GIFT or ROFESSOR C.A, KOFOID :-', r- ::- sYr! (Limited to One Thousand Copies.} -'.'... '" HISTORICAL RECORD AND REGIMENTAL MEMOIR OF THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE 2lst IRopal IHortb Britisb fusiliers. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1678 and its subsequent Services until June COMPILED FROM VARIOUS AUTHENTIC SOURCES BY JAMES jCLARK, LATE SERGEANT ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS. ILLUSTRATED WITH SIX COLOURED PLATES. EDINBURGH: BANKS & CO., 12 GEORGE STREET, AND GRANGE PRINTING WORKS. 1885. - . - - * * * . . *. *.*. GIFT OF PROFESSOR C.A. XOFOID THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS BEARS ON ZTbe IReotmental Colour THE THISTLE Within the circle, and Motto of Saint Andrew, " Nemo me impune lacessit" Surmounted by the Imperial Crown with the Royal Cipher, and a Crown in each of its three corners. ZTbe tRegimental Colour ALSO BEARS THE FOLLOWING HONOURS, ' ' Blenheim:' ' ' Ramillies" ' ' Oudenarde. " ' ' Malplaquet. " ' ' Deddingen. " c Bladensbttrg. " "Alma." " Inkerman" "Sevastopol." "South Africa, A BURSTING GRENADE, WITH ROYAL ARMS ON THE BALL. That on the Collar bears a Thistle. Uniform, SCARLET HIGHLAND DOUBLET, FACINGS BLUE, TARTAN TREWS, AND SEALSKIN BUSBY. By Royal Warrant of 1st July 1751, the Thistle as on the Colours, the White Horse and motto over it, "Nee aspera terrent," were authorised to be worn on the grenadier caps ; the device of Thistle and Crown to be painted on bells of arms and drums. M216821 TO THE OFFICERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, AND SOLDIERS OF THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE, THE FOLLOWING RECORD OF THE SERVICES OF THEIR DISTINGUISHED OLD CORPS is 1Respectfull >ebicatefc BY THEIR OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE COMPILER. preface. THERE exists in the breasts of most of those who have served, or are serving, in the army, an esprit de corps, an attachment to everything belonging to their regiment ; to such, a narrative of the services of their own corps cannot fail to prove interesting. Authentic accounts of the actions of the great, the valiant, the loyal, have always been of paramount interest with a brave and civilised people. Great Britain has produced a race of heroes, who, in moments of danger and terror, have stood " firm as the rocks of their native shore ; " and, when half the world has been arrayed against them, they have fought the battles of their country with unshaken fortitude. It is presumed that a record of achievements in war, victories so complete and surprising, gained by our countrymen, our brothers, our fellow-citizens in arms, a record which revives the memory of the brave, and brings their gallant deeds before us, will certainly prove acceptable to the public. From the materials thus collected in the following pages readers will be able to realise the difficulties and privations which chequer the career of those who embrace the military profession. In Great Britain comparatively little is known of the vicissitudes of active service, and of the casualties of viii Preface. climate, to which, even in peace, the British troops are exposed in every part of the globe, with little or no interval of repose.* Although a long time has elapsed since my connection with the Royal Scots Fusiliers ceased, my recollections of the regiment are fresh and pleasant, and my affection for it remains undiminished. Nor am I singular in my love for the " old corps ; " all who have had the good fortune to belong to it, I believe, are animated with the same feeling. The cause of this, doubtless, is to be found in the admir- able system which prevailed in the regiment, a system necessarily strict, but equitable, and always kindly adminis- tered. Every man felt that he belonged to a large family ', in which the personal rights and interest of each member were respected and held sacred. The successive commanding-officers, especially those whose military services were confined entirely to the regi- ment, took a personal concern in everything connected with the well-being of all under their command. It cannot therefore be wondered at, that those who have served in such a regiment should continue to entertain for it feelings of deep affection. The greater portion of the following pages have, thanks to the kindness of the publishers and editor, already appeared in the columns of the Ayrshire Post, to which has now been added a short but comprehensive sketch of the services of the second battalion of the Fusiliers, with * From Cannon's Military Records. Preface. ix other additional interesting particulars embodied in "Appen- dices." I am under much obligation to A. Ross, Esq., S.S.C., Edinburgh, who has kindly permitted me to make use of any item referring to the Royal Scots Fusiliers in the pages of his handsome addition to our military literature, The Old Scottish Regimental Colours;* Cannon's Historical Record up to 1849, and Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea^ have been also quoted ; also details from subsequent official sources, newspaper cuttings, and letters, personal reminiscences, verbal and written contributions from " Old Eusiliers," all have been incorporated to form, I trust, a symmetrical whole. I am also under the deepest obligation to an old Fusilier, Colour-Sergeant W. Heaney, of the first battalion, whose literary acquirements, long connection with and intimate knowledge of the regiment, eminently fitted him for the task he has so generously fulfilled in editing this volume. Without his valuable and most friendly aid, I should not have been able to present this book to the public in so complete a form. I beg to assure those who have kindly furnished matter for insertion in these records, and who on reading the book * The Royal Scots Fusiliers are referred to in the following pages of The Old Scottish Regimental Colours: 5 note, 10, II, 13, 16-20, 21 note, 22, 24 note, 28 note, 32 note, 34 note, 39, 41 note, 60-63, 69, 71, 72, 78 note, 83, 134, 135- t Kinglake, in his Invasion of the Crimea, refers particularly to the Royal Scots Fusiliers in the following pages of his exhaustive and authoritative work : Vol. iii., p. 95 ; vol. v., chap, vi., pp. 210, 235-237, 366, 367, 369, 370, 419, 422-424. x Preface. find that their contributions have been curtailed, condensed, or wholly omitted, that these curtailments, condensations, and omissions have not been made arbitrarily nor capri- ciously, but from the belief that they were necessary. To put before the reader facts, concisely and clearly stated, is what has been sought to be accomplished by the Editor. In conclusion, I have much pleasure in offering, as a volume, what was originally intended only to have had an ephemeral existence in the columns of a newspaper. That its perusal may secure it, in its permanent form, a liberal share of public patronage, and favourable con- sideration, is the hope of JAMES CLARK, Late Sergeant Royal Scots Fusiliers. MAIN STREET, NEWTON-UPON-AYR, 3oM September 1885. CONTENTS. PAGE BADGES Hi DEDICATION v PREFACE .... . v ii CONTENTS OF RECORDS ------ x iii INTRODUCTION ... - xxv HISTORICAL RECORD FIRST BATTALION - i HISTORICAL RECORD SECOND BATTALION - - 72 APPENDIX. NO. 1. SERVICES AND SUCCESSION OF HEAD COLONELS - 91 2. SERVICES AND SUCCESSION OF LIEUT.-COLONELS COMMANDING 105 3. LIST OF SIEGES AND BATTLES IN THE NETHER- LANDS, GERMAN v, ETC. 113 4. LIST OF ADDITIONAL DISTINCTIONS CONFERRED - 117 5. LONG, LONG AGO ! 120 6. THE COLOURS OF THE REGIMENT 135 7. Bl-CENTENARY REUNION - - ! 55 8. PRESENTATION OF CHALLENGE SHIELD - 157 9. THE AYRSHIRE TERRITORIAL FORCE - 159 10. LADIES - 167 11. FOR AULD LANG SYNE - 171 GENERAL INDEX - - 173 COLOURED PLATES. 1. THE COLOURS OF THE REGIMENT - - Frontispiece. 2. COSTUME OF 1742 - To face page 15 3. COSTUME OF 1827 42 4. COSTUME OF 1847 44 5. COSTUMES OF 1860 - 59 6. COSTUMES OF 1885 - - - 67 THE TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT, OR THE 1Ro?al IWortb JSritisb NOW THE IRo^al Scots jfusiltets. CONTENTS OF THE HISTORICAL RECORD AND REGIMENTAL MEMOIR. YEAR INTRODUCTION. 1678. Formation of the Regiment. Appointment of Charles, Earl of Mar, to the Colonelcy. Armed with light muskets, and called Fusiliers. 1679. Rebellion in Scotland, and Murder of Archbishop Sharp. Attack and Defeat of the Rebels at BothwelL Bridge. 1685. Death of King Charles 1 1., and Accession of King James 1 1. Rebellion in Scotland excited by the Earl of Argyle. 1686. Colonel Thomas Buchan appointed to the Colonelcy, in the place of the Earl of Mar. 1688. Marched from Scotland to London, on occasion of the Expected Landing of the Prince of Orange. Flight of King James II. to France. Regiment marched into Oxfordshire. 1689. The Prince and Princess of Orange elevated to the throne by the titles of King William III. and Queen Mary. Colonel F. F. O'Farrell appointed to the Colonelcy, in place of Colonel T. Buchan. Regiment embarked for Holland. Joined the Army under the Earl of Marlborough. Engaged with the French at IValcourt. 1691. Encamped near Brussels. xiv The Royal Scots Fusiliers. YEAR 1692. Battle of Steenkirk. 1693. Battle of Landen. 1694. Performed many marches, and arrived at Deinse. Directed to take rank and precedence as the Twenty-first Regi- ment of Infantry. 1695. Surrender of the Town of Deinse by Brigadier-General O'Farrell. Appointment of Colonel Robert Mackay, in place of Brigadier O'Farrell, cashiered by a General Court-Martial. 1696. Proceeded to the Camp at Marykirk, and served with the Army of Brabant. 1697. Appointment of Colonel Archibald Row to the Colonelcy, in succession to Colonel R. Mackay, deceased. Treaty of Peace concluded at Ryswick. Regiment returned to Scotland. 1702. Death of King William III. Accession of Queen Anne. Declaration of War with France and Spain. Embarked from Scotland for Holland. 1703. Joined the Allied Army at Maestricht. Siege and Capture of Huy. Siege and Capture of Lijnburg. 1704. Marched from Holland into Germany. Engaged in the Battle of Schellenberg. Engaged in the Battle of Blenheim. The three Field-Officers, Brigadier-General Row, Lieutenant- Colonel Dalyel, and Major Campbell, killed in obtaining the glorious victory of Blenheim. Appointment of John, Viscount Mordaunt, to the Colonelcy, in succession to Brigadier-General Row. 1705. Completed with recruits from Scotland, and engaged in forcing the French Lines at Helixem and Neer Hespen. 1 706. Engaged in the Battle of Ramillies. Engaged in the Capture of Ostend, Menin, and Aeth, Appointment of Colonel Sampson de Lalo, from the Twenty- eighth Regiment, in exchange with Viscount Mordaunt. 1707. Engaged in Marches, c., in West Flanders. The Union of Scotland and England took place, and certain Additions and Alterations were made in consequence in the Colours and Titles of Regiments. Contents of the Historical Record. YEAR 1 708. Engaged in the Battle of Oudcnarde. Engaged in the Siege and Capture of Lisle. 1709. Engaged in the Siege and Capture of Tournay. Engaged in the Battle of Malplaquet. Reappointment of Viscount Mordaunt to the Colonelcy, in suc- cession to Major-General De Lalo, killed in the Battle of Malplaquet Engaged in the Siege and Capture of Mons. 1710. Engaged in passing the French lines at Pont-a-Vendin. Engage in Siege and Capture of Douay. Engaged in Siege and Capture of Bethune. Engaged in Siege and Capture of St Venant. Engaged in Siege and Capture of Aire. Appointment of Lieutenant-General Thomas Meredith to the Colonelcy, in succession to Viscount Mordaunt. Appointment of the Earl of Orrery to the Colonelcy, in succes- sion to Lieutenant-General Meredith, removed. 1711. Engaged in passing the French Lines at Arleux. Engaged in the Siege and Capture of Bouchain. 1712. Joined the Army under the Command of the Duke of Ormond. Suspension of Hostilities. 1713. Treaty of Peace concluded at Utrecht. 1714. Returned from Flanders to England. Proceeded to Scotland. 1715. Rebellion in Scotland, excited by the Earl of Mar, in favour of the Pretender. Encamped at Stirling, under the Command of the Ditkt of Argyle, and advanced to Dunblane. Engagement at Sheriffmuir between the King's Troops and the Rebel forces. 1726. The King's Troops advanced; the Insurgents retreated; the Pretender escaped to the Continent ; and the Rebellion sup- pressed. Appointment of Colonel George Macartney to the Colonelcy, in place of the Earl of Orrery. 1727. Appointment of Brigadier-General Sir James Wood to the Colonelcy, in succession to Lieutenant-General Macartney, removed to the Sixth Dragoon Guards. 1728. Embarked for Ireland. xvi The Royal Scots Fusiliers. YEAR 1738. Appointment of Colonel John Campbell to the Colonelcy, in succession to Sir James Wood, deceased. 1739. War declared against Spain. 1740. Removed from Ireland to South Britain. 1741. Encamped on Lexden Heath. 1742. Embarked for Flanders. 1743. Marched for Germany, and engaged at the Battle of Dettingcn. 1744. Encamped at Asche and Alost. Returned to Ghent for Winter Quarters. 1745. Marched to the Relief of Tournay. Engaged at the Battle of Fontenoy. Placed in Garrison at Ostend. Charles Edward, eldest son of the Pretender, landed in Scotland. Regiment ordered to return from Flanders. 1746. Proceeded to Scotland, and engaged at the Battle of Cullodcn. Removed to Glasgow. 1747. Re-embarked for the Netherlands. Engaged at the Battle of Val. 1748. Treaty of Peace concluded at Aix-la-Chapelle. Returned to England. 1751. Regulations, prescribed by Royal Warrant, for establishing Uniformity in the Clothing, Standards, and Colours of Regi- ments, &c. &c. Received the Commendations of the Duke of Cumberland, for Good Conduct in Quarters and Bravery in the Field. Embarked for Gibraltar. 1752. Appointment of the Earl of Panmure to the Colonelcy, in succession to Lieutenant-General Campbell, removed to the Second Dragoons, Scots Greys. 1760. Returned from Gibraltar to England. 1761. Embarked on an Expedition to Belleisle. Capture of the Island. Returned to England. 1763. Proceeded to Scotland. 1765. Embarked for America, and quartered in West Florida. 1770. Removed to Canada. Appointment of Major-General Hon. Alexander Mackay to the Colonelcy, in succession to Lieutenant-General the Earl of Panmure, removed to the Scots Greys. Contents of t/te Historical Record. xvii YEAR 1772. Returned from Canada to England. 1775. Commencement of the American War of Independence. 1776. Re-embarked for America, and engaged in the Relief of Quebec. 1777. Engaged in Active Operations on Lake Champlain, at Ticon- derago, and other places, with the American Troops. The British Troops, under Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, sur- rendered. 1781. Returned to Europe, and stationed in Scotland. 1783. Removed to Ireland. 1789. Embarked for Nova Scotia. Appointment of General Hon. James Murray, from the Thir- teenth Regiment, to the Colonelcy, in succession to Lieuten- ant-General Hon. A. Mackay, deceased. 1793. Embarked for the West Indies. Proceeded to Martinique to aid the French Royalists. 1794. Engaged in the Capture of Martinique, St Lucia, and Guada- loupe. Guadaloupe recaptured by the French. Appointment of Major-General James Hamilton to the Colonelcy, in succession to General Hon. James Murray, deceased. 1796. Returned from the West Indies. Proceeded to Scotland to recruit. 1800. Embarked for Ireland, after completing its numbers. 1802. Received the Compliments of the principal Inhabitants of Ennis- killen for its Excellent Conduct. Establishment reduced in consequence of the Peace with France concluded at Amiens. 1803. Removed to Dublin. The Establishment again augmented in consequence of a Re- newal of War with France. Insurrection at Dublin. The Lord Chief-Justice, Viscount Kilwarden, murdered by Popu- lace ; his nephew, the Rev. R. Wolfe, wounded ; and many other Acts of Violence committed. Regiment assembled to suppress the Riots, and Lieutenant- Colonel Brown murdered by the Insurgents on his way to the Station of the Regiment. The Command of the Regiment devolved on Major Robertson. b xviii The Royal Scots Fusiliers. YEAR 1803. Received the Approbation and Thanks of the Commander-in- Chief, and of the Civil Authorities in Dublin, for the Exertions used in restoring Tranquillity. Appointment of General Hon. William Gordon, from Seventy- first Regiment, to the Colonelcy, in succession to General Hamilton, deceased. 1804. Measures adopted for Repelling the Threatened Invasion of the French. A Second Battalion added to the Regiment, composed of Men raised under the " Additional Force Act" in the Counties of Ayr and Renfrew. 1805. First Battalion embarked from Ireland for Portsmouth. Removed to Weymouth, and reviewed by His Majesty King George III., and other Members of the Royal Family. Removed to Lewes. 1806. Marched to London to attend the Funeral of Admiral Viscount Nelson, who was killed at the Battle of Trafalgar, and was honoured with a Public Funeral at St Paul's Cathedral. First Battalion embarked for Sicily. Second Battalion embarked from Scotland for Ireland. 1807. Hostilities with the Grand Seignior. First Battalion embarked from Sicily on an Expedition to Egypt ; landed at Alexandria, and marched to Aboukir. Peace with the Turks being restored, the Battalion returned to Sicily. 1809. Flank Companies engaged in the Capture of the Islands of Ischia and Procida, in the Gulf of Naples. Attempt made to reduce the Castle of Scylla. The Invasion of Sicily by Murat, King of Naples, defeated. 181 1. Second Battalion embarked from Ireland for Scotland. 1814. First Battalion embarked for I taly with a Force under Lieutenant- General Lord William Bentinck. Landed at Leghorn, marched to Pisa, thence to Lucca. Advanced to Genoa, and took Possession of that Town and Fortress. Second Battalion embarked from Scotland for Holland. Employed in the Attack of Bergen-op-Zoom. Hostilities on the Continent ceased. Abdication of Napoleon Bonaparte. Contents of the Historical Record. xix YEAR 1814. Second Battalion embarked for England, and returned to Scot- land. First Battalion embarked for Sen-ice in America. Defeated the American army at Bladensburg. Advanced to Washington, captured the City, and destroyed the Arsenal, Docks, &c. Marched back to St Benedict. Re-embarked and landed at North Point. Advanced towards Baltimore, and engaged the American Troops. Major-General Robert Ross killed, and the Command devolved on Colonel Brooke, Forty-fourth Regiment. Attacked and defeated the American Army at Godly Wood. Colonel Paterson, Twenty-first Regiment, commanded a Brigade, and commended in the Public Despatches. Attack on the Town of Baltimore abandoned, and the British Troops re-embarked on board the Fleet. Proceeded to Jamaica, and there reinforced by a strong Detach- ment from the Second Battalion. Re-embarked, and proceeded to make an Attack on New Orleans. 1815. Major-General Hon. Sir Edward Pakenham killed, and many other Officers and Soldiers killed, wounded, or made prisoners. The Capture of New Orleans abandoned. Capture of Fort Bowyer. Peace with America concluded. First Battalion returned to the West Indies, and thence to Portsmouth, and proceeded to Cork. Napoleon Bonaparte returned to France, and regained Posses- sion of that Kingdom. The Battle of Waterloo took place. First Battalion embarked from Ireland for Ostend, and pro- ceeded to join the Army under the Command of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington. Formed Part of the Army of Occupation in France. 1816. Second Battalion disbanded at Stirling. Reviewed by Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington. Appointment of Lieutenant-General Lord Forbes, from Fifty- fourth Regiment, to the Colonelcy, in succession to General Hon. William Gordon, deceased. 1817. Proceeded to Calais, and embarked for England. xx The Royal Scots Fusiliers. YEAR 1818. Marched to Portsmouth. Officers authorised to wear long coats. 1819. Embarked for the West Indies. Received the particular Thanks of Major-General Lord Howard of Effingham, commanding at Portsmouth, for its Excellent Qualities. Landed at Barbadoes, and inspected by Lieutenant-General Lord Combermere. 1821. Proceeded to Demerara. Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Nooth died, and succeeded by Lieu- tenant-Colonel J. Leahy. 1823. Insurrection among the Negroes at Demerara. Received the Thanks of the Lieutenant-General Commanding in the West Indies, of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, and of His Majesty King George IV., for its Conduct in sup- pressing this Revolt. Certain Sums voted by the Court of Policy of Demerara to the Regiment, for its Efficient Services on this Occasion. 1824. Removed to St Vincent and Grenada. 1827. Embarked for England. Arrived at the Isle of Wight, marched to Windsor, and fur- nished the Duties at the Castle. 1828. Removed from Windsor to Portsmouth. Marched to Bath and thence to Bristol. Embarked for Ireland. 1831. Marched to Dublin, and embarked for England. 1832. Removed to Chatham. 1833. Embarked for New South Wales, by Detachments, as Guards over Convicts. 1839. Embarked from Hobart Town for the East Indies. Arrived at Calcutta. 1840. Removed to Dinapore. 1843. Marched to Kamptee. 1 846. Removed to Agra. 1847. Removed to Cawnpore, thence to Calcutta. 1848. Embarked for England, and arrived at Gravesend. Marched to Canterbury.. Proceeded to Edinburgh. Retirement of Lieutenant-Colonel G, Deare. Contents of the Historical Record. xxi YEAR 1850. Removal to Glasgow. 1851. Removal to Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1852. Removal to Hull. 1853. Removal to Dublin. Death of Lieutenant-General Right Hon. Sir F. Adams, Head Colonel. Appointment of Major-General Sir De Lacey Evans to the Head Colonelcy of the Regiment. 1854. " Bladensburg " authorised to be placed on the Colours and Ap- pointments. Embarked for Turkey. Battle of the Alma. Battle of Balaklava. Battle of Inkerman. Storm of 1 4th November. 1855. Attack on Redan, i8th June. Attack on Redan, 8th September, and Fall of Sebastopol. Expedition to Kinburn. 1856. Removal to Malta. 1860. Removal to the West Indies. 1862. Gun Hill and the Yellow Fever. 1864. Arrival at Portsmouth. 1865. Removal to Aldershot. Removal to Glasgow. 1866. Removal to Dublin. 1867. Retirement of Colonel J. R. Stuart. Removal to the Curragh. Removal to Enniskillen. 1868. Removal to the Curragh. 1869. Embarked for the East Indies, and quartered at Kurrachee. 1870. Removed to Bangalore. 1872. Removed to Madras. 1874. Camp of Exercise. 1875. Removal to Burmah. 1876. Pipers authorised. 1877. Removal to Secunderabad. 1878. Retirement of Colonel Dalyell. 1 88 1. Title changed from "Royal North British Fusiliers" to "Royal Scots Fusiliers," and Uniform changed. xxii The Royal Scots Fusiliers. YEAR 1 88 1. Arrival at Dover. 1882. "Blenheim," " Ramillies," Oudenarde," " Malplaquet," and " Dettingen," authorised to be placed on the Colours and Ap- pointments. Retirement of Major Grahame. 1883. Removal to Aldershot. 1885. Removal to Portland. THE SECOND BATTALION. 1858. Formation of the Battalion at Paisley. Removal to Newport in Wales. 1859. Removal to Aldershot. 1 86 1. Removal to Dover. 1863. Embarks for the East Indies, and stationed at Bellary. 1866. Removed to Secunderabad. 1868. Removed to Burmah. 1872. Removed to Madras. 1 873. Embarked for England, and stationed on Arrival at Stirling Castle. 1874. Removed to Glasgow. 1875. Removed to Portsmouth. 1877. Removed to Scotland, and quartered at Fort-George. 1878. Removed to Ireland, and quartered at Dublin. Removed to the Curragh. 1879. Embarked for South Africa. Engaged in Active Operations and Marches. Battle of Ulundi. Retirement of Colonel Collingwood. Destruction of Sekukuni's Stronghold. 1880. Death of Major Hazlerigg. Grant of South African Medals. 1 88 1. Defence of Potchefstroom. Defence of Pretoria. Protecting and Returning Colours of Ninety-fourth Regiment. 1882. Embarked for the East Indies, and on Arrival stationed at Secunderabad. 1884. Removal to Burmah. ^ntrobuction. PRIOR to the Restoration all the forces of horse and foot raised in Scotland were purely feudal levies. The armies raised to oppose King Charles L, and those after- wards raised in support of his son, come under this category. In the time of the Civil War the proportion of horse and foot was allocated upon the counties and burghs in certain defined proportions, and the levies were placed under the command of noblemen from whose lands they were raised, or who possessed the greatest amount of influence in the district, the lieutenants, colonels, and majors being officers who had served in Scots regiments abroad. After the Restoration, although the feudal system would seem at first sight to have been discarded in the process of forming a standing army, the alteration, so far as Scotland was concerned, was more apparent than real, those who were commissioned to raise troops or regiments doing so as exclusively as possible from their own relatives and vassals. The earliest list of the Scots establishment extant is that dated 1678. It is as follows : 1. His MAJESTIES GUARD OF HORSE. 2. His MAJESTIES REGIMENT OF FOOTE GUARD. 3. THE GARRISON OF EDINBURGH CASTLE. 4. THE GARRISON OF STRIVELING (Stirling) CASTLE. 5. THE GARRISON OF DUMBARTON CASTLE. 6. THE GARRISON OF THE BASS. 7. THE FOOTE REGIMENT COMMANDED BY THE EARLE OF MARK. xxiv The Royal Scots Fusiliers. 8. THE FOOTE COMPANY OF HIGHLANDMEN. 9. THE TROOP OF HORSE COMMANDED BY THE EARLE OF HOME. 10. THE COMPANY OF DRAGOONS COMMANDED BY THE VISCOUNT OF KINGSTON. By His Majesties command, LAUDERDALE.* WHITEHALL, igth October 1678. Many alterations were made in the above forces during the reign of Charles II., from 1660 to 1685, but " The Foote Regiment commanded by the Earle of Marr" appears to have remained intact, and amidst the various changes is still borne in the Army List as " The Royal Scots Fusiliers!' having been formerly known as the " Twenty- First Royal North British Fusiliers" and in the days of old enjoyed the sobriquet of " The Earle of Marr's Grey B reeks? probably from the title of the nobleman who raised the regiment, and from the colour of its uniform, or more correctly the nether portion of it, although it is still open to question and antiquarian research to substantiate the impression that the " Scots Army " of those early days were clothed in a complete uniform of & grey colour. After the Restoration the comparatively small bodies of men who were intended to form the nucleus of a stand- ing army were raised by one unvarying method, i.e., by independent troops and companies, which in several cases were many years in existence before they were regimented ; to this arrangement " The Earle of Mart's Foote Regiment " was an exception, it having been formed into a regiment in the year it was originally raised from independent com- panies. * From Ross's 77/6' Old Scottish Regimental Colours, p. 9. HISTORICAL RECORD AND REGIMENTAL MEMOIR OF ITbe IRo^ai Scots f usiliers FORMERLY THE 21st ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS. part i. 1678. The Royal North British Fusiliers derives its origin from the commotions in Scotland during the reign of King Charles II., who attempted to establish Episcopacy in that country, but was opposed by the Presbyterians, who wished to adhere to the religious institutions of their forefathers; and prosecutions being used in Scotland by the Government to enforce obedience, collisions occurred between the inhabitants and the military, which were sometimes attended with loss of life. Several Highland clans were called out in 1678, and quartered upon the Presbyterians, and in the autumn of the same year two regiments were raised from the troops then serving as independent companies, one of which was the Earl of Mar s regiment (now the Royal Scots Fusiliers), with the following establishment and rates of pay:- A Historical Record and Regimental Memoir " The Foote- Regiment commanded by the Earl of Marr. Colonel, as Colonel, . . . I2s. per diem. Lieutenant-Colonel, as such, . 75. ., Major, as Major, . . .55. Quartermaster, .... 45. Chyrurgeon and Mate, . . 55. ,. Marshall, 2s. Eight companies of foote belonging to that regiment, and to each company thereof : Captain, as such, . . .8s. od. per diem. Lieutenant, . . . . 45. od. Ensigne, . . . -3 s - od - 2 Sergeants, each, . .is. 6d. inde. 3 Corporals, each, . .is. od. inde. 2 Drummers each, . .is. od. inde. loo Souldiers, each, . . os. 5d. Scots." The financial duties now performed by the Army Pay Department appear to have been combined with those of the quartermaster. By reference to ancient pay-lists, muster rolls, and Treasury payments, it will be seen that sums on account of the pay of the Earl of Mar's regiment were made on several occasions to Major Wood, quartermaster of tlie Earl of Mar s foote regiment and his successors. The commission of Charles the fifth Earl of Mar, as colonel of the regiment, is dated 23d September 1678, and the corps appears on the records under the establishment for that year. Most regiments at this period were armed with pikes and muskets, but the practice was introduced of arming every man of a few select corps with a fusil or light musket, and these regiments were called Fusiliers. The Earl of Mar's regiment was one of the first which obtained this distinction ; the exact date at which the regiment was so armed does not appear. It is also on record that the Earl of Mar's regiment in 1677 was ordered to form a Grenadier Company, to be instructed in all tilings belonging to artillery, as gunnery, casting of Jiand grenadoes, and fy reworks ; and of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. for which purpose a special equipment was issued to said company. l679' During this year the regiment was engaged in repressing an insurrection of the Covenanters ; and under the command of James, Duke of Monmouth, took part in the battle of Bothwell Bridge. 1685. The Duke of Argyle having raised the standard of rebellion in Scotland against James II., the regiment formed part of the royal forces commanded by the Earl of Dumbarton. The opposing forces encamped in sight of each other on the I9th of June. The rebels attempted to avoid an engagement by a night march, but were led into a bog in the dark ; alarm and disorder ensued, the insurgents flying in various directions, and so left the Earl of Argyle without an army. After the termination of this service the Fusiliers occupied winter quarters in Scotland, being distributed as follows : six companies at Ayr, three at Glasgow, two at Paisley, and one at Inver- ness, twelve companies in all, being the establishment at this date. 1686. The Earl of Mar was succeeded in the colonelcy of the regiment by Colonel Thomas Buchan, from a regi- ment of horse. 1688. When the Prince of Orange was preparing an armament for the invasion of England, the Fusiliers was one of the corps which marched from Scotland to support the authority of King James, and in the early part of November, arrived in the vicinity of London. The Prince of Orange landed on the 5th of November, when King James fled to France. Colonel Buchan s regiment was ordered by the Prince of Orange to occupy quarters at \Yitney in Oxfordshire. In this year two companies were added to the establish- ment of the regiment, and pay at the rate of 2s. 4d. per diem first allowed for a "drum major." 1689. The Prince and Princess of Orange were elevated to the throne by the titles of King William and Queen Mary. Historical Record and Regimental Memoir Colonel Buchan having adhered to the interests of King James, King William conferred the colonelcy of the regiment on Colonel Francis Fergus O'Farrell, by com- mission dated 1st March 1689. From Oxfordshire the regiment marched to Gravesend, where it embarked for Holland, joining the Dutch army commanded by Prince Waldeck ; served in the campaign of the year with the division under the Earl (afterwards Duke) of Maryborough. The Fusiliers took part in a sharp action with the French troops commanded by Marshal d'Humieres at Walconrt, in the province of Namur, on the 25th of August, on which occasion the French were repulsed in their attacks on the Allied Army with considerable loss. 1691* In March the regiment was encamped at Halle,, in South Brabant, and formed in brigade with the second battalion of the Royals. The French besieged Mons, but the Allies were too few in numbers to prevent the capture of the place by the enemy. After the surrender of Mons, the Fusiliers were placed in quarters until May, when they encamped near Brussels and formed in brigade with the Royals, and the Scots regiments of Mackay, Ramsay, and Angus, under the command of Brigadier-General Ramsay. In a list of the army in Flanders, printed in July 1691,, the regiment is styled O'FARRELL's FUSILIERS, and its uniform stated to be red, faced and lined ivitli the same- colour. At the termination of the campaign, it was again placed in winter quarters. 1692. A numerous French army appeared in the Netherlands in the spring, and besieged Namur, when O'FARRELL's FUSILIERS were called from their quarters,, and advanced with the army, commanded by King William III., to the relief of the place ; but the march having been delayed by heavy rains, the garrison surrendered on the 2Oth of June. A few days afterwards a detachment of the regi- ment was employed in an attempt to surprise Mons, but the garrison was found prepared. On this occasion Colonel Sir Robert Douglas and Colonel O'Farrell, having proceeded a. of tlie Royal Scots Fusiliers. short distance to consult with the Prince of Wirtemberg, who commanded the party, mistook their way in the dark, and were made prisoners by a detachment of French cavalry. They were released on paying the regulated ransom. The FUSILIERS formed part of the advanced guard at the battle of Steenkirk, on the 3d of August, and were severely engaged with superior numbers of the enemy under the Duke of Luxembourg. The regiment distinguished itself on this occasion, and sustained the loss of many brave officers and soldiers. D'Auvergne states, in his history of the campaign, " Our vanguard behaved in this engage- ment to such wonder and admiration that though they received the charge of several battalions of the enemy, one after another, yet they made them retreat almost to their camp." The corps in advance were not supported in time to enable them to persevere in their career of victory, and King William commanded the army to retire. In this affair the following casualties occurred amongst the officers : Killed, Captains White, Cygnoe, Mackenzie, and Sharp, Lieutenants Charles King and Edward Griffith ; wounded, Lieutenant Newton. 1693* Taking the field in summer, the North British Fusiliers were formed in brigade with the regiments of Leven (Twenty-fifth), Munro (Twenty-sixth), Mackay and Lander (afterwards disbanded), under the command of Brigadier- General Ramsay, and after taking part in several manoeuvres were engaged at the battle of Landen on the 29th of July. At sunrise on the morning of that day a French force of greatly superior numbers, commanded by the Duke of Luxem- bourg, appeared before the position occupied by the Con- federate Army, under King William III., when the Fusiliers, and other regiments of their brigade, were ordered to occupy some hedges and narrow roads beyond the village of Laer, on the right of the line. This village and ground, occupied by General Ramsay's brigade, being attacked by a nume- rous body of the enemy, the North British Fusiliers were engaged in a sharp musketry battle in the open ground. At length the Third Foot, and other corps in the village of Historical Record and Regimental Memoir Laer, were forced to retire, but they rallied, and, being- joined by Brigadier-General Ramsay's brigade, the whole charged, and by a gallant effort recaptured the village. The regiment distinguished itself on this occasion. The French afterwards carried the village of Neer- Winden and the position. The regiments at Laer then became separated from the main body of the Confederate Army ; they gallantly defended their post for some time, and eventually retired fighting to the Gheet, forded that river, and joined several corps which had crossed the bridge of Neer-Hespen. The army was retreating, and the Fusiliers accompanied King" William to the vicinity of Tirlemont. The regiment had Captains Campbell and Strayton, Lieutenants Douglas and Dunbar, and Adjutant Walle wounded, Captain Paterson taken prisoner, and a number of soldiers killed, wounded, and prisoners. At the end of the campaign the regiment was placed in garrison at Bruges. 1694* During the summer of this year the regiment performed many long marches in Brabant and Flanders, and in the autumn it marched to Deinse. This year the King commanded a board of general officers to assemble, and decide upon the rank of the several corps of the army. This board gave precedence to the English regiments, and gave the Scots and Irish regiments rank in the English army from the date of their first arrival in England, or from the date when they were first placed on the English esta- blishment. The NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS, not having entered England until the Revolution in 1688, received rank as TWENTY-FIRST Regiment. Numerical titles were not generally used until the reign of George II. l695- When the army took the field to serve in this year's campaign the Twenty-first were left in garrison at Deinse, where some stores of provisions were formed. King William undertook the siege of Namur, and the regiment was directed to join the covering army under the Prince of Vaudemont ; but it subsequently returned to Deinse, of which place its colonel, Brigadier-General O'Farrell, was commandant. of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. The French commander, Marshal Villeroy, detached a strong body of troops, under the Marquis of Feuqueres, to reduce the town of Deinse, where the Fusiliers were sta- tioned. This town was situated on the river Lys ; it was only slightly fortified, and in many places there was only an entrenchment and some palisades as defensive works. Eight pieces of cannon were the only ordnance in the town. Under these circumstances, Brigadier-General O'Farrell con- sidered it impossible to make a successful defence of the place, and he surrendered on the 2ist of July without having fired a shot. The Fusiliers became prisoners of war on this occasion. Brigadier-General O'Farrell was afterwards tried by a court-martial, and cashiered, and King William conferred the colonelcy of the regiment on Colonel Robert Mackay, from a Scots corps. After the surrender of Nauiur to the Confederate Army, -the regiment rejoined the Allied forces, and was again sta- tioned at Bruges. 1696. From Bruges the regiment proceeded to the camp at Marykirk, and it served in the campaign of this year with the army of Brabant ; in the autumn it went into village cantonments. In December, Colonel Robert Mackay died. 1697. On the ist January, King William conferred the colonelcy of the regiment on Lieutenant-Colour.-! Archibald Row, from the Sixteenth Foot. Quitting their village quarters on the I3th of March, the Fusiliers entered upon the operations of another cam- paign. While the troops were in the field, negotiations for a general peace commenced at Ryswick, and the treaty was signed in September. The regiment returned to Scotland in the winter, and was stationed there during the remainder of King William's reign. While stationed in Scotland the FUSILIERS were most popular, and had no difficulty in filling their ranks with a superior class of recruits, in addition to providing drafts for other Scotch regiments serving in Flanders. Historical Record and Regimental Memoir 1702. Queen Anne succeeded to the throne on the 8th of March ; and the French monarch having violated the conditions of existing treaties by procuring the acces- sion of his grandson, Philip, Duke of Anjou, to the throne of Spain, war was declared against France soon afterwards. At the commencement of hostilities the TWENTY-FIRST was selected to proceed on foreign service, and embarked from Scotland for Holland to serve with the Allied Army commanded by the Earl of Marlborough. The regiment did not join the army immediately on its arrival in Holland, but was stationed some time at Breda, and in September it marched towards Flanders. 1703. Leaving its winter quarters in April, the regi- ment marched to Maastricht, where the Allied Army was assembled, and with the second battalion of the Royals, Tenth, Sixteenth, and Twenty-sixth regiments, was formed into a brigade under Brigadier-General the Earl of Derby. The TWENTY-FIRST took part in the operations of the campaign, and its services were connected with the reduc- tion of Hny, a strong fortress on the Maese, above the city of Liege, which was besieged and captured in ten days. It was afterwards detached from the main army to take part in the capture of Limburg^ a city of the Spanish Netherlands, situated on a pleasant eminence on the banks of the Wesdet. The siege of this place was commenced on the loth of September ; the FUSILIERS were employed in carrying on the approaches, and in making the attacks ; in seventeen days the garrison surrendered at discretion. In October, the regiment marched back to Holland, where it was stationed during the winter. 1704. From Holland the Fusiliers marched, in the months of May and June, to the interior of Germany, to arrest the progress of the French and Bavarians, who had gained considerable advantage over the Imperialists. A junction was formed with the Germans, under the Margrave of Baden ; and on the 2d of July the TWENTY-FIRST took part in the attack of the enemy's position on the lofty heights of Schellenburg, on the north bank of the Danube, of tJie Royal Scots Fusiliers. when the entrenchments were carried, and the French and Bavarians, commanded by the Count d'Arco, were driven from their post with severe loss. The regiment had a few private soldiers killed and wounded ; also, Captain Kygoe, Lieutenant Johnson, and John Campbell, wounded. After this victory, the North British Fusiliers penetrated the Electorate of Bavaria to the vicinity of the enemy's for- tified camp at Augsburg, which was found too strong to be attacked with any prospect of success, and the army retired in order to undertake the siege of Ingoldstadt. At the same time a numerous reinforcement of French troops arrived at the theatre of war. These events were followed by the battle of Blenheim on the 1 3th of August, when the French and Bavarians, commanded by Marshal Tallard and the Elector of Bavaria, were overpowered by the Allies under the Duke of Marl- borough and Prince Eugene of Savoy, and a victory was gained which reflected lustre on the British arms. The FUSILIERS were selected to lead the attack against the French troops in the village of Blenheim, and their colonel, Brigadier-General Row, placed himself at the head of his regiment, which was followed by four other corps. In the annals of Queen Anne it is stated : " The five English battalions, led on by Brigadier-General Row, who charged on foot at the head of his own regiment with unparalleled intrepidity, assaulted the village of Blenheim, advancing to the very muzzles of the enemy's muskets, and some of the officers exchanged thrusts of swords through the palisades ;" but the avenues of the village were found strongly fortified and defended by a force of superior numbers. Brigadier-General Row led the North British Fusiliers up to the palisades before he gave the word "fire" and the next moment he fell mortally wounded. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Dalyel and Major Campbell, being both on the spot, stepped forward to raise their colonel, and were both instantly pierced by musket balls ; the soldiers, exas- perated at seeing their three field officers fall, made a 10 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir gallant effort to force their way into the village, but this was found impossible, and they were ordered to retire. The moment the Fusiliers faced about, thirteen squadrons of French cavalry galloped forward to charge them, and one of the colours of the regiment was captured by the enemy ; but the French horsemen were repulsed by the fire of a brigade of Hessians, and the colour recovered. Another attempt to capture the village of Blenheim having failed, the firing was continued against this post, and the army advanced against the enemy, who was driven from the field with great slaughter, the loss of its cannon, and many prisoners, among whom was the French com- mander, Marshal Tallard. Additional forces were then brought against the French troops in Blenheim, and they surrendered prisoners of war. The Germans, who attacked the enemy's right, were also victorious ; and the gallant achievements of the Allied Army raised on the banks of the Danube, a trophy which time cannot destroy. The Fusiliers had Lieutenant-Colonel Dalyel ; Captain Stratton, senior ; Captain Stratton, junior ; Lieutenants Vandergracht, Hill, Campbell, and Trevallion, killed ; Brigadier-General Row and Major Campbell died of their wounds ; Captains Craufurd and Fairlee, Lieutenants Dunbar, J. Douglas, Elliott, Ogilvy, Maxwell, Stuart, Primrose, and Gordon, wounded. The prisoners captured were so numerous that the Fusiliers, with four other regiments, were sent to Holland in charge. The colonelcy of the regiment was conferred on John Viscount Mordaunt from the FOOT GUARDS. I705' The regiment was employed in the expedition up the Moselle ; and returning to the Netherlands, was afterwards engaged in forcing the French lines at Helixem and Neer-Hespen, on the morning of the iSth July, when the superior tactics of the British Commander, and the gallantry of his troops, were very conspicuous. 1706. The NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS also took part in gaining another splendid victory over the combined of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 1 1 French, Spanish, and Bavarian forces at Rainillies, on Whit- sunday, 23d of May 1706. During the early part of the action the Fusiliers, the Third Foot, and three regiments of cavalry, were stationed on the heights of Foulz, where they had a view of the field of battle. An important crisis in the battle arriving, these corps descended from the heights the Fusiliers and Third Foot forced their way through a morass, crossed the Little Gheet, ascended the acclivity between that river and the Jauche, and charging the enemy's left flank, drove three French regiments into the low grounds, when the greater part of them were either killed or taken prisoners. The Allies were successful on every part of the field, and the legions of the enemy were overpowered, and pursued from the plains of Ramillies with great slaughter until the following morn- ing, by which time nearly all the enemy's cannon, with many standards, colours, and kettle-drums were captured. This victory raised the reputation of the British arms, and was followed by very important results. Spanish Brabant, and many of the principal towns of Flanders, were rescued from the power of the enemy. The services of the regfment are connected with the capture of Ostend, Menin, and Aet/i; and it passed the winter in garrison in Flanders. In June of this year, Viscount Mordaunt exchanged with Colonel Samson de Lalo from the Twenty-eighth regiment. 1707. During the campaign of 1707, the services of the regiment were limited to marches and occupying posi- tions ; and it passed the winter in West Flanders. The Union of Scotland and England took place this year, which occasioned St George's Cross to be added to the colours of the Scots regiments, and St Andrew's Cross to the colours of the English regiments. The corps previ- ously designated as Scots regiments now took the title of North British Regiments. 1708. In May the regiment took the field, and on the nth of July, participated in the battle of Oiideuarde, which was fought in the broken grounds near the river Scheldt. The regiment was engaged in a severe musketry 1 2 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir action, and it succeeded in driving the French corps opposed to it from field to field, until the darkness of the night put an end to the conflict. Before the following morning the wreck of the French army had retreated in disorder towards Ghent. After the victory, the siege of Lisle, the capital of French Flanders, was resolved upon. This fortress was deemed almost impregnable; it was garrisoned by 15,000 men, com- manded by Marshal Boufflers, who resolved upon making a desperate defence. The Fusiliers were selected to take part in the attack on this important fortress under the orders of Prince Eugene of Savoy ; the covering army was commanded by the Duke of Marlborough. The regiment had several men killed and wounded in carrying on the approaches, and at the attack of the counterscarp it had thirteen men killed ; three officers, four sergeants, and sixty- six rank and file wounded. The progress of this siege was a subject of peculiar interest throughout Europe ; and the besieging army made extraordinary efforts for the capture of the place, which were attended by complete success on the Qth of December, when the citadel surrendered. 1709. The regiment joined the army, and was em- ployed in covering the siege of Tour nay in July and August. The citadel of Tournay surrendered in the beginning of September, and the army afterwards marched in the direc- tion of Mons. A numerous French army, commanded by Marshals Villars and Boufflers, took up a position at Malplaqnet, and strengthened the post by entrenchments and other works of defence. The Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene had confidence in the valour and perseverance of the troops under their orders, and they attacked the enemy's formid- able position on the I ith of September, on which occasion the heroic valour of the troops was conspicuous ; the enemy's entrenchments and abatis-de-bois were stormed with distin- guished gallantry, the determined resistance of the French was overcome, and another trophy was acquired ; but with of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 13 the loss of many brave officers and soldiers, including the colonel of the Fusiliers, Brigadier-General De Lalo, who was killed at the head of a brigade. In addition to its colonel, the regiment had also Captains Monroe, Wemyss,and Farley, killed ; Captains Montressor and Lowther, wounded. After the death of Brigadier-General De Lalo, Viscount Mordaunt was reappointed on the 4th of September to the colonelcy of the Fusiliers. The regiment was afterwards employed in covering the siege of Mons, which was termin- ated by the surrender of the garrison on the 2Oth of October, when the regiment marched into quarters. 1710. On the I4th of April the regiment marched towards the frontiers of France, and was engaged in the movements by which the French lines were pierced at Pont-a- Vendin ; it was afterwards selected to take part in the siege of Douay, where it performed much severe service. It was employed in carrying on the approaches, in storming the outworks and other duties connected with the siege, and sustained considerable loss in killed and wounded. The garrison beat a parley on the 25th of June, and afterwards surrendered the fortress. After the capture of Douay, the regiment was employed in covering the siege of Bethnue^ which place was surrendered in August. The regiment was also with the covering army during the sieges of St Venant and A ire ; the former place surrendered on the 3Oth of September, and the latter on Qth of November. Viscount Mordaunt died this year, and was succeeded in the colonelcy by Major-General Meredith, from the Thirty- seventh regiment. This officer was succeeded in December by Major-General the Earl of Orrery. 1711. After passing the winter in quarters at Dender- mond, the regiment joined the army in May. It took part in the movements by which the boasted impregnable French lines were pierced at Arleux on the 5th of August. The regiment was afterwards employed in the siege of Bouchaiu, in which service obstacles of the greatest magnitude had to be overcome, and the abilities of the commanders, and the valour of the troops, were put to a severe test ; these 14 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir qualities were found in the besieging army. On more than one occasion the soldiers fought up to their middle in water, and. by a gallant perseverance, which reflected honour on all the corps engaged, every difficulty was overcome, and the garrison surrendered on the I3th of September. 1712. The regiment joined the army commanded by the Duke of Ormond, and advanced to the frontiers of Picardy ; but a suspension of hostilities was afterwards pro- claimed preparatory to a general peace, when the British army marched to Ghent, and afterwards went into quarters. I7I3' A treaty of peace was concluded at Utrecht ; and the Fusiliers could look back with exultation at the career of victory and honour which had attended their efforts during these memorable campaigns. At this period the regiment is designated by historians and in the official documents by the title of the ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS, but the date when the honorary distinction of " ROYAL" was conferred upon it has not been ascertained. I7I4' The regiment was stationed in Flanders until the decease of Queen Anne, on the 1st of August, and the accession of King George I., when it was ordered to embark for England. It landed at Gravesend on the 23d of August, and was afterwards directed to march to Scotland. I7I5* This year the Earl of Mar erected the standard of rebellion in Scotland, and summoned the Highland clans to aid him in placing the Pretender on the throne. The Fusiliers were encamped at Stirling, under the Duke of Argyle, and advanced with the Royal army to Dunblane, to defeat the attempts of the enemy to march southward. On the morning of the I3th of November the two armies confronted each other on Sheriffmuir. On the approach of the clans, it was found necessary for the Royal forces to change position ; whilst doing so, they were suddenly at- tacked, and suffered severely. The left wing of the rebel army was overpowered, and driven from the field with great slaughter; and the left wing of the Royal army was also forced to retire ; thus each commander had one wing victorious, UNIFORM OF THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS IN 1742. of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 15 and one wing defeated. The rebels were prevented march- ing southward and retired ; the King's troops returned to their camp at Stirling. The Fusiliers had one captain, two lieutenants, three sergeants, and eighty-five rank and file killed ; one captain, one sergeant, and twenty-five rank and file wounded. 1716. Reinforcements having arrived, the King's troops advanced in January to attack the insurgents, who made a precipitate retreat. The Pretender and several leaders in the rebellion escaped to the Continent, and the clans separated. The rebellion was thus suppressed. In July the Earl of Orrery was succeeded in the colonelcy of the regiment by Colonel George Macartney. I7I7~I727' The Fusiliers were employed on home service during these years ; and in 1727 they were held in readiness to embark for Holland, to aid the Dutch in their approaching war with the Emperor of Germany, but the presence of British troops was not required. In the latter year, Colonel Macartney was removed to the Seventh Horse, being succeeded by Brigadier-General Sir James Wood. 1728-1737' T ne order for embarking for Holland having been countermanded, the Royal North British Fusiliers proceeded to Ireland, and were placed upon the establishment of that country. 1738. Major-General Wood having died, the vacant colonelcy was conferred upon John Campbell, afterwards Duke of Argyle. I739~*740' War having been declared against Spain, in the autumn, the Fusiliers, after a station of twelve years in Ireland, were removed to England, landing at Liverpool. 174* In the summer of this year the regiment was encamped on Lexden Heath, where seven regiments of cavalry and seven of infantry were assembled, and held in readiness for foreign service. 1742. In the summer, King George II. sent 16,000 men to Flanders, to support the interests of the House of Austria against the aggressions of France and Bavaria. 16 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir The Fusiliers formed part of this force, and were stationed for some time at Ghent. 1743- Early in this year the regiment commenced its march for Germany, and, after taking part in several move- ments in the field, had the honour to distinguish itself under the eye of its sovereign, at the battle of Dettingen, on the 2/th of June, when the French troops, under Marshal Noailles, were driven from the field of battle with great slaughter, and the loss of a number of standards and colours. The Fusiliers had Lieutenant Yonge, one sergeant, and thirty-five rank and file killed ; Lieutenant Lcvingstone, one sergeant, two drummers, and fifty-three rank and file wounded. An interesting anecdote is told of the ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS in connection with this engagement. The French Cuirassiers were bearing down upon the regi- ment, and would doubtless have worked a deal of mischief, had Colonel Sir Andrew Agnew, their commanding officer, not displayed great coolness and courage. Sir Andrew had not time to form square, but he formed them into a lane ; and before the Cuirassiers had time to draw up, they found themselves in the midst of a cross fire, from which there was no retreat. After the battle was over, King George rode up to the colonel, and addressed him as follows, " I saw the Cuirassiers get in among your men this morning, colonel. " To which Sir Andrew replied, in a peculiarly dry, pawky Scottish style, " Ou ay, yer Majestee ; but they didna get oot again'.' The following verses were written upon this incident : THE TWENTY- FIRST ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS AT DETTINGEN. Attention ! all ye soldier lads, who love the Twenty-first, And hear one of its gallant deeds in homely rhyme rehearsed. On many a hard fought field, my lads, its laurels have been won, And always true are those who wear the number " Twenty-one." of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 17 It was when, in the olden time, they served in Germanic, Against the pride and power of France, and all her chivalry ; Sir Andrew Agnew at their head, they feared no foreign foe, But sharp and sure the Frenchmen met, and dealt them blow for blow. The Frenchmen did not care to face old Scotia's Fusiliers ; So, on the field of Dettingen, they launched their Cuirassiers, To charge the stubborn phalanx of the sturdy Twenty-first, And drive for ever from the earth the corps by them accurst. As, from the Alps, the avalanche comes thundering to the vale, So charged the Cuirassiers that day, but never could prevail To shake the stout battalion that stemmed their wild career, And baffled them, and turned them back with many a ringing cheer. Three times they charged upon the square, as often they rode back Disordered, to form up again, and yet again attack ; And then Sir Andrew grimly smiled, and from his square withdrew A section of its bristling front, to let the French ride through. Amazement took the Frenchmen then, and laughter loud they raised : "Are Scotia's Fusiliers now led by a commander crazed?" And swiftly once again they charge, and ride straight thro' the gap, And then Sir Andrew, cannily, enclosed them in the trap. The section once more fills the gap, and loud Sir Andrew's call : " Square ! Inwards face ! your bayonets will do when fails your ball !" And so it happened on that day, the fairest troops of France Were hemmed in by the Fusiliers, and captured horse and lance. The battle din was over, and all was hushed and still, When the General met Sir Andrew, and thanked him with good-will : " The French got in among your men to-day on yonder plain." " Quite true, your Grace," said Sir Andrew, " but they didna get oot again" The regiment was afterwards encamped near Hanau ; in August it crossed the Rhine, and was employed in West Germany ; but in the autumn it returned to Flanders. 1744- During the campaign of 1744, the regiment served with the army under Field-Marshal Wade. It was encamped between Asche and Alost, afterwards on the banks of the Scheldt, and subsequently penetrated the French territory to the vicinity of Lisle ; but returned to Ghent for winter quarters. B 18 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir 1745' Quoting its cantonments in April, the regiment marched with the army commanded by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, to the relief of Tournay, which fortress was besieged by a numerous French army, which took up a position near the village of Fontenoy. The enemy had a great superiority of numbers ; but the Duke of Cumberland, trusting to the innate bravery of his troops, resolved to hazard a general engagement on the 1 1 th of May, when the Royal North British Fusiliers had their valour and endurance put to a severe test ; and they proved themselves not unworthy successors of the gallant officers and soldiers who triumphed at Blenheim and Ramillies, under the great Duke of Marlborough. Soon after nine o'clock, the British infantry advanced in the face of a heavy fire of grape and musketry, and, by a gallant charge, broke through the French lines ; but the Dutch failed to carry the village of Fontenoy ; and a brigade under Brigadier-General Ingoldsby did not capture the battery it was intended to attack. The troops which had forced the enemy's centre were thus exposed to a severe cross fire, and were ordered to retire. A second attack was made. British valour and intrepidity were again trium- phant ; but the failure of the Dutch a second time produced disastrous results, and the British regiments which had carried the enemy's entrenchments and forced the centre were nearly annihilated by a cross fire. The Duke of Cumberland afterwards ordered a retreat, and the army withdrew from the field of battle to Aeth. The Fusiliers suffered severely on this occasion ; Lieu- tenants Campbell, Houston, and Sergeant of the regiment were killed ; Major Colville, Captains Latan, Olivant, and Knatchbull, Lieutenants Maxwell, Colville, Ballenden, Macgaken, and Townsend, wounded ; Captain Sandilands, Lieutenant Stuart, and Quartermaster Stewart, prisoners ; eleven sergeants, and 259 rank and file killed, wounded, and prisoners. The severe loss which the regiment had sustained occasioned it to be placed in garrison at Osteiid. This place was besieged by a numerous French force, and of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 19 the garrison defended their post some time ; but the works \vere not in repair, the stores were defective, and the garri- son not sufficiently numerous. Under these circumstances the governor surrendered, on condition that the garrison should join the Allied Army. While the regiment was in Flanders, Charles Edward, eldest son of the Pretender, arrived in Scotland, and being joined by a number of Highland clans, he made a desperate effort to overturn the existing Government, and establish his father's authority in the kingdom. The Fusiliers were -ordered to return to England. They arrived in the river Thames on the 4th of November, and, after landing, marched northward. The efficiency of the regiment was increased by a body of fine recruits enlisted in Scotland. 1746. The regiment arrived at Edinburgh in January, and advanced with the army commanded by the Duke of Cumberland towards Stirling, when the young Pretender raised the siege of Stirling Castle, and made a precipitate retreat. The pursuit was retarded by severe weather, but the army continued its advance when the season permitted, and on the i6th of April encountered the clans on Citlloden Moor. The regiment was in the front line on this occasion, and took part in repulsing the attacks of the Highlanders, and in driving them from the field of battle with great .slaughter. This" victory proved decisive, and the rebellion was suppressed. The loss of the regiment was limited to seven private soldiers killed and wounded. It was en- camped a short time at Inverness, and afterwards removed to Glasgow. 1747- From Scotland the regiment was again removed to the theatre of war in the Netherlands, where it arrived in time to take part in the operations of the campaign of 1 747 ; and it was engaged at the battle of Val on the 2d of July. On this occasion the Allied Army was very inferior in numbers to the enemy, and although the gallantry of the British infantry was very conspicuous throughout the action, the Duke of Cumberland was obliged to order a retreat to Maestricht 20 Historical Record arid Regimental Memoir Eight rank and file of the Fusiliers were killed ; one sergeant and fifteen rank and file were wounded ; and five men missing. 1748- The regiment was again in the field in the summer. Hostilities were terminated by the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, and during the winter the regiment re- turned to England. I749~*75*' The regiment during these years was. stationed in England until the end of 1751, when it em- barked for Gibraltar. Prior to departure it received the commendation of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- berland, on account of its good conduct in quarters, and for its uniform gallantry in the field. In the Royal Warrant, issued on the 1st of July 1751,. for ensuring uniformity in the clothing, standards, and colours of the army, the following directions are given for the TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT, OR THE ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS: " IN THE CENTRE OF THEIR. COLOURS THE THISTLE WITHIN THE CIRCLE OF ST ANDREW, AND THE CROWN OVER IT ; AND IN THE. THREE CORNERS OF THE SECOND COLOUR THE KING'S. CIPHER AND CROWN. ON THE GRENADIER CAPS THE THISTLE AS ON THE COLOURS, THE WHITE HORSE, AND- MOTTO OVER IT, NEC ASPERA TERRENT, ON THE FLAP. ON THE DRUMS AND BELLS OF ARMS THE THISTLE AND CROWN TO BE PAINTED AS ON THE COLOURS, WITH THE, RANK OF THE REGIMENT UNDERNEATH." 1752. Lieutenant-General Campbell was removed to> the Scots Greys, and Colonel the Earl of Panmure from the Twenty-fifth regiment, succeeded to the colonelcy of the Royal North British Fusiliers, by commission dated 2Qth April. I753-I760* The regiment remained at Gibraltar until 1760, when it returned to England. 1761. In the meantime another war had commenced between Great Britain and France, and the ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS, mustering 800 men, under the com- mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Maxwell, sailed with of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 21 the expedition, under Major-General Hodgson, for the attack of the French island in the Bay of Biscay, called Belle-Isle. The fleet appeared before the island on the 7th April, but the coast was found like a vast fortress the little which nature had left undone by rocks and crags, having been supplied by art. A landing was, however, effected on the following day. The TWENTY-FIRST was one of the regiments which leaped on shore, and stormed the works of Port Andro, under a heavy fire of cannon and musketry ; the works were found too steep to be ascended, and although the officers and soldiers made a gallant effort, one attempting to lift another up, it was found impossible to succeed, and they were ordered to return on board of the fleet. The regiment had three sergeants, one drummer, and eight rank and file killed ; eight rank and file wounded ; Lieutenants Innis and Ramage, and thirty-five rank and file prisoners ; many of the officers and soldiers taken prisoners were severely wounded, and unable to return on board the fleet when the order was given to retire. A landing was effected on the 22d of April, at a rugged spot near Point Lomaria, where the difficult ascent had occasioned the enemy to be less attentive to that part of the coast ; and the troops, under Brigadier-General Lam- bert, having landed, gained the summit of the rock, and repulsed the attempts of the enemy to dislodge them capturing three brass field-pieces. The cannon were after- wards landed from the ships, and dragged up the rocks ; the lines which covered the town of Palais were captured, and the siege of the citadel commenced. The ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS took part in the siege of the Citadel of Belle-Isle, which was prosecuted with so much vigour, that the governor, the Chevalier de St Croix, was forced to surrender on the 7th of June. The capture of the island was thus effected, with the loss of about 1800 men killed and wounded. 1762-1764. After the surrender of the castle of Belle- Isle, the regiment returned to England, where it was sta- tioned ; and in 1 763 and 1 764, it occupied quarters in Scotland. 22 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir 1765-1769. On the 6th of May 1765, the regiment embarked for America, and was quartered five years in West Florida. I77Q-I77*' I n J 77 it was removed to Canada, and was stationed some time at Quebec. In November of the same year, Lieutenant-General the Earl of Panmure was removed to the Scots Greys, and was succeeded in the colonelcy of the Royal North British Fusiliers by Major- General the Hon. Alexander Mackay, from the Sixty-fifth regiment. I772-I774- The regiment returned to England, where it remained until 1775. *775' The American War commenced this year, and during the winter Quebec was besieged by an American force. 1776. In the spring the regiment embarked for the relief of Quebec. On the arrival of the British reinforce- ments, the Americans raised the siege and made a precipi- tate retreat ; they were pursued up the country and driven from all the posts which they occupied in that province. After these services \vere performed the FUSILIERS were quartered at St John's, where they were stationed during the winter. I777~*780. The regiment was employed in active operations in the spring of 1777, with the armament com- manded by Lieutenant-General Burgoyne; it embarked in boats on Lake Champlain, and sailed to Crown Point,, where the troops halted three days, and afterwards pro- ceeded against Ticonderago ; but the Americans quitted the fort without hazarding the events of a siege. The regiment returned on board the flotilla, and, sailing along the lake, arrived about three o'clock on the afternoon of the 6th of July, within three miles of Skenesborough, where the Americans had a stockaded fort The Ninth, Twentieth v and TWENTY-FIRST regiments leaped on shore, and ascended the mountains to get behind the fort and cut off the retreat of the garrison ; but the Americans fled precipitately, and escaped with the loss of a few men made prisoners. of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 23 On the 8th of July the regiment was detached towards Fort Anne to support the Ninth, which was attacked by very superior numbers. The enemy was repulsed, and retreated towards Fort Edward. To follow up these advantages proved a difficult under- taking trees and other obstacles had to be removed, creeks and marshes to be crossed, forty bridges to be constructed ; but by great exertion these difficulties were overcome, and on the 3 that he was proud of them ; they believed that their own regiment was the best in the army, and they were not mistaken. It is not, therefore, to be wondered at that such an esprit- de-corps raised and maintained the character of the ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS to such a height, that even the ruinous sJiort-set-cice system has not been able wholly to destroy. 1850. After having been stationed nearly two years in Edinburgh, the regiment received orders to move to Glasgow. During the regiment's unusually long stay in the capital of Scotland, it maintained the highest character for its conduct, discipline, and esprit-de-corps ; securing for all ranks, the greatest respect and kindness from the various social grades of the civil community, and cementing more strongly the connection of the corps with the land of its creation, by introducing into its ranks a goodly number of Scotch recruits. Colonel Deare's retirement gave the command to Major Peddie, an officer of long regimental connection, members of Jiis family Jiaving served successively in tJie Royal North British Fusiliers from its first formation. Colonel Peddie, shortly after his promotion, exchanged with Colonel T. G. Brown from the Forty-first regiment. On the 5th of April the regiment proceeded to Glasgow, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel T. G. Brown ; two companies, under Major F. G. Ainslie, were detached 48 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir to Paisley, and one subaltern, one sergeant, and twenty rank and file to Dumbarton Castle. 1851. The regiment remained in Glasgow until April, when it received orders to move ; the headquarters to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, two companies to Carlisle, two to Sunderland, and two to Tynemouth Castle. While the regiment was in Glasgow, an officer, Lieu- tenant Clemison, was accidentally killed by a fall from his horse. Before leaving for England, the Major-General command- ing the troops in North Britain, conveyed to the regiment an expression of his approbation on account of its high state of efficiency and general good conduct whilst in Scotland. 1852. The regiment moved in February, the head- quarters to Hull, one company to Scarborough, three to Bradford, and three to Leeds. On the ist of March the establishment was augmented to 850 rank and file. On the 2d of April a detachment proceeded from Leeds to Barnsley. l853' On the 5th of January a company proceeded from Leeds to Sheffield, to occupy new quarters. By the retirement of Lieutenant-Colonel Thorpe, the command of the regiment devolved upon Major Ainslie, who succeeded to the vacant lieutenant-colonelcy. During the station of the regiment at Hull, an experi- mental issue of 100 rifles was made; the pattern was that known as the Minie, carrying a conical bullet. Colonel Ainslie, to encourage espr it-de-corps, instituted a system of granting distinctive badges of various descrip- tions to be worn by the best shots in the regiment. These, for the ten best shots in each company, consisted of cross muskets, worn on the upper right sleeve of the fatigue jacket ; the best shot in each company had his surmounted by a grenade, and the best shot in the regiment had the grenade surmounted by a crown. No money prize accom- panied these badges, the honour of wearing them luas considered sufficient. of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 49 It will thus be seen that the " Schools of Musketry" sub- seqnently established were anticipated by the "Fusiliers" 1853* I" June the regiment moved to Dublin, via Liverpool ; headquarters to Ship Street Barracks, four com- panies to Aldborough House, and two to Beggars' Bush Barracks. An Industrial Exhibition having been opened at Dublin, Her Majesty and the Prince Consort visited that city in August. On this occasion she reviewed the whole of the troops in garrison. In October the regiment was inspected by Major- General Cochrane, commanding the Dublin District, and received much praise from him for its steadiness, good con- duct, and smartness. The head colonel of the regiment, General the Right Hon. Sir Frederick Adam, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., died on the 24th of August, and was succeeded by Major-General Sir De Lacey Evans, K.C.B. 1854* By Horse Guards letter, dated /th January, Her Majesty was pleased to authorise the word "Bladens- ,burg" to be borne on the colours and appointments of the ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS. In March orders were received to hold the regiment in readiness for such .active service as might be required. On the loth of May orders were given for an aug- mentation to twelve companies, with a total strength of 1400 non-commissioned officers and men. In June positive orders were issued to prepare for immediate embarkation for Turkey. On the 3d of August the regiment proceeded to Cork for embarkation for the seat of war in Turkey, leaving its depot, consisting of four companies, at Buttevant. On its departure from Dublin, in addition to receiving .expressions of high approval as to conduct, appearance, and discipline, from the military authorities, the press of that city was unanimous in its comments upon its uniform good conduct during its stay, and its splendid appearance. On arrival at Cork, it was inspected by Major-General 50 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir Mansfield, commanding that district (an officer not easily pleased). He inspected most minutely Nos. I and 2 and the front rank of No. 3 Companies, when he ceased, exclaiming aloud, " TJiat will do, Colonel Ainslie, close your ranks, and march past ; I never inspected sucli a regiment !! " With regard to the Fusiliers on this occasion, the Cork Times' correspondent writes, " The equal of the Fusiliers- never paraded in Cork barrack square ', not even excepting the Guards !! " On the 1 5th of August the regiment embarked on board the " Golden Fleece," sailed for the Black Sea,, joined the army in Varna Bay on the 4th of September,, and formed part of the Fourth Division, under the com- mand of Lieutenant-General Sir George Cathcart. The Allied Army sailed on the following morning, and reached Old Fort on the I4th of September. The regiment bivouacked on the seashore, where it landed. A night of heavy rain followed, and being without any shelter, both the clothes worn by the men and the change carried in their folded greatcoats were thoroughly drenched, an ominous introduction to the subsequent hardships of the campaign. During the few days of its stay here, cholera broke out,, and many sick had to be re-embarked. On the 1 9th of September the army commenced its. march in the direction of Sevastopol. During the advance this day the regiment suffered severely from heat, want of water, and sickness ; many men fell out of the ranks in conse- quence. The army bivouacked on the banks of the Bulganac^ At daylight, on the morning of the 2Oth of September,, the division of which the Fusiliers formed a part was again under arms, advanced in support, and at noon came in full view of the Russian army strongly posted on the Heights of Alma. The action commenced about two o'clock, and was fought in about two hours and a half. The regiment bivouacked on the heights for the night. The two follow- of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 51 ing days (2ist and 22d) were occupied in removing the wounded, and burying the dead. On the morning of the 23d, the regiment resumed its march in the direction of the river KatcJika, on the banks of which it arrived about three P.M., and bivouacked for the night. On the 24th, the march was continued towards the Belbec River, on the banks of which a halt for the night was made. On the 25th the Fourth Division and the 4th Light Dragoons remained on the Belbec to protect the com- munication with the Katchka, and to allow the sick being sent to that place for embarkation on board the fleet. The remainder of the Allied Army, in the meantime, moved forward. On the 26th, the march was resumed in the direction of "^lackenzies Farm" passing through a very thick wood ; the farm was reached about three o'clock, and after descending to the banks of the " Tchernaya" the troops bivouacked for the night. The following day (the 2/th) the regiment marched to the heights above Sebastopol, its permanent camping-ground during the whole siege. On the morning of the 25th of October a staff officer galloped suddenly into camp, and conveyed an order to the commanding-officer directing the regiment to proceed with all despatch to the plain of Balaklava, to act in con- junction with the other regiments of the Fourth Division, to repel an attempted attack by the Russians upon that place. No time was lost, each regiment proceeded as quickly as possible ; the distance was about six miles ; and nearly the whole of it was performed at the "double" The regiment remained in the field the whole of the day, but the battle was one of cavalry and artillery, the only infantry engaged being the NINETY-THIRD SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDERS. The Fourth Division returned to its camp in the evening. On the 5th of November the ever memorable battle of Inkerman was fought " The Soldiers' Battle" as it has been termed, where a Russian army, numbering as ten to 52 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir one compared with the British, was completely defeated with great loss. To give full details of the engagement and movements would in an historical record occupy too much space ; suffice it to say, the FUSILIERS on this occasion greatly distinguished themselves. The right wing was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel F. G. Ainslie, until mortally wounded, when Lieutenant- Colonel F. P. Haines succeeded ; the left wing was under Lieutenant-Colonel Lord West. The gallantry displayed by every man of the regiment was beyond all praise. Kinglake, in his description of the battle of Inkerman, speaks of them as "those superb Fusiliers " and " most magnificent troops" During the action, when broken up into small parties, they held the most forward and important positions, and mere hands- ful of them charged and repulsed large battalions of Russians. The regiment suffered severely in this action. Of 402 men who went into the field, seven officers, six sergeants, and 1 14 men were killed or wounded ; Lieutenant E. Hurt, killed ; Colonel Ainslie, mortally wounded ; Captain G. N. Boldero, Lieutenants Stephens and Killeen, severely; Lieutenant King, dangerously; and Lieutenant Temple- man, slightly. Many incidents might be recorded of individual gal- lantry, as, for instance, that of Private Patrick M'Guire, who, being considerably in advance of his comrades after making a charge, and finding himself isolated, took shelter behind a rock, where he was shortly attacked by three Russians, who attempted to take him prisoner. After a desperate struggle, M'Guire succeeded in shooting one, bayonetting another, and brought in the third as his pri- soner. For this spirited action, he was awarded the medal for gallant conduct in the field. Another noteworthy inci- dent. Lieutenant Hurt, who fell in advance, and was supposed for a time to be dead, was observed by Colonel Haines to be still alive. He called the attention of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 53 of Colour-Sergeants Rutherford and Higdon, who were then firing from under cover, to the fact, and asked them to move out and bring in the wounded officer. A most withering fire of grape-shot rained over this part of the field at the time, yet these brave sergeants, regardless of all danger to themselves, at once ran out and lifted their wounded officer, but their effort was of no avail, as he was struck by another shot and killed in their arms. It may not be out of place to record here a few words regarding Lieutenant Roger Killeen, who was promoted to a commission after a lengthened service in the ranks. In all positions, he was respected as a man of high aspirations, an indefatigable and conscientious soldier, and with a soul of honour. Although severely wounded while carrying the regimental colour, he, from devotion to his regiment, and a feeling of determination, declined to leave the field, and still held on until the action was over. He continued to do his duty throughout the siege, and never gave way, but, by his example, encouraged his men to perform their duties with stubborn pertinacity. Noble old man ! He retired with the rank of major, and is since dead. The regiment sustained a severe loss by the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Ainslie (the last but one of the old Fusiliers). Although a strict commanding-officer, he was a brave man, ever exhibiting the greatest anxiety to main- tain the character of his regiment ; his untimely death was much felt, more especially when the services of men of his stamp were so much needed. The command now devolved upon Major John Ramsay Stuart, the only survivor of the old Fusiliers, he having always served in the Twenty-first. On the morning of the battle of Inkerman a great number of the non-commissioned officers and men had only been relieved from duty in the trenches, where they had been for the previous twenty-four hours ; they were just in time to take part in the action. The total strength of the enemy in the field, actually engaged, was 71,841, with 271 guns ; while the British force 54 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir only numbered 7464, afterwards reinforced at the end of the action by 8219 French. The operations being all over, the regiment returned to camp at five P.M. The following tribute to the character of Lieutenant- Colonel Lord West, appears in Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, and holding as he did, a distinguished position on this occasion, the extract will, no doubt, be found interest- ing : " Lord West (the late Earl De la Warre) commanded a wing of the Twenty-first Fusiliers, the regiment to which Colonel Haines belonged. In anticipation of a probable conflict on Mount Inkerman, these two gifted officers had the forethought to go over the field some days before, and it may be inferred that the important part they both took in the action was in some measure owing to a knowledge of the ground thus wisely acquired beforehand. Although communicating to me full information on other objects, the late Earl abstained from volunteering any statements of the part he had taken in bringing the Inkerman Battle to its final crisis, and I am assured this abnegation of self, con- joined with fearless assumption of power already recorded, was thoroughly characteristic of his exalted nature. ' A splendid soldier,' writes one brother officer of him, * no truer gentleman, no more honest or braver man ever lived.' " i fth November 1854.. On this day the army suffered from an enemy of another kind, a storm, the equal of which has rarely been experienced. The tents almost all were blown down, all had to take shelter from the pelting storm of wind, rain, and sleet, behind low stone ditches, so low, as only to give shelter to men in a crouching position. Fortunately, the wounded of Inkerman had been sent to Scutari five days previously. This day began the winter's miseries and sufferings of the Crimean Army, so much spoken of, and ever to be remembered by those who ex- perienced them. After this, hardship and troubles every day increased ; clothing began to wear out without any prospect of renewal ; rations became scarce, in consequence of the difficulty ex- of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 55 perienced in bringing them from Balaklava. The roads between it and the camp, a distance of seven miles, had become so heavy and bad as to be nearly impassable ; it was not unusual for the mules bringing up the provisions to sink in the mud, taxing the combined strength of the drivers to extricate them. At last, even the mules failed, a sufficient number could not be had to perform this duty, and in the absence of them, the regiment had to detail fatigue parties to take their place. In many cases, after spending a miserable night in the trenches, up to their knees in sludge or half frozen to death, these men had to go to Balaklava for food, which frequently consisted of a scanty ration of biscuit and rum. With scarceness of food, clothing, and fuel, sickness soon did its fatal work amongst the regiment. The ration of salt meat had to be used in its raw state, the allowance of green coffee had now become useless, there being no means to roast or grind it, consequently it was left on the ground unused after being issued to the men. Some idea may be formed of the intensity of the cold, from the fact that the men's moustaches during the night became solid lumps of ice, and their whiskers froze to their threadbare blankets. Although the privations suffered by the regiment were very great, they were not so great as that of some other corps ; and this was mainly, or entirely, owing to the inde- fatigable exertions made by the Regimental Quartermaster's Department. From early in October 1854 up to the end of the siege, the regiment was busily occupied, either as working parties constructing batteries and approaches, or guarding the same ; when not so employed it furnished fatigue parties for bringing rations from Balaklava, or carrying shot and shell to the trenches. So continuous and excessive was the labour, that the men in an average were eleven out of four- teen nights in the trenches, either as working or covering parties. The misery and monotony of trench duty was sometimes enlivened by sorties by the Russians. 56 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir On the 22d of March 1855, when the regiment furnished working and covering parties, a sortie was made in force all along the line, and after some severe righting the enemy were driven back at every point, leaving many dead and wounded ; the loss of the regiment amounted to four killed and seven wounded. On the 4th of April 1855, when under a heavy cannon- ade, a shell fell into the trench ; Private William Watt, No. 5 Company, with great presence of mind, took it up and threw it over the parapet, when it exploded. The act was performed in the coolest manner, and did not seem to the actor as anything worth talking about. On the night of the /th June 1855, strong parties from the British and French advanced to the attack on the Mamelon and Quarries ; the Twenty-first Fusiliers furnished a strong party under Lieutenants J. G. Image and S. H. Clarke. The attack continued the whole night without intermission, resulting in the capture of the quarries, with a loss to the regiment of one killed and two wounded. After the capture of the quarries it was decided by a council of war, that the works should be stormed and the town taken, the iSth of June being fixed for the attack. On the evening of the i/th of June, the Fusiliers paraded on Cathcart's Hill to be " told off" for their different duties on the morrow ; one hundred men were detailed to carry woolsacks to fill up the trench in front of the great Russian Redan, an equal force was allotted for carrying and planting escalading ladders, the remainder of the regiment formed a storming party. The men were then dismissed to take what rest they could, having been ordered to parade again at midnight. Exactly at twelve o'clock P.M., the parade was again formed, each man furnished with one hundred rounds of ammunition. All were in readiness to march off, when Lord West, the commanding-officer, addressed his men as follows : " Fusiliers, you will have hard work to perform, but I have every confidence in you. I know that you will retain the honour which you gained on the field of Inkerman, and of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 57 whoever he may be who is spared to come out of this night's work, if we meet in after-years, will not be lost sight of by me. In conclusion, have your hearts in your hands ready to dash them over the parapet and follow them." Each party then marched off to take the position in the advanced trench, to await the signal for attack, which was given just as day was breaking ; the woolsack and ladder parties cleared the parapet at a bound, never stopping until they reached the Russian trench ; this was accomplished under a deadly fire from the enemy's guns, which had opened all along the Russian line at a given signal. Close behind came the storming parties led by General Sir John Campbell, up to the mouths of the enemy's guns, only to be shot dead beneath them. At this point, through some mismanagement, the reinforcements did not come up, consequently the attack failed ; after holding their ground in the enemy's trench for upwards of half-an-hour, the parties had to retire under a most terrific fire of grape and canister. The regiment suffered very severely on this occasion. On the night of the I5th August 1855, a sortie in force upon the advanced trenches was frustrated by the vigilant alertness of a party of the regiment under the command of Lieutenant R. C. Winsloe ; the object of the intended sortie, doubtless, was to prevent assistance being rendered to the French and Sardinians on the Tchernaya, on whom an attack had been made. On the death of Lord Raglan, General Simpson, who succeeded to the command, ordered another attack to be made on the Russian position on the 8th September 1855. The Fusiliers, on this occasion, were in reserve. The attack was made simultaneously at twelve neon ; the French attacking the Malakoff, and the British the Great Redan, the former driving out the Russians, who retired into the Redan, and strengthened the place still further against the British attack. The fight continued till late in the afternoon, when the British troops were ordered to retire, the Fourth Division 58 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir and Highland Brigade being directed to take up position in the British advanced trenches, ready to renew the attack on the following morning ; but, as the Russians had eva- cuated the Redan during the night, the services of these troops were not required. With the fall of the Malakoff and Redan, and the retire- ment of the Russians across the harbour to the north side, Sebastopol was captured, and its siege concluded. On the /th of October 1855, the Fusiliers and four other regiments of the Fourth Division, under the command of Brigadier the Hon. A. Spencer, and an equal force of the French army, were embarked on board the Allied Fleet in Kamiesh Bay, under sealed orders ; the Fusiliers, on board H.M.S. " Hannibal," flagshipof Admiral Sir Houston Stewart, K.C.B., and commanded by the Right Hon. Captain C. D. Hay, C.B. The expedition sailed the same night, and two days later arrived in front of Odessa^ taking up a position before the arsenal. This was only a feint, and intended to draw off the troops from Kinburn, the intended point of attack. The feint succeeded. On the morning of the I4th the Allied Fleets steamed off from Odessa towards Kinburn, which was reached on the I5th. The troops were immediately landed upon a desolate, sandy spit, and encamped in line in front of the fortifications. The fleets opened fire, and after a bombardment of about two hours, the whole of the works surrendered ; 1420 prisoners were taken, and eighty- one pieces of heavy cannon ; forty-five killed and 130 wounded Russians were also found in the forts. With the bombardment of Kinburn the war terminated. On the 1 2th of November, the regiment returned to its camp before Sebastopol, where it remained until after the declaration of peace. The Fusiliers, during their stay of one year and eight months in the Crimea, lost by killed, wounded, sickness, and missing, 623 of all ranks. The regiment, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 59 J. R. Stuart, embarked at Balaklava for Malta, where it arrived on the 2d June, and occupied quarters in that island until the i/th March 1860. i860. On the i/th of March the regiment embarked on board the troop-ship "Himalaya" for conveyance to the West Indies. It arrived at the island of Barbadoes, and disembarked on the 6th of April, relieving the Forty-ninth regiment, Two companies, under the command of Major H. Gray, were detached to Demerara. The detachment at Demerara had not been long there when a terrible fire broke out, destroying about one-fourth of George Town. The services of the Fusiliers on this occasion were of great value in saving life and property, for which they received the thanks of the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, also those of the Governor and General in command of the Windward and Leeward Islands. In June 1860, Demerara was visited by yellow fever. The detachment of the regiment was removed into camp at Belfield, where it remained until 1861. l862. In September headquarters at Barbadoes was also visited by yelloiv fever, and in a day or two it com- mitted sad havoc. But for the decided measures caused to be taken by Surgeon A. J. Greer, who insisted upon having the regiment moved into camp, the loss by deaths would probably have been very great. To carry the removal into effect was no easy matter, owing to the Commissariat being entirely deficient of the means of transport. This department divested itself of all labour and responsibility by transferring its duty to the regiment. This duty had, of course, to be carried out by the Quartermaster, Mr Grahame (now Major Grahame), who himself was slowly recovering from an attack of the fever. This officer received from the Commissariat full authority to employ for this purpose all the available transport in the island. The labour of collecting this transport devolved upon the Quartermaster himself. In two hours after receiving this authority, the removal began, and in less than two days 60 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir the whole regiment, with tents, beds, bedding, camp equi- page, regimental and personal baggage, had been removed to Gun Hill, a distance of seven miles. After the removal of the regiment, no further case of fever occurred. Thus that it escaped this dreadful scourge is entirely owing to the promptitude and decision of Sur- geon A. J. Greer, and the energy of Quartermaster George Grahame. To show the virulence of the disease, and the great necessity there was for the removal, it may be stated that the officers of the West India regiment, thinking the Fusi- lier officers' quarters were more healthy, removed into them, and in the two following days six of them fell victims to the awful epidemic. The men, while in camp, were not allowed to remain in their tents in a state of idleness ; and to usefully employ them, Colonel Stuart obtained permission to con- struct a winding road up the face of the hill leading to the camp, wide enough for two carts to pass each other, thereby saving a lengthened journey around the hill. This road, when completed, was appropriately named Fusilier Road. On nth October No. 7 Company, under the command of Captain Bruce, proceeded to the island of St Vincent to repress an insurrection of the native population, and re- turned to headquarters on the 3d May 1863. For this duty it received the thanks of the Governor and General in command of the Windward and Leeward Islands. 1863. Another very destructive fire occurred at George Town, Demerara, and the detachment of the Fusiliers was called upon to render assistance. By the advice of the officer in command, and with the approval of the local authorities, it was considered necessary to blow up a certain building in order to arrest the progress of the flames. Lieutenant Hutton, a promising young officer of the regi- ment, volunteered to perform the hazardous duty, and, in carrying it out, lost his life by the explosion. 1864* The regiment embarked for England on the 5th of August, on board H.M.S. " Tamar," having been of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 61 relieved by the second battalion Third regiment, " The Buffs." Prior to embarkation, his Excellency Sir James Walker, Governor of the Windward and Leeward Islands, and Major-General Brooke, commanding the troops, both con- veyed to the regiment expressions of their high sense of the discipline and conduct of the Fusiliers during the four years of their stay in the command. The regiment disembarked at Portsmouth on the i$th of August, and occupied quarters in Anglesea barracks. A few days after its landing, it was inspected by Major- General Lord William Paulet, commanding the district, who expressed himself highly pleased with its appear- ance ; and added, " Your good name has preceded you, and you are more like a regiment that has been on home service for ten years, than one just returned from foreign service." The following month it was again inspected by his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, in the barrack square ; and, on the same afternoon, as a portion of the Portsmouth division, at a general parade. On both of these occasions his Royal Highness spoke of the regiment in the highest terms of praise. 1865. On the loth of April, the regiment removed from Portsmouth to North Camp, Aldershot. During its short stay of eight months at this station, it maintained its usual high character for discipline and appearance ; so much so, that, an emergency having occurred for the ser- vices of a regiment at Glasgow, to relieve the Sixty-third, suddenly ordered to Ireland, to the surprise of all, the Twenty-first Fusiliers were selected, although it had been the last to join the camp. This feeling of surprise was so great, that in reference to the telegram ordering its removal, the " camp authorities " referred back the question, " Was it not the Thirty -first, not tJie Twenty-first ?" The tele- graphic reply came back in the form of a question, " When was the Thirty -first made Fusiliers?" 62 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir The regiment accordingly proceeded by train to Glasgow on the 28th of December, and occupied the Gallovvgate barracks, furnishing detachments to Paisley and Ayr. 1866. While stationed at Glasgow, the Fenian move- ment, in Ireland, became somewhat serious. The Fusiliers were ordered to that country on the loth of September, to assist in restoring order ; and, on arrival at Dublin, were located in Richmond barracks. 1867. March I, on a parade in Phoenix Park, Dublin, at which every available man of the regiment was present, Colonel John Ramsay Stuart, C.B., bade farewell to the corps, in which he had served for upwards of thirty-seven years, the last thirteen of which as its colonel and com- manding-officer. He was the last of the officers of the ancient regime. During his career he had endeared himself to all ranks by his blunt soldierly, natural manner, and the performance of many kind and considerate acts. As a commanding-officer, during most trying times, his experience, knowledge of human character, and tact in dealing with men, earned for him and most justly, too the reputation of a wise and prudent officer, to whom all under his command looked up with confidence for advice, support, and assistance. His devotion to the interests, character, and esprit de corps of the home of his youth and mature age was intense, and he always succeeded, whether in camp, garrison, or quarters, in gaining for the regiment the high position of being second to none as regards conduct, appearance, and discipline. The portly figure, genial countenance, and stentorian voice of " Old Donald," or " Ramsay," as he was indis- criminately but affectionately called, were, for a long time after his retirement, much missed on parades, " hauls up," and inspections. All these things considered, no old soldier need be told that the parting between colonel and men was very affecting. His memory will ever be kept green by the "old hands" of tJie Royal Scots Fusiliers. 63 of the Fusiliers, as one who was as a father to the regiment. By many subsequent acts of kindness and substantial help to old Fusiliers, he has shown that his affection for the corps remains unabated. The command of the regiment now devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Dalyell. In this year also the regiment suffered another loss, in the transfer of Surgeon A. J. Greer to the Seventeenth Lancers. This officer served with the regiment for the previous fifteen years, as assistant-surgeon and surgeon. His skill, care, and sympathy for the sick will never be forgotten by those who have been under his treatment. A patient felt that he had in Dr Greer not only a doctor, but a friend. This was notably manifested in the trying circumstances of the Crimean campaign. Medical officers in those days knew their men, and the men knew them. The Royal North British Fusiliers, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Dalyell, left Dublin for the Curragh Camp, on the Qth of July. On the 1 5th of October, the regiment was removed to Enniskillen, furnishing detachments to Newry, Drogheda, and Armagh. 1868. On the 1 3th June it was again quartered in the Curragh Camp, and employed on election duties from the 1 7th to the 2/th of November. When orders were received for the regiment to move from Enniskillen to the Curragh Camp, the inhabitants, on account of its universal good con- duct, and the kind and cordial intercourse that had existed between them and all ranks, during the period of its stay,, memorialised the military authorities at Dublin, to permit the Fusiliers to remain amongst them for another year. Singularly enough, a somewhat similar action was taken by the inhabitants of this town, when the regiment was stationed there sixty-seven years before (vide record for the year 1801). 1869. On the 1 5th of February the regiment em- barked at Queenstown, on board H.M. Indian troopship,. 64 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir 11 Serapis," for the East Indies ; arriving at Alexandria on the 26th, it disembarked and proceeded by railway across the desert to Suez, and again embarked on board H.M. Indian troopship " Jumna," arriving at Bombay on the 2Oth of March ; on the 22d, the regiment was transhipped into three smaller vessels for conveyance to Kurrachee, where it arrived on the 26th, and remained stationed, furnishing a detachment of two companies to Hyderabad. During the nine months' station of the regiment at Kurrachee, it suffered very severely from fever ; from this disease the deaths amounted to sixteen men, eleven women, and forty-one children. Fever prevailed to such an extent, and its effects were so disastrous, that the regiment was frequently unable to furnish sufficient healthy men for its own guards. Under these circumstances, it was found necessary to remove the Fusiliers to a more healthy station ; Bangalore, in the Mysore Territory, was selected, to which place it removed on the 25th January 1870. 1870. The removal to Bangalore was of the greatest benefit to the regiment ; in the course of a few months the health of all ranks had materially improved. The change from the arid sandy plains of Kurrachee was marvellous ; and by the end of the year, the Fusiliers had attained their usual energy. A regimental theatre, weekly lectures and concerts, workshops, coffee-shop, bakery, and aerated-water manu- factory were established. A splendid sward and a mild temperature made cricket in the mornings and evenings an agreeable and healthy pastime to the lovers of that game. Rifle matches were much in vogue, and during the three annual Bangalore rifle meetings of 1871-18/3, the grand trophy of each year fell to the good shooting of the Fusiliers, in addition to many other prizes in the various competitions, amounting to a considerable value. A regimental newspaper, The Dekhnewalla, was also established, and ably conducted by Mr G. Holland, the regimental schoolmaster. of tJie Royal Scots Fusiliers. 65 From time immemorial the regiment had, more or less> Highland pipers, although unauthorised ; but for the pre- vious twenty years, from one cause or another, it had been without them ; in this year, however, means were adopted for training some men, and in a short time the regiment had ten fully equipped pipers playing at its head. On the 22d of September No. 2 Company, under the command of Captain R. Cook, proceeded to Cannanore on detachment duty, returning to headquarters on the 2 5th of November. 1871. On the 1 6th of December No. 3 and 7 Com- panies, under the command of Captain Edgell, proceeded on detachment to Trichinopoly, returning to headquarters on the 23d February 1872. 1872. On the 2d of December the regiment proceeded to Fort St George, Madras, to relieve its second battalion, which was under orders to return to England. [This was the first occasion on which both battalions met] Two companies proceeded to Trichinopoly in relief of a detachment belonging to the second battalion. 1 873' O n the 1st of April the new localisation scheme was published, by which the " ROYAL NORTH BRITISH FUSILIERS " became the " AYRSHIRE COUNTY REGIMENT," with the depots of both battalions stationed in Ayr barracks, under the title of the Sixty-first Brigade Depot or Centre^ since changed to the Twenty-first Regimental District. l874 The regiment formed part of a camp of exer- cise, which took place at Bangalore ; at its conclusion, the Commander-in-Chief of the Madras Presidency, Sir F. Haines, complimented the Fusiliers on their high state of efficiency. 1875. On the 26th of February the Royal North British Fusiliers, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Dalyell, embarked at Madras for Rangoon, where they arrived on the 5th of March, and relieved the Forty-fifth regiment (Sherwood Foresters). On the 27th of March a detachment, under the com- jnand of Captain C. Patterson, proceeded, via the river E 66 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir Irrawady, to Bassein ; Captain Patterson died while upon this duty. On the 1 2th of December a detachment of 130 men,, under the command of Captains T. E. Stuart and W. N. Carey, proceeded to Port-Blair in the Andaman Islands, to- take charge of convicts. 1876. By general order, dated 22d of December, an establishment of one pipe-major and three pipers was officially authorised for each battalion of the Royal North British Fusiliers. l877' On the 1 4th of December the regiment moved from Rangoon to Secunderabad, where it arrived on the 27th of the same month. 1878-1880. In January 1878, Colonel J. T. Dalyell having obtained the command of a brigade depot in Scot- land, the command of the first battalion of the Fusiliers devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel A. Templeman. The loss of Colonel Dalyell was much regretted by all ranks. During a service of thirty-one years in the old corps^ which he had joined as a second lieutenant, he ever main- tained the character of a good officer, and a kind, unassum- ing gentleman. The eleven years the regiment had the good fortune to be commanded by him will long be remembered in its annals as most pleasant and happy ones. He endeared himself to all by his quiet, firm, just, and dignified manner. An excellent drill, good disciplinarian,. and kind friend, he always took the most active interest in everything that concerned his regiment. His care for the comfort of the wives and families of his non-commissioned officers and men was unceasing. Colonel Dalyell was the last commanding-officer of the Fusiliers who held that position under the old rules, which fixed no limit to the tenure of command. He has since attained the rank of major-general on the active list. l88l. During this year, by general orders of nth of April and ist of May, the title of the regiment was altered of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 67 from Royal North British Fusiliers to that of THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS. The uniform was also changed from the ordinary line tunic to a " Highland doublet," with dark " tartan trews ; " the officers' lace to be of the " thistle pattern," and the ordi- nary sword to be replaced by the " claymore." The regiment embarked for England on the 4th of November ; landed at Portsmouth on the 1st December, and proceeded to Dover. During the thirteen years the battalion served in India it lost by death four officers, one bandmaster, one colour- sergeant, nine sergeants, eight corporals, and 137 privates. 1882. A Horse Guards letter was received, dated 29th of April, authorising scrolls, bearing the names of the following engagements, to be borne on the regimental colours, viz.: "Blenheim" "Rajnillies" " Oudenarde" "Mal- plaquet" and on the 2Oth of September another letter autho- rised " Dettingen " in addition to the foregoing. Colonel A. Templeman, having completed the period of limited regimental command, retired upon half-pay, and was succeeded by Lieutenant-Colonel G. F. Gildea, from the second battalion. In August Major Grahame retired from the regiment, and from the service. He was the oldest Fusilier in the regiment, and the oldest quartermaster, but one, in the army. The retirement of this officer demands very much more than a passing notice in what may be called a popular regi- mental record. Major Grahame is a born Fusilier. His father, Mr William Grahame (now of Hobart in Tasmania), entered the regiment in 1817. He is still alive and well, and, being between eighty and ninety years of age, is probably the oldest living Fusilier. It is also probable that he is the only survivor of those of the regiment who took part in the suppression of the insurrection of the negroes in Demerara in 1825. Although separated from his old corps for nearly half a century, he takes an intense interest in all that con- 68 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir cerns it. Such is the stuff the old Fusiliers were made of. From this it will appear that father and son form by them- selves a continuous, unbroken, historic chain, stretching over nearly seventy years of the regiment's history. Major Grahame served thirty -seven years in the Twenty-first ; the last twenty-seven as its quartermaster. In a former part of this record mention has been made of the indefatigable exertions of the quartermaster's depart- ment to keep the regiment supplied with food and clothing in the Crimea, but it will bear to be briefly referred to again. It may be confidently and truthfully asserted the com- parative efficiency of the Fusiliers for " trench duty," and any immunity from the most dreadful sufferings, were mainly due to the efforts of the quartermaster's department. The labour of this officer was an unceasing daily struggle to keep the gaunt wolf "hunger" from eating out the vitals of the regiment. With him a difficulty was a some- thing to be overcome. But he could not work miracles to procure that which was unprocurable ; and when pinch- ing and relentless hunger gnawed within empty stomachs, there was at least the satisfaction of knowing that all had been done by the quartermaster that effort and forethought could accomplish. This daily struggle to keep life in the regiment was carried on unobtrusively, and although of the utmost importance, there was nothing in it to catch the eye, and inspire the pen of " our war correspondent ;" or the glorious, to furnish material for an eulogistic paragraph in an official despatch. It brought no " decorations " nor emoluments, but it deserved them. At Major Grahame's suggestion, a " Regimental Library and Recreation Room" were established, also a "School Committee," that a stimulus might be given to self-culture, education, and sobriety. This was done years before the War Office, or Horse Guards, introduced such institutions. The quartermasters, riding-masters, and sub-inspectors of schools of the army, owe a debt of gratitude to Major of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 69 Grahame for his persevering, laborious, and successful efforts in obtaining for them an improvement in their status, by which they were granted higher rank and increased pay while serving, with a somewhat more liberal retiring allowance. By his brother officers in the regiment Major Grahame was greatly esteemed. A gentleman in principle, in manners, and education, he at all times reflected credit on the position he held. His constant aim was to add by word and deed to the comfort and well-being of the regi- ment, and in doing so, he earned for himself a name (which will not soon be forgotten) worthy of honour from all old Fusiliers. Major Grahame served under seven different regimental commanding-officers, in various parts of the world viz., two East Indian tours ; one Mediterranean and West Indian ; in Tasmania ; and throughout the whole of the Crimean campaign of 1854-5-6, including the battles of Alma, Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, also capture of Kinburn. Medal with three clasps, and Turkish war medal. 1883. On the 1 9th of November the battalion, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Gildea, left Dover for Aldershot. 1884. By the retirement of Lieutenant-Colonel Gildea, the command of the first battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel E. T. Bain- bridge, who at present commands (June 1885). 1885. During this year the regiment moved from Aldershot to Portland, where it at present remains (June 1885). part 2. THE SECOND BATTALION. part 2. THE SECOND BATTALION Historical Record of the Second Battalion of the Twenty-first Royal North British Fusiliers, now Second Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers. l857' The Government having considered it necessary ,to increase the strength of the British army, orders were consequently issued for the formation of SECOND BAT- TALIONS, which were to be added to all regiments up to, and including, the Twenty-fifth. Thus the Royal North British Fusiliers had a second battalion added, the bat- talions being designated first and second of the Royal North British Fusiliers, now known as the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 1858. The formation of the second battalion of the Fusiliers took place in the month of April, at Paisley, under the superintendence of Colonel E. Last, from the Ninety- ninth regiment, this officer having been appointed as its first commanding-officer. A number of officers from the first battalion joined on promotion to a higher grade ; also, a party of non- commissioned officers and men transferred their services from the first battalion to aid in its formation ; and being all old soldiers, recently returned from the Crimea, formed a nucleus, which introduced the excellent system of regi- mental interior economy so long in use by the parent battalion. The Royal Scots Fusiliers. 73 On the igth of December, the second battalion of the Royal North British Fusiliers proceeded to Newport, in Wales. I859- The regiment was removed to Aldershot on the 1 2th of August. In this year Colonel Last retired from the command of the battalion, and was succeeded by Lieutenant-Colonel Lowe, from the Thirty-second Light Infantry. 1860. In October, the headquarters and right wing proceeded to Shorncliffe, the left wing to Dover. 1861. In May the left wing rejoined headquarters from Shorncliffe. 1862. On the 2d of April, the battalion left Shorn- cliffe for Portsmouth, for embarkation for Dublin ; on arrival it was quartered in Beggars' Bush barracks. Colonel Lowe exchanged with Colonel Robertson, from the first battalion of the Sixth, who assumed command. Colonel Lowe's departure from the Royal North British Fusiliers was much regretted, he having, during his three years of command, gained the respect of all under him. 1863. In June the battalion, under the temporary command of Lieutenant-Colonel G. N. Boldero, proceeded from Dublin to the Curragh Camp. Almost immediately after the arrival of the battalion at this station, where it remained only one month, orders were received to hold itself in readiness for foreign service. On the I Qth of July it embarked at Kingstown for the East Indies ; and, after a voyage of four months, landed at Madras, and was stationed as follows : Headquarters, St Thomas' Mount, with detachments at Fort St George, Madras, and Arcot. 1864-1865. The battalion occupied the above quar- ters for about a month, when it was ordered to Bellary, where it arrived on the I3th January. While at this station a severe cholera epidemic occurred, which carried off a considerable number of men, women, and children. 1866-1867. On the ist of January 1866 the second battalion Royal North British Fusiliers marched for Secun- derabad, where it arrived on the ist of February. 74 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir 1868-1869. In October 1868 the battalion marched from Secunderabad to Madras, where it embarked, under the temporary command of Major A. Templeman, for Burnt ah. Colonel Robertson, having been appointed to the staff of the Indian Army as Adjutant-General at Madras, the command of the battalion devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. T. Steward. 1870-1871. By the retirement of Lieutenant-Colonel Steward, on account of ill-health, Lieutenant-Colonel F. Lyster, from the first battalion, succeeded to the command. The battalion, during its stay in Burmah, was stationed two years in Rangoon, furnishing a detachment of 1 20 men for convict guards at Port-Blair, in the Andaman Islands. In the third year of its stay it was located by wings at Thyetmo and Tonghoo ; the rig/it being at the former, and the left at the latter station. In December 1871 the battalion, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel F. Lyster, returned to Rangoon. 1872. The battalion embarked for Madras in January, and on arrival occupied barracks in Fort St George, detach- ing two companies to Trichinopoly to relieve the detach- ment of the first battalion, the headquarters of which were stationed at Bangalore. On the ist May a very destructive cyclone occurred at Madras, causing much loss of life and property amongst the shipping in the harbour. A number of vessels were forcibly driven from their anchors, and stranded upon the beach, exposed to terrific wind, with a heavy rolling surf. The Fusiliers turned out, and rendered all the assistance in their power in rescuing the crews, passengers, and secur- ing property. They put forth the most strenuous and suc- cessful efforts ; and their arduous and dangerous exertions called forth the highest terms of approbation from the Government of 'Madras, the general commanding, as well as from the merchants and inhabitants. These latter, as a permanent memorial of the regiment's services on this occa- sion, presented it with a massive silver vase of splendid of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 75 appearance, and excellent workmanship, as an ornament for the officers' mess table. The battalion left Fort St George on the 3d of Decem- ber for embarkation for England, via Bombay, having been relieved by its first battalion from Bangalore. 1873* In January the battalion landed at Portsmouth, and at once proceeded to Scotland, and was stationed headquarters at Stirling Castle, three companies at Perth, two companies at Dundee, and two companies at Hamilton. 1874* The Fusiliers proceeded to Glasgow in May. In this year the battalion, under the temporary command of Lieutenant-Colonel G. F. Gildea, proceeded to Alder- shot. Consequent upon the retirement of Lieutenant-Colonel F. Lyster, Lieutenant Colonel W. P. Collirigwood, from the first battalion, succeeded to the command. l875- I n July the battalion was removed to the Portsmouth District and occupied Portsdown Forts. 1876. The second battalion Royal North British Fusi- liers removed into Portsmouth in July, and occupied quar- ters in Clarence barracks. l877 I n November the battalion returned to Scot- land, and was stationed in Fort-George, detaching two companies to Dundee. 1878. In April the second battalion of the Fusiliers was removed to Ireland headquarters being stationed in Richmond barracks, furnishing a detachment of two com- panies to Ship Street barracks. On the 28th of September the battalion was removed from Dublin to the Curragh Camp, and shortly afterwards received orders to hold itself in readiness for embarkation. During the short time which intervened before embar- kation the battalion was augmented to its full strength for foreign service by the addition of a large draft of well- trained soldiers, under the command of Major Hazlerigg, from the Sixty-first brigade depot at Ayr. l879- On the 2Oth of February the second battalion Royal North British Fusiliers left the Curragh for Cork, 76 Historical Record and Regimental Memoir under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel W. P. Colling- wood, and embarked at Queenstown for South Africa. As the ship steamed into Simon's Bay, she struck upon the Roman Rocks. Such an incident was well calculated to cause alarm and confusion on board. The good discipline of the Fusiliers was shown on this occasion by the steadi- ness and ready obedience to orders, which called forth the praise of their commanding-officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Collingwood, and Captain Fulton, commanding the ship. Consequent upon this accident, the battalion was tran- shipped to another vessel, and proceeded to Durban, where it disembarked on the 3ist March. In anticipation of active operations, the band exchanged their instruments for rifles, the only musicians left being the pipers. On the 3d of April the Fusiliers left Durban for " up country," arriving at Pietermaritzburg on the 5th, where two companies, under the command of Captain F. Wil- loughby, were left for the defence of the town. Resuming their march on the 8th of April, they arrived at Dundee on the 23d. On the 2d of May they left Dundee, and on the 3Oth joined the division under the command of Major-General Newdigate at Koppie-allein. On the ist of June the division crossed the Blood River into Zululand. On the 3d the battalion resumed its march to Ity-oty- Ozi River, close to the place where the Prince Imperial of France was killed. On the 4th, on arrival in camp, the division constructed a fort, which was named " Fort Newdigate," in honour of the general. During the night an attempt to surprise the position was made by the Zulus ; but the enemy being discovered, after a few rounds, they disappeared. Here (Fort Newdigate) two companies of the Fusiliers, with two guns, and one troop of dragoons, were left as a garrison, the remainder of the battalion proceeding on of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 77 the 6th to the Upoko River, where, after shelling the bush, the division formed " laager." On the morning of the 7th of June the first brigade, consisting of the second battalion of the Royal North British Fusiliers, Fifty-eighth regiment, with cavalry and artillery, went out and cleared the bush, destroying the native "kraals," and carried off a large quantity of "mealies." Here the battalion remained until the i6th, awaiting the arrival of General Wood's column from Con- ference Hill with stores. After this party had joined, the march was resumed along the banks of the Upoko. On the 1 7th the Fusiliers were again employed con- structing another fort, afterwards named Fort Marshall ; two companies of the battalion with two guns, and a squadron of the Seventeenth Lancers, being detailed to remain behind to garrison it, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Collingwood. On the 1 8th the remainder of the battalion, commanded by Major Hazlerigg, resumed its march towards Ulnndi, arriving on the 3 Colours OF THE First Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers IN THE OLD CHURCH AT AYR, ON THE 5TH NOVEMBER 1883. ^Reprinted from the "Ayrshire Post."'} On Monday forenoon a most interesting ceremony took place in the Old Church of Ayr, viz., the handing over of the old colours of the first battalion of the Twenty-first Royal Scots Fusiliers to the custody of the ministers and kirk-session of the church, with a view to their safe keeping and preservation. The colours, which are riddled with bullet marks, and are now reduced to mere tattered shreds, were presented to the regiment in 1828, and were borne .by the first battalion till the year 1858, having been carried through the Crimean campaign. The day chosen for the ceremony of presenting the colours was a most appropriate one, being the anniversary of the battle of Inkerman. Only four of the old heroes who fought under the colours at Inkerman were present at the ceremony on Monday, viz., Sergeants Clark and Gaffney, Drum-major Maide, and Private Michael Quinn. Those who wished to be present at the ceremony having been asked to take their seats by a quarter to eleven o'clock, at that 148 The Royal Scots Fusiliers. time a large number of people had assembled in the church. Prior to the commencement of the proceedings, Mr Wilson, the organist, played several appropriate airs and marches on the organ. A good deal of interest was manifested in the brass tablet, erected on the wall of the west transept facing the pulpit, in com- memoration of the officers and men of the second battalion who fell during the recent campaign in South Africa. At eleven o'clock the strains of "Auld Lang Syne" apprised those assembled in the church of the fact that the detachment of the regiment escorting the colours from the barracks was approach- ing. Colonel Allan, commanding in the Twenty-first Regimental District, was in command of the detachment. The detachment halted at the east door of the church, and, the band having struck up " God save the Queen," the people rose up en masse^ while the officers and men entered, bearing the colours. The colours were then affixed to the wall of the east transept facing the pulpit, and on the opposite side of the nave from the brass tablet of the second battalion. Underneath was a small brass tablet with the following inscription : " The colours of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, carried by the first battalion from 1828 to 1858, through the Crimean campaign, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and the bombardment of Kinburn, and depo- sited here 1883." The brass tablet erected by the second battalion bears the following inscription : "To the memory of the under-named officers and non- commissioned officers and men of the second battalion of the Twenty-first Royal Scots Fusiliers, who were killed in action, or died from wounds or disease, during the years 1879, 1881-82, in South Africa, this monument is erected, as a mark of respect and esteem, by their old comrades." The Colours. 149 V. Ipresentation of 1Rew Colours TO THE Second Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, [Reprinted from the "Broad Arrow" Newspaper^ PRESENTATION OF NEW COLOURS. New colours were presented to the second battalion of the Twenty-first Royal Scots Fusiliers by the Duchess of Marlborough, on August 10, in the Phcenix Park, Dublin. The battalion, mus- tering about 550, was drawn up in line facing the Viceregal Lodge, under the command of General Sir F. W. Hamilton, K.C.B., Brevet-Colonel W. P. Collingwood, Major G. F. Gildea, Major R. W. Winsloe, Brevet- Major E. T. Bainbridge, Captain W. Thorburn, and Captain J. Whitton. The Lord-Lieutenant, the Duchess of Marlborough, Lady Georgiana and Lady Sarah Spencer Churchill, Lord Portarlington, Lord Doneraile, the Misses Baillie Cochrane (two), arrived in two open carriages, and were received with a royal salute, the colours being drooped in honour of the Viceregal party. The Duchess of Marlborough, having handed the new colours to the two senior lieutenants (Auchinlech and Dunn), said : "Colonel Collingwood, Officers, and Soldiers of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, I thank you for the compliment you have paid me, in inviting me to present to you these new colours, under which you are henceforth to serve your country. I should be unworthy of the race from which I spring, and of that to which I am so closely united, if I had not a heartfelt admiration for our noble army ; and I must feel a special interest in your regiment, from the fact that some of its earliest and brightest laurels were gained under the leadership of the great Duke of Marlborough. " At the glorious battle of Blenheim it led the attack with unparalleled intrepidity. In the campaigns of William the Third, in the American War, and from that time to the Crimean cam- paign, with its brilliant triumphs of Alma and Inkerman, the Scots Fusiliers have gloriously distinguished themselves, and left you a noble inheritance, of which I am convinced you will not fail to prove yourselves worthy. 150 The Royal Scots Fiisiliers. " Peace, the greatest of blessings, has just been preserved by our Government, not a peace at any price, but one which rests on the heroism and efficacy of our army and navy. Never was there a time when we defended so vast a frontier. Never have we had so many nations dependent on us, but not enslaved looking up to us for protection and good government. Never have we had greater occasion for those fleets and armies which have placed us in the foremost rank of the nations of the world. More honours than you have won under your old colours, torn as they have been by shot and shell, I cannot wish you to earn under those I am proud to deliver to you. I am confident you will sustain your reputation ; and not only as soldiers, but as citizens, must you emulate the past glories of a regiment which has ever been conspicuous for high discipline, good conduct, and moral order. It is my earnest prayer that victory may attend these labours, and that success and good fortune may ever accompany you, in whatever service you may be called upon to perform." Colonel Collingwood, advancing, replied as follows : " May it please your grace, on behalf of the second battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, I beg permission to express our deep gratitude for the very great mark of distinction your grace this day has been pleased to confer upon us, as no one other than the royal family could have more appropriately honoured us than the wife of a descendant of the great Marlborough. I may truly say that the feeling of loyalty and devotion to our beloved sovereign, which animates all ranks of this battalion, cannot be excelled, and they will cherish with pride their recollections of this day. The 'colours' borne for the last time to-day, and now finally furled, were presented to the battalion on its being raised, twenty years ago ; and, in the name of the battalion, I feel I may faithfully promise your grace that, when and wherever these their successors are waved over the battlefield, both young and old, officers and men, will strive hard to emulate the deeds of their predecessors, and to uphold the ancient glory and reputation of the Royal Scots Fusiliers." General Sir F. Hamilton, K.C.B., colonel of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, then said : " I have been permitted to add a few remarks to those already made by Colonel Collingwood in the name of the battalion of which he has the honour of having com- mand. I would, in the first place, beg to return my own personal and most sincere thanks to your grace for the great honour you have this day conferred on the corps, by the part your grace has taken in the ceremony we have just witnessed ; and I am sure that every member of it must feel an additional pride in the fact that they have received their new colours from one so nearly and dearly connected with the descendant of that great soldier under The Colours. 151 whom their predecessors fought and won in the early part of last century. The several members of the corps will in course of nature pass away, but the high spirit with which it is imbued will last for ever ; so also will the remembrance of this day be handed down in the annals of the regiment to future generations, who will ever look back with pride to the fact that on two occasions one in the time of a glorious and successful war, and the other in the time of an assured and honourable peace they have been asso- ciated with the noble name of Maryborough. I may congratulate the Royal Scots Fusiliers that the ceremony we have just witnessed has also been honoured by the presence of his grace the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, and our sincere thanks are due to him for having thus honoured us. Colonel Collingwood, and officers and soldiers of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, I will conclude by the confident and sincere wish that, whenever our Queen and country may require your services against the enemy, the banners which you have had this day entrusted to your care may ever, with the help of God, wave over a victorious corps/' The colours, which are very handsome, and have, of course, the glorious records of the regiment embroidered upon them, were raised at each side of the dais, and, the regiment having then marched past and saluted them, the ceremonial was concluded. VI. Depositing of tbe I& Colours OF THE Second Battalion of the Twenty-First Royal North British Fusiliers IN THE PARISH CHURCH OF DUMFRIES. \Rcprintcdfrom the "Dumfries Standard" of nth September 1878.} There was yesterday witnessed in Greyfriars' Church, Dumfries, a ceremony which has no precedent in the history of the burgh, that of depositing in the parish church the old colours of a distinguished regiment, those of the second battalion of the Twenty-first Royal Scots Fusiliers. In the recent formation of military districts in Scotland parti- cular regiments were named for each district, which was to be considered as their headquarters. In the sub-district of which 152 The Royal Scots Fusiliers. Dumfries forms a part, the Twenty-first Royal Scots Fusiliers was the regiment which was to be connected with it. On the recent calling out of the reserves of the Scottish Bor- derers Militia, the men were sent to Dublin to be associated with the Twenty-first. As they had shown great alacrity in responding to the call to be re-embodied, and had, while at Dublin, conducted themselves with propriety, and to the satisfaction of the officers of that regiment, the latter, on the occasion of new colours being presented to the Twenty-first, resolved to present their old colours to be preserved in one of the churches at Dumfries. On Monday the colours, in charge of Captain Browne and Lieutenants Lindsel and the Hon. A. S. Hardinge, with a guard of three sergeants and a private of the Royal Scots, left Dublin by steamer for Glasgow. It was expected that the vessel would have reached that city in time for the colours to reach Dumfries yester- day forenoon, and the presentation was fixed for half-past twelve o'clock. At that hour there was a large concourse of spectators within the church. After waiting some time, the Rev. Mr Weir read a telegram to the effect that the steamer had not reached Glasgow in time for the train, and that the ceremony would not take place until half-past four, when the colours would reach Dumfries. At a quarter to five the train arrived, and the guard in charge of the colours were met at the station by the band and staff of the Scottish Borderers, together with Captain and Adjutant Salmond and Quartermaster Irwin, two officers formerly connected with the Twenty-first ; the staff presented arms, the band playing " God Save the Queen." The party then proceeded by way of English Street and High Street to Greyfriars' Church, where Colonel Walker and other officers were in waiting at the door; also officers of the ist D.R.V. and 5th K.R.V. The church was crowded in every part, many of the county families being present. In the magistrates' pew were Provost Smith; Bailies Smith, Wood, and Wilson; Dean Allan; Mr M'Gowan, Town Chamberlain; Mr Martin, Town Clerk ; Treasurer Muirhead. On the party reaching the church, they marched up the south passage, the men with bayonets fixed, and took their places in the cross passage in front of the pulpit, the colours being laid on the precentor's table. The organ began to play on the party entering, and the audience rose to their feet. A hymn " For the laying up in churches of col- ours and standards " was then sung, and Mr Weir, who appeared in academic dress, offered up an impressive and appropriate prayer, and spoke as follows : " About two months ago it was officially intimated to me that new colours were soon to be presented to The Colours, 153 the second battalion of the Twenty-first Royal Scots Fusiliers, and that the officers of that battalion wished to know if those who have charge of this church would approve of the old colours being placed here. I communicated this information, as I was asked to do, to the Provost and Magistrates as representing those who have civil rights in connection with this church, and to the kirk- session as representing those who have ecclesiastical rights. Both of these bodies at once expressed the great pleasure with which they heard of this proposal, and their very cordial approval of its being carried into execution. " Now that the colours have been brought here, it is my plea- sant duty to express the very great gratification which this event gives, not only to all connected with this parish church, but to very many of the inhabitants of Dumfries and its neighbourhood." Mr Weir, after pointing out some of the reasons of this gratifi- cation, said, " There are circumstances that make us specially glad to receive these colours. The Twenty-first Royal Scots Fusiliers is now the regiment connected with the south-western district of Scotland, and we who live in that district have now a special right to have an interest in all that concerns it. That regiment is also one of the oldest and most distinguished in the service, and it has a history which will well add interest to everything belonging to it. It was first raised by Charles II. to assist him in opposing the Cove- vanters ; and we may regard it as one of the picturesque incidents often wrought in the course of events, that colours belonging to a regiment which formed part ot the army of the Duke of Monmouth at Bothwell Bridge, are to-day placed in a parish church where public worship is performed after the rites of the Presbyterian Church. " During the last century the regiment was present at much of the hard fighting which took place in every war in which the country was then engaged. " It served under the great Duke of Marlborough ; it was pre- sent in several campaigns in France ; was greatly distinguished at Dettingen and Fontenoy ; and it formed part of the first line of the Duke of Cumberland's army at Culloden, where it received the first shock of the charge of the Highland clans ; and at the close of the century it served with great gallantry in North British America. During this century it has attained the distinctions which are recorded on its regimental colours. " It took part in the battle of Bladensburg, in the American War, when a victory was gained over a force far superior in num- bers to the Royal army ; and it was present at the battles the names of which are very familiar to this generation of Alma, Inkerman, and Sebastopol. 154 The Royal Scots Fusiliers. "There is yet another reason why the placing of these here gives great satisfaction to the people of this district. We have been led to understand that what suggested the thought of sending them here was the alacrity with which the reserve men of the Scottish Borderers lately responded to the call of duty, and the good discipline which they showed when attached to the second battalion of the Twenty-first regiment. "The people of the Scottish Borders are with good reason very proud of their Scottish Borderers ; and they feel that any honour done to them is something at which they can all be glad. And as Dumfries is the headquarters of their regiment, and as this church is the church where the Scottish Borderers meet for Divine service, all can understand the appropriate manner in which this graceful compliment has been paid. I trust that the officers of the Royal Scots Fusiliers now present will take back to Colonel Collingwood and their brother officers, the assurance that the people of this district appreciate very highly the way in which an effort has been made to strengthen the ties between their regiment and the Scottish Borderers and the people of this district, and also the assurance that so long as these colours remain here they will be treated with every possible respect." The seventy-second hymn was then sung, followed by the National Anthem by the choir and organ, after which Mr Weir pronounced the benediction, and the novel proceedings terminated. The colours consist of the regimental colours proper and the " Union Jack," both dainty pieces of workmanship, but much worn and tattered, especially the latter. They will be suspended on each side of the memorial window behind the pulpit. On the colours are the names of the following battles in which the regi- ment has been engaged : Bladensburg, Alma, Inkerman, and Sevastopol. Hppen&iy IRo. 7. BI-CENTENARY REUNION, HELD AT AYR BARRACKS, ON 2OTH SEPTEMBER 1878, To Commemorate the Original Formation of the Royal Scots Fusiliers in 1678, \Reprintedfrom the " Ayr Observer"] THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS HISTORICAL EVENT. Ox Friday last, the 20th September, the sergeants of the Royal Scots Fusiliers stationed at Ayr celebrated the two hundredth anniversary of the raising of their famous regiment by Charles, Earl of Mar. Invitations had been forwarded to all the surviving sergeants who had served in the regiment, whose addresses were known, and the alacrity with which the various veterans acknowledged them with cordial acceptance or apologies of unfeigned regret that they were unable to attend, adds, if that were possible, an additional glory to the veneration in which the Earl of Mar's Greybreeks for that was the old name of the regiment is held by the present representatives. From length, breadth, and corners of these glorious islands the heroes came. All of them had war medals, and on no better day than the 2oth of September could they have met. Most of the present generation remember Alma, and so do they, ay, and Balaklava, Inkerman, and Sebastopol. A magnificent banquet was spread at eight o'clock, presided over by Quartermaster-Sergeant Matier, supported by Major Hazle- rigg and Captain Willoughby. The Earl of Mar having intimated that, through domestic affliction, he was debarred from attending the bi-centennial as he had intended, nevertheless an officer of the Clackmannanshire Rifle Volunteers, Mr G. Martin, was appreci- ated as a representative. 156 The Royal Scots Fusiliers. In addition to the sergeants past and present the wives and sweethearts were there, and since the night when at Brussels all went merry as a marriage bell no gayer scene ever gladdened the eyes of a warrior. The Seventy-ninth Highlanders from Glasgow supplied the music, and did it well. Bandmaster M'Donald, an old Fusilier, being present as a guest, was a general favourite on the occasion. Those serving with the first battalion in India, with the second battalion in Ireland, and the old regiment throughout the remainder of the world, may remember such names as French, Geary, Harley, Talbot, Douglas, Graham, Young, Foude, Jeffrey, Flyn, Martin, Fairley, Robertson, Sweeney, Gaffney, the two Bowers, Courtney, and O'Shaughnessy, Chalmers, Sullivan, Tait, Harrington, Maley, Tyne, Preston, Russell, Benson, Sinnott, M'Cormick, Walsh, Hughes, Paterson, Hart, Derrett, Ludgate, Bailey, Clark, and Pugh, and their appearance was enough to satisfy judges that there was a good army reserve. Each, as he entered the gay and spacious hall, was conducted to review the colours, " blood-stained, pierced, and torn," which they had so often borne on to victory; and many an undemonstra- tive tear was shed, and many a dearly cherished memory brought, in its entirety, forward through the years to add enjoyment to the occasion. The soldier cannot do without his comrade. The Crimea may be attached to Russia, but part of it belongs to the Royal Scots Fusiliers. After partaking heartily of the good things of this life, the health of her Majesty, " Queen and Empress," was duly honoured. " The Services " followed in succession, the toast of the evening, however, being " The Royal Scots Fusiliers." Dancing commenced at 10.30 P.M., and continued until Jack the piper reminded them that Johnny Cope was calling them in the morning. One and all " were happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet again." It may be remarked, in connection with this regiment, that Charles, Earl of Mar, was commissioned its first colonel on the 23d September 1678, and that the regiment was one of the first corps which obtained the distinction of being called Fusiliers. It served in the campaigns in Flanders and of Marlborough, was present at every engagement, and renewed its laurels in the Crimea. HppenMy IRo. 8. PRESENTATION OF A CHALLENGE SHIELD TO THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS. Ox the 2d of February 1875 a very interesting ceremony took place at the North Camp, Aldershot. At noon, the 2d battalion Twenty-first Royal North British Fusiliers, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Collingwood, paraded for the purpose of witnessing the presentation of a challenge shield to the best shooting company for the year 1874. Three sides of a square having been formed, the prize shield was brought forward and placed on a table. Colonel Collingwood having stepped into the square, addressed all ranks of the battalion, to the effect that he had great pleasure in assembling them on that occasion for the purpose of presenting them with a shield to be competed for annually, the winning company to retain it in their possession for one year. When he assumed command of the battalion, he was pleased at hearing that a shield was to be offered for competition. Owing to this inducement he was glad to find that the result was an excess of average on that of the previous year, and he trusted that the average next year would be much higher. The competition was so keen, that the several companies showed very close averages. No. I, or A Company (the victorious one), obtained 89' 12 points ; F Company, 88'68 points. Mrs Collingwood then very gracefully presented the shield, and in doing so said : " Captain Thorburn, officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of letter A Company, I have great pleasure in presenting you with this shield, 158 The Royal Scots Fusiliers. which you have so ably won from so many worthy com- petitors. I am glad you are the first to win it, as No. I was the company Colonel Collingwood commanded for many years in the first battalion. I therefore feel an interest in you, and hope the shield will be honourably contested as it was last year." Captain Thorburn, in a few appropriate and well-chosen words, thanked Colonel and Mrs Collingwood for the honour they had conferred upon his company. Next year, he said, they would again use their best endeavours to win it and to retain it Colonel Collingwood then called for three cheers for the victorious company, which were enthusiastically given, and the gallant company marched off proudly with their trophy, headed by the band playing the " British Grenadiers." The shield, which was placed in the recreation room for inspection, was executed by Mr Streeter, jeweller, Bow Street, London, and is a masterpiece of design and exquisite workmanship. It is nearly two feet in diameter, and is constructed of black ebony, on which is emblazoned a number of elegantly formed devices in silver, including the honours of the regiment, " Bladensberg," " Alma," " Inker- man," and " Sebastopol." In the centre is a well-formed St Andrew's Cross, circumscribed with " Royal North British Fusiliers," and underneath, "Instituted 1874," and " Colonel Collingwood commanding." There is also neatly inscribed, " A Company, Captain Thorburn, Lieutenant Justice, and Lieutenant Alexander." And around the shield are sixteen silver plates, on which to inscribe the names of the companies which in future might succeed in becoming its possessor. HppenMy IRo. 9. THE AYRSHIRE TERRITORIAL FORCE. ACCORDING to present regulations the territorial force for the counties of Ayr, Wigtown, Kirkcudbright, Dumfries, Selkirk, and Roxburgh is known as the Twenty-first Regimental District, and formed by the following corps, who are supposed, with Ayr as the centre, to be assembled for any contingency at the shortest notice : REGIMENTAL DISTRICT. District Staff and Depots of the two Line Battalions. LINE BATTALIONS. First and Second Battalions Royal Scots Fusiliers. MILITIA BATTALIONS. Third Royal Scots Fusiliers, late Dumfries Militia. Fourth Royal Scots Fusiliers, late Royal Ayr and Wigtown Militia. VOLUNTEER BATTALIONS. First Volunteer Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Roxburgh and Selkirk, including the Roxburgh Mounted Rifle Volunteer Corps. Second Volunteer Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Kil- marnock. Third Volunteer Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Ayr. Fourth Volunteer Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Dum- fries. Fifth Volunteer Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Galloway, Kirkcudbright, and Wigtown. 160 The Royal Scots Fusiliers. To these may be added the " Ayrshire and Galloway Artillery Volunteers, and the regiment of Yeomen-Cavalry." Forming, when combined, a respectable force for the protection of the homes and hearths of their native counties, and the coasts from invasion, if ever necessary. The volunteers are a body of men of which the country is justly proud, banded together under the strongest patriotic feeling for the defence of their native soil, devoting time ungrudgingly, and striving by commendable emulation and persistent efforts to perfect themselves in their self-imposed profession. The Volunteer Army is now firmly established in our midst, and gains in strength and importance year by year ; and as long as such a body of men exist, danger need not be feared from a foreign foe. The Yeomanry as a mounted force, considering the small amount of drill and instruction it is able to receive, forms a good auxiliary to the regular cavalry of the line, are well mounted, usefully armed and equipped, and present a handsome bold appearance. The Militia battalions, being formed on the lines of regular troops, are intended as feeders for the line regiment. They do not meet this intended use as fully as they might ; with few exceptions they are below their strength, and are deficient of officers, particularly those of junior rank. A very serious defect arises from the militia regiments assembling for their annual training at different periods, which gives opportunity for a system of " bounty jumping," which means the same man being borne on the returns of several regiments, and receiving pay, clothing, rations, and bounty from each. The recent regulations, by which the militia battalions have been affiliated to the " line county regiment," bearing its title and wearing its uniform, it is probable, will en- courage esprit de corps between these two branches of the army, facilitate recruiting, and create a feeling of common interest in all that concerns the character, con- duct, and reputation of the " County Regiments." THE AYRSHIRE TERRITORIAL FORCE. REGIMENTAL DISTRICT, No. 21. The Thistle within the Circle. Saint Andrew. The Royal Cipher and Crvum. Nemo me impnne laccssit. "Blenheim/' " Ramillies," " Oudenarde," " Malplaquet," "Dettingen," " Bladensburg," " Alma," " Inkerman." " Sevastopol," " South Africa, 1879." Line and Militia Battalions. 1st Battalion 2ist Foot, Portland. ; 3d Battalion (Scottish Borderers 2d Battalion 2ist Foot, Burmah, Militia), Dumfries. Madras. 4th Battalion (Royal Ayr and Wigtown Militia), Ayr. Volunteer Battalions. 1st Battalion, 1st Roxburgh and Sel- kirk. 2cl Battalion, 1st Ayrshire. 3d Battalion, 2d Ayrshire. 4th Battalion, 1st Dumfriesshire. 5th Battalion, Galloway. Uniform Scarlet. Facings Blue. Agents Messrs Cox & Co. Head Colonel General Sir F. W. HAMILTON, K.C.B. Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding 2 1st Regimental District W. ALLAN. NOTE. The figures i, 2, denote the battalion to which the officer belongs ; m, serving with militia ; -; with volunteers ; and s, with names in italics, that the officer is on staff em- ploy, and seconded, their vacancies on the effective list of the regiment being filled up ; /. a probationer to the Indian Staff Corps. 1st and 2d BATTALIONS-LINE. Captains (16). T. H. Spurgin, I. F. R. H. Lambart, 2. \V. A. T. Frere, 2. T. D. 'Wilson, v. U\ J/. Ducket t, s. C. H. Kelly, m. H. R. Alexander, s. B. R. Crozier, s. \ C. G. Knocker, s. E. E. Carre. L Lieut.-Colonels (4). J. \Vhitton, i. R. W. C. Winsloe, 'F. Mack Salmond, s. A.D.C., 2. F. W. Burr, i. E. T. Bainbridge, I. E. C. Browne, 2. F. W. Hamilton, 2. H. R. C. Hewat, 2. F. G. Jackson, i. F. W. Donolass, v. 7v\ F. Wilioiighby, v Majors (14). J. J/. Gordon, s. W. A. Bridge, i. A. T. O. Pollock, i. T. Stevenson, 2. H. P. Law, 2. W. A. Yule, s. D. Auchinlech, 2. 162 The Royal Scots Fusiliers. 1st and 2d Battalions Line continue!. Captains con td. A. H. Abercrombie, r. A. W. Collings, 2. C. Tuckey, I. G. A. Keef, I. S. F. Chichester, m. P. \V. Browne, 2. R. C. Toogood, I. Lieutenants (33). W. H. Loury, p. C. F. Lindsell, 2. W. A. Young, i. H. H. Smythe, 2. H. J. Lermitte, I. Hon. A. S. Hardinge, s. A'. B. Gaisford, Adjutant, 2. C. H. Agnew, 2. R. W. Blake, I. T. W. Fiennes, I. H. S. Stannel, i. A. W. Thorneycroft, 2. K. E. Lean, 2. L. N. H. D'Aeth, i. W. H. Bowles, 2. \. R. M. Dalrymple Hay, H. /. Despard, adjt., I. F. A. L. Davidson. 2. C. M. Eaks, p. A. B. H. Northcott, 2. C. P. Scudamore, 2. H. M'A. Johnston, 2. F. V. S. Churchill, 2. /. C. Erck, p. D. M. Stuart, i. A. H. Thurburn, 2. W. C. Walton, 2. J. E. Vaughan, I. R. R. Renton, 2. C. Bailey, 2. H. S. Sykes, i. H. A. Travers, i. Chas. Montagu Bell, I. Wm. Douglas Smith, I. Arthur G. Baird Smith, 2. Adjutants. R. B. Gaisford, lieut., 2. H. J. Despard, lieut., i. Quartermasters. J. Clisham, i. R. J. Boddy, 2. R. Brown, hon. captain, in. W.J. Hancock, m. 3d BATTALION-MILITIA. Lieut. -Colonel Com- mandant. G. G. Walker, hon. col., A.D.C. Majors (2). J. Hatherell, hon. It. -col. B. T. G. Anderson. Captains (8). A. Hume, hon. mnjor. J. K. M. Witham. "R. W. Ewart. H. Irving. A. J. P. Johnstone. C. V. Bayley. J. Mackie. J. P. K. Hannay. Lieutenants (n). G. Maxwell Sir A. D. Grierson, Bart. T. II. M'Murdo. \V. C. S. Critchley. W. S. Douglas. L B. Scott. Oliver Rutherford. C. H. P. Scott. W. A. F. H. Chrichton Broune. W. F. Carruthers. E. J. L. Muir. Instructorof Musketry. Lieut. G. Maxwell. Adjutant. Captain C. H. Kelly (Attached from 1st Battalion). Quartermaster. Hon. Captain R. Browne. (Attached from ist Battalion.) 4th BATTALION-MILITIA. Hon. Colonel. Sir J as. Ferguson, Bart. Lieut, -Colonel Com- mandant. The Earl of Galloway. Majors (2). V. C. Sir W. J. Cuning- hame, Bart., hon. col. Captains (7). Sir H. E. Maxwell, Bart. W. H. Campbell. J. F. Dalrymple Hay. J. M. M. Morton. C. G. Buchanan. W. R. Dalrymple. J. M'Haffie. Lieutenants (13). G. G. K. Agnew. J. W. F. Hamilton. G. J. Ferguson. i H. G. Wolrige Gordon. ! R. L. Nugent Dunbar. R. B. B. Christie. W. R. Birdwood. F. James. T. Farquhar. H. Sandilands. F. C. Hunter Blair. Sadler Hayes. H. F. Wynn. The Ayrshire Territorial Force. 163 4th Battalion Militia continued. Instructor of Adjutant, Quartermaster. Captain S. F. Chichester W. J. Hancock Musketry. Captain C. G. Buchanan. (Attached from 2cl Line Battalion). (Attached from 1st Line Battalion). 1st VOLUNTEER BATTALION. The ist Roxburgh Mounted R V. C. is attached to this Corfs. Lieutenant-Colonel. Sir G. H. Douglas, Bart. Major. AY. S. Elliot. Captains. A. L. Cochrane. J. A. S. E. Fair. W. Sime, hon. major. 149. Augsburg, 9. 174 General Index to Contents. Australia, 42. Austria, the House of, 15. Auxiliary forces, roll of officers, 162. Ayr, 3, 28, 31, 62. Ayrshire Artillery Volunteers, the, 1 60. Ayrshire County Regiment, the, 65, 159. Ayrshire Yeomanry, the, 160. IT) ADEN, the Margrave of, 8. Baked dinners, 122. Bakery, the regimental, 64. Bainbridge, Lieutenant - Colonel E. T., 69, 78, 81, 82, 107, 149. Balaklava, 51, 55, 58. Ballenden, Lieutenant, 18. Baltimore, action at, 37. Band, old uniforms of, 130, 132. Band, the, joins the ranks, 76. Bangalore, 64, 74, 75. Barbadoes, island of, 24, 41, 59. Barnsley, detachment at, 48. Basse-terre, 26. Bassein, 66. Bath, stationed at, 42. Battles and sieges, 1689 to 1748, 113-115. Bavaria, 15. Bayonets, the, of old, 130. Bearskin caps, 129. Beer money, 122. Beete, Major Picton, 43. Beggars' Bush barracks, Dublin, 49, 73- Belbec, the river, 51. Bellairs, Colonel, 85. Bellary, 73. Belle- Isle, capture of, 21. Bellfield, 59. Benedict, St, landing at, 36. Bentinck, Lieutenant - General Lord William, 35. Berbice, 41. Bergen-op-Zoom, attack upon, 35. Bermuda, 36, 39. Berwick-on-Tweed, 45. Bethune, surrender of, 13. Bevelle Camp, 26. .Big Drummer, the, 130. Black Sea, the, 50. Bladensburg, the battle of, 36, 49. Blanks, 129. Blenheim, the battle of, 9, 10, 18, 67. Blood River, the, 76. Boers and Boer rebellion, 80, 86. Boldero, Captain G. N., 52, 73, 119. Bombay, 87. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 28, 33, 35. Bonaparte, Joseph, 33. Borgne Lake, 38. Bothwell, the battle of, 3. Bouchain, siege and capture of, 13. Boufflers, Marshal, 12. Bounty, 122. Boyd, Captain, his duel, 29. Boyer, Fort, capture of, 39. Brabant, 4, n. Bradford, detachment at, 48. Brady, Lieutenant and Adjutant, 27, 39, 4i. Breast-plate, the, 129. Breda, 8. Brigade Depot or Centre, the, 65. Brisbane, Admiral Sir Charles, 42. Bristol, 42. British and Sicilian flotilla, the, 33, 34- Brooke, Colonel, 37, 38. Brooke, Major-General, 61. Brown, Captain, 152. Brown, Lieutenant P. W., 82, 85. Brown, Lieutenant-Colonel, 27. Brown, Lieutenant-Colonel T. G., 47, 1 06. "Brown Bess," 125, 129, 130. " Brown Tommy," 123. Browning arms, 123. Bruce, Captain T., 60. Bruce, Major-General, 24. Bruges, 6, 7. Brussels, 4. Buchan, Colonel Thomas, 3, 4, 92. Bugle and brass bands, 131. Bulganac, the river, 50. Burgoyne, Lieutenant-General, 22, 2 3- Burmah, British, 74, 87. Butteel, Lieutenant John. 35. Buttevant, 49. Buxar, 43. General Index to Contents. 175 C AISE de Xavire, 24. Caffre corn, 84. Calabria, 33. Calais, 40. Calcutta, 43, 44. Cambridge, the Duke of, 61. Cameron, Lieutenant, 33. Camp of exercise at Bangalore, 65. Campbell, Captain, 6. Campbell, John, Duke of Argyle, 15, 20, 97. Campbell. Lieutenant, 18. Campbell, Lieutenant John, 9, 10. Campbell, Major, 9, 10. Campbell, Major, 94th, 87. Campbell, Major A., 28-31. Campbell, Major-General Sir John, 56. Campbell, Mrs Major, 30. Cannanore, 65. Cannon's Military Records, Pre- face, ix. Canteens of old, the, 124. Canterbury, 45. Carey, Captain \V. X., 66. Carlisle, 48. Carlow, 42. Carr, Lieutenant Ralph, 39. Cathcart, Lieutenant-General Sir John, 50. Cathcart's Hill, 56. Cavaignac, General, 33. Cawnpore, 44. Centre-piece, West Indian, the, 41, 42. Chakos, 132, 133. Challenge shield, second battalion, !57- Charles II., King, 15. Charles Edward, the Young Pre- tender, 19. Champion, Major, 41. Champlain, Lake, 22. Chandaleur Islands, 38. Chatham, 42, 121. Chesapeake Bay, 36. Chinsurah, 43. Chyrurgeon and his mate, 2. Clarence barracks, 75. Clark, Sergeant James, 147. Cleaning arms, 123. Clemison, Lieutenant, 48. Clerke, Captain S. H., 56, 119, 138. Clothing, 124. Coals, 123. Coatee, the, in all its beauty, 125 128, 132. Cobbett, 123. Cochrane, Major-General, 49. Coffee shop, the, 64. Colchester. 32. Colepepper, Lieutenant J. S., 25. Colours of the Xinety-fourth regi- ment, 86. Colours, regimental, captured and recovered, 10. Colours, the regimental, 132-154. Collings, Lieutenant, 78. Collingwood, Lieutenant-Colonel \V. P., 75, 76, 77,78, no, 149, 157- Collingwood, Mrs W. P., 143, 157. Colville, Lieutenant, 18. Colville, Major. 18. Commissariat department, the. 59. Compeigne, 40. Concerts, 64. Conference Hill, 77. Conran, Captain W., 31, 33, 38. Convict duties, 42, 43. Cook, Captain Robert, 65. Cooking and feeding under diffi- culties, 79. Coombe barracks, 27. Cork, 24, 39, 49, 75. Cork Street barracks, 27. Council of St Vincent, the, 42. County regiment, the, 159. Covenanters, the, 3. Cowan, Mrs William, Ayr, 28. Cowes, Isle of Wight, 42. Crawford, Captain, 10. Crest, regimental and distinctions, 20. Cricket, 64. Crimean campaign, 69. Croix, Chevalier de St, 21. Crosses of St George and St Andrew, 11. Crowley, Private Peter, 118. Crown Point, 22. Culloden, the battle of, 19. Cumberland, the Duke of, 18, 19, 20. Curragh Camp, 63, 73, 75. 176 General Index to Contents. Currie, Lieutenant, 23. Cyclone at Madras, the, 74. Cygnoe, Captain, 5. DALHOUSIE, Marquis of, the, 44. Dalyell, Lieutenant-Colonel, 9, 10. Dalyell, Lieutenant-Colonel J. T., 63, 65, 66, 107, 138. Daniel Dancer, 123. Danube, the river, 8, 10. D'Auvergne, extract from his his- tory, 5. Deare, Lieutenant-Colonel G., 43, 45, 105. Deinse, 6, 7. Dekneivalla^ the, newspaper, 64. Demerara, 41, 59, 67. Dendermond, 13. Derby, Brigadier-General the Earl of, 8. Dettingen, the battle of, 16, 17, 67. Diced band, the, 133. Dinapore, 43. Dinners, baked, 122. Distinguished service medals, 120. Douay, si'ege and surrender of, 13. Douglas, Colonel Sir Robert, 4. Douglas, Lieutenant, 6, 10, 27. Dover, 67, 73. Doyle, Major-General Hastings, 133- Dress in 1832, 128. Driscoll, Private Timothy, 118. Drogheda, 63. Dry-room, the, 127. Drum-major, the, 130. Drum-major's staff, second bat- talion, 171. Drummers, the, of old, 131. Dublin, 27, 42, 49, 62, 73. Dublin newspaper press, the, 49. Duel between Captain Boyd and Major Campbell, 29. Duke of Cambridge, the, 61. Dumbarton, the castle of, 47. Dumbarton, the Earl of, 3. Dummies, 129. Dunbar, Lieutenant, 6, 10. Dunblane, 14. Dundas, Major-General, 25. Dundee, N.B., 75- Dundee, South Africa, 76. Dunn, Lieutenant A. P., 149. Durban, 76, 86, 87. Durrah, Captain, 35. Dutch, the, 4, 15, 18. EARL of Mar's Regiment, the r i. East Indian tours, 69, 73. Edict of Nantes, 94. Edinburgh Castle and arsenal, 19, 45, H6. Edgell, Captain, 65. Edward, Prince, afterwards Duke of Kent, 25. Effingham, Major-General Lord Howard, 40. Egypt, 32. Electorate of Bavaria, the, 9. Elliott, Lieutenant, 10. Ellis, Colour-Sergeant Richard, 1 1 8, 119. Emperor of Germany, the. 15. Enfield Rifle, the, 133. Enniskillen, popularity in, 27, 63. Epaulettes, 130. Episcopacy in Scotland, i. Erwin, Quartermaster Richard, 152. Eugene, Prince of Savoy, 9, 12. Evans, General Sir De Lacey, 49, 102. Execution of Major Campbell, 31. T^AIRLEE, Captain, 10. Falls, Captain L., Si, 85. Farley, Captain, 13. Fenian movement, the, 62. Fermoy, 42. Feuqueres, the Marquis of, 7. Fifteenth regiment, the, 26. Fifty-fourth regiment, the, 40. Fifty-eighth regiment, the, 77. Firelocks, repair of, 121. Fires in Demerara, 59, 60. Flanders, 6-8, u, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19. Flank companies, 25, 32, 34, 35. Flints, 129. Florida, West, 22. General Index to Contents. 177 Fluerus, 113. Folded greatcoat, the, 125. Fonblanque, Lieutenant J. S. M., 39- Fontenoy, the battle of, 18. Foot Guards, the, 10. Forbes, Lieutenant-General Lord, 40, 100. " Fork with one prong," the, 128. Fort Albert Edward, 79. Fort Anne, 23. Fort Bowyer, 39. Fort Edward, 23. Fort George, 35, 75. Fort Marshall, 77. Fort Matilda, 26. Fort Newdigate, 76. Fort St George, 65, 73-75. Fort Webber, 79. Fort William, 44. Forty-fourth regiment, the, 37. Forty-fifth regiment, the, 65. Forty-ninth regiment, the, 59. Foulzy, the heights of, n. Fourth division, the, 50, 51, 57, 58. Fourth regiment, the, 37, 39. Fowler, Sergeant-Major William, 119. Fox, Lieutenant-General the Hon. E, 27. Franking letters, drum-major's fee, 122. Frazer, Major-General Alexander M'Kenzie, 32. French, the, 4, 10, 16, 57. French Legion of Honour, the, 1 17. French Revolution, 1793, the, 24. French, Spanish, and Bavarians, the, 4, 8-1 1, 15, 16. French war medals, 118. Frere, Lady, 78. " Full breasts and empty stom- achs," 122. Fulton, Captain, mercantile mar- ine, 76. Furlong, Ensign G. W., 138. Fusil or Fuzee, 2, 130. Fusilier Road, the. 60. Fusiliers, origin of the name, 2, 127. the, a second battalion newspaper, 87. Fyreworks, 2. GAFFNEY, Sergeant Richard, 147. Gallion River, the, 26. Gallowgate barracks, 62. Geddes, Lieutenant A., 39. Genoa, capture of, 35, 36. George I., King, 14. George II., King, 15, 16. George IV., King, 41. George Town, 59, 60. George's Cross, St, 11. Germany and the Germans, 8, 10, 1 6, 17. Gheet, 6, n. Ghent, 12, 14, 16. Gibbs, Major-General, 39. Gibraltar, 20, 36. Gildea, Lieutenant-Colonel F., 67, 69, 75, 78, 80, 82,86, 107, 1 10, 149. Gildea, Mrs, 167. Glasgow, 3, 19, 47, 48, 61, 62, 75. Godly Wood, 37. " Golden Fleece," the ship, 50. Gordon, Captain J. M., 79. Gordon, Colonel the Hon. W., 28, 40, loo. Gordon, Lieutenant, 10. Gore, Brigadier-General, 35. Gracie, Lieutenant James, 36, 37. Grahame, Lieut. - Colonel Colin, 25- Grahame, Quartermaster and Ma- jor George, 59, 67, 146. Grahame, Mrs George, 143, 167. Grahame, Mr William, Tasmania, 67. Grand Seignior, court of the, 32. Gravesend, 4, 14, 45. Gray, Major H., 59, 138. Gray, Miss, 143. Greatcoats, 124, 125. Greenan Castle, Ayr, 30. Greenlaw or Glencorse, 45. Greer, Surgeon A. J., 59, 60, 63. Grenada, the island of, 42. Grenadier companies and bat- talion, 2, 25, 34. Grenadoes, hand, 2. Grey, Major-General Sir Charles, 24- Greybreeks, the Earl of Mar's, In- troduction, xxiv. M 178 General Index to Contents. Greyfriars' Church, Dumfries, 152. Griffith, Lieutenant Edward, 5. Guadaloupe, the island of, 25. Gun Hill, encampment at, 59. Gwalior, the Rajah of, 44. TTACKLES, 130. Haines, Lieutenant-Colonel F. P., 52, 54, 65, 146. Hal berts, 128. Halifax, 24. Halle, 4. Hamilton, 75. Hamilton, General Sir F. W., 102, 149. Hamilton, Major-General, 26, 28, 99- Hanau, 17. " Hannibal," H.M. Ship, 58. Hardinges, Lieutenant the Hon. A. S., 152. Harwich, 40. Hat-cap, the, 132. Hay, Captain J. Dalrymple, R.N., 58. Hay, Lieutenant Dalrymple, 84, 85. Hazlerigg, Lieutenant-Colonel, 75, 77,78, 80, 81, 155. Hazlerigg, Mrs, 167. Heaney, Colour-Sergeant William, Preface, ix. Heidelberg, 78. Heights before Sebastopol, 51. Helixem and Neer Hespen, the lines of, 10. Henry,Lieutenant-Colonel Robert, Hessians, the, 10. Higdon, Colour-Sergeant John, 53, 118. Highland brigade, the, 58. Highland clans, i, 14, 19. Highland pipers, 65, 66, 76, 131. Hill, Lieutenant, 10. Hill, Lieutenant-Colonel J. T., 45. " Himalaya" troop-ship, the, 59. Hobart Town, 42, 43. Hobbs, 51. Hodgson, Major-General, 21. Holland, 4, 8, 10, 15, 35. Holland, Mr G., schoolmaster, 64. Holyhead, 30. Houston, Lieutenant, 18. Hudson, the river, 23. Hull, 48. Humieres, Marshal de, 4. Hunter, Captain, 33. Hurt, Lieutenant E., 52. Hutton, Lieutenant, 60. Huy, reduction of, 8. Hyderabad, Scinde, 64. I MAGE, Captain J. G., 56, 117. Image, Mrs J. G., 143. Imperialists, the, 8. Industrial Exhibition, Dublin, 49. Ingoldsby, Major-General, 18. Ingolstadt, 9. Inkerman, battle of, 51, 53, 69. Innes, Lieutenant, 21. Inverness, 3, 19. Ireland, 61. Irrawaddy River, the, 66. Ischia, 32. Isle of Wight, 42. Italy, expedition to, 34. Ity-oty-Ozi River, 76. J ACKSON, Captain F. G., 146. Jamaica, 38. James II., King, 3, 4. Jauche, the river, 11. " Jingling Johnny," the, 130. Johnstone, Lieutenant, 9. " Jumna " troopship, 64. Justice, Lieutenant, 158. TV'AMIESH Bay, 58. Kamptee, 43. Katchka River, the, 51. Keane, Major-General, 39. Kelly, Sergeant Patrick, 118. Kenny, Major Robert, 37. Kerr, Ensign W. H., 138. Kidd, Captain A., 39. Kilkenny, 42. General Index to Contents. 179 Killeen, Captain Roger, 52, 53, 117. Kihvarden, Viscount, 27. Kinburn, expedition to, 58, 59. King, Captain H., 52, 119. King, Lieutenant Charles, 5. Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea, Preface, ix., and 52, 54. Kingstown, 73. Kit, real cost of a, 123. Knapsack, the, and straps, 126. Knatchbull, Lieutenant, 18. Knollis, Lieutenant S., 25. Koppie-allein, 76. Kraals, native, 77. Kurrachee, 64. Kygoe, Captain, 9. L AER, village of the, 5, 6. Lafeldt, battle of, 140. Lake Borgne, 38. Lalo, Colonel Sampson de, 13,94. Lambart, Brigadier-General, 21. Lambart, Lieutenant F., R.N., 146. Landon, the battle of, 5. Last, Lieutenant-Colonel E., 72, 73, 109- Latan, Captain, 18. Lauder, the regiment of, 5. Leads, the, 125. Leahey, Lieutenant-Colonel J. T., 41. Lean, Lieutenant H. E., 85. Leavock, Lieutenant John, 37, 38, 39- Lectures. 64. Leeds, 48. Leghorn, 35. Leith, 36, 45. Leven, the regiment of (25th), 5. Levingston, Lieutenant, 16. Lewes, 32. Lexdon Heath, the camp at, 15. Liege, 8. Life lines, 129. Library, the regimental, 68, 123. Limburg, capture of, 8. Lindsell, Lieutenant, 71, Si, 85, 152. Lisle, siege and capture of, 12, 17. Liverpool, 15,42,49. Localisation scheme, 65. Lomario Point, 21. London, 3, 32. Londonderry, 27. Long, Long Ago ! 121. Long marches, 126. Loughrea, 28. Louisiana, 38. Losses of life in Crimea, 58. Losses of life in East Indies, 1869- 1881, 67. Lowe, Lieutenant-Colonel. 73, 109. Lowther, Captain, 3. Lucca, 35. Lucia, St, the island of, 25. Luxembourg, the Duke of, 5. Lyon, M. D. Murray, 145. Lyster, Lieutenant-Colonel F., 74, 75, 1 10. MACARTNEY, Col. George, 15,96. Macdonald, Captain, 25. Macgaken, Lieutenant, 18. Mackay, Captain, 33. Mackay, Captain A., 26. Mackay, Colonel Robert, 7, 93. Mackay, Lieutenant, 33. Mackay, Major-General, 22, 24, 98. Mackay, the regiment of, 4, 5. Mackenzie, Captain D., 5, 35. Mackenzie, Lieutenant, 23. Mackenzie's Farm, 51. Maddigan, Private Murtiff, 120. Madras, 73, 74. Maese, 8. Maestricht, 18, 19. Mahaica, 41, 42. Maide, Drum-major T., 147. Malakoff, 57, 58. Malplaquet, battle of the, 12. Malta, 58. Mamelon, attack upon, 56. Mansfield, Major-General, 50. Mar, the fifth Earl of, Colonel, 2, 3-9I- Marines, the Royal, 37. Marlborough, the Duke of, 4, 8, 9, 12, 18. Marlborough, the Duchess of, 149. Married soldiers, 127. 180 General Index to Contents. Mar's Greyb reeks, Introduction, xxiv. Mar's, the Earl of, rebellion, 14. Marshal, the, 2. Marshman, Sergeant E., 118. Martin, Mr G., 155. Martin, town clerk, Dumfries, 152. Martini-Henry rifle, the, 133. Martinique, the island of, 24, 25. Maryborough, 42. Marykirk, 7. Matier, Quartermaster-Sergeant, 155- Maxwell, Lieutenant, 10, 18. Maxwell, Lieut-Colonel, 20, 40. M'Donald, Bandmaster, 155. M'Donald, Lieutenant D., 39. M'Gowan, town chamberlain, 152. M'Guire, Private Patrick, and the Russians, 52, 120. MVHaffie, Major James, 28, 39. M'Nab, Lieutenant, 33. M'Pheely, Private Michael, 118. Meallies, 77, 84. Meals, 123. Meares, Lieutenant John, 146. Medals for Distinguished Service, 120. Medals for South Africa, 81. Medals, French war, 118. Medals, Sardinian, 119. Mediterranean, 32, 69. Meeting of both battalions, 65. Memorial tablets, Ayr Old Kirk, 148. Menin, capture of, 11. Meredith, Major-General, 13, 95. Messina, 32, 34. Middleburgh, 78, 79. Militia battalions, 159. Minie rifle, 48, 133. Mississippi, the river, 38. Mobile, Gulf of Mexico, 141. Moira, General the Earl of, 29. Monkstown, 32. Monmouth, the Duke of, 3. Mons, siege and surrender of, 4, 12, 13. Montressor, Captain, 13. Montressor, Major-General, 35. Moody, Lieutenant D., 35. Mordaunt, John,Viscount,Colonel, ii, 13,94- Morris, Lieutenant the Hon. F., 35. Moselle, the river, 10. Mount Facia, 35. Mounted infantry, the, 78. Muirhead, Treasurer, Dumfries, 152. Munro, the regiment of (26th), 5. Munroe, Captain, 13. Murat, General, 33. Murray, General the Hon. James, 24, 26, 99. Murray, Major-General, 41. Murray, Private Patrick, 120. Musketry badges established, 48, 123. Muskets and polished stocks, 2, 130. N AMUR, 4, 6, 7. Nantes, Edict of, 94. Naples, 32, 33. Napoleon Bonaparte, 28, 33, 35. Natal, 85. Neer Hespen, 6, 10. Neer Winden, 6. Negro insurrection, 67. Nelson, Lord, funeral of, 32. Nervi, 35. Netherlands, the, 4, 8, 10, 19.- New Orleans, 31, 38, 39. New South Wales, 42. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 48. Newdigate, Major-General, 76. Newport, Wales, 73. Newry, 63. Newton, Lieutenant, 5. Newton Volunteers, the, 29. Ninety-third Highlanders, the, 51. Ninety-fifth regiment, 39. Ninety-ninth regiment, 72. Ninth regiment, the, 22, 23. Noailles, Marshal, 16. North, Lieutenant-Colonel, 40, 41. North British, the title of, given to Scotch regiments, 11. North Point, 37. North- West Provinces of India, 43, 44- Nourse's Horse, 86. Nova Scotia, 24. Numerical rank fixed, 6. General Index to Contents. 181 OCCUPATIONS of the sol- r dier, 124. Odessa, 58. O'Farrell, Colonel Fergus, 4, 6, 7, 92. O'FarrelPs Fusiliers, 4. Officers of auxiliary forces, roll of, 162-165. Qgilvy, Lieutenant, 10. " Old Donald," 62. Old Fort, Crimea, 50. Old names, 156. OH van t, Captain, 18. Orange Free States, 85. Orange, Prince and Princess of, 3. Orderly, the commanding-officer's, 125. Origin of regiment, i. Ormond, the Duke of, 14. Orrery, Major-General, 13, 15, 96. Ostend, capture of, 11, 18, 36, 40. Oswald of Auchincruive, 28. Oudenarde, the battle of, u. Our appearance in 1832, 128. DAISLEY, 3, 47, 62, 72. Pakenham, Major-General Sir E., 39- Palais, the town of, 21. Panmure, Colonel the Earl of, 20, i 22, 98. Parades and drills, old style, 124. Paris, 40. Paterson, Captain Claude, 65, 66. \ Paterson, Lieutenant W., 26. Paterson, Lieutenant-Colonel, 35, 37, 39- Patterson, Captain, 6. Patuxent, the river, 36. Paulet, Major-General Sir \V., 61. Pay, rates of, 1678-1835, 2, 122. Peace, declaration of, 58. Peddie, Lieutenant-Colonel J. C., 47, 105. Pennefather, Lieutenant-General, 139- Pennefather, Lady, 138. Pensions, 122. Perth, Australia, 43. Perth, N.B., 75. Philip, Duke of Anjou, 8. Phoenix Park, Dublin, 62, 149. Picardy, 14. Picker and brush, 129. Pietermaritzburg, 76, 78, 82. Pigou, Lieutenant H., 35. Pikes, 2, 127. Pine island, 38. Pipeclay, 123. Pipers, regimental, 65, 66, 76, 131. Pisa, 35. Pocket-money, 122. Policy Court of Demerara, 41. Pongoe battalion, Chatham, the, 121. Pont-a-Vendin, lines of, 13. Ponza, 34. Popularity in Scotland, 7. Port Blair, 66. Port Phillip, 43. Portland, 69. Portpatrick, 26. Portsdown Forts, 75. Portsmouth, 26, 32, 39, 40, 42, 61, 67, 73, 75- Potchefstroom, 8r, 82, 85, 86. Pouch, the, 125, 129. Precedence of regiments, 6. Presbyterians, i. Prescott, Lieutenant-General, 26. Pretender, the, 14, 15, 19. Pretoria, 78, 80, 81, 82, 86, 87. Pretoria Rifles and Carbineers, 86. Price, Lieutenant H. F., 25. Primrose, Lieutenant, 10. Prince Consort, 49. Prince Imperial of France, 76. Pringle, Major, 39. Prisoners of war, 7, 10. Procida, surrender of, 33. Punishments, 127. Punjaub, the, 43. Q UARRIES, the, 56. Quartermaster's Department^, 55. Quebec, 22. Queen Anne, 8, 14. Queen Victoria, 49, 78, So. Queenstown, 75. Quinn, Lieutenant Peter, 39. Quinn, Major, 39. Quinn, Private Michael, 147. 182 General Index to Contents. R AGLAN, Lord, 57. Ramillies, the battle of, u, 18. Ramage, Lieutenant, 21. " Ramsay," 62. Ramsay, Brigadier-General, 4, 5. Ramsay, Captain, 23. Ramsay, the regiment of, 4. Randall, Lieutenant, R.A., 81. Rangoon, British Burmah, 65, 66, 74- Rankine, Lieutenant, 35. Rankine of Drumdow, 28. Ration Quay, Ayr, 31. Rebellions of 1715 and 1745, 14, 19. Recreation and reading rooms established, 68. Recruits at Chatham long ago, 121. Redan, the Sebastopol, 56-58. Reddy, Colonel, 141. Regimental District, the 2ist, 65. Regimental newspapers, 64, 87. Regiments serving in Flanders and Germany, 1742 to 1748, 1 16. Renfrew, 28. Rennie, Captain R., 36, 39. Republican government of France, 25. Richardson, Lieutenant, 23. Richmond barracks, Dublin, 62, 75- Riddle, Major- General, 48. Robertson, Lieutenant, 23. Robertson, Lieutenant - Colonel, 73, 74, 109. Robertson, Major, 27. Rogers, Colour-Sergeant W., 120. Roll of officers in militia, yeo- manry, and volunteers, attached to Royal Scots Fusiliers, 162. Rolled greatcoat, the, 125. Roman Rocks, the, 76. Rosetta, 141. Ross, Major J. A., 38, 39. Ross, Major-General R., 37, 38. Ross' Old Scottish Regimental Colours, Preface, ix. Row, Colonel A., 7, 9, 10, 93. Royal, the title, 14. Royal Artillery, 81. Royal barracks, 62. Royal Scots Fusiliers, 67. Royal inspection and approval, 32. Royalists, the French, 24. Royals, the second battalion, 4, 8. Russell, Colonel, 79. Russell, Sergeant John, 118. Russians, the, 55, 58. Rustenberg, 82, 86. Rutherford, Colour-Sergeant T., 53- Ryswick, the Peace of, 7. O T Benedict, landing at, 36, 37. St John's, 22. St Lucia, capture of, 25. St Paul's Cathedral, 32. St Stephano, 141. St Thomas' Mount, Madras, 73. St Venant, 13. St Vincent, the island of, 41, 42, 60. Sabine, Lieutenant, 35. Salmond, Captain F. M., 146, 152. Samuel, Lieutenant, 10. Sandilands, Captain, 18. Sardinians, the, 57. Sardinian war medal, the, 119. Sash, the sergeant's, of old, 130. Savings banks, regimental, 123. Scarborough, 48. Scheldt, the river, 11, 17. Schellenburg, capture of heights of, 8. School committee, the, 68. Schools, 123. Schoon-Hoogte, 82. Scots Fencible regiments, 26. Scots Greys, the, 20, 22. Scots regiments styled North British, 11. Scotia's Fusiliers, 17. Scottish Borderers Militia, 152. Scylla, 33- Sealskin caps, 132, 133. Seamen of the fleet, 37. Sebastopol, siege and fall of, 50, 51, 58,69. Second battalions, the, 28, 40, 72. Secunderabad, 66, 87. " Serapis," the troopship, 64. Sergeant, Lieutenant, 18. General Index to Contents. 183 Sergeants, pay, long ago, 126, 127. Sekukuni's stronghold, capture of, 79, 80. Seventeenth lancers, the, 63, 77. Seventh horse regiments, the, 15. Seventy-first regiment, 28. Sharp, Captain, 5. Sheffield, 48. Shell jacket, the, 126, 132. SherifTmuir, battle of, 14. Ship Street barracks, 75. Shooting badges and musketry instruction introduced, 48, 49. Shooting successes at Bangalore, 64. Shorncliffe, 73. Sicily, 32, 33, 34. Sikhs, the, 43. Sim, Colour-Sergeant James, 118. Simons Bay, 76. Simpson, General, 57. Sixteenth regiment, the, 7, 8. Sixth regiment, the, 73. Sixty-first brigade depot, 65, 75. Sixty-second regiment, 23. Sixty-third regiment, 61. Sixty-fifth regiment, 22. Skeneborough, capture of, 22. Slave insurrection, 40. Smith, Bailie, Dumfries, 152. Smith, Provost, Dumfries, 152. Snapper, the bone, 125. Soldiers' battle, the, 51. Sorties, 56, 57, 84. South Africa, 76. Southsea Common, 138. Spain, the throne of, 8, 15, 34. Spencer, Brigadier-General the Hon. A., 58. Spontoon, 127. Standerton, 78. Stienbergen-gate, 35. Steenkirk, the battle of, 5. Stephens, Captain Richard, 52, 119. Stevenson, Captain John, 146. Steward, Lieutenant-Colonel E. A., 74, 109. Stewart, Admiral Sir Houston, 58. Stewart, Quartermaster, 18. Still-Water, action at, 22. Stirling, 14, 15, 19, 40, 75. Stock, the, of old, 128. Storm of i4th November 1854, the, 54. Stoppages, 123. Stratton, Captain, junior, 10. Stratton, Captain, senior, 10. Strayton, Captain, 6. Stuart, Captain T. E., 66. Stuart, Lieutenant James, 10, 18, 30. Stuart, Lieutenant-Colonel J. R., C.B., 53, 58, 60, 62, 1 06, 138, 146. Stuart, Mrs Ramsay, 143. Stuart, Major-General Sir John, 32. Sturla, 35. Suez, 64. Summer trousers of many hues, 126. Sunderland, 48, 73, 74. Surrender of General Burgoyne, 23- Swan River, 43. Sword-bayonets, 128. T ALLARD, Marshal, 9, 10. Tamar, the troopship, 60. Tasmania, the island of, 43, 69. Tattoo, 127. Tcheruya, the river, 51, 57. Templeman, Lieutenant-Colonel A., 52,66,67, 74, 107, 117. Tenth regiment, 8. Termination of Crimean war, 58. Territorial regiment, the, 159. Thames, the river, 19. Theatre, regimental, 64. They didna get oot, 16, 17. Third regiment, the "Buffs," 5, 11, 61. Thirteenth regiment, 24. Thirty-second regiment, 73. Thirty-seventh regiment, 13. Thomas Street barracks, Dublin, 27. Thorburn, Captain, 149, 157. Thornhill, Major, R.A., 81. Thorpe, Lieutenant-Colonel E., 48, 106. Thyetmo, 74. Ticonderago, 22. 184 General Index to Contents. Tilbury, 32. Times, Cork correspondent, 50. Tirlemont, 6. Title of Royal Scots Fusiliers authorised, 67. Tobago, the island of, 41. Toilworn and patched clothing, 80. Tonghoo, 74. Tournay, siege and capture of, 12, 1 8. Town-green of Ayr, 29. Townsend, Lieutenant, 18. Trafalgar, the battle of, 28. Transvaal field force, the, 79. Transvaal war, the, 82. Trevallion, Lieutenant, lo. Trichinopoly, 65, 74. Tunics, 133. Turks and Turkey, 49. Turnbull, Lieutenant, 23. Turnscrew and worm, the, 129. Twentieth regiment, 22, 23. Twenty-sixth regiment, 8. Twenty-eighth regiment, n. Tynemouth, 48. u LUNDI, battle of, 77. Uniform in 1691, 4. Uniform, changes of pattern, 67. Union of England with Scotland, ii. United States, 36. Universal pattern, the, 133. Upoko River, 77. Upper Marlborough, 36. Urquhart, Mrs, 143. Utrecht Peace, 14. V ALL, the battle of, 19. Valanciennes, 40. Valese equipment, the, 133. Valmi, 33. Vandergracht, Lieutenant, 10. Van Dieman's Land (Tasmania), 42. Varna Bay, 50. Vaudumont, the Prince of, 6. Viceregal Lodge, Dublin, 149. Villars, Marshal, 12. Villeney, Marshal, 7. Volunteer battalions, 159. Volunteering, 44. w ADE, Field-Marshal, 24. Waist-plate, the, 129. Walcourt, action at, 4. Waldeck, Prince, 4. Walker, Colonel G., A.D.C., Dum- fries, 152. Walker, Lieutenant-Governor Sir James, 61. Walkerstroom, 78. Walle, Lieutenant-Adjutant, 6. Ward, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry, 41. Washington, capture and burning of, 36- Waterford, 42. Waterloo, 40. Waters, Lieutenant John, 39. Watts, Private William, 56. Weedon, 42. Weir, Rev. Mr, Dumfries, 152. Wellington, the Duke of, 34, 40. Wemys, 13. Wisdet, 8. West Indies, the, 24, 39, 40, 42, 69. West Indian Islands, the French, 24. West, Lieutenant-Colonel Lord, 52, 53, 56, 119. Western Australia, 43. Weymouth, the camp at, 32. Wexford, 42. White, Captain, 5. White trousers, 126. Whittaker, Major J. A., 35, 37, 39- Whitton, Captain J., 82, 149. William III., King, 3-7. William IV., King, 138. Willoughby, Captain F., 76, 78, 79, 155- Wilson, Bailie, Dumfries, 152. Wilson, Lieutenant-Colonel, 28. Winchester, 42. Winder, General, American forces, 36. General Index to Contents. 185 Windsor, on Royal duty at, 30, 42. Wing of each army, victorious, 14. Winsloe, Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. C, A.D.C, 57, 77, 80, 82, 85, 86, 149. \\ inter hardships in the Crimea, 54, 55- Wirtemberg, Prince of, 5. Witney, Oxfordshire, 3. Wolfe, the Rev. Richard, 27. Wolsey, General, 79. Wood, Bailie, Dumfries, 152. Wood, Quartermaster and Major, 2. Wood, Brigadier - General Sir James, 15, 97. Workshops, 64. A/'ELLOW-FEYER, 26, 59. York, the Duke of, 40, 41. Young, Lieutenant, 16. Z l ULUS, and Zululand, 76, 80. BANKS AND CO., GRANGE PRINTING WORKS. EUINBCRGH. 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