5OMJ ASSURANCES IMMORTALITY UC-NRLF flS3 CO CM r^ CO o JOHN B.R BERRY GIFT OF Some Hssurancea of Ifmmortalits By John B. N. Berry R. F. FENNO & COMPANY 18 EAST 17TH ST. NEW YORK COPYRIGHT 1909 BY JOHN B. N. BERRY Immortality CONTENTS. PAGE Who and What is God? 9 Where is the Soul ? 15 Man's Immortality 19 Spiritism 27 Materialization 40 Faith ., 46 Intuition and Conscience 52 Prayer 56 Love 61 Trust Hope 65 303979 Some Assurances of Immortality. WHO AND WHAT IS GOD? All men accede to the proposition that there must have been a first cause, but many deny that personality was a concomitant of the first cause. Some take an agnostic position; not a few have some conception of God, but refuse to wrap Him up in a word or superinscribe him with anything likened unto an anthropomorphic form. Before we should formulate an opinion, or reach a conclusion, we must have a concept of the subject and work out the proposition to its logical conclusion. In facing this question of the first cause, as both judge and jury, we must decide for ourselves alone the verdict that is to make us heirs of immortality, or the flotsam and jetsam of matter and chance. 9 19 flc.ms Aas'iranoes of Immortality Whilst some of the old biblical characters state they had seen God : Jacob, "I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved:' 7 Isaiah, "For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts," yet St. John says, "No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him": and Christ, talking to Philip, when Philip said unto him, "Lord, show us the Father and it sufficeth us," an- swered, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father," thus epitomizing all we have that is authentically given us concerning the person- ality of God, for I propose to demonstrate the first cause to be God, a personage. Our mental unfolding will not admit of adoration and submission to a vague attenua- tion of an all-pervading essence; it is too un- graspable for our powers ; less concrete than the most diaphanous of our hallucinations! We must have Infinite Power, Absolute Mind, All Pervading Influence to win the surrender of