UC-NRLF THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA STUDIES IN AMERICAN CHURCH HISTORY Vol. Ill SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Its Foundation, Organization and Success (1822-1922) By EDWARD JOHN HICKEY, S.T.B., M.B.A. (Harvard) A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OP PHILOSOPHY OF THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OP AMERICA IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 1922 GIFT OF THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA STUDIES IN AMERICAN CHURCH HISTORY Vol. Ill THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Its Foundation, Organization and Success (1822-1922) By EDWARD JOHN RICKEY, S.T.B., M.B.A. (Harvard) A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY OF THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 1922 r <-'/L/C>l*PftC' AlOaWVfVVWOTVt OC't/.. HI til 1 Catholic Historical Review, vol. Ill, no. i, pp. 88-92, July, 1920; Cf. DE MEAUX, L 'figlise Catholique et la Liberte aux Mats- 244-245, Paris, 1893. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 43 society of a similar kind. Both petition and statutes were first officially submitted to the Archbishop of Munich-Freising for his approval. They were given with the highest recommen- dation. Two months later (July 17), royal sanction was granted. The statutes of the new society were sanctioned on December 12, 1838, by the King. The means chosen were the same as those of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, and the same process of collection was adhered to; of these funds, two-thirds of the contributions were assigned to the needs of the Missions in Asia and in North America, and one-third for the Fathers in charge of the Holy Sepulchre, at Jerusalem. 28 Rapid as has been the growth of the offerings to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, it has been below that of similar Protestant Societies. These Protestant So- cieties had, it is true, begun earlier; but even today, the abundance of offerings in the Catholic Societies cannot be com- pared to the liberality of our separated brethren. All the great sects of Protestantism have their mission- aries and their budget. They consider that the propagation of the Christian Faith is an absolute duty for every Christian, and their catechisms, so light in doctrine, have a lesson destined to explain this obligation of conscience. Moreover, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel of London (8. P. 6r.), prints and furnishes freely, all the books necessary for the Missions. In the month of February, 1836, the Asiatic Journal of London published in the statement of the sums received during the course of the year 1836 by the Bible societies and the committees of different Protestant Missions. The receipts amounted to about 20,000,000 francs or 778,035 25. SCHABERT, The Ludwig-Missionsverein, in the Catholic nis- torical Review, p. 23, April, 1922. In July, 1920, I visited Germany and attempted to go to Munich in order to carry on a research in the archives of this Society, and to procure their collection of Annalcn but since diplomatic negotiations had not been reestablished with the Cen- tral Powers, certain parts of Germany were closed to strangers, and no passport visa would be given for Munich. Dr. Schabert whom I met at Louvain volunteered to make a special trip to Munich where he procured all its publications for the Catholic University and from his research, procured the material for this article. 44 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith pounds sterling, to which were added the subscriptions opened in all the colonies under the British Government. The Annales de la Propagation de la Foi make the observation on this point, that if one adds to this what was collected in the United Kingdom and its possessions, and the collections of the other Protestant countries, there would be no exaggeration in de- claring that the total sum collected for the support of the Protestant Missions far surpasses 30,000,000 francs per year. The resources placed at the disposal of Protestant action has left an ever-increasing record. According to an article which appeared in the Ami du Clerge, of Oct. 26, 1899, the faithful of the Anglican Church, outside of the gifts offered by the different associations, gave as subscriptions for the Foreign Missions a sum corresponding to 23,245,675 francs. In addition to the societies supporting the personnel there are those which distribute books and Bibles like the British and Foreign Bible Society, which in one year from March 31, 1896, to March 31, 1897, spent a sum equivalent to 5,092,025 francs. Let us also cite the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, established in 1880 for the special purpose of evangelizing Indian women, the Mis- sionary Leaves Association, the Junior Clergy Association. The total of the generosities of English Protestants for their missions is estimated as high as 50,000,000 francs. The United States had in 1900 at least 28 associations for the Protestant Missions of different denominations. 26 If to all this we add what the associations of Norway, Germany, and other places received for the Lutheran mis- sions, we reach a truly colossal figure for the total budget of all the Protestant sects. The budget to the Protestant Foreign Missions is very difficult to establish, for these Missions depend upon a large number of societies whose data is almost im- possible to centralize. It is conceded however, that it sur- passes 100,000,000 perhaps 150,000,000 francs, a figure ten or twelve times more than all the assistance granted to our 26. GUASCO, op. tit., p. 52, 1911. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 45 Catholic missionaries, incomparably more numerous and more important. Only the devotion and the indefatigable charity of our missionaries maintain the equilibrium, but one is cer- tainly forced to admit that our generosity towards our foreign missionaries is nothing in comparison to that of the Protes- tants. The truth is that the Catholics, save in a few French dioceses, give relatively little for their Foreign Missions ; that the Missions are not sufficiently well known or appreciated; that it would be fortunate to see the Propagation of the Faith in particular established in all the dioceses of the world, for which an official act of the Sovereign Pontiff is necessary. 46 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith CHAPTER IV THE ADMINISTRATION OP THE SOCIETY The earliest efforts for aiding the Foreign Missions by means of prayer and alms have been described in a preced- ing chapter. The Societe des Missions fitrangeres carried on a campaign, restricted at the outset to the fostering of the practice of offering those indulgenced prayers for the Mis- sion which had fallen into desuetude since the Revolution, and later, through its leaflets, emphasized the wisdom of the idea of the English Methodists, who were in the habit of contributing a penny a week for the support of their Missions. We are not certain what methods were employed by Mme. Petit in Lyons in collecting money and furnishings for the Dioceses of Bardstown and New Orleans. The decimal system so skilfully applied by Mile. Jaricot in organizing those who contributed a cent-a-week, into groups of ten, into groups of one hundred, and into groups of one thousand, with a person at the head of each of these groups, was incorporated into the Society for the Propagation of the Faith immediately after its foundation in 1822. Thus the person at the head of each group of ten received the contributions from all the members in his group and remitted to the head of the group of one hundred members the money he had received. This head of the group of one hundred forwarded the funds he received to the head of the group of a thousand members. The meeting of May 3, 1822, provided a slightly different form of organization by bringing together all the alms in the hands of the Central Council. The Central Council of Lyons was organized on the day of the foundation and it was soon felt necessary to enlist the interest and cooperation of influ- ential personages at Paris. In June, 1822, M. Didier Petit went to Paris for the purpose of forming a Superior Council of the Society. In a special meeting, at which were present the Cardinal Prince de Croy, Grand Chaplain of France, The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 47 Abbe Perault, the Prince of Polignac, the Marquis de Riviere, the Count de Senst-Pilsach, the Duke of Rohan and M. de Haller, Didier Petit explained the end and the means of the new institution. These gentlemen accepted the idea submitted to them, promising to devote themselves to the Society. They met on the 27th of the following July at the home of the Grand Chaplain of France, at the chateau of the Tuileries, and created the Central Council of the North, with the special council for the Diocese of Paris. 1 This Superior Council ceased to exist after the Revolution of 1830 ; the two Central Councils of Lyons and of Paris agreed that there was no longer need to reestablish it. The Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide in a letter of February 25, 1841, expresses its desire that the Superior Council of the whole Society be reestablished with the inten- tion of placing Cardinal De Bonald at its head. The reason given for this was that the two Councils of Lyons and Paris may not be in conflict ; that greater unity may be attained and somewhat greater deference may be shown to Propaganda on whom all Missions depend. Cardinal De Bonald was pre- ferred not because he was Archbishop but because of his high office as a Cardinal, and it was recalled that the former Presi- dent of the Superior Council had been Cardinal Prince de Croy, Grand Chaplain of France. Since the Society had become universal, its control should be entrusted to a Car- dinal of the Church. It appears also that there had been some opposition made by the Council of Paris to the subsidies for the Missions of Europe, and a certain amount of par- simony was displayed notwithstanding the wishes of the Holy See. 2 With the disappearance of the Superior Council at Paris that part of the Rule which provided that the Superior Council of the Association was to distribute the funds accord- ing to the needs of the different Missions was no longer opera- tive. Article 4 of the Revised Rules of 1834 provided that 1. GUASCO, op. tit., p. 25, 1911. 2. Propaganda transcripts, Documento XXXIII Ms, Lettera della 8. C., 'Vol. 325, Fol. 146v, Monsignor Garibaldi Nunzio Apostolico, Parigi, 25 Febraro, 1841. 48 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith the total of the subscriptions be placed in the hands of the two cashiers residing one at Paris and one at Lyons. 8 A provision for forwarding the alms from the members to the Councils is made in Article 8 : ' ' The two Councils, in order to facilitate their collections, conjointly with the Council to which they are attached, will designate in each diocese a subscriber who collects there the sums donated. ' ' The present custom of collecting and assembling the con- tributions is explained in a communication to me from M. Guasco, the General Secretary, in which he states : * * In the ex- tract of the rules of the Association for the Propagation of the Faith the paragraph entitled Division of the Association where there is question of divisions, of centuries, of sections and of divisions, long ago fell into desuetude. There is no longer a question today of any division except the groups of ten. Today the chiefs of the groups of ten remit the receipts into the hands of the Parish Director, who is the Pastor or the Assistant delegated by the Pastor to look after the Society." The promoter's duties are to organize a band of ten to collect the offerings, and to circulate among them the Annals of the Propagation of the Faith, which is published every two months. The offerings are then turned over by the promoter to the parochial director, where the Society is estab- lished in the parish. Otherwise they are sent to the General Director. Membership certificates are provided to new mem- bers, and cards record the collections. In some parishes of the United States the Society has been connected with some other Society already existing; in others, it has an organiza- tion of its own; in those parishes where a branch of the Society is not established, members may join by saying the required prayers and forwarding their offerings to general headquarters. Besides those who contribute only sixty cents a year, there are two other classes : The special members are those who contribute the sum of six dollars a year represent- ing the amount collected in a band of ten, and life members 3. Cf. Chapter III, p. 30. 4. GUASCO, letter dated August 29, 1921. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 49 who contribute at one time a sum of money not less than forty dollars to the Society. Both special members and life members received a copy of the Annals every two months. Sums of money intended by the donors for particular Mis- sions or missionaries are received and sent at once to their destination. 5 There is naturally a tendency to control their distribution. In the United States the Society is legally incorporated and hence is empowered to receive bequests. Monsignor Freri writes: ''The Propagation of the Faith, having lost many bequests through the opposition of natural heirs, the adverse decision of courts, the lack of care on the part of the executors, has established a Conditional Gift Fund in America to which several thousands of dollars have already been con- tributed by persons who had intended to leave legacies for the Missions. The Society receives gifts, large or small, at the same time entering into a written agreement with the donor not to spend these gifts but to invest them in well-determined and absolutely safe securities, and to pay to the donors, so long as they shall live, a yearly amount equivalent to a fair rate of interest. After the donor's death the money is placed in the general fund to be distributed among the Missions. If the money left in care of the Propagation of the Faith is intended for other purposes besides its own work, the Society assumes the responsibility of seeing that the intentions of the donors are implicitly followed and the various bequests dis- tributed as directed. Mass intentions will be forwarded to needy missionary priests immediately after the death of the benefactor and acquitted at once, thus obviating the long delays which necessarily accompany the execution of a will. ' ' The present delegate, Right Rev. Joseph Freri, was ap- pointed by the Cardinal Secretary of State in the year 1903. The delegates preceding him were Fathers Magnien and Granjon. They were appointed in the year 1897. 7 Father Granjon was named Bishop of Tucson in Arizona in the year 5. FRERI, op. cit., in the Annals, vol. LXXXV, p. 52, 1922. 6. Ut supra. 7. Ut supra. 50 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 1900 and Father Freri was appointed assistant to Father Magnien. Later, when Father Magnien died; Father Freri was appointed sole delegate. In 1889, Fathers Terrien and Gallien were given the mission to organize the Society in America. They did much to promote the Society also in Mexico. The National delegates of the Society transmit the total collections to the Central Councils in Lyons and in Paris. The Society is not incorporated in France and hence, theoret- ically, there is no such Society in the eyes of the French Government ; but in practice this government is quite friendly to the Society and even during the darkest day of the past war did not prevent the Society from distributing its regular allocations. 8 Before speaking of the procedure of these two bodies it would be well to give a list of the men who have presided over them since the foundation of the Society. The President of the Central Council of Lyons at the time of the foundation was M. de Verna. A complete list of the Presidents is as follows : DE VERNA, Victor, President from May 3, 1822, to June 17, 1841. DE JESSE, Antoine, President from June 17, 1841, to Decem- ber 16, 1854. TERRET, Andre, President from December, 1854, to July 16, 1859. DE PRANDIERES, Louis Martial, President from June 26, 1859, to July 17, 1868. DES GARETS, Francisque, born 18^7, President from Decem- ber 3, 1868, to November 25, 1898. DE PRANDIERES, Martial, President from December 2, 1898, to May 31, 1906. TERRET, Joseph, President from June 3, 1906, to December 7, 1906. 8. The stringent French laws governing associations make it impos- sible to have this Society incorporated. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 51 SAINT-OLIVE, Henri, President from December 7, 1906, to October 27, 1920. BECHETOILLE, Emmanuel (Mgr.) V. G., Lyons, President from October 27, 1920. The Count des Garets who was President of the Council for thirty years and formed part of it during forty years, had handed in his resignation at the end of the year 1898 on account of his advanced age. The unanimous vote of his colleagues bestowed upon him the title of honorary president and retained him in the Council. He died on February 28, 1900, at the age of 93 years. The first President of the Central Council of Paris was the Count de Sanst-Pilsach. The list of all the Presidents of this Council is : DE SENST-PILSACH, Count, President from 1822 to 1826 DE BERTIER, Count Ferdinand, " " 1826 to 1833 ABBE MATHIEU, " " 1833 to 1833 ABBE SALANDRE, " " 1833 to 1839 DE LA BOUILLERIE, Alphonse, " " 1839 to 1847 BERARD DES GLAJEUX, " " 1847 to 1865 GAUDRY, " " 1865 to 1873 COLIN DE VERDIERE, Leon " " 1873 to 1885 HAMEL, Charles " " 1885 to 1916 DELAZAILLE, " " 1916 to 1920 ODELIN, Mgr. H., V. G., Paris " " Oct. 1920 Father Mathieu became Bishop of Langres, and later Cardinal Archbishop of Besanc.on. M. A. Guasco, born in 1854, has been General Secretary of the Central Council of the Oeuvre de la Propagation at Paris since August, 1883. 9 The names of the present members of the two Central Councils are not given in any of the Society's publications. The two Central Councils are the administrators of the Society. These Councils do not in any way interfere with the 9. These lists of Presidents were compiled by M. Groffier, General Secretary of the Central Council of Lyons, Cf. GUASCO, op. cit., p. 39. 52 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith interior administration of the Missions, their function being limited to centralizing the offerings which pass successively before arriving in their hands through the chiefs of ten to the parish directors and from these latter to the directors of the diocesan committees. When, at the end of Janu- ary, the yearly offerings from the entire world have been collected, and the accounts have been closed, then commences for the two Central Councils the work of the distribution of the total. The Society does not deal in investments and has no permanent fund. To its great credit it can be said that with conscientious attention and with impartiality all the reports of the chiefs of the Missions, prefects and vicars- apostolic, are read, compared and studied. The information concerning the Missions which the Councils procure from the reports which the missionary bishops address to them each year, permit them to apportion, in the most equitable manner and with a perfect knowledge of the needs of each Mission, all these gifts and alms from whatsoever source. The Central Council of Lyons takes the initiative in dividing the budget. The Council of Paris, in its turn, resumes the task arid with the same solicitude, approves, modifies, increases and diminishes the allocations. It is only when the two Councils are entirely in accord and after the consideration of the desires of the Pope and the data submitted by the Congregation de Propa- ganda Fide, that the assistance decided upon is sent to each Mission. The result is indicated in detail in the Annales of November in a statement published in nearly 375,000 copies. 10 These allotments are made in accordance with the extent and the necessities of each Mission concerning the special gifts destined for a certain missionary or a certain unforeseen need of a given Mission, the Councils accept them with' courtesy and transmit them with fidelity. ' * The distribution of funds, ' ' writes Monsignor Freri, "is made at regular intervals by the Councils, upon the comparative examination of the petitions of the chiefs of Missions received every year. The division 10. Organisation de I'Oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi, in the Annexes, t. LXXXII, pp. 7-10. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 53 is made by the common consent of the two Councils, and once the list of allocations has been decided upon, it is sent to the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda for revision, adjustment and approbation. When it is returned from Rome, payments are made." At the monthly meetings, which are private, at which the " repartition" is to be made each director is provided with a small booklet on the first page of which is entered the year and the amount which had been distributed the previous year and the amount which is to be distributed in the present year and the difference between the two. The director's name is also inscribed on this page. Then follow in order, the names of all the Missions assisted by the Society, grouped under the headings of the five continents : Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania. Then follows one chapter in which the names of the Grand Congregations devoted to the Mis- sions are arranged. Opposite the name of each Mission is found six blank columns in which are to be inscribed the first, second and third decisions of both councils should these be found necessary. In the seventh column the allocation of the preceding year is inscribed in red and a space is reserved for the observations which the director may care to make. The last page of this booklet contains a recapitulation showing the total sum to be distributed according to the first, second arid third decisions of the two councils for each of the five continents and the Grand Congregations and the grand total. Beside these figures are entered in red the corresponding totals for the preceding year. 12 In spite of all this elaborate mechanism, the truth must be confessed that the greatest confusion reigns in the minds of the clergy and laity throughout the world on the methods used by the Society. The existence of two independent bodies, equally potent, and in some mysterious way equally subordin- ate to an unseen center, is bound to create confusion. Whether 11. FRERI, op. cit., in the Annals, vol. LXXXV, p. 55, 1922. 12. Cf. Appendix of this work wherein a Repartition cahier has been reproduced. 54 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Paris is subordinate to Lyons, Lyons to Paris, or whether the world is divided arbitrarily between the two Central Councils ; or whether one can consider the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide as the overruling director of the two Coun- cils are questions that no amount of research has cleared up. As we shall see, later, this confusion of authority objectively, at least, has done harm to the Society in such business-like countries as England and America. Moreover, the Rule is antiquated and has fallen into disuse. No new Rule has been made since 1834, and this Rule antedates the present system of organization. As Freri has said: It is quite natural that an institution one hundred years old should be in need of some changes and reforms and we know that the Holy See has been contemplating them for some time. The * Osservatore Romano' (the official organ of the Vatican) published on January 18, 1921, an article on the 'Propagation of the Faith' in which it was stated that the authorities of the Church had decided to transfer to Rome the Councils of Lyons-Paris and place them under the jurisdiction of the S. C. of Propaganda and the direction of an international committee. This will probably lead to a reorganization of the Society, but at this writing we have no knowledge as to the lines on which it will be made. 18 Secrecy prevails over everything, and at Paris even the names of the members of the Councils were refused me. Many Catholics, therefore, even among those whose social position and religious sentiments place them at the head of works of Catholic benevolence are ignorant as well of the organization as of the mode of operation of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. This ignorance is due, in large part, to the traditions of the Central Councils' Directors, who have always concealed their labors under the veil of anonymity. The two Councils are self -recruiting and the func- tions of their members are entirely gratuitous. They are composed of ecclesiastics and laymen commendable by their social positions, the functions which they perform, their ex- perience in business, their talent and their piety. 14 Since 13. FUERI, op. cit., in the Annals, vol. LXXXV, p. 14, 1922. 14. Organisation dc I'Ocuvrc, etc. in the Annalcs, t. LXXXII, p. 7. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 55 laymen were in the majority at the foundation meeting of the Society in 1822, the administration has remained almost entirely in their hands. Hence only a few priests have taken an active part in its deliberations. 18 Recently, however, the Holy See expressed the desire to have ecclesiastics placed at the head of the two Councils, and as a result of this Mgr. Beehetoille, Vicar-General of the Diocese of Lyons, has been named President of the Central Council of Lyons, and Mgr. Odelin, Vicar-General of the Diocese of Paris, has been named to head the Central Council of Paris. Another recent innovation in the government of the Society was introduced by Pope Benedict XV when he created a Central Council at Rome, which he placed under the direct dependence of the Sacred Congregation cle Propa- ganda Fide for all the dioceses of Italy and charged to pro- cure a greater development of the Society in that country. 10 Just what will be the relations between this Council and those of Lyons and of Paris remains to be seen. It is problematical whether an international Council 'will be created at Rome or elsewhere and whether the ancient French Councils will be- come simple intermediaries between the faithful and this international Council or whether the former will conserve their present character. There is also a possibility that the Congregation of Propaganda may take over the effective direc- tion of the Society." For the purposes of daily correspondence the two Central Councils have in some unknown way divided the Missions of the world between them. The dioceses and Missions in America have been under the jurisdiction of the Paris 15. FRERI, op. cit., p. 14, 1912. 16. Osscrvatore Komano, January 21, 1921. 17. GUASOO, L'Ocuvre de la Propagation de la Foi, Un Siccle d'Histvire, in the Correspondant, t. 284, September 25, 1921; Cf. FRERI, op. tit., in the Annals, vol. LXXXV, p. 55, 1922: "The Osservatore Romano . . . stated that the authorities of the Church had decided to transfer to Rome the Councils of Lyons and Paris and place them under the jurisdiction of the S. C. of Propaganda and the direction of an international committee. This will probably lead to a reorganization of the Society but at this writing we have no knowledge as to the lines on which it will be made." 56 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Council. The Missions of the various religious orders have been somewhat arbitrarily divided between the two councils. The money contributed to the Society is sent by each dele- gate or by a diocesan director to the Central Council of Lyons or of Paris by means of bank drafts and it is distributed to the Mission fields by the same means. At times the insistence by the Central Councils that all mass stipends, particular gifts, as well as collections which are later to be distributed to the Missions of the same country in which they were do- nated, conform to this set method has resulted in certain delays and in losses incurred by the transfer and retrans- fer of these funds. There is no doubt that as early as 1840, and earlier, the American bishops were not altogether pleased with the cum- bersome methods of the Society. In that year we find Father Hercule Brassac submitting to the American hierarchy a pros- pectus for a general Agency to be established in Paris for the transactions of all ecclesiastical affairs with the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. This prospectus was as follows : The need of an Ecclesiastical Agency established in Paris and devoted entirely to the interests of the episcopate and the clergy of the United States has been felt for a long time and yet an establishment of this kind is still wanting. The undersigned, after having consulted persons of experience, has decided to attempt the enterprise, provided that his plan obtains the approval and encouragement of the archbishops and bishops of the United States, as it has already received it from Bishops Rosati, Portier and Miles. Here is what he has the honor of proposing: I. The undersigned will act as representative before the Council of the Association for the Propagation of the Faith for the Right Reverend American prelates, who will thus authorize him for the pur- pose, to explain the needs of the dioceses, to defend their interests, to solicit assistance, to receive the sums allowed and send them to their destination by the surest means and with the shortest delay. Nearly all the different Missions of the world have with the Association a representative in the Superiors of the Seminary of the Foreign Missions, of the Lazarists, the Jesuits, and the House of Picpus, etc. Those of the United States are almost the only ones which are not officially represented and from this may come the difference in the allocations. In as much as the directors of the Association have no The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 57 other information about the missions than the letters of the Bishops, which are often read a long time before the sessions where the allowances are made, the demand made and the considerations to support them are likely to be forgotten, while a few remarks made verbally at that very moment might exert a very happy influence. The funds allowed to the dioceses of the United States often remain a considerable time in the treasury of the Association. The time neces- sary to notify the interested parties of these allocations, the sending thereof or possibly the negotiation as to the manner and terms of payments which often follow long after the time when the matter has been presented, cause delays that could to a great extent be avoided by the proposed Agency. II. Priests in Europe often obtain from their bishops an exeat gladly given in order to get rid of them; they arrive in America and the Ordinaries of the place where they present themselves for the missions, have no means of assuring themselves at once of their past conduct and their capabilities. Others again, led undoubtedly by good motives, but having had none to judge their vocations other than persons ignorant of the customs and ways of the United States, find themselves disappointed and unable to do much good. The undersigned will take it upon himself to obtain all possible information about the candidates who present themselves for America. He will try to learn of their character, their talents and their aptitude. As he knows a great number of the Dioceses of France, Belgium and even Germany and Italy, and as he moreover exercised the holy ministry in the United States for nearly twenty years, he would be better able than many others to judge, with less chances of being mistaken, those who would be fitted for this kind of a mission. He could also provide for their embar- kation according to the orders of the bishops. III. In compliance with the wishes of prelates to obtain the estab- lishment of religious orders of women, the undersigned will attempt to procure them and to attend to everything necessary for their voyage. IV. The undersigned would also take care of the buying of books, ornaments, sacred vessels, paintings, engravings and lithographs and church furniture, also subscriptions to papers and magazines, and in general, of everything that would be recommended to him. He would give his personal attention to these matters, profiting by the assistance of merchants and manufacturers; he would spare no pains in obtaining the most advantageous terms at all times. V. The undersigned promises to the archbishops and bishops that he will justify their confidence by constant zeal and absolute discretion in the matters entrusted to him. VI. The undersigned would ask of each of the bishops and arch- bishops who would honor him with their confidence the sum of $50.00 58 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith (250 francs) as compensation for his services and would pledge himself not to charge any further commissions for the business he would have to do; at least where he would not himself be obliged to pay interest in procuring the drafts for the transmission of moneys. VII. In cases where the undersigned would be obliged to advance moneys, he would charge at the rate of 5 per cent interest annually and 1 per cent commission on the sum advanced. VIII. The undersigned will also charge himself to fill the orders given him by colleges, convents, religious institutions and the clergy at large for a reasonable commission according to the importance of the demand; but those orders must be sent to him through the hands of the bishops, or otherwise the money must be sent in advance by draft or otherwise. IX. The undersigned will give to the archbishops and bishops who desire it, a guarantee for the faithful administration of their funds. The undersigned feels it his duty to impress upon the archbishops and bishops of the United States that his enterprise is not a money speculation, but simply a work which he believes to be most advan- tageous for the country that he considers as a second Fatherland. Bishops Rosati, Portier and Miles have authorized the undersigned to make known to their venerable brothers of the United States the approbation and encouragement which they have given to his project, and to give their names as his reference. He takes the liberty to add the names of Bishop Purcell of Cincinnati, of Mr. Jeanjean of New Orleans, of Madame Gallitzin, Superioress of the Sacred Heart of the United States. The agency will open on January 1, 1841. Correspondence with the undersigned may be in French or in English. The following form signed and sealed will be a sufficient proxy to authorize the undersigned to act with full power. "I, the undersigned, Archbishop (or Bishop) of N. N. in the United States of America, recognize and authorize Monsieur 1'Abbe Brassac, formerly missionary in America, as my agent with the Association for the Propa- gation of the Faith established in Europe, and I ask all persons whom it may concern to honor him in this quality with their confidence." I have the honor to remain, most respectfully of Your Grace, the most humble and devoted servant. H. Brassac, V. G. of Cincinnati and Nashville Paris, f Eue Cassette 28. P. S. There will always be with this agent an apartment for the Archbishops and Bishops during their stay at Paris. 18 18. MESSMER, The Eev. Hercule Brassac, European Vicar-Gen- eral of the American Bishops, 1839-1861, in the Catholic Historical Review, vol. Ill, pp. 413-415. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 59 How many bishops joined this Agence, it is impossible to state. The main item in the operating expenses of the Society is that for the printing, publishing and distributing the Annalcs. The other publications of the Society are sold for a modest price which generally covers their expense and at times leaves a small surplus which is also devoted to the Mis- sions. The salaries o the employees, as well as rent, taxes, heat, light and insurance, and the expenses of correspondence constitute the other chief items of expense. The receipts of the Association for the year 1842 amounted to 3,233,486 fr. which is upwards of $600,000. The Missions of the United States received of this sum, $126,000. The whole sum distributed throughout the world is about $550,000. The expenses of the admin- istration which include those incurred not only in France, but in other countries, are composed of the salaries of persons employed, postage of letters in the correspondence which is kept up, as well as the various dioceses of Europe, as with the missions of the whole world, rent, stationery, etc., and amount to about $6,500. The Society publishes, every two months, a pamphlet containing intelligence of the different missions, consisting principally of letters from clergymen who are stationed in those various points. These pamphlets are called Annals of tlw Association, &c., and the printing of them amounts annually to $45,000. One hundred and fifty thousand copies of the Annals are now printed; namely 77,000 French; 21,000 German; 15,000 English; 2,000 Spanish; for South America; 3,500 Flemish; 28,000 Italian; 2,000 Portugese; and 1,500 Dutch; this number published six times a year, gives a total of nine hundred thousand copies. The number published in the course of the last year has been somewhat less, on the average, than this; but there must be added besides, the printing of the Glance, Prospectus, collector's sheet, &c., in all languages as well as the re- printing of several of the old numbers. In the expenses of publication must be also included paper, printing, stitching of the numbers, editing, translating into foreign languages, &c. 1D One of the traditional methods of keeping the attention, the interest and the zeal of the faithful alive to the missionary work in which the Society is engaged has been the annual dis- course delivered by one of the foremost pulpit orators of 19. Association for the Propagation of the Faith in the United States Catholic Magazine, Vol. Ill, pp. 124-128. Baltimore, 1844. 60 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith France on the subject of the Propagation of the Faith. This discourse generally took place on the third of May or the third of December, the two principal feast days of the Society, in the primatial church of Lyons in the presence of the Arch- bishop. Among the most prominent of these orators has been Father Monsabre, O. P., Father Didon, 0. P., Mgr. Touchet, Bishop of Orleans, Father Janvier, O. P., and Mgr. Le Roy. They have all been printed and are 011 sale in Lyons for about ten cents apiece, the whole collection amounting to about two dollars. At an early date the public character of the Society which had been assured by the rescript of Pius VII in 1823 which was its canonical institution and the progress which it made each day prevailed upon the Superior Council of the Associa- tion at Paris to give its publicity all the extension necessary for the national development of the work. There remains, however, in the administration of the Society the two defects : an absence of hierarchical organization between the Councils, and the prevalance of secrecy in the meetings, monthly and annual. For the latter, the French attitude towards such activity as that embraced by the Society must be understood ; for the combination of patriotism and religious zeal has never been broken since the proud old clays when the Gesta Dei per Francos was the boast of the people of France. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 61 CHAPTER V ECCLESIASTICAL AND LAY COOPERATION In the year 1817 the Holy See gave its approbation to the Association of Prayers which was being reestablished by the Seminaire des Mission-fitrangeres of Paris and enriched it with certain indulgences. 1 After the foundation of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith it was necessary to obtain ecclesiastical approbation ; hence in the beginning of the year 1823, M. de Villiers, a member of the Central Council of Lyons, went to Rome and was received by the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII, in private audience. 2 In this audience, of March 5, 1823, the Association for the Propagation of the Faith requested the Holy Father to grant to each of its members certain indulgences applicable to the souls in Purgatory. 8 In an audience granted to the Cardinal Secretary of State on March 15, 1823, Pius VII accorded to the Association the indulgences asked. 4 Pius VII died in 1823 and was succeeded by Pope Leo XII. Shortly after his elevation to the Papacy, the Central Council of Lyons, through the agency of one of its members, rendered its homage to the Pope ; and on May 11, 1824, Leo XII granted to those Associates of the Society, who were infirm, the privilege of gaining the indulgences granted by his predecessor without the obligation of visiting the parish church. 8 Nor was Pius VIII forgetful of the 1. Cf. LAUNAY, op. cit., t. II, pp. 500, et seq.; Cf. Note 7, at the end of Chapter II of this work. 2. Association de la Propagation de la Foi, in the Annales, t. I, fasc. iii, pp. 6-7. 3. Ut supra, pp. 6-8; Cf. Propaganda Transcripts, Documento I, L'Associazione delta Propagazionc delta Fcde domanda I'approvazione a S. S. Pio VII, Roma, 5 Mars, 1823. 4. Ut supra, pp. 9-11 ; Cf . ibid. Documento II, Sua Santita Pio VII nell 'Udienza concessa at Card. Segretario di Stato, il 15 marzo 1823 accorda all'Associazionc I'approvazione delle grazie domandate. 5. Annales, t. I, fasc. v, pp. 8-10; Extrait du Eeglcment de I' Asso- ciation de la Propagation de la Foi, in the Annales, t. I, fasc. vi, p. 96; Propaganda Transcripts, Documento IV, Leone XII accorda agli associati infermi della pia Opera di poter lucrare le indulgenze con- 62 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Society. The rescript of September 18, 1829, granted to the associates the privilege of gaming the indulgences by visiting any church whatsoever instead of the parish church or the oratory of the Association. Gregory XVI, who had been prefect of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide, bestowed special benevolence upon the Society which had be- come such a powerful auxiliary of this important Roman Congregation. In a rescript dated September 25, 1831, he granted to those Associates, who are not French, the privilege of belonging to the Association and of gaining the indulgences accorded to the same. 7 These privileges were extended in per- petuity to those Associates outside of France. Moreover, on November 15, 1835, Gregory XVI, granted that the indul- gences accorded to the members of the Society on the Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross and on that of St. Francis Xavier might be gained either on their octave or on the day fixed for the celebration of the feast by the Ordinary. 8 On July 22, 1836, he also granted a plenary indulgence on Feasts of the Annunciation and Assumption. 9 Gregory XVI, issued on March 22, 1839, a brief whereby the Feast of the Martyr Esuperius was to be instituted in the metropolis of Lyons and whereby divers indulgences are accorded to the Associates of cesse dal suo predeccssore, scnsa I'obbligo di visitare la chiesa par- rocchiale. Die undecima maii, 1824. 6. Annales, t. IV, p. 259; ibid., t. VIII, p. 408; Propaganda Transcripts, Docwnento VII, Pio VIII a-coorda ai fedeli associati in- fermi di poter visitare una chiesa parrocchiale o oratorio dell'Asso- ciazione. (18 Settembre, 1829) Eome. 7. Annales, t. V, p. 294; Propaganda Transcripts, Documento IX: 25 Settembre, 1831. II Sommo Pontcfice Gregorio XVI, su domanda del Presidents dell'Associasione della Prop, della Fede di Lione, concede ai nan Francesi di poter far parte dell'Associasione, e di lucrare le indulgence accordate alia medesima. 8. Annales, t. VIII, p. 407; Propaganda Transcripts, Documento XVI: Gregorio XVI concede ohe le indulgence agli ascritti della pia Opera per le feste dell'Invensione e 8. Francesco si possano lucrare o nella loro ottavo, o il giorno in cui la fcsta, e fissata dal proprio Or- dinario. 15 Novembris, 1835. 9. Annales, t. IX, p. 112; Propaganda Transcripts, Documento XXVI, Gregorio XVI concede agli ascritti della Pia, Opera di poter lucrare I'indulgenza plenaria, applicabile ai defunti, nei giorni dell'An- nunziata e dell'Assunta. Die 22 Julii, 1836. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith ' 63 the pious Society for the Propagation of the Faith. 10 In his Encyclical of August 13, 1840, Gregory XVI recommended the pious Society to all the patriarchs, archbishops and bishops, of the whole Catholic world. The opening words from the Encyclical, which we have already cited, are : Probe nostis, Venerabiles Fratres, quantis undique calaraitatibus tristissimo hoc tempore urgeatur et quam miserandum in modum Catholica vexetur Ecclesia: nee ignoratis quanta omnis generis errorum colluvione, effrenataque errorum audacia Religio Sancta oppugnetur, et quali astutia quibusque fraudibus haeretici, atque increduli homines connitantur fidelium corda mentesque pervertere. Nostis uno verbo, nullum prope esse laboris ac moliminum genus, quod ad inconcussum Sanctae Civitatis aedificium ex iuris, si fieri posset, sedibus evellendum non insumatur. . . . Quid denique, nisi magna cum laude dicendum, de celebri ilia societate quae non solum in catholicis regionibus, sed etiam in Catholicorum et infidelium terris, nova semper obtinet incre- menta; quaeque fidelibus omnibus euiuscumque conditionis facilem viam modumque aperit, ut de apostolicis missionibus bene mereantur, ac de spiritualibus illarum bonis participes et ipsi fiant? lam intel- ligitis, sermonem hie esse de notissima societate sub titulo Propagationis Fidei. Communicatis modo vobiscum, Venerabiles Fratres, et angoribus, quibus ab iacturas conficimur, et consolationibus quibus sustentamur ob catholicae Beligionis triumphos, restat nunc ut pariter vobis com- municemus sollicitudinem quae Nos urget pro maiori Societatum tarn bene in Religione merentium prosperitate. 11 His successor, Pius IX, in a rescript dated October 17, 1847, freely confirmed the spiritual graces granted to the Society by his predecessors. 12 On May 2, 1850, Pius IX, thanked the Councils of Lyons and Paris for the congratula- tions extended to him on the occasion of his return to Rome. 13 10. Annales, t. XI, pp. 168-182; ibid., pp. 459-462: Propaganda Transcripts, Documento XXXI; Breve col quale s'istituisce la festa del ma-rtire S. Esuperio nclla metropoli di Lione e si aooordamo diverse indulgence agli associati della pia Opera della Fede. Roma, 22 marzo, 1839. Gregorius PP. XVI, ad perpetuam rei memoriam. 11. Annales, t. XII, pp. 603-615; Propaganda Transcripts, Docu- mento XXXIII, Enciclica con la quale Gregorio XVI, raccomanda I'Opera a tutto I'Orbe cattolico. 13 Agosto, 1840. " Probe nostis." 12. Annales, t. XXII, p. 320; Propaganda Transcripts, Dooumento XXXVII, Pio IX conferma ampiamcnte alia Pia Opera le grazie spir- ituali accordate dai suoi predecessori. Die 17 Octobris, 1847. 13. Annales, t. XXII, no. 328 bis, pp. i-viii ; Propaganda Trans- scripts, Documento XLVII; Pio IX ringrizia i Consigli di Lione e Parigi per le congratulaeione inviategli in occasione de suo ritorno a Boma. 22 Maii, 1850. 64 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith His rescript of August 5, 1851, decreed that the spiritual graces conceded by his predecessors might be gained by the members regardless of the sum contributed by them each month. 14 In the brief of December 31, 1853, Pius IX, ac- corded to the priests who are the collectors of the hundred groups of ten the favor of a privileged altar five times a week. 15 The rescript of April 17, 1855, accords to the children who are members of the pious work and who have not yet made their First Communion the privilege of gaining the in- dulgences by simply going to confession. 10 New indulgences were accorded in the rescript of March 7, 1862." The rescript of January 26, 1865, granted to priests who each year collected (or themselves give 260 lire or who are members of a com- mittee or council of the Society), the faculty of imparting to rosaries the indulgence of St. Bridget, the ordinary indul- gence for crosses and medals, and the plenary indulgence and papal benediction in the hour of death. 18 On December 31, 1871, his rescript conceded other privileges to priests who are either collectors for the Society, are zealous in its behalf, or who are members of it. 19 On June 5, 1872, another rescript 14. Annales, t. XXIV, pp. 81-88; Propaganda Transcripts, Docu- mento XLVIII, Pio IX stabilises che le graeie spirituals conoesse dai suoi predecessori si possono' lucrare dagli ascritti qualnnque sia la somma da essi mensilmente elargita. Die 5 August!, 1851. 15. Annales, t. XXVI, pp. 325-326; Propaganda Transcripts, Docu- mento L, Pio IX accorda ai sacerdoti ascritti alia Pia> Opera il favore dell'altare privilegiato. Die 31 Decembris, 1853. 16. Annales, t. XXVII, pp. 256-257; Propaganda Transcripts, Docu- mento LI, Pio IX acoorda ai fanciulli ascritti alia Pia Opera di poter lucrare le indulgence con Vaccostarsi scmplicemente al sacramento della confessione. 17 Aprile, 1855. 17. Annales, t. XXXV, pp. 5-7; LOUVET, op. cit., p. lla. 18. Annales, t. XXXVIII, p. 253; Propaganda Transcripts, Docu- mento LII : Pio IX accorda ai sacerdoti che avranno raccolto ogni anno, o dato del loro, la somma di L. 260, ovvcro che facciano parte di un Consiglio o di un Comitato dell 'Opera, la facoltd di annettere o dare:" alle coronc le indulgence dette di S. Brigida: alle croci e medaglie le indulgence ordinaric; I'indulgenza plenaria e la benedisione papale in articulo mortis. Die lanuarii, 1865. 19. Annales, t. XLIV, pp. 79-83; Propaganda Transcripts, Docu- mento LIV, Pio IX concede altri privilege ai sacerdoti o collettori o zelatori o ascritti alia Pia Opera. Die 31 Decembris, 1871. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 65 granted the concession of a plenary indulgence to the Asso- ciates on the occasion of the Society's fiftieth anniversary. 20 The first rescript of Leo XIII, dated June 16, 1878, ampli- fied the powers and faculties accorded to the priests who are collectors of the Society. 21 His Encyclical Letter of December 3, 1880, Sancta Dei Civitas recommended to the bishops of the Christian world the Institutes of the Propagation of the Faith, of the Holy Childhood of Jesus Christ, and of the Schools of the Orient. An extract from this memorable En- cyclical follows: Eminet autem inter ceteras pia consociatio ante annos fere sexa- ginta Lugduni in Galliis coalita, quae a propagatione fidei nomen accepit. Haec primum illuc spectavit ut quibusdam in America missioni- bus opem ferret: mox tamquam granum sinapis in arborem ingentem excrevit cuius rami late frondescunt, adeoque ad missioned omnes, quae ubique terrarum sunt, actuosam beneficentiam porrigit. Praeclarum hoc institutum celeriter Ecclesiae pastoribus probatum fuit et luculentis laudam testimoniis honestatum. Komani illud Pontifices Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Decessores Nostri et commendarunt vehementer et In dulgenti arum donis ditaverunt. Ac multo etiam studiosus fovit et plane caritate paterna complexus est Gregorius XVI. . . . Eodem tempore aemulatio pietatis effecit ut binae aliae societatis coalescerent quarum altera a Sacra lesu Christi infantia altera a Scholis Orientis nuncupata est. . . . Itaque cum tria sodalitis tarn certa Pontificum Maximorum gratia floruerint, cumque opus singula suum studio con- cordi urgere numquam desierint, uberes edidere salutis fructus, Con- gregatione Nostri de Propaganda Fide haud mediocre attulere subsidium et levamen ad sustinenda missionum onera, atque ita vigere visa sunt ut laetam quoque spem facerent in posterum segetis amplioris. 22 On December 6, 1883, Leo XIII, expressed his appreciation of Les Missions Catholiques. His rescript of May 25, 1885, 20. Annales, t. XLIV, pp. 315-317; Propaganda Transcripts, Docu- mento LV : Pio IX ringrizia i Consigli di Lione e Parigi per i voti da loro espressi in occasione dcll'SQmo genetliaco e del 50mo delta fon- dazione delta pia Opera. 5 Giugno, 1872. 21. Annales, t. LI, p. 5. 22. Annales, t. LIII, p. 79; Propaganda Transcripts, Documento LVI: Epistola Encyclica de institutis a propagatione Fidei a Sacra lesu Christi infantia et a scholis orientis provehendis; Sancta Dei Ci/vitas. Leo PP. XIII, Die III Decembris, 1880. 23. Annales, t. LVI, p. 63. 66 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith accorded new indulgences to the Associates. 24 On August 4, 1889, Leo XIII, extended new indulgences to all priests who are members of the Society or zealous in its behalf or who have paid in whatever money has been collected by them. 20 Another Encyclical Letter of Leo XIII, in favor of the Society was written on December 25, 1894, the Christi Nomen. We translate the following passage of this letter: For this reason we have never ceased to favor, to multiply the holy missions which spread the lights of the Christian faith among the people lost in the darkness and the Societies which sustain them by the subsidies collected from the faithful. ... A Society which has loaned to the missions of the entire world such an efficacious aid and promises for the future still more abundant assistance. And with the blessing of God our words obtained a happy result; the generosities of the faithful respond to the urgent and zealous appeal of the bishops and the well-meriting Society has made notable progress in these latter years. But now more urgent needs lay claim to an increase of zeal and generosity on the part of Catholics, and on your part, Venerable Brothers, to all your intelligent activity. . . . With what singular care, we are thinking of the Orient and of its illustrious and venerable churches, Our Apostolic letters concerning the necessity of conserving and of defending the discipline of the Orientals, have made you understand it. ... But to the help from on high, human means must be added and we must neglect nothing in what depends on us to seek out and to indicate all the measures suitable for obtaining the coveted result. To bring back to the unique Church all those Orientals whatsoever, which are separated from it, you see Venerable Brothers, there is need at the outset of recruiting a numerous clergy from among themselves, a clergy commendable by its doctrine and its piety, and capable of inspiring in the others the desire of union; then, to multiply as far as possible, these institutions in which the knowledge and discipline shall be taught in bringing them into harmony with the particular genius of the nation. It is also very opportune to open everywhere that it will be advantageous, special houses for the education of the clerical 24. Annalcs, t. LVII, pp. 265, 345; Propaganda Transcripts, Doou- mento LVII I: Leone XIII concede altre indulgence agli ascritti, Die 24 Maii, 1885. 25. Annalcs, LXI, p. 414; Propaganda Transcripts, Documcnto LIX: Leone XIII estende a tutti i sacerdoti ascritti alia Pia Opera le indul- gence accordate dai suoi predecessori ai sacerdoti membri di un Con- siglio o zclatori, qualunque sia la somma da, essi racoolta, o vcrsata. 4 Augusti, 1889. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 67 youth, colleges in proportion to the importance of the population, in order that each rite may be practised with dignity, and that the dif- fusion of their best books initiate all the faithful into the knowledge of their national religion. The realization of these and of other similar projects, you readily understand will necessitate great expenses, and you also understand that the Oriental Churches are unable to suffice by themselves, for such numerous and such heavy charges, and it is not possible for us, in the midst of these difficult times through which we are passing, to contribute ourselves, in the measure we desire. It remains for us therefore, to request, within the bounds of moderation, the largest part of the subsidies necessary, from the Society whose praise we have sounded, and whose object is in perfect conformity with that which we have at heart. . . . It is just to also recommend the similar and so useful Society of the Schools of tlw Orient, whose directors are equally engaged in applying to the same object, the largest possible portion of the alms which they collect. . . . Make then, every effort, Venerable Brothers, in order that the Association for the Propagation of the Faith make the largest possible development among you. 28 On December 12, 1903, Pius X in a brief filled with praise, expressed his joy at seeing the periodical, Les Missions Catho- liques, translated into various languages. 27 In a brief of March 25, 1904, Pius X highly praised the Society and its patron. A portion of this brief is as follows : In the first rank, by its utility and its action, is placed this Society, so worthy of sovereign praise, which has received the illustrious name of The Propagaton of the Faith. It seems to have been born and made its appearance in the midst of men by an inspiration wholly divine; for it is in conformity with the plan of the Providence of God that the faithful people of the Church who have not received the mission of preaching the Gospel of Christ, nevertheless aid by their assistance and subsidies, the heralds of the Gospel. That is why the love of Christ the Eedeemer moved the hearts of excellent men, inspired them 26. Annales, t. LXVII, p. 84; Propaganda Transcripts, Docu- mento LX: Enciclica di Leone XIII in favore delta Pia Opera. "Christi Nomcn." Die XXV Decembris anno MDCCCXCIV. Pontifical Re- script according indulgences to the priests who are collectors for the Society is published in the Annales, t. LXVIII, p. 468. The response of Leo XIII to the doubt submitted to him by the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences is given in the Annales, t. LXXXI, p. 384. 27. Annales, t. LXXVI, fasc. 453, supplement; Missions Catholiqucs, t. XXXV, pp. 613-614; Propaganda Transcripts, Documcnto LXI: Pio X si rallegra con la Pia Opera per la pubblicazione del periodico Les> Missions Catholiques, tradotte in parecchie lingue. Die XII Decembris, MCMIII. 68 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith to unite in an Association the faithful of all the peoples and of all the nations; to have them contribute of their goods to the holy expeditions of the missionaries; to come to the assistance of the dispensers of holy things, in associating their prayer and thus to obtain the object of all their desires the progress of the kingdom of God upon earth. Everyone knows that such an association has grandly merited from the propagation of the Christian faith. If the resources permit the envoys of the Catholic doctrine to reach the most distant and the most barbarous countries and to bring to them the benefits of our holy religion and of our civilization, it is to the generosity of this noble Association that it must be attributed. . . . Wherefore, in virtue of our Apostolic authority and by the present letters solely for this motive we absolve and declare absolved from all excommunication, suspension, interdict, and other sentences, censures and ecclesiastical poena, if by chance they have been incurred, all and each of them in favor of whom the said letters are given; and in order, to the exterior support furnished to the Association, may be equally added the protection and the grace from on high we choose for it and give St. Francis Xavier as its Heavenly Patron and we desire that to this Saint there be accorded all the honors due to Heavenly Patrons; moreover, that the extension of his culte and that an increase of liturgical honors may still more increase his glory we elevate his Feast to the rite of a double-major, conformably to the rubrics, for the universal church. And, doubtless, the generous efforts of Catholics, even if they be isolated cases of individual liberalities, contribute much to this result; but nothing would be more profitable than the organization of groups of ten among the Catholics according to the very wise rule; for the less cohesion the efforts have the less is the effect produced, and on the contrary, united and pre- scribed efforts are most powerful. To act individually, we say, is to do well; but to act altogether is to do as one should. 28 On February 1, 1908, Pius X conceded other privileges to priests who are members of the pious Society. 29 Benedict XV, in a brief of January 6, 1916, renewed the benevolence of his predecessors towards the Society : Truly with the blessing of God your solicitude and your zeal have produced abundant fruits as the subscriptions attest which you have obtained from the faithful and the enterprises of Apostolic labors which 28. Annalcs, t. LXXVI, fasc. 455, supplement; Propaganda Tran- della ^ vera ' . 29. Annales, t. LXXX, fasc. 478, supplement; Propaganda Tran- scripts. Documento LX1V : Pio X concede privilcgi ai sacerdoti ascritti alia pia Opera. Die I Februarii, MDCCCVIII The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 69 they have permitted to multiply, but alas at the very moment that we would wish that the charity of Catholics become more generous for this Society we have seen a distressing group of circumstances which your piety rightly deplores for the same reason as ours, reduce at once the number of sacred ministers and the subsidies which are necessary for the missions of the Church. 80 On November 28, 1919, Benedict XV recommended the Society in his Encyclical Maximum Illud* 1 Since the one hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith occurs on May 3rd of this year (1922), the Catholic worFd anticipates some new favors and commendations from His Holiness, Pius XI. Besides all these evidences of Papal sympathy and support, hundreds of bishops throughout the world have raised their voices in the favor of this Society and have called the atten- tion of their clergy to it. One year after his acceptance of the Presidency of the Superior Council, on August 18, 1823, the Grand Chaplain of France, Mgr. de Croy wrote to all the bishops of France to recommend the Society to them, for it had already stood the test arid obtained the benediction of Rome.* 2 The bishops hastened to promise their support to the infant institution, formed committees and wrote pastoral letters. From all parts there also arrived expressions of thanks and testimonies of gratitude to a Society which had already rendered such signal services and which was destined, with the advance of years, to render still greater services. The Cardinal Prince de Croy believed he ought to join his felicitations to all those which were extended to the So4ety and on the fifth of November, 1824, he wrote to M. de Verna, President of the Central Council of Lyons : Since I have had the honor to preside over the Association for the Propagation of the Faith, you as well as the members of the Central Council over which you preside have given me the proof of your zeal for the success of this splendid work. It is with very sweet satisfaction 30. Annales, t. LXXXVIII, fasc. 525, supplement; Propaganda Transcripts, Documento LXV : Benedetto XV rinnova alia pia Opera la benevolenza dei suoi predecessor i. Die VI lanuarii, MCMXVI. 31. FRERI, op. cit., in the Annals, vol. LXXXV, p. 62, 1922. 32. Annales, t. I, fasc. iii, pp. 12-14; GUASCO, op. cit., p. 47. 70 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith that I have seen both what true Christians can do and what they are doing, animated like yourself by the desire of extending tne knowledge of our holy religion and to concur in the salvation of souls. Kindly accept, and make known to the members of the different Councils, and to all those that are associated with us for this same end, the assurance of how much I am touched by their generous efforts and by the success with which God has deigned to crown these efforts in the Society of France. 38 From a large number of bishops, who followed the example of the Vicar of Christ, recommendations have been given in favor of this Society. From the time of its foundation in 1822 until 1894, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith had been recommended to the faithful by 620 pastoral letters which may be grouped as follows : France and Colonies, 297 pastorals ; Italy, 208 ; America, 42 ; Belgium, 12 ; England and Ireland, 11 ; Germany, 11 ; Switzerland, 9 ; Asia, 3 ; Spain, 3 ; Australia, 2. 34 The proposition in favor of the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Faith presented to the Congregation of Eminent and Reverend Fathers of the Vatican Council instituted to receive the propositions of the Fathers, by the Most Reverend Patriarchs, Archbishops and Bishops placed in charge of the government of the Missions, in January, 1870, was the most important episcopal endorsement the Society ever re- ceived. A translation of it is therefore given in full : Venerable Fathers: Among the different pious societies which due to the approbation of the Holy See and the favor of the bishops, sustain our missions by the prayers and alms of the faithful, that which bears the name of Society for the Propagation of the Faith undoubtedly ranks first. It is from it indeed, that nearly all of us, without any exception of nation or of person, receive the food and clothing, that with which the Apostle St. Paul declares evangelic workers should be content; it is by its help that the Catholic institutions are established and developed, the Catholic institutions and the works of mercy which so eloquently announce the Lord Jesus to the eyes of the peoples who know Him not, and who are plunged in error; these works and these institutions 33. Annates, t. I, fasc. v, pp. 29-30; ibid., t. II, p. 55. 34. LOUVET, op. cit., p. lla. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 71 are so many striking signs by which we are recognized as the veritable disciples of the true God, in spite of all indignity. Profiting therefore by the happy and holy occasion which unites us all, from the most distant regions of the world, at the feet of the Supreme Pastor, we have the unanimous desire of manifesting the immense gratitude which fills our hearts for this pious Society, the nurse and almost the mother of all the missions. We have at heart to recommend it to the venerable prelates who sit in the holy council and particularly, to the chief of all the prelates and of all the church, to the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IX, whose paternal benevolence we have already so often experienced. This paternal benevolence and your own, Venerable Fathers, appears today to be much more necessary for the development of this Society since now for many years, the alms it receives for the Propagation of the Faith, instead of increasing as heretofore, remain stationary, or even as has happened this year, run the risk of diminishing. There results from this, on the one hand, that the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, finds it impossible to suitably sustain all the missions whose number has increased; while on the other hand, the ministers in the regions committed to our care, lavish immense sums, whose amount increases each year, to pervert souls, or rather to buy them by a sacrilegious bargain. An extreme danger menaces our missions and to avoid it, it is necessary to inspire in the faithful, new ardor in order that recalling their ancient energy, this grand society may always make new progress. And we are confident that a single word from the Holy See and the Ecumenical Council will produce a result which is so desirable and so advantageous for the propagation of the Christian name in the whole world. Belying on these sacred motives, Venerable Fathers, we humbly request that among the decrees relating to the Catholic missions which must be presented to the holy Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, one bo added by which the Church accords to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith a solemn consecration and a new recommendation. We cannot doubt that such a decision would be suitable to animate the zeal of the so Catholic directors of this pious Society, and to inspire in the faithful a sustained zeal in the places where it has seemed to languish. That is then, Venerable Fathers, the favor which we humbly ask of you as well as of the Ecumenical Council, glorying in styling our- selves. Your very humble and very devoted servants and brothers, (Then follow the signatures of one hundred and fifty-one mis- sionary bishops.) 85 35. In the Annales, t. XLII, pp. 159-161. 72 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith The bishops of the Catholic nations of the Old and the New World have on several occasions given to the Society of the Propagation of the Faith marks of their high sympathy and generous cooperation by means of these pastoral letters which they have issued, which, when they were received by the Central Councils, had the effect of both a recompense and an encouragement. 36 One might say that the bishops of all the Sees of France have successively recommended the great Society to the Faithful with high commendation. On the occasion of the solemn Triduum celebrated at Lyons in honor of the Blessed Perboyre and Chanel, their Eminences, the Cardinals of Lyons and Paris, made an urgent appeal in favor of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. 87 At the time of the appearance of the Encyclical Christi Nomen, a large number of pastoral letters gave echo to the word of the Venerable Chief of the Church. 38 The Annales have pub- lished excerpts from the sermons of His Eminence the Car- dinal Archbishop of Rheims, and of the Archbishops of Aix, of Albi, of Sorrento ; the Bishop of Carcassonne, of Val- ence, of Vannes, of Versailles, of Saint Flour, of Montpelier, of Oran, and of Auckland. The pastoral letter of the Bishop of Nevers of December 25, 1890 ; of the Archbishop of Mexico of February 12, 1890 ; of the Bishop of Puebla of August 8, 1890; of Leon and of Vera-Cruz, in 1891; of Syracuse in 1895, of la Platta in 1898, of San-Juan-de Cuyo (Argentine Republic) in 1900, of Ancud (Chile) in 1903, were also cited. 38 The long list of testimonials given in favor of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, can hardly be exhausted. In the words of a venerable South American prelate, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith was the "marvel of the XIX century, thei most eminent which the religion of Jesus Christ has inspired in recent times." It is a work eminently Catholic, and it has often been so qualified by the 36. Proposition en faveur de la Propagation de la Foi, presentee aux PP. du Concile du Vatican par cent cinquante-un eveques mission- naires, in the Annales, t. XLII, pp. 159-161. 37. Annales, t. LXII, p. 7. 38. Annales, t. LXVII, pp. 229, et seq. 39. L'Oeuvre, etc., p. 33, 1908. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 73 Chief Pastors. Not only from Missions but from all parts of the Christian world, from France, Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany, the United States, Mexico, the Argentine Republic and other South American republics, the Central Councils have been continually rewarded by the most gratify- ing letters. In the eloquent words of the illustrious prelate, Bishop Freppel, it may be said : "May God's Kingdom come! May it come for those infidel peoples still living in darkness and in the shadow of death I May it come for those idolatrous races who know not Jesus Christ, who are deprived of the light and the consolations of the Faith ; who have not, like us, those divine remedies against sin that the Church offers to her children 1 May it come also for those countries in the East which are being moved at this moment by the life-giving spirit of God; may it come also for those perishing branches which for centuries have been detached by schism from the trunk of Catholic unity I And, finally, may it come for our separated brethren in both the old and new world who have retained but a few shreds of doctrine and some semblance of Christian life I Adveniat regnum tuum! Then, when that glorious day shall have dawned upon the world, that day of spiritual birth for some and of resurrection for others, if we would wish to know the source of these divine blessings, we shall find, I say, as the principal instrument in God's right hand, the society for the Propagation of the Faith. This kingdom of God on earth will be its terrestrial crown, whilst awaiting the time when it shall please God to grant its active and zealous members their eternal reward. 40 Reference has already been made to the letters of Bishops Du Bourg and Flaget, commenting upon the Rules of the Association shortly after its foundation. The optimistic attitude they assumed towards the Society proved fully justified, especially in reference to the Church in the United States, which is evidenced by the letters written to the Society and in favor of the Society by the provincial and national Councils. The first Provincial Council of Baltimore, on the eve of its conclusion, addressed a joint letter of thanks to the Councils of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith which follows : 40. FRERI, op. cit., in the Annals, vol. LXXXV, p. 64, 1922. 74 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith We eagerly seize the favorable occasion in which we are united in national council to testify to His Eminence the President of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, to the Councils which direct it, and to all the members of which it is composed, our lively and sincere gratitude for the extraordinary favors which most of us have received from this zealous and generous association. Even those among the bishops who have not yet participated in its benevolence, convinced that all the amounts distributed into the hands of their confreres have served to form establishments extremely advantageous to the progress of our holy religion, rejoice in this before the Lord, and from the depths of their hearts join their thanks to those of their confreres who have been more privileged; hoping that in the future donations this inexhaustible association will deign to recall their names and furnish them the same means to make religion flourish in their respective dioceses. Thus, this beautiful Church of France, but a short while ago purified by a persecution not less murderous than those which took place under the pagan emperors, today offers to the Christian world the holy and touching example of the primitive church. For, as in former times, the Christendom of Greece and that of the Holy City generously contributed to the Holy Church of the Gauls in sending their missionaries filled with the Apostolic spirit and abundant alms, eighteen centuries afterwards this France, justly grateful, distributes in her turn into the new world immense sums for the formation of new churches and sends here missionaries who endeavor to tread in the footsteps of the Apostles. Oh, may Heaven grant that the generosity of this illustrious Church of Christ will place us in a position to be able, in our turn, to form churches which will not delay to be established from the banks of the Missouri as far as the Pacific Ocean! In this holy expectation will you not seek to e'ncourage the faithful confided to our care to pray for their pious benefactors; whilst the bishops and the clergy of the United States make it a duty never to offer the sacrifice from our altars without thinking of all the members of the venerable Association of the Propagation of the Faith, and of the most Christian king, who encourages such holy institutions in his vast empire. Penetrated with all these sentiments, we have the honor to be, of all the members of the Association (for the Propagation) of the Faith, the very grateful and very devoted servants, James, Archbishop of Baltimore, Benedict Joseph, Bishop of Bardstown, John, Bishop of Charleston, Edward, Bishop of St. Louis, Benedict, Bishop of Boston, William Mathew, Administrator of the Diocese of Philadelphia. 41 41. Annales, t. IV, pp. 112-114. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 75 In 1830, Bishop Du Bourg, at that time Bishop of Montauban, France, wrote a letter on the Society from which the following is cited: Asia and Africa have their missionaries of whom we will speak in a moment and America also has hers to whom we are bound, my dearest brethren, by an affection, the cause of which you understand. There is in America a vast and flourishing country known by the name of the United States where some men, animated by invincible courage and boundless charity, labor to establish the realm of Jesus Christ and to make His Gospel prosper. The most consoling and most unexpected successes are every day attained to encourage their efforts and increase their hopes. Everywhere, at the voice of the generous Apostles, the awakened people come out of their indifference, abjure their errors, prostrate themselves before their new altars, rejoicing to be able to address to God their sentiments of gratitude for the inappreciable benefit of their vocation to the faith. In a small number of years, ten dioceses, established on most solid bases, several seminaries perfectly organized, numerous colleges confided to very learned and very respec- table priests, preachers full of zeal and talent, pious and benevolent associations, convents, monasteries and an ever increasing multitude of faithful and devout Christians promise to this infant church a long and glorious prosperity. 42 On October 26, 1833, a letter from the Fathers of the Second Council of Baltimore to the Central Councils of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, said in part: . . . The benevolent hand, which in your Catholic zeal, you extend over all parts of the earth has spread a holy joy both in our cities and as far as the extremity of our forests and our deserts: the religion, of which we are the interpreters owes you its vows (voeux) and its prayers, and has inspired us to offer them to you according to the ancient custom terminating the sessions of this Council. If it is consoling for us to contemplate the holy eagerness of the faithful of France to share with America the heritage of charity which they have received from Asia it will not be less consoling for you to learn that the grain which you have planted is bearing fruit; that new temples rise up each day for the worship of the true God; that in nearly all our dioceses we have established seminaries; that the colleges founded for the instruction and the religious education of the youth obtain an astonishing success; that the convents are multiplied; that the natives shall finally be assisted; that 320 laborers at present work 42. Annales, t. IV, p. 262. 76 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the vineyard of the Lord and that a number twice as large or even greater still would scarcely respond to the needs of our vast province. The twelfth diocese will be born without delay. Pray therefore, our well beloved, that those who are the successors of the Apostles and who represent them in this important portion of the new world, in equaling their number walk in their footsteps, everywhere carrying before them the torch of the faith and that of Apostolic virtues; then your works shall be worthily crowned and the sowing of the grain of mustard seed which you have sprinkled with your generous contribu- tions will become a large tree in the shadow of which other peoples will be able to take refuge. 48 The Fathers of the Fourth Provincial Council of Balti- more wrote to the Presidents of the Councils of the South and of the North (Lyons and Paris) and to the members of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on May 23, 1840: By the benefit of a merciful Providence you were inspired, our dear brethren, to come to the aid of the American Church at the very epoch when, leaving a state of infancy, it sought a protecting hand to steady its tottering steps and to send it forth into the desert to seek there the abandoned sheep. A happy and noble inspiration which impelled you, in the land sprinkled by the blood of Pothin and Irenaeus, of these generous martyrs who seem to have bequeathed to you the beautiful mission of in some way rendering to the entire universe this heritage of faith which you received from Asia. Your Society, like the grain of mustard of which the Gospel speaks, has developed with that vigor of life which comes from on high; and after you have had scarcely a few years of existence you have already extended its branches of benevolence as far as the extremities of the earth and you have accompanied the priest of Jesus Christ amongst the peoples so long seated in the shadow of death. We rejoice, our dear brethren, in these superabundant benedictions which God showers upon you, for if even the glass of cold water given in the name of His Disciple is not without merit for eternal life; if God contemplates with joy the widow's mite, you who by your common offerings sustain the existence of his zealous ministers who divide the world, have you not the sacred right to the recompense of a prophet ? 44 43. Annales, t. VI, pp. 632-634; Missions Catholiques, t. IX, p. 523, 1877. 44. Annales, t. XII, pp. 409-410. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 77 The Fathers of the Fifth Council of Baltimore on May 20, 1843, sent a letter to the Presidents, Directors and Members of the Propagation of the Faith. No one can appreciate with more justice the benefits of this Catholic spirit and the miracles of this ardent charity which sustain as far as the extremities of the earth the torch of faith than those who, in the new world have seen at close range the progress of the grain of mustard seed which becomes a tree and furnishes shade and repose to those who have grown weary in the ways and the errors of this mortal life. Twenty-five years have scarcely passed by and already seventeen pastors are united in the Sanctuary of the Metropolis to form new flocks, to call around them other collaborators, to carry to the Holy See a testimony of their veneration and of their entire submission and to make uniform by uniting their counsels and their experiences, the ecclesiastical discipline. ... It is God that has done all these things. . . . It is to your Society to which we in large part owe these marvels: it is to your charitable solicitude that we recommend our infant churches; you will aid us to lay these foundations (six new dioceses will soon be added to the sixteen which represent our province) which are as the ramparts of truth. We will endeavor, sirs, to respond to the appeal of your zeal and to extend the name and the influence of this precious Society before God and before men. 45 The Fathers of the Sixth Provincial Council of Baltimore wrote the following letter to the Directors of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith : The Fathers of the Sixth Provincial Council of Baltimore could not close their grave and laborious session without expressing their lively admiration of the marvelous success which your Society every- where attains and without offering you the homage of their gratitude and that of all the faithful committed to their care. They have not forgotten that the needs of their infant Church gave birth to this grand Society, that it is to your industry and charity that they are indebted for the astonishing progress of the Faith in the United States, and that if their venerable metropolitan presides over the deliberations and directs the "conseils" of twenty-two of his brothers, it is through you that he contemplates this admirable meeting which recalls the beautiful days of the Church. Is it not touching, Gentlemen, to see assembled around the same altar, twenty-three prelates and more than fifty priests, all having but one heart and one soul, animated by the same spirit of strength and of truth, partaking of each other's 45. Annales, t, XV, pp. 361-362. 78 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith troubles and hopes, encouraging each other to combat under the old standard which the successor of Peter, after eighteen centuries, still shows to all the nations with ever- fresh vigor? Our progress is sure, peaceful and full of promise, but we do not wish to hide from you, Gentlemen, that our needs multiply in proportion as we advance, that there is not a single diocese that is freed from the bonds of its infancy, and that if we rejoice in the good of which you have been the life-giving source, there remains still more to be done. In 1810, the Church of the United States, as temples, had nothing but cabins. The oldest dioceses therefore are still young, and are very far from having acquired enough strength to walk without aid. Seminaries, colleges, cathedrals, churches, religious houses, presby- teries, asylums for the orphans of both sexes, hospitals, free schools, ornaments of culte, everything, in a word, was to create. It is not yet a quarter of a century since God raised you up to become the nursing fathers of all Catholic Missions. The Kings at one time, glorified in this title and in this privilege. It has passed from their hands to those of the poor, and you are their faithful administrators. Cast your glances towards our part of the New World; count the crosses which everywhere show as the symbol of salvation. The work is solid, per- manent, sheltered from the vicissitudes of all the enterprises which charity has formed in the Orient. It is not, it is true, sprinkled with the blood of martyrs, but it does not cease to be by the sweat of its indefatigable priests. We think, and our thought is not too much at hazard, that Providence is reserving for us a special mission, and that the designs of God are great and magnificent for our future existence, and since we are still only at the point of departure, that the emigration from Europe is always unceasing and more numerous, that our sheep are in general of those poor to whom the Gospel must be incessantly announced, that the Christian education of the children belongs to our position, that as resources, we only have what is sent us, we think, I say, that as pastors, we owe to our weak flocks, to expose to you their distress. Never was an epoch more important or more critical; it is that of our development, it is that in which all upright and generous spirits turn towards us, it is that of action and of combat. In continuing to sustain us you will sooner enjoy the triumph of the Catholic Faith, you will encourage us to persevere until the end, you will sow in a field which already bears fruit in abundance, and perhaps you will one day receive what you have loaned us. Witnesses of divine truth, we are also the natural witnesses, the interpreters in regard to the needs which burden us. To respond to your appeal, Gentlemen, we recommend in the pastoral letter of the Council, to the pastors and to the faithful, the The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 79 establishment of your Society in all our dioceses. We hasten to concur in your good work, to give evidence of how much we appreciate the benefits. . . .** On May 14, 1849, the Fathers of the Seventh Council of Baltimore wrote to the Presidents and Directors of the Councils of the North and of the South of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith: The future of the Church which everywhere seems to be covered with a mysterious cloud which presages the moment of combat, of trials and of triumph; this future opens before us with the hopes, the consolations and the vigor of a church still young, which grows like a new vineyard and which will soon count among its laborers six Archbishops and thirty Bishops. Besides the secular clergy, we have as collaborators nine religious bodies or pious societies, a precious portion of the militant church which edifies the pastors not less than the faithful and of which the branches multiply from day to day. Our communities of Sisters present a spectacle not less consoling. The hospitals, the asylums for the orphans, the schools for the poor, the boarding schools for the well-to-do class, establishments without number, prosper under the direction of the virgins consecrated to God. One thought always afflicts us, that of not being able to spread to all the children of the faith the benefits of a religious education. You will easily understand, sirs, the immensity of our needs and the greatness of our responsibility when you (will) learn that the European and Catholic emigration now surpasses the figure of 250,000 souls per year. The emigrants are, with few exceptions, poor and destitute of resources; they are driven to America by famines and by revolutions; they come to seek here an existence which the old world only offers precariously. For these poor, churches and pastors are needed; for their children, instruction, spiritual bread and often nourishment for the body (are needed) you will well understand, sirs, for the annual increase of Catholics alone we ought to annually procure 300 priests, build 300 churches, 300 schools. Now that is what our position is: the old dioceses which for the most part are found to be the most favored and solidly established respond but weakly to the cries and the needs of the multitude: those (dioceses) which are in their infancy and have only small, scattered and poor populations have not yet an assured existence and languish through lack of assistance. The charity of Jesus Christ urges us, sirs, to recommend to your protection and to your generous solicitude this church of which we are the pastors. . . . And to express to you this gratitude of heart for which there is no more just or more eloquent expression than that of the Apostle: We 46. Annales, t. XVIII, pp. 393-396. 80 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith have a great joy, my brethren, and a great consolation into your charity, for the hearts of the saints have been refreshed and comforted by you.* T A pastoral letter of the Archbishops and Bishops of the United States in First National Council assembled at Balti- more (1852), to the Clergy and Laity of their charge follows: Our Holy Father Pius IX has recommended to our notice, as well as that of all the Bishops of the Church, the Society established at Lyons in France, for the purpose of aiding apostolic missionaries in the Propagation of the Faith. Independently of the authority which has thus spoken, our own feelings would prompt us to address you on the subject. From the time of its first establishment, almost thirty years ago, up to the present time, this association has contributed, generously and uninterruptedly, to the support of our missions. If our churches have so rapidly multiplied; if our religious and educational establish- ments are now comparatively numerous; if new missions and new dioceses amidst most appalling discouragements, still continue to be founded we must, in truth, and justice, acknowledge, that in all this the Association for the Propagation of the Faith has afforded us the most generous and most enlightened cooperation. We feel the obligations which we have to an Association which is identified with the progress of religion in every part of the world: and we, therefore, exhort you Brethren, to encourage its establishment in your respective districts, agreeably to the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff, who desires to see the whole Catholic world united in an effort to diffuse the Gospel of Christ throughout all nations. The small annual contribution made to this Association will not interfere with any effort of Christian zeal or charity; and we cherish the conviction, that its establishment will draw down from God the choicest blessings on all who unite in this truly good work. 48 The Fathers of the First Plenary Council of Baltimore on May 20, 1852, sent the following letter to the Society : The Fathers of the First National Council of the United States, six Archibshops and twenty-six Bishops, united by the authorization and the desires of the Venerable Successsor of St. Peter, have received the prayer which you have offered, with joy and gratitude. They have decreed by a vote of acclamation that the Society for the Propagation of the Faith shall be established in all their dioceses, even envious of marching in your footsteps, they have appreciated the simple but fecund 47. Annales, t. XXI, pp. 289-291. 48. Metropolitan Catholic Almanac and Laity's Directory for the Tear of Our Lord 1853, p. 51. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 81 manner which distinguished the administration of your Society from all the others. How could they not have responded to tne appeal of your zeal in seeing the great things which Providence has created about them and of which you have been the principal instruments by the charity of the poor? The Fathers of the Council recall the epoch when six bishops governed the Church of the United States and today there are as many metropolitan churches. The hierarchy is composed today of thirty-three prelates, and soon twelve new cooperators shall be added to this number. What a glorious future is reserved for us, I dare, or we dare say, they already belong to us. Our work of creation progresses in proportion to the past, striving in speed with the movement of the country and extending itself as far as the Pacific Ocean, we are per- mitted to hope and to believe that before twenty-five years at most the American portion of the Catholic Church will have as many Episcopal Sees as the most ancient realms of Europe. Is it not a miracle of Providence that the rapid increase of the true church in this part of the New World, where the prejudices of error have sunk such deep roots, where riches and influence formed a wall of opposition, where the greatest poverty was the least of our difficulties? But God knew that a large part of Europe was to set forth towards North America and that is why (voila qu'il) He renews the prodigies of the Apostolate and of the missions. He inspired the idea of your Society and He surrounded it with the fullness of his benediction, and presents what is unique in the annals of the Church that is that a small number of laymen, receiving their first mission of charity, become, under the protection of the Holy See, the husband of a nursing mother of all the missions of Catholicism. How can one refrain from crying out: "How beautiful are your tabernacles, oh God of Israel" when we contem- plate in one and the same sanctuary the Bishops who, although separated by a distance of more than two thousand leagues, have at the voice of the Holy Father, braved the distances, the fatigues, the sea and the privations in order to consult upon the need of their infant churches. We pray you, sirs, not to forget in the object of your prudent charity the multiplied needs which are necessarily born in America from this extraordinary development and to be mindful that we have to provide for the spiritual, and often the bodily existence of 200,000 Catholics at least who annually arrive from Europe. There is not here a single diocese the organization of which is complete and which is capable of responding to the demands of the faithful. New Sees cannot exist but by" your charity and among those we recommend to you in a particular manner that of Oregon. . . . 49 49. Annales, t. XXIV, pp. 401-403. 82 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith A letter of Archbishop Hughes, of New York, written in the name of the First Provincial Council of New York to the Members of the Councils of the Propagation of the Faith, New York, October 9, 1854, contains the following eulogy : Our first duty after we have addressed the Common Father of the Faithful is to express with unanimous voice our gratitude to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. In the vast territory which now forms the ecclesiastical province of New York there were thirty years ago only two Bishops, eleven priests and about 40,000 Catholics. Today we have an Archbishop with eight suffragans, very nearly 500 priests and about 1,000,000 Catholics. At the sight of the rapid progress of our holy religion it is impossible for us not to bring our thoughts back towards the admirable Society for the Propagation of the Faith to which we are in large part indebted for such a great 'benefit : it is equally impossible for us to disperse without testifying our gratitude toward you, sirs, who are its representatives and who distribute its funds with so much wisdom. These thousands of poor immigrants who annually settle in our respective dioceses and find here, thanks to your charity, priests and altars; these poor lost sheep which every year we have the consolation of bringing back into the fold of the unique Pastor; these numerous orphans tenderly brought up by our good sisters; the number still greater of young children preserved in our Catholic schools from the poison of heresy; this body of zealous missionaries which you sustain by your prayers and your alms; all our faithful in a word unite their voice to ours to testify to you their lively and very sincere gratitude. For a long time, sirs, we have desired to establish among us the Society for the Propagation of the Faith; but the circumstances under which we found ourselves did not permit us to do it in all the dioceses. The Fathers of the Council of New York have resolved to take immediate measures to propagate it in their dioceses and they are eager to communicate to you this resolution unanimously adopted in their assembly. It is unfortunately too certain that there now exists in this country some secret and powerful coalitions, whose end is none other than to abolish Catholicism in the United States. Witness the insults, the daily calumnies to which we are exposed; witness the churches which have been burnt or demolished. May it not please God that we be discouraged! Mary Immaculate is our powerful and glorious protector and the extension of Catholicism among us which is already so great a gauge of the merciful views of God towards our Church. Yes we are convinced that God desires to communicate the lights of the Faith to this people whom He has conquered by the blood of His Son; we say more: God desires to make use of our nation to bring back to the truth these distant peoples to whom it has access The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 83 by the extension of its commerce. Permit us therefore, sirs, to urgently solicit a continuation of the assistance which you have accorded us, the good which these allocations will aid us to accomplish is the good which will have permanent effect. We are living in the midst of an intelligent, civilized people in a vast and fertile territory; it is there- fore permissible for us to ' hope, following the ordinary course of Providence, that our pious institutions shall be a source of sanctification for the present generation and for those to come in the midst of a people which appears destined to play a grand role in the history of nations. It is impossible for us in a letter to expose to you the extent of our needs. If we rejoice to have been able to establish some schools and orphan asylums, our heart is wrung with sorrow in thinking that the larger part of our children remain exposed to the dangers of error, to the contagion of bad example, without a sufficient number of teachers to instruct them, of priest to sanctify them by the sacraments. Often we rejoice to learn that a new church is to be consecrated to Catholic worship, but more often still we grieve to see entire parishes without pastors to guide them, without resources to construct a modest chapel. However, our Catholic population becomes every year more numerous by immigration so that the Bishops of even the most flourishing cities often have reason to bewail not being able to finance the construction of churches in proportion to their ever increasing number. Moreover, there are in the province of New York some recently erected dioceses for which must be procured a more numerous clergy, churches, semi- naries, where all, in one work, is to be created. It is therefore with a just title and I dare say, with confidence, that we pray you to continue your allocations. It remains with us to bless you with all our heart and to assure you of our gratitude and our respect. 50 The Fathers of the Eighth Council of Baltimore, to the Councils of the Propagations of the Faith, Baltimore, May 14, 1855, wrote as follows: . . . There remained only six Suffragan Bishops of the province of Baltimore, but the dioceses of Charleston and Savannah are repre- sented in this Council by their worthy administrators. Several among us have made known to you in particular the needs and the progress of their respective dioceses, and have made it a pleasure and a duty to recognize the generous liberality of the Association of which you, sirs, are the administrators. Now that we are assembled, we are eager to do in common what we have already done separately: we thank you with all our hearts for the zeal which you have shown for the missions of America; we pray and we have the faithful of our dioceses pray for 50. Annales, t. XXVII, pp. 81-84. 84 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith you. Through your agency we express the sentiments of our hearts towards these generous souls who, in all the countries, are associated with the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. We declare anew our sincere desire to here cooperate as soon and as much as circumstances permit us. But sirs, permit me also to recall to you the pressing and ceaselessly recurring needs of the dioceses which are confided to us and to represent to you by a united voice that in several dioceses of this province these needs are very great. Without citing any one in particular, we are content to say that there is almost no one of them which has not a right to your charitable solicitude. But we are not ignorant of your good will towards ourselves and our missions and we do not believe it our duty to add anything to this general testimony by a report of the condition of our province. You have learned by the published papers and the private letters of Bishops the progress which Catholicism makes, the increase of the number of churches and of priests and the multiplication of the faithful still more rapid than that of the temples of religion. We rejoice in it and you, sirs, have good reason to participate in our joy, having comforted our labors and facilitated our success. May God recompense you in bestowing upon you while on earth the riches from on high and after this life the crown promised to the faithful and zealous servant. 51 On May 20, 1855, the First Provincial Council of Cincin- nati wrote the following letter to the Councils of the Society : We are happy, in terminating our first Provincial Council to offer you the homage of our lively gratitude for the generous assistance which we have received from such an eminently Catholic Society. We must loudly proclaim it, our young Church of America is languishing; it even suffered deplorable losses before your Association came to its assistance. Since then, a great amelioration has taken place: the lights of faith have been carried more regularly and more efficaciously to our poor natives; the number of conversions among our erring brethren has increased; our Catholics, hastening here from all parts of Europe, and scattered here and there in the midst of our forests and our cities, are no longer as heretofore, exposed unprotected to the artifices of error, or to the fatal consequences of ignorance; a more numerous clergy visits them; consoles and protects them against the snares and the persecutions of these later times. In place of the savage hut or of the rustic fireside in which we distributed the bread of the word, we have seen chapels, churches, cathedrals erected in which the Catholic is encouraged, fortified, and in which the Protestant of 51. Annales, t. XXVII, p. 401. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 85 good faith is stripped of his prejudices and his hatred against the Spouse of Jesus Christ. Our seminaries, the source of ecclesiastical learning and virtue, are organized and begin to furnish us subjects, to relieve the veterans of the priesthood who have so nobly fought on the field of the Gospel. We will not attempt to tell you how great has been the number of orphans whom the Church has lost, and whom it now counts in the midst of its most violent enemies; moreover, I will not speak of that multitude of sick who have appealed in vain for the consolations of the faith at their last hour; nor of those thousands of children who from their infancy have drunk from the cup of error and 'of indifference in our public schools. Fifty years ago, the Church of the New World sighed and bemoaned the loss of its unfortunate children ; fifty years ago, it labored to close its mortal wounds. Oh, may Heaven be blessed! Here as everywhere, the old Faith has the remedies for all ailments, the consolations for all sorrows; it has commenced to found its schools, its religious communities, its hospitals, its asylums. To the youth it gives an instructor to teach him at one time, his duties as a citizen and the route to Heaven ; to the orphan and the sick, it gives a mother or a sister of charity: that is how, little by little, our Infant Church responds to its noble mission. But who gives it strength and life, and who sustains it today in the midst of its perils and the furious strife in which it is engaged? We must publish it, Providence has raised up your Society, Gentlemen, as one of the most efficacious means to prepare and complete its triumph in this hemisphere. But it is not enough for us to recognize it, it is our duty to imitate you. That is why, at the solicitaton of tho Sovereign Pontiff and to cede to the voice of conscience we are eager to establish the Society for the Propagation of the Faith; only we regret that by reason of the financial crisis and of the high cost of living which so cruelly make themselves felt here this year, the result of our effort will not respond to our expectation. We hope, however that better times will soon aid us to put a more abundant alms in the common treasury of your Society, and to offer to your wise adminis- tration, by it a feeble compensation for your long and generous benefits. 52 The letter sent by the Fathers of the First Provincial Council of New Orleans to the Members of the Central Councils of the Propagation of the Faith, dated New Orleans, January 27, 1856, was : 52. Annales, t. XXVII, pp. 334-337. 86 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith The Fathers of the First Provincial Council of New Orleans in devoting themselves to the interests of their respective dioceses and blessing God for the graces which He has accorded to all their flocks, naturally think of the benefits which your noble and holy Society has spread over the young church of America and of which the fruits are today so visible and so remarkable. The last act of their sessions, a spontaneous act from their Catholic hearts, and one which resumes all the deliberations, has been to thank Providence for having inspired at the determined time in the faithful of Europe of which your Councils are the soul, to console, fortify and vivify by their charity the faithful of the United States. Admirable successes have crowned your first efforts and lead us to hope that you will enjoy the benedictions of a small flock which you have seen born, grow and multiply. Five bishops are grouped around their elder brother, the Bishop of New Orleans, and labor to lay the foundation of the Holy Catholic Church upon the rock. These dioceses are still young and only received a little assistance from European immigration, they still have need of the superabundant charity of your Society. You will no doubt learn with pleasure that we have established branches of the same Association in all our province, and that pastors and flock rejoice to be members of this body which so well represents the strength and the extent of the charity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our alms shall be that of the widow of the temple. May the eye of Him which nothing escapes see it and His hand .bless it. 58 On May 8, 1858, the Fathers of the Provincial Council of Cincinnati wrote to the Associates of the Propagation of the Faith : Gentlemen, Sensible to the pecuniary assistance accorded by the Association for the Propagation of the Faith to the different dioceses of the province of Cincinnati; and in view of the precious advantages which have resulted from this assistance, for the advancement of religion and the sanctification of a multitude of souls, who would be exposed to perish without such aid, the bishops of this province, assembled in council, cannot separate without testifying and expressing through you to all the Members of the Councils of your excellent Society, the sentiments of our gratitude. When, looking around us, we consider the good already accomplished and for which we are in large part, indebted to the ardent zeal of the faithful who make up the important and pious Association for the Propagation of the Faith, our hearts naturally rise towards God, to ask Him to bless and propagate more every day, a Society so con- 53. Annalcs, t. XXVIII, pp. 257-258, The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 87 formable to the designs of His mercy, and we pray especially that His benedictions be extended to all those who direct it, who sustain it by their offerings or their alms. This sentiment is rendered more lively by the consideration of the needs which are multiplied with the increase of the Catholic population, which is spreading into all parts of our dioceses, and also by the difficulties which the opulence of the sects which surround us and unjust legislation give rise to. The education of our children, which they seek to snatch away from us in the schools sustained by the public funds, which expand from the enormous taxes we are forced to pay, without procuring any advantage from it, does more to expand our resources; and it is only by sacrifices, too often in excess of our strength, that we can sustain the faith and protect the morals of our children. This difficult situation will not, however, prevent us from spreading, in as much as this is in our power, in our respective dioceses, an Association of which we ought by a very just title, to appreciate the benefits, since each of us owes to it, more or less, the prosperity of that part of the vineyard of the Lord confided to his care. 54 The Fathers of the Provincial Council of St. Louis wrote the following letter to the Directors of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, dated St. Louis, September 12, 1858: Assembled in Council in the Metropolis of St. Louis the different dioceses which compose this province were unwilling to disperse without testifying their gratitude to the admirable Society for the Propagation of the Faith. We experience a great consolation in having this occasion to render to you such a well merited tribute. The assistance which we have received and still receive from your charity has aided us in the most efficacious manner to build our churches, to found our establishments and to maintain them. It would be useless to enumerate that which each of our dioceses owes to the Society; still more so to repeat how many Bishops and missionaries in all parts of the world are indebted to it, the large number of churches, schools and houses of charity erected through its assistance. ''We see witn joy that Providence is pleased to bless this Associa- tion, so eminently religious, and that it has made it prosper throughout so many difficulties; we keenly share the solicitude of the Holy Father in favor of the Society and what we regret is that our poverty does not permit us to increase still more the number of your subscribers. Most of our dioceses are newly erected in the least inhabited part of this 54. Annales, t. XXX, pp. 399-401. 88 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith vast continent: we have therefore to face the greatest embarassments and obstacles; but the visible benedictions which -God deigns to shower upon our feeble labors and the rapid progress of our holy religion sweeten the burden of our formidable responsibility. 55 The Archbishop and Bishops of the Province of New Orleans wrote the following letter to the President and Members of the Central Councils which was received on February 24, 1860 : The labors of the Second Provincial Council of New Orleans are at an end. Before separating, the Fathers of the Council desired to offer the collective expression of their respect and of their profound gratitude to you, Gentlemen, to whom the dispositions of Providence have confided the high direction of one of the most astonishing Catholic societies which since the Apostolic times, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has raised up for the extension of his reign upon earth. Accustomed, as they are, to hear the cries of distress which cease- lessly come to them from all parts of the world, your eminently Christian souls have always generously had compassion on the numerous necessities of the peoples confided to our solicitude by the Prince of pastors; your charity has always heard and welcomed our humble requests. It is with happiness that we express our gratitude for it, Gentlemen ; it is with consolation also that we recall that the first inspiration, and as the germ of the grand Society for the Propagation of the Faith, came forth, over forty years ago, from the noble heart of one of the first bishops of New Orleans. Since the day on which Monsignor Du Bourg deposed it in some pure and humble souls of our France, the little seed has once again realized the prodigious growth promised by Jesus Christ to His Church, to the Kingdom of God on earth. The tender plant has become an immense tree, in which, from one end of the earth to the other, the powerful branches protect with their shade, and nourish with their fruit the numerous and devoted laborers of the Father of the family. The reports which you have successively received from the different dioceses of our province have sufficiently well informed you, Gentlemen, of the ever increasing prosperity of the Holy Church of Jesus Christ in this old land of Louisiana and the Floridas, for the miseries of which the voice of Monsignor Du Bourg had accents of such just and profound sorrow. 55. Annales, t. XXXI, pp. 5-6; Annales, t. XXXII, pp. 201-203. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 89 In the solemn circumstances which assemble us, what we maintain and proclaim is that after God, it is to the grand Society for the Propagation of the Faith that are for the most part, due the very fruitful benedictions which have not ceased to descend upon our people. God is faithful, Gentlemen, and so many benedictions showered from your hands upon the indigence of our missions will return a hundredfold to the members of the Society and to you, especially, Gentlemen, who bear with such generous devotion the incessant fatigues of an administration which has no other end than the end of our ministry itself. That in all things and iri all places, Jesus Christ be glorified and that His truth and His charity reign over all the earth. The Fathers of the Provincial Council of Cincinnati, on May 6, 1861, wrote the following letter to the Directors of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith : Mr. President, The prelates of the Province of Cincinnati, assembled in Council, have been unwilling to separate without giving testimony to the Members of the Council of the Propagation of the Faith of their lively gratitude. The benevolence manifested towards all during long years and which several (dioceses) are still today the object, could not be forgotten and they are pleased to renew to you their thanks. The institutions and the religious edifices for which we are in large part indebted to the Association which your Councils rule over with so much zeal and wisdom, are so many monuments of generosity which will always recall to the faithful of the United States that which they owe to their brothers of Europe and which will assure to our benefactors a very dear remembrance in our prayers. Mr. President, May God grant the sincere good wishes which we nourish for the success of a Society so useful to religion; may He bless all the Members of this pious and holy Association; may He bless especially those who so generously devote themselves to maintain and extend it." The following letter of the Bishops united in the Second Plenary Council at Baltimore to the Central Councils of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith was dated Baltimore, 1866 : The Bishops assembled in Plenary Council have a lively sense of the debt of gratitude imposed on them by the liberalities of Catholic charity concentrated in your hands. . . . We openly acknowledge that your offerings have had a considerable share in the development of our church. . . . Henceforth, the Church of the United States 56. Annalcs, t. XXXII, pp. 201-203. 57. Annales, t. XXXIII, pp. 337-338. 90 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith will endeavor to occupy in your reports a place more worthy of the rank assigned to it by the extent of its territory, the abundance of its resources and the wonderful increase given it by the Almighty. 118 The Central Councils of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith received the following letter from the Bishops united at Baltimore in Provincial Council, dated Baltimore, May 2, 1869: The Bishops assembled for the celebration of the Tenth Provincial Council of Baltimore believe they would fail in a very sweet duty which is imposed upon them by gratitude joined with the desire of seeing the realm of God extended more and more among them if they did not profit by the favorable occasion which presents itself of testifying to the Directors of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and in them to all the so numerous and so zealous members of the Association, the sentiments which fill their hearts. The ways of God are truly admirable: Quis cognovit sensum Domini? aut quis Consiliarius ejus fuit (Bom. XI., 34). At an epoch when the furious Revolution had overturned the churches, annihilated the ancient liberties of sanctuary, despoiled the clergy, usurped the riches with which the faith of our fathers have enriched the altars, He inspired by His all- powerful grace, a thought of zeal and generosity in some poor, but devout souls. And from their poverty has risen a fund almost equal to that which impiety had seized but on which it could no longer lay its sacrilegious hands. The mite of the widow, of the artisan, of the peasant, of the laborer and of the servant girl has been changed into a colossal sum which will go on as it has for nearly a half century increasing more and more and thus more and more proving the large number as well as the generous charity of the children of the Catholic Church. The offering of the poor enables the missionary to penetrate into China and into Japan, to visit the burning sands of Africa and the frozen regions of the two poles. This offering gives us the means of building our churches in the inaccessible forests of the New World and if Catholicism has dug deep its roots in our country, if it has received rapid and marvelous development we owe it in large part to the cooper- ation of your admirable Society. We have quite recently enlarged the sphere of our ecclesiastical hierarchy and we hope that your ingenious zeal will see new posts where your assistance will become the necessary instrument of a thousand good works. 59 58. Annales, t. XXXIX, pp. 79-81. 59. Missions Catholiques, t. II, pp. 169-170; Annales, t. XLI, pp. 251-253. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 91 The Fathers of the Third Provincial Council of New Orleans addressed the following letter to the Members of the Central Councils of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, dated New Orleans, January 21, 1873 : . . . Yes, in truth, it is from God that this work, unique in the history of the centuries and which in commanding the admiration of the faith offers itself in these latter times to the Holy Church as a consolation in the midst of her immense sorrows. ... It was at this epoch . . . that under the hand of God was born in humility a Society destined to grow to the height of a power which we have not known since the Apostolic days, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the simplicity and the charity of which have hurled a victorious defiance down to the very depths of Satan. Who will not admire with us the so prodigious and so rapid extension given by this Society of Faith to the realm of God in the entire world? Who would not admire this net work of Apostolic ways opened by it during a half century to these thousands of evangelical workers who have illumined with the great lights of the City of God the lands which were covered by darkness, the peoples who were enveloped in the sombre night? Who would not admire this ever increasing multitude of Episcopal Sees which seat in a stable manner the Kingdom of Jesus Christ there where Satan reigned, indefinitely pushing back the boundaries of the Divine Realm? Who would not admire this number of altars which has become innumerable, erected by the great Society in all climates and concerning which is finally verified to the letter the sacred oracle which promised that from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof there shall be offered the immaculate oblation of the Lamb immolated from the foundation of the world? Who would not admire and who will count the colleges, the communities, the holy asylums of all kinds, sown by it with profusion as far as the most unknown lands and whence rise towards Heaven more praises, prayers and love than impiety was able to hurl of hatred and of malediction? Who would not admire, finally, how in our days, otherwise so evil, the map of our globe has become that of the pacific and benevolent conquest of the holy Church, conquest of blood and of sweat of Apostolic men, nourished, clad, encouraged by this truly Christian Society of the Propagation of the Faith? If, resting our gaze upon the American Union to which we belong we consider the present condition of the Church of Jesus Christ, with its seven ecclesiastical provinces, its 62 Bishops, its 5,000 priests, its 150 convents of men, its 400 communities of women, its 4,000 churches, its 90 colleges, its hospitals, its asylums for children and for the old and its numberless Christian schools and then we consider that scarcely a half a century ago this vast republic had only a few Bishops directing 92 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith some hundred priests and a dozen or more religious establishments, we adore the hand of God who has done all these things and a just gratitude carries us back towards the Society of which it pleased God to make the principal instrument of His mercies. The millions of francs which it has so generously showered upon us have not done all, no doubt, and should not do all. And without this Society, however, where would we be? How many dioceses whose creation would have been impossible! How many vocations to the Apostolate would have rested useless! How many establishments, without it, either would never have existed or would have perished through lack of resources! Therefore, blessed be this Society which will remain one of the grand glories of our century as it is one of the highest manifestations of the indestructible life of the church and of the power of God for its conservation. Blessed be the faithful who have understood that the first of the alms is that which saves souls. Blessed be the generous men who for fifty years have succeeded one another in the prudent direction of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and in the wise distribution of the treasure of Catholic charity. For us, Sirs, who owe- you so much and who dare to rely upon a concurrence of your charity as much for our dioceses as for the new dioceses which we solicit the Holy See to create in our province, we exert ourselves to communicate to the people who are confided to us the sentiments which animate us and to increase, according to our strength, the prosperity of the Society. 60 Finally, the Third Council of Baltimore held in 1884, the most important ecclesiastical assembly up to our time in the United States, recommended the Society in still stronger terms to the charity of the faithful, obeying in this the orders given to the bishops by His Holiness Leo XIII. Following the example of their predecessors, the Fathers of the Council again decreed the establishment of the Society in all dioceses in which it did not already exist. His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons, in the name of the Council, dated Balti- more, December 6, 1884, wrote to the Directors of the Society: With admirable wisdom which he had received from Jesus Christ, the Doctor of the Gentiles, traced for us with His Apostolic hand the symbolic image of the Church. He represented it to us as the living body of which we are the members and of which the Saviour is the head. As the influence, the direction, and the empire of the head is extended over the entire body so the members united in a compact 60. Annales, t. XLV, pp. 235-239. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 93 transmit the influences which they receive from their Chief. That is why the Divine Saviour considered as done to Himself the good or evil which one docs to His Church; that is also why, in the language of St. Paul, if one member of this mystically organized body is in suffering, all the members sympathize with him and if one member is in joy all participate in his rejoicing. This doctrine, so beautful, so just and so edifying, you have constantly presented to the memory, Sirs, when from a prosperous and generous country you extend your inexhaustible charity to all the countries, to all the people of the Catholic world. You fly to the help of those who are in need, you furnish to those who are in distress the means of doing good, you aid to edify, you contribute to repair ruins with the intimate persuasion that Jesus Christ Himself will render account of the good which you do to the distant members of His mystic body. It is a very sweet duty which gratitude imposes upon us of publicly recognizing the signal services which the blessed Society of the Propagation of the Faith has rendered to the young Church of the United States. If the grain of mustard seed planted in the virgin soil of America has struck deep roots and has grown into a gigantic tree which extends its branches from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean as far as the coast of the Pacific Ocean, it is mainly to the assistance rendered by your admirable Society, Gentlemen, that we are indebted for this blessing. Assembled for the third time in Plenary Council, the Archbishops and Bishops of the Republic of the United States feel a justifiable joy in thinking of the cooperation which you have never ceased to extend to the Apostles of the Catholic Faith in the New World, from the year 1822 to the present day; and the sums which during that time you have allotted to the different dioceses and missions of this vast country, are a striking proof of the zeal and charity with which you never cease to aid us. In our turn, we ardently desire to contribute to the immense good which you are doing in all parts of the globe; and if up to now our most prosperous provinces have only succeeded in furnishing you a relatively modest sum it is because there are great vacant spaces among us to be filled in and pressing needs to satisfy, however the time is approaching when we will be in a position to prove to you that the Catholic people of this country do not permit themselves to be surpassed in generosity and in benevolence in the great work of the Propagation of the Faith. And while we still recommend most earnestly to your charity of which we have received so many evidences, the poorest churches and the most desolate churches of this Republic, we dare give you the sweet hope that if Divine Providence blesses our efforts the gifts of our faithful will become at the same time a powerful means of aiding you to continue your charity and as a restitution of the benefits which your solicitude has showered upon us. 81 61. Annales, t. LVII, pp. 120-122. 94 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith One of the most important ways in which the Church has cooperated with the Society during the last hundred years is the steadfast support given it by Propaganda. All matters concerning the Missions in general fall under the jurisdiction of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide, and although the Society for the Propagation of the Faith submits the schedule of its allocations to the Con- gregation for approval before the money is paid out, and also considers the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff in formu- lating this schedule, nevertheless Propaganda does not exercise an active role in the functions of the Society. The Sacred Congregation encourages, blesses and applauds the efforts of private initiative, but it refrains from distributing the free aid which Providence raises up for its envoys. The chief function which the Sacred Congregation has performed for the benefit of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith has consisted in exerting its constant and repeated efforts to maintain the unity and universality of this Society." 2 In treating this matter in chronological order it will only be necessary to mention a few of the important communications between the Society and the Sacred Congregation. On August 28, 1827, the Sacred Congregation expressed its gratitude to the President of the Council of Lyons for having appropriated a sum of money to aid the Church of China. 68 On February 23, 1828, a reply of the Sacred Congregation to a request from the President of the Central Council of Lyons, asking the Sacred Congregation which Missions were most in need of assistance, dwelt upon the need of Bishop John Dubois, of New York, in which it quotes this phrase from a letter of that prelate: "Quid vero dicam de gravi 62. LE BOY, La Propaganda in the Missions Catholiques, t. XXXVII, p. 46, 1905; FRERI, Propagation of the Faith in the Catholic Encyclo- pedia, vol. XII, p. 461. 63. Propaganda Transcripts, Documento VI: La Sacra Congre- gazionc ringrazia- il presidents del consiglio di Lione per aver, seoondo il voto da lei espresso, destinata una soinma, d beneficio della diocesi di Scio. Lugdunum, 28 Augusti, 1827. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 95 aere alieno, quo Cathedralis ecclesia ipsa opprimitur, videlicet 28,000 nummis argenteis Americanis, circiter 147,000 galli- cana pecunia?" This quotation emphasizes the debt of the New York Cathedral of $28,000 as the most urgent need of all the Missions at this time. 64 The next communication between the Sacred Congregation and the Society is that the Cardinal Prefect Cappellari (later GTegory XVI) rejoiced in the fact that the Society had not suffered losses from the Revolution in France. This is dated November 27, 1830. 65 On June 2, 1832, the Sacred Congregation sent the list of the new Bishops in missionary lands to the President of the Council of Lyons asking that the sums appropriated for each diocese be sent directly to them. The Society on July 26, 1834, inquired from the Sacred Congregation the method to be followed in sending subsidies; in this letter it expressed some doubt concerning its relations with the bishops and religious superiors. 67 The Sacred Congregation in January, 1835, inquired from Father Michael Tecchinelli, S. J., concerning the most needy Missions which should be assisted by the money collected by the Society. 68 On February 64. Ut supra, Documento V: II Presidente del Contnglio Centrale delta Francia meridionale della pia Opera domanda alia S. Congre- gazione quali siano le Missioni pin bisognose di aiuto. Lugdunum 23 Februarii, 1828. 65. Ut supra: Documento VIII: II Card. Cappellari, Prefetto della S. Congregaeionc di Propaganda si rallegra die pia Societa non abbia sofffrto danni dalle rinnovate rivoluzioni. E. P. Pelagaud, Lugdunum in Galiis Vol. 311, Fol. 100627 Novembris, 1830. 66. Ut supra, Documento X: La S. Congregazione di Propaganda manda al presidente di Lione la nota dei nuovi Vcscovi dei luoghi di Missione, ai quali dovranno direttamcnte essere inviate le allocasioni stabilite per le singole missioni. 2 lunii 1832. (Arehivio della S. C. de Prop. Fide, Letter e, Vol. 313, Fol. 513-v.) 67. Ut supra, Documento XI: L 'Opera pia intcrroga la 8. C. Con- gregacione di Propaganda circa modo da tenersi nell'inviare i sussidi. 26 Luglio, 1834. (Vol. 315, Fol. 406-v.) 68. Ut supra, Documento XII: La 8. Congregazione di Propaganda chiede il parere del P. Michele Tecchinelli della C. di G. ciii>a le missioni piu bisognose da sussidiarso colle somme raccolte dall'Opera pia. Gennaio, 1835 (Archivio della S. C. de Prop. Fide. Lettere della S. C., Vol. 316, Fol. 88-v.) 96 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 11, 1835, the President of the Society asked the views of Prop- aganda concerning the use to be made of the interest on the money of the Society and concerning the method of sending subsidies. 09 On August the 6th, 1835, the Society expressed its desire to work in concert with the Sacred Congregation in respect to the subsidies that were to be sent to the various Missions. It sent the list of the Missions that were to be helped in order that it might be approved or modified. 70 On November 28, 1835, the Sacred Congregation defended the unity of the Society against the supposed tentatives for au- tonomy of Switzerland in regard to paying out the sums col- lected. Its decision was that the intentions of the donors to apply the alms to the Foreign Missions across the sea was binding in conscience. 71 On February 27, 1836, Gregory XVI g'rarited the request for a part of the sums collected in Switzerland to be directly used by the respective Ordinaries for the benefit of the Mis- sions within that region. 72 On November 22, 1836, the Sacred Congregation assured the Central Council of Lyons that the Councils of the Society to be established in Home and in Naples would be entirely subject to the Central Council. 71 69. Ut supra, Documento XIII: II Presidcnte dell'Opera pia diiede alia S. S. Congregazione di Propaganda il parcre circa I'impiego frutiifcro dei denari dell'Opera, e circa il modo d'inviare i sussidi. Lione, 11 Febbraro, 1835 (Vol. 316, Fol. 105). 70. Ut supra, Documento XIV : L 'Opera Pia dichiara di volcr agir di concerto con questa S. Congregazione in rapporto ai sussidi da spedirsi slle varie missioni. Manda la nota dellc missioni da sussidiarsi perclie la si approvi o la si modifichi. 6 Agosto, 1835. 71. Ut supra, Documento XV: La Sacra Congregazione difende I'unita dell' opera contro supposti tentative di autonomia della Svizzera, per quel die riguarda la erogazione dellc sortime raccolte, 28 Novembre, 1835 (Ibid., Fol. 806-v). 72. Ut supra, Documento XVII: Grcgorio XVI concede chc una par parte delle sommc raccolte in Svizzera siano direttamcnte erogate dai rispettivi Ordinari a beneficio delle missioni interne di qnella regione. 27 Fcbbraio, 1836 (Lettre della S. C., Vol. 317, Fol. 123). 73. Ut supra, Documento XVIII: La Sacra Congregazione assicura il Consiglio centrale di Lione die i consigli dell'Opera pia da stabilirsi a Eoma e a Napoli saranno pienamente soggetti al medesimo Consiglio centrale. Li 22 Novembre, 1836 (Ibid., Fol. 867). The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 97 On January 24, 1837, Cardinal Brignole was nominated Presi- dent of the Council of the Society that was to be established in Rome. 74 On March 18, 1837, the Sacred Congregation of Propa- ganda recommended that the Archbishop favor the founda- tion in Naples of a Council of the Society for the Kingdom of the two Sicilies which was to be subject to the Central Council of Lyons. 7 " On April 10, 1837, the Government of Naples expressed its desire that the Council of the Society established in the Kingdom of Naples, correspond, not with the Central Council of Lyons, but with the Council to be established in Rome. 70 On May 2, 1837, the permission was accorded to the Central Council of Naples to correspond directly with Propaganda as well as with the Central Council of the Society at Lyons. 77 On July 8, 1837, the Sacred Congre- gation indicated to the Central Council of Lyons the African Missions that were to be assisted. 78 On July 15, 1837, the Sacred Congregation warmly recommended to the Bishop of Ghent the spread of the Society in his diocese. 70 On January 30, 1838, the Sacred Congregation manifested to Cardinal Brignole the desire of the Central Council of Lyons that the Council of the Society established in Rome be made dependent 74. Ut supra, Documento XIX: II Card. Brignole vicnc nominate prcsidentc del Consiglio Dell'Opera pia da stabilirsi in Eoma. Li 24 Gennato, 1837 (Lettere dclla S. C., Vol. 318, Fol. 46). 75. Ut supra, Documento XX: La S. Congregazione di Propaganda raccomanda all'Archivescovo di favorire in Napoli di un Consiglio dcll- 'Opcra per il regno delle Due Sidle, il quale resti saggetto al Consiglio di Lione. 18 Marzo, 1837 (Ibid., Fol. 238-v). 76. Ut supra, Documento XXI: II Governo di Napoli desidera che il Consiglio della pia Opera da stabilirso nel Eegno corrisponda non col Consiglio Centrale di Lione, ma con quello da stabilirsi in Eoma. Li 10 Aprile, 1837 (Ibid., Fol. 374-v). 77. Ut supra, Documento XXII: Si accorda al Consiglio di Napoli di poter corrispondcre direttamentc con la Propaganda anziche col centro dell'Opera a Lione. Li ii Maggio, 1837 (Ibid., Fol. 460-v). 78. Ut supra, Documento XXIII: La S. Congregazione di Propa- ganda indica al Consiglio ccntrale di Lione le missioni di Affrica da sus- sidiarsi. 8 Luglio, 1837 (Ibid., Fol. 580-v). 79. Ut supra, Documento XXIV: La S. Congrcgasionc raccomanda caldamente al Vescovo di Gand la diffusions della pia Opera nella sua diocesi. 15 lulii, 1837 (Ibid., Fol. 601). 98 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith upon Lyons. 80 On July 26, 1838, the Sacred Congregation defended the unity of the Society which was menaced by the attempted separation of Bavaria, which would prefer to be united to the Leopoldine Society of Vienna. 81 The ruling was that Bishop Rese's claim to an authorization of the Sacred Congregation to transfer funds of the Bavarian Society to Vienna, and hence that they would no longer be sent to France, was not valid; Rese had no authority to treat these or other questions, hence the money would have to go to Lyons. On November 8, 1838, the Sacred Congregation expressed its desire that the dioceses of Northern Italy continue to correspond directly with the Council of Lyons. 82 On Decem- ber 13, 1838, the Sacred Congregation asked the Council of Lyons what regulations it believed to be opportune for the preservation of unity between the newly established Roman Association and the Central Council ; and asked if it did not think it opportune to send the money collected in Rome directly to the missions in order to avoid unnecessary losses occasioned by the useless transfer and exchange of money. 83 On January 22, 1839, the Sacred Congregation endeavored to prevent the organization of pious Societies different from that of the Propagation of the Faith of Lyons in Belgium, 80. Ut supra, Documento XXV : La S. Congregazione manifesto, al Card. Brignole il desiderio del Consiglio Centrale di Lione che il Consiglio dell' Opera della Propagazione dclla Fede erctta in Eoma sia posto sotto la dipendenza del medesimo. Li 30 Gennaro, 1838 (Lettere della S. C., Vol. 319, Fol. 129). 81. Ut supra, Documento XXVII: La Sacra Congregazione difende I'unita della Pia Opera della Propaga-zione della Fcde minacciata da tentativi separastisti della Baviera die desidererebbc piuttusto di unirsi alia Societa Leapoldina di Vienna. Li 26 Luglio, 1838 (Lettere della S. C., Vol. 320, Fol. 724). 82. Ut supra, Documento XXVIII: La 8. Congregazione desidera che le diocesi dell 'Altai Italia continuino a corrispondere direttamente col Consiglio di Lione. Li 8 Novembre, 1838 (Ibid., Fol. 1301). 83. Ut supra, Documento XXVI: La S. Congregazione domanda al Consiglio di Lione quali disposizione si credano piu opportune per oondcrvare I'unita fra la neonata associazione romana ed il Consiglio Centrale e se non crcda opportuno I'invio dirctto alle missioni dei fondi raccolti in Eoma, per evitare perdite d'inutili passaggi di dcnaro e relativi cambi. Li 13 Decembre, 1838 (Lettere della S. C., Vol. 320, Fol. 1379). The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 99 England and Bavaria in order that the unity and universality of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith might not be injured. 84 On February 5, 1839, after the Council of the Society established in Ghent had refused to correspond with the Council of Lyons, the Sacred Congregation wrote an urgent appeal to the Bishop of Ghent, Louis Joseph Dele- becque, insisting upon the unity of the Society which His Holiness Gregory XVI had very much at heart. 85 On Novem- ber 16, 1839, the King of Bavaria, after much hesitation, agreed to the union of the Bavarian Council of the Society to the Central Council of Lyons. 88 On July 14, 1840, the Holland branch of the Society expressed its purpose to correspond directly with the Sacred Congregation. 87 On February 25, 1841, the Sacred Congrega- tion endeavored to reestablish the Superior Council of the whole Society, by confiding its direction to Cardinal De Bonald. 88 In the letter to Mgr. Garibaldi, Apostolic Nuncio to- Paris, the reasons given for reestablishing this Superior Council were that the two Councils of Lyons arid Paris might not be in conflict; that greater unity might be attained, and somewhat more deference paid to Propaganda 011 whom all Missions depended. The selection of Cardinal De Bonald was made in virtue of his high office, as a Cardinal, and it was recalled that the Grand Chaplain of France, Cardinal de 84. Ut supra, Documento XXIX: La Sacra Congregazione cera d'impedirc die in Belgio, Inghilterra, Baviera s'istituiscano pie opcre diverse dalla Pia Opera dclla Propagazione della Fede di Lione die ne compremettano I'unita el'universalita. Li 22 Gennaro, 1839. (Lettere della S. C., Vol. 321). 85. Ut supra, Documento XXX: II Consiglio dclla Opera stabilito in Gand si rifiuta di corrispondere col Consiglio di Lione. Die 5 Feb- ruarii, 1839 (Ibid., Fol. 121). 86. Ut supra, Documento XXXII: II Ee di Bavicra, dopo molte esitazioni annuisce alia unione del Consiglio bavarese per I'Opera Pia della Propagazione della Fede al Consiglio Centrale di Lione. Die 16 Novembris, 1839 (Ibid., Fol. 1136). 87. Ut supra, Documento XXXIIbis: II ramo olandesc dell'Opera Pia preferisce di corrispondere direttamente con la S. Congregazione di Propaganda. 14 Luglio, 1840 (Lettere della S. C., Vol. 324, Fol. 638-v). 88. Ut supra, Documento XXXIIIbis : La S. . Congregazione si ad- opera per ristabilire il Consiglio Superiore di tutta I'Opera, affidandone la disrezione al Card. DC Bonald, 25 Ferraro, 1841 (Lettere della S. C., Vol. 325, Fol. 146-v). 100 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Croy, was its former President. On November 27, 1841, the Sacred Congregation insisted that the Society as established in Holland depend upon the Central Council of Lyons. 89 On December 11, 1841, the Sacred Congregation took up again the project of reconstructing the Superior Council of the whole Society and asked the Internuncio to remind the Directors of the deference due to His Holiness." On January 22, 1842, the Sacred Congregation urged the Archbishop of Salerno to preserve the unity of the Society. 91 On January 31, 1842, the Sacred Congregation recommended to the Arch- bishop of Lima that the Society, instituted in his diocese to aid the Missions, be joined to the Central Council of Lyons. 92 On July 2, 1842, the Council of the Society established in South America demanded complete independence from the Council of Lyons. 93 On August 3, 1844, a decree of the King of Bavaria ordered that the Council of the work existing in his States deal directly with Rome and have no further rela- tion with the Central Council of Lyons. Another document of the same date relates to the same question. 04 A decree of the Sacred Congregation of August 3, 1844, made the Council 89. Ut supra, Documento XXXIV: La S. Congrcgazione insiste perche il Cotisiglio dell'Opcra Pia costituitosi in Olanda entro in corrispondenza col Consiglio Centralc di Lione. L'Aia, 27 Novembre, 1841 (Vol. 326, Fol. 1231). 90. Ut supra, Docwnento XXXV: Sul progctto della ricostruzione del Consiglio Intcrnunzio Apostolico in Parigi. 11 Decembre, 1841 (Ibid., Fol. 1324). 91. Ut supra, Documcnto XXXVIII: La Sacra Congrcgazione racco- manda all' Archive scovo di Salerno I'unita della Pia Opera. 22 Geimaio, 1842 (Lettere della S. C., Vol. 327, Fol. 54-v). 92. Ut supra, Documento XXXIX: La Sacra Congregazione rac- comanda att'Archivescovo di Lima die, istituita V Opera Pia a favore delle missioni, sia aggregata al Consiglio Centrale di Lione. 31 Gennaro, 1842 (Ibid., Fol. 86-v). 93. Ut supra, Documento XXXVUs: I Consigli dell'Opcra Pia della Propagazione della Fede stabiliti nell' America del Sud reclamano una completa indipcndcnza dal ccntro di Lione. 2 Luglio, 1842 (Lettere, Vol. 327, Fol. 533-v). 94. Ut supra, Documento XL: Un decreto del re di Baviera stabilisce she il Consiglio dell 'Opera Pia esistentc nci suoi Stati se la intenda direttamente con Eoma e non abbia piu alcuna rclazione col centro di Lione. 3 Agosto 1844 (Lettere della S. C., Vol. 331) ; Docu- mento XLI: Sul medcsimo argomento. 3 Agosto, 1844 (Ibid., Fol. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 101 established in Bavaria directly depend upon the Sacred Con- gregation. 96 On November 13, 1844, the Sacred Congregation lamented the character of complete independence from Rome of the Central Council of the Society, a character which, it felt, on account of national susceptibilities, imperilled the unity of the same. 98 On May 13, 1848, Spain sent directly to Rome the money collected in that kingdom for the Propa- gation of the Faith. 97 On June 7, 1848, the Sacred Congrega- tion begged the Internuncio to Bavaria to send to Rome the remainder of the amount of the allocations made. 98 On September 20, 1848, the Sacred Congregation paid the appropriations determined upon by the Council of Lyons with the money collected by the Council of Rome. 99 On June 10, 1904, the Council of the Society in London decided to send to Lyons, in the future, only one-tenth of the collections made in England. 100 The projected general union of the Austrian Mission Societies (the Societies of St. Peter Claver, of Mary, both of which are for Africa ; the Leopoldiiie Society for North America ; the Society of the Immaculate Conception and those of the Holy Childhood and the Propagation of the Faith) 95. Ut supra, Documento XLII: II Consiglio della Pia Opera stabilito in Baviera, passa alle dipendenze dirette dclla S. Congregazione. 3 Agosto, 1844 (Ibid., Fol. 500-v). 96. Ut supra, Documento XLIII: La Sacra Congregazione lamenta il carattere di completa indipendenza da, Roma assunti dal Consiglio Centrale dell'Opcra, carattere die unito alle susccttibilita nazwnali mette in periculo I'unita della medesima. 13 Novembre, 1844 (Ibid., Fol. 819-v). 97. Ut supra, Documento XLIV : La Spagna invia direttamente a Eoma la somma raccolta per la Propagazione della Fcde in quel regno. 13 Maggio, 1848 (Vol. 337, Fol. 343). 98. Ut supra, Documento XLV : La Sacra Congregazione prega I'Intcrnunsio di Baviera di voler rimcttere a Eoma il sopravanzo delle allocazioni fatte. 7 Guigno, 1848 (Ibid., Fol. 420-v). 99. Ut supra, Documento XLVI: La Sacra Congregazione di Propa- ganda paga col denaro raccolto dal Consiglio di Eoma le allocazioni stabilite dal Consiglio di Lione. 20 Scttembre, 1848 (Ibid., Fol. 694-v). 100. Ut supra, Documento LXIII: II Consiglio dell'Opcra della Propagazione della Fede in Londra decide dinon piu rimettere a Lione se non un decimo del prodotto delle collette fatte in Inghilterra. 10 Giugno, 1904. ' J i -i 1 . * * ' 102 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith were all involved in this tentative. 101 Finally, owing to the growing demands in various parts of the world for a more modern method of organization, a definitive basis for the constitution of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith in Spain is being planned, 102 and as Guasco has written: "According to all the previsions, at the beginning of the second century of its existence, the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Faith is sure to suffer transformations in its administration. Some national councils are in process of formation. We have a First Pontifical Act constituting one of these Councils ; in a decree of March 1, 1921, His Holiness Pope Benedict XV, created at Rome a Central Council placed directly under the dependence of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide, for all the dioceses of Italy and charged it with the duty of procuring a fuller development of the Society in the Peninsula (Italy). What will be the relations of this Council with those of Lyons and at Paris ? Will they assist in an International Council at Rome or somewhere else or will the ancient French Councils become simple interme- diaries between the faithful and this International Council or will they preserve their present character? Will the Sacred Congregation take over the effective direction of the Society? Will the American project for independence from the Coun- cils -of Lyons and Paris succeed? These and many other questions regarding the Society are yet to be solved." The following indulgences have been granted to all mem- bers of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith by the Sovereign Pontiffs Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius X and Benedict XV. The Plenary and Partial Indulgences may be gained by all those who are Ordinary or Special Members of the Asso- 101. Ut supra, Documento LXVI: La progettata Unione Generate delle Missioni Austriache. 102. Ut supra, Documento LXVII: Basi dedfinitive per la costitu- zione delta Propagazione della Fede nella Spagna. 103. GUASCO, L'Oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi, Un Siecle d' Historic in the Correapondant, t. 284, p. 1030, Sept. 25, 1921. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 103 elation. By a decree dated May 25, 1885, His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII, extended these privileges for life to those who fulfil the conditions of life membership. To gain the Plenary Indulgences, the usual conditions of Confession, Communion, a visit to the parish church and prayers for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff are re- quired. We may remark that a virtual intention suffices, and that those who go to confession once a week (saltern semel in hcbdomada) can gain all Plenary Indulgences occurring in the interval between one Confession and another. Pope Pius X removed the condition of weekly confession in favour of those receiving Holy Communion daily or at least five or six times a week. Consequently, priests who celebrate every day may gain all these Indulgences, though they do not make weekly Confession. These Plenary Indulgences can be gained on the days mentioned once only at any hour from the First Vespers, 2 p. m., of the eve of the Feast, to sunset on the following day, or on any day of the octave, if there is an octave; should these feasts be transferred by proper author- ity, the Indulgences likewise accompany them and therefore, may be gained on the same conditions. Members of religious houses, convents, seminaries, colleges, etc., may visit the pri- vate chapel of the establishment instead of the parish church. Children who have not made their first communion can gain them by performing some pious work appointed by their confessor. I. PLENARY INDULGENCES May 3d Feast of the Finding of the Cross. The day on which the Association was established. December 3d Feast of St. Francis Xavier, the Patron of the Association. The Epiphany, the Annunciation, the Assumption, St. Michael (September 29th). On all Feasts of the Apostles. Every Month On any two days chosen by the Associates. 104 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Once a Year On the day of the general commemoration of the deceased Members of the Committee or the Circle to which one belongs. On the Day of Admittance into the Association. At the Hour of Death, by invoking, at least in the heart, the Name of Jesus. Members gain the favour of the privileged Altar for every Mass said in the name of an Associate for a deceased Member. II. PARTIAL INDULGENCES Seven Years and Seven Quarantines every time an Asso- ciate performs in aid of the Association any work of devotion or charity. Three hundred days every time an Associate assists at the "Triduum" on May 3rd and December 3rd. One hundred days every time an Associate recites the "Our Father" and "Hail Mary," together with the invoca- tion to St. Francis Xavier. All these Indulgences, both Plenary and Partial, are ap- plicable to the souls in purgatory. 104 III. SPECIAL FAVORS GRANTED TO ECCLESIASTICAL BENEFACTORS A To every Priest who shall be charged in any parish or establishment to collect alms for the Society for the Propa- gation of the Faith, or who, either from his own resources, or otherwise, shall contribute to the funds of the Society a sum equal to the subscription of an entire band of ten: 1st. The favor of the privileged Altar three times a week. 2d. The power to apply the following Indulgences: To the faithful at the hour of death, a Plenary Indulgence; 104. Spiritual Privileges Granted to the Association for the Propa- gation of the Faith, pp. 25-27, London, 1916. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 105 to Beads or Rosaries, Crosses, Crucifixes, Pictures, Statues and Medals, the Apostolic Indulgences ; to Beads, the Brigitine Indulgences. 3d. The faculty of attaching to Crucifixes the Indulgences of the Way of the Cross. B (a) To every Priest who is a Diocesan Director, or a Member of a Committee, appointed to watch over the inter- ests of the Work : (b) To every other Priest who in the course of the year shall pay to the account of the Society a sum equal at least to the amount of one thousand subscriptions ($600.00), from whatever source derived : 1st. The same favors enjoyed by Priests in the preceding category. 2d. The favor of the privileged Altar five times a week personally. (Brief of Pius IX, December 31, 1853.) 3d. The power to bless Crosses with the Indulgences of the Way of the Cross, and, moreover, the power to invest with the Seraphic Cord and Scapular, and to impart all the Indulgences and privileges granted to such investiture by the Sovereign Pontiffs. 4th. The power to bless, and invest the faithful with, the Scapular of Mt. Carmel, the Immaculate Conception, and the Passion of Our Lord. In case the collection of the special subscriptions should be for the moment incomplete, His Holiness prolongs the privileges of the Priest who shall have brought in the entire amount the preceding year, up to the current account. (Rescript of Leo XIII, June 16, 1878.) C Every Priest who shall contribute once for all out of his private resources, a sum representing the amount of one thousand subscriptions ($600.00) shall enjoy, during his life, the favors granted to the Priests who are Members of a Committee. 106 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith D On February 1, 1908, Pope Pius X has granted to all Priests who are Diocesan or Parochial Directors, Perpetual or Special Members of the Society, the faculty of applying (unico crucis signo) the Crosier Indulgences to Rosaries (an Indulgence of 500 days for each Our Father and Hail Mary ) . IV. FEAST DAYS OF THE SOCIETY In order to bring down the blessing of God on the Work and on the Missions, the Society has selected, as times of special prayer and Thanksgiving : I. The third of May, feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, the anniversary of the foundation of the Society in 1822. II. The third of December, feast of St. Francis Xavier, patron of the Society. 108 The Feast of the Second Patron of the Society, St. Exupere, was established in 1838. 106 A Society, such as the Propagation of the Faith, founded and organized chiefly by laymen and laywomen, would nat- urally attract the interest and the zeal of the laity throughout the world. Hence, the historian has the pleasure of recording, side-by-side with the cooperation of the Holy See and of the Catholic Episcopate, the lay cooperation of the past hundred years. During the period of union and protectorate when the civil power was united with the Church in its missionary en- deavors and supported them with its budget, there was a strong tradition among the crowned heads of Europe which caused them to foster the Missions. But with the French Revolution all this was changed. At the time of the foundation of this Society in France, King Louis XVIII was apprised of its exis- tence and appealed to by his Chaplain, Cardinal Prince de Croy for his permission to arouse the interest of all the Bishops 105. FRERI, op. tit., pp. 18-19, 1912; ibid., pp. 59-60 in the Annals, vol. LXXXV, 1922. 106. Annales, t. XI, pp. 168-182; 459-462. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 107 of his realm in favor of the spread of this Society/ 07 In the Car- dinal's remarks to his sovereign he dwelt upon the traditions of the illustrious Kings of France such as King St. Louis and of Louis XIV, who had distinguished themselves by their efforts to promote the Missions. The good will and financial support of Louis XVIII was easily won for the Society ; not only did the king contribute to the Society but he and the royal family seemed ever willing to turn an attentive ear to the requests of missionary bishops. For the United States one striking instance of this liberality is found in providing one of the ships of his royal navy, La Caravane, in which Bishop Du Bourg brought to America many missionaries and seminarians as well as many pious objects which he had col- lected abroad. The successor of Louis XVIII, Charles X, also manifested his good will towards the Society and wished his name to be placed at the head of the subscription list. 108 In the New Orleans Cathedral were hung six religious paint- ings which were gifts from the Kings of France. At the time that Mt. St. Mary's Seminary and College was destroyed by fire, a special gift of 3,000 francs from the King of France is another evidence of his interest in the Missions. 109 The King of Sardinia also showed particular benevolence and encouragement towards this Society as did also the King of the two Sicilies. 110 But the characteristic of missionary activity during the modern period is that it is carried on not by the sovereigns or the great and powerful of the world. The new plan of supporting the Missions by frequent small dona- tions was both devised and carried into execution chiefly through the efforts of the common people. Under these con- ditions all that the Society asks and expects of any govern- ment is a full measure of liberty in carrying on its work. Perhaps the most conspicuous services rendered to the Society by prominent laymen has been in the field of the 107. Annales, t. I, fasc. iii, p. 11; t. I, fasc. v, pp. 5-6. 108. GUASCO, op. tit., in the Correspondant, pp. 1010-1011: ' ' Charles X declared himself its protector and made an offering to it. ' ' 109. Annales, t. I, fasc. v, p. 32. 110. Annales, t. I, fasc. v, pp. 30-40. 108 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith administration of the Society and the editing of its various publications. Frederic Ozanam, the illustrious founder of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, was for some time the editor of the Annales de la Propagation de la Foi. A list of the names of the Directors of the two Councils of Lyons and Paris and of the editors of the Annales and the Missions Catholiqucs would contain a large number of names of persons prominent not only by virtue of their birth and station but also distin- guished for the services they have rendered to God, to their Church, to their country and to their fellowman. One example alone will suffice to illustrate this truth. The present General Secretary of the Central Council of Paris, M. Alexandre Guasco, in the year 1883, gave up a promising career as an avocat to consecrate his life to the supervision of this Council. Through his intense application and keen discern- ment he has discovered the proportionate needs of each of the hundreds of Missions aided by the Society each year, and thus he has wisely directed the distribution of vast sums of money to all the Missions of the world wherever and whenever he believed it was needed most and could do the most good. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 109 CHAPTER VI THE GROWTH OF THE SOCIETY In his Histoire Generate de la Societe des Missions fitran- geres, Launay, with characteristic piety, has said that societies such as the Society for the Propagation of the Faith are generally founded by the successive efforts of many minds and many hearts, their birth is difficult and slow up to the day when a ray of providential light passes over them and makes them flower and bear fruit. 1 The Propagation of the Faith spread at first especially in France with extreme rapidity. The ecclesiastical author- ities of Rome and of France published mandates in its favor, and designated priests to receive the collections. The pastors, the assistants, and the clergy made themselves its ardent sup- porters. The grandeur of the work was pleasing to all minds ; the universality touched the hearts. The modesty of the alms permitted the poor to join their contributions to those of the rich. And so, the news of the Society's foundation came to the Missions with that of its progress and was received with gratitude. What motives, we read in one of the early Annales, to redouble one 's ardor and zeal in such a holy enterprise ! What could be more consoling than the perspective of the immense good to be produced for the salvation of souls by prayers so short and by a contribution so modest ! And what one of the faithful, in thinking of this small alms given each week, which often goes more than a thousand leagues to aid in the conver- sion of the soul for whom Jesus Christ died, would not feel his heart thrill and his charity be inflamed! It has pleased Providence to bless this generous Association and to multiply 1. LAUNAY, op. cit., t. II, p. 500. 110 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith its members for the sanctification of the Christians who com- pose it as well as for the conversion of those in whom it places its interests. 2 The object of the Society could not long be confined within the boundaries of a province, as Louvet has written. 8 A few days after the first assembly, one of the members of the Cen- tral Council of Lyons set out to arouse the ever-ardent charity of the cities of the South of France. Diocesan committees were formed at Avignon, Aix, Marseilles, Nimes, Montpelier, Grenoble. The most eminent members of the clergy joined with the most religious laymen, and the confident activity of so many good men seemed already to give promise of great success. Not long afterwards, one of the founders went to Paris; through his efforts, a Superior Council as well as a Diocesan Council were formed there, and, henceforth, the Society embraced the whole nation. In the year 1823, a dele- gate of the Council of Lyons, obtained papal approbation together with the indulgences which enrich the Society in perpetuity. 4 Then encouraging words came from almost all the bishops of France. Thus the new institution, strength- ened by the approbation of the Holy See, sure of its support, sustained by its encouragements, crossed the frontiers of France, and began the conquest of the world. The realm of Piedmont was the first to welcome it. The King of Sar- dinia inscribed his own name at the head of the list of sub- scribers, and a committee was promptly established at Turin, which soon made its activity felt in the Dioceses of Turin, Chambery, Annecy, Nice, Pignerol, etc. 5 Then the different countries in turn became interested in the Society. Belgium did not long delay her entrance into the work and began her magnificent annual liberalities by a donation of 497 francs in 1825. Italy began in 1827 with a contribution of 288 francs. Next came Germany with her donation of 358 francs. In the same year, Switzerland gave 896 francs. The British 2. Annales, t. I, fasc. pp. 3-6. 3. LOUVET, op. cit., p. 2a; Annales, t. II, pp. 79-82. 4. Annales, t. I, fasc. p. 4. 5. Annales, t. V, p. 31. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 111 Isles began their regular contributions in 1836. Portugal and Holland came next in 1837. In 1839, the United States, Spain and Austria sent in their first donations. In 1840, South America began its contributions. 6 By this time 300 bishops had raised their voices in its favor. Finally, as we have said, Pope Gregory XVI, by the Encyclical Letter of 1840, placed the Society in the rank of Institutions common to Christen- dom. 7 It was during these latter years that the Bishop Flaget went to Europe and undertook the memorable voyage which permitted half of France to- see and hear the envoy of the Sovereign Pontiff, preaching his holy crusade of prayers and alms. Flaget had passed more than forty years in the Mis- sions; he knew the innumerable needs of the churches; he was able to appreciate the services which the Society for the Propagation of the Faith had already rendered, and the let- ters which the associates of the Society had received from him were all filled with testimonies of his lively gratitude. He had been in Europe for one year and his reputation had already attained great prominence. Each of his acts, each of his words, was clothed with authority. It would have been difficult to have found a preacher better fitted to recommend the society which embraced, in its solicitude, all the Missions of the two worlds. The men who, with the assent of the Sovereign Pontiff, directed his excellent Society, hastened to claim the cooperation of this venerable bishop. They profited by his stay in Rome to address a humble appeal to the Pope, and this appeal met with complete success. Gregory XVI had more than once given to the Society the most flattering marks of his paternal esteem. He understood the intentions of the Bishop of Bardstown, and Flaget himself penetrated the heart of the Pontiff, and found there the will to second his own views. Returning to France, Bishop Flaget, with the sim- 6. GUASCO, op. cit., in the Correspondant, t. 284, p. 1022, Sept. 25, 1921. 7. Annales,-*-. XLIV, p. 162. 112 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith plicity of a child and his customary devotion, placed him- self at the disposal of those who had claimed his services. 8 In a first journey through France the American prelate visited twelve dioceses: Le Puy, Clermont, Moulins, Nevers, Bourges, Limoges, Tulle, Cahors, Montauban, Rodez, Albi and Saint-Flour. Then his failing health obliged him to seek repose in his own family circle. Having returned to Clermont on the 20th of March, 1838, he departed on June 6, and visited Valence, Viviers, Montpelier, Toulouse, Auch, Aire, Bayonne, Tarbes, Pamiers, Perpignan, Carcassonne, Nimes, Avignon, Aix, Marseilles, Frejus, Digne and Gap eighteen dioceses in all. He returned to Lyons on October 6, and after a repose of some few days, again set out on the 29th of the same month. This time he was to visit Grenoble, Belley, Autun, Saint-Claude, Besangon, Annecy, Saint Jean de Maurienne, Turin, Asti, Alexandrie, Genoa, Savona, Albenga, Vintemille, Nice and Chambery. It was proposed to Bishop Flaget to visit the North of France, but, for reasons which we shall shortly explain, he was obliged to limit his journeys. After all, to travel through forty-six dioceses, notwithstanding the burden of seventy-five years, was rather a test for the strength of a venerable man. In the beginning, he visited in each of the dioceses, six, eight, ten or fifteen parishes, preaching everywhere, and complying with the desires of seminaries and religious communities to hear him, such was his zeal that his time and strength were matters of secondary importance. In most of the dioceses, especially in France, he continued to visit the principal cities and their institutions. Continually preaching and traveling, great fatigue finally overtook the good bishop ; but it became sweet in his eyes when he recalled the origin of his mission, for he was working under the obedience to the Pope. , However, it is impossible to sketch in detail the great results of his journeys. Crowds gathered, wherever he went. All wished to see and to hear him. His speech, however, was 8. DESGEORGE, Mgr. Flaget, Eveque de Bardstown et Louisville, pp. 115, et seq., Paris, 1855. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 113 simple and familiar ; but the saintly old man could not appear in a pulpit without preaching a sermon by his simple pres- ence alone. His visits were like a continual mission. No one could estimate the services he rendered to the Society. Today his name is held in veneration by its members, as he said so often from the pulpit: " Everyone admires this mite of the poor, this cent each week, which after having received from God the power of miracles, goes across the seas to pay the ransom of captives, to furnish traveling expenses to the mis- sionaries, to build churches, to found seminaries, and to pro- duce other marvels which permit the infant and the aged, the infirm and the unfortunate, to believe themselves to be apostles, for all this good is the work of their faith and of their charity." At the moment when Bishop Flaget began his visitation, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith was far less known than it is today. Some, indeed, were asking if the alms which came into its treasury always went to the destination publicly announced. Others still enter- tained doubts whether the extent of the distress which ham- pered the Missions overseas, was as great as was pictured. But all these uncertainties were soon removed, and it is to Bishop Flaget 's eternal credit that he helped to dispel these doubts. Everywhere the faithful became interested in a Society which had already been so fruitful and which was called to still greater things. 9 Soon its work was established upon a larger and more solid basis, and every one considered it an honor to offer his humble tribute of prayers and alms to the work. In some cities its progress surpassed all hopes, to such an extent that the Bishop of Bardstown, passing through Montpelier two months after his first meeting, had the happiness of finding there a thousand more Associates. 9. PIOLET, La France au Dehors, Les Missions Catholiques Fran- gaises au XIX Sieclc, Paris, 1900. At Turin the King Charles Albert wished to receive him at his table. A letter from Ct. Vt. Gaitter, dated Paris 22 Juillet 1835, describes Flaget 's audience with the King and Queen of France. This letter was found in the Archives of Saint Sulpice, Paris. 114 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith The immense good which Bishop Flaget was thus able to accomplish for the Society, as well as the religious devotion which he stimulated in Europe, was but one aspect of his saintly life. 10 Benedict Joseph Flaget was born at St. Julien, France, November 7, 1763. He was the youngest of three sons. At the age of two, he was left an orphan, and a pious aunt took care of him and his brothers, devoting herself assiduously to bringing them up piously, bestowing on them the blessing of a Christian education. He attended the college and later the seminary at Clermont, the latter being then in charge of the Sulpicians. He joined the Congregation of St. Sulpice and after his ordination to the priesthood, he was sent to the Seminary at Nantes, and later to that at Angers, in the capacity of professor of theology. When the French Revolu- tion broke out, it threatened to bring about the utter destruc- tion of religion, and the clergy, both regular and secular, were openly persecuted. Those who had the courage, as almost all of them had, to refuse the odious Constitutional Oath were ruthlessly massacred or forced to fly for their lives. Father Flaget, acting under the advice of his superiors resolved to devote his life to the American Missions and embarked for America towards the close of the year 1791. In the fall of 1792 Father Flaget was sent by Bishop Carroll to Vincennes. There he labored with indefatigable zeal for more than two years. His zeal soon operated a thorough change in the relig- ious aspect of the town. Toward the close of the year 1794, Father Flaget was recalled to the East by Bishop Carroll and placed on the staff of Georgetown College. His superiors, however, appointed him to the Island of Cuba with a view to establishing there a college and a seminary. About the year 1801, Father Flaget was recalled to Baltimore, to take a professorship in St. Mary's College. He continued in this situation for nine or ten years until he was elevated to the See of Bardstowii. He arrived at Bardstown in June, 1811, 10. HERBERMANN, The Sulpicians in the United States, p. 157, New York 1916; Cf. BERTRAND, Billiotheque Sulpicicnne, p. 182, Paris." The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 115 remaining there until 1841, when the Holy See transferred his See to Louisville. There he remained until his death in 1850. For more than half a century the story of his life forms an integral and a very important part of that of the Catholic Church in the United States, of which he was so conspicuous an ornament. "His episcopacy stretches through a much larger period than that of any other American pre- late; and he has justly merited the title awarded to him by general consent of 'Patriarch of the American Hierarchy.' A prominent trait in the character of Bishop Flaget was his zeal for the salvation of souls. To secure this object, he spared uo labor and was ready 'to spend and to be spent.' This was the subject upon which he most delighted to address his clergy, in his soul-stirring appeals replete with unction, which all well remember. This was the engrossing thought which supported him amongst the multiplied and protracted hard- ships of his episcopal career; which urged him on from one extremity to the other of his vast diocese ; embracing for many years, the entire West and Northwest from the 34th degree of north latitude to the Lakes; a territory now com- prising ten flourishing dioceses. To save a soul redeemed by Jesus Christ, or to prevent the commission of a single mortal sin, he deemed an object worthy of every privation and suffer- ing, even unto the endangering sacrifice of life itself. The spiritual welfare and salvation of his flock engaged his anxious attention by day and often flitted across his mind in the visions of the night. This was a favorite subject of his con- versation with his friends and it was that for which he prayed most frequently and most fervently, especially at the holy altar." 11 To Bishop Flaget, therefore, goes the credit of having accomplished more than any single prelate for the growth and development of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. His activity in its behalf in France, during that early epoch of its existence, when French prelates themselves failed 11. The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac and Laity's Directory 1851, pp. 50-61. 116 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith to realize the immense possibilities of such an organization with its universal appeal and its universal power for good, has placed him almost in the ranks of its founders. After a century of existence the Society can boast of a development second to none among the Catholic institutions which make an appeal to the faithful of the world for the sake of the Gospel. France has always held the place of honor in the total contributions. Germany, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain, Switzerland and all the nations of Europe, even unfortunate Poland, are found on its lists. North and South America, Africa, the infant Churches of Asia and of Oceania also sent in their modest tribute of their neophytes. In a word, all the children of the Church are thus united in the Apostolate and cooperate by their offering in the prop- agation of the Gospel. 12 We have} now to see in a graphic way the scale of these contributions during the past century (1822-1918) : RECEIPTS OF THE SOCIETY FOE THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH From Its Foundation until 1918, Inclusive Total Receipts: 450,846,600 fr. Of This Sum the Following Countries Have Contributed France 278,022,485 fr. United States 32,305,473 Italy 30,783,713 Germany 25,487,346 Belgium 23,582,361 Great Britain 15,013,707 Holland Spain Switzerland Argentine Republic Mexico Canada Portugal Austria Africa Chile Malta and Gozzo . . Luxemburg 5,946,306 5,678,348 5,670,413 4,629,811 3,653,795 3,074,654 2,644,862 2,358,600 2,120,990 1,751,459 1,532,266 1,336,510 12. LOUVET, op. cit. y p. 3a, 1894. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 117 Central America . . , Oceania , Asia Uruguay Brazil Peru Turkey in Europe . Russia and Poland , Hungary Scandinavian States Greece , Colombia Venezuela , Monaco Guiana , Ecuador , Bolivia , Paraguay R/oumania Bulgaria 1,045,793 fr. 855,379 " 759,412 " 526,566 " 498,489 " 271,126 " 261,060 204,905 176,157 154,174 129,825 80,181 68,371 61,066 52,034 48,660 32,181 12,461 8,079 3,540 Arranged by periods of ten years the figures of the receipts of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, are indicative of the Society's growth. In the following table it will be seen that the Society has not ceased to progress although this rate of increase had diminished in a notable manner from 1872 to 1891 : From 1822 to 1831 S.P.F. Reed. 1,807,091 fr. 1832 " 1842 " 1852 " 1862 " 1872 " 1882 " 1892 " 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 11,732,983 33,446,335 45,516,139 49,780,830 60,033,164 66,030,291 66,832,650 Increase 9,925,791 fr. 21,713,351 " 12,069,803 < 4,264,701 < 10,252,333 < 5,997,127 < 802,359 < The two periods from 1862 to 1871 and from 1882 to 1891 during which the growth of the Society slackened consider- ably, correspond to the creation of Peter's Pence and to the religious crises of the Church of France, during which time the charity of the faithful was solicited for the works of local interest. The practical disappearance of this increase during the period between 1892 and 1901 was due chiefly to the marked financial depression which affected Europe as well as America. In 1906 came the separation of the Church and State in France, and hence local charities made incessant demands upon the charity of the faithful. During the last 118 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith period' from 1912 to 1921 the World War could not fail to have a detrimental influence upon the offerings made to the Society. It will not be without interest to see exactly what part each of the Catholic nations has taken in the contributions made to the total budget of the Apostolate. There are, in this detailed resume of the Society, encouragements for some nations, regrets for others and lessons for all. From 1822 to 1831 France Gave " 1832 " 1841 " 1851 " 1861 " 1871 " 1881 " 1891 " " 1842 " " 1852 (t 11 1862 " 1872 " " 1882 " I. FRANCE (1822-1892) }ave 1,764,696 fr. 8,025,928 " Increase 6,261,221 fr. 19,064,863 " t ( 11,038,834 " 27,833,660 " tt 8,768,797 " 34,501,034 " i i 6,667,374 " 40,549,771 " ft 6,048,736 " 42,331,209 " tt 1,781,438 " It is evident that Catholic France, the birthplace of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, has made it a point of honor to guard her rank of eldest daughter of the Church since she alone has always furnished two-thirds of the budget of the Apostolate. Since 1822, the date of its foundation, the Society has not ceased to make progress in France, even after the loss of the two dioceses of Alsace and Lorraine, or even during the ten years between 1882 and 1891 when the Church in France was crippled. II. ITALY (1827-1892) From 1827 to 1831 Italy Gave 1,128 fr. 1832 " 1841 " 1,268,233 1851 " 5,460,396 " 1861 " 5,687,035 " 1871 " 3,918,759 " 1881 " 3,227,920 " 1891 " 3,912,589 " Italy ranks second, after France; at the beginning, Italy made a splendid showing and seemed to promise much for the 1832 " 1842 " 1852 " 1862 " 1872 " 1882 " Increase 1,267,105 fr. " 4,192,162 " " 226,639 " Decrease 1,768,276 " " 690,388 " Increase 684,669 " The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 119 future. But since 1860, the political revolutions of which it has been the theatre have produced a decrease. After having attained in 1858 the figure of 844,447 francs, Italy fell in 1891 to about 350,000 francs. In 1891, there were about 150,000 Associates in Italy. III. GERMANY AND AUSTRIA-HUNGARY (1827-1892) From 1827 to 1831 Germany Gave 5,125 fr. " 1832 " 1841 " " 779,014 " Increase 773,888 fr. " 1842 " 1851 " " 2,554,560 " " 1,775,546 " " 1852 " 1861 " " 2,713,889 " " 159,328 " " 1862 " 1871 " 2,458,734 " Decrease 255,155 " " 1872 " 1881 " " 6,153,431 Increase 3,694,697 " " 1882 " 1891 " " 7,472,606 " " 1,319,174 " The different states of Germany were backward in joining the work, but after 1870, the increase is apparent. In the beginning Austria wished to form a group apart, and on April 15, 1829, it instituted, as we have seen, the Leopoldine Society, organized, like the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, into groups of ten, the average of its annual receipt before 1890 amounted to about 40,000 florins (100,000 fr.), which were applied exclusively to the German Missions of the United States. A few years later Bavaria followed this ex- ample. It had, however, commenced well and from 1843 the receipts of the Propagation of the Faith reached 232,748 fr. That year, according to the order of its Prince, it retired from the Society so that it too might found its local Society. For a long time Prussia and the Protestant States of Germany were the only ones to support the great French Society. There was even a slight decrease from 1862 to 1871 ; but after this period the receipts grew in rapid pro- portion and neither the violences of Kulturkampf nor the numerous societies in Germany which made demands upon the charity of Catholics, have been able to affect the movement in favor of the Society. It is but just to mention that the annex- ation of the two dioceses of Metz and of Strasbourg have been the means of including in the receipt of Germany up 120 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith to 1891 an annual average of 300,000 fr. In 1891 the sub- scriptions from Germany and Austria-Hungary represented about 270,000 subscribers or Associates. IV. BELGIUM (1825-1892) From 1825 to 1831 Belgium Gave 32,042 fr. 1832 " 1842 " 1852 " 1862 " 1872 " 1882 " 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 715,678 1,751,426 " 2,511,104 " 3,007,008 " 3,621,890 " 3,640,949 " Increase n 638,636 fr. 1,035,747 759,678 495,903 614,881 19,059 In proportion to the number of its inhabitants, Belgium ranked immediately after France. In 1891, out of 35,000,000 Catholics, France gave 4,200,000 fr. or 0.12 centimes per person. Belgium out of 5,500,000 Catholics, gave 330,000 fr. or 0.06 centimes per inhabitant. No other Catholic State has so high a proportion. Since 1825, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith has increased its progress in Belgium, although the rate has been slow. From 1880 to 1890 this progress was almost stationary. V. GREAT BRITAIN (1833-1892) From 1833 to 1841 G. B. Gave 562,885 fr. 1842 " 1852 " 1862 " 1872 " 1882 " 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1,768,144 2,420,456 1,596,066 1,698,479 1,722,905 ' Increase ( tt 1 Decrease ' Increase i i ( 1,205,259 fr. 652,311 " 824,389 " 102,413 " 24,425 " In 1833, Great Britain, entered for the first time into the receipts of the Propagation of the Faith with the modest offering of 51 fr., but the movement rapidly took possession and in 1858 Great Britain reached the figure of 545,923 fr. This figure, however, it never again reached until 1891. After the year 1860, a decrease continued to make itself felt and the annual average was lowered 150,000 fr. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 121 ave 9,291 fr. 573,115 " 1,851,615 " 1,451,713 " 1,253,791 " 2,635,960 " Increase tt Decrease Increase 563,823 fr. 1,278,500 " 399,901 " 197,922 " 1,382,168 " VI. NORTH AMERICA (1833-1892) From 1833 to 1841 N. A. Gave " 1842 " 1851 " " 1852 " 1861 " " 1862 " 1871 " 11 1872 1881 " " 1882 " 1891 " North America includes the Dominion of Canada, the United States, Mexico and the Antilles. It was only after 1840 that Canada and the United States entered into the Propagation of the Faith. During a long time the largest offerings came from Canada. Mexico seemed to be ignorant of the existence of the Society and the United States was only acquainted with it through the abundant assistance which it received from the Society to organize its young churches. Nevertheless, the receipts showed a continuous and progressive increase until about 1860. Little by little Canada withdrew from the Society to devote itself exclusively to its own Missions. The United States remained stationary, re- serving all of its resources for the development of local works. Mexico began to be seriously interested in the Society when delegates went there in 1889, to make it known and under- stood. It has been the same in Cuba and in the West Indies, and in all the Latin countries. The contributions of North America in 1891 was as follows : Dominion of Canada 21,457 fr. United States 201,519 fr. Mexico 334,880 f r. Antilles 23,592 f r. Total 581,499 fr. 18 In the first seventy years, the United States received from the Society 28,364,725 fr., and in 1918, the contributions from the United States for the first time equalled the total it received from the Society. 13. Ut supra, pp. 3a-8a, Louvet has compiled these statistics from the Compte Eendu in the Annales. 122 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Of the total collections, $100,341,625.33, the United States contributed $10,983,452.06. In 1920, the total receipts were $3,414,647, of which $1,622,569 were offerings from American Catholics. 14 For a long time the Central Councils of the Society sought to develop their work in the United States and many Arch- bishops and Bishops of America encouraged them to do so. On March 12, 1891, they asked the Very Rev. Father Chevalier, to take up the work. The real beginning of the growth of the Society in the United States came as a result of the action taken by the Fathers of the Third Plenary Coun- cil of Baltimore, in 1884. When the Council of Baltimore convened, the Society had given more than 22,000,000 fr. and had only received 3,000,000 f r., in return. At this Council the cause of the Society was upheld, and it was decided that a collection should be made each year in all the Churches in the United States, part of which would be reserved to the Negro and Indian Missions and part to the Propaga- tion of the Faith. But progress was slow at first, and in 1891, Father Chevalier had to resign from the work of mak- ing the Society known in the United States. 15 On October 20, 1891, the President of the Council of Paris, M. Hamel, wrote to Cardinal Gibbons, petitioning him to make an appeal to the Archbishops of the United States in favor of the Society. A few weeks later at an assembly of the Archbishops of the United States, Archbishop Chapelle received a letter from Cardinal Gibbons asking him to sup- port the request of the Council before the Archbishops who met at St. Louis at the end of November. On April 13, 1892, Cardinal Gibbons informed the Council that he had spoken to the Archbishops of the United States assembled at St. Louis in the interest of the Society. His letter was full of senti- ments of benevolence and sympathy for the Society. 14. Cf. Statistics of the total contributions in the Appendix of this work. 15. GUASCO, Note sur les Origines de la Delegation de I'Oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi, specially compiled at my request; ANDRE, Amerique (Etats Unis d') Catholicisme, in VACANT, Distionnaire de Theologie Catholique, p. 1073. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 123 During the summer of 1892, Mgr. Ireland, while visiting Paris, was consulted by M. Guasco. The Archbishop of St. Paul immediately took an interest in the project and suggested that the Council address the Sulpicians of Baltimore to find a representative for the work. Meanwhile the World's Fair was about to open in Chicago, and the Council decided to participate in the exposition with its publications in different languages and its maps. Father Durin, of West de Pere, Wisconsin, was appointed to represent the Society at Chicago as a delegate of the Council during the time of the exposition. The President of the Council of Paris made a proposal to the Superior General of St. Sulpice on a subject of the action which the Society proposed to begin in the United States and received a favorable answer. In the meeting of May 8, 1896, the President announced to the Central Council of Paris that the Superior-General of the priests of St. Sulpice had left for the United States, provided with/ a letter signed by the President in the name of the Council, appointing him to come to an understanding with Cardinal Gibbons in order that the priests of St. Sulpice be empowered to promote the Society of the Propagation of the Faith in the United States, as dele- gates of the Council. On November 1, 1896, His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons addressed to the President of the Council a letter in which he evinced the favorable disposition which the American Archbishops had manifested in their annual meet- ing.; they approved without reservation that a priest of St. Sulpice be the delegate of the Central Council. The Arch- bishops were all of the opinion that the Seminary of St. Sulpice, called St. Mary's, at Baltimore, should be the center of the Society in the United States. Father Mag- men accepted, but being unable to devote himself to the details of the administration of the Society, took as an Associate, Father Granjon. When Father Granjon became Bishop of Tucson, Father Magnien appointed Mgr. Freri as a successor. At the end of 1903, on the proposal of Mgr. Freri and after the approval of His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons, the transfer of the center of the Society from Baltimore to New York was decided. 124 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Cardinal Gibbons' letter of November 1, 1896, reads as follows : I am quite late in replying to the letter which you have kindly sent me by the Superior General of St. Sulpice. I pray you to believe that it is due neither to forgetfulness nor negligence on my part. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith has shown itself in the past and still shows itself so generous with regard to the missions of the United States that it is for us not less a duty than a pleasure to endorse your noble designs to give to this admirable Society all the extension it can require. In the annual meeting of the American Archbishops which recently took place at Washington I submitted to my venerable col- leagues your wishes and your proposals. I am happy to announce to you that they all accepted them with eagerness: they have approved without any restriction that a priest of St. Sulpice should here be the delegate of your Central Council. The members of this Society direct three very important seminaries and could have much influence over the clergy. We were all of the opinion that the Seminary of St. Sulpice, otherwise called St. Mary's, at Baltimore, should be the center of the Society in this country and we leave to the intelligence and to the zeal of him who shall be chosen by your delegate, the details of the organization and the determination of the means to be taken to develop the Society. The Superior General of St. Sulpice, during his visit at Baltimore, spoke to me of the Society in very sympathetic terms and said that he would do all in his power to give to that one of his confreres who shall be chosen the means to accomplish his work for the greater glory of God, and in relation to the needs of the missions. I am sure that the Bishops animated with the same dispositions as their Metro- politan will favor the extension of the Society in their dioceses. 16 The Society was incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland with the following directors : His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore. Most Reverend M. A. Corrigan, Archbishop of New York. Most Reverend W. H. Elder, Archbishop of Cincinnati. Most Reverend P. J. Ryan, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Most Reverend J. Ireland, Archbishop of St. Paul. Very Reverend A. Magnien, SS, D. D., President, St. Mary's Seminary. Reverend G. W. Devine. Reverend C. B. Corrigan. Reverend T. J. Broderick. Reverend C. F. Thomas." 16. A copy of this letter was sent to me by M. Guaseo.- 17. FRERI, op. cit., p. 13, 1900. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 125 On July 13, 1900,. the President of the Central Council of Paris, wrote to Father Magnien as follows : I have the honor to acknowledge the receiption of your letter of June 21 informing us that Mgr. Granjon, Bishop of Tucson, until this time charged with the Society of the Propagation of the Faith in the United States, has departed for his diocese. We have expressed to Mgr. Granjon all our gratitude for the zeal with which he was willing to work for the development of so important a Society and one now more useful than ever. The Council with all its heart reaffirms the praises which you have spoken of the truly admirable activity which he has directed with remarkable intelligence of the needs of the Society for the Propa- gation of the Faith, a perfect prudence, and a complete submission to our directions, conditions essential for the good functioning of a very complicated administration. We received with joy the successor of Mgr. Granjon, Dr. Freri, well persuaded that, chosen by you, and being pre- sented to the Council under your patronage, he will fulfill all the de- sired conditions to continue to manage well the Apostolic campaign so happily commenced by the Respectable Superior of the Seminary of St. Mary of Baltimore and of the Bishop of Tucson. 18 As detailed by Monsignor Freri, the funds contributed by the Catholics in the United States for the Society were as follows : Tear TQOO Contributed $ Year 1846 Contributed 886.40 Year 1870 Contributed 8 053 69 1Q9Q 1847 810.67 1871 13 265 43 1894 1848 807.00 1872 16 684 97 1Q9 A . ^ CO M v5 vQJ R g " /| as en ^j ^^ ^^ l>* O 1 O> ^5 r^ IO 1C C^O^U^O^ 1 VITA Edward J. Hickey was born at Detroit, Mich., December 13, 1893. He attended the Cathedral School of that city,' and then entered the University of Detroit, where he graduated in 1914 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He then entered the Graduate School of Business Administration of Harvard Uni- versity, and completed this course with the degree Master in Business Administration, in 1916. Later, he submitted a thesis to the University of Detroit, for which he received the degree A. M. His theological course was made at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., and he was ordained to the priesthood in De- troit by Right Rev. Michael James Gallagher, D. D., on June 15, 1919. He then entered the School of Philosophy of the Catliolic University of America, as a graduate student. In 1920, he received the degrees S. T. B. and J. C. B. from the University. In company with his major professor Dr. Guilday, he went to Europe, and during the academic year 1920-1921, he attended the Institut Catholique de Paris, where he followed a course in the French Revolution under Professor Gautherot ; the Sorbonne, where he studied the His- tory of Modern Europe, and the History of Contemporary Europe, under Prof. Seignobos; and the Ecole des Chartes, where he studied Latin Paleography under Prof. Berger. Dur- ing the Scholastic year 1921-1922 he was a member of the American Church History Seminar, under Rev. Dr. Peter Guilday. He followed the course in American Political His- tory under Professor Charles H. McCarthy, Ph. D. To all his professors, the writer expresses his sincere gratitude and appreciation. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 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