This Book is the Property of CHEMUR6IC CORPORATION THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS ALPHABETISCHES STICHWORTERVERZEICHNIS OF 1914 Compiled by the German Patent Office Translated by N. E. KUHLMANN, Official Translator, U. S. Patent Office under the direction of JAMES T. NEWTON, Commissioner of Patents WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 Engineering Library r 273 ft A3 PREFACE. The purpose of this Alphabetical Index to the Classification of German Patents (Stichworterverzeichnis literally, list of key- words) is to enable any one to find the class, subclass, and group in which any given article of industrial technics is treated in the German patent office in accordance with the Manual of Classification (list of classes, sub- classes, and groups) published in 1910. When used in connection with the Nummerliste (number-list) of German patents, published in 1912, it also renders it possible to ascertain what German patents are already in existence in the respective field of invention. The scope of the Alphabetical Index has been considerably enlarged as compared with the Manual of Classification. To facilitate the use of the Index, word formations consisting of two collective words, such as "Blindenuhr," (timepiece for the blind,) usually appear twice ("Timepieces for the blind" and "Blind, timepieces for.") In the case of some such word formations, where the material is extensive, the compound words appear only once, usually with a cross-reference ("Engines, steam; see Steam-engines.") In the marginal references to classes, subclasses, and groups, different classes and subclasses are separated irom each other by semicolons, groups by commas. A ENGINEERING LIBRARY TRANSLATOR'S NOTE. In printing this index, the usual dashes or ditto marks have been omitted before indented lines. In using the index, it is to be understood, that before each indented lino is to be read the first word (or phrase, when required to make sense) of each and every preceding line with respect to which the line in question stands indented. For example, the following headings selected for illustration from different subjects are arranged as printed in the index, in the column on the left, and are to be respectively read as shown in the column on the right : 1. Beer aerating. Glass counters or registeis. Stands. With advertising matter. 2. Charging apparatus for bakers' ovens. Apparatus for blast and cupola furnaces. For bucket conveyers. Pump governors for gas and air engines. For liquid-fuel engines. 3. Safety bars on machines. Chains for doors. Connected with alarms. 1. Beer aerating. Beer glass counters or registers. Beer glass stands. Beer glass stands with advertising matter. Charging apparatus for bakers' ovens. Charging apparatus for blast and cupola furnaces. Charging apparatus for bucket conveyers. Charging pump governors for gas and air engines. Charging pump governors for liquid-fuel engines. Safety bars on machines. Safety chains for doors. Safety chains for doors, connected with alarms. ALPHABETICAL LNDEX TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. 42n, 3 66a 30d, 13 67c,3 .. 67a,27 Abaci Abattoirs Abdominal belts Abrasives, making Supplying to grinding apparatus. Absorbers for refrigerating-machines 17a, 15, 16 Absorption of gases and vapors 1 2e, 1 Accidents from machinery, preventing 47a, 18 Accommodation of vision^ diagnosis of.. 30a, 3; 42h, 32 Accordions 51c, 30 FFaiu 1 . 51c, 30-35 Mechanical 51d, 22 Accumulator-regulators 21c, 42, 43 Accumulators, electric ."! 21b, 15-26 Electric, charging and discharging 21c, 42-44 Connecting.... . 21d, 25 Half-lead.. 21b, 24 Lead 21b, 15-23 Hydraulic 58a,4 Acetanilid 12o, 16 Acetates 12o, 12 Aluminum 12o, 12 Lead 12o, 12 Acetic acid 12o, 12 Acetone ' - I2o, 10 Acetylene compounds 12o Generators 26b Of dip-drip type 26b, 27 Of dip type 26b, 25, 26 Of Dobereiner type . 26b, 19-24 Acetylene, preparation 12o, 1 ; 26b Purifying 26d, 9 Solutions 26b, 44 Acetylsalicylic acid 12q, 31 Acid containers 12f , 3 Containers, closures for 12f, 1 Pumps 59a, 1 Siphons 12f , 1 Acoustic arrangements in buildings 37d, 30 Acoustics 42g Acridin 12p, 1 Dyestuffs > 22b, 1 Action or impulse turbines, steam 14c, 5 Water 88a, 4 Actions, piano 51b, 23-31 Acupuncturators for surgical treatment of animals 30c, 1 Of human beings 30a, 17 Adding and printing devices for registering apparatus. 43a, 14 Adding devices combined with registering- stamps ! 43a, 14 Adding machines 42m, 1-6 Mechanism for cash-registers 43a, 13 Address indicators 54g, 2 Printing machines lod Machines and devices, independent 15e, 13 Printing stencils 15e, 13 Adhesion, increase of, by magnets 20b, 15 In electric railways. ... 201, 1 Mi locomotives. 20b, 15 Adhesion-locomotives 20b, 1, 2 Adhesive containers -. 70d, 4 Insect-catchers 45k, 2 Adhesive* 22i, 2, 6 Apparatus for applying to paper and paper- board ' 54d,6 Classification. Adj ustlng-gear for engine-governors -. . 60, 1 Advertising 54g, 1-12 And display cases, cabinets, etc 54g, 13, 16, 17 Belts 54g, 5 By use of light 54g, 9 Card dispensers 54g, 14 Displaying and exhibiting, apparatus for. 54g, 13-22 Envelops 54g, 4 Methods 43b, 56; 54g Signs 54g, 1-12 Stamps 54g, 4 Vehicles 54g, 8 .Eolian harps 51c, 38 Aerated waters 85a, 2-6, 8 Mixing .- 85a, 3, 8 Aerating grain 6a, 10; 82a, 1-22 Meat 53c, 3 Wort 6b, 14 Aerators, milk 45g, 5 Aerial craft, (see also Airships, Balloons, Fly- ing-machines) 77h Navigation 77h Torpedoes 77h, 15 Aerials, arrangements of, for wireless teleg- raphy ' 21a, 71 Aeronautics ; : 77h Aero-steam engines.. 46d, 7 Agglomerating ores 18a, 2 Aging alcoholic liquors 6d, 6 Agricultural motors 45a, 21 Agriculture 45a-l Aim, accuracy of, means for registering 72f, 7 Aiming and firing apparatus 72f, 15 Devices with means for illuminating 72f, 6 Drill, apparatus for 72f , 7 Telescopes 42h, 10 Air accumulators 27b, 8 Barometers 421, 14 Brakes 20f, 3, 26-42; 201, 29 For railways 20f, 26-34, 38, 39 For street-railways 20f, 36 Bungs for casks 64c, 23 Cannons 72c, 16 Chambers in water-conduits 85d, 6 Churning by use of 45g, 18 Circulating stoves 36a, 2 Compressors 27b, 1-9 Cooling - 17e,6; 17f Craft, (see also Airships, Balloons, Flying- machines) , 77h ( 'ushions ' 30e, 11 For invalids 30d, 9-11 For saddles 56b, 1 For traveling 33d, 8 Directing, for heating-stoves 36a, 12 Disinfecting 30i, 5 Distribution by conduits and canals 36d, 5 Drying, for blast-furnace air-heaters 18a, 17 For ventilating systems 36d, 3 Feeding, for burners 4g, 1, 47 For carbureting apparatus 26c, 6, 11 For furnaces 24a, 15-47; 24i, 6, 7 For lamps 4a, 43 Filters for buildings 36d, 2 For inhaling apparatus 30k, 12 For pneumatic cleaners for woven fabrics. . 8e, 3 Generally 50o 6 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Air gas 26c Guns 72b, 2 Heaters for blast-furnaces 18a, 11-17 For furnaces, generally 24k, 4 For gas-furnaces 24c, 5 Heating, for burners 4d ; 4, 40, 49 For drying apparatus 82a, 25 For furnaces 24k, 4 For gas-generators 24e, 10 For heating systems 36c, 6-11 Generally 36c, 6-8 Stoves -. 36c, 8 Inlets for cocks, valves, etc 47g, 38 For ventilating systems 36d, 4 Manometers 42k, 11 Moistening 36d, 12-15 For central air-heating systems 36c 7 Motion of. producing ' 36d, 6-8 Pressure toys 77f, 28 Propeller blades 77h, 6 Propellers as toys 77f, 1 For aerial navigation 77h. 6 For road-vehicles 63c, 17 Pumps 27b, 10-16 For explosion and internal combustion en- gines 46a, 12, 13, 15 For pneumatic tires 63e, 18, 19 Hydraulic 27b, 11 Mercury 27b, 11 Rotary 27c, 12 With jet apparatus 27d, 1 Purifying 21d, 19; 30i, 5; 36d, 1-3; 50e By filters for electric machines 21d, 19 For ventilating purposes 36d. 2 Generally 50e Removing dust from 36d, 2 In briquet manufacture lOb, 9 Separating from feed-water 13b, 18 Sterilizing . 30i, 5 Supplying, for cocks of liquor-dispensing vessels 64c, 36 Testing apparatus 421, 4 Thermometers 42i, 5 For fire-alarm 74a, 32 Traps for vertical water-pipes 85d, 14 Tubes for tires 63e, 6 Valves for ventilating purposes 36d, 4 Vapor engines 46d, 7 Vessels of pumps 59a, 11 Volume meters 42e, 23-26, 29 Washers for ventilating purposes 36d, 2 Wheels for driving ships' propellers 65f, 22 Airing bedding, devices connected with bed- stead .- 34g, 16; 34h, 2 Devices suspended to windows, etc 34f. 26 Airship-hangars 37f, 8 Airships 77h, 1-4 Emptying apparatus 77h, 4 Equipment, (anchors, ballast, drag-ropes) . . 77h, 15 "Hot, " (filled with heated gases) 77h, 3 Housing apparatus 77h, 15 Inflated, (non-rigid, semi-rigid ) 77h. 2 Kite-shaped 77hj 2 Landing apparatus 77h, 15 Maintaining equilibrium 77h 15 Mounting apparatus 77h, 15 Propelling apparatus 77h, 6, 10-13 Regulating equilibrium, (stabilizing) 77h, 15 Rigid frame 77h, 2 Ripping open, apparatus for 77h, 4 Steering apparatus 77h, 1 5 Vacuum 77h, 3 With driving apparatus, (motor - balloons, dirigible balloons) 77h, 2 Alabaster, coloring 75d. 17 Alarm apparatus, (electric door and table bells). 74a, 2 Apparatus for steam-boilers 13c, 15-18 Clocks for electric control systems 74a, 14 Generally 83a, 64-75 Classification. Alarm devices for cooking apparatus 341, 5, 8 Devices for safes 68e, 5 On gas-conduits 4c, 1 4 Keys 68a, 37 Locks 68a, 35-37 Mechanism for buhr-mills 50b, 5 Combined with electric lighting 74a, 17 Signals for railway barriers and gates 20i, 20 Alarms, burglar 74a, 21-29 Fire 74a, 30-38 For cycles 63g, 5 Time-controlled 74a, 13-20 Album boxes 34f, 26 Closures 1 1 e, 2 Albums lie, 1-3 Albumin decomposition products 53i, 2 Derivatives 12p, 16 Lerith 53i, 2 Albumins 53i, 1 Albuminoids 12p, 16 Albuminous preparations as foodstuffs 53i, 2 Preparations, medicinal 30h, 8 Albumoses. preparation 53i, 2 Alcohol cookers 34a, 3 Denaturing 6b, 29 Rectifying 6b 24-28 Solidifying lOb, 11 Wick-burners I 4g, 5 Alcohols 6b, 22-28; 12o, 5 Amino 12q, 32 Oxybenzyl 12q, 16 Preparation 6b, 22-28; 12o, 5 Treatment 6d, 6 Aldehydes 12o, 7 Aromatic 12o, 8 Oxy 1 2o, 6 Alizarin 22b, 2, 3 Alkali aluminates 12m, 5 Amids 12i, 29 Carbid 12i, 36 Carbonates 121, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13-15 Preparation by electrolysis 121, 9 Hydroxids, preparation . .' 121, 11-13, 15 By electrolysis 121, 9, ]0 Metal salts. 121, 1-6, 16 Metals, compounds 121 Preparation 40a, 47 Electrolytic 40c, 5. 6 Nitrates 121, 6 Oxids 121. 7, 15 Packing 121, 15 Peroxids 121, 7 Phosphates 16, 4 Silicates 12i, 37 Sulfates 121,5 Sulfids 12i, IS. 1!) Alkaline earth, carbonates 1 2m, 2 Earth metal compounds 12m, 1-4 Metals, oxids and hydroxids 12m, 1, 2 Preparation 40a, 47 Electrolytic )<-. o. (i Sulfids 12i, 18,19 Salts 12m, 2 Alkaloids . . I lip, 11-14 Alligator-squeezers 18b, 4 Alloys, generally : 40b, 1, 2 Iron, including ferrochromhun and 1'crrotita- nium 18b, 20 Preparation by electrolytic processes 40c, 14, 15 By electrothermic processes 40c, 15 Pyrophorous 78f Almond-graters 34b, 8 Almonds, removing bitter elements from 53k, 1 Altar cloth fasteners 34f, 26 Cloths 34f, 9 Altering instruments 30c, 1 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Alternating current distribution 21d, 46, 47 ( ' um>nt generators 21d, 27-33 Motors 21d, 37-45 For propulsion of railway trains 201, 5 To continuous current, converting 21d, 34 Alum 12m, 7 Alumina, preparation 12m, 5, 6 Aluminates 12m, 5 Aluminium acetate 12o, 12 Bronze . 40b,2;49i,l ( 'asting 31c, 23 ( 'hli i rid, preparation 12m, 7 ( Galvanic precipitation 48a, 6 ( )xid 12m, 5, 6 Preparation by alkali metals 40a, 49 By electrolysis 40c, 5, 6 By reducing agents 40a, 49, 50 Salts 12m, 7 Soldering 49f, 15 Amalgamating 40a, 23 Apparatus 40a, 24 Amalgams 121, 10; 40b, 1 Amber, artificial 22h, 1; 39b, 8 Treating and working up 39a, 21 Ambroid 39a, 21 ; 39b, 8 Ambulances 30e, 3 Amids, carboxylic acid 12o, 16 Metal.. 12i, 29 Amin mixtures, separating 12q, 4 Amins 12q, 1-5, 9 Xitrnso 12q, 10 Amino acids 12q, 6-8 Alcohols 12q, 32 Anthracene compounds 12q, 37 Xaphthols 12q, 33 Xaphtholsulfo-acids 12q, 35 Oxynaphthalenes 12q, 36 Phenol carboxylic acids 12q, 34 Phenolsulfo-acids 12q, 34 Phenols 12q, 32 Ammeters 21e, 3 Ammonia as by-product from gas-generators. . 24e, 3, 4 Preparation." 12k, 3-5 Salts 12k, 6 Separation 12k, 1, 2 From coal-gas -. 26d, 8 Ammonium formiate 12o, 11 Nitrates 78c, 17 Perchlorates 12i, 7, 8; 12k, 6 Ammunition 72d Fixed 72d, 17 Hoists, generally 72d, 21 For war-ships 65e, 2 Supplying to armored guns 72d, 21 Ampere-meters 21e, 3 Amplitude-determining devices for compasses. 42c, 36 Analysis, apparatus for , . . . 421, 3, 4 Anatomical apparatus, educational 42n, 10 Anchor-escapements 83a, 29 Anchors for airships 77h, 15 . For plows and motor-plows 45a, 22 For watches 83a, 27 Ground, as structural elements 37b, 5 Water and foundation 84a, 2 Ships' 65a, 20, 34, 35 Tent 33d, 1 Wall 37b, 5 Anemometers 42k, 5 Anesthesis, local, apparatus for producing 30k. 15 Dental 30b, 21 Anesthetics 30h, 5 Aneurism bandages or ligatures 30d, 22 Angle dividers 42b, 15 ( Jagfs 42b, 21 Measuring devices 42c, 4, 5, 8 Rods for holding windows, etc., in adjusted positions <5Sd. 2<> Angling.... 45h, 21-23 Hooks 45h, 22 Rods 45h, 23 , Anhydrid, acetic acid Fatty acid 12o, 11 Monobasic, etc., organic acids 12o, 11 Anhydrite, (anhydrous gypsum) 80b, 6 Analin I2q, 1, 3, 4 Sulfo-acids I2q, 6 Animal charcoal 12d, 11, 26 Husbandry 45h, 1-17 Miscellaneous details 45h, 10 Releasing apparatus 45h, 3 Substances, treating, for preparation of fats. 23a, 1, 4 Of glue.' 22i, 3 Of stock feed 53g, 4 Generally and for preparation of fertilizers . . 16, 6 Traps.. 45k, 1-3, 6-9 Continuously operating 45k, 6 Animals, catching, (exclusive of fish) 45k Destroying, chemically 451, 3 Mechanically 45k, 1-10 Feeding .* 45h, 4 Grooming and caring for 45h, 8 Marking or labeling 45h, 7, 12 Medicines for 30h, 4 Preserving 45k, 3; 451, 1 Taming 45h, 9 Watering 45h, 5 Ankle-supports 30d, 5 For skaters 77b, 14 Annealing 7a, 10; 7b, 6; 7e, 6; 18c, 6, 18; 48d, 5 Furnaces for metals, generally 18c, 9 For metals (exclusive of iron and steel) where special chemical treatment is re- quired 48d, 5 For nails 7e, 6 For wire, generally 18c, 6 For wire (exclusive of iron and steel) where special chemical treatment is required 48d, 5 Iron and steel, including wire 18c, 6 Metals, including wire (exclusive of iron and steel) 48d, 5 Needles 7e, 6 Annular slide-valves for steam-engines 14d, 8 Annunciators for house-signaling 74a,ll Anode-form hangers and supports 12h; 21b; 48a, 4 Anthracene 12o, 1 Compounds 12q, 37, 38 Dyestuffs 22b, 2, 3 Anthraquinone 12o, 10 Amino 12q, 37 Carboxylic acid 12o, 10 Amino 12q, 37 Oxy 12q, 38 Nitro. 12o, 10 Oxy. 12q, 38 Quinolin 12p, 1 Antifluctuators for gas-pipes 4c, 20 Antimony and antimony compounds 12i, 31 Extraction 40a, 45 Preparation by electrolysis 40c, 12, 13 Anti-offset appliances for printing-presses 15d, 24 Antiphthisin 30h, 6 Antipyrin 12p, 8 Antitoxins 30h, 6 Antlers, mounting on plates ' 75b, 23 Anvils 49f, 4 Aperture-measuring devices 42b, 9, 12 Apiaries _ 45h, 16 Apparel (see also Clothing and Wearing-apparel) . 3a-e Cleaning 34c, 13 Making by knitting i 25a, 3 By weaving 86a-d ; g; h Apple-peeling machines for bulk treatment . 45e, 44, 45 For household use 34b, 7 Aprons 3b, 8 Aquariums 45h,19 Aqueducts 19d, 1. 3 8 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. classification. Arc heating for electric furnaces 21 h, 8 Lamps, electric, condensing devices 21f, 9 Electric connections 21f, 11-15 Copying (blue-printing, etc.) 21f, 9 Electrodes 21f, 76-81 For stage-lighting 21f, 9 Globes 21f,5,20 Glowing tip or candle type 21f, 8 Hoisting and suspension apparatus . . 21f, 22-24 Inclosed 21f, 5-7 Parts and fittings 21f, 16-21 Projection 21f, 9 Regulating 21f, 25-30 Search-light 21f, 10 With open arcs 21f, 1-4 Arches as load-supporting structures 37a, 1, 2 Centering and scaffolding for 37e, 11 Archimedean drills for metal-working 49a, 41 For woodworking 38e, 2 Areometers 421, 3 Argand burners 4g, 39 Argon 12i, 26 Arm chairs . 34g, 1-10 Holes in wearing-apparel 3b, 2 Rests for chairs 34g, 9 For musicians 51b, 41 ; ole, 13 For writing 70d, 8 In railway-cars 20c, 45 Strengthening devices for piano-players 51b, 42 Supports for piano-players 51b, 41 Armature-windings for dynamos 21d, 3, 18 Armatures, electromagnet, generally 21g, 2 For dynamos 21d, 17, 40 For electric-arc lamps 21f, 17 For electric incandescent lamps 21f, 49 Armor, breast, for fencers 77a, 23 Bullet-proof 72g, 1, 2 Heavy 72g, 3 Leg, for fencers 77a, 23 Armor for safes 68e, 2 For war-ships 65e, 3 Plate 65e, 2; 72g, 3 Casting 31c, 17 Hardening and cementing 18c, 4 Armored gun mounts 72c, 3 Shields 72g, 2 Turrets 72g, 3 Vehicles 72g, 4 Arms, artificial 30d, 2 Arrows 72b, 3 Arsenic and arsenic compounds 12i, 31 Extraction 40a, 45 Art castings, metal 31c, 20 Glazing 32b, 11 Imitation 75d, 26 Arteries, binding 30a, 8 Articulators for false teeth 30b, 11 Artificial flying 77h, 7 Leather made by impregnating or coating' fabrics or layers of fiber 81, 2 Made of covered textile fabrics 8h, 7 Made of paper-pulp 55f, 14 Made of plastic compositions 39b, 12 Stone compositions 80b, 10-17 Stone filters 12d, 12 Stone ties 19a, 6 Stone wainscoting 37d, 33 Stones, burnt 80b, 8 Coloring, glazing, ornamenting 80b, 23 For building purposes 37b, 1 ; 80b, 8 For lithographic purposes 151, 1 Mosaic-like, apparatus for making 80a, 58 Making 80b, 15 Wood 39b,8 Yeast 6a, 14 Asbestos 80b, 9, 17 Cleaning ]2i, 37 Fabrics 86c, 1 Fireproof 8k, 4 Imitation 8h, 7 Classification. Asbestos glass 32a, 22 ' Insulation, electric 21c, 2, 7 Spinning 76b, c Yarn 76c, 3 1 Ash boxes 34d, 4 Boxes, locomotive 20b, 14 Chutes 24g, 5 Cups for railway cars 20c, 42 For vehicles 63b. 4 Smokers' 44b, 19 Ejectors for ships 65a, 2 1 Sifters 34d, 5 Trays for arc-lamps 21f, 19 Ashes, flue, collecting and removing 24g, 4-6 Removing, from furnaces 24g, 5 From stoves 36a, 7 Asparagus culture 45f , 1 Peeling machines for bulk treatment 45e, 45 For household use 34b, 7 Asphalt 80b, 25 Boilers 22h, 7 Lacquers 22h, 3 Melting apparatus 80a, 50 Pavements 19c, 3 Aspirin 12q, 31 Assorters: See Sorters and Sorting- machines. Athletic games 77a, 16-27 Atom-chains 12o, 19-2 1 Atomizer bottle closures 30k, 8 Bottles for medicines 30k, 8 Atomizers, fluid, for remedial purposes 30k, 8-10 For carbureting apparatus 26c, 3 For moistening the air 36d, 14, 15 Fuel, for explosion and internal-combustion engines 46c, 7 Perfume 30k, 9, 10 Coin-controlled. 43b, 30 Powder, for remedial purposes 30k, 11 Atomizing-nozzles for absorbing, mixing, and . purifying gases and vapors 12e, 2, 4 For moistening the air 36d, 14 Generally 85g, 3 Atophan . . 12p, 1 Attic windows 37c, 9 Augers, tie, portable 19a, 28 Aural surgery 30d, 28 Auramins 22b, 4 Autogenous cutting, processes and guide appa- ratus for 48d, 5 Autography 151, 7 Autoharps 51c, 19, 20 Automatic cut-outs, electrolytic 2 1 g. S Cut-outs, electromagnetic 21g, 7 Detonating alarms for alarm-locks 68a, 36 A pparatus for killing animals 45k, H) Burglar-alarms 74a, 29 Fire-alarms 74a, 38 Grapples .... 351>, 7 Lighters, gas, catalytic, makiiig 4e Securing to burners of gas-lamps and hand lighting devices -Id. I 3 Securing to gas-ranges 34a, 2 Openers and closers for umbrellas 33a. 6 Photographic apparatus 57a, 39 Renting apparatus 43b, 34-53 Venders 43I>. 1 7 :r> Automatically-closing cocks and valves for liqtior-dispensing vessels 64c, 32, 33 Automobiles, (sec also Motor-cars) 63c Autotypy 57d, 6 Awls, making 7e, 2 Shoemakers' 71c, 9 Awnings 37d, 2(5 Axes. '. 69,22 Handle-fastenings for 87d, 1 Making 7f,5; 49g, 9 Axle bearings 2()d. 12. 14. Hi. 17; 63d, 5 Bearings for locomotives 2()d, ] 2 Box guides 20d. 13 Boxes )\ >r i}iil way-cars 20d, 13, 1 4 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Axle caps and fastenings for vehicle-wheels 63d, 7 I >ri ven pumps for compressed-air street-rail- way brakes 20f , 36 Guards 20d, 13 Making by forging and pressing 49g, 8 Pins for road- vehicle wheels 63d, 8 Supports for vehicles 63b, 43 Axles, locomotive, adjustable, coupled 20d, 7 Motor-car 63c, 21 Railway-car / 20d, 6, 8-10 Vehicle-wheel H:M. 1 2 Azins 12p,4,6; 22c ; 1- 5 Azo compounds 12q. 12 I>y:>snilfs 22a. I 11 Dyeing with 8m, 7 Azolee I2p, 8, 9 Azoxy dyestuft's 22a, l-ll ('(impounds I2q, 12 Azure colors 32b, 4 Baby carriages 63b, 45-53 ( 'arriers 34h, 5 Incubators.. 30e,-13 Bacilli culture 30h. 6 Bacillus extracts 30h, 6 Backgrounds, photographic 57c, 1 Back pads for harness 56a, 10 Supports for chairs 34g, 9 acks lor school-benches 34i, 1 2 Bacon-cutting machines for butchers 66b, !) For household use 34b. 1 Bacteria culture for dairies 53e, 6 For remedial purposes 30h, 6 Bacteriological supplies 30h, 14 Baffles -. 24k, 3 Bag filters 12d, 18 Fittings 3b, 2; 33b, 2 Baggage carriers 33d, 12 Cars 20c, 4 Holders 33d, 12; 63f,2; 63g, 8 Nets for railway-cars 20c, 44 Bags, accessories for 33b, 13 Belt 33b,2 Bow fastenings , 33b, 4 Structures ' 33b, 3 Cartridge 72d, 9 Collapsible 33b, 7 Collection, (for churches, etc.) 33b, 1 Document 33b, 2 Expansible 33b, 7 Feed 45h, 4: 56a, 19 Foot 33b, 2 For dressings - - 30d, 23 For money and jewelry, (to be worn around neck or on chest i 33b, 1 Hand 33b, 2 Fastenings and locks for 33b, 11, 12 Hunting 33b, 2 Means for attaching game to 45k, 11 Interior fittings 33b, 2 Key =b.lO Mail We, 29 Market 33b, 2 ( )pera-glass 33b, 10 Paper 54b, 4 Closures for 54b, 4 For pharmaceutical purposes 30g, 6 Holders for 54g, 15 Making 54b, 3 Means for blowing open 30g, 6 Safety-locks for 33b, 12 School 33b,2 Sleeping 3b, 3 Traveling 33b, 2 listenings and locks for 33b, 11, 12 Bait, fishing 45h, 22 Generally : 45k, 9 Scented.'.. 451,3 Classification. Baked bricks 80b, 8 Goods 2a, 12; 2b, 15, 16; 2c, 1 Handling 2b, 15, 16 Making 2c, 1 Bakelite 39b, 8 As electric insulating material 21c, 2 Bakers' ovens 2a, 1-11 Ovens, furnaces for 24a, 13 Lighting 2a, 8 Peels 2a, 14 Baking and roasting devices 341, 10 Baking implements 2a, 14 Machines for biscuits, hollow articles, etc 2a, 12 Molds 2a, 13 Machines for cleaning 2a, 14 Powder 2c, 2 Processes 2c, 1 Pans 2a, 12, 13: 341,10 Balance spring regulators for clocks and watches 83a, 23 Wheels for clocks and watches 83a, 23 Balances, analytical '. 42f, 22 Beam 42f. 22 Chemical 42f , 22 . For determining specify gravity 42f , 23 Precision 42f, 22 Voltametric 48a, 15 Balancing cocks, valves, etc 47g, 34 Devices for rotating masses 14a, 15; 47b, 28 'In steam-engines 14a, 15 In steam turbines 14c, 7 Platform-scales 42f, 9 Shafts for centrifugal pumps 59b, 3 Slide-valves, generally 47g, 34 For steam-engines 14d, 11 Valve-gear 14f, 9 Valves 47g, 34 Balata as electric insulating material 21c, 2 Extracting 39b, 1 Balconies as load -supporting structures 37a, 1, 2 Balcony railings 37d, 3 Railings capable of being used as life-saving ladders 61a, 4 Supports 37b, 3 Bale grappling hooks 81e, 33 Ties 81c, 18 Baling-presses 58b, 14 Ball bearings for cycle-wheels 63d, 23 Bearings for railway-car wheels 20d, 15 For street-car wheels 63d, 14 Generally 47b, 12 Casters for furniture 34i, 24 Catching and throwing devices 77a, 26 Closures for dispensing vessels 64a, 38 Collectors, (for tennis, etc.) 77a, 17 Couplings 47c, 4 Cups, (knitting) 25a, 31 Grinding machines 67a, 12 Holders, twine 341, 33 Joints 47b, 13 Mills 50c, 5, 6 Sorting machines 49b, 30 Throwing devices 77a, 20, 21, 26 Winding machines 76d, 12 Ballast apparatus for airships 77h, 15 Apparatus for ships 65a, 3 For railway-tracks 19a, 1 Balloon envelops, partitioning 77h, 4 Hangars 37f, 8- Material 77h, 4 Railways 20a, 4 Valves 77h, 4 Balloons, auxiliary, (ballonnets, ) for airships. 77h, 2, 3 Captive 77h, 1 Deflating apparatus 77h, 4 Equipment , 77h, 15 Filling 77h, 3 Free, (without propelling mechanism) 77h, 1 Gas-supported 77h, 1-4, 15 Inflating apparatus 77h. 3 Landing apparatus 77h, 15 10 CLASSIFICATION OK GKKAIAX PAT K NTS. Classiik-ation. Balloons, Montgolfier type 77h, 3 Power, (with propelling mechanism) 77h, 2 Propelling apparatus 77h, G, 10-13 Ripping open, apparatus for 77h, 4 Stabilizing 77h, 15 Steering-gear 77h, 15 Ballot-boxes 43a, 39 Ballots, apparatus for mixing and distributing. 43a, 40 Balls as a substitute for railway-car wheels 20d, 26 Billiard ." 77c, 15 Foot 77a, 18 For games 77c, 6 Glass 32a, 16, 17, 24 Golf 77a, 16 Horn 39a, 1 Metal, making by casting 31c, 25 By cutting 49a, 48 By forging and pressing 49g, 10 By rolling 7f, 6 By turning 49a. 7 Playing 77a, 16, 18, 19 For animals 45h, 9 With compressed air for tires 63e, 14 Without compressed air for tires 63e, 15 Wooden, making 38b, 6; 38k, 5 Band brakes 20f, 11; 47c, 17; 63b, 63 Holders and rollers for roller-curtains, etc. . 34e, 7-9 Iron, making by rolling 7a, 10 Winding or reeling 7b, 5 Stands 37f . 7 Bandage containers 30d, 23 Shears 30d, 23 Winding apparatus 30d, 23 Bandages, catamenial 30d, 14 Electric 30f , 12 Material for 30i, 8 Menstrual 30d, 14 Surgical 30d, 7-20 Veterinary 30c, 7; 45h, 8 Bands, button 34f, 9 Cigar and cigarette 79b, 26 Banisters , 37d, 3 Banjos 51c, 14 Bank-notes, bonds, etc 75d, 5 Check-marks 75d, 5 Destroying by burning 24d Banks, river, etc. , protecting 84a, 2 Baptismal fonts, portable. 34f, 16 Stationary 37f Bar drop-hammers 49e, 5 Barb-wire fences 37d, 36 Barb-wire, making 7d, 4 Barb-wire reels 7d, 4 Barbers' aprons 33c, 9 Chairs 34g, 1 Implements 33c,9 Lather-basins 33c, 9 Barbituric acid 12p. 7 Barges 65a, 6 Barium and barium compounds 12m, 1, 2 Peroxid 1 2i. I (i Preparation 40a, 47 Electrolytic 40c, 5, 6 Bark-stripping machines 38i, 1 Barley, cleaning 45e, 2, 12-22 Denaturing 53g, 4 Hulling apparatus 45e, 2, 21 Malting 6a, 1 Steamers 6b, 2 Barns 37f, 2; 45e, 29 Barometers, air. 421, 14 Aneroid . 421, 15 Fluid 421. 14 Gas 421. 14 Barracks 37f, 4 Barrel closing devices 64a, 50; 64c. 21-26 Covers, implements for lifting out 87a. 22 Door closures ; 64a. 50 Head -supporting devices 81c, 7 Classification. Barrel magazines for small arms .............. 72a, 24 Organs ...................................... 51d, 2-7 Barrels, chemical treatment e. g., sulfuring ..... 6f , 2 For packing purposes ...................... 81c, 5, 6 Generally ................................. 81c, 5, 6 Making by rolling ............................. 7f, 2 Of sheet metal ........................... 7c, 24 Of wood ............................... 38f , 2-5 Protective linings for ........................ 81c, 5 Removing bungs ........................... 64b, 29 Standard measuring attachments (disks, in- sets, plates, plugs, etc.) ........ . ........... 81c, 5 Barriers for stations to prevent crossing of tracks 20i, 23 On street-cars to prevent crossing of tracks ____ 20i, 23 Starting, for races ......................... 43a, 33 Bars, casting ................................. 3 1 c, 2 1 Chain ..................................... 47d. 1 5 Grate ...................................... 241'. 3. -1 Gymnasium. . . ....................... 77a. 1 . 2. 7. S Horizontal and parallel ....................... 77a. I Metal , bending and coiling ................... 49. 1\S Needle, for sewing-machines ................. 52a. 40 Perforated and rack, for holding doors, win- dows, etc.. in adjusted positions .......... 6Sd. 25 Toggle, for holding doors, windows, etc., in adjusted positions ....................... (>8d, 26 Base-plates for machines. . .................... 47a, 16 Bases, nitrogenous ............................ 12p, 15 Basins, auxiliary, for canal-locks ............... 84b. 1 Basket grates .................................. 24f , 1 6 Hand les .... ............................... 81 c, 1 Locks .................................. 33b. 11, 12 Making machines ........................... 25b. 9 Baskets, bottle ............................... 81 c, 25 Coal ...................................... 81c, 10 Flower ..................................... 34f , 26 Generally .................................. 8lc, 10 Hand . . . ................................... 33b, 2 Key ...................................... 33b, 10 Market .................................... 341, 22 Shipping, for poultry ........................ 45h, 14 Generally ........ . ....................... 81c, 10 Traveling .................................. 33b, 8 Waste paper ............................... 34f, 26 Bass-bars for stringed instruments .............. 51c. 5 Bassoons ..................................... 51c, 23 Bat-forming machines and tools (hat-making) .... 41a, 1 Bath cocks ...................... 47g. 22-25; 85f, 1, 7 Compounds, chemical ............. . ........ 30h. ] 1 Seats ....................................... 34k, 4 Sponges .................................... 34k, 1 Stoves ..................................... 36e, 1-6 Towels ................................... . 34k, 3 Tubs with heating apparat us ................ 36e, 6 Without heating apparatus ................. 34k. 4 Water cut-off devices ......................... 85f, 7 M ixing apparatus ......................... 85f , 4 Cocks ................................... 85f, 1 Slide-valves ............................ sr,f. 3 Valves ................................. 85f, 2 Piping, fittings for ......................... 85f, 8 Bathing apparatus for animals .......... 30c. 7 ; 45h, 8 Apparatus for curative purposes ........ 3()f . 9- 11.1 5 Hydroelectric ........................... 30f. 15 Caps Gloves ........... : Suits Baths, carbonic acid Cold air For photographic plat 3b. 25 31 k. 3 3b'. 5 3()f. 9 3()f. 1 7c, 7- -9 Galvanic, for precipitating metals .......... 48a. 5. (i Gas .................................. 30f, 10; 30h,l I Hot air ..................................... 3()f, 10 Hydroelectric ............................... 301", 15 Jet ........................................ 34k, 5 Moving, for electroplating ................... 48a, 15 Ozone .................................... 30!', ! Perspiration-producing .................. 3()f. 10. Hi Preparation, chemical .................... 30h, 1 1 Radium ...... . . 30f, 18 CLASSIFICATION OF GEKMAX PATENTS. 11 Classification. Baths, sand 30f, 11 Shower, general installation 85f, 5 In rooms 34k, 5 Spraying-nozzles for 85f. 6 Steam 30f, 10 Wave, (swimming tanks) 37f, 3 With gas-containing fluids 30f , 9 Batik processes 75c, 7 Bating hides 28a. 2 Batons, conductors' 51e, 1 Batteries of primary elements 21b, 12 Storage 21b, 15-26 Thermo 21b, 27 Battery stands 21b, 12, 26 Switches 21c, 42, 43 Bavonet closures for bolts 68b, 1 Closures for lamps 4a, 3, 52, 53 For lids of vessels under internal pressure. 47f, 21 For liquor-handling vessels 64a, 36 For trunk-locks, etc 33b, 11 For wooden boxes 81c, 3 Joints for rods 47a, 3 For tubes and hose 47f, 14 Bayonets 69, 28 Fastening to firearms 72a, 32 Beach-chairs 34g, 6 Beacons, floating 65a, 56 Signaling devices for 74d, 9 Bead chains, making 25c. 6 Grinding machines 67a, 21 Trimmings, making 25c, 7 Beads, gelatin 39a, 18 Glass. 32a, 27 Papier-mache 54e Sewing on with sewing-machines 52a, 23 Stringing 25c, 6 Beam balances 42f, 22 Compasses :. 42a, 3 Beams, making by rolling 7 a, 3 Bearing brasses or linings 47b, 9 Materials for 39b, 8; 47b, 9 Bearings, adjustable 47b, 6 As machine elements 47b, 4-12 Ball, for cycles 63d, 23 For railway-car wheels 20d, 15 For street-car wheels 63d, 15 Cooling 47b, 10 Crank-shaft, for cycles 63d, 25 For centrifugal cream separators 45g, 10 For centrifugal machines 82b, 10 For curtain-rods 34e, 2 For electric measuring instruments 21e, 24 For steam-turbines 14c, 10 Lubricating 47e, 1-3 Movable 47b, 5 Pressure-relieving devices for electric measur- ing instruments, including meters 2 1 e, 24 Pressure-relieving devices, including mag- netic means 47b, 8 Propeller-shaft 65f, 10 Roller, for cycles 63d, 24 For railway-car wheels 20d, 15 For street-car wheels 63d, 15 Thrust, for ships 65f, 10 Yieldable 47d, 7 Beater mills, rotary 50c, 12 Openers for textile fibers 76b, 2 Beaters, meat 34b, 13; 66b, 10 Upholstery 34c, 9 Beating apparatus for blackboard-erasers 70e, 3 Apparatus for fabrics, etc 8e, 1 Fabrics for finishing 8b, 15 Machines, carpet 8e, 1 For corroded embroidery 8e, 1 For woven fabrics 8e, 1 Fur 8e, 1 Sack 8e, 4 Shoe-upper 71c, 35 \Vi7ig flying machines 77h, 10 Classification. Bed airing devices connected with bedstead 34g, 16; 34h,2 A iring devices, independent 34f, 9, 26 Devices, suspended to windows 34f, 26 Canopies 34g, 20 Clothes 34f, 9 Covers 34f, 9 Feathers, cleaning, sorting, stuffing, and mak- ing from bird-feathers 8e, 5 Linen 34f, 9 Pads 30e, 7; 34h, 2 Pans 30e, 12 Bedroom stands, general structure 34i, 22 Stands with arrangements for washing 34k, 1 Tables with closet arrangements 34k, 10 Bed-sofas 34g, 12 Bedsteads 34g, 11 Folding 34g, 15 Bed tables 34i, 3 Trunks 33b, 8 Wetting, means to prevent 30d, 18 Beds -. 34g, h Attachments for 34g, 16 Bath-tub 34g, 14 Camp 34g, 15 Chair 34g, 14 Children's 34h, 2 Folding 34, 15 Horticultural 45f, 1 Invalids' 30e, 5, 6, 9 Metal fittings for connecting parts of 34i, 26 Operating 30e, 5 Orthopedic 30f, 3 Ships' 65a, 30 Sofa : 34g, 12 Stretching, for curative gymnastics 30f, 3 Table 34g, 14 Traveling 34g, 15 Trunk 34g, 15 Wardrobe 34g, 13 With auxiliary appliances for invalids 30e, 8 Bee culture 45h, 15, 16 Hives 45h, 16 Smokers 45h, 16 Beer, aerating 6b, 20 Coolers 17e, 1 ; 17f, 2; 64c, 14 Dispensing apparatus 64c, 1-20 Filters 64c, 37 Glass cleaners 64b, 5, 6 Glass counters or registers (i4a, 82-85 Holders 34f, 21 Stands 64a, 86 . With advertising matter 54g, 1 Glasses 64a, 1 Heaters 64c, 14 Impregnating 6b, 20 Mug lids. :. 64a, 51 Mugs 64a, 1 Non-alcoholic 6b, 21 Pasteuri/.ing 6d, 1, 2 Pipes and tubes 64c. 1, 10,31 Cleaning 64b, 7 Preserving 6d, 3 Pumps 64c, 1 Traps 64c, 9 Wort 6b, 8-15 Beet cutters 45e, 35-37 Graters 45e, 39; 89b, 3 Harvesting machines 45c, 6-17 Lifters. 45c, 5, 18, 19 Presses 89b, 5 Slicing knives 89b, 4 Machines 89b, 1 Washers 45e, 22; 89a, 1 Beetling-machines for woven fabrics 8b, 23 Bell glasses for protection of plants 45f, 11 Ringing apparatus for church-bells 74a. :W For railway-gates 20i, 20 12 CLASS I HCATIOX OK CK K.MAX PAT K NTS. Bellows For accordions 5 1 <. 3L* For cameras r >7a. 10 For organs 5 la, 3 elU bicycle (>:',-. 74a. S Church! apparatus for hanging 37d, -!) For ringing 74a, 39 Electric. .- " la. ' ( i Magnetic, for separation of materials Ib, 4 Mechanical 74a - 7 ~ 9 Belt-bags 331). 2 Belt and cable shifters 47d, 20, 21 Change-speed and re\ ersing gear 47h, 15 Closures 3c, 8: 44a. 27-30: 56a, 2 Connecting, tools and apparatus for 63a, 1 Connectors 47d, !> Making ot sheet metal 7c, 34 ( 'onveyers for cigarette-machines 79l>. 1 '2 For dredges 84d, 5 For ore-dressing la. 29 Generally 8 le, 1, 2 Drop-hammers - -19<\ 6 Fastenings 47d, 9 Making of sheet metal 7c, 34 Gearing, appliances to prevent noise !7h, ft ( 'outings to prevent slipping of belts 2:'g. o Fr-r motor-cars (i3c. 10 Generally 47h, 9 Lubricators 47d, 1 Presses for clay manufacture SOa. 1 9 Presses for sliced sugar-beets 89 b. 6 Pulleys, adjustable! 471). 22 Pulleys, cone 47h, 2 1 Machines for molding 31b, 6 Making of sheet metal and tubing 7c, 32 Of wood 38f, 7 Rigid 47b, 21 Shifters - 47d , 20, 21 For stopping mechanism from a distance. . 47d, 21 Springs for trusses 30d, 7 Stretchers 47d,17; 47h, 9 Belts, abdominal 30d, 13 As articles of apparel 3b, 22 Cartridge 72d, 9 Driving 47d, 1-8 Hand implements for placing on pulleys. . 47d, 18 Mechanical devices for placing on pulleys. . 47d, 19 Tools and apparatus for connecting 63a, 1 Electric 30f, 12 Endless, for separating and cleaning grain. . . 45e, 17 For straw-] tresses loo. 2K For sugar-beet graters 89l>, 3 Leather 28b, 20-23 Leather and fabric, making 28b. 20-22; 8(jc, 2 Hardening ends 2Hb, 20 Life-saving, for tire-escapes 61a, 8 Swimming (j5a, 66-70 Sword...! :-!b. fi. 22 Weaving 88c, 2 Benches. 34g, 10 School 34i. 10 -13 Bending exercises, (curative gymnastics,' ap- ratus for ! SOf. 3 Machines for barrel -staves 38f, -1 Fur metal bars, tubes, wheel-tires, etc... 49f, 8-10 Rail 49f, 8 Portable l!la. 2* Sheet metal 7c, 4 Wire 7,1 ] W.,,,d 38f, ! Mechanism for printing-plates 15c, 3 Rolls for sheel-mcMiil working 7c. :, Ben/ene 12o, 1 : I2r. 1 Benxidin |2<|, 1 Benxin 23b. 1.4 Benzole acid 12o, 1.4 Sulfinid. , saccharin i l.'o. is Benxol 12o. 1: l:'r. 1 Benzylidene compounds. Beryllium compounds Preparation Bessemer furnaces For copper ore Beveling edges of cards. . . Hoveling hollow glassware Clarification. ."...../.". 12m, I 40a. 4S 18b, 16-19 40a. 2!> lib, 8 67a. IS Metal. 49b,:i Paper and paper-board 54a, 3: 54d, 2 Plate-glass U7a. Hi Sheet metal 7c, 4 Bevels 42b. 2 1 Beveraifi' coolers 17f. 2 Stands 3 If. 21 Beverages (ia-d: -log: 5:5.1 i.k: 85a Non-alcoholic <>b. 2 I Bichromate cells 21b, 1 1 Bicycles: See also Cycles 63, d-k Bidets .' 30f, 11 Bidets with syringing devices 30k, 6 Bilge-water-removing apparatus for ships 65a, 22 Bill-books 33b, 1 Billiard balls 77c, 1 5 Chalk holders 77c, I 1 Cue racks and supports 77c. 1 '' Tips 77c, 13 Cues 77c, 11 13 Cushions 77c. 10 Billiards 77c, 8. 9 Game-counters for 77c, 16 Time-registering mechanism for 43a, 37 Billing mechanism for typo- writers log, 35 Binders as hand implements or independent machines without gathering devices 45e, 1 Automatic, with collecting or gathering de- vices 45c, 29-32 Without collecting or gathering devices. . . . 45e, 1 For briquet-making lOb, 5 On mowing-machines 45c, 29 Binding clamps 1 le, 10, 1 L Edges, making 52a, 11 Sewing on sewing-machines 52a, 11 Materiaffor hay and straw presses 45e, 25 Mechanism built into threshing-machines .... 45e, 5 For hay and straw presses 45e, 26 Binocular glasses, trihedral 42h, 12 Bird cages 45h. 4 Feathers, substitutes for 3e, 4 Skins, disinfecting 30i, 9 Removing fat and lime from 29b, 1 Birds' voices, toys imitating 77!. (i Biscuit-ware ' ' 80b, 8 Biscuits 2a, 12; 2c. 1 Bistouries 30a, 17 Bits for deep boring 5a , 3 For draft-animals 56a. 1 I Blackboard-erasers 70e, 3 Blackboards, etc., coating materials for 22g, 11 Stands for ! 34i, 9 Writing-surfaces for 70e, 2 Black gunpowder 78c, 1 , 2 Blades, air-propeller 77h, 6 Hardening 1 8c. 2 Making by forging 49g. 9 Ships' propeller f i-U 3 Propeller, adjustable 651', S Fastening 6of , < Steam-turbine, fastening 1 4c. 10 Turbine 1 4c. I 5: 4(id. 10: 88a, I "> (Fncludin<-r tras-turbines. ) fasteninir I4c, 10 Making. . 49i, 7 Blankets, horse 56b, 7 P'or prtnting-presses r>l. s Blanks, metal, guiding and feeding 49b. 3 1 Sorting 49b, 30 Blanks, printed 54b, 7 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 13 Classification. Blast furnace charging apparatus 18a, 6 Furnace operation 18a, 3 Slag .' 18a, 8 Granulating 80a, 52 Pulverizing 80b, 5, 22 Structure 18a, 4; 37f, 7 Twyers and forms 18a, 5 Furnaces 18a, 3-7 Air-heaters for 18a, 11-17 Removing accretions 18a, 7 Pipes for locomotives 20b, 14 Refining in Bessemer converters. 18b, 10 Blasting caps 78e, 2 Cartridges 78e, 5 For mining purposes 5b, 10 Generally 78e Processes 78e, 1 Rock. 84a, 1 Blau gas 26c, 7 Bleaching 8a, 1-19; 8i, 1 Agents, chemical production . 12i, 2-4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 21 Engines, (hollanders) 55c, 8 Fabrics, machines for 8a, 6-18 Fibrous materials (paper-making) 55c, 1 Fluids, applying 8a, 1, 2 For photographic purposes 57b, 18 Glue , 22i, 5 Grain, apparatus for 50a, 2 Textiles, apparatus for using electric cur- rent 8a, 5, 7, 9 Processes for using electric current 8i, 3 With chlorin 8i, 2 Bleeding, means to prevent wounds from 30a, 8 Blind, means for teaching writing 42n, 2 Timepieces for 83a, 17 Type-writers for 15g, 19 Writing apparatus for 70d, 13 Blinkers 56a, 14 Block brakes 47c, 17; 63b, 62 Calendars lie, 6 Systems, railway 20i, 28, 29 Tongs for cranes 35b, 7 Horizontal and vertical, for charging- cranes . 18b, 15 Turning appliances, rolling-mills 7a, 17 Blocking hate 41a, 2 Blocks, branch 21c, 25 Dowel 37b,l Hollow 37b, 1 Making 80a, 42; 80b, 24 Wood, making 38k, 2 Blood-cans, (butchering) 66a, 5 Blood as fertilizer 16, 8 Color, determining, apparatus for 421, 3 Determining, optical system 42h, 18 Preparations ". 30h, 8 Pressure measuring devices 30a, 4 Stirring apparatus 66a, 5 Stock feed made from 53g, 2 Bloom presses 18b, 4 Welding 18b, 4 Blossoms, fecundating, machines for 45b, 22 Blotters, ink 70d, 1, 2 Blotting-paper in strips 70d, 2 Blow-guns 72b, 1 Blow-out magnets 21c; 21f, 17 Blowpipe-burners 4g, 44 Blowpipes for soldering purposes 49f , 13 Blowers 27c, 1-5; 27d Centrifugal 27c, 4, 5 Cylinder 27b, 1-9 Generally 27a-d Jet 27d,l-3 Positive, (Root type) 27c, 1, 2 Root type 27c, 1, 2 Rotary 27c With shut-off or sealing fluid 27c, 12 Screw ' 27c, 3 With fluid-injectors for moistening the air.. 36d, 15 Classification. Blowing engines, compensating devices for 14g, 11 Mechanism for organs, etc 51a, 3 Off steam-boiler tubes 13e, 5 Out fluid-lamps, lanterns, and candles, de- vices for 4d, 24 Blue flame burners 4g, 9-14, 43-54 Print lamps, electric 21f, 9 Paper. . .' 57b, 11 Processes, photographic 57b Stands 70e, 6 Prussian '. r . . 22f, 7 Bluing bags for laundry purposes 8d, 2 Kilns, steam ". 80c, 8 Preparations 8i, 5 Boards, molding 31c, 8 Boat cranes 65a, 38-40 Detaching apparatus 65a, 41 Lowering apparatus 65a, 38 Storing 65a, 39 65c, 1-4 Collapsible 65c, 2 Folding 65c, 2 Life, closed 65a, 64 Open [ 65c, 1 Motor 65f Propelling 65c, 5-11 Releasing from supports 65a, 41 Submarine, (including propulsion) 65a. 4 Bobbin brakes for spinning and twisting frames . 76c, 15 Holders for sewing-machines 52a, 37 Replacing 86c, 24 Replacing mechanism in bobbinet machines . 25b, 13 Bobbinet fabrics 25b, 14 Frames .' 25b, 11 Lace looms 25b, 12 Looms, appurtenances 25b, 13 Machines 25b, 1-8 For making curtains and lace 25b, 12 Shuttle-replacing apparatus for 25b, 13 Bobbins for braiding and bobbinet machines . . 25b, 2 Bob-sleighs 63b, 66 Bodices, laced 3a, 13-15 Bodkins 25c, 9 Type-setter's 15a, 10 Body bandages for invalids 30d, 13 Parts of, animal and human, preserving 451, 1 Sterilizing : 30i, 9 Boiler-feed regulators 13b, 13-17 Boiler-feed water filters 13b, 5 Feed-water, purifying 13b, 5-9 Feeding, automatic '13b, 10, 11 By injectors 13b, 12 By steam water raisers 13b, 10-12 Scale preventives, chemical 85b, 1 Mechanical 13b, 7 Scale registering devices 42c, 43 Tube leak-stoppers 13f, 2 Water purification, chemical 85b, 1 Mechanical 13b, 8, 9 Boilers (see also Steam-boilers) 13, a-g Belleville 13a, 14 Bricking in 24k, 5 Cleaning 13e Cylindrical 13a, 2, 4, 5 Fire-tube 1. 13a, 18, 19, 22 Marine 13a, 21 Firing 24a, 1-11, 15-22 Flue 13a, 2-5 For central heating systems 36c, 10 For glue extraction 22i, 4 For heating purposes, firing 24a Generally 36c, 10 For pitching casks 6f, 3 Heating by previously-heated substances. 13g, 2, 3, 5 Locomobile and locomotive 13a, 20 Low pressure 36c, 10 Firing 24a, 12 Marine 13a Milk 341, 5 Root type 13a, 14 14 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Boilers, sectional, built into kitchen-ranges . . . 36a, 18 Sectional, furnaces for 24a, 10 Water-tube 13a, 9, 13, 14, 25 Ships' 13a Size 8a,29 Soap 23e,. 1 Steam 13a-g Tar 22h,7 Vapor 2a, 2 Water-tube 13a, 6-18 With serpentine tubes 13a, 16 Wort 6b, 12, 13 Boiling indicators 74b, 3 Points, determining 42i, 10 Processes, chemical 12a, 1 Bolster-cars 20c, 12 Bolt closures for small-arms 72a, 14, 15 Detents for locks ; 68a, 74 Fastenings 47a, 9-15; 63d, 8 For doors and windows 68b ; 68d, 19-34 Heads 47a, 5 Staples 68a, 79 Bolts 68b, 1-5 And latches 68a, 74 As machine elements 47a, 5 Automatic 68b, 3 Flush 68b, 2 For crossbows 72b, 3 For safe-doors 68e, 3 Hook, for railway construction . . . 19a, 8, 9, 11, 12, 22 Latch type 68b, 4 Making by forging and pressing 49g, 3 Screw-threaded 47a, 6 Snap, for holding doors, etc., in adjusted positions 68d, 22 Bomb-throwing apparatus 77h. 15 Boneblack 12d, 11, 26 For purifying sugar-juice 89c, 13 Washing machines 12d, 11, 26 Bone boring machines, butchers' 66b, 14 Boring and fracturing instruments, surgical. . 30a, 9 Meal for fertilizing 16, 8 Saws, butchers' 66a, 8 Surgeons' 30a, 9 Bones, cleaning 66b, 14 Polishing . 67a, 31 Book backs and covers, machines for making. . . lie, 3 Bookbinders' irons lie. 5 Rolls lie, 5 Bookbinding lla-d Machines lla; lib; llc.1-3 Machines for gathering signatures lie, 2 Ornamentation lie, 4 Tools lie, 5 Bookbindings lid, 2 Book carriers (straps, etc.) 33d, 12 Cases 34i, 16, 17 Closures and fastenings lid, 1 Cover presses i . lid, 3 Protectors lid, 4 Covers lid, 3 Bookkeeping forms 54b, 7 Machines with calculating apparatus 42m, 9, 20 Without calculating apparatus. . . . . 15g, 45 Book marks lid, 5 Racks 34i, 17 Stands 34i, 15 Supports for bookcases, etc 34i, 17 Typewriters 15g, 15 Books, backs of lid, 1 Generally lid. 1 Hymn lid, 1 Memorandum lid, 1 Pattern and sample 54g, 4, 16 Boomerangs as weapons 72b, 6 Boot and shoe lasts 71c, 2-6 Boot blacking machines 34c, 14 Blacking materials 22g, 5 Boxes for hotels, etc 341, 22 Jacks 341,24 Classification. Boot straps 71a, 32 Tips 71b, 10 With cutters for cutting wires 33d, 8 Trees 71c, 4 Booths, telephone, arrangement of walls and insulations 37a, 7 Electric arrangements 21a, 39 Structural arrangements 37f, 7 Boots and shoes 71a And shoes, heels and soles of 71a, 18-22 Machines for making 71c, 12-18, 21-45, 47-55, 57, 60-64 Removing and reinserting lasts 71c, 2 With elastic gussets 71a, 5; 71c, 63 Top 71a, 4 Borax 12i, 39 Bordering sheets, envelops, etc 15e, 5 Bore dust, removing 5b, 13 Holes, measuring inclination of 5d, 8 Tamping 78e, 1 Borers, breast 49a, 34 Boring and turning lathes 49a, 2 Deep 5a Frames 5b, 8 Gun-barrels 49a, 32 Heads, metal-working 49a, 43 Machines 5c, 3 Air-shaft 5c, 3 Bone 66b, 14 Cork 38g, 2 For brush-stocks 9, 5 For piano manufacture 51b, 43 Horizontal 49a, 29 Metal 49a, 27, 29-32, 35, 37 Mining 5a; 5b, 1-8, 12-15; 5c, 3 Ordnance 49 a, 32 Projectile and gun-barrel 49a, 32 Tunnel 19f, 1, 2 Wood 38b, 4, 8 Metal cylinders 49a, 31 Pillars, "etc 5b, 8 Shaft 5c, 3 Standards 5b, 8 Tubes 49a, 38 Borneol 12o, 25 Boron and boron compounds 12i, 39 Carbid 12i, 36 Botanical-specimen boxes 45f, 5 Botany 45f, 5 Bottle brushes 9. 4 Caps, coloring with hand-tools 75c, 1 Coloring by machine 75a, 20-22 For dispensing 64b, 22, 23 Polishing 67a, 25 Sheet metal, making 7c, 27 cleaning 64b, 4 For kitchen 341, 12 Or baskets for transportation 81c, 25 Cleaning. 64b, 1-3 Closure fastenings <>4a, 73-81 Closures 64a, 19-55, 65-72 For acid-containers 12f, 1 For direct dispensing 64a, 54 For pasteurizing 6d, 1 For pharmaceutical purposes 30g, 3 For removing yeast from wine 6c, 2 For volatile fluids 30g, 5 Machines for applying safety devices against unauthorized opening 81b, 1 Sterilizing 53b, 2 With filling and emptying devices 64a, 54 Corks <>4a, 18 Impregnating 38h, 6 Coverings 54f, 81c. 26 Filling apparatus 64b, 9-11, 19 Openers 64a, 66; 64b, 25-27 Stands as furniture -34i, 22 For the kitchen 341, 12 For the table 34f, 21 CLASSIFICATION OF CK H.MAX PATENTS. 15 Classification. Bottle stoppers with measuring devices 64c, 43 Stoppers, various 64a, 18 Testers (leak-detectors) 42k, 30 Wire 64a, 76; 64b, 24 Bottles, apparatus for closing 64b, 20-22 Apparatus for dispensing directly from 64c, 15 Coffee (canteens) 33d, 4 Covering , 64a, 1 Dewar's for household uses 341, 11 Making by treatment of glass at high tem- peratures 32a, 8, 15, 17, 27 For storing liquefied gases 12f, 2 Drying ... 64b, 2 Gas 12f, 2; 64c, 7 Glue 70d, 4 Ink 70c,6 Inverted, (Mariotte's) 4a, 10 Laboratory 421, 13 Liquor-dispensing 64a, 1 Mariotte's 421, 13 Medicine 30g, 3 Milk 30g, 9-11 Mucilage 70d, 4 Nursing 30g, 9-12 Packing cases and materials for 81c, 25, 26 Packing-covers for, making, and tying bottle- heads 81a, 15 Paste 70d, 4 Smelling 33c, 12 Thermos 341, 11 Wicker-covered 12f , 3; 81c, 25 With measuring devices 30g, 2; 64c, 43 Bouillon capsules 53i, 4 Boundary marks between countries or States. . . 19e, 3 Stones . 19e, 3 Bouquet-making appliances 45f, 6 Bourdon-tube pressure-gages 42k, 8 Bow-closures for bags and purses 33b. 4 For bottles 64a, 26, 29, 32-35, 75 M achines for applying 64b, 21 Machines for insuring against unauthorized opening 81b, 1 Bowed zithers 51c, 12 Bowling alley pins 77c, 5 Alleys 77c, 1-4 Bows for bags and purses 33b, 3 72b, 3 51c, 9 81c, 3 54a, 13 For shooting arrows Stringed instrument Box closures Corner and edge gumming and covering ma chines ............. Covering and gumming machines ........... 54a, 12 Labeling machines ......................... 81b, 2 Machines, paper ............................ 54a, 4 Malting ...................................... 6a, 5 Magazines for small-arms .................... 72a, 20 Nailing machines ........................... 38d, 5 Openers .................................... 87a,22 Paper-board, cutting machines ............... 54a, 1 Stamp and draw presses .................... 54a. 7 Ties ....................................... 81c,18 Traps ...................................... 45k, 7 Boxes, album ................................ 34f , 26 As paste-supports for electrodes ............. 21b. 21 Ash ................................. 24g,5; 34d,4 Bedding-plant .............................. 45f, 9 Boot, for hotels, etc .......................... 341,22 Building-block ............................. 77f , 23 Cash ........................................ 68e,2 Casting, (flasks) ............................. 31c, 8 Cigar .................................... 81c, 1-4 Cooling ..................................... 17c, 3 Core ........................................ 31c,8 Distributing, for electric wires .............. 21c, 23 Flower, attachable to window .............. 34e, 19 Gardeners' ............................... 45f, 7 As part of furniture ........................ 34f , 6 Folding, (collapsible,) for packing .......... 81c, 14 For transportation ......................... 81c, 1-4 Hat ......................................... 33b,9 Classification. Boxes, ice 17c, 2 Jewelry 33b, 10 Junction, for electric wires 21c, 23 Letter, domestic 341, 25 Post-office 81c, 28-30 Lock 34i,21 Locks for 68a, 98 Lunch 33b, 10 Mail 81c, 28-30 Combined with signals 74b, 8 Match 44b, 22 Filling 78a, 7 Making 38d, 3 Measuring 42e, 20, 27 Merchants' delivery 33b, 10 Paint 75c, 16 Paper-board, making 54a, 1-11 For packing 81c, 13 Toilet 33c,12; 341,22 Pen and pencil 70e, 12 Photographic plate 57a,ll; 57c, 6 Refuse, including cleaning 81d, 3 Safety (domestic) to prevent articles from being stolen 341, 24 Savings 44a,42 Scent. 33c, 12 . Sewing 52a, 58 Sheet metal, for packing 81c, 12 Shipping 81c, 1-4 Suction, for paper-making 55d, 16 Wooden, making 38d, 2, 3 Wire-bound, machines for making 38d, 2 Bracelets - 44a, 33 Brackets 34f,26 For electric incandescent lamps - 1 f . 5S For electric-lamp reflectors jftf, 55 Lamp 4a, 24-26 Braid, finishing 8a, 2, 4, 9 Trimmings 25c, 2, 5, 10 Wire 25b,7 Braiders for sewing-machines 52a, 52 Braiding 25b, 1-10 Machines 25b, 1-8 Wire 25b,7 Needles 25c,9 Braille type- writers 70d, 13 Brake action indicators 20f , 47 And drag shoes 20f, 12; 20h, 5; 63b, 55 Band couplings 47c, 10 Beams and bars for vehicles 63b, 55 Blocks for railway-cars. . .. 20f, 1, 7-9 For vehicles 63b, 55 Governors for engines 60, 9 Lever fastening devices for cycles 63i, 7 Levers for railway-brakes^ 20f , 4 For vehicles 63b, 54 Locks for cycles 63f , 9 Power regulators 20f , 49 Ring couplings 47c, 10 Setting devices 20f, 4, 5 Shoes 20f, 1. 7-9. 12; 63b, 55 For railway-cars 20f. 12; 20h, 5 For vehicles 63b, 55 Brakes, air 20f,3.26-12 Air, electrically operated 201, 29 As machine elements 47c, 17 Automatic 20f, 22, 25; 63i, 6 Axial pressure, for pulley-blocks and wind- lasses 35c, 7 Back-pedaling 63i,8-12 Back-stop 20f,21 With sanding devices 20f, 5 Block or shoe 47c, 17; 63b, 62 Bobbin, for spinning and twisting frames 76c, 15 Buffer-operated 20f , 19 Centrifugal, for hoisting apparatus 35c, 6 Compressed air 201 26-34, 36, 38, 39 For hoisting apparatus 35c, 3 For railways 201 26-34. 38-40 For vehicles 63b, 64 16 CLASSIFICATION OF GERM AX PATENTS. Classification. Brakes, counterweight, for railway cars 20f, 17 Cycle 63i Double compressed air 20f. 33 Drag-shoe, for cycles 63i, 1 Electric 20f. 37; 201, 28, 29 Electromagnetic 20f, 44 Emergency 20f, 48 Fan : 20f , 13 For adjustable axles 20f, 9 For cable railways 20f, 22 For centrifugal machines 82b, 12 For continuous-current dynamos 21d, 14 For cross-country railways 20f, 7 For cylinders of printing presses 15d. 11 For door checks 68d, 10-15, 17 For draft regulators 24i, 3 For electric railways 201, 28, 29 For fire-escape apparatus 61a, 7, 8 For groups of cars, (group brakes) 20f , 17 For hand carts 63b, 56 For hoists 35c, 3-7 For horse-drawn street cars 20f, 36 For motor cars 63c, 23 For perambulators 63b, 56 For photographic shutters 57a, 32 For pulley blocks 35c, 3, 5-7 For railway trucks 20f, 9 For roller skates 77b, 19 For sleds 63b, 69 For steam engines 14g, 3 For tricycles 63i For windlasses 35c, 3-7 Friction 20f, 18 Generally 47c, 17 Gripper 20f , 10 Hand 20f , 2. 3, 16 For hoisting apparatus 35c, 3 Hydraulic 20f, 43; 63b, 64 Liquid 68d, 11, 12 Locomotive 20f , 45 Mixed electric, for electric railways 201, 29 Power-storing, for railway cars 20h, 3 For vehicles 63b, 65 Generally 47c, 17 Purely electric, for electric railways 201, 28 Railway , 20f Adjusting devices for 20f, 6 Ratchet, for pulley blocks and windlasses 35c, 5 Recoil gun 72c. 9 Release by signal 20i, 33-35 Sliding 61a ; 8 Slipper, for railway cars 20f . 12 Snow shoe ... 77b, 15 Spindle, for spinning and twisting frames. . . 76c, 14 Spring-applied 20f, 14 Stilt 63b,59 Street-railway. 20f, 36, 42 Switching hand 20f , 7 Track 20h,4 Two-car, (group) 20f , 17 Two-chamber air , 20f , 33, 34 Utilizing work done by 20h, 3; 201,2; 47c. 17; 63b, 65; 63k, 8 Vacuum 20f, 35 Vehicle 63b, 54-64 With means for storing up energy 63b, 65 Wedge 20f , 12 Wheel 20f, 8 Braking apparatus for printing telegraphs 21a, 14 Devices for electric measuring instruments. . 21e, 23 For geodetic measuring instruments 42c, 43 For pulley blocks and windlasses, including those controlled electrically or by a pres- sure medium 35c, 3 For roller shutters and roller curtains 34e, 7, 8 For steam engines 14g, 3 For threshing machines. 45e, 3 Branch blocks 21c, 25 Boxes 21c, 21, 25 Classification. Branding implements and machines for use in pyrography 75a, 1 Brandy 6b,22,23; 6c, 3 "Braunschliff," (disintegrated steamed wood for paper-making) 55b, 1 Bread baking apparatus 2a Crimping devices 2b, 11 Cutting machines 34b, 2, 6 Health 30h, 3 Holders to facilitate cutting 34b, 2 Knives 34b, 6 Preparations < 53k, 2 Preservation 53c, 5 Processes for making 2c, 1 For wrapping in protective paper casings. . 81c, 22 Receptacles for the kitchen 341, 21 For the table 34f , 21 For transportation 81c, 22 Wrappers baked with the dough 2b, 7 Breaking down apparatus, miners' 5b, 10 (Grinding) machines, clay 80a, 2 Machines, flax 29a, 2 For pig iron 49b, 16 Strength-testing machines 42k, 21 Breast armor for fencing 77a, 23 Bands for harness 56a, 8 Drills, metal-working 49a, 34 Woodworking 38e, 2 Pins 44a, 32 Breath intercepters (Bauchfang) for barbers and hairdressers 33c. 9 Breathing apparatus, free air 30k. 13 Apparatus for life-savers 61a, 19 To produce narcosis 30k, 14 Artificial, apparatus for 30f, 5 Bags for fire fighters 61a, 19 Chambers, pneumatic 30k, 13 Exercise apparatus 30f , 5 Masks 30k, 14; 61a, 19 Breeching (harness^ ">. <1. i Kettles Gl). 12. 13 Processes 6b, 8 Brick carrying appliances. S I c. 34 Chutes. " 37e, 13 Cleaning machines 37e, 13 Cutters 80a, 35-41 Kilns 80c Molding machines 80a, 28 Pavements 19c, 2 Presses 80a, 20-22, 30 Oil and water supplying apparatus for. . . . 80a, 30 Sanding apparatus for 80a, 30 Yards. . 80a: 80c Bricking in steam-boilers 24k, 5 Bricks .- 80b, 8 Applying engobe 80a, 55 Cutting off rough edges, apparatus for 80a, 38 Facing, making, of clay, cement, gypsum. e t c SOI), 14 As structural elements 371 . ! For coking-ovens 10a, 13 Hollow 37b, 1 Making 80a, 42; 80b. 24 Slag 80a,52; 80b, 22 Bricks and tiles, compositions for 80b, 8, 10. 1 4. 22 As structural elements - 37b, 1 Drying apparatus for 82a, 1-21 Combined with kilns 80c, 15 Glazing 80a, "> 1 Making 80a, 20-22, 3(). 35 VI. ~>\. 55 As fur as compositions are concerned 80b, 8, 10, 14, 23, 24 Molding-machines for 80a, 28 Molds 80a, 46 Presses for 80a, 20-22, 30 Bridge building 19d Canals 19d Pillars or piers. , 19d, 3 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 17 Classification. Bridge plates, joints with 19a, 18 Plates for main and secondary railways 19a, 18 Roadways ". ' 19d, 3 Supports 19d, 3 Bridges, arched 1 9d, 3 Balance 19d, 5 Building from parts of railway-cars 20c, 8 Cantilever 19d, 3 Concrete 19d, 1 Crane-post 19d, 5 Drainage of 19d, 1-3 Draw 19d, 5 Emergency 19d, 6 Fire 24k, 2 Floating 19d, 6 Folding 19d, 5 Foot 19d For artificial teeth , 30b, 13 For stringed instruments 51c, 7 Girder 19d, 3 Iron 19d, 3 Lifting 19d, 5 Military ; 19d, 6 Movable 19d, 5 Pontoon 19d, 6 Portable 19d, 6 Rail way -station foot 19d, 5 Reinforced concrete 19d, 1 Rolling 19d, 5 Rotary 19d, 5 Stone 19d, 1 Suspension 19d, 4 Temporary 19d, 6 Tow-path '. 19d, 1-3 Tubular 19d, 3 Turning . 19d, 5 Wooden 19d, 2 Bridles and bridle-bits 56a, 11, 12 Brines, condensing 121, 1 Purifying 121, 2 Briquet cutters 80a, 24 Presses 80a, 24 Stoves 36a, 4 Briquets as fuel lOb, 1-9 Comminuting apparatus for. 80a, 24 Making, drying, and cooling lOb, 9 Packing. : 81a, 10 Briqueting lOb, 1-9; 18a, 2: 80a, 24 Fuel lOb, 1-9 Iron ore 18a, 2 Bristle-trimming machines 9, 6 Bristles, artificial 9, 8 Fastening in brooms and brushes 9, 2, 5 In paint-brushes 9, 1 Treating 9, 14 Brocade-looms 86c, 11 Brocading 86c, 11 Broilers 341,10 Bromin and bromin compounds 12i, 9 Compounds, organic 12o, 2 Bronze 40b, 1, 2; 40c, 14, 15 Aluminium 40b, 2 Fluid 22g,2 Manufacture 4!)i, 1 Powder 22f, 13 Printing 15k, 5 Bronzing implements 75c, 22 Liquids 22g, 2 Machines 15e, 4 Processes - - 75c, 3 Brooches ' 44a, 32 Brooding apparatus for poultry 45h, 13 Broom and brush making 9, 1-23 Brooms, making 9, 2 Brown coal, (lignite, ) coking lOa Bruising-mills 50b Brush body boring machines 9, 5 Couplings- 47c, 14 9852419 2 Classification. Brush holders for current-collecting brushes. . 21d, 22 Holders for rotary brushes 9, 10 Making 9, 1-23 Rockers of current-collecting brushes 21 d, 22 Sifting machines 50d, 2 Trimming machines 9, 6 Brushes 9, 1-23 Anode 48a, 15 Artists' 9, 13 Barrel-cleaning 9, 4 Bottle-cleaning 9, 4; 64b, 1 Carpet 34c, 8 ( 'himney-sweepers' 24h, 3 Circular 9/15 Cleaning 9, 7, 14 Clothes 9, 3 Drawing 9, 13 Electric 9, 22; 30f, 13 Current-collecting 21d, 21 Floor-polishing 9, 23 . For applying fluids (bleaching, dyeing, etc.) to fibrous materials ^-. 8a, 2 For cleaning chimney-tubes 24g, 4 Exterior of ships' hulls 65a. 28 Fire tubes and flues 24g. 4 Pipes and tubes '. . . 13e. 2; 24g, 4; 85e, 18 Sewer-pipes .' 85e, 18 For grain-scouring machines 50a, 6 Folding 9, 20 Furniture 9, 3 Glass 9, 4 Hair , 9, 3, 15 Cleaning 33c, 8 Hand 9, 3 Hat 9, 3 Inserting bristles in 9, 5 Leather "daubing 9, 9 Machines for trimming 9, 6 Nail 9 ; 21 On seeding-machines 45b, 16 Paint 9, 11, 13, 16, 17 Cleaning 75c, 28 Machines for trimming 9, 6 Pocket 9, 20 Polishing , 9, 3 Ruling 9, 13 Scrub 9, 4, 10, 23 Shaving 9, 12 Shoe-polishing 9, 9 Sifting, for sif ting-machines 50d, 6 Steam-boiler cleaning 13e. 2 ; 24g, 4 Table 34c,6 Making 9, 3 Tooth 9, 21 Used in liquor-handling industry 64b, 1, 5, 8 Wire 9, 19 With cases 9, 18 With dust-sucking devices 9, 22 With fluid-containers 9, 17 Brushing-machines for carpets 34c, 8 For cleaning and polishing shoes 34c, 14 Exterior of ship's hulls 65a, 28 Flexible tubes 8e, 4 Sacks 8e, 4 For fabrics, (cleaning and renovating) 8e, 2 (cloth-finishing) 8b, 15 For floors 34c, 5 For leather 28b, 16 For polishing castings 31c, 32 Bub, (artificial yeast,) preparation 6a, 14 Bucket chain propellers for ships 65f, 17 Conveyors and elevators 81e, 6-13 With pivoted buckets 81e, 6 Elevators 35a, 7; 81e, 6-12 Pumps -. 59d,l For lubncating-oil 47e, 26 Wheel dredges 84d 1 Wheels 59d, 2 18 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Buckets 341, 21 Fire-extinguishing 61a, 11 Furnace-slag 18a, 9 Buckles 44a, 27-30; 56a. 2; 56b, 8 For saddles 56b, 8 Harness 56a, 2 Making of sheet metal 7c, 45 Of wire.. 7d, 14 Suspender 3b, 17 Bud-protectors against gnawing 45f, 11 Buddies - - - la, 13, 14 Buffer brakes 20f, 19 Cars 20c, 17 Mechanism, railway 20e, 23, 25 Motors for equalizing loads 21d. 26, 47 Posts ' 20g, 8 Springs, shock-absorbing 20e, 25 Supporting 20d, 22 Buffers, making 49g, 8 Rubber for railway rolling-stock 20d, 22 Generally 47a, 17 Buhr-mills 50b, 2 Builders' elevators 35a, 4 Building blocks, toy 77f. 23 Bridge 1 9d Canal 84a, 5 Dike : 84a, 4 Harbor 84a, 5 Lock , 84a, 3 Material 37b, 2 Plates 37b, 2 Railway , 19a, d-f Slabs 37b, 2 Sluice 84a, 3 Tunnel 19f Weir 84a, 3 Buildings, agricultural 37f, 2 Collapsible 37f, 4 Construction 37a-f Finishing 37d, 39, 40 For games and amusements 37f, 1 Heating 36a-c Electric 21h, 5 Interior and exterior finishing 37d Moving, apparatus for 37e, 12 Portable 37f, 4 Transmission of moisture, heat, sound, etc., protection from 37a, 7 Bulb-forming machines for sheet-metal working. 7c, 5 Bulk, piling material in, mechanism for 81e, 32 Bulkheads and bulkhead-doors 65a, 19 Bull-headed fish-plates 19a, 19 Bullet-catchers for targets 72e, 1 Bundle-formers, hay, with gathering devices.. 45c, 37 Bung closures 64c, 26 Extractors 64b, 29 Hole bushings, tools for screwing in 64c, 45 Holes, making .' 3&f, 6 Bungs 64f, 4; 64c, 21-26 Fermentation 6f, 4 For barrels 64c, 21-26 Wooden, making 38f, 6 Buoyancy-motors 88b, 4 Buoys, acoustic signaling devices for 74d, 1-6 For marine signaling 65a, 63 For optical signaling 74d, 8, 9 Life 65a, 66-70 Bur planes 38e, 3 Saws 38a, 10 Bureaus or dressers 34i, 18 Burettes 421, 3 Absorption, for gas analysis 421, 4 Burglar alarms , 74a, 21-29 Traps for sales 68e, 5 Burial apparatus 30e, 16-19 Burner disk extinguishers, mechanical 4d, 21 Heads for incandescent gas-light burners 4g, 50 For vapor-burners 4g, 25 Nozzles, cleaning 4g, 24, 46 Pans, open, for furnaces 24b, 5 Classification. Burners 4g Acetylene-gas 4g, 42 Air-gas... Alcohol-vapor 4s. 30 Wick 4g,5 Argand 4g, 39 Gas 4g, 39 Bat's-wing 4g, 38 Blast-lamp, including these used for solder- ing, welding, and cutting metal 4g, 44 Blowpipe 4g, 44 Blue-flame gas 4g, 43-54 Bunsen. 4g, 23-36, 43-54 Coal-oil incandescent 4g, 9-14, 34-37 Wick-light 4g, 1- 37 Compressed air and compressed gas 4g, 43 For burning off incandescent mantles 4f, 5 For coke-ovens lOa, 5 For coking apparatus 341, 9 For cutting metals 4g, 7, 44 For heating soldering-irons 4g, 44 For liquid -fuel furnaces 24 b For vaporizing 4g, 23-37 Gas-furnace 24c, 10 Gas-lamp 4g, 38-55 Heating 4g, 5, 6, 30-33, 51, 52 Illuminating-gas 4g, 38-42 Incandescent gas-lamp 4g Inverted 4g, 35, 54 Inverted incandescent gas 4g, 54 Lam]) 4g Shock-absorbers for 4a, 22 Lime-light 4g, 45 Luminous 4g, 1-4, 28, 38, 42 Oil-lamp 4g, 1-37 Oil-vapor * 4g, 37 For furnaces Oxyhydrogen Pan Railway-car lamp. . Slit Smoldering Torch Tray, trough 24b,2 4g,44 ... 4g,4,41 ..... 4g, 38 ..... 4g,21 4g, 2, 15-20 4g,8 Vapor 4g, 23-33 For soldering-lamps ' 4g, 29 Incandescent 4g, 34-36 Welding 4g, 7, 44 Wick blue-flame 4g, 9-14 Wick-light. 4g, 1-4 Zirconium light 4g, 45 Burning lime, cement, etc., kilns for 80c, 12-14 Processes 80b, 3, 8 Burnishing compositions, rust-preventing 48d, 4 Devices for photc. graphic purposes 57c, 12, 13 Irons, shoemakers' 71c, 11 Machines for parts of shoes 71c, 56, 57 For photographs 57c, 12 Tools, shoemakers' 71c, 56 Burring-machines for textile fibers 76b, 4 Bushings for bung and tap holes 64c, 26 Bust forms 3d,-3 Pads 3a, 1 2 Supporters 3a, 14 Butcher-knives 66a, 8 Butchering 66a Butchers' implements 66a, 8 Butt hinges 68c Butter, artificial 53h, 1, 2 Barrels 81 c, 5, 6 Chemical testing processes 53e, 6 Dishes, covered 34f , 20 Machines 45g, 16-22 Makers, rotary 45g, 21 Making, chemical and electric features 53e, 6 Mechanical features 45g, 15 Molding machines 45g, 25 Preserving 53e, 6 Testers 421, 5 Testing processes 53e, 6 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 19 Classification. Butter- working machines 45g, 23 Button bands for bed-covers 34f, 9 Cards 44a, 20 Cards, machines for fastening buttons to 81a, 12 Cleaning implements 34c. 13 Eyelet, fasteners for 71c, 61 Fastening pliers 3c, 10; 71c, 61 Fastenings 44a, 6-14 For shoes 71fcf, 5 Buttonhole barring machines 52a. 19 Cutting machines 52a, 20 Scissors 69, 3 Sewing machines 52a, 17-20 Buttonholes 3c, 3 But ton -protectors, for protecting buttons while being cleaned 34c, 13 Buttons 44a, 1-5, 15-19 Collar 44a, 15 Cuff 44a, 18 Fabric 44a, 1, 2 Hinged leaf 44a, 16, 17 Making of horn, etc. : 39a, 5-7 Of sheet metal 7c, 29 Of wire 7d, 14 Polishing 67a, 24 Snap 3c, 2 Making 7c, 29; 7d, 14 Thread, machines for covering 25c, 1, 11 Making on sewing-machines 52a, 58 On embroidering-machines 52 b, 10 Tuft 44a,3 Buttoners, collar, glove, shoe, etc 33c, 10 Buzzer apparatus for telephone-stations 21a, 42 By-pass valves for gas-purifiers. .- 26d, 7 Cabinets and cases for drawings 34i, 16 Comprising bath-tubs .- 34i, 22 Delivery^ for advertising purposes 54g, 13 For talking-machine records 42g, 19 Heating, heat-retaining ' 42i, 12 Music 34i, 16, 22 With screen-doors 34i, 22; 341, 21 Cable change-speed and reversing gear 47h, 16 Conduits 21c, 19 Connections 21c, 20, 21 Coverings, making 7b, 11 Drying apparatus 21c, 7 Grippers 20a, 18-20 Impregnating apparatus 21c, 7 Pits 21c, 19 Shifters 47d, 20 Sockets 21c, 21 Street-railways 20a, 13 Brakes for 20f, 22 Wagons for cable-laying, etc 21c. 8 Cables, air insulation 21c, 5 Capacity and self-induction, influencing 21c, 5 Conduits for 21c, 19 Driving 47d, 10 End sleeves for 21c, 23 Fastening to ships 65a, 16 Generally 21c, 3-5, 7 Hauling 81e, 3 High voltage 21c, 3-5, 7 Making 73, 1-8 Mechanical structure 21c, 3 Power-current 21c, 3-5, 7 Reducing disturbances due to induction 21c, 4 Safety devices to prevent disturbances and accidents due to injury to 21c, 9, 57-61 Weak current 21c, 3-5, 7 Wire, making 73, 1 Cableways 20a, 12 Suspended 20a, 12 Suspended, cars for 20a, 11, 12 To facilitate mountain-climbing 77e, 18 Cadmium, preparation : 40a, 34 Electrolytic 40c, 11 Caesium, extracting 40a, 47 Compounds 121, 16 Classification. Caffein 12p, 7 Extracting from coffee 12p, 11 Cages, animal 45h, 1, 14 For poultry 45h, 14 Caissons * 84c, 3 Cake-cutting machines, bakers' 2b, 15 For household use 34b, 2 Calcining, generally 12b Calcium carbid 12i, 36 Chlorid. .*. 12i, 6 Compounds 12m, 2 Cyanamid 16, 14 Preparation 40a, 47 Electrolytic 40c, 5, 6 Salts 12m, 2 Sulfid 12i, 18, 19 Calculating apparatus for computing interest, etc 42m, 19 Apparatus for type-writers 42m, 10 Machines 42m, 7-9, 11-16 Electric 42m, 8 Russian, (abaci) 42n, 3 Mechanism for cash-registers 42m Tables 42m, 18 Calculus-removers 30a, 11 Calendar-clocks 83a, 78 Calendars for advertising purposes 54g, 4 Calendars, block lie, 6 Clockwork type 83a, 78 Coin-controlled * 43b, 57 Combined with pencils or penholders 70a, 7 Perpetual 42n, 12 Shiftable 83a, 78 Wall 54b, 7 Calender-rolls 8b, 20 Calendering-machines, sliver 76b, 29 Calenders for ornamenting paper 54d, 1 For paper-making 55e, 1 For textile fabrics 8b, 19, 21 Laundry 8d, 19 Caliber-gages. 42b, 17 Calibrating tubing 7b, 14 Caliper-compasses. . .* 42a, 1 Calipers 42b, 9 For measuring trees 42b, 13 Calk-plates : 45i, 12 Calks 45i, 7-10 Screw 45i,7 Separable from horseshoe 45i, 8 Calming waves 65a, 79 Calorifiers 36c, 8 Calorimeters 42i, 16, 17 Cam-gear 47h, 2 Cameos of artificial-stone compositions 80b, 21 Cameras, detective or concealed 57a, 7 Double 57a, 4 Film 57a, 22, 24 Flat 57a, 2 Folding, book form 57a, 3 For photographing internal parts of body 57a, 7 Lucida 42h, 34 Micrpphotographic 57a, 5 Moving picture 57a, 33-37 Obscura 42h, 34 Panoramic 57a, 6 Photographic 57a, 1-25 Pinhole 57a, 1 Plate 57a, 24 Reflex 57a, 9 Reproducing 57a, 5 Roll 57a, 22, 24 Stereoscopic 57a, 4 Camp beds 34g, 15 Cooking utensils 341, 1 Stools 34g, 6 Camphor 12o, 25 Cams and eccentrics 47b, 17 Can cleaners 64b, 1-6 Closures 64a, 48, 56-64 Sterilizing 53b, 2-4 20 CLASSIFICATION OF GEKMAN PATENTS. Classification. Can-labeling machines 81b, 1 Openers 64a, 64; 64b, 28 Testers, (leak-detectors) 42k, 30 Canal bridges 19d Building 84a, 5 Locks 84a,3 Gates for 84a, 3 With auxiliary basins 84 b, 1 Navigation 65a, 52-55 Canals 84a, 5, G Canceling-stamps, letter 15h, 4 Train-ticket 43a, 20, 21 Candelabra 4a, 32 Candle extinguishers 4d, 27 Holders 4a, 32 Christmas tree 341,29 Lamps, electric 21f , 8 Lighters 4d, 18 Electric 4d, 20 Making, chemical features 23d, 2 Mechanical features 23f Sockets'. 4a, 33 Candy cutting machines . 531, 9 Making 53f , 3 Pulling machines 531, 8 Rollers 531, 1, 9 Cane braiding and cane-braiding machines 25b, 9 Carriers 33d, 11 Cover weaving 86e Fabrics 25b, 10 Bleaching and cleaning 38h, 6 Guns 72a, 6 Hangers 33a, 13 Peeling machines 38g, 1 Stands 34f,23 Treatment, chemical 38h, 6 Mechanical 38g, 1 Telescopes 33a, 13 Umbrellas 33a, 10 Weaving 86e Canes 33a, 11-13 Convertible into stools 33a, 14 Sword. 69, 27 Canning fruit, machines for stemming, prick- ing, etc., for household use 34b, 12 For bulk treatment 45e, 46 Cannons (see also Ordnance) 72c Gas 72c,16 Cannulas 30k, 3, 17 Canopies 33a, 8 Cans, alcohol, including those fitted with safety devices to prevent explosion 341, 20 .Blood 66a,5 Dispensing 64a, 7 Milk, closures for 64a, 48 For dairy use 45g, 4 For transportation 81c, 12 Oil 47e,34 Petroleum, including those fitted with safety devices to prevent explosion 341, 20 Shipping 81c, 12 Sliver 76b, 20 Watering 45f, 21 Wine 34f, 11 Canteens 33d, 4 Canvas roofs for buildings 37c, 7 For halls, tents, etc 37d, 26 For railway-cars 20c, 30 Caoutchouc 39b, 1-4 Cement. 22i, 1 Extracting from trees 45f , 17 Lacquers and varnishes 22h, 3 Synthetic 39b, 1 Treatment, chemical 39b, 1^ Mechanical 39a, 8-12 Vulcanizing 39a, 11; 39b, 3 Cap closure fastenings for bottles, etc 64a, 73 Closures for bottles, etc 64a, 23, 24 Fastenings for liquor-handling vessels, means for tearing 64a, 73 Classification. Cap-spinning machines 76c, 8 Capacity for high-frequency systems 21a, 71 Generally 21g, 10, 11 Influencing in cables 21c, 5 Capillary tubes 421, 13 Capo tasto devices 51b, 43; 51c. 14, 22 Capping-machines, bottle 64b, 23 Caps 3b, 25; 41c, 2 Automobile 41c, 2 Bathing 3b, 25 Burner 4g, 3, 11, 12 Firemen's protective 61a, 19 For frame-saws 38a, 3 For protection of ends of beams 37b, 6 Internal, for dispensing vessels 64a, 22 Miners' .-. 41c, 2 Percussion 78e Protective, against blows 41c, 2 For projectile-fuses 72i, 5 Sheet metal, making 7c, 35 Traveling 41c, 2 Ventilating 36d, 8 With lamps, mirrors, etc., attached 41c, 6 Women's 3b, 25 Capstans (car-movers), general arrangement 20h, 7 Ships' 65a, 25 Capsules, bottle 64b, 22, 23 Bottle, coloring, hand-tools for 75c, 1 Machines for 75a, 20 Bouillon 53i,4 Clay, making 80a, 32 Color 75c, 15 For electrodes. . 21b, 21 For pharmaceutical purposes and filling de- vices for 30g. 6 Gelatin 39a, 18 Medicine 30h, 10 Paper, making 54a Plaited (paper) ..-. 54d, 5 Sheet metal, making. 7c, 26 Smelling 33c, 12 Car axles, flexible 20d, 6 Cleaning apparatus 20h, 8 Door locks 68a, 91-93 ' Doors 20c, 33, 34 Car movers and starters 20h, 2 Seate 20c, 41 Tops 20c, 30 Transporting trucks 20g, 4 Turn-tables, including those for suspended, cable, and rack-rail roads 20g, 1 Wheel chocks 20h, 5 Windows 20c, 39 Carbazol 12p, 2 Carbid bells for acetylene-generators 26b, 19-24 Cartridges 26b, 40 Cells 26b, 39 Electrodes for flaming-arc lamps 21f, 77 Feed for acetylene-generators 26b, 28-37 Preparations 26b, 46 Receptacles, rotating 26b, 41 Stationary 26b, 36 Carbids 12i,36; 21f,34; 26b Metallic and metalloid 12i, 36 Reducing 40a, 11 Storing 26b,42 Carbohydrates for manufacture of explosives. . . 78c, 5 Nitrating 78c, 6 Synthetic derivatives 12o, 6 Carbolic acids 12q, 14 Carbon 12i, 32 Compounds 12i, 32-36 Cored, for arc-lamp electrodes 21f , 76 Disulfid 12i,33 For refrigerating machines 17a, 5 Filaments for incandescent lamps 21f, 31 Flame, for electrodes of flame-arc lamps 21f, 77 Holders for arc-lamps 21f, 16 For electric furnaces 21h, 11 Nitrogen rings .'. . - 12p, 1, 2 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 21 Classification. Carbon oxid, preparation 12i, 33 Oxid as producer-gas 24e Paper 55f , 15 Composition of inks for 151, 7 Peat, preparing lOa, 27-29 Saving devices for arc-lamps 21f, 19 Solid, for arc-lamp electrodes 21f, 76 Tetrachlorid 12o, 2 Carbonates, alkali 121, 8, 9, 11-15 Carbonic-acid 12i, 34, 35 Baths 30f,9 Bungs for dispensing purposes 64c, 22 Containers 12f, 2 For liquor-handling apparatus 64c, 7 For dispensing purposes 64c, 18, 19 Produced by fermentation, extracting 6b, 19 Refrigerating-machines 17a, 4 Valves for dispensing apparatus 64c, 7 Carbonizing carbon filaments 21f, 31 Fabrics 8b,31 Ovens lOa, 24-26 Processes lOa, 21, 22 Textile fabrics 29b, 4 Wood, peat, etc lOa, 27-29 Carborundum 12i, 36, 37 Carboxylic acid amids 12o, 16 Acid esters, naphthol 12q, 31 Phenol 12q, 31 Acids, aliphatic 12o, 11 Aminophenol 12q, 34 Anilin 12q, 6 Aromatic 12o, 14 Keto 12o, 15 Naphthol... . 12q, 30 Naphthylamin 12q, 6 Oxy 12q, 29 Phenol 12q, 29 With unsaturated atom-chains 12o, 21 Carboy-packing cases 81c, 24 Carbureters, gas 26c; 46c, 6-13 Surface 46c, 9 Carbureting agents, generally 26c, 12 Apparatus 26c, 1-6, 10, 11 As part of engines 46c, 6-13 By solid carbureting agents 26c, 9 Card-blocks He, 7 Cardboard, (see also Paper-board) 55d, 21, 28; 55f , 1, 8, 10, 16 Boxes with means for opening 81c, 13 Making 54a Card and comb grinding machines - 67a, 30 Cases 33b, 10 Clothing, (spinning) 76b, 15 Dealer indicators , 77d, 4 Dealers - 77d,3 Dispensers for advertising purposes : . . 54g, 14 Fillets for carding-machines 76b, 15 Games 77d, 1-5 Grinding machines 67a, 30; 76b, 16 Holders for playing-cards 77d, 1 Menu or place... 54g, 3 Lacing machines, (weaving) 86h, 5 Letters 54b, 2 Presses for playing-cards 77d, 1 Printing apparatus 15h, 5 Punching machines, (embroidery) 52b, 4 (Weaving) 86h,4 Rollers 8b, 12; 76b, 15 Setting machines 7d, 9 Shufflers ; 77d, 2 Stamping apparatus 15h, 4; 43a, 20 Stop-motions for Jac :juard looms 86b, 10 Tables 77d, 6 Trimming devices lib, 11 Willowers for textile fibers 76b, 5 Carded yarns, making 76c, 7, 20, 31 Carding combs, making and repairing 7d, 9 Engines 76b, 8-19 Flat 76b,10 Classification. Cards, button 44a, 20 Button, machines for fastening buttons on. . 81a, 12 Cutting apertures in. lib, 9 Dobby 86h, 2 Embroidery 52b, 4 Fancy, (spinning) 76b, 16 Roller-covers for, (spinning) 76b, 17 For carding- engines 76b, 15 Cleaning 76b, 16 For displaying articles to be sold 54g, 4 Apparatus for fastening articles to 81a, 12 For napping-machines 8b, 12 Grinding while engine is running 76b, 16 Jacquard 86h, 2 Making 54b,5,7 Ornamental 75b, 25 Playing 54b, 8; 77d, 6 Postal, making 54b,5 Sample 8f,13; 54g.4,16 Tempering 18c,2 Weaving.... 86h, 2 Oarnallite 121,4 Caro's acid. 12i, 16 Carpet beating frames and machines. 8e, 1 Brushing machines 34c, 8 Cleaners, pneumatic 8e, 3 Holders 34f, 7 Knotting looms 86d, 2 Protectors 34f, 26 Sewing machines 52a, 31 Stretchers 34f, 8 Sweepers 34c, 8 Tufting 25d Carpets 34f,24 Making. 25d, 1, 2; 86c, 1; 86d, 1-8 Carriages, (see also Vehicles) : . 63b For machine-guns 72h, 10 Carriers, (straps, etc.) 33d, 12 Baby 34h, 5 Baggage 33d, 12 Book 33d, 12 Bottle 341, 14 Cane 33d, 11 Fan 33d, 11 Field-glass 33d, 13 Generally 33d, 11-13 Mortar and brick 81e, 34 Umbrella 33d, 11 Carrying-belts, fastening to rifles 33d, 8 Cars, auxiliary, for railways 20c, 8 Bolster " 20c, 12 Buffer 20c,17 Cattle 20c, 11 Derrick 20c, 8 For.suspended ways 20a, 11, 12 For train protection 20c, 17, 18 For transportation of foodstuffs 20c, 10 Freight - 20c, 2-5, 7-12, 14 Hauling, for mine-railways 20a, 14 Horse 20c, 6 Ladle 31c, 27 Motor 63c Passenger 20c, 1 Stanchion 20c, 12 Tank 20c,9 Throw-off or tipping, for belt conveyers 81e, 1 Tip, for railways 20^, 16 Cartridge belts for machine-guns 72d, 10 Beltslor small-arms 72d, 9 Weaving 86c, 1 Boxes... 72d,8 Cases 72d, 3 Making , 7c, 28 Ejectors and extractors for small-arms 72a, 29 For sporting-guns 72a, 17 Feeding devices for armor-piercing guns 72d, 21 For automatic loaders, (machine-guns) . . 72h, 6-9 (Small-arms) 72h, 1-5 For maga/ine-guns 72a, 20-24 For mitrailleuse-guns 72c, 17 22 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Cartridge fuses, electric 21 c, 59 Holders for machine-guns 72d, 10 Loading machines 72d, 12 Magazines for small-arms 72a, 20-24 Pouches 72d, 9 Primers 7.M, 4 Punchers for acetylene-generators 2, 6 Shells 72d, 3 Wagons, including armored 72d, 8 Cartridges, assorting 72d, 14 Blank 72d, 6 Blasting 78e, 5 Carbid 26b, 39 Drill 72d, 6 For breathing apparatus 61a, 19 For defense 78d, 1 For detonating-signals for railways 20i, 43 For slaughtering-pistols 66a, 2 For small charges 72d, 7 Generally 72d, 1 Implements for working with 72d, 13 In circular packages for revolvers 72d, 11 Ink 70b, 2 Lacquering 72d, 14 Ordnance 72d, 2 Packing 72d, 8 Signal, chemical composition 78d, 1 Mechanical arrangement 74d, 7 Small-arm 72d, 15 With shot-plugs 72d, 1 , 6 Carts, ammunition 72d, 8 Hand 63b, 38, 39 Hose, for fire-extinguishing Gla, 15 For watering purposes 45f , 19 Push 63b, 39 Sprinkling 19b, 4; 45f, 19 Carving as a general process for shaping and ornamenting 75b, 10, 18 Apparatus and machines for carving by chip- ping away surfaces 75a, 3 Materials, (horn, ivory, etc.,) working up into articles 39a, 1-7 Case-shot 72d, 17 Casein 12p, 16; 53i, 1 Compositions *. 39b, 10 Cases and boxes, miscellaneous 33b, 10 Book 34i, 16 Bottle, cleaning 64b,4 For kitchen 341, 12 For shipping purposes 81c, 25 Card 33b, 10 Cigar and cigarette 44b, 18, 30 Clock and watch, protective 83a, 49 Compartment 34i, 16 Disinfecting, for thermometers 30a, 19 Dispensing, for train-tickets, etc 43a, 22 Display 54g, 13, 16 Document 34i, 16 For galvanic cells and storage batteries...... 21b, 1 For obstetrical instruments 30a, 14 For pharmacies 30g, 4 Poison, druggists' 30g, 4 Protective, for sighting mechanism 72f, 16 Show 54 g , i3 ; 16 Spectacle 33b, 10 Storage, for printed blanks, etc 34i, 16 Suspended 34i 22 TyP? 15a,7 Vl olm 51e, 13 Cash boxes 68e Registers ...."'."'.'.;["..'.'..".'. ' 43a, 1-14 Electric : 43 a , 5 Elements of 43a, 14 With calculating mechanism 42m With means for printing recording-strips. 43a, 10 Slip blocks or tablets 7. 15i, 4 Casings, chain, as separate parts of cycles 63g, 9 As fixed parts of cycle-frames 63h, 1 For motor- vehicles 63c, 10 Classification. Cask bungs 64c, 21-26 Cleaning brushes 9, 4 Cleaning machines 6f , 1-3 Drying machines (if, 1 Fil'ling apparatus 64b, 12-14 Leak-detectors 42k, 30 Making machines 38f, 4 Pitching and pitch-removing devices 6f, 3 Pumps 64c, 1, 3, 4, 10 Rolling machines 6f, 3 Tapping cocks 64c, 33 Tilting apparatus 64c, 46 Casks, (see also Barrels and Kegs) 81c, 5, 6 Making, of paper, pasteboard, etc 54f Means for burning out 6f, 3 Viewing contents, appliances for 6f, 5 Casters for condiments 34f, 11 For furniture 34i, 23-25 Casting 31c Casting angles, (stereotypes) 15c, 2 Apparatus, dental 30b, 17 Billets 31c, 10 Centrifugal 31c, 18 Ceramic materials 80a, 51 Glass 32a, 10-22 In indefinite lengths for wire bars and wire. 31c, 21 In inverting molds 31c, 10 In metal molds 31c. 25 Ingots and half-ingots 31cj 10 Inking-rollcrs for printing-presses 15e, 14 Letters and characters 15a, 18 Machines for glass-making 32a. 6, 21 Iron 31c, 26 Line 15a, ] 7 Printing-plate 15c, 2 Stereotype 15c, 2 Type 15a, 25, 26 Metal 18b, 11 ; Sic, 10-32 Joining articles together by 31c, 24 Tables 31c. 28 Type 15a, 23-26 Casting-on devices for knitting-machines 25a, 23 Castings, art 31c, 20 Chilled 31c, 16 Cleaning, apparatus for 31c, 32 Dense, making 31c, 11-15 i Castrating instruments 30c, 1 Casts, clay 75b, 17 Plaster 31c, 20; 75a, 18 Catalogues, library lid, 7 Catalyzers and catalytic processes 12g, 2; 12i, 24 Catamenial bandages 30d, 14 Cataract valve-gear for steam-engines 14d, 24 Cataracts for engines 60, 1 Catatypy 57b, 14; 57d, 9 Catch basins 85e, 9-11 Devices for arc-lamps 21f, 23 For elevators 35a, 12-16 For inclined hauling-planes -. 5d, 5 For street-cars 20d, 32 Secured to track 20h, 4, 5 Or detent mechanism 47h, 4 Catches for holding windows, etc., in adjusted positions 68d, 22 Catenary suspension, multiple, for aerial con- ductors 20k, 9 Caterpillar-tractors 63c, 17 Catgut strings, covering with copper or silver wire 25c, 1 For musical instruments 51c, 6 Catheters 30k, 17 Cathode-forms for galvanic apparatus 48a, 4 Cattle cars 20c, 11 Raising 45h, 1-10 Shoes 45i, 15 Caustic alkalis 201, 7, 9-13, 15 Caustics.... 8n, 4; 12i, 22; 12o, 23; 15b, 1 Cauterizing instruments 30a, 13 Ceiling paneling 37d, 33 Rosettes 21c, 25 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 23 Classification. Ceilings 37a, 1-3 Concrete and reinforced concrete 37a, 2 False, (sound-proof) 37a, 3 Filling material for 37b, 2 Hollow 37a ; 1, 2, 3 Load-supporting 37a, 1, 2 Monier 37a, 2 Ornamenting 34f, 26; 75c, 5 Plastered 37a, 3 Plastering, apparatus and processes for 37d, 32 Rabitz 37a, 3 Shaped stone, (hollow brick) 37a, 1 Slab 37a, 1 Stones for 37b, 1 Cellar-windows 37d, 39 Cellarage implements 6f, 5 Cellars, building 37f, 2 Ice 17c, 1 Cello-rests 51c, 3 Cellos 51c, 1-11 Cells, aluminium, electrolytic 21g, 11 Bag .' 21b, 10 Bichromate 21b, 11 Combustion 21b, 14 Dry 21b, 5, 10 For carbid 26b, 39 Galvanic 21b Connections 21b, 3 Gas 21b. 14 Polarization 21g, 11 Primary 21b, 6-14 Rectifying, electrolytic 21g, 11 Selenium 21g, 20 Thermo-electric 21b, 27 Cellular mattresses 34g, 19 Tires 63e, 14 Celluloid coatings 39a, 17 Footwear 71a, 2 Lacquers and varnishes 22h, 4 Making, chemical features 39b, 5-7 Mechanical features 39a, 14-17, 22 Cellulose 55b, 1 Acetyl 12o, 6; 29b, 3 Esters 12o, 6 Preparation 40a, 51 Electrolytic . 40c, 5, 6 Extracting from wood, rags, tobacco-ribs, etc. 55b, 1 For artificial silk 29b, 3 Nitro 78c, 6, 12 Oxy 12o, 6 Separators for paper-making 55c, 11 Synthetic derivatives -. 12o, 6 Xanthogenate 12o, 6, 23; 29b, 3 Cement 80a, 7; 80b, 3 Cycle-tire 22i, 1 Hoof 451,16 Magnesia, (Sorel) 80b, 4 Portland, Roman, etc 80b, 3 Processes for burning 80b, 3 Rubber 22i, 1 Slabs .v 37b,2 Cementation processes 18c, 3 Cementing malleable iron 18c, 8 Center marking devices, (metal-working) 49a, 58 Punch-point-grinding apparatus 67a, 31 Centering devices for starting bores 49a, 57 Devices, generally 42b, 23 With marking appliances 49a, 58 Centering for construction of arches, etc. , in situ . 37e, 11 For construction of ceilings 37e, 10 Supports 37e, 9, 10 Centers, lathe 49a, 22 Central heating systems 36c, 1-11 Lubricating apparatus 47e, 27-29 Station alarms, electric 74a, 13 Switch mechanism 20i, 1 Classification. Centrifugal apparatus and machines, generally. 82b Apparatus for bleaching, dyeing, cleaning, and washing textile fibers, yarns, etc ........ 8a, 5, 19 For clarifying and separating fluids ........ 12d, 1 For cleansing sugar ........................ 89f, 1 For dressing fuels and ores ................. la, 23 For drying ............ 8b, 1; 8d, 6; 55d, 31; 82b, 7 For extracting sugar ........................ 89f For filtering .............................. 82, b7 For moistening the air ................... 36d, 15 For molding sugar .......................... 89f , 2 For nitrating cellulose, etc ................ 78c, 6 For paper-making ........................ 55c, 11 For passing fluids through fibrous materials. . 8a, 19 For purifying waste water .................. 85c, 5 For separating sugar- waste ................. 89 f, 4 Water from steam ...................... 13d, 26 For shaping glass ......................... 32a, 24 For testing fluids .......................... 421, 6 Milk ................................... 421, 6 For treating honey ....................... 45h, 15 Ceramic materials ...................... 80a, 53 Blowers ................................... 27c, 4, 5 W T ith sealing or shut-off liquid ............ 27, c!2 Brakes for hoisting apparatus ................. 35c, 6 Generally ................................ 47c, 17 Casting apparatus .......................... 31c, 18 Churns ................................... 45g, 16 Cream-separators ......................... 45g, 8-14 Cleaning ................................. 45g, 10 Crushers .................................... 50c, 2 Filters ..................................... 12d,17 Friction-clutches ........................... 47c, 13 Grain-separators ........................... 45e, 18 Mills ..................................... 50c, 11 Pumps ................................... 59b, 1-4 Drawing off air ....... .................... 59b, 2 Relieving load on shaft of ................. 59b, 3 Separators for fuel and ore dressing .......... la, 23 For paper-making ......................... 55d, 2 Tracks, (loop the loop, etc.) ................. 77g, 7 Wheels for fertilizer-scattering machines ..... 45b, 30 For potato-harvesting machines ....... 45c, 13-15 Ceratometers ................................ 42h, 32 Ceresin ...................................... 23b, 3 Cerium compounds ................. - ........ 12m, 9 Cesspools ................................. 85e, 9-11 Construction .................................. 37f , 6 Emptying ............... : .................. 85e, 2 Ventilating ................................ 85e, 5 Chaff-cutters .............................. 45e, 32-34 Chain casings as fixed parts of cycle-frame ...... 63h, 1 Casings as separate parts of cycles ........... 63g, 9 For motor-vehicles ........................ 63c, 10 Drive for motor-cars ........................ 63c, 10 Elevators ................................. 81e, 13 Fastenings as machine elements ............ 47d, 15 Easily releasable, for animals .............. 45h, 2 Jewelry..... ................ ' ..... 44a,36,37,41 Gearing for motor-cars ..................... 63c, 10 Grates ................................... ----- 24f, 15 Links for stretching-chains of web-stretching machines ................................. 8b > Lubricators ................................ 47e, 35 Scales ................................. 42f , 2 Stitch sewing-machines .................... 52a, 2, 3 Stretchers ........................... : ...... 47d >JJ Tighteners for cycle-driving mechanism ---- 63k, 28 For motor-cars ........................... 63c > \v Towage ............................. 65a, 5^ Chains as machine elements ................ 47d, 13 -15 Carrying, making ............ . .............. 49h Cattle ...................... ^ .............. 45h ' 2 Clamp, for web stretching and drying ma- chines .................................... JM Connecting devices for ...................... 47d, 1 ........................ Sle, 6 For cleaning bottles, etc For cycles 63k > 29 24 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Chains, jewelry and ornamental 44a, 39 Jewelry and ornamental, appliances to pre- vent theft 44a, 41 Making, including spidering or welding .... 49h, 8 Load -supporting, making 49h, 1-4 Making 49h By casting 31c, 25, 20 Ornamental 44a, 39 Safety, combined with signals 74a, 22 For doors 68b,8 Watch 44a, 39 Welding 49h, 1, 3 Electric 49h, 5 Chair-ladders 341,23 Chairs 34g, 1-10 Arm 34g, 1 Attachments 34g, 9 Barbers' 34g, 1 Bath 34k, 1 Beach 34g, 6 Cabin 65a. 31 Camp 34g, 6 Children's, including roller type 34h, 1 Collapsible 34g, 6 Confessional 34g, 10 Dentists' 30e, 15 Easy 34g, 1 Fittings and mountings 34i, 28 Folding 34g, 6 Hair-dressers' 34g, 1 Invalids' 30e, 4 Nursery 34h, 1 Office 34g, 3 Operating, including dental 30e, 15 Revolving 34g, 4 Rocking 34g, 2 Sewing-machine 52a, 57 Structural elements 34g, 8 Theater 34g, 5 Traveling 34g, 6 Wheel, invalids' 30e, 4 With coin-controlled mechanism 43b, 53 With means for protecting occupant from rain . 34g, 7 Chalk 12m, 2; 22f, 6 And chalk-holders for billiards 77c, 14 Holders for blackboards, etc 70a, 2 Lines and cases for 75c, 27 Chambers, bedroom 34k, 10 Chamois-tanning processes 28a, 3 Chamotte 80b, 8 Champagnes 6c, 1 Change boxes, photographic 57a, 13 Speed gearing for motor-cars 63c, 6-10 For motor-cycles '63k, 25 For rider-propelled vehicles 63k, 13-21 Speed and reversing gearing, generally. . . 47h, 12-19 Changing devices for photographic cameras. 57a, 13-21 Channeling apparatus for shoemaking 71c, 31, 34 Machines for extracting minerals 5b, 9 Charcoal, animal 12d, 11, 26 Animal, for purifying sugar-juice 89c, 13 Filters I2d, 11 Preparing 10a, 27, 28 Charge-indicators for storage batteries 21e, 10 Charging apparatus for bakers' ovens 2a, 9 Apparatus for blast and cupola furnaces 18a, 6 For bucket conveyers 81e, 11 For chemical purposes 12f, 4 For clay, cement, etc 80a, 6 For cooking-furnaces lOa, 11 For furnaces. 24h; 241, 3, 4 For gas-retorts 26e, 1-4, 6 For glass-funing. , 32a, 5 For heating-furnaces 18b, 15; 18c, 10 For kilns ' 80c, 16 For Martin furnaces 18b, 15 For metallurgical furnaces 40a, 10 For ore-dressing apparatus la, 27 For oxidation-filters 85c, 3 For retorts 26e, 1-3, 6 For self-feeding furnaces 24h, 2 Classification. Charging pump governors for gas and air en- gines 46b, 17 Pump governors for liquid-fuel engines 46b, 18 Pumps, operation and forma of construction . . 46a, 12-16, 18 Valve-gear for 46b, 1-6 Shovels with spring-scale on handle 42f, 31 Switches, electric, for storage batteries 21c, 44 Charts, color 75c, 11 Sea 42n, 7 With advertising-matter 54g, 4 Chases for type-setting 15a, 5 Check balls for cash-registers 43a, 4 Locks 68a, 32, 33, 93 Marks for bank-notes and securities 75d, 5 Valves 4c, 18; 47g, 8 Checking mechanism, check-controlled, for cash- registers For carriage-stands For control of loading of tipping cars. . For working conditions of machii Checks, workmen's time. . Cheese cutters Dishes, covered . . nnery. . 43a, 11 .. 43a,42 .. 43a,42 .. 43a,42 .. 43a,25 . . . 34b, 4 .. 34f, 20 Making, chemical features 53e, 6 Mechanical features 45g, 24 Molding machines 45g, 25 Preserving 53e, 6 Storing and shipping 45g, 24 Chemical balances 42f, 22 Chemistry 12a-r; 421 Electro 12h Metallurgical lOa-c; 18a-c; 24e; 40a-c; 48a-d Of dyestuffs 8i-n; 22a-i Of fermentation 6a-e Of foodstuffs 53a-k Chenille 25c, 8 Weaving 86d, 3 Chess games 77d, 7 Chests, k-e 17c, 2-4 Making, (see also Boxe3) 38d, 2 Chewing-gum 79a, 7 Chemical preparation 53f, 3 Chicken-housings 45h, 12 Chicory-cutting machines 53d, 5 Children's beds 34h, 2 Chairs 34h, 1 Cycle-seats 63g, 4 Furniture 34h, 1-3 Keyboards for pianos 51b, 17 Leading-strings 34h, 5 Slates 70e, 1 Swings 34h, 4 Tables 34h, 2 Chilled casting^, making 31c, 16 Chimes 51c, 38; 51d, 19 Chimney caps and cowls 36d, 9-11 Climbing scaffolds 37e, 6 Supports 341, 21 Sweeping implements 24g, 3 Chimneys 24g, 1, 2; 37f, 5 Building 37f, 5 Cleaning apparatus 24g, 1 Cleaning-doors 24g, 2 Climbing, apparatus for 37e, 11 Increasing draft, means for 24i, 5 Lamp 4a, 11-13; 4b, 4, 12 Preliminary heating 4a, 13 Wind-wheels in, to increase draft 24i, 5; 88c Chin-rests for violins 51c, 10 Chip-carving machines 75a, 3 Chisels 87b, 6 Stone- working 80d, 1 Chloral 12o, 7 Chlorates 12i, 7, 8 For explosives 78c, 15 Chlorid of lime 12i, 6 Sulfur 12i, 20 Chlorin... ..... 12i 2-4 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 25 Classification. Chloroform 12o, 2 Administering 30k, 14 Chocks for apparatus for transporting road- vehicles on rails 20g, 5 For rail way- vehicles 20h, 5 Chocolate, making, chemical features 53f, 2 Mechanical features '. 531 Choking-coils 21d, 49; 21f, 11, 63 For cables 21c, 5 Chopping blocks and boards 34b, 1, 13; 66b, 12 Knives 34b, 13 Machines, meat 66b, 5 Christmas tree candle-holders 341, 29 Tree ornaments 341, 27 Sockets for electric lights 21f, 48 Stands 341,28 Trees 341, 27 Chromate processes .". 57b, 15 Chromates, lead 22f, 3 Chromium compounds 12m, 8 Ferro 18b, 20 Oxid pigments 22f, 7 Preparation 40a, 46 Electrolytic 40c, 12, 13 Chromoscopes 57a, 8 Chucks, lathe 49a, 20 Church-bells, apparatus for hanging 37d, 29 For ringing 74a, 39 Churning, atmospheric 45g, 18 Centrifugal 45?, 16 Churns 45g, 17-22 Chutes, (amusement apparatus) 77e, 16 Brick and stone 37e, 13 Conveyer 1 81e, 14, 15 Life-saving 61a, 6, 9 Cigar bands 79b. 26 Boxes 81c, 1,4 Bundling apparatus 79b, 3 Cases 44b, 18 Cutters and trimmers. . . , 44b, 16 Combined with pocket-knives 69, 15 Extinguishers 44b, 13 Filler molds. 79b, 2 Fillers 79b, 1 Filters, (mouthpieces) 79b, 18, 20 Holders 44b, 12 Making of plastic materials 39a, 21 Lighters 44b, 14 Making '. 78a, 12 Making machines 79b, 6-8 Mouthpiece coatings, paraffin coatings 79b, 19 Mouthpieces, (filters; 79b, 18, 20 Packing cases 81c, 21 Piercers 44b, 21 Presses 79b, 3 Racks 44b,15 Rolling machines 79b. 6-8 Slitters ; . 44b, 17 Supports 44b, 15 Waste, recovering tobacco and cigar fillers 79a, 2 Wrappers 79b, 4, 5 Cigarette bands 79b, 26 Cases 44b,18 Covers, making 79b, 20, 21 Cutting and trimming apparatus 79b, 16, 17 Fillers, pocket 79b, 14 Filling machines 79b, 10 Filters, (mouthpieces) 79b, 18, 20 Holders 44b, 12 Machines 79b, 11, 13 Continuous strand 79b, 12 Mouthpiece coatings, paraffin coatings 79b, 19 Mouthpieces, (filters) 79b, 18, 20 Packing cases 81c, 21 Machines 81a, 9 Paper 79b,21 Rollers, pocket 79b, 14 Shells or tubes, making 79b,20 Classification. Cigarettes, continuous strand, cutting into defi- nite lengths 79b, 16 Defective, removing covers from 79b, 15 Making 79b, 10-23 Printing and branding 79b, 25 W T ith lighting devices 79b, 22 Cigars, chemical treatment 79c, 1 Cutting off burning part, devices for 44b, 21 Making 79b, 1-9, 18, 19, 21-24 Printing and branding 79b, 25 With lighting devices 79b, 22 Cinchona alkaloids 12p, 12 Cinematographs, etc.: See Kineinatcgraphs, etc. Cinnamic acid 12o, 21 Cipher-writing apparatus 42n, 14 On type-writers 15g, 20 Circuit breakers, automatic 21c, 57, 58, 60 Closing apparatus 21c, 28-44 Devices for clocks 83b. 7 Circular combs for textile fibers 76b, 31 Knit fabrics 25a, 1-10 Knitting machines 25a, 7-10, 16 Fixed needle 25a, 8 Looms . 86c, 16 Rib-top-knitting machines 25a, 10 Saws for metal-working 49b, 21 For woodworking. '. 38a, 5 Circulation devices for galvanic cells and storage batteries 21b, 4 Evaporators 89e, 2 Regulators, gas 26a, 17 Press-gas 4c, 40 Circus structures 37f, 1 Equipment 77g, 5 Citral 12o, 7 Clack-valve closures 47g, 19 Clamping devices for picture-frames 38c, 6 For woodworking 38e, 8 Clamps and clamp-chains for fabric stretching and drying machines 8b, 6 Clamps as fastenings in structures 37b, 5 Binding lie, 10, 11 For curtain-cords 34e, 4, 5 For display purposes 54g, 22 For holding fountain-pens 70b, 6 For picture-frames 38c, 6 For surgical purposes 30a, 8 For woodworking 38c. 6; 38e, 8 Letter-binding lie, 10, 11 Metal, for paper boxes 54a, 8 Rope 28a, 18-20; 47d, 12 Scaffold 37e,8 Sheet metal, for fastening roofing-tiles 37c, 2 Making 7c,34 Wire 87a,21 Electric 21b,3; 21c, 20-22, 26, 27 For fastening, roofing-tiles 37c, 2 Woven fabric 8f, 13 Clam-shell buckets for excavators -. 84d, 3 Clappers for signal-bells 74a, 39 Clarifying apparatus for alcoholic liquors 6b, 11 Apparatus for coal-dressing la, 8 Beer and wine 6d, 3 Generally. 12d, 1 Glue 22i, 6 Clarinets 51c, 23 Clasp buckle f astenings for shoes 71b, 7 Closures for dispensing vessels 64a, 42 Fastenings for shoes 71b, 7 Claw-couplings for motor-cars 63c, 12 Generally 47c, 6 Railway 20e, 10 Clay, burning in kilns 80c Casts 75b,17 Digging and dressing , 80a, 1-8 Dividing apparatus 80a, 6 Grinding machines 80a, 2 Molding and casting 80a, 42-53 Pigeons, shooting 72e,5 26 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Clay purifiers 80a, 4 Ware, coloring, decorating, glazing 80b, 23 Glazing, apparatus for 80a, 54 Treating surface 80a, 54-58; 80b, 23 Washers 80a, 5 Working by presses and cutting apparatus. . . 80a, 9-23, 25-41 Cleaners, card, for carding-machines 76b, 16 Feather 3e, 3 13e 22g, 14 35a,9 34c, 12 For boiler-tubes and condensers For coated surfaces For hauling-cables For lamp-cylinders For rail way- tracks, gravel-beds, etc., for re- moval of weeds 19a, 28 Fork, knife, and spoon 34c, 11 Pen 70b, 6 Shoe, (scrapers) 34c, 17 Cleaning buttons and clasps, implements for. . . 34c, 13 Castings, apparatus for 31c, 32 Chemical, of textiles, chemical features 8i, 5 Mechanical features 8a, 5 Clothing, implements for 34c, 9, 13 Cloths 34c, 6 Doors for chimneys 24g, 2 Machines, brick 37e, 13 Metal articles 48a,l; 48b,l; 48d, 2 Steam-boilers 13b, 5-9 Teeth, implements for 30b, 19 Clearance-packings for centrifugal pumps 59b, 2 Clearances, steam-turbine, means for closing or reducing 88a, 9 Clearing apparatus for glass-fusing 32a, 5 Clepsydras 83a, 80 Climbing and scaling apparatus 77a, 13 Apparatus for scaling chimneys 37e, 11 Shoes...".. . . . ..."..'..'."."..'.".".'.".'.".'.".'.'.."..'.'.'."." 77ai 13 Clinometer-compasses 42c, 11 Clippers for dogs' ears, dogs' and horses' tails, etc . 30c, 1 Clips, paper lie, 25 Rail 19a, 11 Clocks and watches 83a, b Alarm-clocks 83a, 64-75 For electric control systems 74a, 14 For factories, schools, etc 74a, 19 Antimagnetic 83a, 86 Art-clocks, (with movable figures) 83a, 79 Calendar-clocks 83a, 78 Cases for 33b, 10; 341, 22; 83a, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52 Protective 83a, 49 Combined with barometers, compasses, etc. . 83a, 83 Egg-timing 83a, 84 Electric clocks 83b Primary 83b, 1 Secondary 83b, 2 Frames for 83a, 45, 46, 50, 52 Hydraulic clocks 83a, 81 Illuminated 83a, 18 Indicating devices for 83a, 12-19 Ornamentation 83a, 51 Pneumatic clocks 83a, 81 Regulators 83a, 20-32 Stand-clocks 83a, 33, 45 "Stop-clocks," (for measuring short periods of time e. g., egg-timers) 83a, 84 Telltale-clocks 43a, 30 Watchmen's recording-clocks 43a, 30 Water-clocks 83a, 80 Wheels and ratchet mechanism for 83a, 10, 11 Winders, electric 83b, 7 Winding apparatus 83a, 33-42 With movable figures 83a, 79 With secondary mechanism 83a, 76-79 Clockwork for speed-meters 42o, 3 Clod-crushers 45a 29 Closet bowls .".". ..".'. "gsh, 12-15 Covers 34k, 6; 85h, 10 Flushing-tanks 85h 1-8 Cleaning 85h, 14 Classification. Closet paper / 34k, 9 Paper holders with and without cutting device? 34k, 9 Receptacles. 34k, 10 Combined with means for burning feces 24d Seats 34k,8; 85h, 10 Closets connected to water-mains 85h Disinfectants for 30i Disinfection 85h, 17 In railway-cars, including water-closets 20c, 42 In ships 65a, 1 1 Ventilating 85e,5; 85h, 16 With flushing apparatus ; 85h Without flushing apparatus 34k, 6-11 Closets and wardrobes, built in 37d, 39 Closing machines for envelops, paper bags, etc. 70d, 12 For packages, paper boxes, etc 81a, 1 Tin can 7c, 8. 9 Closures, auxiliary, for cocks and valves 47g, 42 Ball, for liquor-handling apparatus 64a, 38 Barrel 64a, 50; 64c, 21-26 Barrel-door 64a, 50 Bayonet, for bolts 68b, 1 For covers or receptacles under pressure . . . 47f, 21 For hose and pipe couplings 47f, 14 For lamps 4a. 3, 52, 53 For liquor-handling vessels 64a, 36 For locks of baskets, trunks, etc 33b, 11 For wooden boxes 81 c, 3 Book lid, 1 Bottle for direct dispensing 64a, 54 For pharmaceutical purposes 30g, 3 For removing yeast (ic, 2 Generally. . 64a, 19-55, 65-72 Non-refillable 64a, 65-72 Safety devices against unauthorized open- ing, putting on 81b, 1 With filling and pouring appliances 64a. 54 Bow, for bags of every kind 33b, 4 For bottles 64a, 26, 29. 32-35, 75 Apparatus for securing 64b. 21 Machines for insuring against opening 81b, 1 Box 81c, 3 ... 64c. 26 ... 64a, 48 64a. 20-24 Bung-hole Can-, including loose covers Cap, for liquor-handling apparatus Clack-valve 47g, 19 Clasp, for liquor-handling apparatus 64a, 42 Cock, for liquor-handling apparatus 64a, 53 Coffin 30e, 17 Disk, for liquor-handling apparatus 64a, 19 Double, for liquor-handling apparatus 64a, 46 Eccentric, for liquor-handling apparatus. . . . 64a, 31 Elevator-shaft 35a, 18 External cap, for liquor-handling appara- tus 64a, 20, 22 Falling block, for small-arms 72a, 12 Filling, for soda-water containers 85a, 4 For acetylene -generators 26b, 3 For acid containers 12f, 1 For albums He, 2 For cigar-cases and match-containers 44b. 30 For cooking-ovens lOa, 12 For filter-presses 12d, 6 For galvanic cells 21b, 1 For gas-retorts 26a. 14 For inclined-plane hoists 5d, 6 For liquor-handling apparatus 64a, 8-55, 73-81 For ordnance 72c, 10-13 For paint-tubes, etc - - 81c, 15 For sugar-juice-extracting apparatus > 89c, 6 For volatile -liquid containers 30g, 5 Globe, for electric -arc lamps 21f, 20 Gun 72c. 10-13 Hand-bag 33b, 11 Ink-well 70c, 4 bus 64a, 25 appara- tus 64a, 21, 22 Jointed locking-band, for liquor-handling ap- paratus. 64a, 27-29 Internal, for liquor-handling apparati Internal cap, for liquor-handling CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 27 Classification. Closures, knapsack 33b, 11, 12 Lazy-tong type, for skylights and transoms. . 68b, 22 Letter and envelop 54b, 2 Lubricator 47e, 31 Magnet, for mine-lamps 4a, 52 Mail bag 81c, 9, 29 Box 81c, 29 Metal band, for liquor -handling apparatus . . . 64a. 41 Milk-can. 64a/48 With special arrangements for the milk 45g. 4 Mine-lamp 4a, 52, 53 Paper-bag 54b, 4 Pipe 47f,21; 85e, 15-17 Pocket-book '. 33b, 4, 11 Receptacle 53b, 2-4; 64a, 19-81 For high internal pressiire 47f, 21 Rotary slide-valve, for liquor-handling appa- ratus 64a, 55 Sack 81c, 8 Screw, for guns (ordnance) 72c, 12 Shaft 5d, 6; 35a, 18 Shirt 3a, 1 Small-arm 72a, 12-16 Throat, for blast-furnaces 18a, 6 Tin-can . 64a. 56-60 Vacuum, for liquor-handling apparatus 64a, 43 Wedge, for ordnance 72c, 10 Cloth beams (take-ups) 86c, 19 Collars 3b, 12 Finishing agents 8k, 1 Chemical features 8i-n Mechanical features 8a-g Oil 8h, 7 Printing 8c; 8n, 1-4 Printing colors, preparation 8n, 1 Resists 8n, 3 Solvents .- 8n, 2 Samples, machines for pasting on sample- cards 8f, 13 Stretching machines 8b, 10 Weaving 86a-h Winding boards and rollers 8f , 7 Clothes beaters 34c, 13 Brushes 9, 3 Hangers 3b ; 9 Capable of being hoisted out of reach and locked (kleideraufziige,) for mines, fac- tories, etc 34f, 22 Lockable 68a. 107 Hooks, coin-controlled 43b, 51 Lockable 68a, 108 8d, 13 8d, 14 8d,.10 3a-e 72g,l . 3b.4 etc.). Lines Pegs and pins Rubbers (washboards Clothing Armored Bullet-proof Devices for putting on and removing 341, 24 Stationary 341, 22 Holders on chairs 34g, 5 Linings for 3b, 2 Materials for, waterproof and ventilated ' 3b, 1 Making 8k; 25a; 86c Pockets for 3b. 2 Presses for 341, 32 Protective, including clothing for motor- vehicles 3b. 4 Protectors for cyclists 63g, 12 Storm 3b, 3 Stretchers for 341, 31 Trimmings for 3b, 2 Making 25c, 2-7 Cloths, dust 34c, 7 Filter 12d, 5, 13, 16 Polishing 34c, 6 Clouding fabrics 8a, 4 Clover-graters 45e, 21 Clubs, Indian 77a, 6 Clutch-driving mechanism 47h, 5 Classification. Clutches, brake-band and brake-ring 47c, 10 Brush 47c, 14 Connectible, for cycles 63k, 35 Electric 21d, 14; 47c,15; 63c,l; 65f, 19 Friction 47c, 7-9, 13 Motor-vehicle 63c, 12 Multiple disk 47c, 11 Positive 47c, 6 Coagulating properties of fluids, determining. . . 421, 3 Coal baskets , 81c, 10 Breakers and crushers. ..." 34d, 1 ; 50c Briquets, making lOb, 1-9 Bunkers 81e, 36 Carbonizing 26a, 1-9 Coking lOa, 1-22 Comminuting apparatus 34d, 1 Compressors lOa, 14 Cutting and channeling machines 5b, 9 Draining towers la, 10 Dressing la Dry distillation 26a, 1-9 Drying towers la, 10 Dust furnaces ! 211, 1, 3 Gas, making 26a, 1-8 Purifying 26d, 1, 5, 6 Washing 26d, 2^, 6 Hods 34d, 2 Holders for inclined gas-retorts 26a, 7 Loading apparatus for railway-service 20g, 10 Mining 5a, b Mine refuse, conveying by flushing, for filling goaves 5d, 9 Scuttles, etc 34d, 3 Separating from slate la, 30 Shovels, etc 34d, 3 Slimes, drying la, 9 Small, forming protective coating on lOb, 8 Stamps lOa, 14 Washing la, 11 Coaling locomotives 81e, 25 Ships 65a, 81 Coast fortifications 84a, 2 Life-saving stations 65a, 72 Coat collars 3b, 12 Tents. 33d, 7 Coating compositions for shoe-soles 7 la, 11 Materials, generally 22g, 9-11 For linoleum 8h, 1, 2 For window-glass to prevent deposit and freezing of moisture 22g, 10 Coatings, anticorrosive 22g, 7 ; 48d, 4 Applying, implements for, (exclusive of brushes) 75c, 20-23 By dusting on metal 75c, 5 Enamel 48c, 1 For writing-tablets 22g, 11 Glass 32b, 9 Leather 22g, 5 Metal 48b, 1-4, 8-10 Rust-preventing 22g, 7; 48d, 4 Sensitive 57b, 8-10 Applying 57b, 6 3b,5 Uniform 3b, 6 Women's 3b, 8 Cobalt compounds 12n, 4 Extracting 40a, 43 / Preparation, electrolytic 40c, 8 Cocain ' 12p, 12, 13 Cock closures for dispensing vessels 64a, 53 Valve gears for internal-combustion engines. . 46b, 3 Cocks as machine elements 47g, 22-25 As machine elements, with special mechan- ism 47g, 34-46 Barrel-tapping. 64c, 33 Beer 64c, 27-39 Braking apparatus, buffers and dash-pots for. 47g, 35 Dispensing, fastening in earthenware and glass vessels 64c, 41 Engineers' brake, for air-brakes 20f , 39 28 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Cocks, flushing 85h, 9 For dispensing vessels 64c, 27-39 For gas heating-stoves 36b, 2 For steam-boiler water-gages 13c, 2, 5 Frothing 64c, 28 Gas ,. - 4c, 1-14 Adjustable for small flame 4c, 4 Alarm devices 4c, 14 And water combined for bath-heaters 36e, 5 Economizing 4c, 4 Multiple way 4c, 2 Operating devices for 4c, 5 Safety 4c, 10-12 Safety devices for 4c, 3 Grinding in 67a, 31 Measuring, for dispensing vessels with invari- able measuring-space 64c, 30 For fluid-measuring devices 42e, 19 Mixing, for baths 85f, 1 For dispensing vessels 64c, 29 Generally 47g, 25 Multiple way 47g, 25 Pinch, for dispensing vessels 64c, 34 Pipe-closing, on air-brakes 20f, 41 Ripping, for balloons 77h, 4 Tapping 47g,22,23; 64c,33 Test or try, on steam-boilers 13c, 14 Water-pipe 47g, 1, 2, 5-7 With inserted tubes 64c, 27 Cocoa, preparations 53f, 2 Removing bitter elements 53f, 1 Treating, chemical features 53f, 1 Mechanical features 531, 10 Cocoon culture 45h, 15 Cocoons for silk-spinning 76c, 28 Codein 12p, 14 Coffee 53d, 1-4 .And tea preparing apparatus 341, 7 Cleaning and sorting apparatus 45e, 20 Cups, etc 34f, 11 Extracts 53d, 3 Filters 12d; 341,7 Freeing of caffein 53d, 4 Machines 341,7 Mills 50b. 10 Percolators 341, 7 Pots 34f, 11 Preserving by glazing or candying 53d, 2 Roasting apparatus 82a, 26-28 Strainers 341, 18 Substitutes, roasting 53d, 4 Coffer-dams r 84c, 3 Coffin closures and packings for 30e, 17 Hoisting and lowering apparatus 30e, 18 Coffins 30e, 16 Coherers 21a, 26, 70 Coiled pipes, making 7b, 20; 80a, 33 Coils, choking 21d,49; 21f, 11, 63 Choking, far cables 21c, 5 Electric, making 21g, 1 For spring-motors 46e, 2 Spark 21g,6 For wireless telegraphy 21a, 71 Coin containers 33b,l; 43a, 17 Controlled apparatus 43b Apparatus, coin-slots for 43b, 1 For music-players 43b, 38; 51d, 20 For telephone stations ; . . . '. 21a, 46 On locks 43b, 55; 68a, 24 Photographic 57a, 39 Game apparatus 43b, 40, 41 Locks 68a, 24 Signal apparatus 74a, 10 Counting apparatus 43a, 18 Delivering apparatus 43a, 15 Holders 33b, 1; 43a, 17 Packing apparatus 43a, 18 Slots for coin-controlled apparatus 43b, 1 Sorters 43a, 16 Classification. Coin testers 43a, 19 Testers for coin-controlled apparatus 43b, 2 Tubes 43a, 17 Coins, cleaning and disinfecting 30i, 1, 2 Coke conveying apparatus, with quenching appliances lOa, 17 Conveying apparatus, without quenching appliances 81e, 25 Cooling and quenching lOa, 17 Drawing machines lOa, 16 Improving quality of, by addition of other materials in coking lOa, 18 Loading from coke-ovens 81e, 25 Ovens lOa, 1-20 Production lOa Pushing machines lOa, 16 Coking lOa Processes ICa, 21, 22 Colanders 341, 18 Cold air baths 30f, 10 Air machines. . 17a, 20 Vapor engines for power pxirposes 46d, 4 For refrigerating purposes 17a, 1-19, 21-23 Collar buttoners 33c, 10 Buttons 44a, 15 Fasteners and holders 3a, 4 Protectors for cloth collars 3b, 12 For linen collars 3a, 4 Supports 3b, 2 Collars, coat 3b, 12 Dog 45h, 11 Fabric 3b, 12 Horse 56a, 3-7 Fastenings for 56a. 6 Making 63a Linen 3a, 4 Packing, for stuffing-boxes 47f, 25 Paper 3a, 4 Collecting devices on rotary presses 15d, 25 Stamps, etc., arrangements for lie, 27 Collection-bags for churches, etc 33b, 1 Collections, natural science 42n, 10 Preserving 451, 1 Collector-rings, electric 21d, 20 Collectors, dust, for gas-conduits 4c, 17 Generally 50e Collision of trains, preventing by train control . . 20i, 30-45 Protecting cars in case of 20c, 17 Collodion 4f, 5; 22h. 4; 29b, 3; 39b, 5-7; 57b, 1-18; 78c, 6, 9, 12 Lacquers 22h, 4 Colophony 22h, 1 Holders for violins 51e, 13 Color applying implements 75c, 1-5, 20-23 Applying machines for bottle-caps 75a, 20 Along seams, devices for, on sewing- machines 52a, 54 Atomizers 75c, 22 Binding materials 22g, 3 Blindness, diagnosis 30a, 3 Charts 75c, 11 Corroding materials 22g, 13 Embossing processes 15k, 6 Filters 57b, 8 Foil or leaf 22g, 10 Grinding machines 22g, 15; 50c Mechanism for embossing-presses 15d, 43 Mixers and stirrers 75c, 13 Photography, apparatus for 57 a, 8 Processes for 57b, 18 Printing forms 15b, 3: 57d, 3 Receptacles or boxes 75c, 15 Rubbing devices 75c, 12 Scales 75c, 11 Screens 57b, 18 Sprayers 75c, 22 Strainers 75c, 22 Tops 77f,4 Tubes 75c, 15 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 29 Classification. Colored photographs, apparatus for reproducing. 57a, 8 Powders, applying to fabrics 8b, 31 Colorimeters 42h, 18 Coloring earthenware 80b, 23 Flowers by absorption of dyestuffs 75c, 5 Fresh flowers 451, 1 Metals 48d, 3 Galvanic 48a, 16 On paper-machines 55f , 4 Paper 55f, 2 Pulp 55c, 3 Colors, annealing, compounding glass to produce . 32b,4 Cloth-printing 8n, 1-3 Developing on fibers 8m. 12 For mosaic-printing 151, 7 Luminous 22f, 4, 5, 6, 10 Oil .- 22g, 2 Painters' . 22g, 2 Pulverized, applying 75c, 22 Removing, implements for 75c, 26 Materials for 22g, 13 Resin 22g, 2 Surface, for glass 32b, 4 Water 22g, 2 Columbaria 30e, 19 Structural arrangements 37f Column galleys for type-setting. 15a, 9 Heads 37b, 3 Indicators 70d, 9, 11 Locks for type-setting 15a, 9 Columns as structural elements 37b, 3 Built in situ 37a, 4, 5 Combination-locks 68a, 25-30 Combination or transition car-couplings 20e, 14 Combs, cleaning 33c, 8 For carding machines 76b, 30-35 Hair'dyeing 33c, 7 Retaining 33c, 4 Making of plastic materials 39a, 20 Toilet 33c, 7 Combustible gases, manufacture 21i, 1; 24e; 26a, c Producing by wet processes 26b Combustion mixtures, apparatus for producing. . 46c, 6-13 Surface, (flameless,) in gas-burners 4g, 55 In gas-furnaces 24c, 1 Material for 80b, 8, 18 Comminuting apparatus, bone 50c, 8 Apparatus, cacao 531, 10 Clay 80a,2 For briquets 80a, 24 For raw materials for paper-making 55a, 3-5 Generally 50c Grain 50b, 1-9 Ice 17b, 4 Metal 49b, 16 Sugar 89g, 1 Machines for foodstuffs for household use . . . 34b, 13 For fruits, vegetables, etc., for treatment in bulk 45e, 35-39 Commodes, etc 34k, 10 Communion-cups 64a, 2 Commutator-motors for alternating current. 21d, 44, 45 Shunt 21d,44 Commutators as switches 21c, 28-39 For collecting electric current 21d, 20 Compass declination, inclination, and deviation, devices for correcting 42c, 33 Point fastenings 42a, 5 Positions, telernetric apparatus for indicating. 74b, 7 Compasses ." 42a, 1-8; 42c, 11, 32-36 Beam 42a, 3 Caliper 42a, 1, 9 Curve-drawing 42a, 11-14 Deviation disturbances, determining and cor- recting 42c, 33 Dry..... 42c,32 Ellipse-drawing 42a, 12 For underground surveying 42c, 11 Magnetic 42c, 32, 33 Classification. Compasses, making 7c, 40 Measuring 42a, 1 Parallel leg 42a, 2 Proportional 42a, 6 Registering 42c, 34 Compensating alternating-current generators . . 21d, 32 Devices for pipes 47f, 17 For steam-pumps and blowing-engines 14g, 11 For switches . . 20i, 12 Compensation of load for alternating-current systems 21d, 47 Of load for continuous-current systems 21d, 26 Of timepieces 83a, 24 Complete-operation type-casting machines 15a, 26 Composing rules and sticks for type-setting 15a, 8 Compositions, casting, ceramic 80b, 7 Ceramic 80b, 7-9 Core 31c,l Cork.. 39b,ll Electrically conducting 21c, 1 Insulating 21c, 2 Filling, for safes 68e, 2 Friction, for matches 78b, 3 Heat-insulating 47f, 27 Insulating 21c,2; 39b, 9; 37b, 6; 47f,27; 80b, 9 Luminous 22f, 10 Cold light 4b, 17 Match 78b, 2 Molding 31c, 1 Plastic, chemical features. 39b Mechanical features 39a Pyrophoric 78f Compound castings for armor-plate 31c, 17 Cylinder arrangements for internal-combus- tion engines 46a, 11 Glass 32b, 1 Consisting partly of celluloid 39a, 17 Steam-engines ". 14a, 5 Compounding alternating current 21d, 31 Compressed-air atomizers for medical purposes . 30k, 9 Barrels 59c, 4, 5, 7 Burners 4g, 43 Control of electric-railway trains 201, 25 Engines and vacuum air-engines 46d, 5 ' Excavators 84d, 4 Glass-blowing 32a, 9, 10, 12-15 Gearing 47H, 18 Hand and machine tools 5b, 1,4; 30b,l; 49e,2;87b,2 Hoisting apparatus 35d, 8 Ink-wells 70c, 1 Locomotives 20b, 6 Production for liquor-dispensing apparatus. . . 64c, 3 Generally 27a; 27b, 1-9; 27c; 27d Railways 20a, 3 Raisers, (for acids) 59c, 7 Street-car brakes 20f, 36 Transmission-gear 47h, 22 Turbines 46d, 5 Water-raisers 59c, 4, 5, 9 Compressed-gas burners 4g, 43 Containers. 12f, 2; 64c, 7; 85a, 5 For dispensing apparatus 64c, 1-7 Compresses 30d, 24, 25 For veterinary purposes , 30c, 7 Compressing fruit and vegetables, machines for. 34b, 9 Potatoes, machines for bulk treatment 45e, 39 For household use 34b, 9 Compression absorption refrigerating-machines. 17a, 13 Processes 17a, 1 Refrigerating-machines 17a, 3-6 Spring setting and winding machines 7d, 7 Springs for furniture 34g, 18 . Making 7d, 7 Compressors, air 27b, 1-9 Air, for carbureting purposes 26c, 12 Hydraulic 27b,4 Safety devices, nozzles, etc., for 27b, 8 Coal 10a, 14 For microscopes 42h, 15 30 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Compressors for refrigerating-machines 17a, 2 Peat lOc, 7j 80a, 24 Concaves in threshing-machines, adjusting 45e, 6 Concentrates, (ore-dressing) la, 12-14 Concentrating coal and ores la, b For chemical purposes 12a, 2 Concrete and reinforced-concrete bridges 19d, 1 And reinforced-concrete ceilings 37a,2 Columns, etc 37b, 3 Girders 37b, 3 Railway-ties 19a, 6 Supports 37b, 3 Walls 37a,5 Iron reinforcements for 37b, 4 Making 80b Rammers 37e, 13; 80a, 13 Ramming machines for foundations 84c, 4 Spirally reinforced for structural elements. . 37b, 3, 4 Making 80a,48 Staircases 37d, 3 Condensation of steam, generally 17d Of vapors for general chemical purposes 12a, 4 Water of, carrying off 13d, 12-29 Returning to boiler 13b, 12 Condenser-pumps 14g Telephones 21a, 32 Condensers, air 27b, 1-9 Air column, in pneumatic tools 87b, 2 Centrifugal 17d, 4 Dielectric 21g, 10 Electrolytic 21g, 11 For evaporators '. 89e, 5 For fleece-dividers 76b, 24 For gas purification 26d, 1 For gas retorts 26a, 16 For gas turbines 46d, 10 For high-frequency systems 21a, 71 For microscopes 42h, 3 For refrigerating-machines 17a, 12 For steam-engines 14g, 12, 13 For steam turbines 14c, 11 For zinc-distilling vessels 40a, 36 Injector 17d, 2 Rotary 17d, 4 Steam, generally 17d Condensing devices for mercury- vapor lamps... 21f, 82 Foodstuffs 53c-k For chemical purposes 12a, 2 Generally 12a, 4; 12c, 3; 17d; 17g Milk 53e,4 Salt solutions 121, 1 Sodium-chlorid solutions 121,1 Conditioning textile fibers 29b, 6 Conducting arrangements for electric railways at drawbridges 20k, 6 Materials, electric 21c, 1 Conductor connections for arc-lamps 21f , 23 Connections for electric cars 201, 26 ; 21c, 21 GeneraUy 21c, 20, 21 Systems, electric 20k, 15-17; 21d, 23-26 Conductors, aerial, for electric railways, includ- ing line-insulators, turnbuckles, etc 20k, 9 Electric 21c, 1-17 Connections for 21c, 20-26 . 21a,71 21c, 1-26 .. 21c,8 9, 10, 12-19 For high-frequency systems For weak and strong currents Freeing of ice and snow Laying and fastening 21c Preventing disturbances due to breaking of wires and short-circuiting 21c, 9 Protecting from lightning 21c, 61 Reducing disturbances due to induction. . . 21c, 4 Safety devices for 21c, 57-61 Tubes and conduits for 21c, 18, 19 For electric railways 20k, 9-14 Conduits for electric wires 21c, 19 For water-pipes 85d, 1 Slotted, for electric railways 20k, 13 Cone couplings 47c, 4 Gages 42b,21 Classification. Cone mills 50b, 10; 50c, 3 Presses 89b, 5 Winding machines 76d, 3 Cones, Seger and sintering 42i, 10 Compositions for '. 80b, 8 Confectionery 53f, 2, 3; 531 Cleaning r 531, 7 Coating 531, 4 Cooking, cooling, and drying 531, 12 Cutting machines 531, 9 Hand-molds for 531J2 Making, chemical features 53f , 3 Mechanical features 531 Measuring, weighing, and wrapping 531, 11 Ornamenting 531, 6 Conformators for hat-making 41a, 5 For sculptural work 75a, 17 Conjuring and puzzle toys 77f , 31 Appliances 77g, 6 Connecting devices for telephone-stations 21a, 62 Rods 47b, 18 Connections, bridge, for electric distributing sys- tems 21e, 9 Bridge, for Nernst lamps 21f, 71 Cascade, for alternating-current motors 21d, 43 Conductor, for electric-arc lamps 21f, 23 For continuous-current armature-windings.... 21d, 3 For electric-arc lamps 21f, 11-15 For electric bells 74a, 1 For lightning-arresters 21c, 26 For mercury- vapor lamps 21f, 84 For single electric-railway cars 201, 4-7, 23 For stone, wood, and iron in building construc- . 37b, 5 2 la, 20 21a, 58 201,26; 21c,21 2 la, 44 35b, tion. For telegraph-relays For telephone-exchange connecting-lines. . For train-conductors of electric railways.. Line-selecting Lowering-brake, for cranes Of Rontgen-ray tubes L'lg, 18 Of storage batteries 21c, 44; 21d, 25 Parallel, of electric machines 21d Devices for 21c, 55 Systems of, for storage batteries 21c, 44 Tens-carrying, for calculating-machines. . . . 42m, 11 Transformer 21d, 49 Connectors, belt 47d, 9 Driving-cable and cord 47d, 11 For electric conductors 21c, 20, 21 For parts of harness 56a, 23 Conservatories 45f, 9 Structural arrangements 37f, 7 Consumption meters, steam 42e, 23 Regulators, gas 4c, 23-26 Contact buttons for push-button switches 21c, 30 Buttons for sectional conductors 20k, 15-17 Compositions 12g, 2 Devices actuated by wheel-flange 20k, 16; 20i, 31, 32 Processes, chemical 12g, 2 For the production of metal deposits 48a, 13 Of sulfuric acid 1 2i, 24 Photographic. 57b, 14 Rails for sectional conductors 20k, 15-17 Contacts, alarm, for steam-boilers 13c, 17 Bell 74a, 1-6, 10-12 Cord, for fire-alarms 74a, 35 Floor, for alarm apparatus 74a, 25 For burglar-alarms 74a, 21-26 For hre-alarms 74a, 30, 31, 35, 36 74a, 13-20 20i, 30-41 ... 21c,22 ... 21c,22 .... 20k, 5 ... 21c,22 21c, 22 74a, 23 For time-controlled alarms For train protection Plug, for electric wires Screw Single, for electric railways Suspended Two-pin plug Vibrating, for burglar-alarms Wall, for burglar-alarms 74a, 25 CLASSIFICATION" OF GERMAN PATENTS. 31 Classification. Containers for compressed gases 12f, 2; 64c, 7 For transporting liquid air 12f, 2 Continuous current distribution 21d, 23-26 Current dynamos, practical designs 21d, 16-19 Dynamos, regulation 21d, 11-15 Regulators 21c, 54-56 Generators 21d, 1-5 Motors 21d, 6, 7 For propulsion of railway trains 201, 4 Strand cigarette machines 79b, 12 Cigarettes, cutting into definite lengths 79b, 16 To alternating current, converting 21 d, 34 To continuous current, converting 21d, 8 Control of air-compressors 27b, 7 Apparatus for accuracy of fire 72f, 7 For explosion and internal-combustion engines 46b, 19 For motor-cycles 63k, 26 Steam-boiler 13c, 23 Time, for billiards 43a, 37 For games, generally 43a, 38 Compressed air and electric-compressed air, for electric-railway trains 201. 25 Devices to determine date of closing containers in cash-registers 43a, 12 For fluids filtered or to be filtered 12d, 4 For igniting apparatus of explosion and internal -combustion engines 46c, 14 For regular emptying of mail-boxes 43a, 42 Landing, for elevators 35a, 20 Gages 42k, 12 Levers for motor-cars 63c, 13 Of electric-railway trains 201, 24, 25 Of pulsometers 59c, 2 Of railway-gates by the train 20i, ] 9 Of rock-drills 5b, 4 Of steam-engines by fluid-pressure 14d, 25 Systems, electric, with alarm-clocks 74a, 14 Transmitting apparatus for motor-vehicles 63c, 9, 13, 14 Gearing for motor- vehicles 63c, 9 Valves, generally, for engines and metal- and wood- working machines 47g, 9-14, 29 Controllers for electric railways 201, 22; 21c, 52 Speed, for electric motors, forming special apparatus separable from machines 21c, 49-53 Controlling devices for trigger action 72a, 26 Converters, Bessemer 18b, 16-19 Compounding 21d, 31, 34 Electric 21d, 8, 34-36, 48, 49; 21g, 11-13 Frequency-transforming 21d, 36 Conveyer cars for railway-service 20c, 16 Chains for match manufacture 78a, 5 Troughs la, 28; 81e, 15, 16 Conveyers, belt 81e,l,2 Brick 80a, 34 Chain.. 8 1 e, 3 Elevating, for potato-digging machines 45c, 11 For potato-planting machines 45b, 19 For blast-furnace slag 18a, 9 Screw or worm 81e, 4, 5 Conveying apparatus for cards, beaters, etc. (spinning) 76b, 36 Apparatus for coking-ovens, without quench- ing devices 81e, 25 For coking-ovens, with quenching devices. lOa, 17 For earthenware in course of manufacture . . 80a, 34 For excavated material 84d, 5 For potato-harvesting machines 45c, 9, 10 For slaughter-houses 66a, 6 For sugar-beets 89a, 3 For wet paper webs 55f, 5 For wire-nail machines 7e, 10 By hydraulic currents 81e, 18 Mechanism for ore-roasting furnaces 40a, 4 Receptacles, self-filling 81e, 19 Cookers, alcohol 34a, 3, 5 Camp . . 341, 9 Egg 341, 6 , Electric 21h, 4 Classification. Cookers, electrically heated 21h,3 Fireless .'.. 341,11 For confectionery 531, 12 Gas 34a, 2-5 Lamp 34a, 4 Milk 341,5 Petroleum 34a, 1, 5 Steam 341, 2 Stock feed 53g, 6 Time-controlled 341, 6 Traveling 341, 9 With time-controlled lighting apparatus 341, 8 Cooking apparatus, electric 21h, 3 Apparatus, electric, regulating and automatic cut-out devicesfor 21h, 4 For solid fuel 36a, 16-23 Gas, extinguishing and lighting 34a, 2 Steam-bath and water-bath 36c, 13 Electric 21h, 3, 4 Ranges 36a, 16-19 Camp 36a,22 Electric 21h, 3 For heating and cooking purposes 36a, 17 With means for heating water 36a, 18 Stoves 36a, 20 Utensils 341, 1-4 Camp 341,1 Vessels, generally 12a, 1 ; 341, 1-9 With alarm devices 341, 5 Coolers, air I7a, e, f Beer I7e, 1; 17f, 2; 64c, 14 Wort -... i?f,l Beverage I7f,2 Counter-current 17e, 1; 17f, 5 Fat and oil 23a, 1 Fermenting- vat 6b, 18 Flying-machine engine 46c, 18-23 ; 77h, 5 For airship-engines 46c, 18-23; 77h, 15 Gas I2e,2 Illuminating-gas 26d. 1 Inclosed . I7f Milk I7e, 3 ; 17f , 2 With special treatment of milk 45g, 6 Open I7e Pipe, galvanoplastic production of 48a, 7 Generally 17f, 11 Making of sheet metal 7c, 24 Pocket 17f, 8 Spray 17e, 4 Stream, open 17e, 1-3 Wine 17f, 2 Wound 30d, 25 Yeast-mash 6b, 18 Cooling acetylene-generators. 26b, 47 Air, drying and purifying 17f , 6 In blast-furnaces , 18a, 17 Separating moisture from 17f, 6 Apparatus for absorbers of refrigerating- machines 17a, 16 For bearings 47b, 10 For electric machines 21d, 19 For electrodes of Rontgen tubes 21g, 15 . For fats 23a, 1 For liquor-dispensing purposes 64c, 14 For mercury- vapor lamps 21f, 82 For motor- vehicles 46c, 18-23 ; 63c, 26 For oils 23a, 1 For railway-cars 20c, 24 For reflectors 4b, 6 For transformers 21d, 48 Used in caring for the sick 30d, 25 Artificial butter 53h, 2 Briquets lOb, 9 Cacao 53f,l Cocks, valves, etc 47g, 41 Coke '. . . . lOa, 17 Confections 531, 12 Electric machines 21d, 19 Firemen's stations in furnace plants 24k, 8 Gas-engines 46c, 18-23 32 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Cooling glass .' 32a, 28-30, 32, 24 Media for refrigerating-machines . 17a, 19 Receptacles 17c, 3 Steam-engines 14g, 6 Towers 17e, 1 Vats for beer-wort 6b, 15 Coopering 38f Coordinate determining apparatus 42c, 8 Cop tubes for spinning and spooling machines . . 7Gd, 1G Winding machines 76d, 4 Copper, coating with 48a, 6; 48b, 10 Compounds 12n, 5 Etching for printing-forms 15b, 1, 5 Extracting 40a, 26-32 Plate presses 15d, 9 Plates 15b, 1 Plating 48a, b Preparation 40a, 26-32 Electrolytic 40c, 9 Purifying and refining 40a, 30 Cops 76c Paper, making 54c,4 Copy books lid, 1 Holders for type-setters 15a, 10 For type-writers 15g, 46 Generally ,. 70d, 9 Copying apparatus 15i, 6 Lamps, electric 21f, 9 Machines 75a, 13-15 For documents 15i, 2 For pattern-cards 86h, 4 Papers 55f, 15 Composition of inks for 151, 7 Pattern, apparatus 3d, 4 Presses 15i, 1 Processes 15k, 7 Telegraphs 21a, 5 Cord clamps and holders for curtains 34e, 4, 5 Contacts for burglar-alarms 74a,22 For fire-alarms 74a, 35 Drums 47b, 26 Guides for curtain-cords 34e, 6 Machines 25c, 4; 73, 2 Switches, electric 21c, 31 Tensioning devices for curtains 34e, 6 Winders for roller-shades 34e, 9 Cords, braided 25b, 10 Driving 47d, 10, 11 Connectors for 47d, 11 Making 25c, 4; 73, 2 Core boxes, frames and plates 31c, 8 Irons 31c, 7 Materials 31c, 1 Molding machines for foundries 31b, 9 Plates for storage batteries 21b,19 Supports 31c, 7 Cores for casting tubes 31c, 19 Inserted, for compressed-air glass-blowing 32a, 13 Cork and paper board, making 55f, 10 Artificial 38h, 6; 39b, 11 Board, making 55f, 10 Compositions 39b, 11 Cutting machines 38g, 2 Drawers for removing corks that have dropped into bottles. . 64b, 27 For hoof-coverings 45i, 4 For production of plastic masses 39b Impregnating '38h, 6; 39b, 11 Linen, (a linoleum substitute) 8h, 4 Paving 19c, 5 Preparation and treatment, chemical 38h, 6 Mechanical 38g, 2 Pullers 64b, 25-27 Screws 64b, 25-26 On pocket-knives 69, 15 Shoes 71a, 2 Steamers and cleaners 64b, 20 Stone, (granulated cork bound together by lime) 37b, 2-, 80b, 9, 16, 24 Classification. Cork stoppers 64a, 11, 18 Substitutes 39b, 11 Corking-machines 64b, 20 Corks, bottle 64a. 8-18 Cleaning 64b, 20 Corn files, knives, and rasps 30a, 15 Grinding 50a, b Harvesting 45c, 27 Rings 30d, 22 Corner connections 47a, 2; 54a, 8-11, 13; 81c, 2 Protecting strips for masonry walls 37b, 2, 5 Shelves 34f, 26 Corpses, burial apparatus 30e : 16-19 Cremating 24d Embalming 30i, 9 Transporting, railway-cars for 20c, 7 Correcting appliances for type- writers 15g, 45 Corrosion, protecting from, by coatings 48b; 48c; 48d, 4 By paints 22g, 7 Corrugated paper-board, making 54d, 9 Sheet metal for building purposes 37b, 4 Making. 7c, 2, 3 Tubing, making 7b, 15 Corset busks 3a, 16 Fasteners 3c, 5 Making, of sheet metal 7c, 45 Of wire 7d, 14 Lacings 7113, 1 Machines 3a, 17 Stays 3a, 16 Of wire, making 7d, 15 Corsets 3a, 13 Orthopedic 30d, 4 Corundum 12m, 6 Cosmetics 30h, 13 Cotillion-favors 77f, 31 Cotter and key fastenings 47a, 1 Pins 47a, 5 Cotters and keys 47a, 1 As machine elements 47a, 5 For locking screw-fastenings . 47a, 10 Cotton gins and ginning 29a, 1 Harvesting machines 45c, 27 Machines, (knitting) 25a, 2 Spinning 76 b, c Waste, cleaning and washing 8a, 5 For cleaning coated surfaces 22g, 14 For grinding purposes 67c, 2 Machines for opening 76b. 2 Making from yarn or yarn refuse 761), 37 Used, extracting fat from 23a, 4 Couch-rolls 55d, 20 Couches 34g, 12 Coumarin 1 2o, 21 Counterpane holders and fastenings 34g, 16; 34h, 2 Counterpanes 34f , 9 Appliances for airing 34f. 26; 34g, 16; S4h, 2 Attachable to windows 34f, 26 Counters, axle or car 20h, 1 ; 42p Axle or car, with cooperation of train 20i, 30, 35 Beer-glass, (drink-registers) 64a, 82-85 Conversation, for telephone-stati ns 21a, 47-49 For shoes 71a, 30 For stores 341, 35 Kilometer, (mileage-indicators) 12p, 11 Revolution 42p, 1-4, 10, 11 For cycles 42p, 11 Seconds, (split-second timers) 83a, 85 Step, (pedometers) 42p, 9; 83a, 83 Weft, for looms 86c, 20 Counting devices for billiards 77c, 16 Devices for car-controllers 201, 22 For diagnostic purposes 30a, 4 For printing sheets 15d, 17 For roll-cameras 57a, 23 For type-writers 15g, 44 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 33 Classification. Counting mechanism 42p, 1-10 Mechanism disk 42p, 2 For liquor- handling apparatus 64c, 11 For barrels, bottles, sacks, etc 42p, 5 For fluid-measuring apparatus 42e, 22 For measuring-rods 42p, 7 For telegraphs 21a, 43 For turnstiles 42p, 6. For weighing apparatus 42f, 32, 33 On load-hooks, etc 42p, 5 Roller 42p, 1 Shifting 42p, 3, 4 With bill-printing devices 42p, 8 Coupler-heads 20e Couplers for pipe and reed organs 51a, 6 Coupling motors of electric railways 201, 21 Rods -' 47b,18 Couplings as machine elements 47c, 1-16 Between piston-rod and connecting-rod, re- leasing 14g, 5 Brush - 47c, 14 Brake-band and brake-ring 47c, 10 Bar, connected with pipe-joints 20e, 15 For electric wires 2()e, 15 ; 21c, 21 Claw 47c, 6 Compensating, for motor-cars 63c, 11 Cone friction. '. 47c, 4 Disk friction 47c, 9 Electric, for propeller-shafts 65f, 9 For gas-pipes 4c, 15 For horse-cars 20e, 16 For motor-vehicles 63c, 12 For presses and punching-machines 7c, 18 For secondary-railway cars 20e, 16 Free wheel, for cycles 63k, 34 Hollow-cylinder friction 47c, 7 Hose and pipe 47f, 10-12, 14 Multiple disk 47c, 11 Pipe 47f, 6-14 Railway 20e, 1-22 Auxiliary 20e, 20 Connected with electric-conductor connec- tions 20e,15; 21c, 21 Connected with pipe-joints 20e, 15 Rod 47a,3 Shaft, engaging and disengaging 47c, 6-16 Mixed types 47c, 12 Movable 47c, 4 Not disengaging 47c, 1-5 Rigid - 47c, 1 Yieldable 47c, 5 Solid-cylinder friction 47c, 8 Spring.* 47c, 14 Street-car 20e, 16 Tender 20e, 12 Vehicle 63b, 40 ; 63c, 1, 12 ; 63k, 25, 34 Coupon-shears 69, 7 Covering by spinning, machines for 25c, 1 By winding, machines for - - - 25c, 1 Machines for overlaying cords, etc., with threads, wire, etc 25c, 1 For passementerie 25c, 1 For ropes 73, 6 Horsehair 76,28 Materials 8h Coverings, ceiling and wall 37d, 33 For bottom of bath-tubs , 34k, 4 Generally 8h, 6; 37d, 5-7, 33; 80b, 4, 13, 24, 25 Insulating, for electric conductors 21c, 2, 3, 7 For electric incandescent lamps 21f, 49 Covers, altar 34f,9 Bed. 34f,9 Book, making lie, 3 Cigar and cigarette 79b, 21 Horse, for protection from insects 45h, 8 Making 56b, 7 Lubricating- box 47e, 31 Packing, for bottles 81a, 15 9852419 3 Classification. Covers, protective, for vehicles 63b, 3 Quilted 34f, 9 Railway-car 20c, 30 Table 34f , 9 Type-writer 34i, 4 Cowper's stoves 18a, 11 Crab-openers 34f, 12 Crabs for cranes 35b, 1 Cracker-bonbons 77f, 31 Crackers, making 2b Cracking or chipping off glass articles 32a, 33 Cradle-swings 77e, 12 Cradles '. 34h, 3 Cramming-machines, poultry 45h, 12 Cramps '. 38e, 8 Crane-bridges 19d, 5 Cranes 35b Boat 65a, 40 Building 35b, 1, 4 Charging 35b, 3 Control mechanism and switches, electric 35b, 8 Electromagnets for 21g, 2: 35b, 7 Floating. /. ..;.' 35b, 4 Foundry 35b, 1 Gantry.' 35b, 1 Rotary, generally 35b, 4 Hydraulic 35b, 6 Ship-building 35b, 1, 4 Sluing 35b, 5 Temperley 35b, 2 Traveling'. 35b, 1 Water, for railway-service 20g, 9 Cranioclasts .' 30a, 9 Crank embroidering-machines 52b, 1 Gearing 47h, 1 For holding windows, etc., in adjusted posi- tions , . 68d, 28 Guides 47h, 1 Locks, cycle 63f, 8 Lubrication 47e, 7 Presses for clay industry 80a, 11 Rods 47h, 1 Shaft bearings for cycles -. 63d, 25 Cranks as machine elements 47b, 16 Cycle 63k, 30-32 Foot-operated 63k, 30-32 Foot-operated, for propulsion of boats 65c, 9 Safety, for winches, pulley-blocks, etc 35c, 4 Crape-paper 54d, 9 Cravat closures and fasteners 3b, 15 Hoi ders 3b , 1 6 Cravats 3b, 14 Crayon-drawing 75c, 1 Crayons 70a Colored , compositions for 22g, 2 Cream raisers 45g, 7 Separators, centrifugal 45g, 8^14 Crease-removers, paper-making 55e, 7 Creasing and folding machines for bookbinding. . lie, 5 Creasing-presses, shoemakers' 71c, 15 Creeping of rails, preventing 19a, 14 Crematories 24d Cresol 12q, 14 Crib : biting, appliances to prevent 45h, 8 Cribs, including portable type 45h, 4 Cricket-balls 77a, 16 Crimpins: dough -... 2b, 11 Textiles by sponging 8t>, 13 Crinolines. . .' 3a, 12 Crochet cotton tensioning devices 25c, 2 Hook holders 70a, 8 Hooks or needles 25c, 2 Making 7e, 4 Work, covering with, including machine- work 25c, 2 Crocheted articles 25c, 2 Braids 25c, 2 Crocheting-machines 25c, 2 34 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Croquet-balls 77a, 16 Crossbows 72b, 3 Cross-hairs, (fiber crosses) 42c, 4-9, 14-17, 19-23, 43; 42h, 10, 34 Cross-head lubrication 47e, 12 Cross-heads as machine elements 47b, 15 Cross- winding spooling-machines 76d, 2 Crossing barriers 20i, 18-23 Signals 20i, 39 Crossings for overhead conductors of electric railways 20k, 10 For rails and switches 20i, 4 For suspended, cable, and rack-rail roads 20i, 9 Crozing-machines 38f, 3 Crucible furnaces for chemical fusing processes . . 12b Furnaces for metal-casting 31a, 3 For zinc extraction 40a, 40 Steel, preparation l8b, 12 Crucibles, earthenware 80a, 32 For metal-founding 31a, 3 Cruets 34f , 21 Crumb-brushes 34c, 6 Cruppers 56a, 20 Crush hats and caps 41c, 4 Crushers, malt - 6b, 1 Crushing machines, grain 50b, 9 Rollers 50c, 9; 80a, 3 Crutches 30f , 4 Cryptographic apparatus 42n, 14 Type-writers 15g, 20 Crystal designs 75d. 19 Crystallizing, generally 12c, 2 Oxids, hydroxids, and carbonates of alkalis. . 121, 15 Sugar-juice 89d, 2 Cue-tip fastenings for billiard-cues 77c, 12 Cue-tips for billiard-cues 77c, 13 Cues, billiard 77c, 11 Cuff buttons 44a, 18, Fasteners, combined with cuff 3a, 6 Holders 3a, 6 Protectors 3a, 6 Cuffs 3a, 5 Cultivation of soil, chemical 451. 2 Mechanical 45a Cultivators, resilient teeth 45a, 28 Culture, bee 45h. 16 Beetle 45h, 15 Butterfly 45h, 15 Crab 45h, 17 Fish 45h, 17 Insect 45h, 15 Media for bacteria 30h. 14 Oyster 45h, 17 Pearl-bearing mussel 45h, 17 Poultry 45h. 12, 13 Sponge 45h, 17 Worm, including silkworm 45h, 15 Cultures, bacteriological 30i, 14 Cupboards, convertible 34i, 22 Knockdown 34i, 19 Screened 34i,22; 341.21 Cup-packing 47f, 25 Cupola-furnaces 31a, 1 Cupping-glasses 30k, 2 Cups, communion 64a, 2 Drinking 34f, 11 Folding 33d, 4 Sliver 76b, 20 Curbing 19c. 6 Curettes 30a. 11 Curlers, hair 33c, 1, 3 Curling irons and tongs 33c, 1, 2 Current collecting for electric machines 21d, 20-22 Collectors, bow, for electric railways 201, 9 For electric railways ' 201. 8-20 Connections for galvanic cells 21b. 3 Converting 21d. 8, 34 Direction indicators 21e, 13 Selectors 21g, 11 Generators, electric 21d, 1-5, 27-33 Classification. Current meters, electric 21e, 3 Meters for gases 42e, 23 For watercourses 42c, 40 Regulation of alternating-current generators . 21d, 31 Regulators, (rheostats) 21c, 46-56 Supplying to electric furnaces 21h, 11 To electric railways 20k, 13, 14; 201, 4-7 Transformers 21d, 8, 34-36, 48, 49 ; 21g, 11-13 Currycombs 45h, 8 Curtain holders 34e. 3. 12, 13, 14 Looms 25b, 12 Operating devices 34e, 10, 11 Protectors 34e, 15 Rod holders 34e, 2 Rods and fittings 34e, 1-3 Rollers, photographic 57a, 27 Stretchers 8d, 16 Curtains 34e, 19 Car-window 20c, 39 Drawl 34e, 19 Drawing, lowering, and raising devices... 34e, 10, 11 Fastening to curtain-rods 34e, 12 Lace 25b, 11-14 Making 25b, 12 Protective for stages, (including iron cur- tains ) 37f, 1 Roller. 34e, 19 Slat 37d, 27 Theater 77g, 1 As part of building 37f, 1 Curve drawing appliances 42a, 14 Measuring devices for maps 42b, 6 Wheels 42b, 6 Pull-offs for conductors of electric railways . . . 20k, 9 Curves, French 42a, 15 Curvographs 42a, 14 Cushioned tires for cycles 63e, 15 For vehicle-wheels 63e, 2 Cushions 34f, 9; 34g, 19 Absorbent 30d, 14 Air 30e, 11 And fluid, as vehicle -springs 63b, 15 For bandages 30d, 21 For traveling 33d, 8 Carriage. . 63b, 2 For carrying babies, (steckkissen) 3a, 2 Pin 52a, 58 Sewing 3d, 7; 52a, 58 Traveling 33d, 6 Cut-in and cut-out switches, electric 21c, 28-39 Cut -indicators for paper-trimming machines lib, 7 Cut nails, making 7e, 11 Cut-off devices for gas-pipes 4c. 1-14. 22 For sewer-pipes 85e. 15-17 For steam-engines 14g. 3; 47g For water-pipes 85d. 4; 85e, 7 Cut-out devices, electric 21 c, 28-39 For arc-lamps 21f, 13 For electric heating and cooking apparatus. .. 21h, 4 For electric railways 20k, 11 For incandescent lamps 21f. 46 Cut-cmts, automatic 21g, 7-9 For induction-coils 21g, 7 Cut-and-thrust weapons 69. 27, 28 Combined with firearms 72a, 32 Cutlasses 69, 27 Cutlery (59 Cutter cylinders on hollanders 55c, 4 Heads for metal-working 49a. 55 For wood-boring machines 38b, 4 For woodworking 38e, 1 Cutters, brick 80a. 35^1 Bung-holes 38f, 6 ( 'jgar 44b 16; 79b, 16 Cigarette 79b, 16 Diagonal, for fabrics 8f , 8 For paper-machines and imprinted lengths of paper 55e. 6, 8 For cleaning steam-boiler tubes 13e, 3 Hand, for cutting sheaf-binding cords 45e, 1 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 35 Classification. Cutters, heel and edge 71c, 50 Lawn, for trimming edges 45f , 1 Longitudinal, for fabrics 8f , 9 For paper-machines and imprinted lengths of paper 55e, 4, 8 Pipe, hand-tools 7c, 19 Rail 19a, 28; 49b, 11-13, 15, 19-22 Roll-paper 70e, 18 . Stack 45e, 1 Stamp 70e, 18 Thistle, combined with appliances for dis- tributing exterminating agents 45k, 4 For harvesting purposes 45c, 3 Thread, in embroidering-machines 52b, 14 In sewing-machines 52a, 38 Transverse, for fabric s 8f , 8 For paper-machines and imprinted lengths of paper 55e, 5, 8 Weft-thread 86c, 32 Wire 7d,5 Nail lengths 7e, 10 Wood, for dovetailing and tenon-cutting 38d, 1 For making ornamentations 38e, 1 Wrapping-paper 70e, 18 Cutting apparatus, leather 71c, 11 Apparatus, linoleum 8f , 10 Margarin ; 53h, 2 Of rotary and bed-and-cylinder presses 15d, 25 Of universal tools * 87c Pile, on looms , 86d, 9 Tailors' 3d, 5 Velvet, on looms 86d, 9 Wall-paper 8f , 10 Edges for pliers 87b, 4 For shears 69, 1 Instruments, surgical, generally 30a, 17 Machines, almond 531, 9 Bacon, butchers' 66b, 1-4 For household use 34b, 1 Beet, for stock feed 45e, 35-37 For sugar-making 89b, 1 Bread , 34b, 2, 6 Buttonhole 52a, 20 Cake 34b, 2 Candle 23f , 3 Candy 531, 9 Cardboard 54a, 1 Chain, for woodworking 38d, 1 Cheese 34b, 4 Chicory 53d, 5 Chocolate : - 531, 9 Confectionery 531, 9 Cork .' 38g,2 Dough 2b. 8, 14 Fabric 8f, 8-10 As part of loom 86c. 32; 86d, 5, 9 Feed 45e. 35-37 Fleshings 28b, 28 For beveling cards ." lib, 8 For horn, etc 39a, 5 For mining 5b, 9 For woodworking 38b. 5. 8; 38e, 1, 11 Gear-wheel 49a. 51 ; 49b, 6 Glass 32a Glue 22i,9 Grain 50b, 9 Groove, metal-working - 49c, 1, 2, 5 Woodworking 38d, 1 Heel 71c,31 Keyway 49a, 50 Leather 28b. 22; 63a. 2; 71c, 31 Linoleum 8f , 12 Match-splint 78a, I Meat, butchers' 66b, 1-4 For household use 34b. 1 Metal 49b. 1 1-15, 17-20 Autogenous 48d, 5 Noodle 2b,13 Paper lib. 1-9; 55e, 4-6 Paper-board lib, 10; 54a, 3 Classification. Cutting machines, peat lOc, 2 Machines, pile 8b,28; 86d, 9 Potato, for bulk treatment 45e, 35-38 For household use 34b, 3 Rag, for paper-making 55a, 7 Sample 8f, 11 Sausage 34b, 1 Screw, metal-working 49c, 1, 2, 5 Woodworking 38k, 5 Sheet metal 49b, 11-14. 19 Shingle ." 38k. 1 Shoe-sole 71c, 31 Soap 23f , 2 Straw 45e. 32 ; 55a, 5 Sugar 89g, 1 Cane 89b, 2 Thread, for ripping seams 52a, 38 Tobacco , 79a, 4 Tooth, dentists' 30b, 4 For gear-wheels, etc 49a, 51; 49b, 6 Vegetable, for bulk treatment 45e, 35-38 For household use 34b, 3 Veneer 38i, 2 Wall-paper 8f , 10 Wheel, for clocks and watches 83c, 1 Zwieback 2b, 15 Cutting-off lathes and machines for metal-work- ing 49a, 14 Cutting- tools, making by pressing or forging 49g, 9 Of sheet-metal '. 7c, 41 Cuvettes for glass-making 32a, 19, 20 Cyanamids 12k, 7-10 Cyanids 12k, 7-10 Cyanogen compounds 12k, 7-10 Separating from coal-gas 26d, 8 Cycle alarm devices connected with wheel structure 63g, 5 Back-rests 63g, 4 Baeeraee-carriers. . . . . 63e, 8 Bells 74a,8 Actuated by wheels 63g, 6 Brakes 63i Chain casings 63g, 9; 63h, 1 Chains 63k, 29 Cranks :.... 63k, 30-32 Driving mechanism 63k. 1-21, 28-36 Fastenings 63f, 7-9 Foot-rests 63g, 14 Frames 63h, 1-12 Handle-bars 63h, 14-18 Hangers 63f, 5 Holders 63f, 6 In railway-cars 20c, 47 Lamps 4a, 40 Lights, including electric. 63g, 7 Locks combined with alarms 63g, 5 Fitted to cycle 63f , 6 Independent of cycle 68a, 109 To prevent theft 63f, 7-9 Lubricating devices "... 63g, 15 Mud-guards 63g, 10 Pedals 63k, 33 Pumps. 63e, 18, 19 Automatic appliances for renting 43b, 50 Riding, appliances for teaching 63f, 10 Courses for teaching 77e, 18 Roads 19c, 1-5 Saddle-posts 63h, 19 Saddles 63g, 1-4 Signal devices - 63g, 6; 74a, 8 Sleds, driving mechanism for 63k, 22, 23 Spoke-nipples 63d, 18 Spokes 63d, 18 Wire, making 7d, 11 Sprockets 63k, 29 Stands 63f,4 Steering apparatus 63h, 13 Steps 63g, 14 Supports 63f, 1-3 36 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Cycles 63, d-k Bicycle type <>3h, 7 Convertible 63h, 11, 12 Bicycle type 63h, 8 Maintaining equilibrium by gyrostatic appa- ratus connected with steering apparatus. 63h, 13 Including gyrostatic apparatus 63f, 10 Nail-catchers for 63g, 15 Packing for transportation 81c, 23 Railway 20c, 20 Skidding, means to prevent 63e, 12 Spring-wheel 63d, 20-22 Tandem (53h, 9 Track, converted from ordinary bicycles 63h, 11 Tricycle and polycycle type - - (i3h, 10 Unicycle type 63h, 6 Water 65c, 9, 12 With coaster mechanism 63i, 9-12; 63k, 34 With free-wheel mechanism 63i, 9-12; 63k, 34 Cycloidal gearing 47h, 24 Cylinder bearings 47b, 11 Boring machines 49a, 31 Drying machines for drying woven fabrics 8b, 3 Cards 76b, 9 Current-collectors for electric railways 201, 9 Driers 82a, 18, 19 Grates for furnaces 24f, 13 Grinding machines 67a, 11 Machines, paper-making 55d, 23 Paper-board making 55d, 21 Power-presses 15d, 1- 17 Presses for fabrics 8b, 19 Generally 58b, 5 Printing-machines for printing textiles 8c, 6-7 Processes 15k, 1 Replacing apparatus for mechanical play- 10 Sewing-machines 52a, 15 Washing-machines 8d, 6 Cylinders as machine elements 47f, 18 Compartment, for cash-registers 43a, 8 Cutter, on hollanders 55c, 4 For advertising purposes 54g, 6 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46c, 4 For printing textiles 8c, 9 Movable, for steam-engines 14a, 10 Oscillating, for explosion and internal-com- bustion engines 46a, 24 For steam-engines 14a, 11 Printing . 15b, 5; 151, 5 Rotary, for explosion and internal-combustion engines 46a, 22, 23 For radial steam-engines 14a, 13 Screening, for potato-digging machines 45c, 12 Threshing-machine 45e, 8, 9 Cylindrical boilers 13a, 2, 4, 5 Printing apparatus, photographic 57c, 10 Screens for ore-dressing la, 21 Ships 65a, 2 Wool-washing machines 76a, 1 Cymbals ' 51c, 36, 38 Cystoscopes 30a, 1 69, 27 Dairy, chemical features 53e, 5 Mechanical features 45g Products, testing 421, 5 Damask-looms . . .. 86b, 7 Damaskeening , . 32b, 7 Dampers (draft-regulators) for blast-furnaces. . . 18a, 15 (Draft-regulators) for furnaces, generally 24i, 1-3 For heating-stoves 36a, 6 Electric, for alternating-current dynamos. . . 21d, 33 For measuring instruments 21e, 23 Sound, for pianos 51b, 34, 35 For protection of ears, (antiphonesj 80d, 29 For striking mechanism of music-play- ers 51d, 15-17 Dandy-rolls 55d, 17, 19 Classification. Dark-room lamps 57c, 14 Dark rooms, photographic 57c, 14 Darning on looms 86c, 8 Needles 52a, 40 Making 7e, 2 On sewing-machines 52a, 30 Dasher-churns 45g, 20, 21 Dash-pots, air, generally 47a, 17 For cocks and valves 47g, 35 For valve-gear of steam-engines 14f, 9 Dasymeters 421, 2 Date-indicators, (calendars 1 42n, 12 Combined with timepieces 83a, 78 Dating stamps and pliers, automatically chang- ing 43a, 35 Hand 15h, 1 Davits 65a, 40 Dead-heads, heating, (metal-casting) 31c, 14 Decalcomania 75c, 6 Decanting 6b, 11, 14; 6c, 2 Deciphering appliances, (cryptography) 42n, 14 By means of type- writers, (cryptographic type- writers) 15g, 20 Deckle-straps 55d, 15 Deckles 55d, 15 Decolorizing fats and oils 23a, 3 Mineral oils and resin-oils 23b, 1 Decorating pottery 80a, 57 Decorations, stage 77g, 1, 2 Decoys 45k, 11 Deep-boring 5a Drilling apparatus for 5a, 1-4 Rods 5a, 4 Deer-licks, apparatus 45h, 4 Material for 53g, 4 Deflectometers 42k, 26 Deflectors for furnaces 24k, 3 Light 4b Degreasing wool -. 29b; 76a Dehorners 45h, 10 Delivering mechanism for mowing-machines. . . 45c, 20 Demagnetizing, generally 21g, 5 Timepieces 83a, 86 Demijohns 81c, 25 Denaturing alcohol 6b, 29 Density of solids, liquids, and gases, apparatus for determining 421, 1, 2 Dental chairs 30e, 15 Implements, auxiliary 30b, 21 Instruments ; 30b Forceps 30b, 8 Hammers and pluggers 30b, 3 Saws 30b, 5 Tooth boring and cutting 30b. 4 Veterinary 30cj 4 Machines, tooth boring and cutting 30b, 1 Surgery 30b, 1-9 Dentifrices 30h, 13 Dentistry. .' 30b Chemical features 30h, 12 Mec hanical features 30b Treating nerves of teeth 30b, 6 Roots of teeth 30b, 6 Dentures 30b, 10-16 Deoxidizing ingot-iron 18b, 10 Dephlegmators for rectifying spirits 6b, 27 Depilating hides , 28a. 1 ; 28)), 1-3 Depolarizing galvanic celts 21b, ] 3 Maids and solid materials for 21b, (5 Deposits, electrolytic, for producing designs for surface ornamentation 75b, 2 Metal, galvanic 48a 1-3, 6, 13 ( >ro, exploiting by removing gas 51). 12 Opening up 5b, 2 Depth indicators for channels 65a. 77 Indicators for elevators . . 35a, 24 Measurii Meters, electric. Generally... Manometric. us 42c. 28-31 42c, 28 42c 30 42c, 29 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 37 Classification. Derailers 20h, 6 Derailing, means to prevent 20d, 28; 201, 12 Derricks 35b Desiccators 42i, 12; 421, 13 Design drawing, apparatus and machines for. . 75a, 23 Producing on paper 54d, l;55f, 4; 75b. 14; 75c,9; 75d, 1, 6-26 On surfaces 75b, 1-14 On woven fabrics 8c, 4, 7, 8, 11 Designs, artific ial, imitation 75d, 23-26 Ceramic, imitation 75d, 25 Color, apparatus for testing and delineating . . 42h, 24 Contour 75d, 10 Ivory 75d, 18 Line 75d, 8 ' Natural, imitation 75d. 16-22 Ornamental, machines and apparatus for pro- ducing 75a,23 Processes for producing 75b, d Transfer, by use of hot iron 15k, 7 With iridescent effects 75d, 6 Desk lights 4b,24 Pads 70d, 11 Tops for school-benches 34i, 11 Desks for telephone-booths 21a. 39 Reading 34i, 8 School 34i 8, 10, 11 Writing . . 34i, 8 With means for reproducing the writing be- low the surface 15i, 3 Despatch, pneumatic 81e, 40-44 Despatching letters by registering-machines. . . 43a, 24 Detaching devices for runaway horses 56a, 18 Detanning leather 22i, 3 Detective cameras 57a, 7 Detector-bars for train protection 20i, 32 Detinning by electrolysis 40c, 10 Tin-plate.' 40a, 44 Detonating alarms, burglar 74a, 29 Alarms, fire 74a, 38 Compositions 78e, 2 Signals 74d, 7 For railways 21i, 43, 44 Toys other than firearms 77f, 6 Developers, photographic 57b, 13 Developing plates 57b, 8 ' ' Devil's disks, ' ' (amusement apparatus of round- about type consisting of a rotating disk with various secondary movements) 77e, 10, 18 "Dew-pictures," (hauchbilder, pictures which become visible when breathed upon) 75d, 5 Dextrin 22i. 2; 89k, 5 Dextrose, including that obtained from cellu- lose 89i, 1 Diagnosis by Ro'ntgen rays, meclianical arrange- ments 30a, 6 Generally 30a, 1-7 Diagonal cutters for fabrics 8f , 8 For paper-machines 55e, 6 Dial games 77d, 17 Dials for clocks and watches 83a, 13, 14 For indicating and registering devices 42d, 2 Diameters, determining 42b, 22 Diamins 22a, 18 Diaminodioxyarsenobenzol 12q. 32 Diaminodiphenvl 22a, 6 Diaminooxynaphthalene 12q, 36 Diamond glass-cutters 32a. 33 Diamonds, artificial, producing 12i, 32 Setting. : 44a, 40 Tool, setting 49i, 6 Dianisidin 12q, 32 Diapers, infants' 3a, 2 Diaphanie 75d, 2 Diaphragm draft-regulators 24i, 2 Gas-pressure regulators 4c, 27 I Pressure-gages 42k, 9 I Pumps 59a,12 I Classification. Diaphragms for cameras 57a, 30 For electrolytic preparation of metals 40c, 3, 4 For electrolytic purposes, generally 12h, 3 For fluid-meters 42e, 18 For galvanic cells and storage batteries 21b, 2 For photographic objectives 42h, 33 For photomechanical reproduction 57d, 8 For radium and Rontgen-ray treatment 30f , 18 For Rontgen-ray examinations and diagnoses. 21g,17; 30a, 6; 57a, 7 For stringed instruments 51c, 4 For talking-machines 42g, 4 Diapositives 57b, 9, 12 Diarylmethane compounds, dyestuffs obtained from 22b, 13 Dyestuffs 22b, 10-14, 16 Diazo compounds 12q, 11 Dyestuffs 22a, 4-8 Dibbles 45b,9; 45f,4 Dibenzylamin 12q, 1 Dicalcium phosphate 16, 2 Dice cups 77d, 11 Games 77d, 11 Tops 77d,16 Dictographs 42g Dicycles 63h, 8 Die-expressing presses for clay manufactures. . . 80a, 23, 26, 27 Dies for die-expressing presses 80a, 26, 27 For sheet-metal and tube manufacture 7c, 18 Dietetic preparations 30h, 3 Differential gearing, generally 47h, 7 Gearing for motor-cars 63c, 11 Governors for engines 60, 13 Pistons for steam engines 14a, 7 Pressure-gages 42k, 12 Diff users for centrifugal pumps 59b, 1 For steam-turbines 14c, 4, 11 For sugar-making 89c, 1, 3, 4 Digesters 341, 2 Cellulose and rag. 55b, 2 Digestive processes for paper-making 55b, 2 Digging-machines 19e, 1 ; 84d, 2; 45a, 34 Dike-building 84a, 4 Dilators, surgical 30k, 18 Dinas bricks 80b, 8 Dining-tables 34i, 1 Dioramas 77g, 4 Dioxynaphthalene 12q, 17 Dioxynaphthalene-sulf o- acid 12q, 24, 26, 28 Diphenylamin 12q, 17 Oxy 12q, 32 Diplosal 12q, 31 Dipper excavators 84d, 2 Dipping apparatus for molten glass 32a, 6 Frames for matches ' 78a, 4 Direction-posts ! 19e, 3 Directory-tablets for apartment-houses, etc., ("silent porters ") 54g, 2 Discharge devices for ore-dressing jigs la, 3 For platen presses 15d, 39 For power presses 15d, 25 Discharging gas-retorts, apparatus for 26e, 4-6 Printing textiles by 8n, 4 Disconnecting-devices, automatic 47a, 18 For buhr-mills 50b. 5 For doubling and twisting spindles operating on breaking of thread 76c, 18 For engine governors 60, 10 For gearing, not positively acting 47h, 20 Positively or automatically acting 47a, 18 For knitting-machines 25a, 26 For lace-making machines 25b, 3 For looms 86c, 26 For motor-cars 63c, 14 For music-boxes 51d, 11 For platen-presses 15d, 40 For shutting off steam-engines 14g. 3 For spinning and twisting frames operating on breaking of thread 76c, 17 38 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Disconnectiiig-devices, automatic for spool- ing machines .......................... 76d, 8-10 In braiding-machines ....................... 25b. 3 Disengaging gear for shaft-couplings ........... 47c, 16 Generally .................................. 47h, 20 Disguise-masks ............................... 3e, 2 Dish-washing machines ...................... 34c, 10 Dishes as tableware ........................... 34f, 11 Making of clay ................. 1 ....... 80a, 31, 44 Of paper and paper-board ................. 54f Of sheet metal ........................... 7c Disinfecting air ................................. 36d, 1 Apparatus and processes ..................... 30i Cases for surgical instruments .............. 30a, 19 . Closets ................... ................ 85h, 17 Lamps ...................................... 30i, 5 Systems on shipboard ...................... 65a, 17 Water ......... ............................ 85a, 7 Closets ................................. 85h, 17 Disintegrating minerals chemically ............. 40a, 1 Minerals mechanically ...................... la, 24 Textile fibers ....... . ........ . ........... 29a, 1-7 Disintegrators for molding-machines Grain, etc 50b 31c, 6 50c, 11 64a, 19 42p,-2 50b, 2 Disk closures for dispensing vessels Counting mechanism Mills .......... . Openers for textile fibers ................... 76b, 2 Or cylinder replacing apparatus for mechanical players ................................ 51d, 9, 10 Spooling machines ......................... 76d, 1 Valve gear ................................ 14e, 5, 6 Water-meters .............................. 42e, 6 Wheels, vehicle. . . .- ........................ 63d, 2 Disks, making by cutting ............... ..... 49a, 43 Making of sheet metal ...................... 7c, 32 Rheidt, for seeders ........................ 45b, 16 Dispensing apparatus, coin-controlled ...... 43b, 28, 29 For advertising-cards ....................... 54g, 14 For consistent masses (mustard, shoe-creams, etc. ) for store-service ..................... 341, 34 For delivering change ...................... 43b, 15 For food as table utensil .................... 34f, 21 For paper for advertising purposes ......... 54g, 15 In sheets ................................ 70e, 18 For postage-stamps, rebate-stamps, etc ....... 70e, 18 Coin-controlled ........................... 43b, 15 For railway-tickets ...................... 43a, 20, 22 Coin-controlled ........................... 43b, 26 Conductors' .............................. 70e, 18 For wrapping-paper ........................ 70e, 18 Liquid .................................... 64, a-c Dispensing vessels for sale of milk .............. 45g, 4 For stores ................................... 341, 34 With special measuring devices ..... .... 42e, 16. 20 Display apparatus with color-changing effects... 77g, 9 Stands ................................. 54g, 17-19 Displaying coins in cash -registers ............. 43a, 8, 9 In coin-controlled apparatus ................ 43b, 4 Dissolving, generally ......................... 12c, 1 Distance measuring devices for maps .......... 42b, 6 Measuring instruments ................... 42c, 14-23 Pieces for iron reinforcements in reinforced concrete ................................. 37b, 4 Distillation, dry, of wood ....................... 12r, 1 Distilling alcoholic liquors .................. 6b, 22-28 Apparatus for refrigerating-machines ........ 17a, 17 Chambers ............................ 12a, 3; 26a. 9 Coal .......... ....................... lOa; 26a, 1-12 Fats and oils ........................... i . . 23a, 3 Fatty acids For general chemical purposes Furnaces Glycerin Liquid fuel Mineral oils Molasses Solid fuels Tar... 23d, 1 I2a,3 10a, 23 23e,5 26a, 4, 10-13 23b,l 12a,3 ... 26a,l-9 12r,l Classification. Distilling water 85a, 1 Zinc 40a, 33-40 By electrothermal processes 40c, 16 Distillery mash, fermenting 6b, 16-19 Mashing apparatus 6b, 1-7 Waste as fertilizer 16, 9 As stock feed. 53g, 3 Distributing apparatus for liquid manure 45b, 5 Machines, fertilizer 45b, 23-31 Fertilizer steering apparatus 45a, 36 Distribution, alternating current 21d, 46, 47 Boxes for electric conductors 21c, 23 Continuous current 21d, 23-26 Of gas in gas-mains 4c, 15-22 Plates for electric wires 21c, 25 Distributers, oil, for calming the sea 65a, 79 Oil, for central lubricating systems 47e, 27 Pellet, for exterminating plants and vermin . . 45k, 4 Ditches for road-beds 19e, 5 Divers' suits 65a, 73 Dividers 42b, 14-16 Angle 42b, 15 Circle 42b, 15 Fleece 76b, 21-25 Line 42b, 14 Dividing clay, apparatus for 80a, 6 Powders, apparatus for (pharmaceutical) 30g, 6 Diving apparatus 65a, 73 Bells for foundation-work 84c, 3 For vessels working under water 65a, 5 Toys 77f , 21 Divining-rods 421, 13 Division-blocks for hay and straw presses 45e, 27 Dobby-looms 86b, 1-4 Doberein's acetylene-generators 26b, 19-24 Docks, floating and dry 65b, 2 Doctors for fabric-printing machines 8c, 9 For printing-presses 15d, 9 Document-covers, backs and stubs lid, 3 Documents, destroying by comminuting, etc 55a, 5 Dog clippers 30c, 1 Collars 45h, 11 Kennels 45h, 1 Doll-stands 77f , 10 Dollies, rivet-head 49e, 12 Dolls for display purposes 54g, 7, 10 Dolls' eyes, eyelashes, eyelids, and wigs 77f , 10 Dolls as toys 77f , 7-1 3 Limb-joints for. 77f, 9 Making of celluloid, papier-mache, etc 39a, 22 Paper 77f, 8 Processes of manufacture 77f, 12 Walking, stepping, and rolling mechanism... 77f, 10 Domes of watchcases 83a, 50 Domestic water-supply systems 85d, 2 Domino games 77d, 19 Door and window stops 68d, 29 Bells, electric 74a, 2 Buffers 68d, 18 Cases 37d, 18 Checks 68d, 9-17 Closers 68d, 1-7, 18 For swinging doors 68d, 3, 5 Contacts for buglar-alarms 74a, 22 Equipment 34e, 19 Fastening checks 68b, 28 Fittings 68c, 10 Machines and apparatus for putting in 38e, 6 Handles 68a. 69-73 Hinges..... 68c, 1-7 For holding doors in adjusted positions 68d, 34 For swinging doors 68c, 7 Making of sheet metal 7c, 36 Self-closing 68d, 6, 7, 17 Knobs 68a, 69-73 Lifters 34e, 17 Lintels 37b, 3 Locks 68a, 89-95 For railway-cars 68a, 91, 93 Jointly operated, for railway-cars 20c, 35 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 39 Classification. Door openers 68d, 1 Raising and lowering apparatus for coking- ovens lOa, 12 Securers 68b, 6, 7 Switches, electric 21c, 36 Doors, air, for mine ventilation 5d, 2 Bulkhead 65a, 19 Cleaning, for chimneys 24g, 2 Coin-controlled 43b, 55 Coking-oven lOa, 12 Raising and lowering lOa. 12 Dam, for ventilation of mines 5d, 2 Double 37d, 18 Emergency, for railway-cars 20c, 36 Fire, for furnaces 24k, 1 Fireproof 37d, 23 Flexible roll 37d, 22 Folding 37d, 18 Or sliding together 37d, 23 For ships 65a, 10 Freight-car 20c, 34 Grated 37d, 21 Holding in adjusted positions 68d, 19-32 Jamb-linings for 37d, 18 Opening and closing by means of levers, treadles, etc 68d, 18 Passenger-car 20c, 33 Rotary 37d, 19 Sliding 37d, 20 Spy windows and holes in 37d, 39 Stoves 36a, 15 Swinging 37d, 18 Checks for ; . . 68d, 12 Closers for 68d, 3, 5 Two-leaf 37d, 18 Vehicle 20c, 33,34; 63b, 6; 63c, 22 Dormer-windows 37c, 9 Shifting, holding in position, and bolting. . . 68b, 26 Double deck aeroplanes 77h, 5 Dispersers for search-lights 42h, 9 Seam joints for sheet-metal cans 7c, 4, 7-9 Doublers for fabric-printing machines 8c, 9 Doubling fabric s, machines for 8f, 6 Frames 76c, 4 Spindles 76c, 4, 18 Douches and shower-baths 30f, 10, 11; 30k, 7; 34k, 5; 85f, 5, 6 Dough crimping devices 2b, 11 ( fitting machines 2b, 8, 14 Cutting out 2b, 10 Distributing machines for waffles, etc 2b, 7, 16 Dividing machines 2b, 8, 9 Kneading machines 2b, 1-4, 6 Mixing machines 2b, 1-4, 6 Molding machines. . , 2b, 7 Preparing, chemical features 2c, 1 Mechanical features 21), 1-6 Presses 2b, 12 Rollers 2b, 7 Stamping devices - - 2b, 10 Working, generally 2b, 7-14 Doup-harness and heddles 86c, 7 Dovetail cutting machines... 38d, 1 Mortising machines 38d, 4 Planes 38e,3 Dovetailed work 38d, 1 Dowel-blocks 37b, 1 Dowels as auxiliary implements for molding. . . 31c, 7 As strm tural implements 37b, 5 Railway-tie - - 19a. 2 Wall.... 34e, 3, 18; 37b, 5 Down, artificial, making 8e. 5 Picking ma hincs 8e, 5 Draft apparatus for horse-powers 45d. 2 Changing mechanism for furnaces 24a. 8 For heating-stoves 36a, 5 Equalizers for horse-powers 45d, 2 For vehicles 63b. 21 Excluders for doors and windows 37d, 24 Classification. Draft measuring and testing devices 42k, 4, 5 Mechanism, railway 20e, 24 Meters for liquids and gases in conduits, etc. 42k, 4 Regulators 24i, 1-7 Diaphragm, for furnaces 24i, 2 For furnaces 24i, 1-3 For lamps . . . 4a, 16 Steam-pressure, for furnaces 24i, 2 Drag anchors. 65a, 35 Chains in conveyer-troughs . 81e, 3 Mills 50c, 10 Drags for cultivation of soil 45a, 30 Drain-plows 45a, 20 Drainage and irrigation 45a, 39 Devices, (roof-gutters, etc.) 37c, 10 Of bridges '. 19d, 1-3 Of permanent ways 19a, 1, 21 Pipes 45a, 39 Draining cocks and valves 47g, 37 Steam-cylinders 14g, 5 Systems of water mains 85d, 13 Towers, coal la, 10 Draperies 34e, 19 Drawbridges 19d, 5 Draw gear, (harness) 56a, 1-10, 22-25 Knives for woodworking 38e, 3 Plate diamonds, setting 49i, 6 Plates 7b, 4, 12 Making by machines working with ream- ers 49b, 28 Or draw-rolls for shaping sheet-metal strips 7c, 6 Redressing 49i, 9 Presses 7c, 15, 16 For box-making 54a, 7 Drawer-locks 68a, 97 Drawers, (wearing-apparel) 3a, 8 For furniture 34i, 20 For slide-boxes, machines for making 54a, 6 Drawing apparatus, duplicating or manifolding 70d, 13 Apparatus, perspective 42a, 17 Benches, tube 7b, 12 Wire 7b, 3, 4 Boards 70e, 4, 5 Appliances for mounting paper on 70e, 5 Brushes 9, 13 Devices, textile fiber 76b, 24, 26-29 Frames 76c, 4 For textile fibers... ., 76b, 26-29 Implements 70e, 4-10 Conic section 42a, 11 Making of sheet metal and tubing 7c, 40 Mathematical 42a, 16-20 Optical 42a, 18 In machines for weaving 86h. 7 Mechanical, instruments for 42a, 1-10 Mechanism for flax, hemp, etc 76b, 28, 29 For spinning-frames 76c. 12 Drawing off acids, apparatus for 12f, 1 Dra wing-off apparatus for braiding and lace- making machines 25b, 4 Inflammable fluids, apparatus for 64c, 44 Liquefied gases.. 1 12f, 2 Soda-water, apparatus for 85a, 4 Drawing paper 55f, 15 Pen cleaners 70b, 6 Pencils 70a, 1, 2 Pens 42a, 9, 10 Making of sheet metal and tubing 7c, 40 Tables 34i, 6 Triangles 70e, 10 Stands and supports Drawings, processes for producing 75c, 6-9 Dray-ladders 35d, 1 Drays 63b, 34, 35 Dredger-building tracks, shifting 19a, 28 Dredgers, bucket-chain , .. 84d, 2 Clam-shell bucket 84d, 3 Dipper 84d,2 40 CLASSIFICATION OF GEKMAN PATENTS. Classification. Dredgers, force-pump 84d, 4 Generally 84d, 1 Suction-pump 84d, 4 Dredging boxes for pepper, salt, etc 34f, 16 Scows 84d, 5 Dress closures 3c; 71b, 1-4 Facings 3b, 21 Forms 3d, 3 Hooks and eyes 3c, 1 Making of wire 7d, 14 Lifters 3b, 19 Pocket closures 3c, 4 Pockets 3b, 2 Shields 3b, 7 Supporters 3b, 18 Trimmings 3b, 2 Making 25c, 2-7 Dressers or bureaus . 34i, 18 Dressing of fuel, mechanical la Dressing gowns 3b, 8 Machines, millstone 50b, 11 Type 15a, 27 Of ores, chemical 40a, 1 Magnetic and electric lb. 1-6 Mechanical la Ore refuse. " la, 31 Dressings, orthopedic 30d, 6 Surgical 30d, 21-23 Dressmakers' lay figures 3d, 3 Driers 82a Centrifugal 55d, 31; 82b, 7 Chamber, for yarns 8b, 7 Drum 82a, 18, 19 Electro-osmotic 82a, 21 For hollow bodies 82a, 6 For laboratory use 42i, 12; 421, 13 For paints 22g. 6-11 For table utensils 34c, 10 For varnish 4 22h, 2 Hop 6a. 1 L Malt 6a, 6, 7 Multiple shelf 82a, 17 For woven fabrics 8b, 4 Paper-web 55d, 29 Pipe 82a, 20 Plate or tray 82a, 12, 13 Shaft 82a, 16 Shoe 34c, 16 Spiral, for woven fabrics 8b. 2, 4 Suspended, for woven fabrics 8b, 1 Towel 34k, 3 With endless-carrier floors 82a, 8 With movable vessels for drying rooms, walls, etc 82a, 9 With til ting-section floors. 82a, 7 Drill-chucks 49a. 44 Heads for rock-drilling machines 5b, 7 Props 5b. 8 Rods 49a, 39 Drilling apparatus, metal, driven by steam, hy- draulic pressure, or electricity 49a, 28 Apparatus for metal-working lathes 49a, 33 Machines, dental 30b, 4 For drilling horn, etc 39a, 6 Radial 49a, 27 Rock 5b, 1-8, 13-15 Stone 80d, 9 Drills, Archimedean, for metal-working 49a, 41 Archimedean, for woodworking 38e, 2 Deep boring 5a, 3 Fastening in boring-machines 5b, 7 For mining purposes 5b, 7 Generally 87b, 6 Grain 45b, 10-12 Steering devices for 45a, 36 Hand, for metal-working 49a, 34 Making by cutting 49a, 49 By forging and pressing 49g, 7 Rail, portable ]9a, 28 Ratchet 49a, 35 Classification. Drills, rock Shaft Stone Twist, for metal-working. Wall Well.. . 5b,7 . oc, 3 . 80d, 9 49a, 42 37d, 40 5a Wood-boring 38e, 2 Woodworking 38e, 2 Drink-registers 64a, 82-85 Drinking appliances for animals 45h, 5 Cups 64a, 1-4 Fountains and wells 85d, 4 Tubes 30g, 13 Vessels 64a, 1-4 Cleaning '. 64b, 5, 6 For mineral water 64a, 1 For radium treatment 30f, 18 With lip and mustache guards 64a, 6 Water for ships, preparing 65a, 36 Purifying chemically 85a, 7 Mechanically 85a, 1 Drip catchers for bottles, jars, etc 64a, 5 Catchers for candles 4a, 34 For liquid-dispensing apparatus 64c, 42 Systems for acetylene-generators 26b, 1-7 Drive, air, for rock-drilling machines 5b. 1, 4 Spindle, for spinning and twisting frames . . . 76c, 13 Driving belt lubricators 47d, 1 Belt stretchers for uniting belt ends 47d, 17 Tighteners for be It -gearing 47h, 9 Belts, apparatus for placing on pulleys. . . 47d, 18, 19 Generally 47d, 1-9 Implements for connecting 63a, 1 Cable locks 47d, 11 Chains 47d, 13, 14 Making 49h, 7 Cones, stepped 47b, 21 Cords 47d. 10, 11 Drums 47b, 20 Mechanism for bucket conveyers 81e, 6 For calculating-machines 42m, 13 For centrifugal pumps 59b, 4 For countine apparatus 42p, 3, 4 For cycle-sleds 63k, 22, 23 For cycles 63k, 1-21, 24-36 For driver-propelled vehicles 63k, 1-21 For knitting-machines 25a, 26 For locomotives 20b, 10-12 For lubricating-presses 47e, 15-21 For machine-tools 49a, 16; 49b, 9 For motor-cars 63c, 6-18 For paper-machines . . 55d, 25 For sewing-machines 52a, 55 For ships' propellers. . 65f, 19-26 For speed-measuring devices 42o, 13 For steering-wheels of motor-cars 63c, 15 Generally 47h, 20 Hand-operated, for cycles 63k, 9, 10 Or tunneling in mining 19f, 1 Pulleys 47b, 20-22, 26 Rope stretchers for uniting rope ends 47d, 17 Tighteners for rope gearing 47h, 9 Ropes, apparatus for putting on pulleys.. 47d, 18, 19 Generally 47d, 10, 11 Steam-engines by mixtures, of steam and air, etc. , methods of 14h, 5 Wheel clutches for sewing-machines 52a, 56 Wheels as machine elements 47b, 20, 23-25 For motor-cars 63c, 17 Drop boxes for looms 86c, 22 Counters 30g, 1 Drills 45b, 17 Hammers 49e, 5, 6 Presses for clay manufactures 80a, 13 Targets ! 72e, 3 Dropping corks for liquor-handling vessels. 64a, 52 Corks, pharmaceutical 30g, ] Glasses, pharmaceutical 30g, 1 Drops for telephone-stations 21a, 42 CLASSIFICATION" OF GERMAN PATENTS. 41 Classification. Drug cutting machines 30g, 7 Extracts 30h, 2, 3 Drum apparatus for electroplating articles in * bulk 48a, 12 Bearings 47b, 11 Filters 12d, 15, 16 Furnaces for glass-fusing . 32a, 31 Liners for centrifugal machines 82b, 17 K Magazines for small-arms 72a, 23 - Malting 6a,4 Mills 50c, 5 Openers for textile fibers 76b, 2 Drums as machine elements 47b, 20 As musical instruments 51c, 35, 36 Centrifugal 82b, 6, 17 Driving 47b, 20 For advertising purposes 54g, 6 For air-moistening apparatus' 36d, 13 For centrifugal milk-separators 45g, 10 For grain-scouring machines 50a, 4 For moving-picture apparatus 57a, 34 Kettle 51c, 37 Magnetic, for separating materials Ib, 4 Rotary, for acetylene-generators 26b, 35 Separating, for cleaning and separating grain. 45e, 15 Stretching, for fleshing and depilating ma- chines 28b, 2 Winding 35c, 1 Dry batteries, construction of 21b, 10 Cells 21b, 10 Closet receptacles 34k, 10 Closets 34k, 6-10 Docks 65b, 2 Gas fire-extinguishing apparatus 61a, 14 Plates, photographic 57b, 1, 6, 8 Purifiers for coal-gas 26d, 5 Rot, exterminating 38h, 3 Protection from 37a, 7; 37b, 6 Drying 82a Air for ventilating buildings 36d, 3 Black powder 78c, 2 Bottles 64b, 2 Bricks and tiles, apparatus for 82a, 1-22 When combined with kiln 80c, 15 Briquets lOb, 9 Casks, etc 6f, 1 Chambers, (kilns) 82a, 2 Closets 82a, 5 Conduits . 82a, 3 Confectionery 531, 12 Cooling-air for cold-air purifiers 17f, 6 Cores for metal-casting 31a ; 4 ( Minders for paper and paper-board 55d, 28 Distillery waste 53g, 3 Earthenware to be fired, apparatus for 82a When combined with kiln 80cl5 Flax 29a, 4 Frames for earthenware 80a, 34 Frames, racks, and stands, generally. . 82a, 10, 11, 23 For grain, grass, clover, etc 45e, 29 Furnaces for molds 31a, 4 Gas-mantles 4f, 5 Grain 82a, 1-25 Gypsum 82a, 1-25 Hair 33c,6 Hops 6a, 11 Hose of fire-extinguishing apparatus Gla Houses 82a, 4 Laundry 8d, 15 Leather 28b, 4, 7, 14, 17 Linoleum 8h, 3 Machines for yarns, fabrics etc 8b, 1-9 Matches Molds for metal-casting. . . Ore and coal slimes Paper Photographic plates Plaster of Paris Plates for textiles.. ,3 ... 31a,4 ... la, 9 55d, 28-31 ... 57c, 9 , 82a, 1-25 ... 8b, 1 , generally 82a. 1 Classification. Drying racks 82a, 23 Reels for bands and ribbons 8b, 8 Sheds for agricultural products 45e, 29 Construction 37f, 7 Stacked wood . 82a, 22 Starch 89k, 3 Steam 13d, 26-29 Sugar 89d, 11 Teeth 30b, 1 9 Textile fibers, generally 82a, 1-25 In connection with carbonizing 29b, 4 Textiles 8b, 9 Tobacco 82a, 2, 3, 8 Troughs 82a, 14, 15 Veneers 82a Wood 82a, 22 When combined with steeping or impreg- nating 38h, 1 Woven fabrics 8b, 1-6, 9 Yarn 8b, 7 Yeast 6a, 18 Dumb bells '. 77a, 5 Waiters, (lifts) 35a. 1 Dummies for display purposes 54g, 7, 10 Diimping apparatus for mine-working 5d, 7 Cars 20c, 15 Wagons 63b, 32 Duplex telegraphy 21a, 24 Duplicating or copying apparatus 15i, 3 Papers, (carbon-paper, etc.) 55f, 15 Dust binding materials 30i, 7 Catchers and collectors 12e, 2; 36d, 2; 40a, 16; 50e For fabric-cleaning machines 8e, 3 Collectors, generally. . A 50e Excluding appliances for clocks 83a, 49 Furnace, etc., removing 12e, 2; 24g, 4-6; 50e Utilizing 16, 13; 40a, 16; 80b, 20 Guards for bearings 47b, 4 For motor-cars 63c, 24 For railway -car journal-boxes 20d, 17 For vehicles 63b, 9 Pans. 34c, 6" Preventing formation of, on railway -tracks . . . 19a, 1 Removing appliances, pneumatic, for coal- driers. 82a, 23 For fabrics, furniture, upholstery, carpets, etc., including details such as pipe- closures, pressure-regulators, etc 8e, 3 For grinding-machines 67a, 28 For motor-cars 63c, 24 For stone-working machines 80d For street -cleaning 19b, 1 For vehicles, in connection with devices for protection from dust 63b, 9 For woodworking machines 38e, 10, 11 In briquet-making lOb, 9 In mines 5d, 3 With brushes 8e, 3; 9, 22 Traps for gas-conduits 4c, 17 Trunks for carding-machines 76b, 36 Dusters, feather, and dust-cloths 34c, 7 For rair-cleaning 55a, 6 Dusting fabrics 8e Dwellings, cleaning 34c, 1-7 Equipment 34f, 1-10, 22-26 Dye coppers and vats. 8a Dyeing . chemical features 8m Cops or spindles for dyeing yarns 8a, 11, 13, 36 Making 8m, 13 Feathers 8m, 10 Fluids for fibrous materials 8a, 1-19 Hair of head and beard, apparatus for 33c, 7 Hides and skins, chemical features 8m, 10 Mechanical features 28b, 17 In stripes 8a, 4 Leather 8m, 10; 28b, 17 Mac-hines for fibrous materials 8a For hides and leather 28b, 17 Mechanical features 8a Textile fibers, chemical features 8m, 1, 2 42 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Dyeing textile fibers, mechanical features.. 8a, 1-19 With anilin-black 8m, 6 Azo dyes 8m, 7 Indigo 8m, 3 Inorganic materials 8m, 9 With salts 8m, 10 With sulfur dyes 8m, 8 Wood by impregnation 38h. 5 Dyes and pigments 22a-g A cr idin 22b , 1 Alizarin, dyeing with 8m, 5 Anthracene 22b, 2, 3 Artificial, organic 22e, 6 Azo 22a,l-ll Azoxy 22a,l-ll Bismarck brown 22a, 12 Diarylmethane 22b, 10-17 Diazo. . 22a, 4-8 Discharging 8n, 4 Hair 30h, 13 Preparations 8m Hydrazone 22a, 14 Monoazo 22a, 1-3 Natural . . . . 22e, 2 Dyeing with 8m, 4 Nitro 22e, 4 Obtained by fermentation 22e, 5 Polyazo 22a, 9-11 Quinolin 22e, 3 Stilbene 22a, 13 Sulfur-containing 22d Triarylmethane 22b, 10-17 Dynamite 78c, 4 Dynamo-electric machines 21d Dynamometers 42k, 1-7 Brake 42k, 2 Coin-controlled 43b, 44 Electro 21e, 2 Fluid 42k, 3 Transmission 42k, 1 Traction 42k, 7 Dynamos 21d Connecting in parallel 21d, 33 Devices for 21c, 55 Power-storing 21d, 26, 47 Regulating 21d, 11-15, 42, 45-47 Devices for 21c, 54-56 Ear drums, artificial 30d, 28 Pieces, telephone 21a, 39 Piercers 44a, 34 Rings 44a, 34 Trumpets and tubes 30d, 28 Warmers 3b, 13 Wax, devices for removing 33c, 12 Ears, protecting 30d, 29 Treating . 30d, 28 Earth and rock loosening, binding, and retain- ing, machines for 19e, 1 Anchors 37b, 5; 84a, 2 Currents, protection from 20k, 18 Utilizing 21g, 14 Drills for deep boring 5a, 1-3 Metal compounds 12m, 5-9 Metals, preparation. . . * 40a, 47-51 Electrolytic 40c, 5, 6 Scrapers 84d, 1 Screws 37b, 5 Earthenware, coloring, decorating, glazing, processes 80b, 23 Glazing, apparatus for 80a, 54 Making 80a-c Treating surface 80a, 54-58; 80b, 23 Earthing or grounding electric conductors ll;20k, 21c,61 Water-jet 21c, 61 Earthquake-recorders 42c, 43 Easels 34i, 9 Easy-chairs 34g, 1 Eccentric gearing 47h, 2 Classification. Eccentrics 47b, 17 For steam-engine valve-gears 14d, 21 Economizers, feed-water 13b, 2 Ecraseurs 30a, 11; 30c, 1 Edge cutters, shoemakers' 71c, 50 Indenting machines for shoemaking 71c, 53 Knurling machines 75a, 2, 8 Polishers for laundry 8d, 21 Runners 50c, 7; 80a, 3 Trimming devices for looms 86c, 13 Edgings, (trimmings) 3b, 2 Making 25c, 3; 86c, 1, 10, 13 Educational appliances 42n Elementary 42n, 1-6 For anatomy and natural sciences 42n, 10 For teaching arithmetic 42n, 4 Reading 42n, 1 Writing 42n, 2 Geographical 42n, 7-9 Musical 51e, 1-6 Physical 42n, 11 To determine location and time 42n, 9, 11 Eel-weirs 84a, 3 Effervescing tablets 53f, 3 Egg beaters 341, 19 Boilers 341, 6 Boiling clocks 341, 6; 83a, 84 Cups 34f,18 Openers for raw eggs, kitchen utensil 341, 6 For table use. . . .' 34f, 18 Packing cases 81c, 20 Racks or stands for preserving 53c, 4 Shears 34f, 18 Slicers 34b, 13 Testers 421, 10 Timers 341, 6; 83a, 84 Eggs, coloring 75c. 5 Determining sex 421, 10 Hatching in incubators 45h, 13 Packing 81c, 20 Preserving 53c, 4 Ejectors 59c, 11-16 Elastic cords as gymnasium appliances 77a, 7 Fabrics 86c, 1 Gores, machines for inserting in shoes 71c, 63 Elbow-pipes 47f,l Making 7b, 17 Electric appliances, auxiliary 21g Batteries 21b Conductors 21c, 1-17 Conduits and tubes for 21c, 18-19 Connectors for 21c, 20-26 Current distribution 21d, 23-26, 46, 47 Furnaces for producing high temperatures. 21h, 6-11 Glass-fusing 32a, 4 Generators, alternating current 21d, 27-33 Continuous current 21d, 1-5 Lamps, arc 21f, 1-30 Incandescent 21f, 37-42 Bases for -. . . . 21f,43,44 Broken filament, safety devices for. . 21f, 64-66 Filaments for .' 21f, 31-36 Hangers for 21f, 57-59 Reflectors for 21f, 53-56 Regulating intensity of light 21f, 62, 63 Sockets for 21f, 45-52 Lighting , 21f Measuring devices 21e, 1-13 Motor-generators , 21d, 8 Motors, alternating current 21d, 37-45 Continuous current 21d, 6, 7 Starting and regulating 21c, 49-53 Osmosis for extracting sugar-juice 89c, 1 Generally, hydro-extracting and drying. . 12d, 1 Peat " 10c, 6 Search-lights 21f, 10 Switches 21c, 28-41 Transformers 21d, 48, 49 Wiring systems 21c CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 43 Classification. Electricity, atmospheric, utilizing 21g, 14 Met ere 21e, 14-26 Electrifying apparatus 30f, 12-15; 43b, 48 Machines 21d, 5 Electrochemistry 12h; k; 1; m; 18c; 21h; 40c; 48a Electrode fastenings and connections 21b, 3 Grids, making by rolling 7f, 10 Electrodes for arc-lamps 21f, 16, 76-81 For electric furnaces 21h, 11 For electrolytical purposes 12h, 2 For galvanic cells 21b, 7 For mercury- vapor lamps .- 21f, 82, 83 For preparation of metals 40c, 3, 4 For primary cells 21b, 7 For storage batteries, forms for 21b, 18-22 Making 21b, 15, 16 Paste mixtures for 21b, 17 For treatment of the sick 30f, 13 Metal, for arc-lamps 21f, 78 Trough, for storage batteries 21b, 22 Electrodynamometers 21e, 2 Electroplating > 48a Articles in bulk 48a, 12 Electrolysis, bleaching by means of 8i, 3 For electrodepositipn of metals 48a For manufacture of pigments 22f, 11 For preparation of alloys 40c, 14, 15 Of metals 40c, 1-13 For producing designs on surfaces 75b, 2 For purifying drinking-water 85a, 7 For washing textiles, apparatus 8a, 5, 7, 9, 17, 18 Processes 8i Generally 12h, 1-3; 12i; k; 1 Electrolytes for electrodeposition of metals.. 48a, 5, 6 For primary cells 21b, 5, 6 Electromagnets for arc-lamps 21f, 17 For cranes 35b, 7 For power transmission for gearing 47h, 8, 22 For removing foreign articles from eye 30a, 18 For telegraphy ." 21a, 21 Generally. . .' 21g, 2 Electrometallurgy 40c Electrometers 21e, 5 Electro-osmotic driers 82a, 21 Electroplating , 48a, 9, 11-15 Baths 48a, 5, 6 Electroscopes 21e, 5 Electrotechnics 20k; 1; 21a-h; 35a; b Electrotherapy 30f , 12-15 Elevated carrier systems with hoisting apparatus 35b, 1 Railways .' 20a, 8, 9 Electric 20k, 1 Mechanism for 201, 30 Elevation-measuring devices as leveling instru- ments 42c, 6 Elevators 35a Bucket 81e, 6-13 Builders' 35a, 4 Chain 81e, 13 Discharging or tilting apparatus 35a, 1 Electric 35a, 3 Endless chain 35a, 8 Conveyer type (paternoster) 35a, 7 Fire-escape. .' 61a, 6 For mowing-machines 45c, 32 Generally 35a Hydraulic 35a, 2 Koepe 35a, 10 Mail 35a, 5 With means for distributing 81e, 46 Screw 81e, 5 Straw, for threshing-machines 45e, 1] With catch devices. 35a, 12-16 Ellipsographs 42a, 12 Elutriating suchrate of lime 89h, 3 Embalming SOi, 9 Classification. Embossing, colored leaf 22g, 10 Machines for paper and paper-board 54d, 1 For surface ornamentation 75a, 2 Rotary 15d, 23 Paper and paper-board with colors 15d, 44 Without colors 54d, 1 Presses 15d, 44 For printing for the blind, gold printing, etc 15d, 44 For surface ornamentation 75a, 2 Inking mechanism for 15d, 43 Processes 15k, 6 Stamps 15h, 7; 75a, 2 With colors 15d, 44 Without colors 54d, 1 Embrasures for guns, reducing to minimum size . 72c, 2 Embroideries 52b, 10 Corroded, (background removed by use of chemicals) 52b, 10 Cutting out and trimming 8f , 9 Shearing 8b, 32 Embroidering implements 52b, 13 Machines 52b, 1-3 Automatic 52b, 3 Elements of and apparatus for 52b, 4-9 For work in colors 52b, 5 Heilmann's 52b, 3 Multiple needle 52b, 3 Single needle 52b, 2 Embroidery attachments for sewing-machines. . 52a, 59 Backgrounds or foundations 52b, 10 Carbonized 52b, 10 Cards 52b, 4 Corroded 52b, 10 Frame guides and frame holders 52b, 4 Frames 52b, 4 Imitations of paper, machines for making 54d, 7 Miscellaneous features 52b, 10-13 Patterns, stencils 52b, 13 Embryo, determining sex 421, 10 Embryotomic instruments 30c, 2 Emergency brake apparatus for railway-trains. . 20f, 48 Doors for railway-cars 20c, 36 Exits for crowds 37d, 39 Ramps for railway-cars 20c, 38 Emery 12m, 6; 67c, 3 Files 67c, 1 Grinders 67a Wheels 67c, 1 Emptying balloons, apparatus for 77h, 4 Cesspools, apparatus for 85e, 2 Filtration plants, apparatus for 12d, 4 Galvanic cells, apparatus for 21b, 4 Gas-producers, apparatus for 24e, 9 Metallurgical furnaces, apparatus for 40a, 10 Sewers, apparatus for. 85e, 2 Silos, apparatus for 81e, 36 Superphosphate-chambers 16, 1 Emulsif ying fats and oils 23c, 2 Emulsions of medicines 30h, 2, 3 Photographic 57b, 6, 8, 9 Enamel, applying 48c, 3 Paints for ceramic compositions 80b, 8, 23 For glass-painting 32b, 8 Enameling ceramic materials 80b, 23 Furnaces for enameling metal 48c, 4 Metals 48c Endless tracks, self-laying, for motor-vehicles. . 63c, 17 End sleeves for electric conductors 21c, 23 Endoscopes 30a, 1, 2 Endosmosis 12d, 1 Enema-syringes 30k, 4 j Engaging gear for shaft-couplings 47c, 16 Generally 47h, 20 Engine governors 60 Signal systems, ships' 65a, 59 Engineering, hydraulic 84a Engineers 7 cabs on locomotives 20b, 14 44 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Engines, air-steam 46d, 7 Ammonia 46d, 4 Auxiliary 14c, 7; 60, 15; 88a, 6 Carbonic acid 46d, 4 Cold vapor 46d, 4 Compressed air 46d, 5 Ether 46d, 4 Gas-air 46d, 8 Gas-air-steam 46d, 9 Gas-steam 46d, 6 Gunpowder 46a, 29 Heat 46d, 1-3, 6-11 Hot air 46d, 1-3 Internal combustion, etc 46, a-c Carbureters and vaporizers 46c, 6-13 Compound 46a, 11 Cooling 46c, 18-23 Exhaust apparatus 46c, 29-32 For liquid fuel 46a, 26-28 Four-cycle 46a, 4-6 Governing 46b, 7-19 By automatically shifting time of ignition 46c, 14 Igniting apparatus 46c, 14-17 Operating methods to cause ignition after starting 46a, 28 Pressure-regulators 46c, 1 Regulating 46b, 7-19 Starting 46c, 24-28 Steering 46b, 1-6 Structural details 46c, 2-5 Two-cycle 46a, 12-19 Oil 46a, 26-28 Petroleum 46a, 26-28 Solar 46d,ll Steam, (see Steam-engines) 14a-h Engobe, applying to bricks 80a, 55 Engraving 15b, 1; 75a,6-12; 75b, 10 Apparatus and machines 75a, 6-12 Plates for photographic purposes 57b, 7 Spindles 75a, 12 Entrenching-tqols 69, 23 Envelop machines, including those combined with printing apparatus 54b, 1 Opening or sealing devices and machines . . . 70d, 12 Envelops, advertising 54g, 4 Balloon 77h,4 Including manufacture 54b, 2 Tearing open, machines for 54b, 2 Window 54b,2 Epicyclic gearing, generally 47h, 7 Equalizers for traction of vehicles 63b, 21 Equalizing devices (soaking-pits) for ingots 18c, 10 63f , 10 70e,3 70e, 17 70e, 17 35a,6 Equilibrium, maintaining on cycles Erasers, blackboard Knife Erasing devices Escalators Escapements for timepieces 83a, 26-32 Regulating 83a, 22 Escutcheons, keyhole 68a, 79 Esthesiometers 30a, 4 Etching apparatus and machines for photo- graphic printing forms and stereotype- plates 48d, 1 Copper, for printing-forms 15b, 1, 5 Galvanic, of metal 48a, 16 Glass 32b, 6 Metal 48d,l Needles 75b, 10 Steel, for printing-forms 15b, 1, 5 Ether 12o, 5 Engines 46d, 4 Ray apparatus 30f, 16, 18 Eugenol 12o, 20 Eurhodins 22c, 1 Evaporating for chemical purposes. 12a, 2 Processes for sugar extraction 89d, 1 Generally 12a, 2 Receptacles (air-moisteners) for heaters 36d, 12 Classification. Evaporation, moistening the air by 36d, 12, 13 Evaporators, electric 21h, 3 For common salt 121, 1 For drying apparatus 82a, 24 For gas -generators 24e, 10 For sugar extraction 89e Instantaneous 13g, 1 Trickling. 12a, 2 Or spraying, for sugar extraction 89e, 1 Excavated materials, conveying and separating . 84d, 5 Excavators 19e, 1; 84d, 1-3 Bucket 84d, 1 Chain 84d, 2 Clam-shell bucket 84d, 3 Compressed air 84d, 4 Dipper 84d, 2 Dry ground 84d, 2 For clay-digging 80a, 1 Force-pump 84d, 4 Hand 84d, 1 Screw 84d, 1 Suction-pump 84d, 4 Wet ground 84d, 2 Excelsior, including manufacture 38i, 4 Excessive- voltage cut-outs 21c, 61 Exhaust gases from blast-furnaces as by-products . 18a, 8 Gases from explosion and internal-combustion engines, deodorizing and purifying 46c, 32 From explosion and internal-combustion engines, utilizing 14h, 3; 46c, 31 Precipitating 24g, 6; 40a, 15 Purifying lOa, 19; 12e, 2; 26d, 1-5; 46c, 32 Recovering and .neutralizing, in cellulose manufacture. 55b, 3 Silencers for explosion and internal-combus- tion engines 46c, 29 Steam-jet pumps 59c, 15 Steam reservoirs 14h, 3 Returning to boiler 13b, 12; 14h, 1 Utilizing 14h, 3 Exhausts of explosion and internal-combustion engines 46c, 29-32 Of gas-turbines 46d, 10 Of locomotives 20b, 14 Of ships, under-water 65a, 4, 26 Of steam-engines 14g, 10 Of steam-turbines 14c, 11 Exhibiting apparatus, coin-controlled 43b, 35-37 Receptacles 54g, 2 Exhibitions, chromatropic 77g, 9 For public entertainment, apparatus for 77g, 10 Kaleidoscopic 77g, 9 Expanded-metal for reinforced-concrete ceil- ings 37a, 2, 3 Linings for building purposes 37a, 3 Expansion apparatus for steam-engines 14d-f Bungs for barrels 64c, 24 Reeds for looms 86a, 2 Stoppers for liquid-handling apparatus 64a, 17 Explosion and internal-combustion engines (see also Engines, internal combustion, etc., and Internal-Combustion engines) 46a-c Turbines '. 46d, 10 Water-elevators 59c, 8 Explosions, coal-dust, in mines, preventing 5d, 3 In containers of inflammable substances, pre- venting 81e, 38 In gas-pipes, arresting 4c, 18 In petroleum-cans, etc. . preventing 341, 20 Explosive gelatin 78c, 11 Explosives 78c Drying 78b, 2 Fuses for 78e, 2 Gelatinizing 78c, 11 Special kinds 78c, 18 Thawing 78e, 1 Exposure-meters, photographic 57c, 4 Expression apparatus for mechanical play- ers ' 51d, 29, 33 Extension apparatus, orthopedic. 30d, CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 45 Classification. Extinguishers 4d, 21-28; 61a, 17, 18 Burner-disk 4d, 21 Candle 4d, 24, 27 Cigar 44d, 13 Fire 61a, 11-18 Fluid-lamp, automatic and mechanical. . . 4d, 21-26 For cooking-burners, automatic 4d, 26 For heating-burners, automatic 4d, 26 For inflammable-fluid containers 61a, 21 For safety (mine) lamps, automatic 4d, 25 Furnace-fire 24k, 7 Hinged leaf, for oil-lamps 4d, 22 Lamp 4d, 21-26 Sleeve for oil-lamps 4d, 23 Extinguishing, fire 61a Extracting fats and oils 23a, 2 Glue, apparatus for 22i, 4 Sugar 89c From sugar-beets by means of alcohol 89c, 2 Extracts, drug 30h, 2, 3 Extrusion, making sheet metal by 7b, 1 Making wire by 7b, 2 Presses for metal tubes Eyeglass cleaners. Frames Holders Nose-clamps. . . . Eyeglasses 7b, 10 34c, 13 42h,29 42h, 31 42h,29 42h, 28-31 Eye~pieces for optical instruments 42h, 2 Protecting masks 30d, 27 Protectors for animals 45h, 8 Testing apparatus 30a, 3; 42h, 32 Apparatus, coin-controlled 43b, 47 Mirrors 30a,3; 42h, 32 Eyelet binding machines (bookbinding) lla, 7 Button fasteners. ... . . 71c, 61 Setting implements and machines for paper manufactures 54b, 8 For shoemaking 71c, 60 For wearing apparel 3c, 10 Eyelets for lacing dresses and shoes 71b, 2 Making of sheet metal 7c, 45 With plastic coatings 39a, 17, 23; 71b, 2 Eyelids for dolls 77f, 11 Eyes, artificial 30d, 26 Dolls', mechanism for 77f, 11 Treatment of 30d, 26 Fabric breadths, cutting in loom 86c, 32 Breadths, trimming 8f, 8-10 Buttons 44a, 1, 2 Designs 75d, 21 Fulling machines 8a, 30 Measuring apparatus 8f, 1, 2, 4 On looms 86e, 20 Sample clamps 8f, 13 Wicks Winding apparatus for looms. . Fabrics Asbestos Beating Bleaching Breaking and softening Brushing - Calendering Carbonizing Cementing or gluing together, (for oil-cloth etc.) . . ., Cleaning Clipping Coating 8a, 27; 8h, 1-7; 8k, 3, 4; 81, 1, 2 Crape effects, producing 8b, 31 Cutting f 8f,8-10 Darning 86c, 8 Doubling 8f, 6 Drawing off moisture 8b, 1 Drawing threads in 25d, 3 Drying 8b, 1-6, 9 By sucking off water 8b, 1 Dyeing 8a, 9, 10, 14; 8m 4a,4,5 86c, 19 86c, 1-7 86c, 1 8b, 15 i, 1-19; 8i, 1-3 8b,27 8b, 15 8b,21 8b,31 8h,7 8e,2 8b,14 Classification. Fabrics, elastic 86c, 1 Endless 86c, 3 Examining for defects by the eye 8f, 3 Figuring 8b,4, 7, 8, 11, 31; 8n Finishing 8a; b; i; k; m Fireproofing 8k, 4 Folding. 8f,5,7 For ceiling and wall coverings 37a, 3 For foot-mats 34f, 24 For gas-mantles 4f, 1 For wheel-tires : . . 86c, 4 ' Fulling 8a, 30-32 Goffering 8b, 31 Impregnating 8a, 27; 8k, 3, 4 Improving 8b, 33 Kneading, (fulling) 8a, 30 Knit 8a; b; i; k; m Laying 8f, 5 Loading 8m, 11 Lustering 8b, 26 Measuring 8f, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7; 42b, 5 Mercerizing 8a, 24; 8k, 2 Mesh, for gas-mantles 4f, 1, 3 Moistening 8b, 13 Mordanting, chemical features 8m, 11 Mechanical features 8a, 10 Napping . . 8b, 12 Packing 8f, 13 Passing through bleaching, washing, or dyeing fluids in extended position 8a, 9 Passing through bleaching, washing, or dyeing fluids in rope form 8a, 10 Pile, finishing, chemical features 8k, 1 Finishing, mechanical features 8b, 29 Weaving 86d Plaiting 8g Press-board inserting, machines for 8b, 17 Pressing 8b,22,24 Printing 8c, 1,4,7, 8, 11; 8n, 1-4 Producing ratine effects 8b, 31 Silk luster 8b, 17, 18, 19,21,26 Puttingup 8f,13 Removing dust from Renovating Scouring Shearing Shrinking Singeing Sizing 8a,27,29; 8k, 1 Smoothing 8b Softening 8b, 27 Steaming, (sponging) 8b, 13 Stretching 8b, 2, 4-6 Tentering 8b, 2 Terry 86d, 6 Trimming 8f, 10; 52a,51 Tubular 86c, 3 Turning 8b, 9 Tufted 86d, 6 Washing 8a, 1-19; 8i, 5 Waterproofing, chemical features 8k, 3 Mechanical features 8a, 27 Winding 8f , 3, 7 Wire-woven 86f For driving-belts 47d, 4 Fafades of buildings, cleaning 37d, 40 Face plates for metal lathes. 49a, 20 Powder 30h, 13 Boxes 33c,12 Faceting hollow glassware 67a, 18 Facial wrinkles, treating 30d, 5 Facing-bricks as structural elements 37b, 1 Making of cement, clay, plaster of Paris, etc. 80b, 14 Factice, (rubber substitute produced by vul- canizing oil) 39b, 4 Fading or bleaching processes for photographic purposes 57b, 18 Fagoting and piling for welding purposes, etc . . 18b, 4 37b,3 8e,3 8e,2 8b,25 8b, 14 8b,13 8b,16 46 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Fan blowers 27c, 6-10 Brakes for rail way- vehicles 20f , 13 Holders 33d, 11 Fancy cakes, packing-cases for 81c, 22 Fanning-mills for cleaning and sorting grain. . . 45e, 14 Fans for grain-cleaning machines 45e, 12 Hand 33a, 15 Mechanically driven 36d, 6 Ventilating 27c, 6-10; 36d, 6 Fare-indicators, (taximeters) 42p. 12, 13 Farm-wagons 45e, 31 Farming 45a-h Farriery 45i Fasteners, "basquill," for windows 68b, lO Belt 3c, 8; ,44a, 27-30; 50a, 2 Collar 3a,4 Corset 3c, 5 Making of sheet metal 7c, 45 Of wire 7d, 14 Cover, for clay -presses... 80a. 15 Cuff 3a, 6; 44a! 18 Connected with cuff 3a, 6 Door 68a,68; 68d, 18 For trunks, including locks 33b, H For wearing-apparel 3c; 71b, 1-8 Gaiter 3c, 7 Glove 3c, 6 Hook, for shoes 71b, 6 Horse-collar 56a, 6 Knapsack 33b ; 11, 12 Lid, for kitchen utensils 341, 13 Metal, (paper-box making) 54a, 8 Necktie 3b, 15 Pocket 3c, 4 Rotary bar, for windows 68b, 11 Safety, for bags 33b, 12 Snap, for wearing-apparel 3c, 2 Spanish, for windows 68b. 11 Stair-rod 34f, 25 Umbrella 33a, 3 Window, generally 68b, 9-16 Fastening articles to cards, devices and ma- chines for. 81a, 12 Devices for accordions 51c, 32 For roller-curtains 34e, 7, 8 For umbrellas. 33a, 2 Feed-wires in electric lamps 21f , 39 Hooks for life-saving ladders 61a, 1 Mantles in lamps 4a, 21 Reflector-holders to lamps 4b, 14 Screws 47a, 6 Sounding-boards in pianos 51b, 10 Torpedoes on rails 20i, 43 Fastenings and locks for traveling-bags, etc. . . 33b, 11 Bracelet 44a, 33 Button, for shoes 71b, 5 Cardboard box 81c. 13 Cartridge-pouch 72d, 9 Clamp 47a, 1 Clasp, for shoes 71b, 7 Flag and flagstaff 37d, 34 For animals in stables and field 45h, 2 For emergency-openings in buildings 37d, 39 For hat-pins 44a, 21 For hats 41c, 8 For jewelry 44a, 37 For lamp-shades 4b, 13 For scarf-pins 44a, 23 For stovepipes 36a. 14 For structural elements 37b, 5 For table-lamps 4a, 24 For trunks, bags, etc 33b, 11 For wheels 20d, 28; 63d, 7, 8 Furniture 34i, 21 Laced, for wearing-apparel, including shoes. . 71b, 1 Pocket 3c, 4 Ring, for ring-shackles 68a, 105 Which must be destroyed to be undone. . . 81c, 16 Shoe 71b ; l-9 Classification. Fastenings, slide for shoes 71b. 6 \Vatch-chain 44a, 36 Wedge and key 47a, 1 Fat content of milk, determining 53e, 6 Emulsions 23c, 2 Preparations 30h, 8 Removing from bones 22i, 3; 23a, 1, 2 From cocoa 53f , 1 From hides and bird skins 29b, 1 From leather 28a From metal articles for galvanotechnical purposes 48a. 1 Solvents, chemical 23c, 2 Testers. '. 421, 5, 7 Traps for channels 85e. 9 Fats, cooking 53h Extracting and purifying 23a, 1-5 Rendering 23a, 1 Wool 23a, 5 Fatty acids 23d, 1 Materials, molding and printing 23f, 1 Feather curlinsr machines 3e, 3 Dusters 34c Picking machines 8e, 5 Sorting machines 8e, 5 Trimmings for dresses, etc 3b, 2 Feathers, artificial 3e, 4 Artificial, furs made of 3e, 6 As fertilizer 16, 8 Bed, cleaning, filling, sorting, making of bird- feathers, etc 8e, 5 Removing down 8e, 5 Renovating 8e, 5 Bird, for hats, etc 3e, 3 Making into bed-feathers 8e, 5 Dyeing 8m, 10 Ornamental, preparing 3e, 3 Separating beard from quills and treating q uills 3e, 3 Fecal-matter as fertilizer 16, 11 Extracting fats from 23a, 4 Incinerating 24d Feed, animal, preparing 53g, 1-6 Bags~. 45h, 4 Cookers - 53g, 6 Cutting machines 45e, 35-37 Pails 45h, 4, 5 Racks 45h, 1 Troughs 45h, 4, 5, 15 Animal-excluding gratings for 45h, 1 Mechanism for metal-working lathes 49a, 13 For rock-drilling machines 5b, 14 For woodworking-machines 38b, 8 For woodworking saws 38a, 8 Pumps, boiler 59c, 11-15 Regulators, boiler 13b, 13-17 For steam-generators of gas-producers 24e, 10 Water preheaters 13b, 2-4 Purifiers 13b, 5-7 Separating air from 13b, 18 Oil from 13b, 5 Feeders for straw-cutting machines 45e, 34 For threshing-machines 45e, 10 Feeding apparatus for bucket elevators 81e, 12 Apparatus for carbureters 26c, 12 For furnaces burning coal-dust, sawdust, peat, etc -41, 3, 4 For metal blanks 49b, 31 For textile fibers, (spinning) ~6b, 7 Mechanism for cards, envelops, etc., in print- ing-presses 15e, 12 For sewing-machines 52a, 45-47, 50 For shoemaking-machines 71c, 27 Feet, artificial 30d, 3 Fellies, cycle-wheel 63d, 1 7 Vehicle-wheel 63d, 3 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 47 Classification. Felt cutting devices 69, 25 Roofing 37c, 6 Making, chemical features 81, 3 Mechanical features 8a, 28 Felting 41d Apparatus 41d, 4 On looms 86h, 8 Machines 41d, 2 Felts, coated 41d, 4 For paper-making 55d, 10 Impregnating and sizing 8a, 28 Steaming 41 d, 4 Varnished 81, 2 Fence-posts 37d, 36 Fences 37d, 36 Game 37d, 36 Snow 19e, 4 Wire, making 7d, 6; 37d, 36 Fencing, apparatus for teaching 77a, 27 Armor 77a, 23 Dummies 77a, 23 Gloves 77a, 23 Masks and shields 77a, 23 Fenders, railway-car 20d, 33 Fermentation processes for brewing, distilling, and yeast-making 6b, 16 For wine-making 6c, 1 Fermenting cocoa 53f, 1 Vats 6b, 17 Ferments 6b Ferries 65a, 55 Ferrochrome 18b, 20 Ferrocyanogen compounds 12k, 7-10 Ferromanganese 18a, 10 Ferrosilicon 18a, 10 Ferrotypy 57b, 12 Ferrules for canes, etc 33a, 11 Fertilizer distributing machines 45b, 23-30 Distributing machines, steering apparatus for . 45a, 36 Scattering apparatus 45b. 6 Fertilizers, inorganic 16, 1-5 Organic ! 16, 6-14 Fertilizing apparatus, hand 45b, 3 Festoon - stitch apparatus for embroidering- machines 52b, 7 Sewing machines 52a, 9 Fettering devices for animals to be slaughtered . 66a, 4 For restraining animals during operations 30c, 5 Fiber bands, mercerizing 8a, 21 - Bands, pressing and squeezing 8a, 33 Crosses 42c, 4-9, 14-17, 19-23, 43; 42h, 10, 34 Extracting machines, flax 29a, 2 Shredding devices, (paper-making) 55c, 12 Fibers, textile, bleaching, dyeing, fulling, im- pregnating, mercerizing, washing 8a Textile, bucking after dyeing 8m, 1 Bucking before dyeing 8i, 4 Chemical preparation 29b, 1-6 Drying......! 29b,4; 82a Mechanical preparation 29a, 1-7 Preliminary treatment for spinning 76b, 1-37 Removing air from 8i, 4 Retting 29a,4; 29b, 2 Vegetable, separating seeds, stalks, and leaves . 29b, 2 Fibrous materials, impregnating 8a, 25-29; 8k, 3 Loading 8m, 11 Pressing and squeezing 8a, 33, 34 Printing Sc 2, 5 Retting, including bacteriological professes . . 29 b, 2 Si/ing 8a, - >5 ~ 29 Washing 8a, 1-19 Field cooking apparatus 341, 1 Glasses - - 4 2h, 11 Magnets for electric machines 21d, 16 Railways ] 9a, 24 Fifth-wheel structure won, J 1 Filament -supports for incandescent lamps. . . Filaments for incandescent lamps 21f, 31-3 61a, 19 P'or cigars and cigarettes 79b, 18, 20 For coal-gas 26d, 1 48 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Filters for cocks, pipes, pumps, etc 12d, 22 For gases and vapors 12e, 2 Gas 12e, 2: 2tid, I: -!0a, 15, IK Hose-shaped..., 12e, 2: 50e, 4 Light 57b, 18 Milk 45g, 5 Oil 12d, 23 Oxidizing, for purifying drinking-water . . 85a, 7 Smoke ' 24g, 6: 40a. 15, 16 Sugar-juice 12d, 10, 11, 18 Water. . . .' 85a, 7 Well 85d, 1 Wine 12d, 5-9, 13, 14, 18-20 Filtration plants 12d, 2-4 Finder switches f ,n telephone systems 2 la, 04, 65 For cameras 57a, 9 Finders as optical accessories for photography. 42h, 33 Ground glass 57a, 9 Finger boards for stringed instruments 51 c, 3 Boards for withers 51c, 1 6 Exercising devices 51b, 41, 42; 51e, 13 Formers 30d. 5 Nail brushes 9, 21 Cleaners, cutters, files, etc 33c, 11 Ring gages 42b, 12 Rings 44a, 35, 38 Combined with cutting devices 69, 26 Strengthening devices for piano-playing 51b, 42 Stretchers f of writing 70a, 10 Supporting devices i'or piano-playing 51b, 41 Fingers, devices to insure correct position i'or writing 70a, 10 Finings for beverages 6b, 16 Finishing apparatus in looms 86h, 8 Braids 8a,2,4,9:8k Cloth, chemical features 8i-n Mechanical features 8a-g Devices for braiding and lace-making ma- chines 25b, 8 For looms 86h, 8 Felts 41d, 4 Laundry 8d, 17-22; 8k Processes for knit goods 8b ; 30 Textiles, chemical features 8i-n Mechanical features 8a-g Yarns on spooling-machines 76d, 19 Woven fabrics, knit goods, etc 8b Fire alarms 74a, 30-38 ; 74c, 14-23 Alarms, automatic 74a, 30-38; 74c, 19 Balloons 77h, 3 Boxes for boilers 13a, 20 Bricks 80b, 8 Bridges for furnaces 24k, 2 Curtains for stages 37f, 1 Damp analyzing and testing apparatus 421, 4 Indicators on miners' lamps 74b, 4 Preventing 5d, 2, 3, 9 Telemetric devices for indicating 74b, 4 Doors, furnace 24k, 1 Engine nozzles 61a, 16 Engines, exclusive of pump structure 61 a, 15 General construction of trucks 63b Motor-driven vehicles for 63c, 3 Piston-pumps for 59a, 13 Escapes Gla, 1-10 Extinguishers, automatic 61a, 17, 18 Automatic, for furnace-fires 24k, 7 Dry 61a, 14 Extinguishing Gla, 11-18 Nozzles, automatic 61a, 17 On shipboard 65a, 17 Preparations 61b Processes, chemical 61b Irons 24f, 21;34d,3 Ladders Gla, 1, 3-5 Lighters lOb, 11-15; 24k, fi; 34d, 7 Protection by insulation 37b, 6 For cinematographs 57a, 37 Screens 34f, 5 Shovels, etc 34d, 3 Classification. Fire telegraphs 74c, 14-22 Tongs 34d, 3 Tube liners.. 24k, 3 Tubes, cleaning 24g, 4 Firearm-supports for cycles 63g, 8 Firearms 72a-c, h Hand 72a; 72h, 1-5 Toy 77f, 24 Fireplaces 36a, 10 Fireproofing fabrics 8k, 4 Firework compositions 78d, 1 Firing apparatus for guns, (ordnance) 72c, 13, 14 Apparatus for guns, (ordnance,) combined with aiming devices 72f, 15 For small-arms 72a, 25 Arrangements for cooking and heating stoves 24a, 12 Bolts for breech closures 72c, 13 Furnaces for earthenware 80c, 4 Inclosed, for steam production... 13g, 6 Mechanism combined with means for regis- tering accuracy of aim 72f, 7 Fish boning devices as kitchen implements. . . 341, 15 Boning devices as table implements 34f, 21 Cleaning and dressing boards 341, 15 Containers for live fish 45h, 18, 19 Culture 45h, 17 Drying 53c, 1 Killing appliances 341, 15 Ladders and passes 84a, 3 Live, transporting and storing 45h, 18 Plate joints 19a, 15-17, 19 Plates, angle 19a, 19 Bull-headed 19a, 19 Continuous 19a, 19 Cranked 19a, 19 Emergency 19a, 19 Flat " 19a, 15 Impact 19a, 17 Made by rolling 7f, 10 With adjustable keys 19a, 15 With supporting-flanges 1 9a, 15 Preserving 53c, 1-3 Refuse as fertilizer 16, 7 Sealers 341,15 Fishing rods 45h, 23 Vessels 65a, 7 With nets, baskets, pots, etc 45h, 20 Rods and hooks 45h, 21-23 Fixatives , 22h, 5* Flags, fastening 37d, 34 Signal 74d, 10 Flagstaffs 74d, 10 Fastening and lubricating 37d, 34 Flails 45e, 1 Flame-carbon for arc-lamps 21f, 77 Flames under water 4g, 55 Flange-joints 47f, 7 Flanges 47f, 7 On sheet-metal boxes and cans, producing. . . 7c, 24 Packing 47f, 22 Pipe, producing 7c, 21 Flanging 7c, 4, 20 Flap- valves 47g, 19 Flash-light apparatus for photographic purposes. 57c, 3 Lamps 78d, 2, 3 Powders 78d, 1 Flashing glass 32b, 9 Flasks, molders' 31c, 8 Or bottles, laboratory 421, 13 Pocket 33d, 4 Poison 30g, 4 Flat carding engines 76b, 10 Feet, treatment and appliances 30d, 5 Flat irons 8d, 21 Irons, electrically heated 21h, 3 Strainers for paper-making 55d, 6 Flattening machines, tobacco 79a, 3 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 49 Classification. Flax;, breaking 29a, 2 Combing 76b, 33 Drawing 76b, 28 Pullers 45c, 27 Retting and drying, apparatus for 29a, 4 Retting, including bacteriological processes.. 29b, 2 Removing fiber 29a, 2 Fleece distributers for carding-machines 76b, 13 Dividers 76b, 21-25 Steel band 76b, 22 Strap 76b, 23 Separators and winders for cards 76b, 14 Flesh iug-machines 28b, 1-3 Flexible axles for railway-cars 20d, 6 Railway -couplings ". 20e, 11 Shafts 47b, 2 Tube pumps 59a, 12 Tubing, metallic 47f, 5 Metallic, making 7b, 9 Non-metallic 47f , 4 Fliers, (spinning) 76c, 3 Flies, catching and destroying 45k, 1, 2 For striking mechanism of clocks 83a, 62 Flight, measuring time of, for carrier-pigeons . . 43a, 34 Float manometers / 42k, 11 Valves 4c, 24; 26b, 31; 47g, 44 For gas-consumption regulators 4c, 24 Floating bodies for buoys 65a, 63 Bodies for pontoon-bridges 65a. 82 Compasses 42c, 32 Cranes 35 b, 4 Docks 65b, 2 Jetties 19d, 6 Stranded ships 65b, 5 Floats as machine elements 47f, 20 For hydraulic air-compressors 271 >, 5 For hydroplanes 65a, 9 ; 77h, 4 FlOBgB. 151, 9 Floor cleaners 37d, 40 Coverings, making 8h, 1-5; 80b, 16, 17, 25 Printing 8c, 1, 4, 7, 9-11 Oilers, waxers, etc 34c, 6 Polishers, scrapers, etc 37d, 40 Polishing brushes 9, 23 Implements, except brushes 34c, 6 Machines 34c, 5 Materials, floor-wax 22g, 6 Scrubbers 34c, 6 Floors 37d, 5-7 Brick 37d, 32 Cleaning 34c, 5, 6' Drying.^ 82a, 9 Joi'ntless 37d. 7 Painting, machines for 75c, 20 Planing by means of portable apparatus 38b, 3 Plaster 37d, 7 Sound-proof 37a, 3 Stone 37d, 6 Terrazzo 37d, 7 Wooden '. 37d, 5 Flour, bleaching and sterilizing 53c, 5 Grading apparatus 50d In connection with baking 2c, 1 Potato... 53k, 2 Preparation of - - - ^ 50b Preparations 53k, 2 Sifters 50d Testers 421, 9 Flower baskets. 34f, 26 Boxes, portable 34f, 6 Stationary , 37d, 39 Culture 45f, 5 Holders. 33d, 9 Lattices for gardens 45f, 1 For windows 34e, 19 Perfumes, artificial production 23a, 6 9852419 4 Classification. Flower pot coverings 45f, 7 Pots 45f, 7 Earthenware, making 80a, 13 Props and stays 45f, 13, 15 Shelves 34f, ?> Sprayers ! 45f, 21 Stands 34f, 6; 45f, 9 For windows 34e, 19 Tables 34f, 6 With means for training flowers, (trellises, etc.) ' 45f. 13 Vases 34f, 6 Wire 45f, 6 Flowers, artificial , 3e, 1 Natural, coloring by absorption of dyestuffs. . 75c, 5 Cultivating and' utilizing 45f, 5, 6 Preserving and coloring 451, 1 Flue ashes, collecting and removing 24g, 4-6 Tioilers, marine 13a, 21 Dampers 24i, 1-3 Sliding 24i, 1-3 Kilns 80c, 5 Flues 24a; 24g, 4 Cleaning 24g, 4 Fluid barometers ; 421, 14 Escapements 83a, 32 Heaters 36e ; 1--6 Electric 21h, 3, 4 Level indicators. 42c, 27 Regulators 12f, 4 Measures for barrels 64c, 12 For excise purposes 421, 11 Generally 42e, 14-22 Pressure gages 42k, 11 Samplers 421, 18 Strata, (laboratory apparatus, etc.) 421, 13 Fluids, clarifying and separating. 12d, 1 Condensing; (solidifying) 12c, 3 Decolorizing 12d, 1 , 11 Solidifying 12c, 3 Flukes 5b, 7 Fluorin compounds, organic . . '. 12o, 2 Fluorins and fhiorids 12i, 10 Flushing apparatus for sewer-conduits 85e, 20 Apparatus for water-closets . 85h Bowls 85h, 12-15 Tanks 85h. 1-8 Urinals 85h, 19 Flutes 51c, 23 Fluting fabrics and machines for Fluxes Fly glue, applying to paper '"MS. Nets and covers for animals Traps 18b, 11 54d, 6 45k, 1 45h,8 45k, 1 Flying apparatus 77h Apparatus, gas-inflated '. 77b, 1-4 Propelling mechanism for 77h, 10-15 Regulating equilibrium, (stabilizing). . '. . . . 77h, 5 Without gas inflation 77h, 5-9 Machines , 77h, 5-9 Beating or flapping wings for 77h, 10 Dynamic 77h, 5-9 Gliders 77h, 7 Helicopters 77h, 6 Hydroplanes , 77h, 9 Kite-shaped 77h, 5 Launching apparatus 77h, 9 Maintaining equilibrium 77h, 5 Motor arrangements 77h, 5 Mounting, landing, and housing 77h, 9 Paddle-wheel. .., 77h, 8 Stabilizing . 77h, 5 Steering 77h, 5 Undulatory 77h, 8 With centrifugal wheels or the like under planes 77h, 12 50 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Fly wheel clutches for sewing-machines 52a, 56 Wheel machines, electric 21d, 26, 47 Starting mechanism 47h, 20 Wheels as machine elements 47b, 28 For driving cycles 63k, 8 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46c, 5 Focusing devices for cameras, positively acting. 57a, 5 Hoods. 57a, 10 Horns. 74u, 3 Producing 45f, 10, 11; 65a, 26 Folding beds 34g, 15 Chairs 34g, 6 Devices for printing-presses 15d, 25 Fabrics, machines for " 8f, 5 Laundry, machines for 8d, 20 Letter-paper, appliances for 70d, 12 Machines and apparatus, independent, for printing, and elements thereof 15e, 1 For bookbinding lie, 5 For lamp-shades 54d, 5 For rotary presses 15d, 25 Paper, cardboard, etc., appliances for 54d, 4, 5 Sheet-metal cans 7c, 7-9 Sheet metal, machines for 7c, 4 Stamps for preserving-can closing machines. . 7c, 9 Tables for railway-cars 20c, 43 Foodstuff comminuting machines, etc 34b: 1-6, 8, 9, 13; 45e, 35-39; 50a-c Cutting machines 34b, 1-6; 45e, 35-39; 66b, 8, 9 Dispensers for the table 34f, 21 Foodstuffs, concentrated 53i, 4 For live stock 53g Generally 53c-f, h-k Packing Sic, 22 Preparing '. 53k Preserving 53c; 53k, 1 Railway-cars for 20c, 10 Refrigerator cars and wagons for 17c, 5 Wagons for transportation of 53a; 63b, 35 Foot bags 33b, 2 Balls 77a, 18 Levers 47b, 14; 52a, 55; 63k, 4-6 Lights for theater-stages 4b, 22 Mats 24f, 24 Measuring devices 71c, 1 Mechanism, (foot-motors) 46e, 5 Oscillating lever 47h, 1 Plates for skates 77b, 8 Rests for chairs 34g, 9 For cycles 63g, 14 Rings for taming or training animals 45h, 9 Stools 34g 10 Automatic apparatus for renting 43 b 53 For putting on and lacing up shoes 341 24 Supports for fitting shoes 54g 18 Warmers 3b, 13; 341 11 With source of heat 341, 9 Force-measuring devices, (dynamometers) . . . 42k, 1-7 30a, 16 45f,9 6b,9 72f,l 19a, 24 45f, 17, 18 49f, 6 Forceps, dental. Surgical Forcing beds and frames for plants Foremashing apparatus for brewing Foresights for firearms Forest-railways Forestry Forges. . Forging. 49f, 1-8 Articles made by -. 49g Machines 49f, 3, 4 Presses, hydraulic 49e, 8 Mechanical 49e, 9 Roll machines for making horseshoe-nails. . . . 7e, 16 Forks, hay and straw 45c, 2 Hay and straw, making by rolling 7f, 4 Table 34f , 13 Cleaners for 34c, 11 Making by forging and pressing 49g, 9 Of sheet-metal 7c, 41 Polishing ; 67a, 31 Classification. Form-sticks for type-setting 15a, 4 Formaldehyde 12o, 7; 30i, 4 Former-windings for dynamos 21d, 18 Formiate. 12o, 11 Formic acid 12o, 11 Forms, blast-furnace 18a, 5 For rotary, printing 15a, 11 Lithographic 15d, 33 Ornamental 75b, 15-22 Processes for producing 75b, 15-29 Printing 15b, 2-6; I5d,33; 15k, 1; 151,9; 57d, 2-4, 6, 7 Cleaning 15e, 16 Relief, making 75b, 15-19 Formulas 54b, 7 Forte devices for pianos 51b, 33 Fortifications 72g, 3 Fortune- telling apparatus 77d, 18 Coin-controlled 43b, 20 Foundation piles and piling 37e, 13 Sites, excavating 84d, 1-4 Foundations for buildings 84c For buildings, examining 84c, 1 Methods of forming 84c For machines for building purposes 37f, 7 For steam-engines 14a, 16 Subaqueous 84c, 2 Testing supporting capacity of 42k, 29 Founding metals 31a-c Foundry-ladles 31c, 27 Fountain-pens 70b, 4, 5 Fountains 85g, 1 Drawing-room ..:: 341, 26 Drinking 85d, 4 Four-cycle internal-combustion engines 46a, 4-6 Fractional distillation 12a, 3 Fractionating devices 6b, 24-26; 12a, 3 Frame embroidering-machines 52b, 1 Plates for lead accumulators 21b, 18 Saws 38a, 1-3 Frames as machine elements 47a, 16 Canvas-stretching 75c, 18 Carpet-beating 8e, 1 Cartridge, for machine-guns 72d, 10 Door 7c, 44 ; 37d, 18; 38c, 6 ; 38e, 8 Drying, for laundry 8d, 16 Embroidery 52b, 4 Eyeglass 42h, 29 For electric-arc lamps 21f, 19 Forcing, for plants 45f, 9 Hair-dressers' braiding 3e, 2 Lamp-shade 4b, 3 Mirror... .. 34f, 1 Molding, for foundries 31c, 8 Paper and paper-board 54f Pianos 51b, 2 Picture 34f, 2 Printing, photographic 57c, 10 Racking 8b, 5 Spectacle 42h, 29 Stretching, for hides , 28b, 7 For leather ' 28b, 27 For painters' canvases 75c, 18 Tentering 8b, 2 Under, for railway-cars 20d, 1-5 Window 7c, 44 ; 38c, 6 ; 38e, 8 As part of buildings 37d, 17 As structural elements 37b, 3 Wooden 38c, 6 Framing-chisels 38e, 4 Making 49g, 9 Free balloons 77h, 1 Freezers, ice-cream 17b, 6 Freezing cells 17b, 2 Points, determining 42i, 17 Processes for shaft-sinking 5c, 2 Freight .cars 20c, 2-5, 7-12 Cars convertible into automatic unloading- cars 20c, 14 Distribution in freight-cars 81e, 27 Ships 65a,6 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 51 Classification. French curves 42a, 15 Frequency meters 21e, 7 Regulators for alternating-current genera- tors 21d, 33 Transformers 21d, 36 Fret-saws 38a, 7 Friction brakes for doors 68d, 14 Brakes for railway-cars . . 20f, 18 Clutches 47c, 7-9, 13 Compositions for matches 78b, 3 Gearing for motor-cars 63c, 7 Materials, applying to match-boxes 78a, 12 Meters 421, 7 Operated steam-turbines 14c, 3 Water-turbines 1 88a, 3 Pawl mechanism 47h, 5 Surfaces for matches 44b, 28 Wheel change-speed and reversing gear 47h, 14 Gearing, generally . . 47h, 8 Wheels 47b,25 Fringes 25c, 3 Cutting on edges of paper and paper-board 54d, 8 Making on looms 86c, 13 Frogs, rail 20i, 4 For suspension, cable, and rack-rail roads 20i, 9 Frost, preventing formation of, in coolers 17f, 7 Frosting glass 32b, 5 Froth dispellers 89c, 9; 89e, 5 Preventers for dairies 45g, 1 For evaporators (sugar-making) 89e, 5 For milk-boilers 341, 5 Generally, for chemical industry 12a, 1 Preventing in centrifugal machines. 12d,l; 82b,16;89e,5 In dairy appliances 45g, 1 Fro thing- taps for dispensing vessels 64c, 28 Fruit cabinets and stands 34i, 22 Cleaning machines 45e, 12-22 Comminuting machines 45e, 35-37 ( 'rushing machines 34b, 9 Culture 45f, 14-16 Cutting machines 34b, 3; 45e, 38 Harvesting implements. . 45f, 16 Ladders 45f, 16 Peelers and peeling-machines 34b,7; 45e,44,45; 50a, 3-7 Pickers 45f, 16 Pressps 58a,5;58b,l,2,5,9,10 Pressing machines 34b, 9 Seeding and stoning devices for bulk treat- ment 45e, 40-43 For household use 34b, 11 Sorting machines 45e, 12-20 Stemming devices for bulk treatment 45e, 46 For household use 34b, 12 Frying-pans 341, 10 Fuel lOa-c; 23b Bed on furnace-grates, signaling devices indi- cating low condition of 74b, 8 Carbonizing and coking lOa Containers for motor-cars 63c, 26 Dressing la, 15-22 Feeding devices for burners 4g, 1-6, 9-20, 27 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46c, 6, 7, 11, 13 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines when inseparably connected with cylinder and influenced by processes in cylinder 46a, 2 For furnaces 24b, 7, 8; 24e, 9; 24h; 241, 3, 4 For gas-generators 24e, 9 For lamps 4a, 8-10 Liquid 23b, 1, 2, 4 Cooking apparatus 34a, 1, 3-5 Furnace-feeding apparatus for . . 24b, 7, 8 Furnaces for 24b Heating-stoves for 36b, 3 Solidifying 10b, 11 Liquids for motors 23b, 4 Making from refuse 10b, 16 Pumps 46c, 13 Classification. Fulling, combined, for woven fabrics 8a, 32 Felt, machines for 4id, 4 Hammer, for woven fabrics 8a, 31 Hide, apparatus for . 28b, 26 Machines, centrifugal 41d, 4 Rollers, for woven fabrics 8a, 30 Troughs 28b, 7 Woven fabrics, machines for 8a, 30-32 Fumes, foundry, extracting gases from 40a, 15 Fumigating apparatus 30i, 2; 45h, 15; 45k, 4 Funeral requisites 30e, 16-19 Funnels for liquid -handling purposes 64b, 16-18 Making of sheet metal 7c, 24 Fur neck pieces 3e, 5 Furlike fabrics, making by weaving 86d Furs, artificial 3e, 6 Artificial, made of feathers, hair, etc 3e, 6 Dyeing 8m, 10; 28b,17 Natural 3e, 5, 6 , Producing designs on 28b, 18 Furnace dust, binding 18a, 2 Fires, reviving 24k, 6 Fronts 24k, 1 Plants 24a-l Cooling firemen's stations 24k, 8 Heat-storing devices 24k, 4 Throat closures or stoppers 18a, 6 Furnaces, agglomerating 18a, 2 Air-heating 36c, 8 Alternately fired 24a. 8 Annealing, electric 21h, 6-11 For iron and steel 18c, 9 For metals (except iron and steel) where special chemical processes are employed. 48d, 5 For nails 7e, 6 For steel wire 18c, 6 For wire (except iron and steel) where special chemical processes are employed . . 48d, 5 Automobile-boiler 24b, 6 Bakers' oven 24a, 13 Bessemer 18b, 16-19 Blast ,. 18a, 3-7 Charging apparatus for 18a, 6 Removing accretions 18a, 7 Structural arrangements 37f, 7 Bone-black 12d, 11; 89c, 13 Brewing-kettle 24a, 13 Calcining 12b Carbid 21h, 8 Channel-kiln 80c, 5 Closed ash pit 24i, 5 Coal-dust 211,1,3 In connection with kilns 80c, 14 Coke, (coke-ovens) , lOa, 1-20 Cooling, for glass articles 32a, 28, 29 Cremating 24d Crucible, for chemical fusing processes 12b For metal-casting 31a, 3 For zinc extraction 40a, 40 Metallurgical 40a, 9 Cupola 31a, 1 Distilling, for lignite lOa, 23 Drying, for molds 31a, 4 Generally 82a Electric, for glass-making 32a, 4 For production of high temperatures 21h, 6-11 Enameling 48c, 4 Flameless 24c, 1 Flue-kiln 80c, 5 For chemical metal-working 48d, 5 For liquid fuel 24b For making electrodes, etc., for arc-lamps 21f, 81 For solid fuel 24a Forced draft 24i, 5 Forging 49f , 6 Fusing .. 31a, 1; 32a, 1-4; 40a, 7-10 Gas. . .".". 24c For ceramic kilns 80c 52 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Furnaces, glass-fusing 32a, 1-5 Hardening, for iron and steel 18c, 5 For metals, except iron and steel 48d, 5 Hearth-smelting 31a, 2 Heating, for forging purposes , 49f , 6 For iron ingots, etc 18c, 10 For metals, except iron and steel 48d, 5 For tires to be mounted. 49f, 6 Incinerating 24d Internal... 24a, 2, 16, 17 Locomotive 24a, 5, 6 Martin 18b, 14, 15 Melting 31a, 1; 32a, 1-4; 40a, 7-10 Metal-extracting, except iron and steel 40a, 7-9 Metallurgical 40a, 1-10 Muffle 24a,13 Electrically heated 21h, 3, 7 For distilling zinc 40a, 37 For glass-making 32a, 31 Opening, for glass-making 32a, 31 Oxyhydrogen 24c,4 Peat..... 241,2,4 Pot, for glass-making 32a, 2, 3 Puddling 18b, 5-7 "Push," (in which the ingots or blooms are pushed through) 18c, 10 Recuperator 24c, 5 Regenerative 24c, 6 For chambered ovens for coke and gas mak- ing 10a,l-8 For kilns 80c Reheating 18c, 10 Retort, for gas-making 26a, 1-8 Heating arrangements for 24c, 8 Reverberatory 24a, 14 Firing 24a, 14 For metal-founding 31a, 2 For treatment of pig-iron 18b, 14, 15 Gas-firing 24c, 9 Metallurgical 40a, 3-10, 37-40 Ring, for heating rods and similar blanks 49f, 6 Roasting 18a, 1; 40a, 3-6 Sawdust 241, 2, 4 Sectional boiler 24a, 10 Self-feeding, (continuous charge) 24a, 11 Charging 24h, 2 Semiproducer type 24a, 18 Shaft 18a, 3-7; 24e, 1-8; 36a, 1 For glass-making 32a, 4 Fot metallurgy 40a, 7, 39 Sheet-metal annealing 18c, 7 Siemens-Martin 18b, 14, 15 Gas 24c Liquid fuel 24b Smokeless, for ships' boilers 65a, 26 Generally 24a-l Spreading, for glass-making 32a, 29, 31, 32 Steam-boiler 24a, 1-4, 9, 10 Arranged in front or underneath boiler 24a, 1, 15, 17 Steam-cooker 24a, 13 Straw 241, 2, 4 Tempering, for steel and iron 18c, 9 Ten Brink type 24a, 4 Transformer, electric 21h, 9 Tube-welding 7b, 7 Tubular, for distilling zinc 24a, 13 ; 40a, 38 Water-tube boiler 24a, 3 Welding, for annealing, hardening, etc., iron and steel 18c, 10 For bending, forging, and pressing pur- poses 49f, 6, 18 Furniture beaters 34c, 9 Cabin 65a, 31 Casters 34i, 23-25 Children's 34h, 1-4 Cleaning 34c, 8, 9 Pneumatic 8e, 3 Convertible 34i, 29 Fastenings 34i, 21 Classification. Furniture feet 34i, 25 Fittings, (metal) 34i, 27, 28 For type-setting 15a, 4 Joining parts of 34i, 27 Locks ' 68a, 96, 97 Railway 20c, 40-47; 34g, 7 Reclining 34g, 11-19 Ships' 65a, 30, 31 Structural parts for 34i, 27 Traveling 34g, 6, 15 Furrow-markers for sowing and fertilizing 45b, 8 Furrowing-plows 45a, 19 Furrows, making 45b, 7 Fuse-plugs, electric 21c, 59 Fuses, electric, for explosives 78e, 3 For explosives 78c, 4 For projectiles 72i. 1 Percussion, for projectiles 72i, 3 Safety 21c, 59 Time, for projectiles 72i, 1, 2, 4 Fusible plugs for automatic fire-extinguishers. 61a, 17 For steam-boiler safety devices 13c, 19 For valves 47g, 21 Fusing apparatus, dentists' 30b, 17 Apparatus, dentists', electrically heated 21h, 7 Chemical ' 12b Furnaces, glass 32a, 1-4 Gable roofing 37c, 11 Gage bars and tie-rods 19a. 11 Maintaining devices, (rail-braces, etc.) 19a, 12 Meters for track-laying 19a, 29 Posts, water 42c, 26 Regulating devices 19a, 11 Variable, of railway rolling-stock 20d. 31 Of street-cars 63b, 29 Widening 19a 8-13, 22 Gages, angle 42b, 21 Ball and cone 42b, 21 Depth 42b,22 Fixed, as measuring implements for shop use 42b, 17 42b, 22 For inside measurements. For screw-threads 42b, 20 Limit 42b, 22 Load, for railway-service 20h, 1 Marking 42b, 23 Masons' 37e, 13 Screw, (micrometers) 42b, 19 Slide, (caliper-scales) 42b, 18 Gaiter-fastenings 3c, 7 Gaiters 3b, 11 Galalith 39a, 19; 39b, 10 Gallery driving 5c, 4 Lining and timbering 5c, 4 Rifles 72b,2.4,5 Galleys, printers' 15a, 9 Galvanic cells and batteries 21b Galvanizing human body 30f, 12-15 Metals 48a, b Galvanometers 21e, 1 Galvanoplastic processes 48a, 7-10 Galvanoscopes 21e, 1 Gambrels, butchers' 66a, 6 Game, apparatus for recording movements of, (wildwechselzahlef) 45k, 11 Carriers 45k, 11 Decoys 45k, 11 Preserve inclosures 37d Games, athletic 77a, 16-26 Athletic, ball-throwing devices 77a, 20, 22, 26 Balls for 77a, 16, 18, 19 Courts and grounds for 77a, 25 Paving 19c Registering devices for 77a, 24 Ball 77c,6,7 Devices for throwing balls 77a, 20. 22. 26 Billiards, registering apparatus 7.7c, 16 Board 77d, 7-9 Bowling 77c, 1-6 Registering apparatus 77c, 4 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 53 Classification. Games, busy-work 77d 14 Ca T rd -- "77d,l-6 Indicators .and score-computers for 77d 5 Coin-controlled " "43^, 40, 41 Counting mechanism for ' 42p 9 Diabolo 77a 26 Dial - 77d,'l7 . Dice 77d n Domino 77d, 19 Educational 77 j 9 Geographical 77^ 9 Of chance, lottery, etc., played by several persons 77d ? 10 Of patience 77d. 13 Plates for counters, etc 77d, 6 Puzzle !.. 77d, 13, 14 Question and answer 77c^ 18 Racing 77d^ 15 Roulette 77d 12 Spinning top ....; 77d,' 16 Tables for, with special arrangements for games 77d Time-registering apparatus for 43a. 37, 38 Gang-planks for ships 65a. 32 Gangways for railway-cars 20c, 3. 31 Gantries for cranes 35b, 1 Garbage as fertilizer 16, 13 Chutes 37f Disposal of ".".".".".".'. 8id Receptacles, including cleaning 81d 3 Sprayers 45f. 21 Wagons 81d,l,2,4 Gardeners' shears 45f ; 4 Gardening 45f ( i_3 Implements 45f ; 4 Garlands, artificial 3e ; 1 Garment closures 3c; 71b, t-4 Facings 3b, 21 Hang-rs 341, 30 Holders 34f ; 22 Connected with chairs ; 34g, 5 Lockable 68a, 107, 108 Garments, (see also Clothing) 3a-c Garret-windows 37d, 38 Garters 3a' n Gas, acetylene, generators 26b Acetylene, purifying 26d, 9 Air.." 26c Air engines 46d, 8 Steam engines 46d, 9 Analysis 421, 4 Barometers 421, 14 Baths 30f , 10 Compounds for 30h, 11 Black,~(lampblack) 22f, 14 Blue flame 26c, 7 Burners 4g Blue flame 4g, 43-54 Capsules for preparation of soda-water 85a, 4, 5 Checks, breech-closure 72c, 18 Circulation regulators 26a, 17 Coal, manufacture by dry distillation 26a Perfuming materials for 26c, 12 Purifying 26d, 1,5, 6 Separating cyanic! compounds from 26d, 8 Sulfur compounds from 26d, 8 Washing 26d, 2-4, 6 Cocks 4c, 1-14; 47g, 22 Adjustable for small flame 4c, 4 Adjusting from a distance 4c, 5 Operating devices for 4c, 5 Consumption regulators. . : 4c, 23-26 Containers 4c, 33-38 Cooking apparatus, exclusive of burners 34a,2,5;36b,5 Cut-off devices 4c, 6-13, 22 With automatic closing of main 4c, 13 Distributing 4c, 15-22 Douch s 30f. 10 Dowson 24e,3-8 ' Classification. Gas engines 46a-d Engines, carbureters for '. 46c, 8 Cooling 46c, 18-23 Exhaust apparatus 46c, 29-32 Governors 46b, 7-18 Igniting 46c, 14-17 Injecting apparatus for 46c, 6, 7 Lubricating 46c, 2 Mufflers "46c, 29, 30 Pressure regulators 46c, 1 Silencers 46c, 29, 30 Starting 46c, 24-28 Utilizing exhaust-gases to produce steam for steam-engines 14h, 3 Valve-gears for 46b, 1-6 Vaporizers for 46c, 8 Extinguishers 4d, 9-11 Filters 12e,3; 26d, 1 Furnace pipes 24c, 10 Furnaces 24c Heaters, including "quick heaters" 36b, 1 Portable, for applying fluids to fabrics 8a, 29 Heating, generally 36b, 1, 2, 4-6 Holder structures 37f , 3 Holders, telescopic 4c, 38 Illuminating .- 26a, b Additions to prevent freezing and naph- thalene-clogging 26c, 12 Burners for 4g, 38-42 Liquefied 26c, 7 Lamps 4a, 17-23, 46; 4g, 38-55 Incandescent 4a, 11-18, 21-23 Air-supply for 4g, 41, 43, 54 Light, incandescent, burners for 4g, 45, 48-54 Lighters 4d, 4-16 Catalytic, securing to burners of gas-lamps and portable lighters . . 4d, 1-3 Securing to kitchen-ranges 34a, 2 Making 4e For cigars and cigarettes 44b, 14 Lighting cocks 4d, 7, 8 Devices, electric .' 4d, 12-15 Mechanical 4d, 9-11 Lighting, electric, from a distance 4d, 12-15 Mechanical, from a distance 4d, 9-11 Pneumatic, from a distance 4d, 9, 10 Mantles, fabrics and impregnating liquids for. 4f, 1 Forming heads 4f, 1 Gathering and sewing heads 4f , 1, 4 Knitting. 25a Packing 81c, 27 As far as arrangement of mantle is con- cerned 4f , 5 Putting on and removing, devices for 4f , 5 Supporting-pins for 4f, 4 Weaving 86c Manufacture 26a-c By producers 24e, 3-8 From liquid fuels 26a, 4, 10-13 From solid fuels. lOa, 19; 26a, 1-9 Measuring pressure of, in mains and pipes.. . . 42k, 4 Meters 42e. 24-26 Coin-controlled 43b, 31, 32 Mine, (fire-damp,) analyzing apparatus 421, 4 Mixers 4c, 44, 45 Mixture producers 4c, 44, 45 For internal-combustion engines 46c, 6-10 Mixtures, combustible 26b, 45; 26c, 7-9 Oil 26a, 10-13 Manufacture 26a, 10-12 Water 26a, 11, 12 Pipe couplings 4c, 15 Pipes, arresting explosions in 4c, 18 Leak detectors 4c, 19 Mechanical cleaning devices for 4c, 16 Of coking-ovens 10a, 20 Pressure producers, (antifluctuators) 4c, 20 Thawing agents 26c, 12 Devices 4c, 21 With alarm devices 4c, 14 54 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Gas power 24e; 26a; c; 46c, 12; 46d, 6-10 Pressure loaders for small-arms 72h, 4 Manufacture 4c, 39-43 Measuring devices for ordnance and small- arms 72a, 29 Regulators. . 4c, 27-32 For gas-engines 46c. 1 Producer, manufacture 24e, 3-8 Producers 24e Air and steam supply regulators 24e, 10, 13 Apparatus for generating steam and for evaporating 24e, 10 Of revolving-grate type 24e, 11 Purif ying in pipes 4c, 16 Materials, revivifying 26d, 8 Ranges 36b, 5 With refuse-consuming appliances 24d Removing apparatus for galvanic cells 21 b, 1 Retorts 26a, 6-8, 14-17 Charging and discharging 26e, 1-7 Condensers 26a, 16 Saving cocks 4c, 4 Scales 421, 2 Semi-oil 26a, 11 Semi-water 24e, 3-8 Shut-off devices to change from main flame to pilot-flame, and vice versa 4d, 8 Sprayers 61a, 12 Steam engines 46a,7; 46d, 6 Testing 421, 2 Turbines 46d, 10 Under pressure, discharging from bottles 64c, 15 For liquor-handling apparatus 64c, 1-7 Venders, automatic 43b, 31, 32 Washers for coal-gas 26d, 2-4 Generally 12e, 2 Water 24e, 1, 2 Traps 4c, 17 Gases, absorption of ] 2e, 1 Blast-furnace, as by-products 18a, 8 Combustible, manufacture 12i, 1 ; 24e ; 26a-c Cooling 26d, 1 Electrochemical and electrothermic treat- ment 12h, 4; 12i, 26 Filling incandescent-lamp bulbs with 21 f, 40 Flue . 18a, 8 Generating by catalytic processes 26a, 3 Heating lOa, 19; 24e, 1-8; 26a, 1-13 Liquefying 12a, 4; 17g Mixing with air 4c, 44, 45 With vapors, etc 12e, 4 Noble 12i, 26 Purifying 1 . . 12e, 2; 18a, 8; 26d, 5, 6, 9; 40a, 15 Removing lOa, 19: 18a, 8; 26a, 15, 16 Separating from vapors 12e, 3 Gasifiers for internal-combustion engines 46c, 8 For liquid-fuel burners . 4g, 23-36 For liquid-fuel furnaces 24b, 9 Gasoline 23b, 1, 4 Engines 46a For driving ships' propellers 46a; 65f, 23 For motor-vehicles 63c, 26 Explosion-preventing appliances in contain- ers . 81 e, 3 8 Lamps 4a, 1-3, 8-10, 39-41; 4g Receptacles and storage, generally 81e, 38 Gasometers, (gas-holders) . 4c, 33-38 Gassing or singeing machines 8b, 16 Gate-signals, railway 20i, 20 Gates 37d, 18 Hangar 37f, 8 Lattice 37d, 36 Sluice 84a, 3 Gauze, making 86c, 7 Gear-wheels, generally 47b, 23 Grinding 67a, 31 Making by casting 31c, 16 By forging 49g, 6, 10 By milling 49a, 51 By planing and slotting 49b, 6 By rolling 7f, 1 Classification. Gearing, belt 47h, 9 Cam 47h, 2 Chain, for motor- vehicles 63c, 10 Change-speed for motor-cycles 63k, 25 For mot or- vehicles 63c, 6-10 For rider-propelled cycles, etc 63k, 13-21 Generally 47h, 12-19 Crank, for electric locomotives 201, 21 Reversing 47h, 1 Epicyclic, generally 47h, 7 For cycles '. 63k For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46a, 30 For machine-tools 38a-e ; 49a-c For motor-cars 63c, 6-11 For motors of electric railways 201, 21 For steam-engines 14a, d-f Generally 47h Mangle-rack 47h, 21 Rack and pinion 47h, 21 Ratchet 47h, 5 Reversing, for electric-car motors 201, 21 For locomotives- 20b, 12 For motor-vehicles 63c, 6 Generally 47h, 12-19 Ratchet 47h, 5 Rope 47h, 10 Sprocket 47h, 11 Spur-wheel 47h, 6 For cycles . . 63k, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 15-18, 20, 21 , 25, 27 Variable speed, intermittent grip 47h, 5 Geissler tubes for electric illumination 21 f, 85 Gelatin 22i, 7 Explosive 78c, 11 Preparations for remedial purposes 30h, 8 Working, mechanical 39a, 18 Gem setting 44a, 40 Settings, making 49i, 6 Gems, producing 12i, 32; 12m, 4, 6, 7; 80b, 8, 24 Generators, electric 21d, 1-5, 8, 27-34 Gas 24e Air and steam supply regulators for. . . 24e, 10, 13 Gas-air 46d, 8 Steam 46d, 9 Gas mixture 4c, 44, 45 Mixture for internal-combustion engines 46c, 6-10 Steam 46d, 6 Motor 21d, 8, 34 Or producers, gas 24e Geodetics 42c, 1-27 Geraniol 12o, 19 Germinating apparatus for seed 45b, 1 Vessels for brewing purposes 6a, 10 Gilding metal articles 48a, 6, 13, 14; 48b, 10 Moldings 75c, 4 Gill-boxes 76b, 26 Gilling-machines for wool, etc 76b, 26, 29 Gimlets 38e, 2 Gins, cotton 29a, 1 Girder bridges 19d, 3 Poles for arc-lamps 21f, 22 Tilting and turning apparatus 87a, 22 Girders, lattice 37b, 3 Making by rolling 7a, 3 Protective caps for 37b, 6 Twin 37b, 3 Girdles, laced 3a, 14 Girth-tighteners 56b, 8 Glass, applying gold-leaf to 3-2b, 10 Articles, chipping or cracking off , . 32a, 33 Culling 32a, 33 Molding under action of heat 32a, 25-27 Asbestos 32a, 22 Beads, making 32a, 27 Blowing 32a, 7-15 Mouth 32a, 7, 8 Sievert process 32a, 11 Boxes or cases 33b, 10 Making 32a, 14-17 Characters for printing 15a, 1 Coating with metal '. 32b, 10 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 55 Classification. Glass compounding 32b, 1-4 Cooling 32a, 28-30 Coverings for roofs 37c, 8 Cutters 32a, 33 Decolorizing 32b, 2, 3 Drawing. 32a, 24 First manipulation of molten mass 32a, 7-24 Flashing, spinning, coating 32b, 9 Gratings 37d, 15 Hardening -.-;- 32a > 30 Letters for advertising purposes 54g, 12 Making..... 32a,18 Making, (fusing, clearing, pouring, measur- ing) 32a,l-6 Molding 32a, 2.5-27 Molding tongs 32a, 25, 26 Ornamenting 32b, 5-11 By sand-blast treatment 32b, 7 Or coating with enamel 32b, 8 Painting with enamel 32b, 8 Panes 32b, 11 ; 75d, 2 Plate, beveling 67a, 16 Blowing 32a, 10 Grinding and polishing 67a, 15 Making 32a, 7, 8, 10, 11, 19, 20, 22, 24 Polishing and grinding machines 67a, 15, 19 Pot furnaces 32a, 2, 3 Tongs 32a, 21 Pots 32a, 2 Pressing 32a, 16-18 Printing, machines for 15d, 2 Quartz 32a, 35 Rolling 32a, 19-22 Slabs 32a, 18 Stained, craquele 32b, 5 Imitation 75d, 2 Stamping : 32a, 23 Stretching 32a, 24, 32 Substitutes 75d, 2, 22 Tubes, cutting, devices for 32a, 33 For testing 421, 13 Window 32a, 7, 9-11, 27 Wire 32a, 22 Wool 32a, 27 Glasses, drinking 64a, 3 Holders for 34f, 21 Glaziers' diamonds 32a, 33 Glazing, art 32b, 11 Art, imitation 75d, 26 Earthenware 80a, 54; 80b, 23 Fal>rics. machines for 8b, 19 Imitation 75d, 25 Metals 48c, 1 Or calendering rollers .. 8b, 19; 55e, 1; 57c, 12 Rolls for paper-making 55e, 1 Gliders 77h, 7 Globes, arc-lamp 21f, 20 Arc-lamp, stopping up 21f, 5 External, for incandescent lamps 21f, 56 For Nernst lamps 21f, 74 Glass 4a, 14 Making 32a Lamp 4a, 14; 4b, 4, 12 Terrestrial 42n,8 Glove buttoners 33c, 10 Cutting machines 3b, 10 Fasteners 3c, 6 Makers' implements 3b, 10 Sewing machines 52a, 12 Glover towers 12i, 25 Gloves :- 3b, 10 Fencing 77a, 23 Operating 30a, 19 Swimming 77a, 14 Glowers for electric-arc lamps 21f, 79 For electric incandescent lamps 21f, 31-36 Metallic filament, for incandescent lamps 21f, 32 Nernst 21f , 33 Glucose 89i,l Glucosid... 12o,26 machines for paper and Classification. 22i paper- 54d,6 70d, 4 Compositions, plastic 39b, 8 Cutting apparatus 22i, " Drying apparat Extracting Heaters... 22i,8 22i,4 38e,9 Liquid 22i, ( Materials for making, preliminary treatment. Pots. . . 22i,3 38e,9 38e,8 Rings for catching insects '. . . 45k, 2 Gluing-machines for backs of books lie, 3 For making paper- board 55f, 1 For veneer 38c, 1 Gluten 53i, 1 Glycerin 23e, 5 Nitrating 78c, 3 Gnawing, protecting plants against 45f, 11 Goaf- filling by refuse-flushing systems 5d, 9 Gobelin weaving 86c, 6 Goggles 30d, 27 Gold beater's skins 49i, 2 Compounds 12n, 8 Extracting la, 30; 40a, 20-25 Fancy articles of 44a Making 7c; 7d; 7e, 1-6; 7f, 10; 49i, 9 Leaf, applying to cigarettes 79b, 19 For embossing 22g, 10 Making 49i,2 Packing 81a, 11 Packing-boxes for 81c, 27 Precipitating from solutions 40a, 22 Preparation, electrolytic 40c, 7 Golf bags 77a, 21 Balls 77a,16 Sticks 77a,21 Gongs and gong-springs for clocks 83a, 61 As musical instruments 51c, 38 For electric bells : - - 74a, 6 Governors, admission, for internal-combustion engines 46b, 13 Brake ' 60, 9 Differential 60, 13 Electric... 60, 20 Fluid resistance 60, 8 For engines and motors, generally 60 For hydraulic motors 60, 16 For locomotives - ;. 20b, 14 For regulating composition of mixtures for in- ternal-combustion engines 46b, 14 Idle stroke, for internal-combustion engines. . 46b,7, 9-11 Indirect 60,17-19 Isochronous 60, 13 Load 60,7 Marine engine 60, 12 Controlled by movements of ship 65f , 27 Pendulum 60,5,6 For internal-combustion engines 46b, 8 Pump, for air-brakes in railway rolling-stock. 20f, 40 Pump capacity, for internal-combustion en- gines 4 6b,17 Shaft - 60,21 Speed, for mechanical players 51d, 18 Throttle, for internal -combustion engines. . . 46b, 12 Grabs, automatic, for cranes 3 ^b, 7 For dredges 84d,3 Gradient-measuring instruments 42c, b Grading. See Separating, Sifting, Sorting. Graduation-towers, etc 1.2a, 2; 121, 1; 17e, 1 Grafting 45f 2 Grain, aerating : - ba > iu Applying distinguishing-marks to, for certain purposes 45 e, 2 * Bleaching 5 <>a, 2 Cleaning and separating Machines 45e, 12-22 45e, 12,13; 50a, 1 56 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Grain cutting and splitting machines 50b, 9 Denaturing for stock feed 53g, 1-4 Destroying germinating power of 45e, 21 Driers 82a Drills 45b, 10-12 Freeing of dust 45e, 20 Grading 50d Grinding 50b Lifters 45c,23 Polishing machines 50a, 3-6 Samplers .' 421,17 Scouring (brushing) machines 50a, 6 Machines 50a, 3-7 Separating foreign bodies from, machines for. 45e, 16, 19; 50a, 1 Machines 45e, 12, 13 Particles of iron from 50a, 1 Sifting 50d Steaming 50a, 2 Steeping 45b, 1 Stone-removing apparatus 45e, 19 Testing apparatus 421, 9 Ventilating 6a, 10 Washing machines 45e, 22; 50a, 2 Grained printing-forms , 15b, 6 Graining, artificial, of leather 28a, 11 Effects, implements for applying colors, etc.75c, 20, 24 Leather, machines for 28b, 16 Linoleum 8h, 5 Material for photomechanical printing-forms 57d, 6, 7 Wood 75d, 16 Gramophones 42g Granaries, equipment 81e, 33-36 Structural features 37f , 2 Granular microphones 21a, 34 Grape stripping machines and rasps 6c, 1 Sugar 89i, 1 Graphite 12i,32 Burning out from gas-retorts 26a, 6 Graphophones . . 42g Coin-controlled 43b, 39 Grapples, automatic, for cranes 35b, 7 Grappling devices, magnetic 35b, 7 Hooks 81e, 33 For bales 81e, 33 Irons 35b, 7 Grate bars 24f , 3, 4 Bars, chilled castings for 31c, 16 Making by rolling 7f , 10 Cleaning devices 24f, 21 Stoking devices 24f, 21 Grated doors 37d, 21 Graters, almond 34b, 8 Potato 34b,8; 45e,39 For starch manufacture 89k, 1 Sugar-beet 89b, 3 Wood, for paper-making 55a, 2 Grates, basket-shaped 24f, 16, 17 Double 24f, 2 For baking-ovens 2a, 1 For coal-gas washers and purifiers 26d, 6 For gas-producers 24e, 11 ; 24f, 10, 20 Generally 24f Hollow 24f, 5, 6 Removable 24f , 18 Roasting 341, 10 Roller, for ore and fuel dressing la, 16 Rotary 24f, 13, 14 Step and inclined 24f, 10, 11 Sorting, for ore-dressing la, 15, 16 Tipping and shaking 24f , 7-9 Vertically adjustable 24f, 19 Grating-machines, vegetable, for bulk treatment. 4 5e, 39 For household use 34b, 8 Gratings 37d, 36 For purification of waste water 85c, 6 For window protection 34e, 16 Sheet metal, making 7c, 30 Watercourse, (mill and water gratings) Classification. Gravel dressing la, 11 For mortar-mixing 80b, 1 Removing from watercourses 84a, 1 Graves, monuments for 37f, 9 ; 80b, 17 Protecting 37d, 36; 37f, 7 Requisites for 37f, 9 Graving-tools 75a, 12 Gravity car-handling tracks 20a, 1 Specific, determining 421, 1 Gray's telegraphs 21a, 2 Grease-traps for sewers 85e, 9 Grenades 72d, 17 Grid-plates for storage batteries 21b, 18 Grids, electrode, making by rolling 7f, 10 For machines for preliminary treatment of cot- ton for spinning ; . 76b, 36 Grinders, horse-radish 34b, 3 Meat 66b, 2 Oil-cake 50c Water-color 75c, 12 Grinding apparatus, machines, and processes'. . . 67a Belts 67a, 29 Disks 50b, 2 Machines, card 67a, 30 Catgut 67a, 9 Color 22g, 15 File 67a, 3 For eyeglasses and optical lenses 67a, 19 For hollow glassware 67a, 17 For parabolic surfaces 67a, 20 For precious stones 67a, 21 For round surfaces 67a, 9-12 For treating articles in bulk (needles and steel pens) 67a, 22 Glass 67a, 15-19 Jewel and pearl 67a, 21 Knife 67a, 6-8 Leather 28b, 15 Needle 7e, 5; 67a, 22 Plate-glass 67a, 15 Protective devices for 67a, 28 Sand-blast. : 67b Scythe 67a, 8 Sheet metal 67a, 13 Soap 23f, 1 Stone 67a, 14 Terrazzo floor 67a, 14 Tool 67a, 1-5 Vegetable 34b, 8 Wood 38c, 2; 55a, 1 Grinding off cylinders 67a, 11 Processes 50b, 1 Wood 38c, 2 For paper-making 55a, 1 Rolls 50b, 7 Saws, apparatus for ' 38a, 12 Tools, generally 67c, 2 Wheels 67c, 1 Grindstone compositions, artificial 80b, 11 Truing devices 67a, 26 Grindstones 67c, 1 Gripper devices for bed-and-cylinder presses. . 15d, 12 Shuttles 86g, 8 Grippers, cable 20a, 18-20 Gripping devices for taking down articles and merchandise 341, 34 Devices for taking down curtain-rods 34e, 11 Hooks for pipe-wrenches 87a, 14 Traps, animal 45k, 8 Grist-mills 50b; c Grooming implements 45h, 8 Grooved rails 19a, 20 Rails, draining : .. . 19a, 21 Roofing-tiles 37c, 1 Tile roofing, backings for 37c, 3 Grooves, making by cutting, (woodworking).. 38d, 1 Grooving and tonguing machines 38d, 1 Machines, (metal -working) 7c, 4 Paper-board 54a, 1 Rollers for making paper-board boxes 54a, 1 38d,l CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 57 Classification. Ground ice, preventing 84a. 6 Roads, single rail 20a, 10 Tackle 65a, 20 Grounding, (earthing) 20k, 11; 21c, 61 Growth-removing apparatus for watercourses . . 45c, 27 Grubbers , . . . 45a, 28 Grubbing-machines 45f, 17 Guaiacol 12q, 14 Guard-rails, fastening 19a, 11 Guards, dust, for journal-boxes of railway-cars. . 20d, 17 Keyhole 68a, 66, 67 Mud, for baby-carriages 63b, 52 For cycles 63g, 10 For motor- vehicles fitted to car 63c, 26 To tire 63e, 1 To wheel 63d, 26 For vehicles, generally 63b, 9 Guide-bars for manufacture of matches 78a, 5 Guide and feed apparatus for metal blanks 49b. 31 Pulleys 47b, 27 Guides for fabric- finishing machines 8b, 4, 6, 10 Guilloche-work 75d, 8 Apparatus and machines for 75a, 11 Guillotine-shears for cutting metal 49b, 11 Guitars 51c, 14 Gum as adhesive 22i, 2 Gumming apparatus, label 81b, 5 Apparatus for paper and paper-board 54d, 6 Machines, shoe 71c, 30 Gun barrels, making by boring, etc 49a, 32 Barrels, making by casting 31c, 17, 19, 24 By rolling 7a Carriages and mounts 72c Cleaners, (ordnance) 72c, 15 (Small-arms) 72a, 31 Cotton 78c, 6, 10 Mounts 72c Powder 78c, 1, 8-17 Spades 72a, 4 Training machines 72f, 10-12 Guns, (ordnance) 72c, h Battery 72c, 17 Machine 72h, 6-10 Maxim 72h, 8 (Small-arms) 72a Toy 72b, 4, 5 Gutta-percha 39a, 13; 39b, 1-3 For electric insulation 21c, 2 Gutters, roof 37c, 10 Street 19c, 6 Gymnasium appliances 77a, 1-11 Coin-controlled 43b, 42 For curative gymnastics 30f, 1 Gypsum '8Gb, 6 Slabs for building purposes 37b, 2 Gyroscopes 42c, 42 Gyroscopic clocks 83a, 80 Compasses 42c, 35 Gyrostatic apparatus for maintaining equilib- rium.. . . 20a, 10; 63c, 24; 63f, 10; 65a, 80; 77h, 5, 15 Generally 42c, 42 Hack! ing-machines 29a, 3 Hail-preventing cannons 45f, 10 Hair as fertilizer 16,8 Braiding frames 3e, 2 Brushes 9, 3, 15, 20 Cleaning 33c, 8 Care of 33c, 7 Crimpers 33c, 3 Curling or crimping combs, irons, tongs, etc. . 33c, 1 Lamps 33c, 2 Dead, dyeing 8m Dressers' requisites 33c Drying apparatus 33c, 6 Dyeing apparatus 33e, 7 For artificial furs 3e, 6 For felting 41d, 1 Holding devices 33c/4 Hair, live, dyeing Nets Making Pins Making Plaiting machines Removing (butchering) . (Cosmetics) Retaining devices Straightening Washes Washing apparatus Waving devices Halls, structural features. Classification. 30h, 13 33c,4 25e 44a, 22 7e, 4 3e, 2 66a, 7 30h, 13 33c,4 3e, 2; 76b, 2, 8-10 30h, 13 33c, 6 33c, 3 37f, 1 Halogen and halogen compounds 12i, 2-10 Compounds of hydrocarbons 12o, 2 Halters 45h, 2; 56a, 11 Hammer drilling-machines for mining purposes. '5b, 6 Fulling for woven fabrics 8a, 31 Handles 87d, 1 Heads for piano-actions 51b, 23 Machines for horseshoe-nail forging 7e, 16 Presses for earthenware 80a, 13 Shafts 87d, 1 Hammers, bar drop 49e, 5 Belt drop 49e, 6 Compressed air : 87b, 2 Drop. 49e, 5, 6 Electric 49e, 3; 87b, 3 For boiler-tube cleaners 13e, 4 Gas-power 49e, 1 Hand 87b, 1 Leather 28b, 12 Mechanical 49e, 4 Medical 30a, 5 Of striking mechanism of clocks 83a, 62 Power 49e, 1-7 Steam 49e, 1 Stone-working 80d, 1; 87b Tilt 49e,7 Tuning 51e, 13 Hammocks ^ 33d, 5 Hampers 33b, 8; 81c, 10 Handbags 33b, 2 Barrows 63b, 39 Baskets 33b, 2 Borers 49a, 34 Braces for metal-working 49a, 34 For woodworking 38e, 2 Brushes.. 9,3 Cars 20c, 19 Cuffs 68a, 110 Drills for metal-working 49a, 34 Embroidery requisites 52b, 13 Excavators 84d, 1 Exercising apparatus for gymnasium 77a, 8 Apparatus for piano playing 51b, 42 Files for metal -working 49b, 27 Grips for passengers in railway-cars 20c, 46 Hammers, compressed air 87b, 2 Electrically or mechanically driven 87b, 3 Generally 87b, 1 Knives for cutting sheaf -binding cords 45e, 1 Lasting pincers 71c, 19 Lighters 4d, 4, 5, 13 Electric, for gas-burners 4d, 12 Looms 86c, 8 Mirrors 33c, 12 Molds for confectionery 531, 2 Motors ' 46e, 5 Nailing apparatus for shoemaking 71c, 46 Organs 51 d, 2-7 Pieces for dental machines. 301), 2 Presses, copper-plate 15d, 9 Lithographic 15d, 7 Printing devices 15h, 2 Protectors for lifting hot objects, etc 341, 14 Rails for stairways 37d, 3 Saws 38a, 10 Setting mechanism for electric clocks 83b, 4 58 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Hangars, airship Construction. Classification. Hand shears for metal -working 49b, 17 Sieves for cleaning and separating grain 45e, 14 Stamp 15h, 1, 7 Steering apparatus for ships 65a, 46 Supports for writing 70d, 8 Tools, generally 87a-d Pneumatic, generally 87b, 2 Trucks 63b, 38, 39 Type-setting apparatus 15a, 13 Vises 87a, 4 Handkerchiefs 3a, 2 Handle-bars, bicycle 63h, 14-18 Bicycle, removable, including those de- signed for protection against theft 63h, 16 For perambulators 63b, 49 Handle-fastenings for brushes 9, 10, 16 For cut-and-thrust weapons 69, 27 For hammers, hatchets, etc 87d, 1 For implements and tools, generally 87d For scythes .. 45c, 3 Handles 68a, 69-73: 87d, 1, 2 Basket 81c, 10 Cane 33a, 11, 13 Door 68a, 69-73 File - 87d, 2 Of wound paper strips 54c, 4 For furniture 34i, 28 For perambulators 63h, 49 Lock 68a, 69-71 Of bicycle handle-bars 63h, 18 Pot.... 341,14 Hands, artificial 30d,2 Clock and watch 83a, 12 37f, 8 37f , 8 Hangers, clothes 3b, 9; 341, 30 Clothes, fastened to garment 3b, 9 Lockable 68a, 107, 108 Stationary 34f , 22 Coat 3b,18 For articles to be electroplated 48a, 4 For incandescent lamps 21f, 57-59 For sliding doors 68c, 9 Self-closing 68d, 1 Pipe 47f,l,2 As structural elements 37b, 5 For rain-pipes 37c, 10 Skirt 3b, 18 Hanging billiard-cues, devices for 77c, 13 Pictures, devices for 34f, 3 Scaffolds for building purposes 37e, 5 Seats, including those for railway-cars 33d, 5 Hangings for scales 42f , 34 Harbor- building 84a, 5 Hard rubber 39a,12; 39b,3 Solder, making 49i,3 Hardening armor-plates 18c, 4 Barb-wire 18c, 6 By alloying 40b By pressing and hammering 49f, 7 Furnaces for iron, steel, and other metals 18c, 5 Gas-mantles 4f, 5 Glass 32a, 30 Iron and steel 18c, 1, 2 Leather and rawhide 28a, 9 Metals, exclusive of iron and steel 40a, 17 Processes for iron and steel 18c, 1, 2 For limestone 80b, 10 Hardness of Rontgen tubes, regulating and de- termining 21g, 16 Testers for dough 421, 13 For meat 421, 13 For rails and steel balls 42k, 23 Generally 42k, 23 Harmonic arrangements for zithers 51c, 16 Attachments for piano-keyboards 51b, 17 Harmonicas 1 51c, 27-29 Mechanical 51d, 23 Harmoniums 51a Classification. Harness boards 86g, 12 For draft animals 56a, 1-25 Rear 56a, 20 For looms 86c, 7; 86g, 3 Hangers 86g, 1 1 Machines for drawing in warp 86h, 7 Motions for dobby-looms 86b, 1, 4 Weights 86g, 1 1 Harp-pianos 51b, 36 Harps 51c, 13 Auto ,... 51c,19,20 Harrows 45a, 25-27 Harvesters, self-binding 45c, 29 Harvesting 45c Beets and potatoes, machines for 45c, 6-18 Cotton, machines for 45c, 27 Fruit, implements for 45f, 16 Hand implements for. 45c, 1-5 Hay, implements for 45c, 35-37 Mowing machines 45c, 20-34 Hasp-locks 68a, 99 Hasps 68b, 28 For window-fasteners 68b, 13 Hassocks 34g, 10 Hat bands 41b, 1 Bats 41a,l Bindings 41b, 1 Blocking 41a, 2 Boxes 33b, 9 Brims, felt, trimming 41a, 3 Brushes 9, 3 Fastenings 41c, 8 Ladies', secured to hat 3c, 25 Felts 41d, 4 Fittings 41b Holders in connection with chairs 34g, 5 Measuring apparatus 41a, 5 Pins 44a, 21 Making 7e, 4 Racks 34f , 22 Sewing machines 52a, 21, 22 Stands for display- windows 54g, 18, 19 For trimming hats 41b, 1 Trimmings 41b, 1 Hatches, cellar , . 37d, 38 Garret 37d,38 Roof ; 37c, 9 Ships' 65a. 11 Hatchets 69J 22 Hatching apparatus, poultry 45h, 13 Devices, (drawing) 42a, 19 Hats, changing form and size 41a, 6 Combined with lamps, mirrors, etc 41c, 6 Crush, opera, etc 41c, 4 Dyeing 8a, 17; 8m Fastenings to prevent exchange and theft. . 68a, 107 Finishing 41a, 4 Impregnating '... 41a, 4 Ironing 41a, 4 Lining 41b, 2 Making 41a-c Men's 41a,2-6; 41b, 1, 2 Silk 41c, 5 Ironing 41a, 4 Straw 41c, 3 Ventilating means 41b, 2 Bauling cables 81e, 3 Cables, cleaning 35a, 9 Engines 35d, 9 Frames, mining 5d, 4 Inclined plane 5d, 5 Mine 5d,4-7; 35a, 9 Or hoisting railways 20a, 14 Track 20a, 14 Underground 5d, 5 Hawsers, towing 65a, 54 Hay forks 45c, 2 Grapples 45e, 30 Hoists 35b, 2 As part of barn 45e, 30 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 59 Classification. Hay loaders combined with rakes 45c, 37 Rick nets 45e, 29 Ricks 45e, 29 Saws 45e, 1 Turners 45c, 36 Head coverings 41a-c Coverings, collapsible 41c, 5 Fastening means for 41c, 8 For animals 45h, 8 For women and children, ( so far as not com- prised under ' ' hat-making ") 3b, 25 Of adjustable sizes 41c, 7 With air cushions 41c, 2 With means for fastening articles thereto. . . 41c, 6 For protecting ears, eyes, and neck 41c, 2 With removable linings". 41c, 2 With ventilating means 41b, 2 Lights for locomotives, ships, and vehicles . . 4a, 48; 20i, 24 Rests, fixed, for railway-cars 20c, 45 For barbers' and hair-dressers' chairs 34g, 1 For bath-tubs 34k, 4 For chairs, generally 34g, 9 Portable, for travelers 33d, 6 Heads, boring 38b", 4; 49a, 43 Burner, for incandescent gas-lights 4g, 50 Coupling 20e Cross, as machine elements 47b, 15 Cutter, for woodworking-tools 38b, 5; 38e, 1 Dead, heating to produce dense castings 31c, 14 Drill. 5b, 7 Milling-cutter 49a, 55 Nail 47a,4 Ornamental, removable 34f, 3 Screw, machines for working on 49c, 10 Vapor-burner 4g, 25 Hearing, appliances to improve 30d, 28 Hearses 63b, 34 Heart supports or pads 30d, 13 Hearth-plates 2a, 3, 5 Hearths for gas-producers 24e, 11 Heat engines 46d Insulating materials for food-containers 301, 11 For safes 68e, 2 Generally 47f, 27 Mineral, making 80b, 9 X on-mineral, making 39b, 9 Insulation for buildings 37a, 7; 37b, 6 In steam-engines 14g, 6 Interchanging apparatus, closed 17f For coking-ovens lOa, 4 Open 17e Meters 42i, 1-11 Protecting liquefied gases from 12f , 2 Regulation by adjustment of dampers, etc . . . 36d, 4 Of ventilating- valves, etc 36d, 4 Regulators, automatic, for heating and venti- lating plants in buildings 36f Automatic, for brooding apparatus 45h, 13 Generally.. 42i, 13-15 Retainers 42i, 12 Retaining devices, (fireless cookers) 341, 11 Receptacles for poultry-raising, including those with heat-regulators 45h, 13 Generally, with automatic regulation. 42i, 13-15 Without automatic regulation 42i, 12 Storing apparatus 13g, 2; 14h, 3; 24c, 5; 24k, 4; 36a, 8; 36b, 4 Electrically heated 21h, 3 Heaters, air 18a, 11-17; 24c, 5; 24k, 4 Electric, for Nernst lamps 21f , 71, 72 Fluid 36e, 1-4 For applying size to textile fabrics 8a, 29 Immersed in fluids to be heated 36e, 6 Milk 45g, 6 Water, built into kitchen-ranges 36a, 18 Classification. Heating, air, for baking-ovens 2a, 2 Air, for kitchen-ranges 36c, 18 For railway-cars 20c, 22 Generally 36c, 6-8 Apparatus, electric 21h, 3-5 Electric, regulating and automatic circuit- breaking 21h, 4 For dispensing purposes % 64c, 14 For kitchen-ranges 36a, 17 With downwardly-directed flame 36a, 11 Bodies, immersed, electric 21h, 3 Buildings .' 36a-f By electric arcs 21h, 8 Carbureters 26c, 12 Devices for care of sick, (hot compresses, etc.) 30d,25 For gas-holder cups 4c, 38 For railway-cars, (warming-flasks, stoves, etc.) 20c,21 For shoes 7la, 10 For vapor-burners 4g, 26 Electric 21h, 3-5 For cooking and vaporizing 21h, 3, 4 Of electrically-operated railway-cars 201, 3 Of railway-cars 20c, 23 Electrochemical, for metal- working 21h, 14 Furnaces for wheel-tires to be mounted 49f , 6 Gas lOa, 19; 18a, 8; 24e, 1-8; 26a, 1-13; 26c For baking-ovens 2a, 2 Generally 36b, 1, 2, 4-6 Generally 36a-c Hot water 36c, 3-5, 9-13 For railway-cars 20c, 22 Induction 21h, 3, 9 Motor-cars 63c, 26 Resistance 21h, 6, 7 Resistances, electric 21h, 1, 2 Rings for cooking vessels 341, 21 Road- vehicles 63b, 5 Rooms by electricity 21h, 5 Steam 36c, 1, 2 Cylinders -. 14g, 6 For railway-cars 20c, 22 Stoves 36a, 1-15,24; 36b, 1-3 Firing arrangements 24a, 12 Fuel-feeding apparatus. 24h, 3 Systems, central 36c, 9-11 Central air 36c, 6-8 In ships 65a, 17 Value of fuels, measuring 42i, 16 Warm water 36c, 3, 4 Water, arrangements for in stoves and ranges. 36a, 18 Heavy metals, electrolytic preparation 40c, 7-13 Extraction 40a, 43-46 Salts of 12n, 1 Hectograph compositions 151, 4 Sheets 151, 4 Hectographs I5i, 5 Heddle eyes, making of wire 7d, 8 Frame stop-motions for dobby-looms 86b, 4 Supports S6g, 4 Heddles .86b; 86c, 7; 86g, 2, 3; 86h, 3, 4 Impregnating and sizing -8a, 28 Making of threads 86g, 2 Making of wire 7d, 8 Tying in frames 86g, 3 Heel cutting by hand and machines 71c, 31, 32, 50, 54, 57 Cutting machines 71c, 31 Pieces, (rands,) fastening to shoes by ma- chines 71c, 36 Protectors, machines for driving in 71c, 55 Punching machines 71c, 31 Tips and plates 71b, 10 Making 7f, 7; 49g, 2 Heels, shoe and boot 71a, 18, 23-28 Fastening 71a, 18; 71c, 48, 49 Helicopters 77h, 6 Heliographs 74d, 8, 6 60 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Helmet-coverings 41c, 1 Helmets 41c, 1 Firemen's Gla, 19 For protection against blows 41c, 2 Hemmers for sewing-machines 52a, 52 Hemoglobinometers 421, 3 Hemp harvesting 45c, 27 Retting, including bacteriological processes.. 29b, 2 Hemstitch sewing-machines 52a, 10 Hepsometers 421, 13 Hernia-trusses 30d, 7, 8 Hexamethylenetetramin 12p, 15 Hide pressing machines 28b, 28 Trimming machines 28b, 11 Hides, deliming 28a, 2 Drying combined with smoothing 28b, 14, 17 Combined with stretching 28b, 4, 7 Generally 82a Dyeing 8m, 10; 2Sb, 17 Mechanical treatment 28b, 1-3, 28 Punching and stamping 28b, 11 Removing fat from 29b, 1 Smoothing with hot irons 28b, 12, 14 Tanning and preliminary treatment . . 28a, 1-7, 9, 12 Treating 28a, 3-8; 28b, 1-3 High frequency systems 21a, 66-71 Frequency therapy 30f, 14 Transformers 21a, 71 Pressure engines, double-acting 14a, 4 Voltage cables and conductors 21c, 2, 3, 7 Indicators 21e Insulators. 21c, 13, 14 Measuring instruments 21e Switches 21c, 28-39 Transformers 21d, 48, 49 Hinge joints 68c, 1-3, 5-8 Joints, spring 68d, 7 Rolling machines 7c, 36 Hinged-leaf buttons 44a, 16, 17 Hinges 68c, 1-8; 68d, 6, 7 Butt 68c, 1, 3 Making of sheet-metal 7c, 36 Self-closing, for windows and doors 68d, 6, 7 Door 68c, 1-7 Generally 68c Making of sheet metal 7c, 36 Safe 68e, 4 Spring, self-closing, for doors. 68d, 7 Stop, for windows 68d, 32, 34 Swinging door 68c, 7 Window 68c, 1-6, 8 Hip-pads 3a, 12 Hitching apparatus for horse-powers 45d, 2 Hives, bee 45h, 16 Hods, coal 34d, 2 Hoeing-machines 45a, 35-38 Steering devices for 45a, 36 Hoes, hand 45a, 1 Horse-drawn 45a, 35 Making 7c, 41; 7f, 3 Hoisting 35a-c Apparatus, compressed air 35d, 8 Earth, (excavating) 84d, 2 For coffins 30e, 18 Generally 35d Straw 45e, 11 Weighing devices for 42f , 27 Cage structures 35a, 11, 17 Cages . . , 35a, 11 Devices for lamp-chimney galleries 4a, 19 Elevator " 35a, 8, 9 Hoists 35a-c Ammunition, generally 72d, 21 On shipboard 65e, 2 Cord, for electric incandescent lamps 21f, 59 Counterweight, for lamps 4a, 28 For arc-lamps 21f, 22 Friction, for lamps 4a, 27 Inclined, for blast-f urnacas 18a, 6 Classification. Hoists, lever, for lamps 4a, 30 Rope, for lamps 4a, 31 Spring-controlled, for lamps 4a, 29 Telescopic, for lamps 4a, 27 Holders, "blouse or waist 3b, 18 Brush, for dynamos 21d, 22 Candle '. . 4a, 32 Cane 34f, 23 As part of cane : 33a, 13 Carpet 34f , 7 Chain ' 47d, 15 Chalk : 70a, 2 For billiards 77c, 14 Closet-paper, including holders fitted with cutting devices 34k, 9 Clothes, for washboards 8d, 10 Coat 3b, 18 Coin 33b, 1 ; 43a, 16 Collar 3a, 4 Colophony, for violins 51e, 13 Copy, for type-writers 15g, 46 Generally 70d, 9 Type-setters' 15a, 10 Cuff 3a,6 Curtain. 34e, 1-3, 12, 13, 14 Cord 34e, 9 Rod 34e,3 Cycle , 63f, 6 In railway-cars 20c, 47 Document lie, 13-26 Dress 34f, 22 Drinking-glass 34f, 21 For badges, decorations, etc 44a, 39 For field and opera glasses 33d, 13 For sacramental wafers 341, 22 For table utensils 34f, 21 For women's hats secured to hat 3b, 25 Fountain-pen 70b, 4, 5 Hat 41c, 8 Secured to chairs 34g, 5 Lamp 4a, 24-26 Letter, (clips, etc.) lie, 25, 26 Map 33d, 13 Music-sheet 51e, 7 Napkin 34f , 19 Paper bag 54g, 15 Parcel 33d, 13 For persons standing in cars 20c, 46 Pen 70b, 3 Pencil 70a, 6, 7 Plate, for dark rooms 57c, 6 Or film 57a, 11 Poster, for railway-cars 20c, 48 Rein 56a, 13; 63b, 42 Rosette, for curtains 34e, 14 Rosin, for violins 51e, 13 Sheet 34g, 16; 34h, 2 Sleeve, (to facilitate putting on garments) . . . 341, 24 Sponge, including those with drying devices. 34k, 3 Spoon, for kitchen use 341, 12 For table use 34f , 21 Table-cloth 34f, 19 Tail 45h, 8 Ticket 20c, 48; 33d, 10 For conductors 33d, 10 In railway-cars 20c, 48 Tool, for dental machines 30b, 2 Generally 87d, 3 Towel, including those with drying devices. . 34k, 3 Type 15h,2 Umbrella 34f, 23 As part of umbrella 33a, 7 As traveling requisites 33d, 11 For trunks 33b, 13 Veil 3b, 26 Wall-map, including those for holding maps when rolled up 34i, 9 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 61 Classification. Holding devices as a substitute for buckles 44a, 30 For drinking-glasses to prevent breaking 64a, 3 For hand-trucks and perambulators 63b, 56 For meat and bones to be cut 66b, 14 For nursing-bottles 30g, 12 For shoes while being cleaned 34c, 16 For windows. 20c,39; 63b,7; 68b, 17-27; 68d, 19-34 Generally 33d, 9, 10, 12 Watchmakers' 83c, 6 Hole-punchers for leather 63a, 1 For metal -. . . 7c, 18 For paper 54d, 3 Generally , ' 87b, 6 Hollanders 55c, 4-8 Bleaching 55c, 8 Hollow blocks, bricks, stones, etc., for building purposes 37b, 1 Making 80a, 42; 80b, 24 Hollow bodies, hardening 18c, 2 Making by piercing ingots 49f , 19 Of sheet-metal 7c, 18 Brick ceilings 37a, 1 Walls 37a, 4 Glassware, faceting 67a, 18 Grates 24f, 5,6 Holsters for firearms 72a, 33 Holy-water sprinklers 34f, 26 Homogenizing fluids 12e, 4 Milk, chemically 53e, 6 Mechanically 45g, 1 Hones 67c, 5 Honey, artificial, chemical treatment and pres- ervation 53k, 1 Artificial, making by inversion process 89i, 1 Bees' . 45h, 15, 16 Honeycombs, artificial 45h, 16 Uncovering 45h, 15 Honey-dissolving devices 45h, 15 Honing devices for razors 67c, 5 Hoods, engine, for motor-vehicles 63c, 26 Focusing, for cameras 57a, 10 Or head coverings 41c, 2 Hoof cement 45i, 16 Coverings, nailless 45i, 3 Of elastic materials 45i, 4 Two-part 45i, 1 Expanders 45i, 16 Pads 45i, 3 Hook and ladder trucks 61a; 63b Bolts for railway construction 19a, 8, 9, 11, 12, 22 Fastenings for shoes 71b, 6 Hooked tie-plates 19a, 11 Hooks as fastening and connecting means in building 37b, 5 Crochet 25c, 2 Curtain-rod 34e, 3 Dress 3c, 1 Lockable 68a, 108 Making of wire 7d, 14 Fishing 45h, 22 For fastening life-saving ladders 61a, 1 For fastening tiling 37c, 2 For jewelry 44a, 31 For life-saving apparatus 61a, 1 For sewing-machines 52a, 43 Generally 47d, 16 Grappling, for bales 81e, 33 Harness 56a, 25 Lacing, fastening in shoes 71c, 62 For dresses and shoes 7lb, 2 Load chain - 47d, 16 For cranes 35b, 7 With counting mechanism 42p, 5 Making 7d, 14 Picture 34f, 3 Pressure, for coupling pipes and hose 47f, 10 Roof-gutter 37c, 10 Snap 47d,16 Classification. Hooks, storm, for windows, etc 68d, 20, 21 Wall 34e, 3, 18; 34f , 3 Watch-chain 44a, 31 Whiffletree 63b, 22 Hoop iron, making by rolling 7 a, 10 Reeling or winding 7b, 5 Hoops, barrel, apparatus for driving on 38f, 5 Toy! 77f,22 Hop containers 6a, 12 Culture 45f, 12 Driers 6a, 11 Extraction 6b, 14 Picking machines 30d, 28 Preserving 6a, 13 Hops, leaf-stripping machines and processes 6a, 13 Horizons, artificial 42c, 38 Horizontal bars for gymnastics 77a, 1 Horn as fertilizer 16, 8 Chemical features 39b, 8 Designs 75d, 18 Making buttons of 39a, 5-7 Plates for journal-boxes 20d, 13 Polishing 67a, 31 Working, generally 39a, 1 Horns, fog 74d, 3 For stringed instruments 51c, 4 For talking-machines 42g, 14, 15 Making of sheet metal 7c, 24 Making of wood, paper, etc 42g, 14 Musical 51c, 24-26 Horse blankets 56b, 7 Capstans, winches, etc 45d, 1-5 Car tracks, building 19a, 25 Cars 20c, 6 Auxiliary apparatus for operating 20h Collar fastenings 56a, 6 Collars 56a,3-7; 63a Coverings 56b, 7 Harness 56a, 1-25 Powers 45d, 1-5 Transmission mechanism and couplings for 45d, 4 Training apparatus 56a, 26 Horse-drawn hoes 45a, 35 Rakes 45c, 35 Horses, crib-biting, means to prevent 45h, 8 Devices on harness for lightening animal's work 56a, 24 On vehicle for lightening animal's work. . . 63b, 27 Hitched to vehicles, means to prevent falling. 63b, 25 Housings for 45h, 1 Protective devices on harness 56a, 24 On vehicle 63b, 25-28 Releasing devices 45d, 2; 56a, 18; 63b, 23, 24 Restraining devices 30c,5; 45h, 9; 56a, 26 Runaway-preventers 56a, 15-17 Runaway, stopping 63b, 26 Taming 45h, 9 Horseshoe calks 45i, 7-10 Calks, elastic 45i, 9 Pushed into place 45i, 8 Screw 45i, 7-10 Nail machines 7e, 18 Nails 45i, 14 Making 7e, 14-17 Horseshoes, channeled 45i, 6 Hinged 45i, 2 Making by casting 31c, 25, 26 By forging and pressing 49g, 1 By rolling 7f , 7 Nailless 45i, 3 Solid 45i, 1 Two-part , 45i, 1 Horseshoers' tongs 45i, 13 Horseshoeing 45i Horticulture 45f, 1-3 62 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification Hose, (flexible tubing) attaching to faucets, etc. 85d, 5 Bridges for car-tracks .". 19a, 21 For streets 61a, 15 Carts for fire-extinguishing 61a, 15 For watering gardens 45f, 19 Clamps 47f,17 Cleaning, (cellerage) 6f , 5 Couplings 471,6,10-12,14 Fastenings, generally 47f, 16 Filters for dust-collectors 50e, 4 Fire-extinguishing 61a, 15 Generally 8a, 2, 9 Joints 47f , 17 Life-saving 61a, 9 Nozzles 85g,3 Of fibrous material 47i, 4 Making 25a, b; 86c, 3 Processes for making water-tight 39a, 10 Reels for fire-extinguishing 61 a, 15 Eubber 47f,4 Weaving 86c, 3 Hose, (stockings) 3a, 10 Making 25a, 19-29 Supporters 3a, 11 Hosiery, darning, machines for 25a, 30 Making 25a, 19-29 Hot-air balloons 77h, 3 Baths 30f , 10 Engines 46d, 1-3 Inclosed 46d, 2, 3 Open 46d, 1 Locomotives 20b, 6 Hot bearings indicators 20h, 1 ; 74b, 3 Bed windows 45f , 9 Beds 45f, 9 Blast stoves 18a, 11-17 Box alarms 20h, 1. Houses, equipment 45f, 9 Structural arrangements 37f, 7 Vapors, removing from air 36d, 3 Water bottles 20c, 21; 341,9,11 Bottles for railway-cars 20c, 21 Heating 36c, 3, 4 Production 36e Electric 21h, 3 Wire and hot-space measuring instruments, electric 21e, 4 Hour-glasses 83a, 80 House-telegraphs 74a, 1-6 Household equipment, including furniture 34a-l Houses, building 37a-f Hub-fastenings 47c, 2 Hubs, cycle 63d, 19, 21 Driving-wheel and pulley. 47b, 20-26 Propeller 65f, 7 Wagon-wheel 63d, 5, 10 Hullers, clover 45e, 21 Hulling barley, apparatus for 45e, 2, 21 Devices for distillery-mash 6b, 7 Machines, coffee 45e, 21 Grain, 50a, 3-7 Humidity of air, regulating 36d, 1, 12, 13 Hummelmg-machines 45e, 21 Humming in stretched electric conductors, preventing 21c, 6 Hunters' canes convertible into stools . 33a, 14 Shelters 45k, 11 Shooting-stands. 45k, 11 Hunting appliances 45k, 11 Bags 33b, 2 Devices for suspending game to 45h, 11 Knives 69, 27 Preserves, surrounding with strings of rags. . . 45k, 11 Hurdles for gas washers and purifiers 26d, 6 Jumping 77a, 3 Hurling toys 77f, 24 Classification. Hydrants 85d, 12 Hydraulic apparatus for ore-dressing la, 6 Brakes for railway rolling-stock 20f, 43 Engineering 84a Mains for gas-retorts 26a, 16 Motor regulators, (governors) 60, 16 Motors 88b, 1, 2 Hydrazins and hydrazin compounds 12q, 13 Hydrazo compounds 12cj, 12 Hydrazoic acids 12i, 29 Hydrazone dyestuffs '. . . 22a, 14 Hydrids 12i,l Hydro derivatives 12p, 1 Hydrocarbon -engines 46a, 26-28 Hydrocarbons 12o, 1 Polynitro 12o, 4 Hydrochloric acid.' 12i, 3, 5 Hydrocyanic acid 12k, 7-10 Hydrogen peroxid 12i, 16 Preparation 12i, 1 Electrolytic 12i, 13 Hydrogenation by catalysis, generally 12g, 2 Of fats by catalysis 12o, 11; 23d, 1 Of organic compounds by catalysis 12o, 27 Hydronitric acids 12i, 29 Hydroplanes 77h, 9 For ships 65a, 9 Hydrosulfite 12i, 22 Hydroxids. alkali 121, 9-13, 15 Of alkaline-earth metals 12m, 1 Hydroxylamins 12q, 1, 3 Hygienic gymnastics 30f , 1-4 Hygrometers 42i, 19 Hypochlorites 12i, 6, 8 For bleaching 8i, 2 Hypsometers 42c, 6 Hysterophores : 30d, 17 Ice and snow shovels. . Artificial, making. . . 19b,6 17a 30d,25 74b, 3 17c,2 19d, 1-3; 65a, 8 77b,20 . 17b,5 Bergs, protecting ships from. . Boxes Breakers '. Courses, artificial Produced by freezing Crushing apparatus for household use 34b, 5 ' For refrigeration 17b, 4 Cutting apparatus for household use 34b, 5 Cutting machines 17b, 4 ; 34b, 5 Houses and cellars 17c, ] ; 37f , 2 Machines 17a Making and harvesting 17b Removing from streets 19b, 6 Saws 17b, 4 Spurs 45i, 11; Tib, 13 For coasting-shoes .7 Lb, 13 Wagons I7c, 5 Yachts (Klb, 60 Ices, making 1 7b, 6 Receptacles for transportation I7b, 6 Ichthyol 12o, 24 Preparations for remedial purposes 30h, 8 Icing confectionery 531, 4, 6 Iconometers 57a, 9 Identification of persons by measurements, apparatus 42b, 7 Idle-stroke governors for internal-combustion engines 46b, 7, 9, 11 Idlers, (pulleys) 47b, 27 Igniters, electromagnetic 21d, 4 For arc-lamps 21f , 15 Igniting devices for blasting 78e, 2, 4 Devices for flash-light lamps 78d, 3 Pellets for gas lighters -and burners 4e Strips for chemical lighters 78f CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 63 Classification. Ignition, electric, for explosion and internal. combustion engines 46c, 14 Flame, for explosion and internal-combustion. engines ' 46c, 16 Friction, including devices with pyrophoric materials, for explosion and internal-com- bustion engines 46c, 15 Incandescent, for explosion and internal- combustion engines 46c, 15 Make and break, for explosion and internal- combustion engines 46c, 14 Methods for explosion and internal-combus- tion engines 46a, 1 Piston contact, for explosion and internal-com- bustion engines 46c, 14 Illuminated timepieces 83a, 18 Illumination devices 4b, 17-21 Of fountains 4b, 20 Illuminating gas, additions to, to prevent freez- ing 26c, 12 Gas, carbureting 26c Liquefying : 26c, 7 Manufacture 26a, b Purifying 26d Liquids. 23b, 1, 4 Materials 23b; 26a-d Imidazols 12p, 9 Imitation effects, producing, (hat-making) 41a, 1 Imitations by means of paints 22g, 12 Of artistic glazing 75d Of relief effects, artificial and natural de- signs .- 75d, 14-26 Immunizing substances 30h, 6 Impact fish-plates 19a, 17 Pulverizers 50c, 11 Rails 19a, 17 Steam-wheels 14c, 1 Water-wheels 88a, 1 Impregnating beer with carbonic acid 6b, 20 Electric wires 21c,7 Fire-lighters lOb, 14 Hats 41a, 4 In connection with spinning 76c, 27 Leather 8k; 28b Paper, (waterproofing, fireproofing, and fat- proofing) 55f , 11 Paper-board 55f Plates for trunks 8a, 28 Roofing felt and paper 8a, 28; 81, 3 Ropes 8a, 28 Stone compositions 80b, 19 Tents 8a, 28 Textiles 8a, 25-28; 8k, 3, 41 Wood .' . . . 38h, 2-4 Slivers for matches 78b, 1 Woven fabrics 8a, 27; 8k, 3, 4 Yarns 8a, 25, 26; 8k, 3, 4 Impression cylinders 15d, 20, 26 Throw-off for platen-presses 15d, 40 Trays and tray presses, dental 30b, 16 Impulse steam-turbines 14c, 4 Water-turbines 88a, 4 Incandescent bodies (glowers) for electric-arc lamps 21f, 79 Gas-mantles 4f Knitting 25a Protective devices for 4a, 20 Supporting devices for, fitted to lamp 4a, 26 Fitted to mantle 4f, 4 Tying-heads 4f , 4 Weaving 86c Lamps, electric 21f, 37-42 Bases for 21f, 43, 44 Broken-filament safety devices 21f, 64-66 Bulb and globe-shaped 21f, 38 Cleaning, placing, removing 21f, 67 Exhausting 21f, 40 Fastening feed-wire 21f, 39 Filaments 21f, 31-36 Classification. Incandescent lamps, electric, filling with gases : 21f, 40 Lamps, electric, hangers for 21f, 57-59 Nernst type 21f, 68-75 Portable 21f, RO, 61 Preventing and removing deposits 21f, 42 Reflectors 21f, 53-56 Regenerating and repairing 21f, 41 Regulating intensity of light 21f , 62, 63 Sockets for 21f, 45-52 Standardizing 21f, 41 Incinerating-furnaces 24d Inclination-meters 42b, 21 Inclined lifts 35a, 1 Lifts in connection with furnaces 18a, 6 Grates 24f , 10, 11 Plane hoists, (mine-hauling) 5d, 5 Closures for 5d, 6 Ways, (railway operation) 20a, 16 Incubators, baby 30e, 13 Poultry 45h, 13 Indenting-machines for sheet metal : 7c, 4 Indexes for books lid, 6 India ink for autography and lithography 151, 7 Ink siphons, (e. g., for filling drawing-pens). 75c, 28 Inks 22g,l Rubber, extracting from trees 45f, 17 Treatment, chemical 39b, 1-4 Mechanical 39a, 8-12 Vulcanizing 39a, 11; 39b, 3 Indian clubs 77a, 6 Indicating and order apparatus .* 74c, 1-13 Devices for railway-cars 20c, 49 Mechanism for fluid-meters 42e, 22 Indicator-boards fbr house signaling systems . 74a, 10, 12 Train 20i, 25-27 Indicators, brake-action 20f, 47 Channel depth 65a, 77 Current direction, (electric) 21e, 17 Electric, for pneumatic-tube postal service. 81e, 44 Fare 42p For angling 45h, 22 For general purposes 42d, 2 For house-signaling 74a, 10-12 For locks and keys 68a, 33 For photographic film or plate holders 57a, 11 For position of sunken ships 65b, 4 For presence of water in ships 65a, 60 For sliding- weight scales 42f, 7 For targets 72e, 2, 3 For type-writers 15g, 45 For vehicles 63b, 41; 74b, 6; 74d, 3 Game, for billiards 77c, 16 For bowling-alleys 77c, 4 For sports 77a, 24 Hot box 20h, 1; 74b, 3 Leakage, (electric) 21e,9 Mileage, (kilometer-counters) 42p, 11 Of defective places in track 20h, 1 Polarity 21e, 13 Price, for liquor-dispensing purposes 64c, 11 Railway 20f, 47; 20h, 1 Speed for cycles 63g, 13;74b, 6 For motor- vehicles 63c, 25 ; 74b, 6 Telemetrrc 74b, 6 Station 20i, 25-27 Synchronism 21e, 7 Telemetric 74b Water-level, in steam-boilers 13c, 1-13; 74b, 1 (Work-measuring devices) or operameters. 42k, 15-19 Indigo dyeing 8m, 3 Natural and artificial 22e, 1 White 12p, 2 Indol 12p, 2 Indophenols 22c, 6 Indoxyl 12p, 2 64 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Induction apparatus for electrotherapy 30f, 14 Coils for electric apparatus, generally 21g, 6 For telegraphy and telephony 21a, 28 Disturbances in electric conductors and cables, reducing 21c, 4 In telegraph and telephone wires, protec- tion from 21a, 27 Drive for electric railways 30k, 3 Generators 21d, 29 Heating apparatus 21h, 3, 9 Measuring instruments 21e, 6 Meters 21e, 15 Motors 21d, 38, 39, 43 Starting apparatus for 21c, 49-51 Starting and braking 21d, 42 Self, for high-frequency systems 21a, 71 Generally 21g, 20 Influencing, in cables 21c, 5 Indulins of benzol series 22c, 1 Inflammability-testers 421, 8 Inflating tires 63e, 18, 19 Influence-machines, electric 21d, 5 Information-receptacles for airships 77h, 15 Ingates of casting apparatus 31c, 30 Ingot casting 31c, 10 Ejectors 31c, 31 Molds 31c,10 Tongs or dogs 31c, 31 Turning devices for rolling-mills 7a, 17 Ingots 31c, 10, 31 Making 31c, 10 Inhaling internal disinfectants 30h, 1 Medicaments apparatus for ..." 30k, 12 Injecting apparatus for gas-engines 46c, 6, 7 For steam-boiler feed- water 13a, 23 For vaporizers 46c, 7 Injection fluids, vessels for 30k, 4 Syringes, including dentists' 30k, 3, 14 Veterinary.. 30c, 6 Injector-condensers 17d, 2 Injectors, automatic 59c, 14 For furnaces 24i, 4 For liquid fuel 21b, 7 Or jet-pumps 59c, 11-15 Restarting 59c, 14 Ink blotters 70d, 1, 2 Bottles 70c, 6 Cartridges for fountain-pens, etc 70b, 2 Ribbon printing-presses 15d, 34 Stains, removing by chemical means 8i, 5 Stands 70c, 1-6 Well covers. 70c, 4 Inked ribbons for type-writers 15g, 37 Inking devices for inked type- writer ribbons... 15g, 45 Devices for type- writers 15g. 37-39 Mechanism for printing presses and machines.' 15d,31,38 Rolls for printing-presses, making 15e, 14 Storing 15e, 16 Inks -22g,l,4 Authographic and lithographic 151, 7 Electrically conducting 21a, 5 Marking 22g, 1 Pastel 15k, 3 Printing 22g, 4 Removing from paper 55b, 4 Stamping 22g, 4 Inlaid work, (tarsia, etc.) 75b, 12, 20 Imitation 75d, 24 Inner tubes for tires 63e, 6 Inoculating instruments 30a, 10; 30c, 1 Materials 30h, 6 Inscriptions, luminous, for advertising purposes, 74d, 11 For name-plates 54g, 12 Insect catching nets 45k, 1 Culture 45h, 15 Mounting devices 45k, 3 Netting for beds 34g, 20 Travelers' 33d, 8 Classification. Insect receptacles 45k, 3 Stings, remedies for 30h, 3 Traps 45k, 1, 2 Insects, catching '. 45k, 1, 2 Destroying 45k, 1-4 Preserving 45k, 3 Protecting animals from 45h, 8, 14 Insoles 71a, 22 Installations, electric 21c Instantaneous evaporators 13g, 1 Instruments, acoustic 42g, 1 Astronomical 42c, 37-39, 41; 42h, 22 Dental. t 30b For determining courses of lodes 5d, 8 Ships' positions 42c, 39 Geodetic 42c, 1-43 Inoculating 30a, 10; 30c, 1 Measuring 42c Electric 21e Soft iron 21e, 3 Medical and surgical 30a, 8-19 For introducing medicaments into human body 30k, 17-19 For removing foreign objects from human body 30a, 18 Meteorological 42i, 20 Musical 51a-d Stringed, bowed 51c, 1-12 Plucked 51c, 13-20 Wind, brass 51c, 24, 25 Wood 51c, 23 Nautical 42c, 28-41 Optical 42h Physical 42i Surgical 30a, 8-19 Veterinary 30c For introducing medicaments into body 30c, 6 For removing foreign objects from body 30c, 3 Insulating bushings 21c, 10 Compositions, electric 21c, 2; 39b, 9; 80b For coatings 22g, 9 Mineral 80b, 9 Plastic, (non-mineral) 39b, 9 Devices for galvanic cells 21b, 2 Sockets for incandescent lamps 21f, 49 Insulation meters and testers 21e, 9 Of rails for electric railways 20k, 8 Insulator-supports for electric conductors 21c, 15 Insulators, bracket 21c, 14 For solar radiation 42i, 18 High voltage 21c, 13, 14 Machines for screwing pins into supports 21c, 15 Making, of porcelain, clay, etc 80a, 47 Section 20k, 9 Spool 21c, 17 Strain 21c, 13 Suspension 21c, 13 Wire fastenings for 21c, 16 Intensifies, photographic 57b, 13 Interest-calculators 42m, 19 Intermittent gear 47h, 4 Grip control apparatus, generally 47h, 5 Control apparatus for motor-cars 63c, 9, 13, 14 Gear for motor-cars 63c, 9 Internal-combustion engines 46a-c Carbureters 46c, 6-13 Controlling and regulating 46b Cooling 46c, 18-23 .Details 46c Exhaust apparatus 46c, 29-32 For explosives as fuel 46a, 29 Four-cycle 46a, 4 General arrangements 46a Governors 46a, 7-19 Igniting apparatus 46c, 14-17 Inlet and exhaust valves 46c, 3 Lubricating 46c, 1 Pressure-regulators 46c, 1 Two-cycle 46a, 12-19 Valve-gears 46b, 1-6 Vaporizers 46c, 6-13 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 65 Classification. Interpole-machines for alternating cur- rent ; . . . 21d, 44, 45 For continuous current 21d, 16 Interpoles 2M, 11-13 Intestines, cleaning 66b, 15 Scraping 66b, 15 Splitting, apparatus for 28b, 24 Treating 28b, 24; 66b, 15 Invalid-lifting apparatus 30e, 10 Invalids ' beds 30e, 5, 6 Chairs 30e, 4 Litters and stretchers 30e, 1, 2 Tables 34i, 3 Invert-sugar 89i, 2 Inverted fonts, Mariotte's 4a, 10 Incandescent gas burners and lamps 4g, 54 Invertible (sidehill) plows 45a, 13, 14 lodin 12i, 9 Organic compounds of 12o, 2; 12q, 15 lolite (mortar) 80b, 1 Iridium filaments 21f, 32 Preparation 40a, 46 Electrolytic 40c, 7 Iron alloys 18b, 20 Annealing processes 18c, 8 Band, making by rolling 7a, 10 Bands, angular, for doors and windows 68c, 10 For staircases 37d, 1, 3 For walls 37b, 5 Bar, bending and coiling 49f, 8 Cutting apart 49b, 15 Making by rolling 7a, 2 Bars, bundling 81a, 13 Compounds 12n, 2 Construction 37a, 4, 6: 37b, 3; 37f, 4 Founding 31c Hardening 18c, 1, 2, 4, 7 Ingot, deoxidizing and recarbjnizing. 18b, 10 Preparation 18b, 9-11, 13-15 Maltose 30h. 8 Ore, briqueting and binding 18a, 2 Dephosphorizing, desulfurizing. roasting. . . 18a, 1 Electrometallurgical treatment 18a, 19 Pavements . 19c, 5 Pig, dephosphorizing and desulfurizing. . . . 18b, 2, 9 Mixers 18b, 3 Producing 18a, 3-10, 18 Purifying 18b, 1-3 Refining 18b, 1 Pigments 22f , 7 Preparation 18a-b Electrolytic 18b, 21 Preparations, medicinal 30h. 8 Profile, cutting apart 49b, 15 Making by rolling 7a, 3 Producing directly from the ore 18a, 18 Round, making by rolling 7a, 2 Small bars, making by rolling 7a, 10 Softening 18c, 1 Wrought, producing 1 8b, 4-7 Ironing apparatus for hats 41a, 4 Apparatus, tailors' 3d, 6 Boards 8d, 22 Machines, clothes 8d, 20 For fabrics in breadths 8b, 24 Pads 8d, 22 Stoves 8d, 21 Tables 8d, 22 Irons, flat, electric 21h, 3 For hats 4 la, 4 For laundry 8d, 21 Tailors' 3d, 6 Irradiation, protecting photographic plates from. 57b, 4 Irrigating carts 45f, 19 Fields and gardens, apparatus for 45f, 19-22 Irrigation of soil 45a, 39; 45b, 5; 45f. 19, 20 Irrigators, surgical 30k, 5 Isatin ! 12p, 2 Isoborneol 12o, 25 Isoeugenol 12o, 12 9852419 5 Classification. Isolating against dampness, decay, fire, fungus, heat, and sound in buildings 37a, 6, 7 Channels located in underground water 37a, 7 Isolation of ethereal oils 23a, 6 Ivory designs 75d, 18 Working into various articles 39a, 2, 5-7 Jackets 3b, 5 Jacks, electric, for telephone-switchboards 21a, 41 Lever 35d, 2 Lifting, including lifting-plungers 35d, 5 Rack and pinion 35d 3 Screw 35d, 4 Jacquard cards 86h, 2 Looms 86b, 5-9 Electric 86b, 10 For weaving double-pile fabrics 86b, 9 Jar cleaners 64b, 1-6 Closures, including loose lids 64a, 48 Jars 64a Leyden 21g, 10 Jerking on fishing-lines, devices for 45h, 21 Jet blowers 27d Xozzle caps 85g, 3 Nozzles for fire-engines 61a, 16 For garden-hose, fountains, etc 85g, 2 Pumps 59c, 11-15 Regulators for faucets 85d, 7 Jetties I9d, 6 Jewel fastenings for watches 83a, 48 Setting tools, watchmakers' 83c, 5 Jewelry. 44a, 32-40 Boxes 33b, 10 Making of sheet metal and tubing 7c, 39 Jigs for fuel and ore dressing la, 1-5 Jointing-cutters 37d, 40 For ornamenting fronts of buildings '.. 75a, 23 Joints, ball 47b, 13 Ball and socket 47c, 4 For compasses 42a, 7 In windows and doors, means for closing 37d, 24 Knife, for scales 42f, 34 Of scissors and shears 69, 1 Pipe, connected with railway-couplings 20e, 15 Generally-.. 47f, 3-17 Pivot 47b, 13 Rail 19a, 15-19, 22-24 Rotary 47b, 13 Scarfed, for rails 19a, 16 Universal 47c, 4 Journal box lubrication 20d, 18, 19 Box shells for railway rolling-stock 20d, 16 Boxes for railway-cars 20d, 13, 14 For vehicles 63d, 5 Making by forging and pressing 49g, 8 Mortising machines 38d, 4 Journals as machine elements ' 47b, 3 Grinding 67a, 10 Turning on lathes 49a, 13 Juice measuring boxes 42e, 20 Sugar, crystallizing 89d, 2 Evaporating and concentrating 89d, 1 Extracting 89c, 1-9 Purifying 89c, 11-14 Saturating 89c, 15 Separating 89c, 10 Traps for evaporators 89e, 5 Jumping appliances, hurdles, ropes, tapes, stands. 77a,3 Shoes 77a, 12 Junction-boxes 21c, 21, 25 Justifying devices for type-setting 15a, 16, 17 Type 15a,2 Jute, extraction of fiber 29a, 2 Kainite Kaleidoscope exhibitions.. Kaleidoscopes Keepers for harness Machines for making. 121,4 77g,9 42h, 24 56a,2 63a,2 Kefir 53e, 5 66 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Kegs, (see also Barrels and casks) 81c, 5, 6 Making of metal by rolling 7f, 2 Of sheet metal 7c, 24 Of wood 38f , 2-5 Kennels 45h, 1 Ketones 12o, 10 Kettle-drums 51c, 37 Kettles, brewing 6b, 12, 13 Tea 341,7 Key and cotter extractors 87a, 20 And cotter fastenings 47a, 1 ! Board arrangements for type-setting ma- chines 15a, 22 Boards for accordions 51c, 34 For pianos olb, 17-20 Dummy 51b, 20 Stepped ' 51b, 19 For type-writers 15g Universal 15g, 45 Containers, (bags, baskets, etc. ) 33b, 10 Guides 68a, 77 Holders 68a, 83 Hole escutcheons 68a, 79 Guards 68a, 66, 67 Plates 68a, 79 Holes 68a, 78 Mechanism for bowed stringed instruments. . 51c, 11 For plucked stringed instruments 51c, 14, 17 For type-writers log, 40 Pins 68a, 77 Racks 341,22 Rings 44a, 36 Slotting machines 49b, 5 Sockets for electric lamps 21f, 46 Way cutting machines 49a, 50 Planing machines 49a, 50 Ways and lubricating grooves, making by cut- ting ."-.-- 49a, 50 By planing and slotting 49b, 5 Keyed-instruments 51a; 51b Mechanical playing apparatus for 51d, 27-33 Keys 68a, 83-86 And cotters 47a, 1 Illumination of 68a, 81 Laterally shiftable 68a, 16 Making 49g, 10 Morse 21a,3 Rack-bar 68a, 14 Kieserite 121, 4 Kilns , 80c Bluing 80c, 8 Brick 80c Calcining 80c Cement-burning 80c Chambered >80c, 3 Firing, for clay articles 80c, 4 For burning clay articles 80c, 1-14 Details 80c, 16 Glazing 80c, 4 Gypsum 80c, 11 Lime 80c Muffle, for clay articles 80c, 4 Porcelain-firing 80c, 9 Ring 80c, 1, 2 Shaft, gas-fired 80c, 12 Other than gas-fired 80c, 13 Tubular rotary 80c, 14 Kilometer-stones 19e, 3 Kinematograph-films 57a, 37 ; 57b, 1-3 Kinematographs, (see also Moving-picture ap- paratus) 57a, 33-37 Multicolor 57a. 30 Optical compensation for movement of pic- tures 57a, 37 Protection against fire 57a, 37 Stereoscopic 57a, 36 King-bolts for vehicles 63b, 12 Kitchen boards. 34f, 26; 341, 12 Cupboards 34i, 22 ! Fires, reviving 34d, 7 J Kitchen knives Ranges Electric Stands Strainers Tables Utensils Kite-shaped fliers. Kites Passenger Knapsack fastenings Holders and supports ^ Tents Knapsack*. Classification. 34b,6 36a, 16-19 21h,3 341,12 341,18 34i, 7 34a,b,d, 1 77h,5 77h, 14 77h,2 33b,ll,12 33d, 3 33d, 7 33d, 2 Kneading dough 2b, 1-6 Dough, machines for 2b, 1 Massage 30f, 6 Troughs 2b, 14 Unvulcanized rubber 39a, 9 Knee-protectors , 3b, 4 Knife-cleaners 34c, 11 Erasers 70e, 17 Rests 34f, 21 Sharpeners 67c, 4 Sheaths 69, 19 Knitted-fabrics, bleaching, chemical features... 8i Bleaching, mechanical features 8a, 1-19 Burnishing 8b, 17-26 Cleaning 8e, 1-3; 8i Drying 8b, 9 Dyeing, chemical features 8m Mechanical features 8a Finishing 8a; 8b ; 8i; 8k; 8m For gas-mantles 4f, 1 Glossing 8b, 17-26 Impregnating 8a, 25-27 Loading 8m, 11 Making 25a Mercerizing 8a, 24 ; 8k, 2 Mordanting 8m, 11 Napping 8b, 12 Pressing and squeezing 8a, 34 Printing 8c,4,7; 8n, 1-4 Producing designs on 8c, 4, 7, 8, 11; 8n Silk-finishing 8b, 26 Sizing 8a, 27; 8k, 1 Washing 8a, 14; 8i, 5 Knitting ball cups 25a, 31 Cams 25a, 22 Implements and work-holders 25a, 31 Machine needles 25a, 19 Making 7e, 4 Machines 25a, 1-29 Circular 25a, 7-10, 16 Elements 25a, 19-29 For purl-knitting 25a, 11, 12 Sewing-machine type 25a, 13 Straight. 25a, 1-6, 11, 15 For plain and ribbed goods. f 25a, 15 Warp fabric 25a, 15, 16 With special spiral carriers for fabric 25a, 14 Knives 69, 13-19 Beet-slicing 89b, 4 Bread 34b, 6 Butcher 66a, 8 Chiropodists' 30a, 15 ( 'hopping 34b, 13 Circular or sickle-shaped for meat-cutting machines 66b, 1 Disk-shaped 69, 24 Finger-nail 33c, 11 For dobby and Jacquard looms 86b, 4, 10 For scoring trees for extraction of sap 45f, 17 Grafting 45f, 2 Kitchen 34b, 6 Leather-punching 28b, 11 Making by forging and pressing 49g, 9 Of sheet -metal 7c, 41 Mincing 34b, 13 Pocket... .. 69,13-17 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 67 Classification. Knives, shearing 69, 11 Shoemakers' 71c, 8 Skinning 66a, 8 Surgical 30a, 17 Cases for 30a 19 Table 69,' 18 Tailors' ripping 3d, 7 Tube-cleaning 13e, 3 Knobs for doors, windows, furniture, etc . 68b, 16 Making by casting 31c, 24 Of sheet-metal 7c, 29 Knotters for harvesting-machines 45c, 30 For hop-trellises 45f, 13 Knotting devices for looms 86d, 2 Devices, thread, for weaving 86g, 13 For wire-lattice making. . 7d, 6 For carpet-making 25d Looms, carpet 86d, 2 Machines, carpet 25d, 1 Xet 25e Thread, for embroidery 52b, 12 Needles 25d, 2; 86d, 2 Pliers . . 25d, 2 With simultaneous weaving of ground, (car- pets) 86d, 2 Knot-tying 25d,2; 25e; 86g, 13 Knuckles, (knuckle-dusters) 69,27 Knurling-machines 75a, 2, 8 Kymographs 30a, 4 Label containers 81b, 4 Gumming apparatus 81b, 5 Holders for display purposes 54g, 22 Machines ". 81b, 1-5 Labels 54b, 6 Fastening to packages 81c, 17 To textile materials 8f, 13 For protection of bottle-closures 64a, 77 Laboratory apparatus, pharmaceutical 421, 13 Apparatus, physico-chemical 421, 1-4, 13 Purely chemical 12g, 1 Burettes and pipettes 421, 3 Labyrinth-packings 47f, 26 Labyrinths or mazes 77g, 8 Lace designs 75d, 21 Machines 25b, 11, 12 Papers, machines for making 54d, 7 Laces, carbonized 52b, 10 Machines for beating out backing material 8e, 1 Corroded, (background removed by use of chemicals) 52b, 10 Cutting out and trimming 8f , 9 Finishing 8b, 30 Making 25b, 1 1, L4; 52b, 10 Shearing 8a, 32 Lacing eyelets for dresses and shoes 71b, 2 Eyelets, making of sheet metal 7c, 45 Of wire 7d, 14 Fasteners for dresses and shoes 71b, 1, 3 Hooks for dresses and shoes 71b, 2 Making of sheet metal 7c, 45 Of wire 7d, 14 Setting, in shoes : . 71c, 62 Ties 71b, 4 Tips, making of plastic materials / !<. 5!> Of sheet meta 7c, 46 Of wire 7d, 13 Lacings for dresses and shoes 71b, 4 Machines for fastening metal tips 7c, 46; 7d, 13 Making..... 25b,l,10; 25c, 5;'71o, 59; 73,3; 86c, 1-10 Lacquering or varnishing leather 28a, 10 Or varnishing sheet-metal plates, machines for 75a, 20 Wood. etc.. processes 75c, 5 Lacquers, asphalt 22h, 3 Celluloid 22h, 4 ( 'ollodion 22h, 4 Leather 22g, 5 Lactic acid 12o, 11 Ladder brackets and scaffolds 37e, 2 Classification. Ladders, chair and table 341, 23 Dray 35d, 1 Extension, for fire-fighting 61a, 1 For observing battles 37f, 4 Fish 84a, 3 For domestic use 341, 23 Fruit-picking 45f, 16 Gymnasium 77a; 4 Life-saving 61a, 1, 3-5 Rope 61a, 5 Scaling 341, 23; 77a, 13 Ships' 65a, 32 Step 341,23 Suspension 61a, 4 Ladle-cars 3i C) 27 Ladles, bakers' 2a, 14 For dipping molten glass 32a, 6 For household use 341, 21 For metal casting 31 C , 27 For ring-carriers. (Metal-casting) 31c, 27 Pouring, for glass-making 32a, 6, 19-21 Lagging for steam-boilers. 13a, 1 Lakes, (pigments) 22f, 12 Lampblack 22f, 14 Lamp burners 4g Burners, shock-absorbing de vices for 4a, 22 Chimney cleaners 34c, 12 Galleries 4 a , 17-23 Holders 4a, 17 Chimneys 4 a , 11-13 Forming reflector-supports 4b, 12 Cookers 34a, 4 Globe holders 4a, 18 Globes.... 4a, 14 Forming reflector-supports 4b, 4, 12 Hoists 4a, 27-31 Holders 4a. 49 For cycles 63g, 7 Housings, exterior 4a, 18 Reflectors 4b, 4-11 For electric incandescent lamps 21f, 53-56 Shade frames 4b, 3 Shades 4b, 1, 2 Paper, making 54d, 5 Stands 4a, 1-3 Wick trimmers 4a, 7 Wicks 4a,4-6 Lamps, acetylene '. 4a; 26b Alcohol 4a, 8-10 Arc -21f, 1-30, 76-81 Baking-oven 2a, 8; 4a, 45 Bicycle 4a, 40 Blowing out, devices for 4d, 24 Blue-print, electric 21f, 9 Candle, electric 21f, 8 Carriage 4a, 39 Cathode-ray 21f, 85 Ceiling 4a, 46 Diagnostic 30a, 1 Disinfecting 30i, 5 Electric 21f Extinguishing devices for 4d, 21-26 Flash-light 78d, 2, 3 For lighting interior of barrels 6f , 5 For photographic dark rooms 57c, 14 For signals and switches 4a, 47 ; 20i, 14 Fuel-feeding in. . 1 -. 4a, 8-10 Fusing, (soldering) 49f, 13 Gas 4a, 17-23, 46; 4g,38-55 Incandescent, air-feeding in 4g, 41, 43, 54 Chimneys and globes for 4a, 11-18 Time-controlled lighting 4d, 17 Gasifying 4g, 28-37 Gasolene 4a, 1-3, 8-10, 39-41 : 4g, 1-37 Glowing tips, electric 21f ,8 Hair-curler 33c,2 Hanging 4a, 25 Hanging devices for 4a, 24-31 Incandescent, electric 21f. 31-75 Inverted burner 4a, 17-23, 46 CLASSIFICATION OF (iKRMAX PATENTS. Classification. Lamps, lens, for electric incandescent lighting. 21f, 38 Lighting devices for 4d. 18-20 Magnesium 4a, 37 Mantle-fastenings for 4a, 21 Mercury- vapor, electric 21f. 82-84 Miners' 4a. 50-53: 21f, 60 Open - 4a, 50 Safety 4a, 51-53 With acetylene-generators L'tib With fire-damp indicators 74 1>, 4 Nernst \.21f. 68-75 Compensating resistances for 21 f. 73 Night 4a. 1-3, 35 Oil 4a, 1- 10, 35, 38-53 Petroleum 4a. 1-10; 4s?. 1-37 Pocket 4a, 41 Electric 2 If, 60 With writing pads . 70d, 11 Projecting 4h, 4-11 Electric : 21f , 9 Regulating fuel-supply in 4 a, 10 Safety 4a, 1-3, 8-10, 51-53; 21f, 60 Shock-absorbing devices for 4a, 23 Signal 4a, 47; 20i, 14; 74d, 9 Smoke-bells for 4a, 15 Soldering 49f , 13 Supporting devices for 4a, 24-26 Stage-lighting, electric 21f , 9 Street, incandescent gas 4a, 46 Lighting devices for 4d, 16 Tail, on trains 4a, 48; 20i, 24 Traveling 4a, 41 Vaporizing . . . 4g, 28-37 Lances 69, 28 Combined with firearms 72a, 32 Lancets 30a, 17 Land cultivators 45a, 28-34 Rollers 45a, 32 Slide-retaining walls . 19e, 2 Landing apparatus for airships, hangars, etc. . . . 37f, 8 Apparatus for airships other than hangars, etc . 77h, 15 Apparatus for flying-machines 77h, 9 Jetties , 19d, 6 Lanolin 23a, 5 Lanterns 4a, 38-53 Chinese 4b, 19 Dark 4a,47 For illumination 4b, 19 For railway 'crossings 4a, 47 ; 21i, 14 Gates 4a, 47; 21i, 14 Signals 4a, 47, 48; 20i, 14 Gas, (see also Lamps, gas) 4a, 38-40, 46-48, 50 Lighting devices for 4d, 16 Incandescent gas 4a, 46, 48 Magic 42h, 25 Paper 4a, 35, 41, 45; 4b, 19 Signal ; - 4a, 47; 20i, 14; 74d, 9 Signaling devices in connection with. . ., 74d, 9 Storm 4a, 42-44 Lard, rendering 341, 10; 53h, 2 Larding devices - - 341, 16 Laryngoscopes 30a, 1 Larynx-mirrors . 30a, 1 Lashing apparatus, boat 65a, 39 Gun 72c, 6 Last holders in shoemaking-machines 71c, 28 Supports in shoemaking-machines 71c, 27 Lasting-machines, shoemakers' 71c, 21-29 Lasts 71G, 2-6 Pneumatic 71c, 6 Shoe-stretching 71c, 4 Wedge-locks for 71c, 3 Latch bolt locks 68a, 48-55 Openers for knitting-machines 25a, 21 Latches 8a, 48-62, 74 Night 68a, 74 Lathe chucks 49a, 20 Tools 49a, 25 Lather-beaters 33c, 9 Classification. Lathes, center 49a, 26 For conical turning 49a, 5 For cutting screw-threads 49a, 3 For eccentric turning 49a, 6 For turning balls 49a, 7 Car-wheels 49a, 10 Convex surfaces 49a, 4 Flanges 49a, 12 Journals, etc 49a, 13 Nuts, etc 49a, 8 For working horn 39a, 1, 5-7 Ivory 39a, 2, 5-7 Metal working 49a, 1-26 Turret 49a, 11 Watchmakers' 83c, 2 Woodworking 38b, 6 Lathing for walls 37a, 3 Laths, plaster 37d, 32 Latrines, ships' 65a, 11 Lattice gates 37d, 36 Girders 37b, 3 Windows 37d, 17 Lattices, flower 34e, 19; 45f, 1 Wire 37d, 36 Machines for making 7d, 6 Launches, etc 65a, 6; 65c Launching apparatus for flying-machines 77h, 9 Slips, including apparatus 65b, 1 Tubes, torpedo 65d, 7 Laundry, (see also Washing) 8d Calenders 8d, 19 Drying 8d, 12-16 Edge-polishers for 8d, 21 Finishing, chemical features 8k, 1 Mechanical features 8d, 17-22 Folding machines 8d, 20 Ironing machines 8d, 20 Irons. 8d, 21 Mangles 8d, 18 Marking stencils 75c, 25 Moistening, bluing, sprinkling 8d, 11 Rinsing machines . 8d, 2 Stretching devices 8d, 16 Lavatories, ships' 65a, 11 Lawn edge trimmers 45f , 4 Mowers 45c, 25 Sprinklers 45f, 19-21 Sweepers 45c, 26 Lay figures and bust-forms 3d, 3 Motions in dobby-looms 86b, 4 In Jacquard looms 86b, 10 In looms, generally 86c, 27 Laying-machines for fabrics, etc 8f , 5 Lazy-tong closures for skylights, etc 68b, 22 Scaffolding 37e, 6 Lazy-tongs for gears 47h, 1 For hoisting apparatus 35d, 6 For life-saving apparatus 61a, 3 For operating curtains 34e, 10 For railway-car windows 20c, 39 Leaching out in connection with filter-presses. . 12d, 7 Lead acetate 12o, 12 Batteries 21b, 1^24 Chamber processes 12i, 25 Chromates 22f, 3 Coating metal articles with 48b, 5 Compounds 12n, 7; 21b, 16, 17 Extracting 40a, 18 Fuses 21c, 59 Oxid 12n, 7 Pencil containers 70e, 12 Holders 70a, 5 Combined with other articles 70a, 7 Sharpeners 70e, 13-16 Shields 70a, 9 Pencils 70a, 1-3 Lettering in gold, machines for 75a, 2 Magazine 70a, 4 Making, machines for 70a, 1 Polishing, machines for 38c. 2 Polishing processes 75c, 2 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 69 Classification. Lead purifying .' 40a, 18 Red 22f , 3 Seals 81c, 16 Making by casting 31c, 25, 26 Shot, making 49i, 3 Sulfate 22f, 2 White 22f , 1,11 Leading-strings '. 34h, 5 Leads, sounding, for mining purposes 5d, 8 Leaf metal for embossing 22g, 10 Metal for printing purposes 15k, 5 Making 49i,2 By rolling 7a, 9 Packing, apparatus for 81a, 11 Packing-cases for 81c, 27 Turners 51e, 9-12; 70d, 9 Music 51e, 9-12 Leak detectors 4a, 51; 4c, 19; 42k, 30, 31 Detectors for gas-pipes 4c, 19 For miners' lamps 4a, 5] Stoppers for steam-boilers 13f, 2 Stopping apparatus for ships 65a, 75, 78 Leakage indicators and recorders, electric 21e, 9 Lease-forming machines 86h, 7 Leather articles for saddlery, ma'chines for mak- ing 63a, 2 Articles for saddlery, tools and implements for making 63a, 1 Artificial, making by coating or covering tex- tiles, mechanical features 8h, 7 Making by coating or impregnating textiles, chemical features 81, 2 By finishing processes 8b, 33 By mixing plastic compositions 39b, 12 Of paper-pulp 55f , 14 Of plastic materials 39a, 24 As fertilizer 16, 8 Bating, chemical 28a, 2 Mechanical 28b, 17 Beating implements. 71c, 11 Belts, apparatus for making 28b, 20-23 Cutting-machines 28b, 22; 63a, 2; 71c, 31 Punching-machines 28b, 22 ; 63a, 2 Stretching machines and frames 28b, 21 Tanning processes 28a, 8 Beveling machines 28b, 23 ; 71c, 13 Bleaching. 28a, 11 Brushing machines 28b, 16 ( 'lamping devices 28b, 7 Coatings 22g, 5 Cutting apparatus 69, 25 Designs 75d, 21 Detanning . 22i, 3 Driving belts 47d, 2 Drying, in connection with smoothing appa- ratus 28b, 14, 17 In connection with stretching apparatus. 28b, 4, 7 Dubbing brushes 9, 9 Dyeing, chemical 8m, 10 Mechanical 28b, 17 Extracting oil from 23a. 2; 28a, 9 Finishing 28a, 9-11 Fulling apparatus - 28b,26 Glazing or glossing machines 28b, 16 Graining machines 28b, 16 Grinding machines 28b, 15 Hammering apparatus . . 28b, 12 Impregnating, chemical 28a. 9 Mechanical. 28b, 17 Impressing, chemical 8n, 5 Mechanical 28b, 18 Ornamenting in bookbinding lie, 4 Paring machines 28b, 9, 23 ; 71e, 13 Patent, preliminary treatment of 28a. 10 Polishing 28b, 14 Preserving 28a, 9 Pressing apparatus 28a. 12; 28b. 14. 28 Producing designs on, chemical 28a, 11 Mechanical 28b, 18 | 'hissiflcation. Leather punching 28b, 11; 63a, 1, 2 Rollers 28b, 12 Rolling up, machines for 28b, 19 Setting out grain, machines for 28b, 8 Sewing machines '. 52a, 13-16 Shagreening machines 28b, 16 Skiving machines , 28b, 9 Smoothing 28b, 14 Softening 28a,9; 28b, 13 Splitting, apparatus for 28b, 10-28 Stamping knives 28b, 11 Stretching frames 28b, 7 Machines 28b, 4-7 Stuffing with oil, chemical 28a, 9 Mechanical 28b, 17 Tanning 28a, 1-8 Tanning drums 28b, 27 Tanning processes, special 28a, 5-8 Tires for vehicle-wheels 63e, 3 Treatment, chemical 28a Mechanical 28b Trimming machines 28b, 11 ; 71c, 13, 31, 50 Use of, in shoemaking 71c Varnishes 22g, 5 Varnishing 28b, 17 Waterproofing 28a, 9 Lecithin 12q, 1 Albumins 53i, 2 Lee-boards for boats 65c, 3 Left hinges for doors and windows 68c, 6 Leg stretchers and supports 30d, 6 Supports 30d, 6; 34g, 9 Leggings and gaiters 3b, 11 Legs, artificial 30d, 3 Wooden 30d, 3 Leio gum, (leiocome) 22i, 2; 89k, 5 Lemon-squeezers 34b, 9 Lemonades 53k, 1 Effervescent, or lemonade-mixers 85a, 3, 8 Preparing, by mixing-cocks 64c, 29 Length-measuring devices 42b, 1-8 Lens boards for cameras 57a, 10 Grinding machines 67a, 19 Lamps for electric incandescent lighting 21f, 38 Mountings, (spectacles, etc.) 42h, 27 Lenses for eyeglasses 42h, 26 Optical ; 42h, 1-4 Shaping while hot 32a, 8, 17, 20, 23, 27; 32b, 9 Systems of 42h, 5, 6 For regulating focal distance, etc 42h, 6 Letter boxes, coin-controlled. . . .' 43b, 54 Boxes, domestic ' 341, 25 Post-office 38c, 28, 29 Means to prevent theft 81c, 30 Cases 33b, 1 With means for classifying contents lie, 12 Despatching, automatic stamping and regis- tering machines 43a, 24 Files, etc lie, 13-27 Franking apparatus 43a, 24 Stamp-affixing 70d, 5-7 Holders, (clips, etc.) lie, 25, 26 Openers 70d, 12 On envelops 54b, 2 Paper . . 54b, 2 Bordering with mourning 15e, 5 Folding and putting in envelops 70d, 12 Portfolios lie, 13 Scales 42f, 26; 70a, 7 Sealing devices 70d, 12 Stamping machines 15h, 4 Stamping and registering machines, auto- matic 43a, 24 Letters for name-plates, signs, etc 54g, 1 2 Glass, making 32a, 18 Making 32a, 18; 75c, 9; 75d, 27 Ornamental 75b, 27 Special forms of, for advertising purposes. . . 54g, 12 Levelers for soil cultivation 45a, 30 Leveling instruments :.42c,G,7 70 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Levels, plumb 42c, 24, 25 Lever jacks 35d, 2 Presses for earthenware 80a, 9 Generally 58b, 1 Scales '. 42f, 1 Switches, electric 21c, 28 Levers as machine elements 47b, 14 Brake, for railway-brakes 20f, 4 For vehicles. . .'. 63b, 54 < t 47b. 14; fn'a. 55: 63k, 4-6 Switch, for motor- vehicles 63c, 13 Treadle 63k, 4-6 Levulose 89i, 2 Leyden jars 21g, 10 Libraries, structural arrangements 37 f, 7 Library-catalogues , lid, 7 Lid -fastenings for beer-mugs, etc 64a, 51 Lids for cooking vessels, including fastenings. . 341, 13 Life restoring by artificial breathing 30f, 5 Restoring by chemical means 30h, 3 \ By inhalation 30k, 13 Saving, (rescuing from fire) 61a Belts 61a, 8 Flexible tubes or chutes 61a, 9 Ladders 61a, 1, 3-5 Fastened to windows 61a, 4 Life-lines 61a, 6 Life-nets 61a, 10 Scaffolds 61a, 2, 3 Towers on wheels 61a, 2 | Saving, (rescuing from water) 65a, 64-74 Arrangements in submarine boats 65a, 4 Life boats, closed 65a, 64 Boats, open 65c, 1 Buoys 65a, 66-70 Preservers, (belts, buoys, rings, vests) . 65a, 66-70 Rafts 65a, 64 Saving systems, coast 65a, 72 j Lift-bridges 19d, 5 j Lifters, door 34e, 1 7 Grain, for mowing-machines 45c, 23 j Pot 341,14 I Skirt and train 3b. 19 Lifting apparatus for car-axles 20h, 6 I Apparatus for rails 19a, 28 j For wheel-plows , 45a, 9, 10 : Invalid 30e, 10 \ Bars for dobby-looms 86b, 4 j For Jacquard looms 86b, 10 | Devices for lifting printed sheets from press. 15e, 7, 9 ! Dogs for cranes 35b, 7 Jacks 35d, 5 | Mechanism, fluid 59a-e j Ship. S4b Water 59d, 3-6, 8, 10 Pieces for striking mechanism of clocks 83a, 55 Wires for dobbv-looms 86b, 4 For Jacquard looms 86b, 10 Light, advertising by use of 54g, 9 ! Apertures in cameras 57a. 27 Buoys, floating bodies, etc 65a, (53 For signaling 74d, 8 "Cold," (colored -light effects produced by glass screens) 4b, 17 Distributing 4b Extinguishers 4d, 21 27 Filters 57b, 18 j Houses, foundations 84c. 3 Signaling apparatus 74d, 9 Structural arrangements 37f, 7 Intensifying 4b Lime, burners 4g, 45 Metals, compounds 1 2i I Preparation 40a, 47-50 Electrolytic 40c, 5, 6 Projectiles 72d, 19 Floating 65a, 56 Projectors 4b, 11. 21 Electric 21f, 10 i Optical features 42h, 9 I Classification. Light refraction, devices for measuring 42h, 34 Screens 4b. 1-3 Ships 65a, 63 Zirconium 4g, 45 Lighters and barges 65a, 6 Cerium-iron 44b, 31 Chemical 78f Cigar 44b, 14 Electric 44b, 34 Fire lOb, 11-15; 24k. 6; 34d, 7 Impregnating lOb, 14 Flint 44b, 31 For lights on alarm-clocks 83a, 72 Gas, catalytic, fitting to burners 4d, 1 Catalytic, fitting to hand-lighting staffs 4d, 3 Fitting to kitchen-ranges 34a, 2 To lamp-chimneys 4d, 2 Making ' 4e Working by friction or impact 4d, 4 Hand : 4d, 4, 5, 13 Lamp 4d, 18-20 Match-strip 44b, 31, 32 Platinum 4e Pneumatic 78f Portable 4d, 5 Lighting advertising and other signs 4b, 18 And extinguishing gas-lamps, time-controlled . 4d, 17 Bakers' ovens 2a, 8 ; 4a, 45 By gaseous fuel 4g, 55 By liquid fuel 4g, 37 By luminous masses, (cold light ) '. 4b, 17 Cavities of body 30a, 1 Cocks, gas 4d, 7, 8 Compositions for cigars 79b, 22 Desk 4b, 24 Devices for gas and fluid burners, wick-lamps, candles, lanterns, etc 4d, 1-20, 28 ( )n street gas-lamps 4d, 16 Pyrophoric 4d, 4 Electnc, generally 21 f Electrically-driven rail way-cars 201. 3 : 21 c. 45 Flames, (pilot-flames )....' Id. (is For photographic 1 purposes 57c, 2 Fountains 4b, 20 Gas from a distance by changes of pressure . 4d, 9-12 By electric means 4d, 12-15 By pneumatic means 4d, 9, 10 Generally 4a-g Materials 23b: 26a-d Railway-cars by electricity. . 20c. 28; 201, 3; 21c, 45 By gas '. ;.... 20c,27 By lamps 4a, 11-26, 39 Ships 65a, 23 Show-windows 4b, 23 Stage 4b. 22 Stairways by gas-light, continuously or period- ically .' 4d, 9, 17 Strips, composition of priming material for. . . 78f Mechanical production 78a, 9 Theaters 77g, 2 Trains 4a, 11-26,39; 20c, 27.2S: 201,3; 21c, 45 Vehicles 4a, 39: 63b, 4 Lightning arresters 2 1 c, II Arresters, connections 21 c, 2(i Conductors :!7d. ''<> Protection from 2lr. c>l: :'>7d. 35 Rods :!7d. 35 Securing to buildings 37d, 35 Lights for cycles 63g, 7 Head, on trains 4a, 48: 20i, 24 Night 4a, 35 Signal . floating 65a, 56 Tail, on trains 4a, 48; 20i, 24 Tesla 21f, 85 Wind-screened 4a, 45 Limbs, artificial 30d, 1-3 Lime burning processes .. 80b, ] Kilns 80c Light burners > 4g, 45 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 71 Classification. Lime pigments 22f, 6 Slaking apparatus 80a, 8 Processes 80b, 2 Waste, making into artificial stone 80b, 20 Lincrusta 8h, 3, 4; 81, 1 Line casting machines 15a, 17 Designs, e. y. , checkered figures 75d, 8 Dividers. !. 42b, 14 Insulators for electric railways 20k, 9 Measuring devices for type-setting 15a, 10 Selectors, telephonic . . " 21a, 44 Spacing mechanism on type-writers 15g, 28 Linen, bleaching 8a, 6-18; 8i, 1-3 Body 3a, 1-7 Household 34f, 9 Impregnating 8a, 27; 8k. 3, 4 Ironing 8d, 20-22 Presses 34i, 18 Table 34f, 9 Washing 8a, 1-19; 8i, 5 Wear, machines for making 3a, 7 Weaving 86c, 1 Liners for centrifugal drums 82b, 17 Lines, clothes 8d, 13 Fish 45h, 21-23 Life 65a, 71 Linings for bearings 47b, 9 For garments 3b, 2 Glass, for metal receptacles 32b, 10 Link-motions in steam-engines 14d, 22 Linoleum cutting apparatus. 8f, 12 Drying 8h, 3 Making, chemical features 81, 1 Mechanical features 8h, 1-5 Printing 8c, 7 Streaking 8h, 5 Substitutes 8h, 4 Yeining 8h, 5 Linotype-machines 15a, 17 Linseed-oil, concentrating 22h, 2 Extracting and purifying 23a, 1-3 Lip-protectors for dental surgery 30b, 7 For drinking vessels 64a, 6 Liquefying difficultly-condensable gases and gas mixtures 17g, 1 Liqueurs 6c, 3 Liquid containers in portable lighters 4d, 5 Dispensing apparatus, (retailing) 64c, 1-20 Liquid fuel 23b, 1, 2, 4 Fuel cookers 34a, 1, 3-5 Feeding in furnaces 24b, 7, 8 Furnaces 24b Heating-stoves 36b, 3 Solidifying lOb, 11 Heaters. ! 36e, 1-6 Electric 21h, 3, 4 Level indicators 42c, 27 Levels 42c, 24 Manure barrels and tanks 45b, 5 Distributers 45b, 5 Pumps - - 59a, 1 Sprinkling carts 45b, 5 Meiers for barrels 64c, 12 For excise purposes 421, 11 Generally 42e. 14-22 Pistols 72b, 7 Samplers 421, 18 Seals for acetylene-generators ._ 26b, 47 For sewer systems 85e, 12-14 For water-closets 85h, 1-8, 15 Transferring apparatus for dispensing pur- poses.. .... . 64b,9-13 Pumps -- 64c, 44 Liquids, aerating 85a. 2-5. 8 Clarifying 12d. 1 Condensing 12c. 3 Decolorizing 12d. 1. 11 Separating 12d, 1 Classification. Liquor-dispensing apparatus. <-oin controlled 43b. 28, 29 Dispensing apparatus employing pressure. . 64c, 1-5 Handling apparatus 64a, b. c Receptacles 64a. b Liquors, concentrated, for tanning purposes 28a. 4 Dispensing directly from bottles 64c, 15 Litharge 22f, 3 Lithium compounds 1.21. 1 6 Preparation 40a, 47 Electrolytic 40c, 6 Lithographic inks 151. 7 Presses 15d, 7, 8 Printing-plates 151, 1 Stones, artificial 151. 1 Lithography lob, 1. 3. 5; 15d, 8; 15k. 1-3, 6 Lithopone.' 22f. 5 Litter-straw cutters 45e, 32 Litters, amlnvlance 1 30e, 1 Live-stock cars 20c, J 1 Care of, etc 45h Lixiviating, generally 12c, 1 In connection with filter -presses 12d, 7 Ores 40a 13 Load gages for railway-service 20h, 1 Governors for engines 60, 7 Relieving devices for horses 63 b, 37 Supporting chains, making . . . i 49h. 1-4 Loaders, gas-pressure, for small-arms 72h, 4 Recoil, for small-arms 72h. 2, 3 Loading and hoisting buckets 81e, 20 And unloading apparatus, generally 81e, 19-27 For road-vehicles 63b, 33 And unloading ships 65a, 81 Apparatus for hay and straw, with gathering apparatus 45c, 37 Without gathering apparatus 45e, 30 Cartridges, machines for 72d, 12 Coal, apparatus for. in railway -service 20g, 10 Platforms 81e, 31 Inclined 81e, 24 Auxiliary and emergency 20c, 38 Strips for machine-guns 72d, 10 Locating defective places in tracks 20h, 1 Foreign bodies 21g. 17 ; 30a, 18 ; 30c, 3 Ore deposits, electric and magnetic apparatus 21g, 20 Miscellaneous apparatus 421, 13 Punctures in pneumatic tires 63e, 13 Submerged metal articles 74b. 8 Location-determining devices for aircraft 42c, 39; 77h. 15 Lock bars for train protection 20i, 32 Casings and keepers 68a, 79 Devices for screw-threaded fastenings. . . . 47a, 9-15 Handles and knobs 68a, 69-73 Roses for fastening 68a. 70 Nuts 47a. 9-15 Openers, electric or magnetic 68a. 38 Parts 68a. 74-82 Making of sheet metal 7c, 37 Securing devices 68a. 66-68 Wards 68a, 77 Lockets 44a, 39 Locking bars for doors and windows 68b, 5 Devices, bicycle 68a, 109 Cane 68a. 109 ( 'lothing 68a. 107 For cocks and valves 47g. 46 For cranks 35c. 4 For roller curtains and shades 34e, 7, 8 For trough-shaped tip-cars 20c, 16 For vehicles 63b. 57 Umbrella 68a, 109 Disks for switch-fastenings 20i, 6 Gears 47h, 4 Hooks, coin-controlled 43b. 51 Mechanism for coin-controlled apparatus.. 431). 5-10 Locking-up appliances for type-setting 15a. 6 72 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Locks 68a Alarm 68a. 35-37 Box and chest 68a, 98 Brake, for cycles 63f . 9 Bramah and Bramah-Chubb 68a, 9 ( 'anal 84a, 3 Building and equipment 84a, 3 Gates for 84a, 3 With auxiliary basins 84b, 1 ( 'ar-doof . for freight-cars 68a, 93 For passenger-cars 68a. 9] ( 'hain, as machine elements 47d. 15 Easily releasable, for animals 45h, 2 Check 68a, 32. 33 Chubb 68a, 1. 2 Closing and opening without key 68a, 38-41 Coin or check controlled 68a, 24 Column, for type-setting 1 5a. 9 ( 'ombination .' 68a. 25-30 Comprising devices to prevent withdrawal oi key 68a. :i-<>5 Cycle 63f, 7-9 'independent of cycle-frame 68a. 109 Door 68a. 89-95 Driving-belt 47d, 9 Driving-cable 47d, 11 Firing, for breech-closures 72c, 13 For bags, suitcases, etc 33 b. 1 1 For self-acting feed on tool-rests 49a, 17 For shoe-lacings 71b, 3 For traveling-bags, etc 33b, 11 For window-fastenings 68b, 14 Furniture . . 68a, 96 Hand-bag :;:U>. I I Illumination of 68a, 81 Inserted, (cylinder-locks) 68a, 95 Keyless 68a. 38-41 Bolting and unbolting 68a. 40, 41 Latch-bolt 68a, 48-55 Mortise 68a, 46 Operated by insertion of key 68a, 18 By master-keys and pass-keys 68a. 20 By multibitted keys 68a. 23 By pull-keys 68a. 17 By push-keys 68a, 8-12 Which after insertion serve as guides for the tumblers 68a, 13 By rack-bar keys 68a. 14 By rotary keys 68a. 1-7 By screw-keys 68a. 19 By several keys 68a. 20-22 Pad ". 68a. 100-106 Permutation 68a. 25-30 Point, for switches 20i, 5 Portfolio 33b, 11 Protector 68a, 3 Puzzle 33b, 12; 68a, 31 Rotary cylinder 68a/3 Safe 68a, 21, 34-37 Safety 68a, 87 Safety-deposit 68a, 21 Safety, for sliding car-doors 68a, 92 Seal/. 68a, 32 Stretcher, for driving-cables, etc 47d, 12 Time 68a, 34 Train-staff 20i. 42 Trunk 33b, 1 1 Wedge, for shoe-lasts 71 c, 3 With coin-controlled devices for opening 43b, 55 With safety-chains 68a, 94 Yale 68a, 8 Locksmithing 68a-d Locomobiles 14a, 2 Valve-gears for 14d-f With internal-combustion engines 46a-c Locomotive boilers 13a, 20 Coupling axles, adjustable . . 20d, 7 Couplings 20e, 12 j Furnaces 24a, r>. (i For liquid fuel 24b, 4 ' Classification. Locomotive journal-boxes 20d, 12 Snow-plows 20h, 9 Turn-tables, including those for suspended, cable, and rack-rail roads 20g, 1 Weighing apparatus 42f , 13 Locomotives 20b Adhesion by magnets.'. 20b, 1 5 Compressed air 20b, 6 Coaling 81e, 25 Driving mechanism for 20b, 10-1 2 Electric, with portable power-generators 20b, 7 Fireless 20b, 4 For electrically-operated railways 201, 21 Gas 20b, 5 Hot air 20b, ti Increasing tractive force of 20b, 15 Steam 20b, 1-4 For standard-gage railways 20b, 1 For street-railways 20b, 2 Rack-rail 20b, 3 Towing 20b, 9 Valve-gears for 14d-f With special driving mechanism : 20b, 8 Log or block carriages for sawing 38a, 9 Or block holders for sawing 38a, 9 Saws 38a, 10 Logs, ships' 42o, 9 Longitudinal cutters for fabric breadths 8f , 9 For paper-making machines 55e, 4, 8 Lookout stands, masts, and towers for military purposes 37f , 4 Looking-glasses: See Mirrors. Looms, bobbin-replacing. . , 86c, 24 Cane and slat 86e Chenille 86d, 3 Circular 86c, 16 Cloth and warp beams 86c, 18, 19 Bobby 86b, 1-4 Driving and stop mechanism ... . . 86c, 26 Fabric measuring apparatus . . 86c, 20 Winding apparatus 86c, 19 Figured goods 86c, 11 For weaving fabrics without pile 86c, 8-17 Pile fabrics 86d Fringe-making 86c, 13 Hand 86c, 8 Harness 86g, 3 Heddle-frames 86g, 3 lleddles. fastening in heddle-frames 86g, 3 Impregnating and sizing 8a, 28 Making of threads 86g, 2 Of wire 7d, 8 Horsehair 86c, 15 Jacquard 86b, 5-10 Lay mechanism 86c, 27 Loose-reed motions 86c, 29 Moistening weaving materials 86c, 1 Parts of 86c, 18-32 Picking apparatus 86c, 21 Plush 86d, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Reeds 86g, 1 Revolving 86c. 22 Ribbon 86c, 10 Selvage apparatus siic. 1 3 Semi-mechanical 86c. 9 Shuttle boxes, arrangement 86c, 27 Changing 86c, 22 Guards, 86g, Millions Siir. _>! Replacing apparatus S6c, 23 Stop-motions 86c, 28 Shuttles i 86g, 7 Stop mechanism 86c, 26 Tension-regulators 86c, 18, 19 Thread-guards 86c, 28 Vd yet. 86d, 1-8 Vertical 86c, 12 War]) detector shuttles 86g, 8 Stop motions 86c, 30 Tensioning devices 86c, 18 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 73 Classification. Looms, weft counters 86c, 20 Weft detector shuttles 86g, 8 Feelers 86c, 31 Forks 86c, 31 Stop-motions 86c, 31 Thread cutting devices 86c, 32 Replacing apparatus 86c, 25 Tensioning devices 86c, 31 Wire . 86f Loop connecting machines 25a, 30 Loop-the-loop tracks 77g, 7 Looper-shuttles for sewing-machines 52a, 5, 42 Loose material, loading 81e, 25 Lorgnettes 42h, 30 Lot-drawing apparatus 43a, 40 Low pressure sectional steam-boilers 24a, 10 Pressure steam-boilers for central heating systems 36c, 10 Steam-boilers, furnaces for 24a, 10 Water alarms for steam-boilers 13c, 15-18 Lowering boats, apparatus for 65a, 41 ( 'offins, apparatus for 30e, 18 Lozenge-presses 58b, 13 Lubricant-testers 421, 7 Lubricants, making 23c Purifying 23a, 3 Lubricating axle-boxes of railway rolling- stock " 20d, 18 Boxes 47e, 4-6, 31 Explosion and internal - combustion en- gines 46c, 2 Generally 47e Materials, making from petroleum 23c, 3 Oil cans for cycles 63g, 15 Generally 47e, 34 ( )ils. purifying , 23a, 3 Scooping apparatus for 47e, 26 Presses 47e, 15-21 Projectiles 72d, 20 Pumps 47e, 22-24 Steam-engines 14g, 7 Systems.' 47e, 27-29 Turbines, steam 14c, 10 Water 88a, 8 Wads for cartridges 72d, 20 Lubricators, axle-box 20d, 19 ( 'hain and cable 47e, 35 Driving-belt 47d, 1 For bearings 47e, 1-3 For centrifugal machines 47e For cycle-brakes. .-. , 63i, 11 For gas-engine cylinders 47e, 13, 14 For hoisting-machines and hauling-cables. . . 35a, 9 For locks 68a, 80 For machine parts 47e, 7-12 For motor-vehicles 63c, 26 For railway couplings 20e, 22 For railway rails 20h.lO For refrigerating-machines 17a. 1 1 For steam-engine cylinders 47e, 13, 14 For vehicle-axles. 63d, 13 For wire cables 47e, 35 Generally 47e Journal-box 20d, 19 Stauffer 47e, 19 Luminous paints Lunch-boxes, etc Lung-testers 30a, 4, 5; 30f, 5 Coin-controlled 43b, 43 Lupines, removing bitter elements from 53g, 5 Luster colors for compounding glass 32b, 4 For decorating stones 80b, 23 Lustering fabrics and machines for 8b, 26 Macadam, making of gravel and tar 80b, 25 Macadamizing 19c, 1 Macaroni, making, chemical features 53k, 2 Mechanical features. ~l>. i:> 22g, 2, 6-9 33b, 10 Classification. Machine guns 72h, 6-10 Guns, automatic 72h, 7 Hand-operated 72h, 6, 7 Large caliber 72h, 9 Maxim 72h, 8 Telegraphs 74c, 12 Tools 38b; d; e; k ; 49a-c ; 67a For metal-working 49a-c For woodworking 38b; d ; e; k Magazine pencils 70a, 4 Small-arms 72a, 1-8 Magazines, cartridge, for small-arms 72a,20-24 Magic lanterns 42h, 25, 34 Pictures 75d, 5 Magnesia 12m, 3 Magnesium compounds 12m, 3 Lamps 4a, 37 Peroxid I2i, 16 Preparation 40a, 48 Electrolytic 40c, 5, 6 Magnetic closures for mine-lamps 4a, 52 Cut-outs for electric control of trains 201, 24 For electric switches 21 c, 35, 41, 50 Rakes for paper-making 55d, 12 Magnetizing devices 21g, 5 Magnetos 21d, 4 ; 46c, 14 Magnetotherapy 30f, 17 Magnets, blow-out, for electric lamps 21f, 17 Blow-out, for electric switches 21c, 35 Car. for connecting sectional conductors 20k, 16 Electro, for cranes 35b, 7 For power transmission in gearing 47h, 8, 22 For removing splinters from the eye 30a, 18 For telegraphy 21a Generally 21g, 2, 3 Field, for electric machines 21d, 16 Lifting, carrying and load 21g, 2 ; 35b, 7 Regulating, for electric lamps , 21f, 17 Track, for connecting sectional conductors. . 20k, 17 Magnifying-glasses 42h Pocket 42h,34 Mail-bag catchers 20h, 11 Closures 81c, 9 Mail bags, closing simultaneously with mail- box 81c, 29 Boxes 38c, 28. 29 Theft-preventing appliances 81c, 30 With indicators 741), 8 Cars : 20c, 5 Chutes 81e, 46 Elevators 35a, 5 With mail distribution 81e, 46 Rapid-transportation roads 81e, 45 Transportation, electric 81e, 45 Wagons 63b, 34 Malsticks (maulsticks) 75c, 28 Malt and malting 6a, 1-10 Bruisers and crushers 6b, 1 Cleaning apparatus 6a, 9 Driers '. . . 6a, 6, 7 Germinating machines 6a, 9 Mashing 6b, 1 Measuring apparatus for malt-mills 42e, 28 Scouring machines 6a, 9 ; 50a, 3-6 Sorting machines 6a, 9 ; 50d Sugar 89i, 2 Turners. 6a, 8 Malting, floor 6a, 3 Processes 6a, 2 Maltose 89i, 2 Iron 30h.8 Maltsters' shoes 71a, 9 Mandolins 51c, 14 Mandrels for metal-lathes 49a, 21 Manganates 12n, 3 Manganese compounds 12n, 3 Ferro 18a, 10 Peroxid 12i, 16; 12n, 3 Preparation 40a, 46 Electrolytic 40c, 13 74 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Mangles for woven fabrics 8b, 21 Laundry 8d, 18 Manifolding devices, (printing) 15i Processes 15k, 3-7 Writing apparatus 70d, 13 Manikins 42n, 10 Manometers, (see also Pressure-gages) 42k, 8-14 Mantles, gas, incandescent 4f , 1, 2, 4, 5 Manure distributing apparatus 45b, 5, 6 Liquid, distributing 45b, 5 Plowing under 45a, 16 Pouches for draft-animals 45h, 10 Storage places 45b, 2 Map drawing instruments 42a, 16, 20 Holders 34i, 3 Fastening to cycles 63g, 19 For wall-maps, including those for holding maps when rolled up 34i, 9 Maps, astronomical 42n, 7 Celestial 42n, 7 Geographic 42n, 9 Relief 42n, 9 Wall 42n, 9 Marble, artificial 80b, 15 Coloring for ornamental purposes 75d, 17 Working 67a, 14; 80d Marbling glass 32b, 3 On paper-machines 55f , 4 Processes : 75c, 2 Textiles 8n, 8 Marchpane, (marzipan) 53f, 3; 531, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9-12 Margarin .. 53h, 1 , 2 Margin-stops on type-writers 15g, 32 Marine boilers 13a Engineering 84a, 5 Engine governors 60, 12 Controlled by movements of ship 65f , 27 Engines 14a Reversing 65f, 28 Paints 22g, 7; 65a, 27 Railways 84b, 2 Signaling 65a, 56-63 Signals, buoys, light-ships, etc 65a, 63 Mariners' compasses 42c, 32-36 Market-trucks 63b, 38 Marking animals 45h, 7 Devices (drink-registers) for glass :s 64a, 83 For travelers' belongings 33d, 8 For workshop use 42b, 23 On roll-cameras 57a, 23 Inks 22g, 1 Machines for woven fabrics 8f, 2, 7 Wheels, painters' 75c, 27 Tailors' 3d, 7 Martin furnaces 18b, 14, 15 Processes for production of ingot iron and steel 1 8b, 13 Mash, brewing 6b, 16-19 Distillery 6b, 23 Molasses. 89d, 4 Removing spent grain from 6b, 1 Stirring machines 6b, 10 Yeast 6b, 16-19 Mashers, potato 34b, 9 Mashing apparatus, distillery 6b, 4-6 Apparatus, sugar-making.'. 89d, 4 Processes 61), 3 Masks, breathing, for fire-fighters 61a, 19 Chloroforming, gas-inhaling, etc 30k, 14 Disguising 3?, 2; 77f, 31 : 77g, 6 Eye-protecting 30d, 27 Slaughtering. 66a, 2 Masons' trowels 37d, 40 Mass distribution testers 42c, 42 Equalizers 47b, 28 Massage combined with electric treatment 30f, 8 Kneading 30f, 6 Percussion 30f , 7 Rubbing 30f, 6 Classification. Massage, suction-kneading 30f, 6 Suction vibration 30f, 7 Vibration 30f, 7 Massaging appliances 30f , 6-8 Mast holders for street-masts 37b, 3 Scaffolds 37e, 1 Masts as structural elements 37b, 3 Erecting 35d, f) Extensible 37f, 4, 7 For electric conductors with means for in- fluencing insulating-power 21c, 12 For suspension of arc-lamps 21f , 22 For wireless telegraphy so far as structure is affected by high frequency 21a, 71 Making of metal tubing 7b, 20 Portable, tower-like or collapsible 37f, 4, 7 Ships' 65a, 13 Signal 21i, 3, 10, 1 1, 37, 38; 74d, 10 Match box holders and stands 44b, 29 Boxes 44b, 22, 26, 27 Filling 78a, 7 Making 38d, 3 Packing 81a, 7 Dispensers 44b, 23 Receptacles 44b, 22-30 Splints, making 38i, 3 Strip lighters 44b, 31, 32 Strips, making 78a, 9 Wood 38i, 3; 78a, 1 Matches, double-headed 78a, 9 Framing match-splints 78a, 1, 2 Generally 78a, 9 Headless 78b, 4 Making, chemical featurt s 78b Mechanical features 78a Printing and stamping 78a, 11 Quick 78e, 4 Tendering in horizontal or inclined position, devices for 44b, 24 Wax 78a, 10 Material gripping or holding apparatus, (vises, etc.) 49b, 32 Matrices, stereotype, making 15c, 1 Matrix casting machines 15a, 1 7 Setting and line-casting machines. 15a, 17 Stamping machines 15a, 20 Mats, foot 34f, 24 Straw, making by sewing 52a, 26 By weaving 86e Matte, copper, fusing ' 40a, 27-29 Mattress protectors 34g, 21 Springs 34g, 18 Stuffing machines 63a, 4 Mattresses 34g, 17-19 Bar 34g, 17 Cellular 34g, 19 Invalids' 30e, 7 Pneumatic 34g, 19 Spring 34g, 17 Straw 34g, 19 Stuffed 34g, 19 Woven wire 34g, 17 Maulsticks, (malsticks) 75c, 28 Mausoleums 37f, 9 Maxim guns 72h, 8 Mazes or labyrinths 77g, 8 Meadow cultivation, implements for 45a, 33 Measures, fluid 42e, 14-22 Inclination 42b, 21 Of length 42b, 1-8 Powder 72d, 12 Volume 42e With counting devices 42p, 7 Measuring and sorting machines 42b, 26 Bottles for pharmaceutical purposes 30g, 2 Cables. . . . . 42c, 4 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 75 Classification. Measuring chains 42c, 10 Cocks for acetylene-generators 26b, 33 For baths 85f, 1 For dispensing vessels with invariable measuring-space 64c, 30 For fluid-measuring devices 42e, 19 Generally 47g, 25 Compasses 42a, 1 Cords 42b, 4 Devices, clay 80a, 6 Coin-controlled 43b, 43, 44, 47 Dentists' 30b, 21 Electric 21e, 1-13, 23-26 For confectionery 531, 11 For diagnostic purposes 30a, 4 For fabric breadths and bales 8f, 1 Connected with loom 86c, 20 For finger-rings 42b, 12 For granular and pulverulent materials. . . 42e, 27 For hats 41a, 5 For indentifi cation purposes 42b, 7 For lenses 42h, 34 For liquor-dispensing purposes 64c, 10, 43 For marksmen's use 42b, 25 For measuring movements, vibrations and resistances of ships 65a, 37 For measuring speed of photographic shut- ters , 57a, 32 For molten glass 32a, 6 For ribbons, fabrics, ropes, etc 42b, 5 For textiles 8f, 1, 2, 4 For tires, car-wheel 20h, 1 For wearing-apparel ... 3b, 10; 3d, 2; 41a, 5; 71c, 1 For workshop use 42b, 17-24 Glove-makers' 3b, 10 Malt, for malt-mills 42e, 28 On bottles and stoppers 64a, 43 On packaging-machines 81a, 16 On spooling machines and reels 76d, 18 Tailors'. . .' '. 3d, 1, 2, 4, 7 Instruments, gradient 42c, 6 Machines for fabric breadths 8f, 2, 4 Surface 42c, 13 Methods, electric 21e, 27 Resistances, (rheostats) 21e, 26 Staffs 42c, 10 Stoppers for bottles 64c, 43 Tapes 42b, 4; 42c, 10 Trees, calipers for 42b, 13 Transformers 21e, 25 Vessels for pharmaceutical purposes 30g, 2 Vessels, two-chamber 42e, 17 Wheels 42b, 6 Curve 42b, 6 Meat beaters. . . 66b, 10 Blocks 34b, 13; 66b, 12 Trimming off and cleaning 66b, 12 Chopped, machines for extracting sinews from 66b, 14 Choppers, hand - - 66b, 7 Chopping machines la 66b, 5, 6 ( Cutting boards 34b, 1 Machines 34b, 1-6 ; 66b, 1-4, 8, 9 Grinders 66b, 2 Hanging 66b, 13 Mincing apparatus, hand 66b, 7 Machines 66b, 5, 6 Pounders 66b, 10 Preserving 53c, 1-3 By exposure to air 53c, 3 By salting 53c, 2 By smoking 53c, 1 Refuse as fertilizer 16, 7 Shredding machines 66b, 2 Testers.. 421, 13 Transporting cars and wagons . . 20c, 10; 53a; 63b, 35 Treatment. ! - - 66b, 1-14 Troughs 66b, 14 Classification. Medicaments 30h, 2-4, 6-10 Antiseptic and disinfecting 30h, 4 Introducing into animals' body, devices for. . 30c, 6 Into cavities of human body, devices for 30k, 17-19 Medicine capsules 30h, 10 Spoons 30g, 8 Medicines 30h, 2-10 Administering, apparatus for 30g, 8 Anesthetic 30h, 5 Meerschaum designs 75d, 18 Pipes 44b, 1-7 Working into articles 39a, 21 Melting apparatus, dentists' 30b, 1 7 Apparatus, dentists', electrically heated 21h, 7 Fat, apparatus for 23a, 1 Furnaces for metal-founding 31a, 1 Glass 32a, 1-6 Metal, apparatus for 21h, 6-11; 31a, 1-3 Snow, apparatus for 19b, 6 Wax, apparatus for 23b, 3 Membrane closure for liquor-dispensing vessels. 64a, 44 Memorandum bands or rolls 70d, 11 Blocks lie, 7 With duplicating means, (carbon-paper, etc.) 15i,4 With lamps lie, 7. Books lid, 1 Menu or place-card holders 54g, 3 Mercerizing, chemical features 8k, 2 Mechanical features 8a, 20-24 Mercury air-pumps 27b, 11 ; 27c, 12; 27d, 1 Preparation 40a, 46 Electrolytic 40c, 12, 13 Switches, electric 21c; 33 Thermometers for fire-alarm purposes 74a, 34 Vapor apparatus as rectifiers 21g, 12 Lamps 21f, 82-84 Condensing devices 21f, 82 Mesh-forming by crocheting 25c, 2 By knitting 25a, 17 Metal amids 12i, 29 Articles, cleaning before applying coatings. . . 48b, 1 Electroplating 48a, 1 Band closures for liquor-handling vessels 64a, 41 Safety 64a, 81 Bands, electroplating 48a, 9 For driving-belts , 47d, 6 Making by galvanoplastic processes 48a, 9 Of sheet metal 7d, 15 Of wire 7d, 15 Winding 7b, 5 Barrels 81c, 6 Blanks, sorting and feeding 49b, 31, 32 Cloths or wires for paper-making 55d, 10 Coatings 48b For ships' hulls 65a, 27 Production by oxidizing. 48d, 4 Deposits, galvanic, preliminary treatment of articles. : 48a, 1-3 Designs 75d, 20 Drilling apparatus driven by steam, hydraulic pressure, or electricity 49a, 28 Portable 49a, 36 Electrodes for arc-lamps 21 f, 78 Fasteners for paper boxes 54a, 8 Filaments for incandescent lamps '2 1 f. 32 Founding 31a-c Plants. 31c, 29 Hooks and eyes, making 7d, 1, 14 Ingots, piercing 49f, 19 Lathes 49a, 1-26 Leaf for embossing 22g, 10 Making by rolling 7a, 9 Packing apparatus for 81a, 11 Cases for 81c, 27 Milling f . 49a, 45-56 Mirrors, making by galvanoplastic processes. 48a, 10 Molding, auxiliary appliances for 31c, 7 76 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Metal oxid designs 75d, 20 Oxids 12n, 1 Paints 22g, 7 Planing machines 49b, 1-10 Powders, preparing by purely chemical means 12n, 1 Printing-plates 151, 2 Roofing 37c, 5 Salts 12n, 1 Alkali 121, 1-6, 16 Alkaline earth 12m, 2 Heavy 12n, 1 Saws and sawing machines 49b, 21, 22 Shavings, comminuting 49b, 16 Sheet 7a-c Springs as machine elements 47a, 17 Tires for vehicle-wheels 63e, 3 Tubes, making by casting 31c, 19 By rolling 7a, 12-14 Tubing, making 7b, 7-20 Working, chemical features 48a-d Electric 21h, 12-14; 49f, 2, 18 Electrochemical heating for 21h, 14 Electrothermal 21h, 12 Mechanical features 7a-f ; 49a-i Metallic fabrics for gas-mantles 4f , 3 Papers 55f, 13 For cigarettes 79b, 19 Metallurgy, generally 40a, 1-17 Of iron 18a-c Of specific metals 40a, 18-51 Metals, alkali and alkaline earth, preparation. 40a, 4 7-51 Alkali and alkaline earth, preparation, elec- trolytic 40c, 5, 6 Alkali, compounds 121 Alkaline earth, compounds 12m Annealing 18c, 6-9; 48d, 5 Applying by coating, spraying, or in form of powder 75c, 5, 22 Bending 49f, 8-10 Cleaning by grinding 67a, 23, 31; 67c, 3 Generally 40a, 17 Colloidal 12n, 1 Coloring 48d, 3, 4 Electrolytic 48a, 16 Corroding 48a, 16 Detinning, electrolytically 40c, 10 Etching by chemicals 48d, 1 Electrolytic 48a, 16 Extracting 40a, 18-51 Fluid, forcing into pores of bone, pumice- stone, wood, etc. 75d, 20 Into pores of conducting materials 21c, 1 Fulminating 78f I Fusing 21h, 6-11; 31a, 1-3 j Hardening 18c, 1, 2, 5, 6; 48d, 5 I Heavy, compounds 12n Preparation 40a, 43-46 j Electrolytic 40c, 7-13 In form of wire, producing by electrotypy 48a, 9 Light, compounds 12m Preparation 40a, 47-51 Electrolytic 40c, 5, 6 Melting 21h, 6-11; 31a, 1-3 Preparation by purely chemical means 12n, 1 Electrolytic 40c, 1-13 Electrothermal 40c, 16 Pulverizing 49i, 3 For coating purposes 75c, 5 Purifying 40a, 17, 30 Pyrophoric .... 78f Rolling 7a Scouring 67a, 23; 75a, 5 Meteorological instruments 42i, 20 Meters: (See also Measures and measuring.) Acceleration 42o, 13 ! Air volume 42e, 23-26, 29 ! Angle 42c, 4, 5, 8 j Aperture 42b, 9, 12 Blood-pressure 30a, 4 I Classification. Meters, calorimetric, electric 21e, 18 Chemical, electrolytic 21e, 18 Current, electric 21e For watercourses 42c, 40 Deflection or sag 42k, 26 Depth 42c, 28-31 Distance 42c, 14-23 For maps 42c, 8 Draft, for fluids and gases in conduits, etc 42k, 4 For furnaces 42k, 4 Electric. .'. 21e, 1-22 Clock 21e, 20 Integrating 21e, 22 Leakage 21e, 9 Oscillating 21e, 21 Pendulum 21e, 20 Resistance 21e, 9 Time 21e, 19 Electricity ' 21e, 14-22 Electrolytic 21e, 18 Elongation 42k, 20 Exposure, photographic 57c, 4 Fluid 42e, 14-22 Where measurement depends on rate of passage 42e, 14 For measuring amounts of gases passing 42e, 23 Velocity of fluids passing 42o, 13 Force, (dynamometers) 42k, 1-7 Coin-controlled 43b, 44 Frequency 21e, 7 Friction . 421, 7 Gage and slope, for track-laying 19a, 29 Gas ' 42e, 24-26 Gradient 42c, (i Hardness, for Rontgen tubes 21g, 16 Generally 42k, 23 Heat 1 42i, 1-1 1 Height 42c. (i Illumination 42h, 19 Inclination 42c, 6 Induction 21 e, 15 Insulation 21e, 9 Light refraction 42h, 34 Maximum current 21e, 8 Motor, electric 21e, 14 Oscillation-damping 21a, 71 Phase 21e, 7 Photo 42h, 17 Piston water 42e, 8-10 Polyphase current 21e, 16 Power 42k, 1-7 Pressure 4c, 19; 42k, 4, 8-14 Proportional water 42e, 12 Rainfall 42i, 20 Rotary field 2 U>. ir> Slip. 21e, 7 Speed, for measuring degree of irregularity.. 42o, 13 For photographic shutters 57a, 32 For ships. 42o, Generally 42o Steam and steam consumption 42e, 23 Steam density 421, 1, 2 Surface ' 42c, 12 Telephone, (conversation-counters) 21a, 47-49 Testing devices for 21e, 27 Thickness 42b, 9-12 Triphase current 21e, 16 Turbidity, for fluids 421, 3 Twisting resistance 42k, 27 Velocity 42o For projectiles 42o, 13 Vibration, for ships 6">a, 37 Generally 42c. \'2 Viscosity 421, 7 Volt. 21e, 9;42k,7 Volume 42e, 29 For industrial uses 42e Water 42e, 1-22 Wind pressure 12k, "> Velocity... .. 42o, 13 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 77 Classification. Metronomes 51e, 1 Mica for electric insulation 21c, 2 Treating or working , 80d, 3 Mice, catching 45k, 6, 7 Micromembranes , 30h. 1 4 Micrometers 42b, 19 Optical 42c, 19 Microphones 21a, 33 Granular 21a, 34 Microscope-objectives 42h, 4 Microscopes, generally 42h, 13 Microtelephones 21a, 35 Microtomes 42h, 16 Middlings-purifiers 50d Military equipment 33d, 1-4, 7,8 Milk, aerating 45g, 5 Boilers. 341, 5 Bottles, children's 30g, 9-11 < 'an closures 64a, 48 ( 'ans. cleaning 64b, 1 For conveying milk 81c, 12 With means for treating milk 45g, 4 Condensed, packing . . 81c, 22 Condensing 53e, 4 Coolers.... 17e, 3; 17f, 2 In connection with special treatment of milk 45g, 6 ( 'ream-raising 45g, 7 Emulsifying : 45g, 1 ( 'hemical 53e, 6 Evaporating 53e, 4 Fat content, determining, apparatus for 421,5 Processes for 53e, 6 Filters 45g, 5 Heaters 341, 5 Heating 45g, 6 Homogenizing 45g, 1 ( 'hemical 53e, 6 Mothers' , substitutes for 53e, 5 Pails for dairy use 45g, 4 Pasteurizing 53e, 1, 2 Powders 53e, 4 Preheaters 53e, 2 Preparations 53e, 5 Preserving 53e, 3 Pumps, medical 30k, 2 Purifying 45g, 5 Receptacles for dairy use 45g, 4 Separating 45g, 7-14 Skimming 45g, 7-14 Sterilizing 53e, 1, 2 Sucrar 89i,2 Testers 421,5 Testing, chemical 53e, 6 Processes. ." 53e, 6 Wagons 63b, 35 Milking machines, hydraulic and pneumatic 45g, 3 Machines, mechanically driven 45g, 2 Stools 45g, 1 Mill-gratings 84a, 6 Milling apparatus, metal-working 49a, 52-56 Cutters, metal-working 49a, 54, 55 Watchmakers' 83c, 4 Machines for cutting grooves of needle-eyes 7e, 2 For metal-working 49a, 45-51, 56 For stone-working 80d, 14 Horizontal 49a, 29 Rail, portable 19a, 31 Screw-thread 49c, 4 Sheet metal and tubing 7c, 4 Mills, asbestos 50c, 1, 8, 9 Ball 50c,5,6 Centrifugal 50c, 6 Beater 50c, 11, 12 Bone 50c, 8 Bruising, for grain 50b, 2, 6 Coffee. 50b,10 Compound tube 50c, 5 Cone 50b, 10; 50c, 3 Cnishing 50c, 1, 4 Classification. Mills, disintegrating 50c, 8 Disk 50b : 2 Dyewood-rasping (according to structure) 50b, c Generally 50b, c Grits 50b, 9 Impact 50c, 11 Malt 6a, 8 Mortar .- 50c, 2 Mustard 50b, 10 Ore 50c, 3, 5-7, 12 Pearling 50a, 8 Feeding and discharging apparatus for 50a, 8 Pendulum 50c, 2 For paper-making 55c, 8 Ring 50c, 9 Roller 50c, 8, 9 Rolling 7a Rotary 50c, 11 Spice 50b, 10 Sugar-cane ' . 89b, 2 Tanwood-rasping (according to structure) .... 50b ; c Wind 88c, 2 Structural arrangements 37f , 7 Millstone dressing machines 50b, 11 Grinding machines 50b, 11 Millstones 50b, 2 Compositions for 80b, 11 Mincing-knives 34b, 13 Mine cars 5d, 7 Drainage engines 59a, 7 Hauling and conveying 5d, 4-7 ; 35a, 9 Lamps 4a, 50-53 ; 21f , 60 Refuse, conveying 5d, 9 Stanchion-sharpening machines 38b, 2 Stanchions 5c, 4 Timbering and tubbing 5c, 4 Ventilation 5d, 3 Working '. . . 5b, c Mines, blasting : 78e, 5 Exploded when stepped upon (tretminen) 78e, 5 Land , 78e,5 Mines and mining, submarine 65d, 9 Wetting down 5d, 9 Mineral-oil emulsions 23c, 2 Mineral oils, distilling and purifying 23b. 1 Oils, extracting 5b, 12 Waters 85a Medicinal 30h, 2 Natural and artificial, pipes for conveying to a distance 85a, 6 Wax 23b, 3 Wicks 4a,5,6 Miners' candle-holders 4a, 32 Lamps 4a, 50-53; 21f, 60 Mining 5a-d By deep boring 5a Processes 5b, 12 Mirror backings for pictures 75d, 3 Coatings, including transparent coatings. . . - 32b, 10 Frames, holders, and stands 34f, 1, 3, 4 Making of sheet metal 7c, 44 Sighting devices for firearms 72f, 9 Mirrors as furniture 34f, 1 Connected with timepieces 83a, 51 For examining the inner walls of casks, etc. . 6f, 5 For observation from covered points 74b, 8 For optical purposes 42h, 8 Hand 33c,12 Hanging devices for 34f , 3 Making by coating glass with metal 32b, 10 By galvanoplastic processes 48a, 10 By grinding and polishing 67a, 15 Of sheet metal 7c Observation, for photographic purposes 57a, 1 On railway-cars 20c, 51 Pocket : 33c, 12 Shaving 33c, 12 Surgeons', (specula) 30a, 2 Triple 42c, 17 Window 34f , 1 As part of building 37d, 39 78 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Miter cutting and planing apparatus, woodwork- ing . . . 38c, 5 Sawing apparatus, woodworking 38c, 4 Stamping apparatus, woodworking 38c, 5 Mitrailleuse-guns 72c, 17 Mixed ores, metallurgical treatment of 40a. 32 Mixing apparatus for internal-combustion en- gines 46c. 12 Bath- water, apparatus for 85f, 4 ( 'lay, machines for 80a, 7 ( 'ocoa and chocolate, apparatus for 531, 10 Colors, apparatus for 22g, 15 Dough, machines for 2b, 1 Dry substances, machines for 50f Gases, apparatus for 4c. 44 Mold-sand, machines for 31c, 6 Raw materials for paper-making, machines for 55a. 5 Solids and liquids, machines for 12e, 4 Tar macadam, machines for 80a, 7 Tobacco, machines for 79a. 2 Tubes for gas-heating burners 4g, 51 For vapor-burners 4g, 25 Valves for baths 85f , 2, 3 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46c, 12 Generally 47g, 20 Vapors, solids, liquids, and gases 12e, 4 Yeast, apparatus for 6a, 17 Mixture air-pumps for blowers 27c, 12 Regulators for pressure-gas 4c, 45 Mixtures, fuel, for internal-combustion engines, regulating. 46c, 13 Governors varying composition of, for internal- combustion engines 46b, 14 I Power-gas, making, for internal-combustion engines 46c, 12 Model tank experiments 65a. 37 Towing experiments 65a, 37 Modeling apparatus and machines 75a, 16, 18 Plastics for surface ornamentation 75b, 8 Models for galvanoplastic processes 48a, 7 For glass-molding 32a, 25, 26 Moistening air for hot-air heating systems 36c, 7 Air, generally 36d. 1. 12-15 Dust 5d. 9; 8e. 3; 19b, 4 Fabrics 8b, 13 Grain. 50a. 2 Labels 81b, 1 Materials for printing-plates 151, 7 Paper 15d, 27; 55e. 3 Powdery masses 80a, 7 Press-copy paper 70d, 3 Rails 20h. 10 Stamps 70d, 3 Tobacco 79a, 5 Vats for cloth-finishing .. . . 8b, 13 Wheel-flanges 20h, 10 Yarns 8b, 13; 76c, 27 Molasses, extracting sugar from 89h Waste as fertilizer 16, 9 Mold cores, drying 31c, 6 Drying furnaces 31a, 4 Ingates 31c, 30 Materials, treating, (drying) 31c, 6 Powder 31c, 2 Molding boards or plates 31c, 8; 80a, 46 Candles 23f, 3 Drums for clay wares 80a, 18 Frames 31c, 8: 80a. 46 Generally 31b; 31c, 1-9 Machines, brick 80a, 28 Core 31b, 9 Dough 2b, 7 For casting hollow ware 31b, 8 For clay wares, (artificial stones, bricks. etc.) 80a, 46 For confectionery 531, 1 For hollow and perforated stones, etc 80a, 42 For sheet-metal and tube working 7c, 4 For woodworking 38b, 3 Classification. Molding machines, generally 31b Machines, hand-operated 31b, 2 Mechanically driven 31b, 1 Pulley 31b, 6 Roller 31b, 4 Sand-supplying devices for 31c, 6 Screw 31b, 5 Shaking 31b, 10 Soap 23f, 1 Tube 31b, 5 Wheel 31b, 7 With lifting-carriage 31 b. 1, 2 With st ripping-plates 31b, 1, 2 Materials 31c, 1 Patterns 37d, 32 Presses for foundries 31b, 1 Generally 58b, 12 Hydraulic os u . (, Processes for whe }ls, rollers, screws, etc 31c, 9 Soap ; ; 23f ; 1 Sugar, centrifugal machines for 89f, 2 Tongs, glass. 32a, 25, 26 Moldings, gilding 75c, 4 Gilt, making 75a, 23 Picture 34f, 2, 3 Wood 38c, 3 Molds, bakers' 2a, 13 Casting 31c, 5 Charging, for clay-presses 80a, 16 Earthenware 80a, 46 Filler, for cigars 79b, 2 For castings, generally 31c, 25 For chilled castings 31c, 16 For compound castings, (armor-plate) 31c, 17 For metal-founding 31c, 3-6, 9 Hand, for making confectionery 531, 2 Ingates for ' 31c, 30 Ingot 31c, 10 Lining 31c, 3, 4 Molybdenum 40a, 4(i Compounds 12n, 1 Momentum-propellers for ships <>5f, l(i Meney boxes for coin-controlled apparatus 43b, 14 Changing apparatus 43a, 15 Coin-controlled 43b, 15 Containers, (purses, etc. ) 33b, 1 Delivering apparatus 43a, 15 Monier ceilings . . 37a '' Walls ! 37a| 5 Monoaminonaphtholsulfo-acids 12q, 35 Monoazo dyestuffs 22a, 1-3 Monocles. ., 42h, 30 Monocycles 63h, (i Monoline type-setting machines 15a, 17 Monoplanes 77h, 5 Monotype type-setting machines 15a, 18 Monte-jus, (sugar-making) 59c, 4 ; 89c, 9 Montgolfier type of balloons 77h, 3 Mops, fastening to handles 34c, 6 Mordants for cloth dyeing and printing 8m, 11 (Mechanical) for dyeing woven fabrics 8a, 10 For dyeing yarn in skeins. 8a, 27 Morphin 1 2p, 14 Morpholins 12p, 3 Morse characters, translating into type-printing. 21a, 15 Keys " 21a, 3 Telegraphs 21a, L Transmitters 21a, 3 Mortar atomizers for plastering purposes 37d, 32 Introducing into ground for foundations 84c, 1 Mills 50c, 2 Mixtures 80b, 1 Mortars for household purposes 34b, 9 For pharmaceutical purposes 30g, 7 Ordnance 72c, 5, 15 Mortise-chisels 38e, 4 Making 49g, 9 Mortising machines 38d, 4 Tools . . . . 38e, 3 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 79 Classification. Mosaic .................................. 75b) 13 21 Imitation ............................... 75^ 24 Pictures ............................ ..'.'..'.. 75b| 13 Pieces for glass ornamentation, making ....... 32b, 9 Plates, machines for making ................ 75a, 4 Processes for making .................. 75b, 13 Printing ............. . ..................... 15k ) 2 Mosquito-netting connected with beds. .. ...... 34g, 20 For travellers .............................. 33d, 8 Mosquitos. exterminating by chemical means. . . 451, 3 By mechanical means .................... 45k. 1 , 2 Mother-of-pearl, polishing .................... (i7 :l . 3 1 Mothers' milk, substitutes for .................. 53e, 5 Moths, exterminating by chemical means ...... 451, 3 By mechanical means ..................... 45k, 1, 2 Motor arrangements for aircraft ................ 77h, 5 Bells, electric ............................. 74a, 4 Boats, propulsion ........................... (55f Busses ......... . .......................... 03c Cars, (see also Motor-vehicles) .............. '63c Antiskidding devices on wheels, (non-slip tire-covers) ............................ 63e, 12 Antislipping and antiskidding devices-. ____ 63c, 24 Baggage-holders ........................ 63c, 26 Cardan drive ........................... 63c, 12 Cooling-motor ................ 46c, 18-23 ; 63c, 26 Details .......................... .... 63c, 23-25 Driving mechanism, gearing and control apparatus . ............... " .......... 63c, 6-18 Driving by reaction produced by steam. gas, or air jets .................. ." ....... 63c, 17 Driving-wheels ........................... 63c, 17 Electric ................................ . . 63c, 1 Rngine-hoode .............................. 63c, ?6 Kxchange of storage batteries ............. 63c, 1 Footboards ....... . ...................... G3c, 26 For steam street-railways ................... 20b, 2 Heating ............... ' .................. 63c, 26 Holders for spare tires .................... 63c, 26 Locks to prevent unauthorized use of car. . 63c, 26 Lubricating ............................. 63c, 26 Xail-extractors .......................... 63c, 26 Number-plates ............................ 63c, 26 Puncture-detecting devices ................ 63c, 26 Rail ............................ 20b, 18; 201,6,7 For towing ships ........................ 20b, 9 Safety devices against obstacles in road. . . 63c, 26 Against running down pedestrians ...... 63c. 26 To prevent passengers from being thrown out ................................. 63c, 26 Speed-regulators .......................... 63c, 25 Sprags .................... ............. 63c, 26 Tractors ................................... 63c, 3 Two-wheeled .............................. 63c, 4 Universal-joint transmission ............... 63c, 12 Ventilating ..................... .......... 63c, 26 \\'indow-cleaners ........................ 63c, 26 ( 'ut-outs, electric ........................... 2lg, y Cycles, one-wheeled and two-wheeled, driving 63k, 21-27 mechanism Three-wheeled Generators. . . Meters Plows, motor and plow combined Motor and plow separated 63c, 4 2 Id, 8, 34 2 J e. II 45a. 2 ! l"a. __ Sleighs ................................ 63k, 22, 2 Propulsion by driving wheels ............. 63k, 2 Vehicles, (see also Motor-cars; , 23 3 63c Electric ....................... ........... 63c, I Running on rails, with mechanical source of power ............ ................. 201, 7 Motors, agricultural, < motor-plows i ............. 45a, 2 L Airship ............................. . 46a-c Alternating current ...................... 2 Id, 37-45 Auxiliary ...................... Hc,7; 60,15; 88a, 6 ( 'ontinuous current ........................ 21d, 6-8 Current and buoyancy ...................... 88b, 4 Electric ........ .' ........................... 2Jd Mounting in railway-cars .................. 201, 2J Starting and controlling devices ....... 2k- ; -19-53 Classification. Motors for electric railways 201. 2 1 -27 Hand or foot ' -i(> e 5 Hydraulic 88a:' b Induction 21d, 28-39 Starting and braking 21d, 42 Mounting in underframe oi raihx av-cars 20d, 5 Polyphase current 21d, 39 Servo, (auxiliary) I4c. 7: 60, 15; 88a, 6 Single-phase current 21d, 38 Small, including magnetos . . . . 2M, 4; 46c, 14 Spring ,.: 46e, 1-3 Suspension in electric cars 201, 23 Weight 46e. 1 Wind 88c Mountain -streams, correcting 84a, 1 Mounts, gun, armored 72cj 3 Machine-gun 72h, 10 Ordnance 72c, 3-7 Armored 72c, 3 Disappearing 72c, 4 Wheeled 72c, 6, 7 Mouse-traps 45k, 6, 7 Mouth, care of . . ; 30b, 18-20 Glass-blowing 32a, 7. 8 Openers for diagnostic purposes 30a, 7 For veterinary use 30c, 3 Organs '. .". 51c, 27-29 Mechanical 51d, 23 Pieces for cigars and cigarettes 7'Jb, 18-20 For pipes and cigar and cigarette holders. . 44b, 21 For wind instruments 51c, 24 Rinsing apparatus :',(> 1 >. ! !i Movable targets &N&, 4 Movements, clock and watch 83a. 1-9 Moving baths, galvanic 48a, 15 Brushes for sifters 50d. 6 Picture apparatus, (see also Kinemato- graphs) .'...' 57a, 33-37 Combined with other display apparatus... 57a, 37 With talking-machines. 42g, U Elements 57a, 37 Flickering, means to prevent 57a, 37 Platforms. 20a, 6 Stairways, (escalators) 3oa, 6 Trains, apparatus for boarding, also for passing from one car to another 20g, 6 Mowers, lawn 45c, 25 With animal-protecting devices 45c, 23 Mowing-machines 45c. 20-24 Motor-diiven 45c, 21 Mucilage 22i, 2 Containers 70d, 4 Mud guards fitted to motor- vehicles 63c, 26 Guards fitted to tires 63e, 1 Fitted to wheels 83d, 26 For baby-carriages 63b, 52 For cycles 63g, 10, 15 For vehicles, generally 63b, 9 Lifters for sewers and inlet-shafts 85e, 19 Traps for sewers 85e, 9 For steam-boilers 13b, 5-9 For sugar-beet washers 89a, 2 Muffle furnaces and kilns 24a, 13; 80c, 4 For distilling zinc 24a, 13; 40a. 37 Mufflers, (neckcloth?) 3bj 12 (Silencers, ) exhaust 1 4g, 1 ; 46c, 29, 30 For gas-exhaucts I 46c, 29, 30 For steam-exhausts 14g, 10 Muffs 3b, 10: 3e, 5 Mug-lids 64a, 51 Mugs, beer 64a, 1 Mules, self-acting 76c, 20-23 Multicolor-printing 1 5d, 6, 20, 36 Photomechanical 57d, 3 Presses 15d, 20, 36 Processes 1 5k, 2 Multiple connections, telephone 21a, 51-57 Effect evaporators 89e, 3 Filament lamps 211", 62 80 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Multiple needle embroidering-ma chines 52I>, 3 Picture attachments for photographic pur- poses ; "> / a. I - Roller-mills .' 7a, 7 Wire systems for continuous-current distribu- tion 21d, 24 Multiplex telegraphy 2 la, 9, 10 Telephony 21a, 10 Multiplying apparatus 42m, 18, 19 Machines 42m, 7-9 Multitubular boilers 13a, 5, 15 Muscle-exercising devices 77a, 7 For piano-players . . 51b, 42 Music belts for hand-organs 51d, 3-5 Boxes 51d, 8-17 Cylinders old, 21 Exchanging 51d, 9 Desks 51e, 7 Disk holders. old, 6, 7 Disks, exchanging 51d, 10 Holders 51e. 7 Played on keyboard instruments, apparatus for recording . 51 e, 4, 5 Players and talking-machines combined .... 42g, 12 Mechanical old Coin-controlled 43b, 38 Electrically operated 51d, 20 With coin-slots 5ld, 20 With combs, (music-boxes) 51d, 8-17 On baby-carriages 03b, 53 Printing 15k, 9 Rolls, perforated, for mechanical players. 51d, 28, 29 Sheet holders 51e, 7 Punching machines 7c, 31 ; 51d, 32 ; 51e, 4, 5 Turners 51e, 9-12 Sheets 51e, 6 For mechanical players 51d, 21 For zithers 5lc, 18 Making 7c, 31; 51d, 32; 51e, 4, 5 Type-setting 15a, 12 Type-writers 15g, 17 Writing 51e, 6 Musical instruments 51a-d Tops 77f,4 Musk, artificial, making 12o, 4 Natural, extracting 23a, 6 Muskets, (see also Small-arms) 72a, 1-8 Mustache binders and trainers 33c, 5 Guards for drinking vessels 64a, 6 For spoons - . 34f, 14 Protectors or shields 33c, 5 Mustard containers for store use 341, 34 Containers for table and kitchen use 34f, 15 Making 53k, 1 Mills. 50b, 10 Mutes for stringed instruments 51c, 7 Mutoscopes 57a, 35 Coin-controlled 43b, 35 Muzzles for animals 45h, 11 Mystery-pictures - - 75d, 5 Nail catchers for cycles 63g, 15 Catchers for motor-cars 63c, 26 Extractors 87a, 17 For pneumatic tires 63g, 15 Files 33c, 11 Machines, horseshoe 7e, 18 Wire 7e, 10 Pullers 87a, 18 Nailing apparatus, generally 87a, 18 Apparatus, hand, for shoemaking 71c, 46 In shoemaking-machines 71c, 20 Machines, box 38d, 5 Heel > 71c, 48 Shoe 7 1 c, 38-15 Nails as machine elements 47a, 4 Cut, making 7e, 1 1 Finger, files, polishers, scissors, trimmers, etc. 33c, 11 Classification. Nails for building purposes 37b, 5 Horseshoe 45i, 14 Making 7e, 14-18 Making of sheet metal and wire 7e, 7-20 Packing, apparatus and machines for... 81a, 12, 14 Removable ornamental heads for 34f, 3 Resilient supports for heads 81c, 3 Rolling 7e, 12, 17 Shoe 71a, 33 Straightening 87b, 6 Upholstery 63a, 4 Wooden, making 38k, 3 Name and address plates for railway-cars 20c, 48 And address plates for trunks, satchels, etc . . 33b, 13 And number plates for doors 54g, 2, 11 Card holders 33d, 10 Plates 54g, 11, 12 For coat-rooms 54g, 1 1 For designating plants 45f, 3 For railway-stations for advertising pur- poses 54g, 11 For station-indicators 20i, 25, 27 For reserved seats 54g, 1] For trunks, bags, etc 33b, 13 Xap-raising devices and napping-machines 8b, 12 Naphthacetols 12o, 1C Naphthalene 12o, 1 Clogging in gas-pipes, preventing and remov- ing by agents added to gas 26c, 12 Removing by pipe-cleaning devices 4c, 21 .Separating from coal-gas by cooling and washing 26d, 1 Xaphthazarins 22b, 5 Naphthol carboxylic acids 12q, 30 Carboxylic esters 12q, 3 1 Sulfo-acids L2q, 23, 25, 27 Naphthols 12q, 17 Amino 12q, 33 Thio 12q, 18 \aphthylamin carboxylic acids 12q, 6 Disulfo-acids 12q, 8 Monosulfo-acids 12q, 7 Polysulfo-acids 12q, 8 Naphthylene diamins 22a, 7 Napkin holders 34f, 19 Rings 34f, 19 Napkins, table 34f, 19 Narcosis, apparatus for producing 30k, 14 Narghile-pipes 44b, 6 Natural ice, production 17b, 1 Nature-design printing 15k, 9 Navigation, aerial 77h Canal and river 65a, 52-55 Protection from icebergs 74b, 3 Signal systems 65a, 58 Necktie closures 3b, 15 Retainers 3b, 16 Neckties 3b, 14 Self-tying 3b, 14-16 Needle baths 34k, 5 Beds and needle-guides for knitting-ma- chines 25a, 20 Boards for dobby-looms 86b, 1 For Jacquard looms 86b, 10 Breakers, (commiuutiug-machines) 50c, 4 Containers 3d, 7; 52a, 58 Eye machines 7e, 2 Grinding machines 67a, 22 Guides for talking-machines 42g, 5, 6 Holders, setters, guards, and bars for sewing machines 52a, 40 Inserting apparatus for embroidering-machines 52b, 9 Setters for sewing-machines 52a, 40 Stamping machines 7e, 2 Threaders for embrpidering-machines 52b, 12 For sewing-machines 52a, 39 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 81 Classification. > T eeiiles , annealing 7e, 6 Braiding 25c, 9 Crochet 25c, 2 Holders for 70a' 8 Making 7e, 4 Darning 52a, 40 For dobby-looms 86b, 4 For embroidery and ornamentation 25d, 3 For Jacquard looms 86b, 10 Grinding 7e, 5 Hardening 7e, 6 Knitting 25a, 19 Making 7e, 4 Knitting-machine 25a, 19 Knotting, for tufted pile fabrics 25d, 2; 86d, 2 Larding 341, 16 Making 7e, 1-6 Pack 52a, 40 Packing, apparatus and machines for 81a, 12 Polishing 7e, 5 Scouring 7e, 5 Sewing-machine 52a, 40 Making 7e, 2 Softening 7e, 6 Surgical 30a, 8 Talking-machine 42g, 4 Tapistry 25d, 3 Negative-printing 15b, 4 Negatives for photomechanical reproduction... 57d, 1 Nernst lamps 21f, 68-75 Nest boxes 45h, 12 Eggs 45h, 12 Nests, trap and laying 45h, 12 Net curtains ' 25b, 11-14 Loom* and machines 25b, 11 TyiiKj; machines 25e Nett ing. (tulle) 25b, 14 For gas-mantles 4f, 1 Wire 7d Nets, baggage, for railway-cars 20c, 44 Fishing. ". 45h, 20 For hay-ricks, etc 45e, 29 For protection of animals from insects 45h, 8 Hair 33c, 4 Making 25e Insect-catching 45k, 1 Making 25e Mosquito 34g, 20 Tennis, and supports for 77a, 22 Torpedo 65d, 8 Neutralizing apparatus for laboratory purposes. . 12g, 1 Electric charges . 21g, 20 Newspaper holders lie, 4, 5 Renting apparatus, coin-controlled 43b, 49 Wrappers 54b, 6 Wrapping machines 81a, 8 Newspapers, automatic apparatus for inserting sheets. 15e, 17 Nickel, coating with 48a, 6; 48b, 10 Compounds 12n, 4 Extracting 40a, 43 Preparation, electrolytic 40c, 8 Nicking-inachines. screw-head 49c, 10 Night lamps 4a, 1-3, 35 Lights 4a, 35 Stools 34k, 10 Nipples for electric conductors 21c, 13 For incandescent lamps 21f, 45-52 Rubber, for nursing-bottles > 30g, 13 For young live stock 45h, 6 Spoke, for cycles 63d, 18 Making of sheet metal 7c, 43 Nitrates, alkali. 121, 6 Decomposing 12i. 27 Potassium and sodium 121, 6 Nitric acid 12i, 27 Nitrids 12i. 29 Nitrits 12i, 28 9852419 6 Classification. NJtruaminoauthracene compounds 12q, 37 Nitroaminoxyanthracene compounds 12q, 37 Nitrocellulose for powders and explosives. . . 78c, 8-10 Gelatinizing 78c, 11 Stabilizing 78c, 12 Nitro compounds of hydrocarbons, generally. . . 12o, 3 Dyestuffs 22e, 4 Nitrogen and nitrogen compounds.. 12h, 4; 12i, 26-29 Obtaining from air by liquefaction 17g, 2 Oxids 12i, 26, 27 Rings 12p, 1-10 Nitroglycerin 78c, 3, 4 Explosives 78c, 4 Nitrohydrocarbons for explosives 78c, 14 Nitrophenpls for explosives 78c, 13 Nitrosoaminophenols 12q, 10 Nitrosoamins 12q, 10 Nitroso compounds of hydrocarbons, generally. . 12o, 3 Dyestuffs 22e, 4 Nitroxyanthracene compounds 12q, 37 No-load apparatus on steam-cylinders 14g, 5 Non-return valves 4c, 18; 47g, 8 Non-skid covers for motor- vehicle tires 63e, 12 Noodle-cutting machines 2b, 13 Noodles, making, chemical features 53k, 2 Mechanical features 2b, 13 Nose-rings for taming animals 45h, 9 Noses, deformed, treating 30d, 5 Notched rails for adjusting storm-hooks 011 win- dows 68d, 21 Note books lid, 1 Indicating devices, (scales, charts, etc.) 51e, 3 Symbols for music sheets and cylinders 51d, 21 Nozzles, atomizing, for absorbing, mixing, and purifying gases and vapors 12e, 2, 4 Atomizing, generally 85g, 3 For air-compressors 27b, 8 For fire-engines 61a, 16 For gas-burners 4g, 46 For moistening the air 36d, 14 For vapor-burners 4g, 24 Spraying, for absorbing, mixing, and purifying gases and vapors 12e, 2, 4 Generally 85g, 3 Transformer, for transforming the energy of moving gases 14c, 9, 11 ; 46d, 10 Number-containers for telephone-stations. . 21a, 64, 65 Numbering and paging machines 15h, 6 Devices for counting mechanism 42p, 10 For photographic plates 57c, 6 For printing 15h, 6 Generally 15h, 7 Punches loh, 7 Numeral mechanism for printing 15h, 6 Nursing bottle closures . 30g, 11 Bottles 30g, 9-12 Nut crackers 34b, 10 Cracking machines 45e, 42 Tapping machines 49c, 3 Nut < a< machine elements 47a, 7; 47b, 29 Finishing with planing and slotting machines. 49b, 4 Making by forging and pressing 49g, 5 I5y milling 49a, 47 Of band-iron 49g, 5 Thumb, as machine elements 47a, 7 Making of sheet metal 7c, 47 Oar-locks 65c, 6 Oars 65c, 5 Objectives, photographic 42h, 4 Telescope and microscope 42h, 3 Oboes 51c, 23 Observation stands, masts, or towers for military purposes -, 37f, 4 Obstetrical instruments, and cases for 30a, 14 Veterinary 30c, 2 Obstruction-removers, (railway) 20d, 33 Ocarinas 51c, 23 82 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Ocean-waves, calming 65a, 79 Octave-couplers for pianos 51b, 22 Oculars 42h, 2 Offertory-boxes 68e, 1-5 Office chairs and stools 34g, 3 Oil and water gas 26a, 11, 12 Oil, bucket-pumps for 47e, 26 Burners 4g, 1-37 Cake crushers and grinders 50c Cakes 58a, 7; 58b, 11 Cans ...: 47e, 34 Cloth, making by coating textile materials 8n, 7 Chemical features 81, 2 Mechanical features 8a, 27 ; 8h, 7 Distributers for calming the sea 65a, 79 For lubricating systems 47e, 27 Emulsions U3C, 2 Engines 46a, 26-28 Filters 12d, 23 Gages on lamp-stands 4a, 2 Gas 26a, 10-12 Manufacture 26a, 10-12 Retorts 26a, ]3 Impregnated fabrics 8k, 3 Lamps 4a, 1-10, 35, 38-53 Locks, (canals) 47e, 25 Painting - 75c, 1 Paints 22g, 2 Presses, hydraulic 58a, 7 Mechanically operated 58b, 11 Pumps for dispensing oil 64c, 44 Separators for condensers 17d For feed-water 13b, 5 For refrigerating-machines 17a, 10 For steam 13d, 30 For steam engines. 14g, 8 Skins - 8k, 3 Supplying apparatus for brick-presses 80a, 30 Generally 47e Testers 421, 7 Vapor burners for furnaces 24b, 2 For heating and lighting purposes 4g, 1-37 Vulcanized, (factice) 39b, 4 Oiling textile fabrics 76b, 6 Oils, essential 23a, 6 Extracting 23a, 1, 2 Lubricating 23c Devices for scooping up 47e, 26 For ceramic purposes 80b, 24 Mineral, distilling and purifying 23b, 1 Extracting by mining 5b, 12 Pine - 23a,6 Purifying and refining 23a, 3 Resin, distilling and purifying 23b, 1 Sulfureted 39b, 4 Sweet 53h, 1, 2 Tar, distilling 12r, 1 Testing 421, 7 Turpentine 23a, 6 Ointments 30h, 9 Machines for making 30g, 7 Oleic acid 23d, 1 Oleomargarin 53h, 1 Omnibuses 63b, 34 Motor 63c,6-26 Openers, crab 34f, 12 Door 68d,18 For textile fibers 76b, 2 For tin cans with clasped-on or forced-on lids. . 64a, 7 Letter 70d, 12 Oyster, kitchen utensils 341, 21 Table utensils , . . . 34f, 12 Tin can 64b, 28 Window 68b, 17-21; 68d, 19-34 Openwork, ornamental, (scroll-sawing, etc.). . . 75b, 20 Opera glass bags and cases 33b, 10 Glasses - 42h, 11 Coin-controlled apparatus for renting 43b, 34 Operameters 42k, 15-19 Classification Operating beds 30e, 5 Chairs 30e, 15 Tables 30e, 14 Ophthalmometers 42h, 32 Ophthalmoscopes 30a, 3 Opium alkaloids 12p, 11, 14 Optical instruments 42h Optics 42h Optometers 42h, 32 Orchestrions 51d, 1 Order apparatus 74c, 1-13 Telegraphs 74c, 1-13 Ordnance ,. 72c; 72h, 7-10 Breech lubricating apparatus 72c, 18 Screws 72c, 11 Carriages 72c, 6, 7 Cleaners of inner walls 22g, 14 Differential recoil 72c, 8 Equipment of ships 65e, 1 Firing apparatus 72c, 14 Mounts 72c, 3-5 Rammers 72c, 1 Recoil 72c, 8 Brakes for 72c, 9 Screw-closures 72c, 1 2 Sights 72f, 12-14 Tul>es 72c, 15 Making by boring 49a, 32 By casting 31c, 1 7, 19, 24 Ore briquets 18a, 2 Deposits, locating 421, 13 By electric and electromagnetic means 21g, 20 Dressing la, b By air-Masts la, 22 By grates and screens la. I ."> '2\ By liquids la, 2(1 By oil la, 25 By slime-washing apparatus la, S By sorting and conveying belts la. 29 By sweep-tables la, 3 2 Electric Lb, 6 Hydraulic apparatus for la, (>j 7 In conveyor-troughs la, 28 Magnetic 1 b Processes la, 24: Ib. 2 Tables, (buddies) . . la, 1 2-14 Iron, binding and briqueting 18a, 2 Desulfuri/.ing, dephcsphori/ing, roasting... !sa, I Electrometallurgical treatment ! Sa, I . I "> i_>, Sheet metal as structural element 37b, 4 Stitch sewing-machines 52a', '. ' Toe-caps 7 1 a. :', ! Ornamentation by paints 22; c: d Of textiles. 8n, 5-8 Of wood by coloring 75c, 5 Ornamenting ceilinga and \valls 341', 21) : 37d. 33: 751', 21, 2tt By color treatnien t 75c, 5 Ornaments, Christinas trcf 341, 27 Natural .' 75b, 28 Plastic 75b, 2<; Orreries 42n, 7 Orthooxymonoazo dyestufls 22a, 2 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 83 Classification. Orthopedic beds 301", 3 Dressings 30d, 6 Oscillating-lever gearing and treadle mechanism 171:. 1 Oscillation-absorbers for instruments 42c For motor-cars 63c, 22 For railway-cars 20d, 22 For vehicles, generally 63 b , J 3 Generally. .' !7a, I (j Oscillatory meters, electric 2 1 e, 2 1 Oscillographs 2 1 <>. 1 , I ! < Ssinium. extracting 40a. 4 Filair.ems 2 1 f. 32 Osmosis processes. < sugar-making i 8 ( th, I ' Meoclasts ' 30a. !) : Outsoles 71a, 19 <)val and cvcloidal movements 47h, 21 Turning lathes 3Sb, 6: 49a, (', ( )vens. bakers' 2a, 1-11 Bakers', furnaces for 24a Beehive coke lOa, 2 Chambered 80c, 3 Coke lOa, 1-20 Drying 82a ' hvrcoiits 3b, 8 ( >\ erhead wires for electric railways 20k. 9-14 ( ) vershoes 7 la. 8 Oxaldehvde. aromatic 12n. ') Oxalic acid 12o, 1 1 < ) 12p, 3: 22c. j . <>\u/i,les I2j), 3 Oxidation bodies for biological purification of waste wafer ~. 85c, 3 Machines for yarns 81 >, 7 ( )f oraanic compounds 12o, 27 ' )xiil c at ings, artificial 48d. 4 filters 85a, 7 For protection from rust 4Sd, I Oxyamino compounds, aliphatic 12q, 32 j ( Kyanthracene compounds 12q, 38 Oxyanthraquinone I2q. : x vgen nitrogen rings 1 2p, 3 Prep.iiM'ion 1 2i, 1 1-14 Separating from liquid air ! 7g, 2 ( K vhydrogon burners lg, 44 Furnaces 24c, 4 ( Kyketone dyestufis 22b, 5, 6 1 ixvn-\{)hthaline 12q. 17 Di-sulfo acids ! 2q. 2 i. 2t; Poly-sulfo acids : 12q. 21. 2 ' )xythionaphthene, (thioindoxyli !2o, 23 O\ ster culture 45h, 1 7 Openers, kitchen utensils 3 I 1 . I "> Table utensils 34f, 12 Ox.ocerite 23I>, 3 Ox.itne 12i, 15 O/oiypy 57b, 14 Pack-needles 32a. 40 Miking 7e. '2 Package lilling and weitrhiny; apparatus, auto- matic.. ...' l-'f, IS Tyina' machines 8 Ic. I!) Packaging machines, cigarette Sla, 9 M-ichines, generally Sla, 7 Match - - . - : Sla, 7 Metal leaf Sla, 11 Needle and nail Sla, 12 Presses 58b. 14: S 1 a, 7 Packers for self-binders. . _. loo, :> ! Packing apparatus, briquet >Ua. 10 Arranging articles for * Sla, 1 1 Baskets, boxes, cans, etc Sic Cases and materials Sic, 20- 2 < For bottles 8 1 c. 2-3. -'> !'( >r carboys 8 1 c. :.' 1 For cartridges 72d, 8 For cigars and cigarettes Sic, 21 Classification. Packing cases and materials for cycles 81c, 23 For dressings and bandages 81c, 27 For eggs and fruit 81c, 20 For foodstuffs 81c, 22 For metal leaf, chemicals, gas-mantles, etc. 81c, 27 For photographic papers 57c, 6 For surgical instruments 30a. 19 For textiles 8f , 13 Covers, straw, machines for making 81a, 15 For sewing 52a. 26 Machines... 81a For matches 78a 7 ; Sla, 7 For sacks and barrels 81a. 3 For sugar 89g, 2 For tobacco 79a, 1 With weighing-machines Sla, 16 Materials 54d, 9; Sic, 26 For sensitive plates : 57b, 2 Made of paper 54d, 9 Receptacles, filling and closing 81a, 1-6 Wrappers 81c, 22 Packing, (engine, joint, etc.:) Clearance, for centrifugal pumps 5 )b. 2 For tubbing-joints 5c, 4 Gas-pipe 4c, 15 Labyrinth 47f, 26 Machine, exclusive of piston and stuffing-box packing 47f, 22 Piaton 47f, 19 Projectile 72d, 20 Rings 47f. 22-25 Steam-boiler 13f, 2 Steam-engine 14b, 9 Steam-turbine 14c, 10 Stuffing-box 47f, 24-26 Making of leather 28a, 8 Metallic 47f , 24 Xonmetallic- 47f, 25 Packs, change, for plates and films 57a, 14 Photographic plate 57a, 14 Paddle wheel flying-machine 77h, 8 Wheels for ships 65f, 1 Padlock-shackles 68a, 101-105 Padlocks 68a, 100-106 Pads, inking, for hand-stamps 15h, 3 Pressure-relieving 30d, 9-11 Adjustable 30d, 10 Filled with air or liquid 30d, 11 Generally 30d, 9 Writing 70d, 11 Paget kn : tting-machines 25a, 1 Paging-machines. -. 15h, 7 Pails 341,21 Slaughter-house 66a, 5 Paint boxes, artists' 75c, 16 Brush bridles 9, 11 Brushes 9,11,13.17 Fastening bristles 9, 1 Making 9, 16 Spreaders, (spatulas) 75c, 13 Tubes 81c, 15 Making of sheet metal 7c, 26 Painters' chalk-lines 75c, 27 Colors 22g, 2 Easels 34i, 9 Implements 75c, 20 Stencils 75c, 25 Painting, backgrounds for 75c, 10 Batik 75c,7 Canvas-stretching frames for 75c, 18 Enameling 75c, 1 Fresco 75c, 1 Generally 75c Glass 32b,8 Gouache 75c, 1 Implements, artists' 75c, 11-28 Machines 75a. 19-22 Media 22g, 3 Oil 75c,l Pastel 75c, 1 84 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Painting, preparing surfaces by dipping or cleansing 75c. 17 Processes 75c, 1-5 Water-color 75c, 1 Paintings, imitations or reproduction of 75d, 23 Paints and coating materials 22g, 9-11 And coating materials for masonry 22g, 8 Imitations 22g, 12 Anticorrpsive 22g, 7 Antifouling 65a, 27 Applying by machinery 75a, 20-22 For paper 22g, 9 For ships 22g,7; 65a, 27 Luminous 22g, 2, 6-9 Marine 22g, 7 ; 65a, 27 Metal 22g,7 Removing, compositions for 22g, 13 Implements for 75c, 26 Roof 22g, 9 Wood 22g, 6 Palette-knives 75c, 13 Palettes, artists ' 75c, 14 Pan-scales 42f , 4 Paneling, ceiling and wall 37d, 33 Panoramas 37f , 1 ; 77g, 4 Panoramic cameras 57a, 6 Pans, baking 2a, 12, 13; 341,10 Dust 34c, 6 Roasting 341, 10 Pantographs, elastic 15c, 5 For embroidering-machines. 52b, 4 For mechanical drawing 42a, 16 Paper bag machines 54c, 3 Bag opening devices 30g, 6 Bags 1 54b, 4 Making 54b, 3 Blotting 70d, 1, 2 Making 55f, 12 Blue print 57b, 11 Board 55d,21,28; 55f, 1, 8, 10, 16 Beveling machines 54a, 3 Boxes for packing purposes 81c, 13 Making 54a Corrugated, making 54d, 9 Cutters lib, 10 Cutting machines lib, 10 ; 54a, 3 Drying apparatus 55d, 28 Embossing 54d, 1 For walls, making 55f, 10 Impregnating 55f, 11 Manufactures 54a-d; f Machines 55d, 21 Ornamenting.. 54d,l; 75b, 14; 75c,9; 75d, 1, 8-26 Paper-covered 55f, 1 Roofing, making, chemical features 81, 3 Mechanical features 8a, 28 Roofs 37c, 6 Scoring machines 54a, 1 Tubes 54c, 1, 2 With fabric inserts and coverings 55f, 8 Bottles, making 54f Box machines 54a, 4 Boxes, making 54a Capsules for pharmaceutical purposes 30g, 6 Plaited 54d, 5 Carbon 55f, 15 Composition of ink for 151, 7 Carriages for typewriters 15g, 32-36 Feed mechanism for 15g, 27, 30 Cases 54c, 3 ( 'asks, making 54f Carton 55f, 1 Cigarette 79b, 21 Collars and cuffs 3a, 4, 5 Colored 55f , 4, 16 Copying 55f, 15 Composition of ink for 151, 7 Covering with cotton batting 54d, 9 Covering machines 55f , 1 Crape 54d, 9 Classification. Paper cups, machines for making 54f Cutters for paper-machines 55e, 4-6 For roll and wrapping paper 70e, 18 Cutting designs on edges of, apparatus for 54d, 8 Cutting machines for cutting holes in labels, etc lib, 9 Destroying by burning 24d By comminuting 55a, 5 Dispensers, ccftn-controlled 43b, 27 For advertising purposes 54g, 15 For closets 34k, 9 For copying, drawing, and wrapping paper 70e, 18 Dolls 77f, 8 Drawing, including ruled paper 55f, 15 Driers 55d, 28, 29 Embossing 54d, 1 Fat-proof and fireproof 55f , 11 Filter. 55f, 12 Folders lie, 5 Folding or plaiting 54d, 4 For preserving foodstuffs 53c, 3 Garland, making 54d, 6 Goffering 54d, 1 Gold 55f, 13 Guides for cylinder-presses 15d, 14-16 Guiding devices on typewriters 15g, 35 Hangers' implements. 37d, 31 Holders (clips, hooks, etc.) lie, 25, 26 Honeycomb, making 54d, 6 Impregnating 8k, 3 ; 55f, 11 Making 55a-f Machines 55d Machines, cylinder 55d, 23 Foudrinier 55d, 22 Long (endless) wire-cloth 55d, 22 Mixing and working raw materials for 55a, 5 Manufactures 54a-f Marbled 55f, 3 Metallic 55f, 13 For cigarettes 79b, 19 Moisteners 15d, 27; 55e, 3; 70cl, 3 For copying-machines 70b, 2 Money 75d, 5 Money counters 43a, 18 Ornamenting 54d, 1; 55f, 4; 75b, 14; 75c, 9; 75d, 1, 6-26 Paints for 22g, 9 Parchment, making 55f , 7 Perforators 15e, 2; 54d, 3 For portfolios lie, 8 On portfolios lie, 9 Reinforcing-strips at perforated points lie, 8 Photographic 57b, 3, 5, 9, 11 Self-toning 57b, 9 Photoprinting 57b, 11 Printing J55f, 15 Printing on 15a-e; k Pulp, bleaching, loading, sizing, working 55c, 9 Pulp catchers 55d, 13 Coloring 55c, 3 Fiber-breaking devices 55c, 12 (Papier-mache) for manufacture of articles. 54e Working engines 55c, 9 Punching, (see also Paper, perforating) 54d, 2 Receptacles for shipping milk 54f Removing printers ink from 55b, 4 ring print? Rolls for memoranda Sacks Making Safety Self-toning Shells for cigarettes 70d, 11 . 54b,4 . 54b, 3 . 55f,9 . 57b, 9 79b, 20 Shirt-fronts 3a, 3 Silver 55f, 13 Sizing 55c, 2 Spinning 76c, 29 Stamping out 54d, 2 CLASSIFICATIOX OF GERMAN PATENTS. 85 Classification. Paper stripping, photographic 57b, 3 Stuff, (see also Paper-pulp,) bleaching, load- ing, sizing, working 55c, 9 Tablets or blocks . . He, 6, 7 Tobacco 79c, 1 Toilet 34k, 9 Tracing {.,. 55f, 15 Transfer 55f, 15 Trimming machines lib, 1-8 Tubes 54c, 1, 2 \\";iste, treating 55b, 4 Waterproof 55f, 11 Wearing-apparel, (shirt-fronts, collars, and cuffs) 3a, 3-5 Weaving 86c, 1 Web-\vinding machines and reels 55e, 7 Web? 55d, 20, 22, 23 Weigliing apparatus 42f, 30 Weights 70d, 11 With fabric inserts and coverings 55f, 8 Papier-mache' 54e Papin's digesters 341, 2 Parachutes for aerial navigation 77h, 4 Toy 77f,25 Paraffin 23b, 2 Parallel bar? 77a, 1, 2 Flow steam-engines 14a, 17 Leg compasses 42a, 2 Markers 42b. 23 -Motions 47h, 23 Movement sliears for cutting metal 49b, 11 Vises 87a. 1 Working of alternating-current machines 21d, 33 Parasols. 33a, 1-10 Parcel carriers and holders 33d, 12 Carriers and holders, wooden, making 38k, 5 Labels and tags 54b, 6 Parchment 28a, 8 Paper, making 55f, 7 Paring machines, leather 28b, 23 ' Paragraphs," (talking-machines) 42g Parlor-organs 51a, 4, 5 Combined with pianos olb, 39 Parquetry floors 37d, 5 Floors, steel shavings for polishing 49i, 8 Plates or slabs, making 38k, 2 Partitioning balloon-envelops 77h, 4 Partitions, collapsible 37a, 4 Formed of folding doors 37d, 23 Movable 37d, 23 Safety, for theaters : 37f, 1 Passementerie 25c Covering machines 25c, 1 Passepartout for picture-framing lib, 9 Pasteboard: See Paper-board. Paste mixtures and pasted plates for storage bat teries Supports for storage batteries 21 b, 20, 21 Pastel inks 15k, 3 Painting. . . 75c, 1 Pasteurizing beer 6d, 1,2 Milk 53e, 1, 2 Wine 6d, 1, 2 Pastils or lozenges 30h, 9 Machines for making 30g, 7 Pasting-machines for covering books 1 ] c, 3, 5 For covering paper boxes 54a, 12, 13 Sheet-metal plates, wood, and paper-board. . 55f, 1 Pastry baking machines 2a, 12 Tins 341, 10 Paternoster-hoists 35a, 7 ; 81e, 6-12 Pattern chains for knitting-machines 25a, 27 'hanging mechanism for embroidering-ma- chines 52b, 5 Charts 54g, 16 Forming in looms 86b, 1-10; 86c, 1-7; 86d, 1-8 Making for weaving 86h, 1 Mechanism for braiding and lace-making ma- chines 25b, 6 Classification. Pattern plates for metal-founding 31c, 8 Plates for printing-surfaces 15b, 1 Pricking implements 75c, 27 Machines 75a, 23 Patterns, designing and copying 3d, 4 Drawing ....'.. 3d, 2, 4 For metal-founding 31c, 8 Molding, for walls and ceilings 37d, 32 Pavements, asphalt I9c, 3 Cork I9c, 5 Iron I9c, 5 Rubber 19 C , 5 Street, with railway-crossings 19c, 7 Wood 19c, 4 Paving I9c Blocks, slabs, and tiles 19c, 2, 5; 37b, 2; 37d, 6 Making 80a, 29; 80b, 8 Connecting to street-railway tracks 19c, 7 Ramming and stamping machines 19c, 9 Stones, making of asphalt, mortar, etc 80a, 50 Pawl-driving mechanism 47h, 5 Pawls. 47h, 5 Pay windows, wickets, etc 37d, 39 Pearl barley cutting machines 50b, 9 Barley, preparing 50a, 2, 7 ; 50b, 9 Grinding machines , 67a, 21 Peat as fodder. . 53g, 1 As fuel for driving engines 46d, 11 Block delivering apparatus 10c, 2 Briquets lOc, 8 Carbonizing 10a, 27-29 Comminuting for paper-making 55a, 4 Compositions for artificial stones 80b, 17 Cutting and digging machines 10c, 2, 3 Digging, generally lOc, 1 Dividers lOc, 2 Electric osmose of . . : lOc, 6 Fertilizers 16, 14 Fiber, cleaning 29b, 2; 76b, 37 Drying 82a, 1-25 Extracting 29a, 5 Furnaces 241, 2, 4 Machines for working up peat into briquets lOc, 4 Presses for removing water lOc, 7 Processes for removing water lOc, 6 Raw, comminuting lOc, 5 Reducing to litter, powder, etc lOc, 5 Pedal stools for pianos 51b, 34 Supports for cycles 63f, 2 Pedals, cycle 63k, 33 Piano 51b, 34 Pedestals, (axle-box guides) 20d, 13 Pedometer-type winders for timepieces 83a, 34 Pedometers 42p, 9, 11 On watches 83a, 83 Peeling apparatus for household use 34b, 7 Machines, asparagus, for bulk treatment. . .. 45e, 45 Asparagus, for household use 34b, 7 Bark 38i, 1 Cane and reed 38i, 1 Fruit, for bulk treatment 45e, 44, 45 For household use 34b, 7 Potato, for bulk treatment 45e, 44 For household use 34b, 7 Vegetable, for bulk treatment 45e, 44, 45 For household use 34b, 7 Veneer 38i, 2 Willow 38g, 1 ; 38i, 1 Peep holes in buildings 37d, 39 Shows 77g, 9 Pegs 37b,5; 45f, 15; 71a, 33 Clothes 8d, 14 Shoemakers' 71a, 33 Pellet-dispensers for exterminating animals and plants 45k, 4 Pellets, igniting, for gas lighters and burners 4e Priming, for blasting 78f ' Pelt-shearing machines 28b, 25 Pelts, dyeing 8m, 10; 28b, 17 86 CLASSIFICATION OF GKlt-MAN PATKXTS. Classification. Pen boxes, cases, and racks 70e, 12 Cleaners 70b, 6 Containers 70e, 12 Extractors 70b, 6 Fillers I 70b, 6 Holders 70a,6; 70b, 3 Combined with pencils 70a, 6 With various articles f 70a, 7 Wipers 70b, 6 Pencil boxes and cases 70e, 12 Holders 70a, 5, 6 Point protectors - 70a, 9 Sharpeners 70e, 13-16 Pencils and penholders combined 70a, 6 Colored - 70a, 1, 2 Colored, compositions for 22g, 2 Machines tor making 70a, 1 Machines for making 70a, 1 Magazine 70a, 4 Pendants, watch 44a, 39 Pendulum governors for engines, generally 60, 5, 6 Governors for explosion and internal-combus- tion engines 46b, 8 Levels 42c, 25 Leveling instruments 42c, 7 Meters, electric 21e, 20 Mills 50c. 2 Scales 42f , 1 Sights. 72f , 4 Pendulums for clocks 83a, 20 Torsion, for clocks 83a, 21 Pens, drawing 42a, 9. 10 Fountain 70b. 4, 5 Drawing 42a, 10 Reservoir 70b, 2 Writing 70b, 1 Making 7c, 40 Pepper distributers 34f , 16 Mills 50b, 10 Substitutes 53k, 1 Peptones 53i, 2 Peracids, inorganic 1 2i, 16 Organic 12o, 11 Perambulators 63b, 45-53 Perborates 12i, 16 Percarbonates 12i, 16 Perches, vehicle 63b, 10 Perchlorates 12i, 7, 8; 12k. 6; 78c, 15 , Ammonium 12i, 7, 8; 12k, 6 For explosives 78c, 15 Percussion caps, blasting, fuses and composi- tions for 78e, 2 Caps for cartridges 72d, 4 Setting and extracting appliances 72d, 13 Instruments for diagnostic purposes 30a, 5 Jigs for ore and fuel dressing la, 4 Massage 30f, 7 Perfecting-presses 15d, 18, 37 Perforated bars for holding windows in ad- justed positions 68d, 25 Strip punching machines 15a, 21 Perforating and pricking devices. 15e. 2; 54d, 3; 75c, 27 Apparatus for embroidering-mac bines 52b, 6 Devices for hand-stamps 15e, 2 . For paper and cardboard, generally 54d, 3 For punching or stamping paper 15h, 2 For telegraph sending-strips 21 a, 7 Glass : 32a, 23 In printing presses 15e, 2 Independent 15h, 2 Folded sheets, mac hines for lla. 8 Machines for transferring drawings 75a. 23 Paper 54d, 3 Sheet metal 7c. 11 Stamps, independent 15h, 2 Perforators 15e. 2, 3; 54d, 3; 87b. 6 Cigar 44b, 17 Perfume-dispensers 43b, 30 Perfumes 23a, 6 Synthetic 12o, 4, 7, 25 Classification. Perfuming materials for coal gas 26c, 12 Pergamine (parchment paper) 55f , 7 Perimeters 42h, 32 Periscopes 42h, 10 Permanent-way 19a Draining : 19a, 1 Implements and machines for building. . 19a, 27-31 Iron cross-ties 19a, 3, 11 Isolated ties 19a, 5, 12 Longitudinal ties 19a, 4. 12 Preventing dust 19a, 1 Sound-deadening devices for 19a, 1 Systems 19a, 3-5, 7, 9, 11-13, 21-24 Permutation locks 68a, 25-30 ' ' Permutit " (an artificial zeolite) 12i, 37 For chemical processes generally 12g, 1 For water purification 12d, 1; 85a, 7; 85b, 1 Peroxid, barium .1 2i. 10 Hydrogen _ 12i, 16 Lead 12n, 7 Magnesium I2i. 16 Manganese J 2n. 3 Sodium. : 12i, 16 Zinc 12i, 16 Persulfates 12i, 16 Pessaries 30d, 17 Pestles 30g. 7 Petroleum 231 >. | . .j Burners 4g. 1-37 Cans . 341, 20 Cookcis 34a, 1, 4, 5 Engines 46a, 26-28 Extracting by mining 5b, 12 Lamps 4a Purifying and distilling 23b, 1 Receptacles and storage with means to pre- vent explosions 81e, 38 Rendering odorless 23b, 1 Soaps 23c, 3 Solid 23c, 3 Solidifying for heating purposes lOb, 1 1 For lighting purposes 23c, 3 For lubricating purposes 23c, 3 Wagons 63b, 35 Wick burners for heating purposes 4g, 6 Pharmaceutical implements and machines . . . 30g, 1-7 Preparations 3()h Pharmacies 30g; h Field 33d. 8 Phase meters 21e. 7 Regulators for alternating-current generators. 21d, 32 Transformers 21d. 35 Phenacetins |2o. Hi Phenanthrac ins 22c. 3 Phenol carboxylic acid esters 12q. 31 Carboxylic acids 12q. 29 Esters.'. 12q . 2 1 Ethers 12o, 14 Formaldehyde resins, insoluble 39b, 8 Soluble in alkalis 1 2q . 20 Phthaleins 12q, 19 Sulfo-adds 12q,22 Phenols 12o.20: I2q,14-31 Amino 12q, 32-36 Indo 22c. 6 Nitroso 12q, 15 Thio 12q, 18 Phenyldimethylpyra/colone 12p, 8 Fhenylene diamin 22a, 7 Phenylquinolin carboxylic acid 12p, 1 Phonogram-holders 42g, 16 Phonograms 42g, 16 Reproducing 42g, 1 8 Phonograph records and record-holders 42g, 16 Type- writers 42g Phonographic telephones 21a, 30 Phonographs 42g Coin-controlled 43b, 39 Phonolas, (pianolas) 51d, 32-35 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAX PATENTS. Classification. Phosphates 12i, 30 Alkali 16, 4 Dicalcium 1 6. 2 Super 1C). 1 Phosphoric acids 1 2i. 30; 16, 1 Phosphorus 12i, 30 Removing from pig-iron 18b, 2 ' In production of ingot-iron 18b, 9 Photo-engraving 57d, 2, 5-7 Phot igrammetry 57b, 12 Photograph-stands 34f,4 Made of paper or paper-board 54f Photographic apparatus, automatic 57a, 39 Appliances and machines 57c Dark rooms 57c, 14 Papers and plates 57b, 1-11 Plates 57b, 2-8 Processes 57b, 12-20 Complete and partial, including Rontgen- ray photography 57b, 12 Shutters. 57a, 26-32 Photographing internal parts of body, apparatus for.. 30a, 1; 57a, 7 Photographs, coloring 57b, 17 Developing 57b, 13 Finishing. 57b, 17; 57c, 13 Fixinsr 57b, 13 Mounting 57b, 17 Retouchinu 57b, 17; 57c, 13 Rontson ray - - - 30a, 6; 57b, 12 Photography, color 1 57b, 18 Generally' . . . 57a-d Moving-picture apparatus 57a, 33-37 Photomechanical features 57d Photogravure 57d, 2, 5-7 Photomechanical plates, etching 48d, 1; 57d, 2, 5 Power- presses 15d, 8 Printing 57d Designs 75d, 1-4 Forms 57d Photometers 42h, 17; 57c, 4 For photographic purposes 57c, 4 Generally . . : 42h, 17 Selenium 42h, 17 Photoprinting, black on white ground, (ne- qrouranhit^ 57b, 11, 12 Papers. - - 57b, 11 Photoeculpture 57b, 19 Phototherapy 30f, 16 Phototypy . ." 57d, 2 Power- presses for 57d, 8 Phthaleins 22b, 8 Phvsics 21g; 42g-i, 1 Piano-actions 51b, 23-31 Grand 51b, 29-31 l.-prk'ht 5lb, 23-28 Piano and forte devices for pianos 51b, 33 Cases 51b,3 As writing-tables 34i, 4 Stools 34g, 4 Tuning apparatus , 51b, 14-16 Violins 51b, 37 Pianos Bib Fastening devices for lamps 4a, 26 Grand. olb Harp 51b, 36 Pedal mechanism olb, 32-34 Resonance apparatus olb, 4-12 Stringing 51b, 13 Upright 51b Violin olb, 37 Pianolas - old, 32-35 Pick holders and handles 87d, 1 Pickers for weaving 86 S> 1 Picking apparatus for looms Machines for cushion-filling material, etc 63a, 3 Pickling meat Metal articles Sheet metal and wire l> By electrolysis o3c, 2 48a, 1 micals 48d, 2 48a, 16 Classification. Picks for millstones 50b, 11 Generally 87b, 1 Picric acid for explosives 78c, 13 Picture frames 34f, 2 Frames of folded or plaited paper 54 f Hanging devices 34f, 3 Hooks.' 34f,3 Mountings 75b, 23 Stands 34f, 4 Viewing apparatus 77g, 9 Pictures, changeable 75d, 5 Comic 75d, 5 Distinguished by color effects 75d, 5-7 By iridescent effects 75d, 6 By light effects 75d, 1-4 Magic. 75d, 5 Mosaic 75b, 13 Moving, optical compensation for movement of 57a, 37 Photographic, chemical modification 57b, 14 Composite 57b, 1 3 Developing apparatus 57c, 7, 8 Intensifying, softening, copying 57b, 13 Produced by chromate or vitreous color processes 57b, 15, 1 6 Rontgen ray ; 21g, 17; 57b,12 Secret 75d, 5 To be viewed by light 75d, 1-4 Transfer, applying to surfaces 75b, 6 Producing by painting 75c, 5 By printing 15k, 8, 9 Transmitting to a distance 2 la, 8, 50; 57d. 10 Piers 19d, 6 Pig-iron breakers 49b, 16 Carburizing 18b, 8 Decarbonizing 18b, 2 Dephosphorizing 18b, 2, 9 Desulfurizing 18b, 2, 9 Electrometallurgical treatment 18b, 21 Fining 18b, 8 Mixers 18b, 3 Producing 18a, 3-10, 18 Purifying 18b, 1-3 Refining 18b, 1, 2 Treating 18b Pigeonhole-cases lie, 28 Pigeon-timers 43a, 34 Pigment-printing 57b, 15 Pigments 22f Barium 22f, 6 Bronze 22f, 13 Chromium oxid 22f, 7 Earth . 22f , 7-10 Electrolytic manufacture 22f, 11 Iron. 22f, 7 Lead 22f, 1-3 Lime 22f, 6 Mineral 22f, 1-11 Silicate 22f, 9 Ultramarine 22f , 8 Zinc 22f,4 Pile, (nap of cloth:) Cutting machines 8b, 28; 86d, 9 Fabric looms 86d, 1-8 Fabrics, warp 86d, 4-7 Weft 86d, 1, 2 Woven over pile- wires 1 ... 86d, 1, 4 Ribbon weaving 86d, 3 Warp regulators 86d, 8 Pile, (timber:) Drivers 84c, 4 Piles for foundations 37e, 13 With protective shoes 84c, 2 Piling, forming foundations by means of, in- cluding removal 84c, 2 Material in bulk, apparatus for 81e, 32 Pill counters 30g, 8 Presses 58b, 13 Pills, lozenges, etc 30h, 9 Making by machinery 30g, 7 Pillars '. .' 37a, 4, 5 88 CLASSIFICATION OF GERM AX PATENTS. Classification Pillow-beating machines 8e, 1 Pillows 34f, 9; 34g, 19 Pilot flames and formation of same 4d, 6-8 Pincers, lasting, for lasting-machines. 71c, 21, 22, 25, 26 Shoemakers' 71c, 19 Pinch-cocks for dispensing vessels 64c, 34 Pincushions 3d, 7; 52a, 58 Pin-hole cameras 57a, 1 Pinene hydrochlorates 12o, 25 Ping-pong-ball gatherers 77a, 17 Pinion cutting and finishing machines, watch- making 83c, 1 Pins 44a, 25 And needles, making 7e, 1-6 Bowling-alley 77c, 5 Brooch 44a, 32 Fusing on heads, machines for 44a, 26 Hair 44a, 22 Making 7e, 4 Hat : 44a, 21 Making 7e, 4 Means for fastening 44a, 22-31 Ornamental 44a, 23 Packing, apparatus and machines for 81a, 12 Safety 44a, 24 Apparatus for automatic feeding of caps 7e, 1 Making 7e, 1 Scarf 44a, 23 Pipe and hose couplings 47f , 6-14 Cleaners, beer 64b, 7 Sewer and water 85e, 18 Smoke 24g, 4 Closures for pneumatic cleaners 8e, 3 Generally 47f, 21 Connections for closet-bowls 85h, 15 For electric-wire tubes 21c, 24 Generally 471, 6-14 Sewer 85e, 8 Coolers 17f Making by galvanoplastic processes 48a, 7 Of sheet metal 7c, 24 Couplings for rail way- vehicles 47f, 12 Train 20e, 15 Cut-offs for water-closets 85h, 11 (Valves) for water-supply systems 85d, 2 Cutters, metal, hand-operated 7c, 19 Mechanically operated 49b, 11, 12, 21 Driers 82a, 20 Flanges, making 7c, 21 Flanging machines 7c, 20 Hangers for general building purposes 37b, 5 For piping, generally J 47f, 2 For ram-pipes 37c, 10 Isolating valves, automatic 47g, 15-18 Pliers 87a, 14 Release-valves (brake-accelerators) for com- pressed-air brakes 20f , 32 Shearing machines 49b, 11, 12 Sockets, making 7b, 19 Stops for sewer-pipes 85e, 15-17 Supports 47f, 1 Wrenches 87a, 14, 15 Pipes as machine elements 47f, 3, 5-15 Beer 64c, 1 , 10, 31 Brake-hose 20f, 41 Casings for passing through walls. . . . .' 47f, 1 Coiled 7b,20; 80a, 33 Drainage 45a, 39 Earthenware, for irrigating systems 45a, 39 For conveying excavated material 84d, 5 M i nc-uobbing 5d, 9 Gas 4c, 15-22 House sewer 85e, 7 Jet, for fire-engine 61a, 16 For garden-hose, fountains, etc 85g, 2 Joining 7c, 21; 47 f, 6-14 Organ 51a, 10 Passing through roofs 37c, 11 Classification. Pipes, sewer 85e, 8 Smoke 24a; 24g, 4 For locomotive-sheds 36d, 9 Stand, for gas-retorts, and. cleaning of same. . 26a, 15 Steam 13d, 1 Stove 36a, 14 Street sewer 85e, 6 Tobacco 44b, 1-11 Artificial coloring by smoking, (meerschaum pipes) 44b, 8 Howl-covers 44b, 8 For bee-raisers 45h, 16 Narghile type 44b, 6 Tobacco- tampers 44b, 10 With means for feeding the tobacco 44b, 7 Waste 37c, 10; 85e, 16; 85h, 15 Piperazin '. 12p, 6 Piperidin 12p, 1 Pipettes. .. 421, 3 Absorption, for gas analysis 421, 4 Pistol-holsters 72a, 33 Pistols 72a, 8, 9 Automatic 72h, 5 For igniting quick matches 78e, 4 Slaughtering 66a. 2 Squirting 72b, 7 Toy, report-producing 72b, 5 Piston lubricating devices 47e, 10 Manometers 42k, 10 Packing 47f , 19 Pumps, generally 59a, 1 Hand .:... 59a, 2 High speed 59a, 4 Steam 59a, 3 With valve-gears 59a. 5 Rings, including tools for putting on 47f , 19 Rod lubricating devices 47e, 11 Rods 47b, 19 Slide-valves, generally 47g, 28 For steam-engines 14d, 7 Water-meters 42e, 8-10 Pistons as machine elements 47f, 19 Differential, for steam-engines. 14a, 7 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46c, 5 Multiple, for steam-engines 14a, 7 Pump 59a, 11 Rotarv or oscillating, for steam-engines 14b Pitch.. 22h,7 Boilers lOb. 7; 22h, 7 Brewers' 22h, 8 Forks : 45c, 2 (Music) devices for giving the pitch (tuning- forks, etc.) 5 1 <;. - Removing devices for barrels 6f , 3 Pitchers, water 34k : 1 Pitching apparatus, cask (if. 3 Pivot joints as machine elements 47b, 13 Teeth, fastening (dentistry) 30b, 15 Placard -frames 54g, 3 Place card holders 54g, 3 Indicators for street-vehicles li'|>. I I Plaiting fabrics 8g Plane-bits, making , 49g, 9 Planes, dovetail 38e, 3 Grooving 38e, 3 Metal-working 49b, 3 Rabbet : 38e, 3 Woodworking 38e, 3 Plane-tables, surveyors' 42c. 8 Planet-wheel gearing, generally 47h, 7, 13 Planataria 42n, 7 Planetary gearing for cycles 63k, 1, 1 6 Gearing for motor-cars 63c, 8 Generally 47h, 7, 13 Movements of centrifugal drums 82b, 6 Of seats of roundabouts 77e. 9 Planimeters. . - 42r- : 1 '2 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Planing benches 3s e , 7 Machines, file-cutting 49<) With writing-pads 70d, 11 Lighters 44b, 31-34 Electric 44b, 34 Mirrors 33c, 12 Classification. Pocket scales 42f, 26 Scissors 69, 4 Spittoons 30g, 1 4 Pockets garment 31), 2 Point locating apparatus and machines for sculptors 75a, 1 .6 Locks for switches 2()i, 5 Pointers for maps . etc 42n , 6 Pointing joints and cracks apparatus for 37d, 40 Poison-containers for pharmacies 30g, 4 Pokers 24f. 21; 34d, 3 42h,21 63b,18 63b,20 ... 56a, 25; 63b, 17 45c,33 iratus Pole and shaft fastenings. And shaft releasing devices.. , Supports For agriculture machines ( 'hangi ng in alternating-current motors 2 1 d. 43 Climbers 77a, \'.> Scaffolding 37e. I Poles and shafts road-vehicle 63k 17-22 And shafts road-vehicle, means to prevent breaking 63b, 1 9 For current-collectors of electric railways 201, 10 For electric conductors 21c, 12 Policemen's clubs 69, 27 Police-telegraphs 7 <. 14, I (i Polishes 22h , 5 Polishing apparatus for paper-making ">5e, 2 Apparatus for stove-plates 3 lc, (i Brushes 9.3 By hammering processes for 67a, 31 ( 'loths. washing and cleaning 8a, 5 Drums 67a. 23a Glass, horn. bone, metal etc 67a, -c Hollow glassware, machines for 67a, 17 Leather machines for 28b, 14 Plate-glass, machines for 67a, 15 Processes, generally 67a Wood 75c, 5 Shoes, hand implements for, (exclusive of brushes class 9) 34c, 1 5 Machines for 34c, 14 Tools generally 67c, 2 Wheels 67c, 1 Wood processes for 75c, 5 Tools for 38c, 2 Pollution-preventing 30d, 18; 45h, 10 Polyaminooxynaphthalene 12q, 36 Polyazo dyestuffs 22a, 9-1.1 Polycycle brakes 63i Driving mechanism 63k, 1-21, 28-36 Polycycles 63h, 10 Polynitro hydrocarbons 12o, 4 Polyoxynaphthalene sulfo-acids 12q, 24, 26 Polyphase-current meters 21e, 16 Pomades 30h, 13 Pommeling-machines for softening leather 28b, 13 Pompadour-bags . 33k - Pompons (thread-balls i 2")c, 3 Pontoon-bridges Hid, li Pontoons for floating bridges 65a, S2 Pop-guns 72b. I Porcelain 80a, 44, 47, 4!); 80b, 8 Kiriiitr kilns SOc. {) Portable boilers 13a, 20 Engines 14a, 2 Portfolios lie, 13 27 Fasteners and locks for 33k 1 1 Portland cement sob, 3 Ports gun '. .-. <>>, I Positive couplings as machine elements 17c. 6 Shuttle-motions (looms) Stamps collecting appliances for lie. 27 ( 'lifting from rolls 7()e. 1 s From strips 70d. 5-7 Making 5 Id, :'. Picking from stacks 70d. "> CLASSIFICATION OF GKHMAX PATKXTS. 91 Classification. Postal cvrds. 54b, 5 Sysu-m. pneumatic tube 81e, 40-44 Postmarking-machines 15h, 4 Posts as structural elements 37b, 3 ( 'lothes-line 8d, 13 Fence 37d, 36 For tennis-nets etc 77a, 22 Hitching 45h, 2 Vineyard 45f, 13 Pot furnaces for glass-fusing 32a, 1, 3 Handles holders lifters tongs 341,14 Lids, including fastenings 341,13 Potash i 121, 8-13, 15 Anhydrous 121, 4 Potassium carbonates 121, 4, 8, 9, 1 1, 13-15 t 'ompounds 121, 4-15 Hydrates 121, 8-13, 15 Nitrates 121. 6 Salts 121, 4 Sulfates 121, 5 Sullids 12i, 18, 19 Sulfitea 12i.iM. Potato cleaning and sorting apparatus 45e, 20 Cookers 341, 4 flitters for bulk treatment 45e, 35-38 For household use= 34b, 3 Digging machines 45c, 6-17 Plows 45c, 6 Flour, making 53k, 2 /Graters for bulk treatment 45e, 39 For household use 34b, 8 For starch manufacture 89k, 1 Hilling or ridging plows 45a, 17 Mashers for bulk treatment 45e, 39 For household use 34b, 9 Peelers for bulk treatment 45e, 44, 45 For household use 34b, 7 Planters 45b, 18-21 Starch 89k, 2 Steamers for cattle feed 53g, 6 For household use 341, 4 Sugar 89i, 1 Washing machines 89a, 1 Potential-regulators for dynamos 21c, 54 Pots, flower 45f, 7 Glass-fusing 32a, 2 Glue 38e, 9 Potters' wheels 80a, 44 Pottery, (see also Earthenware) 80a-c Poultices 30d, 24 Poultry brooding apparatus 45h, ]3 Cages and shipping crates; 45h, 14 Cramming machines 45h, 12 Housings 45h, 12 Plucking devices 341, 17 Raising ' 45h, 12-14 Slaughtering apparatus 66a, 3 Pounders for washing-machines 8d, 7, 8 Powder atomizers for remedial purposes 30k, 11 Engines 46a, 29 Face, boxes and puffs for 33c, 12 Powdered colors for printing 15k, 5 Powders, baking 2c, 2 Black 78c, 1, 2 F ace 30h, 13 Flash-light 78d, 1 For flash-light lamps For remedial purposes 30h, 9 Gun 78c, 1,2, 8-17 Polishing 67c, 3 Power currents, electric, conducting 21c, 1-26 Equalizers 47b, 28 Gas 24e: 2fia; <: 4 ' Negative ,Vj o oo Offset. lo( Wo Catatypv, etc Y-i i Processes lok . l Classification. Printing papers, photographic, making 57b, 9 Photographic 57 b Wood bury process 57b, 20 Plate fastenings for rotary and power presses. 15d, 30 Plates 151, 1-7 For printing addresses 15e, 13 For textiles 8c, 9 Grinding 151, 6 Making 15b, 1-6 Materials for 151, 1 5 Mounting 151, 6 Of natural and artificial stones 151, 1 Other than plane 151, 5 Producing by eleetrotypy 48a. 7 Tangier 151 Yieldable 151, 4 Presses 15d For glass ]5d, S Ink-ribbon 1-d, 34 Perfecting, platen 15d, 37 Rotary 15d, 18 Platen 15d, 35^4 Stencil 15d, 34 Ticket 15h, 5 Process?s 15k For fabrics and floor and wall coverings 8c, 1 Photographic 57b, 13 Photomechanical 57d, 9 Relief 15d, 1-6, 18-21 Rollers, materials for 151, 8 Rubber, for photographic purposes 57b, 15 Stencil, for textiles, wall-coverings, etc 8c, 8 For typographic purposes 15d, 34 Surfaces, making and reproducing 15b Stone 15b,l,3,5; 15d,8; 15k, 1-3, 6 Zinc 15b, 1, 3-5; 15k, 1, 2 Telegraphs 21a, 12-14 Textiles by discharging 8n, 4 With pastel-inks 15k, 3 With pulverized colors 15k, 5 Prismatic double telescopes 42h, 12 Plates for skylights 4b, 16 Window-glass 4b, 16 Making 32a, 17, 18, 20 Prisms for dobby-looms 86b, 4 For Jacquard looms 86b, 10 For optical purposes 42h, 7 For telemeters 42c, 17 Probes 30a, 1; 30k, 17 Dentists' 30b, 21 Producers, pressure-gas 4c, 39-43 Profile drawing devices, (pantographs) 42a, 16 Drawing devices for rails . . '. 75a, 17 Iron, making by rolling 7a, 3 Shearing 49b, 15 Winding 7b, 5 Measuring devices for sculptors 75a, 17 Sawing machines 80d, 6 Projecting apparatus 42h, 23 Apparatus for moving pictures 57a, 33-37 Lamps 4b, 4-1 1 Electric 21 f, 9 Screens 42h, 23 Projectile fuses 72i, 1-5 Jacketing machines 72d, 14 Projectiles, balloon, incendiary, etc 72d, 19 Barrel-cleaning 72d, 1 , 6 Explosive , 72d, 18 Guiding and lubricating 72d, 20 Hardening 18c, 2 Light 72d, 19 Lubricating 72d, 20 Making 49a, 32 Measuring gas-pressure in 42k, 7 Ordnance 72d, 16 Practice 72d, 6 Rocket 72d, 19 Self-igniting 72d, 17 Small-arm 72d, 15 Throwing from airships, apparatus for 77h, 15 Stinkpots, etc 72d, 19 94 CLASSIFICATION OF <; Kit. MAX PATENTS. Classification. Projectors 4b, 11, 21 Cleaning by compressed air 4b, 11 Electric 21f , 10 Optical features 42h, 9 Prolapsis appliances for veterinary purposes . . . 30c, 7 Propeller screws 65f, 3; 77h, 6 Shaft bearings for ships 65f, 10 Shafts for ships 65f , 9 Propellers 65f, 3-26; 77h, 6, 12, 13 Buoyant, for ships 65a, 2 Momentum, for aircraft 77h, 13 For ships 65f, 16 Reacting, for aircraft 77h, 12 For ships. 65f, 12-14 Screw, for aircraft 77h, 6 For ships 65f, 3 Ships', mechanical drive of 65f, 19 -24 Vibrating plate, (klappenpropeller,) for air- craft 77h, 13 For ships 65f, 15 Props, drill 5b, 8 For fastening doors, etc 68b, 5 For mines v 37e, 13 Flower 45f, 13, 15 Tree 45f, 15 Propulsion, electric, of railway-cars 201, 4-7 Protection against fresh paint on buildings, etc . 37d, 39 Against induction disturbances and high ten- sion in telegraph and telephone lines 21c,4; 21a,27 Against transmission of diseases 21a,38; 30d,17; 34k, 8 Of moisture, sound, and heat 37a, 7; 37b, 6 By isolation in forest-fires 61a, 10 Electric, against burglars 74a, 21-26 For electric incandescent lamps 21f, 46, 66 From insect-bites 30h, 3 From lightning 21c, 11, 61 High voltage, for electric apparatus and con- ductors 21c, 61 Of animals from insects 45h, 8 From the sun 45h, 8 Of cycles against theft 63f, 7, 9 Of cycle-tires against puncturing 63e, 11 Of illuminating-gas against free/ing . . 26c, 12 Of machines against breaking by weakening cross-section at selected points, (artificial places of fracture) 47a, 18 Of metals against chemical actions 48a, 1-6,11-15; 48b Of railway-car wheels, (derailment-guards, etc.) 20d, 28 Of ships from mines and torpedoes 65d, 8 Of single-track sections with side tracks 20i, 42 Of trees against injury from gnawing 45f, 11 Of vehicles against theft. .* 63b, 44 Of watches, etc., against theft 44a, 41 Of windows from atmospheric deposits and dirt 37d, 16 Of wood from decomposition, fire 1 , and fungus. 37b, 6 Protective cars (buffer-cars, etc.) for railways... 20c, 17, 18 Cases for clocks .' 83a, 49 Casings for cigars 44b, 13 For dresses and furs, including those com- bined with coat-hangers 341, 30 For fountain-pens 70b, 4 For sighting mechanism of guns 72f, 16 For thermometers 30a, 19 Closet-seats 34k, 8 Clothing . 3b, 4 Armored 72g, 1 Coatings for small coal lOb, 8 Compositions to prevent deposits on eye- glasses, window-glass, etc., processes for making ' 22g, 10 Covers (non-slip) for motor- vehicle tires 63e, 12 Coverings against projectiles 72g, 1-4 For baked goods, baked with the dough. . . 2b, 7 For crush hats and caps 41c, 4 Classification. Protective curtains for stages 37f, 1 Devices against contagion... 21a,38; 30d, 17; 34k, 8 Against contamination of drinking-water conduits 85h, II Against drop of voltage in return-conductors for electric railways . ., 20k. 18 Against dust and wind for motor-cars 63c, 24 Against earth-currents for electric rail ways. 20k, 18 Against induction disturbances for electric railways 20k, 1 8 Against insects in connection with beds 34g, 20 Insects, etc., for human beings and ani- mals 45k, 5 Against wind and weather for drivers of locomotives and street-cars 20c, 29 Against wind and weather, etc., in connec- tion with gardening and forestry 45f, 11 For fencers and ball-players I 77a, 23 For floors 34i, 25 For gas-mantles 4a, 20 For ships' crews 65a, 24 To prevent and lessen falls from aircraft 77h, 4 To prevent bursting of water-pipes 85d, 8, 9 To prevent freezing of water-pipes 85d, 11 Gratings for machines 47a, 18 For windows 34e, 16 Head-coverings for animals 45h, 8 Helmets for liremen 61a, 19 For protection of head from blows 41c, 2 Nets for electric-arc lamps 21f, 19 Walls as safeguards against land-slides 19e, 2 As safeguards against snow 19e, 4 As .supports and inclosures 37a, 4, 5 For airships, (hangars, etc.) 37f, 8 Protector-locks 68a, 3 Protectors, carpet 34f, 26 Collar 3b, 12 Connected with collar 3a, 4 Cuff 3a, 6 Ear 3b,13; 30d, 29 Eye. 30d, 27 For animals r 45h, 8 For fencers 77a, 23 Trouser, including those fastened to shoes 3", 20 Protractors 42c,4,5,8 Pruning or grafting appliances 45f, 2 Prussian blue 22f, 7 Prussic acid 12k, 7-10 Public amusement apparatus 77e Puddling-furnaces 18b, 5-7 Pull keys for locks 68a, 17 Switches,, electric 21c, 31 Pulley blocks 35c, 2-7 Molding machines 31b, 6 Pulleys, belt 38f, 7 ; 47b, 21, 22 Driving, generally 47b, 20 Guide and tension 47b, 27 Making of sheet metal or tubing 7c, 32 Rope : 47b, 26 Tension, for chain, rope, and belt gearing. 47h, 9-11 Pulp catchers, (paper-making) 55d, 13 Grinders 55c, 9 Regulators 55d, 14 Stirrers 55d, 24 Webs in paper-making machines 55d, 20 Pulsometers 59c, 1, 2 Pulverizing blast-furnace slag 80b, 5, 22 Pump capacity governors for internal-combus- tion engines. 46b, 17 Elements 59a, 11 Excavators 84d, 4 Governors for railway air-brakes 20f , 40 Mechanism for bucket conveyers 59d, 3 For engine-governors 60, 14 For hydraulic presses 58a, 2 Pistons 59a, 11 Regulating apparatus : 59a, 9 Pumping-engines, underground 59a, 7 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 95 Classification. Pumps 59a-e Acid. 59a, 1 Air 27b, 10-16 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46a, 12, 13, 15 For wheel-tires 63e, 18, 19 With jet apparatus 27d, 1 With sealing liquid 27c, 12 Barrel 64c, 1, 3, 4, 10 Beer 64c, I, 3, 4, 10 Bicycle-tire. 63e, 18, 19 Boiler-feed 59c, 11-15 Breast 30k, 2 Centrifugal 59b, 1-4 Chain. 59d, 1, 3 Charging, methods of operation and forms of construction 46a, 12-16, 18 Regulation of gas and air 46b, 17 Of liquid fuel 46b, 18 Valve-gears for 46b, 1-6 Condenser 14g, 14 Deep well 59a, 1 Diaphragm 59a, 12 Exhaust-steam jet 59c, 15 Feed 59a, 1; 59c, 11-15 Flexible tube 59a, 12 Fluid column, (compressed air and water under pressure) 59a, 6 For mixing and conveying air and gas 4c, 45 For viscous and impure materials 59a, 1 FueJ 46c, 13 Gas, hydraulic, for gas analysis 421, 4 Hot water 59a, 1 Jet 59c, 11-16 Liquid manure 59a, 1; 59d, 1-3 Liquid-transferring 64c, 44 Lubricating 47e, 22-24 Mammoth , (mixed-air water- raisers) 59c, 6 Medical and surgical 30k, 1, 2 Mercury 27b, 11 Rotary 27c, 12 With jet apparatus 27d, 1 Mixed air 27c, 12 Multicylinder, with rotary cylinders or rotary driving mechanism 59a, 8 Oil, for dispensing purposes 64c, 44 Piston, automatic regulation 59a, 9 Driven by pressure media 59a, 3 For fire-engines 59a, 13 Generally - -' 59a, 1 Hand operating mechanism for 59a, 2 High speed'. 59a, 4 Separate driving mechanism for 59a, 10 With mechanically-controlled valves 59a, 5 Plunger, (see also Pumps, piston) 59a Restarting steam-jet 59c, 14 Rotary 59e, 2 Screw 59e, 1 Shaft 59a, 1 Steam jet 59c, 11-15 Piston 59a, 3 Valve-gears for 14d, 13-19 Steam, pistonless 59c, 1-3 Tubular well. , 59a, 1 Turbine 59b Well 59a, 1 With reciprocating pistons 59a, 1-11, 13 With rotary or oscillating pistons. T With rotary or oscillating piston-vanes 59e, 3, 5 Punches - - - 49b, 20 For and on letter-files, temporary binders, etc lle > 8 v 9 Hydraulically driven - - - 49e 14 Punching apparatus for embroidering-machmes. o2b, b Bags or balls -- 77a, 11 Devices, ticket 43a, 20, 21 Machines and tools, shoemakers' 71c, 60 Leather belt 28b, 22; 63a, 2 Lever-hole 49b, 18, 19 Metal 49a,37;49b, 14, 18, 19 Music-sheet. . . 7c, 31; 51d, 32; 51e, 4, 5 Classification. Punching machines, paper 54d, 3 Machines, perforated strip 15a, 21 Roofing-slate 80d, 3 Sheet metal and tube 7c, 11 Puncture-closing materials 22i, 2 Punts 65a, 6 Puppets in connection with talking-machines. 42g, 19 Pure cultures of bacteria for medicinal pur- poses l 30h, 6 Of lactic acid and other bacteria for dairy purposes 53e, 6 Of yeast, producing 6a, 16 Purifiers, clay 80a, 4 Dry, for coal-gas 26d, 5 Feed-water 13b, 7 Purifying metals 40a, 17 Rubber 39b, 1 Waste water 85c Purin and purin derivatives 12p, 7 Purl-knit materials 25a, 11, 12 Purses 33b, 1 Bow fastenings for 33b, 4 Structures 33b, 3 Pus-basins 30a, 19 Push bars for propelling cycle-sleds 63k, 22 Bars for propelling cycles and vehicles 63k, 12 Button switches 21c, 30 Carts 63b, 39 Keys, (stechschliissel) 68a, 8-12 Which after insertion serve as guides or stops for the tumblers, (steckschliissel) . . 68a, 13 Pushers for driving motor-cars 63c, 17 Putty 22i, 1 Puzzle-locks 33b, 12; 68a, 31 Puzzles, (games) 77c, 13 Pycnometers 421, 13 Pyrazins 12p, 6 Pyrazol derivatives 12p, 8 Pyrene 22b,5 Pyridins 12p, 1 Pyrimidin derivatives 12p, 7 Pyrocatechin 12q, 14 Pyrography, apparatus for 75a, 1 Processes for 75b, 1 Pyrometers 42i, 1-11 Pyronin 22b, 9 Pyrotechnic compositions and bodies 78d, 1 Signals 74d, 7 Pyrotechnics 78d Pyroxylin 39b, 5 Pyrrol 12p, 2 Quadricycles 63h, 10 Quartz glass and quartz materials, making and shaping 32a, 35 Glass laboratory apparatus 421, 3, 13 Lamps 21f, 82-84 Quenching apparatus, coke lOa, 17 Question-and-answer games 77d, 18 Quick acting brakes for railway- vehicles 20f , 29 Break switches 21c, 29 Firers 72h, 6, 7, 10 Tanning processes 28a, 4 Quills, treating or working 39a, 4 Quilts 34f, 9 Quinin 12p, 12 Quinolin 12p, 1 Anthraquinone 12p, 1 Dyestuffs 22e, 3 Quinone, aminoanthra 12q, 37 Anthra 12o, 10 Nitroanthra 12o, 10 Oxyanthra 12q, 38 Quinones 12o, 10 Quinoxalins - 12p, 6 Quoins, printers' 15a, 6 Rabbet-planes 38e, 3 Rabitz ceilings 37a, 3 Walls 37a, 5 96 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Races, starting-barriers, etc 43a, 33 Timing devices 43a, 32 Water-wheel 88a, 10 Racing games 43b, 40; 77d, 15 Vehicles 63b, 36 Rack-and-pinion jacks 35d, 3 Mechanism 47b, 23; 47h Rack movements, noiseless, for clocks 83a, 57 Railways 20a, 7 Electric 20k, 1 Turning devices for striking mechanism of clocks 83a, 56 Racks and toothed wheels 47b, 23 As machine elements 47b, 23 Cigar 44b-, 15 Clothes 34f, 22 Drying 82a, 23 Feed 45h, 4 For potatoes, turnips, etc 45e, 29 Fruit 34i, 22; 45f, 16 Gun 34i,15 Hat 34f, 22 Pen and pencil 70e, 12 Rackets, tennis, etc 77a, 20 Radial cylinder internal-combustion engines. . . 46a, 9 Steam-engines 14a, 13, 14 Radiators for central heating systems 36c, 9 For internal-combustion engines 46c, 21 For motor- vehicles 63c, 26 Making by casting 31c By galvonoplastic processes 48a, 7 Of sheet metal 7c Ribbed 36c, 9 Sectional 36c, 9 Radio-active remedies 30h, 2 Substances, containers for 21g, 19 Radiometers 42i, 18 Radio telegraphy 21a, 66-71 Radiotherapy 30f, 18 Radium compounds 12m, 9 For inhaling purposes 30k, 12 Preparing 40a, 51 Preparations, radio-active 21g, 19 Therapeutic employment of 30h, 2 Rafters ' 37b, 3 Rafts, life 65a, 64 Rag cutters and tearers for fabric waste 76b, 1 Cutters for paper-making 55a, 7 Dusters and washers 55a, 6 Rail benders 19a, 28 Bending machines 49f, 8 Portable 19a, 28 Braces 19a, 12 Chairs 19a, 9, 10 Making by rolling 7f, 10 Cleaners for railways 20h, 9 For street-railways 19b, 2 Clips 19a, 11 Contact-making devices 20k, 16; 20i, til, 32 Cutters 19a, 28 Drills, portable 19a, 28 Fasteners for railways 19a, 8-14 For street-railways 19a, 22 Guards 20d,33 Heads, laying to prevent injury to pavement. 19c, 7 Insulation for electric railways 20k, 8 Joint bridge-plates 19a, 18 Joints 19a, 15-19, 22-24 Emergency 19a, 19 For electric railways 20k, 7, 8 For main and secondary railways 19a, 15-19 For street-railways 19a, 22 Repairing, soldering, and welding 19a, 26 Scarf 19a, 16 Lifters 19a, 28 Milling machines 19a, 31 Moisteners 20h, 10 Motor-cars 20b, 18; 201, 6, 7 Classification. Rail planing machines 19a, 31 Screws 19a, 10 Devices for driving and drawing 190,, 28 Shifters 19a, 28 Spikes 19a, 10 Making 7e, 19 Pulling and driving in, apparatus for 19a, 28 Straighteners 19a, 28 Tongs 19a, 28 Welding for electric railways 20k, 7 Railings, side, for street-cars 20c, 34 For graves 37d, 36 Rails, bull-headed 19a, 7, 20 Compound 19a, 13, 20 Creeping, means to prevent 19a, 14 Double-headed 19a, 7, 20 Flange 19a, 7, 20 Flat 'bottom 19a, 7, 20 For street-railways 19a, 20, 22 For toy railways 77f, 19 Generally 19a, 7, 20 Girder. 19a, 7, 20 Grinding off rough surface 67a, 31 Grooved 19a, 20 Draining 19a, 21 Impact 19a, 17 Making by rolling 7a, 3 Sleeper 19a, 13, 20 Vignoles 19a, 7, 20 With built-up webs 19a, 7 Railway baggage-cars 20c, 4 Barrier and gate signals 20i, 20 Block systems 20i, 28, 29 Brakes 20f Buffers 20e, 25 Building 19a; d-f Car axles 20d, 6-11 Axle-boxes 20d, 12-20 Brakes 20f Couplings 20e, 1-22 Door fasteners, jointly operated 20c, 35 Doors 20c, 33-36 Dust and wind shields 20c, 26 Flexible axles 20d, 6 Furnishings with safety devices 20c, 40-47 Without safety devices 34g Journals 20d, 12-20 Movers 20h, 7 Platforms 20c, 38 Roofs 20c, 30 Seats, portable , 33d, With safety devices 20c, 41 Without safety devices 34g, 7 Springs 20d, 21, 22 Steps 20c, 37 Trucks 20d, 1-4 Underframes 20d, 1-5, 29-31 Wheels 20d, 23-28 Windows 20c,39 Cars 20c, 1-39 Appurtenances 20c, 48-52 Baggage 20c, 4 Cattle 20c, 11 Convertible 20c, 8 Cooling 20c, 24 For transportation of corpses 20c, 7 Of provisions, fruit, etc 20c, 10 Freight 20c, 2, 3, 14 Heating 20c, 21-23 Lighting by electricity 20c, 28 By gas 20c, 27 Mail 20c, 5 Passenger 20c, 1 Protecting in case of collision 20c, 17 Safety devices 20d, 32-35 Self-propelled 20b, 18 Electric 201, 6, 7 Ventilating 20c, 25 Washing apparatus for 20h, 8 Couplings 20e, 1-22 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 97 Classification. Railway draft and buffer mechanism 20e, 23-25 Fares, hinged boards in cars for paying 20c, 50 Freight-cars 20c, 2, 3, 14 Gates 20i, 18-23 Lights for 20i, 14 Headlights 20i, 24 Indicators 20f, 47; 20h, 1 Locomotives _ 20b Mail-cars 20c, 5 Operation 20a-l Auxiliary apparatus for 20h Protective and safety devices 20d, 32-35 Traffic safety devices 20i Passenger-cars 20c, 1 Foot-bridges 19d, 5 Platforms without special arrangements relat- ing to operation 19e, 5 Rails, (see also Rails). 19a, 7 Hardening 18c, 2 Requisites, making by forging and pressing.. 49g, 8 Road-beds 19e, 5 Rolling-stock 20c, 1-12, 17-20 Signals 20i, 3, 14, 24, 28, 29, 37-40, 43, 44 Snow-plows 20h, 9 Station halls 37a, 6 Indicators 20i, 25-27 Stations 20a, 1 Switch mechanism 20i, 1-14 Switches 20i, 4-9 Tank-cars 20c, 9 Tenders 20b, 13 Ties 19a,2-6 Time-tables at stations 54g, 11 Track-section circuit-closers 20i, 31 Tracks 1 .... 19a, 7-19 Train protection ' 20i, 30-45 Trains, moving, apparatus for boarding 20g, 6 Velocipedes 20c, 20 Railways, atmospheric 20a, 2 Balloon 20a, 4 Cable 20a, 12-14 Compensators 19a, 23 Permanent way 19a, 23 Cable, street 20a, 13 Cross-country, (single rail) 20a, 10 Electric, catenary suspension of trolley- wires. 20k, 9 Construction 20k Equipment 201 Street - 20k, 1 Elevated 20a, 8, 9 Electric 20k, 1 Equipment .' 201, 30 Field, tracks for 19a, 24 Forest, tracks for I9a, 24 Hauling or hoisting 20a, 14 Inclined 20a, 16 Marine 84b,2 Permanent way 19a Pleasure 77e, 16 Pneumatic 20a, 3 Rack 20a, 7 Electric 20k, 1 Equipment 201, 30 Permanent way 19a, 23 Readily removable : - 19a, 24 Self-propelled, (carrying internal-combustion engine or the like) 20b, 7; 201, 7 Single rail 20a, 10; 20k, 1 Electric 20k, 1 Equipment 201, 30 Slide 20a, 5 Street 20a; 20i, 15, 16, 17 Suspended 20a, 11, 12 Electric - - 20k, 1 Equipment 201, 30 Permanent way 19a > 23 Underground 20a 15 Electric 20 , k > l Equipment 9852419 7 Classification. Railways, unusual forms of 20a, 17 Tracks for 19a, 23 Rain gages 42i, 20 Producing cannons 45f, 10 Proof fabrics 8k, 3 Protectors fastened to chairs , 34g, 7 Spouts 37c, 10 Raisers, compressed air, for acids 59c, 7 Water 59c, 3-6, 8, 10; 59d, 3 Compressed air 59c, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Raising mechanism, fluid 59a-e Persons on theater-stages, apparatus for 77g, 3 Sunken vessels 65b, 3 Rakes 45c, 1 Harvesting 45c, 1 Horse 45c, 35 Making 7c, 41; 7f, 4 Rammers for foundation-building, etc 37e, 13 For metal casting 31b, 5 Gun 72c, 1 Hand 37e, 13 Pneumatic, for foundries 31c, 7 Ramming-machines for concrete, etc 84c, 4 Ramrods for firearms 72a, 33 Rams, hydraulic 59c, 17 Paving 19c, 9 Rands, fastening to shoes, machines for 71c, 36 Range-finders 42c, 14-23 Ranges or stoves 36a-c Camp 36a, 22 Charging apparatus 24h, 3 Electric heating and cooking , 21h, 3 Firing arrangements 24a, 12 Fittings for 341, 21 Gas 36b, 5, 6 Generally 36a, 16-21 Parts of 36a, 23 Plates for 36a, 23 With appliances for heating and cooking 36a, 17 With means for heating water 36a, 18 Ranges, shooting 72e, 1 Ranging-staffs 42c, 10 Rapid-transportation roads for mail 81e, 45 Rasping-machines 38b 4 Rasps, grinding by chemical means 49d, 2 Making 49d,2 Wood 38e, 5 Rat-traps 45k, 6-9 Ratchet drill supports 49a, 40 Drills 49a, 35 Mechanism as machine elements 47h, 4, 5 For calculating-machines 42m, 14 For clocks and watches 83a, 11 For presses 58b, 3 For pulley-blocks, winches, etc 35c, 3 Generally 47h, 5 ' Wrenches, including safety-wrenches 87a, 12 Raveling knit goods, machines for 25a, 30 Raw peat, apparatus for reducing . . lOc, 5 Rubber or caoutchouc, treating 39a, 8 Tobacco, treating, chemical features 79c, 1 Mechanical features - - 79a, 2 Razor cleaners 33c. 9 Sharpeners and strops 67c, 5 Razors 69, 20, 21 Safety 69, 21 Reaction propellers 65f, 12-14; 77h, 12 Turbines, steam 14c, 5 Water 88a, 5 Wheels, steam 14c, 2 Water 88a, 2 Reading-in apparatus 86h, 3 Reading desks - 34i, 8 Stands 34i, 17 Reamers 49b, 28 Reaping, (see also Harvesting) 45c Receivers, steam-engine 14a, 5 ; 14g, 4 Receiving systems for wireless telegraphy and telephony' T . . , , 21a, 68 98 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classifies 1 ion. Receptacle cleaners 6f, 1 ; 34c, 10: 64b, 1-6 Closure fasteners or seals 64a, 73-81 Closures 14f, 1 : 47f, 21 ; 53b, 2-A ; 64a, 19-72 Containers for kitchen-sinks 341, 21 Furnaces for crucibles, etc 40a, 9 Lids 341,13 Receptacles as machine elements 47f, 18 Cooking 341, 1-9 For acids 12f, 3 For advertising purposes... ... 54g,13,16,17 For chamber-closets, (commodes) 34k, 10 For galvanic cells 21b, 1 For merchandise 341, 34 Liquor-handling 64a, 1, 3-7 Moth-proof 341, 30 Pharmaceutical 30g, 1-6 Preserving 53b, 1 Reciprocating bolt fastenings for windows .... 68b, 10 Dasher churns 45g, 22 Recoil guns 72c, 8, 9 Loaders for small-arms 72h, 2, 3 Preventers for small-arms 72a, 28 Record bands for talking-machines 42g, 16 Holders for talking-machines 42g, 16 Recording apparatus for talking-machines... 42g, 2-A Apparatus for traction-controllers 201, 22 Time 43a, 25-36 Miscellaneous 43a, 32-36 Watchmen's 43a, 30, 31 Workmen's 43a, 25-29 Music played on keyboard instruments. . . . 51e,4, 5 Records, talking-machine 42g, 16 Reproducing 42g, 18 Rectifiers, electric, oscillatory 21g, 13 High voltage. 21g, 11, 18 Mercury-vapor 21g, 12 Metal-vapor 21g, 12 Rectifying spirits -- 6b, 24 Recuperators for gas-furnaces 24c, 5 Recutters or trimmers, brick 80a, 40 Red lead 22f, 3 For electric insulation 21c, 2, 7 Reducers, pressure 47g, 30-33 Reducing iron ores, processes. . . 18a, 1, 3-10 Ores other than iron, processes 40a, 11,12 Organic compounds 12o, 27 Reed ceilings, etc., plastering 37d, 39 Cutters, (harvesting) 45c, 27 Ejectors for looms 86c, 29 Organs 51a, 4, 5 Combined with pianos 51b, 39 Roofs 37c, 7 Reeds, expansion 86a, 2 For organs 51a, 10 For weaving 86g, 1 Machines for binding together 86g, 1 For passing warp through . 86h, 7 Reefing apparatus .. 65a, 15 Reels, barb-wire 7b, 5 Clothes-line 8d, 13 Drying, for ribbons, etc 8f, 8 Fishing 45h, 23 For electric cables 21c, 8 For packing and shipping purposes. 81c, 27 For winding up band-iron, wire. etc.. in course of manufacture 7b, 5 Hose, for fire-extinguishing 61a, 15 Paper ' 55e, 7 Ribbon 8f, 3 Silk 76c, 28; 76d,13 Wire, for making coiled and spiral wire, etc. 7d, 2 Yarn - 76d, 13, 14 Refining, blast 18b, 16 Engines for paper-making 55c, 9 Iron and steel by heating to incandescence. . 18c, 8 Metals bv electrolvsis. (exclusive of iron; 40c Oils " -' 23a, 3; 23b, 1 Pig-iron 18b, 1 General processes 18b, 8 Sugar 89d, 5- S Classification. Reflecting cameras 57a, 9 < 'irclf-s 42c, 37 Sights 72f, 3 Reflectometers 42h, 32 Reflectors 4b, 4-11 Daylight 4b, 10 Fastening 4b, 12-14 For electric-arc lamps 21f, 21 Incandescent lamps 21f, 53-55 Hollow glass 4b, 5 On sighting devices 72f, 6 Telescope 42h, 10 Refraction, diagnosis 30a, 3 Refractometers 42h, 34 Refractors for intensifying light- 4b, 15, 16 Telescope 42h, 10 Refractory clay 80b, 8 Refrigerating apparatus, generally .... 17a: 17b, 1-3, 5 Machines 17a Absorption 17a, 14 Ammonia 17a, 3 ( 'arhonic acid : 17a, 4 Compression-absorption 17a, 13 Vacuum 17a, 21 Media 17a, 19: 17c, 3 Pipes L7a, 17c Refrigerator cars 17c, 5; 20c, 10 Wagons 17c, 5 Refrigerators 17c Refuse, animal, utilizing for fertilizers 16, 6-8 As fertilizer l(i. (5-8, 13 As fuel ink H; Chutes in buildings 37 f, (i Disinfecting 30i, 7 Disposal 81d From ores and fuels, dressing la, 3 1 Incineration 24d Nitrogenous, (organic,) as fertilizer Hi. (i- 5a, (i Wagons for removing 81d, 1, 2. 4 Regenerative furnaces 24c. 6. 7 Regenerators for gas-furnaces 24c, 5 Registering apparatus, fare 43a, 23 Apparatus for barbers' chairs 43a, 42 For breweries for excise purposes 421, 12 For lottery-tickets, games, ballots, votes, etc 43a, 37-40 For mine-cars 43a, 42 For spirits for excise purposes. 421, 11 For sugar-factories for excise purposes 421, 12 For telephone-stations 2 la, 47-49 For tipping cars and wagons 43a, 42 For vehicles 42p, 12, 13 Ticket 43a, 20, 21 Travel 42p, 12 Compasses 42c, 34 Devices, boiler-scale 42c, 43 For dispensing apparatus 64c, 11 For fluid-meters 42e, 5, 20 For traction-controllers 201, 22 Generally 42d, 1, 3 Train-ticket 43a, 20 Instruments for diagnostic purposes 30a, 4 Machines for automatic despatch of mail 43a, 24 For statistical data 43a, 41 Mechanism for weighing apparatus 42f, 32, 33 Stamps with adding and printing mechan- ism 43a, 14 Registers, drink, (beer-glass counters) (>4a. 82-85 Wire-cloth, for paper-making machines 55d, 8 Regulating apparatus for central heating sys- tems - - 36c, 1 1 Apparatus for centrifugal machines 82b, 13-15 For centrifugal pumps 59b, 4 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 99 Classification. Regulating apparatus for dynamos 21c, 54-56 Apparatus for electric clocks 83b, 5 For electric heating and cooking apparatus 21h, 4 For electric motors 21c, 49-53 For electric railway cars 201, 4-7, 23 Trains 201, 24, 25 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46b, 7-19 For formation of liquid-fuel mixtures 46c, 13 For furnaces, generally 24i, 1-3 For heating-stoves 36a, 5 For liquid-fuel furnaces 24b, 8 For liquids filtered or to be filtered 12d, 4 For receiver and condenser pressure in steam-engines 14g, 4 For steam-engines 14g, 3 For transformers 21c, 54-56 For valve-gears 14e, 8 Implements, watchmakers' 83c, 8 Transformers for arc-lamps 21f , 11 For incandescent lamps 21f, 63 Regulation of alternating-current-distributing mains 21d, 46 Of alternating-current-repulsion motors 21d, 45 Of continuous-current motors 21d, 11-15 Of gas inflow and outflow for gas-holders 4c, 36 Of hydraulic machines...'. 88b, 1, 2 Of pneumatic machines and tools 5b,l,4;49e,2;87b,2 Of speed in induction-motors 21d, 43 Of steam-hammers 49e, 1 Regulators, admission, for water-supply sys- tems 85d, 4 Balance-spring, for clocks and watches 82a, 23 Bell gas-pressure 4c, 28-31 Boiler-feed 13b, 13-17 Circulation, for gas-pipes 26a, 17 For pressure-gas plants 4c, 40 Diaphragm, draft . 24i, 2 Gas-pressure 4c, 27 Draft 24i, 1-3 Steam-pressure 24i, 2 Electric current 21c, 46-56 Float gas-pressure 4c, 32 Fluid-pressure, for explosion and internal- combustion engines 46c, 1 For air and steam supply for gas-producers. . 24e, 10 For fluid-meters 42e, 2, 3, 4, 21 For gas-producers for supply of air and steam.. 24e, 10, 13 For water-turbines 88a, 6 Gas consumption 4c, 23-26 Gas-pressure - . - 4c, 27-32 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46c, 1 Heat, automatic, for heating and ventilating systems in buildings 36f Generally 42i, 13-15 Mixture, for pressure-gas 4c, 45 Moisture 36d, 1 Outflow, for chemical purposes . 12f, 4 Potential, for dynamos 21c, 54 Pressure, for air-compressors . . 27b, 9 For dispensing apparatus 64c, 13 For explosion and internal-combustion en-> gines 46c, 1 For pneumatic cleaners 8e, 3 Of general application 47g, 30-33 Resistance, electric - - - - 21c, 46, 47 Shock, in gas-pipes 4c, 20 Slip 21c, 50; 21d, 26,43,47 Temperature, automatic, for heating and ven- tilating systems in buildings 36f Generally. 42i, 13-15 Tension, for looms. 86c, 18, 19 For supply-spools, (spinning) 76c, 19 Water-level,' for water-supply systems 85d, 2 Regulus, copper, fusing 40a, 27-29 Rein holders 56a, 13 Holders on vehicles 63b, 42 Locks... 56a,13 Classification. Reins, arrangements of 56a, 12 Bridles, etc 56a, 11-19 Reinforced-concrete ceilings 37a, 2 Construction 37a; b Encircling , 37b, 3, 4 For foundations 84c For shaft-linings 5c, 4 Mine -stanchions 5c, 4 Reinforcing elements for 37b, 4 Roofs 37a, 6 Sleepers or ties 19a, 6 Supporting elements, (columns, posts, gird- ers, etc.) 37b, 3 Trusswork 37a, 5 Walls :; 37a|5 Relay-starters for electric motors 21c, 50 Relays, electric, generally 21g, 4 Telegraph ._ 21a, 20 Electromagnetic devices for 21a, 21 Telephone 21a, 45 Time-lag 21c, 40, 57, 58 Releasing animals 45h, 3 Devices, cable, for elevators 35a, 23 For vehicle-poles 63b, 20 For vehicles. 63b, 23, 24 Mechanism in coin-controlled apparatus.. 43b, 5-10 Relief cliches. . 15k, 10 Effects, producing and imitating 75d, 14, 15 Forms, machines and apparatus for produc- ing 75b, 15-19 Producing by molding 75b, 16, 17 Low, photographic 57b, 20 Maps 42n, y Rendering fats, apparatus for 23a, 1 Rennet, including preparation 53k, 1 Ripening agents 45g, 24 Renovating fabrics 8e, 2 Renting apparatus, automatic 43b, 34-53 Repeating alarm-clocks 83a, 70 Rifles 72a, 1-8 Reply-telephones 21a, 30 Report-producing firearms, (toy) 72b, 5 Reproducing cameras 57a, 5 Mechanism for phonographs 42g, 2-4 Lithographic forms and rolls 15d, 33 Records of talking-machines 42g, 1 8 Repulsion-motors 21d, 45 Rerailing cars, apparatus for 20h, 6 Rerolling paper webs, machines for 55e, 7 Reservoir-pens '. 70b, 2 Resin colors 22g, 2 Oils 23b, 1 Size 23e, 3 Soaps 23e, 3 Resinite 39b, 8 Resistance heating in electric furnaces 21h, 6, 7 Materials, electric 21c, 1 Meters, electric 21e, 9 Of ships, apparatus for measuring 65a, 37 Regulators, electric 21c, 46, 47 For engines and motors, (governors) 60, 8 Resistances, electric 21c, 1, 46-48 For electric measuring 21e, 26 Heating, for electric stoves 21h, 2 Spare, for incandescent lamps 21f, 64, 65 Resonance apparatus for determining speed by oscillating tongues in connection with mag- nets 42o, 13 Resonators 42g, 1 For harmonicas 51c, 27 For pianos 51b, 7 For stringed instruments 51c, 4 Respirators 30d, 20 For hair-cutters 33c, 9 Restarting steam-jet pumps 59c, 14 Rests, foot, for cycles 63g, 14 Tool 49a, 18 Restraining devices for draft and riding ani- mals ' 56a, 23 For taming animals, .... ^ 45h, 9 100 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Resuscitating; by artificial breathing 30f, 5 By chemical means 30h, 3 By inhalation 30k, 13 Resuscitation apparatus for fire-fighters 61a, 20 Retaiiiing-walls 19e, 2; 84a, 2 Retort-furnace firing 24c, 8 Retorts for zinc-extracting 40a, 40 Gas 26a, 6-8, 13-16 Burning out graphite 26a, 6 Charging 26e Exhausting gas from 26a, 17 Making 80a, 32 Generally, for chemical purposes '. 12a; 12r Oil-gas 26a, 13 Retouching, photographic, apparatus for 57c, 13 Processes 57b, 17 Retting apparatus for textile fibers, flax, etc 29a, 4 Processes, bacteriological 29b, 2 Retuning stringed instruments 51c, 22 Return-signals for electric bells 74a, 1 Reverberatory furances, firing 24a, 14 For metal-casting 31a, 2 For treatment of pig-iron 18b, 14, 15 Gas-firing 24c, 9 Metallurgical 40a, 3-10, 37-40 Reversing and starting switches for electric motors 21c, 49 Devices for gearing 47h, 19 Explosion and internal-combustion engines. . 46b, 6 Gear for locomotives 20b, 12 For motor-cars 63c, 6 For propulsion of ships 65f, 28 For turbine-drive 14c, 12 Generally 47h, 12-19 Hydraulic 47h, 18 Marine engines 65f, 28 Poles 21d, 11-13 Position of cars and locomotives, apparatus. . . 20g, 5 Steam engines 14d, 20-23 Turbines 14c, 7 Switches 21c, 38, 49-53 For electric incandescent lamps 2 If, 46 Valves, gears for 14f, 10 Revetment-walls 19e, 2; 84a, 2 Revolution-counters 42p, 1-4, 10 With registering-clockwork built in 42o, 3 Revolver-holsters 72a, 33 Revolvers 72a, 10, 11 Toy... 72b, 4, 5 Revolving grooved-tile presses 80a, 21 Rheidt disks for sowing-machines 45b, 16 Rheometers 42e, 25 Rheostats 21c, 46-48 Ribbed radiators for central heating systems. . . 36c, 9 Tubing, making 7b, 16 Ribbon looms 86c, 10 Measuring devices 8f, 1, 2, 4; 42b, 5 Shuttles 86g, 8 Weaving 86c, 10 Winding machines 8f, 3 Ribbons, inked, for type-writers 15g, 37 Making 25c, 5; 86c, 10 Passing through lace 25c, 9 Ribs for piano sounding-boards 51b, 9 Ricks, hay, straw, etc 45e, 29 Riddles for sifting sand for mortar 19c, 11 Rider- valves for steam-engines 14d, 5 Rifle-ranges 72e, 1 Rifles 72a Rifling gun-barrels, etc., machines for 49a, 32 Shells, apparatus for 49a, 32 Rigging, brake 20f, 2, 3; 63b, 62, 63; 63i Ships' 65a, 15 Rigidity-testers 1 42k, 25 Rims for cycles 63d, 17 For vehicle-wheels 63d, 3 Ring fastenings for packages, etc., which must be destroyed to be undone 81c, 16 Fastenings i" or padlocks 68a, 105 Furnaces for heating rods and similar blanks. . 49f, 6 Classification. Ring kilns 80c, 1, 2 Spinning frame 76c, 5, 6 Throwing games 77d, 10 Twisting frames 76c, 5, 6 Valves 47g, 10, 11 Rings, ear 44a, 34 Finger. 44a, 35, 38 Measuring devices for 42b, 12 Foot, for animals 45h, 9 Grooming 45h, 8 Key 44a, 36 Life-saving 65a, 66-70 Making by rolling 7f, 1 Of metal 49g, 6, 8; 49i, 9 Of sheet metal or tubing 7c, 32 Napkin 34f, 19 Nitrogen f 12p, 1-10 Packing as dust-guards for journal-boxes. . . . 20d, 17 For bearings 471), 4 Slip, for taking off electric current 21 d, 20 Watch-chain 44a, 36 Rinks, skating 77b, 20 Rinsing apparatus, clothes 8d, 2 Apparatus, mouth 30b, 19 Machines, barrel 6f , 1 Beer-glass 64b, 5, 6 Bottle 64b, 1-3 Clothes 8d, 2* Dish 34c, 10 Rip-strips on preserving-cans 64a, 62 Ripping seams, means for 3d, 7 On sewing-machines 52a, 51 River navigation 65a, 52-55 Rivet-head cups 49e, 12 Riveting-machines, electric 49e, 13 For resonators of harmonicas 51c, 27 Hydraulic 49e, 10 Mechanical . 49e, 12 Pneumatic 49e, 1 1 Rivets 47a, 5 Making 49g, 4 Road beds 19a, 1 Levelers 45a, 30 Rollers 19c, 8 Vehicles 63a Transportation on rails 20g, 5 Roads for horse-drawn vehicles 19a, 25; 20a, 10 Paving 19c, 1-7 Roasting apparatus 341, 10 Coffee, apparatus 82a, 26-28 Processes 53d, 1 Furnaces, ore 40a, 3-6 Ores 40a, 2-6 Ovens, electric 21h, 3 Rock-candy cutting machines 89gj 1 Making 89d, 3 Rock drilling machines 5b, 1-8, 1 3-1 5 Drilling machines, pneumatic 5b, 4, 6 Machines for securing, loosening, and remov- ing 19e, 1 Rocket apparatus 65a, 72 Projectiles 72d, 19 Rockets 74d, 8; 78d, 1 Rocking chairs 34g, 2 Horses 77e, 13", 14 Swings 77e, 12 Rocks, blasting 84a, 1 Rod connections for machine elements 47a, 3 Holders, carpet 34f , 25 Supports 47a, 3, 19 Turning machines for molding-planers 38b, 2 Rods and levers for steam-engines J4d, 23 Brake 20f, 2, 3; 63b, 62, 63; 63i Connecting 47b, 18 Curtain 34e, 1 Bearings and holders for 34e, 2, 3 Extensible, for holding doors, windows, etc., in adjusted positions 68d, 27 For holding doors, windows, etc., in adjusted positions 68d, 25-27 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 101 31b. 8h,3 8b, 19 58b,5 34f,5 65c,4 34e,9 Classification. Rods, metal, bending and coiling 49f, 8 Range 42c, 10 Stair-carpet 34f, 25 Roll adjusting devices for rolling-mills 7a, 16 Bridges ' 19d, 5 Cameras 57a, 22-24 Films, photographic 57b, 2 Paper cutters and dispensers 70e, 18 Rods 55e, 7 Shutters, photographic 57a, 27, 28 Stamps, hand 15h, 1 Roller bearings for cycles 63d, 24 Bearings for railway-car wheels 20d, 15 For street-car wheels 63d, 15 Generally 47b, 12 Chairs, children's 34h, 1 Conveyers 81e, 30 Counting mechanism 42p, 1 Curtain guides 34e, 11 Curtains as window and door equipment 34e, 19 Band-holders and band-rollers for 34e, 9 Braking, adjusting and locking devices.. 34e, 7, 8 Fastening to curtain-rods 34e, 13 Tensioning devices 34e, 9 Drawing frames for wool, etc 76b, 27, 29 Grates for fuel and ore dressing la. 16 Mills 50b, 4-7; 50c, 7; 80a, 3 For crushing clay Molding machines Presses for linoleum manufacture For woven fabrics Generally Screens Seats for boats Shades, band-holders and band-rollers for... Brake apparatus, fastening and locking de vices * 34e, 7, 8 Ships 65a, 2 Skates 77b, 17-19 Skating courses and rinks 77b, 20 Stilts 77b, 17-19 Washing-machines 8d, 4 Rollers, agricultural 45a, 32 Candy 531, 1, 9 Chilled, making 31c, 16 For clothes- wringers 8a, 35 For disintegrating sugar-cane 50c, 8 For embossing and ornamenting paper and paper-board 54d, 1 For expressing sugar-cane and sugar-beets 89c, 8 For sizing-machines 8a, 35 Leather 28b, 12 Magnetic, for separation of materials lb, 4 Making by casting 31c, 16, 24, 25 Of sheet-metal or tubing 7c, 32 Of compound castings, making 3lc, 17 On hay and straw presses 45e, 29 Pressure and slide 47b, 27 Smoothing... 8b, 19; 55e, 1; 57c, 12 Street and road 19c, 8 Used in dyeing Rolling apparatus for conveying heavy objects. 81e, 29 Mechanism for dolls Mills Band-iron Block-lifting apparatus for Fine iron For special articles (horsehoes, balls, fish- plates, etc.) Metal, details 7a, 15 Multiple - 7a, 7 " Pilgerschritt " (intermittent rolling) 7a, 6, 14 Rail 7 M Reversing 7a, 2, 3 Roll heating and cooling ' Z Sheet metal 7a > * Opening and separating the packages .... 7a, 9 Three-high 7a > \* Tube... 7a ' 12 ' 1 o Two-high 7a > 2 . 3 77f, 10 7a 7a,10 7a,17 7a, 10 7f Classification. .Rolling mills, universal 7a, 7 Mills, wheel 7f, 1 Wheel-tire 7f, 1 Wire 7a, 10 Pins 2b, 14 Stock, railway 20c, 1-39 Rolls as machine elements 47b, 1 Crushing 50c, 9; 80a, 3 Disintegrating 50c, 8 For roller-mills 50b, 7 Glazing 8b, 19; 55e, 1 ; 57c, 12 In power-presses, mechanism for guiding in and out 15e, 15 Inking, cleaning and storing 15e, 16 For printing-presses 15e, 14 Lithographic, producing, reproducing, or copying 15d, 33 Paper, for memoranda 70d, 11 Paper-calendering 55e, 1 Printing, compositions for 151, 8 Winding, for fabrics 8f, 3, 4 Roman cement 80b, 3 Rontgen-ray apparatus, coin-controlled 43b, 48 For diagnostic purposes 30a, 6 Generally 21g, 15-18 Photographic 57b, 12 With special arrangements for curative pur- poses 30f, 18 Roof gutters 37c, 10 Tiles 37c, 1 Grooved 37c, 1 Trusses 37b, 3 Roofers ' implements , 37c, 11 Roofing felte, chemical features 81, 3 Felts, mechanical features 8a, 28 Metal 37c, 5 Slate . 37c, 4 Apparatus and machines for cutting 80d, 3 Tiles, flat 37c, 1 Roofs 37a, 6 Conical 37a, 1, 3 Continuous surface of bituminous composi- tions 37c. 6 Glass : 37c, 8 Hollow tile 37a, 1, 2, 3 Ribbed or corrugated 37a, 2 Wood-cement, (mixture of coal-tar, asphalt, and sulfur) 37c, 6 Room equipment 34f , 1-10 Sweeping machines 34c, 5 Root crop digging machines 45c, 6-17 Crop lifting and topping implements . . 45c, 5, 18, 19 Washers 45e, 22; 89a, 1 Feeders for trees and other plants 45f , 22 Root type of blowers 27c, 1, 2 Rope belts, making 73, 3 Clamps 28a, 18-20; 47d, 12 Connectors 47d, 11 Covering machines 73, 6 Drums 47b, 26 Fastenings for cages of mine-hoists 35a, 9 Gearing, generally 47h, 10 For motor-cars 63c, 10 Hoists for electric incandescent lamps 21 f, 59 For lamps, generally 4a, 31 Holders, knots, sleeves, etc., as machine ele- ments 47d, 12 Ladders 61a, 5 Lubricators 47e, 35 Making 73 Auxiliary apparatus for 73, 8 Machines 73, 1-4 Pulleys 47b, 26 Releasing devices for hoists 35a, 23 Sheaves 47b, 26 Shifters 47d, 20 Trimming machines 73, 7 Ropes, braided 25b, 10 Driving 47d, 10 Stretching devices for joining ends 47d, 17 102 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. , driving, tensioning devices 47h, 9 Fastening in ships 65a, 16 For fire-escaping purposes Impregnating and sizing Measuring apparatus for Polishing and trimming, machines for Skipping Straw, making Untwisting, machines for Wire, making Rosaries , Rosework (guilloche-work) machines Rosettes and rosette-holders for curtain-rods. Ceiling Rosin -holders for violins Rosindulins Rossing-machines, bark. 61a, 6 . 42b, 5 . 73,7 . 77a, 3 - 73,4 . 73,8 . 73,1 44a, 43 75a, 11 34e, 14 21c, 25 51 e, 13 . 22c, 2 38i > 1 Rotary chimney-cowls 36d, 10 Cranes 35b, 4-6 Doors 37d, 19 Field indicators 74c, 7 Meters 21e, 15 Grate gas-producers 24e, 11 Grates 1 24f , 13, 14 Handles for windows 68b, 16 Jigs for ore and fuel dressing la, 5 Joints as machine elements 47b, 13 Metal-shears 49b, 13 Presses 15d, 18-32 For multicolor printing 15d, 20 Printing for "latest news " 15a, 11 Pumps 59e, 2 Sifters for grinding-mills 50d, 1 Slide-valves , 47g, 27 Steam-engines lib, 6 Strainers for paper-making 55d, 5 Switches, electric 21c, 29 Tippers for loading and unloading 81e, 21 Rouge, cosmetic 30h, 13 Roughening tips of billiard-cues 77c, 13 Roulette games 77d, 12 Roundabouts 77e, 1-10, 17 Round buddies , la, 14 Rounding machines, (woodworking) 38b, 2 Round-molding planers 38b, 2 Roving-frames , 76c, 1 Rowing apparatus 65c, 7 Machines, (gymnasium appliances) 77a, 10 Toys 77f, 20 Rubber balls 77a, 19 Balls, making 39a, 10, 11 Buffers for railway-cars 20d, 22 (Caoutchouc, gutta-percha, balata) extracting. 39b, 1 Casings for tires 63e, 10 Cements 22i, 1 For electric insulation 21c, 2 Hard 79a, 7 Pavements . . . : 19c, 5 Shoes 71a, 3, 8 Stockings 30d, 19 Stoppers for liquor-handling apparatus. . . '. . . . 64a, 9 Stuffing-box packing 47f, 25 Treating, chemical features 39b, 1-3 Mechanical features 39a, 8-13 Un vulcanized, kneading, mixing, rolling. . . . 39a, 9 Vulcanizing, chemical features 39b, 3 Mechanical features 39a, 11 Rubbing and massage apparatus 30f, 6 Devices for laundry . . .*. 8d, 10 For washing-machines 8d, 5 Rubidium compounds 121, 16 Extracting 40a, 47 Rubies, artificial production 12m, 6 Ruchings, making 8g Rudders 65a, 47, 48 Horizontal, vertical, and balancing, for air- craft 77h, 15 For kite-shaped flyers 77h, 5 Rugs, traveling 3b, 3 Classification. Rule apparatus for type-casting 15a, 28 Rulers 70e, 8 Hatching 42a, 19 Tailors' 3d, 1 Rules 42b, 1-3 Folding 42b, ] For type-setting 15a, 3 Printing divisions on 15d, 21 Slide 421), l> Ruling brushes 9, 13 Devices 70e, 11 Machines 1 5f Rumbles 67a, 23 Runaway horses, stopping 63b, 26 Preventers 56a, 15-17 Runners for skates 771), 9, 10 Running-shoes 77a, 12 Runways for inlet-shafts and catch-basins. . . . 85e, 11 Rust, protecting from, by coatings... 48b; 48c; 48d, 4 Protecting from, by paints 22g, 7 Removing, compositions for 48b, 1 : 48c, 1 Saber-holders for cycles 63g, 8 Sabers 69, 27 Fastening to saddle 33d, 8 Saccharification of starchy substances for dis- tilling purposes, etc 6b, 3 Saccharimeters 421, 3 Fermentation 421, 3 Optical 4l>h, ~2\ Saccharin 12o, 18 Sachet-bags 33c, 12 Sack barrows and trucks 63b, 38, 39 Cleaning 8e, 4 Closing machines 81a, 5 Fastenings 81c, 8 Filling and packing machines 81a, 3 Holders, (to hold sack open while being filled) . 81a, 4 Lifters 35d, 1 Or bag closures 54b, 4 Turners 8e, 4 Weaving. . 86c, 3 Sacks, elastic, for dispensing purposes 64c, 5 For packing purposes 81c, 8 Paper, making 54b, 3 Saddle bags 56b, 12 ( "lamps for cycles 63g, 3 Coverings 56b, 7 Fastenings for cycles 63g, 3 Girths and girth-tighteners 56b, 8 Posts for cycles 63h, 19 Springs for cycle-saddles 63g, 3 Saddlery 63a Saddles, cycle 63g, 1-4 Fastening sabers or swords to 33d, 8 Making. 63a, 4 Pack 56b, 5 Riding : 56b, 1-6 Sad-irons 8d, 21 Safe-locks 68a, 21 Safes 68e Burglar and fire proof 680, 2 Safety bars on machines 47a, 1 8 Chains for doors 68b, 8 Connected with alarms 74a, 22 Closures for bottles, etc 64a, 73-81 For bottles, etc., machines for making 81b, 1 For doors, drawers, chests, etc. . . 68a, 17; 68b, 15 Clothes hangers and holders (lockable) 68a, 107 Cocks and valves for gas-pipes 4c, 10-12 Cranks for winches, pulley-blocks, etc 35c, 4 Deposit boxes : 68e, 2 Locks 68a, 21 Devices against theft and loss of bags, etc . . . 33b, 12 For acetylene-generators. 26b, 43 For air-compressors 27b, 8 For circular saws 38e, 10 For dispensing-cocks 64c, 40 For gas-holders 4c, 37 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 103 Classification. Safety devices for gymnasts 77a, 4 Devices for hoisting mechansim 35a, 22 For horse-powers 45d, 3 For manometers 42k, 13 For operation of ships 65a, 75-80 For paper-trimming machines lib, 6 For platen-presses 15d, 41 For presses for making clay articles, etc . . 80a, 29 For sheet-metal and tube work 47a, 18 Generally 58b, 16 For pressure-gages 42k, 13 For receptacles containing condensed or liquefied gases 47g, 47 Containing inflammable fluids 81e, 38 For small-arms 72a, 19 For starting internal-combustion engines. 46c, 25 For steam-boiler water-gages 13c, 10 For steam boilers 13c, 19-23 For steam engines 14g, 3 P'or straw-cutters 45e, 34 For street-car and railway operation. . . . 20d, 32-35 For threshing-machines , 45e, 10 For use in window-cleaning 34c, 4 For woodworking saws and planers. . . . 38e, 10, 11 On boats 65c, 3 On electric cars. 201, 27 On grinding-machines 67a, 28 On incandescent lamps 21f , 64-66 On machines, generally 47a, 18 On mowing-machines for protection of ani- mals 45c, 20 On petroleum and alcohol cans 341, 20; 81e, 38 On rotary and bed-and-cylinder presses. . . 15d, 28 Operating upon breaking of wires, based on electromagnetic action 21c, 60 Based on mechanical action 21c, 9 For railway-switches 20i, 7 Preventing bursting of water-pipes 85d, 8, 11 Preventing children from falling from beds . 34h, 2 Children from falling from perambulators 63b, 52 Escape of fire-gases 24k, 8 Of unburnt gases 4c, 10-13 . Persons from falling out of windows . . . 34c,4; 34e,16 From being caught in rail way-car doors. 20c, 33 Fittings for boxes 81c, 2 Fuses, electric 21c, 59- Lamps 4a, 1-3, 8-10, 51-53; 21f, 60 Linings for receptacles containing inflamma- ble fluids 81e, 38 Locks for sliding car-doors 68a, 93 Generally 68a, 87 .Paper 55f,9 Pins - - 44a, 24 Apparatus for automatic feeding of caps 7e, 1 Making 7e, 1 Plugs, fusible 21c, 59 Razors 69, 21 Receptacles for household use to prevent theft 341,25 Valves for steam-boilers 13c, 24-30 Walls for theaters 37f, 1 Safranins : 22c, 1 Sails as auxiliary driving means for cycles and vehicles 63k, 1 Ships', construction and arrangements 65a, 14 Salicylic acids 12q, 29 Amino- 12q,34 Salicylo-salicylic acids 12q, 31 Saline deposits, working 121, 4 Salinometers - 421, 3 Saliva-pumps, etc., dentists' 30b, 20 Salols 12q, 31 Salt boxes and cellars 34f, 16 Common - 121, 1-3 Denaturing for stock feed 53g, 4 Obtaining 12c, 1, 2; 121, 1-3 Licks for cattle and game 45h, 4; 53g, 4 Producing industry (Stassfurt) 121, 4 Shakers 34f , 16 Solutions, common 121, 1, * Classification. Salting meat ....... . ....................... 53c, 2 Salts, alkali ................................ . 121, 1-6 Alkaline-earth metal ........................ 12m, 2 Extracting .............. 12a, 1, 2; 12c, 1, 2; 121, 1-3 Fire-extinguishing .................... 61a, 13; 61b Heavy metal ................................ 12n, 1 Precious metal ............................. 12n For photographic purposes ........ ......... 57b, 9 Preserving .................................. 53c, 3 Salvarsan .................................... 12q, 32 Salves. . .......... ............. ............... 30h, 9 Machines for making. ........................ 30g, 7 Salvers ....................................... 34f, 21 Samovars ............... . .................... 341, 7 Sample and pattern cards ............. 8f , 13 ; 54g, 4, 16 Cards, fastening articles to ................ 81a, 12 Cutting machines .......................... 8f, 11 Staples ................... ................ 8f, 13 Samplers for buhr-mills and roller-mills ........ 50b, 4 For sugar industry ......................... 89c, 16 Generally .............................. 421, 17, 18 Samples, wall-paper and cloth, pasting on sam- ple-cards .................................... 8f, 13 Sampling-cocks for liquid-dispensing apparatus 64c, 27 Sand blast apparatus .......................... 67b Catchers for paper- making .................. 55d, 12 Edges for foundry-flasks ...................... 31c, 8 For mixing mortar .......................... 80b, 1 Glasses ..................................... 83a, 80 Lime bricks, making ................ 80a, 8; 80b, 10 Scattering devices in connection with harness 56a, 21 Devices for streets ....................... 19b, 5 Screening or sifting ...................... la, 15-21 For making and repairing pavements ...... 19c, 11 Washing .................................... la, 11 Sandals ..................................... 71a, 7 Sanded sidings for railway-service .............. 20h, 4 Sanding devices for brick-presses ............. 80a, 30 For locomotives and street-cars ........... 20b, 16, 17 For railway-brakes .......................... 20f, 5 Sandstone, calcareous ................ 80a, 8; 80b, 10 Sanitary science .............................. 30a-k Santalol .................................... 12o, 25 Sapphires for talking-machines ................ 42g, 4 Saturating sugar-juice ....................... 89c, 15 Saucepans .................................. 341, 1-3 Sausage cases, (substitute for intestines, ) chemi- cal preparation ........................... 53c, 3 Cases, (substitute for intestines,) mechanical preparation .............................. 66b, 15 Cutting machines .......................... 34b, 1 Hanging apparatus ........................ 66b, 13 Making ................................. 66b, 10, 11 Stuffing machines ......................... 66b, 11 Tying devices ............................ 66b, 11 Savings-boxes ............................... 44a, 42 Saw blades, making ...................... ... 49b, 25 Buckles for frame-saws ...................... 38a, 3 Teeth cutting machines ................... 49b, 25 Inserted ................................ 38a, 11 Sawing-machines, metal .................. 49b, 21, 22 Metal, tools for. ... ........................ 49b, 24 Saws, band, for metal-working ............... 49b, 22 Band, for woodworking ...................... 38a, 4 Bone ........................ 30a, 9; 30c, 1; 66a,8 Bow ... ....... . ........................... 38a, 7 Combined with other woodworking-ma- chines .................................. 38b, 7 Circular, for metal-working ...... . ....... . . . . 49b, 21 For woodworking ........................ 38a, 5 Crosscut, for woodworking .................. 38a, 6 Dentists' .................................. 30b, 5 For dovetailing and tenon-cutting.. . 38a, 10; 38d, 1 Frame ................................... 38a, 1-3 Fret ....................................... 38a, 7 Groove- cutting ............................. 38a, 10 Hand, for woodworking Hardening Log Making 38a, 10 18c, 2 38a, 10 49b 25 104 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Saws, metal-working 49b, 21, 22 Metal- working, sharpening and setting. 49b, 23 Miter 38c, 4 Rabbet 38a, 10 Scroll : 38a, 7 Sweep 38a, 7 Combined with other woodworking-ma- chines 38b, 7 Tree 45f, 18 Woodworking . 38a, 1-10 Keeping in repair by filing, grinding, sharpening, setting, etc 38a, 11-15 Safety devices for 38e, 10 Saxophones 51c, 23 Scabbards, sword 69, 27 Scaffold binders 37e, 8 Holders and clamps 37e, 8 Molds for construction of arches, chimneys, col- umns, etc., in situ 37e, 11 For construction of ceilings 37e, 10 Of walls 37e, 9 Poles 37e, 1 Tensioning screws 37e, 13 Trucks for electric railways 20k, 19 Scaffolding and staging for building purposes, generally 37e, 1-11 For chimney-building 37e, 11 For hydraulic engineering 84a, 1, 5 For roofing purposes 37e, 1-7 Scaffolds, erection, for bridge-building 19d, 7 Flying 37e, 4 Hanging 37e, 5 Ladder 37e, 2 Mast or pole 37e, 1 Scalding apparatus, (butchering) 66a, 7 Scale-pans. 42f, 34 Scales, adjusting and damping 42f , 34 Automatic 42f, 14-21 Chain 42f, 2 Coin-controlled 43b, 45, 46 Decimal 42f , 8 Generally 42f Grain 42f, 14-21 Hydraulic 42f, 24 Letter 42f, 26; 70a, 7 Liquid-weighing 42f , 14-20, 31 Mixing 42f, 18, 31 Pan 42f, 4 Paper 42f, 30 Pendulum 42f, 1 Platform 42f, 8, 9 Pneumatic 42f, 24 Pocket 42f, 26 Price 42f, 29 Sack, (filling and weighing) 42f, 19 Single wheel, for measuring wheel-pressure, (for locomotives, etc.) 42f, 13 Sliding poise 42f, 5-7 Sorting, for weighing material in bulk, (paper wool, yarn, etc.) 42f, 30, 31 Spring 42f, 3 Track 42f, 10, 11 Wool and yarn , 42f, 30 Scaling-ladders 77a, 13 Scalpels 30a, 17 Scarecrows, etc 45k, 5 Scarf holders and fasteners 3b, 16 Scarfed joints for rails. . 19a, 16 Scarfs 3b, 14 Scenery, movable, for theaters 77g, 1 Scent bottles and boxes 33c, 12 Scents 23a, 6 School bags 33b, 2 Benches 34i, 10-13 Desks 34i, 8, 10, 11 Seats 34i, 10-13 Scissors, (see also Shears) 69, 1-9 xButtonhole 69,3 Pocket 69,4 Classification. Score computers and indicators for card games. . 77d, 5 Scouring fabrics 8e, 2 Grain 50a, 3-7 Scows for conveying excavated material 84d, 5 Scrapers, bakers' :....' 2a, 14, 15 Butchers' 66b, 15 Scraping and smoothing needles 7e, 5 Machines, feather 3e, 3 Tools, metal 49b, 29 Screen-baskets for centrifugal machines 82b, 18 Screens, color 57b, 18 Fire 34f , 5 For photomechanical reproduction 57d, 8 Lamp 4b, 1, 2 Or sifters for agricultural purposes, flat. . . 45e, 12-14 For agricultural purposes, round 45e, 15 For fuel and ore dressing la, 15-21 Hand-sorting la, 30 For harvesting-machines 45c, 8, 9 Sand la, 15-21 For making and repairing pavements. . . 19c, 11 Shaking and drum for grain-sorting 45e, 14 For grain-mills 50d, 6 For molding-sand 31c, 6 Paper-machine 55d, 3, 9, 11, 18 Photographic, adjustable 57a, 11 Grained or line 57a, 11 Projecting 42h, 23 Protective 34f, 9 Roller .. 34f, 5 Well 85d,l Window 34e, 19; 37d, 14 Screw blowers 27c, 3 Bolts, making by forging and pressing 49g, 3 Calks 45i, 7 Cap closures for liquid-dispensing vessels 64a, 24 Clamps 38e, 8 Closures for ordnance 72c, 12 Conveyers 81e, 5 Couplings, railway 20e, 1 Cutting 49c Cutting chucks 49c, 9 Devices 49c, 6 Machines for metal screws 49c, 1 For wooden screws 49c, 2 Dies and stocks 49c, 7 Elevators 81e, 5 Excavators 84d, 1 Extractors 87a, 19 Fastening locking devices 47a, 9-15 For rails 19a, 10 Fastenings 47a, 6 Gages 42b, 19 Gearing 47h, 3 Head-nicking machines 49c, 10 Jacks 35d, 4 Keys for locks 68a, 19 Molding machines for foundries 31b, 5 Presses for clay manufactures 80a, 25 For earthenware 80a, 12 For moist materials 58b, 9 For treatment of beet-slices 89b, 5 Generally 58b, 2, 3 Propeller blades for flying-machines 77h, 6 Blades for ships 65f, 3, 7, 8 Shaft bearings for ships 65f , 10 Shafts for ships 65f, 9 Propellers for flying-machines 77h, 6 For ships 65f , 3-11 Making by casting 31c, 25 Planing 49b, 3 Pumps 59e, 1 Spindles, brake, for railway-brakes 20f, 4 Stocks 49c, 7 Stoppers for liquid-dispensing vessels 64a, 16 Tapping machines 49c, 3 Taps and tap-heads 49c, 8 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 105 Classification. Screw thread milling machines 49c, 4 Threads, cutting, generally 49c Cutting on lathes 49a, 3 Forming by grinding 67a, 9 By pressing 49g, 10 By rolling 7f, 9 On porcelain 80a, 47 Turbines 14c, 3 Screws, breaking and crushing 50c, 1 Driving 47b, 29 For driving motor-cars 63c, 17 Generally 47a, 4, 6 Making by rolling 7f , 9 . On lathes 49a, 3; 49c, 1, 2 Mixing 12e, 4; 80a, 7, 25 Polishing 67a, 24 Rail or tie 19a, 10 Stirring 6b, 4-6 Wood, metallic 47a, 4 Wooden, cutting 49c, 2 Scroll saws 38a, 7 Work, ornamental 75b, 20 Scrub-brushes, making 9, 4, 10, 23 Scrubbers 26d, 2, 4 Scrubbing implements, (mops, pails, etc.) 34c, 6 Sculpture 75a, 16, 18; 75b, 18 Copying machines 75a, 16 Photo 57b, 13 Scutching machines for textile fibers 76b, 3 Vegetable fibers, (flax, etc.) 29a, 2 Scuttles, coal 34d, 2 Ships' 65a, 12 Scythe grinding machines 67a, 8 Sharpening apparatus 45c, 4 Scythes 45c, 3 Hardening . 18c, 2 Making by pressing and forging 49g, 9 By rolling 7f,5 Of sheet metal 7e, 42 Seasickness, belts to prevent 30d, 22 Medicines to prevent 30h, 3 Special apparatus in ships to prevent 65a, 29 Seal blanks, making 7c, 10,47; 7f; 31c,25; 39a; 49g; 54e,f Closures for packages, etc 81c, 16 Locks 68a,32 Pliers 87b,5 Sealing devices 70d, 10 Envelops, machines for 70d, 12 Wax 22h, 6 Seals, affixing 87b, 5 And signets 70d, 10; 75a, 2 Band, lead and sheet metal, to insure safety of packages 81c, 16 For liquid-dispensing vessels 64a, 77 Lead 81c, 16 Liquid, for acetylene-generators 26b, 47 For closets 85h, 1-8, 15 For sewer systems 85e, 12-14 Making by casting. 31c, 25 Of sheet metal 7c, 10, 47 "3. 54b, 7 Seam-binding devices for sewing-machines 52a, 52 Seams, ripping, implements for 3d, 7 Ripping, on sewing-machines 52a, 51 Search-lights 4b, 11, 21; 21f, 10 Cleaning by compressed air 4b, 11 Electric ... 21f, 10 Optical features 42h, 9 Seats, chair 34g, 8 Closet 34k, 6 Cycle, auxiliary and children's 63g, 4 For locomotives 20b , 14 For nurses on baby-carriages 63b, 53 Hanging, including those for railway-cars. . . 33d, 5 Motor-vehicle - 63c, 22 Portable, for use in vehicles 33d, 6 Railway-car 20c,41; 34g, 7 Sliding and roller, for boats 65c, 4 Vehicle 63b,2 Classification. Secondary clocks, electric 83b, 2 Seconds-counters, (chronographs) 83a, 85 Section insulators for electric railways 20k, 9 Magnets for electric railways 20k, 17 Signals 20i, 37, 38 Sectional boiler furnaces 24a, 10 Boilers built into kitchen-ranges 36a, 18 Water-tube 13a, 9, 13, 14, 25 Conductors for electric railways * 20k, 15-17 Harrows 45a, 26 Radiators 36c, 9 Seed scoring machines 45b, 1 Testing apparatus 421, 9 Seeding and stoning devices for bulk treatment. 45e, 40-43 For household use 34b, 11 Seeding machines 45b, 10-16, 30 Machines, steering 45a, 36 Methods 45b, 10 Plows 45b, 4 Seeds, extracting oil from 23a, 1, 2 Preparing for sowing 45b, 1 Separating from vegetable fibers 29a, 1 Treating 45f, 11; 451, 2 Seesaws 77e, 12 Seger's cones, composition 80b Generally 42i, 10 Seismographs and seismometers 42c, 43 Selectors, automatic, for telephone systems. 21a, 64, 65 Selenium 12i, 17 Cells 21g, 20 Self-acting mules 76c, 20-23 Self-binders 45c, 29-32 Self-binding harvesters 45c, 29 Self-closing cocks and valves for liquid-dispens- ing vessels 64c, 32, 33 Self-feeding furnaces 24a, 11 Self-induction for high-frequency systems 21a, 71 Generally 21g, 20 Influencing in cables 21c, 5 Self-tying neckties 3b, 14-16 Selvage apparatus for looms 86c, 13 Semaphore-signals, optical 74c, 10 Semi water-gas, manufacture 24e, 3-8 Sensitive coatings 57b, 8-10 Applying 57b, 6 Sensitizing films and plates 57b, 8 Separating air from feed water 13b, 18 Dust and stones from grain, etc 45e, 19 Drums for cleaning and sorting grain 45e, 16 Gases and vapors from one another and from liquids 12e, 3 Gases in liquefied state 17g, 2 Materials in fuel and ore dressing la; Ib, 3-5 Separation, chemical, for smelting 40a, 8 Chemical, generally 12d, 1; 12e, 3 Separators, centrifugal, for grain 45e, 18 (Diaphragms, etc.) for storage batteries 21b, 2 Flour 50d For fuel and ore dressing la; b Grain 45e, 12-18 Insect, (meal-worms) 45h, 15 Magnetic, for separating iron particles from grain 50a, 1 For fuel and ore dressing Ib, 3-5 Malt 50d, 4-6 Milk 45g, 8-14 Peat, for paper-making ; . . . 55a, 4 \Vood, for paper-making 55a, 3 Series apparatus, photographic 57a, 33-37 Apparatus, photographic, combined with other display apparatus 57a, 37 Combined with talking-machines 42g, 11 Elements of 57a, 37 Flickering, preventing 57a, 37 Commutator-machines for alternating current 21d, 44 Serpentine water-tube boilers 13a, 16 Serums, antitoxic 30h, 6 Serving-trays 34f, 21 Servomotors, (auxiliary e ngines) . 14c, 7 ; 60, 15 ; 106 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Set-off sheets, apparatus for inserting 15d, 15 Setting devices, automatic, for fare-indicators. 42p, 13 Machines, matrix 15a, 17 Metal saws 49b, 23 Out grain of leather, machines for 28b, 8 Steam-boilers 24k, 5 Woodworking-saws 38a. 14, 15 Sewage, separating solid and fluid materials 85e, 4 Sewer-conThrits 85e, 6-8, 15-17 Cleaning 85e, 18-20 Stops 85e, 15-17 Sewers 85e Sewing boxes 52a, 58 Machine chairs 52a, 57 Frames 52a, 57 Needles 52a, 40 Making 7e, 3 Tables 52a, 57 Machines 52a Basting-stitch 52a, 1 Braiders for 52a, 52 Buttonhole 52a, 17-20 Carpet 52a, 31 Chain-stitch 52a, 2, 3 And lock-stitch 52a, 8 Double chain stitch 52a, 3 Lock stitch 52a, 4-7, 14 Driving mechanism 52a, 55 Feeding mechanism 52a, 45-47, 50 For darning purposes 52a, 30 For embroidering 52a, 9, 59 ; 52b, 2 For sewing on beads, hooks and eyes, etc. 52a, 23 For special purposes 52a, 21-32 Glove 52a, 12 Hat 52a, 21, 22 Leather 52a, 13-16 Loop-formers for 52a, 41-44 Ornamental stitch 52a, 9-11 Pressers for. 52a, 48-50 Running stitch 52a, 1 Seam-binders for 52a, 52 Shoe 52a, 13-16 Sole - 52a, 13-15 Trimming off materials, devices for 52a, 51 Tuckers and rufflers for 52a, 53 Whip-stitch 52a, 12 Needles, making . 7e, 2 Utensils 52a, 58 Surgical and methods of storing 30a, 8 Sextants 42c, 37 Shackles, foot and hand, for prisoners 68a, 110 For padlocks 68a, 101-105 Shadow toys 77f, 26 Shaft bearings 47b, 4-12 Bearings, propeller 65f , 10 Boring 5c, 3 Building 5c, 1 Closures for elevators 35a, 18 For mines 5d, 6; 35a, 18 Couplings, connectible and disconnectible, (clutches) 47c, 6-16 Not disconnectible 47c, 1-5 Driers 82a, 16 Drills 5c, 3 Furnaces 18a, 3-7; 24e, 1-8; 36a, 1 Charging apparatus for : 24h, 2 For glass-fusing 32a, 4 Metallurgical 40a, 7, 39 Governors for engines 60, 21 Hammers, hand-operated 87b, 1 Mechanical 49e, 7 Kilns 80c, 12, 13 Linings 5c, 4 Signaling apparatus 74c, 10 Sinking 5c, 1, 2 Timbering 5c, 4 Shafts and poles, vehicle 63b, 17-22 As machine elements 47b, 1, 2 Flexible 47b, 2 Classification. Shafts for motor-vehicles '. 63c, 12 Inlet 85e, 9-11 Covers for 85e, 10 Rigid 47b, 1 Shagreening-machines 28b, 16 Shaking apparatus for basket-grates 24f, 17 Apparatus for inclined and step grates 24f, 11 For paper-making machines 55d, 8 Grates 24f, 7-9 Screens for grain, etc 45e, 14; 50d, 6 For ore-dressing la, 19 Tables for molding confectionery 531, 3 Troughs 81e, 15 Shape-retainers for clothing 341, 31, 32 For shoes 71c, 4 Shaped building stones and bricks 37b, 1 Stone ceilings 37a, 1 Walls 37a, 4 Shaping machines, metal 49b, 2 Presses, hat 41a, 2 Leather 28b, 28 Spools for armature- windings 21d, 18 Sharpeners, engraving- tool, etc 67a, 4 Knife 67c, 4 Metal-saw 49b, 23 Mine-stanchion 38b, 2 Pencil 70e, 13-16 Woodworking-saw 38a, 15 Shavers, corn and bunion 30a, 15 Shaving brushes 9, 12 Mirrors 33c, 12 Shavings, metal, comminuting 49b, 16 Steel, for polishing floors, making 49i, 8 Wood, making 38i, 4 Shawl-covers, travelers' 33b, 2 Shawls, weaving 86c, 1 Sheaf binders for mowing-machines 45c, 29 Binding bands 45e, 1 Shear-levers for lasting-machines 71c, 23, 25 Shearing apparatus, generally 69, 10-12 Laces and embroideries, apparatus for 8b, 32; 52b, 14 Machines, pelt 28b, 25 Woven fabric 8b, 14 Metal 49b, 11-15, 17, 20 Shears, animal-clipping, etc 69, 5, 10-12 Buttonhole 69, 3 Coupon 69, 7 For cutting plaster-of-Paris bandages 30d, 23 For cutting rolled metal immediately after leaving the rolls of rolling-mills 49b, 14 Generally 69, 1-9 Guillotine 49b, 11 Making by forging and pressing 49g, 9 Of sheet metal 7c, 41 Metal 49b, 11-15, 17, 20 With hydraulic driving mechanism 49e, 14 Paper-board lib, 10 Sheep 69, 5 Sheet metal 49b, 11-13, 14, 19 Slate 80d, 3 Surgical 30a, 16 Traveling, for cutting rolled metal 49b, 14 Tree 45f, 18 Tube 49b, 11, 12 Wire 49b, 17 As military equipment 33d, 8 Sheaths for surgical instruments 30a, 19 Knife 69, 16 Or scabbards 69, 27 Sheaves (pulleys) for conveyer-bands 81e, 1 Forming and binding by hand-tools and inde- pendent machines ,. 45e, 1 Rope.. 47b, 26 Shed-closing devices for dobby-looms 86b, 1 For Jacquard looms 86b, 10 Sheep-shears 69, 5 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 107 Classification. Sheet delivering devices for bed-and-cylinder presses ; 15d, 15 Feeding devices for rotary and cylinder presses 15e, 6-11 Feeding devices for platen-presses 15d, 39 Mechanism for type- writers 15g, 35 Guides and shifters for cylinder and rotary presses 15d, 14 Hangers (driers) for paper-making 55d, 30 Iron,annealing 18c, 7 Lifting devices for power-presses 15e, 7, 9 Lifting, feeding, placing and guiding for inde- pendent folding apparatus and machines. . . 15e, 1 Metal, bending and flanging 7c, 4 Bending machines 7c, 4 Chamfering 7c, 4 Corrugated, for buildings 37b, 4 Making 7c, 2, 3 Creasing and folding 7c, 4 Electroplating 48a, 11 Enameling 48c, 5, 6 Expanded, for concrete ceilings 37a, 2, 3 Making 7c, 30 Flanging and rolling.- 7c, 4 Folding 7c, 4 For lining and reinforcing 7c, 23 Making by extrusion processes 7b, 1 By rolling 7a, 9 Milling 7c, 4 Ornamental and stamped for building pur- 1 poses 37b,4 Packing-boxes 81c, 12 Plates for protecting walls of kitchens, etc. . 341, 12 Points on lacings, making 7c, 46 Pressing 7c, 13, 14 Punching 7c, 10, 11 Rounding and beading 7c, 5 Sharpening edges by planing 49b, 3 Shears. 49b, 11-14, 19 Smoothing 7c, 1 Softening 48d, 5 Straightening - 7c, 1 Working 7c, 1-6, 10-18 Working up into hollow objects 7c, 15, 24 Into various objects 7c, 24-47 Piling for foundations 84c, 2 Shifters for cylinder-presses 15d, 14 Spreaders for power-presses . - 15d, 14 Steel, annealing 18c, 7 Sheets, bed 34f,9 Gelatin, forming 39a, 18 Offset, devices for putting in Printed, lifting from press 15e, 7, 9 Shelf-supports for inclosed bookcases, etc 34i, 16 For open bookcases, cupboards, etc 13i, 15 Shell-fuses 72 j Shells, (ammunition) 72d Paint-tubes, etc., of sheet metal, making 7c, 26 Shelves, book, etc., inclosed 34i, 16 For open bookcases, etc., including means for fastening and shifting 34i, 15 Shields as protection from fire and heat 61a, 10 For ammunition trucks and wagons 72d, 8 Gun 72c,6 Shiftable calendars - 3a, 78 Potances 8 *J Zb Scaffolds : 37e,6 Shifting belts and ropes, devices for. . . Mechanism for type-writers 15g, 26, 27, 30 31 Shingle-cutting machines 38k, 1 Shingles 37c JiH Making - 38 M Shipbuilding 'll? Ship-lifting mechanism - - Shipping-receptacles 65a-f !"65a,~26,34,35 65e Boat-handling equipment Classification. Ships, boat.-, life-rafts, etc 65a, 64 Boilers 13a Capsizir? and sinking, preventing 65a, 75 Closets and lavatories 65a. 11 Coaling 65a, 81 Collisions, preventing 65a, 76 Courses, registering 42c, 34 Cylindrical 65a, 2 Disinfecting, fire-fighting, heating, ventilat- ing 65a, 17 Engine-governors 60, 12 Controlled by movements of ship 65f , 27 Engines and motors 14a; 65f, 19-24 Reversing 65f, 28 Equipment 65a, 29-37 Freight 65a, 6 Furniture 65a, 31 Hatches 65a, 12 Hauling-up and launching apparatus 65b, 1 Headlights 4a, 48; 20i, 24 Hulls, construction 65a, 3 Forms 65a, 1, 2 Painting and preserving 65a, 27 Lessening rolling 65a, 80 Lighting ^ 65a, 23 Loading and unloading 65a, 81 Masts 65a, 13 Positions, instruments for determining 42c, 39 Propeller-blades 65f, 3, 7, 8 Propellers, mechanical drive 65f, 19-26 Miscellaneous 65f, 15-18 Reaction 65f, 12-14 Screw. 65f, 3-11 Propulsion 65f Resistance, lessening 65a, 9 Measuring 65a, 37 Rigging - 65a, 15 Roller - 65a, 2 Running aground, preventing 65a, 77 Safety, means to insure 65a, 75-82 Signaling 65a, 56-63; 74d, 1-10 By electric waves, sound-waves, etc 21a, 66-71; 65a,62; 74d, 6 Sounding and depth-measuring apparatus 42c, 28-31 Spherical 65a, 2 Steering from a distance by electric waves. . . 21c, 41; 65a,43 Mechanism 65a, 42-51 Stopping 65a, 49 Sunken, raising 65b, 3 Transport. 65a, 6 Unloading 65a, 81; 81e, 23 Vibrations, measuring 65a, 37 War 65e, 1-4 Shirt-fronts 3a, 3 Shirts 3a, 1 Shoals, bars, etc. , indicating 65a, 77 Removing 84a, 1 Shock-absorbers for lamp-burners , 4a, 22 For lamps 4a, 23 For motor-cars 63c, 22 For road- vehicles. . , 63b, 13 For track-scales '- - 42f, 11 Shoe attachments Tib, 10-14 Benches or stools for putting on and lacing shoes - 341,24 Buttoners 33c, 10 Brakes 47c, 17; 63b, 62 Cap presses 71c, 12 Counters quarters, and uppers 7 la, 29-32 Driers..'. ! 34c, 16 Eyelets, generally ?lb, 2 Of plastic materials, making 39a, 23 Fastenings 71b, 1-9 Gumming machines 71c, 30 Hand-nailing apparatus : 71c, 46 Horns and other appliances for putting on boots and shoes 341, 24 Lasting machines and fittings 71c, 16-29 Lasts 71c, 2-6 108 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Shoe nailing machines 71c, 38-45 Nails, pegs, tacks, etc 71a, 33 Polish 22g, 5 And shoe-polishing implements, containers for .... ! 34c,18 Polishing brushes 9, 9, 17 Hand implements, (exclusive of brushes) . . 34c, 15 Machines, including coin-controlled 34c, 14 Stands 34c, 16 Scrapers and cleaners 34c, 17 Sewing machines 52a, 13-16 Straps 71a, 32 Making 71c, 58 Tips 71b, 12 Uppers 71a, 29-32 Shoemakers' tools 71c, 1, 8-11, 19, 20, 46, 56 Work-stands 71c, 7 Shoemaking machines and tools 71c Shoes, (see also Boots and shoes) 71a Appurtenances, machines for making 71c, 58, 59 Brake 20f, 1, 7-9, 12; 63b, 55 Climbing 77a, 13 Jumping 77a, 12 Low : . . . . 71a, 7 Of celluloid, paper-board, wood, etc 71a, 2 Rocker 77a, 12 Rubber 71a,3,8 Running 77a, 12 Snow 77b, 15 Swamp 77b, 16 Swimming 77a, 14 Water 77b, 16 Welted 71a,14 With divided or slashed uppers 71a, 6 With elastic gussets 71a, 5; 71c, 63 With hygienic arrangements 71a, 10-12 Woven fabric 71a, 1 Shooting appliances for stunning cattle to be slaughtered 66a, 2 Stands 72a, 30 Hunters' 45k, 11 Shorings for foundations 37e, 13 Short circuit armatures 21d, 40 Circuit devices. ... 21c, 9, 50,61; 21d,41; 21f, 14, 66 For arc-lamps 21f, 14 For incandescent lamps 21f, 66 Circuits in electric conductors, preventing dis- turbances and accidents due to 21c, 9, 57-61 Short-duration time-measuring devices 83a, 84 Shotgun-ammunition 72d, 5 Shot, metal, making 49i, 3 Shoulder pads 3a, 12 Pieces for machine-guns 72h, 10 Rests for violinists 51c, 10 Straps, military 3b, 6 Supports for cycles 63g, 4 Shovels, feeding or loading, with spring-scales on handle 42f,31 Fire and coal, for heating and cooking stoves. 34d, 3 For driers 82a, 23 For soil cultivation, generally 45a, 4 Making by rolling 7f , 3 Of sheet metal 7c, 41 Snow 19b, 6 With devices for measuring predetermined quantities 341, 34 Show cases 54g, 16 Window advertising, attention-attracting, (by acoustic or optical means) 54g, 10, 16 Windows, equipment 54g, 16 Lighting 4b, 23 Structure 37d, 13 Shower bath apparatus, general arrangements.. 85f, 5 Baths and douches. 30f, 10, 11; 30k, 7; 34k, 5; 85f, 5, 6 Shrapnel 72d, 17 Shrinking fabrics 8b, 13 Shufflers, card 77d, 2 Shutters, photographic 57a, 26-32 Photographic for moving-picture apparatus.. 57a, 37 Iris type 57a, 30 Classification. Shutters, photographic, roll and curtain.. 57a, 27, 28 Rotary or sliding 57a, 26 Shutters, window 37d, 25 Shuttle changing in looms 86c, 22 Guards 86g, 6 Guides 86g, 6 Mechanism 86c, 21, 26 Motions 86c, 21 Positive 8fic, 14 Replacing apparatus 86c, 23-25 Shuttles for embroidering-machines 52b, 14 Generally, for looms 86g, 7 Gripper, positive motion, ribbon-loom, and warp and weft detector 86g, 8 Looper, for sewing-machines 52a, 5, 42 Reciprocating, for sewing-machines 52a, 41 Sickles 45c, 3 Making by rolling 7f, 5 Of sheet metal 7c, 42 Sharpening 45c, 4 Side-arms 69, 27 Fastening to belts 3b, 6 To firearms 72a, 32 Side hill-plows 45a, 13, 14 Sidewalks, moving 20a, 6 Sidings for single-track sections 20i, 42 Sieves, hand, for cleaning and sorting grain 45e, 14 Inserted in cooking utensils 341, 4 Sifters: See Screens or sifters. Sifters, color 75c, 13, 22 Kitchen 341, 18 Reciprocating 45e, 14; 50d, 4 Sifting brushes for sifters 50d, 6 Machines for grain-mills 50d, 2-10 Sighting apparatus for firearms. . 72f, 1-3, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15 For firearms, measuring instruments for 42c, 4 Optical features 42h, 10 For geodetic instruments 42c, 4-11 For telescopes 42h, 10 For throwing bombs from aircraft 42c, 4 Sights, "bock* 72f, 2 Change-over, for multiple-barrel guns 72f, 5 Ordnance 72f, 12-14 Sliding leaf 72f, 2 Tangent, for ordnance 72f, 13 Telescopic, for ordnance 72f , 14 For small-arms 72f, 3 Sign boards for way-stations 20i, 25 Posts 19e, 3; 74d, 10 Signal apparatus for house use 74a, 10, ] 2 Cartridges, chemical features 78d, 1 Mechanical features 74d, 7 Devices for cycles 63g, 6; 74a, 8 For elevators 35a, 21 For motor- vehicles 63c, 25; 74b, 6; 74d, 3 For paper-board machines 55d, 21 For shafts, (order apparatus, etc.) 74c, 10 For ships, electric, without continuous con- ducting-wire 65a, 62 For telephones 21a, 29 For weighing apparatus 42f, 32 Lanterns 4a, 47; 20i, 14; 74d, 9 Masts 20i, 3; 74d ; 10 Projectiles for ships 65a, 56 Releasing devices on moving trains 20i, 33-35 Systems for mine-working 5d, 8; 74c, 10 For ships' engines 65a, 59 For steering ships 65a, 57 Navigation 65a, 58 Rudder 65a, 57 Signals, acoustic, for house use 74a, 1-9 Acoustic, generally 74d, 1-7 Alarm, on locks 68a, 35-37 Automatic drop 20i, 40 Bell 74d, 4 Detonating 20i, 43, 44; 74d, 7 Emergency, on railway-trains 20i, 24 Fire-alarm 74a, 30-38; 74c, 14-22 Fog-horn 74d, 3 For telephone-stations 21a, 42 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 109 Classification. Signals, marine 65a, 63 Optical, for house use 74a, 10-12 Generally.-. 74d, 8-11 Producing in telegraph and telephone circuits by means of coherers 21a, 26 Pyrotechnical 74d, 7 Railway 20i, 3, 14, 24, 28, 29, 37-40, 43. 44 Ships' 65a, 56-62 Sound, determining direction and origin. . . . 74d, 6 Track-section 20i, 37, 38 Tunnel, crossing and warning 20i, 39 Whistle 74d, 1 Signets and seals 70d, 10; 75a, 2 Signs, business, and name-plates 54g, 11, 12 For street-car and railway substructures 19e, 3 Showing times of departure of trains at sta- tions 54g, 1 1 Silencers for gas-engines 46c, 29, 30 For small-arms and ordnance. 72a, 28 For steam-engines 14g, 10 Silicates 12i, 37 Silicic acid 12i, 37 Silicids, ferro, producing 18a, 10 Metal : 121,37 Of carbon 12i, 36 Silicon and silicon compounds 12i, 37 Silicofluoric acid 12i, 37 Silicon and silicon compounds 12i, 37 Ferro, producing 18a, 10 Silite, (trade-name of an electric resistance ma- terial made of carborundum) 21c, 1 Silk, artificial, making, chemical features 29b, 3 Artificial, making, mechanical features 29a, 6 Spinning-machines for 29a, 6 Chemical treatment 29b Cleaning 76b, 33 Conditioning 29b, 6 Dyeing 8a, 1-4, 6-19; 8m Fibers, chemical preparation and cleaning 29b, 1 Fineness of thread, measuring 42b, 5, 1 1 Finish, fixing by chemical means 8n, 5 Fixing by mechanical means 8a, 27 Processes for imparting to textile fibers 29b, 3 Loading 8m, 1 1 Luster, producing on woven fabrics 8b, 26, 27 Spinning 76c, 28 Spooling machines 29a, 6; 76c, 28 Worm culture 45h, 15 Silos, equipment 81e, 33-36 Structural features 37f, 2 Silver, coating metal articles with 48a, 6; 48b, 10 Extracting and purifying 40a, 19 Paper *- 55f, 13 Preparation 40a. 19 Electrolytic 40c, 7 Salts for sensitive coatings 57b, 8 Silverware, making - - - 7c ; 38,39; 7d; 7e,l-6; 7f, 10; 49h, 8; 49i, 9 Singeing apparatus in connection with butcher- 66a, 7 ... 8b,16 ... 85e,9 ... 25a .. 5c, 1,2 .. 85e,21 ... 12f,l 85e, 12-14 ing Textiles and yarns, machines for Sink-water traps Sinkers for knitting-machines Sinking shafts Sinks Siphons, acid As liquid seals for sewer systems.... As liquor-handling devices 64b, 15 For drawing measured quantities of fluids. . 421, 3, 18 For liquid-dispensing apparatus - 64c, 16 For water-closet-flushing apparatus 85h, 1-8, 15 Sirens - 74d, 2 6 Size, applying to woven fabrics 8a, Z9 Boilers/. 8a > 29 For cloth-finishing k > * Resin 2,3e, a Sizing fibrous materials, machines for 8a, 25-28, 35 Skates 77 ^'IS Stands for putting on 47b > i4 Classification. Skating-courses and rinks 77b, 20 Produced by freezing 17b, 5 Skee brakes and staffs 77b, 15 Courses 77b, 20 Skees 77b, 15 Skein-binding devices for yarn-reels 76d, 15 Skeining yarns 76d, 20 Skeleton keys 68a, 83 Skidding of motor-cars, preventing. . . 63b, 59; 63c, 24 Of road-vehicles, preventing 63d, 26 Of wheels with pneumatic tires 63e, 12 Skids 35d, 1 Skimmers or slicers for paper-making machines . 55d, 15 Skinning dead animals 66b, 1 4 Knives, butchers' 66a, 8 Skipping or jumping ropes 77a, 3 Skips for mine-hauling 20a, 14 Skirt and waist hangers and holders 3b, 18 Bands 3b, 23 Braids 3b, 21 Facings 3b, 21 Fasteners 3a, 1 Hangers 3b, 18 Lifters. 3b, 19 Protectors 3a, 1 Supporters 3b, 18 Skirting, floor 37d, 5 Skiving-machines, leather 28b, 9 Shoemakers' 71c, 13 Skylight-windows 37d, 15; 68b, 17-25 Holding in adjusted positions 68b, 17-25 Skylights for buildings 37c, 9 For buildings, ceiling structures for 37a, 1, 2 For ships 65a, 12 Sky-rockets 74d, 8; 78d, 1 Slab-ceilings 37a, 1 Slabs, beanng, for girders 37b, 5 Building 37b, 2 Facing 37b, 2 Making of clay 80a, 50 Fireproof 37b, 1, 2 For floor and wall covering 37d, 6, 33 Ornamental 75b, 24 Stone 37b, 2; 80a Slag, blast-furnace 18a, 8, 9 Blast-furnace, granulating 80a, 52 Pulverizing 80b, 5, 22 Bricks 80b, 22 Making 80a, 52 Buckets 18a, 9" Cement 80b, 5 Hot, for generating steam 13g, 2 Thomas, as fertilizer 16, 3 Treatment, metallurgical 40a, 14 Wool 80b, 22 Slaking lime, apparatus 80a, 8 Processes 80b, 2 Slat curtains 37d, 27 Cutting machines 38k, 1 Weaving 86e Slate coatings 70e, 1 Pencil sharpeners 70e, 13-16 Pencils 70a, I Making 80d, 3 Roofing 37c, 4 Separating from coal la. 30 Wipers 70e, 3 Working 80d, 3 Slates 70e, 1 Slaughter bolts and punches 66a, 6 House fittings, (gambrels, spreaders, etc.). . . . 66a, 6 Pails 66a,5 Slaughtering apparatus for kosher slaughtering. . 66a, 4 Apparatus, generally 66a, 1 Masks 63a, 2 Pistols 66a, 2 Pliers 66a, 3 Shears 68a, 3 Sled-brakes 63b, 69 110 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. 63b, 66-69 63k, 22, 23 63k, 22, 23 63k, 22, 23 63b, 66 Sleep-inducing apparatus 30k, 14, 16 Sleepers, iron 19a, 3 Isolated 19a, 5 Of reinforced concrete, artificial stone, etc 19a, Sleds Cycle Motor Propelling. Sport. Street-railway Wooden... Sleeping arrangements in railway-cars. . 19a, 21 .. 19a,2 . 20c,40 .. 3b,3 .. 4d,23 .. 341,24 .. 3b,5 4g, 15, 16 . 77b, 20 . 34b, 13 . 55d,15 Sleeve extinguishers for oil-lamps . . . Holders,(to facilitate putting on garments). Sleeves of garments ........................ Wick.. ............................... Sleighing-courses .......................... Slicers, egg .................................. Or skimmers for paper-making machines .... Slicing lathes and machines, for metal-working 49a, 14 Machines, butchers' ......................... 66b, 9 Slide boxes, machines for making. . ........... 54a, 6 Fastenings for shoes ......................... 71b, 6 Gages .................................... 42b, 18 Railways .................................. 20a, 5 Rests for metal-lathes .................... 49a, 25 For metal planing and slotting machines. . 49b, 10 Rules ................................... 42m, 17 Switches, electric ........ .................. 21c, 32 Valves, annular ........................... . . 14d, 8 Apparatus for adjusting from a distance. . . 47g, 45 Auxiliary closures .................... . . 47g, 42 Braking devices for .' .................... 47g, 35 Control, as machine elements ............ 47g, 29 Cooling devices .......................... 47g, 41 Fastening and locking devices ............ 47g, 46 Flat ..................... 14b, 1, 3; 14d, 10; 47g, 26 For explosion and internal-combustion engines. ............................. 46b, 4 For gas-furnaces .......................... 24c, 7 For liquid-dispensing vessels .............. 64c, 35 For steam-boiler water-gages ............... 13c, 5 For steam-engines ........................ 14d Generally ................................ 47g, 26 Operating mechanism ................ 47g, 43, 44 Plain (D) as machine elements ........ 47g, 26, 29 For gas-engines ......................... 46b, 4 For steam-engines ...................... 14d, 1 Rider type ................................. 14d, 5 ................................. , Rotary ....................... 14b, 2, 4; 14e; 47g, 27 Tubular ................................. 47g, 14,28 Slides for heating-stoves ....................... 36a, 6 Sliding brakes for life-saving apparatus ........ (ila, 8 Doors ..................................... 37d. 20 Hangers ................................. 68c. 9 Self-closing ............. -, .............. 68d, 1 Feet for doors, windows, etc ................ 68d, 29 Flue-dampers ............................ 24i, 1-3 Leaf sights ................................. 72f , 2 Poise scales .............................. 42f, 5-7 Ring vehicles ............................ 63b, 16 Motor-driven ..................... _____ 63c, 17 Seats for boats ............................ 65c, 4 Shoe current-collectors ...................... 201, 8 Shoes (instead of wheels) for railway-cars ____ 20d, 27 Shutters, double, for cameras ............... 57a. 29 Windows. 20c,39; 37d. 10-12; 63b.7; 63c,22; 68b,27 Holding in position, locking, etc .......... 68b, 27 Slime dressing apparatus for fuel and ore ....... la, 8 Washers for clay ............................ 80a, 5 Slimes, coal and ore, drying .................. la, 9 Slinging toys ............................... 77f, 24 Slings for carrying small-arms .......... . ...... 33d, 8 For injured arms ........................... 30d, 22 Used as weapons ........ ' ................... 72b, 6 Slip-rings, electric .......................... 21d, 20 Slipper-brakes for railway-cars ................. 20f, 12 Slippers .............. . ...................... 71a, 7 Slips, ship-building and repairing .............. 65b, 1 Classification. Sliver cans or cups 76b, 20 Distributers for carding-machines 76b, 1 3 Slivering wood 38i, 3; 78a, 1 Slope-meters for track-laying I9a, 29 Slotting machines for metal-working 49b, 2-10 Tools 87b, 6 Sludge-removing from acetylene-generators. . . 26b, 47 Sluice-building 84a, 4 Sluing cranes 35b, 5 Small-arms 72a, 1-8; 72b; 72f ; 72h, 1-5 Air-guns 72b, 2 Ammunition ., 72d Automatic 72h, 1-4 Barrel-lubricating devices 72a, 31 Barrels 72a, 27 Hardening 18c. 2 Making 49a, 32 Breech-closures 72a, 12-16 Cartridge-magazines 72a, 20-24 Cleaning 72a, 31 Compositions for inside of barrel 22g, 14 Determining range 72f, 7 Range-finders 42c, 14-23 Registering accuracy of aim 72f, 7 ' Shoulder-straps 33d, 8 Sights 72f Sporting-guns 72a, 16 Stands and cases 34i, 15 Supports 72a, 30 Targets and target-stands 72e Tilting barrel , 72a, 16 Trigger mechanism 72a, 25, 26 Smelling bottles and cases 33c, 12 Smelting apparatus, metal. 21h. 6-11; 31a, 1-3 Furnaces for metal-casting. 31a. 1 Smoke bells for lamps 4a, 15 Boxes for locomotives 20b, 14 Catchers for locomotive-sheds 36d, 9 Consumption, generally 24a; 24i In furnaces 24a, 1 8-22 In ships (ifm. 20 Directing, in heating-stoves 36a, 12 Disposing of, in arc-lamps 21f, 19 In locomotives 20b, 14 In ships 65a, 26 Evolving compositions 78d. I Foundry, extracting gases from 40a, 15 Helmets 61a, 19 Houses or rooms 53c, 1 Images or rings, blowing 44b. 1 1 Pipe doors 24g, 2 Pipes 24a; 24g, 4 Precipitating and washing 24g, 6 Preventing 24a-l By materials sprinkled on fuel lOb. 10 Protection from, at fires 61a, 19 Purifying, including washing 12e, 2 Stacks for locomotive-sheds 36d. 9 Ships' 65a. 18 Toys 77f, 29 Tube liners 24k, 3 Smokers' stands and tables 44b, 21 Smoking appliances connected with canes 33a, 12 Appliances, generally 44b, 1-2] Smoo thing-planers 38b, 1 Smouldering burners 4g, 21 Furnaces , 1 Oa, 23 Snaffles, (harness) 56a, 11 Snap-buttons as dress-fasteners 3c, 2 Making 7c. 29 Snaps to hold windows, etc., in adjusted posi- tions 68d, 22 Snoring, preventing 30d, 20 Snow and ice shovels 19b, 6 Artificial production Fences and walls Melters Plows for electric railways.. For railways, generally 17b.6 19e,4 19b. (5 201, 27 20h, 9 For street-cleaning 19b, 6 For street-railways 19b, 2 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Ill Classification. Snow removal 19b, 6 Shoes, (see also Skees) 77b, 15 Traps 37 C) 10 Snuff, treating, chemical features 79c, 1 Mechanical features 79a, 7 Snuffing appliances 44b, 21 Soaking-pits, ingot 18c, 10 Soap boiling apparatus 23e, 1 Bubbles, producing 77f, 29 Containers 34k, 2 Dispensers 34k| 2 Fillers 23e, 2 Liquid, disinfectant 30i, 3 Making, chemical features 23e, 1 Mechanical features 23f, 1, 2 Molding, pressing, and printing 23f,' 1 Preparations 23e, 2 Shaving, polishing, and cutting by machines. 23f, 2 Solid, as disinfectant 23e, 4 With advertising devices inserted 23e, 2 Soaps, medicated 23e, 4 Resin, for paper-sizing 23e, 3 Socket-joints for pipes 47f, 8 Sockets, candle 4a, 33 For electric incandescent lamps 21f, 43, 44 Soda 121, 8-11, 13, 15 Water 53k, 1; 85a, 3, 8 Containers 85a, 4 Sodium alloys, preparation : 40c, 15 Amids 12i, 29 Carbonates 121, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13-15 Hydrates 121, 9-13, 15 Nitrates 121, 6 Peroxids 12i, 16 Preparation 40a, 47 Electrolytic 40c, 5, 6 Sulfates 121, 5 Sulfids 12i, 18, 19 Sulfites 12i, 21 Sofas and sofa-beds 34g, 12 Soft-iron measuring instruments 21e, 3 Softening leather 28b, 13 Metal 7b, 6; 7e, 6; 18c, 1 Water 85b, 1 Soil, blasting with explosives for draining pur- poses 45a, 39 Cultivation 45a Draining and irrigating 45a, 39 Treatment, chemical 451, 2 Mechanical 45a Solar engines .-----; 46d > n Radiation apparatus for producing high tem- peratures 42i, 18 Wheels 42i, 18 Solder 49f , 11 Hard, making 49i, 3 Soldering apparatus 49f, 12-14 Apparatus, dentists' 30b, 17 Electric. 21h, 13 For ornamental chains 49h, 8 Blowpipes for 49f, 13 Furnaces - - 49f, 17 Irons 49f, 12 Burners for heating 4g, 44 Electric 21h, 13 Lamps 49f , 13 Machines 49f , 16 Materials 49f, 11 Processes - 49f, 11 Electric 21h, 12 Wire, making 49f, 11 Sole and heel protectors 71b, 11 Cutting machines 71c, 31 Forming machines 71c, 51 Nailing machines 71c, 38-42 Presses - 71c, 33 Pressers on shoemaking-machines 71c, 27 Protectors, machines for driving in 71c, 55 Sewing machines 52a, 13-16 Stamping and cutting machines 71c, 31 Classification Soles 7ia, 18-20, 22 As electrodes for remedial purposes 30f, 13 Fastening to boots and shoes 7l a , 18 For horseshoes 451, 5 Inner 71a, 20; 71c, 30 guter-. - : 71a, 19 Polishing, machines for 71 C , 57 Special, for treatment of flat feet 30d, 5 Soot, removing from heating-stoves 36a, 7 Removing generally 24g, 1-4, 6, 7 Sorters, centrifugal, for fuel and ores la, 23 Coin , 433, 16 Cork 38 g) 2 For coffee, potatoes, etc 45 e , 20 For fuel and ore dressing la For material in bulk, by weight 42f, 30 For paper sheets 55 e , 5 Glass bead 25c, 6 Letter " ~43a, 41 Needle 7 e , 5 Sorting and measuring machines 42b, 26 Belts for ore and fuel dressing la, 29 Grates for ore and fuel dressing la, 15, 16 Machines, bed-feather 8e 5 Fish 341, 15 For continuous-strand cigarettes 79b, 12 For statistical data 43a, 41 Metal blank, (wire nails, balls, cartridge- cases, etc.) 49b, 30 Roofing-tile 80a, 34 Sugar 89g, 2 Sound arms for talking-machines 42g, 14 Boxes for talking-machines 42g, 2-A Conducting in talking-machines 42g, 14 Dampers for talking-machines 42g, 14 Damping for protection of ears 30d, 29 (Preventing humming) in stretched electric conductors 21c, 6 Deadening in blowers 27b, 8; 27c, 11 In buildings 37a, 7; 37b,6; 37d,30 In permanent ways 1 9a, 1 In structural elements 37b, 6 In type-writers I5g, 45 In water-supply pipes 85d, 2 Direction indicators 74d, 6 Intensifying in talking-machines 42g, 15 Plates 21a, 31-35; 42g, 16 Recording needles 42g?4 Signals 74d, 5 Sounders, telegraphic .T 21a, 22 Electromagnetic devices for 21a, 21 Sounding board bridges for pianos 51b, 8 Boards for pianos 51b, 4-6, 10-12 For stringed instruments 51c, 4 (Depth-measuring) marine 42c, 28-31 Leads for mining purposes 5d, 8 Machines 42c, 31 Posts for stringed instruments 51c, 5 Rods 42c, 30 Tubes 65a, 60 Soup-seasonings 53i, 2; 53k, 1 Sources, (including those containing radium,) inclosing 85d, 1 Sowing apparatus, hand 45b, 3 Space-cutters, (type-casting) 15a, 29 Spaces for type-setting 15a, 2 Spades, convertible . 69, 23 For cultivation of soil 45a, 4 For military purposes 69, 23 Handle-fastenings for 87d, 1 Intrenching . 69, 23 Capable of being used as armored shields or coverings 72g, 2 Making by pressing and forging -. 49g, 9 By rolling 7f, 3 Of sheet metal 7c. 41 Spanners for lock-nuts 47a. 14 Spark arresters 24&, 7 Extinguishing in electric switches 21c, :;."> Plugs, including electromagnetic, for ex- plosion and internal-combustion engines. . 46c, 17 112 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Sparking coils for wireless telegraphy 21a, 71 Coils, generally 21g, 6 Of alternating-current motors, preventing. 21d, 44, 45 Of continuous-current dynamos, prevent- ing 21d, 11-13 Of relays, preventing 21g, 4 Of switches, etc., preventing 21c, 28-61 On taking off current, preventing 21d, 20, 21 Spatter-work, (color-spraying) 75c, 3 Spatulas 75c, 13 Speaking-tubes 74d, 5 Specific gravity, determining 421, 1 Spectacle bridges 42h, 29 Cases 33b, 10 Fitting apparatus 42h, 32 Frames 42h, 29 Spectacles and eyeglasses 42h, 26-31 And eyeglasses with adjustable lenses 42h, 28 Protective, for fencing 77a, 23 Spectrometers and spectroscopes 42h, 20 Spectrum apparatus 42h, 20 Specula 30a, 2 Speed controllers for electric motors 21c, 49-53 Governors for mechanical players 51d, 18 Indicators 63c, 25; 63g, 13 Measuring devices 42o, 1-13 For photographic shutters 57a, 32 Meters 42o, p Regulating devices for alternating-current motors 21d, 44, 45 For continuous-current dynamos 21d, 11-15 For induction-motors 21d, 43 Spent grain, machines for removing from mash . 6b, 10 Spherical ships 65a, 2 Sphygmographs and sphygmometers 30a. 4 Spice containers 34f, 16 Mills 50b, 10 Spices 53k, 1 Spike-pullers, rail 19a, 28 Spikes, rail 19a, 10 Drawing and driving in 19a, 28 Making 7e, 19 Spindle bearings for metal-working lathes 49a, 15 Bearings for spinning-frames 76c, 25 Brakes for spinning and twisting frames 76c, 14 Drive for spinning and twisting frames 76c, 13 Lubrication 76c, 25 Valves for acetylene-generators 26b, 1 Spindles brake, for railway-brakes . . 20f, 4 Doubling and twisting 76c, 4, 18 Spinning-frame 76c, 25 Spinning 76a-d Artificial silk 29a, 6 Asbestos 76b; c Cans 76b, 20 Cards 76b, 11 Fine 76c Frames 76c, 1-24 Fly 76c, 2 For covering thread, wire, etc 25c, 1 Ornamental thread 76c, 24 Ring 76c, 5, 6 Horsehair 76c, 28 Lathes 7c, 12 Machines, cap 76c, 8 Oils 23c, 2 Paper 76c, 29 Silk 76c,28 Top billiards 77d, 16 Spiral coolers 17f, 4 Drawing instruments 42a, 13 Drills for metal-working 49a, 42 Spring mattresses 34g, 17 . Tubes making 7b, 9, 20 Wire, making 7d, 2 Spirals (worms ) making by rolling 7f, 8 Spirits, denaturing ". 6b, 29 Measuring and registering for excise pur- poses 421, 11 Of wine . making 6b, 16 Classification. Spirits, purifying ............................ 6d, 4, 5 Rectifying ............................. 6b, 24-28 Spirometers .................................. 30a, 4 Spits, meat-roasting ........................... 341, 10 Spittoons, dentists' ........................... 30b, 20 For railway-cars. . . .......... .............. 20c, 42 Including those with flushing devices ....... 34f , 10 Pocket .................................... 30g, 14 Splice-bars ......................... 19a, 15-19, 22-24 Splicing ropes ............................... 73, 8 Splints, match ................................ 78b, 1 Orthopedic ............................... 30d, 4-6 Split burners, gas ............................ 4g, 38 Seconds watches ........................... 83a, 85 Splitting-machines, briquet .................. 80a, 24 Intestine, (leather-making) ................ 28b, 24 Leather ................................... 28b, 10 Stone ...................................... 80d, 4 Wood, for bulk treatment .......... ' ......... 38k, 3 For household use ....................... 34d, 1 Spokes for cycle-wheels ................... 63d, 18, 20 For cycle-wheels, making of wire ........... 7d, 11 For vehicle -wheels ....................... 63d, 4, 9 Sponge-holders ............................... 34k, 3 Sponges, bath ....... . ........................ 34k, 3 Sponging and shrinking textiles ................ 8b, 13 Spontaneous combustion in ships, preventing.. 65a, 17 In straw-stacks, preventing ................. 81e, 37 In warehouses, preventing .................. 81e, 37 Preventing by chemical means ............. 61b Spool cases for sewing-machines ............... 52a, 44 Frames-, (weaving) ......................... 86a, 2 Holders, (spinning) ......................... 76d, 17 For roll-cameras ......................... 57a, 23 Spooling ........... . ........ . 7b, 5; 7d, 2; 52a, 36; 76d Apparatus for sewing-machines ............ 52a, 36 Machines ..................... 76d, 1-12, 16, 18, 19 For type-writer ribbons ................. 15g, 45 Measuring and counting mechanism ....... 76d, 18 Silk ......... * .................. ,. . 29a, 6; 76c, 28 Warp .................................. 76d, 1-5 76c, 19, 26; 76d, 16; 86c, 24 57a, 23 52a, 44 76d, 10 76d, 16 54c, 4 21d, 18 Spools... For roll-cameras For sewing-machines For spinning and twisting frames For spooling-machines Making of paper Shaping, for armature-windings Weft, for looms 86c, 14, 24 Spoon-holders 34f, 21 ; 341, 12 Spoons 34f, 14 Ear 33c, 12 Kitchen 341, 21 Making by pressing 49g, 10 Of sheet metal 7c, 41 Medicine 30g, 8 Sporting guns 72a, 16 Guns, change-over devices for 72a, 18 Locks. . . .'. 72a, 16 Sleds 63b, 66 Sports 77a, b Aquatic 65a, 74; 65c Courts for 77a, 25 Paving 19c Driving 63b-k Structures for 37f, 1 Swimming 77a, 14, 15 Spray coolers for liquids and gases 17e, 4 Corks for liquor-handling apparatus <>4a, 52 Tubes for paper-making machines 55d, 9 For spray-coolers 17e, 4 Sprayers, color 75c, 22 Flower 45f, 21 For applying fluids to fibrous materials 8a, 1 For extermination of plants and vermin For fire-extinguishers For furnaces For moistening the air.. Garden... 45k, 4 61a, 17 24b, 7 36d, 14, 15 45f, 21 Gas, (fire-axtinguishing) 61a, 12 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 113 Classification. Sprayers, liquid fuel, for furnaces 24b, 7 Marmalade, for baked goods 2b, 16 Metal, for the preparation of metal powders. . . 49i, 3 Talcum 33c, 12 Spraying devices for gas-washers 26d, 4 Mechanism for baths, general arrangements. . 85f, 5 Nozzles for absorbing, mixing, and purifying gases and vapors 12e, 2, 4 For baths 85f , 6 Generally 85g, 3 Spreaders, butchers' 66a, 6 For textile fabrics 76b, 26-29 Spreading-furnaces for glass manufactures 32a, 29,31,32 Spring arrangements for locks 68a, 76 Boards 77a, 3 Cases for watches 83a, 46 Details 83a, 50 Collars, adjustable 47c, 3, 9 Couplings 47c, 14 Cushions for horse-collars 56a, 5 Door-closers 68d, 4, 5 Drive for lubricating-presses 47e, 17 Guns 72b, 4 Housings for clocks and watches 83a, 2 Motors 46e, 1-3 Movements, generally -. 47h, 24 Nets, (life-saving) 61a, 10 Scales 42f, 3 Spades for gun-carriages 72c, 7 Tooth farming implements 45a, 28 Springs as auxiliary driving devices for cycles and vehicles 63k, 8 Belt, for trusses 30d, 7 Buffer 20d 22 Car 20d, 21 Clock and watch 83a, 1, 9 For hoof-coverings 45i, 4 Hardening I8c, 2 Hydraulic 47a, 17 Metal, as machine elements 47a, 17 Hardening 18c, 2 Making 49g, 8 Pneumatic '47a, 17 Spiral, for beds and other furniture 34g, 18 Making 7d, 7 Vehicle 63b, 13, 14, 48; 63c, 22 Sprinkling carts 19b, 4; 45f, 19 Carts, liquid manure 45b, 5 Fuel to prevent smoke, materials for lOb, 10 Streets 19b, 4 Sprocket-gearing, generally 47h, 11 Variable speed, for cycles 63k, 13, 14 And reversing, generally 47h, 17 Sprockets as machine elements 47b, 24 For cycles. . . . 63k, 29 Spur-wheel gearing for cycles 63k, 1-3,7, 9, 11, 15-18, 20, 21, 25, 27 For motor-cars 63c, 6 Generally 47h, 6, 12 Spurs and spur fastenings 71b, 15-17 Ice 71b, 13 Making . 49i, 9 Mountain-climbing 71b, 13 Riding 71b, 15-17 Spy mirrors on doors 37d, 39 Mirrors on windows 34f, 1 Windows and holes in doors 37d, 39 Squeezers, alligator, for treating wrought-iron blooms 18b, 4 Lemon 34b, 9 Stable-openers, automatic 45h, 14 Stables, equipment, (floo'rs, stall-bars, ventila- tion) 45h, 1 Structural features 37f, 2 Stabilizers for aircraft 77h, 5, 15 Gyroscopic 77h, 5 Stackers for threshing-machines 45e, 11 9852419 8 Classification. Stacking tobacco and other leaves, appara- tus for 79a, 1 Unprinted sheets of paper 55e, 5 Stacks, ricks, etc 45e, 29 Cutters for 45e, 1 Preventing spontaneous combustion in 81e, 37 Staffs ; skee 77b, 15 Stage decorations 77g ; i Lighting, electric 21f, 9 Generally 4b, 22 Structural arrangements fpr 77g, 2 Switches, electric 21c, 37 Stages and compressors for microscopes 42h, 15 Revolving, equipment 77g, 1 Structural arrangements 37f, 1 Theater, equipment 77g, 1 Structural arrangements 37f, 1 Staging and scaffolding 37e Stain removers for woven fabrics 8e, 2 Removing 8d; 8i, 5 Stained glass 32b, 5 Stair carpet rods and rod-holders 34f, 25 Carpets 34f, 24 Runner rods and fasteners for 34f, 25 Stairs, concrete 37d, 1 Iron 37d, 4 Railway-car 20c, 37 Ships' 65a, 32 Solid 37d, 1 Special types 37d, 3 Winding 37d, 1-4 Wooden 37d, 2 Stairway coverings 37d, 3 Hand-rails 37d, 3 Lighting, electric, time-controlled switches for 21c,40 Gas, continuous or for predetermined periods 4d, 9, 17 Stakes 45f, 15 Stalk-breakers 29a, 2 Stall-bars for stables 45hj 1 Stamp affixers, including those with counting devices : 70d, 5-7 Canceling machines 15h, 4 Cutters. 70d, 5-7 For stamps in rolls 70e, 18 Dispensers 43b, 14; 54g, 14 Coin-controlled 43b, 27 Inking pads 15h, 3 Keys for workmen's time-recorders 43a, 27 Mills for ores 50c, 13 For paper-making 55c, 10 Pickers, (for lifting stamps from stacks) 70d, 5 Pliers for hand-stamps 15h, 1 Presses for box-making 54a, 7 Stamped sheet metal for building purposes. . . . 37b,4 Stampers for washing-machines 8d, 7, 8 Hand, for clay-working 80a, 13, 33 Stamping apparatus, card 15h, 5 Apparatus, dentists' 30b, 12 For marking bags and sacks 15h, 7 Letter 15h, 4, 7 Ticket 43a, 20 Time-cpritrolled 43b, 54 Glass cylinders, machines for 15h, 7 Inks .'. . 22g, 4, 7 Machines, (compressors,) coal lOa, 14 For automatic dispatch of mail 43a, 24 For characters or lines for type-setting 15a, 19 For manufacture of clay tubes 80a, 33 Of clay ware, generally 80a, 13 For matrix strips and plates 15a, 20 For paving purposes 19c, 9 Letter 15h, 4 Needle . 7e, 2 .. 15h,4-6 114 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Stamps, advertising 54g, 4 And dies for pressing sheet metal or tubes. . 7c, 13, 18 Branding 75a, 1 Canceling 43a, 20 Date 15h, 1 With automatic shifting mechanism 43a, 35 Embossing 15h, 1, 7; 75a, 2 Folding, for closing tin-cans 7c, 9 For marking animals 45h, 7 For working un vulcanized caoutchouc 39a, 10 Hand, flat, roll and ribbon 15h, 1 With counting mechanism 43a, 21 Without counting mechanism 15h, 1, 7 Inked 15h, 1 Perforating 15h, 2 With counting mechanism 43a, 21 Pocket 15h, 1 Postage, (See also Postage-stamps.) Automatic venders for 43b, 27 Canceling by chemicals 75d, 5 Collecting appliances for lie, 27 Making 54b, 7 Registering 43a, 14 Roll 15h, 1 Shoe-cap . . . . . 71c, 12 Time, with automatic recording mechanism. 43a, 35 Stanchion flat-cars for railways 20c, 12 Vehicles 63b, 1 Stanchions, mine 5c, 4 Stand-pipes 13c, 23 For gas-retorts and cleaning of same 28a, 15 Standard measuring apparatus and processes.. 42e, 29 Standards and standard-supports for vehicles.. 63b, 1 Stands and frames for clocks 83a, 45 For airing bedding 34f, 26 Connected with bedstead. . . . . 34g, 16; 34h, 2 For current-collectors of electric railways 201, 10 For gas-meters 42e, 26 For kitchen-stove rings 341, 21 For measuring instruments 42c, 1, 2 For physical and chemical testing apparatus. 421, 13 For weapons 34i, 15 Beer-glass 64a, 86 Bicycle 63h, 1-5 Billiard-cue 77c, 13 Blackboard 34i, 9 Blue-print 70e, 6 Book 34i, 17 Bottle, as furniture 34i, 22 For the kitchen 341, 12 For the table 34f, 21 Camera, (tripods) 57a, 10 Cane 34f, 23 Christmas tree 341, 28 Display 54g, 17-19 Drawing 70e, 6 Drying 82a, 10, 11 For boots and shoes 34c, 16 For bricks . . 82a, 10, 11 For laundry 8d, 15, 16 Egg 53c, 4 Electric lamp 21f, 58 Finger-ring 341, 22 Flower, for hothouses 45f, 9 For rooms 34f, 6 Fruit, for household use 34i, 22 Gun 34i, 15 Hose, for fire-extinguishing purposes 6 la, 15 Jumping, gymnasium 77a, 3 Kitchen 341, 12 Map 34i, 9 Match 44b, 29 Milliners' 41b, 1 Mirror 34f, 1, 2, 4 Miscellaneous 34i, 22 Music. 34i, 16, 22; 51e, 8 Operating, veterinary 30c, 5 Pen and pencil 70e, 12 Photograph 34f, 4 Made of folded paper 54f Classification. Stands, picture 34f, 4 Shoemakers' 71c, 7 Show-window 54g, 16 Smokers' 44b, 21 Specimen, for educational purposes 42n, 10 Tailors' 3d, 1 Umbrella 33a, 1 Watch 341, 22 Window, for flower-pots 34e, 19 Staples as locking devices 68b, 28 For shoes 71a, 33 Making 7e, 19 Stapling and wire-stitching machines lla, 5, 6 Starch making 89k Making, comminuting raw materials for 89k, 1 Nitro 78c, 6, 9, 10 Sugar, extracting 89i, 1 Synthetic derivatives of 12o, 6 Starching-machines for laundry 8d, 17 Starters, car 20h, 2 For centrifugal pumps 59b, 2 For compound steam-engines 14g, 2 For electric-arc lamps 21f, 15 For electric motors 21c, 49-53 ; 21d, 42 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46c, 24-28 For mercury- vapor lamps 21f , 84 For motor-cars .- 63c, 13 For steam-engines 14g, 9 For vehicles 63b, 28 Starting barriers for horse-races 43a, 33 Machines, electric 21d, 26, 47 For races 43a, 33 Mechanism for machinery, generally 47h, 20 Plates for electric-arc lamps 21f , 80 Stassfurt industry, (salt- producing) 121, 4 Station-indicators 21i, 25-27; 54g, 4-7 With advertisements 54g, 4^-7, 11 Statuary-copying machines 75a, 16 Stay-bolts for steam-boilers 13a, 20 Steam baths 30f, 10 Boiler feed apparatus 13b, 10-18 Feed-water purification 13b, 5-7; 85b Fittings and steam-pipes 13b-g Furnaces 24a-l Safety devices 13c, 19-23 Valves 13c, 25-30 Setting 24k, 5 Water-gages 13c, 1-13 Boilers 13a-f Bricking in 24k, 5 Cleaning 13e Low pressure, for central heating systems. 36c, 10 With horizontal fire-tubes 13a, 22 With means for injecting feed-water 13a, 23 With several superposed strata of water. . - 13a, 24 With vertical fire-tubes 13a, 19 Condensing 14c,ll; 14g,12,13; 17d; 89e, 5 Consumption meters 42e, 23 Cookers, (digesters) 341, 2 Cooking apparatus 36c, 13 Cylinders as machine elements 47f , 18 Draining 14g, 5 Heating and cooling 14g, 6 Valve arrangements 14f , 10 Distributing appliances, generally 13d, 1 Drawing from steam-engines for heating, cook- ing, drving, etc 14h, 2 Drying. 13d, 26-29 For steam-engines 14g, 6 For steam-turbines 14c, 9 Energy of, methods of utilizing 14h, 1-5 Engines 14a-h Accessories 14g Balancing 14a, 15 Compound 14a, 5 Starting devices for 14g, 2 Cooling 41g, 6 Cut-off and safety devices 14g, 3 Differential pistons 14a, 7 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 115 Classification. Steam engines, double-acting high pressure.. 14a, 4 Engines, drawing off steam for special purposes 14h, 2 For locomotives 14a, 1 Heating and heat-insulating 14g, 6 Lubricating 14g ) 7 Measuring devices 14g, 9 Movable cylinders, (including telescopic). 14a, 10 Oscillating cylinders 14a, 11 Portable 14a, 2 Radial 14a, 13. 14 Reciprocating 14a, 1-16 Regulating devices 14g ? 3 Reversing-gear 14d, 20-23; 14f, 10 Rotary valve-gears 14e Single-acting 14a, 3 Slide-valve gears 14d Starting 14g, 9 Stuffing-boxes 14a, 16 Tandem 14a, 6 Unidirectional flow 14a, 17 Utilizing exhaust-steam 14h, 3 Valve-gears 14d-f Varving clearances 14g, 9 With rotary or oscillating pistons 14b, 1-9 Generating 13a; g By electricity 13g, 4 By special methods 13g For gas-producers 24e, 10 Hammers 49e, 1 Heating for brewing-kettles 6b, 12 Generally 36c, 1, 2 Plants, drawing off air 36c, 2 Impact-wheels 14c, 1 Jet-pumps 59c, 11-15 Meters 42e, 23 Motor- vehicles 63c, 2 Motors, small 14a, 2 Oil-separators for 13d, 30 Pipe-isolating valves 47g, 15-18 Piston-pumps 59a, 3 Pressure draft-regulators 24i, 2 Pumps 59c, 1-3 Railway-locomotives 20b, 1 Reaction-wheels 14c, 2 - Rollers 19c,8 Separators 13d, 26-29 Steering apparatus for ships 65a, 45 Street-railway locomotives 20b, 2 Superheaters 13d, 2-11 Traps 13d, 12-25 Turbines 14c Appurtenances 14c, 10 Balancing, regulating, and reversing 14c, 7 Blade-fastenings 14c, 10 Condensers 14c, 11 Driving machines by 14c, 12 Friction-operated and screw .- 14c, 3 Impulse 14c, 4 Methods of operating 14c, 8, 9 Pressure 14c, 4 Water raising mechanism 59c, 3 Separators 13d, 26-29 Whistles 74d, 1 Steamers, barley (brewing) 6b, 2 Grain 50a, 2 Meat refuse (for fertilizers) 16, 6 Potato, as feed-cookers 53g, 6 For household use 341, 4 Ships 65a-f Stearin 23d Steel, annealing 18c, 8, 9 Coating metals with, galvanic 48a Mechanical 49f, 18; 49g, 9 Crucible, preparing 18b, 12 Engraving 75a, 6-12 ; 75b, 10 Etching for printing-forms 15b, 1, 5 Hardening 18c, 1 , 2, 5-7 Ingot, making 18b, 8-19 Pen-grinding machines 67a, 22 Pens 70b, 1 Making of sheet metal and tubing 7c, 40 Classification. Steel plate presses I5d, 9 Sheet, annealing I8c, 7 Softening I8c, 1 Tempering 18c, 1, 2, 5-7 Tools 49a, 25; 49b, 10; 49c, 11 Welding, making I8b, 4-7 Wire, annealing and hardening 18c, 6 Steeping leather 28a, 1 Wood 38h, 1 Steering apparatus for agricultural machines. . . 45a, 36 Apparatus for cycles 63h, 13 For drilling and hoeing machines 45a, 36 For motor-cars 63c, 20 For one-wheeled and two-wheeled motor- cycles 63k, 24 For road- vehicles 63b, 40 For ships 65a, 44-51 ; 74c, 9 Electric 65a, 42 Without continuous conductor. 21c, 41; 65a, 43 Propellers for ships 65a, 50 Signal systems for 65a, 57 Torpedoes 65d, 2, 3 Stem- winders for watches 83a, 38-40 Stencil printing apparatus for typographic pur- poses 15d, 34 Punchers 75a, 23 Stenciling implements 75c, 25 Processes 75c, 7 Textiles, wall-coverings, etc 8c, 8 Stencils for printing addresses 15e, 13 For printing textiles, wall-coverings, etc 8c, 9 For producing ornamentations 75c, 25 For surface ornamentation of textiles 8n, 7 Laundry 75c, 25 Making 7c, 10; 54d, 2; 75c, 25 Painters' 75c, 25 Tailors' , for marking patterns 3d, 2 Wood-graining 75c, 25 Stenographic type-writers 15g, 18 Step counters 42p, 9 Counters on watches 83a, 83 Coverings for stairways 37d, 3 Ladders 341, 23 Stepping mechanism for dolls 77f, 10 Steps for cycles 63g, 14 Railway-car 20c, 37 Vehicle 63b, 8 Stereoramas 77g, 4 Stereoscopes 42h, 22 Stereoscopic cameras 57a, 4 Kinematographs 57a, 36 Stereotype matrix machines 15c, 1 Plates 15b,2-6;15c,3 Relief 15k, 10 Stereotypes, flat, casting 15c, 2 Stereotyping 15b, 2; 15c, 1-4 Sterilizing air 30i, 5 Apparatus, generally 30i, 2 Beverages 6d, 1, 2 Closures and stoppers 53b, 2-4 Dressings 30i, 8 In barbers' work 30i, 6 Milk 53e, 2 Processes, generally ' 30i, 1 Water.... 85a, 1 Stern-tubes for ships 65f , 1 1 Stethoscopes 30a, 5 Sticks and quoins for type-setting 15a, 6 Mahl (maul) 75c, 28 Walking 33a, 11-13 Stiffeners for collars, cuffs, etc 3a, 3-5 For wearing-apparel, generally 3b, 2 Stilt-brakes to prevent vehicles from skidding. . 63b, 59 Stilts 77a, 12 Roller or wheel 77b, 17-19 Stippling-machines 75a, 5 Stirrers, blood, for butchering 66a, 5 For centrifugal machines 82b, 17 For driers 82a, 23 For household use 341, 19 For liquids, generally 12e, 4 116 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Stirrers for mashing apparatus 6b, 4, 5 For puddling-furnaces 18b, 5 Pulp, for paper-making 55d, 24 Stirring mechanism for preparation of mortar. . . 80a, 7 Of soda-water 85a, 2, 3 Stirrups 56b, 9-12 Making , 7c,47 Stitching implements for bookbinding 1 la, 10, 11 In bookbinding lla, 1-7; lie, 1 Machines for bookbinding lla, 2-7 For paper- box manufacture 54a, 9-11 Thread lla, 3, 4; 52a, 32 Wire, (bookbinding) lla, 5, 6 Processes, (bookbinding) lla, 1 Stock feed 53g, 1-5 Feed, cleaning 45e, 20 Cookers 53g, 6 Removing bitter elements from 53g, 5 Feeding 45h, 4 Watering 45h, 5 Stocking-stretchers 8d, 16 Stockings 3a, 10 Darning, machines for 25a, 30 Elastic 30d,19 Making 25a, 19-29 Putting on, devices to facilitate 341, 24 Stoking devices for gas-producers 24e, 12 For refuse-furnaces 24d Generally 24f, 21 Stone, artificial, containing cork . 37b, 6; 80b, 9, 16, 24 Artificial, dyeing, glaring, ornamenting 80b, 23 Making 80a, 50; 80b, 10-22 Rendering porous or spongy 80b, 18 Slabs of, making 80a, 7-19, 29, 46, 50, 56, 58 As filtering material 12d, 3 Broken, binding materials 19c, 1 Making 50c, 1, 4 Building 37b, 1 Chutes. 37e, 13 Coffins, (caissons) 84c, 3 Compositions, impregnating 80b, 19 Crushers 50c, 4 Designs 75d, 17 Drills and stone-drilling machines 80d, 9 Floors . 37d, 6, 7 Grinding machines 67a, 14 Hewing machines 80d, 11 Pavements 19c, 2 Pickers for cultivators, etc .. 45a, 31 Printing-surfaces... 15b, 1, 3, 5; 15d, 8; 15k, 1-3, 6 Sawing machines 80d, 5 Trapsfor centrifugal pumps 59b, 2 Working 80d, 1-14 Working hammers 80d, 1; 87b Stoners, fruit, for bulk treatment 45e, 40-43 For household use 34b, 11 Stones, artificial, lithographic 151, 1 Artificial, as structural elements :. . . 37b, 1 Boundary 19e, 3 Chimney 37b, 1; 37f, 5 Facing, as structural elements 37b, 1 Fasteners and connections for 37b, 5 Hollow, of burnt clay 37b, 1 Kennel 19c, 6 Mill 50b, 2, 11 Compositions for 80b, 1 1 Paving 19c, 2 Precious, changing colors by radiation 75d, 17 Coloring 75d , 1 7 Grinding agents : 67c Machines 67a, 21 Setting 44a, 40; 49i, 6 Working 80d, 2 Shaped, as structural elements 37f, 1 Tomb 37f, 9 Stools 34g, 3, 4, 10 Canes convertible into 33a, 14 Milking 45g, 1 Music 34g, 4 Office 34g, 3 Classification. Stools, piano 34g, 4 Prayer 34g, 10 Three-legged 34g, 10. Umbrellas convertible into 33a, 14 Wall . . . ; 34g, 3 Stop-watches 83a, 85 Stoppers, cork 64a, 11, 18 Expanding, for liquor-dispensing vessels 64a, 17 For liquor-dispensing vessels 64a, 8-18 For nursing bottles 30g, 11 Of artificial compositions and machines for making 64a, 10 Rubber, for liquor-dispensing vessels 64a, 9 Screw, for liquor-dispensing vessels 64a, 16 Sterilizing 53b, 2-4 Transverse, for liquor-dispensing vessels 64a, 13 With measuring devices 64c, 43 Wooden, for liquor-dispensing vessels 64a, 8 Stopping runaway horses, devices for, on vehi- cles 63b, 26 Ships, apparatus for 65a, 49 Stops for accordions 51c, 31 For organs 51a; 6 For windows and doors 68d, 30 Storage batteries 21b, 15-26 Batteries, charging and discharging 21c, 42-44 Connecting 21d, 25 Half lead 21b, 24 . Lead 21b, 15-23 Battery electrode forms 21b, 18-22 Electrodes, making 21b, 15, 16 Packing 21b, 26 Paste mixtures 21b, 17 Plates and grids 21b, 18, 19 Making by casting 31c, 22 By mechanical means 49i, 4 Cellars 37f, 2 Storing carbid cartridges 26b, 40 Inflammable fluids 81e, 38 Storm bands or cords for hats 41c, 8 Clothing 3b, 3 Stove dampers 36a, 6 Doors 36a, 15 Fenders 34d, 6 Lifters 36a, 23 Making 49i, 9 Pipe elbows, making 7b, 17 Pipes 36a, 14- Passing through walls 36a, 14 Utilizing flue-gases 36a, 14 Rings 36a, 23 Tiles 36a, 13 Making 80a, 31; 80b, 8 Stoves, air-circulating 36a, 2 Bath 36e, 1-5 Briquet 36a, 4 Collapsible 36a, 9 Cooking 36a, 20 Steam-bath and water-bath 36c, 1 3 For treating hides and pelts 28b, 27 Fresh air 36a, 3 Gas heating 36b, 1, 2, 4 Heating 36a, 1-12, 24 Directing gases and air to be heated in zig- zag or spiral paths 36a, 12 Electric 21h, 5 For liquid fuel 36b, 3 Implements for 34d, 8 Petroleum 36b, 3 Removing ashes 36a, 7 Structural elements 36a, 13-15 Vapor-burner 36b, 3 Ironing 8d, 21 Lignite coke 36a, 21 Magazine 36a, 1 Steam and water, with heating arrangements. 36c, 12 Ventilating 36a, 3 With movable parts 36a, 9 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 117 Classification. Straight knitting machines for plain and ribbed goods 25a, 15 Line breech-actions, small-arms 72a, 13 Motions 47h, 23 Straightening-machines for tubes, rods, and gird- ers 49f , 8-10 Sheet metal . 7c, 1 Wire 7d,l Strainers for paper-making. . . . . 55d, 5-7 Kitchen 341,18 Pump 85d, 1 Straining disks for purification of waste water . . . 85c, 6 Liners for receptacles containing inflammable fluids 81e, 38 Strands, rope, making 73, 2 Strap-skates 77b, 11 Straps, boot 71a, 32 Shoulder, military 3b, 6 Trouser 3b, 24 Straw binders behind threshing-machines 45e, 5 Bundles, hand-tools and independent ma- chines for forming and binding 45e, 1 Casings or coverings, machines for making . . 81a, 15 For sewing 52a, 26 Cutters 45e,32; 55a, 5 Cutting machines 45e, 32-34 Forks 45c, 2 Hats 41c,3 Loaders 45e, 30 Mats 34f, 24 Sewing . 52a, 26 Mattresses 34g, 19 Plaiting machines 25b, 9 Presses 45e, 23-28 Ropes, making 73, 4 Shakers for threshing-machines 45e, 7 Stacks 45e, 29 Weaving 86e Stream (trickling) condensers 17d, 3 Coolers. 17e, 1-3; 17f, 3 Evaporators, generally 12a, 2 For sugar manufacture 89e, 1 Streams, correcting 84a, 1 Navigating 65a, 52-55 Street binding materials 19c, 1 Building 19c Cleaning 19b Gutters 19c, 6 Organs 51d, 2-7 Pavements 19c, 2 Compositions for 80b, 25 On railway crossings 19c, 7 Railway cars 20c, 6 Cars, fenders, etc., for 20d, 32 Side gratings between cars 20d, 35 Rails . 19a, 20 Draining 19a, 21 Switches.? 20i, 15-17 Ties 19a,21 Tracks 19a, 1, 20-24; 19c, 1-5, 7 Railways 20a; 20i, 15, 16,17 Auxiliary apparatus for operating 20h Electric.... 20k, 1 Protective and safety devices 20d, 32-3o Rollers 19c, 8 Scraping machines 19b, 3 Sewer-pipes 85e, 6 Sprinkling apparatus 19b, 4 Sweeping machines 19b, 1 Washing machines : 19b, 3 Streets, sand-scattering appliances 19b, 5 Tearing up, apparatus for 19c, 10 Strength testers for testing cement, etc., by beat- ing . 42k,28 Testers for various materials 42k, 20, 22-28 Testing machines 42k, 21 Stretchers, carpet 34f, 8 Chain 47d, 17 (Litters) portable 30e, 1 Wheeled 30e, 2 Trouser... - 341,31 Classification. Stretching apparatus for curative gymnastics. 30f, 3 Apparatus for fleshing and depilating ma- chines 28b, 2 For hides, (tanning) 28a, 12 Leather 28b, 4-7, 27 Devices for laundry 8d, 16 Transverse, for braid 8b, 11 Frames and machines for leather belts 28b, 21 Fabric 8b, 2 For painters' canvases 75c, 18 Hide 28b,7 Lasts for shoes 71c, 4 Machines, curtain 8d, 16 Fabric 8b, 10 Sheet metal 7a, 1, 9 Wire 7d,5 Screws for ropes, cables, etc 47d, 12 Striking mechanism for mechanical players . 51d, 12-17 Mechanism for timepieces 83a, 53-63 Count-wheel 83a, 53 Electric , 83b, 6 Quarter hour 83a, 59 Repeating , 83a, 59 Worm and rack 83a, 54 Surfaces for matches 44b, 28 Traps 45k, 8 String holders for stringed instruments 51c, 6 Plates for pianos 51b, 2 Stringed-instruments, bowed 51c, 1-12 Bowed, mechanical 51d, 24 Changing pitch of 51c, 22 Generally, arrangement and fastening of strings 51c, 21 Plucked 51c, 13-20 Stringers, iron 19a, 4 Stringing green beans, apparatus 45e, 45 Pianos 51b, 13 Strings for musical instruments 51b, 13; 51c, 6 Covering 25c, 1 Striping textiles/dyeing in stripes) 8a, 4 Stripping apparatus, ingot 31c, 31 Apparatus for sheet-metal and tube working. . 7c, 18 Films and papers, photographic 57b, 3 Tobacco 79a, 3 Vegetable-stalks 29a,2 Strips, lighting, chemical 78f Perforated, for printing-telegraphs 21a, 12 Protective, for corners of masonry -. 37b, 5 Transmitting, perforated, making. : 21a, 7 Stroboscopes 57a, 35 Stroke-counters 42p Strontium compounds 12m, 1, 2 Preparation 40a, 47 Eletrolytic 40c,5, 6 Processes for extracting sugar from molasses. . 89h, 4 Strops, razor 67c, 5 Structural elements of every kind 37a-d Structures, agricultural 37f , 2 For games and sports 37f, 1 For various purposes 37f Studios, photographic 57c, 1 Studs (buttons) 44a, 18 Stuff -chests for paper-making 55d, 14 Treating paper-pulp in 55d, 27 Stuffing animals (taxidermy) 451, 1 Box packings 28a, 8; 47f, 24-26 Boxes 14a. 16; 17a, 9; 47f , 23-26; 59b, 2 As machine elements, including packings. . 47f , 23-26 For centrifugal pumps 59b, 2 For refrigera ting-machines 17a, 9 For steam-engines 14a, 16 Lubricating 47e, 11 Machines, sausage 66b, 11 Stunning animals to be slaughtered, apparatus for - 66a, 1,2 Stuttering, means for curing 30d, 5, 20 Subaqueous foundations. 84c, 2 Submarine and submersible vessels for under- water work 65a, 5 Boats... 65a,4,5 118 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification Submarine mines and mining 65d, 9 Torpedo boats 65a, 4 Subsoil-plows 45a, 11 Substructures for railways : 19e Subways 20a, 15 Electric 20k, 1 Equipment 201, 30 Successive-lift water-raising by compressed air.. 59c, 5 Sucking appliances for young stock 45h, 6 Suction apparatus, medical and surgical 30k, 1 Batteries (sugar-making) 89d, 6 Caps for suspending articles for display pur- poses 54g, 12, 22 For suspending articles in dwellings 34f, 3 Devices for predrying textile materials 8b, 1 For seeding-machines 45b, 16 Draft appliances for furnaces 24i, 5 Overflow-weirs 84a, 3 Pump excavators 84d, 4 Sugar, analyzing 89c; d Assorting machines 89g, 2 Beet cutting machines 89b, 1 Presses 89c, 8 Washing machines 89a, 1 Boilers 89e, 1-3 Cane mills 89b, 2 Planting machines 45b, 22 Presses. 89c, 8 Cleansing 89d, 5, 6; 89f, 1 Crystals, washing out 89d, 7 Cutting machines for bulk treatment 89g, 1 For household use 34b, 5 Drying 1 89d, 11 Extracting 89a-i Centrifugal apparatus for 89f From molasses 89h, 1-7 Grape 89i, 1 Invert 89i, 2 Juice, concentrating and evaporating 89d, 1 Crystallizing 89d, 2 Extracting 89c, 10 Loaf 89d, 8 Malt. '. 89i, 2 Measuring and sampling . . 89c, 16 Milk. 89i,2 Molding and pressing 89d, 9 Packing, machines for 89g, 2 Potato 89i, 1 Refined, preparing in form of sugar-loaves. . . 89d, 8 Refining 89d, 5-8 Synthetic derivatives 12o, 6 Works, measuring devices for 421, 12 Sulf ates, alkali 121, 5 Thio. ,. . . 12i, 22 Sulfid, zinc, as a pigment 22f, 5 Sulfids 12i, 18, 19 Sulfites 12i, 21 Alkali and earth alkali 12i,21 Hydro 12i,22 Sulfo-acids, amino 12q, 36 Anilin 12q, 6 Di- and poly-aminooxynaphthalene 12q, 36 Oxynaphthalene 12q, 26, 28 Generally 12o, 23 Naphthol 12q, 25, 27 Naphthylamin, di and poly 12q, 8 Mono 12q, 7 Of di- and tri-arylmenthane dyestuffs.. 22b, 16 Sulfur 12i, 17 Compounds containing chlorin 12i, 20 Organic 12o, 23, 24 Dyes, dyeing textiles with. .. .. 8m, 8 tuffs. . . 22d Nitrogen rings 12p, 4 Rendering harmless in fuel 10b, 8 Separating from pig-iron 18b, 2 In production of ingot-iron 18b, 9 Sulfureted hydrogen 12i, 18 Sulfuric acid 12i, 23-25 Anhydrid 12i, 24 Classification. Sulfuring casks, etc., apparatus for 6f, 2 Sulf urous acid I2i ; 21 Sulfuryl chlorid . I2i^ 20 Sun dials 83a^ 30 Heat of, utilizing for production of power. . . 46d, 11 Shades 33 a , 1-10 For horses 45h, 8 Sunken ships, raising 65b, 3 Superheated-steam engines 14g, fi; ]4h, 4 In or on steam-turbines 14c, 9 Steam 13d, 2-11 Superphosphates I2i, 30; 16, 1 Supervision, switch and signal 20i, 13 Supply channels for water-power plants 84a, 6 Spools for spinning and twisting frames 76c,8,19; 76d,4 Supporters, bust 3a, 14 Hose 3a, 11 Skirt 3b, 18 Supporting frames for skaters 77b, 14 Planes for flying-machines 77h, 5, 7 Plates for girders 37b, 5 Supports, adjustable, for drawing 70e, 6 Anode 48a, 4 As structural elements 37b, 3 Collar 3b, 2 Foot, for fitting shoes 54g, 18 For bridges 19d, 3 For clock-movements 83a, 43 For cycles 63f, 1-3 For potted plants 45f, 8 For small-arms 72a, 30 Head, for bath-tubs 34k, 4 Hose 3a, 11 Orthopedic 30d, 4 Plaster 37a, 3 Plate, for glass-rolling 32a, 21 Vehicle, to take the load off the tires 63b, 43 Suppositories 30k, 19 Surface carbonizing of iron 18c, 3 Carbureters for gas-engines 46c, 9 Combustion (flameless) in connection with gas-burners 4g, 55 (Flameless) in gas-furnaces 24c, 1 Stone compositions for 80b, 8, 18 Condensers for steam-engines 14g, 13; 17d, 1 Evaporators, (sugar-making) 89e, 1 Measures 42c, 12 Measuring machines 42c, 13 Of metal articles, cleaning by chemical means 48d, 2 Ornamentation 75b, 1-14 Apparatus and machines for 75a, 1-5 Of textiles 8n, 5-8 Surgery 30a, 8-19 Dental 30b, 1-9 Veterinary 30c Surveying, geodetic, apparatus for 42c, 8, 9 Underground, apparatus for 42c, 11 Surveyors' instruments 42c, 10 Suspended cableways 20a, 12 Cupboards 34i, 22 Railways 20a, 11, 12 Swings 77e, 11 Ways with rigid tracks 20a, 11 Suspender-buckles 3b, 17 Suspenders 3b, 17 Suspension bridges 19d, 4 Devices for billiard-cues 77c, 13 For church-bells 37d, 29 For clocks 83a, 44 For cycles 63f, 5 For electric-arc lamps 21f, 22-24 For electric wires 21c, 13 For incandescent bodies (mantles) fitted to lamp 4a, 26 Pitted to mantle 4f, 1 For kitchen utensils 341, 24 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 119 Classification. Suspension devices for lamps 4a, 25-31 Devices for lanterns 4a, 46 For meat 66b, 13 Of motors in electric railways 201, 21 In motor- vehicles : 63c, 19 Of trolley-wires 20k, 9 Railways 20a, 11, 12 r Electric- 20k, 1 Operating mechanism 201, 30 Tracks 19a, 23 Suspensories 30d, 15 Suture materials and methods of storing 30a, 8 Swage-rollers 7f Swages, bending 49f, 8-10 For forging spiral drills 49g, 7 Forging 49f, 1-4; 49g For stamping and pressing sheet metal and tubes 7c, 14, 18 Perforating 49b, 20 Pressing 49e, 8, 9; 49g Punching 7c, 10-18 Shaping 31c, 25 Welding 49f, 18 Sweat-bands for head-coverings 41b, 2 Sweep-tables for ore and fuel dressing la, 12 Sweepers 9, 2 Sweeping-machines, carpet 34c, 8 Floor 34c, 5 Lawn 45c, 26 Street 19b, 1 Sweet oils 53h, 1, 2 Swimming, apparatus for teaching 77a, 15 Appliances for life-saving service 65a, 74 Generally . 77a, 14, 15 Baths, equipment 36e; 85c, d Producing waves in 37f, 3 Structural arrangements 37f, 3 Bladders 65a, 68 Fins, artificial 77a, 14 Frames : 77a, 15 Gloves 77a, 14 Pools, equipment 36e; 85c; d Producing waves in 37f, 3 Structural arrangements 37f, 3 Shoes 77a, 14 Toys 77f, 21 Swing bridges 19d, 4 Plows 45a,8 Swinging apparatus for plate-glass blowing 32a, 10 Apparatus for rock-drilling and cutting ma- chines 5b, 15 Boats 77e, 17 Door closers 68d, 3, 5 Doors 37d, 18 Checks for 68d, 12 Swings, children's 34h, 4 Cradle, rolling, tilting, etc 77e, 12 Russian, (swinging boats) 77e, 17 Suspended 77e, 11 Switch apparatus for elevators 35a, 25 Boards, electric 21c, 27 Portable, for motor-tests 42k, 29 Gear for electric clocks 83b, 3 For telegraphs 21a, 4 Levers for motor-cars 63c, 13 Locks .201,6 Mechanism, railway 20i, 1-14 Movements 20i, 5 Operating mechanism 20i, 1, 2, 10, 11 Signals 20i, 14 Supervision 20i, 13 Tongues 20i,8 Yards 20a, 1 Switches, accumulator-regulating 21c, 42, 43 Automatic, depending on action of heat 21c, 58 Electromagnetic 21c, 57 Battery 21c,42,43 Burglar-alarm 74a, 21 Charging, for storage batteries 21c, 44 Classification. Switches, combination 21c, 38 Cord 21c,31 Current-conducting 20k, 10 Door 21c, 36 Electric 21c, 28-45, 54-56 Cut in and cut out 21c, 28-39 Generally 21c, 28-45, 54-56 Operable from a distance 21c, 41 Electromagnetic 21c, 57, 58 For Nernst lamps 21f, 71 Fire-alarm 74 a , 30 For pneumatic-tube postal systems 81e, 41 For suspended, cable, and rack-rail roads 20i, 9 Heat-controlled 21c,58; 74a, 30-38; 74b,3 Inclined plane 20i, 4 Knife 21c, 28 Lever 21c,28 Mercury 21c, 33 Operable from vehicle 20i, 15-17 Plug .., 21c,21 Pneumatically controlled 21c, 39 For Nernst lamps 21f, 71 Pull 21c, 31 Push-button 21c, 30 Quick break 21c, 29 Rotary 21c, 29 Slide 21c, 32 Structural arrangement 20i, 4 Time-controlled, for automatic lighting 21c, 40 Wire break 20k, 11; 21c, 9 With spark-extinguishers, (blow-outs) 21c, 35 Switching systems 20a, 1 Swivels, chain 47d, 15 Sword belts 3b, 6, 22 Canes 69, 27 Knots 44a,3 Swords 69, 27 Fastening to saddle 33d, 8 Synchronism for printing-telegraphs 21a, 13 Indicators 21e, 7 Synchronizing alternating-current generators. . 21d, 33 Talking-machines with other apparatus. . 42g, 11-13 Syringes, enema 30k, 4 Injection 30k, 3 Medical and surgical 30k, 3-6 Veterinary. 30c, 6 Syrup, extracting 89i, 2 Traps for evaporators 89e, 5 T-squares 70e, 9 Table bells, electric 74a, 2 Billiards 77c, 9 Bowling-alleys 77c, 2 Brushes 34c, 6 Making 9, 3 Cloth holders 34f, 19 Cloths, making 86c, 1 Covers 34f , 9 Equipment 34f, 11-21 Fittings, ornaments, etc 34i, 28 Fountains 341, 26 Knives 69, 18; 34f, 12 Linen 34f , 9 Scales 42f , 4 Utensil containers or holders 34f, 21 Utensils 34f, 11-21 Travelers' 33d, 8 Ware 34f, 11 Tables 34i, 1-7 Bed, (or table-beds) 34g, 14 Bedside 34i, 3 Calculating 42m, 18 Card 77d,6 Children's 34h, 2 Collapsible 34i, 1 Convertible 34i, 7 Cutting, tailors' 3d, 7 Dining 34i, 1 Drawing 341, 5 120 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Tables, extension 34i, 1 Flower , 34f , 6 With special arrangements for flower cul- ture 45f, 5 Folding 34i, 1 For Rontgen-ray treatment 30a, 6 Game 34i, 2 With special arrangements for games 77d Invalids' 34i, 3 Ironing 8d, 22 Kitchen 34i, 7 Molding, for metal-molding machines 31b, 3 Operating 30e, 14 Veterinary 30c, 5 Picking, for ore-dressing la, 29 Plane 42c, 8 Series or vertically-reciprocating for fleshing and depilating machines 28b, 3 For leather-stretching machines 28b, 6 Sewing 34i, 7 Sewing-machine 52a, 57 Shaking, for molding confectionery 531, 3 Ships' cabin 65a, 31 Smokers' 44b, 21 Toilet 34k, 1 For railway-cars 20c, 42 For ships 65a, 31 Travelers' 34i, 5 Trunk 34i, 5 Type-writer 34i, 4 Wage 54b,7 Wall 34i, 4 Working, for machines, for treating hides, leather, etc 28b, 2, 3, 5, 6 For photographers 57c, 13 Writing 34i, 4 With means for reproducing the writing be- low the surface 15i, 3 Tablets, memorandum lie, 7 Pharmaceutical, machines for making 30g, 7 Tabulating type-writers 15g, 16 Tacheometers or tachymeters 42c, 8 Tachometers 42o Tackle or pulley blocks 35c, 2-7 Tacks for shoes 71a, 33 Making 7e, 7 Tags 54b, 8 Fastening 81c, 17 Tail holders for cows during milking 45h, 8 Lights on trains, etc 4a, 48; 20i, 24 Stocks for metal-lathes 49a, 19 Tailoring apparatus 3d Tailors' laying-out apparatus 3d, 7 Tails, artificial, for animals 45h, 8 Take-ups for braiding and lace-making ma- chines 25b, 4 Talking-machine cylinders 42g, 16 Machine points or needles 42g, 4 Records 42g, 16 Machines 42g 1-6, 14-19 Carriage apparatus 42g, 5 Combined with other apparatus 42g, 11-13 Driving apparatus 42g, 7-10 Without horns 42g, 14 Tallow 23a, 1 Rendering 23a, 1 Taming or training animals 45h, 9 Tampons, surgical 30d, 22 Tandem cycles 63h, 9 Engines, internal combustion 4(5a, 10 Steam 14a, 6 Tank-cars 20c, 9 Tanks, fire-extinguishing 61a, 11 Flushing 85h, 1-8 Liquid manure .' 45b, 5 Tannin 12q, 29 Extracts 28a, 13 Tanning 28a, b Agents 12o,23,26; 12q; 28a, 6 Producing and purifying for tanning pur- 28a, 13 1 Classification.. Tanning, chamois 28a, 3 Combination 28a, 3 Drums * 28b, 27 Extracts 28a, 13 Kid leather 28a, 3 Mineral 28a, 3 Preliminary, with naphthalene 28a, 7 Processes 28a, 5-8 Tawing 28a, 3 Quick 28a, 4 Spraying process 28a, 4 Vegetable 2a, 3 Tantalum filaments 21f, 32 Lamps 21f, 32 Preparation 40a, 51 Electrolytic 40c, 12, 13 Wire, making for incandescent lamps 21f, 32 Generally 7b, 6 Tap-hole bushings 64c, 26 Bushings, screwing in 64c, 45 Closures 64c, 26 Tape-measures 42b, 4 Tapestries 25d, 3 Tapping cocks 47g,22,23; 64c. 33 Machines 49c, 3 Pipes under pressure, apparatus for 49a, 38 With hose connections 85d, 5 With jet-regulators 85d, 7 Tar. . . . . 22h, 7 Boilers 22h, 7 Condensers 26a, 16 Distillation 12r, 1 Oils, including purification 12r, 1 Preparations for remedial purposes 30h, 8 Separators for gas manufacture and coking- ovens 26d, 1 Target practice, apparatus for 72f, 7 Rifles 72b, 4 Stands 72e, 1 Targets 72e, 2-5 Floating 65a, 82 Movable 72e, 4 Rendering invisible 78d, 1 Tariff-meters, electric 21e, 17 Tarsia plates 75b, 20 Work 75b, 12, 20 Imitation 75d, 24 Machines for making 75a, 4 Tartar and tartaric acid 12o, 13 Tassels, curtain-cord 34e, 6 Tattooing instruments 30a, 8 Producing and removing 30h, 3 Tawing 28a, 3 Taxidermy. 451, 1 Taximeters 42p, 12, 13 Tea 30h,2; 53k, 3 Extracts 53k, 3 Kettles 341, 7 Machines 341, 7 Pots 34f, , 11 Trays 34f, 21 Teaching bicycle-riding, apparatus for 63f, 10 Bicycle-riding, courses for 77e, 18 Dentistry, appliances for 30b, 21 Flying, apparatus for 77h, 9 Swimming, apparatus for 77a, 15 Tearing-machines, textile fiber 76b. 1 Teeth, artificial (See Tooth) 30b, 13-16 Artificial, devices for articulating 30b, 11 Capping and filling 30b, 6 Cleaning 30b, 18, 19 Crowning 30b, 6 Evening, straightening, and separating 30b, 9 Extracting and decrowning 30b, 8 Grinding and polishing 30b, 5 Peg or pivot 30b, 15 Replacing 30b, 10-17 Teeth, mechanical: Mechanical, card-teeth 76b, 15 For threshing-machine cylinders 45e, 9 Tooth-forms (inserted teeth) for woodwork- ing-saws 38a, 11 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 121 Classification. Telegraph masts and poles 21c, 12; 37b, 3 Erecting 35d, 9 Telegraphs, copying 21a, 5 Engine 74c, 12 Fire-alarm apparatus 74c, 14-22 Gray 21a, 2 Indicator 21a, 4 /Morse 21a, 1 Order apparatus 74c, 1-13 Police 74c, 14-22 Writing 21a, 2 Other than Gray type 2La. 5 Telegraphy 21a, 1-28, 66-71 Automatic 21a, 6 Cable 21a, 6 Duplex and quadruplex 21a, 24 Multiple 21a, 9 Optical 74d,8-ll Photo 21a, 8 Production of electric oscillations 21a, 66 Radio 21a, 66-71 Type-printing 21a, 11, 19 Rowland's system 21a, 18 Using power-circuits 21a, 23 Wireless 21a, 66-71 Telemeters 42c, 14-23 Telemetric apparatus for indicating changes in rate of speed of machines 74b, 6 For indicating changes in water-level 74b, 1 Compass positions 74b, 7 Disturbances in operation of machine plants. 74b, 5 Occurrence of noxious gases and fire-damp. . 74b, 4 Variations in movement of currents 74b, 1 In pressure 74b, 2 In temperature 74b, 3 Miscellaneous 74b, 8 Telephone booths, desks, receiver-tubes, regis- ters, supports, and switches 21a, 39 Booths, electrical arrangements 21a, 39 Structural arrangements 37f, 7 Connections for manually-controlled ex- changes 21a, 51-58 Of various kinds 21a, 40 Exchanges, manually controlled 21a, 51-58 Installations 21a, 29-63 Automatically operated 21a, 64, 65 Magnetos. 21a, 29 Meters 21a, 47-49 Relays 21a, 45 Signal devices 21a, 29 Stations 21a, 29-45 Auxiliary apparatus 21a, 39 Coin-controlled 21a, 46 Switchboard attachments 21a, 41 Switches 21a, 51-63 Automatic 21a, 64, 65 Telephones, condenser 21a,32 Dynamo-electric 21a, 32 Generally 21a,31 Micro.... 21a,35 Multiple connections for 21a, 51-57 Phonographic 21a, 30 Wall fittings and insulation 37a, 7 Telephonography 21a, 30 Telephony . . . 21a, 10, 23, 25-71 On trains 20i,35 Party-lines 21a, 59-63 Radio 21a, 67-71 Using power-circuits 21a, 23 Wireless 21a, 67-71 Telephoty 21a, 50 Telescope-objectives 42h, 3 Telescopes... 42h, 10-13 Binocular 42h, 11-13 Coin-controlled 43b,34 Combined with canes 33a, 13 Finding 42h,10 Panoramic 42h, 10 Single 42h, 10, 13 Submarine'.:::.' 42h, 10 Trihedral 42h, 12 Classification. Telescopic gas-holders 4c, 38 Sights for guns 72f, 14 For guns, optical features 42h, 10 For small-arms 72f, 3 Optical features 42h, 10 Telethermometers 74b, 3 Telluria 42n, 7 Tellurium 12i Tempering (heating and cooling) by burners or chemical reactions 341, 9 For liquid-dispensing purposes 64c, 14 Iron and steel, furnaces 18c, 9 Processes 18c, 8 Temples for weaving 86g, 5 Templet molding-machines 31b, 7 Templets 42b, 22 Drilling 49a, 40 For molding metal 31c, 8 Tender-couplings 20e, 12 Tenders, locomotive 20b, 13 Tennis balls 77a, 16 Courts 77b, 20 Nets and net-posts 77a, 22 Rackets 77a, 20 Tension apparatus as machine elements 47h, 4 Devices for piano sound-boards 51b, 11 For roller-curtains and roller-shades 34e r 9 Thread, for sewing-machines 52a, 33, 34 Regulators for looms 86c, 18, 19 For supply-spools, (spinning) 76c, 19 Tensioning devices, warp, for looms 86c, 18 Tent-walls, impregnating 8a, 28 ; 8k, 3, 4 Tentering frames for cloth-finishing purposes 8b, 10 For stretching woven fabrics 8b, 2 Tents 33d, 1 Building of parts of railway-cars 20c, 8 Built after the manner of collapsible and por- table buildings 37f, 4 Terminals, electric 21b, 3; 21c, 20-22, 26, 27 Switchboard 21c, 27 Terpenes 12o, 25 Terpentine, preparation 23a, 6 Terra-cotta 80b, 8 Terry fabrics 86d, 6 Tesla lights 21f,85 Test cocks and valves for steam-boilers 13c, 14 Glasses and tubes 421, 3, 13 Testers, air 421,4 Breaking strength 42k, 22 Butter.? 421,5 In connection with a process 53e, 6 Cable 42k, 21 Chain 42k, 22 Compressive strength 42k, 20 Density 421,1,2 Egg. 421, 10 Elasticity 42k, 24 Eye - 30a,3;42h,32;43b,47 Flour 421,9 For distribution of masses 42c, 42 For electric meters 21e, 27 For fluid-meters 42e, 26 For gas-meters 42e, 26 For high-frequency systems 21a, 71 For wireless telegraphy 21a, 71 Fruit 421, 9 Gas 421,2 Grain 421,9 Hardness - 42k,23; 421,13 Humidity 42i, 19 Inflammability 421,8 Insulation 21e, 9 Lubricant --- 421,7 Meat 421,13 Milk 421,5 In connection with a process 53e, 6 Of resistance to axial compression 42k, 25 strength 122 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Testers, tensile strength 42k, 20 Thread 42k, 22 Vapor 421,2 Water 421, 3 Tetrahedron system for optical purposes 42h, 7 Textile fabrics glued together, (artificial leather). 8h, 7 Fibers, bleaching, dyeing, fulling, impreg- nating, mercerizing, washing 8a; 8i; k; m Bucking after dyeing 8m, 1 Before dyeing and removing air 8i, 4 Carbonizing 29b, 4 Chemical preparation 29b, 1-6 Drying 8b, 1-9; 29b,4; 82a For spinning, preliminary treatment 76b, 1-37 Chemical 29b, 5 Mechanical preparation 29a, 1-7 Preparation by bacteriological retting 29b, 2. Textiles 25a; b; 76c; d; 86b-f Printing, chemical features 8n Mechanical features 8c Thawing gas-pipes, agents for 26c, 12 Gas-pipes, appliances for 4c, 21 Sewers, appliances for 85e, 3 Water-pipes, appliances for 85d, 10 Window-panes, appliances for 34c, 3 Theater chairs 34g, 5 Curtains 37f, 1; 77g, 1 Decorations, fastening and moving 77g, 1 Figures, puppets, and the like 77g, 10 Stages 77g, 1 Lighting 4b, 22 Structural arrangements 37f, 1 Structures '37f, 1 Theaters, lighting, fire effects, projected decora- tions 77g, 2 Movable scenes 77g, 1 Stage effects, stage-horizons, auxiliary stages, etc 77g,l Theatrical productions, telephonic transmission of 21a,37 Theft, alarms and safety devices to prevent 74a, 21-29 Theodolites 42c, 5 Theophyllin 12p, 7 Therapy, electro 30f, 12-15 High frequency 30f , 14 Hydro 30f, 9-11 Magneto 30f, 17 Photo 30f,16 Radio 30f , 18 Thermit, aluminum 40a, 11 For welding 49f, 18 Thermo-batteries and cells 21b, 27 Thermo-electric motors 21d, 6 Thermometers, air 42i, 5 Air, for fire-alarms 74a, 32 Alarm 74a, 32, 34, 35 For veterinary use 30c, 7 Generally 42i,l-8 Liquid 42i, 1 Maximum and minimum 42i, 2 Mercury, for fire-alarms 74a, 34 Metal, for fire-alarms 74a, 35 Protecting and disinfecting cases for 30a, 19 Tele- 74b,3 Thermo-electric 42i, 8 Thermophore-compresses 30d, 25 Thermophores 341, 9 Electrically heated 21h, 5 Thermopiles 21b, 27 Thermoregulators 42i, 13-15 Thermostats 21c, 40, 58; 24i, 2; 36f, 1; 42i, 13-15 With alarms 74a, 35 Thiazins 12p, 4; 22e, 5 Thiazoles 12p, 4 Thickness-measures, (calipers, gages, etc.) 42b, 9-12 Thimbles 52a, 58 Combined with cutting devices 69, 26 Thiobiazoles 12p, 9 Thiocyanogen compounds 12k, 7-10 Classification. Thio-indigo-red dyestuffs 22e, 7 Thiol 12o, 24 Thionaphthols 12q, 18 Thionolins 22c, 5 Leuco 12p, 4 Thionols 22c, 5 Leuco 12p, 4 Thionyl chlorid 12i, 20 Thiophenols 12q, 18 Thiosulfates 12i, 22 Thomas slag 16, 3 Thorium compounds 12m, 9 Preparation 40a, 51 Electrolytic 40c, 12, 13 Thread balls, making 25c, 3 Buttons, making by overlaying thread 25c, 1, 11 On embroidering-machines 52b, 10 On sewing-machines 52a, 58 Catchers for self-acting mules 76c, 21 For spinning and twisting frames 76c, 11 Clearers for spinning and twisting frames 76c, 10 Cutters for sewing-machines 52a, 38 Feeders for sewing-machines 52a, 35 Guards for looms 86c, 22 Guides for knitting-machines ' 25a, 25 For spinning and twisting frames 76c, 10 For spooling-machines 76d, 6 Inserting and knotting machines for em- broidery 52b, 12 Knotting devices for looms 86g, 13 Loops, forming, on paper, (bookbinding) . lla, 9 Making 76c Protectors for spinning and twisting frames. . 76c, 11 .Spooling machines 76d, 1-11 Tensioning devices for braiding and bobbinet machines 25b, 4 For embroidering-machines 52b, 8 For knitting-machines 25a, 28 For sewing-machines 52a, 33, 34 For spooling-machines 76d, 7 For tapestry-making 25d, 3 Waxing devices 52a, 16 Winding machines 76d, 11, 12 Wire, (starch-finished sewing-thread of two or four strands,) making 8a, 25, 26 Threaders for embroidering-machines 52b, 12 For loom-shuttles 86g, 9 For sewing-machines 52a, 39 Three-phase current meters 21e, 16 Motors 21d, 38 Threshing-machines 45e, 2-11 Throstle-frames 76c, 5 Throttle-governors for internal-combustion en- gines 46b, 12 Throttling devices for engines and motors 60, 1 Devices for gas-pipes 4c, 23 Valves 47g, 19 Throwing and slinging toys 77f, 24 And slinging devices as weapons 72b, 6 Life-lines at sea, apparatus for 65a, 72 Thrust-bearings for ships 65f , 10 Thumb nuts as machine elements 47a, 7 Nuts, making of sheet metal 7c, 47 Tacks 70e, 7 Making 7e, 20 Ticket checking devices 42p, 12 Dispensing apparatus 43a, 20 Cases 43a, 22 Holders, conductors' 33d, 10 In railway-cars 20c, 48 Printing apparatus 15h, 5 Coin-controlled 43b, 54 Punching devices 43a, 20, 21 Registering devices \. 43a, 20 Stamping devices 43a, 20, 21 Venders, automatic 43b, 26 Tickets 54b, 7 Tide-motors 88b, 3 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 123 Classification. Tie augers, portable 19a, 28 Dowels 19a, 2 Plates 19a, 8, 10, 11 For wooden ties 19a, 8 Hooked 19a, 11 Making by cutting 49a, 47 By rolling 7f, 10 By turning 49a, 8 Screws 19a, 10 Tamping devices 19a, 30 Ties for bales, boxes, bundles, etc 81c, 18 For bales, boxes, bundles, etc., making 81c, 19 Iron 19a, 3 Longitudinal 19a, 4 Of reinforced concrete, artificial stone, etc.. . 19a, 6 Street-railway 19a, 21 Wooden 19a, 2 Tighteners, chain, for cycles 63k, 28 Chain, for motor- vehicles 63c, 10 (Pulleys) 47b, 27 For chain, cable, and rope gearing 47h, 9-11 Tile-presses 80a, 20-22,30 Tiles, making 80a, 20-22, 30, 35-41, 54, 55 Making, as far as compositions are concerned . . . 80b, 8, 10, 14, 23, 24 Roofing, grooved 37c, 1-3 Stove 36a, 13 Making 8a, 31; 80b, 8 Tillers for rudders 65a, 47, 48 Tilting apparatus for casks for liquor-handling purposes 64c, 46 Apparatus for casks for transportation 81e, 35 For liquor-dispensing bottles 64c, 15 Bottoms in water-closet bowls 85h, 13 Or tipping plows 45a, 24 Timber platforms for foundations 84c, 2 Timbering, gallery and shaft 5c, 4 Time balls 74d, 10 Beaters and indicators, (metronomes, batons, etc.) 51e. 1 Controlled alarm devices 74a, 18, 25 Chokers 341, 6 Lighting and extinguishing of gas-lamps ... 4d, 17 Mechanism for cooking apparatus 341, 8 Switches, electric 21c, 40 Fuses for projectiles 72i, 1, 2, 4 Locks....:. : 68a,34 Pieces, (see also Clocks and watches) 83a-c For ascertaining time by touch 83a, 17 For the blind 83a, 17 Illuminated 83a, 18 Recording and registering apparatus 43a, 25-36 Regulating devices for time-fuses 72i, 2 Stamps with automatic shifting mechanism.. 43a, 35 Switches, electric 21c, 40 Tables... 42n, 13 Tin alloys, electrolytic preparation 40c, 14, 15 Boxes for packing purposes 81c, 12 For various purposes 33b, 10 Cans 64a, 56-64 Making 7c,7-9 Soldering 49f, 16 With clamped-on lids, opening devices for. 64a, 7 Coating metal articles with 48a, 6; 48b, 7 Compounds 12n, 9 Extracting 40a, 44 By electrolytic means 40c, 10 Molds for baking 2a, 13 Plate, detinning 40a, 44 By electrolytic means 40c, 10 Tip-cars for railway-service 20c, 15, 16 Tippers, circular movement 81e, 21 Rotary 81e ' 21 Tipping apparatus for wagons 81e, 22 Grates 24f > 7 ~ 9 Platform traps 45k, 6 Swings 77e,12 Tips for billiard-cues 77c, 12, 13 Classification. Tire boring lathes for car-wheels 49a, 10 Coverings 63e, 7-10 Devices for putting on 63e, 17 Heaters 49f, 6 Tires, (see also Wheel-tires) 63e Car-wheel 20d, 24 Cellular 63e, 14 Cushioned 63e, 2, 15 Cycle 63e, 5-16 Elastic 63e, 2, 19 Apparatus for putting on. 63e, 17 Making by rolling 7f, 1, 2 Of sheet metal and tubing 7c, 32 Padded 63e, 2, 15 Pneumatic, for cycles 63e, 5, 11, 18-20 For cycles, protection from puncturing... 63e, 11 Puncture-closing materials 22i, 1 F9r vehicles 63e, 1, 18-20 Resilient, for cycles 63e, 16 For vehicles 63e, 4 Solid rubber 63e, 2, 15 Spring 63e, 4, 16 Vehicle-wheel 63e, 1-4 Titanium, preparation 40a, 51 Preparation, electrolytic 40c, 12, 13 Titrating devices 421,3 Tivoli, (game) 77c, 7 Tobacco chewing appliances 44b, 21 Chewing, chemical features 79c, 1 Mechanical features 79a, 7 Cleaning, chemical features 79c, 1 Mechanical features 79a, 2 Cutting machines 79a, 4 Flattening machines 79a, 3 Making into cigars and cigarettes 79b Moistening 79a, 5 Packing 81a, 1 Paper 79c, 1 Pipe holders 44b, 8 Pipes 44b,l-ll Artificial coloring by smoking, (meer- schaum pipes) 44b, 8 For bee-raisers 45h, 16 Narghile type. 44b, 6 With means for feeding the tobacco 44b, 7 Pouches and other receptacles 44b, 20 Presses 79a, 1 Raw, converting into smoking-tobacco 79a, 2 Smoke, chemical treatment 79c, 2 For production of smoke images and rings. 44b, 11 Smoking, chemical features 79c, 1 Mechanical features 79a, 2 Stripping 79a, 3 Tampers 44b, 10 Twisting machines 79a, 6 Toboggan-courses 77b, 20 Toe cap protectors 71b, 12 Caps 71a, 31 Stiffeners 71a, 31 Weights for the care of hoofs 45i, 16 Toggle-lever presses for clay articles 80a, 10 Toilet accessories 33c Cabinets 34i, 18 Cases 33c, 12 ; 341, 22 Requisites, coin-controlled 43b, 52 Sponges 34k, 3 Tables 34i, 7 Tolidin 12q, 1 Toluidin 12q, 1, 3 Tombs 37f,9 Tombstones 37f, 7; 80b, 17 Molding 80a, 45 Tone arms of talking-machines 42g, 14 Modifying apparatus for pianos 51b, 32 Recording apparatus 51e, 4, 5 Tongs, generally, (see also Pliers and tongs... 87a, 16 Glass-molding 32a, 25, 26 Table 34f,12 Tongue buckles 44a, 28 Holders and scrapers for medical use 30a, 7 For veterinary use 30c, 3 124 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Tonguing and grooving machines, (woodwork- ing) 38b, 5,8; 38e, 6 Tool boxes 87d, 3 Grinding machines 67a, 1-5 Holders for dental machines 30b, 2 For metal lathes 49a, 25 For metal planers and slotters 49b, 10 Rests 49a, 18 Curve-forming . 49a, 10 Tools, auxiliary, for forging-machines 49f, 4 Auxiliary, for woodworking 38e, 1-5 Combination 87c For connecting driving-belts 63a, 1 For metal planers and slotters 49b, 10 For piano-building 51b, 43 For putting balls in bearings 47b, 12 For screwing in bung-hole and tap-hole bush- ings 64c,45 For tilting girders 87a, 22 For track-laying 19a, 28 Form changing 87b Generally 87a-d Knotting, for carpet-knotting looms, etc 86d, 2 Metal-working 49b; c Miners' 5b, 1-11 Molding 31c, 7 Pneumatic 5b, 4; 30b, 1; 87b, 2 Rotary, for metal- working lathes 49a, 25 Turning, for lathes 49a, 25 Universal 87c Watchmakers' 83c Woodworking 38a-k Tooth brushes 9, 21 Clamps, dentists' 30b, 7 Cutting instruments 30b, 4 Machines 30b, 1 Filling materials 30h, 12 Pastes and powders 30h, 13 Toothpick-holders 34f, 17 Toothpicks 30b, 18 Making 38i, 3 Tooth-powder containers 33c, 12 Toothed wheels, generally, (See also Gear- wheels) 47b, 23 Top boots 71a, 4 Games 77d, 16 Toppers for beet-lifters 45c, 19 Tops for motor-vehicles 63c, 22 For perambulators 63b, 49 For road- vehicles 63b, 3 Spinning 77f, 1-4 Air-propeller. 77f , 1 Color 77f , 4 Musical 77f , 4 Torches 4a, 36 Torpedo boats, propulsion 65f Boats, submarine 65a, 4 Launching apparatus 65d, 7 Nets 65d,8 Torpedoes 65d, 1-7 Aerial 77h, 15 Blasting 78e, 5 Steering from a distance by electric waves 65d, 3 Tortoise-shell 39a, 1 Totalizers : 43a, 22 Tow-paths 84a, 2 Towel drying and heating devices 34k, 3 Holders 34k, 3 Towers, coal draining and drying la, 10 Collapsible 37f, 4 Observation, for military purposes 37f, 4 Portable, for fire-extinguishing purposes 61a, 2 Scaffolding for climbing 37e, 6 Structural arrangements 37f, 4, 7 Water 37f, 3 Towing, chain 65a, 52 Electric, motors for 201, 21 Generally 65a, 53, 54 Locomotives 20b, 9 Classification. Towing, motor-cars for 63c Railways 20a, 14 Electric 20k, 2 Operating mechanism for 201, 30 Tracks for 19a, 23 Ships 65a, 53, 54 Systems 20a, 14 Electric 20k, 2 Toy engines 77f, 17, 18 Engines, appurtenances for 77f, 19 Figures, (rocking-horses, etc) 77f, 14 Climbing 77f, 13 In connection with talking-machines 42g, 19 With walking, rolling, etc., movements 77f, 13 Firearms 77f, 24 Guns 72b, 2, 4, 5; 77f, 24 Parachutes 77f, 25 Pistols 72b, 5 Trumpets 51c, 26 Vehicles, including details 77f , 16 Toys, air-pressure 77f, 28 Blowing, wind and air-pressure 77f, 28 Building 77f, 23 With tools e. g., apparatus for molding and casting 77f, 23 Color 77f, 26 Conjuring 77f, 31 Drawing and painting 77f, 26 Electric and magnetic 77f, 27 Flying 77f, 28 Hurling and slinging 77f, 24 Musical 51d,23; 77f, 5,6 Noise or tone producing 77f , 6 On baby-carriages 63b, 53 Puzzle '. 77f, 31 Rowing 77f, 20 Smoke 77f, 29 Soap-bubble 77f, 29 Surprise 77f, 31 Wind-pressure 77f, 28 With mechanically-moved figures 77f, 15 Trace buckles 56a, 2, 22-25 Straps. 56a, 22-25 Fastening to collars . . . ., 56a, 6 To whiffletrees 63b, 22 Supports on harness 56a, 25 Tracing apparatus 42a, 18 Apparatus, photographic 57c, 10, 11 Cloth 8k, 3 Paper 55f, 15 Track ballast 19a, 1 Brakes and sanded sidings 20h, 4 Clearers 20d, 33 Cycles by conversion of ordinary cycles <>3h, 1 1 Laying machines 19a, 27 Locks , 20h, 5; 20i, 6 For stopping and dividing up cars 20a, 14 Measuring devices -. . 19a, 29 Platforms for weighing apparatus 42f, 10, 11 Scales 42f, 10 Guide-rails and shock-absorbers for 42f, 11 Section circuit-closers 20i, 31 Shifters for dredges and excavators 19a, 28 Tracks, centrifugal, etc., for amusement pur- poses 77g, 7, 10 Dredger-building, shifting 19a, 28 Easily removable 19a, 24 For cableways 19a, 23 For cross-country and forest railways 19a, 24 For inclined roads 19a, 23 For narrow-gage and mine-hauling systems 19a, 20-24 For road-vehicles 19a, 25 For special railway systems, (single rail, ele- vated, etc.) 19a, 23 For towing-roads 19a, 23 Generally 19a Tractors, caterpillar 63c, 17 For plows 45a, 21, 22 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 125 Classification. Train control for electric roads 20i, 36 Control in stations 20i, 41 With cooperation of train 20i, 30-45 Lighting 20c, 27, 28; 201, 3; 21c, 45 Oil, purifying 23a,3 Protection with cooperation of train 20i, 30-45 Generally 20i, 1-29 fitaff-locking means 20i, 42 Training and taming animals 45h, 9 Apparatus, athletic 77a, 27 Guns, machines for 72f, 10-12 Saddle and draft animals, devices for 56a, 26 Trains, dress, holders and fasteners for 3b, 19 Transfer paper 55f, 15 Pictures, applying to surfaces 75b, 6 Producing by painting 75c, 5 By printing 15k, 8, 9 Printing 15b, 1; 15k, 1, 3 Processes 15k, 1 Tables for railways 20g, 3 Transferring apparatus, gas 12f , 2 Apparatus, inflammable liquid 81e, 38 Designs by hot irons 15k, 7 Devices in knitting-machines 25a, 23 Transformer connections and operation. . . .' 21d, 49 Transformers, booster 21d,49 Electric 21d,48,49 High frequency 21a, 71 For igniting apparatus 46c, 14 Measuring 21e, 25 Regulating devices for 21c, 54-56 For arc-lamps 21f, 11 For incandescent lamps 21f, 63 Generally 21d, 49 Structure. 21d, 48 Transfusion instruments 30k, 1, 3 Transhipping apparatus 81e, 24 For railway operation 20g, 7 For use between two ships 65a, 81 Transition or combination car-couplings 20e, 14 Transmission apparatus for engines 60, 1, 15, 20 Gearing for water under pressure 47h, 22 Telephonic, for theatrical productions 21a, 37 Transmitters, telegraphic 21a, 3 Transmitting photographic pictures to a dis- tance 57d,10 Pictures to a distance by copying-telegraphs and selenium cells 21a, 2, 5, 50 Strips, perforated, making 21a, 7 Systems for wireless telegraphy 21a, 67 Transparencies 75d, 2 Porcelain, etc 80b,21 Transporting apparatus (trucks, etc.) for railway- cars 20g, 4 Foodstuffs, vehicles for 63b, 35 With special arrangements for preserving . . 53a Ice-cream and ices, receptacles for 17b, 6 Invalids, means for . 30e, 1-4, 9 Liquid and solid substances, vehicles for 63b, 35 Live fish, vehicles for 45h, 18 ' Transposers for pianos 51b, 21 Transverse cutters for fabric breadths 8f , 8 Cutters for paper-making machines 55e, 5 Folding machines for fabric breadths 8f, 5 Stretchers for braids 8b, 11 For paper webs 55e, 7 Traps, animal 45k, 1-3, 6-9 Animal, box and trap-door 45k, 7 Continuously operating 45k, 6 Gripping, impaling, and striking 45k, 8 Miscellaneous 45k, 9 Tipping platform . i 45k, 6 Burglar, for safes 68e, 5 Dust, for gas-conduits 4c, 17 Fly...... 45k, 1 ' Gas-water 4c, 17 Insect 45k, 1, 2 Sand, for inlet-shafts and catch-basins 85e. 9 Steam 13d, 12-25 Travelers' table utensils 33d, 8 Classification. Traveling bags 33b, 1 Baskets 33b, 7. 8 Beds 34g, 15 Cases 33b, 2 Chairs 34g, 6 Cookers 341,9 Crabs for cranes 35b, 1 Cups 33d, 4 Furniture 34g,6,15; 34i,5,19 Grates 24f , 15 Lanterns 4a, 41 Requisites 33a-d Rugs 3b,3 Tables 34i,5 Wardrobes, (wardrobe-trunks) 34i, 19 Traversers for railway-cars 20g, 4 Tray-burners 4g, 8 Trays, serving 34f, 21 Trunk 33b, 6 Treadmills 45d, 5 Tread-wheels 45d, 5 Treadle bars for train protection 20i, 32 Lever change-gearing 47h, 1 Variable-speed gearing for bicycles and vehicles 63k, 19 Levers 63k, 4-6 Treadles for train protection 20i, 32 Tree bands and clamps 45f, 14 Calipers 42b, 13 Cleaning hooks, foresters' 45f , 4 Felling apparatus 45f, 17 Holders 45f , 14 Props 45f, 15 Protecting bands 45k, 5 Protection 45f , 11 Pruning shears 45f, 18 Pulling machines 45f, 17 Trees, uprooting by blasting 78e, 1 By mechanical means 45f, 17 Trellises for hops, fruit, and grape-vines 45f, 13 Tremblers (interrupters) for igniting apparatus. 46c, 14 Tremulo mechanism for zithers 51c, 17 Trepans 30a, 9 Trephines 30a, 9; 30b, 4 Trestles 37e, 3 Triangles, (musical instruments) 51c, 38 Triarylmethane dyestuffs 22b, 10-17 Triaz'ins 12p, 10 Triazoles 12p, 10 Trickling (stream) condensers 17d, 3 Coolers 17e,l-3; 17f, 3 Evaporators for sugar manufacture 89e, 1 Generally 12a,2 Tricycle brakes 63i Driving mechanism 63k, 1-21, 28-36 Tricycles and polycycles 63h, 10 Motor 63c,4 Trigger action of firearms, controlling 72a, 26 Mechanism of small-arms 72a, 25 Trihedral binocular glasses 42h, 12 Trimmers, brick 80a, 40 Fabric and wall-paper 8f, 10 Paper, for making narrow and beveled cuts . . . lib, 8 Trimming (cutting) devices on sewing-ma- chines 52a, 51 Machines, paper lib, 1-8 Triphenylmethane dyestuffs 22b, 10-17 Triple mirrors 42c, 17 Tripods for measuring instruments, feet and heads of 42c, 2 For photographic purposes 57a, 10 Trocars (trochars) 30a, 17 For veterinary surgery 30c, 1 Trolley current-collectors 201, 8 Trolleys for stores and warehouses 81e, 39 Tropin 12p, 13 Trough burners ' 4g, 8 Conveyers la, 28; 81e, 15, 16 Presses for fabrics 8b, 18 Shaped tip-cars for railway-service 20c, 16 126 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Troughs, baking 2b, 11 Conveying, for sugar-beets, etc 89a, 3 Feed 45h, 4, 5, 14 Meat 66b, 14 Shaking 81e, 15 Watering 45h, 5 Trouser bands 3b, 23 Protectors and shields, including those at- tached to shoes 3b, 20 Pullers 341, 24 Straps 3b, 24 On shoes 71a, 32 Stretchers 341, 31 Trousers 3b, 5 Trowels, garden 45a, 5 Masons' 37d, 40 Trucks, bogie, for railway-service 20c, 12 For railway-cars 20d, 1-4 Hand 63b, 38, 39 Hook and ladder 61a; 63b Hose 45f,19; 61a, 15 Trumpets, ear 30d, 28 For fleece-dividers 76b, 24 Musical 51c, 24, 25 Toy , 51c, 26 Trunk beds 33b,8; 34g, 15 Fasteners and locks 33b, 11, 12 Tables 34i, 5 Trays 33b, 6 Wardrobes 34i, 19 Trunks 33b, 5-8 Material for sides 33b, 5 Plates for 33b, 5 Wardrobe 33b, 8 Wooden, making 38d, 2 Trusswork, iron 37a, 4, 5; 37b, 3; 37f, 4 Reinforced concrete 37a, 4, 5 ; 37b, 3 Trusses, (hernia-belts) 30d, 7, 8 (Structural elements) 37b, 3 . Tubbing for shaft-lining 5c, 4 Tube bending 49f, 9 Boilers, water , 13a, 6-18 Cleaners for steam-boiler tubes, condensers, and coolers 13e Connections for cycle-frames 63h, 5 Cutters, glass 32a, 33 Drawing 7b, 12 Filling and closing machines 81a, 2 Making processes 7b, 14 Plating 49i, 5 Welding furnaces 7b, 7 Machines 7b, 7 Working 7c Tubes, fastening, generally -. 47f, 1 Flexible 47f, 5 Flue 13a, 2 Cleaning 24g, 4 For electric wires 21c, 18, 19 Geissler.. 21f, 85 Lengthwise rolling 7a, 12 Lining with glass 32b, 10 Making by casting 31c, 19 By galvanoplastic processes 48a, 7 By rolling 7a, 12-14 By welding 7b, 7, 9 Generally 7b, 7-14 Of clay 80a, 27, 33 Of paper or paper-board 54c, 1, 2 Mixing, for burners 4g, 25, 51 Paint, etc 81c, 15 Making of sheet metal 7c, 26 Ribbed as machine elements 47f, 3 For central heating systems 36c, 9 For coolers 17f, 11 Making 7b, 16 Rontgen ray 21g, 15-18; 30a, 6; 30f, 18; 43b, 48; 57b, 12 Steam-boiler, fastening and packing 13f , 1 Classification. Tubing, continuous, for making paper and paper-board tubes 54c, 2 Of special shapes, making 7b, 15-20 Tubs, butter, for transportation . . 81c. 5, 6 Tubular fabrics, finishing processes 8b, 30 Furnaces for zinc distillation 40a, 38 Postal system boxes Sle, 40 Systems 81e, 40-44 Rotary kilns 80c, 14 Slide-valves 47g, 14, 28 Standard heads for electric conductors 21c, 10 Valves for valve-gears 14e, 3, 4 Wells 85d, 1 Tuckers for sewing-machines 52a, 53 Tufted pile carpets 25d, 2 Pile fabrics 86d, 2 Tulle 25b, 14 Tumblers, drinking 64a, 3 Lock 68a, 75 Tungsten compounds 12n, 10 Filaments 21f, 32 Preparation 40a, 46 Rendering ductile 40a, 46 Wire, making, for electric-lamp filaments 21f , 32 Generally 7b, 6 Tuning devices for high-frequency apparatus. . 21a, 71 Devices for pianos 51b, 13-16 For stringed instruments 51c, 22 Forks. Sle, 2 Hammers or keys 51e, 13 Pegs for stringed instruments 51c, 8 Pins for pianos 51b, 14, 15 Tunnel construction in mining 19f, 1 Construction in street and railway building. . 19f, 2 Driving, lining, and timbering 5c, 4 Scaffolding. 37e, 11 Signals : 20i, 39 Tunnels, under water 84c, 5 Turbine blades 14c, 1-5; 46d, 10: 88a, 1-5 Blades, fastening 14c, 10 Making 49i, 7 Propeller blades 65f, 4 Pumps 59b Turbines, action, steam 14c, 4 Action, water 88a, 4 Compressed air 46d, 5 Explosion and gas 46d, 10 Impulse, water 88a, 4 Reaction, steam 14c, 5 Water 88a, 5 Screw, steam 14c, 3 Steam 14c For driving various machines 14c, 12 Water 88a, 1-9 Turkish-red oil 23c, 2 Turn buttons for windows 68b, 12 Stiles 37d, 37 Coin-controlled 43b, 55 With counting and printing mechanism . . . 43a, 42 With ticket dispensing and punching or stamping devices 43a, 42 Tables for landing of airships 37f, 8 For locomotives and cars, including those of suspension, cable, and rack-rail roads. . 20g, 1, 2 Turners, hay 45c, 36 Leaf 70d, 9 Music 51e,9-12 Malt 6a, 8 Turning apparatus for molding-boxes 31c, 8 Apparatus on cut-nail machines 7e, 11 Horn, ivory, etc 39a, 1, 2 Lathes, (see also Lathes) 49a, 1-26 For spherical turning 49a, 4 Vertical 49a, 2 Machines, shoe 71c, 47 Sacks, apparatus and machines for 8e* 4 Tubular fabrics, machines for 8b, 9 Wood 38b, 6 Turpentine, preparation 23a, (i CLASSIFICATION OF GEKMAN PATENTS. 127 Classification. Turrets, armored 72g, 3 Twine holders, including those fitted with cut- ting devices 341, 33 Making 73, 2 Polishing 73, 7 Reels 341, 33 Twist-drills for metal-working. 49a, 42 Twirting frames, apparatus for putting on bob- bins 76c, 26 Frames, fly 76c, 2 For fancy yarn 76c, 9 Ring 76c, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13-17 Mechanism for braiding and lace-making ma- chines 25b, 5 Spindles 76c, 4 Tobacco, machines for 79a, 6 'Two-cycle internal-combustion engines. . . . 46a, 12-19 Twyers for Bessemer furnaces 18b, 19 For blast furnaces 18a, 5 For forges 49f, 5 Type band type-writers 15g, 13 Bar type-writers 15g, 12 Cases, desks, and stands for hand type-setting. 15a, 7 Casting 15a, 23-29 Machines 15a, 25 Characters 15a, 1, 11 Compositions, plastic 39b, 8 Cylinder type-writers 15g, 4, 8 Disk type-writers.. 15g, 5, 9 Distributing machines 15a, 15 Dressing machines 15a, 27 Founding ladles for stereotyping 15c, 2 Justifying devices 15a, 16 Lever actions on type-writers 15g, 41 Cushions , 15g, 45 Operating devices on type- writers . ... 15g, 25 Segments 15g, 45 Type-writers 15g, 1 Metal, casting 31c, 25, 26 Pigments 22f, 10 Plate type-writers 15g, 10 Printing telegraphs 21a, 11, 15, 17-19 Rod type-writers 15g, 11 Seats for form-cylinders 15d, 26 Setters' implements 15a, 10 Setting and type-distributing 15a Apparatus, "hand 15a, 13 Chases 15a, 5 Machines 15a, 14, 17, 18, 22 Music 15a, 12 Stamping machines 15a, 19 Type-writer, cleaning 15g, 45 Wheel tvpe-writers 15g, 2, 3, 6. 7 Wheels 15a, 19, 20; 15g, 45; 15h, 2 For type-writers 15g, 45 Typewriter copy-holders 15g, 46 Ribbons 15g, 45 Tables and covers 34i, 4 Typewriters 15g Book 15g, 15 Cipher, means for printing and translating. . 15g, 20 Correcting devices 15g, 45 Cryptographic 15g, 20 Distinguished by character of type-bearers. 15g, 1-14 Duplicating 70d, 13 For the blind 15g, 19 Hydraulic 15g, 22 Inking mechanism 15g, 37-39 Line-drawing appliances 15g, 45. Locking devices 15g, 45 Manifolding devices 15g, 45 Manuscript 70d, 13 Music 15g, 17 Operating and shifting devices 15g, 25-31 Paper carriages 15g, 32-36 Feed 15g, 35 Phonograph 42g Pneumatic. . - - - - . log, 21 Printing-point indicators 15g, 45 Ruling devices 15g, 45 Classification. Type, sound-deadening appliances 15g, 45 Stenographic I5g, 18 Tabulating 15g, 16 Telegraphic 21a, 16 Type-lever guides 15g, 45 With calculating mechanism 42m, 10 With electric driving mechanism 15g, 23 With type-levers I5g, 2-5 Writing accents and other supersigns, means for..... 15g,45 Typographic machines 15a, 17 Ultramarine 22f , 8 Umbrella carriers 33d, 11 Cases 33a,4 Crowns 33a, 2 Fasteners 33a, 3 Frames and ribs 33a, 1 Making of wire 7d, 12 Holders as traveling requisites 33d, 11 In connection with trunks 33b, 13 In railway-cars 20c, 44 To be fastened to trees, furniture, etc 34f, 23 Ribs 33a,l Runners Stands 34f723 Stools 33a,14 Umbrellas and parasols 33a, 1-11 For cycles 63g, 11 Garden 33a, 8 Uncoupling railway-cars, apparatus for 20e, 19 Underclothing 3a, 1-7 Underframes for current-collectors of electric railways 201, 11 For motor-cars 63c, 21 For perambulators 63b, 48 For railways-cars 20d, 1, 5, 29-31 For street-cars 63b, 10, 12 For suspended railway-cars 20d, 1-5 Portables 34i,7 Underground surveying for mining 5d, 8; 42c, 11 Underpays for saddles 56b, 6 Underskirts 3a, 8 Underwater tunnels 84c, 5 Underwear 3a, 8 Unhitching runaway horses, devices for 56a, 18 Devices for, attached to vehicle 63b, 23, 24 Unicycles 63h, 6 Uniforms and liveries, including accessories 3b, 6 Unipolar machines 21d, 2 Universal joint shaft and transmission for motor- cars 63c,12 Joints 47c, 4 Keyboards for type- writers 15g, 45 Machines for woodworking 38b, 7 Rolling-mills 7a, 7 Tools 87c Unloading cars for railway-service 20c, 13, 15, 16 From warehouses, apparatus for 81 e, 23 Hay and straw 45e, 30 Railway-cars and other vehicles while station- ary or in motion, apparatus for 81e, 22 Ships, apparatus for 81e. 23 Street-cars and road-vehicles 63b, 32, 33 Upholstery 34g, 12 Beaters 34c,9 Cleaning, pneumatic . . 8e, 3 Fastenings for beds, chairs, etc 34g, 21 Making 63a, 4 Materials, making 63a, 3 Nails 63a, 4 Making 7e, 20 Upsetting machines and processes, metal 49f, 1 Machines for paper-board 54a, 2 Urea 12o, 17 Urethane 12o, 17 Urinals 30d, 16 Portable 34k, 6 With flushing arrangements 85h, 19 Urns, cinerary 30e, 16 128 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Utilizing exhaust gases from explosion and in- ternal-combustion engines 14h, 3 ; 46c, 31 Exhaust gases from furnaces. . . 24c, 5, 6; 24k, 4; 80c Steam from steam-engines 14h, 3 Heat from hot slag, etc 13g, 2 Vaccination instruments 30a, 10; 30c, 1 Vaccins 30h, 6 Vacuum air-engines 46d, 5 Boxes for paper-making 55d, 16 Evaporators 89e, 1-3 Gages 42k, 6-18 Refrigerating-machines 17a, 21 Tubes 21g, 12, 20 For electric lighting 21f , 85 For Rontgen rays 21g, 15, 16, 18 Valises 33b Valve arrangements for organs 51a, 9 Arrangements for wind instruments 51c, 25 On steam-cylinders 14f , 10 Balancing devices 14d, 11; 47g, 34 Braking devices 47g, 6, 35 Carbureters 46c, 12 Chests 47g, 39 Cooling devices 47g, 41 Draining devices 47g, 37 Gasifiers 46c, 12 Gear eccentrics for steam-engines. 14d, 21 Gears, cataract 14d, 24 For explosion and internal-combustion en- gines 46b, 1-6 For refrigerating-machines 17a, 7 For slide-valves 14d, 12-25 For steam-engines 14b, 9; 14d; e; f Electrically driven 14e, 7 For toy steam and gas engines 77f, 18 Rotary 14e Slide, for internal-combustion engines 46b, 4 Operating devices 47g, 43, 44 Reversing gear 14f , 10 Stroke governors for internal-combustion en- gines 46b, 15 Structures 47g Valves, adjusting from a distance 47g, 45 Automatic, for flushing water-closets 47g, 5-7 Automatically closing, for liquid-handling ap- paratus 64c, 33 Generally 47g, 5-8 Balloon 77h,4 Carbonic acid, for liquid-handling apparatus. 64c, 7 Check, for gas-pipes 4c, 18 Generally 47g, 8 Control, for engines and machines 47g, 9-14 Corliss 14e, 1, 2 Cut-off 14d, 3 Distributing 14d, 3 Drawing off air 13d, 25; 36c, 2; 47g, 38 Electric, for polarization-cells 21g, 11 Electromagnetically controlled 47g, 45 Expansion 14d, 3 Float 4c,24; 26b,31; 47g,44 For acetylene-generators 26b, 1, 7, 31, 32 For air-brakes 20f , 40 For boiler- feed apparatus 13b, 18 For compressed-air brakes 20f , 28-30 For electric-arc lamps 21f , 6 For gas-furnaces 24c, 7 For heat-regulators. 36f, 1-5 For pneumatic cushions 30d, 11 For pneumatic tires 63e, 20 For refrigerating-machines 17a, 7 For steam-boiler water-gages 13c, 5 For sugar-juice-extracting apparatus 89c, 5 Gas-discharging, for balloon-envelops 77h, 4 Gas-outlet, for galvanic cells and storage bat- teries 21b, 1 Generally 47g Hot blast 18a, 15 Inlet and exhaust, for internal-combustion en- gines 46c, 3 Classification. Valves, Meyer 14d, 4 Mixing, for baths 85f, 2 For internal-combustion engines 46c, 12 Generally 47g, 20 Multiple way 47g, 20 Non-return, for gas-pipes 4c, 18 Generally 47g, 8 Pipe-isolating 47g, 15-18 Piston 14d, 7; 47g, 14, 28 Pressure reducing and regulating 47g, 30-33 Retaining, for automatic single-cylinder air-brakes 20f , 30 Regulating 47g, 30-33 Rider 14d, 5 Ring 47g, 10, 11 Safety, for gas-consumption regulators. ... 4c, 24-26 For receptacles containing condensed gases 47g, 47 For steam-boilers 13c, 24-30 Screw 47g, 1-4 Special mechanism for 47g, 34-47 Steam cut-off and inlet 14g, 1 Swing, for gas-consumption regulators 4c, 24 Testing, on steam-boilers 13c, 14 Thermostatically controlled 47g, 21 Tubular, for steam-engine valve-gears . .... 14e, 3, 4 Valve-gear actuated, for internal-combustion engines 46b, 1, 2 For steam-engines 14f , 4-6 Generally 47g, 13 Vanadium compounds 12i, 31 Preparation 40a, 51 Electrolytic 40c, 12, 13 Vanes, signaling 74d, 10 Ventilator 27c, 8 Vanillin 12o, 9 Vapor baths 30f, 10 Burners 4g, 23-36 Engines, air 46d, 7 Ether 46d, 4 Gas and air 46d, 9 Testing devices 421, 2 Vaporizers for explosion and internal-combus- tion engines 46c, 8 For liquid-fuel burners 4g, 23-36 For liquid-fuel furnaces 24b, 9 For refrigerating-machines 17a, 18 Vaporizing apparatus, electric 21h, 3 Vapors, absorbing 12e, 1 Condensing and compressing for general chem- ical purposes 12a, 4 Electrochemical treatment of 12h, 4 When nitrogen and oxygen are present. . . 12i, 26 Electrothermal treatment of 12h, 4 When nitrogen and oxygen are present. . . 12i, 26 Mixing with gases 12e, 4 Purifying 12e, 2 Separating from gases 12e, 3 Variable-speed gearing for motor-cars 63c, 6-10 For motor-cycles 63k, 25 For rider-propelled cycles and vehicles. . 63k, 13-21 Variometers for radiotelegraphy 21a, 71 Varnish, asphalt 22h, 3 Celluloid 22h, 4 Collodion 22h, 4 Corroding materials 22g, 13 Removing materials 22g, 13 Varnishes and driers 22h, 2 Varnishing sheet-metal plates, machines for 75a, 20 Wood, etc. , processes 75c, 5 Vases, flower 34f, 6 Vats, brewing 6b, 15, 17 Dyeing 8a Tanning 28a, 12 Vegetable comminuting machines for bulk treat- ment. 45e, 35-39 Comminuting machines for household use. . . 34b, 13 Compressing machines 34b, 9 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 129 Classification. Vegetable culture 45f , 1 Cutting machines for bulk treatment 45e,'38 For household use 34b, 3, 6 Grating machines for bulk treatment 45e, 39 For household use 34b, 8 Peeling machines for bulk treatment 45e, 44, 45 For household use 34b, 7 Stalks, retting 29a, 2 Retting, bacteriological 29b, 4 Separating fiber 29a, 2 Vegetables, preserving 53c, 5 Vehicle axle supports 63b, 43 Axles 63d, 12 Bodies 21c, 1, 2; 63b, 1 ; 63c, 22 Motor 63c, 22 Brakes 63b, 54-65 Doors 63b, 6; 63c, 22 Lamps and lanterns 4a, 39, 48 Seats 20c,41; 34g,7; 63b,2; 63c, 22 Springs 63b, 13, 14 Steps 63b, 8 Supports to take the load off the tires 63b, 43 Tops 20c, 30; 63b, 3, 49; 63c, 22 Wheels 63d. 1, 2, 6, 9-11 Windows .' 20c, 39; 63b, 7 Vehicles, accessories for operation 63b, 40-44 Advertising 54g, 8 Agricultural 45e, 31 Antiskidding devices 63b, 59; 63c, 24 Armored 72g, 4 Convertible 63b, 29-31 Converting into sleighs 63b, 67 For slaughter-house purposes 66a, 5 For transporting foodstuffs 63b, 35 Foodstuffs, with special arrangements for preserving 53a Invalids 30e, 3 Liquid and solid substances, (oil. milk, and other foodstuffs) 63b, 35 Live fish. : 45h, 18 Live stock 20c, 11; 63b, 34 For use both on land and water 65c, 12 Motor 63c, 1-5, 19-22, 26 One-wheeled 63b, 36 Racing 63b, 36, 37 Railway 20c Road 63b Means for transporting on rails 20g, 5 Slide-ring 63b, 16; 63c, 17 Stanchion 63b, 1 Toy 77f , 16 Veils and veil fasteners and holders 3b, 26 Veining linoleum 8h, 5 Textiles 8n, 8 Veins, mineral, working out by removing gas. . 5b, 12 Velocipedes, (see also Cycles) 63d-k Velocity indicators, (see also Speed, etc.) 63c, 25; 63g, 13 Meters for photographic shutters 57a, 32 Generally 42o, 1-13 Steam-turbines 14c, 4 Velvet cutting devices, (cloth-finishing) 8b, 28 Cutting devices on looms . 86d, 9 Looms 86d, 1-8 Velvets, finishing, chemical features 8k, 1 Finishing, mechanical features 8b, 29 Producing designs on 8b, 29 Venders, automatic 43b, 17-33 Automatic, not coin-controlled, for adver- tising and display purposes 54g, 13 Coin-controlled 43b Veneer cutting machines 38i, 2 Ornamental 75b, 24 Sheets, making 38i, 2 Veneering 38c, 1 Venetian blinds 37d, 27 Ventilating acetylene-generators 26b, 47 Caps for moving the air 36d, 8 9852419 9 Classification. Ventilating cesspools 85e, 5 ' Generally .-. . . 36d, 1-8 Hats and other head-coverings 41b, 2 In buhr-mills 50b, 3 In connection with windows 37d, 38 Mines 5d, 1-3 Air-conduits and air-dams for 5d, 1 Air-doors and checks for 5d, 2 Railway-cars 20c, 25 Sewers 85e, 5 Ships 65a, 17 Stoves 36a, 3 Systems and appliances 36d, 1-8 Water-closets 85h, 16 Ventilator-blades 27c, 8 Ventilators, (fans, blowers, etc.) 27c, 6-10 For rooms 36d, 6 Venturi meters 42e, 14, 23 Vermin, destroying 45k, 1-4 Vessels, drinking. . 64a, 1-7 (Boats) fishing 65a, 7 For submarine operations 65a, 5 Life-saving 65a, 64 ts, (underwear) 3a, 8 Life-saving, swimming 65a, 66-69 (Waistcoats) 3b, 5 Veterinary science 30c; 30h Viaducts 19d, 3 Vials, poison 30g, 4 Vibration absorbers for geodetic, nautical, etc., instruments 42c Apparatus for curative gymnastics 30f, 2 Meters for ships 65a, 37 Generally 42c, 42 Vignettes for photographic printing 57c, 10 Vinegar, making 6e Wood I2o, 12; 12r, 2 Vineyard plows 45a, 18 Props 45f , 13 Violet perfumes 12o, 25 Violin bows 51c, 9 Chin-rests 51c, 10 Strings and string-holders 51c, 6 Supports and shoulder-rests 51c, 10 Violins 51c, 1-10 Viscometers 421, 7 Viscose 12o, 23; 29b, 3 Viscosimeters 421, 7 Viscous fluids, machines lor putting into bottles, etc 81a, 2 Vises 87a, 1-5 For machine-tools 49b, 32 Visibility of ships, lessening 65a, 26 Vision, acuteness of, diagnosing 30a, 3 Testing, optical features 42h, 32 Vitreous color processes, photographic 57b, 16 Voltage eut-outs 21c, 61 Regulation in alternating-current generators. 21d, 31 Voltaic piles. 21b, 10 Voltmeters 21e, 9 Volume-meters for dry materials 42e, 27-29 For industrial uses 42e Voting apparatus and machines 43a, 39 Vulcanized fiber : . 39b, 8; 54e Fiber, articles made of 54f Oil, (factice) 39b, 4 Vulcanizing apparatus, dental 30b, 16 Caoutchouc and gutta-percha, chemical fea- tures 39b, 3 Mechanical features : 39a, 11 Pneumatic tires 63e, 13 Wadding for bandages 30i, 8 For bandages, making of tow waste, etc 76b, 37 Making. 76b, 13, 14 Waffle baking machines 2a, 12 Irons 341, 10 130 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Wage receptacles with wage-check closures. .. 43a, 17 Tables .................................... 54b, 7 Wagon brakes ............................. 63b, 54-65 Cleaning apparatus ........................ 63b, 44 Couplings .................................. 63b, 40 Tipping apparatus .......................... 81e, 22 Wheels, (see also Wheels) .......... 63d, 1, 2, 6, 9-11 Wagons, ammunition, including armored wagons .................................. 72d, 8 Delivery .................................... 63b, 34 Dispensing, (milk, oil, etc. ) ................. 63b, 35 Farm .................... . ................ 45e, 31 Garbage ........ . ...... . ............... 81d, 1, 2, 4 With disinfecting appliances ............... 81d, 4 Grain, hay, etc., for agricultural purposes. . . 45e, 31 Ice ...................................... Mail ...................................... Milk . . "! ................................ . 17c,5 63b, 34 63b. 35 63b; 35 Warning-signals for train protection Warp beam supports Beaming machines Pig-iron and steel, for blast-furnaces Refrigerator ................................. 17c, 5 Refuse ................................ 81d, 1, 2, 4 With shovels to receive street-sweepings. . . 81d, ] Scaffold or tower, for erecting contact-lines, etc. , for electric railwavs .................. 20k, 19 Tank, etc ............... , ............... 63b, 34, 35 Unloading .............................. 63b, 32, 33 Wainscoting ................................ 37d, 33 Waistcoats ................................... 3b, 5 Waiters, (trays) ............................... 34f, 21 Wakers, (alarms) ......... . ............. 74a, 13-17, 20 Walking appliances for children ..... Appliances to assist invalids ................ 30f, 4 Mechanism for dolls ........................ 77f, 10 Stick carriers ............................. 33d, 11 Hangers ................................ 33a, 13 Sticks .................................. 33a, 11-13 Wall brackets for lamps ....................... 4a, 26 Cleaners and scrapers ....................... 37d, 40 Contacts for burglar-alarms ................. 74a, 25 Coverings ...... 8h,6; 81,2; 37a,4; 37d,33; 75b, 24 Printing ................................ 8c, 1, 4 Dowels ..................... 34e, 18; 37b, 5 Hooks ..................................... 34f, 3 Paneling .................................. 37d, 33 Paper cutting apparatus ..................... 8f, 10 For display purposes ...................... 54g, 20 Making, chemical features ................. 8n, 6 Mechanical features ............... , ..... 8h, 6 Printing ..................... . .......... 8c, 4, 7 Samples, machines for pasting on sample- cards .................................. 8f, 13 With imitation-crape-paper covering ...... 8h, 6 Plates, slabs, etc., as structural elements ..... 37b, 2 For columns, pillars, etc .................. 37a, 4 Ornamental ............................. 75b, 24 Polishers ................................. 37d, 40 Rosettes for electric lighting ............... 21c, 25 Walls, garden, etc .......................... 37a, 4, 5 Generally ................................. 37a, 4, 5 Hangar .................................. 37f, 8 Hole-boring tools for ....................... 37d, 40 Hollow brick ............................... 37a, 4 Monier ..................................... 37a, 5 Of buildings ............................. 37a, 4, 5 Ornamenting ............ 34f,26; 37d, 31-33; 75c, 5 Plastering and pointing up, apparatus for ---- 37d, 32 Protective ................................ 37a, 4, 5 Rabitz .................................... 37a, 5 Revetment and supporting ........... 19e, 2; 84a, 2 War games. .. ..... . .......................... 77d, 8 War-ships, armament ....................... 65e, 1-4 Wardrobe-trunks ...................... 33b, 8; 34i, 19 Wardrobes ................................... 34i, 14 Warehouse railways and trolleys .............. 81e, 39 Warehouses, structural arrangements ............ 37f, 7 Warm-water heating systems ................. 36c, 3, 4 Warmers, ear ................................. 3b, 13 Warming-bottles for car-heating ............... 20c, 21 ssification. ... 20i,39 .. 56a,25 ... 86a,2 .. 86c, 18 ... 86a,4 ... 8a,25 ... 86g,8 ... 86h, 7 ... 8a,25 25a, 15, 16 ... 86h,6 . 86d, 1-9 ... 86a, 1 .. 86c, 30 .. 86c, 18 Cleaning and clearing Damping and sizing Detector shuttles Drawing-in apparatus and machines Drying Fabric-knitting machines Knotting machines Pile weaving Spooling machines Stop detectors Tensioning devices Twisting-in devices 86Ji, 6 Warping frames 86a, 2 Machines 86a,2; 86c, 18 Wash-buttons, making 44a, 1 Washbasins 34k, 1 Connected to sewer 85e, 21 Washboards 8d, 10 Washboilers 8d, 1 Washstand-pitchers 34k, ] Washstands and cabinets 34k, 1 And toilet conveniences for railway-cars 20c, 42 For ships 65a, 31 Stationary 85e, 21 Washtub-stands 8d, 10 Washtubs 8d, 10 Washers as machine elements 47a, 8, 11 Clay 80a, 5 Coal, ore, and sand la, 11 Grain .-, 6a, 1; 45e, 22; 50a, 2 Potato, for bulk treatment 45e, 22 For household use 341, 21 Washing apparatus, barrel 6f , 1 Apparatus, bottle 64b, 1-3 For curative purposes 30f. 10, 11 For photographic plates 57c, 9 . For rock-drilling machines 5b, 13 Hair 33c, 6 Railway-car 20h, 8 Vehicle 63b, 44 Bottles, laboratory 421, 3 Machines .' 8d, 3-6, 9 Bed-feather 8e, 5 Charcoal 12d, 11, 26 Cotton-waste 8a, 5 Dish 34c,10 Fabric breadths 8a, 9 For feed-turnips, etc 45e, 22 Glass 64b, 5, 6 Grain 6a, 1; 45e, 22; 50a, 2 Hose 8a, 9 Potato 45e, 22; 89a, 1 Sand la, 11 Sugar-beet 89a, 1, 2 Types: brush 8d, 3 Cylinder or drum 8d, 6 Rocking 8d, 6 Roller 8d,4 Stamps and pounders 8d, 7, 8 Wool, (for spinning) 76a, 1-4 Materials for chemical washing processes 8i, 5 For printing-plates Soap-containing 23e, 2 Soap-free 8i, 5 Out loose sugar crystals WM, ~ Textiles, using electric current, apparatus. . . . Sa, 5,7,9. 17. is Processes 8i \Vast<- acids from manufacture of explosives, re- generating 78c, 5 Acids from manufacture of explosives, treat- ing 78c, 7 From carding-machines, removing 76b, 36 From cigars, recovering tobacco and fillers.... 79a, 2 From fabrics, utilizing for spinning 76b, 1 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 131 Classification. Waste from starch manufacture, treating 89k, 4 Gases from pig-iron production, utilizing 18a, 8 Precipitating 24g, 6; 40a, 15 Purifying lOa, 19; 12e, 2; 26d, 1-5; 46c, 32 Recovering and neutralizing, in cellulose manufacture 55b, 3 Heat, utilizing 14h, 3: 36a, 14; 46c, 31; 46d, 11 Lhne, etc., from chemical factories, making into artificial stone 80b, 20 Liquors, recovering and neutralizing, in cel- lulose manufacture 55b, 3 Sulfite-cellulose, utilizing for tanning 28a, 6 Materials, utilizing for artificial fuels lOb, 16 Matter, utilizing in manufacture of fats 23a, 4 Paper baskets 34f, 26 Water as fertilizer 16, 12 Distributers for oxidation-filters 85c, 3 Obtaining fats from 23a. 4 Purification, biological 85c, 3 Centrifugal 85c, 5 Chemical 85c, 1 And mechanical combined 85c, 2 Electrolytic 85c, 4 Mechanical 85c,^5, 6 Removing, (sewer systems) 85e, 1 Wool from cards, beaters, etc., removing and utilizing 76b, 36, 37 Watch chain fastenings 44a, 36 Chains 44a, 39 Fastenings to prevent theft 44a, 41 Hooks 44a, 31 Watchmakers' compasses 83c, 8 Lathes 83c, 2 Measuring and regulating appliances 83c, 8 Tools 83c Hand and dial 83c, 7 Jewel-setting 83c, 5 Watchmen's recording-clocks 43a, 30, 31 Watch pendants 44a, 39 Stands 341, 22 Watches. (See also Clocks and watches ) 83a Water, aerated 85a, 2, 3 Aerated, mixing 85a, 3, 8 Atomizers for moistening the air 36d, 14, 15 Bath cooking apparatus 36c, 13 Baths for chemical purposes 12a, 1 Boiler, purifying I3b, 8, 9; 85b Feed, purifying 13b, 5-7 Carbonated. .' 85a, 2, 3 Closets 85h Color grinders ~5c, 12 Implements 75c, 16 Mixing dishes 75c, 15 Paint boxes 75c, 16 Painting 75c, 1 Colors 22g,2 Courses, correcting 84a, 1 Cranes for railway-service 20g, 9 Cut-off apparatus, automatic, for bath-water pipes 85f,7 Cycles 65c, 9, 12 Depth of, measuring 42c, 28-31 Distilled 85a, 1 Drawing apparatus for house use 85d, 4 Drawing off from steam-heating plants. . . . 36c, 2 Drinking, pasteurizing ^85a, 1 Purifying and distilling 85a, 1, 7 Elevating installations 59c, 10 Elevators, aerated column 59c, 6 Explosion - 59c, 8 Engines - - - - 88b 1, 2 Finders, divining-rods. 421, 13 Electric 21g, 20 Gage posts Gages for tov engines / /i, iy Steam-boiler. 13c, 1-13 Gas, manufacture 24e, 1, 2 Glass 12i, 37 Gratings for water-power plants 84a, 6 Classification. Water, hardening and softening 85b, 1 Heating 36e Electric 21h, 3 Systems for buildings 36c, 3-5, 9-13 For railway-cars 20c, 22 Inlet shafts 85e, 11 Jet air-pumps 27d, 1 Earthing devices 21c, 61 Pumps 59c, 16 Level fluctuations, telemetric apparatus for indicating 74b, 1 Indicators, generally 42c, 26. 27 Regulators for chemical purposes 12f , 4 For domestic water-supply systems 85d, 2 For steam-boilers 13b, 13-17 Levels. 42c, 24, 25 Marks in paper-making 55d, 17 Meters 42e, 1-22 Disk 42e, 6 Piston 42e, 8-10 Proportional 42e, 12 Turbine 42e, 1, 2 Venturi type 42e, 14 With Woltmann blades 42e, 3, 4 Motors 88a: b Pumps driven by 59a, 6 Obtaining, systems and apparatus 85d, 1 Pasteurizing 85a, 1 Pipes, means to prevent freezing 85d, 11 Safety devices to prevent bursting in case of freezing 85d, 8 Pressure engines 88b, 1, 2 Proofing fabrics, chemical features 8k, 3 Fabrics, mechanical features 8a, 27 Roofing-papers, tent materials, etc 8a, 28 Ropes 8a, 28 Purifying by filtering 12d, 2-4, 10-22, 24 By introduction of chemicals 85b, 1, 3 Chemical and mechanical processes 85b, 2 Raisers, compressed air 59c, 4-7, 9 Explosion 59c, 8 Raising mechanism 59a-e Regenerating, for live-fish containers 45h, 18 Removing iron and manganese from 85a, 7 In paper-making 55d, 16 Reservoirs 37f, 3 Roundabouts 77e, 4 Seals for acetylene-generators 26b, 47 For closets . 85h, 1-8, 15 For sewer systems 85e, 12-14 Shoes 77b, 16 Sprayers for moistening the air 36d, 14, 15 Sprinkling carts 19b, 4; 45f, 19 Stations for railway-service 20g, 9 Sterilizing 85a, 1 Storing, installations for 37f , 3 Supplv regulators 12f, 4; 42e, 2; 47g, 1, 2, 44, 45; 80a, 30 Regulators for brick-presses 80a, 30 Systems 85d Tanks, elevated 37f, 3 For house use 85d, 3 Testers - - 421, 3 Towers 37f, 3 Tube boiler furnaces 24a, 3 Boilers 13a, 6-18 Turbines 88a, 1-9 Wheel races 88a, 10 Wheels 88a, 10, 12 Works 85d, 2-6, 7-11, 13, 14 Watered effects on fabrics, producing . . 8b, 31 Watering cans 45f, 21 Fields and gardens, apparatus for 45h, 19-22 Waters, medicinal 30h, 2 Mineral 35a, Containing medicinal substances 30h, '2 132 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Wave calming 65a, 79 Detectors or indicators for wireless teleg- raphy 21a, 70 Lengths of electric oscillating circuits, damp- ing and measuring 21a, 71 Motors 88b, 3 Waves, producing, for theaters 77g, 1 In bath-tubs. .' ' 34k, 4 In swimming-pools 37f , 3 Wax, floor-polishing 22g, 6 Matches ' 78a, 10 Melting apparatus for honeycombs 45h, 16 And purifying 23a, 3 Mineral, (ozocerite) 23b, 3 Weaning devices for animals 45h, 10 Weapons, cut and thrust. . (59, 27, 28 Combined with firearms 72a, 32 Wearing apparel, (See also Clothing) 3a-e Weather cocks 74d, 10- Cocks with telemetric apparatus 74b, 8 Screens for drivers of street-cars, etc 20c, 29 Vanes 74d, 10 With telemetric apparatus 74b, 8 Weaving . 86a-h Auxiliary machines for 86h Basket 25b, 10 Cane and slat 86e Chenille 86d, 3 Driving-belt 86c, 2 Gauze 86c, 7 Gobelin 86c, 6 Horsehair 86c, 15. Hose 86c, 3 Implements and tools for 86g Material-preparing machines for 86a Paper 86c, 1 Patterns S6b, 1-10; 86c, 1-7; 86d, 1-8; 86h, 1-5 Pile fabrics 86d Fabrics, warp 86d, 4-8 Weft 86d, 1-3 Ribbon 86d, 3 Plush 86d, 4-6, 8, 9 Processes 86b; 86c, 1-7; 86d; e; f Ribbon 86c, 10 Sack 86c, 3 Straw 86e Velvet 86d Wire 86f Wedding-rings, making of sheet metal and tub- ing 7c, 38 Wedge brakes 20f, 12 Closures for ordnance 72c, 10 Fastenings 47a, 1 Movements 74h. 1 Operated presses 58b, 8 Weeding-machines with means for cultivating the soil , 45a, 19 Without means for cultivating the soil 45c, 34 Weed-pulling implements 45a, 2 Weeds, exterminating by chemical means 451, 3 Exterminating by steam, burning, etc 45a, 3 By tools 45a, 2 Removing from railway-embankments, appa- ratus for ." I9a, 28 Weft, beating-up devices 86e, 27 Detector shuttles 86g, 8 Detectors 86c, 31 Feeler mechanism 86c, 31 Inserting devices 86c, 21 Pile fabrics 86d, 1-3 Preparing for weaving 86a, 5 Thread-cutting devices 86c, 32 Replenishing devices 86c, 25 Tensioning devices 86c, 13, 14, 21, 25 Threaders 86g, 9 Weighers, liquid 12f, 14-20, 31 Weighing apparatus, (see also Balances and scales) '. 42f Apparatus, automatic 42f , 18-20 Coin-controlled 43b, 45, 46 Classification. Weighing machines combined with packing-ma- chines 81 a, 16 Machines, generally 42f , 1 4-21 Weight-motors 46e. 1 Weights for scales 42f, 31 Weir-building 84a, 3 Weirs, fish 45h, 20 Overflow 84a, 3 Roller 84a, 3 Weldable iron, preparation 18b, 4 Steel, preparation 18b, 4 Welding 49f, 18 Electric 21h, 1 2 Furnaces 49f, 6, 18 Tube 7b, 7 Iron-scrap fagots 49f , 18 Machines 21h,12; 49f, 18 Of chains', electric 49h, 5 Rails for electric railways 20k, 7 Tubes 7b, 7, 9 Well-drills 5a Wells 85d, 1, 4 Drinking-water 85d, 4 Pipe 85d, 1 Sunk, for foundations 84c, 3 Welted shoes 71a, 14 Welting devices for knitting-machines . 25a, 24 Welts for shoes 71a, 21 Westrumite, (dust-binding composition^ 30i, 7 Wet spinning, (wetting) 76c, 27 Wetting down paper for printing 15d, 27 Whalebone, artificial 39b, 8 Treating 39a, 3 Wharves 84a, 5 Wheelbarrows 63b, 39 Wheel brakes for railway rolling-stock 20f, 8 Chairs, invalids' 30e, 4 Fellies 63d, 3, 17 Flange qojitacts 20i, 31 , 32 ; 20k, 16 Sprinklers 20h, 10 Gearing, friction 47h, 8 Toothed : 47h, 6, 12 Molding machines 31b, 7 Plows 45a, 9, 10 Pressure-measuring devices 42f, 13 Rims 63d, 3, 17 Making of sheet metal and tubing 7c, 33 Rolling mills 7f, 1 Skates 77b, 17, 18 Tire-vulcanizing apparatus 63e, 13 Tires, (see also Tires) 63e Cellular 63e, 14 Cushioned 63e, 2, 15 Elastic apparatus for putting on and taking off 63e,17 For railway-car wheels 20d, 24 Heaters for putting on 49f, 6 Measuring apparatus 20h, 1 Leather 63e, 3 Making by rolling 7f, 1 Metal, hardening 18c, 2 Shrinking on 63d, 6 Padded 63e, 2, 1 5 Pneumatic 63e, 1, 5-14 Inflating : 63e, 18, 19 Inner tubes for 63e, 6 Locating punctures 63e, 13 Puncture filling materials for 22i, 1 Indicators 63e, 13 Solid rubber 63e, 2 Spring 63e, 4 Vehicle-wheel 63e, 1-4 Wood 63e, 3 Wheeled gun-mounts 72c, 6, 7 Wheels, blade, for aircraft 77h, 8 Chain, as machine elements 47b, 24 For cycles 63k, 29 Chilled castings for 31c, 16 Cycle 63d, 16-25 Driving, for motor-cars 63c, 17 For motor-sleighs 63k, 22, 23 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 133 Classification. Wheels, driving, for plow-tractors 45a, 21 Driving, generally 47b, 20 Fastenings for ..." 63d, 7, 8 Feathering-blade, for aircraft 77h, 11 Fly 47b, 28 As auxiliary driving mechanism for cycles . 63k, 8 For explosion and internal-combustion en- f gines 46c, 5 For starting mechanism 47h, 20 For clockwork 83a, 10 For rail way -vehicles 20d, 11, 23-28 Safety . . ". 20d, 28 With automatic lubrication 20d, 20 Friction 47b, 25 Guide, for rail way- vehicles 20d, 28 Making by casting 31c, 16, 25 By forging 49g, 6 By pressing 49g, 6 By rolling 7f, 1 Of sheet metal 7c, 32 Measuring 42b, 6 Of fortune 43a, 40 Paddle, for aircraft 77h, 8 Potters' 80a, 44 Rail, for trackless vehicles 63b, 16 Sail, for aircraft 77h, 8 Solar 42i, 18 Stern, for ships 65f, 2 Toothed. 47b, 23 Vehicle 63d Fitting with metal tires 63d, 6 Water 88a, 10-12 Wind 88c, 1, 2 As auxiliary driving mechanism for cycles . . 63k, 8 For driving ships' propellers 65f, 22 Wooden 63d, 1 Making 38f,7 Whetstones 67c, 4 Whey-separators 45g, 24 Whiffletree-hooks 63b, 22 Whiffletrees 63b, 21 Whip current-collectors for electric railways 201, 9 Holders on harness 56a, 27 On vehicles 63b, 42 Stitch sewing-machines 52a, 12 Whipping devices for horse-driven engines 45d, 2 For vehicles 63b, 42 Whips 56a, 27 Beating, for upholstered furniture 34c, 9 Riding 56a, 27 Whisky 6b, 22, 23 Whistles, signal 74d, 1 Steam 74d, 1 Toy 77f , 6 White lead 22f, 1, 11 Whiting 22f, 6 Wick adjusting devices 4g, 17-19 Blue-flame burners 4g. 9-14 Burners 4g, 1-20 Carbons as electrodes for arc-lamps 21f, 76 Fastening devices 4g, 19 Guides 4a, 1-3; 4g, 15. 16 Inserters 4g, 20 Light burners 4g, 1-4 Lubricators 47e. 6 Sleeves 4g, 15, 16 Trimmers 4a. 7 Tube flanges for blue-flame burners 4g, 12. 14 Wicker weaving or plaiting machines 25b, 9 Work 25b, 10 Wickets in buildings 37d, 39 Wicks, fabric 4a, 4, 6 Fabric and mineral combined 4a. 6 Lamp 4a, 4-7 Limiting movements of 4g, 19 Mineral 4a, 5, 6 Wigs.... 3e,2 Willow-barking machines 38g, 1 ; 38i, J Willowers for textile fibers 76b, 1,4,5 Classification. Winches, capstan 65a, 25 For electric cables 21c, 8 For scaffold-building 37 e, 13 Switching '. . . 35c, 1 Built into track '. 20h, 7 Wind instruments, brass 51c, 24 Wood 51c, 23 Windlasses 35c, 1, 3-7 Windmills, details 50b; 88c, 2 Structural arrangements 37f , 7 Wind motors 88c Pressure meters 42k, 5 Screened lights 4a, 45 Shields for cycles 63g, 11 For lamps 4a, 16 For motor-cars 63c, 24 On match-boxes 44b, 27 On windows 68c, 10 Wheels 88c,l,2 As auxiliary propellers for cycles, etc 63k, 8 For ships 65f, 22 Winders for mechanical bells 74a, 8 For printing-telegraphs 21a, 14 For spinning-tops 77f, 2, 3 For timepieces 83a, 33-42, 58 ; 83b, 7 Electric 83b, 7 Pedometer type 83a, 34 Stem, for watches 83a, 38-40 Winding boards for clothes-lines 8d, 13 Boards for fabrics 8f , 7 Devices, (cops, spools, etc.,) paper, making. . 54c,4 Drums 35c, 1 For lowering coffins 30e, 18 Machines, ball 76d, 12 Clothes-line 8d, 13 For wire, band-iron, and profile-iron 7b, 5 For woven fabrics, ribbons, and laces 8f, 3, 4 Yarn 76d, 11, 12,20 Mechanism, (windlasses, etc.) 35c Brake-controlled, for life-saving (fire-escape) apparatus - 61a, 7 Reels, paper 55e, 7 Yarn 76d, 13, 14 Rollers for woven fabrics 8f, 7 Yarns 8f,7; 76d, 11-15, 20 Window bars, making 7e, 19 Brakes for sliding windows 68b, 27 Casements 37d, 17 Cleaning 34c, 1-4 Hand implements 34c, 2 Machines 34c, 1 Closing devices 68d, 8, 18 Contacts for burglar-alarms '. 74a, 22 Curtains 34e, 1-15 Fastenings, dormer 68b, 26 For locomotives 20b, 14 For sliding windows 68b, 27 Generally 68b, 9-16 Skylight 68b, 17-25 Fittings 34e, 19; 68c, 10 Frames 37d, 17 For art glazing 32b, 11 Making 7c, 44; 38c, 6; 38e, 8 Gratings 37d, 25 For protection against falling from win- dows 34e, 16 Hinges , 68c, 1-6,8 Lintels 37b, 4 Mirrors 34f, 3 Openers 20c.39; 63b, 7; 68b, 17-27; 68d, 19-31 Pane- thawing devices 34c, 3 Panes 32b, 11 Reinforcing by celluloid coatings, (com- pound glass) 39a, 17~ Patterns for casting. 31c, 8 Screens 34e, 19; 37d, 14, 15 With ventilating devices 37d, 15 Shutters - ... 37d, 25 Opening, closing, and holding in adjusted positions 68b, 17-27; 68d, 18-35 134 CLASSIFICATION OF C. HUMAN PATENTS. Classification. Window stops for sliding windows 68b, 27 Wipers 34c, 2 Windows 37d, 8-17 Cellar 37d, 39 Cleaning, in railway-cars, motor and road vehicles 20c,39; 63b. 7; 63c,26 Closing joints 37d, 24 Dormer 37c, 9 Shifting, holding in adjusted positions, and locking 68b, 26 Double, holding in adjusted positions 68d, 33 For hotbeds and hothouses 45f , 9 For motor-cars 63c, 22 For ships 65a. 10 Garret 37d, 38 Grated or barred 37d, 17 Holding in adjusted positions 20c,39; 63b.7; 68b, 17-27; 68d, 19-34 Inside blinds for 34f , 5 Metal 37d, 17 Pivoted 37d, 8, 9 Protecting from deposit and freezing of mois- ture, coatings for 22g, 10 From dirt and other deposits 37d, 16 Puttying 37d, 40 Railway-car 20c, 39 Safety apparatus for cleaning 34c, 4 Show, equipment 54g, 16 Lighting 4b, 23 Structure 37d, 13 Skylight 37d, 15; 68b, 17-25 Holding in adjusted positions 68b, 17-25 Sliding.. 20c,39; 37d, 10-12; 63b, 7; 63c, 22; 68b, 27 Holding in adjusted positions, locking, etc. 68b, 27 Trap 37d, 9 Vehicle 63b, 7; 63c, 22 Ventilating devices for 37d, 15 Wine cellar implements 6f, 5 Coolers 17f, 2 Pasteurizing 6d, 1, 2 Preparing 6c Preserving 6d, 3 Presses 58a,5; 58b, 1, 2, 5, 9, 10 Removing yeast from 6c, 2 Wines, berry, preparing 6c, 3 Fruit, preparing 6c, 3 Sparkling 6c, 1 Wings, beating, for flying apparatus 77h, 10 Winnowers 45e, 14 Wipers, blackboard 70e, 3 For printing-machines 151, 8 Gun 72a, 31 Pen 70b,6 Slate 70e,3 Wire, annealing, iron and steel 18c, 6 Annealing, other than iron and steel 48d, 5 Barb 7d, 4 Bars, casting 31c, 21 Bending 7d,l,2; 49h, 2 Machines 7d, 1 Bottle 64a, 76; 64b, 24 Making 7d, 10 Bows and fastenings for bottle-caps, making. . 7d, 10 Brads 7e, 7 Braiding machines 25b, 7 Braids 25b, 7 Break locks for railway-switches 20i, 7 Switches 20k, 11; 21c, 9 Brushes 9,19 Electric 21d,21 Cables 73,1 Carding combs 7d, 9 Clamps . 2,lc,21; 87a, 21 Cloth parts of paper-making machines 55d, 8 Coating with metals 48b, 4 Coiled : 7d,2 Compensators for railway-switches 20i, 12 Connections 7d, 3 Cutting 7d, 5 Pliers 49b, 17 Classification. Wire draw plates 7b, 4 Drawing 7b, 3, 4 Benches 7b, 3, 4 Electroplating 48a, 9 Endless, casting 31c, 21 Eyelets 7d, 1 Fabric for driving-belts 47d, 4 Fasteners for box-making 54a, 11 Fastenings for bottle-closures, making 7d, 10 On insulators 21c, l(i Fences and fence stretchers 37d, 36 Making 7d, 6 Flowers 45f, 6 Forms for hat-frames 41a, fi Glass 32a, 22 Guards for electric incandescent lamps 25f , 56 Hardening 18c, 6 Inlaying machines 7c, 4 Lattice machines 7d, 6 Lattices 7d, 6 Looms 86f Making 7a, 10; 7b,2-6; 31c,21 By casting 31c, 21 By drawing 7b, 3, 4 By extrusion method 7b, 2 By rolling 7a, 10 By special processes 7b, 6 By squirting, (extrusion process) 7b, 2 Manufactures 7d, 6-16 Nail machines 7e, 10 Nails 7e, 7, 8, 20 Netting for ceilings 37d, 39; 86f For fences 37d,36; 86f For walls 37d,39; 86f Making 7d, 6, 16 Pickling 48d, 2 Points on corset and shoe laces, etc., making. 7d, 13 Reeling 7d, 2 Reels for electric cables 21c, 8 For packing and shipping 81c, 27 Used in wire making 7b, 5 In wire working 7d, 2 Resistances 21c,'36 Rolling mills 7a, 10 Return-loop guides 7a, 11 Scouring 7b, 6 Sharpening ends by chemical means 48d, 5 Shears 49b, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19 As part of military 'equipment 33d, 8 Slitting, stretching, and upsetting 7d, 5 Softening 7b, 6; 48d, 5 Soldering, making 49f, 11 Spinning machines 73, 1 Spiral 7d, 2 Spooling 7d, 2 Steel, annealing and hardening 18c, 6 Stiffening and covering objects with 74, 5 Stitching machines lla, 5, 6 Tools. lla, 11 Straightening 7d, 1 Stretchers for brick-cutters 80a, 41 For electric conductors 21c For fences and lattices 37d, 36 Generally 87a, 21 Tacks 7e, 7 Thread, (eisengarn, starch-finished sewing thread,) making 8a, 25, 26 Weaving machines 86f Winding.. 7b,5; 7d, 2 Working 7d, 1-7 Wiring-machines, bottle 64b, 24 Wires, breaking of, in electric systems, prevent- ing disturbances and accidents due to 20k, 11; 2 Ic, 9, 57-61 Electric, (conductors) 21c, 1-26 Rip, for opening tin cans 64a, 61 Or wire-cloths for paper-making 55d, 10 Wood, artificial 39b, 8 Beading 38b, 5 Bending 38f. ] CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. 135 Classification. Wood boring machines 38b, 4, 8 Bundling 81a, 13 Carbonizing ovens lOa, 28 Carving 75a, 3; 75b, 10, 18 Cement roofs, (mixture of tar, asphalt, and sulfur with sand and gravel) 37c, 6 Chip-carving 75a, 3; 75b, 10 Coverings for ceilings and walls 37d 33 Cuts 15b, 1, 3 Cutting, splitting, etc., implements for 34d, 1 Designs 75d, 16 Dovetailing and tenoning 38d, 1 Drying, generally 82a When combined with steeping or impreg nating 38h, 1 Dyeing 38h, 5 Embossing and pressing 75a, 2; 75b, 11, 19 Engraving 15b, 1, 3 Graining, implements for 75c, 20 Graters for paper-making 55a, 2 Grinders for paper-making ooa. 1 Impregnating, (including wood for violins, sounding-boards, etc.,) apparatus for 38h, 4 Processes for 38h, 2 Indenting or notching 75a, 3; 75b, 10 Insulating to prevent decomposition and fun- gus 37a,7; 37b, 6 Moldings. 38c, 3 Ornamenting by branding, apparatus 75a, 1 By branding, processes 75b, 1 By coloring 75c, 5 By etching 75b, 10, 18 By graining 75d, 16 Paints 22g, 6 Pavings 19c, 4 Polishing 38c, 2 Drums 38c, 2 Processes 75c, 2 Pulp for paper-making, storing and preserv- ing ooa. 1 For paper-making, working, and refining. . . oo>. 9 (Papier-mache,) manufacture of articles from 54e Removing bark from 38i, 1 Screws, metal 47a, 4 Making 7f ; 49c Sculpturing implements and machines. . . 75a, 13, 14 Shavings, making 38i, 4 Slicing machines 38i, 2; 38k, 1 Slivers for matches 78b, 1 Impregnating 78b; 1 Making 38i, 3 Polishing 38c, 2 Splitting implements 34d, 1 Staining 38h, 5 Steamed mechanical (braunschU/) for paper- making 55b, 1 Steaming and steeping 38h, 1 Turning lathes 38b, 6 Vinegar, extracting 12r, 2 Wind instruments 51c, 23 Woodworking-machines 38b Safety devices for 38e. 10, 11 Woodbury types of photographic transparencies . 57b, 20 Wooden balls, making 38b, 6; 38k, 5 Boxes for matches, etc., making 38d, 3 Making 38d, 1-5 Bungs for barrels 64c, 25 Making 38, 6 Floors 37d, 5 Legs 30d,3 Nails 38k, 3 Roofs 37c, 7 Screw-cutting machines 49c, 2 Shoes 71a,2 Stairs 37d, 2 Stoppers for liquid -dispensing vessels 64a, 8 Ties for railways 19a, 2 Tires for vehicle-wheels 63e, 3 Wheels 63d, 1 Making 38f, 7 Classification. Wool, burring 76b, 4 Chemical cleaning 8a, 3, 5, 7, 17-19 Apparatus for 76a, 3 Dyeing 8a; 8m Fat, extracting 23a, 5 Fulling 8a, 30-32 Mercenzing 8a, 20-24; 8k, 2 Removing grease from 29b, 1 ; 76a, 3 Washing 76a Machines, cylindrical 76a, 1 Longitudinal travel 76a, 2 Waste 76b, 36, 37 Cleaning and washing 8a, 5; 8i For grinding and polishing 67c, 2 For scouring 22g, 14 Machines for opening 76b, 2 Used , extracting grease from 23a, 4 Woolen fabrics, impregnating ; 8k, 3 Work drivers for metal-lathes 49a, 23 Holders and movement of the work in grind- ing-machines 67a, 32 Measuring devices (operameters) 42k, 15-19 Rests for metal lathes 49a, 24 Stands, dentists' 30b, 21 Worm culture for fish-feed 45h, 15 Culture e. g., silkworms 45h, 15 Gearing 47h, 3 Wheels as elements of worm-gearing 47b, 23 Worsted yarns, finishing 8a; b Spinning 76b, 30-34; 76c, 31 Weaving ,...,. 6c, 1 Wort, preparing 6b, 8-15 Wound dressing, auxiliary appliances for 30d, 23 Dressings 30d, 21-23 Materials for 30i, 8 Protectors 30d, 22 Wounds, devices for keeping open 30a, 8 Woven-wire mattresses 34g, 17 Wrappers, newspaper, etc 54b, 6 Wrapping machines 81a, 7, 8 Newspapers, machines for 81a, 8 Paper cutters and dispensers 70e, 18 Wrenches 87a, 6-13 Pipe 87a, 14, 15 Wringers, clothes 8d, 12 For yarn in skeins 8a, 33, 35 Wringing devices for mops, etc 34c, 6 Wrinkles, facial, treating 30d, 5 Wristlets 3b, 13 Writers' cramp, preventing 70a, 10 Writing for the blind, apparatus for producing. 70d, 13 Desks 34i, 8 In railway-cars 20c, 43 With means for reproducing the writing below the surface 15i, 3 Hand and arm rests and other supports for. . 70d, 8 Or recording devices for talking-machines. . 42g, 2-4 Pads 70d, 11 Pens 70b, 1 Making of sheet metal and tubing 7c, 40 Surfaces for blackboards and slates 70e, 2 For talking-machines 42g, 16 Tables 34i, 4 Tablets, coatings for 22g, 11 Enameling 48c, 6 Teaching 42n, 2 Telegraphs 21a, 1, 2 Utensils 70a, b Wrought-iron. prodiicing 18b, 4-7 X-rays for curative purposes. . . . Producing Xanthogenate. cellulose 30f, 18 21g, 15-18 12o, 6, 23; 29b, 3 Yachts 65c Yale locks 68a, 8 Yards, (for sails) 65a, 13 Yarn cleaners for spooling- machines 76d, 19 Distributing devices for warpers 86a, 2 136 CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN PATENTS. Classification. Yarn holders for unwinding 76d, 17 Reels for unwinding skeins 7fid, 14 For winding skeins 76d, 13 Scales 42f , 30 Spool holders for knitting 25a, 31 Spooling machines "(id, 1-11 Spools 76d, 20 Tensioning devices for warpers 86a, 2 Winders 76d, 20 Winding machines 76d, 11, 12 Yarns, bleaching 8a; 8i Breaking, (rendering pliant) 8b, 27 Cleaning on spooling-machines 76d, 19 Combed wool, finishing 8a; b ( 'utting 8f Doubling 8f, 7; 76c, I Drying 8b, 7 Finishing 8a; b; i: k; m On spooling-machines 76d, 19 Fulling 8a, 30-32 Impregnating 8a, 25, 26; 8k, 3, 4 Improving and decorating 8b, 33 Laying 8f Loading 8m, 11 Lustering 8b, 26 Making 76c From special fibrous material e. g., flax, peat, etc 76b, 37 Measuring 8f Mercerizing 8a, 22, 23; 8k, 2 Moistening 8b, 13 Mordanting 8m, 11 Oxidizing 8b, 7 Packing and putting up 8f, 13; 76d, 20 Pressing and squeezing 8a, 33, 34 Printing 8c, 3, 6 Producing designs on, by printing or sten- ciling 8c, 3, 6, 8, 11 Rendering pliant 8b, 27 Shearing 8b, 14 Singeing '8b, 16 Sizing and starching 8a, 25, 26; 8k, 3 Skeining : 76d, 20 Smoothing and straightening 8b; 76d, 19 Sponging 8b, 13 Varieties of, for spinning 76c, 31 Washing. . . 8a, 6, 8; 8i, 5 Classification. Yarns, winding 8f, 7; 76d, 20 Worsted, finishing 8a; b Spinning 76b, 30-34; 76c, 31 Weaving 86c, 1 Yeast 6a, 14-19 Artificial, (bub. ) preparing . . 6a, 14 Compressed '., 6a, 15 Manipulating, (washing, etc.) 6a, 19 Mash coolers 6b, 18 Obtaining albuminous materials from 53i, 3 Preserving and drying 6a, 18 Propagating apparatus 6a, 17 Pure cultures of 6a, 16 Sediments, removing from wine 6c, 2 Yoghurt and similar sour-milk preparations. . . . 53e, 5 Y^okes for harness 56a, 9 Xeck. on poles 63b, 17 Ytterite and yttrium, preparation 40a, 51 Zero-setting devices for calculators 42m, 12 Zinc alloys, preparation, electrolytic 40c, 14, 15 Coating metal articles with . ." 48a, 6; 48b, 6 Compounds 12n, 6 Distilling processes 40a, 34 Retorts 40a, 35 Etching lob, 1 Extracting 40a, 39-42 Oxid. preparation 40a, 41 Electrothermic 40c, 16 Peroxid '. 12i, 16 Pigments. 22f, 4 Preparation 40a, 33-42 Electrolytic 40c, 11, 13 Electrothermic 40c, 16 Printing plates 151, 2 Surfaces 15b, 1, 3-5; 15k, 1, 2 Refining 40a, 34 Zirconium glass laboratory apparatus 421, 3, 13 Glass, making '. 32a, 35 Light burners 4g, 45 Preparation 12m, 9 Zithers olc, 15-20 Bowed 51c, 12 Zootechny 45h Zwieback cutting machines 2b, 15 Processes for making 2c, 1 o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles Th- University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. Form L9-10w-3 rm-: ; - OF CALIFORNIA T273 F R A3 patentamt - 1919 Alphabet!^ 1 index to the nlfl cjg-i fi r?fl -hi nn of German jbatents. IHNMIIIIII D 000412091 1 T273 F A3 1919 Ubrary J172