^ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received..^^^9^C^^< , z8?/ Accessions No4&£&3./£l. Shelf No O* %o SYLLABUS OF PLANE GEOMETRY (CORRESPONDING TO EUCLID, BOOKS I— VI.) Jifbiseb anb brought inta Coruspronfoena foitj) % fttxt-hook PREPARED BY THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF GEOMETRICAL TEACHING NEW EDITION 'V OP THE • 'UtflVHRSITtf Eontom MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1889 All Rights Reserved Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, london and bungay. 4^/ 3 /^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Syllabus of Geometrical Constructions i Syllabus of Plane Geometry. Introduction v 3 BOOK I. The Straight Line. Definitions 7 Geometrical Axioms , 8 Section I. Angles at a Point 8 Section 2. Triangles 1 1 Section 3. Parallels and Parallelograms 15 Section 4. Problems 19 Section 5. Plane Loci 22 BOOK II. Equality of Areas. » Section 1. Theorems 24 Section 2. Problems 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS. BOOK III. The Circle. PAGE Section I. Elementary Properties 30 Section 2. Angles at the centre, and sectors 32 Section 3. Chords 33 Section 4. Angles in Segments 35 Section 5. Tangents 36 Section 6. Two Circles 38 Section 7. Inscribed and Circumscribed Figures 39 Section 8. The Circle in connection with Areas 41 BOOK IV. Part I. Fundamental Propositions of Proportion for Commensurable Magnitudes only. Section \. Of Ratio and Proportion 43 Section 2. Fundamental Geometrical Propositions 46 Part II. Fundamental Propositions of Proportion for Magnitudes without respect to Commensurability. Section 1. Of Ratio and Proportion 49 Section 2. Fundamental Geometrical Propositions 58 BOOK V. Proportion. Section 1. Similar Figures 59 Section 2. Areas 62 Section 3. Loci and Problems 64 ^•^ OF THE 'tjhivbssit SYLLABUS OF GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS. The following constructions are to be made with the Ruler and Compasses only ; the Ruler being used for drawing and producing straight lines, the Compasses for describing circles and for the transference of distances. i. The bisection of an angle. 2. The bisection of a straight line. 3. The drawing of a perpendicular at a point in, and from a point outside, a given straight line, and the determination of the projection of a finite line on a given straight line. 4. The construction of an angle equal to a given angle ; of an angle equal to the sum of two given angles, &c. 5. The drawing of a line parallel to another under various conditions — and hence the division of lines into aliquot parts, in given ratio, &c. 6. The construction of a triangle, having given (a) three sides ; (/?) two sides and contained angle ; (y) two angles and side adjacent ; (8) two angles and side opposite. GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS. 7. The drawing of tangents to circles, under various conditions. 8. The inscription and circumscription of figures in and about circles ; and of circles in and about figures. 7 and 8 may be deferred till the Straight Line and Triangles have been studied theoretically, but should in all cases precede the study of the Circle in Geometry. The above constructions are to be taught generally, and illus- trated by one or more of the following classes of problems : (a) The making of constructions involving various com- binations of the above in accordance with general {i.e. not numerical) conditions, and exhibiting some of the more remarkable results of Geometry, such as the circumstances under which more than two straight lines pass through a point, or more than two points lie on a straight line. i (/5) The making of the above constructions and combi- nations of them to scale (but without the protractor). (y) The application of the above constructions to the indirect measurement of distances. (8) The use of the protractor and scale of chords, and the application of these to the laying off of angles, and the indirect measurement of angles. SYLLABUS OF PLANE GEOMETRY. INTRODUCTION. [Note. — In the following Introduction are collected together certain general axioms which, though frequently used in Geometry, are not peculiar to that science, and also certain logical relations, the distinct apprehension of which is very desirable in connection with the demonstrations of the Propositions. They are brought together here for convenience of reference, but it is not intended to imply by this that the study of Geometry ought to be preceded by a study of the logical interdependence of associated theorems. The Association think that at first all the steps by which any theorem is demonstrated should be carefully gone through by the student, rather than that its truth should be inferred from the logical rules here laid down. At the same time they strongly recommend an early application of general logical principles.] i. Propositions admitted without demonstration are called Axioms. 2. Of the Axioms used in Geometry those are termed General which are applicable to magnitudes of all kinds : the following is a list of certain general axioms frequently used. (a) The whole is greater than its part. B 2 A SYLLABUS OF (b) The whole is equal to the sum of its parts. (c) Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to one another. (d) If equals are added to equals the sums are equal. (e) If equals are taken from equals the remainders are equal. (f) If equals are added to unequals the sums are unequal, the greater sum being that which is obtained from the greater magnitude. (g) If equals are taken from unequals the remainders are unequal, the greater remainder being that which is obtained from the greater magnitude. (h) The halves of equals are equal. A Theore?n is a proposition enunciating a fact whose truth is demonstrated from known propositions. These known propositions may themselves be Theo- rems or Axioms. N The enunciation of a Theorem consists of two parts, — the hypothesis, or that which is assumed, and the conclusion, or that which is asserted to follow therefrom. Thus in the typical Theorem If A is B, then C is D, (i), the hypothesis is that A is B, and the conclusion, that C is D. From this Theorem it necessarily follows that : If C is not D, then A is not B, (ii). Two such Theorems as (i) and (ii) are said to be contrapositive, each of the other. Two Theorems are said to be converse, each of the other, when the hypothesis of each is the conclusion of the other. PLANE GEOMETRY. Thus, If C is D, then A is B, (iii) is the converse of the typical Theorem (i). The contrapositive of the last Theorem, viz. : If A is not B, then C is not D, (iv) is termed the obverse of the typical Theorem (i). 6. Sometimes the hypothesis of a Theorem is complex, i.e. consists of several distinct hypotheses; in this case every Theorem formed by interchanging the conclusion and one of the hypotheses is a converse of the original Theorem. 7. The truth of a converse is not a logical consequence of the truth of the original Theorem, but requires independent investigation. 8. Hence the four associated Theorems (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) resolve themselves into two Theorems that are in- dependent of one another, and two others that are always and necessarily true if the former are true; consequently it will never be necessary to demon- strate geometrically more than two of the four Theorems, care being taken that the two selected are not contrapositive each of the other. 9. Rule of Conversion. If the hypotheses of a group of demonstrated Theorems be exhaustive — that is, form a set of alternatives of which one must be true ; and if the conclusions be mutually exclusive — that is, be such that no two of them can be true at the same time, then the converse of every Theorem of the group will necessarily be true. The simplest example of such a group is presented when a Theorem and its obverse have been demon- A SYLLABUS OF PLANE GEOMETRY. strated ; and the validity of the rule in this instance is obvious from the circumstance that the converse of each of two such Theorems is the contrapositive of the other. Another example, of frequent occurrence in the elements of Geometry, is of the following type: If A is greater than B, C is greater than D. If A is equal to B, C is equal to D. If A is less than B, C is less than D. Three such Theorems having been demonstrated, the converse of each is necessarily true, i o. Rule of Identity. If there is but one A, and but one B ; then from the fact that A is B it necessarily follows that B is A. This rule may be frequently applied with great ad- vantage in the demonstration of the converse of an established Theorem. BOOK I. THE STRAIGHT LINE. Definitions. Def. i. A point has position, but it has no magnitude. Def. 2. A line has position, and it has length, but neither breadth nor thickness. The extremities of a line are points, and the inter section of two lines is a point. Def. 3. A surface has position, and it has length and breadth, but not thickness. The boundaries of a surface, and the intersection of two surfaces, are lines. Def. 4. A solid has position, and it has length, breadth, and thickness. The boundaries of a solid are surfaces. Def. 5. A straight line is such that any part will, however placed, lie wholly on any other part, if its extremities are made to fall on that other part. Def. 6. A plane surface or plane, is a surface in which any two points being taken the straight line that joins them lies wholly in that surface. A SYLLABUS OF Geometrical Axioms. i. Magnitudes that can be made to coincide are equal. 2. Through two points there can be made to pass one, and only one, straight line : and this may be indefinitely pro- longed either way. Hence, a. Any straight line may be made to fall on any other straight line with any given point on the one on any given point on the other ; /?. Two straight lines which meet in one point cannot meet again unless they coincide. SECTION 1. ANGLES AT A POINT. [An angle is a simple concept incapable of definition, properly so-called, but the nature of the concept may be explained as follows, and for convenience of reference the explanation may be reckoned among the definitions.] Def. 7. When two straight lines are drawn from the same point, they are said to contain, or to make with each other, a plane angle. The point is called the vertex, and the straight lines are called the arms, of the angle. A line drawn from the vertex and turning about the vertex in the plane of the angle from the position of coincidence with one arm to that of coincidence with the other is said to turn through the angle : and the angle is greater as the quantity of turning is greater. Since the line may turn from the one position to the PLANE GEOMETRY. other in either of two ways, two angles are formed by two straight lines drawn from a point. These angles (which have a common vertex and common arms) are said to be conjugate. The greater of the two is called the major conjugate, and the smaller the ?tiinor conjugate, angle. When the angle contained by two lines is spoken of without qualification, the minor conjugate angle is to be understood. It is seldom requisite to consider major conjugate angles before Book III. When the arms of an angle are in the same straight line, the conjugate angles are equal, and each is the?i said to be a straight angle. Def. 8. When th?-ee straight lines are drawn from a point, if one of them be regarded as lying between the other two, the angles which this o?ie {the mean) makes with the other two {the extremes) are said to be adjacent angles : and the angle between the extremes through which a line would turn in passing from one extreme through the mean to the other extreme, is the sum of the two adjacent angles. Def. 9. The bisector of a?i angle is the straight line that divides it i?ito two equal angles. Def. 10. When one straight line stands upon another straight line and makes the adjacent angles equal, each of the angles is called a right angle. Obs. Hence a straight angle is equal to two right angles ; or, a right angle is half a straight angle. Def. 11. A perpendicular to a straight line is a straight line that makes a right angle with it. Def. 12. An acute angle is that winch is less thaii a right angle. io A SYLLABUS OF Def. 13. An obtuse angle is that which is greater than one right angle, but less than two right angles. Def. 14. A reflex angle is a term sometimes used for a major conjugate angle. Def. 15. When the sum of two angles is a right angle, each is called the complement of the other, or is said to be complementary to the other. Def. 16. When the sum of two angles is two right angles, each is called the supplement of the other, or is said to be supplementary to the other. Def. 17. The opposite angles made by two straight lines that intersect are called vertically opposite angles. Theor. t. All straight angles are equal to one another. Cor. 1. The two straight angles which have the same arms, A B, A C, are equal. Cor. 2. All right angles are equal to one another. Cor. 3. At a given point in a given straight line only one perpendicular can be drawn to that line. Cor. 4. The complements of equal angles are equal. Cor. 5. The supplements of equal angles are equal. Theor. 2. If a straight line stands upon another straight line, it makes the adjacent angles together equal to two right angles. Cor. AH the angles made by any number of straight lines drawn from a point, each with the next following in order, are together equal to four right angles. Theor. 3. If the adjacent angles made by one straight line with two others are together equal to two right angles, these two straight lines are in one straight line. Theor. 4. If two straight lines cut one another, the vertically opposite angles are equal to one another. PLANE GEOMETRY. n SECTION 2. TRIANGLES. Def. i 8. A plane figure is a portion of a plane surface inclosed by a line or lines. Def. 19. Figures that may be made by superposition to coincide with one another are said to be identically equal ; or they are said to be equal in all respects. Def. 20. The area of a plane figure is the quantity of the plane surface inclosed by its boundary. Def. 21. A plane rectilineal figure is a portion of a plane sur- face inclosed by straight lines. Whe?i there a?'e more than' three inclosing straight lines the figure is called a polygon. Def. 22. A polygon is said to be convex when no one of its angles is reflex. Def. 23. A polygon is said to be regular when it is equilateral and equiangular ; that is, when its sides and angles are equal. Def. 24. A diagonal is the straight line joining the vertices of any angles of a polygon which have not a common arm. Def. 25. The perimeter of a rectilineal figure is the sum of its sides. Def. 26. A quadrilateral is a polygon of four sides, a pentagon one of five sides \ a hexagon one of six sides, and so on. Def. 27. A triangle is a figure contained by three straight lines. 12 A SYLLABUS OF Def. 28. Any side of a triangle may be called the base, a?id the opposite angular point is then called the vertex. Def. 29. An isosceles triangle is that which has two sides equal ; the angle contained by those sides is called the vertical angle, the third side the base. Theor. 5. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, and have like- wise the angles included by these sides equal, then the triangles are identically equal, and of the angles those are equal which are opposite to the equal sides. [By Superposition.] 1 Theor. 6. If two triangles have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and have likewise the sides between the vertices of these angles equal, then the triangles are identically equal, and of the sides those are equal which are opposite to the equal angles. [By Superposition.] Theor. 7. If two sides of a triangle are equal, the angles opposite to those sides are equal. Cor. If a triangle is equilateral, it is also equiangular. Theor. 8. If two angles of a triangle are equal, the sides opposite to those angles are equal. Cor. If a triangle is equiangular it is also equilateral. Theor. 9. If any side of a triangle is produced, the exterior angle is greater than either of the interior opposite angles. Theor. 10. Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. 1 Throughout this Syllabus a method of proof has been indicated wherever it was felt that this would make the principles upon which the Syllabus is drawn up more readily understood. PLANE GEOMETRY. Cor. i. If a triangle has one right angle or obtuse angle, its remaining angles are acute. Cor. 2. Every triangle has at least two acute angles. Hence, Def. 30. A triangle which has one of its angles a right angle is called a right angled triangle. A triangle which has one of its angles an obtuse angle is called an obtuse angled triangle. A triangle which has all its angles acute is called an acute angled triangle. Def. 31. The side of a right angled triangle- which is opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse. Cor. 3. From a given point outside a given straight line, only one perpendicular can be drawn to that line. Theor. 11. If two sides of a triangle are unequal, the greater side has the greater angle opposite to it. Theor. 12. If two angles of a triangle are unequal, the greater angle has the greater side opposite to it. Theor. 13. Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side. Cor. The difference of any two sides of a triangle is less than the third side. Theor. 14. If from the ends of a side of a triangle two straight * lines are drawn to a point within the triangle, these are together less than the two other sides of the triangle, but contain a greater angle. Theor. 15. Of all the straight lines that can be drawn to a given straight line from a given point outside it, the perpendicular is the shortest ; and of the others, those which make equal angles with the perpen- dicular are equal ; and that which makes a greater 14 A SYLLABUS OF / angle with the perpendicular is greater than that which makes a less angle. Cor. Not more than two equal straight lines can be drawn from a given point to a given straight line. Def. 32. The perpendicular to a given straight line from a given point outside it is called the distance of the point from the straight line. Theor. 16. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, but the included angles unequal, then the bases are unequal, the base of that which has the greater angle being greater than the base of the other. Theor. 17. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, but the bases unequal, then the included angles are unequal, the angle of that which has the greater base being greater than the angle of the other. [By Rule of Conversion.] Theor. 18. If two triangles have the three sides of the one equal to the three sides of the other, each to each, then the triangles are identically equal, and of the angles those are equal which are opposite to equal sides. [Alternative proofs, (i) by Theors. 16 and 5. (ii) By Theors. 7 and 5.] Theor. 19. If two triangles have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and have likewise the sides opposite to one pair of equal angles equal, then the triangles are identically equal, and of the sides those are equal which are opposite to equal angles. [By Superposition and Theor. 9.] PLANE GEOMETRY. 15 Theor. 20. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, and have like- wise the angles opposite to one pair of equal sides equal, then the angles opposite to the other pair of equal sides are either equal or supplementary, and in the former case the triangles are identically equal. [By Superposition.] Cor. Two such triangles are identically equal (1) If the two angles given equal are right angles or , obtuse angles. (2) If the angles opposite to the other two equal sides are both acute, or both obtuse, or if one of them is a right angle. (3) If the side opposite the given angle in each triangle is not less than the other given side. SECTION 3. PARALLELS AND PARALLELOGRAMS. Def. 33. Parallel straight lines are such as are in the same plane and being produced to any length both ways do not meet. Def. 34. When a straight line intersects two other straight lines it makes ivith them eight angles, which have received special names in relation to the lines or to one another. 16 A SYLLABUS OF Thus in the figure i, 2, 7, 8 are called exterior angles, and 3, 4, 5, 6, interior angles ; again, 4 d7z^ 6, 3 and 5, are called alternate angles ; lastly, 1 #tz^ 5, 2 ## denotes greater than, and < less than.'] Def. i. One magnitude is said to be a multiple of another magnitude when the former contains the latter an exact number of times. According as the number of times is 1, 2, 3...m, so is the multiple said to be the jst, 2nd, 3rd... mth. Def. 2. One magnitude is said to be a measure or part of another magnitude when the former is contained an exact number of times in the latter. The following properties of multiples will be assumed : — 1. As A > = or = or = or < mB, so is A> = or < B. 3. mA+mB+ . . . =m (A + B + . . . ). 4. mA - mB = m { A - B) (A being greater than B). 5. wA + «A+ . . . ={m + n+ . . . )A. 6. ;«A - nA — {m — n) A (#? being greater than n). 7. m.nA = mn.A = nm.A = n.mA. Def. 3. 7/fc ratio #/" one magnitude to another of the same kind is the relation of the former to the latter in respect of quantuplicity. [The quantuplicity of A with respect to B is estimated by ex- amining how the multiples of A are distributed among the multiples of B, when both are arranged in ascending order of magnitude, and the series of multiples continued without limit. The interdistribution of multiples is definite for two given mag- nitudes A and B, and is different from that for A and C, if C differ from B by any magnitude however small.] The ratio of A to B is denoted thus, A : B, and A is called the antecedent, B the consequent, of the ratio. Def. 4. The ratio of one magnitude to another is equal to that of a third magnitude to a fourth {whether of the same or of a different kind from the first and second), when any equimultiples whatever of the a?itecede?its of the ratios being taken, and likewise any equimultiples what- ever of the consequents, the multiple of one antecedent is greater than, equal to, or less than, that of its consequent, according as that of the other antecedent is greater than, equal to, or less than, thai of its consequent. Or in other words : The ratio of A to B is equal to that of P to Q, when mA is greater than, equal to, or less than nB, according as wP is greater than, equal to, or less than nQ, whatever whole numbers m and n may be. PLANE GEOMETRY. 51 It is an immediate consequence that : The ratio of A to B is equal to that of P to Q, when, m being any number whatever, and n another number determined so that either mh. is between nB and (n + i)B or equal to nB, accord- ing as mA is between nB and (n+i)B or is equal to nB, so is mB between nQ and (n+ i)Q or equal to nQ. The definition may also be expressed thus : The ratio of A to B is equal to that of P to Q when the multi- ples of A are distributed among those of B in the same manner as the multiples of P are among those of Q. Def. 5. The ratio of one magnitude to another is greater than that of a third magnitude to a fourth, when equi- multiples of the antecedents and equimultiples of the consequents can be fou?id such that, while the multiple of the antecedent of the first is greater than, or equal to, that of its consequent, the multiple of the antecedent of the other is not greater, or is less, than that of its con- sequent. Or in other words : The ratio of A to B is greater than that of P to Q, when whole numbers m and n can be found, such that, while mh. is greater than nB, mB is not greater than nQ, or while mA = nB, «P is less than nQ. Def. 6. When the ratio of A to B is equal to that of P to Q, the four magnitudes are said to be proportionals or to form a proportion. The proportion is denoted thus : A:B::P:Q, which is read, "A is to B as P is to Q." A and Q are called the extremes, B and P the means, and Q is said to be the fourth proportional to A, B a?id P. The antecedents A, P are said to be homologous, and so are the consequents B, Q. E 2 52 A SYLLABUS OF Def. 7. Three magnitudes (A, B, C) of the same ki?id are said to be proportionals, when the ratio of the first to the second is equal to that of the second to the third : that is when A : B : : B : C. Ln this case C is said to be the third proportional to A and B, and B the mean proportional between A and C. Def. 8. The ratio of any magnitude to an equal magnitude is said to be a ratio of equality. Lf A be greater than B, the ratio A : B is said to be a ratio of greater inequality, and the ratio B : A a ratio of less inequality. Also the ratios A : B and B : A are said to be reciprocal to one another. Theor. 1. Ratios that are equal to the same ratio are equal to one another. [Let A : B : : P : Q and X : Y : : P : Q, then A : B : : X : Y. For the multiples of A being distributed among those of B as the multiples of P among those of Q, and the same being true of the multiples of X and Y, the multiples of A are distributed among those of B as the multiples of X among those of Y.] Theor. 2. If two ratios are equal, as the antecedent of the first is greater than, equal to, or less than its consequent, so is the antecedent of the other greater than, equal to, or less than its consequent. [Let A : B : : P : Q, then as A > = or < B, so is P > = or< Q. This is contained in Def. 4, if the multiples taken be the magnitudes themselves.] Theor. 3. If two ratios are equal, their reciprocal ratios are equal. (This inference is usually referred to as invertendo or inversely.) PLANE GEOMETRY. 53 [Let A : B : : P : Q, then B : A : : Q : P. For, since the multiples of A are distributed among those of B as the multiples of P among those of Q, the multiples of B are distributed among those of A as the multiples of Q among those of P.] Theor. 4. If the ratios of each of two magnitudes to a third magnitude be taken, the first ratio will be greater than, equal to, or less than the other as the first mag- nitude is greater than, equal to, or less than the other : and if the ratios of one magnitude to each of two others be taken, the first ratio will be greater than, equal to, or less than the other as the first of the two magnitudes is less than, equal to, or greater than the other. [Let A, B, C be three magnitudes of the same kind, then A : C > = or < B :C, as A > = or < B ; and C : A > = or < C : B, as A < = or > B. If A = B, it follows directly from Def. 4 that A : C : : B : C and C : A ::*-r-A.£/2? If A > B, m can be found such that ?»B is less than mA by a magnitude greater than C. Hence if wA be between nC and {n+ i)C, ori wA=«C, mB will be less than nC, whence (Def. 5) A : C > B : C ; Also, since nC>mB, while nC is not > mA (Def. 5) C : B >C : A or C : A A, and therefore B : C > A : C, that is A : C C : B. Hence the proposition is proved.] Cor. The converses of both parts of the proposition are true, since the Rule of Conversion is applicable. Theor. 5. The ratio of equimultiples of two magnitudes is equal to that of the magnitudes themselves. [Let A, B be two magnitudes, then mA : mB : : A : B. For as pA > = or < qB, so is m.pA > = or < m.qB ; but m.pA = p.mA and m. qB = q.mB, therefore as pA > = or = or < q. mB, whatever be the values of p and g, and hence mA : «B i : A : B.] Theor. 6. If two magnitudes (A, B) have the same ratio as two whole numbers (m, n), then nA = mB : and conversely if nh. = mB, A has to B the same ratio as m to ?i. [Of A and m take the equimultiples nA and n.m, and of B and n take the equimultiples mB and m.n, then since n.m = m.n, it follows (Def. 4) that nA = mB. Again, since (Def. 4) mB : nB : : m : n we have, if «A = otB, ?zA : nB : : m : n; whence it follows (Theor. 5) that A : B : : ■m : n.~\ Cor. If A : B :: P : Q and nA = ;;zB, then nV = mQ ; whence if A be a multiple, part, or multiple of a part of B, P is the same multiple, part, or multiple of a part of Q. Theor. 7. If four magnitudes of the same kind be proportionals, the first is greater than, equal to, or less than the third, according as the second is greater than, equal to, or less than the fourth. [Let A : B :: C : D. Then if A = C, A : B : : C : B, and therefore C : D : : C : B, whence B = D. Also if A > C, A : B > C : B, and therefore C : D > C : B, whence B>D. Again, if A = or < nC, as otB > = or < nD, and this being true for all values of m and n, A :C ::B : D.] Theor. 9. If any number of magnitudes of the same kind are proportionals, as one of the antecedents is to its consequent, so is sum of the antecedents to the sum of the consequents. (This inference is referred to as addendo.) [Let A:B::C:D::E:F, then A : B : : A + C + E : B + D + F. For as mA > = < nB, so is mC > = or < nD, and so also is wE > = or < n¥ ; whence it follows that so also is mA + mC + mK > = or < nB + nD + n¥ and therefore so is m( A + C + E) > = or < n(B + D + F), whence A : B :: A + C + E : B + D + F.] Theor. 10. If two ratios are equal, the sum or difference of the ante- cedent and consequent of the first has to the consequent the same ratio as the sum or difference of the antecedent and consequent of the other has to its consequent. (These inferences are referred to as componendo and dividendo respectively.) [Let A : B : : P : Q, then A+B:B::P + Q:Qand A~B:B::P~Q:Q. For, m being any whole number, n may be found such that either mA is between nB and (n+ 1) B, or mA = nB ; and therefore mA + mB is between mB + nB and mB + (n+i)B or = mB + nB ; but m A.+ mB = m(A + B) and mB + nB = (m + «)B, therefore m (A + B) is between (m + n)B and (m + n+i)B or = (m + n)B. But as mA is between nB and (n+ 1) B, or = nB, so is mB between nQ and (n+ i)Q, or = nQ ; whence as m (A + B) is between (m + n)B and (m + n+i)Bor = {m + n)B, so is w(P + Q) between (m.+ n)Q and {m + n+i)Q or = (m+n)Q, 56 A SYLLABUS OF and therefore, since m is any whole number whatever, A + B : B :: P + Q : Q. By like reasoning subtracting mB from mA and nB when A>B and thererore m < n, and subtracting mA and nB from mB when A < B and therefore m>n, it may be proved that A ~ B : B : : P ~ Q : Q.] Theor. ii. If two ratios are equal, and equimultiples of the antecedents and also of the consequents are taken, the multiple of the first antecedent has to that of its consequent the same ratio as the multiple of the other antecedent has to that of its consequent. [Let A : B : : P : Q, then mA : nB : : mB :nQ. For pm. A > = or < qn. B, as pm. aS = or < qn. Q, and therefore p.m A > = or < q.nB, z.% p.mB > = or < q.nQ, whence,/, q being any numbers whatever, mA : nB : : m? : nQ.] Theor. 12. If there are two sets of magnitudes, such that the first is to the second of the first set as the first to the second of the other set, and the second to the third of the first set as the second to the third of the other, and so on to the last magnitude : then the first is to the last of the first set as the first to the last of the other. (This inference is referred to as ex cequali.) [Let the two sets of three magnitudes be A, B, C and P, Q, R, and let A : B : : P : Q and B : C : : Q : R, then A : C : : P : R. Lemma. — As A > = or < C, so is P > = or < R. For A > C, A : B > C : B and C : B : : R : Q, therefore P : Q > R : Q, whence P > R. Similarly if A='C or if A< C. Hence the lemma is proved. (By Theor. 6), mA : mB : : mB : mQ, and (by Theor. u), mB : nC : : mQ : «R, whence by the lemma as mA > = or < nC, so PLANE GEOMETRY. 57 is wP > = or < nR, and therefore, m and n being any numbers whatever, A : C : : P : R. If there be more magnitudes than three in each set, as A, B, C, D and P, Q, R, S ; then, since A : B : : P : Q and B : C : : Q : R, therefore A : C : : P : R ; but C : D : : R : S, and therefore A : D : : P : S.] Cor. If A : B : : Q : R and B : C : : P : Q, then A : C :: P : R. [Let S be the fourth proportional to Q, R, P, then Q : R : : P : S, whence Q : P : : R : S and P : Q : : S : R. Hence A : B : : P : S and B : C : : S : R, therefore A : C : : P : R.] Theor. 13. If A : C : : P : R, and B : C : : Q : R, then A + B : C :: P + Q : R. Def. 9. If there are any nui7iber of magnitudes of the same kind, the first is said to have to the last the ratio compounded of the ratios of the first to the second, of the second to the third, and so on to the last magnitude. Def. 10. If there are any number of ratios, and a set of magnitudes is taken such that the ratio of the first to the second is equal to the first ratio, and the ratio of the second to the third is equal to the second ratio, and so on, then the first of the set is said to have to the last the ratio compounded of the original ratios. Obs. From these Definitions it follows, by Theor. 12, that if there be two sets of ratios equal to one another, each to each, the ratio compounded of the ratios of the first set is equal to that compounded of the ratios of the other set. Also that the ratio compounded of a given ratio and its reciprocal is the ratio of equality. 58 A SYLLABUS OF PLANE GEOMETRY. Def. ii. When two ratios are equal, the ratio compounded of them is called the duplicate ratio of either of the original ratios. Def. 12. When three ratios are equal, the ratio compounded of them is called the triplicate ratio of any one of the original ratios. Theor. 14. If two ratios are equal, their duplicate ratios are equal ; and conversely, if the duplicate ratios of two ratios are equal, the ratios themselves are equal. SECTION 2. FUNDAMENTAL GEOMETRICAL PROPOSITIONS. Theor. 15. If two straight lines are cut by a series of parallel straight lines, the intercepts on the" one have to one another the same ratios as the corresponding inter- cepts on the other have. Theor. 16. A given finite straight line can be divided internally into segments having any given ratio, and also externally into segments having any given ratio except the ratio of equality : and in each case there is only one such point of division. Theor. 17. A straight line which divides the sides of a triangle proportionally is parallel to the base of the triangle. Theor. 18. Rectangles of equal altitude are to one another in the same ratio as their bases. Cor. Parallelograms or triangles of the same altitude are to one another as their bases. Theor. 19. In the same circle or in equal circles angles at the centre and sectors are to one another as the arcs on which they stand. BOOK V. • PROPORTION. SECTION 1. SIMILAR FIGURES. Def. i. Jf the angles of a rectili?ieal figure, taken in order, are equal respectively to those of another, also taken in order, the figures are said to be equiangular. Each angle of the one is said to correspond to the angle equal to it in the other, and the sides joining the vertices of correspondi?ig angles are termed corresponding sides. Def. 2. Similar figures are such as are equiangular, and have their sides proportionals, the corresponding sides being homologous. Def. 3. Similar figures are said to be similarly situated upon given straight lines, when those straight lines are corresponding sides of the figures. Theor. 1. Rectilineal figures that are similar to the same rectilineal figure are similar to one another. Theor. 2. If two triangles have their angles respectively equal, they are similar, and those sides which are opposite to the equal angles are homologous. Theor. 3. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these 6o A SYLLABUS OF angles proportional, they are similar, and those angles which are opposite to the homologous sides are equal. Theor. 4. If two triangles have the sides taken in order about each of their angles proportional, they are similar, and those angles which are opposite to the homo- logous sides are equal. Theor. 5. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, and the sides about one other angle in each proportional, so that the sides opposite the equal angles are homologous, the triangles have their third angles equal or supplementary, and in the former case the triangles are similar. Cor. Two such triangles are similar — (1.) If the two angles given equal are right angles or obtuse angles. (2.) If the angles opposite to the other two homo- logous sides are both acute or both obtuse, or if one of them is a right angle. (3.) If the side opposite the given angle in each triangle is not less than the other given side. Theor. 6. If two similar rectilineal figures are placed so as to have their homologous sides parallel, all the straight lines joining the angular points of the one to the corresponding angular points of the other are parallel or meet in a point ; and the distances from that point along any straight line to the points where it meets homologous sides of the figures are in the ratio of the homologous sides of the figures. Cor. Similar rectilineal figures may be divided into the same number of similar triangles. PLANE GEOMETRY. 61 Def. 4. The point of intersection of all straight lines which join the corresponding points of two similar figures, whose corresponding sides are parallel, is called the centre of similarity of the two figures. Theor. 7. In a right-angled triangle if a perpendicular is drawn from the right angle to the hypotenuse it divides the triangle into two other triangles which are similar to the whole and to one another. Cor. Each side of the triangle is a mean proportional between the hypotenuse and the adjacent segment of the hypotenuse ; and the perpendicular is a mean pro- portional between the segments of the hypotenuse. Theor. 8. If from any angle of a triangle a straight line is drawn perpendicular to the base, the diameter of the circle circumscribing the triangle is the fourth proportional to the perpendicular and the sides of the triangle which contain that angle. Theor. 9. If the interior or exterior vertical angle of a triangle is bisected by a straight line which also cuts the base, the base is divided internally or externally in the ratio of the sides of the triangle. And, conversely, if the base is divided internally or externally in the ratio of the sides of the triangle, the straight line drawn from the point of division to the vertex bisects the interior or exterior vertical angle. 62 A SYLLABUS OF SECTION 2. AREAS. Theor. io. If four straight lines are proportional the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the rectangle contained by the means. And, conversely, if the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the rectangle contained by the means the four straight lines are proportional. Cor. If three straight lines are proportional the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the square on the mean ; and, conversely, if the rectangle contained by the extremes of three straight lines is equal to the square on the mean the lines are proportional. Theor. ii. Similar triangles are to one another in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides. Theor. 12. The areas of similar rectilineal figures are to one another in the duplicate ratio of their homologous sides. Cor. Similar rectilineal figures are to one another as the squares described on their homologous sides. Theor. 13. If four straight lines are proportional and a pair of similar rectilineal figures are similarly described on the first and second, and also a pair on the third and fourth, these figures are proportional. And, conversely, if a rectilineal figure on the first of four straight lines is to the similar and similarly described figure on the second as a rectilineal figure on the third is to the similar and similarly described PLANE GEOMETRY. 63 figure on the fourth, the four straight lines are proportional. Theor. 14. If two triangles or parallelograms have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, their areas have to one another the ratio compounded of the ratios of the including sides of the first to the in- cluding sides of the second. Cor. 1. If two triangles or parallelograms have one angle of the one supplementary to one angle of the other, their areas have to one another the ratio compounded of the ratios of the including sides of the first to the including sides of the second. Cor. 2. The ratio compounded of two ratios between straight lines is the same as the ratio of the rectangle con- tained by the antecedents to the rectangle contained by the consequents. Theor. 15. Triangles and parallelograms have to one another the ratio compounded of the ratios of their bases and of their altitudes. Theor. 16. In a right-angled triangle, any rectilineal figure described on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of two similar and similarly described figures on the sides. Theor. 17. The rectangle contained by the diagonals of a quadrilateral is less than the sum of the rectangles contained by opposite sides unless a circle can be circumscribed about the quadrilateral, in which case it is equal to that sum. 64 A SYLLABUS OF PLANE GEOMETRY. SECTION 3. LOCI AND PROBLEMS. Locus, i. To find the locus of a point whose distances f.om two intersecting straight lines are in a given ratio. Locus, ii. To find the locus of a point whose distances from two given points are in a given ratio (not one of equality). Prob. i. To divide a straight line similarly to a given divided straight line. Prob. 2. To divide a straight line internally or externally in a given ratio. Prob. 3. From a given straight line to cut off any part required. Prob. 4. To find a fourth proportional to three given straight lines. Prob. 5. To find a mean proportional between two given straight lines. Prob. 6. On a given straight line to describe a rectilineal figure similar and similarly situated to a given rectilineal figure on another given straight line. Prob. 7. To describe a rectilineal figure equal to one and similar to another given rectilineal figure. K OS" s&jTPOg RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BUNGAY. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 24 \m *# J0V27»»?6o MAR 25 1948 %^ RECEIVED REC'D LD H0W13 , 67-2PM lttpfi^' NOV 8 1957 LOAN DEPT. 250^* UMar^DW 22Jan'58Rj| « REC'D LD m cfp 25A95B JAN 8 1353 pteco to 2O0ct'59C8l SIP 25^ LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 ^jfm^t^>