"UBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY '«./<'«•; L/fJ ■ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/epidemicsexamineOOgrovrich EPIDEMICS EXAMINED AND EXPLAINED OE, LIVING GERMS PBOVED BT ANALOGY TO BE A SOURCE OF DISEASE. BY JOHN GROVE, M.R.C.S.L. AUTHOR OF " SULPHUR AS A REMEDY IN EPIDEMIC CHOLERA. LONDON: JAMES RIDGWAY, PICCADILLY. MDCCCL. The tendencies of the mind, the turn of thought of whole ages, have frequently depended on prevailing diseases ; for nothing exercises a more potent influence over man, either in disposing him to calmness and submission, or in kindling in him the wildest passions, than the proximity of inevitable and universal danger." — Hecker''s Epidemics of the Middle Ages. The grand field of investigation lies immediately before us ; we are trampling every hour upon things which to the ignorant seem nothing but dirt, but to the curious are precious as gold." Servell on the Cultivation of the Intellect. 1^ - wriit^r^ I Pu.bl.c UeaHk / TO BENJAMIN GUY BABINGTON, F.R.S., M.D., PHYSICIAN TO GUY'S HOSPITAL, AND PRESIDENT OF THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SOCIETY, ETC. ETC. THESE PAGES ARE, BY HIS KIND PERMISSION, I^iclpectfuUp IBetltcatcK, B\ HIS OBLIGED AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, THE AUTHOE. PREFACE, The following pages have been written with a view to render some aid in establishing a sound and firm basis for future research, on that absorbing topic, the Causes and Nature of Epidemic Diseases. The amount of information already pub- lished on Fevers, on the Exanthemata, and on the Plague, is truly astonishing, and the more so when it is considered, that at pre- sent no rational account or explanation is given of the causes of these affections. It appears to me but reasonable to sup- pose tliat as every thing on this earth has been created on a wise and unerring prin- ciple. Epidemic and Infectious Diseases are only indicative of some serious errors in our social arrangements and habits. The dangers and misery brought upon us by disease, may, as shewn by Dr. Spurzheim and Mr. Combe, be warnings against the infringement of the natural laws. Indeed, what is more rational than to sup- pose that the Seeds of Disease are coeval with the fall of man. His first disobedience VI brought death : — that his subsequent errors should hasten its approaches is not to be marvelled at. The undetected murderer, though he may escape the punishment human justice would inflict upon him for his delinquency, suffers a penalty in the tor- tures of conscience, infinitely more horrify- ing than the most ignominious death. The law of nature is triumphant. No less certain, though after a different manner, are the consequences of minor forms of disobedience. It is so ordained, that certain diseases shall arise, under peculiar conditions, which may have been brought about by a train of causes, easily imagined, and difficult to be explained, but all having their origin in the vices and errors of man in his moral and social relations. If man neglects the cultivation of the ground ; with rank vegetation, the germs of fever will invisibly grow and multiply; if he harbours that which is rotten and corrupt, he is himself consumed by those agents de- stined to remove the rottenness and cor- ruption ; it is a part of the law of nature that there should be active and energetic agents for this purpose. The seeds of disease, like the seeds of plants, may be shewn to havo Vll their indigenous localities ; like them they may be spread and multiplied ; like them they may lie dormant, and after awhile spring as it were into active existence ; like them, when the soil and other conditions favour, they are ever ready to make their appearance. And this is the law, the germs of all disease exist, and have existed. De- spise the dictates of nature, be careless of yourself and those around you, neglect to use the means which a noble intelligence has placed at your command, and above all, transgress the laws of God, then will dis- ease pursue and attend you, as the con- science of the murderer pursues and attends him until he is finally cut off. His wants and necessities, his sufferings and privations, are the basis of the intellec- tual progress of man. The wonders of Omnipotence are revealed through the whirl- wind, the storm, the pestilence, and the famine. The constructive and perceptive faculties of man have been developed by the neces- sity of protecting himself from injury by winds and rains ; his intellectual faculties have been cultivated, by the sufferings of disease having led him to the study of r vin organization and life, to discover the cause, — and to chemistry, and other sciences for the cure of his ailments. Famine and distress have aroused his emotions, and softened down his asperities, so that what appears at first to be the inflic- tion of a Curse without Pity, is in reality a Judgment with Mercy. It occurred to me, that on the formation of the Epidemiological Society, the first question for consideration should be. What is the nature of those agents, which induce Epidemic Diseases? are they composed of animate or inanimate matter ? In other words, do the manifestations of these dis- eases exhibit the operations of living or of chemical forces. Having, in my study, dwelt on the sub^ ject with an earnest desire to find the truth, I put the suggestion, with my ideas, before the public to reject or receive them. If they be rejected, I can but think a full discussion of the enquiry will lead to the most impor- tant results. If they be received with favour, I doubt not others, with more ability, will take up the strain and resolve the discords into harmony* %/ J. G. Wandsworth^ September, 1850, CONTENTS, PAGB iNTRODrCTION^ . . . ... . .1 CHAPTER I. TS IT PROBABLE THAT EPIDEMIC, ENDEMIC, AND IN- FECTIOUS DISEASES, DEPEND UPON VITAL GEEMS FOll TUEIB MANIFESTATIONS ? . . . .11 CHAPTEE II. THE NUMBER AND YALUE OP FACTS TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSITION. Section I.— On Reproduction 22 Section II. — Historical Notice of Epidemic Diseases . 34 Section HI. — The Dispersion of Plants and Diseases . . 64 Section IV. — The Relation between Epidemic and Endemic Diseases , : 96 CHAPTER III. THE REASONABLENESS OP THE APPLICATION OF THE FACTS TO THE INFERENCE. Section I. — The Chemical Theory of Epidemics untenable . 108 Section II. — The Animalcular Theory of Epidemics un- tenable 128 Section III.— Sketch of the Physiology and Pathology of Plants and Animals 138 CHAPTER lY. RESULTS IN PROOF OF THE TENABLENESS OF THE PROPOSITION. Section I. — Observations on some of the Laws of Epidemic Diseases 155 Section II. — What is the nature of those Poisons which most resemble the Morbid Poisons in their effects on the body ? 166 Section HI.— What results do we obtain from the effects of remedial agents, in proof of the hypothesis ? . . . 176 Conclusion 189 INTRODUCTION. It is one thing; for a man to convince himself, but a very different thing to be able to convince others. I am not now speaking of a conviction arising from the impression made by a few startling facts, nor of one forced on the mind by early prejudices, or by the dogmas of the schools, but of a conviction arising from careful enquiry. In the course of that enquiry, the col- lector of facts, sees their relations to the idea in his mind, in a multiplicity of ways, from their remaining, each, as one succeeds the other, an appreciable time on the sen- sorium, and undergoing a certain process of comparison and relation, with all other facts and ideas which have been previously stored up. As the materials for an edifice which have been shaped and prepared in accord- ance with the completion of the design, so do the facts and ideas which are accumulated B in the mind, become shaped and prepared for the elimination of a truth. The ultimate design of the architect can no more be con- ceived bv the examination of the framework of a window, or the capital of a column, than the whole truth of a proposition by the ex- amination of separate facts ; the whole must be conceived and all the relations of all the parts thoroughly understood, before the ar- chitect can be comprehended or the harmony of his design appreciated. The process of thought in the minds of the architect, and in the framer of a proposi- tion, is never exactly the same as in those who contemplate and examine their com- pleted works. Much maybe done, however, by both to aid others in comprehending them. The more accurately they keep in view the course their minds have taken, the more readily will their descriptions be understood. To simplify the elements of our knowledge is to give others a ready access to our thoughts. To arrange the course of our ideas in har- mony with the elements^ of our knowledge should be the end of all writing, as it is the only means of multiplying knowledge. It is not the mere accumulation of facts which constitutes science, any more than a collection of building materials constitutes a house, it is the arrangement and adaptation of the means to the end by which the house becomes built and science cultivated. These reflections have been suggested by the circumstance that for the last 3000 years and upwards, Pestilences have at certain intervals done their work of destruction, and opened the springs of misery to untold mil- lions, and yet I see not that we are much further advanced as to the knowledge of the cause of these inflictions than the Jews in the time of Moses. In the Levitical law, as I shall have occasion more particularly to shew hereafter, were directions specially given in reference to the plague of leprosy ; what means should be adopted for the cure of the disease, and for preventing its exten- sion, and moreover pointing very signifi- cantly to certain facts having connexion with the cause of the affection. Since that time historians generally, and medical writers in particular, have diligently re- corded their observations and accumulated facts, on tlie various desohiting phigues which B 2 l^ L r have afflicted mankind. Some of these men have grappled with the whole subject, and endeavoured to shew the presumed relation of the supposed causes in all their intrica- cies, but it is hardly necessary to say that all have signally failed in their attempts to furnish us with any practical information. Satisfied in my own mind that the whole subject is beyond the labour of one man, and impressed with the belief that the basis of the enquiry is in anything but a satisfac- tory state, I have applied myself entirely to the study of the groundwork only, as the primary proceeding for a solid super- structure. The days are past, when imaginary spirits, ethers, and astronomical phenomena, were believed to have any essential influence over our destinies in a physical point of view; we have therefore to deal with matter in some form or other. The question, therefore, which I have proposed for enquiry, is, whether the mat- ter which causes epidemic and endemic diseases, exhibits the properties of inorganic or organized matter. The properties and qualities of organized bodies, as well as those of inorganic matter, need but be stated, and in some instances / we may picture to ourselves the object, without having seen it, and not be very far from a true conception. But for this pur- pose a clear and definite idea must be pre- viously formed, and have taken possession of the mind, of the great general divisions of objects in the material world. Having made these preliminary remarks, I have suggested a certain mode of proce- dure in making enquiries of this kind, not perhaps in strict accordance with logical systems, but on the principle of nature's operations in our own minds, which appears to me, when reduced to a systematic and simple form, to be sufficiently clear and strict for synthetical application, and so concise as to be usefully and practicably applied. In endeavouring to establish a theory for the explanation of extraordinary phenomena, there are certain rules which should guide us in the thorny and treacherous path of speculation. But these rules readily flow from the train of thought, and if we examine our own minds during their operations, we 6 shall find that the following is the course of our instinctive reflections. It is a course we adopt as the test of theories when formed, and is a guide in all cases for their construc- tion. We first commence with an idea, which exists in our minds in the form of a proposi- tion : then the following rules naturally suggest themselves : — 1. The probability of the value of our proposition from inference. 2. The number and value of facts to sup- port the proposition. 3. The reasonableness of the application of the facts to the inference. 4. What amount of information in the form of results can be produced in proof of the tenableness of the proposition.* In illustration of the value of these rules the history of Dr. Jenner's discovery affords an appropriate example. To use the words of Dr. Gregory, " he appears very early in * " It matters little how vague and false hypotheses may appear at first : experiment will gradually reduce and correct them, and all that is required, is industry to elabo- rate the proof, and impartiality to secure it from distor- tion." — Sewell " On the Cultivation of the Intellect."— life to have had his attention fixed by a popular notion among the peasantry of Gloucestershire, of the existence of an affec- tion in the cow, supposed to afford security against the Small Pox ; but he was not successful in convincing his professional brethren of the importance of the idea." The popular notion of the peasantry origin- ated the idea in Jenner s mind, and it became fixed there as a proposition. 1. He commenced his enquiry by observ- ing that the hands of milkers on the dairy farms were subject to an eruption, and he inferred that the notion of the peasantry bore the stamp of probability, which strengthened the idea in his mind and gave force to the proposition. 2. His next step was to accumulate facts ; he found on enquiry that the persons engaged on these farms in milking, possessed an immunity from Small Pox to an extent sufficient to strengthen the value of his pro- position. 3. The reasonableness of the application of the facts to the inference is clear from the coincidence that the eruption on the hands of the dairy people bore a striking resem- 8 blance to the Small Pox, and as this disease does not usually occur twice in the same individual, the inference was most reason- able that this eruption protected the people from Small Pox. 4. We have but to take the almost uni- versal adoption of vaccination, and its acknowledged prophylactic powers against the propagation of Small Pox to shew the application of our fourth rule.* Between the conception of the idea and the accomplishment of Jenner's designs, vaccination seems to have undergone an incubation of nearly twenty years. During that period, with an energy and perseverance only to be obtained by confidence, did this great man brood over and elaborate his idea ; and well might the 14th day of May, * It is stated by Mr. Crosse, of Norwicli, that vaccina- tion was adopted in Denmark, and made compulsory in 1800. After the year 1808 Small Pox no longer existed there, and was a thing totally unknown ; whereas during the twelve years preceding the introduction of the preven- tive disease, 5,500 persons died of the Small Pox in Copenhagen alone. — Dr. Watsons Lectures. Dr. Blick, an intelhgent Danish physician, corroborated the above statement to Dr. Watson himself in the year 1838. 9 1796, be styled the birth day of vaccination, for on that day was a child first inoculated from the hands of a milker. In adopting the above method I have endeavoured to bear in mind M. Quetelet's observations on the requirements necessary for medical authorship; he says, "All reason- able men will, I think, agree on this point, that we must inform ourselves by observa- tion, collect well-recorded facts, render them rigorously comparable, before seeking to discuss them with a view of declaring their relations, and methodically proceeding to the appreciation of causes." CHAPTEE I. IS IT PROBABLE THAT EPIDEMIC^ ENDEMIC^ AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES^ DEPEND UPON VITAL GERMS FOR THEIR MANIFESTATIONS? It is^ I believe^ almost universally considered that Epidemic^ Endemic, and Infectious diseases, originate from some imaginary poisons of a spe- cific nature^ each disease having* its own peculiar J poison. That this conception should have taken possession of the minds of men, is most natural from the symptoms which characterize these dis- eases, but when we come to enquire into the nature , of these ag-ents, or supposed poisons, we are at once / struck with the idea that they exhibit one pecu- Harity which separates them in a marked manner, \ fi*om those poisons with which we are familiar ; for the poisons of Small Pox, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Hooping Cough, Fever, &c. possess the power of multiplication, or spontaneous increase, a property which attaches only to the organic kingdom, and is never known in the inorganic kingdom. The source of most of the poisons is to be found among mineral or vegetable products. A mineral in combination with an acid or oxygen may become a poison, and 12 riitrog-eii in various combinations Avitli oxyg-en^ hydrogen^ and carbon^ or with carbon alone^ may become a poison ; these combinations are^ however^ in most instances the products of veg-etable life, ^ others ag-ain are obtained from the animal king-dom, such as the poison of the serpent, &c. but in all of \ these instances, there is not one in which the power / of self-multiplication is to be found. We are, therefore, constrained to admit that this feature, which disting-uishes poisons, is one well worthy attentive consideration. The varieties of { poisons may be classified into those which act 1 topically as escharotic poisons, those which act ; chemically on the blood, and those whose effects are ^ manifested in inducing* a speedy annihilation of organic or vital action, as in the case of hydro- cyanic acid, which is supposed specifically to affect the nervous centres from which orig-inate the vital manifestations. It is rather remarkable that the vital poisons (as I will call them for distinction), seem to have their appropriate locality in the blood, they do not primarily affect one org-an more than another, all the effects we witness resulting- from them are to be traced prog-ressively from the blood to other parts of the body. When a person is inoculated with small pox, a very minute portion (indeed it is impossible to say how minute it may be) is sufficient, when absorbed, to excite a certain train of symptoms, all due to absorption of the materies of the disease, and the process by which \ 1.3 that materies arrives at maturity^ is that knowu in the veg-etable world as the fructification -, this pro- cess of fructification is a process of development and increase. I here may repeat that among- all the poisons ^ known^ constituted as they are of various combina- tions of elementary matter^ they are without exception destitute of the power of development or increase. Now^ it is pretty accurately known what amount of these poisons is necessary to produce their effects on the living body ; we can say how many drops are sufficient of h3^drocyanic acid of Scheeles strength^ to destroy a man instantaneously. Ag*ain^ how man}^ g-rains of arsenious acid are sufficient to induce such an inflammatory condition of the stomach and intestine as will end in death^ and how many g-rains of morphia^ will bring* about a fatal coma^— but who shall say the amount of the ^ vital poisons necessary to produce their results ? It / far exceeds the limit of conjecture^ to what extent > the dilution of miasmatic or contagious matter may be carried^ and the poison yet be capable of com- \ mitting- in a short time the most frig-htful ravag-es. We may fairly then infer^ that if a quantity of matter inappreciable in amount be sufficient to ex- hibit the characters of g-rowth and increase^ that it is endowed with the properties of vitality. That the poisons of scarlet fever^ of measles^ and of small- pox have this power of g-rowth and increase, is as much a matter of universal belief as that '^ the sun 14 will rise and set to-morrow^ and that all living- being-s will die/' This power of individual increase^ or reproduction^ is the very summit of vital manifestation \ indeed Coleridg-e^ in his Theory of Life^ (in which he says^ ^^ I define life as the 'principle of individuation j or / the power which unites a given all into a whole that A is presupposed by all its parts/') places reproduction in the first rank^ and expresses his hypothesis thus : '^ the constituent forces of life in the human living- I body are^ first; the power of leng-th or reproduction • I 2nd; the power of surface, or irritability ] 3rd; the I power of depth; or sensibility — life itself is neither V of these separately; but the copula of all three/' Extensive research is not required to shew that many thinking* men believe in the existence of living- org-anic being-S; as the elements of contag-ious and epidemic diseases; the idea indeed seems to flow spontaneously in that direction. Whenever thoug-ht; ( and enduring" contemplation; have been concentrated on the subject; the result appears to have been the samC; a firm conviction in each individual mind that a vital force must be" in operation ; or as Schleg-el would define it; ^^a living* reproductive power; capable of and desig-ned to develope and propag-ate itself." — '^ Its Maker orig-inally fixed and assig-ned to it the end towards which all its efforts were ultimately to be directed." Referring- further to being-s having* the property of reproduction and propag-atioU; he sayS; (using- 15 the word nature here evidently as the vital principle for want of a better term^) ^^ Nature indeed is not free like man^ but still is not a piece of dead clock- work. There is life in it J' — ^^ Thus we know that even plants sleep^ and that they too as much as animals^ though after a different sort^ have a true impreg-nation and propagation/' When Schlegel wrote this^ how little could he have imagined the intricacy of this proceeding among the lower forms of vegetation. It has been shewn by Suminski^ and verified by many others, that the mode of impregnation, and the period at which it occurs in the ferns, do not at all correspond to the general notion on this subject. He has dis- covered in the early development of the frond of ferns certain cells, w hich he denominates antheridia, or sperm cells; these contain in their cavity a number of subordinate cells, each containing a sper- matazoon. At a certain period of the progTess of the frond, the parent cells become ruptured and liberate the spermatoza, these move about in a mucilaginous fluid, which bedews the inferior surface of the frond, and become the means of impregnating the germ cells, or pistillidia, with which they readily come in contact. Thus the process of impregnation in these plants occurs during the germination, or what corresponds to the period of germination in the seeds of exogenous and endogenous plants. I have referred to the discovery of Suminski in ^ \ \ 16 this place to recal to the mind the great and incom- prehensible wonders of creation^ for who could con- ceive it possible or feasible that even for the impreg-nation of an inferior vegetable^ animal life should form an indispensable and essential appurte- nant of the process. Truly ma}^ we say Avith Coleridge^ of plants and insects^ "so reciprocally inter-dependent and necessary are they to each other^ that we can almost as little think of veg-eta- tion without insects^ as of insects without veg^eta- tion/' I will make but two more quotations on the supposed vital character of the g-erms of disease. '' That the air and atmosphere of our g'lobe is in the hig-hest deg-ree full of life^ I may^ I think^ take here for g-ranted^ and g-enerally admitted. It is^ however^ of a mixed kind and quality^ combining- the refreshing* breath of spring- with the parching- simooms of the desert^ and where the healthy odours fluctuate in chaotic strug-g'le with the most deadly vapours. What else in g-eneral is the widespread and spreading pestilence^ but a living- propagation of foulness^ corruption^ and death? Are not many poisons^ esj^ecially animal poisons^ in a true sense^ liviiig forces T^ — Schlegel.* It were useless to multiply quotations to shew * Philosophy of Life, Lecture 6, translated by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, MA. L^ 17 that tlie opinions here entertained are matters of g^eneral hehef among* thinking- men.- I will at once then conclude with an observation of Dr. C. J. B. Williams : he puts the question^ ^^ Does the matter of contao*ion consist of veo-etable seeds ? Are infectious diseases the results of the opera- tions and invasions of living- parasites^ disturbing- in sundry Avays the structures and functions of the body^ each after its own kind, until the vital powers either fail or succeed in expelling- the invading- tribes from the S3^stem ?'' And this expression, the seeds, is an universal expression, it is a ^^ Household Word" in connexion with disease. That it has obtained this position in the popular vocabulary is alone a proof of the appli- cabiUty of the term to the thing- intended to be * The following I quote from Dr. Fuller on Small Pox and Measles : — ''To this purpose some (and particularly Kircherus) are of opinion that animalcules have been the causes of malignant and pestilential fevers in epidemic times, which differ in essence and symptoms, according to the nature and venoms of those creatures. /^-^"^ " Thus the atmosphere and air is filled both from above and beneath with innumerable miUions of millions of species or corpuscles, aporrhoeas, steams, vapours, fumes, dust, little insects, &c. all which make it such a wonderful chaotic compost of things that contains the seeds of good and evil to man as surpasseth the understanding (as I suppose) of even the highest order of archangels." C 18 signified. Popular notions^ as we have seen in the case of Jemima's discovery^ are not to he unheeded. An instance occurs to me^ it was a popular belief, that in acne punctata^ the matter of a sebaceous ^ follicle^ was itself^ when pressed out^ a worm^ the dark portion which results from the accumulation of dust upon the matter at the mouth of the follicle was supposed to be the head of the mag-g-ot^ as it was called; subsequent observation^ however^ has proved that thoug-h this matter is not a worm^ it contains an animal within its substance^ the A cams folliculorum. The popular notions found among* savage tribes as to the efficacy of certain remedies in the cure of disease have been the means of furnishing* us with some of our most valuable medicines^ indeed it is \ 1 almost impossible to say whether orig-inally man did not derive his remedies from the herbs and trees by j an instinctive faculty impelling* him^ as it does the I animals when in a state of liberty and with freedom of rang'e^ to seek certain plants as they avoid others. It is well known that animals when indisposed 'y will find out some^ spot as if almost led to it by a visionary g-uide where the ^^ healing* plant'' is to be discovered. I am told that sheep have this faculty^ and that they will^ when affected with the rot^ feed upon some plant when they can discover it^ which eradicates the disease. Almost every one is familiar with the fact that cats and dogs will crop herbage and eat it ] I have r K \ \ 19 seen them frequently leave the house and proceed to the gi'ass in the most business-like manner, partake of some quantity, and quietly return. A close observer of diseased animals mio-ht obtain some useful information by noticing* the plants cropped by them while in that condition. The ^ observations should be made in a variety of districts in consequence of the uncertain distribution of some -^ even of the most commonly scattered plants 5 in one year they may be abundant, but in another they may be almost entirely absent from the same spot.* Were it only on the fact of reproduction, I would I be contented to take my stand that the force of life is the indwelling- power of pestilential matter. Re- production is a law of nature, and the law of nature [^ is the law of God. And where do we find He prevari- cates with us ? The more we study His laws the more harmony and perfection we find ; what is seeming- confusion in the ig-norance of to-day, is order in the knowledge of to-morrow. If any one ig-norant of ; the law which reg-ulates the diffusion of g'ases were * I learn from an undoubted authority that the cow when '' slack of health" eats with avidity the '' field parsley ;" the sheep under similar circumstances seeks the ^ ivy, and the goat the plantain. From an equally good source I have the following : that rabbits and hares, wlien they are what is commonly called pot-gutted, seek tlic green broom, though at a (hstancc of twenty miles. c 2 20 told that a heavier g*as would ascend contrary to its specific gravity throug'li the septum in a vessel containing" a lig-hter g-as above the heavier^ he would naturally doubt your assertion^ and say^ ''- that is contrary to the law of g-ravity /' but explain to him the principle by which this comes about^ and the objects of the law \ the order and beauty of the desig-n become manifest. But this is no equivocation^ it is evidence there^ that subordinate laws exist and nothing" more. It has never been found that men ha,ve g-athered ^^g-rapes of thorns and figs of thistles/' nor has it ever been discovered that inanimate matter multiplies itself. The seed of disease ^^is within itself/' multiplying- and propag'ating* itself; whether it formed a part of creation at the beg-in- nin^ or not^ is rather a question to be solved by f divines than physicians. When we know^ however^ the latency of seeds and even of entire plants^ and that they may be dried and remain so for years yet being- broug-ht ag-ain into conditions adapted to their active existence^ they^ as it were^ revive from their sleepy and renew ag-ain their reproductive properties: can we wonder if, in the g-reat scheme of nature^ existences new to mankind should make theii* ap- pearance ? When the New Zealander saw the surface of his g-round producing- to him unknown plants^ and the skins of his children g-enerating peculiar eruptions^ and each propagating- its kind^ would he look^ think you^ to the wood or the stones^ the air or the water^ — for the solution of the 21 mystery ? No, he would naturally say these people broug-ht the seeds with them. From the property of reproduction possessed by these forms of matter, we infer the value of the proposition. • CHAPTER II. THE NUMBER AND VALUE OF FACTS TO SUPI'ORT THE PROPOSITION. SECTION I. ON REPRODUCTION. It is inferred that the proposition^ ^' the matter wfvich operates in the production of Epidemic^ En- demic, and Infectious Diseases y possesses the property of vitality y^ we proceed now to the enumeration of those facts which further elucidate this subject. The facts must necessarily be such as illustrate the identity of properties in the imaginary germs^ that are known to exist in demonstrable germs : we take therefore the law of reproduction to be to life^ what the law of attraction is to gravitation.* * " My settled opinion is, that in regard every effect is necessarily such as its cause ; it must needs be that every sort of venomous fevers is produced by its proper and pe- culiar species of virus. ^^And that the manner and symptoms of every such fever is not so much from the particular constitution of the sick; as from the different nature and genius of their specific venom which caused them. " And I conceive that venomous febrile matters differ not in degree of intenseness only, but in essence and toto genere also; and that venomous fevers are for the most part contagious. ^^ — Thomas Fuller, M. D. 1730. But further; do those matters which eng-ender disease furnish to our minds the properties in- separable from life in the abstract ? Thoug'h the faculty of reproduction is essentially an evidence that the thing- which reproduces its kind must be a living body^ yet it is only a property or power of living" being's and is not itself life, it therefore is necessary to establish the fact that the materies inorhi not only has the power of reproduction, but also those properties which in the abstract will prove as far as demonstration can g'o, that it has essential properties common to all living* bodies. I must ag-ain quote from Coleridg-e, he sa; '^ By life I every where mean the true idea of life, or that most g-eneral form under which life mani- fests itself to us, which includes all its other forms. This I have stated to be the tendency to individuation and the degTees or intensities of life, to consist in the progressive realization of this tendency. The " Another important class of organic poisons are those which when introduced in almost inappreciable quantities into the system, seem to increase in quantity ; and which when communicated in the same inappreciable quantity from the individual poisoned to one who is healthy, excite the same series of febrile phenomena and local inflamma- tion, and the same increase in the quantity of the poisonous asrent/' — Med, Chir. Review. " This unseen influence working in the body, presents very striking analogies to the modes of operation of dif- ferent poisons." — Dr. Ormerod on Continued Fever. L^ 24 power which is acknowledg-ed to exist wherever the realization is found^ must subsist wherever the ten- dency is manifested. The power which comes forth and stirs abroad in the bird^ must be latent in the eg-g-." The tendency to individuation cannot be more strong-ly marked than in the simple experiment of vaccination : we insert a small particle of the so- called vaccine l3^mph under the skin^ and by this means we multiply to an enormous extent^ the power which^ in the first instance^ we had in the form of minute corpuscles in a dry and apparently inert state ; nevertheless^ thoug-h in this condition there must have existed the tendency to individua- tion or multiplication of individual existence^ and the g'erms are here to their active existence^ as seen in the development of the vaccine vesicle^ what the eg'g" is to the bird^* as described above ; we may^ therefore^ say that the power which exhibits itself in the production of a vaccine vesicle^ must have been latent in the dried matter. It is the opinion of MuUer that the entire vital principle of the egg * I am aware that the vesicle does not here strictly bear the relation to the original germ, supposing one active particle alone to be sufficient for its production, that the egg does to the bird, for in the former case multitudes of active particles may have been generated from one. I have, therefore, merely used this expression to signify an aggregation of vital forces, such as may be imagined to exist in the bird. 25 resides in the g-erminal disk alone^ and since the external iiifluenccs which act on the germs of the most different org-anic beings are the same^ we must regard the simple germinal disk^ consisting of g-ranular amorphous matter^ as the potential whole of the future animal^ endowed with the essential and specific force or principle of the future being-, and capable of increasing* the very small amount of this specific force and matter, which it already possesses, by the assimilation of new matter. After speaking" of inanimate objects, Dr. Car- penter says J ^' and what compared with the perma- nence of these is the duration of any structure subject to the conditions of vitality "l To he horuy to grow, to arrive at maturity, to decline, to die, to decay, is the sum of the history of every being- that lives ; from man, in the pomp of royalty, or the pride of philosophy, to the gay and thoughtless insect that glitters for a few hours in the sunbeam and is seen no more ; from the stately oak, the monarch of the forest through successive centuries, to the humble fungus which shoots forth and withers in a day." To be born, signifies the faculty of reproduction existing or having existed in an antecedent being to that one born, and also that itself possesses equally a like power. To be born, is the first ex- pression which must be used in speaking of the faculties or properties of living- beings as independent existences, the annual formation of buds, trees, and shrubs, is a multiplication of the species ; the coral ^ 20 and various budding- polypes increase by this pro- cess^ indeed what is the seed of a plant^ or the eg-g* of a bird^ or the ovum of mammalia^ but cast off buds y in all^ the uew being- was orig-inally a portion of its parent^ and if we examine the ovary of the veg-etable^ the bird^ or the mammal, can we find any expression more fitting- to desig-nate the process than that of budding-. To be born then^ is the evidence of an act of one living- being-^ and the com- mencement of a series of vital phenomena in another^ but all these are subsequent to reproduction^ and constitute another chain of vital acts^ all tending* to a similar result^ the multiplication of the species."^ Now^ whether we apply the philosophical lan- g'uag-e of Coleridg-e^ or the lang-uag-e of observation of MuUer^ in confirmation of the doctrine here in- culcated^ we arrive at the same point. Do we not witness in the newly formed vaccine vesicle^ an increase of the specific force and princi- ple ? We certainly have acquired by the process of vaccination a manifold multiplication of power^ and is there not also assimilation of new matter in ^ ^^ At an early period the form of the ovisacs is usually elliptical_, and their size extremely minute^— their long diameter measuring in the ox no more than -^^-^ of an inch, so that a cubic inch would contain nearly two hundred millions of them. They are at this time quite distinct from the stroma of the ovarium ; this forms a cavity in wliich they are loosely embedded." S7 which this power resides ? And does not every particle of this new matter contain within itself the same force and principle, as existed in that which generated it? " We revert again to potentiated length in the power of mag^netism (reproduction) ; to surface in the power of electricity, and to the synthesis of both or potentiated depth in constructive, that is chemical affinity."* Some may be at a loss to. conceive, at first, how irritability may be considered a property of all vegetable matter ; that it does exist in some vege- tables is certain, but that it does exist in all living beings is equally certain ^f the term, however, which would appear more appropriate when that irritability does not exhibit itself in an appreciable form, is impressibility. Irritability, as commonly under- stood, is seen in its highest condition in muscular tissue ; but ^^ the irritable power and an analogon of voluntary motion first dawn on us in the vegetable world in the stamina and anthers at the period of * Coleridge, p. 56. t "All vegetables/' says Sharon Turner, "from that pettiness which escapes onr natural sight, to that magni- tude which we feel to be gigantic, have these properties in common with all animals —organization ; an interior power of progressive growth, a principle of life, with many pheno- mena that resemble imtability, excitability, and suscepti- bility, and a self- reproductive and multiplying faculty." — Sharon Turnei-^s Sacred Hi&tory. \ 28 impreg-nation."— "The insect world is the exponent of irritabihtj^ as the vegetable is of reproduction/^ The property of irritability attains its acme in man^ the most hig-hly org-anized of all being-s ; and its g-radations pass downwards throug-h the whole scale of animate creation ; not so reproduction^ for this faculty observes the very opposite direction^ for in plants a sing-le impreg-nation is sufficient for the evolution of myriads of detached lives. Reproduction is a fact^ it is an essential property of life^ and is a reality to us from observation ', but irritability is not so tangible and demonstrable a property. We nevertheless may assume its univer- sality^ from the circumstance that we lose sight of it \ by imperceptible degrees; the irritability of the sensitive plant is as much irritability as that of the highly organized muscle ; but because the faculty evades our perception^ " in tapering by degrees^ be- coming beautifully less/' we have no reason for pro- nouncing its total extinction at any one point of the vegetable kingdom^* any more than we should have * " Plants highly sensitive to light are those of the legu- minous, or Pea kind. They always close up in the evening and clasp their two upper surfaces together, presenting only their backs to the air. Plants of pinnated leaves, as the Tansy, are more sensible than these to the effects of light. They fold up when light is too strong, as in Robinia ; it produces the same effect as want of light. Its leaves close up, apparently, because they are receiving too much. So thev do if a hot iron be brought near them. They con- 29 in saying* that we see the end of the earthy when describing- the extent of our vision as we stand on the sea shore. The extreme limit of our vision is the tang-ent of the circle in reference to our visual org-ans , but how many tang*ential points there may be beyond^ it is impossible to say without knowing the dimensions of the circle. I think we are now in a condition to assume^ as A far as abstraction will conduct us without proceeding* / to an extreme leng'th, that the materies morhi, ovy as I will now call them for the sake of clearer dis- \ tinction^ semina morbi, possess those properties \ which in the abstract are common to all living* \ being's. Another arg*ument strikes me as capable of adding* further streng*th to the proposition. We need but be told that a small piece of iron was placed in a certain position with reg*ard to another piece of iron^ and that the smaller piece moved throug-h a g*iven space and became attached to the larg-er^ to infer that magnetic force was in operation. Supposing this magnet then to be folded in paper^ and that it tract as if to avoid the heat. Sensitive plants, and those of tlic Oxalis Lent, are so sensitive that the least motion, even a breath of air, will make them close/^ — Sir J. Smith. " The vitahty of plants seems to depend upon the exis- tence of an irritability, which although far inferior to that of animals, is nevertheless of an analogous character.'' — LindLy's Introduction to Botany. 30 be promiscuously placed near a compass^ the deflec- tion of the needle would indicate that some object in the vicinity was the cause of the deflection ; we may y farther try what positions the needle takes by vary- \ ing- the position of the packet^ and thus point out which is the north and which the south pole of the screw of paper. If we may consider attraction then to be to gravitation what reproduction is to life^ we do not err in saying in the one instance that there is a living" being*, and in the other there is a mag-net. The nebular theory^ from which some astronomers made the foundation of many speculations, came with so much interest to our minds that the fascina- tion could not be resisted. It was most delightful to revel in the imagination that we possessed a key to the mode of formation of the starry hosts, and when speculation had taken its extreme limits in the ^^ Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation/^ and the nebulse had served as the ground work of a gi- gantic scheme^ Lord Ross's monster telescope swept the heavens of its cobwebs. We can imagine this great promoter of science saying to us, Gentle- men, the clouds which have obscured you, are composed of myriads of stars, and comprise systems as vast and as luminous as our own, had you but power of vision to discern them. A new lig'ht thus appeared to philosophers, and though no great practical results may flow from the discovery, it is instructive from the fact that the imperfectly aided or unaided vision, should not limit legitimate 31 inference. The nebuloe before Lord lloss's discovery were to the astronomer what the materies of epidemic and infectious disease are to medical men. In the absence however of a giant microscope to reveal such g-reat truths^ we may yet dimly shadow them by the light of our reason. It was predicted in 1849 that minute vegetable germs^ in all probability all of the same type^ were the agents producing epidemic and infectious disease. In 1850^ Mr. Oke Spoonersays^* "On examining the matter of Small * Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal. July 10th_, 1850. No. xiv. p. SGJ, ^^Practical Observations on the Vaccination Question." By E. Oke Spooner, M. R. C. S., Blandford. "If we examine the Cow Pox and the Small Pox microscopically, as I have done very carefiiUy in every stage, we find that the essential character consists of a number of minute cells, not exceeding the 10,000th part of an inch in diameter, being about one-fourth smaller than the globules of the blood, containing within their circum- ference many still more minute nuclei, and presenting beyond their circumference bud-like ceUs of the same size and character as those contained within the circle. They ex- actly resemble in everything except the size, the globules of the yeast plant, the Torula Cerevesise. Now if we examine more circumstantially the analogies of what I would call the Torula Variolse with the Torula Cerevesise, we observe the foUomng corresponding facts. " What do we accomplish by inoculation as it is caUed ? Simply this. We take on the top of a lancet, or an ivory point, a few of these minute cells or germs, and we put them U^' 32 Pox and Cow Pox in every stag-e^ he finds its es- sential character to consist of a number of minute cells not exceeding^ the lO^OOOth part of an inch in diameter : being about one-fourth smaller than the globules of the bloody containing* within their cir- cumference many still more minute nuclei^ and presenting" beyond their circumference bud-like cells of the same size and character as those contained within the circle." Should these observations made by Mr. Spooner turn out to be correct^ they will but fulfil my an- ticipations. Then again shall we see the same application of imperfect vision to the limitation or temporary obstruction of solid and determinate knowledge. We may reasonably expect that these bodies^ dis- covered by Mr. Spooner^ should be the elementary matters of disease. Their existence was predicted from the probability that living matter must be the agent ; moreover^ that this matter when discovered in their appropriate nidus, the subcuticular tissue, where, after a few days if they find their appropriate nutrient elements, they grow and multiply/^ Simon, Chemistry of Man, vol. i. p. 127. "Macgregor ascertained that the air expired by persons ill of confluent Small Pox, contained as much as ei(/ht per cent of carbonic acid, and in proportion as health was restored the percentage was diminished to its natural standard." Carbonic acid is also produced during the process of fermentation and germination. 83 would be cellular^ most probably resembling* the yeast plant as described by Mr. Spooner. It was predicted that a planet would be discovered in a certain position in the heavens^ because the perturbations of a comet indicated an attracting body in the path of the eccentric wanderer ; the prediction and the fulfilment were almost simul- taneous. \^ 34 SECTION II. HISTORICAL NOTICE OF EPIDEMIC DISEASES. The earliest notices we have of Pestilences are contained in Holy Writ. The plagues which smote the Eg-yptians in the time of Moses are not un- worthy some comment here. Of those ten plagues, four out of the number were due to the miraculous appearance of myriads of the lower animal tribes, in three instances of insects,* viz. lice, flies, and locusts ', in the fourth, when Aaron stretched forth his hand with his rod over the streams, over the rivers, and the ponds, frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. In these instances living beings are made the instruments in God's hand for the punishment of the wicked. These plagues include the second, third, fourth, and eighth. The first plague is mentioned as a conversion of the waters into blood. Now if we may take this expression as being literal, there is no reason to suppose that this blood differed in any respect from ordinary san- guineous liquid^ we therefore may assume, as the blood is every w^here in Scripture spoken of as the life^ that this fluid was endowed with vital pro- perties. * See History of the Jews, p. 71' i35 The fifth plag'iie is described us ii murniiii among beasts , and the sixth, as exhibiting* itself as '' a boil breaking- forth with blains, upon man and upon beast."* Now these affections bear a resemblance to the diseases known to us at the present day through authentic records. The Black Death of the 14th century affords in its history but too awful a picture of the horrors of such pestilences. In the tenth plague, the smiting- of the first-born, we are not told by what means it was brought about \ but we have something even here to lead us to con- jecture. In the second visitation of the Black Death, there were destroyed a gi'eat many children whom it had formerly spared, and but few women. The seventh plague of hail is within our conception \ as is also that of darkness, the ninth plag-ue. It is not a little remarkable that of the ten plagues, seven of them depended upon agents intel- lig-ible to our comprehension j we can conceive of * It is said by Whewell, that the murrain is supposed to have fallen only on the animals which were in the open pasture. — History of the Jews. "J. S. Michael Leger, published at Vienna, in 1775, a treatise concerning the mildew as the principal cause of the epidemic disease among cattle. The mildew is that which hums and dries the grass and leaves. It is observed early in the morning, particularly after thunder-storms. Its poisonous quahty, which does not last above twenty- four hours, never operates but when it is swallowed imme- diately after its faUing." — Mitchell on Fevers. D 2 i/ 36 the invasion of a country by myriads of loathsome insects and reptiles^ and can imagine the wrath of an offended Deity directing- the force of a super- natural storm of hail upon a disobedient people ^ and we can conjecture^ though faintly^ the con- sternation of human nature on being subjected to a total darkness of three days' duration^ when we consider that darkness has been described^ as ^^a darkness that might be felt/' From this abstract we discover that the three plagues whose causes we cannot understand^ or rather upon which no light has been thrown by Scripture^ bear analogies to those which we recognise^ in the writings of modern authors^ as fearful pestilences. It is now our province to reflect on the causes supposed to be in operation in the three instances^ which become naturally separated from the rest. We are told that a murrain appeared among the cattle^ without any preliminary step. When the blains broke out upon man and beast^ Moses had been previously directed by the Almighty to take handfuls of the ashes of the furnace^ and sprinkle them towards the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh. ^' A nd it shall hecome small dust in all the land of Egypty and shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man and upon beast^ throughout all the land of Egypt." Another coincidence, in connexion with subsequent pestilences, arrests the attention, on the subject of the mysterious appearance on these occasions of 37 matter resembling- dust being- prevalent about the houses^ and on the clothes of the people. Clouds also^ and showers of dust-Hke particles^ were not of infrequent occurrence. Indeed^ in the summer of 1849^ during- the progress of the Cholera, several phenomena of a similar nature were observed and authenticated ; I m3^self can bear testimony to one instance of the kind. It was observed by many persons in my neig-hbourhood after the passag-e of an ominous and lurid cloud, that as they walked their clothes became covered with a singular dust- like matter of very peculiar appearance. That this phenomenon was not destitute of sig'nificance may be g-athered from the fact, that on the night of that day several severe cases of Cholera occurred, though our village had been comparatively free for ten days. Hecker, in writing on the Black Death says, the German accounts expressly speak of a ^^ thick stinking mist which advanced from the east,* and * " The prevalence of the south-east wind was observed to be particularly favourable to the increase of both cholera and influenza : and I cannot but think that this had some connexion with the general tendency exhibited by the former to spread from east to west. Has the morbific property of this wind aught to do with the haziness of the air when it prevails — a haziness seen in the country remote from smoke, and quite distinct from fog? What is this haze? In the west of England a hazy day in spring is called a bligktJ" — Dr, Williams' Principles of Medicine, 38 spread itself over Italy ; there could be no decep- tion in so palpable a phenomenon." It is not unworthy of mention^ that in the East successive invasions of locusts '' which had never perhaps darkened the sun in thicker swarms/' preceded the great outbreak of this disease^ for they left famine in their train. From 1500 to 1503 in Germany and France^ during" the prevalence of the sweating- sickness^ spots of different colours made their appearance, *'' principally red, but also white, yellow, g"rey, and black, often in a very short time, on the roofs of houses, on clothes, on the veils and neckerchiefs of women, &c.'' Blood rain is also mentioned as having occurred at this time, which consisted of the aggregation of minute particles of red matter. In the seven plagues, miraculous operations of the Deity consisted in the unusual manifestation of phenomena, but which in their effects are recogni- zable as of clear and definite import. The miracles here are, — in the mode of producing the swarms of frogs, locusts, &c. but they are manifest and unmis- takeable causes of plague and famine ) in the other three, on the contrary, we witness only the effects, the causes are hidden from us ; we may, therefore, as in current events, leg'itimately investigate the subject, and what better course can be adopted than that which classifies the traditionary past with all subsequent history. Presuming such a method of research to be admitted, I have assumed that as 39 the causes of the seven plagues have been distinctly given^ the others^ thoug-h only mentioned in their effects^ were due to causes of a nature in some way to be comj)ared with their concomitants_, that is to say^ if a special intervention of the Deity broug-ht about a miraculous appearance of frog's, lice, &c. there is but little reason to doubt that some other agent was miraculously multiplied and con- centrated to induce the murrain, engender the blain, and smite the first-born : as if to lead us into this enquiry, on the visitation of the blain in man and beast, the Bible History tells us that Moses threw ashes of the furnace, which became a dust throughout all the land of Egypt 5 we cannot imagine that this simply as ashes could have caused the blain, we may conclude that by some special miracle, either the ashes were converted into a specific form of matter capable of inducing the effects recorded, or that an independent septic matter was generated for the purpose. If the latter, the act of throwing the ashes of the furnace into the air may have been intended to signify that the extremely minute division of the particles when thus cast into space, typified the inscrutable and hidden nature of the matter endowed with such marvellous proper- ties.* * We are to understand also that some peculiar opera- tion took place of a nature difficult to comprehend, which seems also to typify reproduction, for the handftds of 40 Further on in the book of Leviticus are passages which I cannot forbear transcribing-^ for they point out to us most indubitably a line of enquiry in reference to diseases of a contag-ious nature. ^^ The g-arment also that the plague of leprosy is in^ whether it be a woollen g-arment^ or a linen g-arment^ whether it be in the warp or woof, of linen or of woollen^ whether in a skin^ or in any thing- made of skin^ and if the plag-ue be g-reenish or reddish in the garment it is a plague of leprosy^ and shall be shewed unto the Priest^ and the Priest shall look upon the plague and shut up it that hath the plague seven days ; and he shall look on the plague on the seventh day ^ if the plague be spread in the garment^ either in the warp^ &c the plague is a fretting leprosy^ it is unclean. He shall therefore burn that garment wherein the plague is^ for it is a fretting leprosy ; it shall be burnt in the fire. And if the Priest shall look, and behold, the plague be not spread in the garment then the Priest shall command that they wash the thing wherein the plag-ue is, and he shall shut it up seven days more : and the Priest shall look on the plague, after that it is washed : and behold if the plague have not changed his colour, and the plague be not spread, it is unclean ; thou ashes which Moses threw into the air became a dust in all the land of Egypt, thus signifying an enormous reproduc- tion of atomic matter. 41 shalt burn it in the fire ; it is fret inward ; whether it be bare within or without. And if the Priest look and behold the plag-ue be somewhat dark after the washing- of it^ then he shall rend it out of the g-arment and if it appear still in the g"ar- ment either in the warp or the woof it is a spreading plag-ue : thou shalt burn that wherein the plagiie is with fire. And the garment which thou shalt wash^ if the plag-ue be departed from them^ then it shall be washed the second time and shall be clean.'' — Chap. xiii. 47 — 6S. Again in Deuteronomy. The curse for disobe- dience : ^^ The Lord shall make the pestilence cleave to thee until he have consumed thee from off the land — The Lord shall smite thee with a consump- tion^ and with a fever^ and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the drought, and with blasting, and with mildew, and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. — The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust : from heaven shall it come down upon thee until thou be de- stroyed." It may be said, and I doubt not will be said, all this is unnecessarily dragging the sacred volume into an enquiry totally foreign to its general tenor ; on the contrary, however, I maintain by that Book we are to learn the ways of God to man, and further, that no study can impress mankind with so awful, so terrific an idea of his responsible position, as that which leads him into the investigation of the causes 42 by which the Almig-hty^ doubtless in His wisdom^ has thoug'ht fit at various epochs of this world's history^ to place man face to face with pestilence^ famine and sudden death. There is no man would less willingly than myself introduce profanely the revelations of Scrip- ture. The observations here made are not^ therefore, intended for lig-ht or heedless controversy ; if they have a significance of any import, let them be al- luded to in the same spirit with which they have been quoted 3 if they convey nothing* for approval to the reader, let silence rest upon them. To those who would fain disreg'ard my request, let me recall to their minds the veneration which from childhood I trust we have always felt on hearing" or seeing" those two words— Holy Bible. It is yet to be determined, whether the g"reenish or reddish appearance of the g-arment spoken of, as being" contaminated with the plag'ue of the leprosy had any specific relation to the disease itself. The priest orders that the g'arment shall be shut up seven days, and on the seventh day, if the plag-ue be increased, by which, of course, is meant if the g-reenish or reddish colour have increased, and from which we may g"ather that a power of spontaneous increase was possessed by the matter, such a result indicated a fretting" leprosy, and the g"arment was to be burnt. Ag"ain, thoug"h there may have been no increase, but a persistence of the coloured matter after shutting- up and washing" the garment, it is to 43 be burnt^ for it is fret inward^ sig-nifying-^ that the g-erms of the affection are still there^ and may soon increase. Other rules follow in reference to the plag'ue of leprosy^ and the mode of deciding" whether an article be unclean or clean is definitely laid down^ but our purpose is served in mentioning- the above^ to shew that in the time of Moses the spontaneous increase of certain minute multiplying* g-erms was supposed to have a close connexion with disease. It is equally clear^ that the priests were aware by the order given them^ that if the ordinary modes of purifying- articles of clothing- failed in their effect^ the safest and surest method of destroying- infectious matter was to resort to the practice of consuming- by fire all materials capable of propagating* an infectious malady. The facts above noticed^ accurately correspond to what we now know as applicable to the matter of infectious and contag-ious maladies. It is a rule^ I believe universally adopted throughout the Poor- houses of this country^ to put the clothes of all persons about to become residents in these estab- lishments, into ovens, where they are submitted to a temperature incompatible with the existence of either animal or veg-etable life. By this means all living- matters are destroyed, but the fabrics and inorg-anic matters retain their properties intact. This simple proceeding, I am credibly informed, is an effectual preventive of contamination by articles of clothing, a desideratum of no small importance, when it is 44 remembered that the diseases among- the poor owe much of their inveteracy to the accumulation of eifete org-anic matters about their persons and clothes. A few more observations are called for on the quotation from Deuteronomy^ in which allusion is made to living- matter being- an ag-ent in the pro- duction of disease. In the curse upon the children of Israel for disobedience^ we read that they are to be smitten with mildew. No further information^ however^ is vouchsafed to us^ nevertheless^, we can conceive the wretched condition of those on whom the curse mig-ht fall. Ag-ain^ we find in a continu- ation of this curse that the Almig-hty uses means such as He adopted in the sixth plague of the Eg-yptians. The ashes of the furnace became a small dust in all the land of Egypt^ breaking- forth with blains upon man and beast. In the curse of the Israelites the words are : '' The Lord shall make the rain of thy X^^tA powder and dust: from Heaven shall it come down upon thee until thou be de- stroyed." It mig-ht be conjectured that the absence of rain would be sufficient to account for the extinction of the people on whom the curse was pronounced^ by the famine and droug-ht necessarily attendant upon the loss of moisture. But this does not appear to be the meaning of the passage^ for the powder and dust are mentioned as the ag'ents of destruction ; besides^ in the continuation of the curse^ the locust is to destroy the grain, the worm the g-rapes, and 45 the olive is to shed his fhiit ; we may thus take for granted that drought and famine are not to be caused by the showering- of powder and dust^ it must consequently be supposed that the effects of the dust in the instance of the Eg-yptians are to be compared and classified with those of the dust which smote the Israelites. As far then as Sacred History conducts us in the enquiry^ concerning* the causes of pestilences^ we gain encouragement in the belief that living germs are the active agents^ for in the case of the leprosy^ we have evidence of reproduction in connexion with infection^ which^ if our line of argument be tenable^ amounts to demonstration; then^ in the other instances of the plagues^ by boils and blains, they distinctly bear comparison with the accounts given by profane writers^ of the visitations of pesti- lences on the earth, subsequently to those mentioned in Scripture history. This leads now to the consideration of recorded facts observed and noted during the various Epi- demics in the early and subsequent periods of Man^s History, as given by those on whom reliance may be fairly placed. Setting aside the uncertain information contained in the writings of the Chinese,* a people whose * The Chinese affect to trace the origin of Small Pox back to a period of at least 3000 years, or 20 years beyond the era of the Trojan war, 1212, A. C. 46 progress in the science and practice of Medicine has nothing- to commend it (even as it is at the present day) to the notice either of the ph3^sician or the historian^ unless it be to the latter as a mark of peculiarity both in a social and political point of view_,— passing* also over the Eg-yptians^ the Ara- bians^ and the Greeks^ — and even Hippocrates himself, we are driven to the Romans for any authentic or precise notice of Epidemic Affections. It has been attributed to Hippocrates that he predicted the appearance of the Plag-ue at Athens, The Chinese pretend to discriminate no less than 40 different species of Small Pox. " They also pretend to discover whether a person has died by violence or from natural causes^ not only after the body has been some time interred and decomposition of the softer parts has commenced, but even after the total disappearance of the soft parts, and when the dry skeleton alone is left." — For the process, see Hamilton s History of Medicine, vol. i. p. 31. To give some notion of the state of Medical Science among the Chinese, I may quote the following: "The theory of the circulation of the blood, Du Halde affirms, was known by the Chinese about 400 years after the deluge ; be this assertion veracious or not, no correct knowledge up to the present day, do the nation possess of the circulating system of the human frame." — China and the Chinese, Henry Charles Sirr, M, A. According to their anatomy, the trachea extends from the larynx through the lungs to the heart, whilst the oesophagus goes over them to the stomach. 47 and that when it was introduced into Greece he dispelled it^ " by purifying- the air with fires into which were thrown sweet-scented herbs and flowers along- with other perfumes."* But little advantag-e can be derived from enquiries concerning' the first appearance of any disease^ for the probability of discovering- the primary cause is certainly a hope- * "And Aaron took as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the congregation : and behold the plague was begun among the people; and he put on incense and made an atonement for the people. And he stood between the dead and the hving, and the plague was stayed/^ — Numbers. The practice of burning scented herbs has been observed in all times during an invasion of the plague, as a means of protection. Also wearing perfumes and aromatic preparations has been recommended. Whether they have any counteracting influence, it is impossible to say. Virgil in the third Georgic speaks of a murrain among cattle. He says, if any wore a vestment made of wool from an infected sheep, fiery blains and filthy sweat overspread his body, and ere long a pestilential fire preyed upon his infected limbs. In his directions for preserving the health of flocks he " Disce et odoratam stabulis accendere cedrum.^' The motive for burning the fragrant cedar is not men- tioned ; we cannot doubt but it was a good one, and having some great practical utility, from the following line — " Galbaneoque agitare graves nidore chelydros." 48 less case^ if attempted by means of the writings of ancient authors^ when it is recollected that with all the science and learning- of the ancient Eg-yp- tianSj the use of optical instruments was not comprised among* the paraphernalia of their arts. The knowledg-e that was limited to the powers of natural vision^ where the foundation of knowledg-e is based upon facts obtained through the aid of that penetrator of nature's secrets^ the microscope^ offers no advantag-es to the student of the present day. To say that a disease commenced in the East and travelled westward^ and at length found a habitation and a name in every part of the globe^ is no more than to say that disease is coeval with the fall of man. The cause is as much hidden in the region of its birth^ as in that where it sojourns for a time. The cause of the sweating sickness was as much a mystery in England as in all the other nations of Europe^ which were visited by its devastating power. And these observations apply with as much force to one disease as another; for even our indigeno,us ague^ originating in some places so limited that the shadow of a passing cloud may mark the boundary of its dwelling place^ as inscrutably evades our vigilance^ with all the appliances that art can bring to our assistance^ in endeavouring to evoke its extra- ordinary properties under the cognizance of our senses. ' If we weigh the air which carries the poison^ or analyze it by the most delicate chemical tests, or 49 take- the weight of the atmosphere which is charged with it^ or if we take the blood which carries the germs of the disease to the tissues of the bod}^^ and submit them after the work of destruction is accomplished^ to the most rigid inspection, we can but exclaim, " These are Thy marvellous works !" and confess our total inability to fathom the un- bounded. If then no practical advantage can accrue from investigating the writings of the ancients on these subjects, beyond comparing their historical statements with those of more recent date, our purpose will be served by occasionally embodying any remarkable observations of the former with those of the latter. In proceeding with this course it were better to confine our minds chiefly to two diseases which ap- pear from history to have been known from the earliest periods, these are the Plag^ue and the Small Pox, mentioning other diseases only en route. Passing then, to the sixth century of the Christian era for the first distinct and connected account of the Plague, it appears from a host of testimony, that the history of this disease, as given by Proco- pius, well merits our attention. Drs. Friend and Hamilton, in their Histories of Medicine, and Gibbon, in his History of Rome, are equally warm in their praise of Procopius : the latter says, he " emulated the skill and diligence of Thucydides in the descrip- E i^ 50 tion of the Plague at Athens." The account g-iven by Procopius of this disease^ does not differ materially from that g"iven by subsequent eye-witnesses of similar pestilences. Its point of orig-in is clearly marked^ and its mode of dispersion in all directions distinctly traced from ^^ the neig'hbourhood of Pelu- sium^ between the Serbonian bog* and the eastern channel of the Nile/' It commenced in the year 54:2, It rag-ed in Constantinople in the following- year^ and it was in this city that our historian g-athered the materials w^hich are handed dow^n to us. When^ however^ w^e anxiously look for any explanation as to the cause of the malady^ we are told that it must have been a direct visitation from Heaven^ in consequence of the eccentric characters exhibited in its wide-spreading* influence^ in not yielding" to the scrutiny nor bending* to the laws known to prevail^ and to reg-ulate the course of other diseases : neither country nor clime^ ag-e nor sex^ the strong- and healthy^ nor the weakly and previously diseased^ could be said to be free from its indiscriminate destruction. But some phenomena preceding* the outbreak of the pestilence are observed as coincidences by all authors. Gibbon thus writes : ^^ I shall conclude this chapter with the comets^ the earthquakes, and the plag-ue which astonished or afflicted the ag-e of Justinian. '^ From the accounts g-iven b}^ this author^ earthquakes for some years had been threat- ening- and destroying- many portions of the g-lobe. 51 that in the ruins of cities and in the chasms of the earthy great was the sacrifice of human life. Con- stantinople^ which suffered so severely from the plag'ue is said to have been shaken for forty days. These g-reat disturbances of the g-lobe have been always looked upon as indicating* other and import- ant influences of a secret or hidden nature ; these impressions on the minds of the people are traceable throughout the histories of all epidemics^ and have been sufficiently distinct among* the people of our own time^ preceding- and during" the period of infliction. From this short notice of the Plag-ue of 543^ I pass to the ninth century^ when Rhazes^ the Arabian physician^ endeavoured to enlighten the world on the subject of Small Pox.* In quoting his opinions^ I am not to be understood as subscribing* to them, but merely endeavouring to point out some peculiar and interesting observations. First, then, Rhazes attributes the disease to a condition of the blood, which he thus describes, to shew how it happens that in infancy and childhood the disease is most prevalent, and that old age is * The earliest mention of this complaint upon which rehance can be placed, is an ancient Arabic MS. preserved in the pubUc library at Ley den. ^^ This year, in fine, the Small Pox and Measles made their first appearance in Arabia." The year alluded to being that of the birth of Mahomet, or the year 572 of the Christian sera." Hamilton's History of Medicine^ vol. i. p. 215. E 2 no least liable to the affection.* " The blood of infants and children may be compared to mustj in which the coction leading- to perfect ripeness has not yet begun^ nor the movement towards fermentation taken place ; the blood of young- men may be compared to must which has already fermented and made a hissing- noise^ and has thrown out abundant vapours and its superfluous parts^ like wine which is now still and quiet^ and arrived at its full streng-th^ and as to the blood of old men^ it may be compared to wine which has now lost its strength^ and is beg-inning- to g-row vapid and sour.'' ^^ Now the Small Pox arises when the blood putrifies and ferments^ so that the superfluous vapours are thrown out of it, and it is chang-ed from the blood of infants which is like must, into the blood of young- men which is like wine perfectly ripened : and the Small Pox itself may be compared to the fermentation and the hissing- noise which take place at that time.'' But the cause of the disease is simply alluded to by this author^ as depending- upon ^^ occult dispo- sitions in the air/' and as he speaks here of Measles with the Small Pox he g-oes on to say — ^^ which necessarily cause these diseases and predispose bodies to them." This notion of Rhazes that there is some peculiar condition of the blood which favours a process resembling- fermentation is not without interest. The circumstance that individuals are not * Dr. W. A. GreenhilFs translation. 53 usually liable to a second attack of the disease^ no doubt directed the attention of this physician to compare the process of fermentation with disease of such a nature^ seeing* that when the whole of the saccharine matter was converted into spirit^ the hissing" noise^ as he calls it^ or the diseng-agement of carbonic acid g-as would cease^ and the capacity for fermentation be entirely g-one. So that the occult conditions of the air^ their power of inducing* a disease^ and multiplying^ the matter capable of en- g'endering' a similar affection^ stood in the mind of Rhazes as analog-ous if not identical phenomena. We pass now without further comment to the epidemics of the Middle Ag^es ; and here the work of the philosophical Hecker leaves us little else to desire in the way of information^ as far as it is ob- tainable from published records. From the manner in which he has g-rouped the facts which presented themselves to his mind in the course of a most laborious research^ he has saved the student of this subject much toil in acquiring- matter for reflection ; he has here but to read and dig-est. I know not how to select from this invaluable work the most striking- passages^ to strengthen and support my hypothesis, for not a page is desti- tute of facts corroborative of the doctrine that vital germs are the material agents of pestilential dis- orders. The opening paragraph to the Black Death is^a most cogent illustration of the assertion ; it is, as it were, the theme of the work. " That 54 Omnipotence^ which has called the world with all its living creatures into one animated being, espe- cially reveals himself in the desolation of great pestilences. The powers of creation come into violent collision ; the sultry dryness of the atmosphere , the subteiTanean thunders ; the mist of overflowing" waters are the harbing-ers of destruction. Nature is not satisfied with the ordinary alternations of life and death^ and the destroying ang-el waves over man and beast his flaming* sword .'^ I must here apolog-ise for larg-e transcripts from Hecker's work^ for neither could I command the amount of knowledg^e there displayed^ nor use such appropriate languag-e as the learned translator has employed. It is not doubted that the Black Death was an Oriental plagne^ only of more than usual severity, and wider spread influence of the infectious nature of this disease^ and the active properties of the matter producing" it. Hecker says^ ^^ articles of this kind — bedding" and clothes— removed from the access of air^ not only retain the matter of contagion for an indefinite period^ but also increase its activity, and engender it like a living being, frightful ill con- sequences followed for many years after the first fury of the pestilence was past."* * The Black Assize at Oxford, 1572, is an instance in which a pestilential vapour suddenly appeared in the court, '^whereby the judge, several noblemen, and more than 300 others, died within three days.^' As extraordinary atmospheric and telluric phe- nomena preceded the Plag-ue in the time of Justinian^ so do we find similar instances recorded as the precursor of a similar visitation 700 years later. I am concerned more with those circumstances which refer more especially to my subject^ viz, the development of org^anic matter^ and the peculiar odours of the atmosphere^ the latter being* evidence of some foreign and unusual production in our respira- tory media. ^^ On the island of Cyprus^ before the earthquake^ a pestiferous wind spread so poisonous an odour^ that many being- overpowered by it^ fell down suddenly and expired in dreadful agonies. A thick stinking" mist advanced from the east^ and spread itself over Italy.'' " Of an unaccountable vapour suddenly coming, I have this relation from Richard Humphrey, my neighbour, and a man of veracity, that on Wednesday, April 27, 17^7^ as he and one Walter, were travelling a-foot from Canterbury ; when they came to Rainham, they were assaulted with such a strong loathsome stink, as he thought was like the stench from a corrupted human corpse. They were so offended at it, as thinking it was from carrion in that town, that they would not stay there to rest and refresh themselves, but travelled on for about two hours, mostly in the stench, but sometimes out of it, till they came to the hill that leads down to Chatham : and there they went clear out of it and smelt it no more/^ — Dr. Fuller. It appears that these persons did not fall sick of any disease, but the fact of itself is remarkable enough. 56 It is probable that the atmosphere contained foreig-n and sensibly perceptible admixtures to a great extent^ which^ at least in the lower reg-ions, could not be decomposed or rendered ineifective by separation. In 1348 an unexampled earthquake shook Greece^ I^aly^ and the neig'hbouring* coun- tries. During- this earthquake the wine in the casks became turbid, a proof that chang-es causing" a decomposition of the atmosphere had taken place. " The insect tribe was wonderfully called into life^ as if animated being-s were destined to complete the destruction which astral and telluric powers had beg-an." " The corruption of the atmosphere came from the east^ but the disease itself came not upon the wings of the wind^ but was only excited and increased by the atmosphere where it had previously existed.^' " The most powerful of all the spring's of the dis- ease was contagion ^ for in the most distant coun- tries, which had scarcely yet heard the echo of the first concussion, the people fell a sacrifice to organic poison^ the untimely offspring" of vital energ-ies thrown into violent commotion." " After the cessation of the Black Plag-ue, a greater fecundity in Avomen was every where remarkable, a gTand phenomena, which from its occurrence after every destructive pestilence/proves to conviction the prevalence of a higher power in the direction of general organic life." 57 In the article Contagion, of the Essay^ Sweating- Sickness : " Most fevers which are produced by g-eneral causes^ propag-ate themselves for a time spontaneously." ^^ The exhalations of the affected become the g"erms of a similar decomposition in those bodies which receive them^ and produce in these a like attack upon the internal org-ans^ and thus a merely morbid phenomenon of life, shows that it possesses the fundamental property of all life, that of propa- gating itself in an appropriate soil. On this point there is no doubt, the phenomena which prove it have been observed from time immemorial, in an endless variety of circumstances, but always with a uniform manifestation of a fundamental lawJ^ Mead^ in his Essay on the Plag^ue^ makes many observations of great interest and worthy a physi- cian of eminence -, and where^ in recent times^ shall we look for any more definite information concerning the causes of pestilences ? It is not a little sing-ular that at the time this book was published^ it was read with such avidity that it went throug"h seven editions in one year.* From this circumstance we may gather that the public generally took a lively and proper interest in a subject that was not only of domestic^ but national importance. Whether this interest was stimulated by the fact that the w ork was written expressly by order of the govern- * Hamilton's History of Medicine. 58 ment^ it is now impossible to say^ at any rate much credit is due to the Lords of the Reg-ency for having- placed so important a duty upon one so thoroughly and in every way so duly qualified for the task as Dr. Mead. It had been well if some of the advice g-iven at that time^ as means of protection ag-ainst the Plag-ue^ had been applied and put in force during- the late visitation of epidemic Cholera^ for^ however the minds of some may be convinced of the non-contag-iousness of Cholera_, there are many who hold a different opinion^ and all will acknow- ledg-e^ that if not strictly a contag-ious affection^ it is clearly proved to be capable of being* carried from place to place^ or to use Dr. Copland's words^ it is '' a portable disease." But this is not the place to discuss the subject of contag-ion^ allusion will be made to it hereafter. To return^ Mead's expressions are sing-ularl}^ illustrative of the vital power pos- sessed by the g-erms of disease^ he saj^s^ ^^ There are instances of the distemper's being- stopt by the winter cold^ and yet the seeds of it not destroyed^ but only kept unactive^ till the warmth of the fol- lowing spring has given them new Ufe and force. His confession as to the hidden cause of the disease, is worthy transcribing- : " We are acquainted too little with the laws, by which the small parts of matter act upon each other, to be able precisely to determine the qualities requisite to chang-e animal juices into such acrimonious humours, or to explain 59 how all the distiug-uishing" symptoms attending* the disease are produced."* On the spread of the Plague is the following : — " The plag-ue is a real poison^ which being- bred in the southern parts of the world^ maintains itself there by circulating* from infected persons to g*oods^ that when the constitution of the air happens to favour infection^ it rag-es with great violence/' Contagious matter is lodg-ed in goods of a loose and soft texture, which being packed up, and carried into other countries, let out, when opened, the imprisoned seeds of contagion, and produce the disease whenever the air is disposed to give them force, '^ otherwise they may be dispersed without any considerable ill effects." Gibbon thus speaks of the above quoted work : " I have read with pleasure Mead's short but elegant Treatise concerning Pes- tilential Disorders ;" many also might read it at the present day with infinite advantage. Mead most satisfactorily combats the opinions of the French physicians who maintained the non-conta- giousness of the Plag^ue. Experience proves beyond doubt, that certain conditions of atmosphere, of * It has been said, that '' an induction once carefully drawn, is as perfect from a single instance as it is from ten thousand, and that it is only an uncultivated mind which requires a load and accumulation of knowledge to assist his thoughts.^' — Sewell '^ on the Cultivation of the Intellect.'' 60 which we are ig-norant^ favour the growth and increase of pestilences as they do of all veg-etation. Dr. Bancroft was of opinion that specific conta- gions are each and severally creatures of Divine Wisdom, as distinctly and desig-nedly exerted for their production, as it was to create the several species of animals and veg-etables around us. The indigenous fever of Ireland, which has several times shewn itself in an epidemic form, appears to have been as fatal, as the Plag*ue in the South of Europe. Its devastations have generally been associated or preceded by famine and g'eneral distress. Dr. Harty, writing* in 1820, says that thrice within the last eighty years has the same fever appeared in its epidemic character. In the year 1741 Ireland lost 80,000 of her inhabitants from this cause. It is a maculated typhus, and considered to be a special product of the Emerald Isle. It has been shewn that fever began to exceed its ordinary rate in those places first where famine and want of employment were most severely felt,* and that in such places and under such circum- stances, it was most prevalent and fatal. The physicians generally believed it to have been spon- taneously produced and not to have been imported. In the last Famine Fever of Ireland, Liverpool and several other places suffered severely from the * See Dr. Alison's Pamphlet on the Fever in Edin- burgh. 61 importation of their Channel neighbours with the disease in some instances^ and the infection in others about their persons. Hitherto these have to all appearance been the limits of the affection ; we know not^ however^ how soon the time may come when the invisible bonds which have thus chained the disease to certain localities may be severed^ and spreading" itself like other pestilences in an ag'g'ra- vated form^ attack this country as a last and crown- ing* act of retributive justice. At present it has but cost us money and reg'rets^ but if the history of pestilences is to be heeded^ there are many tokens which seem to indicate that a few slight concurrent circumstances only are wanting^ to bring the full force of this disease upon us ; then will there be a sacrifice of life. Edinburgh and other towns of Scotland have had some visitations already^ our- selves but slightly^ but let our labouring population suffer to any large extent for want of work^ and we shall inevitably be the sufferers from that fever which in consequence of general destitution is now always more or less prevalent in Ireland. The Sweating Sickness prevailed in England alone at first^ but at length sought foreign victims. The Cholera is an exotic disease^ as well as the Plague^ but they occasionally have visited our shores^ and their seeds remain among us. The Small Pox is now even not known in some parts of the world^ but when once it is established^ who can predict the period of its first appearance in an ^ 6S epidemic form. The history of the disease informs us that in all the countries where it has been introduced^ sooner or later an epidemic has seized the inhabitants. A disease previously unknown in India appeared at Rangoon in the year 1824^ which obtained the name of Scarlatina Eheumatica. Four years after- wards it attacked the Southern States of North America^ and thoug'h the disease was so impartial as scarcely to spare a single individual of any town to which it extended its influence^ it was not accom- panied with that mortality which has usually been the characteristic of wide spread epidemics. There is one peculiar feature of all epidemics which may be here mentioned as indicative of some definite^ thoug'h at present unaccountable cause^ operating' in the sudden suppression of the disease after a certain period of duration. This distinctive character may almost be considered as a law in reference to these affections , if we take three dis- tinct diseases^ the Plag-ue^ the Irish Fever and the Cholera^ we find the rule apply to all. Of the latter disease we have so recently been witnesses^ that I need not quote authorities on this point concern- ino* it. In Dr. Patrick Russell's work on the Plag'ue at Aleppo I find the following- remarkable passage. After alluding- to the great increase of pestilential effluvia that there must be towards the close of an epidemic^ compared with the amount at the onset of the disease^ and expressing his astonish- 63 ment that so many escape infection^ he says : '^ The fact^ however unaccountable^ is unquestionably certain \ the distemper seems to be extinguished by some cause or causes equally unknown^ as those which concurred to render it more or less epidemical in its advance and at its heio-ht." He then mentions that in Europe the sudden cessation may be partly attributable to the measures adopted for preventing- its extension \ but ^^ at Aleppo^ where the disease is left to run its natural course^ and few or no means of purification are employed^ it pursues nearly the same progress in different years ) it declines and revives in certain seasons^ and at lengthy without the interference of human aid^ ceases entirely." The expressions of Dr. Harty on this subject^ in connexion with the Irish Fever^ would apply as w^ell to all other epidemics : '' It is a fact^ that though every diversity of management was resorted to for effecting the suppression of the disease^ yet^ never- theless^ there was an almost simultaneous and apparently spontaneous decline of the epidemic in the various and most remote parts of Ireland. It is not an easy matter to offer a satisfactory explanation of this circumstance^ some general cause must no doubt have influenced the subsidence of the disease, yet that cause could not be atmospheric^ inasmuch as the decline, though it might be said to be simultaneous^ was not sufficiently so to admit of that explanation." 64 SECTION III. THE DISPERSION OF PLANTS AND DISEASES. The dispersion of Diseases and the dispersion of Plants^ exhibit analogies which mig-ht be little expected^ on a superficial view of the enquiry. We are led to believe^ that the earth as a whole^ was not covered with veg'etation in a day^ the g'eo- log-ical history of this planet is one of development, and though at first sight this expression of opinion may appear to savour of doubt in the Mosaic record, a more extended acquaintance with the sub- ject, favours rather and confirms Scripture history. As the peopling of the earth has been a gradual process with the animal creation, so has it been also with the vegetable kingdom. We see at the present day, that plants by various means of transit from place to place, multiply themselves on new soils and in new climes, the same with animals. By other means we observe, or can trace, the extinction from various localities and countries, of members of both the animal and vegetable kingdom. We learn that originally this planet had ^ tem- perature much higher than at present, and that the variation of temperature between the equator and the poles, which we now witness, did not obtain in the earlier condition of the globe. We are given to understand, and not without considerable proof, 0;j if not demonstration^ that the earth was a vast bog*^ in ^\hich rank ^eg-etation g-rew^ and in which the ichthyosauri and plesiosauri^ must have floundered about as unwieldy and loathsome bodies. We can readily conceive a condition of atmosphere at this time to have been loaded with pestiferous vapours of an organized nature ; it is entirely in accordance with all we know^ that it should have been so. Allied forms of plants to those now in existence^ are found in the form of fossils^ by which com- parisons are made^ but how the transition into the present Flora took place^ or at what period^ it is impossible to say. That these plants should have been entu*ely destroyed during* the revolutions of the earth by earthquakes^ and their consequences ; the collection of waters into the vacuities formed^ and their draining- off* from other places by eleva- tions of the land^ is not to be dwelt on without astonishment ; then ag-ain the ultimate changes of temperature on the surface of the earth, may have been another element in the history of their extinc- tion. But if we may be allowed to imag-ine that there were org-anic germs floating in the vapours of the atmosphere, these would hardly be subject to the same influences as those which depended solely on their fixation to the soil for subsistence. The atmosphere, their native element, being influenced by the com- motions from below, would be agitated ; vortiginous currents would be established, hurricanes would sweep over the stagnant pool and reeking morass, F and the higher regions of the air might have thus given protection to these subtle germs^ while almost a total extinction of the elegant ferns^ the stately palm^ and the towering cane was in course of pro- cedure. Then when the strife of the earth and elements had subsided, these would descend with the gentle breezes^ and again find in various spots a local habitation — '^ Where blue mists, through the unmoving atmosphere. Scatter the seeds of pestilence and feed unnatural vege^ tation" In the new era^ when the earth took its present physiognomy^ who shall say whether much of the pestiferous matter may not have been enclosed and condensed in the bowels of the earthy and when it is remembered^ that earthquakes and convulsions of nature^* have invariably preceded the outbreak of * Earthquakes have in all times been considered to have some connexion with pestilences. " A most grievous pes- tilence broke out in Seleucia, which from thence to Parthia, Greece, and Italy, spread itself through a great part of the world, from the opening of an ancient vault in the temple of Apollo, and that it raged with so much fury as to sweep away a third part of the inhabitants of those countries it visited." — Dr. Qiiinci/, on the Causes of Pesti- lential Disease. ^^ Upon an earthquake the earth sends forth noisome vapours which infect the air ; so it was observed to be at Hull in Yorkshire, by the Rev. Mr. Banks, of that place. 07 any great pestilences, that stinking* mists, coming from some unknown regions, and unusual vegeta- tions have made their appearance in concert at these times, what I ask is more natural than to imagine, that they have been let loose during the general convulsion ? It may be asked, what is to be said about that revolution of the earth, when the great Deluge spread over the whole face of the globe ? It can only be replied, that this is a part of the scheme of cosmogony into which we are not called upon to enter. There are yet strenuous supporters of the partial as well as total submersion of this planet, but whether it be true that the vast torrents which appear to have swept the surface uniformly in a southern direction, were of a date coeval with the deluge, and constituted an essential portion of the phenomena, of which one was, that " the fountains of the great deep were broken up," or whether they were anterior to this catastrophe, will not at all inter- fere with the conjecture of a very early formation and propagation of the germs of pestilential diseases, for the commotions of a deluge were less likely to interfere with the vapours of the atmosphere, than extensive volcanic and electric disturbances. More- over, it is rather in favour of this theory, that the after a small earthquake there in 1 703, it was a most sickly time for a cousidcrable while afterwards, and the greatest mortality that had been known for fifteen years." Anonymous, 1769. F 2 \ 68 regions where the temperature and exhahitions most nearly resemble those of the former condition of the earthy are those in which pestilential disor- ders most frequently arise^ and where their virulence has always been most strong-ly marked. After the various commotions which left the giobe^ with its present physiog-nomy of mountains^ plains^ valleys^ rivers^ lakes^ and oceans ; a new Flora and Fauna appeared to adorn and animate the scene of man's existence. Plants and animals were created apparently in adaptation to the nume- rous climes^ which the seasons in the various latitudes or the elevations of the soil^ were prepared to render fruitful and useful each in its ow-n sphere. Besides this^ the plants of the &ame latitude^ in some in- stanceS; differ materially from each other 3 in this ease it seems that the soil has much to do with this peculiarity^ for it is certain that the soil and the contig'uous atmosphere^ have a close and intimate relation ; the drought of the desert depends upon the sand^ as humid atmosphere is connected with the morass. To illustrate the tendency which vegetation shews in appropriating" one locality more than ano- ther^ I ma}?- quote the following : ^^ Some of the volcanic masses of the ^olian or Lipari Islands^ that have existed beyond the reach of history^ are still without a blade of verdure , while others in various parts^ of little more than two hundred years date^ bear spontaneous vegetation^ and the same is seen on two lavas of Etna near each other, for the one 69 of I086 is still black and arid^ while that of 1636^ is covered with oaks^ fruit trees^ and vines/^ In comparing- the diffusion of plants^ and the diffusion of diseases^ the different modes by which this generally has been effected may be considered under heads^ that the comparison may be more readily traced. First, seeds are diffused by the atmosphere, either by the prevalence of certain currents^ which are produced by known laws^ in which case^ no ^ difBculty occurs in the explanations ] or in a more imperceptible manner, as by those more uncertain atmospheric currents of a partial nature, which, thoug-h they seem to have laws governing them, are not yet understood. Second, seeds are transported by water across oceans, &c. when they can be floated on any mate- ^ rial by which they are preserved, as by wrecks and masses of wood, which have been washed down the rivers. Third J they are conveyed by man to all parts of the globe. Fourth, a period of latency is observed to apply to them, that is, they require certain essential con- ditions before germination occurs ; so that even in .y some localities, a plant may not have been known to exist in a particular neighbourhood, but by a train of circumstances, it may make its appearance, and again be a centre of development. 1st. I shall not here wander into th(^ speculation, 70 whether })hiiits had orig-inully one birth-pltiee^ as a centre from which they spread by various agencies^ as supposed by Linnseus^nor into any enquiry beyond those facts^ which may fairly come within our own comprehension^ and within our own means of de- monstration. Many seeds are provided with means adapting- them for floating* in the atmosphere^ these are by pappi^ or wing-lets and hairs^ but it cannot be doubted that the ag-ency of atmospheric currents^ is produc- ^ tive of considerable effects in the dispersion of ^ lig-hter seeds^ such as those of mosses^ fung-i^ and lichens — lichens have been discovered in Brittany^ which are peculiar to Jamaica^ and Monsieur De Candolle concludes^ that their seeds had been car- ried thence by the south-westerly winds^ which prevail during- a great part of the year on this portion of the French coast. But Humboldt's testimony on the subject of winds is most satisfactory^ for he says^ ^^ Small sing-ing- birds_, and even butterflies^ are found at sea^ at g-reat distances from the coast (as I have several times had opportunities of observing- in the Pacific)^ being- carried there by the force of the wind^ w^hen storms come off the land." It is g-enerally believed^ from abundance of proofs^ that the trade winds^ and other continuous currents^ are means by which plants are conveyed from one country to another.* * See Sharon Turner's Sacred History, text and notes, vol. i. p. 161 & 162. \ 71 As to the partial curreiitSj Humboldt further says^ ^^ The heated crust of the earth occasions an ascending* vertical cui'rent of air by which light bodies are borne upwards. M. Boussing-ault^ and Don Mariano De Bivero^ in ascending* the summit of the Silla^ one of the gneiss mountains of Caraccas, saw in the middle of the day^ about noon^ whitish shining bodies rise from the valley to the summit of the mountain^ 5755 feet high^ and then sink down towards the neighbouring sea coast. These move- ments continued uninterruptedly for the space of an hour. The whitish shining bodies proved to be small agglomerations of straws^ or blades of gTass^ which were recognized by Professor Kunth^ for a species of vilfa^ a genus^ which together with agrostis^ is very abundant in the provinces of Caraccas and Cumana." On the plague of locusts we read^ that ^^ the Lord brought an east wind upon the land^ all that day and all that night, and when it was morning the east wind brought the locusts." On the Black Death we read, " There were many locusts which had been blown into the sea by a ^ hurricane, and a dense and aAvful fog was seen in the heavens, rising in the east, and descending upon Italy.'' Of the Plague of 542, Gibbon says, " The winds might diffuse that subtle venom, but unless the atmosphere be previously disposed for its reception, the plague would soon expire in the cold or tem- u^ 72 per ate regions of the north. The disease alternately lang'uished and revived^ but it was not till a calamitous period of fifty-two years^ that mankind recovered their healthy or the air resumed its pure and salubrious quality/^ In the history of the Sweating- Sickness^ of which ^ there were Hye distinct visitations^ we find ample allusions to the atmosphere^ and the mode in which the disease was conveyed by this medium. I quote ag-ain from Hecker : ^^ It seemed that the banks of the Severn were \he focus of the malady j and that from hence^ a true impestation of the atmosphere^ was diffused in every direction. Whi- thersoever the winds wafted the stinking* mists^ the inhabitants became infested with the sweating* sickness. These poisonous clouds of mists were ^ observed moving from place to place, with the dis- ease in their train^ affecting- one town after another^ and morning- and evening* spreading- their nauseating- insufferable stench. At g-reater distances^ these clouds being- dispersed by the wind^ became g-ra- dually attenuated; yet their dispersion set no bounds to the pestilence^ and it was as if they had imparted to the lower strata of the atmosphere, a kind of ferment which went on engendering itself even without the presence of the thick misty vapour, and being- received into men's lung's^ produced the frig-htful disease everywhere."* * " Each seed includes a plant ; that plant, again, Has other seeds, which other plants contain, 73 Mr. K. B. Martin, liarbour-master of Riiius