-M soia The Hydration of Normal Sodium Pyrophosphate to Orthophosphate in Varying Concentrations of Hydrogen Ion at Forty-five Degrees Centigrade. DISSERTATION Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Pure Science of Columbia University. BY WALDEMAR C. HANSEN, B. S. NEW YORK CITY 1922 The Hydration of Normal Sodium Pyrophosphate to Orthophosphate in Varying Concentrations of Hydrogen Ion at Forty-five Degrees Centigrade. DISSERTATION Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Pure Science of Columbia University. BY WALDEMAR C. HANSEN, B. S. NEW YORK CITY 1922 TO MY MOTHER ACKNOWLEDGMENT The following investigation was undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Samuel J. Kiehl and car- ried out under his direction. It gives me pleasure to express my thanks and appreciation for his constant advice and assistance received throughout the inves- tigation. A87139 The Hydration of Normal Sodium Pyrophosphate to Ortho- phosphate in Varying Concentrations of Hydrogen Ion at 45 Centigrade. Since the work of Graham 1 on the phosphoric acids the problem of the hydration of pyrophosphoric acid has been of interest. A part of the interest was due to the difference of opinion among chemists as to whether the hydration of meta- phosphoric acid was direct to orthophosphoric acid or whether pyrophosphoric acid was formed as an intermediate product 1 ' 2 > 3> 4> 5 6> 7 . Beans and Kiehl 8 showed that pyro- phosphate is formed as an intermediate product in the hydra- tion of sodium monometaphosphate to orthophosphate. There- fore to understand more fully the hydration of sodium mono- metaphosphate to orthophosphate it seems advisable to study the hydration of a pyrophosphate to orthophosphate under the same conditions. One difficulty encountered by previous workers on this problem was due to the lack of a suitable method for the de- termination of the amounts of the different phosphates pres- ent when present together. In order to study the reaction it is necessary to have a method of determining the amounts of each of the phosphates present at any given time. The first to study this problem were Andre and Berthelot 5 . They used a method of acidimetry to determine the amounts of each of the acids present at any definite time. They discarded this method and attempted 5 to develop a gravimetric separa- tion. In this separation they precipitated a magnesium ammon- ium pyrophosphate of indefinite composition by heating the solution to be analyzed, acidified with acetic acid, for three or four hours on a boiling water bath. Since temperature 9 and hydrogen ion 5 > 9 both have a marked effect on the rate of hydration this method could not be applicable for a quantita- tive study of this hydration. No one attempted a further study of -this problem until 1909 when Abbott 9 studied it by conductivity measurements. In his method he measured the conductivity of aqueous solu- tions of pyrophosphoric acid of varying concentrations and at different temperatures. The time at which the conduc- tivity of a given solution became constant he considered as the time required for the complete hydration. He determined the amounts hydrated at different intervals during the reaction by measuring the conductivity of mixtures of pyrophosphoric acid and orthophosphoric acid corresponding in composition to certain percentages of hydration of an original pyrophos- phoric acid solution. He plotted these conductivity values against composition and got straight line curves. So by meas- uring the conductivity of his hydration solution and referring to the curves he could determine the percentage hydrated at that time. These three studies are the only ones which have been made heretofore in which the reaction has been followed throughout its entire course. Since the method 5 of Andre and Berthelot was not applicable to the problem in question, and since Abbott's investigations were at temperatures w r here the reaction was complete in a few hours and on a few concen- trations of pyrophosphoric acid only, thus limiting the con- centration of hydrogen ion to that furnished by the acid, neither investigation has furnished sufficient information re- garding the hydration of a pyrophosphate as compared with the hydration of a metaphosphate as previously pointed out 8 . Therefore this problem was undertaken to study the hydration of a pyrophosphate to the orthophosphate in varying concen- trations of hydrogen ion and at constant temperature. With this in view, materials have been prepared and methods devel- oped whereby the factors and conditions influencing the reac- tion could be controlled and studied to completion. An ac- count of this investigation will be presented under the follow- ing headings Apparatus, Preparation of Materials, Method of Procedure, Experimental Data, Discussion, and Summary. APPARTUS Thermostat: A Freas sensitive thermostat was used to maintain a constant temperature for the entire work of hydra- tion and hydrogen ion concentration measurement. By it a constant temperature of 45 C. .01 was secured. 8 Potentiometer : Measurements for the determination of the concentration of hydrogen ion were made with a Leeds and Northrup direct-reading potentiometer of low resistance. Galvanometer: In connection with the potentiometer a Leeds and Northrup, type R, D'Arsonval galvanometer equip- ped with a telescope and scale was employed. Its resistance was 510 ohms, its sensibility 309 megohms. The period was 2.7 seconds, and the critical damping resistance was 1800 ohms. Standard Cell: A model 4, No. 4208 Weston standard cell served as a basis for all electrical measurements. Its value was 1.01872 volts at 22 C. This voltage was checked against a cell whose value was checked against a Bureau of Standards standard. Calomel and Hydrogen Cells and Electrodes : The calomel and hydrogen cells and electrodes employed in the measure- ment of hydrogen ion concentration w|ere of the type described in the article of Fales and Vosburgh 10 excepting a modifica- tion of the hydrogen cell by a stop cock on the arm leading to the salt bridge. Crucible Furnace : The amount of water of hydration and of constitution of the di-sodium orthophosphate and the amount of water of hydration of the normal sodium pyro- phosphate was determined by heating the salts in an electric resistance furnace. It was calibrated for temperature by a thermocouple in such a way that its temperature could be con- trolled by measurement of the current with an accuracy of 10 C. PREPARATION OF MATERIALS Normal Sodium Pyrophosphate (Na 4 P 2 O 7 -10H 2 O) : The purest Normal Sodium Pyrophosphate obtainable was re- crystallized three times from distilled water. The solution of the pyrophosphate was cooled in ice water and stirred con- tinuously until the crystallization was complete; this gave a very uniform crystalline product. The crystals were washed three times with distilled water on a Buchner funnel with sue- tion. They were then spread out on a glass surface and al- lowed to dry for about twelve hours at room temperature. They were then finely pulverized in an agate mortar and stored in a glass-stoppered bottle. This normal sodium pyrophosphate was analyzed for water of hydration by weighing a sample into a platinum crucible and heating in the electric crucible furnace previously de- scribed. The temperature was gradually raised to 450 C. during the first hour by increasing the current. It was kept at that temperature for two hours and then weighed ; reheat- ing for an hour caused no change in weight. The following table gives the analysis of the normal sodium pyrophosphate used in this research : Lot I, Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Lot II, Sample 1 Sampel 2 Water of Hydration Average 40.45% 40.44% 40.45% 40.46% 40.45% 40.45% 40.45% The theoretical value for water of hydration of Na 4 P 2 O 7 - 10H 2 O is 40.36%. It was then analyzed for phosphorus content. The phos- phorus content was calculated on the basis that the material was Na 4 P 2 O 7 -XH 2 O where XH 2 O = 40.45%. The percentage of phosphorus as calculated should be 13.89%. This was checked by converting weighed samples to orthophosphate by boiling with six molar hydrochloric acid for from four to five hours. The orthophosphate was then determined by the standard magnesium mixture method. The following table gives the results of these analyses : Lot I. Na Sample 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.. L 4 P 2 O 7 -XH 2 O P calc. on P determined Taken basis of 13.89% as ortho. .3269 gms. .0454 gms. .0458 .4084 .0568 .0568 .3971 .0552 .0556 .4448 .0618 .0622 10 The calculated and determined values for percentage of phos- phorus in the material check within experimental error and therefore the value of 13.89 per cent, phosphorus was used in making up all solutions for hydrations. Di-Sodium Orthophosphate (Na 2 HPO 4 T2H 2 O) : Di-Sod- ium orthophosphate was prepared by crystallizing three times from distilled water by the addition of an equal volume of re- distilled 9S r /< alcohol and cooling in ice water. The solution was stirred constantly until the crystallization was complete. In this way a very uniform crystalline product was secured. Di-sodium orthophosphate is similar to mono-sodium ortho- phosphate 8 forming two liquid phases upon the addition of the alcohol, and crystallization taking place first at the junc- ture of the two liquid phases. As crystallization proceeds the upper phase disappears, leaving but one phase at complete precipitation. The crystals were filtered on a Buchner funnel with suction and washed three times with alcohol. They were dried by spreading out on a glass surface for about an hour at room temperature ; at the end of that time they were finely pulverized in an agate mortar and put in a glass-stoppered bottle. Di-sodium orthophosphate crystallizes as Na 2 HPO 4 - 12H 2 O which gradually decomposes forming lower hydrates when exposed to the air. It was, therefore, decided not to attempt to prepare a constant hydrate, but to dry sufficiently to remove all possibility of free moisture and then analyze that material for water of constitution and water of hydration. The analyses for water content were made by weighing a sam- ple of the material into a platinum crucible and heating in the electric furnace previously described until constant weight was obtained. The material was heated gradually for one hour at first, then the rheostat was set for a temperature of 450 C. and held there for two hours. In this way constant results were obtained by Na 2 HPO 4 -XH 2 O being converted to Na 4 P 2 O 7 and the loss of weight was the total water content of the salt, that of hydration and constitution. 11 Lot I. % water of constitu- Calculated % of phos- Sample tion and hydration Mean phorus in the material ' SIAS iu2 Lot II. Sample 1 ...... 51 os 11 19 2 ...... 52.06 Lot III. Sample 1 ...... 56.51 r , ri _ 1 2 ..... . 56.52 5dSl 10 ' 14 Hydrochloric Acid : The hydrochloric acid used was pre- pared by distilling a constant boiling solution through a quartz condenser. The first and last portions were rejected. . Potassium Chloride: The calomel cells and salt bridges were prepared from potassium chloride which was purified by re-crystallization three times from distilled water and then fused in platinum. Mercurous Chloride: The mercurous chloride employed to make calomel cells for hydrogen ion concentration measure- ments was prepared by the electrolytic method of Ellis 11 , from mercury re-distilled according to Hulett 12 and hydrochloric acid prepared as described above. Magnesium Mixture: The magnesium mixture was pre- pared by dissolving 320 grams of magnesium chloride hexa hydrate, 225 grams of ammonium chloride, and 250 c.c. of 15 M. ammonium hydroxide (specific gravity .9) in 2250 c.c. of water. Magnesium Chloride Solution: The magnesium chloride solution used was made by dissolving 110 grams magnesium chloride hexa hydrate in 50 c.c. of water, which gave ap- proximately a volume of 130 c.c. of solution. 12 METHOD OF PROCEDURE In planning a method of procedure -the first considerations were the factors influencing the reaction and they have as far as possible been either measured or controlled as in the work of Beans and Kiehl in the hydration of sodium monometa- phosphate. The temperature, the concentration of hydrogen ion, the concentration of orthophosphate and the concentra- tion of pyrophosphate are the variable factors which influence the hydration of normal sodium pyrophosphate. The temperature was regulated and controlled at 45 C. ~ .01. The concentration of hydrogen ion was measured at intervals during the hydration. The amount of pyrophos- phate changed to orthophosphate was determined at intervals by hydrogen ion concentration measurements ; this was also checked over the last fifty per cent, of the hydration by gravi- metric analysis. Preparation of Solutions: All solutions made up for hydration were prepared at 20 C. The finely pulverized normal sodium pyrophosphate was weighed and transferred to a 1,000 c.c. volumetric flask. Dis- tilled water was added leaving sufficient room for the hydro- . chloric acid required to furnish the hydrogen ion concentra- tion wanted in that solution. The acid used was the constant boiling mixture previously described. The value of the acid was determined by measuring out 30 c.c. portions by means of a burette and building them up to 1,000 c.c. at 20 C. These acid solutions were titrated with standard sodium hydroxide solution. The value of the sodium hydroxide solution was determined by titration against Bureau of Standards benzoic acid. Phenolphthalein was used as indicator in all the titra- tion.s. As the acid was added the flask was rotated so as to avoid acquiring a greater hydrogen ion concentration in any portion of the solution than that ultimately desired. The solu- tion was then brought quickly to 20 C., and the flask filled to the graduation, then mixed thoroughly and put in a "non sol" bottle and placed in the thermostat. The whole operation be- ginning with the addition of the acid required not more than ten minutes. The specific gravity of the solution was taken 13 at 20 C. by means of the Westphal balance calibrated at 20 C., at the beginning of the hydration, again at about fifty per cent., and finally at complete hydration. These spe- cific gravity values are given in the tables for each solution. There Was no change in volume in any of the solutions during hydration (except D and D 2 see Table 2) greater than one part in a thousand, the precision of the balance. This was further checked by measuring the specific gravity of three of the solutions at the beginning and at the end of the reaction, by means of a pycnometer. The change was not greater than one part in a thousand so that the Westphal balance was suffi- ciently accurate. The concentrations of all of the solutions were calculated in moles per liter at 20 C. so by knowing the specific gravity at 20 C. the concentration of the phosphates in any weighed quantity of the solution could be calculated. The change of specific gravity of D l and D., was two parts in a thousand. Since they are the only ones that show this change it is believed to be due to some other cause than the change in volume due to hydration. The final hydrogen ion concentrations of these solutions were also higher than expect- ed from the final value obtained for the analytical curve ; all the other solutions approached quite closely in final hydrogen ion concentrations that determined for the analytical curves. So it seems quite possible that some evaporation must have taken place in solutions Dj and D 2 , thus making them more concentrated. This would explain both the specific gravity change and the higher hydrogen ion concentration. All solu- tions were handled so as to minimize evaporation as much as possible because at 45 C. and for the long times that the solutions were being run evaporation would become quite appreciable unless every precaution was taken to guard against it. Measurement of Concentration of Hydrogen Ion. All hydrogen ion measurements were made at 45 C. by The Saturated Potassium Chloride Calomel Cell method de- veloped in this department 13 . Samples of the solution in process of hydration were taken by means of a pipette and in- troduced into the hydrogen cell previously rinsed three times 14 with the solution being measured. The voltage was meas- ured after ten minutes and again after twenty minutes which was the time required for equilibrium. The hydrogen was purified by passing it successively through alkaline perman- ganate, mercuric chloride, alkaline pyrogallol, cotton, and a portion of the same solution to be measured placed in the thermostat. The calculation of the molar concentration of hydrogen ion was made by means of the formula DT In this formula C H+ is the concentration of hydrogen ion, E the observed voltage, T the absolute temperature, D a con- stant whose value is .000198, and A a constant whose value is .2342 for 'forty-five degrees centigrade. Determination of the Percentage of Hydration by Hydrogen Ion Concentration Measurements. It is well known that the hydration of normal sodium pyro- phosphate is represented by the following equation : Na 4 P 2 O 7 + H 2 O -+ 2Na 2 HPO 4 . The method used in making the initial solutions for the hydra- tions studied was to make up a solution of normal sodium pyrophosphate of a certain concentration containing hydro- chloric acid of a certain concentration. It was therefore pos- sible to make up solutions containing pyrophosphate, ortho- phosphate and hydrochloric acid identical in composition with any sample of the particular solution in the process of hydra- tion, provided the specific gravity change during hydration was within the precision of experimental measurements. It has been pointed out previously that the specific gravity change was not greater than one part in a thousand which is within the required accuracy. Therefore, it was possible to make up analytical curves by which the hydration could be followed by hydrogen ion concentration measurements. These curves were made up by preparing six solutions which corre- sponded in composition to the initial solution being studied and to each twenty per cent, hydration, the final solution 15 corresponding to complete hydration. The molar hydrogen ion concentration measured on each of these six solutions was plotted against. molar concentration of orthophosphate. This gave a curve from which, by knowing the concentration of hydrogen ion in any particular solution being hydrated, the composition of that solution could be determined from the curve. The data for these curves are given in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. The curves are given in plates I, II, and III. Concentration of Na 4 P 2 7 in Moles per Liter. I Division -.025 Mole J 2 $ -100 .075 .050 .025 .000 3* \ \ PLATE I ANALYTICAL CURVES OF H, A AND I ft -.OS M. Na 4 P 2 7 AND .425 M. HCI A - .725" M. Ma* PZ Oj AND .350 M. HCI AND .500 M. HCI .050 .100 .150 .200 Concentration of Na 2 HP04 in Moles per Liter. I Div.-. 050 M. 16 .250 Concentration ofNa'4 PZ 7 in Moles per L iter. I Div. = . 035 Mo/e .175 .140 JOS .070 .035 .000 .000 .070 . .140 .210 .260 .350 Concentration of /vs 2 HP0 4 /n/wo/es per Liter. I Div. ^.070 Mole The materials used in preparing these solutions were the same as used in preparing the hydration solutions with the addition of the di-sodium orthophosphate which is described under preparation of materials. The method of preparing these solutions was to make up 100 c.c. in exactly the same way as described under preparation of solutions. The hydro- gen ion concentration was measured immediately in the same way as described under measurement of hydrogen ion concen- tration. The entire time from the addition of the acid until the final hydrogen ion concentration was mesaured was never over thirty minutes, which introduced very little error into these measurements due to hydration during the time of meas- uring corroborated by actual work of hydration. These analytical curves were plotted on a scale such that the concentration of orthophosphate could be read to two- 17 Concentration of Na 4 P 2 7 in Moles per Liter. .180 .135 .090 . 045 Mole 045 .000 PL AT EM ANALYTICAL CURVES E,D&B E= .225 M. Na+ P 2 Of & .500M.HCI D = .225 M. Na 4 P 2 7 & 425M.HCI 8 f .225 M. Na 4 P 2 7 Qc.350M.HCI .000 .090 .180 .270 .360 .450 Concentration of Na 2 HP0 4 in Moles per Liter. I Div. - .090 Mole tenths of one per cent. In every analytical curve the slope was steep enough over the larger part that a change of two- tenths of a millivolt (the precision of potentiometer readings) in hydrogen ion concentration measurements gave an error in composition of less than one per cent., and at the extreme end where the slope became less steep the error was less than two per cent., so that the composition could be determined by hy- drogen ion concentration measurements with an accuracy of less than two per cent, over the entire curve. Separation of Ortho and Pyrophosphate. The values for percentages of hydration as determined by hydrogen ion concentration measurements were checked over the last fifty per cent, by gravimetric separation. As pointed out in the introduction, no satisfactory gravimetric separation for ortho and pyrophosphate was known. It was known 14 18 however, that pyrophosphate of magnesium was soluble in magnesium salts. A decision was therefore made to attempt a separation by use of magnesium chloride and magnesium mix- ture. A number of qualitative determinations were made to determine the amounts of magnesium chloride and magnesium mixture necessary to keep certain amounts of pyrophosphate in solution. Then determinations were made to see if ortho- phosphate could be precipitated quantitatively from the mag- nesium chloride mixture solutions containing certain amounts of dissolved pyrophosphate. TABLE I. Separation of Orthophosphate from Pyrophosphate Mgs. P Mgs. P Mgs.P Mgs. P Mgs.P Mgs.P used in found in used in used in found in used in form of form of form of form of form of form of ortho. ortho. pyro. ortho. ortho. pyro. 30.60 30.38 40. 45.00 45.74 20. 30.53 30.38 40. 45.00 45.91 20. 30.53 30.16 40. 45.00 45.55 30. 30.53 30.75 40. 45.00 45.52 30. 30.53 30.58 30. 45.00 45.29 30. 30.53 30.30 30. 45.00 46.13 30. 30.53 30.61 30. 45.00 45.77 20. 30.53 30.53 20. 45.00 45.91 20. 30.53 30.38 20. 45.00 44.83 none 45.00 45.20 30. 45.00 44.74 none 45.00 44.83 none 45.00 46.41 30. 45.00 44.52 none 45.00 45.88 30. 44.90 45.69 30. 21.60 21.74 30. 45.00 46.41 30 21.60 21.49 30. 45.00 45.88 30. In Table 1 it is shown that from 30 to 45 milligrams of phos- phorus as orthophosphate can be determined within two per cent, in the presence of 40 milligrams or less of phosphorus as pyrophosphate. Attempts to determine orthophosphate in greater concentrations of pyrophosphate were not successful because of the large amounts of the magnesium chloride mix- ture necessary to keep the pyrophosphate in solution which made the method cumbersome and inaccurate. 19 The following method for separation was developed: 170 c.c. of magnesium mixture and 85 c.c. of magnesium chloride solution (described under preparation of materials) were mixed just before using. This mixture of the two solutions has been called throughout this article "the magnesium chlor- ide mixture." The pyrophosphate was dissolved in a few c.c. of water and added slowly with continuous stirring to the magnesium chloride mixture and stirred until any precipitate which formed was re-dissolved. The orthophosphate solution was added slowly with continuous stirring from a burette. The solution was then stirred until the precipitate became crystalline. It was then allowed to stand from twelve to four- teen hours, then filtered and washed with an ammonium ni- trate and ammonium hydroxide solution. This precipitate was then dissolved in cold six molar hydrochloric acid and re- precipitated by adding twenty c.c. of 15 M. ammonium hy- droxide and a few c.c. of magnesium mixture, stirring well during precipitation. It was allowed to stand from six to twelve hours, then filtered into a Gooch crucible and ignited and weighed as magnesium pyrophosphate. By this method it was possible to precipitate the ortho- phosphate in a crystalline form. In most cases however, the first precipitate showed traces of pyrophosphate which forms a gelatinous precipitate with magnesium mixture. To mini- mize as much as possible hydrating this pyrophsophate to the orthophosphate during the dissolving of the precipitate with acid, cold acid was used and the solution run directly into the ammonium hydroxide used for re-precipitation. In spite of these precautions a small amount of pyrophosphate was hy- drated during the operation as may be seen in Table 1, where a majority of the values show a slight increase in orthophos- phate over that taken in the sample. This method of separation can be used where the concen- tration of phosphorus as pyrophsophate does not exceed about 45 milligrams and the concentration of phosphorus as ortho- phosphate is about 30 to 45 milligrams in the total volume of 160 c.c. used. The limits of this method allow its use then only after the pyrophosphate solutions are over fifty per cent, hydrated and it was therefore used to check the values ob- 20 tained b'y hydrogen ion measurements over the last fifty per cent. The method of sampling and analyzing the solutions being rn-drated was as follows : The concentration of the hydrogen ion was measured as de- scribed under measurement of hydrogen ion concentration at intervals of about every eight to ten per cent hydration. After the solutions were over fifty per cent hydrated gravi- metric samples were taken at the same time as the hydrogen iov> concentration samples. These samples were taken by means of a Bailey weighing burette. An effort was made to get samples in which the phosphorus as orthophosphate was within 30 to 45 milligrams. The sample was added drop by drop with constant stirring to the magnesium chloride mix- ture. When these samples containing both ortho and pyro- phosphate were added a curdy precipitate of ortho with some pyrophosphate was formed. In order to re-dissolve the pyro- phosphate it was necessary to stir for some time until the pre- cipitate became distinctly crystalline and no curdy precipitate could be observed. The lengths of time to accomplish this varied, but thirty minutes was usually sufficient. In this way two values were obtained for the percentage of hydration over the last fifty per cent. By referring to the tables under experimental data it may be seen that the first gravimetric samples gave values which were usually three to five per cent, higher than those obtained by hydrogen ion con- centration measurements, and as the hydration neared com- pletion and the concentration of pyrophosphate became less the agreement between the two values became better and near completion checked within the experimental limits. The rea- son for the greater deviation at first is due to the pyrophos- phate carried down in the first precipitation which was partly hydrated on dissolving in acid for the second precipitation. It was found more difficult to re-dissolve the pyrophosphate in these samples than it was when it was added alone as was done in the development of the separation, and with the utmost precaution the first precipitates when filtered always showed the presence of a little pyrophosphate. Then as the pyrophosphate concentration in the samples decreased the 21 amount carried down was much less and agreement 'was ob- tained in the values by both methods. So by use of this gravi- metric method it was possible to have a check over 'the last fifty per cent, on the values obtained by the hydrogen ion concentration measurements. It can be seen by a comparison of the tables that the hy- drogen ion concentration in each solution approached a final value very nearly the same as the value obtained for the analytical curves where the final solution was made up of di- sodium, orthophosphate and hydrochloric acid. Every solu- tion was left in the thermostat from two weeks to a month and the hydrogen ion concentration measured two or three times after the final value which is given in the tables was obtained, and in every case the hydrogen ion concentration remained constant which shows that equilibrium had been reached. In determining orthophosphate by magnesium mixture it is usually difficult to get perfectly white ignited precipitates. Nearly all show black spots after they have been ignited to the magnesium pyrophosphate. It was thought this might be due partly to suspended organic matter in the reagents or from such material in the air getting into the precipitate be- fore it was ignited. To see if extra precautions to avoid con- tamination of the precipitates in this way would decrease the black spots after ignition, all reagents used in .the final pre- cipitation and washing were filtered and the precipitate pro- tected from dust and dirt from the air as much as possible. These precautions were taken throughout this work and the majority of the precipitates were white, showing no black spots. EXPERIMENTAL DATA In the following table are outlined the solutions of normal sodium pyrophosphate and hydrochloric acid studied in se- curing the data for the hydration and for the effect of hydro- gen ion concentration upon the rate of the hydration. 22 Solution TABLE 2. Solutions Studied Concentration of Concentration of Na 4 P 9 O 7 in moles HC1 in moles per Liter at 20 C. per Liter at 20 C. .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .125 .175 .175 .175 .175 .175 .175 .225 .225 .225 .225 .225 .225 .350 .350 .425 .425 .500 .500 .350 .350 .425 .425 .500 .500 .350 .350 .425 .425 .500 .500 Specific Gravity at 20 C. 1.029 1.029 1.030 1.030 1.031 1.031 1.041 1.040 1.041 1.041 1.043 1.043 1.052 1.052 1.054 1.054 1.056 1.056 It may be observed in the above outline that all hydra- tions were run in duplicate. In every case the two checked within experimental error and therefore the data for only one is given. All synthetic solutions for analytical curves are lettered the same as the respective solutions to be hydrated. TABLE 3. Data for Analytical Curve I in Plate I. Concentration of HC1 = .500 M. at 20 C. Temperature = 45 C. Barometric Pressure = 766.0 mm. at 19 C. Molar Concentration Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 of Na 4 P 2 O_ at20C. .125 .100 .075 .050 .025 .000 Molar Molar Concentration Concentration of Na 2 HPO 4 Voltage of Hydrogen at 20 C. E Ion X 10 2 .000 .2892 13.39 .050 .2919 12.14 .100 .2958 10.52 .150 .2999 9.06 .200 .3056 7.36 .250 .3112 5.99 23 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 TABLE 4. Data for Analytical Curve H in Plate I. Concentration of HC1 = .425 M. at 20 C. Temperature = 45 C. Barometric Pressure = 758.0 mm. at 21.5 C. Molar Molar Molar oncentration Concentration Concentration of Na 4 P 2 O 7 at20C. ' of Na 2 HPO 4 at20'C. Voltage E of Hydrogen Ion X 10 3 .125 .000 .3080 67.4 .100 .050 .3137 54.7 .075 .100 .3211 41.8 .050 .150 .3278 32.6 .025 .200 .3322 27.7 .000 .250 .3379 22.6 TABLE 5. Data for Analytical Curve A in Plate I. Concentration of HC1 = .350 M. at 20 C. Temperature = 45 C. Barometric Pressure 744.0 mm. at 21 C. Molar Molar Molar oncentration Concentration Concentration of Na 4 P 2 O 7 at20C. of Na 2 HPO 4 at 20 C. Voltage E of Hydrogen Ion X 10 3 .125 .000 .3313 28.7 .100 .050 .3392 21.6 .075 .100 .3470 16.4 .050 .150 .3535 12.8 .025 .200 .3597 10.0 .000 .250 .3646 8.5 TABLE 6. Data for Analytical Curve G in Plate II. Concentration of HC1 = .500 M. at 20 C. Temperature = 45 C. Barometric Pressure = 764.0. mm. at 20.5 Molar Molar Concentration Concentration of Na 2 HPO at 20 C. of Na 4 P 2 7 at20C. .175 .140 .105 .070 .035 .000 .000 .070 .140 .210 .280 .350 C. Molar Concentration Voltage* of Hydrogen Ion X 10 3 43.3 31.8 23.6 17.7 E .3201 .3285 .3367 .3445 .3509 .3565 14.0 11.4 24 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 TABLE 7. Data for Analytical Curve F in Plate II. Concentration of HC1 = .425 M. at 20 C. Temperature = 45 C. Barometric Pressure = 766.0 mm. at 19.5 C. Molar Molar Molar Concentration Concentration Concentration of Na 4 P 7 at20C. of Na 2 HP0 4 at 20 C. Voltage E of Hydrogen Ion X 10 3 .175 .000 .3557 11.80 .140 .070 .3661 8.06 .105 .140 .3738 6.08 .070 .210 .3809 4.58 .035 .280 .3865 3.82 .000 .350 .3910 3.24 TABLE 8. Data for Analytical Curve C in Plate II. Concentration of HC1 = .350 M. at 20 C. Temperature = 45 C. Barometric Pressure = 759.0 mm. at 19.5 C. Molar Molar Molar Concentration Concentration Concentration of Na 4 P 2 7 of Na 2 HPO 4 Voltage of Hydrogen Solution at20C. at20C. E Ion X 10 6 1 .175 .000 .4961 69.6 2 .140 .070 .4966 61.3 3 .105 .140 .5038 52.5 4 .070 .210 .5086 44.1 5 .035 .280 .5149 35.0 6 .000 .350 .5235 25.5 TABLE 9. Data for Analytical Curve E in Plate III. Concentration of HC1 = .500 M. at 20 C. Temperature = 45 C. Barometric Pressure = 770.0 mm. at 18 C. Molar Concentration Molar Concentration ofNa.P O ofNaHPO, at20C. .225 .180 .135 .090 .045 .000 at20C .000 .090 .180 .270 .360 .450 Voltage E .3767 .3883 .3970 .4036 .4101 .4138 Molar Concentration of Hydrogen Ion X 10 3 5.45 3.58 2.61 2.05 1.61 1.41 25 Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 TABLE 10. Data for Analytical Curve D in Plate III. Concentration of HC1 = .425 M. at 20 C. Temperature^ 45 C. Barometric Pressure = 752.0 mm. at 19 C. Molar Molar Molar Concentration Concentration Concentration of Na 4 P O. of Na 9 HPO 4 Voltage of Hydrogen Solution at20C. ' at 20 C. E Ion X 10 6 1 .225 .000 .5273 22.2 2 .180 .090 .5315 19.1 3 .135 .180 .5354 16.5 4 .090 .270 .5402 13.9 5 .045 .360 .5468 10.9 6 .000 .450 .5522 9.0 TABLE 11. Data for Analytical Curve B in Plate III. Concentration of HC1 = .350 M. at 20 C. Temperature = 45 C. rometric Pressure = 762.0 mm . at 19 C. Molar Molar Molar Concentration Concentration Concentration of Na 4 P 9 0_ of Na 2 HPO 4 Voltage of Hydrogen at20C. at20C. E Ion X 10 6 .225 .000 .5742 4.10 .180 .090 .5775 3.55 .135 .180 .5818 3.04 .090 .270 .5857 2.63 .045 .360 .5887 2.36 .000 .450 .5903 2.22 26 O o U CM O H o C r; s s g o o I 6 ^^ ^ rt M 88 3 o r^ o fO IN. r- 1 t>* CM LO i ( 8 H 1 i c ta 03 " u -c m 6 a S g O ""* O -5 OH t^ r^* t^>* t*x t^ t^ t^ i T i CM CM CMCMCM 27 c CM O "-" o ^ c ^ ^ ^^O i.ii s I II X co bo flj ^ in V *S8, a- p^vj 888SS8SS8 >O ON co O CO ON rf ON O CO CM co CM co 5 % o\ CM' o\ vd tx oo oo O\ O Oq fOOO'OiOCO OOCO^O t^OOON O O O OiOOOOLOLOOOOOOOO t^ t^ tx tx tx rx tx tx tx tx tx tx tx tx VO < co J 10 I vO ^O >O to Tf TJ- 10 to -H 10 tx CM t"x oo O TI- 10 oo -H ^; O <-H -H > i -H CM CM co c 3 fi . 5 . w C H 2 ^ ^ 03 ^ C > c n ffi - 2 2 c o o S a f~*, ^-H C^ OJ '" H f^ ^^ * C^ wt Tt * *~H CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM CMCMCM 'CM pPpLOpPpO -POO -O CO ^^ ^^ *""* ^"^ CO co Cp * OO CM ON * ^" vo LO ^" LO vo vo vo V O ^O vo vo ^" iVOt^ONLOLOCMcovoco tx,ONjcqtot>jONCMtN.T^oqt>s,t>vo co t^ "S o tx LO' CM' CM' << o ON ON od oo CMCMCMCM'-H'-H'-''-HT-Hr-H r I CM LO O ^J" tX fO co co rf rj- Tf i i CM co OO ON O i i CM CO 29 O o CJ ^ o W ^ O JJ , _ C *-i ft . 4-. 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