OF A .V DWIGE' 7 C;CW^P,D UTSCARD The Good News WORKS BY DWIGHT GODDARD TESUS And the Problems of J Human Life 1 2 mo, cloth, net, 50 cents These discourses show the value and use- fulness of the Good News of a Spiritual Realm and the Way of Salvation to anyone who has felt a desire to make that supreme adventure in faith. They set the "Good News" into its right relation with present- day thought. THE GOOD NEWS Of a Spiritual Realm Paraphrased by DWIGHT GODDARD Second Edition, 12 mo, cloth, net, $r.oo An interweaving and paraphrasing of the Four Gospels, bringing out clearly the unity and reasonableness of Jesus' Life and Teach- ings. Appropriate for devotional reading, study classes, and as a gift book to those we would like to become interested in our Lord. . .c, r<; ThejGood News * Of a Spiritual Realm / Paraphrased by DWIGHT GODDARD NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO Fleming H. Revell Company LONDON AND EDINBURGH Copyrighted, 1915, by DWIGHT GODDARD, Ann Arbor, Michigan Revised Edition copyrighted, 1916, by DWIGHT GODDARD, Ann Arbor, Michigan New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 17 North Wabash Ave. Toronto: 25 Richmond Street, W. London: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 100 Princes Street The Problem of Human Life calls for an Explanation of the Conflict That Is Going on Within the Human Heart Between the Forces That Are Working for the Preservation and Assertion of the Natural Life and the Forces Working for the Creadon of a Spiritual Life. JESUS OF NAZARETH PROCLAIMED THE GOOD NEWS OF A SPIRITUAL REALM He Asserted the Independent Reality of the Spiritual Realm ; He Asserted the Supremacy of the Spiritual Law of Love ; He Asserted the Existence of a Way to Transcend the Natural and Advance into the Spiritual. This Book is Dedicated To the Solution of this Problem of Human Life in Accordance with the Good News Proclaimed by Jesus. Preface THIS book is an interweaving of the Four Gospels into one connected account of the Life and the Teach- ings of Jesus of Nazareth, in which the effort is made by free translation and paraphrase to bring out the unity and the reasonableness of his life and teachings from a modern point of view. It has been very unfortunate that Jesus' life and teachings have been so largely studied as a part of the whole history of the Christian Church and Christian dogma. This has in- evitably resulted in straining and distorting them out of their original and characteristic simplicity. This screening and obscuring of his original thought began at the very begin- ning. Jesus was again and again distressed because his own disciples, who were com- paratively uneducated men, failed to under- stand and to appreciate the significance of his teachings. Then the history of his life and teachings was not written down for many tens of years after his death, which gave plenty of time for 7 8 Preface these misunderstandings to become exagger- ated ; and our record in the Four Gospels is only what certain of his disciples remembered of what they understood him to say. To make the matter worse, by the time the record was being made, the development of the Christian Church was Well under way and the disciples were doing their best to defend and to support it. They might uncon- sciously but quite naturally be drawn to color the record to suit the defense of the growing Church. In particular, there were three especially important influences working against the sur- vival of pure Christianity: namely, first, the almost universal Jewish belief in the coming of a Messiah who would restore their nation to its old place of religious prestige. Rather than give up this mistaken idea of the Messianic Kingdom they crucified the Lord, and even the disciples cherished to the last a belief in the second coming of Jesus to fulfill this hope. Would it not be quite natural for the disciples to unconsciously interpret what Jesus did say to strengthen this belief ? Second, when the disciples left Judea and came into contact with Grecian culture and philosophy they would naturally be drawn into trying to make Chris- tian doctrine square with them. The writings of Paul show how strong this temptation was. Preface 9 Third, with the growth of the Christian Church as an institution and under the influence of Koman organization and authority, there would be a constant temptation for the writers of the Four Gospels to recall words and instances that could be used to support their growing ecclesi- astical authority. Moreover, we must remember that Jesus was an Oriental and would therefore probably think as an Oriental. We must expect his teachings to have been illustrative and suggestive rather than didactic and precise. We must expect that his actual words contained a deeper sig- nificance than his immediate disciples, or his age, for that matter, could have sounded or recorded. If Jesus had, as the world generally believes that he did have, an extraordinary intuition for spiritual truth, then we have a right, not so much to translate an approved text with exactness as we have to discern his thought and to interpret it in the light of sub- sequent wisdom, provided we do it with a humble purpose to reflect his deeper thought and message. The writer has been guided by certain in- terpretive principles. First, he has tried to discern in the teachings of Jesus a central idea around which all the rest could be har- monized, and found it in Jesus' conception of the Kingdom of God. Second, he has tried to io Preface be true to a spiritual intuition of Jesus' mean- ing. He has constantly asked himself the question, " Does this sound like Jesus ? " and has given that question equal attention with textual authority. Third, he has tried as far as possible to make every rendering suggestive of its deeper spiritual significance. As a result of being guided by these prin- ciples, the character and thought of Jesus stand out in clear relief. "We see him as a man of one idea. He is constantly talking about this Kingdom of God, what it is, what is God's relation to it, and what is man's relation to it, and what is man's relation to his fellow men in the light of it. In parable, explanation, exhortation, and in miracle, he is ever trying to make clear his conception of it, and to bring men to conform their lives to it. To him the Kingdom of God is no merely ideal state of human society, but is an inde- pendent realm of spiritual reality, an over- world of Love. He sees it to be very near, yet to be so different from the natural realm of material things as to be far, far removed from worldly eyes. Words fail him to adequately describe its glories, and his greatest sorrow seems to be that men are blind and indifferent to its blessed nearness and reality. In this Realm of the Spirit Jesus sees God ruling as Sovereign Love whose attitude towards Preface 1 1 the children of men is that of the highest paternal love and authority, and so he teaches men to think of God as the Father of Love. He perceives that this paternal love of God for humanity is expressing itself in three ways : in a revelation of the source of moral authority, in a revelation of the Divine Love Idea in- carnated in Jesus, and in an issue of the Divine Love Vitality, the Holy Spirit, by reason of which the human is enabled to transcend the limitations of the natural and to advance into the higher life of the spiritual. Jesus believed that he, himself, was the in- carnation of this Divine Love Idea, that he was the expression in human terms of this Love Thought of the Father, that he was, in a special sense, the Son of God. He perceived that in every human soul there is a spiritual germ that can be quickened into life, not by the will of men, but only by the will of the Father Love, and in his Way. This Way of Life, as Jesus revealed it to men, was to cherish the Love Thought, to trust the Divine Love Vitality, and to obey the spiritual influence that came from the Father of Love to the children of men. This was the Good News of a Spiritual Kealm that Jesus felt to be his mission to proclaim and to exemplify, and to this mission he devoted his short life so tilled with activity and kindness and wisdom. 12 Preface He asserted the independent reality of a Spiritual Kealm ; he asserted the supremacy of its Law of Love; he asserted the loving and paternal authority of God ; he asserted the ex- istence of a Way into a higher Life of the Spirit ; and then he called on men everywhere to repent and to believe and to make Love the controlling motive in a life of service, in a quest for the Spiritual Realm. But the glory of Jesus' life is not in the assertion of these principles, but is in the fidelity of his own life to them, even to the death of the cross that he might bear the sin of the world. This system of thought is certainly philo- sophical in its unity and universality, and it is scientific in its openness to test and proof. Jesus himself deprecated argument and chal- lenged men to put his words to the test, promising that thereby they would know. Christendom has always been divided on ques- tions of definition and dogma ; it ought not to have been so, because Christianity does not so much call for defense by logic and argument as it does for demonstration, and wherever it is tried it wins its way. As we ponder the great problem of human life, its meaning and destiny, the Way of Life which Jesus proclaimed more and more com- mends itself to us as the only way of escape from the grim determinism of nature. " Lord, Preface 13 to whom else can we go ? Thou alone hast the words of eternal life." Jesus' teachings and the example of his life are preeminently an appeal, an appeal to action and to adventure. To freshen this appeal by clothing it in new phraseology, and by so doing to make it more insistent and forceful, is the purpose of this work. Only a few verbal changes are made in this second edition ; the most important change being in the substitution of the phrase, The Father of Love, as a para- phrase for the name of Deity, in order to make more emphatic Jesus' belief in the personality of God and in his infinitely loving nature. DWIGHT GODDAKD. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Table of Contents PAGE PROLOGUE 17 CHAPTER ONE. Birth and Childhood of Jesus 19 CHAPTER Two. Opening Events . . 33 CHAPTER THREE. Earliest Teaching in Jerusalem 46 CHAPTER FOUR. Early Teaching in Galilee 64 CHAPTER FIVE. Choosing the Twelve and Stay in Galilee 70 CHAPTER Six. Premonitions of the Crisis 120 CHAPTER SEVEN. Farewell to Galilee and Public Proclamation of Messiahship . 144 CHAPTER EIGHT. Triumphal Entrance Into Jerusalem and Last Supper . . . 199 CHAPTER NINE. Trial and Execution . 246 CHAPTER TEN. Ascension and Beginnings of a Cooperative Brotherhood . . 267 REFERENCE INDEX . . . 287 Prologue f ^HE Love Thought was the beginning. In the very beginning it was with the JL Father of Love and it was the Father of Love. All things were made by the Love Thought and without it was not anything made that ever was made. In it was Life and the Life was the Light of men. The Light shone in darkness and the darkness has never been able to overcome it, or even to comprehend it. The Love Thought was the true Light that should illumine every soul by its coming into the world. The Love Thought was in the world and all that exists was made by it and yet the world did not recognize it. In the fullness of time this Love Thought was expressed in a human Life that lived among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory that belonged to him as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth ; and of his fullness we are ever receiving grace upon grace. He came to a place that was his own, but his own people gave him no welcome, but to as many as did receive him, who really trusted in John i. 1-18. 7 i8 Prologue his name of Love, to them was given power to enter the Spiritual Realm, because they had become children of Love. They were reborn, not by natural vitality, nor by an impulse of their own volition, nor by the will of a human father, but by the desire of the Father of Love. The Law was given by Moses, but the re- deeming power of Love and an entrance into the Spiritual Realm came through Jesus the long promised Messiah. No human eye has ever seen the Father of Love, but the nature of the Father and his "Way of Life have been re- vealed by the Son, who was his own Love Thought from the beginning. CHAPTER ONE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD IN the days of Herod, King of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, who be- longed to the Abijah division of the priesthood. His wife, Elizabeth, was also a descendant from Aaron. They were both up- right in character and had lived blamelessly in all the precepts and ordinances of the Lord. They were now well advanced in years but, to their great sorrow, had had no children. In the temple service, at the hour for burning incense, while all the multitude of the people remained outside in prayer, it was the custom for one priest, who was chosen by lot, to enter the Holy of Holies and offer the incense. On one occasion the lot fell to Zechariah. He had entered and was burning the incense when an angel of the Lord appeared to be standing on the right side of the altar. Zechariah was troubled and afraid when he saw him, but the angel reassured him and said, " Zechariah, your earnest prayers have been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear a son and you are to call Luke i. 5-80. '9 2o The Good News his name John. You will have joy and glad- ness and many will rejoice at his birth. He will be great in the sight of the Lord ; he will abstain from all fermented drink and, from his birth, will be filled with Divine Vitality. " He will turn many of the children of Israel to the Father of Love, their Lord. He will be the forerunner of the Messiah and have the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and to turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the good, and thus to make ready a people prepared to wel- come the Lord." Zechariah said to the angel, " I am an old man and my wife is aged also ; how shall I be sure of this ? " The angel replied, " I stand in the presence of the Father of Love and am sent to tell you the Good News. It will come to pass in due time, but because you are slow to believe you will be unable to speak until that time." Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zechariah to reappear and were surprised that he stayed so long. When he finally came out and they saw that he was unable to speak, but made signs to them, they perceived that, while he had been within, he had seen a vision. When his days of temple service were ended, he went to his home, and, in the course of time, his wife Elizabeth conceived. For five months /- Birth and Childhood 21 she kept in retirement, saying, " The Lord has looked kindly upon me and taken away my reproach." AT this time there was living in Nazareth of Galilee a loving and devout girl named Mary. She was betrothed to a man named Joseph, and they were both lineal descendants of Abraham and the royal house of David. In the sixth month an angel from God ap- peared to Mary and said : " Congratulations, most favored one, the Lord is with you." She was greatly agitated at such a strange greeting and wondered what it meant. The angel continued, " Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with the Father of Love. You are to bear a son and call his name Jesus. He will be of great renown ; men will call him, * Son of the Most High ' ; and the Father of Love, the Lord, will give him the throne of his father David. He will reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom there will be no limit." Mary said, " How can it be possible, seeing that I am not yet married ? " The angel an- swered, " Divine Vitality will come to you, and the power of the Most High will enfold you. For this reason he that shall be born will be revered and will be called the Son of God ; and no purpose of his will ever fail." 22 The Good News Mary replied, " I give myself wholly to the Lord. Let it be to me as you have said." The angel said, " Listen, Mary, your relative Elizabeth has conceived a son in her old age, and she, who was called barren, is now in her sixth month." Then the angel disappeared from her presence. Mary went at once to the home of Zechariah in the hill country of Judea to see Elizabeth. As soon as Elizabeth heard her greeting, the babe moved within her. She was filled with Divine Vitality and cried out : " Oh, most blessed among women, and your child shall be blessed ! Why is this honor, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, even the babe within me moved from very joy. Oh, blessed one ! Because you have faith, there will be fulfillment of all the promises made to you from the Lord." Mary replied : " MY soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit doth rejoice in God my Saviour. For he hath looJced on the low estate of his hand- maid ; And from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty has done to me great things And reverend is his name. His mercy is unto them that fear him Birth and Childhood 23 From generation to generation. He hath showed strength with his arm ; He hath scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts ; He hath put down princes from their thrones / He hath exalted them of low degree. The hungry he hath filed with good things. And the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath given help to his servant Israel In remembrance of his mercy y As he promised unto our fathers. To Abraham and to his seed for ever." Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months and then returned to her own home. In due time Elizabeth brought forth a son and her kinsfolk and neighbors rejoiced with her when they saw how the Lord had magnified his mercy towards her. ON the eighth day, according to custom, they came to circumcise the child and would have christened him Zechariah, after his father's name, but his mother objected and said that he was to be called John. They reminded her that none of the family bore that name and, using signs, asked the father what the child was to be called. He asked for a writing tab- let and wrote, " His name is John." Then he was conscious that he could speak and immediately, being filled with Divine Vi- tality, he burst forth in a rapture of praise : 24 The Good News " BLESSED be the Lord God of Israel; For he hath not forgotten his people, But hath prepared redemption And hath raised up a mighty salvation for them In the house of his servant David, As he promised by the prophets of old. He hath saved us from our enemies And from the hand of all that hate us. He hath shown kindness to our fathers And hath remembered his sacred covenant. Which he made with our father Abraham, That he would keep us safe From the hand of our enemies. 80 that we might serve him without fear, In piety and uprightness all our days. And thou, Oh child, shalt be called Prophet of the Most High I Thou shalt go before to prepare the way of the Lord, Who will give knowledge of salvation to his people, Through the forgiveness of their sins, By the tender mercy of our God. It will be to us as the daybreak from on high, And to those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide our feet into the path of peace." The neighbors were filled with awe, for the hand of the Lord was evidently with him. The events were remembered and talked about Birth and Childhood 25 throughout all the hill country and many won- dered what the child would become. Mean- while the child grew strong in body and char- acter, but remained in seclusion until the time for him to appear publicly in Israel. BEFORE Joseph married Mary, his be- trothed, it was brought to his attention that she had conceived. Being a good man, and not willing to bring her into public disgrace, he thought to separate from her quietly. While he was still thinking about it, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said : " Joseph, son of David, do not hesitate to marry Mary, your betrothed, for that which is conceived in her is of the Divine Vitality. She will bring forth a son and he is to be called Jesus, for it is he that shall save his people from their sins." All this took place in fulfillment of what the Lord had foretold by the prophet. " Behold a young worrum will be with child and will bring forth a son ; let bolh grow until the 96 The Good News harvest. Then you must first separate out the darnel and burn it and afterwards gather the wheat into the granary.' " The Spiritual Realm is like a grain field. The farmer scatters the seed on the earth and then goes to rest, but night and day the seed germinates and grows without his help. Nature brings forth the growth, first the blade, then the blossom and then the seed ; but when the grain is ripe then the farmer uses the sickle, be- cause the harvest is ready. " The Spiritual Realm is like a grain of mus- tard seed which a man planted in his field. It is, as you know, the smallest of seeds, but when it is grown, it is larger than a shrub, as big as a tree, and the birds of the air rest in its shelter. " The Spiritual Realm is like a little cake of yeast which a woman puts in a great mass of dough and the whole is leavened. The Spi i- tual Realm is like a treasure hid in a field. The man that finds it goes and sells all that he has to buy the field. The Spiritual Realm is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls. When he finds a perfect gem, he sells all he has to buy it. " The Spiritual Realm is like a dragnet that is cast into the sea. When it is filled men draw it to the beach and save the good, and the bad are Luke xiii. 38-21. Choosing the Twelve 97 thrown away. So shall it be at the end of the age. The angels will separate the evil from the good. There will be weeping and vain regrets, but the evil will be utterly destroyed." Jesus continued to speak in parables to the multitudes that followed him, and then when he was alone with his disciples he would explain them. The one about the good seed he ex- plained as follows : " The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world. The good seed are those who have been vitalized by love and reborn as children of the Spiritual Realm. The darnel are the children of evil and the enemy that sowed it is the devil. " The harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are angels. Just as the darnel is sepa- rated out and burnt, so the evil will be des- troyed at the end of the age. The Son of man shall send his angels and they shall separate out everything that causes stumbling and those that live wickedly. There will be weeping and vain regrets, but they will be utterly destroyed. Then will the righteous shine forth in the Spir- itual Realm as the sun. He that has ears to hear let him ponder these things." Jesus asked them if they had understood all that he had told them about the Spiritual Realm and they answered that they had. Then he said to them, " You are now going forth to teach others about this Spiritual Realm. If 98 The Good News you are wise you will select from your store of wisdom the vital things, whether they be new or old." ONE evening he proposed to his disciples that they take a boat and go over to the other side. So they launched a boat and setting sail left the multitude. Jesus was very tired and fell asleep on a cushion in the stern of the boat. They had not gone very far when a great storm of wind arose and the waves beat into the boat until it was in danger of sinking. Then the disciples in alarm woke Jesus and said, " Master, wake up ! We are perishing." Jesus awoke and said to them, " Oh, you of little faith ! " Then he rebuked the winds and the raging waves, saying, "Peace, be still!" And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Turn- ing to the disciples he said, " Why were you afraid? Have you still no faith?" But the men were thoroughly frightened and wonder- ingly said to one another, " Who is he, that even the wind and the waves obey him ? " WHEN they had crossed over they were in the country of the Gadarenes. They had not gone far when they were met by a maniac. Matthew viii. 23-27 ; Mark iv. 35-41 ; Luke viii. 22-25. Matthew viii. 28-34; Mark v. 1-20; Luke viii. 26-39. Choosing the Twelve 99 He was very violent and no one was strong enough to hold him. Even fetters seemed use- less, for he had often been bound with ropes and chains, but had as often broken loose. Men were afraid to venture on the roads in his vi- cinity and all the time, night and day, he was wandering about naked in the tombs and the mountains, crying out and cutting himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance he ran and worshipped him. Crouching at his feet he said, " "What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God. Have you come to tor- ment me before my time ? " Jesus said, " Come forth, you unclean spirits." " In God's name do not torment me," shrieked the mad man. Jesus quietly asked him his name and he re- plied, " My name is Legion, the devils in me are so many." It happened at just the time the demons left the maniac that there was a large herd of swine feeding near by. Taking a sudden fright they rushed down the mountainside and plunged into the sea. The men who were watching the swine went into the town and reported that the demons from this maniac had entered the swine and caused them to rush into the sea. The townspeople came to see for themselves and found the man who had been a raving maniac sitting by Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. loo The Good News Those that had seen what had happened told all about it to those that had just come. The Gadarenes were alarmed and all asked Jesus to leave their region, and so Jesus and his disciples returned to their boat. Just as they were push- ing off the man who had been cured urged Jesus to let him go with him ; but Jesus was unwilling and told him to return to his own home and friends and show them what great things the Father of Love had done, and how mercy had been shown towards him. So the man went away and told in all Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him. WHEN Jesus had crossed over and come into his own country again a great multitude wel- comed him, for they had been waiting for his return. One of the officers of the synagogue named Jairus came up to Jesus and prostrated himself at his feet. With very earnest entreaties he urged Jesus to come and lay his hands on his little daughter, who lay at the point of death. Jesus with his disciples went with the man, and a great multitude followed. While they were moving along a woman who had a hemorrhage came up behind him and touched the border of his garment. She had Matthew ix. 18-26; Mark v. 21-43; Luke viii. 40-56. Choosing the Twelve 101 suffered for twelve years, had consulted many physicians, and spent all that she had, but with no improvement. Having heard the things that Jesus had done, she pushed her way into the crowd about Jesus, saying to herself, " If I can only touch the border of his garment, I shall be healed." Immediately the issue of blood ceased and she knew that she was healed. Jesus was con- scious that some' one had touched him and asked who it was. Peter said, " Master, you can see the crowd. It is impossible to tell who touched you." Jesus said, " Some one has touched me for I am conscious that vitality has gone from me." When the woman saw that she could not re- main unnoticed, she came forward trembling and, falling at Jesus' feet, she told all the peo- ple for what cause she had touched him and how she had been immediately healed. Jesus said to her, " Daughter, it is your faith that has made you whole. You may go now in peace." While he was speaking a messenger from the house of Jairus met them and reported that the little girl had died and that there was no need of troubling the Master any more. Jesus over- heard the message and said to Jairus, " Have no fear. If you keep your faith, she will live." When they reached the house there was a 1O2 The Good News great tumult of flute players and many were weeping and wailing. Jesus said to them, " Why do you make such a tumult and weep ? The child is not dead, she is only sleeping." But they ridiculed the idea, feeling sure that the child was dead. Jesus sent them all out and permitted no one to enter but the father and mother with Peter, James, and John. They went into the room where the child lay and Jesus took the little girl by the hand and said, " Little girl, I want you to get up." At once her spirit returned and she arose and walked about the room and Jesus told them to give her something to eat. Every one was filled with amazement beyond measure, but, in spite of Jesus commanding them not to talk about it, the report of it went everywhere. AS Jesus was returning, two blind men fol- lowed him crying out, " Have mercy on us, Oh Son of David." He went into a house but still the blind men followed him. Jesus said to them, " Do you really believe that I am able to give you sight ? " " Yes, Lord, yes," they cried. Then he touched their eyes, saying, " As you have faith, so shall it be done to you." At once their eyes were opened. Matthew ix. 27-32. Choosing the Twelve 103 Jesus charged them sternly not to talk with others about it, but they went forth and spread the knowledge of it everywhere. Returning to his native town one Sabbath, he taught in the synagogue and many, hearing him, were astonished. They questioned each other, saying, " Where does this man get his wisdom and the power to do these mighty works ? What does it all mean ? Is he not the son of the carpenter, is not his mother Mary, whom we all know, and are not James and Joses and Judas his brothers ? His sisters, are they not here with us ? " The very familiarity of his surroundings caused them to stumble and because of their unbelief he could do no mighty works among them. All he could do was to lay his hands on a few sick and heal them ; and Jesus wondered at their persistent unbelief. AS Jesus went about the country and saw the multitudes of those that were sick and un- happy and distressed, just like a flock of sheep without a shepherd, his heart was filled with pity. He said to his disciples, " The harvest, in- Matthew xiii. 54-58; Mark vi. 1-6. Matthew ix. 36-xi. 1 ; Mark vi. 7-13 ; Luke ix. 1-6 ; xii. 1-12. 104 The Good News deed, is plenteous, but the laborers are few. You must pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth his reapers." Then taking his disciples apart, he gave them authority over demons, to cast them out, and power to heal all manner of sickness and infirmity. He said to them : " I am going to send you forth two by two. Do not associate with for- eigners, or go into the towns of Samaria, but go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As yon go about, preach, saying, ' The Spiritual Keabn is close at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. As you have received without pay, give as freely. Do not provide a store of gold, or silver, or copper in your purses. Do not take a hand-bag for your journey, do not take extra coats, or shoes, or even food, for the laborer is worthy of his support. " When you go into a town or village, inquire for the house of some good man and make it your home until you leave the place. When you enter the home give it your benediction. If it is a worthy home, your blessing will be appreciated. If it is not a worthy home, you will be conscious that your presence is not wel- come, and you must go elsewhere. " If any one refuses to receive you, or to listen to your message, when you leave the house or the town, do not denounce them or Choosing the Twelve 105 get angry. It will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for that place. " Listen ! I am sending you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. You must therefore be wise and sagacious, but harmless as doves. Beware of men, especially, for they will de- liver you to the Sanhedrin and scourge you in the synagogues. Yes, you will be brought be- fore officials and even kings, for my sake, to bear witness before them and to the nations. " At such times do not be anxious as to what or how you shall speak. Remember it is not you that speaks, but the Love Vitality of your Father that is speaking through you. Do not be fearful ; it will be given you in that hour what you shall speak. What I tell you in secret, you must speak in public, and what you hear in the ear, proclaim from the housetops. There is nothing covered that shall not be re- vealed, or secret that shall not be known. " A scholar cannot be more privileged than his teacher, or a servant than his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelze- bub, much more quickly will they call those of his household. But do not be afraid. They can kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul. Rather be in awe of him who can des- troy both soul and body. " Are not two sparrows sold for a penny ? And yet not one of them can fall to the earth 106 The Good News without the knowledge of your Father. "Why, the very hairs of your head are numbered. Do not be afraid therefore, for you are of more value than many sparrows. Every one that shall confess me before men, him will I con- fess before my Father who is in the Spiritual Realm. But he who denies me before men, him will I also deny before my Father. " Do not think that I have come to send peace on the earth. I came not to send peace but a sword. I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's foes shall be they of his own family. He that loves father and mother more than me is not worthy of me ; and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. " He that is unwilling to take up his burden and follow me is not worthy of me. He that cherishes his life will lose it ; but he that forgets his life for my sake shall find it. He that re- ceives you receives me; and he that receives me receives Him that sent me. " He that receives a prophet, because he is a prophet, shall receive the reward of a prophet. He that receives a good man because he is a good man shall receive the reward of a good man. Whoever, because he is a disciple, gives even a drink of cold water to a little child, he, most certainly, will receive his reward." Choosing the Twelve 107 When Jesus had finished speaking they went out by twos into all the villages, telling the Good News, casting out demons, anointing with oil and healing the sick. MEANWHILE, Herod had kept John the Baptist in prison, but sent for him from time to time, to listen to his words. John's words made him very thoughtful and perplexed, but the king heard him gladly and became con- vinced that John was a righteous and a devout man, and consequently the king feared him. Herod gave a feast on his birthday to which he invited all his lords and high military officers and the chief men of Galilee. The daughter of Herodias came and danced before them and so pleased the king and them that sat at the feast with him that he said to her, " You may ask of me what you will unto half my kingdom and I will give it to you." She went out and consulted her mother. Herodias still cherished her anger against John, because of his rebuke to the king on her account. She said, " Ask the king for the head of John the Baptist." Quickly the daughter re- turned to the presence of the king and said, " Sir, I choose that you bring to me at once the head of John the Baptist." Matthew xiv. 1-12 ; Mark vi. 14-29 ; Luke ix. 7-9. lo8 The Good News The king was bitterly sorry, but for his oath's sake and out of respect for those that sat at the feast with him, he could not refuse her. He sent a soldier of his guard with orders to bring the head. When it was done, it was given to the maiden and she gave it to her mother. When his disciples heard of it they took away the dead body and laid it in a tomb and then they went and told Jesus. THE twelve began to return and to tell Jesus all the things they had taught and done. There were many coming and going and they hardly had time to eat, so Jesus said to them, " Come away with me to the desert where we can be alone and you can rest." So they with- drew in a boat to the other side of the sea to a desert place. When the multitude learned of their where- abouts they followed on foot out of all the towns. When Jesus saw them coming, he had pity for them, because they seemed so friend- less, like sheep without a shepherd, and there were many sick among them. He welcomed them all and talked with them about the Spir- itual Kealm, and such as were sick he healed. Matthew xiv. 13-23 ; Mark vi. 30-46 ; Luke ix. 10-17 ; John vi. 1-15. Choosing the Twelve 109 He said to them, " Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." When evening drew near his disciples said to him, " This is a desert place and the day is far spent. Send the people away that they may go into the villages round about and get some- thing to eat and lodging for the night." But Jesus said to them, " There is no need for them to go away. You can give them something to eat." Turning to Philip, to test him, for he himself knew what he would do, he said, " Where shall we buy bread so that all of these may eat ? " Philip answered, " Fifty dollars' worth of bread would not be enough to give each one a taste." Jesus asked them how many loaves they had. Andrew replied, " There is a lad here that has five barley loaves and two fish, but what is that among so many ? " Jesus said, " Ask the people to sit down in groups." The place was a grassy hillside and they ar- ranged themselves in companies and ranks of about fifty or a hundred, to the number of Matthew xi. 28-30. 1 io The Good News about five thousand. Jesus took the loaves and the fish and looking up offered a blessing on the food and then divided it into portions and gave it to the disciples and they passed it to the groups. They all ate and were satisfied and, of the food that was left over and the broken pieces, they gathered up twelve baskets. When the multitude began to realize what a marvel this was, they said, " This is truly the prophet that was to come." Jesus, seeing that they had it in their hearts to take him by force and make him their king, persuaded his dis- ciples to take a boat and return to Bethsaida. After they were gone he sent the multitude away, and he, himself, went up into the moun- tains alone to pray. THE disciples were well out on the sea and the night had settled down. A contrary wind had sprung up so that they were tossed about and distressed at their rowing. Jesus knew that they must be weary and in danger and so he came to them, walking on the water. The disciples saw him approaching the boat and at first thought it was a ghost, and were very much alarmed and cried out. But Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Do not be afraid. It is I, have courage." Matthew xiv. 24-36 ; Mark vi. 47-^56 ; John vi. 16-21. Choosing the Twelve ill Peter said, " Lord, if it is truly you, let me come to you on the water." Jesus told him to come, and Peter went down from the boat and started to walk towards Jesus. But seeing the boisterous waves and the wind, he became afraid and began to sink, crying out, "Lord, save me." Jesus at once reached out his hand and held him up, saying, " How little you trust me. Why did you doubt ? " Then they re- ceived them into the boat and at once the wind died down and in a little while they came to where they were going. While they were still in the boat they worshipped him, saying, " It is true, you must be the Son of God." And yet they did not understand the full significance of it all his power to supply unlimited food, his ability to dominate the powers of nature. It seemed as though even their hearts were hardened. They landed on the shores of Gennesaret and were quickly recognized. Word was sent to all the region about and a crowd soon gathered, bringing the sick on beds, anxious to be healed, to touch even the border of his garment ; and as many as did so were immediately healed. ON the morrow the crowd still waited about on the other side of the sea for Jesus to appear. John vi. 23-71. 112 The Good News They knew that the disciples had gone away alone in one of the only two boats that were available and one of them was still there. After a time they became convinced that Jesus had gone and, other boats from Tiberias having come in, they embarked also for the other side, seeking Jesus. When they found him they asked him how he came across. Jesus replied to them, saying, " Listen to me. You seek me not because you have seen miracles and understand their significance, but because you ate of the food when you were hungry and were satisfied. You work hard for the food that perishes. You ought to work just as hard for that which sustains the timeless Life, which the Son of man can give you, for the Father of Love has empowered him to do it." " What must we do," they asked, " that we too may do the works of God ? " Jesus re- plied, " You should first understand in what the work of Love consists. This is the work of the Father of Love, that you believe and trust him whom he has sent, and are obedient to him." The crowd said : " Show us some proof that you really are sent from God. Do some great miracle that we may see and be convinced. When our fathers were in the wilderness they had proof. Manna was sent to them out of the sky and they ate it for years." Choosing the Twelve 113 Jesus said to them : " Oh, listen to what I tell you. Moses did not give you spiritual food ; it is my Father that gives you the true bread that comes from the Spiritual Kealm. The bread of Love is that which comes out of the Spiritual Realm and gives a higher Life to the world." They said, " Lord, give us that kind of bread for evermore." Jesus said : " I am this bread of the higher Life. He that comes to me shall never hunger and he that trusts me shall never thirst. But I have already told you that, although you have seen me, you do not trust me. All that the Father gives to me will re- spond to me, and him that comes to me I will never desert. " For I am come from the Spiritual Realm, not to do my own will, but to do the will of Him that sent me. This is the will of Him that sent me, that of all that He has given me I should not lose a single one, but should vitalize them for the last day. It is the will of my Father that every one that sees the Son and believes in him and is trustfully obedient to his teachings shall have the timeless Life and I will vitalize him for the last day." When Jesus said, "I am come from the Spiritual Realm," the Jews objected. They said, " This is Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know. How can he 1 14 The Good News claim to come down from heaven ? " Jesus said to them : " What is the use of murmuring among yourselves ? It is written in the Proph- ets, ' They shall all be taught of God? No one comes to me of himself. He can only come when the Father that sent me draws him and then I will vitalize him for the last day. "Every one that feels the drawing of the Father and responds to it comes to me. Not that any one has actually seen the Father, except he that has come from the Father of Love, he only has seen the Father. I want to emphasize this, he that believes and is trustfully obedient has the timeless Life, and I am the bread of that Life. " Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and are dead. The bread, about which I am telling you, that comes from the Spiritual Eealm, is such that, if a man partakes of it, he shall never cease living. I am that living bread that comes from the Spiritual Kealm. The sacrifice of my mortal body, which I am giving for the vitaUzation of the world, is the bread that I will give." THE Jews disputed with one another about his words. "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" they said. Jesus repeated his words still more emphatically, " Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his Choosing the Twelve 115 blood you cannot have Life in yourselves. He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood has the timeless Life and I will vitalize him for that last day. For my mortal body is the true bread and my blood is the true drink. He that eats my body and drinks my blood abides in me and I abide in him. As the living Fa- ther sent me and as I Live because of him, so he that eats me, he shall Live also because of me. " This is the bread that comes from the Spir- itual Kealm. Those of old, that ate the manna, died ; but those that eat this bread shall never die." These things were said in the synagogue at Capernaum. After hearing this talk many of his followers felt that it was too unnatural to be reasonable or to be accepted. Jesus knew that even his disciples were dis- cussing it and so he said to them, " Do these words of mine trouble you ? How different it would be if you could see the Son of man ascending to where he was before. Let me explain my meaning to you. You will remem- ber that I told you that the reason I taught in parables was that my words might be a separat- ing test between those who wanted to believe and those whose ears were deadened and whose hearts were hardened. "It is vitality that gives life; the natural flesh cannot give it. The vital force of the ii6 The Good News Spiritual Realm is Love and the words of love that I speak to you, they are vitality, they are Life. I am the incarnation of the Father's Love Thought ; he that gratefully and trust- fully receives me is eating my body and drink- ing my blood. The Love Thought will abide in him and will be the vitalizing principle and the nourishment of a higher Life his Life in the Spiritual Realm." Jesus knew all the time who believed in him and who would betray him and so he repeated his words again : " But no man comes to me unless he is led to do so by the Father and Love Vitality." AFTER this, many of his disciples went away and followed him no more. Jesus said to the twelve, " Will you, also, leave me ? " Peter answered, " Lord, to whom can we go ? You alone have the words of Eternal Life. We believe, we are certain, that you are the Divine One of God." Jesus replied, " Have I not chosen you, the twelve, and one of you even will prove to be a devil." (He referred to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who was one of the twelve and who afterwards betrayed him.) SOME of the Pharisees that had come from Matthew xv. 1-20 ; Mark vii. 1-23. Choosing the Twelve 117 Jerusalem observed that some of the disciples of Jesus ate their food with unwashed hands. This was in direct violation of the ceremonial law of the Jews, for they hold, in accordance with ancient traditions, that before eating the hands must be carefully cleansed. There are many other rules in regard to cleanliness, such as the necessity of bathing after returning from the market, rinsing all cups, jugs, and basins. The Pharisees and the scribes asked Jesus, therefore, why it was that his disciples did not observe these traditions of the ancients. Jesus replied: "Why do you transgress the com- mandments of God, in trying to live up to these traditions ? It was such hypocritical conduct that Isaiah rebuked, when he wrote, " l This people honor me with their lips, But their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me, when they teach as divine The commandments of men.' " Moses said, ' Honor thy father and mother,' and ' He that speaketh evil of father and mother must be put to death.' But you have a tradi- tional custom that if a son devotes to the syna- gogue his property or income with which he should rightfully support his father and mother, and then says to them, * My property is all given to the Lord,' he is legally relieved from all re- ii8 The Good News sponsibility for their further support. By this custom you certainly reject the commandment of God that you may keep your tradition, and this is only one instance of many." THEN turning to the multitude that was standing by, he said, " Listen to this for I want you to understand it clearly. These Pharisees object to our eating with unwashed hands be- cause of the defilement. It is not that which goes into a man's mouth that defiles him, but that which comes out." The disciples came to him privately and asked if he knew that the Pharisees were seriously of- fended ? He answered them by saying, " Every plant that my Father in the Spiritual Kealm does not plant shall be rooted up. Pay no at- tention to them. They are blind guides and you know that if the blind try to guide the blind, they both fall into the gutter." After they were alone in the house, Peter asked him to explain the parable to them. Jesus said to them, sadly, " Are you, too, with- out penetration ? That which goes into a man's mouth does not go into his soul, but goes into the stomach and goes out through the intes- tines." From this they inferred that Jesus held that there was no such thing as food that was ceremonially unclean. Jesus continued, " That which originates in a Choosing the Twelve 119 man is what defiles him. Evil thoughts, sexual vice, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, cruelty, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, reck- less folly, all these wicked things come from within a man's heart and they are the things that really defile him." CHAPTER SIX PEEMONITIONS OF THE CRISIS JESUS then left that part of the country and went to the north, towards the borders of Tyre and Sidon. He went into a house and tried to remain unknown, but was not successful. It was not long before a Canaanitish woman came crying out and begging him to have mercy on her. "Oh Lord, Son of David," she cried, "my daughter is possessed of a devil. Come and heal her." At first Jesus paid no attention to her, but as she continued to cry out, his dis- ciples asked him to send her away. Jesus said to them, " Yes, I know that my mission is to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but " The woman kneeled at his feet and wor- shipped him, saying, "Lord, please help me." Still] Jesus hesitated; the race feeling was strong, even in him, and he said, " It is hardly proper to take the children's food and give it to for- eigners." "Yes, Lord," she said, "but even dogs are permitted to eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Matthew xv. 21-28 ; Mark vii. 24-30. 120 Premonitions of the Crisis 12 1 "Oh woman, great is your faith. Because of your reply it shall be done as you wish. You may go now, for the devil is gone out of your daughter." She returned at once to her home and found the child lying on a bed and healed. Jesus did not stay long in the North, but soon returned to the neighborhood of the Sea of Galilee and went up into the mountains. There the multitude followed him, bringing the lame, the blind, the dumb and diseased and, laying them at his feet, begged him to heal them. Jesus did so, and the crowds were amazed at his power and glorified the God of Israel. Among those that were brought was one who was deaf and had an impediment in his speech. Jesus was urged to lay his hands on him ; so he took him one side where they would be alone. He placed his finger in the man's ear, moistened his tongue with saliva and, looking up to the sky, he sighed and said, " Be open." At once the man's tongue was free and his ears were open and he could speak plainly. He told the people not to talk about it, but the more he urged them, the more they pub- lished it abroad. They said, " Everything that he undertakes he does well. He makes even the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak." Matthew xv. 29-31 ; Mark vii. 31-37. 122 The Good News JESUS stayed in the mountains some days, and one day he said to his disciples, " Some of these people have been here three days and have had nothing to eat. Some of them have come a long distance and if I send them away empty they will faint by the way. I am very sorry for them. What shall we do ? " The disciples said, " There is no place up here in the mountains that we can buy bread enough to satisfy them all." Jesus asked them, " How many loaves have you ? " They replied, " We have only seven loaves and a few small fish." Then Jesus told the multitude to be seated on the ground. He took the bread and the fish and, after giving thanks, he broke them into portions and gave to his disciples, who in turn passed them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and they took up of the fragments that remained seven baskets. Those that partook were about four thousand, counting men, women and children. Then he sent the people away and he and his disciples came down from the mountains and, entering a boat, crossed over into Dalmanutha. THE Pharisees and the Sadducees came to him there and tried to entangle him with ques- tions and temptations. They repeatedly asked Matthew XT. 32-38 ; Mark viii. 1-9. Matthew XT. 39 ; Mark Tiii. 10-21. Premonitions of the Crisis 123 him to show them some sign from heaven. Jesus was deeply troubled in spirit because of their at- titude towards him. He exclaimed, " Oh, why does this evil generation so persistently seek for a sign ? But no sign can be given them, except the warning of the prophet Jonah." Then Jesus and his disciples, in order to get away, again took a boat and crossed over to the other side. In their haste to get away they forgot to take bread and when Jesus, whose mind was still on the antagonism of the Pharisees, warned them to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, they thought it was because they had taken no bread. Jesus, understanding their thoughts, said to them, " How little you trust me ! Why do you worry about bread ? Do you not remember my feeding the five thousand with only five loaves and how much was left over ? Have you forgotten the seven loaves and the four thousand people and how many baskets were left over ? Do you not see the significance of it ? Are your hearts hard- ened and your eyes heavy and your ears dull ? " Then they understood that he was not speaking about yeast for bread, but about the influence of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. LATER they came to Bethsaida and a blind Matthew xvi. 12. Mark viii. 22-26. 124 The Good News man was brought to him to be cured. Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. Then he moistened his fingers with saliva and touched his eyes, asking him if he could see anything. The blind man looked up and said, " I seem to see men, but they look like trees that are walking." Then Jesus touched his eyes again and the man looked about steadily and seeing all things clearly, knew that his sight was restored. Jesus told him not to go back to the village, but to return directly home and to say nothing about it. Then he sent him away. AT one time Jesus was in Caesarea Philippi and he asked his disciples the question, " Who do men say that I, the Son of man am ? " They replied that some said that he was John the Baptist, some said Elijah, others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. Jesus said, " But who do you think that I am?" Peter said, " You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." Jesus said to him : " You are a fortunate man, Peter, for you have not discerned this by your human faculties, but my Father who is in the Spiritual Realm, he has revealed it to you. Peter, your name means Matthew xvi. 13-20; Mark viii. 27-30; Luke ix. 18-21. Premonitions of the Crisis 125 * rock ' and on this foundation, this discerning faith, will I build my brotherhood, and nothing shall prevail against it." Then he urged his disciples not to argue about the nature of his personality with any one, but to let it remain a matter of discerning faith. FKOM this time on Jesus began to talk with his disciples about his coming journey to Jeru- salem and about the things that he must suffer at the hands of the elders and the chief priests and the scribes. He told them that he would be put to death, but that he would reappear on the third day. Peter reproved him for this, saying, "God ? forbid ! This must not happen to you, Master." Jesus turned on him, and said, " Stop, Peter. You are not speaking now in the spirit of Love, but after the ways of men. It will be hard enough to bear ; you must not make it harder." Then turning to the disciples and the crowd that stood near, he said, " "Whoever wishes to follow me must expect hard things, but must be willing to deny himself, and daily take up his burden. You may ask, what profit is it to a man if he gain the whole world and lose his life ? Or, what will a man give in exchange Matthew xvi. 21-28 ; Mark viii. 31 ; ix. 1 ; Lake ix. 22-27. 126 The Good News for his life ? I tell you that whoever cherishes this life will lose a higher Life and whoever is willing to lose this life for Love's sake will find a higher Life of the soul. Whoever is ashamed of me and of my teachings in this faithless and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in the glory of the Father with his angels. I tell you most earnestly, the time is near ! There are some of you standing here who, before they die, will see the Spiritual Kealm coming with power." A WEEK after this Jesus took Peter and James and John and went up into the moun- tains, where they would be alone, to pray. As he was praying his whole appearance was changed. His face shone like the sun and even his garments became white and dazzling. In a vision of glory there appeared to be two men, like Moses and Elijah, talking with him about his coming death at Jerusalem. Peter and the others had become very sleepy while Jesus was praying, but when the splen- dor of the transfiguration appeared, they be- came fully awake and saw his glory and the two who were talking with him. As the two figures began to disappear, Peter, hardly know- Matthew xvii. 1-13 ; Mark ix. 2-13 ; Luke ix. 28-36. Premonitions of the Crisis 127 ing what he was saying, said to Jesus, " Master, we are thankful to you that we are here to have seen this. Let us build three shelters where you can stay for a little, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." Even while he was speaking a bright cloud settled down over them and they became alarmed. Then out of the cloud came a voice which said, " This is my beloved Son, my chosen One. Listen to him." The cloud and the voice had so filled them with awe that they fell on their faces thoroughly frightened. Jesus touched them, saying, " Bise up, do not be afraid." Looking up they saw that the cloud had vanished and they were alone with Jesus. On the way down the mountain Jesus told them not to tell others about the vision until the Son of man should reappear after his death. The whole occurrence seemed so mysterious that for a long time they said nothing about it to any one, but among themselves they contin- ually questioned what Jesus could really mean when he said that he would reappear after death. They asked Jesus what the scribes mean when they say that Elijah must first come. Jesus said, " Elijah does come first and restores all things and, what is more, he already has come and they have done to him what they pleased, as it was written. But what is written 128 The Good News about the Son of man ? Is it not this ? that he is to endure much suffering and be set aside?" Then the disciples fully understood that Jesus referred to John the Baptist. WHEN they had come down to rejoin the other disciples, they saw a great crowd sur- rounding them. As soon as they were noticed, the crowd came to meet Jesus and one man ran and kneeled at his feet. He said : " Master, I have brought my only son to you. He is an epileptic and he suffers awfully. A spirit takes him and he goes into convulsions, bruising him- self and gnashing his teeth. These convulsions keep returning. Sometimes he falls into the fire and often into the water and he is fast wearing himself out. I begged your disciples to heal him, but they were unable to do so. Oh, Master, have mercy on him ! " Jesus said, " Oh, how little faith you have, how slow to learn ! How long must I bear with you ? Yes, bring the lad to me." As he came near, the boy fell in a convulsion, rolling about and foaming at the mouth. Jesus asked the father how long the boy had been in this condition. The father replied, " He has been this way from a child. If you can do any- thing, have mercy on us and help us." Matthew xvii. 14-20; Mark ix. 14-29; Luke ix. 37-43. Premonitions of the Crisis 129 Jesus said, " It all depends on you. All things are possible to him who believes and trusts." The father cried out, " I do believe ! Keep me from doubting." Then Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, commanding it to come out of the boy and never return. The child cried out and snatched at himself and then fell down as though he were dead. Most of those who saw him said that he was dead, but Jesus took him by the hand and he stood up completely cured. Every one was as- tonished at the power that could do so wonder- ful a deed. Later on, when they were alone, the disciples asked Jesus why it was that they had not been able to effect a cure. Jesus replied, " This lack of power can only be remedied by prayer." WHILE they were still there, Jesus referred again to the fact that he was soon to be de- livered into the hands of men and reappear on the third day, but still they did not grasp the meaning. It seemed to be hidden from them and they were afraid to ask for an explanation. When they had returned to Capernaum, the tax collector came to Peter and asked, " Is not your teacher liable for the customary tax ? " Matthew xvii. 22-23 ; Mark ix. 30-32 ; Luke ix. 43-45. Matthew xvii. 24-27. 130 The Good News Peter said he was and went into the house to get it. Before he could speak Jesus said to him, " Peter, from whom do you think that the kings of the earth receive tribute ? Is it from their own sons or from strangers ? " Peter replied that it was, of course, from strangers. "Then," said Jesus, "we are free because we are sons. But lest there be a dispute, go down to the shore and throw out a hook and look into the mouth of the first fish that you catch. You will find a coin there. Give it to the tax collector ; it will be enough for us both." ONE time when they were walking along the road the disciples disputed as to who among them was the most important one. Later in the day when they were in a house together, Jesus asked them what it was that they were discussing on the way. They were ashamed to reply, but Jesus could read their thoughts and said to them, " You were discussing who among you was the greatest. Let me tell you who is greatest in the Spiritual Kealm, that is more important. " If any man would be first, he must be least of all and servant of all." Calling a little child, he stood him by his side and said to his Matthew xviii. ; Mark ix. 33-50 ; Luke ix. 46-50. Premonitions of the Crisis 131 disciples : " Except you change and become as little children, you can never enter the Spir- itual Realm." Putting his arms about the child he continued, " Whoever humbles himself and becomes as this little child, he is great in the Spiritual Realm. Whoever shall welcome one such little one in a spirit of love welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes Him that sent me. " Moreover, whoever is a hindrance in the path of one of these little ones that is trusting in me, it were better for him that a great mill- stone were hanged about his neck and he were thrown into the sea. See that you do not de- spise one of these little ones, for in the Spiritual Realm their angels always have access to the presence of my Father, and it is not his purpose that one of these little ones should perish." John said to him, " Master, to-day we saw one casting out devils in your name and we forbade him doing so, because he did not follow us." Jesus said, " You should not have stopped him, for no one can do mighty works in my name and quickly speak evil of me. He that is not against us is for us, and whoever shall give a cup of cold water, or do the smallest kindness in my name, he shall never miss his reward." Peter said to him, " Master, if my brother sin against me, how often shall I forgive him ? 1^2 The Good News Shall I forgive him seven times ? " Jesus re- plied : " Do not limit forgiveness to seven times, nor to seventy times seven. If your brother offend you, go to him privately and show him his fault. If he will listen to you, you have gained a brother. "The Spiritual Kealm is like a king who would make a settlement with his agents. One came to him who owed him ten million dollars and who frankly admitted that he could not pay it. The king, therefore, commanded that he be sold, himself and his family, and that all that he had be confiscated. The agent pros- trated himself and begged, saying, * Lord, have patience with me and I will pay it all.' The king was moved with pity and not only re- leased him, but forgave him the debt. " The agent went out and found one of his own servants who owed him twenty-five dol- lars. He took him roughly by the throat and said, * You must pay my debt.' The servant fell down and, in his turn, begged for time, saying, ' Have patience and I will pay it all.' The agent would not listen to him, but had the servant put into prison until the debt was paid. " Some of his fellow agents, seeing what was going on, reported it to the king. Then the king recalled his agent and said to him, ' You scoundrel ! I forgave you all your debt be- cause you asked it. Should you not have had Premonitions of the Crisis 133 mercy on your own servant, even as I have had mercy on you ? ' Then the king was angry and delivered him over to the tortures until he should have paid all the debt. " In the same way my Father in the Spiritual Realm shall do to you, if you do not forgive, from your heart, every one his brother." THE Jews in Judea were threatening to kill Jesus, but he still continued to go about Galilee. As the Feast of Tabernacles approached, his brothers suggested that he go into Judea and give his disciples there an opportunity of wit- nessing some miracles. " For," they said, " no man, who wants to be publicly recognized, keeps his works secret. If this is your mission, show yourself to the world." It was very evident that his brothers had not yet understood him. Jesus replied to them, " It is not yet time for me to go, but you can go at any time. The world does not hate you, but it does hate me, be- cause I denounce its evil ways. Go when you please, but I cannot go until I think the proper time has come." After his brothers had gone, Jesus remained in Galilee a few days and went up to the Feast secretly. The Jews expected that he would appear and were on the watch for him, and many questions John vii. 1-21. 134 The Good News were asked as to his whereabouts. There was much discussion among the multitude concerning him. Some said, " He is a good man." Others said, "No, he is leading the people astray." But no one spoke openly about him for fear of the Jews. In the midst of the Feast Jesus appeared teaching in the temple. They marvelled at his word, saying, " How does this uneducated man know so much ? " Jesus replied : " My teaching is not mine, but his that sent me. If any one makes up his mind to do the will of the Father of Love, he will know whether the teaching is from Him or whether I am speaking out of my own mind. " The one who teaches the things that he himself originates is seeking his own glory ; but he who is honestly seeking the glory of the Father of Love must himself be sincere, and then that which he teaches will be the truth. " Did not Moses give you the Law ? And yet none of you live up to it, or you would not seek to kill me." Some one in the crowd cried out, " You must be crazy ; who is seeking to kill you ? " SOME one else said, " Surely this is the man they are seeking to kill and yet he speaks John vii. 25-52. Premonitions of the Crisis 135 openly and they say nothing to him. Can it be possible that the rulers after all believe that he is the Messiah ? " Another said, " No, that is impossible, for we know this man and where he comes from, but when the Messiah comes, no one will know from whence he appeared." Jesus cried out in the temple : " You know me and you know from whence I come, do you ? But do you know that I have not come of my- self ? Do you know that the One that sent me is the highest Reality ? You do not know Him, but I know Him, because he sent me and I am come from Him." But there were many in the multitude who believed in Jesus and they said, " When the Messiah comes will he do more than this man is able to do ? " The Pharisees heard these murmurings and they redoubled their efforts to get Jesus out of the way. They and the chief priests sent offi- cers to arrest him, but no one actually laid hands on him for his hour was not yet come. To them Jesus said, " I am with you only a little while and then I go to Him that sent me. You will seek me and will not find me, for where I am you cannot come." The Jews said among themselves, " Where will he go that we cannot find him ? Will he go to the Hebrews that are dispersed among the Greeks, or will he go to teach the Greeks themselves ? What does 136 The Good News he mean when he says, * You will seek me and will not find me, for where I am you cannot come ' ? " ON the last day of the Feast, and that was the great day, Jesus stood forth and said, " If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. The Scriptures speak truly when they say, ' Rivers of living water shall well up in him who believes and trusts in me? " The full sig- nificance of this saying was not apparent at the time, for Jesus was speaking of the Love Vital- ity that they who believed in him were to re- ceive after his ascension. Some of those who heard him speak said, " This is surely the prophet that is to come." Others said, " No, he is himself the Messiah." Still others said, " Impossible. This man is from Galilee and the Scriptures say that the Messiah is to come from Bethlehem, because he is to be descended from David, and Bethlehem is David's native town." Thus the dispute and division of sentiment went on, but no one was willing actually to lay hands on him. The oflicers therefore returned to the chief priests and Pharisees without Jesus. "When questioned as to why they had not brought him they said, " No man ever spoke as he speaks." The Pharisees said, "What, are you also bewitched? Don't you know that Premonitions of the Crisis 137 none of the educated men and men of author- ity believe in him? As for the multitude, they know nothing about the law, and are damned anyway." Nicodemus, the member of the Sanhedrin who had come to Jesus by night, then spoke up, "Does our Law judge a man before a charge is brought against him and before he has been given an opportunity to defend him- self ? " The others replied, " Are you also from Galilee? If you make search you will know that no prophet ever came, or ever will come, out of Galilee." THE day being over, every one returned to his home, and Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early the next morning he was at the temple again and the people thronged about him as he took a seat and began to talk with them. While he was here the scribes and the Phari- sees brought to him a woman who had been taken in adultery. They said to him, " Ac- cording to the Law which Moses has com- manded, this woman should be stoned to death. What do you say about her ? " They did it, of course, hoping to find in his reply some ground upon which they could base charges against him. John vii. 53; viii. 1-11. 138 The Good News At first Jesus did not reply, but stooping down, he wrote with his finger on the ground. They continued to question him and finally he stood up and said to them, " Let him who is sinless among you cast the first stone." Then again he stooped down and continued to write on the ground. When they heard his reply, one by one they went out, from the eldest to the youngest. Jesus then stood up and said, "Woman, where are they ? Did no one condemn you ? " She replied, " No one, Sir." Jesus said to her, " Neither will I condemn you. Go away now, but do not sin any more." AFTER this Jesus resumed his teaching. He said, " I am the Light of the world. He that follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have in him the Light of Life." The Pharisees said to him, "You are cer- tainly bearing witness to yourself now, and of course it can carry no weight." Jesus said: " Even if I am bearing witness to myself, my testimony may be true. I know from whence I come and where I am going, neither of which you know. You are always judging by ap- pearances; I judge no man in that way. When I judge, my judgment is sound, because John viii. 12-30. Premonitions of the Crisis 139 I am not alone ; the Father who sent me is with me. It is written that the witness of two men is final. I bear witness and my Father who sent me bears witness." They said to him, " Where is your Father ? " Jesus said, " You do not understand me or my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also. I am going away soon and where I g y u cannot follow, but the time will come when you will seek me vainly and will die in your sins." The Jews questioned among themselves, "What does he mean when he says that he is going away and we cannot follow ? Will he kill himself ? " Jesus continued, " The reason that I said that you will die in your sins is this : you are from beneath, I am from above. I am not of this world ; I am of a higher Spiritual Order. Unless you trustingly be- lieve in me, you will remain in the lower life and therefore, most certainly, you will die in your sins." They said to him, " Tell us who you really are." Jesus replied, " I am all that I have told you from the beginning. The Father who sent me is to be trusted, and the things that I hear from Him I must speak to the world. If you would only listen to me, there are many things that vitally concern you that I would willingly tell you." 140 The Good News Still they did not understand his reference to the Father. Jesus continued, "When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know who I am. You will know that I have done nothing of myself, and have spoken only as the Father teaches me. He that sent rne is with me, and He never forsakes me, because I always do the things that please Him." IN spite of the opposition, many of the Jews had come to believe in him and to these Jesus now turned, saying, " If you really wish to be my disciples, you must live close to the spirit of my teachings. If you do that, then you will have an insight into the truth, and the truth will set you free." Some one in the crowd said to him, "We are descendants of Abraham and have never been in bondage to any one. What do you mean when you say, ' You will be set free ' ? " Jesus explained, " Every one that commits sin is a slave. The slave has no permanent right in the master's house, but the master's son has ; and, if the Son gives you your freedom, you will be actually free. " I know that you are descendants of Abra- ham and yet some among you are seeking op- portunity to kill me, and my teachings can John viii. 31-59. Premonitions of the Crisis 141 make almost no headway among you. I speak only the things that I learn from my Father and you do the things that you learn from your father." They said, " Abraham is our Father." "If you are truly Abraham's children," said Jesus, " you would do as Abraham would do. But now you seek to kill me, who have told you the truth, which I heard from the Father of Love. Abraham would never have done that. No, you are doing the deeds of your father." They said, " We are not illegitimate children, God is our Father." " If God were your Father," said Jesus, " you would love me, for I am come from Him. I did not come of myself ; the Father of Love has sent me. Why can you not understand my teachings ? Is it because you cannot hear my words ? No, you are chil- dren of your father, the devil, and you will nat- urally do the things that he desires. He was a murderer from the beginning. He does not stick to the truth, because there is no truth in him. When one speaks a lie, he speaks of that which is his own, for his father was a liar and the father of lies. "Has any one ever convicted me of sin? Then if I speak the truth, why do you not be- lieve me? I will tell you the reason. The reason is that you are not influenced by Love. He that is sensitive to Love will appreciate the words of the Father of Love." 142 The Good News One of the Jews said, " "We were very near the truth when we said that you were a Samari- tan and crazy." Jesus said, " No, I am not in- sane, I honor the Father, but you are dishonor- ing me. I do not care for my own glory ; there is One who cares for me, let Him be the judge. But I want to tell you most earnestly that if a man would live in harmony with the spirit of my teachings, he would never know death." The Jews said, " Now we know that you are crazy. Abraham died and the prophets are long since dead, and yet you say, ' If a man keep my word, he will never die.' Are you greater than our father Abraham, that is dead ? And the prophets that are dead? Who are you anyway ? " Jesus said, " If I praise myself, my glory will amount to nothing. It is my Father that glori- fies me. You say that He is your God, but I tell you that you have never really known Him. I know Him and, if I should say that I did not know Him, I should be lying, just the same as you are when you claim to know Him. But I really know Him and am living according to his word. Your father, Abraham, exulted in the hope of seeing my day and he did see it and rejoiced." The Jews said, " You are not yet forty years of age, how could you have seen Abraham ? " Jesus replied, " Before Abraham was born, I Premonitions of the Crisis 143 am. As the Father's Love Thought I was with the Father of Love from the beginning." Then they took up stones to stone him, but he disappeared from their sight and passed out of the temple. CHAPTER SEVEN FAREWELL TO GALILEE AND PUBLIC PROC- LAMATION OF MESSIAHSHIP AFTER the Feast of Tabernacles that Jesus had attended in October he re- turned to Galilee. The Feast of Dedi- cation would come in December and the great Feast of the Passover in the following April. As the days of his earthly life were drawing to a close, he felt an increasing longing to be in Jerusalem. He did not go there directly, but by way of northern Samaria and Peraea, the country that lay to the east of the Jordan VaUey. Hitherto he had left his followers to discern his Messiahship for themselves, but now it must be asserted openly. If he was to be finally re- jected he felt that it should be done publicly by the chief priests acting for the nation. The character of his teachings had repelled the larger part of the multitudes that had flocked to him during the earlier months of hk ministry. His words had indeed proven to be a test by which the thoughts of men's hearts Matthew viii. 19-22; Luke ix. 51-62; x. 1-11. 144 Farewell to Galilee 145 had been revealed. They wanted a king who would restore their nation to its old time prestige. He proclaimed their nearness to a Kingdom of Love and called them to repent- ance. His works were mighty and his teach- ings were sublime, but he himself was humble and kindly and unselfish. He was not the kind of a Messiah the people wanted; and so the words of the prophet came true. " He was despised and rejected of men ; a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief" * AT this time Jesus appointed seventy of his disciples to go out by twos into every village and town where he intended later on to come himself. He said to them, " The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few. I want you to pray to the Lord of the harvest that he send forth laborers into his fields. " I send you forth as lambs into the midst of wolves, but go your different ways without fear. Carry no purse, no bag, no extra shoes even, and do not stop to gossip by the way. Whenever you go into a house, say, * Peace be to this house.' If they welcome you, your benediction will be acceptable. If you are conscious of no response of welcome, do not remain, but go elsewhere. "When you find a welcome, remain there ; do not go from house * Connection supplied by author. 146 The Good News to house. Eat whatever is set before you, for the laborer is worthy of his support ; but do not ask for special attentions. Heal the sick in the house and village where you are wel- come, and say to them, ' The Spiritual Realm is very near to you.' " If you enter a town where you are not welcome, go into the principal streets and pro- claim, ' Not even the dust of your streets do we take away with us. We come to tell you of the Spiritual Realm. You do not welcome us, but know this, the Spiritual Realm has come very near.' He that listens to you is listening to me. He that rejects you is reject- ing me ; and he that rejects me has rejected Him that sent me." As they approached Samaria these messen- gers went ahead to make ready for his coming. They created great excitement and interest. Wherever Jesus came great multitudes were waiting to see and hear him and they followed him from place to place. He taught these multitudes as was his habit and healed the sick. When it became known that he was on his way to Jerusalem, the Samaritans were unwill- ing that he should pass through their country. When his disciples, James and John, saw their attitude they suggested to Jesus that he call down fire from heaven to consume them, but Farewell to Galilee 147 Jesus rebuked his disciples and led them by another way. AS they passed along a scribe said to Jesus, " Master, I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus said to him, " The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests ; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head." Another man said, " Let me first return and bury my father." But Jesus said, " Let those that belong to the realm of death bury their own dead; but as for you, go and preach everywhere the Good News of the Spiritual Realm." Still another said, " I will follow you, Mas- ter, only let me first return home and bid them farewell." But Jesus said to him, "No man having put his hand to the plow and then look- ing back is fit for the Spiritual Realm." Jesus turned to the great multitude that fol- lowed him and said : " A man cannot be my disciple unless he is so fixed in his devotion that it is just as though, in contrast, he hated his father and mother and children and broth- ers and sisters, yes, and even his own life. One cannot be my disciple until he is willing to take up his heaviest cross and follow me. " If one of you wanted to build a tower, Luke xiv. 25-35. 148 The Good News would you not first sit down and count the cost to assure yourself that you have the means to finish it ? No one wants to be the laughing stock of the community and to have people taunt him, saying, ' This man started to build but could not finish.' " What king undertakes a war against an- other without first considering whether with his ten thousand soldiers he will be able to meet his enemy with twenty thousands. Does he not send an ambassador, while the other army is yet a great ways off, and ask for con- ditions of peace ? No, not one of you can be a disciple of mine unless he has renounced all that he has. My disciples are to be the salt of the earth, and unless the salt retains its virtue, it is worthless and men throw it away. If you have ears to hear, you can understand what I mean." The seventy, whom he had sent out by twos, returned to him from time to time, rejoicing in spirit. They reported to Jesus that when they used his name, even the demons were subject unto them. Jesus said to them : " Yes, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing shall in any way hurt you ; neverthe- less, do not rejoice in this, that the demons are in subjection to you, but rejoice that your names are written in the Spiritual Realm. " Farewell to Galilee 149 A LAWYER then came forward and asked Jesus a question designed to test him. "Teacher," he said, "what shall I do to in- herit eternal life ? " Jesus said, " What is writ- ten in the Law ? How do you read it ? " The lawyer said, " The Law says : * Thou ahalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind ; and thy neighbor as thy- self" Jesus said to him, " You have answered rightly. If you do that you will live." But the lawyer, wishing to put himself in a better light, asked, " But who is my neighbor ? " Jesus replied as follows : " A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and left him half dead. By chance a priest was going that way and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. A Levite, also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. " But a Samaritan as he journeyed came to where he was. When he saw him he was moved with pity and came to him and bound up his wounds with wine and oil. He placed him on his own mule and brought him to an inn and took care of him. On the morrow when he had to go, he left money with the inn- Luke x. 17-20, 25-37. 150 The Good News keeper for his care and said to him, 'What- ever more you expend I will pay you when I return.' " Which of these three, do you think, was neighbor to him who fell among robbers?" The lawyer said, "It was he that showed mercy." Jesus said, " Then you must be like him." AS they drew near Jerusalem they came to the village of Bethany and were received into the house of a woman named Martha. She had a sister called Mary who, also, was one of those who listened gladly to the words of Jesus. Martha was distracted with the extra work and came to Jesus and said, " Do you notice, Master, that my sister has left me to do all the work ? Bid her to help me." But Jesus said to her, " Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things. There is only one thing that is really important. Mary has chosen the good portion, and it shall not be taken away from her." AS his disciples were passing along they saw a man who had been blind from his birth. They asked Jesus, "Why was this man born blind? Did he sin, or his parents?" Jesus Luke x. 38-42. John ix. ; x. 19-21. Farewell to Galilee 151 answered, " It was neither for his sin, nor for his parent's sin. It was so that the mercy of the Father of Love might be shown in his heal- ing. I must do the work of him that sent me while the daylight lasts ; the night is coming when, no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world." While he was speaking, he spat on the ground and made clay of the saliva, which he spread on the eyes of the blind man and then said to him, " Go to the Pool of Siloam and wash." The blind man went and after he had washed his eyes he could see. The neighbors and those that had known him as a beggar, said, " Is not this the blind beggar ? " Some said it was, but others said, " No, he is some one that looks like him." But the man himself said, "I am he." They asked him how his eyes were opened and he said, " The man that is called Jesus made clay and put it on my eyes and told me to go to Siloam and wash. I did so and received my sight." They asked him where Jesus was and he re- plied that he did not know. As it was on the Sabbath day that this was done, they took the man to the Pharisees, who also questioned him as to how he received his sight. He said to them, " He put clay on my eyes ; I washed and now I see." One of the Pharisees said that it was evident that the 152 The Good News man could not be of God, or he would have kept the Sabbath. Others asked how it was possible for a sinner to do such a miracle ; so there was a division among them. Then they turned to the blind man and asked him what he thought of the man who had opened his eyes. He replied without hesita- tion, " He is a prophet." The Jews still doubted if he really had been blind and so they sum- moned his parents. "Is this man, who they say was born blind, your son ? How is it that he can now see ? " His parents replied, " We know that this is our son and we know that he was born blind, but as to how he received his sight, or as to who healed him, we are ignorant. He is of age ; ask him, let him speak for himself." His parents knew that the Jews had already agreed that any one who admitted that he believed that Jesus was the Messiah was to be put out of the synagogue and they were therefore afraid of the Jews. This explains why they tried to avoid answering the questions. So they called the man who was born blind a second time and said to him, " Give glory to God ; we know that this man Jesus is a sinner." The man said, " Whether he is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I do know and that is this, once I was blind, now I see." They said to him, " What did he do to you ? How Farewell to Galilee 153 did he open your eyes?" The man replied, " I have already told you and you do not listen. Why do you want me to repeat it ? Are you thinking of becoming his disciples ? " Then they reviled him and said, " You are his disciple ; we are disciples of Moses. We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this fellow, we know nothing about him." The man said, " Why, that is strange ; you say you know nothing about him and yet he has opened my eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners ; but if any one be a wor- shipper of God and does his will, God will listen to him. Never since the world began has any one heard of any one opening the eyes of a man born blind. If Jesus were not from God he could do nothing." Then they said to him, " You were born in sin, and do you presume to teach us ? " And they threw him out of the temple. Jesus heard that they had thrown him out and so he found him and said, " Do you believe in the Son of man ? " " Who is he, Lord," the man replied, " that I may believe on him." Jesus said to him, "You have seen him and he is now speaking with you." The man said, " Lord, I do believe," and he prostrated himself in worship. Then Jesus said, " I come into the world to test men, so that they who do not see, but want 154 The Good News to, may see, and those who think they see may realize their blindness." When the Pharisees who were standing near heard this, they asked him, " Are we, then, blind ? " Jesus replied to them, " If you were blind you would not be responsible, but when you admit that you see you are responsible ; your sin remains." Again there was a division among the Jews over his words. Many of them said, " He has a demon. He is crazy ; why listen to him ? " Others said, " These are not the teachings of one possessed of a demon. Such an one can- not open the eyes of the blind." IT was now the Feast of the Dedication at Jerusalem, and as it was winter, Jesus was walking in Solomon's porch in the temple. The Jews came about him and said, " How long are you going to keep us in suspense ? If you are the Messiah, tell us so plainly." Jesus re- plied : " I have already told you, and you do not believe me. The very works that I am doing in my Father's name ought to be a suf- ficient proof to you. " But you do not believe because you are not of my sheep. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. I give to John x. 23-29 Farewell to Galilee 155 them the timeless, spiritual Life. They shall never perish and no one shall snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all and no one is able to take them from him. " HE that does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, is a thief and a robber. The shepherd is the one that enters by the door and for him the porter opens the door. The sheep hear his voice ; he calls his own by name and leads them out. When he has all his own together, he goes before them and the sheep follow, for they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger, but will run from him because they do not know the voice of a stranger." The people heard these words, but they did not un- derstand their significance. Jesus continued, " I am the shepherd of the sheep. All that come claiming to be such are thieves and robbers, but the sheep do not recog- nize their voice. I am the shepherd of men ; if any man comes with me, he can go in and come out with safety and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy. I come that they may have Life, and that they may have Life abundantly. " I am the good shepherd. The good shep- John x. 1-18. 156 The Good News herd is willing to lay down his life for his sheep. The hireling that does not own the sheep, when he sees a wolf coming, leaves the sheep and runs away while the wolf kills and scatters the flock. He runs because he is an hireling and does not really care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own, and my own know me. I know the Father just as the Father knows me. I lay down my life for my sheep. " I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also and they will hear my voice and there will be one flock and one shepherd. That is why the Father loves me, because 1 am willing to lay down my life. ]STo one takes it away from me ; I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again. I have my Father's word for this. I and the Father are one. " AGAIN the Jews took up stones to stone him. Jesus said to them, " I have shown you many good works from the Father ; for which of these works do you stone me ? " The Jews replied, " We do not stone you for the good works, but, because of your blasphemy and be- cause you, a man, make yourself God." Jesus asked them : " Is it not written in the Law, ' / said ye are gods? If he called them John x. 30-42. Farewell to Galilee 157 gods, to whom the words of God came, and you admit that the Scriptures cannot be gainsaid, how can you say of him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, * You blaspheme ' ? Is it because I said, * I am the Son of God ' ? If I do not do the works of my Father, do not believe me ; but if I do the works, though you are unable to believe me, believe that the works, at least, are of God. If you believe even this you will come to under- stand the oneness of the Father of Love and his own Love Thought. You will come to know that the Father is in me and that I am in the Father." Again they tried to seize him, but he slipped away out of their hands and this time went away beyond the Jordan into the region where John the Baptist began his preaching ; and there he abode. Many who came to him said, " John indeed gave no sign of power, but all that he spake of this man has come true," and many believed in him. THERE was brought to him a man pos- sessed of a demon that was also blind and dumb. Jesus healed him so that he could see and speak intelligently. The multitude were amazed and said, " This man is more than a nat- Matthew xii. 22-32; Mark iii. 22-30 ; Luke xi. 14-23. 158 The Good News ural descendant of David." But when the Phar- isees heard it they said, " The only way that this man can cast out demons is by Beelzebub, the prince of demons." Jesus could read their thoughts, so he said to them : " How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself it cannot stand. If a family is divided it will ruin itself. If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand ? You say that I cast out demons by Beelzebub. All right, but your sons are casting out demons ; by whom do they cast them out ? Let them bear witness. " When a strong man fully armed guards his house his goods are safe. Another cannot enter his house and take his goods without first bind- ing the strong man. But when one comes who is stronger, then the stronger will bind the other and take his armor wherein he trusted and carry off his goods. If I by the power of Love cast out demons, it is because the Father of Love is stronger than evil ; and the supremacy of the Spiritual Law of Love is demonstrated before you. " He that is not with me is against me, and he that does not gather with me is scattering. The sons of men may commit many sins and they will be forgiven ; but when a man charges the Son of man with being in league with an unclean spirit he is blaspheming the Love Yi- Farewell to Galilee 159 tality that is in him, and for this there is never forgiveness ; he is guilty of an eternal sin." WHILE he was saying these things a woman in the crowd spoke up and said, " Blessed is the woman that bore you." But Jesus said, " Much more blessed are they that are sensitive to the call of the Father of Love and trustingly obey him." Then some Pharisees and scribes that were present again urged Jesus to show some sign of his authority. Jesus replied : " This is an evil and a faithless generation, forever seeking after a sign ; but no warning shall be given them, but the sign of the prophet Jonah. Just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly as a warning to the Ninevites, so shall the Son of man be three days in the grave as a sign to this generation. The men of Nineveh shall condemn this generation in the day of judgment, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, but now a greater than Jonah is here. The Queen of Sheba shall condemn this genera- tion, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and here is One greater than Solomon." A PHAKISEE asked Jesus to dinner and he went in with him and sat at table. The Pharisee Matthew xii. 38-42 ; Luke xi. 27-32. Matthew xii. 43-45 ; Lukexi. 24-26, 37-41. 160 The Good News noticed that he did not wash his hands before eating and Jesus, who could read his thoughts, said : " You Pharisees are very particular to cleanse the outside, but within you are full of extortion and wickedness. How foolish you are ! Did not he that made the outside make the inside also ? If you cleanse the inner life, all will be wholly clean. The way to cleanse the inner life is to learn to be generous with the things that you have; learn to follow the Law of Love, and you will be surprised to see how quickly all becomes clean. But you must watch for one thing. "When an unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he wanders about in a dry land, seeking rest and finding none. He recalls how comfortable his old tenement was and says to himself, ' I will return to the old place.' When he comes to it, he finds it swept and clean. Then he goes and invites seven other spirits more wicked than himself and to- gether they enter and take possession. In the end that man's condition is worse than it was at first." WHEN Jesus left the house one of those wait- ing outside came to him and said : " Master, will you make my brother divide the inheritance with me ? " Jesus replied : " Man, who made Lake xii. 13-21. Farewell to Galilee 161 me a. referee over your affairs ? Be careful to keep yourself from covetousness, for a man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things that he possesses. Let me tell you a par- able. "Once there was a rich man whose estate produced abundantly. He reasoned to himself, saying, ' "What shall I do ? I do not have room enough to store my harvests. I will pull down my barns and build larger ones where I can store away my grain and my property. I will congratulate my soul and say, " Soul, you have ample store for years to come. Now is the time for you to take your ease, eat, drink and be merry." ' " But the Father of Love said to him, ' You foolish one. This night your life will be re- quired of you ; and whose will be the things that you have in store ? ' So is every one that lays up treasure for himself and has no riches in the keeping of the Father of Love." AFTERWARDS being alone with his dis- ciples he said : " Do not be afraid, my little flock. It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the riches of the Spiritual Realm. Sell the things that you have and give to the needy. Make for yourselves purses that do not grow old ; lay Matthew zxiv. 45-51 ; Luke xii. 32-48. 162 The Good News up your treasure in the Spiritual Realm where it will be perfectly safe, where thieves never enter and where moths never destroy ; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. " Have your clothing on and the lamps burn- ing. Be like servants who are expecting the return of their master, so that when he knocks they will be ready to open the door. Blessed are those servants whom their master, when he returns, finds watching. He will be glad to have them sit down to their supper while he, himself, waits on them. If the master of the house knew when the thief would come, he would watch and not let his house be broken into. You must be ready, also, for in an hour when you least expect him, the Son of man will come." Peter said, " Master, are you speaking this parable to us especially, or is it meant for every one ? " Jesus replied, " Who then is the faith- ful and wise steward, whom his master shall set over his household to deal out the supplies ? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he returns, finds so employed. He is the kind of servant that he will promote to the highest place. " But if the servant shall say in his heart, ' the master will be late in returning,' and begins to beat the other servants and to eat and drink to t Farewell to Galilee 163 excess, the master will be sure to come when he is least expected and will punish that un- faithful servant and put him among those that he cannot trust. " The servant that knew his master's orders, but failed to carry them out, will be beaten with many stripes. But the servant that was ignorant of the master's wishes and then un- wittingly did something worthy of punishment, will be punished lightly. From him to whom much is given much will be expected and from him to whom much has been entrusted much will be required." WHEN he was with the multitude again he said, " When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once there is a shower coming, and so it happens. When you notice a south wind blowing, you say there will be a scorching heat, and so it happens. Oh, you pretenders ! You know how to read the face of the sky and the earth, but you pay no attention to the signs of the times. You do not know even how to judge between yourselves, but must bring your adversary to the court. If you were wise, you would settle these disputes as they arise, lest the judge decide against you and you are cast into prison where you will have to pay the full penalty." Luke xii. 54-59. 164 The Good News SOME one told Jesus about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate mingled with their sacri- fices. Jesus said to them, " Do you think that these Galileans were any more sinners than the rest because they suffered these things ? I tell you, no ! and unless you repent you will all per- ish. How about the eighteen, upon whom the tower of Siloam fell and killed them ? Do you think that they were offenders above all the rest that dwell in Jerusalem ? I tell you, no ! But unless you repent you will all perish." Then Jesus spoke this parable. " A man had a fig tree in his garden and at the right season came to get the fruit, but found none. He said to the gardener : 4 1 have come these three years to get fruit from this fig tree and have never found any. Cut it down ; why should it be in the way of better trees ? ' The gardener said : ' Let it stay this year and I will dig about it and give it some manure. If it then bears fruit well and good, but if not, we will cut it down.' ): ONE Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was present who had been a confirmed invalid for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten her- self. Jesus noticed her and laid his hands on her, saying, " Woman, you are free from your Luke xiii. 1-9. Luke xiii. 10-17. Farewell to Galilee 165 infirmity." Immediately she stood up erect and glorified God. The president of the synagogue was indignant that Jesus should have done it on the Sabbath. He said to the people : " There are six days in which men ought to work. If you want to be healed you should come on one of these days and not come on the Sabbath." But Jesus answered him, " Oh, you humbug ! Would not any one of you unloose his ox on the Sabbath day and lead him to water? Here is a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound these eighteen years ; ought she not to be freed even if it is the Sabbath day ? " His adversaries were put to shame, but the people rejoiced to see all the wonderful things that he was doing. DAY by day Jesus went from village to village teaching and healing the sick. One day some one asked him if it was true that only a few were to be saved. Jesus replied : "You must strive to enter, for the door is narrow and, I tell you seriously, only a few of the many who would like to enter will be able to do so. " The time will come when the Master of the house will close the door and then those of you Luke xiii. 22-30. 166 The Good News who are without will gather and knock, saying, ( Lord, open to us.' The Master of the house will say to you, * I do not recognize you.' You will answer, ' Why, we used to eat and drink with you and you taught in our streets.' But the Master will say, ' I do not recognize you, go away, you are wicked men.' " There will be anguish of heart when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets resting in the Spiritual Kealm and yourselves shut out. Others will come from the East and West and the North and South and will rest with them in the Spiritual Realm. There are those that seem to be last now who will be first then, and some who seem to be first now will be last then." SOME Pharisees came to Jesus and warned him that Herod would be only too glad to have him killed, and advised him to leave that part of the country. Jesus' reply to them was, " Go and tell that sly fox that I propose to cast out demons and heal sick people to-day and to- morrow and the third day my work will be finished. I will journey on to-day and to- morrow and the day following I shall be in Jerusalem, for it would not do for a prophet to perish outside the city." Luke xiii. 31-33. Farewell to Galilee 167 ONE Sabbath Jesus was invited to the house of a prominent Pharisee to dine with him and, as usual, they were on the watch for something that they could bring up against Jesus later on. Among those that crowded into the court was a man suffering from dropsy and when Jesus saw him he asked the chief lawyers and Pharisees, " Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not ? " As they kept silent, Jesus took the sick man and healed him and let him go. Then he said to them, " If one of you had a son who fell into a pit on the Sabbath, would you not get him out as quickly as possible ? " The Pharisees remained silent as there was nothing to say. Jesus noticed that the guests at the dinner were anxious to secure the best seats and so he told them a parable. " If any one invites you to a marriage feast do not sit down in the most prominent seat, because it may happen that a more important man has been invited and the host will be obliged to come to you and ask you to give up your seat. You will feel very much ashamed then to have to take a back seat. " When you are invited to a feast it is very much better to take a poorer seat and then when the host notices it, he will come to you Luke xiv. 1-24. 168 The Good News and say, ' My friend, you must come and sit by me,' and you will be honored before them all. For every one that exalts himself will be put to shame and every one that humbles himself will be exalted." Jesus turned to his host and said, "When you give a feast you ought not to invite your special friends, or relatives, or rich neighbors, for they will in turn invite you and it will be simply an exchange ; you will lose the privilege and the pleasure of giving. " When you give a feast invite the poor, the defective, the lame, and the blind. Then you will be blessed, for they will have nothing with which to repay you, and your recompense will come in being fitted to transcend this natural life and to enter the higher Spiritual Life of the good." One of the guests, when he heard this, said, " The man is blest indeed that shall enter the Spiritual Kealm." Jesus turned to him and related the following parable. " There was a man once, who made a great banquet to which he invited many. As the time drew near he sent his servants to bid them come, for everything was ready. With one consent they all began to make excuse. The first said, ' I have bought a field and must go to see it. Will you please excuse me.' An- other said, ' I have bought five yoke of oxen Farewell to Galilee 169 and must go to try them. You must excuse me.' Still another said, ' I have married a wife and therefore cannot come.' " Then the host was angry and said to the servants, * Go out quickly into the streets and the courts of the city and bring in the poor and the defective and the lame and the blind.' The servants soon returned and reported that it had been done and still there was room. Then the host told the servants to go out into the highways and persuade any one to come in, in order that the tables might be filled. I tell you not one of the invited guests who failed to come shall have a second chance to a seat at my table." THERE were always tax collectors and other notoriously wicked men about Jesus and this led the Pharisees and scribes to complain that Jesus associated and even ate with wicked men. Jesus knew what they were thinking, and so he told them this parable. " If one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one, would you not leave the ninety and nine to go in search of the missing one until it was found ? When it was found you would lay it on your shoulders and return rejoicing. When you reached home you would call together Lake xv. 170 The Good News your friends and neighbors and tell them about it and ask them to rejoice with you, because you had found the sheep that was lost. I want to tell you that there is just the same rejoicing in the Spiritual Kealm over one sinner that repents. There is even more joy over him than over the ninety-nine good people that need no repentance. " If a woman have ten coins and lose one, does she not light a lamp and sweep the house in her search for it ? And when she finds it she calls her friends and neighbors together and tells them about it and asks them to re- joice with her, because the lost coin is found. In just the same way there is joy among the angels of the Father of Love over one sinner who repents." JESUS continued, " Once there was a man who had two sons. The younger of the sons said to the father, ' Father, are you willing to give me now the portion of your property that would fall to me ? ' The father was willing to do so and divided his property, giving the younger son his portion. Very soon after the young man sold off his share and went away to a far country and there he wasted his money in debauchery. " In time he had spent all that he had, and began to be hungry and in utter want. Then Farewell to Galilee 171 he hired himself out to a farmer, who treated him shamefully and sent him into the fields to herd swine. Many a day he would gladly have eaten the pods that the swine were eat- ing, and no one cared for him. "At last it came over him what a foolish son he had been. He said : * How many serv- ants of my father have plenty to eat and to spare, while I am perishing with hunger. I will return to my father and will tell him that I have sinned and have been very foolish. I will tell him that I don't deserve to be called his son any more and will ask him to let me be as one of his hired servants.' " So he returned to his father, but while he was a great way off his father saw him coming and hurried to meet him. He gave him a warm welcome because he had always loved him. The boy said to him, * Father, I have sinned and have been very foolish and don't deserve to be called your son any more ' but the father interrupted him by calling out a servant and telling him to hurry and bring a new suit of clothes and shoes and jewelry. To another servant he said, ' Go, prepare a feast ; get the best things you can. Let us eat and rejoice, for I thought this boy, my son, was dead, and he is alive. He was lost and is found.' And they all rejoiced. "While this was happening the elder son 172 The Good News was in a distant field and as he drew near the house on his return, he heard the music and the rejoicing. He called a servant and asked the meaning of it all The servant said, ' Your brother has come back and your father has provided a feast to celebrate his return and to show his gladness, because he has received him safe and sound.' "The elder son did not like it and be- came angry. He refused to enter the house and so the father came out and urged him to come in and welcome his brother. But the elder said to his father, ' All these years I have stayed at home and worked for you and always did whatever you commanded me, but you never gave me so much as a kid that I could have a good time with my friends. Now when this son of yours comes back, after having wasted your property with fast women, you get up a great feast for him. It isn't fair.' " * My son ! ' said the father, * it is true, you have always been with me and all that I have will some day be yours. But now it is right to rejoice and be glad, for your brother, whom we thought to be dead, is alive. He was lost and is found.' " THEN Jesus told to his disciples another parable. " There was a rich man who had a Luke xvi. Farewell to Galilee 1 73 dishonest steward, of whom it was reported that he was wasting the estate. So the rich man called for him and said, ' What is this that I hear about you ? You must give me a state- ment of your account as I shall no longer re- quire your services.' The steward said to him- self : ' What is the best thing for me to do now that I am losing my position ? I am not strong enough to do physical labor and I am ashamed to beg. Ah, I know what I will do. I will make friends with my master's debtors and place them under obligation to me, so that when I leave this position they will receive me into their homes.' " So he called for each one of his master's debtors and to the first he said, ' How much do you owe my master ? ' He replied, ' A hun- dred barrels of oil.' The steward said, ' Take your bill and change it quickly to read fifty barrels.' To another he said, ' How much are you owing ? ' The debtor replied, ' I am owing a hundred bushels of wheat.' ' Take your bill and change it to read eighty bushels,' said the steward. " When the rich man heard of it he gave the dishonest steward credit for the cleverness of the fraud." Jesus said, "Worldly people are often shrewder in their way of doing things than are spiritually-minded people. I give you this 174 The Good News advice. You know that wealth is a constant source of temptation. You must be very wise and use it in such a way that you will make friends of him who will be able, when you die, to welcome you into the eternal mansions. " He that is faithful in very little things will be faithful in larger things. He that is dis- honest in trifling amounts will be dishonest in larger sums. If you have not been faithful to your spiritual ideals in the use of wealth, who will entrust to your keeping the true riches ? " If you have not been faithful in the use of wealth that belongs to the natural realm, how can you be trusted with the true riches of the Spiritual Kealm, which might be yours ? No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be faithful to one and unfaithful to the other. You cannot serve the Father of Love and the god of wealth." When the Pharisees, who are lovers of money, heard this they jeered at him, and Jesus said to them, " You are the kind that make a fair show in the sight of men, but the Father of Love reads the heart and he whom men often exalt may be detestable to Him. " The Law and the Prophets were paramount until the time of John. From that time the Good News of the Spiritual Eealm has been spreading. Men are struggling to take advan- Farewell to Galilee 175 tage of it and are neglecting the old Law. But it is easier for the heavens and earth to pass away than for the moral law to be set aside. "THERE was once a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who lived sumptuously every day. A beggar who was named Lazarus and who was covered with loathsome sores was brought and left at the rich man's gate. He hoped to receive some fragments of food from the rich man's table. It happened that the beggar died and went to heaven and the rich man died and went to hades. "There in torment the rich man lifted up his eyes and afar off saw Lazarus resting on Abraham's bosom. He cried out saying, 4 Father Abraham, have mercy on me. Send Lazarus to bring me even a drop of water on the tip of his finger to cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.' " Abraham said, * Remember, son, that you received your good things during your lifetime, while Lazarus was receiving evil things. Now he is being comforted and you are in anguish. Besides all this, there is a great gulf fixed be- tween us, so that no one can cross from us to you, or from you to us.' " The rich man then said, * I pray you, Father Abraham, that you send to my father's house 176 The Good News where I have five brothers and warn them lest they, too, come to this place of torment.' But Abraham said, * They have Moses and the Prophets, let them heed them.' The man re- plied, ' Father Abraham, they do not pay any attention to them, but if one come from the dead, they will repent.' Abraham said, ' If they will not listen to Moses and obey the Law and the Prophets, neither will they be per- suaded though one rise from the dead." IN the town of Bethany there lived a man named Lazarus. He was a brother of the sis- ters Martha and Mary, whom Jesus loved, and Mary was the one who afterwards anointed the feet of Jesus with ointment and dried them with her hair. Lazarus was very sick and the sisters sent word to Jesus saying, "Master, our brother, whom you love, is sick." When Jesus heard the message he said, " This sickness is not unto death, but that by it the Father of Love may be glorified and his Son also." Jesus remained in the place where he was for two days and then said to his disciples, " Let us return now to Judea." The disciples reminded him how short a time it was since the Jews had sought to stone him John xi. 1-46. Farewell to Galilee 177 and asked if he really intended to return there. Jesus said, u Are there not twelve hours of daylight ? If a man walk in the daytime he will not stumble because he has the sunlight. It is only when a man has no inner light to en- lighten him that he stumbles." Then he said, " I am going to see our friend Lazarus. He has fallen asleep and I am going to waken him." One of the disciples said, " If he has fallen asleep he will probably re- cover." They had misunderstood Jesus' mean- ing. He spoke of his death, but they thought that he meant that he was resting in sleep. Then Jesus said plainly, " Lazarus is dead and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there. Now you will believe when you see his recov- ery. Let us go to him." Thomas said to the other disciples, " Let us go with him. Even if he dies, we will die with him." WHEN Jesus reached Bethany they found that Lazarus had been buried four days and, as Jerusalem was only about two miles distant, many of the Jews had come from there to sympathize with Martha and Mary because of the death of their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming she left Mary in the house and went to meet him. Martha said to Jesus, "Master, if you had been here, my brother would not have 178 The Good News died; and, even now, I know that whatever you ask of God God will give you." Jesus said to her, " Your brother shall live again." Martha said, " I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day." Jesus said to her, " Martha, I am the resurrec- tion and Life. He that trustingly believes in me, though he die physically, yet shall he Live. Whoever, while he is living, believes in me, shall never lose his conscious existence. Do you really believe this, Martha ? " " Yes, Master," she said, " I believe that you are the Son of God, the long promised Messiah, that is to come into the world." Then Martha left him and returned to the house and whispered to Mary that Jesus had come and had asked for her. Mary left the house at once and went to him. He was still waiting just outside the village where he had talked with Martha. The Jews who were in the house, when they saw Mary leave the house hurriedly, followed her, supposing that she was going to the tomb to weep. "When Mary came to where Jesus was, she fell at his feet weeping and said, " Master, if you had only been here, my brother would not have died." "When Jesus saw Mary and the Jews who had come with her all weeping, he was greatly moved, and burst into tears. When the Jews saw this, they said, " See, what great affection Farewell to Galilee 179 he had for him ! " But some of them said, " Could not this man, who was able to open the eyes of a blind man, could he not have pre- vented the death of his friend ? " When Jesus heard this he was moved with indignation that their belief should be wholly neutralized by doubt. " Where have you laid him ? " he asked. They replied : " Come and we will show you." The tomb was a cave and a great stone lay against the opening. Jesus told them to take away the stone. " But Master," said Martha, " he has been dead four days and by this time the body has begun to decay." Jesus said to her, " Did I not tell you that if you would only believe you would see the glory of the Father of Love ? " Then they took away the stone. Jesus lifted his eyes and said, " Father, I thank you for having heard me. I knew that you would hear me, you always do, but I thank you especially because of these standing here, that they may believe that you have sent me." After this word of prayer Jesus cried in a loud voice, " Lazarus, come forth ! " At once he that was dead came out of the tomb. He came just as he was, bound hand and foot with burial clothes and his face was covered with a towel. " Take away the band- ages," said Jesus, " and let him move freely." Because of this wonderful deed many of the Jews that had come to sympathize with Martha 180 The Good News and Mary believed in Jesus, but some of them returned to Jerusalem and reported to the Pharisees the things that Jesus had done. THE chief priests and Pharisees called a council and said, "What shall we do? This man is certainly doing wonderful things. If we permit him to continue, every one will believe on him and the Romans will come and destroy our city and our nation." Caiaphas, the high priest that year, said, " This is a seri- ous situation. It is better for all that one man should die for the people, instead of the whole nation being destroyed." Strange to say the high priest by these words had unconsciously made a prophecy that Jesus was to die for his nation and not for this nation only, but to gather together the scattered children of God out of all nations. From that day they tried harder than ever to put Jesus to death, and because of it Jesus did not move about openly any longer among the Jews, but went away into the country of Ephraim near the wilderness and stayed there with his disciples. JESUS said to his disciples: "Offenses are bound to happen, but woe to him through John xi. 47-54. Luke xvii. 1-10. Farewell to Galilee 18 1 whom they come. Every evil tends to become the cause of a greater evil. Woe to the one who starts an evil ! Woe to him who offends one of these little ones who is trying to follow the Law of Love 1 It were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck and he were cast into the sea. " Take heed to yourselves. If your brother wrong you, rebuke him, but do it kindly, and if he repent forgive him. If he wrongs again and again always forgive him." The disciples said to him, " Master, this will be very hard to do. You must increase our faith." Jesus said, " If you had faith you could do harder things than that. You could say to this mulberry tree, ' Be torn up and cast into the sea,' and it would be done. " Nevertheless, you must not take credit to yourselves for forgiving those who offend you and repent. You are only servants and ought to be glad to do as your Master wishes you to do, without expecting especial praise for doing what is your simple duty. Supposing one of you had a servant who was doing his regular work. When he comes in at night do you say to him, * Come sit down to supper and I will wait on you ' ? Not at all ; you expect him to first get your supper and wait on you, and then afterwards he will get his own supper. Do you feel called upon to praise a servant for do- 182 The Good News ing his regular duties ? Of course not. So you, when you have done all that Love re- quires, must still feel that you are unprofitable servants, that you have done only that which it was your duty to do." One day as he was passing along the borders of Samaria and Galilee, just as he was entering a village, he was met by ten lepers. They stood back from the road and shouted as he passed, " Jesus, Master, have pity on us ! " When Jesus saw them he was moved with sympathy and told them to report to the priests. As they went on their way they were cleansed. One of them, who, by the way, was a Samaritan, when he noticed that he was cleansed, immediately turned back and with a loud voice glorified God. He prostrated him- self at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. Jesus said, " Were there not ten cleansed ? Where are the nine ? Was this alien the only one to return and give glory to the Father of Love ? " Then he turned to the man and said, " Get up now and go home ; your grateful faith has healed you." THE Pharisees asked him one day when the Kingdom of God would come. Jesus replied : Lake xvii. 11-19. Luke xvii. 20 ; xviii. 8. Farewell to Galilee 183 "The Spiritual Kealm does not come visibly. No one can look here or there and see it, for the Spiritual Realm is a higher order of reality than the natural, and is only apprehended within you." Later he talked freely with his disciples about the coming of the Spiritual Realm. He said : " There will be days when you will long for the visible presence of the Son of man, but it will be in vain. Some will say, * He is here ! ' and others will say, ' He is there,' but do not trouble to follow them. The presence of the Son of man in his day will be as intangible as the flash of lightning that seems to be in all parts of the sky at once. " The Son of man must first suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. After that the day of the Son of man will come without warning. It will be as in the days of Noah ; they ate, they drank, they married, and were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark ; then the flood came and destroyed them all. " It was just the same in the days of Lot. They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded ; but in the day that Lot went out, it rained fire and sulphurous vapors and destroyed them all. " It will be the same whenever the Son of man is revealed. If you seek to save your life, 184 The Good News you will lose it, but even if you lose your phys- ical life in trying to be loyal to Love, your higher and truer Life will be conserved." The disciples were confused and alarmed. They said, "When will it be, Master?" Then, to encourage them to pray and not to be disheart- ened, he told them this parable. " In a city there was a judge, who neither respected man nor feared God. In the same city was a widow who came repeatedly implor- ing the judge to protect her from an enemy that persecuted her. For a time he refused to do anything, but later on he said to himself : ' Though 1 do not fear God or regard men, yet because this woman continues to trouble me, I will aid her, lest she tire me all out by her con- tinued coming.' " Jesus said : " You notice that the wicked judge protected the woman that importuned him. Do you not think that the Father of Love will protect his elect that cry unto him night and day ? He may seem to be slow in punishing the wicked, but I tell you he will most speedily protect his own. Yet when the Son of man comes, how little real faith he will find among men." THEN Jesus told them this parable, " Two men went up to the temple to pray. One was Luke xviii. 9-14. Farewell to Galilee 185 a Pharisee and one was a publican. The Phari- see stood and said to himself, ' God, I thank thee that I am not as other men, extortioners, adul- terers, and unjust, or even as this publican. I fast twice a week and I give tithes of all that I get.' " But the publican stood far back and would not lift even his eyes to the sky. He smote his breast and prayed, ' God, be merciful to me, a sinner.' I tell you, this man went away with his sins forgiven rather than the first man. For every man that exalts himself shall be humbled and he that humbles himself shall be exalted." SOME "^harisees came to Jesus and tried to get him to say something for which he could be convicted. They asked him, " Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife ? " Jesus said, " What did Moses command you ? " They said, " Moses permitted a man to separate from his wife by giving her a writ of divorcement." Jesus said, " He gave this commandment be- cause of the stubbornness of your hearts, but it was not so in the beginning when the Father of Love created them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become as one. What, therefore, the Father of Love has joined together let not man part asunder." Matthew xix. 3-12 ; Mark x. 2-12. i86 The Good News Later on the disciples asked him privately about it. Jesus only made it more emphatic, saying, " Whoever shall put away his wife and marry another commits adultery ; and if she puts away her husband and marries another, she commits adultery." His disciples said, "If this is true, it is better for a man not to marry at all." Jesus said, " It is truly difficult. Only those who have received grace to bear and for- bear should marry. There are some who are disabled for marriage from birth. There are some who have been disabled by men, and there are those who have disabled themselves for the sake of the Spiritual Life. But those that are able to live up to this standard should marry." THE people began to bring their little chil- dren to have him put his hands on them and bless them, but the disciples tried to prevent it. Jesus was quite displeased at this and said, " Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for the Spiritual Realm is for just such little children. And I tell you most earnestly that only those that receive the Spiritual Realm in the same childlike spirit shall enter in." Then he took the little children in his arms and laid his hands on their heads in benediction. Matthew xix. 13-15 ; Mark x. 13-16 ; Luke xviii. 15-17. Farewell to Galilee 187 AS Jesus was passing along the road a young nobleman ran up to him and, kneeling, asked him, " Good Master, what good deed shall I do to inherit eternal life ? " Jesus answered, " Why do you call me good, my boy ? There is One, only, who is truly good and that is the Father of Love. If you keep his commandments you may enter into the Spiritual Life." The young man asked him which command- ments were most important. Jesus answered : " Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, honor thy father and thy mother, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." The young man said, " Master, all of these I have observed from my youth ; what do I yet lack ? " Jesus looked at him and his heart went out to him in love. " If you honestly want to be per- fect," said Jesus, " you are lacking one thing. Go and sell your property and use the money to be kind to the poor. Then your treasure will be in the Spiritual Realm, and come and follow me." When the young man heard this, his countenance fell and he went away sorrowful, for he was very rich. Jesus turned to his disciples and said, " It is very difficult for a rich man to enter the Spiritual Matthew xix. 16-30; Mark x. 17-31 ; Luke xviii. 18-30. i88 The Good News Kealm. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle." The disciples were amazed at this saying and said, "Who then can be saved ? " Jesus replied, " With men it would be quite impossible, but not so with the Father of Love. With him all things are possible." Peter said : " Master, we have left all to fol- low you, what shall be our reward ? " Jesus replied : " I tell you most earnestly that every one that leaves property, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or native land, for my sake, in order to give expression to the Love Thought and to spread the Good News of Salvation through Love, shall receive a hundred fold, in this life property and country and sisters and brothers and mother and children, together with persecution, and in the Spiritual Kealm the timeless Life. But many that are first shall be last, and the last first. " For the Spiritual Realm is like a landlord who goes out early to hire laborers for his vine- yard. He bargains with some for a dollar a day and sends them to the vineyard. About nine o'clock he sees other men standing idle in the market-place. He sends these to work and promises to pay them what is right. About twelve o'clock and about three he does the same. About five o'clock he goes out and still finds Matthew xx. 1-16. Farewell to Galilee 189 men idling about the market-place. He asks them why they are not at work and they reply that no one wants them. So the landlord tells them also to go to work in his vineyard. " "When evening has come, the lord of the vine- yard tells his steward to call the laborers and pay them all the same wage, the last the same as the first. Those that were hired at five o'clock received a dollar each and all the others the same. When the turn of those who were hired at the beginning of the day came, they supposed that they would receive more, but they too received a dollar each. " They began to murmur against the landlord and said, ' These last have worked but one hour and you have made them equal with us who have worked all day in the hot sun.' The land- lord replied, ' Friends, I do you no injustice. Did you not agree with me to work for the dollar ? If I decide to pay all alike, is it not right for me to do so, considering that it is my own money ? Are you irritated because I am generous ? ' " So in the Spiritual Realm the first shall be treated as the last, and the last as the first. IN spite of the opposition of the Jews at Jerusalem, Jesus decided at attend the Pass- Matthew xx. 17-19 ; Mark x. 32-34 ; Luke xriii. 31-34. 190 The Good News over Feast and he started on a little ahead. His disciples were amazed at the decision and were frightened. Jesus called them aside and explained to them again the things that were to happen to him. He said: "We are now going up to Jerusalem for the last time, for the Son of man will be delivered up to the chief priests and the scribes. They will con- demn him to death and deliver him to the Romans. They will mock him and spit on him. They will scourge him and kill him, but after three days he will reappear." Still they did not appreciate what he was telling them. It was as though the meaning was hidden from them. THE disciples could not rid their minds of the common expectation that the Messiah would reign in glory as the head of a restored Israel. If Jesus was to die, then surely after his re- appearance he would reign in glory. So sure were they of this that even the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus and said : " Teacher, I have a request to make of you and I want you to promise to do it for us." Jesus asked her : " What is it that you want me to do for you ? " She said to him : " Grant that when you come into your Matthew xx. 20-28; Mark x. 35-45. Farewell to Galilee 191 glory that one of my two sons may sit on your right hand and the other on the left." Jesus said to them, " You do not appreciate what you are asking. Are you able to drink of the cup that I must drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am to be baptized?" They replied with confidence, " Yes, Teacher, we are able." Jesus replied, "You shall indeed drink of the cup that I must drink and be baptized with the same baptism, but to sit on my right hand and my left hand is not mine to give. It is for them for whom it is prepared by my Father." When the other disciples heard about this request they were indignant. So Jesus called them all to him and said, " You know that among the world's people the rulers lord it over them and their great men exercise au- thority over them, but it must not be so among you. Whoever of you desires to be great, let him become your servant, and whoever among you desires to be first of all, let him become your slave. Even the Son of man did not come to be waited upon, but came that he might serve others and to give his life a ransom for many." As they drew near to Jericho they came near a blind beggar named Bartimaeus sitting by the Matthew xx. 29-34; Mark x. 46-52; Luke xviii. 35-43. 192 The Good News roadside. He heard the multitude passing by and enquired what it meant. They told him that it was Jesus and the multitude that fol- lowed him. When he learned who it was, he cried out, " Lord, Son of David, have pity upon me." Many scolded him and ordered him to be quiet, but he only redoubled his cries, "Jesus, Son of David, have pity." Jesus stopped and asked that the blind beggar be called to him. They said to the blind man, " Cheer up and come quickly ; he is calling you." The blind man threw away his garment and just sprang to go to Jesus. When he was near, Jesus said to him, " What is it you want me to do for you?" He replied, humbly, " Oh Lord, open my eyes." Jesus was moved with pity and softly touching his eyes he said, " You may go now ; your faith has made you whole." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus glorifying God. And all the multitude, as it became known, joined him in shouting praises to God. IN Jericho there was a man of small stature, named Zacchseus, who was the chief tax collector and very rich. He wanted to see what kind of a man Jesus was and tried to do so, but the crowd was so dense that he was unable to get Luke xix. 1-10. Farewell to Galilee 193 near enough. So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree, where he could see him as he passed by. When Jesus came to the place he looked up and said to him, " Zacchseus, come down quickly for I would like to stay at your house to-day." Zacchaeus came down at once and received Jesus joyfully. When the crowd knew about it, they were shocked because he had gone in to stay with a man who was notoriously wicked. But Zacchaeus was not so bad as they thought him to be, for, after he had talked with Jesus, he said, " Lord, I want to do what is right. I will give half my income to the poor and if I have collected taxes unjustly from any one, I will pay back the excess four- fold." Jesus said to him, " Zaccha3us, you are a true son of Abraham. This day salvation has come to your house. For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which is lost." AS Jesus drew near Jerusalem it was evident that the people were expecting an immediate manifestation of the Kingdom of God ; so he told them this parable. " A certain nobleman went to a far country to secure the appointment as king of his state, Luke xix. 11-28. 194 The Good News intending to return as soon as it was secured. He called together ten of his retainers and gave them ten dollars each, telling them to use the money in trade until his return. Some of his fellow countrymen did not want him to be their king and sent representatives to pro- test against his appointment, saying that they did not want this man to rule over them. " In the course of time he received the ap- pointment in spite of their opposition and re- turned to ascend the throne. He first called before him the ten retainers to whom he had given the money, in order that he might know which were the ones that were worthy of larger responsibility. The first came before him and said, ' My Lord, your ten dollars have earned a hundred more.' The king said to him, ' "Well done. You are a good servant. You have proven faithful in a very little ; you may have authority over ten cities.' A second came and said, ' Your ten dollars, my Lord, have made fifty.' The king commended him also, and said, ' You may have rule over five cities.' " Then one came who said, * My Lord, here are your ten dollars which I have kept safely. I knew you to be a hard man, taking up what you did not lay down and reaping where you did not sow, and I was afraid that I might lose it.' The king was angry and said, * Let your Farewell to Galilee 195 own words convict you. You say that you knew that I was a hard man, reaping where I did not sow. Then you should have placed the money with the bankers so that on my re- turn I would have received the money with interest, at least. You are not to be trusted.' " Then he commanded his servants to take the money from him and give it to the one who had made the hundred dollars. They said to the king, ' Lord, have you forgotten that he already has a hundred dollars ? ' The king replied, ' To every one that has shall be given, but from him that has not shall be taken the little that he has.' Then he gave orders that his enemies who had tried to prevent his appointment should be arrested and publicly executed." "THE Spiritual Realm is like a rich man going to a far country. Before he goes he calls his subordinates and puts his property in their charge, giving to each according to his ability. To one he gave fifty thousand dollars, to another he gave twenty thousand, and to another ten thousand ; and then he left them. "At once the one who had received fifty thousand dollars went to work and invested it and made another fifty thousand. The one Matthew xxv. 14-30. 196 The Good News that had received twenty thousand did the same and he made another twenty thousand. But the one who had received ten thousand went and buried it where it would be safe. "After a time the rich man returned and called on his subordinates for a report. The one who had received fifty thousand dollars brought a hundred thousand and said, 'Sir, you gave me fifty thousand dollars and I have gained another fifty. Here they are.' The rich man said to him, * Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in a small trust, I will give you authority over a larger. Welcome into partnership.' " He that had received twenty thousand also brought what he had received and had gained, and said, ' Sir, I have gained another twenty thousand.' The rich man said to him also, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in a small trust, I will give you authority over a larger one. Welcome into partnership.' " Then he that had received only ten thou- sand dollars said, ' Sir, I knew you to be a hard, grasping employer, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you did not risk. I was afraid of losing the money ; so I put it where it would be safe. Here it is, all that you gave me.' The rich man said, ' You wicked and lazy servant ! You knew that I Farewell to Galilee 197 reaped where I did not sow, did you? and gathered where I did not risk? Then you ought to have placed my money with the bankers, so that on my return I would have received my own with interest, at least. " ' I will take this money away from you and give it to him who has the fifty thousand, for to every one that has shall be given and he shall have an abundance. But from him that has but little, even that little shall be taken away. You are an unprofitable servant ; your services are no longer required.' " THE Passover Feast was now near at hand and a great many people from the surrounding country went up to Jerusalem before the Feast to purify themselves. As they stood about the temple there were many questions asked about Jesus. "Would he come to the Feast or not ? The chief priests and Pharisees had already given commandment that, if any one knew where Jesus was, they must make it known, so that he could be arrested. Six days before the feast Jesus came to Beth- any and was invited to a supper in the house of Simon, the leper. Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead, was one of the guests and Martha, his sister, was one that served. Matthew xxvi. 6-13 ; Mark xiv. 3-9 ; John xi. 55-57 ; xii. 1-11. 198 The Good News While Jesus sat at the table, Mary, the other sister of Lazarus, brought an alabaster cruse of fragrant oil of spikenard, that was very costly, and anointed his feet with it and the room was filled with its fragrance. Some of the dis- ciples were indignant at what seemed to them an unnecessary waste. Judas Iscariot, the dis- ciple who later betrayed Jesus, said, "This ointment could have been sold for fifty dollars and the money given to the poor." He said this, not because he cared very much for the poor, but because he carried the money of the disciples and was in the habit of stealing from it from time to time. Jesus, hearing their comments, said to them, " Do not blame her ; she has done a kindness to me. She has anointed me in anticipation of my burial. You will always have the poor among you and you can aid them at any time, but I will be with you only a short time. Wherever this Good News shall be told in all the world, this incident will be repeated and it will be a memorial of this woman." CHAPTER EIGHT TRIUMPHAL ENTBANCE INTO JERUSALEM AND LAST SUPPEK ON the morrow, which was the first day of the week, as they passed through Bethany and Bethpage on the road over the Mount of Olives and drew near Jeru- salem, Jesus sent two of his disciples ahead to the village across the valley. He said to them, " As you enter the village you will see a donkey colt that has not yet been used ; untie him and bring him to me. If any one asks you why you do it, say to him, * The Master wants him ; ' and he will let you take him." The disciples went ahead and found the donkey as Jesus had said. As they were un- tying him, the owner asked them what they were doing. They said to him as Jesus had in- structed them, and the owner was glad to let him go. When they brought the colt to Jesus, they placed their garments on him and Jesus mounted. A rumor spread to Jerusalem that Jesus was Matthew xxi. 1-11; Mark xi. 1-11; Luke xix. 29-44; John xii. 12-19. 199 2oo The Good News coming to the Feast to proclaim his Messiah- ship, and a great multitude came out to meet him. "When they saw him coming some spread their garments in the way, others broke off branches of the palm trees, and all those before and they that followed after cried out, "Ho- sanna, Hosanna in the Highest ! Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord ! Hosanna to the Son of David ! Blessed is the Kingdom that is coming! Blessed is the Kingdom of our father David! Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest ! " "When the triumphal procession came to the highest point on the road over the Mount of Olives and the magnificent city of Jerusalem came into view across the Kedron Valley, they burst into renewed shouts of rejoicing and praises to God for all that they had seen and all they expected would soon transpire. " Ho- sanna! Hosanna! Blessed is the King that comes in the name of the Lord ! Blessed is the King of Israel ! May Heavenly Peace and Highest Glory be upon him ! Hosanna in the Highest ! " Some of the Pharisees in the crowd nearest Jesus said to him, " You better restrain your disciples." But Jesus replied, "I tell you, if these men should be silent, the very stones would cry out." As they drew near the city, Jesus could not Triumphal Entrance Into Jerusalem 201 hold back the tears. He said, " Oh Jerusalem 1 Jerusalem ! If you could understand and there is still time the only thing that makes peace possible. But no, it is too late, it is hid from your eyes. The days are coming when your enemies will throw up earthworks and battlements about you, hemming you in on every side. They will destroy your city. They will not leave one stone upon another and even your children shall be slain. And all because you would not understand that Sovereign Love was visiting you." As he entered Jerusalem and passed into the temple, the city was profoundly stirred and expectant. Some asked, "Who is he?" and the multitude answered, " It is the Galilean Prophet, Jesus of Nazareth." As Jesus entered the temple he noticed the traders selling sheep, and oxen, and doves, and also the money changers. He made a minia- ture whip of small cords and drove them all out of the temple. He overturned the tables of the money changers and scattered their coin. He forbade any one carrying utensils through the temple. To them that sold doves and to all he said, " Take these things away ; you must not make my Father's house a place of merchan- dise. It is written, ' My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.' You are making it a den of robbers." 2O2 The Good News "When the great crowd saw that nothing else dramatic was going to happen, they slowly dispersed. Jesus healed the blind and the lame that came to him and, when it was late, he quietly left the temple courts and returned to Bethany. EAKLY the next day, Monday morning, Jesus with his disciples returned to the temple almost unnoticed. The chief priests and the scribes and some of the principal men were very angry at what Jesus had done the day before and sought ways to kill him, but the crowds hung about him listening to his words, and the children would from time to time burst out into shouts of " Hosanna to the Son of David." They said to Jesus, " Are you aware what these children are shouting ? " Jesus replied, " Certainly. Have you never read where it is written, ' Out of the mouths of lobes