MORTALITY OP THE BRITISH ARMY, AT HOME, AT HOME AND ABROAD, AND DURING THE RUSSIAN WAR, AS COMPARED WITH THE MORTALITY OF THE CIVIL POPULATION IN ENGLAND. Jlbsfratdr to Mies wit liwjritms, [Beprinted from the Report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into tke Regulations affectiny the Sanitary Stale of I he Army.] LONDON: PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, 18 58. MORTALITY BRITISH ARMY, AT HOME, AT HOME AND ABROAD, AND DURING THE RUSSIAN WAR, AS COMPARED WITH THE MORTALITY OF THE CIVIL POPULATION IN ENGLAND. Illustrate k Sables snti gragrams. IReprintcdfrom the Report of the Royal Commission, appointed to enquire into the Regulations affecting the Sanitary State of the Army.' LONDON: PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, 1858. CONTENTS. s We Paoe. Description of Diagrams of the Mortality iu the British Army ... .1 Index to the Tables. Table A & B. Mortality of the British Army at Home 9 Table C — a. Average Strength, Deaths, and Bate of Mortality each year, 1839 — 1853, of the Array at Home and Abroad, compared with that of the Civil Population . . . . .10 Table C — b. Excess of Deaths among Non-Commissioned Officers and Men over what there would be if the Army were as healthy as the Civil Population in Country Districts . . .11 Table D. Showing the same with the General Population in England and Wales . . . .11 Table E — a. Two Life Tables showing the number of English Soldiers and of Englishmen living and dead between the ages of 20 and 40 12 Table E — b. Table showing the Strength, Deaths, and Annual Kate of Mortality in the Army serving at Home from 1839 to 1853, as compared with the Mortality at the Army Ages in healthy Districts and in England and Wales ........ 13 Table P— a. Showing the Annual Loss from Invaliding and Death among 10,000 Becruits between the ages of 20 and 40 14 Table F — b. Strength and Invaliding in the Army serving at Home from 1839 to 1853 . . .15 Table F — c. Proportion per 1000 of Troops serving at Home, who died or were invalided in three septennial periods ............. 15 Table F — d. Showing the number of effectives, distinguishing young soldiers from veterans, remaining out of 10,000 Becruits annually. 1, in the Army as it is ; 2, in the Army in an improved state ............. 16 Table Gr. Deaths and Annual Bate of Mortality per 1000 living, from different Classes of Diseases among the English Male Population, 15 — 45 years of age, and among the Infantry of the Line serving at Home ..... ....... 16 Table H — a. Mortality in the Army of the East in Hospital during 2^ years, April 1, 1854, to June 30, 1856 17 I able H — 5. Annual Bate of Mortality per cent, from different classes of Disease in Hospital in the Army of the East, and in the English Male Population, of 15 to 45 years of age . 17 Table K. fig, 1. Estimated Average, Monthly Strength of the Army in the East, and the Deaths and Annual Bate of Mortality per 1000 iu each month, from April 1854 to March 1856, from Zymotic Diseases, Wounds, and Injuries ; and all other Causes . . . .18 Table K. fig. 2. Annual Bate of Mortality per cent, on the Sick Population at Scutari, October 1, 1854, to June 30, 1855 18 General Beturn. Of the Primary Admissions, Deaths, and Diseases in the Hospitals of the Army in the East, from Ajjril 10, 1854, to June 30, 1S56, arranged according to Dr. Farr's pro- posed new Classification 19 Table Z. Density of Population in the Quartermaster-General's Plans for Encampments, as com- pared with that in Town Districts in England . . ..... 21 INDEX TO THE DIAGRAMS. Diagram A. Diagram B. Diagram C. Diagram D. Diagram E. Diagram F. Diagram G. Diagram H. Diagram I. Diagram K. Diagram K. fig. 2 Diagram Z. Eepresenting the Relative Mortality of the Foot Guards, and of the English Male Popula- tion at corresponding ages. Eepresenting the same comparison for the Army at Home. Representing the Relative Mortality of Males of the Soldiers' Ages in Healthy Districts and in the Army at Home and Abroad. Representing the same comparison as regards the Male Population of England and Wales. Shewing the number, living and dead, at the several ages from 20 to 40 among, 1, English Soldiers. 2, Englishmen. 3, Englishmen in Healthy Districts. Representing the loss by Death and Invaliding, 1, in the Army at Home in its present state. 2, in the Army at Home in an improved state. Representing the Relative Annual Mortality from all causes, Zymotic Diseases, Chest and Tubercular Diseases, and other Diseases in the English Male Population, aged 15 — 45, and in the Infantry of the Line, serving at Home. Representing the Relative Mortality, from different causes, of the Army in the East in Hospital, and of the English Male Population, aged 15 — 15. Representing the Annual Rate of Mortality per 1000 in the Hospitals of the Army in the East for each month, from April 1854 to March 1856, compared with the Annual Rate of Mortality in Manchester. Representing the Relative Mortality from Zymotic Diseases, Wounds, and all other causes in the Hospitals of the Army in the East for each Month, April 1854, to March 1856. Showing the Annual Rate of Mortality per cent, on the Sick Population at Scutari, from October 1, 1854, to June 30, 1855. From the difficulty of introducing a sheet, of sufficient size, to represent such a Mor- tality into the folio, this figure has been projected on a tenth part of the scale of the other figures in the Diagram. Had it been on the same scale the longest Radius, repre- senting the Mortality in the Hospitals for Pebruay 1855, would have projected 40 inches from the centre of the circle ! Illustrating the Relative Density of Population in London, in East Loudon, and in the Quartermaster-General's Plans for Encampment. Description of Diagrams of the Mortality in the British Army. DIAGRAMS are of great utility for illustrating certain questions of vital statistics by conveying ideas on the subject through the eye, which cannot be so readily grasped when contained in figures. This aid has therefore been called in to give greater clearness to the numerical results in the body of the Report and in the Appendix. Diagrams have been prepared illustrative of the comparative health of men of the army ages in England and of soldiers in Barracks on Home Stations. Likewise diagrams showing the same comparison for the whole army at home and abroad. These several diagrams give the comparison of the life of the soldier with the life of the civilian at the same ages in time of peace. There is another set of diagrams showing the same comparison in time of war. Two other diagrams exhibit the chief classes of disease in both sets of diagrams. We are thus enabled better to understand how far it is within the power of preventive science to diminish the risks to which the soldier is exposed, whether at home or in the field. Diagram A shows the relative mortality of the Foot Guards and of the English male population at the corresponding ages. It must be remembered that the Guards are, physically, the very select out of the Diagram A. population. Any impediment or disease is enough to prevent a man being taken for military Table A &B. service. And none but the strongest and best looking recruits are accepted by the Guards. The young Guardsman is, in every sense, a " picked " life, and would be considered as a first-class life by any insurance office. As soon as the recruit enters the service he is placed under the entire control of educated officers : his diet, cleanliness, personal habits are strictly attended to : he is lodged in barracks which have cost the country far more than was the relative cost of the house in which he was brought up : he never leaves the country in time of peace, but passes from his town-quarters in London to his country-quarters at Windsor or at Chichester, and whenever he suffers from die slightest ailment his medical adviser is instantly beside him : he has hospital accommodation, medicine, attendance, and every necessary comfort immediately. One would say that of all men a soldier in Her Majesty's Guards was the most likely to enjoy perfect health and long life. The men that were rejected when the Guardsman was selected have passed back into civil life. The civil population has lost a certain proportion of its good life which has gone into the army, and it has received back those lives which were not good enough for the army. The civil population has had all the loss, the army all the gain. Let us now see how the Guards die off under the, apparently, very favourable circumstances mentioned. Diagram A consists of alternate black and red Hues of different lengths. The black lines show the proportion of deaths per annum among 1,000 of the civil population for each 5 years from 20 to 40. The red lines show the proportion of deaths per annum among 1,000 Guards for the same ages. The excess in length of the red line over the black line in each pair of lines shews the excess of deaths among the Guards. There is however an important difference between the relative value of the black and red lines which must be noticed, otherwise the mortality in the Guards, great as it is, might appear less than it really is. The black line exhibits all the deaths in the civil population which occur between the ages of 20 and 40, but the red line does not exhibit all the deaths which occur among the men who had been selected for the Guards. Every year between the ages of 20 and 40, men are rendered unfit for service by organic disease, and are discharged to die among the civil population and to raise its rate of mortality. These are included in the black line, and are consequently not shown in the red line. These deaths are in fact deducted from the length of the red line and added to the length of the black line, so that in the comparison the Guards have a double advantage from their men who die invalided. The Guards, though the most unhealthy corps in the home service, is not the only one which suffers a great excess of mortality. All the army on home service suffers, though in a somewhat less proportion. Diagram B. This is shown in Diagram B, where the black lines again exhibit the mortality among Table A & B. the general English population, and the red lines the mortality among soldiers on home service. The excess of length in the red lines shows the excess of mortality among the troops, subject to the same correction as to invaliding as has been already mentioned for the Guards. The whole army, like the Guards, consists of carefully picked lives. To show the full bearing of this fact in any comparison between the health of the army and that of civilians, it is necessary to state that, of the civil population at the recruiting age, a certain part is unable from illness to present itself to the recruiting officer : that deaths among that part go to raise the civilian mortality : that of those who do present themselves for recruits, a third part at least, though probably a much larger proportion, are rejected as unfit for service : that of those rejected at least a fourth pail are suffering from diseases which shorten life. The lives rejected are thrown back into the general population ; but notwithstanding this process of selection and the apparently favourable circumstances under which the troops are placed, we have from some cause or other the extraordinary results exhibited by these diagrams. Diagram C. The wide extent of the British Empire, and the great variety of climates it presents, as TablesC— a, well as the topographical peculiarities of our various colonies and possessions scattered over the C—l. -whole earth, would lead us to expect a higher rate of mortality among soldiers born in the British Islands, when these soldiers are sent on service abroad, than would exist among the home population at the same ages. This difference is represented in Diagram C, which exhibits the mortality among English- men of the army ages, living in healthy districts, and the mortality of the whole army at home and abroad for the same period, subject to the same correction for invaliding. Diagram D. Diagram D shows the same fact with regard to the army and the general male population TablesC— a, of England at the army ages. v - In some years it will be found that the mortality in the troops is from 5 to 6' times greater than it is in civil life, as represented on Diagram C. Diagram E. These facts are represented in another way in Diagram E, each parallelogram of which Tables E — a, represents the total sum of life among 10,000 men, between 20 and 40 years of age, entering E— 6. the army, and remaining on home-service, and among the same number of Englishmen taken, first, all over the town and country districts, and, secondly, in the healthy districts at home at the same ages. The left-hand Hue of each parallelogram shows that all start alike ; but the black wedge, which represents the progress of death among the various classes, it will be observed, has a very different slope in each separate parallelogram. The proportion of death increases and that of life diminishes, in a very different ratio and to a very different extent in each. The mortality is greater and its progress more rapid among the English male population generally than among that in healthy districts. The general population has lost a third more by the time it arrives at the age of 40, than the healthy population has, while the soldiers have lost above a third more of their numbers than the general population, and more than twice as many as the healthy population. Each parallelogram also represents the total money value of 10,000 men between the ages of 20 and 40, as well as the loss of value from loss of life at each succeeding year between the two ages. It further shows the relative value of the amount of life in the army as contrasted with that of two classes of civil population, passing on from 40 years to the succeeding period of life, from which it will be seen that while among healthy civil populations about 8,500 lives out of 10,000 survive the wear and tear of the ages between 20 and 40, and thereafter add their quota to the wealth of the community, only 6,900 of the army lives are available for the same purpose. It may be said that the nation loses the money value of the excess of mortality existing in its general population over that of the population in healthy districts. In the case of the army, the country incurs great expense in educating the soldier for his duties, and it is difficult to estimate the value of a good soldier, for he can hardly be replaced. In the present state of sanitary knowledge, it may be fairly stated that the whole excess of money loss between that in healthy districts and that in the army, as represented by the difference in area of the black wedges, might be saved to the tax-payers of the country. 3 The general community incurs a still further loss of productive labour, became it *i I bo > .een that the number of lives at 40 years of age returned iuto the general civil population s«PPO^ng that the average age of discharge from service is 40 years), is much smaller in he arm than the proportion which survives in the healthy civil population -and the productive f»™oftha country is further taxed for the support, by poor-rates and otherwise of a large propoition ot men, temporarily or permanently disabled by diseases contracted in the service. Diagram F. The loss from invaliding has been already referred to as a serious cau se of m effic ency g™ in the army not shown in any of the preceding diagrams. Diagram F has ^«™S*? F-6, F-c. from Tables F-a. F-b, F-c, and F-d, to bring under one view the whole loss su a ined. F _ rf . This is shown in No. L, on which the black wedge represents the deaths, he J^^ffJ^ loss from invaliding, and the two wedges conjoined the total loss from both causes m an army of 200,000 men between the ages of 20 and 40. No. II. represents what the oss would be if the army were as healthy as the civil male population, and by comparing the red areas id ; both diagrams the great loss of efficiency in the army in its present state becomes moie apparent. Under the present system No. 1, 10,000 annual recruits would be required to sustain a torce of 141,764 men, while under the improved conditions as to health indicated on No. li, 10,000 annual recruits would sustain an army of 166,910 men. These diagrams then show the loss of life, of service, and of money value entailed on the country by the neglect of sanitary measures in the army m time of peace. Diagram G. It is in the highest degree important to show the classes of disease from which the great ^ ^ losses in the army in time of peace arise, for it is in this way alone that we can ascertain whether, and to what extent, we can mitigate or prevent these diseases by known sanitary precautions.^ ^ on Diagram G repre8CTlt the cl sses of mortality from disease most prevalent in the Infantry on home-stations, as compared with the extent ot the same types of disease in civil life at the same ages. , The excess of length in the army parallelogram shows the total excess of mortality ra the Infantry over that in the civil population. . nI vfQ i;t,, We are at once struck by the remarkable fact that more than seven-ninths of the mortality in the Infantry are due to two classes of disease alone,— namely, to zymotic d,seases such as fevers, cholera, diarrhoea, and to chest and tubercular diseases, such as consumption, Sc. In fact the mortality from chest and tubercular diseases alone, in the Infantry on h«»me service, exceeds the total mortality from all causes among the civil population at the same a«res ; while the deaths from zymotic disease are above double what they are in civil lite Acrain, chest and tubercular affections are the scourge of the civil population and yet the civil population suffers less than one-half the mortality from these diseases that occurs in the Infantry, while the deaths from zymotic disease in the Infantry nearly equal the total deaths from chest affections in the civil population. It is necessary here also to repeat that while the area in diagram G representing the mortality of the English male population exhibits all the deaths from each class of diseases, the area representing the Infantry mortality does not. It takes no account of men discharged by reason of chronic, tubercular, and chest diseases whose deaths taking place after discharge among the civil population, go to swell the mortality trom these diseases, such as it is shown in the area which represents the civiliau mortality. These diagrams, then, exhibit clearly the frightful mortality continually going on in the British army, and the classes of disease to which this mortality is to be attributed. The first question which arises on looking at these diagrams is,-what can be the cause ot all this? By what possible procedure can it be that the elite of the British working popula- tion can be so guided as that such a result shall follow ? Is there anything in the food, clothing, duties, habits of the men to which it can be attributed \ Are the army medical men less skilful in their profession than those in civil life % To every such query we must reply that there is, on the contrary, everything in the soldier's favour in these particulars, except perhaps that he is not sufficiently worked. His barrack accommodation has cost the country enough of money. There has been no expense spared in that. Can there be anything there to occasion such fearful annual loss of life % .-,■■• r \ ■ i Let us see what sanitary experience teaches as to the causation of the diseases from which the soldier suffers . ,. . _ , . , . 1st. Consumption and diseases of that class are the result of breathing foul air contami- nated by the breath of other persons. ' It is air polluted in this way which appears to be the special a*ent which predisposes people to consumptive diseases. How is such a state o the air chiefly produced ? Very easily -.-simply by crowding too many people into unventilated rooms, especially into sleeping-rooms. . „ . If barrack-rooms are crowded and unventilated, and if the atmosphere is close or foul during the hours of sleep when the system is more peculiarly predisposed to its effects, then you have the elements of consumption and tubercular disease. If you want to develop the seeds into activity, all you have to do is to take the men out of such au atmosphere which they have been breathing night after night, and expose them on guard to wet and cold, and the disease will soon develop itself. But mark, — exposure to wet and cold alone will not do it. The Crimean experience proved this ; and so it is fouud to be daily aud nightly, in night trades and occupations, except in the case of the soldier. To know whether the conditions requisite to produce consumption and tubercular disease exist in barracks, it is only necessary to read the disgusting evidence given before the Barrack Committee, and the statements in this Report on the subject, or simply to consult the tables in the Appendix showing the amount of cubic space allowed to the men in barracks, and to the sick in military hospitals. It would be difficult to frame conditions more likely to generate such diseases than those to which soldiers are exposed in barrack-rooms. They are in fact the self-same conditions as have been determined by direct experiment to be necessary for the production of tubercular disease in animals. When a sufficient cause is found it is not necessary to look for another. 2nd. Zymotic diseases, namely, fevers, diarrheal, cholera, dysentery, he, are«known in civil life to be most intense in their activity where certain local conditions are present — First in prominence amongst these conditions, we have again overcrowding and defective ventilation, — the repeated breathing, in fact, of air already breathed, such air being further contaminated by moisture and exhalations from the skin. Next we have emanations proceeding from animal excretions, or from decaying vegetable matter together with moisture. The want of drainage and the foul state of the latrines and urinals in many barracks, as described in the Report, are sufficient illustrations of this class of causes. There are others of minor importance which need not be mentioned. Those enumerated are quite sufficient to account for most of the excess of zymotic mortality from which the army on home-stations suffers. If men returning from foreign service happen occasionally to be more susceptible to the operation of such causes, they will of course suffer more severely ; but allow- ance is made in the diagrams for even this contingency, as they do not exhibit any deaths occurring for the first six months after men have returned from foreign service. The next query is one which it is almost superfluous to put. It is whether there be any known means of diminishing this excessive mortality ; and whether there be any hope of reducing the lines of disease and mortality among the troops, as exhibited in these diagrams, to the same length as the lines for the civil population 1 The reply is, that the line of the soldier's mortality on home service should, to say the least of it, never have been longer than that of the civil population, and that it might be shorter. The parallelogram showing the mortality and disease among the civil population on Diagram G, is the very one, towards the reduction of which to smaller dimensions the whole sanitary procedure under every sanitary Act of Parliament is directed. It was the large dimensions of such parallelograms that led to the agitation which ended in the Legislature giving a sanitary code to England. And it is hardly credible that it should be necessary at the present day to advocate similar measures for the army. There is no reason why with proper sanitary measures the general health of the population should not be raised to the standard of the most healthy districts of the country, as indeed it has been in certain marked instances. And why should the health of the army on home service be any exception, seeing that the personal conditions of the soldier are so much more favourable? If this were done, and if our home army consisted of 100,000 Guards, we should save nearly 1,500 good soldiers per annum, who from all experience in other cases are as certainly killed by the neglects specified as if they were drawn out and shot. By referring back to Diagrams C & D, which represent the armj mortality at home and abroad, as compared with that of an English population at the same ages, we cannot fail to be struck with the immense loss of life entailed on the army, and the corresponding cost to the country from foreign service. This loss is much less than it was in former times. It has been diminished by various sanitary means ; and there is no reason whatever, why, if intelligent inquiry were instituted, aud proper sanitary precautions taken, all the lines of army mortality on those melancholy tables might not be materially shortened. Unfavourable as those diagrams are to the sanitary system, or rather want of system, in the British army, they exhibit results which might be considered as in the highest degree favourable when contrasted with the mortality from disease among the British troops in time of war. It is at such times that the excessively defective state of sanitary science and practice in the army becomes pre-eminently remarkable, and leads to the most disastrous results. It is right, however, to state that such defects are not confined to the British army. All armies during war have suffered from the neglect of very ordinary hygienic precautions, and some armies have been all but destroyed in consequence Nearly six-sevenths of the vast army with which Napoleon the First invaded Russia had perished, or ceased to be effective before the Betting in of the fierce cold which destroyed the remainder. The actual losses in battle form a very small part of the calamities of a long war, so much so that if the excess of mortality caused by disease could be cut off, the loss in action would be hardly worthy of remark in the comparison. , The facts connected with the disastrous Walcheren expedition, as well as the ignorance and absence of the most ordinary precautions which led to so great a loss of life, are matters of history But up to the present time the experience of that expedition appears to have led to no beneficial result, so far at least as can be gathered from the still more disastrous Crimean war. . „ ,. , The linear Diagram H gives the comparative results of the mortality amongst the itaglisn male population of the army ages, and amongst the soldiers of the British army in the East. The first short black line gives the mortality from all causes among the English population. the second Ion" red line, nearly twenty-three times the length, gives the mortality in the army. For every Englishman of the army ages who died at home, nearly twenty-three died in the East The proportion of deaths from wounds, exclusive of those killed on the field, during the war was thirty times greater among the soldiers than among the civil population ; but even at that rate the mortality in hospital from wounds did not exceed 3 per cent, of the force, while the deaths from all causes were nearly 23 per cent, of the force in the field. When we examine the cause of this great mortality, the eye is arrested at once by the second loner red line marking the zymotic deaths. The short black line immediately above it shows the corresponding mortality from zymotic diseases among the home male population at the same ages. , We learn from these two most instructive lines, that for every man of the ages and numbers who died at home from zymotic maladies, 93 died in the army in the East! The remaining diseases shown in the diagram are not worth notice. If they were all expunged, and the deaths from wounds taking place in hospital expunged with them, the fact would remain that the army in the Crimea almost perished from zymotic disease. The awful mortality in that noble army is shown still more strikingly by Diagram I. b or the sake of comparison, the town of Manchester, one of the most unhealthy m England, and one very subject to zymotic diseases, lias been selected. The small black disc in the centre shows what would have been the mortality of the Crimean army, had it had been as healthy as Manchester. Now contrast with this the great black bat's wing on the right-hand of the diagram. I he whole of that black area outside the small innermost circle shows the excess of mortality in the army over that of one of the most unhealthy towns in England. The diagram is in two parts. The right hand part shews the mortality of the army during the first twelve months of the War from April 1, 1854, to March 31, 1 855. It shows how healthy the army was when it landed in the East. By comparing the dates it will be seen that, immediately on the army reaching Varna, sickness and death began to increase, showing the sudden exposure of the troops to some very unusual causes of mortality. It will be seen, that the whole time the army was in Bulgaria, it suffered severely— that the mortality declined when it left that pestiferous region for the Crimea— that from the moment it broke ground before Sebastopol, in a comparatively healthy district of country the mortality bewail to rise during October— that it progressed with frightful rapidity during November and December, attaining, during January 1855, an amount greater than the maximum ot the mortality of the great plague of London in September 1665. The diagram gives a pictorial representation of that great Crimean calamity during the hrst year of the\var. Except, perhaps, in one or two of the mediaeval epidemics, no pestilence ot which we have any record would form such a picture for eight consecutive months The left-hand diagram gives the mortality of the second year of the war. It was great, as will be seen by contrasting its black irregular surface with the small Manchester circle, but when compared with the first year's mortality it is insignificant. It will be seen that tor the last three months (but in reality for the last six months, January to June 1856 inclusive) the mortality retires within the Manchester circle and all but disappears. We have here at a glance the vital statistics of the Crimean war. The immense preponderance of zymotic diseases has been already referred to, and a glance at Diagram K will show that these diseases were the cause of the whole catastrophe. 1 he total mortality from wounds at Alma, Inkcrmann, and during five months in the trenches, exclusive of the killed in action, is all comprised in the small pink cone m the centre. The small b kick patch adjacent comprehends the total mortality from diseases not zymotic. The irregular olue surface, like the tail of a portentous comet, shows the zymotic diseases, the pests and scourges of camps and armies now, as they were of cities and towns in the middle ages, before the dawn of sanitary knowledge. Diagram H. Tables H— a, H— b. Diagram I. Diagram K. Table K, fig. 1. The analysis of the second year's mortality is given on the left-hand circle of Diagram IT. It exhibits an immense reduction in the deaths from all causes except from wounds, the legiti- mate result of war ; but even to the end the zymotic mortality retains its preponderance, and only disappears when the army had arrived at its most healthy condition. On comparing the total mortality as shown on Diagram I. 'with the zymotic mortality in Diagram K., it will be seen that the very first diseases from which the army suffered (as shown by the dates) in Bulgaria were zymotic diseases. They were principally fever aud cholera, brought on by neglect of sanitary precautions chiefly in the first bad selection of camp sites. The first outbreak began to subside only in September, and continued to decline until the army sate down before Sebastopol. Auother and far more terrible invasion of zymotic disease followed that event. The men were hard worked, but hard work by itself never induced zymotic disease. We must look for other causes, and these causes once existing, fatigue would co-operate powerfully with them. The men had no sufficient shelter. They were in want of clothing suitable to the weather. They suffered from wet and damp. They were exposed to the elements at all times and seasons. Their food was not sufficiently nutritious nor varied. They had no proper means of cooking, and little or no fuel, and they could not eat their rations. What wonder, then, if their very blood got into a disordered state, and zymotic maladies broke out among them 1 Scurvy and scorbutic diseases appeared at a very early period. Fever, cholera, diarrhoea, dvsentery increased, so as to threaten the total destruction of the force. The requirements of hygiene had been disregarded, and these diagrams show the natural results. During the summer of 1855, as shown on the left-hand diagram, zymotic diseases still prevailed, though to a comparatively insignificant degree. Sanitary defects in draining, cleansing, and ventilation, and over-crowding were then the prevailing causes of attacks. During the winter of 1S55 — 56 all the previous causes of disease had been removed. The men were well clothed, fed and sheltered. Their huts were properly drained and ventilated, and nuisances had been removed. The hard work had also ceased. Compare, then, the right with the left-hand diagram from the months of September to April ; and no more instructive lesson on army hygiene could be given. The men were the same, the conditions only had been altered. The requirements of nature had been disobeyed in every particular during the first winter, and she has left on that diagram an everlasting vindication of her broken laws. During the second winter, nature had been more perfectly obeyed, aud the stigma of her displeasure has almost ceased to appear. In discussing the causes of the teirible mortality of that fearful winter, we must not over- look another important point, namely, what chances a sick man had of proper care and treatment. The medical staff, it is known, exerted itself to the very utmost, and incurred a large proportionate mortality among its members in consequence. But the accommodation for the sick in camp was for several months most defective. There were no proper hospitals, and no suitable beds or other appliances. The suffering from exposure among the sick was perhaps greater, considering their diseased state, than among the army generally. The transport-ships were most defective at first, over-crowded and badly ventilated, and moreover, many cases were shipped in an unfit state for removal, particularly cases of choleraic disease. There was a great mortality on board the ships in consequence. During the period of 4J> months from the landing in the Crimea, to the end of January 1855, out of 13,093 sick shipped for Scutari, 976 died on a passage of only 300 miles, which is 75 per 1000. In January 1855, there were actually lost on the passage 10 to every 100 received alive. Of those who landed, two were lost out of every five treated in the Hospitals of the Bosphorus, during the month of February, and one out of every two at Koulali, the worst of all the Hospitals ; for, when the sick arrived they were crowded into buildings which had undergone no sufficient sanitary preparation for their reception. The drainage, ventilation, lime-washing, and other arrangements were so defective that the buildings were little better than pest- houses, and the result was, an enormous and needless mortality among the sick, which went to swell the losses of the army, and to raise its proportionate rate of mortality. The Scutari mortality was in fact a separate problem and must be considered by itself. It was the case of thousands of sick removed 300 miles from the causes which had occasioned their disease, and exposed to another class of risks in the buildings into which they were received. The buildings were spacious and magnificent in external appearance ; far more so indeed than any military buildings in Great Britain ; and several of them to all appearance were better suited for hospitals than any military hospitals at home. The mere external appearance was, however, fatally deceptive. Underneath these great structures were sewers of the worst possible construction, loaded with filth, mere cesspools in fact, through which the wind blew sewer-air up the pipes of numerous open privies into the corridors and wards where the sick were lying. The wards had no means of ventilation, the walls required constant lime-washing, and the number of sick placed in the hospitals during the winter was disproportionately large, especially when the bad sanitary state of the buildings is taken into consideration. The population of the hospitals was increased, not only without any sanitary precautions having been taken, but while the sanitary conditions were becoming daily worse, for the sewers were getting more and more dangerous, and the walls more and more saturated with organic matter. Some slight improvements were made in the beginning of March, 1855, but it was not till the 17th that effectual means were put into operation for removing the causes of disease in the buildings. By the end of June the improvements were nearly completed, and the proportion of sick had fallen off. The small diagram (fig. 2) on Diagram K. shows the whole history of that frightful Scutari diagram K. calamity. It exhibits the annual rate of mortality per cent, on the sick population of the T g ble 2 K ' hospitals. It will be observed that even from the very commencement of the occupation of s ' ' these buildings in October, 1854, and before the sufferings of the winter had begun, the mortality was very high, although the number of sick was small, indicating the unhealthy state of the buildings from the very first. Nothiug was done to improve them even then ; only fresh ship loads of sick were passed into them. The mortality of course continued to advance. Still nothing was done. Then came the great Crimean catastrophe, and ship after ship arrived with sick in so susceptible a condition that the foul air of these hospitals was almost certain death to them, and accordingly, as the diagram shows, they died, in the month of February, at the rate of 415 per cent, per annum. In 12 months at such a rate the whole sick population of the hospitals would have perished four times. The reduction in the mortality after the sanitary works were begun is most striking, and • it falls eventually in June 1855 to less than a sixth part of what it was when the Barrack and General Hospitals were occupied together in October, 1854, and to a nineteenth part of what it was in February 1855. Our General Hospitals have been so deplorably mis-managed in all our wars that the question has been raised as to whether it would not be better to do without them altogether The experience of Scutari, as shown on the diagram, proves that General Hospitals may become pest-houses from neglect, or may be made as healthy as any other buildings. The question of these zymotic diseases is of infinitely greater importance during war than during peace, for no weapons are so destructive of armies in the field as they are. The slaughter of battles and sieges is cast into the shade by that of pestilence, which during long wars is the real arbiter of the destinies of nations, for it exhausts their resources more completely than all other losses in the field. In a country like ours with a limited population, an entirely voluntary system of recruit- ment, and colonies and possessions in all climates and latitudes, the question of military hygiene is rapidly becoming a question of vital importance to the interests of the Empire. Upon the British race alone the integrity of that empire at this moment appears to depend. The conquering race must retain possession. Experieuce has shown that without special information and skilful application of the resources of science in preserving health, the drain on our home population must exhaust our means. The introduction, therefore, of a proper sanitary system into the British army is of essential importance to the public interests. The Crimean experience has proved the whole case, both as regards the disastrous results of defective administrative arrangements, and the possibility of foreseeing and obviating similar evils in future. And it has, moreover, shown that, with troops like ours, whose bravery and uncomplain- ing endurance of hardships the most severe and fatal, have been the admiration of the world, England has nothing to dread but the results of her own inexperience and want of foresight. DIAGRAM Z. . Illustrative of the Quartermaster-General's Regulations for Encampments. Diagram Z is introduced to illustrate an important sanitary principle in camping troops, Diagram Z. viz., the relative density of the population of a camp according to the number of tents pitched Table Z. on a given area of ground. The Quartermaster-General's "Regulations for Encampments" of I lth May, 1853, con- tain three plans for encamping a battalion 850 strong. In plan No. 1, 60 tents are arranged in 10 lines of 6 tents to a line. Four of the lines are double, and there are two single lines. 8 Plan No. 2 shows a " compressed" order in -which the tents are arranged in 10 double lines of three tents to a line. Plan No. 3 has the tents arranged in 10 equidistant lines of six tents to a line. Fifteen men are allotted by the regulations to each tent. The occupied area in Plan No. 1, measured from the outer margin of the tents, is 210x36 = 7560 square yards. In plan No. 2, it is 220 x 18=3,960 square yards. In plan No. 3, the area occupied is the same as in No. 1, viz. 7,560 square yards. In all the plans the areas given include the spaces between the tents, and they correspond to what are called the " built" and " unbuilt" areas in towns. Plans Nos. 1 and 2 are so arranged that each double line of tents corresponds to the " built" area of a town, and the intervening spaces would represent the " unbuilt" area. In plan No. 1 the area absolutely covered by two lines of tents, six in a line, and 2 yards between the lines is, yards 14 x 36 = 504 square yards. In plan No. 2, six tents in two lines touching each other, cover a space = 12x18 216 square yards. The following, on these data, would be about the population on the area of the camps reduced to a common unit : — Plan No. 1 = 3-18,000 per square mile. „ „ 2 = 664,000 „ „ 3 = 347,000 The occupied areas alone, without the open spaces intervening between the rows of tents are as follows : — Plan No. 1 = 1,044,820 per square mile. „ „ 2 = 1,290,000 Sanitary principles of great importance are involved in the question of density of popula- tion upon a given area, and the whole subject has accordingly attracted considerable attention, more especially as it has been found that, other things being equal, the sickness and mortality among given populations bear a certain ratio to the density. The most densely peopled towns and districts are generally the most unhealthy. The prevailing diseases are fever, cholera, diarrhoea, consumption, and other diseases connected with atmospheric pollution. The air circulates less freely in densely populated districts, and the amount of organic refuse to be removed is, of course, much greater in proportion to the area where the population is more densely crowded than where such is not the case. Enquiries into the density of town populations have shown that the densities vary from 10,000 or 12,000 inhabitants per square mile on the "built" and "unbuilt" area to 175,000 per square mile. In certain districts the population on the " built" area greatly exceeds these estimates. Diagram Z shows the comparison between the density of population on the built and unbuilt area of the whole of London aud on the Quartermaster-General's plans. Each point represents a human being; the angular spaces the area allotted to each in the different densities, and the blue lines the distance from person to person. It will be seen that the least crowded of the Quartermaster-General's plans affords about a twentieth part of the area per man allotted to each inhabitant of the metropolis ; that it is about half the amount of that in the most densely peopled part of London ; and that the population on the occupied area of the camp is above 50 times more crowded than the population of London. If the metropolitan area were equally crowded as the camp No. 3 on the diagram, it would contain 42,000,000 of people.* If crowded as No. 2, it would contain 81,000,000. And if the metropolis were as crowded as the occupied area shown in the diagram, it would hold 127,000,000 or about four times the population of the three kingdoms ! These comparisons will be sufficient to show the great importance of this element of over- crowding to the health of camps. A great part of the disease and mortality in towns is due to its operation, and there can be no doubt that in camps formed of unventilated tents and huts, and overcrowded to such extreme degrees of density, it is one of the most powerful operative causes of camp diseases. It may be sometimes necessary in war to overcrowd camps, but it is evidently a measure only to be resorted to under pressing necessity, for camps can only be crowded by a consider- able sacrifice of the force from disease. * The number of square miles within the area of the metropolis is 12T92. Square Mile. Persons. Square Miles. Persons. Then aa 1 : 347,000 :: 121-02 : 42,000,000 nearly. Tables A and B, showing what would be the Mortality of the British Army if the rates were the same as those in (1) The Household Cavalry, (2) Dragoon Guards and Dragoons, (3) Infantry ot the Line, (4) Foot Guards. Effectives Deaths ii i the British Army at Home if the Mortality Ages. of the British Army. were the same as in — Numbers living in 1851. Household Cavalry. Dragoon Guards and Dragoons. Infantry of the Line. Foot Guards. rotal of the British Army at Home. Under 20 . . 11,911 90 99 157 133 146 20—25 50,387 588 626 896 1087 858 25—30 38,242 394 547 758 806 702 30—35 22,099 293 326 438 431 406 35—40 10,005 84 153 211 224 193 40 & upwards. Total 3,633 49 1,498 67 85 95 76 136.277 1,818 2,545 2,776 2,381 Total Under 20 Rate of Mortality per 1,000. Household Cavalry. Dragoon Guards and Dragoons. Infantry of the Line. Foot Guards. Total of the British Army at Home. 11-0 13-3 18-7 20-4 17-5 7-5 8-3 ,13-1 11-2 12-2 20—25 11-7 12-4 17-8 21-6 170 25—30 10-3 14-3 19-8 21-1 183 30—35 13-3 148 19-8 195 18-4 35—40 8-4 153 21-0 22-4 19-3 40 and upwards 13-4 18*3 23-4 26-2 21-0 The Annual Deaths among the 136.277 Effectives of the British Army a .Home and Abroad if the Mortality were the same as in the Household Cavalry, would be 1498 ; mike Dragoon Guards, 1™18; in the Infantry of the Line 2,545 ; in the Foot Guards 2,776 ; and in the Men of All Arms in the British Service 2,381. The Annual Rate of Mortality to 1.000 of the Household Cavalry is 110; of the Dragoon Guards 13-3 ; of the Infantry of the Line 18-7 J of the Foot Guards 20-4 ; and of the Men ol All Arms in the British Service at Home 17"5. If the 136.277 soldiers had been subject to the rate of mortality which prevails in the healthiest districts of England, the annual deaths would have been 1,051 ; in one of the unhealthiest cities (Manchester) 1,688 ; and in all England 1,248. Note— The numbers of men living in the British Army in 1851 were obtained from the Census Report of 1851. Vol. I. (Occupations) p. cccxlvi. 10 w ►J >. n <; 60 o T3 a -3 HH -*-> C«H 00 o (U > eo P* o « a> en co s i i. 9 o O O 43 a; < cu 3 to $ o -a CO B 4! n r eo o wo >> . ~ rt C5 CO ^q w >> c "3 -H t--r^r~r^r*-t^-i-^^-t^^-.i-*t^-t^t^t— iS -3 i^i^i^r>-r*t^.t— t>•^*^^^*t>•^*I— r- -*-• — 3j 1 — ' 7J JO 1— 1 § ° g, to = c ~-« 1- <* " «3 ■•h T3 3 .> -jo t^4 a c! . An 1,000 Soldie o o to C3 - _ T3 O 3 e r3 CJ.P* c N W ^ Ol N N ^ N (N (N ^ ^1 ?) ^ M o 00>OCCl-! c.1 o .£ ^ << 050r*OCOCCO»OtOCOi-'OCO^-t^ OOOCOrtCOHMHWi'W'OWUSN CO CN ££ S«T3 NWW^^COWTff»NWWWNW CO o a°g OHM(NOHbrH(?: ^ SO c § n « . § £ § !^»CCOOrH^pH«NCOC001'OTHi< r>\ 3 a "S, %^3 HCONON'tQ-J'HO^KlOOQ'O I— 1 o o m 2^ 1 a OmMH«)QCOC'iCO«Hr-l--H^ u» w co" ^ io »o co -^ ^ t^' co" ^ co cT CO* 00 ca «J O ■3 0) S m B i .2 t* a> (MOTfcoW'fH'fiO'-inHOcoH 1^ w HMCOGO^MN-fTMNpHCOOlN CO Ol iO h h «5 CO O O M Q CD H CO O O o^ m ro n rH «o" od Oi' co o' r^ ^ eo' oj" c cc o QQHHHHHlMIMCNNHHrHH CO 1^ a s ° »— « H W o o > DQ WWOlOOCJOOOONrtCOWOO CO o OcOCOQCOQl v -COCHiOrf<»OCO'f OS a cocococO'^'Tr*"^'0«0'0'0*OTr i rr''^ o 5H w >co»0'0'0'0«:iOkO»o*oiOkO>oko CM B B O CO a a « £ , .2 £ S O 3 S o ^ C) o "^ ^ ^ ca «5(NntOWtOO(NHCOONCNC':H o -0 NCTCNNOlC-liOCOHWOliOCOCOH CO b CN O UO «3 O^ CC WO CM CO^ Th (N CO tN O t^ ■-J, TT<* CO -» >> (3 o 43 C3 -a 43 C3 a < o 43 43 H 11 Table C— b. Number of Deaths of Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, showing also the Number of Deaths that would have occurred if the Mortality were 7 '7 per 1.000. such as it was among Englishmen of the Soldier's Age in Healthy Districts, in the Years 1849-53, which fairly represented the Average Mortality. Deaths that would Actual Deaths Excess of have occurred in of Deaths Years. Healthv Districts Noiv commissioned among Non- among Males of Officers commissioned the Soldier's Ages.* and Men. Officers and Men. 1839 763 2.914 2,151 1840 829 3,300 2,471 1841 857 4,167 3,310 1842 888 5,052 4,164 1843 914 5,270 4.356 1844 920 3,867 2 947 1845 911 4.587 3,676 1846 930 5.125 4,195 1847 981 4.232 3.2.51 1848 987 3,213 2,226 1849 954 4.052 3.098 1850 919 3,119 2,200 1851 901 2,729 1,828 1852 915 3,120 2,205 1853 920 3,392 2,472 Total . . 13,589 58,139 44,550 The Table may be read thus : — In the year 1839 the number of deaths among non-commissioned officers and men was 2,914 out of the strength (98.912 — see preceding Table) ; whereas the deaths among the same number of men, of the same ages, in the Healthy Districts of England, would have been only 763 ; consequently the excess of deaths, in the Army, amounted to 2,151. * The exact Mortality among Englishmen of the Soldiers' ages, in the Healthy Districts, is "0077122, the logarithm of which (3'38718C1) has been used in making this calculation. Table D. Number of Deaths of Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, showing also the Number of Deaths that would have occurred if the Mortality were 9-2 per 1,000, such as it was among Men of the Soldier's Ages in England and Wales, in the Years 1849-53. Yeaes. Deaths that would have occurred in England and Wales among Males of the Soldiers' Ages. Deaths of Non-commissioned Officers and Men. Excess of Deaths among Non- commissioned Officers and Men. 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 910 989 1,022 1,060 1,091 1,098 1.086 1,110 1,171 1,177 1,138 1,096 1,075 1,091 1,097 2,914 3.300 4,167 5,052 5,270 3.867 4 587 5,125 4,232 3,213 4,052 3,119 2,729 3.120 3,392 2.004 2,311 3,145 3,992 4,179 2,769 3,501 4,015 3,061 2,036 2,914 2.023 1,654 2.029 2,295 Total . . 16,211 58,139 41,928 This Table may read thus : — In the year 1839 the number of deaths among non-commissioned officers and men was 2.914 out of the Strength (98,912 — see preceding Table) ; whereas the deaths among the same number of men, of the same ages, living in England and Wales, would have been only 910 ! Consequently the excess of deaths in the Army amounted to 2,004. B 2 12 Table E.- (1) Two Life Tables deduced from the Mortality of Soldiers in the English Army at Home (2) and from the Mortality of the Males of England at the same Age, 1849-53. (Facts relative to Soldiers, supplied by Sir A. Tulloch and Dr. Balfour's Report, 1853, ^>. 31.) Facts relative to Englishmen, supplied by the Registrar-General. Age. English Soldiers Living. Englishmen Living. English Soldiers Dying Yearly. Englishmen Dying Yearly. Excess of Deaths among English Soldiers at Home. 20 10,000 10,000 169 82 87 21 9,831 9,918 168 83 85 22 9,663 9,835 166 84 82 23 9,497 9,751 164 85 79 24 9,333 9,666 162 86 76 25 9,171 9,580 160 87 73 26 9,011 9,493 159 88 71 27 8,852 9,405 158 89 69 28 8,694 9,316 157 91 66 29 8,537 9,225 155 91 64 30 8,382 9,134 153 93 60 31 8,229 9,011 150 94 56 32 8,079 8,947 147 95 52 33 7,932 8,852 145 97 48 34 7,787 8,755 144 97 47 35 7,643 8,658 144 99 45 36 7,499 8,559 143 101 42 37 7,356 8,458 141 102 39 38 7,215 8,356 138 103 35 39 7,077 8,253 135 106 29 40 6,942 8,147 The Table, enables you to follow 10,000 Soldiers, from the Age of 20 to the Age of 40 ; showing how many die in each year of age, and how many remain alive at the end of each year of age. Thus of 10,000 Soldiers alive at the exact age 20, 169 die in the next year of age, leaving alive 9,831 at the age 21 For the sake of comparison, 10,000 of the male population of England are followed through the same ages. It will be noticed that of 10,000 soldiers, 7,077 live to the age 39, out of whom 135 die in the next year of age; whereas out of 10,000 men of all trades and occupations at the age 20, 8,253 attain the age of 39, and of these 106 die in the year of age following. 13 Table E. — b. Table showing the Strength, Deaths, and Annual Rate of Mortality in the Household Brigade, and the Cavalry and Infantry of the Line, serving in the United Kingdom 1839-53; also showing what the Deaths would have been under more favourable circumstances. Years. Strength. Deaths. Annual Eate of Mortality per 1,000. Number of Deaths that would have occurred if the Mortality had been the same as it was among the Males at corresponding ages Excess of Deaths in Army at Home over the Deaths that would have occurred had the rate been Annually In Healthy Districts. In England and Wales. 7-7 per 1,000 9-2 per 1,000 1839 24,132 417 17-28 186 222 231 195 1840 19,^59 321 16-75 148 176 173 145 1841 21,986 346 15-74 169 202 177 144 1842 23,019 360 15-64 177 212 183 148 1843 31,164 502 16-11 240 287 262 215 1844 37,265 635 17-04 287 343 348 292 1845 33,948 562 16-55 261 312 301 250 1846 30,280 577 1906 233 279 344 298 1847 33,353 663 19-88 257 307 406 356 1848 37,766 629 1666 291 347 338 282 1849 44,842 851 18-98 345 413 506 438 1850 36,794 479 1302 283 339 196 140 1851 34,095 522 15-31 263 314 259 208 1852 35,067 469 13-37 270 323 199 146 1853 28,671 362 1263 221 264 141 98 Total and 1 Mean. . J 471,541 7,695 16-32 3,631 4,340 4,064 3,355 The facts for this Table have been taken for the Years 1839-44, from the Report (1853, pp. 5 — 16), of Sir A. Tulloch and Dr. Balfour; and from 1845 to 1853 from data supplied by Dr. Balfour. The Deaths from accident are included with the Deaths from disease. The other facts have been supplied to the Commission by the Adjutant-General. 14 F — a Table showing, of 10,000 Recruits, at the Age 20, the Numbers remaining at each successive 3-ear of Age, up to 40, and also the Numbers annually eliminated by Invaliding or by Death. — It has been constructed from the facts supplied by the Army Reports and by the Paper of Dr. B ilfour, on Invaliding. The principle of construction is the same as that employed at the General Register Office, in constructing Life Tables. It is assumed that the Soldiers enter the Service at the age of 20 years. English Soldiers. Age. Completed Years of Service. Living. Dying and Invalided. Dying. Invalided. 20 10,000 350 169 181 21 9,650 325 168 157 1 22 9,325 305 166 139 2 23 9,020 289 164 125 3 24 8,731 278 162 116 4 25 8,453 270 160 110 5 26 8,183 265 159 106 6 27 7,918 264 158 106 7 28 7,654 263 157 106 8 29 7,391 266 155 111 9 30 7,125 271 153 118 10 31 6,854 275 150 125 11 32 6,579 282 147 135 12 33 6,297 288 145 143 13 34 6,009 296 144 152 14 35 5,713 302 144 158 15 36 5,411 307 143 164 16 37 5,104 313 141 172 17 38 4,791 315 138 177 18 39 4,476 318 135 183 19 40 4,158 15 Table F. — b. Strength and Invaliding in the Array serving at Home, during the Years 1839—1853. (See Dr. Balfour's Paper). Years Service. Strength. Household Cavalry. Cavalry Line. Foot Guards. Infantry, Line. All Arms. All periods of Service 18,114 87,129 73,720 308,409 487,372 TEAKS. 0—7 7—14 14_21 Infantry 14 — 24 Cavalry 21 and upwards Infantry 24 and upwards Cavalry 8,332 4,988 4.188 606 48,541 21,721 15,453 1,414 36,761 20,731 12,707 3,521 195,628 70,549 39,097 3.135 289,262 117,989 51,804 19,641 6,656 2,020 Invalided. All periods of Service 589 2,836 2,282 9,859 15,566 YEARS. 0—7 7—14 14 — 24 Cavalry 21 and upwards Infantry 24 and upwards Cavalry 52 68 147 322 713 510 568 1,045 526 335 254 1,167 3,105 1.486 2,174 3,094 4,396 2,399 2,428 715 4,261 1,367 Proportion of Troops Invalided to 1,000 serving, at each period of Service, at Home. All periods of Service .. .. 31 -93 0-7 15-19 7—14 20-34 14 - 21 1 .... 43-98 24 J 21 and upwards ^ 648-46 24 „ J Table F.— c. Proportion of Troops, serving at Home, who died or were invalided out of 1,000 serving in the Household Cavalry, Cavalry, and Infantry in three septennial periods of Service. Ages. Years of Service. Deaths at Home. Invalided at Home. Invalided and Deaths to 1,000 Serving. 20—27 27—34 34—41 0— 7 7—14 14—21 or24 17-41 18-31 19 15 15-19 20-34 43-98 32-60 38-65 63-13 The Table may be read thus :— To 1,000 Troops who have served under 7 Years, of the Ages 20 and under 27, 17-41 Die, 15-19 are Invalided, and 32-60 Die or are Invalided Annually. Note. — Table F. — a was constructed from the facts in Tables F. — b. and F.— c. 16 T.—J. Table showing the Number of Effectives (distinguishing Young Soldiers from Veterans) remaining (1) in the Army as it is; (2) in the Army in an Improved State —if the number of Annual Recruits were 10,000, and the Army served only at Home in a time of Peace. Years of Service. Ages. To 10,000 Annual Recruits. Excess of Strength in the Army in an Improved State. Army in its present Sanitary State. Army in an Improved State. Upon the above hypothesis. Effectives Young Soldiers .... 0—20 20—40 141,764 166,910 25,146 0—10 10—20 20—30 30—40 84,888 56,876 92,305 74,605 7,417 17,729 The Table is intended to show more particularly the large number of Veterans lost to the Army as it is at present constituted : — Thus in the Army as it is, the number of Young Soldiers at the Ages 20—30 is 84,888, and of Veterans of the Ages 30 — 40 56,876, while in an improved state the numbers would be respectively 92,305 and 74,605, showing an addition to the strength of the Army of 7,417 Young Soldiers and 17,729 Veterans. The number of Veterans actually in the Army, owing to Service in unhealthy stations abroad, is much less than in either of the above estimates; in 1851, of 120,733 men, 88,629 were of the Age 20—30, and only 32,104 were 30 — 40. Table G. Deaths and Annual Rate of Mortality per 1.000 Living, from all Causes, Zymotic Diseases, Chest and Tubercular Diseases, and all other Diseases, amongst the English Male Population Aged 15-45, (1848-54), and amongst the Infantry of the Line serving at Home (1837-46.) Causes of Death. Deaths. OfMalesagedl5 to 45, in England & Wales during the 7 Years 1848-54 Infantry of the Line Serving at Home during the 10 Years 1837-46. Annual Rate of Mortality per 1,000 living. Of Males aged 15 to 45, in England & Wales during the Years 1848-54 Of Infantry of the Line Serving at Home during the 10 Years 1837-46. All Causes Zymotic Diseases Chest and Tubercular Diseases All other Diseases (including 1 Violent Deaths) . . j 283,167 2,865 9-8 17-9 56,347 130.753 96,067 659 1,612 594 2-0 4-5 3-3 4-1 10-1 3-7 Males aged 15-45 living in England and Wales in the } middle of 1851 f Aggregate Strength of Infantry of the Line (serving | at Home) in 10 Years, 1837-46 J 4,130,331 160,103 Note. — The Deaths in England and Wales (1848-54) are taken from the 18th Annual Report of the Registrar- General, p. 150, and the Population (1851) from the Census Report, "Occupations," vol. I., p. clix. The Deaths and Aggregate Strength of the Infantry of the Line (1837-46) are taken from Sir A. Tulloch's Report on the Health of the Army for 1853, pp. 9, 62. At p. 9, in addition to the 2.6S3 deaths from disease (p. 62), are returned the parti- culars of 127 deaths by violence: leaving, however, 55 deaths unaccounted for. 2,683 + 127 + 55, make the above 2,S65 deaths. Bronchitis and influenza have no place in the Army nomenclature. The chronic catarrh of the Army Returns is believed to be really phthisis, in the great majority of cases; acute catarrh comprehends probably both epidemic catarrh, or influenza and bronchitis. The 55 deaths from acute catarrh have been treated as influenza and referred to zymotic diseases. The deaths from tubercular and chest diseases comprise scrofula, 24 (including apostema lumbare, 10 ; hydrarthrus, 1) ; phthisis, 1,241 ; hsemoptysis, 36; chronic catarrh, 135; hydrocephalus, 2; asthma, 2; dyspnea, 7; pleurisy, 10; pneumonia, 155. The zymotic diseases are, as far as the nomenclature allows, the same as those enumerated in the Registrar General's 16th Annual Report, pp. 83-5 of the Appendix. Table H. — a. Mortality in the Army of the East in Hospital during 2j years, from April 1st, 1854, to June 30th, 1856. Period. Years of Life, or aggregate Strength. Average Strength of the Army. Deaths. Annual Mortality per Cent. April 1st, 1854, to June 30th, 1 1856. (2± years) J 79.273 34,526 18,057 22-78 Note — The years of life and the average strength of the Armv have been derived from the Weekly .Return of the strength from April 1855, to May 1856, (inclusive), and for the previous period; April 1854, to March 1855. (inclusive), from the Return (A) of the Deaths during each Month, and from a Return of the Rate of Mortality during the same periods. Of the Total Number of Of the Total Deaths, (exclusive Deaths- Annually, to 100 Living. Class of Diseases. Deaths from Specified Deaths, the pro- portion per cent. of violent Deaths), the proportion Causes. from each Class. per cent, from each Class. 1 Zymotic 14,507 81-9 94-3 18-7 2 Constitutional . . 204 11 1-3 •3 3 Local 668 3-8 4-3 •9 4 Developmental 19 ■1 •1 , , 5 Violent 2,314 13-1 ■■ 3-0 Table K.—b Annual Rate of Mortality per Cent., from different classes of disease, in Hospital in the Army of the East, and in the English Male Population of the Ages 15-45. Class of Diseases. Deaths Annually, to 100 Living. In the Army of the East. English Male Population, 15-45 (1848-54). 2 Constitutional Diseases 4 Developmental Diseases All Causes 18-7 •3 •9 3-0 •20 •42 •26 •10 22-9 •98 18 Table K. — Figure 1. Table Showing the Estimated Average Monthly Strength of the Army ; and the Deaths and Annual Rate of Mortality per 1.000, in each Mouth, from April, 1854, to March, 1856, (inclusive), in the Hospitals of the Army in the East. Annual Rate of Mor- Estimated Deaths. tality per 1,000. Months Average Monthly Strength of the Army. Zymotic Diseases. Wounds and Injuries. All other Causes. Zymotic Diseases. Wounds and Injuries. All other Causes. 1854 April .. .. 8,571 1 5 1-4 7-0 May 23.333 12 . . 9 6-2 . , 4-6 June 28,333 11 6 4-7 . . 25 July 28,722 359 , , 23 150-0 , . 9-6 August 30,246 828 1 30 328-5 •4 11-9 September 30,290 788 81 70 312-2 32-1 27-7 October 30,643 503 132 128 197-0 51-7 50-1 November 29,736 844 287 106 340-6 115-8 42-8 December 32,779 1,725 114 131 631-5 41-7 48-0 1855 January 32,393 2,761 83 324 1022-8 30-7 1200 February 30,919 2,120 42 361 8228 16-3 140-1 March 30,107 1,205 32 172 480-3 12-8 68-6 April 32,252 477 48 57 177-5 17-9 21-2 May 35,473 508 49 37 171-8 16.6 12-5 June 38,863 802 209 31 247-6 64-5 9-6 July 42,647 382 134 33 107-5 37-7 9-3 August 44,614 483 164 25 129-9 44-1 6-7 September 47.751 189 276 20 47-5 69-4 50 October 46,852 128 53 18 32-8 13-6 4-6 November 37,853 178 33 32 56-4 10-5 10-1 December 43,217 91 18 28 25-3 5-0 7-8 1856 January 44,212 42 2 48 11-4 •5 13-0 February 43,485 24 , . 19 6-6 . . 5-2 March . . 46,140 15 35 3-9 91 The Deaths under the head of " Wounds and Injuries,'' comprise the following causes : — Luxatio, Sub-Luxatio, Vulnus Sclopitorum, Vulnus Incisum, Contusio, Fractura, Ambustio, and Concussio Cerebri. Table K.— Figure 2. Annual Rate of Mortality per Cent., on Sick Population at Scutari, from October 1st. 1854, to June 30th, 1855. Annual Rate of Mortality 1854 October 1st to October 14th . . per Cent. 148 October 15th — November 11th .. 101 November 12th — December 9th . . 121 December 10th — January 6th 202 1855 January 7th — January 31st 319 February 1st — February 28th . . 415 February 25th — March 1 7th . . 235 March 18th— April 7th .. 125 April 8th — April 28th . . 79 April 29th — May 19th . . 60 May 20th — June 9th . . 56 June 10th — June 30th ., 34 li) General Retitrn Showing the Primary Admissions into the Hospitals of the Army in the East, from the 16th April, 1854, to the 30th June, 1856 ; also the Deaths from Primary as well as Secondary Admissions, together with those occurring on board Transports, conveying Sick and Wounded, during the same period. — Arranged According to the Classificatian of Causes of Death proposed by Dr. Fair, in the 16th Annual Report of the Registrar-General, pp. 82 — 96, so far as this is practicable under the imperfect system of nomenclature in use. Class. Causes of Death. Admissions Deaths. Class. Causes of Death. Admissions Deaths. All Causes 162,123 18,057 III. Diseases of the : — Specified Causes 161,297 17,712 1. Nervous System 4,051 117 2. Organs of Circulation 263 41 DISEASES :— 3. Respiratory Organs ... 4. Digestive Organs 2,607 4,592 384 84 I. Zymotio 112,651 14,507 5. Urinary Organs 239 6 II. Constitutional 828 204 6. Organs of Generation — — III. Local 25,043 668 7. Organs of Locomotion 129 1 IV. V. Developmental ■Violent 214 22,561 19 2,314 8. Integumentary System 13,162 35 IV. 1 — 3. Not occurring in the Army. — — ORDERS. 1. Miasmatic 108,577 14,503 V. 4. Diseases of Nutrition I. Accident 214 19 I. 2,484 532 2. Enthetic 3,74S 4 2. Battle 18,283 1,761 3. Dietic (included in 1 Order I.) ... J 3. Homicide . — 4. Suicide 20 20 4. Parasitic 326 — 5. Punishment and Exe- "1 cution.. 1,774 1 II. 1. Diathetic 458 84 2. Tubercular 370 120 Causes not Specified 826 345 Order 1. III. Order 1. I. Smallpox 21 4 Cephalitis ... 11 7 Measles 5 2 Apoplexy 87 70 Scarlatina ... 3 — Paralysis 42 10 Quinsey 924 9 Insanity (Dementia) 44 4 Erysipelas 78 21 Epilepsy 261 17 Phlebitis 3 — Tetanus 10 8 Typhus (and continued 1 Fever) ] 25,841 3,075 Cephalalgia Neuralgia ... 128 28 — Carbuncle ... * * Ophthalmitis 3,307 — Influenza ... 9,506 144 Otitis 133 1 Dysentery... Diarrhoea ... 8,278 44,164 2,259 3,651 Cholera 6,970 4,512 * Ague 2,406 60 Remittent Fever 2,957 311 III. Order 2. Rheumatism (Acute and 1 Chronic) J 5,044 233 Pericarditis 24 4 A Ti An riQin 9 8 29 ' 1 1 1 1 J l.ill mma amm _ , Heart Disease 127 Order 2. Varix .. Palpitatio 58 45 I. Syphilis 3,748 4 . Hydrophobia » * III. Order 3. Order 3. Epistaxis 10 _ I. Privation ... 1* 1* Laryngitis... * # Purpura and Scurvy Bronchitis ... 1,688 199 (see above under Dy- V 2,096 178 Pleurisy ... 264 23 sentery) Pneumonia 590 161 Alcoholism (includes only "1 Asthma and Dyspnoea 55 1 Delirium Tremeus,other I 281 44 Other Lung Diseases . . — — cases not returned) Order 4. III. Order 4. I. Scabies 257 Gastritis ... 29 8 Worms 68 Enteritis ... 36 11 Dracununculus 1 — Peritonitis... Ascites 16 • 9 Ulceration of Intestines ... . V * II. Order 1. Hernia Ileus et Constipatio 101 1,862 2 5 Gout * * Intussusception 1 1 Dropsy 294 63 Stricture of Intestines ■ * Cancer et Tumores 62 1 Fistula 129 3 Mortification 79 20 Dyspepsia ... 906 3 Cachexia 23 — Htemorrhois TTnum i t.pmptiiQ 358 15 2 Singultus ... 1 II. Order 2. Pancreas ... Hepatitis ... 251 17 Scrofula 90 3 Jaundice ... 878 22 Phthisis 279 116 Other Liver Diseases * • Hydrocephalus 1 1 Spleen Disease 9 1 No admissions or deaths were returned under any of these heads. Class. III. III. III. III. IT. IV. Causes of Death. Order 5. Nephritis (and Nephria) . Ischuria Nephria fsec above; Diabetes Stone Hematuria Cystitis .Stricture of Urethra Hydrocele... Varicocele ... Order 6. (Not applicable, to the Army.) Order 7. Arthritis ... Ostitis and Periostitis Joint Disease Exostosis ... Necrosis, Caries, &c. Order 8. Phlegmon ... Ulcer Skin Diseases Orders 1 — 3. (Not applicable to the Army.) Order 4. Atrophy and Debility Admissions, 26 39 1 9 139 15 Deaths. Class. V. 25 2 8,323 4,090 749 214 23 11 1 19 V. Causes of Death. Order 1. Gelatio (Frostbite) Pernio (Chilblain) Sunstroke ... Asphyxia ... Poisoning ... Other violent Deathsf Order 2. (It is not stated that all these wounds and injuries were incurred in fighting, but. there being no means of distinction, they have all been referred to this Order.) Luxatio Subluxafio... Vulnus Sclopitornm „ Incisum ... Contusio ... Fractura ... Ambustio ... Concussio Cerebri... Order 3. Homicide ... Admissions 2.3S9 9 13 2 6 65 Deaths. Order 4. SuicideJ: Order 5. Execution ... Punishment 80 1,453 10,691 1,270 4. iim; 380 463 o 2 65 1 1 1,706 18 21 14 20 1§ 1,773 Causes not Specified 826 20 1§ 345 * No admissions or deaths were returned under any of these heads. t These are not properly returned, but appear under the collective head of "Accidental, Sadden, Ebrietas, and Cold, &c. i Unsuccessful attempts at suicide were, apparently, not recorded. § This case was returned simply as hanging. Note.— The names of certain Orders as well as those of certain specific Diseases are omitted, as not applicable to the Armv. ^ 21 Table Z. DENSITY OF POPULATION. A few Districts of Great Density — consisting of Built Area and Streets. Persons to a Districts and Towns. Square Mile, 1841-50* East London 175,816 Strand 161,556 St. Luke 151,104 Holborn 148,705 St. James', Westminster . 144.008 Liverpool 69,368 Birmingham 37,554 Leeds 28,965 Bristol 22,606 Nottingham 19,082 East Stonehouse . . 18,028 London 17,678 Plymouth 17,368 Hull 16,082 Manchester 10,664 Quarter- Master General's Plans for Encampments. Zy' \ Occupied and Unoccupied J ( Area. I No. 3 Occupied Area 664,000 348.000 347,000 1,044,820 * The number of persons to a square mile in the districts and towns of England, calculated on the mean population of 1841 and 1851, has been taken from the Registrar- General's Sixteenth Annual Eeport, Supplemental Tables, pp. 150-153. >S£j> S3i =0 S3 O • ■—* o CM 76 • i— i ^ o o ^ ft? g o Fd cd ^ g CO C3 E In s en 3 I^H ^H ^N -»-j bo Cfc o &JD o 3 o S ' c 3 o pj En w En w En g n o o En 3i?o to ■g •— o C CO r-l OS i- 1 OS o »n 6s OS © CO CO 2 CO o O in CO CO in I OS ■* cc H bp bn C3 Em o W H O tea o so 1 8 o • I— I Cv3 o Q-t CD « — l C3 <» ©- ^J a o w ■4-3 s to te> 0$ r. X a ^= > <1 T3 r3 T! d s O cu O 03 O OJ o a 03 a cc s OQ a (/j 43 4= r^ 43 43 4a 43 ^ 6C bS) bo bJJ be bu bl) a ^ ^ p p S P W w w w H H W kl ■* O >. i„, WOO 7 ■ y 7 7 3a- 7 7 7 37 ■ J 7 ■ 7 -. -, ■ ' 7 ■ 7 ■ M " T 7 7 dj 3 7- 7 ,'. ■ / 7- 7 7- 7 U J 7- 7 XV ■ S 7- 7 M3 7 7 7 ■ 7 SS Males in Healthy Districts Soldiers Males in Healthy Districts Soldiers Males in Hmirlni Districts Soldiers Males in Healthy Districts Soldiers . Mates in Healthy Districts Soldiers Ma lis in Healthy Districts Soldiers Mult h m i/riitrjii/ Districts Si lilurs Males m Huttthij Districts Soldiers Mates in Ih nil '/?t/ Districts Soldiers Males in Healthy Districts Soldiers . Males in Healthy Districts Soldiers Males in Healthy Districts Soldiers Males m Healthy Districts Soldiers Mates in Hmltliy Districts Soldiers Mnlrs in Hml ih if Districts Soldiers Males in Healthy Districts Scldiers .■> n tivtuti ( . NOTE T/f Mortality if Wales '*' ^" VtaUty Districts isbastd an an arvayt *> th* Diagram MA WzZes; and tdfife 2Vbrh-&mmzssioried 'nd &lo7iiai T Corps, l<939 -1853, y earj MX lS4c I84i 184Z l<943 lS4d\ 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 18SI /8S2 1853 Average / 839-53 NOT£.T/A Males zriJElrig'land & Wales . .Soldiers . .Males m jEnglancL & Wales . . Soldiers _ Males in Sna/le^nd & Wals . .ooldzers . Males in Slnijland & Wales . .Soldiers .Males in Slnalmul & Wiles . .Soldiers Males in, 2? norland & Tildes . . Soldiers *. Males in. dUngland & Wales . .Soldiers Miles in dins/land $ Wiles . .Soldiers _ .Males m xxnylands & Jfales . _ a Soldiers . .Males in Unglznd & Wales . _ Soldiers . _ Males wdl/arland & Vlhles . Soldiers . - Males m Jjnaland a\ Wales . Soldiers Males in S^u/leaid & Wales . Soldiers . Males in Sny land & Wales . .Soldiers . . Males m Sine/land. & Wiles _ . j,Solde-ers . .. Males in Sin aland £ diodes . .Soldiers z /SoZtiiers Agres m Eivqlarui "■./ //?>.' - -. • ,- " -. ! ! ' : r ' v - M, I DIAGRAM- rqjresentin? lie relative Mortality ol 'Males or 'the < ■• 'Idiers Apes living in England and Wales; and- //'//;< . Von t o7nmissioned Officers and Men serving inttte-Army, ,.r- lascre erf Artillery. Eayal Engineers, Jtfest India .and Colonial Corps, 7(9.39 -7853, Yec 18-3$ 1840 184/ /<$4Z 7843 *844 76 V. , 7846 .. 784 7 7848 7849 7830 78J7 7852 7853 Avemge 7839-33 Anruin/ Ji.^l.: Pfr J pop; 9 ■ 2 29 ■ 5 9 ■ 2 30 ■ 7 9 ■ 2 37 ■ 5 9 ■ Z 43 -9 9 ■ Z 44 -5 9 ■ Z 32 ■ 4 9 ■ Z 38 ■ 8 9 ■ 2 4-2 ■ 5 9 Z 33 ■ 3 9 Z 23 ■ / 32 ■ S 9 Z 26 ■ 2 9 ■ 2 23 4 9 ■ Z 26 ■ 3 9 ■ 2 28 ■ 4 9 2 .33 ■ O DEATHS . . Males znEngland ii Wales Soldiers Males in England, & Wolfs Soldiers .Males in England £ Hales ,/joldeers Males ai England & Wales Soldiers .Males m Enalanel S Hides . Ooldiers Males m England & Hales .Soldiers . Males in Em/land & Wales _ < Soldiers Males in. England & Hales Aoldiers . Males m England & Wales . , Soldiers Males rn 2,iu/land & Wales Soldiers . . Wales mE/u/land <(•' Mda Soldiers . . Hales in Enaland & Wales Soldiers Males in Enaland & Hales Soldiers Males in Enaland £ Wales <51 'Idlers . Males in Eni/linet ' £ Ha Mr . Soldiers Aides a> Enaland <.¥ Holes ' Yoldiers JVC TA T/L TdortaZi&jjt f Males tr hated on an Average cf J Years and ir^Oit.- view V presented eumuSbrm in each afthe years, ffiren. in lA.e Duzyram 1 «*> tNj * ^ &$ ^ » \ fcq ^* I ^ N ^ 4! -J <•> 1 IS 1 1 , m / ►^ . / * i ,1 S3 ■g K N f> / S £ IS$j 1 gs P '% A, iS S frf k ;^ 1 10 j j i \ J N J / $ 7 __, '~f ^ ~Z 1 .■ *i <*j *> s> a ^ & ^ ^ Q ^ S> ^ <5> § <5 •> 'ci ^ "j tr i 'S N > § N 1 ^ «$ > ^ ^ ^ •i ^ 5 6 $ ^ & ■8 § t— 1 N^ 50 I 58 I ^ ^ ^ s ^ > S15 ^ S ^ IS) 15 ^s ^ -S I s \ s ^^1 ■1 ^ 1 s ? 1 fa •« g ^ 4 N^ K ^S % 4JJ 5SU >^ ^ ^1 CO CO I < < 72 ^ 5; 5^ i * 13 1 ~5 i ^ '— >- -^ ^ i ri, ^ ^ -v ! &1 *l Is i g : 7^ s § t. k3 fe- 1 ^ 5 £ -$ 2 £ ^ is -<* S; ^5 ^ 3 ^ ■^ ^ s S* V v_ fO «3 ^v ^ c^ c> g ,, ^ «i -s 1 " " ^ ^ rf£ T^ Sv § ? g * ft S S "5 ■fe i ^ t° £ >*> s» -S *o g St i »> r no *> u <0 a "* ■& § « 7 ^2 s & * ^ % oi § V <§>§ ■S « «5"i ^5 « ""• ^ ■•£> «$< I to CO £ O I o r > (E Id i i plO S. r3 ^ 5 0<1 I h2 «>, i <5» s 3 s ; ^ r^ S "-+» C o J el «N o -*J cc CJ PL| o e go GO GO .23 . Q5 CD § 1° « O CO to a a S CD a o GQ 53 CD S t -< o cS o o "+3 r Ed a a o co -^ in APRIL 1854 to MAKII 1855 II.) ARMY [N THE EAST. m APRJl, I8SS roMAKCH 1856 An III. 1854 ro MAKII 185. I EXPLANATION. Tfu Diagrams rgtrtsonZ th ANNUAL RATE ot Mortahtu per fQOQ in th* //, tpitafji pi fhi Amy in tin East for each Mmifli from April 1854 i< Mm cftfS56 ■ U IToU '■in IPS Hi, MiTlit/ihi wiurh llu :\rtmi WOldd ho,Yi < xp> in nrni -■■,,//;,., subject Irlh, mijih i tth Which jH'M'ilni Hi rtu il'llu /////,, nllilli si d England (Manchester) Tfu distances oohrecn th Centd wuLthi second the second and thi Until drvlts &c each rgoreseni 100 deaths ft> 4000 favmg Tfu Annual rui' of Mnhihii, in any particular Month is tfu length oi Hi, radial lent aCUndi/ia from Vu cenirt in iht direction dike Month indicated iii Hit outer niih flu.- in .hiiiiini-if IS.Vi On Annual ntti of Mrrttthtn j>n it 1 1 wou f/74 (fluifhir nth lituti Vitii which prevailed during flu Wattk{^timiher)ithtn ih, Miriiilih, washujfusl ui tin year gfih Great I'luum 1665 'iS (/>/<«■/; i PRIL 1854 TO MARCH /H. r ), r ) JULY !DIA,&\RAM6 r, ll ,,,, ll n M,,n r ,)hriM l ,r n ,„r/ni and from, ALL OTHER CAWSS 7 Hack) in tiik. HOSPITALS of tiik ARMY m the EAST FOR EACH MONTH FROM APRIL 1SS4 t,> MARCH 1856 APRIL 1854 to M VRCH 1855 showing iin AwutqlltaiU i>t' Wwiatittj VtrCovt en ii" SICK POPULATION u SCUTARI, i'l'ii.M OCTOBER 17 1864 TO JUNE 307 1855 >A ar^ \ 1 ; -■ 1 Had Fig ' <'■•" pryttUd on Ih mu Scab at ih, ,i/„, Fyurti •„■//„.. ■•ih,,, //,. /„,.,,. ,i /;„„;„. •r Ih, Sl,il„hh, a, i;i„-,„„,i „„„/,//„„, ' ' "■'•.. h,„, ii„ i„,i,; ,/■,/„ c,,,/, «.*»* ©QA© 1851. UONDOyy density Aperson 160 Square Yds to a person proximity \ FQJMgffilE® BV TBI QUARTER MASTER GENERALS PLANS FOR ENCAMPMENT. •< r - ' . ' . \ . . DENSITY 6 9 ffuart YcU tea Person PROXIMITY erdirtam from To m ■'■ Pe> ton 3 2 TSh i in« "■' ■/■■•■' •■> i •"■■ d ' -i i Stfuor*. Ydi !'■ ■■ person Yds from p>> « n i> person OCCUPIED AREA Sguart Y3s i< >< pa ton 9 h/' fivmperstm /■ person 1851 , sT fl/CT IH WCLahq uONDOfl/ 6 Sffuart Yds to a person i Yds frornperson ib person 160 Squan Yds to a person if it Yds. from person h person T}t. Number of Print* <-> represents tht Density oftfa Population, flu six ndedFigures represent tfn averagt amount of ground $o each person and ifu blut tines fromjjovnl topoinl indicate &u Proximity >■■• niton distance fromjperson toperscn. wdudmq tin spaa occupied by tin hath SI Mu-bitx \