^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T 1^ ^ CATALOGUE ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1»» IP ^ ^ ^ ^ Of Magic Lanterns Stereopticons and Moving Picture Machines MONTGOMl^RY WARDS: CO. Originators ot the Catalogue Business Nos. 1 1 1 to I20 Michigan Avenue, Corner of Madison Street CHICAGO Montgomery Ward & Go's Improved (^ * TV /F 1 * Sewing Machine High Ai THE Illustration represents our New Model High Arm Sewing Machine, which we Positively Ciuaraiitce to be of the Very Highest Grade. It has all the modern improvements, and is without a single weak point. It has been eleven years be- fore the public, with a record of liri,000 machines sold, all giving perfect satisfaction. Warranted for Ten Years. Shipped subject to a thorough trial. If not satisfactory, return at OUR expense both ways, and we will refund your money without question. We guarantee safe delivery; you assume no risk whatever. QPhT""! A I ICh' ATI I R J^ S ^'^ht running, durable, easily operated, noiseless, :)! 1 .^ll\l^ 1 I .r\. I i^ i\i ..> double positive feed, self-threading shuttle, self- setting needle, tension liberator, automatic spooler, high arm, nickel plated working parts, steel bearings, improved steel attachments, superior finish, highly polished bent . . • •' ; : ; woodwork, oak or walnut ::::: •.:::::::::::;: : No. .') Five drawers, as in cut walnut woodwork Crated for. shipment $19.50 No. 5^ Fivedrawers, asin cut oak woodwork, very popula Weight, about 120 pounds each a": $19.50 MONTGOMKRYWARD8cCO..CHICAGO AJtTS DEPARTMENT j^^gj^ Lantcms Stereopticons Moving Picture APPARATUS AND nachincs ACCESSORIES FOR ===== Entertainment Purposes FOR three hundred years the Magic Lantern has been recognized as a powerful factor in producing successful Public Entertainments, and never in its long his- tory has the instrument been more universally used than now. and never were the opportunities for giving successful Entertainments greater than at present. WE DO NOT CLAIM that it is possible for evety tnan to make a fortune as a Lantern Exhibitor. A fortune crowns the efforts of but a small proportion of those who toil, and sensible people do not waste time and energy in dreams of acquiring riches without labor and with no capital, but are constantly seeking A MEANS OF LIVELIHOOD that will insure to them agreeable occupation and a good income. WE HAVE NO HESITANCY whatever, in declaring that the Magic Lantern furnishes this means; and that by judicious and proper management of the business EVERY MAN OR WOMAN can make a A MAGIC LANTERN, A STEREOPTICON or A MOVING PICTURE MACHINE THE SOURCE OF INSTRUCTION, PLEASURE AND PROFIT The people of every community, and particular those isolated from the large citie?, are willing and anxious to pay for being entertained. Only make a community aware that you are prepared to give a High Class Entertainment on subjects of popular interest, and little difliculty will be experienced in obtaining full houses at good prices of admission. .J.C.L.A: ART LIBRARY MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. EXPLANATORY Read Carefully It is usually difficult for the inexperienced person, contemplating the purchase of a Lantern Outfit, to decide what is the best Apparatus for his purpose as to the Light, Stvle of Lantern, the Lenses, etc. For the enlightenment of these we append the fol- lowing ; A MAGIC LANTERN (sometimes called a Sciopticon) is an optical instrument by which transparent views on small plates of glass may be illuminated, and enlarged images of them projected upon a screen or wall. The Lantern consists of the Objective (or projecting) Lens, the condensing Lenses, the Bellows, the Body (or frame) and the Hood or receptacle for the light. Nearly all modern Lanterns are so constructed that with them can be used either an Oil Light Lamp, an Electric Light Lamp, an Acetylene Gas Burner or an O.xy-Hydrogen Gas Jet. With the Magic Lantern neither Dissolving Views nor Moving Pictures can be produced. • A STEREOPTICON is a combination of two or more Magic Lanterns placed one above the other. It is employt'd for the same purposes as the single l^antern, as well as for the production of Dissolving Views. Oil Light cannot be used in a Stereopticon, the proper radiant being Oxy-Hydrogen Gas or Electric (arc) Light, and when the instrument is fitted with '4 size Lenses, Acetylene Gas. When larger Lenses than % size are used, Acetylene Gas is not generally applicable. Owing to the intensity of the light, the fine lenses and a superior method of dissolving used with the Stereopticon, the views can be enlarged to greater size and projected to greater distances than is possible with an oil light Lantern. A COMBINED MAGIC LANTERN AND MOVING PICTURE MACHINE is a combination of a single Magic Lantern and a mechanical attachment, with which can be shown not only the regular Lantern Views, but additionally the flexible films by means of which are produced the celebrated moving pictures. Electric (arc) Light and Oxy-Hydrogen Gas (lime light) only can be used for the production of Moving Pictures. No other radiant has yet been discovered that will produce satisfactory results when used for this purpose. THE LIGHT OR RADIANT Four forms of light have been, found to be suitable for use with Projection Appar- atus. These are : OIL LIGHT This is the most used and is undoubtedly the most convenient form of light for lantern puiposes, as it is always possible to obtain sufficient kerosene for an evening's exhibition, no special apparatus is required for using it, and the cost is merely nominal, a few cents' worth of oil being sufficient for two hours' use. At the same time, the illumination of all oil light lamps is limited. A satisfactorily illuminated picture, 8 or 9 feet in diameter, is all that should be expected and all that can be obtained from a standard size (3J4^ x 4 in.) view in a lantern when oil light is used as the radiant. Do not attempt to make pictures of larger size with this light. The performance of the lantern depends upon the darkness of the room, the cleanliness and quality of the lenses, and the character and density of the f view. u MONTGOMERY WARD & CO . CHICAGO. ACETYLENE GAS is a comparatively new form of radiant for lantern use. It produces a very white and penetrating,' li^ht, ^ivinj; with a proper burner an intensity of about half that of Lime (Oxy-Hydro<;en Gas) Lijjht and many times more brilliant than oil. The liK'ht is brilliant, safe and economical, and we think, will even- tually entirely supersede oil. With Acetylene CJas, pictures TJ to 15 feet in diarneter, brilliantly illuminated, may be projected upon the screen with the Lantern '2ri to .'50 feet distant. The cost of operating a Lantern fitted with a quadruplex (four flame) burner is about 10c. per hour. See quotation page 13 for detailed description and price on our Acetylene Gas Generating Outfit. OXY-HYDROGEN GAS rtime Light) This form of radiant is in general use by traveling Lecturers, Exhibitors, Advertising and Theatrical Companies, etc., who require a powerful light for pro- jection purposes. It consists of Oxygen and Hydrogen Gases, that are conveyed to the jet or burner by rubber tubes, and when mixed in proper proportions and ignited they produce a blue-white rtame of intense heat, in which is placed a cylinder of lime, which becomes incandescent and produces a light of from 700 to 1,000 candle power. The gases from this light may be manufactured by and used from one of our Oxy-Hydrogen Gas Making Outfits, or they may be obtained compressed in steel tanks from Calcium Light Companies which are established in most of the large cities throughout the country. As a Vule, the manufacturing companies make no charge for use of the tanks the con- sumer merely paying for the gas used, returning tanks to the owners when empty. liach jet consumes from 1 to (> cubic feet of gas per hour. When used from cylinders the two gases cost from \2 to 15c. per cubic foot. When used by means of the Generating Outfit about one-third this amount. See page 13 for description and prices of Oxy-Hydrogen Gas Generating Outfit. ELECTRIC ARC LIGHT This is by far the most powerful artificial light known, and to persons hav- ing access to a suitable current, the Low Tension Incandescent, the value of the Lantern and Moving Picture apparatus is greatly enhanced. This light is avail- able, however, only in the larger cities and towns where the Incandescent Lighting System is in use. The Electric Arc Lamp for use on the Low Tension Incandescent current is perfectly safe. We do not advise that amateurs use High Tension Series Arc Light Current, as this, in the hands of any but an experienced electrician, is dangerous. LENSES (Condensing and Objective) The Condensing Lenses of a Lantern are the large lenses placed in proper position between the radiant or light, and the objective or projecting lens. Their use is to condense the light and pass it through the lantern view to a focus in the Objective- Condensing Lenses for Lantern use, range in size from 4 inches to 4}4 inches in diameter. The 4-inch are used in the medium grade in- struments, wherein Oil light or Acetylene Gas light is employed as the radiant. The larger sizes are used in the higher grade Lanterns and in Stereopticons, in which the form of radiant is interchangeable. Condensing Lenses of less than 4 inches in diameter are useless for projec- tion purposes as they will not fully illuminate a standard size, '.i^^ x 4 inch slide. THE OBJECTIVB is the Lens that projects upon the screen the magnified image of the view, and the quality and sharpness of the picture thus produced is dependent in a large measure upon the quality of the Objective. These Lenses ^ in. 5 10 15 20 4 8 12 1(5 20 24 (i y 12 15 18 21 24 ^ 10 m 15 m 20 22^ 25 G 8 10 12 14 l(i 18 20 22 -45 O a I" 2 ,. 3 « The "3 and \ sizes are rarely used, except for street and theatre work in large cities, experience having proven that the )4< Vi '^^'^ Yz sizes supply every need for ordinary use. o MONTGOMEKV WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. M. W. & GO'S HOME CIRCLE MAGIC LANTERN 'rhis is the best low-priced Lan- tern on the market and supplies the demand fur a cheap, bvit first-class oil-liulu instruincnt, for tiivini^ exhibitions in the parlor, small school houses, churches and lodj^e rooms. It is fitted with a pair of l-inch condensing lenses of fine quali- ty, mounted in a brass cell. A fine, double achromatic objec- tive, with rack and pinion for focusinii, and one three wick tri-unial lamp. The body is of polished Russia iron, \entilated and supplied with side and rear doors for examininf^ the li.L^ht. The Home Circle Lantern will make a well defined, sharp pic- ture se\en feet in diameter, when the regular 3 j/ x 4 in. view is used, with lantern about ir> feet from screen, and smaller pictures at lesser distances. Price is for lantern complete, with carrying case and two slide carriers but no views. Weight in carrying case, 12,!^ lbs Price Jl-t 00 M. W.& CO'S KOH=I-NOOR MAGIC LANTERN In the Koh-i-noor there has been produced the acme of perfection in the arrangement of the tri-unial (I'.-inch) lamp, it having been improved in a manner which makes the flame of each of the H burners '2^^g in. wide, giving a greatly increased white light, sufficient for projecting upon the screen a well illuminatetl picture 8 or 9 feet in diameter, with the lantern Iti to 18 feet from screen. Of course, smaller pictures can be produced at lesser dis- tances. The Koh-i-noor is made of best Russia iron, having a solid inside body and an out- side perforated jacket to avoid heating. It is mounted on a polished mahogany base, the extension front being supported by uprights, and is furnished with tri-unial lamp, with each of the three wicks 2/j mches wide. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICACxO The Objective is a fine, double achromatic lens, with rack and pinion for focusing. The Condensing Lenses are 4 inches in diameter and of finest quality, mounted in a brass cell, adjusted for contraction and expansion. Price includes carrying case and two slide carriers. Weight, IG lbs. Price $25 00 M. W. & GO'S DISSOLVING LANTERN The illustration is a correct representation of our Dissolving Oil Light Lantern. This instrument is provided with a double slide stage, which is moved rapidly up and down, the motion being controlled by the lever shown at side of Lan- tern. By this means the transition from one view to another is extremely rapid, and the effect is exactly like that obtained when a regular Oil Light Dissolving View Apparatus is used, and is the nearest approach to real dissolving that can be obtained from oil light. A further advantage of the double stage is that mounted and unmounted views may be used in succession, without removing the carrier used for unmounted slides. The body is of best Russia iron and brass work, is highly polished and lac- quered. The lamp is quadri-unial (4-inch) with the wicks arranged in the form of two wedges /^y^, and produces a strong, white light, sufhcient to illuminate an S or i) foot picture with lantern ](> to IS feet from screen, wlien the regular '! '4x4 inch view is used. The chimney telescopes and when collapsed slips into a space provided for it beneath the lamp. The Condensing Lenses are of finest quality and are 4 inches in diameter, mounted in brass cells. The Objective is a a fine, double achromatic Lens, provided with rack and pinion for focusing. Price includes carrying case and two slide car- riers. W'eight, lSj4 lbs. Price S43 50 THORNWARD UNIVERSAL flAGIC LANTERNS We are justly proud of our series of Universal Lanterns, and feel thoroughly justi- fied in recommending them as being the best value instruments of any apparatus of this kind now on the market. In their construction the very best materials have been used, the form is modern and up-to-date, and great care has been exercised to produce instruments of handsome appearance as well as of great utility. The Skeleton Frame is made of light and strong brass castings, nickel plated, and is supplied with Extension Leather Bellows. The Condensing Lenses are 4''2 inches in diameter, of finest quality, mounted in a nickel plated brass cell. This cell when in position rests upon metal pegs attached to the hood and can be instantly removed; so that in the event of the condenser sweating after lighting up, the cell can be removed and rubbed dry with but a moment's delay. The slide stage is of sufficient size to permit the use of slides 5^ inch thick and 4 inches wide, and of course anything smaller. A novel feature of this stage is that tho top, instead of MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. being fixed as in other forms of Lanterns, can be removed so that mechanical slides, that have vertical instead of horizontal motion, such as the "Ascension of Christ" can be shown. The Objective Lenses are hij;h grade, double achromatic, made specially for pro- jection purposes, mounted in nickel plated tubes, and furnished with rack and pinion for focusing. The Lantern front, to which Objective is attached, is of sufficient size to permit the use of all sizes of objectives, from }{ to %. Each front is furnished with flange, of size to occupy a ^ size objective, into which is fitted the adapter for the ,'4 sizes. Thus the instrument is ready at all times to be used with either a. ]^ or y^ size objective, ren- dering it adaptable for exhibitions in large or small halls, or in the parlor, for making either large or small pictures, and for use at any distance from the screen. The Hood (or Lamp House) in which the light is confined, is of polished Russia iron, ventilated and supplied with doors at side and rear, so that light can be examined from any position. The use of the e.xtension bellows adds greatly to the compactness and portability of the instrument, it weighing in carrying case but 12 pounds. With each lantern we furnish two slide carriers, one for gem views and one for standard size views, and a carrying case. PRICES Prices on Lanterns do not include any views. Thornward Universal Lantern, Model ««A" as described, fitted with three wick tri-unial oil lamp and ]^ size objective. It will make a well defined picture S or '.) feet in diameter with lantern Kito IS feet from screen and smaller pictures at lesser distances. Price, Model "A"' $33 00 Thornward Universal Magic Lantern — Model A. T Thornward Universal Magic Lantern— Model B. Showing method o( makint: i-Dniitctions willi the Acetylene (jas Gt-iierator. Thornward Universal Lantern, Model "B" as described, fitted with our im- proved quadruplex (four flame) burner lor using Acetylene Gas and % size objective. It will make a brilliant picture \i to If) feet in diameter with lantern 2.") to 30 feet from screen, and smaller pictures at lesser dis- tances. Price, Model "B" $3-1 75 Price, Acetylene Gas Generating Outfit 13 50 (See page 13.) MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. Thornward Universal Lantern, Model «8 Gen. Joseph Wheeler. 39 The Irishman Who did not Want to Die with a Spaniard. 40 Sample of Hard Working Insurgent. 41 Uncle Sam, Before and After Tak- ing. 42 Col. Theodore Roosevelt. 43 Working Rapid-fire Gun on Oregon. Unloading Live Cattle from Board Ship. News from Home on Board Cruiser Brooklyn. Diver Morgan Going Under the New York to Clean Bottom. 47 Soldier Dying in Field Tent; Break the News to Mother. 48 Troop G of the Rough Riders Near- ing Baiquiri. 49 The Village of El Caney. 50 The Spirit of '76. slides $17 50 slide- 42 50 35 85 44 45 46 the On the MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. 13 ACETYLENE GAS GENERATOR Acetylene Gas, as now used is an entirely new form of illumi- nant. It is made from calcic carbide, anon-combustible, non- explosive, cheap chemical, which, when placed in water, generates Acetylene Gas. This gas, when burned in a suit- able jet (seepage 15) produces an intensely white, penetrating light, many times more brilliant' then ordinary Hydrogen (house) Gas. In the Generators we are now furnishing the gas is not under pressure and there is not a sufficient amount of it stored in the generator to permit an explosion, by any possibility, to occur. Acetylene Gas is rapidly becoming the favorite radiant for use with projection apparatus. Owing to the brilliancy of the light, the simplicity of operation, cheapness, portability and safety, it is fast replacing all other forms of light for this (and other) purposes. It.can be used with the regular single Magic Lantern or with the double Stereopticon; but not with the Moving Picture apparatus. One Generator only is required for use with the Stereopticon. The cost of operating is merely nominal. One pound of carbide will generate sufficient gas to operate a lantern for an hour. The Generator consists of two metal cylinders of proper pro- portions, one within the other. In the inner cylinder is the receptacle for holding the carbide. It is compact, simple of operation and directions for use accompany each. Height 19 inches, diameter S^4 inches, weight 9^^ lbs. Price $13 50 Calcic Carbide ( in 10 lb. cans) per can 90 Improved Patent Portable Oxy= Hydrogen Gas flaking Outfit ior generating the necessary gas for producing lime light. Lime light has for many years been the favorite radiant for projection work where an intensely brilliant and penetrating light is required. This light is produced by a combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases burned against a cylinder of lime, thus producing a brilliant white light of from 700 to 1,000 candle power. Until recently, the only available apparatus for mak- ing the necessary gases for this light has been the old fashioned gas-bags and accompanying outfit, always un- wieldy, heavy and troublesome, and subject to acciden- tal damage. The Portable Gas Making Outfit generates its own pressure, and requires, in addition to the outfit itself, the carrying of the necessary chemicals only, to enable the operator to make the gases and exhibit anywhere. He is entirely independent of outside sources of supply and always sure of having his gases when he wants them. The outfit consists of a metal gas tank, 12x3() inches, tested to withstand high pressure, an improved saturator, a pressure gauge for measuring quantity of gas in tank, two needle valves for controlling the gases, a narrow cylindrical retort, a wash bottle, con- necting pipes, rub\)er tutting, wrench, etc. Oxygen gas is generated from black oxide of manganese and chlorate of potash. All that is necessary is to heat the chemicals in a retort (furnished with the outfit) which converts them into gas that passes into the tank. Hydrogen gas is generated from gasoline in the saturator. The advantages of this Outfit, are. its economy. ;{.') to -10c. worth of chemi- cals being sufficient to generate gases for an evening's entertainment. Showing method of making connection with the jet. 14 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. Its Portability, the entire outfit, except the tank, being packed in two strong carrying cases, which can be checked by the traveHng exhibitor as personal baggage. Its Utility in producing the best available form of radiant for use with any form of projection apparatus. Magic Lantern, Stereopticon or Moving Picture Machine. Its Simplicity, as anyone by following the printed directions sent with each outfit can operate it successfully and safely. Weight of outfit complete, about 100 lbs. Price of Outfit, complete $48 00' Black Oxide of Manganese and Chlorate of Potash, mixed for use and put up in 10 lb. sealed cans price per can 2 50 DISSOLVING KEYS Dissolving Keys are necessary for use with a Stereopticon (Double Lanterns) to produce dissolving effects. They cannot be used with the single lanterns. Our keys are of the best construction, fine fin- ish and superior workmanship. Low Pressure Dissolving Key For use with the Stereopticon, when acety- lene gas is used as the radiant. Cannot be used with lime (oxy-hydrogen gas) light. Price $4 75, Acetylene Gas Dissolving: Key. Medium Pressure Dissolving Key For use with the Stereopticon when Oxy-Hydrogen gas from bags or from portable gas making outfit is used. Cannot be used with acetylene gas or with compressed gases from cylinders. Price $9 00 High Pressure Dissolving Key For use with compressed gases from cylinders. This key is of the very latest improved form, with independent plugs for each cylinder and for each jet; allows free: flow without any possibility of the gases mixing in the key. No matter how great the^ pressure from the cylinders, the flow of gases is always under perfect control. Price $32 50 OIL LAHPS FOR THE HAGIC LANTERN Our three wick Tri-unial and four wick Quadri-unial lamps are the best form of lamp for use with the lantern, the light from them being evenly distributed over the screen, making all portions of the picture uniformly distinct. Price, Tri-unial (3-wick) lamp, $5 00 Price, Quadri-unial (4-wick) lamp 7 65 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. 15 THE inPROVED ACETYLENE GAS QUADRUPLEX BURNER These burners are made of the very best materials, finely finished, nickel plated and supplied with stopcock. They are of the eipht tip, four flame form, the tip being of the celebrated Naphey patent, of high candle power, back of which is placed a polished reflec- tor. The jets are all made so that they may readily be placed in the optical center of the lantern, but can be used in pairs in the Stereop- ticon for producing dissolv- ing efl^ects, in which case they are connected with the Generator by means of a Dissolving Key; the gas rtiay thus be gradually turned from one lantern to the other, or both lanterns may be equally illuminated as may be re- quired. We fit our Universal Lantern Model B and Plxhibitor'sStereopticon Model K with these burners, and they can be adapted to almost any lantern on the market. Price, complete with reflector $6 75 inPROVED OXY=HYDROGEN OR LIHE LIGHT JETS These jets are of the most superior workmanship and finish, and of the highest illuminating power to be obtained from Lime Light. The tips are all permanently fastened and warranted not to blow out. Combustion is perfect and there is neither hissing or sputtering. Best grade Improved Jet, with mechanical lime movement and stop cocks, nickel plated, each • • . . Sll 25 Best grade Improved Jet, with mechanical lime movement, but without stop cocks, each 9 00 inPROVED FEED ELECTRIC ARC LIGHT LAHP This lamp is thoroughly well made, nickel plated and finely finished. It is applicable for use on the low tension in- candescent circuit, either direct or alter- nating; is thoroughly insulated and easy of adjustment. It can be adapted to almost any lantern on the market. Price $12 GO 16 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. SLIDE CARRIERS The Double Carrier (see cut) for instantaneous change of slides, used in a single lantern. The Carrier is well made and after being placed in the lantern need not be moved during the entertainment. The slides are placed alternately in the compart- ments at the right and left of the sliding frame. Price, each 65c. Square Carrier, for using the standard size slides. Stationary. Each 40c. Gem Slide Carrier, well made, of wood, for use with Gem Slides. Each 25c. Slide Boxes for Holding Stand- ard Size (3)^x4 in.) Slides Well made, light and durable, with par- titions to separate slides, and clasp for fastening cover. For 50 Slides, each 90c. Same as above, but with interior arranged for two rows of slides of 50 each (100 in all). Has leather strap for carrying. Price $1 75 SCREENS Made of fine quality of sheeting, with loop and ropes 8 feet square, each $2 10 12 15 50 4 00 6 00 9 00 IS feet square, each ill 00 20 15 00 24 ' 16 50 30 21 50 Directions for Hanging Screen. Screw two screw rings into the wall or the window frame, one on each side of the hall near the ceiling, and two others in the floor, one on each side. Then support the screen by the cord passing through the loops on the upper side of the screen and through the upper screw rings, Ijringing the ends of the cord down and securing them to the rings in the floor, to which also can be attached cords from the loops on the bottom and sides of the screen to steady it. Objective Lenses for Magic Lanterns and Stereopticons These Lenses are made by Dailot, of Paris, expressly for pro- jection work, and are universally accepted as the standard of excellence. See page for table illustrating the projecting powers of the various sizes. Quarter size. Price each $ 6 65 One-third size, " " 11 40 One-half size, " " 13 75 Two-thirds size, " " 19 95 Four-fourths size, " " 30 40 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. 17 Condensing Lenses For Lanterns, Stereopticons, Bromide Enlargements, etc. Price, unmounted, 4 inch diameter. Each $1 50 Ayi •' " " 2 25 4^ " " " 2 75 5 " " " 3 50 " mounted in brass cell, 4 inch diameter. Per pair. . . , , 3 20 " " " Vy4 " " " " 5 00 ' 5 " •' " " .- 7 50 Sundries for the Lantern Exhibitor's Use Lime Cylinders for Oxy-Hydrogen Jets, best quality, carefully packed 12 in a canister. Per canister $0 90 Pure Chlorate of Potash and Black Oxide of Manganese, mixed, 10 lb. cans. per can 2 50 Carbide of Calcium (calcic carbide) in 10 lb. cans per can 90 Carbide of Calcium (calcic carbide) in 50 lb. cans per can 4 00 Rubber Tubing, heavy, for connections per foot 12 Plain Glass Slides, for covering slides, advertising slides, etc per doz. 25 Black Lantern Slide Mats, round, square, oval, or rectangular opening, in pack- ages of 25 per pkg. 22 Black Binding Strips for Lantern Slides, in packages of 50 per pkg, 15 Wooden Frames for mounting standard size slides each 15 Lantern Slide size photographic plates per doz. 50 Slides (Views) for use in the Hagic Lantern and Stereopticon We are in the closest possible touch with Lantern Slide makers, and are prepared to furnish (in addition to what we list in this book) At Reduced Prices All views listed in the catalogues of the large American manufacturers of this line of goods. When ordering, or corresponding regarding slides, correspondents must state from whose catalogue quotation was taken. From Time to Time We publish special lists of slides of subjects of current interest, endeavoring always to keep our stock up to date. We will be pleased to forward to interested parties, upon request, copies of these lists. Slides Made to Order We will not make Gem Slides to order, our lists of these published below, con- taining everything in this line that we can furnish. We will, however, make the regular standard size slides (3)4" x4 inches) to order, from photographs, newspaper cuts, or drawings sent us, at following prices ; Plain each $0 75 Artistically colored, not framed " 1 25 Artistically colored and framed " 145 We will not make slides to order, unless full amount of cash accompanies the order, and such work cannot be returned. Coloring Colored slides are not carried in stock and must be colored to order, the work re- quiring from three to ten days. Under no circumstances will we accept colored slides if returned to us. 18 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. GE/n SLIDES (Views) From Slide No. 1. We are manufacturers of these, are thoroughly conversant with their excellent qualities, and direct attention to the following facts concerning them: The size of a regular standard size slide is B^4f x4 inches, this slide having a single view (picture) 3 inches in diameter. The Gem Slides are 2^2 inches wide, 8 inches long, and each slide contains three views (pictures) 2 inches in diameter. It will thus be seen that the view of the Gem slide is but two-thirds the size of that of the view of the standard size slide, conse- quently the picture projected upon the screen from a Gem slide will be but two-thirds the size of that projected from a standard size, with the lantern at same distance from screen. This, and the fact that the Gem slide contains three views, whereas the stand- ard size contains but one, is the only way in which the Gem differs from the standard. In quality, finish, and general excellence they are equal to the best Foreign and American slides now made. Each slide is provided witha cover glass to prevent scratching. They are suitable for use in any lantern, from a toy having a slide stage 2^ inches in height, to the most powerful lime light or electriclight Stereopticon, and are specially recommended to the exhibitor with small capital who wishes to keep the cost of his outfit within certain limits, As we make these in a large variety of subjects, their low price of 25c. each (8j^c. each, for each of the three views) puts a complete assortment of most attractive views within the reach of all, and renders it possible for persons of very limited means to use the lantern for Pleasure and Profit. To these, we invite careful attention. Prices of Gem Slides Price, uncolored each $0 . 25 Price, artistically colored each . 75 Getn Slides. Set No. 1. Views from Nature 14 Slides, 24 Pictures. Slide No. 1 America : Niagara Falls, Mirror Lake Yosemite, The Pool, White Mountains, N. H. 2 England : House of Parliament, Windsor Castle, Waterloo Bridge. 3 Venice: Grand Canal, Bridge of Sighs, The Rialto. 4 Ireland: Giant's Causeway, Queens- town, Holy Cross Abbey. 5 Switzerland: Sea of Ice, Castle Chillon, Falls of Staubach. 6 Constantinople: Palace of the Sul- tan, Fountain of St. Sophia, Mosque of Mahomet. 7 Egypt: The Nile Boat, Pyramids and Sphynx, Statues at Thebes. Plain, each $0.25 Colored, each 75 Slide No. 8 Jerusalem: Mosque of Omar, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Damascus Gate. 9 Germany: St. Goar on the Rhine, Castle Ehrenfels, City of Cologne. 10 Russia, Moscow: The Kremlin, The Great Bell, Church of St. Basil. 11 Scotland: Melrose Abbey, Balmo- ral Castle, Calton Hill, Edinburgh 12 Rome: St. Peter's Church, exteri- or; St. Peter's Church, interior; View of Rome from St. Peter's. 13 Rome: The Colosseum, exterior; The Colosseum, interior; Dying Gladiator. 14 Paris: Panorama of Paris, Notre Dame, The Louvre. Plain, per set $ 3 . 50 Colored, per set 10.50 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. 19 Gem Slides. Set No. 2. Scripture. (i Slides, IS Pictures Slide No. 15 Joseph Sold, Joseph's Bloody Coat, Joseph Meeting His Father. IG Rebecca at the Well, Eliezer at the House of Bethuel; Arrival of Rebecca . 17 Moses Saved, Moses Assisting the Daughter of Jethro, Destruction of Pharaoh's Host. Slide No. 18 The 19 20 Annunciation, Wise Men Guided by the Star, Birth of Christ. Baptism of Christ, Christ's Entry into Jerusalem, Sermon on the Mount. Last Supper. Christ Rejected, The Crucifixion. Plain, each jq 03 Plain, per set ] jq Colored, each -j-ij Colored, per set 4 50 Gem Slides. Set No. 3. Drunkard's Progress. 4 Slides, Slide No. 21 Domestic Happiness — the greatest of earthly blessings; The Temp- tation, Introduction of Sorrows — a loving heart made sad . 22 The Rum Hole, a substitute for Home; Rum instead of Reason; Degraded Humanity. Plain, each $0.25 Colored, each 75 12 Pictures. Slide No. 23 The Cold Shoulder by Old Friends; Rumseller's Gratitude — rejection instead of injection; Poverty and Want . 24 Robbery and Murder, the result of Drunkenness; Mania a Potu, the horror of horrors; The Death that Precedes Eternal Death. Plain, per set $1 . 00 Colored, per set 3 . 00 Gem Slides. Set No. 4. The Bottle. 3 Slides, 9 Pictures. Slide No. Slide No. 25 The Bottle is Brought Out for the First Time, Discharged for Drunkenness, Execution Sweeps Off the Furniture. Plain, each. . . Colored each. 26 Unable to Obtain Employment. Cold, Misery and Want, Fearful Quarrels. 27 The Husband Kills His Wife. The Bottle Has Done Its Work, De- lirium Tremens. Plain, per set $0 75 Colored, per set 2 .25 Gem Slides. Set No. 5. 4 Slides, Slide No. 28 Arrival at the "Sickle and Sheaf," Joe Morgan's little Mary begs him to go home, Slade throws a glass at Joe Morgan and hits Mary. 29 Joe Morgan suffering the horrors of delirium tremens. Death of Joe Morgan's little Mary, Frank Slade and Tom Wilkins riding off on a spree. Plain, each |0 . 25 Colored, each 75 Ten Nights in a Bar-Room. 12 Pictures Slide No. 30 Willie Hammond is induced by Harvey Green to gamble, Har- vey Green stabs Willie Hammond to death. Quarrel between Slade and his son Frank. 31 Frank Slade kills his father with a bottle. Meeting of the citi- zens in the bar-room. Th*^ de- parture from the "Sickle and Sheaf. " Plain, per set $1 .UC Colored, per set 3 . (Xl 20 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. Gem Slides. Set Slide No. 32 Rip Van Winkle at Home. Rip Van Winkle on the Mountains. Rip Van Winkle Returned. 33 Thorwaldsen's Gems — Spring, Summer, Autumn. 34 Thorwaldsen's Gems — Winter, Night Morning. 35 Parting Promise. Courtship in Sleepy Hollow. Coming to the Parson. Plain, each $0.25 Plain, per set 2 . 25 No. 6. Statuary — Rogers' Groups, Etc. 9 Slides, 27 Pictures. Slide No. 30 Mail Day. Town Pump. Village Schoolmaster. 37 The Bushwhacker. The Sharp- shooter. Wounded Scout. 38 We Boys. Uncle Ned's School Country Post Office. 39 Eve Before the Fall. Bird Family Monument. Simply to Thy Cross I Cling. 40 The Serenade. The Courtship. Ariadne and the Tiger. Colored, each $0 . 75 Colored, per set 6.75 Gem Slides. Set No. 7. Miscellaneous. 19 Slides, Slide No. 41 The 111 Fated Ship, The Ship sail- ing with a fair wind, Height of the Storm, The Ship on Fire. 42 Fate of the Steamship, Leaving Port, Mid-Ocean — the Wreck. 43 Fort Sumter in Peace — Daylight, Fort Sumter in peace — Moon- light, Fort Sumter on fire dur- ing the bombardment. Bay of Naples and Mount Vesu- vius — Day, Bay of Naples — Night. Bay of Naples — Eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Courtship of the Second Wife: Ghost of the First appears — and creates the utmost consternation. The first Meeting, Five Minutes Declaration, Five Years After — Consequences. Frigid Zone, Temperate Zone, Torrid Zone. Steamboat Race on the Mississippi, Wooding up. The Explosion. 57 Pictures. Slide No. 49 Sick 44 45 46 47 48 Monkey Duel — 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 Protec- Plain, each $0 .25 Plain, per set 4 . 75 Monkey, Darwinian. Moving Day, Life-Boat, tion. Mud Pies, Washing Day, Playing at Doctor. White-washing the Negro, Flaw in the Title, Oh! Fitzgerald. Ecco Homo, Mater Dolorosa, Prayer. Jerusalem in her Grandeur, Jerusa- lem in her Fall, Garden of Gethsemane. To the Rescue, Saved, Jack in Office. Temperance Meeting, The friendly Meal, The Horse Fair. The Prodigal Son, The Carousal — Swineherd, The Return. Rock of Ages — Angry Sea, Cross in the Sea, Simply to Thy Cross I Cling. The Lakes, The Glacier, Near the Falls. Colored, each $0 . 75 Colored, per set 14 .25 Gem Slides. Set No. 8. Comic. Slides, Slide No. 60 Romance, Reality, Injured Inno- cence. 61 Bulldozing; Picturesque Africa; Hold on to Suffin', It's Goin' Off Dis Tim'." 6-2 "Dey Say I Can't — But I 's Gone Done It;" Platonic Love. 63 Nip and Tuck; Battle for Doll, Both Victorious; We Met by Chance. Plain, each $0 25 Plain, per set • 1 . 50 18 Pictures. Slide No. 64 Come Into the Garden, Maud; I Will Not Ask to Press that Cheek; Take Back the Heart Thou Gavest. 65 'Twere Vain to Tell Thee All I Feel; Darling, I Am Growing Old; 'Twas a Calm. Still Night. Colored, each $0 . 75 Colored, per set 4.50 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. 21 Gem Slides. Set No. 9. United States History, Etc. 5 Slides, lo Pictures. Slide No. 66 Landing of Columbus, 1492; Mar- riage of Pocahontas, 1613; Land- ing of the Pilgrims, 1620. 67 Penn's Treaty with the Indians, 1682; Battle of bunker Hill, 1775; Washington Crossing the Dela- ware, 1776. Slide No. 68 Declaration of Independence, 1776; Washington at Valley Forge, 1777; Indian Massacre at Wyo- ming, 1778. 69 Capture of Major Andre. 178<); Surrender of Cornwallis. 17S1; Commodore Perry at Lake Erie; 1813. 70 "Old Abe After the Battle, " "Yan- kee Doodle, " Goddess of Liberty. Plain, each Plain per set Colored, each. . Colored, per set. .SO. 25 1.25 .75 . 3.75 Gem Slides. Set No. 10. American Civil War. 7 Slides, 21 Pictures. Slide No. 71 Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Bat- tle of Bull Run, Battle of Wil- son's Creek. Battle of Roanoke Island, Capture of Fort Donelson, Battle of Pitts- burg Landing. Capture of New Orleans, Battle of Fair Oaks, Battle of Antietam. Attack on Fredericksburg, Siege of Vicksburg, Battle of Gettysburg. Slide No. 75 Battle of Chickamauga, Battle of Lookout Mountain, Battle of the Wilderness. 76 Attack on Fort Wagner, Capture of Petersburg, Naval Combat be- tween Monitor and Merrimac. 77 Naval Combat between Kearsarge and Alabama, Sherman's March through Georgia, Surrender of General Lee. Plain, each ... Plain, per set. . . Colored, each . . . Colored, per set . .$0.25 . 1.75 .75 . 5.25 Gem Slides. Set No. IX. American Scenery. 11 Slides, 33 Views Slide No. 78 New Post York: Central Park, Office, Stewart's Store. 79 New York: City Hall, East River Bridge, Elevated Railroad. 80 New York: Shipping, East River, The Tombs, Trinity Church. 81 Washington; Capitol, White House, War Department. 82 Washington: Smithsonian Insti- tute, Patent Office, Treasury Building. 83 Boston: Faneuil Hall, Bunker HilL Monument, Old South Church. Plain, each .... Plain, per set. . . Colored, each . . Colored, per set Slide No. 84 Philadelphia: Independence Hall, Girard College, Masonic Hall. 85 Harbor of San Erancisco: Capitol, Sacramento, Salt Lake City. 86 San Francisco; Palace Hotel, Chinese Joss House, exterior; Chinese Joss House, interior. 87 Yosemite: Cathedral Rock, Yose- mite Falls; Yellowstone: Bee Hive Geyser. 88 Salt Lake City: Brigham Young's House, Mormon Temple, exterior; Mormon Temple, interior, $0.25 2.75 75 8.25 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. Gem Slides. Set 12. Comic. Slide No. 8!) Another Negro Rising, same, Pleasure Before Business. 00 Poor Donkey, Poor Children, That Husband of Mine. 4 Slides, 9 Pictures. Slide No. 91 The Three Graces, Great Expecta- tions, A Pleasure Party. Plain, each fO.25 Plain, per set 75 Colored, each 75 Colored, per set 2 .25 Gem Slides. Set No. 13. Anatomy. 4 Slides. Slide No. 92 Human Skeleton. Anatomy of the Ear. Diagram of the Eye. 93 Muscles — Front View. Muscles — Back View. Muscles of the Head, Neck and Face. 12 Pictures. Slide No. 94 Heart and Lungs Stomach, Liver and Pancreas. Digestive Orgavi in Place. 95 Nerves — General View. Nerves — Fifth Pair. Nerves — Facial. Plain, each $0.25 Plain, per set .... 1.00 Colored, each 75 Colored, per set 3 .00 Gem Slides. Set No. 14. Microscopic Objects. 4 Slides, 12 Pictures. 51ide No. 9(5 Sheep Tick, Human Head Louse, Dog Flea. 97 Leg of Blow Fly, Eye of House •Fly, Proboscis of House Fly. Slide No. 98 Scales from Wing of Moth, Section of Wheat Strau, Heliopelta. 99 Saws of Saw Fly, Foot of Spider, Sting of Bee. Plain, each $0.25 Plain, per set 1 .00 Colored, each 75 Colored, per set 3 .00 Gem Slides. Set No. 15. Rip Van Winkle. 2 Slides, 6 Pictures. Slide No. Slide No. 100 Rip Van Winkle playing with the Children, Rip Van Winkle at the Village Inn. iiis Scolding Wife. Plain, each «0 25 Plain, per set 50 101 Rip Van Winkle on the Mountains, Rip Van Winkle Returns after a Nap of Twenty Years. Relating the Story. Colored, each f . 75 Colored, per set 1 .50 Gem Slides. Set No. 16. Drunkard's Daughter. 2 Slides, G Pictures. Slide No. 102 Her mother dying, she is left alone in the world. She endeav- ors to support herself by sewing shirts. Payment for her work is refused for alleged imperfections. Plain, each $0 . 25 Plain per set ..50 Slide No. J03 Unable to pay rent, she is turned into the street. In a moment of despair she plunges into eternity. Take her up tenderly, lift her with care. Colored, each $0.75 Colored, per set 1 .50 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. 23 Gem Slides. Set No. 17. Uncle Tom's Cabin. 4 Slides, 12 Pictures. Slide No 104 George Harris Takes Leave of His Wife, An Evening in Uncle Tom's Cabin, Escape of Eliza and Child on the Ice. 105 Uncle Tom Sold and Leaving His Family, Eva St. Clair Makes a Friend of Uncle Tom, Uncle Tom Saves Eva from Drowning. Slide No. lOG George Harris Resisting the Slave Hunters, Eva and Topsy, Eva Reading to Uncle Tom. 107 Eva's Dying Farewell, Legree's Cruelty to Uncle Tom, Death of Uncle Tom. Plain, each . . Plain, per set ,S0. .00 Colored, each $0 . 75 Colored, per set 3 . 00 Gem Slides. Set No. 18. Pilgrim's Progress. 4 Slides, 12 Pictures. Slide No. 110 Christian Armed; The Fight with Apolyon, Vanity Fair. 111 The Pilgrims Found Sleeping, The Pilgrims and the Shep- herds Passing Through the Waters. Colored, each $0 . 75 Colored, per set 3 .00 Slide No. 108 Pilgrim and His Burden, The Shining Light, The Slough of Despond. 109 Pilgrim at the Gate, Christian and the Three Shining Ones, Pilgrim and the Lions. Plain , each $0 . 25 Plain, per set 1 . 00 Gem Slides. Set G Slides, Slide No. 112 Creation of Light, Adam and Eve Expelled from Garden of Eden, The Deluge. 113 Saul and the Witch of Endor, David in the Camp of Saul, Daniel in the Lion's Den. 114 Flight Into Egypt, Shadow of the Cross, Return to Nazareth. Plain, each $0 . 25 Plain, per set 1 . .50 No. 19. Scripture. 18 Pictures. Slide No. 115 Christ and the Samaritan Women, Christ Healing the Sick, Christ Healing the Daughter of Jairus. IIG Christ Preaching on the Sea, Christ Tempted, Sermon on the Mount. 117 Saul on the Way to Damascus, Death on the Pale Horse, Angel Shows Jerusalem to John. Colored, each $0 . 75 Colored, per set 4 .50 Gem Slides. Set No. 20. New series religious views, copied from drawings by Gustave Dore. ment history. Old Testa- m ■■■ P^^^^ '^^SJ s ^^^B^.^v. 1 K '4m Wi^ HMLn^'*^* ^^ .■■;** .^TS*^ %.: ^ From Slide No. 121. 24 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. Slide No. 120 Creation of Eve, The Expulsion from the Garden, The Murder of Abel. 121 The Deluge, Noah Cursing Ham, The Tower of Babel. 122 Abraham Entertains Three Stran- gers, The Destruction of Sodom, The Expulsion of Hagar. 123 Hagar in the Wilderness, Trial of the Faith of Abraham, The Burial of Sarah. 124 Eliezer and Rebekah, Issac Bless- ing Jacob, Jacob Tending the Flocks of Laban. 125 Joseph Sold Into Egypt, Joseph Interpreting Pharaoh's Dream, Joseph Making Himself Known to his Brethren. 12G Moses in the Bulrushes, The War Against Gideon, Sisera Slain by Jael. .^ 127 Deborah's Song of Triumph, Jeph- tha's Daughter and Her Com- panions. 128 Samson Slaying the Lion, Samson and Delilah, Death of Samson. Slide No. 129 Naomi and her Daughters-in-law, Ruth and Boaz, The Return of the Ark. 130 Saul and David, David Spares Saul, The Death of Saul. 131 The Death of Absalom, David Mourning Over Absalom, Solo- mon. 132 The Judgment of Solomon, Cedars Destined for the Temple, The Prophet Slain by a Lion. 133 Elijah Destroying the Messengers of Ahaziah. Elijah's Ascent in a Chariot of Fire, The Death of Jezebel. 134 Esther Confounding Haman, De- struction of Sennacherib's Host, Ezekiel Prophesying. 135 The Vision of Ezekiel, Daniel, The Fiery Furnace. 13G Belshazzar's Feast, Daniel in the Lion's Den, The Prophet Amos. 137 Jonah Calling Ninevah to Repent- ance, Daniel Confounding the Priests of Bel, Helidorus Pun- ished in the Temple. Price, plain, 25c each slide, or for the set J 4 50 Price, colored, 7.5c. each slide, or for the set ]3 50 Gem Slides. Set No. 21. New Testament Scenes. From Slide No. 138. Slide No. 138 The Nativity, The Star in the East, The Flight into Egypt. 130 The Massacre of the Innocents, Jesus Question ing the Doctors, Jesus Healing the Sick. 140 Sermon on the Mount, Christ Still- ing the Tempest, The Dumb Man Possessed. Slide No. 141 Christ in the Synagogue, Disciples Plucking Corn on the Sabbath, Jesus Walking on the Water. 142 Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. Jesus and the Tribute Money, The Widow's Mite. 143 Raising the Daughter of Jairus, The Good Samaritan, Arrival of the Samaritan at the Inn. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. Slide No. 144 The Prodigal Son, Lazarus and the Rich Man, The Pharisee and the Publican. 145 Jesus and the Woman of Samaria, Jesus and the Woman Taken in Adultery, The Resurrection of Lazarus. 146 The Last Supper. The Agony in the Garden, I'ra^'er of Jesus in the Garden of Olives. 147 The Betrayal, Christ Fainting Under the Cross, The Flagella- tion. Price, plain, 25c. each, or for the set. . Price, colored, 75c. each, or for the set. Slide Nn. 148 The Crucifixion, The Close of the Crucifixion, The Burial of Jesus. 14!) The Anyel at the Sepulchre, The Journey to Emmaus, The Ascen- sion. 150 Martyrdom of St. Stephen, SauTs Conversion, Deliverance of St. Peter. 151 Paul at Ephesus, Paul Menaced by the Je%vs, Paul Shipwrecked. S :i .".(I . H) 50 Gem Slides. Set No. 22. New Series. Comic Views. From Slide No. 181. Slide No. 175 Faith; Say, Boss, Who Curls Yer Hair? Gin and Milk. 17G Jump In, Mister, I Want to Try My Dog! Just Saw Your Husband go Into the Y. M. C. A. Rooms, Marm; Gen'ral Washington, Yo Put Yo Shoes On or People '1 Tink Youah Irish. 177 Happy Father— What! Two! Happy Father — 3 o'clock in the Morn- ing; Now, Marm, Say When. 178 Massy Sakes! Yar He Goes! Look Out, Dar, Sumfin's Gwine to Drap; "Sumfin Did Drap. " 179 Well, Boy, What Are You Going to Do With That Can? Mike Murphy is Admitted to the Best Houses in the City, Pat McCarty is Rising in the World. 180 How Biddy Shtamed the Petaties, How Biddy Scalloped the Oys- ters (with the scissors). How Biddy Served Potatoes Un- dressed. Plain, each '. . . $0 25 Plain, per set 3 00 Slide No. 181 Why Gas Bills are High When the Family is Away; Scene in a Street Car; Bliss Disturbed. 182 Chicken on Half Shell; Seems to Me I Smell Burnt Rags; She Stoops to Conquer. 183 Dawgy! Dawgy! Where Ish Dat Tamn Tawg? Hans; If You Marry Me You Can Haf Dem Music OH de Times; I Never Likes to go Shooting With a Man What's Careless. 184 Where the Devil Did I Eat That Dog? Oh! What a Meeting That Will Be! Come! Come Along. Do! 185 Boss In (heads), Boss Out (feet); Don't Move! Something's Got to Come This Time; What a Little Child Can Do. 186 Trouble in de Church— Pull Down Your Vest! Trouble in de Church —Wipe Off Your Chin! Well I Should Smile. Colored, each $0 75 Colored, per set 9 00 26 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. Gem Slides. Set No. 26. Astronomy. 4 Slides, 12 Views. Slide Na 425 The Solar System. Comparative size of the Sun and Planets. Rev- olutions of the Earth around the Sun and upon its axis, with the signs of the Zodiac. 42G Atmospheric Refraction. The Half Moon. Theory of the Eclipse of the Sun and Moon. Slide No. 427 Theory of the Tides. Time and mean place of a planet in its orbit. Mars. 428 Jupiter. Saturn. Comets. Price, 50c. each slide, or $2.00 for the set. Plain, each $0 '^.5 Plain, per set ...........' 1 (JO Colored, each * ' or Colored, per set ' ' 3 qq Gem Slides. Set No. 26. Spanish-American War. Slide No. 450 U. S. Battleship Illinois. U. S. Bat- tleship Oregon. U. S. Gunboat Annapolis. 451 U. S. Gunboat Marietta; U. S. Cruiser Brooklyn; U, S. Cruiser New York. 452 U. S Battleship Texas; U. S. Bat- tleship Maine; Wreck of the I\Iaine, amidships. 453 Wreck of the Maine, U. S. Divers, Wreck of the Maine, a Spanish Diver: Wrecking Boat at Work. 454 U. S Cruiser Boston. Wig-wag Sig- naling, U. S. Navy; Revolver Practice, U. S. Navy. 455 U. S. Cruiser Olympia; Troops leaving California for Manila; Forts of San Juan, Porto Rico. 45() Capt. Sigsbee, U. S. Navy; Premier Sagasia; Capt. -Gen. Weyler. 457 Admiral Dewey; Admiral Sampson; Admiral Schley. 45S Capt. Evans; Lieut. Hobson; Capt. Clark. 459 General Miles; General Shafter; Colonel Roosevelt. 4(i0 Forward Turret of the Indiana. Mortar Battery in .Action; 12-inch Coast Defense Gun. 461 Review cf Troops at Camp .A.lger; U. S. Army Camp at Chicka- maugaPark; LoadingU.S. Trans- ports. Slide No. 462 Troop Ships Starting for Cuba; Loading Artillery at Tampa, Fla., Landing Artillery at Baiquiri; Cuba. 463 Pneumatic Guns of the Vesuvius; Embarkation of Mules for Cuba; Conference between Gen. Wheeler and Spanish Officials. 464 On Picket Duty (Cavalry) at Santi- ago; Difficulties of a March in Cuba; A Cavalry Outpost at San- tiago. 465 Battle of Santiago — Artillery; Bat- tle at El Paso — Artillery; Battle at El Caney. 466 Storming the Hill at San Juan; Fight at Siboney; Burial of the Dead. 467 A Spanish Officer Reconnoitering; A Spanish Outpost — Natural Stock- ade; An Insurgent Vedette. 468 U. S. Fleet Blockading Sarftiago; Spanish Fleet Blockar'ed in San- tiago Harbor; The St Paul Chas- ing a Spanish \'essel. 469 In the Main-top; Cutting Cables at Cienfuegos Under Fire; Capture of a Spanish Vessel by Men-o- War. 470 Destruction of the Vizcaya; De- struction of the Cristobal Colon; Destruction of the Oquendo. 471 Destruction of the Maria Teresa: Annihilation of Cervera.'s Fleet; Naval Battle of Manila. Plain, each Artistically colored, each. .SO 25 . 7a MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. 27 Gem Slides. Set No. 27. The Philippine Islands. Slide No. 497 Native Troops; A Philippine Farm; Planting Rice. 498 Scenery Alon;.; a Bayou; A Typical Forest Scene; Street Scene in Batanijas. Slide Xo. 499 The Bay, Across from Manila; Baccoor, a Suburb of Manilla; Santa Mesa, Manila. Plain, each Artistically colored, e;u h. .<0 25 75 Gem Slides, Set No. 28. Cuba. Slide No. 500 View of City and Harbor, Havana; The Rainy Season, In Town; The Rainy Season, in the Country. 501 The Beach at Baiquiri; Iron Foot Bridge at Baiquiri; Harbor and Town of Santiago. 502 Panorama from Across the Bay, Havana; Morro Castle, Havana; La Fuerza, Havana. 503 The Prado, Havana; Botanical Gardens, Havana; Harbor, Look- ing North, Havana. 504 Palace of Captain-General, Ha- vana; A Bull Fight, Havana; Homes of the Poor, Havana. Slide No. 505 Harbor of Santiago; St. Thomas Street, Santiago; Entrance to the Harbor, Santiago. 500 Morro Castle, Santiago; The Yu- muri River at Matanzas; Gen- eral View of Matanzas. 507 View in the Plaza, Cienfuegos; A Cuban Sugar I'lantation; Sacre Monte (Sacred Mountain). 508 El Caney; Waterway near Bahia Honda; Cattle Scene in Eastern Cuba. 509 Village in Southwest Cuba; Cuba Ox Carts; A Farm Scene in the Mountains. Plain, each Artistically colored, each. .$0 25 Gem Slides. Set No. 29. The Hawaiian Islands. Slide No. 515 Hauling Sugar Cane to Mill; Crater of Mt. Kilauea; Lava Beds, Crater of Mt. Kilauea. 516 Driveway to Hotel, Honolulu; Queen Emma Hospital, Hono- lulu; Grounds of Queen's Hospi- tal, Honolulu. 517 Native Boys Diving for Pennies; Honolulu from the Punch Bowl; Royal Household Guards, Hono- lulu. 518 Prisoners in Jail Yard, Honolulu; Detachment of U. S Marines, Honolulu; Fort Street, Honolulu. Slide No. 519 A Native Grass House; Hawaiian \Vomen Picnicking; Flower Girls of Honolulu. 520 Executive Building and Grounds, Honolulu; Grounds of a Private Residence, Honolulu; A Street Scene in Honolulu. 521 Kalakau I.; Liliuokalani; S B. Dole, President Hawaiian Re- public. 522 Gathering Eggs of Sea Birds; Wai- lua Falls; Rainbow Falls. Plain, each. ... Artistically colored, each .$0 25 . 75 28 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. LECTURE SETS The slides contained in our Lecture Sets are the standard size, 3^ x 4 inch, and are of finest quality. They are from original negatives, many of which were made in the field. Set No. 1200. THE DISASTER TO THE BATTLESHIP MAINE, AND THE CUBAN WARFARE. BY PROFESSOR HENRY LEO. (Copyright. 1898, by the K O Co.) Previous to February IG, 1898, relations between the United States and Spain had been strained almost to the breaking point. On that date the people of the whole world were horrified to learn of the total destruction, by explosion, of the United States battleship, Maine, in the harbor of Havana. Beginning with this disaster, the writer gives a most thorough and interesting description of the results of Spanish misrule in Cuba. List of Views included in the Lecture: 1 The Battleship, Maine, in Havana Harbor. 2 Explosion of the Maine. 3 The Wreck of the Maine. 4 The Officers of the Maine. 5 The Crew of the Maine. (5 Portrait of McKinley. 7 Consul General Lee. 8 General Weyler. 9 .\ntonio Maceo. 10 George Washington. 1 1 The Flag of Cuba. 12 The Spanish Flag. 13 The American Flag. 14 Map of Central Cuba. 15 Map of the Fortifications of Havana. 10 Morro Castle. 17 A Cuban Country Road. 18 A Cuban Ox-Cart. 19 A Tobacco Plantation. 20 A Cuban Pine-Apple Field. 21 Ploughing with Oxen. 22 Panorama of the Prado. 23 Mule Cart in Havana. 24 Panorama of Havana and the Bay. 25 Panorama over the House Tops. 2G Indian Statue on the Prado. 27 Royal Palms and Botanical Gar- dens. 28 Garden of South Hospital. 29 Cabanas Castle and Entrance to Havana Harbor. 30 La Fuerza. 31 Fountain in Botanical Garden. 32 Cathedral. 33 Bull Fight and Ring. 34 Starving C'uban Children. 35 A Filibustering Steamer, The Ber- muda, Landing Stores. 3G A Cuban Sentinel Posted on a Tree Trunk. 37 Sword and Machete. 38 An Outpost on the Trocha. 39 A Cavalry Charge. 40 Spanish Forces Caught in Ambus- cade. 41 Insurgents Repelling Attack Behind Barricade of Sugar Hogsheads. 42 Spanish Soldiers Guarding a Rail- road. 43 Shooting of Cuban Spies. 44 Ruined Sugar Machinery. 45 The Battleship Indiana. 4G Deck of Indiana. 47 The Gimboat Yorktown. 48 U. S. S. Katahdin. 49 U. S. S. Vesuvius. 50 Columbia and the Flag. Price, set complete, with Lecture, uncolored slides $17 50 " " " "all slides colored 42 50 Price, per single slides, uncolored, each 35 " " " " artistically colored, each 85 MONTGOMERY WARD ct CO., CHICAGO. 11 The Magic Lantern feature is almost identical in construction with our Thornward Universal Lantern (see pages (i and 7), except that the objective is a specially fine lens of such length of focus as to project upon the screen, from a regular.3 V4 x 4 inch slide, approximately the same sized image as is projected from the smaller film pictures by means of the objective of the Moving Picture attachment. The condensing lenses are 4^2 inches in diameter, of finest quality, mounted in nickeled brass cell. The mechanical attachment for operating the Moving I^icture Films is of the latest improved model, supplied with a fine, high power objective, film reel and re- winding spool at side. The attachment rests upon a metal post attached to the plat- form and is clamped in position by means of a heavy set screw. To loosen this screw, remove the attachment, and thus convert the machine into a regular Magic Lantern is the work of but a moment. All standard gauge films can be used in the Optiscope and the picture projected is sharp and positive, while the motion caused by the vibration of the film is reduced to the minimum. The Optiscope is easily portable; in carrying case it weighs but 2.") lbs. Lime Light and Electric Light are the only forms of radiant with which satisfactory moving pictures can be produced. No other radiant is suitable for this purpose. The Thornward Optiscope, Model **0" P'urnished with high grade jet, with stop cocks for using lime (oxy-hydrogen gas) light; price including carrying case, six feet rubber tubing and two lantern slide car- riers. Price SCO 00 The Thornward Optiscope, Model **P" Furnished with hand feed electric arc light lamp, (for use on low tension incan- descent current) a Rheostat applicable for either 110 volt (or less) direct current, or 52 or 104 volt alternating currents, knife switch, screw-plug cut-out, and 10 feet flexible cord for making connections. Price $75 00 EXHIBITOR'S OIL LIGHT HAQIC LANTERN OUTFITS Outfit No. 1 consists of the following The Home Circle Magic Lantern, ■complete in Carrying Case. 1 Slide Carrier for Gem Slides. 1 Slide Carrier for 'S){\i inch Slides. 1 Curtain Screen, 10x10 feet,. 25 Uncolored Gem Slides, assorted, Scenic, Comic, Religious, War subjects. C Finely Colored Gem Slides. Price, Outfit No. 1 1 Colored Movable Slide — Welcome. 1 Colored Movable Slide — Goodnight. 4 Colored Movable Slides — Comic. 200 Large Size Attractive Advertising Posters. 200 Admission Tickets. 1 Rubber Type Outfit, with Holder and Pad for Stamping in Dates; $32 25 Exhibitor's Oil Light Outfit No. 2 Same as No. 1, but furnished with the Kohinoor Lantern instead of the Home Circle. Price, Outfit No. 2 $43 25 Same as No. 1 Circle. Price, Outfit No. 3.. Exhibitor's Oil Light Outfit No. 3 but with the Dissolving Lantern substituted for the Home |C1 75 12 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. EXHIBITOR'S ACETYLENE GAS LIGHT HAGIC LANTERN OUTFIT No. 4 This is one of the most satisfactory exhibition outfits in the market. It is in no- wise a cheaply gotten up affair. The use of the Acetylene Gas Light in our Universal Lantern puts in the posses- sion of the owner of one of these outfits an equipment that cannot be excelled, except by a dissolving stereopticon or a moving picture machine. The No. 4 Outfit consists of: 1 Thornward Universal Magic Lantern, Model B, complete in carrying case. 1 Acetylene Gas Generating Outfit. 1 slide carrier for Gem slides. 1 slide carrier for Standard slides. 1 curtain screen, 12x12 feet. Our great lecture set. Land and Naval Battles of Santiago, 50 views with descriptive lecture. 10 uncolored Gem slides, assorted scenic, comic and religious subjects. G finely colored Gem slides. 1 colored movable slide. Good Night. 1 colored movable slide. Welcome. 1 slide box to hold 50 views. 10 lbs. calcic carbide for making Acety- lene Gas. 500 large advertising posters. 500 admission tickets. 1 rubber type outfit with holder and pad for stamping in dates. Full instructions. Price Outfit No. 4 |S3 00 OUR GREAT PERFECTION EXHIBITION OUTFIT This is the most complete equipment for giving Public Entertainments ever assembled. It is suitable for use in either large or small halls, in the theatre or in the parlor. With it can be produced both the stationary pictures from regular lantern slides and the celebrated Animated Pictures of objects in motion. Combined with these superb attractions the operator can vary his entertainment by Talking, Singing, Orchestral, Band or Solo Selections, as produced by the wonderful. Gramophone the best Talking Machine made, for use in public entertainments, it having five times the volume of sound of any other machine. This outfit is a money maker, and wili repay the purchase price many times over in a short time. The Perfection Outfit consists of: The Thornward Optiscope Combined Magic Lantern and Moving Picture Machine, complete in carrying case. 1 Oxy-Hydrogen Gas Making Outfit, complete. 2 slide carriers. 1 curtain screen, 12x12 feet. 6 moving picture films, (50 feet lengths) two comic subjects, two miscellan- eous subjects, two war view sub- jects. 50 lantern slides, standard sizes, selected from our three great lecture sets: The Destruction of the Maine, The Battle of Manila, Land and Naval Battles of Santiago, with the three lectures. 6 Gem slides, statuary and comic sub- G colored movable slides, comic. 1 colored movable slide. Good Night. 1 colored movable slide. Welcome. 1 slide box for holding 50 slides. 10 lbs. mixed chemicals for making Oxy- gen gas. The latest model Gramophone with new- sound box and amplifying Concert horn, in canvas carrying case. 26 records for the Gramophone, selected musical and talking subjects. 500 large size, attractive advertising posters. 500 admission tickets. 1 complete rubber type outfit with holder and pad for stamping in dates. Full instructions for making gases, and operating. jects. Price, complete J220 00 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. 31 Set No. 1230. United States History. From 1492 to 1813 A. D. Slide No. I Landing of Columbus, 1492. De Soto Discovering Nlississippi, 1521 Marriage of Pocahontas; 1G13. Landing of Pilgrims, 1020. Penn's Treaty with the Indians, 1G82. Battle of Lexington, 1775. Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775. Declaration of Independence, 1776. Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1776 Price, set complete, plain, with Lecture. . . Price, set complete, colored, with Lecture Price, single slides, plain Price, single slides, colored Set No. 1240. Uui Slide No. 10 Washington at Valley Forge, 1777. 11 Indian Massacreat Wyoming, 1778. 12 Action of Serapis and Richard. 13 Capture of Major Andre. 14 Gen. Marion and BritishOfficer, 1780 15 Surrender of Cornwallis, 1781. 16 Lafayette at Mt. Vernon, 1782. 17 Macedonian Captured by Frigate U. S., 1812. Commodore Perry at Lake Erie, 1813 $ 6 30 15 30 35 85 18 ted States History. From 1847 to 1881 A. D. Slide No. 1 Battle of Buena Vista, 1847. Scott Entering Mexico, 1848. Bombardment of Fort Sumter, 1861. Battle of Bull Run, 1861. Capture of Fort Donelson, 1862. Naval Combat, Monitor and Merri- mac, 1862. 7 Reading Emancipation Proclama- tion, 1862. 8 Battle of Antietam, 1862. Siege of Vicksburg, 18()'^ Price, set complete, plain, with Lecture . . Price, set complete, colored, with Lecture Price, single slides, plain Price, single slides, colored Slide No. 10 Battle of Gettysburg, 1863. 11 Battle of Lookout Mountain, 1863. 12 Siege of Petersburg, 1864. 13 Kearsarge and Alabama, 1864. 14 Farragut at Mobile Bay, 1864. 15 Sherman's March ThroughGeorgia, 1864. • 16 Surrender of Lee, 1865. 17 Assassination of Lincoln, 1865. 18 Assassination of Garfield, 1881. .$ 6 30 . 15 30 35 85 Set No. 1290. Two Paths of Virtue and Vice. Slide No. Slide No. 1 Childhood. 3 Manhood. 2 Youth. ■ 4 Old Age. Set complete, plain, with Reading $1 Set complete, colored, with Reading 3 Single slides, plain, each Single slides, colored, each y5 Set No. 1300. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Slide No. 6 Uncle Tom saves Eva from drown- ing. 7 George Harris Resisting the Slave Hunters. 8 Eva and Topsy. 9 Eva Reading to Uncle Tom. 10 Eva's Dying Farewell. 11 Legree's Cruelty to Uncle Tom. 12 Death of Uncle Tom. Set complete, plain, with Lecture $ 4 20 Set complete, colored, with Lecture 10 20 Single slides, plain, each 35 Single slides, colored, each 85 Slide No. 1 George Harris taking leave of his wife. 2 An Evening in Uncle Tom's Cabin. 3 Escape of Eliza and Child on the ice. 4 Uncle Tom sold and leaving his family. 5 Eva St. Clair makes a friend of TJri'^'e Ti^Ti. 32 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., CHICAGO. Set No. 1310. Gambler's Career. Slide No. 4 He is detected and roughly handled by his friends. 5 Having finally lost his all, he leaves the gambling-house in despair and madness. G He ends his life in a mad-house, still occupied with his ruling passion. Set complete, plain, with Lecture $2 10 Set complete, colored, with Lecture 5 10 Sinj^le slides, plain, each 35 Single slides, colored, each 85 Slide No. 1 The first seed of the passion planted in the young mind. 2 The development of the passion with higher stakes. 3 Finding himself always the loser, he resorts to false play. Set No. 1320. Ten Nights in a Bar Room. Slide No. 1 The at the "Sickle and arrival Sheaf." Joe Morgan's Little Mary begs him to come home. Slade throws a glass at Joe Morgan and hits Mary. Joe Morgan suffering the horrors of Delerium Tremens. Death of Joe Morgan's little Mary. Frank Slade and Tom Wilkins rid- ing off on a spree. Set complete, plain, with Lecture . . Set complete, colored, with Lecture Single slides, plain, each Single slides, colored, each Slide No, 7 Willie Hammond is induced by Harvey Green to Gamble. 8 Harvey Green stabs Willie Ham- mond to Death. Quarrel between Slade and his soa Frank. 10 Frank Slade kills his father with a bottle. 11 Meeting of the Citizens in the bar room. 12 The departure from the "Sickleand Sheaf. $ 4 20 10 20 35 85 Set No. 1330. The Drunkard's Progress. Slide No. 1 Domestic Happiness — The Greatest of Earthly Blessings. 2 The Temptation — "Lead me not into Temptation." 3 Intioduction of Sorrow — A loving heart made sad. 4 The Rum Hole — A substitute for Home. 5 Rum Instead of Reason. 6 Degraded Humanity. Slide No. 7 The cold shoulder by old Friends^. 8 Rumseller's Gratitude — Rejection instead of Injection. 9 Poverty and Want. 10 Robbery and Murder — The Result of Drunkenness. 11 Mania-a-potu — The Horror of Hor- ror. 12 The Death that Precedes Eternal Death. Set complete, plain, with Lecture... Set complete, colored, with Lecture. Single slides, plain, each Single slides, colored, each .$ 4 20 . 10 20 35 85 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO . CHICAGO. 33 Set No. 1340. The Drunkard's Daughter. Slide No. 1 Slide No. 4 Unable to pay the rent she is turned into the street. 5 In a moment of despair she plunges into eternity. G "Take her up tenderly, lift her with care. " Her mother dying, she is left alone in the world. 2 She endeavors to support herself by sewing shirts. 3 Payment of her work is refused for alleged imperffections. Set complete, plain, with Lecture $2 10 Set complete, colored, with Lecture 5 10 Single slides, plain, each 3") Single slides, colored, each ..... 85 Set No. 1350. The Bottle. Slide No. 5 Cold, misery and want destroy their youngest child. G Fearful quarrels are the conse- quences of frequent use of bottle. 7 The husband in a fit of drunkenness kills his wife. 8 The bottle has destroyed infant and mother, brought son and daughter to vice,' and left the father a maniac. Set complete, plain, with Lecture $2 80 Set complete, colored, with Lecture 6 80 Single slides, plain, each 35 Single slides, colored, each 85 Set No. 1360. Father, Dear Father, Come Home. Slide No. 1 The bottle is brought out for the first time. He is discharged from employment for drunkenness. An execution sweeps off the greater part of their furniture. They are driven by poverty into the street to beg. Slid 4 No. The night has grown coldei and Benny is worse. But he has been calling for you. Father, dear father, come home with me now. The clock in the steeple strikes three. Yes, we are alone, poor Benny is dead, And gone with the angels of light. Slide No. 1 Father, dear father, come home with me now. The clock in the steeple strikes one, 2 With poor brother Benny so sick in her arms, And no one to help her but me. 3 Father, dear father, come home with me now. The clock in the steeplestrikes two. Set complete, plain, with Reading S2 10 Set complete, colored, with Reading 5 10 Single slides, plain, each 35 Single slides, colored, each 85 Set No. 1370. The Drunkard's Reform. Slide No. Slide No. 1 He squanders his hard earned money 4 He informs his wife of his resolve. in drink. 5 His sobriety raises him to the posi- 2 His child's clothes are ridiculed; his tion of foreman. pride is touched. 6 The happy home of the reformed 3 He forms a resolution and leavees man. the tavern. Set complete, plain, with Lecture $2 10 Set complete, colored, with Lecture 5 10 Single slides, plain, each 35 Single slides, colored, each 85 34 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. Set No. 1850. Bible History. Slide No. 1 Adam and Eve in Paradise. 2 The Sacrifice of Noah. 3 Rebecca at the Well. 4 Eleazer in the house of Bathuel. 5 Arrival of Rebecca. G Jacob's Dream. 7 Jacob Waters the Flocks of Rachel. 8 Joseph Sold by His Brothers. 9 Joseph's Bloody Coat Brought to Jacob. 10 Joseph Meets His Father in Goshen. 1 1 Moses Saved by Pharaoh's Daughters 12 Moses Assisting the Daughters of Jethro. Set complete, plain, with Lecture Set complete, colored, with Lecture Single slides, plain, each Single slides, colored, each Slide No. 13 Pharaoh's Host Drowned in Red Sea. 14 Jephthah's Daughter Meeting Her Father. 15 Samson Betrayed by Delilah. 1(5 David ReturnsConquerorof Goliath 17 David in Camp of Saul. 18 Saul and the Witch of Endor. 19 The Judgment of King Solomon. 20 Solomon's Reception of Queen of Sheba. 21 Espousal of Esther by Ahasuerus. 22 Esther Implores Ahasuerus. 23 The Feast of Belshazzar. 24 Daniel in the Lion's Den. $ 8 40 . 2U 40 35 85 Set No. 1870. Life Slide No. 1 The Annunciation to the Virgm. 2 The Angel appearing to the Shep- herds. 3 The Babe of Bethlehem. 4 The Magi Guided by the Star. 5 The Adoration of the Magi. 6 The Presentation in the Temple. 7 The Flight into Egypt. 8 The Shadow of the Cross. 9 The Return to Nazareth. 10 Jesus Disputing with the Doctors. 11 St. John Preaching in the Wilderness 12 The Baptism of Christ. 13 Christ Tempted by the Devil. 14 Christ and the Samaritan. 15 Christ Preaching on the Sea of Galilee. IG The Sermon on the Mount. 17 Christ Healing the Sick. 18 ChristRaisingtheDaughterofJairus 19 Christ Walking on the Waters. 20 The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes. 21 The Transfiguration. 22 Parable of Prodigal Son — Carousal. 23 Parable of Prodigal Son— Swine- herd. Set complete, plain, with Lecture . . Set complete, colored, with Lecture. Single slides, plain, each Single slides, colored, each of Our Saviour. Slide No. 24 Parable of Prodigal Son — Return. 25 Christ Blessing Little Children. 26 Mary Magdalen Washing Jesus' Feet. 27 Christ and the Rich Young Man. 28 The Parable of the Lilies. 29 Christ, the Outcast of the People. 30 Christ's Entry Into Jerusalem. 31 The Poor Widow's Two Mites. 32 Christ, the Good Shepherd. 33 Christ Weeping Over Jerusalem. 34 The Last Supper. 35 The Agony in the Garden. 36 Christ Rejected. 37 Christ Bearing the Cross. 38 Christ Arriving at Mt. Calvary. 39 The Crucifixion. 40 Golgotha. "It is Finished." 41 The Descent from the Cross. 42 The Body of Christ Laid in Tomb. 43 First Easter Dawn. 44 The Resurrection of Christ. 45 The Marys at the Tomb. 46 Easter Morning. 47 The Journey to Emmaus. 48 The Ascension of Christ .$10 80 . 40 80 35 85 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.. CHICAGO. 35 MOVABLE COMIC VIEWS. On Slides, 4x7 Inches. These Slides are so constructed that two effects are shown on the screen without removing the Slide from the Lantern. Part of the picture is painted on one glass, and the other part on another glass. The two are arranged on a frame so that one glass slips over the other, and very cf^mical effects are produced. It is a great mystery to the uninitiated, and they cannot understand how the transformations are made, The subjects are all comic, so that laughter and good humor are always produced in the audience. We reserve the right to substitute on these slides, as it is sometimes impossible to keep all numbers in stock. Price of Comic Slip Slides, each 50 HO Price of Comic Slip Slides, per dozen G 75 Slide No. 1 Dream of a Dvspeptic — Asleep, and the horrible objects uhich appear in his dreams. 2 A Plea for Temperance. — The lec- turer's arguments are supple- mented by the sudden appearance of a poor drunken fellow in the last stages of drunkenness. 3 Drawing Teeth Extraordinary. — A dentist is tugging away at a re- fractory tooth in the jaw of a patient. 4 Growing Fat on Water. — A man at the fountain continues drinking until he is as broad as lie is long. .') First-class Shave.— Tonsorial artist at work on a stout customer with a heavy beard. G Boots. — ^Boy tugging nt his master's boots finally starts them .and — himself at the same time. 7 Family Jars. — .-\s illustrated by a scolding wife and meek hus- band. 8 A Windy Day. — .\ gaily dressed lady finds the wind too much for her. Old Lady and Pet Monkey.— The monkey seizes the old lady's cap, wig and all, waking her uncere- moniously. 10 Highland Fling. — Scotch Dance. 11 The Happy Pair. — .\ luscious pear suddenly changes to