ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL WAVE-MOTION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER ILotrtJon:- FETTER LANE, B.C. flFtJinburgf): 100 PRINCES STREET G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS anto Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. J. M. DENT AND SONS, LTD. THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All riyhtt reserved THE MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL WAVE-MOTION ON THE BASIS OF MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS BY H. BATEMAN, M.A., Ph.D. Late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; Johnston Research Scholar, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Cambridge : at the University Press 1915 Cambridge: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE THIS book is intended as an introduction to some recent developments of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory which are directly connected with the solution of the partial differential equation of wave-motion. The higher developments of the theory which are based on the dynamical equations of motion are not considered at all. Even with this limitation the subject is a vast one, and to bring the work of perusing the literature within my power I have omitted an account of the modern theory of relativity which has been expounded very clearly in several recent publications. For a thorough understanding of the present subject a very extensive knowledge of mathematics is necessary, but there are parts of the subject in which a reader with only a limited mathematical equipment may soon feel at home and perhaps do useful original work. With the idea of enabling suoh a reader to obtain a quick grasp of the nature of the subject and the results obtained, I have thought it advisable to state without proof a number of relations of which adequate demonstrations can only be obtained by means of complicated and difficult analysis. I have also endeavoured to keep the analysis as elementary as possible, but in some places where the work is perfectly straight- forward a few details are omitted. The book is far from being a complete treatise on the subject, for I have not given any existence theorems to show that the solutions of certain problems exist and are unique, and no attempt has been made to enter into the details of numerical computations. There are many parts of the subject indeed to which a pure mathematician might make useful additions; in particular, I might direct attention to p. 21, line 2, and p. 101, where there are one or two matters which require further discussion. VI PREFACE Chapter VIII and paragraph 5 contain some of my own con- tributions to the subject. At present there seem to be several different directions in which future developments may be made, and so it seems unwise to give a hasty judgment concerning the physical significance of the results. Ideas which naturally present themselves are that the aether can be regarded as built up from singular curves of the type considered in 43, and that 41 and 44 may throw some light on the question of the difference between positive and negative elementary electric charges. I hope to discuss an hypothesis relating to the first idea in a future note, but am unable to give any support at present to the second idea. I gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to Sir Joseph Larmor who read the manuscript before it was revised and made some helpful suggestions, to Prof. Ames who read the greater portion of the manuscript, to Prof. Morley and Mr Hass6 who helped me with their advice and vigilance in reading the proof- sheets, and to the officers and staff of the University Press for their careful work and constant consideration shown in matters connected with the printing. For the correctness of the new formulae and examples I alone am responsible ; if any errors are discovered I shall be grateful if my readers will inform me. HARRY BATEMAN. October, 1914. CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE I. FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS 1 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS p. 28. Formula (30) is due to Lame". Cf. A. E. H. Love, The Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, 2nd edition, p. 55. p. 101. An asymptotic expression for T m n (s) when n is a large positive integer can be derived from a formula given by L. Feje"r in 1909. This formula is accessible in a paper by 0. Perron, Arkiv der Mat. u. Phys. (1914). p. 118. The factor c in front of the double integrals should be omitted, p. 120. Delete the minus sign in the second of equations (277). p. 127. Line 8. This statement is incorrect, the equations are poristic, the special case is the only one which can occur, p. 132. Line 20. On account of the porism just mentioned, the hope may be abandoned. p. 150. Ex. 13. For equations (10) of 5 read equations (2) of 2. p. 154. Ex. 24. The equation should read 9 pc= ~ a# *~ fy *r K* where 6 is an arbitrary function. Obtain a similar solution by replacing -K 4. First solution of the fundamental equations. Let us use the symbol flu to denote the Dalembertian*f* of M, viz. _ia 2 w__a 2 w a^ &u_id*u c*W~W + df + fo* c*dt*' * Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 175 (1884), p. 343. See also H. A. Lorentz, The Theory of Electrons, p. 22. t This is the name suggested by Lorentz, loc. cit. p. 17. Many writers use Cauchy's symbol D to denote the Dalembertian, but I think is preferable because its form suggests a wave. Murphy's symbol A is also used here in place of the usual symbol V 2 . E. B. Wilson and G. N. Lewis use the symbol O 2 ** to denote the Dalembertian of u. Cf. Proc. Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 48 (1912), p. 389. l] FIRST SOLUTION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS 7 and the symbol grad U to denote the vector whose components zu du du dx ' dy ' dz respectively. Let us also use HA, where A is a vector with components A x , A y , A z , to denote the vector whose components are HA r , tlA y , I1A 2 . The equation lu = Q will be called the wave-equation and a solution of this equation a wave-function. A vector function A will be said to satisfy the wave-equation when each of its components is a wave-function, i.e. if HA = 0. We may now satisfy equations (1) and (2) by writing ............... (5), c ct where the scalar potential A = ^ + i and the vector potential L = B + iA satisfy the equations nA = 0, n = 0, div + i|^ = ......... (6). C ut The last three equations may be solved in a general way by writing . ,. ~ . A = - div G - - -5- c c) where the vector (7 = F + ill and the scalar /if satisfy the wave- equation lu=0 ........................... (8). The solution of equations (1) which is embodied in (5), (6) and (7) is a simple extension of Hertz's solution* and is suggested by Whittaker's solution ( in terms of two scalar potentials. It is clear that the function K drops out when we differentiate to find M and so the electric and magnetic forces depend ony on the vector G. The form of this vector indicates that the electromagnetic field can be regarded as the sum of two partkl fields ; one of these is derived from the vector II and * Ann. i. Phys. Vol. 36 (1888), p. 1. The general solution is given by Eighi, Bokgna Mem. (5), t. 9 (1901), p. 1 ; IlNuovo Cimento (5), t. 2 (1901), p. 2. He finds siitable expressions for the vectors II and T in a number of cases. t Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 1 (1903). 8 FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS [CH. will be called a field of electric type, the other is derived from the function T and will be called a field of magnetic type. This resolution of an electromagnetic field into two partial fields is analogous to the one used by H. M. Macdonald* in the study of the effect of an obstacle on a train of electric waves. The component fields are then of such a type that in one case the magnetic force normal to the obstacle vanishes over the surface of the latter, in the other case it is the eleciric force normal to the obstacle that vanishes. The same idea has been used recently by Mief and DebyeJ in the treatment of the case of a spherical obstacle. In Hertz's solution we have F = 0, K = and II has components (0, 0, S). The components of E and H are consequently given by the formulae rr -^ ~ 98 IPS Ez = W-c*~W' Hz = Hertz uses Euler's wave-function S = - sin K (r - ct\ r* = a? + f J and obtains in this way a theory of his oscillator||. The electric and magnetic forces become infinite at the origin which is there- fore a singularity of the electromagnetic field. A singularity of this type is called a vibrating electric doublet and is regarded as the simplest model of a source of light or electromagnetic waves. * Electric Waves, Ch. vi. t Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 25 (1908), p. 382. + Ibid. Vol. 30 (1*09), p. 57. Periodic solutions representing a disturbance sent out from n-fold poles had been used previously by H. A. Eowland and applied to the elucidation of optical phenomena. Amer. Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 6, p. 359 ; Phil. Mag. Vol. 17 (1884), p. 423. Cf. also Stokes, Cambr. Phil. Trans. (1849). || To deal with the case in which the vibrations are damped we assume S=- +"(-<*) sin K (r - ct). Cf. K. Pearson and A. Lee, Phil. Trans. 1, Vol. 193 (1900), p. 159. l] FIRST SOLUTION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS 9 The solutions of equations (1) which are obtained by superposing elementary solutions of this type are of great importance in physical optics. When r is very great the most important terms in the expressions (9) are where s = sin K (r ct). All the other terms are of order l/r s or 1/r 3 . These expressions give Hence at a very great distance from the origin the field is practically a self-conjugate field and so the energy travels with a velocity very nearly equal to the velocity of light. The expressions indicate that Poynting's vector is ultimately along the radius from the origin; now the electric and magnetic forces are at right angles to Poynting's vector and so the vibrations of the light-vector, whether we take it to be the electric or magnetic force, are at right angles to the radius. The waves sent out from the source have, then, the character of monochromatic light at a great distance from the origin*. The amplitudes of the vibrations at points on the same radius are proportional to the quantities 1/r when r is large, and so if the intensity of the light be measured by the square of the amplitude the inverse square law is fulfilled. Since the electric force is ultimately at right angles to the radius there is no total charge associated with the singularity, for the charge is equal to the surface -integral of the normal electric force over a large sphere concentric with the origin and this integral is evidently zero. We are consequently justified in regarding the singularity as a doublet and in fact * For a fuller discussion see Larmor, Phil. Mag. (5), Vol. 44 (1897), p. 503 ; Aether and Matter, Chap, xiv, where it is shown that energy is radiated from a moving charge only when the velocity of the charge alters in either magnitude or direction. 10 FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS [CH. as a simple electric doublet of varying moment as is indicated by the way in which the electric and magnetic forces become infinite*. The axis of the doublet is along the axis of z. The electric lines of force due to a vibrating electric doublet have been drawn by Hertz f for various stages of the motion. The general character of the lines of force is indicated in Fig. 1. It will be noticed that the. lines are all at right angles to a plane perpendicular to the axis of the doublet. M. Abraham has used a Hertzian doublet to obtain a model of the electro- magnetic field produced by the oscillations in a vertical antenna, the plane just mentioned being supposed to represent the earth which is regarded as a perfect conductor. Zenneck|| has, however, pointed out that when the imperfect conductivity of the earth is taken into account the circumstances of the * See 42. t Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 36 (1888), p. 1. The case of damped vibrations is considered by K. Pearson and A. Lee, loc. cit. I am indebted to the Macmillan Company and A. Gray, Esq., for permis- sion to reproduce this diagram. Phys. Zeitschr. Vol. 2 (1901), p. 329 ; Theorie der Elektrizitat, Vol. 2, 34; Encyklop. d. Math. Wiss. Band 5, 18. || Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 23 (1907), p. 846 ; Phys. Zeitschr. Vol. 9 (1908), p. 50 ; Ibid. p. 553. I] FIRST SOLUTION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS 11 propagation are somewhat different. The spreading of electro- magnetic waves over the earth's surface has been investigated thoroughly by A. Sommerfeld* and his pupil H. v. Hoerschle- mannf, and their results seem to indicate that the imperfect conductivity of the earth is an important factor in directing electric waves and in enabling their effects to be detected at great distances. The ionisation of the air by sunlight is also an important factor, as has been pointed out by J. J. Thomson, W. H. EcclesJ and J. A. Fleming. Marconi's experiments have indicated that the circumstances of propagation are not yet thoroughly understood. No good reason has been given to explain why communications by means of electric waves can be made more easily when the receiving station is in a north or south direction than when the direction is east or west. The curious contrasts in the results obtained with waves of different frequencies in day and night communications are also un- explained ||. The use of the vector II instead of the scalar S was recommended by Abraham IF. Von Hoerschlemann has obtained in this way a model of Marconi's bent antenna which gives a directed effect to the radiation. A number of arrangements of Hertzian doublets that can be used to imitate the action of antennae have been described by Fleming**, Larmorf^*, Sommerfeld and Macdonald. In the theory of FitzGerald's magnetic oscillator we have n = o, r = (o, o, N), N being Euler's wave-function. Whittaker's solution is obtained by adding the solutions of Hertz and FitzGerald. * Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 28 (1909), p. 665. t Jahrb. d. draht. Teleg. Vol. 5 (1912). J Proc. Roy. Soc. A, Vol. 87, p. 79. British Association Reports, Dundee (1912). See also 0. J. Lodge, Phil. Mag. Vol. 25 (1913), p. 775. || See Marconi's address to the Royal Institution, June, 1913. H Theorie der Elektrizitdt, Vol. 2,'Ch. i. See also Righi, loc. cit. ** Proc. Roy. Soc. A, Vol. 78, p. 1. tt Ibid, in a footnote to Fleming's paper. t Proc. Roy. Soc. A, Vol. 81, p. 394. Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc. Vol. 3 (1883) ; Scientific Writings, p. 122. 12 FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS [CH. 5. Second solution of the fundamental equations. It is easy to see that equations (2) will be satisfied if we can find two functions (a, /3) such that a(y,*)-*0 3(, _ . ~ .(10). 3 (,)- 1> .0.(y,) -"*2 == o~7 \ = i 1 "o7 IT An electromagnetic field that is specified in this way is necessarily a self-conjugate field, for if we multiply together the two expressions for M x and do the same for M v , M z , we find that M* = 0. A particular pair of functions a, /3 is obtained by putting a = x cos + y sin 6 + iz, /5 = x sin 6 y cos ct ...... (11), where 6 is an arbitrary constant. To generalise this field we multiply the expressions for M x , M y , M z by an arbitrary function* of a, /3, 6 and integrate with regard to 6\ we thus obtain a very general electromagnetic field in which Jf fl = + i [ Jo , ft, 6) cos 6 dd - Jo .(12). The components of the electric and magnetic forces are obtained by equating the ambiguous and unambiguous parts in these equations; it is easy to verify that they are all wave- functions. It should be remarked that these definite integrals may give a representation of the electromagnetic field, required for the solution of a problem, only in a certain limited domain of * When we speak of an arbitrary function it must be understood that the function may be subject to certain limitations which render the integration and differentiation under the integral sign intelligible operations. I] SECOND SOLUTION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS 13 the variables as, y, z, t ; the integrals may in fact represent discontinuous functions. The limits of integration could have been taken to be any other constants instead of and 2?r ; they can also be taken to be functions of #, y, z> t of the type o>, where o> is defined by an equation of the form x sin to y cos &> ct = F(co), F being an arbitrary function. A suitable pair of functions a, ft is also obtained by putting and in this case Poynting's vector is along the radius from the origin. A more general type of electromagnetic field in which this is true is obtained by multiplying the above expressions for the components of M by an arbitrary function of a and @. Other pairs of functions a, j3 of a very general nature are obtained in Chap. vm. It should be remarked that in all cases the functions (a, j3) are of such a nature that if F (a, $) is an arbitrary function of a and fi, F satisfies the partial differential equation which is of fundamental importance in geometrical optics* and may be called Hamilton's equation. It is found that this equation is also satisfied in many cases by the functions of x, y, z, t which are the limits of a definite integral representing a wave-function, when the function under the integral sign is a wave-function for all values of the parameter with regard to which we are integrating. Thus the function w just defined and the function t - (r + r ) which will be used later are solutions c of this equation. * For another connection between this equation and the electromagnetic equations see A. Sommerfeld and J. Bunge, "Grundlagen der geometrischen Optik," Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 35 (1911), p. 277. 14 FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS [CH. 6. The fundamental equations for a material medium. For a material medium which is stationary relative to the axes of coordinates, the equations (1) must be replaced by the more general equations* rot # = --, divtf = c ot where D is the electric displacement, E the electric force or field strength, H the magnetic force and B the magnetic induc- tion. The quantity J 4- -^- represents the total current which ot is made up of a conduction-current (7, a displacement-current -3- and a convection-current pv, p being the volume density of ot electricity. Various notations have been used for the different vectors of an electromagnetic field. Most English writers use (a, b, c) for the components of the magnetic induction, (a, /?, 7) for those of the magnetic force, (/, g, h) for the components of the electric displacement and (P, Q, R) or (X, Y, Z) for those of the electromotive intensity or electric force f. This is not to be confused with the mechanical force F of electromagnetic origin, whose components are sometimes denoted by (X, Y, Z). * Lorentz (1892 1895) and Larmor (1895) have derived these equations and a corresponding set of equations for moving bodies by a process of averaging, starting from the fundamental equations of the theory of electrons in which we have = H, D=E, J=pv. Cf. H. A. Lorentz, A kad. van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam (1902), p. 305 ; Encykl. d. Math. Wiss. Bd. 5, 14, pp. 200210. This method of averaging has been developed so as to give results in accordance with the Theory of Eelativity by M. Born, Math. Ann. Bd. 68 (1910) andE. Cunning- ham, Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 10 (1911), p. 116. The Born- Minkowski equations differ slightly from those of Lorentz and indicate the existence of an electrostatic field due to the motion of a magnetised body. It has been realised by the foregoing writers and others that the principle of relativity alone is not sufficient to determine a complete set of equations for moving bodies, a theory of the constitution of matter is needed. Cf. H. K. Hasse", Phil. Mag. Jan. (1914). t Clerk Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd edition (1892), Vol. 2, p. 257. I] FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS FOR A MATERIAL MEDIUM 15 In any material medium there are certain constitutive relations connecting the vectors D, E, B, H, J. In moving media, crystalline media and ferromagnetic bodies the relations are rather complicated, but for an isotropic medium in which p = the relations can be represented to a good degree of approximation by the simple equations (16), where e, a, JJL are scalar quantities which are generally regarded as constants; they will be regarded in fact as the optical constants of the medium. The quantity or is called the con- ductivity, IJL the permeability, and e the dielectric-inductive capacity. The units that are used here are the so-called modified units*, in which Heaviside's suggestion of eliminating a factor 4-7T has been adopted. We can pass to electrostatic units or electromagnetic units by replacing our quantities E, H, etc. by aE, (3H, etc., where a, ft are certain factors which are given in the following table : *D,J E B H m Electrostatic system x/4^ 1 c 1 C V^r /s/4^ V^r C\/47r Electromagnetic system cV4^ 1 1 ^4^ 1 /s/4^ C X/47T x/4^ We use e here to denote a quantity of electricity, and m a quantity of magnetism. 7. The energy equation for a material medium. If we use 2 as before to denote the vector whose components are of type c (E y H z - E z H y ), we find that 92, 8e * Of. H. A. Lorentz, Encyklopddie der Math. Wiss. Bd. 5, 13, pp. 8387. 16 FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS [CH. If /A is a constant and ^eE' 2 -\- ^/juH 2 be regarded as the energy per unit volume, the change in the distribution of the energy can be described by means of a flow a and a loss per unit volume of magnitude o-E* due to the transformation of electric energy into heat (Joule's heat)*. If B does not depend on the instantaneous value of H so that /JL is not a constant there is a loss of energy due to hysteresis. B may depend upon H alone but not be a single-valued function of H, con- sequently in a cycle of changes j(H.dB) is not zero and may be taken as the heat per unit volume developed during the description of the cycle. Notice that $(H.dB) = -f(B. dH) round a cycle, and is always positive since the value of B for a given value of H is greater when H is increasing. The experimental analysis and the accompanying theory are due to E. Warburg f and independently in much greater development to J. A. EwingJ by whom the name hysteresis was applied to such phenomena. 8. Solution of the fundamental equations for a material medium. Let us assume that B has been used by Debyef in a discussion of the behaviour of waves of light in the vicinity of a focus. In order that an integral of the type (28) may represent a wave-function it is not necessary for the limits of integration to be those chosen. The limits for a. may, for instance, be and 6 where 6 is a root of an equation of type x sin cos @ + y sin 6 sin + z cos 6 - ct = F (0). In order to obtain other types of elementary solutions it is necessary to transform our differential equations to a system of orthogonal coordinates (u, v, w) for which the linear element is given by , dv? dv* dw* If H u , H v , H w are the three components of a vector H in directions normal to the surfaces u = const., v = const., w = const. through a point (x, y, z\ the corresponding components of rot H are of the type J VW v ~ * Math. Ann. (1903). See also G. N. Watson, Mess, of Math. Vol. 36 (1906), p. 98. t Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 30 (1909), p. 735. J See for instance, H. M. Macdonald, Electric Waves, Ch. 6 ; M. Abraham, Math. Ann. Bd. 52, p. 81. Some very general transformation-formulae are Il] TRANSFORMATIONS OF COORDINATES 29 the new expression for div H is \ d f H u \ d ( H v \ d (H v \-\ V [85 (Vw) + dv(wu) + ^v (UV)\~ and the wave-equation becomes* p f u 3^ *_iv_**\ + L(^L ^ y + + __ + VTW Su) + Sv\WUdv) + dw\ UVSw It is also sometimes advantageous to transform the wave equation to a system of coordinates for which dx* + df + dsfi - c*dt* = A*d? + B*drf + C*d? - D*dr*, the wave-equation then becomes d (BCD cty\ ^ (CD A \ (33) - 12. The generalisation of wave-functions, When a solution of the wave-equation has been" obtained other solutions may be derived from it in various ways. For instance, the function obtained by differentiating the given wave-function any number of times with regard to the coordinates x, 2/, z, t, is also a wave-function. By adding together arbitrary constant multiples of all the wave-functions obtained in this way we may obtain a very general type of wave-function. Another method of generalisation is to make an arbitrary change of rectangular axes. The wave-equation is a covariant for such a transformation and so is a wave-function of the new coordinates. A number of arbitrary constants can be introduced into the solution in this way. We can also make a linear transformation of coordinates for which the expression contained in the papers of V. Volterra, Rend. Lined, Ser. 4, Vol. 5, pp. 599, 630 (1889), and J. Larmor, Cambr. Phil. Trans. Vol. 14 (1885), p. 121. * Lame, Journ. de VEcole Poly technique, Cah. 23 (1833), p. 215; Legons sur les coordonnees curvilignes, t. 2. A simplified proof was published by Lord Kelvin, Cambr. Math. J&urn. Vol. 4 (1843). 30 METHODS OF SOLVING THE WAVE-EQUATION [CH. remains unaltered in form and the preceding remarks still hold good. To illustrate this let us first of all add together two particular cases of Euler's wave-function - f(r ct), viz. 1 1 -7 -r and , r (r ct) r(r + ct) we then see that (r 2 c^ 2 )" 1 is a wave-function. Generalising this by writing x x , y y Q , z z , t t Q in place of x, y, z, t, we obtain the wave-function 1 (34). When we have obtained a wave-function involving one or more arbitrary parameters we may obtain others from it by differentiating with regard to the parameters, or by integrating with regard to them after having multiplied the expression by an arbitrary function of the parameters. For instance, from the above wave-function we may derive the more general wave- function f /fr) z<)> *o being arbitrary constants. 3. If F(x, y, z, t} is a solution of the wave-equation, the function t 2 *, the integral e~ a* 2 , the integral r ;" a, z = rcos0 ...(51), the equation AM + k*u = becomes This is satisfied by a function of the form u-R(r)B(ff)) gad) if +m'*.0 ..................... (53), The first equation is satisfied by <3> = cos (m + a), the second by P n m (cos 0) and Q n m (cos 0), where these are the associated Legendre functions. The third equation may be written in Bessel's form 1 dw rk 2 , . _! . (5o), where w = ?*^R,and is satisfied by J n+ (kr) and J_^ n+ ^ (kr). In these solutions m and n can have any constant values. It should be noticed that when n + ^ is an integer the Bessel functions that have just been written down are not independent and the second solution Y n+ ^ (kr) of Bessel's equation must be used. 32 36 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. % In dealing with a problem such as the effect of an obstacle on a train of electric waves, the secondary waves sent out from the obstacle must have the character of diverging waves at a great distance from the obstacle. In the case n = the differen- tial equation for R is satisfied by (57), and if the real part of k has the same sign as o> when the electric and magnetic forces are the real parts of expressions of the form Ae ~ l(at , we can obtain a solution appropriate for the representation of a diverging wave by taking the positive sign, for then we have a function of the form I^f(fcr~f4 r Neither of the given solutions of Bessel's equation has the required form in fact / 2 /~2 *" V i3r sin kr > J ~ * ( kr ) " V ~^kr C S kr ' We may, however, obtain solutions of the form (57) by taking a suitable combination of the preceding solutions. In the case of electromagnetic fields in the free aether the physical interpretation of the elementary wave-functions when n is zero is as follows* : - cos k(r ct) Progressive divergent waves. - cos k (r + ct) Progressive convergent waves. - cos kr . cos kct Standing forced waves, source at origin. r i sin Ar.cos kct Standing free waves. r To obtain the solution of (56) appropriate for divergent waves when n has any value we write f - A fuller discussion is given by A. Sommerfeld, Jahresbericht der deutsch. math. Verein, Bd. 21 (1913). t The theory is due to Stokes, Phil. Tram. Vol. 158 (1868), p. 447; Collected Papers, Vol. 4, p. 321. See also Rayleigh's Sound, Vol. 2, p. 304. It should be mentioned that different notations are used by different writers. This is the notation used by Debye, Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 30 (1909), p. 57. Ill] ELEMENTARY SOLUTIONS 37 ...(58). These new functions ?; n , f n are connected with Hankel's cylindrical functions* by the relations *) = \/ \/ When the real part of x is large and positive we have the asymptotic expansion (\ / '\W + 1 ix I i . * it' \ it ~f~ A ) )"(-*) * l+ ^x n~ 1 (n - 1) n (n + 1) ( 2 '" ( The series terminates when n is an integer and then gives a true representation of the function. To get (#) we change the sign of i. Various other notations have been used for the solution of Bessel's equation that is suitable for the representa- tion of diverging waves. Lamb uses D v (x), (z>= n + ) to denote the solution of equation (56) which has the asymptotic value while many other English writers use K v (ix) to denote the solution with the asymptotic form ()'--> If, .,": The following formulae will be found useful : * See Nielsen's Handbuch der Cylinderfunktionen, p. 16. 38 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. _ (n-l)n(n + l)(n + 2) (2n)l ~ 2! ' ( l) ' We have written down the last term in the series on the supposition that n is an integer. In this case = i |>' n+1 e~ ikr + (- i) n ^ e ikr l | r \ large . . .(62), = (n + 1) ^ (*) - n ^ +1 (*) . . .(63), (2n + 1) ^r (a?) = a? [>-! (a;) + ^ n+1 (a?)] ......... (64), f #(#) = e-so^-coshva.da ............ (65), Jo f + ) J cos cos sn " a * a> - i/ > - ............ (66), (67). In the last formula n and p are supposed to be integers. For further properties of Bessel functions the reader should consult Gray and Mathews' Treatise on Bessel Functions, Nielsen's Handbuch der Cylinderfunktionen, and Whittaker's Analysis. Tables are given in the first work and in Jahnke and Emde's Funktionentafeln, Leipzig (Teubner). A few ad- ditions to the tables have been made recently by J. W. Nicholson, Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 11, p. 104 ; Dinnik, Archiv der Mathematik und Physik (3), Bd. 20, Heft 3, 1912 ; J. R. Airey, Phil. Mag. Vol. 22 (1911), p. 85, Brit- Ass. Reports (1911); A. Lodge, Brit Ass. Reports (1909) ; J. G. Isherwood, Manchester Memoirs (1904). The best definitions of the generalised Legendre functions for unrestricted values of m and n are those given by Hobson*. * Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 187 (1896), pp. 443531. E. W.Barnes has recently given new definitions of the functions as integrals involving Gamma Functions which make it possible for the principal formulae to be proved very quickly. His definition of Q n m (x) differs from that of Hobson by a numerical factor which becomes rather troublesome when n is an integer and m is not. Ill] USEFUL FORMULAE 39 We are interested here in the case when the variable is cos and 6 is a real angle, such that < 6 < TT. We may then put, with the usual notation of the Gamma and hypergeometric functions, P n (cos 0) = r ( 1 1 _ cot ^F (- n, n + 1 ; 1-ro; sin|) ...... (68), &W (C S *> /i + m)7rcot TO 2 ^f w, Ti + 1 ; 1 m; sinO ......... (69), n - (cos 0) = ; C S ^o (2 cos $ - 2 cos When m is a positive integer, we have ...... (70). (VI), and when n is a positive integer ^ * ~ (cos (?) = 2 2 .4 2 .(73), 40 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. The last two formulae illustrate the method of deriving more complicated wave-functions from simple ones by differen- tiation. The functions 1 1 , r+z - and jr- log - r 2r & r z are in fact solutions of (52) when k 0. The formula +l p n m (x) P (x) dx = (n + v) -i in which m, n, v are positive integers or zero, enables the coefficients in an expansion of a function in series of functions Pn m (#) to be determined by a simple integration. For further properties of the Legendre functions we must refer to Heine's Kugelfunktionen, Byerly's Fourier Series and Spherical Harmonics, Whittaker's Analysis, Nielsen's Handbuch der Cylinderfunktionen and Theorie des fonctions metaspheriques, and to memoirs by E. W. Hobson* and E. W. Earnest. Tables of the Legendre functions have been published by J. W. L. GlaisherJ, J. Perry and A. Lodge ||; some tables of the functions P n m (//,) have been given by H. TallquistlF. For the history of the functions of Legendre and Bessel the reader should consult the article by A. Wangerin in the Encyklopddie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Bd. II. 1, Heft 5 (1904), p. 695. 15. Relations between various solutions. We have already remarked that when a wave-function or a solution of equation (52) involving arbitrary constants has been found, other solutions may be derived from it by the method of summation or integration. By choosing our sum or integral so that it represents certain simple solutions of the * Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vol. 22 (1891), p. 431, and op. cit. t Quarterly Journal, Vol. 39 (1908), p. 97. J Brit. Ass. Report (1879). Phil. Mag., Dec. (1891). See also Byerly, loc. cit. || Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 203 (1904). IT Acta Societatis Fennicae, Vols. 32, 33. Ill] RELATIONS BETWEEN VARIOUS SOLUTIONS 41 fundamental equation, a number of important identities may be obtained. A few formulae will be written down to illustrate this*. If R 2 = r* + ri* - 2rr x cos 0, (Heine and Hobson) ...... (77), ) ^ (M) P n (cos 6) (r, > r) (Heine and Macdonald) ...... (78), n (Ar) ^ (M) P n (cos 6) (r, > r) H ......... (79). We may illustrate the peculiar behaviour of certain definite integral solutions of our fundamental equation by the following example, in which k is supposed to be real and positive. rm Let f m ( x )= \ cosxtx(t)dt, J o rm where ^ (t) is a function such that I | ^ (t) \ dt is convergent, ./o then it may be proved by means of Fourier's double integral theorem thatf 1 f 00 sin k (r - r,) ,. , x , / / \ /j ^ r,)dr^f m (r) (k>m) =/*(*") sin kR f , , , Hence U= ~~ f ^ * is a solution of (52) which reduces to either f m (r) or /* (r) when 6 0. Solutions of (52) which are derived from the elementary solutions by integrating with regard to n have been employed by H. W. March J. He makes use of an inversion- formula * Some very general formulae are given by L. Gegenbauer, M&natsh. /. Math. Bd. 10 (1899), p. 189. t This equation is obtained in a different manner by G. H. Hardy, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 7 (1909), p. 445. t Ann. d. Physik, Bd. 37 (1912). See also H. Poincare", Comptes Rendui, t. 154 (1912), p. 795 ; W. v. Rybcynski, Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 41 (1913). This is in some respects analogous to the inversion-formula given by F. G. Mehler, Math. Ann. Bd. 18 (1881), p. 161. 42 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. (80), where (81). 7T COS It is sometimes instructive to find how a wave-function, depending on an arbitrary function, can be expressed in terms of elementary wave-functions. Now in the second example of 5 the electric and magnetic forces are all of the form or are the sums of terms of this form. Consequently, a function of this type may be expected to be a wave-function and it is easy to verify that this is the case*. We may now deduce that is a solution of (52) and consequently it follows that tan m ^ /a and cot m ^ are solutions of equation (54) when n = 0. We 2i have in fact (/j H\ cos WITT . cot m ^ tan m ^ J In the last formula m must not be zero or a negative integer. 16. The convergence of series of elementary solutions. When k our fundamental equation (52) reduces to Laplace's equation Aw = and we have the familiar elementary solutions * The theorem also follows immediately from a result given by A. E. Forsyth, Messenger of Mathematics (1898), p. 114, and E. W. Hobson, Joe. eit. 7 -, III] CONVERGENCE OF SERIES 43 r n P n m (cos 0) cos m ( - fa), r n Q n m (cos 0) cos m ( - fa) \ ^ P n m (cos 0) cos m ( - fa), -^ Q n m (cos (9) cos m (< - )J (84). A pair of series of the type 2 - which converge when r a are suitable for representing harmonic functions inside and outside the sphere r = a because the first converges absolutely when r < a and the second when r > a. The case in which k is very similar. When n is large the function ty n (kr) may be replaced by (kr) n+l and so a series of the form ^ft(!r)/.(#,>) converges like a power series. Again, when kr is real, we have 1 1 2 ' (/b-) 2 1.3...(2n-l) 1 ,.,, ......... ( 2.4...(2n) n being a positive integer. It is clear from this equation that | n (kr) \ decreases as r increases, hence if a series of the form =0 converges absolutely for any value of r it converges absolutely for all greater values of r. For a discussion of the convergence of series of spherical harmonics we may refer to C. Neumann's book Ueber die nach Kreis-, Kugel- und Cylinder-Fun ktionenfortschreitenden Entwicke- lungen, Leipzig (1881); to Heine's Kugelfunktionen, Bd. 1, p. 435, Bd. 2, p. 361, and to papers by IT. Dini, Ann. di Mat (2), t. 6 (1874); H. Poincare, Comptes Rendus, t. 118 (1894), p. 497; S. Chapman, Quarterly Journal, Vol. 43 (1912), p. 1 ; T. H. 44 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. Gronwall, Math. Ann. Vol. 74 (1913), Vol. 75 (1914), Comptes Rendus (1914), Amer. Trans. Jan. (1914), Vol. 15; C. Jordan, Gours d' Analyse, 2nd ed., Vol. 2, p. 252 ; and B. H. Camp, Bull, of the Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 18 (1912), p. 236. The con- vergence of series of Legendre polynomials has been discussed very thoroughly by G. Darboux, Liouvilles Journal (2), t. 19 (1874), p. 1; (3), t. 4, p. 393; O. Blumenthal, Dissertation, Gottingen (1898); E. W. Hobson, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 7 (1909); L. Fejer, Math. Ann. Bd. 67, p. 76; D. Jackson, Amer. Trans. Vol. 13 (1912). 17. The scattering of plane homogeneous electro- magnetic waves by a spherical obstacle. The effect of small particles in scattering incident radiation has been discussed very thoroughly by Lord Rayleigh * who has used it as the basis of a mathematical theory of the blue colour of the sky. The action of a single spherical particle is of fundamental importance and so the electromagnetic theory of the scattering of light by a dielectric sphere has been worked out by Lord Rayleigh f, Prof. Love* and other writers. This theory can also be developed so as to cover the mathematical theory of the rainbow. The more general theory of the scattering of incident radia- tion by a spherical obstacle with arbitrary optical properties || admits of some very interesting applications in the study of the colours exhibited by metal glasses, metallic films and colloidal solutions or suspensions of metals. The electromagnetic theory of these colours has been developed by J. Maxwell GarnettH", G. Mie**, R. Gansff and Happelff, who have considered * Phil. Mag. Vol. 41 (1871), pp. 107, 274, 447; Vol. 12 (1881), p. 81; Collected Papers, Vol. 1, pp. 87, 104, 518. t Phil. Mag. Vol. 44 (1897), pp. 2852; Collected Papers, Vol. 4, p. 321; Proc. Boy. Soc. Vol. 84 (1910), p. 25 ; Vol. 90 (1914), p. 219. J Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 30 (1899), p. 308. The work of Stokes, Camb. Trans. Vol. 9 (1849), p. 1, with later appli- cations, Collected Papers, Vol. 4, and of L. Lorenz, Wied. Ann. Vol. 2 (1880), p. 70, opened up the subject. || The case of small conductivity was discussed by G. W. Walker, Quart. Journ. Vol. 30 (1899), p. 204; Vol. 31 (1900), p. 36. IF Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 203 (1904), p. 385; Vol. 205 (1905), p. 237. ** Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 25 (1908), p. 377. ft Ibid. Vol. 29 (1909), p. 280 ; Vol. 37 (1912), p. 881. Ill] SPHERICAL OBSTACLE 45 the cases of spheres and ellipsoids endowed with the optical constants 6, /JL, a. The particular case of a perfectly conducting sphere was worked out by J. J. Thomson* and has been discussed in greater detail by J. W. Nicholson^. The problem is also of importance in connection with the theory of comets' tails which has been developed by Euler, FitzGeraldij: and Arrhenius. The pressure of light on a perfectly conducting spherical obstacle has accordingly been calculated by K. Schwarzschild|| and J. W. Nicholson U. The more general case of a sphere with the optical constants e, ^ ) e ikr +/ 2 (0, ) e~ ikr ] ...... (90). Choosing the unknown functions so that rfl is finite for 6 = and 6 IT we obtain finally f d e** 2 cosec . e^ 008 ' - cot e ikr G ~\ - tan ^ IT*" We may now assume an expansion for rH of the form * I a n ^ n (kr)P n l (GOsO). n=l To determine the coefficients a n we multiply by sin 6 and differentiate both sides of the equation. Then since [sin . P n l (cos 0)] = - w (n + 1) sin . P n (cos 6) (92), Ill] SPHERICAL OBSTACLE 47 the coefficients may be determined at once with the aid of Lord Rayleigh's expansion* ikr sin (9 . e ikrco *' = 2 i n+l (2n + 1) ^ n (kr) P n (cos 6) sin 6 =o (93). We thus obtain (n+l) (94). Now let Q!, X1 2 be the functions from which the electric and magnetic forces in the scattered light and transmitted light may be derived respectively. The appropriate forms are given by equations of the type rV^ ZBnZn n 1 (COS 6) COS n 1 (cos 6) sin (95), n=l (cos (9) cos r F 2 = D n \lr n (hr) P n l (cos 6) sin (96), where h, ij are the values of k, v respectively within the sphere. It is easy to deduce from (88) that the tangential components of the electric and magnetic forces are continuous in crossing the sphere r a, if when r = a .(97). * Theory of Sound, Vol. 2, p. 272. The expansion was also obtained independently by Heine, Kugelfunktionen (1878), Bd. 1, p. 82. 48 POLAR COORDINATES These conditions give kA n &' (lea) - hO n ^n' (ha) = t+' Solving these we get r.j.! i _o 2tt + 1 H n JL ,'n+i D _ __ * tt where [CH. ...(98). E n (ha) - i^r n ' (te) t (ha) (ka) 1r n ' (ha) - rj^ n f (ka) + n (ha) F n = Sn (ka) tn (ka) - $n (ka) ^ n f (ka) S n = V+n (ha) f n (ka) - v& (ka) + n (ha) L n = v^ (!M) n (ka) - *i& (ka) + n (ha) We can prove that our series all converge absolutely and uniformly at about the same rate as a power series of the form . . .(99). ka? where x is either kr or . The proof depends on the fact that when n is large we have approximately Ill] FREE VIBRATIONS 49 18. Free damped vibrations for the space outside the sphere. It should be noticed that some of the terms of our series become infinite when either G n = or L n = : fortunately, however, the roots of these equations turn out to be complex and so when k is real no values of k need be excluded from the discussion. The damped vibrations determined by the roots of the equations L n = may be distinguished as the electric vibrations, those determined by equations of type G n = as the magnetic vibrations. Some of the roots of the equations have been calculated for the case of a totally reflecting sphere by Sir J. J. Thomson*, who finds that the roots are all complex. The vibrations for the space inside a totally reflecting sphere have been discussed by Prof. J. W. Nicholson f, those for the space between two concentric spheres by Sir J. J. Thomson}, Sir Joseph Larmor, Prof. H. M. Macdonald|| and A. Lampal". P. Debye, who has calculated some of the roots for a case of a dielectric sphere, finds that the roots are complex and of two types. When the index of refraction is large, the imaginary part of a root of the first type varies very little with the index of refraction N and approaches a limit different from zero when N-+ oo . If on the other hand p is a root of the second type, Np tends to a finite real limit, viz. a root of i/r n (Np) 0, when N * oo and so the imaginary part of a root of this type must be very small when N is large. The vibrations belonging to the space outside a sphere must be in all cases damped on account of the loss of energy by radiation; when the refractive indices of the outside medium and sphere are very nearly equal, they are clearly very strongly damped ; thus it is only when the refractive index is large that some of them are durable. It is doubtful whether a substance exists which has a large refractive index and does not absorb light to a marked extent. * Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vol. 15 (1884), p. 197; Recent Researclies, p. 361. t Phil. Mag. 1906, p. 703. $ Recent Researches, p. 373. Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vol. 26 (1894), p. 119. i| Electric Waves, Chapters 6-7. IT Wien. Ber. 112 (1903), p. 37. B. 4 50 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. It will be seen later that the characteristic vibratibns play an important part in determining the size of the sphere on which the pressure of a given type of incident radiation has a maximum value. Prof. Love* has used the solutions corresponding to the characteristic vibrations to discuss the mode of decay of an arbitrary initial disturbance. He makes use, in fact, of the functions % n (kr\ where k is one of the roots of one of the equations G n = 0, L n = ; only the sphere is treated as a perfect conductor. This method can easily be extended so as to provide us with a method of discussing the problem of the scattering of an arbitrary primary disturbance by a spherical obstacle. In this method we assume that the total disturbance outside the sphere can be represented by rU=2 2 S^ln.m.p'fn (k p r) P n m (cos 0) cos m (-< w =0 w=0p r F = 2 2 2 #,,,,> ^ (V* 1 ) p n m ( cos 0) sin m ( - .'..(<), where the k p s are roots of one of the equations of the type ,' (to) ^ n (ka) - ^ (ka) ir n (ha) = 0) ,' (to) ^ M (ka) - 1)^ ' ""-^ '- ""-^ - "' The coefficients must then be chosen so that this total disturb- ance has the same character as the primary disturbance at its singularities outside the sphere and at an infinite distance, taking into account of course the presence of diverging waves from the spherical obstacle the effect of which is, however, negligible at infinity. The field inside the sphere is represented by equations similar to (o>), one with h p written in place of k p . The boundary conditions are satisfied in virtue of (100). If a series of type (co) should fail to represent the disturbance outside the sphere, it may be necessary to add terms cor- responding to the free characteristic vibrations. These are of the form (&>) with the function ? n written in place of i/r n and numbers k n determined by equations of type L n = 0, G n = 0. * Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 2 (1904), p. 88. Ill] SMALL OBSTACLE 51 19. The case of a very small obstacle. When a, the radius of the sphere, is very small compared with the wave-length X of the incident radiation, we may treat ka and ha as small quantities. We may then obtain some idea of the relative magnitudes of the different coefficients in our series by using the expansions (60) and (61). It is easy to see that the values of A ny B n decrease very rapidly in absolute magnitude as n increases. The disturbance radiated from the sphere can consequently be represented approximately by superposing a small number of partial waves, the effect of the others being negligible. Remembering that vh rjk, we find that when H is finite vk n h n+l (k* - h?) a r . (h\ n _ ika ^ \jk) ' (n + 1) k n h n ~ l r) (k* - h 2 ) a +l and it is easy to see that all our series converge. It appears from these expressions that the nth magnetic wave, i.e. the disturbance due to the nth term in the expansion for U 1} is of the same order of magnitude as the (n + l)th electric wave, i.e. the disturbance due to- the (n + l)th term in the expansion of Fj. This is in sharp contrast with the result obtained by Sir J. J. Thomson for the case of the totally reflecting sphere wherein the nth electric wave and the nth magnetic wave are of the same order of magnitude. The first electric wave is clearly of chief importance and Mie has proposed to call this Rayleigh's radiation. We easily find that A~~(& 2 -^ 2 )a 5 The following diagrams, which are taken from Mie's paper, indicate the character of the electric lines of force for the first four partial vibrations of each type. For the magnetic waves 42 52 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. Electric vibrations. Fig 2. Magnetic vibrations. Ill] SMALL OBSTACLE 53 E r = and so the electric lines of force are spherical curves. In the case of the electric waves the lines of force lie on certain cones and the diagrams represent the intersections of a sphere with these cones, the vertices of the cones being at the centre of the sphere*. 20. Polarisation of the scattered light. Let us now look for cases when the light scattered by the sphere is linearly polarised. It is easy to see that E 9 and M+ These conditions are both vanish when ^ = and -TT-T = 0. do o both satisfied by = 0, i.e. when the observer looks in a direction at right angles to the electric vibration in the incident wave (Fig. 3). It appears from the figure that the component of the electric vector of the scattered light, which is at right angles to the direction in which the observer is looking, is parallel to the electric vector in the incident wave. In a similar way it is found that E+ and M e both vanish when = -= , i.e. when the observer looks in a direction at right angles to the H~ magnetic vibration in the incident Fi 8- 3 - wave. The magnetic vibrations in the incident and scattered waves are now found to be parallel. The experiments of Steubingf with different kinds of col- loidal gold solutions have shown that when the solution is illuminated with polarised light and viewed in the manner described, there is always a small quantity of unpolarised light sent out from the particles, but the greater portion of the scattered light is polarised in the way the theory requires. The slight disagreement between the theory and observations is attributed to the fact that the metallic particles are probably * The author is indebted to the publisher of the Annalender Physi fc.Herr Johann Ambrosius Barth, for permission to reproduce the figures on pp. 52, 59 and 64, t Diitertation, Greifswald (1908) ; Ann. d. Phys. Vol. 26 (1908), p. 329. 54 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. not all spheres*, that some may have developed into crystals perhaps of octahedral form. The mathematical theory of the scattering of waves has not yet been fully developed. The problem is, however, one of great importance in meteorological optics. The case of a regular distribution of atoms or molecules has recently been brought into prominence t by experimental work on the scattering of Rontgen rays by a crystal J. Approxi- mate mathematical theories have been given by several writers . 21. Intensity of the scattered light. When Rayleigh's radiation alone is considered, we have H r = 0, E r = 3(rF) B 5 _ikd(rV) * r 30 vrsmff where -fc Sn At a great distance from the origin the radial electric force is of order while the transverse electric and magnetic forces are of order -. Hence the intensity of the scattered light diminishes ultimately according to the inverse square law when points on the same radius are considered. It also varies as the square of the volume of the particle. * This remark is made by both Maxwell Garnett and Mie. f It had previously been considered by Lord Rayleigh, " On the influence of obstacles arranged in rectangular order on the properties of a medium," Phil. Mag. (5), Vol. 34 (1892), p. 481; Scientific Papers, Vol. 3, p. 19; and by T. H. Havelock, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, Vol. 77 (1906), p. 170. J Laue, Friedrich, und Knipping, Sitzungsber. der Konigl. Bayerischen Akad. d. Wiss. June 1912. See, for instance, W. L. Bragg, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. Vol. 17 (1913), p. 43 ; Proc. Roy. Soc. A, Vol. 88 (1913), p. 428 ; M. Laue, MUnchener Ber (1912), p. 363; Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 41 (1913), p. 989, Bd. 42 (1913), p. 397; P. P. Ewald, Phyt. Zeitschr. (1913), p. 465; L. S. Ornstein, Amsterdam Proc. (1913) ; M. Born u. T. v. Karman, Phys. Zeitschr. (1912), p. 297. Hi] INTENSITY OF THE SCATTERED LIGHT 55 An approximate formula for the intensity is 7 = * the intensity of the incident radiation being . If o- = for the medium outside the sphere, the quantity k is inversely proportional to the wave-length X of the incident radiation. Hence when h is large compared with k, we have Lord Rayleigh's result that the intensity of the scattered light varies inversely as the fourth power of the wave-length. The short waves are on this account scattered far more profusely than the long ones and so we have an explanation of the blue colour of the sky. The above formula for the intensity of Rayleigh's radiation indicates that there is no light of this type in a direction for which 6 = where / depends only on the incident radiation, / x depends only on the scattered radiation and represents the amount of energy absorbed by scattering, / O i depends on both types of radiation and represents the total absorption of energy from f We assume now that and collecting the different terms together, we find that the surface integral can be written in the form ^- 1 1 rrfpn 2t?-lmlU* > dd ysintf f/dM n dv w \(dr + dr dw n dw n dr dr + kk (U n + V n ) (tt m + V m ) - kkw n W m l . This expression can be simplified with the aid of the relations = - ) - -A = mn /sm# 2n + l m = n The first of these is evident since the integrand is the differential coefficient of a function which vanishes at both limits. To prove the second we make use of the formulae 7 sin P w i (cos 6) = - cos . P,, 1 (cos 0) SU1 + n (n + 1) cos . PJf ...(109). 58 POLAR COORDINATES The integral is thus equivalent to n (n + 1) m (m + 1) I * P n (cos 0) P m (cos 0) sin J o and so has the value we have assigned to it*. [CH. IT 2, Our surface integral now reduces to dv n \ 7 dw n -j-2 l+kWn-j^ 1 drj " dr Since . When the incident radiation only is taken into account, this integral becomes simply r 2 fw r2ir - *J J and vanishes completely. Again, it is easy to see that when r is large the components E r , H r for the scattered field are small * We assume now that the surface + sin' 6 t- 5L cot . W, By using the relations (109) we may transform the first of these into n (n + 1) m (m + 1) / * P n (cos 6) P m (cos 0) sin (9 cos d0 Jo - * [cos ^ . P n i . P m i] cos . d0. Now (2 + 1) cos ^ . P n (cos ^) = (n + 1) P n+1 (cos 0) 4- nP^ (cos and (2n + 1) cos ^ . P,, 1 (cos 6) = r^P 1 n+1 (cos 0) + (w + 1) PVi (cos ^) ......... (120); hence when the second integral is integrated by parts we obtain two integrals of the type (76) and so we have finally /i = m = n ' (121). When the second integral 7 2 is integrated by parts it becomes (2n - Ill] PRESSURE OF RADIATION 68 Writing P 2 in the form - 5 r r o JO Jo O o + M^M^ + MfMf) sin cos dddd and making use of equations (121), (122) and (106), we obtain du n+l dv n+l \ /du dv n * dr d (du n dvn\ ,du n+l dv n+l \ dw n dw n+1 Ur + dr A dr dr )+ dr ~W~ ^ (u n + v n ) (u n+1 + v n+1 ) + k*w n w n+l dv We now use the asymptotic expressions for u n , v n , w n when r is large and omit the terms that depend only on the ua. We also write and obtain after some simplifications ......... (123). This expression turns out to be negative, i.e. the pressure acts in the direction in which the incident light is moving. If the constants in the incident light are chosen so that its intensity is unity, the above expression must be doubled. The numerical value of the pressure has been calculated from the above formula by Debye in a number of cases. When the radius of the spherical obstacle is small compared with the 64 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. wave-length of the incident light, the functions ty n (ka), f n (ka), -^n(Aa), fn(Aa) occurring in the expressions for a n , /3 n can be expanded in ascending powers of a. This method, however, fails when ka approaches unity and numerical values of the functions must be used. In the case of a totally reflecting sphere - , 124) ( >' and Debye finds that if 2 where X is the wave-length of the incident light, L denotes the light-pressure and W = ^TTO? is the energy of the incident train of waves per unit length of a cylinder circumscribing the spherical obstacle and having its axis parallel to the direction of motion of the waves ; then The first term of the series was given by Schwarzschild. The convergence of the series is slow as p approaches unity and several terms of the series (123) must be taken into account. By using numerical values of the functions ty n (p), n(p) and their derivatives for n=l, 2... 5, Debye has succeeded in drawing a curve for . W I J Fig. 5. > Ill] PRESSURE OF RADIATION 65 It will be seen that the pressure has a maximum value for a certain value of p, approximately equal to 1. When p is large the ratio -^. approaches asymptotically the value 1. Debye compares the light pressure so obtained with the gravitational attraction for a spherical particle of specific gravity s under the influence of the sun's radiation. He finds that if G is the gravitational attraction, Z4800 L G and to get a numerical estimate he takes X = 600 JJL/JL, s = l. It appears that the ratio vanishes both for small and large values of p : it has a maximum value of about 20 for p = 1. In the case of a dielectric sphere with refractive index n, the expansion corresponding to (125) is L^ 8 /yi 2 -iy 4 r _ p2 n * _ 29^4 + 34^2 + 12Q -i TF~3U 2 + iy p |_ "15* (n 2 + 2)(2n' + 3) ...... (126), and is suitable for calculations only when np is small. Debye has drawn curves for -^r T in the cases n = oo , n 2, W n 1*5 and n = 1*33. When n 2 the curve appears to have three maxima and two minima between the values p = 1 and /> = 3. The greatest value of -^ is now about 2*6 ; the following table indicates when the light pressure exceeds the gravitational attraction, the numbers p Q and p give the extreme values of p belonging to the range in which this is the case. (I), Po Pi x 20 3 8 2 13 -6 5 1-5 3 -8 The maximum light pressure is just balanced by the gravitational action when n is about equal to 1*33, the value for water : for smaller values of n gravitation prevails. B. 5 66 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. In the case of an absorbing spherical particle, the equation which takes the place of (126) is (127). When a is small the light pressure and gravitational action are both of order a 3 and their ratio tends to a finite limit, hence for certain types of absorbing material there is no lower limit in the size of a particle below which gravitation exceeds the light pressure. Debye has drawn a curve for ^ for the case of a gold particle and finds that there is a maximum value for p = 1*5 nearly. The existence of a maximum value for ^ in the cases that have been discussed appears to be due to the fact that the value of p for which the maximum occurs is very nearly equal to the real part of the complex value of p corresponding to one of the free damped vibrations*. The first electric vibration seems to be of chief importance in determining the position of the maximum. The determination of the limiting value of -^ for very small wave-lengths, i.e. for large values of p, is a matter of some difficulty, it depends on some expressions giving the behaviour of the Bessel functions for large values of n and p. These have been found by J. W. Nicholson f and P. Debye J. If p is real and n + $ < p, we have when p -* oo .-<(*-;) r (P) = -T- (sm T )* (128), * Cf. Debye, loc. cit., and the similar remarks for the case of optical resonance by F. Pockels, Physik. Zeitschr. Bd. 5 (1904), p. 152. f British Association Reports, Dublin, 1908, p. 595 ; Phil. Mag. Vol. 13 (1906), p. 195 ; Vol. 14 (1907), p. 697 ; Vol. 16 (1908), p. 271 ; Vol. 18 (1909), p. 6. t Math. Ann. Bd. 67 (1909), p. 535. Ill] PRESSURE OF RADIATION 67 where T O is an angle lying between and for which cos T = P and / = sin T O T O cos T O . When n + J > p and p -* oo , we have -ipfo \ rnvr/- . i (i sm T )2 where T O is now the root of the equation cos TO = - whose imaginary part has a negative sign. When n and z are very nearly equal the values of f n (p) and i/r n (p) can be made to depend on Airy's integral and are much more complicated ; for these we must refer the reader to the original memoirs. 24. Other problems which may be treated with the aid of polar coordinates. The diffraction of electric waves travelling round the earth is a problem of some importance which has been discussed by H. M. Macdonald*, Lord Rayleighf, H. PoincareJ, J. W. Nicholson and other writers. The calculations are very long and depend on the use of the formulae to which we have just referred. Rybcynski|| has recently treated the problem by a method due to March and has taken into account the finite conductivity of the earth. As we have already mentioned this was done by Zenneck and Sommerfeld for the case in which the earth's surface is treated * Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. 71 (1903), p. 251 ; Vol. 72 (1904), p. 59 ; Vol. 90 (1914), p. 50; Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 210 (1909), p. 113. t Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. 72 (1904), p. 40. J Rend. Palermo (1910) ; Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. 72 (1904), p. 42. Phil. Mag. Vol. 19 (1910), pp. 276, 435, 516, 757; Vol. 20 (1911), p. 157; Vol. 21 (1911), pp. 62, 281 ; Jahrb. d. draht. Telegr. Bd. 4 (1910), p. 20. || Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 41 (1913). 52 68 POLAR COORDINATES [CH. Ill as a plane. The results of Nicholson and Poincare indicate that diffraction round a perfectly conducting surface is not sufficient to explain the apparent bending of the electric waves round the earth's surface. A generally accepted opinion is that the ionisation of the atmosphere by the sun's rays is a very important factor in producing the observed effects*. The diffraction of a solitary wave or pulse by a spherical obstacle might be discussed with advantage. The evaluation of certain definite integrals involving Bessel functions, however, presents some formidable difficulties which probably account for the fact that the problem does not appear to have been solved. The scattering of electric waves by a perfectly conducting conical obstacle has been treated very briefly by H. S. Carslawf . EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that (C. Neumann.) 2. Prove that (Jf sin a)== / J ( 2 fi+ 1) i* Jn+ ^ p n (cos 6} P n (cos a). v ^ i xjkr (E. W. Hobson.) * Cf. the discussion at the British Association meeting, Dundee (1912), and an article by W. H. Eccles in the Year Book of Wireless Telegraphy (1913). Some quantitative experiments on long distance telegraphy have been made recently by L. W. Austin, who obtains an empirical relation between the magnitude of the current received and the distance between the two stations r Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, Vol. 7 (1911). f Phil. Mag. Vol. 20 (1910), p. 690. CHAPTER IV CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES 25. The wave-equation in Cylindrical Coordinates. If we put x = p cos , y = p sin <, the wave-equation becomes at* idu la* aHi_i3H_ dp* + pdp + P *c>* + dz* c 2 9* 2 ~ Two particular solutions of this equation are suggested at once by the general solution of 5 : they are* u=l F Iz + ipcosa, t -sin a Ida. ...... (131), and u \ F\z-\-ip cos a, t - sin a \ da. ...... (132), respectively. The first of these represents a wave-function which is symmetrical round the axis of z and which reduces to %irF(z, t) when p = 0. It gives us at once the formulae da. where M is an integer f, and many other interesting formulae may be written down by simply choosing different wave- functions that are symmetrical round the axis. * The first of these is an obvious generalisation of a formula given by D. Edwardes, Educational Times, Oct. (1904). f The formula is also true under certain limitations when n is not an integer. See Hobson, Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 187 (1896). 70 CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES [CH. For instance, 1 f-togfr + frcOBg) 1 *_ TT Jo z-\- ip cos 6 r & r + z log (z + ip cos 0) - log ZQ JQ _ JL , r + ^o + ^ ~~ 1 p*- sin k (z + t/o cos a) ikpa i na sin AT , qtn =; I - - - : - 6 (101 - . . . ( 1 o i ) 2-7T J o z + ip cos a r There is another general formula for a wave-function sym- metrical about an axis, viz. u=] jHtf-^cosha, ^r-psinha Ida ...(138), where the function F is of such a nature that 1 . , dF , , dF - smh a ^7 + cosh a ^5- G Ot OZ vanishes when a = oo . As a particular instance of this we have the function* .(139), which may be regarded as the cylindrical wave-potential for a line source of strength F (t) along the axis of z. A peculiarity f of the two-dimensional propagation of waves is the existence of a " tail " to the disturbance when F (t) is zero for t < and t > T, for if t > r + - we have c -L I*" F(t-cosha]da ......... (140), 27T J s \ C / where p cosh 5 = c (t r). It is clear that this expression for II does not generally vanish. The wave-function (139) is thus essentially different from Euler's wave-potential for a point source, viz. * Cf. H. Lamb, Hydrodynamics, pp. 281, 500 ; V. Volterra, Acta Math. t. 18 ; Levi-Civita, Nuovo Cimento (4), t. 6 (1897). The formula is a particular case of a more general one given by Dr Hobson in 1891. t This was discussed by O. Heaviside, Phil. Mag. (5), t. 26 (1888); Elec- trical Papers, Vol. 2. See also Lamb, Hydrodynamics, p. 282. IV] DEFINITE INTEGRALS 71 for in this case H is zero for t > r + , provided the source is only active when < t < r. V. Volterra* has obtained a number of elementary wave- functions of the form u = t n F(~}=t n F(s) . ...(141). \pJ He finds that F must satisfy the differential equation s *(l-s*)^ +s (2n- S *)^ + n(n-l)F=0 ...(142). If we try to solve (130) by means of a function of the form u = Wp m cos ra (< < ), where W is independent of , we find that W must satisfy the equation __ i O'ooo **\j.*> ~~~ ^ ...... I ATJtM. / p 9/5 d2* c 2 8tf 2 . Solutions of this which are independent of z may be derived from the following formulae f, in which ra > J, -?- cos oA sin 2 " 1 a. da ......... (144), W = ^ F (t ^ cosh 17^ sinh 211 * y . dij ...... (145). There are, of course, certain limitations concerning the behaviour of F (t) at infinity. The first formula enables us to determine the value of W when its value is known for p = 0. 26. Elementary solutions of AM + k z u = 0. The differential equation f^i|_%I 2 g + 3X^ = ......... (146) dp 2 p dp p 2 d* oz* possesses elementary solutions of the types J m (p VF+T 2 ) e * hz cos m (cf> - < ) ...... (147), /> -<) ...... (148), * Acta Math. Vol. 18. t E. W. Hobson, Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 22 (1891), p. 431. The first solution is due to Poisson. 72 CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES [CH. where X, h and m are real or complex arbitrary constants. The first solution may of course be generalised into u= J m (p*J+Ti*)e hs! f(h)hdh ......... (149), J a and a similar remark applies to the second. If we wish to express a given wave-function in the first of these forms, the following inversion formula due to Hankel is particularly useful*. If F(x)= J m (xt}f(t)tdt Jo then f(t) = ^ J m (xt)F(x) xdx .(150). Let us use this formula to express - e ikr in the form (149) when m 0. Since the representation should be valid for z 0, we find on putting k 2 + h? = X 2 , a k, that = T J (\p)f(h)\d\; P Jo o k>0. Hence we obtain Sommerfeld's formula j" the upper or lower sign being taken according as z ^ 0. A more complete proof is obtained by applying Hankel's inversion formula to the equation I J (XQ) e ikr - = 6 l ^^ X 2 >& 2 J ^^ J....(152), X 2 k 2 , R 2 = p*+(z- a) 2 ). If ??i is zero or a positive integer and n is a positive integer, - f (cos 0) - (Hobson.) 27. The propagation of electric waves on a semi- infinite solid bounded by a plane surface*. In this problem the surface of the earth is regarded as an infinite plane and the waves are supposed to be generated by an antenna, of which one portion is vertical and the other horizontal. Let us assume that the electric and magnetic forces are the real parts of vectors of the form Ee~ iut , He~ iut respectively, then if M H ivE, where v 2 = - , we may satisfy Max- fut well's equations by putting Jtf=rotn + igraddivIIMI ......... (153), where AII + & 2 n = 0, &fc = e/iw 2 4- t>o> I J n (Xp)e-*(*+> F n (\)d\ n=0 Jo /.oo I Jn (Xp) e m(z ~ a) G n (\)d\ Jo 00 n=0 JO where m = A/X 2 h* and h is the value of k in the second medium. The functions F n (X), G n (X) are vectors with com- ponents [/ n (X), 0, ^n(X)], [g n (\)> 0, x(X)] respectively. We can satisfy the condition that the tangential components of the electric and magnetic forces should be continuous at the surface of separation of the two media by putting for z = rot i = 2 .(158), where JJL has been taken to be unity for both media. Substituting the integral expressions forII , H lt n 2 in these equations and equating to zero the coefficients of functions of type Jn(Xp) in the resulting integral equation, we obtain the system of equations _ la B _ la _ A _ la _ ~L e ' ~ : - If a e~ la - Be^ = mg, e-, - lf n e~ la = mg n I . _ la __ m IV] THE SPREADING OF WAVES OVER AN INFINITE PLANE 75 where the last equation has been simplified with the aid of the relations / n = gr n = 0(n>0) which are a consequence of the previous equations. Solving these equations we eventually find that if n, = (&. o, &), n,=(R x , o, B,), The " directed effect " depends on the presence of the terms involving cos (f> in the expressions for Q z and R z . Now when o- = oc for the second medium, h = oo , and these terms vanish altogether ; hence the possibility of directing the energy of the radiation sent out from the bent antenna is due to the im- perfect conductivity of the earth. Von Hoerschlemann has given a numerical discussion of the above formulae but the investigation is too long to be inserted here. 28. Propagation of electromagnetic waves along a straight wire of circular cross-section*. Let us consider the symmetrical case when the electric force at any point is in a plane through the axis of the wire * H. Hertz, Electric Waves ; J. J. Thomson, Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 17 (1886), p. 310; Recent Researches, 259; A. Sommerfeld, Ann. d. Physik, Bd. 67 (1899), p. 233; Gray and Mathews, Bessel Functions, Ch. 13; M. Abraham, Encykl. d. Math. Wiss. Band V. 2, Heft 3 (1910), p. 526; J. Larmor, Proc. of the 5th Int. Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. 1 (1912), p. 206. The problem considered in this last paper is chiefly that of alternating currents, viz. the forced alternations of flow produced by a uniform periodic electric force. 76 CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES [CH. and the magnetic force is in circles at right angles to this plane. The field equations are then of the types a^_a^ c dt dz dp ) These may be satisfied by putting 1 8 / an >. (160), """ c dtdp c dp } where IT satisfies the equation 8 / 8IT Putting IT = e^* w, we find that Aw + & 2 w = 0, where 7.2 _ e/Afl)' - tfMPO" ~^~~ We now assume that for points outside the wire* and that for points inside the wire J" ( where /i is the value of A; inside the wire. These assumptions are made for the purpose of determining the periods and rates of decay of electric waves that can travel along the wire and maintain their own field. The first solution is chosen so as to make the flow of energy negligible at an infinite distance from the wire so that the system is self-contained; and to ensure this it is necessary to suppose that the real part of Vx 2 A? is positive. The second solution is chosen so as to make the electric and magnetic forces finite on the axis of the wire (p = 0). Let p = a be the equation of the surface of the wire, then * We follow here the work of Sommerfeld in which it is supposed that there are no conductors outside the wire. Sir J. J. Thomson allows for the presence of external conductors by supposing the dielectric surrounding the wire to be bounded by a cylindrical conductor having the same axis as the wire. IV] PROPAGATION OF WAVES ALONG A WIRE 77 the continuity of the tangential components of the electric and magnetic forces requires that when p = a _ (162), JtVv-A' op v and v 1 being the values of the quantity (r + icoe at points outside and inside the wire. The elimination of A and B gives rise to a transcendental equation for the determination of X. The total current flowing along the wire is ra J= 27rl t + kr*\ is passing in the dielectric. Prove that the magnetic force H z inside the cylinder and the part HI of the magnetic force outside representing the scattered wave, are given by the real parts of #! = e iut 2 a m K m (kr) cos m<, ff 2 = e iv>t 2 b m J m (hr] cos mf, m m where A 2 = -47rxo-to) and - a m K m (kR) = * Oeuvres scientifiques, pp. 405 502. See also Gans and Happel, loc. cit. (p. 44). The most recent paper on the rainbow is by W. Mobius, Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 33 (1910). t Recent Researches, p. 344. Phil. Mag. (5), Vol. 43, p. 125. Proc. London Math. Soc. (1), Vol. 26, p. 119. || Habilitationsschrift, Heidelberg (1902) ; Ann. d. Phys. (4), Bd. 8 (1902), p. 721. IT Ann. d. Phys. (4), Bd. 19 (1906), pp. 80, 879 ; Bd. 18 (1905), p. 92. ** Phil. Mag. Aug. (1905), May (1906). ft Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 11, p. 104. 80 CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES [CH. for positive integral values of m. The constants here have reference to the electromagnetic system of units. (Cambr. Math. Tripos, Part II, 1905.) 2. Plane electromagnetic waves represented by E x =E v =H x =ff t =0, H v =e ik(z+ct \ E e =e ik (* +ct \ fall upon the perfectly conducting cylinder p=a. Prove that in the scattered field (P. Debye.) 3. The wave-potential for a circular ring of point sources is given by o-f Jo (A. G. Webster.) 4. The wave-function Q = e ikct ("e^ J Q (p VF+X*) cos aX d\ Jo is zero at points on the plane z=0 which lie inside the circle p 2 a 2 its value is e tkct (p 2 a 2 )~*cos(/s/p 2 -a 2 ). (Sonin.) 5. If J ft 2 =p 2 + (2-f-asinhw) 2 , = e u , the integral "dt f I" 'JJ e ;*/z represents the function -Q- . e~ a tt outside a paraboloid of revolution whose focus is at the singularity z -a sinhw, p = 0, and which passes through the circle p = a, z = 0. It is zero inside the paraboloid. 6. The circuital relations in cylindrical coordinates are pdE p _dH z ^ dffift p dE d.ffp %H t and similar equations in which E is replaced by H and H by E. 7. If ^^tfcosa^-ysmotf, F=# sina>+ycosG>, Z=z-vt, where v and 2 1 2 H -- 2" an d ^j ni,A,B are arbitrary constants. 8. An oscillatory current is induced on a circular wire of radius a excited by a uniform electric force R^t acting on its surface from the surrounding medium. Obtain expressions for the inductance and resistance of the wire per unit length when the wire is regarded as straight and no disturbing conductor is near. CHAPTER Y THE PROBLEM OF DIFFRACTION 30. Multiform solutions of the wave- equation*. The wave-functions required to solve many of the boundary problems of Mathematical Physics are not single-valued func- tions of x, y, z, t in an ordinary space. We may, however, regard them as single-valued functions in a Riemann's space. This is a simple generalisation of the Riemann's surface of the theory of functions of a complex variable ) ; every plane section of the Riemann's space is in fact a Riemann's surface. Instead of branch lines and branch points we have branch membranes and branch curves. Thus in the physical problem of the diffraction of light through a circular hole in a screen, the boundary of the shadow of the screen is the branch mem- brane and the edge of the hole the branch curve. We shall commence by finding a multiform solution of the equation The fundamental solution u = e ik < x C09 a + * sina > = e ik * * ( * ~ a) is of period 2?r and can be expanded in the form e ik P cos(*-) = j Q (kp) + 2 2 i n J n (kp) cos n (0 - a). . .(164). * This theory is due to A. Sommerfeld, Math. Ann. Bd. 45 (1894), Bd. 47 (1896) ; Zeitschr. fur Math. u. Phys. Bd. 46 (1901) ; Proc. London Math. Soc. (I), Vol. 28 (1897), p. 417. It has been developed by H. S. Carslaw, Proc. London Math. Soc. (1), Vol. 30, p. 121 : (2), Vol. 8, p. 365 ; Phil. Mag. Vol. 5 (1903), p. 374: Vol. 20 (1910), p. 690 ; Fourier's Series and Integrals, Ch. 18; W. Voigt, Gdtt. Nachr. (1899) ; E. W. Hobson, Camb. Phil. Trans. Vol. 18 (1900), p. 277. Different methods have been used by H. M. Macdonald, Electric Waves, Appendix D; K. Schwarzschild, Math. Ann. Bd. 55 (1902), p. 177; Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 26 (1895), p. 156; C. W. Oseen, Arkiv for mat. Bd. 1 (1904), Bd. 2 (1905). f See Harkness and Morley's Theory of Functions (1893), Ch. 6- CH. V] MULTIFORM SOLUTIONS OF THE WAVE-EQUATION 83 A solution of period 2m?r may evidently be constructed by writing down a series of the form _2 a n J"n(fy>) cos (<-), n = co OT where the a n 's are suitable constants. The solution that seems the most natural extension of (164) is oo n F (p> > ) . . .(165). 1 m To sum this series when m 2, we transform the terms for which n is odd by means of the equation n J n (kp) = ^ P e^ C08 a sin n a . da. Summing the two series separately we find that F t (p, 4>, #>) where [ with 2W2V~cos-, Now and hence we may write F z (p, <#>, ) = (--)* e^ cos <* - *> J T ^-^ dX . . .(166), where T = V2 /?/> cos ^ (< - <#> )- With the aid of the function F 2 we can solve some problems on the diffraction of plane electromagnetic waves by a semi- infinite plane bounded by a straight edge. Let us consider 62 84 THE PROBLEM OF DIFFRACTION [CH. the case of a totally reflecting screen*. If the electric force in the incident wave is parallel to the edge of the screen, the electric force u E z for the total disturbance must vanish over both faces of the screen and must satisfy the differential equa- tion (163). These conditions are fulfilled by taking E^F^^^-F^p,^-^} ......... (167). This value of E z also satisfies the right conditions at infinity. To prove this we must find an asymptotic expression for F 2 when p is large. Now when r > 0, we have the asymptotic expansion f while when T< 0, I has a similar asymptotic expansion with the J -00 sign changed. This means that when cos ( ) > e > we have .4 cos while when cos ( ) < e < there is a similar asymptotic expansion in which the first term is missing. It thus appears that the electric force in the geometric shadow vanishes at infinity to the order p~$ . If the magnetic force in the incident wave is parallel to the edge of the screen, the magnetic force u H z must satisfy the differential equation (163) and be such that ^r =0 over both faces of the screen. The conditions are fulfilled by putting #* = ^(?,,*) + F,(p,,-4>) (169). The solution for a totally absorbing screen is thus simply * E z = F 2 ( P ,, Q ) (170). Similarly, it can be shown that when the magnetic force is parallel to the axis of z, the solution for a perfectly absorbing screen is H,=F 2 (p,$,,) (iri). Prof. Lamb t has discussed the case of perpendicular incidence with the aid of the parabolic substitution f = p* cos <, if = p* sin %<}> 2 + ^|...(172). The curves f = const., 77 = const, are confocal parabolas, 77 = is the screen. A solution of Maxwell's equations is obtained by writing H y I 3 ft* 3/if 3 C 7 2<>j 3 J5 7 /"I'TQN OJ^f OU 0-&V OU OfLiz r. r...lllO), _- Q y_ * Q I dt "by ' 9i 3 ' dt * C/"lV W J. W / -* hv 4 \ where ^ + = (174). * W. Voigt, Gott. Nachr. (1899), p. 1, discusses the case of an absorbing screen. f Proc. London Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 4 (1907), p. 190 ; Vol. 8 (1910), p. 422. 86 THE PROBLEM OF DIFFRACTION [CH. Starting with Poisson's wave-function* ^ = p~% cos J < .f(ct p\ let us put du _ fa~ X ' Transforming to the coordinates f, 77, we obtain Solving this partial differential equation by Lagrange's method and adjusting the complementary function so that the boundary condition ^ = for rj is satisfied, we obtain where F is an arbitrary function. If the boundary condition is u = for i? = the sign of the second term must be changed. It is easy to verify that each of the integrals represents a wave- function. 2 f Let us now put f(x) = - F' (x - tf) dv, trj o and make the substitution f=o-cosa, = 0- sin a, then after a little reduction we find that-f u=F(ct + y) -- 2 F[ct + y (p + y) sec 2 a] da. TTJo 1 f 2~ + - F[ct-y-(p-y)sec*a]da x<0, y^O Trj o 1 f? u = F(ct+y) + F(ct-y) -- F [ct + y - (p 4- y) sec 2 a] da. 1 f = l TTJo (177). * Journal de VEcole Poly technique, Cah. 19, t. 12 (1823). See also V. Volterra, A eta Math. t. 18 ; Hantzschel, Reduction der Potentialgleichung , Ch. 1. t These formulae are not given in Prof. Lamb's paper. V] SCREEN WITH A STRAIGHT EDGE 87 Each of the integrals represents a wave-function provided jP(oo) = o and *7T tan a. F' \ct y (p y) sec 2 aj > as a -^ . In these circumstances we have the solution of the diffraction problem for the case when the initial disturbance is represented by u = F (ct + y\ the magnetic force being parallel to the axis of z. By suitably choosing F we can deal with the case of a solitary wave. A new method of solving the problem of diffraction by a straight edge has been given recently by Oseen*. Problems connected with a wedge have been treated success- fully by Sommerfeld and other writers by using a certain type of contour integral. The fundamental solution of (163) is now __ e ikp cos (* - ) III ZZ ~' rf' V where v = e n e n and the path of integration is a simple con- tour which starts from oo i + 7 and goes to oo i 4- 7' without crossing the real axis. The quantities 7, 7' are subject to the inequalities 2-7T > 7 > 7T, > 7' > 7T. This function u is multiform and of period 2n7r, but on an n-sheeted Riemann's surface with the origin as branch-point and the line = - (TT < ) as branch-section, it is uniform. With the aid of this function a number of diffraction problems may be solved. Thus in the case of a perfectly conducting prism of angle 2-7T a if the electric force in the incident waves is parallel to the edge of the screen and is represented by the real part of the expression it can be shown by an extension of the method of images, that for the total disturbance the electric force is the real part of the expression t * Arkiv for matematik, astronomi ochfysik (1912). t Macdonald, Electric Waves, p. 192 (1902). 88 THE PROBLEM OF DIFFRACTION [CH. where 7TL 7T / , , v 7TC 7T / , W = COS COS - ($ o), MI = COS -- COS (< -f 9 ), and the path of integration is the same as before. In the associated problem when the magnetic force in the incident wave is parallel to the axis of z, the magnetic force for the total disturbance is the real part of the expression H g = -J-. e ikct j e ik o cos f ~ log (wwj d ...... (180). These solutions and the solutions of analogous problems have been discussed by W. H. Jackson *, H. M. Macdonald f , F. Reiche J, A. Wiegrefe , and other writers. 31. Elliptic coordinates ||. If we put x cosh a) cos %, y = sinh to sin ^ ...... (181), the differential equation (163) becomes ,-cos 2 % )^ = ...... (182). The elementary solutions are now of the form where E and F satisfy the equations of the elliptic cylinder 1F 4- (fc 2 cosh 2 a) + p)E = o] I ............ (183). Appropriate solutions of these differential equations have been obtained recently by Prof. Whittaker **. * Proc. Lvndvn Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 1 (1904), p. 393. f Ibid. Vol. 12 (1913), p. 430. J Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 37 (1912), p. 131. Ibid. Vol. 39 (1912), p. 449. II H. Weber, Math. Ann. Vol. 1 (1869) ; Mathieu, Louville's Journal, Ser. 2, Vol. 13 (1868) ; Hartenstein, Hoppe'g Archiv (2), t. 14, p. 170; K. C. Maclaurin, Cambr. Phil. Trans. Vol. 17 (1898), p. 41. IT For this equation see Heine, Handbuch der Kugelfunktionen ; Lindemann, Math. Ann. Bd. 22 ; Hantzschel, Zeitschr. /. Math. u. Phys. Vol. 31, p. 25 (1883); Mathieu, Liouville's Journal, Ser. 2, Vol. 13 (1868). ** Math. Congress, Cambridge (1912). V] ELLIPTIC COORDINATES 89 Elliptic coordinates are appropriate for the solution of problems connected with the scattering of electromagnetic waves by an elliptic cylinder*. W. Wien has suggested f that the problem of the diffraction of light through a straight slit in a screen J: may be treated with the aid of elliptic coordinates by regarding the screen as a limiting case of a hyperbolic cylinder. H. Weber has shown that when k the elliptic and parabolic substitutions are the only transformations which lead to elementary solutions of the equation (163). For further properties of this differential equation we may refer to Pockels, Uber die partielle Differentialgleichung Aw -f k*u = 0, Teubner, Leipzig (1891), and to Lord Rayleigh's Theory of Sound. 32. Other diffraction problems. The diffraction of light and electric waves by a grating of wires is a problem of importance, but the mathematical treat- ment is very difficult and the theories that have been given so far are of an approximate character. Sir J. J. Thomson || has discussed the theory of Hertz's grating IF which consists of a number of parallel equidistant metal wires. When electric waves whose wave-length is large compared with the distance between the wires fall normally on the grating, they pass through if the electric force is at right angles to the wires but are reflected if the electric force is parallel to the wires. Prof. Lamb ** has considered the case of a grating which consists of parallel strips of metal ; his theory has been supported by the * See, for instance, K. Aichi, Proc. Tokyo Math. Phy$. Soc. (2), 4, p. 266 (1908) ; B. Sieger, Ann. d. Physik (4), Bd. 27 (1908), p. 626. t Jahresbericht d. deutsch. Math. Verein, Bd. 15 (1906), p. 42. J For this problem see K. Schwarzschild, loc. cit. ; Lord Kayleigh, Phil. Mag. Vol. 43 (1897), p. 259 ; Scientific Papers, Vol. 4, p. 283 ; Proc. Roy. Soc. A, Vol. 89 (1913), p. 194. An interesting experimental result has been obtained recently by P. Zeeman, Amsterdam Proc., Nov. 28 (1912), p. 599. Math. Ann. Bd. 1. See also Hantzschel, Reduction der Potentialgleichung , p. 137. || Recent Researches (1893), p. 425. IF Collected Works, Vol. 2, p. 190. For some recent experimental work see H. du Bois and H. Eubens, Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 35 (1911), p. 243 ; A. D. Cole, Phys. Review, Jan. (1913). ** Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vol. 29 (1898), p. 523. 90 THE PROBLEM OF DIFFRACTION [CH. experimental work of 01. Schaefer*, J. Langwitz*, and G. H. Thomson f. Lord Rayleigh J has given an approximate electromagnetic theory of the action of a grating on waves of light and this theory has been extended by W. Voigt so as to take into account the properties of the material of which the grating is made. Voigt's theory has been tested experimentally by B. Pogany|| who gives an account of previous experimental work on the subject. The diffraction of light through a circular hole in a screen is a problem of interest to mathematicians which has yet to be solvedlf. A promising method of attack is to regard the screen as the limiting case of a hyperboloid of revolution of one sheet. Examples. 1. Prove that 2. If x+iy = a cosh (o> J (kp) e iv *=2 J n where the summation extends over all even integral values of n if v is even and over all odd integral values of n if v is odd. (J. H. Hartenstein, Grun&rts Archiv (2), 1. 14, p. 170.) 32a. The introduction and elimination of discontinuities. Wave-functions with singular lines or with singularities travelling along straight lines with the velocity of light may sometimes be employed with advantage in the solution of diffraction problems. To illustrate the method to be adopted we shall consider the diffraction of waves of sound by an * Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 21 (1906), p. 587. The theory is developed from a new point of view by C. Schaefer and F. Reiche, Ibid. Bd. 32 (1910), p. 577 ; Bd. 35 (1911), p. 817. f Ibid. Vol. 22 (1907), p. 365. t Proc. Eoy. Soc. A, Vol. 79 (1907), p. 532. Gott. Nachr. (1911). || Ann. d. Phys. B4. 37 (1912), p. 257. H Approximate solutions have been given by G. G. Stokes, Camb. Phil. Trans. (1849); H. Lorenz, Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., Copenhagen (1890); H. A. Rowland, Amer. Journ. Vol. 6 ; A. Grimpen, Diss. Kiel (1890) ; A. E. H. Love, Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 197 (1901). V] DIFFRACTION OF SOUND WAVES 91 infinitely thin semi-infinite plane bounded by a straight edge*. We shall suppose that the waves are sent out from a stationary source and that the screen acts as a perfect reflector f. Let the axis of z be taken along the edge of the screen and the axis of x in the plane of the screen at right angles to the edge. Let P be the source of sound and Q an arbitrary point on the edge of the screen. If the disturbance issuing from P were reflected according to the laws of geometrical optics, the total disturbance would be discontinuous in crossing two semi- infinite planes, each of which is bounded by the edge of the screen. The first of these planes is a boundary of the geometrical shadow, when continued across the edge of the screen it passes through P. The second plane is the boundary of the geometrical shadow for the optical image of P, viz. Pj . To obtain the correct solution of the diffraction problem we must add to the disturbance just described a second one having discontinuities which will annul the above-mentioned dis- continuities, the new disturbance must also be chosen so that the boundary condition is satisfied at the two faces of the screen. We shall now show that the required disturbance can be built up by superposition from elementary disturbances with singularities along lines such as PQ and P l Q produced. Let R be the distance of an arbitrary point (x, y, z, t) from Q, then if (0, 0, ) are the coordinates of Q and c is the velocity of sound, we know that a function of type satisfies the wave-equation. Let us choose the arbitrary function yin such a way that the expression becomes infinite along the line PQ produced and returns to its initial value when the point x, y, z is rotated twice round the edge of the screen. This last condition is added so as to enable us to satisfy the boundary condition. * This problem has been solved by H. S. Carslaw, Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 30 (1898), p. 121. A transformation of his solution suggested the method described here. f This assumption is usually justifiable. In Prof. A. G. Webster's experi- ments on the reflection of sound from the ground (Phys. Review, Vol. 28 (1909) p. 65) it was found that the reflection is more than 90 / . 92 THE PROBLEM OF DIFFRACTION [CH. Now if we write where u and are real quantities, and use R Q , u , to denote the values of R, u, cj> for the point P, it is easy to see that the function satisfies the requirements, for it is periodic in with period 4?r and is infinite along PQ produced, where U=U<>, < = -f7T. We now imagine sources corresponding to wave-functions of this type to be associated with each element d of the edge, and suppose the strength and phase of the source at Q to depend on its position relative to P in such a way that where f(t) is the strength of the source at P at time t. In this way we obtain an integral which will be shown to be discontinuous in the way required as the point (x, y, z) crosses the boundary of the shadow for P. In a similar way we can construct an integral which can be shown to be discontinuous in the way required as the point (x, y, z) crosses the boundary of the geometrical shadow for P l . Now let r, r be the distances of the point x t y, z respectively from P and P lt then the velocity potential V of the total disturbance is given by the following expressions in the different regions of space ^ in,,, in&, V F=-7 l -F a V] DIFFRACTION OF SOUND WAVES 93 The space S 1 is bounded by the screen and the limiting plane of the geometrical shadow for P l} 8 2 is bounded by the limiting planes of the shadows for P and P lf S 3 is bounded by the screen and the limiting plane of the shadow for P. dV The boundary condition is that ^-r should be zero over the d

= z,-S+ R , pp Q cosh (u + MO) = (z - ?) (^ ?) + + p* +(z- ztf + Zpp, cosh (i* + tio) = (R + ) 2 , Hence it follows that On substituting the expression for R + R in terms of 6 we obtain an integral which is equivalent to the one given by Prof. Carslaw. To see that it is discontinuous* we use V + and F_ to denote the values of the integral for = TT + < + e and (f> = TT + <^> e respectively, where e is a small quantity. The difference between these quantities may be regarded as a contour integral and can be evaluated by Cauchy's theorem We may write Taking the residue for f = 0, i.e. (f> TT + , b = 0, we get * A more careful proof is given in Prof. Carslaw's paper. 94 THE PEOBLEM OF DIFFRACTION [CH. V for the conditions < = 7r4-< , 6 = imply that the radii 'R and R are in one straight line and so give r when added together. It is now clear that the integral V l possesses the right type of discontinuity and a similar remark holds for the integral F 2 . The method can no doubt be modified so as to give solutions of other types of diffraction problems, the chief difficulty arises in the choice of a function which will satisfy the boundary conditions. At any rate the method suggests an interesting type of boundary problem in which the desired wave-functions have specified discontinuities instead of being continuous everywhere. This type of problem ought to be studied more completely. In the general problem of the diffraction round a moving object of the waves issuing from a moving source, the wave- functions that are derived by the methods of geometrical optics have discontinuities at a certain boundary which is the locus of points travelling along straight lines with the velocity of light. The points in question start from certain points of the moving object and move along tangents to the surface of the object, their paths being in fact continuations of the paths of particles that may be considered to have been emitted from the source. Indeed, if we imagine the source to emit particles in all directions as it moves about, the particles which just graze the moving object will, when they continue their rectilinear motion with the velocity of light, form the boundary at which the discontinuities arise. In Chapter vm we shall obtain a class of wave-functions with singularities moving along straight lines with the velocity of light. These functions seem to be just the ones that are required for the building up of wave-functions with dis- continuities of the type just described. The problem of forming in this way the functions which will enable us to complete the solution of the diffraction problem is one which awaits solution. CHAPTER VI TRANSFORMATIONS OF COORDINATES APPROPRIATE FOR THE TREATMENT OF PROBLEMS CONNECTED WITH A SURFACE OF REVOLUTION 33. Spheroidal coordinates. Problems in which there is symmetry round the axis of z can often be treated with the aid of a substitution of the form* p + iz=f(a + il3) (184). Taking a, /3, as orthogonal coordinates, we have da? + dy* + dz* = (da? + and equations (18) of 8 become (186), Sa 9(a, where ^ < * This substitution has been used in other branches of mathematical physics by C. Neumann, Theorie der Elektricitats- und Wdrme-Vertheilung in einem Ringe (1864) ; E. Mathieu, Cours de physique mathematique (1873) ; A. Wangerin, Berliner Monatsberichte (1878) ; Hantzschel, Reduction der Potentialgleichung ; Michell, Mess, of Math. (1890) ; Basset, Hydrodynamics, Vol. 2, p. 8 ; F. H. Safford, Amer. Journ. Vol. 21 ; Archiv der Math. Bd. 13 (1908), p. 22. The important developments on which the following analysis is founded are contained in papers to which we shall refer presently. 96 TRANSFORMATIONS OF COORDINATES [CH. These equations may be satisfied by putting -* k ~ where l=UiV is a solution of the partial differential equation i /dp an dp an^ The problem of finding the periods of free electrical oscilla- tions on a conducting spheroid is of considerable interest because a straight rod of circular cross-section can be regarded as approximately equivalent to a prolate spheroid whose major axis is relatively much longer than the minor axis. This problem has been treated very fully by M. Abraham*, R. C. Maclaurinf, M. BrilloumJ, F. Ehrenhaft and J. W. Nicholson ||. The effect of a spheroidal obstacle on a train of waves has been studied by K. F. HerzfeldH. For prolate spheroids the appropriate substitution is** or p = a sinh a sin (3, z = a cosh a. cos 0, o /_ \ = -a 2 (cosh 2 a- cos 2 ft) (190). d (a, p) The partial differential equation is now ...... (191), and there are elementary solutions of the form H = A (a) B ( where A and B satisfy the differential equations - coth - (^ 2 cosh 2 a + X) A = - cot/3 ~ * Dissertation, Berlin (1897) ; Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 66 (1898), p. 435 ; Math. Ann. Bd. 52 (1899), p. 81. t Cambr. Phil. Trans. Vol. 17 (1898-9), pp. 41108. J Propagation de Vtlectricite (1904), Ch. vi. Wiener Berichte (1904), p. 273. || Phil. Mag. (1906). IT Wiener Berichte (1911), p. 1587. ** Cf. Heine, Crelle, Bd. 26 (1843), p. 185 ; Kugelfunktionen, Bd. 2, 38 ; Lamb's Hydrodynamics, p. 132. VI] SPHEROIDAL COORDINATES 97 These equations are discussed in some detail in the papers to which we have just referred, they may be reduced to a special form of an equation obtained by Prof. C. Niven* in a study of the conduction of heat in ellipsoids of revolution. For oblate spheroids the appropriate substitution is p +iz= a cosh (a -f- ift) ............... (193), giving p = a cosh a cos ft, z = a sinh a sin ft, d (a, ft) The surfaces ft const, are now hyperboloids of one sheet, the surface ft = can be regarded as the surface of a screen which is pierced by a circular hole of radius a. The partial differential equation for H is now - tanh a + tan + ^ a2 (sinh 2 + sin 2 ) fl = 0, and there are elementary solutions of the form fl = A (a) B (ft) where ~ tanh a . + (X + a 2 #> sinh 2 a) 4 = When H is independent of , & = and the elementary solutions are of the form = /P w (f ) df JPn (17) d*, f = cosh a, rj = cos /9 . . .(195) for prolate spheroids, and of the form fl = /P()df/PnO?)di7, f = isinha, r} = smft... (196) for oblate spheroids. In either of these solutions a function P n can be replaced by Q n . The corresponding solutions of Laplace's equation are of the type F= [AP n (?) + BQ n ($)] [CP n (,) + DQ (,)]. . .(197), where A, B, C y D are arbitrary constants. * Phil. Trans. (1880), p. 138. B. 7 98 SPHEROIDAL COORDINATES [CH. Examples. 1. Prove that [(cosh a cos j8 - cos y) 2 -I- sinh 2 a sin 2 /3] ~ i (C. Neumann.) 2. Prove that a function B (/3) which satisfies the differential equation (192) and is zero for /3=0, /3 = ?r is a solution of the homogeneous integral equation o where]/* is determined by the condition that the integral equation should possess a continuous solution which is not identically zero. (M. Abraham.) 3. If A (a) be denned by the equation o it* satisfies the differential equation (192). A second solution of this equation is given by F Jo and is suitable for the representation of divergent waves. (M. Abraham.) 34. Paraboloidal coordinates. If we write so that the transformation is ^ = _o-^, p = 2V^o ............ (198), the differential equation (143) becomes* and is satisfied byf F = 4 (a * Cf H. J. Sharpe, Quarterly Journal, Vol. 15 (1878) ; Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. Vol. 10 (1899), p. 101; Vol. 13 (1905), p. 133; Vol. 15 (1909), p. 190; H. Lamb, Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 4 (1907), p. 190. t The existence of elementary solutions for the paraboloid and certain other surfaces is established in Bocher's Die Reihenentwickelungen der Potential- theorie. See the table on pp. 256-7. VI] PARABOLOIDAL COORDINATES if (199), where h is arbitrary. Putting 2ikn ik(m + \) h we find that the differential equations are satisfied by putting A = e~ ik *F m n (2ik*\ B = e~ ik ^F m n (2^/3), where F m n (s) satisfies the differential equation* - + ^O ......... (200). When n is a positive integer, one solution of this equation is furnished by Sonin's polynomial f T m n (s\ which may be defined with the aid of the expansion (1 + t)-- 1 &+* = 2 T (m + n + 1) t n T m n (s). . .(201). =o A few properties of this function are given here for the sake of reference. [ e~*s m T m n (s) T m v (s) ds = v = n vwr-Jw .................. (204) - t (s) ............ (205), * This is a slight modification of Weiler's canonical form for an equation of Laplace's type, Crelle's Journal, Bd. 51 (1856), p. 105. The equation is discussed for real values of m and n by O. Schlomilch, Hotieren Analysis, Bd. 2 (1874), p. 517. + Math. Ann. Bd. 16. Further properties of the function are given by L. Gegenbauer, Wien. Ber. (1887), p. 274, who proves that the roots of the equation T m Ti (*) = 0, considered as an equation of the nth degree in *, are all real, positive and unequal. This is a generalisation of the result obtained by Laguerre for the case m = 0. A geometrical proof has been given by Bocher, Proc. of the Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 40 (1904). 72 100 SONIN'S POLYNOMIALS [CH. / _ 1 \n p s fin - 5 cos2 Sn2m * < Equations (201), (202) and (203) were given by Abel* and Murphy f for the case m = : the polynomial is then equivalent to the polynomial of TchebychefFJ and Laguerre which occurs in the theory of interpolation and also in the theory of continued fractions. When m + ^, the polynomial can be expressed in terms of the polynomial U n (x) discussed by Tchebycheff|| and HermitelF, or in terms of the function of the parabolic cylinder, discussed by Weber**, Whittakerff and others {f. The above analysis indicates the existence of a wave-function of the form ft = e ik ( ZC V {w * T m n (ZiJca) T m n (2ifc) p m . . .(208). This function can be expressed as an integral of the form used in 5, we have in fact the equation cos i + ...... (209), from which the required representation can be immediately derived. In this formula m is either zero or a positive integer. The convergence of a series of terms of type (208) in which * Memoires de mathematique par N. H. Abel, Paris (1826) ; Oeuvres, Sylow and Lie, t. 2. f Cambr.Phil. Trans. (1833). J Mem. de VAcad. de St Petersburg (1860). Bull, de la Soc. math, de France, t. 7 (1879) ; Oeuvres de Laguerre, t. 1, p. 428. || Loc. cit. See also Sturm, Liouville's Journal, Vol. 1. If Comptes Rendus, t. 58 (1864), p. 93. The Hermite functions have been generalised by Curzon, Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 13 (1914), p. 417. The generalised functions are intimately connected with the functions considered here. ** Math. Ann. Bd. 1 (1869), p. 1. ft Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vol. 35 (1903), p. 417. JJ Baer, Diss. Cilstrin (1883) ; Hantzschel, Zeitschr. fiir Math. Bd. 33 (1888) ; Adamoff, Annales de St Petersbourg, t. 5 (1906) ; G. N. Watson, Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 8 (1910), p. 393. VI] SECOND SOLUTION OF THE DIFFERENCIAL f n takes different integral values can be partially discussed with the aid of the equation n(n-I)(m+n + I)(m + n + 2) 1 )(m + 4) '"J " which shows that the modulus of T m n (ix) increases with #. Hence if a series of terms of type (208) converges absolutely for any given value of a, it converges absolutely for all smaller values of a. For a fuller discussion of the convergence it would be useful to have, an asymptotic expression for T m n (s) when n is large. Suitable asymptotic expressions have already been found for the case m = -J by Adamoff and Watson. The differential equation (200) has been studied for general values of m and n by Pochhammer*, Jacobstahlf, Whittakert and Barnes. It usually possesses two distinct solutions which can be expanded in power series converging for all finite values of s. If, however, m and n are positive integers, there is only one solution which can be represented by a convergent power series in s, the other may be defined by the equation ** (s ~ it contains a logarithmic term. For negative integral values of n we may adopt the definition It should be noticed that when | a | is large, U m n (Zika.) has an asymptotic expansion of which the first term is (2ika. The solutions of type e ik (z+ct) im4> U * Math. Ann. Vol. 36, p. 84 ; Vol. 46, p. 584. f Ibid. Vol. 56, p. 129. J Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (1904). Cambr. Phil. Trans. Vol. 20 (1906), p. 253. oV;{.,} /SQNJN'S POLYNOMIALS [CH. are consequently suitable when a is large for the representation of waves diverging to infinity in the positive direction of the axis of z. It may be worth while to mention here that the functions Tm n (s), U m n (s) both satisfy Gegenbauer's difference equations F:~ l (s) = (m + n) <;1 (s) + Fl (s) n (m + n) F% (s) - {s - (m + 2n - 1)} F^ 1 (s) + F^ 2 (s) = (n - 1) F^ 1 (s) = {s-(m + n-l)} F^ (s) - F^l (s) (n - 1) F^ 1 (s) = {s-(m + 1)} F^ (s) - s F^\ (s) ...... (213). The function U m n (s) also satisfies an equation analogous to (204). 35. Relations between different solutions. Many useful formulae may be obtained by expanding known wave-functions in series of elementary wave-functions of type (208) and by identifying our elementary wave-functions with certain definite integrals which are known to represent wave- functions. For instance, we have the expansion | tan \ co | -b) ......... (218) and also the solutions of type . v in ] -^) ...(219). Wave-functions may be derived from these solutions by the method of 13. We add here a few relations which are obtained by ex- pressing the solutions thus formed in terms of old solutions. cos co] = 2 (-imro + n+l^V^OZU-fo) **""... (220), m--n n _ 1 ^n Orn+i ' ...... (222) ' = F (n + 1) T (n + m + 1) ...... (223). The proofs of these are left to the reader. Prof. G. D. Birkhoff has remarked to me that the differential equation (200) can be regarded as a limiting case of the hyper- geometric equation when two of the singularities coincide at infinity*, consequently many properties of the solutions can be derived from known properties of hypergeome trie functions f. It should be noticed that when W is independent of t there * Cf. Bocher, Die Reihenentwickelungen der Potentialtheorie, p. 137. f This method was used in a particular case by Kummer, Crelle's Journal, Bd. 15 (1836), p. 138. 104 PARABOLOIDAL COORDINATES [CH. are elementary solutions of equation (143) of the form W = AB where J m ~ We thus obtain elementary solutions of Laplace's equation of the form (0- ) ......... (224), where m, X, < are arbitrary parameters. 36. Toroidal coordinates. If we put fc = pcos(f>, y = psm(f>, z cosh &>, ct % sinh o>...(225), p + i a coth =p2T t a sinh cr asin->/r / 226) cosh cr cosi/r ' * cosh cr cos ^ """" ^ the wave-equation becomes _3_ f sinh cr sin i|r 3^) 9 | sinh cr sin ijr du] dor ((cosh a COS >/r) 2 9cr) 9i|r ((cosh a COS ^r) 2 9i|r) sin ir 9 2 w sinh cr d*u _ 8 sinh cr (cosh cr cos >/r) 2 9<^> 2 sin ^ (cosh cr - cos ^) 2 9o) 8 ...... (227). This is satisfied by u = F(o-)G (i|r) (cosh cr - cos T|T) e A;w cos m (< - < ). . .(228) if cosech cr -j- (sinh /r) e A:w cos m ( <) ...... (230). Other solutions of the wave-equation may be obtained by replacing the functions P n m , P n k by Q n m , Q n k . Many useful formulae may be obtained by expanding particular wave-functions in series of wave-functions of type Vl] RELATIONS BETWEEN DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS 105 (230). The expansion of unity, for instance, gives rise to Neumann's expansion cosh.- cos + =, (2?l + T) " < C 8h ff > P " < C S - (231) ' It should be noticed that when we make the substitution (225) the wave-equation becomes d*u Idu l&u Vu Idu 1^_ XOOON. 8p 2 + p dp + ? ^ + d? + ? 8f " ? 2 9o>* ~ it thus possesses elementary solutions of the forms m (V) epw cos m (0 ~ *o) ...... (233), (V) * p " sm(- ) ......... (234). The expression of solutions of type (230) in terms of the solutions just found leads to some interesting identities. Thus we have the equation (Xf ) J m (\p) J x(cosh a- - cos *}P~ p P +m _ n (cos ^r) P; W _ W (cosh IT) p> 1, m> 1, p + m> I ......... (235). Many important formulae connected with Bessel functions are simply particular cases of this one*. It should be remem- bered that -*--JT-!(*) (236). The corresponding integral in which K p (Xf) is replaced by J-p (Xf ) can also be evaluated in terms of Legendre functions, but the formulae are more complicated. The case p m is discussed by Macdonald f. It should be noticed that if we write cosh (a a)) = i cot -^r, cos (0 ) = coth G \ sinh (a co) = i cosec iff, sin (& )= i cosech a- J ' three relations of type (238) * See, for instance, the formulae given by H. M. Macdonald, Proc. London Hath. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 7, p. 147, and by the author, ibid. Vol. 12, Abstracts. t Loc. cit. p. 142. 106 TOROIDAL COORDINATES [CH. are satisfied and so the functions , /3 can be used to obtain an electromagnetic field by the method of 5. It is easy to verify that the function u = (cosh <7- cos ^)/(a,) (239) satisfies the wave-equation, / being an arbitrary function. We add here a few formulae for P n m (cosh o-), Q n m (cosh er) ; these and other formulae will be found in the memoirs of Dr Hobson and Dr Barnes to which we have already referred. x F \ n, n+\\ 1 m ; sinh 2 -^ I T(l-m) v xF{$-m,l+n-m; I - 2m ; l-e~ 20, n m (C0sh xJP{ra + J,w + m + l; w + f , e-^} 0. Various asymptotic expansions for these functions are given by the authors just named and by Dr Nicholson*. It should be mentioned that the solutions of the wave- equation that have just been obtained are not directly useful for the treatment of the boundary problems of mathematical physics. They may, however, be used to construct useful solutions of the equation AM + l&u = by means of various artifices. If, for instance, we multiply one of our wave-func- tions by e ikct and integrate with regard to t between z and oo , the resulting function will often be a solution of Av + k*v = 0. This may be illustrated by taking the wave-function u = J (tXf) J m (Xp) cos m (< - <>) and using the formula T. At = ~ > W /c ...... (240). * British Association Reports, Winnipeg (1909), p. 391. VI] TOROIDAL COORDINATES 107 The integration can be taken between other limits in certain cases; for instance, the integral e ikte dt ......(241) represents the solution of Av -f &v = corresponding to a circular ring of sources. In this case our wave-function u is a constant multiple of cosh a- cos i|r. The theory of electrical oscillations on a conducting anchor ring has been treated by H. C. Pocklington*, W. McF. Orrf and Lord RayleighJ, without the use of toroidal coordinates ; the results are of course only approximate. 37. Solutions of Laplace's equation. If we put a sinhcr asin ^ /942^ P i r > * 1. r \^*/i cosh cr cos ty cosh a cos \jr the angle ^r may be interpreted as the angle which two fixed points A, B whose coordinates are z 0, p = a, subtend at PA. a point P (p,z); the quantity cr may be interpreted as log . The surfaces ty = const, are spheres having a real circle (p = a, z = 0) in common, the surfaces cr = const, are anchor rings. If we use the toroidal coordinates cr, -^r, c, Laplace's equation becomes _ 9 f sinho- du} 9 f sinhcr du\ da) dty (( do- (cosh <7 cos i|r da-} dty (cosh a cos -^ 9^r J sinh cr (cosh cr cos * Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. Vol. 9 (1897), p. 324. t Phil. Mag. Vol. 6 (1903), p. 667. J Proc. jRoy. Soc. Ser. A, Vol. 87 (1912), p. 93. See also C. W. Oseen, Phyg. Zeitschr., Dec. 1st (1913) ; Arkiv for Mat. Ast. och Fysik, Bd. 9 (1913). B. Riemann, PartielleDifferentialgleichungen,Hattendort'8 edition (1861); C. Neumann, Theorie der Elektricitats- und Wdrme-Vertheilung in einem Ringe, Halle (1864); W. M. Hicks, Phil. Trans. (1881), p. 609; A. B. Basset, Amer. Journ. Vol. 15, Hydrodynamics, Vol. 2. For an alternative method see F. H. Safford, Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 12 (1898), p. 27. 108 BIPOLAR COORDINATES [CH. and possesses solutions of the form P u (cosh a cos T/r) a cos n (i|r - -Jr ) cos m ( (/> ) ( (243), which are suitable for the treatment of problems connected with the anchor ring, circular disc and spherical bowl *. For problems connected with two spheres bipolar coordinates may be used ; the appropriate substitution isf asim/r _ asinhcr /944A ^ ~~ cosh cr cos ^ ' cosh cr cos ty The surfaces cr = const, are now coaxal spheres with imaginary common circle. The radius of the sphere - < ) [fP n (cos ^) + g Q n (cos ^)]. . .(245). It should be noticed that when we are using toroidal coordinates the function u = (cosh cr cos ty)^f \ i log tanh cos ^ (^ ^ ) (246) satisfies Laplace's equation and that when we use bipolar coordinates the corresponding solution is (cosh a- - cos ^f \ i log tan |j cosh (cr - o- ). . .(247). * See for instance E. W. Hobson, Cambr. Phil. Trans. Vol. 18 (1899) ; C. W. Oseen, Arkivfor Matematik, Bd. 2, No. 5; H. C. Pocklington, Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 186 (1895), p. 603. f W. Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Liouville's Journal (1847). J G. B. Jeffery, Proc. Roy. Soc. Ser. A, Vol. 87 (1912) ; G. R. Dean, Phys. Review (1912) ; G. Darboux, Bull, des Sciences math. t. 31 (1907), p. 17. Another method of dealing with problems connected with two spheres is described by A. Guillet and M. Aubert, Journal de Physique, t. 3 (1913). VI] SOLUTIONS OF LAPLACE'S EQUATION 109 It should be mentioned here that other simple ["solutions may be obtained by using the formulae _ (cosh are arbitrary constants. 2. Prove that if p + iz=f(a + ip) the wave-equation becomes . ft 3 2 c 2 2 ' and obtain elementary solutions of type .4 (a) .6 (/3) e* 7 " 4 when z + ipa cosh (a+z'^3). Notice that the solutions of equation (188) are not wave-functions, they are analogous to the stream-line functions of hydro- dynamics. CHAPTER VII HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTIONS OF THE WAVE-EQUATION 38. The method of Stieltjes*. Wave- functions which are homogeneous functions of x t y, z, t may be studied with the aid of the substitution x = s cos d cos , 2 = ssin 0cos%| y = scos6 sin <, ict = s sin sin ^ j " The wave-equation in these coordinates has the form 8Ht 3du I&u I _ ^w_ ds 2 sds s*d0* s*co&0d ......... (253). Comparing this with the elementary solution of Laplace's equa- tion in polar coordinates (r, 0, (/>), we see that if f(r, 6, ) is a solution of Laplace's equation / (s 2 , 20, + ^) is a wave-function. We may thus derive wave-functions from harmonic functions ; in particular, the fundamental harmonic function gives us the fundamental wave-function = - - - - - . We have already remarked in 13 that Lord Kelvin's method of inver- sion may be extended to wave-functions, it is easy to see that the result is an immediate consequence of the fact that the differential equation (250) ia, unaltered when (n + 1) is written in place of n. It is easy to see that there are (n + I) 2 linearly independent polynomial solutions of degree n, for a general polynomial of degree n contains ^ (n + 1) (n + 2) (n + 3) coefficients and when this is operated on with Q, the vanishing of the resulting polynomial of degree n 2 gives -*(n I)n(n + l) conditions, The difference between these two numbers is (n 4- 1) 2 . A. polynomial solution of degree n is given by the integral u = I (x cos a + y sin a -f iz)* (x sin a - y cos a - ct) n ~* e ima da. Jo A set of (n + 1) 2 linearly independent polynomials is obtained 112 HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTIONS OF THE WAVE-EQUATION [CH. by allowing m and p to take the values (0, 1 ... n). A better set of solutions is obtained by using the integrals of type u = I [(# - iy) e*" + i(z ct)] p Jo x [(x -f iy} e~ ia + i (z + ct)] n ~ p e im * da. Polynomial solutions may also be obtained by differentiating the fundamental wave-function and using generalised inver- s sion*. The polynomial solutions were first discussed by Cayleyf. WaelschJ has recently studied them from a new point of view. Example. Prove that when n is a positive integer 1 ' 3 "' 2 ^ 1 P n (cos 20) = i r I (cos 6 cos (j> + i sin 6 cos x ) 2n d$ d x . 39. The method of Green. Homogeneous solutions may also be investigated with the aid of Green's substitution x = s sin a sin ft cos c, y s sin a sin /3 sin ) r\ > z s sm a cos p, ict s cos a j The wave-equation now becomes &u 3 du 2 du 1 + + C< a + ~ _ A , . 2 2 2 ~ 2 ~ s 2 sin 2 a sin d/3 dp s 2 sin 2 a sin 2 and possesses elementary solutions of the form u = s n A (a) 5 OS) cos m (< - * Cf. F. Didon, Annales de VEcole Normale (1), t. 5 (1868), p. 229; t. 6 (18GD), p. 7; t. 7 (1870), pp. 89, 247 ; P. Appell, Rend. Palermo, t. 36 (1913) ; K. de F&iet, Comptes Rendus, Nov. 17th (1913). t Liouville's Journal, t. 13 (1848) ; Phil. Trans. Vol. (165) n. (1875), p. 675. See also Hermite, Oeuvres, t. 2. + Deutsche Math. Verein, Bd. 19, p. 90. Cambr. Phil. Trans. Vol. 5 (1835), p. 395; Collected Papers, p. 187; Cayley, loc. cit. See also Heine, Handbuch der Kugelfunktionen, Bd. 1, p. 449 ; Crelle, Bd. 60, 61, 62 (18621863) ; E. W. Hobson, Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 1, Vol. 24, p. 67, Vol. 25 ; F. G. Mehler, Progr. Danzig (1864) ; Crelle, Bd. 66 (1866), p. 161; C. Neumann, Zeitschr. Math. Phys. Bd. 12 (1867), p. 116 ; V. Giulotto, Gior. d. Mat. 39 (1901), p. 162. vn] GREEN'S METHOD 113 where We may thus take J. = Vcos^ P; (cosa)+6 2 C where Cj, C 2 , 61, 6 2 are arbitrary constants. 40. Wave-functions of degree zero. If n is a wave-function of degree 2, the formulae an an _ #an an H 9 = y, -- o~ > E x = - -r + ct -~ y dz dy c dt fa an an y aa ^ an Z ^ -- ^~ Ey=--^- +Ct ^~ dx dz c dt dy an an ., z an an X ^ -- 2/^~ &z - ~^r + ct ^r- dy y dx c dt dz ,...(257) give a solution of Maxwell's equations. A homogeneous wave-function of degree 2 can, of course, be derived from a homogeneous wave-function of degree zero. If F is an arbitrary function of two variables subject to suitable restrictions, the integral c* 1 ^ ...... iz J Q _ \_x cos a + y represents a wave-function of degree zero, and when this is multiplied by a wave-function of degree 2 is obtained. We S" add here a few particular wave-functions of degree zero : Electromagnetic fields which are derived from this type of wave- function of degree 2 may be generalised by writing x f (T), y V ( T )> z ~ ? ( T )> * ~ T instead of x, y, z, t respectively and integrating round a closed contour in the complex r plane. The integrals thus obtained can generally be evaluated by B. 8 114 HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTIONS OF THE WAVE-EQUATION [CH. VII means of Cauehy's theorem. Many of the results given in the next chapter are suggested at once by this method and may be thoroughly established by a method of direct verification. It is worthy of note that if we write r in place of ct in a wave-function of degree zero the resulting function is a solution of Laplace's equation AM =0. A general solution of Laplace's equation of degree zero can be derived at once in this way from the first of the solutions (259). We thus obtain Donkin's formula* /^ /-M ............ \z + r ] y \z + rj A similar result is that if l=F(x,y ) z ) w, t) is a homogeneous function of degree J satisfying the equation and s be written in place of w, the resulting function is a wave-function. Now if f(x, y, z) is a solution of Laplace's equation, the function *Jw ct \w-ct' w ct' w z \ -ct) satisfies the requirements, consequently we may conclude that the function ......... (261 > is a wave-function f. Other wave-functions may be derived from this by generalised inversion or by interchanging the variables x t y, z, ict. * Phil. Trans. (1857). This solution may be obtained at once from Jacobi's theorem that if p, q, r are three functions of u which satisfy the equation 1> 2 + q 2 + r 2 = and u is denned by the equation au = xp(u) + yq (u) + zr (u), then an arbitrary function of w is a solution of Laplace's equation, Werke, Bd. 2, p. 208. See also Forsyth, Mess, of Math. (1898). t This result is obtained in another way by Pockels, Uber die partielle Differentialgldchung Aw + k*u - 0. Teubner, Leipzig (1891). CHAPTER VIII ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS WITH MOVING SINGULARITIES 41. An electromagnetic field with a simple singularity or electron, first model of a corpuscle*. We shall now derive a family of wave-functions from the fundamental wave-function 1/s 2 , where and T is a variable parameter, which is at first independent of x, y, z, t. Using a method invented by Prof. A. W. Conway t we consider the integral 0~iM 2?ri J s 2 taken round a closed contour in the plane of the complex vari- able T. If this contour contains only one root T of the equation s z = 0, the value of the integral is where V=?(r)(*-t)+V'(T)(y-l)+C(T)(*- & (263) and T is the root in question. * I have ventured to use Johnstone Stoney's term " electron " to denote the simple point singularity and Sir Joseph Thomson's term " eorpuscle " to denote the elementary charged particle which has been discovered by experimental work. f Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 1 (1903). Integrals over complex paths had been employed previously in electromagnetic theory by Sommerfeld and other writers. 116 FIELD OF A MOVING ELECTRON [CH. This function v vanishes when a? = f , y = v, = ?> t = r and so the wave-function H has a singularity which moves along the curve F represented by *=?to, y = *7(T), *=?(T) (264). If, moreover, the velocity of this singularity E is always less than the velocity of light, it is easy to see that v does not vanish for any real values of (a?, y, z, t) other than those just mentioned. When the velocity of the singularity E is always less than c, there is only one value of r less than t for which the equation s 2 = is satisfied : a?, y, z, t being supposed to be given. To prove this we surround each point E on F by a sphere of radius c (t r) having E as centre ; then it is clear that each sphere lies entirely within the neighbouring one corresponding to a smaller value of r, provided r (268) I/ Vl/ it is found thatf H _?_ ^ilif ) ^ _ e <* ( T > ff ) 4>7T d (y, z) ' 4f7rc d (x, t) where (270). It is clear from these equations that the magnetic force is * A. Lie"nard, L'eclairage tlectriqtie, Vol. 16 (1898), pp. 5, 53, 106. See also E. Wiechert, Arch, neerlandaises (2), Vol. 5 (1900), p. 54 ; K. Schwarzschild, Gott. Nachr. (1903). The potentials are usually written in the form A = , , where the square bracket indicates that the quantity enclosed is to be calculated at time r = t-. Cf. H. A. Lorentz, The Theory of Electrons, p. 50. To obtain a model of a corpuscle we must write de instead of e and integrate over a small region. t These expressions for the components of E and H were communicated to me by Mr E. Hargreaves in 1909 ; they should be of some historical interest in connection with the general theory of 5. This was, however, the outcome of some independent work. Cf. Proc. London Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 10 (1911), p. 96. 118 CONSTANCY OF THE ELECTRIC CHARGE [CH. perpendicular to the electric force and also to the radius from the effective position of E\ for we have the relations dr c. 9r _ , (271). dr dr It also follows from these relations that r satisfies the char- acteristic equation This is to be expected because, as Jacobi has remarked* for the case of Laplace's equation, the argument r of an arbitrary func- tion occurring in the solution of a partial differential equation must satisfy the partial differential equation of the character- istics!. To prove that there is a constant charge e associated with the singularity of our electromagnetic field we shall calculate the integral of the radial component of E over a sphere having the singularity as centre. We have to evaluate the integral ce fr/3o-9r do- dr d can be derived by using (7). He finds that n = (o,o,S), r=(o,o,JV), where = e sinh- 1 - birN =-e tan V(- # + (y - _ - e log V(a? - f ) 2 + (y - 1?) 2 ...... (273). It may be verified without difficulty that the functions are wave-functions. This result is a particular case of the following general theorem. Iff(x, y, z) is a homogeneous function of degree zero satisfy- ing Laplace s equation Aw = 0, the function 0-/[*-(T),y-i,*-f(T)] ...... (274) is a wave-function. 42. The electromagnetic field due to a moving doublet. Let us now derive an electromagnetic field by superposing two electromagnetic fields of the type just described wherein the singularities move along the two neighbouring curves ^ = ?(T), y = *!(*), * = ?(T), = f ( T + ( T I)> y = */ ( T I) + e/9 (TJ), = ? (rO + 67 ( TI ), e being a quantity whose square may be neglected. If T! is defined in terms of x, y, z, t by the equation [* - f (T,) - * (r,)] 2 + [y-i (T,) - e/3 (rO] 2 and T! = T + e#, we easily find that Also if Vi is the quantity corresponding to v, we have v l v 4- e [0v 0, Jo \_z + w cos a + ly sin a r J r = z < 0. The electrostatic field derived from the function V is zero on one side of the plane z and has the character of the field due to a point charge on the other side. It should be noticed that the integrand is a potential function which becomes infinite along the line z 0, x cos a -f y sin a. = 0, and as a varies this line sweeps out the plane of discontinuity of our electrostatic field. To generalise this result we must endeavour to solve the * Aether and-Matter (1900), p. 188. The question as to whether the aether is continuous or discontinuous is discussed by H. Witte, Ann. d. Phys. (4), Bd. 26 (1908). t Presidential Address, British Association Reports, Winnipeg (1909). % Recent Researches on Electricity and Magnetism-, Electricity and Matter \ Phil. Mag. Vol. 19 (1910), p. 301, Oct. Dec. (1912). See alsoN. R. Campbell, The New Quarterly (1909); Phil. Mag. Vol. 19 (1910), p. 181. 122 FIELDS WITH MOVING SINGULAR CURVES [CH. general problem of finding electromagnetic fields whose singularities lie on moving curves*. A partial solution of this problem may be obtained by con- sidering first of all the field represented by equations (10) of 5. We may obtain a suitable pair of functions a, ft by solving the equations dy. (279); dy dz ~ c 2 dt oadft dadff dudff = l_dad^ dx d& dy dy dz dz c 2 dt dt for clearly - [7 L dy dz dz dy ??Y 4. i^Yl [7MY 4. fMYl _ fa M 4. ?? MY va^/ J LW/ va^y J W a y + a^ a^ ; i /aay _ /a^y] ri. /a^y __ /a^yl _ /i a a^ __ a a/sy c 3 Va * J laj J [c 2 l a< ) \dx) J U 2 ae dt a# a^J 1 ^ M _ ?? MY c 2 (dx dt dt die) ' Two other equations can be obtained in a similar way and so it follows that if we make a suitable choice of an ambiguous sign which is involved in the definitions of the functions a and y&, the equations (10) will be a consequence of equations (279). A more general electromagnetic field is obtained by multiplying the components of M in equations (10) by an arbitrary function f(a.,j3). Since the components of M are necessarily solutions of the wave-equation it follows that, if g \lf t an expression of the type is a solution of the wave-equation (8). * The aim must be not only to obtain a complete generalisation of Green's equivalent layer which will be applicable to the case of a moving surface, but to obtain, if possible, an analysis of the electric and magnetic current sheets which are required. Cf. p. 29. VIII] VELOCITY OF MOTION LESS THAN THAT OF LIGHT 123 The electromagnetic field which has just been obtained generally has singularities at space-time points for which /(a, ) is zero. Let us write f=u(x, y, z, t) 4- iv (x, y, z, t) where u and v are real when x, y, z, t are real ; then the points for which f = lie on the moving curve, denned by the equations u = 0, v = 0. Now it follows from (279) that / is a solution of the equation and consequently /8iA 2 fdu\ 2 1 /9A 2 fdv\* fdv\ 2 /dv\* 1 /8v\ 2 ^(ty) + (fa) &(to) vw + (dy) + (dz) ~c 2 l^y ' du dv du dv du dv _ 1 du dv dx dx dy dy dz dz c 2 dt dt ' Now let F(u,v) = be the equation of a moving surface which always contains the moving curve, then if __dFdv P ~~dudx dFdv ~~ 0-. 3~ ^ ~ du dz af8w at- dx ' a^aw a 8^' aF8v_aF8w 8w 8y 9 1' 9y ' ^dFto^dFdu S ~dudi dvdt' we have dF* dF dF SF SF' consequently ^y /a^- /a^y i/apy to) + (d) + \dz) *9\*/' This means that the component velocity of the surface F = in the direction of the normal at (x, y, z, t) is less than the velocity of light, it is equal to the velocity of light only in an excep- tional case. Since this is true for any surface that always contains the moving curve it follows that the curve can be 124 SOLUTION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS [CH. regarded as moving with a velocity less than that of light. It should be understood that the curve generally changes in shape as it moves but this is not necessarily the case. It often happens that the moving curve /=0 can be regarded as made up of the instantaneous positions of a series of points which move in straight lines with the velocity of light. To see this let us suppose that a function (a, /3) can be found such that is a real function of x, y, z, t. It is evident from (279) that = da das cy dy dz dz c 2 fit dt ' and this means that if a point starts from (x, y, z, t) and moves with the velocity of light along a straight line whose direction cosines I, m, n are proportional to ?? , ?? , J- , the function ox oy oz f will remain constant along its path, and consequently if the point once lies on the moving curve /= it will always lie on this curve. It should be noticed that the function and its first derivatives with regard to a?, y, z, t all remain constant along the path of the moving point. The case in which no such function < exists may be of importance in future developments of the subject; this case has not yet been discussed in any detail. Two methods of solving equations (279) are known, but they are not really distinct. In the first method the functions a, ft are defined by equations [* - f (> )? + [y - V (, ft)? + - f (, )] 2 = ^ \t - r (a, /3)] 2 | I (a, P)[x-% (a, 0)] + m (, ) [y - rj (a, )] + n (a, /3) [z - ? (, 0)] = ?P (, ) [* - T (a, )]) ...... (280), where f , 77, f, r, Z, m, n, p are arbitrary functions satisfying the relation The functions a, / may evidently be replaced by two other functions a', ft' defined by equations such as a'=F(a,p\ ' = (,); consequently we may without loss of generality introduce a VIII] SPECIFICATION OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 125 further relation connecting the functions f, 77, f,r, I, m, n,p. The relation we shall choose is When a and j3 are defined in this way we can obtain the simple specifications of two types of electromagnetic fields ; one type is obtained by writing /fcflJt *M. . Hence for the electromagnetic field specified by the potentials (283), we have , _ 8 (t*, a) d (v, ft) i d (u, a) i 3(^/8) ~ + The relation (3) is now seen to be satisfied in virtue of two equations of type d(x,t) d(z,x) 9(y,t) a(*,y) d(z,t) ,> 8(a,/3)8(M,q) 8 (a, ft) 8 (^ a) 8(*,0 3(y,jr) + 8(y,0 9(^,4?) "^ 8(^,0 3(,y) ...... (284). It should be remarked that the vectors E, H in both fields generally become infinite when PS QR = 0. This equation is certainly satisfied when (#, y, z, t) lies on the moving curve defined by the equations In some cases this curve may reduce to a moving point, as for instance when f, rj, f, T are independent of /9. It is evident that the quantity PS QR is usually zero for space-time points which do not lie on the moving curve (285). If, however, we regard I, ra, n, p as complex functions of the type < (a, /3) + fy (a, P), the equation PS = QR will generally give rise to two distinct equations connecting x, y, z, t, when we equate real and imaginary terms on both sides. Hence all the real singularities that are defined by PS = QR will generally lie on one or a number of moving curves. So far we have said nothing about the choice of a suitable pair of roots of equations (280). In general we cannot expect VIII] THE DETERMINATION OF O. AND ft 127 them both to be real and it is difficult to lay down rules which will enable us to pick out just one a. and just one ft in all cases. To proceed further we must consider some particular examples ; before we do this, however, it will be worth while to point out that if we assign given complex values to a and & the equations (280) will generally determine two real points x, y, z, t, but in special cases they may give co x space-time points which can _.be. regarded as the consecutive positions of a moving point. Thus we have an interesting specification of the real points in space by means of two complex quantities. If we assign a complex value to ft the corresponding space-time points x, y, z, t generally lie on a moving curve which travels with a velocity not greater than that of light. Hence in the para- metric representation of x, y, z, t in terms of the complex quantities a, ft the loci a = const., ft = const, are generally moving curves which may alter in shape as they move but never travel with a velocity greater than that of light. Matters are somewhat different if a or some function of a and ft is always real when x, y, z, t are real. This case will now be illustrated by a particular example. Examples. 1. Prove that the ratios of the Jacobians 9 (a, ft) 9(0,0) 8(a,0) are functions of a and 0. 2. Prove that the ratio Q/S depends only on a and 0. 3. Obtain the general solution of equations (279) by taking x, y, a, as new independent variables. 44. Projection of singularities from a moving point, second model of a corpuscle. Let us now suppose that f , 77, f, r are independent of ft and that T = a. We may then define a uniquely by restricting it to be real and introducing the inequalities To obtain a single value of ft we may assume I, m, n, p to be linear functions of ft. Consequently we may put - f) + mi(y-i/) + n, (z- )- 128 FIELDS WITH MOVING SINGULAR CURVES [CH. where 1 , l lt etc. are functions of a which satisfy the equations l ............ (288). J It is easy to verify that the wave-equation is satisfied by a function of type thus we have a generalisation of the theorem of 41. We shall assume that 1 , ?w , n Q , p Q are real and that some or all of the quantities ^, m lf %, ^ are complex. It is easy to see that if we assign a real value to a and a complex value to ft the corresponding space-time points (a, y, z, t) can be regarded as the successive positions of a point which starts from the point * = () V = *(*), *=?()> * = ...... (289) and moves with the velocity of light along a straight line through this point. There is clearly just one line through this point for each complex value of (3 and vice versa. If we consider all the points in space at a particular time t we can specify each point uniquely by a real parameter a and a real or complex parameter y3. Let us now consider the electromagnetic field which is specified by the potentials * = ...... (290), where I = y% - 1 , m - ^m l -m , n = ^ ?i , p = ^ p Q and f is an arbitrary function of a and /3. These potentials are derived from (283) by putting Q = 0. After a long calculation we find that the component of the electric force along the radius from (f, ij, f, a) to (x, y, z, t) is To obtain an electromagnetic field in which there is a constant electric charge associated with the singularity (ft *?> a )> we assume that p^ = p\f^- and that VIIl] SECOND MODEL OF A CORPUSCLE 129 ...(291). <+A+*| = ffl)'+ (?)'+(' tfa 3a 9a \9a/ \da/ V9a/ The expression for the radial electric force then becomes _ fc'2_ '2 _ V'2 r, f J . Comparing this with the expression for the radial electric force in the case of an electromagnetic field with a simple singularity (, 77, f, r), we see that there is a constant electric charge 4?r/c associated with the singularity (, 97, f, a). It should be mentioned that the second of equations (291) is a consequence of the other equations satisfied by Z , m , n 9 . To prove this we take the axis of x in a direction parallel to the velocity of the singularity (f, 77, f) at time a. We then O j\ c* have for this instant = ^ = 0. If, moreover, we choose the Ctt COL axis of y in such a way that n^ 0, we may satisfy the first of equations (291) by writing ~ = c cos 0, /! = c sec 0, m^ ic tan 6, I c cos 0, da m = 0, n = + c sin 0, and then it is clear that the second of equations (291) is satisfied. Let us now write 1 = c cos 6, m^ = 0, WQ = + c sin 0, ^ = c sec 6, m^ = - ic tan 0, Wj = 0, x-j; = X, y - 77 = F, z %=Z, tr=T; then it is easy to see that if we have cos 2 0SS=Ul?, U+U=- 2P. Now since /3S = V it follows that the potentials (290) become infinite when U ' 0, i.e. when Z = F = ^ = T 1 MO no 1 When o is given these equations are satisfied by a point which starts at (f, ??, , a) and moves with the velocity of light along B. 9 130 FIELDS WITH MOVING SINGULAR CURVES [CH. a straight line whose direction cosines are proportional to 1 , w , n . This line makes an angle 6 with the direction of motion of the point (f, ?;, f, a). The electric and magnetic forces in the electromagnetic field derived from the potentials (290) are generally infinite for U = and so our field possesses a number of singular points which are projected from the moving point (, ??, f, a) and travel along straight lines with the velocity of light. It should be remarked, however, that if we retain only the real parts of the potentials (290), the projected singularities disappear as soon as the singularity , 17, f, a moves in a straight line with uniform velocity and I, m, n are independent of a. The field then becomes identical with that derived from Lienard's potentials. To prove this we shall show that, on the above assumptions, , the field derived from the potentials ,1/=R, c&^R-p- ......... (292), is everywhere null, R being used to denote the real part of a quantity following it. In the first place we remark that we now have Hence (* + 8 g - ?' )} U d , SS rt 9 pto log ^- 2 us. u a Now since U + U + 2P = 0, it follows that U/P is a function of J7/Z7 and so A x , A y } A z , - - 3> are the derivatives of a single VIII] SECOND MODEL OF A CORPUSCLE 131 function, consequently the electromagnetic field derived from these potentials is everywhere null. Summing up our results we can say that when the conditions (291) are satisfied, the electromagnetic field derived from the potentials (290) contains a point charge which moves with a velocity less than that of light ; attached to this point charge there is a certain curve which becomes the locus of a series of moving point singularities whenever its form differs in any portion from a straight line or its direction changes. The form of the curve at any instant is subject to the condition that the points of the curve can be regarded as having been projected from the moving charge at different instants, the direction of projection being partially determined by the law cos 6 = v/c where v is the velocity of the point charge, and 9 is the angle between the direction of projection and the direc- tion of motion of the point charge. We may now obtain a new model of a corpuscle by con- sidering an aggregate of elementary fields of the type just described, the point charges and exceptional curves being nearly coincident. If we write de for the charge associated with one of the elementary fields we may obtain a field in which the electric and magnetic forces are finite by a suitable process of integration. According to this idea a corpuscle has a kind of tube or thread attached to it. When the motion of the corpuscle changes a wave or kink runs along the thread; the energy radiated from the corpuscle spreads out in all directions but is concentrated round the thread so that the thread acts as a guiding wire. This theory of radiation is in some respects similar to that given by Sir Joseph Thomson in his theory of the Rontgen rays*. It is in accordance with his idea that the energy may be concentrated round certain points of the wave-front. The following figure indicates roughly the changes in the form of a tube which always lies in one plane and is attached to a corpuscle performing a simple harmonic motion ; it is seen that a type of progressive wave travels along the tube. * Electricity and Matter, London (1904) ; Phil. Mag. Vol. 19 (1910). 92 132 FIELDS WITH MOVING SINGULAR CURVES [CH. In Sir Joseph Thomson's theory of the Rontgen rays the kink in the tube of force becomes longer and longer as it recedes from the charge. A similar remark applies to the oscillations of the thread attached to our point charge. This phenomenon may be due entirely to the fact that the tube of force and thread extend to infinity. If we suppose that the tube or thread does not extend to infinity but ends at some other point charge, the circumstances of the motion will be different. If in this case we treat the thread as a singular line of an electromagnetic field and suppose that it is given by an equation of the form /(,* o where a and ft are functions which satisfy (279), we must conclude that there is no function of type F (a, ft) which is a real function of x, y,z,t\ for if this were the case the moving thread would be the locus of points travelling in straight lines with the velocity of light and would consequently extend to infinity. Electromagnetic fields with moving point charges joined by singular curves which do not extend to infinity have not yet been obtained, but- 1 -think there is some hope of deriving them by the general methods of 43, when the quantities or, ft are bo fV. /M Examples. 1. Discuss the properties of the electromagnetic fields that can be derived from the potentials s is respectively and determine the lines of electric and magnetic force. VIIl] VELOCITY GREATER THAN THAT OF LIGHT 133 2. Prove that if a and |3 are defined as in 44, the electromagnetic field specified by the equations (282) is conjugate to the field specified by the potentials (290), or to the field specified by Lienard's potentials. 45. Electromagnetic fields with singularities moving with velocities greater than that of light. Some of the preceding analysis holds and provides us with solutions of Maxwell's equations when the velocity of the primary singularity (f , 77, f, r) is greater than that of light, but in the case of a field specified by potentials of type (266) a transition from a velocity less than that of light to a velocity greater than that of light does not seem to be physically pos- sible on account of the occurrence of infinite values of the electric and magnetic forces in the critical case. Moreover, it is difficult in the general case to give a rule which will enable us to pick out just one root of the equation (265). An interest- ing type of field may, however, be obtained by a process of summation over some of the roots of th equation*. The case of infinite velocity is of some interest, for then we obtain electromagnetic fields with singularities along a fixed curve at a given instant of time. The following example indicates that the case in which the primary singularities are imaginary may be associated with another case in which they are real. Consider the two equations (x a cos a) 2 + (y a sin a) 2 + z* = c 2 2 , z ~ and write in analogy with (263) v = a cos a (y a sin a) a sin a (x a cos a)=a(y cos a x sin a), v 1 = ia sinh ft (z ia cosh ft) t'acosh ft (ct ia sinh ft) = ia (z sinh ft - ct cosh ft). We evidently have 4j/ 2 = 4a 2 (x* + f) - (x* + f + z*- c*t 2 + a 2 ) 2 , 41/j 2 = 4a 2 (* - c 2 * 2 ) + (x 2 + f + z* - c*t* - a 2 ) 2 , hence i/ 2 + v? = 0. * A more complete discussion is given in G. A. Schott's Electromagnetic Radiation. 134 FIELDS WITH MOVING SINGULAR CURVES [CH. It is easy to verify that the function is a wave-function and that the functions a, /3 are suitable for obtaining electromagnetic fields by the method of 5 ; they are, in fact, the functions considered in 36. 46. Second solution of the fundamental equations. The fundamental equations (279) are also satisfied when the functions (a, ft) are defined by the relations l(a,ft)x + M (, 0) y+N(a, ft)z - c*P (a, ft) t + G(a,ft) = ......... (293) where I, L, etc. are arbitrary functions satisfying the relations p + m + w 1 = c*p\ L 2 + M 2 + N 2 = c 2 P 2 , lL + mM+nN = c*pP ............... (294). If now dl dm dn d da \ = # + y =- -4-^5--c a <^ + /, da. * da da da da dl dm dn d da dL dM dN dP , dG = x-^- + y -^- + z-^ -- 0-^-5-4-3--, da y da da da da dL dM dN dP dG we can derive an electromagnetic field from the potentials Xtar - .:.... (295) (296). 4.i*^-, -te^cf 3 ^! 4,-;-^-, *^ X-BT /AV X-CT yU-l^ where / is an arbitrary function of a and /, and az m dN dp VIII] SECOND SOLUTION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS 135 To verify that these potentials satisfy the wave-equation and the relation (267), it is sufficient to remark that d (a, ft) dN 9 (a, 0) dP 9 (a, ft) 9/3 d (x, y) 9/3 d (x, z) 9/3 3 (x, t) , . - c a/3 d(*,t) c dp 9 ( y , t) - 9 9 (y, *) When similar expressions are obtained for A y , A z , it is clear that the relation (267) is satisfied. Other types of electro- magnetic fields are obtained by writing a instead of /3 in equation (296) or by writing I, m, n, p in place of Z, M, N, P in (295) and (296). If A x ', A y ' t A g ' t <' are the potentials obtained in either of these ways we have clearly A x A x ' + Ay Ay +A Z A Z ' -<&<$>' = ......... (298). I have noticed that this relation is often satisfied by the potentials of two conjugate fields. Another type of electromagnetic field may be obtained by the method of 5. Some particular cases of the preceding theorems may be deduced by contour integration. To illustrate the method let us suppose that I, m, ... L y M,... are functions of a parameter a which satisfy the relations (294). If we regard these quantities as independent of x, y, z, t, the contour integral JL [ 27Ti J Ix + my + nz c?pt + g will represent a wave-function. Now let us suppose that the contour encloses only one root of the equation xl (a) + ym (a) + en (a) - cHp (a) + g (a) = . . .(299), and that the numerator is finite and single- valued within the contour and on its boundary, then by Cauchy's theorem the value of the integral is generally ) ........................ (300) where = xL (a) + yM (a) + zN (a) - cHP (a) + G (a). . .(301) and X is defined in the same way as before. We have then the result that the function (300) satisfies the wave-equation. This is a particular case of the general 136 FIELDS WITH MOVING SINGULAR CURVES [CH. theorem of 43 and is a generalisation of a theorem due to Forsyth*. In Forsyth's work the functions L, M, N t P are assumed to be the derivatives of /, ra, n y p with regard to a. The functions a, /3 are evidently particular cases of the func- tions that have already been denned and so may be used to construct an electromagnetic field by the method of 5. An interesting electromagnetic field may also be derived from the potentials A.-*, A,-*. A.-*&. * = ^>...(302); it is easy to verify that the relation (267) is satisfied. The case in which I, m, n, p, g are all real functions of a is un- interesting because then our potentials become infinite for oo 3 space-time points which lie in oo * planes. When, however, I, m, n, p, g are complex functions of the type (a) 4- ty (a), the singularities of the electromagnetic field generally lie on a moving curve. It should be remarked that when a and /9 are defined by the equations (299) and (301) a function of the type satisfies the wave-equation, and at the same time satisfies the differential equation This is a generalisation of a theorem due to Forsyth f and JacobiJ. A solution of Maxwell's equations may be derived from the potentials ...(303) if + 80 82 da r da , dl dm dn dp * Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. 27 (1898), p. 138. The theorem is obtained in another manner by Forsyth. + Loc. cit. J Werke, Bd. 2, p. 208. VIII] STATIONARY SINGULAR CURVES 137 One way of satisfying these equations is to put 1 =1, m = m, n-o = n, p Q = p. An interesting type of wave-function may be obtained by a generalisation of a method due to Schottky *. Let a o ( a ) = / J ( a ) da, b (a) = / ra (a) da, c (a) = / w (a) da, do () = j> (a) da, e (a) = /# (a) da, then H = #a (a) + yb (a) + 2C (a) - cHd Q (a) + e (a) is a wave-function whose derivatives with regard to x, y, z, t are all functions of the single variable a. The function a is supposed to be defined by equation (299). Example. If =1 a, w=s + a, n=i( a), cp = l+sa, <7 = a 2 , where s is a constant, the function X vanishes when (#, y, 2, f ) lies on the moving curve 1_ S 2 352_ V 2 25 s 2 ~V 2 -2* A point for which v is constant moves in a straight line with the velocity of light. 47. A wave-function with a fixed curve of singu- larities. Let T be defined in terms of x, y, z by the equation ar = xp (T) + yq (T) + zr (T) where p a + c + r 2 = and a is a constant. Let v = a - xp (T) - yq' (T) - zr (T), then H = - f(0, T) is a wave-function (. A solution of Maxwell's equations may be derived from the potentials * BerZin. Sitzungsberichte (1909), p. 1152. t This result was derived from a theorem given by Prof. Forsyth, loc. cit. If we put 0=/3, r=a the functions a, /3 can be used to obtain an electromagnetic field by the method of 5. These functions are, of course, particular cases of the functions defined at the beginning of 46. 138 FIELDS WITH MOVING SINGULAR CURVES [CH. To obtain a real electromagnetic field we must retain only the real parts of these expressions. It can be shown by putting p = P l (u, v) -f i'P 2 0, v), q = Qi (u, v) + iQ 2 O, v), r R^ (u, v) + iR 2 (u, v), a = AI (u, v) + iA z (u, v), that the electromagnetic field has generally a fixed curve of singularities. In the special case when p = l-T 2 , 2=2r, r = i(l + T 2 ), A 1 = h ) A 2 = k, the fixed curve is the circle a? + 2 2 = \ k 2 , y = \ h. 48. Cylindrical wave-functions with moving singu- larities. If we define r in terms of x, y by the equation [* - f (r)J + [y - r, (r)f = rf( T ) is a wave-function. In particular, if = 77 = 0, 1 = 1, m = i, p = Q we obtain Poisson's wave-function Va? + iy Another interesting result is that if F (x, y, t) is a homo- geneous function of degree ^ which satisfies the wave-equation, the function also satisfies the wave-equation. If - (a, ft r)] 2 = c 2 [* - (a, ft r)] 2 , it satisfies the partial differential equation 8. If # and r ~ a the function [j7 2 +y 2 + (z a) 2 ] satisfies Laplace's equation. 9. Prove that if in the last example we write and integrate with regard to u between and 2?r we can obtain a potential function which is zero outside the tube | < + ty | k. 10. Particles are projected in certain directions from the different positions of a moving electron and travel along straight lines with the velocity of light. Prove that if the law, according to which the direction of projection varies with the velocity of the electron, be suitably chosen the particles will at each instant form a line of electric force in the electromagnetic field due to the moving electron. CHAPTER IX MISCELLANEOUS THEORIES 49. KirchhofFs formula and its extensions. An important solution of the wave-equation is embodied in KirchhofFs formula* which is usually interpreted as the mathe- matical expression of the principle of Huygens. This formula has been extended by Lovef and MacdonaldJ so as to give a representation of an electromagnetic field outside a surface in terms of the electric and magnetic forces tangential to the surface. In Macdonald's formula it is the time derivatives of E and H that are so expressed. Tonolo has given a formula in which E and H are expressed in terms of their surface values. The formulae are given in examples 3 5 at the end of this chapter. When the surface is a sphere Kirchhoffs formula reduces to the formula of Poisson|| (Ex. 5) which enables us to find a wave- function which satisfies the conditions */ \ ^u . . * /(* v> *)> ft =9 ( x > y> z )- Poisson's formula may be used to derive the theorem If that the mean value of a wave-function u over a sphere of radius CT at time t is equal to the mean value of u at the centre of the * Berlin. Ber. (1882), p. 641; Wied. Ann. Bd. 18 (1883) ; Get. Abh. t. 2, p. 22. Simple proofs of the formula have been given by Beltrami, Rend. Ace. Line. Rom. (5), t. 4 (1895) ; Larmor, Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 1, p. 1 ; Love, Ibid. p. 37 (1903); Lamb, Hydrodynamics, 2nd edition (1906), p. 477; H. A. Lorentz, The Theory of Electrons, p. 233 ; E. Laura, II Nuovo Cimento (1913). f Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 197 (1901). J Electric Waves, p. 16; Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 10 (1911), p. 91; Phil. Trans. A, Vol. 212 (1912), p. 295. This theorem gives an analytical specification of a generalised Green's equivalent layer. See p. 29. Annali di Matematica, Ser. 3, t. 17 (1910). || The details of the calculation are given by Love, loc. cit. A simple proof of Poisson's formula is given by Lamb, loc. cit. p. 471. H Cf. Eayleigh's Sound, appendix, and H. Bateman, Amer. Journ. (1912), where some other theorems of a similar kind are given. 142 MISCELLANEOUS THEORIES [CH. sphere during the interval t r to t + r. The function u is subject to the conditions in Kirchhoffs theorem. When the function u is independent of z, Poisson's formula reduces to Parseval's formula for a cylindrical wave- function. Volterra* has extended Parseval's formula so as to obtain a two-dimensional analogue of Kirchhoffs formula. His formula indicates that the propagation of cylindrical waves is essentially different in character from that of spherical waves. In the three-dimensional case the value of a wave-function u (x, y, z, t) at a point (x, y, z) at time t is completely determined by the values of u and over a ot concentric sphere of radius cr at time t r. In the two- dimensional case, on the other hand, the value of u (x, y, t) at a point (#, y) at time t is not determined by the values of u and j5T over a concentric circle at time t r. To find u (x, y, t) we must know the values of u and ^- over a series of such circles ot in which the radius cr varies from to some other value CTJ. The essential difference between the two cases may be attri- buted to the fact that in the three-dimensional case the wave- 1 / T\ function for a source is of type -f[t J, while in the two- dimensional case it is of type I fit cosh^J and a wave does not leave the region undisturbed after it has passed, but has a tail or residue (. When u is a periodic function of t, Kirchhoff's formula may be replaced by the simple formula of HelmholtzJ. In this case there is an analogous formula for cylindrical wave-functions, the function K Q (ipk) taking the place of e ikr /r. 50. Green's Functions. The solution of a problem in which a periodic wave-function is to be determined from a knowledge of its behaviour at * Acta Math. t. 18 ; Lectures at Clark University (1912), p. 38. t See Lamb's Hydrodynamics, p. 474. J See also J. Hadamard, Butt, de la Societe math, de France, t. 28 (1900), p. 69 ; J. Larmor, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 1 (1903), p. 13. ix] GREEN'S FUNCTIONS 143 certain boundaries can be made to depend on that of an auxiliary problem, viz. the determination of the Green's function*. Let G (x,y,z\ x l} y lt z^) be a solution of Aw + &u = with the following properties: It is to be finite and continuous, as also its first and second derivatives, in a region bounded by a surface S, except in the neighbourhood of the point ( x i> y\> &i)t where it is to be infinite like cos &r/47rr, when r -+- 0. At the surface S, G satisfies some boundary condition such as (l)w=0 or (2)^=0. Adopting the notation of Plemelj f and KneserJ we shall denote the values of a function (%, rj, f) at the points (x, y, 2), (i, 2/i, z\) respectively by (0) and <#>(!). The Green's function is then denoted by the symbol 0(0, 1). The importance of the Green's function depends chiefly on the following theorem. Let (f) be a solution of A + & 2 +/O,2/,s) = 0, which is finite and continuous, together with its first and second derivatives, through the interior of the region and satisfies the same boundary condition as G(Q, 1), then This theorem is proved by applying Green's theorem to the region between a small sphere 2, whose centre is at (sc lt y lt z-^ t and the surface 8. For since -//(*-* we obtain the required relation by making 2 - and using the boundary conditions. * This function was first used by Green in the solution of a problem of electrostatics, Essay on the application of mathematical analysis to the theories of electricity and magnetism, Nottingkam (1828) ; Math. Papers, p. 31. t Monatsheftefiir Math. u. Phys. (1904) and (1907). $ Die Integralgleichungen und ihre Anwendung in der mathematischen Physik, 31, Brunswick (1911). 144 MISCELLANEOUS THEORIES [CH. If g (2, 0) is the Green's function for the same boundary condition as (2, 0) but for k = (1) = ( (0) G (0, 1) dxdydz possesses a continuous solution (0) which is different from zero. Formula (2) indicates that for such values of = possesses a solution satisfy- ing the boundary condition and the other conditions imposed on <. The solutions of this type are of great importance in the theory of sound and have been discussed by many writers*. If we put /(O) = ( 2 dxdydz = - 1 1 1 $A$ dxdydz 777 ^ + hr- + ^ dxdydz. bx) \by) \dzj J The Green's function is usually obtained in practice by finding a suitable expansion in terms of elementary solutions of the equation A?/ + k z u = 0. This method is explained in Heine's Kugelfunktionen and many examples of Green's functions are given for the case k = 0. The general case has been discussed at length by A. Sommerfeld* who also obtains a number of definite integrals which represent Green's functions. These expressions lead to interesting generalisations of Fourier's theorem. The problem of electrical oscillations in a cavity has been discussed by Weylf. With the aid of a generalisation of the Green's function, viz. a Green's tensor, he obtains a number of inequalities satisfied by the periods of vibration. The Green's function for the equation Aw + k*u = can theoretically be found when the corresponding Green's function for the equation Aw = is known. Considerable progress has been made in the theory since the appearance of Heine's work and so a few references to recent literature will be useful J. A * Phys. Zeitschr. Bd. 11 (1910), p. 1087 ; Jahresbericht der deutsch. math. Verein, Bd. 21 (1913). t Math. Ann. Bd. 71, p. 441 ; Crelle, Bd. 141 (1912). For the determination of special Green's functions see E. W. Hobson, Cambr. Phil. Trans. Vol. 18 (1899), p. 277; H. M. Macdonald, Ibid. p. 292, Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 26 (1895), p. 161 ; A. G. Greenhill, Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc. Vol. 3 (1880); J. Dougall, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (1900); H. S. Carslaw, Ibid. (1912), Proc. London Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 8, p. 365; C. W. Oseen, Arkiv for mat. Bd. 2; C. Neumann, Ldpziger Berichte, Bd. 58 (1906), Bd. 62 (1910) ; W. Burnside, Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 25 (1894), p. 94. For the general theory H. Poincare, Eend. Palermo, t. 8 (1894), p. 57; S. Zaremba, Ibid. t. 19 (1905) ; E. R. Neumann, Studien iiber die Methode von C. Neumann und G. Eobin zur Losung der beiden dwertaufgaben der Potentialtheorie, Leipzig (1905) ; D. Hilbert, Gdtt. Nachr. f 1904) ; M. Mason, Newhaven Math. Colloquium (1910) ; E. Picard, Ann. de VEcole Normale (1906), p. 509. B. 10 146 MISCELLANEOUS THEORIES [CH. good account of the developments up to 1900 is given in Sommerfeld's article in the Encyklopddie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften. 51. The transformation of the electromagnetic equations. The transformations which can be used to transform any solution of the wave-equation into another solution or any electromagnetic field into another belong to a group which is characterised by a relation of the form* dx'* + dy' 2 + dz">- c*dt'* = A, 2 (dx 2 + dy z + dz* - c 2 dt z ). The linear transformations belonging to this group are of great importance in the modern theory of relativity f ; two of the non-linear transformations have been mentioned in 13. In addition to these transformations there are other trans- formations, involving arbitrary functions in their specification, which can be applied to certain types of wave-functions, and to certain types of electromagnetic fields. There are often two families of wave-functions to which a given transformation can be applied, when the transformation is of a suitable character ; each of these families may be defined by a linear relation which exists between the wave-function and its derivatives, sometimes between the derivatives alone. Some idea of the theory may be derived from the examples. It also happens that there is often a family of electromagnetic fields to which a given transforma- tion can be applied and this family is defined by means of two linear relations between E and H, which can be interpreted to mean that the field is conjugate to some definite electromagnetic field or family of electromagnetic fields determined by the transformation. In some cases these last fields are self-con- jugate and the transformation is applicable to them also. * H. Bateman, Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, Vol. 7 (1909), Vol. 8 (1910) ; E. Cunningham, Ibid. Vol. 8 (1910). t For this see A. Einstein, Ann. d. Phys. Bd. 17 (1905) ; Laue, Das Relati'Oitdtsprinzip, Brunswick (1911); E. Cunningham, British Association Reports (1911) ; H. Minkowski, Gott. Nachr. (1908) ; E. B. Wilson and G. N. Lewis, Proc. Amer. Acad. of Arts and, Sciences, Vol. 48 (1912), p. 389 ; J. Ishiwara, "Bericht iiber die Belativitatstheorie," Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitdt und Elektronik,Edi. 9 (1912), pp. 560648; L. Silberstein, The Theory of Relativity , Macmillan and Co. (1914). IX] TRANSFORMATIONS 147 The fact that the condition of conjugacy between two electromagnetic fields often implies the existence of one or more transformations depending on arbitrary functions, may be regarded as of some philosophical interest. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 1. Show that the most general periodic solution ^e^t (valid for all space outside a given closed surface) of the wave-equation is where P and Q are arbitrary functions, r is the distance from the element of surface dS to the point where is estimated, and \//> is the angle between r and the outward drawn normal. Show further that the necessary and sufficient condition that the value of |, given by the same analytical expression, should vanish for points inside the surface, is that P= ~- . (Cambr. Math. Tripos, Part II, 1904.) 2. Let Q be a function which satisfies the wave-equation and is such that its differential coefficients of the first order are continuous functions of x, y, 2, t within a region bounded by a closed surface S. If either O or 5 be given for points on the surface S there is only one function Q which on reduces to a given function/ (x, y, z) for t = t Q . (A. E. H. Love, Proc. London Math. Soc. Ser. 2, VoL 1, p. 42 ; J. Hadamard, Bull, de la Soc. Math, de France, t. 28 (1900).) 3. If throughout a specified region of space and a specified interval of time u and its differential coefficients of the first order are continuous functions of .r, y, z and of t, if also the differential coefficients of the 9 2 w d z u second order such as ~- 2 , ^ are finite and integrable, then a solution of the equation y, z, t= which is valid for this region is given by the formula where r 2 =(#-.r ) 2 + (#-,yo) 2 -K 2:< - >2; o) 2 > n denotes the normal to dS drawn into the specified region and the integration is taken throughout this 102 148 MISCELLANEOUS THEORIES [CH. region and over its boundary. The function a- is supposed to be finite and integrable and a quantity within square brackets is calculated at time t=t --. (G. Kirchhoff.) c 4. If an electromagnetic field is such that the specified region does not contain any charges or convection currents and M=H+iE, the value M of the vector M at (# , #o> b, *o) is given by the formula 47r M x = f f{[M r ] cos nx - [M n ] cos rx - [ M x ] cos rn} ^ + - x / / {[ M r ] cos nx [M n ] cos rx [M x ] cos rn +t [M e ] cos Tiy - i [M v ] cos 712} . (A. Tonolo.) 5. Prove that in the same circumstances where a=ft[J/,] v [M v ], etc. and (X, /*, v) are the direction cosines of the normal drawn into the region bounded by S. (H. M. Macdonald.) 6. If u is a wave-function independent of z and periodic in t like e ikt 7. A wave-function which satisfies the conditions u=f(x,y,z) ~=g(x,y )Z ) is given by the formula where /, g denote the mean values of /, g respectively over the surface of a sphere of radius ct having the point #, y, z as centre. (S. D. Poissori.) 8. If u satisfies ^-5 + 5-= = or, and has finite second derivatives within ox* vy* ot a suitable domain where IX ] EXAMPLES 149 and a- denotes the area within the circle cut out on the plane T= t by the cylinder (Parseval and Volterra.) 9. Prove that if a transformation of variables from (#, y, z, t} to (#, y, s, t) is such that - c 2 di 2 = \ 2 (dx 2 + dy 2 + cfe 2 - c 2 dt 2 } + (Idx + mdy+ndz - cpdt) where l 2 + m 2 +n 2 =p 2 , J 2 + m 2 +V == ? > o 2 ; ^ can ^ used to transform an electromagnetic field (#, H] into another electromagnetic field (E, H) with an identical relation of the same type as that used in Ex. 1, Ch. vin, if the two conditions embodied in the relation M x (mn - m n) + M y (nl - + iMy (mpo - m p) + iM a (np Q - n^p) = are satisfied. Prove that the conditions can also be thrown into the form y i (m =1 Q (Uft+m and similar equations. 10. In the last example if I =lj mQ=m, no*=n, p = p, the conditions are satisfied if Poynting's vector is in the direction (I, m, n). Show, in particular, that the transformation can be applied to an electromagnetic field in which Poynting's vector is along the radius from the origin and that in the resulting electromagnetic field Poynting's vector is parallel to the axis of z. Apply the transformation to the electromagnetic field derived from the functions a, /3 given by equations (13), 5. 11. If a transformation of coordinates is such that Cti? + dy 2 +d2*-c 2 di 2 = \ 2 (dx 2 + dy 2 +dz 2 -, I', m\ ri, p' are functions of #, y, 0, t ; then if satisfies the equations 32^ 92^ 32^ x 32^ it also satisfies ^* + g* + 87 2 " ? 8^ In the preceding equation we have as a# az ap 8.R 8P L = lp' - I'p, M= mp' m'p, N= np' - n'p. Show that in certain cases a function of type A0 is a solution of the wave-equation in consequence of the two equations imposed on 6. Discuss / IX] EXAMPLES 151 the case of the transformation of Ex. 1, p. 139 : also the case of a trans- formation which leaves the functions X, Y, Z of Ex. 7, p. 80 unaltered in form. 15. Prove that if a function V satisfies the equation vanishes at infinity and has continuous derivatives except at points of the. curve L 152 MISCELLANEOUS THEORIES [CH. 3 2 V d V 3 2 V hence obtain a solution of the equation ^2 + ^^ sss ^~z bv P uttin g V= Ufa t) e~*. If U=f (x\ -ft=g(x) when t = 0, the functions F, G may be determined by the equations g (*) = I e** G (A) dX, J -oo with the aid of Fourier's theorem. (H. Poincare', Comptes Rendus, 1893-4.) 19. Prove that with the conditions of the last example / where G fa ; t, r) = J Q V(^OMf )'- (Laplace (1779) ; E. Picard, Bull. soc. math. t. 22 (1894), p. 2.) 3 2 $ 3$ 20. Prove that a solution &=e~ t V of the equation A$=^r+2 ^~- ot* ot is given by the following extension of Kirchhoff's formula : ~~^~ dt dr where r2 = ^-^ )2 + (y-y ) 2 + (^-^o) 2 , ^-(*-*i)-*, ^'-jgAW and / (0) is the Bessel's function J (i6}. The first integral extends over the volume enclosed by both the sphere r=ti and the surface 2; when this sphere cuts the surface the second integral extends over the part of the spherical surface inside 2, the last two integrals extend over the part of 2 which lies inside the sphere. The normal n is supposed to be drawn into the region of integration. If 2 is a closed surface and (# 0) #0? ^o) lies outside, the region of integration is the space outside 2 and inside the sphere. (M. Brillouin, Comptes Rendus, 1903.) 21. Let a, /3, a> be denned in terms of x, y, z by the equations y 2 #=cosacos(/34-&o>), y 2 y = cosasin(/3+, where -y 2 =l sin a sin a> and Tc is a constant. A solution of Laplace's IX J EXAMPLES 153 equation Aw = is then given by u=yF(a,ft) provided F satisfies the partial differential equation 3 _ . sm 20-5-? +4 --- a -332 a 5 -- -; da 2 sin2a 8/3 2 da 4 (U. Amaldi, ./fend. Palermo (1902), p. 1.) 22. Prove that the following transformations of coordinates lead to binary potentials, i.e. to solutions of Laplace's equation of typett=/ T (|, 17) : (1) *=& y=i/, *=; (2) # (3) # (4) # = sin cos 77, y = f sin sin ?;, (5) tf^sinije^cosf, y=smrje m *sm where wi is an arbitrary constant. The differential equations satisfied by F in cases (3) and (5) are = and -^2+|2 ^ + ^ (2 + m 2 cosec 2 ^) + - C ot7;^-=0 respectively. In the other cases the differential equations are already familiar. (T. Levi-Civita, Turin Memoirs, (2) t. 49 (1900).) 32 y fpy 92 y 23. If the differential equation ^ + -^ = -^ is satisfied by an ex- pression of type V=yf(0) where /is an arbitrary function, 6 must satisfy the differential equation Prove that if we write /icW = cos adx+sin ady dt, x\ y = ^sina+v, there is a relation between a, u t v. Discuss the cases in which a is a function of 6 and a constant respectively, and obtain the general value of y in each case. 24. If in the last example u=f(a, 0), v=g( a , 6} and we write 154 MISCELLANEOUS THEORIES [CH. IX 2 y 32 tr 32 y the new form of the equation -^ + ^-^ = ^ when a, 0, t are taken as independent variables is Prove that this equation can only possess a solution of type V=yF(6), with F arbitrary, if ^- = 0, and in this case 6 is defined by an equation of type [x while the most general value of y is where I, m, n satisfy the relation 25. Show that wave-functions of type yf(B} may be derived from solutions of Laplace's equation of this type by means of the results given on pp. Ill, 114. Hence show that there are wave-functions of type which are not particular cases of a more general wave-function of ?/(> ) where a, /3 are defined by equations (280). LIST OF AUTHOES QUOTED Abel 100 Abraham 2, 10, 11, 28, 75, 96, Adamoff 100, 101 Aichi 89 Airey 38 Airy 67 D'Alembert 6 Appell 25, 32, 33, 102, 112 Aubert 108 Austin 68 Backlund 118 Baer 100 Baker 25 Barnes 38, 40, 101, 106 Basset 30, 95, 107 Bateman 110, 116, 141, 146 Bernoulli 26 Bessel 35 Beudon 118 Birkeland 23 Birkhoff 103 Blumenthal 44 Bocher 25, 26, 31, 98, 99, 103 Bois 89 Born 14, 54 Boussinesq 23 Bragg, W. H. 3 Bragg, W. L. 54 Brill 32, 33 Brillouin 17, 96, 151, 152 Bromwich 84 Burnside 145 Byerly 26, 40 Gamp 44 Campbell 2, 121 Carslaw 82, 91, 93, 145 Carson 18 Cauchy 6, 114, 135 Cayley 112 Chapman 44 Cole 89 Con way 116 Coulon 118 Cunningham 5, 14, 102, 146 Curzon 100 Darboux 31, 44, 108 Dean 108 Debye 8, 28, 36, 45, 49, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 78, 79, 80 Didon 112 Dini 43 Dinnik 38 Donkin 114 Dougall 145 Duhem 21 Eccles 11, 68 Edwardes 69 Ehrenhaft 96 Einstein 2, 60, 146 Emde 38 Euler 8, 11, 30, 45 Ewald 54 Ewing 16 Faraday 2, 121 Fe>r 44 de Feriet 112 FitzGerald 3, 11, 45 Fleming 11, 18 Forsyth 42, 114, 136, 137 Fourier 41, 145 Friedrich 54 Gans 16, 44 Garnett 17, 44 Gegenbauer 41, 99, 102 Giulotto 112 Glaisher 40 Gray 10, 38, 72, 75 Green 19, 21, 61, 112, 122, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 Greenhill 145 Grimpen 90 Gronwall 44 Grossmann 79 Guillet 108 Hadamard 20, 118, 142, 147 Hamilton 13 Hankel 37, 72 Hantzschel 88, 89, 95, 100 Happel 44 Hardy 41 Hargreaves 117 Harkness 82 Harms 78 156 LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED Hartenstein 88, 90 Hasenohrl 60 Basse" 14 Havelock 23, 54 Heaviside 1, 3, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 70, 72 Heine 40, 41, 43, 47, 88, 96, 112, 145 Helmholtz 142, 143 Hermite 100, 112 Hertz 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 22, 75, 89 Herzfeld 96 Hicks 107 Hilbert 145 Hobson 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 68, 69, 70, 71, 82, 106, 108, 112, 145 Hoerschlemann 11, 73 Hondros 78 Humphreys 60 Huygens 141 Ignatowsky 78 Isherwood 38 Ishiwara 146 Jackson, D. 44 Jackson, W. H. 88 Jacobi 114, 118, 136 Jacobstahl 101 Jahnke 38 Jeans 27 Jeffery 108 Jordan 44 Joule 16 Kalahne 79 Karman 54 Kelvin 29, 31, 32 King 60 Kirchhoff 141, 142, 148 Kneser 143 Knipping 54 Kummer 103 Lagrange 86 Laguerre 100 Lamb 6, 18, 37, 70, 72, 85, 86, 89, 96, 98, 141, 142 Lame" 26, 29 Larnpa 49 Langwitz 90 Laplace 26, 32, 35, 152 Larrnor 1, 2, 3, 9, 14, 17, 20, 29, 33, 49, 75, 79, 81, 121, 141, 142 Laue 54 Laura 141 Leathern 5 Lebedeff 102 Lecher 78 Lee 8, 10 Legendre 35, 105 Levi-Civita 19, 70, 151 Lewis 6, 146 Lie 149 Lienard 116, 117, 133 Lindemann 88 Liouville 149 Lodge, A, 40 Lodge, 0. J. 11 Lorentz 1, 2, 3, 6, 14, 15, 18, 117, 141 Lorenz 44, 79, 90 Love 20, 21, 44, 50, 90, 141, 147 MacCullagh 1 Macdonald 8, 11, 18, 20, 28, 41, 49, 67, 82, 84, 87, 88, 105, 145, 148 Maclaurin 88, 96 March 41, 67 Mason 145 Mathews 38, 72, 75 Mathieu 26, 88, 95 Maxwell 1, 3, 14, 17, 23, 61 Mazzotto 78 Mehler 41, 112 Michell 95 Mie 8, 17, 44, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 78 Minkowski 5, 14, 146 Mobius 79 Morley 82 Morton 78 Miiller 59 Murphy 6, 100 Neumann, C. 43, 68, 95, 98, 105, 107, 112, 145 Neumann, E. B. 145 Newton 3 Nicholson 38, 45, 49, 66, 67, 68, 78, 79, 96, 106 Nielsen 37, 38, 40, 72 Niven 97 Northrup 18 Ornstein 54 Orr 107 Oseen 82, 87, 107, 108, 145 Painleve" 25 Parseval 142 Pearson 8, 10 Perry 40 Picard 145, 152 Picciati 17, 19 Planck 5 Plemelj 143 Pochhammer 101 Pockels 66, 89 Pocklington 78, 107, 108 Pogany 90 LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED 157 Poincare 5, 23, 25, 41, 43, 67, 68, 84, 145, 152 Poisson 71, 86, 138, 141, 142, 149 Poynting 6, 9, 13, 21, 55 Proudman 45 Bayleigh 3, 17, 36, 44, 47, 54, 55, 60, 67, 78, 79, 89, 90, 107, 141 Eeiche 88, 90 Eiemann 82, 87, 107 Eighi 7, 11 Eontgen 22, 131, 132 Eowland 8, 90 Eubens 89 Eunge 13 Eybcynski 41 Safford 95, 107 Schaefer 78, 90 Schlomilch 99 Schott 116, 133 Schottky 137 Schuster 60 Schwarzschild 45, 64, 82, 89, 117 Seitz 78 Sharpe 98 Sieger 89 Silberstein 4, 5, 20, 21, 146 Smoluchowsky 60 Sommerfeld 11, 13, 17, 36, 67, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 82, 115, 145 Sonin 72, 80, 99 Steubing 53 Stieltjes 110 Stokes 8, 20, 21, 27, 36, 44, 90 Stoney 27, 115 Sturm 100 Tallquist 40 Tchebycheff 100 Tedone 23 Thomson, G. H. 90 Thomson, J. J. 2, 3, 11, 18, 22, 45, 49, 51, 75, 76, 78, 79, 89, 115, 121, 131, 132 Tisserand 110 Tonolo 141, 148 Tyndall 55 Voigt 82, 85, 90 Volterra 25, 29, 70, 71, 142, 149 Waelsch 112 Walker 44 Wangerin 40, 95 Warburg 16 Watson 28, 100, 101 Weber, H. 88, 89, 100 Weber, E. H. 79 Webster 80, 91 Weiler 99 Weingarten 151 Weyl 145 Whittaker 3, 7, 11, 28, 38, 88, 100, 101, 119 Wiechert 22, 117 Wiegrefe 88 Wien 89 Wilson 6 146 Witte 121 Wood 27, 60 Zaremba 145 Zeeman 89 INDEX (The numbers refer to the pages) Absorption of light 55 Aether, equations for free 1 structure of 3, 121 BessePs functions 35 Boundary conditions 17 Characteristics, differential equation of 21, 118 Conjugate electromagnetic fields 5, 23, 126, 133 Convergence of series of elementary solutions 42, 100 Coordinates, cylindrical 69 paraboloidal 98 polar 35 spheroidal 95 toroidal 104, 107 transformations of 28, 29 Corpuscle, first model of 114 second model of 127 Degree of wave-function 110 Dielectric sphere, scattering of waves by a 44 Diffraction by a screen with a straight edge 83 of electric waves 67 of sound 90 Discontinuity, surfaces of 20, 22, 90, 121, 140 Electric doublet 8, 119 Electric waves, propagation of 10, 11, 67, 73, 75 diffraction of 67, 83 Electromagnetic fields 4 conjugate 5 self -conjugate 5 Electron, field due to a moving 113, 140 Elementary solutions 35, 71, 100, 104, 105 Energy equation fora material medium 15 Faraday tubes 121 Flow of energy 5 Green's equivalent layer 19, 122 functions 142 Hamilton's equation 13, 21, 24, 123, 140 Hysteresis 16 Intensity of scattered light 54 Invariants 5 Inversion, generalised 31, 111, 112 Kirchhoff s formula 140, 147 extensions of 140, 147 Laplace's equation 97, 107, 114, 119, 139 Legendre functions 38, 106 Light, absorption of 55 diffraction of 83 model of a source of 9 polarisation of 53 scattered 54 Magnetic oscillator 11, 119 vibrations 49 Material medium 14, 16 Multiform solutions of wave-equation 82 Obstacle, cylindrical 79, 80 small 51 spherical 44 spheroidal 96 Paraboloidal coordinates 98 mirror, reflection by 24 Poisson's formula 140, 147 wave-function 86, 138 Polarisation of light 53 Polynomial solutions of wave-equation 102, 111 Poynting's vector 6, 13 INDEX 159 Pressure of radiation 60 Projection of singularities moving point 127 from a Kayleigh's Radiation 51 Relations between various solutions 40, 68, 70, 72, 100, 103, 105 Residual blue 55 Rontgen rays 22, 54, 131 Screen, diffraction by a 83 Singular curves 123 Singularities, moving 115 Sonin's polynomials 99 Sound, diffraction of 90 Surface, Kiemann 82 Transformations of coordinates 28 Transformations of electromagnetic equations 2, 139, 146, 149 wave-equation 31, 150 Velocity of light 2 of moving singular curves 123 Vibrations, free damped 49 electric and magnetic 49 Wave-equation 7 function 7 function of degree zero 113 Waves, propagation of, along a wire 75 over earth's surface 11,67, 73 scattering of 44 Wedge, diffraction by a 87 Cambrfoge : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS ~ ' OK. 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