UC-NRLF 51 053 Bulletin of Bibliography Pamphlets* No. 21 The National Bibliographies OF THE South American Republics Preliminary List Complied by John Boynton Kaiser Department Librarian, Economics and Sociology University of Illinois Library Price, 25 Cents BOSTON THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY J9J3 Reprinted from THE BULLETIN OF BIBLIOGRAPHY Vol 7, No. 6 July, 1913 The National Bibliographies of the South American Republics* Compiled by John Boynton Kaiser Department Librarian, Economics and Sociology, the University of Illinois Library To keep pace with the rapidly growing interest on the part of citizens of the United States in Latin American affairs, a number of our libraries * are mak- ing collections of material bearing upon the various activities of our Southern Neighbors. Reliable sources of information are, however, relatively few, though increasing, and the output of the press of Spanish America itself will be more and more in demand by all who are deeply concerned in the further develop- ment of international comity and intellectual sym- pathy between the peoples of the North and South American continents. It is, therefore, highly desirable that from some authoritative source there be issued for the Spanish American Republics something comparable to the Selected National Bibliographies 2 pamphlet of the New York State Library in which the field of national bibliography for the United States, England and the Continent is so successfully covered. It is to contribute in a small way toward the accom- plishment of this task that this preliminary list of national bibliographies of the South American states is presented. It should be observed that this is but a preliminary list and represents South America only not Spanish or Latin America as a whole, and conse- quently leaves out of consideration Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. In scope it is simply a list of the bibliographies of books and periodicals printed in the several South American states, omit- 1 C/: Johnston, W. Dawson & Mudge, Isadore G. Special collections in libraries in the United States. 140 p. Wash., 1912. (U. S. Bur. of Educ. Bui. 1912, No. 23), pp. 53-54, 64 and 94-95. 40 p. Albany, N. Y., 1908. 268412 ting histories of literature, essays, literary criticism, collective literary biography, general collections of writings and anthologies, although, in a sense, these cover the national literary output of their respective countries. Moreover, the national bibliographies of Spain and Portugal are not given, although the bibliography of South America is inextricably bound up with that of these two countries whose colonial pos- sessions the South American states once were. For them other lists are already available and need not be duplicated in the present instance. 1 This list includes several titles whose place here might be questioned. They are the catalogues of certain libraries, mainly national libraries, of the separate countries concerned. Such titles are not, strictly speaking, national bibliography, but the collections catalogued contain so great a percentage of the local imprints that their presence may be per- mitted in a list which is purely preliminary and pro- visional and which should therefore err on the side of inclusion rather than exclusion. All other titles more nearly subject, rather than national bibliography are meant to be excluded. The sources used in preparing this list were the familiar bibliographies of bibliography of Courtney, Stein and Petzholt, the Subject Index of modern books, in the British Museum, 1881-1910, Peddie's National Bibliographies, Coester's Bibliography of Spanish- American Literature and Professor Hiram Bingham's valuable discussion of "The Possibilities of South American History and Politics as a Field for Re- search," with its extensive footnotes. The compiler regrets that^ the present inaccessi- bility of most of the titles given has prevented him from paying proper regard to the cataloguer's art and presenting the details of imprint either consistently or with the uniform fullness demanded of the exact bibliographer. To Dr. Alfred Coester, Professor of Spanish in the Commercial High School, Brooklyn, New York, cordial acknowledgment is made for his work in identifying numerous titles and in adding several of importance from the collections in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America. 1 Cf. Selected national bibliographies, supra, and Peddie, National bibliographies, post. Preliminary List of the National Bibliographies of the South American Republics. 1 South America as a Whole. Anuario de la libreria espafiola, portuguesa, hispano- americana por Enrique Romo. Libr. Internac. 1912. (1) Para, Madrid. (1) *Barros Arana, Diego. Notas para una biblioteca de obras anonimas y seudonimas sobre la historia, la jeografia i la literatura de America. Santiago.' 1882. (2) For S. America, general, and N. America. *Beristain, Jose Mariano y Martin de Souza. Biblioteca hispano-americana. Mexico, 1821. (3) . 3 v. Ed. 2. Amecameca, Colegio catolico. 1883. (4) (See also Ramirez, post.) Bingham, Hiram. The possibilities of South American history and politics as a field for research, (in Intern. Bur. of Amer. Rep. Bui. 26: 283-90, Feb. 1908.) (5) The extensive footnotes form a most valuable bibliog- raphy, particularly for manuscript material. Mackenna, B. Vicuna. Estudios i catalogo complete i razonado de la biblioteca americana coleccionada por el Sr. Gregorio Beeche. Valparaiso, 1879. (6) Maluquer y Salvador, J. El derecho hispano-americana en la bibliografia es- pafiola. Madrid, Revista de legislacion, 1887. (7) Travail assez peu bibliographique malgre son litre. (Stein) Martinez, Benigno T. Diccionario biografico-bibliografico de escritores anti- guos y modernos nacidos en los paises del habla castel- lana. Buenos Aires, 1886. (8) 1 Entries starred (*) are listed in Alfred Coaster's A Biblio- graphy of Spanish-American Literature, reprinted from the Romanic Review, 3: 68-101, Jan.-Mar., 1912. Reprints for sale by the author, 1081 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., paper, fifty cents. Entries marked with a dagger(f) are listed and briefly anno- tated in Robert Alexander Peddie's National Bibliographies. . . . 34 p. Lond., Grafton & Co., 1912. 2 In this list Santiago means Santiago de Chile. 5 Medina, Jose Toribio. Biblioteca americana (latina). Santiago, 1888. (9) . Biblioteca hispano-americana (1493-1810). vol- I-[VII]. Santiago, impreso y grabado en casa del autor, 1898-1907. (10) Five volumes had appeared in 1901, and six in 1902. . Historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en el anti- guo virreinato del Rio de la Plata. La Plata, Taller de publicaciones del Museo; Buenos Aires, F. La- jouane; Londres, B. Quaritch; [etc., etc.] 1892. (Anales del Museo de la Plata, seccion de historia americana. Ill [pte. 2]. I-IV). (11) This is part 2 of his Historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en la America espanola, of which part I is the Bib- liografia de la imprenta en Santiago de Chile, 1891, and part three is his La imprenta en Lima (?), 1904-1907, 4 vols. Contents : Pt. I : Historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en el Paraguay (1705-1727) II: . . .en Cordoba (1766). Ill: . . .en Buenos Aires (1780-1810) IV: . . .en Montevideo (1807-1810) . Notas bibliograficas referentes a las primeras producciones de la imprenta en algunas ciudades de la America espanola (Ambato, Angostura, Curazao, Guayaquil, Maracaibo; Nueva Orleans, Nueva Valencia, Panama, Popayan, Puerto Espafia, Puerto Rico, Queretaro, Santa Maria, Santiago de Cuba, Santo Domingo, Tunja y otros lugares) (1754-1823). 116 p. Santiago, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1904. (12) Periodical files of the Columbus Memorial Library of the Pan-American Union. (Intern. Bur. of Amer. Republics Additions to the Col. Mem. Lib. July-Dec. 1907.) (13) Periodicals are classified by country where published. Ramirez, Jose Fernando. Adiciones a la Biblioteca Americana de Beristain. Mexico, ? (14) (See *Beristain, supra.) Triibner & Co., London, publishers. Biblioteca hispano-americana; a catalogue of Spanish books printed in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, the Antilles, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chili, Uruguay, and the Argentine Republic, and of the Por- tuguese books printed in Brazil, followed by a collec- tion of works in the aboriginal languages of America. London, Triibner, 1870. (15) Argentine Republic. t*Anuario bibliografico de la Reptiblica Argentina. Ano 1-9, 1879-1887. Buenos Aires, 1880-1888. (16) *Anuario de la prensa Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1890. (17) *Gutierrez, Juan Maria Bibliografia de la primera imprenta de Buenos Aires, precedida de una biog. del Virrey D. Juan Jose de Vertiz. Buenos Aires, 1866. (18) t Medina, Jose Toribio. Historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en Buenos Aires (1780-1810). La Plata, etc. 1892. (See entry 11, supra.) . - en Cordoba (1766). (See entry 11, supra.) . La imprenta en La Plata. Santiago, 1894. (19) Mitre, Bartolome. Origenes de la imprenta argentina. (Revista Contemp. cxxii, 506-30, 1901.) (20) Republica Argentina- Biblioteca nacional. Catalogo metodico. Buenos Aires, 1911. (21) In some respects this is the most valuable bibliography extant of Spanish American writings as the works of Span- ish Americans are listed apart from those of writers of other countries. (Coester.) Bolivia. Avecilla, Valentin. Adiciones a la Bibl. Boliv. de G. Rene-Moreno. 1889. (See Rene-Moreno, entry 24, post.) (22) *Gutierrez, Jose R. Datos para la bibliografia Boliviana. (Supplemento) 2v. La Paz, 1875-1880. (23) Supplemented by Rene-Moreno. Moreno, Gabriel Rene-, see Rene-Moreno, Gabriel. t Rene-Moreno, Gabriel. Biblioteca Boliviana. Catalogo de la seccion de libros i folletos. (Supplemento) 2 v. Santiago, 1879-1900. 1888 ed. published by Gutenberg. (24) * . Bolivia y Argentina, notas biog. y bib Hog. Santiago, Cervantes, 1901. (25) . Bolivia y Peru, nuevas notas historicos y biblio- graficos. Ed. 2. 1905. (26) . . Ed. 3 (?) Santiago, Soc. imp. y lit. universo, 1907. (27) Rene-Moreno, Gabriel, continued . Ensayo de una bibliografia general de los peri- odicos de Bolibia, 1825-1905. Santiago, 1905. (28) . Primer suplemento a la biblioteca Boliviana; epitome de un catalogo de libros, 1879-1899. 349 p. Santiago, 1900. (29) Brazil, i fAlyes Sacramento Blake, A.V. Diccionario bibliographico Brazileiro. Vol. I. A- Bruno. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. (30) Was this continued? Carvalho, Alfredo de. Annaes da imprensa periodico pernambucana de 1821-1908, dados historicos e bibliographicos. 640 p. Recife, 1908. (31) Centro bibliog. vulgarisador, bibliog. brazileira. Rio de Janeiro, 1888. (32) In 1889 was merged in Revista sul-americana. Constatt, O. Kritisches reportorium der deutsch-brazilianischen literatur. 124 p. Berlin, 1902. (33) Books by Germans, resident in Brazil. Gornal, P. . . . . les langues Bresiliennes, monographic bibliog. Buenos Aires, 1882. (34) Rio de Janeiro. Biblioteca municipal. Catalogo. Rio de Janeiro (?) Brown, Evaristo (?) 1878. (35) By A. H. deLima. This is not strictly national bib- liography but is a good source for finding the national output and comes within the exception noted in the introduction. Rodrigues, J. C. Biblioteca Brasil. catalogo annotado dos livres sobre o Brazil, pt. 1, 1492-1822. Rio de Janeiro, Journal de Commercio, 1907. (36) Continuing. Silva, Innocencio Francisco da. Diccionario bibliographico portuguez, estudos appli- 1 It would seem from this list that Mr. Peddie is in error in saying, "The only bibliographical work special to Brazil is Alves Sacramento Blake (A. V.) Diccionario bibliographico Brazileiro, vol. I, A-Bruno; Rio de Janeiro, 1883." 11 cayeis a Portugal e ao Brazil; continuados . . . por Brito Aranha. v. 1-18, Lisboa, Imprensa nacional, 1858-1906. (37) Trubner, N. Biblioteca brazilica, ancient and modern books. London, Trubner, 1879. (38) Valle Cabrol, Alfredo do. Annaes de imprensa nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1808- 1822. Rio de Janeiro, 1881. (39) Chile. Anrique, R. Nicolas. y Bibliografia de revistas i periodicos de Chile. (40) . Bibliog. maritima chilena, 1840-94. Santiago, / Cervantes, 1894. (41) * . Ensayo de una bibliog. dramatica chilena. (Anales de la univ. C. Aug., 1899, p. 213-236; Sept., p. 511-540; Nov., pp. 951-86; Dec., pp. 1234-64: con?). Santiago, Cervantes, 1899. (42) - and Silva, L. T. / Ensayo de una bibliografia historica i jeografica de Chile. Santiago, imprenta Barcelona, 1902. (43) fAnuario de la prensa Chilena, 1886-. Santiago, 1887-. Published by the Chilean National Library. (44) fBoletin de la Biblioteca Nacional de Santiago. Santi- ago. (45) This is the official register of Copyright, but contains in addition the general accessions to the library. (Peddie). *Briseno, Ramon. Antiguedades chilenas. Santiago, 1889. (46) t* . Estadistica bibliografica de la literatura chilena (1812-1859). Santiago, 1862. (47) t* (1860-1876.) Santiago, imprenta chilena, 1879. (48) (Briseno, Ramon)? Catalogo de la biblioteca chilena-americana de Don Ramon Briseno. Santiago, 1889.. (49) Catalogo de los libros i folletos impresos en Chile desde que se introdujo la imprenta; Bajo la palabra folletos no se nan incluido aquellas publicaciones que tenian un interes de circunstancias o que cursaban sobre asuntos privados como informes en derecho, periodicos, . . . con escepcion de las que tenian un interes cientifico o literario. (Revista de ciencias i letras. Afto I, Abril, 1858. Tom. I. n. IV. S. 739-68). Santiago, impr. de Ferrocarril, 1858. (50) Noted in Petzholt. 13 Chile-Biblioteco nacional de Santiago. Bibliografia musical composiciones impresas en Chile y composiciones de auto res chilenos publicadas en el ex- tranjero, 1886-1896. Santigo, Establecimiento poligraf- ico Roma, 1898. (51) Figueroa, Pedro Pablo. La libreria en Chile. Estudio historico y bibliografico del canje de obras nacionales establecido y propagado en Europa y America por el editor y librero Don Roberta Miranda, 1884-1894. Ed. 2. Paris, 1896. (52) * . Resefia historica de la literatura Chilena, 1540- 1900. 61p. Santiago, Impr. Barcelona, 1904. (1900 also?) (53) t*Medina, Jose, Toribio. Bibilografia de la imprenta en Santiago de Chile, desde sus origenes hasta febrero de 1817. xli, 179p. Santiago, Casa del autor, 1891. (54) * . Biblioteca hispano-chilena (1523-1817). 3v. Santiago, Casa del autor, 1897-99. (55) 876 titles, arranged chronologically; transcribed line for line with reference to authorities and to libraries where copies are to be found. Copious quotations and critical and bibliographical notes. (Library of Congress) . * . Biblioteca hispano-americana septentrional. . . . La escribia el dr. D. Jose Mariano Beristain de Souza. . . . Tomo IV; comprende los anonimos que dejo escritos el autor, las adiciones del dr. Osores y otras anadidas posteriormente por las personas que se espresan. Jose Toribio Medina publicado ahora con una intro- duccion bio-bibliografica. liii, 198 p. Santiago, Im- prenta elzeviriana, 1897. (56) * . Ensayo acerca de una mapoteca chilena 6 sea de una coleccion de los titulos de los mapas, pianos y vistas relatives a Chile arreglados cronologicamente, con una introduccion historica acerca de la geografia y cartografia del pais por J. T. Medina. cxxviii, 254 p. Santiago, Impr. Ercilla, 1889. (57) t*Montt, Luis. Bibliografia Chilena; 2 v., bosquejo historico sobre pritimivas anos de la prensa. Santiago, Impr. Barce- lona. 1904. (58) Vol. II; 1812-1817. Is Vol. I published? Ponce, Manuel Antonio. Bibliografia pedagojica chilena para el congreso jeneral de ensenanza publica. Santiago, Imprenta elzeviriana, 1902. (59) 15 Silva, A. L. Ignacio. Apuntes bibliograficos, Cristobal Colon, en Chile. Santiago, 1902. (60) This is a list of poems, articles, etc. about Columbus written by Chileans. (Coester.) * . La novela en Chile. Ensayo bibliografico sobre la lit. chilena. Santiago, 1910. (61) Valdivia, Luis de. Nueve sermones en lengua de Chile. Santiago, elze- viriana, 1897. (62) Contains a bibliography of the Chilean language by J. T. Medina. Colombia. Bogota. Biblioteca nacional. Catalogo de las obras hispano-americanas. Bogota(?). 1897. (63) t*Laverde Amaya, I. Apuntes sobre bibliografia Colombiana con muestras escogidas en prosa y en verso. Bogota, Zalamea her- manos, 1882. (64) * . Bibliografia Colombiana. Bogota, 1895. Medina, Jose Toribio. (65) La imprenta en Bogota (1739-1821). Santiago, elze- viriana, 1904. (66) . La imprenta en Cartagena de las Indias (1809- 1820). Notas bibliograficos. Santiago, Imprenta Elze- viriana, 1904. (67) fPineda, A. Biblioteca del Ex-Coronel Pineda o coleccion de la publicaciones de la imprenta en el Virreinato de Santafe i en las Republicas Colombia i Nueva Granada de 1774 a 1850. Bogota, 1853. (68) Torres-Caicedo, Jose M. ed. Revista bibliog. 1882-1884. Bogota, 1882-1884. (Discontinued). (69) Ecuador. tAnrique, R. Nicolas. Noticia de algunas publicaciones Ecuatorianas ante- riores a 1792. Santiago, 1891. (70) "... A catalogue in chronological order of the books published in the towns of Ambato and Quito, previous to 1792." (Peddie). t*Medina, Jose Toribio. La imprenta en en (!) Quito (1760-1818). Notas bibliograficos. Santiago, Impr. Elzeviriana, 1904. (71) 17 Paraguay. Medina, Jose Toribio. Bibliografia de la imprenta en el Paraguay (1705-27). 36 p. 1892. (72) See entry, 11 supra. Peru. (Des Fosses, A. Chaumette)? Catalogue des livres imprimes et manuscript compo- sant la bibliotheque de M. A. Chaumette Des Fosses. Paris, 1842. (73) 2,079 titles, chiefly Peruviana (Bingham). *Medina, Jose Toribio. La imprenta en Arequipa, el Cuzco, Trujillo y otros pueblos del Peru, 1820-1825. 71 p. Santiago, Elze- viriana, 1904. (74) * . La imprenta en Lima (1584-1824). 4 v. San- tiago, 1895-1904. (75) t . . Santiago, Casa del autor, 1904-1907. (76) *Prince, Carlos. Bibliografia nacional, los peruanofilos anticuarios del siglo xix. Lima, 1908. (77) . La biblioteca peruana en la exposicion universal de Paris de 1900. Lima, 1900. (Peru. Comision del Institute Tecnico.) (78) fRene-Moreno, Gabriel. Biblioteca Peruana. Apuntes para un catalogo de impresos: I. Libros y folletos peruanos de la biblio- teca del Institute Nacional. Santiago, 1896. (79) . . de la Biblioteca Nacional y notas biblio- graficos. v. II. 1897. (80) *Zegana, Felix Cipriano C. Estudio bibliografico de Santa Rosa de Lima. Lima, 1886. (81) Uruguay. *Fernandez y Medina, Benjamin. La imprenta y la prensa en el Uruguay, 1807-1900. Montevideo, Dornaleche y Reyes, 1900. (82) Medina, Jose Toribio. Historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en Montevideo (1807-1810). 1892. See entry, 11 supra. Zinny, Ant. Historia de la prensa periodica del Uruguay. Buenos Aires, C. Casacalle, 1883. (83) 19 Venezuela. Caracas. Biblioteca de la Universidad. Catalogo. Caracas, 1875. (84) *Medina, Jose Toribio. La imprenta en Caracas (1808-1821). 21 p. San- tiago, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1904. (85) Primer libro Venezolano de literatura, ciencias y bellas artes. Caracas, 1895. (86) Contains Materiales para la bibliografia nacional by A. Frydensberg. LOAN DEPT. T -. LD2i A -38m-5,'68 (J401slO)476B .General Library University of California Berkeley UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY