I Our Favorite Recipes PUBUSi : !!b V'OMtlVS "VO1 K i()("TE'l\ OF THE FIR3^ Co , ' i... \': .1 NAT. CirURC.i I.'\- C/. 1 , THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES First Congregational Church Our Favorite Recipes Published by the WOMEN'S WORK SOCIETY OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH LOS ANGELES, - CALIFORNIA THE N E C N K R COMPANY. PRINTERS 1907 Oroiutrb to our lirlour o }3rr sibr nr fHrs. iDugli (12.1. Garrison Table of Contents Page Breads 38 Cakes, Gingerbread, Icings 62 Candies 92 Cookies and Doughnuts 8.3 Eggs 36 Fish : 11 Household Hints 94 Ices 89 Meats 18 Pickles and Preserves 29 Pies : 43 Puddings 46 Salad Dressings 32 Salads 34 Sandwiches 88 Soups 7 Vegetables 22 Weights and Measures 96 "For good life, good health, good company, May the Giver of all good things make us thankful." SOUPS SOUP STOCK 1 beef bone. 1 knuckle of veal. 1 fowl. Cover with cold water and simmer on the back of the stove for 3 or 4 hours. Keep covered while cooking. When finished, strain and put away to use as a foundation for any soup required. ONION SOUP Melt a tablespoonful of butter in a stew pan ; slice into it 6 onions ; brown slightly. Pour over it lJ/2 pints of water and boil till very tender. Mash and put through a colander ; add 1 pint of new milk and season with butter, pepper and salt. Will serve 6 persons. Mrs. J. B. Monlux. CELERY SOUP 1 cup of celery cut fine. 1 pint of water*. 1 pint of milk. 1 soda cracker rolled fine. Butter size of walnut. Cut celery fine. Boil in 1 pint of water till soft; then strain ; add milk, cracker, butter, salt and pepper to taste. Mrs. Hamilton. 8 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES CLAM CHOWDER Chop 2 onions and 3 slices of bacon fine : fry till brown. Add 1 quart liquor drippings from 2 quarts steamed clams. 2 potatoes diced ; tablespoon but- ter, boil till potatoes are well done ; add 1 quart milk and chopped clams. Salt and cayenne to taste and last 1 large cracker rolled fine. TOMATO SOUP One pint of tomatoes put through colander. Heat to boiling; put in pinch of soda. Heat one quart of milk to boiling point ; add pinch of soda. Put together ; thicken with flour, corn starch or tapioca. Mrs. Balch. VEGETABLE MILK SOUP Grate a carrot, a turnip, part of a parsnip and chop half an onion. Boil vegetables with a little water about 20 minutes. Pour into this mixture a quart of milk and bring to the boiling point. Thicken with flour and season with butter, salt and pepper. Strain or not, as you choose. Mrs. L. W. Godin. CORN SOUP Put 1 can of corn into 1 quart of water and boil gently for an hour. Rub through colander and add sugar, pepper and salt to taste. Add 1 tablespoon of butter, and- thicken with 2 tablespoons of flour. Put in a pinch of soda in a pint of milk ; heat and pour slowly over a beaten egg. Now add the soup to the milk and egg, and serve immediately. May be flavored with onion if desired. Mrs. Marv Porter Haines. SOUPS 9 BEAN SOUP Cook beans until tender. Put through colander ; add salt, pepper, cream and milk, or butter and milk, until the right consistency for soup. Mrs. C. A. Frear. VEGETABLE SOUP Prepare a medium sized carrot and 2 or 3 stalks of celery by washing and scraping; chop the carrot and cut the celery into quarter-inch pieces. Pare a medium sized turnip and chop it. Wash, pare and cut into small pieces 1 large potato. Peel ^ a medium sized onion and slice thin. Measure 1-3 cup of carrot and turnip, and l /2 cup of celery, with the onion, and cook 10 minutes in 2 tablespoons of butter, stirring constantly. Add \ l /2 cups of the potato, cover and cook 2 minutes. Add 1 quart of water, and boil 1 hour. Add */2 tablespoon finely chopped parsley, and salt and pepper to taste. WATERCRESS SOUP To Serve Eight Boil 4 potatoes (pared), a quart of chopped water- cress and a handful of spinach (the latter is simply for the color), in 2 quarts of water, about 25 min- utes. Press through a fine sieve, and return to the fire to become hot. When hot, but not boiling, stir in the yolks of 2 or 3 eggs, beaten and diluted with a cup of cream. Stir while reheating over hot water, adding at the same time 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in little bits. Season with salt and pepper as needed. Garnish with 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of watercress leaves scalded in hot water and drained. Mrs. D. G. Peck. 10 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES CHEESE SOUP 1 quart of milk. 4 or 5 slices of carrot. 2 or 3 slices of onion. YZ bunch of celery. Boil YI hour in double boiler, and just before re- moving from fire add ^2 cup grated cheese. Mrs. F. D. McDowell. PEA SOUP 2 Ibs. peas (1 can peas). 2 teaspoons sugar. 1 pint cold water. 1 pint milk. 1 sliced onion. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 teaspoon salt. Cayenne. CREAM OF CHEESE SOUP Scald, but not boil, 1 quart of milk in double boiler. 1 blade mace. 1 teaspoon minced onion. 1 tablespoon carrot. Rub together J4 cup of butter and 2 tablespoons of flour; add to the hot milk slowly and cook in carefully. Strain ; add ^ cup of grated cheese ; stir until it is melted ; season with salt and pepper. Pour in slowly the beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Cook a moment, beating hard with egg beater till cov- ered with foam. Mrs. E. P. Bosbyshell. FISH 11 FISH BOILED FISH Wrap fish in cheesecloth and drop into enough boiling water to cover, to which a teaspoon of salt and tablespoon of vinegar has been added to every quart of water. Let slowly boil, allowing 10 min- utes to each pound. When ready to serve, lift out of water and drain. ' SAUCE FOR BOILED FISH 1 cup milk. 1 cup water. Butter, size of egg. 1 tablespoon flour. Yolks of 3 eggs beaten to a cream. Put into hot milk and water before it comes to a boil, stirring until it boils, so there will be no lumps. M. A. Kimball. SAUCE FOR BAKED, BOILED OR STEAMED FISH 1-3 cup butter. 1 cup boiling water. 2 level tablespoonfuls flour. 1 tablespoon chopped green onion, celery and parsley. Small bit of chopped" chili. Salt to taste. Alelt butter; add flour, then boiling water; when smooth, add seasoning and pour over fish. Mrs. J. B. Monlux. 12 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES TOMATO SAUCE 2 cups canned tomato. 1 sliced onion. 2 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons flour. y$ teaspoon salt. y% teaspoon pepper. 1 sprig parsley. Cook tomatoes, onion and parsley together 10 minutes. Rub through a strainer. Melt butter in a saucepan. Add the flour and seasonings and stir till well mixed. Add the tomato juice slowly, stir- ring constantly, and cook 5 minutes. Mrs. Buchanan. CUCUMBER SAUCE FOR FISH Chop 1 cucumber quite fine. Drain well. Season with salt, pepper and a little onion juice, if liked. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of cream ; stir well, and add 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice a little at a time, stir- ring all the time. Mrs. D. G. Peck. SALMON LOAF 4 eggs. 1 cup bread crumbs. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 can salmon. Mince the salmon; add eggs well beaten, then bread crumbs and butter (melted). Put in mold and steam 1 hour. Serve with the following sauce : 1 egg, well beaten. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon butter. Liquor of salmon. Cook in double boiler. FISH 13 SCALLOPED CLAMS Make a cream sauce of 1 heaping tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of flour, \ l / 2 cups milk; stir into it 1 can of minced clams ; pour into a buttered baking dish ; cover thickly with cracker crumbs, and bake for 15 or 20. minutes. Mrs. B. F. Sanborn. FISH STUFFING I. /2 cup cracker crumbs. /2 cup stale bread crumbs. /4 cup melted butter. /> teaspoon salt. /> teaspoon pepper. Few drops onion juice. l /4 cup hot water. Mix ingredients in order given. FISH STUFFING II. 1 cup cracker crumbs. *4 cup melted butter. l /4 teaspoon salt. l /% teaspoon pepper. Few drops onion juice. Parsley, capers, pickles, finely chopped. Mix ingredients in order given. TO BAKE FISH Clean and bake on a greased fish sheet placed in dripping pan. If fish sheet is not at hand, use cotton cloth by which it may be lifted out. 14 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES TO FRY FISH Wipe dry ; sprinkle with salt ; dip in flour or crumbs, or egg and crumbs, and fry in hot fat. BROILED FISH Chalk .the racks, and put it in a dripping pan. Lay the fish on the rack with the skin side down. Salt freely, dust slightly with pepper, and after tak- ing up, dredge with lemon 1 , melted butter and table- spoon chopped parsley. STEAMED HALIBUT OR BARRACUDA Two and one-half pounds of fish ; salt well and steam for an hour on a plate. Serve with dressing made of melted butter, lemon juice and chopped parslev. STEAMED SALMON Mix together 1 can of salmon picked fine, 2 eggs beaten light, y> cup sweet cream, ^ teaspoon of salt, and a little lemon juice. Steam in cups, and serve on a chop dish with parsley. COCKLE SHELLS 1 cup minced fish. 1 cup milk. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. y 2 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Dash of cayenne. 3 eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately. " Rub butter and flour together, rubbing smooth ; FISH 15 add milk, salt, cayenne, lemon juice and parsley, then the fish. When boiling-, remove from fire ; add beaten yolks. Fold in whites ; fill shells two-thirds full; sprinkle top with bread crumbs. Bake 15 or 20 minutes. FISH CROQUETTES 2 cups cold fish. 1 cup milk, teaspoonful salt. 1 cup crumbs. Parsley. Fat. 2 tablespoons flour. 2 tablespoons butter. y-2. teaspoon pepper. 2 eggs. Lemons. Cream flour and butter. Put milk in a double boiler, and when it boils, add the flour and butter. Stir until smooth and thick, and add salt, pepper and fish, flaked. Spread on platter and let cool. Shape, roll in flour, egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Arrange on hot dish and garnish with parsley and sliced lemon. CREAMED FISH . 2 cups cold fish. 1 cup hot milk. 1 bay leaf. l /2 teaspoon onion juice. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons flour. YZ teaspoon salt. 16 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES Pepper. y 2 cup bread crumbs. Cream butter and flour; add milk; stir in double boiler until thick ; add other ingredients ; stir thor- oughly; cover bottom of baking dish with half the fish ; pour over half the sauce ; add the rest of fish and another layer of sauce; sprinkle with crumbs; dot with butter and brown. FISH CHOWDER 2^2 Ibs. fresh fish, sliced. 4 large potatoes, sliced. 1 cup milk. l /2 lb. salt pork. 1 large onion. 3 sea biscuits. Cut pork in cubes and put in frying pan over the fire. \Yhile they are frying put in the onion sliced and fry it brown. Mutter a small kettle and put in a layer of sliced potatoes, one of fish, one of pork and onions. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. . Re- peat and finish with a layer of sliced potatoes. Pour over all the milk and enough water to nearly cover it. Cover the kettle and let boil slowly 25 minutes. Remove cover and place on top of the chowder 2 or 3 sea biscuits broken in pieces. Re- place cover an' 1 simmer 10 minutes longer. Serve immediately. ESCALLOPED FISH 2 Ibs. halibut or any white fish boiled tender. 1 sliced onion. 1 stalk celery. 1 sprig parsley. FISH 17 6 peppercorns. 4 cloves. 1 bay leaf. Fill a buttered baking dish half full of the flaked fish. Cover with the following sauce: 1 tablespoon butter. 1 tablespoon flour. Salt, pepper and cayenne. Then add mashed potatoes, hot, seasoned with milk, butter and salt, beaten light. Leave the po- tatoes rough on the top and brown in the oven. Mrs. Masserley. CLAM CAKES 1 cup sour cream. 1 egg. y 2 teaspoon soda. l /2 teaspoon salt. l/^ cups flour. 1 small can minced clams. Mix all together and fry on a griddle. BAKED^SHAD, ROCK COD OR BARRA- CUDA Wipe the fish with a clean cloth, dipped in vine- gar and water; then stuff with the following in- gredients : 1 cup of cracker or bread crumbs. 1 teaspoonful salt. % teaspoonful pepper. 1 teaspoonful onion juice. 1 pickle. , % cup melted butter. A dash of cayenne. After stuffing and sewing the fish up, lay three 18 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES or four strips of salt pork on the pan. also score the fish and insert pieces of pork. Bake 15 min- utes for every pound and ten minutes extra. Mrs. E. T. Barber. LOBSTER CHOPS 1 Ib. or 1 pint lobster. 1 teaspoon salt. YZ teaspoon paprika. 1/2 teaspoon onion juice. Few drops lemon juice. 1 cup milk or cream. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. Melt butter; add flour: pour in cream slowly, stir- ring all the time until thick. Dice the lobster, sprinkle with salt, paprika, parsley, lemon and onion juice. Mix lobster with white sauce and cool. Mold in form of chops, roll in crumbs, then egg. then fine bread crumbs ; let stand to harden ; then place in basket fry in hot fat till amber color. Place on paper to dry ; add sprig of parsley, and serve hot. Katherine Bashford. MEATS ESCALLOPED OYSTERS 1 quart can oysters. 10 soda crackers. 1 cup sweet milk. Butter, salt and pepper to taste. Drain off liquor. Roll crackers moderately fine. MEATS 19 Place a layer of crackers in a buttered pudding dish of suitable size. Arrange the oysters over the crackers. Add salt, pepper and bits of butter. Re- peat until the dish is filled or the materials used. Moisten each layer with the reserved juice, di- luted with a portion of the milk. Let the last layer be crackers with bits of butter. Pour over all an egg well beaten and added to the remaining portion of the milk. P>ake a half hour until nicely browned. Anna S. Averill. SCOTCH MEAT LOAF 1 Ib. lean ham. 2 Ibs. round steak. (."hop above together very fine. 2 slices bread, crumbed. 2 eggs. Season with pepper. Steam 1 hour and bake 1 hour in the cans. 2 Ibs. boiled steak. l /4 Ib. pork. 1 cup milk. 1 cup rolled cracker. 1 egg. 1 heaping tablespoon butter> Salt, paprika and black pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and form in a loaf. Place in a pan and pour over 1 quart of tomatoes seasoned as for the table. Bake \ l / 2 hours, basting often, adding a little water, if necessary. Have a cup of sauce to serve with the loaf. P>essie H. Mathews. 20 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES CHICKEN PIE Select the best and largest chicken; cook until meat will fall from bones, and remove them ; boil water down to 1 pint ; add 1 quart of rich milk and Y^ pound of butter; thicken this, and pour boiling hot over the boned chicken, placing over fire to keep hot until crust is added on top only. Extra biscuit dough is the best ; cut 1 inch thick. It takes \ l / 2 quarts of gravy to each chicken pie. Harriet Burd. STUFFED RED PEPPERS Use canned pimento (red peppers). Fill with the following and bake in moderate oven about 25 min- utes : Cut in small pieces the meat of 1 small cooked chicken; 1 can of button mushrooms; 1 tablespoon melted butter; 1 cup grated bread crumbs: 1 tea- spoon salt ; cayenne pepper to taste ; add one beaten egg mixed with l /2 cup of the liquor the chicken was cooked in. Fill the peppers ; stand them up in a baking pan and baste- with a little olive oil. Serve with a little tomato sauce poured around them. Mrs. L. H. Mitchell. POT ROAST OF BEEF Four pounds of beef cut in one piece ; have it lean and scurred into a round. Take slices of bacon ; try out fat, and while hot place the beef in pan, browning both sides ; remove and place in a deep pot; then pour the fat over it. Add to this 1 sliced onion, 1 cup of .canned tomato, 2 sliced carrots, 1 turnip, 2 bay leaves and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Pour in enough hot water to cover meat; cover closely and simmer slowly for 2 hours or until ten- MEATS 21 der, turning' at the end of first hour; then take out the meat and set in oven to keep warm ; strain the liquor and return to pot ; thicken with browned flour ; boil up once ; pour half of gravy over meat and serve the remainder in a gravy boat. Garnish platter with slices of carrots, turnips and potato balls. Mrs. Crowe. TOMATO AND MEAT PIE Take any kind of cold meat and cut up or chop into small pieces. Put in a deep buttered dish, first a layer of dried bread crumbs ; put bits of butter on them, then a layer of the meat, well seasoned; then a layer of tomatoes, either raw or cooked repeat, etc., having a layer of crumbs at the top, with bits of butter on it. If dry, pour over it a little boiling water or gravy, if you have it. Bake from y 2 to y\ of an hour. Miss H. M. Hopkins. MEAT CROQUETTES 1 pint chopped meat. }/2 pint milk. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. 1 tablespoon onion juice. Pepper, salt and cayenne. Put milk over fire ; rub butter and flour together ; add to milk; stir and cook until smooth; mix with meat ; form into croquettes ; dip in egg, then bread crumbs ; fry in deep fat. Mrs. Frederick Ruggles. 22 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES MEAT SOUFFLE 2 tablespoons butter, melt in stew pan. 2 tablespoons flour, add to butter. 2 dashes of white pepper. 1 pint sweet milk. Boil and add ]/2 cup stale bread crumbs. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. Y-Z teaspoon onion juice. Remove from fire ; stir in 1 pint cold chopped meat. 3 egg yolks ; fold in whites well beaten. Pour in buttered pudding dish ; set in dish of hot water; bake in moderate oven y 2 hour; serve with or without tomato sauce, or mushroom sauce; serve at once. VEGETABLES ESCALLOPED POTATOES Slice raw potatoes and onions. Butter an earthen baking dish ; put in a layer of potatoes, then a layer of onions ; season with bits of butter, pepper and salt; continue till the dish -is full. Cover with sweet milk and bake 1 hour. EGG PLANT Pare and slice an egg plant ; cook in salted water. Drain ; mash. While hot, stir in 1 egg and 1 table- spoonful of flour ; set away to cool. When cold, make into balls, dip in egg and roll in cracker crumbs; fry in butter. VEGETABLES 23 POTATO CROQUETTES Finely mashed potatoes seasoned with salt. Pepper. Butter. Milk or cream to moisten. 1 well-beaten egg. Mix thoroughly and make into small balls. Dip into beaten egg and roll in cracker crumbs and fry in hot lard to a golden brown. M. A. Kim ball. CHEESE RAMEKINS Mix 3 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, half a teaspoonful each of salt and paprika, \ l /2 cups of fine bread crumbs, and l / a pound of grated cheese. Beat 2 eggs light ; add a pint of milk, and stir into the dry ingredients. Turn into buttered ramekin dishes. Bake surrounded with hot water. Serve very hot. This mixture may also be baked in tim- bale molds. Mrs. D. G. Peck^. GREEN CORN OYSTERS Score the" corn down the center of each row of kernels and with a knife press out the pulp. To each pint of pulp allow 2 eggs. 2 tablespoonfuls flour. 1/2 teaspoonful salt. A little pepper. Stir the yolks into the corn without previously beating them ; mix in salt, pepper and flour and finally the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Bake in small spoonfuls on a hot griddle. 24 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES CAULIFLOWER SCALLOPED WITH CHEESE 1 cauliflower boiled tender. 3 tablespoons butter. 3 tablespoons flour. YI teaspoon salt. l /2 teaspoon paprika. 1/2 cup cream or milk. YZ cup grated cheese. Separate cauliflower and put in buttered baking dish ; add the cheese to the sauce and pour over cauliflower. Sprinkle with cracker crumbs and lump of butter and brown in oven. Mrs. D. A. Judd. CORN PUDDING l /2 can corn. 2 cups milk. 2 eggs. Butter, size of an egg. 1 tablespoon cornmeal. Pepper and salt to taste. Bake as you would custard. Mrs. Monlux. ESCALLOPED SUMMER SQUASH 6 small squash. 1 egg. YZ pint sweet milk. Cut squash in cubes ; put in buttered dish ; salt, pepper to taste ; add bits of butter ; pour over milk with eggs ; cover the top with bread crumbs ; bake 40 minutes. VEGETABLES 25 CREAMED CABBAGE One head of cabbage chopped fine. Boil till ten- der, then drain. Melt 2 tablespoons butter ; add 2 heaping tablespoons flour; mix thoroughly; then add 1 pint rich milk ; cook till smooth and creamy. Pepper and salt to taste. Pour over cabbage and serve. CHEESE FONDA Soak 1 cup bread crumbs in 2 cups milk ; beat into this 3 eggs whipped very light ; add 1 tablespoon melted butter, pepper, salt and lastly y 2 pound of grated stale cheese. Bake in quick oven about 20 minutes and serve immediately. POTATOES AU GRATIN 6 cold boiled potatoes. 1 good sized onion. Cut potatoes into small cubes; chop onions fine; put into baking dish layer of potatoes, a sprinkling of onion, pepper, salt and bits of butter ; another layer of potatoes and seasoning till dish is full. Pour over cream enough to just cover and grate over it some stale cheese. Bake about 25 minutes in hot oven. Mrs. J. B. Monltix. BAKED GREEN PEPPERS Cut off top and take out seeds ; stuff with chopped boiled ham, bread crumbs, 1 egg, salt, 1 good sized tomato. Bake for half an hour. SWEET POTATOES, SOUTHERN STYLE Pare the potatoes, cut in halves lengthwise, and steam 15 minutes. Butter a baking dish ; put in a 26 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES layer of potatoes ; dot generously with butter ; then sprinkle lavishly with sugar, brown or maple pre- ferred ; add other layers in the same way until all are used. Cover and bake until tender; then remove the cover to brown lightly the potatoes. GLAZED ONIONS Cook small onions in boiling water 15 minutes. Drain and dry in a towel. Put in a baking dish with a small quantity of stock ; sprinkle generously with sugar and bake until tender and brown. Mrs. D. G. Peck. CARAMEL SWEET POTATOES Peel and boil sweet potatoes in salted water: drain carefully ; melt 2 tablespoons lard or butter in a frying pan ; when very hot, put in potatoes ; sprinkle over them */ 2 cup sugar ; keep over slow fire, turning potatoes over and over (watch carefully to prevent burning), until they are brown. Serve hot. Mrs. D. A. Judcl. PARSNIP FRITTERS Take 3 or 4 good sized parsnips. Boil them until tender ; mash and season with a little butter, a pinch of salt and a little sprinkling of pepper. Have ready a plate with some sifted flour on it. Drop a table- spoonful of the parsnip in the flour and roll it about until well coated and formed into a ball. When you have a sufficient number ready, drop them into boil- ing fat ; fry a delicate brown and serve hot. Or fry in a frving pan with a small quantity of butter. Mrs. D. 'G. Peck. VEGETABLES 27 CHEESE BALLS Heat a Xeufchatel cheese with a spoonful melted butter, 54 CU P sweet cream, a clash of red pepper, a cup of English walnuts or pecans chopped fine or chopped olives or pimentos until well mixed and press into oval shape. Serve with celery, to- mato or lettuce salad. Mrs. Hugh Harrison. CORN MOCK OYSTERS Mix into 1 pint of grated corn 3 tablespoons milk. 1 scant cup flour. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 2 oz. butter. 1 teaspoon salt. l /2 teaspoon pepper. 1 egg. Dip into hot butter with teaspoon ; fry brown on both sides. Serve on hot platter. Mrs. Paul Brown. SPANISH SAUCE 1 can tomatoes. 2 onions. 1 tablespoon chopped green chili. Generous piece of butter. Dust of black pepper. Salt to taste. With Spaghetti Put YI box of spaghetti in plenty of boiling water and boil rapidly 20 minutes. Turn into a colander and drain ; then rinse off with plenty of cold water. Put into a baking dish with the sauce and grate 28 some stale cheese over top. Bake 25 minutes in quick oven. This sauce is good with beans, rice and meat. Mrs. J. B. Monlux. MACARONI, ITALIAN STYLE Cook macaroni until tender in boiling water, salted ; add ^> can of strained tomatoes and e-nough grated cheese to be good, and cook till smooth. SCALLOPED ONIONS Boil onions until tender, changing the water sev- eral times ; pour milk over them and let scald ; place in a baking dish layers of onions, bread or cracker crumbs, seasoning with butter, salt and pepper ; bake half an hour. BAKED ONIONS Cook until tender in salt water, then drain and put in baking dish and season with butter, salt and pepper. Bake until brown. BAKED ONIONS AND TOMATOES Alternate layers of onions and tomatoes ; season with butter, salt and pepper ; bake an hour in a slow oven. Mrs. Fishburn. PICKLES AND PRESERVES 29 PICKLES AND PRESERVES INDIA RELISH l /2 bushel of green tomatoes. 12 red peppers. l /2 peck onions. 2 Ibs. brown sugar. 5 cents' worth celery seed. 5 cents' worth white mustard seed. 1 cup salt. Let chopped tomatoes, onions, peppers lie in salt over night ; drain and cover within 3 inches of top with vinegar. Heat, but do not boil. Bottle and seal hot. Mary V. Jenner. GREEN TOMATO PICKLES 1 peck green tomatoes. 6 green peppers. 4 onions. 1 teacup sugar. 1 1 tablespoon cloves, cinnamon and allspice. 1 cup horse-radish. Slice tomatoes, peppers and onions. Strew 1 cup salt over them and let stand over night. In the morning drain off and put in kettle with vinegar enough to cover; then add the other ingredients, and boil until tender. Seal in glass jars. Mrs. A. C. Day. PICKLED PINE-APPLE 1 large pine-apple. 2 Ibs. brown sugar. 1 pint vinegar. 30 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES 1 oz. stick cinnamon. Cloves. Boil sugar, vinegar, cinnamon and cloves twen- ty minutes. Peel the pine-apple and cut into medium size pieces, having first sliced the pine- apple. Put into syrup and cook until soft, using about one half the pine-apple at a time. Mrs. Wm. Horace Day. SALAD OIL PICKLES 50 medium sized cucumbers. 1 oz. white mustard seed. 1 oz. celery seed. 1 quart chopped onions. ]/2 pint olive oil. 3 chillis. Slice cucumbers thin, but not peeled, and place in jar mixed with y 2 pint of salt : let stand 10 or 12 hours under heavy weight ;. then add the other in- gredients, excepting the oil, and cover well with cold vinegar; then stir in the oil; place in stone jar under weight, or seal. STRAWBERRY JAM Pick over strawberries and wash carefully ; make pound for pound strawberries and sugar; let stand 12 hours; then cook slowly 45 minutes, and bottle. Mrs. Buchanan. SUN-DRIED STRAWBERRIES One and one-half pounds granulated sugar to 2 pounds fresh strawberries. Alternate in layers, be- ing careful to not break the berries. Let stand all night. In the morning boil until thoroughly heated through ; then pour in shallow plates and set in sun PICKLES AND PRESERVES 31 until the juice is thick (generally two or three days) ; cover at night. Will keep in jelly glasses without being sealed. Mrs. E. R. Shrader. * ORIENTAL PRESERVES Put into a kettle 3 pounds of sugar and 1 quart of water. When the sugar is dissolved, add 10 pounds of green tomatoes, cut in slices, 1 dozen lemons sliced very thin, and a large jar of preserved ginger cut into pieces about half an inch square. Add also the syrup in the jar. Let this boil until the tomatoes are tender. Then seal in glass jars, allowing a good quantity of syrup to every jar. It is easier to make half. this quantity at a time. Im- proves with age. Something like a chow-chow. Mrs. D. G. Peck. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Three pints fine strawberries to 1 quart sugar. Put sugar on stove with ^4 pint water, and let cook till a smooth syrup ; drop in berries and cook until syrup drips from spoon like jelly. Turn on plat- ters and set in sun all day. Put in bottles cold, and seal. CHOW CHOW One peck of green tomatoes ground as coarse as possible; sprinkle with 1 cup of salt, and let statid over night. Drain in colander. Add 1 quart vinegar. 1 Ib. sugar. 12 onions. 8 green peppers ground fine. 1 tablespoon celery seed. 1 tablespoon of mustard seed. Cook all until tender, and bottle tight. Mrs. A. C. Dav. 32 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES SALAD DRESSING SALAD DRESSING YZ teaspoon mustard. 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 tablespoon flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 egg. 1 cup milk. Yt cup vinegar. Cook smooth in double boiler. Mrs. Sellick. MAYONNAISE DRESSING Yolks of 3 eggs. 1 tablespoon each salt, pepper, sugar and mustard. A dash red pepper. x Mix with yolks. Commence with olive oil by drops ; as it thickens, add oil more rapidly as much as desired ; thin with lemon or vinegar ; when ready to use, thin again with double cream. Mrs. Hugh Harrison. SALAD DRESSING 3 eggs. 3 teaspoons mustard. YZ cup sugar, or less. 3 tablespoons olive oil. 2-3 cup vinegar. 2-3 cup sweet milk. 1 tablespoon corn starch. \y 2 teaspoons salt. Mix mustard, salt, sugar and corn starch. Beat SALAD DRESSING 33 yolks of eggs well and stir all together. Then drop oil in a little at a time; next the vinegar slowly; then the milk, little at a time. Boil slowly, stirring frequently, almost continuously, until of the con- sistency of custard. When cold, add the whites of the eggs, well beaten. Will keep weeks. Mrs. W. D. Byram. SALAD DRESSING Keeps Well ria Mix in granite stew pan 1 heaping tablespoon each of flour, mustard, sugar and salt. Add a dash of pepper and a sprinkling of celery salt. Stir well together. Break 3 eggs into the pan and stir all till smooth. Pour in 2 cups of milk (or milk and water), and a small cup of vinegar. Put on the stove and stir constantly till it thickens, but do not let it boil. Keep in a cool place, and when you use, thin it with cream or milk if necessary. Mrs. M. E. Lawrence. SALAD DRESSING CREAM ;ti \olks of 2 eggs. *4 tablespoon salt. )4 tablespoon flour. 1 small tablespoon sugar. l l / 2 tablespoons butter. *4 teaspoon mustard. y cup sour milk or cream. *4 cup vinegar. Few grains cayenne pepper. Mix dry ingredients together; then add eggs; mix; add milk and butter; cook in double boiler and stir in vinegar after taking from fire. Harriet Burd. 34 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES BOILED MAYONNAISE DRESSING Beat well the yolks of 4 eggs and 1 whole egg; add 2 tablespoons hot vinegar (cook in bowl in pan of boiling water) ; beat constantly till thick, then add 3 tablespoons oil (or melted butter). 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon mustard. Pinch of cayenne. When cool, add lemon juice to taste and make thinner with cream if necessary. Mrs. E. C. Stickel. SALADS TOMATO AND CELERY Peel the tomatoes and remove the seeds and all of the core. Take celery and cut up in small dice. "\Yash and drain well and season with pepper, salt and a little vingear. Stuff the tomatoes with this, and put mayonnaise dressing on top. Put on crisp lettuce leaf and serve very cold. A. C. Day. OYSTER SALAD Scald the oysters in their own liquor until they are plump and frilled. Drain and let them get very cold and dry. If the oysters are large, cut each one in four pieces with a silver knife. Just before serving, mix them with a mayonnaise dressing. Serve each portion on a lettuce leaf. Celery may be mixed with the oysters and served the same way. SALADS 35 SPANISH SALAD NO. 1 2 cucumbers. 2 tomatoes. 2 green onions. 1 green chilli. YZ bunch celery. 1 head lettuce. Chop each fine ; then mix together and season with 1 teaspoon vinegar, juice 1 small lemon, salt and pepper, or any dressing desired. SHRIMP SALAD 2 bunches of white crisp celery, cut in small pieces. 3 hard-boiled eggs chopped. Take one can of shrimps; wash them thoroughly and pick them in small pieces ; put all together and mix with mayonnaise dressing. Season with salt, pepper and a good dash of cayenne pepper ; last put in 1 cupful of good, rich cream. Serve on crisp lettuce leaves with olives and slices of lemon. Original by Mrs. A. Larson. PERFECTION SALAD Yt package gelatine. YZ cup cold water. YZ cup vinegar. YZ cup sugar. 1 pint boiling water. 1 teaspoon salt. Juice of 1 lemon. 2^2 cups celery, cut fine. Y* cup finely shredded cabbage. j4 can sweet peppers, cut fine. 36 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES Soak gelatine in cold water two minutes ; add vinegar, sugar, salt, boiling water and lemon ; strain half cold ; add other ingredients ; turn into molds, and when set, serve on lettuce leaves with mayon- naise dressing. Mrs. Fishburn. LOBSTER SALAD 1 bowl lobster picked fine. 2 bowls celery cut in fine cubes. Salt to taste. Mix well ; then add salad dressing made of 1 pint cream, heated to boiling point. 3 eggs, well beaten, added to cream. Stir until well cooked. 4 tablespoons vinegar. 2 tablespoons sugar. YZ teaspoon mustard. YZ teaspoon celery salt. A little table salt. Heat the latter together in separate dish and add to the cream ; beat well and let cool before pouring over the lobster. Mayonnaise dressing can be used if desired. Mrs. Fleming. EGGS CHAFING DISH EGGS Boil eggs until yolks are mealy. Cut into halfs and remove yolks. Trim out inside of the whites without breaking them. Chop cold cooked pork, veal or chicken ; season with salt, pepper, cayenne, mustard, olive oil, vinegar, celery salt, chopped EGGS 37 parsley and enough of the yolks to color it. Mix to a paste and stuff the whites of the eggs, putting the halfs together with tooth picks. Then roll them in egg and bread crumbs and set aside to dry. Just before putting into chafing dish, brown in hot grease. Serve with cream gravy in which chopped parsley is put. Mrs. C. Weston Clark. RELIABLE OMELET 6 eggs. 1 teaspoonful salt. 1 cup of milk. 2 tq,blespoonfuls flour. Beat eggs separately; after mixing flour, milk and salt, add the yolks of eggs. Pour this into the stiff whites. Have pan hot and well buttered. Cook on top of stove till the omelet seems stiffened. Then put in oven till it becomes twice its original size and is browned on top (about five minutes). Mrs. Ella A. Barr. SCALLOPED EGGS Mix equal parts minced ham and fine bread crumbs ; season with salt, pepper and melted butter ; add milk till quite soft. Half fill buttered gem pans ; break an egg carefully on top of each ; dust with pepper and salt ; sprinkle finely powdered crackers over all. Bake 8 minutes. Mrs. Paul Brown. CREAMED EGGS P>oil 4 eggs hard; drop in cold water; cut the whites into dice and press the yolks through a sieve. Have ready 2 small cups cream sauce. Stir the chopped whites thoroughly into the sauce and pour over hot toast; sprinkle the top with the yolks grated, and grated cheese if you like. Irene M. Brewer. 38 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES BREADS CORNMEAL GRIDDLE CAKES 1 egg. 1 cup sour milk or buttermilk. YZ cup sweet milk. YZ teaspoon soda. YI tablespoon flour. Cornmeal to make a thin batter. Put soda into the sour milk; stir until* foamy; then add to well- beaten egg; stir well; add sweet milk, flour and meal. Bake on hot griddle. Are never sticky. Mrs. Fleming. RAISED MUFFINS \Yz pints sweet milk. YI cup sugar. Y-2 cup butter or lard. 1 teaspoonful salt. YZ cup yeast, or 1 cake dry yeast, dissolved in YI cup warm water. . 2 quarts flour. Scald milk, sugar, shortening and salt together; then cool. When just warm, mix in flour; let rise until an hour and a half before time you wish to bake, when put in muffin rings and let rise again. Bake 15 or 20 minutes. Mrs. Vorhees. CORN BREAD 2 tablespoons graham flour. 3 tablespoons cornmeal. 1 tablespoon white flour. 1 teaspoon salt. BREADS 39 1 teaspoon lard. 1 tablespoon molasses. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon soda in 1 pint of sour milk. A. B. Case. BREAKFAST GEMS 25/2 cups flour. Small piece of butter. 1 cup sweet milk. Y->, cup sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Little salt. Mix; add 1 egg. Bake in "hot" gem pans. Jennie Ball Foster. RYE BREAKFAST CAKES 2 cups rye meal. y? cup molasses. \ l /2 cups sweet milk. 1 teaspoon soda. Little salt. Rake in "hot" gem pans. Jennie Ball Foster. POP-OVERS 3 cups milk. 3 cups flour. 3 eggs. Bake quickly. Jennie Ball Foster. GRAHAM GEMS 1 pint sour milk. 1 egg. 40 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES \*/2 pints graham flour. 1 tablespoon molasses. 1 teaspoon soda. Beat together a few minutes. Bake in gem pans in quick oven. LIGHT ROLLS 1 pint sponge. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 tablespoon melted butter. 1 teaspoon salt: AYliite of 1 egg, well beaten. Let rise until light. Mold into biscuits and when light, bake. CORN BREAD %. cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter and 1 egg, creamed together. 1 cup cornmeal. 1 cup sour milk. 1 cup flour. 1 level teaspoon of soda. Pinch of salt. Mrs. Robert Lincoln Brown. QUICK DELICIOUS BISCUIT \y 2 pints of flour sifted with 1 teaspoonful of salt and 3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. 2 large tablespoonfuls of butter rubbed into the flour, and add- y> pint of milk, stirring it in with a cooking knife. Turn onto a thickly, floured board and do not use BREADS 41 a rolling-pin, but press the dough with the hands until half an inch thick. Use a small biscuit cutter and bake in a quick, hot oven. M. C. Durant. GRAHAM GEMS To 1 pint of sour milk, add 1 teaspoon soda. 1 egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon sugar. Graham flour to make stiff batter. Bake in gem pans in quick oven. BROWN BREAD (STEAMED) 1 pint sour milk. 1 large teaspoon soda. 1 cup molasses. 2 cups cornmeal. 1 cup graham flour. A little salt. Steam 2 hours. Mrs. Hamilton. BOSTON BROWN BREAD 2 cups bread crumbs. 2 cups flour, into which sift 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup cornmeal. 2-3 cup molasses. l /2 cup sugar. 1/2 cup seeded raisins. 1 level teaspoon of soda dissolved in a little hot water. .Mix all but soda; add enough sour milk to make stiff batter ; then add soda ; put in greased baking powder cans ; boil from 2 to 3 hours, according to size of tins. Mrs. Taylor. 42 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES GRAHAM BREAD 2 cups graham flour. 1 cup wheat flour. y* cup molasses. l l / 2 cups cold water. 3 teaspoons baking powder. l /> teaspoon salt. Mrs. C. E. Richards. BOSTON BROWN BREAD 2 cups Indian meal. 2 cups rye or graham flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon soda (heaped). 1 cup molasses. Mix with 1 pint of part water and sour milk. Steam in buttered baking powder cans or a tin pail set in kettle of hot water for 3 hours. Irene M. Brewer. BOSTON BROWN BREAD 1 cup molasses. 2 cups rye meal. 1 cup cornmeal, yellow. 1 teaspoon cooking soda, dissolved in a little warm water. Salt. Small handful of raisins. Mix with sour milk, and pour mixture into a cov- ered pail and cook in a kettle of water for 4 hours. Mrs. L. W. Godin. MAPLE ROLLS Make baking powder biscuit dough. Roll out thin in long strip. Cover with melted butter and grated maple sugar; roll up and cut off like cinna- mon rolls, and bake. Mrs. Fishburn. PIE 43 PIE CHEESE PIE 1 cup cottage cheese. \ l / 2 cups sweet cream. 3 eggs (whites beaten stiff). 2 tablespoons sugar. l /2 teaspoon vanilla. Pinch of salt. Line a pan with rich pie crust ; put in custard, and bake in moderate oven. PUMPKIN PIE 3 cups pumpkin. \ l / 2 cups sugar. l / 2 cup molasses. 4 eggs. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon ginger. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 quart milk (3 pies). Mrs. J. B. Monlux. COCOANUT PIE 1 cup sugar. Scant l / 2 cup butter. 2 eggs. Sugar beaten in eggs ; add 1 cup milk ; then grated half of cocoanut ; pour in tin lined with crust. Very good. Harriet Burd. CHOCOLATE PIE 4 level tablespoons grated chocolate. A little less than 1 pint boiling water. 44 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES Yolks of 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons flour. 2-3 cup sugar. Mix together and boil until it thickens ; add a lit- tle butter and vanilla; pour this filling into an al- ready baked crust ; cover with the beaten whites of two eggs, sweetened. Brown carefully. LEMON PIE Boil 1 pint of milk; add 3 heaping teaspoonfuls of corn starch. When boiled, take from stove and stir in Yolks of 2 eggs. 2 tablespoonfuls of butter. 1 cup of sugar. Juice of 2 lemons and rind of one. Pour into rich crust and bake. Whip the whites of 2 eggs and 1 heaping tablespoonful of sugar. Spread over top and brown. Mrs. R. W. Morris. MINCE MEAT FOR PIES 2 Ibs. lean meat. 1 Ib. suet. 10 Ibs. apples. 3 Ibs. raisins. 1 Ib. currants. 1 pint vinegar and molasses mixed. 1 quart cider. 2 quarts beef stock. 1 tablespoon each allspice, cloves and cinna- mon. Grind all but the currants; mix and cook. Mrs. A. C. Day. PIE 45 LEMON PIE Juice and grated rind of 1 large lemon. \ l /2 tablespoons corn starch. \ l /2 cups boiling water. 1 cup sugar. 2 eggs. Beat yolks of eggs until light; add sugar, corn starch, lemons, and hot water, and beat all together until smooth; cook until it thickens; use whites for meringue. Bake pie shells first. PUMPKIN PIE 1 cup sifted pumpkin. y\ cup granulated sugar. 2 yolks and 1 whole egg. YZ scant teaspoon cloves, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. 1 scant tablespoon melted butter. Beat all together; add 2 cups sweet milk. Fill crust and bake in moderate oven. Frosting for Pie Whites 2 eggs, beaten to stiff froth. 1 tablespoon pulverized sugar. Flavor to suit. When pies are baked, frost and return to oven and brown. Mrs. Dwight Satterlee. MOCK MINCE PIE 5 soda crackers. 2 cups water. 1 cup of sugar. 1 cup of raisins. 1 cup of molasses. 46 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES ]/2 cup of butter. l /2 cup of vinegar. YZ teaspoonful of pepper (scant). 1 teaspoon each of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves. Roll the crackers and chop the raisins. Mrs. A. C. Day. PRUNE PIE Stew the prunes ; then take the seeds out and add the juice and grated rind of a lemon, and a half cup sugar. Bake with 2 crusts. Mrs. Huldah Anske. RAISIN PIE 1 cup sugar. 2 lemons. 2 spoonfuls corn starch, wet with cold water. 1 egg. Pour hot water over corn starch till right con- sistency ; add 1 cup chopped raisins with other in- gredients. This mixture bake with two crusts; will make two small pies. Irene M. Brewer. PUDDINGS CORNMEAL PUDDING 1 quart sweet milk. 2 heaping tablespoons co.rnmeal. Cook these together ; remove from fire when thick. When cold enough, add Piece of butter, size of egg. Y-2. cup sugar. PUDDINGS 47 2 eggs well beaten. Grated nutmeg. Put in oven and bake. Do not bake until watery. Mrs. R. W. Morris. STRAWBERRY SAUCE Beat together ^ cup of butter and 1 cup of pow- dered sugar, till they are very \vhite and light. Add the beaten white of 1 egg and 1 cupful of mashed strawberries. In the time of apricots, this fruit when very ripe, mashed fine with the juice of an orange, makes a delightful substitute for the straw- berries. INDIAN SUET PUDDING 1 quart milk. 1 cup molasses. 1 cup suet. 2 eggs. 2 teaspoons ginger. 6 tablespoons corn meal. A little salt. Scald milk and molasses together; then add meal, suet, and eggs, etc. Let it stand half an hour to soak the meal. Just before putting into the oven, add 1 quart more of cold milk. Bake 2^2 hours in a good oven. . CONGREGATIONAL PUDDING 1 cup molasses. 1 cup chopped suet. 1 cup cold water. 3 cups graham flour. 1 teaspoon soda. Flavor with cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and vanilla. Steam three hours in three-pound lard bucket covered. Harriet Burd. 48 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES HARD SAUCE 1 egg. }/2. cup butter. 1 cup sugar. Cream butter and sugar, to which add the yolk of egg well beaten ; flavor with vanilla. Just before serving, add the white of egg beaten stiff or l / pint whipped cream. Serve on hot pudding. MRS. VEJAS PUDDING 1 quart bread crumbs rolled, but not too fine. Dry bread is best, l/^ cups milk. 1 cup of molasses. 1^2 cups raisins. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon each of soda, cinnamon, cloves. A little nutmeg. Steam 2 l / 2 or 3 hours. BREAD PUDDING 2 cups of bread crumbs. 5 teaspoons chocolate. 1 cup sugar. 1 tablespoon of butter. Yolks 3 eggs. Vanilla. Cover with milk; when baked cover with beaten whites of the eggs. Mrs. Sellick. STEAMED ORANGE PUDDING Pour a cup of scalded milk over one cup of grated bread crumbs. Add 2 tablespoons butter and PUDDINGS . 49 let stand 15 minutes. Beat 4 eggs with % CU P sugar; add the grated rind and juice of 1 orange and l /2 lemon, and stir into the bread mixture ; add 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts (almonds preferred), and turn into buttered timbale moulds. Steam one hour. Serve with hard sauce. Mrs. D. G. Peck. ORANGE PUDDING Pare carefully 5 or 6 oranges and remove pulp from the skin between sections. Place in pudding dish and pour over them 1 cup sugar. Heat 1 pint of milk to boiling point ; add yolks of 3 well-beaten eggs and 1 tablespoonful corn starch wet with cold milk; stir until thick and pour over the fruit. Make meringue of the well-beaten whites of 3 eggs and 1 tablespoonful sugar; pour over the pudding and bake until brown. Mrs. C. A. Bashford. GOLDEN PUDDING SAUCE Beat yolk of 1 egg and 1 cup of sugar thoroughly ; add white also beaten. Just before serving pour over the mixture 1 cup of boiling water; flavor. Jennie Ball Foster. STRAWBERRY MOUSSE 1 pint cream. 1 box strawberries. \ l /2 cups sugar. Whip cream to stiff froth; add sugar and strained juice of berries. Freeze in pail or mold packed in ice and salt, without stirring. Other fruits may be used in the same way. 50 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES MAPLE MOUSSE Beat yolks of 4 eggs ; pour over them 1 cup boiled maple syrup ; heat gradually. When cold, add 2 cups whipped cream. Put in mold and freeze. Mrs. G. E. Merrill. DANDY PUDDINGS 1 quart sweet milk. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 4 eggs. 3 tablespoons sugar. 2 tablespoons corn starch. Bring flavored milk to boiling. Beat yolks of eggs and sugar together. Dissolve corn starch in cold milk and add to beaten eggs and sugar; then stir into boiling milk until it thickens and is smooth. Turn pudding into a dish and pour over it- the whites, well beaten with sugar. Brown in oven. Mrs. Buchanan. PRUNE PUDDING Boil YZ pound of prunes until very soft and juice boiled dry. Remove seeds and chop fine. Beat whites of 5 eggs to stiff froth : add Y* cup sugar, pinch of salt, Y* teaspoon each cream of tartar and vanilla ; add prunes little at a time ; stir well and bake in buttered dish in moderate oven until deli- cate brown. Serve with whipped cream. KISS PUDDING Beat the yolks of 3 eggs and Y* CU P f sugar till light; add \ l /z tablespoonfuls of corn starch; stir in 1 pint of boiling milk on stove till thick ; pour in PUDDINGS 51 pudding dish ; beat the whites of the eggs with y 2 cup sugar; spread over the top and brown. Mrs. N. A. Prince. CARROT PUDDING 1 cup grated carrots. 1 cup grated potato. 1 cup sugar. Y-2 cup butter. 2 cups flour. l /2 cup currants. l /2 cup raisins. 1 teaspoon cloves. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. A little nutmeg. One teaspoon soda stirred in the potato and add the last thing. Steam 3 hours. Serve with hard sauce. SNOW PUDDING Dissolve 3 tablespoons of corn starch in cold wa- ter; add 1 pint boiling water; cook 10 minutes; add little salt, 1 tablespoon sugar ; add beaten whites 3 eggs. Put in round moulds. Make a custard by scalding 1 pint milk ; add 1 cup sugar, yolks 3 eggs, flavor, little salt. PINE-APPLE DESSERT 1 cup sugar. 1 cup flour. 1 egg. l /2 cup sweet milk. 1 tablespoon melted butter. 1 teaspoon baking powder. Bake in two round layers and serve with grated pine-apple and whipped cream. Mrs. Fishburn. 52 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES PINE-APPLE BAVARIAN CREAM Scald 1 pint of grated pine-apple. Add ]/?. package of gelatine softened in y 2 cup of cold water and the juice of l /2 lemon. Set this mixture in a cold place until it begins to set ; then fold in 1 pint of cream, beaten solid and turn into a mould. A cup of thick cream and a cup of thin cream may be used, but it takes longer beating to make it firm, than when all thick cream is used. Mrs. D. G. Peck. PINE-APPLE SPONGE Dissolve 1 tablespoon gelatine in cold water. Beat whites of 5 eggs very stiff, then beat in 1 cup sugar, then gelatine. Add 1 can grated pine-apple ; for decoration add few glace cherries. Serve with cream. MARSHMALLOW PUDDING Whites of 4 eggs beaten stiff; add gradually 1 cup granulated sugar, beating steadily. Dissolve 1 tablespoon gelatine in l / 2 cup cold water 2 min- utes ; add */> cup boiling water and pour slowly over eggs and sugar; beat until stiff; flavor with 1 tea- spoon vanilla ; color pink and pour in mold to harden. Serve with whipped cream or custard. Florence Belle Judd. PLUM PUDDING 1 Ib. of flour. 1 Ib. suet. 2 Ibs. currants. 2 Ibs. raisins. *4 Ib. citron. 8 or 9 eggs. 1 large nutmeg, grated. PUDDINGS 53 1 pint milk. 1 Ib. sugar. 1 wine glass brandy. 2 small loaves stale baker's bread crumbed fine. Mix all thoroughly together and boil constantly 7 hours. A WHOLESOME PLUM PUDDING 2 cups stale bread crumbs. Y-Z cup suet, chopped. 1 level tablespoon butter. ]/2 cup molasses. YZ cup seeded raisins. 1 cup sweet milk. YZ teaspoon soda, dissolved in milk. Spices to taste cinnamon or cloves. Steam two hours. Serve hot with hard sauce. Margaret A. Sudduth. LEMON PUDDING 1 pint fine stale bread crumbs. 1 quart sweet milk. 1 cup sugar. Yolks 4 eggs. The grated rind of 1 large or 2 small lemons. Small piece of butter. Nutmeg and salt to taste. Bake till done, but not watery. Whip the whites of the eggs stiff; add 1 cup sugar, in which has been strained the juice of the lemon; pour the white over and brown slightly. Eat cold. Miss H. M. Hopkins. 54 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES LEMON CORN STARCH PUDDING 2 tablespoons corn starch. Juice of 2 lemons. Y-2. teaspoon salt. 1 cup sugar. Beat this into. 2 cups boiling water and cook till clear. Beat 3 whites and slowly pour in the mix- ture, stirring constantly. Serve with boiled cust- ard made from 3 yolks. LEMON PUDDING 1^2 cups of water. 1 cup sugar. Let come to a boil. Beat the yolks of 2 eggs with 1 tablespoon sugar. 2 tablespoons corn starch wet with cold water. Juice of 2 large lemons. Put these together and add all to the boiling sugar and water and cook until it shines. Take from the fire and stir into it a piece of butter about half the size of an egg. Pour into an earthen dish and cover with a meringue made of the beaten whites of 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons sugar. Set in oven until it browns. Mrs. Brown. ORANGE PUDDING 1 cup suet chopped fine. 2 cups bread crumbs. y 2 cup flour. Pinch of salt. 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 egg. ]/2 glass orange marmalade. YZ cup sweet milk. Y$ teaspoon soda. Steam 3 hours. PUDDINGS 55 Sauce Beat 1 egg with 1 cup sugar till light and creamy; mix 1 tablespoon flour with enough cold water to make smooth paste ; add 1 cup boiling water, a little salt; boil thoroughly; pour over egg and sugar; add vanilla ; beat well and serve hot. LEMON RICE PUDDING 1 cup cold boiled rice. 1 full pint milk. 1 tablespoon corn starch. Boil over fire ; when cold add l /2. cup sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. Yolks of 2 eggs, well beaten. Rind and juice of 1 lemon. Raisins and nutmeg, if desired. Mrs. R. W. Morris. STEAMED CHOCOLATE PUDDING Beat the yolks of 3 eggs light, adding gradually 1 cup of sugar. Melt over hot water 2 squares of Baker's chocolate ; stir in smoothly 3 tablespoonfuls sweet milk and add to the egg and sugar; add 1 cup of flour well mixed and sifted with one rounding teaspoonful of baking powder, and last the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Fill greased cups half full and steam twenty minutes. Serve with an egg sauce or whipped cream flavored with vanilla. EGG SAUCE Beat the whites of 2 eggs to a stiff froth and into this, a little at a time, a half cup of powdered sugar; when smooth and light, add a small teaspoonful of 56 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES vanilla or a teaspoonful of maraschino and the yolks of 2 eggs beaten with a tablespoonful of sugar. Stir lightly together and just before serving, 1 cupful of whipped cream or 3 tablespoonfuls of milk. Mrs. Vanduzen. CHOCOLATE PUDDING 1 egg. Y* cup sugar. YZ cup milk. 1 cup flour. 2 squares chocolate, melted. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 tablespoon butter. Steam 1 hour. Sauce YZ cup sugar. \ l / 2 cups hot water. Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon. 1 tablespoon corn starch. Boil for 5 minutes. Mrs. E. W. Hunter. FIG PUDDING 1 cup graham flour. 1 cup figs, chopped. l / 2 cup sugar. l /2 cup sour milk or buttermilk. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 egg. Y2 teaspoon cinnamon. A little allspice. YZ teaspoon soda. Steam 1 hour. Serve with lemon sauce or cream. Mrs. E. W. Hunter. PUDDINGS 57 FIG PUDDING 1 Ib. chopped suet. 1 Ib. chopped figs. 5 cups bread crumbs. 2 eggs, well beaten. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 tablespoonful flour. \ l / 2 cups sugar. 1 grated nutmeg. Steam 3 hours. Serve hot, with plenty of sauce ; hard sauce or wine sauce. Mrs. B. F. Sanborn. CHOCOLATE PUDDING 1 quart milk. 1 cup of sugar. 4 tablespoons of chocolate. 4 tablespoons of corn starch. Boil in double boiler; flavor with vanilla and place in mold to cool. CHOCOLATE BAVARIAN CREAM Cover y 2 box of gelatine with l /2 cup of cold wa- ter and let soak twenty minutes. Whip a pint of cream, grate 2 ounces of chocolate and boil in a pint of sweet milk; add the gelatine and stir until dissolved. Take from fire and sweeten with l / 2 cup of sugar; flavor with vanilla and turn into a pan to cool ; stir until it begins to thicken ; then add the whipped cream ; stir until mixed and pour in a mold to harden. Serve with whipped cream. You will find this cream very fine. Mrs. G. L. Crenshaw. 1419 Wilton Place. 58 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES TAPIOCA PUDDING Soak 1 cup of pearl tapioca 4 hours in cold water to cover. Add 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup seedless raisins that have stood 10 minutes in hot water. Cook all together for 10 minutes, then draw to back of stove and stir in 2 well-beaten eggs and teaspoon vanilla. Chill and serve with cream. TAPIOCA CREAM Put 2 tablespoons of pearl tapioca in enough wa- ter to cover it and let it stand over night. In the morning add ^ cup water and set on back of stove until clear. Add 1 pint milk, pinch of salt. \Yhen this begins to boil, stir in yolks of 2 eggs and scant Y-Z cup sugar, beaten together. Flavor to taste. Pour into a dish and when perfectly cool stir in whites of eggs beaten stiff. MAPLE CUP CUSTARD Use 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons grated maple sugar. Beat very light ; add 1 pint of milk and pinch of salt. Put 2 or 3 small lumps of maple sugar in bottom of each cup. Pour in the custard and bake in pan of water until creamy. Serve cold. Airs. M. C. Durant. COCOANUT-TAPIOCA PUDDING Soak 3 tablespoons tapioca 4 hours in cold water. Pour off the water and stir this into a quart of boil- ing milk. Yolks of 4 eggs. 1 cup of sugar. 3 large tablespoons of cocoanut chopped fine. Boil the milk and tapioca ten minutes ; then add PUDDINGS 59 the eggs, sugar and cocoanut, stirring and boiling for 5 minutes. Pour into pudding dish ; beat the whites and spread over the pudding, sifting cocoa- nut over top. Brown in oven. Mrs. C. E. Frear. LEMON SNOW Two lemons, grate rind off and squeeze out the juice. Yolks of 4 eggs well beaten, with 2 table- spoons sugar. Add to the juice and rind 2 table- spoons hot water. Cook until thick. Beat whites of eggs stiff with 2 tablespoons of sugar, and while lemon custard is hot, beat whites into it. Serve cold. Mrs. G. H. Percy. TAPIOCA PUDDING 1 pint of milk. 1 egg. l /2 cup tapioca. YZ cup sugar. l /2 teaspoon vanilla. Sauce for Mix 1 tablespoon butter with l /2 cup sugar. Beat white of 1 egg; stir in butter and sugar. Before serving stir in */2 cup hot water. Mrs. Sellick. STRAWBERRY BAVARIAN CREAM Pick a gallon of strawberries ; squeeze them through a colander and sweeten the juice. Cover a box of gelatine with water and soak half an hour. Stand over boiling water and melt ; add the straw- berry juice and strain in a pan. Set on ice and stir until it thickens; then add a pint and half of 60 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES whipped cream ; mix thoroughly. Pour in a mold and set in a cool place to harden. Serve with whipped cream. This cream is delicious. 1419 Wilton Place. Mrs. G. L. Crenshaw. PRUNE PUFF One-half pound prunes ; boil 2 hours or until ten- der. Stone and chop fine with y 2 pound of English walnuts; add 1 cup granulated sugar and mix thor- oughly. Whites of 6 eggs beaten stiff until it will stand alone ; then mix with other ingredients. Bake in slow oven 24 hour or steam 1 hour. To be eaten with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla. This is enough for 8 people. Mary H. Balch. APPLE PUDDING Peel and quarter enough apples to half fill a 2- quart pan. Sprinkle over 1 cup sugar and y 2 tea- spoon cinnamon. Pour over them a batter made of y 2 cup sweet milk, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon melted butter. Bake slowly y 2 hour. Serve with clear sauce or hard sauce or plain cream. Blackberries or peaches can be used instead of apples. Mrs. D. A. Judd. DATE PUDDING 2 cups bread crumbs. \Y$ cups milk. 1^4 cups finely chopped dates. % cup sugar. Soak crumbs in milk y 2 hour and add dates and sugar. Turn into pudding dish and steam 2^ hours. Serve with whipped cream or any pudding sauce. Mrs. Buchanan. PUDDINGS 61 ALMOND PUDDING Blanch and finely chop 1 cup almonds ; mix with l /2 cup sugar, beaten yolk of 1 egg and ^2 cup thick sour cream. Lastly add beaten white of 1 egg and vanilla. Mrs. Paul Brown. . DATE PUDDING l /4 cup melted butter. YI cup molasses. Y-2. cup milk. - 1 well-beaten egg. \Y* cups graham flour sifted with YZ teaspoon soda and 1 teaspoon salt. 1 cup chopped dates. Serve with hard sauce. STRAWBERRY JUICE FOR PUDDING YZ cup butter. 1 cup pulverized sugar. 1 quart hulled strawberries. Mix butter ana sugar as for hard sauce, adding crushed berries ; chill thoroughly and serve with hot pudding. STRAWBERRY SPONGE l / 2 box gelatine. YZ cup of cold water. 1 pint boiling water. 1 cup sugar. 1 pint strawberry juice. 3 eggs. Place the gelatine in the cold water and let -it stand for 1 hour; then add the boiling water and 62 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES sugar ; stir until sugar and gelatine are dissolved. When the mixture is cool, add the fruit juice; strain and set on ice ; when it begins to thicken, stir well and add beaten whites of the eggs. Pour in a mold. Serve with sweetened cream. Mrs. Paul Brown. SPONGE PUDDING 2 oz. sugar, 2 oz. flour, mixed. Moisten with a little cold milk ; then thicken ; 1 scant pint boiling milk with it. Let cool ; add 6 eggs beaten separately, and bake in pudding pan; set in another pan of boiling water in oven. Eat with whipped cream. Mrs. W. H. Olmsted. CAKES, GINGERBREAD, ICINGS, ETC. GINGERBREAD % cup butter. l /2 cup brown sugar. l / 2 cup sour milk. y 2 cup New Orleans molasses. 1 egg, well beaten. 1^4 cups flour. Pinch salt ; 1 teaspoon ginger ; 2 tea- spoons cinnamon ; l / 2 teaspoon soda. Line a shallow pan with greased brown paper to bake. Mrs. Sellick. SOFT GINGERBREAD 1 cupful brown sugar. 1 cupful New Orleans molasses. 1 cupful sour milk or warm water. CAKES, ICINGS, ETC. 63 l /2 cup of melted butter. 2 eggs. S l /2 cups sifted flour. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 small teaspoon cloves. 2 teaspoons ginger. Mrs. C. A. Frear. SOFT GINGERBREAD 54 cup granulated sugar (no other kind). 54 cup shortening. Cream together ; then break in 1 egg. Add next Y^ cup molasses. 5/2 cup sour milk and 1 even teaspoon soda mixed in milk. 54 teaspoon ginger. 5/2 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 even cup sifted flour. Mix ingredients in order given. Bake till done in a very slow oven. Mrs. C. C. Harmon. GINGER CAKE l /2 cup butter. 1 cup brown sugar. 2 eggs. 1 cup New Orleans molasses. 1 tablespoon ginger. 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda sifted with two cups flour. Mrs. Buswell. 64 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES GINGERBREAD 1 cup molasses. YT. cup brown sugar. l /2 cup lard and butter mixed. 1" cup hot water. 2 eggs some salt. Season with nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon. 2 level teaspoons soda. 3 cups flour. Stir good. Mrs. E. G. Wood. A SIMPLE FRUIT CAKE 2-3 cup butter. \ l /2 cups sugar. 2 cups flour. 2-3 cup sour milk. 1 cup chopped raisins. l /2 teaspoon soda. 1 egg and the white of another. Spice to taste. A. B. Case. SPICE CAKE l /2 cup butter. 4 eggs, well beaten. 2 cups of white sugar. 1 cup of sour milk. 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg. 1 even teaspoon of cloves. l /2 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a little warm water. 2 cups of flour. 1 cup of chopped seeded raisins. Save the white of 1 egg for frosting. Mrs. Laura A. Graves. CAKES, ICINGS, ETC. 65 FRUIT LOAF 2 Ibs. dates. 2 Ibs. figs (pressed). 2 Ibs. raisins. 2 Ibs. nuts. Grind dates, figs and raisins through meat grind- ers ; mix thoroughly and press one-half into layer ,in pan. Grind nuts also, and make layer of those; then make top layer of rest of fruit. Pound all down and let stand ; when ready for use, cut in thin slices. Mrs. Buchanan. SPICE CAKE 1 cup butter. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup molasses. 1 cup sweet or sour milk. 3 cups flour. 4 eggs. YZ teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon soda. 2 Ibs. raisins, seeded, chopped fine. 1 nutmeg, grated. Sour milk is best. Mrs. Andrew Knox. CHEAP FRUIT CAKE \ l /4 cups sugar. l /2 cup cotolene. 1 cup sour milk. 1 egg. 1 cup raisins. 1 teaspoon soda. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. l /4 teaspoon of cloves. l / 2 a nutmeg. Add flour to make a trifle stiff and bake in slow oven. Mrs. Haines. 66 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES FROSTING Stir 1 cup sugar into *4 CU P milk over slow fire till it boils ; boil five minutes without stirring ; re- move from fire ; set saucepan into cold water while stirring to a cream. Spread on cake while it will run. Flavor to taste. M. CARAMEL CAKE Beat 1/2 cup butter to a cream ; add gradually \ l /2 cups granulated sugar ; add yolks two eggs ; then 1 cup water and 2 cups flour. Beat this con- tinually five minutes. Add 3 teaspoons caramel, 1 teaspoon vanilla and l / 2 cup flour. Beat again for three minutes. Stir in 2 teaspoons baking powder and whites of the two eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Filling 1 cup sugar. l / 2 cup water. Whites of 2 eggs. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 t.easpoons caramel. Caramel l /2 cup sugar. Stir over fire to brown. Add l /> cup boiling water. Remove from fire to add the water ; then boil until it is like syrup. Airs. Alphonso Day. FIG CAKE (LOAF) 2 cups brown sugar. 1 cup butter. 1 cup cold water. 1 Ib. seeded raisins. 1 Ib. chopped figs. CAKES. ICINGS, ETC. 67 3 cups flour. 1 egg. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Hake slowly. JAM CAKE 1/2 cup butter. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup jam (raspberry). 3 eggs. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon nutmeg. l /2 teaspoon cloves. Last of all l /2 cup sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda. Almond Filling Two pounds almonds blanched and chopped fine. Beat whites and yolks of 2 eggs light; add \ l / 2 cups fine sugar ; .then almonds and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Marshmallow Layer for Cake Take any nice white cake and make two layers. Take 2 tablespoons pulverized gelatine dissolved in 7 tablespoons hot water; then strain over 22 table- spoons of powdered sugar and beat 1 hour ; then put in pan size of cake layers and stand until firm. Put layer of cake, then the marshmallow layer, then other layer of cake with any boiled icing. Fine. ANGEL FOOD CAKE Whites 11 eggs. \ l /2 glass granulated sugar. 1/4 glass flour. 68 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES 1 level teaspoon cream tartar. Pinch of salt. Sift sugar and flour 8 times each ; put salt in eggs and when half beaten add cream tartar; beat until stiff ; sift in sugar very slowly, folding in : then flour in same way; add flavoring. Bake in un- greased Van Dusen cake pan. Have fire as low as possi'ble until cake raises to top of pan, then increase heat to moderate oven. Marshmallow Filling Dissolve 1 box of marshmallows in bowl placed over kettle of boiling water. While this is dissolv- ing, make boiled frosting of 1 pint of granulated sugar with enough water to dissolve it; boil until it threads from spoon. Beat whites of 2 eggs stiff and pour boiling sugar over them slowly, beating all the time; then add dissolved marshmallows and beat for 1 hour, keeping vessel hot all the time so they may not harden. Spread over and between layers of cake. Caramel for Cake 3 cups brown sugar. ^2 cup milk. ]/2 cup butter. Boil rapidly until it thickens ; then add flavoring and allow it to cool enough to spread. EGOLESS CAKE 2 cups of sugar. 1 cup butter. 2 cups buttermilk. 2 level teaspoons soda. 1 teaspoon each nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon and allspice. CAKES, ICINGS, ETC. 69 4 cups flour. 2 cups raisins. 1 cup nuts chopped fine. Mix all together, adding raisins and nuts last. ICING FOR SUNSHINE CAKE One cup of sugar cooked until it makes a soft ball when tried in a little cold water; beat into the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten, and spread on the cake, and grate the rind of orange over the icing. Ruth Morris. SUNSHINE CAKE Six eggs; 1 cup of flour; \y^ cups sugar; beat whites 10 minutes; add pinch of salt and Y^ teaspoon cream tartar ; then beat thoroughly ; add well-beaten yolks of eggs; beat again: fold in flour. Rake in moderate oven 40 or 50 minutes. Mrs. G. E. Morrill. FRUIT CAKE \]/2 cups brown sugar. 24 cup shortening. Yolks of 2 eggs. 1 cup sour milk or cream. Spices, raisins, nuts. Mix soda in little warm water; add to sour milk; make stiff with flour. Bake in slow oven. R. W. M. LEMON JELLY CAKE 1 cup sugar. 1-3 cup butter. 1 egg. 70 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES 1 cup milk. 2 cups flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 layers. To the grated rinds and juice of 2 large lemons add 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon butter, 2 teaspoons flour ; mix smooth with water ; boil thick ; cool, put on cake. Mrs. Chas. S. Gray. Cream Filling YZ pint milk, heated. 1 small cup sugar. 1 egg. 1 level tablespoon flour. 1 level tablespoon corn starch. Mix starch, sugar and flour; add egg and a little milk, and stir into the boiling milk. Cook until creamy, stirring constantly ; add lump of butter the size of walnut, and flavor. SPONGE CAKE 1 cup sugar. 2 cups flour, scant. YZ cup cold water. 5 eggs, beaten separately. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 teaspoon flavoring. Mrs. C. A. Frear. BLACKBERRY JAM CAKE 1 cup sugar. 1 cup blackberry jam. Y\ cup butter. 2 cups flour. CAKES. ICINGS, ETC. 71 3 eggs. 3 tablespoons sour cream. 1 teaspoon each allspice, cinnamon arid nut- meg. Stir well ; bake in three layers, and put in boiled icing between layers. Mrs. W. S. Taylor. YELLOW CAKE Yolks of 8 eggs. l /4 cup butter. 1 cup sugar. \ l /2 cups flour. l /2 cup milk. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Flavor and bake in a loaf. Mrs. D. A. Judd. SOLID CHOCOLATE CAKE 1^4 cups sugar. l /4 cup butter. l /> cup sweet milk. 2 eggs. 2 l /2 cups of flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. l /4 cake of chocolate dissolved in l /2 cup of boiling water. Put the chocolate in last. Flavor with vanilla. Beat it thoroughly. Mrs. Cornelia C. Pettis. 545^ S. Fremont Ave. CHOCOLATE CAKE 2 cups dark brown sugar. y 2 cup better. OUR FAVORITE RECIPES l /2 cake sweet 'chocolate grated. y> cup boiling water. y> cup sour milk with y 2 teaspoon soda. 2 eggs. 3 cups flour. 1 tablespoon vanilla. l /2 teaspoon ground cinnamon. Bake in layers and put together with boiled icing. Florence B. Judd. QUICK LOAF CAKE 1 cup butter. 1 cup sugar. 1 egg. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 cup raisins. 2y 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoonful vanilla. 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat butter and sugar and the yolk of the egg to a cream ; add the beaten white last. E. M. Peck. DELICATE CAKE Two cups sugar. */2 cup of butter. Whites of 4 eggs. 1 cup of sweet milk. 3 cups of flour. 3 small teaspoons of baking powder. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream. Then stir in the milk and flour. Add the whites last. This can be used as a layer cake. Any kind of flavoring. Mrs N T. F. Bixby. CAKES, ICINGS, ETC. 73 GINGERBREAD 1 cup molasses. Butter size of walnut. Put in cup with- Good y* teaspoon soda. Pour in boiling water in cup with butter and soda till cup is half full. 1 teaspoon cloves or ginger. 2 cups flour. Mrs. J. C. Hamilton. FIG CAKE Cream ^ cup butter and 1 cup of sugar ; beat light ; add yolks of 2 eggs ; add 1 cup flour ; mix; add scant l /2 cup milk; beat; add l /2 cup flour, into which is sifted 1 heaping teaspoon baking pow- der; add whites of 2 eggs, beaten to stiff froth. Rake. Filling 2 oz. citron. y 4 ib. figs. 2 oz. raisins. Chop fine ; mix thoroughly. Add whites of 3 eggs, beaten to stiff froth. Mix with .silver fork. Spread between layers of cold cake. Will keep moist several days. J. B. F. FRUIT CAKE \ l /2 cups butter. 2 cups sugar. 1 cup molasses. 1 cup sweet milk. 5 cups flour. 4 eggs. 74 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES 1 Ib. each raisins, currants and citron. 1 small teaspoon soda in milk. Add all kinds of spices. Jennie Ball Foster. SPICE CAKE 1 cup brown sugar. Y-2 cup sour milk. Yolks of 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon each soda, cloves, allspice. 2 small cups of flour. Mrs. Hamilton. SOFT DROP CAKES YZ cup molasses. *4 cup sugar. l /4 cup butter. y cup milk. 1 egg. 2 cups flour. ^2 teaspoon soda. Salt and nutmeg. Mrs. H. SPICE LAYER CAKE 1 cup of brown sugar. y-z cup butter. 3 eggs. 2 cups chopped raisins. y? teaspoon cinnamon. y 2 teaspoon nutmeg. y-2. teaspoon cloves, ground. \ l /2 cups flour. CAKES, ICINGS, ETC. 75 y 2 cup sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda. Cream butter and sugar ; add well-beaten eggs ; add the milk in which the soda has been dissolved. Stir this mixture thoroughly ; add the spices. Dredge the raisins with flour and add to above mix- ture. Bake in layers and put together with soft frosting. Use a slow oven. Florence A. Tatham. SOUR CREAM CAKE Beat 1 egg in a cup and fill cup with sour cream. l /2 teaspoon soda. y 2 cup sugar. 1 heaping cup flour. Pinch of salt. Bake in layers and put together with following filling: Sour Cream Filling Blanch and finely chop 1 cup almonds ; mix with l /z cup sugar, beaten yolk of 1 egg and y 2 cup thick sour cream. Lastly add beaten white of egg and vanilla. Mrs. Paul Brown. TWO-LAYER CHOCOLATE OR DEVIL CAKE Mix and boil until thick J4 .cake of Baker's Choco- late, grated ; l / 2 cup of cold water, yolks of 2 eggs, and pour this over 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of butter, creamed. Then add y 2 cup boiling water, 1/2 teaspoon soda, \ l / 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, vanilla. Filling l /2i cup cold water. y 2 cup sugar. 1 heaping teaspoon corn starch. 76 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES 1 teaspoon vanilla. Boil until it bubbles; take off and beat; don't stir; add nuts chopped fine ; spread between layers. Use whites of eggs left from cake for frosting. Mrs. F. D. McDowell. SPICE CAKE \ l /2 cups sugar. 1 cup butter. 1 cup sour milk or coffee. 1^2 cups raisins. 3 eggs. 1 teaspoon soda. 3 teaspoons cinnamon. l /2 teaspoon cloves. 1 grated nutmeg. 2 l /2 cups flour. Mrs. C. A. Bashford. "THE BEST" CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 cup sugar. ]/4 cup butter. l /4 cup sour milk. 1 cup (large) flour. 1 -egg- 1 teaspoon vanilla. y 2 small teaspoon soda. 2 squares chocolate dissolved in l /t cup boiling water, added last. M. H. Hicks. SNOW CAKE 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup butter. CAKES, ICINGS, ETC. 77 j/2 cup milk. \ l / 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon baking powder. Mrs. N. A. Prince. 1341 Toberman St., C'itv. BLACK CAKE 2 eggs. 2 cups of sugar. l /2 cup of sour milk. l /2 cup of butter. 3 cups of flour. A pinch of salt. l /2 cup of boiling water with 1 teaspoonful of soda stirred in. 1 cake of grated chocolate melted and stirred in. Filling 2 cups of brown sugar. l /2 cup butter. l /2 cup of cream. Cook until it thickens. Sellick. NUT CAKE 11-3 cups sugar. 2-3 cup butter. 3 eggs. l /2 cup milk. 2 cups flour. Y^ teaspoon soda. YZ teaspoon cream of tartar. 1 cup nuts. Mrs. C. F. Atsatt. 78 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES SPONGE CAKE \ l /2 cups sugar. 3 eggs. l /2 cup cold water. 2 cups flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. Add whites of eggs last. A very nice dessert is made by cutting crusts from cake, cutting into half and placing whipped cream flavored with vanilla and sweetened on the two layers. Mrs. C. E. Richards. QUICK SPICE CAKE 11-3 cups brown sugar. \Y cups flour. l / 2 cup milk. 1-3 cup butter. 2 eggs. 3 spoons baking powder. l /2 nutmeg. \ l /2 teaspoons cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cloves. Pinch of salt. l /2 cup raisins. l /2 cup chopped nuts. Stir all together about 15 minutes, and bake slowly. Zoe Koerner. SOFT GINGER CAKE 1 cup medium dark molasses. l /2 cup sugar. 2 l / 2 cups of flour. CAKES. ICINGS. ETC. 79 Scant Y-Z cup shortening. 1 egg- 1 level teaspoon soda. 1 tablespoon ginger. 1 cup boiling water. A little salt. Bake in a moderate oven and serve while warm. Belva L. Rice. MINNEHAHA LAYER CAKE 1 cup sugar. y 2 cup butter. 2 eggs. l /2 cup sweet milk. 2 cups flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. l /2 teaspoon vanilla. l /2 teaspoon lemon. Filling One cup sugar and 1 tablespoon corn starch mixed thoroughly ; pour over this 1 cup of boiling water ; cook to desired consistency ; then add l / 2 cup seeded raisins and l /2 cup chopped walnuts, or each alone as desired ; cocoanut is also good. Add a little salt. Mrs. Buswell. CARAMEL SYRUP One-half cup sugar, browned in an iron pan ; brown until a dense black smoke arises ; stir con- stantly. Take from the fire and add l /2 cup boiling water ; stir until like syrup. Cake One-half cup butter creamed; add to it slowly 80 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES 1^2 cups sugar, yolks of two eggs, 1 cup water, 2 cups flour. Beat thoroughly. Then add 3 tea- spoons of caramel, 1 teaspoon vanilla and another Y-2. cup flour, and beat again thoroughly. Then add carefully 2 teaspoons baking powder and whites of 2 eggs. Bake in three layers. Filling One cup sugar; y 2 cup water. Boil until it spins a thread. Cook a little more than for ordinary frost- ing. When done, add to the well-beaten whites of 2 eggs. Lastly add 2 teaspoons of caramel syrup and 1 spoon of vanilla. Spread between layers of cake and on top. Mrs. J. C. LeMasters. FIG CAKE (LOAF) 2 cups brown sugar. 1 cup butter. 1 cup cold water. 1 Ib. seeded raisins. 1 Ib. chopped figs. 3 cups flour. 1 egg. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Bake slowly. MOLASSES CAKE ..2-3 cup molasses. 1-3 cup sugar. y 2 cup lard. y-2. cup hot water. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon soda. A little salt. Spices to taste. Mrs. E. W. Hunter. CAKES, ICINGS, ETC. 81 JAM CAKE YZ cup butter. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup jam (raspberry). 3 eggs. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 teaspoon nutmeg. Yt teaspoon cloves. Last of all YZ cup sour milk. 1 teaspoon soda. COFFEE CAKE 1 cup sugar. 1 cup butter. 1 cup cold coffee. \Yz cups molasses. 5 cups flour. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoonful soda. 1 Ib. stoned raisins. 1 Ib. currants. Y^ Ib. citron. AH this fruit should be mixed with the flour to prevent settling. Spices as you like. Bake slowly for an hour in two tins, lined with paper. Keeps well. Mrs. O. V. Rice. ANGEL FOOD CAKE 9 eggs. \Yz cups granulated sugar. 1 cup of flour. Beat the whites of 9 eggs a little ; add 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar, very stiff; add sugar slowly, fold- 82 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES ing until a satin gloss is obtained. Add 1 cup of flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla. .Mix as little as possible; put in ungreased pan ; bake slowly 45 minutes. Mrs. L. H. Mitchell. AVON SNOW CAKE 1 cup butter. 2 cups sugar. 3 cups flour. 1 cup milk. Whites of 5 eggs. 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder (even). Any flavoring. This recipe is for layer cake ; for loaf cake use heaping cups of flour. J. W. EAGLE CAKE (Cake without Eggs) 1 cup brown sugar. ]/2 cup butter. 1 cup sour milk. 2 teaspoonfuls cinnamon (even). 1/2 teaspoonful clove. ]/2 teaspoonful nutmeg. 1 teaspoonful soda. 1 cup chopped raisins. 2 cups flour. Mrs. J. W. Stearns. COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS 83 COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS NICE COOKIES 2 cups of sugar. 1 cup of butter. 1 cup of cream. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoonful spda. 1 teaspoonful of cream of tartar. M. L. Turrill. GINGER COOKIES 1 cup of molasses. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup butter. 2-3 cup water. 1 large tablespoon salaratus. 1 tablespoon ginger. Flour enough to mix soft. Roll thin and bake in moderate oven. Mrs. McCartney. OATMEAL COOKIES 2 eggs. 2-3 cup sugar. 2 l /2 cups rolled oats. 2 small teaspoons baking powder. 1 small teaspoon vanilla. 1 tablespoon melted butter. Pinch of salt. Put baking powder in eggs; add sugar, melted butter, vanilla and rolled oats. Drop from a tea- spoon in baking tin far apart and bake in a quick oven a delicate brown. Delicious. 1703 W. 23d St. Mrs. J. B. Monlux. 84 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES OATMEAL COOKIES 1 cup granulated sugar. 2-3 cup butter. 2 eggs. A pinch of salt. 8 tablespoons sour milk. 1 teaspoon of soda. 2 scant cups of flour. 2 heaping cups of oatmeal. 1 cup of raisins. Roll medium thickness. Mrs. Laura A. Graves. GERMAN COOKIES 2^> cups flour. 1 cup butter. \ l / 2 cups sugar. 3 eggs. 1 teaspoon soda, dissolved in a. little water. Y-Z teaspoon allspice. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 Ib. dates, pitted and cut into medium sized pieces. 1 cup walnuts broken into medium sized pieces. Drop a teaspoonful on a slightly greased tin and bake in slow oven. 1 cup brown sugar. 1 cup nuts (chopped). 2 eggs. 4 tablespoons flour. Mix sugar, nuts, yolks and flour. Then add COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS 85 whites beaten stiff. Drop from end of spoon on buttered tins and bake to suit taste. Mrs. Brown. MARGUERITES For frosting. 1 cup sugar and 5 tablespoonfuls water boiled until it will rope when dropped from a spoon. Have 1 white of an egg in a large bowl, beaten to a froth ; then add slowly the syrup. It is better for one person to use an egg beater while another adds the syrup. When cool, stir in 1 cup chopped English walnut meats and 3/2 cup chopped seedless raisins, previously mixed together. Spread on unsalted cupid chips. If the mixture gets too thick, add a little cold water. This will make about 3 dozen. Miss Cora Ellis. GINGER COOKIES 1 cup each of sugar, butter, molasses and sweet milk. 2 small teaspoons soda. 1 small teaspoon cream of tartar. 1 large spoon ginger. f 1 teaspoon lemon extract. Enough flour to make a soft dough. A. B. C. ROCKS \Y-2. cups of brown sugar. >^ cup of butter. 2^ cups of flour. 3 eggs well beaten. 1 teaspoon of soda, dissolved in a little warm water. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 86 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES A pinch of salt. y<\ lb. raisins, seeded and chopped. \ l /2 Ibs. English walnuts, chopped, not too fine. Mix. Drop a small spoonful on a tin ; if it spreads too much in baking, add a little more flour. Mrs. Laura A. Graves. COOKIES WITHOUT SHORTENING 2 cups molasses. Scant cup of sugar. 2 eggs. 2 teaspoons (level) ginger. 2 teaspoons (level) salt. 2 teaspoons (level) soda. Flour to roll very stiff. Mrs. J. Chas. T. Atsatt. DOUGHNUTS 1 coffee cup granulated sugar. 34 cup butter. 1 coffee cup of milk. 4 eggs. 2 tablespoons water. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt and nutmeg. Cream sugar and butter as for cake. Add the eggs well beaten ; then milk, water, salt and nutmeg; next flour enough to make stiff for handling. Do not roll out all at once, but keep add- ing a little fresh even- time, and roll half an inch thick; add baking powder with the flour and have the lard just right. In about an hour after cook- ing, roll in powdered sugar (if liked) ; keep well covered in an earthen jar. Mrs. C. E. Frear. COOKIES AND DOUGHNUTS 87 FRIED CAKES 1 cup sugar. 1 egg. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup sour milk. 1 level teaspoon soda sifted in flour. 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder. A little salt. Spices to suit taste nutmeg, cinnamon, etc. Mrs. J. C. Le Masters. MRS. EDDY'S CRULLERS 2 teacups sugar. 1 teacup butter. 6 well-beaten eggs. Flour enough to roll like doughnuts. Cut in oblong squares and slit 3 or 4 times. Mrs. J. W. Eddy. VANILLA COOKIES 1 egg. 1 cup sugar. 2-3 cup butter. 4 tablespoons milk. 1 tablespoon vanilla. \ l /2 teaspoons cream of tartar. 2-3 teaspoon soda. Flour to make stiff. C. F. Atsaat. CINNAMON COOKIES 1 cup sugar. 1 egg. \ l /2 (scant) cups butter. 88 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES 4 tablespoonfuls milk. Baking powder or soda, according to whether sweet or sour milk. Mix stiff; roll thin; sprinkle over with sugar. Hake in quick oven. Xina J. West. SANDWICHES OLIVE SANDWICHES 3 eggs. 1 teaspoon prepared mustard. 2 even teaspoons salt. l /4 salt spoon cayenne pepper. 2 tablespo'ons sugar. 2 tablespoons melted butter. 1 cup cream or milk. YZ cup vinegar. Beat eggs; then add the mustard, salt, pepper, sugar, melted butter and cream. Heat the vinegar, and add it to the other. Put the whole on stove and cook. When cool, add 1 pint olives chopped fine. The above will make about five dozen small sandwiches. Mrs. Robert Brown. GRAHAM WAFER SANDWICHES 1 cup raisins. YZ cup walnuts. YZ cup cocoanut. Chop fine. 1 tablespoon bar sugar. Mix well; moisten with whipped cream. Spread between graham wafers. Katherine Bashford. ICES 89 EGG SANDWICHES (DELICIOUS) Kggs according to number of people. Hard boil, rub yolks through sieve and season highly with salt, pepper, mustard. Add sufficient lemon juice to make rather tart. Add the whites chopped very finely, then sufficient sweet cream to make the eggs spread easily. Put above between very thin slices of buttered bread. Mrs. C. C. Harmon. CUCUMBER SANDWICHES Slice 1 large cucumber very thin; soak half an hour in taragon vinegar, to which has been added a little onion juice. Lay the cucumber slices on rounds of buttered brown or white bread. Keep very cold. Mrs. D. G. Peck. ICES STRAWBERRY COCKTAIL Cut large strawberries in halves ; put in glasses ; pour over a combination of fruit juices (lemon, orange, pine-apple, etc.), sweetened to taste. Serv (ice cold) as first course for luncheon. Mrs. Judd. FRUIT PUNCH Slice thin the rind of 1 lemon ; add 1 pint of sugar and 1 pint of water. Roil five minutes. Strain. Let syrup cool, and add the juice of 1 large can of pine- apple, l /\ lb. stoned cherries, 1 banana sliced. When ready to serve, add the juice of 8 lemons, 2 quarts of water and 1 dozen whole strawberries. Pour over block of ice. Mrs. J. B. Monlux. 90 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES LOGANBERRY DRINK 4 boxes loganberries (mashed). 2 quarts water. Cook till berries are all cooked to pieces ; add 1 teaspoon cream of tartar ; sugar to taste ; can seal and put away for winter use. Mrs. Fishburn. STRAWBERRY ICE 6 boxes strawberries. Juice of 3 lemons. 2 quarts water. 3 cups sugar. Whites of 4 eggs. Wash and mash berries; add sugar, lemon juice and water; freeze in 1-gallon freezer; when partly frozen, add whites of eggs beaten very stiff; freeze quite stiff. ICE CREAM 1 pint of cream. 1 pint of milk. 24 cup sugar. \]/2 teaspoons vanilla. Put cream and sugar in double boiler until sugar is dissolved. W r hen cold, add rest of milk ; add flavoring, and freeze. If fruit is to be added, put in when fruit is half frozen. Use 1 cup of fresh fruit sugared and put through colander. Mrs. M. C. Durant. PINE-APPLE SHERBET 1 quart water. \y 2 cups sugar. ICES 91 1 can shredded pine-apple. Whites of 6 eggs. Stir pine-apple, sugar and water together; put in freezer when it begins to get thick; put in the beaten whites of eggs. Then freeze stiff and pack. Mrs. Monlux. MINT PUNCH Boil 1 pint water and 1 cup sugar 10 minutes; cool and add Y-2. cup lemon juice. 1-3 cup creme de minthe cordial. The leaves from 2 dozen stalks of fresh mint chopped fine may be used instead of cordial. Florence Belle Judd. CURRANT SHERBET One quart of water and 1 pint sugar boiled 20 minutes ; 1 tablespoon gelatine softened in cold water; \ l / 2 cups crushed currants; strain and freeze. Mrs. Frederick Ruggles. PEACH ICE 2 quarts of fresh peaches ; mash very fine. ' 1 quart of cold water. 1 quart of granulated sugar. White of 1 egg beaten to a stiff foam. When mixed, let stand 4 hours. Freeze 20 min- utes or half hour. Use whipped cream for sauce. Recipe for 16 people. PINE-APPLE ICE 1 can grated pine-apple. 1 pint sugar, dissolved. 92 OUR FAVORITE RFXIPES Juice of 1 lemon. 1 pint water. 1 tablespoon Knox gelatine, dissolved in wa- ter. YZ cup hot water. This makes half a gallon. PEPPERMUSTT ICE CREAM Soak \ l /> pounds of old-fashioned peppermint stick candy in 1 pint of new milk for several hours or over night. Then add 2 quarts of cream and freeze. Harriet A. Bnrd. CANDIES ORANGE STRAWS Let the peel of 6 oranges soak (a short time) in cold water. Remove some of the inside white if very thick, and then cut into narrow strips. Put over the fire in cold water and let boil about 15 or 20 minutes. Drain ; add hot water and boil again. Repeat, after which drain thoroughly. Make a syrup of 2y 2 cupfuls sugar and 1 cupful water. Add to this the orange straws and boil till done. When clone, the syrup will be boiled into them. Turn as little and as carefully as possible while boiling in syrup. Alice Barr. CARAMEL CANDY 2 cups brown sugar. 1 cup sweet milk. CANDIES 93 1 tablespoon butter. Cook until brittle by dropping in cold water; then add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and put in buttered pan to cool. SALTED ALMONDS Prepare the almonds by blanching and peeling them. Let stand until dry. Heat a small quantity of olive oil and put in almonds. Cook slowly, stir- ring constantly until a light brown. Drain on coarse paper and salt to taste. Mrs. Harrison. SUGAR CANDY 4 cups brown sugar. 2 cups nut meats. 1 cup sweet milk. 1 tablespoon butter. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Stir until it sugars. A. B. C. CHOCOLATE FUDGE 2 cups granulated sugar. }/2 glass milk. 2 squares chocolate. Butter, size of small egg". Flavor with vanilla. Melt sugar and milk together; when scalding hot, add chocolate and then butter. Stir until it ad- heres in cold water ; then set pan in cold water until creamy. Very fine. Mrs. Chas. S. Grey. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS Put into a saucepan half a cup each of molasses, white sugar and brown sugar, a cupful of grated 94 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES chocolate and a cup of cream or milk. Stir con- stantly over a quick fire until it is hard when dropped in cold, water. Then add a tablespoonful of butter and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Turn into greased pans and when cold, mark in squares. NUT CANDY Cut nut meats, either pecans, walnuts or Brazil nuts, fine and thickly cover well-greased pans with them. Boil 2 cups of light brown sugar with 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar and 2 of water until it cracks in cold water. Then flavor with vanilla and pour over the nuts. When cold, cut in squares or break apart. MAPLE CREAMS Take */2 as much water as maple sugar. Cook without stirring and when nearly done, put in a small piece of butter. Try in water, and when it begins to harden, take off and stir rapidly until it becomes a waxen substance ; then make it into balls and put halves of English walnuts on either side, putting on waxed paper to cool. HOUSEHOLD HINTS A tablespoon of chloride of lime in 4 quarts of water will remove mildew ; rinse thoroughly. To remove oil from carpets or woolens, apply turpentine at once. Beeswax and salt will make flatirons as smooth as glass. Rub olive oil on them when you close your house. HOUSEHOLD HINTS' 95 To clean bath tubs, use Dutch powder and brush. Gasolene is also good. To remove ink stains, apply lemon juice and salt, and lay in sun. Iron rust on any white goods will yield to same treatment, though a second applica- tion is sometimes necessary. Salt and vinegar will remove the worst case of verdigris on brass or copper. Wash off with soap and water and polish with whiting wet with alcohol. To clean linen shades, apply powdered bath brick with flannel cloth. Clean iron kettles and frying pans with salt. Have them a little warm and rub with salt until smooth. Try washing your silver in hot water with a tea- spoon of soda in it ; then wipe quickly on a clean linen towel. It will not need polishing as often if so treated. Rolls or bread brushed with milk just before baking will make a nice brown crust. Rubbing with butter just before baking will make them crisp. An Easy Way to Clean Windows or Glass A quart of warm water; heaping tablespoon am- monia ; wring a chamois cloth out of mixture and rub on until clean. t Spirits of camphor will remove white spots from polished or varnished furniture, using afterward a good furniture polish. 96 OUR FAVORITE RECIPES A silver spoon put in a glass can or jelly cup will allow tRe pouring in of hot fluid without breaking. To keep stove or pipes from rusting, apply boiled linseed oil. This is very fine and solves the polish- ing question. To make good lotion for the hands, use two ounces of bay rum, two ounces of glycerine and two ounces of lemon juice. If too much salt has accidentally been put into cooking, a small amount of brown sugar will count- eract it. Weights and Measures 2 cups granulated sugar 1 pound 2^2 cups pulverized sugar 1 pound 2 cups of butter 1 pound 4 cups of flour 1 pound 1 heaping tablespoon of sugar 1 ounce 1 heaping tablespoon of butter. . , . . .2 oz. or % cup 1 kitchen cupful is equal to l /2 pint or 2 gills 8 rounded tablespoons of dry material 1 cupful 16 tablespoons of liquid . . 1 cupful