THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS C AUXILIARY SCIEMCES OF HISTORY PRINTED AS MANUSCRIPT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE For sale by the ^^ ¥>«i«o ok nt^nta Superintendent of Documents XTTICC ^O i.ciiM» Gk>Temiuent Printing Office LIBRARY OF COMGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS C AUXILIARY SCIENCES OF HISTORY PRINTED AS MANUSCRIPT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 L. C. card, 15—26006 PREFATORY NOTE The schedules for the Auxiliary Sciences of History were originally drafted by Mr, Charles Martel and subsequently developed by the several classifiers as follows: Mr. J. Lebovitz and 'Mi. J. D. Wolcott, CB; Mr. C. W. Perley, CC and CT; the undersigned, CD and CE; Mr. J. D. Wolcott, CJ and CR; Mr. Martel and Miss M. A. Gilkoy, CS. As many inequahties of treatment had arisen, the present classifier, under the supervision of Mr. C. W. Perley, the chief classifier, has subjected the entire scheme to a systematic revision and with the assistance of Miss M. W. MacNair of the Catalogue Division, pre- pared it for the press. Class CN, Epigraphy, is at present undeveloped and its completion will be deferred untU the reclassification of PA, Classical languages and literature. Alfred F. W. Schmidt Classifier in Charge Herbert Putnam Librarian oj Congress Washington, July 1, 1915 329513 ERRATxV On pages 42-48 the page lieading should he SEALS (not ARCHIVES). On page 62 the note preceding 445-447 should precede 425. For "Under each" substitute "Where 2 or 3 numbers are assigned sub- divide as follows." On page 102 the line beginning 1790-1809 should be 1790-1809 FRANCE (I). SYNOPSIS OB HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE. GENERAL INTELLEC- TUAL LIFE AND PROGRESS CC ARCHEOLOGY. ANTIQUITIES CD DIPLOMATICS. ARCHIVES. SEALS CE CHRONOLOGY CJ NUMISMATICS CN EPIGRAPHY CR HERALDRY CS GENEALOGY CT BIOGRAPHY HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE CB HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE SYNOPSIS General 3-19 General works 25-113 General special 151-155 Races. Nationalities 195-281 By period 301-425 By subject 475 HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE General only. Special countries, see D-F. Cf . AZ, History of scholarship and learning. CC, Archeology. D 16.7-.9, Philosophy of history. GN, Ethnology. Primitive archeology. GT, Manners and customs. CB 3 Periodicals. Societies. 4 Year-books. Collected works. 5 Several authors. 7 Individual authors. 9 Dictionaries. Historiography. 15 General works. Biography of historians. ^^ A+U5e^.-P(cWv»\ vean, A-Z. e. g. .L8 Luxemburg. Asia. 2010 Periodicals, collections, etc. 2011 General works. 2012 General inventories. 2020-2029 Arabia (III). 2030-2059 China (I). 2060-2079 Dutch East Indies (II). 2080-2099 India and Ceylon (II). _2m,l Tr«v^^k iv, X4'^. 2100-2119 Indo-China (II). 2120-2139 French Indo-China (II). 2140-2159 Siam (II). 2160-2189 Japan (I). 2190-2209 Persia (II). 2210-2239 Philippine Islands (I). 2240-2259 Russia in Asia (II). 2260-2279 Turkey in Asia (II). 2291 Other Asiatic, A-Z. 36 CD ARCHIVES CD History and statistics. By country — Continued. Africa. 2300 Periodicals, collections, etc. 2301 General works. 2302 General inventories. 2310-2329 Egypt (II). 2330-2359 British possessions (I). 2360-2389 French possessions (I). 2390-2419 German possessions (I). 2420-2439 ItaUan possessions (II). 2440-2459 Portuguese possessions (II). 2491 Other divisions of Africa, A-Z. 2500-2509 Australia and New Zealand (I). 2530-2559 New South Wales (I). 2560-2589 New Zealand (I). 2590-2619 Northern Territory of Australia (I), 2620-2649 Queensland (I). 2650-2679 South Australia (I). 2680-2709 Tasmania (I). 2710-2739 Victoria (I). 2740-2769 Western Australia (I). 2775 Pacific Islands, A-Z. America. North America. 3000 Periodicals, collections, etc. 3001 General works. 3002 General inventories. 3020-3029 United States (I). _ Zoc^^^.^t% o- Departmental archives. "S.^. .J\^ p^^.^. 3030 3031 State. 3032 Treasuryo 3033 War. 3034 Navy. 3035 Interior. 3036 Postmaster-General. 3037 Justice. 3038 Agriculture, 3039 Commerce. 3040 Labor. 3041 Other, A-Z. 37 CD ARCHIVES i History and statistics. By country. America. North i\Tn erica. United States — Continued. 3044 Colonial, general. By period. Prefer E, F. 3045 Colonial. 3046 Revolution. .5 1789-1860- 3047 Gvil war. .5 1865-1898. 304S Spanish-Anaerican war. 3049 1900- By section. 3051 New England. 3052 Atlantic. 3053 South. 3054 Central. 3055 Lake region. 3056 Mississippi Valley and West. 3057 Southwest. 3058 Northwest, and Rocky Mountains. 3059 Pacific coast. 3065 Other institutional. Prefer subdivision 9 under individual states. Individual states. Under each subarrange as follows: Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 1 General history and statistics. 4 State archives. 6 State departments, A-Z. e. g. .S8 State department. 7 Counties, A-Z. 8 Municipal, A-Z. 9 Other institutional, by place, A-Z. 3070-3079 3080-3089 ZuT- ■■■■' ^•-^^-'^bV.^ ■ 3090-3099 Arizona. 3100-3109 Arkansas. 3110-3119 Cahfomia. 3130-3139 Colorado, 3140-3149 Connecticut. 3150-3159 Delaware. CD 38 CD ARCHIVES CD History and statistics. By country. America. North America. United States, Individual states — Continued. 3160-3169 District of Columbia. 3170-3179 Florida. 3180-3189 Georgia. 3190-3199 Idaho. 3200-3209 Ilhnois. Indian Territory, see Oklahoma. 3220-3229 Indiana. 3230-3239 Iowa. 3240-3249 Kansas. 3250-3259 Kentucky. 3260-3269 Louisiana. 3270-3279 Maine. 3280-3289 Maryland. 3290-3299 Massachusetts. 3300-3309 Michigan. 3310-3319 Minnesota. 3320-3329 Mississippi. 3330-3339 Missouri. 3340-3349 Montana. 3350-3359 Nebraska. 3360-3369 Nevada. 3370-3379 New Hampshire. 3380-3389 New Jersey. 3390-3399 New Mexico. 3400-3409 New York. 3420-3429 North Carohna. 3430-3439 North Dakota. 3440-3449 Ohio. 3450-3459 Oklahoma. 3460-3469 Oregon. 3470-3479 Pennsylvania. 3480-3489 Rhode Island. 3500-3509 South Carohna. 3510-3519 South Dakota. 3520-3529 Tennessee, 3530-3539 Texas. 3540-3549 Utah. 3550-3559 Vermont. 39 :^29fSi :i CD ARCHIVES CD SfcN History and statistics By country. America. North America. United States. Individual states — Continued. 3560-3569 Virginia. 3570-3579 Washington. 3580-3589 West Virginia. 3590-3599 Wisconsin. 3600-3609 Wyoming. 3615 United States insular possessions treated collectively. 3620-3649 Canada (I). 3650-3679 Mexico (II). -,p^:,._: 3690-3719 Central America (I). 3720-3739 British Honduras (II). 3740-3759 Costa Rica (II) . 3760-3779 Guatemala (H). 3780-3799 Honduras (II). 3800-3819 Nicaragua (II). 3820-3839 Panama (II). 3840-3859 Salvador (II). 3870-3879 West Indies (II). 3880-3899 Bahamas (II). 3900-3919 Cuba (II). 3920-3939 Haiti (II). 3940-3959 Jamaica (II). 3960-3979 Porto Rico (II). 3985 Other. 4000-4019 South America (II). 4020-4039 Argentine Repubhc (II). 4040-4059 Boh via (II). 4060-4079 Brazil (II). 4080^099 Cliile (II). 4100-4119 Colombia (II). 4120-4139 Ecuador (II). 4140-4159 Guiana, British (II). 4160-4179 Guiana, French (II). 4180-4199 Guiana, Dutch (II). 4200-4219 Paraguay (II). 4220-4239 Peru (II). 4240-4259 Uruguay (II). 4260-4279 Venezuela (II). when 40 I II III 1 1 1 2 2 2 CD ARCHIVES CD SPECIAL SCHEME NO. 3 Collections. Periodicals. Directories. Year- books, etc. General works. History and statistics. Inventories, general. .A2 Bibliography or lists of inventories. National archives (including national and other government archives combined). At the Capital (or the Central archives). 3 3 3 History and description, Jtx y - dat e . 4 4 Non-official, including miscellaneous pam- phlets, etc. 5 5 Regulations. But general discussions on (past) or- ganization are classed in 3 above. 6 6 4 Inventories, general, by date. 7 7 Special collections, A-Z (subarranged by date). 8 8 Special class, by country, A-Z. 9 9 5 In places other than capital, A-Z. 10-23 10-15 6 Other government archives: Interior, Navy, State, Treasury, War, etc. Unless otherwise specified, arrange alpha- betically. Other local archives. States, used only in special cases. Colonies treated collectively, to follow Colo- nial Office. General local. Provincial, A-Z. Local archives (municipal, communal, etc.) collectively. .Al-3 General. .A4-Z By province (or other division) subar- ranged by date (of first part if there are several) . Municipal, A-Z. Parish registers in Great Britain. Cf. CS 434^36. Religious institutions in France, see CD 1218. Other institutional, by place, A-Z. Family archives. Private collections, Cf. subdivision 7. See also Z 6623. 41 24 16 25 17 26 27 28 18 29 .5 19 .5 CD ARCHIVES CD SEALS. SIGILLOGRAPHY. SPHRAGISTICS Cf. JC 345-347, Symbolism, emblems of the State. CR 101-115, Standards, Flags, Banners. CR 191+, Public and official heraldry. 5001 Periodicals. 5005 Societies. 5009 Congresses. 5011 Year-books. Collected works. 5013 Several authors. 5014 Individual authors. Exhibitions. 5017 International, by date. 5018 Other, by place. Museums. Collections. 5020 PubHc. 5021 Private. 5025 Sales catalogs. 5029 Theory. Method, etc. 5033 Relations to art. Cf. N. 5035 Relations to diplomatics. Cf. CD. 5037 Relations to heraldry. Cf. CR. 5039 Relations to history. 5041 Relations to numismatics. 5045 Study and teaching. History of sphragistics. 5049 General works. 5051 Biography, A-Z. 5053 Directories, guides, annuals, etc. 5055 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 5057 Vocabularies of terms. General works. 5059 To 1800. 1801- 5061 American and EngUsh. 5062 French. 5063 German. 5065 Other. 42 CD ARCHIVES CD ARCHIVES 5073 Manuals. 5075 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 5079 General special. Special. 5085 Execution. Technique. 5091 Seal (the instrument). 5093 Matrix, stamp. 5095 Signet, cachet, etc. 5101 Seal (the impression). 5111 Material. Gold, silver. Lead. Wax. Wafer. Paper. 5130 Form. Round. Oval. Octagonal. Ogival. Shield shape. Lozenge. Large. SmaU. Counter seal. 5140 Color. 5150 Attachment. Plaque. Pendant. By strip of parchment. Silk ribbon. Colored cord or thread. Leather. Single or double strip. 5170 Inscriptions. Figures, symbols, emblems, Legend. Date. 5191 Iconography. Ancient. 5201 Periodicals. Societies. Collected works. 5204 Several authore. 5205 Individual authors. 43 CD ARCHIVES Ancient — Continued. Exhibitions. 5207 International. 5208 Other. Museums. Collections. 5210 Pubhc. 5211 Private. 5215 Sales catalogs. 5219 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 5221 General works. 5225 Manuals. 5227 Minor. Pamplilets, etc. 5231 General special. 5241 Iconography. By country.^^ , ^ ^ , , 5345 Egyptian. 5348 Assyrian and Babylonian. 5351 Phenician. 5354 Hebrew. 5357 Hittite. 5363 Cretan. 5369 Greek. 5373 Etruscan. Roman. 5375 General. 5377 Special, A-Z. 5381 Byzantine. 5391 Other. Medieval. 5501 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 5505 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 5507 General works. 5509 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 5513 General special. 5525 Iconography. 5535 Earliest. Crusades. Latin Orient. 5539 General works. Special. 5545 Military-religious orders. 5547 Knights of Malta. 5549 Templars. 5551 Teutonic Knights. 5557 By country, A-Z. CD toAhf^tCt . 44 CD ARCHIVES CD Medieval — Continued. Renaissance. 5561 General works. For special country, see CD 5G00-G471. Modern. General works, see CD 5001-5075. 5575 16tli-17th centuries. 5577 18th century. 5578 19 th century. 5579 20th century. By country. Unless otherwise specified, subarrange as indicated on special scheme No. 4 following CD 6471. 5601-5619 United States (I). 5621-5630 Central America (II) . 5631-5640 Britisli Honduras (II). 5641-5650 Costa Rica (II). 5651-5660 Guatemala (II). 5661-5670 Honduras (II). 5671-5680 Nicaragua (II). 5681-5690 Panama (11). 5691-5700 Salvador (II). 5701-5710 West Indies (II). 5711-5720 Cuba (II). 5721-5730 Haiti (II). 5731-5740 Jamaica (II). 5741 Other, A-Z. 5751-5760 South America (II). 5761-5770 Argentine Republic (II). 5771-5780 Bolivia (II). 5781-5790 Brazil (II). 5791-5800 Chile (II). 5801-5810 Colombia (II). 5811-5820 Ecuador (II). 5821-5830 Guiana (II). 5831-5840 Paraguay (II). 5841-5850 Peru (II). 5851-5860 Uruguay (II). 5861-5870 Venezuela (II). 5871-5880 Europe (II). 5881-5899 Great Britain (I). 5897 Local, A-Z. 5898 Wales. 5899 Scotland. 5900 Ireland. 45 CD ARCHIVES 1 Modern. By country. Europe — Continued. 5901-5919 Austria-Hungary (I). 5921-5939 France (I). 5941-5960 Germany (I). 5941 Periodicals. Societies. Museums. Collections. 6942.A3 PubHc. .A4- -Z Private. 5943 General works. 5944 General special and minor. 5945 Special. 5946 Medieval and renaissance. 5947 Modern to 1800. 5948 19tli-20th centuries. 5949 Imperial, royal, etc. 5950 Companies, gilds. 5951 Ecclesiastical, monastic, etc. 5952 Other institutional. 5953 Persons and families, other than royal, A-Z, 5954 Baden. 5955 Bavaria. 5956 Prussia. 5957 Saxony. 5958 Wiirttemberg. 5959 Other states and provinces, A-Z. 5960 Cities and towns, A-Z. 5961-5970 Greece (II). 5971-5989 Italy (I). 5991-6000 Netherlands (II). 6001-6010 Belgium (II). 6011-6020 HoUand (II). 6021-6030 Russia (II). 6031-6040 Scandinavia (II). 6041-6050 Denmark (II). 6051-6060 Iceland (II). 6061-6070 Norway (II). 6071-6080 Sweden (II). 6081-6090 Spain (II). 6091-6100 Portugal (II). 6101-6110 Switzerland (II). CD 46 CD ARCHIVES CD Modern. By country. Europe — Continued. 6111-6120 Turkey (including general Balkan States) (II). 6121-G130 Bulgaria (II). 6131-6140 Rumania (II). 6141-6150 Servia (II). 6151 Other European, A-Z. e. g. .L8 Luxemburg. 6161-6170 Asia (II). 6171-6180 China (II). 6181-6190 Dutch East Indies (II). 6191-6200 India and Ceylon (II). 6201-6210 Indo-China (11). 62 1 1-6220 French Indo-China (II) . 6221-6230 Siam (II). 6241-6250 Japan (II). 6251-6260 Persia (II). 6261-6270 Philippme Islands (II). 6271-6280 Russia m Asia (II). 6281-6290 Turkey m Asia (II). 6295 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. 6301-6310 Africa (II). 6311-6320 Egypt (II). 6321-6330 British possessions (II). 6331-6340 French possessions (II). 6341-6350 German possessions (II). 6351-6360 Portuguese possessions (II). 6365 Other divisions, native states, etc., A-Z. 6371-6380 AustraUa and New Zealand (II). 6381-6390 New South Wales (II). 6391-6400 New Zealand (II). 6401-6410 Northern Territory of Australia (II). 6411-6420 Queensland (II). 6421-6430 South Australia (II). 6431-6440 Tasmania (II). 6441-6450 Victoria (II). 6451-6460 Western Austraha (II). 6471 Pacific Islands, A-Z. 47 CD AKCHI\^S CD SPECIAL SCHEME NO. 4 I II 1 1 Periodicals. Societies. 2 Museums. Collections. .A3 Public. .A4-Z Private. 3 3 General works. 4 4 General special and minor 5 Special. 6 5 Medieval and Renaissance. 7 6 Modem to 1800. 8 7 19th-20th centuries. 10 National, royal, etc. 11 Companies, gilds. 12 Ecclesiastical, monastic, etc. 13 Knighthood, orders, etc. 14 Universities, colleges, schools. 15 8 Other institutional. 16 9 Persons and families, other than royal, A-Z, 10 Local, A-Z. 18 States, provinces, etc. 19 Cities and towns. 48 CHRONOLOGY 2006°— 15 4 49 CE CHRONOLOGY SYNOPSIS General 1-19 Ancient 21-46 Medieval and modern 51-61 Technical, etc 71-97 51 CHRONOLOGY CE 1 CoDections, etc. Collected works. 2 Several authors. 3 Individual authors. History. 6 General works. Biography, 7 Collective. 8 Individual, A-Z, e. g. .C5 Clinton, H. F. General works. 10 To 1800. 11 1801- 15 Comparative chronology. 19 Mnor. Pamphlets, etc. Ancient. 21 General works. 25 General special. 29 Egyptian. Asiatic. 31 General works. 33 Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean. r_ 35 Hebrew (including Hebrew and Mohammedan) 37 Chinese. 39 Hindu. 40 Other special. Mexican (Aztec), see F 1219. 42 Greek. 46 Roman. Medieval and modern. Christian era. 51 General works. 55 Other. 57 Medieval. 59 Mohammedan. 61 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. Teclinical chronology. 71 General works. 53 CE CHRONOLOGY CE Teclmical chronology — Continued. 73 The Calendar. Reform of the Calendar. Special systems. 75 Julian. 76 Gregorian. 77 Republican (French). 81 Church chronology, feast days, etc. 83 Easter. 85 Special topics (Cycles, letter, etc.), A-Z. Bible chronology, see B, Bible. 9 1 Perpetual calendars. Century calendars, etc. 92 Popular and minor. 97 Other material not elsewhere provided for. 54 NUMISMATICS 55 CJ NUMISMATICS SYNOPSIS General 1-151 Ancient 201-1391 Greek 301-763 Roman 801-1143 Byzantine 1201-1291 African and Oriental 1301-1391 Medieval and modern 1509-4649 Medieval 1601-1743 Modern 1747-1755 By country 1800-4649 Tokens 4801-5450 Medals 5501-6651 General 5501-5569 Ancient 5581-5690 Medieval and modern 5723-5793 By country 5801-6651 57 NUMISMATICS CJ Periodicals. 1 American and English. 3 French. 5 German. 9 Other. Societies. 15 American and English. 17 French. 19 German and Austrian. 23 Other. e. g. Swiss. 27 Congresses, 31 Year-books. Cf. CJ 63. Collected works. 35 Several authors. 36 Individual authors. Exhibitions. 39 International, by date. 41 Other, by place, A-Z. Museums. Collections. 43 Public. 45 Private. Sales catalogs. 47 Auction. 49 Dealers'. 53 Theory. Method, etc. 55 Study and teaching. History. 59 General works. Biography. 61 Collective. 62 Individual, A-Z. e. g. .D8 Du Bois, W. E. 63 Directories, guides, etc. Cf. CJ 31. 67 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. Cf. CJ 89. 69 Terms. 71 Abbreviations. Inscriptions- 59 CJ NUMISMATICS CJ General works. 73 To ISOO. 75 ISOl- 81 Manuals. 85 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 89 Popular descriptive works. Coin encyclopedias. Cf. CJ 67. 101 General special. 109 Materials. General only. Special with country. 113 Gold. 115 Silver. 117 Bronze and copper. 119 Other metals. 125 Execution. Technique. 129 Coin types. 151 Iconography. ANCIENT 201 Periodicals. Societies. 205 Year-books. Collected works. 208 Several authors. 209 Individual authors. Exliibitions. 211 International, by date. 213 Other, by place, A-Z. Museums. Collections. 215 PubUc. 217 Private. Sales catalogs. 219 Auction. 221 Dealers'. 223 Theory. Method, etc. (225) Study and teaching, see CJ 55. 229 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. General works. 231 To 1800. 233 1801- 237 Manuals. 241 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 245 General special. (251) Value, see IIG. 60 CJ NUMISMATICS CJ 265 Iconography. Finds of coins. Cf. CJ 391-393, Greek. CJ 891-893, Roman. 275 General works. 277 By place of discovery, A-Z. ANCIENT GREE] 301 Periodicals. Societies. 305 Year-books, Collected works. 309 Several authors. 310 Individual authors. Exliibitions. 311 International, by date. 313 Other, by place, A-Z. 31-^ Museums. Collections. 315 Pubhc. 317 Private. Sales catalogs. 319 Auction. 321 Dealers'. 323 Theory. Method, etc. (325) Study and teaching, see CJ 55, 329 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. General works. 333 To 1800. 335 1801- 339 Manuals. 345 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 351 General special. 355 Material. 357 Gold. 359 Silver. 361 Bronze and copper. 363 Other metals. 369 Execution. Technique. 373 Coin types. 385 Iconography. Finds of coins. 391 General works. 393 By place of discovery, A-Z. 61 CJ r NUMISMATICS By period. 401 ^Vrclmic, B. C. 700-480. 403 Transitional, 480-415. 405 Finest art, 415-336. 407 Later fine art, 336-280. 409 Decline, 280-146. 411 Later decline, 146-27. 413 Imperial period, B. C. 27-A. D. 268. By country. 425 Europe. 427 Greece. 429 Northern. 431 Central. 433 Eastern. 435 Southern (including Peloponnesus) 437 Ionian Islands. 439 Islands of the Aegean. States and islands. Under each: General. (1) Catalogs and collections. (2) Treatises. (3) Local, A-Z. 445-447 Acamania. 449-451 Aegina. 453-455 Aetolia. 456 AetoUa-Attica, A-Z. e. g. .A6 Andros. 457-459 Attioa. 461-463 Boeotia. 465-467 Corc3Ta. 469^71 Corinthia. 473-475 Crete. 477-479 Epirus. 481-483 Euboea. 485^87 Locris. 489-491 Megaris. 493-495 Phocis. 497-499 Thessaly. 505-507 Britain. (509) Gaul, see CJ 2681. 513-515 Illyria. CJ 62 J NUMISMATICS By country. Europe — Continued. 517-519 Italy. 521-522 Apulia. 523-524 Bruttium. 525-526 Calabria. 527-528 Campania. 529-530 Etruria. 531-532 Frentani. 533-534 Latiuni. 535-536 Lucania. 537-538 Picenuni. 539-540 Samnium. 541-542 Umbria. 545-547 Macedonia (including Alexander the Great), 549-550 Sicily. 551-552 Malta, Gozo, and PanteUeria (Kossyra). 553-555 Spain (Iberia). 557-559 Thrace. 573-574 Asia. 575-576 Asia Minor. 577-579 Aeolis. 581-583 Lesbos. 585-587 Bith3rnia. 589-591 Cappadocia. 593-595 Caria. 597-599 Cilicia. 601-603 Galatia. 605-607 Ionia. 609-611 Lycaonia. 613-615 Lycia. 617-619 Lydia. 621-623 Mysia. 625-627 Pamphyha. 629-631 Paphlagonia. 633-635 Plirygia. 637-639 Pisidia. 641-643 Pontus. 645-647 Troas. 651-653 Arabia, 655-657 Armenia. 659-661 Assyria. 663-665 Babylonia. 667-669 Bactria and India. CJ 63 CJ NUMISMATICS CJ J NUMISMATICS By country. Asia — Continued. 671-673 Bosporus. 675-677 Characene. 679-681 Colchis. 683-685 Cyprus. 687-689 Mesopotamia. 691-693 Partliia. 695-697 Persia. 699-701 Syria. 705-707 Palestine. 709-711 Phenicia. 725-727 Africa. 729-731 Byzacene. 733-735 Cyrenaica. 737-739 Egypt. 741-743 Ethiopia. 745-747 Libya. 749-751 Mauretania. 753-755 Numidia. 757-759 Syrtica. 761-763 Zeugitana. ANCIENT ROMA] 801 Periodicals. Societies. 805 Year-books. Collected works. 809 Several authors. 810 Individual authors. Exhibitions. 811 International, by date. 813 Other, by place, A-Z. Museums. Collections. 815 Pubhc. 817 Private. Sales catalogs. 819 Auction. 821 Dealers' . 823 Theory. Method, etc. 825 Study and teaching. 829 Dictionarias. Encyclopedias. General works. 831 To ISOO. 833 1801- 64 CJ NUMISMATICS— ANCIENT ROJvIAN CJ 837 Maniials, 839 Minor. Paniplilots, etc. 843 General special. 847 Material. 849 Gold. 851 Silver. 853 Bronze, brass, and copper. 855 First brasses (large) . 856 Second brasses (middle) . 857 Tliird brasses (small). 859 Other metals. 863 Execution. Technique. 865 Coin types. 885 Iconography. Finds of coins. 891 General works. 893 By place of discovery, A-Z. Eepublican. 901 Collected works. 905 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 909 General works. 913 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 915 General special (Material, etc.). 925 Iconography. By period. 935 Early. 937 Heavy bronze. 941 Later. 943 National types. Consular or family coins. Museums and collections, see CJ 815-817. General works. 946 To 1800. 947 1801- 949 By family, A-Z. Imperial. 961 Collected works. 965 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 969 General works. 973 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 975 General special (Material, etc.). Iconography. 985 To 1800. 987 1801- 2006'- -15 5 65 CJ NUMISMATICS— ANCIENT ROMAN CJ Imperial — Continued. By ]>oriod. 1001 Twelve Caesars — Julius to Domitian, A.D. 96. 1003 Nerva to Marcus Aurelius, 96-180. 1005 Commodus to Numerian, 180-284. 1007 Diocletian to Jovian, 284-364. 1009 Valentinian and last emperors, 364-476. Local. States and provinces. 1017 General works. Special provinces. Under each: General. (1) Catalogs and collections. (2) Treatises. (3) Local, A-Z. 1021-1023 Italia. 1025-1027 Apulia. 1029-1031 Bruttium. 1033-1035 Calabria. 1037-1039 Campania. 1041-1043 Etruria. 1045-1047 Frentani. 1049-1051 Latium. 1053-1055 Lucania. 1057-1059 Piccnum. 1061-1063 Samnium. 1065-1067 Umbria. 1068-1070 Oscan coins. 1071-1073 Acgyptus. 1075-1077 Africa. 1079-1081 Numidia. 1083-1085 Mauretania. 1087-1089 Asia. 1101-1103 Britannia. 1105-1107 Dacia. 1109-1111 Dalmatia. 1113-1115 Gallia. If including pre-Roman period, prefer CJ 2681. 1117-1119 Gcrmania. 1121-1123 Iberia (Hispania). 1125-1127 Illyricum. 1129-1131 Moesia. 1133-1135 Sardinia. 1137-1139 Sicilia. 1141-1143 Syria. 66 CJ NUMISMATICS CJ BYZANTINE 1201 Periodicals. Societies. Collected works. 1208 Several authors. 1209 Individual authors. Museums. Collections. 1215 Public. 1217 Private. Sales catalogs. 1219 Auction. 1221 DeaJei-s'. 1227 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 1229 General works. 1235 Manuals. 1237 Minor. Pamplilets, etc. 1241 General special. 1245 Material. 1247 Gold. 1249 Silver. 1251 Bronze and copper. 1253 Other metals. 1257 Execution. Technique. 1259 Coin types. 1271 Iconography. By period. 1281 323-1057. 1283 1057-1453. 1289 Countries and provinces, A-Z. 1291 Cities and towms, A-Z. ANCIENT AFRICAN AND ORIENTAI 1301 Periodicals. Societies. 1305 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 1309 General works. 1313 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 1317 General special. 1321 Material. 1323 Gold. 1325 Silver. 1327 Bronze and copper. 1329 Other metaJs. 1333 Execution. Technique. 1335 Coin types. 67 Ci\^ NUMISMATICS CJ NUMISMATICS Ancient African and Oriental — Continued, 1339 Iconography. By country. Africa. 1341 General. 1343 Byzacium. Carthage, see CJ 1381. 1345 Cyrenaica. Egypt, see CJ 1369. 1347 Ethiopia. 1349 Libya. 1351 Mauretania. 1353 Numidia (and Mauretania). 1355 Syrtica. 1357 Zeugitana. Asia. General works, see CJ 1309. 1361 Assyria. 1365 Babylonia. 1369 Egypt. 1375 Jewish (and Samaritan). 1379 Phenicia. 1381 Carthage. 1391 Other. Chma, see CJ 3490-3509. Japan, see CJ 3700-3719. MEDIEVAL AND MODERN Byzantine, see CJ 1201-1291. Periodicals, societies, collections, etc., see CJ 1-36. Exhibitions. 1509 International, by date. 1511 Other, by place, A-Z. Museums. Collections. 1513 Public. 1515 Private. Sales catalogs. 1517 Auction. 1519 Dealers'. (1521) Theory. Method, etc. See CJ 63. (1522) Study and teaching. See CJ 55. 1525 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 68 CJ NUMISMATICS— MEDIEVAL AND MODERN Ci General works. 1527 To 1800. 1529 1801- 1533 Manuals. 1535 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 1539 General special. e. g. Obsidional coins. 1543 Material. 1545 Gold. 1546 Silver. 1547 Bronze and copper. 1548 Other metals. 1557 Execution. Technique. 1559 Coin types. 1575 Iconography. By period. Medieval. General. 1601 Periodicals. Societies. 1605 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 1607 General works. 1611 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 1615 General special. 1618 Material. 1619 Gold. 1620 Silver. 1621 Bronze and copper. 1622 Other metals. 1625 Execution. Technique. 1627 Coin types. 1637 Iconography. Finds of coins. 1645 General works. 1647 By place of discovery, A-Z. Migrations. 1657 General works. 1661 Visigoths (and Goths in general) 1663 Ostrogoths. 1665 Vandals. 1667 Huns. 1669 Lombards. 1671 Normans. 1673 Slavs. 1675 Other special. 69 CJ NUMISIVIATICS— MEDIEVAL AND MODERN CJ By period. Medieval — Continued . Crusades. Latin Orient. 1681 General works. 1683 General special. 1685 Special. 1691 Military-religious orders. 1693 Knights of Malta. 1695 Templars. 1697 Teutonic Knights. 1715 By country, A-Z. Mohammedan Emphe, see CJ 3400-3429. Renaissance (13tli-16th centuries). 1735 General works. 1739 13th-14th centuries (Pre-renaissance) . 1741 1400-1550. 1743 Later 16th century. Modern. 1747 General works. 1749 16th-17th centuries. Early modern. 1751 18th century. 1753 19th century. 1755 20th century. By country. Unless otherwise specified, sub arrange as indicated on special scheme No. 1 following CJ 4649. ^ America. 1800-1819 General, including North America (II) . United States (I). '^'^ ^r-^" ''' ^ »v-.'.'A(23«.erdl}. 1820-1849 1841 Colonial. 1842 Early national to 1860. 1844 1860-1900. 1845 1901- 1860-1879 Canada (II). 1890-1909 Mexico (II). 1910-1929 Central America (II). 1930-1949 British Honduras (II) . 1950-1969 Costa Rica (II) . 1970-1989 Guatemala (II). 1990-2009 Honduras (II). 2010-2029 Nicaragua (II). 2030-2049 Panama (II). 2050-2069 Salvador (II). 2070-2089 West Indies (II). 2090-2109 Bahamas (II). 2110-2129 Cuba (II). 70 CJ NUMISMATICS— MEDIEVAL AND MODERN CJ By country. America. West Indies — Continued. 2130-2149 Haiti (II). 2150-2169 Jamaica (II). 2170-2189 Porto Rico (II). 2195 Other, A-Z. 2200-2219 South America (11). 2220-2239 iVrgentine Republic (II) . 2240-2259 Bolivia (II). 2260-2279 Brazil (II). 2280-2299 Chile (II). 2300-2319 Colombia (II). 2320-2339 Ecuador (II) . 2340-2359 Guiana (II). 2360-2379 Paraguay (II). 2380-2399 Peru (II). 2400-2419 Uruguay (II). 2420-2439 Venezuela (II). 2450-2469 Europe (II). 2470-2499 Great Britam and England (I) Middle ages. 2490 Anglo-Saxon. 2491 Anglo-French coinage. 2500-2519 Wales (II). 2520-2539 Scotland (II). 2540-2559 Ireland (II). 2560 British colonies in general. 2570-2599 Austria-Hungary (I). 2601 Austria, Lower. 2603 Austria, Upper. 2605 Bohemia. 2607 Bukowina. 2609 Carinthia. 2611 Carniola. 2613 Coastland. 2615 Gorz and Gradiska 2616 Istria. 2617 Trieste. 2619 Dalmatia. 2621 Galicia. 2623 Moravia. 2625 Salzburg. 2627 Silesia. 71 CJ NUMISMATICS— MEDIEVAL AND MODERN CJ By country. Europe. Austria-Hungary — Continued. 2629 Stp-ia. 2630 Transylvaiiia. 2631 Tyrol. 2633 Vorarlbcrg. 2635 Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2640-2659 Hungary (II). 2660-2689 France (I). 2681 Gaul (and Celtic types in general). Cf. CJ 509, 1113. 2682 Early medieval, Merovingian, Carlovingian, etc. ^Vhen combined with Gallic, to be classified in CJ 2681. 2683 Modern to 1789/1815. 2700-2729 Germany (I). 2721 Medieval. 2734 Alsace-Lorraine. 2736 Anhalt. 2738 Baden. 2740-2759 Bavaria (II). Cities, towns, etc., see CJ 2863. 2762 Bremen. 2764 Brunswick. 2766 Hamburg. 2767 Hanover. 2768 Hesse. 2770 Lippe. 2772 Liibcck. 2774 Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 2776 Mecklenburg-Strclitz. 2778 Oldenburg. 2780-2799 Prussia (II). 2799 Provinces, etc., A-Z. Cities, towns, etc., see CJ 2863. 2802 Reuss, Elder line. 2803 Reuss, Younger line. 2805 Saxe-Altenburg. 2806 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 2807 Saxe-Meiningen. 2808 Saxe-Weimar. 2810-2829 Saxony (II). Cities, towns, etc., see CJ 2863. 72 CJ NUMISMATICS— MEDIEVAL AND MODERN CJ By country. Europe. Germany — Continued. 2832 Schauniburg-Lippe. 2834 Schaumburg-Rudolstadt. 2836 Schaumburg-Sondershausen. 2838 Waldeck. 2840-2859 Wurttemberg (II). Cities, towns, etc., see CJ 2863. 2863 Cities, towns, etc., A-Z. 2870-2889 Greece (II). 2900-2929 Italy (I). 2928.P3 Papal States. .R7 Rome. 2930-2949 Netherlands (II). 2950-2969 Belgium (II). 2970-2989 Holland (II). 3000-3029 Russia (I). 3030-3049 Poland (II). 3050-3069 Finland (II). 3080-3099 Scandinavia (II). 3100-3119 Denmark (II). 3120-3139 Iceland (II). 3140-3159 Norway (II). 3160-3179 Sweden (II). 3180-3199 Spain (II). 3210-3229 Portugal (II). 3240-3269 Switzerland (I). Turkey and Balkan States. 3270-3289 Albania (II). 3290-3309 Bulgaria (II). 3310-3329 Montenegro (II). 3330-3349 Rumania (II). 3350-3369 Servia (II). 3370-3389 Turkey (II). 3400-3429 Orient. Mohammedan Empire (I). 3413 Arabic glass weights for testing coins. 3430-3449 Asia (II). 3455 Afghanistan. 3460-3479 Arabia (II). 3485 Baluchistan. 3490-3509 China (II). 3525 Far East. 73 CJ NmnSMATICS— MEDIEVAL AND MODERN CJ By country. Asia — Continued. 3530-3549 India and Ceylon (11). 3551 Ceylon. 3555 French. 3557 Portuguese. 3560-3579 Indo-Cluna (II). 35S0-3509 French Indo-Cliina (Anam, Cambodia, etc.) (II), 3600-3619 Siam (II). 3625 Straits Settlements. 3635 Indonesia. 3640-3659 Dutch East Indies (II). 3660-3679 Philippine Islands (II). 3685 Other, A-Z. 3700-3719 Japan (II). 3730-3749 Korea (II). 3750-3769 Persia (II). 3770-3789 Russia in Asia (II). 3793 Central Asia. 3795 Siberia. 3800-3829 Turkey in Asia (I). Cf. CJ 3400-3429. 3830-3849 Armenia (II). 3850-3869 Palestine (II). Cf. CJ 1681-1715. 3870-3889 Syria (II). Cf. CS 1681-1715. 3890 Other, A-Z. 3900-3919 Africa (II). 3920-3939 Abyssinia (II). 3940-3959 British, includhig South African Union. 3960 Cape of Good Hope. 3983 East Africa. 3985 Natal. 3987 Nyasaland (Central Africa ProtiM-t orate). 3990 Orange Free State. 4015 Rhodesia. 4020 Transvaal. 4045 West Africa. 4050 Other colonies, A-Z. 4100 Kongo Free State. 4120-4139 Egyi)t (II). Cf. CJ 1369. 74 CJ NUMISMATICS— JMEDIEVAL AND MODERN CJ By country. Africa— Continued. 4140-4159 French (II). 4160-4179 Algeria and Tunis (II) 4185 Kongo. 4187 Madagascar. 4189 Senegambia. 4191 Sudan. 4195 Otlier, A-Z. 4200 German. 4223 East. 4225 Kamerun. 4227 Southwest. 4240 Italian. 4263 Eritrea. 4265 Somalilaud. 4270-4289 Liberia (II). 4290-4309 Morocco (II). 4310 Portuguese. 4333 East. 4335 West. 4340 Spanish. 4363 Canary Islands. 4365 Rio de Oro. 4370-4389 TripoU (II). 4395 Other African, A-Z. 4400-4419 Australia (II). 4420-4439 New South Wales (II). 4440-4459 New Zealand (II). 4460-4479 Northern Territory (II). 4480-4499 Queensland (II). 4500-4519 South Australia (II). 4520-4539 Tasmania (II). 4540-4559 Victoria (II). 4560-4579 Western Australia (II). Pacific Islands. 4600 General. 4625 Local, A-Z. 4630-4649 Hawaiian Islands (II). 76 CJ NUIVIIS^UTICS— MEDIEVAL AND MODERN CJ SPECLVL SCHEME NO. 1 II I Periodicals. Societies. 1 Yoar-l>ooks. 2 Collected works. MTisoums. Collections. 2 4 Public. 3 5 Private. 4 6 Sales catalogs. Coin values. 5 9 Dictionaries. Directories. 6 10 General works. 7 12 General special and minor. By material. 8 14 Gold. 9 15 Silver. 10 16 Bronze and copper. 11 17 Other. 12 19 Iconography. By period. 14 21 Medieval. 15 22 Early modern to 1789/1815. 16 24 Early 19th century, 1789/1815-1870. 17 25 Later 19th and 20th centuries, 1870- 19 Local, A-Z. 28 States, provinces, etc. 29 Cities and towns. 30 Colonies in general (when necessary). 76 CJ CJ TOKENS 4801 Periodicals. Societies. Collected works. 4803 Several authoi-s. 4804 Individual authors. Museums. Collections. 4806 Public. 4807 Private. 4809 Sales catalogs. 4813 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. 4815 General works. 4819 General special. Special. 4825 By form of token, A-Z. By period. 4861 Ancient. 4863 Greek. 4865 Roman (tesserae). 4867 Other. Modern, including Medieval. 4871 General works. 4873 Medieval. 4877 Renaissance. 4881 Modern (only). Prefer CJ 4871. 4883 16th-17th centuries. 4885 18th century. 4887 19th century. 4889 20th century. By country. Unless otherwise specified, subarrange as indicated on special scheme No. 2 following CJ 5450. 4901-4910 United States (I). 4905 Colonial. 4906 Early national. 4911-4920 Canada (I). 4921-4925 Mexico (II). 4926-4930 Central ximerica (II). 4931 British Honduras. 4933-4937 Costa Rica (II). 4938-4942 Guatemala (11). 4942-4946 Honduras (II). 4947-4950 Nicaragua (11). 77 CJ TOKENS CJ By country. Central America — Continued. 4951-4955 Panama (II). 4956-4960 Salvador (II). 4961-4965 West Indies (II). 4966 Bahamas. 4967-4971 Cuba (II). 4972 Haiti. 4973 Santo Domingo. 4975-4979 Jamaica (II). 4980-4984 Porto Rico (II). 4985 Other, A-Z. 4986-4990 South America (II). 4991-4995 Ai-gentine Rcpubhc (11). 4996-5000 Bolivia (II). 5001-5005 Brazil (II). 5006-5010 Chile (II). 5011-5015 Colombia (II). 5016-5020 Ecuador (II). 5021-5025 Guiana (II). 5026-5030 Paraguay (II). 5031-5035 Peru (II). 5036-5040 Uruguay (II). 5041-5045 Venezuela (II). 5046-5050 Europe (II). 5051-5060 Great Britam (I). 5058 Local, A-Z. 5059 Scotland and Wales. 5060 Ireland. 5061-5070 Austria-Hungary (I). 5071-5080 France (I). 5081-5090 Germany (I). 5091-5095 Greece (II). 5096-5105 Italy (I). 5106-5110 Netherlands (II). 5111-5115 Belgium (II). 5116-5120 Holland (II). 5121-5125 Russia (II). 5127 Poland. 5129 Scandinavia. 5130-5134 Denmark (II). 5135 Iceland. 5136-5140 Norway (II). 5141-5145 Sweden (II). 78 CJ TOKENS By country. Europe — Continued. 5146-5150 Spain (II). 5151-5155 Portugal (II). 5156-5160 vSwitzcrland (II). Turkey and Balkan States 5161-5165 Turkey (II). 5166 Albania. 5168-5172 Bulgaria (II). 5173 Montenegro. 5175-5179 Rumania (II). 5180-5184 Servia (II). 5185 Other European, A-Z. See Table oi countriea on p. 170. 5186-5100 Asia (II). 5191-5195 China (II). 5196-5200 Dutch East Indies (II). 5201-5205 India and Ceylon (II) 5206-5210 Indo-Chuia (II). 5211 French Indo-China. 5213 Siam. 5216-5220 Japan (II). 5221-5225 Persia (II). 5226-5230 Philippine Islands (II). 5231-5235 Russia in Asia (II). 5236-5241 Turkey in Asia (II). 5243 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. 5246-5250 Africa (II). 5251-5255 EgyiU (II). 5256-5260 British possessions (II). 5261-5265 French possessions (II). 5266-5270 German possessions (II). 5271-5275 Portuguese possessions (II). 5276 Other divisions of Africa, A-Z. 5281-5285 Australia and New Zealand (II). 5286-5290 New South Wales (II). 5291-5295 New Zealand (II). 5296-5300 Northern Territory of Australia (II) 5301-5305 Queensland (II). 5306-5310 South Australia (II). 5311-5315 Tasmania (II). 5316-5320 Victoria (II). 5321-5325 Western Australia (II). 5326 Pacific Islands, A-Z. CJ 79 CJ TOKENS CJ Special by use. 5350 Comniercial, industrial, etc. 5400 Religious. Communion tokens. 5407 General. 5413 By denomination, A-Z. e. g. P8 Presbyterian. 5415 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. 5450 Jetons, m6reaux etc. SPECIAL SCHEME NO. 2. I II 1 1 Periodicals. Societies. Collections, 2 2 Catalogs. 3 3 General works. 4 4 Special and minor. By period. 5 Medieval. 6 16th-18tli centuries. 7 19th-20 Ji centuries. o Local, A-Z. 9 States, provinces, etc. 10 Cities, towns, etc. 80 CJ MEDALS CJ MEDALS AND MEDALLIONS 5501 Periodicals. Societies. Collected works. 5505 Several authors. 5506 Individual authors. Exliibitioiis. 5507 International, by date. 5508 Other, by place, A-Z. Museums. Collections. 5510 Public. 5511 Private. Sales catalogs. 5513 Auction. 5514 Dealers'. 5517 Theory. Method, etc. 5519 Relation to art. 5521 Relation to history. 5525 Study and teaching. 5535 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. General works. 5538 To 1800. 5539 1801- 5543 Manuals. 5545 Minor. Pamplilets, etc. 5549 General special. 5555 Execution. Technique. 5557 Types. 5569 Iconography. Ancient. 5581 Periodicals. Societies. Collections, Collected works. 5583 Several authors. 5584 Individual authors. 5585 Exhibitions. Museums . Collections . 5588 Public. 5589 Private. 5591 Sales catalogs. General works. Manuals. 5595 To 1800. 5597 1801- 5601 Mmor. Pamphlets, etc. 5605 General special. 5615 Iconography. 2006°- -15 6 81 CJ IVIEDALS C3 Ancient — Continued. 5625 Greek. Roman. 5641 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. Collected works. 564:i Several authors. 5644 Individual authors. 5645 Exhibitions. ^Museums. Collections. 564S Public. 5649 Private. 5651 Sales catalogs. 5655 General works, Manuab. 5661 Mmor. Pamphlets, etc. 5665 General special. 5675 Iconography. 5681 Persons, A-Z. 5683 Events, A-Z. 5685 Local, A-Z. 6690 Other, A-Z. Medieval and modern. Periodicals, societies, collections, etc., see CJ 5501- 5535. General works. 5723 To 1800. 5725 1801- 5727 Manuals. 5729 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 5733 General special. 5737 Execution. Technique. 5751 Iconography. By period. Medieval. 5761 General works. 5763 Special. e. g. Crusades, llenaissance. 5767 General works. 5769 Early. 5770 High. 5771 Later. Modern. 5775 General works. Prefer CJ 5723-5725. 82 CJ MEDALS CJ Medieval and modern. By period. Modern — Continued. 5777 16th-17tli centuries. 5778 IStli century. 5779 19th century. 5780 20th century. 5793 Special subjects, A-Z. Cf. Note under NK 6398.5. . r^ .^ ' (-P^) Printing (Medallic history), see Z 234. ^796- Ayv.e.^r\taCGev^e/•&l) j^2 Railways (commemorative medals). By country. Unless otherwise specified, subarrange as indicated on special scheme No. 3 followmg CJ 6651. V . • ■ Ancient, see CJ 5581-5690. ^ ^^^5801-5819 United States (I). 5811 Colonial. 5812 Early national. 5821-5830 Canada (II). 5831-5840 Mexico (II). 5841-5845 Central America (III). 5846-5850 British Honduras (III). 5851-5855 Costa Rica (III). 5861-5865 Guatemala (HI). 5871-5875 Honduras (HI). 5881-5885 Nicaragua (HI). 5891-5895 Panama (III). 5901-5905 Salvador (HI). 5911-5915 West Indies (HI). 5916-5920 Bahamas (HI). 5921-5925 Cuba (HI). 5931-5935 Haiti (HI). 5941-5945 Santo Domingo (III). 5951-5955 Jamaica (HI). 5861-5965 Porto Rico (HI). 5968 Other, A-Z. 5971-5980 South America (II). 5981-5990 Argentme Republic (II). 5991-6000 Bolivia (II). 6001-6010 Brazil (II). 6011-6020 Chile (II). 6021-6030 Colombia (II). 6031-6040 Ecuador (II). 6041-6050 Guiana (II). 83 CJ MEDALS Medieval and modem. By country. South America — Continued. 6051-6060 Paraguay (II). 6061-6070 Peru (II). 6071-6080 Uruguay (II). 6081-6090 Venezuela (II). 6091-6100 Europe (II). 6101-6120 Great Britain (I). 6117 Local, A-Z. 61 IS Wales. 6119 Scotland. 6120 Ireland. 6121-6139 Austria-Hungary (I). 6141-^159 France (I). 6161-6180 German}^. 6161 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. Museums. Collections. 6162 Public. 6163 Private. 6164 General works. 6165 General special and minor. 6166 Special. 6167 Individual artists, A-Z. 6168 Medieval and renaissance. 6169 Modern to 1800. 6170 19th-20th centuries. 6172 Persons and families, A-Z. Under the more important may be arranged; Monographs. Atlases and plates. Catalogs. 6173 Events, A-Z. 6174 Baden. 6175 Bavaria. 6176 Prussia. 6177 Saxony. 6178 Wiirttemberg. 6179 Other states and provinces, A-Z. 6180 Cities and towns, etc., A-Z. 6181-6190 Greece (II). 6191-6219 Italy (I). 6211-6220 Netherlands (II). 6221-6230 Belgium (II). 6231-6240 HoUand (II) CJ 84 CJ MEDAI.S CJ Medieval and modern. By country. Europe — Continued. 6241-6250 Russia (II). 6251-6260 Scandinavia (II). 6261-6270 Denmark (II). 6271 Iceland. 6281-6290 Norway (II). 6291-6300 Sweden (II). 6301-6310 Spain (II). 6311-6320 Portugal (II). 6321-6330 Switzerland (II). Turkey and Balkan States. 6331-6335 Albania (III). 6336-6345 Bulgaria (II). 6346-6350 Montenegro (III). 6351-6360 Rumania (II). 6361-6370 Servia (II). 6371-6379 Turkey (II). 6380 Other European, A-Z. 6381-6390 Asia (II). 6391-6400 China (II). 6401-6410 Dutch East Indies (II). 6411-6420 India and Ceylon (II). 6421-6425 Indo-China (III). 6426-6430 French Indo-China (III). (Annain, Cambodia. Cochin-China, Tongking, Laos.) 6431-6435 Siam (III). 6441-6450 Japan (II). 6451-6460 Persia (II). 6461-6470 Philippine Islands (II). 6471-6475 Russia i]i Asia (III). 6476-6480 Turkey in Asia (III). 6485 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. 6491-6500 Africa (II). 6501-6510 'Egypt (II). 6511-6520 British possessions (II). 6521-6530 French possessions (II). 6531-6540 German possessions (II). 6541-6550 Port.uguese possessions (II). 6559 Other divisions, native states, etc., A-Z. 85 CJ MEDALS CJ Medieval and modern. By country — Continued. 6561-6570 Australia and New Zealand (II). 6571-65S0 New South Wales (II). 65S1-6500 New Zealand (II). 6591-0600 Northern Territory of Aiistraha (II), 6601-6610 Queensland (II). 6611-6620 South Australia (II). 6621-6630 Tasmania (II). 6631-6640 Victoria (II). 6641-6650 Western Austraha (II). 6651 Pacific Islands, A-Z. 86 CJ MEDALS C/ SPECIAL SCHEME NO. 3 [II II I 1 1 1 Poriodicals. Societies. Collections. Museums. Collections. 2 Public. 3 Private. 2 2 5 Genonu works. 3 3 6 General s])e('ial ajid minor. 7 9 Special. Individual artists, A-Z. 4 10 By period. Medieval. 11 Renaissance, 15th-17th centuries. 5 6 12 13 18th century. 19th-20th centuries. 4 7 15 Persons and families, A-Z. 8 17 Under the more important may be arranged: MonograpJis. Atlases and plates. Catalogs. Events, A-Z. 5 9 Local, A-Z. 18 States, provinces, etc. 19 Cities, towns, etc. 87 CN EPIGRAPHY. INSCRIPTIONS, ETC (In preparation) 89 HERALDRY 91 CR HERALDRY SYNOPSIS General, etc 1- 185 Public and official 191-1020 Ecclesiastical and sacred 1101-1131 Family 1179-3400 Honor, rank, precedence 3499-4420 Royalty (Insignia, etc.) 4480 Chivalry and knighthood 4501-6305 Ceremonials, etc 4547-4565 Duels and dueling 4571-4595 Orders, etc 4651-6305 Militai'y-religious 4701-^775 By country 4801-6305 93 HERALDRY Heraldry combined with Genealogy classed with CS. CR 1 Periodicals, Societies. Collected works. 4 Several authors. 5 Individual authors. 7 Congresses, conventions, etc. 9 Exhibitions. 1 1 Directories. 13 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. Science, technique, theory, etc. History, see CR 151-159. General works. 19 To 1800. 1801- 2 1 Treatises. 23 Manuals. 27 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. General special. 29 Symbolism. 31 Pleraldry and art, architecture, etc. 33 u^^ Special. f^ 41 Special branches, charges, etc., A-Z. e. g. Chess, collar, counter-charge, crest, crosses, doge'fc cap, double-headed eagle, fish, flowers (fleur-de-Us, rose, etc.), furs, goedendag, hatching, hatchments, helmets, heralds, linden, lion, liveries, marks of cadency, masons' marks, merchants' marks, mermaids, pomegranate, rebus, rest, signboards, tinctures, trademarks, triquetra, unicorn, urchin, water-bouget, white horse, wreaths. Printers' marks, see Z 235. (43) Armorial bindings and bookplates, see Z. (45) Armorial china, see NK 4374. Crests, monograms, devices, badges, mottoes, etc. Cf. NK 1585, Emblems. 51 General works. 53 General special, including heraldic aspects of regalia, crown jewels, etc. But for artistic aspects i^refer NK 7400-7419. Cf. CR 4480, Insignia of royalty. a r,_. . . 95 CB HERALDRY CE Science, technique, theory, etc. Special. Crests, monograms, devices, etc. — Continued. Crests. 55 General works. 57 By country, A-Z. 61 Monogi'ams. Devices and badges. 67 General works. 69 By country, A-Z. Mottoes. 73 General works. 75 By country, A-Z. 79 Battle-cries. War-cries. Shields and supporters ^ 91 General works. 93 By country, A-Z. Flags, banners, and standards. Cf. JC 345-347, Sj-mbolism, emblems of the State: Arms, Flag, Seal, etc. GR 191-1020, Public and official heraldry. 101 General works. 105 Early. 107 Medieval. 109 Modern. By country. iijeXv^t; 113 United States. .r Sp=.. . - -...;.a.;i,ar.-: . .5 Confederacy. 114 Special states, A-Z. .5 Cities, A-Z. e. g. .N5 New York. 115 Other countries, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. Under each: General. Cities, A-Z. 125 Heraldic drawing, design, etc. 133 Heraldic recreations, games, etc. 137 Literary illustrations, verses, etc. History of heraldry. 151 General works. 153 Early. 155 Ancient Greeks and Romans. 157 Medieval. 159 Modern. By country, see CR 1200-3400 96 CB HERALDRY CR General special. Law, grants of arms, etc. Patents. Regulation. 165 General works. 167 By country, A-Z. See Table of countnes on p. 170. 171 Right to bear arms. 175 Mutation. Alteration. 179 Use and abuses. Usurpation. Kings-at-arms, heralds (Heralds' college). 183 General works. 185 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. Public and official heraldry. Cf. JC 345-347, Symbolism, emblems of the State : Anna, Flag, Seal, etc. CR 101-115, Flags, banners, and standards. 191 General works. By country. Under each subarrange as indicated on special scheme No. 1 following CR 1020. 200-209 United States (I). 210-219 Canada (I). 220-229 Mexico (I). 230-234 Central America (II). 235-239 British Honduras (II). 240-244 Costa Rica (II). 250-254 Guatemala (II). 260-264 Honduras (II). 270-274 Nicaragua (II). 280-284 Panama (II). 290-294 Salvador (II). 300-304" West Indies (II). 305-309 Bahamas (II). 310-314 Cuba (II). 320-324 Haiti (II). 325-329 Santo Domingo (II). 330-334 Jamaica (II). 340-344 Porto Rico (II). . 350 Other, A-Z. 360-369 South America (I). 370-379 Ai-gentine Republic (I 380-389 Bolivia (I). 390-399 Brazil (I). 400-409 Chile (I). 2006°— 15 7 97 :^R HERALDRY Public and official heraldry. By country. South America — Continued. 410-419 Colombia (I). 420-429 Ecuador (I). 430-439 Guiana (I). 440-449 Paraguay (I). 450-459 Peru (I). 460-469 Uruguay (I). 470-479 Venezuela (I). 4S0-4S9 Europe (I). 490-499 Great Britain (I). 500-509 England and Wales (I). 510-519 Scotland (I). 520-529 Ireland (I). 530-539 Austria-Hungary (I). 540-549 France (I). 550-559 Germany (I). 560-569 Greece (I). 570-579 Italy (I). 580-589 Netherlands (I). 590-599 Belgium (I). 600-609 Holland (I). 610-619 Russia (I). 620-629 Scandinavia (I). 630-639 Denmark (I). 640-649 Iceland (I). 650-659 Norway (I). 660-669 Sweden (I). 670-679 Spain (I). 680-689 Portugal (I). 690-699 Switzerland (I). Turkey and Balkan States. 700-704 Albania (II). 705-714 Bulgaria (I). 715-719 Montenegro (II). 720-729 Rumania (I). 730-739 Servia (I). 740-749 Turkey (I). 750-759 Asia (I). 760-769 China (I). 770-779 Dutch East Indies (I). CR 98 CR HERALDRY CR Public and official heraldry. By country. Asia — Continued. 780-784 Indo-China (II). 785-789 French Indo-China (II). 790-794 Siam (II). 800-809 Japan (I). 810-819 Persia (I). 820-829 PhUippine Islands (I). 830-839 Russia in Asia (I). 840-849 Turkey in Asia (I). 850 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. 860-869 Africa (I). 870-879 Egypt (I). 880-884 British possessions (II). 890-894 French possessions (II). 900-904 German possessions (II). 910-914 Portuguese possessions (II). 920 Other divisions, native states, etc., A-Z. 930-939 Australia and New Zealand (I). 940-949 New South Wales (I). 950-959 New Zealand (I). 960-969 Northern Territory of Australia (I). 970-979 Queensland (I). 980-989 South Australia (I). 990-999 Tasmania (I). 1000-1009 Victoria (I). 1010-1019 Western AustraUa (I). 1020 Pacific Islands, A-Z. 99. CE HERALDRY CR SPECIAL SCHEME NO. 1 n I Periodicals. Societies. Collections. (1) Herdds (kings-at-arms), see CR 183-185. 1 2 National, including general albums, etc. Cf. CJ, Seals. 2 3 States, provinces, counties, etc. .Al-5 General. .A6-Z By state, etc. 3 4 Cities and towns. .Al-5 General. .A6-Z By city. 4 Special. 5 Gilds. .Al-5 General works. .A6-Z By trade. Special by city in 6. 6 City companies, by city, A-Z. Under each: (1) General works. (2) Special. e. g. .L8W7 London, Woolcombera. 7 Universities and colleges. General works only. Particular institutions in L. 8 Schools. General works only. Particular institutions in L. 9 Other institutions. Ecclesiastical and sacred heraldry. 1101 General works. i,/^2 "Bn/ c^wwIrrY, A'2.. 1115 Popes and cardinals. Episcopal. 1119 General works. 1121 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. Religious orders. 1127 General works. 1129 By order, A-Z. 1131 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. Family heraldry. 1 1 70 General collections, rolls, etc. 1187 Particular families, covering more than one country, A-Z. 100 CR HERALDRY CR Family heraldry — Continued. By country. Subarrango as indicated on special scheme No. 2 following CR 3400. 1200-1219 United States (I). 1230-1249 Canada (I). 1260-1269 Mexico (II). 1280-1289 Central America (II). 1290-1299 British Honduras (II). 1300-1309 Costa Rica (II). 1310-1319 Guatemala (II). 1320-1329 Honduras (II). 1330-1339 Nicaragua (II). 1340-1349 Panama (II). 1350-1359 Salvador (II). 1360-1369 West Indies (II). 1370-1379 Bahamas (II). 1380-1389 Cuba (II). 1390-1399 Haiti (II). 1400-1409 Jamaica (II). 1410-1419 Porto Rico (II). 1425 Other, A-Z. 1440-1449 South America (II). 1450-1459 Argentine Republic (II). 1460-1469 Bolivia (II). 1470-1479 Brazil (II). 1480-1489 Chile (II). 1490-1499 Colombia (II). 1500-1509 Ecuador (II). 1510-1519 Guiana (II). 1530-1539 Paraguay (II). 1540-1549 Peru (II). 1550-1559 Uruguay (II). 1560-1569 Venezuela (II). 1600-1609 Europe (II). 1610-1629 Great Britain and England (I). 1640-1649 Wales (II). 1650-1669 Scotland (I). 1670-1689 Ireland (I). 1700-1719 Austria-Hungary (I). 1725 Austria, Lower. 1727 Austria, Upper. 1729 Bohemia. 1731 Bukowina. 101 CR HERALDRY Family heraldry. By country. Europe, Austria-Hungary — Continued . 1733 Carinthia. 1735 Carniola. 1737 Coastland. 1739 Gorz and Gradiska. 1740 Istria. 1741 Trieste. 1743 Dalmatia. 1745 Galicia. 1747 Moravia. 1749 Salzburg. 1751 Silesia. 1753 Styria. 1755 T3T0I. 1757 Vorarlberg. 1759 Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1770-1779 Hungary (II). 1790-1809 France (II). 1820-1839 Germany (I). Cities, towns, etc., see CR 1931. 1844 Alsace-Lorraine. 1846 Anhalt. 1848 Baden. 1850-1859 Bavaria (II). Cities, towns, etc., see CR 1931 1862 Bremen. 1864 Brunswick. 1866 Hamburg. 1868 Hesse. 1870 Lippe. 1872 Liibeck. 1874 Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 1876 MeckJenburg-Strelitz. 1878 Oldenburg. 1880-1889 Prussia (II). Cities, towns, etc., see CR 1931 1892 Reuss, Elder line. 1893 Reuss, Younger line. 1895 Saxe-Altenburg. 1896 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 1897 Saxe-Meiningen . CR 102 CR HERALDRY CB Family heraldry. By country. Europe. Germany — Continued. 1898 Saxc- Weimar. 1900-1909 Saxony (II). Cities, towns, etc., see CR 1931. 1912 Schaumburg-Lippe. 1914 Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. 1916 Schwurzburg-Sondershausen. 1918 Waldeck. 1920-1929 Wiirttemberg (II). Cities, towns, etc., see CR 1931. 1931 Cities, towns, etc., A-Z. 1940-1959 Greece (I). 1960-1979 Italy (I). 1990-1999 Netherlands (II). 2000-2009 Belgium (II). 2010-2019 Holland (II). 2030-2049 Russia (I). 2060-2069 Poland (II). 2070-2079 Finland (II). 2090 Scandinavia. 2100-2109 Denmark (II). 2110-2119 Norway (II). 2120-2129 Sweden (II). 2140-2159 Spain (I). 2160-2169 Portugal (II). 2180-2189 Switzerland (II). Turkey and Balkan States. 2210-2219 Albania (II). 2220-2229 Bulgaria (II). 2230-2239 Montenegro (II). 2240-2249 Rumania (II). 2250-2259 Servia (II). 2260-2269 Turkey (II). 2280-2289 Asia (II). 2300-2309 Afghanistan (II). 2320-2329 Arabia (II). 2340-2349 Baluchistan (II). 2360-2369 China (II). 2380-2389 Dutch East Indies (II). 2400-2409 Far East and Indonesia (II). 2430-2439 India and Ce3don (II). 103 CR HERALDRY Family heraldry. By country. Asia — Continued. 2450-2459 Indo-Cliina (II). 2470-2479 French Indo-Cliina (II). 2490-2499 Siam (II). 2520-2529 Straits Settlements (II). 2550-2559 Japan (II). 2570-2579 Korea (II). 2590-2599 Persia (II). 2610-2619 Philippine Islands (II). 2630-2639 Russia m Asia (II). 2640-2649 Central Asia (II). 2650-2659 Siberia (II). 2670-2679 Turkey in Asia (II). 2690-2699 Armenia (II). 2700-2709 Palestine (II). 2710-2719 Syria (II). 2735 Other, A-Z. 2750-2759 Africa (II). 2770-2779 Abyssinia (II). 2790 British, mcluding Union of South Africa. 2810-2819 Cape of Good Hope (II). 2821 East Africa. 2823 Natal. 2825 Nyasaland (Central Africa Protectorate) 2827 Orange Free State. 2829 Rhodesia. 2830-2839 Transvaal (II). 2843 West Africa. 2845 Other colonies. 2847 Kongo Free State. 2850-2859 EgjT)t (II). 2870 French. 2880-2889 Algeria and Tunis (II). 2891 Kongo. 2893 Madagascar. 2895 Senegambia. 2897 Sudan. 2898 Other, A-Z. 2900 German. 2911 East. 2912 Kamerun. 2913 Southwest. CR 104 CR HERALDRY Family heraldry. By country. Africa — Continued. 2916 Italian. 2917 Eritrea. 2918 Somali land. 2920-2929 Liberia (II). 2940-2949 Morocco (II). 2960 Portuguese. 2962 East. 2963 West. 2965 Spanish. 2967 Canary Islands. 2968 Rio de Oro. 2970 Tripoli. 3200 Australia. 3220-3229 New South Wales (II). 3240-3249 New Zealand (II). 3260-3269 Northern Territory of Australia (II) 3280-3289 Queensland (II). 3300-3309 South Australia (II). 3320-3329 Tasmania (II). 3340-3349 Victoria (II). 3360-3369 Western Australia (II). Pacific Islands. 3380 General. 3395 Local, A-Z. 3400 Hawaiian Islands. CR 105 CR HERALDRY CR SPECIAL SCHEME NO. 2. n I Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 2 General works (History, treatises, etc.). 3 General special. By period. 4 Early and medieval. 15 Modem. 16 Recent. 7 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 8 Dictionaries, glossaries, etc. 9 General albums, lists of armorial families, etc. Classes. 10 Royal arms (Sovereign houses) . 11 NobiUty in general. 12 Higher ranks. 13 Lower ranks. 14 Armorial f amihes other than noble. 15 Other classes. 16 Miscellaneous. 17 States, provinces, counties, etc., A-Z. 18 Cities and towns, A-Z. 19 Families and lordships, A-Z. Honor, rank, precedence, etc. General works. To 1800. 3499 Latin. 3501 Enghsh. 3503 French. 3505 German. 3507 Italian. 3509 Spanish. 3511 Other. 1801- 3SI^ U.V,v 3515 English. 3517 French. 3519 German. 3521 Italian. 3523 Spanish. 3525 Other. 3535 General special. 106 CR HERALDRY €B Honor, rank, precedence, etc. — Continued. 3551 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. Special. Order of precedence. 3575 General works Cf. Subdivisiou 8 iu special scheme No. 3 folloiving CR 4420. By country. Unless otherwise specified, subarrange as indicated on special scheme No. 3 following CR 4420. 3600-3609 United States (I). 3610-3619 Canada (I). 3620-3629 Mexico (I). 3630 Central America. 3635 British Honduras. 3640 Costa Rica. 3650 Guatemala. 3660 Honduras. 3670 Nicaragua. 3680 Panama. 3690 Salvador. 3700 West Indies. 3705 Bahamas. 3710 Cuba. 3720 Haiti. 3725 Santo Domingo. 3730 Jamaica. 3740 Porto Rico. 3750 Other, A-Z. 3760 South America. 3770 Argentine Republic. 3780 Bolivia. 3790 Brazil. 3800 ChHe. r;810 Colombia. 3820 Ecuador. Guiana. 3831 British. 3833 Dutch. 3836 French. 3840 Paraguay. 3850 Peru. 3860 Uruguay. 3870 Venezuela. 107 CR HERALDRY CR Honor, rank, precedence, etc. By country — Continued. 3SS0 Europe. 3890-3899 Great Britain. England (I), 3900-3009 Scotland (I). 3910-3919 Ireland (I). 3920 Wales. 3930-3939 Austria-Hungary (I). 3940-3949 France (I). 3950-3959 Germam^ (I). 3960-3969 Greece (I). 3970-3979 Italy (I). 39S0-3989 Netherlands (I). 3990-3999 Belgium (I). 4000-4009 Holland (I). 4010-4019 Russia (I). 4020-4029 Scandinavia (I). 4030-4039 Denmark (I). 4040-4044 Iceland (II). 4050-4059 Norway (I). 4060-4069 Sweden (I). 4070-4079 Spain (I). 4080-4089 Portugal (I). 4090-4099 Switzerland (I). Turkey and Balkan States. 4100-4104 Albania (II). 4105-4109 Bulgaria (II). 4110-4114 Montenegro (II). 4120-4129 Rumania (I). 4130-4134 Servia (II). 4140-4149 Turkey in Europe (I). 4150 Asia. 4155 Arabia. 4160-4169 China (I). 4170 Dutch East Indies. 4180-4189 India and Ceylon (I). Indo-China. 4193 French Indo-China. 4195 Siara. 4200-4209 Japan (I). 4210-4219 Persia (I). 4220 PliUippine Islands. 4230 Russia in Asia. 4240 Turkey in Asia. 4250 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. 108 CR HERALDRY CK Honor, rank, precedence, etc. By country — Continued. 4260 Africa. 4261-4269 Egypt (I). British possessions. 4280 General works. 4285 Local, A-Z. French possessions. 4290 General works. 4295 Local, A-Z. , German possessions. 4300 General works. 4305 Local, A-Z. Portuguese possessions. 4310 General works. 4315 Local, A-Z. 4320 Other divisions, native states, etc., A-Z 4330 Australia and New Zealand. 4340 New South Wales. 4350 New Zealand. 4360 Northern Territory of Australia. 4370 Queensland. 4380 South Australia. 4390 Tasmania. 4400 Victoria. 4410 Western Australia. 4420 Pacific Islands, A-Z. SPECL^L SCHEME NO. 3 I II Periodicals. Societies. Collections. 1 1 General works. Manuals. 2 History. 2 General works. 3 Early. 4 Medieval. 5 Modern. 3 Special. 6 Usurpation of titles, etc. 7 "Particle of nobility." 8 Order of precedence. 9 4 Other. e. g. Law of peerage. 109 CR HERALDRY CR ^v.:A ,-:r/c' . -■ :■ .•■';^ »•'... '^vr-A'/ ■ .(l,ov>-.\-;:'j. ETC 44S0 Royalty. (Insignia. Crown, regalia, etc.) Cf. NK 7400-7410, .\rt. Heraldic aspects, see CR 53. Chivalry and knighthood (Orders, decorations, etc.). 4501 Colloctions. 4505 Dictionaries. History and description. 4509 General works. By period. 4511 Early. 4513 Medieval. 4515 Modern. 4519 General special. 4523 Anecdotes, memoirs, etc. 4529 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries ou p. 170. Treatises. 4531 To 1800. 4533 1801- Cf. CR 450^-4529. Special. 4535 Training. Education, etc. 4537 Initiation. 4539 Privileges. Arms and armor, see U 800-897, History, and NK 6600-6699, Ornament. Ceremonials, pageants, tournaments, etc. 4547 General works. Coronations, baptisms, marriages, funerals, in D, GT. Celebrations, processions, entertainments, in D, GT. Tournaments. 4553 General works. 4557 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries oa p. 170. Under each : (1) General works. (2) Special, by date. Prefer D-DU. 4565 Wager of battle, trial by ordeal, etc. Duels and dueling. 4571 Code of honor. History. 4575 General works. 4579 General special. 4585 Controversial material (Ethics, necessity, results, etc.). 110 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Duels and diioling — Continued. 4595 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. Under each : (1) General works. (2) Cases, A-Z. Only duels having no historic interest are classed here. Duels between public men are classed in his- tory, e. g. Burr-Hamilton duel, see E 302.6. Orders, etc. History and description. General works. 4651 To 1800. 4653 1801- By period. 4657 Early. 4659 Medieval. 4661 Modern. Rolls of honor. Lists of knights, members of or- ders, persons decorated with medals, etc. 4671 General hsts. (4675) By country, A-Z, see CR 4801-6305. Military-religious orders. 4701 General works. 4705 General special. Order of St. John of Jerusalem. (Knights Hospitalers, Knights of Rhodes, Xnighta of Malta.) Cf. CD 5547; CJ 1G93. 4715 Sources and documents (General cartularies). 4717 Statutes, regulations, etc. 4719 Lists and arms of knights. History. 4723 General works. 4725 Special. 4729 Biography. 4731 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. Under each: (1) General works. (2) Local. Ill CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. Military-religious orders — Continued , Order of the Temple (Knights Templars). Cf. CD 5549; CJ 1695. 4735 Sources and documents. 4737 Statutes, re<2^ulations, etc. 4739 Lists and arms of knights. History. 4743 General works. Special. 4749 Suppression of the order. 4753 Bio^aphy. 4755 By country, A-Z. Under each: (1) General works. (2) Local. Masonic Templary, see HS 745. Teutonic Knights. Cf. CR 4991, also CD 5551; CJ 1697. 4759 Sources and documents. 4765 History. Cf. DD 491.046-558, East Prussia under the Order. 4775 By country, A-Z. By country. Europe. Great Britain. 4801 General works. 4809 Lists of knights. 4815 Knights Bachelor. 4819 Order of the Bath. 4823 Distinguished Service Order. 4827 Order of the Garter. Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, see CR 5215, Hanover. 4835 Order of St. Michael and St. George. 4839 Royal Order of Victoria and Albert. 4843 Royal Victorian Order. Order of British India, see CR 6050, India. 4851 Imperial Order of the Crown of India. 4855 Order of the Indian Empire. 4859 Order of the Star of India. 4869 Other orders. 112 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. By country. Europe. Great Britain — Continued. 4871 Medals and decorations. 4875 Albert medal. 4885 Victoria cross. Scotland. 4901 General works. 4905 Knights Bachelor. 4909 Order of the Thistle. 4917 Other orders. Ireland. 4925 General works. 4929 Kniglits Bachelor. 4933 Order of St. Patrick. 4941 Other orders. Aus tria-Hungary . 4951 General works. 4955 Lists of knights. 4959 Order of Elizabeth Theresa. 4963 Order of Francis Joseph. 4967 Order of the Golden Fleece. Cf. CR 5841. 4971 Order of the Iron CroAvn. 4975 Order of Leopold. 4979 Order of Maria Theresa. 4983 Order of St. Stephen. 4987 Order of the Starry Cross. 4991 Teutonic Knights. Cf. CR 4759-4775. 5001 Other orders. 5005 Medals and decorations. 5015 Hungary. France. 5025 General works. 5031 Lists of knights. Royal orders. 5035 Order of the Holy Ghost. 5037 Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. 5039 Order of St. Louis. 5041 Order of St. Michael. 5045 Other royal orders. 200G°- -15 8 113 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and kniglithood. Orders, etc. By country. Europe. France — Continued. Legion of Honor. 5055 Constitution and statutes. Lists and biography of members. 5059 General and France. 5061 Other countries, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. 5065 History and general works. 5071 Special and minor. 50S1 Other orders. 5085 Medals and decorations. Germany. ^^'^'^ Tvev^ir.. dai- wrol:$G.t orates, 5100 General works. ^ ' 5105 Lists of knights. 5109 Medals and decorations. Anhalt. 5115 Order of Albert the Bear. 5117 Other orders. Baden. 5125 General works. 5129 Order of the Lion of Zaehringen. 5131 Order of Loyalty, or Fidelity. 5133 Order of Military Merit of Charles Fred- erick. 5139 Other orders. Bavaria. 5147 General works. 5155 Order of the Bavarian Crown, or of Civil Merit. 5157 Order of Elizabeth. 5159 Order of Louis. 5161 Order of Maxhnilian. 5163 Order of Maxhnilian Joseph. 5165 Order of Military Merit. 5167 Order of St. Anne. 5169 Order of St. George. 5171 Order of St. Hubert. 5173 Order of St. Michael. 5175 Order of Theresa. 5181 Other orders. 5185 Medals and decorations. 114 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. By country. Europe. Germany — Continued. Brunswick. 5200 Order of Ileiny the Lion. 5205 Other orders. Hanover. 5215 Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. 5219 Other orders. Hesse. 5225 General works. 5229 Order of the Golden Lion. 5231 Order of Louis. 5233 Order of Merit of PhiUp the Magnanimous, or Merit of the House of Philippe-le-Bon. 5235 Order of Mihtary Merit. 5237 Order of the Military Sanitary Cross. 5241 Other orders. Lippe and Schaumburg-Lippe. 5251 Order of the Cross of Honor. 5255 Other orders. Mecklenburg - Schv^e:^in and Mecklenburg- StreUtz. 5261 Order of the Wendish Crovm. Mecldenburg-Schwerm . 5265 Order of the Cross of MiUtary Merit. 5267 Other orders. Mecklenburg-StreUtz . 5269 Order of the Cross of Military Merit. 5271 Other orders. Oldenbm-g. 5281 Order of Merit and of the Ducal House of Peter Frederick Louis. 5285 Other orders. Prussia. 5300 General v^^orks. 5303 Lists of knights. 5307 Order of the Black Eagle. C5311) Order of Civil Merit (in arts and sciences). 5315 Order of the Crown. 5319 Order of the House of Hohenzollern. 5323 Order of Louisa, 115 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. By country. Europe. Germany. Prussia — Continued. 5307 Order of Military Meri%i fka< \e. lAe<^iVc 5331 Order of the Red EagleP^'' '^^^^ ^-^ '^^^ ^^ =^''^^^^ 5341 Other orders. 5345 Medals and decorations. 5351 Iron cross. 5353 Cross of merit for women and girls. Reuss. 5361 Order of the Cross of Honor. 5365 Other orders. Saxon duchies. 5368 Ernestine Order. Saxe-Coburg-Go tha . 5371 Cross of merit in arts and sciences. 5375 Other orders. Saxe-Meiningen. 5378 Cross of merit in arts and sciences. 5379 Other orders, Saxe- Weimar-Eisenach. 5383 Order of the White Falcon. 5385 Other orders. Saxony. 5391 General works. 5397 Order of Civil Merit. 5400 Order of Merit of Albert the Valorous. 5403 Order of the Rue, or Green Crown. 5405 Order of St. Henry. 5407 Order of Sidonia. 5415 Other orders. 5419 Medals and decorations. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and Schwarzburg- Sondershausen. 5427 Order of the Cross of Honor. 5431 Other orders. Waldeck. 5441 Order of the Cross of Civil and Military Merit. 5445 Other orders. 116 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. By country. Europe. Germany — Continued. Wlirttemberg. 5451 General works. 5457 Order of the Crown. 5459 Order of Frederick. 5461 Order of Military Merit. 5463 Order of Olga. 5471 Other orders. 5475 Medals and decorations. Greece. 5485 General works. 5487 Order of the Redeemer (Savior). 5489 Other orders. Italy. 5500 General works. 5507 Order of the -Annunciation. 5511 Order of the Crown of Italy, or Iron Crown. 5515 Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus. 5519 Order of San Marino. 5523 Civil Order of Savoy. 5525 Military Order of Savoy. 5535 Other orders. 5537 Medals and decorations. Papal States. 5547 General works. 5553 Order of Christ. 5555 Order of the Holy Sepulcher. 5557 Order of Pius. 5559 Order of St. Cecilia. 5561 Order of St. Gregory the Great. 6563 Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Cf. CR 4715-4731. 5565 Order of St. Sylvester. 5575 Other orders. 5577 Medals and decorations. 117 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. By country. Europe — Continued. Netherlands. Belgium. 5590 General works. 5595 Order of the Iron Cross, or Order of Civil Merit. 5597 Order of Leopold. 5605 Other orders. 5607 Medals and decorations. Holland. 5617 General works. 5625 Order of the Netherlands Lion. 5627 Order of William. 5635 Other orders. 5637 Medals and decorations. Luxemburg. 5645 Order of the Golden Lion. 5647 Order of the Oak Crowu. Russia, 5657 General works. 5665 Order of Alexander Nevski. 5669 Order of Military Merit. 5673 Order of St. Andrew. 5677 Order of St. Anne. 5681 Order of St. Catherine. 5685 Order of St. George. 5689 Order of St. Vladimir. 5700 Other orders. 5703 Medals and decorations. Poland. 5713 General works. 5719 Order of Military Merit. 5721 Order of St. Stanislaus. 5723 Order of the White Eagle. Russian since 1831. 5730 Other orders. 5733 Medals and decorations. 5741 Finland. .^lAi La^v 118 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. By country. Europe — Continued. Scandinavia. 5745 General works. Denmark. 5750 General works. 5755 Order of Dannebrog, or Flag of the Danes. 5757 Order of the Elephant. 5763 Other orders. 5765 Medals and decorations. Norway. 5771 General works. 5775 Order of St. Olaf. 5779 Other orders. 5781 Medals and decorations. Sweden. 5787 General works. 5791 Order of Charles XIII. 5793 Order of the Pole Star, or Black Ribbon. 5795 Order of the Seraphim, or Blue Ribbon. 5797 Order of the Sword, Gauntlet, or YeUow Ribbon. 5799 Order of Vasa, or the Green Ribbon. 5807 Other orders. 5809 Medals and decorations. Spain. 5819 General works. 5825 Order of Alcantara. 5829 Order of Beneficencia. 5833 Order of Calatrava. 5837 Order of Charles III, or the Immaculate Con- ception. 5841 Order of the Golden Fleece. Cf. CR 4967. 5845 Order of Isabella the Cathohc. 5849 Order of Maria Isabella Louisa. 5853 Order of Maria Louisa. 5857 Order of Military Merit. 5861 Order of Naval Merit. 5865 Order of Our Lady of Montesa. 5869 Order of St. Ferdinand. 5873 Order of St. Hcrraengilde. 119 CR HERALDRY CR Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. By country. Europe. Spain — Continued. 5877 Order of St. James of Conipostella (Santiago). 5887 Other orders. 5889 Medals and decorations. Portugal. 5900 General works. 5907 Order of Christ. 5909 Order of Our Lady of the Conception of Villa Vi?osa. 5911 Order of St. Benedict of Aviz or of Evora. 5913 Order of St. Isabella. 5915 Order of St. James of the Sword. 5917 Order of the Tower and Sword. 5923 Other orders. 5925 Medals and decorations. 5935 Switzerland. 5845 Turkey. 5950 Albania. 5955 Bulgaria. 5965 Montenegro. 5975 Rumania. 5985 Servia. 6000 Asia. 6010 Arabia. 6020 China. 6040 Dutch East Indies. 6050 India and Ceylon. 6060 Indo-China. 6070 French Indo-China. 6080 Siam. 6090 Japan. 6100 Persia. 6120 Philippine Islands. 6130 Russia in Asia. 6140 Turkey in Asia. 6150 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. 6160 Africa. 6170 Egypt. 6180 British possessions. 120 CR HERALDRY CR HERALDRY Chivalry and knighthood. Orders, etc. By country. Africa — Continued. 6190 French possessions. 6200 German possessions. 6210 Portuguese possessions. 6220 Otlier African divisions, A-Z, 6230 ^iustralia and Pacific. 6250 North America. 6253 United States. 6257 Canada. 6261 Mexico. 6265 Central America. 6267 West Indies. 6270 South America. 6273 Argentine Republic. 6275 BoHvia. 6277 Brazil. 6287 Chile. 6289 Colombia. 6291 Ecuador. 6293 Guiana. 6297 Paraguay. 6299 Peru. 6303 Uruguay. 6305 Venezuela. 121 GENEALOGY 123 cs GENEALOGY SYNOPSIS General, etc 1-39 By country 42-2209 Personal and family names 2300-3090 General 2300-2357 Forenames 2367-2377 Surnames 2385-2389 By country 2395-3090 125 GENEALOGY cs 1 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. Collected works. 3 wSeveral authors. 4 Individual authors. 5 Directories. 6 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. History. 7 General works. 8 Biography of genealogists. .Al Collective. .A2-Z Individual. a. g. .D3 Deane, W. R. .W5 ^^Tiitmore, W. H. Compreliensive treatises. 9 American and English. 10 French. 11 German. 12 Other. 14 General special and minor. 15 Special. Auxiliaries to genealogical research. Popular genealogy. (Pedigree-tracing, How to write family history, etc.) 16 American and English works. 17 French. 18 German. 19 Other. 21 Minor, Pamphlets, etc. 23 Lists and manuals of unclaimed estates. 24 Forms, diagrams, family registers, etc. Genealogical lists, etc., covering more than one country or continent. Cf. CS 400-409, Europe. 25 General. By class. 27 Royalty, ruling families, chief magistrates, etc. 28 Nobility. 29 Gentry. 30 Commoners. 31 Other. 127 CS GENEALOGY CS Genealogical lists, etc. — Continued. By period. 33 Ea^l3^ 34 Medieval. 35 Modern. Family liistory covering more than one country. For Great Britain with tlie colonies (British Empire) prefer CS 438-439. If United States is included prefer CS 69-71. 38 Collective. 39 Individual, A-Z. By country. Unless otherwise specified, suharrange as indicated on special scheme following CS 2209. United States. General only, local in F. 42 Periodicals. Societies. 43 Sources and documents. Collections. 44 Directories. 45 Dictionaries. 47 General works, treatises, etc. 49 General special. 51 Minor. Pamplilets, etc. By class. Royalty and nobility. 55 By descent. 57 By marriage. Titled Americans. 59 Other. By period. 61 Colonial. 63 Revolutionary. 65 Later. 68 Registers of marriages, births, deaths, etc. Family history. 69 Collective. 71 Individual, A-Z. 80-90 Canada (II). Family history. 89 Collective. 90 Individual, A-Z. lO-llO Mexico (II). Family history. 109 Collective. 110 Individual, A-Z. 128 CS GENEALOGY (J§ By country — Continued. 120-129 Central America (II). 130-139 British Honduras (II). 140-149 Costa Jiica (II). 150-159 Guatemala (II). 160-169 Honduras (II). qo|. 170-179 Nicaragua (II). ^^.t 180-189 Panama (II). ogj. 190-199 Salvador (II). J^^l. 200-209 West Indies (II). |,g^ 210-219 Bahamas (II). -.g|, 220-229 Cuba (II). i^^^ 230-239 Haiti (II). 240-249 Jamaica (II). '^^^ 250-259 Porto Rico (II). (,5^ 261 Otlier, A-Z. Qg^ 270-279 South America (II). Sg|, 280-289 Argentine Republic (II). 290-299 Bolivia (II). 300-309 Brazil (II). 310-319 Chde (II). 320-329 Colombia (II). ^,,^ 330-339 Ecuador (II). 340-349 Guiana (II). ^j.^, 360-369 Paraguay (II). 370-379 Peru (II). 380-389 Uruguay (II). 390-399 Venezuela (II). 400-409 Europe (II). Great Britaui and England. 410 Periodicals. Societies. 411 Sources and documents. Collections. 412 Directories. 413 Dictionaries. 414 General works. 415 General special, including handbooks. 416 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. By class. 418 Royalty. 419 Nobility in general, i^rmorial families. General visitations. Special, see CS 437. 2006°— 15 9 129 cs GENEALOGY CS By country. Europe. Great Britain and England. Nobility in general — Continued. Titled nobility. 420 General works, 421 Peerage (Baronage). 422 Extinct and dormant. 423 Other special topics. 424 Baronetage. 425 Untitled nobility. Gentry. 426 Commoners. By period. 428 Early. 429 Medieval. 430 Modern. 432 Special, A-Z. e.g.: N7 Norman families. Records. Parish and other registers. Calendars and abstracts of wills, etc. Sepulchral records. History and description, see CD 1068. 434 Genera] Local. . collections. 435 Counties, A-Z. .B3 Bedfordshire. .M7 Monmouthshire . .B5 Berkshire. .N2 Norfolk. .B8 Buckinghamshire. .N4 N orthamptonshire. .C2 Cambridgeshire. .N6 Northumberland. .05 Cheshire. .N8 Nottinghamshire. .C6 Cornwall. .05 Oxfordshire. .08 Cumberland. .R5 Rutlandshire. .D2 Derbysliire. Salop, see Shrop- .D4 Devonshire. shire. .D6 Dorsetshire. .S2 Shropshire. .D8 Durham. .S3 Somersetshire. .EG Essex. Southampton .G5 Gloucestershire. (County), see .H2 Hampshire. Hampshire. .H4 Herefordshire. .S5 Staffordshire. .H6 Hertfordshire. .S7 Suffolk. .H8 Huntingdonshire. .S8 Surrey. .K4 Kent. .S9 Sussex. .L3 Lancashire. .W2 Warwickshire. .L5 Leicestershire. .W4 Westmoreland. .L7 Lincolnshire. .W6 Wiltshire. London, 8eeOS436.L7. .W8 Worcestershire. .M4 Middlesex. .Y4 Yorkshire. 130 CS GENEALOGY CS s GENEALOGY By country. Europe. Great Britain and England. Records. Local — Continued . 436 Parishes, cities, etc., A-Z. e. g. .B58 Birmingham. .04 Canterbury. .16 Ipswdch. .L5 Lincoln. .L7 London. .04 Oldham. .R6 Rochdale. .S87 Suffolk. 437 County visitations, genealogies, etc.j Family history. ,A-Z. 438 Collective. 439 Individual, A-Z. 450-459 Wales (II). 460-479 Scotland (I). 480-499 Ireland (I). 500-519 Austria-Hungary (I). 524 Austria, Lower. 525 Austria, Upper 527 Bohemia. 529 Bukowina. 531 Carinthia. 533 Camiola. 535 Coastland. 537 Gorz and Gradiska. 538 Istria. 539 Trieste. 541 Dalmatia. 543 Galicia. 545 Moravia. 547 Salzburg. 549 Silesia. 551 Styria. 553 Tyiol. 555 Vorarlberg. 557 Bosnia and Herzegovina, 560-569 Hungary (II). 580-599 France (I). 131 s GENEALOGY By country. Europe — Continued. 610-629 Germany (I). 616 Royalty and court. 617 Nobility. 618 Counts (Griifliche familien). 619 Barons (Freiherrliche familien). 620 Lesser nobility (Adelige familien). 621 Commoners (Biirgerliche familien). 634 Alsace-Lorraine. 636 Anhalt. 638 Baden. 640-649 Bavaria (II). 652 Bremen. 654 Brunswick. 656 Hamburg. 658 Hesse. 660 Lippe. 662 Ltibeck. 664 Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 666 Mecklenburg-Strelitz. 668 Oldenburg. 670-679 Prussia (II). 682 Reuss, Elder line. 683 Reuss, Younger line. 685 Saxe-Altenburg. 686 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 687 Saxe-Meiningen. 688 Saxe-Weimar. 690-699 Saxony (II). 702 Schaumburg-Lippe. 704 Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. 706 Schwarzburg-Sondershauseno 708 Waldeck. 710-719 Wurttemberg (II). 730-739 Greece (II). 750-769 Italy (I). 780-789 Netherlands (II). 790-809 Belgium (I). 810-829 HoUand (I). g^O-SSq Lu^tevv^burg.' l.II) 840-859 Russia (I). • ' "•" 870-879 Poland (II). 884 Finland. CS 132 cs GENEALOGY By country. Europe — Continued. 890-899 Scandinavia (II). 900-909 Denmark (II). 910-919 Norway (11). 920-929 Sweden (II). 930-939 Iceland (II). 940-959 Spain (I). 960-969 Portugal (II). 980-999 Switzerland (I). Turkey and Balkan States, 1010-1019 Albania (II). 1020-1029 Bulgaria (II). 1030-1039 Montenegro (II). 1040-1049 Rumania (II). 1050-1059 Servia (II). 1060-1069 Turkey in Europe (IT). 1080-1089 Asia (II). 1100-1109 Afghanistan (II). 1120-1129 Arabia (II). 1140-1149 Baluchistan (II). 1160-1169 China (II). 1170-1179 Dutch East Indies ai). 1180-1189 Far East. Indonesia (U). 1200-1209 India and Ceylon (II). 1220-1229 Indo-China (II). 1230-1239 French Indo-China (11). 1250-1259 Siam (II). 1270-1279 Straits Settlements (II). 1300-1309 Japan (II). 1330-1339 Korea ai). 1360-1369 Persia (II). 1390-1399 Phihppine Islands (II). 1420-1429 Russia in Asia (II). 1440-1449 Central Asia (II). 1450-1459 Siberia (II). 1470-1479 Turkey in Asia (U). 1490-1499 Armenia (II). 1500-1509 Palestine (II). 1510-1519 Syria (II). 1520 Other, A-Z. CS 133 cs GENEALOGY By country — Continued. 1550-1559 Africa (II). 1570-1579 Abyssinia (II). 1590-1599 British (II). 1610-1619 Cape of Good Hope (II). 1621 East Africa. 1623 Natal. 1625 Nyasaland (Central Africa Protectorate) 1627 Orange Free State. 1629 Rhodesia. 1630-1639 Transvaal (II). 1643 West Africa. 1645 Other colonies. 1647 Kongo Free State. 1650-1659 Egypt (II). 1670-1679 French (II). 1680-1689 Algeria and Turns (11). 1691 Kongo. 1693 Madagascar. 1695 Senegambia. 1697 Sudan. 1698 Others. 1700-1709 German (II). 1711 East. 1712 Kamerun. 1713 • Southwest. 1716 Itahan. 1717 Eritrea. 1718 Somaliland. 1720-1729 Liberia (II). 1740-1749 Morocco (II). 1760 Portuguese. 1762 East. 1763 West. 1765 Spanish. 1767 Canary Islands. 1768 Rio de Oro. 1770 Tripoh, 2000-2009 Australia (II). 2020-2029 New South Wales (II). 2040-2049 New Zealand (II). 2060-2069 Northern Territory of Australia (II). 2080-2089 Queensland (II). 2100-2109 South Austraha (II). CS 134 cs GENEALOGY By country. Australia — Continued. 2120-2129 Tasmania (II). 2140-2149 Victoria (II). 2160-2169 Western Austrsilia (II). Pacific Islands. 2191 General. 2195 Special, A-Z. 2200-2209 Hawaiian Islands (II). CS SPECIAL SCHEMES I AND II II I Periodicals. Societies. Collections. [1 Directories. 1 Dictionaries. 2 3 General works, treatises, etc. 3 4 General special, minor, etc. By class. 6 Royalty and the court. 7 Aristocracy and nobility in general. 4 8 Peerage. 9 Other nobility. .10 Gentry. 5 11 Commoners. By period. 6 [12 [13 Early. Medieval. 7 14 Modern. 16 Special topics, A-Z. (In II classed with General special.) 8 17 Local, not elsewhere provided for, A-Z Cf. D-DU. 9 Family history. .A2 18 Collective, other than local. .A3-Z 19 Individual, A-Z. 135 ^f^ GENEALOGY CS PERSONAL AND FAMILY NAMES Place names are classed in D, E, F. 2300 Periodicals. Societias. Collections. Collected works. 2301 Sevei'iil authors. 2302 Individual authors. General works. 2303 Philological treatises. Histor3^ and description. 2305 General works. 2309 General special. 2315 Miscellaneous and special. Law. Legal changes of name, etc. Cf . Subdivision 6 in special scheme No. 3 following CR 4420. 2325 General works. 2327 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. By period. 2347 Ancient. Egyptian and Oriental, see CS 2950-3070. 2349 Greek. 2351 Koman. 2353 Other. 2355 Medieval. 2357 Modern. Forenames (Christian names). 2367 General works, including masculine. Feminine. 2369 General works. 2371 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. 2375 By country, A-Z. See Table of countries on p. 170. 2377 Lists of children's names, minor, etCc Surnames. 2385 General works. 2389 Miscellaneous and special. 136 cs GENEALOGY CS By country, nationality, etc. Under each country to wliich ten numbers have been assigned arrange as follows: Collective. 1 General works. 3 Early and medieval. Forenames, see CS 2371-2375. 5 Surnames. 7 Special and miscellaneous. 8 Particular names, A-Z. 9 Local, A-Z. 2395 Celtic. 2398 Breton. 2400-2409 Cornish. 2410-2419 Irish. 2420-2429 Manx. 2430-2439 Scotch. 2440-2449 Welsh. 2465 Teutonic. 2468 Gothic. 2470 Aiiglo-Saxon. 2480-2489 American. Indian names are classed in E. 2500-2509 Enghsh. 2520-2529 Dutch. CS 2529. N5 New Netherlands. 2540-2549 German. 2560-2569 Scandinavian. 2570-2579 Danish, 2580 Icelandic. 2590-2599 Norwegian. 2600-2609 Swedish. 2620-2629 Swiss. 2640 Other. 2685 Romance. 2690-2699 French. 2700 French-Canadian . 2710-2719 Italian. 2730-2739 Rumanian. 2740-2749 Spanish. 2760-2769 Portuguese. 2770 Other. 137 cs GENEALOGY By country, nationality, etc. — Contir 2805 Slavic. 2808 Old Slavonic. 2810-2819 Russian . 2830 Bohemian. 2840 Polish. 2850 Serbo-Croatian. 2860 Other. 2880 Lithuanian. 2900 Finnish. 2910 Hungarian. 2920 Greek, Modern. 2930 Other. . •_2q4<3 Otker Eu 2950 Oriental. o^,..,L'- 2960 Albanian. 2970 Arabic. 2980 Armenian. 2990 Chinese. 3000 Japanese. 3010 Jewish . --/-^ 5 fA'i 2-1 . M 3 T i^ 3020 Persian. 3030 Sanskrit and other Indie. 3040 Turkish. 3070 Egyptian. 3080 Other African, A-Z. 3090 Malayo Polynesian, A-Z. CS "^'J^^mM.'^^ 138 BIOGRAPHY 139 CT BIOGRAPHY SYNOPSIS Biography as an art, etc 21-83 General (Collections) 93-203 General special 205 National 210-3090 "Women 3200-3830 By subject 3910-9995 'VaWfi^^ x^iSl _ 141 BIOGRAPHY General works: Collections and Individual biography not regarded aa illustrative of any one special class or subject represented in the schedules of other classes. Cf. Bio-bibliography in class Z. CT 21 Biography as an art or a form of literary composition. 25 Autobiograph3^ 31' History of biographical literature. Lives of biographers. Prefer classes A-Z, especially the subdiviflion Hifltoriography in D, and its subclasses,^ .1" ■ ' ^ fi' ./ ui 2 . — . . . ' - Ancient. Oriental. Classical, see PA. Greece. Rome. 61 Medieval. 71 Modern. 73 15th century. 75 16th century, 77 17th century. 79 18th century. 81 19th century. 83 20th century. es COLLECTIONS General. Universal. 93 Eariy works in Latin. .' , 95 -Eariy works with trans lation s. Ot\A&< earXv \nc-< -07 Othef^arly^wo rks (vo V, e.-g^ r>H- V-erdierr- American and English. 100 Serials. Year-books. Societies, institutions, etc. 101 Collections. e. g. " Little journeys, " "Famous autobiographies." 102 Early works (to 1800). 103 Dictionaries (1801-). 104 General works (1801-). 143 CT BIOGRAPHY CT General, Universal. American and English Continued. 105 General special. e. ix. Men who have failed; deaths of celebrated men aud women. 106 Miscellaneous and minor. 107 Juvenile. 108 Soubriquets and nicknames. By period. (110) Ancient, see D 55. (111) Classical, see DE 7. Plutarch's lives, see PA, but English translations, DE 7. (112) Medieval, see D 115. Modern. For year-books prefer CT 100. 115 15th centur3\ 116 16 th century. 117 17th century. 118 18th century. 119 19th (-20th) centuries. 120 20th century. Dutch. 130 Serials. Year-books. 131 Collections. 132 Early works (to 1800). 133 Dictionaries (1801-). 134 General and miscellaneous works (1801-;. 135 Minor. Juvenile. By period. 136 To 1600 (modern works). Ancient and medieval, see D 106-110. 137 17th-18th centuries. 138 19th-20th centuries. 139 20th century. French. 140 Serials. Year-books. 141 Collections. 142 Early works (to 1800). ]^^ \^ ^^^ (^T'^S", 143 Dictionaries (1801-). 144 General ajid miscellaneous works (1801-). 145 Minor. Juvenile. By period. 146 To 1600 (modern works). Ancient and medieval, see D 106-110. 147 17th-18th centuries. 148 19th-20th centuries. 149 20th century. 144 CT BIOGRAPHY CT General. Universal — Continued. German. 150 Serials. Year-books. 151 Collections. 152 Early works (to 1800). 153 Dictionaries (1801-). 154 General and niiscellaiieons works (1801-). 155 Minor. Juvenile. .q^WJqueU av^ ., By period. 156 To 1600 (modern works). Ancient and medieval, see D 106-110. 157 17th-18tli centuries. 158 19tb-20tli centuries. 159 20th century. Italian. 160 Serials. Year-books. 161 Collections. 162 Early works (to 1800). 163 Dictionaries (1801-). 164 General and miscellaneous works (1801-). 165 Minor. Juvenile. By period. 166 To 1600 (modern works). Ancient and medieval, see D 106-110. 167 17th-18th centuries. 168 19tb-20tb centuries. 169 20th century. Scandinavian. 170 Serials. Year-books. 171 Collections. 172 Early works (to 1800). 173 Dictionaries (1801-). 174 General and miscellaneous works (180 1-). 175 Minor. Juvenile. By period. .176 To 1600 (modern works). Ancient and medieval, see D 106-110. 177 17th-18th centuries. 178 19th-20th centuries. 179 20th century. Spanish and Portuguese, 180 Serials. Year-books. 181 Collections. 182 Early works (to 1800). 2006°— 15 10 145 CT BIOGRAPHY CT General. Universal. Spanish and Portuguese — Continued. 183 Dictionaries (1801-). 184 General and miscellaneous works (1801-). 185 Minor. Juvenile. By period. 186 To 1600 (modern works). Ancient and medieval, see D 106-110. 187 17th-lStli centuries. 188 19th-20th centuries. 189 20th century. Slavic. 190 Serials. Year-books. 191 Collections. 192 Early works (to 1800). 193 Dictionaries (1801-). 194 General and miscellaneous works (1801-). 195 Minor. Juvenile. By period. 196 To 1600 (modern works). Ancient and medieval, see D 106-110. 197 17th-18th centuries. 198 19th-20th centuries. 199 20th century. 203 Other languages. 205 General special. (Classes not included in CT 3910-9995, Biography by subject.) 146 CT BIOGRAPHY CT NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Unles3 otherwise specified, subarrango as indicated on special schemes la: ad II following CT 3150. For literary biography, see class P United States. 210 Serials. Year-books. 211 Collections. 213 Dictionaries. 214 General works. 215 General special. 216 Minor. Miscellaneous (Addresses, etc.). 217 Juvenile. By period. 218 To 1800. 219 19 th century. 220 20th century. Individual states. 221 Alabama. 222 Alaska. 223 Arizona. 224 Arkansas. 225 California. " ' " 2 226 Colorado. • , t 227 Delaware. (228) District of Columbia, see F 193. 229 Florida. 230 Georgia. 231 Idaho. 232 Illinois. Indian Territory, see Oklahoma. 233 Indiana. 234 Iowa. 235 Kansas. 236 Kentucky. 237 Louisiana. 238 Maine. 239 Maryland. 240 Massachusetts. 241 Michigan. 242 Minnesota. 243 Mississippi. 244 Missouri. 245 Montana. 246 Nebraska. 147 CT BIOGRAPHY C United States. Individual states — Continued. 247 Nevada. 248 New Hampsliire. 249 New Jersey. 250 New Mexico. 251 New York. 252 North Carolina. 253 North Dakota. 254 Ohio. 255 Oklahoma. 256 Oregon. 257 Pennsylvania. 258 Rhode Island. 259 South Carolina, 260 South Dakota. 261 Tennessee. 262 Texas. 263 Utah. 264 Vermont. 265 Virginia. 266 Washington. 267 West Virginia. 268 Wisconsin. 269 Wyoming. (270) Special cities, see F. (273) Presidents, sec E 176.1. 275 Individual biography, A-Z. (276) Negro biography, see E 185.96-97; also E 444, E 449. 278 British America. Canada. 280 Serials. Year-books. 281 Collections 283 Dictionaries. 284 General and miscellaneous works. 285 Minor works (Pamphlets, addresses, etc.). By period. 286 To 1800. 287 19th century. 288 20th century. Special country divisions. (For special cities prefer F.) 290 Nova Scotia. 291 New Brunswick. 148 CT BIOGRAPHY CT British America. Canada. Special country divisions — Continued. 292 Prince Edward Island. 293 Quebec. 294 Ontario. 295 Manitoba. 296 British Columbia. 298 Northwest provinces and territories. 299 iUberta. 300 Assiniboia. 301 Athabasca. 302 Franldin. 303 Keewatin. 304 # Mackenzie. 305 Northwest Territories (1905-). 306 Saskatchewan. 307 Ungava. 308 Yukon. 309 Other, A-Z. 310 Individual biographv, A-Z. 320-328 Newfoundland (II). Other British possessions. 330-338 Bermudas (II). 339 West Indies. 340-348 Bahamas (II). 350-358 Barbados (II). 360-368 Jamaica (II). 370-378 Leeward Islands (II). 380-388 Trinidad and Tobago (II). 390-398 Windward Islands (II). 400-408 British Honduras (II). 410-418 British Guiana (II). 420-428 Falkland Islands (II). 430-438 Danish West Indies (II). 440 Dutch possessions. 440-448 Curasao (II). 450-458 Dutch Guiana (II). 459 French possessions. 460-468 French Guiana (II). 470-478 Guadeloupe and dependencies (II), 480-488 Martinique (II). 490-498 St. Pierre and Miquelon (II). 149 CT BIOGRAPHY 500-506 Spanish America. Latin America (II). 510-518 Cuba (II). 520-528 Porto Rico (II). 530-538 Haiti (II). 540-548 Santo Domingo (II). 550-557? Mexico (II). ooi ■ — Rulei-s. -h%^ Other individual, A-Z.- 570 Central America. 580-588 Costa Rica (II). 590-598 Guatemala (II) 600-608 Honduras (II). British Honduras, see CT 400-408, 610-618 Nicaragua (II). 620-628 Panama (II). 630-638 Salvador (II). 640 South America. 650-658 Ai-gcntine Republic (II). 670-678 Bolivia (II). 680-688 Brazil (II). British Guiana, see CT 410-418. 690-698 Chile (II). 700-708 Colombia (II). Dutch Guiana, see CT 450-458. 710-718 Ecuador (II). French Guiana, see CT 460-468. 720-728 Paraguav (II). 730-738 Peru (II). 740-748 Uruguay (II). 750-758 Venezuela (II). Europe. 770-788 Great Britain. England (I). 790-808 Ireland (I). 810-828 Scotland (I). 830-848 Wales (I). 850-858 Gibraltar (II). 870-878 Malta (II). 900-913 Austria-Hungary. Austria (I). 920 Austria, Lower. 921 Austria, Upper. 930 Bohemia. 940 Bosnia-Herzegovina. 941 Bukowina. 942 Carinthia. CT 150 CT BIOGRAPHY Eiiropo. Austria-llujit^ary. — Continued 943 Carniola. 94-1 Croatia-Slavonia. 945 Dalmatia. 946 Galicia. 947 Gorz and Gradiska. 950 Hungaiy. 970 Istria. 971 Liechtenstein. 972 Moravia. 973 Salzburg. 974 Silesia. 975 Styria. 976 Trieste. 977 Tyrol. 978 Voralberg. (985) Rulers, see DB. 995 Individual, A-Z 1000-1018 France (I). 1020-1028 Andorra (II). 1030-1038 Monaco (II). 1050-1064 Germany (I). 1066 Alsace-Lorraine. 1067 Anhalt. 1068 Baden. 1069 Bavaria. 1070 Bremen. 1071 Brunswick. 1072 Hamburg. 1073 Hanover. 1074 Hesse. 1075 Lippe. 1076 Liibeck. 1077 Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 1078 Mecklenburg-Strelitz. 1079 Oldenburg. 1080 Prussia. 1081 Reuss, Elder line. 1082 Reuss, Younger line. 1083 Saxe-Altcnburg. 1084 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 1085 Saxe-Meiningen. 1086 Saxe-Weimar. CT 151 CT BIOGRAPHY Europe. Germany — Continued. 1087 Saxony. 1088 Schaumburg-Lippc. 1089 Schwarzburg-Paidoistadt. 1090 Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. 1091 Waldeck. 1092 AYiirttemberg (including Swabia). 1093 Other states (extinct, mediatized gions, A-Z. (1094) Special cities, A-Z. See DD, (1095) Riders, see DD. 1098 Individual, A-Z. 1100-1118 Greece (I). 1120-1138 Italy (I). 1140-1158 Netherlands. Holland (I). 1160-1178 Belgium (I). Luxemburg (Grand duchy) (II). 1180 Collective. 1182 Individual, A-Z. 1200-1218 Russia (I). Finland. 1220 Collective. 1222 Individual, A-Z. Poland. 1230 Collective. 1232 Individual, A-Z. 1240-1258 Scandinavia (I). 1260-1278 Denmark (I). Iceland (II). 1280 Collective. 1282 Individual, A-Z. 1290-1308 Norway (I). 1310-1328 Sweden (I). 1330 Spain and Portugal. 1340-1358 Spain (I). 1360-1378 Portugal (I). 1380-1398 Switzerland (I). Turkey and Balkan States. 1399 Albania. 1400-1408 Bulgaria (II). 1420-1428 Montenegro (II). 1430-1438 Rumania (II). 1450-1458 Servia (11). 1470-1478 Turkey in Euro].)e (II). CT etc.) and re- 152 :)T BIOGRAPHY Asia. 1500-1508 British India (II). Other British possessions. 1530 Borneo. 1540 Ceylon. 1550 Hongkon*];. 1560 Malay States. 1570 Straits Settlements. 1590-1598 Dutch East Indies (II). 1610-1618 French India (II). 1620-1628 French Indo-China (II). Annam, Cambodia. Coch in-China. Tongking. Laos States. 1640-1648 German colonies. 1660 Kiao-chou. 1680 Portuguese colonies. 1700 Goa. 1720 Macao. 1740 Timor. Russian possessions. 1770-1778 Siberia (II). 1790-1798 Philippine Islands (II). Native states. Far East. 1820-1828 China (II). 1830-1838 Japan (II). 1840-1848 Korea (II). 1850-1858 Siam (ID. Southwest Asia. 1870-1878 Afghanistan (II). 1880-1888 Persia (II). Turkey in Asia. 1890-1898 Arabia (II). 1900-1908 Armenia (II), 1910-1918 Syria (II). 1920 Africa. 1925 British possessions. 1930-1938 Cape of Good Hope (II), 1940-1948 Natal (II). 1950-1958 Orange Free State (II). 1960-1968 Transvaal (II). CT 153 CT BIOGRAPHY CT BIOGRAPHY Africa. British possessions — Continued. South Central Africa. 1970 Bechuanaland Protectorate. lOSO Rhodesia. Central Africa. 1900 Central Mrica Protectorate. East Africa. 2000 Uganda. 2930 Zanzibar. 2050 Somaliland. West Africa. 2070 Ashanti. 2090 Gambia. 2110 Gold Coast. 2130 Lagos. 2150 Nigeria. Islands. Atlantic Ocean. 2170 Ascension. 2190 St. Helena. Indian Ocean. 2210 Mauritius. 2220 Seychelles. 2250 French possessions North Africa. 2260 Algeria. 2270 Tunis. West Africa. 2289 Dahomey. 2290 Guinoa. 2300 Ivory Coast. 2310 Mauritania. 2340 Senegal. 534^2. '" French Kongo. Equatorial Africa, East Africa. 2360 Somali coast. Islands. 2380 Madagascar. 2390 Reunion. 2410 Comoro Islands. 2420 Mayotta. Sudan. 154 CT' BIOGRAPHY CT Africa — Continued . 2450 German possessions. 2470 East Africa. 2480 Kamerun. 2490 Southwest iVfrica. 2500 Togoland. 2550 Italian i)ossessions, A-Z. 2555 Individual biography, A-Z. 2570 Kongo (Kongo Free State, Belgian Kongo). 2600 Portuguese possessions. 2630 Angola. 2640 Cape Verde. 2650 East Africa. 2670 Spanish possessions, A-Z. 2675 Individual biography, A-Z. Native states. 2690 Abyssinia. 2710 Egypt. 2720 Liberia. 2740 Morocco. 2750 Biography of individual Africans (not identified with special subject or country). Cf. HT 869, Biography of slaves. E 444, Slaves in the United States. Australia and New Zealand. 2800-2808 Austraha (II). 2810-2818 New South Wales (II). 2820-2828 Queensland (II). 2830-2838 South Australia (II). 2840-2848 Tasmania (II). 2850-2858 Victoria (II). 2860-2868 Western Australia (II). 2870-2878 Northern Territory of Australia. 2880-2888 New Zealand (II). Pacific Islands. American possessions. 2900 Guam. 2910 Hawaii. Philippine Islands, see CT 1790-1798. 2920 Samoan Islands. British possessions. 2940 Fiji Islands. 2950 New Guinea. Cf. CT 3060. 2960 Tonga Islands (Friendly Islands). 165 CT BIOGRAPHY CT Pacific Islands — Continued. French possessions. 2980 New Caledonia. 2990 Taliiti. German possessions. 3010 Bismarck Archipelago. 3020 Caroline Islands. 3040 Ladrone Islands. 3050 Marshall Islands. 3060 New Guinea (Kaiser Wilhebn's Land). Cf. CT 2950. 3070 Pelew Islands. 3080 Samoan Islands. Cf. CT 2920. 3090 Solomon Islands. 3150 Individuals not identified with any special country, A-Z. 156 CT BIOGRAPHY NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. SPECIAL SCHEMES I AND II. CT I II Serials. Year-books. Serials. Year-books. 1 Collections. 1 Collections. 2 Early works (to 1800). 3 General and miscellaneoi] 3 Dictionaries (1801-). works. 4 General works (1801-). 4 Minor works. 5 General special. By period. 6 Miscellaneous and minor. Ancient, see D. 7 Juvenile. Medieval, see D. By period. Modern. [8] Ancient, see D. 5 To 1800. [9] Medieval, see D. 6 1801- Modern. 7 By country, A-Z. 10 15th-16tli centuries. Special cities, see D-F. 11 17th-18tli centuries. 8 Individual biography, A-Z. 12 19th-20tli centuries. Including correspondence. 13 20th century. Rulers, see D-F. 14 Colonies (General). .Z9 Persons not known b Prefer CT 278-3090. name. 15 By country, A-Z. [16] Special cities, see D. [17] Rulers, see D-F. 18 Individual biography, A-Z. Including correspondence. .Z9 Persons not known by name. ••"f W\oi . 157 |>M1 Kll II tK A KM T CT BIOGRAPHY BIOGRAPHY BY SUBJECT Based on ffeneral Library of Congress classification. Numbers in brackets for added entries in card ehelflist only. Biography of women. Cf. CT 8240-8273, CT 7205. 3200 Periodicals. Collections. General works. 3201 To 1800. 3202 1801- 3203 General special. e. g. Women travelers. 3205 Juvenile. e. g. Historic girls. 3210 Ancient. 3220 Medieval. 3230 Modern. 3232 15th-16tli centuries. 3233 17th-18tli centuries. 3234 19tli-20tli centuries. 3235 20tli century. 3250 America. 3260 United States. 3270 Canada. British America. 3290 Latin America. 3310 Europe. 3320 Great Britain. England. 3330 Ireland. 3340 Scotland. 3350 Wales. 3360 British colonial. See also CT 3270, CT 3700-3830. 3410 Austria. 3420 France. 3430 Germany. 3440 Greece. 3450 Italy. Netherlands. 3470 HoUand. 3480 Belgium. 3490 Russia. 3500 Scandinavia. 3510 Denmark. 3520 Iceland. 3530 Norway. 3540 Sweden. .158 CT BIOGRAPHY CT Biography of women. Europe— Continued. Spain and Portugal. 3560 Spain. 3570 Portugal 3580 Turke}' and Balkan States. 3590 Turkey. 3600 Balkan States. 3650 Other European. 3700 Asia. 3710 Cliina. 3720 India. 3730 Japan. 3750 Africa. 3770 British Africa. 3800 Australia and New Zealand. 3830 Pacific Islands. Cf. CT 4150. 3910 Encyclopedists. (3950) Museum officials. Journalists, see CT 8350, 8547, 8557,etc. 3990 Academicians. Scholars. Savants. For scholars eminent in more than one of the special eubjecta following. .A2 Collective. .A3-Z Individual. [4150] Pliilosophy. [4160] Ancient, see B, PA, PJ-PL. [4180] American. [4190] Dutch. [4200] English. [4210] French. [4220] German. [4230] Italian. [4240] Scandinavian. [4250] Slavic. [4260] Spanish and Portuguese. [4270] Swiss. [4280] Other. Rehgion. Tiieology. f4350] General. -{4360] Christian. [4370] ]Vlissions. . [4380] Lives of the Saints. 159 CT BIOGRAPHY C Religion. Theology. Christian — Continued. [4390] Early Christian. Fathers of the Church. [4400] Eastern Cliurch. Greek and Russo-Greek. [4450] Roman Catholic Church. . [4460] Lives of the Popes. v{4470] Lives of the Cardinals. -f4480]s Other clerics (Archbishops, bishops, abbes, etc.^ [4500] Religious orders. [4510] Angus tinians [4530] Benedictines. Cluniacs. vf4540] Brothers of the Common life. [4550] Capuchins. [4560] Carmelites. [4570] Carthusians. [4580] Cistercians. [4600] Dominicans. [4630] Franciscans. [4650] Jesuits. [4670] Trappists. [4690] Others. Special countries. [4750] America. [4760] United States. [4770] Canada. British America. [4800] Tjatin America. [4810] Mexico. [4820] Central America. [4830] By countries, A-Z. [4840] West Indies. [4850] Islands, A-Z. [4860] South America. [4865] Argentine Repubhc. [4870] Bolivia. [4875] Brazil. [4880] Chile. [4885] Colombia. [4890] Dutch Guiana. [4895] Ecuador. [4900] French Guiana. [4905] Paraguay. [4910] Peru. [4915] Uruguay. [4920] Venezuela. 160 CT BIOGRAPHY CT Religion. Theology. Christian. Roman Catholic Church. Special countries — Continued. [4950] Austria-Hungary. [4960] France. [4970] Germany. [4980] Great Britain. [4990] Italy. [5000] Netherlands. [5010] Holland. [5020] Belgium. [5030] Scandinavia. [5040] Denmark. [5050] Iceland. [5060] Norway. [5070] Sweden. Spain and Portugal. [5080] Spain. [5090] Portugal. [5100] Switzerland. 5110 Others, A-Z [5150] Protestant. [5170] Anglican. [5180] American Protestant Episcopal. [5200]^: Continental. [5220] Lutherans. [5240] Huguenots. [5260] Reformed, Evangelical (Zwingli). Other sects. [5300] Adventists. [5320] Baptists. [5340] CampbeUite or Christian (Disciples of Christ). [5360] Christian Science. [5380] Congregational. [5400] Dowieism. [5420] Friends. Quakers. [5440] German Baptist Brethren (Dunkards). [5460] German Reformed Church in America. [5480] Mennonites. [5500] Methodist. [5520] African Methodist. [5540] Moravians. [5560] New Jerusalem Church. Swedenborgianism. 2006°— 15 11 161 CT BIOGRAPHY CT Religion. Theology Christian. Protestant. Other sects — Continued. [5580] Presbyterian. [5600] Puritans. [5620] Reformed (Dutch) Church. [5640] Salvation Army. [5660] Shakers. [5700] Unitarian. [5720] Universalist. [5640] Miscellaneous. [5750] Young Men's Christian Association. [5760] Young Women's Christian Association. Non-Christian rehgious sects. [5800] Babism. Bahaism, [5830] Brahmanism. Buddhism. [5860] Jews. [5880] Mohammedanism. [5910] Mormonism. [5850] Freetliinkers. Infidels. Atheists. [6000] History. Historians. vf6020] Antiquities (General). Antiquarians, archeologists Cf. CT 7210. [6050] Archives. Diplomatics. Paleography. [6070] Numismatics. [6090] Inscriptions. Epigraphy. Cf. CT 6050. [6110] Heraldry. [6130] Genealogy. [6200] Geography (Geographers, travelers, explorers). [6250] Anthropology. [6300] Folk-lore. [6330] Manners and customs. [6370] Sports and amusements. Athletes. Sportsmen. Fishing, see CT 9620. Hunting, see CT 9630. [6390] Dancing. /I6410] Social sciences (Sociologists. Economists). [6430] Statistics. [6450] Railways and steamship transportation. .{6470] Commerce. Merchants. [6490] Finance. Bankers. [6510] Insurance. 162 CT BIOGRAPHY CT Social sciences (Sociologists. Economists)— Continued. [6530] Public finance. Sociologists, see CT 6410. [6570] Women (Feminism. Emancipation, etc.). Prefer CT 3200-3830. Secret societies. [6600] Freemasons. [6620] Odd Fellows. [6650] Others, A-Z. [6700] Philanthropy. [6710] Red Cross. [6720] Protection of children. [6730] Blind. [6740] Deaf and dumb. [6750] Protection of animals. [6760] Temperance. [6800] Criminology. Penology. Cf. CT 6250, 6950. [6820] Police. [6840] Prison reform. [6860] Criminals. [6900] Political science. Publicists, etc. [6920] International law. i6950]' Law. [7000] Education. [7010] Theories of education. e. g. Pestalozzi, Froebel, Herbart. Cf. CT 4150. [7030] Teachers. [7040] United States. [7050] Foreign. [7100] Music. [7120] Composers. [7130] Conductors. Managers. Impresarios. [7140] Vocal music. Singers. [7160] Instrumental music. Pianists. Violinists, etc. [7170] Critics. Historians [7180] Publishers. [7200] Fine arts. Artists. [7205] Women artists. [7210] Art critics, historians. [7220] Art collectors. [7230] Architects. [7240] Sculptors. [7250] Draughtsmen. Illustrators. 163 CT BIOGRAPHY CT Mir: d^^ f fl Fine arts. Artists — Oonti [7260] Painters. [7270] Engravers. Etcliers. [7280] Decorative arts. [7285] Pottery. [7350] ] Language. Ptiilology. [7370] Classical. [7390] GreeJi. [7410] Latin. [7430] Celtic. [7450] Romance. [7460] Frencli. [7470] Italian. [7480] Spanish. [7490] Portuguese. [7500] Minor. [7530] Teutonic. Germanic, [7540] Dutch. [7550] German. [7560] Scandinavian, [7570] Enghsh. [7600] Slavic. [7610] Bohemian. [7620] Pohsh. [7630] Russian. [7640] Minor. Lithuanian-Lettish. [7670] Lithuanian- [7690] Lettish. [7710] Albanian. Fiuuo-Ugrian. [7730] Finnish. [7750] Hungarian. [7770] Basque. [7800] Oriental. [7820] Egyptian. [7830] Semitic. [7840] Assyriology. [7850] Hebrew. [7860] Yiddish. [7870] Aramaic. Syriac [7880] Arabic. 164 CT BIOGRAPHY CT Language. Philology. Oriental — Continued. [7900] Indo-Iranian. [7920] Indie. Vedic. Sanskrit. [7940] Iranian. [7950] Persian. [7960] Armenian. [7980] Gipsy. [8000] Altaic. Languages of eastern Asia, Oceanica, Africa. [8020] Turkish. [8030] Japanese. [8040] Korean. [8050] Chinese. [8060] Indo-Chinese. [8070] Malayo-Polynesian (Australia, Philippine Islands, etc.). [8100] Hyperborean. American. [8150] Artificial. Universal (Esperanto, etc.). Literature. Universal. [8210] Dictionaries. [8220] General works. [8225] General special. [8230] Minor. Juvenile. [8240] Women authors. [8243] United States. [8245] Canada. British America. [8247] Latin America. [8250] Great Britaui. [8253] Belgium. [8255] France. [8257] Germany. [8260] Italy. [8263] Netherlands. [8265] Russia. [8267] Scandinavia. [8270] Spain and Portugal. [8273] Other countries. [8280] Historians. Critics. [8290] Poets. [8300] Dramatists. [8310] Novelists, essayists, etc. [8330] Orators. 165 CT BIOGRAPHY CT Literature — Continued. Universal — Continued. [8340] Readers, elocutionists. [8350] Journalists. [8360] Humorists. [8400] Ancient. [8410] Classical. [8420] Greek. [8430] Roman. Celtic languages. [8450] Breton. Armorican. [8460] Celtic. [8470] Cornish. [8480] Gaelic. [8490] Irish. [8500] Manx. [8510] Welsh. Cymric. Romance. [8530] Catalan. [8540] French. [8541] History and criticism. [8542] Poets. [8543] Dramatists. [8544] Novehsts, essayists, etc. [8545] Orators. [8546] Readers, elocutionists. [8547] Journahsts. [8548] Humorists. [8550-8558]* Itahan. [8570-8578]* Portuguese. [8580-8588]* Provencal. [8590-8598]* Rumanian. [8600-8608]* Spanish. Teutonic. [8620-8628]* American. [8630-8638]* English. [8640-8648]* Dutch. [8650-8658]* German. [8660-8668]* Scandinavian. [8670-8678]* Danish. [8680-8688]* Icelandic. [8690-8698]* Norwegian. [8700-8708]* Swedish. * Divided like CT 8540-8548. 166 CT BIOGRAPHY Literature — Continued. [8720-8728]* Slavic. [8730-8738]* Bohemian. [8740-8748]* Polish. [8750-8758]* Russian. Finno-Ugrian. [8770] Finnish. [8780-8788]* Hungarian. [8790] Basque. [8800] Oriental. (May be dhided like CT 7800-8070.) [8850] Hebrew. [8860] Yiddish. [8880] Arabic. [8920] Indie. Vedic. Sanskrit. [8950] Persian. [9030] Japanese. [9050] Chinese. [9200] Dramatic art. The stage. [9210] Critics. Historians. [9223] United States. [9226] Canada. [9228] Mexico. Central America. [9230] Special countries, A-Z. [9231] West Indies. [9232] Special islands, A-Z. [9234] South America. [9236] Argentine Republic. [9238] Bolivia. [9241] Brazil. [9243] Chile. [9245] Colombia. [9247] Guiana. [9249] British. [9251] Dutch. [9253] French. [9255] Paraguay. [9257] Peru. [9259] Uruguay. [9261] Venezuela. CT * Divided like CT 8540-8548. 167 CT BIOGRAPHY Dramatic art. The stage — Cont [9263] Europe. [9265] Great Britain. England. [9267] Scotland. [9269] Ireland. [9275] Austria. [9277] France. [9279] Germany. [9281] Greece. [9283] Italy. [9285] Netlierlands. [9287] HoUand. [9289] Belgium. [9291] Russia. [9293] Scandinavia. [9295] Denmark:. [9297] Norway. [9299] Sweden. [9301] Spain and Portugal. [9303] Spain. [9305] Portugal. [9307] Switzerland. [9319] Other countries, A-Z. [9321] Austraha. [9325] Other countries, A-Z. [9400] Scientists. [9410] Mathematicians. [9420] Astronomers. [9430] Physicists. [9440] Chemists. [9450] Geologists. [9460] Naturahsts. Biologists. [9470] Botanists. [9480] Zoologists. [9490] Anatomists. [9500] Physiologists. [9510] Bacteriologists. [9550] Medicine. Physicians. [9600] Agriculturists. Horticulturists. [9620] Fishermen. [9630] Hunters. [9650] Technology. Inventors. [9670] Engineers. [9680] Electricians. CT 1G8 CT BIOGRAPHY CT [9690] Automobilists. [9700] Aeronauts. [9720] Pliotograpliers. 9730 Special trades, A-Z. i. e. Men distinguished in various ways but classified by trade e. g. .S5 "Lives of distinguished shoemakers." [9750] Military science. Naval science. [9800] Naval. [9820] Nautical. [9830] Naval architecture. [9850] Writing. [9855] Shorthand. [9865] Paleogi-aphy, see CT 6050. [9875] Publishers and booksellers. [9900] Librarians. [9950] Bibhographers. Cf. CT 6050. 9960 Other miscellaneous groups 9970 Advcntui-ers. [9975] Beggars, see HV 4480-4630. 9980 Charlatans, imposters, etc. Cf . HV 6751-6761. , _ , ^ 9985 Dandies. • ^\^ , 9990 Eccentrics and curious cnaracters. 9995 Misers."^ •''^^1 y 'AS'ZX^ ^/« Anal, A -2. . T , ,. . 169 TABLE OF COUNTRIES IN ONE ALPHABET Abyssinia Afghanistan Algeria Argentine Republic Australia Austria Belgium Bolivia Brazil British Guiana British Honduras Bulgaria Burma Canada ChHe China . Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Denmark Dutch East Indies Dutch Guiana Ecuador Egypt France French Guiana Germany Great Britain Greece Guatemala. Haiti HaAvaii Holland, see Netherlands. Honduras Hungary Iceland A2 A3 A4 A7 AS A9 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D4 D7 D8 E2 E3 F8 F9 G3 G7 G8 G9 H2 H3 H7 H8 12 India Italy Japan Korea Liberia Luxemburg Mexico Montenegro Morocco Netherlands Nicaragua Norway Panama Paraguay Persia Peru Philippine Islands Portugal Rumania Russia Salvador Santo Domingo Scandinavia (General).. Servia Siam South Africa, Union of. Spain Sweden Switzerland Transvaal Tunis Turkey United States Uruguay Venezuela 14 IS J3 K8 L5 L8 M6 M7 M8 N4 N5 N7 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 PS RS R9 S2 S25 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 SS S9 T7 TS T9 U6 US V4 170 INDKX INDEX Academicians: CT 3990. Adventurers: CT 9970. Alpine race: CB 206. Anglo-Saxon ciAdlization: CB 216-220. Antiquities, Forgeries of. See Forgeries of antiquities. Arabic glass weights: CJ 3413. Archeology: CC. Archive buildings: CD 981-985. Archives: CD 1-33, 931-4279. By country: CD 1000-4279. Archivists: CD 997. Aristocracy. See Nobility. Armorial families (Great Britain): CS 419. Arms, Grants of, etc.: CR 165-185. Arms (Heraldry). See Heraldry. Aryan ci\dlization : CB 201-231. Autobiography: CT 25. Badges (Heraldry): CR 67-69. Banners: CR 101-115. Baronetage (Great Britain): CS 424. Battle-cries: CR 79. Bells: CC 200-250. Bewcastle cross: CC 313.B5. Biographers: CT 35-83. Biography: CT. General (Collections): CT 93-203. National: CT 210-3090. By subject: CT 3200-9995. Cairns: CC 700-705. Calendar: CE 73-97. Campanology: CC 200-250. Caucasic race: CB 201-231. Celtic civilization: CB 206, 218. Ceremonials (Chivalry): CR 4547. Chancelleries: CD 70-79. Charges (Heraldry): CR 41. Charlatans: CT 9980. Chivalry: CR 4501-6305. Christian civilization, Early: CB 331. Christian names: CS 2367-2377. Chronology: CE. Church calendar: CE 81. Civilization: CB. Ancient: CB 311. Medieval: CB 351-355. Modem: CB 357-425. Renaissance: CB 359-369. Aryan: CB 201-231. Celtic: CB 206, 218. Germanic: CB 213-220. Latin: CB 224. Oriental: CB 251. Semitic: CB 241. Slavic: CB 231. Clinton, H.F.:CE8.C5. Code of honor: CR 4571. Coin encyclopedias: CJ 89. Coins. See Numismatics. Communion tokens: CJ 5407-5415. Crests (Heraldry): CR 55-57. Crobses: CC 300-350. Crown (Heraldry): CR 4480. Culture: CB. For detailed entry see Ci\'ilization. Culture, Primitive: CB 301. Anthropology: GN 400-499. Dandies: CT 9985. Deane, W. R.: CS 8.D3. Decorations: CR 4501-6305. By country: CR 4801-6305. Devices (Heraldry): CR 67-69. Dignities: CR 3499^1420. Diplomatics: CD 1-725. History of: CD 47. By country: CD 511-725. DuBois, W. E.: CJ 62.D8. Dueling: CR 4571-4595. 173 INDEX Easter (Chronologj'): CE 83. Eastern civilization. See Oriental civili- zation. Eccentrics: CT 9990. Ecclesiastical clironology: CE 81. Ecclesiastical heraldry: CR 1101-1131. Encyclopedists: CT 3910. Estates, Unclaimed: CS 23. Family heraldry: CR 1179-3400. Family history: CS 38-39. Canada: CS 89-90. Great Britain: CS 438-i39. Mexico: CS 109-110. United States: CS 69-71. Other local, see CS, special schemes I-II, subdivisions 18-19 and 9. Family names. See Names, Personal. Family registers: CS 24. Fast and feast days (Chronology): CE 81. Feminine names: CS 2369-2371. Festivals (Chronology): CE 81. Fibulae: CC 400. Finot, Jules: CD 997. F6. Flags As emblems of government: JC345-347. Heraldry: CR 101-115. Forenames: CS 2367-2377. Forgeries of antiquities: CC 140. Formularies (Diplomatics) : CD 80. Gaillard, Arthur: CD 997.03. Genealogists: CS 8. Genealogy: CS. By country: CS 42-2209. Gentry (Genealogy): CS 29. Great Britain: CS 425. Other local, see CS, special schemes I-II, subdivisions 10 and 4. Germanic civilization: CB 213-220. Grants of arms: CR 165-185. Gregorian calendar: CE 76. H Hebrew calendar: CE 35. Heraldic visitations. See Visitations, He- raldic. Heraldry: CR. Ecclesiastical and sacred: CR 1101- 1131. Family: CR 1179-3400. History of: CR 151-159. Public and official: CR 191-1020. Orders of knighthood: CR 4651-6305. Military-religious: CR 4701-4775. By country: CR 4801-6305. Heralds: CR 183-185. Honor, rank, etc. : CR 3499-4420. Hospitalers. See Malta, Knights of. Impostors: CT 9980. Insignia of royalty: CR 4480. Iron cross: CR 5351. Jetons: CJ 5450. Jewish calendar: CE 35. Julian calendar: CE 75. K Kings-at-arms: CR 183-185. Knighthood: CR 4501-6305. Orders: CR 4651-6305. Military-religious: CR 4701-4775. By country: CR 4801-6305. Knights Hospitalers. See !Malta, Knights of. Knights of Malta. See Malta, Knights of. Knights of Rhodes. See Malta, Knights of. Knights of St. John. See Malta, Knights of. Knights Templars. See Templars. L Latin races Civilization: CB 220-224. Legion of honor: CR 5055-5071. M Malta, Knights of: CR 4715-4731. Numismatics: CJ 1693. Seals: CD 5547. Marriage registers . See Registers of birth s. Medallions: C J 5501-6651. Medals: C J 5501-6651. Ancient: CJ 5581-5690. Medieval and modem: CJ 5501-5569^ 5723-6651. By country: C J 5801-6651. 174 INDEX Medals and decorations: CR 4501-6305. Medieval civilization: CB 351-355. Mediterranean race Civilization: CB 224. Military-religious orders: CR 4701^775. Misers: CT 9995. Money (Numismatics). Sec Numismatics. Monograms (Heraldry): CR 61. Monuments, Preservation of: CC 135. Art: N 8850. Mottoes (Heraldry): CR 73-75. N Names, Personal: CS 2300-3090. Forenames: CS 2367-2377. Surnames: CS 2385-2389. By country: CS 2395-3090. Nationalities: CB 195-281. Negroes Africa Indi\idual biography: CT 2750. United States: E 185, 96-97, 444, 449. Nicknames: CT 108. Nobility (Genealogy): CS 28. Germany: CS 618-620. Great Britain: CS 419-425. United States: CS 55-57. Other local, see CS, special schemes I-II, subdivisions 7-10 and 4. Nobility (Heraldry): CR 3499-1420. Norman families: CS 432. Northern civilization: CB 261. Notaries (Diplomatics): CD 85.N 8. Numismatics: CJ. Ancient: CJ 201-1391. African and oriental: C J 1301-1391. Greek: C J 301-763. Roman: CJ 801-1143. Byzantine: CJ 1201-1291. Medieval and modem: CJ 1509-4649. Medieval: CJ 1601-1715. Modern: CJ 1747-1755. Renaissance: CJ 1735-1743. By country: CJ 1800-4649. Obsidional coins: CJ 1539. Ordeal: CR 4565. Order of precedence: CR 3575. See also CR, special scheme no. 3. Order of St. Andrew: CR 5673. Order of St. John of Jenisalem. Sec Malta, Knights of. Order of the Annunciation: CR 5507. Order of the Black Eagle: CR 5307. Order of the Elephant: CR 5757. Order of the Garter: CR 4827. Order of the Golden Fleece Austria: CR 4967. Spain: CR 5841. Order of the Holy Ghost: CR 5035. Order of the Red Eagle: CR 5331. Order of the Seraphim: CR 5795. Order of the Temple. See Templara. Orders of knighthood and chivalry: CR 4651-6305. Military-religious: CR 4701-4775. By country: CR 4801-6305. Ordre du Saint-Esprit. See Order of the Holy Ghost. Oriental civilization : CB 251. Pageants (Chivalry): CR 4547. Papal chancellery: CD 75. Papal orders and decorations: CR 5547- 5577. Parish registers (Great Britain): CS 434- 436. Peerage Great Britain: CS 421-423. Other local, see CS, special schemes I-II, subdivisions 8 and 4. Perpetual calendars: CE 91. Personal names. See Names, Personal. Precedence: CR 3499-4420. Precedence, Order of. See Order of pre- cedence. Preservation of monuments. See Monu- ments, Preservation of. Primitive cultvu-e. -See Culture, Primitive. R Races: CB 195-281. Anthropology: GN. Rank: CR 3499-4420. Regalia (Heraldry): CR 53, 4480. Registers of births, etc. Great Britain: CS 435-436. United States: CS 68. Other local, see CS, special schemes I-II, subdivisions 17 and 8. Religious orders (Chivahy ) : CR 4701^775. 175 INDEX Religious orders (Heraldry): CR1127-1131. Renaissance civilization: CB 359-369. Republican calendar (French): CE 77. Rhodes, Knights of. See Malta, Knights of. Rolls of honor: CR 4671. Romance races. See Latin races. Royalty (Genealogy): CS 27. Great Britain: CS 41S. United States: CS 55-57. Other local, see CS, special schemes I-II, subdi\asions G and 4. Royalty (Heraldry): CR 4480. Ruthwell cross: CC 315.R8. Sacred heraldry: CR 1101-1131. St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of. See Malta, Knights of. Scholars: CT 3990. , Seals SamtV.dTA-- General and modem: CD 5001-5191, 5575-6471. . By country: CD 5601-6471. Ancient: CD 5201-5391. Medieval: CD 5501-5561. Semitic ci\T.lization: CB 241. Shields (Heraldry): CR 91-93. Sigillography. See Seals. Slavic civilization: CB 231. Sphragistics. See Seals. Standards: CR 101-115. Surnames: CS 2385-2389. By country: CS 2395-3090. Symbolism in heraldry: CR 29. Templars: CR 4735-4755. Numismatics: CJ 1695. Seals: CD 5549. Temple, Order of the. See Templars. Tesserae: CJ 4865. Teutonic civilization: CB 213-220. Teutonic Knights: CR 4759-4775. Austria: CR 4991. East Prussia: DD 491.046-558. Numismatics: CJ 1697. Seals: CD 5551. Titled Americans: CS 57. Titles of nobility: CR 349^^420. Tokens: CJ 4801-5450. By country: CJ 4901-5326. Tournaments: CR 4553^557. Transcription (Diplomatics) : CD 81. T8. Trial by combat. See Wager of battle. Trial by ordeal. See Ordeal. U Unclaimed estates. See Estates, Un- claimed. Usurpation of arms: CR 179. Usiu-pation of titles. See CR, special scheme No. 3. V Vanes: CC 360. Victoria cross: CR 4885. Visitations, Heraldic Great Britain: CS 419. Coimty: CS 437. W Wager of battle: CR 4565. Weathercocks: CC 360. Western civilization: CB 251. W^itmore, W. H.: CS 8.W5. Wills, Abstracts of (Great Britain): CS 434-436. Women, Biography of (Collections): CT 3200-3830. Women's names: CS 2369-2371. o 176 R7iy '^^yi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. RECEIVE \ 5 19&5 JULU i «r „ .-iNSil'^ MAR 4 1988 Q55 ptv\ , .0 Form L9-50ni-7,'54(5990)444 vmrmsm of cAUFawuir 3 1158 00106 1406 i PLLA9K DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD X^MIBRARYq^ < University Research Library UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY fACI I II iiiii iiii 111!! iM iiiii tiiii mil iif ' AA 001 167 684