 1.40 1.50 2.00 2.50 These Ferrules are used when bolting two groove flanges together. DOUBLE GROOVE FERRULES FERROSTEEL Size Inches H H 1 A K 1 1M 1M 2 No. 1586K Each 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 Size Inches 2H 3 3H 4 5 6 7 8 No. 1586M Each 2.25 2.25 2.40 3.35 3.55 3.65 5.00 5.20 These Ferrules are used when bolting two tongue flanges together. SPECIAL ECCENTRIC REDUCERS FERROSTEEL FOR ATMOSPHERIC AMMONIA CONDENSERS No. 1573H Size . .Inches 2xM No. 1573^, without Companion Flanges , Bolts and Ga skets.. ...Each 4.00 518 CRANE CO. WROUGHT COUPLINGS FOR AMMONIA PLAIN AND RECESSED No. 1588 PLAIN NO. 1590 RECESSED Size Inches y % K & 1 1/4 IX' No. 1588, Plain Each .14 .14 20 26 34 42 No. 1590. Recessed Each .25 .25 .30 .35 .45 .55 Size . . Inches 2 2H 3 3H 4 5 6 No. 1588, Plain Each .56 .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 No. 1590, Recessed Each .70 .95 1.40 1.85 2.25 4.80 5.60 XX HYDRAULIC COUPLINGS FOR AMMONIA Size Inches *A 1 \y 1H 2 2H Outside Diameter. . Inches 1.66 1.90 2.22 2.44 3.19 3.62 Length Inches 1 88 2 63 2 88 3 13 3 38 3 63 Threads to Inch of Screw 14 HH HH ny 2 HH 8 Weight, Each. Pounds 70 1 12 1 50 1 88 3 55 4 50 No. 1588H, Plain.... Each 40 55 70 85 1 15 1 60 No. 1590*4 Recessed, Plain Each .50 .65 .85 1.00 1.30 1.85 CRANE CO. 519 COMPANION FLANGE UNIONS FOR AMMONIA No. 1589 MALLEABLE Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size Inches 1 A K H *A 1 IX 1H 2 VA No. 1589 ...Each .90 1.00 1.20 1.55 2.15 2.25 2.70 3.10 5.50 Style of Flanges ROUND Size Inches 3 3^ 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 No 1589 Each 6 75 7 75 9.25 11 00 13 75 16 00 20 00 28 00 40.00 These unions consist of standard tongue and groove flanges bolted together, with ' 'Granite' ' gasket. SPECIAL OVAL FLANGE UNIONS FOR AMMONIA No. 1591*2 MALLEABLE Size . . . . . Inches 1 1^ Price Each 1 50 1 75 520 CRANE CO. AMMONIA GAUGES No. 1587 Size Dial Inches 8H 6M 6 No. 1587, Iron Gas e, N. P. Ring. . . , ...Each 45.75 40.60 35.50 Size Dial. . Inches 1 A 5 iy> No. 1587, Iron Gas e, N. P. Ring... . . . Each 30.50 30.50 25.50 No cocks are furnished with these gauges. These gauges are carried in stock in the following gradua- tions : Low Pressure 150 pounds pressure, 30 inches vacuum. High Pressure 300 pounds pressure, 30 inches vacuum. CRANE CO. 521 OIL SEPARATORS FOR AMMONIA PATENTED FERROSTEEL ' ~w Careful consideration has been given this improved design of Crane Oil Separators for Ammonia, as shown above and on following page. They have been planned with the view of obtaining a large baffle surface and such internal area that the velocity of flow will be diminished, rather than increased, when passing through the machine. Another feature of Crane Separators is, the provision of means for examining and cleaning the interior. This is an extremely important point. 522 CRANE CO. OIL SEPARATORS FOR AMMONIA PATENTED FERROSTEEL -"ft* TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS NO. 1594^ Style of Flanges OVAL SQUARE Size Inches 3 4 1 IK 1H 2 2Vo With Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gas- kets, Drain and Purge Valves Each 45.00 65.00 65.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 With Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, but without Drain and Purge Valves Each 34.00 54.00 54.00 88.50 88 50 88.50 Style of Flanges ROUND Size Inches 3 3^ 4 5 6 With Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gas- kets, Drain and Purge Valves. . . . Each 140.00 140.00 140.00 260.00 260.00 With Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets, but without Drain and Purge Valres Each 128.00 128.00 128.00 247.00 247.00 Sizes above 6 inch, made to order at a special price. For dimensions, see page 721. CRANE CO. 523 SEDIMENT TRAPS FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS NO. 1595 WITHOUT COMPANION FLANGES, BOLTS OR GASKETS Style of Flanges SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 1 Vi 1H 2 2H 3 3H 4 5 6 Price Each 10.00 14.00 16.25 20.00 25.00 42.00 54.00 68.00 106.00 140.00 WITH COMPANION FLANGES, BOLTS AND GASKETS Style of Flanges SQUARE ROUND Size Inches 1 1M 16.75 1H 2 2H 3 3^ 4 5 6 Price Each 11.85 19.00 23.70 30.50 51.30 65.40 81.30 122.65 162.15 Smaller and larger sizes made to order. Prices on application. Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Traps complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. Sediment Traps have the same dimensions as Tongue and Groove Angle Valves and Elbows. The Steel Wire Screen may be readily taken out and cleaned. 524 CRANE CO. RELIEF VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Crane Ammonia Relief Valves have received the official sanction of the City of Chicago, where relief valves are required in all ammonia plants. These valves may be set to blow off at any point up td 250 pounds. The cap may be sealed or locked to prevent the changing of the set pressure by unauthorized persons. CRANE CO. 525 RELIEF VALVES FOR AMMONIA FERROSTEEL TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Size Inches y* M 1 IK tii 2 2H 3 No. 1596, without Companion Flanges, Bolts and Gaskets Each 1550 16.50 1830 20.25 ?475 33.00 4980 60,00 No. 1596, with Companion Flan- ges, Bolts and Gaskets . . Each 16.45 17.70 19.80 22.50 27.00 36.00 54.00 67.50 No. 1596, Screw Ends Each 15.50 16.50 Relief Valves can also be furnished Globe pattern at same price as Angle. Unless otherwise specified we will always furnish Valves complete with Companion Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts. Relief Valves take standard ammonia flanges. 526 CRANE CO. GALVANIZED WATER TROUGHS FOR ATMOSPHERIC AMMONIA CONDENSERS Water Troughs of any size and style will be made to order. We recommend these troughs as superior to ordinary troughs in design, material and workmanship. They will be supplied at the following prices: Gauge Price, per Foot 20 1.00 18 1.10 16 1.25 12 1.75 CRANE CO. 527 PIPE STANDS CAST IRON FOR AMMONIA CONDENSERS AND BRINE COOLERS TOP SECTION INTERMEDIATE SECTION TROUGH SUPPORT Size of Pipe Inches 2 *2&2* 2H 3 Centers Inches _3H 4 4H 4H 4^ 6 o 3 2.25 fe.tf 4 2.40 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.25 mi. 1 5 3.30 Each. jg_5, 6 3.50 3.75 3.75 5.00 7 5.00 8 5.00 2 Q feU 3 2.25 a "2 4 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.25 Each. ,g & 5 3.50 6 3.75 4.70 5.00 Base, 9 inches high . . Each 2.5( ) Base, 12 inches high . . Each 3.25 Base, 1 5 inches high . . Each 3.0( ) Header Support . . Each 2.0( ) 2.50 Trough Support . . Each 1.0( ) *For two 2 inch and two 2 inch pipes. The 9 and 15 inch bases are used on both atmospheric and double pipe condensers; the 12 inch base on brine coolers. A complete stand consists of a base, intermediate sections and a top section, but an intermediate section may be used at the top if desired. 528 CRANE CO. SPECIAL OIL SEPARATORS FOR AMMONIA PLANTS This separator will positively remove all oil and other foreign matter from the ammonia and return it to the system without loss. APPLICATION The installation of one of these separators will greatly increase the efficiency of any refrigerating ice machine, and effect a saving in its operation. OPERATION Allow oil and other substances to drain to the separator until oil shows in the gauge glass, then shut off the supply valve from all traps and separators, but allow valve to suction line to remain open turn steam into the coil at the base of separator and keep in for about twenty-four hours then close valve to the suction line and drain separator through the drain valve. CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OR OPERATION OF THESE SEPARATORS IS SOLICITED CRANE CO. 529 GASKETS FOR TONGUE AND GROOVE JOINTS Size of Valve or Fitting Inches y % H X 1 IX 1H 2 2H Outside Diameter of Gasket .... Inches if .25 .25 1& 1& H .30 .30 Hi m 2A m 3;ft 3& Inside Diameter of Gasket Inches if VA .40 .40 m .40 .40 IB .50 .50 IB .50 .50 2A .55 .55 2B .60 .60 Granite Per Dozen .30 .30 Rubber Per Dozen Lead Per Dozen .45 .50 .50 .70 .90 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.70 Size of Valve or Fitting Inches 3 3H 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 Outside Diameter of Gasket Inches 4& 4H 5M 6H m 6B 9^ 10% 13H 15H Inside Diameter of Gasket Inches 3A 4A 4A sy* 8^ 9^ 11^ 13^ Granite. Per Dozen .70 .70 1.85 .85 .85 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.50 1.50 3.50 1.80 1.80 4.20 2.40 2.40 4.80 3.00 3.00 5.60 3.75 3.75 6.50 Rubber Per Dozen Lead Per Dozen 2.15 2.40 2.70 When ammonia valves and fittings with tongue and groove ends are ordered complete with flanges, bolts and gaskets, "Granite" gaskets will always be furnished, unless lead or rubber is specified. 53O CRANE CO. RUBBER GASKETS FOR SCREW-GLAND AND BOYLE JOINTS Size of Valve or Fitting Inches H *A 1 A X 1 1M V/2 Outside Diameter of Gasket .Inches i IX 1M VA 1 2M 2y 2 Inside Diameter of Gasket, Inches ft tt H 1& IH 1H m Thickness of Gasket Inches M X y* Ji & N N Canvas-wrapped or Plain.Per Doz. 1.40 1.60 1.85 2.10 2.60 5.00 5.30 Size of Valve or Fitting Inches 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 5 6 Outside Diameter of Gasketjnches 3K 3H 4A 4^ 5H 6K 7>g Inside Diameter of Gasket, Inches 2& 2M 3^ 4A 4^ 5^ 6H Thickness of Gasket Inches % 1 A H M H H N Canvas-wrapped or Plain,Per Doz. 8.10 13.20 16.80 21.00 26.00 49.00 60.00 CRANE CO. 531 GRANITE GRANITE is the packing used by CRANE CO. for severe service, such as superheated steam, dry air, acids, oils, ammonia, alkali, hot sugar solutions, gases, etc. CRANITE gaskets are used on all CRANE valves for high pressure, saturated or superheated steam. CRANITE is particularly recommended for use on gasoline engines. CRANITE is an asbestos packing, and only selected long fiber is used in its manufacture, giving it added strength. It covers more surface per pound than any other packing. It can be used over and over again by applying graphite to its surfaces. It will not press, burn, or blow out of joints. It does not stick to surfaces. It saves labor, a joint once made requires no after tightening up. Regularly, the packing comes in sheets & inch thick, size 36 x 36 inches. If sufficient time is allowed this packing will be made to order in any thickness from ^ to % inch. As CRANITE does not deteriorate with age, it will be found economical to purchase it in quantities. PRICES IN SHEETS 3^ inch and thicker $1.00 net per Ib. Less than ^ inch 1.25 net per Ib. The fs inch sheets weigh a little over a half pound to the square foot. LISTS OF GASKETS, VIZ.! FOR STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS, PAGES 532 AND 533. 634 AND 535. 532 CRANE CO. DC D> o^g \(N SIN SM r., Cl ill co x X ^ X X X CO X CO X ^ CO X CO 00 X co 05 X 05 X ^ X 10 X CO CO X X o ^ lg (0 LJ 111 - CO 94 CO s o 00 co g 3 o CO 8 o c^ O U) 5al w 11 11 1 1 T-H U g-sP -s o O on ce on o cr < co 05 U S^oo w " DC _i D D u. ^ OB 0) , in W s'gl 1 oo S CO 2 2 ^ CO s 5 oo s CO S HS : o W 1: 1 g 2 -. r C3 - 1 - 3 -3 S Q -f 2 CO CO 00 CO co CO oo o oo 3 u z M 5 3 M 3 . . , . " ! CO CO w o | g HH U Q < 5 S i a 1 CO < > 8iM i -C) ro 958 03 oS-O^S S |1| 1 CO X HS CO X s X ,-r oo X 5 ^ X CO ,J X CO X CO or. CO X co CO X X " X >0 V* 00 X CO o X X 00 II < 2 8: z ,aa>M 2 < z ||| | s S <>^ 12 05 n c^ ^ lo s r- j 0) u. (/) H00 QC LJ i-dSf ft LL U) 3 Sifl o ""! "^ ""I ""! CO s ^ 8 co "* *. (3 Z *s. s a QC S s 8 s CO CO oo o ^ oo CO 10 O 00 ^^ HS?| w Irv U *S fltn w &\LJ u ^ 5-B -g g CO co co co 2 CO r^ r^ oo CO co CO 00 If |S HB?|i ifi V * 0^ S ^^1^^^^ gj ^'- A N-^ 1 ^_ J* -f <^1 _f' ro ' ^ ^H\ m CO f^. on O5 ^ "eS *M C3 CO CO Tfl CRANE CO. 533 2 X X ?! X >0 _~ 5 X CO X oo Z ALZXQZ 35 05 X CM CM X 26X34% 28X36^ 30X38% ^\ X 34X43% CO X 38X48% 40X50% X CM 44X55% 46X57K 48X59K 50X61% CM S 10 CO CO co S 8 kO 8 8 00 8 00 ? 8 CM a o o; 10 CO CM 10 10 o o o CM - K s 8 s iO 8 S oo oi 2 , 2 * i o o 10 CO o oo 8 c\i CM I 14X17% 05 X X CO X oo CM X o CO CM X 3 ^-t CM X 1 X CO M co X oo 30X34% co X CM co X 36X41% 38X43% 40X45% g X CM i X S 10 X CO X X ^ S 8 5 LO 5 o CM CM CM co 8 8 ; CO s CO - CO i g >0 * o s s O 8 o 10 8 CM S 10 S 8 CM gg s CO t^ 3 oo o 8 s 10 " 3 s g a >0 CO 00 . . " 8 s s oo o CM ^ i CO ss I s 1 k f f f 534 CRANE CO. GASKETS FOR MEDIUM AND EXTRA HEAVY FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS NET PRICES AND DIMENSIONS RING GASKETS FULL FACE GASKETS Size of Valve or Fitting Inches "CC" Gas- kets Each Corru- gated Copper Gas- kets Each rslnch Cran- ite Gas- kets Each Inside and Outside Diameters Inches "CC" Gas- kets Each Corru- gated Copper Gas- kets Each Te Inch Cran- ite Gas- kets Each Inside and Outside Diameters Inches 1 .08 .08 .08 1X2% .18 .18 .18 1X4% IK .08 .08 .10 1MX3M .18 .18 .22 1%X5 l l A .08 .08 .12 1^X3% .18 .18 .27 1%X6 2 2 1 A .09 .10 .15 2X4% .21 .24 .35 2X6% .12 .12 .19 2HX5M .25 .30 .38 2^X7% 3 .15 .16 .24 3X5% .32 .36 .50 3X8% 3^ .16 .18 .27 3^X6^ .35 .42 .60 3%X9 4 .18 .20 .33 4X7% .45 .50 .75 4X10 4H .21 .24 .35 4^X7% .47 .54 .80 4%X10% 5 .25 .30 .45 5X8% .50 .60 .90 5X11 6 .30 .36 .55 6X9% .60 .72 .10 6X12% 7 .40 .42 .70 7X11 .75 .90 .35 7X14 8 .42 .48 .75 8X12% .80 1.00 .45 8X15 9 .48 .54 .85 9X13 .95 1.10 .70 9X16% 10 .55 .66 1.00 10X1414 1.05 1.30 .90 10X17% 12 .70 .84 1.25 12X16% 1.40 2.20 2.50 12X20^ 14 1.00 1.50 1.65 14X19% 1.70 2.75 2.75 14X23 15 1.05 1.65 1.80 15X20% 1.90 3.05 3.35 15X24^ 16 1.20 1.80 2.10 16X21% 2.00 3.30 3.50 16X25K 18 1.35 2.00 2.40 18X23% 2.20 3.60 4.00 18X28 20 1.45 2.35 2.75 20X25% 2.50 4.25 20X30^ 22 1.55 2.50 3.00 22X27% 2.80 5.50 22X33 24 1.90 3.50 24X30% 3.15 6.00 24X36 Ring Gaskets cover the faces of flanges inside of bolt holes, and will always be furnished unless otherwise ordered. Corrugated Copper Gaskets are made from 27 Gauge copper. We can, however, furnish these Gaskets made from a heavier gauge of cop- per, at an extra price, with either plain or corrugated faces, and hard or annealed. Special Corrugated Sheet Iron, or Steel Gaskets, for cyanide piping, made to order. We can furnish Gaskets, at special prices, made from any brand of sheet rubber or metal that is manufactured. Full Face Gaskets are furnished without bolt holes; bolt holes will be punched at ari extra price when so ordered. Note the superior claims of "Cranite" for high pressure and super- heated steam as described on page 531. t CRANE CO. 535 GASKETS FOR MEDIUM AND EXTRA HEAVY FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS NET PRICES AND DIMENSIONS GASKETS FOR rs GASKETS FOR TONGUED AND GROOVED JOINTS Size of Valve or Fitting Inches "CC" Gas- kets Each Corru- gated Copper Gas- kets Each rii Inch Cran- ite Gas- kets Each Inside and Outside Diameters Inches "CC" Gas- kets Each Corru- gated Copper Gas- kets Each ^Inch Cran- ite Gas- kets Each Inside and Outside Diameters Inches 1 .05 .04 .05 1X2& .03 .04 .03 1MX2^ IK .05 04 .06 V4X2K .03 .04 .03 2^X3 yj .05 .06 .07 1^X3^ .03 .06 .04 2MX3% 2 .05 .08 .08 2X3^ .03 .06 .05 3^X4^ 2H .06 .08 .10 2^X4^ .04 ; .08 .07 3%X4% 3 .08 .10 .13 3X5 .05 .08 .08 4KX5K 3H .10 .12 .17 3^X5^ .05 .10 .09 4MX5M 4 .11 .14 .20 4X6 .06 .10 .11 5MX6M 4^ .13 .16 .21 4 1 AXQ 1 A .06 .10 .11 5MX6% 5 .15 .16 .27 5X7M .06 .12 .12 6MX7K 6 .16 .20 .30 6X8^ .07 .12 .13 7^X8^ 7 .20 .24 .35 7X9^ .08 .16 .14 8%X9% 8 .25 .30 .45 8X10% .11 .18 .18 9%X10K 9 .27 .36 .48 9X11% .12 .20 .21 w 5 Axny 8 10 12 .32 .42 .60 10X12% .15 .28 .25 11^X13^ .44 .54 .75 12X15^ .18 .30 .30 13%X15H 14 .48 .60 .80 14X16^ .20 .36 .35 15^X17% 15 .50 .66 .90 15X17^ .22 .515 .40 17^X18% 16 .58 1.00 1.05 16X18^ .28 .65 .50 18HX20K 18 .70 1.20 1.20 18X21 .35 .80 .70 20^X22% 20 .80 35 1.50 20X23 .40 1.00 .80 22fVX24^ 22 1.00 1.65 2.00 22X25^ .45 1.10 .90 24^X26^ 24 1.15 1.90 2.25 24X27^ .50 1.15 1.00 26^X28^ Corrugated Copper Gaskets are made from 27 Gauge copper. We can, however, furnish these Gaskets made from a heavier gauge of cop- per, at an extra price, with either plain or corrugated faces, and hard or annealed. Special Corrugated Sheet Iron, or Steel Gaskets, for cyanide piping made to order. We can furnish Gaskets, at special prices, made from any brand of sheet rubber or metal that is manufactured. Note the superior claims of "Granite" for high pressures and super- heated steam as described on page 531. 536 CRANE CO. GASKETS FOR EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FERROSTEEL FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: I^TO 2 1 A INCH, 1200 LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 3 TO 4 INCH, 10OO LBS. HYDROSTATIC ', 4^ TO 12 INCH, 8OO LBS. HYDROSTATIC GASKETS FOR MALE AND FEMALE JOINTS Size of Valve or Fitting Inches "CC" Gaskets Each Corrugated Copper Gaskets Each iV Inch Granite Gaskets Each Inside and Outside Diameters Each 1 1 A .05 .06 .07 1^X3^ 2 .05 .08 .08 2X3^ 2H .06 .08 .10 VAX^A 3 .08 .10 .13 3X5 3^ .10 .12 .17 3^X5^ 4 .11 .14 .20 4X6 4H .13 .16 .21 4^X6^ 5 .15 .16 .27 5X7M 6 .16 .20 .30 6X8^ 7 .20 .24 .35 7X9% 8 .25 .30 .45 8X10^ 9 .27 .36 .48 9X11% 10 .32 .42 .60 10X12^ 12 .44 .54 .75 12X15^ Corrugated Copper Gaskets are made from 27 Gauge copper. We can, however, furnish these Gaskets made from heavier gauge copper, at an extra price. Annealed Copper and Fibre Gaskets; prices on application. We can furnish Gaskets, at special prices, made from any flange packing that is manufactured. Templates for drilling, page 653. Dimensions of flange faces, page 719. CRANE CO. 537 GASKETS FOR EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC GASKETS FOR MALE AND FEMALE JOINTS Size of Valve or Fitting Inches Corrugated Copper Gaskets Each T^Inch Cranite Gaskets Each Inside and Outside Diameters Each 1H .04 .06 1KX2M 2 .06 .07 VAX2% 2M .08 .08 2X3& 3 .08 .10 VAXm 4 .10 .13 3X5 5 .16 .21 4X6fV 6 .16 .27 5X7^ Corrugated Copper Gaskets are made from 27 Gauge copper. We can, however, furnish these Gaskets made from heavier gauge copper at an extra price. Annealed Copper and Fibre Gaskets; prices on application. We can furnish Gaskets, at special prices, made from any flange packing that is manufactured. Templates for drilling, page 654. Dimensions of flange faces, page 720. 538 CRANE CO. STEAM PACKING CLOTH INSERTION. CLOTH ON ONE OR BOTH SIDES There is one ply of cloth to every ^ inch thickness. Each cloth, whether insertion or outside, to count as one ply. 1-Ply 2-Ply 3-Ply 4-Ply A inch Per pound 65 finch Per pound 60 63 66 inch Per pound 55 58 61 inch Per pound 55 58 61 ^g inch Per pound 55 58 % inch Per pound 55 Three cents per pound additional will be charged for each extra ply of cloth. All Cloth Insertion Packing is one yard wide and any length desired. CC PACKINGS, SEE PAGE 539 ROUND DUCK PISTON PACKING Per pound 85 Made of Cotton Fabric and Rubber Core; from } to 1*4 inch diameter, and in lengths of 12 feet. SQUARE DUCK PISTON PACKING Per pound 85 Made of Cotton Fabric, from J to IVz inch square, and lengths of 12 feet. SQUARE DUCK PISTON PACKING RUBBER BACK Per pound 1.00 Sizes, y" to \Vz" square. P. P. P. PISTON PACKING. Per pound 1.00 CC STERLING PACKING CC Sterling, Sectional Ring Per pound 2.00 CC Sterling, Spiral Per pound 1.30 SQUARE FLAX PACKING Per pound 85 Sizes, M" to 1". PURE RUBBER VALVES Per pound 1 . 50 CLOTH INSERTION GASKETS OR RINGS Thickness, & inch or less Per pound 1.25 Thickness, & inch and upward Per pound 1.00 In all sizes above & there is one ply of cloth to every & inch thickness. Each cloth, whether insertion or on outside, to count as one ply. Five cents per pound additional will be charged for each extra ply of cloth. PLUMBERS' SPUN OAKUM At market prices. JUTE ROPE PACKING Tarred and Untarred. At market prices. WASTE, LAMP WICK AND GASFITTERS' CEMENT No. 1 Waste Per pound .12 Lamp Wick Per pound .30 Gasfitters' Cement Per pound .12 Asbestos Wick Packing, Asbestos Board and Paper, page 540. Gaskets for Standard and Low Pressure Goods, pages 532 and 533. Gaskets for Extra Heavy Goods, pages 534 and 535. CRANE CO. 539 C. C. SHEET PACKING MANUFACTURED SOLELY FOR CRANE CO. Adapted for all pressures of saturated steam, hot and cold water, air, gases, etc. Made in rolls 36 inches wide, containing about 200 pounds and in any thick- ness from yj to Yz inch. PRICE PER POUND $1.00 See pages 532 and 533, also pages 534 and 535, for prices of Gaskets for Crane Valves and Fittings. Gaskets of all sizes and shapes made to order at a special price. C C SHEET PACKING WITH WIRE INSERTION MADE IN ROLLS 36 INCHES WIDE, ANY THICKNESS & To M, INCH PRICE PER POUND $1.50 C C SECTIONAL ROPE GASKETS FOR HAND AND MAN-HOLE PLATES PRICE PER POUND $1.00 Diameter Inches Length Contained in Box Feet Approxim'te Weight of Box Pounds % y* I % 36 36 24 18 12 12 2% 5% 6 6* C C SPIRAL CORE PISTON AND VALVE ROD PACKING SQUARE AND ROUND PRICE PER POUND $1.0O FURNISHED IN RINGS AT A SPECIAL PRICE Diameter Inches Contents of Box Feet App. Weight of Box Pounds Diameter Inches Contents of Box Feet App. Weight of Box Pounds 34 84 334 1 24 10 A 72 3/4 12 5H % 72 4V& 1^ 12 5% 1 60 36 4% s 12 12 36 534 12 8V& % 36 1% 12 9 H 24 24 6^ ft 12 12 11* 24 7/4 12 13^4 24 8* IX 12 15^4 8 24 9H 2 12 18H DIRECTIONS FOR USING, FURNISHED WITH PACKINGS 540 CRANE CO. ASBESTOS MATERIALS AND HAIR FELT ASBESTOS MILL BOARD Made in sheets 40X40 inches, ^ to ^ inch thick, weighing approx- imately, in pounds per sheet, as follows : ft % A J4 9 y 2 2 to 2Y Z 3% to 414 5V 2 to 6 IVz to 8 11 y z to 12 13V6 to 141/2 23 to 25 27 to 30 ASBESTOS PAPER Furnished in rolls 36 inches wide weighing from 80 to 100 pounds per roll, TH i N _about 6 pounds to 100 square feet. MEDIUM about 10 pounds to 100 square feet. HEAVY about 14 pounds to 100 square feet. ASBESTOS WICK PACKING Put up in balls of $4, *4 and 1 pound each. PRICES PER POUND ON ALL THE ABOVE GOODS, ON APPLICATION HAIR FELTING Put up in rolls 6 feet wide, containing 300 square feet. ^ inch thick: Price per square foot 8 cents. % inch thick: Price per square foot 9^ cents. % inch thick: Price per square foot 12^ cents. 1 inch thick: Price per square foot 15 cents. 1> inch thick: Price per square foot 22 cents. CRANE CO. 541 SECTIONAL PIPE COVERINGS MADE IN SECTIONS THREE FEET LONG ~ STANDARD THICKNESS .ALSO SECTIONAL COVERS FOR FITTINGS Inside Diameter of Pipe Inches Price Per Lineal Foot Elbows Each Tees Each Crosses Each Globe Valves Each l /2 .22 .30 .36 .48 .54 .24 .30 .36 .48 .54 1 .27 .30 .36 .48 .54 1H .30 .30 .36 .48 .54 IH .33 .30 .36 .48 .54 2 .36 .36 .42 .54 .60 2H .40 .42 .48 .60 .78 3 .45 .48 .54 .70 .96 SH .50 .54 .60 .80 1.20 4 .60 .60 .75 .95 1.50 4% .65 .72 .90 1.10 1.85 5 .70 .90 1.20 1.50 2.25 6 .80 1.30 1.60 2.00 2.80 7 1.00 1.80 2.20 2.80 3.60 8 1.10 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.40 9 1.20 3.00 3.80 4.40 5.30 10 1.30 3.60 4.60 5.20 6.20 12 1.85 The following kinds of Sectional Coverings will be furnished from the above Uniform list prices but at different discounts. "85 per cent. Magnesia," for high pressure work. "Imperial Felted" Asbestos, for high pressure work. Moulded Asbestos, for ordinary service. Asbestos Air Cell, H, % and 1 inch thick for ordinary service. Wool Felt, *4, % and 1 inch thick for Low Pressure and Exhaust Steam , Hot and Cold water pipes. Inquiries for discounts and orders, should state style, sizes and quan- tities of covering wanted. MAGNESIA AND ASBESTOS BLOCK AND SHEET COVERING, furnished in varying sizes and u^ to four inches thick. Prices quoted according to size, quantity and thickness wanted. CEMENT IN BAGS. PRICES ON APPLICATION "85 per cent. Magnesia": Approximate weight per bag 60 pounds. Asbestos Cement: Approximate weight per bag 100 pounds. One bag of either will cover approximately 40 square feet of surface one inch thick. 542 CRANE CO. CAST IRON EXHAUST PIPE HEADS For Pipe Size Inches Price Screwed Each Price Flanged Each Size of Drip Inches Diameter of Flange Inches Greatest Diameter Inches Total Height Inches 1-1K . 20.00 X 1% 7M 2-2^_ 25.00 1 9 9M 3-3^ 30.00 1 10M 10^ 4-4^ 40.00 1 11^ HH 5 50.00 l}4 13% 13^ 6 60.00 in 11 16 14^ 7 75.00 IX 12*| 18J4 17M 8 90.00 ' VA 13^ 20 17^8 10 125.00 2 16 23 21% 12 150.00 V/2 19 28H 25 14 200.00 VA 21 31K 27M 16 250.00 3 23^ 34M 30M 18 300.00 3 25 38 33% 20 360.00 3H 27^ 41^ 373/^ 22 450.00 3^ 29^ 47 43 24 600.00 4 32 51 45M 26 700.00 4 34M 55 50 28 800.00 4 36^ 59 53 30 900.00 4H 38% 62 57 36 1200.00 5 46 75 66M The flanges on Heads 6 inches and larger conform with the American Standard for Low Pressure and are furnished faced and drilled. The holes straddle center line of drip outlet. Companion flanges are furnished on sizes 6 to 10 inches, inclusive, without extra charge. CRANE CO. 543 EXHAUST PIPE HEADS Galvanized Sheet Metal INTERIOR VIEW OF HEAD 9 INCH AND SMALLER EXTERIOR VIEW OF HEAD 10 INCH AND LARGER For Size of Pipe Inches Price with Screwed Coupling Each Price with Flange Faced and Drilled Each Size of Drip Inches Diameter of Flange Inches Greatest Diameter Inches Total Height Inches 1 20.00 tf 14 22 IK 20.00 H 14 22 1H 20.00 *A 14 22 2 25.00 i 17 27 2^ 25 .00 i 17 27 3 30.00 i 20 30 3H 30.00 i 20 30 4 40.00 i 23 33 4H 40.00 i 23 33 5 50.00 IK 10 25 34 6 60.00 IK 11 29 35 7 75.00 IK 12K 31 38 8 90.00 iy 2 13K 34 45 9 105.00 2 15 37 46 10 125.00 2K 16 28 56 12 150.00 2K 19 30 60 14 200.00 3 21 37 68 16 250.00 3 Ztyz 47 72 18 300.00 3^ 25 46 82 Larger sizes, prices on application. 14 inch and larger sizes are fitted with lugs for attaching guy wires. Exhaust Heads are not crated for shipment unless so ordered; an extra charge is made for crating. Sizes, 1 inch to 4^ inch, screwed; 5 inch to 18 inch, flanged*. 544 CRANE CO. BRASS BIBB COCKS SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE, WITH SHOULDER LEVER HANDLE No. 800 FINISHED, PLAIN NO. 800 ROUGH, FOR HOSE Size Inches Z /8 y?. Y* 3 4 No. 800, Rougn Bibbs, Plain .Per Dozen 20.40 21.00 2J.40 36.00 No. 800, Rough Bibbs for Hose. . . .Per Dozen 24.00 32.40 39.00 No. 800, Finished Bibbs, Plain . . . .Per Dozen 25.20 25.80 35.40 45.00 No. 800, Finished Bibbs for Hose. .Per Dozen 28.80 38.40 48.00 Size .... Inches 1 IK m 2 No. 800, Rough Bibbs, Plain .Per Dozen 52.80 89.40 149.40 258.00 No. 800, Rough Bibbs for Hose. . . .Per Dozen 60.00 100.20 164.40 280.20 No. 800, Finished Bibbs, Plain . . . .Per Dozen 64.80 107.40 179.40 300.00 No. 800, Finished Bibbs for Hose. .Per Dozen 72.00 118.20 194.40 322.20 The above Bibbs, screwed for iron pipe, will be made to order with- out shoulder, at same list prices as above, but at special discount. CRANE CO. 545 COMPRESSION BIBBS SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. WITH SHOULDER NO. 802 FINISHED Size Inches y* % y* 3 4 1 Rough Per Dozen 16.80 17.40 22.80 30.60 54.00 Finished Per Dozen 18.60 19.80 25.20 33.00 60.00 NO. 802 ROUGH, FOR HOSE Size Inches *A Yv H 3 4 1 Bough, for Hose Per Dozen 20.40 25.80 33.60 61.20 Finished, for Hose Per Dozen 22.80 28.20 36.00 67.20 The above Bibbs, screwed for iron pipe, will be made to order with- out shoulder, at same list prices as above, but at special discount. 546 CRANE CO. HOSE RUBBER HOSE Size Inches V* K 1 1M IK 1* 2 Two-Ply Per foot .20 .25 .33 .42 .50 .58 .66 Three-Ply Per foot PVvriT T>l\r Por frrf .25 r>(\ .30 07 .40 Kf\ .50 an .60 .70 87 .80 Size Inches 234 2y 2 2M 3 3/2 4 Two-Ply Per foot .75 .83 .92 .99 1.16 1.32 Three-Ply Per foot .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60 Four-Ply Per foot 1.12 1.25 1.37 1.50 1.75 2.00 Five and six ply Hose made to order. Prices on application. STEAM HOSE Size. . . Inches % H 1 IK 1H l*A 2 2M VA 3 Three-Ply.. Per foot .47 .57 .70 .85 1.02 1.18 1.34 1.50 1.66 2.00 Pour-Ply.. Per foot .56 .71 .87 1.04 1.25 1.45 1.66 1.87 2.08 2.80 Five-Ply. .Perfect .70 .87 1.07 1.30 1.56 1.81 2.07 2.33 2.60 3.50 Six-Ply ... Per foot .84 1.05 1.28 1.56 1.87 2.17 2.49 2.80 3.12 4.20 COTTON COVERED, RUBBER LINED, MILL HOSE Size Inches 1 IK 1H 2 2^ Price Per Foot .40 .45 .50 .65 .80 COTTON COVERED, RUBBER LINED GARDEN HOSE Size Inches y z % 1 Price Per foot .20 .25 .35 Any of the above Hose can be furnished in several different grades. Prices on application. MARLIN OR DUCKED WRAPPED STEAM HOSE Steam Hose covered with Marlin or Duck prevents the cover from cutting, and gives it greater strength. Prices on application. CRANE CO. 547 THE GEM BRASS HOSE NOZZLES EASILY ADJUSTED FREE FROM LEAKAGE STREAM SPRAY NO. 904. FEMALE HOSE THREAD Size Inches X 1 Price Per dozen 10.00 15.00 NO. 906. FEMALE THREAD NO. 908. TO WIND Size Inches X K 1 Ifc 1* IK Length to Screw Inches 3 8 4 4% 12 5% Length to Wind Inches BH 6 No. 906, Hose Pipe Thread. Per dozen 4.00 7.00 5.00 12.00 18.00 18.00 No. 906, Iron Pipe Thread. . Per dozen 5.00 8.00 6.25 13.75 19.75 19.75 No. 908, to Wind Per dozen 4.00 9.50 Size Inches 1V 2 2 2H 2%. 2* Length to Screw Inches 12 6% 12 7H 12 22 No. 906, Hose Pipe Thread. .Per dozen 22.00 26.00 34.00 37.40 55.00 92.00 No. 906, Iron Pipe Thread.. .Per dozen 24.00 29.00 39.00 39.50 60.00 120.00 548 CRANE CO. BRASS HOSE PIPES SCREW TIPS No. 90O Size Inches X X 1 1 134 1* Hose Pipe Thread Per dozen lYz 8.00 9 20 10.00 11 20 SYz 10.00 11 20 12 V 12.00 13 20 20.00 21 20 24.00 25 00 Size Inches iy z iv* 2 2 2 2V4 Length Inches 13 15 12 15 20 15 Hose Pipe Thread Per dozen 25.00 30.00 38.00 45.00 50.00 75.00 Iron Pipe Thread Per dozen 27.50 32.50 41.00 48.00 53.00 78.50 Size Inches 2% 2K 2K 2* Length Inches 20 24 30 36 Hose Pipe Thread Per dozen 96.00 100.00 144.00 157.00 Iron Pipe Thread Per dozen 99.50 103.50 150.00 163.00 BRASS HOSE PIPES WITH COCK NO. 902 Size Inches X K K 1 1 IK IV* Length Inches 6 8 12 8 12 12 12 Hose Pipe Thread Per dozen 11.00 13.00 18.00 15.00 20.00 40.00 55.00 Iron Pipe Thread Per dozen 12.20 14.20 19.20 18.00 23.00 43.00 60.00 Size - Inches 2 2 2 2Y Z 2V4 2^2 2^2 Length Inches 12 20 25 20 24 30 36 Hose Pipe Thread Per dozen 80.00 110.00 130.00 160.00 175.00 195.00 215.00 Iron Pipe Thread Per dozen 83.00 113.00 133.00 170.00 185.00 205.00 225.00 CRANE CO. 549 HOSE NIPPLES No. 942 MALE AND FEMALE Bize Inches % 9 KA % O CA 1 \ on 134 A AA IK in no 2 14. on 2V6 OO AA 3 Af) AA SH 4 Male and Female. ... Per dozen 3.50 3.50 5.00 9.00 10.00 14.00 28.00 40.00 50.00 75.00 HOSE REDUCERS NO. 944 Bize Inches 1X| UXI 11X1 14Xi 14X1 14X1* 2X| 2X1 2X1* Price Per dozen 6.50 8.00 10.00 11.50 11.50 12.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Bize Inches 2X1* 24XJ 2X1 2Xli 24x1* 2X2 3X2 3X2$ Price Per dozen 18.00 20.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 26.00 30.00 36.00 HOSE BUSHINGS No. 946 Size Inches iXi HX| 11X1 uxa 14X1 Uxii 2X| 2X1 2X11 Price Per dozen 6.50 8.00 10.00 11.50 11.50 12.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Size.... Inches 2X14 2Xf 21X1 24X1} 2X1 2^X2 3X2 3X2 Price Per dozen 18.00 20.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 26.00 30.00 36.00 In ordering any of the above goods, specify whether Hose or Iron Pipe Thread is required. HOSE CAPS NO. 948 Siee Inches K 1 1H 1H 2 2V4 3 3Y Z 4 Price Pet dozen 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 24.00 31.00 39.00 43.00 Sample of Hose Thread required, preferably the Male end of a hose coupling, must be furnished with order. 550 CRANE CO. BRASS HOSE COUPLINGS Size Inches H K 1 m l L /2 2 2tt Hose Pipe Thread Per dozen 2.40 2.40 4.40 10.00 14.00 24.00 48.00 Iron Pipe Thread Per dozen 2.65 2.65 4.65 10.50 15.00 26.00 50.00 Size Inches 3 SH 4 5 6 8 ! Hose Pipe Thread Per dozen 75.00 Iron Pipe Thread Per dozen 76.00 120.00 150.00 250.00 500.00 600.001 In ordering, specify whether Hose, or Iron Pipe Thread is required. BRASS STEAM HOSE COUPLINGS Size Inches H % 1 1M IK 2 2Y Z Price Per dozen 15.00 15.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 In ordering, specify whether Hose, or Iron Pipe Thread is required. IRON HOSE SPLICES FOR MENDING HOSE Size Inches x M 1 Price Per dozen .60 .75 1.00 CRANE CO. 551 BRASS SIAMESE CONNECTION FOR STAND PIPES No. 950 MORSE CAP CAST IRON Size, Iron Pipe Inches 3 4 Size, Both Nozzles Inches 2^ 2Y 2 Price, Siamese Connection Each 15.00 18.00 Price, Morse Cap, Extra Each 1.50 1.50 The Hose Connections are threaded Chicago Fire Department Standard. Can furnish any thread desired upon receipt of sample. Morse Caps for Fehy Connections and 3 inch Morse Caps for New York Fittings can also be furnished. Prices upon application. BRASS SUCTION HOSE STRAINERS NO. 952 Size Inches 2 2% 3 4 5 6 Price Each 7.50 8.50 10.00 19.00 31.00 46.00 In ordering, specify whether Hose, or Iron Pipe Thread is required. HOSE SPANNERS NO. 954 MALLEABLE IRON Size . . Incnes IK 1%. 2 2V4 Price ....Each .12 .15 .20 .25 552 CRANE CO. IMPROVED HOSE CLAMPS MADE OF GALVANIZED STEEL POSITIVE GRIP, STRONG AND DURABLE NO. 927 GALVANIZED STEEL CLAMPS FOR WATER HOSE Size Hose Inches Ply of Hose Inside Diameter of Clamp when Open y 2 to % inch Between Ears Price Per Dozen Number of Dozen in a Box K 3, 4 and 5 ^tOl^ 1.50 12 M 2, 3, 4 and 5 V/8 tO IfV 1.50 12 l 3 and 4 i& to iy 2 2.00 6 IJi 3 and 4 1% tO V/8 2.50 3 VA 3 and 4 2to2y 8 3.00 3 2 3 and 4 2i 3 6 to 2y 2 4.00 2 VA 3, 4, and 5 3to3K 7.00 1 3 3, 4, 5, and 6 3^ to 3^ 10.00 1 NO. 929 GALVANIZED STEEL CLAMPS FOR STEAM HOSE Size Hose Inches Ply of Hose Inside Diameter of Clamp when Open M Inch Between Ears Price Per Dozen Number of Dozen in a Box % 4 and 5 i& to iy 2 2.00 12 1 4, 5, and 6 m to m 2.50 12 VA 4, 5 and 6 1H to 2^ 3.00 3 VA 4, 5 and 6 2M to 2H 3.50 3 2 4, 5 and 6 2H to 2K 5.50 2 VA 4, 5 and 6 3to3H 8.50 1 Larger size Clamps, prices on application. In ordering, always specify the size and ply of hose. CRANE CO. 553 HYDRANT CLAMPS Size of Cock to be used with Inches Yi 5 /s H 1 1M No. 850, Mall. Iron, with % inch square hole . Per Lb. .15 .15 .15 No. 850, Mall. Iron, with & inch square hole . Per Lb. .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 No. 850, Mall. Iron, with K inch square hole . Per Lb. .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 No. 850, Mall. Iron, tapped for y* inch pipe. . Per Lb. .18 .18 .18 .18 .18 No. 850, Mall. Iron, tapped for y % in. pipe,Galv.Per Lb. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 No. 850, Mall. Iron, tapped for K inch pipe. . Per Lb. .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 No. 852, Brass Each .20 .20 .25 .30 WOOD ROD COUPLINGS NO. 854. MALLEABLE IRON These couplings have % inch pipe thread and may be used with 1 or inch square rod. Price, Plain Per Set .40 Price, Galvanized Per Set .50 STREET WASHER KEYS MALLEABLE IRON NO. 856 To fit % inch Square Rod. To fit y z inch Square Rod. LENGTH, 8% INCHES Price Per Pound | .15 HYDRANT HANDLES MALLEABLE IRON No. 858 With % inch Pipe Thread. NO. 860 To fit y* inch Square Rod. Price, No. 858.... Per Pound .20 Price, No. 860.... Per Pound .15 554 CRANE CO. WATER COLUMNS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS NO. 640 Number 1 2 3 4 Price Bodies Only, Tapped and Painted . Each 2.75 4.00 6.00 8.00 A Length Over All Inches 13% 16% 18^ 23^ B Center to Center of Boiler and Water Gauge Connections. Ins. 10 12H 14 18 C Size of Boiler and End Connections . Inches H % 1 IX D Size of Water Gauge Connections. . . Inches H H 3 X % E Center to Center of Gauge Cock Connections Inches 3^8 3M 4^ 4 Number of Gauge Cock Tappings 2 3 3 3 F Size of Gauge Cock Connections .... Inches ' A A Vi ^2 ' A A "When complete Water Columns are ordered we will furnish them with trimmings suitable for 175 pounds working pressure, unless other- wise specified. CRANE CO. 555 CO ^ X X X -o 0-2 1| 6 , o 0^ ^ S3 0^ 6 o !| 3 6 ^\ _. -* V* z- "^ A tt\ I " 22 CO " 00 1 ^s \ (it (D - 1 * ? o . RIMMIN >SURES co * ^ X X X co Zy 2 No. 73 1 POUNDS M C5 ^ d Y No. 610 14 inch Cente o 6 Z > POUNDS CO co CO ^ W d Z i_ w r ' ui 00 10 g 10 1 COLUMN 'OR ALL PR C, 10 X X ^-t x ^ X RESSURE - K d ^ No. 624 12^ inch Cente Q. D M g z co 9 ^\\N o 6 Z CM O Q. D i.i N 6 Z ! W d Z w Q. UJ rf DC 09 05 X WATER STANDARD - - X ^ X X DC U. - O Z I H No. 624 10 inch Centers ^d G PRESSUF - ro c CM Yi No. 610 10 inch Centers 6 Z G PRESSU fl OJ s X o 1 'c c X (/) 2 Z uc o < 03 K 1 1 X O Z 1 03 1 M s oc DC H-H s a g a 2 g 8 c O c/)S z - 5 N I 1 x 1 ' be Valve . r Drain . . DC 1- _c Q DC r Drain . . ! ,p 1 O 1 2 ^ o3 t| ~ i 1 1 0) 1 i a umber P c ft bfi S ^ cc b C s 3. a 1 0) bJ O 1 o 1 a b| O ! > 0) ~ Is as H H -3 ai^unxoaddv II M (0 w spunoj ai^tmxoaddv CO - co o 10 i S 8 - z D o lie J8AO iqSian o u PENSION latino jo s ^ CM c? cl eo '' 1 s * ' & "^ n co ~ u l 5 saqoui laiui jo ao^^ 01 aaiuao fi CM HS CM s H2 CO ^ co s 5 >0 llill X 1 u QL o pug^ 01 pug; r- ^^ x :] 'X" x S ? CM s5 cf s ^ w I? " * 2 S x aoa^istQ A S -5 io ^ < s E ; saqoui pug; 01 pug; 5 -\ 10 * - OC OS 2 o *"* S M " **' trt S M a 2 saqoui i ? CO - CO r 00 OS o - cl s |2lf I _J m g qorag 'paSu'BU o CO s 5 iO CO co 0-2 i 10 ||||| 5 o> H qo'eg: 'paSu^j uaaiiB^ a[2uv s CO s o s 8 1 s 10 o i ||||| * qoug: 'paMaaos aiSuy JO aqoio 8 >o CM s s o o 8 8 C5 ||fi|? saqoui Sgq se - s 3 CM is w h - 00 if 1 572 CRANE CO. BRASS STEAM WHISTLES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS NO. 600 WITH LEVER VALVE No. 602 WITHOUT VALVE NO. 608 WHISTLE VALVE WHISTLES Diameter of Bell Inches 1 1M 1H 2 | 2Y 2 \ 3 3^ Length of Bell Inches 2H K 3 3M 4 4^ | 5 534 Size of Pipe Inches g % Vi % 3 X 1 No. 600 Each 3.10 3.75 4.00 5.50 6.50 8.50 11.50 No. 602 Each 2.20 2.75 3.00 4.35 5.25 7.25 9.50 Diameter of Bell Inches 4 c 6 8 10 | 12 Length of Bell Inches 6H 8 9^ 14 16 22 Size of Pipe Inches 1M 1M 2 2^ 3 3 No. 600 Each 15.00 22.50 33.00 95.00 225.00 425.00 No. 602 Each 12.00 I 19.00 24.00 70.00 175.00 350.00 WHISTLE VALVES Size Inches Ys 1 A M 1 1M 1 1 A 2 2^ 3 27.00 No. 608 .... Each 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 5.00 6.00 9.00 18.00 Brass Win" 8 *! 68 with longer bell than standard, made to order at an extra price. Always order Whistles by the diameter of bell and not by the size of pipe. Whistles for higher pressures made to order at an extra price. CRANE CO. 573 MOCKING BIRD STEAM OR AIR WHISTLES FOR STEAM OR AIR WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 125 POUNDS Diameter of Bell Inches 3 4 5 6 Length of Bell . . . Inches 9 12 15 18 Size of Pipe .... . Inches 1 1M 1 1 A 2 No. 604 . .Each 40.00 53.00 70.00 95.00 This improved piston Whistle is particularly adapted for river boats, fog signals, fire alarms, etc., making a different sound from the ordinary steam whistle, being so constructed that the sound can be changed instantly, whereby boats, etc., using them, can be easily distinguished at a long distance. Always order Whistles by the diameter of the bell, and not by the size of pipe. CHIME STEAM WHISTLES BRASS. WITH IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS Any Number or Size of Bells Made to Order 574 CRANE CO. SINGLE BELL CHIME WHISTLES FOR COMPRESSED AIR SUITABLE FOR WORKING PRESSURES FROM 25 TO 150 POUNDS NO. 607 WITH LEVER VALVE NO. 607/ WITHOUT VALVE Diameter of Bell Inches Size of Pipe Inches No. 607 With Lever Valve Each No. 607^ Without Valve Each 1H % 6.00 4.50 2 1 A 7.00 5.00 2K % 9.00 7.00 3 % 11.00 8.00 3H 1 15.00 11.00 4 1H 18.00 14.00 . 5 l l /2 28.00 22.00 6 iy 2 42.00 38.00 8 2 100.00 85.00 Chime Whistles can only be furnished with Pipe Connection as listed above. Always order Whistles by the diameter of Bell, and not by the size of Pipe Connection. Special Whistles made to order for Air Pressures below 25 pounds. Prices on application. CRANE CO. 575 DAMPER REGULATORS WITH METAL DIAPHRAGM TYPE B-C TYPE D Price, Type B-C. 7 inch Diameter Each 20.00 Price, Type D, 10 inch Diameter Each 27 .00 These Regulators are equipped with metal diaphragm. Price includes two ceiling pulleys and 12 feet of chain for the Type B-C Regulator and two bell cranks with brackets and 12 feet of chain for the Type D Regulator. The Type B-C Regulator is suitable for use on medium and large size house-heating boilers for pressure or vapor systems. The Type D Regulator is suitable for use on vapor systems only and is recommended where a more powerful regulator is required. 576 CRANE CO. FUSIBLE PLUGS REGULAR LENGTH No. 75O, FOR OUTSIDE INSERTION NO. 751, FOR INSIDE INSERTION EXTRA LONG NO. 752, FOR OUTSIDE No. 753, FOR INSIDE INSERTION INSERTION INSIDE OR PRESSURE SIDE No. 753, INSIDE TYPE NO. 751, INSIDE TYPE NO. 75O, OUTSIDE TYPE No. 752, OUTSIDE TYPE OUTSIDE OR FIRE SIDE Size Inches H K 1 }X 1H 2 No. 750 and No. 751 Each .60 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 No. 752 and No. 753 Each 1.20 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 Our Fusible Plugs are filled with BANCA TIN. RECOMMENDATIONS Nos. 750 and 751 for ordinary service. Nos. 752 and 753 to comply with the latest rules issued by the Steamboat In- spection Service of the United States Government. Nos. 752 and 753 to comply with the various State and City Laws requiring Fusible Plugs with extensions. Plugs should be installed in direct passage of the fire or gases with small end of the Banca Tin exposed to the fire or gases. These Plugs are NOT to be used inside a steam drum, etc., where the temperature of the steam is used as a fusing agent. STAMPING Nos. 750 and 751 are stamped as shown. Nos. 752 and 753 are stamped as shown and in addition have the heat number stamped in compliance with the Steamboat Inspection Service of the United States Government. CONSTRUCTION The No. 750 is made regular length and constructed for outside insertion. The No. 751 is made regular length and constructed for inside insertion. The No. 752 is made extra long (having an extension one inch beyond the thread) and constructed tor outside insertion only. The No. 753 in made extra long and constructed for in- side insertion only. We can furnish these to order any length desired, at special prices according to quantity wanted. ORDERING In ordering, always give style, number and size. When not otherwise specified, the outside type will be furnished as follows: No. 750 For ordinary service. No. 752 For the Steamboat Inspection Service of the United States Govern- ment and for some State and City Laws. CRANE CO. 577 GREASE CUPS SCREW FEED AND AUTOMATIC NO. 668 SCREW FEED NO. 670 AUTOMATIC FEED NO. 668. SCREW FEED, FINISHED BRASS Number 00 1 2 3 4 Capacity (Grease) Ounces % 1 14 3 6 10 Shank, Iron Pipe Thread % K K % y* 4 Extreme Outside Diameter Inches 1& 1 3 4 2 2^ 3& m No. 668 Each 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.80 4.00 NO. 670. AUTOMATIC FEED, FINISHED BRASS Diameter of Body Inches 1M 1% 2 24 3 Capacity (Grease) Ounces 1 14 3 44 64 Shank, Iron Pipe Thread % K % 4 4 PLAIN GREASE CUPS NO. 672 Diameter of Body. . . Inches IVi 14 2 24 Capacity (Grease) . .Ounces % 1 2 34 Shank, Iron Pipe Thread. . y* K % 4 No. 672 Each .90 1.15 1.50 2.15 NO. 672 578 CRANE CO. IMPROVED STANDARD DETROIT SIGHT-FEED LUBRICATORS FOR STATIONARY ENGINES STYLE C IMPROVED STANDARD SINGLE CONNECTION IMPROVED STANDARD DOUBLE CONNECTION PRICE, SINGLE CONNECTION Size & Pint Ys Pint Yz Pint Brass Finish Each 15.00 17.00 20.00 Nickel Plated Each 18.00 20.00 23.00 Size of glass, sight feed, % X 2% inch. PRICE, DOUBLE CONNECTION Size Y 3 Pint Yz Pint 1 Pint 1 Quart Yz Gallon 1 Gallon For Cylinder . . 10 inch and under 10 to 12 inch 12 to 18 inch 18 to 30 inch 30 inch and over Brass Finish. . .Each 17.00 22.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 Nickel Plated ..Each 20.00 25.00 35.00 50.00 65.00 80.00 SIZE OF GLASSES USED Sight Feed %X2-& 5/ V*> 1 MX3 5/ V^Jl/ %X3 5/ vAV &X3& 5/ V J3/ 3SX3& 3/ Vfi MX3& 3/ Y73/ Sight Feed and Gauge Glas ses ....Eac ;h, Net .10 CRANE CO. 579 ZERO SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS SINGLE OR DOUBLE CONNECTION ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR STEAM ENGINES AND PUMPS LOCATED IN COLD OR EXPOSED POSITIONS SINGLE CONNECTION DOUBLE CONNECTION PRICE LISTSINGLE CONNECTION Size H Pint Vs Pint Vs Pint 1 Pint 1 Quart Bronzed Body, Finished Trimmings. Each 15.00 17.00 20.00 28.00 42.00 Nickel Plated all over Each 18.00 20.00 23.00 32.00 47.00 Pipe Thread on Support Arm Inches % 1 A % y* tf PRICE LIST-DOUBLE CONNECTION Size \i Pint Y S Pint / 2 Pint 1 Pint 1 Quart Bronzed Body, Finished Trimmings. Each 15.00 17.00 20.00 28.00 42.00 Nickel Plated all over Each 18.00 20.00 23.00 32.00 47.00 Pipe Thread on Support Arm Inches % % % y 2 H THE ZERO LUBRICATOR possesses every feature necessary or desir- able for traction engine service, or for engines working in exposed places, subject to sudden changes of temperature. It is also used quite exten- sively on steam pumps. THE HEATING FEATURE. The oil in the Zero Cup is kept warm by steam. This heating arrangement is automatic ; it requires no attention gives no trouble but no matter how cold the weather, the oil will con- tinue warm while steam is supplied to the engine. The oil can not chill in this cup while the boiler is producing steam. THE. SINGLE CONNECTION LUBRICATOR may be attached to the steam pipe on either side of the throttle, or to the steam chest direct, by using an elbow and a short piece of pipe. When ordering repair parts, it is absolutely necessary to state the size of Lubricator and the shop number, which is stamped on the body. 58O CRANE CO. SWIFT SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS DOUBLE CONNECTION CLASS F Capacity y Pint Ys Pint Vz Pint 1 Pint IHPint 1 Quart Brass Finish Each 'Ni/b-ol "Plafarl TTanVi 2.75 31 f\ 3.00 3Af\ 3.25 3*e 4.65 5OA 5.40 6/yr 6.15 A fin Pipe Thread Inches % % % K H K SINGLE CONNECTION T CLASS F. S. C. CLASS G. CLASS F. S. C. Capacity % Pint Ys Pint y z Pint 1 Pint lYzPint 1 Quart Brass Finish Each Nickel Plated Each 3.50 3.90 3.75 4.15 4.00 4.40 6.00 6.65 6.75 7.40 7.50 8.15 Pipe Thread Inches % % % W H K CLASS G. Capacity fc Pint Ys Pint V* Pint Brass Finish Each 2.15 2.50 2.90 Nickel Plated Each 2.50 2.85 3.25 Pipe Thread Inches K % % CRANE CO. 581 ENGINE LUBRICATORS No. 680 No. 682 WITH AIR COCK AND TUBE Diameter of Body Inches 1 1M V/2 IK 2 Shank, Iron Pipe Thread K H M H M No. 680 Each 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.90 No. 682, with Air Cock and Tube. .Each 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.90 Diameter of Body Inches 2M 2Y 2 3 3^ 4 Shank, Iron Pipe Thread H 1 A % g No. 680 Each 3.25 3.75 4.75 7.00 10.00 No. 682, with Air Cock and Tube. .Each 4.25 4.75 5.75 8.00 11.00 The No. 682 Lubricator is so constructed that the flow of oil is regulated by condensation (it feeds as it condenses), which is a very important feature. The result of this slow feed is that it takes hours for the oil to pass through, instead of it running out in a short time. We would therefore recommend consumers to use the Lubricator with Air Cock and Tube. TO OPERATE Fill with oil to top of inside tube and open valve when you commence to run. When the oil is exhausted open cock and let water out, then fill with oil again as before. 582 CRANE CO. OIL CUPS No. 650 PLAIN Diameter of Body Inches % H 1 V/8 1M JH Shank, Iron Pipe Thread y* Ys y % l /4 3 / No. 650, Plain Each .30 .35 .40 .50 .60 .90 Diameter of Body Inches 1M 2 VA 2 1 A 3 Shank, Iron Pipe Thread % H l /2 H H No. 650, Plain Each 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 4.00 NO. 652 HINGED LID Diameter of Body Inches H % 1 iy* 1 1 A \X Shank, Iron Pipe Thread y s % 1 A 1 A H *A No. 652, Hinged Lid Each 1.00 1.40 1.85 Diameter of Body Inches w 2 2K VA 3 Shank, Iron Pipe Thread H H 1 A Yi H No. 652, Hinged Lid Each 3.10 CRANE CO. 583 BOILER TUBE EXPANDERS ROLLER Size of Tube.Outside.Inches 1 1^ 1H l 3 /^ IK 2 2K 2H VA Price.. Each 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 Size of Tube,Outside.Inches 3 3M 3^ VA 4 4M 4^ 5 6 Price Each 18.00 20.00 23.00 25.00 30.00 35 .00 40.00 50.00 60.00 SPRING Size of Tube, Outside .... Inches 1 1M 1 1 A m 2 2M 2H 2M Price Each 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 18 .00 Size of Tube, Outside .... Inches 3 314 3VS 4 4H 5 6 Price. . . .Each 22.00 26.00 30.00 33.00 37.00 42.00 60.00 BOILER TUBE SCRAPERS THE BUFFALO DUPLEX Outside Diameter of Tube Inches 1% 2 2M 2H 2^ 3 3*4 3^ 3% 4 Price Each 2~00 2.00 2~25 2~50 2~75{3.00 3.25 3~503.75 4.00 THE ENGINEERS' FAVORITE Outside Diameter of Tube Inches IK 2 \2& 2^ 2% 2.75 3 3.00 3^ 3.25 3^2 3.50 3M 3.75 4 Price Each 2.00 2.0012.25 2.50 4.00 584 CRANE CO. GAS PLYERS BURNER PLYERS TWO HOLES. 7 INCH GAS PLYERS BURNER PLYERS 7 TO 14 INCH ONE HOLE. 5 AND 6 INCH Size Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 Polished Per dozen 7.40 8.25 9.25 10.70 13.00 17.00 Burner Flyers, Polished. .Per dozen 6.50 6.50 10.00 COMBINATION PLYERS GAS PLYERS, WIRE CUTTERS, WRENCH AND SCREW DRIVER COMBINED Size Inches 6 8 10 Price, Black Per dozen 13.50 16.00 18.00 Price, Plated Per dozen 15.00 18.00 21.00 GAS FITTERS 1 AUGERS Size of Pipe . Inches 1 A X 1 A Z A 1 IK VA 2 2H Size of Auger. . .Inches */8 % % \K 1H IK 2 2M 3 Price Each 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 In ordering Augers, state pipe size. CRANE CO. 585 TRIMO PIPE WRENCHES Length open. .Inches 6 8 10 14 18 24 36 48 Adjustable to sizes !^inch wire to y^. inch pipe 1/6 inch wire to %inch pipe ^inch wire to linch Pipe Minch wire to 1M in. pipe Minch wire to 2 inch Pipe Minch wire to 2M in. pipe Hinch pipe to 3M in. Pipe linch pipe to 5 inch Pipe Price Each 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.25 13.50 20.00 Jaws Each .75 .80 .85 1.15 1.75 2.25 4.35 7.50 Nuts Each .12 .15 .20 .30 .35 .55 1.10 1.50 Inserted Jaws. . Each .35 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 1.10 2.00 Frames Each -.38 .42 .50 .60 .75 .95 1.70 2.20 Springs Each .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 Frame Pins Each .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .05 Jaw Pins Each .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .05 In ordering parts, state the size of Wrench. KNIFE HANDLE WRENCHES Size Inches 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 Black, Price Per dozen 10.00 12.00 14.00 18.00 24.00 32.00 39 .00 BROWN'S ADJUSTABLE PIPE TONGS Number 1 1H 2 Holds Pipe Inches y*to z A fhjtoi J^tolM Price Each .60 .75 .85 Number 3 4 5 Holds Pipe Price Inches Ito2 Ion !Hto3 2^to4 586 CRANE CO. STILLSON'S PIPE WRENCHES PIPE IS NOT CRUSHED BY ITS USE Length, open .... Inches 6 8 10 14 18 24 36 48 For Sizes Pipe . . . Inches ito* itof itol Jtol* ito2 1 to 2 ito3 Ito5 Price Each 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.25 13.50. 20.00 Extra Frames Each .38 .42 .50 .60 .75 .95 1.70 2.20 Extra Nuts Each .12 .15 .20 .30 .35 .55 1.10 1.50 Extra Jaws Each .75 .80 .85 1.15 1.75 2.25 4.35 7.50 Unless otherwise specified, wrenches 10 inch and larger will always be furnished with steel handles. PARMELEE PIPE WRENCHES FOR HANDLING BRASS PIPE, SMOOTH RODS OR NICKEL PLATED TUBING STYLE No. 1 Size Number of Set Price per Set Complete For Sizes of Pipe Inches Length of Handle Inches Extra Handles Price Each Extra Girths Price for Each Size No. 10 5.00 Vstol 10 2.25 %, 1 AMA.. -75 No. 20 7.50 1 to 2 20 3.00 1,1M LOO 1^,2 1.25 No. 30 9.50 2 to 3 25 5.00 2,2^,3 1.50 3 2 50 No. 40 13.00 3 and 4 7.50 4 3.00 Positive grip ; no lost motion ; has no teeth, and will not mar the pipe or threads ; will not slip on oily, galvanized or polished pipe. Makes or breaks the tightest joint, easily. Can be operated in close quarters and where space between pipes is limited. CRANE CO. 587 SAUNDERS' PIPE CUTTERS Number 1 2 3 4 Cuts Pipe from . Inches Mtol 1 to 2 2 to 3 tYi to 4 Price, Complete . .Each 3.00 4.50 11.00 18.00 Price, Extra Wheels . .Each .24 .32 . .60 .60 Price, Extra Rollers . .Each .24 .32 .50 .50 Price, Extra Pins . .Each .10 .10 .15 .15 Price, Extra Blocks and' Wheels. . .Each 1.25 1.75 2.75 3.50 BARNES 1 THREE-WHEEL PIPE CUTTERS Number 1 2 3 4 5 Cuts Pipe from Inches y&tol 1 A to 2 IK to 3 2^to4 4 to 6 Price Each 4.50 6.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 Extra Cutter Wheels Each .25 .30 .40 .50 .75 Extra Wheel Pins Each .10 .10 .10 .15 .15 Extra Handles Each 1.00 1.25 2.25 4.50 7.00 Larger sizes furnished. Prices on application. BEAVER SQUARE END PIPE CUTTER Number 1 5 10 15 Cuts Pipe from Inches gtol l Ato2 2^ to 4 2}/2 to 6 Price Each 18.00 20.00 90.00 180.00 Extra Sets of Knives 1.20 1.50 2.50 5.00 Regrinding Knives .30 .40 .70 1 40 The price given above includes two sets of extra knives. 588 CRANE CO. COMMON CHAIN PIPE TONGS Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 For Sizes Pipe Inches 1 to 2 1& to 4 2 to 6 2y 2 to 8 4 to 10 4 to 16 Length of Lever Feet 2^ 3 4 5 6 7 Average Weight.. Pounds 7 12 24 33 50 100 Price Each 5.50 6.25 9.00 12.50 16.00 30.00 UNIVERSAL CHAIN PIPE TONGS WITH FLAT OR CABLE LINK CHAIN Flat Link Chains will be furnished unless Cable are specified. Number.. 10 11 12 13 13H 14 15 For Sizes Pipe Inches l AtoH Yz to \Yi 1 A to 2 1 A Mto4 Ito6 iy 2 to 8- 2 to 12 Length Inches \W 20 27 37 44J^ 50^ 64^ Weight .... Pounds 1*4 524 10 16 24 31 50 Price Each 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 18.00 ExtraFlator Cable Chain.Ea. .75 1.00 1.50 2.50 3.50 4.50 7.50 Extra Jaws Per pair 1.00 1.75 2.75 4.00 4.75 5.50 7.50 IDEAL CHAIN WRENCH Can be furnished with flat link chain at 15 per cent, higher price. Number 2 3 4 5 For Sizes Pipe. .Inches HtoSH Ito5 2 to 8 2 y 2 to 12 Length . . Inches 27 38 49 61 Weight . Pounds 10 18 28 50 Price Each 6.00 8.00 11.00 16.00 Extra Jaws ... Per pair 3.25 4.50 5.85 7.50 Extra Handle.... Each 2.10 3.25 4.75 6.90 Extra Chain Each .95 1.20 1.70 3.00 The Ideal Chain Wrench will handle ordinary pipe work as well as any other and owing to the shape of the Jaws, will be found particularly adapted for use with Fittings and Flanges. CRANE CO. 589 PIPE TAPS Size Inches % z % % K 1 Price Each 1.12 1.25 1.50 1.87 2.50 3.12 Threads Per inch 27 18 18 14 14 11% Size Inches IK I 1 /* 2 2H 3 Price Each 3.75 4.62 6.25 10.50 15.00 Threads Per inch ny 2 11% iiy 2 8 8 PIPE REAMERS Size ; Inches K % y 2 X 1 Price Each 1.25 1.50 1.87 2.50 3.12 Size Inches IK 1% 2 2% 3 Price Each 3.75 4.62 6.25 10.50 15.00 COMBINED DRILL, REAMER AND TAP Size Inches K % K X 1 IK 1% 2 Price Each 2.50 2.50 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.25 8.50 10. 7f 590 CRANE CO, STOCKS AND DIES MALLEABLE STOCK SOLID DIES E AND H STOCKS, WITH LEADER SCREW Size B C DD D E H Dies Furnished with each Stock. Ins. YstoYz Mtol MtolM HoiH 1*4 to 2 2H&3 Dimensions of Dies. Inches zxy* 2MX% 3XM 3XM 4XK 5X1M Stock with Dies, Complete. .Each 9.50 15.00 13.50 13.50 20.00 43.00 Stock without Dies. . Each 3.50 5.00 6.00 6.00 9.50 25.00 ^ o Size B C DD D E H Pipe Sizes MtoH ^tol y* to VA y 8 to IH 1M&2 2K&3 Extra Dies, Right or Left Hand. Each 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 3.50 9.00 Extra Bushings Each .25 .35 .45 .45 .60 1.00 EXTRA PARTS Size B C DD D E H Caps Net, Each .15 .20 .30 .30 .30 Thumb Screws for Cap or Bushing. Net, Each .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 Machine Screws for Cap . . . Net, Each .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 Handles Net, Per Set .50 .70 .80 .80 1.00 Die Frames. . . . Net, Each .12 .12 .20 .60 Leader Screws. .Net, Each .75 Thumb Screws for leader . Net, Each .10 The above Stocks and Dies are made so that they are interchangeable with those of eastern manufacture, known to the trade as No. 0, No. 1, No. 1%, No. \% and No. 2, respectively. CRANE CO. 591 RATCHET DIE STOCKS PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS N umber A B C D E Dies Furnished with Each Stock HtoM Mtol Itol^ !Mto2 2^to3 Dimensions of Dies 2X 1 A 2 1 AX% 3XM 4XK 5X1M Stock, with R. H. Dies, Complete 14.50 15.00 18.50 20.00 44.50 Stock, without Dies or Guides. . . Each 7.50 7.50 13.00 12.50 29.00 Extra Dies, R. or L. Hand. Each 1.40 1.50 1.80 2.50 7.75 Guides Each 25 .25 .35 .45 .85 Die Frames Each .22 .30 .38 .45 Space Required around Pipe to Cut and Thread Inches 2 1 A 3 3H 4 5 The C, D and E Stocks have Leader Screws. SKIP TOOTH DIE Size Inches Ys JL 2.50 y* 2.50 1 A ^ 1 Vi m 2 2H 3 Block 2X2X H Each 2.00 3.00 Block 2 1 A X2 % X M-Each 2.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 Block 3X3X M- - Each 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.50 Block 4X4XK-- -Each 1 4.00 4.00 4.50 4. 50 5.00 5.00 Block 5X5X1 M. -Each i 13.00 14.00 KNURLED CUTTER WHEEL FOR BARNES FOR SAUNDERS FOR TRIMO Number Each Number Each Number Each 1 .50 1 .50 1 .60 2 .60 2 .60 2 .60 3 .80 3 1.10 3 .90 4 1.00 4 1.10 5 1.10 5 1.10 592 CRANE CO. BEAVER DIE STOCKS The No. 6 "Beaverette" threads all sizes from % to % inch, inclusive, with- out changing dies. The two sets of dies necessary for the two thread pitches are operated by one handle. NO. 6 TO M INCH Price, Complete 15.00 Extra Dies, } i, X-*A , or H-M Each 3.00 The No. 210 is a cross bar receding die stock without a leader screw and cuts either right or left threads. No. 210 TO 1^ INCH Price, Complete. 20.00 Extra Dies, Double End, R. or L . 5.00 Extra Dies, Single End, R. or L . 3.50 Extra Dies threading M~^i can be furnished. NO. 25 1 TO 2 INCH The No. 25 cuts all threads from 1 to 2 inches without changing dies. It is adjustable and can be set by a simple movement of the handle. It is equipped with a universal chuck which centers all sizes of pipe. Price, Complete. 30.00 Extra Dies R. H. only. The No. 26 is similar to the No. 25 in construction but is fitted with a ratchet attachment. It may also be used as a plain stock. No. 26, Complete . 35.00 Extra Dies, R. H. only. 3.50 CRANE CO. 593 BEAVER DIE STOCKS NO. 41 2 ! /2 TO 4 INCH These Die Stocks are fitted with a gear by reason of which one man can thread any size pipe within the range of the stock. They are con- structed of malleable iron and have bronze bushed, cut steel gears. They are light, strong, and durable. Number 41 61 80 90 Cuts Pipe Inches 2H to 4 2Y 2 to 6 4^ to 8 9 to 12 Price, Complete 110.00 220.00 300.00 500.00 Extra Dies, Complete Set 9.00 14.00 20.00 30.00 The No. 41 Stock has only one set of dies, the Nos. 61, 80, 90 require two sets to cover their range. 594 CRANE CO. OSTER BULL DOG DIE STOCKS REGULAR STOCK Nos. 101 TO RATCHET STOCK Nos. 102 R TO THE 82 STOCK This line of stocks has self-locking and adjustable dies. By moving the top handle to the right as far as it will go, the dies are set and held in place while cutting. ONE MOVEMENT OF THE HANDLE WILL OPEN OR CLOSE THE DIES. NO RESETTING OR BACKING OFF THE THREADS. The tool is equipped with self-locking and centering guides. These guides are operated on a scroll and can be set to all sizes the tool will thread. The more pressure on the end of the guides, the more solid the locking arrangement. RANGE OF SIZES OF PIPE REGULAR STOCKS RATCHET STOCKS EXTRA DIES SHIPPING WT. COMPLETE One Set One Set One JSet One Set Cata- logue No. List Price Compl'te Cata- logue Number List Price Compl'te Per Set (4 pcs.) Plain Ratchet MtoM 82 13.00 3.00 10 Ibs. % y&y% 1 A&% 101 13.00 1.50 11 Ibs. y*m 1 A&% iy 2 &2 1&1M 102 17.00 102 R 20.00 1.75 20 Ibs. 24 Ibs. 1&V4 103 22.00 103 R 27.00 2.00 27 Ibs. 34 Ibs. l /2&% 1&1M l l /2&2 104 25.00 104 R 30.00 2.00 29 Ibs. 35 Ibs. 1 A& 3 A y 2 &H 1&1M l l /2&2 104^ 28.00 2.00 30 Ibs. iy 2 &2 2y 2 &3 105 40.00 105 R 50.00 3.00 62 Ibs. 70 Ibs. i&VA 1 1 A&2 2H&3 105^ 43.00 105^R 53.00 3.00 65 Ibs. 73 Ibs. 21/2&3 3M&4 107 55.00 107 R 60.00 3.50 94 Ibs. 138 Ibs. iy 2 &2 2^&3 3M&4 107K 58.50 107J^R 63.50 3.50 98 Ibs. 142 Ibs. 2^&3 3M&4 4 1 A&5 108 R 75.00 5.00 137 Ibs. \ 1 A&2 2^&3 3M&4 ** SIZE NUMBER Threads Pipe PRICE LIST Stock and Dies Com- plete Stock Only Extra Dies Per Set Extra Bush- ings Each Extra Wrench- es Each No. 1, 4 Sets of Dies (8 Pieces) Single End yto i A 9.00 3.25 1.25 .20 .25 No. 2, 5 Sets of Dies (10 Pieces) Single End Mtol 12.00 4.00 1.50 .25 .25 No. 2i 2 Sets of Dies (4 Pieces) DoubleEnds HtolM 12.00 4.50 3.25 .40 .25 No. 3, 3 Sets of Dies (6 Pieces) Single End 1M to 2 20.00 7.00 4.00 .50 .50 No. 6, 1 Set of Dies (2 Pieces) Double Ends 2y 2 to 3 40.00 25.00 15.00 1.00 .50 No. 7, 2 Sets of Dies (8 Pieces) Double Ends 2^to4 60.00 30.00 16.00 1.50 .75 WHEN ORDERS ARE SO SPECIFIED The No. 2 Complete Stock will be furnished, in addition, with K inch Die and Bushing by adding to the above List Price $1.75. The No. 2M Complete Stock will be furnished, in addition, with Y and H inch Single End Dies and Bushings by adding to the above List Price $2.50 for each Die and 40 Cents for each Bushing, or $5.80 for the two pipe sizes. The No. 3 Complete Stock will be furnished, in addition, with % and 1 inch Dies and Bushings by adding $9.00 to the above List Price. Prices for Extra Dies in all sizes are per set of two pieces. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Stocks have Single End Dies, requiring one set of two pieces to thread one size of pipe. No. 2 H and No. 6 Stocks have Double End Dies in which two pieces also comprise one set, but each set threads two sizes of pipe. When % and K inch Dies are added to No. 2 ^ Stock, Single End Dies will be furnished. In the No. 7 Stock, the price for one set of Dies comprises four pieces, and each set will thread two sizes of pipe, viz., 2J^ and 3 inch and 3% and 4 inch. Nos. 6 and 7 Stocks have four arms. Left Hand Dies will be furnished at same prices as Right Hand Dies. 598 CRANE CO. FORBES PATENT DIE STOCKS FOR HAND POWER NO. 30 Number Range Net Weight Price *30 % to 2 Inches, Both Right and Left 155 50.00 *32 & to 2 Inches, for Solid Dies (without Dies) 140 45.00 *34 ItoSInches, R. H., 1 to 2 Inches L. H 185 75.00 *36 % to 3 Inches, R. H., M to 2 Inches L. H 190 85.00 *37 % to 3 Inches, R. and L 200 105.00 *38 1*4 to 4 Inches, R. H 237 251- 85.00 100.00 *42 1 to 4 Inches, R. H 253 115.00 110.00 *44 1 to 4 Inches, R. and L 260 130.00 t50 4 to 6 Inches, R. H 341 115.00 t52 354 to 6 Inches, R. H 341 130.00 t54 2y 2 to 5 Inches, R. H 343 150.00 Number Kange Weight Price t56 2Y Z to 6 Inches, R. H... 345 175.00 t62 2 to 6 Ins., R. I., Extra Heavy. 815 300.00 *58 1 to 6 Inches, R. H 384 190.00 *60 1 to 6 Inches, R. and L. . 404 235.00 t64 2*4 to 8 inches, R. H. . . 673 325.00 t66 2*4 to 10 Inches, R. H.. 989 500.00 * Pressure feed machine. t Lead screw machine. Nos. 30 to 37 have no cut-off attachment. CRANE CO. 599 MALLEABLE IRON PIPE VISES Number 1 2 3 4 Holds Pipe from y% to 2 Inch Ys to 3 Inch 14 to 4 Inch 2 to 6 Inch Weight Pounds 16 30 53 76 Price, Complete .... Each 10.00 14.00 24.00 30.00 Extra Jaws, Per Set of Three ..Net .60 .90 3.75 8.50 Extra Yoke .Net .60 .85 Extra Screw .Net .25 .40 2.25 2.25 Extra Slide .Net .10 .15 .75 .80 Extra Handle .Net .15 .20 Extra Bottom Piece .Net .60 .75 Extra Hook .Net .10 .15 The Malleable Iron Pipe Vise is preferable to the Cast Iron Vise in every respect, being much lighter, more durable, and cheaper. Has interchangeable cut steel jaws, and is constructed to do the heaviest work, great care having been taken in manufacturing the various parts, and the strength put where it is most required. 600 CRANE CO. PARKER'S COMBINATION PIPE VISES Number 87 88 88V4 89H 288!/ 2 289V 2 Holds Pipe from. . .Inches % to 2 % to 3 % to 4 Ys to 6 4 In. and Under 6 In. and Under Price Each 16.00 22.00 32.00 45.00 32.00 45.00 Weight, pounds Each 41 59 94 141 105 155 Nos. 88^ and 89*4 have no swivel and are bolted to the bench. SMITH'S COMBINATION PIPE VISES Number 1 2 3 Holds Pipe from Price Inches Each H to 2 16.00 Mto3 22.00 Mto4 32.00 Weight, pounds Each 47 70 100 CRANE CO. 601 MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD LIST OF MACHINE BOLTS WITH SQUARE HEADS AND SQUARE NUTS, FINISHED POINTS REVISED AUGUST 1, 1912 PRICE PER 100 Length Inches % A X /2 &&% 9i % 1 1H 154 fctoiy 2 2.40 2.80 3.60 5.20 7.70 10.50 15.10 22.50 30.00 2 2.56 3.00 3.86 5.58 8.25 11.20 16.00 23.70 31.50 2/ 2 2.72 3.20 4.12 5.96 8.80 11.90 16.90 24.90 33.00 3 2.88 3.40 4.38 6.34 9.35 12.60 17.80 26.10 34.50 3V 2 3.04 3.60 4.64 6.72 9.90 13.30 18.70 27.30 36.00 4 3.20 3.80 4.90 7.10 10.45 14.00 19.60 28.50 37.50 4K 3.36 4.00 5.16 7.48 11.00 14.70 20.50 29.70 39.00 5 3.52 4.20 5.42 7.86 11.55 15.40 21.40 30.90 40.50 5V4 3.68 4.40 5.68 8.24 12.10 16.10 22.30 32.10 42.00 6 3.84 4.60 5.94 8.62 12.65 16.80 23.20 33.30 43.50 g 4.00 4.80 6.20 9.00 13.20 17.50 24.10 34.50 45.00 7 4.16 5.00 6.46 9.38 13.75 18.20 25.00 35.70 46.50 7% 4.32 5.20 6.72 9.76 14.30 18.90 25.90 36.90 48.00 8 4.48 5.40 6.98 10.14 14.85 19.60 26.80 38.10 49.50 9 4.80 5.80 7.50 10.90 15.95 21.00 28.60 40.50 52.50 10 5.12 6.20 8.02 11.66 17.05 22.40 30.40 42.90 55.50 11 5.44 6.60 8.54 12.42 18.15 23.80 32.20 45.30 58.50 12 5.76 7.00 9.06 13.18 19.25 25.20 34.00 47.70 61.50 13 6.08 7.40 9.58 13.94 20.35 26.60 35.80 50.10 64.50 14 6.40 7.80 10.10 14.70 21.45 28.00 37.60 52.50 67.50 15 6.72 8.20 10.62 15.46 22.55 29.40 39.40 54.90 70.50 16 7.04 8.60 11.14 16.22 23.65 30.80 41.20 57.30 73.50 17 7.36 9.00 11.66 16.98 24.75 32.20 43.00 59.70 76.50 18 7.68 9.40 12.18 17.74 25.85 33.60 44.80 62.10 79.50 19 8.00 9.80 12.70 18.50 26.95 35.00 46.60 64.50 82.50 20 8.32 10.20 13.22 19.26 28.05 36.40 48.40 66.90 85.50 Prices for bolts with special heads or nuts will be quoted on appli- cation. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, BOLTS WITH SQUARE HEADS AND "HEXAGON" NUTS WILL ALWAYS BE FURNISHED, AND AT 1O PER CENT ADDED TO ABOVE LIST PRICES. 602 CRANE CO. MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD LIST OF COACH OR LAG SCREWS WITH SQUARE HEADS PRICE PER 100 REVISED LIST ADOPTED NOVEMBER 12, 1 9O3 Length Inches &and& % A Vz &and% % % 1 m 2.25 2.70 3.15 3.75 o 2.45 2.96 3.47 4.11 6.00 2/ 2 2.65 3.22 3.79 4.47 6.50 9.20 3 2.85 3.48 4.11 4.83 7.00 9.90 15.00 3!4 3.05 3.74 4.43 5.19 7.50 10.60 16.00 22.00 4 3.25 4.00 4.75 5.55 8.00 11.30 17.00 23.30 4H 3.45 4.26 5.07 5.91 8.50 12.00 18.00 24.60 5 3.65 4.52 5.39 6.27 9.00 12.70 19.00 25.90 5!4 3.85 4.78 5.71 6.63 9.50 13.40 20.00 27.20 6 4.05 5.04 6.03 6.99 10.00 14.10 21.00 28.50 6K 6.35 7.35 10.50 14.80 22.00 29.80 T 6.67 7.71 11.00 15.50 23.00 31.10 TjK 6.99 8.07 11.50 16.20 24.00 32.40 8 7.31 8.43 12.00 16.90 25.00 33.70 9 7.95 9.15 13.00 18.30 27.00 36.30 10 9.87 14.00 19.70 29.00 38.90 11 10.59 15.00 21.10 31.00 41.50 12 11.31 16.00 22.50 33.00 44.10 The following extras are to be understood as a part of this list : Hexagon Heads, 10 per cent extra. Tee Heads, 10 per cent extra. CRANE CO. 603 HOOK PLATES, BEAM HOOKS AND COIL STANDS HOOK PLATES Number of Hooks 1 2 3 4 5 6 For 1 in. pipe, 2^ ins. between centers Each .09 .18 .23 .26 .32 .38 For H in. pipe, 3 ins. between centers Each .10 .21 .27 .32 .41 .52 For 1-J- in. pipe, 3 ins. between centers Each .15 .28 .43 .58 .72 .88 For 2 in. pipe, 4 ins. between centers Each .22 .43 .65 .90 1.15 1.35 I i 1 1 EXPANSION HOOK PLATES Number of Hooks 1 2 3 4 5 6 For 1 in. pipe, 2 ins. between centers Each .15 .25 .35 .50 .60 .70 For 1J in. pipe, 3 ins. between centers Each .17 .27 .40 .60 .70 .80 For 1 in. pipe, 3^ ins. between centers Each .25 .40 .60 .75 .90 1.00 For 2 in. pipe, 4^ ins. between centers Each .60 .85 1.00 1.35 1.55 When Hook Plates are ordered, specifying a greater number of hooks than listed above, we will send two; for instance, an order calling for two 2X8 hook plates, we will send four 2X4. BEAM HOOKS, LONG SHANK Size Inches ft \ 1 134 iy z 2 2H 3 Price Each .13 .15 .18 .22 .24 .35 .65 .90 LAUNDRY COIL STANDS FOR 1 INCH PIPE WITH MOVABLE HOOK PLATES No. of Stand 4 6 8 10 Stand Only Each 2.00 2.75 3.50 4.25 NUMBER OF HOOKS EACH STAND WILL TAKE Size of Hook . . Inches 1 m iy? 2 No. 4 Stand 6 5 5 4 No. 6 Stand 9 8 7 5 No. 8 Stand 12 10 8 7 No. 10 Stand 14 12 10 8 Standard Center to Center of Hooks . . . . Inches 2K 3 zy 2 4M Hooks Only . . .Each .06 .08 .10 .15 604 CRANE CO. EXPANSION PIPE HANGERS WITH SECTIONAL RING STYLE R FOR 8 INCH AND SMALLER PIPE WITH LAG SCREW STYLE S FOR 8 INCH AND SMALLER PIPE WITH CEILING PLATE STYLE SS FOR 8 INCH AND SMALLER PIPE WITH BEAM CLAMP PRICE LIST, STYLES R AND S Size Inches % i IX m 2 2^ 3 Price Each .32 .33 .35 .45 .55 .65 .80 Size of Pipe Rings and Buttons are Tapped for. .Inches X K Ys X X X H Size Inches VA 4 V/2 5 6 7 8 Price Each 1.00 1.15 1.60 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.75 Size of Pipe Rings and Buttons are Tapped for . Inches H X X X X X % PRICE LIST, STYLE SS WITH BEAM CLAMP Size Inches X 1 IK 1H 2 2^ 3 Price Each 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.50 Size of Pipe Rings and Buttons are Tapped for. .Inches H H H X 1 A X X Beam Clamp Only Each .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 Size Inches VA 4 VA 5 6 7 8 Price Each 1.70 1.85 3.35 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.50 Size of Pipe Rings and Buttons are Tapped for. .Inches X H X X X X X Beam Clamp Only .... Inches .75 .75 .75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 Prices do not include pipe from lag screw, ceiling plate, or beam clamp to ring. Pipe can be run and supported upon temporary wood hangers, and when hi proper line these Sectional Hangers can be conveniently applied. BEAM CLAMPS PATENTED Number 1000 2000 4000 6000 Price Each* .75 1.75 3.75 6.00 Size of Pipe Supported. . Inches 4^ & smaller 5 to 8 9 to 14 15 to 24 Size of Pipe Hub is Tapped for ... Inches y%- i A-y%- i A X Siae of Rod Hub is Tapped for ... Inches y%-yi-y% H K-l iM-liNi Width of Beam Flange Clamp will Pit . Inches 2% to 7 VA to iy-2. 4^ to lY-L 1 A to sy 2 When ordering, give Catalogue No. and SIZE OF TAPPING in hub; also state whether tapping is to be for PIPE or ROD. CRANE CO. 605 EXPANSION PIPE HANGERS WITH SOLID RING EXPANSION PIPE HANGER WITH SOLID RING FOR 8 INCH AND SMALLER PIPE WITH CEILING PLATE Size Inches X % i M IK 2 2K 3 Price, Complete.. .Each .17 .17 .18 .19 .25 .29 .36 .44 Price, Rings Each .08 .08 .12 .15 .20 .25 .30 .40 Price, Plates Each .08 .08 .08 .08 .09 .09 .10 .10 Price, Buttons. . . .Each .06 .06 .06 .06 .07 .07 .08 .08 Size of Pipe, Rings and Bat- tons are Tapped for Inches 1 A y* H y s H. % 1 A y* Size Inches &A 4 VA 5 6 7 8 Price, Complete.. .Each .55 .63 .90 1.12 1.35 1.80 2.25 Price, Rings Each .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.25 1.70 2.15 Price, Plates Each .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 Price, Buttons. . . .Each .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 Size of Pipe, Rings and But- tons are Tapped for .... Inches 1 A H X X H H H Prices do not include pipe from ceiling plate to ring; this will be at an extra price and furnished only when so specified. If pipe is desired, state distance from center of pipe to support. ADJUSTABLE STEEL PIPE HANGER EXTENSION BAR Furnished in 5 foot lengths. RING AND BOLT Size Inches K % 1 1 1 A iy* 2 2K 3 3K 4 4H 5 6 Ring and Bolt.. Each .08 .08 .09 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 Extension Bar . . .No. 1 2 3 5 Width Inches H % 1 1H IK Price. . .Per Foot .08 08 .09 .10 .20 606 CRANE CO. EXPANSION PIPE HANGERS STYLE J FOR 4 INCH AND LARGER PIPE WITH BEAM CLAMP STYLE T FOR 8 INCH AND SMALLER PIPE WITH BEAM CLAMP STYLE T FOR 9 INCH AND LARGER PIPE WITH BEAM CLAMP PRICE LIST STYLE J HANGER, 4 INCH AND LARGER Size Inches 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 Price Each 3.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 10.00 Beam Clamp Only Each 775~ 1.75 1.75 1.75 3775 % 3.75 1 3.75 1 3.75 Price includes Beam Clamp but not Turnbuckle or Rod from Beam Clamp to Turnbuckle. PRICE LIST STYLE T, 8 INCH AND SMALLER Size Inches i IK 1H 2 2Y?. 3 3Mi Price Each .90 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.75 Vi 2.00 }4 Size of Pipe Tap in Yoke Inches H .75 H .75 H */8 1 A Beam Clamp Only Each .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 Size Inches 4 4H 5 6 7 8 Price Each 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 Size of Pipe Tap in Yoke Inches 1 A M % % % % Beam Clamp Only Each .75 .75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 Price includes Beam Clamp, but not Pipe from Beam Clamp to Yoke. Style T for pipe 8 inches and smaller can be furnished with lag screw or ceiling plate similar to styles R and S. PRICE LIST STYLE T, 9 INCH AND LARGER Size . . ..Inches 9 10 12 14 Price Each 14.00 15.00 17.00 20.00 Size of Eye Bolt for Turnbuckle .... . . . . Inches K % 1 1 Beam Clamp Only Each 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 Price includes Beam Clamp but not Turnbuckle or Rod from Turnbuckle to Beam Clamp. CRANE CO. 607 WALL BRACKETS STANDARD PATTERN Size Number 21 22 23 24 25 26 Price Each 3.00 5.00 6.1)0 8.00 12.50 15.00 Size of Pipe Will Support. . Inches 4 and smaller 4^ito6 7 to 8 9 to 10 12 14 to 15 Safe Load Tons Vi Z A 1 1H 1H 2 VIEW OF NO. 14 BRACKET WITH WALKING BOARD ATTACHMENT HEAVY PATTERN (PATENTED) Size Number 11 12 13 14 15 Price Each 10.00 14.00 19.00 25.00 37.50 Size of Pipe Will Support Inches 5 to 8 9 to 14 15 to 18 20 to 24 20 to 30 Safe Load Tons 1 2 3 4 5 Walking-Board Attachment for 12 inch Board Each 2.00 These Brackets are furnished without the Walking-Board Attach- ment, unless otherwise specified. 608 CRANE CO. PIPE SUPPORTS ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT NO PIPE FURNISHED Size Inches 2 2H .40 3 .45 3H .50 4 4H 5 6 7 8 Style G Net, Each .35 .55 .60 .70 .80 1.00 1.20 Style ZZ Each 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.60 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 Shank will fit into Stan'd Pipe. Ins. 1 1 1J* ! 1M IK iy?, m 2 2 2 Size Inches 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 Style G Net, Each 1.35 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.10 2.40 3.00 3.75 4.25 5.00 Style ZZ Each 5.00 2 6.00 2K 6.50 2^ 7.00 3 3 7.50 9.50 12.00 15.00 Shank will fit into Stan'd Pipe.Ins. 3 3H 3M 4 4 These Supports will be made to order with any other style or size Shank at special prices. Style "H" Adjustable Pipe Support, for any size pipe and any height. Orders or inquiries should state distance from centre of pipe to floor. PRICE ON APPLICATION ANGLE IRON ADJUSTABLE ANGLE IRON HANGER FOR ONE OR MORE PIPES ADJUSTABLE HANGER FOR ONE OR MORE PIPES Styles TJ and Y Pipe Hangers are made to order only. Drawings must accompany orders or inquiries showing location and duty of hanger. CRANE CO. 609 PIPE SUPPORTS 0=0 ADJUSTABLE ROLL AND STAND SIZES 4 TO 24 INCH Pipe Size Inches lto2 l A 3to3H 4 to 6 7 to 10 12 to 15 16to20 22 to 24 Style C Each 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 Style D Each 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.25 2.50 Style F Each 1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 3.00 Style W Each 4.25 6.50 9.00 12.00 Rolls Only. Style C. Each .35 .50 .50 . 80 1.00 1.60 2.00 Rolls Only, Style D.Each .40 .70 .90 1.50 1.75 In ordering always give size of pipe. For combinations with Wall Brackets, see page 610. NO. 6 WALL ARCH No. 6 Wall Arch for pipe 12 inch and smaller. No. 10 Wall or Floor Sleeve for pipe 10 inch and smaller; the sleeve proper is 18 inches inside diameter; the end covers fit close around the pipe. Orders or inquiries should state thickness of wall or floor. PRICES ON APPLICATION 610 CRANE CO. PIPE SUPPORTS (PATENTED) fcpODl if ' Style "Q" Anchor should be stayed from the sides by tie rods ex- tending diagonally from, the wall to the outside edge of the bracket. Provision is made on the bracket for attaching these tie rods. Pipe Size Inches 4 to 6 7 to 10 12 to 15 16 to 20 22 to 24 Style K Each 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 Style L Each 5.50 6.50 8.00 9.00 10.00 Style M Each 12.00 14.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 Style N Each 12.00 14.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 Style Q Each 5.50 6.00 6.50 6.75 7.00 The above prices are for supports only. Add the price of bracket wanted. Prices of brackets, page 607. In ordering always specify size of pipe, style of support required and whether bracket and support or bracket only is required. CRANE CO. 611 SEAMLESS DRAWN BRASS AND COPPER TUBING IRON PIPE SIZES Size Inches DIMENSIONS APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS Inside Diameter Inches Outside Diameter Inches Brass Copper Per Lineal Foot Pounds Per Lineal Foot Pounds n .281 .405 .25 .26 H .375 .540 .43 .45 Ys .494 .675 .62 .65 1 A .625 .840 .90 .95 % .822 1.05 1.25 1.31 1 1.062 1.315 1.70 1.79 IX 1.368 1.66 2.50 2.63 IH 1.600 1.90 3.00 3.15 2 2.062 2.375 4.00 4.20 2^ 2.500 2.875 5.75 6.04 3 3.062 3.50 8.30 8.72 3H 3.500 4.00 10.90 11.45 4 4.000 4.50 12.70 13.33 4^ 4.500 5.00 13.90 | 14.60 5 5.062 5.563 15.75 | 16.54 6 6.125 6.625 18.31 19.23 7 7.062 7.625 26.28 27.60 8 7.082 8.625 29.88 : 31.37 EXTRA HEAVY % .205 .405 .370 .388 Y .294 .540 .625 .650 y* .421 .675 .830 .870 Yi .542 .840 1.200 1.33 % .736 1.050 1.660 1.75 i .951 1.315 2.360 2.478 \H 1.272 1.660 3.300 3.465 V/2 1.494 1.900 4.250 4.462 2 1.933 2.375 5.460 5.733 2H 2.315 2.875 8.300 8 715 3 2.892 3.500 11.200 11.760 3^ 3.358 4.00 13.700 14.385 4 3.818 4.50 16.500 17.325 5 4.813 5.563 22.800 23 . 940 6 5.750 6.625 32.00 33.60 Furnished with plain ends, unless otherwise specified. Commercial lengths are 12 feet long. PRICES ON APPLICATION. GAUGE TUBING Price of seamless or brazed tubing, of diameters K inch to 10 inch and any gauge in which the different diameters are made, will be quoted on request, for direct shipment from mill. 612 CRANE CO. C 00 F POUN si si ! ! S CLASS C FOOT H NDS PRE CLASS B 200 FOOT HEAD 86 POUNDS PRESSU S CO CLASS A 100 FOOT HE POUNDS PRE 1 : S 8| 'aaiaraBia I'BurniOKl CO 00 O CO -^ CO 00 IS 3! CRANE CO. 613 go s* g 12 S*jS J3 u O O O QJ pq c la. J-ss- z ^| HdS 2 if!l | Hfl o- ft-d .p ft fl ee 9? ft S o o '5 614 CRANE CO. STANDARD WEIGHT SPIRAL RIVETED PRESSURE PIPE Extra Heavy and Double Extra Heavy Spiral Riveted Pipe for High Pressure Water Mains, Hydraulic Work, etc. Prices on application. , Vacuum Pipe Service, Inside Diameter Inches DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Approximate Weight Per Foot Pounds Thickness B. W. Gauge Number Diameter of Flanges Inches 3 2*4 20 6 4 3 20 7 5 4 20 8 6 5 18 9 7 6 18 10 8 7 18 11 9 8 18 13 10 11 16 14 11 12 16 15 12 14 16 16 13 15 16 17 14 20 14 18 15 22 14 19 16 24 14 21M 18 29 14 23^ 20 34 14 25M 22 40 12 28M 24 50 12 30 26 58 12 32 28 72 10 34 30 79 10 36 32 85 10 38 36 94 10 42 40 106 10 46 Prices on application. SPIRAL RIVETED PIPE is usually furnished in 20 foot lengths. Prices of short lengths quoted on application. The flanges on this pipe are forged steel, and of special dimensions adopted by the Riveted Pipe Manufacturers. The dimensions and drilling templates do not conform to those of the American Stand- ard. We can, however, furnish flanges according to the American Standard dimensions and drilling, at an extra price. Flanges are always attached to the pipe at the factory, and can not be put on readily by the user, as the pipe is either asphalted or galvanized after the flanges are attached. GALVANIZED PIPE ONLY IS RECOMMENDED FOR USE AS EXHAUST STEAM PIPE CRANE CO. 615 STRAIGHT SEAM STEEL RIVETED PIPE PRICES ON APPLICATION Inside Diameter of Pipe, Inches Thickness of Material U. S. Standard Gauge 11 , 21-S-S is* Theoretical Safe Working Head, Feet ! S 4 S| m Inside Diameter of Pipe, Inches Thickness of Material U. S. Standard Gauge li , Msl ! M Theoretical Safe Working Head, Feet !& Sill a dfe 3^3 16 16 .062 190 13.00 24 6 .200 405 59.00 16 14 .078 237 16.00 26 14 .078 145 25.50 16 12 .109 332 22.25 26 12 .109 203 35.50 16 11 .125 379 24.50 26 11 .125 233 39.50 16 10 .140 425 28.50 26 10 .140 261 44.25 18 16 .062 168 14.75 26 8 171 319 54.00 18 14 .078 210 18.50 26 6 .200 373 64.00 18 12 .109 295 25.25 28 14 .078 135 27.25 18 11 .125 337 29.00 28 12 .109 188 38.00 18 10 .140 378 32.50 28 11 .125 216 42.25 18 8 .171 460 40.00 28 10 .140 242 47.50 20 16 .062 151 16.00 28 8 .171 295 58.00 20 14 .078 189 19.75 28 6 .200 346 69.00 20 12 .109 265 27.50 30 12 .109 176 39.50 20 11 .125 304 31.50 30 11 .125 202 45.00 20 10 .140 340 35.00 30 10 .140 226 50.50 20 8 .171 415 45.50 30 8 .171 276 61.75 22 16 .062 138 17.75 30 6 .200 323 73.00 22 14 .078 172 22.00 30 y* .250 404 90.00 22 12 .109 240 30.50 36 11 .125 168 54.00 22 11 .125 276 34.50 36 10 .140 189 60.50 22 10 .140 309 39.00 36 A .187 252 81.00 22 8 .171 376 50.00 36 fc .250 337 109.00 24 14 .078 158 23.75 36 h .312 420 135.00 24 12 .109 220 32.00 40 A .187 226 90.00 24 11 .125 253 37.50 40 M .250 303 120.00 24 10 .140 283 42.00 40 A .312 378 150.00 24 8 .171 346 50.00 40 % .375 455 180.00 The safe working heads given in above table are theoretical and based on ordinary working conditions. Judgment should be used in arriving at the practical safe working heads, due allowance being made for possible water hammer, settling, and the expansion and contraction of pipe, and causes which would tend to collapse same. The working heads, are based on the longitudinal seams being double riveted and the circumferential seams single riveted. We can furnish end flanges made from the following materials: Cast Iron, Ferrosteel, Forged Steel and Malleable Iron. Where the service is light, we can also furnish Pressed Steel Flanges with diameters and drilling similar to those adopted by the Riveted Steel Pipe Manufacturers. When ordering, always cover fully the following points: whether pipe is used for steam or water ; maximum working pressure; material flanges are to be made of; and if painted or plain. 616 CRANE CO. BRASS NIPPLES IRON PIPE SIZE SHOULDER TABLE OF SIZES AND LENGTHS KEPT IN STOCK Size Length Close o 3 Length, Inches 1H 2 2H 3 3M 4 4^ 5 5H 6 y* M .11 .13 .15 .17 .19 .21 .23 .25 .27 .29 .31 K % .13 .16 .19 .22 .25 .28 .31 .34 .37 .40 .43 H i .15 .19 .23 .27 .31 .35 .39 .43 .47 .51 .55 y* IH .23 .28 .25 .30 .35 .35 .42 .40 .49 .62 .45 .56 .50 .63 .55 .70 .60 .77 .65 .70 .91 % i*A .84 i 1H .37 .44 .53 .71 .80 .89 .98 1.07 1.16 IM I'H .60 .75 .88 1.01 1.14 1.27 1.40 1.53 1.66 m 1M .70 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 2 2 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2H 2^ 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.60 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.80 3 2^. 2.50 2.90 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 4.90 5.30 3H 2M 4.00 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 7.80 4 2^8 4.75 6.15 6.85 7.55 8.25 8.95 *These lengths conform to the Manufacturers' Standard. Finished Brass Nipples, longer than close, will be furnished at an advance of 25 per cent over above prices. CRANE CO. 617 LONG SCREWS WITH COUPLING AND LOCK NUT FACED Size Inches 1 A H H y 1 1M IH 2 2K 3 3H 4 Standard Length. .Inches VA 3 VA 4 4H 5 5 1 A 6 7 2.70 8 VA 9 Price Each .30 .35 .40 .55 .75 1.00 1.30 1.70 3.70 5.40 6.60 Price, Galv. . . .Each .35 .40 .50 .66 1.00 1.25 1.60 2.10 3.10 4.70 6.50 7.75 Long Screws, longer than Standard, made to order and charged as CUT PIPE, with Threads, Couplings and Lock Nuts, extra. In ordering, always specify the length of thread wanted. Extra Heavy Long Screws made to order from Extra Strong pipe. FACED LOCK NUTS MALLEABLE IRON Size. . . Inches 1 A X H H 1 IK m 2 VA 3 Price. . .Each .08 .09 .10 .12 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 Price, Galv. Each .11 .13 .15 .18 .22 .30 .35 .45 .50 .65 FACED COUPLINGS Size . Inches K 23 1 A 1 IK m 2 2H 3 3^ 4 4H 5 1 6 Price. Each .09 .10 .12 .16 .22 .30 .40 .50 .70 .90 1.20 1.50 2.10 2.403.60 Price, Galv.Each .14 .15 .18 .24 .33 .45 .60 .75 1.00 1.35 1.80 2.25 1 Sizes 3 inch and smaller are malleable iron. Sizes 33^ to 6 inch are wrought. TANK NIPPLES 6 INCHES LONG OVER ALL Size. . . Inches K y* 1 A % 1 IK 1 1 A 2 2y 2 3 Price. . .Each .10 .10 .12 .13 .18 .24 .29 .38 .68 .85 Price, Galv. Each .17 .17 .18 .21 .28 .38 .46 .61 1.00 1.30 These Nipples have an American Briggs Standard Lock-Nut Thread 4 inches long on one end; the other end has a Standard Pipe Thread. 618 CRANE CO. WROUGHT NIPPLES GALVANIZED RIGHT HAND TABLE OF SIZES AND LENGTHS LENGTH, INCHES c&\ 1 Size, Inches | PEICES PBICES OF EXTEA LONG NIPPLES +3 8 1 LONG Close or Short &C 1 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9i l/ 2 2 2/2 3 3/2 .06 .11 .12 .15 .17 .21 .24 .26 .29 .31 .34 % 1 1/2 1/2 2 2/2 3 3 3/2 8H \x .06 .11 .11 .12 .12 .15 .15 .17 .21 .24 .26 .26 .29 .31 .31 .34 .34 2 2/ 2 \% .06 .17 .21 .24 .29 l/s 1/2 2 2/2 3 3^ X .06 .11 .14 .13 .16 .18 .23 .26 .28 .31 .35 .33 .36 \% 2 2/ 2 3 3/2 4 % .08 .18 .21 .26 .29 .32 .38 .41 IH 2 2tf 3 3/ 2 4 4/2 1 TJ4 .11 .19 .29 .35 .47 .24 .28 .34 .38 .42 .47 .51 .55 1% 1* 2 2/2 3 3/ 2 4 .17 .21 .27 .32 .38 .46 .61 .45 .51 .57 .63 .69 .84 1.13 .75 .91 1.23 2/2 2^4 3 3 3/2 3H 4 4 4/2 4/2 1^ 2 .39 .52 .55 .74 .63 .83 .70 .93 .77 1.03 2H 3 Stt 4 4/2 5 2^ .56 .86 1.00 1.26 1.41 1.56 1.71 1.86 2.40 2.01 2^ 3 4 4 3/ 2 4 4/2 5 6 6 3 3^ 4 .70 1.20 1.35 1.10 1.70 1.87 2.60 1.30 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.60 2.20 2.85 2.60 3.40 3.80 2^ 2K 4H 4/2 5 5 5/2 5/2 2.10 2.30 2.35 2.60 3.15 2.90 4.05 3.20 3.50 4.85 V/8 4 4/2 5 5 5/2 6 4^2 1.85 3.30 3.65 4.45 5.25 3 4/2 5/2 6 6/2 5 2.30 3.15 3.75 4.20 4.60 5.00 5.40 5.85 3H 4/2 5 5/2 6 6/2 6 2.80 4.25 4.50 5.00 5.55 6.05 6.60 7.15 3J4 5 7 1.25 4.95 5.65 6.35 7.05 7.75 8.45 9.20 3^ 5 11 8 5.00 5.80 6.65 7.50 8.35 9.25 10.10 10.95 *These lengths conform to the Manufacturers' Standard. CRANE CO. 619 WROUGHT NIPPLES PLAIN, RIGHT AND LEFT TABLE OF SIZES AND LENGTHS LENGTH, INCHES Size, Inches PRICES PRICES OF EXTRA LONG NIPPLES I 3 * Short LONG Close or Short I INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TF ^21 Tj>7 % iy 2 2 2/ 2 3 3V4 y Q .05 .08 .09 .11 .13 .16 .16 .16 .18 .18 .18 .20 T20~ .20 .23 .23 72? .25 .25 -* % Itt 2 2y 2 3 3y 2 Y* .05 .08 .09 .09 .11 .11 .13 1 1% 2 2 l /2 3 3 l /2 % .05 .08 .13 1H 1H 2 2/2 3 3/2 y 2 % 1 .07 .10 .11 .13 .16 .18 .21 .24 .27 .29 .31 .35 .48 1% 1H 2 2y 2 3 3 3y 2 3y 2 4 4 .08 .11 .12 .18 .15 .20 .17 .23 .25 .27 .37 .29 .41 .32 .45 2 2H .24 .31 .33 1% 2y 2 3 3!/2 4 4^2 IK .15 .23 .27 .32 .39 .45, .50 .55 .60 .65 .80 W 2K 2 3 3y 2 4 4y 2 1^ .18 .27 .34 .39 .48 .52 .60 .67 .72 2 2y 2 3 3y 2 4 4y 2 2 2^ 3 .24 .52 .65 1.00 .36 .79 .96 1.40 .43 .51 .91 .67 .72 .80 .87 .96 1.68 1.03 1.80 2.27 2.75 2* 2^ 2M 2% 3 3H 4 4y 2 5 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.55 3 4 SVi 4 4y 2 5 1.13 1.44 1.75 1.60 1.95 1.77 2.15 1.93 2.35 2.10 2.55 4 l / 2 5 5H 6 3^ 4 4y 2 5 5y 2 6 4 1.15 1.60 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 *These lengths conform to the Manufacturers' Standard. ADD 60 PER CENT TO ABOVE PRICES FOR GALVANIZED RIGHT AND LEFT NIPPLES. 620 CRANE CO. WROUGHT NIPPLES CLOSE SHOULDER TABLE OF SIZES AND LENGTHS KEPT IN STOCK LENGTH, INCHES Size, Inches | PBICES PBICES OF EXTBA LONG NIPPLES *Close i 1 1 LONG o-g II tt) d ,3 INCHES 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M IVz 2 2* 3 3H 16 .04 .06 .07 .08 .10 .12 .14 .15 .17 .18 .19 7 A' 1 IK iy z 1H 2 21/2 3 3K J4 .04 .06 .07 .07 .08 .10 .12 .12 .14 .15 .17 .18 .19 .19 2 2K 3 3/ 2 % ^ ^ 1 .04 .06 .08 .10 .14 .15 .17 .18 IK 2 2H 3 3K .05 .07 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .23 m VA 2 2 2H 2K 3 3V4 4 .06 .09 .11 .13 .17 .18 .20 .22 .24 .34 .26 .36 3 3K 4 .08 .13 .15 .18 .23 .25 .28 .31 m 2y 2 3 3H 4 4y 2 114 .11 .17 .20 .24 .29 .33 .36 .40 .44 .47 1% 2/2 3 3% 4 4Vi 1^ .13 .20 .25 .29 .36 .40 .45 .50 .54 .59 .77 2 2i/ 2 3 3K 4 4K 2 .18 .27 .32 .38 .50 .54 .59 .65 .72 VA 3 SH 4 4V4 4% 5 5 ,2>2 3 .39 .59 .68 .85 .90 .97 1.06 1.17 1.26 1.31 V/s 3 3/ 2 4 .48 .72 .08 1.20 1.33 1.45 1.58 1.7( V4 4 4* 5 5V4 6 3 { /2 .75 1.05 .30 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.90 2.0? m 4 4K 5 5K 6 4 .85 1.20 .52 1.69 1.87 2.05 2.22 2.4( 2 7 /s 4 4K 5 5% 6 4>2 1.25 1.7C .25 2.50 2.75 2.95 3.17 3.4( 3 4y 2 5 5 l / 2 6 6H 5 1.55 2.45 .58 2.83 3.10 3.35 3.60 3.8 3Xs 4i/ 2 5 5H 6 6K 6 1.85 2.90 3.05 3.35 3.70 4.00 4.30 4.6J 3^ VA m 5 5 5 7 8 9 3.20 3.60 4.05 4.45 4.90 5.30 5.75 6.1J 7.0C 9.0C 3.55 4.05 4.55 5.05 5.50 6.00 6.50 5.25 6.50 7.10 7.75 8.40 m 5 10 6.75 8.25 8.90 9.70 10.40 11.1 VA 6 12 iS.OO 10.00 10.80 11.75 12.70 13.6 "These lengths conform to the Manufacturers' Standard. Nipples made to order from Extra Strong pipe at double above list. Nipples longer than 12 inch, made to order and charged as cut pipe, and threads extra. CRANE CO. 621 n RETURN BENDS MADE FROM EXTRA STRONG WROUGHT PIPE Size Inches % % 1 IX m 2 Distance, Center to Center of Pipe Inches 4^8 w* 4^ 6 8 8 Length, Center to End Inches 3V* Q/-V 3% i in 5 IOC 6 1f7C 8 O rjK 8 i on QUARTER BENDS MADE FROM EXTRA STRONG WROUGHT PIPE Size Inches Radius Inches Length, Center to End Inches 9V4 .45 .55 .75 1.25 2.00 3.25 GOOSE NECKS MADE FROM EXTRA STRONG WROUGHT PIPE Size Inches K 1 1H Least Distance between Centers Pipe canbebent,Inches 4 4Vi 6 Least Length Center to End Goose Necks can be 3% -4X 6 Prices on application. We will quote prices on Bends differing from above, upon receipt of dimensions and number required. 622 CRANE CO. WROUGHT COUPLINGS STANDARD CAR HEATER STANDARD Size of Pipe Inches Price Black Each Price Galv. Each Price Right and Left Black Each Nominal Outside Diameter Inches Length of Coupling Inches Average Weight of Coupling Pounds No. of Threads Per Inch of Screw H .05 .06 tt H .03 27 14 .05 .06 .07 X IF? .07 18 % .06 .08 .08 n 1^ .11 18 Vi .07 .10 .11 1& li^ .15 14 % .10 .13 .15 1H 1A .25 14 l .13 .18 .20 1% lit .42 ny 2 l^ .17 .25 .25 12 2iV .60 iiH \ l /2 .21 .32 .30 2f 2i^ .81 ii^ 2 .28 .40 .50 2M ^TS 1.18 n^ 2^ .40 .55 .85 3A 2 7 /8 1.70 8 3 .60 .80 1.20 3l6 3A 2.45 8 3^ ,80 1.05 1.60 4^6 3iV 3.40 8 4 1.00 1.40 2.00 4 If 3j^ 3.50 8 4H 1.50 2.00 5H $$i 4.70 8 5 1.65 2.25 6M 4H 8.50 8 6 2.40 3.25 7& 4^8 9.70 8 7 3.25 8& 4^ 11.10 8 8 4.25 9M 4H 13.60 8 9 5.50 10j^ 5^ 17.40 8 10 7.50 H/^ 6H 31.10 8 12 10.00 13>8 6H 44.20 8 1 % inch turned and faced Couplings to fit inside of 2 inch wrought pipe. Price on application. CAR HEATER Size Inches Actual Outside Diameter Inches Length of Couplings Inches PRICE R. H. Black Each R. and L. Black Each R. H. Galvanized Each R. and L. Galvanized Each H 1.13 1.88 .14 .20 .20 .25 H 1.44 2.13 .20 .30 .25 .35 i 1.63 2.38 .26 .40 .32 .45 iM 2.13 2.13 .34 .45 .42 .55 1H 2.31 2.87 .42 .55 .55 .70 2 2.81 3.13 .56 .70 .75 .90 CRANE CO. 623 EXTRA HEAVY OR HYDRAULIC COUPLINGS HYDRAULIC COUPLINGS HYDRAULIC RECESSED COUPLINGS Size Inches % % % 1 IX 1H 2 2^ 3 VA 4 Price, Black... Each .14 .14 .20 .26 .34 .42 .56 .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 Price, Galv Each .20 .20 .25 .32 .42 .55 .75 1.05 1.50 1.90 3.00 Price, Recessed, Black . Each .25 .25 .30 .35 .45 .55 .70 .95 1.40 1.85 2.25 Price, Recessed, Galv. . Each .30 .30 .20 .35 .30 .40 .55 .70 .90 1.20 1.70 2.15 3.25 Price, Right and Left . . Each .40 .45 .55 .70 Price.Right andLeft.Galv.Ea. .25 .35 .45 .55 .70 .90 Outside Diam. Inches .95 1.13 1.44 1.63 2.07 2.31 2.81 3.31 4.00 4.63 5.13 Length Inches 1.50 1.88 2.13 2.38 2.63 2.87 3.13 3.50 3.69 4.25 4.25 Threads to Inch of Screw. . . 18 14 14 H^ HJ4 HH HH 8 8 8 8 Weight, Each Pounds .23 .28 .50 .56 .90 1.35 1.80 2.40 3.46 5.25 6.80 These Couplings are made extra heavy and long, and cut with a perfect taper and longer thread. Threads for these Couplings may be cut with an ordinary die. The object of the Recessed Couplings is to make a better joint, protecting the pipe at the weak point, viz.: That part left exposed from cutting the thread and not covered with the ordinary coupling. LINE, TUBING AND DRIVE COUPLINGS Size Inches 4H 5 6 7 8 9 10 Price, Recessed, Black.. Each 4.00 4.80 5.60 7.70 8.00 10.00 12.00 Price, Recessed, Galv. ..Each 5.70 6.90 8.00 11.10 11.60 14.50 17.50 XX HYDRAULIC COUPLINGS Size Inches y* 1 IK iy?, 2 2H Price, Black Each .40 .55 .70 .85 1.15 1.60 Price, Recessed, Black Each .50 .65 .85 1.00 1.30 1.85 Outside Diameter Inches Length Inches 1.66 1 88 1.90 2 CO 2.22 200 2.44 31 ^ 3.19 30Q 3.62 o oo Threads to Inch of Screw 14 UH 11^2 HH HH 8 Weight, Each Pounds .70 1.12 1.50 1.88 3.55 4.50 624 CRANE CO. STANDARD CASING COUPLINGS Size. . .Inches 2 2M 2^ 2M 3 3M 3H 3& 4 4M 4H 4M 5 5^ 5^ Black... Each .16 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .46 .52 .60 .68 .74 .80 .90 1.0( )1.20 Galvanized. Ea. .23 .28 .35 .42 .50 .57 .65 .73 .85 l.OC >1.05 1.15 1.30 1.4( )1.70 R.&L.,BlaokEa. 1.70 1.80 2.00 2.10 2.50 2.60 3.00, 5.10 3.70 3.9 4.55 4.85 5.25 5.5( )6.10 Size. . .Inches 6M 6% 7M 7% m m m 10% ny 8 12M im 14H 15^ Black.. .Each 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.75 2.25 2.85 3.50 4.50 5.15 6.75 7.60 8.75 10.00 Galvanized.Ea. 1.90 6.45 2.15 2.35 2.50 3.25 3.75 5.00 6.15 6.95 8.85 10.15 11.75 13.15 R.&L.,BlackEa. 7.10 7.55 8.30 3.30 10.25 11.80 13.25 14.25 16.80 18.65 21.00 22.25 COUPLINGS FOR LARGE O. D. PIPE 0. D. Pipe Size Inches Steam Pipe Couplings Each Recessed Couplings Each 14 12.50 10.00 15 18.75 13.00 16 25.00 20.00 17 32.90 18 39.50 20 52.50 CRANE CO. 625 WROUGHT IRON AND STEEL PIPE PIPE MILL TESTS There are no established standards for mill tests on wrought The various manufacturers have their own schedule of tests which average as follows: STANDARD BUTT WELDED WROUGHT PIPE The tests on ^g to 3 inch, inclusive, range from 700 to 1,000 pounds, according to size. STANDARD LAP WELDED WROUGHT PIPE The tests on 1 % to 12 inch, inclusive, range from 500 to 1,000 pounds, according to size. EXTRA STRONG BUTT WELDED WROUGHT PIPE The tests on ^ to 3 inch, inclusive, range from 700 to 1,500 pounds according to size. EXTRA STRONG LAP WELDED WROUGHT PIPE The tests on 1 ^ to 12 inch, inclusive, range from 1,100 to 2,500 pounds,, according to size. DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG BUTT WELDED WROUGHT PIPE The tests on H to 2^ inch, inclusive, range from 700 to 2,200 pounds, according to size. DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG LAP WELDED WROUGHT PIPE The tests on 1 ^ to 8 inch, inclusive, range from 2,000 to 3,000 pounds, according to size. The above tests are made by the mill simply to detect any defects in the weld or other portions of the pipe and are not made as a basis from which to figure safe working pressures. SAFE WORKING PRESSURES Numerous factory tests to determine the actual bursting pressure of wrought pipe have proved Barlow's formula to be correct. This formula follows: 2TXTS BP equals Q^ in which BP equals bursting pressure in pounds per square inch. T equals thickness of the wall in inches. OD equals outside diameter of the pipe in inches. TS equals tensile strength of material per square inch. The value of TS was determined from actual tests to be 40,000 pounds per square inch for butt welded steel pipe and 50,000 pounds for lap welded steel pipe. The table on the following page is based on the formula given above. The working pressures given are based on a factor of safety of eight. 626 CRANE CO. tCO) t^ O CO CO -* O ^ i \ O5 ^f i 1 OO CO i o <8 03 J3 tsfi* 73 S-5SSI OcoOOOOO t~- CO C- OO \N Q J^dSio CO CO CO - O CO 88 ^Ille tO"*'<*coeoi-iO $ o Q WA,fc M Mo 73 o 5| o ^fooSS^SS t ^ ^^' ot ^ (>1 ^ 05C>q01 '- 10 | fc 3 i w* f EXTRA IIP 2 CH 23 ^3 ^1 2 oi'oo"'t^'t^'co'i>rt>ri>ro co'eo'to to"-* co" * a a _ m 73 bB .2^0 S i "S IllllilgSIssSSglllISi 42 ,0 ^fln ^ 2, Q Q 3 g 1 "w w2 S -c O) t-i t-i 03 t> s pqp^p^ ^ cti O g | ^X^-c, <.-<; ^ a M S | "" CT " * CRANE CO. 627 PIPE PRACTICE MEASUREMENT OF PIPE On orders calling for commercial sizes of pipe to be furnished with threads and couplings in sizes y% to 12 inch, inclusive, where orders specify quantity in lineal feet it is understood that random lengths, threaded both ends, with coupling on one end. will be shipped, and the measurement is charged from end to end, that is, over all including coupling. Orders or inquiries covering cut lengths of any size should specify whether plain ends, threads only, threads and couplings, or flanges are required. A separate charge is made for couplings or flanges, either loose or screwed on pipe, when pipe is ordered cut to specified lengths. Orders or inquiries covering pipe larger than 12 inch should specify the actual outside diameter of the pipe and the thickness of the wall. See table, page 629. Standard weight pipe is listed and carried in stock threaded and coupled and will be shipped unless order specifies otherwise. Extra Strong, Double Extra Strong, Hydraulic, and Large O. D. Pipe is listed plain ends only and will be so shipped unless order specifies otherwise. An extra charge is made for threads and couplings on these weights. For pipe smoothed on the inside, known as reamed and drifted, an extra charge is made. Such pipe is furnished in random lengths 20 feet and shorter. Random lengths of Extra Strong and Double Extra Strong Pipe are considered to be 12 to 22 feet, we to have the privilege of supplying not to exceed 5 per cent of total order in lengths 6 to 12 feet. For cut lengths of any size an extra charge above random lengths will be made. For galvanized or asphalted pipe an extra charge above black will be made. Sizes 8, 10 and 12 inch Standard Pipe are listed in several weights and orders or inquiries should specify the weight required. PRICE LIST OF STANDARD THREADS FOR WROUGHT IRON PIPE Size . . .Inches X K H 1 A H 1 IK 1H 2 2H 3 3^ 4 VA Price. . . .Each .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .06 .07 .08 .10 .15 .20 .25 .35 .45 Size . . .Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 Price. . . .Each .55 .70 .85 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.50 3.50 3.50 5.00 8.00 10.00 12.50 15 ,00 PRICE LIST OF LOCK-NUT THREADS Size Inches K *A 1 A K i IK 1H 2 2H 3 3H 4 Price Each .10 .10 .10 .10 .12 .14 .16 .20 .30 .40 .50 .70 DRILLING AND TAPPING PIPE HEADERS MADE FROM EITHER 3 OR 4 INCH PIPE Size of Holes for Iron Pipe Inches 5 % 1 IK Price per Hole, Drilled and Tapped in Standard Pipe . .15 .15 .20 .25 Price per Hole, Drilled and Tapped in Extra Heavy Pipe .18 .18 .25 .30 DRILLING AND TAPPING PIPE HEADERS MADE FROM EITHER 5 OR 6 INCH PIPE Size of Holes for Iron Pipe Inches H X 1 IK VA 2 Price per Hole, Drilled and Tapped in Standard Pipe .18 .18 .25 .30 .40 .45 Price per Hole, Drilled and Tapped in Extra Heavy Pipe ?0 .20 .30 .35 .45 .50 628 CRANE CO. PRICE LIST WROUGHT PIPE BLACK AND GALVANIZED AS ADOPTED JANUARY 1, 1913 TO TAKE THE PLACE OF ALL PREVIOUS LISTS AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Nomi- nal In- side Diam. STANDARD EXTRA STRONG DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG Price Per Foot Nominal Weight Per Foot Plain Ends Nominal Weight Per Foot Threaded and Coupled Price Per Foot Nominal Weight Per Foot Plain Ends Price Per Foot Nominal Weight Per Foot Plain Ends y* .05^ .244 .245 .12 .314 g .06 .424 .425 .07^ .535 y% .06 .567 .568 -07M .738 x .08H .850 .852 .11 1.087 .32 1.714 H .HM 1.130 1.134 .15 1.473 .35 2.440 1 .17 1.678 1.684 .22 2.171 .37 3.659 M .23 2.272 2.281 .30 2.996 .52^ 5.214 VA 27H 2.717 2.731 -36H 3.631 .65 6.408 2 .37 3.652 3.678 .50^ 5.022 .91 9.029 2 1 A 58H 5.793 5.819 .77 7.661 1.37 13.695 3 76H 7.575 7.616 1.03 10.252 1.86 18.583 3^ .92 9.109 9.202 1.25 12.505 2.30 22.850 4 1.09 10.790 10.889 1.50 14.983 2.76 27.541 4^ 1.27 12.538 . 12.642 1.80 17.611 3.26 32.530 5 1.48 14.617 14.810 2.08 20.778 3.86 38.552 6 1.92 18.974 19.185 2.86 28.573 5.32 53.160 7 2.38 23.544 23 . 769 3.81 38.048 6.35 63.079 8 2.50 24.696 25.000 8 2.88 28.554 28.809 4.34 43.388 7.25 72.424 9 3.45 33.907 34.188 4.90 48.728 10 3.20 31.201 32.000 10 3.50 34.240 35.000 10 4.12 40.483 41.132 5.48 54.735 11 4.63 45.557 46.247 6.10 60.075 12 4.50 43.773 45.000 6.55 65.415 12 5.07 49.562 50.706 HYDRAULIC WROUGHT PIPE SIZES 9, 10, 11 AND 12 INCH ALL WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL THICKNESS Size Fraction M In. H In. y* m. 1 In. Decimal .625 .75 .875 1.00 I. D. O. D. List Weight List Weight List Weight List Weight 9 m 6.01 60.08 7.11 71.09 8.18 81.77 9.22 92.12 10 \wi 6.76 67.59 8.01 80.10 9.23 92.28 10.42 104.13 11 u% 7.43 74.26 8.82 88.11 10.17 101.63 11.49 114.81 12 129* 8.10 80.94 9.62 96.12 11.10 110.97 12.55 125.49 CRANE CO. 629 PRICE LIST OF LARGE O. D. WROUGHT PIPE REVISED AND ADOPTED JANUARY 1, 1913 TO TAKE THE PLACE OF ALL PREVIOUS LISTS AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Out- side Diam- eter of Pipe Inches M INCH THICK & INCH THICK H INCH THICK rg- INCH THICK yi 6.625 6.255 .185 12.724 13.00 14 6} 6.625 6.257 .184 12.657 13.00 11^ 6>i 6.625 6.135 .245 16 . 694 17.00 11% 6M 6.625 5.913 .356 23.835 24.00 11^ 6% 7.000 6.652 .174 12.685 13.00 14 1.442 7.238 6% 7.000 6.538 .231 16.699 17.00 11^ 6% 7.000 6.538 .231 16.699 17.00 10 6% 7.000 6.450 .275 19.751 20.00 10 6% 7.000 6.334 .333 23.711 24.00 10 7/4 7.625 7.263 .181 14 . 390 14.75 14 1.505 7.877 7 5^ 8.000 7.628 .186 15.522 16.00 11^ 1.573 8.238 7!H} 8.000 7.528 .236 19 . 569 20.00 11^ 8^ 8.625 8.249 .188 16.940 17.50 11^ 1.636 8.867 8M 8.625 8.191 .217 19.486 20.00 n> fl ^ 03 S 2 O - - .IIP $ 1 3 s fi I O S3 in 2 'o rt I fl in v & e 8 s c s"5S 1^g .a -g a a m boO.Sg el 5 ^ Size of Pipe 1 "o 1 3 S !3 s 's K Shortest Radius to \ *Standard Pip which Pipe can be bent } fExtra Strong Pipe . T Minimum length r Screwed and Shrink of Tangent or -4 Craneweld . . . as ^Cranelap *For 14 inch 0. D. PIPE and larger havi Full dimension sketch or bh Drawings submitted, should variations from dimensions as gi CRANE CO. 635 3 ^ 3 ^ 00 01 S S 8 1 g g oo 01 o g | 2 00 00 oo 00 g 8 8 oo 00 00 I i co 3 ff 00 00 CO 1 * 10 K S g CD - s 1 i s g g S CO - s !^! CM S 10 o 10 2 - fll S 3 c^ r- ! 05 3 9 s - CO 05 ^ n--t M oo o CO 00 05 CO 00 12H - >0 co o co s 00 CO 00 ||| CO c g - co - $ii 10 s s CO 10 * .1 -S 1 5 i 00 2 CO 10 CO 1^73 g CO s o CO 51 IH s co s T^ 3 o 10 CO 38^1 CO s s 00 10 CO l^ll g s 2 - * ^o S-i Inches Inches 1 1 g Inches Inches Inches sjlj Size of Pipe "s 1 1 3 3 | a Shortest Radius to $ *Standard Pipe. which Pipe can be bent 1 fBxtra Strong Pipe. . . T MinimnmLength (Screwed and Shrink. . of Tangent or -j Craneweld 8 ^Cranelap *For 14 inch 0. D. PIPE and larger having Full dimension sketch or blue Drawings submitted, should in variations from dimensions as give 636 CRANE CO. EXPANSION BENDS TABLE GIVING EXPANSION CARED FOR Because of many inquiries and the necessity of having reliable data on the expansion value of pipe bends, Crane Co. made exhaustive and extensive tests on the various types of bends in several sizes and weights of pipe. The following figures giving in inches the expansion cared for by quarter bends are based on the results of these tests and are recom- mended as allowing a good safety factor. Size of Pipe Inches Minimum Radius Inches RADIUS OF BENDS Inches Standard Pipe Extra Strong Pipe 20 ~ 30 40 50 60 70 80 W 90 100 110 120 2^ 10 7 7 A 2^ 3 12 8 Ys it 1^ \y % 2^ 3^g 4% 6 Z 1 A 14 10 A Ys 1 1% 2H 3^ 4M 5% 4 16 12 Y TS tt 1A 2H 2>8 3M 4^4 n 4H 18 14 X 7 A 1A \% 2H 3^ 4M 5 20 15 Ys ~W 1A 1 1% "T" 3 3 7 A 4^ 5M 6 26 20 Ys V4 "&A 4 4M 5% 7 30 24 & H 1A i^C ^A 2 7 A 3H 4M 5K 8 34 28 *A % 1H i^ 2 2 1 A 3 3^ 4^ 10 46 40 Ys H /^ \y \y 2 2 2H 3 ~3~ 12 54 50 ^ 1 \y% 1% 2 2J^ 14 70 65 K VA 1 1 A 1H 2^8 The above figures are for No. 1 Quarter Bends. See page 634. For No. 7 "U" Bends multiply expansion values by 2. For No. 6 Single Offset Bends or No. 9 Expansion "U" Bends multiply expansion values by 4. For No. 10 Double Offset Bends or No. 11 Circle Bends multiply expansion values by 5. THE EXPANSION SHOWN IN THE ABOVE TABLE DOES NOT TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION SPRINGING THE BEND WHEN BOLTING INTO PLACE. WHEN BENDS ARE SPRUNG, A DISTANCE EQUAL TO THE FIGURE GIVEN IN THE ABOVE TABLE, THEY WILL TAKE CARE OF TWICE THAT FIGURE. CRANE CO. 637 APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF PIPE IN QUARTER BENDS EXCLUSIVE OF TANGENTS Radius Inches Length Inches Radius Inches Length Inches Radius Inches Length Inches Radius Inches Length Inches 4 6% 42 66 80 125% 118 185% 5 7% 43 67H 81 127% 119 187 6 $ l /2 44 69% 82 128% 120 188H 7 11 45 70% 83 130^ 121 190 8 12H 46 72% 84 132 122 191H 9 14% 47 73% 85 133^ 123 193% 10 15% 48 1VA 86 135 124 ; 194% 11 im 49 77 87 136% 125 196% 12 18% 50 78^ 88 138% 126 198 13 20^ 51 80 89 139% 127 199H 14 22 52 81% 90 141% 128 201 15 23^ 53 83% 91 143 129 202% 16 25% 54 84% 92 144^ 130 204% 17 26% 55 86^ 93 146 131 205% 18 28% 56 87^ 94 147% 132 207% 19 29% 57 my 2 95 149% 133 209 20 31H 58 91 96 150% 134 210H 21 33 59 92% 97 152% 135 212 22 34^ 60 94% 98 154 136 213% 23 36% 61 95% 99 155^ 137 215% 24 37% 62 97^ 100 157 138 216% 25 39% 63 99 101 158% 139 218% 26 40% 64 100H 102 160% 140 220 27 42^ 65 102 103 161% 141 221H 28 44 66 103% 104 163% 142 223 29 45^ 67 105% 105 165 143 224% 30 47% 68 106% 106 166^ 144 226% 31 48% 69 108^ 107 168 145 227% 32 50% 70 110 108 169% 146 229% 33 51% 71 my 2 109 171% 147 231 34 53^ 72 113 110 172% 148 232H 35 55 73 j iuy 2 111 174% 149 234 36 56^ 74 116% 112 176 150 235^6 37 58% 75 117% 113 177^ 151 237% 38 59% 76 119>S 114 179 152 238% 39 61% 77 121 115 180% 153 240% 40 62% 78 122^ 116 182% 154 242 41 64^ 79 124 117 183% 155 243^ 638 CRANE CO. EXPANSION OF STEAM PIPES The linear expansion and contraction of pipe, due to differences of temperature of the fluid carried and the surrounding air, must be cared for by suitable expansion joints or bends. In order to determine the amount of expansion or contraction in a pipe line, we give below a table showing the increase in length of a pipe 100 feet long at various temperatures. The expansion for any length of pipe may be found by taking the difference in increased length at the minimum and maximum tempera- tures, dividing by 100 and multiplying by the length of the line under consideration. EXPANSION OF PIPE INCREASE IN LENGTH INCHES PER 100 FEET Tempera- ture, Degrees F. Steel Wrought Iron Cast Iron Brass and Copper 20 .15 .15 .10 .25 40 .30 .30 .25 .45 60 .45 .45 .40 .65 80 .60 .60 .55 .90 100 .75 .80 .70 1.15 20 .90 .95 .85 1.40 40 1.10 1.15 1.00 1.65 60 1.25 1.35 1.15 1.90 80 1.45 1.50 .30 2.15 200 1.60 1.65 .50 2.40 20 1.80 1.85 .65 2.65 40 2.00 2.05 .80 2.90 60 2.15 2.20 .95 3.15 80 2.35 2.40 2.15 3.45 300 2.50 2.60 2.35 3.75 20 2.70 2.80 2.50 4.05 40 2.90 3.05 2.70 4.35 60 3.05 3.25 2.90 4.65 80 3.25 3.45 3.10 4.95 400 3.45 3.65 3.30 5.25 20 3.70 3.90 3.50 5.60 40 3.95 4.20 3.75 5.95 60 4.20 4.45 4.00 6.30 80 4.45 4.70 4.25 6.65 500 4.70 4.90 4.45 7.05 20 4.95 5.15 4.70 7.45 40 5.20 5.40 4.95 7.85 60 5.45 5.70 5.20 8.25 80 5.70 6.00 5.45 8.65 600 6.00 6.25 5.70 9.05 20 6.30 6.55 5.95 9.50 40 6.55 6.85 6.25 9.95 60 6.90 7.20 6.55 10.40 80 7.20 7.50 6.85 10.95 700 7.50 7.85 7.15 11.40 20 7.80 8.20 7.45 11.90 40 8.20 8.55 7.80 12.40 60 8.55 8.90 8.15 12.95 80 8.95 9.30 8.50 13.50 800 9.30 9.75 8.90 14.10 CRANE CO. 639 LENGTH OF THREAD ON PIPE THAT IS SCREWED INTO VALVES OR FITTINGS TO MAKE A TIGHT JOINT Size Inches Dimension A Inches Size Inches Dimension A Inches Ys K 3K 1A K N 4 1ft y* X 4K 1H 1 A l /2 5 ift % 1 A 6 IK i ft 7 1M IM y* 8 1ft VA 5 A 9 1H 2 10 VA 2H H 12 m 3 i DIMENSIONS GIVEN DO NOT ALLOW FOR VARIATION IN TAPPING OR THREADING 640 CRANE CO. UJ Q. O Q, h If tf) O DC 5 o ' ,_' ^' (7 1 M 5 o 1 M cc r ~ i " CM * CO 00 = 'f oo "^ co 10 -* s g 5? < 1 1 s o CV) s 1 1 1 1 g in % 1 o-- "!' i CO g i co CO CO % O-l * i CO (7 11 w S? W 1,1 W 1-1 rfm S "3 05 ^ CD DC "* tf 8 fc 1 - C^l i (M s- co N s \c >* s CO 10 s * >0 g 05 O 5 K: 05 O U h u x fi r-( tH (M N co * iO Id t^ 05 0-1 ^ 10 r- g 1^- - g CO O r H M LI ll o ^ CS S t- -^ s C5 t~~. 05 g co CO f -- g oc r^ 10 O t^ 01 r- s g s 3 5 fcg ls|l| fe 2io X 1 fl -^ S c '0 7*1 1 CO Tl CC s "M t~ ^ i C5 g i 1 i CO oc i co oc g i i 1 O g'g < "5 1 1 T-H I i s 'I? iO O Q >0 g ~ 10 g g Q g CO 10 iO iO O P o 1 4 5 P 1 *< . X ~ CO s co C^J oc ^3 CO *< S * iO >0 o CO CO CO CO 00 05 O i C^l i , i S |1|S| X s: x ^ ^-t - 2 C5 01 ^ 0) co CO' ^ $ >o CO 1^ 00 05 O T-- C CO 10 CO % i 1 1 CO s t^ CO 1 i 1 u H S _- 5 8 P- z M s * 1-1 CM CO * o CO t^ 00 05 O . 05 i 1 i i s 1 CO i 1 z "* Q o 5 I $ C. ^1 g 1 1 1 !->. s 1 g Z S fe H fl fl * iO CO t^ r^ CXD o ^H _i co "t< u DC v) g D Z u. o < 3 I 5 IS 1 1 * s I i cc t^ t^ CO 05 CM o g cs o oo CM g ^ I 10 CONTI H S H w - 1 fee g gl 5 cc co co . CM o co CM o CO C^ t^ CO CM CM ^ 1 *' i < 5 1 1 $ a s \# - O O O O O O O O O O O O QS O O O CO (M CO i ( *! O t^ OO O CO O " oOO^tuMcOOCSic^cOOOCOCM^I^COtOOcDCOi-HO :> OO O OO 1 I CO i I l> i Ir-HU "COOCOCOOiOTjHOOCOC ^ . OO CO t^- -rf O5 - 5l>-CO^HO5(MOC5COi/ . _ft t^ oo oo oo co cq CD e^i oo oo r^ to oi o c^j o i>- o 01 1>. c^i -^n to to to o to c t^-OOC^t^-OOCOOOC^OiCOOOOOOOOO-^OOOOJC^i ir- iI>-l>.l>.I>.t^t^CDCi COTtlCDl>-O5(MtOOOC^I>-COOOCOOOTtiiOtOtO^CDCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ 5 O5 T-I CO OO CO CO O5 C<) Tfl CO O OO to **< O to O to C<1 t^ Cfl tO O IO OOO SCOO-^tCOCOi (OOtOCOtOCOOai~>-'-HOOCOCOCOOOOOt--tO.CDOiO5Ot^'^' iOCOO5COt^tOO5 1 B t) Total taper % inch per foot. Nominal Bore of Pipe Inches A B Single Depth of Thread Inches Number of Threads Per Inch E F Approxi- mate Outside Diameter of Pipe Inches Gauge Diameter Top of Thread Inches Length of Thread on Pipe End Inches Distanc of Gauj Diamet from Ei of Pip Inches Ys if .383 .0230 28 S A A K & .518 .0335 19 & & */* H .656 .0335 19 l /2 % 1 A H .825 .0455 14 H X 5 /8 ft .902 .0455 14 5 A y* H 1A .041 .0455 14 % *A % l& .189 .0455 14 % y* i 1H .309 .0580 11 H S A IK 1H .650 .0580 11 i 1 A \Yi iff .882 .0580 11 1 1 A l% 2& 2.116 .0580 11 1H 5 A 2 2^ 2.347 .0580 11 IK 5 A 2K 2 5 A 2.587 .0580 11 1% H 2^ 3 2.960 .0580 11 IK H 2H 3K 3.210 .0580 11 1H 3 3^ 3.460 0580 11 m H 3K 3% 3.700 .0580 11 VA H 3^ 4 3.950 .0580 11 l l A 7 A 3% 4^ 4.200 .0580 11 VA % 4 4H 4.450 .0580 11 VA l 4^ 5 4.950 .0580 11 m 1 5 5J4 5.450 .0580 11 w 1H 5H 6 5.950 .0580 11 l ? / 8 IK 6 6H 6.450 .0580 11 2 VA 7 7^ 7.450 .0640 10 2!/s m 8 8H 8.450 .0640 10 2K VA 9 9H 9.450 .0640 10 2K \Yi 10 10H 10.450 .0640 10 2^ m 11 HH 11.450 .0800 8 VA m 12 12 H 12.450 .0800 8 VA m 13 13^ 13.680 .0800 8 2 6 A m 14 14 3 4 14.680 .0800 8 2% 1% 15 15% 15.680 .0800 8 2% 1% 16 16% 16 . 680 .0800 8 2Ys IK 17 17% 17.680 .0800 8 3 2 18 18% 18 680 .0800 8 3 2 CRANE CO. 649 TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING BRASS FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS (1914 BRASS STANDARD) ' HEAVY" FOR PRESSURES UP TO 150 POUNDS Size Inches Diameter of Flange Inches Thickness of Flange Inches Bolt Circle Inches Number of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Length of Bolts Inches Kand^ 2 1 A A itt 4 H 1 1 A 3 A 2Ys 4 y* 1M % 3,H H 2 1 A 4 y* 1H 1 4 3 /i 3 4 & IK IX VA H 3^ 4 A 1H 1 1 A 5 A 3K 4 1 A JH 2 6 1 A 4% 4 y* i^ 2 1 A 7 & 5^ 4 A 2 3 VA H 6 4 A 2 3^ &A H 7 4 A 2K 4 9 H 7^ 8 A 2 1 A 4^ 9}4 ft 7^ 8 A VA 5 10 M 8H 8 % 2 1 A 6 11 9H 8 K 2M 7 12^ % 10M 8 % 2^ 8 133^ H HM 8 % 3 9 15 H 13M 12 % 3 10 16 i 14^ 12 % 3K 12 19 }A 17 12 H 3M 'EXTRA HEAVY" FOR PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS Size Inches Diameter of Flange Inches Thickness of Flange Inches Bolt Circle Inches Number of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Length of Bolts Inches H and 3/ 8 3 y 8 2 4 A IK 1 A 3H H zy s 4 A 1H H 4 A 2 7 A 4 1 A 1 1 A i 4^2 H 3K 4 1 A 1% 1M 5 H 3^ 4 X \K 1H 6 A 4K 4 *A 2 2 6H H 5 4 . y* 2 2H 7^ H 5K 4 H 2K 3 8M M 6^i 8 % 2H 3^ 9 H 7K 8 H 2M 4 10 ^ 7^ 8 % 2K ig 10M ^i 8 1 A 8 % 2M 5 11 H 9K 8 H 3 6 12^ i IOH 12 % 3 7 14 1A njj 12 7 A 3K 8 15 1^ 13 12 % 3^ 9 16K 1H 14 12 l 3H 10 17K JA 15K 16 1 3K 12 20^ IK 17^ 16 VA 4 Bolt Holes drilled ^ inch larger than bolt diameter, 2 inch size and smaller and y% inch larger for Z 1 A inch size and larger. "Heavy" and "Extra Heavy" flanges to have plain smooth faces. Pull Faced Gaskets should be used. When bolted to Extra Heavy iron flanges, valves or fittings, the latter should be ordered with plain faces. Diameters given are finished dimensions. 650 CRANE CO. TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS AMERICAN STANDARD EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1914 Size Inches Diameter of Flanges Inches Thickness of Flanges Inches Bolt Circle Inches Number of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Length of Bolts Inches Length ol Studs wit] 2 Nuts Inches 1 4 A 3 4 A 1H M 4H H 3H 4 A IH m 5 & 3K 4 1 A 1% 2 6 5 /^ 4M 4 % 2 2^ 7 H 5H 4 5 /8 2M 3 IVi % 6 4 5 A 2M 3H 8 1 A H 7 4 Ys 2M 4 9 a 7^ 8 % 2% 4^ 9^ & 7M 8 % 2% 5 10 H 8H 8 % 2% 6 11 i 9^ 8 % 3 7 12H 1A 10M 8 % 3 8 13H 1H n^ 8 M 3M 9 15 1H 13H 12 % 3M 10 16 1A UM 12 % 3^ 12 19 iM 17 12 7 /8 3^ 14 21 1H 18^ 12 1 4 15 22^ IN 20 16 1 4 16 23H 1A 21M 16 1 4 18 25 1A 22^ 16 1% 4H 20 27 y 2 1H 25 20 1H 4% 22 29^ 1H 27^ 20 iy 5 24 32 IK 29H 20 l l A 5J4 26 3414 2 31% 24 IX 5^ 28 36H 2A 34 28 IM 5K 30 38% 2H 36 28 1^ 5% 32 41% 2J4 38H 28 1H 6J4 34 43% 2^ 40^ 32 1H 6K 36 46 2^i 42% 32 1H 6H 38 48% 2^ 45J4 32 IH 6% 9 40 50% 2^ 47J4 36 m 7 9 These Drilling Templates are in multiples of four, so that fitting: may be made to face in any quarter and bolt holes straddle the cente: line. Bolt holes are drilled y inch larger than nominal diameter of bolts CRANE CO. 651 TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS AMERICAN STANDARD EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1914 CONTINUED Size Inches Diameter of Flanges Inches Thickness of Flanges Inches Bolt Circle Inches Number of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Length of Bolts Inches Length of Studs with 2 Nuts Inches 42 53 m 49H 36 1H 7% 9H 44 55% 2% 51% 40 ! 5 /8 7% 9M 46 57% 2H 53% 40 1% 7K 9H 48 59^ 2% 56 44 m 7K 9M 50 61% 2% 58% 44 1% 7% 10 52 64 2H 60H 44 1% 8 10H 54 66% 3 62% 44 1% 8% IOK 56 68% 3 65 48 1% 8% IOH 58 71 3K 67% 48 1% 8K 11 60 73 3H 69% 52 1% 8 1 A 11 62 75% 3% 71% 52 iji 9 ny 2 64 78 3% 74 52 IH 9 iiH 66 80 W/s 76 52 m 9% ll^i 68 82% 3% 78% 56 \% 9% iiH 70 84^ 3H 80^ 56 i% 9^ 12 72 86^ 3H 82^ 60 m 9H 12 74 88^ 3^ 84^ 60 m 9% 12 76 90% 3H 86H 60 IK 9% 12 78 93 3% 88% 60 2 10 12H 80 95% 3% 91 60 2 10 12H 82 97H 3^ 93% 60 2 10H 13 84 99% 3% 95^ 64 2 lOJi 13 86 102 4 97% 64 2 . 10H 13 88 104% 4 100 68 2 10^ 13 90 106H 4H 102% 68 2H 11 14 92 108% 4^ 104H 68 2^ 11 14 94 111 4^ 106% 68 2Ks 11% 14 96 113% 4% 108^ 68 2% 11H 14^ 98 115^ 4^ 110% 68 2% n^ MH 100 117% 4 3 / 113 68 2% UH 14H These Drilling Templates are in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter and bolt holes straddle the center line. Bolt holes are drilled ^ inch larger than nominal diameter of bolts. 652 CRANE CO. TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING EXTRA HEAVY AND MEDIUM FLANGED VALVES AND EXTRA HEAVY FLANGED FITTINGS AMERICAN STANDARD EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1. 1914 Size Inches Diameter of Flanges Inches Thickness of Flanges Inches Bolt Circle Inches Number of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Length of Bolts Inches Length of Studs with 2 Nuts Inches 1 4^ g 3M 4 M 2 1 1 A 5 H 3 3 ^ 4 1 A 2^ 13/2 6 if 4^ 4 5 /8 2Y 2 2 6M % 5 4 y% 2 1 A VA 7^ 1 5K 4 k 3 3 8^ lYs 6^i 8 k 3M 3H 9 1A 7M 8 k 3M 4 10 1*4 7^ 8 k 3K 4V| 10H l& 8^ 8 k 3^ 5 11 m 9M 8 k 3k 6 12g iiV 10^ 12 k 3k 7 14 1H ug 12 % 4 8 15 1^8 13 12 K 4M 9 16M lk 14 12 i 4k 10 17H 1% 15M 16 i 5 12 20^ 2 17k 16 IH 5M 14 23 23/ 8 20M 20 IK 5H 15 24^ 2A 21M 20 IM 5k 16 25^ 2^ 22^i 20 ig 6 18 28 2^ 24^ 24 IH 6M 20 30H 2>i 27 24 1^8 6K 22 33 2^ 29J4 24 1H 7 24 36 VA 32 24 1^ 7^ 9M 26 38^ 2H 34M 28 IN 7k 10 28 40k 2H 37 28 1H 8 10 30 43 3 39M 28 Ik 8M IOH 32 WA 3H 41H 28 m 8^ 11 34 47M 3M 43H 28 m 9 ny 2 36 50 3^ 46 32 m 9M ny 2 38 52^ 3^ 48 32 m 9M ny 2 40 54^ 3A 50K 36 1 7 A 9^ 12 42 57 3H 52% 36 m 9k 12 44 59}4 3M 55 36 2 10 12H 46 61H 3H 57M 40 2 10M 13 48 65 4 60k 40 2 10H 13 These Drilling Templates are in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter, and bolt holes straddle the center line. Bolt holes are drilled y % inch larger than nominal diameter of bolts. For Flanges with Male, Female Tongue or Grove Faces add M inch to the bolt length given in table above. For Cranelap Joints for each flange add the thickness of the pipe to the bolt length given in table above. CRANE CO. 653 TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FERROSTEEL FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS: iK INCH TO 2K INCH, 120O POUNDS HYDROSTATIC 3 INCH TO 4 INCH, 1OOO POUNDS HYDROSTATIC <*M INCH TO 12 INCH, 80O POUNDS HYDROSTATIC Size Inches Diam- eter of Flanges Inches Thick- ness of Flanges Inches Diam- eter of Bolt Circle Inches Num- ber of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Length of Bolts Inches Diam- eter of Male Inches Height of Male Inches Diam- eter of Fe- male Inches Depth of Fe- male Inches 1H 6K IK 5 4 K 3M 3K ^r 3^ K 2 7K 1 1 A 5% 4 % 3M 3K A 3H K 2H 8M IK 6K 8 K 4 4K A 4^ K 3 10 1A 8 8 % 4}4 5 A 5^ v, 3K 10% IK 8K 8 K 4K 5K TS 5^ K 4 UK Itt 9K 8 1 4% 6 16 6^ K 4K 12K lit 10 12 l 5 6K A 6^ K 5 13K IK 11 12 1 5M 7M A 7^ K 6 15 2^ 12K 12 IK 5^ 8K A 8A K 7 16 2% 13K 16 IK 6 9K 1 A 9A A 8 17 2K 14K 16 1H 6K 10K M lOtt A 9 18K 2& 15K 16 IX 6M UK K HH A 10 21 2% 17% 20 VA 7M 12% % 12 A 12 23 H 3H 20^ 20 IK 8 15% M ISA A These Drilling Templates are in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter and bolt holes straddle the center line. Bolt holes are drilled K inch larger than nominal diameter of bolts. 654 CRANE CO. TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC Size Inches Diam- eter of Flanges Inches Thick- ness of Flanges Inches Diam- eter of Bolt Circle Inches Num- ber of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Length of Bolts Inches Diam- eter of Male Inches Height of Male Inches Diam- eter of Fe- male Inches Depth of Fe- male Inches l l A 6H K 5 4 X 2% 2^ A 2^ X ft 1 1 A i 5% 4 K 3M 2^i A m y* V/2 &A IH VA 8 % 3^ 3A A VA y* 3 10 1M 8 8 H 3^ m A 4 y* 4 HH IN 9^ 8 IK 4^ 5 A 5A y* 5 13H l* 11 12 1H 4H 6A A 6^ X 6 15 i 5 / 12^ 1 12 m 43^ 7K A TA y* These Drilling Templates are in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter, and bolt holes straddle the center line. Bolt holes are drilled K inch larger than nominal diameter of bolts and are regularly furnished spot faced. CRANE CO. 655 CRANE PIPE BENDS ARE THE STANDARD CRANE PIPE BENDS IN STEAM LINE OF GULF STATES STEEL CO. 656 CRANE CO. CO Id CO CO o DC o o Z u o (0 o z u 5 U CQ 2 O oc Ul Z CO K < > Z < u -I o Z < uf CD O -I o o oc < o Z < (/) g o 5; ^| (0 O 0) Z U u Z Ul o |S oo S he S * S * he * 5 ^1 ^U to E C T> Cente ^j ^ R Diam t 658 CRANE CO. LJ LJ -_ O z C 5 [V ^ 2 HJ Q o Z in rf z "^ LJ LJ Z CO 5 _i o c LJ Z o LJ n Q -^ 0) - z z LJ CRANE CO. 659 U u _J o z o z < u m O as (0 z o (/) z u DC u Z u O 0) z *: z ui I s 1 d W o 3 1 5 6 3 I o Q W t 660 CRANE CO. 0) u m|evi 0) O DC O O LI I -I O Z < 2 DC < g * UJ UJ O CD O j O D 5 UJ CRANE CO. 661 S ^ ^ SR ^ bfi >0 CM O CO CM ** CM CM ^ o ^ ^ N* ^ X oo O g X CM rt' GO CM 1-1 T ~ l CM 1-1 ^ 00 00 O5 8 O >C \w 2 I - ^ 1 ^ ^ g ^ Vg 2 iS o 1 0) do *< oo tj 111 Q. TI * K) CO ^ *" S CO JH i 2 * s 01 2 o < > g g CO $ g ^ g CM s ^ *3 OQ S ** 1-1 1 I 0) 0) 1 O 1 s i cV CO 5 2 r *S 2 H i _,- cc S ^ ^\ N^ co jU ^-\ O CC^ 43 U O w 2 o CO T ^ 2 X o z ^ 33 co' cr.' N* a co * 1 03 03 < g :- co ^ ^ ^ ^ voo O) S ob" <*< 11 o ob' '1 ^H ^5 73 U co -J Q Q." s GO -sf o 09 r _, X H X O 662 CRANE CO. LJ CO CO o K O is < O u 1 -J LJ O 2 Z < -i - DC LJ u m z Jr u O o O :- <|(\J - LJ X CL S ffifOJ j DQ|<\J CRANE CO. 663 0) UJ < > 0) (0 o DC O O Z < LJ J O z < uf CD O o >- < LJ X < DC I LJ te enough I .a I a MENSIONS 3I 22 s ^ x "8 d W End T o ^ !S3 664 CRANE CO. I ~ UJ o id X o o CL < a z z O (f) z kJ -I oc u z u o srFs s :|3f|S g|o|o5|co|Hs|^ ^ X co co o -21* ^ * 1 I L Depth of Hub O Center to Cap Over Al 666 CRANE CO. 0) LJ P i < w O U i 5 % i U u DC o Q. CRANE CO. 667 S |S \ % I, 0) LJ LJ u cc D (0 (0 LJ QC Q. X &. 0) o 0) z u DC UJ Z SIS I o te t\ 8 ;? ^ ^ ^ o t^ CO CO ged . H O W Hu w Risi o 5 a to O Q d O 1 2 II sl 668 CRANE CO. CRANE CO. 669 0) 10 uj ? ii! Ulg? I- uj cvf < S O _ O**. rr oc p <- 5| ^ I CO 3 < H < o mm o ^ 35 35 -B ^ S -I 22 SB 35 <^. ^ - * s SIS ** * I w ^ 3|" -2 I w 5 w 5 H I 1 4, , I 3 1 J 670 CRANE CO. I O- UJ h < o s D Q LJ s en o 0) u DC UJ z UJ o z r 1 "P ^CL 1 i 1 1 1 fl H !'\ ..j, .. .;. ..Art $ tuJ Hi * i / h L 1 1 1 CRANE CO. 671 35 CO \ I o CO o CO **< 43 3 S CO CO 1 CO s CO S! oo ^ oc S CO s CO 00 I? 3 2 CO 1 CO 05 X s c? 5 \ 8 \ CO r^ 1 10 I CO CO co\ So CO 3 o CO S 2 3 00 S3 -M\ CO f cf S 05 CO 1 S \ N \ I cS CO 00 co o ^ 1 CN| S co 2 1 CO S ^ o \ \ 10 ff O O5 S \00 l~\ 05 O CO co M\ 5 3 S3 OT 0) 10 05 1 2 & *- g 00 5 o CO ^ I 1 2 3 CO 5 8 "Sin gj-rt 10 00 c 5 |Q s co 05 s 05 JO s O i S >0 s 3 H 2 " - \ c \ 5 S" co ob - 00 s s s ^\ CO 5 10 s S ft %* c3 Qj Lu to ^ (/) CO s \ D $ s CO s s 00 s \ co CO CO * EH S ^ d z s < - x s S ^ CO CO s s s 02 2 2% ^ >l I II s ^ 3 ^ ^ iO CO 10 C0~ f 10 CO 05 rice S.S 111 lit d HI g t t CO % s Ml CO 2 s 1 2 O5 05 T3 ri 03 < Q .: ^ - co" \ r ^1 \ \ CO u, 10 s s 05 5 1 \ ~l 3 ,8 S -2 S | CO r \ cf 0^ i 2 r-\ ob 5 00 S s a *p" D z "! ^ s s -", Ci 5 CO 00 g co S s - 10 I s || OJ Q O z LJ u N r 5 c s CO s I co" CO S! a ? I ^ o ft^ s g 3 1 1 C 4 C | i ; I O VI ' c I o VI o 2 f3 in 0} 72 1 CJ VI CD I o c VI CD 1 cc CD c s S-d 3 H- < o b C \ ^ o N 1 1 rj T J & _C 7 f , fl 3 3 : 3 ^ 2 3 g 3 5 1 Y Center to End, Screwed . . B Face to Face, Flanged . . . T> Center to Face, Flanged. E Center to Center, Angle . . F Center to End, Screwed, A G Center to Face, Flanged, A 1 1 % 1 S efl 3 J Thickness of Flanges O Center to Top of Rising Stem, Open . P Center to Top of Non-Rising Stem . . R Diameter of Wheel S Center to Outside of By-Pz Size of By-Pass Number of Turns to Open . . . The heights fir :ir center of " for figuring hea:l H\VH. They 672 CRANE CO. 0) Id Id < O 0) z O (/) z LJ ^ < < DC Id LJ i S o X Id CRANE CO. 673 S s ^ I SSff 2 III >- ^ Zu Lj2' I- (/)! 5 U - >^. < > UJ h < O ONS , 482, o w g ? o I * U o -I J DO < I 4 E O z o r w 2 O DC < O z < !^3 l^ 13SbHI||ss N \ P? x ^ b? *p fi *Na|fE ^ SS SB e* k- * o ' * ^l^l^l, |co |co I Ope tt CRANE CO. 675 (0 III III u < 00 3 (0 u O S 2 i j; a g S u i 5 J Q U) O Q * o MMI^I ^ to i^i i JSMt-Nll-H r-?\ 10* t^ UH\ (M ^ ^ UH r" 1 2 "5 N J2r H l CS| ^\$\& H2 ft c S I 6^ II DO ^ - II 2 s So e hei uring 676 CRANE CO. CRANE CO. 677 HK ^? <-i in 1 1 s 3 co 12 ft S ^ co CO 1 s S CO 1 CO co" co % ^i\ CO -ft S $ CO oo 35 IS e8 W) O &J 00 ro CO 3 s CO \oo S * 0* "ft 1 CO 5S S I e3 S ^2 0) III - CO CO CO co" i * s "ft S S CO >0 * CO 1 > O 03 < CO 10 CO 00 * 00 * ua | \ s ^\ i * a > 8 "8 | S T3 ^ Ul . oo 00 co ^ F? -ft Hs X g co CO 00 ?l CO < g 0) to g 2 * CO CO =B CO ft 1 X \ CO I CO oo 03 CH ri S 1 -2 (0 -I Z P* I D " < 1 co I 1 i 5 10 -ft i s X 3 5 s ^ |;2 | CQ U > < ^ OC CO X co cl oo \ $ -R i s X I CO CO 3 .si 1 T ui g c fe * z > u > M 3 i s S CO ft co * 00 I g < S 1 . w U I s s 5 co ft -ft co -\ ua ?} g o il 1 < s s % w 05 n~) % 05 S 03 5 % VI S i % M ^ o ^ DC H X3 ! A o fl A A o d A A a o i 1 CJ 5 J . j ? X U 1 fT) 1 be n I 3 JH a a CO bo "0 o i o I s ! . i s a s i 1 J X i d B Face to Face, Fl H Diameter of Fla J Thickness of Flai M Diameter of Ma 1$ Height of Male . Diameter of Female Depth of Female . . O Center to Top of Rising St P Center to Top of Non-Ri R Diameter of Wh S Center to Outside of By- M *o ? \s\ (Ml l-H I -H I O T-H T-l HS z o 0) z UJ I Q _J DC Ul Z UJ O < O o I I a 9 o> 1 " 1*8 9 -2 3 ! a I QC ^ M O O ^ a 51 -I 680 CRANE CO. 0) Id Id < o Id LJ CO (0 < o 0) z o (0 z u ( LJ Z LJ O UJ x X Id CRANE CO. 681 EXTRA HEAVY CAST STEEL GATE VALVES GENERAL DIMENSIONS CATALOGUE Nos. 3 D, 5 D, 7 A, 7 B, 7 C, 7 D, 9 A, 9 B, 9 C, 9 D >* I ~* I _ CO g S s CO CO 8 The heights from center of Valve to top of Stem in the above table are approximate only, but are accurate enough for figuring head room. They should not, however, be used to figure extended stems. FOR DRILLING TEMPLATES, SEE PAGE 652 S Jx 3 ^ CM 1 CO co oo s c5 co i co ^ s oo te CM oo i oo g CO CM CO CO co CM f CM I S CO o CO 2 f 1 cJ* ^ 5 S S % S CM s a f 5 \00 NS 1 rt\ ^ Si $ I CM s s 2 1 ^ i r5 $ 2 N s o 00 E? - f 1 S S ^ 3 OS 1 S i 1 o 1 S o 00 ^ >O ^ CO i if \ CO *>- o - 5 ^ \\ oo I s o CO 50 s I i 2 if s CO CO s iO * fLj-Ll I % \^ N^ ^ % ^ to ^ I s -* 2 1-1 CM g a 00 CO ^ > i s I 12 2 co CO 5 > ^ S \oc ^ C5 a g s g - g CM' S 10 ^ oo S ^ | o s 3 s o -J5 1 OD s 3 3 S * M\ OJ S 5 I I * D u 5 0) o III DC Q. 2 S3 -Nl M,\OO g *K CO ! c HSc -X 33 :-fi^ i^^ sB*i ^^^ i^ft : ^ =s 690 CRANE CO. o z (0 DC O - u 2 0) g I 5 s < Q DC < O Z < (0 CO S S 3 S & 05 S s s 5 00 05 CO 10 i S \ - s 01 S oo 5? s * :i cc M 2 s 5 00 - CO ^ 2 o ~ >0 HS ^ fi Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches d Inches Inches Inches Size A Face to Face, Horizontal .... 13 Face to Face, Vertical C Center to Top, Horizontal . . . D Center to Bottom, Horizontal . . IL Diameter of Head, Horizontal . . F Diameter of Body, Vertical .... I " < 2 * < c W > < O U X DC X LJ 'M S S 53 i (M 5 8 ^ oo i S i ^ S s OS S ^ 00 I 5 s C^3 i a? iNN a> 00 S 5 3 z O Csl a S - s 5 5 5 (M O s ^ JS CO ^ ^ X 2 s i HS 1-1 S .0 2 S g CO o CO ^ \ 3 5 2 S 1 8 2 CO o 3 -H 00 S 5 s s i i co' -*i I-H co oo I i s 05 3 CO 2 5 ; i I 00 2? i i s ~ S3 Ifi GO oo ^ - * e, CM XT* ^ 00 - -- CO N S s 5 ^ \- \? ? a) S o 'S3 n g .2 fl 1=3 FT* (D ^1 e8 n . o O CM 2 ^ ^ So * 00 iO 00 ^ S cc CM CO 2 CM CO 10 oo " CO 10 f All reducing fittings 1 inch to 16 inch, inclusive, have } < the same center to face dimensions as straight size \- R CM CO 00 ^ S O Tfl 10 OO CM 3 3 05 * * CM O ) ?2 3 00 CO Tt< CO <*! a g ^H tfi CO CO * 00 s 1^! |^ (^ ^ 5* CO 3 S|c^|^ CO CM CO S|S|3 3 iO o CO CO CO 1-1 CO Tj< 2 00 00 CM CO CO l-H O5 O5 CM CO CO 10 CO 00 CO O CO N CO O CM CM CM CO iO CO O CM CO CM oo M " CM CM CO IO |3 5 I s 3|S| A* S 3 CM "*H [CM |co - 00 CO :M co A a gj a H g rt rt *Size of Outlet &Smlr. 2 5 * T c: -aj ill Size of Outlet &Smlr.l AA-F. to P., Run . . 1 ^ 2 n O> WJy .^S IJIJrfl 30 fl Zo ~ H ^ S3 ^ 3 ^ ^-S > ilixlld Z ^ ~-d o a? J-.w . ^ si CRANE CO. 705 o 1C 1 05 1 x 3 o S oo" (M CO g fO o \ S S t^ - O5 S d i w CO 05 S - S 5 <3 < r CO | g 1C ( |J u Q Hg i c 3? S C ) 3 H '"' t n-g 03 "8 LJ < S fl "32 r S W rj-j 05 ^j i j j A * ft i 5 ~^ ; < !l Jl !" < -1 ~ !| g9 Off y* d a C a fl fl S. * S o DC LJ X^NV\ U) T^r^ Q S JK\T 1 d fl 1 1 J rf xp * X PH PH ffl < co d of 2 p 9 1- L_!_ Is HH 8 g g" (0 u 1 (2 S fe o 3.3 fe 3 3 3 S Ig ffl 3 1 1 1 I 'Si 7i d JS 02 g ? ! i E-Cen F-Cen 3 g| 1 706 CRANE CO. 3 H . II Q s CRANE CO. 707 0) Ul N 0) g ^ < S^FFrr CO UH r-X ,-K CO rt< 00 O ~* ?} :88 2 B> k^ * lr PO ahrl! _j X o XX, T-4 CO i-H 10 t^ C I(M Tt< CO a ft fl a a a a < a >5 708 CRANE CO. 9 (M CO 2 S P co w " &>a 5 g S i g cc o 6 |1 51 a S i I 5 ifl (M 5 co i 1 I 1 2 ^^3 aj CO O s CO | l i ||| | 3 s s & o $ IE 5 I| 1 i s s ^ g ^ g | |5| | CO (M -tl (M 0} % 1 1 I|s1i 1 M | 3 s CO ^ s i rf i I| i | 2 8 10 s o ll 1 ^1 iff 2 co- g ^ s ^^ -^ o a o S-g *w s s 3 5 fi rj I! 1^1 ^ a a a fl fl f.a |^ g|l 1 g . ^"2 *^ j S z^ ^ ^^ ti II -S E| I^ H * OS *Size of Outlet and Smaller. AA-Face to Face, Run A-Center to Face, Run .... B-Center to Face, Outlet . . . *LONG BODY PATTERNS^ The dimensions of "Redui FITTINGS REDUCING ON on which the reduced end is a BULL HEADS OR TEES h{ as a Tee with all openings of t sions of the 18 inch Long Bod; REDUCING ELBOWS carrj CRANE CO. 709 bfl S! 2^5! CO 3 a S o3 S ' t/) ^r Z J 2 | Hi Q O K Q z 3 p < S < j JH IL ^ LJ n -1 h (/) U. 0) Z m 05 oo 10 5 inch, inclusive, have sa At+.lniM 5 JO 3 3 9 3 are larger than given in t Lze fittings. ire always regulated by i always be used. > 2 - C x T ^ ^ CC (ft O co ^ oJ 4 j Q 9 II i 1 ! < LJ Z z -_4 3 f^ g |J C5 LJ u. J W CO W).i ^g Sis _r Si 3 M -3 ft Z (M N s : Q d o ^ < O o DC a eq 3 rj gj II h - -J ^ < ! d b X h < 1-1 T3'o 5 3 d ,2 UJ 0) DC ^? 5 S 4Vn Ul | x\ M v- j ^'3 "S QJ IT 55 z . ^J d d d d d d oo F '! *2 M- ^j < cc d 1. j^ J~ : g g 1 > '1 a> (i y H S ^ rt M o dfd rf 1 1 s O 43 US (5 2 S 5-1 i 3 5s -* -i CO I nsiil^ T-l CO 2 1 00 S &" Oi S5 CO i -is ^^ Ili^h I -a a i - CO g a s s CO I 1 "" 1 f 8 M a | 5 :? , i * -i p *s g CO CO 5' ^ 05 05 I ^ills -^ 00 o To 5 S co *" oo o 10 HIS n t 2 P E i -J DC < oc rij f < > U<- CO |f5 rl O5 5 S EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAU FERROSTEEL FLANGED F COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSU DROSTATIC: 3 TO 4 INCH, 1000 LBS. HYDROST TESTED TO 2OOO POUNDS HYDRAULIC P GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF STRAK r R 7-1 1 A-1 ~_r ^\ CO 00 ^ S -2 00 c? g i "f \ \ > ^ V f $~ "^r -- fl"l 5 = So ^ \^> CO i 5 EC 73 .8 S cc s 1 cc o 00 1 y d 03 Qi O fi 03 03 c 1 AA-Face to Face, Tees and Crosses . . A Center to Face, Tees and Crosses B Center to Face, Elbows C Center to Face, 45 Elbows Diameter of Flanges Thickness of Flanges tr i m | i o z 01 g X CRANE CO. 71 1 EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC FLANGED FITTINGS FERROSTEEL FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES AS FOLLOWS! lH"TO 2H INCH, 12OO LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 3 TO 4 INCH, 1 OOO LBS. HYDROSTATIC; 4^TO 12 INCH, 800 LBS. HYDROSTATIC TESTED TO 20OO POUNDS HYDRAULIC PRESSURE GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF REDUCING TEES AND CROSSES B H B SHORT BODY PATTERN All reducing fittings \]4 inch to 7 inch, inclusive, have the same center to face dimensions as straight size fittings. Size Inches 8 9 10 12 *Size Outlet Inches 4 and Smaller 4^ and Smaller 5 and Smaller 6 and Smaller A Center to Face of Run. .Inches 10 10H 11 12 B CentertoPace of Outlet. Inches 12 13 14 i&H [Are used when outlets are larger than given in *LONG BODY PATTERNS'! the above table, therefore have same dimen- [sions as straight size fittings. Reducing Tees having outlet larger than the run will be governed by the dimensions of the Tee corresponding to the largest opening, for example: A 6X6X8 inch Tee will have the dimensions of an 8 inch Long Body Tee, namely, 12}/^ inches center to face of all openings. The length, Center to Face and Face to Face of Male or Female, Extra Heavy Hydraulic Flanged Fittings is measured from Face of Flange and not from Tongue or Recess. Dimensions of Male and Female Faces, page 719. Templates for drilling, page 653. 712 CRANE CO. EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC CAST STEEL FLANGED FITTINGS FOR COLD WATER OR OIL WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 3000 POUNDS HYDROSTATIC GENERAL DIMENSIONS STRAIGHT AND REDUCING K- A- Size Inches Inside Diameter of Port Inches A Center to Face, Tees and Crosses . . . Inches B Center to Face, Elbows Inches C Center to Face, 45 Elbows Inches Diameter of Flanges . . Inches 314 10 15 15 The inside diameter of these fittings is approximately the same as that of Double Extra Strong Pipe. The dimensions of Reducing Fittings, sizes up to and including 6 inch, do not change by any reduction in the size of run or outlet. Reducing Tees having outlet larger than the run will be governed by the dimensions of the Tee corresponding to the largest opening, for example: A 4X4X6 inch Tee will have the dimensions of a 6 inch Tee, namely, 11 inches center to face of all openings. The length, Center to Face and Face to Face of Male or Female, Extra Heavy Hydraulic Flanged Fittings is measured from Face of Flange and not from Tongue or Recess. Dimensions of Male and Female Faces, page 720. drilling, page 654. Templates for CRANE CO. 713 T TTl i S S s VflLi;* w s 3 1 XI S 1 35! sj S 00 S o ^ t* co S 00 o oo CO CO cq oo 00 g s 5 co S5 00 CO S 1 ^ 1 CO s ^ 2 ^ I CO 2 s s ^ S CO g a o - o CD o - 05 CC 4 O5 05 05 s 00 05 00 05 -;' I - X oo oo I X CN! CO 00 t* l> S C^J i? - t>- S N ^* - N* co CO I CN , \^ CO CO 05 CN o3 1 c VI 03 I 02 03 O fi C c S3 g 'S s" 1 03 W) I 1 i fl S cy 03 s VI 03 "S 1 3 PP -| 1 ^ 03" 03 to ^ 1 1 cS 3 Si 3 1 1 1 3 QQ A Cente c 03 PQ ! Q -S) Q Size of Pipe S 714 CRANE CO. CO _\ CO r ; 1 1C co ^0" _f ^1 s cc 1-1 CM 2 2 a 1 1 CO c 5 V* < z 00 W N y. ^ o ^ j to ^in|. - 1 5 1 U) (0 ^^ w F^l CO E - s a Z w ^ * $ O Z < 2 M _ 5 Ob 2R 5 E 1 g 1 Ci * i s a tr o 2 I co * U. (n O ^ u CO -1 5 u ft k>l s - * S Q. O (I) M CO ^ - H z o ff 5 R ^ " u s 5 ^ s (/) K - fl * z o ^ s * ^ DC 0) O GO 9 fl PI 03 Si 'm 1 1 18 -S 1 <^ 1 1 n 1 1=1 m "S ^ S O 716 CRANE CO. 0) LJ O z < z o < Q. 5 O o < LJ T < DC h X LJ U 0) O u O DC 2 u 0) O U 0) o z o u CO < z O oc 0) O (/} z o 0) z < cc u u o s|$ ls e 5 I ~ . * J * i * 00 \ ~ i-l XU .HS o SIS S CRANE CO. 717 HSIHS SMls 35 H2 VflOk IOX r i-ll CO CO C K K So 00 ? Q ^ 8* tr m - CO o CO 1 S g 0) x| to N^< iz ^ \00 00 ^m X JK CO s CD 5 N Z 10 DC " 3 fc OC z ^ \00 \oo \^i 1 CO CA " 1 \M 3 $ &: 3 o '! A -+3 ffl Ul N (M p ,g III *" OC Z 0) < J 1 I 1 m 1 1 J c 'S a 3 ou _ ^ > s ^ to ^3 N *" TJ <- O o z c3 ZOT < 1 W u -*3 c3 *I z ' in tr > O Z L tr i ^ o3 O -4-i N^ -4^> O Q (0 CO ( C S w 50 o 15* z " d 3S i -0 1 55 H * \ 5H * c3 I ^ *~ 10 kO fe fe 3 m 11 ^ 11 ^0 t " 6 o bJD ^ v Z gj .s o> if 1 | PQ PQ 1 1 a % u in m 3 h "8 *o O *o N Nos. 15 RETURN 2 1 f o D Lengtl I I 1 728 CRANE CO. in ^3 05 j-3 s< I 212 212 212 212 |2 \ 12 212 2|2 212 ^ ; CRANE CO. 729 DIMENSIONS OF AMMONIA RETURN BENDS SCREW ENDS WITH SOLDERING RECESS TAP No. 1562 PLAIN NO. 1564 WITH BACK OUTLET Size. Inches 1 1 1 1M 1M 1^ Dimension A Inches m 2y 2 3 2M 2^ 3 Dimension B. Inches 2% 3^ 3K STS 3ii 3H Size. Inches \y \y 1H IH 1^ 1H Dimension A Inches % 1 A 4 6 3 6 8 Dimension B. Inches 4r 3 e 4jr 5 4& "5H 6H Dimension C Inches 5 Size Inches 2 2 2 2 2 2 Dimension A Inches 3 V/2 4 4^ 6 8 Dimension B Inches 4^ V/8 5H 5A 6H 7H Dimension C Inches 4H 5 730 CRANE CO. AMMONIA RETURN BENDS GENERAL DIMENSIONS > 2 " PIPE TAP r-i-M-' i No. 1559 PLAIN No. 1561 WITH BACK OUTLET TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS Size. Inches Dimension A . Inches 10 Dimension B . Inches HA 13A Dimension C Inches Dimension D . 9A Inches Dimension E . Inches Dimension F . Inches *On this return bend it is necessary to use special square flanges. Standard flanges are used on all other sizes. No. 1570 PLAIN -A -i No. 1572 WITH BACK OUTLET DIVIDED SCREW ENDS WITH SOLDERING RECESS Size Inches 1M M 2 2 2 2 Dimension A Inches 4 6 3^ 4 4 5 /6 6 Dimension B Inches 3JJ 3JHT 5^ 5^ 5^ 5A Dimension C Inches m 5^ 7A 7A 7^ 7A Dimension D Inches 4^ 6H 6^ 6^i CRANE CO. 731 O z X o z o l CO O5 s IH2 U 1 -28 -27 14 20 10 ^00 190-i IRO 90 - 85 e ss 8* -.859 -.844 4 -26 90 80 lov-^ _ 80 3 < S3 -.828 170 -25 13- 70 - 75 i 5J -'.797 : - 60 | _ -.781 24 - 1 60 70 5 64 -.766 750 -23 12 50 - 4 47 || -.734 -.719 y -22 4U -30 ISO - 65 1?. - 703 : -20 140 60 ri-fr -.688 -?l II- 10 J 21 V -.67? -.656 8 ~~1 -20 -300 130^ - 55 5 IV -.641 ": -90 H SO 6 . -.625 -.609 j -19 10 80 120- /I **f: -.594 -.578 -.563 -.547 H -18 -11 9 -70 Leo -so 110 - 45 40 iT -.531 -.516 . -16 -40 100- 64" -!soo -.484 -.469 -453 fc" T -IS -14 8 -30 90- _ 80-4 L 30 1564 ft 2T -20 10 7 54 -.438 _^ 7 200 - 25 6 27 _ -,422 : -13 90 -.406 70-; 3? OT -.391 i -12 _ 80 L- 20 -.375 -.359 -II 6 _ 70 _ 60 60- L ,5 73 M64" j. |*1 -.344 -.328 -.313 4 -10 S -50 40 50- -.a -.297 ,* -.281 - 9 - 30 40- - 5 GA* -.26 ' 8 -20 4 IT 7 64* -.250 -.234 3 4 - 10 30- -.219 100 | -.203 -.188 " - 3 -90 80 20- r 5 5 6 *_ -.156 2 -5 70 10- I "<*" -.141 I2S - - 4 60 - IS 8 7 5*4~ -.109 "" - SO -.094 - 3 40 20 J. -.078 1 : ii "~~~~ -.063 _ -I 1 L 30 10- L 2S j. -.047 1.20 AT -.031 - 1 10 20- L. 3O -.016 i O- - A : -0 734- CRANE CO. CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES Diam. Circum. Area. Diam. Circum. Area. Diam. Circum. Area. & .04909 .00019 2H 8.4430 5.6727 7 21.991 38.485 yj .09818 .00077 8.6394 5.9396 x^S 22 . 384 39.871 _3j .14726 .00173 if 8.8357 6.2126 /4 22.776 41.282 Tir . 19635 .00307 H 9.0321 6.4918 3/g 23.169 42.718 .29452 .00690 if 9.2284 6.7771 Yi 23.562 44.179 H .39270 .01227 3 9 4248 7 0686 y% 23.955 45.664 s .49087 .58905 .68722 .01917 .02761 .03758 A A 9.6211 9.8175 10.014 7^3662 7.6699 7.9798 8 24.347 24.740 25.133 47.173 48.707 50.265 \/ .78540 .04909 10.210 8.2958 y% 25.525 51.849 9 .88357 .06213 10.407 8.6179 ^ 25.918 53.456 3 5 2 .98175 .07670 3/g 10.603 8.9462 % 26.311 55.088 ll .0799 .09281 A 10.799 9.2806 M 26.704 56.745 3/C .1781 .11045 10.996 9.6211 27.096 58.426 JL3 .2763 . 12962 & 11.192 9.9678 3 4 27.489 60.132 7 .3744 . 15033 11.388 10.321 H 27.882 61.862 if .4726 .17257 TS 11.585 10.680 9 28.274 63.617 if 1.5708 1.6690 1.7671 1.8653 . 19635 .22166 .24850 .27688 1 11.781 11.977 12.174 12.370 11.045 11.416 11.793 12.177 % 28.667 29.060 29.452 29.845 65.397 67.201 69.029 70.882 I/ 1.9635 . 30680 4 12.566 12.566 % 30.238 72.760 ff 2^0617 ! 33824 TS 12.763 12.962 30.631 74.662 2.1598 .37122 Ys 12.959 13.364 31.023 76.589 1 2.2580 2.3562 2.4544 2.5525 .40574 .44179 .47937 .51849 A 1 1 13.155 13.352 13.548 13.744 13.941 13.772 14.186 14.607 15.033 15.466 10 31.416 32.201 32 . 987 33.772 78.540 82.516 86.590 90.763 T? 2.6507 .55914 \4 14 137 15 904 11 34.558 95.033 1 2.7489 2.8471 2.9452 .60132 .64504 .69029 i i 14 '.334 14.530 14 726 16^349 16.800 17 257 1 35.343 36.128 36.914 99.402 103.87 108.43 fa 3.0434 .73708 % 14.923 17.721 12 37.699 113.10 1 3.1416 .7854 if 15.119 18.190 38.485 117.86 J^ 3.3379 .8866 /% 15.315 18.665 Yz 39.270 122.72 Y% 3.5343 .9940 if 15.512 19.147 M 40.055 127.68 TS 3.7306 1 . 1075 5 15.7-08 19.635 13 40.841 132.73 & 3.9270 4.1233 1.2272 1 . 3530 A 15.904 16.101 20.129 20.629 41.626 42.412 137.89 143.14 i 1 i 4.3197 4.5160 4.7124 4.9087 5.1051 5.3014 5.4978 5.6941 5.8905 6.0868 1.4849 1.6230 1.7671 1.9175 2.0739 2.2365 2.4053 2.5802 2.7612 2.9483 I 1 16.297 16.493 16.690 16.886 17.082 17.279 17.475 17.671 17.868 18.064 21.135 21.648 22.166 22.691 23.221 23.758 24.301 24.850 25.406 25.967 X 15 4 $ 16 4 43.197 43.982 44 . 768 45.553 46.338 47.124 47.909 48.695 49.480 50.265 148.49 153.94 159.48 165.13 170.87 176.71 182.65 188.69 194.83 201.06 2 6.2832 3.1416 18.261 26.535 51.051 207.39 JL. 6.4795 3.3410 /^8 18.457 27.109 Yi 51.836 213.82 Y% 6.6759 3.5466 if 18.653 27.688 ?>/ 52.622 220.35 ^ 6.8722 3.7583 6 18.850 28.274 17 53.407 226.98 1^ 7.0686 3.9761 Ixg 19.242 29.465 54.192 233.71 3^ 7.2649 4.2000 M 19.635 30.680 H 54.978 240.53 y& 7.4613 4.4301 H 20.028 31.919 55.763 247.45 TS 7.6576 4.6664 H 20.420 33.183 18 4 56.549 254.47 YI 7.8540 4.9087 20.813 34.472 J 57.334 261.59 TS 8.0503 5.1572 3^ 21.206 35 . 785 Yi 58.119 268.80 % 8.2467 5.4119 % 21.598 37.122 58.905 276.12 CRANE CO. 735 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES CONTINUED Diam. Circum. Area. Diam. Circum. Area. Diam. Circum. Area. 19 59.690 283.53 34H l(te.385 934 . 82 50 157.080 1963.5 K 60.476 291.04 K 109. ..0 948.42 51 160.221 2042.8 H 61.261 298 . 65 35 109.956 962.11 52 163.363 2123.7 H 62.046 306.35 H 110.741 975.91 53 166.504 2206.2 20 62.832 314.16 111.527 989.80 54 169.646 2290.2 X 63.617 322.06 % 112.312 1003.8 55 172.788 2375.8 H 64.403 330.06 36 113.097 1017.9 56 175.929 2463.0 H 65.188 338.16 K 113.883 1032.1 57 179.071 2551.8 21 65.973 346.36 H 114.668 1046.3 58 182.212 2642.1 k 66.759 354 . 66 H 115.454 1060.7 59 185.354 2734.0 67.544 363.05 37 116.239 1075.2 60 188.496 2827.4 y 68.330 371.54 H 117.024 1089.8 61 191.637 2922.5 22 69.115 380.13 13 117.810 1104.5 62 194.779 3019.1 ^ 69.900 388.82 X 118.596 1119.2 63 197.920 3117.2 H 70.686 397.61 38 119.381 1134.1 64 201.062 3217.0 3 /i 71.471 406.49 1 A 120.166 1149.1 65 204.204 3318.3 23 72.257 415.4*8 1 A 120.951 1164.2 66 207.345 3421.2 ^ 73.042 424.56 H 121.737 1179.3 67 210.487 3525.7 H 73.827 433.74 39 122.522 1194.6 6'8 213.628 3631.7 H 74.613 443.01 K 123.308 1210.0 69 216.770 3739.3 24 75.398 452.39 1 A 124.093 1225.4 70 219.911 3848.5 y 76.184 461.86 H 124.878 1241.0 71 223.053 3959.2 H 76.969 471.44 40 125.664 1256.6 72 226.195 4071 ,5 77.754 481.11 \i 126.449 1272.4 73 229.336 4185.4 25 78.540 490.87 H 127.235 1288.2 74 232.478 4300.8 ^ 79.325 500.74 % 128.020 1304.2 75 235.619 4417.9 H 80.111 510.71 41 128 . 805 1320.3 76 238.761 4536.5 80.896 520.77 K 129.591 1336.4 77 241.903 4656.6 26 81.681 530.93 H 130.376 1352.7 78 245.044 4778.4 K 82.467 541.19 131.161 1369.0 79 248.186 4901.7 H 83.252 551.55 42 131.947 1385.4 80 251.327 5026.5 K 84.038 562.00 X 132.732 1402 . 81 254.469 5153.0 27 84.823 572.56 133.518 1418.6 82 257.611 5281.0 H 85.608 583.21 % 134.303 1435.4 83 260.752 5410.6 H 86.394 593.96 43 135.088 1452.2 84 263 . 894 5541.8 S 87.179 604.81 1 A 135.874 1469.1 85 267.035 5674.5 28 87.965 615.75 l /2 136.659 1486.2 86 270.177 5808.8 K 88.750 626.80 H 137.445 1503.3 87 273.319 5944.7 H 89.535 637.94 44 138.230 1520.5 88 276.460 6082.1 3 ^ 90.321 649.18 X 139.015 1537.9 89 279.602 6221 . 1 29 91.106 660.52 H 139.801 1555.3 90 282.743 6361.7 H 91.892 671.96 H 140.586 1572.8 91 285.885 6503.9 H 92.677 683.49 45 141.372 1590.4 92 289.027 6647.6 3 /4 93.462 695.13 142.157 1608.2 93 292.168 6792.9 30 94.248 706.86 142.942 1626.0 94 295.310 6939.8 $ 95.033 718.69 % 143.728 1643.9 95 298.451 7088.2 95.819 730.62 46 144.513 1661.9 96 301.593 7238.2 % 96.604 742.64 H 145.299 1680.0 97 304.734 7389.8 31 97.389 754.77 H 146.084 1698.2 98 307.876 7543 . /4 98.175 766.99 K 146.869 1716.5 99 311.018 7697.7 i/ 98.960 779.31 47 147.655 1734.9 100 314.159 7854.0 3/r 99.746 791.73 X 148.440 1753.5 101 317.30 8011.85 32 100.531 804.25 H 149.226 1772.1 102 320.44 8171.28 K 101.316 816.86 % 150.011 1790.8 103 323.58 8332.29 H 102.102 829.58 48 150.796 1809.6 104 326.73 8494.87 H 102.887 842.39 H 151.582 1828.5 105 329.87 8659.01 33 103.673 104.458 105.243 855.30 868.31 881.41 M 49 152.367 153.153 153.938 1847.5 1866.5 1885.7 106 107 333.01 336.15 8824.73 8992.02 H 106.029 894.62 154.723 1905.0 108 339.29 9160.88 34 106.814 907.92 i^ 155.509 1924.4 109 342.43 9331.32 H 107.600 921.32 /^ 156.294 1943.9 110 345.58 9593.32 736 CRANE CO. THE CIRCLE The circumference of a circle is equal to the diameter multiplied by 3.1416. The area of a circle is equal to the square of the diameter multiplied by .7854. To FIND THE LENGTH OF AN ARC OF A CIRCLE. Multiply the diame- ter of the circle by the number of degrees in the arc and this product by .0087266. To FIND THE AREA OF A SECTOR OF A CIRCLE. Multiply, the number of degrees in the arc of the sector by the square of the radius and by .008727 ; or, multiply the arc of the sector by half its radius. THE TRIANGLE VARIETIES. Right angled, having one right angle; obtuse angled, having one obtuse angle; isosceles, having two equal angles and two equal sides; equilateral, having three equal sides and equal angles. The sum of the three angles of any triangle equals 180 degrees. The two acute angles of a right angled triangle are complements of each other. Hypothenuse of a right angled triangle, the side opposite the right angle, equals v sum of the squares of the other two sides. To FIND THE AREA OF A TRIANGE. Multiply the base by half the height. THE AREA OF A TRIANGLE BEING GIVEN TO FIND THE LENGTH OF THE BASE. Base equals twice the area divided by perpendicular height. AREA OF A TRIANGLE BEING GIVEN TO FIND THE HEIGHT. Height equals twice area divided by base. QUADRILATERAL FIGURE To FIND THE AREA. Divide the figure into two triangles ; the sum of the areas of the triangles is the area. THE ELLIPSE To FIND THE AREA. Multiply the two diameters together and the product by .7854. THE SPHERE To COMPUTE THE SURFACE. Multiply the diameter by the circum- ference and the product will give the surface. To COMPUTE THE TOTAL VOLUME. Multiply the cube of the diameter by .5236. THE CYLINDER To COMPUTE THE SURFACE. Multiply the length by the circumference and add the product to the area of the two ends. CRANE CO. 737 BOILER HORSE POWER The accepted rule for figuring boiler horse power is as follows: One Horse Power equals the evaporation of 30 Ibs. of water per hour from an initial temperature of 100 deg. Fahr. into steam at 70 Ibs. gauge pressure, or its equivalent; 34^ Ibs. of water evaporated per hour from a temperature of 212 deg. Fahr. into steam at 212 deg. HORSE POWER OF AN ENGINE P equals mean effective pressure per square inch of the steam on the piston. L " length of stroke in feet. A " area of piston in square inches. N number of strokes per minute. Then Horse Power equals PLAN 33000 The approximate mean effective pressure in the cylinder when valve cuts off at: 'M stroke equals steam pressure X . 597 #-.' "X .670 y s * X .743 Yt u X .847 y s "X .919 % " " " " X .937 % "X .966 K " X .992 RANGES IN STEAM CONSUMPTION BY PRIME MOVERS (FOR ESTIMATING PURPOSES) Simple Non-Condensing Engines 29-45 pounds per hour. " " " Automatic Engines 26-40 " Corliss Engines 26-35 Compound Non-Condensing Engines 19-28 Condensing Engines 12-22 Simple Duplex Steam Pumps 120-200 Turbines, Non-Condensing 28-60 Condensing 12-42 K. W. hour. K. W. hour. FLOW OF STEAM IN PIPES To determine the velocity of steam in feet per minute through a pipe, the quantity, pressure and area being known. V equals velocity in feet per minute. A " pounds of steam per hour. B " volume in cubic feet of 1 Ib. at given pressure. (See steam tables, pages 738 and 739.) C " area of pipe in square inches. 1728 " cubic inches in a cubic foot. 60 " minutes in an hour. 12 " inches in a foot. AXBX1728 AXBX2.4 Then V equals 60XCX12 e( l ual8 C CXV Or A equals BX2.4 CXV ' Or B equals A~X2T4 AXBX2.4 Or C equals y LOSS OF PRESSURE The above formula does not consider the probable drop, or loss of pressure which Is dependent upon the velocity of flow, length of line, number of turns in fittings or valves, and the covering of the pipe. In every steam line there must be a difference in pressure between the inlet and outlet or there could be no flow, and this difference is increased by friction and radiation. In power plant work a steam velocity of 4,000 to 6,000 feet per minute may be employed without excessive loss, in properly covered pipes 6 inches diameter or larger. For smaller pipe use a lower velocity. 738 CRANE CO. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM CONDENSED FROM STEAM TABLES AND DIAGRAMS BY MARKS & DAVIS, WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHERS, MESSRS. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. Vacuum, Inches of Mercury Tempera- ture, Fahr. TOTAL HEAT ABOVE 32 FAHR. Latent Heat Heat Units Volume, Cubic Feet in One Pound of Steam Weight of One Cubic Foot Steam, Pound Heat Units in the Water Heat Units in the Steam 29.74 32.00 0.00 1073.4 1073.4 3294.0 0.000304 29.18 70.00 38.06 1090.3 1052.3 871.0 0.001148 25.85 126.15 94.0 1115.0 1021.0 173.5 0.00576 15.67 176.85 144 . 7 1136.5 991.8 53.56 0.01867 9.56 193.22 161.1 1143.1 982.0 38.38 0.02606 5.49 201.96 169.9 1146.5 976.6 32.36 0.03090 Lbs. Gauge 212.0 180.0 1150.4 970.4 26.79 0.03732 0.3 213.0 181.0 1150.7 969.7 26.27 0.03806 1.3 216.3 184.4 1152.0 967.6 24.79 0.04042 2.3 219.4 187.5 1153.1 965.6 23.38 0.04277 3.3 222.4 190.5 1154.2 963.7 22.16 0.04512 4.3 225.2 193.4 1155.2 961.8 21.07 0.04746 5.3 228.0 196.1 1156.2 960.0 20.08 0.04980 10.3 240.1 208.4 1160.4 952.0 16.30 0.0614 15.3 250.3 218.8 1163.9 945.1 13.74 0.0728 20.3 259.3 227.9 1166.8 938.9 11.89 0.0841 25.3 267.3 236.1 1169.4 933.3 10.49 0.0953 30.3 274.5 243.4 1171.6 928.2 9.39 0.1065 35.3 281.0 250.1 1173.6 923.5 8.51 0.1175 40.3 287.1 256.3 1175.4 919.0 7.78 0.1285 45.3 292.7 262.1 1177.0 914.9 7.17 0.1394 50.3 298.0 267.5 1178.5 911.0 6.65 0.1503 55.3 302.9 272.6 1179.8 907.2 6.20 0.1612 60.3 307.6 277.4 1181.1 903.7 5.81 0.1721 65.3 312.0 282.0 1182.3 900.3 5.47 0.1829 70.3 316.3 286.3 1183.4 897.1 5.16 0.1937 75.3 - 320.3 290.5 1184.4 893.9 4.89 2044 (CONTINUED) CRANE CO. 739 PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM CONDENSED FROM STEAM TABLES AND DIAGRAMS BY MARKS & DAVIS, WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHERS, MESSRS. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. Gauge Pressure, Pounds, per Square Inch Tempera- ture, Fahr. TOTAL HEAT ABOVE 32 FAHR. Latent Heat Heat Units Volume, Cubic Feet inOne Pound of Steam Weight of One Cubic Foot Steam, Pound Heat Units in the Water Heat Units in the Steam 80.3 324 . 1 294.5 1185.4 890.9 4.65 0.2151 . 85.3 327.8 298.3 1186.3 888.0 4.429 0.2258 90.3 331.4 302 . 1187.2 885.2 4.230 0.2365 95.3 334.8 305.5 1188.0 882.5 4.047 0.2472 100.3 338.1 309.0 1189.8 879.8 3.880 0.2577 105.3 341.3 312.3 1189.6 877.2 3.726 0.2683 110.3 344.4 315.5 1190.3 874.7 3.583 0.2791 115.3 347.4 318.6 1191.0 872.3 3.452 0.2897 120.3 350.3 321.7 1191.6 869.9 3.331 0.3002 125.3 353.1 324.6 1192.2 867.6 3.219 0.3107 130.3 355.8 327.4 1192.8 865.4 3.112 0.3213 135.3 358.5 330.2 1193.4 863.2 3.012 0.3320 140.3 361.0 332.9 1194.0 861.0 2.920 0.3425 145.3 363.6 335.6 1194.5 858.8 2.834 0.3529 150.3 366.0 338.2 1195.0 856.8 2.753 0.3633 155.3 368.5 340.7 1195.4 854.7 2.675 0.3738 160.3 370.8 343.2 1195.9 852.7 2.602 0.3843 165.3 373.1 345.6 1196.4 850.8 2.533 0.3948 170.3 375.4 348.0 1196.8 848.8 2.468 0.4052 175.3 377.6 350.4 1197.3 846.9 2.406 0.4157 180.3 379.8 352.7 1197.7 845.0 2.346 0.4262 185.3 381.9 354.9 1198.1 843.2 2.290 0.437 190.3 384.0 357.1 1198.5 841.4 2.237 0.447 195.3 386.0 359.2 1198.8 839.6 2.187 0.457 200.3 388.0 361.4 1199.2 837.9 2.138 0.468 225.3 397.4 371.4 1200.9 829.5 1.924 0.520 250.3 406.2 380.7 1202.3 821.6 1.750 0.571 275.3 414.4 389.4 1203.6 814.2 1.602 0.624 300.3 421.9 397.5 | 1204.7 807.2 1.479 0.676 740 CRANE CO. PROPERTIES OF AMMONIA FROM MARKS' MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' HANDBOOK Tem- pera- ture, cleg. Fahr. Pres- sure, Ib. per square inch, abs. SPECIFIC VOLUME HEAT CONTENT Heat of vapor- ization Inter- nal energy of vapor- ization ENTROPY Of liquid, cubic feet per pound Of sat. vapor, cubic feet per pound Of liquid Of sat. vapor Of liquid Of vapor- ization 40 10.12 0.0234 25.45 75.3 526.6 601.9 554.2 0.1653 1.4343 35 11.74 0.0235 22.14 70.2 528.2 598.3 550.2 0.1531 1.4090 30 13.56 0.0236 19.35 65.0 929.8 594.7 546.2 0.1410 1.3842 25 15.61 0.0238 16.95 59.8 531.3 591.1 542.1 0.1290 1.3598 20 17.91 0.0239 14.89 54.6 532.8 587.4 538.0 0.1171 1.3360 15 20.46 0.0240 13.15 49.4 534.3 583.6 533.9 0.1054 1.3126 10 23.30 0.0241 11.63 44.2 535.7 579.9 | 529.8 0.0938 1.2896 5 26.46 0.0242 10.32 38.9 537.1 576.1 525.6 0.0824 1.2671 29.95 0.0244 9.19 33.7 538.5 572.2 521.4 0.0709 1.2449 5 33.79 0.0245 8.20 28.4 539.9 568.3 517.1 0.0595 1.2231 10 38.02 0.0246 7.34 23.2 541.2 564.4 512.9 0.0483 1.2017 15 42.67 0.0248 6.583 17.9 542.5 560.4 508.6 0.0372 1 . 1806 20 47.75 0.0249 5.920 12.6 543.7 556.3 504.2 0.0262 1.1599 25 53.30 0.0250 5.336 7.3 545.0 552.2 499.8 0.0153 1 . 1395 30 59.39 0.0252 4.820 - 1.9 546.2 548.1 495.4 0.0044 1.1194 35 65.91 0.0253 4.364 + 3.5 547.4 543.9 491.0 +0.0065 1.0996 40 73.03 0.0255 3.959 8.9 548.5 539.7 486.5 0.0173 1.0801 45 80.75 0.0256 3.599 14.3 549.7 535.3 481.9 0.0280 1.0609 50 89.09 0.0258 3.278 19.8 550.8 531.0 477.3 0.0387 1.0419 55 98.03 0.0259 2.992 25.3 551.9 526.5 472.7 0.0494 1.0231 60 107.7 0.0261 2.734 30.9 552.9 522.0 468.0 0.0601 1.0046 65 118.1 0.0263 2.503 36.5 554.0 517.5 463.3 0.0708 0.9863 70 129.2 0.0264 2.296 42.1 555.0 512.8 458.5 0.0813 0.9683 75 141.1 0.0266 2.109 47.8 556.0 508.1 453.7 0.0919 0.9504 80 153.9 0.0268 1.940 53.6 557.0 503.4 448.8 0.1025 0.9328 85 167.4 0.0270 1.788 59.4 557.9 498.5 443.9 0.1132 0.9153 90 181.8 0.0271 1.650 65.3 558.9 493.5 438.9 0.1238 0.8980 95 197.3 0.0273 1.524 71.3 559.8 488.5 433.9 0.1344 0.8808 100 213.8 0.0275 1.408 77.3 560.7 483.4 428.7 0.1450 0.8638 105 231.2 0.0277 1.305 83.4 561.6 478.2 423.5 0.1557 0.8469 110 249.6 0.0280 1.210 89.6 562.5 472.9 418.3 0.1664 0.8302 115 269.2 0.0282 1.122 95.9 563.3 467.4 412.9 0.1772 0.8135 120 289.9 0.0284 1.042 102.2 564.2 461.9 407.5 0.1881 0.7969 125 311.6 0.0286 0.970 108.7 565.0 456.3 402.0 0.1990 0.7805 CRANE CO. 741 a $ 8 fc H ^^ * S H5 i 742 CRANE CO. LIST OF SIZES STANDARD CAST IRON FITTINGS In arranging the order of Cast Iron Fittings we will use the follow- ing rule: For example, it is well known the largest opening, either in the run or branch, determines the size of the fitting. A %XMX1M Tee will, therefore, be found amongst the 1M inch fittings. Of course, these remarks apply to all sizes and combinations. In describing Fittings, the run is first named, then the outlet. ELBOWS *2 XI *2 X *> 2MX1 *3 X3 3 *3 X2 3 3 3MX3 *4 X4 4 X33/ *4 X3 Size, Inches . . . Size, Inches. . . Size, Inches. Size, Inches Size, Inches Size, Inches. 45 ELBOWS *3> 4 2 *4 8 *4M *5 4 *6 *7 4 *8 2 60 AND 22H ELBOWS /'2 % l 1M 1M 2 2M PITCHED ELBOWS 2X1M 2 2MX2 4 2M 3X2M *3 RIGHT AND LEFT ELBOWS M *A M M l 1M V4 *2 *2 1 A *9 *10 345 *3 *12 Such sizes as are marked with an * are carried in stock Galvanized. FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE 695 CRANE CO. 743 LIST OF SIZES STANDARD CAST IRON FITTINGS TEES In describing Tees, the run is first named, then the outlet, thus: M T M=MXM M TT * Size Size Size Size MX MX M *l X MXl *1 XI X1M 1MX MX1H *l X MX M 1 X MX1M *1 XI XIM * HX MX */ 8 *1 X MX M MX MX1M 1 X MXlM MX MX M 1 X MXl *1 V 1/V */A *1MX1MX1M MX MXlM * MX MX M /\ 7%/\ /4 1 x MX M *1MX1MX1M *2 X2 X2 * MX MX M 1 X MXl *1MX1MX1 *2 X2 X1J4 * MX MX M 1 X MXl *1MX1MX M *2 X2 Xl>i MX MX M MX TsX % * MX MXl MX MXl *1MX1MX M *1MX1MX1M *2 X2 XI *2 X2 XX *AX S AX M 2 2 *1MX1MX1M *2 X2 X H *1MX1MX1 *2 X2 X M * MX MX M *1MX1MX1M *1MX1MX M *2 X1MX2 * MX MX M *1MX1MX1 *1MX1MX M *2 X1MX1>4 * MX MX M *1MX1MX M 1MX1 XiM *2 XVAXIX * MX MX M *1MX1MX M 1MX1 XIM *2 X1MX1 * MX MX M *1MX1MX M 1MX1 XI *2 X1MX 5i * MX MX M *1MX1MX M 1MX1 X M 2 X1MX M MX MX M MX MX M 1MX1 XIM *1MX1 XI 1MX1 X M 1MX MX1M *2 X1MX2 MX MX M * MX MX M *1MX1 X M *1MX1 X M 1MX MX1M 1MX MXl 1MX MX M *2 XlMXlJi 2 X1MX1 *1 XI XI *1MX MX1M 1MX MXl 1MX MX1M 1MX MX1M 2 X1MX 5i *2 XI X2 *1 XI X M 1MX MX M 1MX MX1M 2 XI XIM *1 XI X M *1MX MX1M 2 XI Xltf *1 XI X *A 1MX MX1M 1MX1 XIM 2 XI XI *1 XI X M 1MX MXl 1MX MXlM 2 XI XX Such sizes as are marked with an * are carried in stock Galvanized. FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE 695 744 CRANE CO. LIST OF SIZES STANDARD CAST IRON FITTINGS TEES CONTINUED Size Size Size Size 2 X %X2 2%XI%X1*A 3 X1MX3 *4 X4 X2H 2 x %xiy 2 2KX1 X2>i 3 XI X3 *4 X4 X2 2 x y 2 xiy 2 2MX1 X2 2MX2^X3 *4 X4 XVA 2 X 1 AX2 2KX MX2^ 2^X2 X3 *4 X4 Xl^ 2 X 34X2 2MX HX2J^ 2^X134X3 *4 X4 XI *1}4X1}4X2 *2 X2 X2M *2 X2 X3 *4 X4 X % 1KX1MX2 2 Xl l AX2 l A 4 X3HX4 1MX1 X2 2 X1MX234 *3 1 /X3 1 /X3 1 X 4 X3HX3^ 1/4X %X2 ^ XI X2^4 *3 1 /X3l/X3 2 4 X3KX3 1MX1KX2 2 X %XV4 *3 1 /X3 1 /X2 1 / 4 X334X2H 1MX1 X2 1 1 AXVAX2*A *3HX3>|x2 2 l&X MX2 1HX1MX234 *3>iX3^X134 4 XVAX114 1 XI X2 1MX1 X234 *3KX3KXl>i 4 X37iXlM 1 X %X2 *3 X3 X3 4 X334X1 AX AX2 *3 X3 X2^ *3^X3^X ^ 4 X3 X4 "2*4X214X2% *3 X3 X2 3^X3 X3K 4 X3 X334 *2'AX2 1 AX2 *3 X3 XVA 3>iX3 X3 *4 X3 X3 *2y 2 x2y 2 xi*A *3 X3 X1M 3^X3 X2^ *4 X3 X2^ 2/^2 X2/4 X 1 74 *3 X3 XI 3MX3 X2 *4 X3 X2 234x234x1 *3 X3 X % 3>iX3 Xl^ 4 X3 Xl^i '234X234X % *3 X3 X K 3>iX3 X1M 4 X3 Xl/4 *2y 2 x2y 2 x y 2 214X2 X2y 2 234X2 X2 "234x2 xi34 *3 X2?/X2 3^X3 XI 334X3 X H VAX2XXVA VAX2y 2 X3 4 X3 XI 4 X3 X ^ 4 X2MX4 *3 X2V^Xly4 3}4X214X2}4 ^4 X2}4X3/4 "234x2 xi 3. X2*AXl 3y 2 X2y 2 x2 '4 X2HX3 234X2 X M 2^x2 x y 2 *3 X2 X3 3 X2 X2J^ 4 X2MX2 4 X2 1 AXVA 234X1^X2 3 y 2 V" 1 V &AXI XVA 4 X2HX134 234X134X1H 3 X2 XIJ^ 3 X3 X334 4 X234X1 2HX1^X1M 3 X2 XI *4 X2 X4 224X1^X1 3 X1HX3 *4 X4 X4 4 X2 X3 2^4X1^X2% 3 Xiy>X2}4 *4 X4 X334 4 X2 X2^i "AXi%X2 3 XVAX2 *4 X4 X3 4 X2 X2 Such sizes as are marked with an * are carried in stock Galvanized. CRANE CO. 745 LIST OF SIZES STANDARD CAST IRON FITTINGS TEES CONTINUED Size Size Size Size 4 X1HX4 5 X4 X2 6 X4 X3 8X 7X 8 4 X1MX4 5 X4 XL 1 2 6 X3 X6 8X 7X 6 4 XI X4 3^X3^X4 3 X3 X4 5 X3 X5 5 X3 X4H 6 X2 X6 5 X5 X6 8X 7X 5 8X 7X 4 8X 7X 3 2 X2 X4 5 X3 X3H 5 X3 X3 4 X4 X6 8X 6X 8 8X 6X 7 5 X3 X2H 8X 6X 6 * \/ i 2 5 X3 X2 *7 X7 X7 8X 5X 8 i/ / X J 7 X7 X6 8X 5X 5 4/2X4/iXo>2 5 X2^X4 7 X7 X5 8X 4X 8 4/2*4/2X3 5 X2HX3 7 X7 X4 8X 4X 6 * i/ i o' 2 5 X2 X5 7 X7 X^^z 6X 6X 8 4/^X4/^X2 5 X1HX5 7 X7 X3 *4KX4J^X1>2 5 X1MX5 7 X7 X2^ * 9X 9X 9 *4J/ 2 'X4^2X1 1 4 *4 X4 X5 7 X7 X2 9X 9X 7 4/2X4/2X1 7 X6 X7 9X 9X 6 4^X4 X3 *6 X6 X6 7 X6 X6 9X 9X 5 4HX4 X2 *6 X6 X5 7 X6 X5 *6 X6 X43^ 7 X6 X4 *ioxioxio *5 X5 X5 *6 X6 X4 7 X6 X3 10X10X 8 *5 X5 X4H *6 X6 X3M 7 X5 X6 10X10X 6 *5 X5 X4 *6 X6 X3 7 X5 X5. 10X10X 5 *5 X5 X3M *6 X6 X2H 6 X6 X7 10X10X 4 *5 X5 X3 *6 X6 X2 5 X5 X7 10X10X 3 *5 X5 X2H *6 X6 Xl^ 10X10X 2 *5 X5 X2 *6 X6 Xl^ * 8X 8X 8 10X 8X 8 *5 X5 Xl^ *6 X6 XI 8X 8X 7 8X 8X10 *5 X5 XIX 6 X5 X6 8X 8X G *5 X5 XI 6 X5 X5 8X 8X 5 *12X12X12 *5 X5 X X 6 X5 X4 8X 8X 4 12X12X10 5 X4 X5 6 X5 X3H 8X 8X &A 12X12X 8 5 X4 XVA 6 X5 X3 8X 8X 3 12X12X 6 *5 X4 X4 6 X5 X2H 8X 8X 2H 12X12X 5 5 X4 X3^ 6 X5 Xl l A 8X 8X 2 12X12X 4 5 X4 X3 6 X4 X6 8X 8X 1 1 A 12X 8X10 5 X4 X2H 6 X4 X4 8X 8X 1M 12X 8X 8 Such sizes as are marked with an * are carried in stock Galvanized. 746 CRANE CO. LIST OF SIZES CAST IRON FITTINGS CROSSES OUTLET OUTLET NOTE. In describing crosses, the run openings are first named and then the outlets. Size Size Size * MX MX MX M 2 X2 XI XI 2MX2 XI X M 2 X2 XI X M 2MX2 X MX M * MX MX MX M 2 X2 X MX M 2MX1MX2 X1M MX MX MX M 2 X2 X MX M 2MX1MX1MX.1 MX MX MX M 2 X1MX1MX1M 2MX1MX1KX1M 2 X1MX1MX1M *l xi Xl XI 2 XlMXlMXl *3 X3 X3 X3 1 Xl X MX M 2 X1MX1 XI 3 X3 X2MX2M l XI X MX M 2 X1MX1 X M 3 X3 X2 X2 1 X MX MX M 2 X1MX MX M 3 X3 X2 X1M 2 X1MX1 X M 3 X3 X2 XI *1/4X1MX1MX1M 2 XI X1MX1 3 X3 X1MX1M 1MX1MX1 XI 3 X3 XlMXl^ l^XlKX MX M *2MX2MX2MX2M 3 X3 X1MX1 1MX1MX MX M 2MX2MX2 X2 3 X3 X1MX M 1MX1 XI XI 2MX2MX1MX1M 3 X3 X1MX1M 1MX1 X MX M 2MX2MX1MX1M 3 X3 X1MX1 1MX MX MX M 2MX2MX1MX1 3 X3 X1MX M 2MX2MX1MX1M 3 X3 XI XI *1V / X1V / X1KX1K 2MX2MX1MX1 3 X3 X MX M 1HX1MX1HX1M 2MX2MX1MX M 3 X2MX2MX2 1MX1MX1 Xl 2MX2MX1 XI 3 X2MX2MX1M 1MX1MX MX M 2MX2MX1 X M 3 X2MX2 X2 1MX1MX MX M 2MX2MX MX M 3 X2MX2 X1M 1MX1MX1 Xl iHxi^x MX M 2MX2 X2 X1M 2MX2 X2 XIH 3 X2MX2 X1M 3 X2MX2 XI 1MX1 Xl X M 2MX2 X2 XI 3 X2MX2 X M 1MX1 XI X M 2MX2 X1MX1M 3 X2MX1MX1M 1MX1 X MX M 2MX2 X1MX1M 3 X2MX1MX1K 2MX2 X1MX1 3 X2MX1MX1 *2 X2 X2 X2 2MX2 X1MX M 3 X2MX1MX1M 2 X2 X1MX1M 2MX2 X1MX1M 3 X2MX1MX1 2 X2 X1MX1K 2MX2 X1MX1 3 X2MX1 Xl 2 X2 X1MX1 2MX2 XI XI 3 X2 X2 X2 Such sizes as are marked with an * are carried in stock Galvanized. CRANE CO. 747 LIST OF SIZES CAST IRON FITTINGS CROSSES CONTINUED Size Size Size *3^X3HX3HX3H 4 X4 Xlk'XIM *6 X6 X6 X6 3HX3HX3 X3 4 X4 X1MX1 6 X6 X5 X5 3MjX3HX2HX2H 4 X4 XI XI 6 X6 X4 X4 3^X3^X2 X2 4 X3HX2HX2 6 X6 X3 X3 3HX3HX2 X1H 4 X3MX2 X2 6 X6 X2HX2H 3^X3HX1HX1H 4 X3^X2 X1H 6 X6 X2 X2 3HX3HX1KX1J4 4 X3^iX2 X1M 6 X6 X2 Xl^ 3^X3^X1^X1 4 XZ l AXl l AXl l A 6 X6 X1HX1H 3HX3KX1MX1J4 4 X3KX1HX1M 6 X5 X2 X2 3HX3HX1MX1 4 X3J^X1MX1M 6 X5 X2 X1H 3MX3HX1' XI 4 X3HX1MX1 6 X5 X1HX1H 3^X3 X2 X2 *4^X4HX4HX4H *7 X7 X7 X7 3HX3 X2 X1H 7 X7 X6 X6 3MX3 X2 X1M *5 X5 X5 X5 7 X7 X5 X5 3MX3 X1MX1H 5 X5 X4 X4 3HX3 X1 1 AX1H 5 X5 X3 X3 *8 X8 X8 X8 3MX3 X1HX1 5 X5 X2MX2M 8 X8 X7 X7 3^X3 X1MX1M 5 X5 X2 X2 8 X8 X6 X6 3HX3 X1MX1 5 X5 X2 X1H 8 X8 X5 X5 3MX3 XI XI 5 X5 X1 1 AX1 1 A 8 X8 X4 X4 5 X5 Xl^XlM *4 X4 X4 X4 5 X5 XI XI *9 X9 X9 X9 4 X4 X3HX3^ 5 X4 X2 X2 4 X4 X3 X3 5 X4 X2 X1H *10X10X10X10 4 X4 X2HX2K 5 X4 X1HX1H 10X10X 8X 8 4 X4 X2 X2 5 X4 X1MX1M 10X10X 7X 7 4 X4 X2 Xl^ 5 X4 X1MX1 4 X4 X1MX1H 5 X4 XI XI *12X12X12X12 4 X4 Xl l AXl l A 12X12X10X10 4 X4 X1MX1 12X12X 8X 8 Such sizes as are marked with an * are carried in stock Galvanized. FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE 695 BLOW-OFF CROSSES Size 4 X2^ 5 X2y 2 5 X3 6 X3 2^X2 3 X2 4 X2 Other sizes made to order. 748 CRANE CO. LIST OF SIZES STANDARD CAST IRON FITTINGS REDUCERS Size Size 4^X4 6 X 3 5 X4M 6 X 2K 5 X4 6 X 2 5 X3^ 7X6 5 X3 8X7 5 X2M 8X6 5 X2 8X4 6 X5 10 X 8 6 X4 10 X 6 6 X3M 12 X10 ECCENTRIC REDUCERS Size Size VAX H 4 X2 1MX1 4 X2H 1HX1 4 X3 1HX1/4 4 X3^ 2 X % 4^X4 2 XI 5 X2 2 X1K 5 X2^ 2 X1^2 5 X3 5 X3>3 2VV11/ 5 X4 2HX2 5 X4H 3 X1H G X3 3 X2 3 X2H G X4 3HX134 6 X5 3HX1H 7 X6 3HX2 8 X5 3i^X2H 8 X6 3MX3 8 X7 Y BENDS Size ^ to 12 inch Size PLUGS H to 12 inch LOCK NUTS Size 2% to 12 inch We also keep in stock: Galvanized Cast Iron Plugs, y% to 12 inch; Galvanized Cast Iron Caps, 4 to 12 inch; Galvanized Cast Iron Lock Nuts, 2Y 2 to 12 inch. FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS. SEE PAGE 695 CRANE CO. 749 LIST OF SIZES STANDARD CAST IRON FITTINGS BUSHINGS Reducing one size only, are malleable up to 2 Size 1 AX y 2 x MX M VAX y 2 VAX M 1HX1 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X ^ 2 XI Size 3 XVA 3 X1H 3 X2 3^X1 3^X2 2^X1 1MX XI X2 X2 X3 3 X \ 3 X */ 3 XI 4^X3 to 2 1 A inch, inclusive. Size Size 4^X4 7X 5 5 XI 7X 6 5 X2 8X 2 5 X2 1 A 5 X3 8X 2,i 8X 3 5 X3H 5 X4 8X 4 8X 5 5 X1 1 A 8X 6 6 Xl^ 8X 7 6 X2 9X 6 6 X3 2 6 X3H 9X 7 9X 8 6 X4 10X 4 6 X4J/2 10X 5 6 X5 10X 6 7 X2 10X 7 10X 8 7 X3 2 10X 9 7 X3^j 12X 6 7 X4 12X 8 7 X4H 12X10 We also keep in stock, Galvanized Bushings, ^ to 6 inch, inclusive. FACE BUSHINGS MALLEABLE IRON Size Size Size Size Size Size sX M VAX M 2 Xl^ 3^X2 4^X4 7X5 1)4X1 2 XVA 3V^X2V2 7X6 4X % ix y s ix y 2 i^x M 2y 2 xv/ 2 2 1 AX2 3>iX3 *4 X2 *5 X3 5 X4 5 X4^/ 8X6 8X7 3 X1H 4 X2}/2 6 X3 10 X 8 x y 2 2 X M 3 X2 4 X3 *6 X4 x M 2 XI 3 X2y 2 4 X3H *6 X5 12 X10 *These sizes are made in Cast Iron only. ECCENTRIC BUSHINGS CAST IRON Size Size Size Size Size VAX y 2 2 X M 2 l AxVA 3 X2 4 X2 X VAX M 2 XI 4 X3 i^x y 2 VAX M 2 XVA 2y 2 xi 3 X M 3 XI 3 XVA 4 XI 4 XVA 4 X1H 5 X2 5 X4 2 X 1 A 2y 2 xv/i 3 Xl^ 4 X2 6 X4 Other sizes made to order. 750 CRANE CO. AMERICAN STANDARD SPRINKLER FITTINGS LIST OF SIZES ELBOWS TEES 4 6 4 X4 X3^ 6 X6 X5 STYLE A 4 4 X4 X3 4 X4 X2K 4 X3^X4 4 X3^X3M 6 X6 X4 6 X6 X3H 6 X6 X3 6 X5 X6 6 X5 X5 2M STYLE G 4 X3 X4 6 X5 X4 3 4 X3 X3J^ 6 X5 X3^ 2K 4 X3 X3 6 X5 X3 4 2^X2^X2 4 X3 X2K 6 X4 X6 5 2HX2 X2^ 4 X2HX3K 6 X4 X5 6 2 X2 X2M 3^X3^X4 6 X4 X4 3^X3 X4 6 X3HX6 V 3 3 X3 X2^ 3 X3 X4 3 X2KX4 6 X3 X6 5 X5 X6 5 X4 X6 3 X2KX2J/2 5 5 X3KX6 STYLE B 3 X2 X3 5 X5 X4 5 X3 X6 2 1 ' 3 X2 X2J^ 5 X5 X3K 4 X4 X6 3 2^X2^X3 5 X5 X3 4 X3HX6 2^X2 X3 5 X5 X2^ 3M 5 X4 X5 4 5 X4 X4 5 3>2 5 X4 X3K 6 3^X3^X3 5 X4 X3 3^X3^X2)3 5 X4 X2K ^ 33^X3 X3H 5 X3}/2X5 ifev 3/2X3 X3 5 X3HX4 ^Slli 3^X3 X2K 3^X2^X3^ 5 X3 X5 5 X3 X4 STYLE H STYLE C 3HX2KX3 5 X3 X3K / 3^X2^X2^ 5 X2^X5 2 l /2 2H 3KX2 X3 J/ 5 X2KX4 2MX2 X2^2 3 3^X2 X3 4 X4 X5 3 1/ 3 V? v 3 1/ 4 X3MX5 / 6 A ^0/2 4 X3 X5 4 3 X2KX3H 4 X2HX5 3 X3 X2J^ 5 3 X2 X33^ 3^X3^X5 3 X2J^X3 6 2^X2^X3^ 3^X3 X5 3 X2HX2H CRANE CO. 751 AMERICAN STANDARD SPRINKLER FITTINGS LIST OF SIZES STYLE H 5 X3 X5 3 6 X3 X6 CONTINUED 5 X3 X4 3 X2KX3 5 X5 X6 3^2 5 X2/ / 2X5 3 X2 X3 5 X4 X6 3KX3^X3 2^X2^X3 5 X3]iX6 31/X33/X2X 2KX2 X3 5 X3 XG 3^X3 X3H 6 X6 X5 4 X4 X6 3^X3 X3 6 X6 X4 3^ 4 X3HX6 3KX3 X2 1 A 6 X6 X3*A 3^X3 X&A 3^X2^X3^ 6 X6 X3 VAXWAX&A 3^X2^X3 4 6 X5 X6 6 X5 X5 6 X5 X4 6 X5 X3 o X3 X^72 3 X2/^X33^ 3 X2 X3^ 2^X2^X3^ a 4 X4 X3H 6 X4 X6 4 X4 X3 6 X4 X5 4 X4 X2 1 A 6 X4 X4 4 4 X3 X4 STYLE L 4 X3^ X 3^ 6 X3MX5 6 X3 X5 3^X3^X4 m 4 X31/X21/ 33^X3 X4 3 /2X-V2 3^X2^X4 4 X3 X4 The largest 3 X3 X4 4 X3 X3K opening on run 3M 4 X3 X3 is the flanged 3MX3HX3 4 X2HX3K opening. 5 4 5 X4 X5 4 X4 X3 5 X3KX5 4 X3/^X4 5 5 X3 X5 4 X3 X4 5 X5 X4 5 X5 X3M 5 X5 X3 5 X5 X2K 5 X4 X5 4 4 X4 X5 4 X3 X5 3^X3 X5 5 5 X5 X4 5 X4 X5 5 X3KX5 5 X4 X4 5 X4 XVA STYLE K 6 5 X4 X3 6 6 X6 X5 5 X3^X5 2 1 A 6 X5 X6 6 X6 X4 5 X3>X4 2 1 AX2 X2^4 6 X4 X6 6 X5 X6 5 X&AXVA 2 X2 X2 1 A 6 X3^X6 6 X4 X6 752 CRANE CO. AMERICAN STANDARD SPRINKLER FITTINGS LIST OF SIZES TEES STYLE M STYLE N 3 4 5 5 X5 X4 6 6 X6 X4 CROSSES 4 X4 X3.1XX3 4 X4 X3AX2A 4 X4 X3 X3 4 X4 X3 X2H 4 X3 X2KX2K 4 X2HX2^X2^ STYLE P 5 5 X5 X5 X4 2 1 / 5 X5 X5 X3 1 A 2 l AX2^X2y 2 X2 5 X5 X5 X3 5 X5 X4 X4 5 X5 X4 X3*A 3 5 X5 X4 X3 3 X3 X3 X2 1 A 5 X5 X4 X2y 2 3 X3 X2AX2A 5 X5 X33^X3H 5 X5 X33^X3 sy 5 X4 X3 X3 VAXVAXVAXS 5 X3 X2AX2A 3HX3MX3HX2H 3^X3^X3 X3 3>iX3KX3 X2U 6 3 } AX3 1 AX2 1 AX2 1 A 6 X6 X5 X5 3 1 A X 214 X2 1 AX2 1 A 6 X6 Xo X4 X6 X5 X3K ,6 X6 X5 X3 4 *6 X6 X4 X4 4 X4 X4 X3>i 6 X6 X4 X3M 4 X4 X4 X3 6 X5 X4 X4 4 X4 X3 1 AX3 1 A 6 X4 X4 X4 In describing Crosses the run openings are named first, then the outlets. CRANE CO. 753 LONG SWEEP FITTINGS LIST OF SIZES ELBOWS 2 X2 X2 TEES ABC 1HX1KX2 3 X3 Xl l A |V^ gJL., 3 X3 Xl/i lk 2}/X2V^X2V^ i^ 1 * '"'"*j[ 3 X2J^X2 til 2 X2 X2> No. 1 3 X3 X3 A 3^X3KX2 K2 1 2 X2 X3 SINGLE 3MX3^X1^ 2/2X2/2AO SWEEP 3 1 /QX3/iXl/4 VA 3^X3^X3M No. 3 3KX3 X2 2 ABC 2}"2 4 X4 X4 1 XI XI 4 X4 X4 3 3 X3 X4 4 X4 X3 3H 2^X2^X4 IMXIMXI^ 4 X4 X2^ 4 1J4X1MX1 4 X4 X2 4J^ 4^X4^X4^2 1^X1 XI 4 X4 X\}4 5 4 X3 X3 6 5 X5 Xo ^HXiHxiH 7 1/^X1/^X1/4 8 6 X6 X6 li/xixxiK 4HX4^X4^ 10 7 X7 X7 1MX1MX1 * 5 X5 X5 12 2 s/2 V2 5 X5 X3 8 X8 X8 2 X2 X1H o X5 X2 V 9 X9 X9 10 X10 X10 2 X2 X\ 1 A 2 X2 XI 6 X6 X6 6 X6 X2 DOUBLE 2^X2^X2}^ 7 X7 X7 BRANCH | 2 1 AX 2 1 AX2 No. 2 2 l AX2 l AX\y 2 8 X8 X8 In describing 2y 2 x%y 2 xvA 1 XI XI No. 2 Double 2*AX2 X2 Branch El- 2y 2 x2 x\y 2 9 X9 X9 /4 A /4 A /4 bows the run 1 X 1X1M openings are 3 X3 X3 10 X10 X10 IHXIJ^XIH named first, 3 X3 X2y 2 IMXIMXI^ then the inlet. 3 X3 X2 12 X12 X12 754 CRANE CO. LONG SWEEP FITTINGS LIST OF SIZES TEES 3 X2KX3 4 X3X23^ 6 X6 X6 3 X23^X2K 4 X23^X4 6 X6 X5 3 X2KX2 4 X23^X3H 6 X6 X4 4 3 X2 X3 3 X2 X2K 2HX2 X3 33^X3 X4 3 X3 X4 6 X6 X33/9 6 X6 X3 6 X5 X6 6 X5 X5 6 X5 X4 No. 5 6 X5 X3?-2 33-2X33-2X33-2' 6 X5 X3 6 X4 X6 1 XI XI 33-X33-2X3 43^X4^X4^ 33^X33^X2^ 6 X4 X5 33^X3 X3K 6 X4 X4 IMXIJiXIM 33-2X3 X3 6 X3KX6 33^X3 X2>^ 5 X5 X5 6 X33-SX5 3^X3 X2 o X5 X4 6 X3 X6 1/^X1^2X13^ 33^X2^X33^ 5 X5 X3/^ 6 X5 X6 33^X2^X3 5 X5 X3 5 X4 X6 2 X2 X2 2 X2 XI 33^X2^X2^ 33^X2 X3^ 5 X5 X2M 5 X4 X5 5 X3KX6 5 X3 X6 33^X2 X3 5 X4 X4 4 X4 X6 V11/V1 3 X3 X3K 5 X4 X33^ 4 X33^X6 3 X23^X3K 5 X4 X3 3 X2 X3K 5 X4 X23^ 23-2X23-2X2^ 23^X2^X332 5 X3KX5 7 X7 X7 2^X23iX2 5 X3MX4 23-2X23iX13-2 5 X33^X3H 2i - y2 lx X 1 5 X3 X5 8 X8 X8 23-0 X2 X X2 1 / 4 X4 X4 5 X3 X4J/ 2 ' 8 X8 X6 23-2X2 X2 4 X4 X3>^ 5 X3 X4 8 X8 X4 23^X2 X1K 4 X4 X3 5 X3 X3M 2 X2 X2i}/2 4 X4 X2K 5 X23^X5 4 X3KX4 5 X23/3X4 9 X9 X9 4 X3KX3H 4 X4 X5 3 X3 X3 4 X33-3X3 4 X3MX5 3 X3 X23-2" 4 X3KX2M 4 X3 X5 10 X10 X10 3 X3 X2 4 X3 X4 4 X2KX5 3 X3 X1K 4 X3 X3K 3^X3^X5 3 X3 XI 4 X3 X3 3^X3 X5 12 X12 X12 CRANE CO. 755 LONG SWEEP FITTINGS LIST OF SIZES CROSSES o 1 XI XI XI 2 X2 X2 X3 3 X3 X3 X3 3 X3 4 X4 X4 X4 4 X4 5 X5 X5 X5 5 X5 X4 X4 5 X5 X3 X3 6 X6 X6 X6 6 X6 X4 X4 7 X7 X7 X7 8 X8 X8 X8 8 X8 X6 Xft 8 X8 X4 X4 9 X9 X9 X9 10 X10 X10 X10 1 12 X12 X12 X12 outlets. describing Crosses the run openings are named first, then the 756 CRANE CO. LIST OF SIZES EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS REDUCING ELBOW The following Straight and Reducing Elbows are carried in stock. Other sizes will be made to order by bushing in the sand, at a special price, according to quantity wanted. MX *1 XI 1 X *iy 2 xiy 2 *i *2 X2 2 2 2 XI *3 X3 3 3 X2 *4 X4 4 X3 45 ELBOWS * 4 4H 5 5X 5 5X 4 6X 6 7X 7 8X 8 10X10 12X12 10 12 CROSSES 10 12 Y BENDS 368 4 , 7 I 45 Elbows and Crosses are not carried in stock in reducing sizes, but will be made to order by bushing in the sand from straight patterns, at a special price, according to quantity wanted. Such sizes as are marked with an * are carried in stock Galvanized FOR PRICE LIST OF EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FITTINGS, SEE FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE 696 EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON BLOW-OFF CROSSES 3X2 4X2 4X2^ FOR PRICE LIST OF EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON BLOW-OFF CROSSES, SEE PAGE 252 CRANE CO. 757 LIST OF SIZES EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON TEES FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 250 POUNDS REDUCING TEES The following Straight and Reducing Tees are carried in stock. Other sizes will be made to order by bushing in the sand, at a special price, according to quantity wanted. * MX y 2 x y 2 * HX %x Z A xx xx x xi xi XI X 74" xi x H xi x x X S AX% x%xy 2 X HXl xx xxi nxxixxix ixxixxi H XI VAX 1 Xi XIX REDUCING TEES 3 X1KX2 3 XI X3 X2 X2 X2 Xl l A X2 XIX X2 XI X2 X X X2 x y 2 X2 X X X1 1 AX2 2 2 2 2 XI X2 2 XI Xl> 2 X MX2 2 X y 2 X2 VAXVAX2 2y 2 X2 X2 2y 2 X2 2y 2 xiy 2 x2y 2 2y 2 xiy 2 xiy 2 2y 2 x 2 X2 *3 X3 X3 3 X3 X2y 2 3 X3 X2 3 X3 Xl l A 3 X3 3 X3 XI 3 3 3 3 X2HX2 2 X2 X3 3^X3^X2 *4 X4 X4 4 X4 X3 4 X4 X2y 2 4 X4 X2 4 X4 X1H 4 X4 X1M 4 X4 XI 4 X3 X4 4 X3 X3 4 X2HX4 3 X2 X3 3 X2 X2 3 X2 X1H Such sizes as are marked with an * are carried in stock FOR PRICE LIST OF EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON FITTINGS, SEE FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS, SEE PAGE 696 4 X2 X4 3 X3 X4 VAXVAXVA 5 X5 X5 5 X5 X4 5 X5 X3 5 X5 X2M 5 X5 X2 5 X3 X5 ' 5X 2X 5 6X 6X 6 6X 6X 5 6X 6X 4 6X 6X 3 6X 6X 2^ 6X 6X 2 6X 4X 6 6X 4X 4 7X 7X 7 7X 7X 5 8X 8X 8 8X 8X 6 8X 8X 5 8X 8X 4 8X 8X 3 8X 6X 6 8X 6X 4 10X10X10 10X10X 8 10X10X 6 10X10X 4 12X12X12 12X12X10 12X12X 8 12X12X 6 Galvanized. PAGE 343 758 CRANE CO. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED JUNE 5, 1 9O7 ELBOWS PLAIN GAS *Gas Size Class A y* A B y% A M B B y% A M B H B B % B 1 A B C H B 1 A B M C C K B M C C M C AND L Class M A % A 1 A B V B BANDED STEAM *Steam Si/e 2 XI 2 Xl> 2 Xl> 2 2VX1/' 23^X2 3 X2 3S/91 /\&7 3 3^X3 4 X3 4 X3> 4 5 6 Size 1 XI 1MX1> Jl^^JV 2 X2 Class C i c C c ^ c c i C C c c c c c c c c c c c Class B C C *Gas . . . MX *Steam and Gas . . . *Steam and Gas . . . *Steam *Steam and Gas *Gas *Steam and Gas *Steam and Gas *Gas ::: x *Steam *Steam and Gas . . . *Steam and Gas . . . * Steam *Steam and Gas *Steam and Gas *Steam and Gas *Gas. . . . MX *Steam *Steam *Steam *Steam and Gas *Steam and Gas *Gas . .. MX ... M . . . 1 X *Steam *Steam Steam *Steam and Gas *Steam and Gas *Steam and Gas Steam ...IX ...IX . . . 1 1MX *Steam *Steam Steam *Steam *Steam Steam * Steam and Gas *Steam and Gas *Steam . .. 1MX1 *Steam *Steam EFT ELBOWS *Steam *Steam RIGHT Size MX *Steam *Steam *Steam i/X *Steam *Steam. . . 3 ^X *Steam. . In ordering, be particular to mention Steam or Gas, Black or Gal- vanized. Such sizes as are marked with an * are also carried in stock Gal- vanized. CRANE CO. 759 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION, CONTINUED A *Banded *Banded Y *Banded 5 *Banded } *Banded ^ *Banded *Banded 1 *Banded . 1 *Banded 1 Banded *Banded *Banded *Banded *Banded *Banded 2 *Banded 2 *Banded 2 *Banded . *Banded 2^ *Banded 3 Banded 3 Banded 1 Banded 4 XIX 1X2 X3 Class A B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 45 STREET ELBOWS *Banded *Banded *Banded *Banded *Banded *Banded *Banded Banded Banded Size Class A B B 1 B B B B B B 60 ELBOWS Size Class Steam . IX B *Gas IX B *Gas 1*1 B *Gas 2 B Gas. ELBOWS WITH SIDE OUTLET Size *Gas . 3/ X YX 3 *Gas. YX. YzX, 3 *Gas. YX YX 1 Gas. ?/X 3/ X 3 *Gas. YX %X 1 *Gas. 3/ x yx 3 Gas. *Gas. 1 XI X J 1 xi XI Gas. 1XX1XX1 *Gas. *Gas. 11/Xli/Xl 1 *Gas. . . 2 X2 X2 * Class B B I B ! ; B B 1 B B I 45 ELBOWS Size Class *Steam Y B *Steam || B *Steam and Gas Y* B *Steam and Gas % B *Steam and Gas 1 B *Steam and Gas \% B *Steam and Gas \Y% B *Steam and Gas 2 B *Steam 2^ C *Steam 3 C *Steam 3% C *Steam 4 C Steam 4>i C *Steam 5 C *Steam G C In ordering, be particular to mention Steam or Gas, Black or Galvanized. Such sizes as are marked with an * are also carried in stock Galvanized. 760' CRANE CO MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION, CONTINUED TEES PLAIN BANDED GAS STEAM In describing Tees the run is first named, then the outlet, thus: X T M=MXM M T K=^XX?4 ize Class *Gas MX MX y 8 A Gas MX MX H A *Gas MX MX 1 A A *Steam and Gas MX MX X B *Gas MX MX ?'8 B *Gas 3/gX MX M B *Gas *AX MX H B *Gas. y%X %x H A *Steam and Gas MX y 8 X M B *Steam and Gas y%x %x y* B *Gas y%x y*x M B *Gas MX MX M B *Gas MX MX M B *Gas MX MX % B *Steam and Gas MX %x M B *Steam and Gas MX MX M B *Steam and Gas MX MX % B *Steam and Gas MX MX M B *Gas.... MX 3^X X B *Gas MX y%x H B *Steam and Gas MX MX H B *Steam and Gas MX MX M B *Gas MX HX % B *Gas MX y%x M B *Gas MX HX M B *Gas MX MX M B *Gas MX MX y% B * Steam and Gas MX MX M B *Steam and Gas MX MX X B *Steam and Gas MX MX }i B s ize Class *Steam and Gas MX MX y s B *Steam and Gas MX MX M B *Steam and Gas MX MX M C *Steam MX MXl B *Gas yx yxi B *Gas MX MXl B *Steam and Gas *Gas 1 X y 8 X M B *Gas 1 X *AX M B * Steam and Gas 1 X 3/gXl B *Gas 1 X MX Z A B *Steam and Gas 1 X MX M B *Steam and Gas 1 X MX M B * Steam and Gas 1 X MXl B *Gas 1 X MX y% B *Steam and Gas 1 X MX M B *Steam and Gas 1 X MX M C *Steam and Gas 1 X MXl C *Gas 1 XI X M B *Steam and Gas 1 XI B *Steam and Gas 1 XI X M B * Steam and Gas 1 XI X M C *Steam and Gas 1 XI XI C Steam MX MXlM c *Steam 1 X MX1M C *Steam and Gas 1 XI X1M c * Steam and Gas 1MX MXlM B *Steam 1/4X MXl B *Steam. . l^X 14X1^ B In ordering, be particular to mention Steam or Gas, Black or Gal- vanized. Such sizes as are marked with an * are also carried in stock Gal- vanized. CRANE CO. 761 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION, CONTINUED TEES CONTINUED Size Class *Steam VAX MX M C *Steam C *Steam VAX %XVA C *Gas VAXI x % B *Steam VAXI x I A B *Steam VAXI x M C *Steam and Gas 1^X1 XI C *Steam and Gas C *Steam and Gas VAXVAX y% B *Steam and Gas VAXVAX }4 B *Steam and Gas VAXVAX % C *Steam and Gas IAXVAXI C *Steam and Gas VAXVAXVA C *Steam 1 XI XVA C *Steam VAXI XVA C *Steam \}AXVAXVA C Steam VAX S AXVA B *Steam *Steam VAX I AXVA VAX MX M B C *Steam C *Steam VAXI 4 xi 2 C *Steam VAXI XVA C *Steam VAXI XVA C Steam VAXVAX I A B *Steam C *Steam VAXVAXI 4 C *Steam VAXVAXVA C *Steam and Gas VAXVAXVA C *Steam VAXVAX y 8 B *Steam VAXVAX y 2 B *Steam and Gas VAXVAX M C *Steam and Gas VAXVAXI C *Steam and Gas VAXVAXVA C *Steam and Gas VAXVAXVA C *Steam 1 XI X2 C *Steam VAXVAX2 C *Steam VAXVAX2 C *Steam and Gas VAXVAX2 C Steam 2 X HX2 B *Steam 2 X 1 AX2 B *Steam 2 X MX2 C *Steam 2 XI X2 C *Steam.... 2 XVAXIA C *Steam 2 XVAXVA C *Steam 2 X1MX2 C *Steam 2 XVAX1 C *Steam 2 XVAXVA C *Steam and Gas 2 XVAXVA C *Steam and Gas C Steam 2 x2 2 x y* B *Steam 2 X2 X 1 A B Size Class *Steam and Gas 2 X2 X M C *Steam and Gas 2 X2 XI C *Steam and Gas 2 X2 c *Steam and Gas 2 X2 XVA c *Steam and Gas 2 X2 X2 c *Steam 2 X2 X2*A c Steam 2 1 4X2 c Steam 2J 4X2 X2 2 c Steam 4xiy jX2H c *Steam 2' 4X2 c *Steam 2 1 iX M c *Steam 2' 4X2y c *Steam 2i ^Xl^ c *Steam 2' 4X2y 2XVA c *Steam 2' 4X2y 2X2 c *Steam c *Steam 2^ 4X2y ^X3 /2 c *Steam 2 X2 X3 c *Steam 3 X2 X3 c Steam 3 X2J/ ^X2 c Steam 3 X2y zX3 c *Steam 3 X3 X M c *Steam 3 X3 XI c *Steam 3 X3 c *Steam 3 X3 XVA c *Steam 3 X3 X2 c *Steam 3 X3 X2*A c *Steam 3 X3 X3 c Steam 3HX3^X2^ c Steam 33 2X3 c *Steam 3^ 4X3 1 / c Steam 4 X3 2 X4 2 c Steam 4 X3 X3 c *Steam 4 X4 XI c *Steam 4 X4 c *Steam 4 X4 XVA c *Steam 4 X4 X2 c *Steam 4 X4 X2y 2 c *Steam 4 X4 X3 c Steam 4 X4 c *Steam 4 X4 X4 2 c Steam 41 2X4J^ c Steam 5 X5 X2 c Steam 5 X5 X3 c *Steam. 5 X5 X4 c *Steam 5 X5 X5 c Steam 6 X6 X2 c *Steam 6 X6 X2y 2 c Steam 6 X6 X3 c *Steam r> X6 X4 c *Steam fi X6 X6 c In ordering be particular to mention Steam or Gas, Black or Gal- vanized. Such sizes as are marked with an * are also carried in stock Gal- vanized. 762 CRANE CO. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION CONTINUED *Gras FOUR-W Size Class y s B AY TEES *Gas *Gas y B *Gas. . . . *Gas 3 4 B *Gas *Gas. . . 1 B B B B SERVICE TEES C Class C C C C C C C C C C C C OTHER VARIATIONS, SERVICE TEES Size Class H FemaleX H FemaleX % Male Banded B 1M FemaleXlK FemaleXl Male Plain C In ordering, be particular to mention Banded or Plain, Black or Galvanized. Such sizes as are marked with an * are also carried in stock Gal- vanized. * Banded ABC Z AX 3 /gX Y* Class Banded ABC 1KX1 XI *Banded . . . g *Banded IHjX 3 ^X1J *Banded . . . yx yx y B *Banded Banded . . . %x I AX % *Banded P/XP/Xl 1 Banded . . . . . %X HXl B *Banded IVXP/Xl 1 *Banded . . 1 X %X1 B *Banded 9 X1^X2 Banded. . . . . 1 XI X M B *Banded 2 X2 X2 *Banded 1 XI XI c Banded Banded . . . *Banded . . 1 XI X1K C c Banded . . . Banded 3 X2J^X3 *Banded. . . 1KX1 *X1M C Banded . . . . . 3 X3 X3 *Banded . . l^Xl^Xl 1 / O Ba,ndfd . 3 X.^ K4 CRANE CO. 763 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION, CONTINUED CROSSES ft PLAIN BANDED GAS STEAM The outlets of Crosses listed below are the same size, and both are denoted by the last figure. Size Class Size Class *Gas MX MX X B Gas Z AX *AX M B *Steam and Gas *AX Z AX H B *Gas 1 AX 3 AX % B *Gas HX KX M B *Gas 1 AX 1 AX'% B *Steam and Gas 1 AX %x y7%Xj XI C *Steam MXI MX % B *Steam 74: XJ MX H B *Steam MX.] MX M C *Steam *Steam and Gas *Steam 1MX1MX1M C *Steam 1> ^XIJ 4X Vz B *Steam V 2X1} tx M C *Steam IMXli 4X1 c *Steam \\, zXl 1 -6X1M Q *Steam and Gas \\ 1XU 4WA c *Steam 2 X2 x y 2 B *Steam 2 X2 X M c *Steam 2 X2 XI c *Steam 2 X2 X1M c *Steam and Gas 2 X2 Xl*4 c *Steam and Gas 2 X2 X2 c *Steam 2^X2^X2 c *Steam 2y 2 x2y 2 x2y 2 c *Steam 3 X3 X2 c Steam 3 X3 X2y 2 c *Steam 3 X3 X3 c Steam 31, ^X3J 4XVA c *Steam 4 X4 X2 c *Steam 4 X4 X3 c *Steam 4 ' X4 X4 c Steam 5 X5 X5 c Steam 6 X6 X6 c In ordering, be particular to mention Steam or Gas, Black or Gal- vanized. Such sizes as are marked with an * are also carried in stock Gal- vanized. 764 CRANE CO. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION, CONTINUED DROP ELBOWS *Gas.. Gas.. *Gas.. *Gas.. *Gas.. -Gas.. FEMALE Size Drop Class B B B B B *Gas. *Gas. *Gas. *Gas. MALE AND FEMALE Size Drop Class & X % B % X % B y x % B y* x y 2 B LONG DROP ELBOWS Size Drop Class *Gas & X % B *Gas % X % B *Gas y s X % B *Gas y 2 X y z B DROP TEES FEMALE Size Drop Class %X %X V 2 X y 2 X Gas .............. *Gas .............. Gas .............. *Gas ..... - ........ *Gas .............. i Gas .............. *Gas .............. *Gas .............. *Gas .............. *Gas .............. Gas .............. 1 XI X% l / 2 X% B B B B B B B B B B B LONG DROP TEES Size Drop Cla In ordering, be particular to me Such sizes as are marked with ized. B B B B ntion Black or Galvanized. an * are also carried in stock Galvan- *Gas Gas Gas Gas 1 Xl XH CRANE CO. 765 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION, CONTINUED CAPS REDUCERS *Gas Size ( 1 X H .Has R c 'z Cl *Gas - i x y* B *Gas y% A *Gas . \ X 1 A B *Gas. .. y B *Steam and Gas. . 1 X % B *Gas % B *Steam B *Gas 1 x T> *Steam \yx y *Gas % B *Steam \yx */ p *Gas 1 B *Steam and Gas 1YX1 p *Steam IK C *Steam iy>x v R *Steam . \y 2 c *Steam 1 1 AX % o *Steam. 2 C *Steam * Steam *Steam and Gas iyxiy p *Steam . 3 C *Steam 2 X 1 A R *Steam. *Steam 2 X % p *Steam. 4 C *Steam 2 XI p *Steam. 5 C *Steam 2 X1J4 p *Steam 6 C 2 Xl/4 *Steam *Steam. . C p REDUCERS *Steam *Steam 2 1 AX2 c p *Steam 3 XI p ^^nu *Steam . 3 X1M p 1 Ir *Steam .... . 3 Xl/^ p ^^H^B *Steam 3 X2 p ^^IB *Steam . 3 X2^ Size Class *Steam r *Gas %x y% A Steam 3 1 /X2 1 / p *Gas.. . *Steam 3HX3 p *Gas %X /4 B *Steam 4 XI p *Gas... %x y* A *Steam 4 X1M p *Gas. KX K B *Steam 4 Xl/^ p *Gas i^X x^ B *Steam 4 X2 p *Gas . . . %x y B *Steam 4 X&A p *Gas. . . ^X Z 4 B *Steam 4 X3 p *Steam and Gas.. . . %X 1 A B *Steam . . . . 4 X3V* c In ordering, be particular to mention Steam or Gas, Black or Gal- vanized. Such sizes as are marked with an * are also carried in stock Gal- vanized. 766 CRANE CO. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS REVISED CLASSIFICATION, CONTINUED RETURN BENDS Y BENDS CLOSE PATTERN Dist. between R. H. R. ^ 6X 6 2^X2 8X 8 2HX1K 10X10 3 X3 12X12 3 X2^ 3 X2 3^X3^ 45 ELBOWS LONG SWEEP ELBOWS Long Sweep Elbows, 45 Elbows and Crosses are not carried in stock in Reducing sizes, but will be made to order by bushing in the sand from the straight patterns, at a special price, according to quantity wanted. FOR PRICE LIST OF EXTRA HEAVY MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS, SEE PAGES 359 AND 36O FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS, SEE PAGE 698 (CONTINUED ON OPPOSITE PAGE) CRANE CO. 769 LIST OF SIZES EXTRA HEAVY AND HYDRAULIC MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS FOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 25O POUNDS FOR WATER WORKING AND TEST PRESSURES, SEE PAGE 36O EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC The following Straight and Reducing Fittings are carried in stock. Other sizes will be made to order by bushing in the sand from straigth patterns, at a special price. TEES XI 2 X2 X2 2 X2 2 X2 XI 2 X2 XI 2 X2 X Z A 2 X2 X H 2 X1HX2 2 XI X2 2^X2HX2>3 3 X3 X3 3 X3 X2 3 X3 Xl l A 3 X2 X3 4X 4X 4 4X 4X 3 4X 4X 4X 4X 2 4X 3X 4 5X 5X 5 5X 5X 4 6X 6X 6 6X 6X 4 6X 6X 3 8X 8X 8 10X10X10 12X12X12 y 2 x x x y 2 CROSSES REDUCERS XI X2H X2 X1 1 A Long Sweep Elbows, 45 Elbows and Crosses are not carried in stock in Reducing sizes, but will be made to order by bushing in the sand from the straight patterns, at a special price, according to quantity wanted. FOR PRICE LIST OF EXTRA HEAVY MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS, SEE PAGES 3S9 AND 36O FOR GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF EXTRA HEAVY HYDRAULIC MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS, SEE PAGE 698 770 CRANE CO. STANDARD REDUCING FLANGED FITTINGS It is not possible to carry in stock a line of Reducing Flanged Fittings sufficiently large to meet all demands promptly. We aim to carry a complete line of straight sizes, and an extensive line of reducing sizes, as given on pages 771 and 772. To avoid delay, we carry in stock a line of REDUCING RIBBED FLANGES AS SHOWN ON PAGE 389. These Flanges, used in connection with straight or reducing fittings carried in stock, enable us to fill orders for reduced sizes very promptly. CUSTOMERS WHO DESIRE FITTINGS REDUCED IN THIS MANNER WILL PLEASE SPECIFY "REDUCE BY FLANGES IF NECESSARY." These Flanges will always be the same thickness as the regular Com- panion Flanges of corresponding outside diameter. The Flanges are always drilled to the template corresponding to the outside diameter, unless otherwise ordered. IN ORDERING REDUCING COMPANION FLANGES always give the screwed or reduced size first, then the outside diam- eter of Flange wanted; for instance, if a Reducing Flange is required to connect a 6 inch pipe to a 9 inch Flanged Valve or Fitting, having a 15 inch O. D. Flange, ORDER A 6X 15 REDUCING FLANGE This will clearly avoid confusion often caused by orders incorrectly calling for a 9X6 or a 6X9 Flange. CRANE CO. 771 LIST OF SIZES STANDARD CAST IRON REDUCING FLANGED FITTINGS CARRIED IN STOCK NO. 531, REDUCING FLANGED TEES 5X4X3 8X8X3H 10X8X6 5X4X2^ 8X8X3 10X8X5 5X4X2 8X8X2H 10X8X4 5X3^X4 8X8X2 10X7X7 5X3X3H 8X7X8 10X6X8 5X3X3 8X6X8 10X6X6 4X4X5 8X5X8 8X8X10 8X4X8 8X6X10 6X6X5 8X3^X8 6X6X10 6X6X4H 8X3X8 6X6X4 8X7X7 12X12X10 6X6X3^ 8X7X6 12X12X9 6X6X3 8X7X5 12X12X8 6X6X2^ 8X7X4 12X12X7 6X6X2 8X6X6 12X12X6 6X6X1M 8X6X5 12X12X5 6X5X6 8X6X4 12X12X4^ 6X4X6 8X6X3 12X12X4 6X3X6 " 8X5X7 12X12X3 6X2HX6 8X5X6 12X12X2 6X2X6 8X5X5 12X10X12 6X5X5 8X4X6 12X8X12 6X5X4 8X4X4 12X6X12 6X5X3 7X7X8 12X4X12 6X5X2^ 6X6X8 12X10X10 6X4X5 5X5X8 12X10X8 6X4X4 9X9X8 12X10X6 6X4X3 9X9X7 12X8X10 6X4X2^ 9X9X6 12X8X8 5X5X6 9X9X5 12X8X6 5X4X6 9X9X4 12X6X8 4X4X6 9X9X3 10X10X12 9X9X2H 8X8X12 7X7X6 9X6X6 7X7X5 14X14X12 7X7X4 10X10X9 14X14X10 7X7X3K 10X10X8 14X14X8 7X7X3 10X10X7 14X14X7 7X7X2^ 10X10X6 14XHX6 7X7X2 10X10X5 14X14X5 7X6X7 10X10X4H 14X12X14 7X5X7 10X10X4 14X12X12 7X4X7 10X10X3^ 14X10X10 7X3X7 10X10X3 10X10X14 7X6X6 10X10X2^ 7X6X5 10X10X2 16X16X14 6X6X7 10X8X10 16X16X12 5X5X7 10X7X10 16X16X10 10X6X10 16X16X8 8X8X7 10X5X10 16X16X7 8X8X6 10X4X10 16X16X6 8X8X5 10X3X10 16X12X12 8X8X4^ 10X8X8 12X12X16 8X8X4 10X8X7 (CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE) 772 CRANE CO. LIST OF SIZES STANDARD CAST IRON REDUCING FLANGED FITTINGS CARRIED IN STOCK (CONTINUED) NO. 535, REDUCING SINGLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES 6X6X5 6X6X4 6X6X3 6X6X2^ 8X8X6 8X8X5 8X8X3 8X6X6 8X6X4 10X10X6 10X8X8 10X6X6 NO. 536, REDUCING DOUBLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES 4X4X2 6X6X5 6X6X3 8X8X6 10X10X6 10X10X5 10X10X4 4X4X3X3 5X5X4X4 5X5X3X3 5X5X2^X2^ NO. 539, REDUCING FLANGED CROSSES 6X6X5X5 6X6X4X4 6X6X3X3 8X8X6X6 8X8X5X5 8X8X4X4 8X8X3X3 8X6X6X6 8X 6X8X6 10X1CX8X8 10X10X6X6 10X10X5X5 NO. 543, REDUCING FLANGED LATERALS 4X4X2H 8X8X6 6X6X4 8X6X6 10X10X6 6X6X3 8X8X3 10X8X8 6X6X2M These sizes as listed above and on opposite page, with our Special Reducing Companion Flanges, enable us to furnish from stock about every variety of Fittings required, except Special Angles, Offsets, etc. Reducing Ribbed Flanges are carried in stock as per table, page 389. These Flanges will always be the same thickness as the regular Com- panion Flanges of corresponding outside diameter. The Flanges are always drilled to the template corresponding to the outside diameter unless otherwise ordered. Customers who desire Fittings reduced in this manner will please specify "Reduce by Flanges if necessary." PRICES OF SIZES NOT CARRIED IN STOCK SIZES NOT COVERED IN THE LIST OF SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK, AS GIVEN ABOVE AND ON OPPOSITE PAGE, WILL BE CONSIDERED SPECIAL AND MADE TO ORDER AT THE FOLLOWING ADVANCE IN PRICES, ACCORDING TO THE QUANTITY OF A SIZE ORDERED AT ONE TIME, VIZ.: ADD TO THE REGULAR LIST PRICES OF REDUCING FLANGE FITTINGS ON PAGES 420 TO 432 THE PERCENTAGE ADVANCES GIVEN BELOW SIZE 1 Piece 2 Pieces 3 Pieces 4 Pieces 5 Pieces 6 or More 3 Y> Inch and Smaller. . 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% No Advance 4 to 8 Inch 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% No Advance 9 and 10 Inch. . . . 259' 20% 15% 10% 5% No Advance Sizes 12 inch and larger, will be made to order in quantities, of one or more of a size, at the regular list and discount. We do not make Single Sweep Tees with side openings larger than the run. Double Sweep Tees are not made reducing on the run. Should such Tees, however, be wanted we will alter patterns (which will be expensive) and charge at a special price. On Double Sweep Tees, we can only increase branch (outlet) within a reasonable limit, which must be regulated by our patterns. Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. General dimensions, pages 702 to 705. Templates for drilling, page 650. CRANE CO. 773 EXTRA HEAVY REDUCING FLANGED FITTINGS t It is not possible to carry in stock a line of Reducing Flanged Fittings sufficiently large to meet all demands promptly. We aim to carry a complete line of Straight Sizes and an extensive line of Reducing sizes, as given on pages 774 and 775. To avoid delay, we carry in stock a line of REDUCING RIBBED FLANGES AS SHOWN ON PAGE 394. These flanges, used in connection with Straight or Reducing Fittings carried in stock, enable us to fill orders for Reduced Sizes very promptly. CUSTOMERS WHO DESIRE FITTINGS REDUCED IN THIS MANNER WILL PLEASE SPECIFY " REDUCE BY FLANGES IF NECESSARY." These Flanges will always be the same thickness as the Regular Com- panion Flanges of corresponding outside diameter. The Flanges are always drilled to the template corresponding to the outside diameter, unless otherwise ordered. IN ORDERING REDUCING COMPANION FLANGES, always give the screwed or reduced size first, then the outside diameter of Flange wanted; for instance, if a Reducing Flange is required to con- nect a 6 inch pipe to a 9 inch Flanged Valve or Fitting, having a 16M inch O. D. Flange, ORDER A 6X 1 6 1 A REDUCING FLANGE This will clearly avoid confusion often caused by orders incorrectly calling for a 9X6 or a 6X9 Flange. 774 CRANE CO. LIST OF SIZES EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON REDUCING FLANGED FITTINGS CARRIED IN STOCK NO. 107 E, REDUCING FLANGED TEES 2y 2 X2y 2 X2 5X5X3)4 8HX2HXIH 5X5X3 2^X2)4X1^ 5X5X2)4 234X2X2 5X5X2 3X3X2^ 3X3X2 6X5X1)4 5X4X5 3X3X1^ 5X3X5 3X3X1K 5X2)4X5 3X3X1 5X4X4 3X2)4X3 3X2X3 5X4X3 5X4X2)4 3X1^4X3 3X1MX3 5X3X4 5X3X3 3X2)4X2^ 4X4X5 3X2X2 2X2X3 6X6X5 6X6X4)4 1)4X3)4X2)4 6X6X4 3)4X3MX2 6X6X3)4 &J4X2)4X3H 6X6X3 6X6X214 4X4X3*4 6X6X2 4X4X3 6X5X6 4X4X2H 6X4X6 4X4X2 6X3X6 4X4X1)4 6X2)4X6 4X3X4 6X5X5 4X2^X4 6X5X4 4X2X4 6X5X3 4X3X3 6X5X2)4 4X3X2 6X5X2 4X3X1)4 6X4X5 4X2)4X2)4 6X4X4 4X2X3 6X4X3 3X3X4 6X3X3 2)4X2^X4 5X5X6 4)4X4)4X3 4X4X6 4)4X4)4X2 4)4X4X4)4 7X7X6 7X7X5 5X5X4 7X7X4 7X7X3 10X8X10 7X7X2 10X6X10 7X6X7 10X8X8 7X6X6 10X8X6 7X5X5 10X8X5 6X6X7 10X6X8 8X8X7 10X6X6 8X8X6 8X8X10 8X8X5 7X7X10 8X8X4^ 8X8X4 12X12X10 8X8X3H 8X8X3 8X8X2H 8X8X2 12X12X9 12X12X8 12X12X7 12X12X6 8X6X8 8X4X8 8X3X8 8X7X6 8X7X5 8X6X7 8X3X6 8X6X5 8X6X4 8X5X6 8X5X5 8X4X6 8X4X4 12X12X5 12X12X4 12X12X3 12X12X2H 12X10X12 12X8X12 12X10X10 12X10X8 12X10X6 12X8X8 12X8X6 10X10X12 8X8X12 6X6X8 5X5X8 14X14X12 14X14X10 9X9X6 14X14X8 9X9X5 14X14X7 10X10X8 14X14X6 10X10X7 14X14X5 10X10X6 14X12X8 10X10X5 10X10X4)4 16X16X10 10X10X4 16X16X8 10X10X3^ 16X16X7 10X10X3 16X16X6 10X10X2 (CONTINUED ON OPPOSITE PAGE) CRANE CO. 775 LIST OF SIZES EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON REDUCING FLANGED FITTINGS CARRIED IN STOCK (CONTINUED) NO. 111 E, REDUCING SINGLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES 4X4X2H 6X6X4 8X8X6 4X4X2 6X4X4 8X6X6 NO. 112^ E, REDUCING DOUBLE SWEEP FLANGED TEES 5X5X4 5X5X3 6X6X3 8X8X6 8X8X5. NO. 115 E, REDUCING FLANGED CROSSES 3X3X2^X2^ 8X8X6X6 4X4X2^X2^. 8X8X5X5 , 6X6X4X4 8X8X4X4 6X6X3X3 NO. 119 E, REDUCING FLANGED LATERALS 4X4X2^ | 6X6X2M These sizes as listed above and on opposite page with our Special Reducing Companion Flanges, enable us to furnish from stock about every variety of fittings required, except Special Angles, Offsets, etc. Reducing Ribbed Flanges are carried in stock as per table on page 394. These Flanges will always be the same thickness as the regular Companion Flanges of corresponding outside diameter. The Flanges are always drilled to the template corresponding to the outside diameter, unless otherwise ordered. Customers who desire Fittings reduced in this manner will please specify "Reduce by Flanges if necessary." PRICES OF SIZES NOT CARRIED IN STOCK SIZES NOT COVERED IN THE LIST OF SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK, AS GIVEN ON OPPOSITE PAGE, WILL BE CONSIDERED SPECIAL AND MADE TO ORDER AT THE FOLLOWING ADVANCE IN PRICES, ACCORDING TO THE QUANTITY OF A SIZE ORDERED AT ONE TIME, VIZ.: ADDTOTHE REGULAR LIST PRICES OF REDUCING FLANGED FITTINGS. PAGES 438 TO 450. THE PERCENTAGE ADVANCES GIVEN BELOW SIZE 1 Piece 2 Pieces 3 Pieces 4 Pieces 5 Pieces 6 or More 3^-2 Inch and Smaller . . 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% No Advance 4 to 8 Inch 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% No Advance Sizes 9 inches and larger, will be made to order in quantities, of one or more of a size, at the regular list and discount. We do not make Single Sweep Tees with side openings larger than the run. Double Sweep Tees are not made reducing on the run. Should such Tees, however, be wanted, we will alter patterns (which will be expensive) and charge at a special price. On double Sweep Tees, we can only increase branch (outlet) within a reasonable limit, which must be regulated by our patterns. Furnished faced only, unless otherwise ordered. General dimensions, pages 706 to 709. Templates for drilling, page 652. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BRANCH OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRIC THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW 001*58 U : lm-5 t&r^I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY J*&