* VS?" > &~/?*ffi*&XW $&, X^*- j - xv 4 -;r -V V- * H - '&*^<8g ^SPPliP vy-^^^^^^-^f.^^^ ,V4 V J5^V-^ ^c^ ; ^ ' K3 V^*?- -^ ' ' Wv ^ ^ f / ^ ^ A^^^v?-\ v-* " 'i ^' v & ' ---UV ^V^iU* VVY3 ^^v** >/\V^\V^ C H A I R M A N . ^ / ////: ^ VICE CHAIRMAN. GQSESGISSES : Chairman: HON. JNO. C. NEW, U. S. Consul General. PAUL B. Du CHAILLU, ESQ. GEO, SHEPARD PAGE, ESQ. E. L. SHELDON, ESQ. LT. COM'DR. W. H. EMORY, U.S. Naval A tt, Hi RAM S. MAXIM, ESQ. EDMUND I. MOFFAT. ESQ., ' MAJOR JAMES C. POST, U. S. Military A ttackt. HF.N-RY WHITE, F.so. , Secy U. S. Legation. IIox. JNO. RUSSELL YOUNG. Honorary Secretary : IlENKV S. WELLCOME, ESQ., Snow Hill Buildings, E.C 5QRQSSMS J. N. ARONSON, ESQ. P. T. BARNUM, ESQ. L. W. BROWN, ESQ. L r . S. Consul, Glasgow. Tuos. BURNSIDE, ESQ., COL. W. H. CHESEBROUGH. COL. GEO. EARL CHURCH. WALTER DEI. MAR, ESQ. HAROLD FREDERIC, ESQ. WM. A. GIHSON, ESQ. COL. J. T. GRIFFIN. D. C. HALDEMAN, ESQ. MAJOR E. J. HALE. BRET HARTE, ESQ. H. L. HORTON, ESQ. J. JARRETT, ESQ., U. S. Consul, Birmingham. OLIVER R. JOHNSON, ESQ., U. S. Vice Consul-General. MAJOR EVAN R. [ONES, JOHN T. LORD, ESQ. COL. HENRY McCoy. JOHN G. MEIGGS, ESQ. JAMES R. OSGOOD, ESQ. G. W. PARKER, ESQ. DILLWYN PARRISH, ESQ. F. C. PENFIELD, ESQ. HOWARD POTTER, ESQ. ALEXR. M. REID, ESQ., U. S. Consul, Dublin COL. W. II. REYNOLDS. J. MORGAN RICHARDS, ESQ. EDWD. C. SANXAY, ESQ. ISAAC SELIGMAN, ESQ. THOS. II. SHERMAN, ESQ., trpvel. J. FISHER SMITH, ESQ. B. F. STEVENS, ESQ., U. S. Dispatch Agent THOMAS STEVENS, ESQ. MAJOR HENRY VAN DER WEYDK. RICHARD S. WARING ESQ. ARTHUR WARREN, ESQ. F. MARSHALL WHITE. ESQ. J. McNEii. WHISTLER, ESQ. JAMES WILSON, ESQ. HENRY M. STANLEY. "With Devotion to Duty. " Served in the Magdaia and Ashantee Campaigns ; " Found and Relieved Dr. Livingstone ; First Circumnavigated the Great Lakes of Central Africa. "First Revealed the Extreme Southern Sources of the Nile; 'Discovered the Albert Edward Nyanza; "First traced the Congo to the Sea: " Created the Congo Free State ; " Discovered the Mountains of the Moor; " and Rescued Eman Pasha." 2063717 LlBUTBNANT W G. STAIRS. RE. " One oj' those rare personalities, oitener vifiible among military men than atnon& civilians, who could obey orders "Without argument, -who could accept a command, and without ado or fuss execute it re- b&iously,- Courageous, careful, -watchful, diligent, and faithful."--- STANLE. . UpyrigHt 3EKRY VAS DER "WE YDS. SURGEON THOMAS HEAZLE PAKKE, ARMY MD. STAFF. " I consider this expedition in nothing happier than in the possession of an unrivalled physician and surgeon, Dr. T. H. Parke. of the A.M.D. ' Loyal and devoted services gratuitously.' Skilled as a physician, tender as a nurse, gifted with remarkable consideration and sweet patience. Every white officer in tho expedition, Emin Pasha, Captain Casati, and the Egyptian officers and all are indebted to him." STANLEY. SJ:NRT VAK TEK CAPTAIN ROBERT HENRY NELSON. " Consisr.ent zeal to duties. High soldierly qualities, proving to -what a pitch of devotion a highly honourable man can carry his ideas of duty. A devotion to duties, an intelligence to comprehend, an obedience -without cavil, a zeal -which never flagged to perform and endure -whatever task -was put before him." STANLEY. j m Cd 1 Ma. A. J. MOUNTENEY-JEPHSON. " Distinguished by hi untiring industry and indefatigable zeal and unique service to the expedition, devotion and chivalrous kindnesa to Emin Pasha. An indomitability of spirit, courage, and celerity of movement. Faithful and obedient.". STANLEY. TANLEY TESTIONIAL SHIELD. This Shield, of classical outline, is 2 ft. in height, and weighs several hundred ounces, it bears in the .centre an American Shield, the Stars and Stripes indicated by varied texture of the metal. Upon this American Shield is overlaid a relief map of the Dark Continent in oxy- dised silver. The Lakes and Rivers and Dotted Route Lines, repre- senting Mr. Stanley's various journies, inlaid with gold. The American Eagle at the top of the Shield holds a medallion portrait of Stanley encircled by a wreath of laurels, and also holds a wand bearing the golden " Star of Duty." SCENES DEPICTED. On the right a circular Abyssinian Shield plumed with Lion's mane, paw and tail, Jewelled Clasp bearing design, Lion of Judah and Solomon's Seal and various Trophies. Scene . The fall of Magdala. Lord Napier and Stanley in the foreground. To the left an Ashantee Shield with Golden Ram's Head, Battle Axe, Wasp's Nest and other Trophies. Scene : Critical moment at Village Eganassie ; battle of Amoaful. Lord Wolseley and Stanley in the foreground. Large scene, top left hand corner. Stanley finds and relieves Livingstone at Ujiji, Lake Tanganika, Scene below. Stanley discovers the Southernmost sources of the Nile, Suna south of Victoria Nyanza. Journey through Dark Continent. Scene below. Tippoo Tib, the Slave and Ivory Trader, at Mana Mamba, warns Stanley of the perils of the Congo. Scene folio wing. --Stanley traces the Congo to the sea in his boat the "Lady Alice." Attacked by cannibal tribes and imperilled by cataracts. Scene to the right. Vivi. Stanley with his Fleet of Steamers founding the Congo Free State. He shivers a huge boulder with a sledge hammer, is named by natives Bula Matari, The Rock-breaker, the all-powerful, the name by which he is now known through all Africa. Scene above. Emin Relief Expedition. Stanley attacked by the Wambutti Dwarfs, Stairs wounded, Parke attending wounded native, Nelson and Jephson supporting bill hookers who are carving a way through the forest. A native blazing a tree to guide Bartelott. Scene top right-hand corner. Stanley rescues Emin, traces the Similiki to its source, discovers the M't's. Moon, and confirms his previous discovery of Albert Edward Nyanza. Expedition arrives shore Albert Edward Nyanza. Stanley heads column. Gunbearers at side. Emin follows with Casati at his side. Hammock bearers carrying Emm's daughter Ferida, - Surgeon Parke attending her. Stairs sketching M't's. Moon, Nelson and Jephson taking observations. Dwarf leading native go'at, and about fifty types of natives, men, women and children, with typical accessories, maxim gun, loads, etc., etc. Camp Scene above. Stanley encounters starvation. His officers return empty handed from the hunt. His foragers return with but a few handfuls of fungi, beans and pepper leaves in their aprons to feed hundreds of starving men. Randy captures the guinea fowl. The photograph is taken from a hasty water-colour sketch of the unfinished shield, and several of the important details are omitted or incorrect. Every prominent figure on the shield is a special study, and represents a personality or a type. Every accessory has special significance. TRIBUTE MEDALLIONS TO STANLEY'S CHIEF OFFICERS, bearing Replica of Stanley Portrait as on the shield, with inscription " Never while human nature remains as we know it will there be found four gentle- men so matchless for their constancy, devotion to their work, earnest purpose, and unflinching obedience to honour and duty." STANLEY. On the reverse, portraits of the Officers in bold relief, map of Africa at top with outline route of the expedition. Scenes Forest, M't's. Moon and Battle. The designs for the shield and medallions are by Henry S. Wellcome. The shield has been wrought with keen sympathetic interest and feel- ing by Messrs. Elkington and Co. The work has been carried out under the hand and direction of their repousse artist, Mr. F. Courthope. DESIGNED AND COPYRIGHTED BY HENRY S. WELLCOME, 1890, AND WROUGHT IN FINE SILVER BY ELKINGTON & CO., LONDON. IVf B N U. HOPS D' CEUVRES VARIES. POTAGES. CONSOMME' A L'IMPE'RIALE. PUREE DE TOMATES. POISSONS. SAUMON AU CONCOMBRE, SAUCE HOLLANDAISE. BLANCHAILLES AU NATUREL ET A LA DIABLE. ENTREES. PETITES TIMBALES DE FOIE GRAS AUX TRUFFES. CHAUD FROID DE MAUVIETTES EN BELLEVUE. RELEVES. CHAPONS BRAISES A L'ESTRAGON. JAMBON, SAUCE MADERE. QL'ARTIER D'AGNEAU, SAUCE MENTHE. SALADE A LA FRANCAISE. POMMES DE TERRE. HARICOTS VERTS. EPINARDS AU JUS. ROTS. CANETONS AUX PETITS POIS. CAILLES BARDEES. ASPERGES A L'HUILE. ENTREMETS. EABAS A LA STANLEY. GELEES DE FRUITS AU MARASQUIN. DAMES D'HONNEUR. GLACES A LA MONT DE LA LUNE. DESSERT. CAFE NOIR. WINES. SHERRY. CHABLIS. CLARET. CHAMPAGNE. PORT LIQUORS. CIGARS. COHEN'S BOCH DIVINGS. TOAST LIST. Iv Ol'KI-X, TIIK I'RIXCK AND I'RINCKSS, AND OUR PRESIDENT." Sip CHARLES TUPPER, High Comissioner for the Dominion Canada, and THE VICE CHAIRMAN. "OUR CHIEF GUEST." Proposed by THE CHAIRMAN. Presentation of the American Flag and "Stanley Shield." Response by HENRY M. STANLEY. "STANLEY'S CHIEE OI'TICERS." Proposed by PAUL B. DU CHAILLU. Presentation of the Four Silver Medallions. Response by Lieut. STAIRS, Surgeon PARKE. Captain NELSON and Mr JEPHSON. "EXPLORATION." Proposed by Sir MOUNTSTUART GRANT DUFF, President of the Royal Geographical Society. Response by Colonel GRANT and Commander CAMERON, R.N., C.B. "THE PRESS." Proposed by Sir RICHARD TEMPLE, Bart. Response by CHARLES WILLIAMS and WILLIAM SENIOR. "THE CHAIRMAN." Proposed by Professor OILMAN, President of the Johns Hopkins University Response by THE CHAIRMAN. Programme of Music TO BE PERFORMED BY THE BAND OF THE GRENADIER GUARDS {By permission oj Colonel Trotter), Under the Direction of Lieut. Dan Godfrey. 1. MARCH "AtiSecours" I'anJa-rdi. 2. OVERTCRI: ... " Lc Domino Noir" Anlfi: IDYLL I "Blumchen der Einsamkeft" Bach. J ' INTERMEZZO/ "LoinduBal" Gillct. 4. SELECTION ... " The Gondoliers " ... ... Sullivan. 5. The "GUARDS" WALT/. D. Godfrey. (Played by the Band of the Grenadier Guards in Boston and New York, 1872). 6. OVERTURE ... " The Octoroon r 7. CORNET SOLO " In the Starlight " SERGEANT KNIGHT. 8. VALSE ... " Ange d'Amour " SELECTION ... " Ruy Bias, the Blase Roue' I-DNUCHEN AND PATRIOTIC AIKS. Benedict. D. Godfrey, fun. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. JON 1 7 1994J ocn 02005 UCLA COL I RECEIVED JUN 1 6 2005