m I! ii itf HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 5 ^ tf KM ^ ai "i ^ >, ~ aO «i -15! ^^ M •J-* TP f^ f§ ^ ftq ^'^ (^ ki ^ Q t^ HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF NORTH CAROLINA From 1584 to 1851. COMPILED FROM ORIGINAL RECORDS, OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, AND TRADITIONAL STATEMENTS. WITH MANY BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF HER DISTINGUISHED STATESMEN, JURISTS, LAWYERS, SOLDIERS, DIVINES, ETC. BY i JOHN H. WHEELED, LATE TREASURER OF THE STATE. "Truth is stranger than Fiction." ILLUSTRATED WITH ENGRAVINGS. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, GRAM BO AND CO RALEIGH, N. C. WILLIAM L. POMEROY. 1851. History inakcth a young man to be old, without either wrinkles or gray hairs ; privileging hiin with the experience of age, without eitlier the infirmities or inconvenience thereof. Fuller's Holy War. Ill fares it with a State, whose history is written by others than her o^vn sods. Pkescott. The archives of the State, and the desks of ancient families, now bury the story of the rise and progress of the State of North Carolina : ignorance and wickedness may misrepresent the character of her history, if efforts are not made to break away the darkness that surrounds it. Such are the inducements of this publication. Jones. The world will not be able fully to understand North Carolina, until they have opened the treasures of history, and become familiar with the doings of her sons previous to the Revolu- tion, during tliat painful struggle, and the succeeding years of prosperity. Then will North Carolina be respected as she is known. FOOTE. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1851, by JOHN H. WHEELER, in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA : T. K. AND P. G. COLLINS, PRINTERS. % TO GEORGE BANCROFT, LL. D., WHOSE WRITINGS HAVE MARKED THE AGE IN WHICH HE LIVES, AND THE ONLY HISTORIAN WHO HAS DONE JUSTICE TO NORTH CAROLINA ; TO PETER FORCE, WHOSE PATIENT LABOR AND INDEFATIGABLE RESEARCH HAVE PROVED HER EARLY . PATRIOTISM ; AND TO DAVID L. SWAIN, LL.D., WHOSE NATIVE WORTH, WHOSE SERVICES AND WHOSE TALENTS, ARE ALIKE HER PRIDE AND ORNAMENT ; T T II E S E , BY WHOSE COUNSEL THESE SKETCHES HAVE BEEN UNDERTAKEN, WHOSE EXAMPLE HAS ENCOURAGED, AND WHOSE LABORS HAVE AIDED \ AND TO THE YOUNG MEN OF THE «' THIS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. THE FOLLOWING OPINIONS RELATIVE TO THE MERITS OF THIS WORK HAVE BEEN EXPRESSED. Extract from the Report of the Joint Select Committee of the Library of the General Assembly of North Carolina, at the last session (1851), through Hon. Wui. H. Washington (Chairman), Senator from Craven County. " The Committee cannot but regard the work of Col. "Wheeler as a patriotic and praiseworthy efi'ort to rescue from oblivion important facts of our early history, and to elevate the character and standing of his native State; and, as such, would cordially recommend it to the favorable consideration, not only of the legislature, but of the people of the State at large." Extract from a letter of Hon. David L. Swain, President of the University of North Carolina, to Rev. Francis L. ILnvks, D. D., LL. D., of New York. "Chapel Hill, February 22, 1851. "The Sketches of Col. Wheeler, in relation to this State, contain a great amount of useful and minute information, chiefly statistical and biograpliieal, connected with every county in the State." Extract from a letter of Hon. R. M. Pearson, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of North Carolina. " Raleigh, March 1, 1851. " I have had a conversation with the other two Judges, upon the subject of the Sketches of North Carolina, which you are about to publish. "We concur in thinking that such a work will be highlj' interesting to every citizen of the State ; useful as a book of reference ; and will rescue from oblivion many facts that ought not to be forgotten." Extract from a letter of Hon. George Bancroft, author of "History of the United States." " New York, March 15, 1851. " I look forward to the publication of your work with great interest, in the hope that you may fill the gap in the history of your patriotic State." " This is a work of which every son of North Carolina ought to be proud." Spirit of the Age, Raleigh. " This work will be valuable, and ought to be in the hands of every North Carolinian." Patrioi, Greensboro'. " Too little is known of our history. When the important information that Col. Wheeler will impart, can be procured, every family ought to own a copy of this work." Mountain Banner, Rutherfordton. 'We hesitate not to say, that this work will turn out one of the most valuable books to the citizens of the State ever yet published." . Watchman, Salisbury. TABLE OF CONTENTS. SERIES I. THE COLONY OP NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER I. FKOM 1584 TO 1585. The discovery of America by Columbus in 1492, under the auspices of Fer- dinand of Spain — John Cabot's expedition in 1490, under the auspices of Henry VII. — The first expedition to the United States in 1584, under the auspices of Sir Walter lialeigh, which landed on Roanoake Island, in North Carolina. CHAPTER II. FROM 1585 TO 1589. Second expedition under Sir Richard Greenville in 1585, and the third under the same in 1586 — The fourth under Governor White, Governor of the City of Raleigh. CHAPTER III. FROM 1589 TO 1653. Other expeditions unsuccessful, and Sir Walter assigns his patent (1589) — Sketch of the life, character, and death of Sir Walter Raleigh (1618) — Set- tlement of the colony of Virginia under Captain John Smith — Sketch of the life, character, and services of John Smith — His rescue by Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan — Her life, character, and services. CHAPTER IV. FROM 1653 TO 1712. Permanent settlement of North Carolina — William Drummond, first governor, in 1603, a Scotchman — Succeeded by Governor Stephens on his death, 1067 — Who was succeeded at his death (1674) by Governor Carteret, whose deputy, Miller, acts as governor during the absence of Carteret — Cul- pepper's insun-ection, and possession of the government by him in 1678 — Governor Eastchurch arrives in North Carolina- — Culpepper sent for trial to England, tried and acquitted — John Harvey, on the death of Eastchurch, governor in 1080 — Governor John Jenkins appointed, who, on his death, is succeeded by Henry Wilkinson (Dec. 1681) — Seth Sothel appointed governor in 1683 — His character and life; exiled by the people and death — S icceeded by Governor Philip Ludwell (1689), who resided most of his tinii. in Virginia — Constitution formed by Locke fur North Carolina (1693) — Caioilna divided into North and South Carolina — Thomas Smith ap- X CONTENTS. pointed governor — On his advice, John Archdale, " the Quaker GoTernor," is appointed (1G94); his sagacious and prudent administration — On his return to England (1C99) Thomas Harvey governor — On his death in 1699, Henderson Walker is governor — On his death (1704) Robert Daniel succeeds as governor— Difficulties between the Church of England and the Dissenters — First church in North Carolina (1705) — Fii'st news- paper in the United States (1705) — Contest between Cary and Glover ft r the government — Cary prevails — Cary sent to England for examination ( 171 1) — Edward Ilyde governor in 1712 — De Graaffenreidt's patent — Indian murders — Lawson, first historian of North Carolina, killed by the Indians — Hyde dies with yellow fever (1712) and George Pollock succeeds him — First emission of paper money in North Carolina. CHAPTER y. FROM 1712 TO 1729. Charles Eden governor (1713) — Tuscai-ora Indians humbled, and make a treaty — Black Beard, the pirate ; his life and death — Edenton established — Eden'a death (1722) — Copy of his tombstone — Thomas Pollock succeeds as governor; and, in 1724, on his death, William Reed, as President of the Council, is governor — In 1724 Governor Burrinj;;ton arrives — His character — His opinion of the people of North Carolina — Sir Richard Everhard appointed governor, 1725 — Dividing line between Virginia and North Carolina, 1727 — The lords nioprietorp siirrender to the crown, pJuly 1729, except Lord Granville- -I opulation and divisions of the colony at this time — Portion of Lord Granville. CHAPTER VI. FROM 1729 TO 1754. North Carolina nnder the Royal Governors — Governor Eurrlngton, 1729 — Ilis character, conduct, life, and death in 1734 — Nathaniel Rice, the Secretary, governor in 1734, who was succeeded by Gabriel Johnston, as governor — Line between North and South Carolina — Computation of time altered by aot of Parliament — First printing press in North Carolina, 1749 — Fort Johnston built — Moravians purchase land in North Carolina — First revisal of the laws of North Carolina — Governor Johnston, after being governor for twenty years, dies (1752) — Hi" life, character, and services — He is succeeded, for a time, by Nathaniel Rice ; and, on his death, in Janu- ary 1753, by Matthew Rowan — Population of North Carolina in 1754 — Aid sent to Virginia against the French by North Carolina. CHAPTER VIL FROM 1754 TO 1765. Arthur Dobbs, governor (1754) — His conduct — His officers — People seize and imprison Lord Granville's agent — Courts of law held in each district, 1702 — On the death of Dobbs (1765) Tryon succeeds. CHAPTER VIII. FROM 1765 TO 1771. Tryon's administration from April 1765 to July 1771 — His character — Early resistance of the Mecklenburg people — John Ashe and the Stamp Act, 1765 — Paper seized — Conduct of the people of New Ilaaover, 1766 — Duel between Captain Simpson, of his majesly's sloop-of-war the Viper, and Lieutenant Whitechurst, a relative of Mrs. Tryon, in which Whitechurst is killed — Suicide of Chief Justice Berry — Repeal of the Stamp Act — Palace for the governor — A description ot its splendor — Regulation troubles CONTENTS. XI commence, 17G6— Herman Husbands; his character — Colonel Edmund Fanning, of Orange ; his character — People of Anson County and Rowan sympathize with the Reguhitors — Tryon's expedition to Mecklenburg and Rowan — He raises a body of troops, and marches to Hillsboro' — Fanning indicted and convicted — Husbands indicted and acquitted by the jury — Judge Moore, in Rowan, cannot hold court — Sheriff of Orange resisted by the Regulators, and beaten — Sheriff of Dobbs resisted, and one of his deputies killed — Court at Hillsboro' broke up by the Regulators — Judge Henderson compelled to retreat — Fanning and John AVilliams beaten by the Regulator.- — Governor marches against the Regulators in strong force — Battle of Alamance, May 16, 1771 — Regulators defeated — First blood of the colonists ehed in these United States by royal troops — Tryon marches to join Wad- del, as far as Jersey settlement, in Davidson — Tryon returns to Hillsboro', where court is held, and six of the Regulators are hanged — Tryon em- barks, June 30, 1771, to New York, to which colony he had been appointed governor. CHAPTER IX. FROM 1771 TO JULY 4, 1776. Administration of Josiah Martin, November 1771 to 1775 — Last of the royal governors in North Carolina — His life and character — Parliamentary usages of " the olden times" — The powers of the governor — " A king, aye every inch a king" — Difficulties arise between the governor and the Assembly, as to the attachment laws and appointment of judges — Courts of law closed — i''!:'st popular Assembly meets at Newbern, on the 25th of August, 1774 — John Ilarvey, Moderator — Names of the members — Its resolves — It adjourns and another is called in April, 1775 — Governor Martin fulminates a proclama- tion against " such disorder and anai'chy," March 1, 1775 — The Colonial and the Popular Assemblies meet at the same time and place — " Passage of arms" between the governor and the Asseml)ly — The governor, in his speech to the Colonial Assembly, denounces these meetings of the people, and particularly the unwarrantable appointment of delegates to attend a Continental Congress, at Philadelphia, then in agitation, as highly inju- rious and "particularly offensive to the king" — The Assembly reply that " the right of the people to assemble and remonstrate is not to be doubted," and pass resolutions "approving of the General Congress at Philadelphia, to assemble September 4, 1774" — Whereupon, Governor Martin dissolves the Assembly — The last which ever sat under the Royal Government in North Carolina — Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, May 1775 — Governor Martin retreats on board of his majesty's ship-of-war Cruiser, in the Cape Fear River; and the royal government terminates forever ii. North Carolina — Provincial Congress meets at Hillsboro', August 1775 — Troops raised for military operations — Civil government exercised by a Provincial Council — District Committees of Safety ; and County Com- mittees — Names of the committee-men in each district — Battle of i>Ioore's Creek, in New Hanover County, February 27, 1776 — Tories defeated under General McDonald — Provincial Congress meets at Halifax, April 4th, 1776 — Names of members — Names of general, field, battalion, and county officers — This body instruct their delegates in the Continental Congress, in April 1776, to vote for independence — Committees of safety appointed — Adjourned on the 14th of May, 1776 — Provincial Council of Safety meets at Wilmington, on the 6th of June, 1776 — General Ruther- ford, of Rowan, marches with one thousand nine hundred men, against the Overhill Cherokees (now Tennessee), reduces them, burns their towns. and destroys their crops — Provincial Council of Safety meets in July, at Halifax — The national Declaration of Independence reaches them while iL session — Their proceedings, and some account of the first celebration, in North Carolina, of the Declaration of Independence. Xll CONTENTS. SERIES II. THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER I. The Constitution, by whom, when, and where formed — Congress of the State meets at Halifax, on the 12th of November, 177G — names of the members — Richard Caswell, President — Committee appointed to form a Constitu- tion — Names of committee — Richard Caswell elected governor, and the names of the Council of State. CHAPTER II. Life, character, services, and death of Richard Caswell, first Governor of North Carolina, under the Constitution. CHAPTER III. State of Frankland, its rise, progress, and fall. CHAPTER lY. Governors of North Carolina, from Richard Caswell, 1776, to David S. Reid, 1851. CHAPTER V. Judiciary of North Carolina — Its history — Lives and characters of Martin Howard, Chief Justice ; Maurice Moore : and Richard Henderson ; Associate Judges, under the royal government — The Judges of North Carolina, from 1776 to 1851 — The Attorney-Generals, the Secretaries of State, the Trea- surers of State, and the Comptrollers, from 1776 to 1851 — These statistics are relieved by a specimen of legal wit worthy of preservation. CHAPTER YI. A list of the members of the Continental Congress from Noi-th Carolina, before the adoption of the Constitution (formed at Philadelphia, in May 1787) ; and a list of the Senators and Representatives in Congress, from this State, from 1789 to 1851 ; with the ratio of representation for each decade, and the number of members in the House — Present Congressional districts by act of 1846, and the members of each. CHAPTER YII. Press of North Carolina, from 1749 to 1851 — Account of some of the editors, and list of the papers now published in North Carolina (1851). CHAPTER YIIL Literary institutions of North Carolina— Their history, progress, and pre- sent condition— Queen's Museum, at Charlotte, 17 <0— University, incor- porated in 1789, and located at Chapel Hill, 1792— Corner-stone laid in CONTENTS. XIU October 179?- — Commenced tuition, 1795 — Life and character of Dr. Joseph Caldwell; and a list of its graduates from 1798 to 1851 — Davidson College, in Mecklenburg County, commenced in 1838 : its present faculty and alumni, from 1840 — Wake Forest College, in Wake County — Its trustees and faculty — Female institutions, common schools, and Literary Fund of the State. CHAPTER IX. Banks of North Carolina — Railroads — Canals — Turnpike and plank roads — Institution for deaf and dumb — State hospital for Insane. CHAPTER X. Resources of the State, her liabilities, and her expenses. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Date. English Sovereigns. 1492, Oct. 1! 1584. Octri2. i ^^^^^^ ^'^^^* sabeth. 1663. Charles II 1678. 1693. 1705. 1710. 1729. 1765. 1771, 1774, 1775, Wm. and Mary Anne. George I. George III. May 16. August 25. May 20. June. June 17. August. December 9. February 27. August 27 - December"12. December 20. xVugust. January 3. September 11. October 4. October 7. June 28. 1776, 1777, 1778, 1770, March 3 1780, 1781, 1783, i7ar, 1788, 1789, June 20. Mav 12. June 22. Auo;ast 16. October 7. •January 17. March 15. September 8. October 19. January 20. September 3. May. July. Nov "liber. Events. Columbus discovers America. Armidas and Barlow approach the coast of N. C. • ( Charter of Charles II. William Drummond, Go- 1 vernor of Carolina. John Culpepper's rebellion. , Carolina divided into North and South. First church in North Carolina. First newspaper in the United States. Carey's rebellion. Charter of Charles II. surrendered. Stamp Act passed. Battle of Alamance. Popular Assembly at Newborn, N. C. Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. General Washington, Commander-in-chief. Battle of Bunker s Hill. Koyal governor retreats. ]\Iartin. Battle of Great Bridge, near Norfolk, Va. " Moore's Creek. " Long Island.' Constitution of North Carolina formed at Halifax. Battle of Trenton. Gen. Rutherford subdues the Cherokees, Battle of Princeton. " Braudywine. " Germantown. " Saratoga. " Monmouth, f " Brier Creek, on Savannah Paver. Ashe I defeated. Stono. Surrender of Charleston. Battle of Ramsour's Mill, in North Carolina. Gates defeated at Camden. Battle of King's Mountain. '* Cowpens. " Guildford Court House. Eutaw. " Yorktown. Treaty of peace at Versailles. England recognizes the independence of America. Constitution of the United States formed. J North Carolina, by a convention at Ilillsboro', re- I jccts the Constitution. Convention at Fayetteville adopt it. PEEFACE. I HAVE for many years, in hours of leisure, been engaged in collecting and condensing documents and facts relative to the early history of my native State. As the material increased on my hands, and the time has come Vhen the results of my labors are to-be presented to the intelligence and favor of my countrymen, I feel, unaffectedly, how inadequate I am for such a task. . My labors, however, may have one effect : they may assist and inspire some abler hand to undertake and com- plete this work, now so hesitatingly commenced.. There is no State in om- Union whose early history is marked by purer patriotism, more unsullied devotion to liberty, or more indomitable opposition to every form of tyranny than North Caro- lina. Yet how little of that early history has been given to the world ! While Virginia, on one side, has had the labors of her Jefferson, whose intellect shed a lustre on every subject it touched ; and a Mar- shall, who was as illustrious as Chief Justice of the highest judicial tribunal of om- land, as his character was pui'e in all the relations of life ; and the classic genius of her Wirt, Stith, Campbell, Howe, and many others devoted to her history, and to the biography of her distinguished sons ; while South Carolina on the other, has employed the "philosophic pen" of her Eamsay, Drayton, Simms, and others; North Carolina, earlier colonized in point of history, full of glorious examples of patriotism and chivah'ic daring, has been neglected by her own sons and others. Tlie fair records of her early fame are buried amid the mass of official documents in the offices of the Board of Trade and Planta- tions in London ; and her history only shadowed forth in "the heavy pages" of Martin, who was a foreigner by birth, and the citi- zen of another State by adoption ; and by Williamson, whose labors terminated by an elaborated dissertation on fevers, and ends in 1771. To these we should add "the fancy sketches" of Joseph Seawell Jones, of Shocco, whose book, when referring to docu- inei>ts in our State Department, and official records, is worthy of studj , but whose pages only embrace a limited time, and are marked with misplaced temper. Such*x.u,^e been the historians by whom the history of North XVm PREFACE. Carolina has been attempted. The historian of the age (George Bancroft), of whom it may be said, in the words of the immortal epitaph of Goldsmith, bj Dr. Johnson,* and inscribed on his monu- ment in Westminster Abbey — " Qui nullum fere scribendi genus non tetigit, Nullum quod tetigit non ornavit," has been compelled to say, from examining such efforts, that " so carelessly has the history of North Carolina been written, that the name, merits and end of the first governor are not known." One of these (Jones), however, makes this just remark : " The archives of the State, and the desks of ancient families, now bury the story of the rise and progress of the State of North Carolina. Ignorance and wickedness may misrepresent the character of her history, if efforts are not made to break away the darkness that sur- rounds it. Such are the inducements for this publication." The Legislature of North Carolina, in common with every citizen of the country, has felt the opprobrium of this neglect. At its session of 1827, a resolution was passed directing the Governor to make a respectful application to the British Government to procure (from the offices of Board of Trade and Plantations in London), for the use of the State, copies of such papers and documents as relate to the colonial history of North Carolina. The Governor (H. G. Burton), in February, 1827, addressed Albert Gallatin, then our minister at that com-t, on this subject; and the British authorities promptly afforded all the aid in their power. Such a mass of documents was discovered, that Lord Dudley, then at the head of the Foreign Office, could only present indexes ; but, at the same time, most kindly offering to an author- ized agent of our Government access to, and copies of, these papers. These indexes, by a resolution of 26th January, 1843, Avere or- dered, by the General Assembly of our State, to be published, under my authority and direction — at that time associated in the administration of the State, as Public Treasurer. This brought me, by law, directly to the examination of these papersj as far as these indexes would allow. This important matter rested here for six years. The Legisla- ture, by resolution, January, 1849, empowered the Governor to procure, from the public offices in London, these documents. In the interim, conscious of the importance of these papers, and their vital connection with the State, I sent to a distinguished friend, then in London, a list of such as seemed to me of the most import- ance, and they have been procured. Aided by these, and by printed works of rare merit, procm-ed from abroad at much labor and ex- pense, as well as by the records of the State Department, to which, by a resolution of the last General Assembly (1850), and the cour- * Who touched upon every subject, and touched no subject that he did not adorn. PREFACE. xix tesy of the present venerable Secretary of State (Wm. Hill), free access was obtained ; aided, also, by gentlemen not only of our own State, but of other States, with copies of official documents, and faithful traditional statements, important and interesting, this work, "with all its imperfections on its head," is committed to the press. I here repeat the assertion made in the prospectus, that I do not aspire to the position of an historian ; that niche in the temple of» fame can be occupied by some more worthy person. All that I hope is to present a fair and truthful record of facts, illustrative of the early times of our beloved and venerable State ; the names of those who have done her service in the field and senate; and valuable statistical information of her resources and products; thus affording data to other and abler hands to occupy the historic field, as yet unexplored, and "so fair, so full of goodly prospects.'" If I shall succeed in rescuing from the dust of age, or the oblite- rating hand of time, one event elevating to our State character ; or, "like the fanciful enthusiast in Old Mortality, removing the moss and lichen of neglect" from the monument of one generous name, my end will be accomplished, and I will have paid that debt which Lord Coke asserts "every man owes to his profession." In this, the kind offices of every friend of North Carolina are solicited. This book, it is hoped, will be worthy of the State, as it is the labor of years and patient research. That it will be read by all, is not to be expected ; but, to those who may study its pages, it will be profitable. To the Christian, it will present the record, without bias or sec- tarianism, of a people guided by the hand of Providence to this western wilderness in search of freedom of conscience, and liberty to--worship without the trammels of law or priestly dictation ; and, aided by the same hand, from feeble beginnings becomes a great and powerful nation. The story of the rise and progress of our State creates a high moral feeling. In its records, we realize the words of David : — " We have heard with our ears, God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in the times of old. " How thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand, * * * * * ''For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favor unto them."* To the student, it will afibrd a data to more extended inquiry in her history. To the statesman, unmixed as it shall be with party politics or partisan feeling, it may sometimes be a book of reference, by which his efi'orts may be guided, and ends for the good of the state .be attained ; and, by its statistic information, facilitate his labors. ^ To the youth of the State, the simple record of patriotic exertion will act as a direct incentive to virtuous emulation. * Psalms, xliv. 1, 2, 3. XX PREFACE. Sallust informs us that Scipio and Maximus, when beholding the statues of their illustrious countrymen, became violently agitated. *'It could not," he says, "be the inanimate marble which possessed this mighty power. It was the recollection of noble actions which kindled this generous flame in their bosoms, only to be quenched when they too, by their achievements and virtues, had acquired •equal reputation." " And by their light Shall every gallant youth with ardor move To do brave deeds." It is to be hoped, too, that this book may be looked into (unin- teresting as records and statistics may be to them) by the fairer portion of creation. They may find in the single-hearted devotion of a Pocahontas ; in the enthusiastic fidelity of a Flora McDonald ; in the resolves of the women of '76 in Mecklenburg and Rowan ; in the masculine courage of Mrs. Slocumbe, of Wayne, and Mrs. Powell, of Halifax : in the patriotic offering of Mrs. Steele, of Salisbury ; in the un- wearied care of the mother of a Gaston, examples worthy of imita- tion ; and in the brilliant repartees of Mrs. Wilie Jones, and Mrs. Ashe, of Halifax ; wit to be admired, before which the martial spirit of a Tarleton was forced to quail. I here take occasion publicly to acknowledge my obligations to the very many friends by whom my efibrts have been countenanced and aided. To Hon. George Bancroft, now of New York ; to Hon. David L. Swain, Professors Mitchell and Hubbard, of the University of the State ; to Col. Peter Force, of Washington (who has been a kind friend to me from boyhood) ; to Dr. Cyrus L. Hunter, of Lincoln ; to Professor Rockwell, of Davidson College ; to my faith- ful agents in every county in the State, and to many others. THE PLAN OF THIS WORK. I. The first landing of the colonists in 1584, to the Revolution- ary war, 1776, will constitute the first series ; with a list and sketch of the Governors under the Proprietary, and Royal Governments. II. The second will present the Governors, Judges, and Executive officers, from that time to the present. The Members of Congress from the State, from 1774 to 1851. The Press, from the first introduction of printing, in the State, to the present day. Education in the State ; History of the University ; Sketches of the life and characters of its Presidents ; other institutions and the Common Schools. The public institutions of the State, as the Banks, Railroads, Canals, Turnpike and Plank Roads ; Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, and State Hospital for the Insane. PREFACE. XXI Resources of the State ; her expenses and liabilities ; her Popu- lation. III. The third series, will present a sketch of each county in the State, in alphabetical order ; 1, date of its erection ; 2, origin of its name ; 3, situation ; 4, boundaries, its colonial and revolutionary history, its products and population ; sketches of lives of its distin- guished citizens, and an accurate list of the members from each county in the Senate and House of Commons, from the adoption of the constitution, or the erection of the county to the last session, 1850—51. Whatever defects this work may present, it has one merit that cannot be detracted ; it is written and compiled by a native of the State. Mr. Prescott thus speaks of Graham's Eistory of the United States: "Mr. Graham's work with all its merits is the work of a foreigner, and that word comprehends much that cannot be over- come by the best writer. He may produce a beautiful composition ; faultless in style, accurate in delineation, and full of sound logic and wise conclusions. But he cannot enter into the sympathies, comprehend the feelings and peculiar ways of thinking that form the idiosyncrasy of a nation. What can he know who has never been warmed by the same sun, lingered among the same scenes, listened to the same tales in childhood, pledged to the same inter- ests in manhood, enlivened by the same hopes and depressed by the same fears that go to form national character !" * *_ * " As in portrait painting, so it is in painting characters in history. A foreign artist may catch some bold outline, prominent feature, or general air of his subject ; but he cannot hope to delineate the fleeting shades of expression, the almost imperceptible play of fea- tures which are only observed and revealed to the most familiar observation and daily intercourse. " Who would look to a Frenchman for a good work on England, or to an Englishman for a faithful history of France ? Ill fares it ivith a state, whose history is tvritte7i by others than her own sons ! What foreign hand like Herodotus and Thucydides could have painted the achievements of Greece ? Who, like Livy and Tacitus, the shifting character of the Roman, in his rise, meridian, and decline ? Had the Greeks trusted their story to the same Romans what would have been their fate with posterity ? Let the Carthagenians tell !"* Of the histories of North Carolina (if we except Jones), not one has been written by a native of the State, or who resided in the State at the time of their death. Williamson, whose work was published in 1812, was a native of Pennsylvania, and died in New York. Martin, who published in 1829, was a native of France, and died in Louisiana. * Prescott's Miscellanies, 310. XXU PREFACE. This work is written, collated and published, by a native North Carolinian. Errors, it doubtless contains, omissions unavoidable, and many imperfections. But he trusts that his labors will not be without some beneficial effect. He will be p-ateful for any correction of errors, or any omission supplied ; and if this meets a kind reception from his countrymen, another edition may remedy these defects, and be more worthy of their attention, and of his illustrious subject. Ellangowan, Beatty's Ford, N. C. 1st July, 1851. SERIES I. HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, FROM 1584 TO THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR IN 1776. CHAPTER I. FROM 1584 TO 1585. The discovery of America by Columbus in 1492, under the auspices of Fer- dinand of Spain — John Cabot's expedition in 1496, under the auspices of Henry VIL— The first expedition to the United States in 1584, under the auspices of Sir Walter Raleigli, which landed on Roanoake Island, in North Carolina. The renown acquired for the Spaniards in the discovery of America by Cohimbus, in 1492, excited other nations to emulate this example. England and France engaged in this enterprise. In 1496, John Cabot obtained from Henry VII. a patent for himself and three sons,* to search for countries hitherto unseen by Christian people, and to affix the banners of England in any land they might discover. A voyage, in 1497, was undertaken by him, and, for the first time, the shores of North America, among the polar bears and rude savages of Labrador, were visited by an English ship.f The discovery of a north-west passage, and the mercantile in- terests of the kingdom, kept this feeling alive with the English nation through the subsequent reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VL, Mary and Ehzabeth. Added to this feeling was the thirst for gold, which it was believed abounded in this western world. In 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh, not disheai'tened by the sad fate of his step-brother, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, who perished a year pre- vious on a voyage of discovery, obtained a patent from Queen Elizabeth,! and fitted out two ships under Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow. These ships sailed in April, 1584, from England, aud in July they landed on the shores of North Carolina. * Patent recorded in Ilakluyt, iii. 25, 26. t '^•rncroft, i. 9. X Hakluyt, iii. 297. 24 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. It was tlien and there "the meteor flag" of England was first displayed in these United States, and on the sandy banks of North Carolina, rested the first Anglo-Saxon anchor. After returning thanks to God for their safe arrival, Amidas took formal possession of this country, in " the name of Elizabeth of England, as rightful Queene and princess of the same." Here we may pause at this interesting point of our inquiries, and remark as most providential, that this settlement occurred at this period, under such auspices. Had it occurred a few years earlier, imder the rule of "the bloody Mary," seas of blood and persecution must have been en- countered before our forefathers had attained the religious liberty they then er^oyed. Had it occurred under the flag of Spain, the sword of a Cortez or Pizarro would have carried blood and devas- tation ; murder would have signalized the event, and this country now be no further advanced in science or religion than the be- nighted and bigoted regions of South America. But here, the reformed religion and enlightened privileges of the age of Elizabeth marked the event. The season of the year (July), was mild. The sea was calm ; the air was redolent with the perfume of flowers ; and, as expressed by Amidas, in his report to Sir Walter Kaleigh, " the fragrance, as they drew near the land, was as if they had been in the midst of some delicate garden, abounding in all manner of odoriferous flowers." The loveliness of the scenery, and the mildness of the climate, was excelled by the gentleness of the native inhabitants, who re- ceived the strangers Avith all that hospitality, which, even at this day, is characteristic of "the Old North State." On Roanoake Island, now in Currituck county, the English were welcomed by the wife of Granganimeo, father of Wirgina, the king. " The people were most gentle, loving, and faithful, void of all guile and treason, and such as lived after the manner of the golden age."* After making a short stay, Amidas and Barlow returned to Eng- land, where they arrived safely in the following September, accom- panied, in the guileless simplicity of their nature, by Manteo and Manchesc, two native Indians of North Carolina. Their accounts to their patron, Sir Walter Raleigh, and to Queen Elizabeth, of the climate, soil, and inhabitants, caused a thrilling excitement through- out the kingdom of England. In the fullness of her heart, the queen called it Virginia, discovered as it was under the reign of a virgin queen. * Copied from Amidas and Barlow's account. Ilakluyt, iii.'SOl, 307. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 25 CHAPTER II, FROM 1585 TO 1589. Second expedition under Sir Richard Greenville in 1585, and the third under the same in 1586 — The fourth under Governor White, Governor of the City of Raleigh. This adventure of Amidas and Barlow was most Ratifying to the spirit of the English nation. Believing with popular credulity the gorgeous and glowing descriptions of this western world by Amidas and Barlow, it was not difficult to gather a numerous com- pany of emigrants to this land of promise. Another expedition under Sir Richard Greenville, sailed (19tli April, 1585) from Plymouth, under the auspices of Sir Walter Raleigh, with several persons of distinction; among whom were Sir Ralph Lane, as Governor ; Cavendish, who soon after circumnavi- gated the globe ; Hariot, the historian ; and one hundred and eight others. They landed on Roanoake Island in July. The ships left the colonists in August and returned. This colony thus planted, governed by Lane, achieved no permanent location; and, after a residence of a year, returned with Sir Francis Drake to England. Tius terminated the first colony. This step of Governor Lane's was ill timed, for, a few days after his departure, a ship, dispatched by Sir Walter Raleigh, arrived, loaded with every essential to com- fort ; and, soon after. Sir Richard Greenville appeared the second time with three ships, who searched in vain for Lane and the colonists. Sir Richard left fifteen men on the Island of Roanoake and returned. In the early part of the next year (January, 1587), Sir Walter Raleigh dispatched John White, commissioned as " Governor of the City of Raleigh," and a number of colonists, male and female, who arrived in July. The colonists left by Greenville were not to be found. On the northern end of the island, the foundations of "the City of Raleigh" were laid. By command of Sir Walter, Manteo was baptized (27th August, 1587), and created Lord of Roanoake. White returned to England, leaving a colony of eighty-nine men, seventeen women, and two children. Among them was his daugh- ter, Eleanor Dare, wife of one of the assistants, whose child was the first-born offspring of English parents in this western world. Tbe condition of England, at the return of White, was unpro- pitiouf to the colony. Sir Walter Raleigh, Greenville, and Lane, with the whole nation, were engaged in a war with Spain, by which an invasion was threatened. It was more that tAvo years beforo 26 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. White could return ; and, on landing on the Island of Roanoake (1590), not a single man was found.* It had been agreed on leav- ing the colony, that if any accident should overcome the colonists, to leave the name of the place where they might be found ; and, if in distress, to designate it by a cross. Governor White found, on a tree or post, the word Croatan, but without the sign of distress. No trace of these colonists has ever been discovered, f Lawson, the earliest historian of Carolina, believes that the Eng- lish, despairing of all relief, from the long absence of their friends, amalgamated Avith the Indians. In confirmation of which he learned "from the Hatteras Indians that several of their ancestors were white people, and could talk in a book. The truth of which is con- firmed by gray eyes being among these Indians and no others." Thus ended the second colony. CHAPTER III. FROM 1589 TO 1653. Other expeditions unsuccessful, and Sir Walter assigns his patent (1589) — Sketch of the life, character, and death of Sir Walter Raleigh (1618) — Set- tlement of the colony of Virginia under Captain John Smith — Sketch of the life, character, and services of John Smith — His rescue by Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan — Her life, character, and services. Compelled to desist from the hope of successful colonization in North Carolina, Sir Walter Raleigh still did not despair of finding his faithful men, left by Greenville. | He sent five several expedi- tions to search for them, but in vain; and, after expending about forty thousand pounds, and receiving no benefits in return, he assigned§ (7th March, 1589), to Thomas Smith and others, the privilege of trading to Virginia, reserving to himself one-fifth of the gold and silver they might discover. As the Chesapeake Bay had been discovered by Governor Lane, he directed their location to that point, as being a safe and commodious harbor, rather than the dangerous coast and open road near Cape Hatteras. Thus ended the efibrts of the brave and gallant Raleigh to es- tablish a colony in North Carolina. " A man of wit and the sword," as he was so tauntingly termed by Sir Edward Coke ; his character and fame arc dear to our State. As a soldier, his courage was undaunted ; and, as a scholar, his^ learning was deep and varied. Although his gallantry and services found no favor in the eyes of the pusillanimous James I., under whom he sufiered ignominy and death; after a long and rigorous confinement, he was tried for * Williamson, i. 60. f Lawson, 62. X Purchas, iv. 1653. § Williamson, ii. 58. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 27 offences of which he was innocent, convicted, and beheaded on Oc- tober 29, 1618;* yet his name has been preserved; and, after a lapse of two hundred years, the State of North Carolina has offered a tribute to his memory and his virtues, by naming its capital in honor of the generous, chivalric and noble Raleigh. " His memory sparkles o'er the fountain : His name inscribed on lofty mountain, The meanest rill, the mightiest river Rolls, mingled with his name forever." In accordance with the suggestions of the sagacious councils of Sir Walter, the Chesapeake became the point to which future efforts were directed. A patent was granted to a London company (1606), and about the same time, another patent was granted to Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Sommers, and others. The next spring (1607), saw a colony located at Jamestown, governed by the distinguished Captain John Smith. Discord, anarchy, and confusion, mark the early history of these colonists, and but for the genius, courage, and skill of Smith, they had shared the fate of the colony of Roanoake. But Providence destined otherwise. "Tanto molis erat, condere gentium."! Guided by his talents, influenced by his example, under the wise administration of Smith, the Qolony of Virginia was founded. It is refreshing to the mind of every American, to know that under the auspices of such men our country was first settled. With all nations, the character of their founders is a source of pride. Ancient Greece asserted that her founders were divine. Rome delighted in the fanciful idea that Romulus was descended from their gods. "No Norman tyrant landed on our shores," nor did any " fabled fugitive" from the flames of Troy settle this coun- try; but men "who knew their rights, and knowing, dared main- tain." The rock can now be shown upon which they first landed ; the rude ramparts that sheltered them from the savage foe can be pointed out. . In their characters are discovered every virtue that can dignify our nature, and every trait that ennobles mankind. In none are virtue, courage, or patience more conspicuous than in John Smith. I . He had distinguished himself in the wars with the Turks ; and, m single combat, met (1607) before the walls of Alba Regis, and over- came three of the most distinguished of his adversaries. _ His whole course of life previous to his arrival in the colony of Virginia, was peculiarly adapted to prepare him for the trials, dangers, and adver- sities^ of this position. In every situation in which he was placed * See "Celebrated Trials" (Philada., 1835), page 180. j Of such material to form a nation. t Life of Captain John Smith, by W. Gilmore Simms. 28 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. as a soldier, or a statesman, his character was fully equal to his position. While exploring the river which his patriotism had dignified hy the name of his sovereign (James), he was taken prisoner (1608), and conducted by the Indians in triumph to their savage king, Powhatan. Undismayed by adversity, he meets his fate with calm- ness and dignity. He is condemned to death. Already the savage death song is sounded ; the victim is bared and bound, and Powhatan, the savage monarch, stands ready to give the word to the executioners, whose war clubs are raised. But the youthful daughter of Powhatan, Pocahontas, rushes between the victim and his fate — " A shriek arrests the falling blow, And Pocahontas shields the foe." At her earnest supplications he is released ; in a few days he is allowed to return to his comrades in arms at Jamestown,* Such was his influence, that the Indians, instead of the war club and tomahawk, are seen bringing corn and other supplies to the famished garrison. To the generous character of this Indian princess, Pocahontas, the safety and preservation of the colony may be attributed. She was so pure and simple-hearted in her conduct, that often she advised, at great peril, the colonists of impending danger ; and finally, was induced to marry one of the colonists, Rolfe ; from Avhich alliance some of the first families of Virginia trace their origin. She embraced the Christian religion,! and was baptized and re- ceived into the church under the name of Rebecca. J In 1616, she went with Sir Thomas Dale to England. She was cordially received, and treated with that respect due her rank and her devotion to the cause of the colonists. She died in England, at Gravesend, "the sweetest example of Christian resignation and fortitude." She left one son, Thomas Rolfe, who was educated in England, and became a person of distinction in Virginia. He left one daughter, who married Colonel Robert Boiling, who had the present Colonel John Boiling and several daughters, who married ColOnel Richard Ran- • dolph. Colonel .John Fleming, Dr. "William Guy, Thomas Eldridge, and James Murray. The late talented John Randolph was a de- scendant of this family, J Years have elapsed since this admirable woman departed, but her noble conduct will endure in the pages of history, when the marble which records her generous deliverance of Smith, in our National Capitol, shall have mouldered to its original elements. * " A true relation of such occurrences and accidents of note as have hap- pened in Virginia since the first plantino; of the colony, by John Smith, 1608." t This interesting event forms the subject of the national picture in the capitol at Washington, by Chapman. X Stith, 46. Simms' Life of Captain John Smith, 366. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 29 CHAPTER IV, FROM 1653 TO 1712. Permanent settlement of North Carolina — William Drummond, first Governor, in 1663, a Scotchman — Succeeded by Governor Stephens on his death, 1667 — Who was succeeded at his death (1674) by Governor Carteret, whose deputy. Miller, acts as governor during the absence of Carteret — Cul- pepper's insurrection, and possession of the government by him in 1678 — Governor Eastchurch arrives in North Carolina — Culpepper sent for trial to England, tried and acquitted — John Harvey, on the death of Eastchurch, governor in 1680 — Governor John Jenkins appointed, who, on his death, is succeeded by Henry Wilkinson (Dec. 1681) — Seth Sothel appointed governor in 1683 — His character and life ; exiled by the people, and death — Succeeded by Governor Philip Ludwell (1689), who resided most of his time in Virginia — Constitution formed by Locke for North Carolina (1693) — Carolina divided into North and South Carolina — Thomas Smith ap- pointed governor — On his advice, John Archdale, "the Quaker Governor," is appointed (1694); his sagacious and prudent administration — On his return to England (1699), Thomas Harvey, governor — On his death in 1699, Henderson Walker is governor — On his death (1704) Robert Daniel succeeds as governor — Difficulties between the Church of England and the Dissenters — First church in North Carolina (1705) — First newspaper in the United States (1705) — Contest between Cary and Glover for the govern- ment — Cary prevails — Cary sent to England for examination (1711) — Edward Hyde governor in 1712 — De Graaffeureidt's patent — Indian mur- ders — Lawson, first historian of North Carolina, killed by the Indians — • Hyde dies with yellow fever (1712), and George Pollock succeeds him — First emission of paper money in North Carolina. Sixty-nine years after the landing of Amidas and Barlow on the coast of North Carolina, a colony from Virginia (July, 1653), led by Roger Green,* settled on the banks of the Roanoake, and on the south side of the Chowan, and its tributary streams. North Carolina had, previously, been the refuge of Quakers, and others fleeing from religious persecutions. Before this period, this country had been explored by the Secretary of the Colony of Vir- ginia, in 1622, who traveled overland to Chowan River, and de- scribed the fertility of the soil, the salubrity of the climate, f and the kindness of the natives. In 1662, the Chief of the Ycopim Indians granted to George Dm-ant a neck of land in Perquimans county, which still bears his name. On the 24th March, 1663, King Charles II. granted to Edward, Earl of Clarendon ; George, Duke of Albemarle ; William, Earl of Cii-ven; John, Lord Berkley; Anthony, Lord Ashley j Sir George * Henning, Statutes at Large, BSD, 381. t Smith's Virginia, ii. 04. 30 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Carteret, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, all the coun- try between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, between 31° and 36° parallels of latitude, called Carolina, in honor of Charles. In 1663, Sir William Berkley, Governor of the Colony of Vir- ginia, visited the province, and appointed William Drummond Governor of the Colony of Carolina. Drummond was from Scot- land, and inheriting the national characteristics of that people, he was prudent, cautious, and deeply impressed with a love of liberty. Such was the settlement, and such Avas the first Governor of North Carolina. The lake in the centre of the Dismal Swamp pre- serves his name. It was called the county of Albemarle from Gen. Geo. Monk, after- wards Duke of Albemarle, one of the proprietors, which included the country between Virginia and the Cape Fear River. The county of Clarendon spread over the region from Cape Fear to Florida. Drummond,* at his death in 1667, was succeeded by Stevens as governor. At this time the colony contained about four thousand inhabit- ants, a few fat cattle, and eight hundred hogsheads of tobacco. t The first assembly that made laws for Carolina, assembled in the fall of 1669.x No freer country was ever organized by man. Freedom of con- science, security from taxation except by their own consent, were their first objects. No one could recover a debt, the cause of action of which arose out of the colony, within five years ; the emigrant was exempted from taxation for a year ; every emigrant received a bounty of land. These simple laws suited a simple people, who were as free as the air of theii- mountains ; and when oppressed were as rough as the billows of the ocean. They submitted to no unjust laws, they bowed their knee to no earthly monarch. "Are there any," says Bancroft,§ "who doubt man's capacity for self government ? Let them study the history of North Caro- lina ; the inhabitants were restless and turbulent in their imperfect submission to a government imposed on them from abroad ; the administration of the colony was firm, humane, and tranquil when left to themselves. Any government but their own was oppres- sive." March, 1669. At this time, a form of government, magnificent in design, and labored in detail, called " The fundamental constitutions of Carolina," were drawn up by the celebrated author of the Essay on the Human Understanding, John Locke. These are preserved in the second volume of Revised Statutes (1837), 449. On the death of Governor Stevens, who died in the colony full of years and wealth, the assembly chose Carteret for their governor, and on his return to England soon after, Eastchurch, who then was in England, was appointed governor, and Miller secretary. * Williamson, i. 93. t Chalmers, 533. Bancroft, ii. 157. ; Chalmers, 525. | Bancroft, ii. 158, HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 31 The governor being detained, Miller proceeded to North Carolina, " holding the triple oJEce of governor, secretary, and collector." The conduct of this man, " dressed up in his brief authority," was oppressive. The spirit of the people was aroused by his extortion and tyranny. Led on by John Culpepper, who had been surveyor-gene- ral of South Carolina, they seized the president and six members of the council, and put them in prison. They called a legislature, appointed courts of justice, and exercised all the rights and powers of government for two years.* The imbecile hand that then held the English sceptre (Charles II.) was too fond of pleasure " to take much trouble with a distant and disordered colony." The colonists declared, that " excessive taxation, abridgment of po- litical liberty, with a denial of a free election of an assembly, the unwise interruptions of the natural channels of commerce were the threefold grievances of the colony." This was the germ of the great principles that ripened more than one hundred years after, into our glorious revolution of 1776, and its rich fruits were our national independence and liberty. When Governor Eastchurch arrived, his authority was derided. He applied to the Governor of Virginia for aid to restore his authority. But he died before troops could be raised. Culpepper was tried in England in 1680 for these offences, defended by Shaftesbury ; he was acquitted, even by an English jury. In 1680, John Harvey, as president of the council, took charge of the colony of North Carolina, and in June of that year, John Jenkins was appointed governor by the proprietors ; who was suc- ceeded on his death (December 1681), by Henry Wilkinson. That the insurrection of Culpepper Avas not considered treasona- ble, or even unpopular with the Proprietors themselves, is proved by the fact that one of his associates under Governor Harvey, was the Receiver General, and another (George Durant) a judge of the court. Such, however, was the free spirit of the people, that it was ex- pedient to send one of the proprietors as governor. In 1683, Seth Sothel, who had purchased the rights of Lord Clarendon, arrived as Governor in North Carolina. The character of Sothel presents every vice that can degrade man or disgrace his nature. " During the six years that he mis- ruled the people of North Carolina, the dark shades of his charac- ter were not relieved by a single ray of virtue."! Profligate in his habits, licentious in his tastes, sordid and avaricious in his conduct ; his administration is marked by every kind of extortion. He was not fit to rule over a people that were impatient of any tyranny or oppression. He was impeached, imprisoned by the people, and sen- tenced by the colony to twelve months exile, and a perpetual inc:acity for the office of governor. He returned to South Carolina, where he afterwards became governor ; from this colony also his * Wniu... son, i. 132. t Il^id. i. 140. 32 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. vices expelled him, and he died in North Carolina in 1692 without issue. For the will of Seth Sothel, from the records now on file in Se- cretary of State's OflBce at Raleigh, see chap, xix., Chowan county, in the following pages. Philip Ludwell succeeded as governor, 1693. He continued but a short time in the colony, and although four years governor, resided the greater part of that time in Virginia.* Governor Ludwell had been a collector of customs in Virginia, an adherent of Berkley, and a complainant in England against Efiingham as Governor of Virginia. After some time spent in vain efibrts to carry out the wishes of the lords proprietors, consistent with the prosperity of the colonists, he gladly retired to Virginia, and Alexander Lillington was appointed deputy governor ; two years afterf Thomas Harvey succeeded as deputy governor. The fundamental constitutions so sagely devised by the philoso- phic Locke, were abrogated at this time. The portion of the province north of the Santee, was called North Carolina ; and the foiu" southern counties. South Carolina. A dreadful storm was in this year experienced in North Carolina ;J it reversed the order of nature. It stopped some rivers, and opened others. Thomas Smith, on the abrogations of the constitutions of Locke, was appointed governor by the Proprietors ; but his political opi- nions were so difierent from those of the colonists, that he gladly advised that one of the Proprietors should visit North Carolina, to inquire into their grievances and redress their wrongs. Following this salutary counsel. Lord Ashley, the grandson of Shaftesbury, the pupil and antagonist of Locke, and the celebrated author of the Characteristics, was appointed. He declined the mis- sion, and John Archdale, a member of the peaceful society of Friends, received the appointment. Until his arrival, Joseph Black was deputy governor of the province. The selection of Governor Archdale Avas most fortunate. Im- bued with the peaceful and wise tenets of his religious belief, and the true principles of democracy that it inculcated, like his great predecessor in Pennsylvania who landed only twelve years before, at New Castle (27th Oct., 1682), his administration of the colony was prudent, wise, and salutary. In the month of March, 1695, he met the Legislature in Charles- ton. § He purchased lands in Albemarle, and one of his daughters married in Pasquotank, where some of his descendants live to this day. The wife of William Hill, Esq., the present Secretary of State of North Carolina, is a descendant of Governor Archdale, through his daughter Ann, who married (July, 1688) Emmanuel * Williamson, i. 147, f Ibid. i. 143. X Marten, i. 195, ^ Williamson, i. 158. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 33 Lowe, whose daughter Anne married Pendleton, whose daughter Mary married Dempsy Conner, the father of Mrs. HilL An advocate for the freedom of conscience, he wisely avoided the religious disputes between the zeal of the high church party, and the great body of the people, which had much excited the colony. He quieted the jarrings between the colonists and their feudal sovereigns, by remitting quit rents for three and four years, regu- lating the prices of lands, and allowing the payment in produce in lieu of money. To cultivate the friendship of the Indians, he es- tablished a Board to decide all contests between them and the whites. Although surrounded by dangerous and savage tribes, no conflict was apprehended, because no ofience was committed. Penn's treaty with the Indians in Pennsylvania has received the plaudits of all ages. Made, unlike other treaties, without any formality of oaths ; and, unlike others, was never violated. So Archdale acted. He established in our jurisprudence the great principle that those, who, from conscientious scruples, refused to bear arms, should be' exempted therefrom on a certificate from the Governor. * Roads were made under skillful surveys. The course of his con- duct was such that the representatives of the freemen of the colony declared that, "by his wisdom, patience, and labor, Governor Arch- dale had laid a foundation for a most glorious superstructure, "j" His character deserves to be held in grateful remembrance by the people of North Carolina. The effects of his sagacity introduced sys- tem and union into the colony, and his name should be perpetuated by a more enduring monument than it has hitherto received. During his administration, a brig from Madagascar, on her way to England, anchored off Sullivan's Island. Thomas Smitlf, a land- grave, on going on board, received a bag of Rice, with descriptions of its culture, its suitableness for food, and its incredible increase. From this small beginning arose that which soon became the chief support of the colony, and is now one of its staple commodities and a source of wealth. | When Governor Archdale returned to England, the government of the Colony of North Carolina devolved on Thomas Harvey, as Deputy Governor, who had already (1695) exercised that office; and, on his death, the administration devolved on Henderson Walker, who was President of the Council. § He was a lawyer, and for some time a judge of the Supreme Court. Under his administration, an important change took place in the judiciary. Hitherto the general court had been held by the chief magistrate, the deputies of the lords proprietors, and two assistants. A commission now issued appointing five persons Justices of the Supreme Court. * See Militia Laws of North Carolina, quoted in note to vol. i. William- son, 272. t Archd-Je, 21. Bancroft, ill. 16. Martin, i. 198. % Martin, i. 198. i See Mart: :, i. 2G5. Williamson, i. 18"J. Bancroft, iii. 20. o 34 HISTORY OF NORTU CAROLINA. The piracies of the famous Captain Kidd occurred at this time, who was taken, and tried in England and executed. Under the mihl rule of Gov. Walker, the inhabitants of North Carolina increased in the enjoyment of the highest personal liberty. "Five miles below Edenton, just a hundred yards from the sound, beneath the shade of a large cedar, is the grave of Henderson Walker. The stone that marks the spot keeps the record that 'North Carolina, during his administration, enjoyed tranquillity.' " I copy from the tomb-stone the following : — " Here lyes y* body of HENDERSON WALKER, Esq., President of the Council and Commander-in-Chief" of North Carolina, during whose Administration the Province enjoyed that tranquillity which it is to be wished it may never want. He departed this life, 14 April, 1704, aged 44 years." On the north side of this tomb " Lyes y« body of GEORGE LILLINGTON, Son of Major Alexander Lillington, who died in ye 15 year of his age. Anno 1706." Over the other side is the following inscription : — " Here lyes y* body of MADAM ANN MOSELY, Wife of Edward Mosely, Esq. She was y' daughter of Maj. Alex. Lillington, Esq., and y" Widow of the Hon. Henderson Walker, Esq., Late President of His Majesty's Council of No. Carolina. She departed this life, Nov. the 18th, A. D. 1712, aged 55 years & 5 months." On the death of Governor Walker, Robert Daniel, a landgrave, was made President of the Council. He had distinguished himself in arms at the late attack on St. Augustine, and was appointed by Sir Nathaniel Johnson, whose commission now extended over the whole Province as Deputy Governor of the Northern part of Carolina. Lord Granville, who was still Palatine, had instructed Sir Na- thaniel Moore to establish the religion of the Church of England in the colony by legal authority. In 1704, by arts and intrigue in the General Assembly, a law was passed by a majority of one, disfranchising all dissenters from any ofiice of trust, honor, or profit. A previous assembly had passed a law (1702) by which thirty pounds should be raised in each precinct to support a minister of the church of England. This produced tumults and insurrections among the people. A large majority of the colonists had no religion; many who professed religion were Quakers, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and Independents. In the year 1705, the first chmxh in North Carolina was built HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 35 in Cliowan County.* Quakers were not allowed to give evidence in any criminal case, or serve on a jury, or hold any office. The Governor (Daniel) and the people, immediately opposed these laws. A petition was introduced into Parliament, and, on hearing the evidence, the House of Lordsf declared that these " acts were repugnant to the laws of England, contrary to the charter of the proprietors ; an encouragement to atheism ; detrimental to trade; and tended to the depopulation and ruin of the province." Thus Avas first asserted, in North Carolina, by her simple and patriotic people, the great principle of divorce of church and state. This year (1705) was printed the first American newspaper, called the Boston Neivs Letter. In this year, so severe was the cold, that Albemarle Sound, at Edcuton, was frozen over.J Peacefully as was this important principle (separation of church and state) maintained and established. North Carolina was not free from tumult. The succession of a governor (like that of the sceptre of the mother country) was often the scene of confusion and insurrection. In the language of a cotemporaneous writer, § "it was the common practice of the people in North Carolina to resist and imprison their governors, until they looked upon that as lawful which had been so long tolerated." Thomas Cary was appointed Deputy Governor by Sir Nathaniel Johnston. The Lords Proprietors disapproved of the choice, and directed their deputies to select one of their own number as Governor of North Carolina. The deputies selected William Glover. Cary, who was selected as deputy governor, had been collector of the rents of the Lords Proprietors, and had neglected to settle his ac- counts. For awhile he seemed to yield to the sway of Glover ; but, aided by his friends, he seized the records of the province, and proclaimed himself governor. The colony now was a scene of anarchy ; the laws were suspended, and justice fled. The respectable portion of the colony adhered to Glover ; while Cary possessed the force. A general assembly was called, which met at Captain Heckelfield's, on Little River, to de- cide this vexed question. Members appeared under writs of election issued by President Glover ; while another set appeared under writs of election issued by President Cary. Glover and Cary sat in separate rooms with their respective councils. Great confusion prevailed, and the partisans of Glover, irritated by the persecutions from Cary and his adherents, sought refuge in Virginia. Thus was the Colony of North Carolina, for a time, again under a domin- ion contrary to the propt ictary government. At this period, Edward Hyde arrived with the commission of Lieutenant Governor ; but Cary refused to yield. With an armed brig c^nd a smaller vessel he made an attempt upon Edenton, but * WiiMamson, i. 109. f Martin, i. 223. X WilUi.^.^on, i. 177. § Sputswood MSS. 36 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. was repulsed and retired to Batli. Governor Hyde made a requi- sition upon the Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, wlio sent a party of marines from the ships that lay in Hampton Roads. The finale of this insurrection is detailed hy the following letter from Governor Spotswood, which I copy from a document on file in the archives of the Historical Society of the University of North Carolina.* "Kequotan, July 31, 1711. " To the Proprietors of Carolina : "My Lords — Since my writing this, the marines are returned, after having frighted the rebellious party so as to lay down their arms and disperse; and I with joy tell your Lordships that there is now some prospect of trancjuillity in your Government ; and that I have brought this about Avithout effusion of blood or disorders committed. And, upon my arrival at this place, I found Colonels Cary, Levy, and Truit, and company, blustering, and pretending to have taken a passage in the fleet for their going for England, in order to justify their actions. Whereupon I had them brought before me ; but plainly discovered they intended nothing less than a fair trial at youj: Lordships' Board. Wherefore, seeing they would give me no security for such appearance, I have sent them home in the Reserve and Tyger men-of-war ; believing the greatest justice I can do them is to leave them to your Lordships' examination. "A. SPOTSWOOD." Edward Hyde, who was appointed Governor the next year, issued his proclamation January, 1712, granting pardon to all the late in- sux'gents, except Thomas Cary, John Porter, and three others. The Lords Proprietors granted, in 1709, to Christopher, Baron de Graaffenreidt, ten thousand acres of land, on the Neuse and Cape Fear rivers, at the rate of ten pounds sterling for every thousand acres, and five shillings quit rent. A great number of Palatines, and fifteen hundred Swiss, followed the Baron, and settled at the cjonfluence of the Trent and Neuse. The town was called New Bern, after Bern in Switzerland, the birth-place of Graaffenreidt. It had been the boast of one of the earliest historiansf of North Carolina, that this colony was the only instance of a nation planted in peace, and located without bloodshed of the natives. This was true at this time. While Massachusetts, Virginia, and others were laying the foundation of their colony on the bones of the aborigi- nes, and cementing their structure with blood, North Carolina was quietly pursuing her course, unmolested by the Indians, and respect- ing their rights. * Extracts from "Letters of the Hon. Alexander Spotswood, late Governor of Virginia, respecting the affairs of North Carolina, addressed to the Ministry of the late Queen Anne, extracted from the letter book in MS. and deposited in the Secretary's Office of North Carolina by Alexander Martin, late Gover- nor, to serve as materials for some future historian of said State." t Lawson's History of North Carolina. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, 37 The Indians viewed with jealousy the increasing numbers of the whites. The first blow was struck by them. The Tuscaroras, a powerful tribe, formed a conspiracy with the Pamplico Indians, to attack the planters on the Roanoake. The Cothechneys, who lived in the present county of Greene, engaged to come down and join the Cores, and attack the planters on the Neuse and Trent rivers. Bath was to be attacked by the Mattamuskeets and Matchepungoes. On the 11th of September, 1711, one hundred and twelve per- sons, principally settlers on the Roanoake and Chowan, fell under the murderous tomahawk. The carnage was continued for three days, until fatigue only disabled the savage foe. The utmost cruelty marked the inroad of the savages. From a letter of C. Gale, who was then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, written a short time after, this horrid massacre has been trans- mitted to us in all its fearful truth. Old men and infants, young men and maidens, all shared the same awful fate. " The family of Neville," says Gale, "was treated after this manner. The old man was found, after being shot dead, laid out on the floor, with a clean pillow under his head, his stockings turned over his shoes, and his body covered with fine linen. His wife, after»being murdered, was set upon her kness in the chimney corner, and her hands raised up on a chair, as if at prayer. A son was laid out in the yard, with a pillow under his head, and a bunch of rosemary laid to his nose. At the next house, the owner was shot, and laid on his wife's grave ; women were laid on the floor, and great sharp stakes run up through their bodies. Women with child, were murdered, and the unborn ripped out and hung on trees."* Lawson and Graafienriedt were taken while exploring the Neuse. Lawson, the Surveyor-General of the province, and its earliest historian, was murdered by the savages ; De Graaifenreidt only escaped by humiliating stipulations. Such was the efi'ect upon Graaifenreidt, that he sold his interest to Thomas Pollock for eight hundred pounds, and returned to Switzerland. This conduct of the Indians, met with severe chastisement. Governor Hyde called out the militia of North Carolina. The Legislature of South Carolina, with alacrity raised six hundred militia, and three hundred and sixty Indians, under Col. Barnwell; who, with great expedition crossed the wilderness that then separated North from South Carolina, and was joined on the Neuse by such portions of the North Carolina militia, as could be spared from guarding the inhabitants. The Indians were fortified on the banks of the Neuse, in the present County of Craven, about eighteen miles west of Newborn. Her€ they received the attack of the whites. They were defeated with great slaughter (1712); more than three hundred savages were kiMed, and one hundred made prisoners. * I I'.m indebted foi* this letter to the excellent address of Professor Hub- bard, of i,be University, at the last commencement, on the " Early Historians of North Carolina." 38 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. In the summer, to the horrors of war, the ravages of the yellow fever were added to the misfortunes of the colonists, and the Governor fell a victim (September 8th, 1712). The Deputies of the Lords Proprietors selected George Pollock, the Deputy of Lord Carteret, as President and Commander in Chief to succeed him. To liquidate the heavy debts* of the colony, in consequence of the Indian wars, eight thousand pounds of bills of credit were issued by the colony. This was the first emission of paper money in the State of North Carolina. CHAPTER V. FROM 1712 TO 1729. Charles Eden governor (1713) — Tuscarora Indians humbled, and make a treaty — Black Beard, the pirate ; his life and death — Edenton established — Eden's death (1722) — Copy of his tombstone — Thomas Pollock succeeds as governor; and, in 1724, on his death, William Reed, as President of the Council, is governor — In 1724 Governor Burrington arrives — His character — His opinion of the people of North Carolina — Sir Richard Everhard appointed governor, 1725 — Dividing line between Virginia and North Carolina, 1727 — The lords proprietors surrender to the crown, July 1729, except Lord Granville — Population and divisions of the colony at this time — Portion of Lord Granville. On the 13th of July, 1713, Charles Eden was appointed Gover- nor of North Carolina. From 1693 to January 1712, the northern part of the province (Albemarle), was ruled either by deputy governors appointed by the Governor of Carolina at Charleston, or by the President of the Council, elected by the deputies of the lords proprietors. In all other respects the two governments. North and South Carolina, were independent, separated by a wilderness, and a well defined boundary, the Santee River. The Tuscarora Indians, now hmnbled, entered into a treaty (June 1718), and a tract of land on the- Roanoake, in the present county of Bertie, was granted to them by Governor Eden. Finally, this tribe joined the nations in New York, holding, until a few years past, the fee simple in a portion of the soil of Bertie County. In the administration of Governor Eden, a character notorious for his crimes as a pirate, Edward Teach, commonly called BlacJc Beard, lived in North Carolina. So darins: were his adventures, that he defied the government; he had a ship of forty guns well armed, and spread terror along the coast. The colonial govern- ment finding itself unable to resist his power, it was deemed proper * Martin, 1264. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 39 ttat the king's pardon should be issued to all pirates, who, Tvithin a limited time, should surrender themselves to anj of the colonial governors (George I. 1717). Teach, and twenty of his men, surrendered themselves to Governor Eden. His associates dispersed themselves, and some went to work. Teach's habits were illy suited to a life of peace and industry. His ill-gotten wealth was soon squandered in licentious courses. He fitted out a sloop at a place which now bears his name, within Ocracoke Inlet, called Tcaclis Hole, and again sallied forth on piratical adventures. Such was the annoyance of his depredations, that the Assembly of Virginia oifered one hundred pounds reward for his apprehension. Lieutenant Maynard, taking with him two small coasters, sailed from Hampton Roads on the 17th of November, 1718, in quest of Teach. He found him at his usual place of rendezvous, near Ocracoke. The action immediately commenced. Teach, with horrid oaths, boasted that he neither asked nor gave quarters. At one broadside, nineteen of Maynard's men were killed; to save them from such murderous fire, he ordered his men below, directing himself his vessel. The pirates board his ship; at this moment the lieutenant calls his men on deck; a fierce and deadly com- bat, hand to Jiaiid, ensues. The two commanders meet. They rush to combat, and the pirate Teach falls covered with blood. Eight of his fourteen men were killed, and the other six wounded, so that they could no longer fight. Maynard sailed up to the town of Bath with the head of Teach hung to the bowsprit of his vessel. Thus died, amid his vices and crimes, a man whose valor was worthy of a better cause, and whose name is given to a place well known to every shipper on our coast. To this day, superstition still preserves his name with heaps of buried treasure. The character of Governor Eden suffered much by a supposed intimacy with Teach. Edward Mosely, who was a prominent man in the colony, declared* that "the Governor could raise an armed posse to arrest honest men, though he could not raise a similar force to apprehend Teach, a noted pirate;" and on Teach's dead body was found a letter of his secretary, Tobias Knight, intimating proof of Knight's friend- ship and Eden's respect. Mosely was subsequently arrested for misdemeanorf himself, and tried by the General Court, convicted, fined one hundred pounds, silenced as an attorney, and declared incapable of holding any office in the colony during three years. The Governor laid before the Council, 1719, an account of his proceedings against Teach. The Council expressed their approbation of his conduct. In August, 1720, the Governor met the Legislature, assembled at the Court House in Chowan. At this session, a town Avhich had beea some time before established, was called, in honor to the Governor, Edenton. * TTilliarason, ii. 11. f Martin, i. 286. 40 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Governor Eden died ITth March, 1722, aged forty-nine. On Salmpn Creek, in Bertie County, the stone that marks his grave has this inscription : — " Here lyes y' body of CHARLES EDEN, Esq., •who governed this Province eight years to the great satisfaction of the Lords Proprietors, and y' ease and happiness of y* people. He brought the country into a flourishing conditiqn, and died much lamented, March y*" 26, 1722, getatis 49. And near this place, lyes also y« body of PENELOPE EDEN, his virtuous consort, who died -Jan. the 4th, 1716, eetatis 39. Vivit post funera, Hie Quem virtus non mamor in aeternum sacrat." Thomas Pollock (March 30th, 1722) again succeeded as Presi- dent of the colony ; on 30th August following, he died. On 7th September, William Reed was president ; during the period, unin- terrupted peace prevailed. On the 15th January, 1724, George Burrington, who had been appointed to succeed Governor Eden, opened his commission as governor. In February, 1731, Governor Bm-rington thus officially to the Duke of New Castle, gives us his opinion of the inhabitants of North Carolina : — " The people of North Carolina'are neither to be cajoled or out- witted. Whenever a governor attempts to effect anything by this means, he will lose his labor and show his ignorance." " The inhabitants of North Carolina are not industrious, but subtle and crafty ; always behaved insolently to their governors ; some they have imprisoned, others they have drove out of the coun- try, and at other times set up a governor of their own choice, sup- ported by men under arms."* Tranquillity prevailed in the colony. The associates in the government were, Christopher Gale, Chief Justice; James Stan- way, Attorney General; Edward Mosely, Surveyor general; Arthur Goffe, Receiver General; John Dunstan, Naval Officer; Henry Clayton, Provost Marshal. The character of Governor Burrington had little to recommend him as a wise ruler, or sagacious statesman. He was appointed from family influence, his father having rendered service in pro- moting George I. to the English throne, and like all such appoint- ments, when not based on merit, was unfortunate. Without any great talent, he was deficient in ordinary prudence in matters of state ; while his private life was disgraced by broils, and breaches * MS. Documents on file in Offices of Board of Trade in London, from 1662 to 1769, procured through kindness of Honorable Geo. Bancroft. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 41 of the peace. He had not been in the colony two years, when so many complaints were made of his rash and injudicious conduct, that he was removed, and in April, 1725, Sir Richard Everhard was appointed. He qualified at Edenton, on 17th July, 1725. The legislature met at Edenton on 6th November following, and the boundary line between North Carolina and Virginia was run this year. The commissioners on the part of Virginia were William Byrd, William Dandridge, and Richard Fitzwilliams ; those of our State, were Christopher Gale, lidward Mosely, and Samuel Swann. They commenced their labors 5th March, 1727. The first of these (William Byrd) has left a record containing " the History of the Dividing Line," which has been published ; and which is not very complimentary to North Carolina.* He states " the borderers laid it to heart if their land was taken in Virginia, they chose much rather to belong to Carolina, where they pay no tribute to God or to Csesar." The people of South Carolina had already revolted from the feudal sway of the Lords Proprietors, and Governor Johnston was compelled to leave his government, and this colony reverted to the crown. Although this feeling did not extend, to North Carolina, yet the proprietors found that their possessions did not yield them any permanent advantage. It was believed that the restless and turbulent spirit manifested by the people against the deputy of their fellow-subjects, would yield a loyal obedience to the direct repre- sentative of the Sovereign. Accordingly, the Lords Proprietors (except Lord Granville) sur- rendered the government of the province, and all the franchises under tlie charter of Charles XL, as well as their property in the soil, to the English crown, for a valuable consideration. This was ratified by an act of Parliament (2 Geo. II. ch. xxxiv., 1729). Each of the proprietors received from the crown, the sum of two thousand five hundred pounds sterling. John, Lord Carteret, Baron of Hawnes, as heir of his father (who died in 1696), was in possession of the share of Sir George Carteret. He Avas afterwards created Earl of Gran\dlle, and he thought fit to retain his eighth part of the soil. This was laid off, in 1743, for him, adjoining Virginia. Five commissioners were appointed by the crown, and five by Lord Granville. His terri- toryf was bounded on the north by the Virginia line, on the east by the Atlantic, on the south by a line in latitude 35° 34'' from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and on the west by the Pacific. A princely domain ! Thus ended the proprietary government of North Carolina, en- during sixty-six years after the charter from Charles II. The population did not exceed ten thousand persons in North CaroliL^a. Its primary divisions was into three counties. * ^Vestovei- MSS. Petersburg, 1841. f Martin, vol. ii. 43. 42 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1st. Albemarle ; whicli was subdivided into six precincts, Curri- tuck, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Bertie, and Tjrrell. 2d. Bath, into four precincts, Beaufort, Hjde, Craven, and Carteret. 3d. Clarendon, one precinct, New Hanover. CHAPTER VI. FROM 1729 TO 1754. North Carolina under the royal governors — Governor Burrington, 1729 — His character, conduct, life, and death, in 1734 — Nathaniel Rice, the Secretary, governor in 1734; who was succeeded by Gabriel Johnston, as governor — Line between North and South Carolina — Computation of time altered by act of Parliament — First printing press in North Carolina, 1749 — Fort Johnston built — Moravians purchase land in North Carolina — First revisal of the laws of North Carolina — Governor Johnston, after being governor for twenty years, dies (1752) — His life, character, and services — He is succeeded, for a time, by Nathaniel Rice ; and, on his death, in -January 1753, by Matthew Rowan — Population of North Carolina in 1754 — Aid sent to Virginia, against the French, by North Carolina. George Burrington, who had been governor under the pro- prietoi-s, was appointed, in 1770, by the king (George I.). He arrived in February 1731, and qualified as governor, at Edenton, on the 25th of that month. William Smith was Chief Justice ; Ed- mund Porter, Judge of Admiralty; John Montgomery, Attorney- General ; Xathaniel Rice, Secretary of the Province. The Council of the Governor, named in his commission, were John Baptist Ashe, Cornelius Harnet, Matthew Rowan, and four others. Governor Bm-rington did not beofin his administration under such auspices as would tend to benefit the colony. His disposition was not fitted for his station. He soon became involved in diffi- culties with his council, the Assembly, and the judges. The records of the colonial offices and board of trade present evidence from Mr. Montgomery, the Attorney-General, Mr. Porter, one of the council, Mosely, Ashe, and others, of the misbehavior of Governor Burring- ton ; while the records of the General Court, sitting at Edenton (March 1726), show that he was indicted for slanderous and ^'icious conduct ; for breaches of the peace on the house of Su" Richard Ever- hard, on the persons of Robert Kenyon, Robert Rawle, the provost marshal, and others. His eccentric conduct created such a storm, that he found it impossible to resist its fury ; and, under pretence of visiting South CaroUna, he left the colony, went to Charleston, 1734, and soon after sailed to England. His death occurred soon after. Rioting, in his usual manner, all night, he was found mur- dered, in the morning, in the Bird Cage Walk, in the corner of St. James' Park, in London. HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 43 The government devolved on the Secretary, Nathaniel Rice, who was qualified as governor, at Edenton, on the 17th of April, 1734. His administration was of a very short dui'ation, for, during the summer under the recommendation of Spence Compton, Baron of Wilmington, Gabriel Johnston was appointed governor. He arrived in the River Cape Fear, in October 1734, and in November, he took the oaths of office, in the town of Brunswick, at the Court House in the precinct of New Hanover. Governor Johnston was a Scotchman by birth, a man of letters and of liberal views. He was by profession a physician, and held the appointment of Professor of Oriental Languages in the Uni- versity of Saint Andrews, where he had received his education. He was an able political writer, and figured in "the Craftsman," a periodical for which Lord Bolingbroke, Pulteney and others wrote. He met the Legislatm-e at Edenton. His addresses to them show that he fully appreciated the lamentable condition of the colony, by the imprudence and vicious conduct of his predecessor, and his earnest desire to promote the welfare of the people. At the next session (September 1736) he again addressed the House, bewailing the deplorable condition of the colony; the loose morals of the people; the want of provision for education; the dis- regard of law; the violation of justice; the oppression of the poor; and the contempt of all law by the rich ; and concluded by observ- ing, "that while he was obliged by his instructions to maintain the rights of the crown, he would show a regard to the privileges, liber- ties and happiness of the people." In March 1736, the Assembly having imprisoned his Majesty's officers for distraining for quit rents, the governor dissolved them, so as to put a stop to practices in them so derogatory to the crowti and subversive of order.* Under his prudent administration the colony revived, and from this period increased in population, wealth and resources. This year (1738), commissioners ran the line between North and South Carolina. The kino; had fixed its beginnino; at the north-east of Long Bay, to run thence north-west to 35° north latitude, thence west to the South Sea. The commissioners on the part of North Carolina were Robert Holton, Matthew Rowan, and Edward Mosely. The commissioners began at a cedar stake on the sea shore, by the mouth of Little River, and having run a north-west line until they arrived, as they conceived to 35°, they altered their course by "mutual consent" and ran west to the Pee Dee. This stopped the line for the present. Afterwards, it was extended twenty miles by private persons. It was continued in 1764. This was taken for the true line, according to Governor Tryon's proclamation (May 1765). Governor Martin, some years after (1771), informed the Assembly that he was instructed to continue said line as far as the Salisbui V road, thence until it strikes the lands of the Catawba In- * Manuscripts from offices of Board of Trade in London. 44 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. dians, thence leaving those lands to the south, to the Catawba River, then due west. The ridiculous zigzag that our southern line presents, was the effect of private intrigue.* The primary division of the province into three counties, Albe- marle, Bath, and Clarendon, was in 1738 abolished; the precincts were now called counties, and a sheriff appointed for each, chosen by the governor, out of three persons recommended by the county court for this purpose. In February 1742, six northern counties refused to pay taxes, owing to their dissatisfaction as to the representation of members for the Assembly. Jurors refused to attend courts. f France having declared war against England (1744), the defence- less seaboard of North Carolina received the attention of the Legis- lature. A fort was ordered to be built sufficient to mount twenty- four pieces of cannon, on the south bank of Cape Fear, by the Legislature which met at Newbern about 1745, and was called, in honor of the governor, Fort Johnston. Li 1749, a printing press was imported into the province by James Davis, from Virginia. J The people known as Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, ob- tained an act of Parliament authorizing them to establish settle- ments on the American Provinces. They purchased of Lord Granville, one hundred thousand acres between Dan and Yadkin, and named it Wachovia, after an estate of Count Zinzendorff in Austria. This land was conveyed to James Hutton, who was Secre- tary to the United Brethren, in trust for the brethren. During our Revolution (1776) it was conveyed by Hutton to Marshal, and by act of our General Assembly in 1782, secured to the proper owners. 1749. Emigrants from west of Scotland flocked to the Cape Fear about this period. The boundary line between Virginia and North Carolina, which had been run from the sea shore to Peter's Creek, which falls into Dan River, near the Sauratowns, was continued this year to the Holstein River, opposite to a place called Steep Rock. The com- missioners of Virginia were Joshua Fay and Peter Jefferson; those of North Carolina, William Churton and Daniel Weldon. The computation of time was this year (1750) altered by act of Parliament. Hitherto, the year commenced in March. The day following the 2d September 1752, was reckoned the 14th, omitting eleven days. The first revisal of the colonial laws was made this year (1752) in a small folio volume; it received the nickname of "Yellow Jacket," from the yellow hue of its binding. * Williamson, ii. 54. f JIanuscript (lociuuGiits from office of Board of Trade in London; pro- cured through Hon. George Bancroft, late envoy at that court. % Martin, ii. 54. niSTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 45 Governor Johnston's official dispatch to the Duke of New Castle, dated April, 1739, states "that having called a new Assembly, they had passed many beneficial laws. One, granting the king a rent roll; one for the improvement of trade ; one for speedy administration of justice. That, after five years' struggle, during which no means had been left unattempted to induce him to depart from his instructions, he had brought matters in this unhappy country to system, where disorder had before reigned, and placed it on a firm foundation."* Under the administration of Governor Johnston, the province increased in population, wealth, and happiness. At the time of the purchase by the crown, its population did not exceed thirteen thou- sand ; it now was upwards of forty-five thousand. Its exports were 61,528 barrels of tar ; 12,055 barrels of pitch ; 10,429 barrels of turpentine; 762,000 staves; 61,580 bushels of corn ; 100,000 hogsheads of tobacco, besides pork, beef, bacon, lard, and other commodities. Governor Johnston died this year, August, 1752, after presiding over the province for nearly twenty years. He deserves the gratitude of every citizen of the State as a statesman, a scholar, and patriot. While these pages feebly present his services to the State, his name is preserved in calling the patri- otic and public spirited county of Johnston in honor to his memory. On his death, the administration devolved on Nathaniel Rice, the first councillor named in the king's commission, who dying in Janu- ary following, was succeeded by Matthew Rowan, the next coun- cillor, who qualified at Wilmington on the 1st of February,, 1754, and met the Legislature at Newborn, on the 23d of March following. Nothing of exciting interest occurred during the administration of President Rowan, save, the issuing of forty thousand pounds in bills of credit ; the erection of a county in honor of his name, and the liberal appropriation of many towards building churches and purchasing glebe lands to support its ministers. Rowan's official dispatch to the Duke of New Castle, states (1754) that he had received a requisition from Virginia for military aid ; that he had sent nine hundred and fifty efi"ective men. The colony then had a population, as stated by Rowan, of militia, 15,400; exempts, 1,000; outposts, 1,500; slaves, 10,000. Governor Dinwiddie, of Virginia, sent an express to President Rowan of the alarming movements of the French on the Ohio, and that George Washington had been sent thither to examine and report ; that he had ascertained the French had taken post on one of the branches of that river, built a fort, and engaged the Indians to join them. He desired the aid of men from North Carolina. The President issued his proclamation for the Legislature to assemble at Wilmington on the 19th of February, 1754, who met * iv^S. documents from London relating to Carolina, from 16G2 to 1769, procurL'l by kindness of lion. George Bancroft, late envoy from United States lo Englau.l. 46 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. and appropriated one thousand pounds to the raising and paying such troops as might be raised to send to the aid of Virginia. Colonel James Innes, of New Hanover, marched at the head of a detachment, and joined the troops raised by Virginia and Mary- land. But no provision being made by Virginia for supplies or conveniences, the expedition was countermanded, and Colonel Innes returned with his men to North Carolina. - CHAPTER VII. FROM 1754 TO 1765. Arthur Dobbs, governor (1754) — His conduct — His officers — People seize and imprison Lord Granville's agent — Courts of law held in each district, 1762 — On the death of Dobbs (1765) Tryon succeeds. Arthur Dobbs was appointed Governor by the crown in 1754, and in the fall he arrived at Newborn. Governor Dobbs was a native of Ireland, a man of letters and liberal views. He had been a member of the L-ish Parliament, and distinguished for his attempts to discover, through the Hudson Bay Company, a north-west passage to Japan, China, and India. He brought, as an acceptable oblation, several pieces of cannon and one thousand firelocks, a present from the king to the colony. He brought to the colony a more powerful advocate for rights of the people, than arms. Rice, a printer, is encouraged to carry on his business. In an official dispatch (December, 1757) Governor Dobbs gives a wretched account of the state of quit-rents, misconduct of Ruther- ford and Mui-ray, who raised factions against the Governor, and a curious record of "Mr. Starky, the treasui'er, who governs many in the Assembly by lending them money."* Governor Dobbs was qualified at Newbern on 1st of November, 1754. He was accompanied by a number of his relations, who had hopes of offices and preferments. He adopted measm-es to conciliate the Indian tribes, now import- ant by the advances of the French on the Ohio. He commissioned Colonel Hugh Waddell, of Rowan County, to treat with the Catawbas and Cherokees. "A storm, or hurricane, happened in North Carolina, which began on Monday, September 20, 1761, and continued till Friday following, but raged with, most violence on the 23d. " Many houses were thrown down, and all the vessels, except one, * MS. papers relative to Carolina (tempus Geo. II.) procured from offices in London, through Hon. George Bancroft, late envoy to that court. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 47 in Cape Fear River, driven on shore. It forced open a new chan- nel for that river, at a place called the Haul-Over, hetween the Cedar House and the Bald Head. This new channel was found on soundings to he eighteen feet deep at high water, and is near half a mile wide."* Governor Dohhs' administration of ten years was a continued contest between himself and the Legislature on matters frivolous and unimportant. A high-toned temper for royal prerogatives on his part, and an indomitable resistance on the part of the colonists. One incident will prove the spirit and conduct of both parties. A bill had been introduced in the upper House for the appoint- ment of a printer to the province, and rejected by the other. The governor announced to the lower House that he had appointed An- drew Steuart printer to the king, and required them to make pro- vision for his salary. The House replied that they knew no such office, and of no such duty.f Superior courts of justice were established in the districts of Edenton, Newbern, Wilmington, Halifax, and Salisbury, to be held semi-annually by the chief justice and one associate. The people were much oppressed by Lord Granville's agents. They seized Corbin, his agent, who lived below Edenton,' and brought him to Enfield, where he was compelled to give bond and security, to produce his books, and disgorge his illegal fees. Governor Dobbs died at his seat on Town Creek, 28th March, 1765, in the 82d year of his age. The persons who composed his council during his administration were James Hassel, Mathew Rowan, James Murray, Francis Corbin, John Dawson, Lewis H. DeRossett, John Rieusett, James Jones, John Swann, John Rutherford, Richard Spaight, Edward B. Dobbs, Charles Berry, John Sampson, Henry E. McCullock, Alexander McCullock, William Day, Robert Palmer, and Benjamin Herron, The judges were James Hassell, Peter Henly, Charles Berry, George Nicholas, Joseph Anderson, and Charles Elliott. Thomas Childs, Attorney-General. * London Majr., Dec. 1761. f Martin, ii. 189. 48 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER VIII. FROM 1765 TO 1771. Tryon's administration from April, 1765 to July, 1771 ; his character— Early resistance of the Mecklenburg people— John Ashe and the Stamp Act, 1765— Paper seized— Conduct of the people of New Hanover, 1766— Duel between Captain Simpson, of his majesty's sloop-of-war the Yiper, and Lieutenant Whitechurst, a relative of Mrs. Tryon, in which Whitechurst is killed— Suicide of Chief Justice Berry— Repeal of the Stamp Act — Palace for the governor ; a description of its splendor— Regulation troubles commence, 1766— Herman Husbands; his character — Colonel Edmund Fanning, of Orange; his character— People of Anson County and Rowan sympathize with the Regulators— Tryon's expedition to Mecklenburg and Rowan— He raises a body of troops, and marches to Hillsboro'— Fanning indicted and convicted— Husbands indicted and acquitted by the jury- Judge Moore, in Rowan, cannot hold court— Sheriff of Orange resisted by the 'Regulators and beaten — Sheriff of Dobbs resisted, and one of his deputies killed— Court at Hillsboro' broke up by the Regulators— Judge Henderson retreats — Fanning and John Williams beaten by the Regulators — Governor marches against the Regulators in strong force — Battle of Alamance, May 16, 1771— Regulators defeated— First blood of the colonists shed in these United States by royal troops— Tryon marches to join Wad- del, as far as Jersey settlement, in Davidson— Tryon returns to Hillsboro', where court is held, and six of the Regulators are hanged— Tryon em- barks, June 30, 1771, to New York, to which colony he had been, appointed governor. The conduct of the mother country towards these colonies, in the eloquent denunciations of Lord Chatham, was that of "an un- just and cruel stepmother towards her helpless children;" disre- garding their complaints, and adding injuries to insults. Towards North Carolina, the course of England was more like that of the father of the faithful, driving her, Hagar-like, into the wilderness, there to pine and perish from neglect. It is not won- derful then, that her sons, like Ishmael, should be ready to raise their hands against every form of oppression. But the God of Abraham protected the exiles, and blessed them with fair and fruit- ful lands, refreshing shades, and gushing fountains ; the promise was also unto them " to make a great nation, because they too were of the promised seed." The people of North Carolina had now become numerous, and attracted attention. The government, to aid the administra- tion of Governor Dobbs (never, in his palmiest day, favored with any extraordinary powers of intellect or energy of character), now infirm and passed eighty years of age, sent William Tryon to North Carolina with a commission as lieutenant-governor. He arrived 27th October, 1764. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 49 Governor Dobbs was not in haste to resign the reins of power ; but death, a mightier monarch than any earthly potentate, dis- missed him. In the town of Wilmington, on the 3d of April, 1765, William Tryon qualified as Commander-in-chief, and Captain-General of the Province of North Carolina. Governor Tryon was a soldier by profession. Trained to arms, he looked upon the sword as the true sceptre of government. Yet with the character of the soldier, he mingled that of the politician. He knew when to flatter and when to threaten. He knew when "discretion was the better part of valor;" and when to use such force and cruelty as achieved for him, from the Cherokee Indians, the bloody title of the "Great Wolf of North Carolina." He could use courtesy towards the Assembly when he desired large appropriations for his magnificent palace; and knew how to bring to bear the blandishments of the female society of his family, and all the appliances of generous hospitality. While his character shows that on the banks of the Alamance, when " the blast of war blew in his ears," he could, by his ferocious and bloody conduct, "imitate the action of the tiger." After passing the scenes which we shall record, for six years, during which time he ruled the State with the temper of a despot and the rod of a tyrant, he was transferred as governor to the colony of New York. ' That William Tryon was a man of some ability and military talents is true. But his conduct in this State, and subsequently in New York, proved him devoid of all principles of humanity. "I should," said he, in New York, in 1777, "had I more authority, burn every committee-man's house within my reach ; and, in order to purge the country of them, I will give twenty-five silver dollars for every acting committee-man, who shall be delivered up to the king's troops."* He was succeeded in New York, in 1780, by General Robinson. Of his subsequent career, and time and place of his death we are not advised. One redeeming trait appears in his character, but this was not owing to any virtue in the man, but was the efi'ect of his profession as a soldier. He Avas free from all religious intolerance, as he was destitute of any religious principles. We have seen, that during the administration of Governor Daniel, North Carolina had been oppressed by bigotry, under the cloak of religion. In 1741 it was enacted that the. freeholders of every parish should, every Easter Monday, choose twelve vestrymen, who should lay a tax of five shillings per poll for building churches, buying glebes, and maintaining clergymen, whose salaries should be fifty pounds sterling. This salary was increased by law to one hundred and thirty-three pounds, six shillings, and eight pence. The fee of a clergyman for marrying was ten shillings, by license ; * Sabine's History of the Loyalists, G53. 50 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. this license to be issued by the governor through the clerks of the superior courts. Each vestryman took an oath "not to oppose the doctrine, discipline, and litingy of the Church of England."* Governor Tryon first met the Assembly in the town of Wilming- ton, on the 3d of May, 1765. In his address he opposed all reli- gious intolerance, although he recommended provision for the clergy out of the public treasury ; yet advised the members of the Church of England of the folly of attempting to establish it by legal enact- ments. Under such recommendations, a law was passed legalizing the marriages (which before were denounced as illegal) performed by Presbyterian ministers, and authorizing them and other dissent- ing clergymen to perform that rite. Governor Tryon entered upon his duties at a stormy period. The cloud, which Avas then "not larger than a man's hand," subse- quently spread over the whole nation, and gathered such force in its progress, that when it burst, it dissolved the colonies from all allegiance to the British crown. Governor Tryon had early some slight intimation of the charac- ter of the people over whom he was to rule. Soon after his acces- sion to office, the people of the chivalric county of Mecklenburg, so distinguished, as we shall soon see, during the administration of his successor, for independence, opposed Henry Eustace McCullock, who was the agent of George A. Selwyn. Selwyn had obtained by some means, large grants of land from the English crown. John Frohawk was employed to locate these grants and survey them. The people of Mecklenburg, in arms, seized the surveyor and com- pelled him to desist. t This was the first buzzing of that "Hornets' Nest" that afterwards so fatally stung the power of royalty. The British Parliament had resolved to tax the paper and other articles used in the colonies. This iniquitous enactment received the Royal sanction 22d ]March, 1765. The patriotic and eloquent remonstrances of William Pitt, afterwards Lord Chatham, were un- availing. He declared on the floor of Parliament (January 1766), that the stamp act should be repealed absolutely^ totally and imme- diately^ because it proceeded on an erroneous principle, that of taking the money of the colonists without their consent. This act produced a violent excitement throughout the whole country, and in none more than in North Carolina. The Legislatm-e was then in session, and such was the excite- ment this odious measui-e of Parliament created amonof the mem- hers, that apprehending some violent expression of popular indig- nation, Governor Tryon, on the 18th of May, prorogued that body after a session of fifteen days. The speaker of the House, John Ashe, Esq., informed Governor Tryon that this law would be resisted to blood and death. Governor TrA'on knew that the storm raged; courajreous as he was, he dreaded its fui-y. He did not allow the Legislature to meet * AYilliamson, ii. 117. f Martin, ii. 193. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 51 daring the existence of this act. But faithful to the government, he condescended to use the arts of the demagogue, to avoid the odium of its measures. He mingled freely with the people, displaying profuse hospitality, and prepared dinners and feasts. But unawed by power, the people were not to be seduced by blandishments. Early in the 3"ear 1765, the Diligence, a sloop-of-war, arrived in the Cape Fear River with stamp paper for the use of the colony. Colonel John Ashe, of the county of New Hanover, and Colonel Waddell, of the county of Brunswick, marched at the head of the brave sons of these counties, to Brunswick, before which town the Diligence was anchored, terrified the captain, so that no attempt was made to land the paper; seized the sloop of war's boat, hoisted it on a cart, fixed a mast in her, mounted a flag, and marched in triumph to Wilmington. The whole town joined in a splendid illumination at night, and the next day these patriotic citizens went to the Governor's House, and "bearded the Douglas in his castle." They demanded of Governor Tryon, to desist from all attempts to execute the stamp act, and produce to them James Houston, who was a member of the council, an inmate of the Governor's House, and who had been appointed by Tryon, Stamp ]\Iaster for North Carolina. The Governor at first refused a demand so tumultuously made. But the haughty spirit of the representative of even kingly power, yielded before the power of a virtuous and incensed people ; for the people prepared to burn up the palace, and with it the Governor, the Stamp Master, and the menials of royal power. The Governor then reluctantly produced Houston ; who was seized by the people, carried to the public market house, and there forced to take a solemn oath not to attempt to execute his office as stamp master. After this, he was released. He returned to the palace, to comfort his dejected and discomfited master. The peo- ple gave three cheers and quietly dispersed. Here is an act of North Carolinians " worthy of all Grecian or Roman fame." The famous Tea party of Boston, when a number of citizens dis- guised as Indians, went on board of a ship in the harbor, and threw overboard the tea imported in her, has been celebrated by every writer of our National History, and " Pealed and chimed on every tongue of fame." Our children are taught to read it in their early lessons ; it adorns the picture books of our nui'series, and is known in the remotest borders of the republic. Here is an act of the sons of the " old North State," not com- mitted on the harmless carriers of the freight, or crew of a vessel ; not done under any disguise or mask; but on the representative of royalty itself, occupying a palace, and in open day, by men of "ft pil known person and reputation ; much more decided in its character, more daring in its action, more important in its results ; and yet not one-half of her own sons have ever read of this ex- 52 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ploit ; it is not even recorded anywhere in the pages of Williamson, who is one of her historians, and who was one of the delegates from North Carolina to the Convention, which formed the Constitution of the United States ; and its story is confined to the limits of " our own pent up Utica." Truly has a late writer, who has examined our ecclesiastical his- tory with laudable care (and who is a resident and native of another State), been compelled to say, that " Men will not be fully able to understand North Carolina till they have opened the treasures of liistory,* and become familiar with the doings of her sons, previous to the Revolution ; during that painful struggle ; and the succeed- ing years of prosperity." Then will North Carolina be respected as she is known. " These are deeds which should not pass away, And names that must not wither, tho' the earth Forgets her empires with a just decay, The enslavers and enslaved, their death and birth." The names of those who figured in these trying scenes are still preserved in North Carolina by their descendants, who are distin- guished, as were their ancestors, by their intellect and proprieties of life. Should an opportunity occur, and the country call for their services, influenced by these noble recollections, they too will be ready to make the same exertions and sacrifices for the happi- ness, welfare, and honor of North Carolina. Governor Tryon, with unwearied perseverance, earnestly endea- vored to propitiate the feelings of the leaders of the people. He implored their forbearance, and supplicated their kind advice to enable him to administer the government, while secretly he was preparing for them the severest punishments from the government at home. Failing in this, he resorted to the masses of the people, and was the most conspicuous and obsequious at all public meetings. But even here he was destined to disappointment, and to meet with discomfiture and disgrace while the odious stamp act was in force. At a general muster of the militia of New Hanover, February 1766, the governor had prepared a whole ox to be barbecued, and had several barrels of beer unheaded. After the muster, he invited the people to partake. The people rushed in a body to the tables, overthrew the barrels and spilled the liquor on the ground, and threw the ox into the river untasted. The efiect of this was electrical. Tryon and his suite retired from the ground deeply mortified and chagrined. This behavior was not confined to private citizens, but extended to even the officers of the govern- ment, some of whom sympathized deeply with the people. At this time a duel occurred between Alexander Simpson, master of his Majesty's sloop-of-war, the Viper, and Thomas Whitechurst, lieutenant of the same. The quarrel was connected with the poli- * Sketches of North Carolina, by Rev. ^Y. H. Foote, of Romney, Virginia. New York, 184G, p. 83. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 53 tics of tlie day — Captain Simpson sympathizing with the colonists ; Whitechurst, a relative of Mrs. Ti-yon, advocating the conduct of the Governor. The latter was killed in the affair. The Governor caused the Captain to be apprehended. He was tried before Judge Berry, and acquitted, after a fair and impartial trial.* The imperious and despotic Try on was here foiled by those whom he thought he could influence. He insinuated that the Judge connived in the case, and summoned him, while on the Edenton circuit, to attend the Council Board. The character of Judge Berry was above suspicion. He knew, or believed, that Governor Tryon would attempt to inculpate him with the government at home, in the unhappy and disordered state of the colony. He obeyed the summons, and attended the Governor, who received him very coldly. This confirmed his suspicions that he was to be impeached and removed ; and, under the agony of such a state of feeling, in the frenzy of the moment, he committed suicide, by ripping open his bowels with his penknife. Tryon was as much the murderer of this talented and amiable man as he was afterwards of many others, equally innocent in the affair of Ala- mance. The courage of the Governor was not sufficient to allow him to face the representatives of the people during the existence of the stamp act. "Writs had been issued, and the legislative body was to meet in April. But, fearing some popular outbreak, the Governor, in February, prorogued the General Assembly to meet on the 30th October, 1765. The indignation of the people became so great, and the excite- ment so intense, that the British Parliament yielded. The stamp act was repealed March, 1766. On the 25th of June, the Governor issued his proclamation announcing the same. This produced great joy among the people of North Carolina. The Assembly which met in October, 1766, voted a liberal appro- priation for building the Governor a house, which was suitable to a prince of the blood royal, and erected a county from Mecklenburg, called Tryon, in his honor. This county has since been divided into Lincoln and Rutherford, and the odious name of Tryon ex- punged. The scheme of , erecting a palace seemed to be a favorite object with the Governor, and to it he devoted all the intrigue of the politician and the boldness of the soldier. The Assembly had already voted £5000, to which, the next year (1767), they voted an additional £10,000 sterling. To a people in an infant state of society, with but few resources and less money, this determination of the Governor to gratify Ins vanity was productive of disastrous consequences. The buil.ling WLS located at Newborn, and was said to be superior to any- * Martin, vol. ii. 212. Jones, in his dofonce (30); says that the suryivor was condemned, but escaped, and lied to England. 54 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. thing of the kind in America. Judge Martin* says that he visited this edifice in 1783, with General Miranda of South America, who stated, that even in South America, a hmd of palaces, it had no equal. It was dedicated to Sir William Draper, who was said to be the author of the lines placed over the door of the entrance : — "Rege pio, (lira inimica tyrannis Vertuti has asdes libera terra dedit. Sint domus et dominus sa3clis exempla futuris Hie artes, mores, jura legesque colant."t But its princely halls aiforded but little repose to its ambitious occupant. Heavy expenses had been also incurred by the Governor in run- ning the boundary line between the Cherokee Indians and the State. . •Taxes were necessarily increased upon a people already impatient of oppression, and the extortion of the officers in shape of illegal fees, roused the free spirits of Orange, Granville, and other coun- ties to require redress and reform. The conduct of the crown officers, from the Governor down to the lowest bailiif of the court, Avas a system of oppression, extortion, and fraud. In Governor Dobbs's time, these grievances were complained of; and these complaints had reached the throne. The Governor Avas ordered to have a list, or table of fees set up in every public office. But, while this "promise was kept to the ear, it was broken to the hope,." At the August session of Orange County (1766), a paper was presented to the court by a number of persons, which was read by the clerk. It stated "that while the sons of liberty had withstood the lords of Parliament in behalf of true liberty, the officers under them ought not to carry on an unjust oppression in the province ; that in order thereto, as there were many evils complained of in the County of Orange, they ought to be redressed. If there were none, jealousy ought to be removed from the minds of the people." The paper proposed that there should be a meeting of the people in each captain's district, appointing one or more to attend a general meeting, on tlie Monday before the next court, at some suitable place [ivhere there should he no liquor), "to inquire whether the freemen of the county labored under any abuse of power, and mea- sures taken for amendment, if so." This was so reasonable a proposal that it was agreed to, and Maddock's Mill was selected and the time fixed (October 10, 1766). The convention met at the time and place appointed, and re- * Martin, ii. 265. t Translated thus: " A free and happy people, opposed to cruel tyrants, has given this edifice to virtue. May the house and its inmate, as an exam- ple for future ages, here cultivate the arts, order, justice, and the laws/* How complete a burlesque upon its origin, object, and tendency! HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 65 solved, " that it was necessary such meetings should occur yearly, or oftener if necessary, for free and public discussion; that the representatives of the people should attend, and give an account of the amount of taxes and manner of appropriation." In April 1768, they again assembled and formed themselves into an association for regulating public grievances and abuse of power. Hence the name given to them of Regulators. They resolved "to pay only such taxes as were agreeable to law, and ap- plied to the purpose therein named, to pay no officer more than his legal fees." These men herein breathed the true spirit of liberty; yet, by the early historians of the State, are stamped as insurgents and factionists. Jones even denounces the head of the Regulators, Herman Husbands, as a "turbulent and seditious character."* If he was, then John Ashe was, for opposing the stamp law, equally turbulent and equally seditious. Doubtless, to minions of royalty, his character was seditious ; but time, that unerring test of prin- ciples and truth, has proved that the spirit of liberty which animated Husbands, was the true spirit Avhich subsequently freed our nation from foreign oppression. He lived on Sandy Creek, now in Randolph County, and was an extensive landholder. He was from Pennsyl- vania, and was raised a Quaker, and a relation of Dr. Benjamin Tranklin. I have examined carefully his correspondence and his book, giving " an impartial account of the troubles of the regulation." They prove that he was, although deficient in. education, a man who felt strongly, and expressed himself forcibly. Many of his neigh- bors speak of him as a man of strict integrity, a firm advocate of popular rights, and a determined foe to oppression and extortion. Undeserved wrong and official oppression may have driven hini to imprudences, but the purity of his character was above suspicion. From his pen proceeded the paper read to the court in Orange, the resolutions of the Haddock's Mill Convention were his ; he was the favorite of the people — for he was their representative to the General Assembly — and when he was arrested and carried to Hills- boro', the whole people rose to his rescue. Had his ultimate career been successful, or the Regulators triumphed over Tryon at the battle of Alamance, his name would have come down to us with the Ashes and Waddells of that day, or the Hampdens, Sidneys, and others of a former age. All violent diseases, in the body politic, like in the natural body, require violent remedies. The taxes to build palaces to gratify the vanity of an officer who possessed neither the affection of the people or any sympathy for their sufferings, the extortion of the clerks, sheriffs, and others were outrageous. Edmund Fanning, who was from the north, was the minion of Tryon. He Avas the clerk of the Court of Orange, Colonel of the county, an Attorney at law, and the Representative in the General Assembly : under the powerful •-patronage, and the countenance of the Governor, he defied the '• * Jones' Defence, 36. 56 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. popular Mill. From a condition of poverty, he became wealthy. His manners towards the people were haughty and supercilious, and his conduct as an officer was overbearing and extortionary. He demanded and received fifteen dollars for a marriage license, and charged one dollar for proving a deed. The scarcity of money and the extreme poverty of the people, rendered their grievances intolerable ; the exactions of the other officers caused even these enormous fees to be larger. At the meeting in April, the Regulators had selected two persons to call upon the sheriif and vestrymen to meet twelve deputies from them on Tuesday, after next County Court, to show their accounts. Before these two men could attend to this service, the sheriff being unwilling to submit to this tribunal, or to exasperate and defy its power, took, by way of distress, a mare, saddle, and bridle, and carried them to Hillsboro'. He was followed by a party of sixty or seventy men, who rescued the mare, then marching to Fanning's house, fired at the roof of it, giving him positive and striking proof that they deemed him the chief author of these troubles. The Sheriff then took with him a party of horse, and riding about fifty miles, seized Herman Husbands and William Hunter, and lodged them in Hillsboro' jail. The Regulators assembled May, 1768, in large force, to rescue them, but they had been released on bail. On May 21st, the Regulators held another general meeting, and James Hunter and Rednap Howell were appointed to wait on the Governor with the address of the meeting. They attended, at Newborn, in June ; the Governor laid the papers before the Council, who decided that " the grievances of which they complained did not warrant the measures they had adopted ; that, if carried further, would amount to high treason ; that the decent behaviour of Colonel Fanning met entire approbation, and advised them to desist from further meetings; that the Governor would readily remove any hardships, and direct the Attorney-General to prose- cute every officer guilty of extortion or malpractice ; and that next month, the Governor would be at Hillsboro', and issue a procla- mation forbidding such dishonorable practices." The Governor attended at Hillsboro', summoned his council, and issued the promised proclamation. But matters became worse. An association was formed in Anson, similar to that in Orange, and offered its aid. They continued to meet, enhsting their men, training them to the use of arms, believing that a conflict must sooner or later occur. On the 11th of July, a large body of Regulators assembled. The Governor goes to Mecklenburg, and in that and the adjacent coun- ties, raises a large body of troops, and marches from Salisbury to Hillsboro'. His journal is recorded in volume ii. chapter 1, Ala- mance. No bloodshed occurred at this time. He swore the people to maintain and defend the king's govern- ment " with hands and hearts, life and goods, against all persons who HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 57 should attempt to obstruct the administration of the laws." He required that the Regulators should disperse, and that twelve of the wealthiest of them should wait on him at Salisbury, and give bond that no rescue should be attempted of William Butler and Herman Husbands at the next court in Hillsboro', to which they had been bound. This they declined, but assured the Governor that no de- sign was entertained of releasing the persons bound ; they desired him to dissolve the present Assembly, and call a new one ; and, if he would permit them to come peaceably and complain of their grievances of the officers, and pardon the past, they would disperse, and pay their taxes. This occurred at September term of Hillsboro' Superior Court, at which a bill was found against Husbands for a riot, of Avhich^ he was acquitted by the jury. Hunter and others were found guilty and imprisoned. Fanning was indicted at this term for extortion in six several instances, but protected by the presence and power of Tryon, he plead guilty, and was fined six pence. Such a mockery of justice was little calculated to allay the feelings of the people, redress their grievances, or prevent a repetition of their wrongs. The Governor pardoned all persons engaged in this affair, except Herman Husbancls and twelve others, and returned to his palace at Newbern, The next year passed without any commotion in the State ; but in the beginning of the new year, 1770, the oppressions and extor- tions of the officers greatly increased the popular excitement. Maurice Moore, Judge of the Superior Court, found in March, the spirit of the people of Rowan County so roused in consequence of these exactions, that " no civil process could be executed among the people in that county." John Lea, Sherifl' of Orange, in attempting to serve a warrant on Hanson Hamilton, was attacked by John Pugh and other Regu- lators, and beaten severely. Simon Bryant, Sheriff of Dobbs County (since divided into Greene and Lenoir), in endeavoring to take Thomas Blake and John Coulie, two of the Regulators, was attacked by them, and the sheriff was compelled to desist ; one of his assistants was killed in the skirmish. The Superior Court of Hillsboro' in September, was interrupted by the Regulators, and broken up. The record now in the office at Hillsboro', has the following entry. Monday, 24th September, 1770. " Several persons styling them- selves Regulators, assembled together in the court yard under the conduct of Herman Husbands, James Hunter, Rednap Howell, Wil- liam Butler, Samuel Divinny, and many others, insulted some of the gentlemen of the bar, and in a riotous manner went into the court house and forcibly carried out some of the attorneys, and in a cruel manner beat them." The Judge (Henderson) finding it impossible to hold court, left Hiilsboro' in the night. 58 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The same records present the following entry, at the next term of the court in March, 1771. " Tlie persons styling themselves Regulators under the conduct of Herman Husbands, James Hunter, Rednap Howell, William But- ler, and Samuel Divinny, still continue their riotous meetings, and severally threatening the judges, lawyers and other officers of the court, prevented any of the judges or lawyers attending. Therefore the court continues adjourned till next September term." The Superior Court at Salisbm-y was also impeded. To these open and public acts of violence, were added acts of personal outrage. John Williams, one of' the lawyers, was seized and severely beaten in the streets ; Edmund Fanning was dragged out of the court house, and severely beaten. His house (Avhere the present Masonic Hall in Hillsboro' is located) was torn doAvn and his furniture destroyed. The General Assembly met at Newborn on the 5th December, 1770, and the Governor received them in his magnificent palace, then just finished. Among other matters, the Governor urged the raising of a body of men, under the rules and discipline of war, to march into the settlements of the insurgents, to aid and protect the civil officers. , Herman Husbands was a member from Orange. An article in the Gazette, addressed to Judge Moore, was attributed to him, and in consequence, he was expelled from the house. This Legislature passed an act prohibiting any number of per- sons above ten, assembling, for the disturbance of the peace ; and in order to weaken the power of the Regulators, Orange County was divided, and three new counties erected,* one, of parts of Orange, Cumberland, and Johnston, called Wake, in honor of the wife of Governor Tryon ; another of Orange and Rowan, called Guildford, and' the southern part was cut off and called Chatham. To prevent the Regulators from being supplied with ammunition, the Governor, in February, issued a proclamation (1771), prohibit- ing all merchants and others from supplying any person with pow- der, shot or lead, until further notice. In March, the Council determined to raise a force of several regiments of militia, and the Governor was advised to march at their head into the settlements of the Regulators, and reduce them by force. In April, Governor Tryon left Newbern, with about three hun- dred men, and some artillery. In May he-was joined by a detachment of men from New Hano- ver, under Colonel John Ashe, also from Craven, under Colonel Joseph Leach ; from Dobbs county, under Colonel Richard Caswell ; from Onslow, under Colonel Craig ; from Carteret, under Colonel Wm. Thompson ; from Johnston, under Colonel Needham Bryan ; a company of artillery, under Captain Moore ; a company of rangers, * Martin, ii. 271. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 59 under Captain Neale ; a detachment from Wake, under Colonel John Hinton ; a company of cavalry, under Captain Bullock. Governor Tryon and these troops crossed Haw River on the 13th, and on the 14th, encamped on the hanks of the Alamance. The next day, on the hanks of the same stream, the royal army encamped near the Regulators, who had assembled in great force. On the 15th, a petition was brought to the Governor, from the Regulators, praying a redress of grievances, as the only means to prevent bloodshed. He replied that he would answer next day by noon. This petition and Tryon's reply, as well as many other original documents procured from the offices in London, never before . published, the reader will find under the chapter (I) ob Alamance ,/ County. By dawn the next day the royal forces left the camp, and within half a mile of the Regulators, formed the line of battle, 16th May, 1771. The Governor in reply to the petition, informed them by a mes- senger, that he had pursued every measure to redress their griev- ances without success. Nothing now was left but an immediate submission ; a promise to pay taxes ; a return to their homes ; and a solemn assurance that they would no longer protect those indicted from a fair trial. He allowed them one hour to consider this reply. The royal forces, according to Governor Tryon's own report (now for the first time published, in the following pages, see Alamance), amounted to upwards of eleven hundred; the Regulators under Husbands, Hunter, and Butler, to two thousand. The Regulators told the messenger of the Governor to return and say that " they defied him, and battle was all they wanted." The Governor then sent a magistrate and officer with a proclama- tion, commanding them to disperse within one hour. The Regulators refused to listen to him, and cried out for battle, and advanced on the royal forces. The Governor then sent his aid, Philemon Hawkins, to inform the Regulators that unless they delivered up Husbands, Hunter, Howell and some others, and disperse, he would fire upon them. The regulators replied, " Fire and be d d." The Governor then ordered his troops to fire, which was not im- mediately obeyed. Rising in his stirrups, inflamed with anger, he ao-aiu orders " Fire — Fire on them or fire on me." '^The action became general, and for a few moments was warm. After a conflict of two hours, the Regulators fled, leaving twenty dead and several wounded. The loss of the royal forces in killed, wounded, and missing, was sixty-one men. One officer was killed, and one dangerously wounded. Thus ended the battle of Alamance. Thus, and here, was the tlrst blood spilled in these United States, in resistance to exactions of English rulers, and oppressions by the English government. '•'The Great Wolf of North Carolina" showed his blood-thu'sty 60 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. temper, by acts of revenge, cruelty, and barbarity. He hung Cap- tain Few the next day, without a trial, on a tree. Tryon marched on the 21st to Sandy Creek, where he encamped for a week. Crossing Deep River and Flat Swamp, the army marched to Reedy Creek. Here being joined by General Wad'dell, Governor Tryon returned on 9th June by Black Jack, Buffalo, Big Trouble- some, in Rockingham County, and Back Creek to Hillsboro', which he reached on the 14th. At a special court held for trial of the prisoners for high treason, taken in the battle of Alamance, they were convicted and sentenced to death. The execution of six of them was de- layed until the king's pleasure was known. On the 19th the others were executed. After this, Tryon dismissed his army and returned to Newbern on the 24th, and on the 30th took shipping for New York, to which colony he had been appointed Governor. Herman Husbands, although a reward was offered for him by Tryon, escaped. He settled in Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. He returned to North Carolina after the Revolutionary War, on busi- ness, but remained only a short time. His two sons settled on a large tract of land on Deep River, near the Buffalo Ford. His daughter married a man by the name of Wright. He is stated to have been concerned in the Whisky Insurrection of Pennsylvania, in 1794, and associated with Gallatin, Bracken- ridge and Bradford, on a Committee of Safety. For this he was apprehended. From the influence of his friends, among whom was the Rev. David Caldwell, of Guilford county (who happened at this time to be at Philadelphia), Dr. Benjamin Rush, and others. Hus- bands was released. On his way home, he died at a tavern near Philadelphia. Under the head of Alamance County, in this work, many rare, valuable and interesting documents will be found, never before pub- lished, which place the objects, end, and intents of the Regulators in a true color. The curious will examine carefully these records, as they throw a flood of light upon the history of our State, which has been obscured by misrepresentation and neglect. They were copied under the eye of the Hon. George Bancroft, from originals on file in London, in the Office of the Board of Trade and Plantations. By his kindness they are here presented to the people of the State. I feel the deep obligations that I am under to Mr. Bancroft, and the State of North Carolina deeply feels her obligations to him as the only historian who has done her justice. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 61 CHAPTER IX. FROM 1771 TO JULY 4, 1776. Administration of Josiah Martin, November 1771 to 1775 — Last of the royal governors in North Carolina — His life and character — Parliamentary usages of "the olden times"— The powers of the governor — "A king, aye, every inch a king" — Difficulties arise between the governor and the Assembly, as to the attachment laws and appointment of judges — Courts of law closed- First popular Assembly meets at Newborn, on the 25th of August, 1774 — John Harvey, Moderator — Names of the members — Its resolves — It adjourns and another is called in April, 1775 — Governor Martin fulminates a procla- mation against " such disorder and anarchy," March 1, 1775 — The Colonial and the Popular Assemblies meet at the same time and place — "Passage of arms" between the Governor and the Assembly — The Governor, in his speech to the Colonial Assembly, denounces these meetings of the people and particularly the unwarrantable appointment of delegates to attend a Continental Congress, at Philadelphia, then in agitation, as highly inju- rious and " particularly offensive to the King" — The Assembly reply that "the right of the people to assemble and remonstrate is not to be doubted," and pass resolutions "approving of the General Congress at Philadelphia, to assemble September 4, 1774" — Whereupon, Governor Martin dissolves the Assembly — The last which ever sat under the royal governme_nt in North Carolina — Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, May 1775-— Governor Martin retreats on board of his Majesty's ship-of-war Cruiser, in the Cape Fear River ; and the royal government_terminates forever in North Carolina — Provincial Congress meets at Ilillsboro', August, 1775 — Troops raised for military operations — Civil government exercised by a Provincial Council— District Committees of Safety ; and County Committees — Names of the committee-men in each district— Battle of Moore's Creek, in New Hanover County, February 27, 1776— Tories defeated under Gen. McDonald — Provincial Congress meets at Halifax, April 4th, 1776 — Names of mem- Ijers — Names of general, field, battalion, and county officers — This body instruct their delegates in the Continental Congress, in April, 1776, to vote for Independence — Committees of Safety appointed — Adjourned on the 14th of May, 1776 — Provincial Council of Safety meets at Wilmington, on the 6th of June, 1776 — General Rutherford, of Rowan, marches with one thousand nine hundred men, against the Overhill Cherokees (now Tennessee), reduces them, burns their towns, and destroys their crops — Provincial Council of Safety meets in July, at Halifax — The national Declaration of Independ- ence reaches them while in session — Their proceedings, and some account of the first celebration, in North Carolina, of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. James Hasel, being the first named of the Council, on the de- parture of Governor Tryon, qualified as Governor in July, 1771. He soon resigned the reins of government to Josiah Martin, who had been commissioned by the crown, and who arrived in North Carolina, at Newborn, on the 11th August. Like his predecessor, Governor Martin was by profession a sol- dnr. He had risen, in the British Army, to the rank of Major; 62 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. and was an Englishman by birth. He was brother to Samuel Martin, a member of the British Parliament, -who was distinguished by a duel, in 1763, with the celebrated John Wilkes. His cha- racter was not deficient either in firmness or talent. In his administration of the colony, he seems to have found him- self too strictly fettered by his instructions from the crown to be of service to the country. In endeavoring to carry out the one, he lost the favor of the other. He misconceived, when the storm of popular feeling was raised, both the means of calming its anger and averting its fury. Had he lived in less troublesome times, his administration might have been peaceful and prosperous. But Providence had decreed that this country should be free from all foreign dominion, and that Martin should be the last of the royal governors in and over North Carolina. Governor Martin met the legislature, for the first time, in the town of Newborn, in Nov., 1771. To this age, the forms of electing and assembling the legislative body, the homage paid to the Governor, as the representative of the Sovereign, and the power and influence of the governor are curious, and useful to show the improvements that our free institu- tions have suggested and carried out. The Governor had the power with advice of his council, to con- vene the legislature, at pleasure, the upper branch of which was called the council, appointed by the crown ; the speaker, or president of which was the first named in the list, and was, in the absence of the Governor, the executive of the colony. The council was the mere echo of the Governor, since they were both appointed by the same authority; their records show few instances where they ever differed from the Governor on any question of policy. The Governor had the power to prorogue, or dissolve the Assembly, and had an unquali- fied veto on all their acts. The Governor had also the appointment of the associate judges of the superior courts, the sheriffs of the courts, and the clerks of the superior courts. He was indeed a sovereign, " aye, every inch a king." By his order, writs were issued by the clerk of the crown, to the sheriffs of the several counties, directing them to hold elections in each county, and the number to be elected; and the place of assembling ; which writs were duly executed, and returns made of the persons elected, to the clerk of the crown. At the time and place appointed, the members assembled, their cre- dentials were read, and qualification took place, which was done in the presence of two of the council, appointed for this purpose by the Governor. Two of the members then waited on his Excellency, to say that the house was organized, and awaited his commands. The Governor then summoned the members to the palace ; then, he directs them to return and elect a Speaker. This being done, two members then wait on his Excellency, to know when he would receive them, to present their Speaker. The house is summoned by the private secretary of the Governor, to make their immediate HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 63 attendance at tlie palace. Tliey o.bey, and formally present their Speaker, in person and by name, " whom his Excellency is pleased to approve." Then he proceeded, after pledging "in form to sup- port the house in all their just rights and privileges," to address them on such matters as suggest themselves deserving the consi- deration of the representatives of the people. To which address there was a formal reply in writing, by a committee of the House, and then the House was ready to proceed to business. Compare this fanfaronade of ceremony and homage to power and place, with our simple organization of the present day ; and it Avill be no longer wondered why our forefathers in 1776, stripped the Governor of all the paraphernalia of privilege and power in the constitution, and so reduced the executive authority as hardly to leave any semblance of its former grandeur, or even the power of an ordinary justice of the peace. Thus vibrating from one extreme to the other. The House addressed Governor Martin to pardon (Herman Hus- bands, Rednap Howell, and William Butler excepted) all persons concerned in the late insurrection. He replied that he already anticipated their wishes as far as his power extended. The six Regulators under sentence of death received the king's absolute pardon. An angry and protracted conflict between the Governor and the legislative body occurred on the subject of the attachment laws, and the appointment of judges ; so serious, that for a long time the colony was without laws or judges. The commissions of the judges expired with the session of the legislature (Martin Howard, chief justice, Maurice Moore and Richard Henderson, associates), and the bill organizing the courts failing to meet with the approbation of the Governor, he first prorogued for three days the Assembly, and finally dissolved it. " There were at this time no courts at all in being,'' was the re- mark of Mr. Quincy, at this time traveling through North Caro- lina. The whole colony was in a state of anarchy and confusion. The courts were closed ; public crime and private injustice had no check. To the minds of the people, their wrongs were caused by the obstinacy of the Governor, and produced a, feeling of deep resentment against the government. These grievances were not confined to North Carolina. The Speaker of the House of Commons, John Harvey, laid be- fore the house resolutions of the House of Burgesses of Virginia (1773), resolutions of the 12th March last, also letters from the speakers of the lower houses of several other provinces, re- questing that a committee be appointed to inquire into the en- croachments of England upon the rights and liberties of America. Tlie House came to a resolution that "such example was worthy ot imitation, by which means communication and concert would 64 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. be established among the colonies ; and that they will at all times be ready to exert their efforts to preserve and defend their rights."* John Harvey (Speaker), Robert Howe, Cornelius Harnett, Wil- liam Hooper, Richard Caswell, Edward Vail, John Ashe, Joseph Hewes, and Samuel Johnson were appointed this committee. This is the first record of a legislative character which led to the Revolution. The names of the committee show its import- ance ; the part they afterwards took, as will be seen, proves the sincerity and fidelity with which they discharged their important trusts. The next year (August, 1774), the Governor issued his procla- mation, complaining that the meetings of the people were held without legal authority — that resolutions had been entered into, and plans concerted, derogatory to the authority of the King and Parliament, tending to excite discontent among the people, and requiring the people to forbear attending any such meetings, and ordering the king's oflBcers to oppose such meetings to the utmost of their power. But the people would meet. The first assemblage independent of royal authoi-ity, of their representatives in North Carolina, oc- curred at Newborn on 2oth August, 1774. Excited at this state of affairs. Governor Martin summoned his ever faithful and obsequious council, and consulted on the steps proper to be taken. They advise him that " nothing could be done." This Assembly or Congress as it was called, is an epoch in our history. It was not a conflict of arms or force, but it was the first act of that great drama, in which battles and blood formed only subordinate parts. Provincial Congress of North Carolina, which met at Newborn, 25th August, 1774. Counties. Members. ^ A f Sam'l Spencer, 1. Anson . . ' { \\t rru i Wm. Thomas. 2 Bpavfnrf i ^^^^^' ^^"^ond, •^ 1^ ihos. Respiss. o T>7 ■; ^ William Salter, 6. Bladen . . • < iti i^. n-i I Walter Gibson. A Ti f -i- / W™- Person, 5. Brunswick . . Robt. Howe. 6. Bertie . . . John Campbell. James Cook, f, /v Lemuel Hatch, 7. Craven . . • -^ t i t i Joseph Leech, I Rich'd Cosdell. o * See Journals of 1773. Martin, vol. ii. 305. f Divided in 1799 into Franklin and Warren. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 65 Counties. 8. Carteret . 9. Currituck . 10. Chowan 11. Cumberland 12. Dobhs^ . 13. Duplin 14. Cf-ranville 15. Syde 16. Halifax . IT. Johnston . 18. 19. MecMenhurg Martin 20. New Hanover 21. 22. 23. Northampton Orange Onslow 24. Perquimans 25. Pasquotank 26. Pitt * Divided in 1791 i chi nged to Greene. 5 Members. Wm. Thompson, Sol. Perkins. t,than Joyce, m'l Jarvis. Samii^ Johnston, Thomas Oldham, Thomas Benbury, Thomas Jones, Thomas Hunter. Farquard Campbell, T. Rutherford. Richard Caswell, Wm. McKennie, Geo. Miller, Simon Bright. Thos. Gray, Thos. Hicks, James Kenan, Wm. Dickson. Thos. Person, Memucan Hunt. Rothias Latham, Samuel Smith. Nigholas Long Willie Jones. Needham Bryan, Benj. Williams. Benj. Patton. E. Smithwick. John Ashe, Wm. Hooper. Allen Jones. Thos. Hart. Wm. Gray. John Harvey, Benj. Harvey, Thos. Harvey, Andrew Knox, J. Whidbee, Jr. Jos. Jones, Edw'd Everigin, Joseph Reading. John Simpson, Edw'd Salter. 1791 into Lenoir and Glasgow, which latter in 1799 was { 66 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Counties. 27. Mowan 28. Tnjon* . 29. Tyrrell . Towns. 30. Hewhern . 31. Edenton . 32. Wilmington 33. Bath ' . 34. Halifax i? Members. Will. Kennon^ Moses Win slow, Sam'l Young. David Jenkins, Robert Alexander. Geo. Spruill, Jeremiah Fraser. Abner Nash, Isaac Edwards. Jos. Hewes. Francis Clayton. AVm. Brown. John Geddy. Of this body, John Harvey of Perquimans was chosen Speak- er, or Moderator. An examination of the acts of this Assembly, evinces the utmost loyalty to their plighted vows of allegiance so often expressed, and yet the most clear conception of the rights of freemen; the jealousy with which these rights were regarded, and fixed purpose by which they would be maintained. Their journal is still preserved. The preamble to their resolu- tions declares their regard to the British constitution, and their allegiance to the House of H«nover ; but that allegiance from them should meet with protection from the government ; that no person should be taxed without his consent freely given in person, or by his representative ; that the tax on tea and other articles by the British Parliament, was illegal and oppressive. The Boston port act, the act sending persons to England for trial for offences com- mitted here, were denounced as unconstitutional ; and they so- lemnly bound themselves after 1st January next, not to purchase any goods from England or send any produce there for sale. The Assembly approved of the plan of a General Congress in Philadelphia in. September, and elected as members, William Hooper, of Orange County ; Joseph Hewes, of Edenton ; Richard Caswell, of Dobbs County ; who were instructed to express the firm determination of the people against all unconstitutional oppression. They then adjourned, empowering the Moderator to convene the deputies as occasion might require. Such was the first Assembly of the people of North Carolina, in a representative character in opposition to the Royal Government. These men have long since gone to their final account ; but their names, characters, and services, should be held ever in grate- ful remembrance by their countrymen. North Carolina is proud of their names, for with them is associated the most unsullied patriotism, uncalculating resistance to oppression, and chivalric * Divided into Lincoln and Rutherford in 1791. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 67 daring. A short sketcli of the life of many will appear in another portion of this work ; an extended narrative of their services, will afford ample material to the future historian and biographer. Governor Martin visited New York in September, 1774, and on his return the following February, 1^ issued a proclamation against the purchase by Judge Henderson from the Cherokee Indians of certain lands, as being in violation of law. The Colonial Assembly was called in April, 1775, at Newborn; and John Harvey, moderator of the late convention of deputies, issued in February, a notice to the people to elect delegates, to represent each town and county in convention, to be held at the same time and p^ce, by virtue of authority vested in him by the late Congress or Convention. This roused the indignation of Governor Martin, and he Issued his proclamation on 1st March, 1775, denouncing the meeting as " tending to introduce disorder and anarchy to the destruction of the real interests of the people.'' Notwithstanding these denunciations of the Governor, the people quietly elected members to the convention, many of whom were members of the Assembly. These bodies both met at the same place, at the same time (4th April, 1775). Col. John Harvey was re-elected president of the Colonial Assembly. Governor Martin, in his speech to the Assembly, expressed " his concern at this extraordinary state of affairs. He reminded the members of their oath of allegiance, and denounced the meeting of delegates chosen by the people, as illegal, and one that he should resist by every means in his power." Particularly did he inform them that "the unwarrantable manner of appointing dele- gates to attend a Congress at Philadelphia, then in agitation, would be highly offensive to the King." In the dignified reply of the House, the Governor was informed that the right of the people to assemble and remonstrate against grievances was undoubted. They passed resolutions approving of the proceedings of the Continental Congress at Philadelphia (4th Sept., 1774), and declared their determination to use what in- fluence they had to carry out the views of that body. Where- upon, the Governor, by advice of his council, dissolved the Assem- bly, by proclamation, after a session of four days. Thus was dissolved all legislative intercourse between the Go- vernor and the legislature, and here terminated the royal rule of England ; for a short time afterwards Gov. Martin took refuge, first in Fort Johnston, and afterwards on board of a ship of war in the Cape Fear River, the Cruiser. For his ofiicial dispatches, dated June, 1775, procured from London, see Mecklenburg County. (Chapter li., vol. ii.) ;,!, -i^r-ns Governor Martin, after the battle of Moore's Creek (Feb. 1 h b), in which the Loyalists, under General MacDonald, were defeated by Caswell, embarked with Sir Peter Parker, and arriveil at Charleston. He was present at the battle of Guilford with Lord 68 HISTORY OF jS-ORTH CAROLINA. CornwalHs, in March, 1781. He went to England soon after this battle. Sijbsequently he returned to New York, and died at Rockaway.* The Provincial Congress met at the same place, and elected John Harvey again as Moderator. This convention or congress approved of the measures of the Continental Congress, and reap- pointed the same delegates to attend. This was the second time of meeting of the representatives of the people, in opposition to the Royal Power in North Carolina. About this time (May, 1775), the people of Mecklenburg moved^ in their sovereign capacity, the question of independence, and took a much bolder and more decided stand than either the Colonial or Continental Congress had as yet attempted ; and while this step evinces the spirit of that chivalric county, it is one of the boasted recollections of the State of North Carolina, ever to be cherishedy never to be forgotten. It has been seen that it was on her shores that (in 1584) the first Anglo-Saxon anchor rested in these United States.! Her whole history since has been shown to be one continued and deter- mined resistance to oppression. It is now proved that she was the first openly to cast off the English yoke, and, relying on the truth and justice of her cause, and on the God of David, she threw the gauntlet of defiance in the teeth of the Goliah power of England. That at this time throughout the whole length and breadth of these colonies the spirit of liberty was abroad, is not to be doubt- ed. Urged by wrongs and oppression, with " war in each heart and freedom on each brow," the colonists were ripe and ready for the conflict ; but that the people of Mecklenburg should at this period of darkness, doubt, and danger, in a remote portion of country, unmolested by the presence of their oppressors, or actual perpetration of injury : without concert with other States, with- out assurances of support from any quarter, and then and there " dissolve the political bands which connected them with the mother country/' and then declare themselves " a free and inde- pendent people, and of right ought to be sovereign and self-govern- ing," is a subject full of moral sublimity and heroic daring. It is justly a source of elevating pride to the State of North Carolina. The public mind had been much excited at the attempts of Gov. Martin to prevent the meeting of the Provincial Congress, or Con- vention, at Newbern, and his arbitrary and oppressive conduct in dissolving the Assembly when only in session four days, leaving them unprotected by courts of law, and all other important busi- ness undone. The people began to think that since the authorities constituted by law failed in their legitimate duty, that it was time to provide safeguards for themselves, and to throw off all allegi- ance to powers that ceased to protect their liberties or property. To this omission of duty was added the actual commission of * Sabine, History of the Loyalists. f See page 24. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 69 wrong. The haughty assumption of power on the part of the Government to inflict taxation on the people without representa- tion or their consent, Boston harbor was blockaded by British troops, and others awed by the pr(»ence of men and arms. The people of North Carolina felt deeply the crisis of our Government. None more keenly than the citizens of Mecklenburg. On the 20th May, a convention, comi^osed of delegates from different portions of the county, met at Charlotte. Abraham Alexander was called to the chair, and John McKnitt Alex- ander appointed secretary. The Rev. Hezekiah James Balch, a Presbyterian clergyman, Dr. Ephm. Brevard, and William Kennon, Esq., an attorney-at- law, addressed the convention. The news of the battle of Lexington arrived at this time, which had occurred just one month and a day previous; and the wanton sacrifice of American blood by English troops added fresh fuel to the flame of virtuous indignation that now swelled their patriotic bosoms. The resolutions, from the pen of Dr. Ephraim Brevard, are as follows : — THE MECKLENBURG DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, DECLARED AT CHARLOTTE, 20th OF MAY, 1775. 1. Resolved: That whosoever directly or indirectly abets, or in any w^ay, form, or manner countenances the unchartered and dan- gerous invasion of our rights, as claimed by Great Britain, is an enemy to this country — to America— and to the inherent and un- alienable rights of man. 2. Resolved: That we do hereby declare ourselves- a free and independent people ; are, and of right ought to be a sovereign and self-governing association, under the control of no power, other than%hat of our God and the general government of the Congress: To the maintenance of which independence we solemnly pledge to each other our mutual co-operation, OUR LIVES, OUR FORTUNES, and OUR MOST sacred honor. 3. Resolved: That as we acknowledge the existence and control of no law or legal officer, civil or military, within this county, we do hereby ordain and adopt as a rule of life, all, each, and every one of our former laws, wherein, nevertheless, the crown of Great Britain never can be considered as holding rights, privileges, or authorities therein. 4. Resolved: That all, each, and every military officer in this county is hereby reinstated in his former command and authority, he acting conformably to their regulations. And that every mem- ber present of this delegation, shall henceforth be a civil officer, viz : a justice of the peace, in the character of a committee man, fo issue process, hear, and determine all matters of controversy, a,*^cording to said adopted laws, and to preserve peace, union, and harmony in said county, to use every exertion to spread the love 70 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLES'A. of country and fire of freedom throughout America, until a more general and organized government be established in this province. ABRxVHAM ALEXANDER, Chairman. JoHX McKnitt Alexande^^, Secretary. Ephraim Brevard, Charles Alexander, Hezekiah J. Balch, Zaccheus Wilson, John Phifer, Waightstill Avery, James Harris, Benjamin Patton, William Kennon, Matthew McClure, John Ford, Neil Morrison, Richard Barry, Robert Irvin, Henry Downe, John Flennegin, Ezra Alexander, • David Reese, William Graham, John Davidson, John Queary, Richard Harris, Hezekiah Alexander, Thomas Polk, sen'r. Adam Alexander, It was forwarded to the Continental Congress, at Philadelphia, by Capt. James Jack, and a copy also to Samuel Johnston, mode- rator of the Provincial Congress, at Hillsboro', and was laid before that body by him, on the 25th Aug. 1775. Gov. Martin issued his proclamation on the 8th of August, 1775, on board of his Majesty's ship of war the Cruiser, denouncing the Mecklenburg declaration of independence. These papers are extracted from the document publishied in 182ft, by the General Assembly of North Carolina. More import- ant and documentary evidence will be found under the head of Mecklenburg County, from records procured from London. These names and these characters deserve a perpetual remembrance in our State and nation. Efforts are being made to procure the biogra- phy of each, and have in part been successful. Men must obey the fiat of nature, and die ; but such elevated actions, and devoted patriotism can never die. Our State to all time will delight to cherish their memories as a proud record of the past, and a glowing incentive to the future. It is to be hoped that some son of Meck- lenburg will undertake this pious and patriotic duty, and rescue from oblivion the memories of the signers of the Mecklenburg De- claration of Independence. This important paper is dear to every North Carolinian. The 20th of May is a sacred festival within her borders, and efforts are being made to erect in the place where this event occurred, a monument to perpetuate its memory.* North Carolina was now without any government, except that of its own choice. The utmost exertion was necessary to sustain this position. * A memorial, in vol. ii. chapter li. Mecklenburg County, from the citizens of this section of the State to the General Assembly. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 71 Samuel Jolanston, of Chowan County (the late moderator, John Harvey having died), summoned a meeting of the delegates at Hillsboro', on 21st August, 1775. Delegates were chosen in every county and town, accordingly, by the people, and they met at the time and place appointed. One hundred and eighty-four members took their seats. This was the third meeting of an assembly of the people in North Carolina, opposed to the Royal Government. On motion of Richard Caswell, Samuel Johnston was elected President, Andrew Knox, Secretary, James Glasgow, Assistant. On the 24th, the Congress declared that the people of North Carolina would pay their due proportion of expense in training a Continental Army, and appointed a committee to prepare a system of government for the province. This was a most important point of the history of North Caro- lina. The Governor had abandoned the reins of power. In a proclamation dated 8th Aug. 1775, secure on board of his floating palace, he had denounced by his proclamation this very assembly, as "one of the black artifices of falsehood and sedition," and the assembly returned this courteous message by resolving that " the proclamation was a false, scurrilous, malicious and seditious libel," and directed it to be burnt by the common hangman. Thus all hopes of reconciliation had now ended. The sword was drawn and the scabbard cast away. Two regiments of five hundred men were raised by order of the Congress. The following officers were appointed : — FOR THE first REGIMENT. James Moore, Col. ; Thomas Clark, Major ; Francis Nash, Lt. Col. ; Wm. Williams, Adjutant. Captains — William Davis, William Picket, Henry Dickson, Thomas Allen, Robert Rowan, George Davidson, Alfred Moore, John Walker, Wm. Green, Caleb Grainger. Lieutenants — John Lillington, William Berryhill, Hg^ekiah Rice, Joshua Bowman, Hector McNeil, Wm. Brandon, Lawrence TKompson, Abraham Tatum, Wm. Hill, Thomas Hogg. ^Ensigns — Neil McAllister, James Childs, George Graham, Maurice Moore, Jr., Henry Neill, Robert Ralston, John Taylor, Berryman Turner, Henry Pope, Howell Tatum. officers of THE SECOND REGIMENT. Robert Howe, Col. ; John Patton, Major ; Alex. Martin, Lt. Col. ; Dr. John White, Capt. and Adjutant. Captains — James Blount, John Armstrong, Chas. Crawford, Hardy Murfree, Plenry Irwin Toole, Nathan Keais, Simon Bright, Michael Payne, John Walker. Liey^tenants — John Grainger, Robert Smith, John Herritage, 72 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Clement Hall, Edw'd Vail, Jr., Jos. Tate, William Fenner, John Williams, James Gee, Benj. Williams. Ensigns — Henry Vipon, Whitmel Pugh, John Oliver, Philip Lowe, William Gardner, Benj. Cleaveland, Jas. Cook, William Cas- well, Jos. Clinch, John Woodhouse. Dr. Isaac Guion, Chirurgeon to the 1st Reg. Dr. Wm. Parton, do. to •2d Reg. The names of these officers are particularly noticed, as these were called into active service out of the State in the Continental Line. In each district ten companies of fifty men, called a battalion, were raised, called Minute men. Field officers and Minute men appointed by the State Congress (1775) for each district. Edenton District. — Edward Vail, Col. ; Andrew Knox, Lt. Col. ; Caleb Nash, Major. Netvhern District. — Richard Caswell, Col. ; William Bryan, Lieut. Col. ; James Gorham, Major. Wilrtiington District. — Alex. Lillington, Col. ; Robt. Ellis, Lt. Col. ; Samuel Swann, Major. Halifax District. — Nicholas Long, Col. ; Henry Irwin, Lt. Col. ; Jethro Sumner, Major. Hillsboro' District. — James Thackston, Col. ; John Williams, Lt. Col. ; James Moore, Major. Salisbury District. — Thomas Wade, Col. ; Adlai Osborne, Lt. Col. ; Joseph Harbin, Major. Edward Vail, of Chowan, was appointed to the command of the battalion of the Edenton District. Richard Caswell, of Dobbs, Newbern District. Alex. Lillington, of New Hanover, Wilmington District. Thomas Wade, of Anson, Salisbury District. James Thackston, of Cumberland, Hillsboro' District. Nicholas Long, of Halifax, the Halifax District. Such was the military organization of the State. Tift* Civil Government was vested in : — I. A Provincial Council for the whole State. II. A District Committee of Safety for each district. III. County and Town Committees, for each county and town. I. The Provincial Council was composed of one chosen by the whole Congress, who was, de facto., governor; and two persons from each district, chosen by the delegates thereof. They were to meet quarterly, had power to call out the militia, to reject or suspend officers, fill vacancies, draw on the treasury for all moneys necessary for the service ; and, in fact, to do all such things as were necessary to secure, protect, and defend the colony. The court house, in Johnston County, was the first place of their assembling, and they had power to fix other times and places. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 73 The members of this council were Samuel Johnston, chairman, (chosen by the Congress.) Cornelius Harnett, and Samuel Ashe, Wilmington District. Abner Nash, and James Coor, Newhern District. Thomas Jones, and Whitmel Hill, Edenton District. William Jones, and Thomas Jones, Halifax District. Thomas Person, and John Kinchen, Sillshoro District. Samuel Spencer, and Waightstill Avery, Salishury District. II. The Committee of Safety was composed of a president and twelve members in each district, chosen by the delegates from each district. This committee was to meet quarterly in the principal towns of the district, and were authorized to receive information, censure, and punish delinquents ; and, with the Provincial Council, had co-ordinate power to compel debtors about to remove to give security to their creditors^ and had a superintending power over III. The County and Town Committees, appointed by the 'freeholders of each county, twenty-one members for the county, and fifteen for each of the towns of Edenton, Newbern and Wilmington, and seven for each of the other towns, to be elected by the freehold- ers. These committees were to appoint by ballot out of their mem- bers, seven persons to act as a committee of secrecy, intelligence and correspondence, who were to correspond with the Provincial Council, the Committee of Safety, and others, to take up and ex- amine all suspected persons, and to exercise a general and particular care over the interests of the people, that they received no detriment. With the latter (committees of the counties), the real executive power of the State rested in these troublesome times; promptly and summarily did they exercise their powers. They held a strict police and rigid censorship over their respective counties, and did not hesitate to put in jail, or to the whipping-post, all persons con- victed of disrespectful language towards the cause of American liberty. They issued orders to ravage the estates of violent Tories, and appropriate the proceeds to the common treasury. They executed all orders of the Continental Congress, the Pro- vincial" Council, and the District Committees of Safety. They had a test oath to which all persons had to subscribe, which was para- mount to the oath of allegiance to the English crown. The delegates for each district appointed the following persons as District Committees of Safety : — Edenton District. — Luke Sumner, Wm. Gray, John Johnston, Thomas Benbury, Gideon Lamb, Joseph Jones, Miles Harvey, Law- rence Baker, Kenneth McKenzie, Stevens Lee, Charles Blount, Isaac Gregory, and Day Ridly. Netvhern District. — Alexander Gaston, Richard Cogdell, John Easton, Major Croom, Roger Ormond, Edward Salter, George Burrow, William Thompson, William Tisdale, Benjamin Williams, R' chard Ellis, William Brown, James Glasgow. Wilmington District. — Frederick Jones, Sampson Mosely, 74 HISTORY OP NORTH CAROLINA. Archibald McLaine, Richard Quince, Thomas Davis, William Gray, Henry Rhodes, Thomas Rutledge, James Kenan, Alexander McAllister, George Mylne, John Smith, Benjamin Stone. Halifax District. — Allen Jones, Rev. Henry Patillo, James Leslie, John Bradford, David Sumner, William Eaton, Drury Lee, John Norwood, James Mills, William Haywood, Duncan Lamon, William Bellamy, John Webb. Eillshoro' District. — William Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Samuel Smith, John Atkinson, John Butler, William Johnston, John Hinton, Joel Lane, Michael Rodgers, Ambrose Ramsey, Mial Scurlock, John .Thompson, John Lark. Salisbury District. — Griffith Rutherford, John Brevard, John Crawford, Hezekiah Alexander, James Auld, Benjamin Patton, William Hill, John Hamilton, Charles Galloway, William Dent, Robert Ewert, Maxwell Chambers. , The thanks of the Convention to the delegates in the Continental Congress (Caswell, Hooper, and Hewes) were formally presented by the President for their honorable and patriotic conduct, on 2d Sept., 1775. On being appointed one of the Treasurers of the State, Richard Caswell resigned his appointment as delegate to the Continental Congress, and John Penn, of Granville County, was appointed his successor. The public finances were in much disorder. The Convention ordered, on the 7th Sept., $125,000 in bills of credit. Richard Caswell, Samuel Johnston, Andrew Knox, and Richard Cogdell were to superintend the printing and sign the bills, and deliver them over to the two treasurers. Samuel Johnston for the North- ern division and Richard Caswell for the Southern. An address was adopted unanimously by this Convention, on the 8th September, to the people of the British empire, declaring the views of this body as to the existing state of affairs. It was extensively circulated and did much good. It was the production of Wm. Hooper, who reported it as chairman of a committee com- posed of Maurice Moore, Robert Howe, Richard Caswell, and Joseph Hewes. Premiums were voted for manufacture of saltpetre, gunpowder, and other articles. The people of North Carolina had determined to throw off the foreign yoke and be free in every respect. After a session of a month, this Congress adjourned on the 19th Sept. The first meeting of the Provincial Council was organized at the court house, in Johnston County, on the 18th Oct., 1775, by the appointment of Cornelius Harnett, of Wilmington, as President, and James Green as Clerk. Their proceedings were entirely of a warlike nature. Applica- tions for appointments, demands for ammunition and arms, and the raising of troops, occupied their attention and fills their journal. Intelligence was received by the Council that the people of New HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 75 Hanover had assembled in a large body and protested against the proceedings of the late Provincial Congress, as revolutionary and rebellious. The Council instructed the President (Mr. Harnett), John Ashe, and Samuel Ashe, to explain the acts of the Congress, and endeavor to maintain concert and harmony. These zealous friends of liberty faithfully performed their mission ; the discon- tented were satisfied, and returned to the support of the cause of liberty. A second meeting of the Provincial Council was held at the court house, in Johnston County, on 18th December, 1775, and Corne- lius Harnett presided. The Sheriff of Halifax, Mr. Branch,* brought before the council Walter Lamb and George Massenbird, as enemies to the country, and prayed punishment upon them as Tories. The council ordered Lamb to be committed for trial before the comnjittee of safety for Halifax ; and the other, being penitent, took the test oath and was discharged. The efforts of Governor Martin, still in the Cape Fear River on board the ship of war Cruiser, excited the vigilance of the council. At their previous meeting in October, they had recommended the , committee of safety for the district, to use their endeavors to cut off all communications between the governor and the people. The committee of safety for districts Wilmington Newbern, and Edenton, were directed to procure immediately an armed ves- sel each. The Scotch on the banks of the Cape Fear (and its tributaries the Deep and Haw Rivers) were approached by the emissaries of Governor Martin. He represented to them that the colony would be subdued ; that Sir Henry Clinton was to come south, reinforced by heavy armaments from England, under Sir Peter Parker and Lord Cornwallis. He issued a commission of General to one of their chiefs (Donald McDonald). The Council recommended, 1775, that "all communications from or to Governor Martin, or the ship of war, should be opened by the Committee of Safety." It appointed, on 21st December, committees in each district to attend to the state of arms, with authority to purchase more, if needed. It raised two more battalions of minute men, in the district of Salisbury, and appointed Griffith Rutherford, Colonel ; John Phifer, Lieutenant- Colonel ; John Paisly, Major — 1st battalion. Thomas Polk, Colonel ; Adam Alexander, Lieutenant- Colonel ; Charles McLean, Major — 2d battalion. The proceedings of this session of the council are marked with great enei'gy and patriotism. The next session of the Provincial Council was at Newbern, on the 28th February, 1776, which was called to devise measures of * The father of Gov. John Branch, now of Enfield. 76 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. concert and union between the southern colonies. Abner Nash and John Kinchen, were sent to Charleston ; Thomas Jones, Sa- muel Johnston, and Thomas Person, appointed to confer with the Committee of Safety for A^irginia. At this time, Donald McDonald, a Scottish Highlander, who had received the commission of general from Governor Martin, erected the royal standard at Cross Creek, now Fayetteville, and soon rallied about fifteen hundred men. Colonel James Moore, at the head of the first continental regi- ment, and some militia of Cumberland, took the field against McDonald. Moore was posted near the bridge on Rocky River, about twelve miles from Cross Creek, and fortified it ; determining to prevent any junction of McDonald with Governor Martin, or the expected reinforcements from abroad. Colonels Caswell and Lillington at this time commanded the minute men of the districts of Newbern and Wilmington, and joined by some volunteers, marched to Moore's Creek, near where it joins South River, in New Hanover County. McDonald advanced towards Colonel Moore's camp, and sent him a communication, with the governor's proclamation, to lay down his arms, and take the oath of allegiance ; Colonel Moore (after delaying to allow the militia time to assemble) declined his proposal, and replied, " that as he was engaged in a noble and glorious cause, the defence of the rights of man; he invited General McDonald to join him, and enclosed a copy of the test." The forces of Caswell and Lillington now increasing, McDonald endeavored by rapid marches to unite with Sir Henry Clinton, who had just arrived in the Cape Fear River, with Lord William Campbell, the royal governor of South Carolina, and strong re- inforcements. He crossed South River, on the banks of which Caswell and Lillington were encamped with about one thousand men, consisting of the Newbern battalion of minute men, the militia from Craven, Johnston, Dobbs (now Green and Lenoir), and Wake, and a de- tachment of the Wilmington battalion of minute men. Here he encamped for the night, and determined to attack them in the morning. Lillington and CasAvell were equally ready and eager for the conflict. This night the small stream of South River only separated the belligerent camps ; the watch-fires of both were plainly visible to each. Like on the famed and bloody field of Agincourt : — *' From camp to camp, through the foul womb of night, The hum of either army stilly sounds ; That the fixed sentinels almost receive The secret whispers of each other's watch. Fire answers fire — Give dreadful note of preparation."* By the dawn of day, 27th February, 1776, the royal forces were * Henry V,, Act I. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 77 in motion ; the shrill notes of their pibroch were heard summoning their belted chiefs with their clans to battle. Our troops had removed the planks from the bridge, had been under arms all night, and were ready to receive them. An active and brisk fire commenced on both sides of the stream, which for a moment was severe and fatal, when the Scottish leader, Colonel McLeod, in attempting a gallant charge across the bridge, was killed. His troops were confused by the loss of their leader, and the unexpected absence of the planks on the bridge. Availing themselves of these advantages, our troops charged in turn, with great animation across the stream, and engaged the whole force of the enemy. After a gallant resistance, the royal troops were routed, and their general, McDonald, taken prisoner. A number of prisoners were taken, a large amount of ammunition and arms of various kinds, and thirteen wagons with horses, and a box of guineas, containing £15,000 sterling. Colonel Moore arrived on the field soon after the battle with his troops. The Provincial Congress, which met soon after (4th April, 1776), at Halifax, upon the call of the President, Samuel Johnston, granted parole to General MacDonald. The laurels gained by this early passage of arms, were made more bright by the generous conduct of the victors. This battle was most important in its eff'ects. Had the Tories effected a union with Clinton, the Avhole country would have been at their mercy; Gen. Clinton issued a proclamation on board of the Pallas transport, in Cape Fear River, on 5th May, 1776, declaring that a most wicked and unprovoked rebellion existed in his Ma- jesty's province of North Carolina, to the total subversion of all lawful authority," requiring all congresses and committees to be dis- solved, and offering pardon to all persons who should obey, and lay down their arms, " except Cornelius Harnett and Robert Hoive.'' This had no effect. He landed on General Howe's plantation, in Brunswick County, on the 12th, with nine hundred men under Lord Cornwallis, afterwards so famed in the Revolutionary War, in the South — ravaged and plundered the same, and treated with great brutality some women, who were left in the house. After burning some mills in the neighborhood, they again embarked, and despairing of all success in North Carolina, with thirty ships, he left the coast on the 29th, and sailed for Charleston, having on board Governor Martin, the last of the royal governors. The Provincial Congress met at Halifax, 4th April, 1776 (the fourth meeting of the people in a representative capacity op- posed to the Royal Government in North Carolina). The following persons were elected and appeared, viz : — Counties. Members. f Samuel Spencer, Daniel Love, John Crawford, James 1. Anson | Picket, and John Childs. 2. Beaufort Roger Ormond, Thomas Respiss, Jr., and John Cooper. 78 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Counties. 3. Bladen 4. Bertie 5. Brunswick 6. Bute* 7. Craven 8. Carteret 9. Currituck 10. Chowan 11. Cumberland 12. Chatham 13. Duplin 14. I>o6&st 15. Edgecombe 16. Granville 17. (??«7/orcZ 18. S;/(7e 19. Hertford 20. ^aZi/aa; 21. Johnston 22. Mecklenburg 23. Martin 24. New Hanover 25. Nortliampton 26. Onslow 27. Orange 28. Perquimans 29. Pasquotank 30. Pt« 31. Rowan 32. ,Si«Ty 33. TyrreK 34. y^jron? 35. TFa^•e Members. ( Nathaniel Richardson, Thomas Robertson, James I Council, Maturan Colvill and Thomas Amis. John Campbell, John Johnston, Charles Jacocks. (■ Green Hill, "William Alston, William Person, Thomas I Sherrod, and Philemon Hawkins. f James Coor, Lemuel Hatch, John Bryan, William I Bryan, and Jacob Blount. ] William Thompson, Solomon Shepard, and John Back- I house. ] Samuel Jarvis, James White, James Ryan, Gideon I Lamb, and Solomon Perkins. j Samuel Johnston, Thomas Benbury, Thomas Jones, I John B. Beasly, and Thomas Hunter. I David-Smith, Alexander McAllister, Farquard Camp- 1 bell, Thomas Rutherford, and Alexander McCoy. rAmbrose Ramsay, John Thompson, Joshua Rosser, I Jeduthan Harper, and Elisha Cain. Thomas Gray, and William Dickson, r Richard Caswell, Abraham Shepard, George Miller, I Simon Bright, and William McKinnie. j William Haywood, Duncan Lemond, Elisha Battle, J ( Henry Irwin, and Nathan Boddie. I Thomas Person, John Penn, Memucan Hunt, John I Taylor, and Charles A. Eaton, f Ransome Southerland, William Dent, and Ralph Gor- I rell. I Rotheas Latham, Joseph Hancock, John Jordan, and \ Benjamin Parmelly. Robert Sumner, Matthias Brickie, Lawrence Baker. I John Bradford, James Hogan, David Sumner, Joseph I John Williams, and Willis Alston. Samuel Smith, Jr., Needham Bryan, Jr., Henry Rains. John Phifer, Robert Irwin, John McKnitt Alexander, f William Williams, Whitmel Hill, Kenneth McKenzie, I Thomas Wiggins, Edward Smithwick. I John Ashe, John Devane, Samuel Ashe, Sampson I Mosely, and .John Hollingsworth. I Allen Jones, Jeptha Atherton, Eaton Haynes, Drury I Gee, Samuel Lockhart, Howel Edmunds. ] George Mitchell, Benjamin Doty, John Spicer, John I King, and John Norman. J.John Kinchen, .James Saunders, John Butler, Na- I thaniel Rochester, Thomas Burke, f Miles Harvey, William Skinner, Thomas Harvey, Chas. 1 Blount, and Charles Moore. Thomas Boyd, Joseph Jones, William Gumming, Dempsey Burges, and Henry Abbot. John Simpson, Edward Salter, William Robeson. Griffith Rutherford, Matthew Locke. Archibald Corry. f Joel Lane, John Hinton, John Rand, William Hooper, I and Tignal Jones. * Bute was divided in 1779, into Warren and Franklin, t Dobbs was divided in 1791, into Glasgow and Lenoir. Glasgow was changed in 1799, to Greene. X Father of Hon. Wm. H. Battle. ^ Tryon was divided in 1791, into Lincoln and Rutherford. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 79 Towns.— Bath, William Brown ; Edenton, Joseph Hewes ; Newbern, Ab- ner Nash;* Wilmiugton, Cornelius Ilarnet ; Halifax, Wilie Jones ; Hillsboro', William Johnston ; Salisbury, David Nesbit ; Campbelton, Arthur Council. Allen Jones proposed Samuel Johnston for President, Tvho ■was unanimously chosen. James Green was appointed Secretary, John Hunt, assistant, and Francis Lynaugh and Evan Swann, Door Keepers. Six Brigadier Generals were created at this session, viz. : on the 22d of April. John Ashe, for the District of Wilmington. Edward Vail, " " Edenton. Richard Caswell, " " Newbern. Allen Jones, " " Halifax. Thomas Person, " " Hillsboro'. Griffith Rutherford, " " Salisbury. Four regiments in addition to the two already raised were created, and as the colonels of these, James Moore and Robert Howe, had been promoted to the rank of Brigadier Generals in the Continental Army, the following appointments were then made : — Regiments. Colonels. Lieut. Colonels. Majors. 1st. Francis Nash.f Thomas Clarke, William Davis. 2d. Alexander Martin, John Patton, John White. 3d. Jethro Sumner, William Alston, Samuel Lockhart. 4th. Thomas Polk, James Thackston, William Davidson. 5th. Edvrard Buncombe, Henry Irwin, Levi Dawson. 6th. Alex'r Lillington, William Taylor, Gideon Lamb. The other officers of the 1st and 2d Regiments, have already been recorded. The following were appointed captains in the re- maining regiments : — 3d Reg't. 1st. William Brinkley. 2d. Pinkithan Eaton. 3d. John Gray. 4th. William Barrot. 5th. Jacob Turner. 6th. George Grandbury. 7th. James Cook. 8th. James Ennet. 4th. Reg't. 1st. Roger Moore. 2d. John Ashe. 3d. Jerome McLean. 4th. Robert Smith. 5th. William Temple Cole. 6th. Thomas Harris. 7th. Joseph Phillips. 8th. John Nelson. Dr. Robert Hall, Chirurgeon of 3d Regiment ; Dr. Hugh Boyd, 4th Regiment ; Dr. Samuel Cooley, 5th Regiment ; Dr. Wm. Mc Clure, 6th Regiment. Paymasters. — James Hogan, of 3d Regiment, also of the three companies of Light Horse ; Samuel Ashe, 1st Regiment ; Jacob Blount, 2d Regiment ; Hezekiah Alexander, 4th Regiment ; Thomas Benbury, 5th Regiment ; Nathaniel Rochester, 6th Regiment. Commissaries. — William Kennon, 1st Regiment ; Robert Salter, 2d Regiment ; John Webb, 3d Regiment ; Ransom Southerland, 4th Regiment; Peter Mallet, 5th Regiment; Thomas Hart, 6th Regi- raent. * Father of Hon. Frederick Nash. t ^'^^cle of the same. 80 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Officers of the Battalions ordered to be raised, appointed by the House : — Edenton District — Peter Simon and John Pugh Williams, Captains ; An- drew Duke and Thomas Witmel Pugh, 1st Lieutenants ; Nehemiah Long and Joseph Clayton, 2d Lieutenants ; Benjamin Bailey and Elisha Rhodes, En- signs ; Jerome McLaine, Thomas Grandbury, and Kedar Ballard, Captains ; Jacob Pollock and John Grandbury, 1st Lieutenants ; Whitmel Blount and Zephaniah Burgess, 2d Lieutenants ; Wm. Knott, Ensign ; Rodger Moore, Captain ; William Goodman, 1st Lieutenant; Beniajah Turner, 2d Lieutenant; Abel Mosslander, Ensign. Halifax District. — William Brinkly and Pinkithan Eaton, Captains; Isaac Privat and James Bradly, 1st Lieutenants; Christopher Lucky and Robert Washington, 2d Lieutenants ; William Etheridge and Joseph Mont- fort, Ensigns ; John Gray and Jacob Turner, Captains ; Joseph Clinch and Daniel Jones, 1st Lieutenants ; Matthew Wood and Alsop High, 2d Lieute- nants; William Linton and Benjamin Morgan, Ensigns. Hillsboro' District. — Philip Taylor and Archibald Lytle, Captains; John Kennon and Thomas Donoho, 1st Lieutenants ; Dempsey Moore and William Thompson, 2d Lieutenants ; Solomon AValker and William Lyttle, Ensigns; James Emmett, Captain ; William Clements, 1st Lieutenant. Wilmington District. — John Ashe, Jr. and John James, Captains ; Charles Hollingsworth and Daniel AVilliams, 1st Lieutenants ; Mark McLainy and John McCan, 2d Lieutenants ; David Jones and Edward Outlaw, Ensigns ; Griffith John McKee, Captain ; Francis Child, 1st Lieutenant. Newhern District. — Simon Alderson and John Enloe, Captains ; William Groves and George Suggs, 1st Lieutenants ; John Custin and Henry Cannon, 2d Lieutenants; James McKenny and Shadrack Wooten, Ensigns; William Cassel and Reading Blount, Captains ; Henry Darnell and Benjamin Cole- man, 1st Lieutenants ; John Sitgreaves and John Allen, 2d Lieutenants ; John Bush and Thomas Blount, Ensigns; Benjamin Stedman, Captain; Robert Turner, 1st Lieutenant; John Eborn, 2d Lieutenant ; Charles Stewart, Ensign. Salisbury District. — Robert Smith and William Temple Cole, Captains ; William Brownfield and James Carr, 1st Lieutenants; William Caldwell and David Craig,* 2d Lieutenants ; Thomas McClure and Joseph Patton, Ensigns ; Thomas Haines and Jesse Saunders, Captains ; Thomas Picket and William Clover, 1st Lieutenants ; John Madaris and Pleasant Henderson,! 2d Lieute- nants ; John Morpis and Thomas Grant, Ensigns; William Ward, Captain; Christopher Gooding, 2d Lieutenant; John Whitley, 1st Lieutenant; Richard Singletary, Ensign; Willis Pope, 2d Lieutenant; John Hopson, Ensign; George Mitchell and Austin Council, Captains ; Amos Love and Thomas White, 1st Lieutenants ; Benjamin Pike and Thomas Armstrong, 2d Lieute- nants ; Reuben Grant and Denny Porterfield, Ensigns; James Farr, 2d Lieu- tenant; Jamas Coots, Ensign ; Joseph Phillips and John Nelson, Captains; James Sheppard and William Dent, Jr., 1st Lieutenants ; Micajah Lewis and James Starrat, 2d Lieutenants ; William Meredith and Alex. Nelson, Ensigns; John Baptiste Ashe, Captain; George Dougherty, 1st Lieutenant; Andrew Armstrong, 2d Lieutenant ; Joshua lladley. Ensign ; James Cook, Captain ; Adam Hampton, 1st Lieutenant; .John Walker, Jr., 2d Lieutenant; Adam McFadden, Ensign, LIGHT HORSE. \st Company. — John Dickerson, Captain ; Samuel Ashe, Jr., Lieutenant ; Abraham Childers, Cornet. 2d Company. — Martin Pfifer, Captain ; James Sumner, Lieutenant ; Valen- tine Beard, Cornet. 'id Company. — James Jones, Captain ; Cosimo Madacy, Lieutenant; James Armstrong, Cornet. * Father of Burton Craig, Esq., of Salisbury. t Father of Dr. Pleasant Henderson, of Salisbury, and of Mrs. H. C. Jonea. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 81 FIELD OFFICERS APPOINTED FOR EACH COUNTY. Counties. Anson Beaufort Bute Craven Currituck Cumberland Chatham Duplin Dobbs Edgecombe Granville Guilford Halifax Johnston Colonels. Charles Medlock, Thomas Eaton, John Bryan, IloUowell Williams, Alex'r McAllister Thos. Routledge, Exum Lewis, Jas. Martin, Willis Alston, Wm. Bryan, Mecklenburg Adam Alexander, New Hanover Xnihonj Ward, Northampton^ va.. Eaton, John Butler, Jas. Saunders, Thos. Boyd, Isaac Gregory, Francis Locke, [ C. Beckman, Oranqe (So. Reg' t) Same (No. Reg't) Pasquotank Do (2d Reg't) Rowan Do (2d Reg't) Surrey Lieut. Colonels. David Love, Wm. Alston, Lemuel Hatch, Solo. Perkins, Ebenezer Folsome Martin Caswell, Simon Gray, 1st and 2d Majors. I Wm. Picket, \ Geo. Davidson, j Wm. Brown, I Henry Bonner, j Thos. Sherwood, I Green Hill. f John Bryan, Jr. I John Tilman. Asahel Simmonds. f David Smith, ' I Philip Alston, Matthew Jones. f Jas. Moore, I Robt. Dickson. f Wm. McKennie, jja as. Glasgow^ j Jonas Johnston, I Thos. Hunter. Thornton Yancy. f Thos. Owen, I Thos. Blair. f Jas. Hogan, I Sam'l Weldon. J Sam'l Smith, ] John Stevens. John Davidson, Geo. A. Alexander. Henry Young, Thos. Bloodworth. T i,i.i, AiU *. f Howell Edmunds, JephthaAtherton, { prury Gee. f Robt. Abercrombie, I Hugh Tennen. ( John Paine, I Thos. Hatrison. ■ Othneil Lascelles, John Paisley, David Sumner, John Smith, John Phifer, N. Rochester, Wm. Moore, Spencer Ripley, Dempsy Burgess, Alex'r Dobbins, Chas. McDowell, Tyrrell Tryon Clement Crook, Thos. Beatty, John Casey. Joshua Campbell, Peter Daugh. Jas. Brannon, Jas. Smith. Hugh Brevard, Geo. Wilfong. Jos. Winston, Jesse Walton. Jos. Spruill, Andrew Long. Jacob Costner. Jas. Long, A. Hampton, This finished the military organization of the State. The names of these men are preserved, that they be known, as men who, in "times that tried men's souls," stood up for their country and our liberties. This body passed April 12th, 1776, the follo^iDg resolution unanimously : — 6 82 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ''Besolved, That the Delegates from this Colony in the Con- tinental Congress be impowered to concur with the delegates from the other colonies, in declaring Independence and forming foreign alliances; reserving to this colony the sole and exclusive right of forming a constitution and laws for this colony." This showed the spirit of North Carolina, and proves that more than two months before the event was declared in Congress, that she was ready as a State to dissolve the bands that bound her to the mother country. On the 1st of May, William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, and John Penn, were appointed delegates to the Continental Congress. And these names are signed to the Declaration of Independence, 4th of July, 1776. It is not very flattering to our State pride that not one of these were natives of the State. William Hooper, from Wilmington, was born in Boston, June 17th, 1742, a lawyer by profession, and an able writer. He died in October 1790. Joseph Hewes, from Edenton, born in New Jersey, in 1735, a merchant. Died November 10th, 1779. John Penn, from Granville, born in Caroline County, Virginia, May 17th, 1741, a lawyer. He died in September, 1788. Every member from Virginia, and every member from South Carolina, who signed the Declaration, were natives of their re- spective States. The House, on the 11th, made choice of one, and the members from the districts of twelve persons to serve as A COUNCIL OF SAFETY FOR THE STATE. Wilie Jones, Chairman. f James Coor, Mu-hem I John Simpson. ■m , f Thomas Jones, Udenton | whitmel Hill. rj j.f (Thomas Eaton, Malijax I Joseph j^hn Williams. -rrrn ■ . f Comelius Harnett, Wdmmgton | gamuel Ashe. \ John Hand. CI T ^ f Ilezekiah Alexander, Salisbury | ^^j^j^^ ^^^^^^^ The formation of a Constitution engaged the attention of this Assembly. On the 28th of April, the House had under consideration certain resolutions as a foundation for a civil government. But the more urgent business of preparing the State for defence from the enemy, so engrossed the attention of the Assembly that the matter was post- poned until the next meeting of the delegates. On the 14th of May, 1776, this body adjourned. The Council of Safety met at Wilmington, on the 5th of June, 1776. Cornelius Harnett was again chosen President, and James Glasgow, and James Green, Jr., Secretaries. Measures to put down the Tories chiefly occupied their attention. Early in July, Gen. Rutherford, at the head of nineteen hundred men, crossed the ^Mountains against the Cherokees. He was accom- HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 83 i panied by Benjamin Cleaveland, of Wilkes, as one of his Captains, and William Lenoir,* of the same county. He was harassed on his march by the savages lying in ambush ; no general action en- sued. He succeeded in vanquishing them without serious loss, destroyed their crops and provisions, laid waste their farms, and compelled them to sue for peace, f The Council of Safety met in July, 1776, at Halifax. On the 22d of July, the Declaration of Independence reached them. The council unanimously resolved " that the committee of the respective counties and towns in this State, on receiving the Decla- ration of Independence, do cause the same to be proclaimed in the most public manner." The Council set apart the first day of August, as a day for pro- claiming the Declaration at the Court House in Halifax. It was a proud day for the ancient borough. " And Belgium's capital had gathered then Her beauty and her chivalry." Bright shone the glorious sun, as if nature rejoiced at the birth of a mighty nation ; at noon, Cornelius Harnett ascended a stage in front of the court house, and read the words of that instrument, that so many millions have since heard, which gave life to our own nation, and has proved a beacon of liberty to others. When he had finished, the people gave one long united shout of joy, the loud cannon responded, and the glorious tidings was pro- claimed, that "these Colonies were, and ought to be, sovereign, free, and Independent States." And here ends the first series of these sketches. * See the Biography of Gen. Lenoir, Wilkes, vol. ii."chap, Ixxx. t See Biography of Gen, Eutherford, Rowan, vol. ii. chap. Ixvii. SERIES II. HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA FROM 1776 TO 1851. CHAPTER I. The Constitution, by whom, when, and where formed — Congress of the State meets at Halifax, on the 12th of November, 1776 — Names of the members — Richard Caswell, President — Committee appointed to form a Constitu- tion — Names of committee — Richard Caswell elected Governor, and the names of the Council of State. North Carolina early took steps to organize a civil form of government. Before the Declaration of Independence by Congress at Phila- delphia, the Provincial Congress of North Carolina, then assembled at Halifax (on the 13th of April, 1776), appointed a committee of its ablest men to prepare a civil constitution. This was no easy duty. To take up arms, and to contend against tyranny and op- pression, was not difficult ; but to create a new government, based upon principles distinct and different from all the forms to which the people had been accustomed ; to give to the hand of power that strength which was necessary for the full execution of the law, and at the same time prevent oppression ; to reserve to the people all their proper rights, and yet check anarchy and confusion ; demanded great sagacity. The committee, consisting of such men as Samuel Johnston, Cor- nelius Harnett, Samuel Ashe, William Hooper and others, could not agree upon any form of a constitution ; and after much debate and frequent postponements, in this body, the question was adjourned by the appointment of Thomas Burke, Richard Caswell, and others as a committee to propose a temporary form of government until the next session." The system of the Council of Safety was adopted, and the Coun- cil recommended to the people to elect, on the 15tli of October, delegates to a Congress appointed to assemble at Halifax, on the 12th of November following, which was "not only to make laws, but also to form a Constitution which was to be the corner-stone of all law ; and, as it was well or ill ordered, would tend to the happiness or misery of the State." HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 85 This body met at the time and place recommended. The following delegates appeared: — Counties. 1. Anson 2. Beaufort 3. Bladen 4. Bertie 5. Brunswick 6. Bute 7. Craven 8. Carteret 9. Currituck 10. Chowan 11. Cumberland 12. Chatham 13. IJofefts 14. Duplin 15. Edgecombe 16. Granville 17. Guilford 18. ^?/(fe 19. Hertford 20. Halifax 21. Johnston 22. Mecklenburg 23. iforzliw 24. ^ew Hanover 25. Northampton 26. Onslow 27. Orange Members. J Thomas Wade, David Love, William Picket, George I Davidson, Charles Robertson. I John Barrow, Thomas Respiss, Thomas Respiss, Jr., [ Francis Jones, Robert Tripp. f Thomas Pugh, John Johnston, William Gray, Noah I Hinton, Zedekiah Stone. I Maurice Moore, Cornelius Harnett, Archibald McLean, I Lewis Dupree, William Lord. I James Denton, Thomas Eaton, Philemon Hawkins, I Benjamin Sewall, Benjamin Ward. [James Coor, William Bryan, John Bryan, Christopher I Neale, John Tilghman. ( Solomon Shepard, Brice Williams, William Borden, \ John Easton, Thomas Chadwick. I Samuel Jarvis, James White, Kedar Merchant, Hol- ( lowell Williams, Thomas Williams. I James Blount, Thomas Benbury, Thomas Jones, Luke ( Sumner, Jacob Hunter. Ambrose Ramsey, John Birdsong, Mial Scurlock, Isaiah Hogan, Jeduthan Harper. Richard Caswell, Simon Bright, Abraham Sheppard, Benjamin Exum, Andrew Bass. ' James Kenan, Thomas Gray, William Dickson, Wil- liam Taylor, James Gillaspie. William Haywood, Elisha Battle, Jonas Johnston, Isaac Sessums, William Horn. ' Thomas Person, Robert Lewis, Memucan Hunt, Thorn- ton Yancey, John Oliver. David Caldwell, Joseph Hinds, Ralph Gorrell, Charles Bruce, Isham Browder. ' Joseph Hancock, John Jordan, Benjamin Parmerle, William Russel, Abraham Jones. Lawrence Baker, William Murfree, Robert Sumner, Day Ridley, James Wright. John Bradford, James Hogan, AVillis Alston, Samuel Weldon, Benjamin McCulloch. Needham Bryan, Jr., Samuel Smith, Jr., John Stevens, Henry Rains, Alexander Averyt. John Pfifer, Robert Irwin, Zaccheus Wilson, Hezekiah Alexander, Waightstill Avery. William Williams, Whitmell Hill, Thomas Hunter, John Hardison, Samuel Smithwick. John Ashe, Samuel Ashe, John Devane, Sampson Mosely, John IloUingsworth. Allen Jones, Jephtha Atherton, James Ingram, How- ell Edmunds, Robert Peaples. John Spicer, Thomas Johnston, Benejah Doty, Edward Starkey, Henry Rhodes. James Saunders, William Moore, John McCabe, John Atkinson, John Paine.* * These seats were vacated, and on the 16th of December, 1776, Thomas Burke, Nathaniel Rochester, Alexander Mebane, John Butler, and John , McCabe, took their seats from Orange. 86 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Counties. Members. 28 Prrmnmnn', J Benjamin Harvey, Miles Harvey, Thomas Harvey, zo. j-etquimans , ^yjnj^^^ Hooper, William Skinner. 29. Pasquotank \ ^^^^ ^'^^^*' l^evotion Davis, Isaac Gregory, Demsey ^ ( Uurgess, Lemuel oawyer. oQ p-f, (Benjamin May, William Robson, James Gorham, ( George Evans, Edward Salter. 31 Poi a i Griffith Rutherford, Matthew Lock, William Sharpe, I James Smith, John Brevard. 32. Surry 90 ji .11 ( Peter Wynn, Jeremiah rrazier,Isham Webb, Stephens '^ ' " 1 Lee, Benjamin Blount. nA rp, (Joseph Harden, Robert Abernathy, William Graham, •' 1 AVilliam Alston, John Barber. "^^ TV hfi \ '^'^?<^^^ Jones, James Jones, Michal Rogers, John Rice, I Britain Fuller, W^illiam Brown. Towns. — Bath, Parker Quince ; Brunswick, Thomas Hadley ; Campbelton, Joseph Hewes ; Edenton, Willie Jones; Halifax, William Johnston; Hills- boro', Abner Nash ; Newbern, David Nisbet; Salisbury, William Hooper ; Wilmington. On motion of Allen Jones, Richard Caswell was elected president of the body. On the 13th, a committee was appointed consisting of Mr. Caswell, Thomas Person, Allen Jones, John Ashe, Abner Nash, Willie Jones, Thomas Jones, Mr. Bright, Mr. Neale, Samuel Ashe, Mr. Haywood, Gen. Rutherford, Mr. Abbot, Luke Sumner, Thomas Respiss, Jr., Mr. McLean, Mr. Hogan, and Mr. Alexander, to form a bill of rights, and constitution for the State. Mr. Hewes, Mr. Harnett, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Spear, Mr. Avery, Mr. Eaton, Birdsong, Irwin, Hill, and Coor, were added afterwards. On the 6th of December, Thomas Jones reported that the form of the constitution was ready. On the 18th, the Constitution with the Bill of Rights was adopted ; it was believed to be the production of Thomas Jones, Thomas Burke, and Richard Caswell. By an ordinance of this body the following officers were elected : — Richard Caswell, Governor of the State. James Glasgow, Secretary of State. Cornelius Harnett, Edward Starkey, Thomas Person, Joseph Leech, William Day, Thomas Eaton, William Haywood, Counsellors of State. Thus was the good old ship fairly launched upon the ocean of existence, under the auspices of patriotism. The debates that occurred, the difficulties encountered, the trials and conflicts of dif- ferent vieAvs, are not recorded here. Our book is intended to be one of facts, carefully examined and correctly stated. But at this point of our labors, we cannot but pause, and admire the form of that constitution, that introduced system in " an un- tried state of being" — order, where before chaos existed. That it was not perfect, is certainly true, for it was amended by the people since (1835), and will be again. But the great principles it incul- cates, the spirit of liberty it breathes, the trials of those who aided HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. 87 its establisliment, command alike our respect, gratitude and ad- miration. " Thou too, sail on, ship of State, Sail on, Union ! strong and great ; Humanity, with all its fears. With all the hope of future years, Is hanging breathless on thy fate ! We know what masters laid thy keel, What workmen wrought thy ribs of steel, Who made each mast, and sail, and rope, What anvils rang, what hammers beat, In what a forge, in what a heat Were shaped the anchors of thy hope." CHAPTER II. Life, character, services, and death of Richard Caswell, first Governor of North Carolina under the Constitution. Richard Caswell was born in Maryland on the 3d of August, 1T29. From tlie pecuniary mishaps of his father, who was a respecta- ble merchant, he was early thrown upon his own resources. By nature bold, ardent and ambitious, such difficulties, instead of embarrassing, only added energy to his character. At the age of seventeen, in 1746, he left his home to seek his fortunes in the then colony of North Carolina. Rearing letters to Gov. Johnston, the royal governor, from the Governor of Maryland, he was fortunate to receive aid from him by employment in one of the public offices. Subsequently, he was appointed deputy surveyor of the colony, and clerk of Orange County Court.* By his enterprise, industry, and prudence, he soon acquired fame, friends, and fortune. He located in Lenoir County (then Dobbs County), and^ united himself in marriage with Mary Mcllweane. She died, leaving one son, William. He afterwards married Sarah, the daughter of Wm. Herritage, an eminent attorney, under whom he had studied law. He had obtained a license and practiced the profession with great success. His first appearance on the political stage was as member of the Colonial Assembly, from Johnston County, in 1754. So acceptable were his services that he continued to represent the county until 1771. ^ Extract from records of Orange County, 12th June, 1753. •'Richard Caswell, gentleman, brings into court a commission from the lion, James Murrah, Esq., Secretary and Clerk of the Crown of said Province, ap- pointing him Clerk of the said County, and Clerk of the Peace, which, being allowed, he took the several oaths, and subscribed the test." 88 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. In 1770 and 1771 he was chosen speaker of the House of Com- mons. He was also colonel of the militia of his county, and as such commanded the right wing of Gov. Tryon's forces in the hattle of Alamance (16th May, 1771), which was the first time that he ex- perienced the conflict of arms, which was so congenial to his tem- per, and in which he became so distinguished. When the attempts of England to subjugate the colony became no longer doubtful, Caswell did not hesitate to choose between the rights of the people and the oppressions of sovereignty. In 1774 he was appointed one of the delegates to Congress, with Wm. Hooper and John Hewes. He attended as delegate to the Conti- nental Congress, at Philadelphia, in 1774-5-6, and received the thanks of the Provincial Congress for his fidelity. On being appointed, with Samuel Johnston (in Sept., 1775), one of the treasurers of the State, the disordered finances of which demanded his care, he resigned his seat in the Continental Congress. But his military spirit was not inactive. In conjunction with Colonel Lillington, he assembled the minute men of Dobbs (of which he was Colonel) and the adjacent counties, to prevent the junction of the Tories under Gen. McDonald with Gen. Clinton, in the Cape Fear, and in the battle at Moore's Creek, in New Hanover, on the 27th of February, 1776, he overcame and routed them, took their general prisoner, and completely subdued them. In April, 1776, he was appointed, by the Provincial Congress, Brigadier General of the Newborn District, and in November following, took his seat as a member of the Provincial Congress at Halifax. He was elected President of that body, unanimously, which assembly formed our present State Constitution. He received the thanks of the Congress for his gallantry at Moore's Creek. By an ordinance of the same, was elected Gover- nor of the State, which he held during the stormy and perilous pe- riods of 1776, 1777, and 1778. He refused any compensation for his services. He conducted, with singular fidelity, the State through his term as Chief Magistrate. After his' term as Governor had expired, his active spirit brooked no repose, for we find him seconding the friends of liberty on the field of battle, and was with the North Carolina troops at Camden (16th August, 1780), which had not terminated so disastrously to America, and the fame of General Gates, had the councils of Caswell and De Kalb (who fell in that ill-fated con- flict) been heeded. In 1782, he was called again to the financial department of the State, and was elected Comptroller-General, at the session of which he was Speaker of the Senate. He continued the discharge of both duties, until 1785, when he was ao-ain elected Governor of the State; a circumstance which proves the unbounded popularity of Caswell, and the grateful esti- mate of his patriotic services by the State. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 89 The General Assembly of 1787 elected him a delegate to the con- vention which was to meet at Philadelphia in May, that year, to form the Federal Constitution ; and conferred on him the extraor- dinary power, in case of his inability to attend, to select his succes- sor. This important trust was not accepted by him ; but he dele- gated Wm. Blount, whose name is appended to that instrument. In 1789, he was elected Senator from the County of Dobbs (now Lenoir and Greene) to the General Assembly, and also a member of the State Convention, which assembled in Fayetteville on the third Monday in November, 1789, which ratified the Federal Con- stitution (it having been rejected by a Convention which met at Hillsboro' on the 21st of July, 1788). He attended the meeting of the General Assembly at Fayetteville in November, and was elected Speaker of the Senate. But his course was run. His exalted services and patriotic exertions did not exempt him from calamity and misfortune. His youngest son was lost at sea, on his passage from Charleston to Newbern. This calamity was heightened by the opinion that he was captured by pirates and murdered. This, and other events, threw a cloud over his mind, from which he seemed never to have recovered. While presiding in the Senate on the 5th of November, 1789, he was struck with paralysis ; and after lingering speechless, until the 10th, he expired, in the sixtieth year of his age. ^^•■ifc--^i-* Messrs. Blount, Skinner, and Bloodworth, of the Senate, and Messrs. Davie, Stokes, Blount, Locke, Hawkins, and Person, of the House, were appointed a Committee of Arrangements to superin- tend his funeral ; an eulogium was pronounced over his remains, and his body was conveyed to his family burial-place in Lenoir, and there interred. These facts, with an examination of his acts and services, will afford some future pen an opportunity of writing the biography of the first Governor of North Carolina under our constitution, and the Annals of our State, commencing from his military career in 1771, at Alamance, to the close of the Revolutionary war. His character does not claim the meed of distinguished literary renown, or brilliant eloquence ; but his acquirements were extensive, and his knowledge deep and accurate. Nathaniel Macon, who had been in Congress during the days of Washington, Adams, Jeffer- son, Madison, and Monroe, to the time of Jackson, declared in the convention of 1835, that " Governor Caswell, of Lenoir, was one of the most powerful men that ever lived in this or any other coun- try."* It is recorded of him that he committed to memory the whole four books of Blackstone, so as to be able to recite accurate- ly any portion of the text from memory, verbatim. As a statesman, his patriotism was unquestioned, his discern- ment was quick, and his judgment sound ; as a soldier, his courage ■was undaunted, his vigilance untiring, his success triumphant, * Cotton, Life of Macon, 178. 90 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. His character and his career, more than any of our revolution- ary worthies, resembles that of the Father of his country. Like Washington, his early education was rather solid than showy ; for both in early life were employed as surveyors. Like Washington, when loyalty was a duty consistent with liberty, he fought for the authorities of the country, for both were in the field under the royal banners, and both as colonels of regiments: the one under Braddock, the other under Tryon at Alamance. Both refused from the State any compensation for their services. Both were always equal to every position in which they were placed, and faithfully discharged every trust committed to their charge. Providence assigned to one a higher and more conspicuous posi- tion. If Virginia is proud of Washington, North Carolina may justly be proud of her Caswell. " How sleep the brave, who sink to rest With all their country's honors blest! When Spring, with dewy lingers cold, Returns to deck their hallowed mould, She there shall dress a sweeter sod Than Fancy's feet have ever trod. By fairy hands their knell is rung, By forms unseen their dirge is sung ; ^^^^^^There Honor comes, a pilgrim gray, ^"^"^^xo bless the turf that wraps their clay; And Freedom shall awhile repair. And dwell a weeping hermit there." Durincr the administration of Governor Caswell, the western dis- trict of North Carolina revolted and formed a separate govern- ment, independent of the State. As this event has escaped the notice of every author of her history, and is full of incident deeply interesting, we give it a separate chapter. CHAPTER III. State of Frankland, its rise, progress, and fall. It may strike the reader of the present day with some surprise that there was once a State called Frankland, in honor of Benjamin Franklin, the philosopher and patriot. Of its history, much is re- corded, but, perhaps, little is known in the present day. It may be curious as well as instructive, to trace the origin, rise, and down- fall of this ancient sovereignty. By the charter of Charles II., granted to the Earl of Clarendon, Duke of Albemarle, Lord Craven, and others, in 1663, all the ter- ritory from the Virginia line on the north, to the south as far as the Biver Matthias, in Florida; from the Atlantic on the east, "to HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 91 fhe west, as far as the South Seas, was given and granted to have, use, and enjoy, and in as ample manner as any Bishop of Durham, in our kingdom of England, ever heretofore have held, used, or enjoyed, to them, the said Earl of Clarendon and others, and their heirs forever." Without any examination into the title of "the right merrie monarch," Charles II., to grant this munificent domain, as perhaps it might appear as defective as the title of another royal character in Sacred History,* who took our Saviour up into an exceeding high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, and said unto him, "All these things will I give thee," when his majesty had not a single foot for himself; yet we cannot but remark, on examination of the map, that the present territory of the United States, in her recent acquisitions by treaty, from Mexico, just comprehend the chartered limits of ancient Caro- lina in 1663. As once this lovely domain belonged to our country, it is but natural that it should seek its original position. It is stated by some writer, when analyzing the affections of our natures, that the love we bear to the softer sex is only a just effort of man's nature to reunite to himself that portion of him, which, during sleep, was taken from him ; and again "they twain shall be one flesh." May not fancy carry out the analogy to nations as well as natures ? For a long time, under the rule of the Lords Proprietors, the dominion only extended over Albemarle County. In 1664, the county extended from the Virginia line north to Cape Fear River on the south, and skirting along the sea coast, extended only a short distance west. In 1729, when the Lords Proprietors surrendered to the crown (except Lord Granville) all their" franchises and rights, under charter of Charles II., the precincts of North Carolina were Curri- tuck, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Craven, Beaufort, Bertie, Hyde, and Carteret.* Their territory was then nearly as it now exists. This is stated on the authority of Williamson, f A more accurate author, as to the dates and facts, makes a primary division of the State into three Precincts. | I. Albemarle, including Currituck, Pasquotank, Chowan, Ber- tie, and Tyrrell. II. Bath, including Beaufort, Hyde, Craven, and Carteret. III. Clarendon, in which was New Hanover, comprehended the whole western part of North Carolina and Tennessee, then, an un- known land, inhabited only by savages and beasts of prey. Whatever may have been the chartered rights of North Carolina, * Matthew, iv. 8. _ . t Williamson's History of North Carolina, vol. ii. 246. X Martin, i, 303. 92 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. in 1776, she only claimed jurisdiction as far west as the Mississippi River. Even this claim, from the great distance of the seat of govern- ment, the natural barrier of almost impenetrable mountains, rapid and deep rivers, and the savage natives, was never fully exercised, and was destined to be surrendered by her. The close of the Revolutionary War found the United States involved in heavy responsibilities. Harassed by debt, importuned by creditors, and conscious of the justice of these claims. Congress devised many plans ; one was to solicit the States, owning vacant lands, to throw them into common stock to pay off this common debt of justice, honor, and gratitude. This appeal did not fall idly on the State of North Carolina, alive as she always has been to the calls of justice; and indignant at the least suspicion of repudiation or perfidy. In 1784, the General Assembly in April, at Hillsboro', among other acts for the relief of the general government, ceded her west- ern lands, and authorized her dele2;ation in Congress to execute a deed ; provided. Congress would accept this offer within two years. This act, patriotic and self-sacrificing, was worthy of the State ; and although not then accepted by Congress, vras the real source of the civil commotion Avhich we are about to record. The fearless pioneers of the west, who had gone to the wilder- ness, had suffered incredible hardships. Many were murdered by the savages ; some had their wives and children massacred ; and all had suffered in privation and property. They viewed with much suspicion the act of 1784 ; and on the 23d August, 1784, a convention met at Jonesboro', of which John Sevier was chosen president, and Langdon Carter, clerk. They resolved that a person be dispatched to Congress to press the ac- ceptance of the offer of North Carolina, and adjourned to meet again at the court house, in Washington County, on the 16th Sep- tember, 1784. The General Assembly of North Carolina met at Newborn on the 22d October, 1784, and repealed the act of the former session, in consequence of which the convention at Jonesboro' broke up in confusion. On the 14th of December, 1784, when the people were assembled at Jonesboro', John Sevier mounted the steps, and read a letter from Joseph Martin, who had just returned from the General As- sembly of North Carolina, which informed them that the Legisla- ture had granted to the people of western North Carolina a general court, formed their militia into a brigade, appointed him a brigadier general, and repealed the cession act of last session. " Our griev- ances," said he, "are redressed, and we have nothing more to com- plain of ; my advice is to cease all efforts to separate from North Carolina, but remain firm and faithful to her laws." This history forms but another example in our career, that " re- volutions take no hachivard step.'' Feeble hands or feebler heads HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 93 may set a ball in motion, which will prostrate all who oppose its career, and if it, as in Sevier's case, gives a momentary elevation, ends in the final overthrow and disgrace of its projectors. The spirit of the people was roused. In December 14th, 1784, a convention of five delegates from each county met at Jonesboro'. John Sevier was made president of this convention. They formed a constitution for the State of Frankland, which was to be re- jected or received by another body, "fresh from the people," to meet at Grreenville in November, 1785. This body met at the time and place appointed ; the constitution was ratified ; Langdon Carter was Speaker of the Senate ; William Cage Speaker of the House of Commons. John Sevier was chosen Governor ; David Campbell, Joshua Gist, and John Henderson, Judges of the Supe- rior Court. Other officers, civil and military, were appointed. The General Assembly of the State of Frankland, by a commu- nication signed by both speakers, informed Richard Caswell, Esq., Governor of North Carolina, that the people of the counties of Washington, Sullivan, and Greene, had declared themselves sove- reign, and independent of the State of North Carolina. Governor Caswell was a soldier and a statesman. He was not of a temper to brook such high-handed measures. He issued, on the 25th of April, 1785, his proclamation "against this lawless thirst for power." In this paper, written with great force and perspicuity, he states that the act of cession had been repealed ; its repeal voted for by those now engaged in the present revolt ; that the authority of North Carolina, executive, judicial, and legislative, had exercised a tender regard for the people of the west ; and had granted them judges to decide on their property and rights, and military officers to protect them. He denounced the revolt as a rank usurpation, the general government deriving no benefit (the object of the cession act of 1784) ; the revenues of North Carolina had been seized, and the authority of law defied. These measures would bring down ruin to themselves and dishonor to the country. He warned all persons concerned in this revolt to return to their duty and allegiance to the State, and pay no obedience to the self-created authority of Frankland, unknown to the constitution and unsanctioned by law. He closed by informing them that the General Assembly of North Carolina would soon be in session, before Avhich all these unlawful acts would be laid ; advising them to bring forward their grievances then, let their terms of separation be known, their proportion of the public debt acknowledged, and such plans as were consistent with the honor of the State would generally be granted. But, if this advice wq-s not heeded, "they might be assured that the spirit of North Carolina was not so damped, or her resources so exhausted, that means, even to blood, would be resorted to to reclaim her re- fractory citizens, and preserve her dignity and honor." But the state of Frankland did not heed this Avarning, so properly expressed, and so dignified in its character and tone. It proceeded 94 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. to erect new counties, levy taxes, appropriate money, form treaties with the Indians, and exercise all the powers and prerogatives of a Sovereign State- Mr. Cage was elected treasurer, and Stokely Doncldson, sur- veyor ; Daniel Kennedy and William Cocke, generals, and the lat- ter (William Cocke), to represent their case to the Congress of the United States. The imposing parade of office, the host of new offi- cers, and their dignities and powers, were formidable obstacles to the restoration of the rule of North Carolina.* The scarcity of money was severely felt. The salary of the governor was £200, annually ; a judge, <£150 ; the treasurer, £40 ; to be paid from the treasury. The taxes were to be paid into the treasury, in the circulating medium of Frankland, such as they had, viz. : — " Good flax linen ten hundred, at three shillings and six pence per yard ; good clean beaver skins, six shilhngs each ; raccoon and fox skins, at one shilling and three pence ; deer skins, six shillings ; bacon at six pence per lb. ; tallow at six pence ; good whiskey, at two shillings and sixpence a gallon." This has given rise to some humor at the expense of the State of Frankland. It was referred to, in debate in our House of Com- mons, 1827, by II. C. Jones, and in Congress some years ago by the Honorable Daniel Webster ; which was replied to by Honorable Hugh L. White. It was pleasantly stated that the salaries of the governor and judges were paid in fox skins, and the fees of the sheriff and constables, in mink skins, and that the governor, the sheriffs and constables were compelled to receive the skins at the established price. Even this primitive currency was, by the ingenuity of man, extensively counterfeited, by sewing raccoon tails to opossum skins ; opOssum skins being worthless, and abundant, and raccoon skins were valued by law, at one shilling and three pence. As a necessary consequence, public opinion was divided between the advocates of the new State, and the adherents to the State of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina, assembled at Newbern, in November, 1785, passed an act, to bury into oblivion the conduct of Frankland, provided they returned to their allegiance, and ap- pointed elections to be held in the different counties for members to the General Assembly of North Carolina, and also appointed civil and military officers to support those already appointed. The next year, 1786, presented a strange state of affairs ; two empires ex- tended at the same time over the same territory, and over the same people. Courts were held by both governments, military officers appoint- ed by both, to exercise the same powers. John Tipton headed the party for North Carolina, and John Sevier, the Frankland party. * History of Tennessee by Haywood, 150. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 95 Provocation on one side, was followed by outrage on the other, which was repelled with greater violences. Court was held at Buf- falo under authority of North Carolina, and at Jonesboro' (only ten miles distant) under authority of Frankland. While court was sitting at Jonesboro' this year, for Washington County, Colonel Tipton, with a party, entered the court house, seized the papers, and turned the justices out of the house. Colonel Sevier's party retaliated and turned Thomas Gurly, the clerk, out of court, sitting for North Carolina, in the same county. In 1786 in Greene County, Tipton broke up a court held under authority of Frankland. Tipton and Sevier met at Greensboro', when an altercation arose, and Sevier struck Tipton with a cane ; they instantly clinched,^ and, after several blows, were separated without much damage to either, or victory on either side. We are quaintly informed that had they been uninterrupted, the laurels acquired by Sevier on King's Mount- ain would have been dimmed by the stalwart arm of Tipton. This illustrious example was followed by their adherents, and "feats of broils and battle" were no uncommon occurrence. The next year taxes were imposed by both administrations, but the people most innocently pretended that they did not know to whom to pay ; so paid to neither. Thus deprived of one of the chief means of government, the aifairs of Frankland was approach- ing to its end. Tipton and Sevier were both residents of Wash- ington County. Sevier was a brave soldier ; he had proved his valor on King's Mountain ; but he was seduced by the allm-ements of office and ambition — " The sin whereby the angels fell." He applied to Dr. Franklin for advice and support ; to the Governor (Matthews) of Georgia, and to Virginia ; from none did he receive any aid or advantage. He realized, with fearful truth, the fable of Gay — " The child who many fathers share, Hath rarely known a father's care ; And he who on many doth depend, Will rarely ever find a friend." In Sept. 1787, the Legislature of Frankland met for the last time at Greenville. John Menifee was Speaker of the Senate, and Charles Robinson, Speaker of the House. They authorized the election of two representatives to attend the Legislature of North Carolina ; and one of the judges of Frankland was elected (David Campbell), and her treasurer (Landon Carter), the other. The people also, in this year, elected members. Davidson, Greene, Washington, Hawkins, and Sullivan, sent members to the General Assembly of North Carolina, which met at Tarboro' on the 18th of November of that year. Thus acknowledging the authority of North Carolina. Had this been done earlier, how much labor would have been 96 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. saved, trouble, strife, and quarrels. Truly is the Divine injunction worthy of all acceptance :* "Agree with thine adversary quickly, while thou art in the way with him ; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison." Had the party of Sevier accepted the liberal, fair, and just pro- position of Governor Caswell, in 1785, as stated previously, how much pain and trouble would have been spared to this country, and how much personal suffering to himself. With all his virtues, honesty, and former public service, he was, at this time, a doomed man. On the return of the members from the Assembly at Tarboro', in February, 1788, it was soon understood that Frankland was no more. An execution against the estate of General Sevier had been placed in the hands of the sheriff, and levied on his negroes o« Nolichucky River. These were removed, for safe keeping, to the house of Colonel Tipton. Brave in his character, obstinate and headstrong, Sevier raised one hundred and fifty men, and marched to Tipton's House, on Watauga River, eight miles east of Jonesboro'. Tipton had information of Sevier's design only time enough to obtain the aid of some fifteen friends, who were with him on Sevier's arrival. Sevier, with his troops and a small cannon, demanded the uncon- ditional surrender of Tipton and all in the house. _ Tipton had bar- ricaded the house, and in reply to the unceremonious demand, sent him word "to fire and be d d." He then sent a written sum- mons to surrender ; this letter Tipton forwarded forthwith to the Colonel of the County for aid ; this aid, through Robert and Thomas. Love, was promptly afforded. The house was watched closely- A man by the name of Webb was killed, a woman wounded in the shoulder, and a Mr. Vann. While, from extreme cold, Sevier's guards were at the fire, a large reinforcement from Sullivan County, under Maxwell and Pemberton, passed the guard and joined the beleaguered household. The moment the junction was formed, they sallied out with shouts ; a tremor seized the troops of Sevier, who fled in all directions at the first fire of Tipton. Pugh, the High Sheriff of Washington, was mortally wounded and many taken prisoners. Sevier himself escaped ; his two sons, James and John, were prisoners. The blood of Tipton was roused to such a heat that he was deter- mined forthwith to hang these young men. Nothing but the earnest supplications of his own men prevented the execution of this rash design. Had he at this time taken Sevier, no power of earth could have saved him. Judge Spencer, one of the judges of the State of North Carolina, holding court at Jonesborough, issued a bench warrant against Governor Sevier for high treason (1788). * Haywood's History of Tennessee, 177. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 97 In October, Colonels Tipton, Love, and others apprehended Se- vier at the house of Mrs. Brown, near Jonesborough. Tipton was armed, and swore that he would kill Sevier ; and Sevier really thought he would do so. Tipton was, however, with much exertion, pacified. Handcufis were placed upon Giovernor Sevier, and he was carried to Jonesborough. From thence he was carried, under strong guard, to Morganton, in Burke County, North Carolina, and delivered to William Morrison, the sherifi" of Burke. As he passed through Burke, Gen. Charles McDowell and Gen. Jos. McDowell (the latter who was with him in the battle at King's Mountain, and fought by his side) became his securities for a few days, vmtil he could see some friends. He returned punctually, and upon his own responsibility the sheriif allowed him time to procure bail. His two sons, with friends, came to Morganton pri- vately, and under their escort he escaped. Thus the career of the first and last Governor of FranMand ter- minated. But with all his defects, John Sevier had many virtues. He was fearless to a fault ; kind to his friends, and hospitable to all. This gave him great weight among the people, and although in the General Assembly of North Carolina (Fayetteville), in 1788, gen- eral oblivion and pardon were extended to all concerned in the late revolt, John Sevier was specially excepted in the act, and debarred from all offices of trust, honor, or profit. The next year (1789), so great a favorite with the people was Sevier, that he was elected from Greene, to represent that county in the Senate of the General Assembly of North Carolina. He appeared at Fayetteville at the time appointed for the meeting of the Legislature (2d Monday of November). Such was the sense of his worth, or his contrition for the past, that the Legislature passed early an act repealing the section dis- qualifying him from any office ; and on his taking the oath of alle- giance, he was allowed his seat. Thus were the difficulties settled. North Carolina had ever been willing to allow her daughter to set up for herself when of lawful age and under proper restrictions. Cherishing this feeling, she was never unjust towards her fair and lovely offspring. On the 25th of February, 1790, as authorized by a previous act of the General Assembly, passed in the year 1789, Samuel John- ston and Benjamin Hawkins, Senators in Congress, executed a deed to the United States in the words of the cession act ; and on the 2d of April of that year, Congress accepted the deed, and Ten- nessee was born. By proclamation, dated September 1, 1790, Governor Martin announced that the Secretary of State for the United States, had transmitted to him a copy of the act of Congress, accepting the cession of North Carolina for this district of the western territory, and the inhabitants of said district "would take due notice thereof, and govern themselves accordingly." The parting of the mother and daughter, like that of all indulged 7 98 HISTOKY OF NOKTH CAROLINA. and unruly daughters from a venerable mother, was joyful to both parties. Both were happier in the separation, and may both be equally prosperous ! CHAPTER lY. Governors of North Carolina, from Richard Caswell, 1776, to David S. Reid, 185L 1779. Abner Nash, of the County of Craven, succeeded Rich- ard Caswell as Governor of North Carolina, in December, 1779. Under the head of the county of each, the reader will find some sketch of the life, character and services of each, as far as the author has been enabled to procure information. 1781. Thomas Burke, of Orange County, was elected in July, 1781. 1782. Alexander Martin, of Guilford County- 1784. Richard Caswell, of Lenoir, again. 1787. Samuel Johnston, of Chowan County. 1789. Alexander Martin, of Guilford, again. 1792. Richard Dobbs Spaight, of Craven. 1795. Samuel Ashe, of New Hanover. 1798. William R. Davie, of Halifax. 1799. Benjamin Williams, of Moore. 1802. James Turner, of Warren. 1805. Nathaniel Alexander, of Mecklenburg. 1807. Benjamin Williams, of Moore, again. 1808. David Stone, of Bertie. 1810. Benjamin Smith, of Brunsmck. 1811. William Hawkins, of Warren. 1814. William Miller, of Warren. 1817. John Branch, of Halifax. 1820. Jesse Franklin, of Surry. 1821. Gabriel Holmes, of Sampson. 1824. HuTCHiNGS G. Burton, of Halifax. 1827. James Iredell, of Chowan. 1828. John Owen, of Bladen. 1830. Montfort Stokes, of Wilkes. 1832. David L. Swain, of Buncombe. 1835. Richard Dobbs Spaight, of Craven. These were elected by the General Assembly. The convention of 1835, having amended the constitution, the election of the Gover- nor was transferred to the people, and, in August, 1836, the first election was held, and Edward B. Dudley, of New Hanover, was elected. He was inaugurated on the 1st of January, 1837. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 99 1841. John M. Morehead, of Guilford. 1845. Wm. a. Graham, of Orange. 1849. Charles Manly, of Wake. 1851. David S. Reid, of Rockingliam. CHAPTER V. Judiciary of North Carolina— Its history— Lives and characters of jNIartin Howard, Chief Justice ; Maurice Moore; and Richard Henderson, Associate Judges, under the royal government — The Judges of North Carolina, from 1776 to 1851— The Attorney-Generals, the Secretaries of State, the Trea- surers of State, and the Comptrollers, from 1776 to 1851 — These statistics are relieved by a specimen of legal vrit worthy of preservation. No less important than military affairs is the judicial history of any country. Valor may vindicate rights and redress wrongs ; but unless these are guarded by faithful and competent civil officers, the welfare of the community suffers. A history of the bench and bar of North Carolina, the charac- ter and services of the profession, would be most interesting. Of itself, it would fill volumes. No class of our community, during our revolutionary struggles, entered into the dubious and danger- ous contest more fearlessly than did the lawyers of that day. The declaration of our independence was written by a lawyer ; our ap- peals to the justice of the English nation w^ere written by members of this profession ; a majority of the first Congress were the same ; twenty one of the fifty-six signers to the Declaration of Independ- ence were lawyers ; the whole committee to Avhom the subject of independence was referred were lawyers, except one. In our own State, the early and angry discussions between the Colonial Judges and Governor Tryon, the exertions of Hooper and others in coun- cil, and Caswell, Davie, and others, in the field, prove the devo- tion, sincerity, and patriotism of the profession of the law. The colonial history of the judiciary under the proprietary and regal governors of North Carolina did not allow the profession that weight in the community that its importance merited. With des- potic governors, and among a vagarious and restless population, rules of action declaring rights and prohibiting wrongs, were but little regarded. By the fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (1669), drawn «p by John Locke, it was declared "to be a base and vile thing to plead for money or reward" in any of the courts of law. One of the complaints of the Assembly against Gov. Dobbs, in 1760, was that he had "for the fee of four pistoles, granted licenses to plead law, to ignorant persons." Williamson informs us that to 1708, there had been but two exe- 100 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. cutions for capital oifences in the State, and not until 1722 were there any court-houses in North Carolina. Such was the state of anarchy just before our Revolution (1773), that Mr. Quincy, of Boston, who was traveling through the State, says " that there were no courts in being. No one can recover a debt except before a magistrate."* This was owing to the conflict of opinion between Martin and the Assembly, as regards the power of the Governor to appoint judges, and the rights of the people under the attachment laws. Our previous pages have shown that under the proprietary go- vernment, in 1716, the judicial power was vested in I. Precinct Courts; II. General Courts; III. Courts of Chancery. The first was held in each precinct by four justices, appointed and commissioned by the Governor ; the second, by the Chief Justice and seven assistants ; and the third, by the Governor and the deputies of the Lords Proprietors. In 1746, under the royal government, the judiciary was remodeled, and " the General Court" was held twice a year by the Chief Jus- tice and three associates, at Newborn. The Chief Justice was appointed and commissioned by the Crown, and the Associate Judges by the Governor and Council. In 1767, the Province was divided. into six Judicial Districts: Wilmington, Newborn, Edenton, Halifax, Hillsboro, and Salisbury ; Courts were held twice a year in each place by the Chief Justice and two Associate Justices. County Courts were established in each and every county at the same time. The first edition of the laws was by Swann, published in 1752, called "yellow jacket;" the second, by Davis, in 1765; the third, by same, in 1773 ; the fourth, by Judge Iredell, in 1790 ; the fifth, by Martin, in 1803 ; the sixth, by Potter, Taylor and Yancy, in 1821 ; the seventh, by Battle, Iredell and Nash, in 1836 ; the eighth, now being done under care of Hon. R. M. Saunders, Hon. Asa Biggs and B. F. Moore, Esq. (late Attorney-General of the State), 1851. Martin Howard was appointed by the crown to succeed George Berry, whose melancholy fate we have recorded during the admin- istration of Governor Tryon, as Chief Justice, and Maurice Moore and Richard Henderson, Associate Justices, under the act of 1767; these held their offices until 1773, when the law expired. From the altercations between the Governor and Assembly, and the troubled times in political matters, the courts were closed. " Inter arma leges silent."t The character of ^Tartin Howard, as it appears on the record, is that of a tyrant. Forced by popular indignation to fly from Rhode * Memoirs of Josiah Quincy, Jr., p. 123. f Among arms, laws are silent. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 101 Island, where he was one of the royal judges, he sought quiet in the retirement of North Carolina. Here he was appointed one of Governor Try on' s counsellors, and on the death of Judge Berry, Chief Justice of the colony, hy the recommendation of Tryon. He was the willing tool to " The Bloody Wolf of Carolina." His oppressive conduct in the trial of the Regulators at Hillsboro', and ferocious temper, associate him in history with Jeffreys, and other judicial despots. From Sabine's "American Loyalists,"* I learn that, in 1774, " Howard's judicial functions ceased, in consequence of the tumults of the time's. The suspension from office of one who was notoriously destitute of not only the virtues of humanity, hut of all sympathy with the community in which he lived, was a matter of much joy. In 1775 he was present in council, and expressed the highest detest- ation of unlawful meetings, and advised Governor Martin to forbid the assembling of the convention in Newborn." In July 1777 he left North Carolina for the north. He died in exile diu-ing the Revolution. Maurice Moore's character presented a favorable contrast. Deeply imbued with the true spirit of liberty, although his duty might cause him to sit in judgment upon the Regulators, yet his feelings deeply sympathized with their oppressed condition. The following letter (extracted from Herman Husband's book) will show that he was strongly suspected of countenancing the condition of the Regulators. Of one thing we are assured, that the Judge and the Governor entertained the most bitter animosity towards each other. Springfield, August 12ih, 1768. To Colonel Edmund Fanning : Dear Sir — As much as I hate writing, I am determined to scratch this side down with a bad pen and worse ink, on the subject of the insurrection in your county, which I am sorry to hear has grown formidable ; and much more so, fthat it is ascribed to me as its author and encourager. I have been caluminated before, but never so capitally as in this case. I assure you it gives me much concern, in spite of the consola- tion which a clear conscience affords me. I never knew, or even, as I know of, ever saw any man or men engaged in this unlucky affair, except Hunter and Howell, and I made you fully acquainted with the advice I gave them ; but I shall say no more on this head. I have blackened my page, and must conclude my letter with assur- ino; you I esteem you, and am your most obedient, &c., M. MOORE. Judge Moore addressed to Governor Tryon a letter of great length, signed Atticus,t which, while it shows the true character of * Lorenzo Sabine's American Loyalists, 369. Boston, Little & Brown, 1847. f See Jones's Defence of North Carolina, p. 57. 102 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Tryon, in its real and odious colors, proves that he wielded the pen of a Junius in invective and severe sarcasm. Judge Moore was a true friend to his country. He was, after Independence was declared, in the General Assembly, and asso- ciated on important committees. He was a member of the Pro- vincial Congress which met at Hillsboro', in August 1775. He, with William Hooper, Richard Caswell, Robert Howe, and Joseph Hewes, were a committee to address the citizens of the British empire on the wrongs of America and the oppressions of England. The importance of the subject, the illustrious names associated with Judge Moore, proves the high appreciation of his talents, patriotism, and virtues by his associates. He was the father of the late Judge, Alfred Moore, who was distinguished as a soldier and a statesman, and for whose biography the reader is referred to Brunswick County. He died in 1777 ; at the same time his brother, Colonel James Moore, died, on his way to join the army of the north, under General Washington. (See Brunswick County, vol. xi. chap, viii.) Richard Henderson, the remaining Colonial Judge, was the son of Samuel Henderson. He was born in Hanover County, Vir- ginia, on the 20th of April, 1735. His ancestors by his father's side were from Scotland, and his mother's side (Williams) from Wales. His father came to Granville County about 1745 ; and subse- quently was appointed the sheriff of that county. The duties in which his son was employed afforded that practical knowledge of men and things, for which Judge Henderson was distinguished in after life. His early education was as good as the state of the country afforded. He read law with his cousin, the late Judge Williams, for twelve months. When he applied for license to the Chief Justice of the colony, whose duty it was to examine applicants, and on his cer- tificate a license to practice was issued by the Governor, he was asked how long he had read, and what books ? When the limited time was stated, and the number of books that he had read, the Judge remarked that it was useless to go into any examination, as no living man could have read and digested the works he had named, in so short a time. With great promptness and firmness, young Henderson replied, that it was his privilege to apply for a license, and the Judge's duty to examine him ; and, if he was not qualified, to reject him; if qualified, to grant the certificate. The Judge, struck with his sensible and spirited reply, proceeded to a most scorching examination. So well did the young man sustain himself, that the certificate was granted, with encomiums upon his industry, acquirements, and talents. He soon rose to the highest ranks of his profession ; and honors and wealth followed. A vacancy occurring on the bench, he was appointed by the Governor a Judge of the Superior Court. He sustained this digni- fied position with fidelity and credit, during an excited and interest- HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 103 ing period. He was forced on one occasion to leave Hillsboro' by the disturbances of the Regulators.* The troubled times shut up the courts of justice. In 1774 the Cherokee Indians offered for sale their lands. He formed a company with John Williams and Leonard Hendly Bullock, of Granville ; William Johnston, James Hogg, Thomas Hart, John Lutterell, Nathaniel Hart and David Hart, of Orange County, and made a treaty on the banks of the Watauga River. He purchased from the Indians, for a fair consideration, all their lands south of the Kentucky River, beginning at the mouth or junction of said river with the Ohio to its source, thence south into Tennessee, until a westwardly line should cross the Cumberland Mountain so as to strike the ridge which divides the waters of the Tennessee River from those of the Cumberland, and with that ridge to the Ohio River, and with that river to the mouth of the Kentucky River aforesaid; in- cluding a large portion of the States of Tennessee and Kentucky. The company took possession of the lands on the 20th of April, 1775 ; the Indians appointing an agent, John Farrar, to make a delivery according to law. The Governor of North Carolina, Martin, issued his proclama- tion in 1775 declaring this purchase illegal. The State subse- quently granted 200,000 acres to the company in lieu of this. The State of Virginia declared the same, but granted the com- pany a remuneration of two hundred thousand acres, bounded by the Ohio and Green Rivers. The State of Tennessee claimed the lands, but made a similar grant to the company in Powell's Valley. In 1779 Judge Henderson was appointed a commissioner to extend the line between Virginia and North Carolina into Powell's Valley. His associates on this commission, were Oroondates Davis, John Williams of Caswell, James Kerr, and William Bailey Smith. A difficulty arose as to the true latitude of 36° 30", and the commis- sion was closed. This same year, Judge Henderson opened a land office, at the French Lick, now Nashville, Tennessee, for the sale of the com- pany's lands. In the summer following he returned home, where in the bosom of his friends and family, he enjoyed the evening of life in peace and plenty. On the 30th of January, 1785, he died at his seat in Granville, loved and esteemed by all who knew him. He left (by his marriage with Elizabeth Keeling, a stepdaughter of the late Judge Williams) six children, Fanny, born 1764, who married Judge McCay, of Salisbury; Richard, born July 1766; Archibald, born August 1768 ; Elizabeth, who married Alexander, born 1770; Leonard, born 1772; and John Lawson Henderson, born 1778. * See deposition of Ralph McNair, and letter of Judge Henderson, and de- position of Waighstill Avery (procured from State Paper Offices in London), now for the first time printed. (Chap, on Alamance, vol. ii. chap, i.) 104 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. All four sons studied the same profession for which their father had been so distinguished ; and their reputation did not disgrace their ancestor. Richard died at the early age of 30, but gave every promise of distinction, had his life been spared;* Archibald was the head of his profession, in Western Carolina, a distinguished member of Congress, and the legislature (see Rowan County).f Leonard was one of the first lawyers of his day, and attained the eminence of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina ; and John, the youngest son, was blessed with a clear mind, and was distinguished for his learning; but^ from a diflBdence of manner, never exerted himself to use those means to attain the eminence of his illustrious brothers. He was a member of the legislature from Salisbury, Comptroller of the State in 1825, and died at Raleigh in 1843, while attending to his duties as Clerk of the Supreme Court. The Judiciary early received from the State Congress that atten- tion its importance deserved. The first General Assembly that met under the State Constitu- tion, at Newbern, in April, 1777, revised the whole statute law; and superior courts were held semi-annually at Wilmington, New- bern, Edenton, Halifax, Hillsboro', and Salisbury. Three Judges were elected (John AVilliams, of Granville, Samuel Ashe, of New Hanover, and, Samuel Spencer, of Anson). INIorganton was established as a Judicial District, in 1782 ; and Fayetteville, in 1787. Equity jui'isdiction was given by act of 1782. In 1790 a fourth Judge was added ; the State divided into two ridings, and a Solicitor-General was appointed. In 1806, Superior Courts were established in each county, and two additional Judges and four Solicitors were appointed ; another Judgo has been added since, and this system continues to this day. One of the Judges of the Superior Court semi-annually holds a court in each county in the State, and a Solicitor to prose- cute in behalf of the State. The Judges cannot twice ride the same circuit in succession. They are . elected by the legislature during good behavior ; and each receives a salary of one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars a year, which cannot be diminished during their continuance«n office. When the business demands, the Judge may appoint a special term to hear and end the suits in any county. The Governor spe- cially appoints some Judge for this purpose, for which he receives ninety dollars. The appeal lies from these decisions to the SUPREME court. This tribunal was created in 1818, as it exists at present. Pre- vious to this, the Judges of the Superior Courts were directed (act of 1799) to meet to settle questions of law and equity at Raleigh twice * The father of Archibald Henderson, of Salisbury, and Mrs, N. Boyden. t See Sketch of his Life. (Chapter, Granville.) HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 105 a year, and was called the Court of Conference. By act of 1805, it was styled the Supreme Court. By the act of 1818, the Judges of the Superior Courts were excused from this duty and confined to circuits, and three Judges were elected by the Legislature, who hold their offices during good behavior, who meet twice a year in the city of Raleigh, and once a year at Morganton, to determine questions of law and equity. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. John Louis Taylor^ of Cumberland, elected 1818, died Jan. 1829. Leonard Henderson, of Granville county, elected 1818, died Aug. 1833. John Hall, of Warren, elected 1818, resigned Dec. 1832. John D. Toomer, Cumberland county, appointed June, 1829, re- signed 1829. Thomas Ruffin, of Orange county, elected 1829. Joseph J. Darnel, of Halifax county, elected 1832, died Feb. 1848. William G-aston, of Craven county, elected 1833, died 1844. Frcderiek Nash, of Orange county, appointed 1844. William II. Battle, of Orange county, elected 1848, resigned Dec. 1848. liichmond 31. Pearson, of Davie county, elected 1848. At present Thomas Ruffin, Frederick Nash and Richmond Pear- son, are the Judges of the Supreme Court of North Carolina. For sketches of the lives and characters of the judges, the reader is referred to the respective counties from which they are appointed. JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR COURTS OF NORTH CAROLINA, FROM 1777 TO 1851. 1777 to 1790. John Williams, of Grranville County, died Octo- ber, 1799. Samuel Ashe, of New Hanover, elected Governor in 1795. Samuel Spencer, of Anson, died 1794. 1790. Spruce McCay, of Rowan, died 1808. John Haywood, of Halifax, elected 1794 ; resigned in 1800. Alfred Moore, of Brunswick, elected in 1798 ; appointed Asso- ciate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, December 10th, 1799. John Louis Taylor, of Cumberland, elected in 1798 ; appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of North Carolina in 1818; died February, 1829. Samuel Johnston, of Chowan, appointed February 10th, 1800 ; resigned November 18th, 1803. John Hall, of Warren, elected in 1800 ; appointed Judge of Supreme Court in 1818; resigned December, 1832 ; died 1833. Francis Locke, of Rowan, elected in 1803 ; resigned February 7th, 1814. David Stone, of Bertie, elected in 1795, resigned in 1798, and elected in 1806 ; elected Governor in 1808. 106 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Samuel Lowrie, of Mecklenburg, elected in 1806 ; died Decem- ber, 1818. Blake Baker, of Warren, appointed in 1808 ; commission expired December, 1808 ; appointed August 11, 1818 ; died in 1818. Leonard Henderson, of Granville, elected in 1808 ; resigned in 1816 ; elected Judge of the Supreme Court in 1818 ; died August, 1833. Joshua Granger Wright, of New Hanover, elected in 1808 ; died in 1811. Senry Seaivell, of Wake, appointed July 5th, 1811 ; commission expired in 1811 ; appointed in 1818 ; resigned in 1819 ; elected in 1832 ; died in 1835. Edward Harris, of Craven, elected in 1811 ; died 1813. Duncan Cameron, of Orange, appointed February, 1814 ; re- signed November, 1816. Thomas Ruffin, of Orange, elected 1816 ; resigned December, 1818 ; appointed July 15, 1825; resigned in 1828; elected Judge of the Supreme Court in 1829. Joseph J. Baniel, of Halifax, appointed March, 1816 ; elected Judge of the Supreme Court in 1832 ; died February, 1848. Robert H. Burton, of Lincoln, appointed March, 1818 ; resigned in 1818. ^ •-;• ■.• John Paxton, of Rutherford, elected in 1818 ; died in 1826. John D. Toomer, of Cumberland, elected in 1818 ; resigned in 1819 ; appointed Judge of the Supreme Court in 1829 ; commission expired December, 1829 ; elected in 1836 ; resigned in 1840. Frederick Nash, of Orange, elected in 1818 ; resigned in July, 1826 ; elected in 1836 ; transferred to the Supreme Court in 1844. Archibald B. Murphy, of Orange, elected in 1818 ; resigned in 1820. James Iredell, of Chowan, appointed March, 1819 ; resigned May, 1819. John R. Bonnel, of Craven, appointed in 1819 ; resigned in 1836. Willie P. Mangum, of Orange, elected in 1819, resigned in 1823 ; appointed May 18, 1826 ; commission expired in 1826 ; elected in 1828 ; elected Senator to Congress in 1830. William Norwood, of Orange, appointed Aug. 17, 1820; re- signed in 1836. G-eorge E. Badger, of Wake, elected in 1820 ; resigned in 1825. Robert Strange, of Cumberland, elected in 1826 ; elected Senator to Congress in 1836. James Martin, of Rowan, elected in 1826 ; resigned in 1835. David L. Swain, of Buncombe, elected in 1830 ; elected Go- vernor in 1832. ^Thomas Settle, of Rockingham, elected in 1832. * Those marked *, constitute the present Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity for North Carolina. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 107 Romulus M. Saunders, elected in 1835 ; resigned in 1840. Edward Hall, of Warren, appointed February, 1810 ; conimis- sion expired January, 1841. *Joh}i 31. Dick, of Guilford, elected in 1835. *JoJiH L. Baily, of ^Pasquotank, elected in 1836. Richmond M. Pearson, of Davie, elected in 1836 ; transferred to the Supreme Court in 1848. *David F. CaldioeUj of Rowan, appointed in 1844. *Matt1iias E. Manly, of Craven, elected December, 1840. Augustus Moore, of Chowan, appointed in 1848 ; resigned the same year. * Wm. H. Battle, of Edgecombe, appointed in 1840 ; appointed to the Supreme Court in 1848 ; resigned in December, 1848 ; elected to the Superior Court in January, 1849. "^Jolm W. Ellis, of Rowan, elected in 1848, ATTORNEY-GENERALS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Waiglitstill Avery, of Burke County, elected in 1777 ; resigned in 1779. Blake Baker, of Edgecombe, elected in 1794 ; resigned in 1803. Rutchins Cf. Burton, of Halifax, elected in 1810 ; resigned in November, 1816. William Drew, of Halifax, elected in 1816 ; resigned in Novem- ber, 1825. John R. J. Daniel, of Halifax, elected in 1834. * William Eaton, Jr., of Warren, in 1851. Oliver Fitts, of Warren, in 1808. John Haywood, of Halifax, in 1791. James Iredell, of Chowan, in 1779. Robert R. Jones, of Warren, in 1828. Alfred Moore, of Brunswick, in 1790. William 3Iiller, of Warren, in 1810. Rugh 3Ic Queen, of Chatham, in 1840. Bartholomeio F. 3Ioore, of Halifax, in 1848. Romulus 31. Saunders, of Caswell, in 1828. Edivard Stanly, of Beaufort, in 1847. Renry Seawell, of Wake, in 1803. John L. Taylor, of Cumberland, in 1808. James F. Taylor, of Wake, in 1825 ; died in June, 1828. Spier Wliitaker, of Halifax, elected in December, 1842. SECRETARIES OF STATE. James Gflasgow, of Dobbs County, in 1777. William White, of Lenoir, in 1778 to 1810. * William Rill, of Rockingham, from 1811 to present date. TREASURERS OF THE STATE. Richard Caswell, for the northern part ; Samuel Johnson for the southern part, 1776. * At present in commission. v 108 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Memucan Hunt, of Granville, 1777. John Haywood, of Edgecombe, 1787. John S. Haywood, of Wake, 1827. William S. Rohards, of Granville, 1827. Hohert H. Burton, of Lincoln, 1830. William S. Mhoon, of Bertie, December, 1830. Samuel F. Patterson, of Wilkes, 1835. jDaniel W. Courts, of Surry, Jan. 1837. Charles L. Hinton, of Wake, April, 1839. John H Wheeler, of Lincoln, 1843. Charles L. Hinton, 1845. ^Daniel W. Courts, 1851. COMPTROLLERS. Comptroller's department established in 1782. John Craven, of Halifax, 1783. Samuel G-oodtvin, of Cumberland, December, 1808. Joseph Hawkins, of Warren, December, 1825. John L. Henderson, of Rowan, 1827. James Cirant, of Halifax, November, 1827. Nathan Stedman, of Chatham, November, 1834. William F. Collins, of Nash, December, 1836. * William J. Clarke, of Wake, 1851. A History of the Bench and Bar of North Carolina will, we trust, at some period be published. Its members have been, at all periods, the firm friends of popular rights, and ready defenders of the privileges of the many against the encroachments of the few. They, as a body, are remarkable for their assiduity, fidelity, and poverty. The following is preserved as a specimen of " the genuine Attic," copied from the Greensboro' Patriot many years since. The names are familiar to western North Carolina. In one of our western courts, while Mr. James R. Dodge (now Clerk of the Supreme Court), a relative of the Hon. Washington Irving, was making a speech, a triumvirate (Messrs. Swain, Hill- man, and Dews) perpetrated, "with malice aforethought," this jeu d'esprit, which Mr. Dodge found lying on his table before him when he had finished his speech. EPITAPH ON JAMES R. DODGE, ESQ., ATTORNEY AT LAW. " Here lies a Dodge, who dodged all good, And dodged a deal of evil, Who, after dodging all he could, lie could not dodge the Devil." He read the paper, and impromptu replied — ANOTHER EPITAPH ON THREE ATTORNEYS. " Here lies a Hillman and a Swain, Whose lot let no man choose ; They liv'd in sin, and died in pain, And the Devil got his Dews" (dues). * At present in commission. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 109 CHAPTER VI. A list of the members of the Continental Congress • from North Carolina, before the adoption of the Constitution (formed at Philadelphia, in May . 1787) ; and a list of the Senators and Representatives in Congress, from this State, from 1789 to 1851 ; with the ratio of representation for each decade, and the number of members in the House — Present Congressional districts by act of 1846, and the members of each. The Continental Congress first met at Philadelphia, Septem- ber 5th, 1774. In January, 1785, it met at New York, which con- tinued to be the place of meeting until the adoption of the con- stitution. General Washington was inaugurated President at this place, on 30th April, 1789. MEMBERS FROM NORTH CAROLINA TO THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS BEFORE THE ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION. Ashe, John B. Bloodworth, Timothy Blount, William Burke, Thomas Burton, Robert Caswell, Richard Curaming, William Harnett, Cornelius Hawkins, Benjamin Hews, Joseph Hill, Whitmill Hooper, William From To 1787 1788 1786 1787 1782 1783 1786 1787 1777 1781 1787 1788 1774 1776 1784 1784 1777 1780 1781 1784 1786 1787 1774 1777 1779 1780 1778 1781 1774 1777 Johnston, Samuel Jones, Allen Jones, Willie Nash, Abner Penn, John Sitgreaves, John Sharpe, William Spaight, Richard D. Swan, John Williams, John Williamson, Hugh White, Alexander From To 1780 1782 1779 1780 1780 1781 1782 1784 1785 1786 1775 1776 1777 1780 1784 1785 1779 1782 1783 1785 1787 1788 1778 1779 1782 1785 1787 1788 1786 1788 *Badger, George E. Bloodsworth, Timothy Branch, John Brown, Bedford Franklin, Jesse Graham, William A. Hawkins, Benjamin Haywood, William H. Iredell, James Johnston, Samuel SENATE. Those marked * are at present in Congress, 1851. In. Out. I 1855 I Locke, Francis 1801 Macon, Nathaniel 1829 1846 1795 1823 1829 (1799 11807 1841 1789 1843 1828 1789 *Mangum, W. P. 1841 1805 1813 Martin, Alexander 1843 i Stokes, Montfort Stone, David 1846 1831 1793 Strange, Robert Turner, James In. Out. 1814 1815 1815 1828 1831 1837 1841 1847 1848 1853 1793 1799 1816 1823 1801 1807 1813 1814 1837 1841 1805 1816 110 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. HOUSE OF REPRESEXTATIVES. Alexander, Evan Alexander, Nathaniel Alston, Willis Alston, Willis, Jr., Arrington, A. H. Ashe, John B. *Ashe, William S. Biggs, Asa Barringer, Daniel L. Barringer, Daniel M. Bethune, Laughlin Blackledge, William S. Bloodworth, Timothy Blount, Thomas Branch, John Bryan, Nathan Bryan, John H. Bryan, Joseph H. Burgess, Dempsy Burton, Hutchins G. Bynum, Jesse A. Boyden, Nathaniel Caldwell, Green W. ■^Cald-well, Joseph P. Carson, Samuel P. Clark, James W. Clark, Henry S. Cocaran, James Cor.ner, H. W. Crudup, Josiah Culpepper, John *Clingman, Thomas L. *Daniel, J. R. J. Davidson, William Davrson, William G. Dobbin, James C. Deberry, Edmund *Dockery, Alfred Dickens, Samuel Donnell, R. S. Dixon, Joseph Dudly, Edward B. Edwards, Weldon X. Fisher, Charles Forney, Daniel M. In. 1805 1803 1799 (1803 \ 1825 1841 1790 1849 1845 1826 1843 1831 (1803 -^1811 ( 1821 1790 (1793 \ 1805 [l811 1831 1795 1825 1815 1795 1819 1833 1847 1841 1849 1825 1815 1845 1809 1821 1821 ri807 J 1813 1 1819 I 1823 j 1843 1 1847 1841 1818 1793 1845 (1829 \ 1833 (1849 (1845 1 1851 1816 1847 1799 1829 1810 (1819 1 1839 1815 Out. 1809 1805 1803 1815 1831 1845 1793 1853 1847 1835 1849 1833 1809 1813 1823 1791 1799 1809 1812 1833 1798 1829 1819 1798 1824 1841 1849 1843 1851 1833 1817 1847 1813 1841 1823 1809 1817 1821 1825 1845 1853 1853 1821 1795 1847 1831 1845 1851 1847 1853 1817 1849 1801 1831 1827 1821 1841 1818 Forney, Peter Franklin, Jesse Franklin, Meshack Gaston, William Gatlin, Alfred M. Gillespie, James Graham, James Grove, William B. Hall, Thomas H. Hawkins, M. T. Henderson, Archibald Hill, John Hill, William H. Hines, Richard Holland, James Holmes, Gabriel Hooks, Charles Johnson, Charles Kenan, Thomas Kennedy, William King, William R, Lock, Matthew Long, John Love, William C. Macon, Nathaniel Mangum, W. P. McBride, Archibald McDowel, James McFarland, Duncan McKay, James J. McNeil, Archibald Mebane, Alexander Mitchell, Anderson Montgomery, William Montford, George *Morehead, James T. Murfree, William H. Outlaw, George *Outlaw, David Owen, Jas. Pettigrew, E. Pearson, Joseph Pickens, Israel Potter, Robert Purviance, Samuel D. Rayner, Kenneth Rencher, Abraham Reid, David S. 1799 1825 ( 1795 [1801 1825 (1816 1 1819 1801 1805 (1803 ^1809 [1812 1811 1793 1821 1815 1791 1823 1809 1793 1797 1805 1831 1821 1825 1793 1842 1835 1817 1851 1813 1824 1847 1817 1835 1809 1811 1829 1803 1839 1829 1841 1843 Out. 1815 1797 1815 1817 1825 1799 1805 1843 1847 J803 1825 1835 1841 1803 1841 1803 1827 1797 1811 1829 1817 1825 1802 1811 1805 1811 1815 1816 1799 1829 1817 1805 1826 1813 1795 1799 1807 1849 1823 1827 1794 1843 1841 1819 1853 1817 1828 1853 1819 1837 1815 1817 1831 1805 1845 1839 1843 1847 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ill HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES — Continued. In. Out. Saunders, R. M. Sawyer, Lemuel Sawyer, S. T. Settle, Thomas Sevier, John Shadwick, William Sheppard, Charles B. Sheppard, William B. Shepperd, A. H. Smith, James S. Slocumb, Jesse Speight, Jesse Spaight, R. D. Spaight, R. D. Jr., Stanford, Richard Stanly, John fl821 1 1841 f 1807 ^1817 [1825 1837 1817 1790 1796 1837 1827 f 1829 \ 1841 (1847 1817 - 1817 1827 1798 1823 1797 (1801 [1809 1827 1845 1813 1823 1829 1839 1821 1791 1797 1841 1837 1839 1843 1851 1821 1821 1837 1801 1825 1816 1803 1811 In. Out. *Stanly, Edward Steele, John Stuart, James Stone, David Tatum, Abs. Turner, Daniel Vance, Robert B. *Venable, Abraham W. Walker, Felix Washington, Wm. II. Williams, Benjamin Williams, Lewis Williams, Marmaduke Williams, Robert Williamson, Hugh Winston, Joseph Wynns, Thomas Yancy, Bartlett f 1837 ■ 1849 1843 1853 1790 1793 1818 1819 1799 1801 1795 1796 1827 1829 1823 1825 1847 1853 1817 1823 1841 1843 1793 1795 1815 1842 1803 1809 1797 1803 1790 1793 f 1793 ■ 1803 1795 1807 1802 1807 1813 181T RATIO or REPRESENTATION FROM 1789 TO 1853. 1789 1,-93 1803 1813 1823 1833 1843 1853 33,000 33,000 35,000 40,000 47,700 70,680 93,702 House of Representatives composed of 65 members. " " " 105 <( << << 241 " " " 181 212 243 223 233 It (t PRESENT CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS, BT ACT OF 1846, AND MEMBERS TO 4th march, 1853. District. Counties. 1, Cherokee; 2, Macon; 3, Haywood; 4, Buncombe;") 5, Henderson ; 6, Rutherford ; 7, Burke ; 8, Mc'Dowell; V 9, Yancy; 10, Cleaveland; 11, Caldwell. ) 1, Ashe: 2, Wilkes; 3, Surry; 4, Davie; 5, Rowan; I 6, Iredell ; 7, Catawba. ] 1, Lincoln; 2, Gaston; 3, Mecklenburg; 4, Union; 5, | Anson ; 6, Stanly ; 7, Cabarrus ; 8, Montgomery ; 9, V Richmond ; 10, Moore. ] 1, Stokes; 2, Rockingham; 3, Guilford; 4, Randolph; I I 5, Davidson. j ( 1, Granville ; 2, Caswell ; 3, Person : 4, Orange : 5, ] i Chatham. J 1, Wake; 2, Franklin; 3, Warren; 4, Halifax; 5,1 Edgecombe; 6, Nash : 7, Johnston. j 1, Cumberland ; 2, Robeson ; 3, Columbus ; 4, Bladen ; | 5, Brunswick; 0, New Hanover; 7, Sampson; 8, VWm. S.Ashe Duplin; 9, Onslow. ] 1, Wayne ; 2, Greene ; 3, Lenoir ; 4, Jones ; 5, Craven ; 6, Carteret; 7, Beaufort; 8, Pitt; 9, Washington ; 10, Tyrrell; 11, Hyde. 1, Martin; 2, Bertie; 3, Hertford; 4, Northampton; 5, Gates; 6, Chowan; 7, Perquimans; 8, Pasquo- tank; 9, Currituck; 10, Camden. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. Members. Thomas L, Clingman. Joseph P. Caldwell. Alfred Dockery. James T. Morehead. Abraham W. Venable. J. R. J. Daniel. Edward Stanley. David Outlaw. 112 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER VII. Press op North Carolixa, from 1749 to 1851 — Account of some of the editors, and list of the papers now published in North Carolina (1851). " Beneath the rule of men Entirely great, the pen is greater than the sword. Behold the arch enchanter's wand ! Itself is nothing ! But catching sorcery from a master hand, And aided by the gigantic power of the press, It paralyzes the thrones of monarchs, Gives liberty and life to oppressed millions, And strikes the broad earth breathless. Take away the sword ! States can be saved without it" — Bulwer. The colonial history of our State did not present a favorable field for the press. The Proprietary rulers first, and Royal Governors afterwards,, regarded the press as dangerous to their powers and prerogatives. The instructions of Lord Eflfingham, as Governor of Virginia, were " not to suflFer in the colony, under any pretence whatever, the use of a printing press."* And Sir William Berkley, one of the pro- prietors of North Carolina, returned thanks to Heaven " that there was not a printing office in any of the southern provinces." Under different auspices and a more progressive age, how diifer- ent do the descendants of this very people conduct the early settle- ments of a country. Scarcely does the American set his foot down on any soil, when a press is set up, and a newspaper is established, informing every portion of the nation of the character, condition, and prospects of the country. " The United States in 1834," says Tymperly, "with a population of (then) 13,000,000, had more newspapers than all Europe together, with a population of 100,000,000."t Printing^ was introduced into North Carolina in 1749, by James Davis, who set up a press at Newborn. His first paper was called The North Carolina Gazette, "with freshest advices foreign and domestic." It was weekly, on a sheet of post sized folio. The first book ever printed in North Carolina was by him, in 1752, a revisal of the acts of the General Assembly, a small folio. From the hue of the leather in which it was bound, it received the name of " Yellow Jacket." * Williamson, vol. i. 165, t Tyniporly's Encyclopcedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote. % Martin, ii. p. 54. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 113 The G-azette continued about six years. On the 27th of May, 1768, it again appeared, and continued until the Revolution. ' Davis was a Virginian by birth ; and postmaster at Newbern. He held a commission as a magistrate under Governor Tryon. The second press set up in North Carolina was at Wilmington, in 1763, by Andrew Stewart, called the CajM Fear G-azette and Wilmington Advertiser. The paper was discontinued in 1767. Stewart was an Irishman by birth, lived several years in Philadelphia, and was accidentally drowned in 1769, while bathing in the Cape Fear River. This paper was succeeded by the Cape Fear Blercury, published October 1767, by Adam Boyd, and continued to the Revolution. Boyd was an Englishman, and a true friend to liberty. lie was much respected, and one of the Committee of Safety in "Wilmington, 1775. . • His name appears in their proceedings as a leading member of the. committee of correspondence. In 1776 he exchanged the press for the pulpit. In 1776 newspapers were printed at Newbern, Wilmington, Halifax, Edenton, and Hillsboro'. Had copies of these papers been preserved, as is the case now in some States, in the archives of the State Library, the history of that period would have been better known. In 1812 newspapers were printed at Raleigh, Newbern, Wil- mington, Edenton, Tarboro', Murfreesboro', Fayetteville, and War- renton. Not a single paper west of Raleigh. The following is the list of newspapers printed in North Caro- lina at this date, January 1st, 1851 : — 1. Albemarle Sentinel, Edenton, edited by Thomas C. Manning. Born in Edenton, aged 25, by profession a lawyer ; Whig in politics. 2. AsHViLLE Messenger, Ashville, J. M. Edney. Born in Henderson County, aged 36, by profession music teacher, house and sign painter, auctioneer, to the ancient town of Ash- ville ; Whig in politics, 3. Ashville News, Ashville, T. AY. Atkin. Native of Tennessee, aged 29, practical printer. 4. Carolina Watchman, Salisbury, J. J. Bruner and S. W. James. J. J. Bruner, native of Rowan, born in 1817, printer by profession. Samuel W. James, born in Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1819, and a printer by profession. Whigs. 6. Carolina Republican, Lincolnton, J. M. Newsom. Native of Maryland, 44 years old, teacher by profession; Democrat. 6. Christian Sun, Pittsboro', ( ) Committee. 7. Charlotte Journal, Charlotte, T. J. Holton. Native of Richmond, Ya., 47 years of age, a printer by profession ; AVhig in politics. 8 114 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 8. Communicator, Fayetteville, William Potter, Mr. Potter is a native of Raleigh, aged 43 ; profession, preacher and printer. Temperance paper. 9, Deaf Mute, Raleigh, TV. D. Cooke, 10. Fayetteville Observer, E. J. Hale and Son. Mr. Hale is a native of Randolph County, born in 1802, printer by profession ; Whig in politics. 11. GoLDSBORo' Patriot, "W. Robinson. Mr. Robinson is a native of Ireland, aged 36 years, by profession a teacher. 12. GoLDSBORo' Telegraph, W. F. S. Alston. Wesley Fletcher Skidmore Alston is a native of Wake, born in 1822, by profession a planter. 13. Granville Whig, Oxford, George Wortham. 14. Greensboro' Patriot, Swaim and Sherwood. Lyndon Swaim, 38 years old, farmer by profession until 21, when he went to profession of printer. Michael S. Sherwood is about 32 years old, printer by profession ; Whigs in politics. 15. Halifax Republican, C. N. Webb. Mr. Webb, born in Brunswick County, Va., aged 38 years, practical printer. 16. Hillsboro' Recorder, D. Heartt. Mr. Heartt is a native of Connecticut, born November 1783, printer by profession ; commenced the Recorder in 1820. He is now post- master at Ilillsboro'. Whig in politics. 17. Hornets' Nest, Charlotte, L. S. Badger. Mr. Badger is a native of Virginia, about 28 years old. 18. Journal of Temperance, Elizabeth City. 19. Lincoln Courier, Thomas J. Eccles. Mr. Eccles, born in Ireland in 1823, practical printer ; came to Charleston at one year of age ; Democrat. 20. Methodist Pulpit, Greensboro', Charles F. Deems. 21. Milton Chronicle, C. N. B. Webb. Mr. Webb is a native of Virginia, aged 37, his " profession is printer, publisher, and postmaster.'' 22. IMouNTAiN Banner, Rutherfordton, T. A. Hayden. Mr. Ilayden is a native of Florida, aged 42. Mr. Wilson, who has succeeded him, is a native of Caswell, about 30 years old, and a lawyer by profession. 23. North Carolina Standard, Raleigh, W. W. Holden. W. W. Holden is a native of Orange County, now about 32, prac- tical printer ; studied law and obtained license, but left the bar for the press ; a Democrat. 24. North Carolinian, Fayette-sdlle, William H. Bayne. Mr. Bayne was a native of Georgetown, D. C, aged 36, a practical pr inter, and a Democrat, lie died August 1851. a HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 115 25. North Carolina Herald, Ashboro', R. H. Brown. Native of Randolph, "young and aspiring," no profession. 26. Newbernian^ Newbern, William D. Maybew. Native of Massachusetts, aged about 40 years, educated at Wash- ington College, Lexington, Rockbridge, Va. Removed to Wash- ington, N. C, in 1831, and took charge of the Academy in that place. Studied lavr under John S. Hawks, Esq., and obtained license to practice in 1836. Married in Newbern, and removed to that place in 1837. In 1844 bought out the Nevrbernian (a continuation of the Spectator) ; Whig in politics. 27. North State Whig, Wasbington, H. Dimmock. Native of Maine, lawyer, and Whig. 28. Old North State, Elizabeth City, S. D. Poole. 29. Primitive Baptist, Raleigb, Burwell Temple. 30. Plymouth Times, William Eborn. Native of Beaufort, 25 years old, Whig. SI. People^s Press, Salem, Blum & Sons. 32. Patriot and Republican, Goldsboro', W. B. Gulick. William B. Gulick was born in New Jersey, aged 36, graduated at Princeton in 1844 ; no profession but that of editor ; a Democrat. 33. Raleigh Register, Seaton Gales. Mr. Gales is a native of Wake, aged about 25, by profession an editoi-, a Whig. This paper was established in October 1799, by Joseph Gales, his grandfather. He is the publisher of the first daily paper ever attempted in North Carolina. 34. Raleigh Star, T. J. Lemay. Native of Granville, about 49 years old, a practical printer and preacher ; Whig in politics. 35. Southern Democrat, Grabam, J. W. Lancaster. Mr. Lancaster is a native of Edgecombe, educated at the University, graduated in 1843, lawyer by profession, and a Democrat. 36. Spirit of the Age, A. M. Gorman. Native of Raleigh, aged 37, printer by professioa. Devoted to tem- perance. 37. Tarboro' Free Press, George Howard, Jr. 38. Villager, Plymoutb, W. Eborn, editor. 39. Wilmington Herald, Talcott Burr. Native of Rhode Island, born 1802, practical printer. 40. Wilmington Journal, Fulton and Price. James Fulton is a native of Ireland, 26 years of age, profession editor; Democrat. A. L. Price is a native of North Carolina, 36 years of age, profession printer, and a Democrat. 41. Wilmington Commercial, T. Bering. Thomas Loring is a native of Massachusetts, aged 62, practical printer and editor. 42. Wadesboro' Argus, Samuel Fulton. 116 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 43. Weldon Patriot, R- B. Parker. [This list may be imperfect, although efforts have been made to per- fect it. Any correction will be thankfully received and noticed, should another edition be called for.] Of these, 1 is tri-weekly, 4 semi-weekly, the balance weekly or monthly. CHAPTER VII. Literary institutions of North Carolina— Their history, progress, and pre- sent condition— Queen's Museum, at Charlotte, 1770— University, incor- porated in 1789, and located at Chapel Hill, 1792— Corner-stone laid in October 1793— Commenced tuition, 1795— Life and character of Dr. Joseph Caldwell ; and a list of its graduates from 1798 to 1851— Davidson College, in Mecklenburg County, commenced in 1838 : its present faculty and alumni, from 1840— Wake Forest College, in Wake County; its trustees and faculty— Female institutions, common schools, and Literary Fund of the State. The early history of the State presents hut few institutions, where the benefits of a liberal education could be obtained. In 1736, the Governor (Johnston), in his address to the Legisla- ture bewailed the deplorable condition of the province in which no provision had been made, "or care taken to inspire the youth with generous sentiments, worthy principles, or the least tincture of lite- rature." In 1754, an act was passed to establish a public seminary, but it proved abortive. In 1764, an act was passed to erect a school-house in Newbern, and in 1767 Trustees were incorporated. At the end of the Royal Government (1775), Martin says that " Literature was hardly known. There were in the whole province but two schools, those of Newbern and Edenton. In the first a wooden building, in which the meetings of the Lower House of the Legislature were occasionally held." When reading the resolves of the Provincial Congress, the Pro- vincial Councils, the District Committees of Safety, and the addresses which they published to the country, the purity of the language, the simplicity and beauty of style, the cogency of argument are so re- markable that they cannot be surpassed by the most polished pro- ductions of the present age. Even the handwriting of the men of '75, as exhibited in the Journals, will bear a fair comparison with those of this day, and per- haps surpass them in ease and plainness. This proves that our forefathers had not been inattentive to the objects of practical education. In 1770, a charter was obtained from the Provincial Assembly to incorporate the Queen s Museum at Charlotte. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 117 The charter not receiving the royal sanction was amended ; and again passed in 1771 ; it was repealed by the King. But it flourished without a charter ; and in 1777 it was incorporated by the General Assembly of the State by the name of Liberty Hall. The Trustees were Isaac Alexander, M. D., President; Thomas Polk, Thomas Neal, Abraham Alexander, Waightstill Avery, Ephraim Brevard, M. D., John Simpson, Adlai Osborne, John Mc Knitt Alexander, Rev. Da-\dd Caldwell, James Edmonds, Thomas Reese, Samuel E. McCorkle, Thomas Harris McCaule, and James Hall. The latter were Presbyterian Ministers, and the school was under the supervision of this highly respectable denomination. The first meeting of the Trustees was held at Charlotte, January 3d, 1778. Lots were purchased in the town of Charlotte belonging to Col. Thomas Polk. The revolutionary war closed the school, and the troops of Cornwallis occupied its halls. Rev. David Caldavell, about the year 1767, opened a school in Guilford county. He was a native of Pennsylvania, graduated at Princeton, in 1761, and a Presbyterian Minister. (See Guilford county.) This school was conducted with great success. "His log cabin served for many years to North Carolina, as an Academy, a College, and a Theological Seminary." Many who were here edu- cated have become distinguished as statesmen, lawyers, physicians and divines. The Constitution adopted at Halifax, 18th Dec, 1776, declared (in Section XLI.) that a school or schools shall be established, and " all useful learning shall be duly encouraged and promoted in one or more universities." Accordingly, in 1789, the University of North Carolina was established by incorporating Samuel Johnston and others Trustees, and in Nov. 1792, these Trustees located this Institution at Chapel Hill, in Orange county. Eleven hundred and eighty acres of land were conveyed to the Trustees by the citizens of this neighborhood. In Oct. 1793, the first lots of the village were sold, and the corner-stone of the College laid. The ceremonies were conducted with masonic honors, by Wm. R. Davie, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, at the time, and afterwards. Governor of the State. The Rev. Dr. McCorkle, one of the Trustees, made an address. The buildings being sufficiently prepared in 1795, the Trustees selected Rev. David Kerr as Professor, and Samuel A. Holmes as Tutor. Mr. Hinton James was the first student ; who arrived from Wil- mington, Feb. 12th, 1795. Public instruction commenced on the 13th. Mr. Kerr was a foreigner by birth, a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, a man of piety and learning. He emigrated to this country in 1791, and preached in Fayetteville, in the Presbyterian Church, and taught school there for three years. He remained but a short time at the University, removing to Lumberton, and commenced the 118 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Study of law. He removed afterwards to Mississippi, where lie acquired wealth and honors (he was United States Marshal and Judge). He died in 1810. He was succeeded in the Presidency of the University of North Carolina, by Charles W. Harris, of Cabarrus county, who was ap- pointed Professor of Mathematics, and Mr. Holmes, Professor of Languages. Mr. Harris remained only a year at the university, preferring, like his predecessor, the pui'suit of his profession, and in which he would have attained gi-eat eminence had not death suddenly closed his career. He was succeeded by Mr. Joseph Caldwell, at this time a tutor in Nassau Hall, New Jersey, who was appointed Pro- fessor of Mathematics in the fall of 1796. For forty years the destinies of the institution were directed by Dr. Caldwell. His history is its record. He was born in Lamington, New Jersey, on the 21st of April, 1773, the day after the bui'ial of his father, who was a physician, and of Irish descent. He was educated at Princeton, where he graduated in August, 1791. He was employed in teaching and studying divinity until April, 1795, when he was appointed tutor in his alma maier. His asso- ciate in this duty was Mr. Hobart, afterwards Bishop of New York ; here he remained until 1796, when he was appointed Professor of Mathematics in the University of North Carolina. In 1806 he was appointed President of the University. In 1811 he made an excursion throughout the State, to collect funds for the aid of the college, and received $12,000. In 1816 he received the honorary degree of D. D. from Nassau Hall, and also from the University of North Carolina. In 1824 he was sent to Em-ope to direct the construction of the philosophical apparatus and procure books for the library. He remained connected with it until his death, which occurred on the 27th of January, 1835. Tile life, character, and services of Dr. Caldwell afford inviting material to the biographer and historian. Connected as he was with the University, which he raised, by his energy, talents, and piety, from an obscm-e institution to the front ranks of science ; embalmed as is his memory in the hearts of many now scattered over our whole Union, who witnessed his services and enjoyed the benefits of his labors, it is to be hoped that some one of these will enter upon this pious duty. His character was one worthy of study and imitation. In his person, he was small and delicate. His expansive forehead, bushy eyebrows, his keen glance, and regular features evidenced strong powers of reason, great determination of character, invincible firmness and self-possession. His usefulness was not confined to the advancement of the Uni- versity alone. In 1827, he delivered at Raleigh a lecture on Rail- roads, then a new subject to the members of the Legislatm-e. He wrote numerous essays on Common Schools, the Deaf and HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 119 Dumb, and the condition of the State as to internal improvement; which were extensiyely circulated, attentively read, and were instru- mental in directing public attention in North Carolina towards these important subjects. It was not his fortune " The applause of listening Senates to command ;" nor did he direct in fields of battle or of victory. But he discharged the important part of training those whose eloquence now often charms our Congress, whose talents preside in our courts, and whose piety enlivens our faith. -The warrior's name, Tho' pealed and chimed by every tongue of fame, Sounds less harmonious to the grateful mind Than he who fashions and improves mankind." He was succeeded by Hon. David L. Swain, for whose biography the reader is referred to another chapter. (See Buncombe.) JList of tJie Faculty/ at this time, and Grraduates of the Institution from 1798 to 1850. Hon. David L. Swain, LL. D., President. Rev. Elisha Mitchell, Professor of Chemistry. Rev. James Phillips, D. D., Professor of Mathematics, Mensu- i-ation, and Geology. Rev. Fordyce M. Hubbard, Professor of Latin, and Natural Philosophy. Hon. Wm. H. Battle, Professor of Law. Manuel Fetter, A. M., Professor of Greek. Rev. John Thomas Wheat, D. D., Professor of Logic. Rev. Albert M. Shipp, Professor of History and French. Charles Phillips, Tutor of Mathematics. AsHBEL P. Brown, Tutor of Languages. Kemp P, Battle, Tutor of Mathematics. Wm. H. Johnson, Tutor of Languages. graduates. 1798. Wm. S. Webb, William Hinton, George W. Long, Samuel Hinton, ' Samuel A. Holmes. Hinton James, Robert Locke, 1800. Alexander Osborne, William Cherry, Edwin Jay Osborne, John Lawson Henderson, Adam Springs. Thomas Hunt. . 1799. 1801. Francis Nash Williams Burton, Thomas Gale Amis, William D. Crawford, Thomas Davis Bennehan, Andrew Flinn, John Branch, Archibald Debrow Murphy, Wm. McKenzie Clarke, John Phifer, Francis Little Dancy, Wm, Morgan Sneed, John Davis Hawkins, 120 HISTORY OP NORTH CAROLDTA. Thomas D. King, Archibald Lytle, Wm. H. Murfee. 1802. Adlai L. Osborne, George W. Thorntoc, Cary Wbitaker. 1803. Chesly Daniel, William P. Hall, Matthew Troy. 1804. Eichard Armstead^ Thomas Brown, Willie W. Jones, Atlas Jones, James Sneed, Richard Henderson. 1805. Jos. Warren Hawkins, Benjamin Franklin Hawkms, Spruce M. Osborne. 1806. John Adams Cameron^ James Henderson, Durant Hatch, James Martin. 1807. Dnncan J. Campbelly Stephen Davis, John Robert Donnelly Gavin Hogg, John C. Montgomery, John Louis Taylor. _ 1808. John Bright BrowEy Eol>ert Campbell, John Coleman, Wm. James CowaHy Wm. Pugh Ferrand, Alfred M. Gatlin, John Giles, William Green, James A. Harrington, William Henderson, Benjamin D. Rounsavillej, Lewis Williams, Thomas L. Williams. 1809. John Bobbitt, Maxwell Chambers, John Gilchrist, Philemon Hawkins,, William Hooper, John Briggs Mebane, Thomas G. Polk, John R. Stokes, John C. Williams, Abner W. Clopton. 1810. Thomas W. Jones, James F. Taylor, John Witherspoon. 1811. John A. Ramsey. 1812. Daniel Graham, James Hogg, Thomas Clarke Hooper, William Johnson, Murdoch McLean, Archibald McQueen, Johnson Pinkston, Joseph B. J. Roulhac, Wm. E. Webb, Charles J. Wright. 1813. Wm. Edward Bailey, Wm. Spaight Blackledge, Thomas Wharton Blackledge, Archibald Fairley, Thomas Faddis, Robert Gordon, John H. Hinton, Francis Hawkins, George W. Hawkinst, Duncan McKinnie, Wm. L. Polk, John G. Roulhac, Abner Stith, Lewis Taylor. 1814. Wm. Augustus Boon, Aaron V. Browne, James Farrier, James Graham, John W. Graves, John L. Graves, Robert Hall, Tippo S. Henderson, John Hill, Charles L. Hinton, Charles Manly, James Morrison, Samuel Pickens, Thomas B. Scott, Tryon M. Yancey, Edmund Wilkins. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 121 1815. John H. Bryan, Isaac Croom, George F. Graham, Edward Hall, < Lemuel Hatch, Francis L. Hawks, Kobert Hinton, James Hooper, Robert R. King, Mathew McClung, Willie P. Mangum, Stockley D. Mitchell, Mathew R. Moore, Priestly H. Mangum, Henry L. Plummer, Stephen R. Sneed, Richard D. Spaight, Hugh M. Stokes. 1816. Wm. J. Alexander, Lawson H. Alexander, James A. Craig, Moses J. DeRosset, Nathaniel Daniel, John E. Graham, Mark Henderson, Charles A Hill, Joseph R. Loyd, John Y. Mason, James McClung, Junius A. Moore, John Patterson, James Sampson, Wm. B. A. WalHs. 1817. Richard H. Alexander, Hardy B. Croom, Goodei'um Davis, Samuel T. Hauser, John II. Hawkins, John M. Morehead, James Simeson, Hardy L. Holmes, Wm. R. Holt, James Murdock. 1818. Robert Donaldson, Thomas J. Green, *Wm. M. Green, Arthur J. Hill, Hamilton C. Jones, Henry Jones, Pleasant H. May, Edward J. Mallett, Elam J. Morrison, * Bishop of Mississippi. t Late President of the United States. Robert H. Morrison, fWm. D. Mosely, Peter 0. Picot, JJames K. Polk, Hugh Waddell. 1819. Walker Anderson, J. L. Brooks, David T. Caldwell, Wm. H. Haywood, Owen Holmes, Simon P. Jordan, James Mann, James T. Morehead, John Q. McNeil, Clemens C. Read, James H. Ruffin. 1820. Cyrus Adams Alexander, Richard Allison, Wm. H. Battle, Archibald G. Carter, Charles G. Donoho, Wm. H. Hardin, Jno. S. Haywood, Wm. M. Lee, James F. Martin, Bartholomew F. Moore, James H. Otey, Mathias B. D."Palmer, Malcolm G. Purcell, Thomas E. Read, Charles G. Rose, Wm. Royall, Thomas *B. Slade, Richard J. Smith, Charles G. Spaight, John M. Stark, David W. Stone, John C. Taylor, Phillip H. Thomas, Henry C. Williams, Thomas H. Wright. 1821. Nath. W. Alexander, Samuel J. Alves, Benj. F. Blackledge, Robert H. Cowan, Bryan Croom, Frederick J. Cutler, John R, J. Daniel, Nicholas J. Drake, Robert Galloway, Henry T. Garnett, Nath. Ilarriss, Wm. R. Haywood, t Late Governor of Florida. 122 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Geo. W. Haywood, Sam'l Ileaden, Pleasant Henderson, Thompson M. Johnson, Thos. J. Lacey, Willis M. Lee, Wm. K. Mebane, Anderson Mitchell, Wm. S. Mhoon, Wm. D. Murphy, Spencer O'Brien, Edward G. Pasteur, Jos. II. Saunders, Wm. A. Shaw, Sam'l II. Smith, Jas. Stafford, Jas. H. Taylor, G. L. Torrence. 1822. Jas. Bowman, Chas. L. Davies, Wm. B. Davies, Thos. F. Davis, Jno. Elliot, Wm. A. Hall, Jas. T. Hall, Wm. Ilardiman, Benj. F. Haywood, Fabius J. Haywood, Thos. Hill, Jno. A. Hogan, Joel Holleman, Wm. D. Jones, Sam'l Kerr, Pleasant W. Kittrell, Kobt. G. Martin, Kobt. H. Mason, Washington Morrison, Robt. N. Ogden, Wm. D. Pickett, Lucius J. Polk, Abraham Kencher, Marion Saunders, Jas. B. Slade, Benj. Sumner, Geo. Terry, Alex. E. Wilson. 1823. Sam'l S. Bell, Geo. T. Bettner, Alex. M. Boylan, Daniel AV. Courts, Wm. S. Chapman, Geo. F. Davidson, Jas. 11. Dickson, John C. Ellerbe, Robt. B. Gilliam, Thos. G. Graham, Isaac Hall, Thos. B. Haywood, Jas. K. Leitch, Edmond L. Martin, Hugh Martin, Benj. T. Moore, Victor M. Murphy, Richmond M. Pearson, Jno. Rains, Benj. S. Ricks, Mathias E. Sawyer, Alfred M. Scales, Sam'l Stewart, Thos. Sumner, Jas. A. Washington, Geo. Whitfield, Robt. P. Williamson, Wm. L. Wills. 1824. John Allison, Benj. H. Alston, Willis W. Alston, Dan. B. Baker, Benj. B. Blume, Thomas Bond, Robt. W. Booth, John Bragg, Jas. W. Bryan, Henry E. Coleman, Armand J. DeRosset, Thos. Dews, Richard Evans, Richard Fearn, Ervin J. Frierson, Wm. N. Gibson, Wm. A. Graham, Robert Hall, ' Hardy Holmes, Wm. F. Lytle, Mathias E. Manly, Augustus Moore, James H. Norwood, John W. Norwood, David Outlaw, Broomfield L. Ridley, David N. Sanders, Edw. D. Sims, Wm. R. Smith, Sam'l F. Sneed, Wm. A. Taylor, Wm. H. Thompson, William J. Twitty, John L. Wright. 1825. Charles E. Alexander, Elam Alexander, Albert V. Allen, Walter Alves, William E. Anderson, Isaac Baker, Allen J. Bai-bee, Wm. J. Bingham, HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 123 Wm. P. Boylan, James 0. Bruce, Jesse Carter, John D. Clancy, Richard S. Clinton, Washington Donnell, John M. Gee, Milo A. Giles, Ralph Gorrell, Livingston Harris, Fred. W. Harrison, Jonathan H. Ilaughton, Samuel S. Hinton, William II. Hodge, Samuel L. Holt, Benjamin S. Long, James Martin, James Moore, Columbus Morrison, James E. Morrison, Thomas 11. Pipkin, Marshal T. Polk, Samuel W. Poplcston, Thomas Riddle, William Seawell, William D. Sims, John W. Walters, Burrell B. Wilkes, William A. Wright, J. J. Wyche, William B. Wright. 1826. Silas M. Andrews, Daniel M. Barringer, Henry T. Clark, Richard S. Croom, William B. Dunn, Henry B. Elliott, William H. Gray, Thomas S. Iloskins, Archibald Gilchrist, Samuel I. Johnston, Jacob A. King, Erasmus D. North, William Norwood, Ferdinand W. Risque, John Smith, Oliver D. Tredwell, Leander A. Watts, Thomas W. Watts, James M. Wright. 1827. Charles W. 11. Alexander, Robert J. Allison, James W. Armstrong, Absalom K. Barr, Thomas W. Belt, Thompson Byrd, William D. Crawford, John L. Fairley, Thomas P. Hall, Lawson F. Henderson, John W. Huske, John R. Jordan, Edwin A. Keeble, Lorenzo Lee, Richard H. Lewis, Jesse H. Lindsay, Alexander Macky, George Miller, Alfred 0. P. Nicholson, Thomas M. C. Prince, Robert A. T. Ridley, Reuben T. Saunders, Charles B. Shepard, Lewis G. Slaughter, James V. Thompson, Lewis Thompson, Whitmel B. Tunstall, John R. Williamson, John Winston, Warren Winslow, William H. Wooding, Henry Yarborough. 1828. Richard H. Battle, Edwin G. Booth, Henry S. Clarke, John P. Gaiise, Edwin R. Harris, James D. Hall, Thomas P. Johnston, James K. Nesbitt, Thomas J. Oakes, John L. Taylor, Henry I. Toole. 1829. Philip W. Alston, John P. Brown, Burton Craige, Thomas W. Dulany, William Eaton, James A. Johnston, Sidney X. Johnston, James E. Kerr, Osborne F. Long, David M. Lee, Richard M. Shepherd, Franklin L. Smith, Richard R. Wall, Rufus A. Yancey. 1830. John A. Backhouse, John H. Edwards, Rawley Galloway, Cicero S. Hawks, Richard K. Hill, William W. Kennedy, 124 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. George G. Lea, Nathaniel McCain, James W. Osborne, WiUiam K. Ruffin, Aaron J. Spivey, Elisha Stedman, John M. Stedman, Benjamin F. Terry. 1831. Henry J. Cannon, James Grant, J. D. B. Hooper, Allen C. Jones, Calvin Jones, Alexander Mebane, Thomas R. Owen, Thomas J. Pitchford, Samuel B. Powell, Archibald A. I. Smith, William W. Spear, Jacob Thompson, Jesse A. Waugh, James Monroe Williamson. 1832. Thomas L. Armstrong, Thomas S. Ashe, Samuel S. Biddle, Thomas L. Clingman, Daniel G. Doak, James C. Dobbin, George Hairston, John L. Hargrave, Thomas W. Harris, John H. Haughton, Thomas B. Hill, Michael B. Holt, Cadwallader Jones, Thomas J. Jones, John H. Parker, Rufus M. Roseborough, Richard H. Smith, Stephen S. Sorsby, James 0. Stedman, Samuel B. Stephens, Thomas E. Taylor, Samuel A. AYilliams, Charles C. Wilson. 1833. John G. Bynum, William M. Crenshaw, P. E. A. Jones, Edmund W. Jones, Warren E. Kennedy, Junius B. King, Solomon Lea, William N. Mebane, William H. Owen, Julian E. Sawyer, Josiah Stallings, Addi E. D. Thorra, Henry J. McLin. 1834. Albert G. Anderson, Samuel R. Blake, William P. Bond, William B. Carter, Harrison W. Covington, William P. Gunn, Thomas G. Haughton, David McAllister, Henry W. Miller, Abraham F. Morehead, James B. Shepard, Samuel Williams, Thomas J. Williams. 1835. C. C. Battle, Rich'd B. Creecy, Charles R. Dobson, Augustus J. Foster, Henry L. Graves, Haywood W. Guion, Robert W. Henry, James H. Hutchins, John Paisley, Horace L. Robards, William A. Rose, Samuel Ruffin, James C. Smith, John G. Thompson, William G. Welsh. 1836. James A. Chrichton, John A. Downey, Ralph H. Graves, Thomas Gholson, Joseph E. Hamlet, William W. Hooper, Benjamin J. Howze, Thomas S. Jacobs, Thomas Jones, Robert G. McCutchin, Frederick N. j\L Williams, Henry K. Nash, Charles L. Pettigrew, . William B. Rodman, James Saunders, Lawrence W. Scott, Thomas Stamps, William L. Stamps, John G. Tull. 1837. William W. Avery, Augustus Benners, Perrin Busbee, HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 125 Peter W. Hairston, George S. HoUey, Samuel B. Massey, Leonard H. Taylor, James G. Womack, Pride Jones. . 1838. Kemp P. Alston, H. W. Burgwin, Charles ■J.4i- Craddock, Green M. Cuthbert, George Davis, Joseph W. Evans, Needham W. Herring, Benjamin M. Hobson, Albert G. Hubbard, J. J. Jackson, K. H. Levris, AVilliam J. Long, Charles M. McCauley, John J. Ptoberts, Colin Shaw, James Summerville, William R. Walker, Wilson W. Whitaker, Gaston H. Wilder. 1839. Clarke M. Avery, John N. Barksdale, William F. Browne, Jarvis Buxton, Richard T. Donnell, Dennis D. Ferebee, John L. Hadley, Jos. H. Headen, Walter A. Huske, Alpheus Jones, Augus. C. McNeil, Thomas D. Meares, Isaac N. Tillet. 1840. David A. Barnes, Tod R. Caldwell, Jno. W. Cameron, Richard H. Claiborne, Ralph A. Clement, Jno. W. Cunningham, Daniel B. Currie, Isaac Shelby Currie, Wm. H. H. Dudley, Charles C. Graham, Wm. S. Green, Francis H. Hawks, William H. Henderson, Lucius J. Johnston, Wm. Johnston, Daniel L. Kenan, Jno, A. Lillington, Wm. Logan, Willis H. McLeod, Andrew McMillan, Walter W. Pharr, Oliver H. Prince, Samuel J. Proctor, Archibald Purcell, Duncan Sellares, Jno. P. Sharpe, Albert M. Shipp, Wm. M. Shipp, Thomas H. Spruill, Wm. Thompson, Calvin H. Wiley. 1841. Benj. F. Atkins, Thos. L. Avery, Robert F. Bridges, John W. Brodanax, Robert Burton, Archibald H. Caldwell, Wm. J. Clark, Wm. F. Dancy, Jno. S. Dancy, Leonidas L. Dancy, Jas. A. Delk, Robt. D. Dickson, John W. Ellis, John S. Erwin, Chauncey W. Graham, Stephen Graham, Wm. W. Green, Atlas 0. Harrison, Jno. D. Hawkins, Richard B. Haywood, Jno. F. Hoke, Angus R. Kelly, Jas. A. Long, Hector McAllster, Vardry A. McBee, Montfort McGehee, Andrew F. McRee, Saml. B. McPheeters, Stephen A. Norflet, Francis L. Pearson, Richmend N. Pearson, Charles Phillips, Samuel F. Phillips, Horatio M. Polk, Thomas RufEn, Jesse G. Shepherd, Robert Strange, Jr. James F. Taylor, James II. Viser, Samuel H. Walkup, Thos. B. Wetmore, James II. Williams, Jno. C. Williams. 126 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1842. Richard J. Ashe, Rufus Barringer, Wm. A. Bell, Francis T. Bryan, James A. Caldwell, James W. Campbell, Robert M. Campbell, David Coloman, James L. iJiisenbery, Stephen S. Ureen, Wm. II. Ilaigh, Wm. W. Harris, Chas. P. Ilartwell, Wm. I. Hayes, Peter J. Holmes, John F. Jack, Wm. F. Lewis, Wm. F. Martin, Wm. P. McBee, Thos. P. Morrisy, Wm. S. Mullins, Israel L. Pickens, Nath. II. Quince, Geo. W. Kuffin, Jno. B. Smith, Ashley W, Spaight. 1842. Jos. J. Summeroll, Ruffin A\\ Tomlinson, Richd. D. AVilson. 1843. Cheslcy P. P. Barber, James M. Boyd, Jno. L. Bridges, Ashbcll G. Brown, Henry L. Clement, Thos. A. Covington, Wm. D. Cowan, Robt. P. Dick, Jas. W. Downing, Philo P. Henderson, Richard B. Hill, Jos. C. Iluske, Jas. P. Erwin, Thos. L. Johnston, Richard T. Jones, Rufus H. Jones, Michael A. King, J. W. Lancaster, Jas. A. Leak, Walter W. Lenoir, Frederick J. Lord, Jos. McCleese, Thomas L. D. McDowell, Bartlet Y. McNairy, John L. Mears, Jno. G. B. iMj'ers, Saml. J. Person, Jno. J. Rpcsp, Willis II. Saunders, Thos. D. Walker, Jno. T. Watson, Jno. L. Williamson, Clement G. Wright, 1844. Jno. Ballaiifant, Wm. F. Barbee, Wm. S. Battle, Wm. A. Blount, Jno. B. Borden, Jno. II. Bryan, Jno. II. M. Clinch, Edmond D. Covington, Jno. Cowan, Robert Cowan, Pleasant U. Dalton, Chas. F. Dewey, Leonidas C. Edwards, Alfred G. Foster, Robt. T. Fuller, Henry G. Graham, Jos. M. Graham, Ebenezer C. (Jricr, Robert T. Hall, Philemon B. Hawkins, Wm. Hill, Wm. II. Ilinton, Jas. Horner, Jas. S. Johnston, Gustavus A. Jones, Edward B. Lewis, Robin II. C. Jones, Jno. W. Long, Jos. McLaurin, Peter K. Rounsaville, Thos. Ruffin, Robt. A. Sanders, James G. Scott, Benjamin M. Smith, Stephen A. Stanfield, Walter L. Steele, Thomas II. C. Turner, George B. Wetmore, Exom L. Whi taker, James A. Wiiubish, Edward C. Yellowby. 1845. William E. Barnett, Jos. J. B. Batchelor, Charles Bruce, Peter G. Burton, Ralph P. Burton, Samuel P. Calvert, Samuel G. Cockrell, Thomas T. Davis, Edward Drunigoole, Edwin A. Duseubery, HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 127 Alexander B. Hawkins, James P. Ilerrin, Eugene J. llinton, Owen D. Holmes, Pleasant A. Holt, II. 0. W. Hooker, Virginius H. Ivey, Frederick D. Lent, Langdon C. INIanly, Kicluxrd H. INIason, Thimias C. Mcllhenny, William T. Mcbane, Alexander D. Moore, Lucius H. Saunders, Reuben C. Shorter, Thomas T. Slade, Jesse P. Smith, De Witt C. Stone, > George V. Strong, Thomas 1. Sumner, Leonidas Tavlor, Samuel D.Wharton, Thomas E. Whyte. 1846. James S. Amis, Turner W. Battle, William K. Blake, Alexander F. Brevard, William S. Bryan, William F. Carter, John X. Daniel, William A. Daniel, William P. Duke, Solomon J. Faison, William A. Faison, Bichard N. Forbes, Edward H. Hicks, R. C. T. S. Hilliard, John L. Holmes, David S. Johnston, William B. Mears, Thomas U. Newby, Stephen F. Pool, Sion H. Rogers, James S. Ruffin, Frederic A. Shepherd, John Vicar Sherard, David T. Taylor, James R. Ward, Richard T. Weaver, Beniamin F. Whitaker, Owen H. Whitfield, Hillory M. Wilder. 1847. Alfred Alston, Joel D. Battle, Joseph Benjamin, George AV. Berry, Alexander J. Causler, Duncan L. Clinch, John C. Coleman, Thomas W.Dewey, Samuel J. Erwin, John 0. Guiou, Eli W. Hall, Thomas C. Hall, James W. Hicks, Elias C. nines, David llinton, William M. Howerton, John J. Kindred, M. Langford, Lionel Lincoln Levy, William Lucas, William H. 3Ianly, Benjamin F. Mebane, James L. Moseley, John D. Myrick, Edmond H. Norcom, James J. Pettigrew, John Pool, MatthcAV W. Ransom, Charles E. Shober, Thomas E. Skinner, Robert Hunter Tate, AVilliam S. Trigg, Joseph J. W. Tucker, Thomas Webb, John H. Whitaker, Robert H. Winborne. 1848. Alctor Clay Barringer, Geo. T. Baskerville, John B. Bynum, Richard A. Caldwell, John W. Cameron, John Xavier Campbell, Belficld William Cave, Oliver H. Dockery, Seaton Gales, Bryan Grimes, Jr., Benjamin S. Guion, Thomas H. Holmes, Erasmus A. Roscoe Hooker, James J. Iredell, William A. Jenkins, Peter II. McEachin, Willie P. Mangum, Jr., Oliver P. Meares, James N. Montgomery, Hardy INIurfree, Hazell Norwood, Lorenzo Dow Pender, Thomas P. Person, Nathan A. Ramsey, John K. Strange, Rufus S. Tucker, George Washington, John Wilson, 128 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Robert W. Wilson. 1849. Thomas M. Arrington, John Troup Banks, Kemp P. Battle, Benjamin Yancey Beene, Ephraim Joseph Brevard, James Pettigrew Bryan, John II. Corbett, Alexander Cunningham, Johnson M. De Berniere, AVilliam A. Dick, William B. Dortch, Henry M. Dusenbery, Fourney George, Thomas D. Ilaigh, Peter M. Hale, William E. Hill, Peter E. Ilines, Samuel T. Iredell, James M. Johnson, John M. John^n, William II. Jones, Charles E. Lowther, Nathaniel MoClaire, John C. McNair, Malcom McXair, Edward Mallet, William 0. Pool, Thomas J. Kobinson, Isaac B. Sanders, James P. Scales, Charles K. Thomas, Daniel T. Towles, Bryan W. Whitfield, John A. Whitticld, Needham B. Whitfield, George V. Young. 1850. Joel C. Blake, James F. Cane, Julius X. Caldwell, Alfred II. Carrigan, Edward C. Chambers, Julius L. Gorrel, Robert A. Ilairston, Henry Hardie, Madison Hawkins, John Hill, Richard Ilines, Benjamin R. Huske, William II. Johnston, Washington C. Kerr, John Manning, James R. Mendenhall, Robert H. Langford, Thomas Settle, Jr., Joseph W. Small, Robert L. Smith, Samuel E. Whitfield, Richard H. AVhitfield, Wm. J. White. 1851. , Charles E. Bellamy, Joseph Bonner Bryan, David Miller Carter, Watkins Leigh Claiborne, Thos. Addis Emmett Evans, Bartholomew Fuller, Thos. Miles Garrett, Richard Swepson Grant, Julius Guion, Benj. Sherwood Iledrick, Samuel Ashe Holmes, iEgidius Leitch, Jesse Harper Lindsay, Malcome McDuffie, Neill McKay, Jr., Thos. T. Norcom, Rufus Lenoir Patterson, Jas. Alfred Patton, Wm. Marshall Richardson, EthL'ldred Kuflin, Claudius Brock Sanders, Joseph James Seawell, Francis E. Shober, Peter Evans Smith, Charles Cornelius Terry, Frederick Armand Toomer, Lowndes Treadwell, John Waddill, Jr., James Augustus Washington. George Washington Watson, John Thomas Wheat, Jr., Wilson Cary Whitaker, Edmund Webb Wilkina, John Lewis Woostcr. ORDER OF EXERCISES AT THE COMMENCExMENT, JUNE, 1851. 1. Salutatory Oration in Latin. CLAUDirs B. Sanders, , Johnston. 2. Oration. " Early History of North Carolina.'' Bartholomew Fuller, Fayettevilk. 3. Oration. " Party Spirit." Taos. Addis Emmett Evans, CuinbcrlaniL HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 129 4. Oration. " The Infirmities of Men of Genius." Julius Guiox, Raleigh. 5. Oration. " A Graduate's Aspirations." William Marshall Richardson, Anson. 6. Oration. "Virtue alone makes Men Free." Tnos. Miles Garrett, Colerain. 7. Oration. "Religious Tests of Office, unjust and impolitic in a Repub- lic." David Miller Carter, Ilijde. 8. Oration. "Excelsior." Lowndes Treadwell, Lamar, Miss. 9. Oration. "Socialism." Jesse Harper Lindsay, Greensborough. AFTERNOON. 1. Oration. " Influence of Public Opinion." Leigh Claiborne, Tipton, Tcnn. 2. Oration. "The late Crisis in our National Affairs." Frederick Armand Toomer, Pittsborough. 3. Oration. "The noblest ipotive is the Public Good." Charles Cornelius Terry, liichmond. 4. Oration. " Flora Macdonald." Malcolm James McDuffie, Cumberland. 5. Annual Report. 6. A Valedictory Oration. James Alfred Patton, Asheville. Davidson College is located in Mecklenburg County, and so called in honor of General William Davidson, who fell in the battles of his country, on the banks of the Catawba, on the 1st of Feb- ruary, 1781. It was opened in March, 1837, Rev. R. H. Mor- rison, D. D., as President, and P. S. Sparrow, as Professor of Languages. It first operated as a Manual Labor Institution, but after four years' trial this system was abandoned. In 1838 it was chartered by the Legislature. By its constitution, no one is eligible as trustee, professor, or teacher, but members of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Morrison, from ill health, was compelled to resign his trust, and was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Williamson. He is now pastor of Unity and Machpelah churches, in Lincoln County. As a man, and as a divine, he has few equals, but no superiors. 9 130 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Mr. Sparrow was for a period aftei-wards President of Ilampdeii Sidney College, in Virginia, and now resides in Alabama, and is distinguished for his learning, piety, and eloquence. Its present faculty are, Rev. Samuel Williamson, D. D., President, and Professor of Chemistry, Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Rhetoric. Rev. Samuel B. 0. Wilson, Professor of Languages. Mortimer M. Johnson, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, and Natural Philosophy. Rev. E. F. Rockwell, Professor of Philosophy. THE SOCIETIES, LIBRARIES, ETC. t The Literary Societies of the students are known to be under good regulations and highly favorable to the promotion of intellect- ual improvement. The Libraries number over a thousand volumes each, and receive additions every session, which, in connection with the College Li- brary, afford to the Students an opportunity of extensive reading. ALUMNI. GRADUATED IS 1840. A. M. Bogle, James R. Baird, Wilkes T. Caston, Wm. S. M. Davidson, R. F. Johnston, E. C. Davidson, Thos. F. King, R. N. Davis, Thos. M. Kirkpatrick, Wm. Flinn, M. L. McCorklr, Thos. I). Houston, John M. Sample, "Wui. II. .Johnston, Wm. T. Savage, .James Knox, J. Robinson Shive, 11. II. Kimmons, R. 0. P. Stewart, 0. D. McNeely, W.-L. Torrence. Arch'd JS'cely. GRADUATED Vi 1844. ORADCATED IX 1S41. W'. L. Anderso'n, Sam'l L. Adams, J. M. Baker, Cyrus K. Caldwell, A. L. Crawford, W. P. Caldwell, S. C. Caldwell, T. E. Davis, J. M. Doby, R. W. Martin, W. A. Moore, Wm. II. Moore, J. L. Porter, James S. C. Moore, R. B. Price, M. C. McNair, J. P. Rosseau, Samuel C. Pharr, J. A. Stewart, James G. Ramsev, J. II. Stewart. R. E. Sherrill, ' Daniel B. Wood. GRADUATED IN 184-3. J. J. Bossard, GRADUATED IN' 1842. A. E. Chandler, n. C. Alexander, J. M. Davidson, II. W. Black, J. G. A. Dick, Wm. P. Bvnum, J. A. Fox, T. C. Crawford, J. M. Gill, W. L. Davidson, J. II. Houston, II. B. Johnson, S. N. Hutchison, T. A. Krider, E. N. Hutchison, II. R. McLean. M. Lingle, J. B. McCallum, GRADUATED IN 1843. J. N. McXeely, J. F. Allison, H. McNeil, HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 131 W. M. Peacock, J. M. "Walker, J. n. White. A. White, II. II. Wilson. GRADUATED IN 1846. E. C. Alexander, graduated in 1848. W. J. Cooper, S. C. Alexander, J. L. Gaither, R. R. Barr, W. B. Henderson, S. W. Davis, A. I. McKni^ht, J. R. Gillespie, Wm. McNeill, J. M. Henderson, J. W. McKae, J. F. Houston, P. T. Peniek, A. A. James, W. II. Sin-Ietarv, B. F. Little, J. A. Williamson, J. L. Miller, S. Z. Williamson. G. D. Parks, B. C. Powell, GRADUATED IN 1847. A. M. Watson. J. S. Barr, W. C. Barr, graduated in 1840. J. T. K. Bolk, J. N. Dinkins, W. Black, James Douglass, T. F. Chambers, A. M. Erwin, A. Enlne, T. W. Erwin, R. K. Kinp;, R. H. Johnston, P. B. .MrLaurin, S. M. ISIcDowcll, E. R. Mills, W. S. Moore, S. K. Pharr, S, R. Spann. E. C. Stewart, Its location is salubrious, removed from the allurements of \dce, and amid a population iml^ued with the tenets of the church under whose auspices it is established, and in a fertile region, its useful- ness and influence will doubtless be most happy in our State. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE. MEMBERS OF TUE FACULTY. Rev. Joiix B. Wjiite, President, and Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. William II. Owen, A.M., Professor of Greek, Latin, and French. Rev. William T. Brookes, A. M., Adjunct Professor of Lan- guaf^es, and Teacher in the Academical Department. William T. Walters, A.B., Tutor in Mathematics. Benjamin W. Justice, A. B., Tutor in Natural Science. Rev. James S. Purify, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, and General Agent. BOARD OF trustees. Rev. Samuel Wait, D. D., Presi- G. C. Moore, M. D. dent of the Board. Samuel J. W^heeler, M. D. Hon. Alfred Duckcry. George W. Thompson, Esq. Rev. John Purify. William M. Crenshaw, M. D. Charles W. Skinner, Esq. Hon. Thomas Settle. Rev. David S. Williams. Nathaniel J. Palmer, Esq. Rev. Georpe M. Thompson. Rev. George W. Purify. David Justice, Eeq. George W. Jones, Esq. 132 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Jdhn Kerr, Esfj. R. W. Lawson, Esq. Rev. J. J. James. Sidney S. Lea, Esq. Kev. James McDaniel. 11. Hester, Esq. II(in. Calvin Graves. Hon. William A. Graham. Kev. William Jones. llhodes X, Ilerndon, Esq. George R. French, Esq. Henry F. Bond, Esq. J. J. Riggs, Esq. Council Wouten, Esq. Kev. James S. Purify. John Berry, Esq. Samuel S. Biddle, Esq. Rev. Elias Dodson. Rov. William Hooner, LL.D. A. Armstrong, Esq. William Russell, Esq. We have been furnished with but little information respecting this institution. It was fomnlcd by the Baptist denomination in 1834, as an Institute or Classical Seminary, and such was its pros- perity that it was deemed expedient to obtain a college charter in 1838. The number of students have varied annu;illy from 75 to 1-50. It has had a most hapjiy inlluence upon the denomination that founded it, and has also contributed much to diffuse a lively interest in the cau.se of education throughout the State. The father and founL, who had for twelve years occupied the rmfcssorship of Mathi-matics and Natural IMiihtsophy, was elected President. The institution has gradually been gaining in public fav<>r. i^ free from debt, and has the prospect of u speedy endowment. There are two literary societies connected with the institution, with beautiful halls and excellent libraries. There is also a choice cabinet of minerals, and apparatus fnr illustrating the natural sciences. The location is a very fortunate one. It is in Wake County, sixteen miles north of RaUigh, and immediately upon the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. Its distance from the (listracting influence of towns and villages, the healthiness of the surrounding country, the beauty of the scenery, and the elevated character of the in- habitants for intelligence and jnorality, make it a fortunate location for a great literary institution. There are many other institutions in the State devoted to education. The Edgeworth Institute, and Methodist Female Institute at Greens- boro'; the Female School at Salem, under the Moravians; Saint Mary's School, at Raleigh, under the care of Rev, A, Smedes; the Chowan Collegiate Institute at Murfreesboro', in Ilertfnril County, under charge of Rev, M. R. Forey (Doctor Godwin C, Moore is Chairman of the Board of Trustees) ; and two schools at Warren- ton, one under care of Honorable Daniel Turner, and the other under Rev. Mr. Graves, are for the education of females and have done great service to the country. We regret that our limits do not allow a minute account or ex- tended statement of their establishment or their value. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 133 The great substratum of our education in North Carolina, is the COMMON SCHOOLS. Judge Reeves, in his work on Domestic Rchitions (published 1810), states that during an extensive pcactice of the law in Con- necticut for twenty years, he had met only two persons who could not read and write. Can any lawyer of our State say the same ? Tlio table here given ])ro.f the various information, obtained bv means of the late census of the United States. It exhibits a comparative view (»f the number of wliite persons over twenty years of age, in the different States, who cannot read or write. Connecticut, in 5CS Mississippi, in 20 Vermont, 44 473 Delaware, 4( 18 New Hampshire, ti 310 Indiana, <1 18 Mfissachusotts, * t 100 1 Soutii Carolina, H 17 Maine, «< los Illinois, it 17 Michigan, 4( '.17 Mi.^souri, n 1(3 llhode I»»l:inJ, • ( G7 Aiahama, <( 15 New .Jersey, l( 5S Kentucky, << 13.1 New York, 1( 56 hio, it 43 Arkansas, i^/i i'aj- )"tKa ooe f/^l Cui i'o« ^^'t: i. BS ns^ksf "58,. /-I ^1: (X'Sl ft*' oil r. Wi /./S ^*vi Si R- »/! \: Tit X'" vY- /«? 6T^ ViO XZm" .X-i ■<*! ^^^ ;x;l -r^3^ Al?-'? KttC ^AROUN LAN DINO 4" JUUY 15a* .HA RTE R O HABltS 2° I6« □IVIOCO IN Counfiej marke/l *r do Twinoa;' Iretboccoe fi«^ ^^^/or^ /i/«^ ^^Wtj- iojJiow /to crown .72 cottniuj s/umg. ^ avawancc .rr. 'mcCKkM. Dec. or indsp": WIATT 171) Location, Origin, and D ate ofBfcction of every Counly .aTtorth Cataliita, for Sketches of No/Cel byJ.HWheeler. 1851. HISTOEICAL SKETCHES OF NORTH CAROLINA From 1584 to 1851. COMPILED FROM ORIGIN^AL RECORDS, OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, AND TRADITIONAL STATEMENTS. WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF HER DISTINGUISHED STATESMEN, JURISTS, LAWYERS, SOLDIERS, DIVINES, ETC. BY JOHN H. WHEELER, LATE TEEASXTREK OF THE STATE. "Truth is stranger than Fiction." ILLUSTRATED WITH ENGRAVING-S. VOL. IL PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, GRAM BO AND CO. SUCCESSORS TO GRIGG, ELLIOT AND CO. 1851. EXPLANATION OF THE MAP. Ox the dissolution of the Proprietary Government in 1729, the Province of North Carolina was divided into three Counties : — 1. Albemarle. 2. Bath. 3. Clarendon. From these three branches spring all the Counties of the State. See Sketches, vol. i. 42. All of these (Albemarle, Bath and Clarendon) exist only by name, the territory having been divided, and are only used, as are also Bute, Dobbs, Tryon and Glasgow (marked thus *) to show the branches from whence other counties have sprung. To find a County, its formation and derivation, is not difficult. Wake, for instance, is a centre County, formed in 1770 from Cumberland, Orange and Johnston. Revised Statutes, vol. ii. 165. Lincoln County, formed in 1779 from Tryon (see Revised Statutes), which in that year was divided into Lincoln and Rutherford ; Tryon erected in 1768 from Mecklenburg ; Mecklenburg in 1762 from Anson ; Anson in 1749 from Bladen ; Bladen in 1734 from New Hanover ; New Hanover in 1729 from Clarendon, . All of which is plainly visible in the delineation. Guilford County was formed in 1770, from Orange and Rowan ; but as Orange was from a different stock than Rowan, it could not be delineated on the plan of the tree. This must be borne in mind. The engraver has omitted in some of the engravings to letter the branch Caswell, springing from Orange and Person, which springs from Caswell, which the reader will supply. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ^.^-CARo^^, The above is the Coat of Arms of North Carolina, as exhibited on the Great Seal of State. In December, 1776, William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, and Thomas Burke, were appointed to prepare "a suitable device for the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina." It is emblematic, and represents Liberty and Plenty. Liberty holds in her left hand the Constitution, and in her right a staflf surmounted by the cap of Liberty, indicating that her liberties are safe and secured by the Constitution. Plenty holds in her right hand an ear of grain, and at her le^ the cornu- copia3 is seen, from vrhich pour forth the rich fruits of the earth ; both indi- cating that North Carolina is a land of liberty guided by lavr, and abundant in products to sustain life. COUNTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA, In 1728, the precincts of North Carolina were Currituck, Pasquotank, Per- quimans, Chowan, Craven, Beaufort, Bertie, Hyde, and Carteret.* In 1729, Tyrrcl and New Hanover. In 1731, Onslow and Bladen. In 1738, the precincts were denominated counties.f Chapter I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI« XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXVIX. XL. XLI. Alamance - Alexander Anson Ashe Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus - Caldwell - Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee - Chowan Cleaveland Columbus - Craven Cumberland Currituck - Davidson - Davie Duplin Edgecombe Forsjthe Franklin Gaston Gates Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Haywood - Henderson Hertford Hyde Iredell * Williamson, vol. ii. page 246. AGE 10 Chap. XLII. Jackson PAGE 218 20 XLIII. Johnston 219 21 XLIV. Jones - 221 26 XLV. Lenoir - 223 28 XLVI. Lincoln - 225 30 XLVII. MacDowell - 249 35 XLVIII. Macon - 250 45 XLIX. Madison 251 51 L. Martin - 251 55 63 69 LI. Mecklenburg - LII^ Montgomery - LIII. Moore - 254 270 272 70 LIV. Nash - 274 72 LV. New Hanover 276 77 82 LVI. Northampton LVII. Onslow - 295 298 83 LVIII. Orange - 300 87 88 LIX. Pasquotank - LX. Perquimans - 339 341 97 LXI. Person - 343 108 LXII. Pitt 345 109 124 LXIII. Kandolph LXIV. Richmond 348 350 132 LXV. Robeson 352 136 LXVI. Rockingham - 354 137 LXVII. Rowan 356 138 LXVIII. Rutherford - 399 141 147 149 LXIX. Sampson LXX. Stanly - LXXI. Stokes - 401 403 403 151 LXXII. Surry - 408 159 LXXIII. Tyrrell - 411 161 LXXIV. Union - 414 167 LXXV. Wake - 414 169 LXXVI. Warren 423 184 204 207 207 LXXVII. Washington - LXXVIII. Watauga LXXIX. Wayne LXXX. Wilkes 442 444 454 461 212 LXXXI. Yadkin 467 214 LXXXII. Yancey t Martin, ii. 27. 467 SERIES III. The State ■ of North Carolina is situated between 33° 53^, and 36° 33" north latitude, and 1° 28' east, and 6° 50' west longitude. It is so called in honor of Charles II., who granted the charter to the Duke of Albemarle and others. It is bounded on the north by the State of Virginia, east by the Atlantic, south by South Carolina, and west by Tennessee. Its mean length is about 362 miles. Its mean breadth is 121 miles. Its area is 43,800 square miles, or 28,032,000 acres. It was the first State in which the English landed (1584), and the first State whose citizens threw off the English yoke (1775). Its shape is irregular. Its northern line (36°33') is straight from east to west. Its eastern boundary irregular by the indent- ures and curvatures of the Atlantic. Its southern line still more irregular, as is also its western line, by the course of the Blue Ridge. The State is divided into eighty-two counties, the names of which are exhibited in the following table, with the sections of the State in which they are situated, the date of their formation, the capital or county town, distance from Raleigh (the seat of govern- ment), and the population of each in federal numbers, according to the last census. The population of the State is 553,290 white ; 27,196 free colored ;.288,412 slaves ; 753,505 federal population ; 841 Indians. Its products, according to the census of 1840, are 1,960,855 bushels of wheat. 506,766 dollars annual amount of 3,574 " barley. lumber sold. 3,193,941 " oats. 73,350 barrels of fish. 213,971 " rye. 593,451 barrels of tar, pitch, turpen- 23,893,763 " corn. tine, and rosin. 2,609,239 " potatoes. 995,300 dollars invested in cotton 625,044 pounds of wool. factories. 16,772,359 " tobacco. 2,802 distilleries, which produce 2,820,388 " rice. 1,051,979 gallons. 51,926,190 " cotton. 10,000 dollars worth of lead, 17,163 " sugar. 255,618 " gold. 5,082,835 dollars invested in merchan- 968 tons of iron, dise. 6 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. TABLE I. Chapter. Counties. Names of Date of Course and Distance 1850. Capital Towns. Forma- tion. from Raleigl 1. Federal Population. Miles 1 . llamance ' jraham 1848 ] ^orth-west 54 10,165 2 . (Alexander Paylorsville 1846 ] Vorth-west 150 5,602 3 . A.nson ^Vadesboro' 1749 . south-west 143 10.756 4 . A.she ? Teflferson 1799 ] Extreme N.W. 2021 8,539 6 ] Beaufort Washington 1738 : 3ast 127 11,716 6 : Bertie Windsor 1722 East 157 9,973 7 Sladen Elizabethtown 1734 South-east ■ 99 8,023 8 Brunswick Smithville 1764 South-east 173 5,951 9 Buncombe Asheville 1791 West 256 12,738 10 Burke VIorganton 1777 West 197 6,919 11 Dabarrus Concord 1792 South-west 139 8,673 12 Caldwell Lenoir 1841 North-west 200 5,835 13 Camden Court House 1777 North-east 219 5,174 14 Carteret Beaufort 1729 South-east 168 6,208 15 Caswell Yanceyville 1777 North 66 12,161 16 Catawba Newton 1842 West 175 8,234 17 Chatham Pittsboro' 1770 West 34 16,055 18 Cherokee Murphy 1839 Extreme S.W. 3671 6,703 19 Chowan Edenton 1729 East 182 5,251 20 Cleaveland Shelby 1841 South-west 190 9,697 21 Columbus Whitesville 1808 South-east 125 5,307 22 Craven Newborn 1729 East 120 12,328 23 Cumberland Fayetteville 1754 South 60 17,723 24 Currituck Court House 1729 Extreme N.E. 242 6,257 25 Davidson Lexington 1822 West 117 14,123 26 Davie Mocks ville 1836 West 120 6,997 27 Duplin Kenansville 1749 East 89 11,111 28 Edgecombe Tarboro' 1733 East 76 13,770 20 Forsythe Winston 1848 North-west 110 10,026 30 Franklin Louisburg 1779 East 36 9,510 31 Gaston Dallas 1846 West 175 7,228 32 Gates Gatesville 1779 East 167 6,877 33 Granville Oxford 1746 North 45 17,303 34 Greene Snowhill 1799 East 89 5,321 35 Guilford Halifax Greensboro' Halifax 1770 West 82 87 18,479 36 1758 East 13,007 37 Haywood Waynesville 1808 West 294 6,906 38 Henderson Hendersonville 1838 West 250 6,483 39 Hertford "Winton 1759 East 155 6,655 40 Hyde Swan Quarter 1729 East 203 6,585 41 Iredell Statesville 1788 West 145 13,062 42 Jackson 1850 West 43 Johnston Smithfield 1746 South-east 27 11,860 44 Jones Trenton 1779 East 129 3,935 45 Lenoir Kingston 1791 East 80 6,181 46 Lincoln Lincolnton 1779 West 172 6,924 47 MacDowell Marion 1842 West 20C 5,741 48 Macon Franklin 1828 West 331 6,169 49 Madison Marshall 1850 Extreme west 60 Martin Williamston 1774 East 14C ) 6,960 51 Mecklenburg Charlotte 1762 South-west 15S S 11,724 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. TABLE I.— Continued. Names of Date of Course and Distance 1850. Chapter. Counties. Capital Towns. Forma- I'rom Raleigh. Federal tion. 1 Population. Milesj 52 Montgomery Troy 1779 South-west 115' 6,162 53 Moore Carthage 1784 South-west 79 8,551 54 Nash Nashville 1777- East 44 9,034 55 New Hanover Wilmington 1728 South 148 14,235 56 Northampton Jackson 1741 East 108 10,730 57 Onslow Court House 1734 South-east 145 7,039 58 Orange Hillsboro' 1751 North-west 40 14.957 .59 Pasquotank Elizabeth City 1729 East 215 7,708 60 Perquimans Hertford 1729 East 194 6,030 61 Person Roxborough 1791 North 54 8,823 62 Pitt Greenville 1760 East 102 10,743 63 Randolph A.shboro' 1779 West 72 15,176 64 Richmond Rockingham 1779 South 135 7,936 65 Robeson Lumberton 1786 South 91 11,080 66 Rockingham Wentworth 1785 North 116 12,363 67 Rowan Salisbury 1753 West 118 12,328 68 Rutherford Rutherfordton 1779 West 216 12,388 69 Sampson Clinton 1784 South 94 12,311 70 Stanly Albemarle 1841 West 110 6,347 71 Stokes Crawford 1789 North-west 110 8,492 72 73 Surry Tyrrell Rockford Columbia 1770 T^ATf ll-^WP^i" 145 200 17,643 4,448 J- ( f w 1728 East 74 Union Munro 1842 South-west 160 9,258 75 Wake Warren Raleigh AVarrenton 1770 Centre 62 21,123 76 "1779 North-east 10,365 77 Washington Plymouth 1799 East 162 4,780 78 Watauga Boon 1849 North-west 3,348 79 Wayne 1 Waynes- \ borough 1779 East 51 11,478 80 Wilkes Wilkesborou~ 1777 West 172 11,642 81 Yadkin Wilson 1850 West 82 Yancey Burnville 1833 North-west 245 8,086 10 « HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. TABLE II. Showing the amount paid by each county in North Carolina into the trea- sury as taxes (1850). Tlie amount received by each county from the treasury for the support of common schools (distribution of 1850). _ The number of white persons over twenty-one who cannot read or write, in each county, the deaf and dumb, insane and idiotic, and blind ; (from the last Census.) Taxes paid. Annual amt's "Whites '73 received for over 21 j = . 1 nsane and 1 Counties. Common who cuii-|,_ r*-* Land. Poll. Total. Schools. not read' ^ 5 Idiotic. j 5 ( ir write, a^^ Dollars ] dollars Dollars cts. Dollars 1. Alamance 531 447 1426 00 See Orange 338 3 13 4 2. Alexander 142 128 414 00 See Iredell 390 5 9 3 3. Anson 638 662 2699 00 2024 394 3 11 7 4. Ashe 289 208 824 00 1136 587 4 8 3 5. Beaufort 416 201 2606 00 1630 1317 2 14 6 6. Bertie 748 758 2926 00 1481 1032 8 9 3 7. Bladen 354 467 1225 00 1041 693 5 15 2 8. Brunswick 246 367 990 00 692 397 3 5 1 9. Buncombe 488 369 1426 00 1500 1533 14 24 10 10. Burke 181 286 1145 00 966 1091 2 19 3 11. Cabarrus 458 416 1910 00 1310 751 7 19 5 12. Caldwell 265 185 786 00 782 1129 4 10 5 13. Camden 312 247 1219 00 782 773 6 5 14. Carteret 134 214 838 00 944 729 6 18 10 15. Caswell 637 811 2721 00 1855 980 4 13 9 16. Catawba 442 290 1178 00 1591 363 8 18 7 17. Chatham 663 772 2404 00 2205 695 10 20 8 18. Cherokee 16 111 310 00 531 447 5 7 2 19. Chowan 412 381 2260 00 817 446 5 5 6 20. Cleaveland 282 322 1075 00 1035 1115 28 39 11 21. Columbus 165 212 624 00 549 658 3 11 6 22. Craven 315 672 44S0 00 1743 1355 8 22 10 23. Cumberland 620 846 4480 00 2050 1614 9 25 14 24. Currituck 303 292 898 00 916 901 6 12 2 25. Davidson 629 522 1954 00 2122 1412 5 31 7 26. Davie 306 307 1109 00 1065 859 3 8 27. Duplin 488 598 2038 00 1455 1123 5 13 7 28. Edgecombe 1062 1006 4778 00 1988 1923 12 10 6 29. Forsythe 386 287 1995 00 944 7 21 4 30. Franklin 464 691 2912 00 1354 894 5 7 6 31. Gaston 366 291 1151 00 Included in Lincoln 6 7 3 1 32. Gates 314 431 1460 00 1010 942 4 8 3 33. Granville 819 1112 4300 00 2394 1962 15 20 5 34. Greene 326 365 1328 00 845 305 2 10 2 35. Guilford 805 626 3237 00 2829 1637 22 47 6 36. Halifax 885 920 3664 00 2046 269 1 4 1 37. Haywood 167 133 568 00 760 1162 1 10 4 38. Henderson 340 195 891 00 854 1 1 2 39. Hertford 352 410 1990 62 964 532 6 10 3 40. Hyde 41. Iredell 352 304 1256 00 872 670 6 7 12 507 513 1970 00 2217 447 4 31 42. Jackson Forme d last session 43. Johnson 459 553 1840 00 1437 1420 6 14 7 44. Jones 286 312 1115 00 597 282 3 5 3 45. Lenoir 351 453 1717 00 \ 958 ( 1591 -i ^ Includes > ( Gaston ) 600 6 2 46. Lincoln 345 286 1404 0( 166 6 1 47. MacDowell 285 189 861 00 1 730 684 3 5 3 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. TABLE 11.— Contmued. Taxes paid. Annual amt's Whites -3 received for Common over 21 who can- C Insane and Counties. ■6 Land. Foil. Total. Schools. not read or write. Idiotic. • Dollars Dollars Dollars cts Dollars. 48. Macon 145 141 608 00 739 9C5 1 5 4 49. Madison Forme d last session 50. Martin 341 384 1941 00 1017 163 5 3 .51. Mecklenburg 570 6.n6 3394 00 2458 117 8 IS 5 52. Montgomery 214 219 769 00 793 536 5 28 2 63. Moore 239 333 950 00 1156 977 8 IS 7 54. Nash 344 609 1808 00 1182 1357 4 14 2 55. New Hanover 507 83(5 6285 00 1681 473 7 14 6 66. Northampton 745 727 2582 00 1666 1390 3 18 7 57. Onslow 301 349 1206 00 1005 9.S9 1 14 3 58. Orange 647 650 2647 00 3367 1176 7 17 9 59. Pasquotank 508 392 2185 00 10.57- 210 1 1 1 60. Perquimans 486 387 1640 00 965 660 9 2 61. Person 393 539 1787 00 12.59 610 3 12 4 62. Pitt 608 734 2763 00 1491 1160 3 5 2 63. Randolph 647 409 1866 00 2019 1929 5 26 7 64. Richmond 405 500 1675 00 1140 645 4 20 6 65. Robeson 394 505 1466 00 1440 639 3 15 3 66. Rockingham 539 640 2513 00 1815 1025 18 16 3 67. Rowan 513 646 2288 00 1681- 1229 5 18 2 68. Rutherford 570 441 1841 00 1984 1324 9 25 6 69. Sampson 506 648 1922 00 1623 1486 2 16 7 70. Stanly 187 227 700 00 736 964 5 11 71. Stokes 251 262 1040 00 2372 1674 10 7 9 72. Surry 557 393 1659 00 2244 3152 8 20 14 73. Tyrrell 191 187 568 00 641 ( With -i 594 3 1 1 74. Union 341 303 1170 00 < Meek- > ( lenburg ) 999 9 11 7 75. Wake 923 1092 5828 00 2798 2370 46 25 12 76. Warren 616 872 3500 00 1605 445 3 10 5 77. Washington 247 348 1344 00 601 201 1 4 1 78. Watauga 136 72 325 00 479 2 5 1 79. Wayne 705 582 2526 00 1472 1458 9 12 3 80. Wilkes 280 222 828 00 1723 983 13 17 6 81. Yadkin Forme d last session 82. Yancey 158 139 504 00 915 1003 12 13 7 Total 32,708 34,793 145,150 00 124,300 71,150 505 1080 376 10 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER I. ALAMANCE COUNTY. Date of erection — Origin of its name, situation, and boundaries — County town —Colonial and Revolutionary history — History of the battle of Alamance, between Governor Tryon au(i the Regulators, June, 1771, in which the first blood of the colonists was spilled by the Royal Troops of England— Journal of Governor Tryon in the first expedition against the Regulators, 1768 — List of his officers— Petition of John Low, James Hunter, Rednap Howell, and other Regulators, detailing the causes of the disaffection of the people, and oppressive conduct of Edmund Fanning and others — Governor Tryon's reply, dated June, 1768 — Petition of Francis Dorset, William Paine, and others, to the Governor — Deposition of Ralph McNair, Oct. 9th, 1770, as to the outrages of the Regulators ; Herman Husbands and others, when they broke up the Court at Hillsboro' ; run the Judge off; whipped John AVilliams and Edmund Fanning — Judge Henderson's statement — Deposition of Waightstill Avery, March 8th, 1771, who was taken at Yadkin Ferry, by the Regulators — Petition of Regulators, May 15th, 1771, on the field of battle — Governor Tryon's detailed report of the battle. May 18th, 1771 — Same, re- porting his movements after the battle, report of killed, wounded, and mis- sing — Oath of Regulators — Governor Martin's report to Lord Dartmouth, of the oppressive conduct of the Sheriffs, Clerks, and other subordinate officers of Government (Nov., 1772) — Population of Alamance — Biographical Sketch of Hon. Thomas Ruffin, Chief Justice of Supreme Court of North Carolina. Alamance County was erected in 1848, out of Orange County. It is bounded on the north by CasTvell, east by Orange, south by Chatham, and west by Guilford. It derives its name from Ala- mance Creek, famous in early history for a battle fought on its banks, between the Royal Governor of the colony, William Tryon, and the people under Herman Husbands, Rednap Howell, and others. Its climate is salubrious and very uniform. Its capital is Graham, named in compliment to Hon. William A. Graham, the present Secretary of the Navy, for a sketch of whose birth, life, education, and public services, see Orange County, (Chapter LVIII.) The town of Graham has a beautiful location. Its distance from Raleigh is fifty-nine miles. Its court-house and public buildings are in good taste and well adapted to the purposes for which they were erected. It has several handsome dwellings, and a printing office. The Southern Democrat is here printed. Its editor, J. W. Lancaster, Esq., is a Member of the Bar, an educated and skillful writer. Its colonial and revolutionary history is connected with that of ALAMANCE COUNTY. 11 Orange County. The causes of the battle of the Regulators, and its disastrous termination, have been recorded. (See vol. i. p. 59.) The conduct of the officers of the government, from the Governor down to the lowest bailiff, towards the people was oppressive, extor- tionary and unjust. In 1768, Governor Tryon marched with a body of troops procured from Rowan and Mecklenburg into this county. I extract from his Journal, procm-ed from State Paper Office, in London, by aid of Hon. George Bancroft, late our Envoy at that court, never before printed. Journal of Governor Tryon. On the sixth of July 1768, in consequence of the troubles of the Regulators, Governor Tvron arrived at Ilillsboro'. On the 17th of August, the Governor left Hillsboro', and on the 18th, arrived at Salisbury. On the 19th, at Major Fifer's, in Mecklenburg. On the 20th, Saturday. Remained at Major Fifer's. 21st, Sunday. Heard Mr. Luther, a Dutch minister, preach. 22d, Monday. Left Major Fifer's and lay at Captain Polk's. 23d, Tuesday. Reviewed the Regiment — about nine hundred men. • 24th. Governor left Captain Polk's, and took up his quarters at Major Fifer's. 25th. Governor returned to Salisbury ; Colonel Osborne called on the Go- vernor to receive his orders for conducting the review. 26th, Friday. Eleven Companies marched, Governor ordered all the Cap- tains and field ofiBcers to repair to Mr. Montgomery's, where he communicated with them as to the transactions between him and the Regulators. Colonel Osborne spoke warmly in support of the government, and read a letter from four dissenting ministers (Hugh McCaddon, Henry Pattillo, James Creswell, and David Caldwell) to their brethren, wherein the conduct of the Regulators was touched upon, from Hawfields. The Governor then marched into the field; the first company that joined was Captain Dobbin's ; all joined the Governor but Captain Kuox and his com- pany. 27th, Saturday. Left Salisbury for Martin Fifer's. 30th, Tuesday. The Governor, accompanied by Colonel Palmer and Mr. Fifer, went to see where the Commissioners left ofi" the line that they run in 1746, between his Majesty and Earl Granville. They found four trees stand- ing in a square marked, with notches and blazes ; on one of them, G. R. (George Rex, King George), about five or six hundred yards east of Cold Water Creek. On a large gum they found W. C. (William Churton, 1746), the name of the surveyor. 31st, Wednesday. Governor called on Captain Barringer, and in the evening went to Colonel Moses Alexander's, who agreed to furnish provisions and wagons for the Mecklenburg volunteers. Sept. ,4th, Sunday. Governor went to Salisbury. 12th, Monday: After reviewing the Mecklenburg battalion, left Salisbury with troops for Hillsboro' where he arrived on the twenty-first. 24th. Governor so ill that he gave the command to Lieutenant-General Rutherford. Major- Generals app'd. — John Ashe and Thomas Lloyd. Lieutenant- Generals. — John Rutherford, Lewis Henrt De Rosset, John Sampson, Robert Palmer, Benjamin Heron and Samuel Strudwick. Majors of Brigade. — Abner Nash and Robert Howe. ! Colonels. — Alexander Osborne, Edmund Fanning, Robert Harris, James Sampson, Samuel Spencer, James Moore and Maurice Moore. Lieutenant- Colonels.— 3 om^ Frohock, Moses Alexander, Alexander Lil- LiNGTON, John Gray, Samuel Benton and Robert Schaw. il/ajoj's.— William Bullock, Walter Lindsay, Thomas Llotd, Martin Fifer and John Hinton. 12 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. On the 2d October, 1768, the troops returned to Salisbury, and Goterxor Tryox to Xewbern. From State Paper Office, London. Am. and W. Ind., 198. Petition from Regulators to Gov. Ib-yon and Council. "May it please your Excellency, and your Honors:— " At a Committee of the Regulators, held May 21, 1768, it was ordered to implore pardon for what was done amiss, and present a plain, simple narra- tive of facts accompanied and supported by authentic papers. * * * " We assure you that neither disloyalty to the best of kings, nor disaflfection to the wholesomest constitution, nor yet dissatisfaction to the Legislature, gave rise to these commotions which now make so much noise throughout the province. After you have perused this paper and the concomitant proofs, you will easily perceive that those disturbances had their source in the cor- r rupt and arbitrary practices of nefarious and designing men, who, being put ■ into offices of profit and credit among us, and not being satisfied with the I loyal benefits which arose from the execution of their offices, have been using I every artifice, practicing every fraud, and, where these failed, threats and 1 menaces were not spared, whereby to squeeze and extort from the wretched (_poor, who, as Col. Fanning observes in his petition (if 'tis his), with their utmost efforts, can scarcely gain a wretched subsistence for themselves and families. How grievous, judge you, dear sirs, must it be for such wretches to have their substance taken from them by those monsters of equity, whose study it is to plunder and oppress them. "In the year 1766 there was general discontent in the countenances of the people, and gi'ievous murmurings ensuing. The popular voice gave out that the demands of the court officers for fees of every kind were exorbitant, oppressive, and exti\a legal. " In order to prevent such frands, if real, or to give our officers an oppor- tunity to still those clamors by disproving them entirely, we drew up paper No. 1. (This was the paper read in court, August, 1766.) Mr. Loyd, the member of the General Assembly, promised to give a hearing, and approved of the course. " In expectation of a meeting and of a satisfactory settlement, a meeting was held at Mr. Maddock's mill, on Enoe River. " Col. Fanning was invited to attend, but refilsed, sending them word that he objected to the term 'judiciously,' in their resolves, as implying that they had a jurisdiction over him ; and that 'he could not brook the mean- ness of being summoned to a mill.' To both of which frivolous objections we replied 'that as to the term in question, we were no critics on words, but we meant no more by it than wisefully, carefully, and soberly to exa- mine the matter in hand ; that with respect to the court-house, we had no right to appoint a convention there, but to the mill we had, having first obtained the owner's leave to that purpose.' The petition proceeds — ' The sheriffs now grew very arbitrary, insulting the populace, making such dis- tresses as seldom ever known, double, treble, nay, even quadruple the value of the tax was frequently distrained, and such seizures hurried away to Hillsborough.' One of the Regulators going to Hillsborough on some pri- vate business had his mare seized for his levy. This mare was rescued by the Regulators, and after expressing their regrets and apologies, the petition proceeds : that ' Monday morning, 2d May, we were alarmed at the astonish- ing news that Col. Fanning, at the head of twenty-seven armed men, consist- ing of sheriffs, bombs, tavern-keepers, and officers, after travelling all night, arrived at break of day at Sandy Creek, and made prisoners of Mr. Herman Husbands and Mr. "William Butler, the former a gentleman that had never joined the Regulators, and was never concerned in any tumnlt." This con- duct of Col. Fanning alarmed the whole country. None now were safe, whether active, passive, or neutral. ALAMANCE COUNTY. 13 "The very day Col. Fanning set off for Sandy Creek, he directed letters to three of the Regulators, inviting them to Hillsborough, and promising all imaginary satisfaction, one of which he directed to Jacob Fudge. " We have now stated, without reserve or disguise, our whole proceedings in this affair, having concealed nothing, whether for us or against us ; and, as you are chosen by the contending parties to arbitrate the difference, and we on our parts are fully determined to abide by your decision, we humbly hope naked truth and native ignorance loiU 2)oise 'the superexcellent flourishes and consummate declamation of our power/id adversary/; and, relying on your benignity and justice, we humbly beg leave to subscribe ourselves your poor oppi-esse'd suppliants, and very humble servants. John Low, John Marshall, James Hunter, William Cox, Rednap Howell, William Moffitt, Harmon Cos, George Hendry. "To His Excellency, Wm. Tryon, Esq., our Governor, and to the Hon. the members of His Majesty's Council for the Province of North Carolina." The Governor's Answer. " 2\st June, 1768. The Governor's answer to the address of the inhabitants on the south side of Haw River, in Orange County. " Gentlemen— I have received, by the hands of Messrs. Hunter and Powell, a petition and other papers, subscribed by several of the inhabitants on the south side of Haw River, in the County of Orange, under the borrowed title of Regulators, assuming to themselves powers and authorities unknown to the constitution, of calling public officers to a settlement, and a detail of the grievances and complaints against the Clerk of the Court, Register, and other public officers, whose exactions and oppressions, it is pretended, are the cause of the late insurrections which have disturbed the peace of that part of the country. These papers, agreeably to your desire, I have com- municated to the members of His Majesty's Council, who, having taken the same into their deliberate consideration, unanimously concur with me in opinion that the grievances complained of by no means warrant the extraor- dinary steps you have taken in assembling yourselves together in arms, to the obstruction of the courts of justice, to the insult of the public officers of the government in the execution of their offices, and to the injury of private property. ' * * « re j " The discreet and steady behavior of Col. Fanning, and the officers and men under his command, meet not only with the entire approbation of my- self, and His Majesty's Council, but will beacknowledged with gratitude by every unprejudiced well-wisher to this province. ... -i • • "in consideration of a determination to abide my decision in council, itis my direction by advice of the Board, that you do, from henceforward, desist from any further meetings, either by verbal appointment or advertisement ; that all titles of Regulators or Associations cease among you ; that the sherifls and other officers are permitted to execute the duties of their respective offices." Regulators to Governor Tryon. "August, 1768. " May it please your Excellency : — " In your 'Excellency's gracious answer to our petition, &c., by Messrs. Hunter and Howell, you were pleased to inform us that you had laid our papers before the Hon. the members of His Majesty's Council, for which wo return you our sincere and hearty thanks." * * i, " Your gracious promise of settlins, on vour arrival at Hillsborough, a pro- clamation forbidding all officers the^ taking or even demanding exorbitant fees, on pain of your severe displeasure, gave us some encouragement and hopes of redress. But when we were assured the Register had, in open \io- t 14 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. lence thereof taken nine shillings and four pence, expressly contrary to law, for recording deeds, our hopes vanished. Fearing that your orders to the Attorney-General may be as little regarded, and that a poor man will get no real redress, for your excellency may easily perceive how little regard these men pay to your injunctions, how little they dread your displeasure. Par- don us, therefore, great sir, when we tell you, in the anguish of our souls, we cannot, dare not, go to law, as we are sure that step, whenever taken, will terminate to the ruin of ourselves and families. " Seeing, therefore, that the Sons of Zeruiah are like to prove too hard for your excellency, as well as for us, we have come to the resolution to petition the Lower House, as the other branch of the Legislature, in order to strengthen your excellency's hands, that by the concurrence and timely aid of that re- spectable body, you maybe enabled to curb the insolence and avarice of these overgrown members of the commonwealth. * * " Your excellency is pleased to observe that, hope again to be made happy on seeing a spirit of industry prevailing among us over faction and discon- tent. Great sir ! all that know us, can bear witness for us, that, while we had anything we could call our own, few people on earth were more industrious ; but, alas, since the iron hand of tyranny has displayed its baneful influences over us with impunity, how has dejection, indiflFerence, and melancholy, and chagrin diffusively spread themselves far and wide among us ; and, unless some propitious being inform either of your excellency's, our assembly, or both, graciously condescend to use your united efforts to extricate us out of our present misery, and secure us our rights and property, the suUenness and gloom with which we are already seized, will sink deep upon our intellects, and general disregard to everything below ensue as a consequence thereof ; nor shall we strive any more than barely to keep then, our tottering frames from falling to pieces, until death, in compassion of our sufferings, and in commiseration of our wrongs, shall kindly appear in shape of a halter, bullet, sword, or perhaps in his natural shape, and remove us from this spot of dirt, about which, and its products, there is so much contention and animosity. Till when, and at all times hereafter, may your excellency's por- tion be as the dew of Heaven and the fat things of earth, ardently wish, sincerely pray, your excellency's devoted humble servants. " Signed, Francis Dorset, Richard Cheek, Wm. Paine, (a Dutchman,) Peter Craven, Charles Saxon, Jacob Fudge, Ninian Bell Hamilton." Papers relating to Carolina, vol. i., 189.* REGULATORS. Deposition of Ralph McNair. " 9t7i Oct., 1770. " That, on the 24th of April, 1770, he saw among the Regulators in Ilills- boro', Herman Husbands, James Hunter, Wm. Butler, Ninian Bell Hamilton, Jeremiah Fields, Matthew Hamilton, Ely Branson, Peter Craven, Jno. Truit, Abraham Teague, and Samuel Parks. That the Regulators were armed with cudgels and cowskin whips, wherewith they struck John Williams, Esq., an attorney, and attempted to strike Judge Henderson, while in the act of mode- rating their fury. " That he saw them beating and pursuing Colonel Fanning till he took re- fuge in a store, which they assaulted with stones and brickbats ; that Judge Henderson made his escape the same night, though the court was only adjourned till next day ; that, being exasperated thereat, they, on the 25th, destroyed the house of Colonel Fanning." " Robert Lytle swore that he heard the Regulators, on the 25th of Septem- ber, 1770, drink damnation to King George, and success to the Pretender." Judge Henderson wrote to Governor Tryon on the 29th of September, 1770; * From Archives of Board of Trade, in London. ALAMANCE COUNTY. 15 " that, upon opening court on the 25th of September, the Regulators filled the house ; they said they had come to have justice done ; they demanded that their cases be tried ; that, at a former court, injustice had been done in choos- ing jurors. They insisted that the court should proceed to do business, but that no lawyer, save the king's attorney, should be admitted. This being re- fused, they conducted the judge home with great parade. But, in the even- ing, he made his escape. A party of them fell upon lawyer "Williams and Fanning, in a most furious manner. About one hundred and fifty began the riot; they afterwards increased. They left Hillsboro' on Wednesday night." Deposition of Waiqlitstill Avery. " Uli March, 1771. " Deposeth that he fell in with the Regulators at the Yadkin Ferry, and was carried to their camp in the woods. That he had heard them uttering many opprobrious speeches against the Governor, Assembly, judges, and others in ofiice. Hamilton said to the listening crowd — " What business has. Maurice Moore to be a judge? He was no judge ; he ■was not appointed by the king. He, nor Henderson neither. That the Assembly had gone and made a riotous act, that enraged the people more than ever. It was the best thing that could be done for the country, for now we shall be forced to kill all the clerks and lawyers. And I'll be damned, if they are not all put to death ! If they had not made that act, we might have suffered some to live. A riotous act ! There never was such an act in the laws of England, or in any other country but France ! and they'll bring the Inqui- sition next. " Many of them said that the Governor was a friend to the lawyers. The lawyers carry on everything. There should be no lawyers in the province. "When Captain Rutherford was parading his company in Salisbury, some of them proposed to march in and fight them, saying, we will kill them. The insurgents said that the Assembly had imprisoned Husbands to prevent him from seeing their roguish tricks." '■a Petition of the Inhabiianis of Orange County, to Governor Tryon.^ " I5th May, 1771.t " To His Escellency, William Tryon, Esq., His Majesty's Governor, in Chief in and over the Province of North Carolina. " The petition of us, the inhabitants of Orange County, humbly showeth :-- " First — That we have often been informed of late, that your excellency is determined not to lend a kind ear to the just complaints of the people in re- gard to having roguish officers discarded, and others more honest propagated in their stead, and sheriffs and other oflScers in powei-, who have abused the trust reposed in them, to be brought to a clear, candid, and impartial account of their past conduct, and other grievances of the like nature, we have long labored under without any apparent hope of redress. " Secondly — That your Excellency is determined on taking the lives of many of the inhabitants of this county, and others adjacent to it, which persons, being nominated in the advertisement, we know them to be men of the most remarkable honest characters of any in our country. These aspersions, though daily confirmed to us, yet scarcely gains credit with the more polite amongst us ; still, being so often confii-med, we cannot help having some small jealous- ies abounding among us. In order, therefore, to remove them, we would heartily implore your Excellency, that of your clemency, you would so far indulge us, as to let us know by a kind answer to this petition, whether your Excellency will lend an impartial ear to our petition, or no, which if we can be assured of, we will with joy embrace so favorable an opportunity of _ lay- ing before your Excellency a full detail of all our grievances, and remain in * From Slate Paper Office, London. Am. and W. I., vol. 200. t Next before the battle. 16 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. full hopes and confidence of being redressed by your Excellency, in each and every one of them, as far as lies in your power ; which happy change would yield such alacrity, and promulgate such harmony in poor pensive North Caro- lina, that the presaged tragedy of the warlike troops, marching with ardor to meet each other, may by the happy conduct of our leaders on each side be pre- vented. The interest of a whole province, and the lives of his Majesty's sub- jects are not toys or matters to be trifled with. Many of our common people are mightily infatuated with the horrid alarms we have heard; but we still hope they have been wrong represented. " The chief purport of the small petition being to know whether your excel- lency will hear our petition or no. We hope for a speedy and candid answer. In the meantime your humble petitioners shall remain in full hopes and con- fidence of having a kind answer. "And as in duty bound, shall ever pray. " Signed, in behalf of the county, by John Williams, Joseph Scott, Samuel Low, Samuel Clark." James Wilson, " Delivered to his Excellency at Alamance Camp, the 15th day of May, 1771, at six o'clock in the evening." Governor Ti-y on' s Reply. "Great Alamance Camp, May IWi, 1771. " In reply to your petition, I am to acquaint you, that I have ever been atten- tive to the interest of this country; and to that of every individual residing within it. I lament the fatal necessity to which you have now reduced me by withdrawing yourselves from the mercy of the crown and the laws of your country, to require you who are assembled as Regulators, to lay down your arms, surrender up the outlawed ringleaders, and submit yourselves to the laws of your country, and then rest on the lenity and mercy of the govern- ment. " By accepting these terms In one hour from the delivery of this dispatch you will prevent an effusion of blood, as you are at this time in a state of war and rebellion, against your king, your country, and your laws. "WM. TRYON. " To the people now assembled in arms, who style themselves Regulators." Governor Tryon's OJicial Report to Jiis Government of the Battle of Alamance. " Great Alamance Camp, May I8th, 1771. " Mr Lord : — I have the happiness to inform your Lordship, that it has pleased God to bless his Majesty's arms in this province with signal victory over the Regulators. " The action began before twelve o'clock,' on Thursday the 16th instant, five miles to the westward of Great Alamance River, on the road leading from Hillsborough to Salisbury. " The loss of our army killed, wounded, and missing, amounted to about sixty men. " We had but one officer killed, and one dangerously wounded. " The action was two hours. But after about half an hour the enemy took to tree fighting, and much annoyed the men who stood at the guns, which obliged me to cease the artillery for a short time, and advance the first line to force the rebels from their covering. This succeeded, and we pursued them a mile beyond their camp, and took many of their horses, and the little provi- sion and ammunition they left behind them. " This success, I hope, Avill lead soon to a perfect restoration of peace in this country. Though had they succeeded, nothing but desolation and ravage ALAMANCE COUNTY. 17 would have spread itself over the country ; the Regulators had determined to cut off this army had they succeeded. " The inclosed declarations of the troops will testify to his Majesty the obli- gations I lay under to them for their steady, resolute, and spirited behavior. " Some royal marks of favor, I trust, will" be extended to the loyalty that has •been distinguished by his Majesty's faithful subjects within the province. " The particular details of this expedition I sliall transmit to lay before his Majesty as soon as I have settled the country in peace ; hoping that the ad- vantages now gained over a set of desperate and cruel enemies, may meet with his Majesty's approbation, and finally terminate in giving a stability to this constitution which has hitherto been a stranger to. " The army under my command amounted (oflBcers included) to upward of eleven hundred, that of the rebels to two thousand. " The two field-pieces from General Gage, were of infinite service to us. "I am, &c., ' WILLIAM TRYON, (( P. S. General Waddell, with two hundred and fifty men, was obliged, on the 19th instant, about two miles eastward of the Yadkin, to retreat to Salis- bury. The Regulators surrounded his forces and threatened to cut them in pieces if they offered to join the army under my command. " I shall march to-morrow to the westward, and in a week expect to join the General." Governor Tryon to Secretary of State. " New York, Aug. 1, 1771. "On the 19th of May, the' army proceeded westward, in order to join Gene- ral Waddell with his troops, then intrenched near Salisbury, and on the 4th of June we effected the junction about eight miles to the eastward of the Y'adkin River, and marched the same day to the Moravian settlement, where, on the 6th, we commemorated his majesty's birthday, and celebrated the victory at Alamance. " Intelligence having been brought that the counties of Tryon,* Mecklen- burg, and the north-west part of Rowan, f westward of the Yadkin, were medi- tating hostilities, it was judged proper by a Council of war that a strong de- tachment from the army should march through those parts, and compel the inhabitants to take the oath above mentioned, and to suppress any insurrec- tion among them. Agreeable thereto, I appointed General Waddell for that command, with the troops he brought with him, amounting to three hundred and forty men from the counties of Mecklenburg, Rowan, Tryon, apd Anson, reinforced with the four companies from Orange, the company of lightinfan- try from Cumberland County, and the artillery company ofsailors raised at Wilmington, with one of the brass field pieces, and six half-swivel guns. The General marched on the 8th day of June, with orders from me, after he had per- formed the service aforesaid, to disband his troops. Since his first day's march I have had no intelligence of his measures or success, which will be communicated to you by Governor Martin. " On the 9th of June, I returned with the army through the northern part of Orange County to Hillsboro', where the judges were waiting at an especial Court of Oyer and Terminer, to try the prisoners taken in battle. Twelve were capitally convicted as traitors, and two acquitted ; six of which twelve were executed on the 19th of June, near the town of Hillsboro'. By the solicita- tions of the officers of the army, I suspended the execution of the other sis till his majesty's pleasure should be known. "On the 20th, the army marched to the southward, and as I had received, on the loth June, by one of the judges, your lordship's dispatch, requiring me to take upon me, without loss of time, the government of New York, I left the army on the 20th, arrived the 24th at Newbern, and on the 30th I embarked for this country. * Now Lincoln County. t Now Iredell County. 18 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. "Benjamin Merrill, a captain of militia, left it in charge of the officers to solicit me to grant his plantation and estate to his wife and eight children. " One Few, an outlaw, taken in battle, was hanged the next day in camp, and the houses and plantations of the outlaws were laid waste and destroyed, and the owners fled out of the province. WM. TRYON." " Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of his majesty's forces on the IGth of May, 1771, at the battle of Alamance: — Killed, or died of their wounds, 9; wounded, 61 ; missing, none." OATH OF REGULATORS. " I, A. B., do promise and swear, that if any officer or any other person do , make distress on any of the goods or other estate of any person sworn herein, being a subscriber, for the non-payment of the said tax, that I will, with other 1 sufficient assistance, go and take if in my power from said officer and restore ^ it to the party from whom taken, and in case any one concerned herein should be imprisoned, or under arrest, or otherwise confined, or his estate or any part thereof, by reason or means of joining into this company of Regulators, for the non-payment of taxes, that I will immediately do my best endeavors to raise as many of the said subscribers, as will be of force sufficient, and if in my power, set the said person and his estate at liberty ; and I do further pro- mise and swear, that if in this case, this our scheme should be broke or other- wise give out our intention, any of our company should be put to any expense or under any confinement that I will be an equal share with those in being to pay and make up the sufferer. "All these things I do promise and swear, and subscribe my name." Governor Martin to Lord Dartmouth. Nov. 28th, 1772. " I can assure your Lordship, that notwithstanding evidences of the most licentious, gross, and criminal violences on the part of this wretched people, yet a residence among them lastsummer afforded me a full conviction of their havingbeen grievously oppressed by the Sheriffs, Clerks, and other subordinate officers of Government." These papers, procm-ed from the State Paper OflBce, in London, bring before us those spirit-stirring events just in the light they existed at the time. I have presented both sides ftiirly and impar- tially. It is for the present and future ages to judge whether these people deserved the cruel treatment th6y endm-ed, and the oppro- brium that has been cast upon them. From the official report of Governor Martin, who succeeded Governor Tryon as the Royal Governor of North Carolina, it is seen that he is forced ".^o the full conviction that this people ivere grievoudy oppressed by the Sheriffs, Clerks, and other subordinate officers." From their first Assembly at Maddock's Mill (Oct. 1766), to the final catastrophe on the banks of Alamance (May, 1771), the great principle laid down was that they should pay no tax but what was lawful, and imposed by their representatives in the Assembly. This was the great germ of American liberty. If exasperated to madness by the wrongs of their powerful oppressors, and under its influences some outrages were committed, this is not to be imputed to the cause in which they were engaged. The remarks of an able ALAMANCE COUNTY. 19 wi'itcr on our history, appropriate to the case, are here presented. " It is better that a people should occasionally experience incon- venience from the warm bursting out of popular feeling than that their liberties should be neglected by sloth or inaction. " Every human institution is imperfect. Yet the honest instincts of the people are wiser and more laudable than the cold calculations of a proud aristocracy. I love to behold the spirit of popular liberty awake, bold and vigorous ; for sure I am, that propositions, whether wild or wise, when submitted to the severe ordeal of public discus- sion, and tried by the fire of conflicting minds, will not be adopted unless public intelligence approve, public opinion give them vitality, and putilic justice adopt them as rules of action. The whirlwind of popular excitement is far less dangerous than the dry rot of luxmy. I had rather lose the roof of my house in the temporary storm, than the whole building by decay in its foundation." That the Regulators were guilty of excesses, none can deny. This has been the case from all time when justice and liberty contend against oppression and power. But the great principles that they con- tended for ; the rights of the many against the exactions of the few ; the right of the people to resist taxation, unless imposed by their re- presentatives ; the refusal to pay more than what was legal ; and a right to know for what they were taxed, and how appropriated ; if in that day cost them their property, their blood, and their lives, they were the principles which carried our nation through an eventful struggle ; and are now recognized as the true principles of govern- ment, self-evident, and incontrovertible. Had this battle terminated differently (and five years afterwards this would have been the case), the banks of Alamance would be veneratecf as another Bunker Hill ; and Husbands, Merrill, and others, ranked with the Warrens and patriots of another day. The character of Husbands* has been already alluded to. The reader on referring to the chapter on Orange County, will find the character and life of Edmund Fanning, whose conduct was the chief cause of the troubles of the Regulation. The population of Alamance from the Census of 1851, officially reported is 7,924 whites, 324 free colored population ; 3,196 slaves, 10,165 federal popu- lation ; 228 whites over twenty years old who cannot read or write. Alamance pays as taxes annually into the public treasury the sum of $1426, of which on land, §531, and on poll, §128. Hon. Thomas Ruffin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State, is a resident of Alamance. He is a native of Virginia, and was born in 1786. lie graduated at Prince- ton, in 1805 ; studied law with his kinsman, Judge Roane, at the same time, in whose office was General Winfield Scott. He removed to North Carolina, and in 1813, '15, and '16, represented Hills- borough in the House of Commons. It may be here remarked that to few counties in North Carolina is the State more indebted for able representatives in her legislative halls than to Orange. At this time (1815), Judge Ruffin from the borough, Judge Murphy in the Senate, and Judge Nash in the Commons. * Vol. i. 60. See Randolph, Chapter LXIII. 20 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. In 1816, Judge Ruffin was elected Judge of the Superior Court, and resigned in 1818. . ^ In 1825 he was again elected Judge of the Superior Court, but resigned in 1828, on being appointed President of the State Bank. In 1829, he was elected Judge of the Supreme Court, which elevated posi- tion he now holds. Although a native of another State, his faiae belongs to North Carolina. Hugh McC^ueen, Esq., in a sketch of Judge Kuffin before me, says, Napoleon was born in Corsica, but France, the scene of his glory, always claimed him as her son. It is always difficult to speak of the living, no matter how elevated their position, and how assiduous and self-sacrificing their labors. With the most distinguished there exists some shades of prejudice which honest zeal may have created, or emulation may have engendered. Even a just appreciation of merit by a coteraporary may be received as fulsome eulogium; hence the biographer of the living has a dangerous and diflScult path. He can only regard the stern advice of Cromwell to Sir Peter Lely, when sitting for his portrait, " Paint me as I am." Yet, like the Colossus of Rhodes, living cha- racters are best viewed in the distance. "We must not be too near the massy statue to admire its symmetrical proportions. When deatli and time have Hoftened down by tlicir mellow hand any shadow that may in life obscure our visidu, and halluwed their services, talents, and virtues, then may their biographies, with their epitaphs, be written. Judge Ruffin married the daughter of William Kirkland,Esq. One of his sons was in the last legislature (1850), from Rockingham, and bids fair to emulate the example of his distinguished father. For tlie names of the membervS who have represented Alamance, the reader is referred to the County of Orange, with Avhich Ala- mance votes, until after the ne.xt session of our General Assembly. CHAPTER II. ALEXANDER COUNTY Was erected in 1846, formed from Iredell, Caldwell, and Wilkes Counties. It is bounded on the north by Wilkes, on the east by Davie, on the south by Iredell, and on the west by Caldwell County. Its capital is Taylorsville. The name of Alexander is familiar in North Carohna, and dis- tinguished. Nathaniel Alexander, of Mecklenburg, was Governor of the State in 1805. Abraham Alexander was chairman of the convention at Charlotte, in May, 1775, that declared independence. Its capital preserves the name of Joirx Lons Taylor, who was long a judge of our courts, distinguished for his learning, integrity, and kindness of dis- position. Its distance from Raleigh, 150 miles. Its population, 4.653 white, 24 free negroes, 543 slaves, 5,002 federal population ; 390 whites over 20 who cannot read or write. The taxes paid annually into tlie public treasury, by Alexander, amounts '0 four hundred and fourteen dollars. ANSOX COUNTY. 21 It is Still connected with and votes with Iredell County, until after our next General Assembly. Its early history belongs to Iredell, to which the reader is referred. CHATTER III ANSON COUNTY Date of erection, origin of name, situation and boundaries, population and products — Colonial and Kevolutionary history — Excesses of the people under the oppressive and extortionary conduct of the Crown officers — Peti- tion of the citizens in 17GS to Gov. Tryon against Anthony Hutching, Samuel Spencer, and Charles Medlock, with the names of petitioners— Keply of the Governor to the same ; an original document, never before published — Members from Anson to the Provincial Congress of Nortli Caro- lina in 1774, which met at Newborn— :Moml)ers of same for same, which met at Hillsborough in August, 1775— Field officers in 1775 for Anson— Character of Samuel Spencer, one of the earliest judges of the State, and his singular death — ller distinguished citizens ,- and members of the Assembly. Anson County was erected as early as 1749, from Bladen County, and comprehended all the western portion of the State, from New Hanover and Bladen on the east, as far as the limits of the State extended on the west, more than one half of the State.* It derives its name from Admiral Anson, the celebrated Circum- navifrator, who at the time (1749) was in the zenith of his fame, having only a short time previous obtained a victory over the French fleet oflf Cape Finisterre. Wadesboro', its capital town, derives its name from Thomas Wade, who was Colonel of the minute men of SaUsbury District, in 1775. It is bounded on the north by ^lontgomery and Stanly, on the east by Richmond, on the south by the State of South Carolina, and west by Union County. Population, 6,556 whites ; 101 free negroes ; 6,832 slaves ; 10,705 federal population ; 394 persons over 20 who cannot read or write. Products, 39,991 bushels of wheat; 410,102 bushels of corn; 108,505 bushels of oats ; 32,244 bushels of potatoes ; 11,832 pounds of wool ; 21 distilleries ; 1,489 gallons produced. The amount paid annually as taxes by Anson to the treasury amounts to two thousand seven hundred dollars, of which, for land, S638 ; polls S6G2. The amount received by Anson for common schools, from the treasury, is two thousand and twenty-four dollars (1850j. Its colonial history is full of interest. The oppressions of offi- cers of the crown were not confined to Orange. The opposition of ♦ Martin, vol. ii 557. 22 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. the people extended to Anson County. So heavy were the exac- tions of the officers, that in 17G8 the people rose in self-defence, entered the Coui't House, and violently expelled the officers of the court. Deep must have been the wrongs, and hopeless the redress, when a people could thus \iolently defend their rights ! The following petition (never before publisheil), from the State Paper Office in London,* was procured through the kindness of Hon. George Bancroft, our late' Envoy at that court, with the names of the Regulators, presents the matter in their own lan- guage, and the reply of Gov. Tryon to the same. At that early day tlie gi'cat principle was laid down " that taxa- tion and representation should always be associated ; that neither Parliament, nor the Governor, or any other power, had the right to tax the people without their consent, freely given through their re- presentatives in the General Assembly." This petition proves that to Anson belongs the credit of having first advocated the election of magistrates by the people. The People of Anson, to his Excellency Governor Tryon. "Excellent Sir: — AVe make no dnnbt hut that you will soon hoar the dia- agreeable new8 of the disorders of tlic unfortunate County of Anson. We, therefore, take tliis opportunity to inform you the cause and manner of it; in which we blame ourselves for not first having addressed your excellency on the occasion of our complaints, who could, no doubt, have removed our grievances, and have prevented the rumor of faction and disorder. But, being long under the growing weight of oppression, became rash and precipi- tate, and thought to change the state of the country in a different manner, to have suppressed the offenders, and make them wary of their employments. " For which purpose we formed ourselves, into which tlie opposite party called a mob, of about five hundred men, resolving, should no happier eveht interfere to our succor, to defend our cause in the disagreeable manner of force, and to have persisted unto blood. " We looking at that time, much out of our powers, to have kindness from your excellency, as our leading men were best ivcquainted, whose assertions we feared would have greatest weight with your excellency ; but whenever considered that neither prince nor governor, who ha.s tlie good of his people at heart, would see them oppressed to gratify the errors and ambition of any particular persons, who are Anthony Ilutchins, Col. Samuel Spencer, Charles Medlock, and their assistants, the justices and sheriffs chiefly recommended to your excellency by Ilutchins and Spencer, to answer their partial views and purposes. ***** "Innocent persons are committed to jail by the jailor himself, being a magistrate, then put to considerable expense, and then discharged. "Amongst other things, they tax the people in an unusual manner, which is as follows: First, persons who commit capital offences are committed to the county jail, and there retained five or six months ; a county tax is laid to defray the expenses, when it is notoriously known that it is a province ex- pense. But Medlock, the late sheriff, stopped not there, but proceeded by Mr. Spencer, the clerk and member for the county, to have the same claim allowed by the Assembly, and were only prevented, as we are informed, ♦ State Paper OlTice. London. Am. and W. I., vol. cxcviit. ANSON COUNTY. 28 by its being proved to the Committee .of Claims that the prigoners had made satisfaction themselves. "These things veere not unknown to Mr. Spencer when he laid Medlock's claim before the Assembly. "In the next place, they tax considerable sums of money for particular persons, who not having a right thereto, the magistrates receive back a part, if not all, to their own use. All those things can be made appear, and we conceive that no people have a right to be taxed but by consent of themselves or their delegates * " The sheriffs who receive the tax, particularly Medlock and his associates, have made a constant practice to exact two-eighths for distress money, •where no distress is made or necessary to be made ; and also have taxed different sums from the people, according to their non-acquaintance with the right, so that several different sums were received from the people in the same year, surmounting the right tax. "As to the clerk, his extortions are burdensome to all that fall in his power, as he takes double and sometimes treble his dne. Though it is true that he purchased his office from Colonel Frohock, and gave to the amount of one hundred and fifty pounds for it, yet it is unreasonable we should bear the expense by way of extortion. ******** " This, and much more, are the causes of the present disturbance, which we humbly pray your excellency will please to reconcile, by discharging the most of the magistrates from their seats, and appointing better men, and also the clerk of it, if it seems right to you ; and also to recommend by the voice of the country, such j)ersons as trill Judiciously discharge their several offices. Upon such alteration the minds of the people will be at ease, and each one to his former obedience ; and ready to discliarge, according to their abilities, every expense necessary for the support of the government, and we as peti- tioners, as in duty bound, shall ever pray. Solo. Crofts, Thomas Ussery, Jno. Skinner, II. Fortenberry, Lewis Low, Joseph Ilowel, Jason Meadow, James AUmond, Job Cilleadon, James Loury, James Mi- .Moot, Paniel Short, James Colbon, Charles Walkinford, James Round, J. Tretenbury, Delany Herring, Jacob Collins, Josh. Collins, Js. Armstrong, Jno. Swor, sen., Samuel Swearinger, Reuben "Woodard, Luke Robinson, Thomas Masen, Wm. Betten, Charles Booth, Ab. Buskin, Nat. Wood, Mark Roorhen, Wm. Hickman, John Baile, John Hornback, Wm. Busil, Ilarklis Conkwrite, Jno. Bonnet, Thos. Harper, Jas. Adams, Amos Pilgrim, Thomas Adams, Jno. Swor, jun., Van Swearinger, Sam. Williams, Solo. W'illiams, Wm. Fielding, Pat. Boggen,jun., Thos. Fanning, John Jenkins, Thos. Fanning, jun., Pat. Saunders, Jno. Caterham, James Short, Thos. Tree, Jon. Helms, Wm. Greers, J. Touchberry, Sam. Harper, Thos. Swearinger, W^m. Adams, Jas. Barindine, Wm. Barindine, sen. A\^m. Barindine, jun. Sam. Bruton, Jno. Mason, Ralph Mason, Thomas Mason, Henry Fortenbury, Wm. Rogers, Geo. Marchbanks, Wm. Buzen, Ant. Matthews, Peter Brisly, Den. Nelson, sen., Benj. Barrit, Jon. Poston, Saml. Thomas, James Higgins, Wm. Higgins, * This prove', at that early day, the great principle of taxation and representation was well understood by the simplest of our people ; and to Auson belongs the honor of tirst recommending the election of clerks and magistrates by the people. 11 24 HISTORY or NORTH CAROLINA. Wm. Rop;ers, Wm. Short, Frank Gordon, Thos. Mmis, John Henson, Jno. Higgins, •Charles Henson, Robt. Thorn, Thomas Jordan, Malachi Watts, Robt. Ashley, Ab. Harper, "Wm. Burns, Saml. Touchberry, Jo. English, Jno. Carpenter, John Brus, Thos. Merns, Jos. Burhani, John Web, Thos. Harper. Gov. Tryon ansTvered the petition on the 16th Aug. 1768, and informed them that the matters of complaint in the above, required the consultation of his Majesty's Council, and he enclosed a procla- mation, dated 21st July, 1768, " requiring all public officers to have a fair table of their fees affixed in each office, and for them not to demand or receive other fees for public business transacted in their offices, than what are established by law." The members from Anson to the first Provincial Congress at Newbern, August, 1774 (which was the first movement of the people as a State, adverse and opposed to the royal government), were Samuel Spencer and William Thomas. This was an epoch in the history of our State. The movement was well designed, concerted, and effectual. It led to the final over- throw of the Colonial Government, and established independence. Its journal has been preserved. The firmness and patriotism of its resolves, the eloquence, correctness, and spirit of language, com- mand our respect and admiration of this body. , John Harvey, of Perquimans, was chosen Moderator ; William Hooper, of Orange, Joseph Hewes, of Edenton, and Richard Caswell, of Dobbs, were appointed delegates to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia. On the 20th of August, 1775, the Provincial Congress of North Carolina met again at Hillsboro'. c^ o xxr The delegates from Anson were Thomas Wade, Samuel Spencer, William TnoMAS, David Love, and William Picket. This body placed the State in complete military organization. AViLLiAM Picket, of Anson, was appointed Captain in the First Regiment, commanded by James Moore. i r xu at- . at f c v Thomas Wade, of Anson, was chosen Colonel of the Minute Men ot Salis- bury District: from his name Wadesboro' derived its name. For Field Officers for Anson County— ^ , , Samuel Spencer was appointed Colonel; Charles Medlock, Lieut.-Colonel ; James Huld, 1st Major; David Love, 2d Major. , ^ ,- , Samuel Spencer was appointed with Waightstill Avery, from the Salisbury District, on the Provincial Council of Safety, which was the real executive of the State during the interregnum between the abdication of Governor Martin (the royal Governor) in 1775, and the accession of Richard Caswell, the Governor under the constitution in 1776. The character of Samuel Spencer belongs to Anson. The record shows that his talents were appreciated by the country, for he was associated in its defence in both a civil and military character. Under the Colonial Go- vernment, he represented Anson in the Assembly, and was clerk of the court for that county, an office of much profit. His conduct appears to have given offence while in discharge of these duties, as will be seen by the petition from Solomon Crofts and others, herein published. He was one of the three Judges of the Superior Courts first elected under the constitution (1777). He was in the Convention assembled at Hillsboro' in ANSON COUNTY. 25 July, 1788, to deliberate upon the Federal Constitution ; was its active and able opponent, and contributed greatly to its rejection in that body. He died in 1794. Ilis death was caused by a most singular circumstance. lie had been in ill health, and was sitting in his yard in the sun. A large turkey gobbler was attracted by some part of his clothing, which was red, for which color turkeys have a great antipathy. The turkey attacked Judge Spencer most furiously, and before assistance could rescue him, so severely was he wounded, that he died in a short time from the injuries. From the journal of the Provincial Congress, at Ilillsboro,' 20th August, 1775, it appears that John Coulson, an individual of some considerable influence in this county, was brought before Congress, and solemnly recanted his political opinions, and promised to aid, support and defend, the just rights of America. By the journal, 28th August, 1776, James Colten, Samuel Williams, and Jacob Williams, were charged with being Tories. They were arrested and brought to the bar of the house by the Hillsboro' company, and set at liberty after examination. The following is a correct list of the Members from Anson County, as from the archives in the State Department at Raleigh, from the adoption of the Constitution to the last Session, 1850-51, Years. Senate. 1777. John Childs, 1778. John Childs, 1770. John Childs, 1780. John Childs, 1782. Thomas Wade, 1783. Thomas Wade, 1784. Stephen Miller, 1785. Stephen Miller, 1785. Stephen Miller, 1786. Stephen Miller, 1787. Stephen Miller, 1788. John Auld, 1789. Lewis Lanier, 1791. Thomas Wade, 1792. James Marshall, 1793. James Marshall, 1794. James Pickett, 1795. James Pickett, 1796. Wm. May, 1797. James Marshall, 1798. John Auld, 1799. Thos. AVade, 1800. James Marshall, 1801. James Marshall, 1802. James Marshall, 1803. James Marshall, 1804. James Marshall, 1805. James Marshall, 1806. James Marshall, 1807. James Marshall, 1808. Thos. Threadgill, 1809. Thos. Threadgill, 1810. James Marshall, 1811. James Marshall, 1812. James Marshall, House of Commons. ^ George Davidson, Wm. Pickett. George Davidson, Stephen Miller. Stephen Miller, Charles Medlock. Stephen Miller, Richd. Farr. Stephen Miller, John Jackson. John Jackson, John Auld. James Terry, John Dejarnell. James Terry, John Dejarnell. *James Terry, Wm. Wood. William Wood, Wm. Lanier. Lewis Lanier, Pleasant May. Lewis Lanier, Pleasant May. AVm. Wood, Pleasant May. Wm. AVood, James Pickett. Wm. Wood, Pleasant May. Wm. Wood, Pleasant May. Pleasant May, Danl. Young. Pleasant May, Danl. Young. Isaac Jackson, Danl. Young. Isaac Jackson, Danl. Ross. Lewis Lanier, Pleasant May. Wm. Wood, Pleasant May. Danl. Ross, Clement Lanier. Clement Lanier, John Culpepper. Wm. Lanier, Robert Troy. Wm. Lanier, Jamea Hough. Adam Lockhart, William Lanier. Joseph Pickett, Wm. Lanier. William Lanier, Robt. Troy. Lawrence Moore, Wm. -Johnston. Wm. Johnston, Lawrence Moore. Joseph Pickett, Lawrence Moore. Wm. Johnston, David Cuthbertson. D. Cuthbertson, Wm. R. Pickett. Wm. Johnston, Wm. R. Pickett. * Seat vacated, for having borne arms against the Stale. 26 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1813. Wm. Johnson, 1814. Lawrence Moore, 1815. Lawrence Moore, .1816. Lawrence Moore, 1817. Joseph Pickett, 1818. Wm. Marshall, 1819. Wm. Marshall, 1820. Wm. Marshall, 1821. Wm. Marshall, 1822. Wm. Marshall, 1823. Wm. Marshall, 1824. Wm. Marshall, 1825. Joseph Pickett, 1826. Joseph Pickett, 1827. Joseph Pickett, 1828. Clement Marshall, 1829. Clement Marshall, 1830. Clement Marshall, 1831. Clement Marshall, 1832. Wm. A. Morris, 1833. Wm. A. Morris, 1834. Alex. Little, 1835. Alex. Little, 1836. Absalom Myers, J.838. A. Myers, 1840. Abs. Myers, 1842. Abs. Myers, 1844. P. G. Smith, 1846. D. D. Daniel, 1848. D. D. Daniel, 1850. Purdie Richardson, House of Commons. D. Cuthbertson, Joseph Pickett. Joseph Pickett, Wm. Dismukes. Wm. Dismukes, Joseph Pickett. Wm. Dismukes, Joseph Pickett. James Colman, Boggan Cash. Jonathan Taylor, Boggan Cash. B. Cash, Geo. Dismukes. Joseph White, Jeremiah Benton. Joseph White, John Smith. Joseph White, John Smith. Joseph White, James Gordon. Joseph White, James Gordon. John Smith, Clement Marshall. John Smith, Clement Marshall. Alex. Little, Clement Marshall. Wm. A. Morris, John Smith. Wm. A. Morris, Jos. White. W. A. Morris, Joseph White. Wm. A. Morris, Alex. Little. M. W. Cuthbertson, T. D. Parks. P. W. Kittrell, A. W. Brandon. Pleasant W. Kittrell, A. W. Brandon. John A. McRae, Jere. Benton. John A. McRae, John Grady. George Dunlap, P. H. Winston. P. 11. Winston, John McColum. Thomas S. Ashe, John McColum. Jon. Trull, J. M. Waddill. J. R. Hargrove, Jon. Trull. J. R. Hargrove, Jon. Trull. Atlas Jones Dargan, Benj. J. Dunlap. CHAPTER IV. ASHE COUNTY. Date of erection, origin of name, situation and boundaries — Population and products—Jefferson, county town ; first settlement in 1755, and a general description — List of members from formation of the county to the last Legislature. Ashe County was formed in 1799 from " that portion of Wilkes lying west of the extreme height of the Appalachian Mountains." It is the extreme northwest corner of the State ; bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by the Appalachian Mountains, which separate it from Wilkes and Surry, and south by Watauga, Caldwell, and Wilkes Counties. It was called in honor of Samuel Ashe, who was but a short time before the erection of this county Governor of the State. ASHE COUNTY. 27 The character of Governor Ashe is one of which North Carolina may be •well proud. His father, John B. Ashe, was distinguished in the annals of the province as early as 1727 ; he had emigrated to the colony of North Carolina from England, under the auspices of the Earl of Craven, one of the Lords Pro- prietors, and settled in Wilmington, then called Newton ; he had two sons, John Ashe and Samuel Ashe, both distinguished in the revolutionary history of the State. Samuel Ashe was born in 1725. He was an educated man, and a lawyer by profession. The proceedings of the Committee of Safety and the journals of the Provincial Congress from 1774 to 1776 attest his firmness and patriotism. He did not, like his distinguished brother John, figure in the field of arms, but he was eminently conspicuous in the council and cabinet in conducting the afiairs of the State, to which arms and force are but necessary accesso- ries. If John Ashe was the Achilles, Samuel Ashe was the Nestor of North Carolina. He was one of the three first judges in the State, 1777, and Governor in' 1795. For further notice of Governor Ashe, the reader is referred to the Chapter LV. on New Hanover County. Its capital town preserves in North Carolina the name of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. Its distance from Raleigh 202 miles. The amount of taxes paid by Ashe to the public treasury is eight hundred and twenty-four dollars. The amount received by Ashe from the public treasury for common schools is one thousand one hundred and thirty-six. Ashe County was settled about 1755. The face of the country- is mountainous, its valleys fertile, yielding wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat, and potatoes in great abundance. It has extensive ranges for pasture ; its air pure and w ater excellent ; the climate favorable to longevity. It abounds in iron and saltpetre. Produce, according to census returns of 1840 : — 10,836 bushels wheat. 57,982 bushels potatoes. 150,279 " corn. 97 distilleries. 10,970 " buckwheat. 23,573 gallons produced. 17,805 " rye. 735 dollars worth of ginseng. 108,505 " oats. 16,193 pounds of sugar. Population according to the census of 1850 : 8,096 whites ; 86 free negroes ; 595 slaves ; 8,539 freed population ; 587 persons over 20 who cannot read or write. The following is a correct list of the Members of the Legislature, from the erection of this county to the last session, 1850-51. Years. Senators. Members of the House of Commoas.* 1800. George Koontz, John Calloway, Nathan Horton. 1801. George Koontz, Richard Williams, William Horton. 1802. George Koontz, Nathan Horton, John Calloway. 1803. John Calloway, Richard Williams, Jonathan Bake. 1804. James M. Caleb, Richard Williams, Joseph Calloway. 1805. Nathan Horton, Richard Williams, John Koontz. 1806. Nathan Horton, Joseph Calloway, Richard Williams. 1807. John Calloway, Richard Williams, Thos. McGimpsey. 1808. J. Calloway, Richard Williams, Bedent Baird. 1809. J. Calloway, Thos. McGimpsey, Richard Williams. 1810. Richard Williams, Martin Gambill, David Miller. 1811. Richard Williams, David Miller, Martin Gambill. 1812. George Bower, David Edwards, Elijah Calloway. 1813. George Bower, E. Calloway, David Miller. 1814. George Bower, E. Calloway, William Horton. 28 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senators. 1815. George Bower, 1816. George Bower, 1817. George Bower, 1818. E. Calloway, 1819. E. Calloway, 1820. R. Gentry, 1821. E. Calloway, 1823. E. Calloway, 1824. E. Calloway, 1825. Abner Smith, 1826. A. B. M'Millan, 1827. A. B. M'Millan, 1828. John Harden, 1829. A. Mitchell, 1830. John Ray, 1831. John Ray, 1832. John Ray, 1833. G. Phillips, 1834. Noah Mast, 1835. John Gambill, 1836. Edmund Jones, 1838. Edmund Jones, 1840. A. Mitchell, 1842. Edmund W. Jones, 1844. A. B. McMillan, 1846. A. B. McMillan, 1848. George Bower, 1850. George Bower, Members of the House of Commons. E. Calloway, William Horton. E. Calloway, William Horton. E. Calloway, Joseph Doughton. Francis Bryan, Miles Allen. Bedent Baird, Richard Gentry. John Harden, Alex. B. McMillan. Alex. B. McMillan, Abner Smith. Alex. B. McMillan, J. Weaver. Joshua Weaver, Alex. B. McMillan. William Herbert, Reuben Hartley. J. Blevins, Zachariah Baker. Zach. Baker, Anderson Mitchell. A. Mitchell, James Calloway. J. Calloway, Zachariah Baker. James Horton, J. Calloway. J. Calloway, Taliaferro Witcher. T. Witcher, Jonathan Horton. T. Witcher, Jonathan Horton. J. Horton, Taliaferro Witcher. T. Witcher, Jonathan Horton. James M. Nye. James M. Nye. Alex. B. McMillan. George Bower. Benjamin Calloway. Benjamin Calloway. Reuben Mast. A. B. McMillan. CHAPTER V. BEAUFORT COUNTY. Date of formation — Origin of name, situation and boundaries — Popnlation and products — Washington, county seat — Bath, ancient town — Delegates to first Provincial Congress in North Carolina, in 1774, from Beaufort — Delegates to second Provincial Congress in 1775 — Officers in 1776, of the Beatfort Regiment — Delegates from Beaufort in 1776 — Members of Gene- ral Assembly. Beaufort County was formed in 1741, from Batli Coimtj, now abolished, and derives its name from Henrj, Duke of Beaufort, in whom was vested the proprietary rights of George, Duke of Albe- marle, and who, with the other proprietors (except Lord Gran- ville),* surrendered in 1729, theii- rights to the English Crown. (George II.) It is bounded on the north by the counties Martin and Washing- ton, east by Hyde and Pamlico River and Sound, south by Craven County, and west by Pitt County. * See act of surreader, Revised Statutes, ii. 466. BEAUFORT COUNTY. 29 . Its population, from census of 1850, is 7,663 whites; 904 free negroes-, 5,249 slaves; 11,716 federal population; 1,317 persons over twenty, who can- not read or write. Its products, from census of 1840, are 6,333 bushels of wheat ; 5,055 bushels of oats: 153,522 bushels of corn ; 87,180 pounds of cotton; 106,987 barrels of tar, pitch, rosin and turpentine ; 4,300 barrels of fish. The Amount paid by Beaufort to the Public Treasury for taxes, is two thousand, six hundred and six dollars. The amount received by Beaufort from the Public Treasury for common schools, is one thousand sis hundred and thirty dollars. _ Bath, the ancient seat of government on the north side of Pamlico River is in this county. The inliabitants of Beaufort were distinguislied for their early devotion to the principles of liberty. ■' The delegates from Beaufort to the first Congress, which met at Newbern in 1774, we're Roger Ormond, Thomas Respiss, and William Salter. The delegates in 1775, which met at Ilillsboro', were the same, with John Patton, and Johx Cowper. This body appointed as officers to the regiment of this county, James Bonner, Colonel; Thomas Bonner, Lieutenant-Colonel; Roger Ormond, 1st Major; AVm. Brown, 2d IMajor. The delegates to the Congress of 1776, which met at Halifax, and formed our Constitution, were John Barrow, Thomas Respiss, Francis Jones, Thomas Respiss, Jr., Robert Tripp. Hon. Wm. S. Blackledge represented this district from 1803 to 1809, from 1811 to 1813, from 1821 to 1823. Hon. Henry S. Clark represented this county in 1834, a lawyer by pro- fession ; Solicitor in 1842, and a member of Congress in 1845-47. Hon. Edward Stanly ret>resented this county in 1844, '46 and ^48 ; Speaker in 1848 ; son of Hon. John Stanly of Newbern. He was Attorney- General In 1847, and in Congress from 1837 to 1843, and from 1849 to 1851, and again re-elected to 1853. As Speaker of the House of Commons he was able and impartial, and won for himself the approbation of all parties. List of members of the General Assembly, from Beaufort, from 1776 to 1851:— Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1777. Thomas Respess, Nathan Keas, William Brown. 1778. Thomas Respess, Andrew Ellison, William Brown. 1779. Thomas Respess, Robert Trippe, John Kennedy. 1780- Thomas Respess, William Brown, Samuel Willis. 1781. Wm. Brown, Charles Crawford, Thos. A. Grist. 1782. Wm. Brown, Richard N. Stevens, John G. Blount. 1783. Wm. Brown, Thos. Anderson, John G. Blount. 1784. John Smaw, Thos. Anderson, John G. Blount. 1785. John Smaw, Thos. Anderson, John G. Blount. 1786. John Bonner, John G. Blount, Henry Smaw. 1787. John Bonner, Henry Smaw, John G. Blount. 1788. William Brown, Johu^G. Blount, H. Smaw. 1789. William Brown, John G. Blount, Richard Grice. 1791. John Kennedy, Richard Blackledge, John Lanier. 1792. R'd Blackledge, John Lanier, James Bonner. 1793. R'd Blackledge, Charles Crawford, Frederic Grist. 1795. R'd Blackledge, C. Crawford, F. Grist. 1796. John G. Blount, John Kennedy, jr., T. Ellison. 1797. Hans Patton, F. Grist, Thomas Ellison. 1800. H'y S. Bonner, John Kennedy, Frederic Grist. 1801. H. S. Bonner, F. Grist, J. Kennedy. 1802. H. S. Bonner, F. Grist, Thomas Ellison. 1803. H. S. Bonner, F. Grist, T. Ellison. 1804. N. W. Bonuer, F. Grist, T. Ellison. 30 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1805. Thomas Smaw, 1806. T. Smaw, 1807. T. Smaw, 1808. Frederic Grist, 1809. F. Grist, 1810. F. Grist, 1811. F. Grist, 1812. Thomas Bowen, 1813. Stephen Owens, 1814. Reading Grist, 1815. R. Grist, 1816. R. Grist, 1817. R. Grist, 1818. R. Grist, 1819. . Richard Ilines, 1821. Jesse Robeson, 1822. J. 0. K. Williams, 1823. J. 0. K. Williams, 1824. J. 0. K. A\llliams, 1825. J. 0. K. Williams, 1826. J. 0. K. Williams, 1827. J. 0. K. Williams, 1828. J. 0. K. Williams, 1829. Jos. B. Hinton, 1830. Jos. B. Hinton, 1831. A7. S. Rowland, 1832. Jos. B. Hinton, 1833. Wm. E. Smaw, 1834. J. McWilliams, 1835. J. 0. K. Williams, 1836. J. 0. K. Williams, 1838. J. 0. K. Williams, 1840. AVilliam Selby, 1842. W. B. Hodges, 1844. Joshua Taylor, 1846. David Carter, 1848. Thos. D. Smaw, 1850. A. Grist, House of Commons. Stephen Owens, F. Grist. F. Grist, S. Owens. James Williams, F. Grist. J. AVilliams, Jonathan Marsh. J. Williams, Thomas Boyd. J. Williams, T. Boyd. James Latham, Everard Hall. George Boyd, J. Latham. William Worsley, Slade Pearce. J. 0. K. Williams, George Boyd. J. 0. K. Williams, Thos. Latham. J. 0. K. Williams, Wm. Vines. Thomas Latham, Wm. Vines. T. Latham, Jesse Robeson. J. Robeson, John S. Smallwood. Thos. V,\ Blackledge, J. Adams. T. W. Blackledge, W. Ormond. W. Ormond, T. W. Blackledge. T. W. Blackledge, James SatchwelL Thomas Ellison, Wm. A. Blount. W. A. Blount, T. Ellison. W. A. Blount, T. W. Blackledge. T. Latham, T. AV. Blackledge. S. Smallwood, J. AV. AVilliams. S. Smallwood, J. AV. AVilliams. Richard H. Bonner, David 0. Freeman. Richard Bonner, Henry S. Clark. AVm. L. Kennedv, S. Smallwood. Ilenrv S. Clark. "S. Smallwood. H. S.' Clark, S. Smallwood. ' F. C. Satterthwaite, S. Smallwood. AV. A. Blount, Jno. McAViiliams. J. O. K. AVilliams, Sh. P. Allen. Sh. P. Allen, J. AV. AVilliams. Edward Stanly, Frederic Grist. Edward Stanly, Thomas D. Smaw. Edward Stanly, AV. AV. Hayman. Jesse Stubbs, AA''m. H. Tripp. CHAPTER VI. BERTIE COUNTY. Date of formation, origin of name, situation, and boundaries— Windsor, county town — Population and products — Delegates in 1774 and 1775 — Military officers in 1776 — Life, character, services and political career of David Stone, a native of Bertie — Other distinguished citizens — List of members of General Assembly. Bertie Avas formed as early as 1722, from Albemarle County (now abolished), and derives its name from James and John Bertie, in whom the proprietary rights of the Earl of Clarendon vested. BERTIE COUNTY. 31 Their names appear in the deed of surrender in 1729 of theii- rights to the crown.* It is situated in the eastern part of the State, and bounded on the north by the County of Hertford; east by the Chowan River, which separates it from Chowan County ; south by the Roanoake River, which separates it from the County of Martin ; and west hj a part of Northampton County and the Roanoake River, which separates it from Halifax County. Windsor is its capital town, beautifully situated on the Cashie River, and navigable for vessels. Rs population, 5344 whites; 313 free negroes; 7194 slaves; 9973 federal population ; 1032 persons who cannot read or write. Its products, 2839 bushels wheat; 545,282 bushels corn; 2,121,449 pounds cotton ; 12,352 pounds wool ; 25,885 barrels fish ; 22,439 barrels turpentine. The amount paid by Bertie as taxes into the public treasury is two thousand nine hundred and twenty-six dollars. The amount received by Bertie for common schools from the treasury is one thousand four hundred and eighty-one dollars. The County of Bertie was early distinguished for its devotion to liberty. To the assemblage of patriots which met at Newbern, 25th August, 1774, John Campbell was a delegate. To the assembly which met in 1775, atHillsboro', the delegates were Wil- liam Gray, Jonathan Jaycocks, Charles Jaycocks, William Brimmage, William Bryan, Zedekiah Stone, Thomas Ballard, Peter Clifton, David Standly, John Campbell, John Johnston. The officers elected by this assembly for Bertie, were Thomas Whitmell, Colonel, Thomas. Pogh, Lieut.-Colonel, James Moore, 1st Major, Arthur Brown, 2d Major. , i tt tp The delegates from Bertie to the State Congress that assembled at llalitax 12th November, 177G, which formed our Constitution, were Thomas Pugh, John Johnston, William Gray, Noah Hinton, Zedekiah Stone. Captain Jacob Turner, of this county, went with General Nash m the army of the Revolution, and fell with him, at the battle of Germantown, in 1777. Over his grave, a marble, erected by the patriotism of the citizens of Germantown, aided by the generous efi'orts of John F. Watson, Esq., author of the " Annals of Pennsylvania," reads thus: — honor to the brave. Hie jacet in pace. Colonel Henry Irwin, of North Carolina, Captain Turner, Adjutant Lucas and six soldiers, Killed in the Battle of Germantown. one cause, one grave. The thanks of the State are due to Mr. Watson, for the act of generosity in thus rescuing the names and pointing out the spot where these martyrs to the cause of Liberty sleep. The stranger came, and found the soldier's grave; On honor's page he saw the glorious name, And raised this fond memorial to his fame. Zedekiah Stone, of this County, had early emigrated from England. He was a merchant on the Cashie Biver, and was the father of David Stone, * See' Deed of Surrender, Revised Statutes, ii. 466. 32 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. •who is so distinguished as a Judge, Governor, Senator in Congress, in the History of North Carolina, that his life and services deserve our attention. Dayid Stone was born in Bertie County, on 17th February, 1770, at Hope, about five miles from Windsor, on the Halifax road. His elementary education was as good as the country afforded. After his academic studies were finished he entered Princeton College, vehere by his assiduity and genius he became distinguished. He graduated at that re- nowned institution in 1788 with the first honors of the college. He studied law at Halifax under General Wm. R. Davie, whose experience, talents, and learning, were admirably adapted to prepare him for the conflicts of the forum and the bar. In 1790 he received a license to practice law, and from his assiduity in his profession, his deep and varied acquirements, he soon rose to the highest ranks of the profession. From his suavity of manners he became a favorite with the people. He early embarked on the stormy sea of political life, and he was destined to a distinguished career. - •; In 1791 he was elected to the General Assembly, a member of the Hoase of Commons, as also in 1792, '93 and '94. He was Judge of the Supreme Court from 1795 to 1798. In 1799 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives in Con- gress. In 1801 he was elected by the Legislature a member of the Senate of the United States. In this capacity he served until 1806, when he was elected a Judge of the Supreme Court; which, he resigned in 1808, on being elected Governor of the State. In 1811 he appeared in the Legislature again as a member of the House of Commons from Bertie. He distinguished himself this session by advocacy of a bill transferring the choice of electors for the Presidency from the people to the Legislature, which was opposed by Duncan Cameron, John Steele, and others. The nest session he introduced a resolution proposing to choose electors by the general ticket system. This too was opposed by Duncan Cameron, John Stanly, and others, and his proposition failed. He opposed the plan of John Phifer, as to the district system, which was adopted at the time. At this session he was elected again Senator in Congress, for six years, from 4th March, 1813. This was a most stormy period. The war which had been declared with Great Britain, then raged with all its fury. Parties were violently excited. The republicans were for sustaining the war with men, money, and every means in their power. Being elected as a decided republican, it was ex- pected that Gov. Stone would give Mr. Madison a cordial and unwavering support, and advocate the war measures of the administration. He differed from his colleague. Gov. Turner, and the Republican party on many leading questions ; the bill authorizing a direct tax, the embargo re- commended by the President (Mr. Madison), and other measures. This called down the reproof of the Legislature of North Carolina. In December 1814, Mr. Branch, in State Senate, from the committee on the subject, reported that "the conduct of Mr. Stone had been in opposition to his profession, and jeopardized the safety and interest of the country, and incurred the disapprobation of the General Assembly." This was adopted by a vote of 40 to 18. The names of the minority are : Bender, Bodenhamer, Caldwell, Fuller, Foy, Einton, Johnson, McKinny, Murphy, Parker, R. Smith, Speight, Shade, Stewart, J. Smith, Wri'jht, J. Williams, R. Williams. This caused him to resign. He seems never to have recovered his position with his party or his influence in the State. He was twice married ; by the first marriage he had several children (.one son only, who was Cashier of the Branch Bank of Cape Fear at Raleigh, now dead) ; by the second marriage he left no children. He died in Oct. 1818. BERTIE COUNTY. 33 Equally gifted, if less successful in public life, in Bertie, was William Cherry. He was educated at Chapel Hill, and graduated at that Institution in 1800. He studied law, and became distinguished in his profession. In 1805, he was a member in the Commons from Bertie. Efforts are being made to procure information as to life, cai-eer, and end of this brilliant genius, which another edition of this work will present. George Outlaw also lived and died in this county. He was a member of the House of Commons, in 179G ; and of the Senate in 1807 and '08, and often afterwards ; and a member of Congress, in 182-i and 1825 ; was dis- tinguished for his amiable manners, unsullied character, and piety of life. These have numerous connections now in Bertie, to whom their reputation and services are dear, and whose virtues are left for their imitation and emu- lation. William W. Cherry was a native of Bertie, and as distinguished for his benevolence in private, as for his ability in public life. He was raised as a merchant, taught school, and at mature age studied law, and practiced with great success. He was elected to the Senate in 1838, and to the House of Commons in 1844. In 1845, he was nominated as member of Congress, and had not death terminated his life at Jackson, while attending Northampton Superior Court (2d May, 1845), his career would have been useful and bril- liant. He died in the 39th year of his age. David Outlaw is a resident and native of Bertie. He was educated at the University. He graduated in 1824, in a class composed of John Bragg, late a judge in Mobile, and recently elected member of Congress from the Mobile district, Alabama; William A. Graham, now Secretary of the Navy; Matthias E. Manly, now a judge of our Superior Courts ; Augustus Moore, late of Edenton, late Judge of our Superior Court; Thomas Dews, and others. In this galaxy of talent Mr. Outlaw was not obscure. He read law at Newbern, with Judge Gaston ; admitted to the Bar in 1827 ; Elected to the House of Commons in 1832, and again in 1833 and 1834; Solicitor of Edenton Circuit in 1836, and member of Congress in 1848, for which distinguished post he is again re-elected (August 1851). Many other names might be named who have " done the State some service," and in another edition accurate sketches of them will be presented. Members of General Assembly from Bertie County, from 1777 to 1851. Years. Senators. 1777. Zed. Stone, 1778. Zed. Stone, 1779. Zed. Stone, 1780. Jon. Jacocks, 1781. Jon. Jacocks, 1782. Jon. Jacocks, 1783. Jon. Jacocks, 1784. Jon. Jacocks, 1785. Jon. .Jacocks, 1786. Zed. Stone, 1787. John Johnston, 1788. John .Johnston, 1789. John Johnston, 1790. Francis Pugh, 1791. Jasper Charlton, 1792. .Jasper Charlton, 1793. .Jasper Charlton, 1794. John Wolfendon, 1795. John Wolfendon, 1796. Timothy Walton, Members of House of Commons. William Jordan, Simon Turner. William .Jordan, James Campbell. John Pugh Williams, Jonathan Jacocks. William Horn, David Turner. William Horn, David Turner. William Horn, David Turner. William Horn, David Turner. Zed. Stone, Andrew Oliver. Thomas Collins, Andrew Oliver. Thomas Collins, Andrew Oliver. Andrew Oliver, William Horn. William Horn, Francis Pugh. William Horn, Francis Pugh. David Stone, David Turner. David Stone, William J. Dawson. David Stone, Tristam Lowtlicr. David Stone, John Wolfendon. Jonathan Jacocks, David Stone. Jonathan Jacocks, John Johnston. George Outlaw, John Johnston. 34 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senators. 1797. Francis Pugh, 1800. John Johnston, 1801. Jona. Jacocks, 1802. George Outlaw, 1803. Henry Peterson, 1804. Joseph -Jordan, 1805. Joseph Jordan, 1806. George Outlaw, 1807. George Outlaw, 1808. George Outlaw, 1809. Joseph Jordan, 1810. George Outlaw, 1811. George Outlaw, 1812. George Outlaw, 1813. George Outlaw, 1814. George Outlaw, 1815. "\Vm. Sparkman, 1816. Wm. Sparkman, 1817. George Outlaw, 1818. Thos. L. West, 1819. Wm. Hinton, 1821. George Outlaw, 1822. George Outlaw, 1823. George B. Outlaw, 1824. George B. Outlaw, 1825. Jehu XichoUs, 1826. Wm. Gilliam, 1827. George 0. Askew, 1828. George 0. Askew, 1829. George 0. Askew, 1830. George 0. Askew, 1831. George 0. Askew, 1832. George 0. Askew, 1833. A. W. Mebane, 1834. A. W. Mebane, 1835. A. W. Mebane, 1836. A. W. Mebane, 1838. Wm. W. Cherry, 1840. Lewis Bond, 1842. Jas. S. Mitchell, 1844. Lewis Thompson, 1846. J. R. Gilliam, 1848. Lewis Thompson, 1850. Lewis Bond, Members of the House of Commons. George Outlaw, J. B. .Jordan. Joseph Jordan, Thomas Fitts. Henry K. Peterson, Joseph Eason. James W. Clark, Henry Peterson. James W. Clark, James Tunstall. William Cherry, Joseph H. Bryan. William Cherry, Joseph H. Bryan. Prentis Law, Joseph Eason. Joseph H. Bryan, -Joseph Eason. Joseph H. Bryan, J. Eason. Joseph H. Bryan, Geo. L. Ryan. George L. Ryan, Thomas Speller. David Stone, William Sparkman. David Stone, William Sparkman. Timothy Walton, Whit. H. Pugh. William Sparkman, Whit. H. Pugh. Wm. H. Pugh, Jonathan .Jacocks. Simon A. Bryan, J. H. Jacocks. Thos. L. West, J. H. .Jacocks. William Hinton, -Joseph .Jordan. Geo. B. Outlaw, Simon A. Bryan. Robert C. AYatson, Thos. Brickell. Thomas Brickell, Simon A. Bryan. James G. Mhoon, S. A. Bryan. Wm. H. Rascoe, J. G. Mhoon. William H. Rascoe, J. G. Mhoon. J. G. Mhoon, Joseph D. White. Thomas H. Speller, J. D. White. Joseph Watford, Wm. S. Mhoon. Wm. S. Mhoon, Alexander W. Mebane. W. S. Mhoon, A. W. Mebane. Lewis Thompson, David Outlaw. David Outlaw, Thomas -J. Pugh. David Outlaw, Thomas J. Pugh. David Outlaw, Thomas -J. Pugh. -John F. Lee, Thomas H. Speller. John F. Lee, Thomas H. Speller. Lewis Bond, -James R. Rayner. Lewis Thompson, -John R. Gilliam. James R. Rayner, .John F. Lee. W. W. Cherry, Lewis Bond. John X. Bond, Richard 0. Britton. J. B. Cherry, K. Biggs. J. B. Cherry, P. H. 'Winston. BLADEN COUNTY. 35 CHAPTER VII. BLADEN COUNTY. Date of its formation, origin of its name— Situation and boundaries-~ElIza' bethtown its Capital — Population and Products— Climate — Colonial and Revolutionary History — Delegates to first Provincial Congress at Newbern, in 1774— Delegates to the second, in 1775— Delegates to the Assembly, in 1776, which formed our Constitution — Documents relative to the battle at Elizabethtown, July, 1781, between the Whigs under Colonel Thomas Brown, afterwards General, and the Tories, commanded by Cols. Slingsby, and Godden — Her distinguished citizens, and a list of her members in the General Assembly, from 1774 to 1851. Bladen County was formed as early as 1734, from New Hanover County, and comprehended at the time the whole western portion of the State as far as the limits of North Carolina extended. It was so called in honor of Martin Bladen, one of the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations.* It is situated in the south-eastern part of North Carolina, and is bounded on the north by the county of Cumberland, and South River, which separates it from Sampson County ; on the east by the same river, which separates it from New Hanover County ; on the south by the counties of Brunswick, and Columbus ; and on the west by the county of Robeson. Elizabethtown, ks capital, is situated on the Cape Fear River, and distant from Raleigh 99 miles. Population, 5,055 whites; 354 free negroes; 4,358 slaves ; 8,023 rep. popu- lation ; 593 persons who cannot read or write. Products 1549 bushels of wheat; 4,954 bushels of oats ; 180,705 bushels of corn; 58,193 pounds cotton; 7,574 pounds wool; 14,281 barrels turpentine; $44,868 of lumber. Its climate is mild and salubrious. Its effect may be judged, from the fact that in 1840, the oldest man on the census of that decade, William Prigden, lived in this county. He was then 112 years of age, and died aged 122. There is no portion of the State that was more determined or devoted to the cause of Liberty, than was Bladen, in the early periods of our history. In no portion was the advocacy of the cause attended with greater peril, from the number of Tories, and the vicinity of the enemy's forces. To the first Assembly of Patriots (at Newbern' in 1774, the delegates from Bladen were, William' Salter, and Walter Gibson. * Martin's History of North Carolina, ii. 15. 36 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The delegates in 1775 were (at Hillsboro'), Thomas Owen, Thomas Robe- son, Jr., and Nathaniel Richardson. The delegates in 1716 (Halifax), which formed our Bill of Rights and Con- stitution, were Thouas Robeson, Thomas Owen, Thomas Amis, and James Council. The oiEcers appointed in 1775 for this county, were Thomas Robeson, Jr., Colonel; Thomas Brown, Lieut. -Colonel ; Thomas Owen, 1st Major; James Richardson, 2d Major. This county was signalized by being the scene of a bloody battle between the friends ^of Liberty and the Tories, at or near Elizabeth- town. It was fought in July 1781 ; the friends of liberty were led on by Thomas Brown, and the Tories commanded by Cols. Slingsby and Godden. The situation of the county was deplorable. The Tories had overrun every portion ; their opponents had been driven out of the county, their homes ravaged, and houses burned. About 60 had taken refuge in Duplin ; hungry, naked, and homeless, exaspe- rated to madness, they resolved to drive the Tories from their posts or die in the attempt. The Tories, to the number of about three hundred, had taken position at Elizabethtown. Colonel Brown and his brave men marched fifty miles through a wilderness, subsisting on jerked beef and scanty bread. They forded the Cape Fear, and at night (when the disparity of the force could not be perceived), made a furious onset on the Tories, drove in their guards, and after a bloody resistance, in which their commander Slingsby was mortally wounded and Godden killed, the Tories commenced a re- treat ; a large number rushed wildly over every obstacle and leaped into a deep gulley which has ever since borne the name of the " Tory Hole." This brilliant affair ended the Tory power in Bladen. It is to be hoped that some record more enduring ma^y be pro- cured that will present this battle in its true colors to posterity. With every exertion there has been but little procured, but enough to show the cliivalric daring of its leaders, and the firmness of the sons of Bladen. The following extracts, from the papers of the present day, may induce others to search some record made at the time, and hand to the present age, as "a rich legacy," the glowing record of this brilliant achievement. From the Wilmington Chronicle. BATTLE OF ELIZABETHTOWN. [WJdgs of Kew Hanover, Bladen, and Duplin — Col. Thomas Brown — Tories at Elizabethtown — The Whigs, after a forced march, wade the Cape Fear and rout the enemy in the night — The leaders of the Highland Scotchmen [Slings- by and Godden) slain — The Tory Hole — General Waddel, Owen, Morchead, Robeson and Ervine.] Bladen Countt, February 2\st, 1844. A. A. Brown, Esq. : _ Dear Sir — Yours of the 3d inst. was received, soliciting such information as I possessed, or may be able to collect respecting the battle fought at Eliza- BLADEN COUNTY. 37 bethtown, during our revolutionary struggle, between the Whigs and Tories. I have often regretted that the actions and skirmishes which occurred in this and New Hanover County, should have been overlooked by historians. The battle of Elizabethtown deserves a place in history, and ought to be recol- lected by every true-hearted North Carolinian with pride and pleasure. Here sixty men, driven from their homes, their estates ravaged, and houses plun- dered, who had taken refuge with the Whigs of Duplin, without funds, and bare of clothing, resolved to return, fight, conquer, or die. After collecting all the ammunition they could, they embodied and selected Col. Thomas Brown to command. They marched fifty miles through almost a wilderness country, before they reached the river, subsisting on jerked beef and a scanty supply of bread. The Tories had assembled, three hundred or more, at Eliza- bethtown, and were commanded by Slingsby and Godden ; the former was a talented man, and well fitted for his station ;* the latter, bold, daring and reck- less, ready to risk everything to put down the Whigs. Every precautionary measure -was adopted to prevent surprise, and ta render this the stronghold of Toryism. Not a boat was suffered to remain on the east side of the river. Guards and sentries were regularly detached and posted. When the little band of Whig heroes, after nightfall, reached the river, not a boat was to be found ; but it must be crossed, and that speedily ; its depth was ascertained by some who were tall and expert swimmers ; they to a man cried out, " it is fordable, we can, we will cross it." Not a murmur was heard, and without a moment's delay, they all undressed, tied their clothing and ammunition on their heads (baggage they had none), each man grasping the barrel of his gun, raised the breech so as to keep the lock above water, descended the banks, and entered the river. The taller men found less difficulty ; those of lower stature, were scarcely able to keep their mouths and noses above vrater ; but all safely reached the opposite shore, resumed their dress, fixed their arms for action, made their way through the low-grounds, then thickly set with cane, ascended the hills, which were high and precipitous, crossed the King's road leading through the town, and took a position in its rear. Here they formed, and in about two hours after crossing a mile below, commenced a furious attack, driving in the Tory sentries and guards ; they continued rapidly to advance, keeping up a brisk and well-directed fire, and were soon in the midst of the foe, mostly Highland Scotchmen, as brave, as loyal, and high- minded, as any of his Majesty's subjects ; so sudden and violent an onset for the moment produced disorder ; but they were rallied by their gallant leader, and made for a while the most determined resistance. Slingsliy fell mortally wounded, and Godden was killed, with most of the officers of inferior grade. They retreated, some taking refuge in houses, others, the largest portion, leap- ing pell-mell into a deep ravine, since called the Tory Hole. As the Tories had unlimited sway from the river to Little Pee Dee, the Whigs re-crossed, taking with them their wounded. Such was the general panic produced by this action, the Tories became dispirited, and never after were so troublesome. The Whigs soon returned to their homes in safety. In the death of Slingsby, the Tories were deprived of an officer whose place it was difficult to fill ; but few were equal to Godden in partisan warfare. This battle was fought mostly by river planters, men who had sacrificed much for their country. To judge of it correctly, it should not be forgotten that the country from Little Pee Dee to the Catawba, was overrun by the Tories ; Wilmington was in possession of the British, and Cross Creek of the Tories. Thus situated, the attack made on them at Elizabethtown assumed much of the character of a forlorn hope; had the Whigs not succeeded, they must have been cut off to a man. If they had fled to the South, thou^^ands would have arisen to destroy them ; if to the Eastward, the Tories in that case, flushed with victory, would have intercepted their retreat, and they would have sought in vain their former asylum. This action produced, in this part of North Carolina, as sudden and as happy results as the battles of Trenton and Princeton, in New Jersey. The contest was unequal, but valor supplied the place of numbers. It is due to Colonel Brown, who when a youth, marched with General Waddcl from Bladen, and fought under 38 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Governor Tryon at the battle of Alamance, and was afterwards wounded at the Great Bridge, under General Howe, near Norfolk, Virginia, to say he fully realized the expectations of his friends, and the wishes of those who selected him to command ; and when the history of our State shall be writ- ten, this action alone, apart from his chivalric conduct at the Great Bridge, will place him by the side of his compatriots, Horry, Marion, and Sumpter, of the South. It must, it will form an interesting page in our history, on which the young men of North Carolina will delight to dwell. It is an achievement which bespeaks not only the most determined bravery, but great military skill. The most of these men, like the Ten thousand Greeks, were fitted to command. Owen had fought at Camden, Morehead commanded the nine-months' men sent to the South ; Robeson and Ervine were the Percys of the Whigs, and might justly be called the Hotspurs of Cape Fear. The foregoing narrative was detailed to me by two of the respectable com- batants, who now sleep with their fathers; the .substance of which I have endeavored to preserve with all the accuracy a memory not very retentive will permit. , . - ■, .,. . A respectable resident of Elizabethtown has recently informed me that he was a small boy at the time of the battle, and lived with his mother in one of the houses to which the Tories repaired for safety ; that he has a distinct recollection of the fire of the Whigs, which appeared like one continued stream. Documentary evidence I have none. With great respect, &c., . [From the Raleigh Independent.] REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY. \ Commentary on tJie preceding account of the Battle of EUzahetlitoimi — Military skill of Col. Broum—Whig\tratagems~Oiuen, Morehead and Roheson — Ruse de guerre and Coup de main, subsequently explained by Gen. Broicn—Best mode of collecting materials for history— Reference to the late Gen. Davis, of Fayettecille.^ To the Editor of the Wilmington Chronicle : — Sir My attention was directed by a friend to an article in your paper of the 5th inst., headed Battle of Elizabethtown. The distinguished gentleman who furnished you with an account of the battle, I have no doubt, gave it to you as he received it ; but his informant overlooked the particulars which characterized it ; and which establish its claim to be ranked with those actions of our revolutionary struggle that exhibited military skill. According to the showing of your correspondent, it was an attack of great daring, and executed with astonishing secrecy and dispatch. But these, though among the elements of war, do not necessarily imply military talents ; nor can they aspire to that glory which is the crown- in <^ privilege of military enterprise. On the contrary, the actors might have forfeited afl the applause, which is due to their valor, by the wa,nt of pro- spective measures. And the discriminating annalist might deem it his duty to note this achievement as the lucky termination of a desperate adventure, in which the passions had more to do than the intellect, and which deserved consideration merely as the accidental, but efficient cause, of important con- sequences to the country. Suppose that heroic band had attacked the strong- hold of Toryism tvithout any of those stratagems and expedients which an experienced officer knows how to practice ; and that stronghold containing a numerical force at least five-fold greater than their own, of equal intrepidity, and under an officer whose aljilities and well-tried courage, inspired with unaniniity and zeal the whole of his garrison, how difi'erent would have been the result! how awful the consequences ! a forlorn hope, self-immolated, and doomed to perish ! The band would have been cut off' in this wild expedition of uncalculating temerity ; and though their fate would have been deplored, they would neither have'deserved the gratitude of their country, nor merited the panegyrics of history. BLADEN COUNTY. 39 The sa;;acious commander, Col. Brown, did not act thus. He did not com- mence an expedition without a plan ; and without looking to results, and providing for contingencies. Every meditated movement was arranged and settled with exact precision ; and the destruction of the superior officers of the garrison determined on as an indispensal)le, though painful measure, to insure the victory. Every individual was made perfectly acquainted with his duty, in order that entire concert might be maintained during the conflict. Your correspondent's narrative is, no douht, correct as to the advance of the "Whigs, under cover of night, their forming in the rear of what was then called the King's Road, driving in the outposts and sentries, and making the onset on the garrison. Here, his deficiency Avill be evident, when it is com- pared with the details which I am about to give. After the first volley, Col. Brown, with six officers, who for the want of a more appropriate word, may be termed his stajf; and among whom were those gallant spirits, Owen, MoreJiead, and Robeson, took a central position, as previously arranged; and the main body rushed to a point, at a specified distance, on his right, and reloaded with ahnost inconceivable rapidity. The words of command were tlien heard in loud and distinct tones. On the right I Col. />ocM'5 company ! vVdvance! (No such officer, and no such company being present.) The main body advanced and fired, wheeling, rushed to a point to the left, and reloaded as before ; and the order was given in the same audible voice. On the left! Col. Gillespie's com\)?iX\j\ Advance! (No such officer, and no such company being present.) The main body advanced and fired. Again. On the right ! Col. DicA'/H.yon's company ! Advance! (The same fiction being repeated.) The main body advanced and fired, and wlieel- ing, rushed to the designated point. Again. On the left! Major Wrii/lU's company ! Advance ! (The same fiction being repeated.) The main body advanced and fired. This rtise de guerre was carried on until the Whig band was multiplied into ten or eleven companies. It succeeded in making an impression on tlie gar- rison, that it was attacked by a body of one thousand strong, led on by expe- rienced officers. The self-possession and the energy with which the orders were given, and the celerity and animation with which they were executed, under circum- stances of recent fatigue and exposure, are almost unparalled in history. During the time occupied in these evolutions, Col. Brown, with his staff, as I have called them, was improving accidents and making occasions for taking deadly aims. There must have been a sublimity in the scene. The darkness of night, broken by a sheet of flame, at every successive volley of the Whig band ; the outcries and clamor; the disorderly firing of the Tories, the gallant efforts of Cwl. Slingsby to restore order, and to form his lines ; his fall, so sanguinely desired, and yet so much regretted ; and the total rout of the garrison, would, to a person not engaged in the conflict, if such a one could liave been there, have presented a spectacle of horror more easily imagined than described. In tliis scene were exhibited all the brilliant features of the enterprise. Here, on the field of battle, strategy and tactics were combined, and consti- tuted the military skill of the commander of the Whig force. He vanquished the enemy by the exercise of such skill as could not have been surpassed ; and by a boldness and hardihood, a promptitude of oliodicnoe and rapidity of movement on the part of those under his command, that would have shed a lustre on the disciplined legions of modern Europe. It is proper now to state how I came by my information. I first heard the account in the way your correspondent received it, from persons wliose names I cannot recollect, and it left no impression on my mind but that of a (if!,pe- rate attack in the night, on Colonel Slingsbifs post, and perhaps a panic in the garrison. Upwards of thirty years ago I heard General Brotcn himself recount the particulars. It was on the deck of a packet boat, between Sinit/irdle and Wilmington. A young Irishman from Baltimore, a naturalized citizen of the United States, was one of the passengers. He was a furious zealot of rebclliou 12 40 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. I against all government, and obtruded on the company his political opinions. He declaimed against oui" institutions, and inveighed in virulent language against some of our most distinguished statesmen. Several gentlemen were present, all natives, and I believe there was not one "who was not roused by the insolence of this foreigner. One or two glanced at him, but he disregarded their remarks, and continued to vapor with a provoking contempt for his fclluw passengers. At length. General Broicn, who was the only one of us who derived authority from age and revolutionary services, and who had been kindled into indignation by his impertinence, commenced an oblique attack on him, by marking the distinction between the legitimate patriotism of that day which "tried men's souls," and the spurious love of liberty of the then epoch which tendered its services uncalled for and unrequired, and vaunted itself in noisy strictures on the administration, and malevolent accusations . against the distinguished patriots who conduct it. He proceeded to relate some anecdotes of his military life ; but none of them riveted my attention so entirely as the aWaiv at Elizabethtown. When his narration reached the battle ground, and he depicted the operations there, he grew very warm ; we all became engrossed by the subject, and the Irishman was reduced to silence and mortification. It happens that the mode of collecting materials for a history of the State, which I have, for many years past, recommended, has been reduced to prac- tice by you, and with immediate success, and without any privity between us. You have induced a talented gentleman of Bladen County to furnish a sketch of the military expedition which terminated in a battle. He has given you the history of this expedition as he received it, and points to the result and its important consequences, and I have conceived it my duty to supply additional particulars. Here is an example set to those who desire that materials for the history of our revolution should be accumulated. If there is any public spirit in the country, the example will be followed. I am. Sir, very respectfully. Your ob't serv't, Y. Z. P. S. One of the band referred to above, walked over the battle field with the late General Thos. Davis, of Fayetteville, and pointed out to him the dif- ferent positions occupied by the Whig force during the attack on Elizabeth- town. Is it not probable that General Davis made memorandums of this inspection which may yet be found among his papers, and may enable us to form a more accurate idea of the plan and the details of the battle ? From the Raleig-h Register. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE REVOLUTIOX. [Reminiscences of a revohdionary matron tvith respect to events immediately stib- seqvent to the Battle of Elizabethtown — Wilmington in the 2)ossession of the British troops commanded by Major Craig — Whig encampment above Wil- mington, under the orders of Colonel Leonard — Attempt by night to surprise and massacre the Whigs — Tlie Kent Bugle — A perfidious guide — Daring adventure of Mansfield, Manly, and the two young Smiths — Death of one of the latter — References to Colonel {the father of Governor) Owen — The Wad- dells, the Smiths, the Leonards — Captain Manly — The unfortunate Slingsby.] Mr. Gales — The fugitive memoranda of our old people, and their fast fading recollections of the scenes of the Revolution, and of events connected with the early history of North Carolina, are rapidly passing away, and every effort should be made to preserve and perpetuate them. Many a gallant deed and noble instance of devoted patriotism has been already ii-recoverably lost ; deeds which would illustrate the character of our people — their perils and sacrifices in the arduous struggle in which they were engaged, and would now fill with just exultation the hearts of many whose actions teem with the life- blood of their heroic sires, and who were often wholly ignorant of their bold and patriotic achievements. Every new anecdote and incident of the Revolu- BLADEN COUNTY. 41 tion that we read, is full of interest; arid although many of them may not be of sufficient public importance to be dignified with a place on the page of our history, yet they should be gathered and treasured up and printed, and thus placed in the reach of our future historian. These reflections were vividly enforced the other day, upon my reading to an aged and respectable lady of the olden times, who was raised on the Cape Fear, the account given in the Wilmington Chronicle, "of the battle of Eliza- bethtown, in Bladen county." "Ah," said she, when I had finished reading, "well do I remember the events of that day, and some of the men that figured in them." Among other anecdotes, she related substantially the following narrative : — Upon the dispersion of the Tories in that successful sortie at Elizabeth- town, above referred to, by the handful of Whigs under Captain (afterwards General) Brown, many of the Tories fled for refuge to Wilmington, then in possession of the British, under the command of Major Craig, while a portion of that same Spartan Whig band, joined by a few other choice spirits of the county of Brunswick, under the command of Colonel Leonard, formed an en- campment above Wilmington, and not far from the river, for the purpose of cutting off supplies from being carried by the Tories to the enemy, and to prevent their own and their neighbors' slaves from flocking down to the British Camp, and for mutual protection generally. This encampment was a source of great annoyance and vexation to the British commander, and the object of especial hatred and revenge to his new recruits who had just been so handsomely whipped at Elizabeth. It was re- solved at Head Quarters that this encampment should be broken up, and a large force was immediately detailed on this service. A portion of them was sent up the main road, and were to wait in ambush at a bridge on a stream then known as Hood's Creek, not fir below the camp, while other companies, under the guide of one of these Tories who well knew the few pa,ssways and situation of the country, were to be conducted and planted above, so as effectually to surround the camp and cut oif retreat. Orders were given, in the heai-ing of the guide, to the chief officer of this expedition, to shoio no quarters, but to put to inslant cleatli every Wliiy ttiat stioidd be found until arms in tlieir hands. After early nightfall, this band sat out on their murderous errand. Upon hearing these savage and bloodthirsty orders, their guide relented. Many of the men who were in that camp, had been his near neighbors and friends, had often done him acts of kindness, and his heart quailed at the contemplation of the scene before him, and his inhuman instrumentality in having them cut up and butchered. Accordingly, after leaving the main road, he feigned to be lost, and purposely avoiding the right track, he kept them wandering in the woods from swamp to swamp, until, as he supposed, sufficient time would elapse for the camp to have notice of the approach of the direct force, and be enabled to make good their retreat. The Whig force did not exceed thirty, and were chiefly mounted men ; planters and men of character and substance. They had finished their scanty supper, had secured their horses for the night, and with their saddles for a pillow, and their saddle-blankets for a bed, they had lain down to rest, un- conscious of the peril and of the horrible destiny that had been prepared for them. The British force had in the mean time arrived at the bridge, and were anxiously awaiting the signal for their onset. The night passed on, and yet no sound was heard. They became impatient, and gave a blast from their horn to apprise their comrades of their position and readiness, and to receive their response. The sound was heard in the Whig camp. " What noise is that?" said a dreamy sentry, as he paced his lonely rounds. " Oh nothing," said another, " but the trumpet of some lubberly boatman." Another and another blast, louder and louder is given. The camp is aroused. " No boat- man belonging to these waters," said one, " can make that noise ; they are the notes of the Kent Bugle, and in the hands too of & practiced master." " Tliey proceed from down the road and from about the bridge," said the officer in 42 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. coninianil. "That pla<^e must be reconnoitered. We must know what all that inoiins. Who will volunteer and go duwn ?" No one spoke. "Come, Manlv," said he, "you are always rea0th July, 1788. Mr. Jos. INIcDowELL — -Mr. Chairman, I was in hopes that amendments would have been brought forward to the constitution before the idea of adopting it had been thought of or proposed. From the best information, there is a great proportion of the people in the adopting States averse to it as it stands. I collect my information from respectable authority. I know the necessity of a federal government ; I therefore wish this was one in which our liberties and privileges were secured; for I consider the Union as the rock of onr political salvation. I am for the strongest federal government. A bill of rights ought to have been inserted to ascertain our most valuable and unalienable rights. The f mrth section of the first clausd gives the Congress an unlimited power over elections. This matter was not cleared up to my satisfaction. They have full power to alter it from one time of the year to another, so as that it shall be impossible for the people to attend. They may fix the time in winter, and the place at Edenton, when the weather will be so bad that the people cannot attend. The State governments will be mere boards of elections. The clause of elections gives the Congress power over the time and manner of choosing the Senate. I wish to know why reservation was made of the place and time of choosing senators, and not also of electing representatives. It points to the time when the States shall lie all consolidated into one empire. Trial by jury is not secured. The objections against this want of security have not been cleared up in a satisfactory manner. It is neither secured in civil nor criminal cases. * Ellicott, Debates, vol. ii 218. •f Debates iu the Convention of North Carolina, 1788, at Hillsboro'. BURKE COUNTY. 61 The federal appellate cognizance of law and facts puts it in the power of the wealthy to recover, unjustly, of the poor man who is not able to attend at such extreme distance, and bear such enormous expense as it must produce. It ought to be limited so as to prevent such oppressions. I say the trial by jury is not sufficiently secured in criminal cases ; the very intention of the trial by jury is, that the accused may be tried by persons who come from the vicinity or neighborhood, who may be acquainted with his chai'acter. The substance, therefore, of this privilege is taken away. By the power of taxation, every article capable of being taxed, may be so heavily taxed that the people cannot bear the taxes necessary to be raised for the support of their State governments. Whatever we may make may be repealed by their laws. All these things, with others, tend to make us one general empire. Such a government cannot be well regulated, when we are connected with the Northern States, who have a majority in their favor — laws may be made which will answer their convenience, but will be oppressive to the last de- gree upon the Southern States. They differ in climate, soil, customs, man- ners, &c. A large majority of the people of this country are against this constitution, because they think it replete with dangerous defects. They ought to be satisfied with it before it is adopted, otherwise it cannot ope- rate happily. Without the affections of the people, it will not have sufficient energy to enforce its execution — ■recourse must be had to arms and bloodshed. How much better would it be if the people were satisfied with it. From all these considerations I now rise to oppose its adoption, for I never will agree to a government that tends to the destruction of the liberty of the people. Charles McDowell was a member of the Senate of the State Legislature in 1786, 1787, and 1788. Joseph McDowell was a member of the House of Commons in 1782 to 1788, and in Congress from 1793 to 1795, and from 1797 to 1799. At one time (1786) all three of the members of the General Assembly were of the McDowell family, which proves their usefulness and worth. General Joseph McDowell lived on John's River, and died there. Ilis family returned to Virginia. One of his sons, Hugh Harvey, now resides in Missouri — another, Joseph J., lives in Ohio, and in 1843 to 1847 was a mem- ber of Congress from that State. Genei-al Charles McDowell married Grace Greenlee, widow of Captain John. Bowman, who fell at the Battle of Ramsour's Mill (June 20, 1780), by whom he had several children, among them Captain Charles McDowell, now re- siding on his late plantation on the Catawba River, near Morganton. Gene- ral Charles McDowell died 31st March, 1815. Samuel P. CARSoisr was also a native and resident of this county. He was born at Pleasant Garden, and was distinguished for the activity of his mind, his energy of character, warm and enthusiastic temper, and patriotic feel- His first appearance in public life was as a member of the Senate from Burke County in 1822, and again in 1824. The next year, 1825, he was elected to Congress over Dr. R. B. Vance, where he served continuously until 1833. His second contest with Dr. Robert B. Vance in 1827, produced an angry feeling between them, which was terminated by a duel in the fall of that year, at Saluda Gap, in South Carolina, in which Dr. Vance received a mor- tal wound, of which he soon died. He was succeeded in Congress by Hon. James Graham,* and removed soon after to Arkansas, where he died in November, 1840. Israel Pickexs, late Governor of Alabama, was born in Cabarrus County, then Mecklenburg, represented this county in the Senate in 1809, and this District in Congress in 1811 to 1817. * For whose biography see Lincoln, chapter xlvi. 62 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Burgess S. Gaither is a resident of this county, and the present Solicitor of the State for this District. He was a member of the Senate in 1840 ; Super- intendent of the Mint in 1841, and Speaker of the Senate in 1844. Many others of Burke might be named, but ah-eady has the sketch been extended beyond the limits prescribed, and another edition will present their names, lives, and services to the country. The following are the members of the General Assembly from Burke County, from date of erection to last session. Years. Senators. 1778. Charles McDowell, 1779. Eph'm McClain, 1780. Eph'm McClain, 1781. Andrew Woods, 1782. Ch. McDowell, 1783. Ch. McDowell, 1784. Ch. McDowell, 1785. Ch. McDowell, 1786. Ch. McDowell, 1787. Ch. McDowell, 1788. Ch. McDowell, 1791. Jos. McDowell, 1792. Jos. McDowell, 1793. Jos. McDowell, 1794. Jos. McDowell, 1795. Jos. McDowell, 1796. W. Avery, 1797. James Murphy, 1800. Andrew Beard, 1801. A. Beard, 1802. Wm. Davenport, 1803. Andrew Beard, 1804. John 11. Stevely, 1805. J. H. Stevely, 1806. J. H. Stevely, 1807. AVilliam Tate, 1808. Israel Pickens, 1809. I. Pickens, 1810. David Tate, 1811. David Tate, 1812. Hodge Rabourn, 1813. H. Rabourn, 1814. David Tate, 1815. A. A. McDowell, 1816. Ales. Perkins, 1817. A. Perkins, 1818. David Tate, 1819. Alex. Perkins, 1821. David Tate, 1822. Sam'l P. Carson, 1823. J. R. McDowell, 1824. Sam'l P. Carson, 1825. J. R. McDowell, 1826. Matthew Baird, 1827. Merritt Burgin, 1828. M. Burgin, 1829. M. Burgin, 1830. David Newland, 1831. Mark Brittain, 1832. Jas. McDowell, 1833. Mark Brittain, 1834. Sam'l P. Carson, Members of House of Commons. Eph'm McClain, Jas. Wilson. Thomas AVilson, Wm. Morrison. Hugh Brevard, Jos. McDowell. Hugh Brevard, Jos. McDowell. Waightstill Avery, Jos. McDowell. J. McDowell, Waightstill Avery. W. Avery, J. McDowell. J. McDowell, Waightstill Avery. J. McDowell, David Vance. J. McDowell, Jos. McDowell, Jr. J. McDowell, Jos. McDowell, Jr. J. McDowell, Jr., David Vance. John M. McDowell, Jos. McDowell, Jr. Waightstill Avery, Alex. Erwin. Alex. Erwin, John McDowell. A. Erwin, Conrad Heldebrand. Wm. White, Alexander Erwin. A. Erwin, Conrad Heldebrand. Wm. Davenport, Wm. Walton. B. Smith, David Tate. David Tate, Thos. McEntire. David Tate, Thos. Coleman. A. Erwin, Hodge Rabourn. John Carson, Brice Collins. John Carson, Brice Collins. Brice Collins, David Tate. Abraham Fleming, Thos. Brevard. Chas. McDowell, Isaac T. Avery. Isaac T. Avery, Chas. McDowell. Chas. McDowell, Isaac T. Avery. Wm. Dickson, John M. Greenlee. Wm. Dickson, Brice Collins. Brice Collins, Wm. Dickson. Brice Collins, Joel Coffee. Brice Collins, John Phagan. Brice Collins, J. R. McDowell. J. R. McDowell, Matthew Beard. Brice Collins, J. R. McDowell. Brice Collins, Wm. Dickson. Matthew Baird, Merritt Burgin. Wm. Roane, Brice Collins. Alney Burgin, Peter Ballew. Peter Ballew, Edwin Poor. David Newland, Edwin Poor, David Newland, David Neill. David Newland, Mark Brittain. Joseph Neill, David Newland. Elias A. Hooper, Alney Burgin. Alney Burgin, Francis P. Glass. A. Burgin, F. P. Glass. A. Burgin, David Corpening. Jas. U. Perkins, Sam'l Fleming. CABARRUS COUNTY. 63 Years. Senators. Members of House of Commons. 1835. Peter Ballen, Edw'd J. Erwin, Jas. II. Perkins. 1836. Thomas Baker, Edw'd J. Erwin, James H. Perkins, and Elisha P. Miller. 1838. Thos. Baker, Edw'd J. Erwin, Wm. M. Carson, and E. P. Miller. 1^0. B. S. Gaither, Wm. M. Carson, E. P. Miller, and Jos. Neal. 1842. A. Burgin, Sam'l J. Neal, Todd R. Caldwell, and W. W. Avery. 1844. B. S. Gaither, T. R. Caldwell, Benj. Burgin. 1846. S. F. Patterson, Wm. F. McKesson, J. J. Erwin. 1848. S. F. Patterson, Alfred Mailor, S. B. Erwin. 1850. Tod R. Caldwell, W. W. Avery, T. Geo. Walton. CHAPTER XI, CABARRUS COUNTY. Date of its formation — Origin of name, situation and boundaries — Population and products — Concord its capital — Early history — Black Boys, or the gun- powder plot — Character and services of her sons — Members of Assembly. Cabarrus County was formed in 1792, from Mecklenburg County, and was so named in compliment to Stephen Cabarrus, member from Chowan County, and Speaker of the House of Com- mons. Mr. Cabarrus lived m Edenton, or near, at a place called Pembroke. He was a native of France, a man of great vivacity and talent, a useful and honorable man. It is situated in the south-western part of the State, and is bounded on the north by Rowan and Iredell, east by Stanly County, south by Union, and west by Mecklenburg. Its population is 6,943 whites; 119 free negroes; 2,685 slaves; 8,673 federal population ; 753 persons who cannot read. Its products are 86,300 bushels of wheat; 418,180 bushels of corn; 51,998 bushels of oats ; 17,276 bushels of potatoes ; 4,568,726 pounds of cotton ; 10,460 pounds of wool ; 3,761 dollars worth of gold. It is remarkable for its production of gold fifty-two years ago. The following is an account of the first gold mine ever discovered in the State : — We have been kindly furnished by Colonel Earnhardt with the following history of the opening of the Reed Gold Mine, in Cabar- rus County, and the number and weight of the pieces of gold found at difierent periods. A sketch of the discovery and history of the Reed Gold Mine, in Caharrus County, North Carolina, being the first gold mine discovered in the United States. The first piece of gold found at this mine, was in the year 1799, by Conrad Reed, a boy of about twelve years old, a son of John Reed, the proprietor. The discovery was made in an accidental manner. The boy above named, . in company with a sister and younger brother, went to a small stream, called «• 64 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Meadow Creek, on a Sabbath day, while their parents were at church, for the purpose of shooting fish with bow and arrow, and while engaged along the bank of the creek, Conrad saw a yellow substance shining in the water. He went in and picked it up, and found it to be some kind of metal, and carried it home. Mr. Reed examined it, but as gold was unknown in this part of the country at that time, he did not know what kind of metal it was : the piece was about the size of a small smoothing iron. Mr. Reed carried the piece of metal to Concord, and showed it to a William Atkinson, a silversmith, but he not thinking of gold, was unable to say what kind of metal it was. Mr. Reed kept the piece for several years on his house floor, to lay against the door to keep it from shutting. In the year 1802, he went to market to Fayetteville, and carried the piece of metal with him, and on showing it to a jeweller, the jeweller immediately told him it was gold, and requested Mr. Reed to leave the metal with him and said he would flux it. Mr. Reed left it, tmd returned in a short time, and on his return the jeweller showed him a large bar of gold, six or eight inches long. The jeweller then asked Mr. Reed what he would take for the bar. Mr. Reed, not knowing the value of gold, thought ho would ask a " big price," and so he asked three dollars and fifty cents (§3 50!). The jeweller paid him his price. After returning home, Mr. Reed examined and found gold in the surface along the creek. He then associated Frederick Kisor, James Love, and Mar- tin Phifer with himself, and in the year 1803, they found a piece of gold in the branch that weighed twenty-eight pounds. Numerous pieces were found at this mine weighing from sixteen pounds down to the smallest particles. The whole surface along the creek for nearly a mile was very rich in gold. The veins of this mine were discovered in the year 1831. They yielded a large quantity of gold. The veins are flint or quartz. I do certifythat the foregoing is a true statement of the discovery and history of this mine, as given by John Reed and his son Conrad Reed, now both dead. January, 1848. GEORGE EARNHARDT. Weight of difierent pieces of gold found at this mine : — 1803, 28 lbs. 1804, 9. (( (< 7 (( << 3 (( u o a (( 1| 11 1824, 16 Si u ^ a u 8 a 1835, 13i <( a ^ a it 4 li (< 1 lb, (( 8 lbs 115 lbs. steelyard weight. The annual products of tlic gold mines of the State, have been estimated at five hundred thousand dollars.* The produce of Ca- barrus mines in 1840, by the census, was estimated at thirty-five hundred dollars. The revolutionary and colonial history of Cabarrus, belongs to Mecklenburg, to which it was united. No part of the State was * Report by John H. AVheeler, Superintendent of Branch Mint, to the Secretary of the Treasury, in 1838. " Six Months in America," by Vigne. CABARRUS COUNTY. 65 more fixed and forward in the cause of liberty than this immediate section. At the Convention of Charlotte, in May, 1775, this part of Mecklenburg joined heartily in that fearful stand of pledging "their lives, fortunes, and most sacred honor" to defend, sustain, and protect their liberty and independence. The circumstances of that declaration, the actors in the con- vention, the boldness with which they proclaimed and vindicated their sentiments, as well as the instrument itself, have been already recorded in the former volume of this work.* Without any support from abroad ; without any previous move- ment to guide their course, the conduct of this people meets at once our warmest admiration and enduring respect. It is one of the proudest pages of our country's history, and one to which her sons point to with joy and congratulation. The portion of Mecklenburg, now Cabarrus, entered freely into this important and patriotic movement. But there is a circumstance connected with the early history of Cabarrus, that deserves record. I allude to the destruction of the powder and other munitions of war, in 1771, by the citizens of Cabarrus, for which I am indebted to Hon. D. M. Barringer, our present Envoy to Spain, furnished by R. Kirkpatrick, Esq. nistory of "The Gfunxiowder Plot," or the Black Boys of Cabarrus. In the year 1771, some difficulties arose between Governor Tryon of North Carolina and the Regulators, and in order to coerce them into his mea- sures, the Governor procured from Charleston, South Carolina, three or four wagon loads of the munitions of war, consisting of gunpowder, flints, blankets, &c. They were brought to Charlotte, North Carolina, and from some suspicious movements amongst the friends of liberty, wagons could not be procured to transport them on ; at length Colonel Moses Alex- ander procured wagons to convey it to Hillsboro', the then seat of govern- ment. The vigilance of the jealous Whigs was ever on the alert, and in a settlement lying now in the County of Cabarrus, known by the name of the Rocky River Settlement, sixteen miles north-east of Charlotte, and seven or eight south of Concord, there existed as much of the true spirit of patriot- ism as ever was found in the same bounds, and where not a Tory loas ever horn or ever breathed. The following individuals, viz.. Major James White, William White and John White (all brothers, born and raised on the bank of Rocky River, one mile from Rocky River church), Robert Caruthers, Robert Davis, Benjamin Cochran, James Ashmore and Joshua Iladley, bound themselves by a most solemn oath, not to divulge the secret on each other, and in order to keep themselves concealed they blacked themselves, and set out to destroy, if pos- sible, the powder, &c., that had been procured to shed the blood of their countrymen. They set out in the evening, while the father of the Whites was absent to mill with two horse-loads of grain ; fortunately they met him (the boys were on foot) ; they demanded of their father the horses, and ordered him to dismount. He pleaded lustily for the privilege of the horses until he could carry home his bags, but all remonstrance was vain ; they lifted the bags off the horses and left them on the side of the road. They came up with the wagons that hauled the powder, &c., encamped on what was then called Phifer's Hill, three miles west from Concord, on the road leading from Char- lotte to Salisbury, near midway between these places, at or near what is now Long's tavern. They immediately unloaded the wagons, stove in the kegs, * Vol. i. page 69. QQ HISTORY or NORTH CAROLINA. threw the powder, flints, &c., into a pile, tore the blankets into strips, placed them on the pile, made a train of powder a considerable distance from the pile, and Major White fired a pistol into the train, which produced a tremen- dous explosion. A stave from the pile struck White on the forehead, and cut him considerably. As soon as it came to the ears of Colonel Moses Alexander, he put his whole ingenuity in requisition to find out the perpe- trators of so foul a deed against his Majesty. The transaction remained a mystery for some time. Great threats were made, and in order to induce some one to turn traitor, a pardon was oflfered to any one who would turn king's evidence against the rest. Ashmore and Hadley, being half-brothers and composed of the same materials, set out unknown to each other, to avail themselves of the pardon offered, and accidentally met each other on the threshold of Moses Alexander's house. When they made known their busi- ness, xilexander observed, " That by virtue of the governor's proclamation they were pardoned, but they were the first that ought to be hanged." The rest of the "Black Boys" had to fly their country. They fled to the State of Georgia, where they remained some time. The Governor, finding he could not get them into his grasp, held out insinuations that if they would return and confess their fault, they should be pardoned. They returned, and as soon as it was known, Moses Alexander raised a guard, consisting of himself, two brothers, John and Jake, and others, and surrounded the house of old White, the father of the boys, Caruthers, the son-in-law of White, was also at White's. They placed a guard to each door. One of the guard wishing to favor the escape of Caruthers, struck a quarrel with Moses Alexander at one door, while his brother Daniel Alexander whispered to Mrs- White, if there was any of them within they might pass out and he would not see him ; in the mean time, out goes Caruthers, and in a few jumps was in the river. The alarm was immediately given, but pursuit was fruitless. At another time, the royalists heard of some of the boys being in a harvest field, and set out to take them ; but always having some one in company that favored their escape, as they rode up in sight of the field one of the com- pany waved his hand, which the boys took as a signal. They pursued Ex)bert Davis so close, that he jumped his horse thirty feet down a bank into the river, and then dared them to follow him. They fled from covert to covert to save their necks from the bloodthirsty loyalists, who were daily hunting them like wild beasts. They would He con- cealed weeks at a time, and the neighbors would carry them food, until they fairly wearied out their pursuers. The oath by which they bound themselves was an imprecation of the strongest kind ; the greater part of the imprecation was literally fulfilled in Hadley and Ashmore. Ashmore fled his country, but he lived a miserable life, and died as wretched as he had lived. Hadley still remained in the country, and was known for many years to the writer. He was very intemperate, and in his fits of intoxication was very harsh to his family in driving them from his house in the dead hours of the night. His neighbors, in order to chastise him for his abuse of his family (among whom were some of the "Black Boys"), dressed themselves in female attire, went to his house by night, pulled him from his bed, drew his shirt over his head and gave him a very severe whipping. He continued through life the same miserable wretch, and died without any friendly hand to sustain him, or eye to pity him. Thus we see Mecklenburg and Cabarrus (at that time but one county) were the first that set the ball in motion that ended in the independence of the American people. Frequently, Avhen the royalists ranged the country in pursuit of " the Black Boys," the ^Vhigs would collect in bodies consisting of twenty-five or thirty, ready to pounce upon them if they had taken any of them. From the allurements held out to them to give themselves up, the boys, at one time, went to within a short distance of Ilillsboro', to beg their pardon of the Governor (Tryon), but finding his intention, if he could get them into his hands, to have hanged every one of them, they returned and kept themselves concealed. Thus we find in a region of country very little known in the history of the CABARRUS COUNTY. 67 revolutionary struggle, that the spirit of liberty was cherished and mature^ the first to manifest itself in the Declaration of Independence, in the County of Mecklenburg, of which they were then a part. From that very neighborhood, delegates were sent to Charlotte on the 20th of May, 1775. In the transac- tion of burning the powder, those who were engaged (with the exception of Hadley and Ashmore, Avho were always cowards) gave their country a sure pledge of their attachment to the cause of liberty, which they faithfully redeemed, whenever their services were needed. Major James White, at the time the British lay in Charlotte, was continually annoying them. It was White who led the party on that memorable day when Col. Locke was over- taken and cut to pieces ; and when Gen. Joseph Graham was also severely wounded. White rode a very fleet horse ; he would ride near to the British forces, fire at them, and whenever they would sally out after him, he would put his horse, which he called Stono, to his speed, and outrun them. John Phifer appears among those who assembled at Charlotte in May, 1775. The head of now a numerous and highly respectable family in Cabarrus, he was the devoted friend of liberty and his country. lie was a member fi'om Mecklenburg to "the general meeting of delegates of the inhabitants of the province, at Hillsboro', 21st August, 1775," with'Thomas Polk, Waightstill Avery, James Houston, James Martin, and John McKnitt Alexander. In 1776, he was a delegate with Robert Irvin, Zaccheus Wilson, Ilezekiah Alexander, and Waightstill Avery, to the Convention at Halifax, which formed the State Constitution. This place he resigned, and accepted the appointment of Lieutenant-Colonel of Volunteers. He filled an early grave. He was buried in Cabarrus ; a rough slab covers his remains, now defaced and mutilated.* It is a tradition, that the British army, as they passed from Charlotte to Salisbury, built a fire on the tombstone, to show their hatred for his memory. His decendants, John Phifer and Caleb Phifer, as will be seen, were often representatives from Cabarrus, and always sustained the reputation of honor- able and faithful citizens. John Phifer graduated at the University in 1799, was often a member of the General Assembly, influential and talented. He was for many years a ruling elder of the Presbyterian church, and died October 18th, 1845. John Paul Barringer was born in Hanover, in Germany, on the 4th of June, 1721. He emigrated to this country, and settled first in Pennsylvania. He I'emoved to this State before the Revolution. During our struggles, he sided with the friends of liberty. From his devotion to the cause, he was taken prisoner, with others, by the Tories, and carried to Camden, South Carolina. He was, for a long time, kept in confinement, and was the only one who returned home. He died in Cabarrus, January 1st, 1807. His son. Gen. Daniel L. Barringer, now of Tennessee, lived for a long time in Wake County, where he married Miss White, grand-daughter of Governor Caswell. He represented Wake County in 1813, and from 1819 to 1822, in the House of Commons. He was elected a member of Congress, and served from 1826 to 1835. He removed to Tennessee, where he has been Speaker of the House of Representatives, in that State, where he now resides. Another son. Gen. Paul Barringer, resided in Cabarrus. He was born in September, 1778. He had as good an education as the county afforded. He was fond of reading, and distinguished for his practical sense. He mar- ried Elizabeth Brandon, daughter of Matthew Brandon, of Rowan, a soldier of the Revolution, whose family were distinguished for the love of liberty. She died in 1848. He entered public life in 18U6, as a member of the House of Commons, and was often afterwards a member of both branches of the Legislature. He died at an advanced age, at Lincolnton, in June, 1844. He left a family of nine children, of whom * MSS. from R, Barringer, Esq., of Concord. 68 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Daniel Moreau Barrin'ger, now our Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Madrid, in Spain, was eldest. He was born in July, 1806. He was educated at our University ; graduated in 182G ; studied law with Chief Justice Kuffin ; elected to the House of Commons in 1829, and served for several years ; member of the Convention in 1835; elected to Congress in 1843, served continuously until 1849, when he was appointed by Gen. Z. Taylor, President of the United States, Envoy to Spain, where he now resides. Dr. Charles Harris, of this county, was distinguished as a patriot, a soldier, and physician. He was born in this county, when Mecklenburg, in 1763. While pursuing his studies at Charlotte, the invasion of the British caused him to exchange the gown for the sword. He joined the corps of cavalry under Colonel Davie, and was with that active officer in his brave and daring career. After the war was over he resumed his studies at Clio Academy, in Ire- dell. He commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Isaac Alexander, at Camden, S. C, and finished at Philadelphia. On his return he settled at Salisbury, and practiced with success ; he then removed to Favoni, his seat in Cabarrus, where he ended his days. Devoted to his professioti, he was unrivaled as a physician and surgeon. Ilis reputation was widely extended, and his skill and success justified this celebrity. He had a medical school, and instructed ninety-three young men in the healing art. His temper was cheerful and his manner mild. He died Sept. 21, 1825. He left several children. William Shakspeare Harris, Esq., one of them, in 1836 represented Cabarrus in the House of Commons. I copy from his tombstone the following: " This monument is erected to per- petuate the memory of Charles Harris, M. D., born 23d November, 1762 ; died 21st September, 1825, aged 63 years. Dr. Harris was engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery forty years ; eminent in the former, in the latter pre- eminent. He was a man of extensive reading, of an acute inquisitive mind, friendly to all and beloved by all. His heart entered deeply into the suffer- ings of his patients, mingling the medicine he administered with the feel- ings of a friend. He lived usefully, and died resignedly, and we humbly trust, through the sovereign virtue of the all-healing medicine of the Great Physician, he was prepared to rest in this tomb, ' where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.' " Members of the General Assembly of North Carolina, from Ca- barrus County, from its erection to the last session (1851) : — Years. Senate. Members of House of Commons. 1793. Caleb Phifer, Robert Smith, .James Bradshaw. 1704. Caleb Phifer, llobert Smith, James Bradshaw. 1795. Caleb Phifer, Kobert Siiiith, James Bradshaw. 1796. Caleb Phifer, Jas. Bradshaw, Archibald McKurdy. 1797. Caleb Phifor, Jas. Bradshaw, Archibald McKurdy. 1800. Caleb Phifer, Jas. Bradshaw, John Allison. 1801. Caleb Phifer, llobert Smith, James Bradshaw. 1802. James Bradshaw, Jolin Allison, A. 3IcKurdy. 1803. Wm. L. Alexander, John Allison, John Phifer. 1804. Wm. L. Alexander, .John Allison, .John Pliifer. 1805. Wm. L. Alexander, John Allison, John Phifer. 1806. George Harris, Paul Barringer, A. Houston. 1807. George Harris, Paul Barringer, A. Houston. 1808. George Harris, Paul Barringer, A. Houston. 1809. llobert W. Smith, Paul Barringer, A. Houston. 1810. llobert W. Smith, Paul Barringer, John Phifer. 1811. llobert W. Smith, Paul Barriuger, John Phifer. 1812. Kobert W. Smith, Paul Barriuger, John Phifer. 1813. llobert W. Smith, Paul Barringer, John Phifer. 1814. llobert W. Smith, Paul Barringer, John Phifer. 1815. llobert W. Smith, Paul Barringer, John Phifer. 1816. Abraham C. McKee, Samuel Morrison, John F. Phifer. CALDWELL COUNTY. 69 Years. Senators. 1817. Abraham C. McKee, 1818. John N. Phifer, 1819. William II. Pharr, 1821. William R. Pharr, 1822. Paul Barringer, 1823. John Phifer, 1824. L. H. Alexander, 1825. L. II. Alexander, 1826. L. H. Alexander, 1827. L. H. Alexander, 1828. L. H. Alexander, 1829. Ch. Melchor, 1830. Ch. Melchor, 1831. Ch. Melchor, 1832. A. Houston, 1833. George Klutts, 1834. George Klutts, 1835. David Long, 1836. Christopher Melchor, 1838. Christopher Melchor, 1840. Christopher Melchor, 1842. W. F. Pharr, 1844. W. F. Pharr, 1846. Christopher Melchor, 1848. R. Kendall, 1850. Rufus Barringer, Members of House of Commons. John F. Phifer, George Klutts. John F. Phifer, William McLean. William McLean, C. Melchor. William McLean, C. Melchor. William McLean, C. Melchor. William McLean, C. Melchor. Robert Pickens, C. Melchor. J. C. Barnhart, Robert Pickens. J. C. Barnhart, Robert Pickens. Wm. McLean, J. C. Barnhart. William McLean, J. C. Barnhart. Daniel M. Barringer, Wm. McLean. .Daniel M. Barringer, J. C. Barnhart. Daniel M. Barringer, Wm. McLean. Daniel M. Barringer, George Ury. Daniel M. Barringer, William McLean. Daniel M. Barringer, Jacob Williams. Levi Hope, George Barnhart. William S. Harris. Daniel Boger. Daniel M. Barringer. Daniel M. Barringer. Caleb Phifer, H. Robinson. Jos. W. Scott, L. B. Krimminger. Rufus Barringer, J. W. Scott. Jos. W. Scott, John Shinpock. CHAPTER XII, CALDWELL COUNTY Is of recent origin, being formed as lately as 1841, out of the counties of Burke and Wilkes. Derives its name from Dr. Joseph Caldwell, President of the University, for sketch of whose life, character, and services see vol. i. 133. It is situated in the extreme north-western portion of the State, and is bounded on the north by Watauga and Ashe, east by Wilkes and Alexander, south by Catawba and Burke, and west by Burke and Watauga. Its capital is Lenoir, named in compliment of Gen. Lenoir, for whose life and services see Wilkes, Chapter LXXX. The population of Caldwell is 5,000 whites ; 108 free negroes ; 1,203 slaves ; 5,835 fed. population. Its products, it being formed since the census returns of 1840, and the census of 1850 not being published, are not given. Its history belongs to that of Burke and Wilkes, from which it was taken. It is distinguished for its fair air, healthful climate, and excellent water. Its advantages of education, by aid of good academies, 70 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. and schools, are considerable. The school of the Rev. T. S. W. Mott, near Lenoir, stands deservedly high. In this county resides Gen. Samuel F. Patterson, who was Treasurer of the State, in 1835 ; President of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, in 1839, and Senator in the General Assembly, in 1848 and 1850. With Burke and Wilkes it forms the 48th Senatorial District. Its members in the General Assembly as follows : — Commons. William Dickson. William Dickson. E. P. Miller. E. P. Miller. John Hayes. Years. Senate. 1842. A. Burgin, 1844. B. S. Gaither, 1846. S. F. Patterson, 1848. S. F. Patterson, 1850. Todd R. Caldwell, CHAPTER XIII. CAMDEN COUNTY. Date of erection — Origin of name — Situation and boundaries — Population and products — Early History — Members of Assembly. Camden County was formed in 1777, from Pasquotank County, and derives its name from the Earl of Camden, who was a distin- guished English Statesman, Judge, and friend of popidar rights. In Parliament he strongly opposed the taxation of America, and from his liberal principles was removed from his elevated position as Lord High Chancellor of England, 1770, by Lord North's ministry. The name of this county in the original act, is spelt Cambden. It is situated in the north-eastern portion of the State, and bounded on the north, by the Virginia line ; south by Albemarle Sound ; east by Currituck County ; and west by Pasquotank River, which separates it from Pasquotank County. The celebrated Dismal Swamp, whose lake (Drummond) preserves to posterity the name of the first Governor of North Carolina, has been enshrined in the poetic numbers of Thomas Moore : "Where all night long, by a fire-fly lamp, She paddles her white canoe."* Its canal connecting the waters of Virginia and North Carolina, is 22 miles long, 40 to 60 feet Avide, and admits vessels of 70 or 80 tons burthen, drawing 7 feet water. Its cost of construction was $500,000 ; it yields a revenue of about $87,000 in tolls ; the locks, ten in number, are composed of beautiful hewn stone. * Moore's Works, iii. 91. CAMDEN COUNTY. 71 Population, 3,572 whites; 290 free negroes; 2,187 slaves; 5,174 federal population. Its products, according to census of 1840, 2,739 bushels of wheat; 9.480 bushels of oats ; 285,574 bushels corn; 6,792 lbs. cotton; 253 barrels fish; $14,807 lumber ; 2,664 gallons of brandy. The soil of Camden is remarkable for its fertility.^ It is a matter of regret that the cause of education is so neglected in Camden. The census of 1840 proves, that in a population of 5,663, there are 691 persons over 20 years of age, who cannot read or write. The census of 1850 shows, that in a white population of 3,572, there are 773 over 20, who cannot read or write. The revolutionary history of Camden is connected with that of Pasquotank. The officers in 1776, for the second regiment of Pasquotank, since Camden, were, Isaac Gregory, Colonel; Deupst Bcrges-s, Lt. Colonel; Josuua Camp- bell, First Major; Peter Daugh, Second Major. Colonel, afterwards Gex. Gregory, was in the hard fought battle of Eutaw, in South Carolina, and was a brave ofiBcer, and honorable man ; was much respected, and often represented Camden in the Legislature. Colonel Burgess was often in the Legislature, and in 1795 represented this District in the Congress of the United States. Lemuel Sawyer was born in Camden, in 1777 ; educated at Flat Bush, New York, under care of Dr. Peter Wilson. He studied law, and was licensed to practice. In 1800, he represented Camden in the House of Commons, and again in 1801 ; in 1804 Elector, and voted in the Electoral College for Thomas Jefferson. In 1807 elected to Congress, from this district, which he continued to repre- sent with some intervals until 1829, an unusually long period of service. Mr. Sawyer is now in one of the public offices at AVashington. Mr. Sawyer was succeeded in Congress by Hon. Wm. 13. Shepard, for a sketch of whom see Pasquotank, Chapter LIX. Members of the General Assembly from Camden, from the adop- tion of the Constitution to the last session : — Years. Senate. 1778. Isaac Gregory, 1779. Isaac Gregory, 1780. Isaac Gregory, 1782. Isaac Gregory, 1786. Isaac Gregory, 1787. Isaac Gregory, 1788. Isaac Gregory, 1789. Isaac Gregory, 1790. Peter Dauge, 1791. Peter Dauge, 1792. Peter Dauge, 1793. Peter Dauge, 1795. Isaac Gregory, 1796. Isaac Gregory, 1797. Joseph Forksey, 1800. Joseph Forksey, 1801. Joseph Forksey, 1802. Thomas Burgess, 1803. Nathan Snowden, 1804. Arthur Old, 1805. Arthur Old, 1806. Arthur Old, 1807. Arthur Old, 1808. Nathan Snowden, 1809. Caleb Perkins, 14 Members of the House of Commons. John Gray, Caleb Grandy. AVillis Butt, Caleb Grandy. William Burgess, D. Sawyer. Dempsey Sawyer, Benjamin Jones. Lemuel Sawyer, Peter Dauge. Enoch Sawyer, Peter Dauge. Enoch Sawyer, Peter Dauge, Enoch Sawyer, Peter Dauge. Charles Grandy, AVilliam Burgess, Charles Grandy, William Burgess. Charles Grandy, William Burgess. William Neavill, Nathan Snowden, Nathan Snowden, Caleb Grandy. Enoch Daily, Josiah Morgan. Enoch Daily, Z. Burgess. Thomas Mercer, Lemuel Sawyer. Thomas Mercer, Lemuel Sawyer. Thomas Mercer, Caleb Perkins. Joseph Morgan, Caleb Perkins. Joseph Morgan, David Dunkin. Joseph Morgan, Caleb Perkins. Joseph Morgan, Caleb Perkins. Caleb Perkins, Thomas Bell. Caleb Perkins, Thomas Bell. Thomas Bell, Dempsey Sawyer. 72 HISTOPwY OF NOKTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1810. Gideon Lamb, 1811. Caleb Perkins, 1812. Joseph Dozier, 1813. Thomas Bell, 1814. Thomas Bell, 1815. Caleb Perkins, 1816. Caleb Perkins, 1817. Caleb Perkins, 1818. John Kelly, 1819. Caleb Perkins, 1821. Luke J. Lamb, 1822. Mason Culpepper, 1823. Caleb Perkins, 1824. Caleb Perkins, 1825. Willis Wilson, 1826. Willis Wilson, 1827. Willis Wilson, 1828. Haywood S. Bell, 1829. Haywood S. Bell, 1830. Caleb Perkins, 1831. Haywood S. Bell, 1832. Haywood S. Bell, 1833. Enoch Nash, 1834. Edm'd I. Barco, 1835. Thomas Tillet, 1836. Daniel Lindsay, 1838. Caleb Etheridge, 1840. Caleb Etheridge, 1842. Caleb Etheridge, 1844. Caleb Etheridge, 1846. John Barnard, 1848. John Barnard, 1850. John Barnard, Members of the House of Commons. Tliomas Bell, Dempsey Sawyer. Dempsey Sawyer, William Mercer. Dempsey Sawyer, John Kelly. Dempsey Sawyer, Thomas Etheridge. John Kellar, Baily Parker. Baily Barco, John H. Brocket. Willis Wilson, Ezekiel Trotman. Baily Barco, Willis Wilson. William Hearing, William Mercer. AVilliam Mercer, John Jones. William B. Webster, Samuel Mercer. William B. Webster, John Jones. William B. Webster, Thomas Tillet. William B. Webster, Thomas Tillet. Thomas Tillet, Thomas Dozier. Thomas Dozier, Simeon Jones. Thomas Tillet, Thomas Dozier. Thomas Dozier, William B. Webster. Thomas Dozier, A. H. Grandy. A. H. Grandy, Thomas Dozier. . A. H. Grandy, Thomas Dozier. B. D. Harrison, Thomas Tillet. Thomas Tillet, Caleb Barco. Thomas Tillet, Jas. N. McPherson. Jas. N. McPherson, J. D. Pritchard. J. S. Burgess. A. H. Grandy. Cornelius G. Lamb. Cornelius G. Lamb. D. D. Ferebee. D. D. Ferebee. Caleb Barco. S. Burgess. CHAPTER XIV. CARTERET COUNTY. Origin of name — Date of formation — Situation and boundaries — Beaufort, its capital — Population and products — Climate — Early history — Teaches Hole. Carteret was one of the original precincts of the Lords Proprie- tors, and was called in honor of one of them, who is stjled in the charter of Charles II. as " oui' right truly and "well beloved counsel- lor, Sir George Carteret, Knight and Baronet, Vice-Chancellor of our Household." He is described by a cotemporary writer, as " the passionate and ignorant, and not too honest Sir George Carteret."* He died in 1695, and was succeeded by his son John,t afterwards * Pepys, i 3G6. t See Martin, Vol. i. p. 190. Vol. i. (these sketches) p. 41. CARTERET COUNTY. 73 Earl of Granville, wlio retained his portion of tlie sovereignty of North Carolina, when the other proprietors, in 1729, surrendered to the Crown. Its situation is in the extreme eastern portion of the State, and is bounded on the north, by the Pamplico Sound, and County of Craven ; south and east by the Atlantic Ocean, west by the Coun- ties of Jones and Onslow. Its capital is Beaufort, which possesses a fine harbor, great depth of water, and is destined to become the marine depot of North Caro- lina. Its distance from Raleigh is one hundred and sixty-eight miles. To this county belongs the honor of having been seen by the first adventurers to these United States. Two ships, one called the Tyger, the other the Admiral, commanded by Philip Amidas, and Arthur Barlow, were fitted out under the charge and expense of Sir Walter Raleigh, under a patent from Queen Elizabeth. These sailed from England on April 27th, 1584, and arrived on this coast on the 4th day of July, 1584. " After sailing along the coast one hundred and twenty English miles," says Amidas,* in his report, " before we could find any entrance or river issuing into the sea. The first that appeared unto us we entered and cast anker. After thanks given to God for our safe arrivall thither, we went to view the land adioyning and to take possession of the same in the right of the Queene's most excellent Maiestie, and rightful Queeue and Princesse of the same, and after delivered the same over to ouer vse, according to her Majesties grant and letters patent vnder her Higheness' great scale." The patent, as well as the report of these officers to Sir Walter Raleigh, is recorded in Hakluyt's Voyages, (vol. iii. p. 301.) This land was Roanoake Island, in Currituck County. For extracts from said report, see Currituck County. " They were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea."t In Oct., 1749, a furious storm destroyed Beacon Island, near Ocracoke Inlet.| The United States have a fort at Beaufort, called Fort Macon, and a light-house on Cape Look-out. Population, 3,572 whites ; 290 free negroes ; 2,187 slaves ; and 5,174 federal population. Products, 2,133 bushels of wheat ; 32,674 bushels of corn ; 4,283 pounds of cotton; 3,755 pounds of wool; $41,200 value of vessels owned; and 15,347 barrels of turpentine. The chief inlet of our State is on the northern point of this county, Ocracoke Inlet, through which all vessels navigating the Albemarle Country must pass. It is obstructed by a bar of sand, over which vessels drawing more than twelve feet water must be lightened. This is a great drawback to the commerce of North Carolina. * Bancroft's History of the United States, vol. i. p. 92. - -f Coleridge. + Williamson, vol. ii. p. 64. 74 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Near it is TeacJis Hole* which preserves the name of a noted pirate, in the days of Governor Eden, whose career and fate are already recorded, and with whose name tradition still associates heaps of bm'ied treasm*es. In the Assembly of freemen that first assembled in North Carolina, without the consent and independent of the English Crown, which met at Newbern, August 25th, 1774, Wm. Thompson appeared for Carteret. In the Assembly at Newbern, in April, 1775, William Thompson and Solo- mon Sheppard. In the Assembly at Hillsboro', in August, 1775, John Eason, Wm. Thomp- son, Brice Williams, Solomon Sheppard and Enoch Ward. In the Assembly at Halifax, on Nov. 12th, 1776, which formed our consti- tution, appeared for Carteret, Solomon Sheppard, Brice Williams, Wm. Borden, John Easton and Thomas Chadwick. In the organization of the Continental troops by the State Congress, in August, 1775, for Carteret County, William Thompson was Colonel; Solo- mon Shepard, Lieutenant-Colonel; Thomas Chadwick, Major ; and Malachi Bell, Second Major. In 1809, the seat of Jacob Henry, one of the members from this county, was vacated on the ground that " he denied the divine authority of the New Testament." This was the first time in the history of the State that this question had been made, which underwent in the Convention which reformed the Consti- tution in 1835, so able and searching investigation. Mr. Henry, in an able speech, said to be the production of Chief Jus^tice Taylor, defended his rights, and he was aided by the luminous efforts of Judge Gaston. Speech of Mr. Jacob Henry. " I certainly, Mr. Speaker, know not the design of the Declaration of Rights made by the people of this State in the year 1776, if it was not to conse- crate certain great and fundamental rights and principles which even the Constitution cannot impair ; for the 44th section of the latter instrument declares that the Declaration of Rights ought never to be violated, on any pretence whatever ; if there is any apparent difi'erence between the two in- struments, they ought, if possible, to be reconciled ; but if there is a final repugnance between them, the Declaration of Rights must be considered paramount ; for I believe it is to the Constitution, as the Constitution is to law ; it controls and directs it absolutely and conclusively. If, then, a belief in the Protestant religion is required by the Constitution, to qualify a man for a seat in this house, and such qualification is dispensed with by the De- claration of Rights, the provision of the Constitution must be altogether in- operative ; as the language of the Bill of Rights is, "that all men have a natural and inalienable right to worship Almightv God according to the dic- tates of their own consciences." It is undoubtedly a natural right, and when it is declared to be an inalienable one by the people in their sovereign and original capacity, any attempt to alienate either by the Constitution or by law, must be vain and fruitless. " It is difiicult to conceive how such a provision crept into the Constitution, unless it is from the difficulty the human mind feels in suddenly emancipating itself from fetters by which it has long been enchained: and how adverse it is to the feelings and manners of the people of the present day every gentle- man may satisfy himself by glancing at the religious belief of the persona who fill the various offices in this State : there are Presbyterians, Lutherans, Calvinists, Mennonists, Baptists, Trinitarians, and Unitarians. But, as far as my observation extends, there are fewer Protestants, in the strict sense of the word, used by the Constitution, than of any other persuasion ; for I sup- *Vol. i. p.31. CARTERET COUNTY. 75 pose that they meant by it, the Protestant religion as established by the law in England. For other persuasions we see houses of worship in almost every part of the State, but very few of the Protestant; so few, that indeed I fear that the people of this State would for some time remain unrepresented in this House, if that clause of the Constitution is supposed to be in force. So far from believing in the Thirty-nine Ai-ticles, I will venture to assert that a majority of the people never have read them. " If a man should hold religious principles incompatible with the freedom and safety of the State, I do not hesitate to pronounce that he should be ex- cluded from the public councils of the same ; aad I trust if I know myself, no one would be more ready to aid and assist than myself. But I should really be at a loss to specify any known religious principles which are thus dangerous. It is surely a question between a man and his Maker, and re- quires more than human attributes to pronounce which of the numerous sects prevailing in the world is most acceptable to the Deity. If a man ful- fils the duties of that religion, which his education or his conscience has pointed to him as the true one, no person, I hold, in this our land of liberty, has a right to arraign him at the bar of any inquisition : and the day, I trust, has long passed, when principles merely speculative were propagated by force ; when the sincere and pious were made victims, and the light-minded bribed into hypocrites. "The purest homage man could render to the Almighty was in the sacrifice of his passions and the performance of his duties. That the ruler of the uni- verse would receive with equal benignity the various ofi"erings of man's ado- ration, if they proceeded fi'om the heart. Governments only concern the actions and conduct of man, and not his speculative notions. Who among us feels himself so exalted above his fellows as to have a right to dictate to them any mode of belief? Shall this free country set an example of perse- cution, which even the returning reason of enslaved Europe would not sub- mit to ? Will you bind the conscience in chains, and fasten conviction upon the mind in spite of the conclusions of reason and of those ties and habitudes which are blended with every pulsation of the heart ? Are you prepared to plunge at once from the sublime heights of moral legislation into the dark and gloomy caverns of superstitious ignorance? Will you drive from your shores and from the shelter of j'our constitution, all who do not lay their oblations on the same altar, observe the same ritual, and subscribe to the same dogmas? If so, which, among the various sects into which we are divided, shall be the fixvored one ? "I should insult the understanding of this House to suppose it possible that they could ever assent to such absurdities ; for all know that persecution in all its shapes and modifications, is contrary to the genius of our govern- ment and the spirit of our laws, and that it can never produce any other eifect than to render men hypocrites or martyrs. "When Charles V., Emperor of Germany, tired of the cares of government, resigned his crown to his son, he retired to a monastery, where he amused the evening of his life in regulating the movements of watches, endeavoring to make a number keep the same time ; but, not being able to make any two go exactly alike, it led him to reflect upon the folly and crimes he had com- mitted, in attempting the impossibility of making men think alike!! "Nothing is more easily demonstrated than that the conduct alone is the subject of human laws, and that man ought to suffer civil disqualification for what he does, and not for what he thinks. The mind can receive laws only from Him, of whose Divine essence it is a portion; He alone can punish dis- obedience; for who else can know its movements, or estimate their merits? The religion I profess, inculcates every duty which man owes to his fellow men; it enjoins upon its votaries the practice of every virtue, and the detest- ation of every vice -, it teaches them to hope for the favor of heaven exactly in propoi-tion as their lives have been directed by just, honorable, and bene- ficent maxims. This, then, gentlemen, is my creed; it was impressed upon my infimt mind ; it has been the director of my youth, the monitor of my manhood, and will, I trust, be the consolation of my old age. At any rate, 76 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Mr. Speaker, I am sure that you cannot see anything in this Religion, to de- prive me of my seat in this house. So far as relates to my life and conduct, the examination of these I submit with cheerfulness to your candid and liberal construction. What may be the religion of'him who made this ob- jection against me, or whether he has any religion or not I am unable to say. I have never considered it my duty to pry into the belief of other members of this house. If their actions are upright and conduct just, the rest is for their own consideration, not for mine. I do not seek to make converts to my faith, whatever it may be esteemed in the eyes of my officious friend, nor do I exclude any one from my esteem or friendship, because he and I differ in that respect. The same charity, therefore, it is not unreasonable to expect, will be extended to myself, because in all things that relate to the State and to the duties of civil life, I am bound by the same obligations with my fellow- citizens, nor does any man subscribe more sincerely than myself to the maxim, " whatever ye would that men should do unto you do ye so even unto them, for such is the law and the prophets." The members of the Legislature from Carteret are as follows : — Vears. Senators. 1778. John Easton, 1783. John Easton, 1785. John Easton, 1786. John Easton, 1787. John Easton, 1788. Joseph Hill, 1791. Malachi Bell, 1792. David Ward, 1793. D. Ward, 1791. D. AYard, 1795. D. Ward, 1796. JohnFulford, 1797. John Fulford, 1800. Xewell Bell, 1801. Asa Bishop, 1802. William Fisher, 1803. W. Fisher, 1804. Asa Bishop, 1805. Nathaniel Pinkham, 1806. N. Pinkham, 1807. X. Pinkham, 1808. Elijah Piggot, 1809. Belcher Fuller, 1810. B. Fuller, 1811. B. Fuller, 1812. B. Fuller, 1813. B. Fuller, 1814. A. Wilson, 1815. Lebbeus Hunter, 1816. John Robards, 1817. George H. Dudley, 1818. Whittington Davis, 1819. Andrew Wilson, Jr., 1821. AVhittington Davis, 1822. W. Davis, 1823. W. Davis, 1824. W. Davis, 1825. W. Davis, 1826. W. Davis, 1827. Nathan Fuller, 1828. Otway Burns, 1829. Otway Burns, Members of the House of Commons. Sol. Shepard. Enoch Ward, Eli West. Enoch Ward, Eli West. Eli West, John Fulford. Eli West, John Fulford. John Fulford, Wm. Shepard. John Fulford, A. Jones. Adam Gaskins, William Russell. A. Gaskins, Wm. Russell. A. Gaskins, Wm. Russell. James Wallace, Wm. Russell. James Wallace, Aden Jones. Asa Bishop, Newell Bell. Elijah Piggot, John McKairn. Elijah Piggot, John McKairn. Elijah Piggot, Samuel Easton. Samuel Easton, Thomas Harriss. Samuel Easton, John Robards. Thomas Russell, John Robards. T. Russell, J. Robards. T. Russell, John Robards. Jacob Henry, John Robards. Jacob Henry, John Robards. John Robards, N. Pinkham. J. Robards, Abraham Piggot. J. Robards, Nathaniel Pinkham. J. Robards, Nathaniel Pinkham. J. Robards, H. Hill. Hatch Hill, John Robards. Whittington Davis, Elijah Piggot. John Mayo, N. Pinkham. Nat. Pinkham, Isaac Ilellen. Isaac Ilellen, N. Pinkham. W. D. Styron, Otway Burns. Otwav Burns, Isaac Hellen. Isaac^ Ilellen, Edw'd H. Bell. Otway Burns, Wm. H. Borden. Otwav Burns, Wm. II. Borden. Edw'd II. Bell, Otway Burns. David W. Borden, Otway Burns. J. S. W. Hellen, David W. Borden. J. S. W. Hellen, David W. Borden, CASWELL COUNTY. 77 Years. Senators. Members of the House of Commons. 1830. David "W. Borden, Thomas Marshall, John F. Jones. 1831. Otway Burns, John F. Jones, J. "W. Hunt. 1832. Thomas Marshall, Ot^Yay Burns, D. W. Borden. 1833. Otway Burns, Samuel Leffers, David AVhitehurst. 1834. Otway Burns, James Manny, Elijah S. Bell. 1835. James W.Bryan, James W. Hunt, Thomas Marshall. (Under the new Constitution, Carteret and Jones form one Senatorial district -the 20th), 1836. Jas. TV". Bryan, Thomas Marshall. 1838. Enoch Foy, Elijah S. Bell. 1840. Isaac Hellen, Elijah Whitehurst. 1842. Jas. W. Howard, Thomas Marshall. 1844. Isaac Hellen, E. Whitehurst. 1846. James W. Howard, Jennings Piggot. 1848. E. S. Bell, Jennings Piggot. 1850. M. F. Arendell, Jennings Piggot. CHAPTER XV. CASWELL COUNTY. Date of formation, origin of name, situation and boundaries — Yanceyville,- capital — Population and products — Climate and soil — Distinguished citizens — Marmaduke Williams, Bartlett Yancey, R. M. Saunders, Bedford Brown, and others, members of the General Assembly. Caswell County was erected in 1777, out of Orange County. It derives its name from Richard Caswell, the first Governor under the Constitution, whose life, services, and death, have already received a full notice.* The heathen philosophers endeavored to write their Mythology on the heavens, beyond the pages of history, by naming the planets and stars after their divinities and heroes, indulging the hope that as long as their radiant effulgence existed, these names would be known to all time, and venerated in all ages. So has North Carolina preserved in perpetual memory the name of one of her purest patriots and devoted sons. His name is worthy of such a country. His example is left to urge us to follow his acts of honor and patriotism. " And by his light Shall every gallant youth with ardor move, To do brave deeds." Caswell County is situated in the north-western part of North Carolina, and forms a beautiful compact square, having the Virginia * Vol. i. 78 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. line on the north ; Person County on the east ; Alamance and Orange on the south ; and Rockingham County on the west. Its capital is Yanceyville, named in compliment to Bartlett Yancey (whose services are herein recorded), and distant from Raleigh 66 miles. Population, 7,081 whites; 7,770 slaves; 418 free negroes ; 12,161 federal population. Products, 78,682 bushels of wheat; 121,885 bushels of oats ; 2,800 bushels of rye ; 509,480 bushels of corn ; 3,005,842 pounds of tobacco ; 82,649 pounds of cotton ; 8,524 pounds of wool. Its climate is salubrious, and its lands fertile. Its revolutionary history is connected with Orange. Few counties can present citizens whose services are entitled to more respect, and whose devotion to the welfare of the State, was more sincere than Caswell. Many of her sons have gone to other States, iNIississippi, Ala- bama, and elsewhere, and whose talents have been shown and vir- tues acknowledged by their adopted country by elevating them to high and distinguished positions. Marmaduke "Williams was one of these. lie was born in Caswell County on the Gth of April 1772, married Mrs. Agnes Harris, whose maiden name was Payne. In 1802 elected to the State Senate, and the next year elected to Con- gress to succeed his brother, liobert Williams, who was appointed by 3Ir. Jefferson, Governor of Mississippi. He remained in Congress until 1809. In 1810 he removed to Alabama, Tuscaloosa County, and was a delegate from that county to the convention which formed the Constitution. In 1832 elected a Judge of Tuscaloosa County. He died on the 29th of Oct. 1850. The county seat of Caswell is Yanceyville ; and this is associated, too, with the name of Bartlett Yancey. Ilis character was one of which his county and State may well be proud, and which deserves to be cherished by every citizen. Though many of us who have associated with and known this dis- tinguished individual, and therefore are too near the Colossus to admire its perfect proportions, yet he was a man "worthy of Rome in Eome's beat days." Raised by his own energies and exertions to a rank high among his fellow-men, with a mind if not naturally overpowering, yet cultivated by edu- cation, with a person and manners, "to win golden opinions from all sorts of men," his name well deserves to be embalmed by the capital of the county in which he lived, by the people whom he served, and among whom he died. The regard of his native State has carried this feeling still fiirther, and named one of the most beautiful of her trans-montane counties after this distin- guished patriot. It will be for some pen more intimately acquainted with his private life, to give to his country the earlyaccount of this worthy citizen. The writer of this only knew him in the later periods of his public career. He was educated at the University of North Carolina, and was for a time, it is believed, a tutor in that institution. His first appearance in politics was in 1813, as member of Congress, where he served four years. In 1817 he was Senator from Caswell County, and he succeeded, as Speaker of that body, Hon. John Branch, when the latter was elected governor. From that period until his death, in_1828, he was a member of the Senate, and Speaker with little or no intermission. Such was his unbounded popularity, that a manu- script sketch of this gentleman by Mr. McQueen states that wlien a candidate for Congress, he received every vote but one in Caswell County ! As a law- yer, he had few equals and no superiors. But it was chiefly while presiding as Speaker, for a series of years, of a body that was graced by many of the CASWELL COUNTY. T9 proudest intellectual ornaments of the State, and agitated by some of the most important questions of tlie day, that the superiority of Mr. Yancey consisted. Early was this talent ^o developed that while a member of the House of Re- presentatives in Congress, the Speaker (Mr. Clay), as will appear by refer- ence to the Journals, often supplied his place by the substitution of Mr. Yancey; and he did not suffer by comparison with that distinguished gen- tleman, who, as a Speaker, still stands unrivalled. Combining with great energy and quickness, an astuteness of mind, his bland and elegant manners render him peculiarly fitted for this station. The duties of this position necessarily excluded him from an active participation in discussions on the floor. But whenever occasion called for it, the Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and his splendid ability, his cogent reasoning and thrilling eloquence were ever ready for his country's welfare. He was a most energetic and powerful debater. Blessed with a manly person, an ob- servant and active mind, a well-regulated and harmonious voice, therewas a resistless impetuosity and vehemence in his efforts that bore down like an avalanche every opposition. The present Supreme Court system, the order and regularity of the Treasury and Comptroller's departments of the State, the various acts regulating the Internal Improvement of the State, and many other public measures, received an impulse and support from him that secured their success. His death, which occurred while elected a mem- ber of the Senate (in 1828), so unexpected, caused a sensation throughout the whole State which, even at this distant day, is painfully remembered. All eyes had been turned to him as the appropriate successor to Gov. Branch in the Senate of the United States. Of such a son, Caswell may well be proud. Hon. Jacob Thompson, at present a member of Congress from the State of Mississippi, is a native son of Caswell. He was educated at our University, and graduated in 1831, and for a time was a tutor in the institution. In 1839, he was elected to Congress from his adopted State, and has continued ever since. Although his talents and services are devoted to another State, North Carolina and Caswell are proud of her son. Hon. Bedford Browx was born in Caswell, in 1795. His first appearance in public life, was in the year 1815, as member of the House of Commons, from Caswell. His colleague was Hon. R. M. Saunders, in the_ Commons ; both distingnished in after life, and competitors for same political honors. Mr. Brown entered public life at an interesting and eventful period of our country's history. The war with Great Britain that our country was then engaged in, divided parties in angry and acrimonious collision. Mr.Brown took a prominent stand for the administration and the war, and at this early age evinced that prominent trait in his character, of indomitable firmness and unconquerable tenacity to his principles. He served many years in both Houses of the General Assembly, and m 1829, was elected to the Senate of the United States by one vote. He served in this exalted position with so much satisfaction, at a most excited period of public affairs, that he was again elected to this important office, which he resigned under instructions from the General Assembly. In 1842, he was again a member of the General Assembly, as Senatprfrom Caswell, and was a candidate for the Senate of the United States. After an animated and angry contest, which terminated in the election of Mr. Hay- wood, Mr. Brown withdrew from public life. He removed to Missouri, then returned to North Carolina, and is now at or near Baltimore, in Maryland, superintending the education of his children. To the same session of the General Assembly in which Mr. Brown first ap- peared (1815), Hon. Romulus Mitchell Saunders was elected. Mr. Saunders has been ever since on the stage of public action. He was born in Caswell County, in March, 1791 ; son of William Saunders, an officer of the Revolution. He was educated at Hyco and Caswell Academy, and was two years at the University. Studied law with Hon. Hugh Lawsoa 80 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. "White, of Tennessee, and was licensed to practice in that State in 1812. He returned to Xorth Carolina, and was elected to the House of Commons in 1815, to 1820, and was Speaker of the House in 1819 and 1820. In 1821, he was elected member of Congress, and served until 1827. The demands of a young and rising family requiring his attention to his profession, he was not a candidate for re-election, but turned his whole time aud attention to his profession. In 1828, he was elected Attorney-General of the State. In 1833, he was appointed by the President one of the Board of Commis- sioners to decide and allot the amounts due citizens of the United States for injuries by France, as settled by Treaty of 4th of July, 1831. Here it was the fortune of the Author of these sketches to be associated with General Saunders on this commission, and it cannot be improper to record the facts of the manner in which these important duties were discharged. This was a most important commission. The amount to be distributed, as secured by treaty, was twenty-five millions of francs ; it was to be distributed among thousands of claimants. Hon. Geo. W. Campbell, of Tennessee, late member of Congress, Minister Plenipotentiary to Russia, and Secretary of Treasury, and Hon. John K. Kane, now U. S. Judge of Pennsylvania, were his colleagues. The first legal talents of the nation appeared before this Board as Advo- cates ; among them were Daniel Webster, Chancellor Kent, Francis Key, and David B. Ogden. Such were the patient and laborious habits of General Saunders, the acumen of his intellect aud the clearness of his decisions, that he won for himself the respect and esteem of all in this arduous duty. In 1835, he was elected by the Legislature Judge of the Superior Courts, which he resigned in 18-40, "on being nominated as the Democratic candidate for Governor. The heat and ardor of this political campaign will be long remembered. Judge Saunders shared the fortunes and fate of his party, and was defeated by John M. Morehead, Esq. In 1841, he was again elected to Congress, and he served until 1845. In 1846, he was appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to Spain, where he remained until 1850, when he was recalled at his own request. He was the second person in North Carolina (General William R. Davie being the first) who ever received such a distinguished mark of high honor at the hands of the Federal Government. He returned home in October, 1849. As an evidence of the confidence of his country while abroad, and the respect of the President, he was intrusted Avith a special commission to negotiate on the subject of Cuba, now the object of much interest to the country. In 1850, he was elected a member of the House of Commons from Wake, in which capacity he served last session. He has taken a decided aud active part in the Railroad Improvements of the State, and by his ardor and ability contributed much to their success. To another age and at another day these data may afford material to the historian and biographer. No elfort is made to extract from the various speeches of Judge Saunders, or allude to various questions of public policy or principles that he had advocated or opposed. But justice and truth, when divested of all bias or prejudice must say, that his character is worthy of the State, and his services have contributed to her elevation aud honor. Many other names connected with Caswell might be alluded to, and in another edition may be referred to. The following are tlie members of the General Assembly from Caswell county, from 1777 to 1851. years. Senate. House of Commons. 1778. Dempsey Moore, John Atkinson, Richard Moore. 1782. Dempsey Moore, David Shelton, Robert Dickens. CASWELL COUNTY. 81 Years. Senate. 1785. Dempsey INIoore, 178G. Dempsey Moore, 1788. Robert Payne, 1791. Robert Dickens, 1792. James Williamson, 1793. John Williams, 1794. John Williams, 1795. John Williams, 1796. Wynn Dickson, 1797. Wynn Dickson, 1800. Samuel Morton, 1801. Samuel Morton, 1802. Marmaduke Williams, 1803. Samuel Morton, 1804. Samuel Morton, 1805. Azariah Graves, 1806. A. Graves, 1807. A. Graves, 1808. A. Graves, 1809. A. Graves, 1810. A. Graves, 1811. A. Graves, 1812. Nathanial Williams, 1813. N. Williams, 1814. B. Graves, 1815. B. Graves, 1817. Bartlett Yancey, 1819. B. Yancey, 1821. B. Yancey, 1822. B. Yancey, 1823. B. Yancey, 1825. B.Yancey, 1826. B. Yancey, 1827. B. Yancey, 1828. Bedford Brown, 1829. B. Brown, 1830. James Kerr, 1831. J. Kerr, 1832. J. Kerr, 1833. J. Kerr, 1834. J. Kerr, 1835. J. Kerr, House of Commons. Robert Dickens, Adam Sanders. Adam Sanders, Robert Dickens. Benjamin Douglass, John Graves. James Williamson, John Graves. John Graves, David Shelton. •John Graves, David Shelton. Gabriel Lea, William Parks. Solomon Graves, David Burfort. Robert Blackwell, Solomon Graves. Robert Blackwell, Solomon Graves. James Yancey, Richard Simpson. James Yancey, John McAden. John McAden, James Yancey. James Yancey, Young McAden. Richard Hornbuckle, Laurence Lea. Richard Hornbuckle, John McMullen. James Burton, John McMullen. J. Burton, James Yancey. J. Yancey, James Burton. Isaac Rainey, Nathaniel Williams. Isaac Rainey, Nathaniel Williams. James Yancey, Isaac Rainey. Samuel Dabney, James Rainey. Quinten Anderson, B. Graves. Isaac Rainey, John P. Harrison. Romulus M. Saunders, Bedford Brown. B. Brown, R. M. Saunders. R. M. Saunders, B. Graves. Quinten Anderson, B. Graves. James Yancey, B. Graves. _ Bedford Brown. James Rainey. John E. Lewis, Charles D. Donoho. John E. Lewis, C. D. Donoho. John E. Lewis, C. D. Donoho. James H. Ruffin, James Kerr. John Wilson, James Kerr. Littleton A. Gwinn, Stephen Dodson. L. A. Gwinn, John F. Garland. Barzillai Graves, L.'A. Gwinn. John E. Brown, Stephen Dodson. J. E. Brown, L. A. Gwinn. L. A. Gwinn, Stephen Dodson. (The delegates to the Convention to amend the Constitution, in June, 1835, were William A. Lea and Calvin Graves.) 1836. J. Kerr, 1838. James Kerr, 1840. James Kerr, 1842. Bedford Brown, 1844. L. A. Gwynn, 1846. Calvin Graves, 1848. Calvin Graves, 1850. George Williamson, L. A. Gwynn, William A. Lea. Levi Walker, L. A. Gwinn. Calvin Graves, Levi Walker. Calvin Graves, Levi Walker. Calvin Graves, J. K. Lea. John B. McMullen. John B. McMullen, Richard Jones. Samuel P. Hill, D. S. Johnson. 82 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XVI. CATAWBA COUNTY. Catawba County was formed in 1842 from Lincoln County, and derives its name from the riyer which forms its northern and east- ern boundaries. ' .: -'■ ■ It is located in the north-western portion of the State, and bounded on the north by the Catawba River, which separates it from Caldwell County; on the east by the Catawba River, which separates it from Iredell County ; on the south by Lincoln ; and on the west by Burke. Its population is 7,272 whites; 1,5G9 slaves; 21 free negroes; and 8,234 federal population. Its revolutionary history is connected with Lincoln County, its separation from which caused an angry political animosity, which time we trust has removed. It is blessed with a most healthful cli- mate, fertile lands, and every advantage to nourish a useful and intelligent population. Its county seat is Neivton^ that sprung up only as on yesterday, and has a commodious Court House, and other Public Buildings ; many stores and handsome private residences ; 175 miles from Ra- leigh. Its inhabitants are distinguished for their industry and in- tegrity. For her representatives, as she votes with Lincoln until after the session of 1852, see Lincoln County. Hon. Henry W. Conner resides in Catawba County, on the Catawba River. He was born in Prince George County, Virginia, in August 1793. Educated at the University of South Carolina, at Columbia, at which institution he graduated in 1812. In 1814 he entered the army as Aide-de-camp to General Jos. Graham, and marched with the detachment of troops to the Creek Na- tion. In 1821 he was elected to Congress and served continuously until 1841 ; when he declined a re-election. Major Conner is a disciple of the Macon school of politics. He was a member of the Senate of the General Assembly in 1848 ; after which he declined all public honors and public service. He married in 1839 Lucy, the daughter of the late Governor Hawkins, who left him for a bettter world in 1849. CHATHAM COUNTY. 83 CHAPTER XVII. CHATHAM COUNTY. Date of formation, origin of name— Population and products— Capital— Revo- lutionary history — Regulators— The character, exploits, and death of David Fannen— The character of James F. Taylor, Attorney-General of North Carolina and a native of Chatham— Abraham Rencher — John D. Toomer and others — List of members of Assembly. Chatham County was formed in 1770, and called in compliment of that distinguished English statesman and orator William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, whose talents and eloquence were displayed in the British Parliament in^de- fence of the rights of America. He was a son of Robert Pitt, born in_1708, elevated at the early age of twenty-one to be Premier of England. His last forensic display was in defence of America, when he was carried in the House of Lords on a couch, and there, in all the resistless power of his mighty intellect, in the music and majesty of his eloquent voice, he portrayed the deep and burning injustice of 'England, and the crying wrongs of suffering America. He died in 1778, not until he told our oppressors t<) their teeth that he rejoiced that America had resisted, and predicted the brilliant career that awaited her, and the destiny which she has since fulfilled. His speeches are among the best specimens of oratory in our language. Worthily is his name preserved in this intelligent portion of our State. Chatham County, situated near the centre of the State, is bounded on the north by ALamance and Orange ; on the east by Wake and a small portion of Cumberland ; on the south by Moore ; and west by Randolph. Its capital is Pittsboro', 34 miles west of Raleigh. Its population is 12,164 whites ; 5,985 slaves ; 300 free negroes ; 16,055 representative population. Its products are 94,342 bushels wheat; 93,368 bushels oats; 446,708 bushels of corn ; 536,886 pounds of tobacco ; 399,728 pounds of cotton ; 1000 pounds of iron; 500 dollars worth of lumber. The immediate cause of the division of Orange at the time (1770) into Chatham, Wake and Guilford, was the troubles of the regu- lation in this section. The feeling of resistance to the crown offi- cers from their extortionary and oppressive conduct, is already recorded in the chapter on Alamance, to which the reader is re- ferred ; Governor Tryon resorted to the plan of dividing this region, so that the people would not so often congregate at one point. Its early history is connected with these troubles, and a full re- cord of which the chapters on Alamance and Orange present, and renders any further allusion here unnecessary. In the Revolutionary struggle of our country Chatham did her part. 84 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. To the meeting of delegates at Ilillsboro' on 21st August, 1775, there ap- peared as members from Chatham, Elisha Cain, Richard Kexxox, Mat- thew Jones, Jeduthax Harper, Johx Birdsong, Ambrose Ramsay, Joseph RossER, Robert Rutherford, Johx Thompson, and Wm. Clark. This body appointed as Field Officers for Chatham, Ambrose Ramsay, Colo- nel ; Jeduthax Harper, Liutenant-Colonel ; Mial Scurlock, Major; Elisha Caix, 2d Major. At the Congress held at Halifax on the 12th November, 1776, which formed our State Constitution, the members from Chatham County were : — Ambrose Ramsay, Johx Birdsoxg, Mial Scurlock, Isaiah Hogax, and Je- duthax Harper. These men have all gone — their names are here recorded '; but their lives, services, and death beyond this record are unknown. It is to be hoped that some friend of Chatham will collect some me- mento worthy of their fame. Men are like the summer cloud, that the breath of evening wafts away. But patriotic acts and heroic services are not thus transient. A grateful country delights to cherish the recollection and record of their deeds, and inscribe their names on her monuments. There lived in Chatham a man notorious for his marauding dis- position, his fearless and active temper, his dark and dangerous services against the cause of liberty. While we preserve the names of the philanthropist and patriot, duty compels us to describe others whose conduct has marked them with ignominy, and whose names deserve execration. This is but just. Indiscriminate eulogy is as illy applied to a nation as to individuals. History informs us that when Cromwell was about to sit for his portrait to Sir Peter Lely, the painter of the age, he peremptorily told him, "Paint me as I am." So commands North CaroKna to any who attempts to describe her history or that of her sons. David Fanxex was born about 1754 in Wake County. He was appren- ticed to a carpenter or loom maker. In 1778 he moved to Chatham. The occupation of Wilmington by the British under Colonel Craig oflfered other prospects to his ambitious views. He was distinguished for his marauding exploits, and one of the earliest sufferers from his violence and rapacity was Charles Shearing, on Deep River, to whose house he went in the night, and shot him as he ran from the house. His energy of character was appre- ciated by the British authorities. He was appointed a Colonel of the Loyal militia. An old Tory, by the name of Lindsy, gave him a mare called Red Doe, whose blood even to this day is highly prized. Major Craig at Wilmington presented him with a uniform, and pair of pistols and holsters. An interest- ing event is recorded, by which he lost "the Red Doe" and his pistols. An active and zealous Whig named Hunter, afterwards of South Carolina, was taken by this ferocious bandit and his myrmidons. He was sentenced to be hanged. The rope was around his neck. Fannen rode up and dismounted to witness his execution, leaving his mare standing near. In an instant, the prisoner threw off the rope, and leaped on the back of the noble steed. The guard seized their arms, and Fannen orders them to " fire high" to save his mare. Hunter escaped with a shot in his shoulder, but the " Red Doe" and the holsters were his booty. When Cornwallis raised the royal standard at Hillsboro' (Feb. 1781), Fan- nen was a terror to the whole country. The daring of his enterprises, the CHATHAM COUNTY. 85 cruelty of his conduct, and his success, excite our admiration for this bold, bad man, much braver than and equally base as his more polished namesake of Orange County. His forces, with Col. Hector McNeill and Ray, were be- tween 600 and 1,000 men. Among his earliest successes was the capture of Col. Philip Alston at his house in Chatham with a few followers. On 18th July, 1781, he made a descent upon a court-martial at Pittsboro', and took the officers prisoners, and carried them to Wilmington. On 14th August, 1781, he entered Campbellton (now Fayetteville), and carried off Col. Ennett, Captain Winslow and others. On 1st September following, a battle was fought at McFalFs mill, on the Raft Swamp, between him and the friends of liberty. On the 13th he and McNeill entered Hillsboro', then the seat of government, seized the Go- vernor of the State (Thomas Burke), and other prominent Whigs, and pro- ceeded with the utmost rapidity to Wilmington. General Butler endeavored to intercept them with a superior force, and did so at Lindley's Mills on Cane Creek, where an engagement took place on the following day, Fan- nen was severely wounded, but retreated with his prisoners, whom he de- livered to Major Craig at Wilmington. In 1782 Fannen made his way to Charleston, and from thence retreated to Nova Scotia, where he died in 1825. * James Fauntelroy Taylor was a native of Chatham County. He was a son of Captain Philip Taylor, of the revolutionary army. He was born July, 1791. His early education was conducted by Wm. Bingham, in Orange County. He graduated at Chapel Hill in 1810 ; studied law with Chief Justice Taylor ; licensed in 1812; elected a member of the House of Commons from Wake County in 1823 ; elected Attorney-General in 1825 ; and died June, 1828, leaving a widow and several children; one of whom (the only son), is the present Librarian of the State, at Raleigh, and one of the daughters, wife of Perrin Busbee, Esq., of Raleigh. Mr. Taylor was blessed with a clear, discriminating intellect, improved by all the advantages of the age. His talents were of a high order, and duly appreciated by his country. In the administration of the criminal law, while the guilty had nothing to hope, the oppressed and innocent had no- thing to fear. He was loved by all who knew him for his generous and social qualities, and had his career not terminated at so early an age, it would have been brilliant to his own fame and useful to the State. When the cruel hand of death enters and destroys such bright prospects and glowing hopes, we feel, with Burke, " the vanity of all earthly pursuits, and what shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue." Hox. Charles Manly is a native of Chatham ; graduated at the University in 1814 ; studied law with the late Robert Williams, whom he succeeded as Treasurer of the University. He was for a long time Reading Clerk of the House of Commons. In 1845, he was elected Governor, and, in 1849, defeated by the Hon. David Settle Reid. Hon. Abraham Rencher is a resident of Chatham County. He graduated at Chapel Hill, in 1822 ; elected a member of Congress in 1829, and served continuously until 1839 ; elected again in 1841. In 1843, he was appointed Charge d' Affaires from the United States to Portugal, where he resided for several years, discharging his duties with satisfaction to the government and honor and credit to himself. * I am indebted to a letter from the Hon. David L. Swain to Dr. Johnson, of Charleston, for the facts relative to this man. I have had very many reasons to thank Gov. Swain for his liberality and kindness, and for a friendship (commenced in 1827 in Judge Taylor's law office), which has contmued to this day. In gratitude for this uninterrupted friend- ship, the many acts of kindness, and a high esteem for his talents and his worth, I have dedicated mv work to him. 86 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Hon. John D. Toomer resides in Chatham, for a sketch of whom the reader is referred to Cumberland County. Hugh McQueen is a native of Chatham, and represented her several years in both branches of the Legislature ; member of the Convention in 1835 ; Attorney-General in 1840, which he resigned in 1842. lie removed to Texas soon after, and took a distinguished part in the struggles for liberty. John S. Guthrie, now dead, was a native and resident of Chatham, and represe^ed her for many years in the Legislature. Of him, one may say, as Hamlet- " Alas, poor Yorick ! I knew him well, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, Of most excellent fancy." Nature had done much for him ; education but little ; he, himself, much less. There might be other names recorded in these sketches connected with Chatham, but our limits require precision ; another edition may extend the notices of this patriotic county and her sons. Members of the General Assembly from Chatham County, from the first session under the Constitution to the last session 1850-51. Years. Senators. 1777. Ambrose Ramsay, 1778. Ambrose Ramsay, 1779. Ambrose Ramsay, 1780. Ambrose Ramsay, 1781. Ambrose Ramsay, 1782. William B. Smith, 1783. Ambrose Ramsay, 1784. Ambrose Ramsay, 1785. Ambrose Ramsay, 1786. Ambrose Ramsay, 1787. Ambrose Ramsay, 1788. Ambrose Ramsay, 1789. George Lucas, 1790. Joseph Stewart, 1791. Joseph Stewart, 1792. Joseph Stewart, 1793. Joseph Stewart, 1794. Joseph Stewart, 1795. Joseph Stewart, 1796. Lemuel Smith, 1797. George Lucas, 1798. Joseph Stewart, 1799. James Gaines, 1800. James Gaines, 1801. Lemuel Smith, 1802. Joseph J. Alston, 1803. Joseph J. Alston, 1804. William Brantley, 1805. William Brantley, 1806. Winship Stedman, 1807. John Farrar, 1808. John Farrar, 1809. Roderick Gotten, 1810. Micajah McGee, 1811. Roderick Gotten, 1812. Micajah McGee, 1813. John Farrar, House of Commons. Alexander Clark, John Birdson. Alexander Clark, James Williams. Jeduthan Harper, John Lutrcll. Mial Scurlock, James Williams. James Williams, John Ledhill. James Williams, John Ledhill. Matthew Jones, Richard Hennon. Elisha Cain, Joseph Stewart. Joseph Stewart, Roger Griffith. James Anderson, Joseph Stewart. James Anderson, Joseph Stewart. James Anderson, Joseph Stewart. James Anderson, Joseph Stewart. James Anderson, John Mebane. John Mebane, James Anderson. James Anderson, John Mebane. George Lucas, John Mebane. George Lucas, John Dabney. John Mebane, Mial Scurlock. John Dabney, Thomas Stokes. Thomas Stokes, John Dabney. George Lucas, John Mebane. John Dabney, John Mebane. James Alston, John Mebane. John Dabney, John Mebane. George Dismukes, John Dabney. John Mebane, John Dabney. John Farrar, Andrew Headen. John Farrar, William O'Kclly. Andrew Headen, John Fai-rar. John Mebane, Andrew Headen. John Mebane, Andrew Headen. John Mebane, Charles Kennon. Mark Bynum, Nathan Stedman. Andrew Headen, John Mebane. Mark Bynum, William O'Kelly. Bartholomew Lightfoot, John B. Mebane. CHEROKEE COUNTY. 87 Years. Senators. 1814. Andrew Ileaden, 1815. John Farrar, 1816. John Farrar, 1817. John Farrar, 1818. William O'Kellv, 1819. John Farrar, 1820. Jesse Bray, 1822. Jesse Bray, 1823. Robert Marsh, 1824. Robert Marsh, 1825. Robert Marsh, 1826. Robert Marsh, 1827. Joseph Ramsay, 1828. Joseph Ramsay, 1829. Joseph Ramsay, 1830. Joseph Ramsay, 1831. William Reneber, 1832. Nathan A. Stedman, 1833. Nathan A. Stedman, 1834. Hugh McQueen, 1835. Hugh McQueen, 1836. William Albright, 1838. William Albright, 1840. William Albright, 1842. William Albright, 1844. William Albright, 1846. AVilliam Albright, 1848. William Albright, 1850. J. H. Ilaughton, Members of the House of Commons. John A. Ramsay, William O'Kelly. John A. Ramsav, William O'Kelly. William O'Kelly, Richard C. Gotten. Richard C. Gotten, John J. Alston. Richard C. Gotten, John A. Ramsay. Thomas Hill, John A. Ramsay. Richard Freeman, James C. Barbee. W. G. Gotten, W. Underwood. William Underwood, A. Ramsay. Ambrose K. Ramsay, William Underwood. William Underwood, J. J. Brooks. Ambrose K. Ramsay, Thomas Hill. Nathaniel G. Smith, Nathan A. Stedman. Nathaniel G. Smith, Joseph J. Brooks. Joseph J. Brooks, Hugh McQueen. Nathaniel G. Smith, Joseph J. Brooks. Joseph J. Brooks, Hugh McQueen. John S. Guthrie, Hugh McQueen. R. C. Gotten, .John S. Guthrie. R. C. Gotten, William Foushee. R. G. Gotten, John S. Guthrie. Spencer McGlennahan, John S. Guthrie, Richard C. Gotten. Spencer McGlennahan, John S. Guthrie. R. G. Gotten. Spencer McGlennahan, John S. Guthrie, Isaac Glegg. John S. Guthrie, Thomas Lassiter, John J. Jackson. D. Hackny, J. H. Haughton, J. S. Guthrie. Daniel Ilackny, Thomas Lassiter, Maurice Q. Waddle. Daniel Hackny, McGlennahan, Headen. R. G. Gotten, Dan. Hackny, G. M. Brazier. CHAPTER XVIII. CHEROKEE COUNTY. CnEROKEE County was formed in 1839, from Macon County. Its name is derived from the tribe of Indians who once owned a part of this county. It is situated in the extreme south-western part of the State, and bounded on the north by White Mountain, which separates it from Tennessee and the County of Macon, on the east by Macon County, south by the Georgia line, and west by Tennessee. Its capital is 3Iurphj^ named in compliment to the Hon. Archi- bald D. Murphy, once a Judge of our Superior Court, and for whose biography reference is made to Orange County, of which he was a 15 88 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. resident. Distance from Raleigh, three hundred and sixty-seven miles. This region of country is picturesque and beautifuh The early traditions of the aborigines in this region, have been preserved in the pleasant fiction of Oneguskee, written by the Hon. Robert Strange. Its population is 6,493 whites ; 337 slaves ; 8 free negroes ; 6,703 represent- ative population. Its products are 2,760 bushels of wheat; 12,787 bushels of oats; 1,203 bushels of rye ; 167,167 bushels of corn ; 1,075 dollars in gold. By the act of 1840, Cherokee, Haywood, and Macon Counties, form the fiftieth Senatorial District. Her senators were — 1844 and 1846, Michael Francis ; 1848 and 1850, Wm. H. Thomas. Ever since Cherokee has had a representative in the General Assembly, that honor has been conferred on George W. Hayes, whose indefatigable exertions, untiring energy and abilities have greatly contributed to her advancement and relief. CHAPTER XIX. CHOWAN COUNTY. Date of formation — Origin of name — Situation and boundaries — Capital, Edenton — Population and products — Climate and soil — Colonial and revo- lutionary history — Its distinguished citizens — Samuel Johnston, Hugh Wil- liamson, James Iredell, Sen., James Iredell, Jr., Stephen Cabarrus, Joseph Hewes and others — Members of Legislature. Chowan County was one of the original precincts of the Lords Proprietors, under charter of King Charles II., and derives its name from the tribe of Indians, Chowanokes, who once owned and in- habited this territory. It is situated in the north-eastern part of the State ; bounded on the north by Gates County, on the east by Perquimans, on the south by the Albemarle Sound, and on the west by the Chowan River, which separates it from Gates and Hertford Counties. Its capital is Edenton, named in compliment after Charles Eden, the royal Governor of the Province in 1720. He died in 1722, and lies buried in Bertie County. A sketch of Governor Eden has been already written, and will be found in vol. i. page 39. This ancient borough was settled in 1716, which was originally called Queen Anne's Creek. Its population is 2,944 white ; 104 free negroes; 3,673 slaves; 5,251 federal population. Its products are 15,349 bushels of wheat ; 13,962 bushels of oats ; 282,209 CHOWAN COUNTY. 89 bushels of corn ; 1,207,297 pounds of cotton ; 2,681 pounds of wool; 18,455 barrels of fish ; 624 barrels of turpentine. About five miles south-east of Edenton, about one hundred yards from Albemarle Sound, are the graves of Henderson AValker, and others, from whose tombs the following is copied. "Here lies ye body of Henderson Walker, Esq., President of ye Council, and Commander-in-chief of North Carolina; during whose administration ye Srovince enjoyed that tranquillity which it is to be wished it may never want. [e departed this life, 14th April, 1704, aged 44 years."_ On another grave near, is a stone with the following inscription : — " Here lies ye body of Madam Anne Mosely, wife of Edward Mosely, Esq. She was ye daughter of Major Alexander LiUington, Esq., and ye widow of the Hon. Henderson Walker, Esq., late President of his Majesty's Council in North Carolina. She departed this life, November 18th, Anno Domini, 1732, aged 55 years and 5 months." The ancient records of the Court at Edenton are of great Interest. They are filed in the Superior Court Clerk's office. These records are well written, containing four hundred and twenty-five pages. From these it appears that the courts for Carolina, north of Cape Fear, were first held at the house of Capt. John Hecklefield, 28th Oetoljer, 1712, on Little River; then in March, 1715, at the house of Capt. Richard Sanderson ; and on the 27th March, 1722, at Edenton ; Christopher Gale, Chief Justice, and seven assistants presiding. Seth Sothel, who was Governor of North Carolina in 1683, resided in this county. His character reflects no credit upon his memory. It is refer- red to in vol. i. 31. Ilis will is extant.* The first item "gives to his loving friend Francis Hartly, the plantation on which he lived for the term of four years, and two thirds of his seignory, bounded on Flatty Creek, and Pasquotank River, for the term of the lives of said Hartly, after the decease of his wife, Anna Sothel." lie gives, in the second item, "to Edward Forster.his father-in-law, his plan- tation at Cuscopenum, and thirty head of cattle, and a negro man. He gives, in the third item, William Duckeutield, AVilliam AVilkinson, and Henderson Walker, five pounds each, to buy a good mourning ring. He gives, in the fourth item, Edward Wald the plantation whereon Thomas Edwards now lives, on Little River, for his life, and, after his death, to Anna Sothel." In the fifth item, he gives "all the remainder of his estate, goods, and chattels, to Anna Sothel forever, and appoints her whole and sole executor of his will." The will is dated January 20th, 1689, and witnessed by Wm. Wilkinson, Henderson Walker, John Lowds, William AVobland, and Sarah AVoblaud, and proved in Court 3d February, 1693. The personal estate was appraised on the 9th July, 1695, and delivered to Thomas Pollock, and consisted of a negro man valued at £40 ; an Indian woman and child, £15 ; an Indian boy, =£12; 21 bushels salt, at 3s., £3 os. ; 1 gun, at £1; 203 pounds nails at £1: 100 sheep, at £40; 300 pounds of tobacco, at £1 5.v. ; bed and bolster, £2; 97 dressed buckskins, £9 166-. ; 126 dressed doeskins, £9 95. ; 50 pounds gunpowder, £3 15s. ; rum, 2s. 6f?. in counfy pay. Until July, 1680, all accounts in the colony were kept in tobacco. The beautiful sheet of w^ater in front of Edenton preserves the name of General George jMonk, Duke of Albejiarle ; whose efforts restored Charles the Second to his crown and kingdom, and who * In the office of Secretary of State at Kaleigh, " rroceedings of the General Court of Albemarle, from Nov. 1709 to 1712;" l;ouiid in parchment. I am indebted to the kindness of the Hon. David L. Swain for this. 90 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. was one of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina. He was born 1608. He was originally a soldier of fortune in the royal army of Charles the First ; he deserted him and offered his services to Cromwell, and on his death contributed to restore Charles the Second. Pepys, a cotemporary, styles him " as a dull heavy man, who will not hinder but cannot aid business. He took advantage of circumstances to make his fortune and gratify his passion for power and place. He cared nothing for his country, but only for himself."* He had some pretensions to literature, and wrote on political and military subjects. He died in 1670. From an old custom house book now in the possession of J. M. Jones, Esq., of Edenton, it appears that in July 1T68 the ship Amelia cleared hence with an assorted cargo, among which were "three bags of cotton." The climate is mild, but in the fall unhealthy. The winter is generally mild, but sometimes severe. The Albemarle Sound in 1772 was completely frozen over.f The early history of Chowan is full of incident, and with a biography of its distinguished citizens presents an inviting field of itself for a volume of interest and information. Will not some able hand enter the field, reap its rich products, and garner up a harvest "so fair, so bright, and so full of goodly fruit?" The devotion of her sons to the cause of liberty is worthy of our admiration and regard. To the general meeting of deputies of the inhabitants of North Carolina at Newbern on 25th August, 1774, (the first assembly of the people adverse to the royal authority,) the members from Chowan were Samuel Johnson, Thomas Oldham, Thomas Benbury, Thomas Jones, and Thomas Hunter. The same appeared at Newbern in April 1775, and at Hillsboro' at the meeting on 21st August, 1775: the same appeared with James Blount, and Josiah Grandberry. , . , ^ , , o. X In the Congress at Halifax 12th November, 1/ /6, which formed the btate Constitution, the delegates were James Blount, Thomas Benbury, Thomas Jones, Luke Sumner, and Jacob Hunter. The patriotism of the men was even exceeded by that of the women. By some strange freak of circumstance many years ago, there was found at Gibraltar, a beautiful picture, done in a skillful style enameled on glass, "a meeting of the ladies of Edenton destroying the tea (their favorite beverage) when taxed by the English Parliament." This picture was procured by some of the officers of our Navy, and was sent to Edenton, where I saw it in 1830. The following record is" extracted from the American Archives (4th series, vol. i. 891). " Edenton, North Carolina, " 2bth Oct., 1774. " As we cannot be indifferent on any occasion that appears to affect the peace and happiness of our country, and as it has been thought necessary for the public good to enter into several particular resolves by a meeting of the members of" the deputies from the whole province, it is a duty we owe, not only to our near and dear relations and connections, but to ourselves, who are essentially interested in their welfare, to do everything as far as lies iu * Bancroft, ii. 29. t Williamson, i. 177. CHOWAN COUNTY. 91 our power to testify our sincere adherence to the same ; we therefore do ac- cordinglj^ subscribe this paper as a witness of our fixed intention and solemn determination. ■ " Signed by fifty-six ladies." Samuel Johnstox, who resided and died in Chowan, was a native of Scot- land. He AYas as distinguished for his amiable virtues as for his zeal in the cause of liberty. He was a member from Chowan County in 1775 to the General Meeting at Xewbern. He, on the death of John Harvey, succeeded as Moderator of this assembly, and was the President of the Provincial Council. This officer was the actual Governor of the State in the interregnum between the abdica- tion of Governor Martin, the last of the royal governors, and the accession of Governor Caswell under the Constitution. He was present at Halifax during the deliberations of the Convention which formed the Constitution, although not a member, took a deep interest in the momentous questions before that body, and contributed by his genius, talents, and influence, to preserve its conservative character. It is wonderful that the Constitution then formed was so free from objection, as that it should remain nearly sixty years un- touched or altered. North Carolina was the first State to declare her indepen- dence, so her State Constitution was among the earliest formed. Xo other State had made landmarks as a guide in this new and untried journey. Just bursting from the shackles of the aristocratic forms of the English Govern- ment, new questions arose that demanded the sagacity and prudence of the most experienced statesman. The views of Samuel Johnston were eminently conservative. He was opposed to many features of the Constitution, as at first reported. He viewed the departure too great from the principles of the English Government, and considered the unbridled will of the people as dangerous to true liberty, as the tyranny of an irresponsible monarch. He opposed vehemently the clause giving to the people the election of Justices of the Peace. Had he lived to this day and viewed the working of our system, time and experience might have modified his views. In 1780 he was elected a member of the Continental Congress which as- sembled at Philadelphia, and served until 1782. He was elected governor in 17!S7. He was the unqualified admirer of the Federal Constitution, and was President of the Convention, while Governor of the State, which met at Hillsboro' 21st July 1788, to consider the Constitu- tion, and by Avhich body it was rejected; and also of the Convention which met at Fayetteville Nov. 1789, which ratified that instrument. He was the first Senator from North Carolina in 1789, and served until 1793. He was appointed Judge of the Superior Court in February 1800, ■which he resigned in November 1803. After enjoying every honor that the State could heap upon him, he volun- tarily resigned all public employment, deeming what the wise soldier of Charles V., when he resigned his commission, declared so necessary, "Aliqidd tempus inferesse debet vitam mortem que," and peacefully departed this life in the year 1816.* He left one son, James C. Johxstox, Esq., of Edenton. His sister Hannah married Hon. James Iredell, whose biography we shall presently ofi'er. Hugh Williamsox was a member of the House of Commons in 1782, from the borough of Edenton, and again from the county in 1785. Elected by the Colonial Congress a member of the Continental Congress in 1782, and served until 1785 ; and again in 1787, and served until 1788. He was selected in 1787 as a delegate from North Carolina to the Convention which formed the Federal Constitution, to which instrument, his name (with Wil- liam Blount and Richard Dobbs Spaight) is appended. He was a native of Pennsylvania, born 5th of December, 1735, in West Nottingham township. His father was an Irishman, a respectable clothier * " Some time ou?ht to intervene between the life and death." 92 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. in Dublin, and emigrated to this country in 1730, His mother, Mary David- son, was Irish, and came to this country Avith her father, George Davidson, when about three years old. On their way they were captured by Teach, or Blackbeard, the celebrated pirate, by whom, after being plundered, they were released. His parents were married in 1731, and had ten children, of which Hugh was the oldest. He was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, at which he graduated in 1757. He studied Divinity, and was licensed to preach by the Philadelphia Presbytery ; but after preaching two years, he resigned on account of ill health. In 17G0, he was appointed Professor of Mathematics in the University of Pennsylvania. In 1764, he resigned and went to Edinburgh to study medicine. In 1772, he returned and practiced his profession in Philadelphia. He was sent with Ilev. Dr. Ewing to England, • to raise funds for a literary institution at Newark. This was at the time of the destruction of tea in the Boston Harbor, and the vessel in which Dr. Williamson sailed to England, took the first news of this occurrence to England. This daring measure excited much feeling in England_^ Dr. Wil- liamson was examined before the Privy Council in February, 1774. ^ He as- sured the Council that if the measures of Parliament were persisted in, civil war and revolution must be the inevitable consequences. Dr. Williamson obtained the possession of certain letters while in England, written by the Royal Governor of Massachusetts, and Mr. Oliver, Secretary of the Province, and others, to Thomas AVhately, Esq., member of Parlia- ment, and Private Secretary to Lord Granville. These letters he handed to Dr. Franklin, and sailed next day for Holland. Dr. Franklin transmitted these letters to his friends in Boston, and they were published. The indig- nation of the people knew no bounds. The House of Representatives, in a remonstrance to the King, charged the Governor with perfidy and falsehood, and declared him an enemy to the colonies.* Dr. Williamson made a tour through Holland and the low countries, when the news of the Declaration of Independence reached him, and he determined to return home. He sailed for the United States in December, from Nantz. When off the Capes of Delaware, the vessel was attacked and captured by a British man- of-war; but he escaped in an open boat, with important dispatches to our Government. He undertook a journey next year to Charleston, with a younger brother, in a mercantile speculation. At Charleston, he purchased a vessel, and loaded her for Baltimore. General Howe at this time entered the Chesa- peake Bay; to avoid capture. Dr. Williamson ordered his vessel to Edenton. That circumstance carried him to Edenton, and he was induced to remain; a position favorable to the practice of his profession. He was also con- cerned with his brother in his mercantile operations in the West India trade. In the winter, 1779, when the British had possession of Charleston, the State of North Carolina ordered a draft of five thousand men, under command of Governor Caswell. Governor Caswell appointed Dr. Williamson at the head of the medical staff, and was with the army at the fatal battle of Camden, August, 1780. After the battle, he requested a flag of truce, under which he went to his unfortunate countrymen, wounded and prisoners, and remained two months, dressing their wounds, clothing them out of his own pocket. This act was highly philanthropic, and deservedly places the character of Dr. Williamson in high esteem as a patriot and Christian. He returned to Edenton, and in 1782, represented Edenton in the House of Commons. In 1784, he was sent to Congress for three years, and 1787, appointed a delegate to the Convention which formed the Constitution of the United States, 17th September, 1787. The Constitution was unpopular in North Carolina, and for his devoted advocacy to its forms, Dr. Williamson lost much of his popularity. But this was but momentary, for he represented the Edenton District in Congress, in * Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Franklin. Quarto, page 183, Lend, ed., 1818. CHOWAN COUNTY. 93 1790, '91 and '92. He had married in New York, in 1789, Maria, daughter of Hon. Charles Ward Apthrope. By this union he had two sons, his wife dying when the youngest was but a few days old. This severe affliction caused Dr. Williamson to retire from public employ- ment, and devote himself to literary pursuits, at the time residing in New York. In 1811, he published "Observations on Climate in the different parts of America, compared with the Climate in corresponding parts of the other continent," in 1 vol. 8vo. In 1812, appeared his " History of North Carolina," in 2 vols. Svo. In 1814, he was associated with De Witt Clinton in forming the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. His health, never strong, had been wonderfully preserved by the uniform temperance and regularity of his habits. He died very suddenly, on the 22d of May, 1819, while taking his usual evening ride with his niece. No man ever lived in our State, whose character for justice and integrity stood higher. His aims were for his country and her honor. His labors as a member of Congress, were more in the closet and committee-room, than in debate, and yet his elocution was striking and effective. Mr. Jefferson said of him that " He was a very useful member, acute mind, and of a high de- gree of erudition." Hon. William Cummixg was a lawyer in Chowan in olden times. He represented the State in the Continental Congress, in 1784, and the town of Edenton, in 1788, in the House of Commons. James Iredell, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1790, was from Chowan County. He was a native of England, born at Lewes, in Sussex County, on the 5th October, 1750. He emigrated to North Carolina when only 17 years old. He studied law with Gov. Samuel Johnston, whose sister Hannah he married in July, 1773. He held, under his relative, Henry Eustace McCullock (who was, under the crown, Collector of the port of Edenton), the office of Deputy Collector, and was afterwards appointed Collector, which valuable office he held until the Revolution. He was removed in consequence of his adherence to the principles of freedom and interests of America. He was a gentleman of fine personal appearance, great intelligence, profound acquirements, and unspotted integrity. He was admitted to the bar in 1776. By his talents and industry he soon rose to position and influence. He was elected by tbe General Assembly Judge of the Superior Court, on the 20th December, 1777, which he resigned in August, 1778. He (in 1778) was a member of the Convention at llillsboro', to delibe- rate upon the Federal Constitution, and was its able exponent and eloquent defender. He was afterwards (in November, 1779) appointed Attorney-General, and resigned soon afterwards. In February, 1790, without his knowledge, he was appointed by General Washington one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Chief Justice Marshall, in a letter to Judge Murphy (Oct. 6th, 1827), ex- pressed his opinion as to the merits of Judge Iredell as a man of talents and professional worth. In the presidential election of 1797 he received three electoral votes for ■ President of the United States, The State has preserved his memory in the patriotic county named after him (in 1788), which was done on motion of General John Steele, of Rowan County. Full of years and full of honors, he died 20th October, 1799, leaving two daughters and one son, 94 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. James Iredell, who has been a Judge of the Superior Court, Speaker of the House of Commons, Governor of the State, and Senator in Congress. lie was born in Chowan County in 1788. His first appearance in public life was in 1816, as member of the House of Commons. In 1817 and 1818 he was elected Speaker. In the war of 1812 he commanded a company of volunteers, and marched to Norfolk, Va., to repel the invasions of the British. In this company, the late Gavin Hogg, Esq., of Raleigh, was a lieutenant. In March, 1819, he was appointed a Judge of the Superior Court, which he resigned in the May following. He was elected Governor of the State December, 1S27, and Senator in Congress in 1828, in which he served until 1831. He now resides at Raleigh, where he is engaged in the practice of his profession, and is Reporter of the Decisions of the Supreme Court. He married a daughter of the late Samuel Treadwell, late Collector of the port of Edenton, by whom he has a large and interesting family ; one of whom married Cadwallader Jones, Jr., Esq., of Hillsboro' ; another to Grifiiths J. McRee, of Wilmington, and another to Dr. Charles E. Johnson, of Raleigh. Stephen Cabarrus was also a resident of Chowan. He was a native of France, and a man of active mind, generous feelings, and liberal sentiments. In 1784 he entered politics, and was repeatedly elected a member of the House of Commons from Edenton, and often Speaker of the House. The County of Cabarrus preserves his name, and of his early life, character, and services more will be presented at some future period. Thomas Jones, of Chowan, in early days, was a devoted patriot and tried republican. Between him, Willie Jones, Richard Caswell, and Thomas Burke rests the honor of having written the Constitution of North Carolina. We regret that more is not known of his life, character, services, and death. Joseph Hewes, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence of 4th July, 1776, was a resident of Chowan. He was born in New Jersey in 1735, and was a merchant by profession. He represented this county in the Assembly in 1774 and 1775. In 1774 he was elected a member of the Con- tinental Congress, and served until 1777, and was chosen again to the same place in 1779-80. In April, 1776, by the Provincial Congress at Halifax, he was appointed (with AVm. Hooper and John Penn) delegate to the Conti- nental Congress, at Philadelphia. He died while attending to his duties as a member of Congress at Philadelphia, and was buried in Christ Church in that city. His funeral, attended by the President, Congress, the French minister, and other persona of distinction, was conducted with much pomp. He left a large fortune, but no children to inherit it. Mr. Hewes was in person prepossessing, his countenance expressive of great amenity of temper. His reputation for probity and honor was unspotted.* It has been before stated that it is not very flattering to our State pride that not one of the signers to our national Declaration of Independence from North Carolina was a native of our State. Wm. Hooper was a Boston man, Joseph Hewes was a New Jersey man, and John Penn was a Virginian. Hon. Charles Johnson was often a member of the Senate, and a member of Congress from this district in 1801. He lived on Chowan River, and was father of Charles E. Johnson, and grandfather of Dr. Charles Johnson, now of Raleigh. Hon. Samuel T. Sawyer, now of Norfolk, Va., is a native of Chowan. * Sanderson's Bioarraphy of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, vol. v. p. 147. Philadelphia, 1828. CHOWAN COUNTY. 95 His father, Dr. Matthias B. Sawyer, was distinguished for his talents and learning. His uncle, Hon. Lemuel Sawyer, represented this district for many years. Maj. Sawyer was by education a lawyer. He entered public life in 1829 as a member of the House of Commons, and served until 1832. In 1837 he was elected to Congress, and served one Congress. In 18-10 he was defeated by Hon. Kenneth Kayner. He has since settled in Norfolk, where he is pursuing his profession, and the able editor of a paper (Argus). Col. Robert T. Paine is a native of Chowan ; born 18th February, 1812. Edueatedat Trinity College, Connecticut. By profession a lawyer. Entered public life in 1888 as member of the House of Commons. He was appoint- ed by Governor Graham Colonel of the North Carolina Regiment, in the war with Mexico, with John A. Fagg, of Buncombe, Lieutenant-Colonel ; and M. S. Stokes, of Wilkes, as Major. After his return from Mexico he was appointed by the President (with Hon. George Evans and another) Commissioner, to settle the claims under the Mexican treaty. On the 21st September, 1846, Charles Hoskixs, of this county, in the 33d year of his age, was killed in the battle of Monterey. He was a native of Edenton, graduated at the Military Academy in 1836, and joined his com- pany in the 4th regiment of infantry in the Cherokee nation. In 1839 he went with his regiment to Fort Gibson, Arkansas. In 1845 he accompanied his regiment to Corpus Christi, and did good ser- vice at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, and fell at Monterey. On the 2d January, 1847, the General Assembly adopted resolutions ex- pressive of their sincere respect for his character, and their sympathy for his early fate. Hon. Augustus Moore, late a judge of our Superior Court, was a resident of Edenton. He was graduated at the University in 1824, read law with Charles R. Kinney, in Elizabeth City, and practiced with great success. He was appointed Judge in 1848, but he resigned the same year, and died very suddenly in April 1851. EDENTON. LIST OF MEMBERS TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Years. House of Commons. 1774. Joseph Hewes, 1775. Joseph Hewes, 1776. Joseph Hewes, 1777. John Green, 1778. Joseph Hewes, 1779. Joseph Hewes, 1780. Robert Smith, 1781. Robert Smith, 1782. Hugh Williamson, 1783. William Cumming, 1784. Stephen Cabarrus, 1785. Stephen Cabarrus, 1786. Stephen Cabarrus, 1787. Stephen Cabarrus, 1788. William Cumming, 1790. John Hamilton, 1791. John Hamilton, 1792. John Hamilton, 1793. William Cumming, 1794. Robert Hardy, 1795. Stephen Cabarrus, 1796. Thomas Johnson, Years. House of Commons. 1797. Thomas Johnson, 1798. James Greenbury, 1799. John Blount, 1800. William Slade, 1801. Josiah Collins, 1802. Nathaniel Allen, 1803. Jos. B. Littlejohn, 1804. Thomas Johnson, 1805. Allen Gilchrist, 1806. William Slade, 1807. Jos. B. Skinner, 1808. Wm. A. Littlejohn, 1809. John Beasley, 1810. Mathias E. Sawyer, 1811. Mathias E. Sawyer, 1812. Henry Flury, 1813. James Iredell, 1814. Jos. B. Skinner, 1815. Jos. B. Skinner, 1816. James Iredell, 1817. James Iredell, 1818. James Iredell, 96 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. House of Commons. 1819. James Iredell, 1820. James Iredell, 1821. George Blair, Jr. 1822. George Blair, Jr. 1823. James Iredell, 1824. James Iredell, 1825. James Iredell, 182G. James Iredell, 1827. James Iredell, Years. House of Commons. 1828. .James Bozman, 1829. Samuel T. Sawyer, 1830. Samuel T. Sawyer, 1831. Samuel T. Sawyer, 1832. Samuel T. Sawyer, 1833. J. Malachi Haughton, 1834. Frederick Noscum, 1835. Hugh W. Collins. Members of the General Assembly from Chowan County, from the adoption of the Constitution to 1850-51. Years. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1706. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. Senate. Luke Sumner, Luke Sumner, Luke Sumner, Luke Sumner, Charles Johnson, Charles .Johnson, Charles .Johnson, Charles .Johnson, Michael Payne, Jacob Jordan, Jacob Jordan, Charles Johnson, Charles .Johnson, Charles Johnson, Charles -Johnson, Lemuel Creecy, Lemuel Creecy, Lemuel Creecy, Lemuel Creecy, Lemuel Creecy, Lemuel Creecy, Frederick Luton, Richard Benbury, John Bond,. John Bond, John Bond, John Bond, Thomas Brownrigg, Thomas Brownrigg, Thomas Brownrigg, Thomas Brownrigg, Fi'ederick Norcum, Richard Iloskins, Richard Iloskins, Richard Iloskins, Thomas Coffield, Richard Iloskins, Richard Iloskins, Henry Skinner, Charles E. .Johnson, Rich'd T. Brownrigg, Charles E. Johnson, Charles E. -Johnson, Richard Iloskins, Rich'd T. Brownrigg, House of Commons. Thomas Benbury, Jacob Hunter. Wm. Boyd, Thomas Benbury. Wm. Boyd, Thomas Benbury. Wm. Boyd, Thomas Benbury. Michael Payne, Thomas Benbury. Michael Payne, Thomas Benbury. Stephen Chambers, Richard Benbury. Clement Hall, Michael Payne. Hugh Williamson, Clement Hall. Josiah Copeland, Lemuel Creecy. Josiah Copeland, Lemuel Creecy. Stephen Cabarrus, Lemuel Creecy. Stephen Cabarrus, Lemuel Creecy. Stephen Cabarrus, Richard Benbury. Stephen Cabarrus, Lemuel Creecy. Stephen Cabarrus, Benjamin Coffield. Benjamin Coffield, Richard Benbury. Benjamin Coffield, Richard Benbury. Richard Benbury, Benjamin Coffield. Richard Benbury, Benjamin Coffield. Richard Benbury, Shadenck Felton. John B. Bennett, Stephen Cabarrus. Stephen Cabarrus, Reuben Small. Stephen Cabarrus, Reuben Small. Stephen Cabarrus, Reuben Small. Stephen Cabarrus, Samuel McGuire. Stephen Cabarrus, Reuben Small. Stephen Cabarrus, Benjamin Coffield. Samuel McGuire, Baker Iloskins. Frederick Norcum, Baker Iloskins. Samuel McGuire, Baker Iloskins. Samuel McGuire, Miles Welch. Samuel McGuire, Micajah Bunch. Thomas Coffield, Samuel McGuire. Micajah Bunch, Thomas Coffield. John Goodwin, Henry Skinner. John Goodwin, Henry Skinner. Wm. Saunders, Henry Skinner. Richard T. Brownrigg, -Jeremiah Mixson. Jeremiah Mixson, -James Skinner. Samuel McGuire, Samuel Gregory. James Skinner, Samuel Gregory. James Skinner, Samuel Gregory. James Skinner, Samuel Gregory. Henry Elliott, James Skinner. CLEAVELAND COUNTY. 9T Years. Senate. 182.3. William Bullock, 1824. William Bullock, 1825. William Bullock, 1826. William Bullock, 1827. William Walton, 1828. AVilliam AValton, 1829. William Walton, 1830. AVilliam Walton, 1831. Rich'd T. Brownrigg, 1832. William Bullock, 1833. Jos. B. Skinner, 1834. Samuel T. Sawyer, 1835. AVilliam Bullock, 1836. William W. Cowper, 1838. Rufus R. Speed, 1840. Rufus R. Speed, 1842. Whitmel J. Stallings, 1844. Whitmel J. Stallings, 1846. Whitmel J. Stallings, 1848. Henry WiUey. 1850. Henry Willey, House of Commons. Joshua Mewborn, Wm. Walton. Wm. Walton, J. N. Iloskius. Wm. Walton, Joshua Mewborn. Josiah McKiel, William Jackson. William Beyrum, Wm. Jackson. Josiah McKiel, Wm. Beyrum. Wm. Beyrum, George Blair. Wm. Jackson, George Blair. Josiah H. Skinner, Wm. Jackson. Josiah n. Skinner, Baker F. Welch. Baker F. AYelch, Chas. W. Nixon. Baker F. Welch, Wm. Beyrum. Wm. Beyrum, Thomas S. Hoskins. Thomas S. Hoskins. Robert T. Paine. Robert T. Paine. Wm. R. Skinner. Robert T. Paine. Robert T. Paine. Robert T. Paine. Wm. C. Bond. CHAPTER XX. CLEAVELAND COUNTY. Date of formation— Origin of name, situation and boundaries— Capital — Popu- lation and products— Revolutionary history— Original documents relative to the battle of King's Mountain, fought Oct. 7, 1780, in which the British and Tories were routed, and their commander. Colonel Patrick Ferguson, was killed, and others — List of members. Cleaveland County was formed in 1841, out of Rutherford and Lincoln Counties, and derives its name from Colonel Benjamin Cleaveland, of Wilkes County, who with a detachment of men from Wilkes and Surry under his and the command of Major Joseph Win- ston, engaged in the battle of King's Mountain. For life, character, and services of Colonel Cleaveland, see the chapters on Wilkes and Watauga (chapters 78, 80). It is situated in the south-western part of the State, and is bounded on the north by Burke County, on the east by Lincoln and Gaston, on the south by the South Carolina line, and on the west by Ruther- ford and McDoAvell Counties. Its capital is Shelby, which town preserves the name of Isaac Shelby, a distinguished revolutionary officer, whose biography is here recorded. Its distance from Raleigh is one hundred and ninety miles, and located on the main road from Rutherford to Salisbm-y ; through which the stage passes tri-weekly. 98 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Near Shelby is a celebrated mineral spring (Wilson's), justly cele- brated for its excellent sulphur water ; and is jnuch resorted to in the summer by invalids and the votaries of pleasure. Its climate is healthful, soil luxuriant, and its inhabitants indus- trious. Its population is 8,592 whites ; 57 free colored ; 1,747 slaves; 9,697 repre- sentative population. Although a new county, its revolutionary history is full of glow- inor incidents. It was on the heights of King's Mountain, which is partly in this county, that on the 7th Oct., 1780, the brave moun- taineers of this region attacked the British troops under Colonel Ferguson, routed them and slew him. This glorious achievement occurred at a most gloomy period of the Revolution. The tide of war had flown disastrously to American liberty. The battle of Camden had prostrated all the hopes of the patriots, and encouraged the enemies of America. But this battle turned the tide in the South ; as the victory of Trenton under Washington, did at the North. In a letter of Thomas Jefferson, dated in 1822, a copy of which is before us, in relation to this victory, he says, "I remember well the deep and grateful impression made on the mind of every one, by that ever memorable victory. It was the joyful enunciation of that turn in the tide of success, that termi- nated the revolutionary war with seal of our independence." It was achieved by raw, undisciplined men, who never before were in battle, without any government officers, or any authority from the government under which they lived and for which they fought, without pay, rations, or ammunition, reward, or the hope of reward. The spirit that animated" them was the patriot spirit that feels "how sweet it is to die for one's country." The minute occurrences of this battle have been detailed in the biography of General McDowell, of Burke County, to which the reader is referred. The documents now for the first time collected and published, afford the most satisfactory and complete proofs of this interesting and important event. The life and character of Isaac Shelby, that is preserved in the name of the capital of this county, is worthy the attention of every lover of his country. His father. General Evan Shelby, was a Welchman by birth, and came to this country when a small lad. He settled in Maryland about a century ago. He was distinguished for his indomitable courage, iron constitution, and clear intellect. He fought as a Captain of Rangers under Braddock; and distin- guished himself in the attack under General Forbes in 1758, in which he led the advance, and took from the French Fort Du Quesne, In 1772 he removed to the west, and in 1774, commanded a company under Lewis and Dunmore, against the Indians, on the Scioto Eiver. He was in the sanguinary battle of Kenhawa, Oct. 10th, 1774, when Colonels Lewis, Fleming, and Field were killed, and he was left the commanding officer. In 1779, he led a strong force against the Chicamauga Indians, on the Ten- nessee River; and was for his services and gallantry appointed a Brigadier- General by the State of Virginia; the first officer of that grade ever appointed on the western waters. CLEAVELAND COUNTY. 99 Such -was the ancestor of Isaac Shelby. He -was horn in Maryland, Dec. 11th, 1750. Born to the use of arms, blessed with afirm and Herculean frame, capable of great fatigue, his education was such as fitted him for the scenes in which he was by Providence destined to become so prominent an actor. His first essay in arms was as a Lieutenant, in a company commanded by hia father, in the celebrated battle at the mouth of the Kenhawa, on October lOth, 1774, on the Ohio River, the most severe and sanguinary conflict ever main- tained with the north-western Indians. The action was from sunrise to sun- set, with varied success. Night closed the conflict; under its cover the cele- brated chief. Cornstalk, who commanded the Indians, abandoned the ground. He was employed, as surveyor under Judge Henderson's company, and re- sided in the then wilderness of "that dark and bloody ground," Kentucky, amid dangers, privations, and difiBculties, for nearly a year; when from expo- sure, without bread or salt, his health gave way, and he returned home. During his absence, in July, 1776, he had been appointed Captain of a minute company, by the Committee of Safety in Virginia. In 1777, Patrick Henry, then Governor of Virginia, appointed him Commis- sary of Supplies for an extensive body of troops to guard the frontiers and the commissioners, who were appointed to form a treaty at the Long Island of the Holston River, with the Cherokees. He was, in 1778, a member of the Virginia Legislature from Washington County, and was appointed by Thomas JetFerson, then Governor of Virginia, a Major in the escort of guards to the Commissioners, for extending the line between Virginia and North Carolina. By that line his residence was found to be in North Carolina, and he was by Richard Caswell, then Governor of North Carolina, appointed Colonel of Sul- livan County. In the summer of 1780. he was engaged in Kentucky, surveying, locating, and securing the lands which he had five years previously marked out, pre- pared and improved ; when the disastrous surrender of Charleston, and the loss of our army roused his daring spirit to arms. He returned home, deter- mined to enter the service of his bleeding country, and never to leave it, until her liberty and independence were secured. On his arrival at Sullivan, he found a requisition from Gen. Charles McDowell, to furnish all the aid in his power, to check the enemy, who had conquered Georgia and South Carolina, and who, flushed with success, had entered North Carolina. He imme- diately called on the militia of Sullivan, and in a few days he crossed the Alleghany, at the head of three hundred mounted riflemen. He reported to General 5lcDowell near Cherokee Ford, on Broad River, and was by him detached with Cols. Sevier and Clarke to surprise and take a fort held by Captain Patrick Moore, a distinguished Tory, on the waters of Pacolet. This was accomplished without loss of time, or men. The enemy surrendered as prisoners of war. Capt. Moore, one British Sergeant-Major, ninety-three Tories, two hundred and fifty stand of arms and ammunition (so needed at this crisis), were the fruits of this victory. Ferguson, an ofiicer of great bravery and enterprise, a Major in the British army and a Brigadier-General of militiu, was detached by Lord Cornwallis with a strong force to overcome the western portion of this State, and win them to the support of the Crown. He make several attempts to surprise Shelby, but was baffled by his vigilance and activity. On the 1st of August 1780, at Cedar Spring, the advance of the British force came up and attacked vShelby. The grounds had been chosen by Shelby, and his adventurous spirit did not avoid battle. A sharp conflict ensued, which lasted a half an hour, when the whole force of Ferguson advanced. Shelby retreated, carrying from the field fifty prisoners, and tAvo British officers. The enemy made a rapid pursuit, but Shelby by availing himself of every advantageous ground, gave them such checks, that the pursuit was abandoned, and the prisoners secured. He joined Gen. McDowell, with only a loss of ten or twelve killed and wounded. Under orders of Gen. McDowell, he again attacked, with 700 mounted men 100 / HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. on the 19th of August 1780, a lai'ge body of Tories, at Musgrove^s mill on the south side of Enoree. Ferguson with his whole force lay between. On the night of the 18th of August, Colonel Shelby, with Colonels Clarke, and Wil- liams, of South Carolina, left Smith's Ford on Broad River, took a cii'cuitous route through the woods, to avoid Ferguson, and at dawn of day (after riding about 40 miles), attacked the patrol of the Tories, about half a mile from their camp. A skirmish ensued, and several were killed ; the patrol was driven in. At this moment, a countryman who lived near, informed Shelby that the enemy had been the night before reinforced by a strong body of GOO regu- lars, under Col. Innes (Queen's American Regiment from New York). This was unexpected news. Fatigued as were their horses, after the hard ride all night, retreat was impracticable ; to attack the enemy of such superior force, •well armed and in full discipline, would have been rashness and certain defeat. " Destruction was before them, and death was behind." With a courage that never quailed, an expedient promptness never at fault, the talents of Shelby met this trying emergency. He instantly ordered the whole force, except Capt. Inmau, to form a breastwork of old logs and brush, to make as brave a defence as circumstances admitted, and to sell their lives as dearly as possible. Captain Inman, with twenty-five men, was sent out to meet the enemy, as soon as he crossed the river (Enoree). The sounds of the drums of the infantry and bugles of the cavalry, soon announced to this devoted band, the approach of the enemy in strong force. Inman's orders were to fire upon them and retreat. The "British and Tories, confident of success, made a furious onset, which Capt. Inman was unable to withstand, and therefore retreated. Thinking that he had forced the whole of our party, the enemy rushed forward without order and in great confusion ; the American riflemen ■with sure and steady aim, opened a destructive and deadly fire, which was kept up sharply for an hour, by which Colonel Innes was wounded ; all the British of&cers except a subaltern, were killed or wounded; the Tory Captain Hawsey was shot down. The British retreated, losing sixty-three men killed, and one hundred and sixty prisoners. The American loss was only four killed and nine wounded. The brave Capt. Inman Jn the pursuit, drove the enemy over the river and fell fighting hand to hand. Excited by this brilliant and unexpected victory, Shelby prepared to attack the British post at Ninety-Six, then distant thirty miles, when an express arrived from Gen. McDowell, with a letter from Governor Caswell, dated on the battle ground of Camden, informing him of Gates' defeat, and advising him to get out of the way. Prompt to act, Shelby instantly distributed his prisoners among his men, so as to make one to every three men, and carry- ing them alternately on horseback, and marching all night and all next day until late in the evening without halting a moment for refreshments. This saved the troops and secured the prisoners, for the next day a strong detach- ment from Fei-guson sallied out to overtake the victors ; but the energy and activity of Shelby bafiied their intent. Shelby, after seeing his party safe over the mountains, sent the prisoners into Virginia, in charge of Cols. Clarke and Williams, lie then returned home. The brilliancy of this aflfair was more bright by the dark gloom which over- spread the public mind from the disgraceful and disastrous defeat of Gates at Camden. This caused Gen. McDowell to disperse his corps, and at this moment there was no appearance of a corps of Americans south of Virginia. This, as has been recorded, was a " dark and doleful period" to the south. Cornwallis at Charlotte with the main body of the whole British forces, Fer- guson with a strong detachment which could be increased to twice its num- bers, at Gilbert town in Rutherford County ; the whole country was under the influence of the British : the hopes of the patriot, for his country were dimmed, and man}' took protection under the British standard. Lut firm as their native mouutaius, the brave spirits of the west wei-e undismayed. If fur a moment subdued, they were not conquered. Shelby at this gloomy moment in consultation with Col. Charles McDowell, IGO men, 350 (( 240 (( 240 (C 400 (( 1390 << CLEAVELAND COUNTY. ~ 101 proposed to Cols. Sevier and Campbell, to raise a force from their several coun- ties and attack Ferguson. They met at Watauga on 25th September, 1780, and marched upon Fergu- son. Their force was as follows: — From Burke 'and Rutherford Counties, commanded by Charles McDowell --.-... From Wilkes and Surry Counties, under Colonel Benjamin Cleave- land and Major Joseph Winston .... From Washington County, North Carolina (now Tennessee), under John Sevier --.--.. From Sullivan County, North Carolina, now Tennessee, under Isaac Shelby ----.-. From Washington, Virginia, under Colonel William Campbell - With this force they prepared to march. Ferguson anticipating their attack from some deserters, left Gilbert town. In the meantime he dispatched a letter to Lord Cornwallis, at Charlotte, soliciting aid. His messenger was Abraham Collins (since of counterfeit memory), and was received too late to be of any service. He encamped the first night at the Cowpens (soon to become immortal for the success of our arms over Tarleton, 17th January, 1781). On the 5th October, he crossed Broad, River at Deer Ferry, and marched sixteen miles ; on 6th he marched up the Ridge Road, until he came to a right hand fork across King's Creek, and through a gap towards Yorkville, about fourteen miles ; and on the sum- mit of King's Mountain he encamped. Here he declared was "a place that God Almighty could not drive him from." The official accounts prove the results of this battle and its important advantages. It completely broke down the Tory influence in North Carolina, and alarmed the British so much that Lord Cornwallis retreated from his position, marched all night, and retrograded as far as Winnsboro', some sixty or eighty miles, where he remained until reinforced by General Leslie, with troops from the north. Inspired by this victory, the forces of North Carolina assembled under Ge- neral Davidson, at New Providence, near the South Carolina line. General Smallwood, with Morgan's light corps and the Maryland line, advanced to the same point; General Gates, with the remains of his army, as well as the levies from Virginia of one thousand men under General Stevens, enabled General Greene, who was appointed to the command in December, 1780, to hold Lord Cornwallis in check. The Legislature of North Carolina voted their thanks to Colonel Shelby and a splendid sword. In 1781, Shelby served under General Marion, an officer of great courage and enterprise. He with Colonel Mayhem were ordered to take a British postal Fairlawn, near Monk's Corner, under the command of General Stuart. On attacking this post it surrendered with one hundred and fifty prisoners. Immediately after this the whole force of the English retreated to Charleston. Colonel Shelby obtained leave of absence from Marion to attend the Gene- ral Assembly of North Carolina, of which he was a member from Sullivan county. In 1782, he was again a member, and was appointed a commissioner to settle the pre-emption claims upon the Cumberland, and lay off the lands allotted to the officers and soldiers south of where Nashville now stands. lie performed this service in 1782, and returned to Boonsboro' in the April fol- lowing, where he married Susanna Hart, whose father was one of the partners of Judge Henderson. Now that tlie li);erties of his country were established in peace, he devoted himself to his farm, on the first pre-emption and settle- ment granted in Kentucky. It is a remarkable fact, that at his death he was the only person who occupied his original pre-emption. He was a member of the Convention in Kentucky to obtain a separation of that State from Virginia, and was a member of the Convention in April, 102 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1792, that formed the Constitution of that State, and was elected the first Governor of Kentucky. He was again elected in 1812, a stormy period of our history, during the second war with England. His spirit was not calmed by the frosts of age ; but at the request of the Legislature, at the age of sixty-three, he headed in person four thousand troops, and marched under General Harrison in 1813 to Canada. The battle of the Thames, which has covered with glory the name of R. M. Johnsox, was witnessed by Governor Shelby. In 1817, Mr. Munroe called him to the Department of War, but from bis advanced age he declined this honor. In 1818, with General Andrew Jackson, he was selected by the President to form a treaty with the Chickasaw Indians, by which they ceded their lands west of the Tennessee River, within the limits of Tennessee and Kentucky. This was his last public act. In February, 1820, he was attacked by a paralytic afi'ection. His mind was, however, jinimpaired ; but on the 18th of July, 1826, he expired from a stroke of apoplexy, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, enjoying the love and respect of his country, blessed with every honor it could bestow, and consoled by the rich hopes of a joyful immortality. Such were the services of Isaac Shelby. AVorthy is he to have his name preserved in a region that witnessed his patriotism and valor. In the battle of King's Mountain, Colonel Williams, of South Carolina, Major Chronicle, of Lincoln County, and Captain John Mattocks, were killed ; Colonel Hambrite, wounded. Our loss was, as stated, twenty-eight killed, and sixty wounded. The next day a court-martial was held, and about twenty Tories hung. At the forks of the branch where Major Chronicle and Captain Mattocks were buried, a monument is erected. On it is the following inscription : — Sacred to the Memory of Major William Chronicle, Captain John Mattocks, William Robb, and John Boyd, Who wore killed in this place on the 7th of October, 1780, fighting in defence of America. On the west side of said monument : — Colonel Ferguson, An Officer of His Britannic Majesty, Was defeated and killed At this place, On 7th October, 1780. Patrick Ferguson was no ordinary man. He was a finished soldier, and brave as a lion. He was a Scotchman by birth ; son of an eminent judge, James Ferguson, Lord of Sessions and Justiciary, and nephew of a nobleman of great literary talents, Patrick Murray (Lord Elibank), deemed by Robertson, Ferguson, Ilurae, and cotemporary sages, equal to the best authors of the Scottish Au- gustan age. Patrick Ferguson sought renown in a diiFerent career, but pos- sessed an equally vigorous mind and brilliant parts. At the early age of eighteen, he entered the army in the German war, and was distinguished by his cool and determined courage. He early displayed an inventive genius, sound judgment, and intrepid heroism, which constitute the successful soldier. He had invented anew species of rifle, that could load at the breech and fire seven times in a minute, with accuracy and precision. He was present in 1777, at the battle of Brandywine, and in that achieve- ment, used with his corps, his invention with fatal efl'ect. He distinguished himself on the North River, in 1779, and was sent to aid General Clinton in the South. His signal service in the reduction of , , CLEAVELAND COUNTY. 103 r Charleston, in INIay, 1780, is mentioned with great praise in the dispatches of the Commander-in-chief. His disposition and manners were conciliatory, and well calculated to gain friends. He was dispatched by Lord Cornwallis to the western portion of North Carolina, to win the inhabitants to the British cause. In this he dis- played much tact and judgment. la his address published to the inhabit- ants, he says, "We come not to make war upon women and children, but to give them money, and to relieve their distresses." Providence assigned to him the fate that befell him on the heights of King's Mountain. His talents and valor were worthy of a better cause and a less severe fate. Copy of a circular letter from Major Patrick Ferguson to the Tory leaders in North Carolina : — Donard's Ford, Broad River, Tryon County, Oct. 1, 1780. Gextlemex — Unless you wish to be cut up by an inundation of barbarians, who have begun by murdering the unarmed son before the aged father, and afterwards lopped off his arms, and who by their shocking cruelty and irregu- larities, give the best proof of their cowardice and want of discipline ; I say, if you wish to be pinioned, robbed, and murdered, and to see your wives and daughters, in four days, abused by the dregs of jnankind — in short, if you wish or desire to live and bear the name of men, grasp your arms in a mo- ment and run to camp. The Backwater men have crossed the mountain; M'Dowell, Hampton, Shelby and Cleaveland are at their head, so that you know what you will have to depend upon. If you choose to be p d upon for ever and ever by a set of mongrels, say so at once, and let your women turn their backs upon vou, and look out for real men to protect them. ^ PAT. FERGUSON, Major list Regiment. Letter from General Davidson, of North Carolina, to General Sumner: — Camp, Rocky River, Oct. 10, 1780. Sir— I have the pleasure of handing you very agreeable intelligence from the West. Ferguson, the great partisan, has miscarried. This we are as- sured of by Mr. Tate, Brigade Major in General Sumpter's late command. The particulars from that gentleman's mouth stand thus: — That Colonels Campbell, Cleaveland, Shelby, Sevier, Williams, Brandon, Lacey, &c., formed a conjunct body near Gilbert Town, consisting of 3,030 ; from this body were selected 1,600 good horse, who immediately went in pursuit of Colonel Fer- guson, who was making his way to Charlotte. Our people overtook him well posted on King's Mountain, and on the evening of the 7th instant, at four o'clock, began the attack, which continued forty-seven minutes. Colonel Ferguson fell in the action, besides 150 of his men ; 810 were made prisoners, including the British ; 150 of the prisoners were wounded ; 1,500 stand of arms fell into our hands. Colonel Ferguson had about 1,400 men. Our people surrounded them, and the enemy surrendered. We lost about twenty men, among whom is Major Chronicle, of Lincoln County. Colonel Williams is mortally wounded. The number of our wounded cannot be ascertained. This blow will certainly affect the British very considerably. The Brigade Major who gives us this, was in the action. The above is true. The blow is ereat. 1 give vou iov upon the occasion. I am, &c., ^ s J J J 1 WILLIAM DAVIDSON. Hon. Gex. Sumner, Camp Yadkin Ford. 16 104 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Extract of a letter from Maj. Gen. Gates to Governor Jefferson, dated HiLLSBORo', Nov. 1, 1780. Sir — Last night Col. Campbell, who commanded our victorious troops in the action of the 7th ultimo, at King's Mountain, arrived here. He has de- livered to me the enclosed authentic and particular account of that affair. I beg your Excellency will, immediately after perusal, forward it to Congress : — A statement of proceedings of tlie Western Army, from the 25th day of Sep- tember, 1780, to the reduction of Major Feryuson and the army under his com- mand. On receiving intelligence that Major Ferguson had advanced as high up as Gilbert Town, in Rutherford County, and threatened to cross the moun- tains to the Western waters. Col. Wm. Campbell, with four hundred men from Washington County, of Yirginia ; Col. Isaac Shelby, with two hundred and forty men from Sullivan County, of N. Carolina ; and Lieut.-Col. John Sevier, with two hundred and forty men of Washington County, N. Carolina, assembled at Watauga, on the 25th day of September, where they were joined by Col. Chas. M'Dowell, with one hundred and sixty men from the counties of Burke and Rutherford, who had fled before the enemy to the western waters. We began our march on the 26th, and, on the 30th, we were joined by Col. Cleaveland, on the Catawba River, with three hundred and fifty men from the counties of Wilkes and Surry. No one officer having properly a right to the command in chief, on the 1st of October we dispatched an express to Major-Gen. Gates, informing him of our situation, and requested him to send a general officer to take command of the whole. In the meantime, Col. Campbell was chosen to act as commandant till such general officer should arrive. We reached the Cowpens, on the Broad River, in South Carolina, where we were joined by Col. James Williams on the evening of the 6th of October, who informed us that the enemy lay encamped somewhere near the Cherokee Ford of Broad River, about thirty miles distant from us. By a Council of the principal officers, it was then thought advisable to pursue the enemy that night with nine hundred of the best horsemen, and leave the weak horse and footmen to follow as fast as possible. We began our march, with nine hun- dred of the best men, about eight o'clock the same evening, and marched all night ; came up with the enemy about three o'clock P. M. of the 7th, who lay encamped on the top of King's Mountain, twelve miles north of the Cherokee Ford, in the confidence they could not be forced from so advan- tageous a post. Previous to the attack, in our march the following disposition was made: — Col. Shelby's regiment formed a column in the centre on the left ; Col. Campbell's another on the right; part of Col. Cleavelaud's regiment, headed in the front by Major Winston and Col. Sevier's, formed a large column on the right wing; the other part of Col. Cleavelaud's regiment composed the left wing. In this order we advanced, and got within a quarter of a mile of the enemy before we were discovered. Col. Shelby's and Colonel Camp- bell's regiments began the attack, and kept up a fire on the enemy, while the right and left wings were advancing forward to surround them, which was done in about five minutes, and the fire became general all round. The engagement lasted an hour and five minutes, the greatest part of which time a heavy and incessant fire was kept up on both sides. Our men, in some parts where the regulars fought, were obliged to give way a small dis- tance two or three times, but rallied and returned with additional ardor to the attack. The troops upon the right having gained the summit of the eminence, obliged the enemy to retreat along the top of the ridge, where Col. Cleaveland commanded, and were there stopped by his brave men. A flag was immediately hoisted by Captain Depeyster, the commanding officer CLEAVELAXD COUNTY. lOo (Major Ferguson having been killed a little before), for a surrender. Our lire immediately ceased, and the enemy laid down their arms — the greater part of them loaded — and surrendered themselves to us prisoners at discretion. It appears, from their own provision returns for that day, found in their camp, that their whole force consisted of eleven hundred and twenty-five men, out of which they sustained the following loss : Of the regulars, one major, one captain, two lieutenants, and fifteen privates killed ; thirtj'-five privates wounded — left on the ground not able to march, two captains, four lieutenants, three ensigns, one surgeon, five sergeants, three corporals, one drummer, and fifty-nine privates taken prisoners. Loss of the Tories, two colonels, three captains, and two hundred and one privates killed ; one major, and one hundred and twenty-seven privates wounded, and left on the ground not able to march ; one colonel, twelve cap- tains, eleven lieutenants, two ensigns, one quartermaster, one adjutant, two commissaries, eighteen sergeants, and six hundred privates taken prisoners. Total loss of the enemy 1,105 men at King's Mountain. Given under our hands at camp, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, ISAAC SHELBY, BENJAMIN CLEAYELAND. The loss on our side : — Killed. Wounded. 1 Colonel. 1 Major. 1 Major. 3 Captains. 1 Captain. 3 Lieutenants. 2 Lieutenants. 53 Privates. 4 Ensigns. — 19 Privates. 60 — total. 28— total. An account of the Battle of Klng^s Mountain, prepared hy Gen. William Le- noir, at the request of Judge Murphy, and furnished for this work by W, W. Lenoir, Esq., of Caldwell County. Having lately seen in the State Gazette, a publication of Mr, Walker's circular letter in which there is a very imperfect statement of the battle at King's Mountain, brings to my recollection your request for a true account thereof ; and having previously observed, that in all the histories of the Kevo- lutionary War that I have seen, the accounts of that battle are very erroneous, induces me to attempt to fulfill your desire on that subject, by giving you as perfect an account of that transaction from my own knowledge, as my memory at so distant a period will enable me to do. When a report was circulated that a detachment of the British army had advanced through the State of South Carolina, and a part of North Carolina, as far as Cane Creek, where a strong party of them were repulsed by the neighboring militia, chiefly of Burke County, under the command of Col. Chas. McDowell, and Major J. McDowell, the active Whigs of the w-estern part of North Carolina, and some from the near part of Yirginia, like patriots at a moment's notice, without any call from the Government, turned out and concentrated in Burke County, without any aid from public stores, of clothing, arms, ammunition, or any article of camp equipage, not having a single tent or baggage Avagon amongst them, and advanced to Green River, near the south- ern limit of Rutherford County, where they received some further, but im- perfect information of the progress of the aforesaid detachment of the British army, commanded by the celebrated Col. Ferguson, who was said to be pro- gressing through the country in various directions, committing great ravages and depredations. A council was held by the principal officers of the Whigs : the result of which was, that, on presumption that, through the medium of the Tories, Col. 106 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ferguson had daily information of the advancement of the Whigs, and was so on the alert, that men on foot would not be able to overtake him ; therefore orders were given for as many as had, or could procure horses, to go in advance as mounted infantry, there not being a single dragoon in the Whig army. Whereupon, about live or six hundred were prepared and mai-ched oS about sunrise on the 6th day of October, 17X0, leaving the footmen, about one thousand five hundred in number, encamped on Green River, under the command of Major Joseph Ilerndon. The advance party of mounted infantry being joined by Col. AVilliams,* with a few South Carolina militia, in the evening arrived at a place called tbe Cowpeus, in South Carolina,! where two beeves were killed and orders given for the men to cook, and eat as quick as possible ; but marching orders were given, before those that were indolent, had prepared anything to eat ; and they marched all night (being dark and rainy), and crossed Broad River the next morning, where an attack was ex- pected. But not finding the enemy, the detachment almost exhausted by fatigue, hunger, cold and wet, and, for want of sleep, pursued their march a few miles, when they met two men from Col. Ferguson's camp, who gave some account of his situation. Then being revived by the hopes of gaining the desired object, the ofiicers held a short consultation (sitting on their horses), in which it was concluded that said detachment should be formed into four columns; two of the columns should march on each side of the road, as silently as they could, and that they should govern their march by the view of each other ; Col. Winston was placed at the head of the right hand column ; Coh Cleaveland at the head of the left; and Cols. Shelby and Sevier at the heads of the two middle columns ; and as Col. Campbell had come the greatest distance, and from the State of Virginia, he was complimented with the com- mand of the whole detachment. AVhen they had marched in that order about a mile. Colonel Winston, by a steep hill, had got so far separated from the other columns as to be out of sight or hearing of them, when some men rode in sight, and directed him to dismount, and march up the hill, which was immediately done, with an ex- pectation of meeting the enemy on the hill ; but before his men had advanced two hundred paces from their horses, they were again hailed, and directed to mount their horses and push on, and that the enemy was a mile ahead. On whicn, they ran with great precipitation down to their horses, mounted them, and rode like fox hunters, as fast as their horses could run, through rough woods, crossing branches and ridges without any person that had any knowledge of the woods to direct or guide them. They happened to fall in upon the left of the enemy (being the place of their intended destination). At this very moment the tiring began on the other parts of the lines,J when all dismounted under the fire of the enemy, and the right and left hand columns surrounded them as quick as possible. In the mean time, the enemy charged bayonets on the two middle columns,? who being armed with rifles, and not a single bayonet amongst them, were twice obliged to retreat a small distance ; but they wheeled again with increased vigor, and fought bravely. The enemy being surrounded, their left wing began to retreat, by drawing up in closer order towards their right. At length they hoisted a flag, and surrendered themselves prisoners of war ; not a single man of them escaped that was in camp at the commencement of the battle. After the arms and prisoners were secured, some men were appointed to number the dead. They reported two hundred and fifty of the enemy, and thirty-two of the Whigs. There were not near so many of the enemy wounded as were of the Whigs, about forty of whom afterwards died of their wounds. The total number of the Whigs in the battle was between six and seven hundred ; and the number of the enemy, agreeable to their daily returns, * Col. Williams was wounded in the battle and died one or two days afterwards. I Gen. Morgan afierwards defeated Col. Tarleton at the Cowpens. J Nothing but the interposition of Divine power could have conducted the said right hand column to so great advantage. § A number of Tories who were not provided with bayonets, substituted butcher knives, the handles being cut to fit the muzzles of their guns." CLEAYELAND COUNTY. 107 was eleven hundred and eighty-seven. The AYhij^s camped on the battle- ground, and marched off with tlieir prisoners the next day; and, having no other way to secure the arms taken, compelled the prisoners to carry them, a great number of them having to carry two guns each. About sunset we met the footmen they had left at Green Iliver, who had pi:ovided a plenty of rations, &c. The Whigs who had fought the battle wei-e almost famished. A few days afterwards, in Rutherford County, the principal officers held a Court-martial over some of the most audacious and murderous Tories, and selected thirty-two as victims for destruction ; and commenced hanging three at a time, until they hung nine, and respited the rest. Col. Ferguson had placed himself on the top of King's Mountain the morn- ing before the battle ; in a boasting manner, he had proclaimed that here was King's Mountain, and that he was the king of that mountain ; supposing it to be a very advantageous position for him ; but it proved the reverse, from the manner he was attacked and surrounded. Ilis elevated situation secured the Whigs from the danger of their own fire from the opposite side, and he being surrounded when his men sheltered themselves on one side, they were exposed to danger on the other. Colonel Ferguson had seven or eight bullets shot through him, and fell some time before the battle was over. The number of the Whigs was so inferior, that Col. Ferguson, or his suc- cessor in command, might have easily retreated with very inconsiderable loss ; if they had known the number and situation of the Whigs, no doubt but they would have retreated instead of surrendering. It appears that under the auspices of the same Divine Power that so advan- tageously conducted the right hand column of the Whigs to the battle at King's Mountain, from that period good fortune seemed to preponderate in every direction in favor of the common cause of liberty (except the single instance of General Gates, who was defeated by his own imprudence), for although the British army kept the battle-ground at Guilford Court House, it appears to be given up on both sides, that the Americans had the best of that battle, and disabled their enemy. And to contrast the situation of the Whigs after the battle of King's Mountain, with what inevitably would have been their situation in case Ferguson's army had gained as complete a victory over the Whigs, as the Whigs had done over them, it must appear that said battle was the most decisive, the most gloriously fought, and, although few in numbers, was of the greatest importance of any one battle that ever was fought in America. * tc- * «• * * I was captain of a company of footmen, and left them at Green River, except sis of them, who procured horses and went with us. I went as a com- mon soldier, and did not pretend to take command of those that belonged to my company; neither did I join any other company; but fell in immediately behind Col. Winston, in front of the right hand column, which enables me to give a more particular account of the progress of that part of our army than any other. Before the battle. Adjutant Jesse Franklin, now Governor of JS'orth Carolina, Capt. Robt. Cleaveland, and myself, agreed to stand together and support each other ; but, at the commencement of the battle, enthusiastic zeal caused us all to separate. Each being anxious to effect the grand object, uo one appeared to regard his own personal safety. As to my own part, from where we dismounted, instead of going on to surround, I advanced the nearest way towards the enemy, under a heavy fire, until I got within about thirty paces. Before they began to give ground, being among strangers, I noticed one particular instance of bravery. On hearing a man within six feet behind me fall, I looked around, and at that instant, another soldier jumped at him, saying, "Give me your shot-bag, old fellow !" his own ammu- nition being exhausted. The gallant patriot gave him with his dying hand his ammunition. About that time I received a slight wound in my side, and another in my left arm ; and, after that, a bullet went through my hair above where it was tied, and my clothes were cut in several places. From the ac- count I have given of the battle, it will be understood that it was fought on our side by militia alone. By that victory, many militia officers procured 108 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. swords who could not possibly get any before ; neither was it possible to pro- cure a good supply of ammunition. ***** MEMBERS FROM CLEAVELAND. Years. 1844. 1846. 1848. 1850. Senate. Thos. .Jefferson, Columbus Mills, Dr. W. J. T. Miller, John G. Bynum, House of Commons. J. Y. Hamrick. Joshua Beam. J. Y. Hamrick. G. G. Holland. CHAPTER XXI. COLUMBUS COUNTY. Date of formation- -Situation and boundaries — Population and products — Members of Assembly. Columbus County was formed in 1808, from Bladen and Bruns- wick; its name is derived from Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa, who in the year 1492 discovered America. It is situated in the south-eastern portion of North Carolina, and bounded on the north by Bladen ; on the east, by Brunswick and Bladen ; on the south, by the South Carolina line ; and west by Robe- son County. Its population is 4257 whites ; 1503 slaves ; 149 free negroes ; 5307 repre- sentative population. Its products are 1366 bushels of wheat; 79,155 bushels of corn ; 725 bar- rels turpentine ; ^10,864 w»rth of lumber ; 24,035 lbs. cotton; 6724 lbs. wool. Its revolutionary and colonial history is connected with Bladen and Brunswick, from which it was formed. Its capital is Whitesville, derived from James B. White, one of the first members in the General Assembly. One hmidi-ed and twenty-five miles distant from Raleigh. Members of the General Assembly from Columbus. Years. Senators. 1809. James B. AVhite, 1810. James B. White, 1811. Wynn Nance, 1812. Wynn Nance, 1813. Wynn Nance, 1814. Thomas Frink, 1815. Thomas Frink, 1816. Thomas Frink, 1817. Thomas Frink, 1818. Jonathan Pierce, 1819. Thomas Frink, 1820. Jacob Guiton, House of Commons. Wynn Nance, Thomas Frink. Thomas Frink, Wynn Nance. Jonathan Pierce, Thomas Frink. Thomas Frink, Jonathan Pierce. Goldborough Flower, -Jacob Guiton. Absalom Powell, P. Coleman. John Gore, David Guiton. Caleb Stephens, Jacob Guiton. Caleb Stephens, Jacob Guiton. Caleb Stephens, Jacob Guiton. J. H. White, R. Wooton. L. II. Simmons, R. Wooten. CRAVEN COUNTY. 109 Years. Senators. 1821. Thomas Frink, 1822. Alexander Troy, 1823. Thomas Frink, 1S24. Thomas Frink, 1825, Alex. Formyduval, 1826, James Burney, 1827, James Burney, 1828, James Burney, 1829, James Burnev, 1830, Luke R. Simmons, 1831, Luke R, Simmons, 1832, Luke R, Simmons, 1833, Luke R. Simmons, 1834, Caleb Stephens, 1835, Caleb Stephens, 1836, James Burney, 1838. Robert Melvin, 1840, Robert Melvin, 1842. Robert Melvin, 1844. Robert Melvin, 1846. Richard Wooten, 1848. Richard Wooten, 1850. Richard Wooten, House of Commons. L. R. Simmons, Levi Stephens. Caleb Stephens, Richard Wooten. J. H. White, Caleb Stephens. Richard Wooten, Luke R. Simmons. L. R, Simmons, Caleb Stephens. Caleb Stephens, L, R. Simmons. Caleb Stephens, L. R. Simmons. Caleb Stephens, L. R. Simmons. L. R. Simmons, Richard Wooten. Marmaduke Powell, Caleb Stephens. Caleb Stephens, Marmaduke Powell. Joseph Maultsby, Caleb Stephens, Caleb Stephens, Marmaduke Powell, Marmaduke Powell, Thomas Frink. Thomas Frink, Marmaduke PoAveli, J, Maultsby. Augustus Smith. Absalom Powell, Nathan L, Williamson. N, L, Williamson. N, L. Williamson. N, L, AYilliamson, John A, Maultsby. CHAPTER XXII, CRAVEN COUNTY. Origin of name — Date of formation — Situation and boundaries — Population and products — Newbern, its capital — Colonial and Revolutionary history — Its distinguished men — Abner Nash — Richard Dobbs Spaight — William Gaston — John Stanly — John R, Donnell — George E. Badger — John II. Bryan — Richard Dobbs Spaight, juu. — Matthias E. Manly — Charles B, Sheppard — William H. Washington, and others — Members of Assembly from 1774 to last session, 1850-51. Craven County was one of the orio;inal precincts of the Lords Proprietors, and derives its name from William, Earl of Craven, to whom with others the charter from Charles the Second was granted. He was a brave cavalier, an old soldier of the German discipline, and supposed husband to the Queen of Bohemia.* It is situated in the eastern part of the State, bounded on the north by Pitt and Beaufort, on' the east by the Pamplico Sound, on the south by Carteret and Jones, and on the west by Pitt, Jones, and Lenoir Counties, Its population is 7222 whites; 5951 slaves; 1536 free negroes; 12,328 re- presentative population. '■^ Life of Lord Keeper Guildford, States, vol. ii. 129, 393. Bancroft's History of the United 110 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Its products are 6037 bushels wheat ; 10,577 hushels oats ; 3019 bushels rye ; 143,835 bushels corn ; 66,833 lbs. cotton ; 8099 lbs. wool ; 139,027 bar- rels turpentine ; 1622 barrels fish ; 37,911 dollars worth lumber. Its capital is Newbern, one of the largest and oldest towns in the State ; beautifully located at the confluence of the Neuse and Trent rivers. It derives its name* from Bern, the place of nativity of Christopher Baron de Graaffenreidt, who, in 1709, emigrated to this State and settled near this place. He had purchased of the Lords Proprietors ten thousand acres of land for ten pounds ster- ling for every thousand acres, and five shillings of quit rent. In the month of December, 1710, the Palatines, as they were called, landed in Carolina, and 1,500 Swiss. The fatal attack of the In- diansf already alluded to, in 1711, had like to have destroyed this colony, which was a great acquisition to North Carolina. De Graaffenreidt and Lawson, the sm^veyor of the colony and its ear- liest historian, w^hile ascending the Neuse, were seized by the Indians ; Lawson was massacred and the Baron narrowly escaped. He became disgusted with the country and sold his interest to Thomas Pollock, for X800, and returned to Switzerland. The early history of Craven County affords ample material for a separate volume. It is to be hoped that some worthy son of "the Athens of North Carolina," will undertake this pious and patriotic duty. The members to the General ^Meeting of Deputies of the province at New- bern, on 15th of August, 1774, from Craven, were James Coor, Lemuel Hatch, Joseph Leech, and Richard Cogdell. The members to the Assembly at the same place, in April, 1775, were the same, with Jacob Blount, and William Bryan. The members to the Assembly at Hillsboro' on the 21st of August, 1775, were James Coor, William Bryan, Richard Cogdell, Joseph Leech, Jacob Blount, and Edmund Hatch. The members at Halifax in November, 1776, were James Coor, Willliam Bryan, -John Bryan, Christopher Neale, and John Bryan. In 1775, Abxer Nash and James Coor were members of the Provincial Council of Safety. The District Committee for the Newbern District, were Dr. Alexander Gaston, Richard Cogdell, John Easton, Major Croom, Roger Ormond, Edward Salter, George Burrow, William Thompson, Benj. Williams, Ri- chard Ellis, AVilliam Brown, and James Glasgow. The field ofiicers for this county were John Bryan, Col. ; Lemuel Hatch, Lieut.-Col. ; John Bryan, jun,, 1st Major; John Tilman, 2d Major. The names of these men are here preserved, hoping that some future pen may do justice to their services and characters. Hon. Francois Xavier Martin was long a resident of Newbern. He was born at Marseilles, France, 17th March, 1762. At the age of 20, he emigrated to North Carolina, where he studied law, and was distinguished for his labor and learning. In 1806 he represented Newbern in the House of Commons. _ By Mr. .Jefferson he was appointed U. S. Judge of the Mississippi Territory, and resided for a time at Natchez. On 1st Feb., 1815, he was elevated by Gov. Claiborne, to the Supreme Court Bench of Louisiana. He continued in this exalted position until his death, which occurred on the 10th December, 1846. * Martin's History of N. C. i. 233. j Williamson, i. 85 ; 1 vol. 37. CRAVEN COUNTY. Ill lie "was one of the most learned Jurists of his age. With a mind naturally acute ; an erudition surpassed by none, equalled by few ; with an unspotted intep;rity, his decisions are regarded Avith that respect they merit. His labors as an Author were considerable. He was the compiler of the Statute Laws of North Carolina : author of a work on Justices of the Peace ; and of the best History, according to the means he possessed, ever published of our State. Hon. William Blount, of this County, was a member of the Continental Congress, in 1782-83, and in 178G-87. On 23d April, 1787, he was appointed by Richard Caswell, Governor of the State, in his place, as a delegate to the Convention which assembled in Phila- delphia, in May, to form the Constitution, and his name is appended to that document, with those of Ilichard Dobbs Spaight, and Hugh Williamson. He was the brother of John Gray, and Thomas Blount, of Beaufort. On the organization of the North-western Territory, he was appointed Governor; and when Tennessee was admitted as a State, he was elected Senator in Congress. He was expelled from the Senate on the 8th of July, 1777, for exciting the Indians to make hostile incursions in the Spanish Territory. Had he lived in this progressive age, this act so far from expelling him from the Senate, might have elevated him to still higher position. He married Mary Granger, of Wilmington, and their names have been perpetuated in Tennessee, by towns and counties. Abner Nash, whose name appears in the Provincial Council, was distin- guished in the early history of North Carolina, as one of her devoted sons, and most patriotic citizens. He was born in Prince Edward County, Va. His ftither was from AY ales. He was educated for the bar, and was elected the first Speaker of the Senate, and the second Governor of North Carolina, under the Constitution, in 1779. He was defeated in 1781, by Thomas Burke, of Orange. Jones, in his " Defence of North Carolina,"* states that "Gov. Nash was defeated on account of the disordered state of the finances." From 1782 to 1785, he represented Jones County in the Assembly. He was elected by the Assembly a member of the Continental Congress, in 1782, to 1780. He was distinguished for his urbane manners, and solid acquirements. His bi'other, Gen. Francis Nash, fell in the battle of Germantown, and his son is now one of the Judges of our Supreme Court. His first wife was the widow of Arthur Dobbs, Governor of the State ; and his second Miss Jones. He died at Newbern, respected and esteemed for his high moral character and intellectual attainments. His name is preserved in the State in the County erected in 1777, while he was Speaker of the Senate. PiiCHARD Dobbs Spaight was a resident of tliis County. He sprung from an ancient and honorable family connected with that of Gov. Arthur Dobbs. He was at an early age left an orphan. He commenced his academic studies in Ireland, and completed them at the University of Glasgow, in Scotland, and in 1778 he returned home. His country was then engaged in her strug- gles for liberty. He joined the army as aide-de-camp to Gen. Caswell, and as such was at the battle of Camden, in August, 1780. In 1781 he represented the town of Newbern, in the House of Commons; and in 1782-83, and 1784, he was elected at the same time to represent the 'State in the Continental Congress at Philadelphia; and it appears that he served in l)oth capacities. In 1785 and 1786, ho was member from Craven County. In 1787 he was chosen as one of the Delegates to form the Consti- tution of the United States, and his name is appended to that instrument. In 1788 he was one of the Delegates from Craven, to the Convention at Ilillsboro' to deliberate on the same. * Jones's Defence, 313. 112 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. In 1792 he was elected the Governor of the State, in vrhich year he was a member of the House from Xewbern. In 1798 he -was elected a member of Congress from the Nevrbern District, and served one Concrress. In 1801 he was elected a member of the State Senate, from Craven. In September, 1802, from some expressions of the Hon. John Stanly, in regard to his political career, an angry correspondence took place, which terminated by a challenge from Mr. Stanly. Dr. Edward Pasteur was the friend of Gov' Spaight ; and Edward Graham, Esq., the friend of Mr. Stanly. The challenge and acceptance are here recorded. JTr. StanJy to Gen. Spaiglit. Sir — Your handbill of the 4th instant is before me. It affords abundant proof of what I intended the world should be convinced, that the character which you attempted to play off before them was assumed, and could not long be supported : that you walked on stilts, and had been prevailed upon in a fit of frenzy, malice, and despair, to frame a challenge, which was the subject of your daily repentance. My object was to show in the face of those de- claimers on your heroism and spirit, that no charge could be framed suffi- ciently insulting to tempt you to commit again the like indiscretion. In this I have had success that must astonish and mortify your friends and foes. Yet who can say that you have not deserved it. There yet remains another object to be attained. I am no general ; I complained of no injury ; I sent no challenge for satisfaction ; nay more, I had set it up as a principle to send you none, but your experiment has betrayed you into a difficulty to which your calculation did not extend ; to your disappointment this letter informs you that, humiliating as it is to my feelings to fight a man who can descend to the filth contained in your handbill, I shall expect that you will meet me as soon as may be convenient, to give that satisfaction which you assure me that "if I ask for it once I shall not be under the necessity of doing it the second time." JOHN STAXLY. Sept. otk, 1802. My friend ^Ir. Graham, who hands you this, wiU receive your answer. Gen. SpaigTit to Mr. Stanly. Xewberx, Sept. 5t?i, 1802. Sir — Yours of tliis date has been received. My friend. Doctor Edward Pasteur, will appoint the time and place, and make the other necessary ar- rangements with your friend. RICHARD D. SPAIGHJ. The parties met on Sunday afternoon, on the 5th September ; and upon the exchange of the fourth fire, (jov. Spaight received a wound in the right side, of which he died in 23 hours. JoHX Staxly was often a member of the Legislature. He was a member of Congress in 1801 from this district, and again in 1809. His first session in the Legislature was in 1812, a period of extraordinary political excite- ment. He took a decided stand in opposition to the war ; and was a leader of the party opposed to Mr. Madison's administration. His unfortunate affair with Gov. Spaight had grown out of political feeling. He petitioned the General Assembly in 1803, for an act of pardon, but it was refused on the ground that the pardoning power had been vested in the Governor by the Constitution. The Governor, Benjamin "Williams, upon petition pardoned him. A copy of Mr. Stanly's petition is herewith copied from the original in his own hand, in j^ossession of Gov. Swain. "Sir — I have the honor of laying before your excellency several publica- tions by General Richard Doblis Spaight and myself on the subject of a con- troversy between us. Your Excellency will learn from them the rise and CRAVEN COUNTY. 113 progress of a difference which has had a melancholy termination. I beg leave, sir, to ask you to judge from the puldications themselves whether I have not on my part acted with decency and moderation? whether I do not dis- cover a disposition to forbearance rather than provocation? Yet, this man- ner of mine, so far from protecting me from insult, was treated by my oppo- nent as pleas of cowardice, and appears to have encouraged the use of those opprobrious epithets which have so li))erally been bestowed upon me. " Had I been indifferent to the good opinion of the world, could I have extinguished those principles of virtue and honor which teach me neither to give cause for reproach or to submit to the stigma which such publications, unnoticed, would have fixed upon me ; I might have borne ' the robbery of my good name' with humility. I might have then preferred to pass the remain- der of my days with submission to the affronts which such a weakness of dispo- sition would encourage, and which such charges unrepelled would justify ; to have existed the object of scorn, contempt, and derision of mankind, rather than to have created, at the hazard of my own life, those difficulties and dis- tresses to which I am now subjected by a measure adopted to preserve a character which I fondly trust has hitherto been free from dishonorable im- putation. " I appeal, sir, to the feelings of every gentleman ; permit me, sir, to appeal to that dignified sense of honor which adorns your own character, to decide whether it was possible, or would have been proper in me to acquiesce with humility, to have bowed myself to the opprobrious epithets of ' liar and scoundrel,' which General Spaight, in his publication of the 4th, applies to me, at the same time braving me to ask satisfaction. " I felt an obligation due to myself, and no less urgent duty to the people whom I have the honor to represent, to remove these dishonorable terms. I took that step which I hope cannot be condemned, the one most likely to pro- cure that redress which I wished, a retraction of the epithets, or, on refusal, to punish the man who could so unjustly apply them to me. A copy of my challenge of the 5th inst. accompanies the other papers. This was accepted. We fought the same day. General Spaight received a wound, of which he has since died. " From this fatal result of a measure which I trust the candid and discern- ing will admit to have been necessary, if not indispensable, an event which I shall not cease to deplore, I have become criminal to the laws of my coun- try, I am exposed to all the persecution which the resentful feelings of the malevolent and uncandid may stimulate, or the forms of the law require. Were my own feelings alone to be affected by the probability of imprison- ment and arraignment, I should endeavor to support myself with that forti- tude which the situation would require. But there are others whose con- nection with me create all the anxieties I mj^self can feel without the forti- tude to allay them. These I feel an obligation, if possible, to remove. " If your Excellencj^ will examine the case, I trust it will appear that Gene- ral Spaight acknowledged himself satisfied with my explanation of my con- versation which had first given him offence. That our subsequent difference was occasioned by his publishing Smyth's certificate, with a view, as he after- words avows, of impeaching my veracity and the truth of the very state- ment with which he had said 'he should rest satisfied.' That the remarks extorted from me by the publication were moderate and respectful — that I sup- ported the controversy with temperance, departing in no instance from the language of a gentleman — and that my sul)sequent expressions of warmth were provoked by the harsh language of my opponent. I hope that your Excellency will be of that opinion, that when the most opprobi'ious epithets were applied to me, that respect for the opinion of the world, an honest and laudable desire to wipe off such vile and undeserved reproach actuated me to adopt the measure most likely to accomplish that object. Though these circumstances and considerations may not leave me entirely free from offence, in the severe constructions of the law, I trust that they will so far extenuate it as to induce your Excellency to believe that my conduct does not merit the 114 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLIXA. sevei-e, distressing, and humiliating consequence that must result fi'om a rigorous prosecution. " 3Iay it please your Excellency to exercise in my favor that power of granting pardons which the Constitution has vested in you. "I have the honor to be, with every sentiment of respect, "Your Excellency's most obedient and most humble servant, "JNO. STANLY. " His Excellency, Governor Williams. "Sept. Vdih, 1802." He .continued without much intermission in the House of Commons, of •which he was often Speaker, until 1826, when he was struck with a paralytic stroke, which terminated his political career, and in a few years his life. He died 3d of August, 1834. "William Gastox, late Judge of the Supreme Court of the State, was a native of Newbern. His father. Dr. Alexander Gaston, " a native of Ireland, and a man of letters," was one of the most determined patriots of his day. He was killed on the 20th August, 1781, under the most painful circumstances. He was retreating from the attack of the Tories, with his wife and two small children, when a party of Tories appeared. Mrs. Gaston was left on the wharf, Avhile her husband pushed off in a boat. One of these monsters leveled his gun over the shoulder of Mrs. Gaston, and her patriotic husband fell dead, leaving her and two children; a son, the distinguished subject of this notice, and a daughter, who afterwards was the wife of Chief Justice Taylor. Judge Gaston was born in Newbern, 19th September, 1778. Happily for him, and happy for his State, his mother was a woman of great energy of character, of devoted piety, and extraordinary prudence. Naturally of a quick temper ; her counsel, example and advice, taught him to subdue it. The great object of her life seemed to be to prepare herself for a better world, and to train in "wisdom's ways" the precious charge left to her care un- der such afiiicting and tragical circumstances. She felt like the mother of Moses — the words of Pharaoh's daughter — "Take this child and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages." His unparalleled success in after life, his extensive usefulness and exalted public services, prove how faithfully her duty had been discharged. " This tells to mothers what a holy charge Is theirs; with what a kingly power their love May rule the fountains oi'the new-born mind ; Warns them to wake at early dawn and sow Good seed belbre the world doth sow its tares."* Mrs. Ellet, in her work, " Women of the Revolution," renders any further allusion to Mrs. Gaston unnecessary, except to quote from her beautiful pro- duction,! one anecdote, which gives in graphic minuteness, her method of edu- cation. When her son was only seven or eight years old, he was, even then, remarkable for his aptitude and cleverness. "William, why is it," said one of his little schoolmates, "that you are always head of the class, and I am always foot?" " There is a reason," replied he, "but if I tell you, you must promise to keep it a secret, and do as I do. Whenever I take up a book to study, I first say a little prayer my mother taught me, that I may be able to learn my lessons." Judge Gaston has often been heard to declare, that whatever distinction he had attained in life, was owing to her pious counsel and ftxithful conduct. J Under her eye his early education Avas conducted. In the fall of 1791, he was sent to the Catholic College, at Georgetown, then only fourteen years old. The rigor of this bleak climate, the painful and rigid discipline, and exiled from the comforts and attentions of afiection, caused his health to give way, and in the spring of 1793, it was feared that he was sinking under a con- * Mrs. Sigourney. t Women of the Revolution, ii. 139 { Life and character of William Gaston, by Wm. li. Battle, Chapel Hill, 1844. CRAVEN COUNTY. 115 sumption ; and it was arlvised by his physicians that he should'return to the mild air of his native climate. He returned home, and his health soon im- proved. Under the care of the Ilev. Thomas P. Irwing, he was prepared for college. He entered the Junior Class, at Princeton, in the foil of 1794. He graduated at the early age of eighteen, with the tirst honors of that renowned and ancient institution. Judge Gaston has left this tribute to his venerated mother: — " The proudest moment of my life, was when I conununicated the information to her that I had not only graduated, but with honor.'"* Their meeting on his return home, was one of no confmon character. Loaded with all the honors of science and literature, he kneels at the feet of her who was the author of his being and true cause of his success. He studied law with Francois Xavier Martin, then residing in Newbern ; afterwards the author of a History of North Carolina, and late Judge in Louisiana, whose character the reader has just read. In 1798, before his arriving at manhood, Mr. Gaston was admitted to the bar. The elevation of his brother-in-law, John Louis Taylor, to the bench in that year, threw all his business into the hands of Mr. Gaston, at once heavy and lucrative. To his well-disciplined mind, laborious habits, and in- defatigable industry, this only stimulated him to increased exertion. He not only sustained this responsibility, but his reputation was established ; it continued to increase in such rapid strides, until he attained, by the appro- bation of all, the head of his profession. The people, who delight to honor merit, soon perceived the rich jewel that was among them. When only twenty-two, he was elected a member of the Senate (in 1800), from Craven County. But the labors of his profession, and duties to those who entrusted their fortunes and lives to his hands, with his small patrimony, denied to him that service to the people that they required. He did not appear again in public life until 1808, Avhon he was elected a member of the House of Commons from Newbern, of which body he was chosen Speaker. He was elector on the Presidential ticket in this year. After his re-election to the House of Commons in 1(S09, he retired from the House of Commons. But he was not allowed to remain by the people long from their service. He was elected a member of Congress in 1813 from this district, and re- elected in 1815. His life now becomes a part of our national property, and we may " Read its history in a nation's eyes." This period was one of extraordinary excitement. He took a prominent stand in opposition to the Administration, sustained as it was by the ability of Lowndes, of South Carolina, the intellectual power of Calhoun of the same State, and the resistless eloquence of Clay, of Kentucky. Amid this galaxy of the political firmament, the bright star of North Carolina shone with peculiar brilliancy, even amid the influence of Webster, Grosvenor and others. It is not the province or the part of the historian to express any opinion as to the political course of individuals, their merits, or their errors. His duty is to state plainly and frankly the course pursued, and let each form their own conclusions as to its propriety or correctness. But whatever line of conduct Mr. Gaston pursued, that course was marked by talent, labor, and genius of the highest character. His efforts in Congress on "the Pre- vious Question" and " the Loan Bill," are left to us, and have attracted the admiration of competent judges, for their power and eloquence. At the end of his second tei-m he voluntarily resigned his charge ; and at- tended to the laborious duties of his extended practice of the law. He did not appear again in public life until 1827, when from the increased indisposition of Mr. Stanly, who had been elected that year a member of the House of Commons from Newbern, a vacancy occurred, and Mr. Gaston was elected to supply his place. This he accepted as a matter of duty, not of in- clination ; as a return of gratitude for favors received, not with the hope of honors or laurels yet to be acquired. It was known at Raleigh that Mr. Stanly had resigned ; but it was not * Eulog^^ by Kobert Strange, Fayetteville, 1844. 116 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. known who was to be his successor, and it was a matter of some interest to know upon whom the mantle of this distinguished tactician had fallen. No one suspected that Mr. Gaston would accept. The writer well recollects that, while sitting in the office of Judge Tay- lor, then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (the house now occupied by Judge Saunders), and reading under his care the elements of the law, that on a l)right morning in Nov., 1S27, the Newbern stage drove up. When the State House bell rung, he was preparing to go to the Capitol to attend to his duties (he was that year a member from his native county of Hertford, and the youngest member in the house), he met at the door Judge Taylor, who asked him in the house, as Mr. Gaston was there. He was introduced, and Mr. Gaston accompanied him to the Capitol. As yet it was not known to him the motive of the introduction, or the object of Mr. Gaston in going to the Capitol. When we reached the House of Commons, all eyes were turned upon Mr. Gaston, then in the zenith of his fame and popularity. He pre- sented to the writer, a certificate of his election, as the member from Newbern, and most quietly requested him to present it to the House. It was done. This was his first interview with this distinguished man, and his first motion in the House of Commons. He well recollects the high satisfaction and im- provement that he derived from an intimate and personal intercourse with him — the lessons and practical wisdom that his course and conversation afforded — the charm of his wit in private circles — the brilliancy of his elo- quence in the Hall. _ Thomas Settle, now a judge of the Superior Court, was Speaker; the Judi- ciary Committee was : Hon. Frederick Nash, William Gaston, John D. Eccles, of Fayetteville, Jos. A. Hill, of Wilmington, Geo. E. Spruill, of Halifax, and John H. Wheeler, of Hertford. On one occasion, when Mr. Nash, now of the Supreme Court, had intro- duced a bill for the re-organization of that court, after an able and lucid explanation, and elaborate speech from him, during the delivery of which Mr. Gaston remained as immovable as a statue, with folded arms and eyes fixed on the floor. When the author of the bill had finished, Mr. Gaston moved an adjournment. The next day he replied, and with such force of argument and such power of eloquence in opposition to the bill, that its distinguished author had but few adherents. He was well aware of the importance of the occasion, the connection of the court with the vital interests of the State, the power and ingenuity of the advocate of the present measure. He met the combat with " That stern joy which warriors feel In meeting foemen worthy of their steel." This effort cost him a long winter night of study, to which he added all the power of argument and the brilliancy of his genius. _ Not only in argument was he powerful ; in repartee and wit he was invin- cible. His anecdotes were pointed and most pungent, and his sarcasm was withering. He served in the following year and in 1835. He then left, never to re- turn, the legislative arena, the scene of so many intellectual conflicts, and the theatre of his glory. In li-!34, he was elected Judge of the Supreme Court, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Henderson. W^ithout any solicitation or suggestion on his part, all eyes turned to him as the most suitable person in the State for this elevated position. Once more he appeared in public as a statesman, in the Convention of 1835, as member from Craven, to amend the Constitution. This was an important occasion. The Constitution formed by the State Congress in Nov. 1776, while our country was in the midst of war, and preparing to meet its emergencies, with the minds of the members occupied by its stirring and important events, was not free from errors and imperfections. The people felt the importance of the occasion, and sent their ablest men to devise and consult— Nathaniel Macon, Judge Daniel, Richard Dobbs Spaight, Jr., John Branch, Daniel L. Swain, and others. CRAVEN COUNTY. 117 To others who ■witnessed the intellectual labors, the eloquent efforts, and patriotic services of Mr. Gaston on this occasion, is left the duty of recording them. Their journal and their debates have been published. His speech on the 32d article, which was supposed to exclude Catholics from any office or place of trust or profit in this State, under the peculiar circumstances of the case (he being a member of the Roman Catholic Church), was considered one of his highest intellectual efforts, and was extensively published and read throughout the Union. This was the last service he ever performed in a representative capacity. lie now applied the whole vigor of his capacious mind and his varied ac- quirements, to his duties as Judge of the Supreme Court. He was, however, solicited in 1840, by the dominant party, to accept the post of Senator in Congress. This was no idle compliment. The party had the power to elect him without a contest. lie had but to give his consent and it was ac- complished. But to that solicitation he turned a deaf ear. In a letter to General John Gray Bynum, dated October, 1840, which does honor to his head and his heart, he says, " I believe the faithful j^erformance of the duties of the office I now hold, by the kindness of my fellow citizens, is as important to the public welfare, as any services which I could render in the political station to which you invite me. To give a wholesome exposi- tion to the laws ; to settle the fluctuations and reconcile the seeming conflict- ing analogies of judicial decisions ; to administer justice in the last resort with a steady hand and upright purpose ; appear to me among the highest of civil functions. And so long as God spares me heaUh and understanding to perform these faithfully, how can I better serve my country V This elevated position. Senator in Congress, the most dignified in our land, and preferable to even the Presidency by many, was declined by Judge Gaston. Let the politician in his toilsome and Sabbathless career for pre- ferment, stop and admire this example. The manner in which he discharged his important duties ; his profound and varied literature ; his extensive legal knowledge ; his severe and patient re- search ; his polished and clear compositions, render his opinions from this exalted tribunal, not only monuments of legal learning, but models of ele- gant literature. A much higher opinion is given by one who knew him lone and knew him well, pronounced from the judgment seat (Chief Justice Ruffin), when he said, " he was a great Judge and a good man." His opinion in case of State v. Will ;* and his dissenting opinion in case of State V. Miller;! have been pronounced by onej well qualified to judge "one of the finest judicial arguments to be found in any country.'' But this useful citizen and valuable officer had to pass the same ordeal that all must encounter : — " Pallida mors aequo pulsat pede Pauperum tabernas, regumque turres."| On the 23d January, 1844, Judge Gastox took his seat on the Supreme Court bench. He complained ; for he had felt for some days chilly sensa- tions, and difficulty of breath. During an argument from Hon. Robert Sti'angc at the bar, he was attacked with faintness, and carried from the court room to his chamber. A physician was called in, who soon relieved him. That evening, he seemed more lively than usual. He told several anecdotes, at which his friends laughed cordially. It was but the flickering of an expiring luminary. He was relating an account of a convivial party at Washington city with graphic delineation ; and spoke of one who on that occasion, avowed himself a Free Thinker on the subject of religion. || " From that day," said he, " I viewed that man with distrust. I do not say that a Free Thinker may not from education and high motives be an honorable man ; hut I dare not trust him. A belief in an all-ruling Providence, Avho shapes our ends and will reward us according to our deeds, is necessary. * 1 Dev. and Battle Rep. 121. t Ibid. 500 { Hod. W. H. Battle. § " Pale Death beats with equal foot at the cottages of the poor and palaces of kings."' — Horace. II Tobias Watkins, late Auditor of the Treasury. 118 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. We must believe and feel that there is a God, Allwise and Almighty." As he pronounced this last word, he raised himself up from his bed to give it greater emphasis ; in a moment, there seemed a sudden rush of blood to the brain, and he fell back a lifeless corpse. His spirit fled from the scenes of earth to meet that God in vrhom he had throughout his -whole life trusted, and vrhose Almighty name last vibrated from his tongue. Of such a man may our State be well proud. She has inscribed his name on her towns and counties, and as long as talents are revered, services honored, and virtue esteemed, the name of Gaston will be cherished. His taste for poetry was of an elevated character, which he had cultivated to some extent. The following lines are from his pen : — THE OLD NORTH STATE FOR EVER. Carolina! Carolina! Heaven's blessings attend her! "While we live, we will cherish and love and defend her ; Though the scorner may sneer at, and witlings defame her, Our hearts swell with gladness, whenever we name her. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! ihe old North State for ever ! Hurrah! Hurrah! the good old North State ! Though she envies not others their merited glory, Say, whose name stands the foremost in Liberty's story ! Though too true to herself, e'er to crouch to oppression, Who can yield to just rule more loyal submisision? Hurrah, &c. Plain and artless her sons, but whose doors open faster. At the knock of the stranger, or the tale of disaster ? How like to the rudeness of their dear native mountains. With rich ore in their bosoms, and lite in their fountains. Hurrah, &c. And her daughters, the Queen of the forest resembling, So graceful, so constant, yet to gentlest breath trembling, And true lightwood at heart, let the match be applied them. How they kindle and flame ? Oh, none know but who've tried them. Hurrah, &c. Then let all who love us, love the land that we live in, (As happy a region as on this side of Heaven,) Where Plenty and Freedom, Love and Peace smile before us, Raise aloud, raise together, the heart thrilling chorus ! Hurrah! Hurrah! the old North State forever! Hurrah ! Hurrah ! the good old North State ! He was thrice married. On the 4th Sept., 1803, to Miss Susan Hay (daughter of John Hay, of Fayetteville). On Oct. Gth, 1805, to Hannah McClure, the only daughter of General McClure, who died on the 12th of July, 1813, leaving one son and two daughters ; and in August, 1816, he married again, Eliza Ann Worthington, daughter of Dr. Charles Worthington, of Georgetown, D, C. She died Jan. 2Gth,1819, leaving two infant daughters. The General Assembly, at its next session (1845), through Dr. Thomas N. Cameron, late Senator from Cumberland, Chairman of the Committee to whom the subject was referred, reported the following resolutions: — RESOLUTIONS ON THE DEATH OF WILLIAM GASTON, Adopted unanimously by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, at the Session of 1844-45, and ordered to be re- corded in the Journals of both houses : — The General Assembly of North Carolina have learned that since their last session, one of the most distinguished of our citizens has died. On the 23d of January, 1844, William Gaston, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, after an illness of a few hours departed this life. The i CRAVEN COUXTY. 119 General Assembly of the State, from the unsullied character and inestimable worth of this distinguished citizen, is conscious that no acts or words can ex- press their deep veneration for his character, or their sorrow for his irrepara- ble loss. " Storied urn, or animated bust," cannot remind us more sensibly of his exalted worth ; for this is impressed deeply on every heart. Literally baptized in the blood of his distinguished ancestor who fell in the revolutionary struggles of our country, he was early impressed with an aliid- ing love of his native State, and devoted the whole energies of his well dis- ciplined mind to its service. In all the varied stations of importance to which he was called by the con- fidence of his fellow-citizens, he devoted with untiring energy all the powers of his mind to the promotion of the public weal. As a man, he was exem- plary in all the relations of life ; a devoted husband, an affectionate father. As a statesman, he was pure and patriotic; the honor of his country was the chief object of his heart. As an advocate, he was faithful and zealous. As a Judge, he was learned and impartial ; and he died, as the whole of his life had been spent, in the service of the State. When such a man dies the State may well mourn. The sensation caused by his death testified the estimation in which he was held by his countrymen. Nothing could exceed his long, bright, and glorious career in life, but the tranquil manner in which he left it. We are informed by the proceedings of the Supreme Court, on the mournful occasion of his death, that at the moment of his dissolution his mind was cheerful, and his conversation instructive. Full of years, and full of honors, he left without a struggle or a murmur, a world of gloom for an eternity of gloi'y. Truly was it said by one who knew him long, and knew him well, " he was a good man and a great Judge." The General Assembly of the State of North Carolina feel their inability to express their own feelings, or those of their constituents, in view of the loss which the State has sustained ; yet they deem it due to the memory of departed talents, and gratitude for his long and faithful services, to offer the following RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, that in the death of William Gaston, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, the State has experienced a loss of one of its most patriotic citizens, a faithful public servant, and a learned and impartial judge. That in the course of a long and varied life, his bright career is left to us an example worthy of imitation, and his unsullied character one of the brightest jewels of the State. Resolved, That the Governor of the State transmit a copy of these resolu- tions, with the preamble, to the family of the deceased ; and that they be spread on the journals of both branches of the General Assembly.* Hon. John Sitgreaves was a resident of Newbern. He was appointed a Lieutenant by the State Congress in 177C, in Captain Cassell's company. He was in the battle of Camden (August, 1780) as aid to Governor Caswell. He was a member of the Continental Congress in 1784, and from 1787 to 1789, was in the Legislature, from Newbern. He succeeded Judge John Stokes as U. S. District Judge of North Carolina, appointed by Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson's private journal has the follow- ing: — " 1789. Hawkins recommended John Sitgreaves as a very clever gentle- man, of good deportment, well skilled in the law for a man of his aj^e, and should he live long enough, he will be an ornament to his profession. Spaight and Blount concurring, he was nominated." * These resolutions passed unanimously both liouses, and were, by order, spread upon their journals ; and were prepared ou this occasion, at the request of the Chainuan, Ijy the Author of these sketches. 17 120 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. He died at Halifax in 1800, where he lies buried, and was succeeded by the lion. Henry Potter. Rev. Thomas P. Irtine was celebrated "in the olden time" of Newbern aa a teacher. Many anecdotes, rich in humor, might have been detailed of him, for he was a man -if severe in aught, The love lie bore to learning was his fault." He was a scholar " rare and ripe," and prepared some of our first men with great cai-e for the duties of life. Many, whose hands have since guided the afiairs of State, have felt the stringent application of his Tippoo Saib, and many whose shoulders have been honored by the ermine of the laws, early felt the infliction of his Great Mogul. Peace to his manes ! Richard Dobbs Spaight, son of Governor Spaight, was born in Newbern in 1796 ; educated at the University, at which he graduated in 1815. He was a lawyer by profession. He was first elected to the Legislature in 1819, in the House of Commons. In 1820 he was elected to the Senate, and also in 1821 and 1822. In 1823, he was elected to Congress from this district, and served one Con- gress. He was elected to the Senate again in 1824, and served continuously until 1834, when he was elected Governor of the State. After this he never was in the public service, but declining all political honors, devoted himself to agricultural pursuits. He died in 1850, much esteemed by his fellow citizens, as a liberal politician and courteous gentle- man. He never was married. John R. Donnell, of this county, was born in Ireland ; educated at the University, and graduated in 1807, with the first honors of this venerable in- stitution. He studied law, and entered the practice with great success. In 1815, he was elected Solicitor of the Newbern Circuit, and in 1819, elected Judge of the Superior Court, which he resigned in 1836. He has "chosen the wise part," avoided politics, and now enjoys, "in a green old age,'' affluence, and the respect of all who know him. He married a daughter of the first Governor, Richard Dobbs Spaight, by whom he has had several children. One of whom was Hon. Richard S. Donnell, who was in Congress from this district in 1847, and served one Congress. One of the daughters married the Hon. Chai-les B. Shepard, and who is now his widow ; another, James B. Shepard, Esq., of Raleigh. 'to' Hon. Charles Biddle Shepard was born in Newbern on the 5th December, 1807 ; was graduated at Chapel Hill in 1827 ; elected a member of Congress from this district in 1837, ury, on her return from Edinburgh, and it was suggested that the Prince should be arrayed in female clothes, and return with Flora as a waiting-maid. But even this step was dangerous and diificult. Every place was watched, and every pass guarded by the troops of the Duke of Cumberland. Flora's own father-in- law, Captain Hugh MacDonald, was one of the officers in the search. She, however, obtained from him a passport for herself, her youthful companion, Neil MacDonald, and " for Betty Bourke, a stout Irish woman, and three others." On 28th June, 1746, they embark from Uist for the Isle of Skye. After much danger they land at Kilbride in the parish of Kilmuir, where they stopped at the house of Sir Alexander MacDonald, the Laird of Sleite ; the laird was from home, and the house was filled with officers who were in search of the royal fugitive. By advice of Lady MacDonald, to whom Flora confided her secret, she set out with lier suite forthwith for Kingsburg, where they rested safe after dangers and fatigues. The next morning Flora accom- panied che Prince to Portaree, and there they parted. The Prince's last words to Flora were, " Gentle, faithful maiden, I hope we will meet again in the Palace Royal." He finally escaped with Neal Mac Donald to France, a son of whom was distinguished in the French Rev(jlution. He was a Marshal under Napoleon, and for his gallantry was created Duke of Tarentum. The unfortunate Charles Edward never returned. He died in France, 17B8. The Government were highly incensed that their victim should escape. That escape could not have been accomplished by arms or intrigue, but by woman's tact and woman's tenderness alone. Flora was aiTested, with Malcolm McLeod, whose pack the prince had carried; McKinnon, of Straith, who had received him from McLeod, and MacDonald of Kingsburg. When arrested, J which was a few days after parting from the Prince, Flora was conveyed on board of the Furnace, Captain Fergussone, and taken to Leith. She was then removed on board of Commodore Smith's ship, and con- veyed to the Nore, whence, on 6th December, after being five months on ship- board, she was transferred to the custody of the messenger Dick, where sh^e remained until July, 1747. They were carried to London, and confined in prison to be tried for high treason. The youth of Flora and the chivalric daring of her adventure, created a strong feeling in her favor. She had never been an advocate of the Pietender's claims to the crown, nor was she even of the same religious faith. * Defence of North Carolina, bv J. Seawell Jones. Women of the Revolution, by Mrs. Ellet. Sk-etches of North Carolina, by Wm. H. Foote, 148. t Williamson's History of North Carolina, ii. 80. i Boswell's Life of Johnson, i. 387. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 12T That impulsive humanity of woman for distress was her only crime. When asked by the King (George the 2d), " How dare you succor the enemy of my crown and kingdom ?" She replied— _ "I only did what I would do for your Majesty m the same condition— re- lieved distress." No evidence was produced against her. She was set at liberty. She was, under the protection of Lady Primrose, sent home with Malcolm McLeod, In Boswell's Life of Johnson I find the following :— "Monday, 12,th Sept. 1773. " We safely arrived at Kingsburg, and was received by the hospitable MacDonald. The lady of the house is the celebrated Flora MacDonald She is a little woman, of a genteel appearance, and uncommonly mild and well bred. -^^ x i > v i ^x.^ " The room where we lay was a celebrated one. Dr. Johnson s bed was the very one in which the grandson of the unfortunate King James the Second lay on one of the nights after the failure of his rash attempt in 1'45-b while he was eluding the pursuit of the emissaries of the government, which had oflfered thirty thousand pounds reward for him." «' It is remarkable," savs Sir Walter Scott,* " that this distinguished lady signed her name Flory, instead of the more classical orthography. Her raar- riao-e contract, which is in my possession, bears the name spelled Flory. Four years after her return she married Allan McDonald, and, as already stated, emigrated in 1775 to America. They settled in Fayetteville. The ruins of the house are yet to be seen, as you pass from the market-house to the court-house on vour right hand just before you cross the creek, not tar from the law office o*f John D. Eccles, Esq. After a short stay they removed to Cameron Hill, about twenty miles from Fayetteville. The old persons about this place well recollect seeing her, "a dignified, handsome woman, to whom all paid great respect." • , -i. When Flora exchanged Scotland for America for peace and quiet, it was bad for worse. The troul)les of the Revolution had just commenced. The chief of the clan of MacDonald accepted a commission as general Irom the Royal Governor (Martin), in the service of his Majesty, George III. The wild notes of the Scottish pibroch united with the English bugles. On ist Feb. 1776, General MacDonald issued his proclamation, for all true and loyal Highlanders to join his standard at Cross Creek, to march and unite with Gen. Clinton, and Gov. Martin. He marshall'd his clan. Their swords were a thousand, their hearts were as one." On their way down they were met near the mouth of Moore's Creek, on '>7th Feb 1770, by the forces of Caswell and Lillington, and after a despe- rate encragement, to the misguided and ill-advised Highlanders, a secondCul- loden awarded them. Gen. MacDonald was taken prisoner, as also Kings- burg MacDonald, husband of Flora, who was a captain ; Captain McLeod and Captain John Campbell were killed, and the rest taken prisoners. Her husband was confined a prisoner in Halifax jail. After his release —broken down in hopes, their property plundered, lands confiscated, he and Flora returned to Scotland. On their passage home they encountered a French ship-of-war. An action ensued. This heroic woman remained on deck during the action, and encouraged the men. The enemy was beaten off, but in the bustle of battle Flora was thrown down, and her arm was broken. With the shrewdness of her country Flora is said to have remark- ed. " I have hazarded my life for the House of Stuart and for the House of Hanover, and I do not see that I am a great gainer by either." To the bravery of our sex she united the gentleness of her own, and cav- ing a family of five sons (all of whom became military officers), she died 4th March, 17'J0. i, i i t i. Her shroud was made of the sheets in which Charles Edward had slept at * Lockhart Papers. 128 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Kingsburg,* which, with woman's romantic temper, she had preserved in all her wanderings, for this express purpose. Foote remarks that " Massachusetts has had her Lady Arabella, Virginia her Pocahontas, and North Carolina her Flora MacDonald." The Field Officers appointed by the State in 1775 for Cumberland: — Alexander McAllister, Col. ; Ebenezer Folsome, Lieut.-Col. ; David Smith, First Major ; Philip Alston, Second Major. The character of Col. Folsome was that of a daring and chivalric man. He seized all persons suspected of enmity to the cause of liberty, and brought them to trial. On examining the journal of 1776,t I find that he was charged with pecu- lation and negligence of duty, and dismissed from the service. Among the first members from Cumberland in 1775, was Farquard Camp- ' BELL. He was suspicioned as being inimical to America, but, took all the test oaths and other ordeals which the vigilance of the day had exacted. But this suspicion was heightened when a letter of Biggleston, Gov. Martin's Secretary, requested the favor of the State Congress sitting at Hillsboro,' Aug. 21, 1775, " to give safe conduct to His Excellency's coach and horses to house of Farquard Campbell, in Cumberland." This suspicion was for a moment removed by Campbell's disclaimer from his seat that such a request was without his knowledge or consent, and implored the house to grant no such request. J He was suspected of a secret correspondence with Gov. Martin throughout the whole of his service in the State Congress. As the American causo advanced, this double dealing could no longer be carried on. While enter- taining a party of Highland Royalists in the fall of 1776, at his own house, he was seized by Colonel Ebenezer Folsome, and carried to Halifax to be tried. After the Revolution, he appears to have eschewed his former political opinions. He was elected Senator from Cumberland, in 1791, '92, and '93. In 1806 WiLiLAM Duffy was a member from Fayetteville to the House of Commons. He was an educated man and by profession a lawyer. He was a man of talents, of a quick and impetuous temper. This involved him in early life iu a difficulty with Hon. Duncan Cameron, which terminated in a hostile meeting. Both were wounded ; Judge Cameron slightly, Dcffy severely. I present from one who knew him personally, the following extract from Judge Murphy's oration at Chapel Hill, June 27, 1827. "William Dcffv was the child of misfortune. Thrown upon the world without friends and without fortune, accident introduced him in his early youth to the acquaintance of John Haywood, Esq., the venerable Treasurer of this State ; who, in the exercise of that benevolence for which his whole life has been conspicuous, gave him employment, and enabled him to prose- cute his studies and prepare himself for the bar. Duffy had an opportunity of witnessing the splendid displays of Davie and Moore ; and he profited by their example. He devoted a large portion of his time to polite literature, and acquired a more elegant style in composition than any of his con- temporaries in North CaroUna. He had a slight impediment in his speech, but, by laborious perseverance he succeeded in regulating the tones and modulations of his voice in such a way, that this impediment often seemed to be an ornament to his delivery. He was one of the few men of our country who could read well. He studied the art of reading, and his friends will long remember the pleasure they have received from hearing him read. In his addresses at the bar, he was always impressive, particularly upon * Boswell's Life of Johnson, i. 559. t Journal of the General Assembly, 1776, 38, I Letter of Judge Willianis to Win. Johnston, 10th Jan. 1777. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 129 topics connected with virtuous and benevolent feeling. He had a vigorous mind, and feelings attuned to the finest emotions. I remember^ him with fond aifection. lie was my friend, my preceptor, my patron. lie instructed me in the science of the law, in the art of managing causes at the bar, and in the still more difficult art of reading books to advantage. I wish it were in my power to render to his memory a more permanent honor than this passing tribute of respect and gratitude I" John Louis Taylor, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, in 1T92, '93, and '94, represented Fayetteville in the House of Commons. He was a native of Ireland, a man of genius, acquirements, and varied learning ; possessing great amability of character, pure philanthropy, and unbounded benevolence. In 1798, he was elected a Judge of the Superior Court, and in 1818, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court; holding this elevated office with great credit to himself and satisfaction to the country, until his death, January, 1829. Hon. Henry Potter resides in this county. He is a native of Granville. He is now (Aug. 1851), in the eighty-sixth year of his age. He is now the United States Circuit Judge, appointed to succeed Judge Sitgreaves, in 1801. He has been a Trustee of the University since 1799 ; Author of a work on the Duty of a Justice of the Peace, and with Bartlett Yancey and John L. Taylor, revised the statute laws in 1820. John D. Toomer represented Cumberland in the Senate in 1831 and '32. He is a native of Wilmington, and was educated at Chapel Ilill, Avhere he stood high for his intellectual qualities and rapid acquisition of knowledge. In 1818 he was elected a Judge of our Superior Court, which in the next year he resigned. In June, 1829, he was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court, by the Gover - nor and Council, but this not being confirmed by the Legislature, he resigned in December, 1829. In 1831-2 he was Senator in the General Assembly, from Cumberland, as above stated. In 183G he was again elected a Judge of the Superior Court, which, from ill health, he resigned in 1840. He is considered a most eloquent speaker, an agreeable and interesting writer, of profound literary attainments, and an amiable and urbane gentle- man. He now resides in Pittsboro.' Louis D. Henry was long a resident of this county. He was born in New Jersey in 1788. He was educated at Princeton College, and graduated at that renowned institution in 1809. He read law in Newborn under his uncle, the late Edward Graham, Esq., and practiced this profession with great suc- cess, until his death. Ho was distinguished for his accurate memory, diver- sified learning, and powers of elocution. He represented the County of Cumberland in 1821 and 1822. He represented the town of Fayetteville in 1830, '31, and '32, in the House of Commons, of which once he was chosen Speaker. Possessed of a quick sense of injury, and great firmness, in early life he was involved in a difficulty arising from a very trivial cause, with Thomas J. Stanly, wiiich terminated in a hostile meeting on the Virginia line, in which Mr. Stanly fell dead the first fire. He was appointed in 1837 by the President (Van Buren) as Commissioner to settle the Claims arising under the Treaty with Spain, the duties of which he discharged with unequalled ability, and with satisfaction to all concerned. In 1842 he was chosen by the democratic party as their candidate for Go- vernor, and was defeated by the Hon. John M. Morehead. 130 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. He died very suddenly at his residence in Raleigh in June, 184G, much lamented by his numerous friends throughout the State. Mr. Henry was twice married ; by the second wife (who survives him) he left many children — one son, and several daughters, one of whom married Duncan McRae, Esq., now of Wilmington; another. Colonel John H. Manly, of Raleigh ; and another, R. P. Waring, Esq., of Charlotte. Hon. Robert Strange represented the town of Fayetteville in the House of Commons for many years. He is a native of Virginia, and was born 20th September^ 1796. He was educated at Hampden Sidney College, in Virginia, elected to the House of Commons in 1821, and served, with some intermission, until 1826, when he was elected a Judge of our Superior Court, which elevated position he held, with great credit to himself, and so much to the satisfaction of his country- men, that the Legislature, in 1836, elected him a Senator in the Congress of the United States. In this illustrious body {Patres conscripiiof our nation) the efforts of Judge Strange were of a highly intellectual character, and ranked him among the statesmen of the age. In private circles, his good humor and wit rendered him a welcome guest to all. His inflexible firmness, and unwavering support of whatever his conscience assured him was right, commanded the respect of his compeers in the Senate. He resigned in 1840, under instructions of the General Assembly, glad to escape from " the peltings of the pitiless storms" of political life for the more germane and lucrative pursuits of his profession, of which he is now the pride and ornament. He is now Solicitor of the Fifth Judicial Circuit; the Criminal Code of the State could not be in safer hands. AVhile from his philanthropic disposition the innocent have nothing to fear, he is "a terror unto evil doers." Not only in the profession of the law and in the Senate has Judge Strange been conspicuous. As a writer he has often appeared before the public. His style is highly imaginative; his taste, chastened by an intimate acquaintance with the most approved authors of the language in every age, is classic and beautiful. His eulogy upon Judge Gaston cannot but affect the heart, im- prove the feelings, and delight the mind of all who may have the pleasure to read it. Hon. Lauchlin Bethune is a resident of Cumberland, and his public ser- vices deserve the thanks of his country. Unobtrusive in his character, retiring in his disposition, he has for years been withdrawn from the public eye. He was a member of the State Senate from Cumberland in 1817, 1818, and from 1821 to 1827. In 1831 elected a member of Congress from this District. Hon. Dillon Jordan represented Cumberland County in the Commons in 1836, and was appointed United States Judge in Florida in 1838, where he now resides. Hon. John A. Cameron in 1810, 1811 and 1812 represented Fayetteville in the House of Commons; he was brother of Dr. Thomas N. Cameron, of Fayette- ville, who was the Senator in 1844, 1846 and 1850, and who died recently (June, 1851), loved and respected by all who knew him. He was appointed United States Consul to Vera Cruz, and afterwards United States Judge in Florida. He pei-ished in the unfortunate Steamer Pulaski, on 14th June, 1838, on his passage from Savannah to Charleston. He was a fine writer, accomplished gentleman, and sincere friend. He left several children. Hon. James C. Dobbin is a resident of Cumberland County. He was edu- cated at the University of the State, and graduated in 1832. Studied law, in the practice of which he has been very successful. His first appearance in public life was as a member of Congress in 1845. After serving through the term of one Congress he declined a re-election. CUMBERLAND COUXTY. 131 In 1848, he was elected a member of the House of Commons, and again re-elected in 1850, of which he was Speaker. His career, brilliant as it opens, has just commenced, as he is yet young, laborious, and highly gifted. His eloquence is of the most winning character, and his efforts at the bar and in the legislative halls have been distinguished for their clearness, research, and ability. His urbane manners and kind dis- position make him a favorite with all parties and in all circles. Many others in connection with this distinguished County might be named, which another edition and subsequent inquiries may bring to public notice. FAYETTEVILLE. LIST OF MEMBERS Years. House of Commons. 1791. James Porterfield. 1792. John L. Taylor. 1793. John L. Tavlor. 1794. John L. Taylor. 1796. Robert Cochran, 1797. James Dick. 1801. Wm. W. Jones. 1802. Robert Cochran. 1803. Thomas Davis. 1804. Robert Cochran. 1805. John Hay. 1806. William Duffy._ 1807. Samuel Goodwin. 1808. Samuel Goodwin. 1809. Thomas Davis. 1810. John A. Cameron. 1811. John A. Cameron. 1M2. John A. Cameron. 1813. Larkin Newley. 1814. Thomas Davis. 1815. John Winslow. TO THE HOUSE OF Years. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1S27. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. COMMONS. House of Commons. John Winslow. John Winslow. John Winslow. John Winslow. John A. Cameron. Robert Strange. Robert Strange. Robert Strange. John ]\J.9,tthews. John Matthews. Robert Strange. John D. Eccles. John D. Eccles. John D. Eccles. Louis D. Henry. Louis D. Henry. Louis D. Henry. James Seawell. James Seawell. Thomas L. Hybart. Years. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. Senators. List of members of General Assembly from Cumberland County, from 1777 to 1851. Members of the House of Commons. Robert Rowan, Peter Mallet. Robert Cochran, Robert Rowan. Robert Cochran, Edward Winslow, David Smith, Thomas Anthony. Edward Winslow, Patrick Travis. Patrick Travis, Edward Winslow. Patrick Travis, Edward Winslow. Robert Rowan, David Smith. John Hay, Edward Winslow. Wm. B. Grove, James Ilackston. John McKay, Wm. B. Grove. John McKay, Wm. B. Grove. John McKay, Joseph Kearnes. Joseph Kearnes, Neill Smith. Neill Smith, Hector McAllister. Hector McAllister, Neill Smith. Hector McAllister, Neill Smith. Neill Smith, Samuel Northington. Daniel INIcLean, Neill Smith. Samuel Northington, Sam'l D. Purviance. Neill Smith, Samuel D. Purviance. John Dickson, Wm. Lord. Thomas Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, Alexander McAllister, Alexander McAllister, Alexander IMcAUister, Farquard Campbell, Farquard Campbell, Farquard Campbell, John McXeill, John McNeill, John McNeill, Hector McAllister, Alexander ^McAllister, Daniel McLean, Hector McAllister, 132 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senators. 1801. Samuel D. Purviance, 1802. William Lord, 1803. John Dickson, 1804. Hector McAllister, 1805. John McKay, 1806. John McKay, 1807. John McKay, 1808. John Dickson, 1809. William Lord, 1810. Colin Shaw, 1811. John Dickson, 1812. John Smith, 1813. John Smith, 1814. John Smith, 1815. John Dickson, 1816. Richard Iluckabee, 1817. Lauch. Bathune, 1818. Lauch. Bethune, 1819. Richard Iluckabee, 1820. John Black, 1821. Richard Huckabee, 1822. Lauch. Bethune, 1823. Lauch. Jethune, 1824. Lauch. Bethune, 1825. Lauch. Bethune, 1826. Alexander Elliott, 1827. Lauch. Bethune, 1828. Arch'd McDearmid, 1829. Arch'd McDearmid, 1830. Wm. Murchison, 1831. John D. Toomer, 1832. John D. Toomer, 1833. Duncan McCormick, 1834. Duncan McCormick, 1835. Duncan McCormick, 1836. Duncan McCormick, 1838. Arch'd McDearmid, 1840. Arch'd McDearmid, 1842. David Reid, 1844. Thomas N. Cameron, 1846. Thomas N. Cameron, 1848. Alexander Murchison, 1850. Thomas N. Cameron, Members of the House of Commons. John Dickson, AYm. Lord. John Dickson, Daniel Smith. Daniel Smith, Samuel Northington. Archibald McNeill. Stephen Gilmore, John Kearnes. Colin Shaw, John Kearnes. John Kearnes, Colin Shaw. James Campbell. JohnMc Kay, James Campbell. Isaac Folsome, John S. Nelson. Thomas Gilmore, Farq. McKay. Robert Campbell, Richard Iluckabee. Richard Huckabee, Robert Campbell. Richard Huckabee, Mark Christian. Richard Iluckabee, Neill McNeill. Neill McNeill, John C. Williams. John C. Williams, Neill McNeill. Jona. Evans, Neill McNeill. Jona. Evans, Neill McNeill. Neill McNeill, Alexander McAllister. Neill McNeill, Louis D. Henry. Neill McNeill, Louis D. Henry. Neill McNeill, Samuel P. Ashe. Neill McNeill, Alexander Elliott. Alexander Elliott, Samuel P. Ashe. Joseph Hodges, A. McDearmid. Joseph Hodges, A. McDearmid. Alexander McNeill, Joseph Hodges. Alexander McNeill, Alexander Buie. Alexander McNeill, Alexander Buie. David McNeill, John Barclay. David McNeill, John D. Eccles. David McNeill, Dillon Jordan. Dillon Jordan, David McNeill. Dillon Jordan, David McNeill. Stephen HoUingsworth, Dillon Jordan. Stephen HoUingsworth, David Reid. David Reid, John Monroe. John Monroe, Duncan K. McRae. Duncan Shaw, B. F. Atkins. Geo. W. Pegram, Duncan Shaw. James C. Dobbin, Geo. W. Pegram. James C. Dobbin, Geo. W. Pegram. CHAPTER XXIV. CUERITUCK COUNTY. Currituck County was one of the early precincts of the State in 1729, when the Lords Proprietors surrendered their rights to the Eno-lish Crown. It derives its name from a tribe of Indians who once inhabited and owned the country. CURRITUCK COUNTY. 133 Its location is the extreme north-eastern portion of North Caro- lina ; bounded on the north by the Virginia Line ; east by the Atlan- tic Ocean ; south by the Albemarle Sound ; and Tvest by Camden County. Its court house, on Currituck Sound, is beautifully located, and is distant from Raleigh 242 miles. Population of Currituck, 4,600 whites; 2,447 slaves; 189 free negroes; 6,257 representative population. Products, 213,595 bushels corn; 7,685 bushels wheat; 7,084 bushels oats; 400 bushels salt; 400 barrels fish; 11,465 pounds wool. In this County is situated Roanoake Island. On the 4th day of July, 1584, two English ships approached the coast of North Carolina, sent out under the auspices of Sir Walter Raleigh, under command of Arthur Bar- lowe and Philip Amidas.* " These were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea." On the 13th of July they landed on this Island,! and Captain Amidas, after they returned thanks to Almighty God for their safe deliverance, took possession in these memorable words : — " We take possession of this land in right of the Queen's Most Excellent Ma- jestie, as rightful Queene and Princesse of the same, to be delivered over to the use of Sir Walter Raleigh, according to her Majestic' s letters patent under her Highnesse's great scale." Here then is the birth-place, and here is the birth of this great Anglo-Saxon Empire. They found, at this season (July), an island clad with grapes, for ■which it is still celebrated, the far-famed Scuppernong. Here, too, " they found a people, most gentle, loving, and faithful, and such as live after the manner of the golden age. "J How eloquent, and how truthful ! The Colony of Virginia claims antiquity, and the earliest settle- ment in 1608. The Pilgrim Rock, in Massachusetts, claims the next, in 1620 ; but the faithful page of history points to Roanoake Island, and says 1584. This proves that North Carolina was the first State upon which the English landed. We have already shown that she was the first State in whose borders the blood of the colonists was spilled by the English troops, in 1771, at Alamance ; and we have seen that she was the State that threw off the English yoke, at Charlotte, May, 1775. If justice to her merits is tardy, it is sure. "Render unto Caesar the things which are Cscsar's." Currituck County has always been distinguished for the indepen- dence of its inhabitants. The first meeting of Deputies of the people of the Province, independent of the English crown, and adverse to the royal authority, was at Newbern, 25th * Report of Sir Walter Raleij^h, by Amidas and Barlow. Ilakhiyt's Voyagus, 3. t This is illuslrated opposite the title-pag:e of the tirst volume, a lac simile from Har- riot's Accoimt of Virginia, 1584. Queen Elizabe'.h had styled the whole region Virginia. I See Keport of Amidas and Barlovve. Ilakluyt's Voyages. 134 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. August, 1774; there appeared from Currituck, Solomon Perkins, Xathav PoYNER, and Samuel Jarvis. At the second meeting, held at Newbern, 3d April, 1775, Thomas Mac- Knight, Francis Williamson, Samuel Jarvis, Solomon Perkins, and Na- than POVNER. At the third meeting, held at Ilillsboro', 21st August, 1775, from Currituck appeared Thomas Jarvis, Gideon Lamb, James Ryan, James White, and Solomon Perkins. At the Congress, held at Ilalifax, which met 12th November, 1776, and formed our State Constitution, there appeared as delegates from Currituck, Samuel Jarvis, James White, Kedar Marchant, Hallowell Williams, and Thomas Williams. The field officers for Currituck in 1776, were Hollowell Williams, Colonel; Solomon Perkins, Lieut.-Colonel ; Asahel Simmonds, Major. Thomas MacKnight appears to have been inimical to the cause of liberty. The journals of the Congress at Newbern, 1775, show that Thomas Mac- Knight was called upon to sign, with the other members of this Convention, the Association approving the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, refused, and withdrew himself. The House then resolved that his intentions were inimical to the cause of liberty, and recommended all persons to withdraw from all connection with him as an object of contempt! Bv a resolve of the Congress, 19th December, 177b, his estate was ordered to be rented out by Isaac Gregory, Mr. Ferebee, and Abner Harrison ; as also the estate of James Parker, of Pasquotank, and make return to the next General Assembly. Samuel Ferebee, of this County, was the last survivor of the members of the Convention assembled at Fayetteville, in November, 1789, which body accepted and ratified the Constitution of the United States, for our State. Members of the General Assembly from Cui'rituck County, from 1776 to 1850-51. Years. Senators. Members of the House of Commons. 1'''77. Samuel Jarvis, James White, James Ryan. 1778. Col. Perkins, William Ferebee, Howell Williams. 1779. Col. Perkins, Thomas Youughusband, John Humphries. 1780. Samuel Jarvis, James Phillips, John Humphries. 1781. Samuel Jarvis, James Phillips, John Humphries. 1782. William Ferebee, Thomas Jarvis, Joseph Ferebee. 1783. William Ferebee, James Phillips, Joseph Ferebee. 1784. James Phillips, James White, Joseph Ferebee. 1785. Willis Etheridgo, Joseph Ferebee, James White. 1786. Willis Etheridge, Joseph Ferebee, John Humphries. 1787. Howell Williams, Joseph Ferebee, John Humphries. 1788. Howell Williams, Thos. P. Williams, Griffith Dauge. 1789. Howell Williams, Thos. P. Williams, Andrew Duke. 1790. John Humphries, Joseph Ferebee, Andrew Duke. 1791. John Humphries, Spence Hall, Joseph Ferebee. 1792. John Humphries, Spence Hall, Alex. L. Whitehall. 1793. Spence Hall, Alex. L. AVhitehall, Andrew Duke. 1794. Spence Hall, Andrew Duke, Saml. Ferebee. 1795. Joseph Ferebee, Thomas Williams, Jesse Simmons. 1796. Joseph Ferebee, Thomas Williams, Jesse Simmons. 1797. James Phillips, Thomas Martin, Malachi Jones. 1798. Saml. Salyear, Malachi Jones, T. Williams. 1799. Saml. Salyear, Malachi Jones, T. Williams. 1800. Saml. Salyear, Thomas Williams, Thos. C. Ferebee. 1801. Jonathan Lindsay, Thomas Garrett, Thos. C. Ferebee. 1802. Jonathan Lindsay, Thos. C. Ferebee, Thomas Garrett. 1803. Samuel Ferebee, Jacob Perkins, Thos. Anderson. CURRITUCK COUNTY. 135 Years. Senators. 1804. Samuel Ferebee, 1805. Samuel Ferebee, 1806. Samuel Ferebee, 1807. Thomas Williams, 1808. Thomas Williams, 1809. Jonathan Lindsay, 1810. Thomas Williams, 1811. Jonathan Lindsay, 1812. Jonathan Lindsay, 1813. Thomas Sanderson, 1814. Thomas Sanderson, 1815. Thomas Williams, 1816. Thomas Williams, 1817. Spence Hall, 1818. Spence Hall, 1819. Edmund S. Lindsav, 1820. Edmund S. Lindsay, 1821. Edmund S. Lindsay, 1822. Edmund S. Lindsay, 1823. Thos. C. Ferebee, 1824. Saml. Salyear, 1825. Saml. Salyear, 1826. Saml. Salyear, 1827. Saml. Salyear, 1828. Saml. Salyear, 1829. Caleb Etheridge, 1830. Jona. J. Lindsay, 1831. Jona. J. Lindsay, 1832. Jona. J. Lindsay, 1833. Daniel Lindsay, 1834. Dan. Lindsay, jun., 1835. Daniel Lindsay, 1836. Daniel Lindsay, 1838. Caleb Etheridge, 1840. Caleb Etheridge, 1842. Caleb Etheridge, 1844, Caleb Etheridge, 1846. John Barnard, 1848. John Barnard, 1850. John Barnard, Members of the House of Commons. Aaron Bright, William Simmons. Willoughby Dozier, Willis Simmons. Willoughby Dozier, Danl. Lindsay. Willis Simmons, Jonathan Lindsay. Willis Simmons, WilloughViy Dozier. Brickhouse Bell, Jesse Barnard. Jesse Barnard, Brickhouse Bell. Brickhouse Bell, Thomas Garrett. Brickhouse Bell, Thomas Garrett. Simeon Sawyer, Willis Simmons. Brickhouse Bell, Saml. Salyear. Brickhouse Bell, -John T. Hampton. Brickhouse Bell, John T. Hampton. John T. Hampton, C. Etheridge. J. T. Hampton, C. Etheridge. J. T. Hampton, Enoch Ball. Enoch Ball, John T. Hampton. John Forbes, John Shipp. Cartwright Bell, Jesse Barnard. W. D. Barnard, John Forbes. Enoch Ball, Willoughby D. Barnard. W. D. Barnard, Enoch Ball. W. D. Barnard, Enoch Ball. W. D. Barnard, Enoch Ball. Enoch Ball, Benj. T. Simmons. W. D. Barnard, Benj. T. Simmons. W. D. Barnard, Benj. T. Simmons. John B. Jones, Benj. T. Simmons. John B. Jones, Benj. T. Simmons. John B. Jones, James M. Sanderson. Joshua Harrison, Wallace Gray. Joshua Harrison, Alfred Perkins. Alfred Perkins. Alfred Perkins. John B. Jones. John B. Jones. John B. Jones. John B. Jones. Thomas Grigg. Saml. P. Jarvis. 18 136 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XXV DAVIDSON COUNTY. Davidson County was formed in 1822, from Rowan, named in compliment of Gen. William Davidson, -who fell at tlie passage of the Catawba at Cowan's Ford, during the Revolutionary War, 1st February, 1781, (for whose biography see Mecklenburg County.) It is in the western part of the State; the mail stage from Raleigh to Salisbury,. passes through this county. It is bounded on the north by Forsythe, east by Guilford and Randolph, south by the Yadkin River, which separates it from Stanly and Rowan, and on the west by the same river, which separates it from Rowan. Lexington is its capital, a most flourishing and beautiful village, and distant one hundred and seventeen miles from Raleigh. Its population is 12,139 whites ; 2,992 slaves ; 189 free negroes ; 14,123 representative population. Its products are 1,368,100 pounds of cotton; 465,828 bushels of corn; 114,359 bushels of wheat; 102,703 bushels of oats ; 80,502 pounds of tobacco; 17,305 pounds of wool ; 10,000 dollars of lead. Its Colonial and Revolutionary history is connected with that of Rowan, to which the reader is referred. List of members from Davidson County to the General Assem- bly of North Carolina, from the erection of the county to the las: session. Years. Senators. House of Commons. 1823. Alex. R. Cladcleugh, J. Hargrave, W. Bodenhamer. 1824. Jesse Hargrave, W. Bodenhamer, J. Clemons. 1825. Jesse Hargrave, John M. Smith, Joseph Spurgen. 1826. John M. Smith, Thomas Hampton, John Ward. 1827. John M. Smith, Thomas Hampton, Absalom Williams. 1828. John M. Smith, Thos. Hampton, Absalom Williams. 1829. Ransom Harris, W. W. Wiseman, Lewis Snyder. 1830. Ransom Harris, Joseph Spurgen, Wm. W. Wiseman. 1831. Charles Hoover, John A. Hogan, John W. Thomas. 1832. John A. Hogan, W. AV. Wiseman, Henry Bedford. 1833. John A. Hogan, W. W. Wiseman, Henry Ledford. 1834. John A. Hogan, George Smith, Charles Brummell. 1835. John A. Hogan, George Smith, Charles Brummell. 1836. John L. Hargrove, Charles Brummell, Meshack Pinckston. 1838. Wm. R. Holt, Burgess S. Beale, Charles Brummell. 1840. Alfred Hargrave, Charles Brummell, Burgess S. Beale. 1842. John W. Thomas, Charles Brummell, Henry Walser. 1844. Alfred Hargrave, B. C. Douthett, C. L. Payne. 1846. Saml. Hargrave, Hoover and H. Walser. 1848. John W. Thomas, J. M. Leach, H. Walser. 1850. Saml. Hargrave, J. M. Leach, Alfred Forster. DAVIE COUNTY. 137 CHAPTER XXVI. DAVIE COUNTY. Davie County was formed in 1836 from Rowan, and named in honor of General William R. Davie, who was a resident of Halifax County, a sketch of whose life, character and services is therein recorded, to which the reader is referred. Chapter XXXVI. It is located in the north-west part of North Carolina, and hounded on the north by Yadkin County, east by the Yadkin River, which separates it from Davidson County, south by Rowan County, and west by Alexander and Iredell Counties. Its capital is Mocksville, and distant one hundred and twenty miles west of Raleigh. Its population is 5613 whites; 2171 slaves; 82 free negroes; 6997 repre- sentative population. Its products are 313,538 bushels corn; 307,040 lbs. cotton; 54,145 bushels oats; 44,481 bushels wheat; 8232 bushels rye; 66,771 lbs. tobacco; 5300 lbs. wool. Its early history (being so recently formed) is connected with Rowan County, to which the reader is referred. Hon. Richmond M. Pearson, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, is a native of this section. For his biography see Chapter on Rowan County. It voted with Rowan until 1842, when with Rowan it formed the Forty-first Senatorial District, and its members from that period to the present are — Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1842. Samuel Rebelin, G. A. Miller. 1844. Nathaniel Boyden, G. A. Miller. 1846. Dr. Samuel E. Kerr, G. A. Miller. 1848. John A, Lillington, M. Clement. 1850. John A. Lillington, Stephen Douthet. 138 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XXVII. DUPLIN COUNTY. Duplin County was formed as early as 1749,* from upper part of New Hanover County. Its early settlers were Irish, and the name reminded them of Dublin, their ancient capital. It is located in the south-eastern part of North Carolina, and is bounded on the north by Wayne County, on the east by Lenoir, Jones, and Onslow, on the south by New Hanover, and west by Sampson County. Its capital is Kenansville, distant eighty-nine miles east of Raleigh. Its population is 7165 whites; 6007 slaves; 342 free negroes; 11,111 repre- sentative population. Its products are 1,346,229 lbs. cotton ; 244,584 bushels corn ; 3525 bushels oats; 2683 bushels wheat; 8603 lbs. wool; 47,062 barrels turpentine. The early history of Duplin proves that, "in the days that tried men's souls" she was true to the principles of liberty. Her delegates to the first general meeting of the Deputies of the inhabit- ants of this colony at Newbern, 25th August, 1774, were Thomas Gray, Thom>s Hicks, James Kenan and William Dickson. The delegates at Newbern, 3d April, 1775, were Thomas Grat and Thomas Hicks. Delegates at Ilillsboro', 2l8t August, 1775, James Kenan, "William Dick- son, Thomas Gray, Richard Clinton and Thomas Hicks. The delegates to Halifax, 12th November, 1776, which formed our Consti- tution, -James Kenan, Thomas Gray, "William Dickson, "William Taylor and James Gillaspie. The field officers for Duplin, appointed by the Provincial Congress, 4th April, 1776, at Halifax, for Duplin County, were Thomas Rutledge, Colonel, James Moore, First Major, Robert Dickson, Second Major. The Oath of Allegiance and Abjuration, adopted with sign- ers' names in Duplin, from the original, on file in the Clerk's ofiice of Duplin. I am indebted to the politeness of Thomas J. Morisey, Esq. (sent to me in 1844), for this ancient document, thus preserving the name of those in whose breasts glowed the true spirit of liberty. "By Act of Assembly passed at Newbern, the 15th of November, 1777." I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faith- ful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina, to the powers and authorities which are or may be established for the government thereof, not inconsistent with the Constitution. And I do solemnly and sincerely dc- * Martin's History of North Carolina, ii. 55. DUPLIN COUNTY. 139 clare, that I do believe in my conscience, that neither the King of Great Britain, nor the Parliament thereof, jointly with the said king or separately, or any foreign prince, person, state, or potentate, have or ought to have any right or title to the dominion or sovereignty of this State, or to any part of the government thereof And I do renounce, refuse, and abjure any alle- giance or obedience to them, or any of them, or to any person or persons put in authority by or under them, or any of them. And I will do my utmost endeavors to disclose and make known to the legislative or executive powers of the said State, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies and attempts what- soever, which I shall know to be made or intended against the said State. And I do faithfully promise that I will endeavor to support, maintain, and defend the independence of the said State, against him the said king and all other persons whatsoever. And all these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear, according to these express wordsby me spoken, and according to the plain common sense and understanding of the same words, without any equivocation, mental evasion, or secret reservation what- soever. And I do make this acknowledgment, abjuration, renunciation and promise, heartily, willingly, and truly, so help me God. Ilenry Cannon, Michael Kenan, Kobert Dickson, George Smith, Alexander Gray, Darcy Fowler, Richard Clinton, J. Spiller, John Molton, Samuel Houston, James Sampson, Thomas Routledge, Richard Herring, Joseph Dicks, Thomas R., Edward Toole, Fleet Cooper, William Dickson, J. Rand, John Wright, James Kenan, William Tavlor, William Ball, J. P. Ballard, James Lockart. Hon. Thomas Kenan was a native of this County, from whose family the County Town takes its name. He represented Duplin in ISO-t in the Senate, and from 1805 to 1811 he was a member of Congress. He removed to Ala- bama, and was a member of Assembly in that State for many years. He died near Selma, Alabama, 22d October, 1843, in the seventy-third year of his age. Felix Kenan, who was Sheriff of Duplin In 1776, was brought before the bar of the Congress for his Tory principles.* Hon. Charles Hooks, from this County, was a member of the House of Commons in 1802, 1803 and 1804, and in the Senate in 1810-11, and in Con- gress in 1816 to 1817 and 1819 to 1825. He removed to Alabama, where he recently died. Members of the General Assembly from Duplin County, from 1777 to 1850-51 :— Years. Senate. 1777. James Kenan, 1778. James Kenan, 1779. James Kenan, 1780. James Kenan, 1782. James Kenan, 1783. James Kenan, 1784. James Gillaspie, 1785. James Gillaspie, 1786. James Gillaspie, 1787. James Kenan, 1788. James Kenan, 1791. James Kenan, House of Commons. Richard Clinton, Robert Dickson. Richard Clinton, Thos. Hicks. Richard Clinton, James Gillaspie. Joseph Dickson, James Gillaspie. Richard Clinton, James Gillaspie. James Gillaspie, Richard Clinton. Robert Dickson, Richard Clinton. Robert Dickson, Jos. T. Rhodes. Jos. T. Rhodes, Ro])ert Dickson. Robert Dickson, Charles Ward. Robert Dickson, Charles Ward. Jos. T. Rhodes, James PearsaU. * See Journal, p. 37. 140 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. i'ears. Senate. 1792. James Gillaspie, 1793. James Kenan, 1794. Levin Watkins, 1795. Levin Watkins, 1796. Jos. T. Rhodes, 1797. Jos. T. Rhodes, 1798. Levin Watkins, 1799. Levin Watkins, 1800. Levin Watkins, 1801. Levin Watkins, 1802. Levin Watkins, 1803. Levin Watkins, ' 1804. Thomas Kenan, 1805. Joseph T. Rhodes, 1806. Joseph T. Rhodes, 1807. Joseph T. Rhodes, 1808. Joseph T. Rhodes, 1809. Joseph T. Rhodes, 1810. Charles Hooks, 1811. Charles Hooks, 1812. Stephen Miller, 1813. Joseph Gillaspie, 1814. Joseph Gillaspie, 1815. Joseph Gillaspie, 1816. Daniel Glisson, 1817. Daniel Glisson, 1818. Daniel Glisson, 1819. Daniel Glisson, 1820. Daniel Glisson, 1821. Daniel L. Kenan, 1822. Daniel Glisson, 1823. Jeremiah Pearsall, 1824. Jeremiah Pearsall, 1825. John E. Hussej, 1826. Stephen Miller, 1827. Andrew Hurst, 1828. Stephen Miller, 1829. Stephen Miller, 1830. Stephen Miller, 1831. Stephen Miller, 1832. John E. Hussey, 1833. John E. Hussey, 1834. John E. Hussey, 1835. John E. Hussey, 1836. John E. Hussey, 1838. Jas. K. Hill, 1840. Jas. K. Hill, 1842. Austin Levinson, 1844. James K. Hill, 1846. James K. Hill, 1848. James K. Hill, 1850. Amos Uening, House of Commons. Shadrach Stallings, William Beck. •Jos. T. Rhodes, Jas. Pearsall. Daniel Glisson, .Jos. T. Rhodes. AVm. Dickson, James Middletoh. Daniel Glisson, James Middleton. Joseph Dixon, Daniel Glisson. Shadrach Stallings, Thos. Kenan. Thomas Kenan, Daniel Glisson. Charles Hooks, Thos. Kenan. Shadrach Stallings, Charles Hooks. Charles Hooks, Daniel Glisson. Charles Hooks, Daniel Glisson. Charles Hooks, Hugh McCane. Daniel Glisson, Hugh McCane. Daniel Glisson, Andrew Mclntire. Daniel Glisson, Andrew Mclntire. Daniel Glisson, Andrew Mclntire. Daniel Glisson, David Wright. Daniel Glisson, David AVright. David Wright, Daniel Glisson. David Wright, John Beck. David Wright, John Beck. David Wright, Kornegay. David Wright, John E. Hussey. John Pearsall, John E. Hussey. John Pearsall, John E. Hussey. John Pearsall, John E. Hussey. John Pearsall, Stephen Graham. Stephen Graham, James Nixon. John Watkins, Andrew Ilurst. Jas. M. Nixon, Archd. Maxwell. Stephen Miller, Wm. H. Frederick. James M. Nixon, Stephen Miller. Benjamin Best, Stephen Miller. Benjamin Best, Wm. K. Frederick. Daniel Glisson, Jos. Gillaspie. Wm. Wright, Jos. Gillaspie. Wm. Wright, John Farrier. Wm. AVright, Wm. K. Frederick. Wm. Wright, Jos. Gillaspie. Jos. Gillaspie, Alex. 0. Grady. Alex. 0. Grady, Jos. Gillaspie. Jas. K. Hill, Owen R. Kenan. Jas. K. Hill, Owen R. Kenan. Owen R. Kenan, Jas. H. Jarman. Jas. H. Jarman, Hampton Sullivan. Jas. G. Dickson, Hampton Sullivan. Isaac B. Kelly, Jas. G. Dickson. I. B. Kelly, J. G. Dickson. I. B. Kelly, I. P. Davis. I. B. Kelly, J. G. Dickson. I. B. Kelley, H. Matthis. EDGECOMBE COUNTY. 141 CHAPTER XXVIII. EDGECOMBE COUNTY Edgecombe County was formed, from Craven County in 1733, by the Governor (Burrington) and Council,* and confirmed by the Legislature, which met at Edenton in 1741. ( Its name is Saxon, and signifies " a valley environed with hills, "f and is derived from the Earl of Mount Edgecomhe, who, as Capt. Edgecombe, of the navy, had served with reputation under Admiral Byng, in 1756, in Minorca, Its true orthography is Edgecumbe, as laid down in the old maps, and in the History of England. J It is located in the eastern part of North Carolina, and is bounded on the north by Halifax County, east by Martin County, south by Pitt, Greene, and Wayne Counties, and west by Nash County. Tarborough is the capital, on the Tar River, distant from Ra- leigh seventy-six miles. The original name of Tar River was Tau, which, in the native Indian tongue, means "River of Health. "§ Its population is 8365 whites; 8547 slaves; 277 free negroes ; 13,770 re- presentative population. Its products are 2,445,000 lbs. cotton ; 715, GG6 bushels corn ; 27,280 bushels oats ; 14,295 bushels wheat; 7260 lbs. wool ; 21,926 bbls. turpentine : 114 bbls. fish. The fossil remains of a mammoth skeleton, the back bone of which is visible, near the Railroad Bridge, in this county, will doubtless attract the notice of the State Geologist. Edgecombe's early history is full of interest. She sent to that assembly of patriots, who met at Newbern, 21st Aug., 1775, in the very presence of the Eoyal Governor, as delegates : Egbert Bignal, Henry" Irwist, Duncan Lamon, Thomas Hunter, and Thomas H. Hall. She sent to the Congress that met at Halifax, 12th Nov., 1776, and which formed our Constitution : William Haywood, Elisha Battle, Jonas John- son, Isaac Sessums, and William Horn. By the resolve of the Congress, Hillsboro', 9th Sept., 1775, for the Halifax District: Nicholas Long, was appointed Colonel; Henry Irwin, Lieutenant- Colonel; Jethro Sumner, Major. By the same, as field ofiicers for Edgecombe: William Haywood, Colonel; Sherwood Haywood, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Joseph Moore, 1st Major; IIenrv HoRNE, Jr., 2d Major. The officers appointed for Edgecombe County by Congress, at Halifax, 4th April, 1776: Exum Lewis, Colonel; Simon Gray, Lieutenant-Colonel; Jonas Johnson, First Major ; Thomas Hunter, Second Major. Although, from her inland position, Edgecombe was not exposed * Martin, ii. 36. f Baily's Dictionary. % Smollet, i. 186. § Lawson's History of North Carolina, 1714. 142 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. to danger or attack, yet her brave sons were alive to the interests and honor of our common country, and sent them forth to do battle for the cause of liberty. Among those stands conspicuous the name of Hexrt Irwix. He Tvas for a long time a merchant in Tarboro' before the Revolution. His patriotic soul -was fired with the deep wrongs that England constantly inflicted on the Colonies, He was a member from Edgecombe of the first Assembly that ever met, without the sanction of the royal authority, and in open opposition to it; and they met, too, to show that no covert or underhand measures were to be used, in the very presence of the Royal Governor (Martin), at the seat of Royal Rule, Newborn, 21st Aug., 1775. The moral courage of such an act, the ultimate effects, and the personal con- sequences to the actors, have never been considered in their proper view. Wrongs had been inflicted, the feeling, " though deep, was not loud," and no large assembly in any State from every portion, had as yet raised openly the voice of resistance. Yet North Carolina did this. It is an epoch in our his- tory. This Meeting was not a call to arms, but it was the first act in a great drama, in which men and arms, and blood and battle, form subordinate parts. It was the awful tread of the patriot buckling on his armor for contest; it was the stern resolve of freemen " to do or die." The resolutions they adopted (unsurpassed either for clearness of meaning, or eloquence of expression, will vie with any State papers of any period of our history), declare their firm inviolable fidelity to their Sovereign, but at the same time declare their unalienable rights not to be taxed, but by their own consent freely given ; that the right of trial by jury of the vicinity, is the only lawful inquest that can pass upon the life of a British subject ; a right handed down from earliest ages, confirmed aud sanctioned by the Magna Chai'ta itself; and that the act empowering the Governor to send persons to England for trial, was "fraught with injustice, and would be opposed even to blood- shed." These were men, ■who knew their rights, And knowing-, dared maintain.' ■'OJ Of this illustrious body was Henry Irwix. These were the principles he believed in, and when it became necessary he was willing to spend his for- tune and lay down his life for them. lie was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, on Sept. 9th, 1775, in the same regi- ment in which -Jethro Sumner, afterwards so distinguished in the Revolu- tionary war, was Major. He fell at the battle of Germantown, in Sept., 1777, at the same time that North Carolina lost a son, whose name is dear to her memory. General Francis Nash, brother of Governor Abner Nash, and uncle to Hon. Frederick Nash, now one of our Judges of the Supreme Court, and Captain Jacob Turner, of Bertie. Though his body now lies in the soil of another State, his name belongs to Edgecombe, and his fame and character are hers. His noble career will en- courage others to emulate its example, and his heroic death cheer and inspire her sons. -And bv his litrht. Shall every gallant youth with ardor move, To do brave deeds." Over his remains at Germantown, by the patriotic liberality of J. F. Watson, Esq.,* a marble has been erected bearing this inscription : — * The thanks of the State and the gratitude of every individual of North Carolina are due to Mr. Watson, author of "Annals of Philadelphia," for his generous and patriotic liberality to the heroic dead. He stiil lives at Germantown, enjoying life, and the regard and respect of all who know him. He has a son at Wilson, in this County, to whom the good hand of fellowship should be extended by our citizens for the noble conduct of his excellent sire. EDGECOMBE COUNTY. ^ J43 IN HONOR TO THE BRAVE. Hie jacet in pace. Colonel Henry Ir^vin, of North Carolina, Captain Turner, Adjutant Lucas and six soldiers, Killed in the Battle of Germantowu. ONE CAUSE, ONE GRAVE. J- F- 'W. Colonel Irwin left three sons, and several daughters. Two of his sons died without issue, the third died leaving a son and two grand-daughters. One of his daughters married in Halifax, and whose son, Thomas Burgess, died without being married. . Another daughter married Governor Stokes, whose daughter married the late Wm. B. Lewis, of Tennessee, Auditor of the Treasury of the United States. Her daughter married Mons. Alphonse Pageot, late Envoy from France to United States. The sister of Colonel Irwin married LaAvrence Toole, whose son, grandson, and great-grandson, bore the name of Henry Irwin Toole, all distinguished for ability, influence, and popularity in Edgecombe. Hon. James W. Clarke married a daughter of H. I. Toole, the first. The name of Wif. Haywood, of this county, appears among her men of We regret that so little has been collected of his birth, services, and death. The records prove that in various offices, both civil and military, he was a true patriot and useful citizen. He was a member of the Committee of Safety for the Halifax district, 1775, a member of our State Congress at Halifax (April, 177G), and also of the State Congress which met at the same place, in Aov., 1776, which formed the Constitution. He Avas one of the Committee which framed that Instrument. He was elected one of the Counsellors of State ; the first ever elected in our State (Dec, 1776). , He was the uncle of the late John Haywood, so distinguished both in this State and Tennessee, as a writer and a jurist. He was the father of the late John Haywood, Treasurer of the State from 1787 to 1827, after whom Hay- wood County is called ; and of the late Sherwood, and Stephen, and Wil- liam II. Haywood, Sen'r, of Raleigh, who is the father of the Hon. 'W m. II. Haywood, Jr., Senator in Congress, from 1843 to 1846. Jonas Johnson, of this county, is a name which deserves our remembrance and respect. He was a member of the House of Commons, in 1777-78. He was appointed in 1776, an officer (Major), by the State Congress. ^ He left all the comforts of home, and the enjoyments of his family, and joined the standard of his country. He was severely wounded at the battle of Stono, fought in 1779, and died on his way home, leaving several children; one ot whom was the maternal grandfather of Hon. llichard Ilines, now of Raleigh. Hon. Thomas Blount, of this county, is distinguished in the civil history of the State. .^ , He was a member of Congress from this district, from 180o to i8UJ, ana from 1811 to 1812, 1821 to 1823. He married Jacky, daughter of General Jethro Sumner, of revolutionary renown (see AVarren, Chapter LXXVL), and died at Washington City, with- out issue. He was the brother of the late John Gray Blount, of A} aslnngton. and of Governor Wm. Blount, of Tennessee, who was Senator in Congress from that State, and who was expelled from the Senate on July 8th, 1 ( J( , tor exciting the Indians and others to make hostile incursions in the Spanish Territorv. , _ i t,„j His widow, Mrs. Marv S. Blount (daughter of General Sumner, who had changed her name from' Jacky), died about thirty years ago, bequeathing a portion of her large estate to the Episcopal Church at Raleigh. 144 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Hon. Thomas H. Hall is a resident and native of Edgecombe, and now enjoys " a green old age" in retirement, possessing the regard of his country and esteem of his friends. He possesses a liberal education, and is a physician by profession. He springs from a good stock. In 1817, he was elected a member of Congress, and served until 1825, when he was again a candidate, but defeated by Hon. Richard Hines. He was again elected in 1827, and served until 1835. He was elected to the Senate of the General Assembly in 1836, and voted against the reception by the State of North Carolina, of any part or portion of the surplus revenue from the United States Treasury. His public career was marked with a devotion to popular interests, a rigid adherence to the Con- stitution, and a stringent economy. Late John Randolph, of Roanoke, was a devoted friend and constant ad- mirer of Dr. Hall. Hon. Richard Hines represented this county in 1824, and this district in Congress, in 1825. He now resides in Raleigh, and is distinguished as a gentleman of great personal worth and liberal feelings. Hon. Jajies W. Clark was a native of Bertie County, and educated at Princeton College, where he graduated in 1796. He was a member of the House of Commons, from Bertie County, in 1802 and 1803, and from Edge- combe, in 1811. He was Presidential Elector in 1812, and a member of the Senate in 1812, '13 and '14, and in 1815, was elected to Congress. He served out his terra, and declined a re-election. He was Chief Clerk of the Navy De- partment in 1828, when General Branch held the post of Secretary of the Navy, under Genei-al Jackson, which post he soon resigned, and died in the sixty-fifth year of his age, esteemed and loved by all who knew him. He married the daughter of Colonel Henry Irwin Toole, by whom he had several children. His son, Colonel Henry T. Clark, is the present Senator from this county. With the County of Edgecombe, in the councils of the State, for more than thirty years, is associated the name of Louis D. Wilsox. Perhaps no son was ever loved by a fond mother with more idolatry than was this distinguished man by the people of this country, and with all the fer- vor of a devoted son was this feeling reciprocated. " They loved him because he first loved them." His youth and the meridian of his days was spent in her service, and he laid down his life in the cause of his country. General Locis Dicken AVilsox was born in this county, on the 12th of May, 1789. His education was as good as the state of the country afibrded, but he was taught in the great school of human nature, to which books are mere accessories and aids. He was placed at the age of eighteen in a counting-house, in Washington, and there he acquired that practical know- ledge of men, habits of industry, and financial ability, that tended to render him, if not a brilliant, a useful representative of the people. In 1815, he was first elected a member of the House of Commons ; and from that period to 1846, he was, with but little intermission, a member of one or the other branches of the Legislature. In 1835, he was a delegate to the Convention to amend the Constitution. In 1842, he was chosen Speaker of the Senate. His name was frequently on the Electoral ticket as Elector of the State, for President and Vice-President. In 1836, as one of the Electors, he voted for M. Van Buren as President, and R. M. Johnson as Vice-President. The venerable Nathaniel Macon was President of this college. This was Mr. Macon's last public act. His whole career, embracing a long period of more tlian thirty years, ex- hibits a uniform and consistent course. In early youth he had taken his po- sition with prudence and examination. The experience of age only tended to strengthen the predilections of his youth. He was a firm, consistent, and unwavering Democrat. Without any pretensions to brilliancy of eloquence, he sustained his positions with a clearness of argument and strength of rea- soning that elicited the respect, if he failed to convince his opponents. EDGECOMBE COUNTY. 145 But, if his career as a public man was consistent, successful, and brilliant, this was exceeded by the cause and manner in which he retired from the halls of legislation, never to return. At this period, our Republic, through its constitutional organs, had de- clared that "war existed with Mexico." American blood had been shed, and American rights invaded by an arrogant and cruel nation. This called for reparation. The President makes a call on the Governor, and the Gover- nor on the people, for men. Parties were divided, and some delay existed in responding to this call. Who is that delicate man, with his head frosted with the snows of nearly sixty winters, raising his voice and calling upon the people of Edgecombe to show themselves worthy of their country ? It is Louis D. "Wilson. His voice sounds no longer feeble, but is as the sound of a trumpet. The sons of Edgecombe rally around him, and at the head of a company he is the first to oifer his sei-vices to the Governor. His example is electrical ; the Regi- ment is raised, and the honor of the State preserved. His noble and patriotic conduct touched every heart. He had fought in the civil fields of 1815 for the liberty of his country ; he is now to fight in actual battle for her cause. On the 31st December, 1846, the journals inform us, that Mr. Wilson asked leave of absence from the Senate. It is granted. Those who witnessed this scene never can forget it. The aged Senator rises, and, with that ease of manner so peculiar and natural to him, bids them farewell. The Senators in a body rise, and he is gone — never to return ! The following resolution, reported by the Committee raised upon the sub- ject, speak the record of this interesting occasion.* Mr. Francis (Senator from Haywood, Macon, and Cherokee), from the com- mittee raised on the subject, reported the following preamble and resolution : — "Whereas, the Senate has been informed that one of its members is about to leave the halls of legislation, in North Carolina, to assume the more ardu- ous and perilous duties of the camp and the battle-field, as commander of the volunteer companies from the County of Edgecombe ; and whereas, no differ- ence of opinion as to the commencement of the existing war between the United States and the Republic of Mexico should induce members of this body to withhold an expression of the opinion they entertain as to the self-sacrificing ' and patriotic conduct of the Senator referred to. "Be it therefore unanimously resolved by the Senate of North Carolina, now in session, that, in separating from their fellow-member, the Honoral)le Louis D.Wilson, Senator from Edgecombe, with whom many members of this body have been associated for years in the Senate Chamber, they cannot withhold the expression of their high sense of his ahle, dignified, and patriotic services as a laember of the Senate, and further, to express the conviction that in the more arduous and hazardous duties of the battle-field he will be no less distin- guished for patriotism, courage, and never-failing devotion to the cause of his country.' On which Mr. Gilmer, of Guilford, called for the yeas and nays, and the resolution passed uaaniinouslij. He marches to Mexico with the North Carolina Regiment, in the humble rank of a subaltern. The President of the United States, without his know- ledge or consent, but by recommendation of the Senators of the State, who difi'ered with General AVilson in politics, appointed him to the command of the 12th Regiment of Infantry in the Army of the United States. While anxiously and constantly superintending a forward movement of this regiment from Vera Cruz to the Capital, he is seized with the fever of the country, and on the 12th of August, 1847, his generous spirit took its flight to another world. His munificent legacy "to the poor of Edgecombe" will remain to all timo as an evidence of his atfection for her people. Nature had made him child- less, that the people of Edgecombe might call him father ! His remains have been brought from Mexico to Tarborough, where a monu- ment marks the hallowed spot. His remains most appropriately rest in * Journal of 1846, (page 132.) 146 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Edgecomhe ; but h^ memory and his name will find a cenotaph in the heart of every North Carolinian. Eltsha Battle -was born in Nansemond County, Va., 9th January, 1723. In the year 1743 he moved to Tar River, in this county. In 1771 he was elected a member of the Assembly, and served many years. He was a member of the State Congress that met at Halifax in November, 1776, which body formed our State Constitution ; a firm and decided patriot. He was distinguished for his patriotism and piety, and was an exemplary and consistent member of the Baptist church. He died on the 6th of March, 1799, in the 76th year of his age, leaving several children.* Hon. William H. Battle, one of the Judges of our Superior Court, is a native of Edgecombe County. Judge Battle was born in 1802. He was graduated at Chapel Hill in 1820. He read law with Judge Henderson, and was licensed in 1824. He entered public life in 1833, and was re-elected in 1834, as a member of the House of Commons from Franklin County. He was appointed one of the Commissioners under act of 1834, to revise the statute law of the State, with Frederick Nash and James Iredell. He was appointed Judge of the Superior Court in 1840, and in 1848 he was appointed by the Governor and Council, Judge of the Supreme Court, which, not being confirmed by the Legislature, he resigned in 1848. In 1849 he was elected a Judge of the Superior Court, which appointment he now holds. He married in June, 1825, Lucy, daughter of Kemp Plummer, Esq., by whom he has an interesting family. Patient, polite, and laborious, his labors are alike creditable to himself and acceptable to the State. Judge Battle now resides at Chapel Hill, at the university of which he is one of the Pro- fessors (of law). List of Members of the General Assembly for Edgecombe County from 1777 to 1851. Years. Senators. House of Commons. 1777. Elisha Battle, Jonas Johnston, Nathan Boddie. 1778. Elisha Battle, Jonas Johnston, Isaac Sessums. 1779. Elisha Battle, William Haywood, Etheldred Esum. 1780. Elisha Battle, Etheldred Gray, Henry Horn, Jr. 1781. Elisha Battle, Robert Diggs, James Wilson. 1782. Isaac Sessums, Robert Diggs, James Wilson. 1783. Elisha Battle, Robert Diggs, James Wilson. 1784. Isaac Sessums, Robert Diggs, John Dobien. 1785. Elisha Battle, Etheldred Phillips, Robert Diggs. 1786. Elisha Battle, Etheldred Phillips, Robert Diggs. 1787. Elisha Battle, Robert Diggs, John Dobien. 1788. Etheldred Gray, Wm. Fort, Joshua Killibrew. 1789. Etheldred Gray, John Leigh, Bythel Bell. 1790. Etheldred Phillips, John Leigh, Bythel Bell. 1791. Etheldred Phillips, John Leigh, Bythel Bell. 1792. Etheldred Phillips, John Leigh, Thomas Blount. 1793. Etheldred Phillips, John Leigh, Jeremiah Hilliard. 1794. William Gray, John Leigh, Jeremiah Hilliard. 1795. William Gray, John Leigh, David Coffield. 1796. Nathan Mayo, Bythell Bell, John Leigh. 1797. Nathan Mayo, Nathan Gilbert, Frederic Phillips. 1798. Thomas Blount, Adam John Haywood, Jeremiah Haywood. 1799. Thomas Blount, Lawrence O'Bryan, Jeremiah Hilliard. 1800. Bythell Bell, Jeremiah Hilliard, Wm. Ilyman. 1801. Richard Harrison, Jeremiah Hilliard, George Brownrigg. 1802. Richard Harrison, George Brownrigg, Jeremiah Hilliai'd. 1803. Richard Harrison, Jeremiah Hilliard, Geo. Brownrigg. * History of the Kehukee Association. FORSYTHE COUNTY. 147 Years. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1838. 1840. 1842. 1844. 1846. 1848. 1850. Senators. Richard Harrison, Richard Harrison, Richard Harrison, Richard Harrison, Henry I. Toole, Henry I. Toole, Henry I. Toole, Henry I. Toole, James W, Clark, James W. Clark, James W. Clark, Joseph Bell, Joseph Bell, James Benton, James Benton, James Benton, Louis D. Wilson, Hardy Flowers, Hardy Flowers, Hardy Flowers, Louis D. Wilson, Louis D Louis D Louis D Louis D Louis D Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Louis D. Wilson, Louis D. Wilson, Louis D. Wilson, Hardy Flowers, Hardy Flowers, Benjamin Sharpe, Thomas H. Hall, Louis D. Wilson, Louis D. Wilson, Louis D. Wilson, Louis D. Wilson, Louis D. Wilson, Wyatt Moye, Henry T. Clarke, House of Commons. Geo. Brownrigg, Henry Haywood. Jos. Farmer, Luke W. Sumner. Luke W. Sumner, Henry I. Toole. Henry I. Toole, John Cotton. JS'athan Stancil, Hardy Flowers. Hardy Flowers, Wm. Balfour. Jas. W. Clarke, Hardy Flowers. AVm. Balfour, Jas. W. Clark. Joseph Farmer, James Benton. Joseph Farmer, James Benton. Joseph Farmer, James Benton. James Benton, Louis D. Wilson. James Benton, Louis D. Wilson. Louis D. Wilson, John Horn. Louis D. Wilson, John Horn. L. D. Wilson, Moses Baker. William Wilkins, Moses Baker. Jos. R. Lloyd, William Wilkins. Wm. Wilkins, Moses Baker. Wm. Wilkins, Moses Baker. Henry Bryan, Richard Hines. Henry Bryan, Moses Baker. Benjamin Sharpe, Hardy Flowers.^ Benjamin Sharpe, Benjamin Wilkinson. Benjamin Sharpe, Benjamin Wilkinson. Moses Baker, Gray Little. Hardy Flowers, Gray Little. Redding Pittraan, Hardy Flowers. Gray Little, John W. Potts. John W. Potts, Turner Bynum. John W. Potts, Turner Bynum. S. Deberry, Jos. J. Pipkin. Jos. J. Daniel, James George. Robert Bryan, Wm. S. Baker. Wm. S. Baker, Joshua Barnes. Joshua Barnes, Ralph E. McNair. Joshua Barnes, R. R. Bridgers. Wyatt Moye, AVm. F. Daucy. Wm. F. Dancy, Wm. Thigpen. Joshua Barnes, Kenneth Thigpen. CHAPTER XXIX. FORSYTHE COUNTY. FoRSYTHE County was formed in 1848, from Stokes County. Forsvthe County derives its name from Col. Benjamin FoRSVTnE, of Stokes County^ who resided in Germantown. In 1807, he represented Stokes County in the House of Commons. n .- f o p;flo rmnninv and In the war of 1812 he was appointed a Captain of a I^^^^^.^f^^'^P^'^A^i^^ marched to Canada, whore, in a skirmish in 1814, he was killed, ioi biography, see chapter Ixxi., Stokes County. 148 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. It is. located in the north-western part of the State, and is hounded on the north hy Stokes County, east hy Guilford County, south by Davidson County, and west by Yadkin County. Its capital is Winston, and is distant from Raleigh one hundred and ten miles. This village preserves the name of Joseph Winston, who rendered important military services in the Revolution, and civil services since. Its population is 9,663 whites ; 1,353 slaves ; 152 free negroes ; 10,666 re- resentative population. If the history of North Carolina, as has been stated by an eminent writer, is yet to be written, the Legislature, in later days, by recording the names of her sons on her new counties and towns, has endeavored to perpetuate the memory of those who have done her service in the field and Senate, and whose history, when examined and written, is the best record of the State. The name of Benjamin Forsythe is worthy of being preserved by the State, for his life was offered up on the altar of his country. The name of Joseph Winston is one worthy of notice. He was a native of Stokes. He was the early and devoted friend of liberty. In 1775 and 1776, he represented Stokes in the meetings of the patriots of that day. He was, in 1777, appointed by Governor Caswell, Commissioner to treat with the Cherokee Indians, and associated with Col. Waightstill Avery, Wil- liam Sharpe, and Robert Lanier, made the treaty of the Long Island of Ilolston, by which the Indians ceded all their lands lying in the States of Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. He was one of those gallant spirits who led the brave mountaineers on the heights of King's Mountain on the 7th of October, 1780, and drove the British and Tories from their position, a position which their officer, Colonel Fergu- son, impiously had declared, "that God Almighty could not drive them from." He was a Major in this battle, and with Colonel McDowell and Se- vier, commanded the right wing in that fierce and bloody affair. For the particulars of which the reader is referred to Chapter X. (Burke County), biography of General Charles McDowell, and (Chapter XX. Cleave- land County) biography of Governor Isaac Shelby. In 1791, he was the first Senator elected from the (then) recently erected county of Stokes, which he occasionally served in the Legislature as late as 1812. He was a member of Congress in 1793 to 1795, and in 1803 to 1807. He lived near Germantown, and died in 1814, leaving a large family. He was remarkable for his devoted patriotism, and regard for popular rights, and more for these qualities, than for either literary acquirements or intellectual power. The County of Forsythe has no separate member from Stokes until after the next session of the General Assembly. FRANKLIN COUNTY. 149 CHAPTER XXX. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Franklin County was founded in 1779. The General Assembly in that year obliterated the name of Bute, and divided its territory into the counties of Franklin and Warren. It derives its name from Benjamin Franklin, the Philosopher and Sage, who rendered such signal services to his country in the Revolution in a civil capa- city. He was born Jan. 1706, in Boston, and died in Philadelphia, April, 1790, where he lies buried. It is located near the centre of the State, joining Wake County, in which is the seat of Government. Bounded on the north by Warren, east by Nash, south by Johnson, and west by Wake Counties. Its capital is Lewisburg, and is distant 36 miles east of Raleigh. Its early history is connected with Warren, from which old Bute was formed (see Warren, Chapter LXXVI). " There were no Tories in Bute," was regarded as a fixed fact; the whole country as one man, was for Independence and liberty. Population of Franklin, 5,685 whites; 5,507 slaves; 521 free negroes; 9,510 representative population. Products, 451,909 lbs. tobacco ; 437,277 bushels corn ; 577,993 bushels oats ; 14,456 bushels wheat; 538,320 lbs. cotton; 8,968 lbs. wool. Members of the General Assembly from Franklin County, from the date of its erection to the last Session, 1850-51. Years. Senators. 1780. Henry Hill, 1781. Henry Hill, 1782. Henry Hill, 1783. A. M. Foster, 1784. Henry Hill, 1785. Henry Hill, 1786. Henry Hill, 1787. Henry Hill, 1788. Thomas Brickell, 1789. Henry Hill, 1790. Henry Hill, 1791. Henry Hill, 1792. William Christmas, 1793. William Christmas, 1794. Henry Hill, 1795. Henry Hill, 1796. James Gray, 1797. Henry Hill, Members of the House of Commons. Joseph Bryant, William Brickell. William Brickell, William Green. William Brickell, William Green. Simon Jeffreys, Harrison Macon. Durham Hall, Thomas Sherrod. Durham Hall, Thomas Sherrod. Durham Hall, Richard Ranjoin. Thomas Sherrod, Jordan Hill. Jordan Hill, Brittain Harris. Thomas Sherrod, Durham Hall. Thomas Sherrod, Jordan Hill. Archibald Davis, John Foster. John Foster, Thomas K. Wynn. John Foster, Brittain Harris. John Foster, Brittain Harris. Brittain Harris, Archibald Davis. Brittain Harris, Archibald Davis. John Foster, Brittain Harris. 150 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senators. 179». Henry Hill, 1799. Jordan Hill, 1800. Jordan Hill, 1801. Jordan lini, 1802. Jordan Hill, 1803. Jordan Hill, 1804. John Foster, 1805. John Foster, 1806. John Foster, 1807. John Foster, 1808. John Foster, 1809. Benjamin Brickell, 1810. Benjamin Brickell, 1811. Benjamin Brickell, 1812. James J. Hill, 1813. James J. Hill, 1814. Benjamin F. Hawkins, 1815. Thomas Lanier, 1816. Benjamin F. Hawkins, 1817. James J. Hill, 1818. James J. Hill, 1819. Benjamin F. Hawkins, 1820. James Houze, 1821. James Houze, 1822. James Houze, 1823. Charles A. Hill. 1824. Charles A. Hill, 1825. Charles A. Hill, 1826. Charles A. Hill, 1827. James Houze, 1828. Henry J. G. Ruffin, 1829. William P. Williams, 1830. William P. Williams, 1831. William P. Williams, 1832. William P. Williams, 1833. Thomas G. Stone, 1834. John D. Hawkins, 1835. Henry G. Williams, 1836. John D. Hawkins, 1838. John D. Hawkins, 1840. John D. Hawkins, 1842. William P. Williams, 1844. William A. Jeffreys, 1846. John E. Thomas, 1848. James Collins, 1850. James Collins, Members of the House of Commons. John Foster, Archibald Davis. _ Brittain Harris, Archibald Davis. Brittain Harris, Thomas Lanier. Eppes Moody, James Seawell. Eppes Moody, James Seawell. Brittain Harris, James Seawell. Eppes Moody, Brittain Harris. Eppes Moody, -James J. Hill. Eppes Moody Thomas Lanier. Eppes Moody, Thomas Lanier. James J. Hill, Thomas J. Alston. James J. Hill, Thomas Lanier. Eppes Moody, Thomas Lanier. Benjamin F." Hawkins, Eppes Moody. Thomas Lanier, Benjamin F. Hawkins. Benjamin F. Hawkins, Thomas Lanier. Thomas Lanier, Nathaniel Hunt. Nathaniel Hunt,Marma. D. Jeffreys. Nathaniel Hunt, Marma. D. Jeffreys. James Houze, William Harrison. William Harrison, James Houze. M. N. Jeffreys, T. Terrell. William Moore. John D. Hawkins. Lark Fox, Guilford Lewis. Lark Fox, Guilford Lewis. Lark Fox, Guilford Lewis. William J. Williams, James Houze. James Houze, Joel King. Joel Kin^, Henry J. G. RufBn. Richard Ward, William J. Branch. William J. Branch, Thomas J. Russell. William J. Branch, Gideon Glenn. Gideon Glenn, James Davis. Alfred A. Lancaster, Nath. R. Tunstall. AVilliam H. Battle, Jos. J. Maclin. William H. Battle, Jos. J. Maclin. Thomas Howerton, Simon G. Jeffreys. Thomas Howerton, Jos. J. Maclin. Thomas Howerton, William P. Williams. Young Patterson, Thomas Howerton. Young Patterson, John E. Thomas. William K. Martin, James Collins. William K. Martin, James Collins. William K. JMartin, D. W. Spivey. William K. Martin, Josiah Bridges. GASTON COUNTY. 151 CHAPTER XXXI. GASTON COUNTY. Date of formation — Origin of name — Situation and boundaries — Spencer's mountain — Life of Rev. Humphrey Hunter, who was present at Charlotte, 20th May, 1775, and an eye-witness of the death of Baron de Kalb at Cam- den (Aug. 1780) — Fight with pine-knots— Life of Major Wm. Chronicle, John Mattocks, John Moore, and Wm. Rankin, all of the Revolution. Gaston County -was formed in 1846, from Lincoln County, and derives its name from William Gaston, late one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, for whose character, life, and services, the reader is referred to Craven County, Chapter XXII. It is situated in the south-western part of the State, and is bounded on the north by Lincoln County, east by the Catawba River, which separates it from Mecklenburg County, south by the South Carolina line, and West by Cleaveland County. Its capital is Dallas, named in compliment to the Hon. George M. Dallas, of Philadelphia, who was Vice-President of the United States in 1844. Its population, according to the census of 1850, is 5,928 whites; 2,112 slaves ; 33 free negroes ; 7,228 representative population. Its early history is connected with Lincoln County, to wdiich the reader is referred, as well as for its members of Assembly, with which it votes until after the next session of 1852. Spencer's Mountain, in this County, derives its name from Zack Spencer, who was a Tory in the Revolution, lie was taken (caught asleep) by John IMoore and six others. They held a court, and had a mock trial, and Spencer was condemned to die. He begged hard for his life, and promised fidelity to the cause of liberty. On condition of his swearing to adhere to the State, and oppose the English, he was released. For want of a Bible, he took the oath of allegiance on an old almanac. The character of the Rev. Humphrey Hunter, who resided in this county when Lincoln, deserves a place in our sketches. We here insert it. As a Christian, as a patriot, and as a citizen, his career is worthy of our regard and esteem. Rev. Humphrey Hunter, the subject of this sketch, was a distinguished soldier of the Revolution, and afterwards an eminent minister of the Gospel. From his own manuscript narrative of his early history and revolutionary ser- vices, now on file in the Governor's office at Raleigh, we learn, that he was born on the 14th of May, 1755, in the vicinity of Londonderry, Ireland. His father was well known in his day, as a respectable drapei-y merchant on the " Bleach-green Farm." His paternal grandfather was from Glasgow, Scotland. His maternal grandfather was from Brest, in France. His descent is thus traced to the Scotch, Irish, and French Huguenots — that stock of per- secuted people, whose self-expatriation so greatly contributed to the spread 19 152 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. cf civil and religious liberty in different portions of the world. In America, tlie asylum of the oppressed of all nations, and especially on the soil of the Carolinas, many of their descendants occupy a proud position on the page of history, and acted a magnanimous part in the cause of freedom. At four years of age he was deprived by death of his father. His widowed mother resided on the same farm several years after this bereavement. About this time the cheap and fertile lands of the New World, and unrestricted enjoy- ment of religious worship, were powerful inducements in alluring to the American shores a numerous foreign emigration. Influenced by the flatter- ing prospect of future comfort, and providing more easily for a rising family, his mother embarked on the 3d of May, 1759, in the ship Helena, bound for Charleston, S. C. On the 27th of August following, the vessel safely reached its destination. A few days after her arrival she procured a conveyance, proceeded to the eastern part of Mecklenburg County (now Cabarrus), pur- chased a small tract of land not far from Poplar Tent Church, and remained during life. In this neighborhood Humphrey Hunter grew up, emancipated from a state of bondage, inhaling the salubrious breeze of a free clime, and imbibing the principles of genuine liberty. But this state of happiness was soon to be interrupted. The repeated aggressions of Great Britain, deroga- tory to the honor and subversion of the just rights of the American people, aroused a spirit of resistance which terminated in the Revolution. The crisis rapidly approached. On the 19th of April, 1775, the battle of Lexington was fought. To use his own forcible language, " that was a wound of a deepening gangrenous nature, not to be healed without amputation." Intel- ligence of the affair speedily spread abroad. Xo sooner had it reached Mecklenburg, than patriotic fire glowed in every breast. It burst into a flame, and blazed through every corner of the county. Communications from one to another were made with great facility. Committees were held in various neighborhoods. Every man was a politician ; every man was a soldier. "Fire in each breast, and freedom on each brow." In this connection, what a beautiful tribute does he pay to the nursing mothers of the Revolution. " Neither were our mothers silent on that all- important subject. 'Go, men,' said they, 'go league yourselves together — take up arms — go to the field of battle — go, fight for the freedom of your- selves, of your wives, and your children. Let us never be slaves.' Well do I remember the advice of my mother — ' Go, son — go join yourself to the men of our country, for this is our country. We ventured our lives on the waves of the ocean in quest of the freedom promised us here. Go fight for it ; and rather let me hear of your death than of your cowardice.' " In a short time this patriotic advice of his mother was called into action. " Orders were presently issued," continues his narrative, " by Col. Thomas Polk to the several militia companies, two men, selected from each beat, to meet at the Court House at Charlotte, on the 19th of May, 1775, in order to consult with each other upon such measures as might be thought best to be pursued. Accordingly, on said day, a far larger number than two out of each company were present." Drawn by the excitement of the occa- sion, he attended the convention in Charlotte on the appointed day. lie was then a few days upwards of twenty years old, and mingled with the nume- rous crowd of spectators who witnessed the proceedings of that memorable body. He then enjoyed the privilege of listening to the reading of the first public Declaration of Independence in the United States, and joined in the shuut of approval which burst forth from a large and deepljwnterested audi- ence. The bloody massacre at Lexington increased the patriotic ardor of the day, and a detei-mined spirit of resistance animated every breast. Actuated by'such feelings, they were fully prepared to " pledge their lives, their for- tunes, and their most sacred honor," to the adoption and maintenance of the most independent measures. The Mecklenburg Resolves, of May 20th, 1775, have been several times published. They breathe throughout the high-toned and patriotic sentiments of freemen, and will compare favorably with the compositions of any period of our history, and were far in advance of the spirit of the day. GASTON COUNTY. 153 Copies of these Resolves were then drawn off, and given to the charge of Captain James Jack, then of Charlotte, to present to Congress during its session in Phihidelphia. On the return of Captain Jack, he reported " that Congress individually manifested their entire approbation of the conduct of the Mecklenburg citizens, but deemed it premature to lay them officially be- fore the House." In a short time after the meeting of the Convention in Charlotte, intelli- gence reached Mecklenburg that a considerable number of Tories had em- bodied themselves in the vicinity of Cross Creek, now Fayetteville,_ in hos- tility to the American cause. AVith commendable promptitude a regiment of infantry and cavalry, commanded by Colonel Thomas Polk, was raised in the county, and marched in the direction of Fayetteville. The corps of cavalry was commanded by Captain Charles Polk, a brother of the Colonel. In this corps, Hunter entered as a private soldier. The campaign, however, was of short duration. The Tories were dispersed before the arrival of the regi- ment, and it immediately returned. Soon after this expedition, he commenced his classical education at "Clio's Nursery," in the western part of Kowan County (now Iredell), under the instruction of the Rev. James Hall. Here he remained for a short time, dili- gently prosecuting his studies. But an emergency soon arose in which his services were again required. The Cherokee Indians were committing numerous murders and depredations on the inhabitants near thesources of the Catawba. Upon this information. General Rutherford promptly called out a brigade from the counties of Guil- ford, Rowan, Mecklenburg, &c., composed of infantry and three corps of caval- ry. One of these was commanded by Captain, afterwards Colonel Robert Mebane,* in which he acted as lieutenant. The campaign proved successful. Two skirmishes took place, in which several Indians were killed, and a consi- derable number made prisoners, including Hicks and Scott, two white traders who had formed family connections with the Indians, and espoused their cause. After his return from the Cherokee nation, he resumed his classical educa- tion at Queen's Museum, in Charlotte, under the control of Dr. McWhorter, from New Jersey. In the summer of 1780, this institution, having assumed in the meantime the more patriotic name of "Liberty Hall Academy," was broken up by the approach of the British army under Lord Cornwallis, after the surrender of Charleston, and massacre of Buford's regiment at the Wax- haws. The school was dismissed; the minors were commended by Dr. McWhorter to the care of their parents and guardians ; the young men were urged to take up arms in defence of their country, and for all he invoked the blessings of Heaven. At this time General Gates was on his way to the Southern States. Orders having been issued by General Rutherford to the battalions of the western counties, a brigade was promptly raised to rendez- vous at Salisbury. In this brigade Hunter acted for a short time as Com- missary, and afterwards as Lieutenant in the company of Captain Givens. Deeply impressed at all times with the justice of the vVmerican cause, his ser- vices were freely offered to assist in meeting and averting impending dangers. He again laid aside for a time his battle with books to join in the battle with men. This force first marched from Salisbury down the north-east side of the Yad- kin, scouring the Tory settlements of the Uwharryand Deep Rivers, previous to the junction with General Gates, at Cheraw. From this place General Gates moved forward with as much expedition as possible to Claremont, where he arrived on the I2th of August. On the 15th he marched towards Camden, progressing as far as the Gum Swamp, where sharp skirmishing took place in the night, between advanced parties of the Americans and British. On the IGth of August, 1780, the unfortunate battle of Camden was fought. A contagious panic seized most of the militia early in the action, and a pre- cipitate °and disgraceful retreat was the consequence. The regulars of * We regret that more is not preserved of this brave man. He was a native of Orange, brother of Hon. Alexander Mebane, and was disliniruishcd for his bravery and services. He was engaged in several aliairs, de>perate and sanguinary, and was always ready and active in the cause of Lilx'rly. He finally fell in an unguarded moment by the hand ol a Tory, whom he had taken prisoner. 154 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ISIaryland and Delaware, with a small portion of the North Carolina militia, firmly stood their ground until surrounded by overwhelming numbers. The subject of this sketch was there made prisoner, and stripped of most of his clothes. Soon after his surrender as a prisoner of war, he witnessed the painful incidents of battle resulting in the death of Barox De Kale. lie informs us he saw the Baron without suite or aid, and without manifesting the design of his movements, galloping down the line. He was soon descried by the enemy, who, clapping their hands on their shoulders, in reference to his epaulettes, exclaimed "a General, a rebel General!" ^ Immediately, a man on horseback (not Tarleton) met him, and demanded his sword. The Baron reluctantly presented the handle towards him, saying in French, Etes voiis an offider. Monsieur? ("Are you an officer. Sir?") His antagonist^ not un- derstanding the language, with an oath, more sternly demanded his sword. The Baron then, not understanding him perfectly, with all possible speed rode on, disdaining to surrender to any but to an ofiicer. The cry, " a rebel General," sounded along the line. The musketeers imme- diately, by platoons, fired upon him. He proceeded about twenty-five rods when he fell from his horse, mortally wounded. Soon afterwards he was raised to his feet, and stripped of his hat, coat, and neckcloth, and placed with his hands resting on a wagon. His body was found, upon examination, to have been pierced with seven musket balls. Whilst standing in this posi- tion, and the blood streaming through his shirt, Cornwallis, with his suite, rode up. Being informed that the wounded man was De Kalb, he addressed him by saying, "I am sorry, Sir, to see you; not sorry that you are vanquish- ed, but sorry to see you so badly wounded." Having given orders to an ofiicer to administer to the wants of the Baron, the British General rode on to secure the results of his victory. In a short time the brave and generous De Kalb, who had served in the armies of France, and embarked in the Ame- rican cause, breathed his last. He lies buried in Camden, S. C, where a monument is erected over his remains. After being confined seven days in a prison-yard in Camden, Hunter was taken, with many other prisoners, including about fifty ofiicers, to Orange- burg, S. C, there to remain until exchanged, where he continued uuul the loth of November following, without hat or coat. On that day, without any design of transgressing, he set out to visit a friendly lady in the suburbs, who had promised to give him a homespun coat. On his way he was stopped by a horseman, armed with sword and pistols, who styled himself a Lieutenant of the station at the court house, under Colonel Fisher. The horseman blus- tered and threatened, and sternly commanded him to march before him to the station, to be confined and tried for having broken his parole. No excuse, apology, or confession would be received in extenuation of his ofi"ence. " To the station," said he, " you shall go — take the road." He was a Tory loyalist, and was treating, in hard terms, a real Whig. Up the road he had to go, sour and sulky, with much reluctance. He was frequently hurried in his march by the point of the Tory's sword. Hunter pursued his course, but constantly on the look-out for some means of self defence. Fortunately for the oppressed, when a forlorn condition seems to surround them, unexpected means of succor are frequently thrown providentially in their way. In a short time they approached a large fallen j^ine tree, around which lay a quantity of pine-knots, hardened and Idackened by the recent action of tire. Hunter, in an instant, jumped to the further side of said tree, as to " a city of refuge," and, armed with a good pine-knot, prepared for combat. The Tory instantly fired one of his pistols at him, but without efi"ect. The Tory then leap- ed his horse over the tree. Hunter, with equal promptness, exchanged sides. Much skillful manceuvering took place, whilst the Tory was thus kept at bay. The Tory then discharged his other pistol, but again without etfect. Hunter then commenced a vigorous warfare with the pine-knots, so oppor- tunely placed at his command, and dealt them out with profuse liberality. The precisive aim with the pine-knots, soon brought the horseman to the o-round. He was then disarmed of his sword, and capitulated in the follow- ing terms: Hunter agreed never to publish the conquest he had gained, and to '^ive up the sword he had taken from him. The Tory agreed never to GASTON COUNTY. 155 make it known that any of the prisoners had ever crossed the boundary line, or ever offended in any other manner. But secrecy could not be preserved, for during the affray the horse with- out his rider galloped off to the station, and created, of course, considerable anxiety respecting the rider's fate. But all serious apprehensions were soon removed as the dismounted horseman presently made his appearance, not, however, without several visible bruises, bearing striking proof of the effect- ive precision of the pine-knots. As usual on the occurrence of any myste- rious affair, a close examination was instituted, and numerous searching questions propounded. All concealment was ended. The rencontre took place on Friday evening. On the Sabbath following orders were issued by Col. Fisher to all of the prisoners to appear at the court house on Monday, by twelve o'clock M. On the evening of that Sabbath, Hunter, expecting close confinement, or other harsh and vindictive treatment, made his escape with several others, and commenced their way to North Carolina. They concealed themselves during the day to avoid the numerous British scouts, and traveled only in the night, supporting themselves on raio corn. On the ninth night after they set out from Orangeburg they crossed the Catawba, and arrived safely in Mecklenburg. After remaining at his mother's residence only a few days, he again en- tered the public service, and joined the cavalry, acting as Lieutenant under Col. Henry Lee. In a short time, the battle at the Eutaw Springs, the last important one in the South, took place. In this engagement, where so much personal bravery was displayed, he performed a gallant part, and was slightly wounded. With this campaign his military services ended. Among the variety of in- cidents which occurred in this year, and during this campaign, he was gratified in revisiting his old prison-bounds, and in witnessing the reduction of the station at Orangeburg. But greater still was the gratification he derived in again beholding the identical sword he had taken from his Tory antagonist. lie then returned home, with bravery established, his patriotism unquestioned, and integrity unsullied. Soon after his return he resumed his classical studies under the instruction of the Rev. Robert Archibald, near Poplar Tent Church, where he remained fur a considerable length of time, assiduously engaged. During the summer of 1785 he entered the Junior Class at Mount Zion College, in Winnsbo- rough, S. C, and graduated in July, 1787. In a short time he commenced the studj' of Theology under the care of the Presbytery of South Carolina, and obtained license to preach in Oct. 1789. The first four or five years of his ministerial labors were performed in South Carolina. There on 31st Dec. 1789, he united himself in marriage with Jane, daughter of Dr. George Ross, of Laurens District. In 1796 he removed to the south-eastern part of Lincoln County (now Gaston), having vrsited this section of country in the preceding year. Here he purchased a home for his rising family, and here he ended his days. Shortly after his arrival he received calls from the churches of Goshen and Unity to become their pastor. To the people of these two charges he de- voted about eight years of continuous ministerial labors. In 1805 he ac- cepted a call from Steele Creek Church, in Mecklenburg County. To this charge he devoted the greater portion of his unremitting labors for twenty- three years, and was rejoiced to see, during this protracted period, a large accession of new members to the church, as seals to his ministry. The remain- ing portion of his ministerial services were principally given to Goshen, in connection with Steele Creek, until the time of his death. Being connected by marriage with the family of Dr. George Ross, a wor- thy and distinguished physician of Laurens District, S. C, he availed him- self of the favorable opportunity thus afforded of acquiring a practical knowledge of medicine, sufficiently extensive for family purposes. He was induced to make this acquisition, not only to gratify a peculiar propensity, but more particularly on the account of the scarcity of good physicians at that early period. At the time of his removal to Lincoln County there were but few physicians ; these were widely separated. Ilis medical knowledge, 156 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ■which he continued to improve by occasional reading, soon became known, and he was frequently called upon by his neighbors to administer to their wants. His excellent judgment, so important to the physician in the dis- crimination and treatment of diseases, and his remarkable success, soon gave him extensive practice, and threatened, for a time, to interfere with his minis- terial duties. But this successful practice was never the source of any great pecuniary profit; his charges in all cases being moderate, and frequently gratuitous. . t r. ^ i. In his preaching Mr. Hunter was earnest, unassuming, and oiten eloquent. Possessing naturally a strong mind, with powers of originality, and aided bv the advantages of a good education, he was useful in the high mission to which he was called, and to it he devoted his best talents and acquirements. He possessed, in a remarkable degree, a talent for refined sarcasm, and knew how to use most effectively its piercing shafts against the idle objections, or disingenuous cavils of alftriflers with the great truths of religion. But his benevolent feelings forbade its use in private intercourse. The great sim- plicity of his manners and freedom from afi"ectation readily gained the con- fidence and friendship of all who knew him. And if the faithful discharge of ministerial duty might cause the evil to fear him, yet to the good he was doubly esteemed. In his advanced years the infirmities of age greatly con- tracted his useful labors, without impairing the vigor of his mental powers, or fervency and faithfulness of his preaching. But a sudden illness, on a Sa]> bath evening, after preaching one of his most animated, forcible, and inte- resting sermons to the people of Steele Creek, rapidly prostrated his already enfeebled constitution, and admonished him that his earthly pilgrimage was soon to terminate. He met his approaching end with unshaken firmness and Christian resignation, and peacefully breathed his last, Aug. 21st, 1827, in the 73d year of his age. , •, , ^ „ • On his head-stone in Steele Creek grave-yard, is recorded the iollowmg appropriate inscription : — SACRED to the Memory of the Reverend Humphrey Hcxter, who departed this life August 21st, 1827, in the 73d year of his age. He was a native of Ireland, and ^ » emigrated to America at an early period of his life. He was one of those who early promoted the cause of freedom in Mecklenburg County, May 20th, 1775, and subsequently bore an active part in securing the independence of his country. For nearly thirty-eight years he labored as a faithful and assiduous ambassador of Christ, strenuously enforcing the necessity of repentance, and pointing out the terms of salvation. As a parent he was kind and affectionate ; as a friend warm and sincere ; and as a minister, persuasive and convincing. Mr. H. had ten children, of which number, at the present time, only three are alive : Mrs. Nancy Bynum, widow of the late Col. J. W. Bynum, of Chat- ham County : Col. George R. Hunter, of Fairfield District, S. C, and Dr. C. L, Hunter, of Lincoln County. Major William Chroxicle, the brave soldier and martyr to the cause of liberty, whose name is here introduced, was raised about two miles north-east of Armstrong's Ford, on the South Fork. His mother was first married to a Mr. McKee, in Pennsylvania, who afterwards removed to North Carolina, and settled in Mecklenburg County. By this marriage she had one son, the GASTON COUNTY. 157 late James McKee, a soldier of the Eevolntion, and ancestor of the several families of that name still residing in the neighborhood of Armstrong's Ford. After McKee's death, his widow married Mr. Chronicle, by whom she had an only son, the noble-hearted and gallant soldier of King's Mountain. The site of the old family mansion is still pointed out by the older inhabitants, to the inquiring stranger with feelings of veneration. " There, they will tell you, is the spot where old Mr. Chronicle lived, and there his brave son, William, was brought up." At this hallowed spot he was nurtured in the principles of liberty. So abiding is the veneration still clinging around the memory of the illustrious dead, that revolutionary infor- mation is always imparted by the veteran soldier with emotions of delight and soul-stirring eloquence. The universal testimony of all who knew Major Chronicle is, that he was the constant, the never-tiring advocate of liberty, and exerted a powerful influence in spreading the principles of freedom through- out the whole lower portion of old Tryon County.* AVherever he went he encouraged the young men of the surrounding country to arm for the approach- ing contest, and support the cause of freedom, llis jovial turn of mind, and winning manners, by gaining the good-will of all, greatly assisted in making successful his appeals to their patriotism, and promoting the cause of liberty in which he had so zealously embarked. Major Chronicle's first services were performed in South Carolina, in 1779, soon after the capture of Savannah. It was principally in discharge of the arduous duties connected with this service of nine months, that young Chro- nicle acquired his military training, for making, at a later period of his life, a brave and meritorious officer. In this service he furnished two or three wagons with the necessary teams, thus displaying a remarkable promptitude in time of need, and a willingness to spend and be spent in a just cause when darkness and danger hung over our cause in consequence of pre- vious misfortunes. Early in the fall of 1780, it became necessary to call out a regiment from Lincoln (then Tryon), to assist in repelling the enemy march- ing fi-om the south flushed with victory. Over this regiment William Gra- ham was appointed Colonel; Frederick Ilambrite, Lieutenant-Colonel; and William Chronicle, Major. Major Chronicle possessed the proper qualifica- tions for a good ofiicer. He was brave, perhaps to a fault, energetic in his movements, self-possessed in danger, deeply imbued with the spirit of liber- ty, and possessed withal of agreeable manners, and cheerful countenance. It is well known that Colonel Graham, on account of sickness in his family, was not present at the battle of King's Mountain. The command, of course, then devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Ilambrite and Major Chronicle. The latter, on account of his commanding abilities and his own ardent feelings, took an active and prominent part in leading his men to danger and glory. This he efi'ected mainly by appealing to their patriotism and bravery, llis last words of encouragement, heard by nearly the whole regiment, were, '■'Come on, my boys, never let it he said a Fork hoy run," alluding to the South Fork, near which most of them resided. This patriotic appeal was not given in vain. It nerved every man for the contest. Onward his " brave boys" steadily marched. Major Chronicle in the advance, and approached within gunshot of the enemy. Just at this time, a few select sharpshooters from the Tories discharged their pieces and retreated. The brave Chronicle fell mortally wounded, receiving a fatal ball in the breast. Almost at the same time, Captain Mattocks, John Boyd, and William Rabb, all " Fork boys," also fell. But heavy and mournful as this loss was to the regiment, other brave men soon took their places. The noble cause in which they were engaged admitted of no faltering in duty, but urged them on to the performance of deeds of heroic valor, which terminated in glorious victory. Such should ever be the conduct and the feelings of patriots fighting in defence of the rights of man ! The loss to our arms of Major Chronicle was the more to be regretted, as he fell in the very prime of life, being only about twenty-five years old. At the time of his death his father was still alive, but unfortunately was drowned * Since divided into Lincoln, Gaston, Catawba, Cleaveland and Rutherford. 158 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. a few years afterward?, in the Catawba River, at the Tuckasege Ford. The late Abram Forney, who fought bravely in this battle, frequently said the last portion of food Major Chronicle received, was partaken with him on the morn- ing of that memorable day. lie had just finished cooking a savonj cow-bag, which had fallen to his share, when Major Chronicle came up, and in his usual vein of good humor, remarked, "icell, Abram, you always have some- thing good to eat, I believe I must join you," and accordingly participated of his homely mess. The late Captain Samuel Caldwell, father of Hon. Green W. Caldwell, of Charlotte, and his brother William, were both in this battle. William Caldwell brought home Major Chronicle's horse ; but he was so greatly affected that he turned him into the stable without informing the family of his death. He was near the gallant Major when he fell, and che- rished for him, in common with the whole regiment, the attachment of a brother. Major Chronicle's sword and spurs passed into the hands of his half- brother, the late James McKee ; the venerated memorials are still in pos- session of one of his sons, who removed, some years since, to Tennessee. John- Mattocks. — It may be interesting to the reader to know something more of Captain Mattocks, who fell at the same time with Major Chronicle. The Mattocks family resided a few miles below Armstrong's Ford, at the " Alison old place." There were three brothers, John, Charles, and Edward, and two daughters, Sally and Barbara. The whole family, men and women, had the reputation of being uncommonly stout. Of Charles Mattocks, in par- ticular, it was said he had no equal in point of strength ; but, being of a peaceable disposition, he was never known to have but one fight. On that occasion, being insulted, he went coolly to work, without indulging in wicked oaths, and dealt out one blow against the taunting bully which prostrated him to the ground. His antagonist, after a time, arose from his recumbent posi- tion perfectly satisfied of the superior manhood of Charles Mattocks. John and Charles were staunch Whigs ; but Edward, commonly called " Ned Mattocks," was a Tory. All of the brothers were at the battle of King's Moun- tain. John Mattocks, the Captain, was killed. Ned Mattocks was badly wounded on the back of his neck. After the battle, Charles Mattocks fearing his brother might be hung with some others who suffered this penalty, kindly interfered in his behalf took him home, and nursed him until he recovered of his wounds. It is said that this strong dose so effectually administered, com- pletely cured him of Toryism. The whole surviving family, some years after the war, moved to Georgia. Major Chronicle, Captain Mattocks, William Rabb, a cousin of Major Chronicle, and John Boyd, who fell almost at the same time, are buried in a common grave, near the foot of the Mountain. A plain head- stone commemorates the hallowed spot with the following inscription : — Sacred to the Memory of Majok William Chronicle, Captain John Mattocks, William Rabb, and John Boyd, Who were killed here fighting in defence of America, On the tth Oct., 1780. For a full detail of the battle of King's Mountain, with the ofiicial report of the same, the reader is referred to the chapter on Cleaveland County. Gen. -John Moore was a revolutionary officer of much merit. He was born about 1759, of Irish descent. He early engaged in the cause of liberty, and was in several battles of the Revolution. He acted as Commissary to the Army. He married a sister of Governor John Adair, of Kentucky, by whom he had many children. After her death, he married Mary, the daughter of Robert Alexander, by whom he had two children. He was a member of the House of Commons as early as 1788, from Lincoln, and served for many years. He died in 1836, and was buried at Goshen, where a plain tombstone marks the GATES COUNTY. 159 last resting-place of this faithful patriot. His descendants still live among us, whose patriotism may be enlivened by his heroic and useful career. His sister Mary married William Rankin, who did a soldier's dutyin days of trial. William Rankin Avas in the Revolutionary War as a soldier at Camden, in 1780, and at the Eutaw Springs, the hardest fought battle of the Revolution. lie is still living in this county, and is the father of Colonel Richard Ran- kin, one of the members from this county in the House of Commons in the last Legislature, and of many others. For members of Assembly from Gaston, see Lincoln County. CHAPTER XXXII. GATES COUNTY. Gates Couxty was formed, in 1779, from Hertford, Chowan and Perquimans Counties. It derives its name from General Horatio Gates, who at this time was in the zenith of his popuLarity, having acquired a brilliant victory in 1777 at Saratoga, over General Bur- goyne and the English army, but whose laurels were destined to fade on the unfortunate field of Camden. General Gates was a native of England. He was early trained to arms. He came to America as an officer, and served with Washington under Gen. Braddock in the ill-fated campaign against FortDuQuesne in 1755. On the breaking out of the Revolution in 1776, from his attachment to his adopted country, and high military reputation, he was by the_Continental Congress appointed Adjutant-General of the army, and in 1777 succeeded General Schuyler in the command of the northern army, to which, after two sangui- nary battles, General Burgoyne surrendered with his whole force as prisoners of war at Saratoga on 7th October, 1777. For this brilliant service General Gates received a gold medal and the thanks of Congress. In June, 1780, General Gates was invested with the chief command of the southern army. At Camden, 15th August, 1780, he was defeated with great slaugliter by Lord Cornwallis. He retreated to Hillsboro', and Congress ap- pointed General Greene to succeed him. He was tried by order of Congress for his conduct at Camden by a special court, and was acquitted. "His northern laurels were exchanged for southern willows." In 1782 he was re- stored to his command, but the war was over, and Gates retired to his farm in Virginia. Afterwards he removed to New York, where he died 10th April, 180G, without issue. From this man, who held the chief command in two campaigns in our Revolution, the one the most brilliant and the other the most disastrous to American liberty, does this County derive its name. It is situated in the north-eastern part of the State, and is bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by Pasquotank, south by Perquimans and Chowan, and west by Hertford County. Its capital is Gatcsville, and is distant from Raleigh one hundred and sixty-seven miles. Its population is 4158 whites ; 3871 slaves ; 301 free negroes ; G877 repre- sentative population. 160 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Products, 192,815 bushels of corn, 10,329 " oats, 2951 " -wheat, 1270 " rye, 86,591 lbs. cotton. 3905 lbs. wool, 841 barrels fish, 6G3 " turpentine, 19,143 dollars annual value of lumber sold. General Kedar Ballard was a native and representative of this County. He served as an officer in the Revolutionary army, and died 16th .January, 1834. General -JosEpn Reddick, of this County, was for twenty-eight years her Senator, and for many years Speaker of the Senate. Numerous descendants in this County still preserve the names of Ballard and Reddick. List of members of the General Assembly from Gates County, from its erection, to tlie last Session, 1850-51. Years. Senators. 1780. James Gregory, 1781. James Gregory, 1782. William Baker, 1783. Jacob Hunter, 1784. William Baker, 1785. Joseph Reddick, 1786. Joseph Reddick, 1787. Joseph Reddick, 1788. Joseph Reddick, 1789. Joseph Reddick, 1790. Joseph Reddick, 1791. Joseph Reddick. 1792. Joseph Reddick, 1793. Joseph Reddick, 1794. Joseph Reddick, 1795. Joseph Reddick, 1796. Joseph Reddick, 1797. Joseph Reddick, 1798. Joseph Reddick, 1799. Joseph Reddick, 1800. Joseph Reddick, 1801. Joseph Reddick, 1802. Joseph Reddick, 1803. Joseph Reddick, 1804. .Joseph Reddick, 1805. Joseph Reddick, 1806. Joseph Reddick, 1807. Joseph Reddick, 1808. Joseph Reddick, 1809. Joseph Reddick, 1810. Joseph Reddick, 1811. Joseph Reddick, 1812. Kedar Ballard, 1813. Kedar Ballard, 1814. Kedar Ballard, 1815. Joseph Pieddick, 1816. Kedar Ballard, 1817. Joseph Reddick, 1818. John B. Baker, 1819. Humphrey Iludgins 1820. John B. Baker, 1821. John C. Gordon, 1822. John B. Baker, Members of House of Commons. Jethro Sumner, James Garrett. Jethro Sumner, Joseph Reddick. Jethro Sumner, -Joseph Reddick. Joseph Reddick, David Rice. Seth Reddick, Joseph Reddick. Seth Reddick, David Rice. Seth Eason, .Seth Reddick. Wm. Baker, .John Baker. Seth Eason, David Rice. David Rice, Jas. B. Sumner. David Rice, Jas. B. Sumner. Thomas Cranberry, .Jas. B. Sumner. James Baker, Isaac Miller. Henry Goodman, Miles Benton. Wm. Lewis, Miles Benton. Wm. Lewis, Humphrey Iludgins. James Catling, -John J. AYalton. Humphrey Hudgins, James Catling. Humphrey Hudgins, James Catling. Humphrey Hudgins, James Catling. James Catling, Humphrey Hudgins. Humphrey Hudgins, .James Catling. Humphrey Hudgins, Elisha Hunter. Humphrey Hudgins, James Catling. Humphrey Iludgins, AVillis Hoodley. Humphrey Iludgins, Jethro D. Goodman. Humphrey Hudgins, J. D. Goodman. Humphrc}' Iludgins, Kedar Ballard. Humphrey Iludgins, Kedar Ballard. llumphre}^ Iludgins, Kedar Ballard. Humphrey Iludgins, Kedar Ballai'd. John B. Baker, Humphrey Iludgins. Robert Reddick, Humphrey Hudgins. Robert Reddick, Richard Barnes. Robert Reddick, Richard Barnes. Robert Reddick, Humphrey Iludgins. Humphrey Hudgins, Joseph Gordon. Humphrey Iludgins, Isaac R. Hunter. Isaac R. Hunter, John Mitchell. , David E. Sumner, Abraham Harrell. AVm. W. Reddick, AVilliam Barnes. Wm. W. Reddick, A. Harrell. John Walton, A. Harrell. GRANVILLE COUNTY. 161 Years. Senators. 1823. Abraham Harrell, 1824. Abraham Harrell, 1825. Abraham Harrell, 182G. Edward R. Hunter, 1827. Abraham Harrell, 1828. Abraham Harrell, 1829. AVm. W. Cowper, 1830. Wra. W. Cowper, 1831. Wm. W. Cowper, 1832. Wm. W. Cowper, 1833. John Walton, 1834. Wm. W. Cowper, 1835. Wm. W. Cowper, 1836. Wm. W. Cowper, 1838. Rufus K. Speed, 1840. Rufns K. Speed, 1842. Whitmell Stallings, 1844. Whitmell Stallings, 1846. Whitmell Stallings, 1848. Henry Wiley, 1850. Henry Wiley, Members of House of Commons. Wm. W. Stedman, J. Walton. John Walton, W. W. Stedman. John Walton, Wm, W. Stedman, •John Walton, Wm. W. Stedman. Wm. W. Stedman, Lemuel Reddick. Wm. W. Stedman, Lemuel Reddick. Wm. W. Stedman, Riseup Rawls. Wm. W. Stedman, John Willey. Whitmell Stallings, Lemuel Reddick. Whitmell Stallings, John Willey. Lemuel Reddick, John Willey. Lemuel Reddick, John Willey. Whitmell Stallings, Lemuel Reddick. Whitmell Stallings. *=. ; . Whitmell Stallings. Whitmell Stallings. John Willey. Reddick Gatlin. Reddick Gatlin. Dr. Ballard. Miles II. Eure. CHAPTER XXXIII. GRANVILLE COUNTY. Date of its formation — Origin of its name, situation and boundaries — Popu- lation and products — Its Colonial and Revolutionary History — Sketches of its distinguished men, General Thomas Person, John Williams, Leonard Henderson, Robert Potter, Abraham AVatkins Tenable, Robert B. Gilliam, and others — List of its members to the General Assembly. Granville County was formed in 1746, from Edgecombe County, and was so called in honor of the owner of the soil.* The King of England (Charles the II.) granted to Sir George Carteret, and seven other English Noblemen, in 1663, a char- ter for this region, with much more, and it was called Carolina from him. In 1729 these proprietors surrendered to the En- glish crown all their franchises, except John (son of Sir George Carteret, who died in 1696). He was afterwards created Earl of Granville. He retained his eighth part of the soil. The line was run in 1743. Lord Granville's territory was from 35° 34' south, to the Virginia line on the north, and from the Atlantic Ocean, on the east, to the Pacific Ocean on the west.f A most princely domain! This imperium in imperioX gave much dis- quietude even to the Colonial Government, and was entirely lost to * Martin, ii. 48. I Government in a government. t Martin's Sketches, i. 34. 162 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. the proprietor in the Revolutionary struggles of our country ; and for which loss he Avas indemnified by the English Government. Its situation is in the northern part of the State ; and is bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by Warren and Franklin Counties, south by Wake, and west by Person and Orange Coun- ties. Its capital is Oxford, 36 miles north of Raleigh. Population, 10,290 whites ; 9,865 slaves ; 1,088 free negroes ; 17,303 repre- sentative population. Products, 3,918,822 lbs. tobacco ; 550,530 bushels corn ; 140,905 bushels oats; 51,938 bushels wheat : 1,174 bushels rye ; 14,000 lbs. wool. Granville early togk a decided stand for liberty. Her delegates to the general meeting of Deputies at Newbern, on 25th August, 1774, were Thomas Person', Memccax IIlnt. Iler delegates to the next meeting at the same place, on the 3d April, 1775, were the same, Tvith .Jonx Penn, Egbert Mum ford, and Robert Williams. Her delegates to Ilillsboro', 21st August, 1775, were Thomas Persox, Jonx Persox, Joiix Williams, .Joux Taylor, and Mkmucan IIuxt. Her delegates to Halifax, 4th April, 1770, that placed the State in military organization, were Thomas Persox, Joux Pexx, Memlcax Hunt, .Joux Taylor, and Charles Eatox. Her delegates to Halifax, 12th November, 1770, that formed the Constitu- tion, were Thomas Persox, IIobert Lewis, Memucax Huxt, Thorxtox Yax- CEY, and .John Oliver. Thomas Person is a name remarkable in our history for his indomitable resistance to tyranny and his devoted love of liberty.* He was opposed to the Stamp Act, a violent Regulator, and, for his advocacy of the rights of the colony, his estate was ravaged by the emissaries of royalty. He was ap- pointed one of the first brigadier-generals by the State Congress (April 1770), and, for his patriotic services, he was complimented by the naming (in 1791) a county after him. His liberality towards the University, in bestowing a munificent donation, caused a hall to be erected at Chapel Hill, which still bears his name. He continued to represent this county, as late as 1814, in the Senate. It is a matter of regret that more of his life, services, character, and death, have not been obtained. It is to be hoped that some future pen may record his services and virtues. John Pexn, one of the signers of the immortal Declaration of Independ- ence of the 4th July, 1776, was from Granville. He was born in Caroline County, Va., 17th May, 1741, The only son of Moses Penn, and Catharine, his wife, who was a daughter of the celebrated John Taylor, of Caroline County. His education, by the death of his father when he was only eighteen, was defective. He read law with Edmund Pendleton, his relative. He possessed genius and eloquence of a high order. His effurts at the bar were distinguished for their force and pathos. In 1774, he removed to Gran- ville, and, on 8th Sept., 1775, succeeded Richard Caswell as delegate to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, and took his seat in that body on 12th Oct. following. He was re-elected in 1777-78, and '79. Watson, in his Annuls of Philadelphia^ states that " a singular case of duel occurred in Philadelphia in 1778 or '79, between Henry Laurens, President of Congress, and Mr. Penn. They were fellow-boarders, and Vjreakfasted together the same morrjing. They were to fight on a vacant lot vis-d-vifES, and his brother Allen, were distinguished as firm and de- termined friends of the country in her struggles for freedom. Wilie Jones resided in Halifax, and Allen Jones in Northampton. On every and all occasions, when their country called for their services, they were prompt and willing. Shoulder to shoulder, they contended for her liberties, and both were distinguished members of the State Congress which formed our Consti- tution, and members of the committee that drew its forms. Wilie Jones has been recorded as a scholar and statesman. lie was not distinguished so much as an orator as for his efficient business habits. In the language of one of his cotemporaries, " he could draw a bill in better language than any other man of his day." He was President of the Committee of Safety for the whole State, in 1776, which officer was virtually Governor of the State, in the interregnum between the abdication of Governor Martin, the last of the Royal Governors, and the accession of Governor Caswell. He succeeded his brother General Allen Jones, as a member of the Conti- nental Congress which met at Philadelphia in 1780, and served until 1781. He was elected a member of the Convention which assembled at Philadel- phia on the second Monday in May, 1787, of which General Washington was President, which formed the Constitution of the United States, but he de- clined the appointment. Dr. Hugh AYilliamson was appointed by Governor Caswell to supply his place. He was a member of the Convention that met at Hillsboro' 21st July, 1788, to deliberate upon the Federal Constitution. The journals of that Convention have been preserved for us. In politics as in war, strategy is often used. Wilie Jones, Judge Spencer, Piev. David Caldwell, General Joseph McDowell, and others, were leaders of the opposition, and conscious of their numerical strength, as well as of the intellectual powers of its eloquent and talented advocates, Johnston, Iredell, Davie and others, they maintained a sullen and portentous silence. They forced its friends to the unenviable position of imagining the grounds of opposition, and then defending the Constitution. The advantages of this position were gi-eat. On the third day of the session, the President (Samuel Johnston, then Governor of the State) laid before the Convention an official copy of the Con- stitution, with accompanying documents. Mr. Wilie Jones moved that the question upon the Constitution be taken without debate, and be put imme- diately. This was opposed by Mr. Iredell, Mr. Davie, and others. Such however, was the tact of Mr. Jones, that the learning of Ii*edell, the eloquence of Davie, the intellectual power of Johnston, availed but little. The Convention, by a vote of 184 to 84, rejected the instrument. North Carolina, placed upon her sovereign rights, remained out of the Union. On the third Monday in November, 1789, another Convention assembled at Fay- etteville, to consider the Constitution, and by this Convention it was adopted. Wilie Jones was for several years a member of the House of Commons. He married a daughter of Colonel Montford, and died near Raleigh, where he now lies buried, at the seat now owned by Matthew Shaw, Esq., leaving five children. William Richardson Davie was long a resident of Halifax County, which he represented for many years in the Legislature. He was born in Egremont, near White Haven, in England, on the 20th of June, 1756. When only five years of age, his father, Archibald Davie, brought him to America, and he was adopted by his maternal uncle, Rev. William Richardson, who resided on the Catawba River in South Carolina. He was sent to an academy in Charlotte, where he was prepared for College. He entered Princeton College, where by his application and genius he at- tained the reputation of an excellent student. But the din of arms disturbed these quiet shades, and Davie exchanged the gown for the sword. The studies of the College were closed, and Davie joined the army of his country in the summer of 1776, and served as a volunteer in the army at the north. The campaign over he returned again to College, and graduated in the fall of that year with the first honors of the Institution. HALIFAX COUNTY. 189 lie returned to North Carolina and commenced the study of the law in Salisbury, but the eventful struggle for life and liberty then going on, did not allow his spirit to repose while his country was in danger. He induced a worthy and influential gentleman by the name of Barnett to raise a troop of horse, and in this troop Barnett was elected captain, and Davie lieutenant. His commissiou is signed by Eichard Caswell, and dated 5th April, 1779. The company joined the southern army, and attached to Pulaski's Legion. His gallantry and assiduity was so great that he soon rose to the rank of major. At the battle of Stono (20th June, 1779), Davie witnessed the 'first severe conflict of arms, and was seriously wounded in the thigh, which laid him up in the hospital at Charleston for some time, and narrowly escaped with his life. In receiving a heavy charge of cavalry from the enemy, which broke the line of our troops, Major Davie received a wound which caused him to fall from his horse. He still held the bridle, but he was so severely wounded, that after repeated efforts, he could not re-mount. The enemy was now upon him. In a moment more the wounded oSicer had been a prisoner. A private, whose horse had been killed, and who was reti-eating, saw the imminent dan- ger of his gallant officer, and returned at the risk of his life, for the enemy was within twenty steps. With great composure he raised Major Davie on his horse, and slowly and safely led him from the bloody field. An action of courage worthy of Rome in her palmiest day. In the haste of the retreat, after depositing the Major in safety, this soldier disappeared. Major Davie made frequent inquiry for his preserver, to evince his'gratitude to him and his family for his timely and heroic aid. But in vain. At the siege of Ninety-six, when Davie was acting as Commissary-General to the' southern army, on the morning of the attack, a soldier came to Davie's tent, and made himself known as the man who had aided him at Stono. He pro- mised to call again. But he fell in battle, and Davie could only show to his lifeless remains that gratitude that had his life been spared would have been more substantial and munificent. After his recovery he returned to Salisbury and resumed his books. In 1780 he obtained his license to practice. But the camp rather than the court house still demanded his talents and services. In the winter of that year, he obtained authority from the General Assembly of North Carolina to raise a troop of cavalry, and two companies of mounted infantry. But the authority only was granted — the State was too poor to grant the means — and Major Davie, Avith a patriotism worthy of eternal record, disposed of the estate acquired from his uncle, and raised funds to equip the troops. With this force he proceeded to the south-western portion of the State, and protected it from the predatory incursions of the Britisli and Tories. Charleston surrendered to the British army 12th of May, 1780. Tarleton's attack on and butchery of Buford, at Waxhaw, forty miles from Charlotte, was on the 29th. This completed the conquest of South Carolina. Georgia was regarded, and was, in fact, a conquered province. Brigadier-General Rutherford ordered out the militia in mass, to obstruct the advance of the conquerors. This patriotic region heard and obeyed the call. On the 3d June, 1780, nine hundred men were assembled at Charlotte ready to defend their country. The intelligence was received that Tarleton and the British had retrograded to Camden. The militia were reviewed by General Rutherford, and harangued by Rev. Dr. McWhorter, President of the College at Charlotte, and then dismissed by the General, directing them to keep the arms in readiness at a moment's warning. Lord Rawdon with the British advanced to Waxhaw Creek. General Rutherford issued on the 10th his orders for the militia to rendezvous at Mc- Ree's plantation, eighteen miles north-east of Charlotte. The orders were obeyed, and on the 12th, eight hundred men in arms were on the ground. On the 14th the troops were organized. The cavalry under Major Davie was formed into two troops, under Captains Lemmonds and Martin; a corps of 190 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. light infantry (three hundred) placed under Colonel "William P. Davidson, a regular officer, and the balance under the immediate command of General Rutherford. On this evening it was reported that the Tories had assembled in strong force under Col. Moore at Ramsour's Mill, near -where the town of Lincoln- ton now stands ; and Gen. Rutherford issued his orders to Col. Francis Locke, Captains Falls and Brandon of Rowan, and to Major David Wilson, of Mecklenbui'g, and to other officers, to raise men, attack and disperse them. He deemed his own force important to check the advance of the British from Camden, and did not wish to reduce it by any detachment. On the 15th General Ruthei-ford marched within two miles of Charlotte. Here he learned that Lord Rawdon had retrograded to Camden. It was then he resolved to advance on the Tories, who, it was now well known, were as- sembled, about 1300, at Ramsour's Mill. On Sunday (18th), he marched to Tuckasege Fork, on the Catawba River, and sent an express to Colonel Locke, who was advancing to attack the Tories at Ramsour's, advising him of his approach, and to unite with him. He crossed on the 19th, and marched the next day, and camped within sixteen miles from Ramsour's. His express never reached Col. Locke, for at ten o'clock at night Colonel James Johnston* of Tr^yon County (now Lincoln), reached Rutherford's camp, with notice of Locke's intention to attack at sunrise next morning the Tories, and requesting the aid of Rutherford. This excited Rutherford to more speed, but the battle had been fought and won before he (with whom was Major Davie and Major Jos. Graham) could reach the field. For a faithful and graphic account of the battle from the pen of General Joseph Graham, Avho was a resident of the county, and well acquainted with all the facts and actors, the reader is referred to the Chapter XLVL, (Lincoln County.) This account will correct an unintentional error recorded in the life of Governor Davie, by Professor Hubbard, as to the number of killed on our side, wherein it is stated that " Lieutenants McKissack, Houston and Patton were killed." _ Captain McKissack and Captain Houston were both wounded. The first represented Lincoln County long afterwards in the General Assembly, and the latter died of good old age long after this battle. He was the father of my near neighbor, Dr. Joel Brevard Houston, and many similar stalwart sons. After this General Rutherford marched towards the Yadkin, to put down Col. Bryan, who was assembling the Tories in the forks of the Yadkin, while Major Davie and his mounted force were ordered to take position near the south line to protect this frontier, check the foraging parties of the British, and the depredations of the Tories. He took position on the north side of "Waxhaw Creek ; and here he was reinforced by Major Crawford with some South Carolina troops, and thirty-five Indian warriors (of the Catawba), under their chief, New River, and the Mecklenburg militia under Colonel Higgins. On 20th July he intercepted at Flat Rock a convoy of provisions, spirits, and clothing intended for the enemy, posted at Hanging Rock, about four and a half miles distant. This escort was guarded by some dragoons and volunteers. The escort was sui-prised, and their capture was effected without loss — the spirits, provisions, and wagons destroyed — the prisoners mounted on the captured horses, and at dark the retreat commenced. The advance was formed of the guides, and a few mounted infantry under charge of Cap- tain Petit ; the prisoners were guarded by dragoons under command of Cap- tain Wm. Polk (who served as volunteer), in the centre ; and the guard brought up the rear. On Beaver Creek, about midnight, they were attacked by the enemy in ambuscade. The rear guard had entered the lane, when the officer in advance hailed the British, who were discovered concealed under the fence, in a field of standing corn. A second challenge was an- swered by a volley of musketry from the concealed foe, which commenced on * Father of Robert Joliuston, Esq , of Lincoln County. HALIFAX COUNTY. 191 the right, and passed by a running fire to the rear of the detachment. Major Davie, who rode rapidly forward, ordered the men forward, and to push through the lane ; but under surprise his troops turned back, and upon the loaded arms of the enemy. He was thus compelled to repass the ambuscade under a heavy fire, and overtook his men retreating by the same road they had advanced. The detachment was finally rallied and halted upon a hill ; but so surprised and discomfited at this unexpected attack that no efibrt could induce them to charge upon the enemy. A judicious retreat was the only course left to avoid a similar disaster, which was effected, and Davie passed the enemy's patrols, and regained his camp early next day without fur- ther accident or loss. The loss of Davie's corps was slight, compared to the ad- vantage gained by him in the capture of the convoy. The fire of the enemy fell chiefly upon those in the lane, who were prisoners (confined two on a horse with the guard). These were nearly all killed or mortally wounded. Lieutenant Elliot was killed, Captain Petit paid the penalty of neglect of duty, by being wounded with two of his men. Petit had been ordered by Major Davie, who anticipated some attempt to recover the prisoners, on their approach to the fatal lane, to advance, examine the lane, the ford of the creek, and the houses ; with express orders to secure all the persons in the families, so that no alarm could be created. He returned, and reported that he had executed faithfully his orders, and all was well. Had this been done faithfully this ambuscade would have been earlier discovered, and its effects prevented. ^ General Davie, in a MS. account of this affair, leaves this sagacious advice : " It furnishes a lesson to officers of partisan corps, that every officer of a detachment may, at some time, have its safety and reputation committed to him, and that the slightest neglect is generally severely punished by an enemy." I take this account of this afiair from a most valuable original manuscript, written under the eye of General Davie, by his son, now on file in the Archives of the Historical Society at Chapel Hill. This corrects the statement in the excellent work of Professor Hubbard, where he says : " Captain Petit, Lieut. Elliott, and two men were killed."* Cols. Sumpter and Neal, from South Carolina, and Col. Irwin, with three hundred Mecklenburg Militia, in the latter end of July, joined Major Davie. A council was held. It was determined that the British posts at Rocky Mount and Hanging Piock should be attacked. Colonel Sumpter, with the South Carolina troops, and Colonel Irwin, with the Mecklenburg troops, were to attack Rocky Mount, and Major Davie .should march on Hanging Rock. Both marched the same evening. These two points were about four and a half miles distant from each other. Rocky Mount is on the west bank of the AVateree River, thirty miles from Camden, and was garrisoned by Colonel Turnbull,t with 150 New York volunteers and some militia.J Its defences consisted of two log-houses, a loop-holed building, and an abattis. Hanging Piock is on the road from Charlotte to Camden, and on the left as you go down on the east side of Wateree, about twenty-four miles from Camden. Sumpter, passing Broad River at Blair's Ford, arrived early the next day and attacked the post. Their attack was gallant, and the advance of the raw troops to the fort, under a heavy fire of the enemy, has elicited even the admiration of their opponents. For want of cannon, these attacks were un- successful. He formed a forlorn hope, led by Colonel Andrew Neal. They penetrated the abattis, but Colonel Neal and five privates fell in this attempt, and many were mortally wounded. General Sumpter then ordered a retreat, which was efi"ected without annoyance or further loss. Major Davie, with about forty mounted riflemen and the same number of * Life of William Richardson Davie, by Fordyce Hubbard. The Library of Ameri- can Biugraphv, page '20. t Stedumn,"i. 201. { Tarleton, 94. 192 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLIXA. dragoons, approached Hanging Eock about ten o'clock the same day. This post was garrisoned by a strong force. While Davie was reconnoitering the ground to commence the attack, he received information that three companies of mounted infantry, returning from some excursion, had halted at a house near the post. This house was in full view of the Hanging Rock. It was a point of a right angle made by a lane, one end of which led to the enemy's camp, the other to the woods. Davie advanced cautiously from the end near the woods, while he detached his riflemen, whose dress was similar to the Tories, with orders to rush forward and charge. The riflemen passed the enemy's sen- tinels without suspicion or challenge, dismounted in the lane, and gave the enemy befoi'e the house a well-directed fire ; the surprised Loyalists fled to the other end, where they were received by the dragoons in full gallop, who charged boldly on them and gave them a heavy fire. They retreated in great confusion to the angle of the lane, where they were received by the infantry, who charged with great impetuosity and closed up all retreat. The dragoons advancing, surrounded them, and they were all cut to pieces in the very face of the whole British camp at Hanging Rock. No time could be spared to take any prisoners. Sixty valuable horses and one hundred muskets were the booty taken from the enemy. The whole camp of the enemy instantly beat to arms ; but this brilliant but bloody afi"air was over, and Davie out of reach before their forces were in motion, or their consternation and panic sub- sided from this daring and successful attack. Davie reached his camp safely without the loss of a single man. Colonel Sumpter was thoroughly convinced, composed as his command was, that it must be constantly in employment, and that the minds of such men are greatly influenced by enterprise. He resolved to make a united attack upon this post (Hanging Rockj. I record the battle in General Davie's own words. 1780. Battle of Hanging Rock. On the 5th of August the detachments met again at Lansford, on the Ca- tawba. Their strength was little diminished ; Major Davie had lost not one man. The North Carolina Militia, under Colonel Irwin and Major Davie, numbered about five hundred men, officers and privates ; and about three hun- dred South Carolinians under Colonels Sumpter, Lacy, and Hill. It became a matter of great importance to remove the enemy from their posts, and it was supposed, if one of them was taken, the other would be evacuated. Upon a meeting of the ofiicers, it was determined to attack the Hanging Rock on the following day ; as this was an open camp they expected to be on a more equal footing with the enemy ; and the men, whose approba- tion in those times was absolutely requisite, on being informed of the deter- mination of the ofiicers, entered into the project with spirit and cheerfulness. The troops marched in the evening and halted about midnight within two miles of the enemy's camp, and a council was now called to settle the mode of attack. Accurate information had been obtained of the enemy's situation, who were pretty strongly posted in three divisions. The garrison of Hanging Rock consisted of five hundred men ; one hundred and sixty Infantry of Tarleton's legion, a part of Colonel Brown's regiment, and Bryan's North Carolina Tory Regiment. The whole commanded by Major Carden. The Regulars were posted on the right ; a part of the British legion and Hamilton's Regiment were at some houses in the centre ; and Bryan's Regi- ment, and other Loyalists some distance on the left, and separated from the centre by a skirt of wood ; the situation of the regular troops could not be approached without an entire exposure of the assailants, and a deep ravine and creek covei-ed the whole point of the Tory camp. Colonel Sumpter proposed that the detachments should approach in their divisions, march directly to the centre encampments, then dismount and each division attack its camp. This plan was approved by all the officers but Major Davie, who insisted on leaving HALIFAX COUNTY. 193 the horses at this place and marching to the attack on foot, urging the confu- sion always consequent on dismounting under a fire, and the certainty of los- ing the effect of a sudden and vigorous attack. This objection was, however, overruled. The divisions were soon made, and as the day broke the march re-commenced ; the general command was conferred on Colonel Sumpter, as the senior officer; Major Davie led the column on the right, consisting of his own corps, some volunteers under Major Bryan, and some detached compa- nies of South Carolina refugees ; Colonel Hill commanded the left, composed of South Carolina refugees; and Colonel Irwin the centre, formed entirely of the Mecklenburg militia. They turned to the left of the_ road to avoid the enemy's piquet and patrol, with an intention to return to it under cover of a defile near the camp, but tlie guides, either from ignorance or timidity, led them so far to the left that the right, centre, and left divisions, all fell on the Tory encampment. These devoted people were soon attacked in front and flank, and routed with great slaughter, as the Americans pressed on in pur- suit of the Tories who fled towards the centre encampment. _ Here the Ameri- cans received a fire from one hundred and sixty of the Legion Infantry, and some companies of Hamilton's Regiment posted behind a fence; but their impetuosity was not one moment checked by this unexpected discharge ; they pressed on, and the Legion Infon try broke and joined in the. flight of the Loyalists, yielding their camp, without a second effort, to the militia. At this moment a part of Colonel Brown's Regiment had nearly changed the fate of the day. They, by a bold and skillful manoeuvre, passed into a wood between the Tory and centre encampments, drew up unperceived and poured in a heavy fire on the militia forming from the disorder of the pursuit on the flank of the encampment ; these brave men took instinctively to the trees and bush heaps, and returned the fire with deadly effect ; in a few minutes there was not a British officer standing, and many of the regiment had fallen, and the balance, on being offered quarters, threw down their arms. The remainder of a British line who had also made a movement, retreated hastily towards their former 2->ositlon and formed a hollow square in the centre of the cleared ground. The rout and pursuit of these various corps by a part of our detachment, and plunder of the camp by others, had thrown the Americans into great confusion. The utmost exertions were made by Col. Sumpter and the other officers to carry the men on to attack the British square ; about two hundred men, and Davies' dragoons, were collected and formed on the margin of the roads, and a heavy but ineffectual fire was commenced on the British troops ; a large body of the enemy, consisting of the legion, infantry, Hamilton's regi- ment, and Tories, were observed rallying, and formed on the opposite side of the British camp, near the wood, and lest they might bo induced to take the Americans in flank, Major Davie passed round the camp under cover of the trees, and charged them with his company of dragoons. The troops, under the impressions of defeat, were routed and dispersed by a handful of men. The distance of the square from the woods, and the fire of the two pieces of field artillery, prevented the militia from making any considerable impres- sion on the British troops, so that on Major Davie's return, it was agreed to plunder the encampment and retire. As this party were returning towards the centre, some of the legion cavalry appeared, advanced up in the Camden road, \yith a countenance as if they meant to keep their position, but on being charged by Davie's dragoons, they took the woods in flight, and one only was outdone. . ^ A retreat was now become absolutely necessary; the British Commissary s stores were taken in the centre encampment, and a number of the men were already intoxicated, the greatest part were loaded with plunder, and those in a condition to fight had exhausted their ammunition ; about an hour had been employed in plundering the camp, taking the parole of the British officers, and preparing litters for the wounded. All this was done in full view of the British army, who consoled them- selves with some military music and an interlude of three cheers for King George, which was immediately answered by three cheers for the hero of America. The militia, at length got into the line of march, Davie and his 194 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. dragoons covering the retreat, but as the troops were loaded with plunder, and encumbered with their wounded friends, and many of them intoxicated, this retreat was not performed in the best military style. However, under all these disadvantages, they filed off unmolested, along the front of the enemy, about one o'clock. The loss of the Americans was never correctly ascertained, for want of regular returns, and many of the wounded being carried immediately home from the action. Capt. Read, of North Carolina, and Capt McClure, of South Carolina, were killed. Col. Hill, South Carolina, Major Wynn, South Carolina, Capt. Craighead, Lieutenant Fleucher, Ensign McLuin, wounded. The British loss greatly exceeded ours. The loss of Bryan's regiment was severe. Sixty-two of Tarleton's legion were killed and wounded. Major Davie's corps suffered much while tying their horses, and forming under a heavy fire from the Tories, a measure which he had reprobated in the council which had decided on the mode of attack. It is an evincible trait in the character of militia, that they will only obey their own officers in time of action, and this battle would have been more decisive had the troops not -fallen into confusion in pursuit of the loyalists and legion infantry, by which circumstance the different regiments became mixed and confounded ; or had the divisions of this army left their horses where it was proposed they should, and marched in such a manner as to have assailed each encampment at the same time, a vigorous and' sudden attack might have prevented the British from availing themselves of their superior discipline ; the other encampments must have been soon carried, and the corps remaining distinct would have been in a situation to push any advantages that Davie's column might have gained over the British line. This account is nearly verbatim from the manuscript left by Mr. Davie. After the affair at Hanging Rock, Major Davie conveyed his wounded to a hospital which his foresight had provided at Charlotte, and then hastened to the general rendezvous for the army under General Gates, at Rugely's Mills. On the 16th of August, 1780, about ten miles from Camden, Ma-jor Davie, on his way to unite his forces with General Gates, met a soldier. He was an American, and was in full speed. He arrested him as a deserter, but soon learned from him that on that fatal day, the whole American army under General Gates, and the whole British forces under Cornwallis, had met, and that the British were triumphant. This unexpected information was too soon confirmed by the appearance of General Gates himself, in full flight. General Gates desired Major Davie to fall back on Charlotte, or the dragoons would soon be on him. He replied, "His men were accustomed to Tarleton, and did not fear him." Gates had no time to argue, but passed on. Of General Huger, who then rode up, Major Davie asked how far the directions of Gates ought to be obeyed, who answered, "Just as far as you please, for you will never see him again." He again sent a gentleman who overtook General Gates, to say that if he wished, he would return and bury his dead. The answer of Gates was, " I say, retreat! Let the dead bury the dead." This battle and defeat was a death-blow to the South for the time. Major Davie retraced his march, and took post at Charlotte. He dispatched an express to Colonel Sumpter, of the rout of the Ameri- can forces, Avhich reached that officer's camp the same evening. Sumpter commenced his retreat along the west bank of the Catawba, towards the upper country, with his command consisting of one hundred regulars, a com- pany of artillery, with two brass pieces, and seven hundred militia. To nations, as to individuals, it seems that misfortunes never come singly, but often crowd upon each other in fearful rapidity and overpowering force. Sumpter, whose vigilance, activity, and caution had been distinguished, having now the largest military force in the army in the South, seems to have been benumbed by the panic which had seized the friends of liberty. He encamped on the night of the 17th, at Rocky Mount, and remained there all HALIFAX COUNTY. 195 night, when he knew that the British were in sti'iking distance. The next day he advanced only eight miles, and camped on an open ridge on the north bank of Fishing Creek. Here, when some of his troops had stacked their arms, some bathing in the river, others asleep, others strolling about, he was attacked by a bold charge from Tarleton, who seized their arms, and cut down the sleepers as they rose, and an immediate flight ensued. Sumpter, who was asleep under a wagon, barely escaped with his life, and in the confusioxi, rode oif without saddle, hat or coat, and reached Major Davie's camp, at Charlotte, two days after, unattended by officer, soldier, or servant. Lord Cornwallis withdrew his forces to Camden, where he remained until the first week in Se2:)tember, to refresh his troops and prep.are to march into North Carolina. On the 8th, he moved with the whole British army to the Waxhaws, about forty miles from Charlotte. On the fifth of September Davie was appointed, by Governor Nash, Colonel- Commandant of Cavalry, with instructions to raise a regiment. He succeeded in raising only a part, and with two small companies of riflemen commanded by Major George Davidson, he took post at Providence. With this small force he annoyed the advance of Cornwallis, and, for a period was the only armed body of resistance in the whole southern provinces that the eye of the patriot could rest upon. With fearless resolution, at the plantation of Captain Wahub, he attacked their camp, routed the detachment there posted, killed fifteen or twenty of their men, wounded about forty, and retreated in good order without any loss. Captain Wahub, who was with Colonel Davie, had only a moment to see his wife and children, and a few minutes after, as the detachment moved off, saw his houses in flames, lighted up by the cruel enemy. Davie brought off in this sortie ninety-six horses, one hundred and twenty stands of ai-ms, and reached his camp the same evening, after riding sixty miles in less than twenty-four hours ; during which he had fought and beat a superior force. Generals Sumner and Davidson, with their brigades of militia, had arrived that day at his camp. But on the advance of the British they retreated by Phifer's, the nearest route to Salisbury ; ordering Colonel Davie with about one hundred and fifty men, and some volunteers under Major Joseph Gra- ham, to hover around the advancing foe, annoy his foraging parties, and skirmish with his light ti'oops. Obeying these orders, on the night of the 25th of September 1780, Colonel Davie entered the town of Charlotte. At the same time the British army lay a few miles from town. The town of Charlotte is situated on rising ground, and consisted then of about forty houses, the two main streets crossed at right angles, the court house in the centre. The left of the town was an open common, the right was covered with underwood. Davie determined to give them a warm recep- tion as a small foretaste of the welcome his lordship would have in coming into " The Hornet's Nest" of North Carolina. He dismounted one of his companies, and stationed them under the court house; the upper part of which was occupied as a court room, the under as a market house :* the other two were posted behind the garden fences on either side of the street, by which the British advanced. The Legion of Tarleton (under Major Hanger, Tarleton being unwell), led the advance, the main body following. When within about sixty yards of the court house, a sharp fire was opened by the Americans, which caused the enemy to recoil. Lord Cornwallis, vexed to see his whole army thus checked, rode up in person and said, ''Legion ! liemem- her, you have everything to lose, but nothing to gain." Thus taunted, they returned, re-inforced, to the charge, and Colonel Davie ordered a retreat. The pursuit lasted for some time, for several miles, in which Colonel Locke, of Rowan, was killed, and Major Joseph Graham severely wounded; and about thirty others killed, wounded, and prisoners. "The king's troops did not come out of this skirmish unhurt. Major Hanger, Captains Campbell and MacDonald wounded, and twelve non-com- missioned officers and men killed and wounded. "f * Stedman, i. 21G. t Tarleton, 159. 196 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. There is no event of more chivalry displayed in the whole Revolutionary "War, than this gallant attack of Colonel Davie by a mere handful of men ; facing with firmness, and checking even for a moment the whole British force. The brilliancy of such an event was most appropriately displayed on the very ground that in May 1775, was the birthplace of American Independence. ^The next day Colonel Davie joined the army at Salisbury, where the men and officers to raise new recruits had assembled. Here Colonel Taylor's regiment from Granville, was united to his command. Generals Sumner and Davidson continued their retreat beyond the Yad- kin, while Colonel Davie returned towards Charlotte, the activity of whose movements, the daring of whose adventures, and the perfect knowledge he had of the locality of the country, rendered him useful to check the incur- sions of the enemy, repress the Tories, and encourage the friends of liberty. Lord Cornwallis felt the difficulties of his position; and on hearing of the defeat and death of Colonel Ferguson at King's Mountain, he left Charlotte on the 14th of October, in the night in great precipitation, and retrogi-aded towards South Carolina, re-crossed the Catawba River at Land's Ford, and took position at Winnsboro'. The defeat of the British and Tories at King's Mountain, and the retreat of Cornwallis, revived the hopes of the patriots in North Carolina. General Smallwood had his head quarters at Providence, and in a short time several thousand militia under Generals Davidson, Sumner, and Jones, joined his camp. Colonel Davie, with three hundred mounted infantry, occupied an advanced post at Land's Ford. In November, the term of service of his men expired, and Col. Davie was left without any command. Harassed as he had been by actual service, the enemy fled from the State, he was willing to have a tem-. porary respite from the active duties of the field. He retired to Salisbury. But General Smallwood, who entertained the highest opinion of Davie's military talents, desired his services. At General Smallwood's suggestion, Colonel Davie sent Captain Montflorence, who had been his Brigade Major in active service, to the Board of War then sitting at Halifax. This tribunal was created in 1780, with extraordinary powers, overshadow- ing the Governor, who was by the Constitution " Captain-Genei-al and Com- mander-in-Chief." As was to be anticipated, collisions arose between the Governor and this Board. I have examined the act passed 13th September, 1780, and it directs that five persons be elected by joint ballot of both Houses of the General Assem- bly, who shall have the directions of the militia, provide ammunition, stores, appoint officers, and remove such as they might deem proper, establish posts, and carry on military operations. Under this act Alexander Martin, John Penn, and Oroondates Davis were elected. To them, the application of Colonel Davie was made; by them, referred to Governor Nash ; and so, between the two, it was not considered. Collisions between the Governor and the Board were among the causes of the resignation of Governor Nash ; the Board, in itself inefficient, was soon discontinued. "Nothing," said Davie, "could be more ridiculous than the manner in which it was filled. Martin, being a warrior of great fame, was placed at the head. Penn, who was only fit to amuse children, and Davis, who knew nothing but a game of whist, was placed on the Board." Disgusted with such a state of affairs, Davie retired to his home. When General Nathaniel Greene took command of the southern army in December, 1780, for the first time, he and Colonel Davie mot. The commis- sary department had been vacated by Colonel Thomas Polk. Greene urged upon Davie to accept this important position. It involved great labor, untiz-ing exertion, and great responsibility, while it held out but little honor or emolu- ment, and no laurels. But strong as Davie's love of fame, his love for his country was stronger. Ill suited as were these duties to his active and chi- valric temper, his patriotism caused him to accept its trusts. HALIFAX COUNTY. 197 He accompanied General Greene in his whole campaign, in his rapid re- treat from the Catawba to the Dan. He was present at the battle of Guilford (in March, 1781), at Ilobkirk's Hill in April, at the CTacuation of Camden in May, and at the siege of Ninety-six. While the army beleaguered this post he was sent by General Greene to the Legislature of North Carolina for men and means of war. Ilis intimate acquaintance with the leading men of the State, his gallant services in the field, his winning manners and powerful talents gave much weight to his applications. The scarcity of money caused the Legislature of North Carolina to create in 1781 a specific tax, and to imitate the famed system of the State of Frank- land, the legislature enacted that "for every hundred pounds of taxable pro- perty, one peck of Indian meal, or an equivalent in other grains, and three pounds of good pork, or an equivalent in other meats, should be paid; and authorized the collecting officers to distrain double the amount in case of a refusal or neglect to bring the specific articles to the appointed places. In 1782, this was increased to one bushel of corn and to ten pounds of pork. The article's to be collected under these laws came, of course, under the supervision and direction of Col. Davie, and enlarged the difficulties of his office. Governor Johnston afterwards declared that "this was the most op- pressive and least productive tax ever known in North Carolina." Colonel Davie viewed the measure as odious, and the plan worked so badly that the General Assembly in 1782 at " one fell swoop" abolished the offices of com- missary and quarter-master, and on Governor Martin informing Colonel Davie that he felt it his duty by law to dismiss his assistants, Colonel Davie wrote to him: " I am sorry your Excellency should feel a pang on that sub- ject, as they have already dismissed themselves. No man would desire to continue in a service where they reap no recompense, but reproach for their most active and zealous exertions." Colonel Davie's accounts were numerous, complex, and extensive, but were all closed with honor to himself and satisfiiction to the government. The war ended, his country liberated. Col. Davie now retired to private life and his professional pursuits. He took his first circuit in February, 1783, and about this time he married Miss Sarah Jones, the eldest daughter of General Allen Jones, of Northampton County, and located himself at Halifax. If his career in arms had been brilliant, his success at the bar more than eclipsed his military fame. His tall and commanding person, his mellow and well-modulated voice, his magnificent and flowing oratory, with his varied acquirements and solid learning, soon placed him at the head of his profession. The courts were so arranged that a lawyer of that day could attend every Superior Court in the State. Col. Davie regularly traversed the whole State (except the Morganton Circuit), and there was no case. State or civil, of importance, in which he was not employed. He shrunk from no labor, while he avoided no responsibility. An instance of his moral courage was given in the defence of Col. Samuel Bryan at Salisbury (March term), 1782, for high treason, when the popular current ran so high that it would be the disgrace or death of any one to defend so notorious a Tory, and so active an enemy of the State. This is the first case of high treason, and we trust the case will be yet re- ported, as its record is in existence.* He was a member of the Convention which assembled at riiiladelphia in May, 1787, to form the Constitution. His colleagues were llichard Dobbs Spaight, William Blount, and Hugh Williamson. His labors in that body are recorded, and are evidences of his ability, foresight and patriotism. His name is not appended to that instrument, since his presence was demanded at the close of the session in North Carolina, to his professional pursuits. He was elected to the State Convention at Ilillsboro', 21st Jul}-, 1788, to consider that Instrument. Its ardent admirer, convei'sant with its principles * la Ihe Archives of Historical Society. Professor Hubbard thought tliis a fiction. Life of Davie, 84. 198 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. and details, he was Its able advocate. Its rejection by a vote of one hundred majority, proved that neither the lucid reason of Johnston, or Davie's impe- tuous eloquence, or abilities of its friends could make it popular. In the legislature his efforts for the cause of education in 1789, deserve remembrance. "I was present," said Judge Murphy, "in the House of Commons, when Davie addressed that body for a loan of money to erect the buildings of the University, and, although more than thirty years have elapsed, I have the most vivid recollections of the greatness of his manner and the power of his eloquence upon that occasion. In the House of Com- mons he had no rival, and on all questions before that body his eloquence was irresistible." He was a member of the Board of Trustees : the selection of the site, the choice of professors, the arrangement of studies, engaged his personal atten- tion. As Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, he laid the corner-stone, and he was, to the day of diis death, its constant friend and active benefactor. His portrait now hangs in one of the halls of the Institution. In 1791, he was appointed by the Legislature one of the commissioners to arrange the boundary between North and South Carolina. In 1794, he was elected Major-General of the third division of North Caro- lina militia, and in 1797, by Governor Ashe, appointed Major-General of the detachment raised under the act of Congress of that year in prospect of diffi- culties with France. In 1798, he was appointed by the President of the United States Brigadier- General in the army, and this year he prepared a system of cavalry tactics, which were printed'by order of the State, and used for this arm of the service. In August of this year he was elected to the House of Commons ; and on the 4th of December following, elected*Governor over Benjamin Williams. In June, 1799, he was appointed by the President of the United States, with Oliver Ellsworth, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Mr. Murray, then Minister at the Hague, as Ambassador to France, vice Patrick Henry, who declined. In November, 1799, he sailed in the frigate United States on this mission. In the most polished court of Europe, the dignified person and graceful manners of Governor Davie were conspicuous. " I could but remark," said an eye-witness,* " that Bonaparte, in addressing the American Legation at his Levees, seemed to forget that Governor Davie was second in the mission, his attention being more particularly to him." Governor Davie returned home, and in June, 1801, with General James Wilkinson and Benjamin Hawkins, was appointed to negotiate with the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, aad Creek Indians. This he declined. In 1802, he was appointed by Mr. Jefferson to negotiate with the Tusca- rora tribe, as to the treaty between them and the State of North Carolina. A treaty was signed 4th December, 1802, at Kaleigh, by which the Indians extended their leases until 12th July, 1816, at which date their title ended and their lands reverted to the State. In 1803, he became candidate for Congress against Hon. Willis Alston, and on the withdrawal of Mr. Jacocks, he was defeated. About this period he had the misfortune to lose his estimable wife, who, more than twenty years had rejoiced in his honors, increased his joys, and divided his sorrows. The loss of Mrs. Davie and the advance of years, caused him to seek retirement. He removed in 1805 to Tivoli, near Landsford, in South Caro- lina, where he died in December, 1820, in the sixty-fourth year of his age, leaving six children and his memory to his country. His children were : — 1st. Hyder Ali, who married Elizabeth Jones of Northampton County, and resided in Chester District, South Carolina. 2d. Sarah Jones, who mar- ried William F. Dessaussure of Columbia, South Carolina. 3d. Mary Haynes. 4th. Martha. 5. Rebecca. 6. Frederick William. * Joseph B. Littlejohn, now of TennesseCj who was Gov. Davie's Secretary. HALIFAX COUNTY. 199 THE CROWELL FAMILY. Two hrotliers, John Crowell and Edward, came to Xortli Carolina and set- tled in Halifax. They emigrated from Woodbridge, New Jersey. They are originally from England ; and they or their ancestors were originally called Cromwell. In the year 1674, says the Annalist of Philadelphia,* two brothers of Oliver Cromwell left England for America and settled in New Jersey. They fled from England, from the political storms that impended over the name . and house of the late Protector. While on the voyage, fearing that persecution would follow from the ad- herents of Charles II., then on the English throne, they resolved to change the name. This was done, with solemn ceremony, and by writing their name each on paper, and each cutting from the paper the M and casting it in the sea. The family pedigree on vellum, recording these facts, was with the family in North Carolina, in an ornamental chest with other valuables, when by a party of Tarleton's Legion, in 1781, this chest was seized and taken oflP. These facts are undoubted. The record was again made up from the recol- lection of the family, and is still preserved among them. From one of them, these interesting and curious facts are derived. Here, in the quiet retreats of North Carolina, the aspiring blood of Crom- well found repose, and in the peaceful precincts of Halifax, the exquisite poetry of Gray was fully realized. Some village Hampden, who with dauntless breast, The petty tyrant of his fields withstood. Some mute, inglorious Milton here may rest, Some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood. John Crowell, who emigrated from New Jersey to Halifax, married a Miss Lewis. He died early, leaving several children. One of them, Joseph, mar- ried Miss Barnes, a celebrated beauty. One of the daughters of these married Mumford, whose daughter was the wife of Hon. Wilie Jones. Edward Crowell married Miss Piayburn, aunt to Gov. Kayburn, of Georgia; by whom he had several children. His eldest son Samuel married Miss Bradford. Colonel John Crowell, late member of Congress from Georgia and Indian Agent, was a son of Edward. John B. Ashe resided in Halifax and represented the town in the House of Commons. He was a son of Gov. Samuel Ashe, and was born in 1748. He was a determined friend of liberty. At the early age of 19, he was a Captain in the regiment commanded by Colonel Alexander Lillington. He was under General Greene, and was Lieutenant-Colonel at the battle of Eutaw, one of the hardest fields of the Kevolution. He was elected a member of the Continental Congress in 1787, and served until 1788 ; and a member of Congress in 1790, and served until 1793. He was elected Governor of the State, but died before his qualification. Hon. Willis Alston was a native and resident of this county. He ap- peared in public life as early as 1794, and continued until 1831, when he retired from public service. He was elected to Congress in 1803, and continued until 1815 ; and again in 1825, and served until 1831. In 1812, he was Chairman of the Committee of AVays and Means in Con- gress, a position of high responsibility and difficulty at any period, but particularly so at the period when our republic was at war with one of the most powerful nations on earth. He was a man of great tact, and was suc- cessful in his enterprises. He was distinguished as a consistent, uniform, and decided politician. He died 10th April, 1837. * John Fanning Watson, Esq., of Germantovra, Pa. 22 200 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ITon. John Hatttood resided in Halifax. He was distinguished for his sound legal learning and clear perception. He was elected, in 1791, Attor- ney-General of the State, and in 1794, a Judge of the Superior Court, which he resigned in 1800. He is the earliest reporter of the decisions of our courts, and his first volume is still used and has gone through two editions. It is considered good authority. He was the Author of the Manual of the Laws of North Carolina, and Haywood's Justice. The late Chief Justice Henderson, in one of his judicial opinions, remarks of this distinguished man substantially, that " he disparaged neither the living nor the dead, when he said that an abler man than John Haywood, never appeared at the bar, or sat on the bench in North Carolina." The late Judge Murphy, in his address at Chapel Hill, in 1827, held his character in equally high estimation. He removed to Tennessee, and became distinguished in that State. His History of Tennessee is accurate and valuable. He was a firm believer in spirits and ghosts ; the great weakness of a great mind. Hon. Joseph J. Daniel was a native and resident of Halifax County. He was born about 1783 ; educated at the University, and studied law with Gov. William R. Davie. In 1807, he was elected a member of the House of Commons. In 1816, he was appointed a Judge of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, which he continued to hold until 1832, when he was elected a Judge of the Supreme Court. This distinguished post he held until his death, in February, 1848. He married Maria Stith, whom he survived, and by whom he had several children. He was remarkable for his patience, profound legal knowledge, and general learning, especially in history. His character was one of inno- cent eccentricity, and if he possessed " the wisdom of the serpent," truly, it might well be said, "the harmlessness of the dove" also belonged to him. The elevation.of ofiice, and the dignity of position, never changed the native sim- plicity of his character, and unadulterated purity of his republican prin- ciples. In the appropriate language of Chief Justice Ruffin from the bench (12th February, 1848), on the presentation of the proceedings of the bar by the Hon. James Iredell, on the mournful occasion of his death — " Judge Daniel served his country through a period of nearly thirty-two years, acceptably, ably, and faithfully. He had a love of learning, an inquir- ing mind, and a memory uncommonly tenacious ; and he had acquired and retained a stock of varied and extensive knowledge, and especially became well versed in the History and Principles of the Law. He was without arrogance or ostentation, even of his learning ; had the most unaffected and charming simplicity and mildness of manners, and no other purpose in office than to ' execute justice and maintain truth ;' and therefore he was patient in hear- ing argument, laborious and calm in investigation, candid and instructive in consultation, and impartial and firm in decision." Hon. HuTCHiNS G. Burton was long a resident of Halifax, member of Assembly, and representative in Congress. He was born in Granville County; studied law, and settled in Mecklenburg, which he represented in 1810, in the House of Commons, which year he was elected Attorney-General, and which he resigned in 1816. He removed to Halifax, and in 1816, repre- sented the town in the House of Commons. In 1819, he represented this district in Congress, until 1824, when he was elected Governor of the State. In 1826, he was nominated by John Quincy Adams, then President of the United States, as Governor of Arkansas, but on the accession of Gen. Jackson, the nomination was not confirmed. He was a man of popular address, ami- able temper, and of generous and patriotic feelings. He died on the 21st of April, 1836, in Iredell County, and was buried in Unity Churchyard, near Beattie's Ford. He married Sarah, the daughter of Wilie Jones, one of the loveliest women of her age, by whom he had several children. HALIFAX COUNTY. 201 She survived Gov. Burton, and is now the wife of Col. Andrew Joyner. Senator in the General Assembly, from Halifax. Of her may be well said, as was said of the mother, she is loved by all who know her. None see her but admire her, none know her but love her. Hon. John Branch is a native and resident of Halifax County. He sprung from a true revolutionary stock ; the early records of the Provincial Congress prove that his father was a determined Whig. He represented Halifax County in the House of Commons in 1781, '82, and 1787 and 1788. He was a terror," in his day, to the Tories and opponents of the liberties of America. The journal of the Provincial Council shows, that on the 18th of December. 1775, Mr. John Branch brought before the Council Walter Lamb and George Massenbird, as enemies of their country, and prayed condign punishment upon them as Tories.* John Branch was born November 4th, 1782. He was educated at the University, and graduated in 1801, and studied law with the Hon. John Haywood, then a resident of Halifax, and one of the Judges of the Superior Courts. His first appearance in public life was in 1811, as Senator from Halifax. In this career he became successful, and his course has been bril- liant^ He continued to be successively elected until 1817, when he was elected Governor of the State. After serving his term of office, he was again elected Senator in the General Assembly from Halifax, in 1822, and, in 1823, was elected Senator in Congress, to which distinguished post he was re-elected ; but, in 1828, he resigned, on being appointed a member of General Jackson's cabinet (Secretary of the Navy). It is a curious fact, but nevertheless true, that our State has rarely been represented in the cabinet of any President ; but, when she has, it has been in the Navy Department — Gov. Branch, in 1828; Judge Badger, in 1840: Gov. Graham, at present. On the dissolution of the Cabinet, " from malign influences," Gov. Branch retired to his home ; the people elected him to the House of Representatives, in Congress, in 1831. In 1834 he was again elected a member of the State Senate, and, in 1835, a member of the State Convention to revise the Constitution. In 1838 he was voted for as the Democratic candidate for Governor. In 1843 he was appointed by the President of the United States, Governor of Florida. He now resides at Enfield, enjoying a green old age and the love and respect of all who know him. Governor Branch married in early life Miss Fort, who for a long time " divided his sorrows and doubled his joys and honors," and was the mother of a lovely family. She died, a few years ago, on her way from Florida. Hon. Jesse A. Btndm is a native of Halif^ix. He was educated at Union College, in New York, and entered public life, in 1823, as a member of the House of Commons from the town, and for several years represented the town and also the county. In 1833 he was elected to the House of Representatives in Congress, and served until 1841, when he moved to Red River, La., where he now lives. He was involved, by the peculiarity of his temper, in several personal af- fairs. His early fracas with Robt. Potter has been alluded to. He had a duel while in Congress with Hon. Mr. Jenifer, of Maryland, in which, after several ineffectual fires, the parties became reconciled ; and a difficulty with Hon. Rice Garland, of La., on the floor. Hon. John Reeves Jones Daniel resides in Halifax, and is a native of that county. He was'educated at the University, and graduated, in 1821, with the first honors of a class in which Hon. Anderson Mitchell, Judge Lacey, W. S. ♦ See vol. i. page 75. 202 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Mhoon, and others, were members. He studied law, and practiced with great success. In 1831, he entered political life as a member of the House of Commons, and continued until 1834, at which session he was elected the Attorney-General. The duties of this office he discharged with great fidelity and ability. In 1841 he was elected a member of Congress, and has con- tinued in"^C'ongress ever since. He has been for several sessions Chairman of the Committee of Claims, a position of great responsibility, delicacy, and labor. His pure character and investigating mind has carried him success- fully through its heavy duties. Bartholomew F. Moore is a native, and for a long time represented this county. He was educated at the University, and graduated in 1820. In 1848 he was elected Attorney-General, which, in 1851, he resigned. He now resides in Raleigh, and is one of a Board, with Hon. R. M. Saunders and Hon. Asa Biggs, to arrange the statute laws of the State. Spear Whitaker is a native and resident of Halifax County. In 1838 he was elected a member of the House of Commons, and, in 1842, Attorney- General of the State. Other names might be mentioned in connection with Halifax, but our present space is limited. A future edition may present others in so ancient and renowned a county. Members from 1774 to 1835, -R-hen the Borougli representation was abolished. HALIFAX TOWN. Years. 1774. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. House of Commons. John Geddy. John Webb. Wilie Jones. Wilie Jones. Wilie Jones. Henry Montfort. Henry Montfort. Henry Montfort. Henry Montfort. Henry Montfort. Henry Montfort. Charles Pasteur. Wm. R. Davie. Wm. R. Davie. Goodrum Davis. Wm. R. Davie. Wm. R. Davie. Richard H. Long. Wm. R. Davie. Wm. R. Davie. John B. Ashe. Wm. R. Davie. Thaddeus Barnes. Wm. R. Davie. Richard H. Long. Richard H. Long. Isaac Hilliard. Basset Stith. William Drew. Thomas Hall. Years. House of Commons. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. * 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. Allen Gilchrist. Allen J. Davie. Joseph J. Daniel. Wm. P. Hall. William Drew. Halcott J. Pride. Jeptha Dupree. Peter Brown. William Drew. William Drew. Joseph J. Daniel. William Drew. Hutchins G. Burton. Thomas Burgess. Robert A. Jones. Thomas Burgess. Thomas Burgess. Jesse A. Bynum. Jesse A. Bynum. Robert Potter. Jesse A. Bynum. Jesse A. Bynum. AVm. L. Long. L. Long. L. Lons. Wm. Wm. Wm Wm. L. Long. Thomas Ousby. Robert C. Bond. L. Long. * No member was elected this year, in consequence of tlie election having been broken up by a brawl between the contending candidates, Potter and Bynum and their friends. HALIFAX COUNTY. 203 m$ Members from Halifax County : — Years. Senate. 1777. John Bradford, _ 1778. Oroondatea Davis, 1779. Oroondates Davis, 1780. Oroondates Davis, 1781. Oroondates Davis, 1782. Wilie Jones, 1783. Benj. McCullock, 1784. Nicholas Long, 1785. Nicholas Long, 1786. Benj. McCullock, 1787. Nicholas Long, 1788. Wilie Jones, 1789. John B. Ashe, 1790. Peter Quails, 1791. Peter Quails, 1792. Peter Quails, 1793. Peter Quails, 1794. Willis Alston, 1795. Willis Alston, 1796. Willis Alston, 1797. Stephen W. Carney, 1798. Stephen W. Carney, 1799. Stephen W. Carney, 1800. Stephen W. Carney, 1801. Stephen W. Carney, 1802. Stephen W. Carney, 1803. Jos. John Alston, 1804. John Alston, 1805. Gideon Alston, 1806. Gideon Alston, 1807. M'thew C. Whitaker, 1808. M'thew C. Whitaker, 1809. M'thew C. Whitaker, 1810. M'thew C. Whitaker, 1811. John Branch, 1812. M. C. Whitaker, 1813. John Branch, 1814. John Branch, 1815. John Branch, 1816. John Branch, 1817. John Branch, 1818. John Alston, 1819. John Alston, 1820. John Alston, 1821. John Alston, 1822. John Branch, 1823. Thomas Burges, 1824. Isham Matthews, 1825. Isham Matthews, 1826. Isham Matthews, 1827. Isham Matthews, 1828. Isham Matthews, 1829. Isham Matthews, 1830. Isham ^Matthews, 1831. Isham Matthews, 1832. Isham Jlatthews, 1833. Isham Matthews, 1834. John Branch, 1835. Andrew Joyner, House of Commons. Jos. John Williams, Egbert Haywood. Egbert Haywood, John Whitaker. Wilie Jones, Augustine Willis. Wilie Jones, William AVeldon. John Branch, Benj. McCullock, John Branch, Benj. McCullock, John Whitaker, John Geddy. Benj. McCullock, John B. Ashe. John Whitaker, John B. Ashe. John B. Ashe, Augustine Willis. John Dawson, John Branch. John Jones, John Branch. Peter Quails, Marmaduke Norfleet. John Dawson, Willis Alston. Willis Alston, Thomas Tabb. Willis Alston, Eaton Pugh. James A. Tabb, Stephen W. Carney. Eaton Pugh, John A. Tabb. Eaton Pugh, Stephen W. Carney. John A. Tabb, Eaton Pugh. AVood J. Hamblin, James A. Tabb. Sterling Harwell, Matthew C. Whitaker. Sterling Harwell, Wood Jones Hamlin. INIatthew C. Whitaker, Sterling Harwell. M. C. Whitaker, Sterling Harwell. Sterling Harwell, M. C. Whitaker. Sterling Harwell, M. C. Whitaker. William Williams, M. C. Whitaker. William Williams, M. C. Whitaker. William Williams, M. C. Whitaker. William Williams, Daniel Mason. Lewis Daniel, Wm. Williams. Wm. E. Webb, Joseph Bryant. Wm. E. Webb, Benjamin Edmonds. Wm. E. Webb, J. J. Daniel. J. J. Daniel, AVm. E. Webb. James Barnes, W. J. Hamlin. J. Grant, R. Jones. Richard Jones, Wilson W. Carter. Jesse A. Dawson, Richard -Jones. Richard Jones, Jesse A. Dawson. Jesse A. Dawson, Nevill Gee. Richard Jones, Willis Alston. Willis Alston, Jesse A. Dawson. AVillis Alston, Jesse A. Dawson. Robt. A. Jones, Isham jMatthews. Willis Alston, Robt. A. Jones. Willis Alston, R. B. Daniel. Geo. E. Spruill, R, B. Daniel. Anthony A. Wyche, Geo. E. SpruilL Geo. E. 'Spruill, Wm. E. Shine. Rice B. Pierce, Geo. E. Spruill. Jesse A. Bynum, Thos. Nicholson. Jesse A. Bynum, Thos. Nicholson. Thos. Nicholson, John R. J. Daniel. Charles Gee, John R. J. Daniel. Wm. M. West, John R. J. Daniel. Wm. L. Long, J. R. J. Daniel. Sterling II. Gee, Wm. M. West. 204 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1836. Andrew Joyner, Isham Matthews, Sterling H. Gee, B. F. Moore. 1838. Andrew Joyner, Wm. W. Daniel, Major A. Wilcox, Spier Whitaker. 1840. Andrew Joyner, S. H. Gee, B. A. Pope, B. F. Moore. 1842. Andrew Joyner, B. A. Pope, Sterling H. Gee, B. F. Moore. 1844. Andrew Joyner, S. H. Gee, B. F. Moore. 1846. Andrew Joyner, L. M. Long, M. C. Whitaker. 1848. Andrew Joyner, Wm. L. Long, R. Smith. 1850. Andrew Joyner, W. B. Pope, R. Clanton. CHAPTER XXXVII, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Haywood County was formed in 1808, from Buncombe County, and named in compliment to John Haywood, who from 1787 to 1827 was Treasurer of North Carolina. It is situated in the extreme south-west portion of North Caro- lina, and is bounded on the north by Madison County, east by Buncombe and Henderson, south by Macon, and west by the Ten- nessee line. Its capital is Waynesville, and is distant from Raleigh two hundred and ninety-four miles. Its climate is lovely beyond description, and its mountain scenery equals its climate. Its population is 5931 whites; 710 Indians; 418 slaves ; 15 free negroes ; 6,906 representative population. Its products are 59,340 bushels of corn ; 36,263 bushels of oats ; 19,559 bushels of wheat ; 7735 bushels of rye ; 10,628 pounds of tobacco ; 9290 pounds of wool; 1351 dollars worth of ginseng. QuALLA Town is chiefly inhabited by the ancient sovereigns of this country, the Cherokee Indians, among whom are a fewCatawbas. The great body of this nation emigrated, but these, in consideration of their conduct and services to the government were permitted to remain. They have a tract of seventy-two thousand acres of land. William H. Thomas, Esq., the present Senator from Haywood, Macon, and Cherokee, is their business chief. The Qualla Town people are divided into seven clans, each clan has a town, over which a Chief presides. Nearly all of them can read in their own language, and most of them under- stand English, but few, however, can speak it. They manufacture their own clothes, their farming utensils, and guns. They are industrious, sober and religious citizens. They have their own courts, judges, lawyers, and juries. They have a right to vote, which, however, is rarely exercised. The invention of letters for the Cherokee alphabet, by a native Cherokee, may be considered as one of the most remarkable discoveries of the age. It consists of eighty-six characters, each one represents a distinct sound. The New Testament and many works have been seen printed in this language. The following letter from their Chief will present the state of the Indians at the time. The following, containing a representation of the state of a small remnant of Cherokee Indians, suffered to remain in North Carolina, will afford to all HAYWOOD COUlfTY. 205 men of benevolent feelings, much gratification. "When we reflect that they •were the first and rightful owners of the soil, does it seem strange that they should be attached to the land of their fathers, and their own heritage? The only true way to judge of others, is to bring it home to ourselves. It must be, to all who consider it, a matter of satisfaction, that a few, even, of this persecuted and fast departing race, have been suffered, by the exercise of a human policy, to rest in peace amongst us. The account below, proves that they are, at least, as worthy, and exemplary as many who enjoy greater pri- vileges, and profess more. To the Hon. James Graham. Hatwood County, North Carolina, October 15ih, 1838. Sir — I perceive in your Speech, delivered in the House of Representatives, in May, 1838, on the Bill making appropriations for preventing and suppress- ing Indian hostilities, you make mention of Cherokee Indians forming a set- tlement in the District you represent, as being temperate, orderly, industrious, and peaceable. I have been acquainted with those Indians since the formation of the settlement referred to, and know your statement as above mentioned to be correct. But as you may be unacquainted with the circumstances at- tending the formation of that settlement, and with the cause of their becom- ing temperate, I hope the following statement in relation thereto may not be unacceptable to you, as the Representative of the District in which they reside. So early as the year 1806, two Deputations attended "Washington City from the Cherokee natives; one from the lower towns, to make known to the Pre- sident their desire to remove West of the Mississippi, and pursue the hunter's life ; the other Deputation, representing, in part, the Cherokees belonging to the above settlement, to make known to the President their desire to remain on the lands of their father, and become cultivators of the soil. The Presi- dent answered their petitions as follows: "The United States, my children, are the friends of both parties. As far as can be reasonably asked, they are willing to satisfy the wishes of both. Those who remain may be assured of our patronage, our aid, and good neighborhood." The Treaties made between the United States and the Cherokee Nation, in the years 1817 and 1819, made provision for those desiring to remain, agreeable to the promise of the Presi- dent; and they were made citizens of the United States, and each family was allowed a reservation of six hundred and forty acres of land. The whites claimed the same lands, under a purchase made of the State. >Suits were instituted in favor of the Indians, and by our Courts, were decided in their favor, and possession was surrendered to them by the whites. Afterwards they were induced to sell their reservations to the Commissioners of the State, and to purchase lands in the white settlement, where they now I'eside, in the neighborhood of the hunting ground reserved to the Cherokee hunters liy the Treaties concluded with the Cherokee nation between the years 1790 and 1799 ; which privilege, as a part of the Cherokee nation, they continue to enjoy. Until the year 1830 they were as intemperate as any other Indians on our frontier. About that time the principal chief of the above settlement, by the name of Drowning Bear (or. You na guska), becoming convinced that intemjyerance would destroy himself and people, determined to live temperate, and persuade his people to follow his example. I was present when he as- sembled them. On that occasion he informed his people that he had been considering and devising ways to promote their happiness in future. He said he had become convinced that intemperance was the cause of the exter- mination of the Indian tribes situated in the neighborhood of the whitfes: referring them to the present and previous situation of the Catawba (or Inctah quo) Indians, with whom they were acquainted, as an evidence of the injurious effects of intemperance. He directed his clerk to write in the Indian lan- guage as follows; "The undersigned Cherokees, belonging to the town of Qualla, agree to abandon the use of spiritous liquors." It was immediately signed by the old chief, who was followed by the whole town. 206 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. He then told them that he had served them upwards of forty years, without any pecuniary consideration whatever, his entire object being to promote their interest. He Avas pleased to see that they yet had confidence in him. He would advise them to remain where they were, in the State of North Carolina ; a State, he considered, better and more friendly disposed to the Red man than any other. That should they remove west, they would there too be, in a short time, surrounded by the settlements of the whites, and probably be included in a State disposed to oppress them. To the above cause (temperance) is to be attributed their present state of improvement. The time previously spent in scenes of dissipation is now spent in useful employment. Each family is now capable of reading the Scriptures in their own language, manufacturing their own clothing, and understand farming and the mechanical arts as' well as their white neighbors, to whom they are indebted for kind treatment, and a friendly disposition in advancing them in improvement. It is to be hoped that, by a continuance of that kind guardianship exercised over them by the State of North Carolina, they will ere long become a civil- ized community of Indians, and furnish an example of the benevolent policy of the State towards the few of those unfortunate people who have taken shelter under the protection of her law. Very respectfully. Your obedient ser\«int, WILLIAM H. THOMAS. Members of the General Assembly from Haywood County : — Years. Senate. 1809. John Welch, 1810. John Welch, 1811. John McFarland, 1812. John McFarland, 1813. John McFarland, 1814. John McFarland, 1815. James Welch, 1816. Hodge Rabourne, 1817. Thomas Tatham, 1818. Hodge Rabourne, 18 i9. Hodge Rabourne, 1820. Hodge Rabourne, 1821. Hodge Rabourne, 1822. Hodge Rabourne, 1823. Thomas Love, 1824. Thomas Love, 1825. Thomas Love, 1826. Thomas Love, 1827. Thomas Love, 1828. Thomas Love, 1829. Wm. Welch, 1830. Wm. Welch, 1831. Wm. Parham, 1832. Wm. Parham, 1833. Wm. Sitton, 1834. Ninian Edmondston, 1835. Ninian Edmondston, 1836. James Gudger, 1838. Hodge Rabourne, 1840. Thos. L. Clingman, 1842. J. Cathy, 'House of Commons. Thomas Love, Thomas Lenoir. Thomas Love, Thomas Lenoir. Thomas Love, Thomas Lenoir. Thomas Lenoir, John Dobson. Thomas Lenoir, Joseph Chambers. Thomas Love, Thomas Lenoir. Thomas Love, Joseph Chambers. John Stevenson, William Welch. Thomas Love, Dan'l McDowell. Thomas Love, AVm. Welch. Thomas Love, J. Chambers. Thomas Love, J. Chambers. James R. Love, Ninian Edmondston. James R. Love, Benjamin Clark. James R. Love, Ninian Edmondston. James R. Love, Ninian Edmondston. James R. Love, Ninian Edmondston. James R. Love, Ninian Edmondston. James R. Love, Benjamin S. Brittain. Benj. S. Brittain, Ninian Edmondston. James R. Love, Ninian Edmondston. Ninian Edmondston, Jas. R. Love. Ninian Edmondston, John L. Smith. John L. Smith, Ninian Edmondston. Ninian Edmondston, John L. Smith. John L. Smith, Joseph H. Walker. Joseph II. Walker, John L. Smith. John L. Smith. Joseph Keener. Joseph Keener. Michael Francis. By the Act of 1842, Haywood, the 50th Senatorial District : — Macon, and Cherokee formed HENDERSON COUNTY. 20T Years. Senate. 1844. Michael Francis, 1846. Michael Francis, 1848. Wm. H. Thomas, 1850. Wm. H. Thomas, House of Commons. J. Keener. Andrew Ferguson. Kobert G. A. Love. Hubert G. A. Love. CHAPTER XXXVIII. HENDERSON COUNTY. Henderson County was formed in 1838, from Buncombe, and named in compliment to Leonard Henderson, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, for whose biography see Granville County. It is situated in the extreme south-western part of North Carolina, and is bounded on the north by Buncombe, east by Rutherford, south by the South Carolina line, and west by Haywood and Ma- con Counties. Its capital is Hendersonville, two hundred and fifty miles west of Raleigh. Its population is 5,892 whites ; 924 slaves ; 37 free negroes ; 6,483 repre- sentative population. Its products annually are 677,811 bushels of corn ; 9,677 bushels of oats ; 5,293 bushels of rye; 1,268 bushels of wheat; 1,229 pounds of tobacco; 2,141 pounds of wool ; 518 dollars worth of ginseng. By Act of 1842, with Buncombe and Yancey, it forms the 44th Senatorial District. Years. Senate. 1844. Nicholas W. Woodfin, 1846. Nicholas W. Woodfin, 1848. Nicholas W. Woodfin, 1850. Nicholas W. Woodfin, House of the General Assembly. John Clayton. John Baxter. Henry T. Farmer. Henry T. Farmer. CHAPTER XXXIX. HERTFORD COUNTY. Hertford County was formed as early as 1759, from Chowan, Bertie, and Northampton Counties. It was named in compliment to the Marquis of Hertford, an English nobleman, a friend of liberty, and elder brother of Lord Conway, who in 1766, moved in the House of Lords, the repeal of the Stamp Act. He was Am- 208 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. bassador at Paris, in the reign of George III., and afterwards Lord- Lieutenant of L-eland. Hertford is a name of Saxon origin, and sisrnifies the Red Ford.* Thomson dedicated his immortal poem, "The Seasons," to the Marchioness of Hertford : — " Hertford ! or to shine in courts With unaffected grace, or walk the plain With innocence and meditation joined, In soft assemblage, listen to my song AVhich thy own season paints ; when nature all Is blooming and benevolent like thee."t It is situated in the north-eastern part of the State ; bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by the Chowan River, which separates it from Gates County, south by Bertie, and west by Northampton County. Its capital is WiNTON, and is so named in compliment to the Wynns family, for many years a wealthy, patriotic, and distin- guished family in this County. Distant from Raleigh one hundred and fifty-five miles. It is beautifully situated on the Chowan River, which is navigable for any shipping that can enter Ocracocke Inlet. At Murfreesboro', in this County, is a most flourishing female institution, under the auspices of Rev. Mr. Forey. Its students are rapidly increasing, and it is destined to become a blessing to the community, as it is already an ornament to the place in which it is located. Its population is 3,553 whites; 3,716 slaves ; 873 free negroes ; 6,665 repre- sentative population. Its chief products are corn, lumber, peas, cotton, fish, and turpentine. Although a small county, and by its position remote from danger, yet in the days of 1776 Hertford was willing and ready to aid in the cause of liberty. Her delegates to the Convention at Hillsboro', Aug. 21st, 1775, were Wil- liam Mtrfree, Lawrence Baker, Matthew Brickle, Day Kidly, and George Wynns. Her delegates to Halifax, April 4th, 1776, were Robert Sumner, Matthew Brickle, and Lawrence Baker. The officers appointed by this Con^gress were Benjamin Wynns, Colonel ; Matthew Brickle, Lieutenant-Colonel; Lawrence Baker, Major; George Little, 2d Major. Her delegates to the Congress at Halifax, on Nov. 12th, 1776, which formed our Constitution, were Lawrence Baker, William Murfree, Robert Sumner, Day Ridly, and James Wright. Hardy Murfree resided in this county, from whom Murfreesboro', in this county, derives its name, and also a town of the same name in the State of Tennessee. He was a Captain in the 2d Regiment of Continental Troops, commanded by Robert Howe, and was in several engagements in the Revolutionary war. After the war was over he removed to his land, in Tennessee, granted to him for revolutionary services, where he died, leaving a reputation for patriotism, enterprise, and integrity worthy of his name and State. His son, William Hardy Murfree, was born in this county ; educated at * Baily's Dictionary. -f See Spring, page 1. HERTFORD COUNTY. 209 Chapel Hill, -where he graduated in 1801, and studied law. lie was a suc- cessful and able advocate, lie entered public life in 1805, as a member of the House of Commons from Hertford. In 1813, he was elected to represent the Eden ton District in Congress, and re-elected in 1815. During this troubled and excited period he had the reputation of a true republican, and sustained the war and Mr. Madison. About 1825 he removed to Tennessee, and died in Nashville soon after, where he left one son, William Law Murfree. General Thomas Wtxxs was born, lived, and died in Hertford. He was a Planter by profession, of active energetic mind, unspotted integrity, and great personal worth. lie lived near Winton, at the ferry (called Barfield's). As early as 1787, he was a member of the House of Commons, and for many years after a member of the Senate. He was elected in 1802 a member of Congress from the Edenton District, in which capacity he served until 1807. He left no children, and but few collateral relatives. Hon. Kenneth Ratner is a resident of Hertford, has represented this county in the Legislature, in the Convention, and Congress, and is her present mem- ber. His father was a Baptist Minister of exemplary piety and virtue. Mr. Rayner was born in Bertie about 1808 ; educated at the Academy in Tar- boro', read law and obtained a license, but never practiced. He entered public life in 1835 as a member of the House of Commons, and the same year was a member of the Convention to revise the Constitution, and distinguished himself by his fervid eloquence on the 32d Section of that In- strument which created religious test for office. In 1836 and '38 he was again a member of the House of Commons, and 1839 was elected a member of Con- gress, in Avhich capacity he served until 1845, when he declined a re-election. In 184G he was elected to the House of Commons, which position he now occupies, and is now in the meridian of life and usefulness. About 1841 he married, at Raleigh, Susan, the daughter of the late Colonel William Polk, a distinguished officer of the Revolution. Last and least, this county is the birthplace of the author of these sketches. His grandfather came from New Jersey, near Elizabcthtown, served in the Revolutionary war, was a physician by profession, and died in Northampton County, near Murfreesboro', in 1814, where he lies buried. His father was raised by Zedekiah Stone, in Bertie, where he married Elizabeth Jordan, 6th Jan'y, 1796. He was a successful merchant, and died 7th August, 1832. From the papers of that day the following is copied : — " Died, on Tuesday, the 7th of August, 1832, at his residence, in the town of Murfreesboro', John Wheeler, Esq., Postmaster of said place, in the 62d year of his age. " He was one of the earliest inhabitants of the village in which he died. He had seen it grow up, from one or two scattering houses, to the appearance which it now presents. In all his dealings with mankind he was distinguished for his integrity of character and honesty of purpose. As a citizen, he was faithful to every trust committed to his care; as a Christian, he was a humble and devout member of the Baptist church for above thirty years ; as a father, he was kind and indulgent to his numerous family ; and, as a husband, ho was always aS'ectiouate. In all his relations to society he sustained an un- blemished reputation ; he lived respected by all who knew him, and died deeply moui-ned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. During his long, severe, and "fatal illness, he manifested the utmost patience and sub- mission to the decrees of an all-wise Providence. He retained his faculties to the last moment. When the hand of death pressed upon him, he was conscious of the touch, and did not shrink from it. He embraced his affec- tionate relations who were mourning around him, and composedly bid them ' farewell.' He said 'he felt that he was dying; that it was not so hard to die as he had thought ; he was not afraid to die, that he knew he was going to an eternal rest.' Such was the triumphant end of this good man. 210 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. « Sure the last end Of the good man is peace. How calm his exit ; Night-dews fall not more gently to the ground, Nor weary worn-out winds expire so soft.' " He discharged, in his humble sphere, all his trusts, and of such a father one may be justly proud. The author was born 2d August, 1806, in the town of Murfreesborough, and was prepared for college by Rev. Jonathan Otis Freeman. He entered the Columbian College, District of Columbia, in 1821, and took his degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1826 ; read law with late Chief-Justice Taylor, and was licensed in 1827. In 1828 he received the degree of A. M. at Chapel Hill ; In 1827 elected to the House of Commons, in which he served continuously until 1830, when he was a candidate for Congress in the Edenton District, and defeated by Hon. Wm. B. Shepard. In 1831 he was appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners under the Con- vention with France, which board consisted of Hon. George W. Campbell, of Tennessee ; Hon. John K. Kane, of Philadelphia ; and Hon. R. M. Saunders, of A'orth Carolina. These names show the importance of their functions, to which he was a humble adjunct. At the end of three years the commission expired ; the Commissioners voluntarily tendered him a letter of thanks for his faithful conduct. In January, 1837, he was appointed by the President, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate, Superintendent of the Mint at Charlotte, which he held until 1841. In 1842, at a Convention of the Democratic party of Mecklenburg, he was nominated as a candidate for the House of Commons. This, by letter from Raleigh, was declined, as he was about to remove to Seattle's Ford, in Lincoln County, where he now resides. In 1842 he was elected Treasurer of the State, and, in 1844, was succeeded by Maj. Charles L. Hinton, since which he has been laboriously employed in collecting materials for the history of the State. He has been twice mar- ried ; to Mary, daughter of Rev. 0. B. Brown, of Washington City ; and second, to Ellen, daughter of Thomas Sully, Esq., of Philadelphia. INSURRECTION OF SLAVES. Connected with this county, as being near the scene of the awful tragedy, and many of its citizens engaged in it, was the insurrection of the negroes, and the massacre of the whites in August, 1831. Of this I can truly say — " Miserima vidi Pars fui."* Nat, a slave, was the leader of this horrid and sanguinary movement. He was called Xat Turner, and belonged to Joseph Travis. On Sunday night, 21st August, 1831, with a band of some fifty or sixty, he murdered, in cold blood, fifty-five persons on the borders of our State, in the county of South- ampton, Virginia. Murfreesboro' was the nearest town to the scene of action, and thither per- sons fled for safety and succor. Well does the writer recollect Levi Waller running into town, and describing with painful effort that his wife and ten children (one at the breast) were murdered, and that he only escaped to teU the dreadful tale. A trooop of horse instantly were raised, who scoured the country, and aided in subduing the insurgents. Kat was taken and executed on 11th Nov. 1831, with many others. The villains spared neither age nor sex, from the hoary grandmother to the helpless infant in the cradle. The following is a list of the persons murdered, with many of whom the writer was intimately acquainted. Joseph Travis, his wife and three children ; Mrs. Elizabeth Turner : Hart- well Peebles,; Sarah Newsome ; Mrs. P. Reese and son AVilliam ; Trajan * Most wretched, I have seen and borne a part. HERTFORD COUNTY. 211 Doyle ; Henry Bryant, wife and child ; and -wife's mother, Mrs. Catherine Whitehead, son Richard, four daughters, and grandchild; Salathiel Francis ; Nathaniel Francis ; John T. Barrow ; George Vaughan ; Mrs. Levi Waller and ten children ; William Williams, wife and two boys ; Mrs. Caswell Worrel and child; Mrs. Rebecca Vaughn; Ann Eliza Vaughn and son Arthur; Mrs. John K. Williams and child; Mrs. Jacob Williams and three children, and Edward Drury. Amounting to fifty-five. List of Members of General Assembly from Hertford County from 1777 to 1850. Years. Senate. 1777. Robert Sumner, 1778. Robert Sumner, 1779. Robert Sumner, 1780. Pleasant Jordan, 1781. John Baker, 1782. John Brickell, 1783. John Baker, 1784. John Baker, 1785. Robert Sumner, 1786. Robert Sumner, 1787. Robert Sumner, 1788. Robert Montgomery, 1790. Thomas Wynns, 1791. Thomas Wynns, 1792. Thomas Wynns, 1793. Thomas Wynns, 1794. Thomas Wynns, 1795. Thomas Wynns, 1796. Thomas Wynns, 1797. Thomas AYynns, 1798. Thomas Wynns, 1799. Thomas Wynns, 1800. Thomas Wynns, 1801. Robert Montgomery, 1802. Robert Montgomery, 1803. Robert Montgomery, 1804. Robert Montgomery, 1805. Robert Montgomery, 1806. Robert Montgomery, 1807. Robert Montgomery, 1808. Thomas Wynns. 1809. Thomas Wynns, 1810. Thomas Wynns, 1811. Thomas Wynns, 1812. Thomas Wynns, 1813. Thomas Wynns, 1814. Thomas Wynns, 1815. Thomas Wynns, 1816. Thomas Wynns, 1817. Thomas Wynns, 1818. Boon Felton, 1819. John H. Eraser, 1821. Thomas Deans, 1822. David E. Sumner, 1823. David E, Sumner, 1824. James Copeland, 1825. James Copeland, 1826. Elisha II. Sharpe, 1827. David 0. Askew, House of Commons. Joseph Dickeson, James Garrett. William Baker, .James Manney. William Wynns, Nathan Cotten. John Baker, Wm. Wynns. Lewis Brown, Thomas Brickell. AVm. Wynns, Thomas BrickeU. Lewis Brown, Thos. Brickell. AVm. Hill, Thos. Brickell. James Manney, Robert Montgomery. Wm. Hill, Thomas Brickell. Thomas Wynns, Robert Montgomery. Henry Baker, Henry Hill. Robert Montgomery, Henry Hill. Robert Montgomery, Henry Hill. Henry Hill, James Jones. Jethro Darden, Henry Hill. Robert Montgomery, Jethro Darden. Robert Montgomery, Henry Hill. Jethro Darden, James Jones. ^KS James Jones, Jethro Darden. Robert Montgomery, Jas. Jones. Robert Montgomery, James Jones. Robert Montgomery, James Jones. James Jones, Abner Perry. James Jones, Abner Perry, James Jones, Abner Perry. Abner Perry, James Jones. James Jones, William II. Murfree. James Jones, Abner Perry. Lewis Walters, Abner Perry. Lewis Walters, Abner Perry. Boon Felton, Abner Perry. Boon Felton, Lewis Walters. Boon Felton, William Jones. Wm. H. Murfree, Jethro Darden. William Jones, Boon Felton, William Jones, Boon Felton. Thomas Deans, William Jones. William Jones, Thomas Deans. Boon Felton, Thomas Manney.* John H. Eraser, B. J. Montgomery. B. J. Montgomery, I. Carter. Jas. Copeland, Jas, D. Wynns. Isaac Carter, Lewis M. Jeggitts, James Copeland, John Vann. John Vann, Isaac Carter. John Vann, Isaac Carter. B. J. Montgomery, Leonard Martin. B, J, Montgomery, John II. Wheeler. Now Judge of Superior Court, Nashville, Tenn. 212 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1828. David 0, Askew, B. J. Montgomery, John H. AVheeler. 1829. B. J. Montgomery, John H. Wheeler, Elisha A. Chamlee. 1830. Jacob Hare, John H. Wheeler, Isaac Carter. 1831. B. J. Montgomery, Elisha A. Chamlee, Godwin C. Moore. 1832. B. J. Montgomery, Isaac Carter, Thomas V. Roberts. 1833. John Vann, Isaac Carter, Sipha Smith. 1834. Geo. W. Montgomery, Isaac Carter, Sipha Smith. 1835. John Vann, E. C. Borland, Kenneth Rayner. 1836. Geo. W. Montgomery, Kenneth Rayner. 1838. Thomas B. Sharpe, Kenneth Rayner. 1840. B. T. Spiers, Wm. N. 11. Smith. 1842. Godwin C. Moore, Starkey Sharpe. 1844. Richard G. Cowper, .Jacob Sharpe. 1846. Richard G. Cowper, Kenneth Rayner. 1848. Wm. N. H, Smith, Kenneth Rayner. 1850. D. V. Sessoms, r Kenneth Rayner. CHAPTER XL. HYDE COUNTY. Hyde County was one of the Original precincts of North Caro- lina, and existed previous to 1729, when the Lords Proprietors (except Lord Granville) surrendered their rights to the crown. It was called in honor of Edward Hyde, who was Governor of the colony.* His commission is dated 24th of January, 1711. It is situated in the extreme eastern part of the State, and bounded on the north by Washington and Tyrrell, east by Pamlico Sound, south by Pamlico Sound and Pamlico River, and west by Beaufort County. Its Court House, Swan Quarter, is two hundred and three miles east of Raleigh. Its population is 4,798 whites ; 2,627 slaves ; 211 free negroes ; 6,585 repre- sentative population. Its products are 188,554 bushels of corn ; 18,737 bushels of oats ; 21,055 bushels of wheat; 45,830 pounds of cotton; 8,034 pounds of wool; 361 bbls, of turpentine. Hyde County sent to the General Meeting of Delegates at Newborn, 25th August, 1774, Samuel Smith, Rotheas Latham. To the meeting at Hillsboro', 21st August, 1775, Joseph Hancock, John Jordan. To the Congress at Halifax, 4th April, 1776, Rotheas Latham, Joseph Hancock, John Jordan, and Benjamin Parmele. Which body placed the State in military organization, and appointed as officers for Hyde County — Rotheas Latham, Colonel; Benjamin Parmele, Lieut.-Colonel ; Wm. Rus- sell, Major; Thos. Jones, 2d Major. Her delegates to the Congress at Halifax, 12th of November, 1776 (which formed the Constitution), were Jos. Hancock, John Jordan, Benjamin Par- mele, Wm. Russell, and Abraham Jones. ' * For whose character, life, and death, see vol. i. 38. HYDE COUNTY. 213 Its banks, a narrow strip of land from New Inlet to Ocracocke, present the most easterly promontory of North Carolina, and on the Cape of which is located a liglit-hous* From time immemorial, it has been the dread of mariners, to whom the couplet is familiar — " If once Henry you have passed, Have a good care of Ilatteras." Its inhabitants are distinguished for their enterprise, industry, and daring. List of members from Hyde County: — Years. Senate. 1777. AVilliam Russell, 1778. William Russell, 1779. William Russell, 1780. William Russell, 1781. William Russell, 1782. William Russell, 1783. William Russell, 1784. Abram Jones, 1785. Abram Jones, 1786. Abraham Jones, 1787. Abraham Jones, 1788. Abi'am Jones, 1789. John Eborne, 1790. John Eborne, 1791. John Eborne, 1792. Benjamin Russell, 1793. James Jasper, 1794. James Jasper, 1795. James Jasper, 1796. Henry Selby, 1797. Henry Selby, 1798. Henry Selby, 1799. Henry Selby, 1800. Joseph Masters, 1801. Henry Selby, 1802. Henry Selby, 1803. Henry Selby, 1804. Henry Selby, 1805. John Jordan, 1806. Henry Selby, 1807. Henry Selby, 1808. Henry Selby, 1809. John B. Jasper, 1810. John B. Jasper, 1811. Benj. Sanderson, 1812. Benj. Sanderson, 1813. Benj. Sanderson, 1814. Samuel Clarke, 1815. Samuel Clarke, 1816. David Carter, 1817. Benj. F. Eborn. 1818. Benj. F. Eborn, 1819. Benj. F. Eborn, 1821. Geo. W. Jordan, 1822. Geo. W. Jordan. 1823. David Gibbs, 1824. David Gibbs, House of Commons. John Jordan, Benjamin Parmele. Abram Jones, Jos. Hancock. Jos. Hancock, Benj. Parmele. Rotheas Latham, Geo. Barrow. Rotheas Latham, Robert Jennett, Robert Jennett, John Eborne. John Eborne, Benjamin Parmele. John Eborne, Wm. Russell, John Eborne, Thomas Jordon, Jr. John Eborne, Southey Rew. John Eborne, Southey Rew. John Eborne, Southey Rew. Michael Peters, James Jasper. James Jasper, Michael Peters. James Jasper, Michael Peters. James Jasper, James Watson, • James Watson, Simon Alderson. James Watson, Hutchins Selby. James AVatson, Simon Alderson. James Watson, Thomas Jordan. Simon Alderson, James AVatson. Seldon Jasper, William Clarke. John Jordan, William Clarke. John Jordan, Adam Gaskins. John Satchwell, John Jordan. John Satchwell, David Carter. John Jordan David Carter. David Carter, Thomas Spencer. David Carter, Zachr. Jarvis. David Carter, Zachr. Jarvis. David Carter, James Credle. David Carter, James Watson. James Watson, David Carter. John Adams, David Carter. Thomas Spencer, Zachary Eborn. Thomas Spencer, John Adams. John Adams, Thomas Spencer. Thomas Spencer, William Jordan. William Jordan, Thomas Spencer. William Jordan, Thomas Spencer. Thomas Spencer, William Jordan. Marvel Wilkinson, Matthias Credit'. Littlejohn Pugh, Matthias Crcdlc. Littlcjohn Pugh, Thomas Spencer. Littlejohn Pugh, William Watson. Littlejohn Pugh, AVilliam AVatson. AVilliam AA'atson, Tilghman Farrow. 214 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Fears. Senate. 1825. David Gibbs, 1826. Benjamin Foreman, 1827. Benj. Sanderson, • 1828. Littlejohn Pugh, 1829. Benj. Sanderson, 1830. Wm. Selby, Sen., 1831. William Selby, 1832. Caleb Spencer, 1833. Dameron Pugh, 1834. Caleb Spencer, 1835. William Selby, 1836. J. 0. K. Williams, 1838. J. 0. K. Williams, 1840. William Selby, 1842. W.B.Hodges, 1844. Joshua Taylor, 1846. David Carter, 1848. Thomas D. Smaw, 1850. Allen Grist, House of Commons. Littlejohn Pugh, John J. Bonner. Tillman Farrow, John J. Bonner. W. D. Styron, John B. Jasper. Wallace D. Tyron, John B. Jasper. Foster Jarvis, Marshal Dickinson. Thomas S. Singleton, Foster Jarvis. Thomas S. Singleton, Foster Jarvis. Daniel Murray, Foster Jarvis. Daniel Murray, John B. Jasper. Benj. Watson, John L. Swindell. Jno. L. Swindell, Rich'd M. G. Moore. Tillman Farrow. Tillman Farrow. Tillman Farrow. Andrew Shanklin. Wilson Creedle. Wilaon Creedle. J. T. Farrow. Erasmus D. Sanderson. CHAPTER XLI. IREDELL COUNTY. Iredell County was formed from Rowan, in 1788, and called in honor of James Iredell, Senr. (late Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States), on motion of General John Steele, of Rowan. For life, services, and character of whom, see Cho\v'an County (Chap. XIX). It is located in the western part of the State, and bounded*on the north by Alexander County, east by Rowan, south by Cabarrus and Mecklenburg, and west by the Catawba River, which separates it from Catawba and Lincoln County. Its capital is StateS-YILLE, one LWdred and forty-five miles west of Raleigh. The Colonial and Revolutionary history of Iredell is connected with Rowan, to which the reader is referred. A skirmish took place in the Revolutionary War, on 1st Febru- ary, 1781, at Alfred D. Kerr's, on the road from Beattiesford to Salisbury, between the light horse of Tarleton and the militia, in which several were killed.* Seven of the British, and twenty of their horses were killed at the first fire, but the militia broke and retreated in all directions. f But her list of members presents some names not unknown to fame. Iredell County gave birth to one of the most distinguished men * Rowan, chapter Ixvii. t Tarleton's Campaigns, 226. IREDELL COUNTY. 215 of the nation, and who received, in the Senate of the United States, the dignified appellation of the Cato of the Senate. Hugh Lawsox White, late Senator in Congress from Tennessee, was born in Iredell County in the year 1773, on the plantation now owned by George Franklin Davidson, Esq., about two miles west of Centre Meeting-house, on Davidson's Creek, and about four miles east of Beattiesford. His grandfather, Moses White, emigrated to this country from Ireland, about 1742, and had six sons, James, Moses, John, William, David, and Andy ; many of whose descendants now reside in Iredell. James, the father of Hugh, was a soldier of the Revolution. He moved to Knox County, Tennessee, about 1786, was a General in the Creek war, and was distinguished for his bravery, energy, and talents. Judge White's education was good. It was conducted under the care of Rev. Saml. Carrick, Mr. (afterwards Judge) Roane, andDr. Patterson, of Pliila- delphia. In 1795, he studied law at Lancaster, Pa., in the office of James Hopkins, and there finished his studies. He returned home to Tennessee and commenced the practice of his profession. He soon acquired eminence and fortune. At the early age of twenty-eight, he was elected Judge of the Superior Court. Among such compeers as Andrew Jackson, Whitesides, Overton, Geo. W.Campbell, and others, this was no empty honor. In 1807, he resigned his judgeship and returned to his farm. There appears, says a writer on biography, always to be a congeniality between the pursuits of agriculture and all great and good minds. We , do not pretend to analyze the rationale of this, or why it is that patriotism exists with more elevation and fervency in the retirement of a farm than in the busy mart of crowded cities. The history of man proves this fact, that the noblest instances of self-sacrificing patriotism which have adorned the drama of human life, have been presented by those who are devoted to agri- cultural pursuits. It is the only pursuit that man followed in his state of primal innocence, and surviving his fall, allows the mind " To look through nature, up to nature's God." In 1807, Judge White was elected Senator to the State Legislature : but this he soon declined. In 1809, when Tennessee remodeled her judiciary and created the Supreme Court, although Judge AVhite was two hundred miles from the seat of government, her unanimous voice called him from his retire- ment to preside over this tribunal so exalted, so important, and the one of the last resort. He could not refuse a position so delicately tendered, so honor- able in its character. He presided for sis years with such fidelity to his country, and such scrupulous integrity, as won for him the esteem of his country, unfading honors for his reputation. At the same time he was chosen President of the State Bank. Under his ability and fidelity, its character acquired stability and public confidence. Even with these heavy duties on his mind, his heart was not unmindful of his country. At this time Tennessee was severely suffering by the hostile in- cursions and savage devastations of the Creek Indians. At the darkest'period of the campaign, when the bi'ave Jackson was in the midst of a wild territory, surrounded not only by savages, but by famine and want, disatfection and complaints, Hugh L. White left the Supi-erae Bench, and with one compan- ion, sought and found, after days and nights of peril, the veteran Jackson. He volunteered his services, and they were gladly accepted. While on this campaign he lost several terms of his courts, and as in Ten- nessee the Judges wei'e only paid for services performed, the Legislature resolved, that in consideration of Judge White's eminent services in the cam- paign, there should be no diminution of his salary as Judge. This he de- clined. In 1820, he was appointed (with Governor Tazewell, of Virginia, and Governor King, of Maine) a commissioner under the Convention with Spain; which he accented and held until its term expired, 1824. 23 216 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. In 1825, General Jackson having resigned his seat as Senator in Congress, Judge White was unanimously elected to fill out his term. In 1827, he was unanimously elected for a full term ; and in 1832 was chosen Pi'esident of the Senate. In 1830 he was voted for as President of the United States. The electoral vote was for Martin Van Buren, 170 " " Wm. H. Harrison, 73 Hugh L. White, 26 " " Daniel Webster, 14 " " AYilie P. Mangum, 11 Total 294 He died on 10th of April, 1840, full of years and full of honors. Hon. William Sharpe, of Iredell (when Rowan), was a distinguished patriot of the Revolution ; and early threw into that dangerous and dubious conflict "his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor." William Sharpe, the eldest son of Thomas Sharpe, was born in Cecil County, in Maryland, Dec. 13th, 1742. At the age of twenty-one he removed to North Carolina, and settled in Mecklenburg, where he married a daughter of David Reese, one of the true patriots of the day, and one of the signers of the Meck- lenburg Declaration. He was a lawyer by profession. He then removed to Iredell, then Rowan, and took an active and decided stand for liberty. The Journal of the Committee of Safety for that county (see.Rowan), will present a record of his activity and firmness. He was a member from Rowan to the State Congress which met at Newbern, in April, 1775, and also of the Congress at Hillsboro', in August, 1775. He was also a member at Halifax in 1776, where our Constitution was formed. He acted as Aide-de-camp to General Rutherford in his campaign in 1776, against the Indians, and was appointed by Governor Caswell, in 1777, with Waightstill Avery, Joseph Winston, and Robert Lanier, to form a treaty with them. In 1779 he was a member of the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, and served until 1782. He died in July, 1818, leaving a widow and twelve children. His eldest daughter married William ^Y. Erwin, of Burke, who was Clerk of the Superior Court of that county for more than forty years, delegate to the Convention at FayetteviUe (in Nov., 17'89), which ratified the Constitution, and Agent of the State Bank. She raised fifteen children. His second daughter Ruth, married Andrew Caldwell, of Iredell. Colonel Caldwell often represented Iredell, and was the father of Judge Caldwell, and the Honorable Joseph P. Caldwell, the present member of Congress from this District, Dr. Elam Caldwell, of Lincolnton, and others. Alexander Osborne, who resided in Iredell County, when Rowan County, was a native of New Jersey, and moved to Iredell about 1755. He was a Colonel under the Colonial Government, and as such marched in 1768, with a Regiment of Rowan troops, to Hillsboro' to aid Governor Tryon to suppress the Regulators. His wife was a Miss McWhorter. He and his wife died the same day, and were buried at Centre Church. They left one son, Adlai, who was educated at Princeton College, where he graduated in 1768. He was Clerk of the Court for Rowan under the royal rule, and continued after Independence until 1809. He was a man of fine literary attainments, the firm friend of education, and one of the first Trustees of the University. He died in 1815, leaving a large family, among whom was Spruce McCay Osborne, who was a graduate of Chapel Hill in 1806 ; studied medicine, entered the army as surgeon, and was killed at the massacre at Fort Mimms ; and Edwin Jay Osborne, who was distinguished as a lawyer of eloquence and learning, and was the father of James W. Osborne, Esq., the present Superintendent of the U. S. Branch Mint at Charlotte. IREDELL COUNTY. 21T Hon. David Franklin Caldwell is a native of Iredell County, son of Andrew Caldwell, born in 1792, educated at Chapel Hill, studied law with Archibald Henderson, of Salisbury. He entered public life, in 181G, as a member of the House of Commons from Iredell, and served for several years. He removed to Salisbury, and, in 1829, ^30, and '31, represented Kowan in the Senate, and was Speaker of the Senate in 1829. He was appointed Judge of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity in 1844. which distinguished post he now holds with great dignity to himself and satisfaction to the country. He has been twice married ; the first, to Fanny Alexander, and the second time t(5 Mrs. Troy. Hon. Joseph Pearson Caldwell, son of David Caldwell, and brother to Judge Caldwell, is a native and resident of Iredell County. He was born in 1808. Educated at Bethany Academy, studied law with Judge Caldwell, and entered public life, in 1838, as a member of the House of Commons. He was re-elected in 1840, and, in 1842 and in 1849, was elected a member of Congress, to which distinguished post he is again re-elected. Many other names in connection with this county might be men- tioned ; but we have already given a large space to this county, and another edition will present her distinguished sons more at length. The reader is referred to an original record, under the head of Rowan, " The Proceedings of the Committee of Safety for Rowan County (then including Iredell) in 1774-75, and '76," which will present in true colors the spirit of the people in those trying- times. It has never before been published, and for it I here tender my thanks to Silas Davidson Sharpe, of this county. Members of the General Assembly from Iredell County, from the date of erection to last session, 1850-51. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1789. John Nesbet, Adam Brevard, Musentine Matthews. 1790. John Nesbet, David Caldwell, M. Matthews. 1791. David Caldwell, Musentine Matthews, Alexander Work. 1792. David Caldwell, Musentine Matthews, Burgess Gaither. 1793. John Huggins, James Crawford, Musentine Matthews. 1794. John Huggins, Musentine Matthews, Alexander Work. 1795. John Huggins, Musentine Matthews, Burgess Gaither. 1796. David White, Burgess Gaither, Musentine Matthews. 1797. David Caldwell, Musentine Matthews, Burgess Gaither. 1800. Ephraim Davidson, Archibald Sloan, Burgess Gaither. 1801. Ephraim Davidson, M. Matthews, Burgess Gaither. 1802. Ephraim Davidson, Archil)ald Sloan, M. Matthews. 1803. Ephraim Davidson, Archiband Sloan, George L. Davidson. 1804. David Caldwell, William Young, George L. Davidson. 1805. John Huggins, George L. Davidson, William Young. 1806. John Huggins, George L. Davidson, Andrew Caldwell. 1807. John Huggins, George L. Davidson, Andrew Caldwell. 1808. James Hart, George L. Davidson, Andrew Caldwell. 1809. James Hart, George L. Davidson, Samuel King. 1810. James Hart, Andrew Caldwell, George L. Davidson. 1811. Joseph Guy, George L. Davidson, Samuel King. 1812. Andrew Caldwell, Samuel King, James Stewart. 1813. Andrew Caldwell, Samuel King, James Stewart. 1814. Myles Nesbitt, Samuel King, James Stewart. 1815. John Huggins, James Stewart, Samuel King. 1816. James Campbell, Samuel King, David F. Caldwell. 218 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1817. Charles D. Conner, David F. Caldwell, Samuel King. 1818. Charles D. Conner, Samuel King, David F. Caldwell. 1819. Charles D. Conner, Samuel King, David F. Caldwell. 1820. Charles D. Conner, Azariah Beall, Theophilus Falls. 1821. James Campbell, Asa Beall, James Hill. 1822. Alexander Torrence, William Harbin, Asa Beall. 1823. Alexander Torrence, James Hill, Asa Beall. 1824. George L. Davidson, A. Beall, James Hill. 1825. George L. Davidson, James J. Hill, Alexander Torrence. 1826. Samuel King, Richard Allison, Alexander Torrence. 1827. Abner Franklin, "William Falls, William J. Summers. 1828. Abner Franklin, Eichard Allison, Joseph M. Bogle. 1829. Thomas A. Allison, Joseph M. Bogle, William King. 1830. Pinckney Caldwell, Joseph M. Bogle, Richard Allison. 1831. Pinckney Caldwell, George F. Davidson, Joseph M. Bogle. • 1832. Thomas A. Allison, Solomon Lowdermilk, George F. Davidson. 1833. Joseph P. Caldwell, James A. King, William Potts. 1834. Joseph P. Caldwell, Solomon Lowdermilk, James A. King. 1835. John M. Young, James A. King, Solomon Lowdermilk. 1836. George F. Davidson, James A. King, Solomon Lowdermilk, Theo. H. Campbell. 1838. George F. Davidson, Joseph P. Caldwell, John A. Young, J, H. McLaughlin. 1840. R. H. Parks, Joseph P. Caldwell, John A. Young, J. H. McLaughlin. 1842. Thomas Allison, Joseph P. Caldwell, John A. Young, J. H. McLaughlin. 1844. Joseph M. Bogle, Rufus Reed, William Emmerson, W. W. George. 1846. Joseph M. Bogle, Rufus Reed, W. W. George, William H. Haynes. 1848. George F. Davidson, Robert J. ISIcDowell, Campbell Mcintosh, E. M. Campbell. 1850. George F. Davidson, Joseph M. Bogle, G. G. McKay, E. M. Camp- bell. CHAPTER XLII, JACKSON COUNTY. Jackson County was formed in 1850, from Haywood and Ma- con, but is not yet organized. JOHNSTON COUNTY. 219 CHAPTER XLIII, JOHNSTON COUNTY. Johnston County was formed in 1746, from Craven County, and named in honor of Gabriel Johnston, who was Royal Governor at this period. He was a man of learning, and did much to advance the interest of the colony over which he presided, and the happi- ness of the people. His character and services have been already recorded. (See vol. i. page 45.) It is situated about the centre of the State. Bounded on the north by Franklin, Wake, and Nash, on the east by Nash and Wayne, south by Wayne, Sampson, and Cumberland, and on the west by 'Cumberland and Wake. Its capital is Smithfield, and distant twenty-seven miles south- east from Raleigh. Its population is 8,900 whites; 4,663 slaves; 163 free negroes; 11,860 rejjiesentative population. Its products are 337,797 bushels of corn; 9,262 bushels of wheat; 23,452 bushels of oats; 401,169 pounds of cotton; 9,911 pounds of wool; 3,157 barrels of turpentine. The delegates from Johnston to ihat band of patriots which convened at Newbern on the 25th of August, 1775, were Needuam Bryax and Benjamin- Williams. The delegates to Hillsboro' on the 21st of August, 1775, were the same, with Samuel Smith, John Smith, and William Bryan. The delegates to Halifax on the 4th of April, 1776, were Samuel Smith, Jr.. Needham Bryan, Jr., and Henry Rains. The officers appointed by the Convention, were William Bryan, Colonel ; John Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel; Samuel Smith, Major; John Stevens, 2d Major. Her delegates to Halifax, on the 12th of November, 1776, which formed the Constitution, were Needham Bryan, Jr., Samuel Smith, Jr., John Stevens, Henry Rains, and Alexander Averyt. Members of the General Assembly from Johnston County, from 177T to 1850. Years. Senators. House of Commons. 1777. Needham Bryan, Henry Rains, Alexander Averyt. 1778. Arthur Bryan, William Ward, John Bryan, Jr. 1779. Arthur Bryan, Lewis Bryan, Philip Raiford. 1780. Arthur Bryan, James Lockhart, John Whitley. 1781. Benjamin Williams, Joseph Boon, Hardy Bryan. 1782. Hardy Bryan, Arthur Bryan, Nathan Williams. 1783. Hardy Bryan, Arthur Bryan, Nathan AVilliams. 1784. Benjamin Williams, Joseph Boon, Kedar Powell. 1785. Arthur Bryan, Hardy Bryan, Benjamin Williams. 220 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senators. 1786. Benjamin Williams, 1787. Joseph Boon, 1788. Arthur Bryan, 1789. Arthur Bryan, 1790. Arthur Bryan, 1791. Thomas Gray, 1792. Hardy Bryan, 1793. Hardy Bryan, 1794. Samuel Smith, 1795. Samuel Smith, 1796. Samuel Smith, 1797. Samuel Smith, 1798. Samuel Smith, 1799. Samuel Smith, 1800. Samuel Smith, 1801. John Williams, 1802. John Williams, 1803. John Williams, 1804. John Williams, 1805. John Williams, 1806. Samuel Smith, 1807. Robert Gulley, Jr., 1808. John Williams, 1809. John Williams, 1810. John Williams, 1811. John Williams, 1812. Elick Saunders, 1813. John Williams, 1814. William Bryan, 1815. AVilliam Hinton, 1816. John Williams, 1817. John Williams, 1818. Reuben Saunders, 1819. Jesse Adams, 1821. Joseph Richardson, 1822. Joseph Richardson, 1823. John McLeod, 1824. John McLeod, 1825. Reuben Saunders, 1826. Reuben Saunders, 1827. David Thomson, 1828. David Thomson, 1829. Reuben Saunders, 1830. Ilillory Wilder, 1831. David Thompson, 1832. Hillory Wilder, 1833. Hillory Wilder, 1834. Hillory Wilder, 1835. Josiah Houlder, 1836. Josiah Houlder, 1838. Josiah Houlder, 1840. Josiah Houlder, 1842. James Tomlinson, 1844. James Tomlinson, 1846. James Tomlinson, 1848. William H. Watson, 1850. William 11. Watson, House of Commons. William Averyt, Needham Bryan. Everett Pierce, Wm. Bridges. AVm. Ward, John Bryan, Jr. Benjamin Williams, John Bryan, Jr. Matthias Handy, Hardy Bryan. Everett Pierce, Lovard Bryan. Everett Pierce, Lovard Bryan. Needham Bryan, Joseph Ingram. John Whitley, Richard Rivers. Everett Pierce, John Whitley. Matthias Handy, Richard Rivers. Matthias Handy, John Williams. John Williams, Joseph Ingram. John Williams, Calvin Jones. John Williams, Joseph Ingram. John A. Smith, Richard Rivers. Calvin Jones, John A. Smith. Edwin Smith, J. Sanders. John A. Smith, Isaac Williams. John A. Smith, Joseph Ingram. Robert Gulley, John Sanders. Joseph Richardson, John Boon, -Jr. Joseph Richardson, Joseph Boon. Samuel Narsworthy, Joseph Richardson. Samuel Narsworthy, Henry Guy. Henry Guy, Samuel Narsworthy. Joseph Ingram, Wm. Bryan. William Bryan, Jesse Adams, Jesse Adams, John A. Smith. Jesse Adams, Henry Bryan. Jesse Adams, Henry Bryan. Henry Bryan, Jesse Adams. Robert II. Helme, John Atkinson. Philip Raiford, Henry Bryan. John McLeod, Hillory Wilder. Hardy Adams, Samuel Lee. Robert H. Helme, Hillory Wilder. Hillory Wilder, Robert H. Helme. Kenchen Q. Adams, Hillory Wilder. Hillory Wilder, .Josiah 0. Watson. Hillory Wilder, K. Q. Adams. Hillory Wilder, K. Q. Adams. Hillory Wilder, K. Q. Adams. Josiah Houlder, Kedar Whitley. Josiah Houlder, Kedar Whitley. John McLeod, .Josiah Houlder. John McLeod, Josiah Houlder. James Tomlinson, Kedar Whitley. James Tomlinson, Kedar Whitley. James Tomlinson, Kedar AVhitley. John F. Ellington, James Tomlinson. Jesse Adams, James Tomlinson. Lunsford Richardson, Kedar Whitley. Jesse Adams, Lunsford Richardson. Lunsford Richardson, Ashly Saunders. A. J. Leach, Linn B. Saunders. A. J. Leach, Linn B, Saunders. JONES COUNTY. 221 CHAPTER XLIV: JONES COUNTY. Jones County was formed in 1779, from Craven, and called in compliment of Wilie Jones, wlio was so distinguished a patriot and useful a representative. It is situated in the eastern part of the State, and hounded on the north and east by Craven, south by Carteret and Onslow, and west by Lenoir and Duplin. Its capital is Trenton, and distant from Raleigh one hundred and twenty -nine miles east. Its population is 2,139 whites; 2,757 slaves; 142 free negroes; 3,935 repre- sentative population. Its products are 1,150,208 pounds of cotton ; 6,184 pounds of wool ; 223,520 bushels of corn ; 8,705 bushels of oats ; 6,810 bushels of rye ; 5,204 bushels of wheat ; 15,850 bbls. of turpentine ; 490 bbls. of fish. Its colonial and revolutionary history is connected with that of Craven, from which, since the Revolution, it was taken, and to which the reader is referred. Hon. Nathan Bryan, of this county, was a man of piety and usefulness. • In 1791 he represented this county in the House of Commons. In 1794 he was elected to represent the Newbern District in Congress, and re-elected in 1796. He died while in Congress (in 1798, at Philadelphia,) and was buried in the Baptist Meeting-house yard in Philadelphia. He was a sincere Christian, and a leading man among the Baptists. Members of the General Assembly from Jones County : — Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1782. Abner Nash. 1783. Frederick Hargett, Wm. Randall. 1785. Abner Nash, John Isler. 1786. Fred. Hargett, William Piandall, John Isler. 1787. Fred. Hargett, Nathan Bryan, William Randall. 1788. Fred. Hargett, William Randall, John Hill Bryan. 1791. Fred. Hargett, Nathan Bryan, Edward Bryan. 1792. Fred. Hargett, Edward Bryan, Nathan Bryan. 1793. Fred. Hargett, Nathan Bryan, Joseph Hatch. 1794. John Isler, Nathan Bryan, George Pollock. 1795. John Isler, William Bush, Benjamin Fordham. 1796. John Hatch, William Bush, Benjamin Fordham. 1797. John Hatch, William Bush, Amos Johnson. 1798. Edmund Hatch, Amos Simmonds, Benj. Harrison. 1799. Edmund Hatch, Benj. Fordham, Amos Johnston. 1800. Durant Hatch, Amos Johnston, John T. Bryan. 1801. Durant Hatch, Amos Johnston, Thos. Dudley. 1802. Duraut Hatch, Benjamin Fordham, John Isler. 000 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years Senate. 1803. Durant Hatch, 180^. Durant Hatch, 1805. Durant Hatch, 1806. Durant Hatch, 1807. Enoch Foy, 1808. Enoch Foy, 1809. Durant Hatch, 1810. Benjamin Simmons, 1811. Durant Hatch, 1812. Durant Hatch, 1813. Enoch Foy, 1814. Christ. Bryan, 1815. James Shine, 1816. James Shine, 1817. John Simmons, 1818. Lewis Foscue, 1819. Lewis Foscue, 1820. Durant Hatch, 1821. Durant Hatch, 1822. Durant Hatch, 1823. Durant Hatch, 1824. Risden McDaniel, 1825. Piisden McDaniel, 1826. Eisden McDaniel, 1827. Ptisden McDaniel, 1828. Risden McDaniel, 1829. Risden McDaniel, 1830. Risden McDaniel, 1831. Risden McDaniel, 1832. James Harrison, 1833. James Harrison, 1834. James Harrison, 1835. James Harrison, 1836. James W. Bryan, 1838. Enoch Foy, 1840. Isaac Hellen, 1842. Jas. W. Howard, 1844. Isaac Hellen, 1846. James W. Howard, 1848. E. S. Bell, 1850. M. F. Arendell, House of Commons. Benjamin Fordham, Enoch Foy. Benjamin Fordham, Enoch Foy. Edward Bryan, Thos. P. Ives. Thos. P. Ives, Frederick Foscue. Jas. C. Bryan, Edmund Hatch. Jas. C. Bryan, Edmund Hatch. Jas. C. Bryan, Leander Simmons. Christopher Bryan, Jas. C. Bryan. Edmund Hatch, Christopher Bryan. Josiah Howard, Christ. Bryan. Jas. C. Bryan, Christ. Bryan. Wm. Daniel, Hardy Perry. Hardy Perry, Wm. McDaniel. John B. ^y. Smith, Wm. McDaniel. Wm. McDaniel, John B. W. Smith. Risden McDaniel, McLindall Jarman. R. McDaniel, Edmund Hatch. R. McDaniel, Emanuel Jarman. Emanuel Jarman, Risden McDaniel. R. McDaniel, Emanuel Jarman. R. McDaniel, Emanuel Jarman. Emanuel Jarman, L. H. Simmons. Leml. H. Simmons, James N. Smith. Owen B. Cox, Enoch Foy. O. B. Cox, Enoch Foy. 0. B. Cox, Enoch Foy. q. B. Cox, Alfred Stanly. Nathan B. Bush. O. B. Cox, James W. Howard. Nathan Foscue, John II. Hammond. Nathan Foscue, John H. Hammond. Nathan Foscue, John II. Hammond. John H. Hammond, Jas. W. Howard. James W. Howard. William Huggins. William Huggins. Calvin Koonce. Calvin Koonce. William Foy. Calvin Koonce. B. F. Simmons. LENOIR COUNTY. 223 CHAPTER XLV. LENOIR COUNTY. Lenoir County was formed in 1791. Lobbs County Tvas formed from Johnston, in 1758, in honor of Arthur Dobbs, then the Royal Governor of the Province. In 1791, Dobbs was divided into Lenoir and Glasgow ; the latter, in 1799, was changed into Greene. It was called in honor of Gen. William Lenoir, of Wilkes County, who was distinguished for his revolutionary and civil services : for whose biography see Wilkes County, Chapter LXXX. It is situated in the eastern part of the State, and bounded on the north by Greene, east By Pitt and Jones, south by Duplin and Jones, and west by Duplin and Wayne Counties. Its capital is Kingston, distant eighty miles east of Raleigh. Richard Caswell lived in this county and lies buried in it. His charac- ter, life, and services, have been recorded.* Hardy B. Croom was a resident of this county and represented it in the Senate in 1828. He was born in 1798, educated at the University, and graduated in 1816 ; read law with Judge Gaston, and was distinguished for his deep and varied acquirements as a scholar, and his kind and courteous bearing as a gentleman. He married Miss Smith, of Newbern. He and his family perished in the shipwreck of the steamer Home, 9th October, 1837, off the coast of North Carolina, on his return from New York. Hon. Wm. B. Moselt, at present a resident of Florida and late Governor of that State, is a native of Lenoir. He was educated at Chapel Hill and graduated in 1818, of which class was James K. Polk. He represented Lenoir County in the Senate of the State Legislature in 1829, and continuously until 1838, when he removed to Florida. Members of the General Assembly from Lenoir County, from the formation of the County to 1851. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1792. Joshua Croom, Isaac Croom, Wm. White. 1793. William Croom, Isaac Croom, Wm. White. 1794. William Croom, AYm. White, Isaac Croom. 1795. William Croom, Henry Goodman, Simon Bruton. 1796. William White, Shadrach Wooten, Robert Collier. 1797. AYIUIam White, Henry Goodman, Robert Collier. 1798. William Bush, Benjamin Fordham, Amos Johnson. * See vol. i. 87. 224 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1800. Simon Bruton, 1801. Simon Bruton, 1802. Simon Bruton, 1803. Simon Bruton, 1804. Simon Bruton, 1805. AViUiam Croom, 1806. William Groom, 1807. William Croom, 1808. Simon Bruton, 1809. Simon Bruton, 1810. James Bright, 1811. James Bright, 1812. James Bright, 1813. Simon Bruton, 1814. Simon Bruton, 1815. Jesse II. Croom, 1816. Joseph Loften, 1817. Simon Bruton, 1818. Simon Bruton, 1819. Joseph Loften, 1820. Joseph Loften, 1821. Abraham Croom, 1822. Nathan B. Whitfield, 1823. Nathan B. Whitfield, 1824. John Williams, 1825. Nathan B. Whitfield, 1826. Isaac Croom, 1827. Nathan B. Whitfield, 1828. Hardy B. Croom, 1829. Wm. D. Moseley, 1830. Wm. D. Moseley, 1831. Wm. D. Moseley, 1832. Wm. D. Moseley, 1833. Wm. D. Moseley, 1834. Wm. D. Moseley, 1835. AVm. D. Moseley, 1836. AVm. D. Moseley, 1838. Wm. D. Moseley, 1840. James B. Whitfield, 1842. Edwin G. Speight, 1844. Edwin G. Speight, 1846. Edwin G. Speight, 1848. Edwin G. Speight, 1850. Edwin G . Speight, House of Commons. Hardy Croom, Wm. Easterling, Shadrach Wooten, Benj. Witherington. Benj. Witherington, Wm. Goodman. James Bright, Allen Wooten. James Bright, Lazarus Pierce. James Bright, Lazarus Pierce. James Bright, Lazarus Pierce. Rigdon White, John Wooten. John Wooten, Wm. Branton. John Wooten, Lazarus Pierce. Francis Kilpatrick, Alexander Moseley. Francis Kilpatrick, Alexander Moseley. Abraham Croom, Joseph Loften. Francis Kilpatrick, Joseph Loften. Joseph Loften, Nathan Byrd. Joseph Loften, Nathan Byrd. Joshua Moseley, Blount Coleman. James Cox, Joshua Moseley. John Whitfield, John Williams. James Cox, John Williams. Abraham Croom, John Cobb. Isaac Tull, Nathan B. Whitfield. Wm. B. Kilpatrick, James Cox. Isaac Croom, W. B. Kilpatrick. James Cox, R. W. Goodman. Jesse Lassiter, James Cox. Jas. Cox, W. B. Kilpatrick. W. B. Kilpatrick, Geo. Whitfield. Geo. Whitfield, W. B. Kilpatrick. Allen W. Wooten, Council Wooten. Allen W. Wooten, Council Wooten. Council Wooten, A, W. Wooten. A. W. Wooten, Council Wooten. Blount Coleman, Pinckney Hardie. Geo. Whitfield, Windall Davis. Windall Davis, Council Wooten. Windall Davis. Windall Davis. Windall Davis. Windall Davis. Jesse Jackson. Jesse Jackson. Council Wooten. William Sutton. LINCOLN COUNTY. 225 CHAPTER XLVI, LINCOLN COUNTY. Date of formation — Oi-igin of name — Situation and boundaries — Population and products — Colonial and Revolutionary history — The association of the people — Battle at Kamsour's Mill, between the Tories under Colonel Moore, and the Whigs under Colonel Locke, Captain Falls, and others, on 20th June, 1780, from the pen of General Joseph Graham — Route of Lord Corn- wallis through this county, in Feb., 1781 — Biographical sketches of her sons, Joseph Graham, Peter Forney, Jacob Forney, Abram Forney, John Brevard, Michael Hoke, and others, and a list of her members of the Gene- ral Assembly. Lincoln County was formerly called Tryon, in honor of William Tryon, the Royal Governor ; but whose odious oppressions caused the General Assembly to blot out his name, and in 1779 to divide this territory into Lincoln and Rutherford. Governor Tryon's life and character have already been described.* Lincoln County was so called in honor of Benjamin Lincoln, who, at the time of its formation, was fighting the battles of his country against the British at Charleston. Benjamin Lincoln was born JaA. 23d, 1733, at Hingham, about thirteen miles from Boston. He was appointed, in Feb., 1777, Major-General in the Revolutionary Army, and served with General Gates at Stillwater, on Oct. 7th, 1777, which campaign terminated so gloriously to American arms. In this battle he was wounded, and suffered severely for several months. He joined the army in August, 1778. At the request of the delegation in Congress from South Carolina, he was appointed by Congress to command the Army in the south. He arrived at Charleston in Dec, 1778, and actively engaged in his important duties. On the 2d of March, 1779, General Ashe was defeated at Brier Creek, on the Savannah River, by which General Lincoln lost one-fourth of his Army. On the 20th, he attacked the British at Stono, a warm action ensued, num- bers killed on each side, but this action was not decisive. On the 9th of October, with Count D'Estaing and a large French force, he attacked the enemy at Savannah, a successful and bloody conflict ; after which D'Estaing returned to the West Indies, and Lincoln to Charleston. Closely besieged by Sir Henry Clinton and Admiral Arbuthnot, on the 12th of May, 1780, Lincoln was forced to surrender that post and the Army to the Britisii. His reputation as an officer and as a man suffered no detriment from this vicissitude of war, for his force was inadequate either for achievement or defence ; but with it he baffled for three months, the greatly superior force of the enemy. Being exchanged for Major-General Phillips, in the spring of 1781, he with joy joined the standard of his country; and, with Washington, was engaged in the glorious surrender of the British at Yorktown, Oct. 19th, 1781, and was selected by Washington for the honor of receiving the conquered arms of the English. * Vol i. 49. 226 HISTOEY OP NORTH CAROLINA. This closed the war. He was appointed Secretary of War, in 1781, with permission to retain his rank in the Army, but he soon resigned the laws of State for the pleasure of retirement, and after frequent and honorable employ- ments he died in the house in wJiich he teas born, on the 9th of May, 1810. Worthy is his name to be preserved in a portion of the finest part of our State. Lincoln County is situated in the western part of the State, and is bounded on the north by Catawba County, east by the Catawba River, which separates it from Iredell and Mecklenburg, south by Gaston County, and west by Cleaveland. Its capital is Lincolnton, and is one hundred and seventy-three miles west of Raleigh. Its population is 5,661 whites ; 2,055 slaves ; 30 free negroes ; 6,924 repre- sentative population. Its products are 1,479,396 pounds of cotton ; 24,494 pounds of wool ; 787,225 bushels of corn; 185,373 bushels of wheat; 84,324 bushels of oats; 4,800 bushels of Rye ; 25,000 pounds of tobacco ; 840 tons of iron. As Tryon County, Lincoln sent to that band of patriots in Newbern, on Aug. 25th, 1774, David Jexkixs and Robert Alexander. And to Hillsboro', on Aug. 21st, 1775, John Walker, Robert Alexander, Joseph Harden, William Graham, Frederick Hambright, and William Kennon. To Halifax, Xov. 12th, 1776 (which body formed our Constitution), Joseph Harden, Robert Abernethf, William Graham, William Alston, and John Barber. There is no poi'tion of our State whose territory was the more immediate scene of our revolutionary struggles than Lincoln. Once a portion of Meck- lenburg, it was a genuine swarm from " The Hornet's Nest." In August, 1775, the following association was drawn up and ordered to be signed by every freeholder in the county. It was found among the papers of General William Graham, of Rutherford, and recently published in the North Carolina Spectator, in Rutherfordton. It is also noticed in Jones' Defence of North Carolina:* — "An Association. " The unprecedented, barbarous and bloody actions committed by the British troops on our American brethren near Boston, on 19th April and 20th of May last, together with the hostile operations and treacherous designs now carrying on by the tools of Ministerial vengeance, for the subjugation of all British xVmerica, suggest to us the painful necessity of having recourse to arms for the preservation of those rights and liberties which the principles of our Constitution and the laws of God, nature, and nations have made it our duty to defend. We, therefore, the subscribers, freeholders and inhabitants of Tryon County, do hereby faithfully unite ourselves under the most solemn ties of religion, honor, and love to our country, firmly to resist force by force, in defence of our national freedom and constitutional rights, against all in- vasions, and at the same time do solemnly engage to take up arms and risk our lives and our fortunes, in maintaining the freedom of our country whenever the wisdom and counsel of the Continental Congress or our Provincial Conven- tion shall declare it necessary; and this engagement we will continue in and hold sacred till a reconciliation shall take place between Great Britain and America on constitutional principles, which we most ardently desire, and do firmly agree to hold all such persons as inimical to the liberties of America who shall refuse to sign this association." Signed by John Walker, Jacob Forney, Charles McLean, Joab Turner, Thomas Beatty, Samuel Loften, Frederick Hambright, and others. * See Jones' Defence of North Carolina, p. 81. LINCOLN COUNTY. 227 Let it be remembered that this association was signed nearly twelve months before Congress declared independence. It was on the 20th June, 1780, that the celebrated battle of Ramsour's Mill, near Lincolnton, was fought, and as it has been described by one who knew all the actors, and a resident of this ground (General Joseph Graham), I copy his valuable account of this affair as he himself has recorded it : — BATTLE OP ramsour's MILL — FOUGHT (tUESDAY) THE 20tH OP JUNE, 1780. An account of the battle at Ramsour's Mill was ptiblished several years since in the papers of this State, but, as it contained several errors, the author {Gen. Joseph Graham) transmitted to Lemuel Bingham, Esq., a coii-ected copy, which was published in the Catawba Journal, printed at Charlotte, February 1st, 1825. The unsuccessful attempt made by Gen. Lincoln to take Savannah, and the subsequent capture of the array under his command, inspired the Royalists with hope, and induced Sir Henry Clinton to regard the States of Georgia and South Carolina as i"e-annexed to the croAvn. The South was left destitute of any regular military force to support the cause of the Revolution — there were no regular troops south of Pennsylvania to oppose the British or to keep the Tories in awe. Within a few weeks after the surrender of Charles- ton, detachments of British troops occupied the principal posts of Georgia and South Carolina. Lieut.-Col. Brown marched up the Savannah River and re-occupied Augusta ; Lieut.-Col. Balfour took possession of Ninety-Sis on the Wateree ; and Lord Cornwallis pushed forward to Camden. The object of this last movement was threefold ; one, to intercept the retreat of Colonel Buford, who had been hastening with a few Continental troops to the relief of General Lincoln at Charleston ; the second, to open an easy communication with the Scottish settlements on the Pee Dee, Drowning Creek, and Cape Fear ; the third, to keep in check the Whigs of the Waxhaw settlement on the Catawba and of the south-western counties of North Carolina. The effect which these movements were calculated to produce upon the public mind was increased by the defeat of Col. Buford and the slaughter of his men. The States of Georgia and South Carolina yielded submission to royal autho- rity, and the commander-in-chief. Sir Henry Clinton, embarked with the main army for New York, leaving only four thousand troops for the Southern service. The command devolved on Lord Cornwallis, who immediately re- paired to Charleston to establish such commercial regulations as the new state of things required, and to arrange the civil administration of the State, leaving Lord Rawdon in command at Camden. North Carolina had not yet been invaded, and the hopes of the Revolution in the South seemed to rest on the efforts which she should make. Charleston surrendered on the 12th of May, 1780. On the 29th of that month, Tarleton defeated Buford on the Waxhaw settlement, forty miles south of Charlotte, in North Carolina. Brigadier-Gen. Rutherford ordered out the militia en masse, and, by the third of June, nearly nine hundred men assembled near Charlotte. On that day intelligence was received that Tarle- ton was on his return to Camden, and on the next day the militia, after having been harangued by the Rev. Dr. McWhorter, President of the College at Charlotte, were dismissed by Gen. Rutherford, with orders to have their arms in good repair and be in readiness for another call. Major Davie (after- wards Gen. Davie) having recovered from the wounds received at Stono, again took the field, and part of his cavalry were ordered to reconnoitre between Charlotte and Camden. On the 3d of June Gen. Rutherford was informed of the advance of a part of the troops under Lord Rawdon, to Waxhaw Creek, thirty miles south of Charlotte, and issued orders for the militia to rendezvous on the 10th, at Ree'a plantation, eighteen miles north-east of Charlotte. The militia, to the num- ber of eight hundred, promptly assembled on the 12th. Having heard that Lord Rawdon hud retired to Hanging Rock, Gen. Rutherford advanced ten miles to Mallard Creek. 228 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. On the 14th the troops under his command were organized. The cavalry, sixty-five in number, under Major Davie, were equipped as dragoons, and formed in two troops under Captains Simmons and Martin. A battalion of three hundred light infantry was placed under the command of Col. Wm. P. Davidson, a regular officer, who could not join his regiment in Charleston after that place was invested, and now joined the militia. Five hundred men remained under the immediate command of General Rutherford. On the evening of the 14th he received intelligence that the Tories were embodying in arms beyond the Catawba River, in Tryon County, about forty miles to the north-west of his then position. He issued orders to Col. Francis Locke, of Rowan, Major David Wilson, of Mecklenburg ; to Captains Falls and Brandon, and also to other ofllcers, to make every effort to raise men to disperse the Tories, it being deemed impolitic by General Rutherford to weaken his own force, until the object of Lord Rawdon's ex- pedition was better ascertained. On the 15th Gen. Rutherford advanced two miles to the south of Char- lotte. On the 17th he was informed that Lord Rawdon had retired towards Camden, and the Tories were assembled in force at Ramsour's Mill, near the south fork of the Catawba. A man by the name of John Moore, whose father and family resided about six miles from Ramsour's Mill, had joined the British army the preceding winter, and leaving the detachment under Cornwallis, on the march from Charleston to Camden, he arrived at his father's on the 7th of June, wearing a sword and an old tattered suit of regimentals. He announced himself as a Lieut.-Col. of the regiment of North Carolina Loyalists, commanded by Col. John Hamilton, of Halifax County. He gave to the people of the neighborhood the first particular ac- count they had received of the siege and capture of Charleston, and the ad- vance of the British troops to Camden. He appointed the 10th of June for an assembling of the people in the woods on Indian Creek, seven miles from Ramsour's. Forty men assembled, and Moore told them that it was not the wish of Lord Cornwallis that they should embody at that time, but that they and all other loyal subjects should hold themselves in readiness, and in the mean time get in their harvest, that before the getting in of the harvest it would be difficult to procure provisions for the British army; and that as soon as the country could furnish subsistence to the army, it would advance into Xorth Carolina, and support the Royalists. Before this meeting broke up an express arrived to inform them that Major Joseph McDowell, of Burke County, with twenty men, was within eight miles of them, in search of some of the principal persons of their party. Confident of their strength, they resolved to attack McDowell, but some preparations being necessary, they could not march until next morn- ing, when finding he had retired they pursued him to the ledge of mountains which separate the counties of Lincoln and Burke, and not being able to overtake him, Moore directed them to return home and meet him on the 13th at Ramsour's. On that day two hundred men met Moore, and they were joined on the next day by many others, among whom was Nicholas Welch, a Major in the regiment commanded by Col. Hamilton. He had lived in that neighborhood, and had joined the British army eighteen months before. He was directly from the army of Lord Cornwallis, and gave information of Col. Buford's defeat. He wore a rich suit of regimentals, and exhibited a con- siderable number of guineas, by which he sought to allure some, while he en- deavored to intimidate others by an account of the success of the British army in all operations of the South, and the total inability of the Whigs to make further opposition. His conduct had the desired effect, and much more confi- dence was placed in him than in Colonel Moore. They remained in camp until the 20th, during which time a detachment commanded by Col. Moore made an unsuccessful attempt to capture Col. Hugh Brevard and Major Joseph McDowell, each of whom came into the neighborhood with a number of Whigs to harass the Tories who were assembling. By the 20th, nearly thirteen hundred men had assembled at Ramsour's, one-fourth of whom were without arms. Gen, Rutherford resolved to con- LINCOLN COUNTY. 229 centrate his force and attack them as soon as he learned that Lord Rawdoa had retired to Camden, With this view he marched on Sunday the 18th, from his camp south of Charlotte, to the Tuckasege Ford on the Catawba River, twelve miles nearer to Ramsour's. In the evening of that day he dispatched an express to Col. Locke, advising him of his movement, and of the enemy's strength, and ordering Locke to join him on the 19th in the even- ing or on the 20th in the morning, a few miles in advance of the Tuckasege Ford. The express was neglected and did not reach Col. Locke. The morn- ing of the 19th was wet, and the arms of Gen. Rutherford's men were out of order. At mid-day the weather cleared up, and orders were given to the men to discharge their guns. This discharge produced an alarm in the neighborhood, and the people thinking the Tories were attempting to cross the river, many of them came in with arms and joined Rutherford. In the evening he crossed the river, and encamped sixteen miles from Ramsour's. When Rutherford crossed the river, it was believed he would march in the night and attack the Tories next morning ; but, expecting that his express had reached Colonel Locke he waited for Locke's arrival, that he might on the next day march in full force to the attack. At 10 o'clock at night Col. James Johnston* of Tryon County, reached Rutherford's camp. He had been dispatched by Colonel Locke, to give notice of his intention to attack the Tories at sunrise the next morning, and requesting Rutherford's co-operation. Rutherford, in confident expectation that his express had reached Colonel Locke, shortly after Colonel Johnston had left, made no movement until next morning. In pursuance of the orders given to Col. Locke, and the other oflScers at Mallard Creek on the 14th, they severally collected as many men as they could, and on the morning of the 18th, Major Wilson, with sixty-five men, passed the Catawba at Tool's Ford, and joined Major McDowell with twenty- five men. They passed up the river at right angles with the position of the Tories, to join the detachment of the friends who were assembling at the upper fords. At McE wen's Ford being joined by Captain Falls, with forty men under his command, they continued their march up the east side of Mountain Creek, and on Monday the 19th, they joined Colonel Locke, Capt. Brandon and other oflBcers, with two hundred and seventy men. The whole force united amounted to four hundred men. They encamped on Mountain Creek, sixteen miles from Ramsour's. The ofiicers met in council, and they were unanimous in the opinion that it would be unsafe to remain in that position, as the Tories could attack them after a march of a few hours, and from the inferiority of their force, they had no doubt the Tories would march on them as soon as they learned where they were. It was first proposed that they should re-cross the Catawba at Sherrill's Ford, six miles in their rear, and wait for reinforcements, believing that with their force they could prevent the Tories from crossing. To this it was ob- jected that a retrograde movement would embolden the Tories, whose numbers were increasing as fast as probably their own numbers would increase, after they had re-crossed the river, and no additional security could therefore be obtained by such a movement. It was next proposed that they should march directly down the river, and join Gen. Rutherford, who was then distant from them about thirty-five miles. It was said this movement could be made without risk, as in making it they would not be nearer Ramsour's than they were. To this prudent proposition it was objected, that nearly all the efiective Whigs of that section were fi*om home, either with them, or with Gen. Rutherford, and such a movement would leave their families exposed, and their houses unprotected from pillage ; that it would also be a dangerous movement for themselves, as the Tories might be in motion, and they might encounter them in their march. It was insinu- ated, that these propositions proceeded, if not from fear, at least from an unwillingness to meet the Tories — and therefore, another proposition was made, which was, that notwithstanding their disparity of force, they should march during the night and attack the Tories in their camp early the next * Father of Robert Johnston, Esq., of this County. 230 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. morning. It was said, that the Tories being ignorant of their force, and suddenly attacked, -would be easily routed. The more prudent members of the council could not brook the insinuation of cowardice, and trusting to that fortune which sometimes crowns even rashness with success, it was unani- mously resolved immediately to march, and at daybreak attack the Tories. Col. Johnston being well acquainted with the country, was immediately dispatched to apprise Gen. Rutherford of this resolution. Late in the evening they commenced their march from Mountain Creek, and passing down the south side of the mountain, they halted at the west end of it for an hour in the night, and the officers convened to determine on the plan of attack. It was determined that the companies commanded by Captains Falls, McDowell, and Brandon, should act on horseback, and march in front. No other arrangements were made, and it was left to the officers to be governed by circumstances after they should reach the enemy. They resumed their march, and arrived within a mile of the enemy's camp at day- light. The Tories were encamped on a hill three hundred yards east of Ramsour's Mill, and half a mile north of the present flourishing village of Lincolnton. The ridge stretched nearly to the east on the south side of the mill pond, and the road leading to the Tuckasege ford, by the Mill, crosses the point of the ridge in a north-western direction. The Tories occupied an excellent posi- tion on a summit of the ridge ; their right on the road fronting the south. The ridge has a very gentle slope, and was then interspersed with only a few trees, and the fire of the Tories had full rake in front for more than two hun- dred yards. The foot of the hill was bounded by a glade, the side of which ■was covered with bushes. The road passed the western end of the glade at right angles : opposite the centre of the line and on the road a fence ex- tended from the glade to a point opposite the right of the line — the picket guard, twelve in number, were stationed on the road, two hundred and fifty yards south of the glade, and sis hundred yards from the encampment. The companies of Captains Falls, McDowell and Brandon, being mounted, the other troops under Col. Locke were arranged in the road, two deep, be- hind them, and without any other organization or orders, they were marched to battle. When the horsemen came within sight of the picket, they per- ceived that their approach had not been anticipated. The picket fired and fled to their camp. The horsemen pursued, and turning to the right, out of the road, they rode up within thirty steps of the line, and fired at the Tories, who being in confusion, had not time to form their line, but seeing only a few men assailing them they quickly recovered from their panic, and poured in a destructive fire, which obliged the horsemen to retreat. They retreated in disorder, passing through the infantry, who were advancing; several of the infantry joined them and never came into action. At a convenient distance the greater part of the horsemen rallied, and, returning to the fight, exerted themselves with spirit during its continuance. The infantry hurried to keep near the horsemen in pursuit of the picket, and their movements being very irregular, their files were opened six or eight steps ; and when the front ap- proached the Tories, the rear was eighty poles back. The Tories, seeing the effect of their fire, came down the hill a little dis- tance and were in fair view. The infantry of the Whigs kept the road to the point between the glade and the corner of the fence opposite the centre of the Tories. Here the action was renewed ; the front fired several times before the rear came up. The Tories being on their left, they deployed to the right in front of the glade, and came into action without order or system. In some places they were crowded together in each other's way ; in other places there were none. As the rear came up, they occupied those places, and the line gradually extending, the action became general and obstinate on both sides. In a few minutes the Tories began to retire to their posi- tion on the top of the ridge, and soon fell back a little behind the ridge to shelter part of their bodies from the fire of the Whigs, who were fairly ex- posed to their fire. In this situation their fire became very destructive, so that the Whigs fell back to the bushes near the glade, and the Tories, leaving their safe position, pursued half way down the ridge, x\.t this moment Capt. LINCOLN COUNTY. 231 Harden led a party of Whigs into the field, and, under cover of the fence, kept up a galling iire on the right flank of the Tories ; and some of the Whigs discovering that the ground on the right was more favorable to protect them from the fire of the Tories, obliqued in that direction towards the east end of the glade. This movement gave their line the proper extension. They con- tinued to oblique in this direction until they turned the left flank of the Tories ; and the contest being well maintained in the centre, the Tories began to retreat up the ridge. They fc/und part of their position occupied by the Whigs. In that quarter the action became close, and the parties mixed to- gether in two instances ; and, having no bayonets, they struck at each other with the butts of their guns. In this strange contest, several of the Tories were taken prisoners, and others, divesting themselves of their mark of dis- tinction (a twig of green pine top stuck in their hats) intermixed with the Whigs, and all being in their common dress, escaped unnoticed. The Tories, finding the left of their position in possession of the Whigs, and their centre being closely pressed, retreated down the ridge toward the pond, exposed to the tire of the centre and of Captain Harden's company behind the fences. The Whigs pursued until they got entire possession of the ridge, when they discovered, to their astonishment, that the Tories had collected in force on the other side of the creek beyond the mill. They expected the fight would be renewed, and attempted to form a line, but only eighty-six men could be paraded. Some were scattered during the action, others were attending to their wounded friends, and, after repeated efi'orts, not more than one hundred and ten men could be collected. In this situation of things it was resolved that Maj. Wilson and Capt. Wm. Alexander, of Rowan, should hasten to General Rutherford and urge him to press forward to their assistance. Rutherford had marched early in the morning, and, at the distance of six or seven miles from Ramsour's, was met by Wilson and Alexander. Maj. Davie's cavalry was started at full gallop, and Col. Davidson's infintry were ordered to hasten on with all possible speed. At the end of two miles they were met by others from the battle, who informed them that the Tories had retreated. The march was continued, and the troops arrived on the ground two hours after the battle had closed. The dead and most of the wounded were still lying where they fell. As soon as the action began, those of the Tories who had no arms, and several who had, returned across the creek. They were joined by others when they were first beaten up the ridge, and by two hundred well-armed, who had arrived two days before, from Lower Creek, in Burke County, under Captains Whiston and 'Murray. Col. Moore and Maj. Welch soon joined them. Those of the Tories who continued the fight to the last crossed the creek and joined as soon as the Whigs got possession of the ridge. Believing that they were completely beaten, they formed a stratagem to secure their retreat. About the time that AV^ilson and Alexander were dispatched to Gen. Rutherford, they sent a flag under a pretence of proposing a suspension of hos- tilities, to make arrangements for taking care of the wounded and burying the dead. To prevent the flag-ofiicer from perceiving their small number, Maj. Jas. Rutherford and another ofiicer were ordered to meet him a short distance from the line. The proposition being made, Maj. Rutherford demanded that the Tories should surrender within ten minutes, and then the arrangements should be made that were requested. In the meantime, Moore and Welch gave orders that such of their men as were on foot, or had inferior horses, should move off singly as fast as they could, and when the flag returned, not more than fifty remained. They immediately tied. Moore, with thirty men, reached the British army at Camden, where he was threatened with a trial by a court-martial for disobedience of orders in attempting to embody the Royalists before the time appointed by the Commander-in-Chief. lie was treated with disrespect by the British officers, and held in a state of disagree- able suspense; but it was at length deemed impolitic to order him before a court-martial. As there was no organization of either party, nor regular returns made after the action, the loss could not be ascertained with correctness. Fifty- 24 232 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. six lay dead on the side of the ridge where the heat of the action prevailed. Many lay scattered on the flanks and over the ridge toward the mill. It is be- lieved that seventy were killed, and that the loss on each side was equal. About one hundred men on each side were wounded, and fifty Tories were taken prisoners. The men had no uniform, and it could not be told to which party many of the dead belonged. Most of the Whigs wore a piece of white paper on their hats in front, and many of the men on each side being excellent riflemen, this paper was a mark at which the Tories often fired, and several of the Whigs were shot in the head. The trees behind which both Whigs and Tories occasionally took shelter, were grazed by the balls ; and one tree on the left of the Tory line, at the root of which two brothers lay dead, was grazed by three balls on one side and by two on the other. In this battle neighbors, near relations, and personal friends fought against each other, and as the smoke would from time to time blow off, they would recognize each other. In the evening and on the next day the relations and friends of the dead and wounded came in, and a scene was witnessed truly afflicting to the feelings of humanity. After the action commenced, scarcely any orders were given by the officers. They fought like common soldiers, and animated their men by their example, and they sufi'ered severely. Captains Falls, Dobson, Smitli, Bowman, and Armstrong were killed ; and Captains Houston and McKissick wounded. Of the Tories, Captains Cumberland, Murray, and Warlick were killed ; and Capt. Carpenter wounded. Few either of the officers or men had ever been in battle before. KOUTE OF THE BRITISH ARMY, UNDER LORD CORNWALLIS, THROUGH LINCOLN" COUNTY. After the battle of the Cowpens on the 17th of January, 1781, Lord Corn- wallis, being joined the next day by reinforcements under General Leslie, at Winnsboro', advanced rapidly to intercept Morgan with his prisoners. I am enabled, by means of an original manuscript of Lord Curnwallis, now on file in the archives of the Historical Society of the State, at the Uni- versity ; and the excellent maps in Tarleton's campaigns; and the History of Stedman, to trace accurately the movements of the British army. General Leslie's head-quarters on the 17th January, 1781, were at Sandy Run, in Chester District, a branch of Broad River. At Hillhouse's plantation, York District, on the 18th, General Leslie re- turns his thanks to the troops under his command for their ready obedience, and informs them that all orders in future will issue from Lord Cornwallis and the Adjutant-General. At eight o'clock at night Lord Cornwallis issues his orders to the army to march at eight o'clock in the morning in the follow- ing order: — 1, Yagers; 2, corps of pioneers; 3, two three-pounders; 4, Brigade Guards ; 5, Regiment of Bose ; 6, North Carolina Volunteers ; 7, two six- pounders; 8, Lt.-Colonel Webster's Brigade ; 9, wagons of the General; 10, field officers' wagons; 11, ammunition wagons; 12, hospital Avagons ; 13, regiment wagons ; 14, provision train ; 15, bat horses ; a captain, two sub- alterns, and one hundred men from Colonel Webster's brigade, to form a rear guard. On the 19th the army camped at Smith's House, on Broad River, near Cherokee Iron Works ; on the 20th at Saunders' plantation, in South Carolina, on Buffalo Creek; on the 23d they reached Tryon Court House, in the west part of Gaston, about 20 miles from Lincolnton ; on the 24th at Ramsour's mill, near where Lincolnton now stands. Here the army remained until the 28th, when they marched to Beattie's Ford. The river, from recent rains, being deemed impassable. Lord Cornwallis falls back to Forney's plan- tation, now occupied by James Anderson, Esq., whore he remained drying his powder and procuring forage for his cavalry, until the first of February, when, at half past two in the morning, he took up his line of march, and crossed the Catawba River at Cowan's Ford, about six miles below Beattie's Ford. Here about six hundred militia, under General Davidson, were posted, and a slight skirmish occurred. A British Colonel (Hall) and three privates LINCOLN COUNTY. 233 were killed, and thirty-six wounded. Lord Cornwallis' horse was shot from under him, and fell dead as he i-eached the bank. The brave Davidson fell here of our side, by the hand of a Tory. Lord Cornwallis, in his general orders, at camp, on the 2d, returns his " thanks to the brigade of Guards for their cool and determined bravery in the passage of the Catawba, while rushing through that long and difficult ford under a galling fire." A part of the British force crossed at Beattie's Ford (Col. Webster's Brigade). They united at the House of Alfred D. Kerr, where a skirmish had takgn place — then called Torrence's. Another order from his manuscript order book does credit to his head as well as his heart. " Head Quarters, Cross Roads to Salisbury, \st Feb., 1781. "Lord Cornwallis is highly displeased that several houses were set on fire during the march this day — a disgrace to the army. He will punish with the utmost severity any person or persons who shall be found guilty of com- mitting so disgraceful an outrage. His Lordship requests the commanding officers of corps to find out the persons who set fire to the houses this day." General Morgan had previously crossed safely the Catawba, at the Island ford ; and met General Greene on the east bank of the river, and with him continued his retreat from the advancing forces of the British. The Americans crossed the Yadkin at Trading Ford, on the night of the 1st and on the 2d of February ; which on the 2d, from rains, was so swollen that the British attempted in vain that day to cross. Lord Cornwallis, after an ineifectual cannonade over the river, returned to Salisbury, and on the 7th crossed at the Shallow Ford. GEN. JOSEPH GRAHAM. Among the citizens of Lincoln, the name of Joseph Graham stands con- spicuous. I am allowed to present a sketch of this meritorious officer by an able and faithful hand. General Graham was born in Pennsylvania, October 13th, 1759. His mother being left a widow with five small children, and slender means to support them, removed to North Carolina when he was about seven years of age, and settled in the vicinity of Charlotte. He received the principal part of his education at an academy then taught in Charlotte, and was distinguished among his fellow students for calents, industry, and the most manly and con- ciliating deportment. His thirst for knowledge led him at an early period to become well acquainted with all those interesting events which preceded and prepared for, our revolutionary struggle. He was present in Charlotte, on the 20th of May, 1775, when the first Declaration of Independence was for- mally and publicly made. The deep impression made upon his mind by the solemn and illustrious decisions of that day, gave good evidence that he was then preparing for the noble stand which he took during the war. lie enlisted in the army of the United States in the month of May, 1778, at the age of nineteen years. He served in the 4th Regiment of North Carolina regular troops, under Colonel Archibald Lytic, and acted as an officer in Captain Gooden's company. The troops to which he was attached were ordered to rendezvous at Bladensburg, in Maryland. Having proceeded as far as Caswell county, they received intelligence of the battle at Monmouth, and that the British having gone to New York, their services would not be needed. He returned home on furlough. He was again called into service on the 5th of November, 1778, and marched under the command of General Rutherford to Purysburg, on the Savannah River, soon after the defeat of General Ashe at Brier Creek. He was with the troops under General Lincoln, in the trying and painful was taken with tlie fever, and after two mouths' severe illness was discharged near Dorchester and returned home. 234 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. After recovering from the effects of sickness and privation, he aided his mother in the support of lier family, and was ploughing in her field when he received intelligence of the surrender of Charleston, and that the British had defeated Col. Buford at the Waxhaw, and were within forty miles of Char- lotte. Instead of being deterred by the sufferings of the previous campaign, or the perils of that alarming moment, he resolved at once to leave his plough, and enter the army. lie was immediately appointed adjutant of the Mecklenburg regiment, and spent the summer with them in opposing and assailing the troops of Lord Kawdon. When it was understood that the British were marching to Charlotte, he was commanded by General Davidson to repair to that place, and take com- mand of such force as should collect there, and to join Colonel Davie. The British army entered Charlotte the 2Gth of September, 1780. General Gra- ham was assigned the command of those troops which sustained the retreat of General Davie, and opposed Tarleton's cavalry and a regiment of infantry for four miles on the road leading to Salisbury. After a heavy and well- directed fire upon the British from the court house to the Gum Tree, General Graham retreated with the men under his command and formed on the planta- tion now owned by Joseph McConnaughey, Esq., and again attacked their advancing column of infantry. There his life was providentially preserved from the bursting of a gun, fired by the soldier who stood at his side, and whose arm was wounded. After again retreating, he formed on the hill above where Sugar Creek church now stands. There, owing to the imprudent, but honest zeal of a Major White, they were detained too long, for by the time they reached the Cross Roads, a party of British dragoons were coming up the road leading from Captain Kennedy's, and after close pursuit for nearly two miles, overtook them. Colonel Francis Locke, of Rowan county, an intelligent and brave officer, was killed upon the margin of a small pond, now to be seen at the end of Mr. Alexander Kennedy's lane. Between that spot and where Mr. James A. Houston now lives. General Graham was cut down and severely wounded. He received nine wounds; six with the sabre and three with lead. His life was again narrowly and mercifully preserved by a large stock buckle which broke the violence of a stroke, Avhich to human view, must otherwise have proved fatal. He received four deep gashes of the sabre over his head and one in his side, and three balls were afterward removed from his body. After being much exhausted by loss of blood he reached the house of Mrs. Susannah Alexander, who yet lives near the same place, where he was kindly nursed and watched during the night, and his wounds dressed as well as circumstances would permit. The next day he reached his mother's, where Major Bostwick now lives. From that he was taken to the hospital, and was two months recovering. Thus, at the tender age of twenty-one years, we see this gallant officer leading a band of as brave men as ever faced a foe, to guard the ground first consecrated by the Declaration of American Independence, and when the foot of tyranny was treading it, and resistance proved unsuccessful, leaving his blood as the best memorial of a righteous cause, and of true heroism in its defence. While the whole country was in distress, its property pillaged, its houses forsaken, and its defenceless inhabitants flying from the shock of arms, a few noble sons of Mecklenburg compelled Lord Cornwallis to designate Charlotte as the Hornet Nest of America. As soon as he recovered from his wounds, he again entered the service of his country. General William Davidson, who had command of all the militia in the western counties of North Carolina, applied to him to raise one or more companies, promising him such rank as the number of men raised ■would justify. It proved not only his energy of purpose, but great influence, that, at that difficult and hazardous period, he could raise a company of fifty- five men in two weeks. They were mounted riflemen, armed also with swords, and some with pistols. They supplied themselves with horses, pro- cured their own equipments, and entered the field without commissary or quarter-master, and with every prospect of hard fighting and little compen- sation. LINCOLN COUNTY. 235 After Tarleton's signal defeat at the Cowpens, Cornwallis resolved to pur- sue General Morgan. At that time General Greene had received the com- mand of the Southern Army, and had stationed himself at Hick's Creek, on the north of the Pedee, near to Cheraw. After Morgan's victory and suc- cessful retreat, General Greene left his main army with General Iluger, and rode one hundred and fifty miles to join Morgan's detachment. The plan of opposing Lord Cornwallis in crossing the Catawba River, was arranged by General Greene, and its execution assigned to General Davidson. Feints of passing were made at different places, but the real attempt was made at Cowan's Ford. Soon after the action commenced. General William Da- vidson was killed, greatly lamented by all who knew him, as a talented, brave, and generous officer. The company commanded by General Graham was the first to commence the attack on the British as they advanced through the river, which was resolutely continued until they reached the bank, loaded their arms, and commenced a heavy fire upon his men, two of whom were killed. It was supposed that General Davidson was killed by a Tory, who was pilot to the British in crossing the river, as he was shot with a small rifle ball. Colonel William Polk and the Rev. Mr. McCall were near to him when he fell. His body was found that night and buried in the present graveyard of Hopewell Church. The North Carolina militia were then placed under the command of Gen. Pickens, of South Carolina, and continued to pursue the British as they ad- vanced toward Virginia. General Graham with his company and some troops from Rowan County, surprised and captured a guard at Hart's Mill, one and a half miles from Hillsborough, where the British army then lay, and the same day were united to Colonel Lee's forces. On the next day he was in an action under General Pickens with Colonel Pyles, who commanded 350 Tories, on their way to join Tarleton. These Tories supposed the Whigs to be a company of British troops, sent for their protection, and commenced crying " God save the king." Tarleton was about a mile from this place, and retreated to Hillsborough. Shortly afterwards. General Graham was in an engagement under Colonel Lee, at Clapp's Mill on the Alamance, and had two of his company killed, three wounded, and two taken prisoners. A few days afterwards he was in au action at Whitsell's iMill, under the command of Colonel Washington. As the time for which his men had engaged was expired, and the country annoyed with Tories, General Greene directed him to return with his com- pany, and keep them in a compact body until they crossed the Yadkin, which they did, March 14th, 1781. After the battle at Guilford, the British retired to Wilmington, and but little military service was performed in North Carolina during the summer of 1781. About the first of September, Fannin surprised Hillsborough, and took Governor Burke prisoner. General Rutherford, who had been taken prisoner at Gates' defeat, and with many other, distinguished citizens had been confined in custody, was discharged and returned home about this time. He immediately gave orders to General Graham, in whose military prowess and general influence he had the utmost confidence, to raise a troop of cavalry in Mecklenburg County. Three troops of dragoons and about two hundred mounted infantry were raised and formed into a legion, of which Robert Smith, Esq., who had been a Captain in the North Carolina line, was ap- pointed Colonel, and General Graham was appointed Major. They forthwith commenced their march towards Wilmington. South of Fayetteville, with ninety-six dragoons and forty mounted infantry. General Graham made a gallant and successful attack upon a body of Tories commanded by the noted Tory Colonels McNeil, Ray, Graham, and McDougal. This action took place near McFall's Mill, on the Raft Swamp, in which the Tories were sig- nally defeated, their leaders dispersed in dismay, and their cause greatly- injured. That one hundred and thirty-six Whigs should attack and tri- umphantly defeat six hundred Tories, headed by four Colonels, reflects great honor upon the bravery and intelligence of their youthful commander. A short time afterwards he commanded one troop of dragoons and two of mounted infantry, in surprising and defeating a baud of Tories on Mr. Al- 236 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. fred Moore's plantation opposite to "Wilmington. On the next day, he led the troops in person which made a resolute attack on the British garrison,^ near the same place. Shortl}' afterwards, he commanded three companies in de- feating the celebrated Col. Gagny, near Waccamaw lake. Shortly after this, the war was terminated in the south by the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, at Yorktown in Virginia. . This campaign closed Gen. Graham's services in the Revolutionary War, having commanded in fifteen engagements, with a degree of courage, wis- dom, calmness, and success, surpassed perhaps, by no officer of the same rank. Hundreds, who served under him, have delighted in testifying to the upright, faithful, prudent, and undaunted manner in which he discharged the duties of his trying and responsible station. Never was he known to shrink from a.ny toil, however painful, or quail before any danger, however threatening, or stand back from any privations or sacrifices which might serve his country. To secure her liberties, he spent many toilsome days and sleepless nights ; for her he endured much fatigue, and sickness, and suffering, without a murmur; for her, his body was covered with wounds; to her wel- fare he consecrated his time, and treasure, and influence, during a long and unblemished life. It was not by empty words or arrogant pretensions, but by self-denying and long-continued actions, that he proved himself to be a friend to his country. After the close of the war, he was elected the first Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, and gave great satisfaction by the faithful and exemplary perform- ance of the duties of that office. He was afterwards, for a number of years, a prominent member of the General Assembly from the same county. About the year 1787, he was married to the second daughter of Major John David- son.* By this marriage, he had twelve children, seven of whom have sur- vived him.f Not long after his marriage he removed to Lincoln County, and engaged in the manufacture of iron, and for more than forty years before his death, conducted a large establishment with great energy and prudence. In the year 1814, when the war with the Creek Indians was raging with violence, and Generals Jackson, Coffee, and Carroll, were repelling with signal bravery their ruthless aggressions. North Carolina determined to send 1000 men to aid the volunteers from Tennessee and Georgia, in the conflict with those savages. Gen. Graham's renown as an officer, and his worth as a man, commended him as the leader of the troops from this State. He re- ceived the commission of General, and was strongly solicited by the Governor of the State to accept the appointment. Although the circumstances of his family rendered his absence one of great loss and self-denial, he proniptly obeyed the call of his country, and marched at the head of a fine Regiment of Volunteers to the scene of conflict. They arrived about the time the last stroke of punishment was inflicted upon the Creeks by Gen. Jackson, at the battle of the Horse Shoe ; and in time to receive the submission of those they expected to conquer. Several hundred of the lower Creeks surrendered to them. For many years after the last war, he was Major-General of the 5th Divi- sion of the Militia of North Carolina. In the year 1802, he was earnestly requested by sundry persons in the western part of the State, friendly to the better organization of the Militia, to address the Legislature on the subject, and to propose a plan for a Military Academy. The address evinced enlarged and judicious sentiments on the subject, and drew from the Assembly the following resolution: — " Resolved, That the thanks of this General Assembly be presented to Jo- seph Graham, Esq., of Lincoln County, for his plan of a Military Academy submitted to the consideration of this Legislature, and that the address be printed, ten copies for each County in the State, to be delivered with the Laws and Journals to the Clerks of the several County Courts, and by them to the Commandants of the several regiments, to be at their disposal." By a life of tempei'ance and regular exercise, with the blessing of God, he enjoyed remarkable health and vigor of constitution. On the 13th of October, * Isabella. t The youngest of them is now Secretary of the Navy. LINCOLN COUNTY. 237 1836, he made the following minute in his Day-Book. " This day I am Seventy-seven years of age, and in good health, Dei Gratia." As the disease which terminated his life was apoplexy, its paralyzing stroke was sudden and unexpected. lie rode from Lincolnton on the 10th of No- vember, and on the evening of the 12th, closed his eyes upon the cares and trials of a long, useful, and honorable life. " Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what we now deplore, Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more." R. H. M. A NOTICE OF THE BREVARD FAMILY. The Brevard family acted a very important part during our revolutionary struggle. A short notice of it may possess some interest. The first one of the name of whom anything is known, was a French Hu- guenot. He left his native land on the revocation of the edict of Nantes. Going to the northern part of Ireland among the Scotch Irish, he there formed an acquaintance with a family of McKnitts. In company with them he set sail for the- American shores. One of this family was a young and blooming lassie. Brevard and herself discovered in each other kindred spirits, and a mutual attachment sprung up between them. They joined their fortunes, determined to share the hardships and trials incident to a settlement in a new country, at that time filled with wild beasts and savages. They settled on the waters of Elk River, in Maryland. The issue of this marriage were five sons and a daughter; John, Robert, Zebulon, Benjamin, and Adam, and Elizabeth. The three elder brothers, with their sister and her husband, came to North Carolina between 1740 and 1750. The three brothers were all Whigs during the Revolution — but this notice will be confined to the family of John. He, before leaving the State of his father's adoption, married a sister of Dr. McWhorter, a Presbyterian minister, who also came to North Carolina, and had for a time the control of Queen's Museum in Charlotte. Dr. McWhorter's literary acquirements were considerable. He was the author of the two volumes of "McWhorter's Sermons." Being a very zealous Whig, the British were very anxious to get their hands on him, on account of the independent and revolutionary spirit of his addresses both in and out of the pulpit. And had they been successful. Dr. McWhorter would probably have paid for his patriotism with his life. But they failed iu their endeavors, and he at length returned to the North. John Brevard settled himself two or three miles from Centre Church, in Iredell county. At the commencement of the Revolutionary War, his family consisted of eight sons and four daughters. Mary, Ephraim, John, Hugh, Adam, Alexander, Robert, Benjamin, Nancy, Joseph, Jane, and Rebecca. It has been stated, that he died before the close of the war. This is a mistake — but he was too old to be constantly employed on active service — and be- sides, his fiimily required a portion of his attention. He was, however, always ready to render any assistance in his power to the Whigs. He had instilled his principles into his children, and they bore the proper fruit. As a penalty for it, his dwelling and every outhouse on the premises were burned to the ground. When this happened he was absent. The British army under Lord Cornwallis came to his house, and found no one there except his wife, an old lady. She had received notice of their ap- proach, and had sent her daughters to a neighboring house across a swamp, to preserve them from any indignities that might be offered them by an un- feeling soldiery. She determined to remain, trusting to her advanced age and sex, and attempt to save the property. When the army came up, an officer drew a paper from his pocket, and after looking at it said, that the houses must be burned. They were accordingly set on fire. Mrs. Brevard attempted to rescue some of the furniture from the flames — but the soldiers 238 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. would throw it back as fast as she could take it out. Everything was lost. The old lady was treated very rudely ; and part of her clothes were torn from her body — but she received no actual personal injury. They gave as a reason for their conduct, that her sons were all d d rebels, and that she had eight sons then in (as they were pleased to call it) the rebel army.* Mary, the eldest daughter of John Brevard, married General Davidson, who was killed at Cowan's Ford, on the Catawba River. Nancy married John Davidson. They were both killed by the Indians, at the head of the Catawba River. Jane, married Ephraim, a brother of John Davidson, and adecided Whig. Though very young, he was sent by General Davidson the night before the skirmish at Cowan's Ford, with an express to Colonel Morgan, warning him of the approach of the British forces. Rebecca married a Jones, and moved to Tennessee. Epuraim Brevard was the eldest son; while a boy he had the misfortune to lose one of his eyes. This, however, did not prevent his being educated. After a course of preparatory studies he went to Princeton College, New Jersey. Having graduated, he then turned his attention to the medical profession. After a due course, he settled himself as a practicing physician in the town of Charlotte, North Carolina. Possessed of a superior mind, well educated, and of prepossessing manners, his influence over his fellow citizens was very considerable. The war of the Revolution with all its hardships and trials commenced — the emergency of the times called for sound judgment and a bold and daring ppirit — in Dr. Brevard these requisites were found — and sprung from an an- cestry who had left their native land to escape from the restraint on con- science, his indignant soul was roused to energetic opposition, when civil oppression raised its head in the home of their adoption. The battle of Lexington had been fought. It was apparent that the motlier country was lost to all sense of justice to her colonies, and that she was determined, if possible, to force her unconstitutional measures upon them. Colonel Thomas Polk took a very active part in getting up a meeting of the citizens of Mecklenburg, for the purpose of consulting upon what course should be pursued. This meeting was composed of two persons sent from each Captain's beat. It was organized in Charlotte, by the appointment of Abram Alexander as Chairman, and- John McKnitt Alexander and Dr. Brevard as Secretaries, May 19, 1775. This day was taken up in discussion. Independence was proposed, and Dr. Brevard came forward as one of its advocates. At first it met with oppo- sition- but all objections were at length removed, and a committee appointed to draft resolutions declaring their independence. These resolutions were drawn up by Dr. Brevard, who, with two others, was selected for the pur- pose. They were read to the meeting on the morning of May 20th, 1775, and adopted. They were then taken to the door of the Court Ilouse, and again read by Colonel Thomas Polk, to a large assemblage of people. The ques- tion was asked, "Are you agreed?" It was answered in the affirmative, amidst loud huzzas, and clapping of hands, throwing up hats, and every show of approbation, by people who had hitherto enjoyed liberty and were determined to preserve it, or sacrifice everything in the attempt. A notice of the proceedings of this meeting may be found in the " Sketches of North Carolina," by Dr. Foote, and also of another instrument, entitled, " Instruc- tions for the delegates of Mecklenburg." In these, the principles of civil and religious liberty are clearly and comprehensively set forth. The rights of only one denomination (the Roman Catholic) were restrained. This was very natural in view of the persecutions it had formerly visited upon others — and the document, moreover, came from one whose ancestry had received little kindness at its hands. Dr. Brevard entered the army as surgeon or surgeon's mate, as his com- mission will show. In this capacity he continued to act until taken prisoner * This conduct received the strong disapprobation of Lord Cornwallis. See his orders, page 233. LINCOLN COUNTY. 239 at the siege of Charleston. There being too much confined, and living upon unwholesome diet, he was taken sick. Having been set at liberty, he started for home, and proceeded on his journey to the residence of John McKnitt Alexander, his friend and a sterling patriot— there he breathed his last. He died, but his principles should live on ! The place of his interment is un- known, but his memory should be preserved, cherished and honored "while liberty has a friend on earth." In the words of Dr. Foote, "he thought clearly — felt deeply — wrote well— resisted bravely, and died a martyr to that liberty none loved better, and few understood so well." Dr. Brevard left one child, a daughter. She married a Dickerson, and left one child, a son — James P. Dickerson. He was a Lieutenant-Colonel in the South Carolina regiment in the Mexican war, and died from a wound he received in battle near the city of Mexico. John Brevard, Jr., sei'ved in the Continental Army with the commission of lieutenant. Hugh Brevard, with several other brothers, was at the battle of Ramsour's Mill. He was a Colonel of the militia, and died before the close of the war. Adam Brevard served one year in the Northern army. He then came south, and was present at the battle of Ramsour's Mill. He there had the button shot from his pantaloons, but escaped unharmed. He was a black- smith ; and, after the war, followed his trade for a time. He studied law in his shop when not too much pressed with business ; and finally abandoned his trade and went to the practice of law. In this he succeeded well, and stood high as a man of talents and wit. lie wrote a piece called the " Meck- lenburg Censor," full of wit and humor. Alexander Brevard joined the army as a cadet. He first received the com- mission of Lieutenant, then Captain, in the Continental Army. He was engaged in the battles of White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Monmouth, and Germantown, and continued in the Northern army under General Washington, until some time in the year 1779; then, his health fail- ing, he was sent into the country. After a short absence, he reported himself for service to General Washington. The humane commander, seeing his slender figure and delicate appearance, remarked that he was unfit for hard service, and asked where his friends lived. The reply was North Carolina. The General then advised his return to them. He did so ; and his health having improved, he immediately joined the southern division of the anuy under General Gates. Being a Captain in the regular service, and his com- pany absent, he was appointed Quarter-master, and acted as such at the battle of Camden. His active temperament would not suffer him to be un- employed. But when the two armies were drawn up for action, he exposed his life by riding to a position whence he could have a fair view of their movements. He soon discovered that defeat was certain. .He returned to the baggage wagons, and started some of them ofi", and was preparing the others to go ; but the rout was so complete that everything was lost. Some of the wagons had gone five or six miles. From these the horses Avere cut loose by flying men. After the defeat of General Gates, General Greene took the command of the Southern army. Alexander Brevard was with this gallant Commander in all his battles — so that he was in active service, with little interruption from the beginning to the close of the war. If the subject was presented, he would enter into conversation with reference to the battles in which he had been engaged. He thought that his hardest fighting was at Eutaw Springs. He was there in command of his company, and lost from it some eighteen or twenty men. At one time during this action, he and his company were in a very critical situation. A division of British came in behind while they were closely engaged in front ; but Colonel Washington discovered and made an impetuous charge upon this division. A portion of his men broke through, and formed to rencAv the charge. This was prevented by the retreat of the enemy into a position where it was impossible for the cavalry to make its way. Col. Washington was unhorsed and taken prisoner, but succeeded in preventing the meditated attack in the rear. Brevard had not observed this division— and the first thing he saw was the flying caps and tumbling horses of the cavalry as they made their charge upon them. He 240 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. used to relate an occurrence showing the cool, or it might be called thoughtless, bravery of some men in time of danger. His division was at one time drawn up in an old open field, barely within reach of the enemy's cannon. The balls would strike a few yards from them, covering those around and himself with dust and dirt. Soine were killed, others taken back with their limba broken or greatly mangled. He said the cries and shrieks of these unfortu- nate men were truly heart rending. During this period of danger and suf- fering there was an officer who probably had never been in action before ; and, though he might have been as brave as other men, he was unaccustomed to such scenes. His limbs trembled and his knees struck each other. A cap- tain who was acquainted with Brevard called out — " Brevard ! Brevard ! Bel- shazzar, by G — d !" pointing at the same time to the over-excited officer. The night of the retreat from this battle, the army was in great confusion. Men were going in every direction — some inquiring for one regiment or company, some another, showing that they were entirely lost from their places. Had pursuit been made, a rout would probably have been the consequence. After the war Brevard married a daughter of John Davidson, who had been a Major in the war, and one of the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. His father-in-law suggested to himself and Joseph Graham, another son-in-law, the pi-opriety of entering into the iron business. They assented, and went over into Lincoln County. There they found Peter Forney in possession of an iron ore bank. With him they formed a copart- nership, and erected Vesuvius Furnace, now known as Graham's Furnace, on the road from Lincolnton to Beattie's Ford. After operating for a time Forney withdrew. Davidson and Brevard left Graham in the management of Vesuvius Furnace, and built Mount Tirza Forge, known as Brevard's Forge. The sons-in-law bought out Davidson, and finally they dissolved. Brevard then built a furnace on Leeper's Creek, above Mount I'irza Forge. He continued in the iron business until his death, Nov. 1, 1829. Being of a retiring disposition he never sought political favor ; but preferred to dis- charge his obligations to his country rather by obeying than by making her laws. His manners were frank and candid ; and the more intimately he was known the better was he beloved. The dishonest met his searching eye with dread ; but the industrious and honest ever found in him a kind adviser and a sure assistant. Long will he be remembered as a pure man, a faithful friend, and an upright citizen, conscientious in the discharge of all his obli- gations, and in the performance of all his duties. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church; and died as he had lived, a true Christian, placing a firm reliance in the promises of the Bible. His remains lie two or three hun- dred yards from the road leading by Brevai-d's Furnace, from Lincolnton to Beattie's Ford — a spot chosen by General Graham and himself as a family burying ground. A large square tombstone marks the resting-place of him- self, his wife, a daughter and two grandchildren. He left seven children — ■ Ephraim, Franklin, Harriet, Robert, Joseph, Theodore, and Mary. Eloisa, Harriet (older than the daughter who survived him), Rowena, and Alfred, died before their father. Franklin and Joseph represented, at different times, the county of Lincoln in the legislature of North Carolina. Franklin also became a candidate for Congress ; but he belonged to a party which was in the minority, and though he received a strong vote, was defeated. Theodore moved to Alabama, and represented his county in the legislature of that State. He was afterwards elected Judge. He resigned this office, and moved to Florida. _ Joseph Brevard, the youngest son of John Brevard, Sr., held the commis- sion of Lieutenant in the Continental Army, at the age of seventeen. His Ijrother Alexander said that he was at that time quite small and delicate, and that he always felt sorry for him when his turn came to mount guard. General , who was in command at Philadelphia, discovering that he wrote a pretty hand, appointed him his private secretary. In this position he continued until he received the commission of Lieutenant in the Cavalry of the southern army. This he kept to the close of the war. He afterwards studied law and settled in Camden, S. C. He there took a high stand among LINCOLN COUNTY. 241 his fellow-citizens. After filling several offices of public trust, he was elected Judo;e, which post he filled Avith honor. He resif!;ned his Judgeship, and was twice elected to Congress from his district. He made a digest of the Statute Laws of South Carolina; and also left one or two volumes pf cases reported by himself. These books, particularly the latter, are still referred to as good legal authority. He died in Camden. He is gone— but his name is still cherished and honored by those who remember his virtues. Such is a brief and imperfect sketch of that family whose name is prefixed. Some things have, no doubt, been overlooked. Many events and occurrences of interest connected with the Brevard name have sunk, together with their actors, in the tomb, and must rest there in eternal silence. But whatever may be the defects of this piece, the writer has the gratification of knowing that he has done nothing wrong in attempting to set forth the merits of the truly deserving. A. i . U. FORNEY FAMILY. Among the early settlers of Lincoln County, there is no name more closely connected with remarkable courage, or remarkable services, than that of J acob Forney, Sen. He was the son of a French Huguenot, and was born about the year 1721. At the revocation of the edict of Nantes, in_1685, his father fled from France, preferring self-expatriation to the renunciation of his re- ligious belief, and settled in Alsace, on the Rhine, where freedom of opinion and worship was tolerated. Here his fether died, leaving him an orphan at four years of age. About the age of fourteen, he left Alsace, and went to Amsterdam. Delighted, whilst there, with the glowing accounts which crossed the Atlantic respecting the New World, and allured with the pros- pect of enjoying still greater political and religious liberties, he came to America by the first vessel having that destination, and_ settled m Penn- sylvania. Here he remained industriously employed until the age of ma- turity, when he returned to Germany to procure a small legacy. Having adjusted his afi"airs there, he again embarked for America on boardof a ves- sel bringing over many emigrants from the Canton of Berne, in Switzerland. Among^this number Avas a blithesome, rosy-cheeked damsel, buoyant \yith the charms of youth, who particularly attracted young Forney's attention. It is scarcely necessary to inform the reader that her acquaintance was soon made, a mutual attacJimenf, silently, but surely formed between two youthful hearts, so congenial in feeling, and similarly filled with the spirit of adventure. Prosperous gales quickly wafted the vessel in safety to the shores of America, and soon after their arrival in Pennsylvania, Jacob Forney and Maria Berg- ner (for that was the fixir one's name) were united in marriage. About this time, the rich but cheap lands of the Yadkin and Catawba, with a salubrious clime, were attracting a numerous emigration from the Middle States. In- fluenced by such inviting considerations, Forney's determination was soon made up to join the tide of emigration, and accordingly, a few years after his marriage, he removed to Carolina, and settled in Lincoln County about the year 1754. j j • e The first settlers of Lincoln County suffered greatly by the depredations ot the Cherokee Indians. On more than one occasion, many of the inhabitants temporarily abandoned their homes, and removed to the settlements east of the Catawba. 'Others, finding it inconvenient to remove, constructed rude forts for their mutual defence. A repetition of these depredations having occurred a few years after Forney's arrival, he joined those who removed, until the Indians could be severely chastised or completely subdued by military force. It may not be devoid of interest to here relate a remarkable and well-au- thenticated adventure which Forney had with the Indians, occurring at this troublesome time, and illustrating one of the most common dangers of a fron- tier life. Having removed his family to a place of safety, Forney returned to his former place of abode, accompanied by two of his neighbors, Messrs. Richards and Fronabarger, to search for his cattle. They accordingly set out to examine the ridges, then everywhere covered with luxuriant pastur- age, but had not proceeded much more than a mile, before they spied a small Indian just ahead of them, and not far from the spot of ground now well 242 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. known as the " Rock Spring Camp Ground." It was supposed the Indian had boon placed there as a sentinel to give information to his comrades, of de- fenceless white passengers, as it was not far from the place where several families had erected a fort. Forney, being a good marksman, raised his gun to shoot the Indian, but Richards, relying greatly on his activity, proposed to steal upon him unaware, and thus catch him hj a. fair foot-race. The pro- posal was agreed to, but just at that moment, the Indian discovered them, and made his escape. Forney truly suspected that more Indians were in the immediate vicinity. lie and his party, however, continued their course, but had progressed only a little way, when they discovered directly ahead of them, eleven Indians armed with guns, and several smaller ones bearing tomahawks. Forney, with a courage equal to any emergency, was for giving them battle, but his two companions over-ruled him, contending it would be impossible to rout or subdue such a large number. It was, therefore, deemed advisable to retreat, or rather, change their course, and, if possible, make their way to the fort. After proceeding a short distance, the Indians ap- proached considerably nearer, and immediately commenced a brisk firing. Forney directed his party to reserve their fire until the Indians would ap- jiroach sufficiently near to take a sure and deadly aim, and to maintain an orderly retreat in the direction of the fort. Unfortunately, Richards was dangerously wounded soon after they commenced retreating. At this criti- cal moment, when one or two well-directed tires might have repulsed their enemy, Fronabarger's courage failed him, and he made his escape, believing, no doubt, with Hudibras, that " He that fights and runs away, May live to fight another day." Richards was then directed to retreat as fast as his wounded condition would permit. Forney, in the meantime, managed to keep the Indians at hay by presenting his unerring rifle, when, strange to relate, they would immedi- ately fall down in the grass or take shelter behind the trees — each one, no doubt, supposing the well-aimed shot might fell him to the earth. In this manner an irregular firing was kept up by the Indians, and continued re- treating by Forney and his wounded companion for several hours! At length, poor Richards, who had succeeded in retreating about two miles, partly by his own exertions, and partly by being carried on Forney's hack, became faint from loss of blood; and seeing the imminent danger of his friend's life, directed Forney to leave him, and save himself. Forney then reluctantly left him, and pursued his course in the direction of the Fort. But fortunately for him, the Indians did not pursue him much farther, being probably satisfied with the scalp of poor Richards. Upwards of eighty years have rolled by since tlie occurrence of this tragical event — that generation, and even their children, have nearly all descended to the tomb, but still the grave of the kind-hearted Richards can be pointed out to the inquiring stranger, not far from the place where he met his untimely end. In this unequal contest Forney only received a small wound on the back of his left hand, but on ex- amination, he discovered that numerous balls had pierced his clothes. This skirmish shows what cool, determined bravery may effect under the most dis- couraging circumstances ; and that an individual may sometimes providen- tially escape, although made the object of a score of bullets, or of other missiles of destruction. In the afternoon of the same day Forney reached the Fort, the attack having commenced about ten o'clock A. M. The occupants had heard the reports of the repeated firing, and were, evidently, greatly frightened. On his arrival, being quite thirsty, he called for a drink of water, but the supply in the Fort was exhausted, and, strange to relate, not one could be found willing to run the hazard of going to the spring, although not far off! Seeing their great fear, he seized a cup, and set off in the direc- tion of the -spring. Immediately, nearly the whole of the inmates rushed out from the Fort, and followed him, believing themselves perfectly safe in the presence of one wlio had withstood unharmed all of the Indian bullets for nearly half a day ! After this adventure and narrow escape became gene- LINCOLN COUNTY. 243 rally known, a belief was entertained by the credulous portion of the com- munity, that Forney was bullet-proof. It was even affirmed that, after he reached the Fort, he unbuttoned his vest, and nearly a jKck of bullets dropped out! In subsequent years Forney was accustomed to smile at this innocent credulity of his neighbors, but frequently remarked that the impression of his being bullet-proof was of great service to him in the trying times preceding and during the Revohitionary War. Another remarkable incident, and perhaps sufficiently interesting to claim a place in this sketch, was the following : When Cornwallis passed through Lincoln County in pursuit of JVIorgan, it is well known he was arrested in his pi'ogress by high-waters. During this apparently providential detention, he was conducted by a Tory to Forney's plantation, about two miles from the main road. Here he remained encamped for three days, consuming, in the meantime, Forney's entire stock of cattle, hogs, &c. But the extent of his loss did not end here. His Lordship had been informed that Forney had a considerable amount of money stored up, and that, if diligent search were made, it might be readily found. This information set the British to work, and, aided by the Tory's suggestions, they finally succeeded in finding his gold, jewelry, &c., a considei-able portion of which he had brought with him from Germany. Whilst this work of search was going on without, his Lord- ship was quietly occupying his Head-Quarters up stairs, cogitating, perhaps, on some decisive course of future operations and military glory ! Forney being old, and found unarmed, was not molested in his person or family, and was allowed the privilege of living in the cellar. As soon as he ascer- tained his gold and jewelry were taken, he seized his gun, and rushed into the house with the determination of killing Cornwallis, but his wife quickly followed, and intercepted him at the foot of the stairs, thus preventing the most deplorable consequences — the loss, perhaps, of his own life and that of his whole family. But the prudent advice of his wife, " Heaven's last, best gift to man," had its proper effect, and caused him, after a moment's reflec- tion, to desist from his purpose. It is scarcely necessary to inform the reader he was punished in this severe manner for his well-known opposition to the unjust claims of Great Britain, and zealous support of the cause of liberty. After Cornwallis left, Forney ascertained that the Tory informer was a certain Mr. Deck, one of his near neighbors, with whom he had always lived on terms of friendship. Considering the act an outrageous breach of their hitherto friendly relations, and believing the heavy losses he had sustained mainly attributable to the Tory's agency, he could not overlook the enormity of the offence. He accordingly sent a message to the Tory, that he must leave the neighborhood : if not, he ivould shoot him at ihQ first opportunitij . The Tory, however, did not think it proper to comply immediately with this stern message. Forney hearing of this, armed himself, and went in pursuit ; but the Tory eluded him by lying out, and otherwise concealing himself. At length, Forney came upon him one day fast asleep. He raised his gun to shoot him, but, at that moment, concluded he would rouse him from his slumbers before depriving him of his existence. The Tory was accordingly waked up. As soon as he beheld his dangerous situation, he immediately commenced supplicating most earnestly for life, and making solemn promises to leave the neighborhood. Forney, although smarting under his heavy losses, yet could not resist such earnest and touching appeals to his mercy, desisted from his purpose, and let him off. In the course of a few days, the Tory, true to his promise, left the neighborhood, and never afterwards re- turned. During the Revolutionary War Forney was a firm and zealous Whig. Being too old to bear arms, his patriotic sentiments were early instilled into his rising generation. His three sons, Jacob, Peter, and Abram, were all unwavering Whigs, and sustained an honorable part in the cause of freedom. The subject of this sketch died in 1806, near to the place where he first settled, in the 85th year of his age. 244 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. General Peter Fornet, the subject of this biographical sketch, was the second son of Jacob Forney, Sen., and born in Lincoln County, April, ITOb. His father was the son of a French Huguenot, and his mother a bwiss. His descent is thus traced to a noble stock of people, whose names and whose deeds adorn the historic page, and are inseparably connected with the cause of civil and religious liberty. , ^^. ^ ,, -n , ^- -d v • +1,^ General Forney was a patriot and soldier of the Revolution. Believing the cause of freedom to be the cause of justice, no persuasive argument was ne- cessary to enlist his warmest feelings for resistance, and arouse him to prompt and energetic action. On several occasions, when the calls of duty summoned, his services were cheerfullv rendered in assisting to repel the enemy, and m defendino- his country's rights. Having borne an honorable part in the es- tablishment of independence, his attention was naturally directed, at the con- clusion of the war, to the selection of some useful pursuit. His determina- tion was soon made up, and he engaged in early life, associated with a com- pany in the making uf iron, then a new and lucrative employment. After a few years, the co-partnership was dissolved. He then purchased lands on Leeper's Creek, in the same neighborhood, and commenced business on his own account. Here he permanently settled for life, prospered in his useful callino-, and acquired considerable wealth. His residence received the name of "Mount Welcome," an appellation appropriately bestowed, as his future history clearly proved. The poor of his own neighborhood were frequently the beneficiaries of his bounty ; and the weary traveler was at all times made "welcome," and entertained beneath his hospitable roof, " without money, and without price." , i r- i. In 1783, he united in marriage with Miss Nancy Abernathy, a lady oi great worth, full of kind feelings, and benevolent in all her ways and actions. The natural goodness of her heart made her the "cheerful giver," and a portion of whatever a kind Providence had placed at her disposal, was freely dispensed in relieving the wants of the poor and the needy. Her numerous acts of charity, so well known in her lifetime, were free of all ostentation, and flowed silently forth, like gentle streams, imparting new vigor, and refreshing everything in their course. An anecdote, illustrative of Mrs. Forney's domestic habits, may be here re- lated. A gentleman passing by " Mount Welcome," General Forney's resi- dence, and wishing to leave a message with the General, on some matter of business, accordingly called for that purpose. Before, however, he reached the gate immediately in front of the dwelling-house, he passed the cow-pen, by the road-side, where he discovered a white woman, with one or two ser- vantL., busily engaged in milking cows. He inquired of the white woman, whom he supposed to be some hired dairy maid, if General Forney was at home. She informed him he was not. Then, replied the stranger, " / u-ould like to see Ms lady, and would be very much obliged to you if you would just step to the house and request her to come to the gate for a moment." The lady then informed him, he had 7ww the pleasure of seeing Mrs.Forneij, and that she would cheerfully deliver any message he might leave. The stranger, as might be imagined, felt greatly abashed at his mistake — made an apology, which was kindly and good-humoredly received by Mrs. Forney. He de- livered his message, and then pursued his course. General Forney was elected as a member to the House of Commons from 1794 to 1796, inclusive ; and to the Senate during the years 1801 and 1802. He was again called out from the shades of private life by the partialities of his fellow-citizens, and elected as a Representative to Congress from 1813 to 1815. The duties of which several important trusts he performed with great acceptance and fidelity. He also served as Elector during the Presidential carapaigas of Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and Jackson. On each of these occasions he was selected on account of his great worth of character, and ex- tensive popularity. With these repeated evidences of popular favor his public services ended. Frequent solicitations were tendered to him afterwards to be- come a candidate, all of which he declined. The infiraiities of old age were noyr rapidly stealing upon him, and rendering him unfit for the discharge of public LINCOLN COUNTY. 245 duties. Domestic concerns alone occupied his attention during the remainder of his days. For several years previous to his decease, his mental vigor and corporeal strength greatly failed. It was now evident to numerous relatives and friends, that his earthly pilgrimage was drawing rapidly to its close. _ After a short illness, without great pain or suffering, he quietly departed his life, on February 1st, 1834, in the seventy-eighth year of his age, a bright ex- ample of the useful citizen and upright man. Generosity, candor, integrity, and freedom from pride or vain show, were prominent traits in his character. Let his name and his deeds, and his sterling virtues be duly appreciated, and faithfully imitated by the rising generation. Major Daniel M. Forney was the eldest son of General Peter Forney, and born in Lincoln County, May, 1784. His refined sense, excellent judgment, and great personal worth, early marked him out for a sphere of public use- fulness. He was accordingly called to fill several important trusts. During the late war with Great Britain, he received the appointment of Major, the duties of which responsible office, he performed with fidelity and ability. He served as a Representative to Congress from 1815 to 1818. From the years 1823 to 182G, inclusive, he served as Senator from Lincoln County. In each of these appointments, and others of less note which he filled, faithfulness, integrity, and a manly independence, marked the course of his actions. He never resorted to the wily tricks of the demagogue to secure place or ofBce, but relied entirely on his known integrity, and a candid exposition of his views and sentiments. Major Forney married Harriet, daughter of Captain Alexander Brevard, by whom he had several children. In 1834, he removed to Alabama, where he spent his remaining days. His ur- bane manners, gentlemanly deportment, and many excellent qualities of head and heart, gained for him, in his new location, the same high regard that justly pertained to him in his native State. Being seized with a chronic disease, he gradually sank under its debilitating effects, and died with peaceful re- signation, at his adopted home, in Lowndes County, Alabama, October, 1847, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. Major Abram Forney was the youngest son of Jacob Forney, Sen., and born in Lincoln County, October, 1758. He was a patriot and soldier of the Revolu- tion. At the youthful age of sixteen, he entered the service of his country, and participated in several engagements, with distinguished bravery. So strong was his patriotic ardor and military enthusiasm, that on one or two occasfons, he stole off from his father, whose unwillingness arose solely from his youthful age. At the battle of King's Mountain, then twenty-two years old, he fought with great bravery, and performed important service in gain- ing' the brilliant victory which there crowned the American arms. He also participated in the battle at Ramsour's, near Lincolnton, with conspicuous courage, and assisted to inflict the merited scourging which Tory-loyalism there "received. His recollection of Revolutionary events was remarkably vivid and accurate. No more exciting theme could be introduced than the " times which tried men's souls," imparting, as it were, new vigor, and en- kindling his warmest emotions in the faithful narration of memorable events. Among other incidents of the battle of King's Mountain, which he related, was th'e following: — " Some time after the battle commenced, and the con- test became warm and well-maintained on both sides, a small party of the Whigs, not liking the abundance of lead flying around them, and occasionally cutting down some gallant soldier at their side, concluded to take temporary shelter behind an old chestnut tree— a mere shell— which stood near, and from its walls to pour forth a destructive fire against the enemy. The British, however, presently observed the quarter whence this galling fire proceeded, and immediately returned military compliments with a few well-aimed vol- leys at the old shell, completely shivering it. The concealed soldiers per- ceivino- that they had now become a concentrated object of attack, and stood a very°good chance of being killed with splinters instead of bullets, boldly 246 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. stepped forth from their retreat, presented an unbroken front, and fought bravely to the close of the engagement." The results of this decisive victory, in which so much bravery was displayed, has never been sufBciently appre- ciated, or even fully detailed on the page of history. That spirit of Toryism and loyalism combined, which almost reigned triumphant in the South on account of previous reverses of the American arms, here received a death-blow from which it never afterwards recovered. In particular, that Tory ascend- ancy, which had for some time been raising aloft its insulting head, was there completely subdued. But to secure this important result, some of the bravest sioirits of the Revolution there nobly fell in the cause of liberty. Colonel Williams, with a courage indomitable and bravery undaunted, nobly fell there whilst leading liis men on to victory. Among his last words to his re- giment, just at the moment of marching to the battle-ground, were these — " Come on, my boys— the old wagoner never backed out yet," Major Chroni- cle, a distinguished Whig of Lincoln County, prompt and energetic in his movements, and greatly esteemed, there also met his untimely end. Indeed, on no previous occasion did patriotic ardor ever burn with more fervency. Never did the fixed and heroic determination to conquer or die, more mani- festly exhibit itself among both officers and men. But nothing more than a passing tribute to the actors and the occasion is here attempted. Let full honor be done, by some future historian, to the memoir of the gallant sons of Virginia and the Carolinas, who achieved this important victory. Abram Forney died on the 22d of July, 1849, not far from the place of his nativity, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. C. L. II. lion. Robert II. Burtox, son of Colonel Robert Burton, of Granville, was a resident of Lincoln, and one of its ablest citizens. He was born in Gran- ville County, in 1781. He was educated at the University, about 1799, but did not graduate. He studied law, and settled in Lincoln, where he married the daughter of John Fulenwider, Esq. He applied himself with such assiduity and ability to his profession, that he soon rose to the head of the bar ; and in 1818, he was appointed a Judge of the Superior Courts of Law, which, after riding one circuit, he resigned. In 1830, he was elected Ti'easurer of the State, which he declined. As a Christian, his life was a living proof of his sincerity; as a citizen, ho was patriotic and enterprising ; and as a friend, sincere and faithful. He died in 1842, loved and lamented by all who knew him, leaving a wife and seven children to mourn their bereavement. The late Colonel Michael Hoke was a native .and resident of this county. He was the son of the late Col. John Hoke, an enterprising and useful citizen of this county, and born in 1810. He was educated chiefly at Captain Patridge's Military Academy, Middle- town, Connecticut, then in high repute. He studied law with Judge Tucker in Virginia, and finished with Hon. R. II. Burton, whose daughter Frances he married. His ease of manners, brilliancy of oratory, and acquirements in his pro- fession soon won him "troops of friends" and an extensive practice. He entered early " the stormy sea" of politics, and in 1834 was a member from Lincoln in the House of Commons ; which he held continuously until 1842, when he declined a re-election. In 1844 he was nominated as the Democratic candidate for Governor, in opposition to Hon. Wm. A. Graham, the present Secretary of the Navy; and such was the fairness of his conduct, his open, generous temper, his elevated mode of argument, that even in high excitement, party spirit forgot its ran- cor ; and he won, as he deserved, the regard and respect of all parties. His career was short as it was brilliant. He died at Charlotte on the 9th September, 1844, after an illness of ten days. Captain John F. Hoke, the brother of Col. Hoke, is a native of Lincoln, and her present senator.^ He graduated at the University in 1841, and studied law. In the late war with Mexico he volunteered, and was appointed Cap- LINCOLN COUNTY. 247 tain of Infantry, and was in the severely contested battles of Tolema, Na- tional Bridge, and Cerro Gordo. Hon. "William A. Graham is a native of this county, for whose biography see Orange County. Hon. James Graham resides in this county ; a brother of the above, and son of Gen. Joseph Graham. He was born in January, 1793, and was educated at the University, and graduated in 1814, in the same class with Aaron V. Brown (late Governor of Tennessee), Charles Manly (late Governor of N. C), and others. He studied law, and practiced for many years with great success. He moved to Kutherford, and in 1822 represented that county in the House of Commons, as also in 1823, 1828, and 1829. He was elected from that District to Congress in 1833, and served until 1843, and elected again in 1845. He then retired from public life, and de- voted himself to agricultural pursuits, until his death, which occurred in Sep- tember, 1851. Rev. Egbert Hall Morrison, D. D., whose ambition has never led him " The applause of listening Senates to command," but to discharge the far more important duty of teaching his fellow-men " wisdom's ways," and the eterpal truths of revelation, also resides in this county. He graduated in 1818 at Chapel Hill, in the same class with James K. Polk, Wm. D. Mosely (late Governor of Florida), Hamilton C. Jones and others. He has been pastor of several Presbyterian churches of the State, President of Davidson College, and is now pastor of Unity and Machpelah churches, in this county. He married a daughter of Gen. Graham. He is much esteemed by those who know him best, as one whose doctrine and whose life Coincident, exhibit lucid proof, That he is honest in the sacred cause." List of members of the General Assembly from Lincoln County, from date of its formation to 1850-51. Years. Senate. 1780. James Johnston, 1781. James Johnston, 1782. James Johnston, 1783. Robert Alexander, 1784. Robert Alexander, 1785. Robert Alexander, 1786. Robert Alexander, 1787. Robert Alexander, 1788. Joseph Dixon, 1789. Joseph Dixon, 1791. Joseph Dixon, 1792. Joseph Dixon, 1793. Joseph Dixon, 1794. Joseph Dixon, 1795. Joseph Dixon, 1796. Wallace Alexander, 1797. Wallace Alexander, 1798. Wallace Alexander, 1799. Wallace Alexander, 1800. Peter Forney, 1801. Peter Forney, 1802. Peter Forney, 1803. Henrv Hoke, 25 House of Commons. Valentine Mauney, John Sloan. Robert Alexander, John Sloan. Robert Alexander, John Sloan. Daniel McKissick, John Sloan. Daniel McKissick, John Sloan, John Sloan, Daniel McKissick. Daniel McKissick, John Sloan. Daniel McKissick, Jos. Jenkins. John Moore, Wm. McLean. John Moore, Wm. McLean. Wm. McLean, John Moore. John Moore, Nathan Alexander. John Moore, Nathan Alexander. John Moore, Peter Forney. Peter Forney, David Robeson. Peter Forney, David Robeson. Peter Forney, John Ramsour. John Moore, John Ramsour. John Moore, John Reinhardt. John Moore, John Reinhardt. Jesse Robeson, John Moore. John Moore, Peter Hoyle. John Moore, Peter Hoyle. 248 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1804. Henry Hoke, 1805. Ephraim Perking, 1806. David Shufford, 1807. Andrew Hoyle, 1808. Andrew Hoyle, 1809. Andrew Hoyle, 1810. John Reid, 1811. John Reid, 1812. David Shufford, 1813. David Shufford, 1814. William McLean, 181.5. David Shufford, 1816. David Shufford, 1817. John Reid, 1818. John Reid, 1819. Peter Hoyle, 1820. David Shufford, 1821. Robert Williamson, 1822. Robert Williamson, 1823. Daniel M. Forney, 1824. Daniel M. Forney, 1825. Daniel M. Forney, 1826. Daniel M. Forney, 1827. Michael Reinhardt, 1828. Michael Reinhardt, 1829. Daniel Hoke, 1830. Daniel Hoke, 1831. Daniel Hoke, 1832. Daniel Hoke, 1833. Daniel Hoke, 1834. Bartlett Shipp, 1835. John B. Harry, 1836. Michael Reinhardt, 1838. Michael Reinhardt, 1840. Thomas Ward, 1842. A.Ray, 1844. Larkin Stowe, 1846. Larkin Stowe, 1848. Henry W. Conner, 1850. John F. Hoke, House of Commons. John Moore, Peter Hoyle. John Moore, Peter Hoyle. John Moore, Peter Hoyle. Peter Hoyle, Jones Abernathy. Peter Hoyle, Jones Abernathy. Daniel Hoke, Robert Patterson. Peter Hoyle, Daniel Hoke. Daniel Hoke, Peter Hoyle. Daniel Hoke, Peter Hoyle. Peter Hoyle, Daniel Hoke. R. Patterson, -John Ramsour. Peter Hoyle, Daniel Hoke. Peter Hoyle, Daniel Hoke. Peter Hoyle, Henry T. Webb. Robert Williamson, -J. F. Brevard, Robert Williamson, D. Conrad. D. Conrad, Robert Williamson. Peter Hoke, Oliver W. Holland. Peter Hoke, Daniel Conrad. 0. W. Holland, Daniel Conrad. Bartlett Shipp, Daniel Conrad. 0. W. Holland, Daniel Conrad. 0. W. Holland, Bartlett Shipp. Alex. J. M. Brevard, Daniel Conrad. Bartlett Shipp, Andrew H. Loretz. Bartlett Shipp, Andrew H. Loretz, Bartlett Shipp, Andrew H. Loretz. Myles W. Abernathy, Henry Cansler. Myles W. Abernathy, Henry Cansler. Daniel Conrad, AV'illiam Johnson. Michael Hoke, Henry Cansler. Henry Cansler, Michael Hoke. Michael Hoke, Henry Cansler, 0. W. Holland, Thomas Ward. M. Hoke, John Killian, 0. W. Hol- land, AV. W. Monday. M. Hoke, 0. W. Holland, W. W. Mon- day, .John Killian. Larkin Stowe, Jas. H. White, Nathaniel Wilson, John Yount. James H. White, Nathaniel Wilson, F. D. Reinhardt, Richard Rankin. James H. White, Franklin D. Rein- hardt, N. AYilson, John AVebster. J. H. AVhite, Franklin D. Reinhardt, S. N. Stowe, Andrew H. Shufford. Richard Rankin, F. D. Reinhardt, S. N. Stowe, Henderson Sherrill. MACDOWELL COUIvTY. 249 CHAPTER XLVII. MACDOWELL COUNTY. MacDowell County was erected in 1842, and called in honor of Colonel Joseph MacDowell, a distinguished officer of the Revolution, for whose biography see below. It was formed from portions of Rutherford and Burke Counties, with which counties it still votes until after the next session (1852). It is situated in the western part of the State, and bounded on the north by the Blue Ridge, which separates it from Yancey and Watauga Counties, east by Burke, south by Rutherford, and west by the Blue Ridge, which separates it from Yancey and Buncombe. It is called in honor of Colonel Joseph MacDowell, who resided in this county. He was born at Pleasant Garden, on Feb. 25th, 1758. He was dis- tingufshed as a soldier and as a statesman. He married Mary Moffet, by -whom he had several children. Among them, Colonel James MacDowell, of Yancey, John MacDowell, of Rutherford, and the wife of Captain Charles MacDowell, now residing near Morganton. After his death, April, 1795, she married Colonel John Carson, of Pleasant Garden, and by him she had a number of children, among them the Hon. Samuel P. Carson. Maiiion is the county seat, and called after the distinguished partisan General of South Carolina, Francis Marion, and is distant from Raleigh about two hundred miles. Francis Marion was born in .Charleston, in 1732. He was Major in Col. Moultrie's Regiment, and distinguished himself in the repulse of the British in their attack of Sullivan's Island in 1776. He was appointed Brigadier-General in 1780. AVhile the British overwhelmed South Carolina, Marion retreated with his men to the swamps of his native State, from which he made frequent and successful sorties on the enemy, and much annoyed them. He jvas with General Greene in tlie bloody engagement of the Eutaws (Sep., 1781), and received the thanks of Congress for his gallantry. He died in 1795. The population of MacDowell County, according tp the census of 1850, is 4,777 whites; 1,2G2 slaves ; 207 free negroes; 5,741 representative population. 250 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XLVIII. MACON COUNTY. Macon County was formed, in 1828, from Haywood County, and called in honor of Hon. Nathaniel Macon, of Warren County, who was long the representative in Congress from the Warren District, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Senator in Congress ; for whose biography see Warren County. It is situated in the extreme western portion of North Carolina, and bounded on the north by Haywood County, east by the moun- tains, which separate it from Henderson, south by the South Caro- lina line and Cherokee County, and west by the Smoky Mountain, which separates it from Tennessee. Its capital is Franklin, three hundred and thirty-one miles west from Raleigh, romantically situated on the Little Tennessee. Its population is 5,613 whites; 121 Indians ; 549 slaves ; 207 free negroes ; 6,169 representative population. Its products are, 125,820 bushels of corn; 32,855 bushels of oats; 6,311 bushels of wheat ; 4,125 bushels of rye ; 2,983 pounds of tobacco ; 6,447 pounds of wool. The River Nan-ti-ha-lah, flows through this County, Its Indian name signifies the " Maiden's Bosom," from the crystal purity of its waters, and its rapid and undulating motion. At the head of the River Too-ge-lah* is one of the remarkable curiosities of this mountain country. It is a granite cliff with a smooth surface a half a mile long, and twelve hundred feet wide, called by the natives White Side Mountain, or Devil's Court House, on the top of which is a cave. LIST OP MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. MACON COUNTY. Years. Senators. House of Commons. 1831. James W. Guinn, Thomas Tatham, J.ames Whitaker. 1832. Benjamin S.Brittain, James Whitaker, Asaph Enloe. 1833. Benjamin S. Brittain, Jas. W. Guinn, Thomas Tatham. 1834. Benjamin S. Brittain, Jas. W. Guinn, Thomas Tatham. 1835. Benjamin S. Brittain, Jas. W. Guinn, Jacob Siler. 1836. James Gudger, James W. Guinn. 1838. Hodge Raburn, Jacob Siler. 1840. Thomas L. Clingman, Jacob Siler. 1842. I. Cathy, James Whitaker. 1844. Michael Francis, T. J. Roane. 1846. Michael Francis, John Y. Hicks. 1848. William H. Thomas, John Y. Hicks, 1850. William II, Thomas, David W, Siler, * Letters from the Alleghany Mountains, by Charles Lanman, p. 74. MADISON COUNTY. - 251 CHAPTER XLIX. MADISON COUNTY. Madison County was formed, in 1850, from Buncombe and Yancey Counties, and called in honor of James Madison, the fourth President of the United States. It is situated in the extreme western portion of the State ; and is hounded on the north and west by the Bald Mountain, which separates it from Tennessee, on the east by Yancey, and south by Haywood and Buncombe- It is not yet organized, and more will be said hereafter of it. Its county seat is to be called Marshall, which is not to be within two miles of the French Broad River. (Acts of 1850-51.) CHAPTER L. MARTIN COUNTY. Martin County was erected, in 1774, from Halifax and Fay- ette Counties, and called in honor of Josiah Martin, then the Royal Governor (and the last) of the Colony of North Carolina. For his character and conduct, see vol. i. 62. It is situated in the eastern portion of the State, and bounded on the north by Roanoake River, which separates it from Bertie, east by Washington County, south by Pitt, and west by Edge- combe County. Its capital is Williamston, situated on the banks of Roanoake, one hundred and forty miles east of Raleigh- Its population is 4615 whites ; 3367 slaves ; 325 free negroes ; 6960 repre- sentative population. Its products (annual) are 251,403 bushels corn; 291,686 lbs. cotton; ,4io bushels oats; 5158 bushels wheat; 4414 lbs. wool ; 600 bbls. fish; 22,601 bbls. turpentine. To the General Meeting of Deputies at Newbern, on 25th August, 17/4, Martin sent Edmund Smithwick. To Hillsboro', 21st Aug., 1775, she sent Kenneth McKenzie, Whitmel Hill, John Eyeritt, William Slade, John Stuakt, and William Williams. 252 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. To Halifax, on 4th April, 1776, she sent William Williams, Whitmel Hill Kenneth McKenzie, Thomas Wiggins, and Edytard Smithwick. To' the Cono-ress at Halifiix, 12th Nov., 1776, she sent William Williams, Whitmel IIii°, Thomas Hunter, John Hardison, and Samuel Smithwick. The officers for this county were William Williams, Colonel ; Whitmel Hill, Lieut«nant-ColoneI; Thomas Wiggins, Major; Kenneth McKenzie, Second Major. Hon. Whitmel Hill resided in this county. He was distinguished for his devotion to the cause of liberty, a man of strong natural sense and of culti- vated mind. He was born in Bertie on the 12th February, 1743, son of John and Martha Hill, and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, at which he graduated. ^ , , , , . , He early entered with great earnestness into the dubious and dangeroua conflict between England and America, and threw into the scale of liberty his " life, his fortune, and his sacred honor." In 1775 he was a delegate from Martin to the Assembly of Freemen^ at Hillsboro', and was in the State Congress in Halifax in April, 1776, which placed the State in military organization, and, in Nov., 1776, which formed our present State Constitution. In 1778 he was delegated to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, and served until 1781. He resided at Hill's Ferry, in Martin County, near the Halifax line, where he died, 26th September, 1797. He -was a man of fine literary attainments, a devoted patriot, and useful citizen. He married Winnefred Blount, of Chowan, by whom he had three sons, Joseph, John, and Thomas Blount, and one daughter, Elizabeth. Joseph and John died young without issue. Thomas B. Hill left a large family of children and grandchildren, among whom is Whitmel B. Hill, Esq., of Halifax, Mrs. Spruill, and others. His daughter Elizabeth married John Anthony, of Philadelphia, from whom a large family has sprung. Hon. Asa Biggs is a native and resident of this county. He was born. 4th Feb., 1811. He is by profession a lawyer, and was licensed in 1831. He entered public life, in 1840, as a member of the House of Commons, and was re-elected in 1842. In 18 W he served in the Senate. In 1845 he was elected to the House of Representatives in Congress, where he served with credit to himself and great satisfaction to his constituents. He is now (with Hon. R. M. Saunders and B. F. Moore, Esq.) engaged in digesting and revising the statute-laws of the State. List of the members from Martin County, from 1777 to 1850-51. years. . Senate. 1777. William Williams, 1778. AVhitmel Hill, 1779. AVhitmel Hill, 1780. Whitmel Hill, 1781. K. McKenzie, 1782. K. McKenzie, 1783. K. McKenzie, 1784. Whitmel Hill, 1785. Whitmel Hill, 1786. Nathan Maj^o, 1787. Nathan Mayo, 1788. Nathan Mayo, 1789. Nathan Mayo, 1790. Nathan Mayo, 1791. Nathan Mayo, 1792. Ebenezer Slade, 1793. Ebenezer Slade, 1794. Ebenezer Slade, House of Commons. Whitmel Hill, Wm. Slade. Nathan Mayo, E. E. Smithwick. Saml. Smithwick, Saml. Williams. Edmd. Smithwick, -John Averit. Saml. Smithwick, Saml. Williams. Saml. Smithwick, Saml. AVillianrs. Saml. Smithwick, Saml. Williams. Nathan Mayo, John Ross. Edmd. Smithwick, Saml. Williams. Joseph Bryan, AVm. McKenzie. Joseph Bryan, Edmd. Smithwick. William Williams, Ebenezer Slade. William Williams, John Mayo. Ebenezer Slade, Jesse Cherry. Ebenezer Slade, Jesse Cherry. Jesse Cherry, Ebenezer Smithwick. Ebenezer Smithwick, Wm. Griffin. Matthew Yarrell, John Kennedy. MARTIN COUNTY. 253 Years. Senate. 1795. Ebenezer Slade, 1796. Ebenezer Slade, 1797. William McKenzie, 1798. William McKenzie, 1799. William McKenzie, 1800. William McKenzie, 1801. John Hyman, 1802. John Hyman, 1803. Jeremiah Slade, 1804. John Hyman, 1805. John Stewart, 1806. Jeremiah Slade, 1807. James Burroughs, 1808. James Burroughs, 1809. Jeremiah Slade, 1810. Jeremiah Slade, 1811. Jeremiah Slade, 1812. Jeremiah Slade, 1813. Jeremiah Slade, 1814. Jeremiah Slade, 1815. Jeremiah Slade, 1816. Simmons J. Baker, 1817. Simmons J. Baker, 1818. Simmons J. Baker, 1819. William Darlett, 1820. Lewellen Bowers, 1821. Samuel Hyman, 1822. Samuel Hyman, 1823. Lewellen Bowers, 1824. John A. Smithwick, 1825. John A. Smithwick, 1826. Jos. J. Williams, 1827. Jos. J. Williams, 1828. Jos. J. Williams, 1829. Jos. J. AVilliams, 1830. Jos. J. Williams, 1831. Jesse Cooper, 1832. David Latham, 1833. David Latham, 1834. Jesse Cooper, 1835. Jesse Cooper, 1836. Jesse Cooper, 1838. Jesse Cooper, 1840. Jesse Cooper, 1842. Jesse Cooper, 1844. Asa Biggs, 1846. Daniel Ward, 1848. Daniel AVard, 1850. W. R. W. Sherrod, House of Commons. Joseph Bryan, Jesse Cherry. G. Sheppard, John Stewart. Jeremiah Slade, John Hyman. Jeremiah Slade, John Hyman. Jeremiah Slade, John Hyman. Jeremiah Slade, John Hyman. William Biggs, Jesse Cherry. _ Jeremiah Slade, Edmd. Smithwick. Thomas Hyman, William Pierce. Stephen Fagan, Joel Cherry. James Burroughs, Joel Cherry. James Wiggins, James Burroughs. Joel Cherry, James Sheppard. •Joel Cherry, James Sheppard. Henry G. Williams, Joel Cherry. Henry G. Williams, James Sheppard. Joel Cherry, Andrew Joyner. Andrew Joyner, Joel Cherry. Andrew Joyner, Joel Cherry. Simmons J. Baker, John Guyther. Simmons J. Baker, Gabriel L. Stewart. Joel Cherry, Gabriel L. Stewart, Darling Cherry, Jos. J. Williams, Wm. Roulhae, Darling Cherry. J. Pt. Ballard, Darling Cherry. -Jos. R. Ballard, Darling Cherry. Alfred M. Slade, Jos. R. Ballard. Jesse Cooper, Lawrence Cherry. L. Cherry, Gab. L. Stewart. L. Cherry, Gabriel L. Stewart. David Latham, Jesse Cooper. David Latham, Jesse Cooper. Gab. L, Stewart, Jesse Cooper, Jesse Cooper, David Latham, Jesse Cooper, Wm. Watts, Jesse Cooper, Wm. Watts, Joseph Robinson, John Cloman, Jas. L. G. Baker, Edwin S. Smithwick. John Cloman, Edwin S. Smithwick. Raleigh Roebuck, Alfred M. Slade. Raleigh Roebuck, Alfred M. Slade. Raleigh Roebuck. Raleigh Roebuck. Asa Biggs. Asa Biggs. J. Woodard. A. H. Coffield. A. H. Cof&eld. Wm. L. Missell. 254 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER LI MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Date of erection — Origin of name — Situation and boundaries — Population and products — Distinguished citizens and memliers of Assembly. Mecklenburg County was formed in 1762 from Anson County, and called in honor of the new queen, Princess Charlotte, of Meck- lenbui'g.* It is situated in tho south-western portion of the State, and is bounded on the north by Iredell County, east by Cabarrus, south by Union, and the South Carolina line, and west by the Catawba River, which separates it from Lincoln and Gaston Counties. Its capital is Charlotte, and distant one hundred and fifty-eight miles south-west from Raleigh. Its population 8284 -whites; 5473 slaves; 157 free negroes; 11,724 repre- sentative population. Products (annual) 1,595,327 pounds cotton ; 22,876 pounds wool ; 78,315 bushels wheat; 586,928 bushels corn; 61,407 bushels oats ; 1,600 dollars of gold. There is no portion of the State whose early record presents a more glow- ing page of patriotism and valor than Mecklenburg. The temper and cha- racter of her people were early shown. In 1766, George Selwyn, who had obtained large grants of land from the crown, was about locating them iu this county. The people arose in arms, seized the surveyor, Eustace McCcl- LOCK, and compelled him to desist. Here was the early buzzing of that " Hornet's Nest," that in less than ten years was first to sting the power of royalty itself, in these colonies.f It is the birth-place of liberty. Here in May, 1775, the patriots of Meck- lenburg assembled and resolved to be free and independent of England. In addition to the resolves of 20th May, 1775, already quoted, the following original documents are presented, which are authentic, and present evidence not controvertible of this immortal transaction. From State Paper Office, London, Geo. Vol. 218. G. Bancroft's Collection, 1775, page 107. Gov. Wright to Secretary of State. Savannah in Georgia, the 2Qth, June, 1775. (In his own handwriting). "By the enclosed paper your lordship will see the extraordinary resolves by the people in Charlotte town, in Mecklenburg County, and I should not be surprised if the same should be done everywhere else. I have the honor to be with perfect esteem, My lord, your lordship's most obliged and obedient servant, JAS. WPtlGHT. To Earl of Dartmouth, &c. &c." » Martin, History of North Carolina, ii. 172. -f See vol. i. 44. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 255 Extract from iJie South Carolina Gazette and County Journal, of June, 1775, No. 498 — Printed at Charlestown ly Charles Crouch, on the Bay, corner of Elliott Street. Charlottetown, Mecklenburg County, May Z\st, 1775. This day the Committee of this county met and passed the following re- solves : — Whereas, By an address presented to His Majesty by both Houses of Par- liament in February last, the American Colonies are declared to be in a state of actual rebellion, we conceive that all laws and commissions confirmed by or derived from the authority of the King and Parliament are annulled and vacated, and the former civil constitution of these colonies for the present wholly suspended. To provide in some degree for the exigencies of this county in the present alarming period, we deem it proper and necessary to pass the following resolves, viz : — I. That all commissions, civil and military, heretofore granted by the crown to be exercised in these colonies, are null and void, and the constitu- tion of each particular colony wholly suspended. II. That the Provincial Congress of each Province, under the direction of the Great Continental Congress, is invested with all legislative and executive powers within their respective provinces, and that no other legislative or executive power does or can exist at this time in any of these colonies. III. As all former laws are now suspended in this Province, and the Con- gress has not yet provided others, we judge it necessary for the better preser- vation of good order, to form certain rules and regulations for the Internal Government of this county, until laws shall be provided for us by the Con- gress. IV. That the inhabitants of this county do meet on a certain day ap- pointed by the Committee, and having formed themselves into nine com- panies (to wit: eight for the county and one for the town), do choose a colonel and other military officers, who shall hold and exercise their several powers by virtue of the choice, and independent of the crown of Great Bri- tain, and former constitution of this province. V. That for the better preservation of the peace and administration of justice, each of those companies do choose from their own body two discreet freeholders, who shall be empowered each by himself, and singly, to decide and determine all matters of controversy arising within said company, under the sum of twenty shillings, and jointly and together all controversies under the sum of forty shillings, yet so as their decisions may admit of appeal to the Convention of the Select Men of the County, and also that any one of these men shall have power to examine and commit to confinement persons accused of petit larceny. VI. That those two select men thus chosen do jointly and together choose from the body of their particular company two persons to act as constables, who may assist them in the execution of their office. VII. That upon the complaint of any persons to either of these select men, he do issue his warrant directed to the constable, commanding him to bring the aggressor before him to answer said complaint. VIII. That these select eighteen select men thus appointed do meet every third Thursday in January, April, July and October at the Court House in Charlotte, to hear and determine all matters of controversy for sums exceed- ing 40s., also appeals ; and in case of felony to commit the persons convicted thereof to close confinement until the Provincial Congress shall provide and establish laws and modes of pi'oceeding in all such cases. IX. That these eighteen select men thus convened do choose a clerk, to record the transactions of said convention, and that said clerk, upon the application of any person or jiersons aggrieved, do issue his warrant to any of the constables of the company to which the ofleuder belongs, directing said constable to summon and warn said offender to appear before said con- vention at their next sitting, to answer the aforesaid complaint. X. That any person making complaint, upon oath, to the clerk, or any 256 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. member of the convention, that he has reason to suspect that any person or persons indebted to him in a sum above 40 shillings intend clandestinely to withdraw from the county without paying the debt, the clerk or such mem- ber shall issue his warrant to the constable, commanding him to take said person or persons into safe custody until the next sitting of the convention. XI. That when a debtor for a sum above forty shillings shall abscond and leave the county, the warrant granted as aforesaid shall extend to any goods or chattels of said debtor as maybe found, and such goods or chattels be seized and held in custody by the constable for the space of thirty days, in which time, if the debtor fail to return and discharge the debt, the constable shall return the warrant to one of the select men of the company, where the goods are found, who shall issue orders to the constable to sell such a part of said goods as shall amount to the sum due. That when the debt exceeds forty shillings, the return shall be made to the convention, who shall issue orders for sale. XII. That all receivers and collectors of quit rents, public and county taxes, do pay the same into the hands of the chairman of this committee, to be by them "disbursed as the public exigencies may require, and that such receivers and collectors proceed no further in their office until they be ap- proved of by, and have given to this committee good and sufficient security for a faithful retui-n of such moneys when collected. XIII. That the committee be accountable to the county for the application of all moneys received fi'om such public officers. XIV. That all these officers hold their commissions during the pleasure of their several constituents. XV. That this committee will sustain all damages to all or any of their officers thus appointed, and thus acting, on account of their obedience and conformity to these rules. XVI. That tcJiatever person shall hereafter receive a commission from the crown, or attempt to exercise any such commission heretofore received, shall be deemed an enemy to his country ; and upon confirmation being made to the captain of the company in which he resides, the said company shall cause him to be apprehended and conveyed before two select men, who, upon proof of the fact, shall commit said oifender to safe custody, until the next sitting of the committee, who shall deal with him as prudence may direct. XVII. That any person refusing to yield obedience to the above rules shall be considered equally criminal, and liable to the same punishment as the offenders above last mentioned. XVIII. That these resolves be in full force and virtue until instructions from the Provincial Congress regulating the jurisprudence of the province shall provide otherwise, or the legislative body of Great Britain resign its unjust and arbitrary pretensions with respect to America. XIX. That the eight militia companies in this county provide themselves with proper arms and accoutrements, and hold themselves in readiness to execute the commands and directions of the General Congress of this pro- vince and this Committee. XX. That the Committee appoint Col. Thomas Polk and Dr. Joseph Ken- nedy to purchase 300 pounds of powder, 600 pounds of lead, 1000 flints for the use of the militia of this county and deposit the same in such place as the Committee may hereafter direct. Signed by order of the Committee, EPH. BREVARD, Clerk of the Committee. Governor Martin to the Secretary of State. State Paper Office, London.] ^y ^^, ^ „ ^. ,„»r ,.o America & West I. vol. 204. } I^'^ncroft s Collection, In 5, loo. Fort Johnston, North Carolina, 'SOth Jane, 1775. " The minutes of a council held at this place, the other day, will make the MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 25T impotence of Government here as apparent to your Lordship as anything I can set before you. The Board have been afraid to take a becoming part, I firmly believe, from apprehensions of personal injury and insult. * * * " the situation in which I find myself at present is indeed, my Lord, most despicable and mortifying. * * * * 1 live, alas ! ingloriously, only to deplore it. * * The resolves of the Committee of Mecklenburg, lohich your Lcrdship will find in the enclosed newspaper, surpass all the horrid and treasonable publications that the inflammatory spirits of the continent have yet produced ; and your Lordship may depend, its authors and abettors vrill not escape, when my hands are sufficiently strengthened, to attempt the recovery of the lost authority of the Government. A copy of these Resolves ivas sent off, I am informed, by express to the Congress at Philadelphia, as soon as they were j)assed in the Cornmittee. * * * " A Mr. John Ashe, heretofore a Colonel of the Militia in the County of New Hanover, but who had lately formally declined the appointment by letter to me on pretence of age and business, and requested me to appoint another person, appeared at Wilmington, a fortnight after such resignation, at the head of a body of four and five hundred men. * * * " On being interrogated for his authority for such arbitrary proceedings, he pointed to the men he had assembled. " I am bound to return your Lordship my best acknowledgments, for tlie attention you have been pleased to give to my representations of the mis- conduct of the members of the council, here ; at the same time, I must freely own to your Lordship, that I fea^that it will be difficult to reform that body effectually, at this time. * * * " Mr. Dry, Collector of the Customs at this port, whose imprudences and absurdity are such, as I fear will compel me, in spite of all the allowance that I can make for his simplicity and weakness, to disgrace him." These records have never before been all published, and place this matter beyond all cavil or doubt. They were procured from the State Paper Office in London, by the Hon. George Bancroft, late our Envoy at that Court, and by his kindness furnished for the use of this work. The citizens of the State have not been unmindful of their duty in re- spect to this glorious transaction. A meeting was held in 1842, and a Memorial prepared to the General Assembly on the subject, a copy of which has been procured, and here inserted. MEMORIAL OF THE MECKLENBURG MONUMENTAL ASSOCIATION. To the Honorable, the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, now in session : — At a meeting of the citizens of the County of Mecklenburg and the adjoin- ing counties, held on the 24th of August, 1842, at the Court house in the town of Charlotte, the undersigned were appointed a committee to prepare and forward a Memorial to your Honorable body, on the subject of incorpo- rating the "Mecklenburg Monumental Association," whose duty and objects will be the erection of a suitable Monument in the town of Charlotte, com- memorative of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, on the 20th of May, 1775. There is no State in our Union whose early history is marked with greater devotion to the cause of Liberty than the State of North Carolina. The re- mark will not be misconstrued, when it is stated, that neither at home or abroad, is the real character of the State, and the unsullied patriotism of her citizens, known and appreciated. The historian is compelled, by examina- tion, to say that "so carelessly has the history of North Carolina been 258 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. written, that the name, the merits, and the end of the first Governor are not known."* , . • • i j -• Pure and unpretending in character, firm and undeviating in her devotion to principles, her sons seem rather satisfied with a consciousness of the rec- titude of their own intentions, than to court the praise which belongs to merit, or to demand for their ancestry that meed of renown which is due to exalted patriotism or chivalric daring. i . j But we trust a more auspicious moment has arrived, when the industry and research of her sons will preserve those memorials of her patriotism, to be handed down as " a rich legacy" to future generations. So far as the early history of the Colony of North Carolina has been ex- hibited to the curious eye of the historian, it is full of incident, elevating to the character of the State, and worthy to be cherished by her sons. ^ It was on her shores that the adventurous anchor of the first Anglo-Saxonf to this western hemisphere rested. A fleet, sustained by the gallant Sir Walter Raleigh, and led by Amidas and Barlow, here found, in the language of the hfstorian of the day, " a people most gentle, loving, and faithful, void of all guile and treason, and such as lived after the manner of the golden age." Among such a people, fleeing from the oppressions and persecutions of the Old World, our ancestors founded the Colony of North Carolina. Her whole history, from the earliest periods of its existence, to the final overthrow of the royal power of England, shows an indomitable spirit of Liberty ; and, although obedient to wholesome laws, that the least oppression or tyranny was promptly met, and manfully opposed. • "Are there any who doubt man's capacity for self-government?" asks an eloquent writer on her history, " let them study the history of North Carolina. Its inhabitants were restless and turbulent in their imperfect submission from abroad ; the administration of the Colony was firm, humane, and tranquil, when left to themselves." The first American manifesto against the encroach- ments of power, the elective franchise, and the unwise interference of trade, was made in North Carolina as early as 1678, J and nearly two hundred years before our Independence was declared. Thus were sown, deep and broad, the seeds of Liberty among her people with a liberal hand. Sometimes these seeds produced the fruits of anarchy and confusion ; for, at an early period, the Colony was under the control of rulers in open rebellion against the English Crown. At another period, the imbecile hand that then swayed the English sceptre (Charles II.), tired of the contest, left her to her own course, undisturbed either by the tyranny of rulers, or the rapacity of avarice. Pursuing "the noiseless tenor of their way," the Colonists of North Caro- lina peacefully followed the avocations of labor and industry, acknowledging no superior, and bending their knee to no power but to the God Almighty. Towards many of her Colonies, that eloquent defender of American rights. Lord Chatham, on the floor of Parliament, denounced the course of the mother country as that of "a cruel and unjust stepmother." But towards the Colony of North Carolina, her course was often like that of the mother of the faithful, driving her, Hagar-like, into the wilderness, there to perish, neglected and alone. But the God of Abraham comforted her in her exile with the refreshing shade and the gushing fountain ; and declared unto her, that she should greatly increase, so that "her seed should not be numbered for multitude." It is not wonderful, that a people thus nurtured, should be ready, Ishmael-like, to raise their hands against tyranny and oppression. That the people of North Carolina should always have been " Men who knew their rights, and knowing dared maintain," 18 evident from every page of their history. But, that her sons should, on the 20th day of May, 1775, assemble at Charlotte, at a period of doubt, of darkness, and of danger, without concert with other States, without assur- * Bancroft's History of the United States, vol. ii. p. 135. t July, 1581. Hakluyt, vol. ii. p. 297. I Wiliiamsoa's History of North Carolina, vol. i. p. 263. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 259 ances of support from any quarter, and there "dissolve the political bands ■which connected them with the mother Country," and there "declare them- selves a free and independent people, and of right, ought to be sovereign and self-governing," is a subject full of moral sublimity, and a source of elevating State pride. That this event should be deemed by some (who, ignorant of our history, are jealous of the fair name of our State,) as a legend of a doubtful authen- ticity, or of modern origin, is not to be wondered. But time, that steady but unerring guide of truth, has settled this matter beyond the reach of doubt, or the cavilings of envy. The cotemporaneous evidence of General Graham ; of Captain Jack, who bore the proceedings of the meeting to Caswell, Hooper, and Hewes, then members of the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, and the testimony of others, now preserved in the archives of American History, are sufBcient to satisfy incredulity itself. But should any still doubt, considering these as the traditions of an obscure event, preserved by the filial fondness of North Carolinians, we would produce the proclamation of Governor Martin, on board of his Majesty's Ship Cruiser, on the Cape Fear River, dated the 8th of August, 1775, denouncing* "as most infamous, a publication in the Cape Fear Mercury, importing to be resolves, by a set of people styling themselves a committee for the County of Mecklenburg, most traitorously declaring the entire dissolution of the Laws, Government, and Constitution of the Country, and setting up a system of rule and regulation, subversive of his Majesty's Government." Here is the Mecklenburg Declaration fully sot forth, and vindicated from cavil or doubt. But the very fact of its being doubtedj first by an oracle, whose responses however prophetic in politics, cannot be regarded as infal- lible ; and subsequently, by others abroad, should convince most earnestly and conclusively, your Honorable Body, the importance of securing to North Carolina a more enduring monument than legislative reports or paper reso- lutions. Nearly all who were actors in these scenes and perils, have now passed away. It often occurs in the history of man, that facts well known by one generation, are controverted by the next; and at a succeeding period are considered as doubtful legends, not worthy of historical faith. Let us then preserve these memorials of an event so soul cheering to the patriot, so elevating to our character as a State. There are some events which are engraved on the hearts of the Nation, "and no inscriptions or tablatures less broad than the earth itself, can carry the information where it has not gone." Of these is our National Birthday, the 4th July, 1776. It is inscribed in living letters of joy, in the hearts of millions of Freemen, and annually we rejoice and read " Its history in a Nation's eyes." But the 20th of May, 1775, more than a year in advance of this glorious period, belongs to the Old North State. It is one of her reserved rights, and one she will never cede to the Federal Government. Let then a monument arise unto the memory of the Signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In- dependence, and by this means show our sense of this glorious achievement, preserve the same pui-e spirit of patriotism, and keep alive a deep and abiding regard for the principles of our Revolution. "Human beings," said an eloquent orator at the laying of the corner-stone of the Bunker Hill Monument, " are composed not of reason only, but of imagination and sentiment ; and that is neither wasted or misapplied, which is appropriated to giving right direction to sentiments, and opening the proper springs of feeling in the human heart." In rearing this monument at the very spot where the first Declaration of Independence was made, we direct the mind by an elevated object, to the great moral causes that produced our Revolution, to the noble daring and chivalric patriotism by which it was * See " American Archives" of Peter Force, Fourth Series, vol. ii. p. S55. The same vol. lii. p. 62. 260 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. achieved, and to the numberless blessings that have flown dovpn unto us by its happy consummation. . . • xv. ^ -^ /• v Before this monument hoary age may pause and rejoice m the truit ot his labors, and from it youth receive the inspirations of patriotism, as shown forth i'n their gUirious examples, and thus vow to emulate their career. In the language of the orator above alluded to, "we wish that this column, rising towards Heaven, amid temples dedicated to God, may produce in all mindl a pious feeling of dependence and gratitude. Let it arise until it meet the Sun in his coming, let the earliest light of the morning gild it, and parting day linger and play on its summit." The undersigned, in conclusion, beg leave to submit a copy of the proceed- ings of the meeting above alluded to, and hope that your Honorable Body ■will, as requested, grant an Act of Incorporation to this Association, and also an appropriation for funds to assist in accomplishing its objects. And, as in duty bound, &c. Fred. Nash, M. Hoke, Wm. J. Alexander, Charles Fisher, David F. Caldwell, Jos. McD. Carson, James W. Osborne, Robert Strange, H. C. Jones, James Iredell, Paul Barringer, D. L. Swain, John Phifer, Wm. H. Haywood, Jr. John H. Wheeler,* Burton Craige, Isaac T. Avery, Committee to Memoralize the Legislature of North Carolina. Mecklenburg sent as delegate to the meeting at Newbern, 25th August, 1774, Benjamin Patton ; and to the meeting at Hillsboro', 21st August 1775, Thomas Polk, John Phifer, Waightstill Avery, Samuel Martin, James Houston, and John McKnitt Alexander. To the meeting at Halifax, 4th April, 1776, she sent John Phifer, Robt. Irwin, and John McKnitt Alexander. The following instructions were given to the delegates from the people, extracted from a Charlotte newspaper in 1837. It was found among the old surviving papers of John McKnitt Alexander, and he is the author of them. They are dated 1st September, 1775 : — Instructions for the Delegates of Mecklenburg County, proposed to the considera- tion of the County, viz : — 1. You are instructed to vote that the late province of North Carolina is and of right ought to be, a free and independent State, invested with all the power of Legislation, capable of making Laws to regulute all its internal policy, subject only in its external connections and foreign commerce, to a negative of a continental Senate. 2. You are instructed to vote for the Execution of a civil Government under the authority of the People for the future security of all the Rights, Privileges and Prerogatives of the State, and the private, natural and unalien- able Rights of the constituting members thereof, either as Men or Christians. If this should not be confirmed in Congress or Convention — protest. 3. You are instructed to vote that an equal Representation be established, and that the qualifications required to enable any person or persons to have a voice in Legislation, may not be secured too high, but that every Freeman who shall be called upon to support Government either in person or property, may be admitted thereto. If this should not be confirmed, protest and re- monstrate. 4. You are instructed to vote that Legislation be not a divided right, and that no man, or body of men be invested with a negative on the voice of the People duly collected, and that no honors or dignities be conferred, for life, * Author of" this Report. i^ ^F' MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 261 or made hereditary, on any person or persons, either legislative or execu- tive. If this should not be confirmed — protest and remonstrate. 5. You are instructed to vote that all and every person or persons, seized or possessed of any estate, real or personal, agreeable to the last establish- ment, be confirmed in their seizure and possession, to all intents and purposes in law, who have not forfeited their right to the protection of the State by their criminal practices towards the same. If this should not be confirmed — protest. 6. You are instructed to vote that Deputies to represent this State in a Continental Congress be appointed in and by the supreme Legislative body of the State, the form of nomination to be submitted to, if free, and also that all officers the influence of whose office is equally to extend to every part of the State, be appointed in the same manner and form — likewise give your consent to the establishing the old political divisions, if it should be voted in convention, or to new ones if similar. On such establishments taking place you are instructed to vote, in the general, that all officers, who are to exercise their authority in any of the said districts, be recommended to the trust only by the freemen of said division — to be subject, however, to the general laws and regulations of the State. If this should not be substantially confirmed — protest. 7. You are instructed to move and insist that the people you immediately represent be acknowledged to be a distinct county of this State as formerly of the late province, with the additional privilege of annually electing in their own officers both civil and military, together with the election of Clerks and Sheriffs, by the freemen of the same. The choice to be confii-med by the sovereign authority of the State, and the officers so invested to be under the jurisdiction of the State and liable to its cognizance and inflictions, in case of malpractice. If this should not be confirmed, protest and remonstrate. 8; You are instructed to vote that no chief justice, no secretary of State, no auditor-general, no surveyor-general, no practicing lawyer, no clerk of any court of record, no sheriff, and no person holding a military office in this State, shall be a representative of the people in Congress or Convention. If this should not be confirmed — contend for it. 9. You are instructed to vote that all claims against the public, except such as accrue upon attendance of Congress or Convention, be first submitted to the inspection of a committee of nine or more men, inhabitants of the county where said claimant is a resident, and without the approbation of said committee, it shall not be accepted by the public, for which purpose you are to move and insist that a law be enacted to impower the freemen of each county to choose a committee of not less than nine men, of whom none are to be military officers. If this should not be confirmed — protest and remon- strate. 10. You are instructed to refuse to enter into any combinations of secrecy as members of Congress or Convention, and also to refuse to subscribe any ensnaring jests binding you to an unlimited subjection to the determination of Congress or Convention. 11. You are instructed to move and insist that the public accounts fairly stated shall be regularly kept in proper books, open to the inspection of all persons whom it may concern. If this should not be confirmed — contend for it. 12. You are instructed to move and insist that the power of County Courts be much more extensive than under the former constitution, both with respect to matters of property and breaches of the peace. If not confirmed — contend for it. 13. You are instructed to assent and consent to the establishment of the Christian Religion as contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ments, and more briefly comprised in the 39 Articles of the Church of Eng- land, excluding the 37th Article, together with all the Articles excepted and not to be imposed on dissenters by the act of toleration ; and clearly held forth in the confession of faith compiled by the assembly of divines at West- minster, to be the Religion of the State, to the utter exclusion forever of all and every other (falsely so called) Religion, whether Pagan or Papal, and 262 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. that the full, free and poacealjle enjoyment thereof he secured to all and every constituent member of the State as their unalienable right as Freemen, without the imposition of rites and ceremonies, whether claiming civil or ecclesiastic power for their source, and that a confession and profession of the Reli<^ion so established shall be necessary in qualifying any person for public trust in the State. If this should not be confirmed— protest and re- monstrate. , x- 1 1- u 14. You are instructed to oppose to the utmost any particular church or get of clergymen being invested with power to decree rites and ceremonies and to decide in controversies of faith to be submitted to under the influence of penal laws— you are also to oppose the establishment of any mode of worship to be supported to the opposition of the rights of conscience, together with the destruction of private property. You are to understand that under modes of worship are comprehended the different forms of swearing by law required. You are moreover to oppose the establishing an ecclesiastic supre- macy in the sovereign authority of the State. You are to oppose the toleration of the popish idokxtrous worship. If this should not be confirmed — protest and remonstrate. 15. You are instructed to move and insist that not less than four-fifths of the body of which you are members, shall, in voting, be deemed a majority. If this should not be confirmed— contend for it. 16. You are instructed to give your voices to and for every motion and bill made or brought into the Congress or Convention, where they appear to be for public utility and in no ways repugnant to the above instructions. 17. Gentlemen, the foregoing instructions, you are not only to look on as instructions, but as charges, to which you are desired to take special heed as the general rule of your conduct as our Representatives, and we expect you will exert yourselves to the utmost of your ability to obtain the purposes given you in charge, and wherein you fail either in obtaining or opposing, you are hereby ordered to enter your protest against the vote of the Congress or Convention as is pointed out to you in the above instructions. To the meeting at Halifax, Nov. 12th, 1776 (which formed the Constitution), she sent John Phifer, Robert Irwin, Zaccheus Wilson, Hezekiah Alex- ander, and Waightstill Avery. The officers appointed in 1775 for Mecklenburg, were Adam AlexaiJder, Colonel; John Phifer, Lieutenant-Colonel ; John Davidson, Major; George II. Alexander, 2d Major. Not only were her sons active in tliese trying times, but no por- tion of our State was more constantly the theatre of stirring events. It was in the streets of Charlotte that, on Sept. 26th, 1780, Colonel Davie, with a mere handful of troops, held the whole British Army in check.* The British approached Charlotte on the street leading towards Major Benjamin Morrow's and Dr. Fox's, and lay for several weeks in camp on the old field, nearly opposite Dr. Dunlap's. Lord Cornwallis's Head-Quarters were in the house, on the south- east corner, second house from the corner. And when Lord Cornwallis was quartered in this village, he was held in continual apprehension by the daring spirit of the people. In a letter to Colonel Balfour, of the British Army, his Lordship says, " Charlotte is an agreeable village, but in a d d rebellious county." The testimony of Colonel Tarleton is left that the spirit of the * See Halifax (Life of Davie), p. 195. A, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 263 people was such that no force could overawe and subdue their rebel temper.* T\ie works of Stedman, Tarleton, and others, as well as the records of the day, afford ample evidence of the daring spirit of Mecklenburg. " Its inhabit- ants were more hostile," says Tarleton, " to England than any others in America." This animosity of the people, while it checked the Tory influence, cut off all supplies from the country. Constant attacks were made on the convoys from Camden and Blair's Mill. The picquet at Polk's Mill, late Bissel's, near Charlotte was attacked by the people. A foraging party in large force at Mcln tire's (now Hipp's Mine), seven miles from Charlotte, on the road to Seattle's Ford, was attacked by the resolute sons of Mecklenburg, under George Graham ; a British Captain was killed with others, and several wounded. The Americans made good their retreat without loss. The detachment returned to town, disappointed of their forage, and reported to Lord Cornwallis, " that every bush on the road concealed a rebel." The British Army demanded heavy supplies. Stedman, the Commissary- General, states that they used one hundred cattle per day. The English had at that day the reputation they still enjoy, of being great beef eaters. After the fall of Ferguson, on King's Mountain, Cornwallis fell back in great precipitation to Winnsboro', a less dangerous and rebellious neighbor- hood. It was in the town of Charlotte, on Dec. 3d, 1780, that General Greene took charge of the southern Army. The last order that General Gates ever issued is as follows : — HEAD QUARTERS. Charlotte, December 3d, ITSO.f " The Honorable Major-General Greene, who arrived on Saturday afternoon at Charlotte, being appointed by His Excellency, General Washington, with the approbation of the honorable Congress, to the command of the Southern Army ; all orders in future will issue from him, and all reports are to be made to him . "General Gates returns his sincere and grateful thanks to the Southern Army, for their perseverance, fortitude, and patient endurance of all the hard- ships and sufferings while under his command. " He anxiously hopes their misfortunes will cease therewith, and that vic- tory, and the glorious advantages attending it, may be the future portion of the Southern Armv." General Greene detached, in 1781, William Davidson, of this county, who was a Brigadier-General of militia of the State, and Lieutenant-Colonel in the North Carolina line, to guard the passage of Lord Cornwallis, with the whole British Army, over the Catawba in his pursuit of the American forces. At Cowan's Ford, on Feb. 1st, 1781, the waters of the Catawba were mingled with the lifeblood of this distinguished and merito- rious officer. General William Davidson was the youngest son of George Davidson, who removed from Lancaster County, in Pennsylvania, in the year 1750, to North Carolina. He was born in 1746. He was educated at the Academy in Char- lotte. When the Revolution broke out, on April 22d, 1776, the State Congress at Halifax, raised four additional regiments, to the two already in service. Of * Tarleton's Campaigns. t Force's American Archives. 26 234 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. the 4th Regiment, Thomas Polk was Colonel, James Thackstojj- Lieutenant- Colonel, and William Davidson Major. _ With this regiment, under General Francis Nash, he marched to join the Army of the North, under General Washington, where he served until Nov., 1779, when the North Carolina line was ordered south to reinforce General Lincoln, at Charleston. Previous to this, Davidson was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the line. As the troops passed through North Caro- lina, Colonel Davidson obtained a furlough for a few days to visit his family, which he had not seen for three years. This saved him from the fate that hefell Lincoln and his Army at Charleston ; for when he approached Charles- ton, he found it so closely beleaguered by the British Army, that he was pre- vented from joining his regiment. When Lincoln surrendered, Davidson returned to Mecklenburg, and rendered important services in subduing the Tories, who, encouraged by the success of the British, became numerous, daring, and dangerous. ^ He raised a troop of volunteers and marched against them. At Calson s Mill he encountered a strong force of Tories, and a severe engagement took place, in which Davidson was severely wounded. A ball entered the um- bilical region and passed through his body near the kidneys. This had nearly been fatal. He was confined for two months with this wound. On his recovery he took the field, having been promoted for his bravery to a brigadier-general, in place of Gen. Rutherford, taken prisoner at Camden. Ile^was active, with General Sumner and Colonel Davie, in checking the advance of the British, and throughout this dark period of our fortunes gave unceasing evidence of his untiring zeal in the cause of his country. After the brilliant afi"air of the Cowpens (17th Jan. 1781), in which Gen. Morgan, with an inferior force, chastised the temerity and insolence of Col. Tarieton, Davidson was most active in assembling the militia of hjs_ district to aid General Greene (who had, on the east bank of the Catawba, joined the light corps of Morgan) in impeding the advance of the enemy ; and it was his fortune to guard the very ford at which Cornwallis attempted to pass. At the head of three hundred men, he took post at Cowan's Ford. At daybreak the British army under Cornwallis, on the 1st February, 1781, entered the waters of Catawba, then swollen by heavy rains, at Cowan's Ford. The morning was dark and rainy.* The light infantry under Col. Hall entered first, followed by the grenadiers and the battalions.f The picquet of Gen. Davidson challenged the enemy; receiving no reply, the guard fired. This turned out the whole force of Davidson, who kept up a galling fire from the bank. The guide of the British, alarmed at the firing, turned about and left them. This caused an unexpected diversion of the enemy from the ex- pected landing of the ford, and Col. Hall led them directly across.J Col. Hall was killed as he ascended the bank ; Lord Cornwallis' horse was shot in the river, and fell as he reached the bank ; three privates killed, and thirty-six British wounded. General Davidson, in riding from the point where he expected the enemy to the point where they landed, was shot ; the ball passed through his heart, and he fell dead from his horse. As he fell by a rifle-ball (the British only using muskets), it is supposed he fell by the hand of some Tory. Withered be the hand and forever cursed that did this deed 1 Thus fell, in the prime of life, at a moment of usefulness, this noble and patriotic soldier. Worthily is his name bestowed on one of the most fertile counties of our State, and a seat of learning, near the scene of his death, perpetuates his fame to the " Last syllable of recorded thne." * See Dispatch of Lord Cornwallis to Lord George Germain, Notes to Tarleton's Campaign, 259. t ytedman's History of the American War, ii. 239. i Tarleton's History of the Campai^'-ns of 1780 and 1781, p. 23-5. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 265 The Congress of the United States, in 1781, passed the following resolu- tion : — " Resolved, That the Governor and Council of the State of North Carolina be desired to erect a monument at the expense of the United States, not ex- ceeding in value of five hundred dollars, to the memory of the late Brigadier- General Davidson, who commanded the militia of the District of Salisbury, in the State of North Carolina, and was killed, on the first of February last,, fighting gallantly for the defence of the liberty and independence of these States."* The descendants of General Davidson still live among us. The spirit of patriotism, the heroic example, illustrious services, and chivalric death of their distinguished ancestor, are left " as a rich legacy unto their issue." General George Graham was a resident of Mecklenburg. He was the brother of General Joseph Graham, and performed " a soldier's service" in the Revolution. There was no duty too perilous, no service too dangerous, that he was not ready to undertake for his country. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1758, and came, with his widowed mother and four others, to North Carolina when about six years old. He was educated at Charlotte, and was distinguished for his assiduity and noble temper. He was early devoted to the cause of his country. In 1775, he, with a few others, rode all night to Salisbury, seized the Tory lawyers, Dunn and Boothe, brought them to Mecklenburg, and from thence they were carried to Camden, and imprisoned.! When Cornwallis lay at Charlotte (Oct. 1780), he was active in attacking his foraging parties, and annoying them, so as to render their supplies hazardous and difficult. He was the leader of the attack at Mclntire's, seven miles from Charlotte, on the Beattie's Ford Road, and actually, with twelve men, compelled the foraging party of four hundred English to retreat ; they fearing, from the fatality of the fire, that an ambuscade was prepared for them. He was Major-General of militia of North Carolina. For a long time Clerk of the Court of Mecklenburg County, and often a member of the Legis- lature. He died 29th March, 1826. The following inscription is from the slab of marble that covers his grave at Charlotte. SACRED to the Memory of Major-GENERAL, George Graham, Who died On the 29th of March, 1826, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. He lived more than half a century in the vicinity of this place, and was a zealous and active defender of his Country's rights, in the Revolutionary war, and one of the gallant twelve who dared to attack, and actually drove 400 British troops at Mclntire's, seven miles north of Charlotte, on the third of October, 1780. George Graham filled many high and responsible * This resolution has never been execnied. See Narrative of Boothe, chapter ixvii. (Rowan. 266 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. public trusts, the duties of -which he discharged with fidelity. He was the people's friend, not their flatterer, and uniformly enjoyed the unlimited confidence and respect of his fellow citizens. TTon. Samuel Lowrie resided and died in this county. He was a native of New Castle County, State of Delaware, born 12th May, 1756, son of Robert and Elizabeth Lowrie. When a child his parents moved to Rowan County, and he was educated at Clio Academy. Iredell County, by Rev. James Hall. He studied law in Camden, S. C, and was elected to the House of Commons from this county in 1804, '5 and '6, when he was elected a Judge of the Superior Court, Avhich he held until his death, on 22d Dec. 1818 He married in 1788 Margaret, daughter of Robert Alexander, who left him with several children ; and second time, 1811, he married Mary, daughter of Marmaduke Norfleet, of Bertie County. Joseph "Wilson, a distinguished lawyer and statesman, resided and died in Charlotte, which for many years was the scene of his services and honors. His ancestors on the paternal side were from Scotland, and settled in 1720 near Edenton, and in Perquimans, where many of his name still reside. His ancestors by the maternal side were English, settled on Nantucket Island, removed first to Guilford and then to Randolph, where his father married Eunice Worth. His parents were of the society of Friends. Joseph Wilson's early education was as good as the country afforded. He was under care of Rev. David Caldwell, and under the advice of Reuben Wood, Esq., of Randolph, then a lawyer of some celebrity, he studied law ; whose daughter he married. He was licensed in 1804, and came to the bar at the same time with Israel Pickens, of Burke County, afterwards Governor of Alabama. By the perseverance of his character, the force of his intellect, and steady application he arose to eminence in his profession. He settled in Stokes County, and in 1810 represented that county in the House of Commons. He was re-elected in 1811 and 1812. At this important and exciting period he distinguished himself by his warm, devoted, and talented support of the war. At this session he was elected Solicitor of the Mountain Circuit, then em- bracing nearly all the western part of the State. The unsurpassed ability, the fearless zeal and indomitable energy with which he discharged the arduous duties of this responsible station, are to this day a source of grateful recol- lection. The mountains of North Carolina were infested with many men, whose lawless passions and nefarious deeds defied the restraints of justice. On several occasions Mr. Wilson's life was placed in serious jeopardy, by his firm and manly prosecution of evil doers. But while the wicked had nothing to hope, in his generous temper the innocent found " a friend in every time of need." He continued in this office until his death, which oc- curred in August, 1829, leaving an interesting family, and the State of North Carolina to lament his untimely end. At the time of his death he was looked upon as a suitable successor to Governor Branch (as Senator in Congress), who had been appointed Secretary of the Navy by Gen. Jackson. James Kxox Polk was a native of Mecklenburg. He was born on 2d November, 1795, about eleven miles south of Char- lotte, on the land now owned by Nathan Orr, about two hundred yards south of Little Sugar Creek. He was the eldest of ten children. In 1806 his father moved to Tennessee. He was educated in North Carolina, and was graduated in 1818, with the first honors of the University. He laid while at college tlie foundations of his future fame. He never missed a single re citation or dutj/ during his whole collegiate term. Let our young gentlemen at Chapel Hill imitate this illustrious example. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 267 H« returned to Tennessee, and commenced the study of law in the office of Felix Grundy, and was admitted to the bar in 1820. In 1823 he en- tered the stormy sea of politics, and in which he was destined to so brilliant a career. In 1825 he was elected to Congress, and in 1835 was elected Speaker, which he held for five sessions. After fourteen years' service he declined a re-election. During this long and laborious service he never was known to be absent a single day from the House. In 1839 he was elected Governor of Tennessee. In May, 1844, he was nominated as President of the United States. His majority in the electoral college in December, over Henry Clay, was sixty-five. It does not become us at this day or in this place to speak of the measures or the policy of Mr. Polk, while in the discharge of the important functions of this elevated office. The labor that he underwent at a period of unex- ampled danger to the republic and of difficulty with foreign nations, doubtless hastened his end. He declared in May, '44, in his letter accepting the nomination, that he would only serve one term. And in a letter addressed to the Convention in 1848, through Dr. J. G.M.Ramsay, of Mecklenburg, Knox County, Tennessee, he reiterated his determination, and voluntarily declined, when many deemed his name the only available means of success. He died at Nashville, 15th June, 1849. When the mists of party and prejudice shall have subsided, and the calm verdict of posterity be given, the services and talents of James K. Polk will be acknowledged as unsurpassed in the annals of our nation, and his talents esteemed as they deserve. Mecklenburg is proud of her son ! Nathaniel Alexander, late Governor of North Carolina, was a native of Mecklenburg. He was a physician by profession, and was elected a member of the House of Commons in 1797, from Mecklenburg ; a member of the Senate in 1801, and re-elected 1802. In 1803 to 1805 he was a member of Congress, and he was in 1805 elected Governor of the State. He married a daughter of Col. Thomas Polk ; he left no children. He was a man of much personal worth and respectable talents. He died and lies buried in Char- lotte. William Davidson still resides in Charlotte " in a green old age." He succeeded General George Graham in 1813 in the Senate from Mecklen- burg, which he represented in 1815, '16 and '17. In 1848 he was elected to Congress, in which he served until 1821. In 1827 he was elected to the State Senate, and in 1828 and 1829. William Julius Alexander was long a representative from Mecklen- burg. He was born in Salisbury, in March, 1797 ; educated at Poplar Tent, by Rev. Dr. Robinson, and was graduated at the University, in 1816. He studied law with his relative, Archibald Henderson, Esq., in Salisbury, and was admitted to the bar in 1818. He married Catharine (a fit compeer of her imperial namesake of Russia), daughter of the late Joseph Wilson, Esq., whose life we have just sketched. He entered public life as member of the House of Commons in 1826, and was re-elected in 1827 and 1828 (of which he was Speaker), and in 1829 and 1830, when he was chosen Solicitor of that Judicial Circuit, vacated by the death of Joseph Wilson, Esq. In 1846, he was appointed by the President, Superintendent of the U. S. Branch Mint, at Charlotte. Greene Washington Caldwell is a resident of Mecklenburg. He was born in Gaston County, on the Catawba River, near Tuckasege Ford, on the 13th of April, 1811. His early education was conducted by John Dob- son. He studied medicine with Dr. Doherty, near Beattie's Ford, and prac- ticed with success ; but becoming dissatisfied with this profession, abandoned it for the law, of which profession he is now a member. 2G8 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. His first appearance in public life was in 1836, as a member of the IIousp of Commons. lie continued to be re-elected through the stormy periods of political excitement of 1S38, '39 and '40, and in 1841, he was elected a member of Congress, in which he served one Congress, and declined a re- election. In 1844, he was appointed by the President Superintendent of the Mint at Charlotte. In 1846, he was the unanimous choice of his party for Governor, but this he declined. When the war with Mexico broke out, he resigned his appointment in the Mint, and volunteered to go to Mexico. _ He was ap- pointed captain of a Company of Dragoons, with E. Constantine Davidson, John K. Harrison, and Alfred A. Norment, as lieutenants, and exchanged the comforts of home and emoluments of office, for the dangers and fatigues of camp. On his return from Mexico, he was elected, without opposition, to the Se- nate (1849), with his two officers as colleagues in the Commons. He was a candidate for Congress in 1851, but was defeated by Hon. Alfred Dockey. In this County, at Charlotte, the government has located a branch of the United States Mint. It was established by act of Congress in 1835, and went into operation in 1836. Its officers were John H. Wheeler, Superintendent; John H. Gibuon, Assayer; John R. Bolton, Coiner; Wm. F. Strange, Clerk. In 1841 Colonel Burgess S. Gaither succeeded as Superintendent, who was succeeded by Hon. Greene W. Caldwell, who resigned his post to go to the Mexican War. Col. AVm. J. Alexander succeeded him, and, on the accession of General Taylor, James W. Osborne, Esq., was appointed, who now holds this position. Last, and not least, should the Ladies of old Mecklenburg be mentioned. I find in the " South Carolina and American General Gazette," from the 2d to the 9th of February, 1776, the following paragraph : — "The young ladies of the best families of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, have entered into a voluntary association that they will not receive the addresses of any young gentleman of that place, except the brave volun- teers who served in the expedition to South Carolina, and assisted in sub- duing the Scovalite insurgents. The ladies being of opinion, that such per- sons as stay loitering at home, when the important calls of the country de- mand their military services abroad, must certainly be destitute of that noble- ness of sentiment, that brave, manly spirit which would qualify them to be the defenders and guardians of the fair sex. The ladies of the adjoining County of Rowan, have desired the plan of a similar association to be drawn up and prepared for signature." Members of the General Assembly from Mecklenburg County, from 1777 to 1850-51 :— Years. Senate. House of Commons. Martin Phifer, Waightstill Avery. Caleb Phifer, David Wilson. Caleb Phifer, David Wilson. Caleb Phifer, David Wilson. Caleb Phifer, David Wilson. Caleb Phifer, David Wilson. Caleb Phifer, David Wilson. Caleb Phifer, David Wilson. Caleb Phifer, George Alexander. Caleb Phifer, George Alexander. William Polk, Caleb Phifer. Caleb Phifer, .Joseph Douglass. Caleb Phifer, George Alexander. Robert Erwin, William Polk. Caleb Phifer, William Polk. Caleb Phifer, James Harris. 1777. -Jno. McK. Alexander, 1778. Robert Irwin, 1779. Robert Irwin, 1780. Robert Irwin, 1781. Robert Irwin, 1782. Robert Irwin, 1783. Robert Irwin, 1784. James Harris, 1785. James Harris, 1786. James ^Mitchell, 1787. Robert Irwin, 1788. Joseph Graham, 1789. Joseph Graham, 1790. Joseph Graham, 1791. Joseph Graham, 1792. Joseph Graham, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 269 Years. Senate. 1793. Joseph Graham, 1794. Joseph Graham, 1795. Robert Irwin, 1796. George Gi-aham, 1797. Robert Irwin, 1798. Robert Irwin, 1799. Robert Irwin, 1800. Robert Irwin, 1801. Nathaniel Alexander, 1802. Nathaniel Alexander, 1803. George Graham, 1804. George Graham, 1805. George Graham, 1806. George Graham, 1807. George Graham, 1808. George Graham, 1809. George Graham, 1810. George Graham, 1811. George Graham, 1812. George Graham, 1813. William Davidson, 1814. Jonathan Harris, 1815. Wm. Davidson, 1816. Wm. Davidson, 1817. Wm. Davidson, 1818. Wm. L. Davidson, 1819. Michael McLeary, 1820. Michael McLeary, 1821.. Michael McLeary, 1822. Michael McLeary, 1823. Michael McLeary, 1824. Michael McLeary, 1825. Wm. Davidson, 1826. Michael McLeary, 1827. Wm. Davidson, 1828. Wm. Davidson, 1829. Wm. Davidson, 1830. .Joseph Blackwood, 1831. Henry Massey, 1832. Henry Massey, 1833. Washing'n Morrison, 1834. Wm. H. McLeary, 1835. Stephen Fox, 1836. Stephen Fox, 1838. Stephen Fox, 1840. J. T. R. Orr, 1842. John Walker, 1844. John Walker, 1846. John Walker, 1848. John Walker, 1850. Green W. Caldwell, House of Commons. Charles Polk, George Graham. Charles Polk, George Graham. Chai-les Polk, George Graham. David McKee, William Morrison. James Conner, Nathaniel Alexander. James Conner, Hugh Parker. James Conner, Sherrod Gray. Charles Polk, Hugh Parker. Alexander Morrison, Charles Polk. Alexander Morrison, Thos. Henderson. Alexander Morrison, Thos. Henderson. Thos. Henderson, Sam'l Lowrie. Sam'l Lowrie, Geo. W. Smart. Sam'l Lowrie, Thos. Henderson. John Harris, Thos. Henderson. George W. Smart, John Harris. Thos. Henderson, Hutchins G. Burton. Thos. Henderson, H. G. Burton. Jonathan Harris, Henry Massey. Jonathan Harris, Henry Massey. Cunningham Harris, Jonathan Harris. William Beattie, Geo. Hampton. John Ray, Abdon Alexander. Joab Alexander, John Wilson. John Rhea, John Wilson. John Rhea, John AVilson. John Rhea, Miles J. Robinson. John Rhea, Miles J. Robinson. Samuel McCoombs, John Rhea. Matthew Baine, John Rhea. Thos. G. Polk, Matthew Baine. Thos. G. Polk, Matthew Baine. Thos. G. Polk, Matthew Baine. jNIatthew Baine, Wm. J. Alexander. Joseph Blackwood, Wm. J. Alexander. Joseph Blackwood, AVm. J. Alexander. Wm. J. Alexander, Evan Alexander. W^m. J. Alexander, Evan Alexander. James Dougherty, John Ilarte. John Harte, James Dougherty. Wm. J. Alexander, Andrew Grier. Wm. J. Alexander, J. M. Hutchison. J. M. Hutchison, J. A. Dunn. Jas. Hutchison, G. W. Caldwell, J. A. Dunn. G. W. Caldwell, Jas. T. J. Orr, Caleb Erwin. G. W. Caldwell, John Walker, Benj Morrow. John Kirk, Jas. W. Ross, Caleb Erwin. Robert Lemmons, J. A. Dunn, John Kirk. John W. Potts, John N. Davis, Robert Lemmons. Harrison, J. N. Davis, J. J. Williams. John K. Harrison, J. J. Williams, F. Constantine Davidson. 270 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER LII. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Montgomery County was formed in the year 1779, fi-om Anson County, and called in honor of General Richard Montgomery, who was a distinguished officer of the Revolution, and who fell fighting her battles in his heroic attack upon Quebec, 31st December, 1775. Gen. Montgomery was a native of the North of Ireland. He commenced his career in arms under the celebrated Gen. Wolfe, who was his predeces- sor in the same field of glory and of death. His remains, after lying at Que- bec fortj'-two years, were by order of the Government, disinterred and brought to the city of New York ; where, in front of St. Paul's, on Broad- way, they now lie, with this inscription : — " This Moxumext was erected by oi-der of Congress, 25th January, 177G, to transmit to posterity a grateful remembrance of the patriotism, conduct, enterprise, and perseverance of Major-General Richard Montgomery ; who, after a series of successes amidst the most discouraging difficulties, fell in the attack on Quebec, 31st December, 1775, aged 37 years. Montgomery County is situated in the southern part of the State, and bounded on the north by Randolph, east by Chatham, south by Richmond and Anson, and west by the Yadkin, which separates it from Stanly County. Its capital is Troy, which preserves the name of late John B. Troy, Esq., an eminent attorney at this county, and solicitor of this Judicial Circuit. Its distance from Raleigh, one hundred and fifteen miles south-west. Its population is 5055 whites; 1773 slaves; 44 free negroes; 6162 repre- sentative population. Its products are 2,332,222 lbs. cotton ; 200,597 lbs. tobacco ; 255,496 bush- els corn ; 48,879 bushels wheat; 1525 dollars in gold. In this_ County resides Hon. Edmund Deberry. He was born 14th Au- gust, 1787. He was educated at the ordinary schools of the County, and is a Planter by profession. lie entered public life in 1806 as a membe'r of the Senate, in which he served with some intermissions until 1828; an unusually long MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 271 period of public service. In the next year, 1829, he was elected a member of Congress ; again in 1833, and again in 1849. Hon. John Culpepper resided in this County and represented this District in Congress in 1807 to 1809, 1813 to 1817, 1819 to 1821, 1823 to 1825.* He was a Baptist preacher and elected to the General Assembly ; but his seat was vacated upon constitutional grounds. He was deemed a man of sound sense, but not brilliant, useful rather than showy. Members of the General Assembly from Montgomery County from date of erection to 1850-51. Years. Senate. 1780. John Kimborough, 1781. Thomas Childs, 1782. Thomas Childs, 1783. Thomas Childs, 1784. Samuel Parsons, 1785. Samuel Parsons, 1786. John Stokes, 1787. John Stokes, 1788. David Nesbitt, 1789. William Kendall, 1790. Thomas Childs, 1791. James Turner, 1792. James Turner, 1793. James Turner, 1794. Thomas Childs, 1795. Thomas Childs, 1796. Thomas Childs, 1797. West Harris, 1798. West Harris, 1799. West Harris, 1800. Thomas Blewett, 1801. West Harris, 1802. West Harris, 1803. Geo. W. Graham, 1804. James Saunders, 1805. James Saunders, 1806. Edmund Deberry, 1807. Edmund Deberry, 1808. Edmund Deberry, 1809. Edmund Deberry, 1810. Edmund Deberry, 1811. Edmund Deberry, 1812. Geo. W. Davidson, 1813. Edmund Debei-ry, 1814. Edmund Deberry, 1815. James Legrand, 1816. James Legrand, 1817. John Crump. 1818. Geo. W. Davidson, 1819. Geo. W. Davidson, 1820. Edmund Deberry, 1821. Edmund Deberry, 1822. James Legrand, 1823. James Legrand, 1824. James Legrand, 1825. James Legrand,' 1826. Edmund Deberry, House of Commons. James Roper, Edward Moore, llobert Moss, Peter Handle. Robert Moss, Peter Handle. James McDonald, Mark Allen. Wm. Kendall, Mark Allen. Jas. McDonald, Charles Robertson. Jas. McDonald, John Palmer. Thomas Childs, William Kendall. James Tindall, Thomas Ussory. Wm. Johnson, James Tindall. Thomas Butler, John Ussory. James Tindall, James Gray. William Rush, West Harris. William Rush, Wm. Loften. AYilliam Loften, Thos. Ussory. Thomas Ussory, Henry Deberrj'. Wm. Loften, Henry Deberry. Henry Deberry, Arthur Harris. Henry Deberry, Arthur Harris. Henry Deberry, Thomas Childs, Jr. Henry Deberry, Thomas Childs, Jr. Thos. Childs, Silas Billingsfly. Wm. R. Allen, James Saunders. John Maske, James Saunders. James Allen, John Maske. John Maske, James Allen. James Allen, David Cochran. David Cochran, Clement Lavier. Claiborn Harris, Joseph Parsons. Joseph Parsons, Wm. Crittenden. George W. Davidson, Jos. Parsons. James Legrand, Jos. Parsons. James Legrand, John Handle. John Crump, Thomas Butler. J. Crump, Juhn Handle. John Handle, John Crump. John Crump, John Handle. John Lilley, Andrew AVade. John Kendall, John Lilley. John Lilley, John Kendall. John Dargan, John Lilley. John Dargan, Hardy Morgan. Hardy Morgan, John Dargan. Hardy Morgan, John Dargan. John Culpepper, John Dargan. .John Dargan, Thos. C. Dunn. John Dargan, James Allen. * This is an error, but the authorities are, '= American Ahiianac" for IS.%, and " Statesman's Manual," by Williams, ii. 1534. JMr. C. was not in Congress in 1825. 272 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1827. Edmund Deberry, James Allen, Jas. M. Lilley. 1828. Edmund Deberry, Reuben Kendall, Jas. M. Lilley. 1829. John Crump, Reuben Kendall, Jas. M. Lilley. 1830. John Crump, James M. Lilley, Reuben Kendall. 1831. Reuben Kendall, Geo. W. McClain, Pleasant M. Maske. 1832. James jM. Lilley, Francis Locke, Pleasant M. Maske. 1833. Reuben Kendall, Francis Locke, Edmund F. Lilley. 1835. Reuben Kendall, William Harris, Peter R. Lilley. 183G. .John B. Kelley, William Harris, Enoch -Jordan. 1838. J. H. Montgomery, William Hai-ris, Thos. Pemberton. 1840. J. H. Montgomery, Thos. Pemberton, Edmund F. Lilley. 1842. J. M. Worth, Calvin J. Cochran, Francis Locke. 1844. J. M. Worth, Calvin J. Cochran. 1846. Alexander Kelly, Zebodee Russell. 1848. J. M. Worth, Zebedee Russell. 1850. Angus R. Kelly, Zebedee Russell. CHAPTER LIII. MOORE COUNTY. Moore County was formed, in 1784, from Cumberland County, and named in compliment of Hon. Alfred Moore, late one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, for whose biography see Brunswick County, Chapter VIII. , page 49. Moore County is near the centre of the State, being bounded on the north by Chatham, west by Cumberland, south by Richmond, and west by Montgomery. Its capital is Carthage, seventy-nine miles south-west of Raleigh. Its population is 7197 whites ; 1976 slaves ; 169 free negroes ; 8551 repre- sentative population. Its products are 756,640 lbs. cotton; 6073 lbs. wool; 31,416 lbs. tobacco; 30,325 bushels corn ; 17,241 bushels oats; 15,643 bushels wheat. Hon. Archibald McNiel, of this county, entered the House of Commons in 1808, and re-elected in 1809, and was elected to the Senate in 1811 ; he was again in the Senate in 1815 ; he was elected to Congress in 1821, and served to 1823, and again elected to Congress in 1825. Hon. Arcuibald McBryde, of this county, was elected to Congress in 1809, and re-elected in 1811 ; he was a member of the Senate in 1813 and 1814. Hon. Benjamin Williams was a resident of this county. Governor in 1799, and elected to the State Senate in 1807, He was elected . , at which session he was again elected Governor, and, iu 1809, again a member of the State Senate. He died in Moore, at his residence, now owned by Dr. Charles Chalmers. We regret that we do not know more of the lives, characters, and services of the citizens of Moore, and we trust that some patriotic son of hers will, from the data herewith given, furnish more of their merits. MOORE COUNTY. 273 Members of the General Assembly from ^loore County, from its erection to last Session, 1850-51. Years. Senate. 178.5. Philip Alston, 178G. Philip Alston, 1787. Thomas Overton, 1788. Thomas Overton, 1789. Thomas Overton, 1790. Thomas Overton, 1791. Thomas Tyson, 1792. Thomas Overton, 1793. William Martin, 179-1. Daniel Mcintosh, 1795. Daniel Mcintosh, 1796. Malcolm Gilchrist, 1797. Daniel Mcintosh, 1798. Malcolm Gilchrist, 1799. Malcolm Gilchrist, 1800. Malcolm Gilchrist, 1801. Duncan Brice, 1802. Murdock McKenzie, 1803. Duncan Brice, 1804. Jacob Gastor, 1805. Thomas Tyson, 1806. Jacob Gastor, 1807. Benjamin Williams, 1808. Thomas Tyson, 1809. Benjamin Williams, 1810. Allen McClennan, 1811. Archibald McNeill, 1812. Jacob Gastor, 1813. Archibald McBryde, 1814. Archibald McBryde, 1815. Archibald McNeill, 1816. Atlas Jones, 1817. Atlas Jones, 1818. John B. Kelly, 1819. Josiah Tyson, 1820. Benjamin Person, 1821. Benjamin Person, 1822. Benjamin Person, 1823. William .Jackson, 1824. Benjamin W. Williams 1825. Cornelius Dowd, 1826. Josiah Tyson, 1827. Alexander McNeill, 1828. Alexander IMcNeill, 1829. Alexander McNeill, 1830. Alexander McNeill, 1831. Josiah Tyson, 1832. Josiah Tyson, 1833. Duncan Murchison, 1834. Cornelius Dowd, 1835. Cornelius Dowd, 1838. John II. Montgomery, 1840. John IT. Montgomery, 1842. J. M. Worth, 1844. J. M. Worth, 1846. Alexander Kelly, 1848. J. M. Worth, 1850. Angus R. Kelly, House of Commons. John Carroll, John Cox. John Cox, Charles Crawford. John Cox, Thomas Tyson. William Martin, William Mears. William Martin, William Mears. William Martin, William Mears. Cornelius Dowd, William Martin. William Barrett, William Dunn. William Dunn, Daniel Mcintosh. Thomas II. Perkins, Malcolm Gilchrist. Malcolm Gilchrist, William Gilchrist. Jacob Gastor, Murdock Martin. Cornelius Dowd, Jacob Gastor. William Barrett, Cornelius Dowd. John Mclvor, Jacob Gastor. Murdock Martin, Jacob Gastor. Allen McLellan, Archibald Dalrymple. Jacob Gastor, Allen lAIcLellan. John Atkinson, Cornelius Dowd. Allen McLellan, Francis Bullock. Allen McLellan, Francis Bullock. William Barrett, Cornelius Dowd. Cornelius Dowd, Allen McLellan. Archibald McNeill, William Brice. Archibald McNeill, Edmund Wade. William Brice, David Pveid. Atlas Jones, John McLennan. James Seawell, Atlas .Jones. James Seawell, Josiah Tyson. Jonathan Tyson, Malone Brice. Jacob Gastor, Josiah Tyson. Josiah Tyson, John Murchison. John Murchison, Josiah Tyson. Benjamin Person, John Murchison. Malcolm Brice, Alexander McNeill. Alexander McNeill, Josiah Tyson. Josiah Tyson, Alexander McNeill. Josiah Tyson, Alexander McNeill. Gideon Seawell, Angus Martin. , Jos. A. Hill, Jos. Lamb. John Murchison, William Crawford. Gideon Seawell, William Wadsworth. Gideon Seawell, William Wadsworth. Josiah Tyson, WiDiam Wadsworth. William Hancock, Duncan Murchison. William Wadsworth, Willis D. Dowd. William Wadsworth, Gideon Seawell. AVm. W^idsworth, John II. Montgomery. Wm. Wadsworth, John H. Montgomery. Wm. Wadsworth, Angus McDonald. John 0. Kelly, John A. D. McNeill. John A. D. McNeill. Duncan Murchison. William D. Harrington. Donald Street. M. B. Person. Samuel -J. Person. Samuel J. Person. 274 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER LIV. NASH COUNTY. Nash County was formed from Edgecombe County, in 1777, and named in compliment of General Francis Nash, of Orange, ■who fell this year at the battle of Germantown, bravely fighting for the liberties of his country. For a sketch of whose life see Orange County, Chapter LVIII. It is situated in the eastern part of the State, and bounded on the north by Halifax, east by Edgecombe, south by Johnston, and west by Franklin. Its capital is Nashville, and is distant 44 miles east from Raleigh. Its population, 5,972 whites ; 4,056 slaves ; 629 free negroes; 9,034 repre- sentative population. Products, 50,738 lbs. cotton; 1,165 lbs. wool; 32,325 bushels corn; 5,882 bushels oats ; 833 bushels wheat. ATTACK OF TORIES ON JAMES DRAKE, AND GALLANT CONDUCT OF HIS SON — SOOTH- ING EFFECT OF ONE OF THE GREAT STAPLES OF NASH. During the Revolution there was a Captain Beard, who spread terror through this County. This account of him, and that of his death, has been narrated to me by my venerable and worthy friend Michael Collins, Esquire, of Warren, now in the 73d year of his age, and may be relied on for its cor- rectness : — About 1778, Captain Beard, who was a brave and gallant soldier, but mistaken in his duty, attacked the house of James Drake, Esq., of Nash County, with a band of, Tories. There was at the time, in the house, no one but Mr. Drake, his son Albritain, then about seventeen, and Benjamin Bridges, his half-brother ; Nathaniel Nichols, Henry Massinger, and Robert Piland. Bridges and Nichols retreated. The rest prepared for defence. Albritain, who was one of a corps of light horse, and had been in active duty scouring the country for these very men, ran out with a loaded musket and fired. The Tories then surrounded the house, and ordered a surrender. They had several prisoners, tied, with them. Old Mr. James Drake seized a gun and advanced on the foe, but his gun missed fire ; AVilliam R,oss, a Tory, fired at him with a gun charged with buck shot. His aim missed the old man, but wounded both Massinger (cutting off a part of his nose) and Piland (shot in the abdomen). The Tories, headed by Beard, sword in hand, rushed into the house. Beard was met by young Albritain Drake, with a cutlass ; they engaged ; at the first blow young Drake's sword struck the joist above his head, and broke off at the hilt: he was knocked down. The old man then joined in the melee, with his gun clubbed ; but was soon cut down by the sword of Beard, and was so severely wounded that " he was a gore of blood." Seeing her husband cut down, old Mrs. Drake rushed in, not with a weapon, but with ^Jug of old Nash, even to this day celebrated for its excellent flavor. Her en- treaties and the more potent influences of the liquor, produced a parley. She plied them so liberally with the brandy, that peace was restored. Beard had been an aspirant for the hand of her daughter. During this time Captain Peter Goodwin with a troop of horse galloped up ; Albritain Drake threw up his NASH COUNTY. 275 liat, and gave a loud halloo ; Goodwin made a furious attack, and Beard and his men made a precipitate retreat. In his retreat, he was encountered by Bridges, who was near. Bridges's gun missed fire, and Beard used his sword, but was knocked down by Bridges, and he fell lifeless. Bridges thought he was killed, and came to the house and informed them that he had killed Beard. They all went out to see his dead body, but Beard had recovered so as to sit up. He was then taken into custody. A negro man, Simon, who had a wife at Drake's, caught another one of his band, named Porch. _ These were taken to Colonel Seawell, in Franklin County. They were tried by_a Court-martial, and both were forthwith hung. Such was the end of Captain Mr. Drake lived to a good old age, and died in 1790, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. His brave son Albritain married and settled in Robeson, where his son John now lives, and then moved to Kentucky, where he raised a large family, who, and their decendants, are highly respectable and scattered over the south-western States. His son Colonel James P. Drake, commanded the Indiana Regiment in the late war with Mexico. Albritain Drake died at the advanced age of eighty, loved and respected for his kindness and virtues, Hon. Archibald Arrington resides in this County. He is the brother of Samuel L. Arrington, who, from 1833 to 1842, represented Nash County in the Senate. Mr. Arrington was elected to Congress from this District, in 1841, and was re-elected in 1843, defeating the Hon, Edward Stanly, After serving this Congress, he retired to private life. Members of the General Assembly from Nash County, from its erection to 1850-51. Years. Senate. 1778. Hardy Griffin, 1780. Hardy Griffin, 1781. Hardy Griffin, 1782. Hardy Griffin, 1783. Hardy Griffin, 1784. Hardy Griffin, 1785. Hardy Griffin, 1786. Hardy Griffin, 1787. Hardy Griffin, 1788. Red. Bunn, 1789. Hardy Griffin, 1790. Hardy Griffin, 1791. Hardy Griffin, 1792. Hardy Griffin, 1793. Hardy Griffin, 1794. Hardy Griffin, 1795. Hardy Griffin, 1796. William Arrington, 1797. Archibald Griffin, 1798. John Arrington, 1799. John Arrington, 1800. John H. Drake, 1801. John Arrington, 1802. John Arrington, 1803. John Arrington, 1804. John Arrington, 1805. John H. Drake, 1806. John Arrington, 1807. John Arrington, 1808. AVilliam Arrington, 1809. William Arrington, 1810. William Arrington, 1811. William Arrington, House of Commons. Thomas Hester, Hardy Griffin. Joseph Arrington, Edward Nicholson, Joseph Arrington, Edward Nicholson. Joseph Arrington, Edward Nicholson, Micajah Thomas, Thomas Pounds. Micajah Thomas, Thomas Pounds, John Bonds, Micajah Thomas, John Bonds, Jos, J. Clinch. Micajah Thomas, John Bonds. Wilson Vick, John Bonds. Wilson Vick, John Bonds, James Battle, John Bonds, Howell Ellen, Joseph Arrington, John II. Drake, Joseph Arrington, John H. Drake, John Bonds. John II. Drake, Arch'd Hunter. John II. Drake, Arch'd Hunter, John II. Drake, Arch'd Hunter, Redmond Bunn, Arch'd Hunter. Redmond Bunn, John H. Drake, Redmond Bunn, Arch'd Hunter. Geo, Boddie, Redmond Bunn, Geo, Boddie, Arch'd Hunter, John Hilliard, Arch'd Gi'iffin, Arch'd Griffin, John Hilliard, Arch'd Griffin, Nathan Whitehead, Nathan Whitehead, Henry Ilines. Arch'd Griffin, Redmond Bunn, Arch'd Griffin, Redmond Bunn, Amos Gandy, Redmond Bunn. Michael Collins, Exum Phillips. Amos Gandy, Michael Collins. Michael Collins, Exum Phillips. 276 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1812. "William vVrrington, 1813. George Boddie, 1814. George Boddie, 1815. George Boddie, 1816. Michael Collins, 1817. Ilobert C. Ililliard, 1818. Michael Collins, 1819. Joseph Terrell, 1820. W. W. Boddie, 1821. ^Vm. W. Boddie, 1822. Wm. W. Boddie, 1823. Wm. W. Boddie, 1824. ^Ym. W. Boddie, 1825. Wm. W. Boddie, 1826. Wm. W. Boddie, 1827. Nicholas Drake, 1828. Wm. W. Boddie, 1829. Wm. W. Boddie, 1830. Wm. AV. Boddie, 1831. Wm. W. Boddie, 1832. Wm. W. Boddie, 1833. Samuel L. Arrington, 1834. Samuel L. Arrington, 1835. Samuel L, Arrington, 1836. Samuel L, Arrington, 1838, Samuel L, Arrington, 1840, Samuel L. Arrington, 1842. Samuel L. Arrington, 1844. John H. Drake, 1846. John 11. Drake, 1848. John H. Drake, 1850. John H. Drake, House of Commons. Geo. Boddie, Michael Collins. R. C. Ililliard, Michael Collins, R. C. Hilliard, Michael Collins. R. C. Ililliard, Michael Collins. Bartley Deans, David Ricks. Arch'd Lamon, Joseph Terrell. Wm. W. Boddie, Arch'd Lamon. Wm. W. Boddie, Arch'd Lamon. Arch'd Lamon, Henry Blount, Henry Blount, Arch'd Lamon, Arch'd Lamon, Thomas N. Mann, Arch'd Lamon, Thomas N. Mann. Arch'd Lamon, N. J. Drake. Nicholas Drake, Major A. AYilcox. Duncan York, Joseph Arrington. Frederick Battle, Jas. N. Mann. Frederick Battle, Gideon Bass. Duncan York, Jos. Arrington. Jos. Arrington, Robert C. Hilliard. Jos. Arrington, Geo. Boddie. Jos. Arrington, Geo. Boddie. George Boddie, Ford Taylor. George Boddie, Ford Taylor. Samuel Brown, Ford Taylor. Henry Blount. Ford Taylor. Ford Taylor. Ford Taylor. W, D. Harrison. W. D. Harrison. Dr. Taylor. Ford Taylor. CHAPTER LV NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Date of erection — Origin of name, situation, and boundaries — Population and products — Colonial and revolutionary history — Its distinguished citizens, and Members of Assembly. New IIaxover County was formed in 1728, and called in honor of the House of Hanover, then on the English throne.* It is situated in the south-eastern part of North Carolina ; and hounded on the north hj Duplin, east by Onslow, south by the At- lantic Ocean, and west by the Cape Fear and South Rivers, which separate it from Brunswick and Bladen Counties. Its capital is Wilmington, called in compliment to the Earl of Wilmington, the nobleman to whose patronage Governor Johnston * Martin's History of North Carolina, vol, i. p, 301. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 277 (in 1739) was indebted for his office. It was originally called New- ton.* Distance from Raleigh, one hundred and fortj-eight miles. On April 30th, 1844, a large portion of this beautiful town was destroyed by fire. Its population is 8,190 whites ; 8,581 slaves ; 897 free negroes ; 14,235 repre- sentative population. Its annual products are, 35,951 barrels of turpentine ; 200,423 bushels of corn ; 28,566 pounds of cotton ; 7,468 pounds of wool ; §14,178 worth of lum- ber ; 109 barrels of fish. There is no portion of North Carolina more early and more sin- cerely devoted to liberty than New Hanover. Long before the Revolution, its inhabitants, led on by John Ashe, showed indomitable resistance to the tyrannical acts of England. This section of country was more exposed to the presence of the enemy than any part of our State, and none showed firmer opposi- tion. In July, 1774, on the Boston port bill being enacted by Parlia- ment, the" citizens of Wilmington met and declared "the cause of Boston, the common cause of America." In the next month, the citizens sent, by Parker Quince, a ship load of provision to their suf- fering brethren in Boston. On the adjournment of the first Continental Congress (in Oct., 1774), on the 23d Nov., 1774, the freeholders of Wilmington held a meeting and elected a Committee of Safety, of which Cornelius Harnett, John Quince, Francis Clayton, William Hooper, Robert Hocfsr, John Ancrum, Archibald McLain, John Robinson, and John Walker were members. In Jime, 1775, the citizens of New Hanover formed an associa- tion for defence of their liberties with the citizens of Brunswick, Bladen, Duplin, and Onslow; and declared themselves "ready to go forth and be ready to sacrifice their lives and fortunes to secure the freedom and safety of the country." AVhen Governor Martin summoned his Majesty's Council to attend him on board the sloop-of-war, in the Cape Fear River, in Jan., 1776, the Committee informed the members, then on their way, that they could not, consistent " with the safety of the country, permit them to attend the Governor." A more decided act does not occur in the annals of any State. To the Assembly that met at Newbern, on Aug. 25th, 1774, there appeared John Ashe, William Hooper, from the county of New Hanover ; and Francis Clayton, from the town of Wilmington. In April, 1775, the same appeared at the same place, from the county, and Cornelius Harnett from the town. At Ilillsboro', on Aug. 21st, 1775, from the county were George Moore, Alexander Lillington, Samuel Ashe, AVilliam Hooper, James Moore, and John Ashe ; from the town, Cornelius Harnett and Archibald McClain. At Halifax, on April 4th, 1776, from the county, John Ashe, John Devane,. Samuel Ashe, Sampson Mosely, and John IIollingsworth ; and Wm. Hooper from the town. The same appeared at the same place, Nov. 12th, 1776, which Convention formed our State Constitution. * Williamson's History of North Carolina, vol ii. p. 39. 278 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. By the Congress of April 4th, 1776, John Ashe was chosen Brigadier- General of the Wiliuington District. Alexander Lillington was appointed Colonel of the 6th Regiment. Of the New Hanover Regiment, William Purv^iance was Colonel, Sampsok MosELY Lieutenant-Colonel, William Mosely Major, John Devane 2d Major. The first conflict of arms after the military organization of the State, occurred in this county, at Moore's Creek, on the 27th of February, 1776. This has ah'eady been referred to in the life of Caswell,* and in the life of Flora MacDonald.f The Royal Governor, Martin, had taken refuge on board of a ship-of-war, on the Cape Fear River, and General Clinton with a large force appeared to reinstate him. Governor Martin, working upon the loyalty of the Scottish popu- lation on Cross Creek (now Fayetteville), had persuaded them to rise and form a junction with General Clinton. He had sent a commission to the chief of the Clan of MacDonald, as Brigadier- General, and they had assembled in strong force, and marched to- wards the Cape Fear. On the 27th of February, 1776, they met at Moore's Creek, in Hanover County, Colonels Caswell and Lillington, with an inferior force. A severe conflict ensued; the Royalists were routed, their General, MacDonald, taken prisoner, and many killed and wounded. This was most fortunate at the time. Had the Loyalists effected a junction with Clinton, they would have overrun the whole country, dispersed the friends of liberty, and encouraged its enemies. I present Colonel Caswell's own official report of this battle. A letter from Richard Caswell, to Mr. President Harnett : — February 2^th, 1776. " Sir — I have the pleasure to acquaint you that we had an engagement with the Tories, at Widow Moore's Creek Bridge, on the 27th current. Our army was about one thousand strong, consisting of the Newborn Battalion of Mi- nute-men, the militia from Craven, Johnston, Dobbs, and AVake, and a de- tachment of the Wilmington Battalion of Minute-men, which we found en- camped at Moore's Creek the night before the battle, under the command of Colonel Lillington. The Tories, by common report, were three thousand ; but General MacDonald, whom we have prisoner, says there were about fifteen or sixteen hundred ; he was unwell that day, and not in the battle. Captain McLeod, who seemed to be principal commander, and Captain John Campbell, are among the slain." In the same letter he says : — " Colonel Moore arrived at our camp a few hours after the engagement was over. His troops came up that evening, and are now encamped on the ground where the battle was fought, and Colonel Martin is at or near Cross Creek, with a large body of men. These, I presume, will be sufficient to put a stop to any attempt of the Tories to embody again." The proceedings of the Committee of Safety for the Town of Wilmington, from 1774 to 1776, have been published, and evince the purest patriotism and unconquerable spirit of liberty. The members were sworn to secrecy, and exercised unlimited power over * Yol. i. 88. t See Cumberland, chapter xxiii. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 279 the property, persons, and lives of the community. They provided arms for the defence of the country. Great as their powers were, in no instance were they used with injustice or oppression. Among these appear the names of John Baptist Ashe, John Ashe, Samuel Ashe, Cornelius Harnett, Wm. Hooper, Thomas Brown, Thomas Owen, Archibald MacLaine, Alexander LiLLiNGTON, Samuel Swann, and others ? The events of the Revokition and previous, and the recollections that cluster around their names, the sketch of their lives and ser- vices, and the history of the Town of \Yilmington, and the County of New Hanover, would form of itself a volume of deep interest. Already have the character and services of one General John Ashe employed the pen of the biographer. May we not hope that this may stimulate other sons of the patriotic section of our State to preserve the record of their glorious ancestry ? " Character is as important to a State as to individuals," and that estimate is chiefly based upon the achievement and conduct of its citizens. ASHE FAMILY. John Baptist Ashe, the founder and origin of the family, emigrated from England in the early part of 1727. He was the friend of Lord Craven, and under his powerful patronage, sought his fortunes in the Western World. He was a man of liberal education, accomplished manners, and superior intellect. His name appears as one of the Council named in the Commission of George Burrington, as Governor of North Carolina in 1730.* He married Elizabeth Sv\-ann, a relative of Samuel Swann, who was an emi- nent lawyer, and compiler of the statute laws in 1752 (called Yellow Jacket.) From this union sprang three children: — I. John- Ashe, born 1721, II. Mart, born 1723, who married Moore. III. Samuel, born 1725. I. John Ashe was distinguished in his opposition, before the Revolution, to the Stamp Act; was Speaker of the Assembly, under the Colonial Govern- ment, from 1762, to 1765 ; remarkable fur his talents, firmness, and fine per- sonal appearance. He was the officer who led the daring spirits of this sec- tion in that day. He attacked Fort Johnston, ran the Royal Governor (Martin) on board of a sloop-of-war, and destroyed the fort. This was an overt act of treason against the Royal Government. He was the first person in the State that ever received a commission from the people. In 1775, he declined the commission of Colonel, from the Royal Governor, Martin, and was appointed Colonel of New Hanover County. In 1776, he was appointed Brigadier-General of Wilmington District. He served in the South, and at Brier Creek (1779) on the Savannah River, he was surprised by the enemy under General Prevost, and a great loss ensued. From General John Ashe, to Major-General Lincoln, giving an account of the disaster at Brier Creek : — Matthew's Bluff, 3d of March, 1779. Sir — I am sorry to inform you that at 3 o'clock P. M., the enemy came down upon us in force, what number, I know not. The troops did not stand * Vol. i. 42. 27 280 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. fire five minutes ; many fled without discharging their pieces. I went with the fugitives half a mile, and finding it impossible to rally the troops, I made mv escape into the river swamp, and made up in the evening to this place. Two officers and two soldiers \jame off with me. The rest of the troops have fallen, I am afraid, into the enemy's hands, as they had but little further where they could fly to. Luckily, Major Grimkie had got the artillery out of the boat, so I shall keep them here with General Rutherford's brigade, to defend this pass until I receive further orders from you. This instant, General Bryant and Colonel Perkins have arrived. Colonel Eaton was drowned in crossing the river.* _ Since writing the above, a number of officers and soldiers have arrived. We have taken a man who says he was taken by them, and would not take their oath, and was formerly under Lee, at the northward. lie informed me that there were 1,700 red coats in the action, also a number of Tories from New York, Georgia militia, and Florida scouts ; that 1,500 men had marched up to Augusta, to fortify that place ; that they are fortifying Hudson's strono-ly: that the day they marched off, 7,000 men had arrivedfrom New Yorkf Generals Bryant and Rutherford are of opinion that it is better to retreat to your quarters, therefore, I am inclined to march to-night when we get our fugitives over. I am, &c., JOHN ASHE. Major-General Lincoln. A Court-Martial was ordered, at the request of General Ashe, by General Lincoln, on the 9th of March, 1779.t This Court decided, " that General Ashe did not take all the necessary precautions to secure his camp, and to obtain timely intelligence of the approach of the enemy, but the Court acquitted him of all imputations as to want of personal courage, and that he remained on the field as long as prudence and duty required." He returned to his residence after this, near Wilmington, then in possession of the British, under Major Craig, and finally, he was betrayed, by his confidential servant, into the hands of the enemy, and suffered a long and rigid confinement. While in confinement, he contracted the small-pox. He was released on parole, and died soon after with that disease, at the house of Colonel John Sampson, in Samp- son County, in October, 1781. His son Samuel served as a Captain of Light Horse, and rendered im- portant services in various expeditions against the enemy until the close of the war. II, Samuel Ashe, son of John Baptist Ashe, born in 1725, was more of the statesman than soldier. lie was an educated man, and by profession a lawyer. He was a member of the Provincial Council, and an ardent friend of libeity. He served throughout the war in various military and civil capaci- ties. He was a member of the State Congress at Hillsboro', on 21st August, 1775, and by this body appointed Paymaster of the first continental regi- ment, and a member of the body at Halifax in April, 1776, and a member of the Convention at the same place, 12th November, 1776, which formed our State Constitution. In 1777, he was one of the three Judges under the Constitution (John Wil- liams and Samuel Spencer being the other two), which he held until 1795, when he was elected Governor of the State. The following letter from Governor Ashe will show the spirit of the times and the part he bore. Cape Fear, 8th October, 1776. My Dear Sir — Laudamus te Denm! we can at present joyfully chant forth. The vessels of war lately here, I am just now informed, took their departure a few days since, first burning two of their tenders. We have now an open * This was a mistake, for although Gen. Ashe believed that Eaton was drowned, he arrived safely at Gen. Lincoln's camp, and gave early information of this vicissitude of war t Of this Court, General William Moultrie was President, General Rutherford, Colonel Lock, and others, members. Its proceedings and the evidence, are reported in "Moultrie's Memoirs," ii. 338. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 281 port, though I fear it will not long be. one, unless your Honorable Board will hurry down some ball. I presume Mr. Ilewes, with a budget of interesting northern news, is with you before this. Pray be so obliging as to communi- cate by a line what he, or any other, may have brought. We have none here since the Long Island afifair ; not one syllable of Indian matters. Has Avery returned ? or have the Indians borrowed the poor fellow's nightcap ? I wish to hear from that quarter. The humor of salt baking seems to be taking place here. I have seen some baked here, the cleanest and whitest of any salt, I think, I ever saw in all my life. Every old wife is now scouring up her pint pot for the necessary operations. God send them good luck. Pray tender my respectful compliments to every member of your Board, and believe me. Dear sir, with esteem, your obedient servant, SAMUEL ASHE. P.S. Just as I finished this I was told the cruiser, too long a terror of Cape Fear, was likewise burnt. To WiLiE Jones, Esq., Chairman of the Committee of Safety, Halifax. He married Mary Porter, by whom he had John Baptist, born in 1748, and Samuel, born in 1763, and Cincinnatus, born in 1765. If not a soldier him- self, he gave proof that he was of the " stuff of which soldiers are made," for all these sons entered the army. John B. Ashe entered the army at an early age. He was appointed on 17th April, 1776, a Captain in the 6th Regiment of State troops in the conti- nental service, commanded by Colonel Alexander Lillington, and promoted to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy ; and, as such, served at the hard fought battle of Eutaw Springs in September, 1781. After the close of the war he was elected a member of the Continental Con- gress in 1787 and served until 1788 ; and a member of Congress under the Constitution from 1790 and served until 1793. He settled in Halifax, mar- ried a daughter of Col. Montfort, and sister of Mrs. Wilie Jones. It was this lady whose wit caused even the martial spirit of Tarleton to quail. In 1795, he represented Halifax in the House of Commons, and about this time was elected Governor of the State, but died before his inauguration. His brother, Samuel Ashe, was born in 1763. He entered the army in 1779 at the early age of sixteen, as a lieutenant. He joined Gen. Lincoln at Charleston, and was captured at that place in May, 1780. After a captivity of fifteen months, he and his companions were shipped to Jamestown, Vir- ginia ; where they were exchanged. He joined the army under Lafayette, and was soon after transferred to General Greene's army, with which he con- tinued until the close of the war. Samoel Ashe, son of Gen. John Ashe, has often represented New Hanover in both branches of the General Assembly. His last session was in the Senate in 1817. He died about twenty years ago. Of this family there were in the Revolutionary war, five officers at one time, all actively engaged in the service of their country. Gen. John Ashe and his son Captain Samuel Ashe, and Col. John Baptist Ashe, Samuel Ashe, and Cincinnatus Ashe, a Captain of Marines. Worthy is such a family of the record of their deeds, and worthily is their name preserved in one of our mountain counties ! Of the family of Butlers, at a dinner in Philadelphia, Gen. Lafayette gave a toast that " when he wished, in the Revolutionary War, anything well done, he got a Butler to do it." Might not North Carolina say the same of the name of Ashe ? ' Cornelius Harnett was also of this county. One of the earliest and most devoted friends of liberty, he threw into the 'doubtful balance his influence, his property, and his life, for America. He was distinguished as " a gentleman and a scholar," as well as a citizen 282 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. of •'reat Tvoalth and influence. Mr. Quincy, of Boston, who visited him in Ma?ch, 1773, pronounced him " the Samuel Adams of North Carolina. As early as 1730, he was named in Governor Buvrington's commission, as Counsellor. He was the President of the Provincial Council, which was the Executive power of the State, and as such he was virtually her Governor in the interregnum between the retreat of Gov. Martin and the accession of a Constitutional officer. This office was one of great peril, arduous and responsible. Had the British subdued this country, and he fallen into their hands, a halter would have been his fate. Gen. Clinton specially marked him, and excluded him from all marks of pardon or favor. In the course of the events of war he, however, fell into the hands of the enemy and died in captivity.* . .,.,.. . i j It is a matter of deep regret that more of the history of this distinguished man, whose life was ofl'ered up to his country, is not known. It is hoped that 'this feeble notice will excite some friend of the State to collect and collate the full biography of this worthy citizen. Last Session of our General Assembly (1851), a proposition was made to name a County, Harnett. Wor- thy are his services and sacrifices of such a compliment, and the State is proud to cherish his name. The life and character of William Hooper, who was long a resident and representative of this county, deserve our especial attention. It was most strangely aspersed by Mr. Jetferson, in a letter to John Adams, dated 9th July, 1819, In which he says, that "we had not a greater Tory in Congress than Hooper." This remark produced in 1834, Jones' "Defence of North Carolina." That his prejudices had clouded Jefferson's judgment in regard to this, as well as to our Declaration of Independence at Charlotte, there can be no doubt. It is, however, a matter of no regret, since these very errors have stimulated the sons of North Carolina to examine the records, vindicate her character and the integrity of history. The character of Wm. Hooper has been placed beyond all cavil, and the Declaration of Independence at Char- lotte in May, 1775, now rests on as solid foundations for truth and reality, as the National Declaration at Philadelphia, on 4th July, 1776. I am indebted to the politeness of Mr. Heart, of Hillsboro', for the follow- ing sketch of the life, character, and services of William Hooper, from, the pen of one of the best writers of his day, that from his connection with the distinguished subject of his biography, gave him facilities for procuring facts possessed by no other person. William Hooper, the subject of this sketch, was born 17th June, 1742, in Boston, Massachusetts. His father, the Kev. William Hooper, _ pastor of Trinity Church in that town, is mentioned briefly and imperfectly in Elliott's Biographical Dictionary. The addition of a few words would ha,ve prevented the suspicion that the account was penned in the spirit of prejudice. Certain it is, that no minister ever enjoyed more fully the affection and reverence of his congregation, and few have been so much admired for elegance of man- ners, and a bold and impressive eloquence. Besides the learning and the sciences which are obtained at universities, he possessed accomplishmentsf such as ai-e not considered, in any degree, essential in forming the erudite and well-bred divine. He married, in Boston, the daughter of Mr. John Dennie, an eminent merchant. William was the eldest of five children by this marriage. The plan of his education commenced in his infancy. At the age of seven he was removed in part from the pupilage of his father, and placed at a free grammar school in Boston, the master of which was John Lovel, almost as much celebrated in America, in his day,t as was once the famous Doctor t In u leiler from the late venerable Doctor Lloyd, of Boston, dated 24th September, ]796, to one of the sons of W. Hooper, pastor of Trinity Church, he says, "Your father's memory will ever be dear to me. tin was the n»ost accomplished gentleman, and one of the best friends I ever had." t 1749. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 283 Busby in England. Here he was distinguished for his proficiency in the studies preparatory to his entering into College, and completed the regular course of seven years with commendation and praise.* At this early period he was remarked on for the weakness of his constitution. His nerves were so sensitive, that he became an object of incessant raillery to his group of little relatives and to his father's domestics. With increase of years, his constitu- tion grew firmer, but his nerves always retained much of their early delicacy. Aided by the instruction of his father, which was never remitted, he made literary acquirements uncommon for one of his age, and advanced himself in his scholastic studies beyond his coteniporaries. It was, no doubt, owing to this circumstance that he was admitted, contrary to established rules, into the sophomore class at Harvard College. f There he took rank among the most (listinguished, and signalized himself in oratory. He graduated A. B. in 1760, and A. M. in 1763. Such was the anxious attention which his father bestowed on him, in order to form him as an oi-ator, that his vacations were periods of more laborious study and exertion than the terms of his scholastic exercises. And here it is worthy of observation, that the genius of the fxther and son were diametri- cally opposite. ThUt of the father was of a loftier cast, and was formed in the school of Demosthenes ; that of the son was Ciceronian in its features. The characteristic of the father was vehemence ; that of the son insinuation. Were it not a presumptuous comparison, I would say, the father was Chatham, the son was William Pitt. It was the early intention and earnest wish of his father to devote this son to the ministry. To this, however, the son was disinclined, for reasons that were considered satisfactory by his father, who agreed to alter his destina- tion. Finding that he preferred the study of the law, he placed him with James Otis, Esq., who was then a lawyer of eminence. At this period commenced the attempts of the English Parliament against the rights and privileges of the subjects in the Provinces. Mr. Otis took an early and decided stand, by his vvritings and open declarations, against this assumed power of the British Government. He was exceeded by none in zeal, and equalled by few in abilities. The high esteem and respect which the subject of these sketches entertained for Mr. Otis, naturally rendered him partial to his political principles ; and there can be no doubt, had the eifect of assisting to engraft those principles on his mind, and to establish them per- manently there. Subsequent events ripened them into maturity, and ren- dered them active. Mr. Hooper having prepared himself for the practice of the law, and finding the bar in his native State so overflowing, that there was no encouragement for juvenile practitioners, determined, about 1763, to try the experiment of making his fortune in North Carolina. To this he was invited by the circum- stance of his family having very particular friends, influential characters in the Province. Accordingly, in 1764, he embarked at Boston for Wilmington, on Cape Fear. He did not remain long in North Carolina at that visit, but returned to Boston in about a year. In 1765 he again visited North Carolina, and advanced in the practice of the law. His health, however, sustained such severe shocks, that he resolved, conformably to the wishes of his father, to abandon it. In 1767, the death of his father made it necessary that he should revisit bis native place, and at the same time Ijlasted the hope of his quitting North Carolina, which, on account of his health only, he wished to do. In the fall of 1767, having determined to fix his residence permanently in Wilmington, he married, in Boston, Miss Ann Clark, of the former place, daughter of Thos, Clark, Esq., deceased, and sister of Gen. Thos. Clark, afterwards of the United States Army. The choice was most fortunate, considered in reference to the qualifications of the lady to adorn and sweeten social life. It was most fortunate, too, considered in reference to that firmness of mind which enaldes her to sustain, Avithout repining, the grievous privations and distresses to which * 1756. t 1757' 284 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. she became peculiarly exposed in consequence of the prominent station •which Mr. Hooper held in the War of the Revolution. In relatin"' the events and circumstances in the life of an individual who has acquired distinction by the exercise of superior f\iculties, it is proper to notice every particuhvr which has an influence on the progress of the mind.^ The fatigue of attending to the practice of the law is, in our days, consi- dered excessive. When Mr. Hooper came to the bar, and for several years after, it was infinitely greater. Then the luxury of carriages for traveling was not common. Mr. Hooper attended the County Courts of Rowan, and other counties in the back country, at least one hundred and eighty milea distant from Wilmington, and he traveled on horseback. Such fatigue was too great for a constitution naturally delicate. The manners and customs of the people of Cape Fear, at that period, were not more favorable to a proficiency in legal science, than was the organiza- tion of the courts. Hospitality carried to an extreme, and an excessive fond- ness for conviviality, were the characteristics of those days. In fact, every class of society became infected by the example ; and numbers of old families, now reduced to comparative poverty, have reason to rue the prodigal libe- rality of their ancestors. Hospitality is indeed a virtue, which travelers and geographists, who have attempted to describe North Carolina, very generally allow to her, however penurious their praise may be in other respects. The British Governor Martin, on a visit to Wilmington, having occasion to reply to an address of the inhabitants, presented by Mr. Hooper, styled it " the region of politeness and hospitality." The commerce of AYilmington was then improving, and derived great advantage from a bounty on naval stores. Many of the families residing in it were possessed of fortunes, and all of them in respectable stations, obtained subsistence without painful ex- ertion. But the dissipation which arose out of an excess of hospitality, exhibited a more animated picture in the surrounding country. Whole families, and frequently several families together, were in the practice of making visits, and, like the tents of the Arabs, seemed continually in motion. The number of visitants, the noise and bustle of arrivals and greetings, the cries of the poultry yard, and the bleatings of the pasture, require some sounding poly- syllable to convey an idea of the joyous uproar, some new-coined word to distinguish their caravan approaches from ordinary visits or formal visita- tions. Every visit was a sort of jubilee. Festive entertainment, balls, every species of amusement which song and dance could afford, was resorted to. The neighing courser and the echoing horn, the sports of the turf and the pleasure of the chase, were alternately the objects of eager pursuit. Every- where, on the eastern and western branches of the River Cape Fear, were men of fortune, related by blood or connected by marriage, whose settlements extended almost as far as the then lowly hamlet of Cross Creek, since digni- fied by the name of Fayetteville, and now swollen into importance by a numerous population. This general ease and prosperity was highly favorable to the cultivation of polite literature, and to the development of talents of a certain kind. The state of manners tended to awaken a spirit of improvement, which pervaded the whole community. Every family possessed a collection of the best English authors, besides which there was a public library, supported by a society of gentlemen, and styled " the Cape Fear Library." Wit and humor, music and poetry, were drawn into action in social and convivial intercourse. Conversation was cultivated to a high degree. Emanating from letters or science, or rising out of the busy scenes of life, it always teemed with instruc- tion and imparted delight. The point of honor was understood and recog- nized, and the sliglitest approach to indignity resented. In this exercise of colloquial talent, the ladies participated and heightened the pleasures. Then they were not, as now, early instructed, or perhaps, were not instructed at all in the rudiments of knowledge ; but they derived from reading, and im- bibed from an association with eminent persons of the opposite sex, a tincture of taste and elegance, and they had softness, sentiment, grace, intelligence — • NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 285 every quality which in the female sex can inspire and exalt the enthusiasm of romantic passion. In the hospitable conviviality of those times, allurements to dissipation were greater than social life usually presents. The actors were far above the cast of ordinary bon vivants. I once hoped to be able to present a biogra- phical sketch of each of them, but my cares and avocations have compelled me to relinquish the task. Among these there was Eustace,* the correspond- ent of Sterne, who united wit, and genius, and learning, and science ; Ilarnett.f who could boast a genius for music, and taste for letters ; Lloyd,t gifted with talents and adorned with classical literature; Pennington,^ an elegant writer, admired for his wit and his highly polished urbanity; Maclaine,l| whose criticisms on Shakspearef would, if they were published, give him fameand rank in the republic of letters ; Boyd,** who, without pretensions to wit or humor, possessed the rare art of telling a story with spirit and grace, and whose elegiac numbers afforded a striking contrast to the vivid brilliancy of the scenes in which he figured ; Moore, ff endowed with versatile talents, and possessed of extensive information — as a wit, always prompt in- reply, as an orator, always "daring the mercy of chance;" IIowe,Jt whose imagination fascinated, whose repartee overpowered, and whose conversation was en- livened by strains of exquisite raillery. Wit and humor, and music and poetry, displayed all their charms among the festive deities, and heightened the glow of delight. Is it to be wondered at that the banquet was often car- ried to an injurious excess? Mr. Hooper did not escape the contagion. He played his part among these distinguished wits, and shed a classic lustre over these refined revels. He kept, however, his professional pursuits in view, advanced himself, and was considered eminent in 1763. The cause of The State vs. M'Gufford, tried in the Superior Court of New Hanover County, seemed first to establish his claims to eminence. It was a case of atrocious murder, committed by a master on his slave, tried before a Court of Oyer and Terminer. In that cause he was counsel for the defendant ; and he displayed such extent of research, and such powers of argument, as excited universal admiration. Maurice Moore was also employed in the same cause, and displayed great dexterity. He thought, and he thought justly, that nature and feeling would resume their rights in time to defe'at the efforts of eloquence. He, therefore, moved to set aside the commission of Oyer and Terminer, and succeeded. Mr. Hooper distinguished himself about the same time at Halifax Superior Court, as counsel for the heirs of Governor Dobbs, in a suit instituted for the recovery of a landed estate, against Abner Nash, who had married the widow of Governor Dobbs. In this suit he was opposed by several advocates, and among the rest, by the defendant, Abner Nash. Such is the effect of impressions early received, that the name of Abner Nash always brings to my imagination the inflamed energy of Demosthenes, and produces some of that perturbation which is felt in reading his orations. The eloquence of Nash and that of Mr. Hooper, must, indeed, have exhibited a very fine contrast. Nash was vehemence and fire ; Mr. Hooper was stately and diffusive elegance. Having noted, in the commencement of this number, those particulars which influence the progress of the mind, let me here observe, that the adverse or the prosperous situation of communities depends very much on the state of manners. This observation will be illustrated by a hasty view of the com- parative situation of North and South Carolina at this period. South Carolina was destined to become a mine of wealth, in consequence * Doctor John Eustace. t Conieliiis Harnett, afterwards member of Congress. t Colonel Thomas Lloyd. § William Pennington, Comptroller of the Customs of the Port of Wilmmgton, and afterwards Master of Ceremonies at Bath. II Archibald Maclaine. "f Now in possession of his descendants. ** The Rev. Adam Bovd. tt Judge Maurice Moore. tJ ton, attervvards Governor Johnston. II Maurice Moore, Speaker of the House of Commons, one of the judges appoimed by the crown. ^ John Harvey. ** Cornelius Ilarnett, one of the members of the first Congress. tt Richard Caswell, afterwards Governor Caswell. jt Archibald Maclaine. ^ Abner Xash, afterwards Governor Nash. nil Thomas Burke, afterwards Governor Burke. •f^ liicliard Henderson, for some lime Judge Henderson. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 287 How he advanced himself so highly in the esteem and confidence of the people of North Carolina, we can at this time only conjecture. It was pro- bably owing to the wider comprehension of his views, to the uncommon fervor of his zeal, to the fascinating splendor of his eloquence ; and above all, to the extraordinary activity and perseverance of his exertions. In 1775 Mr. Hooper was delegated by the Assembly to Congress, and continued in that capacity till 1777, at which time his private concerns com- pelled him to resign. The proceedings of the first Congress, having been from policy, conducted with great secrecy, the debates were not recorded. When Mr. Hooper first addressed that illustrious assemblage of compatriots, his speech occupied about half an hour ; and it is said, upon authority which seems to be too respectable to be questioned, that he commanded the most profound silence, and was listened to with the most earnest attention. The encomium was, however, qualified with this observation, that the house was seized with astonishment at the display of such powers of elocution from Xorth Carolina. He spoke, it is said, more than once on the floor of the House, and always inspired respect and admiration. During the same period he was a prominent member and distinguished speaker in the Conventions which sat at Hillsborough and Halifax. At the Convention which sat at the former place, in April, 177G, he reported an address to the inhabitants of the British Empire. This was, without doubt, the exclusive production of his pen, and it was, at the time, uni- versally admired. Many other public documents emanated from the same source. On the most trying occasions, the loftiness and elasticity of his spirit were strikingly manifest. Events which cast a gloom over the minds of others, had no eifect in damping his ardor, or in depressing his hopes. The disas- trous result of the battle of Germantown, which spread dismay among the Whigs, seemed to give fresh courage to his zeal. When the report of the battle reached Wilmington, he was among a party of patriotic friends, who were overwhelmed with consternation. He instantly started from his chair, with unusual animation, and exclaimed, " We have been disappointed ! No matter ! Now we have become the assailants, there can be no doubt of the issue." Johnston s»>metimes endeavored to restrain in him what he considered an excess of zeal. " I have," said that great patriot and statesman, "I have resolved to stake my life and my fortune in the contest for libei'ty, but I am not without painful apprehensions of the result. I am indeed afraid that when independence shall have been achieved, talents and virtue may be thrown into the shade, and the mob may govern." In relating this anecdote to me, in May, 1802, Judge Johnston thought that his prediction was rapidly fulfilling. In the early part of the Revoluticfuary war, Mr. Hooper's name was ex- tremely obnoxious to the British oSicers. The captain of a sloop-of-war stationed in the River Cape Fear, meanly descended to fire a house which he had built about three miles below Wilmington. On his return to private life, his family resided at hie seat at Masonbo- rough Sound, about eight miles from Wilmington. There he continued taking part as occasion required, in public measures, until January, 1781. At this time a force under Major Craig, arrived in Cape Fear Biver. Mr. Hooper found it necessary to remove his family : and having no place to re- sort to less dangerous, he removed them to AVilmington, preferring to trust them to the humanity of an open enemy, rather than sufler them to remain exposed in a predatory warfare.* He sought for safety for himself by flight * He had made airangemonts for taking refuse in one of the French West India is- lands in the event of the .■success of the British arms. Mrs. Hooper understood him that an arranaement of this kind was projected by all the members of Congress, and that it was understood by the French minister. An exile such as this would have been less irksome to him than to many of his compatriots. His tather, who was intinialely ac- quainted with French, gave him a critical knowledge of that language, and it is probable that he would soon have acquired Uuency in speakuig it. 288 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. into the country. His family remained at Wilmington without any outrage until October, 1781, when they with others were ordered at a short notice to leave the town. Mr. Hooper and his family returned to it immediately after its evacuation by the enemy in November of the same year ; and shortly after- wards removed to Hillsborough, in Orange County. After this and until about 1787, he continued to hold a distinguished rank in the councils of his country, and to maintain a very high station at the bar. Speaking of him, the late Judge Iredell observed that his latest exertions were equal to the most splendid of his meridian days. Meeting with opposition in his elections Mr. Hooper became soured,* and seemed inclined to retire. He gradually relaxed his exertions, and at length withdrew wholly from public life. His withdrawal excited much specula- tion. Some ascribed it to a solicitude for the interests of his family, which had suffered much by his devotion to the public weal ; and others attributed it to disgust occasioned by some legislative measures of the State. It is pro- bable, however, from circumstances, that a union of both causes influenced him. The few years which he lived after his retirement, were spent in do- mestic enjoyment, for which, indeed, he was better fitted by his temper and sensibilities, than for public life. He died October, 1790, in the forty-ninth year of his age, at Hillsborough, leaving a widow, two sons and a daughter, all of whom, except Mrs. Elizabeth Watters, of Hillsborough, are deceased. There survive also of his descendants three grandsons, children of his eldest son William, to wit: William, distinguished as a literary writer, was Pro- fessor of Languages of the University, a Baptist minister, and resides in Raleigh ; Thomas, a lawyer, and James, a merchant. In person he was of the middle size, elegantly formed, delicate rather than robust. His countenance was pleasing and indicated intelligence. His manners were polite and engaging. With his intimates and friends, his conversation was frank and animated, enlivened by a vein of pleasing humor, and abounding with images of playful irony. It was sometimes tinctured with the severity of sarcasm, and sometimes marked by compre- hensive brevity of expression.! His i\ither, himself a model of colloquial excellence, had cultivated this talent in his son with great assiduity. From the same preceptor he learned the art, rarely attained, of reading with elegance. In this respect the grace and propriety whicii marked his manner, communicated, it is said, a pleasure even when he read cases from the law reporters, or the ordinary documents of a suit in court. In mixed society he was apt to be reserved. Sincerity was a striking feature in his character. He never practiced disguise. Hospitality he carried to CXCGoS. In his domestic relations he was affectionate and indulgent. Failings he * He was probably soured by finding himself in collision with some of his compatriots and best friends. Maclainc, who was one of these, became irritated by the difference of opinion between them. After the ratification of the treaty of peace, Maclaine was anxious to shield the disafiecled from persecution, and in tiie pursuit of this object he exercised no address. Mr. Hooper, who no doubt coincided with him so far as respected the justice and humanity of this course, ihoug-ht that great prudence and circumspection ought to be observ-ed; and this prudence and circumspection was the more necessary on his part, from the circumstance of all his connections having espoused the royal cause. Aware that his station was such that he ought to be above suspicion, he suppressed, on this occa>ion, the best and warmest feelings of his heart, hi a letter to a friend, dated 18ih February, 178-'), Maclaine adverts to Mr Hooper's conduct in this respect, and in the asperity of his temper puts a construction on it which in his cooler moments he would have retracted. In this letter he speaks, in the style of complaint, of the superiority which Mr. Hooper's education gave him, of the deference paid to him bv Iredell, and of the homage he received from .lohnston, and adds, "I never pay him aiiy compliments, but, on the contrary, have opposed him."' t On his return iVom the Assembly, which met for the purpose Bf carrying into effect the State Constitution, many inquiries were made by the crowds which collected around him, relative to the powers confided to the several departments of the government. Mr. Hooper having satisfied curiosity as to other particulars, one of the crowd asked, "And what powers, sir, have the Assemljly given to the governor ?" " Power, sir," re- plied Mr. Hooper, " to sign a receipt for his salary." NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 289 certainly had ; but they were not such as affected the morality of his private, or the integrity of his public conduct. As a writer we cannot fairly graduate his pretensions. The letters of Hampden, which would have furnished the best criterion for this purpose, have perished with the prints which contained them. As a letter writer he was, I think, deficient in ease and simplicity ; but his epistolary compositions must have been unequaled. Major Craig in- tercepted one of these, which impressed him with such an exalted opinion of the writer, that afterwards, when Mr. Hooper, accompanied by Maclaine, visited Wilmington under the protection of a flag of truce, Craig scarcely noticed the latter, while to Mr. Hooper he paid the most marked and respect- ful attention. On all important occasions he was called upon by the inhabitants of Wil- mington and its vicinity to exercise his pen. A very flattering testimony to his talents, considering the number of eminent men who then resided in the same part of the country, some of whom had cultivated the art of composition with great success. Among these were Maclaine, Eustace, Lloyd, Penning- ton, and Moore. In classical learning and in literary taste he had few superiors ; yet he was never ostentatious in the display of these qualifications. He possessed a talent for elegant versification, which he exercised in his moments of re- creation. His ode on the birthday of AVashington, which circulated only among a few friends, was pronounced, by a competent judge, superior to any which had been published.* I have never been able to procure the manuscript. Among his friends were some of opposite political principles, but it pro- duced no change of regard towards them, nor did he iu any instance depart from an inherent benevolence, by becoming the persecutor of any one on ac- count of his principles or prejudices. In his private concerns his probity and honor were unimpeached. His es- tate was moderate, and he was not avaricious. His religion was that of a sincere Christian, free from bigotry to any sect or denomination. He appears to have been free from envy. In a letter to INIaclaine he de- scribes the death of Judge Henderson in a strain of enthusiastic admiration of the talents of that extraordinary man. After John Haywood, now Judge Haywood, appeared at the bar, and be- fore his faculties were developed, or perhaps even known to himself, he had to contend with men of great intellectual powers and profound legal science, Mr. Hooper sustained him in the unequal contest. This patronage of rising merit, if it arose from generous feeling, is worthy of mention ; and it is not less worthy to be noted if it arose from a sentiment of friendship, for that revered personagef who has rendered the name of Haywood dear to the people of North Carolina, whose boundless benevolence pointed him out as the Atticus of his native State, until more recent events presented him in the sterner aspect of Aristides the Just. His penetration into character was obvious in the choice of his friends. He always selected them from the most worthy; and he experienced in every instance, that warm reciprocal attachment which was due to the ardor and constancy of his friendship. The champion of that illustrious band, which in North Carolina first op- posed the encroachments of arbitrary power, no man ever entered into the public service on more correct principles, or with purer or more disinterested motives. AVhen he engaged in revolutionary measures, he was fully aware of the dangers to wliich he exposed his person and estate ; yet in spite of untoward events, his enthusiasm never abated, his firmness never forsook him. In times the most disastrous he never desponded, but sustained his situation with increased intrepidity. J * In 1789. t John Haywood, Treasurer of the State. t These papers were written in 1S22. Many of the persons mentioned as then living have since died. 290 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Archibald McLaixe was a prominent member of the Committee of Safety, for Wihainpiton, in -whora {jjreat confidence was reposed, and the autiior of several of The most important State papers. He was a man of learuin<;, talent, and eloquence. Ho was a member of the Congress at Hillsboro', Auj2;ust 1775. ^ Ho was a member of the Committee of Safety, for "Wilmington District, in 177G. In tlie Convention at Hillsboro', which met June 1778, to delibe- rate upon the Federal Constitution. He had no superior, except perhaps Davie, Johnston, and Iredell. From 1783 to 1786, he represented the town of Wilmington, in the House of Commons. He left one daughter, who married George Hooper of Wilmington. Of his birth, family, and death, we have no further information. TiMOTHr Bloodworth is distinguished in the civil history of this County. Of his birth, education, life, or death, we know nothing but what we gather from the records. He represented this County in the House of Commons, in 1779, and North Carolina in the Continental Congress, in 1786, 1787 ; was Senator in the State Legislature in 1788, and in Congress under present Con- stitution, 1790, and 1791. Senator in Congress 1795 to 1801. Edwakd Jones, who represented the town of Wilmington in 1788 to 1791, was a native of Lilburn, Ireland. He was brother to the celebrated William Todd Jones, the Irish patriot. He was bred a merchant, and early emigrated to the United States, and carried on trade in Philadelphia. In 1786, he came to Wilmington, and commenced merchandise ; but failed. He then turned his attention to the study of the law, and soon rose to distinction. His benevo- lent temper, generous sentiments, and commanding talents, won for him the esteem of all. In 1788, he was elected a member of the House of Commons, and in which capacity he served continuously until 1791, when he was elected Solicitor-General of the State. He died in Pittsboro', on the 8th of August, 1842. He was the friend and patron of Johnson Blakelt, late Captain in the United States Navy, In the year of 1783, the father of Elakely, with his wife and two young children, sailed from Ireland, and landed at Charleston. One of these chil- dren was Johnson Blakely, who was born at Leaford, in the county of Down, in Ireland, in October 1781. The next year after his arrival, his father moved to Wilmington, where in a short time he died. With that instinctive gene- rosity peculiar to the Irish character. Col. Jones took charge of the youth, and directed his education. By him he was sent to the University. On the 5th of February, 1800, he was appointed a Midshipman in the United States Navy, and went with Commodore Preble to the Mediterranean, and by his courage, exemplary conduct, and assiduity, won the esteem of his officers and associates. He soon was promoted. Early in 1814, he sailed from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in command of the U. S. ship of war the Wasp ; in June of that year he appeared oil' the English coast ; he fell in with his Majesty's sloop-of-war, the Reindeer, of eighteen guns, commanded by Captain Manners. A sharp action ensued, in which the Reindeer surrendered, her Captain being killed, and also her First Lieutenant, and many of the crew. The skill with which Captain Blakely worked his ship, the gallantry of hi8_ conduct, and his brilliant success, proves his value as a sailor. The following is the official dispatch : — Copy of a letter from Captain Blakely, to the Secretary of tlie Navy, dated U. S. Sloop Wasp, L'Orient, July 8, 1814. SiR--0n Tuesday the 28th ult., being then in latitude forty-eight degrees and thirty-six minutes N., and longitude eleven degrees and fifteen minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 291 W., we fell in ■with, engaged, and after an action of nineteen minutes, cap- tured his Britannic Majesty's Sloop-of-War, the Reindeer, AVilliam Manners, Esq., Commander. Annexed are the minutes of our proceedings prior to, and during the continuance of the action. Wliere all did their duty, and each appeared anxious to excel, it is very difficult to discriminate. It is, however, only rendering them their merited due, when it is declared of Lieutenants Reilly and Bury, first and third of this vessel, and whose names will be among those of the conquerors of the Guerriere and Java; and of Mr. Tillinghast, Second Lieutenant, who was greatly instrumental in the capture of the Boxer, that their conduct and courage on this occasion fulfilled the highest expectations, and gratified every wish. Sailing Master Carr, ia also entitled to great credit for the zeal and ability with which he discharged his various duties. The cool and patient conduct of every officer and man, while exposed to the fire of the shifting guns of the enemy, and without an opportunity of returning it, could only be equalled by the animation and ardor exhibited, when actually engaged, or by the promptitude and firmness with which every attempt of the enemy to board was met and successfully repelled. Such conduct may be seen, but cannot well be described. The Reindeer mounted sixteen twenty-four pound carronades ; two long six or nine pounders, and a shifting twelve pound carronade, with a comple- ment on board of one hundred and eighteen men. Her crew were said to be the pride of Plymouth. Our loss in men has been severe, owing in part to the proximity of the two vessels, and the extreme smoothness of sea ; but chiefly in repelling boarders. That of the enemy, however, was infinitely more so, as will be seen by the list of killed and wounded on both sides. Six round shot struck our hull, and many grape which did not penetrate far. The foremast received a twenty-four pound shot, which passed through its centre, and our rigging and sails were a good deal injured. The Reindeer was literally cut to pieces in a line with her ports ; her upper works, boats, and spare spars were one complete wreck. A breeze springing up next afternoon, her foremast went by the board. Having received all the prisoners on board, which, from the number of wounded, occupied much time, together with their baggage, the Reindeer was on the evening of the 29th, set on fire, and in a few hours blew up. I have the honor to be, &c. J. BLAKELY. Hon. William Jones, &c. The prize was burnt for fear of recapture, and Captain Blakely repaired to L'Orient, in France, to recruit his men and refit his ship. He sailed in August on another cruise, and in a few days fell in with his Britannic Majesty's ship the Avon, commanded by Captain Arbuthnot. Af- ter a severe action she struck to Blakely. He was prevented from taking possession of the prize by the appearance of several heavy English men-of- war. From the 1st to the 15th of August Blakely met and took fifteen ships of the English. In one of these, the brig Atlanta, he placed Midshipman Geizenger as prize master, with dispatches to the United States, who arrived safe at Savannah on the 4th of November, 1814. This is the last authentic intelligence that was ever received from the gal- lant Blakely. .From some heavy firing oS" the Charleston bar about the time he was to have come home, a naval battle occurred at night, and an American ship w^as sunk. This may have been the brave Blakely and his devoted crew, or he may have foundered at sea. Thus perished, at the early age of 33, this meritorious officer. His brilliant success, his chivalric daring and generous character, and mournful fate, have thrown a halo of interest around his name. Captain Blakely was married (Dec, 1813) to Jane, daughter of his father's old friend, Mr. Hooper, of New York, and left one daughter, Udney. On the 27th December, 1816, the Legislature of North Carolina resolved, unani- mously, that the child should be educated at the expense of the State. This 292 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. act was worthy of the State. She was married a few years after to a gentle- man who resided in the AVest Indies, and there died. The last official paper received from Captain Blakely : — Copy of a letter frovi Captain Blakely to the Secretary of the Xavy, dated United States Sloop-ofWar Wasp, at Sea, latitude 4G degrees north, longitude 16 degrees west, lUh September, 1814. Sir — After a protracted and tedious stay at L'Orient, had at last the plea- sure of leaving that place on Saturday, 27th of August. On the 30th, cap- tured the British brig Lettice, Henry Cockbain, master; and on the 31st of August the British brig Bon Accord, Adam Durno, master. In the morning of the 1st of September discovered a convoy of ten sail to leeward, in charge of the Armada, 74, and a bomb ship ; stood for them, and succeeded in cut- tin"' out the British brig Mary, John D. Allan, master, laden with brass can- non, taken from the Spaniards, iron cannon, and military stores, from Gibral- tar to England ; removed the prisoners, set her on fire, and endeavored to capture another of the convoy, but was chased off by the Armada. On the evening of the same day, at half-past six, while going free, discovered four vessels nearly at the same time, two on the starboard and two on the larboard bow, being the farthest to windward. At seven, the chase, a brig, com- menced making signals with flags, which could not be distinguished for want of light, and soon after made various ones, with lanterns, rockets, and guns. At twenty-nine minutes after nine, having the chase under our lee bow, the twelve-pound carronade was directed to be fired into him, which he returned ; ran under his lee bow to prevent his escaping, and commenced the action. At ten o'clock, believing the enemy to be silenced, orders were given to cease firing, when I hailed, and asked if he had surrendered. No answer being given to this, and his fire having recommenced, it was again returned. At twelve minutes after ten, the enemy having suffered greatly, and having made no return to our two last broadsides, I hailed him the second time to know if he had surrendered, when he answered in the affirmative. The guns were then ordered to be secured, and the boat lowered, to take posses- sion. In the act of lowering the boat, a second brig was discovered a little distance astern, and standing for us. Sent the crew to their quarters, pre- pared everything for another action, and awaited his coming up. At thirty- six minutes after ten, discovered two more sails astern, standing towards us. I now felt myself compelled to forego the satisfaction of destroying the prize. Our braces having been cut away, we kept off the wind until others could be rove, and with the expectation of drawing the second brig from his com- panions ; but in this last we were disappointed. The second brig continued to approach us until she came close to our stern, when she hauled by the wind, fired her broadside, which cut our rigging and sails considerably, and fihot away a lower main cross-tree, and retraced her steps to join her con- sorts, when we were necessitated to abandon the pjrize. He appeared in every respect a total wreck. He continued for some time firing guns of dis- tress, until probably delivered by the two last vessels who made their appear- ance. The second brig could have engaged us if he thought proper, as he neared us fast, but contented himself with firing a broadside, and immediately returned to his companions. It is with great satisfaction I have again the pleasure of bearing testimony to the merits of Lieutenants Reilly, Tillinghast, Maury, and Sailing-master Carr, and to the good conduct of every officer and man on board of the Wasp. Their divisions and departments were attended and supplied with the utmost regularity and abundance, which, with the good order maintained, together with the vivacity and precision of their fire, reflects on them the greatest credit. Our loss is two killed, and one slightly wounded with a wad. The hull received four round shot, and the foremast many grape shot. Our rigging and sails suffered a great deal. Every damage has been repaired the day after, with the exception of our sails. Of the vessel with which we were engaged, nothing positive can be said with regard to her name or force. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 293 While hailing him previous to his being fired into, it was blowing fresh (then going ten knots), and the name was not distinctly understood.* Of her force, the four shot which struck us, are all thirty-two pounds in weight, being a pound and three-quarters heavier than any belonging to this vessel. From this circumstance, the number of men in her tops, her general appearance, and great length, she is believed to be one of the largest ships in the British navy. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, J. BLAKELY. Hon. W. Jones, &c. P. S. — I am told the enemy, after his surrender, asked for assistance, and said he was sinking. The probability of this is confirmed by his firing sin- gle guns for some time after his capture. Joshua Granger Wright was a native of New Hanover, and a member of the House of Commons from 1791 to 1808, and Speaker of the House. He was elected a Judge in 1808, of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, in which capacity he served faithfully the State, until his death in June, 1811. Owen Holmes, of this County, was a distinguished lawyer and statesman. He was Elector of the State in 1836, and cast his vote for Martin Van Buren as President, and Richard M. Johnson as Vice-President. He was elected a Judge of the Superior Courts of Law in this State, by the General Assembly, in 1836, but he declined accepting. He died at Wilmington, 6th of June, 1841, of apoplexy, in his forty-fifth year.f Hon. Edward B. Dudley was the last representative from the Borough of Wilmington (1834), and the first Governor of the State elected by the people in 1836. He was born in Onslow ; son of a wealthy planter ; entered public life in 1816, as a member from the Town of AVilmington, and was re-elected in 1817. In 1829, he was elected a member of Congress, and after serving one Con- gress, declined a re-election. In 1836, he was elected by the people Governor of the State, the first Go- vernor ever elected by the people of North Carolina. He was succeeded in 1841, by Hon. John M. Morehead. He was the first President of the Raleigh and Wilmington Railroad, to the stock of which he subscribed twenty-five thousand dollars. Hon. William S. Ashe is a native of Wilmington. He is a son of Colonel Samuel Ashe, and the grandson of Governor Samuel Ashe. By profession a lawyer. Entered public life as Senator in the General Assembly, in 1846, and was re-elected in 1848. In 1849, he was elected a member of Congress, to which distinguished post he was again re-elected in 1851 without opposition. Members of the House of Commons from Wilmington, from 1774 to 1836. Years. House of Commons. Years. House of Commons 1774. Francis Clayton. 1779. Wm. Hooper. 1775. Cornelius Harnett. 1780. Wm. Hooper. 1776. William Hooper. 1781. Wm. Hooper. 1778. William Hooper. 1782. Wm. Hooper. * This vessel proved to be the British Sloop-of-War Avon. f American Aluiauac tor 1841, page 291. 294 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. House of Commons. 1783. Arcji'd McLean. 1809 1784. Arch'd McLean. 1810 1785. Arcli'd !McLoan. 1811 1786. Arch'd McLean. 1812 1787. Joshua Potts. 1813 1788. Edward Jones. 1814. 1789. Edward Jones. 1815 1790. Edward Jones. 1816 1791. Edward Jones. 1817 1792. Joshua G. Wright. 1S18 1793. J. G. Wright. 1819 1794. J. G. Wright. 1820 1795. J. G. Wright. 1821 1796. J. G. Wright. 1822 1797. J. G. Wright. 1823 1798. J. G. Wright. 1824 1799. J. G. Wright. 1825 1801. J. G. Wright. 1826 1802. J. G. Wright. 1827 1803. J. G. Wright. 1828 1804. J. G. W^right. 1830 1805. J. G. Wright. 1831 1806. J. G. Wright. 1832 1807. J. G. Wright. 1833 1808. J. G. Wright. 1834 Years, House of Common?. J. G. Wright. Wm. W. Jones. W^m. W. Jones. Wm. W. Jones. Wm. W. Jones. Wm. W. Jones, Wm. W. Jones. Edward B. Dudley. Edward B. Dudley. Wm. B. Meares. John D. Jones. John D. Jones. John D. Jones. John D. Jones. M. W. Campbell. Robert II. Cowan. Robert H. Cowan. Joseph A. Hill. Joseph A. Hill. John Walker. Joseph A. Hill. Daniel Sherwood. Daniel Sherwood. John D. Jones. Edward B. Dudley. The Convention of 1835 abolished the Borough representation. Members of the General Assembly from New Hanover County. House of Commons. Alexander Lillington, Samuel Swann. John Devane, Timothy Bloodworth. John A. Campbell, Timothy Bloodworth. John A. Campbell, Timothy Bloodworth. Thomas Bloodworth, Caleb Granger. Timothy Bloodworth, Jas. Bloodworth. Timothy Bloodworth, Jas. Bloodworth, Timothy Bloodworth, Jas. Bloodworth, Jas. Bloodworth, John Pugh Williams. Jas. Bloodworth, John Pugh AVilliams. Thomas Devane, Jr., Timothy Bloodworth. John Pugh Williams, Thomas Devane. John A. Campbell, John Pugh Williams. John G. Scull, Timothy Bloodworth. Thomas Devane, George Moore. Timothy Bloodworth, James Larkins. Timothy Bloodworth, James Larkins. David Jones, John Gambier Scull. Samuel Ashe, Alexander D. Moore, Samuel Ashe, Alex. D. Moore. Alex. D. Moore, James Larkins. Thomas Hill, Samuel Ashe. Alex. D. Moore, Samuel Ashe. Timothy Bloodworth, Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon, James Larkins. James Foy, Franklin T. Bloodworth, Jas. Foy, F. T. Bloodworth. Richard Nixon, F. T. Bloodworth. Richard Nixon, Roger Moore. Wm. W. Jones, Hinton James. Years. Senate. 1777. John Ashe, 1778. John Ashe, 1779. John Devane, 1780. John Devane, 1781. John Devane, 1782. Caleb Granger, 1783. John A. Campbell, 1784. John A. Campbell, 1785. John A. Campljell, 1786. John A. Campbell, 1787. John A. Campbell, 1788. Timothy Bloodworth, 1789. Timothy Bloodworth, 1791. John A. Campbell, 1792. John A. Campbell, 1793. John A. Campbell, 1794. William H. Hill, 1795. Jas. Bloodworth, 1796. Jas. Bloodworth, 1797. John Hill, 1798. John Hill, 1799. John Hill, 1800. John Hill, 1801. Samuel Asho, 1802. Samuel Ashe, 1803. Samuel Ashe, 1804. John Bloodworth, 1805. John Hill, 1806. Samuel Ashe, 1807. Samuel Ashe, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 295 Years. Senate. 1808. F. T. Bloodworth, 1809. F. T. Bloodworth, 1810. Thomas Devane, 1811. William Hill, 1812. David Jones, 1813. David Jones, 1814. David Jones, 1815. James Larkins, 1816. Richard Nixon, 1817. Samuel Ashe, 1818. M. W. Campbell, 1819. George Fennell, 1820. George Fennell, 1821. M. W. Campbell, 1822. Thomas Devane, 1823. Thomas Devane, 1824. Thomas Devane, 1825. Thomas Devane, 1826. Thomas Devane, 1827. Thomas Devane, 1828. \Vm. B. Meares, 1829. Wm. B. Meares, 1830. Wm. B. Meares, 1831. M. W. Campbell, 1832. Jos. II. Lamb, 1833. Wm. B. Meares, 1834. Owen Holmes, 1835. L. H. Marsteller, 1836. Louis 11. Marsteller, 1838. Charles Henry, 1840. Wm. S. Larkins, 1842. Wm. S. Larkins, 1844. Owen Holmes, 1846. Wm. S. Ashe, 1848. Wm. S. Ashe, 1850. N. N. Nixon, House of Commons. Wm. W. Jones, Hinton James. Ilinton James, David Jones. David Jones, Joseph Lamb. Joseph Lamb, John D. Jones. Joseph Lamb, George Fennell. Geo. Fennell, Joseph Parrish. Joel Parrish, Geo. Fennell. Geo. Fennell, Joel Parrish. Owen Fillyaw, Joel Parrish. Joseph Lamb, Ed. St. George. Joseph Lamb, John Bunting. Jos. Lamb, John Bunting. John Walker, Abel Morgan. Abel Morgan, Eli L. Larkins. Joseph Lamb, S. Sidbury. Stokely Sidbury, Jos. A. Hill. Jos. A. Hill, Jos. Lamb. Jos. Lamb, Wm. Watts Jones. John Kerr, Wm. Watts Jones. John Kerr, Wm. Watts Jones. John Kerr, Wm. S. Larkins. Wm. S. Larkins, Patrick Murphey. Wm. S. Larkins, Thomas Hill, Wm. S. Larkins, Wm. J. Wright. Thomas Hill, Louis II. Marsteller. L. II. Marsteller, Stephen Register. L. II. Marsteller, Stephen Register. Charles Henry, John R. AYalker. John R. Walker, Charles Henry. Jas. T. Miller, Evans Larkins. Jas. T. Miller, James Kerr. Jeremiah Nixon, David Mclntire. Jeremiah Nixon, David Mclntire. Edward Hi},ll, Thomas II. Williams. Thomas H. Williams,' N. N. Nixon. Wm. Hill, J. D. Powers. CHAPTER LVI, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. Northampton County was formed in 1741, from Bertie; but history and tradition are alike silent as to the origin of its name. Martin, in his History, merely states that the Legislature met " at Wilmington, in the latter part of 1741, and the session was of short duration; the county of Bertie Avas divided, and the upper part of it established as a new county, to which the name of Northampton was given."* It is situated in the north-eastern part of the State ; and bounded 28 Martin's History of North Carolina, ii. 3G. 296 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. on the north by the Virginia line, east by Hertford, south by Bertie County, and west by the Roanoke River, which separates it from Hahfax. Its capital is Jackson, and preserves the name of Andrew Jackson^ the hero of New Orleans, and sixth President of the United States. Its population is 5,994 whites ; 830 free negroes ; 6,511 slaves ; 10,730 re- presentative population. Its products (annual) are 5,210,724 lbs. cotton; 716,050 busbels corn; 66,064 lbs. toliacco ; 78,650 bushels oats ; 20,308 bushels wheat ; 3,125 bushels rye; 5,970 lbs. wool; 2,000 barrels turpentine. To the Convention at Newbern, Aug. 25th, 1774, she sent Allen Jones. To the Convention at same place, April 3d, 1775, her delegates were Allen Jones and Jeptiia Atherton. To the Convention atHillsboro', Aug. 21st, 1775, her delegates were the above and Howell Edmunds, Drewry Gee, and Samuel Lockhart. The delegates to Halifax, April 4th, 1776, were Allen Jones, Jeptha Atherton, Eaton Haynes, Drewry Gee, Samuel Lockhart, and -Howell Edmunds. Her delegates to Halifax, Nov. 12th, 1776 (to form the Constitution), were Allen Jones, Jeptha Atherton, James Ingram,* Howell Edmunds, and Egbert Peebles. Of her Regiment in 1776, William Eaton was Colonel, Jeptha Atherton Lieutenant-Colonel, Howell Edmunds Major, Drewry Gee 2d Major. Allen Jones was chosen Brigadier-General of the Halifax District in this year. He was a brother of Wilie Jones, of Halifax, and, like him, devoted to the cause of the country. Of his military services, birth, life, or character, we have but little informa- tion. We trust that the services of so useful and public spirited a citizen will be collected and presented to the country. General Jones was elected a member of the Continental Congress in 1779, and served until 1780. He appeared as Senator in 1787, in the General Assembly. He was a member of the Convention that met at Hillsboro', in 1788, which rejected the United States Constitution, and while his brother was its strenu- ous opponent, he was with Davie, Johnston, and Iredell, its steady advocate. Members of the General Assembly from Northampton County from the adoption of the Constitution to last session : — Years. Senate. 1777. James Vaughan, 1778. James Vaughan, 1779. James Vaughan, 1780. James Vaughan, 1781. James A^aughan, 1782. Samuel Lockhart, 1783. Samuel Lockhart, 1784. Allen Jones, 1785. Allen Jones, 1786. Allen Jones, 1787. Allen Jones, 1788. John M. Benford, 1789. John M. Benfoi-d, 1791. John M. Bonford, 1792. John M. Benford, 1793. John M. Benford, 1794. John M. Benford, House of Commons. Robert Peoples, Jeptha Atherton. Robert Peoples, Joseph Bryan. Roljert Peoples, Joseph Bryan. Robert Peoples, John Dawson. John Dawson, Jas. Sikes. John Dawson, Jas. Sikes. James Vaughan, Drury Gee. James Vaughan, Wm. R. Davie. Howell P^dmunds, Augustin Wood. James Vaughan, Nehemiah Long. Robert Peebles, John Vaughan. John Knox, Robert Peebles. Samuel Peete, Halcott Briggs Pride. William Amis, Samuel Tarver. William Amis, Nicholas Edmunds. William Amis, Nicholas Edmunds. Benjamin Williamson, Nicholas Edmunds. * James Ingram was Lieutenant-Colonelof the 8th Regiment of the Continental Array. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. 297 Years. Senate. 1795. John M. Benford, 1796. John M. Benford, 1797. John M. Benford, 1798. John M. Benford, 1799. John M. Benford, 1800. John M. Benford, 1801. John M. Benford, 1802. John M. Benford, 1803. Henry Cotton, 1804. Richard W. Freear, 1805. John M. Benford, 1806. John M. Benford, 1807. John M. Benford, 1808. Wm. Edmunds, 1809. Wm. Edmunds, 1810. Wm. Edmunds, 1811. Wm. Edmunds, 1812. Wm. Edmunds, 1813. Francis Daucy, 1814. Howell Peebles, 1815. Howell Peebles, 1816. Howell Peebles, 1817. Cornelius Moore, 1818. Henry Boon, 1819. Henry Boon, 1820. Henry Boon, 1821. John Peebles, 1822. John Peebles, 1823. John Peebles, 1824. John Peebles, 1825. John Peebles, ' 1826. Esum Holliman, 1827. Exum Holliman, 1828. John II. Patterson, 1829. Collin W. Barnes, 1830. Collin W. Barnes, 1831. James T. Hayley, 1832. Herod Faison, 1833. Herod Faison, 1834. Wm. B. Lockhart, 1835. William Moody, 1836. William Moody, 1838. William Moody, 1840. Herod Faison, 1842. Jos. M. S. Rogers, 1844. John M. Moody, 1846. John M. Moody, 1848. Jos. M. S. Rodgers, 1850. Jos. M. S. Rodgers, House of Commons. Beniamin AVilliamson, Henry Gotten. Benjamin Williamson, Henry K. Peterson. Beniamin Williamson, William Edmunds. Wiliiam Edmunds, James Benford. Henry Cotten, James Long. Howell Peebles, Henry Cotten. Henry Cotten, Howell Peebles. Henry Cotten, William Edmunds. Peter Woodlief, William Edmunds. Green Turner, William Edmunds. Green Turner, Samuel Tarver. William Edmunds, John Peebles. Charles Harrison, Francis A. Bynum. Charles Harrison, Francis A. Bynum. Green Turner, Andrew Jones. Andrew Jones, John Peebles. Peter Woodlief, Cornelius Moore. Peter Woodlief, Cornelius Moore. Henry Boon, Richard Freear. Henry Boon, Jenkins. John R. Moore, Henry Boon. Henry Boon, John R. Moore. Henry Boon, William Moody. Henry Abingdon, B. C. Smith. W. Sandiford, A. Deberry. Allen Deberry, T. Barrow. Roderick B. Gary, Thomas Peete. L. P. Williamson, R. B. Gary. R. B. Gary, L, P. Williamson. R. B. Gary, Thomas Bynum. Thomas Bynum, Roderick B. Gary. R. B. Gary, J. H. Patterson. R. B. Gary, J. II. Patterson. R. B. Gary, Jos. M. S. Rogers. Jas. T. Hayley, R^ B. Gary. R. B. Gary, James T. Hayley. Richard Crump, John M. Moody. R. B. Gary, Allen Pierce. Allen Pierce, Samuel Calvert. A. B. Smith, Wm. E. Crump. Wm. E. Crump, R. B. Gary. R. B. Gary, Herod Faison. Junius Amis, II. Faison. Samuel B. Spruill, Edmund Jacobs. John B. Odom, Thomas Bragg, Jr. John B. Odem, David A. Barnes. E. J. Peebles, David A. Barnes. T. J. Person, E. J. Peebles. T. J. Person, David A. Barnes. 298 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER LVII. ONSLOW COUNTY. Onslow County was formed in 1734, from New Hanover County, and named in honor of Arthur Onslow, then the Speaker of the'^British House of Commons.* Onslow is situated in the extreme eastern part of the State, and is bounded on the north and east by Jones, east by Carteret, south by Core Sound and the Atlantic Ocean, and west by New Hanover and Duplin. Its court house is one hundred and forty-five miles south-east from Raleigh. Its population in 1850, vras 5,005 whites; 170 free negroes; 3,108 slaves; 7,039 representative population. Its products in 1840, were 47,281 barrels of turpentine ; 3,200 bushels of salt; 228,759 bushels of corn; 8,126 bushels of oats; 2,117 bushels of wheat; 218,104 pounds of cotton ; 6,981 pounds of wool. To the General Meeting of the Deputies, held at Newborn, on the 25th of August, 1774, Onslow sent as their delegate William Crat. To the same place, 3d of April, 1775, she sent Edward Starket, Henry Rhodes, and William Cray. To Ilillsboro', 21st of August, 1775, she sent Isaac Guion, Henry Rhodes, Edward Starkey, John Spicer, and John King. To the same place, 4th of April, 1776, she sent George Mitchell, Benja- min Doty, John Spicer, John King, and John Norman. To the Congress at Halifax, to form a Constitution, she sent as delegates John Spicer, Thomas Johnston, Benejah Doty, Edward Starkey, and Henry Rhodes. Her officers in 1776, were AVilliam Cray, Colonel; Henry Rhodes, Lieu,- tenant-Colonel ; Thomas .Johnson, Major; James Howard, 2d Major. Johnston, once its Capital, was located in the southern part of the county, •where court was held ; but in September, 1752, a most terrific hurricane swept away the court house, clerk's of&ces, and dwelling houses ; the records were all destroyed, and the town was abandoned.! List of Members of the General Assembly from Onslow County, from the adoption of the Constitution, 1776, to the last session, 1850-51 :— Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1777. Henry Rhodes, John King, Benejah Doty. 1778. Henry Rhodes, Benejah Doty, George Mitchell. 1779. Henry Rhodes, James Howard, Edward Starkey. 1780. Henry Rhodes, Edward Starkey, George Mitchell. 1781. Henry Rhodes, Edward Starkey, Lewis Williams. 1782. Henry Rhodes, Edward Starkey, Lewis Williams. * Williamson's History of North Carolina, ii. 14. t Martin's History of North Carolina, li. 61. ONSLOW COUNTY. 299 Years. Senate. 1783. John Spicer, 1784. Thomas Johnson, 1785. John Spicer, 1786. George Mitchell, 1787. George Mitchell, 1788. Thomas Johnson, 1789. David Yeates, 1790. Robert W. Sneed, 1791. Robert W. Sneed, 1792. Reuben Grant, 1793. Robert Sneed, 1794. John Spicer, 1795. John Spicer, 1796. John Spicer, 1797. John Spicer, 1798. John Spicer, 1799. John Spicer, 1800. John Spicer, 1801. Christopher Dudley, 1802. George Ward, 1803. Christopher Dudley, 1804. John FuUwood, 1805. John Fullwood, 1806. Wm. French, 1807. Wm. French, 1808. Stephen Williams, 1809. Christopher Dudley, 1810. John E. Spicer, 1811. Edward Ward, Jr. 1812. Edward Williams, 1813. Brice Bender, 1814. Edward B. Dudley, 1815. Edward Ward, 1816. Christopher Dudley, 1817. Christopher Dudley, 181'8. Christopher Dudley, 1819. Eli W. AVard, 1820. Eli W.Ward, 1821. Basil R. Smith, 1822. Edward Ward, 1823. Edward Ward, 1824. Edward Ward, 1825. Edward Ward, 1826. Edward Ward, 1827. Edward Ward, 1829. Edward Ward, 1830. Edward Ward, 1831. Lewis Dishong, 1832. Lewis Dishong, 1833. Thomas Foy, 1834. Thomas Ennett, 1835. David W. Simmons, 1830. Daniel S. Saunders, 1838. Joshua Foy, 1840. John B. Pollock, 1842. Thomas Ennett, 1844. W. Ennett, 1846. William Ferrard, 1848. John F. Spicei-, 1850. Geo. H. McMillan, House of Commons. Edward Starkey, James Howard. Edward Starkey, David Yeates. Reuben Grant, Edward Starkey. Daniel Yates, Reuben Grant. Daniel Yates, Reuben Grant. Daniel Yates, Reuben Grant. Robert W. Sneed, John Spicer. John Spicer, Christopher Dudley. Reuben Grant, Christopher Dudley. John Spicer, Joseph Scott Cray. Joseph Scott Cray, Christopher Dudley. Zachariah Barrow, Joseph S. Cray. .Zachariah Barrow, Joseph S. Cray. Zachariah Barrow, Nathaniel Loomis. Nathaniel Loomis, Joseph S. Cray. Joseph Scott Cray, Nathaniel Loomis. Jesse Williams, Nathaniel Loomis. Jesse Williams, AVilliam Russell. George W. Mitchell, George Ward. Stephen Williams, George W. Mitchell. George W. Mitchell, John Fullwood. Stephen Williams, William French. William French, Stephen Williams. Lemuel Doty, Edward Ward. Edward Williams, Benjamin Farnell. Edward Williams, John E. Spicer. Edward Williams, William Jones. Edward Ward, Edward Williams. Edward B. Dudley, George W. Noble. Lott Humphrey, William Jones. Edward B. Dudley, James Thompson. Jason Gregory, G. E. Grant. William Mitchell, Jason Gregory. Eli W. Ward, Solomon E. Grant. Eli W. Ward, Basil R. Smith. Eli W. Ward, Basil R. Smith. Basil R. Smith, Edward Williams. Edward Williams, D. M. Dulany. Daniel M. Dulany, W. D. Humphreys. Eli W. Ward, Daniel M. Dulany. L. T. Oliver, Eli W. Ward. Frederick Foy, Lewis T. Oliver. Edward Williams, Frederick Foy. John Giles, Wm. P. Ferrand. Edward Williams, Frederick Foy. Richard II. Hatch, John B. Thompson. Frederick Foy, James Rowe. John B. Thompson, Geo. A. Thompson. Geo. A. Thompson, Edward Ward. Daniel Thompson, Thomas Ennett. Nathan'l L. Mitchell, Dan'l S. Saunders. Dan'l S. Saunders, Dan'l Thompson. John A. Averitt. John B. Pollock. Thomas Ennett. Timothy Ilaskins. Edward W. Saunders. Harry Cox. C. II. Foy. D. W. Fonville. 300 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER LVIII. ORANGE COUNTY. Date of its formation — Origin of name — Situation and boundaries — Popula- lation and products — Colonial and Revolutionary History — Regulators ; Herman Husbands' book on this subject — Edmund Fanning; life and cha- racter of — Thomas Burke, late Governor of North Carolina ; his capture by Fannen, and imprisonment — Francis Nash — Pleasant Henderson — Archibald D. Murphy — William Norwood — Alexander Mebane — William Montgomery — Frederick Nash — William A. Graham — Wilie P. Mangum — John Scott — James Mebane, and others, and the Members of the Assembly from Hillsboro', and' the county of Orange. Orange County was formed in 1751, from Granville, Johnston, and Bladen counties, and called in compliment to the House of Orange, which, in the persons of William and Mary, in 1692, filled the English throne. '^ It is located in the centre of the State, and bounded on the north by Person and Caswell, on the east by Granville and Wake, south by Chatham, and west by Alamance. Its capital is Hillsboro', 40 miles north-west of Raleigh. Hillsboro' was laid out in 1759, by W. Churton, and was first called Childsburg, in honor of the Attorney-General of the Colony ; but altered to Hillsboro', in compliment to Earl of Hillsboro',* the English Secretary of State for America. Population (1850), 11,330 whites; 481 free negroes; 5,244 slaves; 14,957 representative population. Products (1840), 388,426 bushels corn; 262,882 lbs. tobacco; 253,437 lbs. cotton; 12,686 lbs. wool,; 87,579 bushels wheat ; 81,613 bushels oats ; 2,643 bushels rye. Orange County was early distinguished for the independence of her citizens, and their indomitable opposition to tyranny. Long before the Revolution, the people of this County rose in arms against the crown officers ; and a battle took place on the banks of the Alamance, in 1771, between Governor Tryon and the insurgents. That battle has been described in the first volume of these sketches,! and in this volume (under the Chapter I. Alamance,) copious, rare, and valuable documents are presented relative thereto. The life and character of Herman Husbands, the chief leader of the Regu- lators, is therein sketched (see Randolph, Chapter LXIII), and we have procured his pamphlet as to the cause of the difficulties, and * Martin, ii. 104. -f Vol. i. page 59. ORANGE COUNTY. 301 • the grievances that the people groaned under, by the fraud, extor- tion, and oppression of the officers. This production, always rare, now out of print, is here presented ; when the space it occupies can illy be spared. But its value and importance in throwing light upon these troubled times, will compensate for the space it occu- pies, and is worthy the careful perusal iand study of the reader. THE REGULATION. husbands' book.* An Impartial Relation of tie First Bise and Cause of the Present Difficulties in Public Affairs in the province of North Carolina. In Orange County the first disturbance is generally ascribed to have arisen ; but Granville and Halifax Counties were deeply engaged in the same quarrel many years before Orange : so that it may be necessary to give a few para- graphs out of some of their papers, to show that it was the same grievance and oppression that incensed all the counties, without corresponding with each other. For though Granville County had been at war, asit were, some years before the disturbance in Orange, yet we never heard of it till it broke out in Orange. [Here follows an extract, the title of which is mutilated ; but as we make it out, reads nearly as follows :] " A serious address to the inhabitants of Granville County, containing an account of our deplorable situation we suffer; * * and some necessary hints with respect to a reformation. " Save my country, Heaven, shall be my last." — Pope. Then, after treating on the nature of law in general, and of our Constitu- tion, in praise of it, he proceeds thus: — "Well, gentlemen, it is not our form or mode of government, nor yet the_ body of our laws that we are quarreling with ; but with the malpractices of the officers of our County Court, and the abuses that we suffer by those that are impowered to manage our public affairs : This is the grievance, gentle- men, that demands our serious attention. And I shall, " Thirdly, show the notorious and intolerable abuses that has crept into the practice of the law in this county, and I doubt not but into other counties also ; though that does not concern us: in the first place, there is a law that provides that a lawyer shall take no more than fifteen shillings for their fee in the County Court. AVell, gentlemen, which of you has had your business done for fifteen shillings? They exact thirty for every cause: and three — fuur — and five pounds for every cause attended with the least difficulty, and laugh at us for our stupidity and tame submission to these d-m-d, &c." Another paragraph runs thus in substance : — " A poor man is supposed to have given his judgment bond for five pounds ; and this bond is by his creditor thrown into court. The Clerk of the County has to enter it on the docket, and issue execution, the work of one long minute, for which the poor man has to pay him the trifling sum of forty- one shillings and five pence. The Clerk, in consideration he is a poor man, takes it out in work, at eighteen pence a day. The poor man works some more than twenty-seven days to pay for this one minute's writing. " Well, the poor man retiects thus : At this rate, when shall I get to labor for my family ? I have a wife and parcel of small children sufiering at home, and here I have lost a whole month, and I don't know for what; fur my merchant is as far from being paid yet as ever. However, I will go home now, and try and do what I can. Stay, neighbor, you have not half dune yet, there is a d — d lawyer's mouth to stop yet — for you impowered him to confess that you owed this five pounds, and you have thirty shillings to pay him for * Printed in 1770, 302 HISTORY OF IvORTH CAROLINA. that, or go and work nineteen days more ; and then you must work as long to pay the sheriff for his trouble ; and then you may go home and see your horses and cow sold, and all your personal estate, for one-tenth part of the value, to pay off your merchant. And lastly, if the debt is so great that all your personal estate will not do to raise the money, which is not to be had — then goes your lands the same way to satisfy these cursed hungry caterpillars that will eat out the very bowels of our commonwealth, if they are not pulled down from their nests in a very short time. And what need I say, to urge a reformation. If these things were absolutely according to law, it were enough to make us throw off all submission to such tyrannical laws ; for were Buch things tolerated, it would be better to die in defence of our privileges than to perish for want of the means of subsistence. But as these practices are contrary to law, it is our duty to put a stop to them before they quite ruin our county, or that we become willing slaves to these lawless wretches, and hug our chains of bondage, and remain contented under these accumu- lated calamities." " Oh, gentlemen, I hope better things of you, I believe there are but few of you but has felt the weight of those iron fists. And I hope there are none of you but will lend a hand towards bringing about this necessary work ; and in order to bring it about effectually, we must proceed with circumspec- tion ; not fearful, but careful. " 1st. Let us be careful to keep sober — nor do nothing rashly, but act with deliberation. "2dly. Let us do nothing against the known established laws of our land, that we appear not as a faction, endeavoring to subvert the laws, and over- turn the system of our government ; but let us take care to appear what really we are, free subjects by birth, endeavoring to recover our lost native rights, of reducing the malpractices of the officers of our Court down to the standard of our law." This paper was large, and deserved to have been printed at length, but my ability would not afford it. It was dated, " A'utbush, Granville County, the Cth of June, Anno Dom. 1765." And though it was the adjacent county to Orange, yet the first that ever we heard of it was in 1767, at our August Court, after we had tried to plead our own cause at the bar against extortion. Then some persons who lived adjoining Granville line told us they feared that matter would ruin some of us, for that just such a case had been undertook in Granville County some years ago, and that they were at law about it to that day. And by what I have since learned, the method they proceeded in was by petitioning the legislative body against the malpractices of the officers mentioned in the paragraphs cited. And thereupon the officers sued the subscribers for a libel ; indicted the author of the paper, and imprisoned him : which lawsuits have remained to this day. There were other counties, such as Brunswick, Cumberland, and some more had wholly declined paying taxes as early as 1766, if not before, as nearly as I could collect accounts ; but the Government made no noise about all this till Orange could no longer be kept quiet— -who never had knowledge of the dissatisfaction of tliese counties : so that the thing did not spread by industry of any in propagating or communicating the grievances, but the same cause naturally produced the same effect. But now I shall drop other counties and begin with Orange, having, as I said before, as perfect a knoAvledge of the whole proceedings as any one man in the province. Some time in the latter part of summer, in the year 1766, at an Inferior Court, in the county of Orange, a paper was presented and read to the repre- sentatives and magistrates of the County, as follows, viz : — No. I. " Whereas that great good may come of this great designed evil, the Stamp Law, while the sons of liberty withstand the Lords in Parliament, in behalf ORANGE COUNTY. 303 of true liberty ; let no officers under them carry on unjust oppression in our own province ; in order thereto, as there is many evils of that nature complained of in this County of Orange, in private amongst the inhabitants : Therefore, let us remove them ; or if there is no cause, let us remove the jealousies out of our minds. Honest rulers in power will be glad to see us examine this matter freely. And certainly there is more honest men than rogues;* yet rogues is harbored among us sometimes almost publicly. " Every honest man is willing to give part of his substance to- support rulers, and laws, to save the other part from rogues; and it is his duty, as well as right, to see and examine whether such rulers abuse such trust ; otherwise that part so given may do more hurt than good. " Even if we were all rogues, in that case we could not subsist ; but would be obliged to frame laws to make ourselves honest. And the same reasoning holds good against the notion of a mason club. " Thus, though it (meaning justice) must be desired by all, or the greatest Dumber of men, yet when grievances of such public nature are not redressed, the reason is, everybody's business is nobody's. Therefore, the following proposal is submitted to the public, to wit: Let each neighborhood through- out the county meet together, and appoint one or more men to attend a general meeting on the Monday before next November Court, at a suitable place, where there is no liquor (at Maddock's Mill, if no objection) ; at which meeting, let it be judiciously inquired into, whether the freemen of this county labor under any abuses of power or not; and let the same be notified in writing, if any is found, and the matter freely conversed upon, and pi'oper measures used for amendment. " This method will certainly cause the wicked men in power to tremble ; and there is no damage can attend such a meeting, nor nothing hinder it but a cowardly dastardly spirit : which it does, at this time, while liberty prevails, "we must mutter and grumble under any abuses of power until such a noble spirit prevails in our posterity ; for, take this as a maxim, that while men are men, though you should see all those sons of liberty (who has just now redeemed us, fi'om tyranny) set in offices, and vested with power, they would soon corrupt again and oppress, if they were not called upon to give an ac- count of their stewardship." This paper being publicly read at court, in audience of our chiefs, Mr. Loyd, one of our Assembly-men, declared his approbation of it, and the rest acknowledged it was reasonable ; and Loyd altered the day of meeting to the 10th of October ; and we being thus encouraged, several neighborhoods held meetings, and conjunctively di-ew up the following paper: — No. II. " At a meeting of the neighborhood of Deep River, the 20th of August, 1766. Unanimously agreed to appoint W C and W M to attend at general meeting on the 10th of October at Maddock's mill, where they are judicioiishj to examine ichether the freemen in this county labor nn- der any abuses of power, and in particular to examine into the public tax, and inform themselves of every particular thereof by ivhat laws and for ivhat uses it is laid, in order to remove some jealousies out of our minds. " And the representatives, vestry-men, and other officers, are requested to give the members of the said meeting what information and satisfaction they can ; so far as they value the good will of every honest freeholder, and the executing public offices, pleasant and delightsome.'^ In pursuance hereof, about twelve men met; but none of the officers appeared, though they had frequently gave out word beforehand that they would be there. Late in the day Mr. James Watson came alone, and brought word from Colonel Fanning, the other representative, that he had always in- * The author had in view fo carry elections by the majority, and was to confute a general prevailing- notion, that the combination of rog-ues, In- means of a JNlason club, was so great, that it was in vain to try to out-vote them at elections, which was the method of redress proposed in conversation. 304 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. tended fully to meet us ; till, a day or two ago, he observed in one of our papers the word judiciously*, which signified, he said, by a Court of Author- ity ; and had some other objections, such as the mill being no suitable place. And concluding that, in short, says he, Colonel Fanning looks on it as an insurrection, &c. &c. Whereupon we, in Watson's presence, drew up the following paper, and read it to him, desiring his judgment; and he said it wasso just and reason- able that no man could object to it, which was thus, to wit: — No.- III. "At a meeting of the inhabitants of Orange connty, on the 10th of October, n(jG, for conference on public affairs loith our representatives, vestry-men, dec. " It was the judgment of the said meeting, that, by reason of the extent of the county, no one man in it, in a general way, was known by above one- tenth man of the inhabitants ; for which reason, such a meeting for a public and free conference, yearly, and as often as the case may require, was abso- lutely necessary ; in order to reap the benefit designed us in that part of our Constitution of choosing representatives, and knowing for what uses our money is called for. We also conceive such a representative would find him- self at an infinite loss to answer the design of his constituents, if deprived of consulting their minds in matters of weight and moment. "And whereas, at the said meeting, none of them appeared (though we think properly acquainted with our appointment and requests), yet, as the thing is somewhat new in this county, though practiced in older governments, they might not have duly considered the reasonableness of our requests. " We therefore conclude, that if they hereafter are inclinable to answer it, that we will attend them at some other time and place, on their giving us proper notice. " It is also our judgment, that, on further mature deliberation, the inhabit- ants of the county will more generally see the necessity of such a conference, and the number increase in favor of it, to be continued yearly." A copy of this was given to Mr. Watson, on his approbation of it ; and he promised to present each of our representatives with proper transcripts ; which we make not the least doubt but he complied with. But, however, instead of complying with our so reasonable proposals. Colo- nel Fanning, the following court, or at a general muster, read a long piece of writing in public, and among our justices, in repugnance to our request, vaunting himself greatly in his performance ; telling them, he had served us with copies thereof, and signified it would silence us or had silenced as. But as to what it contained, I cannot inform the public, as we, nor any one of us that ever I could find, ever saw it. This, with the menaces thrown out by the bomb sheriffs against such as were most active in this affair, so discouraged the people, that the affair drop- ped; after we had subscribed to a sum of fifty pounds, in order to commence a suit at law against them on the penal laws, and was denied by the only attorney we had any hopes of serving us to undertake it. Some months after all was still, there happened to come out a new collection of the laws in one book ; two of us took a copy of the fees out of it, for recording deeds of conveyances, and carried it to court in Au- gust term, 1767. These men offered the customary fees for the recording and proving their deeds that were taken in other counties, though that exceeded the lawful due ; at the same time, offering to pay more, if any of them could show any law for more. This was before the bench ; when the man who spoke was asked, how long it was since he had commenced lawyer ? But, as he did not regard, some of the bench began to threaten him for standing in contempt of the court. Upon which, they withdrew. The person who had got this law-book being half owner of it, had it at * By what I have learnt since, they pretended to have mistook the word for judicially ; but our original papers were in too many hands to make it take. ORANGE COUNTY. * 305 court, and it was handed about among the people ; which the other owner knowing of, and he being one of the bench and on the bench at the time, came immediately out of court, calling his partner in the book to one side, desiring him to keep the knowledge of the book's being handed about a secret from the rest of the court. The other replies, " I have given them that I let have the book that caution already, for I see how matters stand among you." Which was, that an honest man could hardly live among them ; for these new books were so scarce at that time, that they would have known who had let it out among the people. Thus we may see how he apprehended himself under a necessity to con- ceal his good offices and honesty to secure himself in office ; but I suppose he was found out, for he was soon after put out of commission. The bombs now grew more and more insulting, taking unusual distresses for levies ; taking double, treble, and four times the value ; bearing all off to town, thirty, forty, and sixty miles, and was remarkably cross, taking by- paths, and other ways than they had promised ; so that those who followed, may be in a few hours, to redeem their things, could never overtake them. These things were all sold in town at under rates, and became a constant trade, so that roguish people began to depend on these sales to raise them fortunes. And as to any overplus being returned to the parties, I never could hear of any. Besides, among Dutch people, and such as were ignorant of State affairs, they practised taking four pence, six pence, and a shilling in a tax, more than from the more knowing. The High Sheriff also sent out an insulting advertisement, which was set up very early in the following year, to wit, 1768 (may be in first of Febru- ary), as follows: — "Whereas, by a late Act of Assembly, the sheriffs of the several counties in this province are obliged to attend at live different places in their county, at least two days at each place, at some time between the first day of January and the first day of March, in order to receive the public county and parish taxes. I hereby inform the County of Orange, that I intend to comply with my duty in attending, according to law, at times and places hereafter to be advertised ; and that every man who fails paying their dues, at these times and places, is by the same law, obliged to pay two shillings and eight pence extraordinary. Which sum I shall demand without respect to persons. Whereof every one concerned is desired to take notice. " And should any person imagine that it is sufficient if they have their money ready when I or my deputy comes for it, I advise them to be provided with two shillings and eight pence for the visit. From their humble servant, TYREE HARRIS." Every one could see this was quite insulting as well as an attempt to make asses of us ; for no one but had sense enough to know this new law was cal- culated for the Sheriff's ease. And instead of being so careful to word his advertisement that "the Sheriffs were obliged to attend," as he might have said, the asses were obliged to bi'ing their burdens to him, in order that one of their deputies might collect the whole in ten days, sitting on his breach, at ease, in five places only. The rumor of giving the Governor "fifteen thousand pounds to build him a house, all happening together at this time, conspired to give rise to what was commonly called the mob, which in a little time altered to that of the Regulators. This new association began in a different neighborhood, though they always mentioned and espoused the former; and people had entered into it by hundreds, and it spread every way like fire till it reached Sandy Creek, where the principal men who were concerned in the papers Xo. 1, 2, and 3 lived. There this new scheme met with some opposition, on account that it was too hot and rash, and in some things not legal. And thougli the Sandy Creek people endeavored to show them the danger of their proceedings, yet 306 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. took care at the same time not to kill that zeal for justice and true liberty. And at the second meeting they had prevailed with them to form new arti- cles, and censured their first ; yet, at the first meeting they had sent a paper to our officers, which paper was approved of, and bears the name Number Y., though dated March 22d. The new articles being adopted at their second meeting, held on April the fourth, being instead of the first articles, always bore the place of the first, which was Number IV., and is as follows, viz : — No. IV. " We the subscribers do voluntarily agree to form ourselves into an asso- ciation, to assemble ourselves for conference for regulating public grievances and abuses of power, in the following particulars, with others of the like nature that may occur. " 1st. That we will pay no more taxes until we are satisfied they are agree- able to law, and applied to the purposes therein mentioned, unless we cannot help it, or are forced. "2d. That we will pay no oflBcer any more fees than the law allows, unless ■we are obliged to it, and then to show our dislike, and bear an open testimony against it. " 3d. That we will attend our meetings of conference as often as we con- veniently can, and is necessary, in order to consult our representatives of the amendment of such laws as may be found grievous or unnecessary ; and to choose more suitable men than we have done heretofore for burgesses and vestry-men ; and to petition the House of Assembly, Governor, Council, King, and Parliament, &c., for redress in such grievances as in the course of the undertaking may occur; and to inform one another, learn, know, and enjoy all the privileges and liberties that are allowed and were settled upon us by our worthy ancestors, the founders of our present constitution, in order to pre- serve it on its ancient foundation, that it may stand firm and unshaken. " 4th. That we will contribute to collections for defraying necessary ex- penses attending the work, according to our abilities. "5th. That, in case of difierence in judgment, we will submit to the judg- ment of the majority of our body. " To all which we solemnly swear, or, being a Quaker, or otherwise scru- pulous in conscience of the common oath, do solemnly aflSrm, that we will stand true and faithful to this cause, till we bring things to a true regulation, according to the true intent and meaning hereof in the judgment of the ma- joi'ity of us." Number five is as follows, viz : — No. V. " The 22d day of March, 1768. The request of the inhabitants on the west side of Haw Eiver, to the Assemhly-men and Vestry-men of Orange County, viz: — "Whereas the taxes in this county are larger according to the number of taxables than adjacent counties, and continues so year after year, and as the jealousies still prevails amongst us that we are wronged ; and having the more reason to think so as we have been at the trouble of choosing men and sending them, after the civilest manner that we could, to know what we paid our levy for, but could receive no satisfaction ; for James Watson was sent to Haddock's Mill, and said that Edmund Fanning looked on it that the country called him by authority, or like as if they had a right to call him to an account. Not_ allowing the country the right that they have been entitled to as English subjects ; for the King requires no money from his subjects but what they are made sensible what use it is for. " AVe are obliged to seek redress by denying paying any more until we have a full settlement for what is past, and have a true regulation with our officers., " As our grievances are too many to be notified in a small piece of writing, we desire that you, our Assembly-men and Vestry-men, may appoint a time, ORANGE COUNTY. 307 before next court, at the court house, and let us know by the bearer, and Tve will choose men to act for us, and settle our grievances. " Until such time as you will settle with us, we desire the sheriffs will not come this way to collect the levy ; for we will pay none before there is a settle- ment to our satisfaction. " And as the nature of an officer is a servant to the public, we are deter- mined to have the officers of this county under a better and honester regula- tion than they have been for some time past. "Think not to frighten us (with rebellion) in this case, for if the inhabit- ants of this province have not as good a right to inquire into the nature of our constitution and disbursements of our funds as those of our mother country, we think that it is by arbitrary proceedings that we are debarred of that right. Therefore, to be plain with you, it is our intent to have a full settlement of you in every particular point that is matter of doubt with us. So fail not to send an answer by the bearer. If no answer, we shall take it for granted that we are disregarded in this our request again from the public." This was the first message this new society sent our officers. But no mas- ter of abject slaves could be more exasperated — they were rebels, insurgents, &c., to be shot, hanged, &c., as mad dogs, &c. And the Sandy Creek men, or authors of No. 1, 2, and 3, were to be punished for it all ; for these refers to their former papers. Now as they were so ignorant as actually to imprison, and went through a course of law to make the authors of the first papers culpable for these last, I will observe, the latter had a right to refer to the former, because they had concurred and joined in the former, but that by no means made all them who were concerned in the former, and scarcely had heard of the latter, to be anyways culpable. Indians now-a-days know this distinction, that where a few bad people of a nation commit outrages the whole is not blameable. However hard this distinction might have been to our officers to conceive, I know it was the easiest and naturalest of all things to be felt by the parties. And further, because they styled themselves inhabitants of the west side of Haw River ; therefore the whole body of the inhabitants on the west side were so treated, that I can venture to say, that though not one third man on the west side had yet concerned themselves, yet they were afterwards forced to join as one man in defence of their lives. On the whole, I do not think it needful to take much pains to show this dis- tinction, for my opinion is, our officers' spleen against the authors of former papers was for that very reason, that they were pursuing a legal and consti- tutional plan to be redressed ; as also, when it came to be tried in the law, the distinction was as clear as the day, and punished none but them who were actually guilty. I have said thus much on this head, the more as I observe by the newspa- pers that men in higher stations than our officers attempted the same thing on the town of Boston. Sg, to proceed in order, on the said 4th of April, 1768, after the articles were altered, and both parties joined on the former plan, they drew up the following paper, viz : — No. VI. " At a general meeting of the Regulators,* held April the 4th, 1768, it was agreed to send P C and J L to request the two late sheriffs and our vestry-men to meet twelve men tho t we shall choose, on the Tuesday after the next court, to produce to them a copy of the list of taxables for each year, and a list of the number and names of the insolvents returned each year, with an account how the money was applied, to whom paid, and to what uses, both vestry-raen and sheriffs, and to request our representatives to confer with them in our behalf, and show us law for the customary fees that * This new name, instead of mob, was necessary according to the nature of the busi- ness of tlie day of altering the articles. 308 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. has been taken for deeds, indentures, administrations, &c. If the time ap- pointed don't suit them, let them appoint another more suitable/' Bef>re these two men had time to perform this message, the olhcers, either to try or exasperate the now enraged populace, took, by way of distress, a mare, saddle and bridle, for one levy ; and they immediately rose to the num- ber of sixty or seventy, and rescued the mare, and fired a few guns at the roof of Colonel Tanning's house, to signify they blamed him for all this The" paper No. 6 was then delivered to the established minister of the county who undertook to try to accommodate the matter ; who accordingly returned with an answer from the officers, and that they had appointed the 11th day of iMay for a settlement. _ ■, on i ^ . -i . The Keo-ulators hereupon called a meeting on the oUth ot April, chose twelve men to meet accordingly, and sent the officers an account thereof, but the paper never was delivered by reason (as it was on Saturday) the Gover- nor's Secretary arrived the same day in the town, and brought a proclama- tion from the "Governor, desiring all rioters to disperse, and on their refusal, commanding all officers to aid and assist to disperse them. And what I think is the oddest thing 1 ever heard of, this proclamation was set up on Saturday, the rioters ever since the riot all peaceable at home ; yet the officers assembled themselves on Sunday to the number of about thirty, with a tavern-keeper or two, and a man who had lately killed another, which the jury of inquest had adjudged wilful murder, all armed with guns, pis- tols and swords, and rode all the Sabbath night, the distance of forty miles, and took one of the rioters prisoner, by virtue of a warrant, and also another innocent person -without any precept at all, by reason no precept could be obtained, because no charge was or could be proven against him, though they had made all the search and inquiry they were capable of doing, by reason, as was hinted before, he was allowed to have been the author of the former papers, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. But the case was so among the inhabitants that every man knew who was and who was not joined into the Regulation, by reason it was all the topic of converse and inquiry. It being, therefore, so well known that this per- son was innocent, that "it alarmed and raised a fiery zeal in every one who had or had not entered into the association. _ And I suppose not near half the inhabitants had at this time entered into it. This alarm immediately so engaged almost every man, woman, and child, that by daylight, next morning, some hundreds were assembled near the town ; which number in an hour or two increased to odds of seven hundred armed men, many of which had traveled forty odd miles on foot, some barefooted, and some (at least one) had traveled thirty miles with his shoes slip-shod ; but the most part were on horseback. The whole was actuated by what the world calls the spirit of enthusiasm, for I felt it myself as soon as I came into the company; it catched every man, good or bad, as Saul was catched among the prophets. A man under the operation of this spirit, I am certain, can do and undergo double what he can at another time. It is prodigiously dangerous to raise this spirit, if it is nothing but natural, as some imagine ; but I believed it was a work of providence, and therefore feared no evil. The Governor's secretary met this company in sight of the town.' But I have to observe, first, that both the prisoners had given bail and had met this company very early ; for we supposed the officers had got some word of their being on the road, as some companies took up long before day, near the town, or else the prisoners w^ould, we suppose, have been sent to Newbern, two hundred miles. This would have been hard work for the inhabitants on the east side of the town, who were also assembled in companies, laying in wait to rescue the prisoners among inhabitants who had not intermeddled be- fore. The secretary read the proclamation and delivered a verbal message, which he said he had from the Governor ; that if they should assemble while he was up, to tell them, if they would petition the Governor, he would pro- tect and redress them against any unlawful extortions or oppressions of any officer or officers in the county ; provided they would disperse and go home. No sooner was the word spoke, but the whole multitude, as with one voice, ORANGE COUXTY. 309 cried out, " AGREED ! TJiat is all we want ; liberty to make our grievances knoicti." It is admirable the quickness of the spirit in a people, truly engaged in a cause, to apprehend and take anything offered that in truth has a tendency to procure a remedy : we had felt ourselves shut out and denied a hearing ; and we sensibly felt the whole calculation and design of our enemies, was to pre- vent our cries from reaching, as it were, the royal ear : or, which is the same thing, the legislative body of the government. A fatal blow was this to our adversaries ; but they saw it not till it was too late. Had not this very accident happened, we never could have had a hearing. And, to mend the matter, the secretary was so pleased that he had hit upon an expedient to make peace, that he sent for some bottles of wine, and, with a loud voice, before officers and people, repeated the same thing over and over, without variation, several times, and drank the wine as a testimony or record that such an agreement was made, and that by express orders from his Excellency. The joy that we returned home with on this occasion, was inexpressible, for men can feel things of an oppressive nature, that they cannot make ap- pear; we could plainly feel we were debarred from complaining; we could feel we dared not petition the Governor unless we let our adversaries word the petition; but now they had tied themselves. We immediately advertised the agreement, and appointed a meeting, but this opened the eyes of our officers to see their mistake. I call it a mistake and accident, because the Governor denied afterwards that he gave such orders, as will be seen by his answer to our petition, though some who do not like him, think he denied it because he rued it. It is beyond my power to describe the pains that was taken to recall this mistake, unless I was to print a copy of all their letters, and as much preach- ing and arguments as a man could read in a week. We were told in plain terms, and in writing, that no petition could nor would go down with the Governor, but such a one as they had wrote for us, in which they made us say, we had thought the officers wronged us, but had now found it was owing to some mistake or defect in our proceeding, and told us if we per- sisted. Colonel Fanning would represent our case to the Govei-nor as high treason, and not as a riot, and kept constantly at this work, till and on the day appointed to meet, where and when a merchant and clergyman appeared to influence and frighten us from proceeding, and, though they made the work exceeding unpleasant, and much confused us, yet the following paper was unanimously at last agreed to, viz : — No. YII. "At a general meeting of the Regulators, Associators, and others, inhabitants of the County of Orange, held at George Sally's, on the 2.\st of May, 1768, " It was unanimously agreed to continue our petition, agreed on last meet- ing, to the Governor, Council, and Assembly, for redressing very grievous, cruel, .iniquitous, and oppressive practices of our officers, which we gene- rally conceive we have labored under this many years, contrary to law. " And in pursuance of a verbal message from the Governor, sent us express by his secretary, delivered to us on the od of this instant, we agree to renew our said petition. And as sundry forms have been read here this day, and signed by sundi-y neighborhoods, we appoint W M , W C , H— C , J L , J M , J II , K II , and G II , to form one out of the whole, referring to the several com- plaints for information of grievances. " And being conscious of our loyalty to King George the third, on the pre- sent throne, and our firm attachment to the present establishment and form of government, which we sincerely believe all our grievances are quite oppo- site and contrary to, by downright roguish practices of men who have crept into posts of office, and have practiced upon our ignorance and new settled situation. 310 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLIXA. " We therefore order the above committee to implore the Governor's pardon and forgiveness, in the most submissive manner, for any errors that we may have committed, that is or may be construed to derogate from the honor of his ^Majesty's crown and dignity, or tending to obstruct the peace and good order of government. " And for the Governor's better information, we order the committee to pre- pare copies of all our proceedings which was agreed on by our body even from the first beginning; — to go with our said petition — and a suitable number of the said committee to wait on the Governor with them as soon as possible. "And as we have received a letter from Anson County, informing us of an association there on the same account, and requesting our information of the manner of our proceeding, we order a copy of this to be sent to them imme- diately, to prevent speedily their running into any error — we believing their scruples to be well cjrounded and their intention honest." In June they waited on the Governor with the copies of all the foregoing papers, and other attested complaints, and brought us back the following answer, viz. : — Gentlemex : — I received by the hands of Messrs. Hunter and Howell a peti- tion, and other papers, subscribed by several of the inhabitants on the south side of Haw Kiver, in the county of Orange, under the borrowed title of Regu- lators, assuming to themselves power and authorities (unkuoAvn to the Consti- tution), of calling public officers to a settlement, together with a narrative of their conduct, and detail of the grievances and complaints against the Clerk of the county, Register, and other public officers, whose exactions and oppres- sions its pretended has been the cause of the late insurrections which have disturbed the peace of that part of the country." These papers I have, agreeable to your desire, communicated to the members of his Majesty's Council, who having taken the same into their deliberate consideration, unanimously concur with me in opinion. That the grievances complained of by no means warrant the extraordinary steps you have taken, in assembling yourselves together in arms, to the obstruction of the course of justice, to the insult of public officers, and to the injury of private property; measures, as they manifestly tend to the subversion of the constitution of this government, would inevitably, if carried but a little farther, have been denomi- nated, and must have been treated as high treason ; and consequently have involved the abettors, most of whom I am satisfied were actuated by honest motives, though incautiously drawn in to concur in acts that might have ter- minated in the ruin and destruction of their families, while by illegal means they are intent on exempting themselves from evils, within the remedy of the laws of their country. Tnese calamities, I trust, are now removed by the timely proclamation I sent up to you by my Secretary, and your prudent determination to petition me in council for the redress of the grievances complained of. The discreet and steady behavior of Colonel Fanning, and the officers and men under his command, met not only with the entire approbation of myself and his Majesty's Council, but will ever be acknowledged with gratitude by every well wisher to this pi-ovince. I take this opportunity to acquaint all those whose understandings have been run away with, and whose passions have been led in captivity by some evil designing men, who, actuated by cowardice and a sense of that public justice which is due to their crimes, have obscured themselves from public view, That in consideration of a determination to abide by my decision in Council, it is my direction, by the unanimous advice of that board, that you do, from henceforward, desist from any farther meetings, either by verbal appointment or advertisement. That all titles of Regulators or Associators cease among you. That the Sherifi" and other officers of the government are permitted, without molestation, to execute the duties of their respective offices. And that all breaches of the peace against his Majesty's government may be determined and examined in a due course of law. It is by your strict and punctual adherence to these directions, that any farther clemency, on my part, may be looked for. ORANGE COUNTY. 311 This was the" extent of what I authorized Mr. Edwards to declare on my behalf. And now that I have signified to you the sense his Majesty's coun- cil entertain of the nature of your proceedings, and the requisition I point out by their advice for your future conduct — I am to assure you, willing as I am to listen to the voice of distress, the just complaints of his Majesty's subjects, and the hardships they may groan under, that I shall give his Majesty's Attorney-General orders to prosecute every officer who has been guilty of extortion or illegal practices in his office, upon any application or information lodged with him by the parties injured, or any others who shall be authorized to prosecute on this behalf. As also set up a proclamation on my arrival at Hillsborough, forbidding all such dis- honorable and illegal proceedings. You may further depend upon it, I shall, at all times, endeavor to redress every other grievance in my power that his Majesty's subjects may labor under. As you want to be satisfied what is the amount of the tax for the public service for 1767, I am to inform you it is seven shillings a taxable, besides the county and parish taxes, the particulars of which I will give to Mr. Hunter. I have only to add I shall be up at Hillsborough the beginning of next month. In the mean time I rest in full confidence I shall again be made happv by seeing industry prevailing over factions, and peace and harmony triumph- ing over jealousies and murmuring in a soil and climate the most fertile in the world, and among a people who, by a well-directed industry, may draw down blessings and prosperity to their families, and greatly contribute to the honor of his Majesty's government, and the happiness of my administration. WILLIAM TIIYON. At the Council-chamber, Brunswick, the 2\st of June, 17G8. Now to give some clear ideas in what light we received this answer, and in what condition we felt ourselves to be in, it is necessary to inform you of the bottom of our jealousies, and the method we intended to prosecute for redress. Our jealousies were not only against the officers of our own country, which our papers are confined to, but, in our converse and inquiry by the best cal- culatiuns we could make, and by several hints and reports, we had reason to believe we had already paid twenty or thirty thousand pounds over what would sink the emission of our paper currency. And by accounts we had still afloat sixty thousand pounds ; so that either our Assembly had been deficient in burning it, or the treasurers in accounting ; or else our sheriffs in paying the treasurers : otherwise some counties must be vastly in arrears. As for our own count}', we knew it had paid to the full. Wo were of opin- ion there were not one hundred insolvents a year in our county out of from three to four thousand. But to question the Assembly or treasurers, our officers took care to chide us for, and hinted that it would be even criminal to suppose such a thing, for^they were men of such credit, and such a body, as, were they guilty, more than one must be combined ; and such a thing could not be supposed. Well, we could not help thinking ; so we intended that if our own representatives would help us, and we could get a settlement of our own officers, and if the deficiency did not lay there, to proceed and lay the same before the Assembly, and have the treasurers' accounts exam- ined. And if our Assembly-men refused to join with us, then to petition for new elections, &c. Now by the time we got this answer we found by the journals of the House, that the public accounts were really unsettled, by a motion from the Governor to them on that head ; and now we were yet more alarmed, for as we under- stood the motion, he hinted, though in a delicate, soft manner, to have that authority vested in the Governor. Well, the more that we discovered things out of order, we were sensible the stronger we should be opposed ; and we not only found by this answer that the Governor inclined to the other side, multiplying all our faults to the 29 312 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. highest pitch he -n-as capable of; and -with as grea* an extreme painting the other side ; and -without meeting together, which he strictly forbid, and con- ferring together, we could make no hand either in carrying elections, or re- presenting our grievances. Our hands were fast tied from any relief but the law, and in that Avay had also excused himself from protecting or helping us, any farther than to order the attorney to set up a proclamation. Well, under this difficulty we stood still, and soon saw the proclamation had no effect at all, for the register, or his clerk, raised in their fees four pence or eight pence, upon which all hopes of the law vanished, and every channel and passage of redress was stopped and shut up. However, after some time, as we thought, the Governor would expect some return to this let- ter, and this we could not effect without breaking his orders, so we appointed a meeting to agree upon an answer ; and at the meeting received the follow- ing letter from the Governor, viz. : — " Gextlemex — In strict conformity to the promise I made you in my let- ter, dated from the council-chamber, at Brunswick, I issued a proclamation on my arrival at Hillsborough, a copy of which I herewith transmit to you. " I also gave Mr. Attorney-General orders to prosecute at law all public officers in your county for abuses in their offices, on application made to him by or in behalf of the parties injured. " It is now, therefore, my advice and consent that Mr. Tyree Harris wait on you to proceed in the collection of the public county and parochial taxes of Orange County for the year 1767. " I have the fullest confidence that you will, agreeable to the direction of the above-mentioned letter to you, and in justice to the principles of your engagement to abide my decision in council, make it a matter of honor and conscience among yourselves, that Mr. Harris and his deputies shall not meet with any interruption in so essential and an immediately necessary a discharge of his duty, in obedience to the laws of this country. WILLIAM TRYON. HiLLSBORo', August 1, 1768. Harris asked for his levy — and we told him we had agreed to lay the case before the Assembly and the whole of the Council before we chose to pay ; and nobody offered him the least insult. We agreed upon an answer to the Governor's first letter, and ordered two men to deliver it to him, which they did the 5th of August : but we have lost the copy. However, the purport of it may be seen by the Governor's answer. Eut on Harris's return the Governor's officers were out raising the militia round the town. And the militia kept sending messages to us one after another, by night and by day, what orders they had received, which was to meet such a day, which was in a few days, and to bring three days' provision and nine charges of ammunition. These alarms run night and day, and caused multitudes of the people to gather together, who chose out eight men, and sent them to the Governor. The men returned with the fol- lowing answer, viz. : — "In the first place, the Governor declares that he never had an intention to bring down Indians, nor of raising the militia in order to break in upon any settlement, as has been falsely represented ; and that he again repeats his firm resolution to do justice to the people in everything wherein they have been injured, as far as is in his power. "In the next place. Col. Fanning agrees that the dispute between him and the people shall be settled at the next Supream Court ; that if the Chief Justice and his Associates give judgment against him on the trial of Mr. John Lowes, or any other deed, he is willing and shall refund the full sum, over his lawful fees which he has taken, to every man who shall apply to him, bringing his deed along with him ; and that they shall pay no cost. " In the next place Mr. Xash agrees to the same thing, with respect to his clerk's fees, as he has already wrote to the Regulators. ORAXGE COUNTY. 313 '* In the last place, the accounts of the sheriffs, with the vestry and the courts for the parish and county tax, have been examined and approved, and when a settlement is made for the insolvents, the full State, in the same man- ner, shall be pasted up in the court house. ■ " The Governor will give no directions for the sheriff to proceed in his col- lection till after the Supream Court." At the same time he appointed the Regulators to meet on the 17th day of August, at George Sally's, where the sheriffs were to attend with their settle- ment, and give satisfaction to the public on the said 17th of August. We met, but none of the past sheriffs came. John Lea, the new sheriff, came, and brought a letter from the Governor, viz. : — " Atigiist Uth, 17G8. " Gentlemen — I had every reasonable hope that my letter to you from the council-chamber, the 21st of June, would have given you not only the most cordial satisfaction, but have prompted you with the most ardent zeal to have immediately subscribed to every direction contained therein, conform- able to the declared resolution in your address to me. " It is with a sincere regret I at this time reflect on the disobedient and ungrateful return you have made me, both by your disregard to every part of direction in the above-mentioned letter, and your refusal to pay your public levies to Mr. Harris, late sheriff, who demanded them of you on the second of this month at a general meeting, in virtue of his legal powers, and in compliance with the letter I sent you by him, urging the immediate payment thereof. " The candor with which I treated the rash and precipitate stejjs of your past conduct, and the just means and effectual measures I pointed out for removing the causes of complaint, would have given ample satisfac- tion to every man who petitioned me with an intention to be satisfied with justice. '• By your letter delivered me the 5th instant by Messrs. Low and Hunter, I have the mortification to find every lenient measure of mine has been per- verted, and the friendly aid I offered to correct the abuses in public ofiicers, which it was my duty to tender, considered by you as insufficient. " The force of the proclamation was to caution public officers against, and prevent as much as possible, extortion. It is the province of the Courts of law to judge and punish the extortioner. The dissatisfaction also you ex- press, that your address and papers were not laid before the whole council, is equally groundless, with your declarations of the insufficiency of the pro- clamation. " By his Majesty's commission and instruction, three counsellors make a board ; and with five members business may be transacted of the highest dignity. Whereas six gentlemen of the council were present when your address and papers were laid before that board. ''The resolutions you have taken to petition the legislative body is ex- treamly agreeable to me ; my services on that occasion shall not be wanting to redress any real grievance.* " It is necessary I should now inform you, in humanity to your misguided passion, and in justice to the integrity of my intentions, that you are pur- suing measures highly criminal and illegal — and it is a circumstance of real aflliction to me, since I consider you as acting upon principles no less void of faith and honor, than inconsistent with every moral and religious duty. " You have given occasion to every man of property and probity by the * This far relates to our letter, which copy we have lost, but the purport, as I hinted before, may be gathered from the answer, and what I will now observe : That is, we did not complain that there was not a sufficient number to do business, but that our thanks would been more had he called the whole council ; and we not only thought so, but likewise both thought and expected he would have called the Assembly ou the occasion. Which we now recommend in order to strengthen him to help us. 314 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. open, unreserved menaces you have thrown out against the lives and proper- ties of many of the inhabitants of this country, to look on your designs as bent rather upon destroying the peace of this government, and the secu- rity of its inhabitants, than a wish or intention to wait for any legal process against those you imagine have abused their publick trusts. "Upon these alarming prospects I esteem it my duty to provide for the safety of the government, and to take care that the publick receive no damage ; to prevent, therefore, as much as possible the heavy expense that must ac- crue to the province, by providing against the insults that are intended to be offered to his Majesty's Superior Court of Justice, I am peremptorily to re- quire on your part that at least twelve of your principals, and those of the first property, wait upon me at Salisbury, on Thursday the 25th of this month, and there in my presence execute a bond in the sum of one thou- sand pounds, as a security that no rescue shall be made of William Butler and Herman Husbands, at the Superior Court at Hillsborough, they being under recognizance then to appear and take their trials. WILLIAM TRYON." We sent him the following answer, viz, : — August im, 1768. May it please your Excellency — We received your letter by the hand of Mr. Lea, at the only time that ever our officers showed any real intentions of informing us to what use our money is applied, and at a time when we had hopes and were porswaded matters were likely to be settled to the peace and satisfaction of the publick. But finding by your letter that your Excellency is displeased, and charges us with breach of honour, and that we have given occasion to be looked on as rather bent upon destroying the peace of this government than to wait for justice — At all which we are truly affected with sorrow and concern at the thoughts of any difference arising between your Excellency and us, and that (as through false reports and alarms, the commonality, under oppression, have been incensed, and occasion given) we determine to use our utmost en- deavors to guard against such offences for the future. Amidst our sorrow we are rejoiced in this to find that your Excellency is agreeable to our resolutions to petition the legislative body, which is gene- rally agreed on. As to the demand for security not to rescue the prisoners, we beg that it may be considered that the alarms or raising men and Indians to cut off the inhabitants of this county as rebels, when they knew in their hearts and consciences they were guilty of no other crime but endeavoring to obtain justice, and detect fraudulent practices in the ofiicers, which has been so common in this province, that it is mentioned in many acts of Assembly made to remedy the same, which constantly prove unsuccessful, and we con- ceive ever will be so — until the publick is encouraged to assist and help by complaining and producing matters of fiict against the particulars. Now these alarms were thought by the most considerate to be without good grounds, and such interposed, moderated, and pacified the whole; and those, it is likelj', may be looked on as the principals or leading men. And such as these will ever use the same care, and will, no doubt, be able to govern the multitude by reason ; and yet not one of them would be willing to enter into bonds, for the noise of such a step would be likely to hinder their in- fluence. Moreover there never was any intent to rescue the prisoners, but to beg the Governor to dissolve the Assembly ; and so far as we know the minds of the people, in general, this one step alone would at once stop every mouth and every complaint, but what would go through, and by way of such repre- sentatives as should then be chosen. As the Governor may observe by the detail of all our proceedings that it was the representatives refusing us a conference, and threatening us for re- questing one, and frightening and deterring us from petitioning for redress, that first gave occasion fur disorder; therefore as the stopping the free ORANGE COUNTY. 315 passage of this channel for redress, has occasioned the obstruction of good order, so the opening of which passage -will as assuredly restore it again. Signed in behalf of the Kegulators by _^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ PETER JULIAN, THOMAS WELBUPvN. It was false before that the Governor did not attempt to raise the militia, it was true now ; for finding he could not trust the militia of our country, he tried all over the province ; and witli what pains and false representations of us, is best known to the inhabitants everywhere among whom he apphed. It was said he represented us as a faction of Quakers and Baptists, who aimed to overset the Church of England, &c. This caused us to view ourselves, when we found our body to consist pro- miscuously of all sects, and the men who we put most trust in were of the Church of England communion. In short, every honest man who was not deterred by fear and cowardice was on our side. The formality of sub- scribing articles or swearing had never been in use since the Governor's Secretary met us ; and to prevent mobs and riots was our chief study, as they were the only things we feared our enemies could get an advantage against us in, and what we believed they endeavored to drive the popu- lace to. AH this preparation of the Governor's put us to it for a while to rule the inconsiderate, they looking on it as the Governor chose the sword, that they were at liberty to defend themselves ; and the prisoners they were afraid to trust to a trial, lest they might hang them by an arbitrary power ; so it was at length agreed the prisoners should not appear, and every man to be left at his liberty to go to the court as well armed or not as he pleased ; but not to use them nor oifer the least insult, unless an attempt was made to massacre us ; and that if they could not ofier such terms as the Governor and country could come to an agreement in peace, to return home, and leave the Gover- nor to fight the air. AVe had very little good opinion of the Governor now ; for when the Sec- retary agreed we should petition the Governor, and we had advertised it, and for them who had material grievances to get them attested before a magis- trate, yet the ofiicers, when they found their mistake, as I mentioned before, soon scared all the magistrates but one, that they would give no person his qualification. And though, when Hunter mentioned this in the council at Brunswick, the reply was that it was a weak thing in them to act so ; yet this one who had served us was now so talked to by the Governor himself, that he refused also. The Governor soon found he could not trust the militia, they were so gene- rally attached to our side. So he swore every man with an odd kind of an oath ; and in many places the inhabitants being so alarmed, took our me- thod, and assembled themselves together to consult one another what to do ; and some put their resolutions in writing, viz. : — Orange County, August l^th, 1768. " The critical afi'airs in public has caused us to meet to consult what is our duty. We have been warned to go against a set of people called Regulators, under the term of being enemies. AVe look on them as loyal subjects, acting for the good of our country. Until they are proved enemies, we don't think it our duty to go against them. We hear a rumor of being fined for not ap- pearing against these our brethren and neighbors, which we desire to oppose until ifcan be made appear it is our duty — and their articles are proved con- trary to law. And we design to apply to his Excellency, our Governor, to hear our grievances in case we are fined." By the date and purport of this paper, it looks as though there had been truth in these alarms mentioned in our last letter dated this same day, which we have therein allowed to have been false. I never observed this before I was preparing it for the press. 316 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Morris Moore, one of our Associate Judges, having encouraged the Regu- lators to stand firm to the cause, in a manner I suppose every honest man in the province would have desired to have done if they were not frightened out of it, as was attempted on Moore, as may be seen by his letter to Colonel Fanning. Springfield, Aug^ist the VltJi, 1768. To Colonel Edmond Faning : Dear Sir — " As much as I hate writing I am determined to scratch this side down, with a bad pen and worse ink, on the subject of the insurrection in your county, which I am sorry to hear has grown formidable, and much more so that it is a'scribed to me as its author and encourager. " I have been calumniated before now, but never so capitally as in this case. " I assure you it gives me much concern, in spight of the consolation a clear conscience affords me. " I never knew or even saw, as I know of, in all my life, any man or men concerned in this unlucky affair, except Hunter and Howell ; and I made you fully acquainted with the advice I gave them : but I shall say no more on this head. I have blackened my page, and must conclude my letter with assuring you, I esteem you, and am Your most obedient, &c. M. MOORE. On the first day of the Supream Court which was at Hillsborough, on the 22d day of September, 1708, we appeared about three thousand seven hun- dred, and took up about half a mile from the town, and sent our propo- sals to the Governor ; which was, that if he would let us peaceably come into town to complain of our officers, and pardon all past breaches of the peace (except the two under bail, who would stand their trials), we would pay our levies as usual, &c. Now we knew of no other concession he could want of us. But the next day he sent his answer that every man must give up his gun in pledge, till the prisoners were tried ; upon which we immediately returned, except about thirty, who carried him their guns. As to the proceedings of the court, we being debarred from being there, can give you no better information than that one of the prisoners drew up in vindication of his own case. Only, we may add, that a whole troop of Bomb Sheriffs came after us next day to take such as they had orders for back, and wheie they met with quiet peaceable men, they went along, but some of a contrary disposition used some of them very rough. All those who went along the bills were all found ignoramus. The case of Herman Husbands, prisoner aforesaid, is as follows : — On the second day of May, a little after sunrise, ten or a dozen men, armed with guns and pistols, entered the back door of my house ; and Thomas Hart took hold of me, and said you are the king's prisoner. I asked upon what account. He said on suspicion of having a hand in the mob. They hurried me off without letting my wife fetch me some money, when I called to her for some. In about two miles they come up to where Colonel Faning was waiting for them. He asked me, stutteringly, and with visible confusion, why I did not come to see him in so long a time. I told him I knew no call I had. He said, well you'll come along now. I said I sup- pose I must. lie said ay ; well— and set off to town, where William Butler and I were put into a fort, mounted with two swivel guns, under a strong guard, and after some hours took me out before Thomas Lloyd, who read a paper of somebody having informed there was cause of suspicion that I had a hand in the mob. I told him I had not. Then he swore Col. Faning, who said he formerly had received a paper, summoning him to appear at a mill, and he thought ORANGE COUNTY. 317 it was my hand — and he had received papers from the mob, which referred to that paper. Then John Hogan was swore ; who said I had confessed I had been at some meetings of the mob. Thomas Lloyd then ordered me to prison, and William Butler was put in with me, where we lay till about midnight, when we were taken out and tied hand and foot, and many telling us we would be hanged, Butler especially, if I escaped. It came into my mind that if I made Col. Faning some pro- mises he would let me go. So on my motion he was sent for, who signified to me he had been asleep, and was called and told I wanted to see him, and he had come to see what I wanted with him. Says I if I may go home, I will promise not to concern myself any more whether you take too large fees or not, &c. It took with him, and, after huming^ a little, he repeated over what I must promise, which, as near as I can re- member, was to this effect: — ■ " You promise never to give your opinion of the laws, nor frequent as- sembling yourself among people, nor show any jealousies of the officers taking extortionary fees ; and if you hear any others speaking disrespect- fully, or hinting any jealousies of that nature of officers, that you reprove and caution them, and that you will tell the people you are satisfied all the taxes are agreeable to law, and do everything in your power to moderate and pacify them." All which I promised, with a particular exception, that when any election was on hand, I reserved liberty to assemble myself among people, and to have liberty to converse, and to this he said, to be sure. This was so barefaced, that as there was twenty or thirty of the country peo- ple to guard us, I looked every minute for them to cry out and release us.* But Faning went and walked to and fro a few minutes- by himself, then came to us and said, we must enter into bail; so some of themselves bailed me, and took me fur Butler's bail. They had exceeding hard work before Butler would consent, when they told him very seriously, that if he went to Newborn, he actually would be hanged. He paused awhile, and said, I have but one life, and I freely can give that up for this cause, for God above knows, our cause is just; and he did not consent at last, till Fanning promised to clear him at the court without cost. It was now daybi-eak, and about sunrise we got the recognizances done, and was hurried away to stop the people from coming after us. Now, when the Governor and country fell out, and he got to enlisting and swearing men, and Morris Moore's letter was handed about to show he was scared, 1 concluded to sell my land, and raise money to clear my bail, and so leave the Province, for I was now left alone ; the Regulators, some of them insulted me, that if I did not join now, they would let the Governor do as he pleased with me. I was for my safety obliged to abscond from them as well as the Governor, and took the woods for two weeks, and had got fifteen miles from my habita- tion, and had sent for my horse, clothes, and money, to set off in a day or * I was not so much mistaken here in the people as I was afterwards informed, for they had messengers coming: and going all night, carrying intelligence to the country be- low town, who were gathering in companies on every part of the road, to watch their motions, for there were people below town who had been led into the secret of their de- signs, which was absolutely to hang two or three of us, at all events, to scare the rest. And these plans were laid down below, and these orders sent up for our ollicers to bring down two or three of us. Tliey had attempted this same thing before, while Faning was below, in a more formidable manner, for they had ordered several captains below town, to have companies under them on the road at several stages, and appointed a mus- ter above town, at which muster they were to pick out such a number as were suitable, and go and take two or three, and with all speed convey them below town, and deliver them to these t'resh comjianies staged there, to prevent being overtaken. Nothing but the baseness of their design could have given them such suspicions of being followed. How- ever, some cute fellows at the muster above town, raised a report that three hundred Regulators were seen to cross Ilaw River that morning, and the companies, olficers and all, each took his own road, and made the best of their way home. 318 HISTORY or NORTH CAROLINA. two This messenjrer, luckily for the Province, met John Wilcocks at my house and my wife ventured to inform him where he might see me. He gave me encouragement to stand trial, by assuring me a great number of good honest gentlemen was coming up to see that justice should be done, and among the rest a lawyer. , ., , , -r. i i. x x x Wilcocks left me at John Pyle's, while he and Pyle went to town to see if the lawyer, or any of them had come ; but Faning could tell them the law- yer was not a coming, and ordered him and Pyle out of town. Upon this, Wilcocks was almost outdone, but engaged me to stay till he rid down to Cross Creek, to meet or hear what had become of them. He never returned till the night before court, and heard nothing of his lawyer or friends ; but by fair promises from some of the council and head officers, and the kind's attorney, that I should get justice, he would have me venture, and had orders from the Attorney-General for me not to come into town, but stay among the Regulators till he came out to us. After the Attorney-General had come out, the Regulators would not let me go into town, unless everybody had liberty to go, as usual in all courts, and Wilcocks being discouraged, consented to let me go off, and when it was dark, he accompanied me some of the way, but as soon as we got from among the crowd, he rid on before very silent for some time, and clapped his hand on his thi'gh, and cried out aloud, " The Lord have mercy on me, the whole Pro- vince is undone ! Good God — that ever I was born !" This, and the like, he repeated several times, after intervals of silence. I wanted to hear if he would reflect anything on me, but when I found he had not, and being convinced his sight of the advantage my going away would give our enemies, I consulted in myself what to do ; I had no point to determine, but whether to risk my life or not; here was the ruin of the Province for certain put in one scale, a risk of losing my life by false arbi- trary proceedings in the other; and the safety of the privileges, and the liberties of the people soon outweighed. So I rid up a little nearer to Wil- cocks, and waited till he gave another cry to lament the case ; then I asked him if he was of the mind I had best stand trial yet ; he says yes, and I will go with you, and stand by you to the last — which I sincerely believe he was confident at that time to perform, as Peter ever was. And I also confided in him that I had one friend. But now again, after we took up Camp, and spent great part of the night in telling him how they had carried on matters, and he viewing, I suppose, Avhat he had seen, got a sight that a snare was laid for my life, which he put to me to let him know if I had any apprehension that way, that hewould by no means be the cause of persuading me into any danger of that kind. I told him not to say a word on that head, for my resolutions were fixed, and had I more than one life to lose, they were unalterable. When we came into town next morning, before an hour, I clearly dis- covered by Wilcocks' countenance that he was scared ; but death nor nothing else could now alter my resolutions to stand the test ; and Wilcocks m:ide a motion to me to fee a lawyer. And when I went to them in this condition, for though my senses remained good, yet property felt to me of no value, for (it is a very true saying, that all a man has he will give for his life) they soon got all the money I had, and bonds and notes for £150 more. But when Wilcocks came to know I had given so much, he called me fool, and seemed grieved, from which I was in hopes he had got over his fright. But the next morning I received the following letter from him, by the hand of a ragged boy, whom I knew not, viz. : — To Mr. Husband. September 23, at Mr. Gate's. Sir — I have been ordered out of town under pretence of being concerned with the Regulators, which probably may surprise you again ; but I hope you will take resolution, and not be scared by our enemy, which is their only ORANGE COUNTY. 319 scheme to defeat us ; but you may depend I shall send somebody in to be youi- security in case a bill should be found against you. Sir,. your sincere friend and humble servant, JOHN WILCOCKS. ■ Now I had not one friend left, and I rid some miles out into the country to get some word sent to my own neighborhood, if possible, to get some of them to come and be evidences for me, as well as to prosecute officers ; for I equally saw our cause lost, if we did not make something appear this Court against them. There I met with another letter from Wilcocks to the Attorney-General, by which I found I need look for no help from that cjuarter, for any trust that he put in the Attorney-General, I was now persuaded would fail. The letter was as follows : — To Mr. M' Glare, Attorney-General. September, 1768. Sir — This serves to inform you there was occasion for my leaving town in a few minutes warning. I must think I am very ill rewarded for all the fatigue and care, with the risk of my life and estate, in order, and for no other end but to accommodate so dangerous a dispute. As I had no other occasion to be security for Husbands, but to prevent mis- chief, you, with the Court, cannot be unacquainted with my industry in the matter, and of their encouragement to me for that purpose, which I faithfully acted as far as capable. However envy and malice may represent me to the Governor or Court, I am ready to answer for when called on. That you wont let me suffer for my good intent, and encourage Husbands to stand his ground till I am released of his security ; and if he is found guilty, that security may be found for him till trial. Sir, your humble servant, JOHN WILCOCKS. It was on a Sunday that I got this letter, having, as I said, rid out some miles to send to my own neighborhood, but was oljliged to get a pass before I could get out of town. I could not even walk the streets about the Court- house without being insulted at every turn. The soldiers thrusting their bayonets at me within a few inches of my body, and dragging me once into a public house, setting me upon a table, and surrounding me with a ring, made sport of me, which, after a half or quarter of an hour at least, I observed John Ash, who was the commanding officer, reach forth his hand to push some of them from me, and says, " Hold, don't carry the joke too far." I catched hold of his sleeve, and when he looked on me, I asked him if I was at liberty. Says he, " You have been under no confinement." Then I pushed my way through them ; and to help Mr. Ash's memory, as I hear he denies this, he came to me in the street, and asked me why I had asked him if I was at liberty. Because, says I, John Wilcocks had told me thou was the Commanding Officer. The pass was as follows, viz. : — Sir — Permit Mr. Herman Husbands to pass your guard and sentinels. I am, sir, your most humble servant, THOMAS LLOYD, Major- General. To the Officer of the Guard at the West End of Hillsboro'. Saturday noon. The following is the qualification of Peter Savory, who, at this campaign bore the title of Captain Savory, for I had observed him to look at some of the soldiers. His evidence is as follows, viz : — • Orange County, ss: — This day came Feter Savory before me, and made oath, that at last Septem- 320 HISTORY OP NORTH CAROLINA. her Superior Court, he saw several young men a pushing their bayonets towards Herman Husbands, but did not know them to touch him. Certified under my hand, this 25th day of March, 17^9. JOHN PRYOR. On Mondij morning two or three of my neighbors had come, and as soon as Court sat, ColowfA Fanning accused me of crimes committed since I had entered into the recognizances, and signified they were of so high a nature as concerned my life. Hereupon I was committed to prison. And the first salutation I received from the prisoners, was their pointing to a gallows, erected between two Joyces of the prison, right over the middle of the floor ; and the prison was new built, of a higher pitch than usual, and forted round. Here were nine or ten prisoners. Most on account of the regulation, and the prison so little, that wo could not all lay down at once. The remembrance of what I had read of Inquisitions, East India Imprisonments, &c., was now very fresh in my mind. At night, William Butler and me was sent for, and there were some men procured to be our bail ; but when I got out I found my neighbors and evidences were all gone. If property was of no value to me before, it was less now ; I looked on myself as a captive among enemy Indians, Nabobs or Lord Inquisitors. I tried the lawyers whether they were fond of greater obligations, and, as I hinted before, my senses was good enough ; and I re- membered the story of the beaver, that when he was chased for his stones, cut them out, and threw them away. So I gave them what notes or bonds they pleased to write, for I never read or examined a word in them. At next Superior Court, before my trial came on, these obligations were demanded of me ; but I denied payment of them, as I looked on them to be of no force, and the lawyers urged honor in the case. Upon which I told them to quit the obligations, and I would pay them as much as I could do with honor, and without being laughed at for a fool. However, they have sued for the obligations ; and for the information of the public, and all concerned for justice, I would inform them that our Law, by Chaji. IV. in Section the 2d, of volume i. page 3, allows an attorney thirty shillings for a suit in the General Court, and fifteen shillings in the County Courts, which, as by the preamble to the said law, may be seen, was thought sufficient to compensate an attorney for his trouble for prosecuting or defend- ing any suit or cause in any of the said Courts in this Province. And in page the 10th, of volume iii. in 44th section, a lawyer's fee is de- clared to be thirty shillings in the Superior Court ; and in the Pee Bill, Attorney-General's fee is to be in common suits the same as another attorney, which implies other attorneys' fees were ascertained. Neither are they author- ized by any law to take more ; nor is there any other larger fees anywhere established. And by the Law, in page 140, section 2, any person or persons whatsoever, are debarred from creating, making, demanding or receiving *any other fees than such as shall be established by the Governor, Council, and General Assembly. Here is no exception made of lawyers. The lawyers will attempt to urge that any tradesman has a liberty to make a bargain, and set a price on his own work, according as he does his work ; for, say they, if we must be con- fined to the lawful fee, we 'will do no more for that fee than the law obliges us to do. To the first I say, no tradesman could be at such liberty were there the same laws prohibiting them, and setting bounds to the prices of their work as there is to lawyers' fees. Neither is there the same reason to set bounds to the one as there is to the other; for if one man will have finery and super- fluity on a piece of work, and pay a high price for it, this does not oblige his neighbor to do so too. Whereas, by giving a larger fee to a lawyer than is sufficient to compensate him, taking one action with another for his trouble and expense in prosecuting or defending any suit or cause, so far as is neces- ORANGE COUNTY. 321 sary and just, so far the law obliges him to : (in answer to the last part of the objection.) I say, by one man's giving more, it is attended with this evil ; such attorney can afford, and will study so much sophistry and false arguments and glosses, that will blind influence and confuse the jury, as makes it necessary for the other honest man to run to the same expense, just to unravel and undo the false unnecessary work the other has done ; and in all this cost and expense (which is not only their fees) there is not the least benefit, nor is it in the least conducive to come at truth and justice, but quite contrarily renders it obscure and dark. And at best, where the parties are equally yoked, it makes the same justice costly and hard to be come at, and serves to increase an unnecessary number of men as lawyers, who might be useful members of society, in following other necessary business. And this evil has always been foreseen by all legislative bodies, who have bounded their fees by the laws. But man's ambition, who are contentious one against another, has prompted them to such a willing compliance to the lawyer's avarice, in violation of those laws, that in this Province, and perhaps all others, this evil has grown so that it affects the peaceable, honest man so much, that the lawyers has become the greatest burden and bane o? society that we have to struggle under ; which instances are so numerous, it would be tedious to mention more than a few instances. First, they have by these unlawful means been empowered to calculate the laws to suit their purposes ; and where a contentious fellow owes an honest man a just debt, we will suppose it but five pounds, a lawyer will have thirty shillings for this cause in the County Court, and five pounds in the Superior, if he appeals ; where, if the honest man gains his action, he recovers seven pounds five shillings, and is six pounds ten shillings out of pocket, and so recovers just fifteen shillings for his five pounds. And where an honest man is indicted by a rogue, he must pay a lawyer at least five pounds ; and if he is acquitted or not, the cost, besides five pounds, is the least they will look at now-a-days ; and this every year growing higher, ten pounds and fifty pounds in difiBcult cases. And if a lawyer may extort of me five pounds, why not three hundred or five hundred ? as in my own case ; for I was acquitted, as will be seen hereafter. When a man is guilty of a crime, and pays dear for it, he has a remedy wherewith to guard himself for the future, thatis, to take care and not be guilty a second time ; but an honest man has no refuge, but is liable to the same cost every year. If a man owes me a debt of twenty pounds, I am sure to be three pounds ten shillings out of pocket, for no lawyer will touch my cause for less than five pounds, and I can recover but thirty shillings ; and many times they ask ten pounds ; and why not, in time, grow as generally to ten. Now, is it not strange what custom will do; it is a second nature, as it is justly called, for in this case the lawyers have practiced taking extraordinary fees so long, without being punished either by the penal laws or indictments, both of which they are liable to, that they now are hardy enough to attempt to recover extraordinary fees by the law. I hope the Pi-ovince will not be long so grossly blinded. Suppose I suffer now through the stupidity which custom has blinded us with. The following is a copy off the docket relating to the indictments at this court against the principal persons, one on each side, viz : — North Carolina, Hillsboro' District. At a Superior Court of Justice, began and held for the District of Hills- boro', at the court-house, in the Town of Hillsboro', on the 22d day of Sep- tember, 17C8. Present, the Honorable Martin Edwards, Esq., Chief Justice, and Mau- rice MooRE and Richard Henderson, Esqrs., His Majesty's Associates, &:c. The King vs. Herman Husbands. Indictment for a rout. Ignoramus. Witnesses. — Edmund Faning, George Henry, John Butler, John Lea, Zach. Rogers. 322 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Same is. same. Indictment for a rout. Ignoramus. WlC/jes.fe*.— William Holmes, George Henry. Same vs. same. Indictment for a rout. Ignoramus. Witnesses. — Same. Same vs. same. Indictment for a rout. A true bill. Witnesses. — Same. And the defendant, by his attorney, comes and defends the force and in- jury, when and where, &c., and saith, that he is not guilty in manner and form as the plaintiff against him hath declared; and of this he puts himself upon God and the country: Therefore, let a jury come agreeably to Act of Assembly, to recognize, &c. The same day came the defendant by his attorney, whereupon, came also a jury, viz : J M , B W , J K , M R , A 11-^, A W , W D , R K , G R , J B ^ .J M , and R W , who being elected, tried, and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined, upon their oaths do say, That the defendant is not guilty in manner and form set forth in the indictment: Therefo*2, it is the opinion of the court, that the defendant be discharged by proclamation, &c. True copy. — Test. J. WATSON, Clerk. XoRTH Carolina, Hillsboro' District. At a Superior Court of Justice, began and held for the District of Hills- boro', at the court-house, in Hillsboro' Town, on the 22d day of September, 1768— Present, the Honorable Martin Howard, Esq., Chief Justice, Maurice Moore, and Richard Henderson, Esqrs., His Majesty's Associates. The King vs. EdmoxdFanixg. Indictment for extortion. Pleads not guilty. Jury impanneled and sworn, find the defendant guilty : Fined o?ie jjenuy and costs. Same vs. same. Indictment for extor. Same plea. Same entry. Same vs. same. Indictment for extor. Same plea. Same entry. Same vs. same. Indictment for extor. Same plea. Same entry. Same vs. same. Indictment for extor. Same plea. Same entry. Same vs. same. Indictment for extor. Same plea. Same entry. Same vs. same. Indictment for extor. Ante fau Convict. There are many more, but these may suffice, &c. William Butler and two others were tried, and found guilty, and sentenced to lay in prison some months, and pay a large fine, but at the close of the court, two of the prisoners broke out, and the third, though the door was open, would not go till he got a discharge. The Governor's men began to die with the flux, and the officers being found guilty, they grew generally very discontented and angry. The Governor sent a discharge after the two other prisoners, and a general pardon, excepting a few in a county, and disbanded all his men. Nor did ever men look more sheepish and ashamed than they did as they returned, endeavoring to keep up their countenance by hooping and hooraying for the Regulators. On the trial of one of the prisoners for rescuing the mare taken for the taxes, the attorneys mentioned that the legality of the said tax was disputed, and one of the judges, in answer, said that was not a legal way to dispute it ; but if any one thought the tax not legal, they ought to indict the sherifi". This being observed by Herman Husbands, he consulted the Attorney -Gene- ral, observing it to him, who not only remembered the advice, but concurred therewith. Whereupon, Herman Husbands indicted one of the sherifi's, who, being found not guilty, sued the said Husbands for a malicious prosecution. But the Assembly being soon called, and this being a material point, and having x-eceived no satisfaction either from the Governor's answer on this head, nor yet from the proceedings and examinations the court made thereon, we par- ticularly laid it again before the Assembly, who thereupon resolved, That ORANGE COUNTY. 323 three shillings of the public tax was wrong, or no more to be collected, yet, notwithstanding, the sheriffs continued to demand it of us. At the next Superior Court, which was on the 22d of March, 1769, we made some farther trials at the law, but met with less encouragement of obtaining redress in that way, than we had the court before. We minuted down some of the trials, which was in substance as follows : — ■ On a trial, the King against E F , for extortion in his having taken six shillings for registering a deed. He urged in his plea, that he was igno- rant of the law, in that he put another construction on the words, &c., and that he did apply to the County Court, and they adjudged there was two and eight pence for the deed, and two and eight pence for any other writing, and seven pence for the certificate, and seven pence more for recording the certifi- cate, in all, six shillings and sixpence, but that he had generously quit the sis pence. Now, he had pleaded this like cause several times before, in one of which he had took nine shillings and two pence, pleading in that one case, there were two other pieces of writing. Attorney-General, as he had done before, showed the other piece of writing, mentioned in the table of fees, to have no relation to deeds at all, but bills of sale or other papers that might happen to want to be recorded ; and before, he had observed that there was no certainty in the matter at all if it was al- lowed to make another piece of writing out of the deed, for, with as good reason, it might be divided into two or ten pieces of writing. "When Attorney-General was going to reply to the plea of the Inferior Court's judgment, F g stopped him, saying, I give up that, and lay no stress at all on it. Then rose up and gave a charge to the jury to this efi'ect. That though his own judgment was one with Attorney-General, and the same he had given on the like occasion twice before, yet he would remind them of what C F g alleged in his own favor, and so recounted over how he had obtained the judgment of the said Inferior Court, who made the fees out thus : for recording a deed, two shillings and eight pence ; for the other piece of writing, two shillings and eight pence ; and for recording the certificate, seven pence, which makes, says he, six shillings and one penny, so that in the way they constructed the words of the law, he took one penny less. Here, Attorney-General says it comes to but five shillings and eleven pence that way; this putting him to a stand, F g says, there was two other pieces^of writing : ay, says , there was two other pieces of Avriting, which, at two shillings and eight pence a piece, with the deed and certificate, comes to (here he figured a little) eight and seven pence, and so according to this way, Colonel F g took two shillings and seven pence less, &c. I have mentioned this to show the difficulty and uncertainty of these methods, by which like method all our officers make out their extortionary bills, and scarce one of them can make out a bill twice the same way, or any two to make out a bill to come to the same sum. I have seen them pinched here many a time, and not only in this, but when they have had a bill in their hand, with the sum in lumps, they could not make it answer when they un- dertook to divide it into particulars; in which extremity, they generally tell me that it takes a good lawyer to make out a fee-bill, and that few men in the Province could do it but Major M , and Mr. B guin, and intimated it as vain and a crime for any common man to pretend to understand the fee-bill. Bui they have been put to it what to answer me, when I reminded them, that the legislative body calculated it for, and supposed every man to under- stand it, and that it was a pity every officer could not carry Major 31 or Mr. B guin in their pockets. However, to proceed to the minutes of trials, &c. On a trial, the King against John Wood, &c: — The King proved that Stephen Jones, having a writ served on John Erwin for a debt of six pounds, that on serving the writ, Junes and Erwin agreed; 32-1 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. but neither of them paying the cost, this sheriff, John Wood, served an exe- cution on Jones for the cost, and took thereupon, fifty shillings and eight pence, exclusive of thirty shillings which Jones paid a lawyer.^ Attorney-General told the court and jury that he had examined the laws, and could make out no such fees. The Judo'e ordered the defendant to make them out, whereupon the bill ■was handed up to the judge, and he separated the clerk's bill from the sheriff's, and ordered them to make out the sheriff's fees, he being only the defendant. The clerk's bill was twenty-six shillings and eight pence, and when the separate bill was handed up, the judge asked, what is this ten shil- ling's and ei"-ht pence for? And when the defendant's attorney says, for so and so, &c.,'the judge said, that is already charged in the clerk's bill, and is part of the twenty-six shillings and eight pence which I have separated. After some time, they handed it up again, but he returned it in the same manner, saying, some other part of the twenty-six shillings and eight pence was still charged over again. The defendant's attornies, for he had two or three, took the law-book into the bar, and kept working at it so long as tired the judge so that he began to complain. Then one of the attorneys began to read over the bill or say it over by head, thus ; " there is one shilling for a bail bond, and one shilling and four pence, for serving a declaration," and was going on, when Attorney-General says, "there was no bail taken, nor no declaration; the case was immediately agreed, &c." After awhile, one of them again gets up and says ; "and please your honor, I have found a way to make it out ; there was two shillings and eight pence for commitment, and two shillings and eight pence for releasement. But Attorney-General says there was no commitment in the case, nor bail, I am sensible. Where bail is necessary, though a Sheriff don't take bail, yet, as he then stands culpable himself, he might with some reason charge for the bond ; Init no bail was necessary in this case ; the action was immediately agreed." The defendant's attorney replies, addressing himself to the court ; " in the ordinary course of practice, bail is necessary. And, Mr. Attorney (looking at him), you allow all fees to be due which should or ought to have been done." Attorney-General replies, " for my part, I tell you I have examined the law, and can make out no such fees. "^But let the jury take the law-book with them, and if they can make out such fees, it is nothing to me ; for my part I can't. The action was immediately agreed." Upon this, the judge gave the jury their charge, and told them they had to consider how much terror sheriffs must be under from the late disturbances, &c. And that he had been informed that salaries were low ; so that they had this to consider, that whether, if the sheriffs are too much discouraged, it would not be hard to get any to officiate. The jury found the defendant not guilty, and sealed up their verdict tiU court sat next morning. But we being alarmed at such proceedings, showed the aforesaid minutes to the jury, and also to Attorney-General : with the fol- lowing supposition ; upon which the jury disagreed to their verdict, and the matter being debated over again, they found him guilty. The supposition was thus, with a little amendment, viz. : — Let us suppose this case had been between a farmer, plaintiff, and a black- smith, defendant. The farmer pruves that he sent to the blacksmith for a colter ; that he got one which was not steeled, and that the smith dying im- mediately, his executors sent to the farmer and demanded and received thirty four shillings and sixpence, which he had paid ; but now had sued them for wronging him. The plaintiff's attorney informed the court that, by the smith's book, no such account was to be found. The judge then desired the defendant to make it out. He produced his account stated, thus : — ORANGE COUNTY. 325 To a new colter, weight ten pounds £0 15 To six sharps, . . . 3 To eight, do. . . . 4 To laying the colter, . . 5 To the forge for fifteen pounds iron, 7 6 £1 14 6 The judge soon separated the last seven shillings and six pence, being twice charged, it being included in the first fifteen shillings. So then the de- fendant's attorney, allowing the sharpings and layings for granted, had to make out that seven shillings and sixpence ; and they kept searching the book till the judge's patience was tired, and he complained. Then one be- gins to say over the account. There is a shilling for a key to every colter, and one shilling and sixpence for steel. But the plaintiff's attorney says, there was no Key nor steel in the case. Then after some time, says one of them, and please your honor I have found a way to make it out ; here is five shillings for making a shear to the colter, and two shillings and sixpence for steel, which is charged in most people's accounts. But the plaintiff's attor- ney says, " we had no shear, no steel, nor key. The blacksmith died imme- diately before ever the colter was used, as has been proven. I am sensible that by a bad heat a blacksmith might put steel on a colter, which, possibly, might drop off before it came into the owner's hands, and it might possibly be charged ; but then the blacksmith stands liable to put it on, and make it good." The defendant's attorney replies, " and please the court, in the ordinary course of practice there is always a shear to every colter, and they are gene- rally steeled ; and, Mr. Attorney (looking at the plaintiff's attorney), you allow that steeling may be charged, though so badly put on as to come off; and with as good reason it may be charged, though not done at all ; because in the general course of -practice it ought to have been done, &c. &c. &c." A word to the wise is sufficient. By the fee-bill, the whole cost of this suit came to but fourteen shillings and one penny, after reckoning up every service that possibly could have been done, viz. : — To entering Jones and Irwin on Docket £0 7 Entering an attorney ; the law allows nothing, but, suppose To a writ, To serving the writ, To calling the action in court, . Sheriff returning it agreed; no allow- ance in law ; suppose Entering the action agreed, Calling it over agreed, . Drawing bill of cost, Issuing execution. Serving execution, one shilling in pound Tax fee, if due, 7 1 1 5 4 4 4 7 4 9 2 7 1 4 I 6 2 6 £0 14 1 The Governor had dissolved our Assembly and granted us a new election, on the 10th of July, 1768 ; a little before which the Regulators wrote the fol- lowing address to the inhabitants in general. To the Inliahitants of the Province of North Carolina. Dear Brethren : — Nothing is more common than for persons who look upon themselves to be injured than to resent and complain. These arc sounded 326 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. aloud, and plain in proportion to the apprehension of it. Our Tearfulness too, frequently augment our real as Avell as apparent dangers. Let us adjust our complaints or resentments to the reality as well as the nature of the injury received. Excess in any matter breeds contempt; whereas strict propriety obtains the suffrage of every class. The oppression of inferior individuals must only demand tutelage of superiors ; and in civil matters our cries should reach the authorative ear, when the weight that crusheth descendeth from the higher powers. But when imposed by populace, to the populace our complaints must extend. When therefore the cry of any city, province, or nation is general, it must be generally directed to the source from whence the cry is caused. The late commotions and crying dissatisfactions among the common people of this province, is not unknown or unfelt by any thinking person. No per- son among you could be at a loss to find out the true cause. "^I dare venture to assert you all advised to the application of the public money ; these you saw misapplied to the enriching of individuals, or at least embezzled in some way, without defraying the public expenses. Have not your purses been pil- laged by the exorbitant and unlawful fees taken by officers, clerks, &c. I need not mention the intolerable expensive method of recovery by law, occa- sioned by the narrow limits of the inferior court's jurisdiction. Have you not been grieved to find the powers of our county courts so curtailed, that scarce the shadow of power is left. This body, however respectable, is in- trusted with little more than might pertain to the jurisdiction of a single magistrate, or at least two or three justices of the peace in conjunction. In consequence of this, very small sums drags us to Superior Courts. These must be attended with all our evidences, although many at the distance of one hundred and fifty miles. Add to this a double fee to all officers ; hence we are made feelingly sensible, that our necessary expenses, with the additional costs, are equal, if not surpass the original sum. For what end was the jurisdiction of the courts reduced to such narrow limits ? Is it not to fill the superior houses with business ? Why has the authority fallen upon this wonderful expedient? Is it not evident that this was calculated for the emolument of lawyers, clerks, &c. What other reason can be assigned for this amazing scheme? — none brethren, none! Has not the charges of Government been unnecessarily raise(J^t(vtEe~^reat increase of the public tax? Has not the public money been entrusted in the hands of insufficient persons, without sufficient securities, or due care taken in accounting for, and recovering the same ? Has not this often reduced us to Lhe disagreeable necessity of contributing or paying by tax the sum once raised — but through carelessness or neglect, or something worse, uselessly consumed? To what does this tend? Is not the issue manifestly the im- poverishment of the country ? — fatal consequences. The exorbitant, not to say unlawful fees, required and assumed by officers — the unnecessary, not to say destructive, abridgement of a court's jurisdiction — the enormous increase of the provincial tax unnecessarily; these are evils of which no person can be insensible, and which I doubt not has been lamented by each of you. It must have obliged you to examine from what quarter relief might be found against these sad calamities : — In vain will joxi search for a remedy until you find out the disease. Many are accusing the legislative body as the source of all these woful calamities. These, it must be confessed, are the instrumental cause ; they can, yea do impose some of these heavy burdens. But whence received they this power ? Is not their power delegated from the populace ? The original principal cause is our own blind stupid conduct. If it be queried, how does our conduct contribute to this ? Answer presents itself — we have chosen persons to represent us to make laws, &c., whose former conduct and circumstance might have given us the highest reason to expect they would sacrifice the true interest of their country to avarice, or ambition, or both. I need not inform you, that a majority of our Assembly is composed of law- ORANGE COUNTY. 327 yers, clerks, and others in connection with them, while by our own voice we "have excluded the planter. Is it not evident their own private interest is de- signed in the whole train of our laws ? We have not the least reason to expect the good of the farmer, and consequently of the community, will be consulted by those who hang on favor, or depend on the intricacies of the laws. What can be expected from those who have ever discovered a want of good princi- ples, and whose highest study is the promotion of their wealth ; and with Avhom the interest of the public, when it comes in competition with tlieir pri- vate advantages, is suffered to sink? — nothing less than the ruin of the public. Have we not hitherto, in a great degree, chosen such men as have been de- scribed ? Nay, have they not been such as are dependent in their fortunes, with great expectation from others, or enjoy places of benefit and trust in the government? Does not reason declare we might expect such cringing vassals would readily sacrifice the interest of the community to idol self? — Are nor such persons utterly disqualified for supporting our rights and properties ? Is it not high time to seek an antidote against such deadly poison before it utterly destroys us ? But you will say : What is the remedy against this malignant disease ? I will venture to describe a sovereign one if duly applied : that is, as you have now a fit opportunity, choose for your representatives or burgesses such men as have given you the strongest reason to believe they are truly honest — such as are disinterested, public-spirited, who will not allow their private advantage once to come in competition with the public good. You grant the prescription is sovereign ; but how shall you obtain such ? I answer : Let your judgment be formed on their past conduct ; let them be such as have been unblamable in life, independent in their fortunes, without expectations from others ; let them be such as enjoy no places of benefit under the government ; such as do not depend upon favor for their living, nor do derive profit or advantage from the intricate perplexity of the law. In short, let them be men whose private interest neither doth nor can clash with the interest or special good of their country. Are you not sensible, brethren, that we have too long groaned in secret under the weight of these crushing mischiefs ? How long will ye in this servile manner subject yourselves to slavery? Now show yourselves to be freemen, and for once assert your liberty and maintain your rights. Thi? election let us exert ourselves, and show that we will not through fear, favor, or affection, bow and subject ourselves to those who, under the mask of friendship, have long drawn calamities upon us. Should we now, through fear or favor, act as we have done, contrary to duty and interest, so far as we do this we contribute to all the mischief con- sequent upon it. Where, then, is that moving principle, self-preservation ? Will you, can you, voluntarily submit yourselves to ignominy and want ? These will aggrandize themselves and swim in opulence. Have they not monopolized your properties, and what is wanting but time to draw from you the last farthing ? who that has the least spirit of a man could endure this ? who that has the least spark of love to his country or to himself would bear the delusion ? In a special manner, then, let us at this election arouse all our powers to act like free public-spirited men, knowing that he that betrays the cause now betrays his country, and must sink in the general ruin. And as the inhabitants of Rowan could get no indictments preferred against their officers in Salisbury District, they had sent to us, and J II r went to their assistance, and, by the letter following, you may form some idea how matters were carried on, viz. : — Salisbury, September IWi, 1769. To Mr. Husband, Representative for Orange County. Sir: Agreeable to the resolutions of a committee, held at Joshua T- last month, about six or seven of us attended Salisbury General Court to 30 328 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. indict our officers, Tvhen, to our astonishment, we found the grand-jury to be composed of our inveterate enemies, and of such as had been our greatest oppressors. No less than five of them were old sheriffs. In fine, there were but two or three but what were limbs of the law. However, we were resolved to try what justice could be obtained, as we have been so often referred thereto by the Governor and others of the first rank in the Province, who had so repeatedly urged us to legal steps, assuring us we should everywhere obtain the highest justice ; and one had told us he always would be there and see that we had justice. So, relying on these promises, and being conscious the laws was against them who had so repeatedly broke them ; besides, the cries of the people was so great, and oppressions so many, that we durst hardly return home before trial made. We applied to Mr. H r, deputy under Attorney-General ; he appeared well pleased with our design, and assured us he would do all in his power to serve us. A bill was preferred against F k* for extortion, in taking eight pounds five shillings of the Widow C , for the cost of an indictment against her. And the bill found ignoramus, it was proved by the oath of J h H n, that he paid the money to the Sub-SheriS" for the use of the said F k ; and proved by the oath of J — — D , a lawyer, that he got the receipt of the widow some time ago, in order to procure redress for her ; but that he had lost it ; but that it was for eight pounds five shillings. And A m C n proved that F k asked him, when he was making out the bill against the widow, what circumstances she was in ; he said in very good, and had money by her. If that be the case, says F k, I must double the bill. However, the bill was found ignoramus, &c. This letter was longer. After giving an account of several more trials, and all found ignoramus, they were informed by one of the magistrates, which was confirmed by an Assembly-man, that the jury was not the same men which was appointed by authority. This letter was read before our Assembly, and is in the Clerk's Office there. Another petition went from Hillsborough Court, which, after reciting over how much the Governor and authority had recommended us to the law, comes to the matter in hand thus, viz. : — i' ~-- , So that to the law we must go to find redress. Accordingly to law we went, and the present design of this paper is, in as brief a manner as possible, to lay before you our proceedings and success therein. Before the first court happened, troops were raising in all quarters, as was said to guard the court. The effect of these troops was that every man coming into court was examined what business he had. And every one who dared to own that it was to complain of officers, was ill used by the guards and soldiery, and scared away home ; but some few who would not be scared away, was ordered out of town by the commanding officers at a few minutes' warning. None could stay but prisoners, and them denied of attorneys, unless they would give bonds for fifty and to three hundred pounds to each ' attorney. But notwithstanding all which, by the industry of one of the prisoners, some was encouraged to come back, and thi'ee or four actions against an officer was tried, and the officer convicted, who was fined one penny, &c. During the time to the next court, all other officers, except this one, con- tinued to take the same extortionary fees as before; and no troops being raised against us, at the next court people flocked in to make informations. But besides the difficulty of attending courts from thirty to sixty miles, and the officers threatening to sue for malicious prosecutions, and take all other advantages of the law. Besides all this, the Attorney-General did not attend the two or three first days of court, so that most of the people had gone home. Some informations, however, was made after he came, and a few of them tried, in which the officers was all convicted, except in one instance, and im- * Frohock. OKANGE COUNTY. 329 mediately that one prosecutor was sued. Minutes of some of those trials were took down in writing, in which are matters so curious, that we suppose instances of that kind are not to be found elsewhere. Among other things, that the jury was picked, and calculated of such weak and low capacities, that when they had agreed on a verdict, and mixed among men before they gave it in, by hearing others' sentiments they disagreed to it when given in. And this was reported so often, with such marks of in- capacity mixed with honest principles, that the consequence was such con- fusion and contradiction that the jury was discharged at the bar after a verdict agreed to and then disagreed ; and other confessions that two of the jury overruled the rest, and the action was continued to the next court, and this court adjourned. We found, afterwards, these two men of the jury that overruled were much prejudiced in favor of the officers. This discovery put us on examining how the juries were appointed, and finding that to be the province of the Justices of the Inferior Court, we made some complaints of the usage of our justices. But hearing of the proceedings at Salisbury before our general court came on, we chiefly prepared ourselves for observations, and the first we had to make was that the Chief-Justice and Attorney-General, in whom only we had much confidence, that neither of them was at this court. 2d. We observed the Deputy- Attorney and both Associate-Judges lodged with him whom we looked on as our chief enemy and cause of our oppressions, so that men of common modesty was deterred from applying to him. 3d. AVe observed the petty -jury was not picked this court, but the grand- jury was to all intents. 4th. We observed no petty-jury causes were tried this court against officers, so that poor men who had attended all last court and most of this (before it was known) and thirty or forty miles from home, must attend a third court. Some, who had more boldness than others, applied to Deputy , and made information against the Clerk of the Inferior Court for taking three pounds four shillings and sixpence for his own fee on a common attachment. He told them he must have the informations in writing. They found a clerk, and carries it in writing. Then it wanted a date or name, and then some- thing else, till, at length, they got one almost right ; but had gone from office to office so often that one of the clerks d — d them for a pack of sons of b — s, and denied serving them. Deputy- Attorney came also out of his fortification into the street and com- plained lie had been so mucli harassed that he was almost sick. The bill against the clerk, and some more, being at length preferred, was all ignoramus. Next day, Deputy told W B r he would hear no more of us, and, as W B r made complaint of this to the Court, Deputy said it was a lie, and that he only refused him on his ill behavior, and said he was an ill person, running about taking other people's business to do. But in this he was mistaken, for Butler's business was his own ; though some of the other, according to the Governor's directions, was willing to make informations in behalf of the injured. Some made informations to single justices for petty fines, the consequence of which was, judgment went against the defendant for the fine and against the plaintiff for the cost, and the justice, with a loud voice, berating him for a mean pitiful informer. Others applied to attorneys to bring suit on the the penal laws, when they not only found, by a late law, that the clerks of courts were hedged in from the force of the penal laws by ordering suit to be brought against them by a motion to court, and the justices to fine them at discretion, if it appeai-ed they bad wilfully extorted, &c. By all which we could understand the prosecutor, as matters now stand, would get his labor for his pains, and the clerks clear of any cost, &c. This letter, which contained much more, was also read before the Assembly in October, 1769, and is in the clerk's office there. We draw now near to an end, for our Assembly was dissolved before they could, do any business of consequence, so that all things were left in cunfu- 330 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. sion and disorder. We had thirty odd new members this session, and we hope a few more of the old ones will be left out against another. ********* [Here followed the outlines of a speech (or plea), doubtless of Husbands, made in the House last session, in favor of pre-emption rights of settlers on Lord Granville's lands, and two sermons, ("being from a pamphlet of a name- less author,") one from Genesis, xlis. 14, "Issachar is a strong ass, couching down between two burdens ;" the other from Numbers, xxii. 21, "And Balaam rose up in the morning and saddled his ass, and went with the Princes of Moab," in which the troubles of the times, and the injustice of the rulers, are strongly depicted much in the style of John Bunyan, and the spirit of the people roused to resistance.] P. S. There is one thing more that I think necessary to inform the public of, which is this. When we were so discouraged and attacked by our offi- cers, Scotch merchants, and Balaams, as you may see before, and at the meeting of 21st of May, No, VII ; we at that meeting came to a resolution, that if the Governor was against us, and we could get no redress no way, we would, rather than rise in riots, agree not to go to law at all, but leave our differences to arbitrations ; and, accordingly, we had a subscription paper for that purpose. But when it was read, our opposers seemed to resent it as more criminal than all we ever had done before. Howel, who waited on the Governor at Brunswick, had this paper with him; and as he was complain- ing of the court, &c., the Governor says to him, " Why does the people go to law one with another? If they get so little justice at the law, can't they leave their differences to arbitration ?" Howel replies, " We intend to do so, and have a paper drawn up for that purpose ; which, if your excellency pleases, you may peruse, and give it your approbation." The Governor read it, and got in as great a passion with it as our officers did, and ordered Howel to burn it, which I suppose he did ; for it was never seen among us since. But at our last sitting in assembly, we having sent a bill to the upper house for a single justice to try five pounds, and a bill laying greater penalties on lawyers for extortion, and for better explaining the former law in that case. But as the bills were detained, the same expedient presented itself to the members, and a large number out of the house concluded to enter into such a resolution, to recommend it to their constituents not to trouble the law at all, and so starve out our adversaries, similar to the general resolutions of non-importation of British goods. But many being taken sick, and the Governor dissolving them, every one being in a hurry home, I suppose it was forgot. I being informed that the very same thing was on foot in several counties in Maryland, and on my relation of these motions with us, the Marylanders begged me to push that motion, for that if ever it took place in one province it would take immediately in all. For, that the oppression we sustain by the lawyers' combinations and usurpations over the law, and engrossing the whole business of the courts into their own power, is one of the greater evils we labor under, and are in danger of; therefore I have accordingly added this to remind our members and their constituents to give them in charge, not to forget this another time. * 1S@^ The reader may easily observe the foregoing piece to be an un- finished work, not only because the scene is not ended, but, even so far as we have gone, it is like a rich lady stripped of her rich attire and ornaments, and reduced to the habit of a slave ; or like a confused handful of rich ker- nels, picked out of the shells. The occasion of which was the necessity we were in to pick out only the most material parts of what would have afforded a much larger and necessary piece, and that not only to save the expense, but, in reality, because we were pinched for time and opportunity. So that we expect this affair will not end without further particulars worthy of no- tice ; which, perhaps, will be hereafter published with a second edition of this, with an addition of its ornaments and attire. ORANGE COUNTY. 331 To fill up this last half sheet, vre will add so much of a piece that our Governor sent to our last Assembly as we can insert in it; which will show that our jealousies of the bad application of the public money were well- grounded ; the piece is as follows, viz. : — North Carolina, Newbern, October 31, 1769. The fact is too well known to admit of a denial, that in a long course of years past, great sums of the public money have been lost Ijy the negligence or insolvency of sheriffs and other collectors, with their sureties. And it is presumed, that in the same course of time, considerable sums have sunk, after they were lodged in the public treasury, whereof no account has hitherto been made. A law of this province lately passed will, if executed with vigor, probably in a great measure prevent, for the time to come, the first of these mischiefs, and a law to prevent the latter might be of great public utility; for mankind never part with their money, either for private or public benefit, so readily, as when assured that it must be honestly applied for the purposes intended. A constant, regular, plain, and uniform method of keeping the books of accounts of the public revenue, and of stating and settling these accounts, may prevent such abuses, and make it extremely diflicult, if not impracticable, to embezzle the public money. The above pages of Husbands' book, give, in minute detail, and in the simplicity of truth, an impartial relation of the rise and causes of this public commotion. These troubles ended in violence and blood. The reader is referred to the chapter on "Alamance," for the conclusion of this matter, and an official account of the battle of Alamance, fouf^ht 16th May, 1771. This is the only perfect copy of Husbands' book extant ; I found it in the Library of Philadelphia, and for its use I am indebted to the courtesy of Lloyd P. Smith, the intelligent and urbane libra- rian of the company. Colonel Edmund Fanning, who was the chief cause of these troubles, and a distinguished Tory afterwards, was a native of New York. He was taUmt- ed and well educated. He was graduated in 1757, at Yale College, with dis- tinction, and in after years the degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him by that renowned institution. He held the rank of Colonel in the British army. He was member of the Legislature for many years, under the Colonial go- vernment, and Register of the County. It was his extortions, more than those of any other person, that caused the rising of the people of Orange. In their fury, they did not respect tlic per- son or property of Fanning; for they whipped him severely, and destroyed his house, which stood near where the Masonic Hall now stands, in Ilillsboro'. Gov. Martin presented his losses to the Assembly; but that body refused even to consider the petition; and rebuked the Governor for thus trifling with* the house. He followed Governor Tryon to New York. In 1777 he raised a corps of Tories, and called them " the King's American Regimenl." 1779 his property was confiscated in this State. In 1782 lie was Surveyor-General of New York, but was soon forced to Nova Scotia, and on Sept. 23d, 1783, was sworn in as Councillor and Lieutenant of that Province. In 1786 he was appointed Governor of Prince Edward Island, which he held for nineteen years, and a General in the British army. The distinguished lawyer, John Wickham, of Richmond, was his noithow. He married in Nova Scotia a lady of fine personal appearance, who still survives him. He died in 1818 in London, leaving a son, Frederick Augus- 332 ' HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. tus (who became a Captain in tlie British Army and died -n-ithout issue), and tliree daughters, two of whom married to o;entleinen of rank in Engkxnd. One is Lady "\V''ood, a widow; the other the wife of Captain Bentwick Cumberland, of the British army, nephew of Lord Bentwick. Under the advice of liis uncle, Mr. Wickham, when quite young, had ac- cepted a commission in the Royal army. This gave a blow to his popularity in "the Old Dominion" which neither the force of his talents, his extraordi- nary eloquence, or profound learning was able to resist. Although distin- guished as a lawyer, Mr. Wickham never enjoyed any popular favor from the people of Virginia. Lieutenant Nathaniel Fanning, late of the U. S. Navy, who commanded several privateers in the war of 1S12, and the author of Fanning's Memoirs, and Ca])tain Edmund Fanning, who projected the South Sea Exploring Expe- dition by Captain Wilkes, were residents of New York, natives of Connecti- cut, and nephews of Edmund Fanning. The late Col. Alex. Fanning, of the U. S. Artillery, was also his nephew.* The remark in a recent publication that Colonel Fanning suffered " the loss of his cars," from the Regulators, is an error.f As also the statement relative to him in another production, that he married the daughter of Gover- nor Tryon.J Upon what authority these statements are made, is not stated. The violence of the Regulators towards Fanning was doubtless extreme, but that his ears were taken off is not only violence to the integrity of history, but a reflection upon the people of Orange. It is not for a moment to be supposed that after such a disgraceful mutilation, Fanning would have been elevated to the command of a Brigade in the English Army, or honored for a long series of years as Governor of so important a dependency to the British Crown as Prince Edward's Island. The connections of General Fanning, however erroneous his ideas may have been, or however culpable his conduct towards the colonists, are still among us. This statement that he bore on his person so humiliating a mark of disgrace, is not only painful to their feelings, but incorrect, in point of fact. Thomas Burke, Govei-nor of the State, member of Congress, distinguished lawyer, and able statesman, lived and died in Orange County. No public functionary was ever employed by the State in more troubled times, none more active or talented, and none suffered more; none is less kno"wn to pos- terity, lie was a native of Ireland ; of most finished education, and by pro- fession a physician. He emigrated long befoi*e the Revolution to America, and settled at Norfolk, Va., where he practiced his jjrofession. A deep cloud hangs over his early history ; the mystery of his leaving his native land has never been penetrated. lie removed about 1774 to Hillsboro'. He abandoned the profession of medicine and studied law, which he prac- ticed W'ith gi'cat success in Virginia. One of his compeers was Thomas Jef- ferson. Letters are extant from Mr. Jefferson to him. In 1775 with Thomas Hart he represented Orange in the Convention at Newbern (4th April). At the meeting in Hillsboro', August 21st, 1775, he represented Orange with John Kinchen, Thomas Hart, John Atkinson, and John Williams, and Francis Nash, Wm. Armstrong, and Nathaniel Rochester,^ from the town of Hillsboro'. To the Provincial Congress at Halifax, on 4th of April, 1776, Thos. Burke, John Kinchen, James Saunders, John Butler, Nathaniel Rochester; and from the town of Hillsboro', William Johnston were delegates. The seats of the delegates in the Congress at Halifax, in Nov. 1770, which formed the Constitution, being vacated for irregularity, the journals show, that on the IGth December, 1776, Thomas Burke, Nathaniel Rochester, * Watson's Annals of Philadelphia, ii. 341. t "Traditions and Reminiscences of the American Revolution in the South," by Joseph Johnson, M. D., page 573. J Sal)iae".s History of the Loyalists. § After this person the town of Rochester, in New York, was called. ORANGE COUNTY. 333 Alexander Mebane, John Butler, and John McCabe, were duly returned, and took their seats. He took a distinguished part in the formation of the Constitution, and on 20th Dec. 1776, he was appointed (with William Hooper and Joseph Heaves) delegate to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia. They were allowed two thousand dollars a year, paid by the State Treasurer. He continued to serve at Halifax until this body adjourned, 23d December, 177G. This body sat on Sundays: " There are no Sabbaths in Revolutions." He attended the Congress at Philadelphia, and continued his. service until July, 1781, when, by acclamation, he was chosen Governor of the State by the General Assembly. While at Ilillsboro' in the actual discharge of his important duties, at a time of eminent responsibility, he was seized in his house at night, by that notorious marauder and ferocious bandit, Da%'id Fannin (for a sketch of whose exploits and character see Chatham County), on 13th September, 1781, and carried prisoner to AV^ilmington, then in possession of the British under Major Craig (afterwards Sir James Craig, Governor-General of Canada). At the same time, John Huske,* of Fayetteville, who was private secretary to Governor Burke, and James Read his aide-de-camp, and others, were taken by Fannin, and carried to Wilmington. He was sent a prisoner to Charleston and there confined, on St. James' Island. General Butler endeavored to intercept these kidnappers, and over- took them at Linsly's Mills, on Cane Creek ; here a sharp conflict ensued, in which Fannin was severely wounded. But he made good his retreat with his booty. Alexander Martin, who was Speaker of the Senate, exercised, during the captivity of Governor Burke, the executive functions of the Go- vernment. Governor Burke escaped. In April, 1782, he resumed the reins of Govern- ment at Salem. In December, 1782, he was defeated for Governor by Alexander Martin. The circumstances under which Governor Burke regained his liberty, and other causes, prevented his re-election. This doubtless threw a gloom over his spirits. He died the next year (1783), at Hills);oro', leaving a Avife and one daughter, Miss Mary M. Burke, who now resides in Greene County, Alabama. " Duncan is in iiis grave ! ARer life's fitful lever, lie sleeps well I" Alexander Mebane was a native resident and representative of Orange in the Legislature and in Congress. He was of Irish descent, and born in Haw- fields, 26th November, 1767. In 1776 he was with Governor Burke and others, a member of the Con- vention that met at Halifax to form the Constitution. In 1783 he was a member of the House of Commons, and repeatedly afterwards. In 1793 he was elected a member of Congress, and attended at Philadel- phia, where he married a Miss Claypole. He died soon afterwards, 5th July, 1795, leaving, by a former marriage, several sons, among whom are AV^illiam Mebane, Esq., of Mason Hall, and James Mebane, Esq., now of Caswell, who often represented Orange in the General Assembly, and who was Speaker in 1821 ; the father of Giles Mebane, Esq. Alexander Mebane was distinguished for his sound practical sense, his unblemished integrity, and unflinching firmness. General Francis Nash was a resident of Orange County, Clerk of tlie County Court, and representative in the Assembly. He was the brother of Governor Abner Nash, and uncle to Hon. Frederick Nash, now of the Su- preme Court. lie was Clerk of Orange Superior Court under the Royal Governor. * Father of Rev. JMr. Huske, now Hector at Morganton. 334 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. On 22d April, 1776, he was appointed Colonel of the 1st Regiment of North Carolina troops; and subsequently promoted to be Brigadier-General. He was ordered to join General Washington at the North, and commanded a Brigade at the battle of Germantown (on 4th October, 1777), when from a desperate wound he received from a cannon ball, his life was offered up on the altar of his country's liberty. His thigh was shattered by a cannon ball, and the same shot killed his horse and his aid, Major Witherspoon, son of Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, Presi- dent of Nassau Hall. Mr. De Haven assisted in carrying General Nash to his brother's house, where he died. lie suffered much; the bleeding of his wound was so pro- fuse that two feather beds on which he lay were saturated with blood.* He lies buried in the Mennonlst burying ground atKulpsvIUe, Montgomery County, Pa., twenty-six miles from Philadelphia. A monument has been erected over his remains by the patriotic liberality of the citizens of Ger- mantown and Norristown, through John F. Watson, Esq., of Germantown, to whose disinterested kindness North Carolina should be deeply grateful. The following is a correct delineation of the monument and a copy of the inscription. " YOTA VIA MEA JuS PaTRIA. In Memory of General Nash, of North Carolina, Mortally wounded at the Battle of Germantown, Here interred, October 1777, in the presence of the Army, here encamped. J. F. W.'' Major Pleasant Henderson for a long time lived at Chapel Hill, in this County. He was a son of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Williams, and born in Hanover County, Virginia, 9th January, 1756, the youngest of their children. His brother Richardf was a Judge under the Colonial Govern- ment, and a man of distinguished enterprise and Intellect, and the father of late Judge Leonard Henderson, Chief Justice of our Supreme Court, and late Archibald Henderson, Esq. of Salisbury. Pleasant Henderson had a fair education. Ho commenced the study of the law under his brother, but on the breaking out of the war joined the army, In Granville County, as Sergeant- Major, and marched in 1775 to Cross Creek, in an expedition against the Tories, but a few days before they were defeated at Moore's Bridge, and the troops returned. * Watson's Annals of Philadelphia, ii. 53. t For a sketch of his life, see vol. i. 102. ORANGE COUNTY. 335 In 1776, he accompanied his brother Nathaniel, and -went to Boonsboro', Kentucky. After suifering much privation and danger he returned home. In 177U lie volunteered at Charlotte, and was appointed a Lieutenant ; with his company he marched to Charleston. On their arrival they were ordered to Savannah. Thence they proceeded to Brier, Creek on the Savannah Iliver. Lieutenant Henderson was dispatched, by General Ashe, as messenger to Purysburg, and while on this mission, General Ashe was attacked and routed by the enemy. His time of service having expired, he returned home. In 1781, the Legislature ordered a Regim.ent of two hundred mounted in- fantry to be raised, and gave the command to a French officer. Colonel Mal- maledy, and appointed Henderson, Major. Their duty was to harass the advance of Lord Cornwallis. After the war closed, Major Henderson (in 1782) was appointed Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange. When Alexander Martin was elected Governor, he offered Major Hender- son the post of private secretary, which he accepted and served during the whole of Governor Martin's administration. In 1789, he succeeded Jixigo John Haywood, late of Tennessee, as Reading Clerk to the House of Commons, in which he continued until 1830, without ever soliciting the supportof any man or party, but relying on his own merit and qualifications. He removed in 1831 to Tennessee, and died at Hunting- don, in that State, December 10th, 1842. In 1786 he married Sai-ah, the daughter of Colonel James Martin, of Stokes County, by whom he had several children. Among them are Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Dr. Pleasant Henderson of Salisbury, (born 1802,) Dr. Alexander Martin Henderson, of Davie, (born 1807.) Archibald Dkbrow Murphy was born in Caswell County, and was edu- cated at the University, at which he was graduated in 1799. He was tutor for some time in the University, and Professor of languages. He entered public life in 1812, as a member of the State Senate, and served until 1818, at which session he was elected a judge of the Superior Court of Law and Equity, which he resigned in 1820. He was for a period the reporter of the Supreme Court; and was distinguished for his inquiring mind, laborious habits, and public spirit. He died about 1829. Hon. William Norwood, late a Judge of the Superior Courts, was a native of Orange. He was born in 1767. He entered public life in 1806, as a member of the House of Commons, from liillsboro', and was re-elected in 1807. He was elected Judge of the Superior Courts, in 1820, which he resigned in 1836. He died about 1840, and was distinguished for his patience, learning, and firmness. Hon. William Montgomery was long a representative of Orange County. He was born in Guilford County, on Buffalo ; by profession a physician. He entered public life as Senator in the General Assembly, in 1824, and served, with but one intermission, until 1834, when he was the next year elected to Congress, in which he served with great fidelity, until 1841, when he declined. He died 27th November, 1844, aged 53, leaving seven children, one of whom (Dr. D. A. Montgomery) was a member of the House of Commons last session. Hon. Frederick Nash, now a judge of our Supreme Court, is a resident of Hillsboro'. His father was Abner Nash, Governor of the State in 1799. Judge Nash was born in Newborn, in 1781 ; his fiither married tlie widow of late Gov. Dubbs. He represented Newborn in the House of Commons, in 1804, and again in 1805. In 1818 he was elected a judge of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, which he resigned in 1819. In 1827 he represented the town of Hillsboro', in the House of Commons, and again in 1828. 336 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. In 183G he was elected again a judge of the Superior Court, from which in 1844, he was transferred to the Supreme Bench, which dignified position he now occupies, with great satisfaction to the State, and credit to himself. Hon. John Lancaster Bailt resides in Hillsboro' ; for a sketch of whom, the reader is referred to Pasquotank County, in which he was born, and which he represented for many years in the General Assembly. Hon. WiLLiASf Alexander Graham, now Secretary of the Navy, resides in Hillsboro', and has been the representative from Orange for several years in the Legislature. He was born in Lincoln County on the 5th Sept., 1804. He is the son of Gen. Joseph Graham, distinguished for his revolutionary services ; the reader is referred to Chapter XLVI., upon Lincoln County. He Avas graduated at Chapel Hill, in 1824 ; studied law in Newbern. Entered public life in 1833, as a member from Hillsboro' ; re-elected in 1834 and 1835, and from the County in 1836, 1838, and 1840. He was often ^ Speaker of the House. In 1841 he was elected Senator to Congress, and in 1845, Governor of the State. On the election of General Taylor, Governor Graham was tendered the mission to Spain, which he'declined; and on the accession of Mr. Fillmore, he was appointed Secretary of the Navy, which elevated post he now occu- pies. He married Susan Washington, by whom he has an interesting family. Hon. AViLiE Person Mangum, at present one of the Senators in the United States, from North Carolina, is a native and resident of Orange. He was born in 1792, and educated at the University, at which he graduated in 1815. He studied law, and soon rose to eminence in the profession. He entered the stormy sea of politics, in which he has enjoyed so brilliant a career as a member of the House of Commons from Orange County, in 1818. In 1819 he was elected a judge of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity. In 1823 elected a member of Congress, in the House of Pvepresentatives, and served until 1826, when he was again appointed a judge of the Superior Courts. In 1831 he was elected Senator in Congress, and served until 1837. He was again elected Senator in 1841, and re-elected in 1848. In 1837 he received eleven electoral votes (South Carolina) for President of the United States ; and on the death of Gen. Harrison, in 1841, on the accession of Mr. Tyler, he was elected President of the Senate, and served through the terra of Mr. Tyler, in this dignified office. . He married Miss Cain, of Orange County, and has several children. Being now on the theatre of public action, we can only say, that the appreciation of the talents of Judge Mangum, and his character, is fully evinced by the dignified stations it has been his fortune to fill, and he has always been equal to every station he has occupied. Dr. James S. Smith represented the town of Hillsboro', in the House of Commons, in 1821, and the District, in Congress, in 1817, in which he served until 1821. Hon, John Scott represented Hillsboro' in 1825, 1826, and 1827, at which session he was elected Solicitor-General. Several years ago he removed to Texas, where he was elected a judge, and where he died, leaving a wife and a most interesting family, one of whom married J. W. Lancaster, Esq., of Graham. Hon. David L. Swain resides at Chapel Hill ; President of the University of North Carolina, and is a native of Buncombe, for whose biography, see Buncombe, Chapter IX. ORAXGE COUNTY. 337 Hon. William II. Battle resides at same place, and is a native of Edge- combe, for whose biography see Edgecombe, Chapter XXVIII. List of >Icmbers of the House of Commons, from the adoption of the Constitution in 1770 to 1835. HILLSBORO years. House of Commons. 1777. William Courtney. 1778. William Courtney. 1779. Thomas TuUock. 1780. Thomas Tullock. 1781. Thomas Tullock. 1782. Thomas Farmer. 1783. Thomas Farmer. 1784. Archibald Lytle. ^ 1785. John Taylor. 1786. John TaVlor. 1787. John Taylor. 1788. Absalom Tatom. 1789. Wm. Nash. 1790. Wm. Nash. 1791. David Hay. 1792. Samuel Benton. 1793. Alexander D. Moore. 1794. John Hogg. 1795. Samuel Benton. 1796. John Hogg. 1797. Absalom Tatom. 1798. Absalom Tatom. 1799. Absalom Tatom. 1800. Absalom Tatom. 1801. Absalom Tatom. 1802. Absalom Tatom. 1803. Barnaby O'Farrel (Catlett Campbell resigned). 1804. Catlett Campbell. 1805. Catlett Campbell. Years. House of Commons. 1806. William Norwood. 1807. AVilliam Norwood. 1808. Catlett Campbell. 1809. Catlett Cami)bell. 1810. Henry Thompson. 1811. Henry Thompson. 1812. John Street. 1813. Thomas Kuffin. 1814. James Child. 1815. Thomas Ruffin. 1816. Thomas Kuffin. 1817. William Lockhart. 1818. John Scott. 1819. John Scott. 1820. John Scott. 1821. James S. Smith. 1822. Thomas Clancv. 1823. Thomas Clancy. 1824. John Scott. 1825. John Scott. 1826. John Scott. 1827. John Scott. 1828. Frederick Nash. 1829. Frederick Nash. 1830. AVm. II. Phillips. 1831. Thomas J. Faddis. 1832. Thomas J. Faddis. 1833. William A. Graham. 1834. William A. Graham. 1835. William A. Graham. In 1835 the Convention abolished the Borough representation. List of Members of the General Assembly from Orange County, from the adoption of the Constitution to the last session. Years. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. Senate. John Butler, William Mcbane, William McCauley, Wm. JNIcCaulcy, Wm, McCauley, Wm. McCauley, Wm. McCauley, Wm. McCauley, Joseph Ilodge, William Courtney, Joseph Ilodge, Wm. F. Strudwick, House of Commons. Thomas Burke, John Butler. John Butler, Wm. McCauley, AVm. McCauley, Mark Patterson. Wm. McCauley, Mark Patterson. Jesse Benton, Bobert Campbell. Wm. McCauley, Mark Patterson. Alexander Mebane, Thomas Burke. jVlexander Mebane, Thomas Burke. William Courtney, AVilliam Cain. Jonathan Lindlay, Wm. Hooper. Alexander Mebane, Jonathan Lindlay. Alexander Mebane, Jonathan Lindlay. Alexander Mebane, Jonatlian Lindlay. Alexander Mebane, John Carriugton. Alexander Mebane, Jonathan Lindlay. Alexander Mebane, William Nash. 338 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1793. William Sheppard, 1794. ■\Villiam Cain, 1795. William Cain, 1796. William Cain, 1797. Wm. F. Strudwick,' 1798. David Ray, 1799. David Ray, 1800. David Ray, 1801. William Sheppard, 1802. William Cain, 1803. AVilliam Sheppard, 1804. David Ray, 1805. Jonathan Lindlay, 1806. David Ray, 1807. David Ray, 1808. James Mebane, 1809. James Mebane, 1810. James Mebane, 1811. James Mebane, 1812. Arch'd D. Murphey, 1813. A. D. Murphey, 1814. A. D. Murphey, 1815. A. D. Murphey, 1816. A. D. Murphey, 1817. A. D. Murphey, 1818. A. D. Murphey, 1819. Duncan Cameron, 1820. Michael Holt, 1821. Michael Holt, 1822. Duncan Cameron, 1823. Duncan Cameron, 1824. Wm. ^Montgomery, 1825. Wm. Montgomery, 1826. Wm. Montgomery, 1827. Wm. Montgomery, 1828. James Mebane, 1829. Wm. Montgomery, 1830. Wm. Montgomery, 1831. Wm. Montgomery, 1«32. Wm. Montgomery, 1833. Wm. Montgomery, 1834. Wm. Montgomery, 1835. James Allison, 1836. Hugh Waddell, 1838. Joseph Allison, 1840. Wilie P. Mangum, 1842. Joseph Allison, 1844. Hugh Waddell, 1846. Hugh Waddell, 1848. John Berry, 1850. John Berry, House of Commons. Walter Alves, Wm. Nash. William Lytle, Walter Alves. Walter Alves, Wm. Lytle. Samuel Benton, John Cabe. Samuel Benton, John Cabe. James 3Iebane, John Cabe. Samuel Benton, William F. Strudwick. • Samuel Benton, John Cabe. Wm. F. Strudwick, James Mebane. Wm. F. Strudwick, Duncan Cameron. James Mebane, Wm. F. Strudwick. John Thompson, Michael Holt. John Thompson, David Mebane. Duncan Cameron, David Mebane. Duncan Cameron, John Thompson. John Thompson, David Mebane. John Thompson, David Mebane. John Thompson, David Mebane. John Craig, John Thompson. Duncan Cameron, John Craig. Duncan Cameron, John Craig. J. Craig, Frederick Nash. Frederick Nash, John Craig. AVilliam Holt, Frederick Nash. AVilliam Holt, Frederick Nash. James Mebane, AYilie P. Mangum. AV. Barbee, AA^ilie P. Mangum. AVillie Shaw, James Mebane. AVillie Shaw, James Mebane. James Mebane, John McCauley. James Mebane, John McCauley. AVilliam McCauley, James Mebane. AVilliam McCauley, John Boon. John Boon, John Stockard. John Boon, John Stockard. Hugh AVaddell, John Stockard. Thomas H. Taylor, John Stockard. John Stockard, Joseph Allison. Joseph Allison. Joseph Allison, Priestley H. Mangum. Joseph Allison, John Stockard. Joseph Allison, John Stockard. John Stockard, James Forest. AVm. A. Graham, Nathaniel J. King, Jno. Boon, John Stockard. B. Trollinger, J. Stockard, H. Sims, Wm. A. Graham. AVm. A. Graham, Nathan. J. King, M. W. Holt, Cadwallader Jones, Jr. Cadwallader Jones, Jr., J. S. Bracken, John Stockard, Henry K. Nash. J. B. Leathers, Loften K. Pratt, Giles Me- bane, C. F. Faucett. Giles Mebane, C. F. Faucett, J. B. Leathers, Sidney Smith. Cadwallader Jones, Jr., G. H. McDade, J. Stockard, Giles Mebane. Cadwallader Jones, Jr., D. A. Montgomery, B. L. Durban, George Patterson. PASQUOTANK COUNTY. 339 CHAPTER LIX. PASQUOTANK COUNTY. Pasquotank County existed in 1729, one of the original precincts of ancient Albemarle. It derives its name from the tribe of Indians who once owned the soil. It is situated in the north-eastern part of the State, and bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by Camden, south by the Albemarle Sound, and west by Perquimans and Gates. Its capital is Elizabeth City, which is two hundred and fifteen miles north-east of Raleigh. a' Its population in 1850, was 4,611 whites; 1,234 free negroes ; 3,105 slaves ; 7,708 representative population. Its products in 1840, was 473,970 bushels of corn; 45,101 bushels of oats; 19,130 bushels of wheat; 5,778 pounds of wool. Pasquotank sent to the Assembly at Newborn, on 25th August, 1774, Joseph JoxES, Edward Eterigen, and Joseph Redding. To the Assembly at same place, April 3d, 1775, she sent Jonathan' Hear- ing, Edward Everigen, Isaac Gregory, Joseph Jones, and Joseph Redding. To the Congress at Halifax, on April 4th, 1776, Thomas Boyd, Joseph Jones, William Ccmming, Dempset Burgess, and Henry Abkot. To the Convention at Halifax, Nov. 12th, 1776, Henry Ahbot, Devotion Davis, Isaac Gregory, Dempsey Burgess and Lemuel Sawyer. Two Regiments were created in 1776, Thomas Boyd, Colonel of the 1st ; Spencer Ripley Lieutenant-Colonel, Othniel Lascelles Major, John Casey 2d Major. Isaac Gregory Colonel of the 2d, Dempsey Burgess Lieutenant-Colonel, Joshua Campbell Major, Peter Dauge 2d Major. Hon. John L. Bailey, son of Gabriel Bailey, was born in Pasquotank, Aug. 13th, 1795. Educated at Chapel Hill, and studied law under Hon. James Iredell, in Edenton. Entered public life in 1824, in the House of Commons, and elected in 1827 in the Senate, and re-elected in 1828. Elected a Judge of the Superior Courts in 1836, which dignified position he now holds. He married, in 1821, the daughter of Thomas Browrigg, Esq., of Chowan. Hon. William Biddle Shepard resides in Elizabeth City. He was born in Newborn in 1799, educated at Chapel Hill, studied law, elected to Congress iu 1829 and served until 1837„when he declined a re-election. In l^oS he was elected a member of the State Senate, which position he now occupies. Members of the General Assembly from Pasquotank County, from 1T7G to last session. ^ 340 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLIl^A. Years. 1777. 1778. 1779. 17?<0. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1838. Senate. House of Commons. James Ferebee, Thos. Harvey. Thos. Harvey, Thos. Relfe. John Blackstock, Thos. Reading, John Blackstock, Thos. Harvey. Edward Everigen, Edward Everigen, Thomas Relfe, Thomas Relfe, Thomas Relfe, Thomas Relfe, Joseph Keaton, Joseph Keaton, Joseph Keaton, John Swann, Thomas Reading, Joseph Keaton; Joseph Keaton, Thomas Banks, Thomas Banks, Thomas Banks, Bailey Jackson, Bailey Jackson, Bailey Jackson, Thomas Banks, Timothy Cotter, Timothy Cotter, Thaddeus Freshwater, Wm. S. Hinton, Wm. S. Hinton, Wm. S. Hinton, "Wm. S. Hinton, Thaddeus Freshwater, Thaddeus Freshwater, Samuel Warner, Wm. S. Hinton, Wm. S. Hinton, Wm. T. Relfe, Wm. Martin, Asa Sanderlin, Wm, Martin, Wm. Martin, Wm. Martin, John Pool, Wm. C. George, John Pool, John Pool, John Pool, Thomas Bell, John L. Bailey, John L. Bailey, John Pool, Lemuel Jennings, John Pool, John L. Bailey, John M. Skinner, Frederick Whitehurst, Frederick Whitehurst, John M. Skinner, Wm. B. Shepard, Thomas Reading, Wm Thomas Readinj;, Wm Lane. _ Lane. Thomas Reading, John Smithson. Edward Everigen, Abraham Jones. Thomas Reading, Edward Everigen. Caleb H. Koen, Edward Everigen. Edward Everigen, Devotion Davis. Edward Everigen, Reading. Thaddeus Freshwater. Thomas Harvey, Devotion Davis. John Lane, John Hamilton. Devotion Davis, Thomas Banks. Bailey Jackson, John Lane. John Lane, Bailey Jackson. Wm. Ferange, Bailey Jackson. John Shaw, Wm. S. Hinton. John Shaw, Wm. S. Hinton. Thomas Banks, Wm. S. Hinton. Thomas Banks, Wm. S. Hinton. Timothy Cotter, F. B. Sawyer. F. B. Sawyer, Jesse Reading. F. B. Sawyer, Jesse Reading. F. B. Sawyer, Marmaduke Scott. F. B. Sawyer, Marmaduke Scott. John Hamilton, Marmaduke Scott. Marmaduke Scott, John Mullen. Wm. T. Relfe, James Carver. Wm. T. Relfe, Marmaduke Scott. Marmaduke Scott, Wm. T. Relfe. Wm. T. Relfe, James Carver. Wm. T. Relfe, Thos. Jordan. Wm. T. Relfe, Wm. Martin. John Mullen, James Jennings. Leonard Martin, Thomas Jordan. John Pool, Jr., Henry P. Overman. John Pool, Jr., Leonard Martin. John C. Eringhaus, Leonard Martin. John C. Eringhaus, Leonard' Martin. Leonard Martin, Thomas Bell. Thomas Bell, Leonard Martin. Carter Barnard, Thomas Bell. John L. Bailey, Carter Barnard. Wm. J. Hardy, Thomas Bell. Wm. J. Hardy, Thomas Jordan. John Pool, William J. Hardy. John Pool, Wm. Gregory. Thomas Jordan, Thomas Bell. Thomas Bell, John M. Skinner. Thomas Bell, John M. Skinner. AV'm. T. Relfe, Frederick A. Sawyer. Wm. T. Relfe, Nathan M. Roper. John C. Blatchford, Thos. C. Matthews. Thomas Bell, John B. Muse. David H. Kenyan. A. G. Proctor. PERQUIMANS COUNTY. 341 Years. Senate. House of Common s, 1840. ^Vm. B. Sheparfl, A. G. Proctor. 1842. Jona . 11. Jacocks, John C. B. Eringhaus. 1844. Wm. B. Shepard, John C. B. Eringhaus. 1846. J. C. B. Eringhaus, William Charles. 1848. Wm. B. Shepard, A. G. Proctor. 1850. Wm. B. Shepard, George D. Poole. CHAPTER LX. PERQUIMANS COUNTY. Perquimans County was the earliest settlement in North Caro- lina, and derives its name from the tribe of Indians v^ho once were owners of the soil. It is situated in the north-eastern part of the State, and bounded on the north by Gates, east by Pasquotank, south by Albemarle Sound, and west by Chowan County. Hertford is the county town, and distant north-east from Raleigh one hundred and ninety-four miles. Its population (1850) 3,629 whites ; 450 free negroes ; 3,252 slaves ; 6,030 representative population. Its products (1840) 369,032 bushels corn; 35,649 bushels ^vheat ; 22,068 bushels oats ; 65,216 lbs. cotton ; 8,627 lbs. wool ; 9,083 bbls. fish. Although the English ships landed in 1584 on the shores of North Carolina, after repeated attempts the settlement was aban- doned at the time. The first permanent settlement was formed after the expulsion of the Quakers from Virginia in 1662.* In that year the King of Yeopim Indians granted to George Durant, the neck of land between the Little River and the Per- quimans River. This is the oldest land title in North Carolina ; and this the earliest permanent settlement in the State. The first representatives from this county (independent of the authority of the crown), at Newbern, 25th Aug. 1774, were John Harvey, Bexjami.v Harvey, Thomas Harvey, Andrew Knox and JonN Wuidbee, Jr. The same attended at Nowbern, on 3d April, 1775. At Halifax, on 4th April, 1776, Miles Harvey, William Skinner, Tnos. Harvey, Charles Blocnt, and Charles Moore. The field-ofiicers were Miles Harvey, Colonel; William Skinner, Lieut.- Colonel; Thomas Harvey, Major; Richard Clayton, Second Major. To the Congress at Halifax, 12th Nov., 1776, Benjamin Hakvev, 3Iile3 Harvey, Thomas Harvey, and William Hooi'er. The character of John Harvey is dear to the State. He succeeded John Ashe, in 1766, as Speaker of the House. Ashe had succeeded Samuel Swann. In 1767, '68, and '69, he presided with great dignity, and received, at the * Bancroft's United St;i!es, ii. 342 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. close of each session, the unanimous thanks of the House for hisjmpajtiality. He was chosen Moderator of the first Convention of the people in 1774. He was distinguished for his intellectual power, decision of character, and firm- ness of principles. He died just as the Revolution, in which he had so active an agency, had burst forth, and his name and services deserve a grateful remembrance. Members of the General Assembly from Perquimans County, from 1777 to 1850-51. Years. Senate. 1777. Jesse Eason, 1778. Jesse Eason, 1779. Jesse Eason, 1780. Jesse Eason, 1781. Jesse Eason, 1782. Jesse Eason, 1783. Jesse Eason, 1784. John Skinner, 1785. John Skinner, 1786. John Skinner, 1787. John Skinner, 1788. Thomas Harvey, 1790. Joshua .Skinner, 1791. Joshua Skinner, 1792. Joshua Skinner, 1793. Joshua Skinner, 1794. Robert Reddick, 1795. Robert Reddick, 1796. Joseph Harvey, 1797. Joseph Harvey, 1798. Joseph Harvey, 1799. Joseph Harvey, 1800. Joseph Harvey, 1801. Joseph White, 1802. Joseph White, 1803. Joseph White, 1804. Joseph White, 1805. Joseph White, 1806. William Blount, 1807. Joseph White, 1808. Willis Reddick, 1809. Willis Reddick, 1810. Willis Reddick, 1811. Willis Reddick, 1812. AVillis Reddick, 1813. Willis Reddick, 1814. Willis Reddick, 1815. Willis Reddick, 1816. Willis Reddick, 1817. Willis Reddick, 1818. Willis Reddick, 1819. Willis Reddick, 1820. Willis Reddick, 1821. Willis Reddick, 1822. Jona. H. Jacocks, 1823. AVillis Reddick, 1824. Willis Reddick, 1825.- Willis Reddick, 1826. AVillis Reddick, 1827. Willis Reddick, 1828. Willis Reddick, House of Commons. Benj. Harvey, John Harvey. Charles Blount, John Harvey. John Whedbee, Jonathan Skinner. John Whedbee, Jonathan Skinner. John Whedbee, Jonathan Skinner. Jonathan Skinner, Richard Whedbee. John Skinner, John Reed. John Reed, Robert Reddick. Robert Reddick, Jonathan Skinner. Foster Toms, Thomas Harvey. Thomas Harvey, Joseph Skinner. Joshua Skinner, Joseph Harvey. Ashbury Sutton, Perry. Robert Reddick, Ashbury Sutton. Robert Reddick, Gosby Toms. Charles Harvey, Robert Reddick. John Skinner, Joseph Harvey. Francis Newby, Joseph Harvey. Charles Harvey, William Blount. John Skinner, Joseph White. Chai-les Harvey, Joseph White. Charles Harvey, Chs. W. Blount. John Nixon, Charles W. Blount. William Blount, Josiah Jordan. Wm. Robinson, Wm. Blount. Jos. B. Skinner, Thomas Harvey. Erie Barrow, Thos. H. Harvey. Willis Reddick, Thos. Nicholson. Thos. Nicholson, Willis Reddick. Willis Reddick, Josiah Townsend. Isaac Barber, Josiah Townsend. Isaac Barber, John Clary. Isaac Barber, Jesse Copeland. Isaac Barber, Jesse Copeland. Isaac Barber, Henry Copeland. Isaac Barber, Henry Copeland. William Jones, F. Toms. Francis Toms, William Jones. William Jones, F. Toms. Robert Perry, AVilliam Reddick. Robert Perry, James Leigh. T. Barrow, Robert Perry. Theophilus Barrow, J. Nixon. John Nixon, Matthew Jordan. Theo. Barrow, II. Skinner. Theo. Barrow, M. Elliott. Theo. Barrow, Henry Skinner. Henry Skinner, Elisha Burke. Elisha Burke, Robert Perry. Elisha Burke, Robert Perry. Thos. AVilson, Daniel Rogerson. . PJERSON COUNTY. 343 Years. Senate. 1829. Willis Reddick, 1830. Henry Skinner, 1831. Henry Skinner, 1832. Henry Skinner, 1833. Henry Skinner, 1834. Jesse Wilson, 1835. Jesse Wilson, 1836. John M. Skinner, 1838. Wm. B. Shepard, 1840. Win. B. Shepard, 1842. Jona. H. Jacocks, 1844. Wm. B. Shepard, 1846. J. C. B. Eringhaus, 1848. Wm. B. Shepard, 1850. Wm. B. Shepard, House of Commons. Thos. Wilson, Benjamin Mullen. Jos. W. Townsend, Thomas Wilson. Benjamin Mullen, Thomas Wilson. Jos. W. Townsend, Benjamin Mullen. Benjamin Mullen, Thos. Wilson. Benjamin 3Iullen, Josiah Perry. Jona. H. Jacocks, J. T. Cranberry. Josiah T. Granberry. Thomas Wilson. Thomas Wilson. Thomas Wilson. Thomas Wilson. T. L. Skinner. T. L. Skinner. Thomas Wilson. CHAPTER LXI. PERSON COUNTY. Person County was formed in 1791 from Caswell, and called in honor of General Thomas Person, of Granville County, who was a distinguished friend of popular rights. (For a sketch of whom see Granville, Chapter XXXIII.) It is located in the northern part of the State, bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by Granville, south by Orange, and west by Caswell. Roxboro', its county seat, is fifty-four miles north of Raleigh. Population, 1850, 5,593 whites ; 295 free negroes ; 4,893 slaves ; 8,823 re- presentative population. Products, 1840, 1,030,303 lbs. tobacco; 120,038 bushels corn ; 107,200 lbs. cotton ; 7,057 lbs. wool ; 18,712 bushels wheat; 36,610 bushels oats. Hon. James Gustavus Adolphus Williamson was a native of Person, a lawyer by profession, and in 1823 represented this county in the General Assembly in the House of Commons. He was Consul of the United States at Venezuela, and about 1830 appointed Charge d'Affairs at Caraccas. lU died at Puerto Cabello 7th August, 1842. His widow resides in Philadel- phia. Members of the General Assembly from Person County, from date of its erection to last session, 1850-51. Years. Senate. 1792. James Jones, 1793. William Cocke, 1794. James Jones, 1795. James Jones, 1796. John Campbell, 1797. John Campbell. 31 House of Commons. John Womack, George Lea. George Lea, Herndon Harralson. Horndon Harralson, George Lea. Edward Atkinson, Herndon Harralson. Edward Atkinson, George Lea. George Lea, John Hall. 344 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 179S. John Campbell, 1799. John Campbell, 1800. John Woniack, 1801. Samuel Smith, 1802. Samuel Smith, 1803. Samuel Smith, 1804. George Lea, 1805. George Lea, 180G. George Lea, 1807. James Cochran, i808. Richard Atkinson, 1809. Piichard Atkinson, 1810. Richard Atkinson, 1811. Alex. Cunningham, 1812. Richard Atkinson, 1813. Richard Atkinson, 1814. Richard Atkinson, 1815. Robert Vanhook, 1816. Robert Vanhook, 1817. Richard Atkinson, 1818. Richard Atkinson, 1819. Richard Atkinson, 1820. Richard Atkinson, 1821. Robert Vanhook, 1822. Robert Vanhook, 1823. Robert Vanhook, 1824. Robert Vanhook, 1825. Robert Vanhook, 1826. Robert Vanhook, 1827. Robert Vanhook, 1828. Maurice Smith, 1829. Maurice Smith, 1830. Robert Vanhook, 1831. Robert Vanhook, 1832. Robert Vanhook, 1833. Robert Vanhook, 1834. Isham Edwards, 1835. Isham Edwards, 1836. John Barnett, 1838. John W. Williams, 1840. John W. Williams, 1842. John W. Williams, 1844. Robert 11. Hester, 1846. Robert H. Hester, 1848. Robert H. Hester, 1850. Robert H. Hester, House of Commons. George Lea, Jos. D. McFarland. George Lea, John Hall. George Lea, Herndon Harralson, James Williamson, Wm. Mitchell. James Williamson, James Cochran. James Cochran, William Mitchell. James Cochran, William Mitchell. James Cochran, William Mitchell. James Cochran, Richard Atkinson. Robert Vanhook, Richard Atkinson. Robert Vanhook, John Paine. Robert Vanhook, Benjamin Chambers. Robert Vanhook, John Paine. Robert Vanhook, Benjamin Chambers. Robert Vanhook, Lawrence Vanhook. Benjamin Chambers, Samuel Dickens. Samuel Dickens, R. Vanhook. S9,mpson M. Glenn, Samuel Dickens. Thomas Webb, Sampson M. Glenn. Thomas Webb, Ira Lea. William A. Lea, Samuel Dickens. L. Rainey, B. Chambers. Benjamin Chambers, Thomas Sneed. Thomas Webb, Thomas Sneed. Thomas Sneed, Thomas Webb. Thomas Webb, J. G. A. Williamson. J. G. A. Williamson, T. Webb. Thomas Webb, J. G. A. Williamson. Thomas McGehee, Thomas Webb. Thomas Lawson, Thomas Webb. Thomas Webb, Elijah Hester. Thomas Webb, Thomas M. McGehee. Thomas McGehee, Thomas Lawson. Benjamin Sumner, Thomas McGehee. Benjamin Sumner, Robert Jones. Robert Jones, Thomas McGehee. Robert Jones, Jas. M. AVilliamson. Jas. M. Williamson, Robert Jones. Moses Chambers, Jas. M. Williamson. Robert Jones, Moses Chambers. Robert Jones, Moses Chambers. John A. Ilolloway, Hiram Satterfield. John Cunningham. James Iloleman. C. II. K. Taylor. C. S. Winstead. PITT COUNTY. 345 CHAPTER LXII. PITT COUNTY. Pitt County was formed from Beaufort as early as 1760, and called in compliment to William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, who was so distinguished and devoted a friend to America in the English Parliament. It is situated in the eastern part of the State, and bounded on the north bj Edgecombe and Martin, east by Hyde and Beaufort, south by Craven, and west by Greene and Lenoir. Greenville, its capital, is one hundred and two miles east of Ra- leigh. Its population (1850) 6,664 whites ; 100 free negroes; 6,633 slaves ; 10,743 representative population. Its products (1840) 376,455 bushels corn; 9,751 bushels wheat; 6,424 bushels oats ; 2,574 bushels rye ; 510,259 pounds cotton ; 4,040 pounds wool ; 600 bbls. fish ; 55,769 bbls. turpentine. Pitt sent to Newborn, 25th August, 1774, Edward Salter and John Simp- son. To the same place in April, 1775, she sent the same, and James GoRnAM, James Lanier and William IIobeson. To Ilillsboro' 21st August, 1775, John Simpson, Robert Salter, William Bryan, James Gorham, James Latham. To Halifax 4th April, 1776, John Simpson, Edward Salter and William Robeson. Her officers were John Simpson, Colonel ; Robert Salter, Lieutenant- Colonel ; George Evans, Major ; James Armstrong, 2d Major. The following letter will evince the spirit of Pitt. From the Proceedings of the Committee of Safety for Pitt County. Martinborougu, July 1st, 1775, The committee of the county met according to order as before mentioncil, and has entered into the following association. We, the suljscribcrs, freeholders, and inhabitants of the county of Pitt and town of Martinborough, being deeply affected with the present alarming state of this province and of all America — Do resolve, that we will pay all due allegiance to his Majesty King George the Third, and endeavor to continue the succession of his crown, in the illiic- trious house of Hanover, as by law established against the present or any future wicked ministry or arbitrary set of men whatsoever, at the same time we are determined to assert our rights as men, and sensible that by the late acts of Parliament, the most valuable liberties and privileges of America are invaded, and endeavored to be violated and destroj'cd, and that under God the reservation of them depends on a firm union of the inhabitants, and a steady, spirited observation of the resolutions of the General Cungre-Hf, being shocked at the cruel scene now acting in the Massachusetts Bay, and determined never to become slaves to any power upon earth. 346 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. We do herehy agree and associate under all the ties of religion, honor, and regard for posterity, that we will adopt and endeavor to execute the measures which the General Congress, now sitting at Philadelphia, may conclude on for preserving our constitution, and opposing the execution of the several arbitrary, illegal acts of the British Parliament, and that we will readily observe the direction of our general committee for the purposes aforesaid, the preservation of peace and good order, and security of indi- viduals and private property. Signed by John Simpson, Chairman, and 92 others. " The subscribers professing our allegiance to the king, and acknowledging the constitutional executive power of government, do solemnly profess and testify and declare, that we do absolutely believe that neither the parliament of Great Britain, nor any member or constituent branch thereof, have a right to impose taxes upon these colonies to regulate the internal policy thereof, and that all attempts, by fraud or force, to establish and exercise such claims and powers are violations of the peace and security of the people, and ought to be resisted to the utmost, and that the people of this province, singly and collectively, are bound by the acts and resolutions of the continental and provincial Congresses, because in both they are freely represented by per- sons chosen by themselves, and we do solemnly and sincerely promise and engage, under the sanction of virtue, honor, and the sacred love of liberty and our country, to maintain and support all and every the acts, resolutions, and regulations of the continental and provincial Congresses to the utmost of our power and abilities. In testimony whereof we have hereto set our hands, this 23d day of August, 1775." Signed by 77 persons. The members from Pitt at Halifax on 12th November, 1776, were Ben- jamin May, Williak Robson, James Gorham, George Evans and Edward Salter. The county of Pitt was early distinguished for its devotion to liberty, and its citizens were odious to the minions of royalty. From the council book of Governor Martin the following is extracted : — " At a council held at Newbern on 24th April, 1775, present, His Excel- lency, James Hassell, Martin Howard, Samuel Strudwick, and James Cor- nell — " Ordered, that a new commission of the peace be issued for the county of Pitt, wherein the names of John Simpson, Robert Salter, Robert La- nier, Daniel Charles Forbes, Saxon Pearce and Peter Reeves, are to be omitted." Dr. Robert Williams, of this county, was a surgeon of the Revolutionary Army. After this service ho rendered constant and important civil services. lie was a member of the Convention at Ilillsboro', 21st July, 1778, to de- liberate upon the Constitution of the United States, which body rejected that instrument, and voted against its ratification with a majority of one hundred. He was also a member of the Convention at Raleigh, 4th June, 1835, to amend the State Constitution ; and a member of either the House of Com- mons or Senate from 178G to 1814. He died 12th November, 1842, loved for his virtues and respected for his services. Members of the General Assembly from Pitt County from the adoption of the Constitution to the last session. Vears. Senate. House of Commons. 1777. Edward Salter, "William Robeson, John Williams. 1778. Edward Salter, AVilliam Robeson, .John Williams. 1779. Edward Salter, James Gorham, John Williams. PITT COUNTY. 347 Years. Senate. 1780. Edward Salter, 1781. Edward Salter, 1782. John Williams, 1783. John Williams, 1784. John Williams, 1785. John Williams, 1786. John Simpson, 1787. John Williams, 1788. William Blount, 1789. William Blount, 1790. William Blount, 1791. John Move, 1792. Stephen Brooks, 1793. Robert Williams, 1794. Robert Williams, 1795. Robert Williams, 1790. Samuel Simpson, 1797. Samuel Simpson, 1798. Frederick Bryan, 1799. Frederick Bryan, 1800. Frederick Bryan, 18Q1. Frederick Bryan, 1802. Robert Williams, 1803. Robert Williams, 1804. Robert Williams, 1805. Robert Williams, 1800. Robert Williams, 1807. William Moye, 1808. Robert Williams, 1809. Benjamin May, 1810. Benjamin May, 1811. Benjamin May, 1812. Benjamin May, 1813. Robert Williams, 1814. Robert Williams, 1815. Hardy Smith, 1816. Luke Albritton, 1817. Luke Albritton, 1818. Luke Albritton, 1819. Luke Albritton, 1820. Robert Williams, 1821. Luke Albritton, 1822. Luke Albritton, 1823. Luke Albritton, 1824. John Joyner, 1825. John Joyner, 1826. John Joyner, 1827. John Joyner, 1828. John Joyner, 1829. Marshall Dickinson, 1830. Marshall Dickinson, 1831. Alfred Moye, 1832. Alfred Moye, 1833. Alfred Moye, 1834. Alfred Moye, 1835. Alfred Moye, 1836. Alfred Moye, 1838. Alfred Moye, 1840. Alfred Moye, 1842. Alfred Moye, House of Commons. George Moye, John Williams. James Gorham, George Evans. James Gorham, .John Simpson. John Jordan, Richard Moye. John Jordan, Richard iMoye. Richard Moye, .John .Jordan. Reading Blount, Robert Williams. Reading Blount, Robert Williams. John Moye, Shadrach Allen. Jaracs Amstrong, Shadrach Allen. John Moye, Robert Williams. Robert Williams, Richard Moye. Benjamin Bell, Samuel Simpson. Wm. Grimes, Richard Moye. Benjamin Bell, William Grimes. Iloliand .Johnston, Frederick Bryan. Frederick Bryan, Holland Johnston. Holland Johnston, Frederick Bryan. Richard Evans, Holland .Johnston. William Moye, Holland Johnston. AVilliam Moye, Richard Evans. William Moye, Wm. I'astwood. William Moye, Wm. Eastwood. Wm. Eastwood, George Eason. John Mooring, Benjamin May. John Mooring, Benjamin May. Benjamin May, John Mooring. John Mooring, Benjamin May. John Mooring, Benjamin May. Benjamin May, John Mooring. Elias Carr, Hardy Smith. Franklin Gorham, Hardy Smith. Hardy Smith, James Sheppard. Hardy Smith, James Sheppard. Hardy Smith, James Sheppard. Oliver Prince, Luke Albritton. Roderick Cherry, Oliver Prince. Roderick Cherry, Oliver Prince. Oliver Prince, Roderick Cherry. Joel Patrick, Marshall Dickinson. Wm. Clark, Gideon Bynum. Lanier Daniel, John Joyner. John Cherry, Lanier Daniel. John Cherry, Wilkes Brooks. S. P. Allen, Jno. C. Gorham. John C. Gorham, Shadrach P. Allen. Marshall Dickinson, Wm. W. Andrews. John Cherry, Marshall Dickinson. Marshall Dickinson, Alfred Moye. Alfred Moye, William Clark. William Clark, William Clommons. Henry Toole, Roderick Cherry. Thomas Jordan, James Blow. J. L. Foreman, Roderick Cherry. Luke Albritton, J. L. Foreman. J. L. Forman, Macon Moye. Macon Moye, John Spiers. J. L. Foreman, John C. Gorham. J. L. Foreman, Isaac Joyner. J. L. Foreman, Isaac Joyner. 348 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. House of Commons. II. F. Harris,! C. Perkins. Elias J. Blount, H. F. Harris, Sattorthwait, Wm. J. Blow. Marshall Dickerson, Wm. J. Blow. Years. Senate. 1844. J. L. Foreman,* 1846. B. F. Eborn, 1848. B. F. Eborn, 1850. William Eborn, CHAPTER LXIII RANDOLPH COUNTY. Randolph County was formed, in 1779, from Guilford and Rowan, and named in compliment to the Randolph family in Vir- ginia, distinguished for patriotism and talents. It presents on the map, in nearly the centre of the State, a beautiful compact square, and is bounded on the north by Guilford County, east by Chatham, south by Moore and Montgomery, and west by Davidson. Its capital is Ashboro', called in compliment to Governor Samuel Ashe, and is nearly due west from Raleigh, seventy-two miles distant. Its population, in 1850, was 13,795 whites; 397 free negroes ; 1640 slaves ; 15,176 representative population. Its products, in 1840, were 295,828 bushels com ; 47,671 bushels oats ; 78,095 bushels wheat; 80,709 lbs. tobacco; 81,533 lbs. cotton; 17,636 lbs. wool. In the troubles of 1771, of the Regulation, this section was deeply involved. Hekman Husbands, who was a leader in these troubles, resided in this county, on Sandy Creek. He was a native of Pennsylvania, raised a Quaker, and was said to be a relative of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. The documents published under the chapter Alamance, and LVIII. Orange, in which his book is published, and the account of the battle (vol. i. p. 61), render any allusion to this matter here unnecessary. He represented this county when a part of Orange, and was a favorite with the people from his devotion to popular rights, opposition to extortion, and his natural shrewdness of character. He enjoyed their confidence in a great degree, for when he was elected to the Assembly, and the people had refused to pay to Tyree Harris, the sheriff, the unlawful extortions by way of taxes, he appeared at Newbern as a member ; the Governor (Tryon) asked for the taxes ; Husbands threw the amount down, stating "We pay to honest men, not to swindlers." After the battle of Alamance (16th May, 1771), Husbands retreated to Pennsylvania, and, althougli a reward was offered by Governor Tryon for him, he escaped, and settled near Pittsburg. He returned to North Carolina after the Revolution, and remained only a short time. From the journal of the Congress of Halifax, 1776, Dec. 23d, I find the following : — " Resolved, That the lands said to be the property of Herman Husbands, * Died in the Legislature. f Fell in a duel with Mr. Yellowly. RANDOLPH COUNTY. 349 on which there is pit-coal, hearthstone, &c., be purchased or otherwise secured for the use of the public. "Resolved, That if John Wilcox and William England refuse to part with the mortgaged premises, it will be necessary to make a new agreement with them. "Resolved, If they will neither sell nor lease, that they be precluded from using any ore or timber from the vacant land of the State adjacent." Husbands' two sons settled on a large cract of land on Deep River, near Buffalo Ford. His daughter married a Wright. It is stated that he was concerned in the Wliisky Insurrection, in 179-t, in Pennsylvania, and was associated with Albert Gallatin, Breckenridge, and others, as a committee of safety. For this he was apprehended and carried to Philadelphia. By the influence of Rev. David Caldwell, who happened at the time to be in Philadelpliia, Dr. Benjamin Rush, and others, he was re- leased, and he died, on his return home, near Philadelphia. Thus the career of Husbands terminated. His character has been tho subject of much investigation and difference of opinion. His neighbors speak of him as a man of strict integrity, a firm advocate of popular rights, and a determined foe to oppression, fraud, and extortion. Hon. John Long resides in this county. By profession a farmer. ITo entered public life as Senator in the General Assembly in 1815, and, in 182 L he was elected a member of Congress, in which he served until 1829. Members of the General Assembly from Randolph County, from its formation to the present date. Years. Senate. 1780. John Collier, 1781. John Collier, 1782. John Collier, 1783. Thomas Dougan, 1784. Thomas Dougan, 1785. Edward Sharpe, 1786. Edward Sharpe, 1787. Jesse Ilendley, 1788. Thomas Dougan, 1789. John Arnold, 1791. Zebedee Wood, 1792. Zebedee Wood, 1793. Edmund Waddell, 1794. Edmund Waddell, 1795. Edmund Waddell, 1796. Edmund Waddell, 1797. Edmund Waddell, 1798. Edmund Waddell, 1799. Alexander Gray, 1800. Henry Branson, 1801. Henry Branson, 1802. Henry Branson, 1803. Henry Branson, 1804. Alexander Gray, 1805. Alexander Gray, 1806. Alexander Gray, 1807. Alexander Gray, 1808. Colin Steed, 1809. Michael Harvey, 1810. Michael Harvey, 1811. Lewis Spiuks, 1812. Alexander Gray, House of Commons. Andrew Balfour, Jeduthan Harper. J. Harper, Absalom Tatom. Edward Williams, A. Tatom. Robert McLean, J. Harper. James Rollins, Aaron Hill. Aaron Hill, Joseph Robbing. William lioli, Zebedee Wood. John Stanfield, Edmund Waddell. Zebedee Wood, AViUiam Bell. Zebedee Wood, Aaron Hill. William Bell, Reuben Wood. William Bailey, Henry Branson. William Bailey, Henry Branson. Henry Branson, William Bailey. William Bailey, Henry Branson. William Bailey, Henry Branson. William Bailey, Henry Branson. William Bailey, JMichacl Harvey. William Bailey, Simon Green. William Bailey, Michael Harvey. INIichael Harvey, .lohn Brower. William Bailey, Michael Harvey. Jolin Brower, Michael Harvey. Whitlock Arnold, Colin Sneeil. John Brower, Michael Harvey. Colin Steed, AVhitlock Arnold. Whitlock Arnold, Scth Wade. AVliitlock Arnold Seth Wade. Jolin Brower, Solo. K. Gooilman. Solo. K. Goodman, .losiah Lyndon. John Long, .Josiah Lyndon. John Long, Josiah Lyndon. 350 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1813. Whitlock Arnold, 1814. John Long, Jr. 1815. John Long, Jr. 1816. Seth Wade, 1817. Seth Wade, 1818. Charles Steed, 1819. Seth Wade, 1820. William Hogan, 1821. Seth Wade, 1822. Seth AVade, 1823. Alexander Gray, 1824. William Hogan, 1825. William Hogan, 1826. Alexander Gray, 1827. Alexander Gray, 1828. Alexander Gray, 1829. Abraham Brower, 1830. Abraham Brower, 1831. Benjamin Elliott, 1832. Hugh Moffitt, 1833. Henry B. Elliott, 1834. Alfred Staley, 1835. Alfred Staley, 1836. Jonathan Redding, 1838. Jonathan Redding, 1840. Jonathan Worth, 1842. Henry B. Elliott, 1844. Henry B. Elliott, 1846, Alexander Hogan, 1848. Dr. Wm. B. Lane, 1850. Dr. Wm. B, Lane, House of Commons. William Hogan, Seth Wade. Josiah Lyndon, John Lane, Jr. Solo. K. Goodman, Joshua Craven. Joshua Craven, Shubal Gardner. Joshua Craven, West Armistead. Shubal Gardner, West Armistead. Shubal Gardner, J. Brower. Charles Steed, Joshua Craven. Abraham Brower, Frederick Lane. A, Brower, Benjamin Marmon, A, Browei-, George Hoover. A. Brower, George Hoover. George Hoover, Abraham Brower. Abraham Brower, Robert Walker. Hugh Walker, John B. Troy. Thomas Hancock, Hugh Walker. Alexander Cunningham, A. Brower. Jonathan AV^rth, A. Brower, Jona. Worth, Alex. Cunningham. A. Cunningham, A. Brower. A. Brower, Benjainin Hawkins. Zebedee Rush, Benjamin Hawkins. William B. Lane, Zebedee Rush. Michael Cox, William B. Lane. Zebedee Rush, Wm. B. Lane. William B. Lane, Alfred Brower. Alfred Brower, Julian E. Leach. Alfred Brower, Zebedee Rush. A. Brower, Isaac White. Allen Seifoy5''J^aac White. Jesse Thornberg, J. M. A. Drake. CHAPTER LXIV. RICHMOND COUNTY. Richmond County was formed in 1779 from Anson. It is called in honor of the Duke of Richmond, who was an able advocate of 'the cause of America in the House of Lords. It is located in the southern part of the State, and bounded on the north by Montgomery County, east by Moore, Cumberland, and Robeson, south by the South Carolina line, and west by the Pee Dee River, which separates it from Anson County. Its capital is Rockingham, distant one hundred and tliirty-five miles south-west of Raleigh. Population, 1850, 4,890 whites ; 224 free negroes ; 4,704 slaves ; 7,936 representative population. Products, 1840, 295,818^ bushels corn ; 81,533 lbs. cotton ; 80,709 lbs. to- bacco ; 17,636 lbs. wool; 78,095 bushels wheat; 47,071 bushels oats; 1,952 bushels rye. RICHMOND COUNTY. 351 Hon. Duncan McFarland represented this district in Cong:ress from 1805 to 1807, and the County of Richmond in the Senate in 1807-8 and 9. Hon. Alfred Dockery was born the 11th December, 1797. He is by pro- fession a planter. He entered public life as member of the House of Com- mons in 1822, and was elected Senator from this County in 1836, and served continuously until 1844. In 1845 he was elected a member of Conc;ress, and served one Congress, when he declined. He is again elected (1851) in this district to the next (32d) Congress. Members of the General Assembly from Richmond County, from its formation to the last session. Years. Senate. 17"80. Charles Medlock, 1781. Charles Medlock, 1782. Charles Medlock^ 1783. Charles Medlock, 1784. Charles Medlock, 1785. Charles Medlock, 1786. Charles Medlock, 1787. William Crawford, 1788. Robert Webb, 1789. Robert Webb, 1790. Robert Webb, 1791. Edward Williams, 1792. James Terry, 1793. Duncan McFarland, 1794. William Wall, 1795. William Wall, 1796. Robert Webb, 1797. Robert AVebb, 1798. Robert Webb, 1800. Duncan McFarland, 1801. Peter H.Cole, 1802. James Stewart, 1803. John Wall, Jr., 1804. James Stewart, 1805. Thomas Blewitt, 1806. Moses Knight, 1807. Duncan McFarland, 1808. Duncan McFarland, 1809. Duncan McFarland, 1810. Alex. McMillan, 1811. Alex. McMillan, 1812. Alex. McMillan, 1813. James Stewart, 1814. James Stewart, 1815. James Stewart, 1816. Thomas Steele, 1817. Thomas Steele, 1818. AVm. McLeod, 1819. Thomas Steele, 1820. Wm. McLeod, 1821. William Thomas, 1822. Stephen A\^all, 1823. Stephen Wall, 1824. Wm. L. Cole, 1825. Francis T. Leak, 1826. Francis T. Leak, House of Commons. Henry William Harrington, Robt. Webb, Edward Williams, Robt. AVebb. Robert AVebb, Thomas Crawford. John Childs, Robt. AVebb. Robt. AVebb, Charles Robertson. Robert AVebb, Benjamin Covington. Robert AVebb, Benjamin Covington. AVm. Pickett, Robert AVebb. Miles King, Edward AVilliams, AVm. Robeson, Thomas Blewitt. AVm. Robeson, Thos. Blewitt. Thomas Blewitt, John McAllister. James Coleman, Duncan McFarland. Malcolm Smith, AA'"m. Robinson. Malcolm Smith, AVilliam Robinson. Malcolm Smith, Joseph Hines. James Coleman, James Sandford. AVilliam Robinson, -James T. Sandford, Lauchlin McKenan, Jas. Stewart. John Speed, Stephen Cole. John Clarke, Moses Knight. John Clarke, Moses Knight. Moses Knight, John Clarke. Moses Knight, Robert AVebb. John Clarke, .John McFarland. John Clarke, Robert AVebb. James Speed, John Smith, Jr. John Smith, Jas. A. Harrington, John Smith, Thoroughgood Pate, AVilliam Thomas, Neill Smith. John Buie, Neill Smith. Allen Stewart, AVm. P. Leake, Robert Powell, AVm. McLeod. Edward AVilliams, AVm. Thomas. Thomas Steele, AVm. McLeod. Henry AV. Harrington, AVm. Thomas. II. W. Harrington, Neill McNair. J. L. Vaughan, S. McAllister, Jr. J. L. Vaughan, AV. Thomas. Robt. Powell, AVm. Thomas. J. L. A'aughan, AV. H. Leake. Duncan McLaurin, A. Dockery. John Cole, Tryan McFarland. Tryan McFarland, S. Meredith, Henry Dockery, Arch. McNair. Arch. McNair, Henry Dockery. 352 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1S27. Erasmus Love, 1828. Try an McFarland, 1829. Tryan McFarland, 1830. Tryan McFarland, 1831. Tryan McFarland, 1832. Walter F. Leake, 1833. Alexander Martin, 1834. John Fairley, 1835. Alex. Martin, 1836. Alfred Dockery, 1838. Alfred Dockery, 1840. Alfred Dockery, 1842. Alfred Dockery, 1844. Alfred Dockery, 1846. John Gilchrist, 1848. II. AV. Covington, 1850. J. Mallory, House of Commons. Georo;e Thomas, Arch. McNair. Neill Nicholson, Nathan Gibson. Neill Nicholson, James Murphey. James Murphey, Isham A. Dumas. Walter F. Leake, Duncan McLaurin. Isaac Dockery, Duncan McLaurin. James Williams, Duncan Malloy. James Williams, Isaac Dockery. Geo. Thomas, John R. Buie. John McAllister, Geo. Thomas. Duncan McLaurin, George Thomas. Duncan McLaurin, -John W. Covington. Alexander Martin, Isaac Dockery. Neil McNair. Walter Leake Steele. Walter Leake Steele. Walter Leake Steele. CHAPTER LXV. ROBESON COUNTY. Robeson County was formed in 1786, from Bladen County, and called in compliment of Colonel Robeson, who distinguished him- self in the battle of Elizabethtown, in Bladen County, (fought in July, 1781,) for the particulars of which reference is made to Chapter VII., on Bladen County. It is situated in the southern part of the State, and bounded on the north by Cumberland, east by Bladen and Columbus, south by the South Carolina line, and west by Richmond County. Its capital is Lumberton, on Lumber River, and is ninety-one miles south-west of Raleigh. At this place died, in 1813, the Hon. Edward Harris, one of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law, and is buried here. Its population (1850) is 7,290 whites; 1,171 free negroes; 4,365 slaves; 11,080 representative population. Its products (1840) are 248,195 bushels of corn ; 547,596 pounds of cotton ; 16,346 pounds of wool ; 5,541 barrels of turpentine ; 2,646 bushels of wheat ; 1,579 bushels of oats. Members of the General Assembly from Robeson County, from its formation to 1851. House of Commons. Elias Barnes, Neill Bruwn, Elias Barnes, Neill Brown. Elias Barnes, Neill Brown. Elias Barnes, Jacob Alford. Pialph Rogan, .John Gilchrist. Jacob Alford, John Gilchrist. Years. Senate. 1787. John Willis, 1788. John Willis, 1789. John Willis, 1791. John Willis, 1792. Elias Barnes, 1793. Elias Barnes, ROBESON COUNTY. 353 Years. Senate. 1794. Elias Barnes, 1795. Elias Barnes, 1796. John Gilchrist, 1797. John Gilchrist, 1799. Elias Barnes, 1800. Elias Barnes, 1801. Elias Barnes, 1802. Elias Barnes, 1803. Elias Barnes, 1804. Benjamin Lee, 1805. Benjamin Lee, 1806. Benjamin Lee, 1807. Benjamin Lee, 1808. Benjamin Lee, 1809. Benjamin Lee, 1810. Benjamin Lee, 1811. Alfred Rowland, 1812. Alfred Rowland, 1813. Alfred Rowland, 1814. Alfred Rowland, 1815. Kenneth Black, 1816. Kenneth Black, 1817. William Brown, 1818. William Brown, 1819. William Sterling, 1820. Kenneth Black, 1821. Kenneth Black, 1822. Isaac Sullivan, 1823. M. D. Murphey, 1824. Isaac Sullivan, 1825. John Gilchrist, 1826. John Gilchrist, 1827. Arch'd McEachin, 1828. Arch'd McEachin, 1829. Neill B.Johnson, 1830. Shadrach Howell, 1831. Shadrach Howell, 1832. Shadrach Howell, 1833. Shadrach Howell, 1834. Shadrach Howell, 1835. Malcolm Patterson, 1836. Alfred Dockery, 1838. Alfred Dockery, 1840. Alfred Dockery, 1842. Alfred Dockery, 1844. Alfred Dockery, 1846. John Gilchrist, 1848. II. W. Covington, 1850. J. M alloy. Hou.«e of Common?. James McQueen, John Willis. John Willis, Joseph Wade. Joseph Wood, James McQueen. John Regan, Joseph Wood. John Regan, Neill Brown. Robert Ilaills, Hugh Brown. Hugh Brown, James McQueen. Benjamin Lee, James McQueen. Benjamin Lee, James McQueen. Zachariah Jordan, Hugh Brown. _ Zachariah Jordan, Duncan McXeill. Zachariah Jordan, Duncan McNeill. Hugh Brown, Alexander Rowland. Alexander Rowland, Hugh Brown. Hugh Brown, Wm. Sterling. Hugh Brown, John Gilchrist. John Gilchrist, Duncan McAlpin. Duncan McAlpin, Isaac Sullivan. Archibald S. Brown, Kenneth Black. Murdock McLean, Wm. Sterling. Archibald S. Brown, Murdock McLean. John Gilchrist, AVm. Sterling. John Gilchrist, Francis L. Ilaynes. Francis L. Ilaynes, Kenneth Black. John Guinn, Isaac Sullivan. Archibald McEachin, AVillis Pope. Jacob Alford, Archibald McEachin. John Gilchrist, Jacob Alford. Jacob Alford, Shad. Howell. Warren Alford, Shad. Howell. Shadrach Howell, AVarren Alford. Shadrach Howell, Warren Alford, R. C. Rhodes, Malcolm Purcell. Warren Alford, Malcolm Purcell. John Purcell, John Brown. John Purcell, John Brown. Wm. L. Miller, Alexander Watson. Alexander Watson, Benjamin Lee. Alexander Watson, Giles S. McLean. Benjamin Lee, Giles S. McLean. Oliver K. Tuton, Alexander Watson. Alexander Watson, 0. K. Tuton. 0. K. Tuton, James Blount. Daniel A. Graham, Neill Regan. Neill Regan,. Alexander Watson. Neill Rogani John McNeill. Neill Regan, John McNeill. Neill Regan, John McNeill. Wm. McNeil, Neal McNeill. 354 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER LXVI, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. Rockingham County was formed, in 1785, from Guilford County, and derives its name from Charles Watson Wentworth, Marquis of Rockingham, who was a distinguished friend of America in the English Parliament, and acted in concert with William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, in opposition to Lord North. In 1782 he was the Premier of England.* It is located in the north-western part of the State ; and bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by Caswell, south by Guil- ford, and west by Stokes. Its capital is Wentworth, in honor of the family name of the House of Rockingham, and is distant one hundred and sixteen miles north-west of Raleigh. Its population in 1850, was 8,747 whites; 419 free negroes; 5,329 slaves; 12,363 representative population. Its products in 1850, was 1,777,205 pounds of tobacco; 431,085 bushels of corn ; 149,402 bushels of oats ; 61,015 bushels of wheat ; 4,805 bushels of rye ; 23,947 pounds of cotton ; 8,355 pounds of wool ; 20 tons of iron. Hon. Thomas Settle, at present one of the Judges of the Superior Courts, was born in this county about the year 1791. He entered public life in 1816, as a member of the House of Commons, and was elected in 1817 and 1819, a member of Congress from this District, when he declined a re-election. He appeared again in public life in 1826, as a member of the House of Commons, and was re-elected in 1827 and 1828. This last year he was the Speaker of the House, and by voting with the minority saved the Banks from the prosecution threatened by Robert Potter. In 1832, he was elected a Judge of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, which elevated position he now holds with great satisfaction to the country and dignity to himself. lie married a sister of Hon. Calvin Graves, by whom he has been blest with several children, one of whom is the wife of Governor Reid, and a son who is his private Secretary. David Settle Reid, the present Governor of North Carolina, is a native of Rockingham, lie was born April 19th, 1813. He studied law and was ad- mitted to practice in 1843. His first appearance in public was in 1835, as Senator from Rockingham ; and he was re-elected, continuously, until 1840. In 1843 he was elected a member of Congress, and served until 1847, with great acceptability to his constituents. In 1848, without his concurrence or knowledge, he was nominated for Governor, and was defeated by a small majority. In 1850, when he had posi- * Eacyclopaedia Americana, vol. xi. p. .55. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. 355 tively, by a letter published, declined the nomination, he was again nominated by the Democratic Convention and was elected, and is now the Governor of the State ; the first Democratic Governor ever elected by the people in Xortli Carolina. The distinguishing act that has marked Governor Reid's career, has been his successful advocacy of the cause of free suffrage, which he successfully vindicated, and which has eventually triumphed over the most powerful opposition. Daxiel "W. Courts represented this county in 1846, '48, in the Commons, and in 1850 in Senate ; for his biography see Wake, Chapter LXV. Members of the General Assembly from Rockingham County, from its formation to the last session. Years. Senate. 1786. James Galloway, 1787. James Galloway, 1788. James Galloway, 1789. James Galloway, 1790. William Bethell, 1791. Charles Galloway, .1792. Robert Williams, 1793. Robert Williams, 1794. Robert Williams, 1795. Robert Williams, 1796. Thomas Henderson, 1797. Abraham Phillips, 1798. 1799. 1800. Henry Scales, 1801. Abraham Phillips, 1802. Abraham Phillips, 1803. Abraham Phillips, 1804. Alexander Martin, 1805. Alexander Martin, 1806. Nathl. Scales, 1807. Nathl. Scales, 1808. Nathl. Scales, 1809. Nathl. Scales, 1810. Nathl. Scales, 1811. Nathl. Scales, 1812. Abraham Phillips, 1813. Abraham Phillips, 1814. Abraham Phillips, 1815. Wm. Bethell, 181G. Wm. Douglas, 1817. Wm. Bethell, 1818. Wm. Bethell, 1819. Wm. Bethell, 1820. Wm. Bethell, 1821. Nathaniel Scales, 1822. Thos. Blackwell, 1823. Nathl. Scales, 1824. Thomas Blackwell, 1825. Henry Baughn, 1826. Tlionias Blackwell, 1827. Thomas Blackwell, 1828. Edwd. T. Broaduax, 1829. Robert Martin, 1830. Robert Martin, 1831. Robert Martin, House of Commons. AVilliam Bethell, Peter Perkins. William_ Bethell, Peter Perkins. AVilliam Bethell, Abram Phillips. AVm. Bethell, Abram Phillips. Abram Phillips, James Taylor. Henry Scales, John Leak. Thomas Henderson, James -Taylor. Henry Scales, George Peay. Thomas Henderson, George Peay. George Peay, Alexander Joyce. Alexander Joyce, Henry Scales. John Peay, Henry Scales. Drury Smith, Joshua Smith. Theo. Lacey, Nathl. Williams. Samuel Hill, Nathaniel Williams. Nathl. Scales, Alexander Sneed. Alexander Sneed, Joseph (Jentry. Alex. Sneed, Sampson Lanier. Alex. Sneed, Mark Harden. Mark Harden, Sampson Lanier. Thos. Wortham, Mark Harden. Mark Harden, Hugh C. Mills. William Douglas, Jos. S. Gentry. William Douglas, Jos. S. Gentry. Samuel Hill, John Odeneal. Samuel Hill, Wm. Douglas. Wm. Douglas, Thomas Blackwell. Wm. Douglas, Thomas Blackwell. Thos. Settle, Thomas Blackwell. Thomas Hill, Nathaniel Scales. Richd. W. Micheaux, Nathl. Scales, Jr. H. Baughn, W. Donncll. Thomas Blackwell, AV. Donnell. John ^L Mooroheail, James ^Miller. Robert Martin, E. T. Broadnax. E. T. Broadnax, Robert Martin. AVm. Donnell, Robt. Martin. Robert Martin, James Barnctt. James Barnctt, Tlmmas Settle. James Barnett, Thomas Settle. Thomas Settle, Wm. Bethell. Wilson S. Hill. Wm. Bethell. Philip Irion, William Dunnoll. Wilson S. Hill, Benjamin Settle. 356 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1832. Robert Martin, 1833. Robert Martin, 1834. Robert Martin, 1835. David S. Reid, 1836. David S. Reid, 1838. David S. Reid, 1840. David S. Reid, 1812. Geo. D. Boyd, 1844. George D. Boyd, 1846. George D. Boyd, 1848. Wm. D. Bethell, 1850. Daniel W. Courts, House of Commons. Benjamin Settle, Philip Irion. Benjamin Settle, Philip Irion. Philip Irion, Blake W. Brasswell. Philip Irion, Blake W. Brasswell. Philip Irion, Blake W. Brasswell. R. P. Cardwell, B. W. Brasswell. R. P. Cardwell, Geo. D. Boyd. R. P. Cardwell, Peter Scales. Peter Scales, R. P. Williamson. Danl. W. Courts, Joseph Neal. Danl. W, Courts, T. W. Keen. Thomas Ruffin, Jr., Horatio Kallam. CHAPTER LXVII. ROWAN COUNTY. Date of formation — Origin of name — Situation and boundaries — Population and products — By whom settled — Colonial history — Regulation troubles — Governor Tryon in Salisbury (1768) — General Waddell driven back with bis troops (1771), by the people — Committee of Safety for Rowan — Their Journal from 1774 to 1776 — The seizure and abduction of Boothe and Dunn, two Tory lawyers — Their petition to be restored — Affair at Tor- rences', now Iredell — Character of the distinguished citizens, Griffith Rutherford, John Steele, Jesse. A. Pearson, Archibald Henderson, Charles Fisher, Richmond M. Pearson, David F. Caldwell, John W. Ellis, Nathaniel Boyden, H. C. Jones, and others, and the Members of the General Assembly. There is no county in the State whose early history and whose distinguished sons, afford- so fair and ample"^ subjects of history as Rowan. This material of itself, amplified as it deserves, would fill a volume. Is it an idle hope that some son of hers will under- take this pious and patriotic duty ? It is due to the memory of the past ; it is worthy of the emulation and imitation of the future. Rowan County was formed in 1753 from Anson County. Until Surry (in 1770) and Burke (in 1777) were taken off, this county comprehended most of the western part of the State of North Carolina and Tennessee. The history of Rowan, then, is the his- tory of Western Carolina. Rowan is situated in the western part of the State ; bounded on the north by Davie County, one of her daughters ; east by the Yadkin River, which separates her from Davidson (another daughter); south by, Stanly, and Cabarrus; and west by Iredell, another daughter. Like a venerable mother, she sits with her childi-en comfortably settled around her. c ROWAN COUNTY. 357 Salisbury, her capital, is nearly west from Raleigh one liundred and eighteen miles. It derives its name from a town in England about seventy miles west from London. It is a word of Saxon origin, meaning a dry toivn.'^' This name during the past summer (1851) was most appropriate. Its population (1850) 9,901 whites; 115 free negroes; 3,854 slaves; 12,328 representative population. Rowan was early settled (about 1720), by the Protestants from Moravia, fleeing from the persecutions of Ferdinand the Second ; and by the Scotch, who, after the unsuccessful attempts of Charles Ed- ward, grandson of James the Second, to ascend the English throne, and whose fortunes were destroyed on the fatal field of Culloden, (16th April, 1746), had fled to this country ; and by the Irish, who after the rebellion of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell, in the times of James the First, were forced to leave their country. These, or their ancestors, previously had come from Scotland, and hence the term of Scotch Irish. I have in my possession a petition from Rowan County to Governor Dobbs (in 1754), which states that " the inhabitants of Howan were composed of almost all the nations of Europe.'' The prudence of the German, the sagacity of the Scotch, and fiery ardor of the Irish, here united ; and Avere fit materials to form an industrious, thrifty, and gallant nation. " Tantse molis erat condcre gentium." In the beautiful description of the ablest historian of his age, " Here was a colony of men from civilized life, scattered among forests, hermits with wives and children, resting upon the bosom of nature, in per- fect harmony with the wilderness of their gentle clime. " Careless of religious sects, or unmolested by oppressive laws, the early settlers enjoyed liberty of conscience and personal independence. Free- dom of the forest and of the river. The children of nature listened to the inspirations of nature. They desired no greater happiness than they en- joyed. North Carolina was settled by the freest of the free." f Such a people were truly happy, until the wily serpent of ty- ranny entered their paradise. Fleeino- from religious persecutions and powers, in the full en- joyment of unrestrained liberty, such a people Avere little fitted to be the passive subjects of either priestly or kingly power. Hence^ their early history is rife with incidents of quick perception of wrong, active resistance, and steady and sturdy advocacy of liberty. . In the struggles of the Regulators against thc^extortions_ot Governor Tryon and the crown officers in 1769, 1770, and Idl, the spirit of Rowan was manifested. In March, 1770, Maurice Moore, one of the Judges of the colony, at- tended Salisbury to hold the Superior Court. He reported to Governor • See Bailey's Dictionary, j Bancroft, ii. 151. 358 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Tryon at Newljern, that " from the opposition of the people to the taxes, no process of the hiw could be executed among them." Doubtless Judge Moore sympathized with these people, for soon after he became the sturdy opponent of the Governor, and was active as the friend of liberty, and died in the ser- vice of the State.* Governor Tryon repaired in person to Salisbury. In his ori- ginal journal, published now for the first time, procured from the archives of the Eno;lish government (see Alamance), we can see his actions, and admire the spirit of a Knox (maternal ancestor of James Knox Polk), who refused to join him with his troops. Violent as the acts of the Regulators were, the subsequent op- pressive conduct of the crown officers justified their conduct. The clerk of Rowan County (Thomas Frohawk) was allowed to charge fifteen dollars for a marriage license. I have one of these ancient documents in my hands. It is signed by the Governor, with the great seal of State, and countersigned by the Clerk of the Superior Court. What can we think in this free age, " in the open light of the nineteenth century," of such official conduct, when a royal governor condescends to use such means to swell his reve- nues ; and wrins From the hard hands of peasants, their vile trash By any indirection."! The efi'ect of this conduct was, says a late interesting and ac- curate writer on this age,t " that some of the inhabitants on the head waters of the Yadkin took a short cut." This can be no reproach, since the institution of marriage is of God, not of man. In Pennsvlvania, in this enliorhtened age, no license of law is necessary to celebrate marriage. The legal fee for recording a deed was one dollar. The high price of the court fees shut the door of the court house against the poor man. The indignation of the people of Rowan was roused. On the 7th March, 1771, a public meeting was held at Salisbury, and a committee consisting of James Hunter, John Inyard, William Wellborn, Thomas Flake, John CuRRv, .James Wilson, Samuel Wagner, David Gillespie, James Graham, IIenrv Wade, Peter Julian, Jeremiah Fields, John Yicknet, Samuel Jones, and .Joshua Zagur, who, armed with the authority of the people, met the clerk, iheriiFs, and other officers of the crown, and compelled them to disgorge their ill-gotten extortions. By a writing signed by these officers, they agreed to settle and pay over all moneys, over and above their lawful fees.^ This was " indemnity for the past." "The security for the future" was, that " when any doubt should arise as to fees, they should not be paid to the officers, but to such officers as loere appointed by the people." Matthew Locke and Ilerman Husbands were among those selected to re- * See his life in Chapter VIII, Brunswick, and Husbands' book in the Chapter Orange, Chapter LVIII. t Julius Cassar, Act iv, Scene 2d. ,' Caruthers life of Rev. David Caldwell, j Martin, ii. 274 ROWAN COUNTY. 359 ceive these fees. An instance of more determined resistance, or of purer democracy, is not to be found in the annals of any people. Thepowerof the government was exercised to put down this movement. The military spirit of the Royal Governor (Tryon) resolved to appeal to the sword. He sent General WaddcU to Salisbury to raise troops, and ordered muni- tions of war from Charleston. We have seen how the brave spirits of Ca- barrus intercepted the wagons at Phifer's mill (now Long's tavern), and destroyed the powder, lead, flints, &c. ;* and when Waddell advanced his troops from Salisbury to join Tryon, the bold sons of Kowan rose in arms, and ordered him back. At Pott's Creek, on 10th May, 1771, ho liL-ld a coun- cil of his officers, and they wisely fell back and re-crossed the Yadkin. But for this, Waddell would have been at the battle of Alamance on the 10th. After that disastrous event, in which, for want of skill in their leaders and concert among their men, the Regulators were subdued, the bloody " Wolf of North Carolina," as Tryon was called by the Indians, advanced in all "the pomp and circumstance" of official station, and juined War Tt^this Assembly Griffith Rutherford was appointed Brigadier-General ♦ See page 65. 32 360 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. of the Salisbury District ; Francis Locke, Colonel of Rowan ; Ales. Dobbins, Lioutenant-Oolonel ; James Braxxon, Major; James Smith, 2d Major. Officers of the Battalion, Wm. Temple Cole, Captain ; James Carr, 1st Lieutenant; David Craige,* 2d Lieutenant. Members from Rowan to the Congress at Halifax, which formed the Con- stitution, November 12, 1776— Griffith Rutherford, Matthew Locke, Wm. Suarpe, James Smith, John Brevard. In 1775, the Royal Government had ceased, by the retreat of Governor Martin. The Civil Government of North Carolina vested in 1. A Provincial Council for the whole State, composed of two members from each Judicial District, and one for the State at large, who was chair- man and (le facto Governor. They had power to call out troops, appoint officers, draw upon the treasury, and do all things necessary for the defence and protection of the State. The members from the Salisbury District were Saml. Spencer, of Anson, and Waightstill Avert, of Mecklenburg. 2. Committees of Safety for the towns were composed of a President and twelve members, who were to sit in the principal town in each district, re- ceive information, and transmit it to the Provincial Council, and had appel- late power over 3. County Committees of Safety, who were elected by the freeholders of each county, who were to correspond with the Committee of Safety for the Town, who, if necessary, referred the communication to the Provincial Coun- cil: had power to examine all suspected persons ; arrest, imprison and pun- ish ; prevent persons in debt from absconding, and compel others to pay their debts ; and to take especial care that the public interest suffered no detri- ment. For Rowan County were appointed Jas. McCat, Andrew Neal, George Cathy, Alexander Dobbins, Francis Mackorkle, Matthew Locke, Max- well Chambers, Henry Harmon, Abrah-am Denton, Wm. Davidson, Saml. Young, John Brevard, Wm. Kennon, Geo. Henry Barringer, Robt. Bell, John Bickerstaff, John Cowdex', John Lewis Beard, John Nesbit, Chas. McDowell, Robt. Blackburn, Christopher Beekman, Wm. Sharpe, John Johnson, and Morgan Bryan. The journal of this committee, from 8th August, 1774, to May 7th, 1776, has been preserved. I am indebted to the research of Professor Rockwell, of Davidson College, and the activity of ray agent, Capt. Thomas L. Tucker, of Iredell, and the kindness of Davidson Sharpe, for the record. It is authentic, and throws such a flood of light on the acts and actors of that day, that I present its pages entire Journal of the Committee of Safety for Rowan County, N. C.j from 1774 to 1776. At a meeting of the committee, August 8th, 1774, the following resolves were unanimously agreed to : — Kesolved, That we will at all times, whenever we are called upon for that purpose, maintain and defend, at the expense of our lives and fortunes, his Majesty's right and title to the Crown of Great Britain and his dominions in America, to whose royal person and government we profess all due obedience and fidelity. Resolved, That the right to impose taxes or duties, to be paid by the in- habitants within this province, for any purpose whatsoever, is peculiar and essential to the General Assembly, in whom the legislative authority of the colony is vested. Besolved, That every attempt to impose such taxes or duties by any other authority, is an arbitrary exertion of powei-, and an infringement of the con- stitutional rights and liberties of the colony. Resolved, That to impose a tax or duty on tea by the British Parliament, in which the North American Colonies can have no representation, to be * Father of Burton Craige, Esq., of Salisbury. ROWAN COUNTY. 361 paid upon importation by the inhabitants of the said colonies, is an act of power without right. It is subversive to the liberties of the said colonies, deprives them of their property without their own consent, and thereby re- duces them to a state of slavery. Resohed, That the late cruel and sanguinary acts of Parliament, to be executed by military force and ships of war upon our sister colony of the Massachusetts Bay and town of Boston, is a strong evidence of the corrupt influence obtained by the British Ministry in Parliament, and a convincing proof of their fixed intention to deprive the colonies of their constitutional rights and liberties. Resolved, That the cause of the town of Boston is the common cause of the American Colonies. Resolced, That it is the duty and interest of all the American Colonies firmly to unite in an indissoluble union and association to oppose by every just and proper means the infringement of their common rights and privileges. Resolced, That a general association between all the American Colonies not to import from Great Britain any commodity whatsoever (except such things as shall be hereafter excepted by the General Congress of this Pro- vince), ought to be entered into, and not dissolved till the just rights of the colonies are restored to them, and the cruel acts of the British Parliament against the Massachusetts Bay and town of Boston are repealed. Resolced, That no friend to the rights and liberties of America ought to purchase any commodity whatsoever, except such as shall be excepted, which shall be imported from Great Britain after the General Association shall be agreed upon. Resolced, That every kind of luxury, dissipation, and extravagance ought to be banished from among us. Resolced, That manufactures ought to be encouraged by opening subscrip- tions for that purpose, or by any other proper means. Resolved, That the African trade is injiiriotis to this colont/, obstructs the population of it by freemen, prevents manufacturers and other useful emi- grants from Europe from settling among us, and occasions an annual increase of the balance of trade against the colonies. Resolced, That the raising sheep, hemp, and flax ought to be encouraged. Resolved, That to be clothed in manufocturcs fabricated in the colonies ought to be considered as a badge of distinction, of respect, and true patriotism. Resolced, That Messrs. Samuel Young and Moses Winslow, for the county of Rowan, and for the town of Salisbury, William Kennon, Esq., be, and they are hereby nominated and appointed Deputies upon the part of the inhabit- ants and freeholders of this county and town of Salisbury, to meet such Deputies as shall be appointed by the other counties and corporations within this colony, at Johnston Court House, the 20th of this instant. Resolced, That, at this important and alarming crisis, it be earnestly re- commended to the said Deputies at their general Convention, that they nominate and appoint one proper person out of each district of this province, to meet such Deputies in a General Congress, as shall be appointed upon the part of the other Continental Colonies in America, to consult and agree upon a firm and indissoluble union and association for preserving, by the best and most proper means, their common rights and liberties. Resolced, That this colony ought not to trade with any colony which sliall refuse to join in any union and association that shall be agreed upon by the greater part of the other colonies on this continent, for preserving their com- mon rights and liberties. At a meeting of the committee at Salisbury, on the 23d day of September, 1774, William Kexnox, Esq., in the chair, Adlai Osborne, Esq., Clerk — The resolves of the Provincial Congress met at Newberu, on the 2ath day of August last, were read and unanimously agreed to. Resolved, That twenty-five persons be appointed a committee to correspond with the Provincial Congress, and to see tliat the resolutions of tlie Conti- nental and Provincial Congress be carried into execution by the inhabitants of this country'. Resolced, That in case of the death of any of the said committee, or rcfus- 362 HISTOKT OF NORTH CAROLINA. ing to act, the survivora or residue have power to elect others to maintain the number of twenty-five. Resolved, That the following persons constitute the said Committee, viz. : James McCay, Andrew Neal, Geor<>;e Cathy, Alexander Dobbins, Francis McKorkle, Matthew Locke, Maxwell Chambers, Henry Harmon, Abraham Dinton, AVllliam Davidson, Samuel Young, John Brevard, William Kennon, George Henry Barringer, Robert Bell, John Bickerstaff, John Cowden, John Lewis Beard, John Nisbet, Charles McDowel, Robert Blackburn, Christopher Beekman, A\"illiam Sharpe, John Johnson, Morgan Bryan. Resolved, That this Committee meet at Salisbury on the second day of each County Court, or on the second day of the week on which the County Court used to be held. Resolved, That thirteen of the members of said Committee be a board to transact business. Resolved, That "William Kennon, Esq., be Chairman of said Committee, and in his absence Maxwell Chambers, and that the Chairman, for the time being, have power to convene the said Committee occasionally. Resolved, That the Clerk of the Meeting transmit a copy of the resolves to each member of said Committee. Resolved, That the people of this county will break off all trade, commerce, and dealing, and will not maintain the least trade, dealing, or intercourse with any person or persons resident in this county, who shall refuse, decline, or neglect to carry into execution the resolves made at the general meeting of Deputies of this province at Newbern, the 25th of August last, and that those who offend herein shall be deemed enemies to their country and treated accordingly. Resolved, That the thanks of the county be given to the Deputies of the said County and Town of Salisbury, for their faithful attendance on the Provincial Congress. Resolved, That each Company of Rowan militia raise £20 proc, to be paid into the hands of Mr. Maxwell Chambers. The sum of £20, which collec- tion is to be transmitted to Colonel Richard Caswell, and the remainder to remain in the hands of Mr. Maxwell Chambers, for defraying future contin- gencies, to be disposed of by this Committee. Resolved, That the Chairman of this Committee, as soon as convenient, write to the Provincial Committee of Correspondence, informing them that there is a committee elected for the county, ready to correspond with said committee, and also a letter to Richard Caswell, Esq., requesting an account of the proceedings in the Continental Congress. Re:olved, That AVilliam Davidson, John Beckerstaff, and Robert Bell, wait on Messrs. Jno. and William Kelly, to desire their attendance on this com- mittee,_in order to answer a charge of having infringed the provincial resolves by selling powder at a higher rate than it had been sold for three months past. Messrs. John and William Kelly attended accordingly, and being ex- amined with regard to powder which they acknowledged to have sold for ten shillings per pound, Resolved, That five shillings is a sufficient price for powder at this time. Resolved, That any person who shall sell or buy powder for more than five shillings, shall be deemed an enemy to his country and treated accordingly. Be it remembered, that Will. Kelly acknowledged that ten shillings per pound was too great a price for powder, and that his intention was to sell six pence cheaper per pound, than any other merchant in the county. But that John Kelly, to whom the powder belonged, would not permit him, and that tlie said John Kelly declared, that he would not sell his powder for five shillings, proc. An advertisement, signed by John Dunn and Benjamin Booth Boote, being read in this Committee, Resolved, That the said advertisement contains sundry allegations altogether false, scandalous, wicked and impertinent, and that the authors thereof justly merit the censure and detestation of the county. A paper being read in the committee, known to be a copy of a paper called ROWAN COUNTY. 363 a protest referred to in the above advertisement, composed by the said John Dunn and Benjamin Booth Boote, Resolved, That the said paper is in the highest degree false and contempt- ible, and even bordering on blasphemy, and that the authors thereof ought to be treated ■with the contempt which the authors of so infamous a perform- ance deserve, and as enemies to their country. Itesulced, That a copy of the above resolves, respecting an advertisement and paper called a protest, composed by John Dunn and Benjamin Booth Boote, be put up against the two posts of the gallows and the whipping-post, to de- monstrate the contempt in which the committee hold the authors of so infa- mous a performance. This Committee then adjourned. WILLIAM KENNON, Chairman. Adlai Osborne, Clerk. Noveml)er 2d, 1774, being appointed for a meeting of the County Commit- tee, a sufficient number of the gentlemen appointed to constitute the County Committee not attending, this meeting was adjourned till to-morrow, nine o'clock. November 3d. The Committee met this morning according to adi'ournment. WILLIAM KENNON, Esq., Chairman. James Macay, Clerk. Information being made to the Committee, by Samuel Young, that John Johnson refused to serve as member of the Committee, Resolved, That Adlai Osborne, Esq., be chosen in his stead. Mr, Osborne was accordingly admitted a member of the Committee. The members of the Committee finding it extremely inconvenient upon any special emergency to assemble thirteen members. Resolved, That five membei"s be a sufficient Committee, for the time being, to act upon extraordinary occasions, and that whatsoever shall be done by these shall be considered as the act of the wlrole Committee. Resolved, That the resolution of this Committee, entered into the 23d of September last, relative to Mr. Dunn, and JMr. Boote, be executed this day by John Bone, Town Constable. William Spurgin appearing before the Committee, to answer a charge against his conduct relative to the protest and advertisement of Dunn and Boote, he denied his having signed them, yet the Committee judged he had not given entire satisfaction. Resolved, Therefore, that William Spurgin, Esq., by disavowing all con- nection with his Country, in the present measures, has as far as in his power relinquished the rights of the people and opposed them, to be illegally and unconstitutionally taxed by the British Ministry, which has a tendency to spread sedition amongst His Majesty's loyal subjects in the County of llowan, for which he is justly deemed by this Committee an enemy to his country, and should be treated as such by all His Majesty's loyal subjects in America. Resolved, That the Chairman, with three or more members of Committee, request a meeting of the people of that neighborhood at Spraiker's, as they dift'er in opinion from this Committee, in the present unhappy dispute be- tween America and the British Parliament, there to confer together for their mutual benefit. Then this committee adjourned. WM. KENNON, Esq., Chairman. James Macat, Clerk. At a meeting of the County Committee on the 8th day of February, 1775, Will. Kennon, Esq., Chairman, Adlai Osborne, Esq., Clerk — Resolved, That it be recommended to the inhabitants of Rowan County that the several militia companies meet together, and each choose committee-men, 364 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ita which Committee so chosen shall meet at Salisbury the first of March next, and then have power to elect deputies, -who are to meet at Newbern or else- where, and vote for delegates for the General Congress, to meet at Philadel- phia the 10th of May next ; and that it be recommended to the inhabitants of Rowan to impower their Committee at their first meeting to resolve what num- ber of said Committee may proceed upon business, and particularly that the said Committee make such resolves and adopt such measures as may enforce the ob?ervation of the resolves of the General Congress, and most effectually preserve to America her natural and political privileges, ADLAI OSBORNE, Clerk. At a meeting of the Committee on, the 1st of June, 1775, Samuel Yovsg, Chairman, J WE^ Macay, Clerk — JlesolveJ, That Messrs. George Cathy and John Montgomery carry an ex- press to Col. Walker, requesting him to take into his possession a certain quantity of powder now in possession of Conrad Ileldebrand, and on his refusal to act according to His Majesty's proclamation and the act of As- sembly of this Province, that the bearer of this request immediately return his answer to Will. Berry, that he return it to Christ'r Beakman, and in case of refusal he do forthwith take in possession the said powder, or take suffi- cient security of said Ileldebrand that he will not remove said powder out of the County, or sell it to our enemies, nor take any advantage of the pre- sent difficulties by raising the price on those who purchase of him. Resolved, That Messrs, Sam. Young, Christ'r Beakman and James 3Iacay be a committee to draw up an address to the several militia companies of the County, to be signed by them. Resolved, That Robert King, John Oliphant, and David Caldwell settle with Maxwell Chambers, former treasurer. Resolved, That the sum of two pounds be allowed from each company to defray the expenses of the delegates for the Continental and Provincial Congresses, and that the overplus money be applied to contingent expenses of the common cause. Resolved, That Mr. Samuel Young be treasurer ; that he receive the sums raised of each company, and that he pay the seyeral delegates for their ser- vices. Resolved, That Maxwell Chambers be publicly advertised in the South Carolina Gazette as an enemy to the common cause of liberty, for raising the price of his goods higher than be sold at a year past, contrary to the direc- tion of the Continental Congress. Resolved, That Hugh Montgomery be brought before this Committee, to answer a charge of selling powder at a higher price than had been set on it by this Committee. Let it be remembered that Mr. Montgomery, on his appearance, generous- ly acknowledged his trespass of the resolve, and declared his intention to do so no more. Resolved, That the several militia companies raise such sums of money as may serve their several purposes in case of any emergency ; that part of said sums be applied in providing powder and lead, that they may l^ provided against the invasion of the Indians on the frontier, which seems at present probable. Resolved, That James Macay be clerk of this Committee, and act as such during pleasure. An Address to the sevei-al Militia Captains and their Companies. " We, His Majesty's loyal subjects, the Committee of the County of Rowan, propose to your consideration and assent the following things :— " That His Majesty, George the Third, is lawful and^'rightful King of Great Britain and the dominions thereunto belono-in", " That by the Constitution of our Government we are a free people, not sub- ject to be taxed by any power but that of the happy Constitution, which ROWAN COUNTY. 365 limits both sovereignty and allegiance, which defends us from being taxed by any man, or set of men, loithout representation and consent, and declares it illegal for any to dispose of others' property in a different way. "That it is our duty to defend the succession of his present Majesty and the illustrious Hanoverian line ; likewise the happy Constitution under which we live ; and that it is our duty to surrender our lives before our constitu- tional privileges to any set of men upon earth. We beseech such of you as may be of a different opinion to consider the bill of rights and the compact on which the Constitution is founded, that you may see to what end different principles may lead. " Each captain and such of his company as think it their duty to hand down unimpaired to posterity the rights and privileges their ancestors, through seas of blood, handed down to them, are desired to join their hands hereto." To the Committee of the County of Mecklenburg. Gentlemen — The alarming state of American freedom being in the con- sideration of all committees, from the Continental Congress, now sitting at Philadelphia, to the smaller kind through the province ; we, a committee for the County of Rowan now met at Salisbury, desiring a communication to be held up betwixt the several committees, that the greater unity may be in supporting the common cause ; in particular, desiring the correspondence of your committee, considering our profession and intentions for Protestantism are the same — we request that we may have an account of your proceedings, promising you a like return. "We beseech you likewise that with us you would lift your hearts in un- dissembled prayers to the Disposer of all Events, that he would by his Providence interpose against the counsels of designing men. That we may have our Constitution as contained in the Magna Charta, the Charter of the Forest, the Habeas Corpus Act, and the Charter we brought over with us, handed down unsullied to posterity ; and that, under God, the present House of Hanover, in legal succession, may be the defenders of it. By order of the Committee, signed by JAMES MACAY, Clerk. At a meeting of the Committee, July 18th, 1775 — A proclamation being read from his Excellency Josiah Martin, dated June 16th, 1775 — the Committee judging it entirely false in its tenure, and in its nature, of mischievous consequence ; a corrupt gloss upon the diabolical measures of a debauched ministry, tending to seduce the minds of the popu- lace and bring them off from their true interest in opposing the cruel mea- sures of an unjust ministry — liesolved, therefore, unanimously, That an advertisement be made setting forth the dangerous tendency of said proclamation, and that a copy of the same be transmitted to the several militia captains of this county. Information being made to the Committee there was a strong suspicion Benjamin Booth Boote had received letters from his Excellency of same tenure with said proclamation, Resolved, therefore, unanimously. That Benjamin B. Boote be summoned before the Committee and demanded to produce said letters. Resovled, That if he refuses to produce said letters, or denies the receiving them, force shall be used and diligent search made in order to procure them. Benjamin B. Boote being first invited and afterward summoned to appear before the Committee, and continuing obstinate, declaring his resolution neither to appear, nor to deliver the letters, Resolved, in consequence whereof. That Wm. Temple Coles be Captain of the youth in Salisbury to guard tlie house of Benjamin B. Boote, and that they prevent the conveyance of all sustenance to him until he deliver the aforesaid letters, and that they search all other places suspected to conceal said letters. He acknowledged the receipt of letters from the Governor. And that the letters, if received, be given into the hands of Adlai Osborne, Esq., or John Lewis Beard, until the next sitting of the Committee. 366 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. At a meeting of the Committee for the County of Rowan, August 1, 1775, Moses Winslow, Chairman, James Macay, Clerk. On motion, RettoJccd, That Cul. Kennon, Mr^ Avery, and Mr. Coles, be admitted to seats in this Committee. Resolved, That a friendly address be sent to the inhabitants of the Fork of Yadkin, in order that a conference may be had with them on Friday next. Resolved, That Messrs. Avery, Samuel Young, and Wm. Sharp, be a Com- mittee to draw up said address. Mr. Cook, the Baptist preacher, appearing before the Committee, and in the most explicit and humiliating terms pro- fessing his sorrow for signing the protest against the cause of liberty, which lately circulated in the Furk of the Yadkin ; and other parts of his conduct in opposing the just rights and liberties of the nation in general, and American liberty in particular, and entreating for information relative to the present unhappy disturbance, Resolved, That Messrs. Samuel Young and William Sharp wait on Mr. Cook, and give him all the information in their power. Resolved, That one thousand volunteers be, immediately embodied in this County, elect their stafiF oflScers, and be ready at the shortest notice to march out to action. Resolved, That Messrs. Samuel Young, James Macay, and "NYm. Sharp, be a Committee to draw up an address to the several Militia Companies. Which being done was read, and is as follows : — Gentlemen — We, the Committee for the County of Rowan and town of Salis- bury, having received a letter from the honorable Continental Congress, re- commending to this County, immediately, to form a part of the men able to bear arms into regular companies, for the defence of the Province against the tyranny and designs of the King's ministers, to undo him and us. Thus far the recommendation of the Congress, which we are farther led most anxious- ly to engage in, from having now in our possession letters directed by Lord Dartmouth, the King's Secretary, and General Gage, his commander at Bos- ton, declaring their intention to attack this province, by arming one part of us under British officers against the other; by which cruel means each neigh- borhood would be engaged in bloody massacre with its adjacent, in that bitter scourge to humanity, a civil war. Brother against brother, and son against the father, letting loose upon our defenceless frontier a torrent of blood, by the savage rage of Indian barbarity; who are ordered a supply of arms ancf am- munition, by Lord North, immediately to attack us, and resent the inhuman cruelties of the last war. Ripping infants from the wombs of their expiring mothers; roasting Christians to death by slow fire. But let us quit a sub- ject disgraceful to Christianity, and rouse like one man in defence of our religion from popery, of our liberty from slavery, and our lives from torment- ing death. A\ e exhort that each captain do enlist as many men within his company, or elsewhere, as in his power ; who are to form themselves into companies of fifty men, or more, choose their officers, and be supplied with ammunition for the purposes abovesaid, within their County and frontiers. And it is most earnestly recommended that they do, as quick as possible, improve themselves in the discipline and exercise. Resolved, That all powder in this town be taken into the possession of this Committee. Resolved, That Hugh ]\Iontgomery, Maxwell Chambers, William Nisbet, Matthew Troy, and Mr. Mitchell, be required to declare on oath to this Com- mittee, what quantity of powder, lead, and flints, in their possession; and that they deliver the same to the order of this Committee. Resolved, That Mr. Matthew Troy do deliver unto this Committee all the powder in his custody, the property of John Kelly, and that the Committee indemnify Mr. Troy for said action. Resolved, That a copy of the above resolve signed by all the members be given to Mr. Troy, as the obligation of this Committee. Resolved, That John AVork deliver to the order of the Committee, one quarter cask of powder, and all the lead and flints in his possession, and that the Committee pay for the same the price set upon these articles. KOWAN COUNTY. 367 Eesolved, That George Henry Barringer, Esq., David Woodson, and Richard Shaver, attend on Lewis Jefre, and by order of the Committee, require him to deliver to them the powder and ammunition in his possession, and that this Committee obligate themselves to pay for the same. Also, that they wait on Frederick Fisher for the same purpose. Be it remembered that the day before, a petition was presented by Doctor Xewman, and others, against the seeming arbitrary conduct of Col. Kennon, and others, in the case of Dunn and Boote. Resolved, That the petition presented by Doctor Newman, be considered. After a long debate, the questions were put: — 1. Whether the malice, &c., as charged in the petition, was proved? Answered in the negative. 2. Whether there was a necessity for taking Dunn and Boote? Answered in the affirmative. 3. When taken, whether to be removed ? Answered in the affirmative. 4. And if removed, whether to South Carolina? Answered in the affirmative. 5. Whether the conduct of Col. Martin, and others, be a precedent for the future in all cases of the like nature? Answered in the negative. 6. Whether the conduct of Col. Martin, and others, merited the thanks of this Committee, considering the alarming situation of the Province in general ? Answered in the affirmative. Resolved, That John Olyphant, James Patterson, William Neal, and Gil- braith Falls, declare in open Committee, that the determination relative to their dispute falling in favor of either party, shall be no let or cause of divi- sion with them in support of right, and liberty. Whereas, From the late contradictory and equivocal behaviour of Captain Oli/phant, it appears he cannot be entrusted to execute the late resolve of this Committee with respect to embodying volunteers. And, said captain refusing to act any longer in that capacity — Resolved, That Captain Olyphant's company meet as soon as possible, elect proper officers, and that the captain so appointed, is hereby directed to exe-^ cute the resolve of this Committee relative to raising and embodying volun- teers. Resolved, That the 8th day of this instant, a poll be opened for the election of the Town of Salisbury, and that they elect one or more delegates to sit in Provincial Congress. Resolved, That the poll open Immediately, and that the county choose tbeir delegates. Resolved, That the 14th of this instant, Jonathan Hunt and Samuel Bryans, meet this Committee, and make oath to the signers of the papers by them produced. Resolved, That Sassinfield, and company, come before this Committee, the 14th instant, in the same manner and on the same terms that Jonathan Hunt, the Bryans, and others, came before this Committee on the 4th instant. Ordered, That ^Ir. James Macay serve Sassinfield's company with a copy of the foregoing resolve. Resolved, That Captain William Davidson take into his custody the pow- der, lead, and flints in the possession of John Work, and dispose of the same according to the order of the Committee. Resolved, That Christopher Beekmnn take into his custody the powder, lead, and flints now in the possession of Conrad Ileldebrand, and dispose of the same at the order of the committee, and for the security of payment to Con- rad Ileldebrand, he deliver to him, at the receiving of it, an order on this Com- mittee, which shall be accepted by us. Resolved, That for the time being, each militia company pay their quota of expense according to the number of taxablcs. Resolved, That for the time being, each militia company shall send two members to Committee. 368 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Resohrrl, That Robert King, William Sharpe, and James Wallace, be a Committee to make a register of the past resolves of this County Committee. JAMES MACAY, Clerk. Salisbury, September 20, 1775. The Committee for the County of Rovran met according to adjournment. Present, Sam'I Young, m/7 a <; 3 c a ■ p 2 209 104 129 123 47 169 77 74 77 34 Male slaves taxable. Female slaves . ■ taxable. 142 33 32 81 15 16 104 12 9 98 10 10 33 1 1 66 29 5 9 2 A letter from "William McRride, Esq., directed to the Chairman and gen- tlemen of the Committee in Rowan County, being read, ordered that the letter lie on the table for consideration one hour. On motion, Eesolved, That when a creditor makes it appear on oath that he hath, by advertising or otherwise, given sufficient notice to his debtor or debtors for all sums under five pounds, to come in and make payment, or give sufficient security for the same : and it appearing that the debtor or debtors refusing or neglecting to comply, it is the opinion of this Committee that it will be sufficient evidence to give leave to bring suits. The order of the day being read for taking into consideration Mr. McBride's letter. Resolved, That Mr. Locke, by letter addressed to him and the people up the river, inform them of the proceedings of last Provincial Congress. Pursuant to order of last Committee, Samuel Lowrie appeared. Resolved, That he have till the first Tuesday in next month to determine on his political sentiments relative to American freedom, and that he appear before the Committee at that time. Resolved, That it be recommended to the several militia companies who have not yet cordially embodied themselves and chosen officers, to adhere as near as may be to the districts prescribed by last court-martial. Resolved, That the several militia companies in this county be sufficiently notified by their old officers when there has been no election, and by their new ones when they are appointed, to meet some day before the next Com- mittee to sign this test, appointed by Cimgress, and all persons neglecting or refusing to sign the test aforesaid shall be noticed by one of the officers to appear before the said Committee to show cause for such refusal or neglect, and return the test signed to committee. A petition signed by twenty-two members of the South Division, of Captain Berkley's Company, praying a new election of officers, being proposed and read. Resolved, That the prayer of said petition be granted. On motion. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Committee provide paper, write certificates (leaving a blank for the date and bearer's name), for such friends of liberty who may apply for the same ; affix the Committee's seal thereto and distribute a sufficient number amongst Samuel Young, John Bre- vard, John Purviance, ISIatthcw Locke, Charles McDowell, James Smith, Christopher Beekman, Hugh Montgomery, John Archibald, who shall be ac- ROWAN COUNTY. 371 countable to the Secretary for the sum of eight pence for each certificate, otherwise return the same, which is the sum allowed the Secretary for said service. Resolved, That Messrs. Samuel Young, John Archibald, John Montgomery, Jonathan Hunt, Robert King, Matthew Locke, Samuel Reed, James Smith and William Sharpe, shall attend at Mr. Jonathan Hunt's, on Tuesday, the last instant, to confer with the inhabitants of the Forks of the Yadkin, on the subject of American freedom. Resolved, That the Chairman of this Committee, by letter addressed to the ' several Committees of Petersborough, Cambletown, Cheraw, Georgetown, Camden, and Charlestown, desiring tliem by no means to purchase any sort of produce, or other articles, nor sell any manner of article, or necessary to any person or persons, from the county of Rowan, unless they first produce a certificate signed by the Secretary, and impressed with the seal of the Com- mittee in said county. Resolved, That Mr. Samuel Young have leave to bring suit against James Fitzpatrick, debt above five pounds. The Committee adjourned till Tuesday, 7th of next month. Minutes read and signed by order of Committee. SAMUEL YOUNG, Chairman. William Sharpe, Secretary. The Committee of the County of Rowan met 7th of Nov., 1775, according to adjournment. Present, Mr. Samuel Young, Ch'n, John Brevard, John Archibald, Griffith Rutherford, John Loss, Robert King, Jonathan Hunt, Matthew Locke, William Moore, David Smith, Jolm Lewis Beard, Samuel Reed, James Smith, Hugh Montgomery, John Purviance, Josiah Rouncifer, William Sharpe, Alexander Dobbins. John Dickey, Robert Moore, Pursuant to resolve of last Committee, a number of Captain James Smith's Company being cited appeared, three of whom signed the test. Ordered that the remainder have till to-morrow morning to consider of the matter. The Committee adjourned till to-morrow morning, eight o'clock. Wednesday, Nov. 8th, 1775. The Committee met according to adjournment. James Hemphill has leave to bring suit against Francis Bishop, debt under five pounds. James Hamilton has leave to bring suit against Thomas Bailie for assault and battery. Resolved, That Mr. Joseph Hughes be admitted to the same privileges as those who sign the test, on account of some extraordinary circumstances attending him. Resolved, That all suits now depending in the Inferior Court, in the County of Rowan, ought to be tried as soon as possible ; but no execution issue with- out leave. Resolved, That any three members of this Committee may give leave to creditors to bring suits and issue orders, to detain the bodies or goods of such as are about to remove out of the county, in the same manner as this Com- mittee could do when constituted. And any tiiree members proceeding as aforesaid, shall make due return in writing to the next ensuing Committee. Robert AVilson has leave to bring suit against William Martin, for debt under five pounds. William Denltam, agreeable to citation, appeared licfore the bar of this Committee, to render an account of his political sentiments relative to American freedom. Ordered that he have till to-morrow morning, at eight o'clock, to consider of the matter, and that he then appear before the Committee. Mr. James Smith, Chairman of the Committee appointed to set at Colonel Hunt's the last of last month, Reports, That either through disaffection to American measures, or want 372 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. of notice or neglect, the people failed to appear, -whereby the design of your Committee is prostrated. Jicaolved, That Mr. John Brevard, John Dickey, Moses Winsley and Hugh Brevard, or any throe of them, attend at Captain "William Davidson's, on tlie 20th instant, to see that the company of minute men, whom he has enlisted, are embodied, and able effective men, and make report to the next Committee. Resolved, That Mr. Thomas McGuire raise a sufficient guard of men, and compel the appearance of Alexander Allison and John Hall, before this Com- mittee, at next session, to render an account of their political sentiments rela- tive to American freedom. Whereas, William Spur(ieon and Matthias Sassinfield continue incorrigible enemies to American measures for the defence of their freedom— Therefore resolved. That Colonel ]Martin dispatch two officers, with a suffi- cient number of soldiers, and take the bodies of the said Spurgeon and Sassin- field, and them or either of them bring before this session of Committee, or otherwise have them confined in the common gaol in this county, until the next sitting of the same. Jacob Beck being brought to the bar of this Com- mittee to give an account of his political sentiments, ordered that he have till to-morrow morning to consider the matter, and Captain David Smith is security for his appearance. Adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o'clock. Tuesday, Nov. 9th, 1775. The Committee met according to adjournment. Dennis Burgin has leave to take possession of a sufficient quantity of the goods of Thomas Bidwell (who has absented himself from this county), as security for a debt under twenty pounds. Resolced, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that it was not the design of the Provincial Congress to restrain plaintifi"s from bringing suits for tres- pass with force and arms, assaults, batteries, slanders, and such like torts and injuries, or compel the plaintiff, in such cases, to make previous application to the Committee. We do therefore allow such suits to be commenced and proceeded upon as far as judgment without such application. Resolved, That John Bones be appointed door-keeper for this Committee, and that he be paid by the members thereof three shillings per day. Ordered, that Colonel Adlai Osborne deliver to Colonel Martin, a quarter cask of gunpowder, and fifty pounds of lead, out of the public magazine of this county, and take a receipt for the same in behalf of this Committee. Rei-olved, That Captain David Smith have leave to absent himself from this Committee, and take and bring back the body of Jacob Beck, who failed to appear agreeable to the order of the day. Ordered, that Col. Adlai Osborne deliver Captain David Smith one pound of powder and two pounds of lead, out of the magazine, and take his receipt. Resolved, That Captain Dickson's company choose proper officers, and return their names to next Committee for approbation, and the company be subjected to the officers so elected. Resolved, That the Chairman of this committee, by letter addressed to Col. Andrew Hunt, James Bryaus, Jr., and John Johnston, directing them to adver- tise all the friends of American Liberty in the forks of Yadkin, to meet at John Johnston's on the last Friday of this month, to elect proper officers fur one or more militia companies ; and that it be recommended to Col. Ruther- ford to attend at the same time, to render all the friendly services in his power to obtain so desirable an end. Resolved, That Mr. Moses Winsley take into his possession the gunpowder and other ammunition in the hands of John Work, and give him an obliga- tion in behalf of this Cunimittee, for the payment of the same at the price directed by Congress. And this Committee does obligate themselves to in- demnify Mr. Winsley for the same. ResfUvcd, That Colonel llutherford, Matthew Locke, Maxwell Chambers, Matthew Troy, Samuel Young, James Smith, and William Nisbett, be a EOWAN COUNTY. 373 Committee of Secrecy, Intelligence, and Observation for the County of Rowan and Town of Salisbury. A letter from Benjamin Booth Boote, dated Charlestown, October 31, 1775, directed to this Committee, purporting that the General Committee of Charles- town has offered to release the said B. Booth Boote and John Dunn, Esq., on condition that the said Boote and Dunn would promise to observe a strict neutrality with respect to the common cause, and also indemnify the persons most active in sending the said Boote and Dunn into South Carolina ; and further purporting that said Boote and Dunn would not agree to the latter condition : Also, desiring this Committee to make provision for his family in case he is not released — Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the resolve of the Provincial Congress, communicated to the Committee of Intelligence of South Carolina, respecting said B. Booth Boote, should be observed. That the con- dition mentioned in said Boote's letter is unnecessary, since this Committee consider the honor not only of this county, but the Province engaged to in- demnify those who conveyed the said Boote out of the Province. Itesolved, That the said Boote's family be provided for at the discretion of the Town Committee of Salisbury. Ordered, that the Secretary of this Committee certify a copy of the afore- said letter and order thereon, and direct the same to the General Committee in Charlestown. A letter from the Hon. Alexander McCulloh, Esq., dated Halifax County, September 28th, 1775, directed to the Chairman of this Committee, express- ing the most generous sentiments in support of American freedom, and defending himself against a charge of undue influence on the minds and conduct of Messrs. Frohock and Kerr, being read — Resolved, That this Committee entertain the most grateful sense of the kindness of the author of so friendly and spirited a performance, and esteems Messrs. Frohock and Kerr nothing the less on account of the calumny of wicked and designing persons. The Committee adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o'clock. Friday, Nov. 10th, 1775. The Committee met according to adjournment. Ordered, that Charles Purviance have leave to bring suit against John Olyphant ; debt under £5. Resolved, That this Committee will be accountable to Mr. Troy for twenty pounds of lead at lUt/., bought by Mr. Osborne in behalf of this Committee. Whereas, by virtue of sundry executions, the Sheriff has executed goods before the returns to November Term, and the same still remain unsold — Resolved, That the Clerk have leave to issue orders of sale, that the Sheriff may sell such goods as were under execution before said term. Ordered, that Nathaniel Tenpenny have leave to get execution against Henry Sibley, Ilcrmon Butner, and Isaac Enocks. Captain David Smith returned with the body of Jacob Beck before this Committee ; from his notorious contempt of this Committee and opposition to American measures — Resolved, That he be immediately committed to gaol, and that the Secretary draw and sign his mittimus in the name of this Committee. Resolved, That Samuel Wilson and Samuel Iloblis have leave to take into their possession a sufficient quantity of the effects of John Chambers, if to be found in this county, as security for a debt of £2 18^. Ordered, that Joseph Irvin have leave to obtain a summons from a magis- trate, to cause German Baxter to appear and make oath what part of the estate of Joshua Todd (who is out of the county) is in his possession; and Joseph Irvin may take the same into his possession as security for a debt of ten pounds. Ordered, that Joseph Irvin have leave to bring suit against the adminis- trators on the estate of llobort Luckie, deceased, for a debt of X5 Gs. od. Resolved, That the Chairman of this Committee, by letter addressed to the Committee of Brunswick, AV'ilmington, and Cross Creek, recommending to them to use every endeavor to prevent every person from this, or the neigh- 374 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. boring counties, communicating with the Governor, or traveling that way without a proper permission. Resolved, That James Carrall has leave to bring suit against James Brooks for a debt under £5. Resolved, That James Irvin has leave to bring suit against Abm. Little for a debt under j£20. Col. Martin brought Mathias Sapinfield to the bar of this Committee, and after some time spent, he cheerfully signed the Test, professed his hearty approbation of the American measures, and also signed and swore to the same declaration that was signed and sworn by John Colson, in Provincial Con- gress. Jacob Beck being again brought to the Committee bar, cheerfully signed and swore as above. Resolved, That the said Sassinfield and Beck be discharged from their at- tendance on this Committee. Resolved, That it be recommended to Col. Martin, or the Commander of the regular troops in the District of Salisbury, that so long as they continue in Rowan County, in all cases of impressments of horses or other necessai-ies, that application be first made to a Justice of the Peace, or any three mem- bers of Committee. The Committee adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o'clock. Nov. 11th, 1775. The Committee met according to adjournment. Robert Latta came into Committee, and acknowledged the receipt of £14 ICU-., supposed to be counterfeit, from Col. Adlai Osborne, agreeable to order of Committee. A petition was preferred, signed by eight inhabitants of the South Fork of Yadkin, part of Capt. Morrison's company, and read. Resolved, That the said petition and order of the last Committee be con- tinued until next Committee and the parties appear. William McBride being sent for, appeared under guard at the bar of this Committee, for contempt offered to the same. Ordered, that he be reproved in the name of this Committee by Mr. Chair- man. From the contradictory and equivocal behavior of William McBride before this Committee — Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee that the advertisement charging Captain Thomas Whitson with falsehood, &c., and signed William McBride, is a false and scurrilous performance, and the author thereof ought to be treated with every mark of disrespect. The following is the state of the accounts of the several Militia Compa- nies that have contributed towards defraying the contingent expenses, viz., paying delegates, &c. Ordered, that each Militia Company as soon as possible pay up their ar- rears, so as to make four pounds each, agreeable to order of Committee, and that a farther tax be immediately collected of sixpence from each taxable, to pay delegates for going to Hillsborough, and other small contingencies. A list of officers nominated by this Committee, to be returned to Provincial Congress, agreeable to resolve of Congress. Captai)is.—Jas. Purviance, Christ. Beekman, David jCa]dwell, Charles McDowell, John Harden, John Graham, John Work, Jesse Harris, David Smith, Patrick Morrison, George H. Barringer, Rudolph Conrod, Jacob Eagle. Lieutenanis.— John Purviance, Wm. Beekman, Hugh Hall, AYm. Pend- land, George Walker, Francis Ross. William Neil, Benjamin Davis, Peter Frederick, Walter Sharpo, Windel Miller, John Sigman, Henry Miller. l:nsi(/ns.—^Vi]\\am Waugh, Bolser Sigman, John Rosebrough, John Simp- son, Benjamin Baker, Paul Cunningham ; Richard Quick and John Couger, commissions made out; James McGahey, Henry Fulwider, John Sigman, B. Smith, Evan Davis. Alexander Allison, being cited before this Committee, freely signed the ROWAN COUNTY. 375 Test and is discharged, Alexander Osborne has leave to bring suit against Andrew Allison in a case of a three pound Proc. Bill counterfeit. Williaoi Franklin being in prison bounds was brought to the bar of this Committee, and was admitted to take the following oath, viz. : — /, William Franklin, do freely and solemnly swear on the Holy Evangelisf.f of AlmiffJiiy God, that I will not take up arms against the friends of Ama-ican Liberty; nor will I directly or indirectly aid or assist, comfort, or encourage any person opposing in any manner the measures pursuing by the Americans in de- fence of their liberty. Resolved, That the said Wm. Franklin be discharged from his attendance on this Committee. Ordered that James Fitzpatrick has leave to bring suit against Daniel Rusk for a debt under £20. The Committee adjourned till to-morrow morning nine o'clock. Wednesday the Committee met according to adjournment. Resolved, That Captain Falls and Captain Work are hereby required with- out delay, and immediately to demand and receive of James Cook, on oath if necessary, all the gunpowder and other ammunition in his possession: or by him lent or lodged in the hands of any other person or place : and in case he or they to whom it is lent, or in whose hands it is lodged, refuse or ne- glect to deliver the same immediately, the said captains are hereby required to raise a sufficient number of militia to take the powder and the ammunition and safely convey it to Salisbury, and also to take the body of the said Cook. and all others opposing the delivery of the said powder, and him or them convey, and have confined in the common jail of this county, until further order is given concerning them. And this Committee doth hereby engage to see the aforesaid powder paid at a future day. Ordered, if James Cook deliver the powder without being brought into con- finement, that he be notified to appear before the next Committee, to answer for his former contempt of a respectable body of this Committee. Ordered, that James Garnon has leave to bring suit against John Robinson for a debt under £20. The Committee adjourned one hour. Met according to adjournment. Or- dered, that John Mackie has leave to bring suit against George Russel for debt under £20. John Marrah having made it appear on oath before this Committee, that William Roberts is indebted to him the sura of £9 10s., and that said Roberts proposes to remove himself and eS'ects out of this province, Resolved, That John Marrah has leave to take into his possession efi'ects of the said Roberts equivalent to the debt, or for want thereof, the body of the said Roberts, until the debt is paid, or sufficient security given for the same. Whereas, Messrs. James and Thomas Smith have made it appear before this Committee, that sundry debtors to the estate of Andrew Smith, deceased, after being properly advertised, have failed to pay or give security for their dues. Ordered, that James and Thomas Smith have leave to bring suit against all persons so advertised, and indebted in sums not exceeding five pounds. Resolved, That Mr. Chairman, Mr. Sharp, Mr. King, Mr. Winslow, Mr. Smith, Mr. Archibald, be a Committee to answer the people from the Forks of the Yadkin, and report to-morrow morning. Inasmuch as the judgments of God are at this present in an extraordinary manner impending over this province, therefore. Resolved, That Monday, the 14th instant, be and is hereby appointed a day of public fasting, humiliation, and prayer in this country. And it is recom- mended that the same be religiously observed. The Committee adjourned till to-morrow morning at nine o'clock. The Committee met according to adjournment. John Orton has leave to bring suit against Margaret Johnston, widow, for a debt under £5. Charles Adams has leave to bring suit agninst Michael Wilson for a debt 33 376 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. under £20. James Weston has leave to bring suit against William Johnson for a debt under £5. . . . , RemJved, That John Lawrence has leave to bring suit against Alexander Brown in a case concerning base gold. Ordered, that Richard Johnston has leave to take into his possession a sufficient quantity of the effects of Peter Kettle as security for a debt of £17 7s., said debtor having absconded himself. The Committee appointed to answer the people in Forks of the Yadkin made the following report: — Gentlemen— This Committee, with singular pleasure, receive the assur- ances of your pacific dispositions towards your neighbors and countrymen ; but would have been much more satisfied had your names been sent us by Mr. Brown ; that we might have distinguished our friends from our enemies, and afforded that protection and friendship to the peaceable they have a right to claim, at a time when the friends of American liberty in these S'Tuthern Colonies are determined, by the assistance of Almighty God, at the hazard of their lives and foi tunes, to quell an insurrection of the black- est nature, fomented and supported by the arts of wicked and abandoned men, in the very bosom of this County. Ordered, that the above answer be transmitted to the people in the Forks of the Yadkin, who have declared their peaceable disposition to this Com- mittee, in this day of alarm. The Committee adjourned till Committee in course. SAMUEL YOUNG, Chairman. William Sharpe, Secretary. May Ith, 1776. The Committee met according to adjournment. Present, Samuel Young, Chairman, James Smith, G. H. Baringer, Alexander Dobbins, Josiah Roun- cifer, John Dickey, Samuel Reed, Gilbraith Falls, William Alexander, John Purviance, William Sharpe, Jonathan Hunt, Robert Moore, John Archibald, John Montgomery, John Sloan, John Lewis Beard. A petition signed by thirty-seven of Captain Work's company, praying a nomination of other officers in said company, or otherwise a new election, being read, Resolced, That on Saturday the 11th instant, the said company, commanded by Captain Work, shall meet at their common muster ground and elect pro- per officers to command the same ; and it is recommended that the said com- pany, or such part as is required, hold themselves in readiness to march on the snortest notice, in case of an invasion in this province. Ordered, That Martin Huckleberry has leave to take into his possession as much of the goods and chattels of Thomas Carris, as shall be equal to the sum of £G 9.9. \ld. due to him, the debtur being removed out of the province. Andrew Shields has leave to take into his possession the goods and chattels (if Hugh Cunningham, absconded, or demand a hat worth 40.9., assumed by Thomas McGuire ; the whole equal to £4 10s., and as security for said debt. Samuel Young has leave to retain the cash due to Hugh Cunningham, absconded from the public, as a satisfaction for a debt of £3 16s., and, if an overplus, deliver it to Shields to indemnify him. The Committee adjourned till to-morrow, six o'clock. May 8ih, 1776. The Committee met according to adjournment. A letter of Colonel Arm- strong, of Surry, to this Committee, purporting that a number of guns were taken during tlie expedition from the inhabitants of Muddy Creek, in said County, by the officers of Rowan, and requiring a restoration of the same. Resolved, as tiie taking originated from the Committee of Safety, together ■with a subsequent order of General Court-martial, at Cross Creek, the said guns are to be retained until further order be given thereon by the Committee of Safety. Information being made, that Thomas Haygains has lately ex- pressed some things very unfriendly to American liberty; therefore, Resoh-cd, That Captain Wm. Frohock immediately take his firearms, if any, and cause his appearance before this Couuiuttee at their next sitting, to ROWAN COUNTY. 377 answer such things as shall be olijected against him, and have then and there Joseph Renchor and Benjamin AVilgore, evidences. Resolved, in case our delegates return from Congress without having made provision of gunpowder for this County, that the chairman of this Com- mittee apply to some of the neighboring colonies for tive hundred weight of powder and flints in proportion, and pledge the credit of this Committee for payment of the same. A letter from a number of young ladies in the County, directed to the chairman, requesting the approbation of the Committee to a number of reso- lutions enclosed, entered into and signed by the same young ladies, being read. Resolved, That this Committee present their cordial thanks to the said young ladies for so spirited a performance; look upon these resolutions to be sensible and polite ; that they merit the honor and are worthy the imitation of every young lady in America. The Committee adjourned till Committee in course. SAMUEL YOUNG, Chairman. William Sharpe, Secretary. The fate of Boote and Dunn, alluded to in the foregoincr, is more exemplified in the petition herewith presented, procured from the archives of the Historical Society at the University. They never returned to North Carolina, but, after the war was over, settled in Florida. To the Honorable Samuel Ashe, Esq., President, and to the Honorable Members of Council now in Salisbury assembled : The humble remonstrance of John Dunn showeth, That on the last day of July, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, your remonstrant, in consequence of a premeditated scheme and combination previously entered into by William Kennon, Adlai Osborne, Samuel Spencer, and others, this association caused your remonstrant to be taken into custody by a number of armed persons, who were first illegally sworn in private for that purpose, and by force was compelled from his own house in Salisbury, to the house of Matthew Lock, Esq., where he was de- tained many hours in the night as prisoner, under a specious pretext that some gentlemen from South Carolina were desirous of seeing him. That after some time, a body of other armed men arrived from the Counties of Tryon and Mecklenburg, to whom your remonstrant was delivered over in custody, who conveyed him to Mecklenburg, it being pretended that the Committee of that county were desirous to examine him with regard to some matters which should be by them inquired into. That, notwithstanding the importunities and earnest solicitations of several gentlemen from Salisbury, members of the Committee and the then Council of Safety, who ofi'ered themselves as security, and to be bound in any sum for my appearance the next day before the Committee in Salisbury — not- withstanding, I was forced away the same night to Charlotte, where we ar- rived the next day, and having petitioned to have a hearing before the Com- mittee of that county, which was likewise refused, and an armed force of about sixty horsemen were ordered to convey me to Camden, from thence to the Congress in South Carolina, and thence to Charles Town, where your re- monstrant hath been detained a prisoner for upwards of twelve months, con- trary to every principle of justice and humanity, and contrary to certain re- solves of the General Congress, and in direct viulation of those rights and privileges which Americans contend with Great Britain for at this time. Your remonstrant now prays that you would, in justice to liimself and family, who have sufi"ered greatly on account of this unwarrantable and arbi- trary treatment, inquire into the same, your remonstrant being desirous to acquit himself of those false and groundless charges laid against him previous to any oath being tendered to him. In order to satisfy your Honors and the 378 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. world, that he is not in any wise guilty of such matters as have been falsely suggested or alleged against him, by which he hopes to appear in a different light than what has been represented of him, and for a further confirmation of his innocence, your remonstrant is ready and willing to be interrogated, to answer on oath, if the Honorable Board thinks it necessary, and your re- monstrant will pray. JOHN DUNN. September 11, 1776. Sir — Pursuant to your request of me, I have drawn up the following state of matters and facts as they are with regard to my person being seized upon in mv own province, and sent prisoner to Charles Town, together with Mr. Benjamin Boote, where I now am, and have been for twelve months, wanting a few days. Some time about the last of August or beginning of September, in the year 1774, and previous to the meeting or assembling of any Congress or Committee in any of the southern provinces, or their having entered into any particular resolves with regard to the general laws of American liberties, so far as at that time I had any knowledge of, a certain William Temple Coles, then ma- gistrate, came to me at the yard in Salisbury, where I then was looking over some hands who were there at work for me about making of bricks, Mr. Boote and others present. Mr. Coles pulled out of his pocket a northern newspaper, where printed I do not recollect, and among other things he read certain re- solves or protests entered into by the people of New York, and declaring their disapprobation to the measures then carrying on by the people of Boston, &c., in opposition to the British acts of Parliament, touching the Tea Act, and other acts. That as soon as he had read those resolves, he seemed to approve of them very much, and then said he thought it very necessary and becoming the people of our province, especially Crown-officers, to enter into such like resolves, or resolves similar to those, and then prevailed on Mr. Boote to draw up something of that nature. That in a few days after, I being at Mr. Cole's house, in Salisbury, Mr. Boote produced a paper containing a declaration of allegiance, fidelity, and obedience to His Majesty, and submission to the British acts of Parliament in general, &c. That this paper being similar to that published at New York, it was approved of by Mr. Coles, Mr. Walter Lindsay (who also was magistrate) and myself, and was then signed by Mr. Lindsay, Mr. Boote, and myself, and I believe, one person more. Mr. Boote then kept the paper, and it was then concluded upon by us, not to offer it to any other person to be signed, neither have 1 been privy to its being signed, nor no copy thereof, by any other person, to this hour, nor have I made any inquiry about it since. Shortly afterwards, I being at Mecklenburg Court, 1 had learned that Mr. Avery had by some means procured a copy of Mr. llol)inson, a schoolmaster in Salisbury, who had copied it fair from the original rough draft. I was also told that Mr. Avery had read it to the whole Presbyterian congregation, at their meeting at Mecklenburg. I being asked at that court, by some persons who showed me a copy (given, I presume, by Mr. Avery), whether or no 1 knew anything of it? to which question I an- swered in the affirmative. In September or October following, and on a day when a general muster was held in Salisbury, some of the inhabitants in Salisbury and adjacent neighborhoods, formed themselves into a Committee, and amongst other matters then deliberated and considered upon, the above paper or copy, and after some time, it was (as I had been informed) voted seditious, libelous, and inflammatory, &c. 1 heard no more of the matter from that time until the last of July following, which was almost a year, during which time many Committees and Councils of Safety and Commits tees of Intelligence sat in Salisbury, where I lived. I was never examined or brought to any account before them, neither had I to this day been asked to associate with them, nor join in their deliberations, neither have I ever seen an association paper, nor do I believe they had any until I procured one since my confinement in Charles Town, which I enclosed to them as a pre- cedent to adopt another by it, suitable to the genius of the back inhabitants of North Carolina. 1 recollect that at a time when the people were met at ROWAN COUNTY. 379 the courthouse, in order to choose new different Committees, and a Council of Safety, my assistance was asked for by some gentleman. I attended, and told I could not act myself in any public capacity, from mere principle and mat- ter of conscience, have at divers times, and on many occasions before then, taken the several oaths of government, as also being then the sworn and acting attorney for the Crown, in Rowan County Court, as also a notary-public in the province, but that I was ready at any time to assist them in choosing of fit members for Committees, and proper persons to attend as delegates to serve in General Congress, and assist them with my advice or opinion upon any special occasion, with which they seemed well satisfied, and accordingly 1 did, which gave great umbrage to a certain person then present, he having missed being elected himself, owing, as he imagined, to ray fault, and wondered what right I had to interfere in the matter, and swore, as -I aiter- wards was told, if 1 ever came there, I should be kicked out of doors. 1 then desisted from concerning myself further, either on the one side or the other. On Monday, being the last day of July, or the first day of August, 1775, beino- just recovering out of a fit of sickness, and at my own house in pahs- buryT it being the day before the sitting of the court, as also the meeting of the Committee for the county, I being busy preparing my papers relative to the Crown, as well as civil business, a number of armed persons entered into my house, and after having seized upon my person, I was forced away to Lewis Coffer's house, in Salisbury, and in a few minutes I saw Mr. Loote conducted in the same manner to the same house. Shortly afterwards, William Kennon, Attorney at Law, and Adlai Osborne, entered the room, and they being asked by several gentlemen, merchants and others, the chief of whom were members of the Town Committee and Council of Safety, why we were restrained from our liberty, for what reason, or by what authority, or whose order we were taken into custody? Kennon and Osborne seemed to signify it was the desire of some gentlemen from the southward, and who were then waiting at Mr. Lock's, about five miles from town, in order to exa- mine us with regard to our political sentiments with regard to American laws of liberty, &c., and that we would be detained but a few minutes before we should be set at large in order to return home. Those gentlemen replied and told them that they looked upon it that they were the only proper judges of our conduct on those occasions, and they only had the best right to exa- mine into these affairs, as nothing could be transacted by us to the prejudice of the common laws, but they, of course, must have their notice thereof, and reflected very much on the arbitrary conduct of those busy and intermeddling men, and looked upon it as an insult offered to them, and prohibition of that liberty which Americans in general were then contending for with Great Britain. Notwithstanding every argument which could be offered from reason and common justice by xMessrs. Troy, Chambers, JS'esbit, Beard, and Little, mem- bers of the Council of Safety, and Doctor Anthony, we were sent off under a guard of men whom a few minutes before then, those two conspirators had had out into the woods. They caused them to be first sworn to secrecy and fidelity (as the men themselves told us afterwards), and then ordered them to take us into safe custody. Thus were we exposed and drove to Mr. Lock's that evening, as felons. When we arrived there, I saw no gentlemen from the southward or elsewhere, but there we were kept under strong guard until about eleven o'clock at night, at which time, those gentlemen above mentioned, who went Avith us to learn the event of such treatment, grew im- patient, and proposed entering themselves security in any sum of money whatever, so far as their respective estates were worth, for our appearance before our own Committee the next day, who were then to meet at Salisbury, according to appointment, and if any such matter which as they could lay to our charge, be foirly and impartially inquired into, but all to no purpose. In the meantime, Mr. Avery, xMr. Willis, who was Kennon's brothor-in-law, and a nc^ro fellow, were sent off above the road leading to Mecklenburg and in some time returned with near thirty or forty armed men from Mecklen- burg and Tryon Counties, who were engaged in the same manner, pur: 380 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. suant to an unjust scheme and plan adopted by the said Kennon, Osborne, Polk, and others, a few days before. That about two o'clock in the morning, ■wo were forced away from Mr. Lock's, escorted by this guard to Mecklen- burg Court House, where we arrived in the evening of the next day. The said Kennon and Osborne having signified that the Mecklenburg Committee ■would examine into those affixirs, vce made application to Mr. Polk to call upon the members of that Committee, many of whom were then in town, and that we were ready to answer to any charge that any one could accuse us with, and would give them any reasonable satisfaction, with regard to our conduct, which they in reason could expect or desire, to which request he seemed to have some thoughts of complying, but, instead thereof, the next morning, he, at the head of about sixty hoi'semen, all armed, signified to us that we were to be sent to Camden Jail, in South Cai-olina, and accord- ingly, we were forced to comply. From Camden we -were sent to the Con- gress, and from thence to Charles Town, without a shift of any kind of ap- parel, nor a shilling in our pockets to buy us the least necessary of life, and previous to any examination, trial, or Convention, or any legal or just charge, but such as those cruel and unjust persecutors pleased to suggest in order to justify their conduct, having violated of principle, honor, justice, and humanity, and even one of the established maxims and rules of the General Congress before that time made and directed to be observed throughout the "whole con- tinent. And now, here we still remain prisoners, in exile from the enjoy- ment and society of our wives, children, and families, "who have sufi'ered great distress and hardships, on many occasions, contrary to every principle of humanity and Christian virtue, and without any just cause whatever, un- less it be to gratify the malice and envy of wicked, artful and designing per- sons, who in order to gratify their own ambition, and carry their pernicious and wicked designs into execution, would sacrifice their own honor, and the repose of their innocent neighbors, and happiness of their families, to answer their pernicious views. It has been proposed to us several months ago, by the gentlemen of this place, that if we would release those men, and indemnify them from all actions or causes of actions arising to us on account of our sufferings, we should be released and permitted to go home to our families. As to myself, I answered and told them that I was ready and willing to re- lease and indemnify every person belonging to any Congress, Committee, or Council of Safety, or any person who had been invested to act in any wise by any authority of the people, but those who had treated me with cruelty and b'arbarity in an arbitrary and unjustifiable manner, I could not, injustice to myself, family, and fellow subjects, forgive. Having suffered near twelve months false imprisonment, and was also indebted near one hundred pounds procl. money, to physicians who attended my son, who was sent hither with a certificate by the gentlemen of Salisbury, in order to show the falsity of the ch-arge laid against me, he being sick of a violent fever for some ■weeks, exclusive of his board and attendance, and keeping his horse, as also another debt owing from myself to the doctor who attended myself when taken with the yellow-jaunders and a fever, and now cannot command a shil- ling to pay off those just debts. Smith Carolina. Jolin Dunn, Attorney at Law, late of Salisbury Town, in North Caro- lina, personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the Justices as- signed to keep the peace for the district of Charles Town, and being first sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deponeth that the accu- sation wherewith he stands charged by William Kennon and Adlai Osborne, Samuel Spencer, and others, of and concerning his being inimical to Ameri- can liberties, and of his holding of correspondence with Gov. Martin, of North Carolina, and other government officers, and acting and doing other matters and tilings to the prejudice of the people of North Carolina in par- ticular, and America in general, is false, and without foundation, and further deelareth on his oath aforesaid, that he has not at any time heretofore, di- rectly or indirectly, Avrote any letter or letters to Gov. Martin, or any Crown ROWAN COUNTY. 381 officers, or througli any person -whatever, of or concerning the present dis- putes between Great Britain and the American Colonies; neither was he privy to any letters being wrote or sent by other persons on that account ; neither did he ever write, dictate, or cause any petition, remonstrance, plan, or scheme, either for himself or other person or persons, nor has he at any tinje been privy to any combination or meeting of any number of people whatever, in order to oppose or frustrate the views or designs of the Ameri- cans ; neither has he at anytime aided or assisted in any of the above schemes, nor has he ever been solicited by any person or more on that head but once (which he then positively refused), that of drawing what was called a petition, and would not, and further that he has never exhibited nor read to others, nor even so much as carried about him a certain paper called a pro- test, nor wrote or caused to be wrote any copies thereof, nor tendered such to be signed by others ; neither has he at any time set his name to any other paper, remonstrant or petition, other than the paper mentioned in the fore- going state of facts mentioned in this paper ; but whatever his private opin- ion or sentiments may be with regard to those matters, he has not aided at any time, directly or indirectly, by any act of his or others deeds, to the pre- . judice of the common laws. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 27th day of July, 1776. ROUTE OF THE BRITISH ARMT THROUGH THIS COUNTY, IX THE REVOLUTION GEXE- RAL N. GREENE AT SALISBURT, 1781. The extracts from the Journal of Lord Cornwallis (see Lincoln County) will sfcow the march of the British army from the first of February, 1781, when they crossed the Catawba River, to the 7th February, when he crossed the Yadkin at Shallow Ford, and to the 9th, when he reached Salem. The maps in the quarto edition of Tarleton's Campaigns lay down the topography of the country, the different creeks, roads, and rivers, far more accurate than any modern Atlas. The course of the armies of both sides are traced with great precision and accuracy. • At Torrence's, where Alfred D. Kerr now lives, about seven miles from Beat- tie's Ford, Tarleton and his light horse attacked, about two o'clock in the after- noon, a p.arty of three hundred militia. The day was wet and rainy, and unfa- voi'able to the use of firearms. The militia retreated; few were killed, and none taken. The militia gave the British one fire, by which seven of the horse- men were killed, and twenty horses ; they then broke and ran in all direc- tions.* This was just after Tarleton's defeat at the Cowpens, and in his Journal he vaunts this as a splendid victory. f But a cotemporaryj writer of the British side says " that this is Tarleton's account. But a British ofiicer ■who rode over the ground not long after the action, says that he did not see ten bodies of the provincialists in the whole." General Greene arrived at Salisltury that night. His prospects and his feel- ings, and the generous conduct of Mrs. Steele, will be found in her biography. After a hasty meal, he and the body of his troops passed the Yadkin, at the Trading ford, on that night and the next day (the 2d of February^). The light horse forded, and the infantry and baggage were carried over in flats. Here a direct interposition of Divine Providence saved Greene and the Ameri- can army, as before at the Catawba. Flushed with hope, and burning for con- test, the British, after the death of Davidson, and the dispersion at Torrence's, advanced rapidly on Greene. They arrived at the Trading ford at midnight, on the 2d of Fel^ruary. Some baggage of the Americans, and wagons, had yet to cross, under guard of some riflemen. The advance of the British troops under O'Hara, attacked them, and took the wagons ; the riflemen retreated iinder the cover of night. Greene and his little army on the one side of the Yadkin, and the whole body of British on the other. The position was criti- cal ; but Heaven was propitious. It rained hard all night, and the river be- came impassable. Cornwallis opened a furious cannonade upon the Ameri- cans across the Trading ford. * Tarleton's Campaigns, 226. t Tarleton, 226. t Stedman, ii. 329. 382 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The surgeon of the American army, Dr. Read, has left this record of the 6CGDG t^^ " At a little distance from the river was a small cabin, in which General Greene had taken up his quarters. At this the enemy directed their fire, and the balls rebounded from the rocks in the rear of it. But little of the roof was visible to the enemy. The General was preparing his orders for j,he army, and his dispatches to the Congress. In a short time the balls began to strike the roof, and clapboards were flying in all directions. But the Gene- ral's pen never stopped, only when a new visitor arrived, or some officer for orders ; and then the answer was given with calmness and precision, and Greene resumed his pen."* The British had to fall back to Salisbury ; while Greene proceeded on his retreat to Virginia. Had the enemy been enabled to encounter Greene at this time, defeat would have been certain to Greene, and to the cause of America in the South. Connected with Rowan and this deeply exciting period of her history, is the name of Elizabeth Steele, who was distinguished among the "Women of the Revolution," not only for her attachment to the cause of America, but for her prudence, pietv, and virtue. It was at her house, in the evening of the 1st of February, 1781, that "the Fabius of America," General Greene, after riding hard all day, in the rain, arrived, "fatigued, hungry, alone, and penniless," as he expressed himself to Dr. Read, who had charge of the sick and wounded prisoners at that place. Mrs. Steele heard this, and the fire of patriotism was augmented by that deep sympathy which woman's heart ever feels fur distress. Hardly had General Greene seated himself at a well-spread table, before a cheerful fire, when Mrs. Steele entered, and reminded her dis- tinguished guest that she had overheard his desponding remark to Dr. Read; she drew from under her apron two small bags of specie, her earnings for years. "Take these," she said, "for you will want them ; I can do without them." "Never," says his biographer, " did relief come at a more needy moment," and the hero resumed his dangerous journey that night, with a heart lightened by woman's kindness, and her devotion to the cause of her country." Can any son of North Carolina read such an occurrence without feeling his blood flow in more rapid currents at the patriotism of Rowan ? and wherever this liberty has advanced, let the self-sacrificing act of this noble woman be named in remembrance of her ; or, may we not, without any impiety, say in the inspired words of the Scripture : " Verily I say unto you, wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told as a memorial of her."t On the wall of the room hung a portrait of George III., which had been sent as a present from England, from a friend at court, to one of Mrs. Steele's connections. Filled with the mournful recollection of the sufferings of his countrj', and the innocent blood that even that day had been spilled by the myrmidons of royalty, General Greene took it from the wall and wrote on the back: "0 George ! hide thy face and mourn," and replaced it, with the face to the wall. This picture, with the writing still visible, I have seen. It is in possession of Governor Swain, at Chapel Hill. The recollection of the events of this pe- riod, and the circumstances, caused it to possess a deep interest to my mind. Mrs. Steele died on the 22d of November, 1790, at Salisbury. She was twice married ; her first husband was a Gillespie, by whom she had a daugh- ter, who married Rev. Samuel McCorkle ; and a son, Richard Gillespie, who was a Captain in the Revolution, and died unmarried. By her second hus- band, William Steele, she had an only son. General John Steele, who was born in Salisbury, on the 1st November, 1764. He was educated in that place, and commenced life a merchant, but soon turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, in which he was skillful, prudent, and successful. In 1787 he appeared in public life, as a member of the House of Commons, and was re-elected in 1788. * Dr. Read's letter in Johnson's life of Greene, vol. i. p. 418. t Matthew, xxvi. 43. ROWAN COUNTY. 383 He was a member of the Convention that assembled at Hillsboro' on the 21st of July, 1788, to consider the Constitution of the United States, and with Johnston, Davie, and Iredell, made active but ineffectual efforts in its defence. In 1790 he was elected a member of the first Congress under the Constitu- tion, from the Salisbury district, and served until 1793. In 1794 he was again elected a member of the House of Commons, and served, with some intermissions, until 1813, of which he was often speaker. On the removal of General Davie to the State of South Carolina, in 1806, General Steele succeeded him as commissioner for North Carolina, to adjust the boundaries between the two States. There is ample documentary evi- dence that he conducted this delicate, protracted, and difficult negotiation, with consummate ability and skill. He was appointed by General Washington first Comptroller of the Trea- sury, which he held throughout the remainder of Washington's and John Adams' administration, and resigned in 1802, in opposition to the earnest and repeated remonstrances of Mr. Jefferson. On the 14th of August, 1815, he was again elected to the House of Com- mons, but on that day he died. He is buried at his residence, now the seat of Archibald Henderson, Esq., near town. He married, in 1783, Mary Nesfield, who survived him many years, and by whom he left three daughters : Ann, who married Gen. Jesse A. Pearson ; Margaret, who married Dr. Stephen L. Ferrand, and Eliza, who married Col. Robert MacNamara. The following is a copy of his tombstone : — On the West side. In the memory of General John Steele. Died Aug. 14th, 1815, Age 50. Oft the East side. Consecrated by Conjugal and Filial Affection. An enlightened Statesman, A vigilant Patriot, An accomplished Gentleman. The archives of the country testify the services of his short but useful life. Long will that country deplore his loss ; but when will this sequestered spot cease to witness the sacred sorrow of his family and friends. The name of Griffith Rutherford is associated with the Revolutionary history of Rowan. We regret that we know so little of the birth, life, services, and death of a man so distinguished in the annals of the State, and from whom so large and populous a county derives its name. He was an Irislmian by birth, and uncultivated in mind or manners, but brave, ardent, and patriotic. He resided west of Salisbury, in the Locke settlement, and represented Rowan County at Newbern in 1775. In 1776 he commanded an army of two thousand four hundred men to sub- due the "Over-hill" Cherokee Indians. He marched to the territory, de- stroyed thirtv-six towns, cut up their standing corn, and drove off their cattle. The Guilfo^rd Regiment, who joined General Rutherford, rendezvoused at Martinsville on 23d July, 1776. It was commanded by James JMartin, as Colonel, and John Paisley, as Lieutenant-Colonel. Rutherford crossed the Blue Ridge at Swannanoa Gap, and passed down the French Broad, and crossed the river at the ford, which passes to this day by the name of the " War Ford," then up the valley of Hominy Creek, then crossing Pigeon to 384 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. the Tuclcascfe. From thence they crossed the Cowee Mountain to the Ten- nessee River? In the valloj' of the Tennessee River they burned the Indian towns of "Watauf^a, Estoctoa, and Ellajay. Here, on the 14th of September, they met General "Williamson, with troops, from South Carolina, who had crossed tlio Blue llidjie at the sources of the Tennessee River. In his march for the vallev towns. General Williamson was attacked in a narrow pass near * the present" town of Franklin by a body of Indians in ambush. He lost thirteen men killed and thirty wounded. The Indians were routed with preat slaufrhter. Rutherford lost in a skirmish at Valley Town, Ellajay, and near Franklin, three men ; but he completely subdued the Indians, and, turning his large stock of cattle, which he had for subsistence along with the army, on their growing crops, destroyed their means, and with his troops burned their towns.- He returned in October, and at Salisbury disbanded his troops. The uniform of the officers was a hunting-shirt of domestic, trimmed with colored cotton ; the arms were rifles. The Rev. James Hall, of Iredell, accompanied this expedition as chaplain, William Lenoir, of A\^ilkes, w\as a captain in this expedition, and many others of our hardy sons of the west here witnessed their first essay in arms. On the 22d of April, 1776, he was appointed Brigadier-General. He com- manded a brigade in the ill-fated battle of Camden (August, 1780), and was taken prisoner by the British. W^hen exchanged, he took the field, and com- manded at Wilmington when that place was evacuated by the British. In 178G he was Senator from Rowan, and soon after removed to Tennessee; The Knoxville Gazette of the 6th of September, 1794, contains the foUow- "On Monday last the General Assembly of this Territory commenced their session in this town. General Rutherford, long distinguished for his ser- vices in the Legislature of North Carolina, is appointed President of the Legislative Council." / Xorth Carolina and Tennessee have preserved his name by calling in each State, Counties after him. Hon. Mattuew Locke, of this County, was an early and devoted friend of the rights of the people. He was born in 1730. In 1771 he was selected by the people, with Herman Husbands, to receive the fees of the Sheriffs and Court officers of the Crown. In 1775 he was a member of the popular Assembly, and in 1776 member of the Congress at Halifax which formed the Constitution. In 1703 to 1799 he was a member of Congress, and was succeeded by Hon. Archibald Henderson. He died in 1801. He married the daughter of Richard Brandon, and left a large family, now chiefly extinct or removed. He had four sons at one time in the Revolutionary AYar, one of whom (George) was killed by the British near Charlotte in 1780. Hon. Francis Locke, son of Francis, the hero of Ramsour's Mill, and nephew of the above, was born on the 31st of October, 1766. He was elected Judge of the Superior Courts in 1803, and resigned in 1814, Avhen he was elected a Senator in Congress in 1814-15. He never married. He died in January, 1823. Hon. Sprite ]\IcCay resided in this county. He was educated by Rev. David Caldwell, appointed Judge of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity in 1790, and died in 1S08. He married Fanny, daughter of George Richard Henderson. William S. McCay, of Salisbury, is the only son of this union. Hon. James Martix, son of Colonel Jamos INIartin, resided for many years in Salisbury. He was elected Senator from Rowan County in 1823, and Judge of the Superior Courts in 1826, and resigned in 1835. He married Miss Alexander, and removed to Mobile, Alabama, where he died a few years ago. ROWAN COUNTY. 385 Hon. George Mumford represented this County in 1810 and 1811, and this District in Congress in 1817, and died at Washington City in 1819, while in Congress. PEARSON FAMILY. TliciiAioND Pearson, late of Davie, when it Avas Rowan, was born in Din- widdie County, Virginia, in 1770, and at the age of nineteen came to North Carolina and settled in the forks of the Yadkin. When the war of the llevolution broke out he was a Lieutenant in Captain Bryan's company (afterwards the celebrated Colonel Bryan, of Tory memory). After the Declaration of Independence, at the first muster which occurred, he requested some in whom he could rely to load their guns. When Capt. Bryan came on the ground, he ordered all the men into ranks. Pearson refused, and tendered his commission to Bryan. Bryan ordered him under arrest. This was resisted, and he was told that the men had their guns loaded. Whereupon they came to a parley, and it was agreed by the crowd, as matters then stood, that Bryan and Pearson, on a day fixed, should settle this national affair by a f;iir fist fight, and whicliever whipped, the company shcjuld belong to the side of the conqueror. Whig or Tory. At the time and place the parties met, and the Lieutenant was victor. From this time the Fork company was for liberty, and Bryan's crowd, on Dutchman's Creek, were Loyalists. The anecdote illustrates by what slight circumstances events of this period were affected. When Cornwallis came south, Pearson, with his company, endeavored to harass his advance. lie was present on the first of February, 1781, when General Davidson fell, and witnessed the fall of that brave and meritorious officer. He was a successful merchant and enterprising planter. He effect- ed the navigation of the Yadkin, from his mills, on South Yadkin, to the narrows, and from thence, by land, below Grassy Islands, thence, by water, to Sneedsboro', which was then a rival to Cheraw. He died in 1819. By his first wife. Miss Hayden,-' he had three sons, Jesse A. Pearson, Joseph and Richmond Pearson, and Betsey, who married. Hon. John Stokes, who was a colonel in the Revolutionary War, and who lost an arm in the aff'air of Buford's defeat, was U. S. District Judge, and after whom Stokes County was called ; and eldest brother of the late Gover- nor Montford Stokes. Jesse A. Pearson was a member of the General Assembly in the House of Commons in 1808, 1809, and in 1813 and 1814, from Rowan. He marched in 1814, as colonel of a regiment, to the Creek nation, under General Joseph Graham, and was afterwards elected Major-General of the State. He had a duel with General Montford Stokes at Mason's old field, near Salisbury. He married, first, a daughter of General John Steele, and, second, Mrs. Wilson, whose daughter, by a former husband, married Archibald G. Carter, Esq., of Davie County. He died in 1823 without issue. Hon. Joseph: Pearson, who was a member of the House of Commons in 1804 and 1805, from Salisbury, was a lawyer by profession. He was mem- ber of Congress from 1809 to 1815. He had a duel, while in Congress, with Hon. John J.Jackson, about 1811, on political grounds. He died at Salisbury on the 27th of October, 1834. He was thrice married. By his first wife, Miss M. Linn, he had no issue ; by the second, Miss Ellen Brent, ho had two daughters, one the wife of Ro- bert Wash, of Philadelphia, the other wife of Lieut. Farly, of the U. S. Navy ; and by the third wife (iMiss Worthiugton, of Georgetown), he left four chil- dren, one of whom married John Jay. Richmond married Miss McLinn. He was never in public life, but an 386 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. active, enterprising man. He, with George Fisher and a negro, passed the falls of the Yadkin in a boat — a feat never performed before, or since. By his second wife. Col. Pearson left 1. Sarah, who married Isaac Groom, of Alabama. 2. Eliia, who married W. G. Bently, of Bladen. 3. Charles, who died without issue. 4. Hon. RicnMO.VD Mumford Pearson, now one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, who was born in June 1805, educated at Statesville by John Mushat, and was graduated at Chapel Hill in June 1823. Studied law under Judge Henderson; licensed in 1826. He entered public life in 1829 as a member of the House of Commons from Piowan, and continued until 1832; elected Judge of the Superior Courts of Law in 1836, and trans- ferred to the Supreme Court in 1848, which elevated position he now occupies. 5. Giles N. Pearson, who was by profession a lawyer, married Miss Ellis, and died in 1847, leaving a wife and five children. 6. John Stokes Pearson, who married Miss Beattie in Bladen County, died in 1848, leaving four children. HON. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON Was long a resident and representative of Salisbury, one of her brightest ornaments and distinguished sons. He was the son of a distinguished father, late Judge Richard Henderson (for whose biography see Vol. I. 116), and was born in Granville County 7th Aug. 1768, and was educated in that county; studied law with Judge Williams, his relative, and was pronounced by one well qualified to judge, "the most perfect model of a lawyer that our bar has produced."* This sketch was published soon after Mr. Henderson's death, by one who knew him well ; and as it is far more accurate than anything I could offer, I here present it. " I became acquainted with Archibald Henderson in the year 1803, and from that time to the time of his death, I looked to him as a model of that perfect character in the profession of the law, which all his brethren should be am- bitious to imitate. From him, judges might learn wisdom and discretion, and lawyers the dignity of their profession and the high duties which it im- poses. I here speak only of his professional character; that which he exhi- bited to his country for more than twenty years, with a force and eifect that ought to be remembered as long as a reverence for our civil institutions shall be cherished. No man could look upon him without pronouncing him one of the great men of the age. The impress of greatness was upon his counte- nance ; not that greatness which is the oS"spring of any single talent, or mo- ral quality; but a greatness which is made up by blending the faculties of a fine intellect with exalted moral feelings. Although he was at all times ac- cessible, and entirely free from austerity, he seemed to live and move in an atmosphere of dignity. He exacted nothing by his manner; yet all ap- proached him with reverence, and left him with respect. The little quarrels and contests of men were beneath him ; their bickerings, their envyings, their slanderings, and all the workings of their little passions, kept at a distance from him; and I have often seen him discomfited at the bar, when contend- ing for his clients, in cases where the little passions only, had play. His was the region of high sentiment; and there he occupied a standing that was pre-eminent in North Carolina. He contributed more than any man, since the time of General Davie and Alfred Moore, to give character to the bar of the State, and to impress upon the people a reverence for their Courts of Justice. His career at the bar has become identified with the history of North Carolina; and his life and his example furnish themes for instruction to gentlemen of tlie bench and to his brethren of the bar. May they study his life and profit by his example ! "The Constitution and jurisprudence of his country were his favorite stu- • Judge A. D. Murphy, (Oralion at Chapel Hill, 1S27.) ROWAN COUNTY. 387 dies. Profound reflection had generalized his ideas, and given to his political and legal learning a scientific cast. No man of the age better understood the theory of our government; no man more admired it; and no man gave more practical proofs of his admiration. The sublime idea that he lived un- der a government of laws, -was forever uppermost in his mind, and seemed to give a coloring to all his actions. As he acknowledged no dominion but that of the laws, he bowed with reverence to their authority, and taught obedience no less by his example than by his precept. To the humblest officer of jus- tice, he was respectful ; the vices of private character were overlooked, when the individual stood before him clothed with judicial authority. In the county courts, when the justices of the peace administered the law, he was no less respectful in his deportment and submission to their decisions, than in the highest tribunal of the State. lie considered obedience to the laws to be the first dut}' of a citizen ; and it seemed to bo the great object of his pro- fessional life, to inculcate a sense of this duty, and to give to the administra- tion of the laws an impressive character. To understand his character, and profit by that understanding, we should consider it first in its relation to the court ; and, secondly, in its relation to the bar. " 1. In its relation to the Court. — In North Carolina the courts of justice are the principal schools of instruction to the people. The discussions which there take place, and the contestations which are there carried on, and lis- tened to with eagerness, by people who attend, sharpen their understandings, and improve their general stock of knowledge ; while the lashings which vice receives, and the praise and commendation given to virtue, make moral im- pressions of the most salutary kind. There is taught the great lesson of obedience to the laws, and of reverence for their administration. The men who administer the law in courts of justice, act under a responsibility that is not often appreciated. Neither a judge nor a lawyer should ever enter a court of justice without a due sense of this responsibility ; and when there, each should act his part with decorum and firmness. The duties of each are well defined ; the rights of each well ascertained. No man understood the one or the other better than Archibald Henderson. To inspire a reverence for the laws, an impression must be made and continually enforced by every- thing that passes, that they are administered with purity, without favor, pas- sion, or caprice; and as to the criminal law, that it is administered in mercy. Whatever may be the character of the judge, this impression cannot be made and enforced without the aid of the bar. The lawyers are the pillars which support the respectability and authority of the judge. A conviction of this truth regulated 3Ir. Henderson's conduct to the court. " He often said he had known but few men who were suited for the bench : he had known many good lawyers, and but few good judges. There were so many qualifications requisite for a good judge, that they were rarely found combined. At the head of these qualifications, legal learning is generally placed, and is chiefly looked to in making appointments to the bench. Mr. Henderson was of opinion that good common sense and discretion of mind were the first qualifications ; an intimate acquaintance with mankind, and particularly with the middle and lower classes of people, their passions, feel- ings, prejudices, modes of thinking, and motives of action, was the second; a good moral character, with chastened feelings and subdued passions, the third; independence of mind and energy of will, the fourth; and legal learn- ing, the fifth. For this reason, he thought it unwise to appoint young men to the bench, let their legal acquirements be ever so great; or men advanced in years, who were either too proud or too indolent to mix with the great mass of the people, whose society is the school of that common sense and sound discretion, so necessary in a judge; and the want of which makes the administration of the laws fall most heavy upon the lower classes of the peo- ple, where it ought to be the lightest. This is most severely felt in the ad- ministration of the criminal law, where the obscurity of the individual excites no interest in his favor, and the ignorance of the judge of his character, his education, his passions, prejudices, and motives of action, subjects him to a punishment which he does not deserve. It is on this account that the obt-cuio 388 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. and humlile in life have peculiar claims upon the sympathy of the bar: and my bosom has often swelled with emotion when I have witnessed the efforts of Mr. Henderson in their favor. "The want of this common sense and discretion of mind is most commonly perceived in the infliction of punishments; in imposing unreasonable fines, and in inflicting imprisonment where there is no depravity of heart. Upon this subject Mr. Henderson entertained the opinion, that imprisonment, in our o-overnment, was a punishment so infamous, that it should be inflicted but seldom, except for offences growing out of the depravity of the heart; that it ought never to be inflicted for offences proceeding from the ordinary passions of our nature: that these were weaknesses, rather than^ crimes. "The history of North Carolina furnishes no instance of direct corruption on the bench; yet there is a weakness in human nature, from which the best of men is sometimes not free, and which, when it finds its way to the bench, is attended, perhaps, with worse consequences than direct corruption. It is that weakness in a judge, which induces him to lean upon a particular law- yer, a weakness of which the judge himself is often unconscious, but which is soon perceived and felt by the bar and the people. There is no weakness in a judge so much to be deplored as this; inasmuch as it not only leads to error, but gives to the particular lawyer an improper advantage over his breth- ren, and subverts the reverence of the people for the court. It is a weakness infinitely worse than favoritism to particular men who are parties in suits ; for favoritism may be disguised, but leaning upon a lawyer is obvious to all who attend court. Mr. Henderson's great^character at the bar, his acknow- ledged legal learning, his known candor, all conspired to make him the object of this weakness ; and I have seen him more than once shake off a judge who wished to lean on him. He scorned to help his client's cause by favoring a weakness which, in the judgment of common people, pollutes the streams of justice as much as downright corruption. He entertained the most profound contempt for that class of men, who, being appointed to the bench, are fond of displaying the powers of their ofiicial stations, " cutting capers^' as the vul- gar call it. Those men generally claim a consequence to which they are not entitled, and seek to operate on the fears of the bar and the people, instead of trying to gain their respect and reverence ; commit men to jail for imagi- nary contempt, and treat with insolence bystanders, parties, and witnesses. Mr. Henderson detested judicial insolence as much as he abhorred judicial tyranny, and delighted to dwell upon an anecdote of the late Judge Wilds, of South Carolina, who, upon calling a cause for trial and learning that a material witness of one of the parties was intoxicated and unable to give testimony, with a benevolence and good nature that adorned him, adjourned the trial until the witness could become sober. Some men that I have seen on the bench, would have committed the witness to jail. These men do not know the difference between inspiring terror and inspiring respect. It is beneath the dignity of the court, and unworthy of the spirit of our institu- tions, to address a freeman's ^ears. Nobler motives should govern him, and nobler passions should be addressed, to bring him back to his duty, if he go astray. There is no disposition in the people of North Carolina to treat their oflicers of justice with disrespect. They are obedient to the laws, and delight to cherish a respect for men in authority. This disposition on their part should never meet with anything that savored of judicial insolence. There is a dignity of deportment which becomes the majesty of the laws, and that dignity every judge should strive to acquire, and uniformly exhibit it when discharging his official duties. That dignity so necessary on the bench, and so influential and impressive at the bar, Mr. Henderson possessed in a pre- eminent degree. He displayed it in the lowest as much as in the highest courts of tlie State; and the humblest magistrate, as well as the highest judge, felt himself honored and sustained by his decorum and respectful be- havior. But if his conduct to the court was exemplary, his conduct to hig brethren of the bar was still more so. To them all he was kind and indul- gent; to the young men of tlie profession, who did not stand aloof from him, ROWAN COUNTY. 389 he "was literally a fiither, encouraging them to persevere, advising them as to their course of studies, instructing them and aiding them in the management of their causes. Some stood in awe of him and seldom approached him ; his age, his venerable appearance, his majesty of character, seemed to intimidate them and keep them at a distance. He was conscious of his high standing, and never committed himself, nor put his reputation at risk. He always came to the trial of his causes well prepared ; and if the state of his health or his want of preparation seemed likely to jeopardize his reputation in the management of his client's cause, he would decline the trial until a more favorable time. The courts in which he practiced, and his brother lawyers, understood the delicacy of his feelings upon this point so well, that they ex- tended to him the indulgence he required ; and a knowledge of this part of his character gave confidence to his clients, and attracted crowds of people to hear his speeches. When he rose at the bar, no one expected to hear com- mon-place xnatter ; no one looked for a cold, vapid, or phlegmatic harangue. His great excellence as a speaker consisted in an earnestness and dignity of manner, and strong powers of reasoning. He seized one or two strong points, and these he illustrated and enforced. He avoided refinement in argument, both to the court and to the jury. His exordium was generally short, and always appropriate. He despised the apologetic exordium so fashionable with some speakers; an exordium that suits one case as well as another, and never fails, when persevered in, to make the speaker appear ridiculous. He quickly marched up to the great point in controversy, making no manoeuvre as if he were afraid to approach it, or was desirous of attacking it by surprise. The confidence he exhibited of success, he gradually imparted to his hearers ; he grew more warm and earnest as he advanced in his argument, and seizing the critical moment for enforcing conviction, he brought forth his main argu- ment, pressed it home, and quickly sat down. In great causes, his eloquence and manner were irresistible. He despised long speeches, and abhorred petty altercation and wrangling at the bar. The great object of his profes- sional life, as has been before stated, was to inspire a reverence for the ad- ministration of the laws. Nothing detracts more from this reverence, than a want of dignity in the gentlemen of the bar. Altercation and wrangling are the reverse of dignity ; and although they gratify the appetites of vulgar clients, they are a reproach upon the lawyers who indulge in them, and upon the court that tolerates them. Instead of being a tribunal for the exalted and sacred purpose of administering justice, the court becomes an arena into which the lawyers descend to wield the weapons of little and contemptible passions. They ought, upon all occasions, to bear in mind, that they are oflicers of justice, and that upon them, more than any other class of society, is imposed the high duty of impressing upon the community a reverence for the laws, and for the courts in which those laws are administered. " There was one trait in Mr. Henderson's manner of conducting a cause in court, which I greatly admired; it was his manner of examining witnesses. He was as polite and decorous to them as to the court. He asked no un- necessary questions, and every witness that came into court, felt a confidence that from him he should receive no insolent or impertinent treatment. He disliked excessively the never ending interrogatories that are frequently put to witnesses; and he disliked still more the noisy and boisterous manner in which these interrogatories are sometimes put. He said this manner was not only undignified, and had a tendency to lessen the respect of the people for their courts, but that it often prevented the course of justice by intimidating witncssess, and thereby either suppressing material facts, or giving them an improper coloring. "As he advanced in life, he seemed more and more anxious that the laws should be interpreted and administered by the rules of common sense. He, in a great degree, lost his reverence for artificial rules. He said the laws were made for the people, and they should be interpreted and administered by rules which they understood, whenever it was practicable. That com- mon sense belonged to the people in a higher degree than to learned men, 390 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. and that to interpret Iq.-W8 by rules -which were at variance with the rules of common sense, necessarily lessened the respect of the people for the laws ; induced them to believe, that courts and lawyers contrived unintelligible mysteries in the science, merely for the purpose of supporting the profes- sion of lawyers. He said the rules of pedantry did not suit this country nor this age; that common sense had acquired dominion in politics and re- ligion, and was fast acquiring an absolute dominion in the law. That judges and lawyers should have the independence and magnanimity to strip off the veil of mystery from every branch of the law, and root out all the remains of a ridiculous pedantry, simplify the science, and make it intelligi- ble, as far as possible, to the understanding of the common people. "In his professional character, Mr. Henderson resembled the late Mr. Jen- kins AVhitesides, of Tennessee, more than any man I have seen. Each stood at the head of the bar of his respective State ; they were about the same age, and size — both large men — they died about the same time ; and those who know how to appreciate the usefulness of such men in professional life, will long remember their example, and regret their death. " The respect and affection which a long and intimate acquaintance with Mr. Henderson produced and cherished, has induced me to write this account of his professional character. I hope the brethren of the bar in the western part of this State will erect a monument to his memory that shall perpetuate his name long after this humble tribute of his friend shall be forgotten. I did not sit down to write a memoir of his life, nor to exhibit his private vir- tues. Some more able hand will do justice to his private character." He represented this District in Congress in 1799 to 1803, and represented the town of Salisbury in the Assembly in 1807, 1808, and 1819. He died 21st October, 1822. He left, by his marriage with Sarah, daughter of William Alexander, and sister of William Alexander and Governor Nathaniel Alex- ander, two children, Archibald Henderson, of Salisbury, who now resides near Salisbury, and a member of the Council of State, and Mrs. Boyden, wife of Hon. Nathaniel Boyden. The following is a copy of his Monument in the Lutheran Churchyard at Salisbury. In Memory of Archibald Hendersox, to whom his associates at the Bar have erected this Monument to mark their veneration for the character of a Lawyer who illustrated their profession by the extent of his learning, and the unblench'd integrity of his life: of a Man who sustained and embellished all the relations of Social Life with rectitude and benevolence: of a Citizen who, elevated by the native dignity of his mind above the atmosphere of selfishness and party, pursued calmly, yet zealously, the true interest of his country. His loss was felt with a sincere, general and unmixed Sorrow. Decissit xxi Die Octobris, Anno Domini cio,dccc,xxii, JEt. suae liv. John Giles was born in Rowan County; educated at the University; was graduated in 1808 ; studied law, and was its honored member for more than thirty years; for a long time Clerk of Rowan Countv Court, and in 1829 was ROWAN COUNTY. 391 elected to Congress, hut declined on account of ill health. - lie died a few years since, loved and esteemed by all who knew him. Hon. David Franklin Caldwell resides now in Salisbury, and is a native of Iredell County, for a sketch of whom see Iredell County, page 217. Hon. Wm. C. Love resided in this county: he was a native of Virginia; reared at the University, at which in 1799 his father was Steward. He was a lawyer by profession, and in 1815 represented this District in Congress. Hon. Charles Fisher.* " What constitutes a State ? Not high rais''d hattlements or lahor'd mound, ThicZ- wall or moated gate, Not cities proud, with spires and turrets croitm'd, Nor bays and broad arm\l ports, Where, laiighing at the storm, ridi navies ride. Nor starred nor spangled courts. Where low-brow^ d baseness wafts perfume to pride I No, Me7i, high-minded men — ****** iVfew, who tJieir duties kiiow, But know tlieir rights, and knowing dare maintain.'''' Sir William Jones. The deep sensation which pervades our State, caused by the recent death of Charles Fisher, is evidence of the high appreciation with which his cha- racter, services, and talents were regarded. Associated as have been his services, with the history of the State for the last thirty years, it is alike due to such services, as well as a tribute to his talents and virtues, that some memorial should be preserved which should truthfully present them to the country. Such is a grateful oblation to departed worth. Not only is this a duty dis- charged to the dead, but a moral benefit may result to the living. It acts as an incentive to others, while they admire his services and brilliant career, to emulate his patriotic example. " O, who shall lightly say tliat Fatne Is nothing but an empty name, While in that name there is a cJiarm The nerves to brace, the heart to warm., When, thinking on the mighty dead. The youth shall rouse from, slothful bed, And vow with uplift hand and heart, Like him to act a noble part." A record of such services acts directly on others. Sallust informs us that Maximus and Scipio, whenever they beheld the marble statues of their illus- trious countrymen, were violently excited. " It could not," he said, " be the cold marble that possessed this mighty power. It was the recollection of noble actions which kindled this generous flame in their breasts, only to be quenched when they also, by their actions and virtues, had acquired equal reputation." The character of her sons chiefly constitutes the character of a State. They elevate or degrade her. North Carolina, in the death of Charles Fisher, has lost one of her most enterprising citizens ; Rowan County, one of its brightest ornaments ; society, one of its most useful members. An untiring energy of character, a clear and comprehensive intellect, a penetrating and persuasive (if not commanding) eloquence, knowledge, deep and varied, both of men and books, elevated him to high and responsible stations in our republic; and his merits were always equal to his position. * This sketch was prepared soon after the death of Mr. Fisher, and as it was collated from documents and authentic sources, and written by the author, it is here inserted. 34 392 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. As a statesman, he was patriotic, liberal and undaunted ; as a citizen, he was pul)Uc spirited, generous, and active ; and as a friend, he was devoted, unfliuchinf!;, and sincere. To say that he had no faults, would be to say that he was more than man. Actively engaRed, as he often was, by circumstances in the angry conflicts of partv, it is not to be disguised that while a warm and sanguine temperament produces "troops of friends," it also, sometimes, creates enemies. But Mr. Fisher cherished no malice. If he never forgot his friends, he forgave his enemies. Even those who felt the energy of his character, and the power of his intellect in discussion, when the contest was over, acknowledged the gene- rosity of his temper, fairness and candor of his argument, and the nobleness of his disposition. When the news of his death reached Salisbury, a public meetino- was held on the melancholy occasion ; many who were always politi- cally opposed to him, united in it, and one of the most active in that meeting was a gentleman who was his opponent for Congress, in a heated and violent contest, in 1839.* It is a redeeming and noble feature in human character, not to war against the powerless, or the dead. In the heat of contest, " That stem joy which warriors feel, 1)1 finding foemen worthy of their steel," animates us ; but the contest once over, the merits and virtues of a generous adversary are appreciated and acknowledged. This was the case with Charles Fisher. Such men are alike the ornament and defence of a State. Their character and memory are its peculiar property, to be cherished as the Roman matron did her brave sons, as her brightest jewels. If there be some among us, who knew well the original, and with whom the excitement of party and personal conflicts are still fresh ; this feeble portrait, although truthfully sketched, may seem too highly colored ; it should be recol- lected, that the most faithful artist often feels at liberty to hide some minor defects of countenance, by the light or shade of some bold, prominent, and commendable traits of feature. Let us all cherish the recollection of talents, services and virtues, of departed worth, and such faults as are inseparable from our nature, be buried in the grave with the relics of fallen humanity! Chari.es Fisher was born in Rowan County on the 20th October, 1789. His father removed from Shenandoah County, Virginia, to Rowan County, before the Revolution, and was a sturdy republican in 1776, and served in the war as a militia ofiicer. His education was conducted under the care of the Rev. Dr. John Robinson, at Poplar Tent, in Cabarrus County ; and finished by the Rev. Dr. McPhseters, of Raleigh. It never extended beyond this. He studied the law, and obtained a license to practice, but such was the demand made on his time by other pursuits, he never practised it to any ex- tent. Doubtless, had his exclusive attention been devoted^ to the profession, from his natural quickness of perception, his ready tact, his strong and com- prehensive reason, and laborious research, he would have obtained the highest eminence. Fortune had marked out for him another career, to which his elementary knowledge of the law was an important aid ; and in this, he shone conspicuous. His first appearance in public life was in 1818, as a Senator in the State Legislature from Rowan. In 1819, on the death of the Hon. George Mumford, he was elected as a member of the House of Representatives, in Congress, by a majority of three hundred and five votes, over Dr. W. Jones. In 1820, he was again re-elected to Congress, for a full term, by a large majority over Hon. John Long. After serving throughout this Congress, he retired from the toils and fatigues of its services, to attend to the welfare and happiness of his young and rising family. But the people did not allow him to remain entirely abstracted from their service. In 1821, he was elected a member of * Dr. Pleasant Henderson. BOWAN COUNTY. 393 the House of Commons, from Rowan County. From this time to 183G, he served in the House of Commons, ahnost continuously, as a member, either from the County of Rowan or the Borough of Salisbury, a lung and unusual period of public service. In 1831-32, he was chosen Speaker of the House of Commons. Those who served with him (among whom was the writer of this) recollect with great satisfaction, the dignity and ease with which he pre- sided over the deliberations of the House, composed of such men as Gaston, Nash, Henry, Eccles, Hill, Bragg, and others. The readiness with which he perceived, and the promptness with which he decided all parliamentary questions, his urbanity, and impartialit}', elicited universal approbation. In 1835, he, with the late Hon. John Giles, was a delegate, from Rowan, in the Convention, called to amend the Constitution of the State. This was an important occasion. This was the first Convention that had set in the State after her Independence had been achieved. Important questions had arisen — conflicting interests were to be reconciled, and great principles discussed. The people felt this, and sent their ablest men, such as Nathaniel Macon, Wm. Gaston, John Branch, J. J. Daniel, I). L. Swain, Richard Dobbs Spaight, Jesse Speight, Samuel P. Carson, Weldon N. Edwards, and others to this Convention. Here, Mr. Fisher's industry, talents, and acquirements, shone conspicu- ously. The debates of this body show that he took a most active part iu its proceedings. His views on the Freedom of Suffrage, Religious Toleration, and Popular Rights, were liberal and statesmanlike. He was one of the Committee by whom the present Constitution, as it now exists, was drafted, and was one of the most useful members of the Conven- tion. In 1839 he was again brought forward as a candidate for Congress. This campaign will be long remembered. His principles and his party were in a large minority. The opposition was active, and its candidate (Dr. Pleasant Henderson) was talented and popular. Mr. Fisher was elected by a majority of 183 votes. His majority of 300 votes at Salisbury, among his neighbors and daily associates, proved their high appreciation of his worth as a man, and as a faithful friend. After serving through this Congress, he retired to give his undivided atten- tion to his private concerns, which from his constant and unremitting labors in public life, demanded all his energy and talents. Here he displayed the same qualities in private, as he had in public life ; it was soon manifest in his success. But it was not his destiny to be allowed by the people to remain in retirement. In 1845, while absent from the State, he was nomi- nated by a District Convention of the Democratic party, as a candidate for Congress, in the district then represented by Hon. D. M. Barringer. He refused, at first, to allow his name to be used ; but finally he consented, much against his wishes, interests, and private matters. He engaged in the canvass as he did in everything else, with all his heart and mind. The District was large; he addressed his fellow-citizens at every place he possibly could, at great length, and often twice a day, sometimes riding more than fifty miles without rest; and when he could not go, he wat* active in writing and sending printed addresses to the people. Such were his exertions, such the force and ingenuity of his arguments, that he only lost his election by 27 votes in a district, which, when he commenced the canvass was supposed to contain an overwhelming majority against him. This is the onli/ election in which he ever failed before the people ; and such was the effect of his efforts, that his political opponents did not think the district any longer x'eliable, and altered it at the next session of the Legislature. At various times he was balloted for in the Legislature, as Senator in Congress. At one time (1839) only a few votes would have elected him. In 1846 he was the unanimous choice of his party in the State fur Guvernor. He was compelled to decline it, on account of his private affairs. He wrote a letter to the Convention, he being absent from the State, declining for ihu 394 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. reason stated, and the Hon. G. W. Caldwell was nominated. He also declined on account of ill-lie:vltli, and his private affairs ; and Mr. Sheppard (Jamea B.) was ciiosen by the Central Committee. _ ,, -n- i Deeply imbued in the principles of republicanism, Mr, iisher was the strong advocate of the rights of the people, against the encroachments of privileges and power. ^ • • i .1 /> Well versed in the history and theory of our Constitution, he was the farm, undaunted, and unyielding friend of state-rights against federal encroach- ments and usurpations. The last effort he ever made in public that the writer of this recollects, was in 1848, on the invitation of the citizens of Catawba County, when he with the lion. II. W. Conner, Burton Craige, Esq., and others, addressed them on the true principles (as he conceived) of the Government. ,..-,• It would swell this sketch far beyond the proper limits, to discuss, or even allude to the various public measures that he originated and advocated among the people, in the Legislature, or in Congress ; or to make extracts from his various reports, or copy his various speeches. These belong to some other pen. When some future Plutarch shall endeavor to present to North Carolina the names, services, and labors of her sons, he can find ample material in the records of' the State, and the nation, to do justice to Mr. Fisher's reputation and memory. ... lie died at Ilillsboro', Scott County, Mississippi, on his way home, after an illness of some ten or twelve days, on 7th May, 1849, in the 60th year of his age. He married, in April, 1814, Christina Beard, daughter of Lewis Beard, of Salisbury, by whom he had several children, three of whom survive, a son and two daughters. His wife died June, 1848, on her return from Flo- rida. Although he lies buried far away, his name and fame belong to North Carolina. Hon. John Willis Ellis, now one of our judges of the Superior Courts, resides in Salisbury. lie was born in Rowan, now Davidson County, 23d Nov. 1820. Ilis early education was conducted under Robert Allison, Esq., at Beattie's Ford, and was continued at Randolph Macon College, in Virginia ; and finished at the University, where he graduated in 1841. He studied law with Judge Pearson. His entrance into public life was as a member of the House of Commons, in 1844, from Rowan, and he continued until 1848, at which session he was elected a judge of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, which elevated position he at present occupies. Hon. Nathaniel Boyden resides in Salisbury. He was born in Franklin township, Massachusetts, eighteen miles from Northampton, on 16th August, 1796, where his father, John Boyden, now resides, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. He graduated at Union College, Schenectady, New York, in 1821, and the next year he removed to North Carolina. He settled in Stokes County, where he taught school. He studied law, and married Ruth, the daughter of Hugh Martin of this county. In 1838 he represented Stokes in the House of Commons, and again in 1840. On the death of Mrs. Boyden he removed to Salisbury in 1842, and in 1844 represented Rowan in the Senate. He m;»rried in this county the daughter of the late Hon. Archibald Henderson, in Dec. 1845, and in 1847 was elected to Congress from tliis District, which, after serving one Congress, he declined for the more lucrative and germane duties of his profession. Hamilton C. Jones resides in Rowan County, and has been often the re- presentative from this county. He was born in 1798, in Greenville, Virginia, educated at our University, and was graduated in 1818, in the same class with James K. Polk, Bishop Green, of Mississippi, Rev. Dr. Robert H. Mor- rison, Governor William I). Mosely, Hugh Waddell, Esq., Robert Donaldson, and others. He read law with Judge Gaston, in Newbern, and entered pub- lic life in 1827, as a member of the House of Commons, and again in 1828, and in 1838 and 1840. ROWAN COUNTY. 395 He was elected Solicitor in 1840, and re-elected in 1844. He has estab- lished a reputation as a writer, of great wit and fancy in his tales of "Cousin Sally Dillard," "McAlpin's Trip to Charleston," and other pro- ductions. His efforts in the Legislature in 1828 on the bill of Robert Potter to reduce the salary of the Judges, was considered as fatal to that agrarian project; his speech on the bill to prosecute the banks took a view of that question that excited the admiration of some of the ablest men in the House ; and his speech on the bill to locate the Judges, was unanswerable in its argument, withering in its satii'e, and triumphant in its humor. Burton Craig resides in Salisbury, who has been a representative from this town, and a prominent member of the bar. His ancestors are of genuine revolutionary stock. His father, David Craig, as will be seen hy the record, was an officer in the company of Captain AV'illiam Temple Coles, and was distinguished for his bravery and patriotic daring. Burton Craig was born in Rowan, 13th March, 1811. He was prepared for college by Reverend Jonathan Otis Freeman, and was graduated at Chapel Hill in 1829. In 1832 Mr. Craig was a member from the town of Salis- bury in the House of Commons, and in 1834 from the County of Rowan. In 1836 he visited Europe for his health, which was then very feeble, and was much benefited, and since he has returned he has devoted himself entirely to the law. Mr. Craig married Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel James Erwin, of Burke, in 1836. John B. Lord, who recently died (June 1851), amid the lamentations of his fond family and friends, was a patriotic and useful citizen of Salis- bury. He was a native of Wilmington, of good family, fine acquirements, and benevolent feelings. In 1842 and 1844 he was a member of the House of Commons, and at the time of his death a Director of the Central Railroad. Gold Hill Is situated In the County of Rowan, fourteen miles south of Salisbury, near the public road leading to Cheraw, S. C, and immediately north of the Cabarrus line, adjoining that county. The name of this place originated in the following manner. In the month of March, 1843, a public meeting was called by the miners for the purpose of giving the place a name, and petitioning to the Post Office Department for the establishment of a Post Office. The meeting was held at the Cross Roads in the woods. A variety of names were suggested, some after the persons holding the mines, others after the discoverers, &c., but none of them being agreed upon, on the suggestion of the chairman (Col. George Barnhart), Gold Hill was finally adopted. The mining operations commenced in September, 1842, on the lands of Andrew Troutman, under the management of A. Honeycutt and Culps. They confined their operations to washing the surface, on the head of a drain near the place now called the Honeycutt Mine. On the 7th of Dec. 1842, John Peck, N. K. Barringer, and others, a com- pany of ten, commenced operations on the land of John Troutman, and sunk several shafts. They were the first that discovered the gold ores, and opened veins, some of which were very rich, but their large veins were generally poor. This mine was worked to the depth of one hundred and fifty-five feet, and yielded $40,000 of gold. In the latter part of Dec. 1842, A. Honeycutt, Culps, and Co., (above mentioned,) discovered their veins, the ores of which were very rich. This mine is worked to the depth of one hundred and eighty-five feet, and has yielded $101,665. In Jan. 1843, John Barnhart and Co., known as the Barnhart Company, made their discoveries on the land of George Ileilick. They opened two 396 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. veins, runninn; parallel about a hundred yards apart, and are from one foot to four feet tliick. This ore has j^enerally been rich. This company had a lease for six years, ■worked the mine two hundred and sixty feet deep, and for two years used a steam engine. During the last two years sixty to ninety hands have been worked in this mine. The length of the pocket of ore, at its longest point, was two hundred feet. This vein had an inclination of ten feet to the one hundred, and yielded two hundred thousand dollars (§200,000). After this the vein was worked by Ileilick, Barnhart, and Co., and yielded $10,000. In Feb. 1843, Peter Earnhart, Eagner and Co., opened a large vein (a part of it very rich), which is Avorked to the depth of two hundred and eighty feet by the aid of a steam engine. This mine is on the land of Philip Earnhart, and the books of the company show that it yielded from 1846 to July, 1851, $93,000 worth of gold. The estimates between the years 1843 and 1847 cannot be correctly ascertained, as the ores were ground in small mills and divided out. In March, 1843, David McMackin, Miller and Co., discovered a vein op the land of Jacob Troutman, in Cabarrus County, within one mile of Gold Ilill, which is very rich, has been worked to the depth of one hundred feet, and yielded ?20,000 worth of gold. In July, 1843, Jennings, Crowell and Co., opened a large vein on the land of David Troutman, which contains a large mass of ore, and is from thirty to forty feet thick, but is poor. This mine is very near the Cabarrus line, and is now owned by a company from Philadelphia, who have lately put up a fine steam engine and a number of stamps, and bids fair to do well. Immediately south of this in Cabarrus, is a mine worked about one hun- dred feet deep, known as " McMackin's Silver Mine." This has been prin- cipally worked by men not experienced in that kind of ore, who have never used any machinery by which to work to advantage. From appearances this ore must be very abundant. It has been tested by a number of chemists, who all concur in saying the ore is valuable, and would pay well if, the proper means were used to get it out. There are also other veins here, containing, in combination, ores of lead, silver, and gold, which have never been opened more than one or two feet in depth. There is also a small vein of copper ore, which has been worked some few feet in depth, and is said to yield in assaying seventy-five per cent. As long since as 1825, Prof. Olmsted, while on a geological survey, visited this countr}', and expressed the opinion that it was rich in minerals. And in his report to the Legislature of '27, he made the following reference to this particular land, under the head of " Manganese:" " The best bed of it (manganese), however, hitherto noticed, is in the north-eastern corner of Cal)arrus, on the lands of Mr. McMackin, which is, perhaps, suflficiently pure and abundant to make it worth carrying to market." The usual rates given to the proprietor, as toll or rent for the privilege of working the mines, is one-seventh of what the mine yields. Between the years 1843 and 1847, there were about thirty or forty horse- power mills at this place, such as cast-iron circular runners and drag-mills, the operators of which kept no books, and many of them have left the place, consequently I shall lose a large amount in making my estimates. The gold veins, in some places, point above the surface, and always form immediately below. As soon as you strike the rock, the formation is slate, and the ore is called slate-ore, though the ore differs in appearance from the slate formation on the sides of the veins, being of a reddish-brown color to the depth of sixty, eighty, and, in some instances, one hundred feet. It then appears in the form of pyrites, combined with iron and sulphur, bepoming very heavy. The formation is one mile wide, and contains many veins. Many of these veins which have been worked, have produced a large quan- tity of gold ; but as they are not of sufficient importance to note singly, will be taken together with those small mills and set down at $100,000 worth. Gold Hill is situated on a fine level plain, running from north-east to south- ROWAN COUNTY. 397 west, on the dividing ridge between Dutch Buffalo and Long Creek. Its population, in 1848, was between 800 and 1000. The health of the locality is equal to any village in the State. Its water possesses mineral properties not surpassed in the United States, and many persons afflicted with chronic diseases, such as dyspepsia, rheu- matism, &c., have been relieved by visiting the place and using the water. There are seven stenm-engines, five stores, one tavern, four doctors, besides different mechanics, as blacksmiths, carriage-makers, boot and shoemakers, saddle and harness-makers, brick and stonemasons, silversmiths. &c. Gold Hill is one of the best market? in the middle or western part of the State, and all country produce will bring good prices and ready sale. The following is the aggregate of gold found in and about Gold Hill by the different companies, from Jan., 1843, to July, 1851, viz.: — Honeycutt, Gulp, and Co., $101,665 Field Company, 40,000 Barnhart, Mauney, and Co., 200,000 Heilick, Barnhart, and Co., 10,000 Holmes, Barnhart, and Co., 95,000 Troutman and McMackin, 20,000 Walls and Houston, 30,000 E. and N. Maunv, - - 30,000 Carter, Honeycutt, and Co., 20,000 Coffin, Worth, and Co., 150,000 A. iMIller and Co., 5,000 Miscellaneous, 100,000 §801,665 Members of the House of Commons from Salisbury from 1777 to 1835. Years. House of Commons. 1777. David Nesbett. 1778. Matthew Troy. 1779. Maxwell Chambers. 1780. Anthony Newman. 1781. Anthony Newman. 1782. Anthony Newman. 1783. Anthony Newman. 1784. Anthony Newman. 1785. Thomas Frohock. 1786. Thomas Frohock. 1787. John Steele. 1788. •■ John Steele. 1789. Maxwell Chambers. 1791. Lewis Beard. 1792. Lewis Beard. 1793. Lewis Beard. 1794. John Steele. 1795. John Steele. 1796. Evan Alexander. 1797. John Newman. 1798. Evan Alexander. 1799. Evan Alexander. 1800. Evan Alexander. 1801. Evan Alexander. 1802. Evan Alexander. 1803. Evan Alexander. 1804. Joseph Pearson. 1805. Joseph Pearson. 1806. John Steele. Years. House of Commons. 1807. Archibald Henderson. 1808. Archibald Henderson. 1809. Archibald Henderson. 1810. Joseph Chambers. 1811. John Steele. 1812. John Steele. 1813. John Steele. 1814. Archibald Henderson. 1815. John L. Hendersorf. 1816. John L. Henderson. 1817. Stephen L. Ferrand. 1818. John Beard, Jr. 1819. Archibald Henderson. 1820. Archibald Hendersun. 1821. Charles Fisher. 1822. Alfred McKay. 1823. John L. Henderson. 1824. John L. Henderson. 1825. David F. Caldwell. 1826. Charles Fisher. 1827. Charles Fisher. 1828. Charles Fisher. 1829. Charles Fisher. 1830. Charles Fisher. 1831. Charles Fisher. 1832. Burton Craig. 1833. Bichd. H. Alexander. 1834. Bielul. II. Alexander. 1835. William Chambers. 398 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The Borough representation was abolished by the Convention of 1835, assembled at Raleigh to amend the Constitution. Members of the General Assembly from Rowan County. Years. 1777. 1778. 1779. 17.S0. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 178G. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1310. 1811. I,sl2. 1813. 1814. IS 1 5. 1810. 1817. 1818. I,sl9. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823! 1S24. 1S25. 1820. 1S27. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. Senale. Griffith Paitherford, Griffith Kutlierford, Griffith Rutherford, House of Commons. Matthew Lock, James Smith. Matthew Lock, Moses Winslow. Matthew Lock, Moses Winslow. Griffitli Piutherford, /l>Iatthew Lock, Geo. Henry Berger. Mattliew Lock, i Wm. Sharpe, Samuel Young. Matthew Lock, "n '\yilliara Sharpe, Samuel Young. Griffith Rutherford, ^Matthew Lock, Geo. II. Berger. Wm. Sharpe, James Kerr. Matthew Locke, Geo. 11. Berger. Griffith Rutherford, Griffith Rutherford, Griffith Rutherford, Geo. H. Berger, Basil Gaither, Geo. n. Berger, Geo. H. Berger, Geo. II. Berger, Geo. H. Berger, Lewis Beai'd, William Cathey, William Cathey, Basil Gaither, Basil Gaither, Basil Gaither, Basil Gaither, Basil Gaither, Basil Gaither, Basil Gaither, George Fisher, Jacob Fisher, Matthew Brandon, Jacob Fisher, Jacob Fisher, Jacob Fisher, Jacob Fisher, Jacob Fisher, Jacob Fisher, Wm. Bodenhamer, AVm. Bodenhamer, Wm. Bodenhamer, Wm. Bodenhamer, Jesse A. Pearson, Danl. Leatherman, Charles Fisher, Francis Locke, Francis Locke, John Lindsay, Joseph Spurgen, James Martin, Jr. Jacob Fisher, Samuel Jones, John Beard, John Scott, John Scott, David F. Caldwell, David F. Caldwell, David F. Caldwell, Thomas Carson, Richard Pearson. Richmond Pearson, Thomas Carson, David Caldwell, Thomas Carsou. Matthew Lock, John Stokes. Matthew Lock, Basil Gaither. Matthew Lock, Basil Gaither. Matthew Lock, Basil Gaither. Thomas Carson, Basil Gaither. Basil Gaither, Thomas Carson. Basil Gaither, Thomas Carson. Matthew Brandon, Thos. Carson. Matthew Brandon, Thos. Carson, Samuel Dusenbury, George Fisher. Matthew Brandon, George Fisher. George Fisher, Saml. Dusenbury. George Fisher, John Monro. Matthew Brandon, Danl. Leatherman. Danl. Leatherman, Danl. Hunt. John Hunt, George Fisher. Danl. Leatherman, Danl. Hunt. Danl. Leatherman, Danl. Hunt. Danl. Leatherman, Jesse A. Pearson. Jesse A. Pearson, John Smith. Jesse A. Pearson, Wm. Wellborn. Alexander Cladcleugh, George Mumford. Danl. Leatherman, George Mumford. Jesse A. Pearson, John Lindsay. Geo. McCulloh, -Jesse A. Pearson. Jesse A. Pearson, George McCulloh, Geo. McCulloh, Jesse A. Pearson. Henry Chambers, Joel McCorkle. Michael Holdshouser, Ransom Powell. Michael Holdshouser, Ransom Powell. George Smith, Saml. Jones. Saml. Jones, Thomas Hampton. John Clements, Henry Rats. Charles Fisher, George Smith. Charles Fisher, John Clements. John Linn, George Andrews. George Andrews, John Clements. John Clements, John Linn. Hamilton C. Jones, John Clements. John Clements, H. C. Jones. Thos. G. Polk, Richmond M. Pearson. Thos. G. Polk, Richmond M. Pearson. Thos. G. Polk, Richmond M. Pearson. RUTHERFORD COUNTY. 399 Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1832. Archd. G. Carter, Thos. G. Polk, Richmond M. Pearson. 1833. John Beard, Jr. John Clements, Charles Fisher. 1834. John Beard, Jr. Burton Craig, John Clements. 1835. Thos. G. Polk, John Clements, Jesse W. AVharton. 1836. Thomas G. Polk, John Clements, Charles Fisher, Wm. D. Crawford. 1838. Samuel Ribelin, Wm. D. Crawford, H. C. Jones, J. A. Cle- ments. 1840. Samuel Ribelin, H. C. Jones, Isaac Burns, Francis "Williams. 1842. Samuel Ribelin, Alex. W. Brandon, F. Williams, Jno. B. Lord. 1844. Nathaniel Boyden, John B. Lord, Jno. W. Ellis. 1846. Samuel E. Kerr, Isaac Ribelin, Jno. W. Ellis. 1848. John A. Lillin^ton, John W. Ellis, — McCorkle. 1850. John A. Lillington, A. H. Caldwell, 0. G. Foard. CHAPTER LXVIII, EUTHERFORD COUNTY. Rutherford County was erected, in 1779, out of Trjon County, which was in this year abolished, and its territory divided into Lincoln and Rutherford, and called in honor of Griffith Rutherford, who was a Brigadier-General in the Revolutionary war, for whose character and services see Rowan County. It is located in the western part of the State ; and bounded on the north by McDowell ; east by Cleaveland ; south by the South Carolina line; and west by Henderson and Buncombe. Its capital, Rutherfordton, is two hundred and sixteen miles west of Raleigh. Its population (1850), 10,425 whites; 220 free negroes; 2,005 slaves; 12,388 representative population. Its products (1840), 1,090,388 bushels corn ; 76,663 bushels wheat ; 57,955 bushels oats; 6,030 bushels rye ; 250,325 lbs. cotton; 4,983 lbs. wool; 4,653 lbs, tobacco. Hon. John Paxton, late Judge of the Superior Court, resided in this county. lie was a native of Virginia, settled at Morganton as a merchant, unsuccessful, and failed. Commenced study of law late in life, and prac- ticed with great success. He was elected Judge of the Superior Courts of Law in 1818, and was remarkable for his firmness, honesty, and patience. He died in 1826 at Judge Hall's, in Warren, on his return from the Edenton Circuit. Joshua Foreman settled in this county in 1826. He was a native of New- York, an active, intelligent, and enterprising citizen. lie was the founder of the town of Syracuse, in New York, and patron of the Erie Canal. He died 4th Aug. 1849. 400 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Hon. Felix Walker was a resident of this county, and represented it in the House of Commons in 1799, and often afterwards. In 1817 he was elected to Congress, and continued until 1823. He removed to Tennessee, where he died. General John Gray Bynum is the present Senator from this County. He is a native of Stokes. He was educated at the University, where he was graduated in 1833. He studied law with Judge Gaston. In 183G he married the daughter of Colonel Charles McDowell, of Burke ; and in 1840 represented this county in the Senate, and again in 1850. Members of the General Assembly from Rutherford County, from its formation to the last Session. years. Senate. 1780. William Porter, 1781. AVilliam Porter, 1782. James Miller, 1783. James Holland, 1784. James Miller, 1785. James Miller, 1786. James Whiteside, 1787. James Miller, 1788. Richard Singleton, 1789. Richard Singleton, 1790. Richard Singleton, 1791. Richard Singleton, 1792. Richard Singleton, 1793. Richard Singleton, 1794. Richard Singleton, 1795. Charles Wilkins, 1796. William Porter, 1797. James Holland, 1798. Samuel Carpenter, 1799. Samuel Carpenter, 1800. William Greene, 1801. William Greene, 1802. Jonathan Hampton, 1803. William Greene, 1804. Jonathan Hampton, 1805. Jonathan Hampton, 1806. William Greene, 1807. William Greene, 1808. William Greene, 1809. William Greene, 1810. William Carson, 1811. William Greene, 1812. Jonathan Hampton, 1813. Jonathan Hampton, 1814. William Greene, 1815. William Greene, 1816. John JNIoore, 1817. William Greene, 1818. William Greene, 1819. George Walton, 1820. George Walton, 1821. Benj. H. Bradley, 1822. William Greene, 1823. Elias Alexander, 1824. William Greene, House of Commons. David Whitesides, Wm. Gilbert. James Withrow, David Miller. William Gilbert, David Dickey. William Gilbert, Richard Singleton. Richard Singleton, James Withrow. George Moore, Richard Singleton. James Withrow, James Holland. Richard Singleton, James Withrow. William Porter, James Withrow. William Porter, James Holland. Wm. Porter, Wm. Davidson. Wm. Davidson, Wm. Porter. Wm. Porter, Felix Walker. Felix Walker, Wm. Porter. William Porter, Samuel Carpenter. Samuel Carpenter, Jonas Bedford. Jonas Bedford, Samuel Carpenter. Samuel Carpenter, Jonas Bedford. William Greene, Chas. Lewis. Wm. Porter, Felix Walker. Felix Walker, Arthur Clarke. Felix Walker, John Miller. Felix Walker, James Withrow. William Porter, John Miller. James Withrow, Housen Harrell. Wm. Porter, James Withrow. Felix Walker, James Terrell. Wm. Porter, James L. Terrell. James L. Terrell, John Carson. Daniel Gold, George Camp. Daniel Gold, George Camp. William Porter, Daniel Gold. William Porter, Joseph Carson. Jos. M. Carson, Abram Crow. J. M. D. Carson, William Porter. William Porter, John Carson. William Porter, John Carson. John H. Alley, Robert II. Taylor. John H. Alley, James L. Terrell. Daniel Gold, John Carson. John Carson, John McDowell. John Carson, John McDowell. James Graham, John Carson. John Carson, James Graham. John Carson, James Graham. SAMPSON COUNTY. 401 Years. Senate. 1825. Martin Shuford, 1826. Martin Shuford, 1827. Martin Shuford, 1828. Martin P. Shuford, 1829. John Mclntyre, 1830. John Mclntyre, 1831. John Mclntyre, 1832. Jos. M. D. Carson, 1833. Martin P. Shuford, 1834. Bremen H. Durham, 1835. Alanson W. Moore, 1836. Jos. M. D. Carson, 1838. Jos. M. D. Carson, 1840. John G. Bynum, 1842. W. J. T. Miller, 1844. Thomas Jefferson, 1846. Columbus Mills, 1848. Wra. J. T. Miller, 1850. John G. Bynum, House of Commons. John Carson, Joseph Greene. John Carson, Wm. Richardson. Daniel Gold, Joseph Greene. James Graham, James Webb. James Graham, James M. Carson. Robert. McAffee, James Webb. James M. Webb, Joseph Greene. Thomas Dewes, A. B. Irvine. A. B. Irvine, Alanson W. Moore. David Ilannick, John H. Bedford. J. H. Bedford, Jos. M. D. Carson. W. J. T. Miller, T. .JefiPerson, J. H. Bedford. W. J. T. Miller, W. E. Mills, J. H. Bedford. W. J. T. Miller, W. E. Mills, Thos. .Jefferson. Thos. Jefferson, W. E. Mills, John Baxter. AVm. E. Mills, — Davis. Wm. F. Jones, Simon McCurry. A. G. Logan, Wm. Wilkins. C. J. Webb, Jesse B. Sloan. CHAPTEE LXIX. SAMPSON COUNTY. Sampson County was formed in 1784, from Duplin, named in compliment to Colonel John Sampson. It is situated in the eastern part of the State ; and bounded on the north by Johnson and Wayne ; on the east by Duplin ; south by Bladen ; and west by Cumberland. Its capital is Clinton, and ninety-four miles south from Raleigh. Its population in 1850, was 8,424 whites ; 476 free negroes ; 5,685 slaves ; 12,311 representative population. Its products in 1840, was 342,300 pounds of cotton ; 2,833 pounds of wool ; 130,951 bushels of corn ; 3,872 bushels of wheat ; 2,126 bushels of oats ; 14,751 dollars worth of lumber. Hon. Gabriel Holmes was a native of Sampson. lie was educated under Rev. Dr. McCorkle, in Iredell County, and was at Harvard University. Read law with Judge Taylor, in Raleigh. In 1807 he represented Sampson in the Senate. Governor of the State in 1821. He was elected a member of Con- gress in 1825 and served until 1829: an amiable and excellent man. Ho died several years ago. Hon. William Rufcs King, now President of the Senate of the United States, and Senator from Alabama, is a native of Sampson. In 1808 and 1809, he represented this county in the House of Commons. In 1811 to 1816, he represented this district in Congress. In 1816, he was appointed Secretary of Legation to Russia, Hon. William 402 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Pinkney, of Maryland, being the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary. But he soon returned and removed to Alabama. In 181'J to 1844, he was Senator in Congress from Alabama, and in 1844, •was appointed, by President Tyler, Envoy Extraordinary to France. He is now in the Senate of the United States, and its Presiding officer, since the translation of Mr. Fillmore to the Presidency. Altiiough his services have chiefly enured to the honor of Alabama, yet it was in North Carolina he was born ; in her Councils he first entered public life. She is proud of her son. Members of tlie General Assembly from Sampson County. Years. Senate. 17S5. Richard Clinton, 1780. Kichard Clinton, 1787. Richard Clinton, 1788. Hardy Holmes, 1789. Richard Clinton, 1790. Richard Clinton, 1791. Richard Clinton, 1792. Richard Clinton, 1793. Richard Clinton, 1794. Richard Clinton, 1795. Richard Clinton, 1796. Josiah Blackman, 1797. Gabriel Holmes, 1798. Gal)riel Holmes, 1799. Gabriel Holmes, 1800. Gabriel Holmes, 1801. Gabriel Holmes, 1802. Gabriel Holmes, 1803. Joab Blackman, 1804. Joab Blackman, 1805. -Joab Blackman, 1806. Joab Blackman, 1.S07. Joab Blackman, 1808. Joab Blackman, 1809. Joab Blackman, 1810. Joab Blackman, 1811. Allen Moblev, 1812. Gabriel Holmes, 1813. Gabriel Holmes, 1814. Allen Mobley, 1815. Allen Mobley, 181G. John Ingram, 1817. Michael J. Kenan, 1818. Michael J. Kenan, 1819. James Holmes, 1820. Edward C. Gavin, 1821. Edward C. Gavin, 1822. William Robinson, 1823. Edward C. Gavin, 1824. Thomas Boykin, 1S25. Thomas Boykin, 1820. Thomas Boykin, 1827. Hardy Royal, 1828. H;vrdy Royal, 1829. David Underwood, 1830. Edward C. Gavin, 1831. Thomas Bovkin, 1832. Edward C. Gavin, House of Commons. John Hay, David Dodd. David Dodd, Lewis Holmes. David Dodd, Lewis Holmes. Lewis Holmes, William King. James Speller, James Thompson. William King, James Thompson. William King, James Thompson. James Thonjpson, Wm. King. Laban Taylor, Gabriel Holmes. Gabriel Holmes, James Thompson. James Thompson, Gabriel Holmes. Claiborn Ivey, James Thompson. James Thompson, Kedar Bryan. Kedar Bryan, James Thompson. Wm. S. Clinton, James Thompson. Wm. S. Clinton, James Thompson. Wm. Robeson, Joab Blackman. Joab Blackman, Wm. Robeson. Raiford Grumpier, Allen Mobley. Thomas King, Allen Mobley. Allen Mobley, Thomas King. Thomas D. King, Allen Mobley. John Bryan, William Blackman. Wm. R. King, Jesse Darden. James Matthews, Wm. R. King. James Matthews, Hardy Royal. Hardy Royal, James Matthews. James Matthews, Thomas King. James Matthews, William Blackman. Wm. Blackman, J. Matthews. Wm. Blackman, J. Matthews. Wm. Blackman, J. Matthews. James Matthews, Wm. Blackman. James Matthews, Thomas Sutton. Thomas Sutton, John Sellers. J. Grumpier, D. Underwood. John Sellers, Thomas Boykin. Alexander Fleming, Thomas Boykin. John Sellers, D. Underwood. J. Grumpier, D. Underwood. Daniel Joyner, D. Underwood. D. Underwood, Thomas Sutton. D. Underwood, Thomas Boykin. D. Underwood, Thomas Boykin. Dickson Sloan, Arch'd Monk. Arch'd C. Monk, Dickson Sloan. Arch'd C. Monk, Dickson Sloan. Arch'd C. Monk, Dickson Sloan. SAMPSON COUNTY. 403 Years. Senate. 1833. Edward C. Gavin, 1834. Edward C. Gavin, 1835. Edward C. Gavin, 1836. Thomas Bunting, 1838. Thomas Bunting, 1840. Dickson Sloan, 1842. John Boykin, 1844. Edward C. Gavin, 1846. Edward C. Gavin, 1848. Matthew J. Faison, 1850. Thomas Bunting, House of Commons. Arch'd C. Monk, Dickson Sloan. Arch'd C. Monk, Dickson Sloan. Dickson Sloan, Isaac W. Lane. Isaac W. Lane, Dickson Sloan. Timothy Underwood, Dickson Sloan. Joseph Herring, Isaac AV". Lane. Joseph Herring, E. C. Gavin. — Beaman, David Murphy. David Murphy, Arthur Brown. Arthur Brown, Amos Herring. Amos Herring, J. L. Boykin. CHAPTER LXX. STANLY COUNTY. Stanly County was formed, in 1841, from the western portion of Montgomery, as divided by the Pee Dee River, and is called in honor of Hon. John Stanly, of Newborn. (See Craven.) It is situated in the western part of the State, and bounded on the north by Rowan County, east by Montgomery, south by Anson and Union, and west by Cabarrus. Its capital is Albemarle, and preserves the name of one of its Lords Proprietors. (See Chowan.) Her population, in 1850, was 5437 whites ; 49 free negroes ; 1436 slaves; 6347 representative population. Members of the General Assembly from Stanly. Years. Senate. 1844. Walter F. Pharr, 1846. Christopher Melchor, 1848. R. Kendall, 1850. Rufus Barringer, House of Commons. Francis J. Locke. D. A. G. Palmer. D. A. G. Palmer. Francis Locke. CHAPTER LXXI. STOKES COUNTY. Stokes County was formed, in 1789, from Surry County, and called in honor of Hon. John Stokes. John Stokes was a colonel in the Revolution, and fought gallantly in the 404 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. cause of his country. lie vras with Colonel Buford at Waxhaw, about forty miles from Charlotte, when he was attacked by Colonel Tarleton, on 29th May, 1780, when Buford was defeated and the prisoners cruelly murdered after surrendering to the cruel foe. Colonel Stokes fell covered with wounds. His right hand was cut off by a sabre, and his life despaired of for a long time. His bravery in battle, his benevolence of character, and elevated mind, endeared him to the affections of his country. He was appointed, by General Washington, District Judge of the United States for the District of North Carolina. He married a daughter of Colonel Richmond Pearson, and died at Fayetteville, in Oct., 1790, on his return from Newbern, where he had been to hold the first court ever held in the State for the United States.* He was the elder brother of Governor Montford Stokes. Stokes County is located in the north-western part of the State, and bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by Rocking- ham, south by Forsyth, and west by Surry. Its capital is Crawfqrd, one hundred and ten miles north-west from Raleigh. Its population, in 1850, was 7264 whites ; 149 free negroes ; 1793 slaves ; 8492 representative population. Its products, in 1840, were 596,103 lbs. tobacco ; 56,481 lbs. cotton; 3481 lbs. wool ; 74,989 bushels wheat; 107,756 bushels oats; 8347 bushels rye ; 423,970 bushels corn. This county, about the beginning of the seventeenth century, was peopled by Moravians from Europe, fleeing from religious per- secution. "There is not," says Williamson, in his History of North Carolina, "a more industrious or temperate body of men than the Moravians who live between the Dan and Yadkin." The land, seventy thousand acres at first, to which thirty thousand acres has been added, was conveyed by the Government to James Hutton in use for the Uriitas Fratrum (united brethren). This was se- cured by an act of Assembly, 1782. The first colony arrived No- vember, 1753, from Pennsylvania, by Winchester, Virginia, and the Upper Saura towns. Their salt was brought from Virginia; their first beehive was carried from Tar River. In 1763 they built a church. The property is held somewhat in common, and the clear profits, after paying expenses, are ex- pended for other public buildings, maintaining ministers, and the support of aged widows and poor orphans. One of the most celebrated female schools in the State is at Salem, carried on by the Moravians on their principles. Hon. Joseph Wixston was the first Senator in the Legislature from Stokes County. He lived near Germantown. He formed the treaty of the Long Island of Holston, as Commissioner from North Carolina, with Waightstill Avery and Robert Lanier, in July, 1777. He was a major at the battle of King's'Mountain (Oct., 1780). He was a member of Congress from 1793 to 1795, and from 1803 to 1807. He was a man of fine personal appearance, and not remarkable either for hia acquirements or intellect. He died in 1814, leaving a large family. Colonel Benjamin Forstthe lived and represented Stokes County. He was a member of Assembly in 1807, and lived in Germantown. He entered * North Carohna Chronicle and Fayetteville Gazette. STOKES COUNTY. 405 the army, in the war of 1812, as a captain, and marched to Canada. He fell in a skirmish in 1814, leaving one son, whom the State adopted, but who perished at sea in a hurricane, as a midshipman on board the sloop-of-war " The Hornet." Colonel James Martin resided in this county. He was born in New Jer- sey in 1742, and, in 1774 he removed to this county, then Guilford. He was the brother of Alexander Martin, who was afterwards Governor of the State, with whom, in 1775, he marched as Colonel of the Guilford Militia against the Tories at Fayetteville. In 1776 he accompanied General Ruther- ford with his command on the expedition against the Cherokees. John Paisly was lieutenant-colonel of the regiment. On his return, the Tories in Randolph, under Colonel William Fields, embodied and endeavored to join the British at Wilmington. Col. Martin directed Captain Gillaspie, with his light horse, to intercept him, which was done, and Fields was captured. He was with the North Carolina troops at the battle of Guilford Court House (15th March, 1781). After this he marched with two hundred troops, with General Rutherford, to dislodge the English under Major Craig, then in Wilmington, who, on hearing of the capture of Lord Cornwallis, evacuated the place. This terminated his military career. He died a few years ago. The late Judge James Martin was one of his sons. Colonel Martin received a pension from the United States, for his services in the Revolution. His application, a copy of which is before me, procured from the records of the War Office, shows his active service and chivalric bearing, in "days that tried men's souls." Colonel John Martin lived near the Saura Mountain, in this county. He was a native of Essex County, Virginia, and removed in 1768, when only twelve years of age, to this county. He was a man of great energy, indomi- table courage, and of infinite humor. He was distinguished for his patriotism, spirit and independence, in the Revolutionary war, and his dangerous con- flicts with the Tories. He, and his ^^Jidiis Achates," Joshua Cox, raised a small force and attacked them, and routed them out of the country. On one occasion, in a hard skirmish, old Joshua, his friend and comrade, was shot and left for dead, and his horse shot also lying by him. Much joy was caused among the Royalists ; but it was subdued when they learned that both man and horse had recovered so for as to be able to reach the camp. In one of these skirmishes Colonel Martin received a buck shot in the temple, which he carried to his grave. He was the very man for such forays ; bold, ardent, active and impulsive, he did much to subdue the Tory influence. After the independence of our country was established, he continued to serve his county as a Representative in the Assembly, and as a Magistrate. He was in the House of Commons in 1798. For thirty years he presided in the County Court, that " eternal comedy of errors," as it has been termed by Julian Picot. Many occurrences are remembered illustrative of his droll humor, and his keen perception of the ludicrous. His mind, naturally acute, perceived the points of the case before the court, and his firmness always maintained the right without respect of persons. He wielded his powers sometimes without injich ceremony. On one occasion, wtiile selecting jurors for the Superior Court, the name of Jacob Salmons was drawn. " He won't do for a juror," says Martin. It was replied, that he was a Justice of the Peace, " I know that," says Martin, " but I say, he won't do." Then it was stated that he was a member of the Legislature. "I know that, too," replied Martin, " Salmons may do to try little cases in his neighborhood, and to sit in the County Court, and even go to Raleigh ; but we shall have a Judge around among us at the Superior Court, and he will make a bad show before a Judge. His name goes out," and out the name went. It was the remark of a distinguished Judge, that this county was remark- able for the intelligence of its juries. 406 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Tn politics as in war, he was active, ardent, and impulsive. His fre- quent contests -witli Gotleib Siiober, Esq., are still remembered in Stokes. Shober had the industry and tenacity of the German ; Martin, the energy and humor of the Cavalier. Shober was a lawyer, and took much satis- faction in managing cases in court, adverse to Colonel Martin, in which he sometimes came off second best. On one occasion he had a writ served on Martin, as he was on his way to Ilaleigh. Martin wrote to a friend to attend the County Court, which would occur in his absence, and enter his plea to the suit. It was an action of deceit, in a horse swap. His orders were to X>\c!id "I detiy (he fact." At court, when Shober saw the plea, he said nothing, knowing the plea was wrong, and he was confident of victory on the trial of the issue at the next court. The court came, and Martin appeared in proper person aiding his lawyer to defend the wrong. His counsel moved to amend his plea, but Shober objected. Martin then proposed that he would go to trial on this issue, and no other counsel but Shober and he should appear. Like the gallant Douglas, in the famed battle of Chevy Chase — " Let's you and I this battle try, And set our men aside. 'Accursed be he,' the Percy said, ' By whom this is denied.' " Thev went into the trial, and the facts being with Martin in his defence, from his peculiar manner, and severe irony, he completely demolished Shober, gained his cause, convulsing the Court, JBar, and Jury, with his inimitable humor. Thus settling in the annals of jurisprudence of Stokes, that the plea of non est factum is a proper plea to an action for deceit, and means that it is not a fact. Nor were his efforts at the bar confined to the County Courts. On one occa- sion he had an important suit involving a land title. His Honor, Judge Paxton, of Rutherford, was on the bench. After the witnesses had been ex- amined, in which he showed his tact and perfect knowledge of his case, he com- menced his argument by alluding to the fact that he had employed no counsel, relying on the justice of his cause, and the integrity of the court, for His Honor, he said, " was like himself, a backwoods Judge." Judge Paxton was furious at this gaucherie of poor Martin. Nothing but the interposition of the bar (by whom he was idolized) saved him from fine and imprisonment for a contempt of Court. He died in April, 1822, and left many children to inherit his virtues, and emuli,te his example. The mother of General John Gray Bynum, of Ruther- fordton, and of Willian Preston Bynum, of Lincoln, was his daughter. Hon. JoHX Hill resides in Stokes. He entered public life in 1819, as a member of the House of Commons, and continued until 1823, when he was elected to the Senate, in which capacity he served several years. In 1839 he was elected a member of Congress, and served until 1841. In 1850 he was the Reading Clerk of the Senate. Hon. AcGCSTiNE H. Shepperd is a resident of Stokes. He was born in Surry. He is by profession a lawyer, and entered public life in 1822, as a member of the House of Commons, and continued until 1826. In 1827 he was elected to Congress, and served until 1839. He was again elected in 1841, and served until 1843. And again in 1S47, and served until March 4th, 1851, when he declined a re-election. He married Miss Turner, of Washington, by whom he has a lovely family. An anecdote is narrated, the wit of which may relieve the dry detail of facts and figures, as regards Mr. Shepperd and his friend, John F. Poindexter, Esq., late Solicitor-General. When married, Mr. Shepperd was of rather an uncertain age ; and on introducing his young and blooming bride to his old STOKES COUNTY. 407 friend " I am glad to see," said Mrs. S., " an old friend of Mr. Shepperd s, for now I'shall know, what he never will tell, his exact age. " How old, pray, Mr. Poindexter is 3Ir. Shepperd ? he declares to me he is only thirty. 1 he bolicitor- General was in a dilemma, but, like all good generals he came off victorious. " Madam, I am sure you should believe him, for he has told me the self-same tale for these twenty years." List of members of the General Assembly from Stokes County from its formation to the last session. House of Commons. George Hauser, Absalom Bostick. James Martin, Absalom Bostick. James Martin, George Ilouser. George Houser, Absalom Bostick. Absalom Bostick, George Houser. Absalom Bostick, George Houser. Wm. Hughlet, George Houser. AVm. Hughlet, Charles Banner. John Martin, Charles Banner. John Martin, Charles Banner. Henry B. Dobson, Charles Banner. John Bostick, Charles Banner. Charles Banner, Henry B. Dobson. Henry B. Dobson, John Bostick. John Bostick, Henry B. Dobson. Henry B. Dobson, Isaac Dalton. John Bostick, Isaac Dalton. Jacob Salmons, Benjamin Forsythe. Jona. Dalton, Benjamin Forsythe. Jona. Dalton, Charles Banner. Joseph Wilson, Isaac Nelson. James Martin, Joseph Wilson. James Martin, Joseph Wilson. Thos. Longina, Charles F. Bagge. Wm. P. Dobson, Isaac Dalton. Isaac Dalton, Joseph Allen. Joseph Allen, William Hughes. John L. Hauser, Joseph Winston. Jacob Salmons, Sam'l Welch. Edward Tatum, John Hill. John Hill, Salathiel Stone. John Hill, Jos. M. Flynt. Augustine H. Shepperd, John Hill. Augustine II. Shepperd, Jos. M. Flynt. Augustine II. Shepperd, Jos. M. FlynL A. H Shepperd, Wm. Carter. A. H. Shepperd, Wm. Carter. Jacob Salmons, Elisha Plummer. Gab. T. Moore, Henry A. Martin. John Banner, John Butner. Leonard Zigler, Jos. W. AVinston. Jos. AV. Winston, Leonard Zigler. John F. Poindexter, Leonard Zigler. Leonard Zigler, Jno. F. Poindexter. John F. Poindexter, Leonard Zigler. Caleb II. Matthews, John F. Poindexter. Caleb H. Matthews, Jas. M. Covington, Peter Critz. Caleb. H. Matthews, Jas. M. Covington, Jas. Stafford. Years. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836, Senate. Joseph Winston, Joseph Winston, Peter Harston, Matthew Brooks, Matthew Brooks, INIatthew Brooks, Peter Harston, Matthew Brooks, Matthew Brooks, Peter Harston, Peter Harston, Wm. T. Hughlett, Joseph Winston, Joseph Cloud, Wm. Hughlett, Gotlieb Shober, Johnston Clements, Joseph Winston, Gotleib Shober, Henry B. Dobson, Henry B. Dobson, Henry B. Dobson, Joseph AVinston, Edward Moore, Andrew Bowman, Andrew Bowman, Isaac Nelson, Joseph Allen, Charles Banner, Emmanuel Shober, Emmanuel Shober, Arch'd R. Ruffin, Emmanuel Shober, John Hill, Emmanuel Shober, John Hill, John Hill, Emmanuel Shober, Emmanuel Shober, Gab. T. Moore, John Hill, John Hill, Gab. T. Moore, Matthew R. Moore, AVilliam Flynt, Matthew R. Moore, , Matthew R. Moore, 1838. Matthew R. Moore, 35 408 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1840. Matthew II. Moore, J. M. _ Covington, Leon. Zigler, William Withers. 1842. Jas. Stafford, Jacob Shulze, John F. Nelson, Wm. A. Mitchell. 1846. John F. Poindexter, R. Golding, II. Marshall IMartin. 1848. John Hill, Andrew Gamble, John Blackburn, Ander- son Nicholson. 1850. Philip Barrow, Allen Flynt, Henry Marshall, Jesse A. Waugh. CHAPTER LXXII. SUKRY COUNTY. Surry County was formed, in 1770, from Rowan County; ■which until this date comprehended a large portion of Western North Carolina, from beyond the Yadkin to the Mississippi River, It derives its name from the County of Surry in the south of England. Its name is Saxon, and signifies " the South River." Surry County is situated in the north-western portion of North Carolina. It is bounded on the north by the Virginia line, east by Stokes County, south by Yadkin, and west by AVilkes and Ashe. Its capital is Rockford, and is distant from Raleigh one hundred and ten miles north-west. Its population (1850), 16,171 whites; 272 free negroes; 2,000 slaves; 17,643 representative population. Its products (1840), 484,976 bushels corn; 20,542 bushels rye; 48,804 busb'^ls wheat ; 115,018 bushels oats; 83,070 lbs. tobacco; 67,228 lbs. cot- ton ; 16,839 lbs. wool ; 108 tons iron. In 1775 Surry was a frontier county. The Mulberry Field Meeting House* in the upper end was the only place of meeting. The men generally dressed in hunting shirts, short breeches, leg- gings and moccasons, and the women in linsey petticoats and bed- gowns, and in summer often without shoes. Some had bonnets made of calico, and others wore men's hats.f The patriotism of the women of this region deserves a perpetual record. It was their heroic conduct that inspired their husbands and sons in the cause of liberty. They urged the men to leave home, and to prefer to die than be slaves; while they staid at home and worked with their own hands at the plough and with the hoe, by day, to provide sustenance for their families, and at night with the spinning-wheel and loom they made the clothing.| * Where ihe town of Wilkesboro' now stands. t MSS. of General Lenoir, furnished by W. W. Lenoir. i M33. of General Lenoir. SURRY COUNTY. 409 In this county is the celebrated Ararat, or Pilot Mountain. It rises gradually to the height of several hundred feet, and termi- nates in a flat surface, from the summit of "which there is a noble view of the sui-rounding country. This mountain can be seen for sixty or seventy miles, and was called Pilot Mountain by the In- dians,, as it served as a guide in their hunting and war routes. The delegates from Surry to the Convention at Hillsboro', in 1775, -were, Robert Lanier, Joseph AVilliams, William Hill, Martin Armstrong, Jo- seph Winston. The officers appointed from Surry, 177G, were, Martin Armstrong, Co- lonel ; Joseph Williams, Lieutenant-Colonel ; William Hall, Major; Joseph Winston, 2d Major. Colonel Joseph Williams settled in this county near Shallow Ford, before the Revolutionary war. He was distinguished for his enterprise, activity, and patriotism. He was a Colonel of militia in the Revolution, and was ac- tive in subduing the Tories. He died at a good old age, loved and respected by all who knew him. He married Miss Lanier, a woman of strong mind and exemplary virtues. From this marriage, sprang, 1. General Robert Williams, a man of distinguished attainments, great research, and acute intellect. The only copy of the acts, public and private, of the General Assembly now extant, was collected by his labor. I have been so fortunate as to procure them, and have filed them on the Archives of the Historical Society at Chapel Hill. He was a member of Congress from 1797 to 1803. He was the Adjutant- General of the State during the war, when this office was no sinecure, and he faithfully discharged its laborious duties. He moved to Tennessee, where he died. 2. John Williams, who was distinguished in Tennessee as a Colonel at the battles of Tohopeka or Horse Shoe, on the Tallapoosa, between General Jackson and the Creek Indians. A long and desperate battle. He died in Tennessee. He married a sister of Honorable Hugh Lawson White, leaving a son, Joseph L. Williams, whose daughter is the wife of Hon. R. M. Pear- son, one of our Supreme Court Judges. 3. Lewis Williams, of this county, who is well known in the history of this county as a distinguished and patriotic statesman. He entered public life in 1813, as a member of the House of Commons, and was re-elected in 1814. In 1815 he was elected a member of Congress, and served continuously until 1842 ; a long career in one place proves the sincerity of his character, and the confidence of his constituents. His life, compiled from his papers, would form a most valuable addition to our history. He was much respected in Congress, for his sound judgment, inflexible integrity, and unwavering consistency ; and received by universal consent the title of " the Father of the House." If he was by fortune childless, this noisy brood doubtless more than filled his paternal anxieties. He died in Congress on the 23d Februarv, 1842. His twin brother, Thomas Lanier Williams, is equally distinguished. Ue is now Chancellor of the State of Tennessee. 4. Dr. Alexander Williams, of Greenville, Tennessee. 5. Nicholas Lanier Williams, of this county. 410 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 6. Rebecca, -who married John AYinbush of Halifax, Virginia, 7. Fanxt, who married John P. Irwin, of Nashville, Tennessee ; and 8. Major Joseph Williams, of Surry county, who is now dead; leaving several sons and three daughters, one of whom is Mrs. James R. Dodge, wife of Col. Dodge, now Clerk of our Supreme Court, at Morganton. lion. Jesse Franklix was of Surry county. He was distinguished for his sincere patriotism, sound sense, and unassuming deportment. In 1794 he was elected a member of the House of Commons. In 1795 ho was elected a member of Congress, and served in the House un- til 1797. In 1797 he was again a member of the House of Commons. In 1799 he was elected Senator in Congress, and served until 1805. In 1805 and 1806 he was Senator from Surry, and was elected again to the Se- nate of the United States in 1807, and served until 1813. In 1820 he succeeded John Branch as Governor of the State. A long and successful career, which evinces his personal worth and popu- larity. Hon. Meshach Franklin was a member of the House of Commons in 1800, a member of Congress from 1807 to 1815, and Senator from this county in 1828 and 1829. He died in December, 1841. Thomas J. Word was a native of Surry, and represented the county in the House of Commons in 1832. He moved to Mississippi, and was a member of Congi'ess in 1838 from that State. Members of the General Assembly from Surry County, from the formation of the Constitution in 1776 to the last Session, 1850-51. years. Senate. House of Commons. 1777. Wm. Sheppard, Jos. Winston, Charles Gordon. 1778. Wm. Sheppard, Matthew Brooks, Frederick Miller. 1779. Wm. Sheppard, Gray Bynum, Frederick Miller. 1780. Wm. Sheppard, Samuel Cummings, Samuel Freeman. 1781. Wm. Sheppard, Samuel Cummings, Wm. T. Lewis. 1782. Wm. Sheppard, Samuel Cummings, Trangott Bagge. 1783. Martin Armstrong, Wm. T. Lewis, James Martin, 1784. John Armstrong, Joel Lewis, James Martin. 1785. John Armstrong, James Martin, William Lewis. 1786. John Armstrong, James Martin, William Lewis. 1787. .Joseph Winston, Jas. Gaines, Seth Coffee. 178S. John Armstrong, George Houser, AVm. T. Lewis. 17S9. Joseph Winston, Gideon Edwards, Absalom Bostiok, 1790. Joseph Winston, Jonathan Haines, Jacob Sheppard. 1791. Gideon Edwards, Jonathan Haines, Jacob Sheppard. 1792. Gideon Edwards, Jonathan Haines, Jacob Sheppard. 1793. Gideon Edwards, Henry Speer, Jesse Franklin. 1794. Gideon Edwards, Jesse Franklin, Micajah Oglesby. 1795. Gideon Edwards, Micajah Oglesby, Hugh Armstrong. 1796. Gideon Edwards, Hugh Armstrong, Francis Poindexter. 1797. Gideon Edwards, Jesse Franklin, Hugh Armstrong, 1798. Gideon Edwards, Jesse Franklin, Thomas Wright. 1799. Gideon Edwards, Martin Armstrong, Joseph Williams, .Jr. 1800. Gideon Edwards, Meshach Franklin, Thomas Wright. 1801. Gideon Edwards, Thomas Wright, Meshach Franklin, 1«02, Gideon Edwards, Thomas Wright, Nicholas Horn. 1803. Gideon Edwards, Thomas AVright, Nicholas Horn. 1804. Peter Eaton, Micajah Oglesby. Nicholas Horn. 1805. Jes.se Franklin, Nicholas Horn,*David Davis. 1806. Jesse Franklin, Nicholas Horn, Nathan Chaffin. TYRRELL COUNTY. 411 Years. Senate. 1807. Thomas Wright, 1808. Thomas "Wright, 1809. Gideon Edwards, 1810. Thomas Wright, 1811. Thomas Wright, 1812. Thomas Wright, 1813. Thomas Wright, 1814. Thomas Wright, 1815. Thomas Wright, 1816. Thomas Wright, 1817. Thomas Wright, 1818. Wm. P. Dobson, 1819. AVm. P. Dobson, 1820. Solomon Graves, 1821. Solomon Graves, 1822. Solomon Graves, 1823. Solomon Graves, 1824. Pleasant B. Roberts, 1825. Henry B. Poindexter, 1826. Pleasant B. Roberts, 1827. Wra. P. Dobson, 1828. Meshach Franklin, 1829. Meshach Franklin, 1830. Wm. P. Dobson, 1831. Wm. P. Dobson, 1832. Wm. P. Dobson, 1833. Wm. P. Dobson, 1834. Wm. P. Dobson, 1835. Harrison M. Waugh, 1836. Wm. P. Dobson, 1838. Meshach Franklin, 1840. Pt. C. Puryear, 1842. Wm. P. Dobson, 1844. A. B. McMillan, 1846. A. B. McMillan, 1848. George Bower, 1850. George Bower, House of Commons. Nicholas Horn, Daniel Scott. Nicholas Horn, Micajah Oglesby. Nicholas Horn, William Dowling. Nicholas Horn, Matthew M. Hughes. Nicholas Horn, Charles Taliaferro. Nicholas Horn, Charles Taliaferro. Lewis Williams, Charles Taliaferro. Lewis Williams, Nicholas Horn. Edward Sweatt, Gabriel Hanby. Gabriel Hanby, Josiah Hatley. Josiah Hatley, Edward Sweatt. Solomon Graves, H. B. Poindexter. Solomon Graves, Edward Lovell. Henry B. Poindexter, P. B. Roberts. Thomas Hampton, Pleasant B. Roberts. E. Thompson, P. B. Roberts. T. B. Wright, E. Thompson. David Durrett, W. C. Martin. David Durrett, Golihu Moore, Elisha Arnold, Golihu Moore. Wm. Douglas, Ephraim Hough. Mordecai Fleming, Alfred C. Moore. Alfred C. Moore, Ephraim Hough. Mordecai Fleming, Alfred C. Moore. Daniel W. Courts, Mordecai Fleming. Thomas J. AVord, Daniel W. Courts. Daniel W. Courts, Harrison M. Waugh. H. M. Waugh, Pleasant Henderson. Thomas L. Clingman, Mordecai Fleming. Daniel W. Courts, P. B. Roberts, James Calloway. R. C. Puryear, Nathaniel Boy den, M. Oglesby. Nathaniel Boyden, Columbus Franklin, H. B. Poindexter. Dickson Taliaferro, Theo. C. Houser, Jno. J. Conrad. R. C. Puryear, Brown, Ta- liaferro. R. C. Puryear, Gwynn, James Sheek. James Sheek, Williams, Oglesbv. J. R. McLean, James Sheek, Joseph Cock- erhan. CHAPTER LXXIII. TYRRELL COUNTY. Tyrrell County is one of tlie oldest counties in the State, and one of the original precincts of the Lords Proprietors. 412 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. It derives its name from Sir John Tyrrell, who owned that part of the province originally granted to Lord Ashlj.* Tyrrell County is located in the eastern part of the State, and is bounded on the north by the Albemarle Sound, east by the Pamlico Sound and Atlantic ocean, south by Hyde, and west by Washington Coimty. Its capital, Columbia, is two hundred miles east of Raleigh. Its population (1850), 3,296 whites; 130 free negroes; 1,702 slaves; 4,448 representative population. Products (1840), 108,041 bushels of corn ; 22,961 pounds of cotton ; 8,081 bushels of wheat; 2,517 bushels of oats ; 2,928 pounds of wool ; 4,149 bar- rels of fish ; 74,194 dollars worth of lumber. Colonel Richard Buncombe resided in this County. He was a native of St. Kitts, one of the islands of the West Indies. He was educated in England, and a man of superior native intellect and fine personal appearance. His uncle, Joseph Buncombe, of Tyrrell, dying, left his estate to his nephew, and, in 1776, he removed with his family to this County. Being a man of large fortune, he brought to North Carolina much vrcalth, which, in the struggles of his adopted country for independence, he fearlessly placed on the side of liberty. In April, 1770, he was appointed to command the 5th regiment of the North Carolina line in the Continental Army. lie raised, upon his own resources, a regiment from the territory now composed of Tyrrell and Washington, and kept them for more than twelve months on his individual charge, preparing them in the arts of war. He joined his regiment, and marched to the north. In the battle of Germantown (1777), he was severely wounded and taken prisoner. He died soon after at Philadelpliia, while on parole, from the efi"ects of his wounds. He left three children ; one son, who died without issue, and two daughters, one Avho married Dr. Goellet, of Washington, and the other married Mr. Clark, of Bertie Count}'. Colonel Buncombe was distinguished for his martial appearance, his chi- valric daring, and unbounded hospitality. Worthily is his name preserved to North Carolina in one of her mountain counties, for he died to secure that liberty she now enjoys. GENERAL Hezekiah G. Spruill Tcsidcs in Tyrrell. He entered the Legislature in 1836, as Senator from Tyrrell, and served continuously until 1842. He is now a member of the Board of Internal Improvements of the State. Members of the General Assembly from Tyrrell County, from adoption of the Constitution, 1776, to last session, 1850-51. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1777. Archibald Currie, Benjamin Spruill, John Hooker. 1778. Joremiah Frazier, Joshua Swain, Benjamin Spruill. 1779. Jeremiah Frazier, Benjamin Spruill, Joshua Swain. 1780. Jeremiah Frazier, John Warrington, Edmund Blount. 1781. Jeremiah Frazier, Isham Webb, Nehemiah Norman. 1782. Jeremiah Frazier, Nehemiah Norman, Nathan Hooker. 1783^ Jeremiah Frazier, Nehemiah Norman, Nathan Hooker. 1784. Jeremiah Frazier, Benjamin Spruill, Nathan Hooker. 178o, John A\ arrington, Nehemiah Norman, Nathan Hooker. 1780. John Warrington, Simon Spruill, Nathan Hooker. 1787. John Warrington, Simon Spruill, Benjamin Spruill. * Williamson's History of North Carolina, i. 301. TYRRELL COUNTY. 413 Years. Senate. 1788. Thomas Stewart, 1790. Thomas .Stewart, 1791. Thomas Stewart, 1792. John Warrington, 1793. John Warrington, 1794. Richard Ilowett, 1795. llichard Ilowett, 1796. llichard Ilowett, 1797. Charles Spruill, 1798. Charles Spruill, 1799. Charles Spruill, 1800. Samuel Spruill, 1801. Samuel Spruill, 1802. Richard Davis, 1803. Richard Pavis, 1804. Richard Davis, 1805. Richard Davis, 1806. Richard Davis, 1807. Richard Davis, 1808. Jesse Alexander, 1809. James Alexander, 1810. Jesse Alexander, 1811. Zebulon Tarkington, 1812. Zebulon Tarkington, 1813. Charles Hoskins, 1814. Charles Iloskins, 1815. Charles Iloskins, 1810. Charles Iloskins, 1817. Zebulon Tarkington, 1818. Zebulon Tarkington, 1819. Richard Davis, 1820. Richard Davis, 1821. John B. Beasley, 1822. John B. Beasley, 1823. John B. Beasley, 1824. John B. Beasley, 1825. John B. Beasley, 1826. John B. Beasley, 1827. John B. Beasley, 1828. John B. Beasley, 1829. John B. Beasley, 1830. John B. Beasley, 1831. Daniel N. Bateman, 1832. Daniel N. Bateman, 1833. Ephraira Mann, 1834. Ephraim Mann, 1835. George II. Alexander, 1836. Hez. G. Spruill, 1838. Hez. G. Spruill, 1840. Hez. G. Spruill, 1842. Hez. G. Spruill, 1844. Joseph Ilalsy, 1846. Joseph Ilalsv, 1848. Joseph Ilalsy, 1850. Thomas E. Pender, House of Commons. Simon Spruill, Samuel Chesson. Simon Spruill, Samuel Chesson. Hezekiah Spruill, Richard Ilowett. Simon Spruill, Charles Spruill. Simon Spruill, Charles Spruill. Charles Spruill, Levi Blount. Charles Spruill, Robert Cushing. Charles Spruill, John Guyther. John Guyther, James Hoskins. Martin R. Byrd, James Hoskins. John Clayton, Samuel Spruill. John Clayton, Thomas Hoskins. John Clayton, Thomas Hoskins. Elijah Warrington, .John Clayton. John Clayton, Jesse Alexander. Jesse Alexander, Moses E. Cator. Jeremiah Wynne, Benjamin Spruill. Jeremiah Wynne, Levi Bateman. Jeremiah Wynne, Moses E. Cator. Levi Bateman, Moses E. Cator. Thomas Garrett, Moses E. Cator. Levi Bateman, Solomon Hassell. Solomon Hassell, Levi Bateman. Solomon Hassell, Daniel Sawyer. Solomon Hassell, Daniel Sawyer. Solomon Hassell, Daniel Sawyer. Daniel Bateman, Daniel Sawyer. Solomon Hassell, Thomas Leigh. Thomas Leigh, Daniel Bateman, Thomas Leigh, Daniel Bateman. Daniel Bateman, Enoch ILassell. Daniel Bateman, Enoch Hassell. Daniel Bateman, Enoch Hassell. Daniel Bateman, Enoch Hassell. Enoch Hassell, Ephraim Mann. Frederick Davenport, Enoch Hassell. Daniel N. Bateman, Frederick Davenport. Daniel N. Bateman, Frederick Davenport. Daniel N. Bateman, Frederick Davenport. Daniel N. Bateman, Frederick Davenport. Daniel N. Bateman, Frederick Davenport. Daniel N. Bateman, Benjamin Sikes. H. G. Spruill, Charles McCleese. Charles McCleese, Samuel B. Spruill. Charles McCleese, George II. Alexander. Charles McCleese, George H. Alexander. Charles McCleese, Thomas Hassell. Silas Davenport. Charles McCleese. Charles McCleese. Joseph Ilalsey. Silas Davenport. Silas Davenport. Charles McCleese. Joseph McCleese. 414 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER LXXIV. UNION COUNTY. Union County was formecl in 1842, from the south-eastern part of Mecklenburg, and western part of Anson County. It is situated in the south-western part of the State, and is hounded on the north by Mecklenburg and Stanly; east, by Anson ; south, by South Carolina line; and west, by Mecklenbui'g. Its capital, Munroe, is one hundred and sixty miles south-west from Ealeigh ; named in compliment to James Munroe, fifth Presi- dent of the United States. Its population, in 1850, was 8,018 whites ; 51 free negroes ; 1,982 slaves ; 'J,258 representative population. Its early history belongs to Mecklenburg and Anson, and it is entitled to a share in the spirit-stirring and chivalric history of these counties. It votes, until after the next session, with ^lecklenburg and Anson. That is, the part of the territory taken from Mecklen- burg, votes with that County; and the other with Anson, imtil after the next General Assembly, when she will have a distinct and separate representative. CHAPTER LXXV. WAKE COUNTY. "Wake County was erected in 1770, from Orange, Johnston, and Cumberland. The troubles arising from the oppression and extortion in this year, induced Governor Try on to divide Orange County into three divisions; Guilford, Chatham, and Wake; Wake was so called in compliment to the maiden name of Governor Tryon's wife.* Wake is bounded on the north by Granville and Franklin Coun- ties; on the east, by Franklin and Johnston; on the south, by Johns- ton and Cumberland; and on the west, by Chatham and Orange. * Martin, 241. Jones contradicts this, but gives no authority. WAKE COUNTY. 415 In this County is Raleigh, the capital of the State of North Carolina. Most appropriately does it preserve the name of the statesman and soldier, under whose auspices was fitted out the first expedition that ever landed in the United States. His name is illustrious as a gallant warrior; as a saga- cious statesman ; and as a faithful and accurate historian. He was born in 1552. Under the smiles of the " Virgin Queen" Elizabeth, he rose to favor and honors ; but after her death, from the pusillanimous policy of James I, he was condemned for ofi'ences of which he was innocent; and was beheaded in 1618.* Its population, in 1850, was 14,177 whites ; 1,301 free negroes ; 9,409 slaves ; 21,123 representative population. Its products, in 1840, were 2,391,996 pounds of cotton ; 535,274 bushels of corn; 38,379 bushels of wheat; 79,011 bushels of oats; 54,247 pounds of tobacco ; 12,178 pounds of wool. By an ordinance of the Convention that assembled at Hillsboro' in 1788, to deliberate upon the Constitution of the United States, the seat of Government was fixed on the plantation of Joel Lane, in Wake County. Five public squares were fixed; in the centre of which, the Capitol was located, and called Union Square, and the other four are Caswell, Bukke, Nash, and Moore. Before this, the sessions of the General Assembly had been held at different places ; at Tarboro', Hillsboro', Fayetteville, and else- w^here. This was inconvenient on many accounts. A State House, Governor's house, and other public edifices were ordered to be erected. A fire, in June 1831, destroyed the old Capitol. The Governor's house at one time, and the large brick building, owned then by Benjamin B. Smith, in Fayetteville street, at another, was used for the sessions of the General Assembly. An edifice has been erected at a cost of 520,000 dollars, which, * See vol. i. 416 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. for durability of structure, correctness of architecture, and perfect adaptation to its intended purposes, has no superior in these United States, The greatest cahimity that followed the fire in 1831 was the total destruction of the marble statue of George Washington, from the unrivaled chisel of Canova, of Rome — a loss that cannot be repaired. The full-length portrait of Washington, after the original, by Sully, was preserved, and still hangs in the House of Commons. A destructive fire, on the 7th of January, 1831, laid the princi- pal part of Raleigh in ashes. To the meeting of Delegates of the Province of North Carolina, held at Ilillsborn' 2ist August, 1775, from "Wake, Joel Lane, John Hinton, Theo- PHiLus Hunter, Michael Kodgers, Tignal Jones, John Rand, and Thomas HiNES. To the Congress at Halifax, 12th Nov. 1776, Tignal Jones, James Jones, Michael Rodgers, John Rice, and Britain Fuller. Of the Wake Regiment, John Hunter, Colonel ; Theophilus Hunter, Lieutenant-Colonel ; John Hinton, Jr., Major ; Thomas Hines, 2d Major. Colonel William Polk lived and died in Raleigh. He was born in Meck- lenburg County, and was present, when but a youth of nineteen, at the cele- brated meeting on 20th May, 1775, when this county declared its independence of the English Government. It was from this hallowed altar that his youth- ful heart caught the inspirations of patriotism. He joined the army of this county, and served through the Revolution. He was with General Washing- ton at Brandywine (Sept. 1777), and Germantown (Oct. 4, Till), where he was wounded. He then was ordered South, and was with General Gates in the battle of Camden (August 1780), and with Greene at Guilford (March 15, 1781), and at the hard-fought battle of the Eutaw Springs (8th Sept. 1781), at which battle he received a severe wound, the effects of which he carried to his grave. He held the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the army at the close of the war. After the war ended, he retired from the army, and re- turned to Charlotte, his native place. In 1787, he represented the county of Mecklenburg in the House of Com- mons. IIo removed to Raleigh, and was for a long time President of one of the Banks. In 1812, he was offered a commission of Brigadier-General in the Army by the President, which he declined. Subsequently, however, stung by the repeated wrongs of his country, and the degrading conditions demanded by the British commissioners as the price of peace, in a letter to the Governor of t!ie State (Hawkins), dated 17th October, 1814, he offered his services to the State in any situation that the Governor might deem useful. He died about 1830, leaving a widow (the daughter of Col. Hawkins), and several children — among them are General Thomas G. Polk, now of Missis- sippi, Bishop Leonidas Polk, of Louisiana, and Mrs. Kenneth Raynor. Hon. .John Louis Tavlor died in Raleigh, January, 1829 ; a sketch of his life appears in the chapter on Cumberland County (page 200), which he represented in 1792, '93, and '94— (Fayetteville)— in the House. of Commons. James F. Taylor, late Attorney-General, lived, and died in Raleigh. He was born in Chatham (which see). Joseph Gales, Esq. (who for a long series of years lived, and died in Raleigh), was born in Derbyshire, in England. He was a Bookseller and Printer in ■WAKE COUNTY. 41T Sheffield, and established, in 1787, the " Sheffield Register." He was forced to flee for hla political principles, and in 1794 came to the United States, and settled in Philadelphia. There he published for a period " The Independent Gazette," and in 1799 he removed to Raleigh, and established " The Regis- ter," -which he conducted for forty years. He gave to Mr. Madison, during the war in 1812, a tirm, vigorous, and independent support ; and was amiable and kind in all the relations of life. He died 24th May, 1842. He was suc- ceeded in the editorial chair by his son, Weston R. Gales, who conducted it until his death, (July, 1848,) when his son, Seaton Gales, Esq., the present editor, succeeded. The present editor deserves the credit of starting the first daily paper ever published in North Carolina— the " Bulletin" — published during the session of the last General Assembly. Hon. Henry Seawell, late a Judge of the Superior Court, lived and died in Raleigh. He was born 24th December, 1772, in Franklin County : self- educated ; a vigorous and capacious intellect. He was elected to the House of Commons of the General Assembly from Wake County^ in 1800, and again in 1810, when he was appointed a Judge of the Superior Courts, but the appuintment of the Governor was not confirmed by the General Assembly. In 1812, he was elected to the House of Commons, and in 1813 again ap- pointed a Judge, which was confirmed, but Avhich he resigned in 1819. About 1820, he was appointed by the President of the United States a com- missioner under the treaty of Ghent with Great Britain, to award for the slaves taken during the war of 1812; to this Commission, Charles Manly, Esq., was clerk. In 1821, he was elected to the Senate of the State Legislature, and con- tinued until 1826. In 1831 and '32 he was again in the Senate, when he was for the third time elected Judge of the Superior Court, which he held until he died, 11th October, 1835. By his marriage with the daughter of Col. John Hinton, seven children survived him, six sons, and one daughter, who married Warner Lewis, Esq., of Caswell County. Hon. Daniel L. Barringer represented Wake County in the House of Commons as early as 1813. He was a son of John Paul Barringer, late of Cabarrus County. He married Miss White, of Raleigh, granddaughter of Richard Caswell ; represented AVake County in 1813, 1819, 1820, and 1821 ; and from 1826 to 1835 was a member of Congress. He removed to Tennessee, and has been in public life while there — Speaker of the House of Representatives. Hon. Duncan Cameron, who resides in Raleigh, was born in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, in 1777, son of an Episcopalian clergyman. He studied law, and came to North Carolina in 1797. In 1800, he was appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court, then called Court of Conference. ■ In 1806, he was elected a member of the House of Commons from Orange Coanty, and again 1807, '12, and '13, when he was a firm and decided advocate for the war. In 1814, he was elected Judge of the Superior Court, which he resigned in 1816. In 1819, he was elected to the Senate from Orange County, and in 1822 and 1823. In 1829, he was elected President of the old State Bank. On the organization of the present Bank of the State of North Carolina, in September, 1834, he was chosen its President, over whose affairs he presided with unexampled financial skill and fidelity until a few years since, when he resigned (January, 1849), and was succeeded by George W. Mordecai, Esq. MosES Mordecai, who lived and died near Raleigh, a distinguished lawyer, was born in the city of New York, on 4th April, 1785. 418 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. His father, Jacob, removed to Richmond, Virginia, when he was about five years old, and finally to Warrenton in this State, where he established him- self first as a merchant, and afterwards kept a large and respectable female school. Moses Mordecai was educated in Warrenton by Marcus George, who was justly renowned as one of the best teachers of his day. He aided in the school of his father for a time after arriving at maturity. He then studied law, obtained license, and settled in Greenville, Pitt County. He subse- quently removed to llaleigh, where he practiced with great success in the Federal and Supreme Courts, and where he lived at the time of his death. The evidence of his ability and talents is, that with such compeers as Gaston, Ruffin, Seawell, Stanley, and others, his practice was lucrative, and his suc- cess complete. He died at the Sweet Springs, in Virginia, September, 1824, whither he had resorted to restore his health, shattered by the fall diseases of our lower country climate. He left four children, two sons, Henry and Jacob, and two daughters, Ellen and Margaret. His brother, George W. Mordecai, Esq., resides now in Raleigh, and is President of the Bank of the State of North Carolina. Hon. John H. Bryax resides in Raleigh. He is a native of Craven: for his biography, see Craven, Chapter XXII. Hon. R. M. Saunders resides in Raleigh. He is a native of Caswell: for his biography, see Caswell, Chapter XV. Hon. William H. Haywood, Jr., is a resident and native of this county. He was born in 1801 ; educated at the University of Xorth Carolina, at which he was graduated in 1819 ; studied law, entered public life in 1831 as a member of the House of Commons, and served in 1834, '35, and '36. He was Speaker in 1836. He was elected to the Senate of the United States in 1842, which he resigned in 1846, when he was succeeded by Hon. George E. Badger. Hon. George E. Badger resides in Raleigh. He is a native of Craven County: for his biography, see Craven, Chapter XXII. Hon. Richard Hines resides in Raleigh. He is a native of Edgecombe, for which, see Edgecombe, Chapter XXVIII. Major Gaston H. Wilder resides in this county ; son of the late Hillory Wilder, who represented Johnston County for many years. Major Wilder was educated at the University, and graduated in 1838. He was a member of the House of Commons in 1842, '44, and '46. This year he was appointed Paymaster of the North Carolina Regiment, in the service of the United States, vice David W. Stone. He went to Mexico, and served through the war with credit to himself and fidelity to the government. Major Charles L. Hinton is a native of Wake; educated at the University, at which he graduated in 1814. In 1820 and '21. he was elected a member of the House of Commons, from Wake. In 1827, he was elected to the Senate, in which he served, with some intermission, until 1833. In 1839, he succeeded Mr. Courts as Treasurer of the State, and in 1850, Mr. Courts succeeded him. Major William F. Collins, who was Comptroller from 1836 to 1851, also resides in this county. He is a native of Nash. The Executive Officers of North Carolina reside at Raleigh. His Excellency, David Settle Reid, is a native of Rockingham ; for whose biography, see Chapter LXVI. WAKE COUNTY. 419 "William Hill (Secretary of State), is a native of Stokes. lie was born in September, 1773. He came to Raleigh in July, 1795, as clerk to James Glas- gow, who went out of office in 1798, when William White was elected. On the death of William "White, in October, 1811, Mr. Hill was elected, in November following, his successor, which office he has held to this day. His first wife was Sally Geddy, by whom he has several children. His second wife is Fran- ces Conner Blount, who is alluded to as a descendant of Governor Archdale, in vol. i., page 82, of these sketches. Daniel W. Courts is a native of Culpepper County, Ya.; born November 26th, 1800; by profession a lawyer; educated at the University, at which he graduated in 1823. In 1831, '32, and '33, he was a member from Surry County. In the session of 1836 he was again a member, and at this session he was elected Treasurer of the State, and re-elected 1838, by a Legislature differing in politics. In 1839, he was appointed Consul of the United States at Matanzas, which he accepted, and repaired to his post; but resigned in a short time. He removed to Rockingham, the county in which he was raised, and in 1846, was elected from this county to the House of Commons, and again in 1848. In 1850, he was elected, without opposition, Senator from Rockingham, and at the session of 1850-51, elected Treasurer of the State, which position he now occupies. William J. Clarke is a native of Wake County ; was educated at the Uni- versity, and graduated in 1841 ; a Lawyer by profession. In 1846, volunteered to go to Mexico, and was appointed a Captain in the 12th Regiment of United States Infantry. His company, I, was in several engagements, and at the Battle of the National Bridge, in which he con- ducted himself with great bravery, and received a severe wound. He was promoted to be Major, by the President and Senate, for his gal- lantry. At the disbanding of the army after the war, he returned to his pro- fession, and in 1850, was elected Comptroller of the State, which position he now holds. The roll of his company, which he led to battle and to victory in Mexico, is as follows : — ROLL OF COMPANY "I," 12th REGIMENT U. S. INFANTRY. William J. Clarke, Captain. John F. Hoke, 1st Lieutenant; promoted to Captaincy, June 27, 1847. Charles M. Creanor (Texas), promoted Ist Lieutenant vice Hoke. James F. Waddell, 2d Lieutenant. John J. Wheeden, 2d Lieut.; died January 14, 1848, at Raleigh, having re- returned. Charles Manly, Jr., appointed vice Wheeden. Sergeants. 1. Richard H. Rogers, killed in action, at National Bridge, Mexico, 12th of August, 1847. 2. Thomas B. Jones, transferred to dragoons. 3. Thomas F. Elliot, died at Yera Cruz, September 14, 1847. 4. Merritt D. Crocker, died at Encerro, June 27, 1848. 1. Lawson Mauney, appointed 1st Sergeant, March 1, 1848. 2. Joseph F. Williamson. 3. Richard II. Riddick. 4. John Huffman. CorporaU. 1. Christopher G. Love. 3. Joseph A. Thomas. 2. David S. Wells. 4. Andrew Summey. Musiciaiis. Frederick A. Stauffer, Drummer. Henry Tevepaugh, Fifer; died at Jalapa, September 26, 1847. 420 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Privates. 1. Akenford, Endemeon R. 2. Bell, Eli 3. Bell, fieorge R. 4. Bell, Morris 0. 5. Bay, Jacob 6. Bi-iggs, Alexander 7. Bowen, AVm. D. S. 8. Brooks, Henry 9. Bumgarner, Thomas L. 10. Barbee, Young W. 11. Bradley, Wm. 12. Campton, James 13. Carpenter, Jacob Q. 14. Carpenter, Peter W. 15. Cline, Laban L. M. 16. Cody, Turner 17. Davis, Benjamin F. 18. Durand, Addington S. 19. Eaker, Michael 20. Evans, James R. 21. Ford, Rick, vrounded at National Bridge. 22. Fretwell, Jefferson 23. Green, Simon G. 24. Greer, John F. 25. Hallman, Noah 26. Ilargraves, James E. 27. Hearn, Pernal 28. Henderson, Robert F. 29. Hoke, Philo P. 30. Justis, Benj., (wounded at Cerro Gordo.) 31. Kirksey, William, (wounded at National Bridge.) 32. Kirksey, Elijah, (wounded at Na- tional Bridge.) 33. Lawrence, George W. H. 34. Lee, William W. 35. Martin, Jason 36. Martin, William 37. Medlin, Willie 38. McGonigle, Peter 39. Mabry, Josiah 40. Nowlm, David M. C. 41. Nowlin, Thomas D. 42. Rains, Benjamin 43. Ramsey, Thomas G. 44. Runnels, Moses 45. Rafferty, Daniel A. 46. Risen, George 47. Sims, James 48. Slade, David M. 49. Salter, David W. 50. Salter, Warren 51. Smith, Nathaniel 52. Wells, David 53. Wells, Hugh S. 54. Wheeler, Junius B., (promoted to Lieutenant, 11th Infantry.) 55. White, Benjamin E. 56. AVilliams, Lisbon W. 57. Williams, James 58. Wright, Silas J. 59. AVolf, John 60. Young, Laton ably Discharged. Disability. wounds. do. injuries in battle. Honor 1. Brown, Thomas G. 2. Fye, Abel M. 3. Huff, John . 4. Justis, Benjamin 5. Kirksey, Elijah 6. Mitchell, Wm. A. J. 7. Nowell, Jonathan 8. Stevens, Wm. G. Transferred. 1. William Conyers, to Company "G," 12th Infantry. 2. Dixon, Ferdinand, " " " 3. Dyson, George W. " " " 4. Harris, Andrew J. " " " 5. Jones, Henry S. " •' " 6. Jones, Thomas B., to 2d Dragoons. 7. Phillips, John G., to Company "G," 12th Infantry. Deserted. Jacob Ilogue, Fort Moultrie, S. C, Mav 29, 1847. Henry M. Wyatt, Vera Cruz, Mexico, July 6, 1848. Casualties. 1. Medicus A. Alfred, died at Perote, Mexico, Nov., 1847. 2. James M. Bandy, " sea, July 15, 1847. WAKE COUNTY. 421 3. Richard E. Barrow, died at Perote, Oct. 15, 1847. 4. Jesse Boytt, " City of Mexico, Jan. 28, 1848. 5. Arthur Campbell, " Encerro, Mexico, June 25, 1848. 6. "William Champion, " N. C, April 8, 1847. 7. William J. Clark, " City of Mexico, March 6, 1848. 8. Abner Cooper, " New Orleans, July 17, 1848. 9. James Crabtree, " Puebla, Jan. 2,_1848. 10. Merrit D. Crocker, died near Jalapa, June 17, 1848. 11. Beniamin Dickerson, died at Encerro, Jun3 27, 1847, 12. William Dickerson, " Vera Cruz, Sept. 14, 1847. 13. Thomas F. Elliott, " Vera Cruz, Aug. 22, 1847. 14. Seth Etheridge, " Encerro, June 25, 1848. 15. Fenner Finch, " sea, July 18, 1847. 16. Farnifold Grey, ■,.-,■, 17. George A. Gentle, " CerroGordo, Aug. 16, 1847, wounds in battle. 18. Elijah Harris, " Encerro, June 28, 1848. 19. William Ilaughton, " Puebla, Dec. 8, 1847. 20. William W. Horton, " Puebla, Nov. 21, 1847. 21. Asa Hurley. 22. Joseph Horsends. 23. George N. Ireland. 24. Daniel Jarral. 25. James J. Love. 26. John May. 27. Edward McMillan, died Oct. 5, 1847, wounds received in battle. 28. James McKnight. 29. Nathan Perry. 30. Anderson Peace. 31. Albert G. Powers. 32. Richard H. Rogers, killed in battle at National Bridge. 33. Wesley Richards. 34. William H. Roles. 35. Joseph T. Rudiscal. 36. Benjamin S. Rust, injuries received in battle at National Bridge. 37. Henry Stamey, killed at National Bridge. 38. Hardy T. W. Shadrach, died of wounds received at National Bridge. 39. William Sikes. 40. James Spain. 41. Henry Tevepaugb. 42. Absalom Taylor. 43. James W. Underwood. 44. Charles A'owell, died of wounds received at National Bridge. 45. Wm. F. Wacaster. 46. Benjamin F. Wadkins. 47. James II. Wall. 48. Samuel P. AVeathers. 49. John B. Warrick. 50. Christopher Wells. 51. Daniel Wiggs. 52. John AVoodliff. 53. Barzillai Winfield. Members of the General Assembly from Wake County, from the first meeting, in 1777, to the last session, 1850-51. Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1777. James Jones, John Rand, Tignal Jones. 1778. Michael Rodgers, Lodwick Alford, Hardy Saunders, 1779. Michael Rodgers, Thomas Hines, John llinton, Jr. 1780. Michael Rodgers, Nathl. -Jones, John Humphries. 1781. Michael Rodgers, Burwell Pope, James llinton. 422 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate, 1782. Joel Lane, 1783. Joel Lane, 1784. Joel Lane, 1785. Joel Lane, 1786. Joel Lane, 1787. Joel Lane, 1788. Joel Lane, 1789. Joel Lane, 1790. Joel Lane, 1791. Joel Lane, 1792. Joel Lane, 1793. James Hinton, 1794. Joel Lane, 1795. Joel Lane, 1796. Thomas Hines, 1797. Tignall Jones, 1799. Thomas Hines, 1800. Nathl. Jones, 1801. Nathl. Jones, 1802. William Hinton, 1803. AVilliam Hinton, 1804. William Hinton, 1805. Nathaniel Jones, 1806. Allen Kogers, 1807. Allen Rogers, 1808. Allen Rogers, 1809. AVilliam Hinton, 1810. William Hinton, 1811. William Hinton, 1812. Allen Rogers, 1813. John Hinton, Jr., 1814. John Hinton, 1815. John Hinton, 1810. John Hinton, Jr., 1817. Nathaniel Jones, 1818. Nathaniel Jones, 1819. Stephen Haywood, 1820. Josiah Cuedup, 1821. Henry Seawell, 1822. Henry Seawell, 1823. Henry Seawell, 1824. Henry Seawell, 1825. Henry Seawell, 1826. Henry Seawell, 1827. Charles L. Hinton, 1828. Charles L. Hinton, 1829. Charles L. Hinton, 1830. Charles L. Hinton, 1831. Henry Seawell, 1832. Henry Seawell, 1833. Charles L. Hinton, 1834. Samuel Whitaker, 1835. Samuel Whitaker, 1836. Samuel Whitaker, 1838. Samuel Whitaker, 1840. Samuel Whitaker, 1842. James B. Shepard, House of Commons. James Hinton, Burwell Pope. Theophilus Hinton, Hardy Saunders. James Hinton, William Hayes. James Hinton, William Hayes. John Humphries, James Hinton. Nathaniel Jones, Brittain Saunders. James Hinton, Brittain Saunders. Brittain Saunders, Thomas Hines. Brittain Saunders, Ransom Sutherland. Ransom Sutherland, Brittain Saunders. Brittain Saunders, William Hinton. Wyatt Hawkins, Wm. Person. William Hinton, Michael Rogers. Nathaniel Jones, William Hinton. Nathaniel Jones, John Rogers. Wm. Hinton, Solomon Rogers. Wm. Hinton, Henry Seawell. Matthew McCullers, Henry Seawell. Henry Seawell, Matthew McCullers. Henry H. Cook, Henry Seawell. Allen Rogers, Henry H. Cooke. Nathl. Jones, Henry H. Cooke. Nathl. Jones, Henry H. Cooke. Walter Rand, Henry H. Cooke. Calvin Jones, Henry H. Cooke. Nathl. Jones, Allen Gilchrist. Nathl. Jones, Kimbro' Jones. Henry Seawell, Kimbro' Jones. Nathl. Jones, Kimbro' Jones. Henry Seawell, Kimbro' Jones. Wm. Boylan, Danl. L. Barringer. Wm. Boylan, Seth Jones. Wm. Boylan, Seth Jones. William Boylan, Seth Jones. Seth Jones, Stephen Haywood. Seth Jones, Stephen Haywood. Kimbro' Jones, D. L. Barringer. Danl. L. Barringer, C. L. Hinton. Chas. L. Hinton, D. L. Barringer. D. L. Barringer, Samuel Whitaker. Jas. F. Taylor, Samuel Whitaker. Saml. Whitaker, Johnson Busbee. Samuel Whitaker, Nathl. G. Rand. Saml. Whitaker, N. G. Rand. Saml. Whitaker, Johnson Busbee. Saml. Whitaker, Wesley Jones. Wesley Jones, Saml. Whitaker. Saml. Whitaker, N. G. Rand. Wm. II. Haywood, Jr., N. G. Rand. Nathl. G. Rand, Chas. L. Hinton. Nathl. G. Rand, Wesley Jones. • Wm. H. Haywood, Jr., Wesley Jones. Wm. H. Haywood, Jr., Allen Rogers. Weston R. "Gales, Wm. H. Haywood, Jr.. N. G. Rand. N. G. Rand, D. B. Massey, J. M. Mangum. N. G. Rand, D. B. Massey, J. M. Mangum. N. G. Rand, Gaston H. Wilder, D. B. Massey. WARREN COUNTY. 423 Years. Senate. House of Commons. 1844. Geo. W. Thompson, J. M. Manj!;um, Gaston II. Wilder, James B. Shepard. 1846. Geo. W. Thompson, Benj. D. Sims, G. H. Wilder, W. W. Ilolden. 1848. Geo. W. Thompson, Benj. D. Sims, Jas. D. Newcome, Rufus H. Jones. 1850. Wesley Jones, K. M. Saunders, James D. Newcome, Bar- well Rollins. CHAPTER LXXVI. WARREN COUNTY. Warren County was formed in 1779. In this year Bute County was divided, and the counties of Franklin and Warren formed from it. Warren is bounded on the north by the Virginia line, on the east by Northampton and Halifax Counties, on the south by Franklin County, on the west by Granville. Its population (1850) was 4604 whites; 441 free negroes; 8867 slaves; 10,365 representative population. Its products (1840) were 3,574,296 lbs. tobacco; 380,954 lbs. cotton ; 9584 lbs. wool ; 395,351 bushels corn ; 80,193 bushels oats ; 25,551 bushels wheat ; 1641 dollars worth of lumber. It derives its name from Joseph Warren, of Massachusetts. Dr. Joseph Warren was a Major-General in the Provincial forces, and fell in battle at Bunker Hill, on 17th June, 1775. He was born in Iloxbury, in the State of Massachusetts, in 1741. After leaving college, he studied medicine with Dr. Lloyd, an eminent physician of his day, and commenced practice with great success. His personal appearance, his kind address, and humanity, won his way to the hearts of all, while his intellectual superiority gave him power among his countrymen. When Great Britain declared her power to tax and govern the colonies without representation, Warren, far in advance of public opinion, openly denounced it as tyranny in its most odious forms — this, too, in the very teeth of the myrmidcms of the Crown. The massacre of the Colonists, on the 5th of March, 1770, had been held as a sacred festival by the people of Boston. Orations were delivered on each anniversary, setting forth this murder legalized by the Crown. Twice was Warren the orator on this deeply exciting subject. So patriotic were his sentiments — so hostile to British power — that the officers of the army under General Gage, then quartered in Boston, declared that no more such orations should be delivered. It was openly stated that it would cost the life of any man who attempted it. Warren took fire at a threat so openly and tyranni- cally made. He solicited the honor of delivering the oration in 1775. For this post he had few rivals, and it became well known that Warren was to speak. The day came, and the weather was remarkably fine. The old South Meeting House was crowded at an early hour. The British officers, armed, filled the house and aisles, and some even occupied the pul])it. All entrance to the house was prevented. But Warren reached tlie juilpit by a ladder from the outside. He pressed forward to his post. In the bloom of mau- 36 424 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. hood, flushed vith the spirit of liberty, the youthful orator advanced. The British officers, seeing his coohiess and intrepidity, made way for him. An awful stillness, like that which, in the convulsions of nature, often precedes the fell tornado of the Indies, prevailed. Each man felt the rapid palpita- tions of his own heart, and saw in the pale determined face, and closed lips of his neighbor, the peril of the occasion. The daring spirit of Warren arose, and.'^in " thoughts that breathed and words that burned," he spoke of the early history of the colonists, their rights, and the claims of justice ; how their rights had been trampled down, how violated by the tyrant power of England. Ilis descriptions of suffering, agony, and blood of the colonists, chilled even the spirits of the British. The scene was sublime — the cause of truth prevailed. The day passed without any violence. Warren and his friends were prepared to chastise insolence, prevent disgrace, and avenge any attempt at assassination. This is a scene of moral courage and sublimity worthy of the pencil of the painter or the chisel of the sculptor. The thunder of Demosthenes rolled at a distance from Philip and his hosts ; Cicero poured forth his invective when surrounded by the Senate and free from danger of the dagger of Cataline ; but Warren spoke to the very teeth of the proud oppressors of his country, resting on their loaded arms, whose errand was to overawe, and whose business it was to conquer. No example in Roman history exceeds this in moral courage or in moral sublimity. Is there in the abyss, Is there, among the adamantine sphere?, Wheeling- unshaken through the boundless void, Aught that with half such majesty can fill The humein bosom?"* If ancient Rome placed the statue of Brutus among those of her heroes and her gods, should not one rise to the memory of Warren, to perpetuate the remembrance of this heroic act? In June 14th, 1775, the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts made him Major-General of their forces. But he was not destined long to wear these honors. At Breed's Hill, when the Provincials, under Colonel Prescott, were attacked by the English troops on the 17th, General Warren appeared. Col. Prescott offered him the command, but he declined, and with a musket took his place in the ranks. He was killed as the Provincials were slowly retreat- ing from the superior forces of the British. This place has now become sacred gound. A tall monument marks the consecrated spot, " to meet the sun in his coming ; the early light of the morning gilds it, and parting day lingers on its summit." Strangers from distant lands visit it, for it is associated in their memories with the Marathon and Platasas of former ages, and with all the mighty strug- gles of determined freedom for its long lost liberty. Meet is it that North Carolina, in one of her fairest counties, has preserved the name of this noble son of patriotism, whose life-blood cemented the foundations c^f her liberty, and who died battling in her sacred cause ! " There tvere no Tories in Bute," says her historian, and the re- cords of truth. When the Provincial Congress recommended that Committees of Safety be chosen in 1775, for each county, Bute rose as one man, and, on motion of Benjamin Ward, " one of each kin was selected to act as one of the Committee," thus connecting with living links the chain of freedom. She sent to the General Meeting, on the 25th of August, 1774, at Newbern, William Person and Green Hill. ♦ Akenside's Pleasures of the Imagination, book ii. p. 47, WARREN COUNTY. 425 To same place, on the 3d of April, 1775, William Person, Green Hill, James Ransome, and Thomas Eaton. To Hillsboro', on the 21st of August, 1775, she sent William Person, Green Hill, Jethro Sumner, Thomas Eaton, Eev. Henry Pattillo, and JosiAH Reddick. To Halifax, on the 4th of April, 177G, William Person, Green Hill, Wil- liam Alston, Thomas Sherrod, and Philemon Hawkins. At this Congress, Thomas Person was appointed Brigadier-General of the Hillsboro' District ; Jethro Sumner, Colonel of the 3d Regiment of Conti- nental Troops. And of the Bute Regiment, Thomas Eaton, Colonel; Wil- liam Alston, Lieutenant-Colonel; Thomas Sherrod, Major; Green Hill, 2d Major. To the Congress at Halifax, on the 12th of November, 1776, James Den- ton, Thomas Eaton, Philemon Hawkins, Benjamin Sewell, and Benjamin Ward. The character of William Person is one of great interest.^ We regret that our efforts have been thus far unavailing, to ascertain the birth, family, edu- cation, and death of this worthy patriot. But the records afford ample testi- mony of his devotion to the principles of liberty, and the magnanimity of his character. General Jethro Sumner was of Warren County, an early, active, and patriotic soldier of the Revolution. His father, William Sumner, emigrated from England about 1690, and settled near Suffolk, Virginia. On the 8th of May, 1760, he was ordered "by the Hon. William Byrd, Esq., Colonel of the Virginia Regiment, and Commander-in-chief of the Vir- ginia forces," to proceed (with Sergeant Nash) with all convenient speed to Fort Cumberland, to act as Paymaster. During this year he was the com- manding officer of Fort Cumberland. He was appointed in April, 1776, by the Provincial Congress, Colonel of the 3d Regiment of Continental Troops. William Alston was Lieutenant- Colonel ; Samuel Lockhart, Major. He joined the army of the North, under Washington, and, after that cam- paign, came South with General Gates, and behaved with great bravery on the fatal field of Camden (August, 1780). In October following he was at Yadkin's Ford, from which General Sumner, in camp, reports on the 10th of October, 1780, the defeat of Ferguson on King's Mountain to General Gates, and by General Gates sent to Congress. He joined General Greene, and with him was in the hard-fought battle of Eutaw Springs, 8th of September, 1781, and commanded the Continental Troops from North Carolina ; their bravery, in charging the enemy with " trailed arms, contributed greatly to the success of the day. He continued to serve in the South until the daring feat of Fannin, in the abduction of the Governor of North Carolina, September, 1781 .* General Greene, alarmed at the effect of such an outrage, ordered General Sumner to North Carolina, to tranquilize the public mind, encourage the friends of liberty, and to subdue the Tory influence. He traversed the eastern section of North Carolina, and was in the State at the close of the war. A letter from General Greene, dated at Charleston, 2d February, 1783, to General Sumner, says : "AVere there any probability of action soon, I should be anxious to have your services in this army. But from the situation of your line, and the probable inactivity of the army for some time to come, I have no objection to your remaining in North Carolina, where you can attend to the recruiting service and your own private concerns at the same time." After the war was over, he resigned, and married a wealthy widow (lleiss) of Newbern, by whom he had two children, Thomas Edward, who died with- out issue, and Jacky, who married Hon. Thomas Blount, of Edgecombe, who died ia Congress in 1812, without issue. * See Biography of Gov. Burke, 333. 426 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. General Sumner lies buried in Warren County, near the road from Lewis- burg to "Warrenton, near old Shocco Chapel and Bute old court house, and bears this inscription : — To the memory of General Jethro Scmner, one of the Heroes of '76. HAWKINS FAMILY. Of PniLEMOx riAAVKiNs, vrho was delegate from Bute in 1776, the reader •will find a history in the sketch of Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, for which I am indebted to the kindness of John D. Hawkins, Esq., of Franklin County, and from whose pen it proceeded. CoL. Benjamin Hawkins was born in Bute (which was changed to Warren County in 1779) on the 15th of August, 1754, and he died at his residence in the Creek Nation, in the exercise of his functions as ^Superintendent of Indian Affairs, on the 6th of June, 1816. A particular record to this effect was made at the time of his death by his elder brother. Colonel Philemon Hawkins, in his family Bible, with the additional remark, that he had been in public life thirty-six years. Ilia parents were Colonel Philemon Hawkins, Sr., and Delia Hawkins, both of whom lived and died in the same county, at advanced ages. Hia father was born in Gloucester County, Virginia, on the 28th of September, 1717, the county where the Hawkins family seems to have first settled on their arrival in this country from England. He was a remarkable man. Born to small fortune, raised to hard labor, with but a common education, in obscurity, and without the patronage of friends. He migrated from Glou- cester at the age of twenty years, leaving behind him a name for industry and energy of character. Bute County was then inhabited mostly by Indians, and the semi-savage whites who always crowd the borders of a new country. Here he sat down with the resolute purpose to make his fortune, and his indomitable perseverance soon gave him a start, upon which he built a fortune and a fame, that outstripped all his cotemporaries. He was of distinction in 1772. He was then the chief aid to Governor Tryon in the Battle of Alamance, fought with the Regulators in that year. Possessing the means, he advanced his family to the first station in society, and he lived in the enjoyment of a well spent life, and died in 1801, in the eighty- third year of his age. He had six children ; four sons and two daughters. His sons were, in the order of their ages, Colonel John Hawkins. Colonel Philemon Hawkins, Jr., Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, and Colonel Joseph ♦ Hawkins. His daughters were, Delia, who married L. Bullock, and Ann, who married Micajah Thomas, a man of respectable character in Nash County. The daughters were shortrlived, and left no living children. And of the sons. Colonel Joseph Hawkins was an officer in the Continental service, and died in 1785. The other sons, John, Philemon, and Benjamin, survived their parents ; and the two first left numerous families. Their descendants were noted men, and held respectable stations in life. Colonel John Haw- kins had five sons ; four of them served many years in the Assembly: Phile- mon, now of Louisburg, General John H. Hawkins, and General Micajah Thomas Hawkins, who now live in Warren, and Colonel Joseph Hawkins, who died filling the office of Comptroller of the State. General M. T. Haw- kins served many years in Congress. Colonel Philemon Hawkins, Jr., had seven sons and five daughters, who all lived to be grown. The sons were William, John D., Joseph W., Benja- min F., Philemon, Frank, and George W. The six youngest sons all gradu- ated at the University of North Carolina. The daughters were Eleanor, who is now tlie widow of the late Sherwood Haywood, of Ealeigh ; Ann, ^ho mar- ried William P. Little, late of Warren ; Delia, now the widow of the late WAKREN COUNTY. 427 Stephen Haywood, of Raleigh; Sarah, who was the widow of the late Colonel William Polk, of Raleigh, and Lucy Davis Ruffin, who was the first wife of the late Louis I). Henry, of Raleigh. Colonel Benjamin Plawkins left one son and five daughters; only three daughters are now living. He was raised to habits of industry and economy, but he possessed a liberal spirit, which he inherited from his parents, who possessed and practiced it in an eminent degree. No private house in North Carolina was more extensively known, and none where more enlarged hospi- tality was dispensed, than at the house of the late Colonel Philemon Haw- kins, Sr. In the early education of Benjamin" Hawkins, he was sent to the best schools the country afforded. There were then no academies near at hand, and no college in the State. The nearest college was William and Mary, in Virginia, but in the estimation of his father, Princeton College had the pre- ference, and, therefore, he and his younger brother, Joseph, were sent to that institution. There they remained until the war of the Revolution suspended the exercises, at which time, Benjamin and his brother Joseph were members of the Senior Class. Colonel Hawkins, when he left college was a ripe scho- lar of his grade, and understood and spoke French well. The intercourse which General Washington had with the French officers, and not being able himself to speak French, rendered it necessary he should have some mem- ber of his family to aid him in that particuliir. He formed an acquaintance with Colonel Hawkins and pressed him into his service as a member of his family, where he remained some time. He was at the Battle of Monmouth with Washington, in 1779, and in many other situations before and after that battle. The servant who attended upon and belonged to Colonel Hawkins at that battle, was freed in 1801, and lived upwards of forty years afterwards. In 1780, Colonel Hawkins was chosen by the North Carolina Legislature, commercial agent to procure all things needful, home or abroad, for the use and support of the war, and defence of the State. During this time he acted as aide-de camp to Governor Nash. As commercial agent, he repaired to the island of St. Eustatia, to procure arms and munitions of war. In that cha- racter he purchased many articles, and put them on board the vessels of a then rich merchant of Newbern, North Carolina; John Wright Stanly, f;\ther of the late John Stanly. These vessels and cargoes were captured by the Bri- tish vessels of war, and that capture ruined the gre.at fortune of the unfortunate Stanly, who sought redress at the hands of the State of North Carolina, but was refused it, when it should have been allowed him. Mr. Stanly then brought suit against Colonel Hawkins in his individual character, which took its turn in the courts, creating some excitement. But the court decided (1st Haywood) that the purchases and contracts of the State's agent, did not bind him individually. On the 13th of May, 1782, Colonel Hawkins was elected by the General Assembly a member of Congi-ess to the old confederation for one year, and was re-eiected on the 14th of May, 1783, for a like term, and was present at Annapolis in that year, being the memorable Congress before whom General Washington appeared, to lay down his commission as Commander-in-chief of the American armies. On the 21st of March, 1785, being then a member of Congress, he was ap- pointed by Congress, having been unanimously nominated by the whole North Carolina delegation in Congress, a Commissioner, together with Daniel Carrol and William Perry, to treat with the Cherokees and all other Indians south of them. He was also appointed by Congress, same year, as a commis- sioner, associated with Gen. Andrew Pickens, Joseph Martin, and Lauchlin Mcintosh, to negotiate with the Creek Indians. They concluded the treaty of Galphinton, and in the same commission they concluded the treaty of Hopewell with the Cberokees. He was again elected a member of Congress in 1786, to serve until the first Monday of March, 1787. In 1789, he was elected to the Senate of the United States, together with Samuel Johnston, Esq., the two first Senators chosen by North Carolina under the Federal Constitution, and he was qualified and took his seat the i3th ot Janu- 428 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. jirv, 1700. In the classification he "was allotted to serve six years. By the General Assembly, who elected these two Senators, Governor John- ston was elected on the first ballot, and the contest for the other was be- tween Colonel Benjamin Hawkins and Colonel William Blount, afterwards Governor Blount of Tennessee, and Senator- from that State in the Congress of the United States. These two gentlemen, before this conflict, had been par- ticularly friendly, had served together frequently in the Congress of the Con- federation, and in other stations. This contest was waged by their friends, not by themselves. In fact, each had a brother in the Assembly, and they were both men of influence in that body. When Colonel Hawkins was elected, it was against his wishes, as he disliked strife, such as he saw this contest would lead to. But his elder brother. Colonel Philemon Hawkins, Jr., willed it otherwise, and so the election was decided. This election produced a breach among old friends, that was never after healed. They never after looked with a friendly eye upon the elder members of the Hawkins family. The after generations of both families inculcated a warm friend- ship for each other, which ripened into marriages. That friendship still exists, and is much valued on both sides. Colonel Benjamin Hawkins served out his full term of six years in the Senate, but it was known for some time before the end of that period, among his friends, that General Washington was importuning him to accept the agency of superintending all the Indians south of the Ohio. He Vjy no means solicited that appointment. On the contrary, he was induced to accept it only at the particular desire of the President, and much against the wishes of his friends and relatives, who never doubted his ability, but they believed it would be such an abstraction from civilized life, and such a close connection with savages, that, although his purpose was predicated upon patriotism and an extended benevolence, yet the task for a man of refinement, in the possession of an ample fortune, would be so onerous as to render his situa- tion extremely uncomfortable. During the time of his service in the Senate and before, when at home he lived with his father and mother (their only child), he was the delight of their declining years, and his father's house being the seat of hospitality, it was much frequented by visitors of all sorts, and from various parts of the world. Exiled Frenchmen of distinction, during their Revolution and the reign of Ptobespierre, sought an asylum in the United States, and in this agreeable and hospitable retreat their sorrows found sympathy and repose. Being then a man of fortune, surrounded by all the comforts of life, he was the idol of his pai-ents and relatives, and particularly acceptable to every- body. Their regrets at his acceptance of the agency may be estimated by their reflection of his transfer from the Senate of the United States to a dweller among savages. His administration as agent is left to history, and fortunately, enough of his writings were preserved from the flames which burnt, accidentally, his house, shortly after his death, as well as that there are yet living in Georgia, and elsewhere, men who shared his munificence, and witnessed his rare and transcendant attainments, his high and amiable qualifications, and his unbounded philanthropy and patriotism, to enable history to perpetuate his name. He has done much to establish the topo- graphy of Georgia, and left many valuable materials for her history, which have been embodied to that end. Many volumes of his manuscript writings were destroyed, it is supposed, when his house was burnt, but the indefati- gable antiquarian, J. K. Teft, Esq., Corresponding Secretary to the Georgia Historical Society, writes to a relative of Coloneril. in North Carolina, that the Society have in their possession eleven volumes in manuscript, of his writings, which are in preparation for publication, which were procured with great earnestness and solicitude as valuable monuments to the renown of the author, and use to the history of Georgia. And that part of the series relating to topography, has been published at the private expense of Mr. William B. Hodgson, a member of the Society, and a gentleman of profound erudition, who says, their intrinsic worth, coming from a man of such Roman virtues, made it a labor of love to him. WARREN COUNTY. 429 To show his lack of solicitude for office, the archives at Washington show that he tendered his resignation to every President, from Gen. Washington to the time of his death, but not one of them would accept it, telling him he must remain, that his services were indispensable. These flattering replies made by all the Presidents of his time, caused him to continue to bear the bui'dens of holding on, the easier, and thereby only was he kept so long in the arduous duties of Indian Agent. It was extensively known for many years he wished to leave the Agency, and during the administration of Mr. Jefferson, a recommendation was got up in favor of another person to be his successor, which was presented to him, Mr. Jefferson replied he saw there was no difficulty to get a successor, but the difficulty was to induce him to hold on, and so long as that could be done, no successor would be appointed. In the year 1801, the first year of Mr. Jefferson's administration. Colonel Hawkins' previous commission having expired by its limitation, he was reap- pointed, and as joint commissioner with General Wilkinson and General Andrew Pickens, to negotiate treaties with the Chickasaws, Choctaws, and Natchez. He had long been in bad health, from exposure, and had so often deter- mined to resign, and leave the burdensome charge of Indian responsibilities, that at the close of his life, Government seemed willing, from his declining health, to give him up. But when he died he was still the agent, having called to his assistance his nephew, Capt. Philemon Hawkins, son of Colonel Philemon Hawkins, of Warren County, North Carolina, who at the close of the war in 1815, resigned his commission in the army as Captain of Artillery, and at the particular request of his uncle had joined him as assistant agent. Captain Hawkins was also in bad health, having taken cold in the military service, which settled on his lungs. He lived some months only after the death of his uncle, discharging the duties of agent. Governor Mitchell, of Georgia, was then appointed, and before his installation. Captain Hawkins died. And subsequently, when Governor Mitchell took charge of the Agency it was neces- sary he should have reference to and possession of some documents among the papers of Captain Hawkins, then at the Agency, in his trunks ; and Governor Mitchell wrote to Governor Hawkins in North Carolina, who was the executor of Captain Hawkins, as also of Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, for permission to go among the papers to procure them, which request was complied with. Gov. Mitchell did notremain long in the Agency, and was succeeded by Colonel John Crowell. Against his administration there were objections and remonstrances made to the Government by the Indians and others, in 1825 ; one of these was signed by Benjamin Hawkins. This caused the misconception that it was Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, and that he was alive at that time. AVhereas the Benjamin Hawkins who signed the remonstrance was a half-breed Indian who assumed the name. There was also a William Hawkins and a John Hawkins, names assumed by the Indians out of veneration and affection fur Colonel Hawkins, possessing not a drop of his blood in their veins. It is well vouched for that he would never permit an intercourse of that sort, for many reasons, well known to his friends. He was of opinion it was Cbsential to Indian government that no such familiarity should be tolerated. No man was more exemplary in many respects, and particularly for eco- nomy and judicious management of his pecuniary affairs. By this means he always had a moneyed ability to administer to his munificence, and to keep within his income. He inculcated and practiced the maxim that, any article was too costly to be purchased at any price, however small, if it was not needed for use or speculation. When Colonel Hawkins resolved to accept the Agency in 179G, he cast about in his mind how he should dispose of portions of his estate to be left behind him. He had understood that his youngest brother, Joseph, who had given him his estate, had intimated in his lifetime a desire in some shape that his elder brother Philemon, should have a large body of land he owned in the adjoining county of Franklin at a mere nominal price. This land he would and did convey to his brother Philemon, and for the nominal consider- 430 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ation only, though his brother bv no means desired it: for the mere legal consiileration was too fur short for a fair equivalent, and the moral induce- ment insufficient to compel siich a course. But so it was done, and nothing short of it would satisfy Oolonel Benjamin Hawkins. He had a niece married to a man in moderate circumstances. He moved him and his family to his large Roanoke estate, and put thein in possession of every- thing there as they stood, negroes and all, and gave them the free use of all until called for. They kept the estate in this way for many years, until Colonel Haw- kins concludedto remove his negroes to his residence in the Creek nation, where he established a model farm. There he cultivated extensively, made large crops of grain, which had become in great demand to supply the immense emigration to the Territory, now the States of Alabama and Mississippi, and on to New Orleans. He owned mechanics of various kinds ; he built mills, houses, wagons, fixtures, and implements of all sorts suited to the demands of the country. He had a large stock of cattle, which the Indians were scru- pulous to protect while he Avas alive, but when he died they stole them with- out limit. He built a bridge across the river at the Agency, and had a gate upon it to separate his cows and calves. He had at one time upwards of five hundred calves. The milk was extensively taken from the cows, and the butter taken from it by a machine operated by horse power. Colonel Haw- kins possessed in a high degree not only science to conceive anything he desired, but practical common sense necessary to its full achievement. This addition to his groat energy of character created success. Col. Benjamin Hawkins, in the year 1797, wrote to his brother, Colonel Philemon Hawkins, and desired him to send him his son William, then a law student under Judge Williams at Williamsboro', to aid him in his Indian department ; and intimated as he had no family, he wished him as one to share his toils, and to profit by their joint efforts in the character of a son. William Hawkins accepted the call and aided his uncle in the depart- ment for two years, as assistant agent, when Colonel Hawkins was of opinion that a young man living so long among Indians, might acquire a manner unsuited to polished life. He therefore prevailed with his nephew to visit Philadelphia, and live in that fashionable city, and renew some of his former studies, particularly his French, in a society where the opportunity for conversation in that language, would enable him the better to accom- plish it. After remaining there near two years he returned to North Caro- lina, and circumstances and incidents occurring, he, in the meantime, got married, and, of course, declined to join his uncle in the Indian depart- ment. After awhile, Colonel Hawkins married and had children. William Hawkins knowing the extreme punctiliousness of his uncle never to create an expectation without fulfilling to the letter its object, he wrote him that he remembered vrith grateful recollection all his past favors, and his intima- tions to give him all his property, but since that time circumstances bad greatly changed ; he now had children of his own, who were the natural objects of his bounty; the promise to him was at a time anterior to that, and predicated upon the assumption of his never having children; that he understood it in this light, and would view it in no other, and desired espe- cially that his uncle would view it in the same light, protesting a total un- willingness to have any part of his estate, and released him from all moral obligation growing out of that promise. Nevertheless when Colonel Haw- kins died, who had not seen his nephew for many years, he left aAvill dividing his estate equally between his wife, his six children, and his nephew, giving each an eighth part, and leaving him. moreover, his sole executor. His estate was worth aljout One Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars. As additional evidence of his disinterestedness, Micajah Thomas, who had married his sister Ann, and received by her a handsome patrimony, and who had died long before, leaving no child, and was a man of very large fortune, he sent especially for Col. Hawkins when upon his deathbed to visit him. He told him on his arrival he had sent for him to write his will and to give him a large portion of his estate. Mr. Thomas was surrounded by many respectable WARREN COUNTY. ' 431 friends at the time. Colonel Hawtins told him he would write no such will; •'that he vahied his friendly feelings thus expressed, but that he was sufficiently ■provided for, and as Mr. Thomas had blood relations he advised him to give his estate to them. When Mr. Thomas found he could not get him to accept ""of the offered legacy he entreated him to accept of five hundred guineas, which he also positively refused, and wrote his will giving his property t,o his relatives. • - ■ . Colonel Hawkins possessed in a high degree the happy turn of character to make himself acceptable, and a favorite with everybody. lie stood par- ticularly in that relation with General Nathaniel Greene, and when that dis- tinguished officer desired to go South to look out for a new residence in the year 1785, he went to see Col. Hawkins, and staid with him until he prevailed with him to accompany him. They explored as far South as St. Augustine, and General Greene finally selected a residence upon one of the sea Islands upon the southern coast of Georgia. It is a well known trait in the Indian character, that whenever war is waged in their neighborhood, their restless temperament will cause them to take part. When General Jackson was carrying on the Creek war, it was thought by the Government, and so advised by Colonel Hawkins, that a regi- ment should be raised of the friendly Indians to keep them in check and from going over to the enemy. Colonel Hawkins was Colonel-commandant, and the celebrated half-breed, Mcintosh, was Lieutenant-Colonel of the regi- ment. This regiment was in the service of the Government a considerable time. Colonel Hawkins, at his own private expense, relying to be remunerated by Government, provisioned and supplied it, in great part, with provi- sions, munitions, &c. He had large herds of cattle, lai'ge quantities of grain to furnish needful supplies, and doubtless had and kept necessary and proper vouchers, as he was a man of great system, to cover and set forth his expenditures. But his house was accidentally burnt, shortly after his death, destroying many of his vouchers. Had he been alive to settle his own mat- ters, his knowledge might have supplied, in a degree, the loss of his papers. This worked a great loss to his estate. His executor had great trouble to settle his accounts, owing to this loss of papers, making a loss to his estate of many thousand dollars. His accounts had to pass the scrutiny of the First Auditor of the Treasury,* who had filled that appointment from the time the Government first went to Washington, and who was so ""■watchful of the people's money, he was of opinion, in the construction of a staJtute, he must look to the letter, and not at all to the equity, or common sense meaning of it. For instance, in construing the act of Congress, giving pay for the loss of horses in the Florida war. he decided it did not extend to mules, because a horse was not a mule. Before this gentleman, the executor of Colonel Benjamin Hawkins had to appear for a settlement, and by that settlement his^^&state did lose, owing to the loss of papers and this rigid ex- actness, a Ifirge amount expended in behalf of the American people. Thus ended tb« career of a man who may well be said to have filled, in the stations to which he was called, and in private life, the measure of his duty, and after passing through the many scenes of a long, a laborious, and active life, closed his career of usefulness to his country and to his fellow man with an honor and a reputation which deserves to be recorded for future example to the living. " History is philosophy teaching by example." The celebrated French General, Moreau, when an exile in this country, had to pass, on his visit to New Orleans, the residence of Colonel Hawkins, and thereby made his acquaintance at the Agency. He became suddenly so impressed Avith him, and captivated by his powers in conversation, beau- tifully expressed in French, that he sojourned with him a long time, and after leaving him he pronounced him the most remarkable man he had found in America. * The late Peter Hagner, E^•q. 432 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The publication of the writings of Colonel Hawkins, are in progress under the guidance of the Georgia Historical Society. His writings upon the subject of Topography and the Indian character, and his writings called "A Sketch of the Creek Country," have attracted particular admiration. The latter has been published under the name of the Georgia Historical Society, but at the private expense of William B. Hodgson, Esq., a gentleman of fortune and great learning, who remarks that its usefulness may be estimated by its having been copied in manuscript, in these times when printing has so many facili- ties, into five copies. Colonel Hawkins' treatise upon the subject of Indian Language, sent by him to Mr. Jefferson and by him to Mr. Gallatin, was held by both of these gentlemen in the highest estimation, and is expected substantially to appear in the writings of Mr. Gallatin, which occupied him to the time of his death, upon the character of the Aborigines of America. But Mr. Jefferson knew and appreciated Colonel Hawkins at a very early period. It is known that he kept a journal, systematically arranged, and headed by the name of every State in the Union, beginning with Massachusetts in which, among other things, he recorded the names of the persons, and their recommendations, for appointment to office. In 1789, under the head of North Carolina, upon the subject of the appointment of Federal Judge for the State, Mr. Jefferson remarks, " Hawkins recommended John Sitgreaves as a very clever gentle- man, of good deportment, well skilled in the law for a man of his age, and, should he live long enough, will be an ornament to his profession. He was appointed, Spaight and Blount concurring." This scrap-book of Mr. Jefferson's was purchased of his executor the last year of President Polk's administration, and by him shown to the author of this Memoir. Nathaniel Macon was born, lived, and died in Warren county. His long and successful career in public life has rendered his name known in the annals of the State and nation ; and his peculiar course of policy has been stamped upon her history. His ancestors were from Virginia. He was born in this county in 1757. His early youth was marked by diligence ; a generous frankness of cha- racter ; an inquiring mind for information ; and a sturdy independence in thought and action. He was sent to Princeton College to complete his education ; the troubles of the Revolution closed the halls of science ; he returned home, and volun- teered as a private, in the service of his country, in a company commanded by his brother.* This position he preferred to that of an officer, which was tendered to him. This perversion from the ordinary ambition, so natural to men, was remark- able in his whole after life ; he seemed as free from this, as from the thirst for gain ; since for his services in the field, he refused and never received a cent from his suffering country. f It would seem by his whole career, that neither the love of fame, nor the acquisition of wealth, had any influence upon his well-balanced mind. His country was in danger ; her liberties in peril. This he knew, and to her services he devoted all the energies of his mind and l)ody. He loved his country as a fond son loves his venerated mother ; and what son would require any reward for defending this mother, in poverty and in distress, from injury or insult, beyond the consciousness of having done his duty? While in the array, he was elected by the people, a member of the Legis- lature, without his knowledge or consent. Such was his patriotism, and hie attachment to his companions in arms, that for a time he resisted all allurements to leave the army ; but by the persuasions of his commanding officers, he left this for a different service ; and here he was destined to a * IngersoU's History of the War of 1812, p. 209. t Coltoa's Life of Macon, p. 47. • WARREN COUNTY. 433 long and brilliant career. lie served several years as a member of the General Assembly. About this time, he married Miss Hannah Plummer, an accomplished lady, and of one of the most excellent families in the State. In this, he had oppo- sition ; for she was an object worthy of the richest aifections. It is recorded, that vrhile on a visit to her, he met one of her suitors at her house. With his characteristic frankness, he proposed to his rival, in the presence of Miss Plummer, that they should play a game of cards for her hand, as that was the shortest and an amicable way to decide the controversy. This was agreed to ; and they played. Macon lost ; upon which, raising his hands, with his eyes beaming with affection, he exclaimed, "■Hannah, I have lost you fairly, hut love is superior to fortune ! I cannot give you up ; I love you yet." This frank conduct, it is said, secured him the hand of the lady. A life of uninterrupted domestic felicity to her, proved the wisdom of her conduct. He was happy in the wife of his love, and she was proud of the husband of her choice. The sublime idea of the Roman poet was more than realized : " Felices ter et amplius Quos irrupla tenet copula ; nee malis Divulsus querimoniis Suprema citius solvet amor die."* Horace. He now devoted himself to the improvement of his farm and the happiness of his family. But fortune had not destined him to remain in retirement. In 1791, he was elected a member of Congress from this District : so accept- able were his services, and so patriotic his efforts, that he was continued from the same district until 1815, when, without his solicitation or consent, he was transferred to the Senate of the United States, where he served until 1828. In 1824 he received the vote of Virginia (twenty-four electoral votes), as Vice-President of the United States. In 1825, '26 and '27, he was chosen President, j9?-o. tern., of the Senate. Warned by the advances of age, in 1828, after a service of thirty-seven years in Congress, he voluntarily resigned all his public trusts to the General Assembly. A longer period of continuous service in the public councils is not presented by any one individual in the annals of our republic. From 1801 to 1806, he was the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the only individual from North Carolina who has ever enjoyed this distin- guished honor. His career (embracing the whole period of the war with Great Britain) was in the most excited times of the country. Yet with such acceptability did Mr. Macon pursue "the even tenor" of his way, uninfluenced by parties, and unmoved by persuasions from any quarter, that he was regarded as one of the safest depositaries of popular power. He was emphatically and radically a democrat. Early he was opposed to the Federal Constitution, organized upon the model of the English Government, adapted to our republican insti- tutions, and in the language of one who was in Congress with him,t and knew well his motives of action, Macon was willing to trust the people "further than Jefferson would have ventured, far beyond Washington, and to an extent that Hamilton would have pronounced anarchical." He believed, implicitly and cordially in the people, and the people knew it. This was the sesame which threw open the door of promotion. He never held any office but from them ; and they, " the people, loved him because be first loved them." He looked upon a seat in Congress, from the people, as the end of his desires ; not to be used for his own aggrandizement, or that of his family or friends, but to serve them and their real interest, and true * Happy, and thrice happy, are those who enjoy an uninterrupted union ; and who^ ove, unbroken by any sour complaints, shall continue until dissolved by death, •f Hon. Charles Jared Ingersoll, of Pa. 434 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. welfaro. To him this was the goal, not the stepping-stone in his career— the penultimate of his political sentiments. Hence when a seat in the Cabinet, and foreign missions, at different times, were offered to him, they were re- fused with a pertinacity hardly respectful. To the people, and the people alone, he devoted all the faculties ot his mind, and tiic warmest inspirations of his heart. Though the friend of the people, he was not their Ihxtterer. lie used no arts of the demagogue to secure his election, no undue means to ingratiate himself in their favor. In his inter- course, he was frank and sincere ; and in his correspondence, rare and Laconic. The'foUovvino- is a copy of one of his circulars to every postmaster in his district. " Washington, June ISth, 1812. Sir : War was decla/red against Great Britain yesterday. Yours, &c., NATHANIEL MACON." In 1805, liis speech to the House on his taking the chair, when elected Speaker, was : — Gentlemen: Accept my sincere thanks for the honor you have conferred upon me. Permit me to assure tjou that my utmost endeavors will be exerted to discharge the duties of the Chair, with ^fidelity, impartiality, and industry, and that I rely with confidence on the liberal and candid support of the Mouse. This is recorded as a model for our days, when the same ideas,_and no more, are conveyed in a lengthy address, as to honors unexpected (which have been eagerly sought and desired), as to want of qualification (which may be too true), and protestations of impartiality and fairness (which are evinced by packing every Committee of a particular party). His belief in politics was, that" the world is governed too much ; that society in every state is a blessing ; but government in its best state but a necessary evil, for when we suffer from the miseries of d government our calamity is heightened by the reflection that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government, like dress, is a badge of fallen innocence ; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise." _ Macon's course is marked throughout his whole career in Congress by this principle. His constant effort was to let the power remain with the people where it belonged, and for the government to protect the people in their rights, liberties, and lives, and do no more. Hence, during his service, he was in much of the eight years of Washington's adtninistration, all of John Adams', in most of Jeffer- son's, and part of Madison's, in the opposition. Although he voted during Mr. Madison's administration, for the war, yet many measures of this admin- istration he did not support. "In the nearly forty years he served in Con- gress, no ten members gave as many negative votes." He was told once in Congress, by an intimate friend, that "if Mr. Macon should happen to be drowned, he would not look down the current^or his body, hut up the stream." No plan, however specious, no device however artfully contrived, no schenie however plausible, swerved his steady mind from its firm purpose. Yet this opposition was not ascetic, or his course factious : his opposition was open, his reasons plain, and his intercourse frank and pleasant. He often spoke in Congress, always agreeable and amiable, but firm and always opinionated. He was the Father of a sect of politicians "strict, severe, and stringent," of which Cave Johnson, Henry W. Conner, and James J. McKay were disciples, and which, " in these pursy times of peace," are so muchneeded in our public councils. Viewed by the naked eye of truth, their principles will appear the more sound the more they are examined. They have been adopted as the landmarks of our government ; and the more a government is administered upon these principles, the safer will be the honor of the nation and more secure the liberties of the people.' Such was Nathaniel Macon, in Congress. John Randolph declares in his WARREN COUNTY. 435 ■will, that "Mr. Macon was the wisest and best man he ever knew;" and Mr. Jefferson said, that when Nathaniel Macon died, that the "last of the liomann" of our Republic would have departed. In 1828, he resigned to the General Assembly all his public trusts, then in his seventy-first year; feeling, like the wise captain of Charles Y., that some period should intervene between the active duties of life and the time of leaving it. He resigned, in a short note to the Legislature, his office as Senator in Congress, as Trustee of the University, and as Justice of the Peace for Warren County. But this did not terminate his public career. In 1835, a Convention was assembled at Raleigh to amend the Consti- tution, and the people desired the aid of his experience, wisdom, and judgment. Of this respectable and talented body, Mr. Macon was chosen President. The Journal of that body, and its debates, show the experience of this distinguished patriot. He did not approve of land qualification for voters. In an able, but short speech, he supposed the case of two respectable neighboi's, having each a son. One of them had fifty acres of poor land, not worth twenty-five cents an acre ; the other had no land, but was a good blacksmith or shoemaker, and of equal good character. Why allow one to vote and not the other ? How truly subsequent political events in our State have proved the wisdom of this, and established free suffrage as a part of our Constitution. He opposed biennial sessions, and declared " ivliere annual elections end, tyranny begins." In every one of the "old thirteen States" the Legislatures sit annually. On the subject of religious toleration he said, that the article of our Con- stitution (the 32d) prohibiting all but Protestants from serving as members of the Legislature, was a singular idea in any government, and erroneous ; it exceeded the province of the law maker; his province was only to re- gulate between man and man, and not between man and his Maker. If this be not correct, in course of time spiritual courts will be necessary to sit in judgment to rule what is the true belief. No human power had an}'^ right to interpose, or prescribe any religious opinions as a test of office. A mix- ture of politics and religion, was the very essence of hypocrisy. Religion is founded on "peace on earth and good will to man." Read the sermon of the Saviour of mankind on the Mount. There is no persecution there. We had as well try to bind the air we breathe, as men's consciences. All religions united in the establishment of our free Government. Roger Williams, the first man to establish toleration in North America, was a Puritan; Charles Carroll was a Catholic ; Mr. Macon said that he inclined to the Baptist faith ; but he was far from believing all their doctrines. He did not believe it essen- tial, that a man should attach himself to any church. He who feared God, and loved his brother man, and faithfully discharged to his country every duty, and obeyed the precepts of the Gospel, would not be asked, when he reached heaven, to what church he belonged. The odious article was altered. On Saturday, the 11th July, Mr. Easton called up the resolution, which, on the day previous, he had laid on the table. It read thus : — " Resolved unanimously, That the thanks of this Convention are due, and hereby respectfully and aJ)'eclionately tendered to the Honorable Nathaniel Macon, their venerable President, for the distinguished ability, dignity, and impartiality, with which he has discharged the duties of his station." This was passed unanimously ; the members all rising on their feet, on motion of Hon. Samuel P. Carson, of Burke. The venerable Macon was deeply affected, and made a short and appropriate valedictory, and they separated forever. — Gaston' — Macon — Carson — all gone ! But once more did Mr. Miicon appear in public. In 1836, he was Elector on' the Democratic ticket, which succeeded ; and he presided at the College of 436 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Electors and gave the vote of North Carolina to the Democratic party. This was his last public act. He had commenced life fighting in actual battle, for the true principles of Government; his last act was in perfect consistency •with its long, eventful, and important career. He never appeared again in public, and went rarely from home. Such were his public services, and such was the system of policy he pur- sued. Let us now go into the retirement of home, and view him in the pri- vate relations of social life, as a 'husband, f\ither, and master ; neighbor and friend. The great Roman author,* in his celebrated work on the " Offices of Life," has left for our study the minutest particulars as to our duty and conduct. He has even described the kind of dwelling a man of a magnanimous mind should occupy. Neither too large, yet sufficient for the accommodation of his family and friends, and adapted to his means and their wants. The minute detail of Mr. Macon, by a neighbor, has not permitted us to be at a loss in this respect. " He occupied a neat litllie single storied frame house sixteen feet square, with an upstairs and a cellat; furnished in the plainest style for his own dwell- ing, with a sufficient nuxffber of outhouses to accommodate comfortably his visitors.! " The dwellings of his slaves, instead of the smoky hovels of dirt, and gloom, and discontent, were about the same size of his own house, furnished with all the common necessaries of convenient living." He had not the felicity of enjoying the condition of married life but for a few years, but his union with Miss Plummer was as "One long summer day of innocence and joy." Educated and raised in the same sphere of life, their thoughts, feelings, asso- ciations, tastes, and hopes were the same, and how could their union be but happy and contented ? It was the will of Heaven to take early from him this most valued of all earthly blessings. He bore this severe calamity with that calm resignation to the hand of Providence that " does not willingly afflict the children of men," but whose reasons, if inscrutable now, will all be made known hereafter. She left him two daughters ; in these pledges of the love of his departed wife " he garnered up all the richest afiections of his heart." They were taught both by the precept and example of their father, the value of truth and the importance of sincerity. " Sincerity ! Thou first of virtues ! Let no mortal leave Thy onward path ! although the earth should gape, And from the gulf of hell, destruction cry, To take dissimulation's winding way." He inculcated upon them habits of industry and rigid frugality. No tawdry ornament, no French frippery ever was seen on their persons. Like Portia of Rome, they were fit to be the daughters of our Cato. On the mar- riage of the eldest daughter, Mr. Macon divided his estate into three parts. One to each, and one he retained to do with as he pleased hereafter. His con- duct here deserves the imitation of all parents. The rules of English primo- geniture are not only unjust, but often renders a fool of the one, while it makes knaves of the rest. He regarded the claims of his children as alike and equal. The affection of «, parent should be equal, his duty equal, and their equal wants demanded his equal care. As a neighbor, master, and friend, Mr. Macon's conduct was guided by the same rules of philantliropy and justice. He was ever ready to oblige and aid ; he was exact in his duty, and required the same of others. One * Cictero de OlTiciis. t Lite of Nathaniel Macon, by Edward R. Colton. WARREN COUNTY. 437 anecdote left of him exemplifies this: one of his neighbors borrowed his cart and oxen; and promised, of his own accord, to return them by a certain specified time. The time came and passed, but they were not returned. When they were returned (some time afterwards), Macon said nothing of the blunder in the neighbor's calculation of time. The same neighbor came subsequently, and had occasion to use the cart and oxen again, which he requested the loan of. He was told by Mr. Macon that " he could not have them ; that he could have his wagon and horses, but never the cart and oxen again, as he had told him one falsehood about the return of them, and he did not wish him to have it in his power to re- peat it." This anecdote is obtained from the person who is the subject of it, and he said that he had rather borrow of Mr. Macon than any man he ever saw, for the request was granted or refused without hesitation. While he treated all with justice and kindness, he required the same of them. Ilis invariable rule was to rise early when at home, see his stock fed himself, and his people at their work before he ate his breakfast, lie had a rule for everything, and had that rule well digested, well understood by all, and faithfully carried out. One of his rules was that nothing about him was allowed to suffer for food. His negroes were well fed. His horses, and even his dogs came within this benevolent plan. He was inflexible In the enforcing of his orders. His habit was to attend to his own farm. When in Congress he had to employ an agent or overseer, as it is termed. His practice was to write down his instructions, which were not to be de- viated from under any circumstances. An anecdote is narrated of the rigid fidelity of one of his overseers. Mr. Macon had left the order in writing that his flock of sheep should be kept in a certain enclosure, and there to remain until his return from Con- gress the ensuing spring. Mr. Eaton, his son-in-law, happened during the winter to be passing by, and told Mr. Shearen, the overseer, that the sheep were dying for want of better pasturage, and suggested to him to turn them out in the woods. The sturdy old man said " No ! Mr. Macon directed the sheep to remain in that place, and there they must remain ; he had i-ather lose every sheep than disobey Mr. Macon." The sheep nearly all died. AVhen Macon returned home Mr. Eaton told at dinner-table the tale to him, and he seemed pleased, and replied that "he was more delighted with the fidelity of his old friend Lewis Shearen, than to own a hundred flocks of sheep ; that he never knew him to disobey him, tell him a lie, or guilty of any dishonesty. If he had disobeyed and saved the sheep this time, he might disobey him at another time, and lose him five times as much more." His rule was to understand well what he ordered, and see that order faith- fully obeyed. The same principle guided an equally successful man in his line of life. It is recorded of Stephen Girard, that he ordered the captain of one of his ships loaded with grain, to go to a certain island of the West Indies, and dispose of the cargo. The Captain, when he arrived at this island, found the market glutted with grain ; and sailed to another island, where he made a most advantageous sale. He took memorandums of the price at the island he was ordered to, and an account of the prices obtained, which he faith- fully delivered to Mr. Girard. Girard looked over the accounts, and drew the check for the surplus, which he presented to his captain, and told him tliathe could not longer serve him ; " Obey orders if you break owners," is the rule of sailors. Macon was passionately fond of agriculture. An able writer has said that there appears to be a congeniality between all good and great minds and the pursuits of agriculture. We do not pretend to divine the cause or the philosophy of it, but it is proved in the history of our AVashington, Jef- ferson, Jackson, Macon, and others. We do not know why it is that patriot- ism exists with more elevation and fervent devotion in the retirement of a farm, than in the busy throng of crowded cities. Whether the fact be so or 438 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. not, certain it is, that many of the noblest instances of sterling patriotism that have ever figured on the drama of human actions, have been found among those devoted to agricultural pursuits. Far removed from the vice of towns and the intrigue of courts ; far removed from the dark catalogue of frailty and misdeeds so usual in crowded communities, the good and great of every age have delighted in agriculture. " God made the country, man makes the town." This Mr. Macon felt, believed, and practiced. Tovrns he thought unfavor- able to the free exercise of mind or body. He said once jocosely to a city member of Congress (C. J. Ingersoll, of Philadelphia), "/ like youv views. What a pity you were born and brought tip in toivn. But for that you tnight have come to something." Even a crowded neighborhood he disliked. lie often has been heard to say that "no man ought to live so near another as to hear his neighbor's dog bark." His hospitality was most open and unobtrusive. His manners were so frank and easy, that all felt at home under his roof. The taste, talents and pursuits of his guests seemed to be intuitively discovered by him, and to this point his conversation was directed. He was particularly fond of the society of the young, and they were equally fond of him. In this county (Warren), the young persons of the neighborhood used often to visit him, and it was really a spectacle worth a day's ride to see the kind vrelcome and cordial reception that he gave them. In company he was not remarkable for loqua- city, seldom, if ever, considered himself the orator of the company he was in. lie seemed to think that he vras only entitled to a common share of the conversation, and preferred to be entertained by others than talking himself. The writer of this sketch was for five years at school within a mile of Mr. Macon ; and he took peculiar pleasure in listening, and carefully treasured up his lessons of practical wisdom, and the remarks on the principles of govern- ment that fell from his honored lips. Mr. Macon rarely indulged in wit ; but when he did, it was of that shrewd, dry kind, that gave no offence to any, and always produced mirth. I well recollect the last time that I ever saw him. It was in November, 1836, The electoral college had adjourned, and met in Governor Spaight's office, who had asked me to aid in casting up the scrolls of each county. Hon. Abraham \V. Venable was there. All who enjoy the honor of this gentleman's acquaintance know that where he is there is some talking. The topic was the cause of the success of the democratic ticket, which was rather unexpected ; since Governor Dudley had been elected only the August before, by a handsome majority. Some gave one reason, and some gave others. The venerable Macon listened for awhile, as well as his years and deafness would allow ; at length he said, with a smile playing on his venera- ble, round, and amiable face, " Gentlemen, I Avill tell you the real reason why the Whig ticket did not carry in the State," and then he paused: every one listened for something worthy of remembrance. " The real reason why the Whig ticket was not elected, it did not get votes enough." This was the truth, as for the causes they w^ere not easily analyzed. He was as free from the sordid love of wealth as he was deaf to the allure- ments of unhallowed ambition. In contemplating his character either as a soldier or as a statesman, as a husband, father, or neighbor, it is worthy of our highest admiration, con- stant study, and imitation. In the purity of his morals, scandal was deprived of its venom ; and by the sincerity of his patriotism, party spirit was awed into respect and veneration. His course was run. The "silver cord was now loosened, and the golden bowl was broken." Full of years and full of honors, our aged statesman sinks to the tomb. He had been subject to spasms in the stomach and chest. On the morning of 29th Juno, 1837, he rose at theusual early hour, dressed, shaved, and changed his clothes ; was cheerful as usual, when, about ten o'clock, he was seized with a spasm, and carried to his bed, where in a short time he expired without a struggle or groan. He exchanged " a world of WARREN COUNTY. 439 gloom for an eternity of glory." His fame belongs to North Carolina. She is proud of his reputation, and has inscribed his name on the mountain topa of one of her beautiful counties. Long may his character and name be cherished as a source of pride and emulation. His daughters, whom he survived, one had married William Martin, Esq., of Granville; the other, William Eaton, Esq., of Warren, a son of whom was a member of the House in 1838, '40, and '50, and is now the Attorney-General of the State, He appointed as his Executor Hon. Weldon N. Edwards, and to leave him as little trouble as possible, Avhen satisiied that his disease was beyond ajl medical skill, and was so informed by his physicians, he inquired for their bills, and ascertained their amounts, and paid them. He selected his burial place, on the way side, many years before his death : a spot of land, from its poverty, least likely to be cultivated, and employed two of his neighbors to make his coffin, of the plainest material, and directed that they should be paid for it before it was used. He ordered that a parcel of rock should be brought from a certain field, and piled upon his grave, so as to keep the cattle from molesting it. And there he sleeps 'till the resurrection of the just! " They caTVcd not a line, the}' raised not a stone, But left him alone in his glorv." James Turner was a resident and representative of this county. He was born in Southampton County, Virginia, in the year 17G6. His father, Thomas Turner, removed with his family to Bute County (since di- vided into Franklin and Warren), when this son was quite a youth. His early education was as good as the state of the county afforded. The elevated positions he was called upon in subsequent life to fill, and the ability with which he discharged his duty, is more to be attributed to his native strength of mind, than to the advantages of education. Young as he was, he was not an idle or indifferent spectator to the trials of his country in her Revolutionary struggles. He joined, as a private, the army, and served in that humble capacity. In the same company, and in the same capacity, was Nathaniel Macon. He entered public life in 1800 as a member of the House of Commons, and in 1801 and 1802 as Senator, at which session he was elected Governor of the State. In 1805, he was elected Senator in Congress, and served until 1816. He was in Congress during a troubled and excited period, and gave the war of 1812 a firm and vigorous support, while his colleague, Gov. Stone (see Bertie), differed from him, which conduct of Stone received the disappro- bation of the General Assembly of the State. He was a man of great personal worth, a faithful representative, and a sincere friend. He died on the 15th of January, 1824, at Bloomsbury, his residence in this county, in the 58th year of his age. Governor Turner was thrice married; first, to Mary Anderson, of Warrenton, in 1793, who died in 1802, leaving him four children, Thomas, Daniel, Re))ecca, (who married George E. Badger), and Mary. Second, to Mrs. Ann Cochran, who died in 1806, leaving no issue; and thirdly, to Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, who survived him, and who bore him two daughters, Sally P. (wife of Hon. Mark Alexander, of Virginia), and Ann (wife of Henry Coleman, Esq., of Virginia). His son, lion. Daniel Turner, was born in Warren County, 2Gth Septem- ber, 1796. His early education was conducted at the Warrenton Academy, which he left in 1813 to join the Military Academy at West Point, New York. In 1814 he was promoted to a Lieutenancy of Artillery. He was stationed on Long Island, under General Swift, who was superintending the lines on Brooklyn Heights for defence of New York City. He Avas then ordered to Plattsburg, un'der General McComb. The war being over, he Avas retained on the peace establishment, but he resigned, in September, 1815, his commission. 37 440 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. After leaving the army, he spent two years at William and Mary College, in Virginia. From 1819 to 1823, he -was in the House of Commons, and was elected, from this district, as a member of Congress, from 1827 to 1829. He married in 1829, Anna Arnold, daughter of Hon. Francis S. Key, of Washington Citv, an able lawyer, of distinguished literary attainments, and the author of the"''' Star Spangled Banner," written during the war of 1812 with England. Mr. Turner has now charge of the Warreuton Female Seminary. Governor William Hawkins was a son of Philemon Hawkins, who was the brother of Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, whose biography we have already re- corded. He was elected member of the Assembly in 18U5, and Speaker of the House of Commons. In 1811, he was elected Governor of the State, and took an active and prominent part for the war. He died in 1812, leaving several children, one of whom married, the second time, Hon. Henry W. Conner, of Catawba County. General Micajah Thomas Hawkins, who has also been already referred to in the sketch of Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, son of Jolm Hawkins, entered public life in 1819, as a member of the House of Commons, and from 1823 to 1827, as member of the Senate. From 1831 to 1841, he was a member of Congress. In 1846, he was again elected to the Senate of the Legislature. Kemp Plummer, Esq. was born in Gloucester County, Yirginia, in 1709 ; educated at William and ^lary College, and read law with Chancellor AVythe. He entered the Legislature in 1794, as a member of the House of Commons, and in 1815 and 1816, was a member of the Senate. He married Susan Martin, by whom he has had a large family, one of whom is wife of Hon, William H. Ba'ttle, of Chapel Hill. Hon. John Hall, late of Warren County, was a native of Virginia. He removed early to North Carolina, and was appointe'd a Judge of the Superior Courts of Law in 1809, and a Judge of the Supreme Court in 1818, which he resigned in 1832, and died soon after. He was distinguished for his patience, learning, and purity of character. He left a large family, among whom is Hon. Edward Hall, now a resident of Warren. He was educated at the University, and graduated in 1815, in the same class with Judge Mangum and Gov. s'paight. He studied law, and was appointed Judge in 1840. His commission expired in 1841. Hon. Blake Baker represented Warren County in the House of Commons in 1807. He was the Attorney-General of the S'tate from 1794 to 1803. In 1808, he was appointed a Judge of the Superior Court, and his commission expired in the same year. He was again appointed in 1818, and died that . year. Hon. William Miller, late of this county, represented it in 1810, in the House of Commons, and in 1811 to 1814, at which session he was elected Governor of the State. He served until 1817. He was appointed by the President of the United States Charge d' Affaires to Guatemala (Central Ame- rica), in March, 1825, and died while on this mission. Hon. Weldon Nathaniel Edwards was born in 1788, and was educated at the Warrenton Academy. He read law with Judge Hall and canie to the bar in 1810 ; succeeded Governor Miller in the House of Commons in 1814; re-elected to the House of Commons in 1815. In 1816 he was elected to Congress, and served until 1827, when he retired from Congress. . . ^ . , . , • , i , In 1833 he was elected Senator in the Legislature, in which he served con- tinuously until 1844. WARREN COUNTY. 441 In 1835, -with the venerable and distinguished Nathaniel Macon, he was a delegate from Warren, to amend the Constitution of the State. In 1850 he was again elected to the Senate, and was chosen to preside over its deliberations ; a compliment well deserved, for his long and faithful ser- vices in the councils of the State. Hon. John Bragg, now of Mobile, Alabama, is a native of Warren. He was educated at the University of North Carolina, and graduated in 1824, in a distinguished class, of which James W. Bryan, Thomas Dews, William A. Graham, Matthias E. Manly, David Outlaw, and others, were members. He read law with Judge Hall, and entered the Legislature in 1830 and served continuously to 1834. He removed to Mobile, Alabama, and has been Judge of the Superior Courts there for many years ; presiding with great credit to himself and satisfaction to the citizens of his adopted State. He is now a member of Congress from the Mobile District. He is brother of Colonel Braxton Bragg, who with his Artillery saved the battle of Buena Yista, and distinguished himself in the Mexican war ; and also brother of Thomss Bragg, Esq., of Jackson, Northampton County, mem- ber of the House of Commons in 1842 ; and now a member of the Board of Internal Improvements of this State. North Carolina may hragg of these sons. Members of the General Assembly from Warren County. Years. Senate. 1780. Nathaniel Macon, 1781. Nathaniel Macon, 1782. Nathaniel Macon, 1783. Herbert Haynes, 1784. Nathaniel Macon, 1785. Nathaniel Macon, 1786. John Macon, 1787. John Macon, 1788. John Macon, 1789. John Macon, 1790. John Macon, 1791. John Macon, 1792. John Macon, 1793. John Macon, 1794. John Macon, 1795. John Macon, 1796. James Payne, 1797. Solomon Green, 1798. James Collier, 1799. James Collier, 1800. Jamer Collier, 1801. James Turner, 1802. James Turner, 1803. Solomon Green, 1804. William P. Little, 1805. Wm. P. Little, 1806. Wm. P. Little, 1807. Philemon Hawkins, 1808. Philemon Hawkins, 1809. Henry Fitts, 1810. Philemon Hawkins, 1811. Philemon Hawkins, 1812. Joseph Hawkins, 1813. Joseph Hawkins, 1814. Wm. Williams, 1815. Kemp Plummer, House of Commons. John Macon, Jason Hawkins. Jason Hawkins, .John Macon. Joseph Hawkins, John Macon. Joseph Hawkins, John Macon. James Paine, John Macon. Henry Montfort, AVyatt Hawkins. Wyatt Hawkins, Sol. Green. Philemon Hawkins. Wyatt Hawkins, Henry Montfort. Phitemon Hawkins, Wyatt Hawkins. Ransome Southerland, Brittain Sanders. Wyatt Hawkins, Sol. Green. Wyatt Hawkins, Henry Montfort. Wyatt Hawkins, William Person. William Person, Kemp Plummer. AVilliam Person, Wyatt Hawkins. James Collier, William Person. James Collier, William Person. .James Turner, Oliver Fitts. James Turner, Oliver Fitts. James Turner, Thos. E. Sumner. Thos. E, Sumner, Robert Parke. •John Maclin, Robert Parke. Philemon Hawkins, John Harwell. William Hawkins, John Harwell. William Hawkins, Philemon Hawkins. Philemon Hawkins. John Harwell. Blake Baker, Wm. R. Johnson. Wm. R. -Johnson, John Harwell. -John H. Hawkins, Wm. Miller. William Miller, Wm. R. Johnson. William Miller, Wm. R. -Johnson. Wm. R. Johnson, William Miller. Wm. jMiller, Wm. R. Johnson. Wm. Miller, Wm. R. Johnson. Weldon N. Edwards, John II. Walker. 442 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Years. Senate. 1816. Kemp Plummer, 1817. Robert R. Johnson, 1818. Robert R. Johnson, 1819. Robert R. Johnson, 1820. Robert R. Johnson, 1821. William Miller, 1822. William Miller, 1823. M. T. Hawkins, 1824. M, T. Hawkins, 1825. M. T. Hawkins, 1826. M. T. Hawkins, 1827. M. T. Hawkins, 1828. Richard Davis, 1829. Richard Davis, 1830. John II. Hawkins, 1831. John H. Hawkins, 1832. John H. Hawkins, 1833. Weld. N. Edwards, 1834. W. N. Edwards, 1835. W. N. Edwards, 1836. W. N. Edwards, 1838. W. N. Edwards, 1840. W. N. Edwards, 1842. W. N. Edwards, 1844. W. N. Edwards, 1846. M. T. Hawkins, 1848. A. B. Hawkins, 1850. W. N. Edwards, House of Commons. Robt. H. Jones, John H. Walker. Robt. H. Jones, Pliilemon Hawkins. Robt. H. Jones, Philemon Hawkins. Daniel Turner, M. T. Hawkins. Micajah T. Hawkins, Daniel Turner. Francis A. Thornton, Daniel Turner. Daniel Turner, F. A. Thornton. Daniel Turner, Robt. H. Jones. Gideon Alston, R. H. Jones. Gideon Alston, Ransom Walker. Robt. H. Jones Thomas J. Green. Robt. H. Jones, Ransom Walker, Wm. G. Jones, Ransom Walker. AVm. G. Jones, John H. Green. John Bragg, Ransom Walker. John Bragg, Thomas J. Judkins. John Bragg, Thos. J. Judkins. John Bragg, Thos. J. Judkins. John Bragg, Thos. J. Judkins. John H. Hawkins, Thos. J. Judkins. John H. Hawkins, Thos. J. Judkins. Wm. Eaton, jr., Samuel A. Williams. AYm. Eaton, jr., John II. Hawkins. John H. Hawkins, Oliver D. Fitts. John H. Hawkins, A. C. Brame. A. A. Austin, John H. Hawkins. J. L. Mosely, F. A. Thornton. F. A. Thornton, Wm. Eaton, jr. CHAPTER LXXVII. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Washington County was formed in 1799, from Tyrrell County, and called in honor of the Father of his Country, General George Washington, who was born on the 22d of February, 1732, and who died on "the 13th December, 1799. It is located in the north-eastern part of the State, on the south side of the Albemarle Sound ; and is bounded on the north by the /Sound ; east, by Tyrrell County ; south, by Hyde and Beaufort ; and Avest, by Martin and Bertie counties. Its capital is Plymouth, and is distant one hundred and sixty- two miles from Raleigh. Its population in 1850 was 3,216 whites, 235 free negroes, and 2,215 slaves ; representative population, 4780. its products in 1840 were 155,023 bushels of corn ; 79,925 pounds of cot- ton ; 3,425 pounds of wool ; 4,760 barrelsof fish ; 2,257 barrels of turpentine; 25,328 dollars' worth of lumber. Members of the General Assembly from Washington County, from the formation of the County to 1851. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 443 Years. Senate. 1800. Benj. Davenport, li^Ol. Samuel Cliesson, 1802. Samuel Chesson, 1803. Daniel Davenport, 1804. Daniel Davenport, 1805. Daniel Davenport, 1806. Daniel Davenport, 1807. Daniel Davenport, 1808. Miles Hardy, 1809. Ebenezer Pettigrew, 1810. Ebenezer Pettigrew, 1811. Levin Boyman, 1812. Thomas Johnson, 1813. William Garrett, 1814. Thomas Johnson, 1815. Thomas Norman, 18 IG. Thomas Norman, 1817. Downing Leary, 1818. Downing Leary, 1819. Charles Phelps, 1820. Charles Phelps, 1821. Thomas Walker, 1822. Beniamin Phelps, 1823. Thomas Cox, 1824. Thomas Johnson, 1825. Samuel Davenport, 1826. Samuel Davenport, 1827. Samuel Davenport, 1828. Samuel Davenport, 1829. Samuel Davenport, 1830. Samuel Davenport, 1831. Samuel Davenport, 1832. Josiah Collins, 1833. Josiah Collins, 1834. Charles Phelps, 1835. John B. Beasley, 1836. Hezekiah G. Spruill, 1838. Hezekiah G. Spruill, 1840. Hezekiah G. Spruill, 1842. Hezekiah G. Spruill, 1844. Joseph Ilalsy, 1846. Joseph Halsy, 1848. Joseph Halsy, 1850. Thomas E. Pender, House of Commons. Miles Hardy, Isaac Long. John Guyther, Miles Hardy. IMiles Hardy, John Guyther. Edmund Blount, Miles Hardy. Levin Bozman, Joseph Christopher. Levin Bozman, Joseph Christopher. Levin Bozman, Joseph Christopher. Levin Bozman, John Frazer. Joseph Christopher, Edmund Blount. James Freeman, Josiah Flowers. Josiah Flowers, Samuel Blount. Samuel Blount, William Garrett. James Freeman, Daniel Bateman. • Ezekiel Ilardison, Daniel Bateman. Miles Hardy, Daniel Bateman. James Freeman, Daniel Bateman. Daniel Bateman, Taylor H. Walker. Daniel Bateman, Thos. B. Ilaughton. Daniel Bateman, Thos. B. Haughton. B. Tarkinton, Thos. B. Haughton. Benj. Tarkinton, Aaron Harrison. AVm. A. Bozman, Abner N. Vail. T. H. Walker, S. Davenport. T. H. Walker, S. Davenport. A. N. Vail, P. 0. Picott. Peter 0. Picott, AVm. A. Bozman. Wm. A. Bozman, Wm. J. Armistead. Wm. A. Bozman, Abner N. Vail. Abner N. Vail, Thos. Sanderson. James A. Chesson, Uriah W. Swanner. James A. Chesson, U. W. Swanner. Watrus Beckwith, U. AV. Swanner. Samuel Ilardison, Jos. A. Norman. Samuel Ilardison, Charles Phelps. U. W. Swanner, A. Davenport. U. W. Swanner, A. Davenport. Joshua T. Swift. David C. Guyther. David C. Guyther. Joseph C. Norcum. David C. Guyther. Thomas B. Nichols. Thomas B. Nichols. Uriah AV. Swanner. 444: HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER LXXVIII. WATAUGA COUNTY. Watauga County was formed, in 1849, from Aslie, Caldwell, Wilkes, and Yancej, and derives its name from the river that runs through it, Avhich is an Indian name, and signifies '■Hlte River of Islands.''* It is situated in the extreme north-western part of the State, and is bounded on the north by Ashe County, east by Wilkes, south by Yancey and McDowell, and west by the Yellow Mountain, which separates it from the State of Tennessee. Its population in 1850, was 3,242 whites ; 29 free negroes ; 129 slaves ; 3,348 representative 23opulation. Riddle Knob, in this county, derives its name from a circumstance of the capture of Colonel Benjamin Cleaveland, during the Revolution, by a party of Tories headed by men of this name, and adds the charm of heroic associa- tion to the loveliness of its unrivaled scenery. Cleaveland had been a terror to the Tories. Two notorious of their band (Jones and Coil) had been ap- prehended by him, and hung. Cleaveland had gone alone, on some private business, to New River, and was taken prisoner by the Tories at the old Fields, on New River. They demanded that he should furnish passes for them. Being but an indifferent penman he was some time preparing these papers, and he was in no hurry, as he believed that they would kill him when they had obtained them. AVhile thus engaged. Captain Robert Cleaveland, his brother, with a party, followed him, knowing the dangerous proximity of the Tories. They came up with the Tories and fired on them. Colonel Cleaveland slid off the log to prevent being shot, while the Tories fled, and he thus escaped certain destruction. Some time after this, this same Riddle and his son, and another was taken, and brought before Cleaveland, and he hung all three of them near the Mul- berry Meeting-house, now Wilkesboro'. The depredations of the Tories wereso frequent, and their conduct so savage, that summary punishment was demanded by the exigencies of the times. This Cleaveland inflicted without ceremony. General Lenoir relates a circumstance that occurred at Mulberry Meeting-house. While there, on some public occa- sion, the rumor was that mischief was going on by the Tories, Lenoir went to his horse, tied at some distance from the house, and as he approached, a man ran off from the opposite side of the horse. Lenoir hailed him, but he did not stop ; he pursued him ijnd found that he had stolen one of the stirrups of his saddle. He carried the pilferer to Colonel Cleaveland, who ordered him to place his two thumbs in a notch for that purpose in an arbor fork, and hold them there while he ordered him to receive fifteen lashes. This was his peculiar manner of inflicting the law, and gave origin to the phrase, " To thumb the notch." The punishment on the offender above was well inflicted * Haywood's Tennessee (p. 29). WATAUGA COUNTY. 445 by Captain John Beverly, whose ardor did not stop at the ordered number. After the fifteen had been given, Colonel Herndon ordered him to stop, but Beverly continued to whip the wincing culprit. Colonel Herndon drew his sword and struck Beverly. Captain Beverly drew also, and they had a tilt which, but for friends, would have terminated fatally. There is a tree on the public road in Wilkes, which to this day bears the name of "Shad Laws' Oak," on which the notches, thumbed by said Laws under the sentence of Cleaveland, are distinctly visible.f Its capital is Boone, and is called in remembrance of the celebrated Daniel Boone, who once lived near Holeman's Ford, on the Yadkin Biver, about eight miles from Wilkesboro'. Daniel Boone was born, in 1746, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, near Bristol, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. When he was but a child, his father emigrated to North Carolina, and settled in one of the valleys of the South Yadkin. Here Boone was reared, and here he married Miss Bryan. In May, 1769, Boone informs us himself, " accompanied by John Findley, John Stuart, Joseph Holden, James Monay, and William Cool," left his home and quiet joys for " the dark and bloody ground" of Kentucky, then inhabited only by wild animals and savages. But in the boundless forests he seemed to be in his appropriate sphere. Here he pursued the deer, buifalo, and wild beasts. After a hard days' hunt, as Boone and Stuart were returning to their camp, they were seized Ijy a horde of savages, who made them prisoners: that night they escaped, but what was their surprise when they came to their camp, they found that their comrades were gone, either prisoners or murdered ; for the camp was deserted. But the spirit of Boone knew no despair. He called all his resources into action, husbanded his game and ammunition, and prepared to return to North Carolina. At this time Boone's brother, fired by the same ardor for wild excitement, came out to their camp with one com- panion. This infused fresh joy and new hopes. But soon after Stuart fell in a foray with the Indians, no persuasions could induce their companion to remain, and he left Boone and his brother alone in the vast wilderness. They erected a house to protect them, and supplied plentifully with game, they passed the winter in comfort. But their ammunition and salt becoming scant, the brother of Boone returned for a supply, and Daniel Boone was left alone in the wild forests of Kentucky. This voluntary exile was not unpleasant to his temper. In his Journal he assures us, that his mind was. filled with admiration of the boundless beauties of nature. The magnificent forest was clothing itself in the rich attire of spring, the gorgeous flowers were un- folding their glories to his eye alone, the wild deer and buifalo were not fear- ful of his presence. He continued in these solitary quarters until the 27th of July, when his brother returned loaded with ammunition and salt, to them more precious than the mines, of California. They made an expedition to the Cumberland lliveV, naming the rivers they passed, and making such observations as might be of future use. In IMai'ch, 1771, they returned to North Carolina. lie was so charmed with the rich soil, the bountiful productions of nature, and the abundant game, that he sold his farm on the Yadkin, and by his representations, five families and his own, set out for their return to Kentucky on the 25th of September, 1773 ; as they passed Powell's valley, then one hundred and forty miles from the settled parts of Virginia, forty hardy sons of the forest joined him. They pursued their journey until the lUth of October, when they were furiously attacked by a large body of Indians. By their skill, unflinching courage, and resolution, the superior force of the savages was beaten ofl', but Boone's party lost six men killed and one wounded. Among the killed was Boone's eldest son, a youth of much promise and daring. t MSS. of General Wm Lenoir. 446 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. This repulse forced them to retreat to the settlement on Clinch River. Here he remained with his family until the 6th of June, 1774, when the Governor of Virginia (Dunmore) engaged him and an adventurer by the name of Storer, to conduct a party of surveyors to the falls of the Ohio, near eight hundred miles ; this he performed on foot in sisty-two days. On his return, Dunmore gave him the command of the garrisons on the frontier, which he maintained during the war at this period against the Shawnee Indians. In March, 1775, he attended, at request of Judge Richard Henderson and others, a council of the Cherokees, by which they ceded their lands south of Kentucky River. In April, he erected a fort at the spot where the town of Boonesboro' now stands ; the Indians were very much dissatisfied at the erection of this fort. After it was finished, he returned in June for his family on Clinch Riyer. Mrs. Boone and her daughter were the first white women that ever stood on the banks of the Kentucky River. In December, the Indians made a furious assault upon this fort, by which Boone lost one man killed and another wounded ; but the Indians were re- pulsed with great slaughter. This defeat was so severe that the Indians treacherously appeared reconciled, and seemed to give up all ideas of assault- ing the fort or molesting the whites. This caused the inhabitants of the fort to be less guarded, and they made frequent visits and excursions into the forests around. On the 14th of July, 1776 (just seven months from their last attack), as three young ladies, two, daughters of Colonel Caloway, and the third, of Colonel Boone, were leisui-ely strolling in the woods, they were pursued by tlie Indians and caught before they could reach the gates of the fort. At this moment, Boone was off hunting, but when he returned, without any aid, he followed alone the tracks of the Indians. He knew that if he waited to collect a force, the cunning robbers would be entirely beyond pur- suit. With a sagacity peculiar to huntei-s, he followed their trail without the least deviation, while the girls had the presence of mind to snap off small twigs, from time to time, as they passed through the shrubbery in their route. At last, he came in sight of them, and by the aid of his unerring rifle, killed two of the Indians and recovered these young ladies, and reached the fort safely ; one of these, Elizabeth Calloway, married Samuel Henderson, the brother of Judge Henderson and Major Pleasant Henderson. This ro- mantic incident afforded Mr. Cooper, in his " Last of the Mohicans," an inci- dent in his tale. The crafty foe now made open war. On the 15th of April, 1777, the united tribes made an attack on the fort, but it was unsuccessful. Id July, twenty-five men arrived from North Carulina, and in August, Captain Bowman, with one hundred men, arrived from Virginia. By this powerful reinforcement they no longer dreaded the savages, but sallied out and made attacks on the Indians and drove them from the vicinity. On the 1st of January, 1778, Colonel Boone, with thirty men, commenced making salt for the first time in that region, at the Blue Licks on Licking River; and he made enough of this essential of life for all the civilized inha- bitants of the infant community. On the 7th of February, as Colonel Boone was hunting alone, he was sur- prised by one hundred Indians and two Frenchmen. They took him pri- soner. He learned then, that a furious attack was to be made by a strong force on Boonesborough. He capitulated for the fort, knowing its weak state, as it had only twenty-seven men, the rest had gone with salt into the settle- ments in Virginia. The Indians, according to their treaty, carried their prisoners to old Chili- cothe, the principal town of the Miami, where the}'' arrived on the 18th of February, and, according to their terms, the Indians used them kindly. In March, they carried Boone to Detroit, to offer him for ransom to the Governor ; but on the route the Indians became so much attached to him, that they refused to part with him ; and, after leaving at Detroit the other prisoners, they returned with Booue to Chilicothe. He was adopted as one WATAUGA COUNTY. 447 of the tribe, and pretended to be very fond of his new father and mother, and take great interest in their spoi-ts and hunting. His plan of escape was hurried by an ahirming circumstance ; while meditating upon it, he was astonished to see an assemblage of four hundred warriors at Chilicothe. An attack on Boonesboro' was planned. On 16th June he escaped, and reached Boonesboro' on the 20th, a distance of one hundred and sixty miles, during which he ate but one meal. He found the fort in bad condition, and set all hands about to repair it. The Indians, finding that he had escaped, postponed the attack. On the 1st August, with nineteen men, Boone sets out to attack an Indian town, called Point Creek, on the Sciota. Within four miles of the fort they met forty Indians on their way to attack them. A desperate fight ensues, in which Boone conquered, without the loss of a man. On the 8th August, the largest force that ever appeared before Boonesboro' orders it to surrender. The assailants were four hundred and forty-four Indians, and eleven Frenchmen, commanded by Captain Duquesne. Boone requests a parley of three days, during which he made every preparation for an active and vigorous defence. On the 9th, Boone informs the French Commander, that " he would defend the fort as long as a man could raise a rifle." The wily Frenchman, knowing the prowess of his opponent, seeks to effect by stratagem what he dares not attempt by arms. A treaty is agreed to. Boone, with the required number, go forth to sign the documents. He is informed, after signing, that it was an Indian custom from time immemorial, for two Indians to shake the hand of one white man. This he reluctantly consented to, and the moment the savages took hold of each white man, they endeavored to hold him fast. Boone feels the sinewy grasp of two athletic Indians, and his companions are betrayed into a like perilous condition. Now arose the mighty struggle for liberty and for life. " Now, gallant Boone ! now hold thy own, No maiden arm is round thee thrown ; 1 That desperate grasp thy frame would feel, Through bars of brass, and triple steel." Fortune favors at this moment of peril her gallant son ; the knife of Boone finds a bloody sheath in one of his opponents, the other is thrown down, and Boone and his men escape to the fort. His name can never die. The memory of this chivalric exploit, and the name of Boone will live as long as the Kentucky River rolls its troubled tribute to " the Great Father of Waters ;" and when the marble in our National Capitol* which commemorates this deed, shall have crumbled to its original elements. The Indians, after an unsuccessful attack, raised the siege, after a loss of several killed and wounded. During the absence of Colonel Boone in captivity among the Shawnees, his wife, thinking her husband was killed, returned with her family to her father, on the Yadkin, in North Carolina. Boone came to North Carolina after them. He returned witli them in about "two years, to Boonesboro', during which time, many battles had been lost and won. As he and his brother were returning from the Salt Licks, they were attacked by the Indians ; his brother was killed by a shot from the Indians. Boone only escaped by rapid flight, killing the dog the Indians had sent on his trail. Such was the life Boone led until the defeat of the Indians by Wayne (1792) introduced peace and quiet in this dark and dangerous country. Between this time, and the time when (1792) the new territory came into the Union, Virginia had enacted so many laws, which Boone in the simplicity of his nature had failed to comply Avith, or his business was done so loosely, that the very land that he had bought and paid for, in the sacrifices of him- * In the rotunda at Washington, in sculpture, over the door as you enter the House oi" Representatives, is this scene, by an eminent sculptor. , 448 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. self, and the blood of his son, and his brother, was wrested from him. How sad a commentary upon human nature ! IIow mournfully true the Latin adage : — Homo homini liqnis* In 1798 he shoulders his rifle and goes to tlie wilds of Missouri. Here was a country as wild and unclaimed as-his heart desired. The republic was that of the forest, the rifle, and the hunter; and Boone was commander-in- chief. He never sighed for what was. lost. He said " Kentucky was too crowded, he wanted more elbow-room."- Here he lived until 1813, when he lost his wife ; the faithful companion of all his trials and troubles exchanged this for a brighter world. This was the severest blow Boone ever received.- He left Missouri, and came to his son. Major Nathan Boone ; where he lived, employing his leisure with his favorite rifle, and trapping beavers, until 1818, when he calmly and resignedly breathed his last, in the eighty-fourth year of his^ age, surrounded by affection and love. It was stated in the papers at the time of his death, that he was found dead at a stand, watching for de^r, with .his rifle sprung, and raised ready to fire. In the Indian idea, the great hunter had gone to the hunting grounds of the warrior above, where his spirit would be happy, when the stars would cease to give their light. The character of Boone is so peculiai-, that it marks the age in which he lived; and his name has been celebrated in the verses of the immortal Byron : — i of all men *- Who passes fqr in life and doath raost,lucky, Of the great names which in, our laces stare, Is Daniel Booile, backwoodsiiian of Kentucky. Crime came not near him — sjie is not the child Of solitude. Health shrank not from him, for Her home is in the rarely trodden wild."! And tall and strong and swift on foot were tliey, Beyond the dwarfing-; city's'woods vvere Iheir portions : No sinking spirits told them tliey grew gray, No fashion made them ape§ of her distortions : Simple they were, not savage ; and their rifles, Though very true, were not yet used for trifles. Motion was in their days, res| in their slumbers, And cheerfulness the handiiiaid of their toil; Nor yet too many, nor too few their nuniijers; Corruption could not make tllieir hearts her soil : The last which stings, the splendor which encumbers, With the free foresters divide no spoil ; Serene, not sullen, even the soli'^c'es Of this unsigbing people of the woods." In North Carolina was Boone reared. ^lere his youthful days were spent ; and here that bold spirit was trained, which ao fearlessly encountered the perils through which he passed in after-life. His fame is a part of her pro- perty, and she has inscribed his name on a town in the region where his youth was spent. I am indebted to a sketch in the National Portrat Gallery, by AY. A. C, for the leading facts and dates in the life of Boone. It may not be indelicate or improper to state,, that much of it is extracted from a public thesis, that as early as 1823, the author delivered as an original oratorial exercise at college, which pro^s at this day, the course of his stu- dies, and the tendency of his research. ■ ■ '( Watauga County continues to vd'te "witli the counties from which * Man is a wolf to man. j Don Juan, Canto YllI, hYL. WATAUGA COUNTY. 449 she was taken, until 1853, when she will be entitled to a separate representative. It has given us pleasure to meet, in a late number of the Nash- ville True Whig, the subjoined sketch of the life of John Sevier, of Tennessee. He was a cotemporary of Boone, and, as the reader will learn by his history, a man " of high emprise," and of heroic enterprise and courage, which his aspect and port strikingly in- dicated ; his character was adorned also by highly social and amiable qualities. Monument to General John Sevier, First Governor of Tennessee. We have been much interested Tvithin the past few days in viewing a hand- some marble monument, recently constructed at the marble works of Messrs. Shelton & Ilam, in this city, in honor of the memory of General John Setier, the distinguished pioneer, and first Governor of Tennessee. The monument consists of a beautiful marble shaft, mounted upon a plynth ; the shaft illus- trated with a very striking and appropriate design, neatly carved out of solid , marble, representing two swords crossed, surmounted by a wreath, and be- neath an Indian tomahawk and quiver of arrows, emblematic of the triumph of our arms under the heroic auspices of General Sevier, and the blessings of peace and the arts of civilization succeeding the bloody and protracted Indian, wars which illustrate the early history of our State, in which he acted a most arduous, responsible, and distinguished part. Underneath this beautiful and appropriate device is the following inscription : — SE VIE E, Noble and successful Defender of the early settlers of Ten- nessee ; The first, and For twelve years Governor; llepresentative in Congress ; Commissioner in many treaties with the Indians. He served his country faithfully for forty years, and in that service died. An admirer of patriotisto and merit unrequited erects this cenotaph. History has been strangely neglectful of the memory of this, one of the most distinguished pioneers of our State, whose early annals are adorned by the records of his prowess in arms and his wisdom as a civilian. His remains lie buried in a neighboring State, where he died more than thirty years ago in the service of his country, without a stone to mark the place of their repose, or an inclosure to protect them from unhallowed intrusion. But we are glad to see that some amends are about to be made for the injustice of the past. This monument to his memory is erected in the Nashville Cemetery, to the left of the new gate, inside the northern enclosure — a worthy tribute of individual munificence and patriotism to " merit unrequited." We learn also that a work is now nearly ready for the press by a member of the State Historical Society, entitled " the Life and Times of General -John Sevier, or incidents ia the early settlement of East Tennessee." A gentleman familiar with his his- tory has favored us with the following brief biographical sketch, which can- not fail to be read with lively interest. Should not the State of Tennessee take an early opportunity to give some enduring mark of her grateful appre- ciation of one to whose labors, services, and sacrifices, she is so much in- debted? General Sevier descended from an ancient family in France, whose name was Xavier; and his own uniform, bold and unique signature is something like that orthography. The chirography is a specimen beautiful and curious. His father, Valentine Xavier, was born in London, and emigrated to America 450 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. in the first part of the last century — settled on the Shenandoah, in Virginia, where John Sevier was born about 1740. When but a young man he married Miss Hawkins, by whom he had six children. She was delicate and never moved from Eastern Virginia, but died there soon after the birth of her sixth child. AVith an exploring and emigrating party he came to the Ilolston River (in East Tennessee, then a part of North Carolina), about 1769. He. directed and aided in the construction of the first fort on the AVatauga River, where his father, his brother Valentine, himself, and others settled. Whilst in de- fence of the Watauga Fort, in conjunction with Captain James Robertson (so favorably distinguished in early Middle Tennessee history), he discovered a young lady of tall and erect stature coming with the fleetness of the roe to- wards the fort, closely pursued by Indians, and her approach to the gate cut off by the enemy, who doubtless were confident of a captive or of a victim to their guns and arrows ; but turning suddenly she eluded her pursuers, and leaped the palisades at another point, and fell into the arms of Captain John Sevier. This remarkably active and resolute woman was Miss Catharine Sherrill, who, in a few years after this sudden leap into the ai'ms of the Cap- tain, became the devoted wife of the Colonel, and the bosom companion of the General, the Governor, the People's man, and the patriot, John Sevier, and the mother often children, who could rise up and call her blessed. During Sevier's visit to his family in 1773, Lord Dunmore, the Governor of Virginia, then fitting out an expedition against the Shawness aiid other tribes north of the Ohio River, presented to Sevier the commission of Captain, to command a company raised under his own eye and care in the county of Dun- more. This expedition ended with the perilous and fearful battle of Point Pleasant, where James Robertson and Valentine Sevier entitled themselves to much honor and acknowledgments. The settlers on the Holston, Watauga, and Nolachucka, were beyond the influence and power of the State laws and Executive ofiicers of North Carolina, and, therefore, as wise men, who knew the advantages of laws^and ofiicers, acknowledged as authoritative, they, in 1772, adopted a form of government, called the '" Watauga Government," and they elected John Sevier as one of four delegates to a Convention at Halifax, North Carolina. He attended a cession of the General Assembly, and in 1777 procured the establishment of a district and the extension of State laws, establishment of Courts, &c. The patriotic sentiments of the man were avowed in the selection of the name for this district where he had cast his lot, and where were the bold ami hardy pioneers with whom he was associated. This was " Washington District," North Carolina. The people had enjoyed the advantages of their inchoate and infant government of Watauga from 1772 to this date, and had accom- plished many things worthy of note. They opened paths across the moun- tains, felled the forests, opened fields, built forts and houses, '' subdued the earth," and l)egan rapidly to "replenish it," for "they married, and were given to marriage ;" and the State of North Carolina, some years afterwards, deemed a good opportunity presented for her to gain the credit of an act of " supererogation," and passed laws to confirm marriages and other deeds and doings of these wayward " children in the woods." In June, 1776, "Old Abraham," in command of a band of Cherokees from Chilhowee Mountains, attacked the Watauga Fort, commanded by Sevier and Robertson ; and, as the best feat performed, he chased the " lovely Catharine to the Captain's arms ;" and we have heard her say she used to feel ready to have another such a race and leap over the pickets to enjoy another such an introduction. On this same day was fought the battle of the Flats. Other skirmishes occurred here and there at different times. Captain Sevier was actively engaged in the expedition of Colonel Christian, ordered out by Virginia, and joined the Virginia troops at "Double Springs," and he neglected no opportunity to pursue the Indians or chastise them for any of their insults or outrages. He promptly united with others, without WATAUGA COUNTY. 451 envy, or jealousy, or reservation, and he as readily fitted out expeditions from his own neighborhoods and with his own means, without boasting, without fear, and with iiever a failure. In 1777 he was made Lieutenant-Colonel. In 1778, it is probable that his first wife died, for in 1779, we believe, he wag married to Miss Sherrill, of whom it is truly and handsomely said, "she could outrun, outjump, walk more erect, and ride more gracefully and skillfully than any other female in all the mountains round about or on the continent at large." In 1779 Captain Sevier raised troops, entered the Indian territory, burnt their towns, made prisoners, and fought the successful battle of " Boyd'a Creek." A few days after the battle of Boyd's Creek, Colonel Sevier was joined by Colonel Arthur Campbell, with a Virginia regiment, and by Colonel Isaac Shelby, with his troops from Sullivan County, North Carolina, and these three Colonels, in harmony, scoured the Cherokee country, scattered hostile bands, destroyed the homes of the Indians, and then returned to their own, in better security and some more confidence of peace. 1780. This was the critical year of the American Revolution — certainly so as regarded the Southern States. Chai-leston surrendered. Gates defeated, reverses here and there ; money exhausted — provisions, clothing, and ammu- nition scarce — many hearts fainting, fearful, and desponding — taking shelter under British protection-certificates (happily not reliable) — tories multiplying, daring, and savage — the British troops over-running South Carolina, Georgia, parts of Virginia, and advancing to the mountain regions of North Carolina — the Indians upon the borders of all our settlements bribed, instigated, and inflamed against the Americans — the sun of American Independence was obscured, hidden behind accumulating clouds. But soon and suddenly it beamed forth and sent its cheering rays through all the land, as it rose over the summit of King's Mountain. Colonel Sevier is entitled to a full share of all the credit and all the glory won on the 7tli day of October, 1780. The sword and vote of thanks from the Legislature of North Carolina, were earned — well earned, and were creditable to the State. But wlien we review the deeds of this man's life, and ask for the evidences of due appreciation, we wonder and are sad that a people intelligent, so rich, so prosperous, so proud, so honorable — a people ready to applaud the spirit of patriotism and independence, and to glory in deeds of daring, and to give hearty expressions of praise to a devoted public servant — should build up no beautiful and durable monument or proud cenotaph to teach their children and the world that such a one deserved this, and more than this, and shall not be forgotten, but ever honored — highly honored. What is the sentiment of East Tennessee? What of the County of Sevier, and of Hawkins, with her beautiful marble? — Of Sevier and Hawkins — hewed out of the Indian quarry, chiseled and fashioned and adopted and organized under the State of Franklin ; one honored by and honoring the name of the Governor of that in- teresting State, the other rejoicing in the name of her who was the honored and honoring first wife of that model architect and statesman, hero and civilian ! Consult, combine, contribute ; construct a cenotaph worthy of him — worthy of yourselves! In the fall of this year. Dykes, a noted and infamous Tory, laid his plan with his associates to seize Colonel Sevier, and put him to a cruel and igno- minious death, and would have accomplisiied his purpose, had not his wife divulged to Mrs. Sevier the plan. She had often received favors from the family (as did all others who applied), and she came with her apron held out to ask for a quart of meal and a slice of meat, and near the smoke-house re- vealed the scheme, and thus foiled the wicked purpose of her husband. In June of this year. Colonel Sevier had marched into South Carolina to aid Colonel McDowell and others against the Cherokees and Creeks. The battle of Musgrove's Mills was one of several fought during this tour. lu February, 1781, Lieut.-Colonel Sevier was honored by a communication 452 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. from Gov. Caswell, of North Carolina, enclosing to him a commission as Colonel of the County of Washington (the district having been changed to a county), and within a few days thereafter, Gen. Greene's appointment of him as a commissioner to treat with the chiefs of the Cherokees,_ Chickasaws, and other tribes, was received, and he discharged the trust satisfactorily. In this year, Colonel Sevier conducted several important enterprises against the'lndians, in one of which a considerable number of women and children were captured, and, owing to their exposed condition, he had some thirty of them conducted to his own home, where ten of them remained for three years, living upon his individual bounty at their ease, working not at all, or not enough " to pay for their salt," at the high prices of those days. But the kind treatment these prisoners received from Colonel Sevier and his family, was one of the best victories ever gained by him, and the entire ex- pense of this was individual and his own, as were the costs of equipments and provisions of more warlike and hazardous deeds. For these, neither the State nor the Government ever made him any remuneration. In this very year, too. North Carolina had, by solemn resolution, compli- mented Sevier and Shelby for volunteer services and noble deeds, and then urged them to " fight away on their own hook," defend the frontiers, and " please make our best bow and politest acknowledgments to Colonels Camp- bell and Preston, of Virginia, for their spirited exertions in behalf of the Southern States," &c. Compliments and petitions of this kind came not only from the State, but from individuals and the inhabitants of frontier settlements, and in some of them Colonel Sevier is addressed as " His Excellency"— a?reac7?/. In September, Gen. Greene urged Sevier to advance to his aid— he did so with two hundred men, to "rouse the Whigs and whip the Tories," and so went on. . , i i Sevier and Shelby were attached to Marion's command, with five hundred mounted men. Cornwallis having surrendered in October, Sevier and Shelby wished the privilege to attack the Hessians at Monk's Corner, but had to go under the command of Colonel Mayhew, of South Carolina. They had a share in other movements. Shelby returned home to attend as a member of the Legisla- ture, but Sevier remained till near the end of the year 1781. 1781-82. Colonel Sevier conducted several expeditions into the Cherokee country, to the Chiccamauga towns, to Citico, Chota, &c. 1783. News of peace with England received in March; and here the Whigs "rejoiced with them that did rejoice;" but the warfare here was not ended. iVS-l. And now came on the scenes of the " State of Franklin;" an anoma- lous State ; stirring scenes and strangely-commingled events — personal, civil, legislative, judicial, executive, and military motion and commotion, conten- tion and strife, and continuing for several years, and much of it with, and aimed at the very man who had done, was doing, and continued to do more to defend the people and promote their peace and prosperity, than any other man in all the country. Sevier was tendered a commission as Brigadier-Gene- ral, by vote of the General Assembly of North Carolina, and, as some sus- pected, with the view of withdrawing him from any participation in the move- ment for a new State, but, as has been said, "he, like Moses, chose rather to suffer affliction with his people, than be flattered with the Avriting on sheep- skin ;" and he did suffer. But out of it all the Lord delivered him, and the people finally shouted pseans and amen. In the contests of that day, each party was ambitious for his friendship ; each desired him as a leader, and so did the State of North Carolina. And soon he had to contend with "Old Rip Van Winkle" at arm's length, with active and vigilant political opponents hand-to-hand, with the Indians hip and thigh, and from tree to tree. But he feared not, faltered not, and he failed not. To him the "coon-skin money" of the State of Franklin was of more esteem than the parchment roll with the Great Seal of North Carolina attached. lie had in a trunk at his log-cabin, on the Nolachucka, more than two hundred thousand dollars of North Carolina currency — her " continental paper" — which was "not worth a continental" — exclamation ! WATAUGA COUXTY. 453 In the several treaties he' negotiated with the Indians while Governor of Franklin, and at other times prior and subsequent, "the pipe" was lighted with North Carolina notes— punk, the meanest kind oi fumjus — worthless, rotten stuff. i In 1786, the Cherokees disregarded the treaty of Hopewell, and Gov. Sevier had to pursue their marauding parties, and punish them in their towns on the Iliwassee and elsewhere.* 1787-88. The measures proposed and- adopted to satisfy the people of Franklin, and the anxiety of North Carolina tQ yield up the territory to the General Government, and be relieved of the many urgent demands upon her treasury for these western counties, induced Gov. Sevier, and the supporters of the State of Franklin, to come into measures of adjustment. The territory was ceded to the United States — organized as the territory south of the Ohio River. 1788-96. The State of Franklin quietly died. The stage of Territorial Government was passed through ; the State of Tennessee was established, admitted into the Union, and Gen. Sevier was chosen i\\Q first Governor. In all the period, from the beginning of Franklin to Tennessee, Sevier was in- cessantly engaged in the defence of the settlements exposed to depredations from the Indians, and in whatsoever public duty could be performed by un- wearied attention and invincible devotion. The people living south of Tennessee and Holston, and west of Big Pigeon and French Broad, regarded Gen. Sev'ier as their father, friend, and protector ; and so in other settlements, and through all the years from '87 to '95, they were virtually left to his care ; and for them, and with them, his word and will was "law and gospel." , He was engaged in almost every treaty or negotiation with the Cherokees, and they were many, as also in treaties with other tribes, insomuch that he acquired the honorable distinction of "the Treaty-Maker.'^ His more familiar sobriquet "among the people" and with the Indians, was " Chucky Jack."t \ 1794. After Gen. Wayne's victoryfon the Miami River, the southern In- dians began to manifest a disposition less warlike; but they and their white neighbors did not all, and altogether, and all the time, " keep the peace." Gov. Sevier's second term closed in September, 1801, when Archibald Roane was sworn into office. Roane was Governor for one term, and was succeeded by Sevier, who took the bath of office in September, 1803, and was succeeded by Willie Blount in the fajl of 1809. 1811. He was elected a representative in Congress, together with Felix Grundy and John Rhda. 1813. He was re-elected to Congress. During the war he served as a member of the Military Committee, to which was entrusted more business) and frqm which was required more labor, than any other in Congress. His opinions, especially in regard to western affairs, and relations with the southern Indians, were earnestly sought for, and were highly respected. At the close of the session of Congress in 1815, he was persuaded by Presi- dent Madison (against the advice of friends who regarded his age and im- paired health) to accept an important mission to adjust difficulties with the Creek Indians. He engaged in the cKities of a commissioner, was taken sick, and died at an encampment on the east side of the Tallapoosa River, near Fort Decatur, on the 24th -of September, 1815, and was buried witli the honors of war. Gen. Gaine^'wasin command of regular troops near there, and, though himself quite sick, paid the last sad tribute of respect to a brave fellow soldier. { * In 178S, Sevier was arrested by a bench-warrant from North Carolina. He was taken to Morganton as a prisoner. Vol. i l*?. t In 1790 he was a nieniber of Congress from North Carolina (Vol. i. Ill), from the portion now Tennessee, and this year Tennessee was adniiUed mto llie Uaiuu. Vol. i. 97. 454 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLII^TA. During the time he was engaged in this service, at such a distance from his family and constituents, he was re-elected to Congress without opposition. He had been elected Governor by a unanimous vote, and seldom had he to encounter any formidable opposition. From President AYashington he received the commission of Brigadier-Gene- ral of the territory south of the Ohio Kiver, or rather, of one district, Briga- dier-General Robertson commanding the other, until he threw up the com- mission because censured for the IVickajack expedition. In this hasty summary, no mention has been made of the battle of Heigh- tower, or of some of the military enterprises by Gen. Sevier, for which he and his troops were for a long time refused the approval of the General Govern- ment and any pay whatsoever. He was nearly ruined by his engagements and the supplies for some of the most useful tours he made into the Indian country. His was a busy life; never at rest, never a retired man or private citizen. And, at last, with high commission from his Government, with purposes of peace, he goes down among the warlike nations, and there he dies, and is buried, and there his State and country let him lie, and no stone to tell his resting place ; and near his side is the grave of that good captain who fired the last sad volley over the sleeping dust of the patriot hero. And the gazing, thoughtful Indians question with themselves, " Is this the goal of ambition ? Such the climax of glory ! What now will his people do 1" Pass resolu- tions, wear crape on the arm a few days, talk much of his deeds and his sacrifices for the country, but leave him away, and " alone in his glory." CHAPTER LXXIX. WAYNE COUNTY. Wayne County was formed in 1779, from Dobbs County, (now divided into Greene and Lenoir.) "VYayne is bounded on the north by Edgecombe and Nash Coun- ties, on the east by Greene and Lenoir, on the south by Duplin and Sampson, on the west- by Johnston County. Its population in 1850, 7,802 whites ; 664 free negroes ; 5,020 slaves ; 11,478 representative population. Products (1840), 461,165 bushels corn ; 12,744 bushels wheat ;8,855 bushels oats; 402,175 lbs. cotton ; 8,987 lbs. wool ; 3,499 barrels turpentine. Its capital is Waynesboro', fifty-one miles south-east of Raleigh. Its name is derived from Anthony Wayne, of Pennsylvania, distinguished in the Revolutionary War. From his daring spirit, and fearless temper, he received the sobriquet of "Mad Anthony." General AYatxe was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 1745. His family had been distinguished. His grandfather had borne a commission of Captain, and fought in the battle of Boyne ; which elevated the House of Orange to the English Throne. His father was a respectable farmer, and had represented Chester County in the Assembly before the Revolution. In 1773 he succeeded his father as representative from the county of Ches- WAYNE COUNTY. 455 ter, and from his first appearance in public life, was distinguished for his firm and patriotic conduct. In 1775 he was appointed to command a regiment. In the same year he marched with General Thompson into Canada. In the defeat which followed, General Thompson was taken prisoner ; Wayne behaved with great gallantry and was severely wounded. In 1770 he served under General Gates, at Ticonderoga, and was highly esteemed by that officer as a skillful engineer. At the close of the campaign he was promoted to be a Brigadier-General. At the battle of Brandywine, in 1777, he behaved with lion courage, and for a long time kept at bay the superior force of the enemy at Chad's Ford. After this battle he was detached hj General Washington to_ harass the enemy with his brigade by every means in his power. The British were en- camped at TredyfFrin, and"^ General Wayne about three miles off, near Paoli Tavern. On the night of the 20th September, 1777, the enemy, underMajor- General Gray, having driven in Wayne's pickets, suddenly attacked him with fixed bayonets. The superior force of the British compelled Wayne to re- treat, but he formed again at a small distance, having lost about one hundred and fifty men killed and wounded. Some bhame having been attached to him by certain officers for this affair, Wayne demanded a court-martial. After examining the evidence, the Court declared that General Wayne had done everything that could be expected from an active, brave, and vigilant officer, and acquitted him with honor. A marble monument has been erected over the remains of the brave men who fell at Paoli, not far from Philadelphia. At the battle of Germantown, fought a few days after, he greatly distin- guished himself. He had one horse shot under him, another killed as he was about to mount, and he received several wounds on his own person. It was at this battle that North Carolina lost her brave General Nash, of Orange County, and the heroic Col. Henry Irwin, of Edgecombe County. He and General Cadwallader, in the Council of war, were the only two officers that favored the attack. The American officers were influenced by the opinions of the Europeans. Baron Steuben, Generals Lee and Du Portail warmly op- posed the engagement as too hazardous. But Washington had determined to attack the enemy, and Wayne was conspicuous in the attack. In his let- ter to Congress, reporting this battle. General Washington says :— ♦' The catalogue of the officers who distinguished themselves is too long to admit of particularizing individuals. They seem to vie with each other in manifesting their zeal and bravery. " I cannot," adds he, " however, for- bear mentioning Brigadier-General Wayne, whose conduct and bravery throughout the whole action deserves particular commendation," In July, 1779, the commander-in-chief conceived the design of attacking Stony Point. „ , . , . , , Stony Point is a considerable height, the base of which is washed on one side by the Hudson River, and on the other by a deep morass, over which there was but one crossing place. On the top of the height was the fort, with batteries of heavy artillery ; in front were advanced breastwoi-ks, and half way down was a double row of abattis. The cannon commanded the beach and the crossing place. It was strongly garrisoned by six hundred Highlanders, commanded by Colonel Johnson. _ Several British ships of war lav in the river, whose guns commanded the hill. "To approach this fort was dangerous, to attack it hazardous, and to take it seemed impracticable. . , . ^ i -irr i General Washington communicated his design to General Wayne, ana his heroic spirit gloried in the attempt. He was detached for this purpose. On the 15th July, 1779, Wayne left the main body of the army, and with his command, arrived at eight o'clock at night within a mile and a halt ot the fort, where he halted his troops. He reconnoitered the situation ot the enemy, and then made the necessary disposition for the assault. At nalt past eleven at night, with unloaded guns and fixed bayonets, he made a silent 38 456 HISTOKY OF NOKTH CAROLINA. but steady assault, took the fort without a gun being fired from one of his men, and made the garrison prisoners, amounting to five hundred and forty- three, (the rest being killed.) While at the head of the regiment (Febiger) Wayne received in the head a musket ball and he fell. The enemy was giving way, and Wayne desired his aids to carry him into the fort to die. But the wound was not mortal, and he lived to receive the thanks of his country, and the plaudits of the nation for this daring display of gallantry. He was awarded Ijy Congress a gold medal for this brilliant battle. Here is his report of the battle. " Stony Point, July 16th, 1779, 2 o'clock in the morning. Dear General — The fort and garrison, with Colonel Johnson, are ours. Our officers and men behaved like men determined to be free. Yours most sincerely, ANTHONY WAYNE." To General Washington. The effect of this victory, while it enlivened the friends of liberty, dis- heartened the British. They had been whipped with their own favorite weapon, the bayonet, which they alleged was invincible in their hands, and one that the Americans could never stand. The report of AVayne was as modest as it is laconic. Like the letter of Coesar to the Roman Senate,* or in more recent times the gallant Perry from the Lakes, " We have met the enemy and they are ours.'' In the closing campaign of the Revolution in 1781, when Cornwallis had to surrender at Yorktown, Wayne bore a conspicuous part with Washington. He was after this dispatched to Georgia to take command in that State, where the enemy had made some head, and after some sanguinary conflicts established peace, security, and order. For these services Georgia presented him with a valuable farm. The fatigues of war being over, he retired to his farm. In 1789 he was a member of the Convention of Pennsylvania for consider- ing the Constitution of the United States. In 1792 he was called again to the field of Mars. The Indians on our western frontier had become very dangerous, and had committed ravages and murders. They had defeated General St. Clair. At Miami, in August, he met the sa- vages in strong force, and after a sanguinary conflict routed them. His work was now done. "He had finished his course ; he had fought the good fight." He had materially aided in establishing the liberties of his country ; he had shielded her from the savage foe ; he had seen her free, in- dependent, glorious ; and, like Simeon of old, he was ready to depart in peace. He died in December 1796, on Presque Isle, on Lake Erie. A few years since, with filial affection, his son. Honorable Isaac Wayne (who was in Congress in 1823 to 1825, from Pennsylvania), removed his bones to his native county, Chester ; and, by direction of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati, a monument of white marble has been erected unto his memory, in Saint David's Church, in that county, which bears the following inscription : In honor of the distinguished military services of Major-General Anthony Wayne ; And as an affectionate tribute of respect to his memory, this stone was erected by his companions in arms. The Pennsylvania State Society of The Cincinnati, July 4th, A. D. 1809, * " Veni, vidi, vici." I came, saw, conquered. "WAYNE COUNTY. 457 thirty-fourth anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America ; an event which constitutes the most appropriate eulogium of an American Soldier and Patriot. The north front exhibits the folloTving inscription : Major-General Anthony Wayne ■was born at Waynesborough, in Chester County, State of Pennsylvania, A. D. 1745. After a life of honor and usefulness, he died in December, 1796, at a military post on the shore of Lake Erie, Commandei'-in-chief of the army of the United States. His military achievements are consecrated in the history of his covintry, and in the hearts of his countrymen. His remains are here deposited. The revolutionary times in this section of our State have recently received notice from the graphic pen of Mrs. Elizabeth F. Ellet, in The Womeii of the Eevolution. EzEKiEL Slocumb vTas a member of the House of Commons In 1812, '14, '15, '16, and 1818. His wife was Mary Hooks, and the sister of Hon. Charles Hooks, who was a member of Congress from the Wilmington District in 1816, and in 1819 to 1825, and who removed to Alabama and recently died there. She was born in Bertie County in 1760. When both were only eighteen years old, she and Ezekiel Slocumb were married, whose mother, a widow Slocumb, had married her father. But their honeymoon was disturbed by the ravages of war, for their Revolu- tion had broken out, and North Carolina for a time was the theatre of hostile and sanguinary scenes. Her "boy-husband" joined a troop of light horse, and performed severe duty in keeping down the Royalists. During these absences, Mrs. Slocumb took entire charge of the farm, and she used to say that she did as much and all the work a man ever did, except "mauling rails," and to do that exception away, she went out " one day and split a few:' She was skilled in all the female accomplishments of sewing, spinning, weav- ing, and washing, and perfect in horsemanship. The following circumstances will show her noble spirit, and her more than feminine courage. Just before the battle of Moore's Creek (1776), the men had all gone under Caswell to fight the Tories under MacDonald. Colonel Slocumb was in the battle which occurred on 27th February, 1776, and his recollection of the part he bore in that was too vivid ever to be forgotten. " And," he would say, " my toife was there .'"* She was, indeed ; but the story is best told in her own words : — ■ " The men all left on Sunday morning. More than eighty went from this house with my husband. I looked at them well, and I could see that every man had mischief in him. I knew a coward as soon as I set my eyes upon him. The Tories more than once tried to frighten me, but they always * See Mrs. Ellett's "Women of the Revolution." 458 HISTORY OF XORTH CAROLINA. showed coward at the hare insinuation that our troops were ahout, "Well, they got off in high spirits, every man stepping high and light, and I slept soundly and quietly that night and worked hard all the next day ; but I kept thinking where they had got to, how far, where and how many of the regulars and tories they would meet ; and I could not keep myself from that study. I went to bed at the usual time, but could not sleep. As I lay — whether waking or sleeping I know not — " I had a dream," yet it " was not all a dream." (She used the words unconsciously, of the poet, who was not then in being.) I saw distinctly a body wrapped in my husband's guard- cloak, bloody, dead, and others dead and wounded on the ground about him. I saw them plainly and distinctly. I uttered a cry and sprang to my feet on the floor ; and so strong was the impression on my mind, that I rushed in the direction the vision appeared, and came up against the side of the house. The fire in the room gave little light, and I gazed in every direction to catch another glimpse of the scene. I raised the light ; everything was still and quiet. My child was sleeping, but my woman was awakened by my crying out, or jumping on the floor. If ever I felt fear it was at that moment. Seated on the bed, I reflected a few moments and said aloud ; * I must go to him.' I told the woman I could not sleep and would ride down the road. She appeared in great alarm ; but I merely told her to lock the door after me and look after the child. I went to the stable, saddled my mare, as fleet and easy a nag as ever traveled, and in one moment I was tearing down the road at full speed. The cool night seemed, after a mile or two's gallop, to bring reflection with it ; and I asked myself where I was going, and for what purpose. Again and again I was tempted to turn back ; but I was soon ten miles from home. I knew the general route our little army expected to take, and at daybreak I was thirty miles from home, and had followed them with- out hesitation. About sunrise, I came upon a group of women and children, standing and sitting by the roadside, each one of them showing the same anxiety of mind I felt. Stopping a few minutes, I inquired if the battle had been fought. They knew nothing, but were assembled on the road to catch intelligence. They thought Caswell had taken the right of the Wilmington road and gone towards the north-west (Cape Fear). Again was I skim- ming over the ground, through a country thinly settled and very poor and swampy; but neither my own spirits nor my beautiful nag's failed in the least. We followed the well-marked trail of the troops. The sun must have been well up, say eight or nine o'clock, when I heard a sound like thunder which I knew must be cannon. It was the first time I ever heard a cannon. I stopped still. Presently the cannon thundered again; the battle was then fighting. * What a fool !' thought I, ' my husband could not be dead last night, and the battle only fighting now ! Still, as I am so near, I will go on and see how they come on and see how they come out.' So away we went, faster than ever, and soon I found by the noise of the guns that I was near the fight. Again I stopped ; I could hear muskets, I could hear rifles, and I could hear shouting. I spoke to my mare and dashed on in the direction of the firing and shouts, now, louder than ever. The blind path I had been following brought me into the Wilmington road leading to 3Ioore's Creek Bridge, a few hundred yards below the bridge. A few yards from the road, under a cluster of trees, were lying, perhaps, twenty men. They were the wounded. I knew the spot ; the very trees ; and the position of the men I knew, as if I had seen it a thousand times. I had seen it in my dream all night ! I saw all at once ; but, in an instant, my whole soul was centered in one spot ; for there, wrapped in his bloody guard-cloak, was my husband's body ! How I passed the few yards from my sadiile to this place I never knew. I remember uncovering his head and seeing a face clothed with gore from a dreadful wound across the temple. I put my hand on the bloody face ; 'twas warm, and an unknown voice begged for tcater. A small camp kettle was lying near, and a stream of water was close by. I brought it, poured some into his mouth, washed his face, and behold it was Frank Cogdell ! He soon revived and could speak. I was washing the wound in his head. Said he, ' It is not that ; it is that hole in my WAYXE COUNTY. 459 ? chairman of Con- vention at Charlotte, May '75, i. 69; ii.267 ' , John Mclvnitt (Mecklenburg), i. 69, 78 , Ezra {ib.), i. 70 , George A. {ib.), i. 89 , Hezekiah (ib.), i. 70, 74, 79, 82, 85 , Adam (ib.), i. 70, 74, 81 , Charles {ib.), i. 70 -, Wm. Julius {ib.), ii. 267 Allen, John (Craven, (Lt. 1776), i. 80 , Thomas (Capt. '75), i. 71 Alston, Wm. (Bute), i. 78, 79, 81 , Willis (Halifax), i. 78, 81, 85 , Willis, Jr. {ib.), ii. 199 Alumni of University, i. 119 Amidas, Philip (lands in N. C. 1584), i. 23 Amis, Thomas (Bladen), i. 78 Anderson, Joseph (Judge, 1765), i. 47 Archdale, John (Quaker Gov ),i. 32 Armstrong, John (Capt. '75), i. 71 , Thomas (Lt. '76), i. 80 , Andrew (Lt. '76), i. 80 , James (Cornet of Horse, '76), i. 80 Arrington, Hon. Archibald, ii. 275 , Samuel L. (Nash), ii. 275 Ashe, John Baptist (Counsellor, 1731), i. 42; ii. 279 , Samuel, i. 73, 74, 78, 79, 82, 85 ; ii. 280 , Samuel, Jr. (Lt. of Light Horse), i. 90; ii. 281 , John, i. 50, 51, 58, 6.5, 74, 78, 79, 85 , John, Jr., i. 79, 80 , John B, (Halifax), i. SO ; ii. 199, 281 , William S. (New Hanover), sketch of, ii. 293 Ashly, Lord, i. 29, 32 Atherton, Col. Jeptha, (Northampton), i. 78, 81, 85 39 Atkinson, John (Orange), i. 74, 85 Attorney-Generals, list of, 1777 to 1851. i. 107 Auld, James, i. 74 Avery, Waightstill, i. 70, 73, 85 ; ii. 56 Averytt, Alex. (Johnston), i. 85 Backhouse, John (Carteret, Cong. '76), i. 78 Badger, George E. (Wake), sketch of life and services, ii. 121 Baily, John L. (Judge), ii. 339 , Benjamin (Ensign '76), i. 80 Baker, Lawrence (Hertford), i. 73, 78, 85 , Blake (Warren), ii. 440 Balch, Hez. James (Mecklenburg), i. 69 Ballard, Kedar (Gates), i. 80 Barber, John (Tryon), i. 86 Barlow, Arthur, 1584, i. 23 Barrat, Wm. (Capt. '76), i. 79 Barringer, John Paul (Cabarrus), ii. 67 , Paul {ib.), ii. 67 , Daniel L. (Wake), sketch of, ii. 67,417 , Daniel Moreau (Cabarrus), ii. 67 Barrow, John (Beaufort), i. 85 Barry, Richard (Mecklenburg), i. 70 Bass, Andrew (Dobbs), i. 85 Battle, Elisha (Edgecombe), i. 78, 85 ; ii. 146 Beard, Valentine (Cornet of Horse), i. 80 Beasly, John B. (Chowan), i. 78 Beatty, Thos. (Tryon), i. 81 Beckman, C. (Rowan), i. 81 Bellamy, Wm., i. 74 Benbury, Thomas (Chowan), i. 65, 73, 79, 85 Berry, Charles, i. 47, 53 Berryhill, Wm., (Lt. '75), i. 71 Berkley, Sir Wm., i. 30 Bethune, Lauchlin (Cumberland), ii. 130 Biggs, Asa (Martin), ii. 252 Birdsong, John (Chatham), i. 85 Blackboard (Pirate), i. 39 Black Boys of Cabarrus, ii. 65 Blair, Thomas, sketch of (Guilford), i. 81 Blakely Johnson (U.S. N.), ii. 290 Blake, Thomas (Regulator), i. 57 Bloodworth, Thomas (New Hanover), i. 81 Blount, Whitmel (Lt. '76), i. SO , James (Chowan), i. 71, 85 , Reading, i. SO , Benjamin (Tyrrell), i. 86 472 INDEX. Blount, Wm. (Craven), life and services of, ii. Ill , Charles (Perquimans), i. 78 , Jacob (Bute), Cong. '76, i. 78, 79 , Thomas (Ensign '76;, i. 80 , Thomas (Edgecombe), sketch of, ii. 143 Boddie, Nathan (Edgecombe), Congress '76, i..7S Boone, Daniel (Watauga), ii. 445 Borden, Wm. (Carteret), i. 85 Bonner, Henry (Beaufort), i. 81 Boyd, Thomas (Pasquotank), i. 78 , Dr. Hugh (surgeon 4ih reg.), i. 79 Boyden, Hon. Nath'l (Rowan), ii. 394 Bradford, John (Halifax), i. 74, 78, 85 Bragg, Thomas (Northampton), ii. 441 Brickie, Matthias (Hertford), Congress '76, i. 78 Branch (Sheriff of Halifax), i. 75 , John (Halifax), Governor, Senator, Sec'y of Navy, sketch of, ii. 201 Brandon, Wm. (Lt. '75), i. 71 Brannon, James (Rowan), i. 81 Brevard, Dr. P^phraim, i. 69 , Jnhn (Rowan), i. 74, 86 — , Hugh (ib.), i. 81 Brier Creek, battle at, ii. 279 Brinkly, Wm. (Capt. '76), i. 78, 80 Browder, Isham (Guilford), i. 85 Brown, Wm. (Bath), i. 66, 73, 78, 81, 86 , Bedford (Caswell), ii. 79 Bryan, Col. Needham (Johnston), i. 58, 65; sketch of, ii. 221 , Col. Needham, Jr. (Johnston), i. 78, 85 — — , Wm. (Bute), Col. '75, i. 72, 78 , John (/&.), Cong. '76, i. 78 , William (Craven), i. 85 , John (Craven), i. 81, 85 , John, Jr., i. 81 , John H. sketch of, ii. 120 , Francis, U. S. A., ii. 120 -, William (Johnston), i. 81 Bryant, Simon (Regulator), i. 57 Buncombe, Edward, i. 79 Burgess, Dempsy (Pasquotank), i. 78, 81, 86 Burke, Thomas (Orange), i. 78, 85; sketch of his life, ii. 332. Burrow, Geo. (Cong. '75,) i. 73 Burton, Hutchins G., ii. 200 , Robert H. (Lincoln), ii. 246 , Robert (Granville), ii. 163 Burgwynn, J. H. K. (U. S. A.), death of, ii. 121 Burrington, George (Gov. 1724), i. 40, 42 Burns, Otway (Carteret), ii. 467 Bush, John (Ensign '76), i. 80 Burton, John (Orange), Cong. '75, i. 74, 78, 81, 85 Bynum, Jesse A., (Halifax), sketch of, ii. 201 , John Gray (Rutherford), ii. 400 , William (Dividing line Va. 1725), i. 41. Cabarrus, Stephen (Chowan), life, character, and services, ii. 94 Cabot, John, i. 23 Cain, Elisha (Chatham, Cong. '76), i. 78 Caldwell, Wm. (Lt. '76), i. SO , David (Iredell), ii. 217 , David Franklin {ib.), ii. 217 , Rev. David (Guilford), i. 85 ; sketch of his life and character, ii. 181 , Greene W. (Mecklg.), ii. 267 , Joseph Pearson (Iredell), ii. 217 , Dr. Joseph (Orange), President of University of N. C, life oF, i. 118 Calloway, Miss (seized by the Indians and is rescued by Daniel Boone), ii. 446 Campbell, John (Bertie), i. 64, 78 , Farquard (Cumbd.), i. 65, 78 Ld. William, i. 76 , Joshua ^Pasquo.), i. 81 Cameron, Duncan, ii. 417 , John A. (Cumberland), ii. 130 , Thos. N. {ib.), ii. 130 Cannon, Henry (Lt. '76), i. SO Carr, James (Lt. '76), i. SO Carson, S. P. (Burke), ii. 61 Carteret, Sir Geo. (Gov. of N. C), i. 29, 30 Cary, Thos. (Gov. 1710), i. 35, 36 Cassel, Wm. (Capt. '76), i. SO Caswell, Richd., i. 58, 65, 66, 72, 74, 78, 79, 85; life, character, and ser- vices, S7; parallel with Wash- ington, 90; (elected Gov. Dec, 1776), i. 86 , Wm. (Ensign '75), i. 72 , Martin (Dobbs), i. 81 Casey, John (Pasquo.), i. 81 Cavendish visits No. Ca., i. 25 Cedar Spring, battle of, ii. 99 Chambers, Maxwell, i. 74 Charles II. (charter of), i. 29 Chang and Eng (Wilkes), ii. 465 Cherokee Indians in N. C, ii. 205 Cherry, Wm. (Bertie), ii. 33 , W. W. {ib.), ii. 33 Childs, Thomas (Attv.-Genl.), i. 47 Child,, Francis (Lt. '76), i. 80 , James (Ensign '75), i. 71 , John (Congress '76), i. 77 Chronicle, Maj. Wm. (Gaston), ii. 156 Clarke, Henry S. (Beaufort), ii. 29 , Jas. W. (Edgecombe), ii. 144 , Thomas (Maj. '75), i. 71, 79 , Wm. F. (Comptroller), ii. 419 , Henry (Provost-MarshaI1725), i. 40 Clayton, Jos. (Lt. '76), i. SO , Francis (Wilmington), i. Clements, Wm. (Lt. '76), i. SO Cleaveland, Benj. (Ensign '75), i. Clinsman, Thos. L. (Buncombe) 66 72,83 ii. 53. Cogdell, Richd. (Cong. '75), i. 64, 73, 74 Cole, Wm. Temple (Rowan), i. 79, 80 Collins, Wm. F., ii. 418 Columbus (discovers America 1492), i. 23 Colvill, Maturin (Cong. '76), i. 78 Comptrollers of No. Ca., from 1782 to 1851, i. 108 Congress, list of members from N. C, Con- tinental, from 1774 to 1788, i. 109 INDEX. 473 Conner, Henry W. (Catawbn), ii. 82 Cook, James (Craven), i. 64, 72, 79, SO Cooper, John (Cong. '76), i. 77 Coor, James (Craven), 64, 78, 82, 83 Cooley, Dr. Saml. (Surg. 5th Reg.), i. 79 Corbin, Francis (Agent of Ld. Granville), i. 47 Cornwallis, Ld., i. 75, 77 ; life of, ii. ISO ; march through Lincoln Co., ii. 233 Correy, Archd. (Cong. '76), i. 78 Costner, Jacob (Tryon, Maj. '76), i. 81 Coulie, John (Regulator), i. 57 Council, Austin (Capt. '76), i. 80 Courts, Danl. W. (Treasurer), ii. 419 Craig, Col. (Onslow), i. 58. , David ^Lt. '76), i, 80 , Burton (Rowan), sketch of, ii. 395 Crawford, Charles (Capt. '75), i. 71 , John (Cong. '75), i. 74, 77 Cromwell, Oliver, ii. 199 Croom, Major (Cong. '75), i. 73 , Hardy (Lenoir), ii. 223 Crowell family, ii. 199 Culpepper, John (Rebellion of 1678), i. 31 , John (Montgomery), ii. 271 Cumming, Wm. (Pasquotank), i. 78 Custen, John (Lt. '76), i. SO Dallas, George M., ii. 151 Dandridge, Wm. (dividing line Va., 1725), i. 41 Daniel, Robt. (GovT. 1704), i. 34 , Jos. J. (Halifax), Judge of Supreme Court of N. C, life and character of, ii. 200 , J. R. J. (ib.), Attorney-Genl., Mem- ber of Congress, ii. 201 Davidson College, i. 129 , George (Capt. '75), i. 71 , William (Meckg.), i. 79 ; ii. 267 , George (Anson), i. 81, 85 , John (Meckg. Dec. '75), i. 70, 81 Davie, Wm. Richardson ; sketch of life, character, and services, ii. 188 Davis, Thos. (Com. '76), i. 74 Davis, Wm. (Capt. '75), i. 71 Dawson, John (Councillor), i. 47 , Levi (Maj.), i. 79 Dare, Eleanor, child of (first-born Ameri- can), i. 25 Darnell, Henry (Lt. '76), i. 80 Daugh, Peter (Pasquo.), i. SI Davis, Wm. (Capt. '75), i. 71, 79 , Devotion (Capt. '76), Pasquo., i. 86 Day, Wm. (Councillor), i. 47, 86 Deberry, Edmund (Montgomery), life and character of, ii. 270 De Kalbj Baron (his death, by an eye-wit- ness,) ii. 164 Dent, William (Guilford), i. 74, 78 , Jr. iLt.), i. SO Denton, James (Bute), i. S5 De Rossett, Lewis II. (Councillor, 1760), i.47 Devane, John (New Hanover), i. 78, 85 Dick, John M. (Guilford), ii. 183 Dickerson, John (Capt. '76 of Light Horse), i. 90 Dickson, Henry (Capt. '75), i. 71 , William (Duplin), i. 65, 78, S5 , Robert, (ib.), i. 81 Dobbin, James C. (Cumberland), sketcii of, ii. 131 Dobbs, Arthur (Gov. 1754), i. 46 , Edward B. (Councillor 1765), i. 47 Donoho, Thos. (Lt. '76), i. 80 Donnell, John R. (Craven), ii. 120 , Richard Spaight (Guilford), ii. 120 Doty, Benijah (Onslow, Cong. '76), i. 78 Dougherty, Geo. (Lt. '76), i. 80 Downc, Henry (Mecklenburg), i. 70 Drake, James (Nash), attack of tories up- on, ii. 274 Drummond, Wm. (1st Gov. of N. C. 1681), i.30 Duels between Simpson and Whitechurst, i. 53 Wilkes and Martin, i. 63 Stanly and Spaight, ii. 1 12 Stanly and Henry, ii. 129 Carson and Vance, ii. 61 Duffy, Wm. (Cumberland), sketch of, ii. 128 Duke, And. (Lt. '76), i. 80 Dunn, John (Rowan), petition of, ii. 377 Dupre, Lewis (Brunswick), i. 85 Durant, Geo., i. 29 Easton, John (Carteret), i. 73, 85 Eaton, Wm. (Con. '75), i. 74, 82, 86 , Thos. (Bute), i. 81, 85 , Charles A. (Granville, Cong. '76), i. 78 , Pinkinthan, (Capt. '76), i. 79 , Wm. (Northampton), i. 81 Eborn, John (Hyde), i. 80 Eden, Charles (Govr. 1713), i. 38, 40 , Penelope, i. 40 Edwards, Isaac (Newbern), i. 66 , Weldon N. (Warren), sketch of, ii. 441 Elizabethtown, battle of, ii. 36 Elliot, Charles (Judge '65), i. 47 Ellis, Robert (Lt. Col., '75), i. 72. , Richard (Com., '75), i. 73 , John W. (Rowan), Judge, sketch of, ii. 394" Emmet, James (Cap. '76l, i. 80 Enloe, John (Captain, '76), i. SO Ennct, James (Captain, '76), i. 79 Etheridge, Wm. (Ensign, '76), i. 80 Evans, George (Pitt), i. 86 Everigin, Edward (Pasquo.), i. 65 Everhard, Sir Richard (Gov., '25), i. 41 Ewert, Robert (Com., '75), i. 74 Exum, Benjamin (Dobbs), i, 85 Fannen, David (Chatham), a desperate ma- rauder and Tory, ii. 84 Fanning, Edmund (Orange), i. 55, 56,57, 58 ; life, services, and death, ii. 331 Farr, James (Lieutenant, '76), i. SO Fay, Joshua (Com. Va. line), i. 44 Fenner, Wm. (Lieutenant, '75), 1. 72 Ferguson, Colonel Patrick, biography of, V ii. 102 Fisher, Hon. Charles (Rowan), sketch of life of, ii. 391 474 INDEX. Fishing Creek (Sumpter surprised at), ii. 194 Fitzwilliams, Richard (dividing line, Va., '25), i. 41 Flat Rock, battle at, ii. 190 Flennigen, John (Mecklenburg), i. 70 Folsome, Ebenezer (Cumberland), i. 81 Ford, John (Mecklenburg), i. 70 Foreman, Joshua (Rutherford), sketch of, ii. 399 Forney, Jacob (Lincoln), sketch of, ii. 241 , Peter {ib.), ib., 244 , Daniel M. (ib.), ib., 245 , Abram (ib.), ib., 245 Forsythe, Benj. (Stokes), ii. 147, 404 Frankland, state of its rise, progress, and fall, i. 91 Fraser, Jeremiah (Tyrrell), i. 66, 86 Frohawk, John (Salisbury), i. 50 Fuller, Brittain (Wake), i. 86 Gale, Christopher (Chief Justice, '24), i. 40 Gales, Joseph (Wake), ii. 416 , Weston R. {ib.), ii. 417 , Seaton {ib.), ii. 417 Galloway, Charles (Com., '75), i. 74 Gardiner, Wm. (Ensign, '75), i. 72 Gaston, Alexander (Craven), i. 73 , William {ib.), life, character and services of, ii. 114 Gates, General Horatio, life, services, and character, ii. 159 Geddy, John (Halifax), i. 66 Gee, Drury (Northampton),!. 78, SI Gibson, Walter (Bladen), i. 64 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, i. 23 Giles, Jno. (Rowan), sketch of, ii. 390 Gillaspie, James (Duplin), i. 85 Gilliam, Robert B. (Granville), ii. 65 Glasgow, James (Dobbs), i. 73, 81 ; elected Sec. of State, i. 86 Glover, Wm. and Thos. Carey, i. 35 Goffe, Arthur (Receiver-Gen. 1725), i. 40 Gold mines of N. C. (first discovery of),ii. 63 Gold Hill (Rowan), ii. 395 Gooding, Christ. (Lt. '76), i. 80 Goodman, Wm. (Capt. '76), i. 80 Gorham, James (Pitt), i. 72, 86 Gorrel, Ralph (Congress, Guilford, '76), i. 78,85 Governors of N. C, list of, (from Richard Caswell, 1776, to David S. Reid, 1851), i. 98 Graaffenreidt, Baron de, i. 36, 37 Graham, Wm. (Meck'g), i. 70 , George {ib.), i. 71 ; ii. 265 , Gen. Joseph (Lincoln), life and character, ii. 233 , James {ib.), ii. 247 •-, William A. {ib.), Speaker of House, Senator, Sec. of Navy, ii. 337 , William (Tryon), i. 86 Granbury, Geo. (Lt. '76), i. 79 , Thos. (Capt. '76), i. 80 , John (Lt.), i. SO Granganimeo, (native Indian), i. 24 Granger, Caleb (Capt. '75), i. 71 Grant, Reuben (Onslow), i. 80 , Thomas, (Ensign »76), i. 80 Granville, Lord, i. 34, 41 Gray, John (Capt. '76), i. 79, 80 , William (Bertie), i. 85 , Thos. (Duplin), i. 65, 78, 85 , Simon (Edgecombe), i. 81 , William {ib.), i. 73, 74 , William (Onslow), i. 65 Greene, Gen. Nathl., life and character of, ii. 167 Green, Roger, i. 29 , James (Clerk to Council), i. 74 , William (Capt. '75), i. 71 Greenville, Sir Richd., i. 25 Gregory. Isaac (Pasquo.), i. 73, 81, 86 Groves", Wm. (Lt. '76), i. 80 Guilford Court Honse, battle at, ii. 173 Guion, Dr. Isaac (1st Rgt.), i. 72 Guthrie, John S. (Chatham), ii. 86 Hadley, Joshua (Ensign '76), i. 80 , Thomas (Campbellton), i. 86 Haines, Thos. (Capt. '76), i. 80 Hall, Clement (Lt. '75), i. 72 , Robt. (Dr. 3d Regt.), i. 79 , Spence (Currituck), ii. 134 , Hon. John (Warren), ii. 440 , Hon. Edwd. {ib.), ii. 440 , Thos. H. (Edgecombe), ii. 144 Hamilton, Hanson (Regulator), i. 57 Hamilton, John (Com. '75), i. 74 Hampton, Adam (Tryon, Lieut. '76), i. 80, 81 Hancock, Jos. (Hyde), i. 78, 85 Hanging Rock, battle at, ii. 192 Harden, Jos. (Tryon), i. 72, 86 Hardison, John (Martin), i. 85 Harnett, Cornelius, i. 42, 73, 74, 79, 82, 85, 86; sketch of, ii. 281 Harriott, (Historian), visits N. C, i. 25 Harris, Thos. (Capt. '76), i. 79 , Edward (Judge), ii. 352 , Dr. Charles (Cabarrus), ii. 68 , James (Meck'g), i. 70 Harrison, Thomas (Orange), i. 81 Hart, Thos. (Orange), i. 65, 79 Harvey, John (Gov. 1680), i. 31,65 , Thos. (Gov. 1693), i. 32, 65 , John (Perquimans), i. 64; ii. 341 , Benjamin {ib.), i. 65, 86 , Thos. (ib.), i. 78, 86 , Miles {ib.), i. 73, 78, 86 Hassell, James (Judge and Councillor — Gov. 1771), i. 61 Hatch, Lemuel (Craven), i. 64, 78, 81 Hawkins, Philemon (Bute), i. 59, 78, 85, ii. 426 , Wm. (26.), Gov. in ISll, ii. 440 , Benjamin {ib.), sketch of, ii. 426 , M'cajah Thomas {ib.), ii. 440 Haynes, Eaton (Northampton), Cong. '76, i. 78 Haywood, Wm. (Edgecombe), i. 74, 78, 85, 86; ii. 143 , Judge John (Halifax), ii. 200 , Wm. H., jr. (Wake), ii. 418 Heath, Wm. (Craven), Tory, ii. 122 Henderson, Judge Richard, his life and character, i. 102 , Pleasant (Orange), i. 80; ii. 334 Henderson, Archibald (Rowan), ii. 386 , Leonard (Granville), ii. 163 Henly, Peter (Judge 1747), i. 47 Herritage, John (Lt. '75), i. 71 Herron, Benj. (Councillor 1765), i. 47 Henry, Jacob (Carteret), ii. 74 , Louis D. (Cumberland), sketch of, ii. 129 Hewes, Jos. (Edenton), i. 66,74, 79,82, 87; life, character, and services, ii. 94 Hicks, Thos. (Duplin), i. 65 High, Alsop (Lt. '76), i. 80 Hill, Green (Bute), i. 64, 78, 81 , William (Com. '75), i. 74 , William cLt. '75), i. 71 , William (Sec. of State), ii. 419 , Hon. John (Stokes), ii. 406 , Whitmel (Martin), i. 78, 82, 85; sketch of life of, ii. 232 Hinds, Richard (Edgecombe), ii. 144 Hines, Jos. (Guilford), i. 85 Hinton, Noah (Bertie), i. 85 , Charles L. (Wake), ii. 4l8 , Col. John (Wake), i. 5, 9, 74, 78 Hogan, James (Halifax), i. 79, 81, 85 , Isaiah (Chatham), i. 85 Hogg, Thos. (Lieut. '75), i. 71 Hoke, Michael (Lincoln), sketch of, ii. 246 , John F. {ib.), ii. 246 HoUingsworth, John (New Hanover), i. 78, 85 , Charles (Lieut. '76), i. 89 Holmes, Owen (New Hanover), sketch of, ii. 293 Holton, Robt. (Com. S. C. Line), i. 43 Hooks, Charles (Duplin), ii. 139 Hooper, William (New Hanover, Congress '75), i. 65, 66, 74, 82, 86 ; sketch of, ii. 282 — — , Wm. (Perquimans), i. 86 , Wm. (Wake), i. 78 Hopson, John (Ens. '76), i. SO Hoskins, Charles (U. S. A ), ii. 95 Howard, Martin (Judge), his life, character, and services, i. 100 Howe, Robt. (Brunswick"), i. 64, 71 Howell, Rednak (Regulator), i. 63 Hunt, Memucan (Granville), i. 65, 78, 85 Hunter, Wm. (Regulator), i. 56, 57 , Thomas (Chowan), i. 65, 78 , Jacob (Chowan), i. 85 , Thomas (Edgecombe), i. 81 , Humphrey (Gaston), sketch of life of, ii. 151 , Thos. (Martin), i. 85 Husbands, Herman, i. 55, 63. (His book, containing "An impartial ac- count of the rise of the Regu- lators in Orange)," ii. 301 ; sketch of his life, ii. 348 Hyde, Edward (Gov'r 1710), i. 36 ; death, 38 Indians, Massacre in N. C. (1711), i. 37 -, Cherokees in N. C, ii. 205 INDEX. 475 /'Iredell, Jam^jr. (Chowan), ii. 94 "^ Irwin, Henry (Edgecombe), i. 72, 78; sketch of life and services, ii. 142 , Robt, (Meckg.), i. 70, 78, 85 Irvine, Thos. P. (Newborn), ii. 120 Ingram, James (Northampton), i. 85 Innes, Col. James (New Hanover), i. 46 Insane Hospital of N. C, i. 136 , Insurrection of Slaves, ii. 210 i'^Iredeil, James (Chowan), life, character and services, ii. 93 39* James, John (Capt. '76), i. 80 Jarvis, Sam'l (Currituck), i. 65, 78, 85 Jefferson, Peter (Va.), i. 44 Jayocks, Chs. (Cong. '76), i. 78 Jenkins, John (Gov. 1680), i. 31 Johnson, Charles (Chowan), ii. 94 , Jonas (Edgecombe), i. 81, 85: sketch of, ii. 143 , Gabriel (Gov. 1734), i. 43 , Wm. (Hillsboro'), i. 74, 79, 86 , John (Bertie), i. 73, 7S, 85 , Samuel {ib.), i. 65, 74, 76, 78 ; life, character and services of, ii. 91 , Thomas (Onslow), i. 85 Joyce, Nathan (Currituck), i. 65 Jones, Mrs. Wilie, ii. 186 , David (Ensign '76), i. SO , Mrs. Allan, ii. 186 , Daniel (Lt. '76), i. 80 , Thos. (Chowan), i. 65, 73, 78, 82, 85 • , Reuben P. (Craven), ii. 94 , Frederick (Com. '75), i. 73 , James (Capt. '76), i. 80 , Francis (Beaufort), i. 85 , Matthew (Chatham), i. SI , Thomas (Edenton), i. 76 , Wilie (Halifax), i. 65, 79, 86; ii. 188 , William (ib.), i. 73 , Abram (Hyde), i. So , Allen (Northampton), i. 65, 74, 78, 79, 85 ; sketch of, ii. 296 , Joseph (Pasquo.), i. 65, 78 , Hamilton C. (Rowan), sketch of, ii. 395 , Edward (Wilmington), sketch of life of, ii. 290 , James (Wake), i. 86 , Tignal (ib.), i. 78, 86 Jordan, John (Hyde), i. 78 , Dillon (Cumberland), ii. 130 Judiciary of N. C, i. 33, 47, 63, 99 Judges, list of, from 1777 to 1851, i. 105 Keais, Nathan (Capt. '75), i. 71 Kenan, James (Duplin), i. 65, 74, 85 , Thomas (ib.), ii. 139 , Felix (/&.), ii. 139 Kennon, Wm. (Rowan), i. 66, 69, 79 Kenhawa, battle of, ii. 99 Kidd, (Pirate), i. 34 Kinchen, John (Orange), i. 73, 76, 73 King's Mountain, battle of, ii. 59, 98, 101 King, Wm. Rufus (Sampson), sketch of, ii. 401 , John (Onslow), i. 78 Knott, Wm. (Ensign '76), i. SO Knox, Andrew (Perquimans), i. 65, 72, 74 Lamb, Gideon (Currituck), i. 73, 78, 79 476 INDEX. Lamb, Walter (Tory), i. 75. Lamon, Duncan (Com. '75),l»2o, 74 Lane, Sir Ralph (1585) ii. 25 , Joel (Wake), i. 74, 73 Lark, John (Com. '75), i. 74 Latham, Rothias (Hyde, Cong. '75), i. 65, 78 Lawson, John (Historian), i. 26 Lea, John (Shff. of Orange), beaten by the Regulators, i. 57 Leach, Col. Jos. (Craven), i. 58, 64, 86 Lee, Stevens (Tyrrell), i. 73, b6 Lemon, Duncan (Edgecombe), i. 78 Lenoir, Wm. (Wilkes), i. 83 ; sketch of his life and services, ii. 462 Leslie, James (Com. '75), i. 74 Lewis, Micajah (Lt. '76), i. SO , Esum (Edgecombe), i. 81 -, Robert (Granville), i. 85 Liberty Hall College (Charlotte in 1777), i. 117 Lillington, John (Lt. '75), i. 71 , Geo. (son of), i. 34 , Alexander (Col. '75), i. 72, 76, 79 Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin (sketch of life and character), ii. 225 , County (Association in 1775), ii. 226 Linton, Wm. (Ensign '76), i. 80 Literary Institutions of North Carolina, i. 116 Locke, John (Philosopher), forms a Constitu- tion for Carolina, i. 30 ; abrogated, 32 Lock, Matthew (Rowan), i. 78, 86 ;'sketch of, ii. 384 , Francis (ift.), i. 81 ; sketch of, ii. 384 Lockhart, Samuel (Northampton), i. 78, 79 Long, Nehemiah (Lt. '76), i. 80 , Mrs. Nicholas ^Halifax), ii. 186 , James (Tyrrell), i. 81 , Andrew (ib.), i. 81 , Hon. John (Randolph), ii. 349 Lord, Wm. (Brunswick), i. 85 , John B. (Rowan), ii. 395 Love, Amos (Lt. '76), i. 80 , David (Anson, Cong. '76), i. 77, 81, 85 , Wm. C. (Rowan, Cong. 1815), ii. 391 Lowe, Philip (Ensign '75), i. 72 Lowrie, Samuel (Meck'g), Judge, life of, ii. 266 Lucky, Christ. (Lt. '76), i. 80 Ludwell, Philip (Gov. 1693), i. 32 Lynaugh, Francis, i. 79 Lytle, Arch'd (Capt. '76), i. 80 , Wm. (Ensign '76), i. 80 JilcAllister, Alexander (Cumberland), i. 74, 78, 81 McBride, Archibald (Moore), ii. 272 McCabe, John (Oranse), i. 85 McCan, John (Lt. '76), i. 80 McCay, Spruce (Rowan), ii. 384 McCoy, Alex. (Cumberland), i. 78 McClure, Matthew (Meck'g) i. 70 , Dr. Wm. (6th Regiment), i. 79. , Thomas (Ensign '76), i. 80. McCullock, H. E., i. 47-50 , Alexander, i. 47 McCullock, Benj. (Halifax), i. 85 McDonald, Donald (Gen. '75), i. 76, 77. , Flora (Cumberland), romantic life of, ii. 125; McDowell, Joseph (Burke), ii. 57, 247 McFaden, Adam (Ensign '76), i. SO McFarland, Hon. Duncan (Richmond), ii. 351. McKay, Jas. J. (Bladen), ii. 43 McLainy, Mark (Lt. '76), i. ISO McLaine, Archibald (Brunswick), i. 74, 85: sketch of, ii. 290 McNeil, Hector (Lt. '75), i. 71 , Archibald (Moore), ii. 272 McKinnie, William (Dobbs),i. 65, 78, 81 McKinzie, Kenneth ^Ma^tin), i. 73, 78 McLean, Charles (Maj. '75), i. 75 -, Jerome (Capt. '76), i. 79 ,80 Sena- . 336 McQueen, Hugh (Chatham), ii. 86 McRee, Griffiths J. (Capt. 76), i. SO Macon, Nathaniel (Warren), sketch of his life, character, both public and private, his services and death), ii. 432 Madaris, John (Lt. '76), i. SO Madacy, Cosimo (Lt. '76 of Horse), i Mallet, Peter (Commissary), i. 79 Mangum, Wilie P. (Orange), Judge, tor in Congress, life of, ii. Manly, Matthias E. (Craven), sketch of life. ii.l21 -, Charles (Wake), ii. 85 Manteo and Manchese (native Indians), i. 24 , Lord of Roanoke, i. 25 Marchant, Kedar (Currituck), i. 85 Martin, Josiah (Gov. 1771), i. 61,67, 68, 77 -, Alexander (Guilford), i. 71 ; ii. 181 , James (Stokes), ii. 405 , James, Jr. (Rowan), ii. 384 , Francis X. (Craven), ii. 110 , James (Guilford) i. 81 , John (Stokes), sketch of, ii. 405 . , Alexander (Rockingham), i. 79 Mattocks, John (Lincoln), ii. 149 May, Benjamin (Pitt), i. 86 Maynard, Lt. (kills Black Beard), i. 39 Mebane, Alexander (Orange), i. 85; sketch of, ii.333 Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence (May, 1775), i. 69 , resolves of, May '75, ii. 255 , ladies' resolves of, ii. 268 Medlock, Charles (Anson), i. 81 Meredith, William (Ensign), i. 80. Miller, (Secretary of Colony), i. 30 , George (Dobbs), i. 65, 78. , William (Warren), Gov. 1814, ii. 440 Mills, James (Cong. 1775), i. 74 Mint, U. S. Branch (Cha.-lotte), ii. 268 Mitchell, George (Onslow), i. 78, 80 ,Hon. Anderson (Wilkes), sketch of, ii. 465 Montgomery, John (Attorney-General, '31;, i. 42 , Gen. Richard, life and ser- vices of, ii. 270 , Hon. William (Orange), sketch of, ii. 335. Moore's Creek, battle of, i. 76 Moore, Roger (Capt. '76), i.79, 80 INDEX. 477 Moore, Dempsey (Lt. '76), i. 80 , Maurice (Brunswick), ii. 47; his life and character, i. 57, 74, So, 101 , Maurice, Jr. (ib.), i. 71. , James {ib.), i. 71, 72, 77 , Capt. Alfred (ib.), i. 71 ; life and ser- vices of, ii. 47 , Augustus (Chowan), ii. 95 , Batholomew (Halifax), ii. 202 , William (Orange), i. 85 Montford, Lt. Jos. (Halifax), i. 80 Monk, George (Duke of Albemarle), i. 30 ; ii. 89 Moravians, ii. 404 Mordecai, Moses, ii. 417 Morgan, Benjamin (Ensign '76), i. SO , General Daniel, ii. 55 Morpis, John (Ensign '76), i. SO Morrison, Robert H. (Lincoln), sketch of, ii. 247 , Neil (Mecklenburg), i. 70 Moslander, Abel (Lt. '76),i. SO " Mosely, Edward, i. 39,40, 43 , Madame Anne, tomb of, i. 34 . Wm. D. (Lenoir), ii. 223 , Sampson (New Hanover), i. 73, 78, 85. Munford, George (Rowan), ii. 385 Murfree, Hardy (Hertford), Capt. '75, i. 71 ; ii. 208. , Wm. H. {ib.), sketch of, ii. 208 Murphey, Judge A. D. (Orange), life of, ii, 335. Musgrove Mill, battle of, ii. 57, 100 Murray, James (Counsellor), i. 47. Mylne, Geo. (Com. '75), i. 74 Nash, Abner (Newbern), i. 66, 73, 76, 78, 87 ; biography of, ii. Ill , Caleb (Maj. '75,) i. 72 , Francis (Lt. Colonel, 1775), i. 71, 79 ; biography of, ii. 333 , Frederick, Judge of Supr. court, bi- ography of, ii. 335 Neale, Christo. (Craven), i. 85 Neil, Henry (Ensign '75), i. 71 Nelson, John (Capt. '76), i. 79, 90 , Alex. (Ensign), i. 80 Nesbitt, David (Salisbury), i. 78, 86 Newspapers, i. 34 Nicholas, Geo. (Judge, 1765), i. 47 Norman, John (Onslow), i. 78 North Carolina, first landing by English, in 15S4, i. 23 , divided into North and South Carolina, i. 32 , (first Legisl. Assembly '69), i. 30 , first Church (1705), i. 35; issues paper 1712, i. 38 , disfranchises all dissenters from office, i. 34 , divisions, in 1729, i. 42 , Gov. Burrington's opinions of the people of, i.. 40 ; ef- fect of stamp act, 51 , population in 1729, i. 41 ; exports in 1752 i. 45 , first Assembly of represent- atives of the people, (New bern, 25 Aug. 1774), i. 64. North Carolina, second, at same place, 4th April 1775, i. 67 , third, at Hillsboro', 23d Aug. 1775 , fourth, at Halifax, 4th April, 1776, i. 77 ■ , fifth, at same place, 12th Nov. 1776 (constitution formed), i. 84 Norwood, John (Com. '75), i. 74 -, William (Orange) life of, ii. 335 Oliver, John (Granville), i. 72, 85 Ormond, Roger (Beaufort), i. 73,77 Osborne, Alex. (Iredell), ii. 216 , Adlai (Rowan), i. 72; ii. 216 Outlaw, Edward (Ensign '76), i. SO , David (Bertie), ii. 33 Owen, Thomas (Bladen), i. 81 , John (,ib.), ii, 43 , James (ib.) ii. 43 Pacolet, post of, surrenders to Shelby, ii. 57, 99 Paine, Robert T. (Chowan), ii. 95 , John (Orange), i. 81 , 85 Paisly, John (Guilford), i. 75, 81 Palmer, Robt. (Councillor), i. 47 Parmelly, Benj. (Hyde), i. 78, 85 Patton, Benj. (Meek.), i. 47 -, John (Col. '76), i. 79 Patillo,Rev.H., i. 74 Patton, John (Major '75), i. 71 , Benj. (Com. '75), i. 65, 70 , Jos. (Ensign '76), i. 80 , James (Bunc), ii. 53 Paxton, Judge John (Rutherford), sketch of, ii. 399 Payne, Michael (Capt. '75), i. 71 Pearson, Richmond M., Judge of Sup. court, sketch of, ii. 386 , Richard (Rowan), ii. 385 , Joseph (.ib,), ii. 385 , Jesse A. (ib.), ii. 38& Peebles, Robert (Northampion), i. 85 Penn, John (Granville, appointed delegate to Congress), i, 74, 78, 82 ; ii. 162 Person, Wm. (Bute), i. 64,79 ; ii. 425 , Thos. (Granville), i. 75, 73, 76, 78, 79, 82, 85, S6 Perkins, Solo. (Currituck), i. 65, 78, 81 Phifer,John (Cabarrus),!. 70,75,78, 81, 85; ii. 67 , Martin (ib.), i. 80 Phillips, Jos. (Capt. '76), i. 79, 80 Pickens, Israel (Burke), ii. 61 Picket, Wm. (Anson, Capt. '75), i. 71, 81, 85 Pike, Benj. (Lt. '76), i. 80 Pitt, Wm. (Lord Chatham), i. 50; life and character, ii. S3 County, resolves of July, 1775, ii, 345 Plummer, Kemp (Warren), ii. 440 Pocahontas, i. 27 Pollock, Geo. (Gov., '72), i. 38 Potter, Robert (Granville), ii. 164 , Hon. Henry (sketch of), ii- 129 ' Powell, Mrs. (Halifax^, courage of, ii. 186 I Pope, Willis (Lieutenant, '76), i. 80 478 INDEX. Pope, Henry (Ensign, '75), i. 71 Polk, James K. (Mecklenburg), ii. 266 , Thomas (ib.), i. 70, 75, 79 , William (Wake), ii. 416 Porterfield, Denny (Ensign, '76), i. 80 Porter, Edmund (Judge of Adm. '31), i. 42 Pugh, John (Regulator), i. 57 , Thos. Whitmel (Ensign, '75), i. 72, 80, 85 Press of North Carolina (first introduced by Davis, '49), i. 44; list of Newspa- pers and Editors, i. 112 Privat, Isaac (Lieutenant, '76), i. SO Proprietors of North Carolina (charter of Charles II. to, 1663), i. 29 ; surrender their charter 1729, i. 41 Queary, John (Mecklenburg), i. 70 Quince, Richard (Com., '75), i. 74 , Parker (Bath), i. 86 Rains, Henry (Johnston), i.78, 85 Raleigh, Sir Walter, i. 23, 26, 27 , city of, foundations laid in 1587, i. 25 Ralston, Robert (Ensign, '75), i. 71 Ramsay, Ambrose (Chatham;, i. 74, 79, 85 Ramsour's Mill (Battle of), ii. 227 Rand, John (Wake), i. 78, 82 Rayner, Kenneth (Hertford), sketch of, ii. 209 Reading, Joseph (Pasquotank), i. 65 Regulators (Battle of), ii. 16 paper at Orange County Court ('66),i.54 Reese, David (Mecklenburg), i. 70 Rancher, Abraham (Chatham), ii. 85 Reid, David Settle, Governor of North Carolina, sketch of, ii. 354 Respiss, Thomas (Beaufort), i. 64, 85 Rhodes, Henry (Onslow), i. 74, 85 , Elisha (Lieutenant, '76), i. 80 Rice, Nath.«(Secr'y of Province, '31), i. 42; Gov,, '34), i. 43 Richardson, Nath. (Con. '76), i. 78 Ridly, Day (Hertford), i. 73, 85 Riddle Knob, ii . 444 Rieusett, John (Councillor), i. 47 Riply, Spencer (Pasquotank), i. 81 Robards, Wm. (Granville), ii. 163 Robeson, Wm. (Pitt), i. 78, 86 Robertson, Charles (Anson), i. 85 — , Thomas (Bladen, Con,, '76), i. 78 Rochester, Nathaniel (Orange), 1.78, 79, 81, 85 Rodgers, Michael, i. 74 Rosser, Joshua (Chatham), i. 78 Rowan County (Journal of the Coin, of Safety of),ii. 360 Ruffin, Thomas (Alamance), sketch of, ii. 19 Russell, Wm. (Hyde), i. 85 Rutherford, T. (Cumberland), i. 65, 78 . , Griffith (Rowan), i. 74, 75, 78, 79, 82, 86 ; sketch of, ii. 3S3 Rutledge, Thomas (Duplin, Com. '75), i. 74, 81 Ryan, James (Currituck), i, 78 Salter, Wm. (Bladen), i. 64 Salter, Edward (Pitt), i. 65, 73, 78, 86 , Robert, i. 79 Sampson, John (Councillor, '65), i. 47 Saunders, James (Orange), i. 78, 81, 85 , Jesse (Captain, '76), i. 80 , Romulus M. (Caswell), ii, 79 Sawyer, Lemuel (Pasquo.), i. 86 (Camden), ii. 71 of, Saml. T. (Chowan), ii. 95 Scott, John (Hillsboro'), ii. 336 Scurlock, Mial (Chatham), i. 74, 85 Secretaries of State of N. Ca., i. 107 Selwyn, Geo. A., i. 50 Sessums, Isaac (Edgecombe), i. 85 Sewall, Henry (Wake), sketch of life ii. 417 Sevier, John (Govr.), ii. 449 Shaftesbury, Lord, i. 31 Sharpe, Wm. (Iredell), i. 82, 86 ; sketch of life and services, ii. 216 Shelby, Isaac, life, services, and character, ii. 98 Shernll, Catharine, chased by the Tennes- see Indians, leaps the palisades of the Fort, falls in the arras of John Sevier, and becomes his wife, ii, 450 Sherwood, Thos. (Bute), i. 81 Sheppard, Solo. (Carteret), i. 78, 85 , Abm. )Dobbs), i. 78, 85 , James (Lt. '76), i. SO , Charles B. (Craven), biography of, ii. 120 , Wm. Biddle (Pasquo.), ii. 339 Shepperd, A. H. (Stokes), sketch of, ii. 406 Sherwood, Thos. (Bute), i. 78 Siamese Twins (Wilkes), ii. 465 Simmons, Asahel, (Currituck), i, 81 Simon, Peter (Capt. '76), i. 80 Simpson, Alexander (Capt., duel oO, i- 53 Singletary, Richard (Ens. '76), i. 80 Sitgreaves, John (Newborn), i. 80; life and services of, i. 119 Slocurab, Jesse (Wayne), ii. 460 , Mrs. («■&.), ii. 457 , Ezekiel (ib.), ii. 457 Smith, Benj. (Brunswick), life and services of, ii. 49 , Wm. (Chief Justice, 1731), i. 42 , Captain John, i. 27 , Thos. (Gov'r. 1693), i. 27, 32 , Saml. Hyde (Com, '75), i. 65, 74 , John (Com. '76), i. 74 , Robt. (Lt. '75), i. 71, 79, 80 , David (Cumberland), i. 78, 81 , Samuel (Johnston), i, 78, 81, 85 , John, {ib.), i. 81 , James S. (Orange, Congress in 1817), ii. 336 , James (Rowan), i. 81, 86 Smithwick, Samuel (Martin), i. 85 , Edmund (lb.), i. 65, 7S - Sothell, Seth (Gov'r. 1683), i. 31, 32 Southerland, Ransome (Guilford), i. 78, 79 South Carolina Line, i. 43 Spruill, Hez. G. (Tyrrell), ii. 412 , George {ib.), i. 66 , Joseph {ib.), i. 81 Spicer, John (Onslow), i. 78, 85 INDEX. 479 Spaight, Richard (Councillor, 1765), i. 47 , R. D. (Craven), life and character, ii. Ill, 120 Speight, Jesse (Greene), ii. 16S Spencer, Samuel (Anson), i. 64, 73, 77; sketch of, ii. 24 Spottswood, Alex., i. 36 Stanway, James (Attorney-General, 1725), i. 40 Starky, Mr. (Treasurer, 1757), i. 46 '—, Edward (Onslow), i. 85, 86 Stanley, Edward (Beaufort), ii. 29 , John (Craven), ii. 112 Steele, Mrs. Elizabeth, patriotic conduct of, and her biography, ii. 382 , Genl. John, Sketch of, ii. 382 Sterrett, James (Lt. '76), i. 80 Stevens (2d Gov'r of N. C, 1667), i. 30 , John (Johnston), i. 81, 8.5 Stokes, Montford (Wilkes), ii. 462 , John (/6.), Judge, ii. 403 , H. M. {ib.), ii. 462 Strange, Robert (Fayetteville), sketch of, ii. 130 Stone, Benj. (Com. '75), i. 74 , Zedekiah (Bertie), i, 85; ii. 32 , David, ii. 32 Stono, battle of, ii. 189 Suggs, Geo. (Lt. '76), i. SO Sumner, James (Lt. '76), i. 80 , Luke (Chowan), i. 73, 85 , David (Halifax), i. 74, 78, 81 -, Robert (Hertford), i. 78, 85 , Genl. Jethro (Warren), i. 72,79 Swain, David L. (Buncombe), ii. 53 Swann, John (Councillor), i. 47 , Saml. (Maj. '75), i. 72 Tarleton, Col. Bannister (sketch of his life and character), ii. 180 Tate, Jos. (Lt. '75), i. 72 Tatum, Abr. (Cong. 1795, Randolph), i. 71 , Howell (Lt. '75), i. 71 Taylor, John Louis (Fayetteville), sketch of life of, ii. 129 , John (Orange, Lt. '75), i. 71 , Joseph (Com. '75), i. 74 , Wm. (Duplin), i. 85 , Wm. (Com. '75), i. 74, 79 , Philip (Capt. '76), i. SO , Jas. F. (Chatham), ii. 85 , John (Granville), i. 78 Teach, Edwd. (Pirate), i. 39 Teach'sHole, i. 39 Tennen, Hugh (Orange), i. 81 Thackston, James (Cumberland, Lt. Col. '76), i. 72, 79 Thomas, Wm. (Anson), i. 64 Thompson, Wm. (Carteret), i. 58, 73, 78, 80 , John (Chatham), i. 74, 78 , Lawrence (Lt. '75), i. 71. , Jacob (Caswell), ii. 79 Tilrnan, John (Craven), i. 81 Tilghman, John (Craven), i.85 Tisdale, Wm. (Com. '75), i. 73 Toomer, John D. (Cumberland), ii. 86, 129 Torrence, Battle at, ii. 381 Toole, Henry J. (Edgecombe), i. 71 Treasurers of the State ofN. C, i. 107, 108 Tripp, Robt. (Beaufort), i. 85 Tryon, Wm. (Lt. Gov. 1765), i, 48 ; rGov. 1765), i. 49, 52, 53 Turner, Benijah (Lt. '76),i.80 , Berryman, (Ensign '75), i. 71 , Jacob (Capt. '76), i. 79 , Robt. (Lt. '76), i. 80 , James (Warren), Gov. in 1802, Sen- ator in Congress, &c., Sketch of, ii. 430 , Daniel (Warren), sketch of, ii. 439 Tuscarora Indians, i. 38 Uniied Brethren (Stokes), i. 44 University of N. C. (its graduates from 1798 to 1851), i. 119 Vail, Edward (Col. '75), i. 72, 79 Venable, A. W. (Granville), ii. 165 Vipon, Henry (Ensign '75), i. 72 Wade, Thos. (Anson), i. 72, 85 Waddell, John, i. 51 , Hugh (Rowan), i. 46 Walker, Henderson (Gov.), i. 33, 34 , John (Capt. '75), i. 71, 80 , Sol. (Ensign '76), i. 80 Walton, Jesse (Surry), i. 81 Washington and Caswell compared, i. 90 , Geo. (Va. first appt.), i. 45 , Robt. (Lt. '76), i. 80 , Wm. H. (Craven), sketch of life, ii. 121 Ward, Wm. (Capt. '76), i. 80 , Benjn. (Bute), i. 85 , Anthony (New Ham.), i. 81 Warren, Jos., sketch of life and heroic death, ii. 429; (county called in honor of), ii. 429 Wayne, Genl. Anthony, life and character of, ii. 454 Wheeler, John (Hertford), ii. 209 , John Jr. (ib.), ii. 209 , John H. (i7).), ii. 210 Whidbee, J. (Perquimans), i. 65 Webb, John (Com. '75), i. 74, 79 , Isham (Tyrrell), i. 86 Weldon, Danl., i. 44 , Saml. (Halifax), i. 81,85 White, John (Gov. 1587), i. 25 , Thomas (Lt. 1776), i. 80 , John (Capt. '76), i. 71 ; (Maj. '76), i. 79 , James (Currituck), 178 , Hugh L. (Iredell), sketch of life, character, and services, ii. 215 Whitechurst, Thos. (killed in duel), i. 53 Whitaker, Spear (Halifax), ii. 202 Whitley, John (Lt. '76), i. 80 Wiggins, Thomas (Martin), i. 78, Wilder, Gaston H. (Wake), sketch of, ii. 418 Wilfong, George (Rowan), i. 81. Williams, Daniel (Lt. '76), i. 80 , Benjamin (Cong. 1775), i. , John (Lt. '75), i. 72 , Benjamin (Lt. '75), i. 72 , Brice (Carteret), i. 85 , John (Lt. Col.), i. 72 73 480 INDEX. Williams, William (Adjutant '75), i. 71 , John, Pugh (Capt. '76), i. 80 , Marmaduke (Caswell), ii. 79 , Hoilowell (Currituck;, i. 81, 85 , Thomas (ib.) , i. 85 , Benjamin (Johnston), i. 65 , John (Granville), i. 58 ; ii. 163 , Joseph John (Halifax, i. 78,82 , William (Martin), i. 78, 85 , Benjamin (Moore), sketch of, ii. 272 , Dr. Robert (ib.), ii. 346 , Joseph (Surry), ii. 409 , Thomas {ib.), ii. 409 , Gen. Robert (ib.), ii. 409 , Lewis, John {ib.), ii. 409 -, Thomas Lanier {ib.), ii. 409 Williamsonj Hugh (Chowan), life, character, and services, ii. 91 , J. G. A. (Person), ii. 343 Winston, Joseph (Surry), i. 81 ; ii. 14S, 404 Wilson, Louis D. (Edgecombe), ii. 144 — ^ , Joseph (Mecklenburg), ii. 266 , Zaccheus {ib.), i. 85 Winslow, Moses (Rowan), i. 66 Wooten, Shad. (Ensign '76), i. 80 Wood, Matt. (Lt. '76), i. SO Woodhouse, John (Ensign '75), i. 72 Wright, James (Hertford), i. 85 , Joshua G. (New Hanover), sketch of, ii. 293 Wynns, Thomas (Hertford), sketch of, li. 209 Yancey, Bartlett (Caswell), ii. 79 , Thorton (Granville), i. 85 Yellow Jacket (Compiled, 1752), i. 44 Young, Samuel (Rowan), i. 66 , Henry (New Hanover), i. 81 THE END, NC , / "a Dl .N0\ FEB mi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L! NUN-KtNEy miz \i JUN U4i9 )i 1369 XLL 0^< DUE 2 WKS FROM DAT : RECEIVED iRL REC'D LD-UHL m «ti bM 315 RL ~> m£ 3 1158 00568 8071 cP UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 697 186 5 ^) sO H DUE DATE CARD This book is due on the date indicated at the right ^ LOAIM DESK UNIVERSITY RESEARCH LIBRARY UCLA 2 >