D JCS .. c- n . — m n - zr 9 REGIQ 9 1 8 LLI R i CALIFORNIA Re Accessions I A2 ^'^ita:^'C^e^ - yt-. '^Z'-tz^-i-'eZ'-u--e-^ // ♦^."V ■' PREFACE. BuTTii, Moiil;m:i, July 24, 1S94. X making it possililc to issue this Catalogue, for tliu use ami convenience of the patrons of the Hutte Free Public Library, the incurrence of a great expense was necessary; a cost, which if taxed against the library finul, would have made the publication at this time impracticable. The Library Trustees therefore found it expedient to adopt a plan by which the Catalogue was issued without being a draft upon the library fund, and at the same time give to the public a complete and perfect finding list of the sixteen thousand volumes in the Library and provide the advertising public a medium for reaching the notice of innumer- able readers who could not be reached by any other means. The list of advertisers and the character of the advertisements were sub- mitted to the Trustees and by them approved. While no apology is at all necessary for the appearance of the artistic advertising pages in this Catalogue, yet this brief explanation may be proper, as it is a new venture and a slight departure from the usual make-up of library catalogues. There are thirty-one hundred of these lists issued, and it may be of interest to know that five thousand pounds, or two and one-half tons of paper are used in them. The typographical work is the product of home printers, and the book is confidently submitted to the public. T. E. UUTLER, Publisher. JOHN V. iXWIES, Libraria Here's a Jap Taking a nap. White the sun is shining He'd do well To wake a spell Coiirtenay, Case & Gravelle Company And consider that it behooves everyone to be as Economical as possible in buying the necessaries of lijv. OWSUY BUILDING, GOR MAIN AND PARK SIS. BUTTE. MONTANA Dress Goods, Genf s Furnishings, Shoes, Ladies Wear and Children s Clothes, Hosiery, Trivimings, Gloves are all Necessary Articles Used in euery-day life, important to every man and woman. To buy them cheaply and still in good quality you must go to Courtenay, Case & Gravelle Company There yon are sure of . J he Loicest Prices .. The Best Goods Fair Treatment All ooods JoiDid uiisatisjaclory arc eitlicr exchanged or money rcftinded. •• -• J or CKstoiiiers arc considered our friends, not our victims, whom zvc loish to please, and attract, not la fleece . . . . . The proprietors of this establishment give it their constant personal super- vision and are at all times present and ready to adjust any. difficulty, •■ -• you cannot therefore, go astray by patronizing .... Courtenay, Case & Gravelle Co. K^ :> -. J llio lights of 7 /lings . . . ^0mjii •BOOKS ALONE CAN NEVER TEACH THE USE OF BOOKS. ■■ This IS an old suyimj, but Ihciv arv men who think otherwise . Diversity of opinion leads to discussion, and discussion to knowledge . The people of Butte re to be congratulated upon the possession of an ex- " ^)iS'€ollent Free Public Library l^cxier was one more successful Some things, however, cannot be learned from hooks. ( /A.S /^- A /' ^-1 J IiJi\ Is a good teacher, and he who takes mental cognizance of what is going on will surely trade with us . Advertising costs money; but the merchant who advertises judicuously reaps the reward he merits . We have been in business many years and our business is constantly increasing . Our Goods speak for themselves; both quality and price are right . We buy in large quantities direct from manufacturers, whom our buyers visit each season, hence we get the newest goods at the lowest possible cost ■ Our stock always contains the CHOICEST NO VEL TIES in Press inatcriab (Carpets anb Curtains llTcn's an6 Boys' (Ilotljincj Cables' IDraps anb Capes Cigjt^t anb f^caut) Draperies 2Tlen's Soots anb SI?oes KiE^bons, €aces anb ^ans Cable Cinens anb St^eetings t)ats, Caps, Sl^irts, (glorcs l7osie rt), (Slopes, Unbermear 0il ClotE^s anb ginolein ns IHcn's ^urnisljin^ ©oobs Our MAIL DEPARTMENT is a leading feature in our business. We fill all orders promptly and send goods by express free of charge. Write for samples and prices . We invite correspondence. D. y. Hennessy Mercantile Company, Butte, Montana. 5i=> CXx^ciCov^a.... i %, HE CITY OF ANACONDA has a population of eight thousand. Its site on the edge of the famous Deer Lodge Valley is one of the most delightful in Montana. Its surroundings are inviting. The location is famous for its natural beauty and healthfulness, ///^n '* A ^^"tl it is provided with an abundant supply of water of remark- V ^^•sLnr' \~ able purity. The city is an inviting home for families; its social conditions are the best. ..... ANx\CONDA is distinctively a progressive town. Its famous hotel, the Montana, is unmatched between Minneapolis and Portland, its leading newspaper The Standard, holds the first rank among the newspapers of the Northwest. The city is equipped with a superior electric service, a sewer system, electric street car service, an admirable fire department and all the adjuncts of a thriving city. Its merchants and business men are prosperous beyond the average, East or West. It has long avenues lined with attractive houses and its municipal debt is next to nothing. ..... ANACONDA enjoys the distinction of being the home of the largest Copper Smelting Plant in the World. Its railway traffic is second only to that of the City of Butte, among the cities of Montana. It has the usual railway facilities, having immedi- ate connection with two transcontinental railways, and being the western terminus of the Great Nor- thern's still unfinished line to the Pacific coast. It is an attractive place for those seeking safe and profitable investments. It welcomes all who come to visit or who come to stay . P ^ ^ ^^^^^i^i^ j4-f(5roccric5 Si/V'YftHUF?EST MATERIALS. ,-WE ElMPLOY ONLY CONIPBTENT ASSISTANTS. TOBS ARE MODERATE. ©Ill- "Departments DIAMONDS FINE WATCHES GOLD JEWELRY SOLID SILVER WARES STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES SILVER PLATED WARES FINE OPTICAL GOODS GOLD HEADED CANES AND UMBRELLAS ONYX, MARBLE. IRON and WOOD CLOCKS ROLLED, PLATE AND SILVER JEWELRY MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING DEPTS. QOLOi^Nip 6)trSfEF(i<'^L<^TIN(«?\ a «/j E-W p, B^|n1> ^I.J F A CftMv^' ^l~i VETTFR »~a,.M5NOSP^M « .^niSWATKM Aj^pyEWEL|?Y^EPAIRlNG iGR»Du>Te ooT~' THE JEWELER OWSLEY BLOCK, BUTTE. o^^t^vl-jOGub: :bcz)C3i^s BUTTE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF :B'Ljmr'E], nvccDnsn:^. COMPILED BY lOllX F. I'.WII'S. l.ihnirian BUTTE, MONTANA. T. E. BUTLER, Puhlisher. 1894. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND EMIT.OVEES OF Butte Free Public Library. TRUSTEES 1S92-3. F"rom City Council. R. H. Paxson, Pres. J. W. Howard, Sec. E. 0. DuoAX. 1893-4- From City Council. J. E. Dawson, Pres. J. W. Howard, Sec. II H. Pax.son. 1894-5- From Citv Council. J. E. Dawson, Pres. John Bykne, Sec. E. H. Sher.man. Citizen Representatives. M. KiRKPATRICIi. Clinton H. Moore. C itizen Re)iresentatives. ,1. .1. McIIatton. Clinton H. Moore. citizen Representatives. Clinton H. Moore J. J. McHatton. 95010 COMMITTEES OF TRUSTEES, 1894-5. Finance — E. H. Sherman, John Byrne, Clinton H. Moore. E.vaminations— Clinton H. Moore, J. J. McHatton, John Byrne. Rules and Bylaws— E. H, Sherman, Clinton H. Moore, J. J. McHatton. Administration— John Byrne. J. E. Daw.son, J. J. McHatton. librarian, JOHN F. DAVIES. LIBRARY A.9.SISTANT8, KATE T HAMMOND. IDA E. STERN FELS. MAY E. WHITE. jANnoR-JOHN RALEY. ADVERTISERS. Anaconda. Ciiy of 3rd Anaconda Standard Habcoek it Co. Barrel it Jacky Blume, H. J. . Houihor, Frank Brophy. P. J.. & Co. Hrownlield-Canty Carpet Co. Butte, City of Butte Art Stained (ilass Works Butte Business College Butte Hotel Co. . ■ ■ Butte Miner .... Calkins. B. E Carder Brothers Centennial Brewin? Co. Chauvin-Fant Furniture Co. Clark, W. A., & Bro. Cohn, M. G Connell. M. J., Co. . Courtenay, Case it Gravelle Co 1st Courtney, T. F. . 4th Davidson, A. J., it Co. Davis, John E. Ducharrae, A.. & Co. Dugan & Jones Elite Studio EUingwood it Reznor Ellis Paint Co. Evans, John G. Fair Drug Assay Supply Co. First National Bank Fosselman Drug Co. pagr fnllowiMK preface Opposite page 12 20 S4 8.5 ■■ 133 149 (iO " 92-93 31 39 84 " 135 08 " 148 44 45 ■• 134 W ;o following preface page following preface Opposite page 109 21 85 •• 165 ■' 134 29 ■• 1S4 85 85 ■' 105 •• 124 Gallogly, E. E.. it Co. . .5th (ians it Klein (tould Brothers Grandey it Murray . Great Northern Kailway Co. Grigg. Dr. T. A. Hennessy Mercantile Co. 3nd Hight & Fairfield . Iloge, Brownlee it Co. Inverness Green Houses Jacobs, S.. it Co. Jones, J. 0. Kennedy Furniture Co. Koenne, R. Leys, J. D., & Co. . Leyson, J. H. . Montana Electric Co. Morris, J. \V. . Nash, W. S., & Co. . Newbro Drug Co. . Parcnen-D'Acheul Drug Co. Passmore & Co. Paxson's Pharmacy Rickards it Lewis . Royal Milling Co. . Schatzlein Paint Co. Scheflel, Wm. F. Sherman Music Co. Silver Bow National bank State Savings bank Story, Nelson. & Co Tewey, Dan VVehl, A. . . . th 4th page following preface Opposite page 20 •• 165 " 133 " 164 45 page I'dllowing preface . Opposite page 133 45 " 108 29 21 69 28 page following preface . Opposite page 13 " 132 " 108 69 page following preface Opposite page 68 20 " 108 45 ■• 116 13 " 132 •' 117 •• 132 •' 108 61 29 28 EXPLANATIONS RESPECTING THE CATALOliUE AND THE USE OF THE LIBRARY. THE CATALOGUE. This catalogue contains in alphabetical order by author, title, subject of individual biography and serial entry, all the books in the Library July 1st, 1894, as well as a number falling in the last letters of the alphabet, which have been added during the month of July. The total number of books indicated is 15,718. In the lirst part, comprising such books as may be issued for home use, besides the author and title, the number of each book is given. This number consists of two parts, that before the letter indicating the class to which the book belongs in the subject arrangement of the library. The letter is the initial of the author of the book, or the word used in place of the author, and is followed by numbers that determine the order of books of the several authors having the same initial, or of various books by the same author. The second part of the catalogue consists of books which do not leave the library, and here, besides the authors and titles, the class numbers only of the books are given. In all cases in calling for books, applicants are requested to give in full author and title entries as well as the numbers indicated in the catalogue. 1562635 HOW TO SECURE MEMBERSHIPS. In order to take books away from the library one must apply at the main desk of the library for a mem- bership application blank. On signing this and leaving a deposit of .^S, a card will be issued which will entitle the bearer to one book at a time, to be returned in accordance With the rules of the library. Should anyone prefer not to leave a deposit, he may take his application blank to some responsible citizen of thecounty who is willing to become surety for him by signing the form on the back of the card. This card, .signed by appli- cant and endi rser, must then be left at the library three days for examination and approval, and, if satisfac- tory, a membership card will be issued as if the deposit had been made. In order to use books and periodicals in the reading room, the above security is not reiiuired. But all persons are required carefully to observe the rules of the library in respect to decorum and the care of books and other reading matter. OTHER CATALOGUES. Besides the printed catalogue the library possesses two complete catalogues on cards which are available for the use of members. One is arranged alphabetically and is contained in two catalogue cases. This is simply a more complete though, not so convenient an arrangement of the books as contained in the printed catalogue. If one desires to select a book on some special subject, he should consult the catalogue contained in the case in the reference department. This is arranged by subjects, in numerical order, according to the Dewey or decimel system, which is now in use for cataloguing purposes in about HOO libraries in the United States. The classification is determined by a division of knowledge into its different varieties according to the opinion of the best authorities. The plan of any given subject in the classification is determined by con- sulting a book kept on the case, which contains a full description of the sy.stem. In this the place of the sub- ject will be found in the tables giving the classes and sub-classes in their scientific relations; or it can be de- termined directly by consulting the ali)habetical index, found in the latter part of the book. It may be of service to those consulting the alphabetical catalogue and other lists of books to mention that if the first part of the number given is between 100 and lOitthe book isclas.sed in philosophy; if between 2(X) and 209 it is in theology; if between ,300 and 399 it is in social science; if between 400 and 499 it is in philology; it between 500 and ,599 it is in natural science; if between 6(X) and C99 it is in useful arts or applied science; if between 700 and 799 it is in fine arts; if between 800 and 899 it is in literature, which comprises the classes of poetry, drama and fiction, as well as histories of literature, criticisms, collections, satire, humor, etc. If the first part of the book number is between 900 and 999 the work has been classed in history and travels, of which the numbers from 910 to 919 are devoted to travel and description. If the fii'st part of the book number is less than 100 the work is considered too general as respects its contents to be referred to any of the regular classes. In the two catalogues some 4,000 or 5,000 cards have been written that describe only parts of certain works. This is where authors of some note have written articles that have been published in a work, but the fact is not indicated on the title page; or, where several subjects are treated in the same book and it has been thought desirable to make the took available for those interested in other classes than that among which the book may be classed. In any case where the word "In" occurs directly before the number on a card, one may know that the article indicated comprises but part of a book. In calling for books either for home or library use. all persons are expected to fill out the proper blank supplied by the library and to present it at the corresponding window at the issue desk. In addition to the card catalogues, the library has one or two lists of books for the use of those desiring to ascertain the re- sources of the library and it is expected that these lists will be added to as rapidly as possible. In the selec- tion of books an attempt has been made to secure such as will treat reliably of as great a number of subjects as possible and also to consult as fully as possible the wishes of those who are to use the library. For this latter purpose the trustees and the librarian have tried to obtain from all the citizens recommendations of such books as they are desirous of reading. Appeals have been made both personally and through the press. Hut believing tliat many who have not heretofore suggesti'd books will be desirous of doing so, the trustees have been careful to retain a large portion of the book fund for such calls. REFERENCE BOOKS. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries and other general reference books are contained in an open case^ railed off from the general reading room, where those who wish to consult several books at a time or to investigate cer- tain subjects may have free access to them. A record of the persons using this department will be kept, and ^ r(^port of till' nunil)er of books consulted is requested for the purpose of adding completeness to the statistics of the library. In this department, besides general encyclopaedias and dictionaries, are special ones on the subjects of chronology, architecture, genealogy, music, painting, military science, quotations, literature, edu- cation, mythology, religion, technology, costumes, science, etc., etc. Various handbooks and bibliographies are also shelved here, and particular attention is called to a set of "Inter-Ocean Curiosity Shop," from 18S0-1892, which will frei|uently give information on subjects not treated of in any encyclopaedias. Poole's index of periodical literature covers an extensive list of .sets of periodicals, and will be found useful to consult when a book cannot be found treating of the subject in hand. Of still more assistance, except on very recent topics, will be found the A. Ij. A. index of general literature, b(ung an index of subjects treated in about3,000 vol- umes of essays, collected works, etc., of which the library possesses about 8(K) volumes. ISSUABLE BOOKS. EXPLANATIONS. Hooks markod by a * are issuiiil only iiihIit spci'ial t:oiiili lions. Till! following abbrDvlations are omiiloyrd for tiiii most irouimon Clnisiiaii iianirs; A: Augustus, 1!: Itrnjaiuin. C: Cluirlcs, D: Paviil, 10: MilwanI, K: Frederick or Krieilrieli. ('■: (.ioorgo or Ueorg, II: Henry or lleinricli, I: Isaac, .) : .lolin or .loliann, K: Karl, L: Louis, M: Matthew, N: Nicholas, O: Otto, P: I'eter, U: Uichard, S: Sanuiel. A A. II. C.of life insurance; by C: E. VVillard Aaron, C: H. Assaying. 3 vols Leaching gold and silver ores Ahandonetl claim; by Flora H. Loughead Aldio Constantine: by Ludovic Ilalevy Abbot, F''s. E. Scientilic theism Way out of agnosticism .... Abbot, The: seiiuel to the monastery; liy Sir \Va. Scott Abbolt, Art. Vaughan. Treatise on fuel Abbott, B: Vaiighan. Judge and .jiirv . Travelling law school .... Abbott, C: C. Days out of doors Naturalist's rambles about home . Outings at odd times .... Recent archaeological explorations in the valley of the Delaware . Recent rambles; or. In touch with nature Abbott, Edwin A. Bacon and Essex Flatland How to write clearly . . Onesimus Philomytlius Shakespearian grannmar Abliott, .laoob. Alexander, the great Alfred, the great AITGUST STOKIES. August and Elvie tiranville valley ..... Hunter and Tom Schooner Mary Ann .... Caesar, C. .Julius, Hist, of . . . Charles I Charles II Cleopatra Cyrus, the great Darius, the great Elizabeth Genghis Khan Hannibal JUNO STOMES. Hubert Juno and Georgie Juno on a journey :ir,s..i. \V44 Al>lii)tt, Jacob, {rnn'iiiiiitl) CilV.I.O.AO Mary Osborne . . 813.A(J0.4S5 6(>U.2.AO LITTLE LKAHNKU SEHIE.S. S13.L()S33.0 Learning to talk 373.A0.1 S43. Hn43.0 Learning to think 373.A0.3 :.MI.A0.7 Learning to read 373.A0.3 L'll.AO.'.l Learning about common things 373.A0.4 Learning about right and wrong . 373. AO. 5 .S33.Sc6.0 MARCO PAUL'S VOVAQK.S AND TI{ AVELS. 6(53.0. .\0 Marco Paul in New York 813.A00..'il 340. 9. AO Marco Paul on the Erie canal . S13.A00..53 340.AO Marco Paul in Maino . 813.A00.53 504.A0.3 Marco Paul in Vermont . . S13.A00..')4 .WCi.AO.lJ Marco Paul in Boston S13.A00.55 r>04.A(l.(i Marco Paul at the Siiriug iekl Annur.v S13.A00 56 Margaret of Anjou . . 913.04. M06 .57LA0 Mary queen of Scots . 941.0.'). M0(3 ."-rfM AO.ilU Nero 937.07. N3 83(1.9. KO.O Peter the great 947.0.'). P3 SS.'i.ATO.S Pyrrhus . . 93S.0S. P9 SOS.AO Richard I ... 943.03. R41 370.1. AO.Ci Richard II 943.03.R42 331.7.AO Richard III . 943.04. R43 ,S32.33.AO IIULI.O ioOK.S. 93S.07.A4.0 Rollo learning to talk In S13.A0O.(')(i4 943.01. A4 Rollo learning to read fn 813.A0O.()(J4 Rollo at work III S13.A()O.()()08 SI3.A(K1.0S0 Rollo at play In 813.AOO GGOS ,S13.A(XJ.0S3 Rollo at school /W813.A0O.060 S13.A(I0 0838 Hollo's vacation /n813.A00.(i(;0 8Ki.A00.087 Hollo's experiments . In 813.A(JO.()(i3 937,05.00 Hollo's museum rrt813.A(X).()()3 943.06.C31 Hollo's travels In 813.A(X) (WS 943.()(!.C33 Hollo's correspondence In 8I3.A00.C)0S 933.C4 Hollo's philosophy, lire . 7itsi3.Aa).(;(i24 935,C9 Hollo's philosophy, wati;r In 813.A(JO.(i(i24 93."i.l)0 Hollo's philosophy, sky M813 A(I0.()()7 942.0.-). E4 Hollo's philo.sophy, air /fiS13.A(X).(l(37 9r.0.G3 Romulus 937.01. RCiri 939.73. Ho SCIE.NCE I'oi: rilE VOUNG Force .... 531.A0 S13.A00.4.S3 Heat ... .536. AO 813.A(X).484 Light .... .535. AO 813.A()0.4848 Water and land .551. AO ABBOTT O ADAMS Abbott, Jacob, {Concluded) William I W2,03 W41 Xerxes <»3.'i.X:.' YoutiR Christian 24S AU.9 Abbott, J: S. C. AMERICAN PIONEKKS AND PATUIOTS. Boone, Daniel TOlll.Bci Columbus, Christopher .... UlO.'J.Cfi.TO Crockett, David l)73.5.C()(i De Soto, Ferdinand '.iTS.y.DS Jones, J: Paul . Cunningham. Swiss confederation .... 342 404.A2 Adams, G. Mercer. Outline of Canadian literature Zh07I.VV4.ii Adams, H: Hist, of U. S., 1801-1813. vols 073.4. A23 Hist, of U. S., 1813-1817. 3 vols 073.5.A23 Randoljih, .1 : (American statesmen) 073 5.RWJ Adams, H: C. Public debtj 330 3. A2 Adams, J: Life; by J: Q, and C: F. Adams 073.4 A24 o [Lifel; by .1 ; T. Morse, jr. (Am. states- men) 073.4. A24. 5 [Life]; by W: O. Stoddard. I Lives of the presidi^nts.) 073 4.A2.7 Adams, J. t^uincy. | Lifel; by J: T. Morse, jr. (Am. statesmen.) . 073.5.A240.5 Life; by W: H. Seward .... 073..5.A2407 [Life]: by W; O. Stoddard. (Lives of the presidents) fn073.5.M0.7 Adams, .J. Vuiucy a)id C: F. Adams, J: 073.4. A24.0 Adams, Myron. Continuous creation. . 213.A2 Adams, Oscar l''ay. Brief handbook of American authors .... S10.0..'\2 Brief handbook of English authors 82O.0.A3 Presum|ition of sex, f(c 300.A2O Adams, S: [Life]; by, I a. K. Hosmer. (Am. statesmen) 073.3.A.27 Adams, W. I. Ijincoln. Amatiuir pho- tography 770.A2 Adams, W: Sacred allegories. . .244.A2.7 .\ilams, W: O, With poet and iilayer 702 A2 Adams, AV: H. Seven words from the cross 232 3.A2 Adams, W: H. 1). Days of chivalry .304.7.A2 Di<'tionary of English literature. . 820.3,A2 Famous cavc'rns and grotto .N.WV SRRIKS. Soldier hoy Sailor l)oy Young lieutenant Yankee middy Kighliiif,' .lo(^ I'.rave old salt liOAT (1, 11! SKHIKS. lioat elul) All ahoard Now or never Try again Poor and proud . . Little hy little STA1!I!V IT.AO SKKIES. Starry Hag Freaks of fortune . Breaking away Seek and lind Make or hreak Down the river iis.-...\-; 1141 o'j .I-.'o.o:.' '.il'.'.dii Ci:} (iU.Sdri .\:.' iWC) Al.'ii '.i4:>.n().c:ii.() ixi.A:^ ii'.iii .V: '.1 . si:i..\:.'()'.is.i)7 , Mi:i .\:.'0'.is,os . si:',, A-.'(|i.is. 1)1.1 .si:).A'.'0<.is o'.Ki .Si:!.A-,'(ii.is()',ii .8i:!.A'.'(i'.is.(ii.i:.' . s;;i.A;.'(i'.is.oi . >si:i.,\:.'i)'.is.{)-.> . sin A:.'oi.is.():i . si:i.A:;(i'.is.iH . siii.A-.'d'.is.on . sn.A-jo'.is.dd . Si:!.A2()iW.71 . 8i;).A:;()i>s.7r; . sis.A'Joiis.t:! . si:f.A:;o'.i.s.74 . si:!.;\:;o'.is.7.") . si:!.A:2n',is.7(; YOUNG AMEliK'A AIUJOAD .SF.KIKS. Outward hound si:i.A:.'niW.m Shamrock and thistle ... s]:!.A:;o'.w.'.i:.' Red cross S!:iA;i()|.iS.!i:! Dikes and ditciu^s Si:',.Aa)>.iS.'.)4 Palace and cottage ,S13.A:.;{)iis.i,ir) Down the Rhine SlS.AlMlS.ilii Up the Kaltic 813.Ar.'d;)S.ii7 Mortbern lands S13.AMIS.9,S Cross and crescent S13.Ar.'ais.iHi Sunny shores siS.Ar.'ODS.dlo Vine and olive 813.A:.'()iW.911 Isles of the sea 81,'i.A2()liS.l)12 Adaiiison, Rob. Ficbte. (Phil, classics) Addanis, Jane, ami otlurg. Philanthropy and social progress .... Addison, C ii. Knights Templars Addison, Jos. [Life]; by W. J. Courthope (Eng. men of letters) .... Works. Vol.1. Poems, e(c Same. Vols. 2-(). Tatler, Spectator, etii . Adola Cathcart; by G; MacDonaki Adelp; by Julia Kavanagh Adirondack cabin; by Mrs. Hi. M. Lothrop Adirondack League Club. [Constitution, Reports, etc.] Adier, Feli.v. Moral instruction of chil- dren Adler, G. J. Llandbook of tierman lit- erature Admiral's caravan; by C: E. Carryl Ailoptod daughter; by Edg. Fawcett A, andotiere. Book of fables; ed. by Hor. E. Scudder 888.0.ScS. Afar in the forest; by W. H. G. Kington. 823.K4038.0 Afloat and ashore; by J. F. Cooper. 813.C.(;i)0.1 Afloat and Ashore on the Mediterran- ean; by Lee Meriwether. . . . 914.M3.0 Afloat in the forest; by Mayne Reid. . 91S.1.R2.0 After dark, and other stories; by Wilkie Collins 823.C644.03 Arter his kind; by J: W. Palmer. . . 813.P04.03 After many days; by Fes. C. Fisher. . 813.F473.0 Al'terj-low; byCi: P. Lathrop. [No name series.] 813.L083.0 Alterwhiles; by Ja. Whitcomb Riley. 811.R44.0 AjGcainst heavy odds; by H. U. Boyesen. S13.B092.0 AGAINST ALDKN Against Iho stream: by Mrs. Eliz. Charles Asjassiz, Ali'X. Three cruises of the IJlake. 3 vols Agassiz, Li: Life and correspondence; ed. by Eliz. C. .Agassiz Life and work; by C: F: Holder. [Lead- ers in science,] Agassiz, li: Geological sketches. ■?. vols. Slime. 1 vol Methods of study in natural history. Agassiz. Li:, and Mrs. Eliz.C. Journey in Brazil Agatha and the shadow; by E: P. Teuuy. Agatlia Page: by I: Henderson. Agatha's husbandi by Mrs. D. M. Craik. Age of chivalry: by T: Bulfinch: ed. by E: E. Hale Age of table; by T: Bullinch; ed. by E: E. Hale Age of the world, etc.: liy K. C. Shimeall. Agincoiirt; by G. P. R. James. Agues of Sorrento, by Mrs. Ht. B. Stowe. Agnes Surriage: by Edw. L. Bynner. Agnosticism, and other essays; by Edg. Fawcett. Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce. Home influence. Mother's recompense; sequel to Home influence. Vale of cedars. Woman's friendship. .... Women of Israel Aids to reflection, etc ; by S: T. Coleridge. Aikin, J:, aiul Anna Ij. Barbauld. Even- ings at home. Aingor, A. V. Fives. Badminton li- braryi Ainger, Alt'. Lamb, C: (Eng. mru of letters) Ainswiirth, W: I"''. Euphrates expedi- tion. 3 vols. ..... Ainn of Japan: by J: Batchelor. Air.v fairy Lilian: by Mrs. Marg. Hunger- ford Akcnside, M :, (i.id Ja Beattii'. Poetical works Alabama, i/ciil sHrOiy. Kejjort on Cahaba coal fields .'Marcon, I'edi'o A. do. Brunhilde Tito Ciil, The strange friend of .Alaskana; l)y l!uslir.)d W. James AUm<'h, Ja. It., r- mp. Annals of the west Alhan.v, CVuii/cfs o/. [fjifel: b\ \'iiil<'t Paget Albany depot: by W : D. lloueils AllK'c, .1: Prose idyls . . . . Alboi't Savarus: by If. de Balzac. Alby, K. A. tAnat'lr Frawe). Sylvestri^ Honnard. Crime of .... Alciiliiil and tlii^ stat<': by Ucjb. C. Pitman Alcolt A, ili'onsoii. Ijife and |;hiloso- phv: by V. i;. S.iuliorn and W. T. Mar- ris. •; vols Alcolt, A Itronson. Tabh^ talk AI<-o1l, lionisa M. I,ifiK1.'.i.A3 5110.9 A3.3 rifiO.t.AS 550. 4. A 3. 3 .5110.7. A3 1I1S.1.A3 SKi.Tli.O 813.11311.03 833.C004.03 ri43.01.B.S 310. BS 3811. 3. Sh4 S33.J05.03 813.St(iSl 03 813.Bl).03 040. FOl) 833.A38.3 833,A38.3 833.A38.5 S33.A38.8 833.A.38.0 1I33.A38 30-1,0043 5(M.A44 111 71111. H30 8:M.li.L05,0 1115 11 A4 1115.3. BO 833.H8G3.0 831. A4 .5.57 01.A.4 8(i3.A4.1 8113, A4 8 SI I .105 1I77.A1 8.50 1I.AI ■Sp.'.HillP.O 8I8.A40 843.BO.0 sin. A 10.7 17S.4 P4 101.0. A 1.7 I10.0.A4.8 8 [0.11. A 11 Al<-i)tt, liOnisa M. AUNT .lO'S SCHAI' liAfi My boys, etc Shawl-straps Cupid and chow chow, <( . My girls, etc Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, etc. Old fashioned Thank.sgiving . Eight cousins: or. The aunt hill (Jarland for girls .... Hospital sketches . ■ . , Independence Jack and Jill Jo's boys: sequel to ""Little men" . Little men: sequel to "Little women"' . Little women Lulu's library. 3 vols Moods Old fashioned girl Proverb stories Rose in bloom: sequel to '"Eight cousins" Silver pitchers, an-i Independence Spinning-wheel stories .... Under the lilacs Work Alcnin and the rise of Christian schools: by And. F. West Alden, H: M. God in his world Alden, Mrs. Isa. M. [Pansy] Chautau- qua girls at home: sequel to "Four girls at Chautauqua." . Chrissy"s endeavor .... Cunning workmen .... Eighty-seven .... Endless chain Ester Reid Ester Reid yet speaking . Four girls at Chautauqua Hall in the grove .... Her as.sociate members: sequel to Chrissy's endeavor Interrupted Judge Burnham's daughlin"s: sequel to "Ruth Erskine's crosses." Julia Reid Links in Rebecca's life New graft on the family tree . One commonplace day Randolphs Kuth Frskine's crosses: sequel to Chau tauqua srirls at home Spun from fact .... Twenty minutes late ... Alden, Mrs. Isa. M., mhiJ Mr. . C. M. l,iv ingston. Aunt Hannah anil Marthi and .lohu ..... Alden, Jos. Studies in Bryant Alrtcn, Itayniond M. World of llttb people Alden, W. li. Columbus, Cliristnplier [Am. worthies] .... Cruise of the "(ihost." limmy Brown. Adventures of Moral pirates New Bobinson Crusoe T.ild bv the colonel .... S13.A41H.01 81 3. A4 10.03 813.A4Iil.lH 813.A41il.(H 813.A41I105 813.A4ht.O(l xl3.A41H.".'4 813.A41H.30 813.A41H.3(l 7aS13.A410.7 813.A4111.40 813.A4111.4ll 813.A41H.445 813.A41IJ.441I 813.A41(1.48 813.A410.5 813.A41H.114 813.A41(l.il(18 813.A410.(10 81,3.A410.7 813.A41U.7ll 813.A410.8G 813.A410.9 370.9.A4.0 2.33.A4 813.A4334.1 S13.A43.34.13ll 813.A4334.1S 813.A4324.34 813.A4324.3 813.A4334 37 S13.A4;.'34.371) 813.A4334 3(1 813.A4:234.36 813.A4334 33 813.A4-334.4 S13.A4"324.48 S13.A4324.484 813 A 4334. 4 4 813.A4334.r, 813.A4334r,(l 813.A4334.110 813 A4334.(18 813.A4:.'34.7 813.A4:.'34.8 813.A4331.0S 81 l.B( 111.0 .575.70.A4 IIIO.O.CO.OI 8I3.A4330.1 813.A43:.'li.4 8I3.A4331I.5 8i:i.A4;i31l.ll 813.A4339.8 AI,I>KICH O AliliSTON Arctic Alaska and l'"roin roiiUiipiit.' to Aldrii'li. Herliert I Siberia Altliich, T: nailcy. IVsth Marjoric Daw, ami (ilhcr pi'iiplr Old town by Iho sea ... Poems I'rudence Palfrey Queen of Slieba fStillwater tragedy Story of a bad boy Two bites at a cherry, ^tc ... 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Aliette; by Octave Feuillet lil'.i.s.At UII.AI-.' sili.Al'.'i;..-, '.)17.4:.'.A4 sn.Air; Sia.A4:.'(ii;Ci .Si:!.A-l:iii.(lS .si:!.A4:i(l.7 Si:^.A+3().78 si:!,A4r.V).,s s:.':!.on;.7:.' s:.':!.M-.'i;.of.' '.«s.()7.A4.() .A4 SiKi.I-.' '.i'.Ki.'.i.A4 ;."23.5.A43 nn.ss.w.'i s.-):;.A4 .">.")() A 4 '.i4rj.01.A4 ri!i4-!.ni.si'.i '.i4:;,01.A4..'i '.ii-.'.i)i.A4.:)s s:.';i.A4 si.i.A4:'.:.'.Cii ■si:i.A4x.'.(>:.' si:i.A4:K.ii:t ,si:!.A4:!-.'.i\4 .• si:i.A4:!:.'.S(; si;i.A4:v.'.s7 si:i.A4:!;.'.ss SI4.A4:i '.il4.r,.i(i ?.!«■,. At4 s-.>:i.l!S4'.i.i s-.':!.cr,o4i.:!-.' .S:iS. Di'i:.'3.0 SKt. Is ;.■:.'.() .H4:!. I''-.'S.0 ii4o..s.A4 |.i4li.. Hist, of lOurojie, I78i.i to ISl,-,. |:i vols S(imr. ISl") to IS.V.'. S vols Marlboro\igli, Iiifeof. :' vols Alkahest: by H. do P.alzac .\ll aboard; by W: T. Adams All aliout l^asadcuia; by C: !•': Holdc^r All among the lighthouses; by Mary i;. Crowninshield .'Vll around the house; by Mrs. H. W. liee- clior *A11 in a garden fair; by Wa. P.i'sant. /n ii."iO.(.;(i.lss:i .'Vll sorts and conditions of miui; by. Wa. Hesant .\IIan (>>iuirterman; by II. iiidcr Haggard .\llin .Allen, Stanton P. Down in Dixie . Allen, W. W., :.>3.7:.'.A4 S13.Pi;ii8.() 813.A444.li 711. A4 813.LO r,:3l..3.L.A4 7.".9.1.A4.3 7.".9.1.A4.i; ALLVN to AMKKICAN Allyii, Jack, nnd Paul Blouet. Jona- than and his continent Almost a duchess. iNonaraeser). . "Aloha;" a Hawaiian salutation; by (i: L. Chancy Alone; hy Mrs. M. \'. Trii.une . Alongshore with a man-of-war: by Mr.s. M. Did; ins Along the Florida reef; by C: V: Holder. Alpinp Fay: by E. Werner Altgelrt, J. P. Live (luostions Onr penal machinery, and its viclim-i Alton, Kilnmnd. Among the law makers Alton Locke: byC: Ivingsley . s;.' Amazon; by Carl Vnsmaer Amber sods, e(('; by Mrs. lit. V. .'^polTurd Amelia; liy II: Fielding . /» s:.'(}.s. F4, Amenities of home: liy Mrs. M. E. W. ■Sherwood (Appleton"s home books) Amenities of literature; by I: Disraeli *AmeHca illustrated; ed by .1. D Will- iams American, The; bv 11: .lames . 'American academy ol' political and social science. Annals, .luly llS'.Nt— May IS'.e. S vols American actor series; ed. by Laurence Hutton. IJooth, The elder and the younger: by A. B. Clark Cushman, Charlotte; by Mrs. C. E. Clement Waters Duff, iWrs. M. A.; by I. N. Ireland . Fecbter, C: A:; by Kate Field Forrest, Edw.; by Laurence Barrett .JefFersons, The; by W: Winter American bastile; by .T: A. Marshall American boys' handy book: by D. C. Beard American citizen; by C: F. Dole American citizen's manual: by W. C. Ford American claimant; by S: L. Clemens American coin: a novel .... American colleges; by C: F. Thwing American commonwealth; by Ja. Bryce. :3 vols American commonwealths; ed by Ilor. E. Scudder. California; by .losiah Royce Connecticut: by Alex. Johnston Indiana; by J. P. Dunn, jr . . . Kansas; by L. Wilson Spring . Kentucky; by N. S. .Shaler Maryland: by W: H. Browne . Michigan; by T: M. Cooley Missouri: by L. Carr .... 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O'Neil ■""American ephemcris and nautical almanac, 18.S(i .'\merican farms; by J. R. lOlliotl . American four-in-hand in I'.ritaiu; by Ana. Carnegie American girl abroad: by -Adeline Traf- ton American girl at college: by Ljda. 11 Mc- Cabe American girl's handy book; by Mna and .Adelia B. Beard Americ'an girl's book of work and play; by Mrs. Helen Campbell American historical assocjialion. Ta- pers, vols, l-.'i .... American history series. Fisher, G; P. The colonial era Sloane, W: M. The French war and the revolution American Hoyle ..... American institute ol" homoeopathy. Transactions, 1888-1S91, 1893, 4 vols American Irish, The; by Ph. H. Bagenal American marine; by W: W. Bates American men of letters; ed. by C: D. Warner. Bryant, W: Cullen; hy .1: Bigelow Cooper, Ja. Fenimore; by T: R Louns- bury Emerson. Ralph W: by Ol. W. Holmes . Franklin, B:: by J: B. McMaster . Irving, Wash.; by C: D. Warner Ossoli, Marg. Fuller; by T: W, Higgin- son S10.9. 07.34 3:;9.()ll KSA.V S :):'.(). E44 914.'.M'0r, 914.Ti;0 39i;i.Mi 973. Bo 3 793.C(l."..0 9ih;.a.^ 973.2. F4 973.3.S10 793. Hi; OIO.O.A.''. 914.1.^.BO 387. B08 810.9.Bf9.0 810.9.Cli.4 191.3.E.'i 3 973.3.FG.'i 810.9. Ir. Poe, Edg. Allen; by G: E. Woodberry . Ripley, G:; by O. B. Frothingham Simms, W: G.; by W: P. Trent Thoreau, H: D.; by F. B. Sanborn Webster, Noah; by Hor. E Scudder Willis, Natl. P.; by H: A. Beers American nation; by Benson J. Lossing and (Ahers ...... American notes; by C: Dickens .American peasant: by T. H. Tibbies and aniitlier ....... American penman; by J Hawthorne American pioneers and patriots; by J: S. C. Abbott. Columbus, Christopher .... Crockett, D: DeSoto, Ferdinand Jones, Paul La Salle, Robt. Chevaliir Standish, Miles vStuyvesant, P: American political ideas; by .1 : Fiske American politician: by F. M Crawford American politics; by T: V. Cooper and II. T. Fenton 810.9. Pli 810.9. R4. 2 810.9.Si.') S10.9.T3 409 W2 810 9.W47 973.LG0."> 917.3 D41 331 8.T4 813 H094 910. 9. CO 00 973.5, CO 97:->9.D2 973.3 JO 977 LO 974 4 StO 974 7.St8 ,331 S.P4 S13 ci'iosi.ir) 339.C0 AiMFKICAN 11 ANCIKNT Amorii'an push; hy Edg. Fawcctt . Si:i KO'.l ():". Aiiiei'ii'nn railway; by T: C Clarko, and othfi'n ....... ii."»f),(."4 American refcriners; ed. by Carlos Mar- ty n. Koochcr, II: Ward; by .1 : II. Harrows . 28r. 8 li:) Dodgo, W; E; by Carlos Martyn . :iSO.Dr> Douglass. K:; by E: May Holland . :!:;ii I)(i (irccloy, Ilor : by l'"s N, Zabriskli^ ii.Vi (!ii Howe, Dr.'S. (J ; by E. I!. Sanborn . :ir.i 11(1 Lincoln, .\brabam; liy C. \V. I''ri'ncb ',)7:i.7 Ii4.:.' Phillips, Wcndi'll; by Carlos Martyn :tt(> l':i SninncT, C;; by Arch II UriniUe '.)73.S.Suri.:t Whittier, .1: (i.; by W. S. Kennedy . 810 '.) VV:i .^> Aiiii'rifaii fc'lisi'X's leaders. Edwards, .lona. ; by .\lo.\. V. (J. .Mien . '-'.Sr) E3 Einney, C: (i.; by C. F. Wright :«.i E4 Eisk, Wilbnr; by l!: I'rentiee . ri87.E4 Hopkins. M.; l)y E. Carter 2S.-) He Miihlenbers W: A.; by \V. VV. Newton . iS:i.M.s .Smith, II Movnton: by L. E. Stearns :JS")Sni4 VVayland, Es ; by .la () Murray 38(i \V(i Aiiiorioan socicl.v lor the extension ol" university teaching. I'roceedings, l.s'.il; 6d. by C: Es. Jame.s :i78 l.i .\."i American statesmen; ed. by .1; T. Morse, .jr. Adams, J: : by .1 : T. Morse, jr . il7:i 4 A:.'4 5 Adams, J: Q.; by J: T. Morse, ir . '.I7:i.r) A:;4ii "> Adams, S;; by Ja. K. Ilosmer '.173 :i A27 lienton, T; H ; by Thomas lioosevelt !I7H ."> H:.'i) Calhoun, J: C; by H. von Hoist '.TO ;i 004 Cass, Lewis; by A. C. Mcliaughlin '.I7;i (i C07 Clav. H:; by Carl Schnrz. r.' vols '.)7:i 5 C4 7 Eranklin, H: ; by .1 : T. Morse, jr 'M>, :i Ei; M Callatin, Alb.; by J: A. Stevens '.I7:!4(i0 Hamilton, Alex ; l)y H: C. Lodge . '.I7:i 4 II04 Henry, Patrick; by M. C. Tyler '.i73..'i.ir.'.S .lackson. And.; by VV: (.!. Sumner '.i7:i.r).J0.78 .Uy, J:; by (!: I'ellew li7:i.4.J() Jellersou. T:; by .1: T. Morse, jr. '.17.1.4. J:.'..". Lincoln, Abraham; by J. T. Morse, jr. ■-'vols '.17:1.7. L4..-I Madison,.!.; by S. H. (iay '.17.1. .5.M0.'.' Marshall, J:; by A. li. Magruder '.C1.4.M011 Monroe, ,J.; by D. C. (iilman '.i7.'i.r>.Mrp Morris, (i.; by Theo. Roosevelt '.i7:i.;iM(i(i Randolph, .1:: by H: .\dams '.i7.'!..").R0i) Van liuren, M.; by E. M. Shepard '.17:!.."). Vo Washington, (f:; by H; C. Lodge. '.' vols |i7:i.:i.W0.4 Webster, Daniel: liy II; C. Lodge . . ii7:i5.W:.'.4(i Ameri<-an .statistical as.sociation. I'ublications. Mcb. 1888 to Dec. 18'.)1. ■.' vols rirHLAr).?!) American weather; by A. W. (ireely rCA.a.lUi Americanisms and Hriticisnis; byBrand- e.r Matthews 404. Mo America's nevt war; liy II. \V. Holton .'iri'.I.S.UO Ames, Azel, ./r. Sex in industry :!'.i()..').A.') Ames, P. B., (1/. Christmas day and all the year si:i.\Viiii47.3 Ames, Lucia True. Memoirs of a mil- lionaire 8i:i.A5:.'7 Amicis, KdnionilM de. Constantinople i)14.;iii.A."> Cuore 8.53. A.'i Holland and its oeople .... !tl4,03.A.") Military life in Italy .... 014..i.A."i Amicis, K. de, (Cimcludeil) Morocco Spain Studies of r;iris Amiel, Henri V. .Journal intime . Amnieii, Dan. Atlantic coast. . (Navy in civil war) Old navy and the new .... Among cannibals; by Carl Lumholtz Among the brigands; by .la. I)(^ Mille Among the camps; by T: N. Page . Among the lakes; by W. (). Stoddard Among the law makers; by Rdm. Alton Among the moths and butlerlles; by Julia V. Ballard Among the stars: by Agnes Ciiberne Among the Selkirk glaciers; by \V; S. Oreon Among the trees; by Mary Lorimer Anuing ihe Turks; by V. L. Cameron Among typhoons and pirate craft; by L. Anderson .Vmoiigst machines: by .1 : Lukin Amos, Shelilon. Political and legal remedies for war Science of law. (Inter, sci. ser ) Science of politics. (Inter, sci. ser.) Amos IJarton, Sad misfortunes of; by Mrs. M. E Cross Amos Kilbright. e(c ; by Ek. U. »Stockton .Anahasis, and Memorabilia; by Xeno- phon ...... Anatomy of melancholy; by Rol). IJur- ton Ancient America; by. 1:1) Italdwin Ancient ballads and legends of Uitidu- stan; by Torn Dutt . . Ancient Cibola; by S: VV. Cozzens. Sam.'; (IS Marvellous country . . . . Ancient cities; by W: 15. VVriglit "Ancient cities of the new world; by D. Charnay Ancient Classics for Knglish Headers; ed. by \V. Lucas Collins Aeschylus; by R S. Copleston Aristophanes; by W. L. Collins Aristotle; by Alex (irant C;esar's commentaries; by A Trollope Catullus; by .la Davies . . . . Cicero; by W. L. Collins Demosthenes: by J. R lirodribb Euripides; by VV; 15 Donne Greek anthology; by Lord Neaves Herodotus; bytJ: C. Swayne Uesiod; by Ja. Davies . . . . Homer's Iliad; by VV. L. Collins Homer's Ody.ssey; by \V. L. Collins Horace; by Tlieo Martin Juvenal; by E: Walford Livy; by W. L. Collins . .. . Lucian: by VV. L Collins Lucretius; by W. H. Mallock Ovid; by Alf. Church . . . Pindar; by E. D. Morice . . . . Plato; by C. W. Collins . . , . Plautus: by VV. L. Collins '.110.4. A.5 '.114 O.A.-i <.)14.4.10 Ari slO.'.i.A.-i 073.7. NO8.O (■i:.'3.8.A."> '.110.4. L8 813.D:.'.54.01 813.1'03;.'.05 8i;t.sto:;:.' 0.") 3 12.73. A4 .5'.ir).78.U0 .523.04 017.11.00 .580. L(i '.ll:5(;.C0 '.11.5. i.Ai; 070. L8 O 341.3 A5 340.1. A5 320.1.A5 /».s-.':i C0li7.2 81.3 St014 05 888 3 X2.0 132 8 BS 57 1. Ho .S21 D8 '.I17.'.1'..C0 11.10 Wo .571.C40 ,SS2 1.A2 1 8S2 4 AO.l 185 1.A0 3 878 1 CO 8 874 l.CO 2 ISO 3 C4.1 885 (1 D2 10 882 3 E8 2 880 1 GO 888 1 112 7 883 2 H2 2 883 I.HO.4.10 883.1 IlliO 10 874 5 HO 5 877 7 J 8 878 4. L4 1 888.7. L8.1 .871 1.L8 5 871 2.08.1 .884.5 P4 5 184 1.P4 1 .872.3. P4. 1 ANCIENT 12 APPIiKTON Ancient ChiKwics I'or English Keadffs, (Concbid'.a) Pliny's letters; by Alt Church and VV. J. Itrotlribb I'ropcrlius; by.Ia. Diivics Sophocles; by C. VV. Collins Tacitus; by W: M Donne TiTi-ncn; by \V. L Collins Theognis; by Ja Uavies Thiicydides; by VV. L. Collins Tibullns; by Ja Davies . Virgil; by VV. L. Collins ... - Xenophon; by Alex tirint Ancient empires of the east; by A. II. >Sayce ....... Ancient history from llie monuments; ed. by A II. Sayce. Assyria; by CJ: Smith .... Babylonia; by G: Smith Egypt; by S. ISirch ... I'ersia; by VV. S. N Vaux Sinai; by H: S. Palmer .... Ancient literature; by.IiU Qnackenijos Ancient mysteries described; by VV: Hone Ancient regime; by (t: P. R. James Ancient regime; by H. A. Taine Ancient society; by Lewis H Morgan Ancient Spanish ballads; tr. J. G. LocU- hart Ancient states and empires; by J : Lord Anders, .1. M. House plants as sanitary agents Anderson, Hs. Chr. Improvisatore In Spain; A visit to Portugal . O T.: a Danish romance Only a fiddler Pictures of travel Poet's liazaar Stories and tales Story of ray life Two baronesses Wonder stories told for children Anderson, Adam. Origin of commerce. () vols Anderson, Lindsay. Among typhoons and jjirate craft ..... Cruise in an opium clipper Anderson \i-llic- \. See Van Anderson, Helen Anderson, Kasmus B. Discovery of America by the Norsemen Anderson, Uasnins IS., tr. Viking tales from the. nortli .... Younger Kdda ..... Andei'son, llnrus. Hawaiian islands Anilerson, Winslow. Mineral springs and health resorts of California .\ndreas llofer; by Louisa Muhlbach ■Vndrewes, liancelol. Nfimty-six ser- mons, ."i V(jls An In S7:i :i P4 I ()( ssii :: l\:> -2 8SS :i T3 1 hi S74 1 CO. 3 .S7;i 1 V4 1 SS8 iX-i-i '.W Sa'J |.Kr>:; Sm4 '.«.■) 4 Sm4 i«:;.B4 '.i:t.-) -, Vo '.i;)ii.4«.Po SSI) 9 QSII i0 9.lliiii:io I s:i:! Jo.").iii 34:;.44T0 3!K).Mli Sill Li; '.till Li; II lii.'i.i Ai; 83!) 83. All:; 4 014 II All 830 83 AI1:J II 83'.I.S3.Ali:i.llll 914. 3. All 914.."i.All 830 83 All:.'. 7 8:30.8. All:.' 839 83. All:.'. 8 S3',l.83 All'.'.9 11.111 All 01.') 1 All 178 S All 973 l.All 8,19.11. All. 8 .s:i9 II Vii •.'illi All iii:i,:is.Aii 833, Ms:i. 1)11 :.',-):;, All OlS. l.All :i3:i .111 007. All 3:iii All Andrews, Jane. Seven littlesisters prove their sistornood OH) 7. Ail.:; Seven littlesisters who live on the round ball that lloats in the air Oil) 7 AH Stories mother nature told her children . 813 Ar]:;i>.78 Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now 9:.'il.Ar) An AH .\nsler's note book, and naturalist's record 709 AH:; AnsIinS' days on Scottish lochs; by "Vel- lowbody" 790 V:J Aii;;lonianiacs; by Mrs. C. C. Harrison . 8i:i Ili)i)il47 o Anjjlo-Sa.von chronicle; ed. by J. A. Giles f/i94:.'IM I!:; AngIo-Sa.\on sagas; by Daniel H. Haigh S:JO HO An^TiN, J. Keith. Amateur acting . 703 A3 Animal automatism. etc., -by T: H: Huxley 370 4 118 Animal's rights; by H: S. Salt . 17'.i 3.Sa4 Ann, Adventures of; by Mary E Wilkins 813VV444I) Anna Karenina; by Count Leo Tolstoi . 891 7:i.Ti) ijij Annals of a quiet neighborhood; by G: MacDonald S23.M:.'i1.ik1 Annals of the Englishstage; byJ; Doran. 3 vols 79:;.Dil.O Annals of the west to 1845; by .1 II Per- kins 977 P:; Anne, queen of Enylaml Goodqueen Anne; by VV. H. D. A.dams .... 04:.'.iHl AH Anne; by Constance F. VVoolson . SISVVOMSO Anne of Cteierstein; by VVa. Scott S:;3 Scii 7 Annie Grayson; by Mrs. N P. Lasselle . 813 L077 Annie Kilburn; by VV: D Howells . . 813 HiiO:3 ir) Another Hock of girls; by Nora Perry 813 P:;H(i I) Anselm, Saint; by R. VV. Church . 38:i AH Anstey, F., pseud. S e Guthrie, T: Anstey Anthony, AV: *., fiKd Cyrus F. Brackett. Elementary text-book of physics .')30.AH Anthropological religion; by F. Max Muller ;210M8I) Antinous; by G: Taylor .... 833 T09.0 Antiquary; by Sir VVa. Scott 8:i3 Scfi :.'4 Antonia; by Mine A. L. A D. Duaevant 843 Ds; l)H .Vntonina; or. The fall of Rome; by Wil- kie Collins 8:33CI144I)H Antony Grace, Story of ; by (.;. M Kenn . S-_'3.F2HHO Anugita, The; tr. by Kashinath Trimbak Telane. (In Sacred books of the East, Vol. 8) /n:.'04.KO Anvers, N. !»,; i>seud Se: Bell, N. R. E .Apache campaign, 18,83; by J: G. IJourke 979 I '.il Apaslamba; tr by G; liuhler. (In Sacred books of the East, Vol. 2) . /»:;94 1!8 7. Vol 1 Apastamba's Yagna-Parihaska-Sutras; tr. by F. Max Muller. (In Sacred hooks of the East, Vol. 30) , !)i :.'04 Ol Vol I Aphrodite; by Ernst Eckstein 833. El. Ap,jolin, Lewis. Bright, J:, Life of 04:.' 08 BH4 Apologia pro vita sua; by J; H: Newman :i8:i N:.' Apostolic fathers; by G; A. Jackson. (Early christian lit. primers) . ;i70.1.J()0 Appeal to Caesar; by A. W. Tonrgee 32H 8 TH Appeal to Pharaoh; by C McKinloy . 3'3l) 8 M4 Appleton, \V: Hyde, cri. Great poets in Knglish dress .' . 808 8. AH "Applelon's Kiiropean iiuidebook. :2 vols 914. AH t/:- Xca5s all otber IDailv? 1Hewspa;iers in /IDontana in news, enterprise anb circulation. The Standard's Circulation is three times larger than that of any other Daily Newspaper published in the State. The Standard has a Special Newspaper Train service between Anaconda and Butte. The Standard is published in a city of only 7,500 popu- lation, yet by its systematic and complete news and circula- tion service, it has subscribers in every city and town in the Central Northwest. The Standard has fully ecjuipped offices in Butte, Great Falls and Missoula. In short, if you don't take- the Standard you don't get the news — of Montana and the world. 3ob l|>rintino nn& 300]^ BinMiuj. The Standard Publishing Company has the best equipped |ob Printing and Book Binding Establishment in the west. First-class work only. Prices reasonal)le. Es- timates furnished. Z\jc Stan^av^ publisbino Company), publisbcre .niiti piopvictois, anaconfta, Montana. Bins. scnniZLEin rnim (d. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Xlo. H tPcst 23roa^u)ay tDall Paper, (Blass, painters' Supplies, (Etc. A COMPLETE LINE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS ALWAYS IN STCCK Particular attention paid to Pater Hanging, Sign and House Paintinc;, Frescoing and all kinds of Interior Decoration ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. CHAS. SCHATZLEIN PAINT CO.... BUTTE, MONT. ESTABLISHED IN 1SSO J. H. LEYSON, 3ea.eler.:..:-:-:-:-.:- 3- ■?»• Ccyson Co. Salt ■iakc CitH, Utal). I'R Two Stores give us superior advantages in the market. We sell J I DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE at the lowest prices quoted . Inspection cordiall}' invited Diamond Mounting, Badges and Jewelry made to order and Repairing done. . Our shop is the >nly one fitted with Tmpro\ed Machinery and Moti\c Power, thereby obtaining the best work at least cost . Fine Watch Repairing done, warranted eciual to watch factory work, as cheap as first-class work can be turned out. J. H. LEYS0N, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, ;y?2l UPPER MAIN STREET appi;1<:t()n i» AROUND 710 K ■_' 'J 715 t':i 71-' 0(1 (i:.'i .'J.: 710.1! .M) 'Aiiiiloion's acni'ral giiido book to U. S. ami Canada '.U7 :i All Applotoii's lioiiic IxiokK. Aiiionitios of homo; by Mrs. M. 10. W. Slu'rwood 17:i Shr; Healtli at home; by A. H. (iiu^rnscy and I }'. Davis (IKiGs Homo amiiscnuwits; by Mrs. M. 10. W. Sliurwood 7',i:i Sb'.' Home decoration: by .lanet K. Kiiiitz- Koes Ilomcgardon: by Klla U. Church . Home grounds; by Alox. F. Oakey Home library; by Arthur I'cnn Home occupations; by .lanet 10. Kuutz- Reos How to furnish a home; by lOUa U. Church Ij4,"i C:i Appleloii'H illus. hand-book of Am, sum- mer resorts '.Il7 :i A()('> Applie l*o.s Ai>ril hopes; by W: 1). llo\V(dls . ,Si:i.Hil'J:i (Klii Arahiaii nights ,S',fi.7;i. A(i Arabian niffhts: ed. by 10: 10. Hale . Wi:.' 7;i A(i :i Arhlaj, .1/me, Kfs. (Buriiey) d'. Evelina S.'.S Alio '.' AroaiHa; by Sir I'h. Sidney S;i:j Si:.' Arrady for l)etter or worse; by A: .lessopp '.I14.:.'.J2 An-hcr's manual 7'.ili.A(i Arohic of Athabasca; by J. M O.xley 813 O'.H) Archie's shadow; by Mrs. Mary L. Pee- bles. (Magnet stories) 811) P:.'20 i").'! Arctio sunbeams; by S: S Cox liU.CCi Arey, H: AV. (lirard college and its founder :i7H 7.(14 AvuyW, Diihr III. Eastern question '.M'.i (l.ACi Irish nationalism 1)41 ."> ACi Primeval man; Ki'ign of law , 571. A(i I'nity of nature ..... :21.") A(i Unseen foundations of society liHO.Adii Argonauts of California: by C. \V. Has- kins 97!I.4.H0 Ariailiie Florcntina; by J: Kuskin . 700 RS Ariaiis of the4th century: by ,1; II: New- man ■.'73 4 N:.' Ariosto, liUtlovigo. t)rlando I'urioso. :.' vols S.51 A(j Aristocracy: a novel .... 813.A(i47 Aristocracy in England; by Adam Hadeau (114 3.150:2 .\rist<>]ihanes; by VV: Lucas Collins. (.\ncient classics) S8:J4.A().l Aristophanes' Apology: by Uobt lUown- ing In ,8:.'l IKKjii O:.' Aristotle; by Alex. (Irant. (Ancient classics) 185. I.AC] 3 Aristotle, and ancienteducational ideals; by T. Davidson 37(i '.i..\(p Aristotle. Nicomachcan ethics: tr. by R. W. llrowne 170 A(l Politics; tr. by B. Jowett. ;3 vols . 301.A('i.4 I'olitics and economics; tr. byE: Walford 33().A(1 Arins, the Libyan; by N. C. Konns . 813 KOS.O Ark of Elm island: by E. Kellogg . 813 K:.'44.;.'43 Arkansas, liureiu of mines, etc. I'.iennial reports. 1.8.8!i-'.K) (130, Ad (Jeol. xHi-vt)! Report 1.888-iK). viz: 1888. Vol. 1 .-i.-)3,A(i.4 .'•).'i7.()7.A0 5.53.A(i.:; .■).-.:]. Ati.l 5.VJ.A(i.4 1883-00. Arkansas, (Cimclinlcil) 1888, Vols. 3 and 4; 1880. Vol 1888. Vol. 3 . 1.81.10. Vol. 2 . 1800. Vol. 3 . Supt, i)f piilil'c iiixtnivtion. Reports 4 vols 37'.i .ACi Armadale; by Wilkie Collins . 823.C(i44.1C) .VrniitaKC ti: Every niiin bis own horse doctor lilOl.Aii Armitage, J: Hist, of Krazil, lsos-l.S31. 2 vols 081 A() Arniin, Koh. Nest of ninnies . ,S:;:3.33,Sho 7(3 Armorcl of Lvonesse; by \Va. llesanl 8;.'3.1!:.'7 l(i Arinshy, H: P. Manual of cattle feeding (i30 Ad Arinstroii"'', AJik. Heatoii. IOtiq(M',tte for girls 30.'i.Ad Eticiuette of party giving . n.'i.Ad Armstrong, Le Hoy. Indiana man 813 AiOT 4 Armstrong, Mni. Lucie H. jiall room guide 703 Ad5 Armstrong, W: >lackson. Siberia and the nihilists 01.").7.Ad Army life! in a black reginuuil; by T: \V. lliggiosoii 073 7.1143 Arne; by li.jornstjerne Ujornscin ./ii830 S3,B4dO vol 1 Arnold, Heuedict. Life; by 1: Arnold 073 .1 A(i() Arnold, lOdvv., as poetizer and paganizer; by \V: C. Wilkinson .... 820.0, A()(i Arnold, .s'lr Edw. Adzuma: or. The Jap- anese wife 8:;2.AG(;o Death— and afterwards .... 2,37. Add India revisited 01."). 4 A6 .laponica 015. 2. Ad 4 Light of the world 821 ACid 4 Poetical works 821.A(j(),dd Potiphar's wife 82I.A(>dd Seas and lands 015 2 A(; 4 Arnold, Edw. Ijester. I'lira the Pho- nician 823, Ad (i Arnold, G: M. Brock, (iainsborough, T: and J: Constable, (tireat artists) 7.50.2.(10 Arnold, I: N. Arnold, li:. Life of 073.3..'\d(i Arnold, Matthew; by J: M. Robertson . ;/il93.Rd Arnold, Matthew. Celtic literature; On translating Homer .... 801.d.A(id Culture and anarchy .... 8:i4.A(i(i.l Discourses in America .... 824.Ad(>.3 Essays in criticism. 2 vols . 834.Add.37 Friendship's garland .... Jij824.Add.l God and the Bible 231.A(id Literature and dogma .... 230 8.A(J() 4 Mixed essays: Irish essays . 834.A(Jd.5 Poems 821.A()(>5 St. Paul and protestantism, cto . :J70.A()d Arnold, T:; by Hose E. Selfe (World's workers) 37I.Ad.7 Around a spring; by Gustav Droz . .843.Dd() Aroun(; «(imf,- by C: Morris .... '.i42 OLAG.-W Tales of King Arthur; by Marg. V. Far- rington '.142.01. AC 2 Ai-ihui-, Chester A; by W. O. Stoddard . In 972 S.II07 Arlliur, J. C, C: K. Barnes and J: M. Coulter. Handbook of plant dissec- tion 581. All Arthur, T. S. Ten nights in a bar room 813 ACiSS.S Three years in a man trap S13.Ai')S3..S3 Arthur, W: Tongue of tire 231 3 A(j Arthur IJIane; by Ja. Grant 823 GO.Oli Arthur Honnicastle: by J. G. Holland 813 11(544.0 Arthur Brown: by Eli.iah Kellogg . . 813.K:i44.(U Arthur Mcrvyn: by C: BrocUden Brown S13.B(i.O Arlhur (TLiary: by C: Lnver . 833 L282.0 Artist UiojLi'raphies; by M F. Sweetser. Vol 2: Titian-Guido Rmi-Claudo Lor- raine 7.'>9.'>T4 7 Vol.3. Sir .loshna lli'ynolds— J: M VV: Turner— Edwin Landseer. . 7.">9 2 K29 7 *ArtiKtio homes; by A. \V, FulleriDu/ \V: A Wheeler 728 F8 Artist'.s tour; by B. Kroupa 917 KO Arundell, T: Reminiscences of the city of London and its livery companies 912 1 Ail A.s it was written; by II: Ilarland S13.1l0il4 A.S we were saying: by C: n Warner 817 Woo Asaph; by Alice K. Cooley 813.Oi(U0 *Asl)<)th, J. de. Ollicial tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina 914.39A7 Asbury twins: l)y Rebecca S. Clarke .813 C40l)4(i O.') Aschcnhroedel; by K. Carrington (No name ser.) si:i.(;oiii-, o Ascher, Isidore C Voices from the' hearth 821. A7 Ascutne.v street; by Mrs A. I). Whitney813.VV348C> 07 A.sjjard and Ihi^ gods: by W. Wagner 293 Wo Ashe, T: Spirit of "the book." 3 vols . 823 A732 7 Ashen faggot; by T: Hughes /a914 2.II83 7 Ashley, W . J. English manor (Soc. science ser ) la 333 3 C(j Intro, to lOng. economic hist. . 330 4.A7 AshnioMi, puwi. Kennel secrets (i3(i." A7 Ashton, J: Dawn of the 19th century in England 9I2()7.A73 2 Fleet, The: river, prisoji and marriages .lii."! A7 *Napoleon, English <'aricatiire, and satire on. 2 vols 944 ().-> NO 07 Old times 942 07.A7 Romances of chivalry 910 1 A7 Kennedy . Marg. F. Verestch- Ashton, J:, (Concfiiiieii) Social England under the regency 2 vols. Social life in the reign of queen Anno Ashworth, H: Cobden, R:, anrlThe Anti- corn law league Askinson, G: \V: Perfumi^s and their prepara.tion Asolando; by Robt Browning Aspasia; by Robt Hamerling. 2 vols .Aspects of poetry; by J: C Shairp .■\.si>eot8 of the earth; by N. S. Shaler .As.syriolosy: by Fs. Brown .•\stor, W: Waldorf. Sforza Valentino Astoria; by Wash. Irving *Asvaghosha Bodhisattva. Fo-sho-hing- tsan-king, The: a life of Buddha; Ir. by S: Beal. (Sacred books of the East. vol. 19.) At his gates; by Mrs. M. O. W At home and abroad; by J. I At home and abroad; by Mine Ossoli .... At home and in war; by Alex agin At home in Fi.ji; by Lady C. F. G. Cum- miugs At last; by Mrs. M. V. Terhnne At last: a Clinstmas in the West Indies: by C: Kingsley ..... At odds; by Baroness Tautphoeus At the backof the north wind: by ('•: Donald At the councillor's; by E. Marlitt At the mercy of Tiberius; by Mrs giista .1. Wilson At tile North Pole; by J. Verne At the South Pole; by VV. H. G.- Kingston '■.Atala; by Chateaubriand; ill, by G. Dore .Vtalanta's race, f'c; by W: Morris; ed by (). F. Adams aud.W: J. Rolfe .Atliei^ni in philosophy, rtf ; by F: II: Hedge Atkinson, E: Distribution of products Industrial progress of the nation Mirgin of profits .Science of nutrition Taxation and work . . . . Atkinson, .1. Beavington. Art tour the Northern capitals of Europe Overbeek, J: ((ireat artists) . Atkinson, J. C. Forty years in a moor- land parish Atliinson, •). J. Gases met with in coal mines: added, .\ctlon of coal dusts; by E: H. Williams Atkiusou, Ph. Elements of dynamics, electricity and magnetism Atlantic essays; by T: W. Iligginson Atlantic ferry; Art. ,]. Maginnis Atlantis; by Ignatius Donnelly Atlantis arisen; by Mi's. Fes. F. Victor Attii! philosopher in Paris: by E. Sou- vestre Altwell, H: Italian masters. The , 942 07.A7 7 942.0().A7 337C(JO I'll is .-,.A7 H21 Bl'il'iliO 833 IKB 808 Sh04 551 ShO ;;2i.By S13.A78.72 813.A78().8 979.5. 1 (J :!94.B2 Oliphant f/io.Ml.G 1 1.1873 S14.K2 914. 07 .V2 Mac- Au- to 919,iil.C8 .81 3. 'I 21). 08 917.29. K4 8:.'3.T08S.O S:^i.M:.'ll.08 823.M0l'i.0 813.W447.0S 843. V2.0 919.9. K4 843. C3 S-.'l,Mr.(i.OO 104 112 330.4. A8 330.9.A8 331 2.AS lil:i.39.A8 337. .\8 708 AS 759 3 08 911. 2. AS 022.33.A8 537. AS S14.U43 (i.5l).M3 .571. DO 917.9.5. V4 843 SoS.O 7.59.5. AS ATWOOI) AZTLAN Oil till! inilliiit; ♦Atwooil, IVIoIvillc Solii quartz I Aubt'riiii, tl. J. Fight with distiiiieos Six moiillis ill Capo Coloiiy ami Natal. ftc ....... . AikIiiIioii, .1: .la. Liir; cil. tiy Mrs. liiicy Audubon r.ifc: liy Mrs. I lor. Si. .loliu .\ii(liil>oirs ailvcuturos: by i! K- I'icri'i! AuiTlmcli, ItRi-llioUI. Kiichvi'iss Oil the heights .S|jiiio/.a ..... Villa on the Khiui'. .s'ln/n ii< \'illa lOilcu Aii};ii»" and Elvie; by Jacob Abbott .Vti';">*li'>e. f^'. Confessions Aul.l lii'lit idylls: by .1. M. Harriet . Aiilnay tower: by lUanclie W. Howard Aiiliioy, Miirie Oatli. *.T ■,'M.Vi .H:i:i.AS.:J s;n A.s.c. s:i:!.As.7 .s:i:i.As..s .SKi.Adll.DSII :;s.'; Sa,() S'.':! p,(ii;r,.(i siii.Hii'.io.ii St.-i.ASI .s:j:i.C n:i.o 833.001)30 si:i.Ai3,;ii()s 813.P(i2r..()S sn.Aim.Di 813 Atlin>3 8i:!.A4i()():i SlIi.AlIC.rM Sbi.A-tKKI.-, sn A^ir, oc, K! C40(i-lli.4t:) r,tl.K4 8i;).Hli'.K).0S SIS.WtXiS.O la 188.FO 188.8 AS. '.I 188.8. A8 Si;iA87.2 821) O.AS .5 83()9.A8 7 823 AS7.2 830 n A8 823 A87 5 823 A87 (i 833 A87.(l(i 833.AS7.7 Austen, \V. C. Ilobei-ts— . Intro, to the stuay of metallurgy .... (itV.l A8 .Austin, Jane G. Hetty Aldeu . 813AS78a8 David Alden's daughter ... 8I3A8783() Desmond hundred (Round itoliiu ser.) 813 A87S :i3 Dr. L(! liaron and his daughters . 813 A.S78 :;ri Dora Darling: the daughter of the regi- ment 813.A8r8:2()ii Don Darling and Little Sunsbini sI3. A878 rjiido Mrs. Heaucliaiu|> Brown ( No name sen 813 A878..'>4 Moonfolk 813.A878 .-)!) Standisli of Standish ... SI3.A87S7 Australian liallot system ... ;re331.N:M Sdni.c; by .L H. VVigmiu-(> ... 3:34. W4 Austfalian poets; \)y l>(Ui'/las li. W' . Sla.len .831 SI03 Anllioi-s and aiitliorsbin: by W. S Walsh (1104. WO .Anilioi's and publishers .... rpi-i.^i.AS Authors and their public in ancient times; by (1. H. Putnam (io.'i.f) PS .AutohiOfjfaphy of the earth; by H. N. Hutchinson foO.HSS .Autocrat of the breakfast table; hy O W. Holmes 817 Ilr,4.0 .Avelinjoj, K: Intro to the study of botany r)80.7.A8 Student's Mar.v. (Soc sci. ser ) 331.M0.0 Avelinjw, K: anil Kleanor M. Working- class raovemi'Ut in America. (Soc. sci. ser.) 331 3.A83 Aveling, Eleanor M. tr. History of the commune of 1871; by P. 0. Lissagaray 944 0S.L4 Aveling:, S. T., and C: Boutoll. Her- aldry 939.(i.AS Average man; by Ilobt. Grant . . . 813 G60(i.0 Averil; by Rosa N. Carey . S23.C(ri3.08 Avery, R. B., and W. W. Alien, t'alifor- nia gold book 979.4. A4 Ayis. Story of: by Mrs Eliz. .S. Phelps Ward S13.\V0033.08 Away in the wilderness; by R. M. Ballan- tyne 917.8 150 Ayala's angel; by Ant. Trollope 833.T004 Aylward, Alf. Transvaal of to-day 910.8. A9 Ayres, Alt'. }»■««(. Sc- Osniiin, T: K. Azarian; by J/(l'.i.l.I?0 Baoh, J: Sebastian; by R. Lane-Poole. (Gr. musicians) 7.80. 1'.ol Bachelor of Salamanca: by A. R. Le Sage 823.L2.10 Backlos studies: by C: D. Warner . . 817. Wool Backsheesh; by T: W. Knox . 015.(i. KG Bacon, Alb. M. Manual of gesture 808..0.BO Bacon, Alice M. Japanese girls and women iil.'i.2.B01 Japanese interior '.iiri.2.B0I.4 Bacon, Delia: biographical sketch . 822.33. B0.2 Bacon, Ks., hirim \'erulam and ot'scii'i* Sf. Alhiinf. Bacon and Essex: by Ed w. A. Abbott . .820.0. lio.o Bacon, Shakespeare and the Rosicruci- ans; by W. F. C. Wigmore . . S22.33.1J0.9 Francis Bacon and his secret society: by Mrs. 11: Bott S22.;i3.BO,(l [Lifel: by R. W. Church. (Eng men of letters) 102.1. BO.l Life and philosophy: by J: Nichol. (Phil, classics) 102.1 BO.C, Sir Fs. r.acon's cipher story: by O. J. Owen 822.33 OO Bacon, Ps. New Atlantis .m.320.I.M(14 Works. 2 vols 102.1. BO Bacon, G:, cow ;i. Siam: ed by P.. Taylor 01."..03.T0 Bail boy's diary .817.B02 Bad times: by Alf. R. Wallace . 380 WO Badtleck; by C: I). Warner 817. Wood Badeau, A.B04 272.4. BO 044.03. B04 818.0G 338.8.B0 dialogues .371.32.B(M2.0 .371 32.B042.2 371.32.BO42.:i0 . 813.B0423.G ..371.32.B042.O 371.32. B042.23 ..371.32.B042.6 157G- 702. BO. 4 G03.B0 .S2.3.B(H2G.l 915.48. B0.2 910.20.150.4 015.48. BO .509.B04 3()4.B0 fi22.14.F3 024.2. BO 8I3.B(M:.'G.O 813.B042G.0 813.B042G.5 813.Bft42G.9 8I3.H0GG4.04 940.9. M08 813.B041 BAIjCH 17 BANCBOPT It:ili:li, (i: T. l\ri>tluKls of tcacliiiitt pa- triotism ill till' pulilic schools Itiilch. T: Kroiu'h in Ainorica, 177T-ISS:i . lialiltviii, .1. Art of school miinasii'inont . Baldwin, .la. lioland. Story of Sio!,'fricii, Story of Story of tho sioldon aiio .... Bahlwiii, .la., i((. Harper".- schoiil spcali- ers Baldwin, .1: I». .Vncii'iit .Vmcrica . Baldwin, Jos. Elcm. psychology ami id- ucation. I Inter, od. sfir.l I'sycliolojiy applied to theartof toacliinj;. [Inter, ed. ser.) Baldwin, Liydia W. Yaiikce?eliool teach- er in Virginia Baldwin, W: J. Steam hi'ating forliiiilil- ings Bali'stiei*, .losepliine. Life and Sylvia IS.'iU'slior, Wolcoll, imii Kiidyaril liip- lini>'. Nanlahka . . . . Ball'oiir, H: Evolution of decorative art Ball, Sir K«l). S. Atlas of astronomy I'anse of an ice age. (Mod. sci. ser.) Elom. lessons in applied mechanics In starry realms In the high heavens . . . . Star- land Story of the heavens . . . . Time and tide . I5all-room guide: liy Ijiicie II. Armstrong Ballads and verses vain; by And. Lang . Ballantino, W: Some e.xpcriences of a liarrister's life. 3 vols . . . . Ballantyni', Rob. Michael. Aivay in the wilderness ...... Battery and tho boiler . . . . I5lack ivory Blue Lights Cannibal islands Chasing the sun Coral island Deep down Dog Crusoe Fast in the ico Fighting the flames Fighting the whales . . . . Floating light Freaks on the fells .... Fugitives (Jascoyne Giant of tho north .... Gorilla hunters ... Hot swamp Hudson bay Hunted and harrii d Life boat Lonely island Martin Rattler Norseman in the west Red Rooney Riyers of ice Hover of the Andes . Settler and the savage Ungava Up in the clouds Why I did not become a sailor :iT7.I!0 '.i7n.:i.r.() 371. Ho (Hi.ni.iid s:!(i.ii.no.7 371.33.IWl.'! .'•>71.I!0 i."io.no !,-.(). H(H3 1117 5.").l'.() (•.'.)7..^). I'.O si.-i.r.(ii.i S23 1C4IH i; 740. Hi) 524. BO r)51.31.B0-l (Kl.BO r>23.Ho.4 .->20 HO r>23.B04.7 .'">23.Ho SSfj.lJ.BO 793.A(J 821.L0(i3 340. B04 !)I7..S.TiO r,54.5.Hll4 !)l(i.7.B04 !)lCi,r>.H()4 illDO.BlM.l 014.SLBO iill).(J.BU4,I(J 622.B04 017.8. B04. 3 919.8. BO 823.B0440.34 (■,39. BO 833.B0440 34(i 914.1.B04 9(')9.B()4 9]9.C,.B04.3 919S.H()4.3 .'"i99.8 B()4 833.B0440.3(i 917.13.R()4 823.B0440.3 r>14.8()7.B0 9<)7.B04 918.1.B04 973.1.B(M 919.8. B(M . 823 B(M40.(; 918.B04 91(i.8.B04 . 919.8 B04.S .'■,33.(;.B04 M 914.1. B04 Ballanl.vno, l{ol> I»Iiclia«'l, (' nm (m/ir/i Wild man of the west World of ice Ballard, H. H. Thivr IJiu.luiiis Ballai'd, Julia I'. Among the iiiolh: and biitlerllies .... Ballon, >[atui'in >l. Azti c land Due north Due south Due West Equatorial America Footprints of travel .... New eldorado Story of Malta Travels under the .SijiiLlu'ru cross Balinl'ortli, llani.sdcn. New refurma tion. (Soc. sci. ser.) Bal/.ac, Honoi-e <1«». Life; liy V: Wed more. (Gr. writers) Bal/.ao, Honoro de. Albert Savarus Alkahest Brotherhood of consolation Bureaucracy Cesar Birotteau .... Chouans Country doctor Cousin Bette - Cousin Pons Duchesse de Laiigeais Eugenie Grandot ... Fame and sorrow ... Great man of the provinces in I'aris Historical mystery Lily of the valley .... Lost illusions Louis Lambert Magic skin ■ Modiste Mignon .... Pere Goriot .... Pierrette Seraphita Sons of the soil. .... Two brothers Two young married women LTrsula Village rector Baniford, 3Iary K. Look alioiit club Talks by queer folks Up and down the brooks Banbury, G. A. Li. Sierra Leone Bancroft, G: Battle of Lake Erie, i( Hist, of the U. S. Lto 1789] (1 vols . Literary and hist, miscellanies *Bancroft, Hu, Howe. *Calitornia intc pocula 'California pastoral *Essays and miscellany . *Hist. of Alaska, 1870-188.5 *Hist. of Arizona and New Mexico *Hist. of British Columbia *Hist. of California, I.i4-M89(i. 7 vols *Hist. of Central America. :'. vols . *Hist. of Mexico, l.")l(i-is87. (1 vols *Hist. of Nevada, Colorado and Wyomin; *Hist. of N. Mexican states and Texas, 1531-1789. 2 V .... *Hist. of the northwest coast. 2 volt 917.8H(I4.9 919.8. Hoi. 9 .5()i;.B()4 595 78. BO 917 2 BO 914,8,BO 917.391. BO 910 4 B()4.2 918.B044 !n()4.l!')4.3 917.98.B04 945.8. Bo 919 B04 304. BO S40.9.BO.9 843,I!0.(I 843.H0.O4 843 HO.KiO 843. BO. 1 843. BO. 13 843. BO. 13 843.B0.1C> 843.150.1(18 843 Bl).l()87 843.B0.2 843 B0.28 843 BO 30 S43.H0.3 843.l!0.34 843.B().4 S43.B().4C. 843.B().4ii8 S43.B0.5 843.B0..5(i 843.B0.(i 843. BO. 04 843.B0.7 843.B0.S S43.B0.8 843.B0.89 S43.B0.86 843. BO. 84 r,iK).r,05.4 .590.B05.8 595. B05 910.04. BO 810.9. BO(5.3 973. BO. 3 040.B0G.4 97',I.4.B03.I 979.4. B03.(iO 979. B03 979.S.B03 979.1.B03 971. BOS. 1 979.4.B03.3 972.8.B0.3 973.B03.5 979.3.B03 973. B03 971.1.B03.3 BANCaoPT IS nAJJKows BaiK-Tort, Hii. Howe, {CoiidudciD *I list, of Oregon. :.' vols . 07!) .'•).liO(l Hist, of Utah '.TO 2. ISOri *Ilist. of VVashingLoi), Idaho and Mon- tana 97'.i7.I!(i:i "'Literary industries .... SlO.'.i.KOH Native races, fi vols .... 5711)7. IKi.'i ♦Popular tribnnals. :.' vols . '.)7'.).4 lio.'i.CiO BancToft, Jos., rind Kob. Barclay, I'cr- siiasive to unity ..... ':s'.t.t\ KOi; Bancrol't, Itoh. M. ana Fs. .1. Coiistinc- tion of tall chimney shafts . r,i.)7..s. Ho Bancrort, T. Whiting. Method of Eng. composition .sos. Hon Banilelier, A. P. Arehaeoloi-'lcal recon- noisance into Mexico .... i)7:M)l.r>0 (Jililed ninii, (El Dorado) etu i).so l!i) ItaiKlliayaiia; ()■. by (J: Hnhler /" :i'.)4.KS.7.vol '■! BaiKliiiel, Ja. Sermons .... :.'.'.'(). 1. Hon Banfj.-f, J: KemlHck. Collee and repartee S17.l!oii Toppleton's client sKt.l'.o BaiikK, Mary R. Kriglit days in the old plantation times 813.I!(K147.1 Banned and blessed: by E. Werner . SS.S.WlKH) liaptist meeting honse; by S: .J. Harrows iS:.' I!;; Bar harbor days: by Mrs. C. C. Harrison si3.H()(ii'i47.iKi Barbara H<'athcote's trial: by Rosa N. Carey S33.C()(i2.uii Barliara Thay(>r: by Mrs. Anni(! .lenness Miller S13.M444.2() Barbaiild, Anna Ijelitia am .liAiliin. Evenings at home .... .')04.A44 Barber, Etivv. Atlee. Pottery and por- celain of U. S 7.38.P.O Barl)er, T: Wa. Engineer's sketch book of mechanical movements, etc. . G21 lio Barberine, and other comedies: by Alf. de Mn.sset 842. MS (X) Barchester towers: by Ant. Trollope . S23.T(1(14.(H) Barclay, >I: Memoirs of the Qnakers 2S9.(i.HO Barclay, .Ids., comii. Talmud, The 2'.)ii.T() Barclay, Robt. Apology: doctrines of Quakers 289.ri.l!ii.o Catechism and confession of faith . 280.(i.Ho.l Barclay, Bob., anri Jos. Bancroft. Per- suasive to unity 3S9.().B0Ci Bard, S: A. Waikna: or, Adventures on the Mosquito shore .... 917.38.'):BO Itarhani, H: H. Ingoldsby legends S24.]{0() Barliain, II: H., andtthoi'. Personal rem- iniscences 820.9.B()IJ Barkley, H. C. Sludieji in the artol rat- catching 824.B0(i4 Barlow, Joel. Vision of Columbus 81I.liO.S Barnaby Huds:e; by C: Dickens. 3 vols 823.D414.1 Barnard, V: Co-operation as a business 334. HO First steps in electricity .... .5.37 H0i).2 Tone masters 780.9. HOd Barneby, W. H: Eifi; and labor in thi; far, far west 917. BO Barnes, C II., (imJi/»ijr». Plant dissection .")81.A() Barnes' popular hist, of U. S. . 973.]!0<> Barneveld, .1: of. Life, and death of: by .) : L. Motley 949.2 Mli.4 Barney, •Jo.shua. Hiog. memoir: by Mary P.arney 973.3. H0<1 Baron Miinchuiisen, The adventures of : by Rudolph E. Caspi' .... 833.M8U Baroness, The; by Fes. M. Peard. 2 vol Bariiue Future: by .Jonas Lie . Barr, Mrs. Amelia K. P,eads of Tasmar Itetween two loves Border shepherdess . Bow of orang(M'ibbon Chiny MacPherson Daughter of Fife Feet of clay .... Fri(^nd Olivia . . (iirls of a feather Hallam succession .Jan Vedder's wife J^ast of the Macallister's . Lostsilvei^of I'.rilt'ault Love for an hour is love forevitr Master of his fate Mate of the "Easter Hell," e c. Michael and Tneodora I'aul and Christina Preacher's daughter Remember the Alamo Rose of a liundred leaves Scottish sketches . . She loved a sailor Singer from the sea .... Sister to Esau S(|iiire of Sandal-side ... Young people of Shakespeare's dramas Barr, W: M. I'umping machinery . Barrett, Ijawrence. Forrest, Edwin (Am actor ser.) Barrett, Mary. William the silent Barrett, W. A. Flowers and festivals Barrett, AV: Alex. English church com posers. (Or. musicians) Barrie, J. M. Auld licht idylls Better dead, and My Lady Nicotine Edinburgh eleven. An. Holiday in bed, etc. . Little minister .... Tillyloss scandal Two of them .... \Vhen a man's single Window in Thrums . Barriers burned away: by E: P. Roe Barrili, Anton G. Devil's portrait Eleventh commandment . Whimsical wooing .... Barrington; by C: Lever . Barrington's fate; by M. R. Hunt. (N( name) Barrow, W: Sermons Barrows, Anna, ed. Eggs Barrows, H: I), ihternational bi-metal ism . Barrows, J: H: Beecher, H: W. (Am reformers) Barrows, J: H:, e J. World's parliamiuit of religions: Columbian exposition, 1893. 2 vols Barrows, S: J. Baptist meeting house Doom of the ma.iority .... Barrows, S: .1. and Isabel C ,Sha> liacks in camp Barrows. \V: OeiKual, The; or, Twelve nights in the hunter's camp 833.P:iOlj.(K) 839 S3, r. to 813 I!()i')ii.l)2 813.H()l"ill ():> 813.1{l)lili.Oli 813.H()i;i'i 109 813.I!O0O.I 813 H(k;0 20 813 H000.:.'.23 813.I!Oi;0.20 813. Boon. 3 813. Bono 30 813.B(Hli;.40 813.15lHli'i 407 8i3.B(Ki(;.4i; 813 JiOllO 408 813 J!O00..'-iO 813.B(KiO ."rflS 813.B(M10 .-,4 8i3.Bl)00 00 813 lilHiC) 00 813 ISOOO.02 813. j:ooo.oo7 813.B000.71 813.J{(H'i(;.73 813. Bono 740) 813.BO00 74 813.BOO0,.70 822.33. BOO 02L04.BO 792 FO 949.2. W4.0 394. BO 780. BOO 823.BOOOO 823 B(JOO 02 820 9 BOOO S33.BO0O.3 823.B000.4 823 B0G0.8 823.B00I).89 823. BOOO 9 833 BOOO 94 813.B02.0 853 B()4.32 853. B04 3 853.]i04.9 833.L382.0(J 813 HS08.0 2,39, HOO 080. HOO 332 42 BO 288. B3 204. BO :i88.B2 337. BO 790 HO 813.BO0O0.3 BARROWS lO BKCKFOKD BiirrowN, W: (Cuiulud il) Indian's sido of the Iiuliiui i]iioslii)n ',i7(i.ri.H04 Oregon (i7'j.r).U() Unit»'d Stales of yestordiiy and of to- morrow '.I17.;t Udii Harrus, (J: II. Hoilcr t(!sts (j:;i IS lio Biirry, All". Some lights of science on the faith :10l JilMi *Bari-y, Ja. Works. :.' vols. TM KO Barry Lyndon, Memoirs of; by W: M. Thackeray 8:.'a.T3.1 Bai-th, A. R..|igions of India . 299 ll.liO HaMliolow, Roberts. Mati-ria niedica aiul lhera|ieutics Ijl.') l.ISO Bai-tlcic, .J: Familiar ([notations . SUS.liU ISai'tleit, Kobt. K: Lelti'r and the spirit 2U1 liOiiS Bai'iol, «'. A. Principles and portraits . (HO lift) ItartoldiiiniCd Ui I'aolo, Kra; by Mrs. Lucy E. Uaxter Itir artists) 7.')9..i. Ho Hascoin, J: .Sociology .... 302 1!0 Basil; by WilkieCoUiiis .... 8230)1410 Bastiat, F: Essays on political economy 330 4.IJ07 .Sophisms of proti^ction 337 2.1>0 Bast ill, l':(l.siiii S. College botany .>SO.I!o Batavia; by Ucndrik Conscience . 8.39.33 CCi.OO BalilK-lor, J: Ainu of Japan . 91.") 2 UU Bates, H: W. Naturalist on the river Amazons 91S.1 BO Bates, Jos. Early life and later experi- ences, efc ; ed. by J a White 289 3.150 Bates, Jo.sephiiie W. IJIind lead . 813 15082 Bates, Kathei'iue Ijee. English religious dramas ....... 244 Ko Bates, Ijiz/Je. Stories from the moorland 813 lios.7 Bates, \V: W. American marine 387 )!l)8 Battei-.sliall,.lessie P. Food adulteration 014.31.150 Battery, The. and the boiler; by li M. Uallanlyne (i.")4..').1504 Battle and a boy; by UlancheW. Howard 813.H0'.K)0O Battle of New York; by W: O, Stoddard 973.7.SI.02 Battle of the l!ig Hole: by U. O. Shields 978 (i.Sh4 Battletiell. Art of extempore speaking 808.5 1508 Ba\, Ki'iiest Beltbrt. Ethics of socialism. (Soc. sci. ser. ) 335 1502 Outlooks from a new standpoint. (Soc. sci ser.) 304. Bo Religion of socialism. (Soc. sci. ser.) 335.J5(H) Story of the Erencli revolution. (Soc. sci. ser.) 342.44. Bo Ba\, Kraest Belfort, and W: Morris. Socialism. (Soc. sci. ser ) . . . 335.MU *Ba\eii>uarletts for violincello. F . Sonatas for violin. F . . . . Beethoven's nine symphonies: by G: Grove Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas ex- plained: by 10. v. Elterlein Beeton's book of drawing room plays, etc Besinninj;s of history: by F. Leuormant Besiiinins's of New England; by J : Fiske Besuin's daughter: by E. L. llynner Behind closed doors; by Mrs. Anna K. (Green) llohlfc Behind the HUie llidge: by Fes. C. Baylor Heliind time; by G; P. Latnrop ISehnke, Eniil. Child's voice . Behnke, Kniil, atid Lennox Browne. Voice. Song and speech Beinj" a hoy: byC: 1). Warner . Bi-hhei-, Lailn Diana. Mutineers of the Bounty Beleajjiiered city: by Mrs. M. (). W. Oli- phant ....... Belhaven tales, e'r; by Mrs. C. C. Harri- son s Belisle, I). W. Hist of Indet>endence Hall to is.v.i Bell, Sir C: Ihind. Th(^ (Mridgewater treatises) *Bcll, Clarenc'e Clonj-h and Bol). ITn- derwood .lohnson, c'ig. Katth^s and leaders of the civil war; by C; P. Stonn and ofh«»'/'. I vols Bell, KriiCHl., ed. Handbook of athletic sports. (1 vols '.170.3. B:.' 8i:i.M(JS.(l 94;i.01.B3 .537.152 2S.5 8.1!;.' nn-iSKB^ :.'04.B3.(i si:i.B-.>2i.i; S10S.1!2 04().B2.7 177. B2 251. B2 mi).B2.ii (140. B2.. 5 >S13.Stl)14 02 .«0',).B2 8101). 1(2 .S10'.I.W47 i)I'.) S.FiW) '.):i7.04. B2 7.S() B2 li 7.S(; B2 7S(i B2.'.) 787 2.B2 7S7.1.B2 Ci 787.3 B2 7S7 1.B2 7 78.-, 1 B2.3 78(1 41 B2 2 793. B2 '.130 L2(l '.(74.F47 813 B'.) 8 1 3. R( 134 813 BODO 813 L083 02 784 \> B2 784 B(! 8i:!,\V0(lill.() 'J07. P.2 823.044(1.12 I3.H0(1(147.I(1 '.171 81. 1:2 21.-> B(1.4 973.7. SMI 7'((l.l!2 *BeIl, I. Lowthian. Principles of the manufacture of iron and steel (Kl'J 1.B3 B<-ll, J: Chemistry of foods . (114.3. B3 Bell, Lilian. Love affairs of an old maid 813.P>:M.4 Hell, L:, ani( Osc. T. Crosby. Electric railway (J21.33.C0 Bell, N. R. K. (A'. D'Ai.v&rs) Elementary hist, of art 70'J. 1!2 Raftaello Sanzio da Urbino. (Gr. artisis) 7.511 .i.Ro Bellairs, H: Walford. Church, The, and the school 3(10. Ii3 Bellamy, Blanche VV. and Maud W. Goodwin, o/s. Open S'iSame. 3 vols 808. 1!2 ISellauiy, B: Looking backward S13Ii2440 4 Bellevv, Fk. P. W. Chips unnatural his- tory S17.B3.1 Health guyed 817.B2 Bellows, AH). Philosophy of eating lil3.3.B2 Bellows, H: W. Old world in its new face 1(14.B34 Hist. sKetch of the llnion League club 321).(i.B3 Bellows, H: W., and nthere. Christianity and modern thought .... 304. B3 Belloy, Li Mati/iiig de. Columbus, Christo- pher, and the discovery of the new world 910.1i.OJ.(i44 Belt, F: Naturalist in Nicaragua . 917.3.sr, B3 Belton estate; by Ant. Trollope . 833.Tll(54.03 Ben the luggage boy; by H. Alger . 813.A433.(K1 Bench and bar of New York; by L. B. Proctor 340.P(5 Bench work in wood; by W. F. M. Goss 371.42.G6 Beneath two Hags: by Maude B. Booth . 3(.)7.15.B(1.S Benedict, Sic Julius. Weber (Gr. mu- sicians) 78(i.W3 Ben Hur; by Lew Wallace . . 8I3.WO44.0 Benjamin, Park. Voltaic cell. .■)37.B3.8 Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary art in Europe 7011. B:2»; Persia and the Persians .... l)ir>.5.B3 .Story of Persia. (Story of nations). 1135..') B3 Troy. (Epochsof anc. hist ) . ii3l)21.B3 World's paradises nio B2 Bennett, Alfr. anl G: Murray. Crv[)to- gamic botany 5.S().B3 Benson, F. F. Hodo ... 823.B3(> Benthani, Jeremy. Fragment on gov- ernment. 321. B3() Bentley, K:; by R. C. .Jebb. (Eng. men of letters) 820.1), B:3(3 Bentley, Uob. Physiological botany .581. B26 Bentley, W. Holman. Life on the Congo lil(1.72.B2 Benton, T: Hart; by Theo. Roosevelt. (Am. statesmen) 1)73.5. B3(3 Benton, T: Hart. Decision in the Or'^d Scott case 32().7.B3 Thirty years" view, 1820-18.50. 2 vols. . 338.73.B2 Benyowsky Mauritius A., coiint. Mem- oirs and travels; ed. by P. Oliver. (Adv. ser.) 1)15.B2 BeowulC; ed. by .lii. Harrison and Rob, Sharp 83!).3.B3 Bei-an;;rr, Pierre .lean. Poems 841. B3 Itcrddi'. i>;: Browning's message to his time 820.1).B(l(ll).03 ^^^?^^^i#^V^?=fS *-^i%sf THE OLDEST REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY IN BUTTE. ChAS. S. PASSMOHE. NOTABr PUBLIC. FRED P. G U T ELIUS , CIVIL ENOINEEB I=/\? >rs^CDI=RE: 3<: LEADING FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND IDEMNITY INSURANCE AGENTS REAL ESTATE AND MINING BROKERS SURVEY, PLAT AND PUT ON THE MARKET CITY ADDITIONS AND TOWNSITES, LEASE AND BOND MINES, HOUSES BUILT ON INSTALLMENT PLAN. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED, PURCHASE AND SELL MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY BONDS, WARRANTS AND SCRIPT. RENTAL AGENTS FOR NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY OWNERS. OFFICE: 25 WEST GRANITE STREET, BUTTE, MONTANA BABCOCK 6c CO. — *- HATTERS Dunlap's an& Stetson Soft an5 Stitt llDats. ^y.^i'-iiii-.*---.: MENS FINE FURNISHERS. CANS 6c KLEIN, THE LEADING CLOTHIERS. HATTERS AND FURNISHERS OF MONTANA. AGENTS DR. JOAGER'S SANITARY UNDER-WEAR MANHATTAN SHIRTS AND KNOX HATS CANS 6c KLEIN, S. MARKS, MANAGER BUTTE HOUSE. ^W\^ ^•¥ Wit hot it a Rival i:jcin>t sise i*frf4rto. HOTEL BRUNSWICK. HAVANA CIGAR His^hest'Aioard World's Columbian Exposition jfokn E. Davis- DisfribiUing A^-enf, Butte, City, Montana. ^c^ M^ MA Butte art Statneb ®\ass IDorks Tlie glass for the Library Building was furnished by us, secured by sharp competition from eastern firms. If you need Glass, we are in a position to suit you in price and material, as we handle Glass of all descriptions. figure It)in^orDS an^ Paintincjs in tl]c £jtg,l|est Style of \\\z art. Mail orders promptly attendeil to. Write for Esliinates. 336 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTTE JOHN 0. JONES, TRANSFER LINE. PIANOS, FURNITURE AND SAFES MOVED WITH CARE. PIANOS BOXED. SHIPMENTS ATTENDED TO. OFFICE IN M. & B. BLOCK, 19 W. BROADWAY. TELEPHONE 285. RESIDENCE, 427 HOPKINS STREET. BKUG BIGEIjOAV *BerjBr, Ij: ..'!, I!;.' Ber«;eii, J. Y. and Fanny D. Primer of Darwinism: Organic evolution .")T.").]{2 Bprgstressor, P. \'ain excuses an- swered 248. B3 Boi-if the Briton: liv (1: A. Henty IHS.Ul.HO.O Horiiis', Vitus; by 1*. Laoridsen <)'.)S.Br.'ii Beringer, C. KiidJ. J. Text book of as- saying (J()9.9.B:2 Berkeley, G:; by A. Campbell. iPhil. classics) i«.:i.B3.2 Berkeleys and their neighbors: by Molly E. Seawell SIS.SeO.O Berlin and Sans-Soiu-i: by I^. Muhlbaoh 833. M 83 02 Bernard, F., and U: Whiting. Wonder- ful escapes 920. B3 Bernard, H: Meyners. The apodidae. (Nature series) ri9.5.7.B2 Bernard, T: D. Progress of doctrine in the New Testament- .... 32.=i.B2r) Bernhardt. J. VV. Vox humana 7S4 9.B2 Bornheini, H. Suggestive therapeutics . 13-J.B2 Bernstein, E: Lassalle, Ferd., as a so- cial reformer. (Soc sci. Ser.) 3.35.5.LO Bernstein, Julius. Five sen.ses of man. (Inter, sci. ser.) (U1.S.B2 Berry, Duchtm ■>', and the court of Charles X: bv I. de Saint Amand 944 (Hi B2.1 Berry, DiH'(ic88 o', and the court of Louis XVIII: by I. de Saint Amand . , 944.(«;.B2.4 Bert, Paul. First steps in scientific knowledge .i02 B2 Bertram family: by Mrs. Eliz. Charles . 833.C3()(J4.03 Bertrams; by Ant. TroUope . . 823.T()r)4.0r.'i) Besant, \Va. All sorts and conditions of men Armorel of Lyonesse Children of Gibeon Coligny, G. de. (New Plutarch) Cook, Ja. (Eng. men of action) Fifty years ago For faith and freedom French humorists Ivory gate Kalherine Regina London .... Kabelais (Foreign classics) Keb(!l (lueen St. Katherine's by the tower Studies in early French poetry To call her mine. World went very well then Besant, Wa., e7r). D0.02 290. B2 813.F481..'j S23.B0(i(i 03 17S.V4 8I3.A878.0 813.J39.02 813 St(;9.08 S13.K:4C.31 03 Between two loves: by Mrs. A. E. Barr S13.BO(i(5.02S Beulah; by Mrs. Augusta E. Wilson 813.W4447.('2S Bevan, Theo. F. Toil, travel and dis- covery in British New Guinea 919.5.B3 Beveridge, AV: Theological works. 7 vols 252. B2 Beyond recall: by Adeline Sergeant S23.Se632.0 Beyond the gates; by Mrs. E. S. P. Ward. 813 W0623.03 Beyond the Himalayas; by J; Geddie . 915.15.G3 Beyond the Mississippi; by A. D. Richard- son 917.8. R4 Bhagavadgita; tr. by Kashinath Trim- bak Telang 294. Ko Biart, Lucian. Adventures of a young naturalist 917.2. B4 Aztecs 972.01. B4.4 Involuntary voyage 843. B4.4 Bible, The holy 220. B4 Bible and modern discoveries; by H. A. Harper 220.9.HO Bible in public schools .... 377.1. B4 *Bible gallery; by G: Dore . 708.4DG.0 Bible in Spain: by G: Borrow. . 914.(i B6 Bil)le readings for the home circle 2S9.3.B4 Biokersteth, E: H: Yesterday, to-day and forever 831. B4 Biddy club: by G. A. Nicholas .... 647. N4 Bidgood, J: Course of elementary bi- ology .i7(5.B4 Biding his lime; by J: T. Trowbridge S13.T(i(')9.04 Bidlake, J: Truth and consistency of divine revelation 211. B43 Bidwell, U. D.. and H. AVard. Five years with ihe Congo cannibals. . 910 73.\V0 Bienville, Jean B. L. M., .Sfdir de.; by Grace King (Makers of Am. I 976.3. B4.4 Bieibower, .Au.stin Socialism of Christ 33.1.7.B4 Big lirother: l.yG: Cary Egeleston . . S13.E3343.0 Bigelow, J: Bryant, W: C. (Am. men of lettersi S10.9.B69.0 Fremont, J; C. 973.6.F6 Bigelow, J:, td. Franklin, B: 3 vols, . 973.3.F6 BIGG BLACKBURN BisSi C; Christian Platonists of Alex- andria 189.1543 Bigot, Mine. Mary H. Foreign matcli S13.B43 Bill, Ledyard. Minnesota 1I17 7(;.B4 *BilIings, J: S. Ventilation and heating 028 S.B4 Billy's Christmas tree, etc.; by Mrs. S. F. Keene . * 813 K2262.0 Binet. Alf. Psychic life of micro-organ- isms ....... 577.B4 Binet, Alf. tind C: Fere. Animal magnet- ism. (Inter sci. series ) ... 1.34.B4 *Binghaiii, D. Bastile, The. 2 vols. 944.041. B4 *Marriagos of the Bourbons. 2 vols . 944.03.B4 BiDghani, Hiram. Twenty-one years in the Sandwich islands .... 996.9.B46 Biographical stories; by N.Hawthorne I)i920.H09 Biographie.s of words, etc.; by F. Max Muller 412.M8 Bioii. Idylls; tr. by by J. Banks . . J)i 884 (J.T3 Birch, B. Egypt, to B. C. 300. (Anc. hist. from the monuments) .... 933.154 Birch S:, (r. Casket of gems . Bird, C: Elementary geology . . . 550.3.B4 Bird, Isabella Li. See Bishop, iVfr*. Isa.Li. Bird, Kol). M. Nick of the woods . 813.B4()2.6 Bird life of the Bible: by J. G. Wood . 230.85. WO.O Birds and poets, elc; by J: Burroughs . 814.B8.0 Birds' Christmas Carol; by Mrs. K. D. VViggin 813.W433.0 *Bird's-eye view of the world; by O. Reclus, and others 910.R21.04 Birdwood, G: C. M. Industrial arts of India 009.154 Birney, Ja. G., and his times; by W: Birney 339.6.B4 Birrell, Augustine. Bronte, Charlotte, Life of. (Gr. Writers) .... 830.9 156.1 Obiter dicta. 3 vols 820 4.1546 Res judicatae 830.9.154.6 Birth and education; by Marie S. Schwartz 839.73.Seh9.04 Bishop, Emily M. Americanized Del- sarte system 808..").I54 Bishop, Ht. E. Floral home; or First years of Minnesota .... 977.G.B4 Bishop, Mrs. Isa. li. (Bird). Golden Cher- sonese 91.").9.B4 Hawaiian archipelago: six months among the Sandwich islands . . 919.09.154.7 .lourneys in Persia and Kurdistan. 3 vols 915..i.B4 Lady's life in the Rocky Mts . 917.8.B4 Unbeaten tracks in Japan . 915.3.B4 Bisho]>, Natl. H. Thousand miles walk across South America .... 918.3. B4 Voyage of the paper canoe 917 7.B4 Bishop, \V: H: Detmold ... 813.1547.22 Golden justice 813. B47 . 3(14 House hunter in Europe .... 914.1547 House of a merchant jjrince . 813.1547.308 Mexico, California and .\rizona 917 2.1547 Yellow snake 8I3.I!47.92 Bisinar(;k-SchonhauNon, K: Olio von. ]irliicc. Iron chauc(!llor in private life 943.08. B4 Bismark and state .socialism; by W: H. Dawson. (Soc. sci. ser.) . . . 33.'i.r>.Do.o Bissell, i;dw. Cone. Pentateuch, The . 323.1. B4 Bissell, Mary Taylor. Household hygiene 013.5 B4 Physical development and exercise for women 013 B4 Bits of blarney; by R. S. Mackenzie 828. M4 Bits of talk; by Mrs. H. H. .lackson 814. .101 Bits of travel; by Mrs. H. IP Jackson 914.J01 Bits of travel at home; by Mrs. H. H. Jackson 917.3, JOl Bitter-sweet; by J. G. Holland 811.H04.O Bittinger, J. Q. Plea for the Sabbath and for man 263.B4 Bivby, Ja. Thompson Crisis in morals 171. B4 B.jorling, Ph. K. Pumps .... 031.04. B4 Bjornson, BJorustJerne. Works. 3 vols 839 83.B400 Contents:— Vol 1. Biog. sketch, by R. B. Anderson; Synnove Solbakken; Arne; Early tales ana sketches. Vol. 3. Happy boy; Fisher maiden; Later sketches. Vol. 3. Bridal march; Capt. Mansana: Magnhild; Dust. Black, Alex. Photography: indoors and out 770 B4 Story of Ohio 977.1. B4 Black, Rob. Horse-racing in France 798.B4 Jockey club and its founders . 798 B4 4 Black, W: Daughter of Heth . .8:33, 154014 r.'OS Donald Ross of Heimra .... 833.B4014 36 Four MacNicols 833.B4014 368 Goldsmith, Ol. (Eng. men of letters) 820.9.G6 Green pastures and Piccadilly . . 833.B4014.36 In far Lochaber 833.B4014.403 In silk attire 833.B4014.407 Judith Shakespeare .... 833.B4014.4S Kilmeny 833.B4014.44 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart, etc . 833. B4014.4O Macleod of Dare 833.154014.501 Madcap Violet 833.B4014..503 Magic ink, etc 833.B4O14.503 Prince Fortunatus 823.B4014 Princess of Thule 823.B4014.00 Sabina Zembra 833.B4014.70 Shandon bells 823.B4014.73 Stand fast, Craig-Roystonl . 83,3.B4014.78 Strange adventures of a house-boat .833.B4014.783 Strange adventures of a phaeton 823.154014.7803 Sunrise 823.154014.7800 That beautiful wretch . . . 823.B4014.83 Three feathers 823.B4014.830 White heather 833.B4014.938 White wings 8;i3.B401 4.939 Wise women of Inverness, etc . . 833.B4014.9 VVolfenberg 823.B4014.902 Yolande ... ... 823.B4014.96 Black, W:G: Heligoland, c(f . 914,3.5.B4 Black America; by W. L. Clowes . ' 336.8.C4 Black and white; by F. T: Fortune 326.S.F0 Black arrow; by R. L. Stevenson . 833 St283.14 Black Beauty; by .A.nna Sewell 636.1.Se9 Black dwarf; by Sir VVa. Scott . . . 823.ScO 17 Black ice; by A. W. Tourgee . 813.T086.04 Black ivory; by R. M. Ballantyiie . 916.7 B04 ISIack Rifle's mission; by E. Kellogg . 813 K:M4.304 Black watch; by Ja. Grant . 833.G0.04 lllackall, Clarence H. Builder's hard- ware 091.7. B4 Blackburn, H: Art in the mountains 793.1540.0 Blackburn, W: :>!. YoungCalvin in Paris 385. B4 HliACKKTT 23 BOLTON Blackrti, Howaril. Uaril)aldi,G., Life of "JiSliO liliK-klViol loilsri' talcs; by l".: U. lirinneH --".10.7. UO.O Blaokic .1. Stiiai-I Blackic .1 Siiinrt, liU'ratiirc: cd liy Blnckiiioro, U: l>. Ercma Kit anil Kitty Loriia Doiiiii' Mary Ancrly SpriiiKliavoii Blaokstook, E. Fraxer. vikiiiL' ami I'liipire of th Blacksfoii**, Sir \V hv T; M. (.'oolcv. l{urn«, Kob.,T.ife of. 1(11(1 D'hev'. Art and T. M. Coan CradocV; Nowell S30.U.B86.1 701. H4 923.B4l)14.i.l 833.1540145.:; S3:! H4014.-..44 833.1!4014r>,4 S33.B4014r)..^i 82:!.l{4014.'>.7r, Land of Tsar Comtncntaries: ; vols. the ed. Blailcs, W: EiicmifiS of books I'l'ntati'iu-h of printing . . Blaikio, W: How to get strong and how- to Slav so Soniid bodii^s for our boys and sirls Bliiine, Ja. CJ. Life; by T. V. Cooper Lifo and work; by J. C. Ridpath. niiJ (j'hfra ....... Blaine, Ja. (J. Twenty years of con- gress. 2 vols Blair, Ami. Ale.v (.'hemical analysis of iron Blair, H: AV: Temperance movement Blair, Lewis H. Prosperity of the south dependent upon the elevation of the negro Unwise laws Blake, Mary. Twenty-si.x hours a day Blake. Mary E. Summer holiday in Europe Blake, Mary Eliz , and Mary F. Sulli- van. Mexico: jiicturesque, political and progressive . ' . Blake, Mary ■). S., ami otlun. Dress re- form: ed. by Abba l!. VVoolson. Blake. Rob.: by D: Hannay Blake. AV: P. Ceramic art (ieol. reconnaissance in Calif., 18.")3. Q. . Report on precious metals. Paris expo- sition [18071 Blake, Willson W. Cross, The Blanche, Lady Falaise; by J. H. Short- house Blanqui, Jerome Ailolphe Hist, of political economy in Europe . Blarierna, Pietro. Sound in relation to music "Blavai-sky,.!/™'. H. I*. Isis unveiled. 2v Key to Theosophy Bleak house: by C: Dickens 3 vols. Blennerhassett, Harman. Papers; ed. by W: H. Satt'ord Ble-ssed bees. The: by .J: Allen BIe-se.'.).H4 U5.V1.B4 613. 71. B4, 3 013.71. B47 073.8.B4() 1)73.8 B4 328.73. B40 .■540.7. B4 178. B4 326.8. B4 337 3. lU 04'J.B4 914.B40.7 917.2. B44 391.2.B4 942.0.5. B4 666 3 154.1 557 94 B4 609.2. B4 247.9. B4 S:.'3.ShG6.04 .330.9 B4 .534. 3. B4 313. B4 312.B4.4 823.D414.3 973.4 B43 638. A4 S13,B0426.0 8:30 9.C6.0 944 03.R6 813.B0S3 In 833. €046 4 Blind Rosa: by H. Conscience . In 839.33.C00.ir,7 Blinn, Leroy J. Practical workshop companion for tin, sheet-iron and cop- per pi ite workers 071. K4 the L. and Bliss, W: Root Colonial times on Buz- zard's bay Blissard, W. Ethic of usury and inter- est lilithedale romance; by N. Hawthorne . liliK'kade of Phalsberg; by E Erckmann ani A. Chatrian Blockade runners; by .1. Verne ISlockadod family; by A. P. Hague . liloiul royal: by Grant Allen Blossom Kud; by Mrs Julio P. Smith Blouet, Paul. (.Vf Sidney. Sir Ph 943.05.Si2.0 Story of our colonies ... 940.9.BI) BOritUIKXXK 25 BHANN Bourrioiine, Li: A. P. de. Memoirs of Niipoloon. 4 vols Itoiitell. C':. iimi S. T. Avclins- Heraldry Bouiwell, P. Kaekets Bouvot. Mai'sin'ritc. Little Marjorie's love story Prince Tip-Top: a fairy tale . Sweet William Bovet, Marie Anne tie. Gounod, C. Bow of orange ribbon; by Mrs. A. E. Barr Bowen, Ps. (lleanings from a literary life Bowen, G: P. Thirty years of colonial government Bowen, H. C Froebel and education by self-activity Bower, G. S. Hartley. D:, and .la. Mill Bowie, .A: J.. ,/)■. Hydraulic mining Bowker, R. K. Economics for the p-ople Of worl< and wealth- .... Bowles. S: Across the continent Bowman. S. M., cnnf K. B. Irwin. Sher- man and his campaigns Bowne, Borden P. Principles of ethics Boy emigrants; by Noah Brooks Boy engineers; by J. Lukin Boy farmers: by E. Kellogg Boy hunters; by Mayne Keid Boy Joiner and model maker; by E. A Davidson Boy knight; by tJ: A. Henty Boy life in the U. S. Navy; by H. H Clark Boy settlers: by Noah Brooks . Boy slaves; by Mayne Reid Boy tar; by Mayne Reid [Boy travellers] in Africa; by T: VV. Kno.\ in Australasia: by T: W. Kno.x in Ceylon and India; by T: W. Knox in Egypt and the holy land: by T: W. Knox in (ireat Britain and Ireland: by T: \V. Knox in .Japan and China: by T: W. Knox in Mexico: by T: \V. Knox in Siam and .Tava: byT: \V. Knox in northern Europe; by T: ^V. Knox in the Russian empire; by T: \V. Knox in South America; by T; W. Knox . . on the Congo: by T: W. Knox Boy wanderer; by Hector Malot Boy with an idea: by Mrs. Eliz. Eiloart . Boyd, A. K. H. Critical essays of a country parson Recreations of a country parson. 2 vols. Boytl, R. Xelson. Coal pits and pitman Boyesen, H.jalniar Hjorth. Against heavy odds Boyhood in Norway Daughter of the Philistines Essays on (lerman literature Falconberg Gunnar .... Ilka on the hill-top . Light of her countenance 944.0.'). NO.OC) 929().A(* '.eo.Bi'i i?i7'.iil.Il:.'0 si;iBi)S.s.4 .sKi.BiWS.d S13 BCiS.S.V 781.(5 Gi; si;i BoiiC). iii'.i (WD.Bli.S ',i'.)4.Bl) :i72.2 Fi'i.o VJ2 '.) IKXi Ii23 HS.BCi IHII.BC, :«0.4.BG !I17.3.B69 ks, Klbridge S., cd. Great cities of the world Brooks, 11: M. Olden-time music (.Juaint and curious advertisements Bro<>k8, Noah. Boy emigrants Boy settlers 813.B8(J47.1 In 394.JG.5 .572 B().0 573.97. BG.3 171.4.B6 .572. B6 634.0. B6 398. S 14 914.2 G8 973.7.BG4.1 813.M14.1 251 B6 396 9 B661 613. 86 885,6. D2 16 876 3 P4.1 917 98 B6 813 M143.1 325 1 B6 973 8 Sh26 823.B6(56.03 820.9. B6 1 824.B6(36.4 823 B666.66 823.B666.7 823.B666 8 820.9. B6.2 823.B666.98 820.9.B66 820.9 M4 1 621.3 S14 (J24.B66 379. 7472. B6 575. B6 3(M.B66.2 304. B66 fKH.B6 1 tHM.BG3 fHM.B6 34 .396. B66 813.B6()62.4 813.B()(j(i2.46 813.B66(i2.7 974.7 BG 970.1.B{i6 973.BI) 7 3.55. BG 973 B(i 910. B66 780 9.B6 6.59. B6 813.B6lil)4.162 813.B6tjli4.17 BUOOKS 27 BRYANT 813.B(>(iG4 30 rhoo«l of consolation; by 11. do. Balzac Brotlierliood of letters; by J. R. Rees Brousli, Bennett, H. Treatise on mine surveying Bronghani, H:, /«in>H. British constitu tion, etc Dissertations and addresses: rhetorical and literary Dissertations: historical and political Men of letters, 1700-1820 . Natural theology, etc. Speeches Statesmen, 17C)0-1830 .... Brought to the front; by E. Kellogg Broughton house; by Bliss Perry *Bro\vn, Ale.v. Genesis of the U. S. 3 Brown, Alice. Fools of nature Brown, C: Brockden. Arthur Mervyn Wieland Brown, V. Walter. Am. patent system Brown, Ps. Assyriology . Brown, G. Baldwin. Fine arts *Brown, G: W: Baltimore and 19th of April. 1801 973.7..T0 Brown, Helen D. Petrie estate 813.B0()t. Alexander, W. J. Intro, to poetry of Browning . 8209.BG06.0 Berdoe, E: Browning's message to hU . time 820.9.B666.03 Cooke, G: Willis. CJuide book to Brown- ing 831.B60e.lG Defries, Esther Phoebe. Browning primer 831.B600.00 Gosse, Edm. Rob. Browning personalia 830 9.B060.3 Nettleship, J: T. Robt. Browning: es- says and thoughts .... 831.B000.0 Sharp, \V: Life of Browning . . 820.9.B000.7 Triggs. Oscar L. Browning and Whit- man 830.9.B666 86 Browning, Robt. Agamemnon of Aes- chylus; La Saisiaz; Two poets of Croisic; Dramatic idyls; Jocoseria; Feristah"s fancies: Parleyings 831.B(;66.03 Asolando 831.B066.0 Christmas eve and Easter day: Men and women: In a balcony: Dramatis per- sonae; Fifine at the fair, etc. 833.B660.1 Dramatic lyrics 833.B006 Pauline: Paracelsus; Strafford: Sor- dello; Pippa passes; King Victor and King Charles S31.BG0G.6O Red cotton night-cap co\intry; Aristo- phanes' apology: Inn album: Pacchia- rotto and how he worked in distemper, e'c 831,B666.63 Ring and the book .... 831.B666.64 Select poems; ed. by W: J. Rolfe and Heloise E. Hersey 831.B666.7 Browsing among books, etc.; by Abba G. Woolson 040. WO Bruce, H: Houston, S: . 976 4.06.1 Oglethorpe, Ja 975.8. 'i3.1 Bruce, Ph. A. Plantation negro as a freeman 320.8. 156 Brugsch-'ifj/, H: Egyjjt under the Pharaohs 933 B6 Bruin; by Mayne Reid . . 599.7. R34.1 Brunhild: by P. A. de Alarcon 863 A4.1 Brush, Mre. Christine C. Colonel's opera cloak 813.B087.1 Inside our gate 813 B687 4 One summer's les.sons in practical per- spective 743. B6 Brush, G: J. Manual of determinative mineralogy 549 1.150 Brushes and chisels: by T. Serrao SlS.SfcO Brussels International monetary confer- ence, 1893. Report of the U. S. com- missioners 332.44.B0 Bryant, Sophie. Celtic Ireland 914.15.B6 BUYAXT 2S BURGOYNE Bryant, W: Cullen. [Lite]; by J: Uigelow 81(i.'.i B 395. B8 914 Rao 39(i.DG3.1 979.4 B80 813 B8<)G.5 813.B8a5.54 813 08(50.78 813.75886.9 386.758.2 386.B8.8 334.B8 823. B8()9.9 833.75869 Rise and fall of the Columbia Holy war. The . Pilgrim's progress Burdette, Rob. J. moustache, etc. Bureau of Am. republics CHiatemala Bureaucracy: by IL de 75alzac Burge, Ivorenzo. I're-glacial mail and the Aryan race ... Burgess, J. Tom. ICnots, ties and splices Burgess, ,): W. Political science, e'c Burglars in paradise; by Mrn. E S. Ward 7n 813.W0623.64 Burgomaster's wife; by G; Ebers S33.EO 18 Burgoyne,Sir J: Jvife and correspondence; by G. Wrottesley 943.08. B86 817. B86 918 6 B8 117.381. B8 843. BO. 1 .571. B8 656 B8 343 BS H. Mcbl'6 Hrmov^ 1 1 anC> 13 M. parft St. Butte, /IDontana The Only Exclusive Sporting Goods House in the City. "Qinboleeale an^ 'Ketnil Dealer In (5un8, pistols, Htninunitions...'i^ FISHING TACKLE, BASE BALL, ATHLETIC AND SPORTING GOODS Agent for Glover's Dog Remedies. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to.,' .■^.v/^ Robert Koenncv-; -;--: MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF ifur Ganncnts, (Taps anb (3lov>cs LARGEST STOCK IN MONTANA. SEALSKIN GARMENTS a spixiai.tv. Skai. Sacques made over into the latest styles at moderate prices, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Only First- Class Work Do.ne. Highest price paid for Raw Furs. ROBERT ROENNE, 25 W. BROADWAY BUTTE, MONT. (^ '^- We arc II;ii)p\- Because wc are Attcndiiiii DUnE • DUSinEi^ CQLLEGE Open to Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and I5ovs. .Special instruction in all the Commercial and English 13ranches*Penmanship, Shorthand. Type- writing and Music. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. For infnrnintion write or call ;a ColU'ucOtluT- 5th Floor, Owslen Block 2)0 }J) ou t ravel ? Zbcn a IDalisc is a IWcccssitg We have a stock, we think, second to none in Montana . Lots of experience, the ability to bii\ closelv, and ready money, all are ours . There- fore it is to your interest to buy froin us We make it so Do you want any of the little things men need so much V See our new line of HATS and CAPS, SHIRTS and GLOVES, UNDER\VEAR and MEN'S FURNISHINGS We cater to the popular taste and always carry the newest and best goods that appear in the lead ing markets of the world. S- Jacobs 8f Co. THE PIONEERS I Cor. Park and Main Sts., i3i_j-n"E: n?wi.^ ~m '^i\ew i: SOUTIIHRX IlOTIiL DAN TEWEY, Proprietor K.ATI'S SI. 01), Si. 2.5 and S1..M) PER D.AY For the iates charged it is the UesI Hotel in Montana. Excellent Table Board with The Best of Service Everything Neat and Clean Rales for board by the month can be had by applying to the ntlice Easl Broadway, BUTTE. N. B.— Cars from ;ill Ihf iL-pots pas., llu: .loor .^:i Hsii.C) Very much abroad s:.'4.KS(JS Burnet, J: Practical hints on composition in pictures 7."il.I!S Burnett, Mm. Fes. Hodgson. Editha's burglar Fair barbarian .... Giovanni and the other, etc. Ha worths Lindsay's luck .... Little Lord Fauntleroy Little Saint Elizabeth, cte. Louisiana Miss Crespieny .... One I knew best of all Pretty sister of Jose Sara Crewe .... Surly Tim, etc That lass o' Lowries Theo Through one administration Vagabond ia Burnett, P: H. Recollections and opin- ions of an old pioneer .... Rurney, Fes. Sec Arblay, Mme. Fes. d'. Burnhani, Clara Louise. Dearly bought Sl.S.BSfiGS.S Dr. Latimer 813.BSi;i;3.i() Miss Kagg's secretary . . 813.B8(i63 .■)4 Mistress of Ueech-kno-ll .... 813.1iS«J3 5 Next door S13.1iS(iG3 IB No gentleman 813 IWijliS.OG Sane Innatic SIS.USira 7 Young maids and old . SI3 Hsii(i3.',i Burnhani, S. M. Struggles of the nations. ■-' vols '.I0:.>.R8 Burnhani, W. P. Three roads to a com- mission in the U. S. army 35.5.KS Burnhani breaker: by Homer (irecne 813 UiH.l Burning of Rome: by Alf. J. Church 8;i3.C,38r. IS Burning questions; by Wash. Gladden 204.04 Buruley, Ja. Romance of invention BOD.RS Salt. Sir Titu?, and (J. Moore . ()77.Sa4 Burns, Rob. Life: by J: S. Blackie 820.9. ]iS(;.l [Lifel: by J: C. Shairp .... 82().'.i.H8G Burns, Rob. Poetical works 821.1{8() Burnt million: by Ja. Payn 833.POSll).l Biirrell, E: .1. Elementary building con- sirnction and drawing IWO.HS Burritt, Elihu; by J: W: Kirton /nl7S.ti8 Burroughs.,!: Birds and poets, e!c 814. BSO Fresh fields .... .■)U4.B8.2 Indoor studies 814.BS.4 Locusts and wild honey . .504 BS.4 . 813.B8662.23 .813.B8663 204 . S13.B86tC.34 . 813.B8663.3U . 813.B8e62.20 . 813.B8602.44 . 813.B8662.47 . 813 B8662 46 Irt813.B8662.20 810.0 B8 . 813 B86fi2.66 . 813. B86l>2.70 . 813.B8662.78 . 813.B8663 83 /n813.B8i;62,20 .813.B8662.8.3(i . 813.B8662.80 970. P,8 Biii-rongh.s, ,T: ((^iifUulcd) Pepacton ..... Signs and seasons .... Wake- robin Winter sunshine .... Burro»s, Montagu. ('ini|ue ports Burt, Mary E. Literary liindmarks Story of the German Iliad World's literature, Pt. 1 . Burton, E: Heresies of the .Vpostolic age *Biirton, .Sir R: P. Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah. 2 vols .... Burton, Rob. Anatomy of melancholy Burying the hatchet: by K. Kellogg Busey, S: C. Immigration Bush, G: G. Harvard Bush boys: by Mayne Reid . . . Bushman, J. S. Ichthyology Biishnell, Hor Buildingeras in religio Character of .Jesus .... Christian nurture .... Moral uses of dark things Nature and the supernatural Woman suffrage: reform against nature Work and play .... Business life in ancient Rome; by C: G, Herbermann .... Business openings for girls; by Mrs. S. J White "But men must work;" by Rosa N. Carey But yet a woman: by Art. S. Hardy Butcher, S. H. Demosthenes Butler, Alf. J. Ancient Coptic churches of Egypt Butler, B: F. Butler's book . Hutler, Hiram E. Solar biology Butler, .Jos.; by W. L. Collins Butler, Jos. Analogy of religion to the constitution and course of nature Butler, S: Poetical works Butler, W: Mexico in transition Butler, W: A. Domesticus Nothing to wear .... Butler, Sir W: F. Gordon, C: G: . Hero of Pine Ridge Napier. .*«• C: Butt, Beatrice 31. Delicia GeraldiuH Hawthorne Keith Diramnre Buttertield, Dan. Camp and outpost duty fur infantry .... *Rutterworth, B: (Irowth of industrial art Butterworth, Hezekiah. Boys of Green way court Great composers .... In the boyhood of Lincoln Log school-house on theCo'umbia .Story of the tunes .... Wonderful Christmases of old Young folks' hist, of America Y'oung folks' hist of Boston Zigzag journey in the sunny south Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France 504.B8.(i .'J04.B8.7 .'■>08.2 B8.9 r)04. B8.9 042.23. B8 028 B8 831.B8 883 1.B8 273 B86 01.5.3. B8 132.8.B8 813.K'244 266 3-25 1.B8 378.73.B8 91(i.S.R24.1 597. BS •2(M B87.1 232 8. B8 249. B8 170 B8 210. B8 .396 3. B8 040 B8 937 H'2(; 396. 5. W3 833.C062 1 813.H0620.0 frt830.0.M4.1 •281 7 B8 073 7.B88 1.33 .5.BS 2I9B8.1 219.B8 821. B88 273. B8 813. B884 811. B88 043.08 G6.1 070 2. R2 0.54. NO. 1 823.B88S.2 833.B888.3 833 B888.4 ,3:5.5. B88 i;( 10. U.S. 16.6 813.V-88.0 780.9. B8 973.7 L4.1 S13.B88.4 783. B8 394 B8 973. B8 074.46.B3 917 .5. BS 917.1. B8 BITTTERAVORTH 30 CAIilFOKMA Biitter^vorth, Hezekiali ICimclwUd) Zigzag journeys in Australia . Zsgzag journeys in classic lands Zigzag journeys in Europe Zigzag journeys in India Zigzag journeys in northern lands Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes . Zigzag journeys in the British isles Zigzag journeys in the great northwest Zigzag journeys in the Levant Zizzag journeys in the Occident Zigzag journeys in the Orient Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi Buxton, Dudley AVilinot. Anaesthetics Buxton, E: North. Short Stalks Buz; by Maurice Noel By canoe and dog-train among the Cree and Salteaux Indians; by E. R. Young '.119.4. RS •lUIJ.BS 914. ns 915 4 B8 914 8 B8 915 9.B8 914.2. B8S 917 11.B8 916. 3. B8 9173. BS 914.96.B8 917.7.BS 615. 781. B8 799. B8 .595.79.IS'6 206. Y6 By England's aid; by 11: A. Henty . . 949.2. H2 19 By his own might; by W. v. Ilillern 8H3.H44.1 By order of the king: by Victor Hugo By pike and dyke: by G: A. Henty . 949.2 H2.1 By sheer pluck: by CJ: A. Henty . 966.7.H2.1 Bynner, Edwin L. Agnes Surriage 813.B9.03 Begum"s daughter 813 B9.0 Damen's ghost 813.B9.2 Zachary Phips 813.B9.9 Byr, Rob. Cipher despatch 833.B9.1 Byron, G: G. N., '/anjn. Life: by J: Nichol 820 9. B9 Life; by Roden Noel .... 820.9.B9.6 Byron, G: G. N., haivn. Childe Harold's pilgrimage 821.B9.1.7 Letters and journals; ed. by T: Moore . 820.9.B9.D Poetical works 821. B9 By-ways of literature: by D: H. Wheeler 814. W32 By-ways of nature and life; byC. Deming 910.D2 c Cab and caboose: by Kirk Munroe . Cabpl, Isa. Carrington. Seen from the saddle Cabin in the clearing: by B: S. Parker Cabin on the prairie; by C. H. Pearson Cable, G: Bonaventure Busy man's Bible .... Convict lease system ... Creoles of Louisiana Dr. Sevier Freedman's case in equity Grandissimes Madame Delphine .... Negro question Old Creole days .... Strange true stories of Louisiana Cabot, Ja. Elliott. Emerson. R. W. Memoir of. 2 vols Caedmon. Exodus and Daniel; para phrased by T. \V. Hunt Caesar, C. Julius. Abbott, Ja. Julius Caesar Fowler, W. W. Caesar and the Roman imperial system .... Froude, Ja. A. Caesar Trollope, A. Commentaries of Caesar Cae.sar, C. Julius. Commentaries, etc.; tr. by W. A. M'Devitteoini W. S. Bohn Caesar's column; by I. Donnelly Cafl'yn, Mm. Mannington. (hitii) Yellow aster Caged lion: by Charlotte M. Yongo Cahuii, Li'Du. Mago, (/'(i;)*., Adventures of Cainc-, Italpli H., cd. Humorous poems Caine, T: H: Hall. Blind mother. The . Capt'n Davy's honeymoon Coleridge, S: T., Life of . Deemster, The Last confession Caine, W. S. Picturesque India Caird, E: Ilcgel 813.M866.100 798. CO 811.P00.1 813.P;206.1 813.C004.16 220. 8. CO In 326.8.C0.7 976.3.C0.1 813.C004.26 In 326.8. C0.7 813.C0O4.30 813.C0O4.50 326.8. CO 813.C004.64 976.3.C0.7 191.3.E5 1 829.2. CO 937.05. CO 937.O5.C03.3 973.05.C0.2 871.1.CO.S S7S.1.C0.1 813.1)060.1 823.CO 823. CO 9,39.44. Mo 821. Co In 823.0)40 4 S23.C046.1 8;.'0.9.C64.1 823.C04() 2 823.C04().4 91 5.4. CO 193.5. H2.1 Caird J: Intro, to philosophy of religion 201. Co Spinoza 190 Sp4.1 Caird, J:, and others. Faiths of the world 290.C0 Cakes and ale; by Douglas Jerrold . . Jn823.J26.2 Calamities and quarrels of authors: by I. Disraeli 824.D47.1 Caldecott, All". English colonizaiion and empire. (Univ. ext. manuals). . 940.CO Calderon [de la Barca, Pedro]; by E. J. Hasell 8C0.9.C0.3 Calderon the courtier: by E: G: L. Bul- wer 7»i823.B849.14 Calderwood, H. Caffres and caffre mis- sions, etp. 266.004 Handbook of moral philosophy 171.00 Caldwell, C:, jVI. D. Autobiography 610 9.004 Calhoun, J: C; by H. von. Hoist 973.5. C04 Calhoun, J: C. \Vorks. 3 vols. 308.00 Califf, .Jos. M. Notes on military science 355.00 California. Sections of the constitution and the codes of Oalif. relating to oanks, building assns , etc. . . 332.004.7 Assemtilii. Journal. 13th Sess. 1893 353.004 Board of hank ctimmiesiimers. Reports, 1891-3. 3 vols 332.004 niiardof dental e-vaminers. Reports, 1888- 91. 4 vols 617.00 Hoard' f R. P.. commission-rs. Reports, 1880- 82, 1883, 1887. 3 vols 385.00 liumrnnn commtfBtoJier. Reports, 1883- 1893. 10 vols. 368.9794.00 Senate. Journal. 13th sess. 1893 . . 353.0044 Senate and AKKemhhi. Appendices to jour- nal, 1880-1893. 45 vols 3.53.C0 tftate hiard o' education. School law of Ca f., [1893] 379.14.00 Sta'ehO'rdofhorticidlHn:. Report. 1891 . 634.00 Stale ihii'l. California blue book, 1893. . 3.53.00442 California gold book; by VV. W. Allen and R. B. Averv 979.4.A4 CAL.IKORXIA 31 CAPTIVK ♦California illustrated; «(. by F. K. War- ren illT.'.il.WO ♦California interpocula; by U. il. Ban- croft SIT'.i.4.B(i:i.l *«'alir..rnia pastoral; by H. H. Bancroft !)79.4.B(a.(!U Calkins, N. A. Manual of object teaching 373.3. CO Call, Annie Payroll. Power through re- po.<.! (n3.7'.».CO Called bat'k: by F. .1. Kargus . . Sr.':!.F0ii3.1() CalliHs; by Alf. .1. Church . . 938.,5.C3S.1 Calliniachus. Works; tr. by . I. Banks . MSS3.2.H3 Callista; by J: II: Newman 833.N2().1 Calvfi-t, G: and Cecilius: by W: H. Browne 075.2.C0.1 Calvert, Ja.; by Mrs. R. Vernon 2G6.V3 Calvert, J: (Jold rocks of Gr. Britain and Ireland. ./,• 609.2.CO Calvo, .loaquin B. Keonbllc of Costa Rica y72.S0.CO CaniliriilKe, Ada. Little minx 823.Cor>0.4 Marked man S33.Co.Ui..iO My guardian s33.Cor)0..V.» Not all in vain 833.0(150.(1 Three Miss Kings 833.C050.8 Cameron. Verney Li. Across Africa 91().7.C() Among the Turks 91.5.(;.C() Jack Hooper 833.C0.-).4 Cameron, Verney L. e<(. Log of a jack tar. (Adv. ser.i ().i(j.C3(; Cameron pride; by -Vrs. Mary J. Holmes 813.H(i4.5.">.10 Canieronians; by Ja. Grant 823.G.O05 Campbell, Douglas. Puritan in Hol- land, England and .-Vmerica 285.9 Co Campbell, Mn. Helen. American girl's book of work and play . Dr. Martha Scarborough Easiest way in housekeeping and cook ing In foreign kitchens Miss Melinda's opportunity Mrs. Herndon's income Prisoners of poverty abroad Problem of the poor What-to-do club Women wage earners Campbell, Mrs. Helen, and others. van city Campbell, J: Hittiles, The. 2 vols ♦Campbell. J:, L. D. Political survey of liritain. 2 vols. Q. Sy Fians, The Guide to Greek trag Campbell, J: G. ed, Campbell, Lewi.s. edy Sophocles Campbell, T: Poetical works . Camping out; by C. A Stephens Campmates; by Kirk Monroe Camp!^ in the Rockies; by W. A. Baillie Grohman Can you forgive her; by A. Trollope Canada, Voel nirvey. Reporl of progress, 18.53-(i, 18(53-0. 2 vols. Canadians of old: by P. X. de Gaspe Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated pUnls . ... Cannibal islands; by R. M. Ballantyne Cannibals and convicts; by J. Thomas Canning, G:; by Fk. II. Hill Cannon, G: Q Smith, Jos . Life of Canoe and the saddle; by T. Winthrop Canoemates; by Kirk Monroe Cap and gown: some college verse; comp by J. LaRoy Harrison Capes, W. W. Age of the Antonines Livy Roman history: early empire Capitals of Spanish America; by W: E. Curtis Captain Bailey's heir; by G; A. Henty Captain ISlake; by 0: King Captain Carleton: by D'. DeFoe Captain Davy's honeymoon; by.T: H Hall Caine Captain Hatteras, Adventures of; bv J Verne Captain Horace; by Rebecca S. Clarke 813.040646.423 Captain January; by Laura E. Richards. S13.R41.1 Captain Mansana; by B. Rjornson. I)iS.39.83.B466. Vol.3 Captain of the guard; by Ja. Grant 823.G6.10 Captain of the Janizaries; by J. M Ludlow . . . . 813.L83.10 Captainof theKittiewink; by H. D. Ward. 813. W 0623. 10 Captain of the Polestar; etc.; by A. C. Doyle 833.D694.1 Captain Polly; by Sophie Swett . 813.Sw28.1 Captain Sam: by G: O. Eggleston . 813.E3.343.1 Captain Singleton; by I). DeFoe 823.023(5.1 Captains of cadets: by H: Frith . ._ 823.F648.1 Captains of industry; by J. Parton. 3 v. 609.P06 Captive of love; by E: (ireey S13.G6229.1 793.C05.0 813 OO.i(5.7 040.00 641.C05 813 O0.56.5 813.O0r.0..")4 331.4.C05 339.C0.6 813.0(150.9 39(5 5. CO 974 811. CO 939.45.CO 942.C0 398 3.C0.4 SS0.7 CO 882.2 SoO.] 821.005 81.3.St263.11 813.MS00.1 917.8.G0 823 T6(54.70 557 l.CO 843.G07.1 035.00 919.(3.B04.1 919.0.T3 942.07.00(5 398 Sm44 917.97. W4 813.M8(JO,10(5 378. HO 937.07.00 In 873 1 V4.6 937.00.CO 918.08 823.H2(5S.10 S13.K4(531.10 In 823.D230 5 ,S23. 0046,1 843. V2.0 CAPTURING 32 CASSKLL Capturing a locomotive; by W: Pittinger Carbiitt, Mrs. E. H. Five months' fine weath<'r in Canada, Western U.S., and Mexico Carette, Mme., fotmerly Bouvet. Eve of an empire's fall My mistress, the empress Eugenie . Carey, H. C. Unity of lavp Carey, Mrs. M., tr. and cd. Fairy legend of the French provinces Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Aunt Diana Averil Barbara Heathcote's trial "But men must work" Esther Esther Cameron's story For Lilias Little Miss MufFet .... Mary St. .John Merle's crusade Not like other girls .... Our Bessie Wooed and married .... Carlcn, Kmily F. One year Carletoii, Fanny E. Operas: writers and plots Carleton, AVill. City ballads . City legends Farm ballads Farm festivals Farm legends Carleton, W: Traits and stories of Irish peasantry .... Willy Reilly Carlyle, 3In. Jane Welch. Letters memorials; ed. by J, A. Froude Carlyle, T: First 40 years of his life J. A. Froude Life in London; by J. A. Froude Life; by R: Garnett .... Life, bojks and theories; by Alf. Guernsey Carlyle, T: Crit. and Misc. essays. Crit. and misc. essays, vol. 3 . Early kings of Norway French revoluiion Friedrich II of Prussia. 4 vols. Heroes and hero-worsnip Hist, of literature the and by H. 973.7. P48.1 017. coe..^ 1144 07 C08.2S 944,07.E8.1 KU.O) 843.CO .833.C062.0 823.C063.OS 833.C063 06 833.C062.1 823.00(33.27 ■823.C063.378 823.C063 3 833.C062 4 823,C063..5 S23.C062..52 823.C062.66 833.C063.68 833.C063.9 839.73.C0.6 783.C0.6 811.C06.10 811.C06.14 8n.C06.30 811. C06 33 811.C06.34 833 C064.3 S23.C064.9 396.C06 830.9.C06 3.3 820.9. C06. 3 4 820.9.C06.3 v. 1 820.9.C0(; 38 830.9.C06 944. C06 .7n943 06.C6.1.vol.2 . 944.04.C06 943.1. FO In 834.006 809 006 Past and present Sartor resartus Sterling, J; Life of Carlyle, T:, ed. Cromwell's letters and speeches. 3 vols. ..... *Carnian, E/.ra A., and athers. Sheep in- dustry of the U. S Carniina cullegensia; full, liy H: U Waite Carnahan, .la. R. Pythian knighthood CarncKie, And. Am. four-in-liand in I'.ritain Triumphant democracy . . . . Carnot, N-. li-. Sadi. Motive power of lieat ....... Caro, E. George Sand .... Caroline, Queen, Trial of. 3 vols Carpenter. Edilli. Lorenzo do' Medici Jn943.1.F6.vol 4 824.C(« In 834.C06 943.06.06. 1 636.3. U.S 784.6. WO 3(j6.C0 914 3.C01; 330.0) 536 7.00 840.9. D82.1 343.43.00 94.5.').L6.1 Carpenter, Ediu. Ja. Woman of Shaw - mut Carpenter, E: Civilization, etc England's ideal, e'c . Carpenter, Ja., an'lja. Nasniyth. Moon The Carpenter, Mary: by P. Browne Carpenter, Mary T. (Jirl's winter in India Carpenter, W. Boyd. Permanent ele ments of n'ligion Carpenter, W: B. Nat\ire and man *Carpinael, Alt', and E., oi(.<. Patent laws of the world Carr, Ijucien. Missouri Carrington, H: B. Ab-sa-ra-ka: Wyo ming opened Carrington, Kate. Aschenbroedal Carrol, Lewis, pseiid. See Dodgson, C: L Carrots; by Mrs. M. L. Molesworth Carryl, C: E. Admiral's caravan Davy and the goblin Car.stensen, A. Rii.s. Two summers in Greenland Carstensen, G: and C: Gildeineister. N. Y. crystal palace: illus. description of the building .... *Cartaphilus, the wandering Jew, Chron icles selected from the originals of: ed by D. Hoffman. 3 vols Carter, Franklin. Hopkins, M Carter, Mrs. Susan M. Drawing in black and white Cartwright, Julia. Mantegna, Andrea and Fracia. (Gr. artists) Cams, Paul. Ethical problem. The Carvalho, S. X. Incidents of travel and adventure in the far west with Fre- mont's last e.xpedition . . . . Carwithen, J. B. S. Brahminical re- ligion Cary, Alice. Clovernook. 2 vols. Olovernook children .... Snowberries Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Casanova, G. G. de S and escape .... Casati, Gaetano. Ten years in toria. 3 vols. .... Casenov, Hans Miiller-, tr. and ed. Humor of Germany .... Cass, Lewis: by And. C. McLaughlin CasscU's hist, of the war between France and Germany, 1.S70-1S71. Q. Cassell's illus. hist, of the Russo-Turkish war: by pjdm. Oilier. Q. . Cassell's popular luitural history. 3 v. Q. (jassell's technicvtl manuals. Ball, Sir R. S. Elc^m. lessons in apnlied mechanics Croswell. F'k. O. Ilaudrailing and stair cases. ...... Davidson, E. A. Drawing for brick layers Drawing for cabinet-makers Drawing for carpenters and joiners Drawing for niacliinists and engineers Poetical works Imprisonment Equa- S13.C(XK13 9 304. cor) 330 4 CO .-23.3.N0 In .520 9 So5 915 4.C06 :201.C(K1 504 COO.O 3477.C0 977.8.C0 970,1 cm 813.00136 833.M643.1 813.00(569.0 813.00(569.2 919.8.00 cm N.Y. 398 3. H6 285.8. H6 74100 7.59.5. Mo 170 00 917.9.O0 394.00(3 813.00(53 .14 813.0062,146 813.0062 7 811.00(59 In 944.03 MO 91(5.6.00 .8.37.00 973.6.007 944.08.00 949.6 04 590. C07 631.B0 (594.06 693.3. DO 684. DO 680. DO. 2 621. DOS CASSKIilj SS CHANNING Casseil's tcchnioal manuals, (roiic(U(J»(i) Davidson. E. A. Drawing fur metal plate workers Drawing for stonemasons Elements of building construction and architectural drawing Elements of practical perspective Gothic stonework . . . ... Model drawing Orthographic and isometric projection Ryan, C: Systematic drawing and shading Cast away in the cold; by I: F. Hayes Cast up by the sea: bv Sir S:VV. Baker Castaways; by "J a. Otis'" Kaler Castelur, Kinilio. Byron, I>ord, etc. Old Rome and new Italy Castilian days: by J: Hay Castle, Kgerton. Consequences "La Itella," and others . Schools and masters of fence . Castle Blair; by Flora L. Shaw Castle Daly: by Annie Keary Castle Dangerous: by Sir Wa. Scott Castle Hohenwald; by A. Streckfuss Castle in Spain; by Ja. De Mille Castle Richmond; by A. Trollope Castlenion, Harry, pseud. See Kosdick, C: A. Castleneau; by G: P. R. .lames Cat of Bubastes; by G: A. Henty Cat stories; by Mrs. H. H. .Jackson . Cathedral courtship; by Mrs. K. D. Wiggin Cathedral days; by Anna B. Dodd . Cathell, I). W. Book on the physician himself Catherine of Aragon, Divorce of; by J. A. Froude Catherine: a story; by W. M. Thackeray Catherine Owen, pseiiii. Ste Xitsch, Mrs. H. A. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. Craque o" doom Lady of Fort St. John Old Kaskaskia .... Ro,;ky Fork .... Romance of Dollard . Tonty, Story of . White islander .... Caton, J : D. Antelope and deer of America Catskill fairies: by V. \\. .Johnson . Catullus, C. Valerius; by J. Davies Catullus, C. Valerius. I'oems; tr. by Wa. K. Kelly .... Cause of an ice age: by Sir R. S. Ball Cavalcaselle, G. B., and J. A. Crowe. Early Flemish painters *Titian. 2 vols .... Cavaliers of fortune; by Ja. Grant Cavazza, Elizabeth. Don Finimondone Caxtoniana; by E: G. L. Uulwer Caxtons, The; by E: G. L. Uulwer Cazin, Achille. Phenomena and laws of heat Cecil Dreeme; by T. Winthrop Celestial passion; by R: W. Gilder Celestial scenery; by T: Dick (i80 D0.5 6113.1. DO ()9().D0 r)ir>.6.D() 72,3..-.. DO 0.SO. IX)8 .'-.l.^.Do .^,1.->.G.R<) 919.8,110(1 1 823.B042i;.l 813.Iv0436.1O 820.9. C07 914..'..C0 914.6.H09 823.C07S.1 823 C078.4 TiHJ.CO 813.Sh09.1 823.K204 1 rn823.Sc6 21 833.St62.1 823.D3.'J4.10 823.T0IH.107 S23.J0r>.10 932.H3.1 813.J014.1 813.W433.1 914.3.D62 010.4.C0 942.05.C0 In 833.T3.() 823.0083.1 833.C083.40 823.COS3.fi 823.C083.66 823.C083 3 823.COS3 8 S23.COS3.9 599.7. CO 813.J6.368.1 874.1.C0.2 874. CO :->.51.31.B04 759.5 T4.1 U4ll.(;i;.l 813.C080.2 824.B8.1 823.B849 2 536.00 813.VV4lkS.12 811.(;4.1 .523.D4.1 Celiere, Paul. Dr. .1. K. Qnies, Startling exploits of *Century illus. Magazine. Vols. 1 to date Century of dishonor: by Mrs. H. H. Jack- son Century of revolution: by W: S. [..illy Century too soon: by .1: R Musick Century world's fair book for hoys and girls; by Tudor Jenks .... Ceremonial institutions: by H. .Spencer . Certain dangerous tendencies in Ameri- can life: by J. B. Harrison . Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. [Life.]: by Mrs. M. O. W Oliphant Life; by H: E. Watts, {(it- Writers) Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Qui.\ote Cesar Birotteau; by H de Balzac Cesnola, L: Palnia di. Cyprus. Chadwick, F. E., and nthtrs. Ocean steamships Chadwick, French Ensor. Tempera- ment, disease and health. Chainbearer; by J. F. Cooper . Chaldean magician; by E. Eckstein Chalkley, T: Journal .... Chalmers, F: Eng. hearts and Eng. hands Chalmers, T: Adaptation of external na- ture to the moral and intellectual con- stitution of man. 3 vols. Chamberlain, Basil H. Classical poetry of the Japanese Things Japanese . : . . . Chamberlain, Edith Li., and Fanny Douglas. CJentlewoman's book of gar- dening Chamberlain, N. H. What's the matter'.' or, Our tariff and its ta.xes Chamberlain, AV: Manuela Paredes Chamberlain, Everett, and Elias Col- bert. Chicago and the great confla- gration Chambers, C. Hadd.on. Thumb-nail sketches of Australian life Champeaux, Alf. de. Tapestry Champfleury. S c Fleury, Jules Champlin, J: D. Ji: Young folk's ency- clopeadia of common things Chanipney, JI//S Eliz. W. Bourbon lilies In the sky garden Three Vassar girls in I^'rance Three Vassar girls in Switzerland . Three Vassar girls in the Tyrol Witch Winnie Champneys, A. C. Hist, of English Chanc acquaintance; by W. D. Howells Chanc and luck: by R: A. Proctor . Chanc for himself; by J: T. Trowbridge Chandler, Alf. D., and J: C. Sharp, jr. Bicycle tour in England and Wales Chandler, G: Scheme of divine revela- tion Chaney, G; Li. " Aloha "' . Changing base: by W: Everett Channing, W: Ellery. Life: by \V: H. Channing 847. C2 0.50. C2 970 1 JOl 320. L4 81 3. M 87. 5 (i06.C3.4 394 Sp2 .3(M.H0G 800 9 C2.0 860.5.02 9 803 02 843 BO. 12 571 C2 656.03 613 03 813 C666.24 833 El. 13 289.0 03 •267 363 03 21.5.B6.1 895.03 915.3.03.8 71().C3 337.03 813.C305.5 977.3.C6 823.C305.S 740.03 030.03 813.030.56.0 813.03056.4 914.4.03 914.84.03 914.3.03 813.C3056.9 420.9.03 813.H693.13 516.5 P6 813.T669.13 914 2.C3 239 030 919.69.03 81.3.E826.1 ■288.03 CHANNIXG 34 CHILD Channing,\V:iKllery. Works 308.C3 Chantry house; by Charlotte M. Yonge . 823.Ye(i.l3 Chantry priest of Barnet; by Alf. J. Church 8:i3.C3S6.13 Chap in, Alice and AletheaB. Crawford. Letters from great musicians. to "oung people 780.4 Cfi Chapin, E. H. Duties of young men 170.C3 Chapin, F: H. Land of the cliff dwellers 917.S.C3 Mountaineering in Colorado '.I17.88.C3 Chaplain of the fleet; by W. Besant and J. Rice 823.B27.13 Chaplet of pearls; by Charlotte M. Yonge 833. YG6. 1.30 Chapter of adventures; G: A. Henty . 962.1.113 Chapters of Erie, etc.; by C: F., jr. and H: Adams 30i.A2 Chapters on plant life; by vSophie B. Her- rick 580.4. H20 Character; by S: Smiles .... 170.Sm4.1 Character and characteristic men; by E. P.Whipple 814, W3 1 Characteristics; by W: Hazlitt . in 824 HOaO Characteristics; by S. W. Mitchell 813.M481.1 Characteristics; by A. P. Russell . 814 R87.1 Characteristics of women; by Mrs. Anna Jameson 833.33.J05.1 Charcoal drawing: by A. Allonge 741. A4 Charicles; by W. A. Becker . 938.B2.1 Charlemagne. Mombert, J. I. Hist, of Charles the great 944.01.C3 Charlemagne, Legends of; by T: Bul- finch 808.3.B8 Charlemont; by W: (1. Simms 813.Si5.').l Charles I. Abbott, J. Hist, of Charles I. n42()6.C31 Adams, W.H.D. White king. The. 3 v. 942.06.C31.0 Charles II. Abbott, J. Hist, of Charles II. 942.06.C33 Adams, W. H. D. Merry monarch. The 3 vols. 942.06.C33.O Cunningham. P: Sayings of Charles II. 943.06.C33.0 Charles v., Hist, of; by W: H. Prescott nnaW: Robertson. 3 vols. . . 940 7. P6 Charles tiie /joW. Hist, of: by .T; F. Kirk. 3 vols 944.03.C30.4 Charles, Cecil. Honduras ... 917383.03 Charles, Mrs. KHz. Against the stream . 833.C3004.13 Bertram family 823.03064.03 Conciuering and to conquer . 823.C3064.16 Draytons and the Davenants . . . 833.C3064.36 Early dawn 833.03064,30 .loan the maid 833.03064 40 Kitty Trevylyan, Diary of .833.03064.34 Lapsed, but not lost 823.C3064 40 On both sides of the sea . .833.0.3064.66 Schonberg-Oolta family, Chronicles of . 833 C30(H.71 Three martyrs of tlu; 19th century . . 366.03 Victory of the vanquished . . 833.C.3064.84 Winifred Bertram 823.03004.94 Women of Christendom .... 270.C3 Charles, Mrf. Kliz., tr. and curnj). Watch- words for the warfare of life; by M. Luther 284.1.L8.9 Charles .Vuchester; by Mrs. E. S. Sheppard 833.Sli:i6.1 <'liarles (("Malley: by 0: Lever 833.L382.I3 Charlcton, .\rt. C Tin .... 623.34.03 Charley Laurel; by W. H. G. Kingston . 823.K4838.1 Charlie Bell; by E. Kellogg . 813.K244.343 *Charnay, Desire. Ancient cities of the new world. Q. . ... 571.040 Chase, A. AV. Dr. Chase's family physician 640.C3 Chase, H: S. Letters to farmer's sous . 336.32.03 Chasing the sun; by R. M, Ballantyne . 914 81. BO Chata and Chinita; by Louise P. Heaven S13.H308.1 Chateau d' Or; by Mrs. M. ,1. Holmes *Chateaubrianfl, Francois. Atala; ill. by G. Dore Chatrian, Ale.v., jt. author. See Erck- niann K, nnd A. Chatrian. Chats with girlf on self-culture; by Eliza Chester Chatterbo.v, 1892 Chatterton, T: Poetical works Chaucer, Geoffrey, Studies in; by T: R Lounsbury. 3 vols [Life]: by A W. Ward Chaucer, Geoflfrey. Poetical works. 3 v Chautauqua girls at home: by Mrs. Isa M. Alden Cheap money experiments Checkley, Edwin. Physical training Cheever, G: B. Right of the Bible in our public schools Cheever, H: T. Life in the Sandwich islands Chemistry of the sun: by J. N. Lockyer Chenery, Elisha. Alcohol inside out Cheney, Mrs. Ednah D. Gleanings in the fields of art . . . vSally Williams, the mountain girl Cheney, Mrs. Ednah D., and ntlicrs. Em erson, R. W., Genius and character of ed. by F. B. Sanborn Cheney, J: Vance. Golden guess. The Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D. Stories of the saints Cherbuliez, Victor. Cherubini, M. L. C est Chesneau, Ernest artist English school of painting Chester, Alb. H, Catalogue of minerals Chester, Eliza. Gnats with girls on self- culture . Unmarried woman Chesterfield, Ph. Dormer Stanhope. Letters, sentences and moral maxims Cheyne, T: Kelly. Jeremiah . Origin and religious contents of th Psalter Chief justice. The; by K: E. Franzos Child, Fs. Ja., ed. Eng. and Scottish bal lads Child, Gilbert W. Church and state un dcr the Tudors .... Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria. Letters' from New York. 3 vols . Philothea .... Romance of the republic . *Child, Theo. Art and criticism Delicate feasting Desire of beauty Praise of Paris Spanish American republics . 813.H64.5.5.130 843.03.0 374. C3 050. C30 821.03 820 9.C30 4 830.9. C30 821.C30 813.A4324 1 33S.5.C3 615.82.C3 377.1.C3 919 69 03.4 533.7. L6 613,81.C3 Tutor's secret Z. S ; by F. J. Crow- Education of the 704.03 813.0336 7 191.3 E5.13 814.032 283. C3 843. C32 786. C3 707. C32 759.3.C3 549. C3 374.03 396.C3.8 324.: r7.C3 :,J2.1 264.038.033 833.F6.1 831.034 333 C3 917.471.03 813.034.6 813.034.66 704 034 643.03 704. C33 914.436.03 918.C3- CHILD 35 CHURCH ♦Child, Theo., {C(mdtalcd.) SiHiiMUT holidays Child, The; by Matilda II. Kriege life; ed. J: U. Whittier . life in [irose; ed. J: G. Whittier of the island slen; byE. Kellogg Childc Harold's pilerimage; by G: G. N Ityron CliildluHKl of religions; by E: Clodd Childhood of the world; by E: Clodd Children and the church, etc.: by F. E Clark of Abbolsmiiir manse; by Louisa M. Gray of destiny; by Molly E. Seawell of Gibeon; by \Va. Besant of silence; by J. A. Seiss of the abbey; by Regina M. Roche of the cold: by F: Schwatka of the Ghetto; by I. Zangwell. 3 vols. of the king; by F. M. Crawford of the new forest; by F: Marryat . (if the poor; by J. A. Riis of the state; by Florence D, Hill of the siin; by Caroline M. Ciemmer 914.C3 3T3.'.i.K6 SOS 1.W3 s()s.:i.w:i S13.K:>44.()r> 821.B9.1.7 398.04 398.C46 3G7.613.G4.1 S13.Cl>4.1 813.Se0.1 833.B3T.134 3(53.4. Se4 S33.Rr,13.1 919.8. SchSt 3915. ZO 813.0(509.1 823.M06(5.13 338.R4.1 339. H4 831.G3 Children's book; comp. by Hor. E.Scudder 813.Sc833.13 crusade; by G; Z. Gray .... 940.4.0(5 stories in Eng. literature; by Henrietta C. Wright. 3 vols 830.4. W6 stories of Am. progress; by Henrietta C, Wright 973.W(34 Childs, G: "W. Recollections ... (J55 C3 Child's book of nature; by W. Hooker 5fiO.H(; 1 Child's dream of a star; by 0: Dickens . 7(! 8(J8.L4.13 Some In 833.D414.16 Child's garden of verses; by R. L. Steven son Child's history of France; by J; Bonner Child's voice; by E. Behnke Chini; by Mrs. Madeleine V. Uahlgren Chimes, The; by C: Dickens Chimney-corner, The; by Mrs. Stovve China collecting in America; by Alice M. Earle Chipiez, C:, Jt author. See Perrot, Georges, and C: Chipiez. Chips from a German workshop; by F. Max Muller. 4 vols Chips from a teacher's workshop; by L. R. Klemm Chip's unnatural history; by Fk. P. W. Bellevv Chisbolm, J: C. Manual of the coal mines regulation act, I8S7 Chita; by L. Hearn Chittenden, L. E. Lincoln, Abraham, and his administration .... Unknown heroine, An .... Chittenden. AV. LiaTvrence. Ranch verses Choate, I: Bassett. Wells of English Choate, Rufus. Life; by S: (K Brown . Choate, Rufus. Addresses and orations Choice of books; by F. Harrison Choir and musical record, 1863-1871. '> v. Chopin, Francois F: Finck, H. T. Chopin, e(c 831.St2S 1 944. H(5 784.9. B3 81.3.D03.1 r«833.D414.3.vol.l H. B. 39(5. St(j 738. EO 040. MS 370.4. K4 817.B3.1 633.007.03 813.H30(3.1 973.7. L4. 13 973.7.03 811.03 830.9.03 340.03 81.=5.C3 038. H06 680.5 03 780.4. F4 Chopin, Francois F.. (Citncluded.) NiecKs, F. Chopin as man and musician Chopin, Kate, liayou folk Chosen valley; by Mrs. M. II. Foote Chouans; by II. de Balzac Choyce, Ja., Life of. Log of a jack tar ed. by V. L. Cameron Chris and Otho; by Mrs. J. P. Smith Chrissy's endeavor; by Mrs. Isa. M. Aiden Christ and modern thought; by Jos Cook, (did iithcrs .... Christian advices [1808] consolation; by A. P. Peabody economics; by W. Richmond . nurture; by H. Bushnell sociology; by J. H. W. Stnckenberg Christianity and modern thought; by H W. Bellows, (IimJ others Christianity, Islam and the negro race by E: W. BIyden .... 78G.4.C3.6 813.03 S13.F6(58.1 843 BO. 13 6.'j6.C36 813.Sm4.3 813.A4334.136 304.006.1 389.6.036 3.53. P3 330. R41 349. B8 335.7.StS 304. B3 336. B4 Christian's mistake; by Mrs. D. M. Craik 833.0604.13 Christie Johnstone; by 0: Reade . . 7n833.R303.6 Christina, queen of Sweden: by F. W. Bain 5) Christine; by Adeline Sergeant . 8'23.Se633.1 Christlieb, Theo. Indo-British opium trade. 178.8.C3 Christinas books and stories; by C; Dick- ens. 3 vols 833.D414 3 child; by Mrs. M. L. Molesworth . . 833.M643.il carol; by C: Dickens . In 833.D414.3. Vol.1 day and all the year; by Sarah 0. Wool- sey, and (j(fer« 813.W6647.13 eve and Easter day, etc.; by R. Browning 831.B666.1 stories; by W: M. Thackeray . . 833.T3.3 with Cirandma Elsie; by Mrs.M. F.Finley813.F4(>4.3.14 wreck, etc.; by Fk. R. Stockton Christmas-tree land; by Mrs. M. L. Molesworth Christ's folk in the Appennine; by F. Al- exander Christus; by H. W. Longfellow Christy, Rob., eomii. Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. 3 vols . Chronicles of Carlingford; by Mrs. M. O. VV. Oliphant, viz: Miss Majoribanks Perpetual curtte Phoebe, jr. Rector, The Salem chapel Chronicles of Clovernook; by D: Jerrold Chronicles of the Canongate; by Sir \Va. Scott, viz; Fair maid of Perth; or, St. Valentine's day Highland widow Surgeon's daughter Two drovers Chrystal, Jack & Co ; by Kirk Munroe Chuck Purdy; by W: O. Stoddard Church, A. H. Chemistry of paints and painting English earthenware .... English porcelain Food-grains of India .... 813.St614.1 833.M643.13 914.55.A4 813.L66.1 80S 8 03 833,0446 547 823.0446.636 833 0446.636 S33.0446.631 833.0446.704 In 833. J36.4 S33.Sc6.5 In 833.SC6.3 833.Sc6.31 In 833. Sc6.3 813.M860.13 813.St633.13 7.->l.C3 738.03 36 738.C3.3 633.03 CHURCH 36 CLARK Church, A. H., (ConcdwJed.) Foods Precious stones .... Church, A. H. and Ja. F. AV. Johnston Chemistry of common life Church, Alf. J. Burnins of Rome Callias Chantry priest of Barnet . Count of the Saxon shore Henry V Ovid. (Ancient classics) Stories from Livy .... Stories from the Greek tragedians Series from Virgil .... Stories of the East from Herodotus Stories of the magicians Story of Carthage .... Story of early Britain Story of the Hlad .... Story of the Odyssey ... Story of the Pension wars, from Herodo tus Three tlreek children To the lions Two thousand years ago . With the king at Oxford . Young Macedonian .... Church, Alt'. J., a'nl W. J. Brodribb Pliny's letters .... Church, Air. J. and Richmond Seeley Hammer, The .... Church, Ella Rodman. How to furnish a home Money making for ladies VVater-aniraals Church, J: A. Gomstock lode. Q. . Metallurgical journey in Europe Church, R. AV. Anselm, St Bacon, Fs. Dante, e'c. Oxford movement, 1833:18-15 . Spenser. Edm Church, Sir R:; by S. Lane-Poole Church, AV: Conant. Ericsson, J:, Life of. 2 vols Church and creed; by R. H. Newton and the school: by H: W. Bellairs . in modern society; by J. H. Ward . Churchill, C: Poetical works. 3 vols. Churchill, Raudolph S. Men, mine and animils of South Africa Churchman, J: Gospel labours, etc. Churchward, AV: B. My consulate in Samoa Churton Ralph. Prophecies respecting th(^ destruction of .Ieru.salem Chynoweth, \V. Harris. Maximilian Fall of Cicero, M. Tulllus. [Life]; by W. L Collins Life; by A. Trollopo. '2 vols. . Cicero, M. Tullius. Academic (|uestions I)(^ liiiibus; Tusculan disputations; tr, by C. I). Yonce .... Orations; tr. by C. D. Yougo . Oratory and orators; Letters to Q. Cicero and Brutus; tr. by J. S. Watson . 613. 3. C3 .iiacss 660. J G 833.C380 18 938..5.C38.1 833.C386.13 833.0386.16 943.04. H.5 871.3.08.1 937.L4.13 883. C3 873 1.C3 888.1.C3.78 133.C3 9.39.73. C3 942.01 C3 883.1. C3.4 883.1.C3.6 888.1.C3-7 833.C386.S3 833.C386 86 833 C386.8 833.C386 94 823.C386.96 876. 3. P4 1 833 C386 3 645.C3 396.5.C3 599.03 633.09.C3 669 03 382. A6 193 l.BO.l 8.50.9. DO 1 383.03 820.9. Sp. 3 949.,50(i.O3 608. E6 264. 5. N3 260. B2 360. WOtj 821.038 916 8.C3 389.6. 038 919.01.C38 336.038 973.03 875.04.8 186.3. C4.0 875,2.04 875.3.C4 Cicero, M. Tullius, (Concliidtd ) Three books of ol'lices; Cato Major; Laelius; Paradoxes: Scipio's dream; Duties of a magistrate; tr. by C. R. Edward.s ....'.. Treatise on nature of the gods; On divi- nation; On fate: On the republic; On the laws; On standing for the consul- ship; tr. by 0. D. Yonge Cid, Chronicle of the; by R; Markham Cinq-Mars; by Alf. de Vigny . Cipher despatch; by Rob. Byr . Ciphers; by Mrs. Ellen W. Kirk Circuit rider; by E: Eggleston Cist, H: M. Army, The, of the Cumberland Citizeness Bonaparte; by 1. de. Saint- 186 3.04.6 87.=) 4.C4 6 in 940.3 BO 843.V4 833.B9.1 813.K464 14 813.E334.14 973.7.C4 Amand .944.04 J67.7.1 City-state of the Greeks and Romans; by W. W. Fowler Civics for young Americans; by W: M, Grififin Civil liberty and self government; by Fs Lieber service question book Civilization, (■((;. ; by E: Carpenter . Civilization and progress; by. J: B. Crozier Civilization of Christendom, etc., by B Bosanquet Claliin, Mary B. Brampton sketches Whittier, J: G., Personal recollections of Clark, Art. B. L. L. L.; or. .50 law lessons Clark, C. M. Picturesque Ohio Clark, C: Heber. {Max Adcltr) Elbow room Fortunate island .... Out of the hurly burly Random shots Clark, Charlotte M. Baby Rue Clark, H B. Twelve months in Peru Clark, Kdson L. Races of European Turkey Clark, Fs E Children and the church etc. ....... Danger signals Looking out on life .... Mossbaek correspondence Our business boys . . Ways and means .... Young people's prayer meeting Clark, G: Faber. Hist, of temperance reform in Mass., 1813 1883 Clark, G: H. Cromwell. Oliver Clark, G: R. Campaign in the Hlinois, 1778-9 Clark, H. H. Boy life in the U. S. Navy .loe Bentley, naval cadet . Clark, H:AV: Hist, of tithes . Clark, ,1. Scott. Art of reading aloud Clark, .1: Manual of linguistics _ . Clark, J: B., ci'iif F.H. (Jiddings. Mod ern distributive process Clark, .1: S., L: Prang l. BniliiinR superintendence Clark, T: M. .lolin Whopper the news- boy Clark, AV: Savonarola: life and times . Clark, VV:, irncl Meriwether Lewis. Ex*- pedilion to the sources of the Missouri and to the I'acilic ocean. 1S04-5-6. 2 v . Clarke. .\sia ISooth. Booth, the elder and the yoniiKer Clarke, C: C. Moliere-characters . Clarke, K: H. Sex in education Clarke, Kliza. Handel .... Wesley. .Susanna Clarke, F. W., cemji. Weights, measures and money of all nations Clarke, H. Butler. Spanish literature . 'Clarke, I: Ktlwards. Education in the industrial and tine arts in the U. S. .3' Clarke, Ja. Freeman. Autobiography, diary and correspondence; ed. by E: E Hale Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin Christian doctrine of prayer . Essentials and non-essentials of religion Lord's prayer Orthodoxy Self-culture Steps of belief . Ten great religions . 2 vols Clarke. Jos. I. C. Robert tragedy Clarke, Mary C. Girlhood speare's heroines. 5 vols Clarke, Rebecca S. {SapMe May.) DOTTY DIMrl-K STORIES. Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's Dotty Dimple at home Dotty Dimple out west Dotty Dimple at play Dotty Dimple at school Dotty Dimple's flyaway FI.AXIE FKIZZI.E STORIES. Flaxie P>izzle Doctor Papa Little pitchers Twin cousins Kittyleen Flaxie growing up . LITTLE PRIDV STORIES. Little Piudj Sister Susy Capt. Horace Fairy book Cousin Grace Dotty Dimple LITTI.K I'ltrnv'.S FLYAWAY Little folks astray .... Prudy keeping house Aunt Madge's story .... Little grandmother .... LittU' grandfather .... Miss Thi.--tledowu .... (JUINNEHASSET SERIES. Quinnebasset girls .... Emmet: a of Shake- Si 7. C41 3I7.T.C4.1 i;',Kl.C4 8i;i.C40.4 2S2,Sa8.1 017.8. L29.3 702. Bi; 842.MG.1 370. C4 78G HO.l 287. W27 389. C4 8(30.9. C4 '1.42 U.S.I6 288.04 234C4 248.04 230 C4 2G4.1.C4 230.04 6 374.04 210.04 2ik:i.C4 822.040.6 822.33.04.3 813.040646.201 S13.C40<')40.'202 813.040(Hr).:;03 813.0406415 204 813 04064(3 20.-) 813.040(346.206 813 04064(5 241 813 040(546.242 813 040646 243 813.040(54(5 244 813.04064().-245 813 040154(5 246 813.040(54(5.401 813 04064(5.402 813 040(546 403 813.040(546 404 813 C40(54(5.40.'5 813 04064(5.406 SERIES 813.040(546 441 813.040(546 442 8]3 04(ri46 443 813 040646.444 813.040646.44.1 813.040(54(5.44(5 813.040646.62 Clarke, Rebecca S., {('tmduded) Our Helen Asbury twins .... Janet ..:... *Clarke, T: Curtis, and nthcrit. American railway: cd. by T: M. Oooley *Clarke, AV: B., ed. Gallery of British artists Clarke, W: Harrison. Civil service law Clarkson, T: Portraituri! of (.Jnakerism Classen-, Ale.v. (Jualitative chemical an- alysis by electrolysis .... Classic myths in English literature; ed. by C: M. Gayly Claude, 3Iary S. Twilight thoughts Claude Lorrain. [Biography]; by A.J. Dullea Biography: by M. F. Sweetser Claudia; by Amanda M. Douglass . Claverhouse. See Graham, J:, imco'ni', Dundee. Claverings, The; by Ant. Trollope . Clavers, Mrs. Mary, pseud. Sec Kirkland, Mis. C. M. Clay, H: Frost, J: Mill boy of the slashes Shurz, Carl. Life of H: Clay. 2 vols. Clay, H:, Private correspondence of; ed by 0. Colton Clay, H:, and nthcrs. Which'.' protection, free trade or revenue reform'? Clear the track: by E. Werner Clemens, S: L. (Mark Twain) American claimant Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur' court Innocents abroad .... Life on the Mississippi Mark Twain's sketches . One million pound banknote, etc. . Prince and pauper .... Roughing it Stolen white elephant, cte. Tom Sawyer Tramo abroad Clemens, S: L., and C: D. Warner, Gilded age Clement, C: Michelangelo. Clement, 3Iis. Clara Krkskine. See AVaters, Mrs. Clara E. C. Clement, R. E. Oivil government . Clement Ker, Truth about; by Julia Fletcher Clements, M. E. Eagle and dove . Cleopatra. Hist, of; by Ja. Abbott Clerk. Duaald Gas engine Cleveland. C: 1>. ('ompendium of Amer. literature ...... Compendium of Eng. literature Cleveland, Grover. [Life]; by W: O. Stoddard President and his cabinet; by (J. B. Nor- ton Cleveland, Grover. Writings and speeches ...... Cleveland, Rose E. George Eliot's po- etry, etc Long run, The 813.040(546.64 813.040646.65 813,040646.66 6.')(5.04 708.04 3.-)l.l C4 280.6.04 ,54.'5.3.C4 200 GO 813.0408.8 7.-59.4.04 In 7.19..5.T4.7 813 D(58.1 823.T(5(54.14 973..5.040.3 973..5.C40.7 973..5P40 337.04 833 W2.1 813.043.0 813 043.36 914. C43 917.7.043 817 C43.74 813.0426 813.042.66 917.9.043 817.C42.7 813.042.8 914.04 813.042.3 700. M4 .342.73.04 813.F428.14 944.08.04 932.04 621.4.04 810.2.04 820.2.04 973.8.04.7 973.S.C4.6 308. C4 814.042 813.C438.4 CLEVER 3« COIjLIGNON Clever woman of the family: by Charlotte M. Yonge 833.YG6.14 ClcAvs, H: Twenty-eight years in Wall St. 332.6.C42 Cliff-climbers; by Mayne Reid . 915.4.R24.7 Clifford, E: Damien de Veuster, Father: a journey from Cashmere to his home in ITawaii 2a'2.DO Clifford, AV: Kingdon. Common sense of the exact sciences .... .510 C4 Lectures and essays .... 104.04 Clifford, .Ur.. W : K. Aunt Anne 823.C442.0 Last touches, e(c 833.0442.40 Love letters of a worldly woman . 823.0443.4 Wild proxy 823.C442 Cllve, Robt., iwd. Life: by Sir J: Mal- colm. 3 vols [154.04 5 [LifeJ; by Sir C: Wilson .... 954.C4.9 Clockmaker; by T: C. Haliburton . . 813.H(>i4.7 Clocks of Rondaine, etc.; by Fk. R. Stock- ton ....... 813.St614.14 Clodd, E: Childhood of religions 398.04 Childhood of the world .... 398.C!46 Myths and dreams 398.04.5 Story of creation 575.046 Cloister and the hearth; by C: Reade. 2 v S23.R303.14 Cloister life in the days of Cojur de Lion; by tl. D. M. Spence .... 271.Sp3 Close shave; by T: W. Knox . . 813.K(J09.1 Clouston, W. A. Some Persian tales . S91..5;").C4 Clover; by Sarah 0. Woolsey . . .S13.W6fi47.14 Clovernook; by Alice Oary. 2 vols . . 813.00(52 14 Cloveruook cnildren; by Alice Cary . 813.0062.146 Clowes, W. Laird. Black America 336.8.C4 Club of one; by A. P. Russell . 818.R8 Clubs for working girls; by MaudeStanley 396.S106 Clubs of New York, etc.; by Fs. G. Fair- Held 917.471.F0 Cluni, Franklin D. Inebriety 178.1. 04 Cluny MacPherson; by Mrs. A. E. JJarr . 813.B066.1 Cluster of pearls for Christian Endeavor workers; comp. by W. A. N. Borland . 267.613. D() Clutterbuck, Wa. J. Skipper in the Arctic seas . . . " . , gin 8.04 Clutterbuck, AVa. J., ami J.' A. Lees. ]!. C. 1SS7: ramble in British Columbia 917.11. L2 Coal-tar colors; by Theo. Weyl . 340.6. W2 Coan, Titus M. Life in Hawaii . 919 69.06 Coan, Titus M., laxiiiio, (Conclmhd) MaiHUil of mythology in rolation to Gr. art (\>Ilin«W€)<>(l, H. AV. Business hen, The ('olliii^wooil, Harry. Congo rovers. The" t'DlIiiiKWood, \V. G. Raskin, J:, Art teaeliing of . Collins, Cliltoii W. Plato ISaint Simon Sophocles Collins, !•'. Howard. Epitome of Spen- oi'r's Synthetic philosophy . Collins, W. liucas. Aristophanes Jiiitler Cicero Homer's Iliad .... Homer's Odyssey La Fontaine, etc ... Livy r>ucian Montaigne .... Thucydides .... Virgil Collins. Wilkie. After dark, etc Antonina: or. The fall of Rome Armadale . Basil Dead secret Heart and science Hide and seek . "I say no." T^aw and the lady Man and wife Moonstone My miscellanies New Magdalen . No name Poor Miss Finch Queen of hearts Two destinies Woman in white Collins, Wilkie ani. C. Dickins throuahfare Collins, W: Poetical works Collinson, .1: Key to the writings o principal fathers of the chri: church .... Collinson, K: Journal of H. M. S. E prise, 18.50-5. . Collis, Septinia M. Woman's trip Alaska Woman's war record Colonib, v. H. Naval warfare Colonibi, La Macficsi. Wane of an Colonel Carter of Cartersville; by I Smith Floyd's wards; by Mrs. M. V. Terhune Jack: by Dan DeFoe Colonel's daughter; by C: King money: by Lucy C. Lillie opera cloak: by Mrs. C. C. Brush *Colonial tramp; by Hume Nisbet Colorado. Attiirneyrjencml Report, 1889-9() Audi iir nf state. Report, 1388-. Writings of the christian fathers 381. 3. 066 Conybeare, W. J., and J. S. Howson. Paul. St., Life and epistles of . 270.1. Sa6.1 Cook, Alb. S., f(J. Art of poetry 807.Cii Cook, K: T. Ruskin, Studies in 709.R8.ir, COOK 41 CORNE8 Christ and mod party Henry Cook, Ja. ISallantvne, R. M. Cannibal islands .... Besant, Wa. Captain CooV Kippis, A. Narrative of voyages round the world .... Cook, Joel. Eastern tour at home Holiday tour in Europe ... Cook, Jos. Boston Monday lectures, viz Biology Conscience Current religious perils Heredity Labor Marriage Occident Orient Orthodoxy Socialism Ti'anscendentalism Cook, Jos., and '^tllf ern thought .... Cook, K: B. Story of the Baptists Cook, W: W. Corporation problem Trusts . . . • . Cooke, G: WiHis. Browning, Rob., Guide book to Cooke, G: AVingrove. Hist, of [Eng. 16RB-1S33.] 3 vols. Cook, J: E.sten. Bonnybel Vane: St John, gentleman Fanchette Hammpr and rapier Hilt to hilt .... Lord Fairfax .... Mr. Grantley's idea Mohun ....*. Out of the foam Stories of the Old Dominion Surry of Eagle's nest Virginia. (Am. commonwealths) Virginia comedians . Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Laboratory practice . New chemistry, The Scientilic culture, etc. Cooke, M. C. Fungi One thousand objects for the microscope Toilers' in the sea Cooke, Rose Terry. Huckleberries . Sphinx's children Steadfast . Cookson, J. C. Fife- of the Balkans .... Cooley, .\Iice Kingsbury. Asaph . Cooley, T: Mclntyre. Michigan *Cooley, T: M., cd. American railway Cooley, T: M., ami others. Constitutional hist, of U. S. Coolitlge, W. A. B. .Swiss travel and Swi s guide books Coomassie and Magdala: by H: M Stanley Cooper, Ht. C. Short studies in botany Cooper, Ja. Feniniore; by T: R. Louns bury Happy Uodd With the armies '.)lli.i-,.H(}-l 1 'llrt.O.CCiCi Oio.o.crii) 917.4 CCi.-J 914.C(i.:i .570 4.C6 171.i;.CC) 360. C(i .'J75 l.O) 331. C6 173.1. CO 190. CO 91.5. CO •330 CO .33.5.C6 141. CO 301.C06.1 380. CG 380. CO 3.33.14.C6 831.B000 10 339. 9. CO 813 C0(i44.0(') 813 C01i44 3 813.C0(H4 30 813.00044 34 813 00044 30 813.C0044.5 813.C6644 .56 813.00644.08 975.5.06 7 813.00644.78 975.5.C6 813.06644.84 543.1.06 .541. CO .504.006.7 589.2.00 578.6.06 593.06 813.06646.30 813.06646.38 813.C«546.7(; 813.06640.78 949. 6. CO 813.0604 977 4 CO 0.5(1.04 343.73.06 914.94 OJO 9(J7.StO 10 580. C66 810 9 06.4 Cooper, .J a. Feniniore. Afloat and ashore 813.0660.1 Bravo, The 813 C6()6.3 Crater, The 813.C006.4 Chainbearer, The 813.0(566.34 Deerslayer, The 813.00(30.10 Headsman, Tlie 813.0606.5 Hist, of the navy of the U. S. . . . 973 06.6 Home as found 813.0()66.7 Homeward bound 813.0606.0 lleideumauer 813.066(3.8 .lack Tier; or, The Floridareef . . 813 C666.9 Lastof the Mohicans .... 813.0066.11 ]>ionel Lincoln; or, The leaguer of Bos- ton 813.06(30.15 Mercedes of Castile 813 0006 16 Miles Wallingford 813.0606.3 Monikins 813.06(56.17 Oak openings; or. The bee hunter . 813.0(566.18 Pathfinder 813.C660.13 Pilot. The 813.006(3.19 Pioneers, The 813.06(36.13 Prairie, The 813.0660.14 Precaution 813.0666.30 Red Rover 813.0(566.31 Redskins 813.0(566 33 Satanstoe 813.0666.33 Sea lions 813.0066.35 Spy, The 813.0666 36 Two admirals 813.C666.37 Water-witch 813.0666 38 Ways of the hour 813.066(3.39 Wept of the Wish-ton-wish . . . 813.0666 31 Wing-and wing; or, Le Feu Follet . 813.0666 30 Wyandotte 813.0066.33 Cooper, J: H. Treatise on belting . . 631.85 06 Cooper, T: V. Blaine, Ja. G., and J: A. Logan, Lives of 973.8.B40 Cooper, T: V. and H. F. Fenton. Am. politics to 1893 339.06 Cooper, W. J., and J. A. Wanklyn. Air- analysis 533. WO Cooper, AV: M. Flagellation and the flagellants: hist, of the rod . 365.C6 *Cope, E: D. Vertebrata of the tertiary formations of the West. Q. . . .566.U.S. Copelanil, Wilbur F. Handbook of pro- hibition facts 339 81.06 Copleston, Reginald S. Aeschylus . 883.1. A3. 1 Coppee, Francois. True riches . . 813 066 Coppee, H: Conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors. 3 vols .... 946 03.066 Thomas, G;H: 973.7 T36.1 Coral and cocoa-nut; by F. F. Moore . 919.61.M0 Coral island: by R. M. Ballantyne . . 919 0.B04.16 Coral ship: by Kirk Munroe . 813 MS(50.16 Corbett, Julian. Drake, Sic Fs. . 943.05.D6.1 For God and gold 833.0600 Monk. G: ..:... . 943.06 M6.1 Corbin, Caroline F. Woman's philoso- phy of love 170.006 Corinne; by Mme. A. L. G. N. de Stael- Holstein 843.St0.1 Corneille, Pierre, and J. Racine; by H: M. Trollope 840 9 06 8 Cornelius O'Dowd: by C; Lever . 833 L383.1(36 Cornes, C. Mining machinery 633.06 CORNWALLIS 42 CKAIG Coriiwallis, Kinahan. Conquest of Mex- ico and Peru Corot. Camille: by J: VV. Mollett . Corregio, Antonio Allegri: Ijy M. C. Heaton Cori'oyer, Kdouard. Gotliic arcliitecture Corse tie Leon; by G. P. R. James Corson, Hiram. Intro, to study of Shalie- speare Cor.son, Juliet. Family living on $."iOO a year Cort, Mary Lovina. Siam Cortez, Hernando, Hist, of; by J: S. C. Abbott Cortez, Hernando. Despatches; ed. by (ti Folsom Corthell, E. L. Hist, of the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi Cosin, J: Works. 3 vols .... Cosniopolis city club; by W. Gladden Cosnioijolitan railway: by W. Gilpin. Cosmos; by Alex. v. Humboldt. 5 vols. . Cossa, Luigi. Taxation .... Cossack and czar; by D. Ker Cossacks, The; by Count Leo Tolstoi Cote<, V. Cecil. Two girls on a barge . Cotta, Bernhard von. Rocks classified and described Cottin, Mm . Sophie. Elizabeth; or, Ex- iles of Siberia Cotton, J. S., and E. J. Payne. Colonies and dependencies Cotton, Louise. Palmistry *Coues, Elliott. Birds of the northwest *Key to North American birds. Q. Coulanges, Pustel de. Origin of prop- erty in land Coulter, J: 31. Manual of the botany of the Rocky Mt. region .... Coulter, J: M., aid others: Plant dissec- tion Counsel of perfection; by Mrs. Marg. Harrison. Count Alarcos; by B: Disraeli . Hugo of Craenhove; by H. Conscience . of the Saxon shore; by Alf. J. Church Robert of Paris; by Sir Wa. Scott . Ulricn; by W. H. Kingston Counterfeit presentment; by W: D. How ells Counterparts; by Eliz. Sheppard Counte.ss Eve: by J. H. Shorthouso (Jisola; by E. Marlitt of Rudolstadt; by Mrae. A. L A. D. Dud evant Counting the cost: by Cornelia A. Teal Country by-ways; bv Sarah 0. Jewett cousins; by lOrnest Ingersoll doctor: by H. de Balzac doctor: by Sarah O. .Jewett gentleman; by Mrs. M. O. \V. Oliphant living and country thinking; by Mary A, UodgB merchant; by J. B. .lones of the dwarfs: l)y P. B. Du Cliaillu Coupon bonds, etc.: by J: T. Trowbridge 811,011! 759.4.00 7.VJ .5.0i 733.5 CC. 833.J05.1G 833.3:) ShO. 16 GlO.ClKl 915.9 C(j 973.0; 973.03.C6 2 r,37.(i.O; 3.53. CO 3.53 G4 3S5 G4 503. HS 33G.2.C6 947.05. K3 891 73 TO 10 833.0083.78 .549.06 843.068.2 33.5. 3. CO 133.6.C6 598.3.U.S.I0 598.2.C68 333.3.00 581. CO 581 AS 833.H0O(; 1 Iii823.D47.96 839.33.C6.10 833.C386.10 833.Sc0.1 833.K46.1 S13.H09.10 .S33.Sh30.10 833 Shoo 16 833.M00.16 843.D83.168 374 7.T3 813,J39.16 .590.103.1 843. BO. 10 813 J39.108 833.0446.108 SH.no.l 813..1 003.1 916 D8.1 813.T009 168 Courayer, Pierre F. Ije. Validity of the ordinations of the English and the suc- cession of the Anglican church . Course of true love, etc.; by C: Reade Court of Charles IV.; by B. Perez-Galdos Courthorpe, W. J. Addison, Jos Courting and farming; by Mrs. J. P. Smith Courtney, W. L. Mill, J: Stuart Cousin, Victor; by Jules Simon Cousin, A'ictor. Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good Modern philosophv. 3 vols Cousin Bette: by H. de Balzac Grace; by Rebecca S. Clarke . Maude; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes Pons; by H. de Balzac Cousins; by Mrs. L. B. Walford Cowan, J. P. Endeavor doin's down to the corners Mother of the king's children Cowles, M. L. Red bank Cowper, "IV:; by Goldvvin Smith Cowper, AV: Poetical works. 3 vols Cowpertliwaite, J: H. Mflney, silver and finance .... Cox, D:; by G R. Redgrave Cox, G: W. Athenian empire . General hist, of Greece Greeks and the Persians . Mythology of the Aryan nations Tales of ancient Greece Cox, G: AV., ami H. Jones. Popular ro- mances of the middle ages Cox, Harding, and G. Lascelles. Coursing and Falconry. [Badminton library) Cox, Ja. D. Atlanta f . . . March to the sea .... Cox, Palmer. Brownies, The . Brownies at home .... Queer people Cox, S: S. Arctic sunbeams Diversions of a diplomat . Isles of the princes .... Orient sunbeams .... Three decades of federal legislation Why we laugh Coxe, AV: Hist, of the house of Austria 4 vols Marlborough, Duke of. Memoirs of. 3 v Coxwcll, H: My life and balloon experi- ences Cozzens, P: S. Acadia Cozzens, S: AV. Marvelous country; an cient Cibola Crabb. G:, Life of; by T. E. Kebbel Crabb, G: Poetical works Poetical works, selected . Cracker Joe . Craque-o'-doom: by Mary II. Catherwood Craddock, C: Egbert, pseud. Sec Mur- IVep, Mary N. Cradle and nursery; by Christine T. Her- rlck Cradock Nowell; by R: D. Blackmoro Cralts, AA'ilbur P. Sabbath for man Craig, A. K. Vour luck's In your hand Craig, A. L. Women of tho world 383.00 833.R302.16- 863.P30.1 S:.'0.9.A23 813.Sm4.f> 193.7.M4.1 170.C6 109.06 843. BO. 168 813.C4(XM6.405 813.H0455.16 843. BO 1687 833.W043 1 813.C690.3 813.C6?I0.5 813.0694.6 830 9 C69 831.069 333 069 938.04.C6 938 co.a 938 03. CO 391.06 938.069.8" 808 3.00 7;i9.06.1 973.7.C60 973.7. C 09 5 813.069.1 813 069.16 813 069 6 914.06 914 96.06.3 914.96 06 9156.00 328.73.06 817.06.9 •943.6.06 940,7.M06.1 533.6.06 917 1.06 917.91. CO 83O.9.O0O.4 831.C60.6 831.C60. 813.C601 833.0083.1 649. H3 823.B40145.1 363.06 133.6.066 390.C6 CRAIGE 4S CROMWKliL. Craifte, A. S. Organization and inanasje ment of private corporations Ci-iiiKiiish tales, etc.; ed. by Arch. Camp liell Craik, Mrs. Dinah >l. (Mnlock). Abon monoy and otlicr things Advi'nlurcs of a brownie Agatha's husband Alice I>earmont Brave lady .... Bread upon the waters . . . I Christian's mistake . Concerning men, etc. Domestic stories Fair France .... Fairy book .... Hannab Head of the family Hero, A., ttc His little mother In a house boat Is it true'? .... gentlemen John Halifax King Arthur .... Laurel bush .... Lite for a life .... Little lame prince Little Sunshine's holiday Lord Erlistoun Miss Tommy .... Mistress and Maid My mother and I . . . Noble life Isothing new .... Ogilvies Olive Plain speaking .... Poems Romantic tales Kosicrucian .... Sermons out of church •Studies from life Two marriages Unkind word, etc Unknown country Unsentimental journey through Corn wall. F Will Denbigh, nobleman Woman's kingdom Woman's thoughts about woman Young Mrs. Jardine Craik, G:Ij. Hist, of the Eng. language 2 v Shakespeare, England of Craik, H: State, The, in relation to edu cation Cramer, M. E. Tjessons in the science of infinite spirit .... Crane, T: F: Italian popular tales Crane, VV'a. Claims of decorative art Cranl'ord; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell Crater, The; by J. F. Cooper . Craven, Mme. A: Eliane. Fleurange Crawford, Alethea B., and Alice Cha pin. Letters from great musicians to young people 3S0.C60 3'.I8.3.C(I.1 S24.C6G 823.604.0 823.C604.03 .1823 C6(H32 823 C6(H.10 n 823.C604 326 823 Cli(>t.l3 (M().C6 S23.C604.2Gr) 914.4 C()0 823.C6044.2U 823 Cli(H 30 823.CBOt.32 S23.C604.326 S23.Ce04.34 In S23.C604.54 823.C()U4.4 823.C(i04.46 823.C604.446 823 C604.40 823.C604.442 S23.C()04.448 S23.C604,44 II 823 C6W.66S 823.C604..i4 823.Ca)4.547 823.C(>U4.5'.I 823.C6044.66 823.C604 668 823C604 63 823.C604.64 8.4.C()6.6 821 L604 823.C604.66.T /;i808.L4.66 2.52. 4. COO S24.C(!6.7 S23.C604.89 828. C60 914.15.C6 914.23.C6 823.CC)04.94 823.C604.965 SWJ C604 823.C604.fK'i 420.9. C6 822.33 ShO.l. 2 379. C6 615.851.C6 8.i3.C6 704. C6 823.G'J74.1 813.Cti66.4 843.C60 24 843.C60.2 780.4.C6 Land of the Monte- American poli- vols Cravvfor«I, Cora H, zumas Crawl'ord, F. Marion. tician Children of the king . Doctor Claudius Don Orsino Grelfenstein Kaiherine Lauderdale, Marion Darche Marzio's crucilix .... Mr. I.-aacs ><'ovel. The: what it is . Paul Paloll Pietro Uhislcri Koman singer Sant' Ilario Saraciuesca ..... Tale of a lonely parish Three fates. The .... Witch of Prague .... Zoroaster Crayon miscellany; by Wash. Irving Creasy, K. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world Creator and cosmos; by Rob. Shaw- Creators of the age of steel; by W. T Jeans ...... Credulities; by W: Jones . Cree, isJathan. Direct legislation Creed of science; by \V: Graham Breevey, Caroline A. Recreations in botany Creighton. Mandell. Age of Elizabeth Carlisle Hist, of Rome ..... Creoles of Louisiana; by G: W. Cable Crepaz, Adele. Emancipation of women Breswell, F. O. Handrailing and stair- cases ....... Crew, B: J. Practical treatise on petroleum Cricket on the hearth; by C: Dick- ens In823.D414 3 Vol.1 917.2.C60 813.C609.05 S13.C61)9.1 813.C609.26 813.C609.266 813.C(iOct.30 S13.C6U9.4 813.C609.5 813.C609..5O S13.C609.54 80S.3.C60 813 C609.t30 813.C609.62 813.C6U9 66 813.C609.70 813.C609.7 S13.C609.80 813.Cli09.S3 S13.C60i).94 813.C609 96 lu 917.8.16 904. C62 21U.Sh0 672. J 2 398 J 6 321.4 C6 104.1.;6 580. C62 940.7.C6 942.85.C6 937. C62 976.3. CO.l 396.1.C6 694. C 6 665.5.C6 Crimp, AV. Santo. Sewage disposal works Cripps, Wilfred Jos. College and cor- poration plate Crisis of a party; by A: Jacobson Crockett, D: Life and adventures; by J : S. C. Abbott Crockett, D: Life; by himself Crot't, G. Sermons Croker, Mrs. B. M. Family likeness Interference 62S 2.C6 736. C6 3-29.6.J0 973.5. C66 i?i 972.8. R6 360 C66 823.C664.2 823.C664 4 Third person 823.C664.S To let 823.C6(J4.86 Crolius, Tucker & Allen Co. Illus. catalogue of surgical instruments 617 91.C'6 CroU, Ja. Discussions on climate and cosmology 551.56.C6 Stellar evolution .521. C6 Croly, G: Salathiel, the immortal . . S23.C664.7 Croly, Mis. J. C. Thrown on her own re- sources Sim..-, C6 Crombie J. W. Some poets of the people in foreign lands 809.C6 Cromwell, J. Howard. Treatise on belts and pulleys 6'21.8d.C66 CROMWELL 44 CUUTEIS Cromwell, Oliver; by G: H. Clark . Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and speeches; ed. by T: Carlyle. 3 vols. Crook, G:, On the border with; by J. G. Bourke ........ Crookes, AV: Select methods in chemical analysis Crooks, G: R. Simpson, Bishop Matthew, Lite of Crosby, Howard. Christian preacher . Seven churches of Asia .... Crosby, Oscar T. anil L: Bell. Electric railway Crosby, W. O. Tables for the determina- tion of common minerals Cross, Mrs. M- E. (George Eliot). Blind, Matilde. George Eliot. Browning, Oscar. Life of (Jeorge Eliot Kaufman, D: George Eliot and Judaism Woolson, .\bba G. (ieorge Eliot and her heroines Cross, Mrs M. E (George Eliot.) Adam Bede Amos Barton .... Birthday book .... Complete poems Daniel Deronda. 3 vols Felix Holt Janet's repentance . Letters and journals: ed. by J. W. Cross 3 vols Middlemarch. 2 vols Mill on the Floss Miscellaneous essays; Theophrastus vSuch; Veil lifted; Brother Jacob Mr. Giltirs love-story . . Romola. 3 vols *Same. 3 vols Scenes of clerical life .... Cross and crescent; by VV: T. Adams Cross-patch, etc ; by Sarah C. Woolscy Crowded out o' Crofield; by W: O. Stod- dard Crowe, Eyre Evans. Hist, of France. 3 v Crowe, J. A., ani G. B. Cavalcaselle. Early Flemish painters *Tiiian, Life and times of. 3 vols Crowest, P: J. Cherubini Musical groundwork .... Crown of wild olive; by J: Kuskin Crowninsliield, Mrs. Mary B. All among the ligtithouses Ignoramuses, The Crowns and coronations: by W: .Tones Crozier, J: IJ. Civilization and progress Cruikshank, G:, Memoirs of; by F: G. .Stephens , . . . . . Ouiksliaiik, G: Comic almanack. 3 v. I'uncli and .Judy Thn'c courses and a dessert Cruise, I-'w. R: Thomas a Kempis . Cruise in an opium clipper: by L. Ander- son of the Betsey; by Hugh Miller of the Casco: by E. Kellogg of the "Ghost;" by VV: L. Aldcn r of the Midge; by M. Scott 9-12.06.C6.14 942.06.C6.1 973 8.C66.1 .-)43.C(i 387.81.5 3r)l.C0 2.")2.C6ri.7 681.33.C6 549 l.CG 830 9 C6 820.9. C6.1 8;»;9.C6 4 8309.C6.9 833.C667.1 In 833.C667.2 820 8. C6 831 C66 823 C667 3 823 C667..T rrt823.C667.2 830.9 C6.16 833 C6B7.0 S23.C667.8 834.C6(> 7n833.C667.3 833.C(567.9 833 C667.91 833 C(il)7.3 813 A3098 99 813.VVe647.1l) 813 St633.10 944. C6 759.9 CAR 759 9.T4.1 786. C3 780 C6 In .370 4. RS 917 41.C(i6 813.Cli69 4 394.4.J0 901. C 6 740.C6 827 C6 1 827.C0 (! 828.C()8 ;343.] T3.1 178.8. A6 .508 41 M4 813.K344(;2 813.A43:i9.1 823.SCG5.1 799.Sh4.1 ( ruising in the Cascades: by G. O. Shields Crump, Art. Causes of the great fall of prices. . .coincidentally with the de- monetization of silver in Germany Theory of stock e.xcliange speculations Cryptogram, The; by Jules Verne . Crystal hunters: by G: M. Fenn Ciid.jo's cave; by J: T. Trowbridge Cuijp, Aelbert: by Fk. Cundall Cultivation of the senses .... Culture and anarchy, etc ; by M. Arnold Culture and religion; by J. C. Shairp Cuniining, Constance F. Gordon. At home in Fiji Granite crags of California Lad^"s cruise in a French man of war. 3 vols Two happy years in Ceylon Cumniing, J: Is Christianity from God? Cumniing, Ronaleyu Gordon. Hunter's life among lions, elephants, ete , of S. Africa Cumming. W: Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts Cummings, G. D. Geronimo's summer campaign in J885 Cummings, W: H. Purcell Cummins, Mm. Ella S. Story of the files Cummins, Maria S. El Fureidis Lamplighter, The Mabel Vaughan Cumnock, Rob. McL., comj;. .School speaker Cundall, Fk. Landscape and pastoral painters of Holland .... Cundall, Jos. Holbein. Hans . Cunning workmen; by Mrs. Isa. M. Alden 813.A4324 18 Cunningham, Allan. British painters. 3 vols Cunningham, C. D., and F. O. Adams. Swiss confederation .... *Cunninghain, P: Charles II , Sayings of, and story of Nell Gwyn . Revels at court in reigns of Elizabeth and James 1 822.33.Sh0.76.16 Cunningham, W. Use and abuse of money Cunningham, W: (irowth of Eng. dustry and commerce Cuuynghame. Art. T. My command in South Africa Cuore; by E. de Amicis Curate in charge; by Mrs. M. O. VV. OH- phant Curiosities of literature; by 1; Disraeli 3 vols Curious myths of the middle ages; by S, Baring-Gould .... Curiey, Edw. A. Nebraska Currie, Ja. Common school education Curry, .1. L. M. Constitutional govern ment in Spain 342,46.C8 Curse of Koshin; by Lewis VVingfield . 823.W4633.1 Curse of the village: by H. Conscience f» 839.33.C6.16 Curteis, Art. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire 938.07. C8 332.42.C6 332.6. C6 In 843. V2 3 8:23.F266.1 813.Te68.18 In 7.59 9 R84 15-3.C8 834,A66.1 304.Sh0 919.61 C8 917.94 C8 919 6 08 915 48.C8 330.1. C8 799.C8 915.4.C8 9 813.C8 786.P8 810.9. C8 813 C855 2 813.C855.4 813 C855.5 37133.C8 7.59 9.R84 759.3.H6 750. C8 342.494.A2 943 06.C33.1 330 C8 3.30.9 C8 916. 8. C8 853.A5 833 0446 18 834.D47.18 398.3 G6 917.82.08 370.C8 -ly N the l<*drf of the Rocky Mountains are contained all the ele- ments of a great empire. Not only are mountains pro- ductive in silver, copper, gold, coal and wood, hut on the heautiful valleys are raised green vegetables and fruits of all kintis, while sheep and cattle feed on a thousand hills. The marvelous productiveness of the Rocky Mountains brings to the surface the finest barley raised anywhere on earth. Thai reason, added to the enterprise of the managers, explains whv the Centennial Brewino Company CENTENNIAL BREWERY. Furnishes Beer that can be excelled by no brewery, antl can be equalled bv few. Nature favored the Rocky Mountains with an unequalled grade of barley, and the enterprise of Messrs. Leopold Schmidt and Henry Mueller, established right in the Rockies a brewery which has all the latest facilities. They are progressive men, and like all western men are never satisfied to stop, but are constantly introducing new improvements by which the quality of the beer is improved and the <|uanlitv increased. The Centennial Beer is acknowledged the best for home consumption. It is pure and wholesome. Ask your grocer for it, or ring up Zbc dentcnnial Brcwino Compan\), . . BliTTEj MONTANA. ^^^r"^ ^>^#^^ P-*^^ cnnuvin-mni ruiniTUH-co. ARE THE LEADERS IN THE irURniTURB TRADE IN BUTTE. MONTANA Our Mr. Ciiauvin having been connected with it for thirteen years — before railroads were in Butte — and is linown in nearly every household for one hundred miles aiound Butte. Our stock is all new, fresh goods, bought at the ebb tide of hard time prices, and we can knock the spots off the moon in low figures. It will pay you to send your mail orders to us or see us before you buy at 42 WEST BROADWAY ADUOININGTHE OPERA H IN THE I. O. G. T. BUILDING. T. A. GRIGG, M. D., OCULIST I^ye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Diseases of Chest PRAOTIOB LIMITKD TO THCSC OIBKABSS OFFICE HOURS:--9 TO 12 A. M. 2 TO 4 P. M. 7:30 TO 9 P. M. 505 N. MAIN STREET. ROOMS 11 AND 12. BUTTE WM. L. HOGE M. B. BROWNLEE B. C. CHAMBERS MARCUS DALY F. E. SARGEANT Hou'c, Brownlee & Co. BANKERS >) BUTTE CITY, MONTANA Transact a General Banking Business. Exchange Drawn on the leading Cities of Europe. lollections Promptly Attended to. CORRESPONDENTS: Wells, Fargo. & Co., New York; Wells, Fargo iV Co., Salt I.ake; Wells, Fargo & Co., San Fran- co; Ouiaba National Bank, Oniaba, Neb.; First onal Bank, Omaha, Neb.; First National Bank, ion da FIRE INSURANCE. /|\ M I N E S RIGKARDS «"° LEWIS 53 EAST BROADWAY BUTTE, MONTANA. COLLECTION OF RENTS R E A L T Y /h REFER BY PERMISSION TO FIRST NATIONAL BANI^* BUTTE, MONT. CUKTKIS 45 DAUKNKSS Ourteis, G: Herbert. Dissent in Its rela- tion to tiio ehiircli of Kngland . . 280.080 Ciiriiii, Joi-finiali. Myths and folk-loro of Ireland 3!)S.C8.4 Myths and foll<-lore of tlio Russians, western Slavs and Magyars . . . 39S.C8.(i Curtis, A. W. and I). S. Spirit of 'Til; or. The eominii woman; Cliantfeof base; Dr. Mondschein 817. C8 Curli.s, 3.4.CS Ciishiiian, Charlotte; by Clara E. Clement Waters hi I'.a.Bd Custer, Mrs. Eliz. B. Boots and saddles Following the Guidon .... 073.S.C8 3 Tenting on the plains . . .' . 073.8.C8.1 Cutts, K: L. Colchester .... 042. 117.08 *Cuvier, G: C Li. F: I)., luinn. Animal kingdom ."lOO.CS Cynthia Wakeham's money; by Mrs. A. K. Rohlfe ...... S13.R(i34.10 Cyrus the great, Hist, of; by . I. Abbott 03.'i.C0 Czeika. Operetta in profile . 812.09 D Dal) Kinzer; by W: O. Stoddard Daliney, K: H, Causes of the French . revolution Dabney, AV. I). Public regulation railways I)a»lahn, Keli.v. Felicitas Daisy Burns: by Julia Kavanagh Chain: by Charlotte M. Yonge Miller: byH: Jaraes Thornton; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes Travers; by Adelaide F. Samuels . Dall, Mrs Caroline H. What wi^ really know about Shakespeare Dallas, G: M. Diary [in] Russia and England Dalton, AV: Tiger prince: adv. in Abys sinia White elephant: or. Hunters of Ava Daltons; by 0: Lever Daly, C: P. Settlement of Jews in N. A Daly .J. Bowles. Dawn of radicalism Glimpses of Irish industries Daly, J. Bowles, and K: R. Madden Ireland in "08 .... Dame (.'are; by H. Suderman Dame Heraldry; by F. S. W. Danien's ghost; by E. L. Bynner Damien de Veuster, Father; by E. Clifford Damocles, Sword of: by Mrs. Anna K. G Rohlfe Damon, AA': K. Ocean wonders Dampier. AV:; by W. 0. Russell Dana, D. D. Fireman, The 813.St623.20 '.H4.(>4.DOO 385.DO 813.H0664.3 833.Sm48.3 073.7. D03 813.D03.1 833.D0,3 823. K08 2 833.Y66.3 813.J053.2 813,1164.55 30 813.Sa58.20 832.33. DO 947.08. DO 833.D048.84 833.D048.93 823.L383.20 296. Do '.M3.07. Do 914.15.D0.3 941.57.M02 823.Su2.3 029.6. W 813.B9.2 383.D0 813.R634.70 500. DO 910.0.1)0 352.3.DO *Daua, K. Salisbury and Ja. Dwight. System of mineralogy .... 540.D(l.7 Text-book of mineralogy . . . 530 D0.8 Dana, Ja. Dwight. Characteristics of volcanoes 551. 21. DO Corals and coral islands . . . .593.(1.00 Geological story briefly told . . . 5.50.3.D2 Manual of geology .550.2.DO Manual of mineralogy and petrography 540.D0.5 Text book of geology .... 5.50.7 DO Dana, Katharine Floyd. Our Phil, etc. 813 D(«0 Dana, R: H:; by C: Fs. Adams. 2 vols. . 810 0.D06.0 Dana, R: H :, jV. Two years before the mast 6.56.1)0 Dana, AV:F. Emerson, R. W., Optimism of 191.3.E.5.2 Dana, Mrs. AV: Starr. How to know the wild flowers .580.1)0.3 Dance, C: D. Four years in Venezuela . 918.7. Do Danger signals; by Fs. E. Clark 170.04 Daniel; by H. Deano .334 5.DO(i.3 Daniel Deronda; by Mrs. M. E. Cross 833.C«;7.3 Danilevski, G. P. Princess Tarakanova 891.73.DO Danish emigrant, Adv. of, in tjueensland 919.43.1)0 Dante Alighieri. Church, R. W. Dante, etc 850.9.1)0.1 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Dante . 8.51.15 D0.6 Scartazzini, G. A. Handbook to Dante 851.15.ScO Dante Alighieri. Divine comedy; tr. by C: E. Norton. 3 vols. . C. Wright H: F. Gary; illus. Same; tr. by I. *Inferno: tr. bv H: F. Gary; illus. by Dore. F New life; tr. by 0: E. Norton ♦Purgatory and Paradise; tr. by H: Cary; illus. by G. Dore. F. D'Anvers, N., See Bell, N. R. E. Darius tin: ijrcat. Hist, of; by J. Abbott Dark days in Chile; by M. H. Hervey Darkness and dawn: by F: W. Farrar and daylight; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes . 851.15.D0.3.6 . 851.15.D0.9 G. . 851.15.D0 4.3 851.15. DO.02.6 F. . 851.1.5.D0.6.2 935. DO 083. H2 . 823 FO(M3.3 813.H6455.206 DARLING 46 DAVIS Darling, Grace, Life of; by Eva Hope Darniestetcr, A. Mary P. (Ilol)in.soii) Bronte, Emily End of the middle ages .... Margaret of Angoiileme *Dariiiesteter, Ja. and L H. mills, tin. Zend-Avesta. 3 vols. .... Darnley; by (i. P. R. .James Parvvin, C: [Life] ; by G. Allen Life; by G. T. Bellamy .... Life and letters; by Fs. Darwin. 3 vols. Life and worli; by C: V: Holder More criticisms; byT:H: Huxley Darwin, C: Darwinism; ed. by N. Sliep- pard . * Descent of man, etc .... Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species Etfects of cross and self fertilization E.\pression of the emotions Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms . . . . Geological observations .... Insectivorous plants .... Journal of researches during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle Movements and habits of climbing plants Origin of species .... Power of movement in plants Structure and distribution of coral reefs Variation of animals and plants unde d.nmestication. 3 vols. . Various contrivances by which orchid are fertilized by insects What Mr. Darwin saw Darwinism, e'c ; by J: Fiske and politics: by D: G. Ritchie in morals, etc.; by Ps. P. Cobbe Daryi, Ph. Public life in England . Dasent, G: Webbe. Popular tales from the Norse . ■ Da.sh for Khartoum; by G. A. Henty D'Auljigne, J. H. Merle. Story of the re- formation Daudet, Alph. Immortal, The: or, One of the "forty" .... Jack Kings in exile Port Tarascon Tartarin of Tarascon Tartarin on the Alps Daughter of an Egyptian king; by G Ebers of an empress; by L. Muhlbach of Bohemia; by Fes. C. Fisher of Eve; by Mrs. E. W. Kirk . of Fife; l)y Mrs. A. R. Barr of Heth; by \V: I'.lack . of the Philistines; by H. H. Bovesen 014.81 JS.DU 830.!» B6.3 1I40.4.DO 044.02. Maw 2;).5.DO 823 J0.5.3y .575.00,03 .575. Don 575.D0e.3 .575.D06.38 575.D06.7 .573. DOi; 58LD0C.2 581 D06.1 .501.5 DiKj .505.1.0015 .5.50. 4. DO .581,5.006.4 .508.3. Do 581. .5. 00(3.1 575.8 O06 .581.1. D06 .551.00.000 030 D06 .581.006.6 5083.000 040. F4. 3 330. R4. 8 040.C00.2 914.2. DO 839.83.00 962.H3.2 370 0. DO 843.D08.45 843. DOS 843.008,4 843 DOS OS S43.DOS.88 843 008.80 S.33.E0.3 833.M83.30 813.F473 2 813 K464.30 813.B006 2O 813 B401 4.208 813.15602.2 by Mrs. C. C. Harrison 813.H06047.2O Crag, glacier and av- 790. DOS 018.7.O0.2 of the South, eir. Daunt, Achilles. alanche . Frank Redcliffo l-and of the moose, the bear and the beaver 917.12,1)0.4 Our sea-coast heroes .... 614. 868. Dos Daunt. Achilles, {Concluded) Three trappers With pack and rille In the far southwest Davenport Dunn; by C: Lever David. Deane, W: J. David Tngrahara, J. H. Throne of David Taylor, W: M. David, king of Israel. Uavid Allen's daughter, c'c : by JaneG Austin Balfour; by Rob. L: Stevenson Copperfield; by C: Dickens Elginbrod: by G: MacOonald . Grieve; by Mrs. Mary A. Ward *Davids, T. W. Rhys, tr. Buddhist Suttas, *Melinda, King, The questions of . *Vinaya texts. 3 vols. ... Davidsi>n, Kllis A. Boy joiner and mode maker Drawing for bricklayers . Drawing for cabinet makers . Drawing for carpenters and joiners Drawing for machinists and engineers Drawing for metal plate workers . Drawing for stone masons Elements of building construction, etc. Elements of practical perspective . Gothic stone work .... Model drawing . . . • . Orthographic and isoraetrical projection Davidson, Ja. "W^ard. Florida of to-day Davidson, T: Aristotle Prolegomena to "In memoriam" Davie, Oliver. Nests and eggs of N A birds . Davies, D. C. Treatise on earthy min erals, e'c. Treatise on metalliferous minerals, etc. Treatise on slate and slate quarrying Davies, F: Temperance drinks for sum- mer and winter .... Davies, Ja. Hesiod and Theognis Davies, T: Dramatic miscellanies. 3 v tiarrick, D:. Memoirs of. 2v Davis, C: T. Manufacture of paper Steam boiler incrustation Davis, G. G., and Rob. N. Keely, Jr. In Arctic seas Davis, G: F. Practical microscopy . Davis, Ht. Kiddle. Gilbert Elgar's .son Davis, Irenaeus P., and A. H. Guernsey. Health at home Davis, J. C. Mr. Fish and the Alabama claims *Davis, Jefferson. Rise and fall of the Confederate government 2 vols. Davis, J:, the navigator; by C. R. Mark- ham Davis, L: S. Studies in musical hi;tory Davis, Nathan. Carthage and her re- mains Davis, Rebecca Harding. KentHamp den Davis, R: Harding. tJallegher, etc. Rulers of the Mediterranean . Van Bibber, and others . West from a car window . 017.12. D0.8 917 28. DO 823.L282.208 223.4. D0.2 232.5. DO.S 813.A878.30 823.St383.20 S33.D414.4 823.M36;iO 833.W063.2 294.00 294. DO. 5 294.O0.8 080.008 093 2.1)0 084. Do 680. DO. 2 621.008 OSO. Do 003. 1.00 690 Do 515.0 Do 723.5. DO . 080 O08 515.D0 917. .59. DO 370.9.A6 821 T3 4.3 .508,2.008 622 D0.3 540. DOS 632.22 DO 642 DO 8S3 3.H2.2 792,00 2 792.G06 670. DO 021.18.00 919.8.P2.4 .578, DO 813.0084 3 013.G8 973,8.F4 973.7.D08 919 8. 008.5 780 9 OO 939.73. DO 813 1)084.4 813 0084.30 916.00 813.D084.8 917.64.00 IIAVIS 47 DFIMOCRACY Davis, li: H., iriir; nlherf. (Ireiit streets of world Davis, Wiiitlold .1. rolitical conventions of California Davy ami tlii' goblin: by C: E. Carryl Dawes, Anna li. How we are governed Sumner, C: Dawn; bv II. Kider Ilasgard of radicalism; by J. B. Daly Dawson, Slr.f. W : Oeol. hist, of plants Modern ideas of evolution Modern sciences in Bible lands Nature and the Hible Story of the earth and man Dawson, S. K. Study of "The princess" Dawson, W.J. Makersof modern English Dawson, W: H. Bismarck and state socialism (lerman socialism and Ferdinand Las- salle Unearned increment Day, AW. Complete shorthand manual Day, H: X. Science of education Day, Lewis F. Nature in ornament Ornamental design .... Day, S: Phillips. Reynard the fox Day, T: Sandford and Merton Day, W: Racehorse in training Turf celebrities I have known Day and night stories: by T. R. Sullivan of fate: by E: P. Roe Daylight land: by VV. H. H. Murray Days and nights in the tropics: by F. L Oswald of Bruce; by Grace Aguilar of chivalry; by VV. H. D. Adams of my life; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant out of doors: by C: G. Abbott . ride: by C: Lever .... with industrials: by A. H. .lapp Dead secret: by Wilkie Collins shot; or, Sportsman's guide tryst, etc ; by Ja. Grant .... Dealings with the fairies; by (J: Mac- Donald Dean, Amos. Bryant and Stratton's com- mercial law Dean, C. .Science of utterance Dean, Theresa. How to be beautiful Dean Maitland, .Silence of; by M. < Tuttiet Deane, Fannie .-V. National llowers Deane, H. Daniel .... Deane, \V. J. Abraham David Joshua Samuel and Saul .... Dear Lady Disdain: by J. McCarthy Dearly bought; by Clara L. Burnham Death— and afterwards; by Sir Edwin Arnold Del) and thc^ duchess; by Eliz. T. Smith Debit and credit; by G. Freytag De Bow, J. D. IJ. Industrial resources of southern and western states [1853-.3 ] 3 v Decision of the court: by J. B. Matthews 'in. Do :»j.DO 8i:i.CtM69.2 ;ir)3.D()9 'J73.8.Sur> 1 823. H033 :.' 94::! 07. Do SUl.Dll .57.5.008 220.8 D09 2I.''i.D08 5110, D09 821.T2.(J.2 820.4. Do 33.-1..') Do 33.5.5 D02 333. DO 653 6.D09 370 1.D09 745.00.(5 74.5.D0.0 823 Dog.lj 823. D09 798. DO 798. DO. 8 813.Su4 S).3.R(53 2 917 I.MS 918.1.07 823.A38.2 ,394.7.A2 823 ()446:.'0 :504.A0.3 833. L283.209 640 JO 833.Cfi44.22 799. MO 823.G6 2 833.M36.22 347.7.D2 808 5.1)20 613. D2 823. T88 2 580. D30 334.5. D06.3 221.1.A0.2 233.4.D0 2 222 1.J6.2 223.4.Sa5 3 823.M1.33 813.B8663.3 337 A66 823 Sm4S 22 833.F(i3.3 917.3 D2 812.M08.3 tire in True De Costa. B. F. Pre-Columbian discov- ery of America by the Northmen Dedication of books; by II: B. Wheatley Deeds worth telling: by E: A. Rand Deemster, The: by T: H: Hall Caine Deep down: by R. M. Hallantyne l>eephaven; by Sa. Orne Jewett Defoe, Dan.: by \V: Minto Defoe, Dan. Capt. Singleton; Colonel Jack Duncan Campbell: New voyage round the world: Warning against innova- tions; But what if the queen should die'?; Reasons against succession of House of Hanover; What if the pre- tender should come? Memoirs of a cavalier; Capt. Carleton Everybody's business is nobody's busi ness Moll Flanders; Hist, of the Devil . Plague in London, 1665; Great London, 1666; The storm, 1703; born Englishmen .... Robinson Crusoe .... Roxana; Mrs. Christian Davies De Forest, J. W. Miss Ravenel's conver sion Defries, Esther P. Browning primer De Garmo, C: Essentials of method De Graff, Esmond V. Development les sons School room guide .... Delaborde, Henri, vicumte. Engraving Deland, Marg, Florida days . John Ward, preacher Mr. Tommy Dove. etc. Sidney Story of a child . T . . De la Roche, Paul; by J. Runtz Rees Delaware; by G: P. R. James De Leon, T. C. Four years in Rebe capitals De Leon, T. C , and K. Ledyard Holden. unionist .... Delicate feasting; by Theo Child Delicia; by Beatrice M. Butt De Long, G W. and others. Our lost plorers: Jeannette De Lornie; by G: P. R. James . Delta liixby: by Kirn Munroe . Deluge, The: by Henryk Sienkiewicz. 3 v, DeMille, Ja. Among the brigands B. O. Vf. C. SERIES. B. O. W. C Boys of Grand F're School Lost in the fog .... Fire in the woods Picked up adrift Treasure of the seas . Castle in Spiin . Dodge club; or, Italy in 18.59 . Lady of the ice . Lily and the cross Seven hills Winged lion, The: or. Stories of Venice Deming, Clarence. By ways of nature and life Democracy: an American novel in Europe; by T: E May Job 973.1. D3 8(M.VV3 904 RO 8:33.C046 2 633. B04 813.J29.23 830.9. D3 823 1)326.1 833.D326.28 823.D226.5 833.D326.56 942 06.D32 823.D226.0 833 D236.66 813.D:32.5 821.B666.66 371.3. D23 371.3. D2 371.D2 760. D3 917..59.D3 813 D240.46 813.D310.5 813 D340,74 813.D340.78 I/i 759.4. V2 823.J05.83 973.6. D2 813.D243 643.C3 823.B88S.2 919.8. D2.4 833. J05 22 /n813 M866.13 891 853.Si2.2 813.D254.91 S13.D254.01 813 D254.02 813.D2.54 03 813.D:i.54 04 813 D254 0(3 813 D354.05 813.D2.54.10 813.D2.54 26 813.D2.54.4 813.D2.54.44 813 D254 93 813.D254.92 910. D3 813. D35 940. MO DEMOCRATIC 48 DIOKKN8 Deniocratio Convention, Chicago 1893. Trocecdings ...... l>enioii of gold; by H. Conscience Demosthenes. [Life]; by \V. J. Brodribb Life; by S. IL Butcher Demosthenes. Olynthiacs, etc.; tr. by C: R. Kennedy Orations: tr. by C: K. Kennedy Orations against Leptines, etc.; tr. by C: R. Kennedy Orations against Timocrates, etc ; tr. by C: R. Kennedy Orations on the crown, etc.; tr. by C: R. Kennedy Denis Duval, by W; M. Thackery Denison, C: Rocky mountain health re- sorts Denison G: T. History of cavalry . Denison. 3Iary A. Romance of a school boy That husband of mine . . . . That wife of mine Denning, \V: F. Telescopic work for starlight evenings Denslow, Van Buren. Economic phil- osophy Modern thinkers Denslow, A'an Biiren,a»ci Jane M Par- ker. Edison, T: A., and 8: F. B. Morse Denzil Quarrier; by G: R. (iissing . Departmental ditties, etc.; by R. Kipling Depew, Chauncey M. Orations and after dinner speeches .... Oeppins. Guillaunie. Wonders of bod- ily strength and skill . De Quille, Dan. Comstock silver lode Hist, of tue liig Bonanza De Qiiincey, T:; by D: Masson 0« Quineey, T: Autobiographic sketches Biographical and historical essays Confessions of an English opium eater . Eighteenth century in scholarship and literature Essays in ancient history Essays in philosophy .... Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition Ijiterary criticism Literary reminiscences .... Narrative and miscellaneous papers I'olitics and political economy Romances and extravaganzas . De Quinoey, T:, iiii I others. Wider hope . Deriifk Sterling; by Kirk Munroe . Derby, K: C. S. S., UUi carl; byG: Saints- bury ....... Dcrval Hampton; by .Ja. Grant Descartes, Itene; by J. V. Mahafl'y Desc^artes, Kene. Philosopliy; tr. and ed. by H; A. 1'. Torrey .... Deschanel, A, I'rivet. Elementary treat- ises on natural philosophy DesiTt homis; by Mayno lioid Deserter, Tlie; by (': Iving Desmond hundred; by. lane (J. Austin DeSoto, l''erdinaiid; by ,J ; S. C. Abbott Desperate remedies; by T; Hardy 339.3.D;3 839..33.CI) 23 88.5 (i D3 U; In 830.9 M4.1 .ss.") i).D2 1; 88.5. 0.03.5 885 6.D3 4 885.G.D3,»; SS5(;.D3,1 In 833.T3.1 917.8 D3 3.57.D3 S13.D264.() 813.D364.8 813 D304,83 533.3. D3 330 D3 1SI0.D3 G31.3.E3.3 823.G477.3 831. K4 81.5. D3 790. D2 633.09.1)2.1 022 09.D2 830.9. D3() 830.9.1)36.0 804.D2.0 830.9.D30.1 804.D3.3 937.05 D3 190. D26 304. D3 804.D3.4 820.4.D3.4 040. D3 331. D2 823.D368 237.6, D2 813.M86fl.22 942.08. D2 833. GO 33 194.1. n3.5 194 1.1)3.8 530. 1 )3 917.8. R3 813 K4(i31.32 813.A878.23 975.9. D2 823.H062.22 Despot of Broomsedge cove; by Mary N. Murfree Destruction of Gotham; by Joaquin Miller Detmold; by W: H: Bishop Deucalion: by J: Ruskin .... Development lessons; by E. V. Ue Graff DeVere, Scheie. Leaves from the book of nature Devereu.\; by E: G: Bulwer Devil's portrait; by A. G. Btrrili Devon boys; by G; M. Fenn Dewey, J: Psychology .... Dewey, Orville. Works .... Dewing, Mrs. 3Iaria K. Beauty in dress Beauty in the household DeAVint, P;; by G. R. Redgrave De Woll", Austin. Town meeting; Mass. law Hist, of Yale uni- Handbook of Con- Co-operative sav- F. Max Dexter, Franklin. versity De.vter, H: Marty n gregationalism Dexter, Seymour. ings and loan associations *Dhamniapada, The; tr. by Muller Dialect tales: oy Mrs. Kath. S. McDowell Diana of the crossways; by G; Meredith Diane Coryval Diary, A., etc.; by Fredrika Bremer of an ennuyee; by Mrs. Anna Jameson . of a pilgrimage; by Jerome K. Jerome . Diaz. Mrs. Abby Morton. Only a flock of women ...... William Henry letters .... Diaz, Narcisse Virgil; by J; W. Mol- lett Diaz, Rodigo, n/ Bivar Sec Cid, The Dibble, E. L. Vagaries of sanitary science Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule Dicey, E: Victor Emmanuel Dick, T: Celestial scenery Philosophy of religion Sidereal heavens .... Dick, W. B., ed. Dick's recitations. 17 \ Dick Nctherby; by Mrs. L. B. Walford o' the fens; by G; M. Fenn Onslow; by W. H. G. Kingston Rodney; by Ja. Grant Sands; by J. Verne .... Dickens, C: Dickens, Mamie. Life i C: Dickens Forster, J: Life of C; Dickens. 3 vol Jones, G; H. Life of C: Dickens Marzials, Fk. T. Life of C; Dickens Pierce, G. A., and \V: A. Wheeler. Dick- ens dictionary ..... Stoddard. R: H: C; Dickens; anecdote biography Ward, A. \V. C; Dickens l)i D41 8:;:i. 1)414.3 D4'14.3.Vol.l 820 9.D41 D414 3.Vol.l 823.D414.4 823.D414.r> 823D414.0 833.D414.7 823.D414.8 823.D4I4.0 823 1)414 10 823 D414.il 823.D414 12 S23.D414 13 823 D414.14 823 D414.ir) 823.1)414 16 823 D414.17 823.D414 18 S23.D414.19 M823 D414.1T 823.D41.5 (Jreat epics of mediaeval Disowneil; by E: Disraeli, It:, earl i Fraser. Sir VV: Fronde, Ja. A. Kebbel. T. E. Disraeli, B:, 'ar! of Bedconsfleld. Coningsby ; or. The new generation 918. D4 39S.D4 973 3. D41 745. D4 421.9.1)4 823 M10.3 823. GO 342 813.P96.3 840.9. D4 709 D4 SOS..'-) D4 2 813.A21K»S.94 910. D4 824. D44 940. D4 704 D4 891. 73. T8 3 976.3 D4 fn823.K464..5 830.9 D4 830.9. \V0.24 824 A60.2 833.B849.6 942.08. D47 26 942.08. D47.3 942.08 D4 4 823.n47.1664 Disraeli, B:, (Omrdiifol.) Contarini Fleming; Rise of Iskandc^r . 833.D47.in68 Endymion S33.D47.26 Henrietta Temple 873.D47.32 Lothair 823.D47.46 Tancred 833.D47.80 .Sybil; or. The new crusade 833.D47.79 Venetia S:J3.D47.83 Vivian Grey 833.D47..S4 Young Duke; Count Alarcos . . 823 D47.9ii Disraeli, I: Amenities of literature 834.D47.0 Calamites and quarrels of authors . 834.D47.1 Curiosities of literature. 3 vols. . 824.D47.18 Literary character, or. The history of men of genius 824. D47.4 Distribution of products; by E; Atkinson 336.4.A8 Ditson, G: Leighton: Circassia 914 79.D4 Diversions of a diplomat in Turkey; by S: S. Cox 914.96. C6 3 Dix, Edw. A. Midsummer drive through the Pyrenees 914 4. D4 Dixey, Wolstan. Trade of authorship 6.55..i.D4 Dixie, iarty Florence. Across Patagonia 918 2. D4 Gloriana; or. The revolution of 1900 823.D49.3 Young castaways 918 2D4.9 Dixon, Rob. B. Fore and aft . 813.D49.2 Dixcin, W: Hepwortli. Free Russia 914.7.D49 Howard, J;, and the prison world of Europe 36.5. H6.2 New America 3318.04 Djanibek, the Georgian; by A. G. von Suttner 833.Su8.3 Dobson, Austin. Fielding, 11: . 820.9.F4 Goldsmith, Oliver, Life of . . 830.9.G6.3 Hogarth, W:, Life of .... 759.3.H6 Steele, R: 830.9 St33 Doctor and patient; by S. Weir Mitchell 610.M4 Antonio; by G. D. Ruffini . . S53.R8.3 Breen's practice; by W: D. Howells 813.H692 3 Claudius; by F. M. Crawford 813.C609.36 Grattan; by W: A Hammond 813.H055 3 Grirashaw's Secret; by N. Hawthorne 813.H09.3 Huguet; by Tgn. Donnelly . 813.D666.2 J. B. Quies, Startling exploits of; by P. Celiere 847.03 Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Strange case of; by R. L. Stevenson .... S:23.St283.34 Johns; by D. G. Mitchell . . .813 M481 2 Latimer; by Clara L Burnham . 813.B8663.26 LcBaron and his daughters; by Jane G. Austin 813.A878 36 Martha Scarborough; by Mrs. H. (.'amp- bell 813.C0.56.7 Papa; by Rebeccas. Clarke . . 813.C40646.243 Rameau; by G. Ohnet . . . 843 03 3 Sevier; by G: W. Cable .... 813.C0O4.26 Thorne; by Ant. Trollope . .823.T604.3618 Wnrtle's school; by Ant. Trollope . . 823.T664.361 Zay; by Mrs. E S.Ward . . .813 W0633.36 Dodd, AnnaB. Cathedral days' . 914.3 D63 In and out of three Normandy inns . 914 43.D6 Dodd family abroad; by C; Lever . . 823.L383.26 Dodge, Grace H. Bundle of letters to busy girls 39(; D03.1 Thoughts of busy girls .... SWJ.DU.S Dodge, L. Question of identity 813.D633.6 Dodge, li.ajidHt. 'W.Preston. Guardians 813.P627.3 DODGE 50 DOUGIiAS Dodge, 3Iary A. {(Jail IlitmiUon). Coun try living and country thinking English kings in a nulshell First love is best Our common school system Sermons to the clergy Summer rest .... Washington Bible class . Woman's wrongs Wool gathering Dodge, Mary Mapes. Donald and Dor othy Hans Brinker Rhymes and jingles Dodge, K: I. Our wild Indians Dodge, Theo. Ayraiilt. Alexander [the great] Great captains .... Hannibal Riders of many lands Dodge, Wa. Phelps. Three Greek tales Dodge, W: E.: by Carlos Martyn Dodge club: by Ja. De Millo Dodgson, C: L/. (LcwU Cdirnl.) Alice adventures in wonderland Through the looking glass l>odo; by E. F. Benson Dodsley, Kob., p"t>- Select collection of old English plays; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt 15 vols Dodsworth, Allen. Dancing Dog Crusoe; by R. M. Ballantyne fiend: by F: Marryat stories and dog lore; by T: W. Kno.\ Doing his best: by J: T. Trowbridge Dolbear, A. K. Matter, ether and motion Dole, C: F: American citizen. Dole, Nathan H Not angels quite Score of famous composers. Dolllver romance, etc : by N.Hawthorne Dolores; by Roland Vernon Donibey and son: by C: Dickens Donie.stie stories; by Mrs. 1). M. Craik Doniestic'us; by W: A Butler . Dominant seventh; by Kate E. Clark Don Braulio; by J. Valera Finimoudone; by Elis. Cavazza .Tohn: by .lean Ingelow Orsino; by V. M. Crawford. Ciui.\ote; by M. de Corvantes-Saavedra Dona Luz; by J. Valera .... DonaMirant: by G: Mac Donald Donald and Dorothy; by Mary M. Dodge Marcy:' by Mrs. E. S. Phelps Ward 813.W0(B3.a;(; Ross of Heimra; by W: Black . . S23.B4014 :ir, Donatello; by Mrs. L. E. Baxter 759 5.]!U0 Donislhorpe, WordHworth, Individ- ualism 331. DO Donkin, .1: n$iia»i, Amanda M., {('uncUtdal) In trust KATIIIK STdlllKS. KuthieV liarvi'St days In tlio ranks .... Katliiu's soUliors Snnimi'r at I'cdarwood Katliiu's three wishes Kathio's Aunt Ruth Larry liost in a great city Lyndell Slierburne Modern Adam and Eve Nelly Kinnard's kingdom Ostiorne of Arrochar Out of the wreck Seven daughters Slierburne house Stephen Dane .... Sydnie Adriance Whom Kathie marrii^d Woman's inheritance DoiiK'las, Art. Ostrich farming in S. Africa Douglas, Fanny, and Kdith L. Cham- berlain. (Jontlewoman's book of gardening Doii}iI»s, W: Dueling days in the army Douglas Duane; by Edgar Pawcett l>ougla.«.«, I'':; by F: May Holland Dousla.ss, Mrs. K. Dun. Romance at th antipodes Dove in eagle's nest: by Charlotte M Yonge DoHtl, D. Ij. Pliysical culture Dowden, E: Shakespeare Shakespeare: his mind and art Southey, Rob Studies in literature, 1789-1S77 Transcripts and studies . Dowie. M. M. See Norman, Mrs. M. M Down East master's first school: by E: A, Rand in Dixie; by S. P. Allen . the great river; by W: (Hazier the islands; by W: A. Paton . the ravine: by Mary N. Murfree the Rhine; by W: T. Adams . the river; by W: T. Adams the west branch: by C: A. J. Farrar, etc. Doyle, A. Canon. Captain of the Pole- star, etc'. Firm of (lirdlestone . Cireat shadow .... Micah Clarke .... Refuges, The .... Sign of four .... White company Doyle, J. A. Eng. colonies in America Hist of the U. S. Dragon and the raven; by (i. A. Henty image and demon; byC. DuBose of the North; by Miss E. J. Oswald Drake, Fs. Indian hist, for young folks Drake, Sir Fs. Cobbett, J. Sir Fs. Drake Henty, G: A. Under Drake's Hag . Mitchell, S. W. Francis Drake :)v si.i.Diis :iCi,s !8.40r> 813 1)(>8.4()4 811! D(i8 4():! 813.1)08 -101 813.DG8.402 813 D(iS.-IO 813.1)(i8.4 813.D()8.730 813.D(i8r>lj S13.D(i8.6 813.1108(17 813 DOS (58 813.1)08.7 S13.D68 73 813.D08.78 S13.D(38 71I 8I3.D68.'.I3 813.D08.'.I6 030.fl.D(« 710.C3 .394.8. DO 813.Fon.2 320 92. DO 813.DC8fi,0 S23.Y(30.2I5 371.73 DC r7!883.1.H(3 34 832 33 D(59 820.9.SoS 804 De.7 820.9.1)6.8 S13.ro 973 7.A442 917 9.G4 917.29. PCS 813.M862.-).26 813.A2()98.96 S13.A2O98.70 917.41, F0.2 823.D094.1 823 D693 34 823.D094.3 823.De94.5 823.D694.6 823.1)094.7 823.D094 9 973.2.Di;9 973.1)0 942. 01. A4. 3 299. 1 )8 823.079.2 970 I 1)00 942.05. DG.l 942.0.5.D0.3 811.M4S.3 Drake, Sir Fs., (Cimchidca) Towle, (!:M. Drake: the si'a-king of Devon Drake, S: Adams ArouiKi the hub Uatlle of (iettysburg Burgoyne's invasion of 1777 «H(>art of the White Mts. F. . Making of New England . Making of the great west I'ine-tree coast .... Taking of Ijouisburg, 171."i Dramatis personae; by Rob. Browning Draper, J: W: Conflict between religion and science Future civil policy of America Intellectual development of Europe. 2 v Draytons and Davenants; by Mrs. E Charles Dream life; by 1), G. Mitchell , Drechsel, Kdm. Intro, to the study o chemical reactions Dred; by Mrs. II. B. Stowe Dress-reform; ed. by Abba (.K Woolson Drew, B: Pens and types Droyer, J. Li. E. Brahe, Tycho Dril'ting; by T. B. Read and steering; by Mrs. M. L Peebles Driven back to Eden: by E: P. Roe Driver, S. II. Isaiah Droz, Gustave. Around a spring Babolain Droz, Gustave, anluthrrs. Plays for priv ate acting ..... Drum-beat of the nation: by C: C. Collin Drummer boy; by J: T. Trowbridge Drummond, H: Addresses Natural law in the spiritual world Programme of Christianity Tropical Africa .... Drury, Rob. Madagascar Dryden, ,1 ; ; by (>: Saintsbury . Dryden, J: Poetical works Duane, J. C. Manual for engineer troops Du Bois, A. Jay. Strains in framed structures ...... Du Bois, Constance G. Columbus and Beatriz Martha Corey Du Bose, Hampden C. Dragon, image and demon DuCane, Edmund F\ Punishment and prevention of crime .... Du Chaillu, Paul li. Country of the dwarfs Equatorial Africa Ivar the viking Land of the midnight sun. 2 vols Lost in the jungle My Apingi kingdom .... Stories of the gorilla eountJy Viking age. 2 vols. .... Wild life under the equator Duchess Emilia; by B. Wendell Duchesse de Langeais; by II. de Balzac Ducoudray, G: Hist of ancient civiliza- tion Hist, of modern civilization 9 12. IT), 1)0.8 974.4(1.1)0 973.7.1)00 973.3..1)(j 917,422 DO 974.1)0 979 DO 917.41. DO 973 2.1)0.8 In 821 BOIiO.I 109.1)0 321 8.1)00 901. DO 823 C30()4.20 S17.M48.2 .543 DO 813 St09.:.'0 391.2.154 0.-|.-> DO .-)20.9.B0 S11.R2.3 813.P:220.51 813.R02.2() 2;i4.1.17.2 843. D6() 843.Dee.o 793. DO 973.7.C62.91 813. '1(509.208 2:-j2.4. DO 191. DO 233.1)6 6 910. DO 910.9. DO 830.9. 1)()9 821. D09 633 D8 024.2. DS 813.1)800.1 SIS.DSOO..'} 299,1)8 30.-i.D8 9101)8.1 916.D8.2 813. DS 914,8. D8 916 1)8 4 916 DS .') 916.7.1)8.7 948.01. DS 916. D8 9 813.W262.3 843.B0 2 9.30. D81 901.1)8.5 DUDEVANT DYSON A. L,. A. D. Caro, E. Dudevant, Mfne. (ieorgeSand 840.9.D82.1 Thomas, Bertha. George Sand . 840.9 D83 8 Dudevant, Mine. A. Li A. D. {Gain/'- Sniul.) Antonia 843 D82.0 Bagpipers 843.r)Sa.(X) Consuelo 843.1)83 Id Countess ot Kudolstadt .... 843.D83.108 Fanchon the cricket; or. La petite fadette 843. D83 3 Gallant lords of Bois-Dore. 3 vols 843.D83.30 Indiana 843.D83.46 Mauprat 843.D83.,50 Monsieur Sylvestre .... 843.D83.56 My sister Jeannie 843.n82..59 Priness Nourmahal 843 1)83.66 Recollections la 840,9. M3 Snow man 843.1)83.70 Tower ot Per-icmont 843 1)83.86 Duaie.v, De.in. First council of Nice 270.31 D8 Due North; by M. M. Ballon . 914,8 BO South; by M. M. Ballou .... 917391. BO West; by M. M. Jiallou .... 9104.B04.3 Duff, K. Gordon. Early printed books . 093 1)8 Duff, .1/(8. M. A.; by J. N. Ireland 793.1)8 Duffels; by E Eggleston .... 813.D334.38 Dufferin, Earl of. Letters from high lati- tudes 919.8.1)8 Duft'erin, Ladu P. T^ Blackwood. My Canadian journal 971. D8 Our viceregal life in India . . 91.5.4 1)8 Duffleld, 3/r8. W: Art of flower painting 758.D8 Duffy, Bella. Stael, 3/mc de 840 9 StO Tuscan republics. et\ .... 94.').5.D8 Duffy, C: G. Young Ireland, 1840-1850 . 941.58.D8 Dugdale, R. L. The Jukes; 575.1.1)8 Dug'dale millions; by W. C. Hudson 813.H83,3 Duhring, Julia. Mental life and culture 040 D8 Duke of Albany's own Highlanders; by Ja. Grant 833.G6.28 Duke's children; by Ant. Trollope . . 823.T664.38 Dukesborough tales; by R; M Johnston 813.J6307.3 Dulce's promise; by Flo. and Edi th Scan- nell 833.Sc0 3 Dulcie Carlyon; by Ja. Grant . . . 833.G6.384 Dulloa, Owen J. Claude Gellee, ie Lor- raine 7.594. C4 Dumas, Ale.v. Count of Monte Cristo 843.n85.1 d'artagnan skrie.s. Three musketeers 843.DS5.31 Twenty years after 843 D85.22 Vicomte de Bragelonne. 2 vols . 843.1)8.5.33 fartin. Heroes of science: botanists, zoologists and geologists Duncan, Sara Jeannette. Am. girl in London Simple adventures of a mensahib . Social departure Duncan, W: A , Memorial addresses on . Duncklcy, H: Melbourne, i.oifi Dunlop, J: Colin Hist, of prose fiction. 3v. Dunlop, Hob. (irattan, II: . Dunn, J. P., ./>. Indiana .... Massacres of the mountains Dunning;, Charlotte. Step aside, A Dunraven ranch: by C; King . Dnplessis, Georges. Wonders of engrav- ing Dupre, Jules; by J: W. Mollett Dupuy, Ernest. Great masters of Rus- sian literature in 19th century Durand, Mme. Alice. (Henry GrcviUe) Cleopatra .... Dosia's daughter Gabrielle Markof Nikanor Durcr, Albrecht; by R: Ford Heath Durham, AV: Evolution, etc. . Duruy, Victor. Hist of France: abridged Hist, of the middle ages .... Duryea, J. B. Banking and commercial credits Dust; by B. Bjornson . In 839.83. B406 vol.3 Dutchman's fireside: by J. K. Paulding. 3 vols Dutt, Toru. Ancient ballads and legends of Hindustan Duval, 3Iathias. Artistic anatomy Dwight, Ja. Practical lawn tennis Dyce and Forster collections in the South Kensington Museum, Handbook to . Dyclie, Louis L. Edwards, C. E. Camp- fires of a naturalist .... Dyer, Ii: Studies of the gods in Greece . Dyer, T. F. Thistleton. English folk-lore Folk-lore of plants Folk-lore of Shakespeare Dyer, T: H. I'ompeii .... Dyinond, Jona. Accordancy of war with Christianity : Dynamiter, The; by R. L: and Fanny Van de G. Stevenson .... Dyson, C. E. Bird-keeping 333.1 n8 333.1)8.4 979.4 1)8.6 383. B6 595.76. D8 .595.78. D8.1 .595.78.118 5 .595 78.IJ8.39 595 78.D8.2 595.7.D8 580.9. D8 914 3.D8 813.D8.7 910. 4. D8 973 S.D8 943.08. M 3 809. DS t)41.57.G6 977.3.D8 979 3. D8 . 813 DS60.9S Jn813.K4631.89 700. D8 In 759.4.C6 891. 7. D8 843 D86.14 843.D860.26 843.D86.20 843 D86 5 843. D80.6 7.59.3.D8 .575. D8 944. D8 9401.D8 333. D8 813.P08 3 831. D8 743. DS 796. D9 708.3.1)9 .5;X).D9 I 392. D9 398.3. D9 398.1)9 832 .33. D9 933.77.1)9 172.4.119 833.St3«3.39 636.6. D9 lOAiiLB 53 EGGI;ESTON !ir Kagle and dovi'; by M. 10. fleraonts '.M1.0S.C4 KaK;l<-'«nost; by .1: RiisUiii /.. 331.RS Kafjl*?. Alice Morse. China colleclins in Anioriea vas. Kn .Sabbath in puritan New England '.'iki.r.'.KO Kai-liiiK, I'. U. Whom to trust li.V.i.EO Karly dawn; by Mrs. Eliz. Cliarlcs . .S:.';i.t':!oiU.-JO lossons; by Maria Edgeworth . . i» ^L'li.E:^.'! rpnaissanc.e; by Ja. M. Hoppin . Tdl.Hiiii Kariiest triller; by Mary A. Spraguo . 813.Spii03.'.' Karth trcmbU^d: by E: I'. Uoe . 813.R(;;.r.'()G Karlhly paradise; by W: Morris. 3 vols. S;.'l.Miii).:.' Kassic, W: Cremation of the dead . 393.:.'. Eo Ka.st and west; by E: E. Hale . . 8].3.11(M:;.:i ang(^ls: by Constance F. VVoolson . . S13.W«)4S :J0 of the Jordan; by Selah Merrill yi.'j.6.M:i Kastcrn question; by the Duke of Argyll 3 vols '.14'.I.C).A(; tour at home; by Joel Cook . . 917.4.C6 Kastlake, Sir C: li. Literature of the fine arts, a vols Notes on the principal pictures in the royal gallery at Venice Eastman, Kdith V. Ethics of music Musical education and musical art Ea.stward ho! by C; J. Farrar Eastwick, Kob. W: Master mariner Eaton, Art. \V. College requirements in English Ciood form: letter writing Eaton, Uornian B. Civil service in Gr. Hritain Eatun, J: B: Turner. Permanence of Christianity Eaton. T. T. Talks on getting married . El)l)-tide, etc.; by Fes. C. Fisher Eliers, G: Bride of the Nile Burgomaster's wife Egyptian princess Emperor, The. 2 vols Gred of Nuremberg Homo sum, etc Joshua Margery (Juestion, A Serapis Sisters, The Story of my life Thorny path. 2 vols Uarda Word, A, only a word .... Echo of passion: byG: P. Lathrop Eckerniann, J: Peter. Conversations with Goethe . Eckstein Ernst Aphrodite Chaldean magician Hertha .... Nero. 2 vols . Pruslas. 2 vols. Quintus Claudius 704. EO 71)8..-.. Ed 7S().1.E0 780 7. EU '.41 F0.;.'07 0.50. EO 1 378.73 EO 808.0 EO 3.51. EO 239. EOS 173.1.E0 813.F473.20 833.EU.1 833.E0.18 833 EO 2 833.E0.:25 833.EO..50 833.E0.36 833.E0.40 833.EO.50 833.E0.02 833.E0.72 833.E0.74 830.9 EO 833.E0.83 8.33. EO. 8 833.E0.9e 813.L083.21 830. 9. GO 2 833.E1 833. El. 13 833. El. 3 833.E1.02 833.El.Gfl 8.33.E1.08 Ecol), Helen Gilbert. Will dressed woman ....... 013.48. El Kdily, Mary li. G. Retrospection and introspection 015.8ril.E2.G Science and health . . . .' . 015.8.51.E3.7 Unity of good 615.851. E2.8 Ers<>ii, (J: B,, niiil ntUem. May. S: ,Ios , Mi'iiioii-or ;;ss.M(i'.i Kiiiorson, ltiil|ili Waldo. Cabot, .la. Memoir of i; W. ICiiKTSon. 2 vols. l'.il,:i. K."., I Dana, W: F. Oplimi.^m of lOincrsoii 191. HI?",.:.' Garnolt, R; Life of K. \V. lOmcrson J'.H.Ii.I';."..:! (Jufi-nspy, .\. II. i:. \V. lOnnT.son . Hll.:! Er>.:iS llolmefi. (). \V. U. \V. Kiiici-soii 1 111.3. E.-).;i(i Hanborii, !•'. J5., oii. CiMiiiis and cliarac- terof Knii'i-son I'll.:) E5.i:) Kiiierson, Kalpli Waltlii. Hirtliday book SKl.s.E.'i Conduct of lifo ISII it.E.i.li; English traits S)14 2.E:) Essays. 2 vols 191.3.E.''..37 Lectnros and liioirraphical sketches liil.3 K'>.i Letters and social aims .... 191.3.E.").42 Miscellanies 191.3. E.'...'') Natnre, addresses and lectures . . Ull.llE.'i.i) Poems 811. E.") Representative men 19I.3.E5.(i:.' .Society and solitude .... 191.3.E5.7 Kiiioi-ton, ICphraiiii. Intro, t.) study of the middle ages 940.1. E") Kinile; by .1. .1. Rousseau .... 37O.R02 Kiiiilia in Euf,'land; by (J: Meredith . 833.M3G2.70 lOniiii I'asha. Sn? Sclinitziicr, E. Kiiiiiia; by Jane Austen .... 833.AS7.2 Kiiiiiiet, Robt. : a tragedy; by Jos. I. C. Clarke 833.C40.() Kininott Bonlore: byOpiellead . . 813.R3.3 Kiiipcror, The: by4.L0.8 2i;il.L4 3 942.011. MO 1 941 00 Mo.;-, 9.M,N0.1 940 0r..P2 942.07. R0.3 942.06.StO.S 943.04 Wo 820,9.A23 193.1. BO. 1 830,9. H30 280.B8.2 942.07. B80 830.9, B8() 830.9. B9 830.9.( '30 830.9.C04 8 830 9.COy 830 9. D3 830 9 D30 820.9 D4 9 8:30.9. D09 820.9. F4 820,9.(i4 820.9 GO 8:iO,9,G00 810.9.(109,4 192 4 HS 820,9 J03,7 830,9 K3 820,9 LO.'i.O 830.9. Loo 193 3. LO 2(i 820.9. MO 8 830.9. M4,0 820,9. PO 830.9.Sc0.3 830.9.Sh3 793.Sh3 8:30 9.Si3 830.9, SoS 830.9 Sp3 830.9 S130 830.9. Sw4 820 9,T3.8 820.9. WO 914.3 1109 813.H04r)5.:20 914.3 B4.3 193.9.HO0 In 193.9.Sh0 In 193.9. HWi 192.9. ShO 321.7 L4 193 St3 914.3.E.'5 943.03. J 8 943.0.-..B4 943.07.C06 ENGLISH 56 EVERETT English worthies series, {C(mchuled) Claverhouse; by M. Morris ',»43.05.G(; Darwin, C:; by G. Allen .... 575.D00 Jonson, Ben; by J: A. Symonds . . 820.9 JGR Marlborough; by G: Saintsbury . 940.7.MO(3 Raleigh; by Edm. Gosse .... 942 05 RO Shaftesbury, Ist earl of; by II. D. Traill . 942.06.ShO Steele, R:; by A. Dobson S20.9.St32 English-American; by Emma H. Thayer 813.T309 Enoch Arden, etc.; by A. Tennyson; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 831.T2.3.6 Epic of Hades; by Lewis Morris . . 821.M604.2 Epiotetus. Discourses, Theencheiridion, etc.: tr. and ed. by G; Long . . . 188.7. E6 Encheiridion; tr. by Lady Mary \V. Montagu In 82(5.MG Selections; tr. byG;Long . . . 188.7.E(5.7 Epochs of American history. Wilson, W. Division and reunion . . 973 7.VV47 Epochs of ancient history series. Athenian empire; by G: VV. Cox . . 938.04.CG Early Rome; by VV. Ihne . 937.01.13 Gracchi, Marius and Sulla; by A. n. Beesly ti37.04.B2 Greeks and the Persians; by G; W. Cox 938.03.BG Rise of the Macedonian empire; by A. M. Cnrtois 93S.07.CS Roman empire of the 3nd century: age of the Antouinos; by W. \V. Capes . 937.O7.C0 Roman history; the early empire; by W. W. Capes 937.06.C0 Roman triumvirates; by C: Merivale . 937.05.M3 Rome and Carthage; by R. B. Smith 937.04 Sm4 Spartan and Theban supremacies; by C; Sankey 93S.00.Sa6 Troy; by S. G. W. Benjamin . . . 939.21. B2 Epoclis of modern history series. Age of Anne; by E; E. Morris . . . 940.7. M6.0 Age of Elizabeth; by M. Creishton . 940.7.C() Beginning of the middle ages; by R. VV. Church 940.1.C3 Crusades. The; by G; W. Cox . . . 940 4.C6 Early Hanoverians; by E: E. Morris . 940.7.Mfi3 Early Plantagenets; by W. Stubbs . 942.03 Sid Early Tudors; by C. E Moberly . . 942 0.'5.M6 Edward III.; by W. Warburton . . 942.03. WO English restoration and Louis XIV; by <). Airy 944.03. A4 Epocn of reform; by J. McCarthy . 943.08.M1.38 Era of the Protestant revolution, by F. Seebohm 940.7. Se2 Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe; by E; E. Hale 940.7 llo Frederick the great and the 7 years' war; by F. VV. Longman .... 940.7. Frj.4 French revolution and lirst empire; by W: O'C. Morris 944.04 Mr, Houses of Lancaster and York; by. fa. Gairdner 942.04. GO Normans in Europe; by A. II. .lolinson 940.3..I() I'uritiin revolution: by S; R. (Gardner . 942.00.G0 Thirty years' war; by S: R. Gardner . 940.7.G0 ErasniiiK, Dcsiderius; by R. C, .lebli 270.6.E(J Erckmann, K.,ani A.(7hutrian. block- ade of Phalsburg 843.EI1.0 Conscript ,S43.Eil.l(J Friend Fritz S43.E6.3 843. E6 4 843.E6.5 843.E0.6 843 E6. 9 109. E6 833.B4014.')6 823.F0I>6 36 393.3. E6 608. E6 833 Sch8.3 833.B849 7 833 H44 66 549. E6 915.7.F6 833.E7.8 840.9. V(i.3 Erckmann, E., (Ctmcluded.) Invasion of France in 1813 Madame Thei'BSe Plebiscite Waterloo Erdmann, J; E. Hist, of philosophy. 3 v. Erenia; by R: D. Blackmore . Eric; by F; VV. Farrar .... Erichsen, Hugo. Cremation of the dead Ericsson, J:, Lifeof; by W: C. Church. 3v. Erlach court; by O. Schubin Ernest Maltravcrs; by E: G; L. Bulwer Ernestine; by W. Von Hillern . Erni, Henri. Mineralogy simplified Escaped from Siberia; by H; Frith Eschenbach, Marie Ebner t. Two countesses Espinasse, Ps. Voltaire, Life of Essays and reviews; by F. Temple atid others 310. E7 Ester Reid; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden . 813.A4324.37 Ester Reid yet speaking; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden 813 A4224.379 Estevan; by J; R. Musick . . . 813.M87.2 Esther, the queen: by W; M. Taylor . Jn 222 3.R6 Esther; by Rosa M. Carey . . 833.C0G2.27 Esther Cameron's story : by Rosa N. Carey 833.C062.278 Esther Denison; by Adeline Sergeant . 833.Se633.3 Esther's fortune; by Lucy C. Lillie . . 813.444.37 Estrange, Hamon L', Alliance of di- vine offices .... Eternal hope; by F: W. Farrar Ethelherta, Hand of; by T; Hardy Ethelyn's mistake; by Mrs. M. J. Ethelwerd's chronicle .... Ethics of literary art; by M. Thompson of the dust; by J: Ruskin Eugene Aram; by E: G; L Eugenie, empress of France. My mistress, the empress Eugenie. Eugenie Grandet; by H. de Balzac Euripides; by VV; B. Donne Euripides; by J. P. MahafFy European breezes; by Mrs. Marie J man Europeans, The; by U: .James Eustace diamonds; by A. Trollope Eutaiv; by W: G. Simms .... Evan Harrington; by G: Meredith Plvangelical Alliance for the U. S. Dis- cussions of the general conference held in Boston, 1SS9 Evans, C: G. Illns. hist, of the U. S. mint Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity, etc. Eve: by S. Baring-Gould .... Eve of an empire's fall; by Mine. Carette 944 07.C06.'28 Eveleigh, J: Sermons .... 239.E82 Evelina; by Mme. Fes. d'Arblay Evening dress; by VV: D. Ilowells Evenings at home; by J; Aikin «)i(J Anna L Barbauld Everett, C. C. Ethics for young people Everett, E: Orations and speeches. 4 v. Everett, W: Changing base Double play: sequel to Changing base . Thine, not mine Everett, (Il'dsh.) the city of smokestacks 364.03.E7 237.F03 823.H062.30 Holmes 813. H6455.38 . /n 942.01 SiO 804 T3 M 370.4. RS S23,BS49.8 Bulwer Carette, Mme. Pit- 944.07. ES.l 843 BO 2S 883.3. E8.3 /ii883.3.So6.1 914. P4 8I3.J0.53 38 833.T664.2S7 813.Si55.20 833 M363.38 20G.FS 332.4G.E8 615.851.es 833.G6S.3 823.A60.2 813.HG9.3 .504. A44 170. E8 308, E8 813.ES3G.1 813.E836.3 813 E826.8 917.97. E8 KVKUV 57 FAMOUS lOvory day lOnslish: liv R: (iiiint White . ■130. W.T KwiUfi, tliiliaiwi H., (Cniirlufltd.) Kvery day topics: by J: G. llollanil. 2v :i(M.II(;,r.' Last words 823.E94.40 F.vos, C. Wash. West Indies . 017 ^'.I.IOS Lob-lie-by-the-tire .... 8-23.E94.r>() Kviiis, J: H., Mi^niorial addresses on. Q r,inv:t.s ns Melchior's dream, etc. 823.E94..'>2 Kvolution of anem|)iie: by Mary I'annele '.iw.ro Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances . 833.E94.54 Kvolutioii of love: by Emory Miller 2:U.(1 M44 iSix to si.\teen 823.E94.74 Kvolution of th(^ snob: by T: S. Perry .S13.P2(;(>.28 We and the world .... 823.E94.92 Kwald, Heinrich. Hist, of Israel. 8 v. 'J33.EU K.\(;urHi<)n.s; by H: D. Thoreau .504.T3.2 Kwiiig, Juliana H. Flat iron for a far- in art and letters; by W. W. Story 730. StG thing S23.K94 24 K.vpiatiou; by Mrs. Alice French S13.F630.2 (treat emergency, etc 823.E94.36 Exploration of Dartmoor; by .1. L. W .lackanapes: Daddy Darwin's dovecot; Page gi4.3.P03 Story of a short life .... 823.E94.401 Kyobright; by Sarah C. Woolsey 813.W6fi47 29 Jan of the windmill S23.E94.40li Kzra; by G: Rawlinson 333. E9 F Fabpr, G: Stanley. Horae Mosaicae. 3 V 223.1. FOO Kabiola; by Card. N. Wiseman . 833.W472 Face illumined; by E: P. Roe . . 813.RG2.201 Facing death; by G: A. Henty . 633.33.H3 Factors in American civilization .304.I?6(!.3 Fagots for the fireside; by L. P. Hale 793. HO Faience violin; by Jules Fleury 843. F4 Failure of Elizabeth: by E. Fes. Poynter 833.PG9.3 Pair barbarian: by Mrs. Fes. H. Burnett .813.B8662.204 god; by Lew Wallace .... 813.W044.3 maid of Perth: by Sir Wa. Scott 823.ScCi..'') Fairer than a fairy: by Ja. Grant 823.GG.30 FairtieUl, Fs. G. Clnbs of New York . 917.47LF0 Fairholt, F. AV. Costume in Fingland. 3 v 391. FO Home of Shakspere .... 832.33.Sh0.3.3 Fairy and folk tales of the Irish peasan- try; ed. by W. H. Yeats . 823. Y3 book; by Rebecca S. Clarke . 813.C4064(i.404 ^ book: by Mrs. D. M. Craik . 833.CC()44 30 book; by E. Laboulaye .... 843.L«X).3 Frisket: by Charlotte Tucker . ."i9."),7.T8 legends of the French provinces; tr. and ed. by Mrs. M. Carey .... 843.C0 mythology; by T: Keightley . 398.K2 tales: by Marie C. D'Aulnoy . 843.A84 tales; ed. by W: J. Rolfe 833.A4.0 tales in other lands; by Julia Goddard . 813.G(J33.2 Fairy-lancl of flowers: by Mara L.Pratt .WO. Pii Fairy-land of science; by Mrs. A. B Fisher r)()4.F4 3 Faith: by A. P. Valdes .... 8()3.V0.3 and philosophy: by H: K. Smith 304 Sm4 and nnfaith; by Mrs. M. Hungerford . 833.HS(i3.3 doctor; by E: Eggleston .... S13.E334.3 Gartney's girlhood; by Mrs A. D. T. Whitney 813.\V31.S().30 of our fathers; by Cardinal (Mhbons . 283.G4 of our forefathers: by E: J. Stearns . 283. St3 Falconberg; by H. II. Itoyesen . . 813 B()93 20 Falconer, Ivanoe. Mademoiselle Ixe 813.F04.ri Falconer, T: Evanson's Dissonance of the four Evangelists .... 230 1.F04 Falconer, W: Poetical works . /)i.s3 1 . C(l."> Falkenhorst, C. With Columbus in America 813.F044.91 by Falkenhorst, C, (Concliukd.) With Cortez in Mexico With Pizarro in Peru Fallen idol: by T: A. Guthrcy Falling in love, etc.; by Grant Allen False witness; by Lucy C. Lillie Fame and fortune; by II. Alger, jr. and sorrow, etc.; by H. de Balzac Familiar studies of men and books R. L. Stevenson Family feud; by L. Harder flight around home; by E: E. and S Halo over Egypt and Assyria by E: E. a-id S. Hale through Mexico: by E: E. ami S. Hale through Spain; by S. Hale . happiness; by Count Leo Tolstoi likiuiess; by B. M. Croker tree, ftc; by Brander Matthews F''amou8 caves and catacombs; by W. D. Adams horses of America .... pets of famous people; by E. Lewis single and fugitive poems; ed. by Johnson stories; by T: De Quincey (luiJ oHicrs travels and travelers; by J. Verne . types of womanhood: by Sarah K. Bolton Famous women series: Albany, C(iuntr. 830 9. BO 3 S30 9.E33 830 9. CO 364. FO 810.9. 07.3C> 830.9 LOfj.S 944.03. M 063 830.9. MOO 830.9.M66.3 793 RO 792.R4 FAMOUS 58 PKIilCITAS Fanums Avoiiieii series, ICoiu-huied.) I'.olund. Mme.; bv Mathildo Blind . 944.(M.R0 Sand, G;; by Bertha Thomas 840.'.). D8 8 Siddons, Mrs. ; by Mrs. N. II. Konnard 793 Si3 Stacl, Mm(>. de; by Bella Diili'y ,s40.9,St() Theresa. .S(; by Mrs. M. R. F Oilman . 37I.9.T3 Wesley, Susanna; by Eliza Clarke 387. VV3.7 WoUstonocraft, Mary: by Eliz. K. Pcnnell S30.9.W663 Fiiiiious women ot tlie French court; by Irabert de Saint-Amand. 13 vols. Fur Kcpamtc litks See Saint-AiiiaiKl, Im- bert de. Fanchette; by .1: Esten Cooke . Sl.'!.C6(j44.3 Fanchoii the cricket; by Mme. A. L. A. I). Dudevaut S43.D83.3 Fanning, J. T. Hydraulic and water- supply engineering .... (537 FO Fanny's birthday gift; by J. H. Mathews 813.M08.S.30 Far away and long aco; by Fes. A. Kerable 833.K350.3 from the madding crowd; byT: Hardy . 833.11003.2 in the forest; by S. Weir Mitchell . . 813.M481.30 west sketches; by Mrs. J. B. Fremont 917.y.F(>3 Fai-artay, Michael; by J. H. Gladstone . 540.9.F0.3 as a discoverer; byJ:Tyndall 540.9 Fo.8 Faratlay, Michael. Chemical hist, of a candle; A lecture on platinum . 543.F0 Fai-Kus, F: J. {Huiih Coitwnu). Called back S33.FO()3.10 Farina; by G; Meredith . . Jrt 833.M2G3.73 Faijeon, B. Ij. Last tenant . . 833.F064 4 Mystery of M. Felix 823.F'0G4.5 Something occurred 833.F0G4,7 Ties— human and divine .... 833.F0()4 8 Toilers of Babylon 833.F064.86 Farley, F: A. Unitarianism defined . 288.F0 Fanner, Ijydla Hoyt. Boys' book of fa- mous rulers ■ 930.F0 Girls' book of famous queens . 396.9.F0.3 Story book ot science .... r)04.F0 Farmer, Lydia Hoyt, id. National Ex- position souvenir: what America owes to women 396.P0 Farnier'sside, The; by VV. A. Peffor . 330 4.P32 Farnell's folly; by J. T. Trowbridge . S13.T0f)9.3O Farnhani, J. T. Early days of California 979.4 FOG Fariiuhar, Art. li and H. Economic and industrial delusions .... 337.3 FO Farragut, 1): G.; by A. T. Mahan 973 7.F0 Farrar, Adam S. Free thought in refer- ence to the christian religion . . 211. F06 Farrar, C: A. J. Camp life in the wilder- ness 813.F(XJG.1 From lake to lake S13.F0GG3 I.AKK AND FOliKST SKRIES. Eastward ho 1 917.41. FO.307 Wild woods life 917.41. FO.9 Down the west branch .... 917.41. F0.3 Up the north branch .... 917.41 FU.8 Farrar, F: VV. Darkness and dawn; or. Scenes in the days of Nero 823 FOGG 2 Early days of Christianity . . 370.1. FO Eric; or. Little by little 8'23.I''(KiG.3G Fturual hope 3;i7.F02 Every day christian lif^^ .... 348 FO History of iiiti^rprc^tation 330.1. FOG .lulian home: tale of college life 8:.'3.F()GG4 Language and languages . . 401. FO Farrar, F: W., (CnncliKlal.) Life of Christ Lives of the fathers. 3 vols Minor prophets .... Our English minsters I'assion play at Oberammergau, 18'.K) I'aul, St., Life and times of. 3 vols St. Winifred's: or, The world of school Seekers after ( iod .... Se.rmons and addresses in America Social and present day iiuestions Solomon Talks on temperance Voice from Sinai .... Farrar, F: AV., nnil ntlirrii. Non-biblica systems of religion Farrer, ,Ta. A. Books condemned to be burnt Military manners and customs Smith, Adam Farrer, Ja. W. Paganism and ehris tianity Farrer, J: Mission and character of Christ — and the beatitudes Fiirrington, Marg V. Tales of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table Fashion in deformity; by W: H: Flower Fast friends; by J: T. Trowbridge . in the ice; by R. M. Ballantyne Fatal duel; by H. Conscience Fated to be free; by Jean Ingelow . Father Aldur; by Agnes Giberne Brighthopes; by J: T.Trowbridge . Fathers and sons: by Ivan Turgenietf Faussett, Godfrey. Claims of the es tablished church .... Faust; by J. W. von Goethe; tr. Hayward .... Same; tr. by Anna Swanvvick . Same; tr. Dy Bayard Taylor Fawcett, Fdg. Adopted daughter Adventures of a widow . . . Agnosticism, etc. American push Douglas Duane Gentleman of leisure .... Heir to millions House at High Bridge .... Loaded dice Man's will Olivia Delaplaine Rutherford Social silhouettes ... . . Fawcett, H: Manual of political economy Fawcett, Mrs. H: Some eminent wom(m of our time Fay, Amy. Music study in Germany Fay, Theo. S. Three Germanys 333.9. FO :370.1.F0.4 234 l''U r> 914.2. Ft) 793. FO •270 1 SaG.2 823. FOGG. 7 188. FO 3.52 F0G.7 304. FO 2;22.r,.So4.2 178.F0G.8 333.16. FO. 8 290. FO 098. FO 3iH).F0 330.9. Sm4 312. FO 233. FOG 943.01. AG.3 391. F4 . 8l3.TGl',9.307 919.8. BO M 839.33. C4.04 . 833IG33.:^0 . 823.G403.3 . 813.T6G7.208 . 891.73.T8.30 283. F08 by A. . 833.G6.3.7. Vol.2 . 832,GG.3 7.Vol.l 833.GG.8*) 813.F09.(H) 813.FO9.0 040. F09 . 813. F09 or. 81.3. F09 3 S13.F09 3 . S13.F09.33 . 813.F09.36 813. F09.4 S13.F09..")0 813.F09.G 813 F09 68 813.F(I9 7 330. FO 39G.9.F09 780.7 FO 943. FO l'''earrul responsibility: by W: D. Howells 813.HG93.33 Feats on the liord; by Ht. Martineau . 823 M0G8 3 Fechter, C: Alb.; by Kate Field . /n 793 D8 Federalist, The; by Alex. Hamilton and Uhtm 343.73. F3 Feet of clay; by Mrs. Amelia E Barr . 813 BOGG.2:23 Felicia; by Fanny N. D. Murfree . 813.M8G33.32 Pelicitas; by Felix Dahn S33.D0.2 FElilX 59 FINtiEY Keliv, Klis. Uaoliol. Sft- Itai-hel. Folix Holt: by Mrs, M. K Cross SL'S.CliilT r. Fcllowe and his wifo: by Itlanchc W. Howard >■. Caroline Leslie. High-lights 813.F4:24.3 Field, l>: Diutle.y. Speeches, etc. 3 vols. 304. F43 Field, Kusene. Holy cross, etc. . 813.F4.3 Little book of prolitable tales ... 813 F4.44 Little book of western verse . 811 F4 Second book of verse .... 811 F4.2 With trumpet and drum .... 811.F43.9 Field, II: M. liarbary coast, The . 91i;.l.F4 From Egypt to .111 pun .... 91.5 F4 From the lakes of Kilhiniey to the Gol- den Horn 914 F4 Greek islands, and Turkey after the war 914.95.F4 Old Spain and new Spain 914.G.F41 On the desert, rtr 915.3. I'M Story of the Atlantic telegraph 6.'54.5 F4 Field, Kate. Fechter, C: Alb. 7/i793.I)8 Ten days in Spain 914 6.F4 Field', MarK Fontaine-le-Croix, Secret of 813.F4-342.2 Field and hedgerow; by 11; .lelleries 504. J 2 24 of honor; by B. C. Truman 394.8.T(J FieldiM«-, H:; by A. Dobson 820.9.F4 *Fiol Elsie yachting with the Raymonds . S13.K4(')4.2.m Elsie's vacation .... . S13.l''4(i4 3.17 Elsie at Viamede 813.F4(H 3 18 Elsie at Ion 813.F464.3.1',i MII.DKED liOOKe. Mildred Keith 813 E4IM.5.1 Mildred at Roselands .... 813.F4G4 .'->.3 Mildred and Elsie 813.P4(;4 5.3 Mildred's married life .... S13.F4G4.5.4 Mildred at home 813.F4(J4 5.5 Mildred's boys and girls .... 8]3.F4(j4.6 Our Fred 813.F4(;4,e8 Tragedy of Wild River valley . 813.F464S Finney. C: (Jrandi.son; by C. F: Wright 385 S.F4 Finnish legends for English children; by R. Eivind 894.3.E4 Pii-e brigade; by R. M. Ballantyne . . 833.Ii0440.34 in the woods; by Ja. DeMille . . . 813 1)354.04 Firelight stories; by Mrs. L. C. Moulton 813.M08 24 Firm of Girdlestone; by A. C. Doyle . 833 DG04.34 First day among the contrabands; by Eliz. H. Botune 3'36.9.B6 ftmily of Tasajara; by Bret Harte . 813.H068.24 harvests; by F, J. Slimson . . . 813.St457 34 love and last love; by Ja. Grant . . 813.G6.246 love is best; by Mary A Dodge . . 813. D63 violin; by Jessie Fothergill . . . 833.F68.24 Firth, J. C. Nation making: New Zealand 993 1.F4 Our kin across the sea .... 917 3 F6 Fish, G: T. Guide to the conduct of meetings 338 1.F4 Fish, Hamilton, and the Alabama claims; by J. C. B. Davis 973.8.P4 Fisher, Mn. Arabella B.,/ormcr!y Buck- ley. Fairy-land of science . . . 504.F4.3 Life and her children .... .'')93.F4 Moral teachings of science . . . 504 F4. 5 Short hist, of natural science [to 1879] 509.F4 Through magic glasses, etc. . . . .504 F4 8 Winners in life's race .... 59G F4 Fisher, Fes. C. {('hrMian Rcid). After many days 813.F473.0 Bonny Kate 813,F473.06 Comedy of elopement .... 813.F473.1 Daughter of Bohemia . . . .813 F473.3 Ebb-tide, etc 813.F473.30 Heart of steel 813.F473.3 Land of the sky 813.F473.4 Lost lode 813.F473.4(3 Mabel Lee 813.F473.5 Mi.ss Churchill 813.F473.54 Morton house S13.F473.5G Nina's atonement, etc, 813.F473.0 (Juestion of honor 813.F473,RS Roslyn's fortuni^ 813.F473.e(J Summer idyl .813 F473 7 Valerie Aylmer 813.F473.8 Fisher, G: Park. Beginnings of Christi- anity 370 1.F4 Colonial era <.p73 3.F4 Hist, of the Christian church . 370.F4 3 Manual of christian evidences 339.F4 Nature and method of revelation 320 1.F4.6 Outlines of universal history . ;)09.1<'4 Fisher, Osmund. Physics of the earth's ci'ust 551.4.F4 Fisher boys of Pleasant Cover; by E. Kellogg 813.K344.G6 maiden; by B. I'.jornson . . M 839.83. B4()(;. Vol 2 Fisherman's daughter: by 11. Conscience /n 839.33. CO. 8 Fisk, Wilbur: by G: Prentice . . 387 F4 Piske, .J: American political ideas 331.8.F4 American revolution 2 vols . 973.3.F4 Beginnings of New England y74.F47 Civil government in the US. . . 343.73.F4 Critical period of Am. hist 973 4.F4 Darwinism, etc. 040 F4 3 Destiny of man .575.F4 3 Discovery of America. 3 vols 970.F4 Excursions of an evolutionist. . ,575, F4 Idea of God 191.9 F4 Myths and myth-makers . . 398.1.F4 Outlines of cosmic philosophy . . 191 9 F4 Unseen world, etc 040 F4.8 War of independence .... 973. 3. F4 Fiske, J:, cd. Washington and his country 973.3 WO 4083 Fitoh, J: G. Lectures on teaching . 371. F4 Pitch, T: a)i(( Anna. Bettirdays . . 813.F481 5 Fitzboodle papers; by W: M. Thackeray I?i833.T3.10 Pitxgeralil, O. P. Calirorniasketches. 2v 917 94 F4.1 Fitzgerald, Percy. Art of acting 792.F4 Fitzpatrick, AV. J. Secret service under Pitt 943.07.F4 Fitzwygrani, Sir F. Horses and stables 636.1 F4 Five gateways of knowledge; by G; Wilson 611.83 W4 little peppers and how they grew; by Mrs. 11, M. Lothrop . . . S13.L683 341 little peppers grown up; by Mrs. H. M. Lothrop 813 L683 243 little peppers midway; by Mrs. H. M. Lothrop 813.L6S3 343 talents of woman; by E. J. Hardy . .396.H06 thousand miles on a sledge; by L, F. Gow- ring . ■ 915 7.G6 weeks in a balloon; by J. Verne . . 843. V2 '248 Flag of distress; by Mayne Reid . . 833 R343.24 on the mill: by Marv B. Sleight . 813 S124 Flagellation and the flagellants; by W; M. Cooper 36.5.Ce Flagg, .lared B. Allston, Wash., Life and letters of 759.1.A4.3 Plagg. AVilson. Year among the trees .582. F4 Year with the birds 598 3. F4 Flamingo feather; by Kirk Munroe . 813.M866.34 Plammarion.Camille. Atmosphere, The 551 5 F4 Storiesof inlinity .520.F4.7 Uranie 843.F40.8 VVond(!rs of the heavens .... .520.F4 Flanders, H: Lives of the chief justices .340.F4 Flat iron for a fai'thiug; by .luliana 11. Ewing 833.E94.24 Platland; by E A. Abbott 823.A00.3 ^^ 1 J c'cTCi. 1. ConncU Co. MAKE IT THEIR STUDY' To have the LA TEST NOVEL TIES pBjj^ MAKE IT THEIR Business To have the BEST OUALEFIES. MAKE IT THEIR PURPOSE To have the GREATEST VARIETY. MAKE IT THEIR AIM '•'' To ehan^e the L O WEST PRICES on everything in I>rii (Boobf, Clott^ino;, l7ou5c ^urnist^in^s i '••»' """"HOUSEKEEPERS- ^ ^ WE ARE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE 1i^ •^•^CARPET mm IN THE CITY ....Our 0toch ot CnuKts, 0U Clotbs, XlncoUums, Draperies, IRufls ^Jn^ tlpbolsterfi are alwags NEW AND FASHIONABLE "CUc bin: Mrect from tbe leadtiifl mamitacturers of tbc countrv? anJ> our advantages are sufTicicnt to mafte sou a saving ot at least 10 to 13 per cent, on v>our purchases in tbe Hsouse Jf urnisbinfl line. Wiz prepa\2 freight to all points in tbe State. BROWNFIELD-CANTY CARPET COMPANY.... TELEPHONE 304. 18 W. PARK STREET. BUTTE .=3)r<; UPHOLSTERY. CARPETS DRAPERY, IMATTINGS. )1^, ^ wTCi. 3. Conncll Co. ^ MAKE IT THEIR STUDY''* To have the LA TEST NO / EL TIES U^IKY.^ IT THEIR BUSINESS To have the BEST QUA IJ TIES. MAKE IT THEIR PURPOSE To have the GREATEST I'ARIETV. MAKE IT THEIR AIM '•'• To eharge the L O WEST PRICES on everything in "«^ Dry (Boobs, dotl7ing, {7ou5c ^urnist^itujs i i I ■'"""HOUSEKEEPERS- WE ARE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE i % •^•^CARPET SMi IN THE CITY ....Our stock of Carpets, ©11 Clotbs, Xlncollums, ©raperiee, TRufls Bn£> "Upbolstcrg are always NEW AND FASHIONABLE ■Cfflc buv> Olrcct trom tbc IcaCifnc? manutacturerfl of tbc countrv? anJi our aOvantaacs arc sufficient to make vou a saving of at least to to 15 per cent, on \20ur purcbases in tbe Ibouse ffurnisbinfl Kne. ■Cfflc prepay; frciflbt to all points in tbe State. BROWNFIELD-CANTY CARPET COMPANY.... TELEPHONE 304. 18 W. PARK STREET, BUTTE t'^^ UPHOLSTERY... CARPETS DRAPERY. MATTItSIGS. •=^.^l<^ i 4»m.. NELSON STORY & CO. -tl Merchant Millers .. Wp. anil drain Dealers ^' v BozEMAN, Montana. Capacity of Mill 300 Bbls. Daily. Elevator Capacity, 250,000 Bushels. wn^ -^ i?'^'^ DEALERS l.N AEE KINDS OF^ ^ Grain and Mill Products Manujaciurcrs oj SASKATCHEWAN— Best Hard Wheat Flour, MONTANA BELLE— Excels all other Soft Wheat Flour. And U. S. STANDARD — Superior for Pastry Cooking Brands of Flour. J\ TRY THEM, EVERY SACK GUARANTEED ■ 'v '7 • :.%' FIjAXIE 61 FOREST S23.33..SliO ()() S'.) An- si:i.K«8.o . 813. F438. 14 . 813.F4L'S.3 . 813 K4L'8.4 . 813 K4:.'S.r, . 813.K428.8:i 11 nd stage Flaxic Frizzle; by Rebecca S. Clarke 813.C4()il4(; 241 growing up; by Ivcbocca S. ClarKO . 813 C4l>(itii.24(') Klot't, The: by.T:Asbton .... 3iir.,A7 Fletcher, J:, and Vs. Iteaiiinoiit. I'oems 82:.'. IJ!-' I''U'tfliiT, .1:, mil W. Shakespeare. Two noble kinsmen .... Fletcher, Jnlia. (George Flrmliifi.) tlromeda Clement Ker. Trntli abont Head of Medusa Kismet ...... Mirage Vestigia ..... Fletcher, Mars- Sketches of life character in Hungary Fletelier, Koh. Howe. Johnstown Fletiranse; by Mme. A: Craven Fleiiry, Julos. [Cliampljatrij) Faience violin Flights inside and outside paradise; by CI; C. Pearson *Flint, Austin. Human physiology Flint. Itoli. Vico ..... Flippin, J. K. Sketches from the mount- ains of Mexico Floating city, «'(<■.: by J. Verne light; by R. M. Ballantyne prince, eh:; by F. R. Stockton Flock of girls, etc ; by Nora Perry Floral home; by Ht. E. Bishop Florence of Worcester, Chronicle of Florentine nights; by H: Heine Florida enchantment; by A. C. Gunter II ltd F. Redmond Flower, Ph. W: Hist, of trade in'tiu, etc. Flower, \V: H: Fashion in deformity Horse, The Flower de hundred; by Mrs. C. C. Harrison 813.H0(i(i47. fruit and thorn pieces; by J. P. V. Richter of tli(^ family; by Mrs. E Prentiss Fl<>w»'rs and festivals; by VV. A. Bai'rett and (lower lore; by H. Friend Floyd, .\. J. Thorns in the flesh Floyd (irandon's honor; by A. M. Douglas Flnte and violin, etc.; by Ja. L. Allen Flying Dutchman; by F: Marryat Flying Hill farm; by S. Swett . Fo Hi, Miseries of; by F. Sarcey Foes in ambush; by C: King of her household; by A. M. Douglas Folkard, II: Plant lore Folk-lore of plants; by T. F. T. Dyer Following the Mag; by C. C. Coflin . tlieliuidon; liy Eliz. Custer . Folsoin, \V. H. C. Fifty years in northwest Fonssagrives, J. B. Mother's worli sick children Fontaine, Hyppolyte. Electrolysis Pontaine-la-Croix, Secret of; by Marg. Field Fonvielle, AV. de. Thunder and lightning Fool's errand: by A. W. Tourgee of nature; by Alice Brown Foote, Mary Halloek. Chosen valley In exile, cic. ...... !)14.3'.).F4 813.F438(J.4 843.C(50.3 843. F4 '.11.5.3. P2 (J13.F4 l'.)."i.V4 017.2. F4 842.V2.34l) 833.]{044().24(; 813.St(il4.24 813.1*:i66.34 i)77.6.B4 U43.03.F4 834.H24.2 S13.G86.3 ai(t.6.F4 3',I1.F4 ri<.)9.7. F4(i 833. R4 813.P(i2().24 39().B0 71(1.2. FC) SI3.I''4()'.I.8 813 DlW.24 8 13. A 142. 34 S3;i.M(K;c, (53 813.Sw2S.3 847. Sad 8I3.K4I131.3 813. DBS 303 3'.I8. FO :i'.l8. Dii 1)73 7.C(i3.3i; '.I73.8.C8.3 the with 977.5 F6 (Hii.FC) ."i4.").3 FO 813.F4243.2 .537. FO 813.T080.30 813 15C>09.20 S13.F0C,8.1 813. F008 4 Foote. Mary Halloek, (Ciiiiclmlcd) John Bod.M4 2 910,4.B()4.3 S33.PO90.20 823.B37.30 811. H 833.C600 813.L444.26 833.G40.3664 833 C0(j28.2 9:58. H2.2 823.G40.3668 SH3.VV0048.26 833. F6 933. H2 813.8155.3 958. F6 904. F6 954 H08 523.43. F6 014.8.58.F6 973.7. FO 813.R604.2 530. G8 918. F6 813.F663 973.8. F6 321 8.F6 800.9.C0.3 800.9.C3.0 840. 9. CO 8 851.15.D0.0 S30.9.G6.3 840.9. LO.l 840.9.M0.0 .840.9. M068.1 513.P0.8 8.50.9.P3.6 840.9. RO.O In 840. 9. CO. 8 840.9. R0.3 944.03. Sa7.1 830 9.Sch4.7 840.9. Se8.8 850.9.T0.3 840.9. V6.3 S13.B43 991.4 FO 833.J05.26 918.5. R3.2 .SI 3 K344.305 FORM AN 62 FUANK Forinan, S: S. Narrative of a journey down the Ohio and Mississippi, 178!l-!iO Forms of water; byJiTyndall Forney, 31. N. Catechism of the locdnio- tive (i:.'l 13 F6 Forrest, Edw. ; by L Barrett . 792. FO Forrest house; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes .S13.1I()455 :;60 Fors clavigera. rte. ; by J: Riisliiii. 3 y 331 RS 3 Foster, J: I)icl()ci.D4 2 «3n.9.Fl3G 840.9.F60. 003 3 F6 340 4. FO S08.3.F(! 3C6,1.F() 739. FC) 738. F6 813,040141,3 .33().8,F6 813. 11094.36 813.068.36(3 813.M444.26 914.3.A8 305. FG 813.F673.31 813.F672.33 813.F673.33 813.F673.34 S13.F673.3r) 813.F673 36 life of Buddha; by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva: tr. by S: Beale . . . , 394. B3 Fossett, Frank. Colorado 917.88. F6 Foster, J. AV. Pre-historic races of LI. S. .">71.F67 Foster, J: Life and correspondence. 3v S30 9.F67 Foster, J: Critical essays. 3 vols 8,34 KO.l Essays, in a series of letters .824. F6 3 Fosteriana 828 F67 Improvement of time .... 834 F6.4 Lectures at Broadmead chapel. 3 vols 353.F6 Popular ignorance; Communication of Christianity to the people of llindoo- stan 370.4. !''() Foster, M. Physiology .... 613, F6 li'oster, Woloott C Trt^atise on wooden trestle bridges 634. K(i Fothersjill, Jessie. Bordeiiand 833.l''68.0 First violin 833.K6S.34 l''rom Moor isles S33 l''68.3 Kith and kin .833 F68.4 Lasses of Leverliouse .... 833. K68.4() March in the ranks .... .833, K68.r) Oriole's daughter 823,F68.6 Probation 833 1'Yj8.6() Well fields, The 833.K68.9 l''olherKilI, J. Milner. I'ood lor the invalid CI3 33. K6 Maintenance of luuilth ... 613.1 Morso, .1 : T , ./r. U: l'"ranl(i Printer boy !)7:!.;!.F('>0 Tomkinson, K. M. I:: I^'ranUlin Sl73.:iFl) S l''i'ankliii, B: I'oor Uicliard, Sayinfis of 817. FtJ l''i-aiikliii, .Sir ,1:; by A. H. ]{e(«ly HI9.S.F(i.O Franklin. Sir,}:, and the N. VV. passage: by A. H. Marliliam .... '.HD.S.I'Ti..-, Franklin, .Si> J: Narrative of a .journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1SI9- ISS. 2 vols OH)..S.F(; Thirty years in the Arctic, regions 919.8 Ffi.8 Franks, A: W. Jaiianese pottery 738.F60 Franzos, K: Fniil. Chief justice . S33.F(3.1 I'or the right 833. FG Jews of Barnow 833.F<).4 Fraser, Alex Campbell. l!erlIas. Perseverance island . 813.FG09.6 Frazer, J. (J. Golden bough. 3 vols . liDO.FG Totem ism 3!)4.F6 Frazer, Persiler. Tables for the deter- mination of minerals .... 549 1 FG Freaks of fortune: by \V: T. Adams . 813.A3098 73 on the fells: by K. M. Ballantyne . . 914.1.B04 Freani, AV. Soils and their propertief G31.FG Froil, and Maria and me: by Mrs. Eliz. Prentiss S13.PG26.2 FrcMleric, Har. In the valley SI3.FG32 4 New E-vodus: Israel in Russia . 947.08 FG Seth's brother's wife .... 813.FG33.7 Frederick hr yrait. Hist, of: by J: S. C. Abbott 943.0.'). FG Friedrich IT, of Prussia; by T: Carlyle. 4 v 943. FG Frederick the great and his court; by L. Muhlbach 833. MS3 :3G1 Frederick the great and his family; by L Muhlbach 833. M83 2G3 Frederick the luililc. Taylor, I.ucy. Fritz of Prussia 943 08. 1'"(i 1 Freedom triumphant; by C: C. Collin . 973.7.C6.94 Freeman, K: A. Exeter .... 942.35.F(i (General sketch of history . !)09 FG Growth of the English constitution 343.43 FG Historical essays 904 FG3 3 Historical geography of Europe. 3 vols. 9i0 FG History of Europe 940 F()3 History of Sicily, to B C. 40.") ■ 3 vols 937.8 FG Methods of historical study . . . 907 FG Some impressions of the U. S 917.3. F63 Freniantic, W, H. World as the subject of redemption 3GG.FG2 Fremont, Mrs. Je.ssie B. Far west sket- ches 917.9 FG3 Souvenirs of my time .... 973.F63.7 Story, The, of the guard .... 973.7 FG.7 Fremont, .J: C:., Memoir of: by J: Bigc- low 973.G FG 'Fremont, J: C: Report of the e.xploring expedition to the Rocky mts., in 1813, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-4 917,8.1I.S.\V0.3 French, Mn. Afice. Ailventure in pho- togra|)liy 77'0 FG Expiation 813 FG39.3 •Knitters in the sun 8I3.I''G:.'0.4G Otto the knight, ((r 8I3,FG30.G8 Stories of a western town 813FG30 7 We all 813,FG30-9 French, ('. Wallace, [..incoln, Abraham 97'3.7.L4 3 French, Harry W. Lance of Kanana SK! l''G3G3.4 Only one, The 813 FG3G3,G Our boys in China 9ir).l.F63 Our boys in India 91.').4.FG2 Our boys in Ireland 914 1") FG3 Out of the night 8I3KC3G3G8 Through Arctics and Tropics . 910 4.I''G3 French and English; by P. G. Hanierton. 914.4. HO.') Frenchman in America; by Paul Blouet 917.3. B4G.3 Frere, Mary, <(/.. Old Decean days . 891.1.FG Freres, The; by "Mrs. Ale.x " F. Hector . 833 H218 3G *Fresenius, O. K. Manual of qualitative chemical analysis .')44.FG *System of instruction' in quanlilative chemical analysis 54.1.FG Fresh lields; by .T: Burroughs . r,'i04.B8 2 Frewen Hloreton. Economic crisis 333. FG Freytag, Gustav. Debit and credit S33.FG3.2 Ingo S33.FG2.4G Ingraban S33.FG2.4G3 Lost manuscript 833.FG2.4 Fridolin's mystical marriage; by A. Wil- brandt g33.W44.3 Fridth.jof 's saga; by E. Tegner 839.r).T2 Friend, Hilderic. Flowers and llouer- lorc. 3 vols 71G.3.F6 Friend, The; by S: T. Coleridge 834.00.2 or. Advocate of truth. Vol. 2 . . 389.0 l''G4 Fritz; by E. Erckmann mid A. Chalrian. 843. EG 3 Olivia; by Mrs. A. E. Barr . . . 813.8001)26 Friends; by Mrs. E. S. Ward . . 813.W0G23.2G4 • in leathers and fur; by .1: Johonuot .')9G..TG 3 worth knowing; by E. Ingersnll . :j9G.I().3 Friendship of books, et'.; by F. D.Maurice Si-i M08 Friendship's garland; by M. Arnold . /iiS34.AGGl Frisk and bis Hock: by Mrs. D. 1". Sanford 813 SaG3,2G Frith, H: Captains of cadets . 823 FG4S.1 Escaped from Siberia .... 91.')7. FG How to read character in features, c;c. . 138 FG.l How to read character in handwriting . 1.38 FG In the brave days of old .... 940.4 FG King Arthur and knights of lie' lluund Table 942.01.AG.2G Search for tin; talisman .... 917.19.FG Shaftesbury, 7th earl of . . . . 301. ShO Triumphs of steam G31.1.F6 Frohisher, J. K Voice and action 808.5.F6 Froebel, P. Bowen, II. C. Froebel and education by self-activity . 373 2 FG,0 Bulow, /{(iroHcs-.s B. v. Marenholz-. Rem- iniscences of Froebel .... 372.2.KG.1 Froebel, F: Education of man . 373 2.FG Mother-play and nursery songs. Q 373.2.FG.5 Froissart, ^'o■ J: Boy's Froissart: ed. by S. Lanier 94O.4.F0G4 FROISSART 64 GANNETT Proissart, Sir J:, (Concluded) Chronicles of England, France and Spain 940 4.Ffii) Prom dusk to dawn; by K. 1'. Woods . S13.VV(Jii3.2 tiag to flag; by E. M. Ripley . . . 9T3.7.R46 hand to hand; by Uolo Raimund *. . 833.R0 2 hand to month; by A. M. Douglas . S13.D68.a jest to earnest; by E: P. Roe . . 813.R(J2 :3ijU lake to lake; by C: A. J. Faarar . SKi.Ewii) 2 May to Christmas at Thorne Hill; by Mrs. D P. Sanford .... S13.Sa()3.30() Moor isles; by Jessie Fothergill . . 833.F68.3 my youth up; by Mrs. M. V. Terhnue . 813.T36.3r) palm to glacier; by Alice W. Rollins . 917.Rtl4 powder monkey to admiral; by W. H. G. Kingston 359.K40.3 the earth to the moon; by J. Verne . 843.V2.36 the easy chair; by G; W. Curtis . 814.C8.3 the five rivers; by Mrs. F. A. Steel . 833.St33.3 the forecastle tothecabin; by S. Samuels 6.56.Sa5 the Hudson to the Neva; by D: Ker . 813.K30.3 the ranks; by C: King . . . J)i813 K4(J31.33 the tone world; by L: Ehlert . 780.4.E3 Prontenac, Count, and New France; by Fs. Parkman 973.3.P06.,5 Prontier stories; by Bret Harte . S13.H0G8.3 Prost, H. P. Schubert .' . . . 786.Sch8 Prost, J: Great expounder: Webster . 973.5.W3.3 Little Corporal 944.0.5. No.3 Old Hickory: Jackson .... 973.5,J01.3 Old Rough and Ready: Taylor . . y73.0.TU9.3 Mill boy of the slashes: Clay . . 973.5.C4() 2 Swamp Fox: Marion .... 973.3.M0I3.3 Frothingham, Ootavius Brooks. Bos- ton unitarianism, 1830-lS.iO . . 288.Ft) Ripley, G; 810.9 R4,2 Transcendentalism in New England . 141. Fii Frothinshiini, R: Rise of the republic of the U. S 343.73.FG Proiule, Ja. A. Kunyan, J; . . . 3S6.B8.3 Caesar; a sketch . . • . . . 937.05.C0.3 Carlyle, T; : first 40 years of his life . 83().9.C06.3.2 Proiide, Ja. A., (Goncludetl)) Carlyle, T: : life in London Catherine of Arragon, Divorce of English in Ireland in 18th century. 3 v English in the West Indies Hist, of England, l.VjO-KKC. 13 vols. Lord Heaconslield Oceana; or, England and her colonies Science of history Short studies on great subjects. 4 vols, Spanish story of the Armada, ele. . Two chiefs of Dunboy Prouile, Ja. A., cl. Carlyle, Jane Welch, Letters and memorials of, . Prozeii dragon; by C: F: Holder Pruits of a father's love; by W: Penn Pry, Eliz.; by Mrs. E. R. Pitman Fugitives, The; by R. M. Ballantyne Pull stature of a man; by Julia Parsons . Puller, Alb. W., arid W: A. Wheeler. Artistic homes. Q. .... Puller, And. S. IIlus. strawberry cultur- ist Practical forestry Small fruit eulturist . . . . Puller, Anna. Literary courtship Puller, K: Complaining millions of men Pullerton, W: M. Patriotism and science Pulton, Rob . Life of, and a hist, of steam navigation: by T: W. Knox Life of: by R. H. Thurston ■ . Purey, Fs. T. Constitution of U. S. Purneaux, W: S. Animal physiology Elementary chemistry Further records; by Pe.s. Anne Kemble Future of educated women; by Helen E Starret of science; by E Renan . Pyffe, C. A. Hist, of Greece . * Hist, of modern Europe. 3 vols 83O.9.C03 2.4 942.0.';. CO 941..')7.FG 917.;J9 F6 942. 0.5. FO 943.08. D47.2 ilOO.FlJ Wll.FO 040. F(i 904.F68.7 833.FG68.8 .396.C06 .'•>90.4 H6 178.6. P2 304. FG !)69 B04 813.P0C7.2 728. F8 034 F8.75 634.9 F8 634.F8.7 813. F84 813.F8.1 304. F8 621.12.F8.4 631.13. FS.8 343.73 F8 613. F8 .540. F8 793.K35.3 386.4.St06 504. R3 In 937. C62 940.9. F9 G G., L. G. M. Wallace, Sir W;, Authentic life of 941. 02. Wo Gabriel Conroy; by Bret U arte 813.110(38.3 (;abricIlo; by Mme. Alice Durand '843.0.86.20 Ga(lsl)ys, Story of the; by R- Kipling 823.K4G4.3 Gage, Matilda J. Woman. ?hurch and state 39G.9.GO («ag<', W. Ij. Leisurely iourney 914. Go *(;aina Sutras; tr. by H. Jacobi 299.11. JO (iainsborongli, T:; by G: M. Brock- A mold 759 3. GO <;alo, Kthel <'. Mints on dress 391 2.G0 tialileii. Private hf(^ of: by Sister Maria Celesti .509.G0. 1 tiallant light; by Mrs. M. V. Terhune S13.T2G30 (;.'illaiit ioi'ds (if IJols-Dore; by Mme. A. L. A. I). Diuhwant. 2v . . 843.1)82,30 tJallalin, Alb.; by J: A. Stevens 973.4. Go <;aliaut, Adolphe. Physics (Jiirl)ott, K: DoKinatio faith (iarliett, .la. Clirist as propln't, priest ami kill;;. ■.' vols !K).(;o.l r)iK).(;o.3 727.1. (K) S13.GU.2 938. (iO in 973 S.Ha7 S13.T6S6.24 308 GO &4.5 (iO 94.">.(;(Xi 813.G(Xi4 4 813.G0G4.44 813 0064.5 813.G064..52 S13.G0(;4.6 S13.G004.7 S13.A41(;.3U 401.(10.2 401.G0.ti .599.8.(;0 396.(J0 820.9. 00(5.3 191.3.Er).3 .s;20 9.M4 3 .'•)30.9GO 73S.G0 791. RG8 720 GO 371.32.GO 792 G(J(j 821.000) 326.fl73.GO 26 326 973.G0.3 813.H094..3 919 6.B04 3 S23.G074.1 823.G074 6 S23.G074.64 .S23.( ;()74.7 823 G074.9 843. G07 1 833. M86 (iates ajar; bv Mrs. R. S. Ward . 813 W06:22.3ol between; by Mrs." E. S. Ward . 813.\V(X'>22.3()8 Gattio, W: aiul H: Kussell. Kiiiu ul llii^ Soudau 916(32. R8 Gautama: institutes of the sacred law: ir. by (;; liiihler ia 294.RS.7.Vol. 1 (Jaiitier, Leon. Chivalry .... 394.7.(iO Gaiitier, Tlic<>i>hile. Four dostiiu;s 843.(;ilS.2 Romance of a mummy .... 843.(108.66 Spirits S43.(;os.7 3 Getting on in the world: by W: Mathews 174. Mo Ghiberti, Lorenzo; by Mrs L. E. Baxter In 759 .'■>.B09 Giannetta; by R. Mulholland . . . 823.MS43.4 Giant of the North; by R. M. Ballantyne 919.8.B04.3 raft; by .1. Verne 843. V2. 3 Giant's robe; by T: A. (iuthrie . . . 823.(188.3 Gibbins, H. de B. Eng. social reformers. 330.9.(14 3 Hist, of commerce in E\irope . . . 6.50.(;4 Industrial hist, of England . . . 330.9.(14 Gibbon, C: For lack of gold . . 833.t;40.3G(i4 For the king 833 G40.2G«8 (lolden shaft 823.(140.3 Gibbon, E:; by Ja. C. Morison . 820.9.(14 Gibbon, E: Decline and fall of the Ro- man empire. 7 vols 937.00.(14 .Same: abridged 9.37.or>.(i4.0 Gibbon, liardner. Exploration of the val- ley of the Amazon . 91S.1.U.S.N3. Vol.2 Gibbou.s, Ja., card. Faith of our fathers 382.(14 Our Christian heritage .... 230.(14 Giblmns, .T: Tenure and toil . . . 331.1.(14 Gibbs, E: J. England and S. Africa 910.8.(14 Glberne, Agnes. Among the stars . .533.(14.0 Father Aldur 833.(1402.3 Ocean of air .551 5.(14 Sun, moon and stars .533.G4.7 World's foundations 550.2.(14 Gibson, G: Itntledge. Stock exchanges of I/ondun, I'aris and New York . 333.0 (14 (;ibHaug . 223 3.04 Giftten, Kob. Case against bimetallism . 332.42. 03 Essays in linance 330.04 Orowth of capital 331. 04 Gittin, AV: M. Civics for young Americans 342.73 (14 Gilt, Theo. .Set Boiilger, Theodora H. *GiIbert, AA':, «/ 0)/(/ic.s(i-)-. On the load- stone and magnetic bodies . .538.1. 04 Gilbert Elgar"s son: by Ut. R. Davis 813.1)084 3 Gilchrist, Anne, l^amb. Mary 8,30 9.L05 3 Gild merchant; by C: Oross . 338.(100 Gildas. Works /n 943.01.SI9 Gilded age; by S: L. Clemens aiul C: D. Warner .813.042.3 Gilded man; by A !■'. Bandelier 930.BO Gilder, R: AVatson. Celestial passion 811 (14 1 Lyrics 811.G4.4 New day 811.O4.0 Two worlds, d: 811 (14.8 Gildersleeve, Basil Ij. E,->says and studies 304.(i44 Giles, Herb. A. Gemsof Chinese literature 895.G4 Giles, J. A., cd. Six Old English chronicles 943.01. .Si9 Giles Corey, yeoman; by Mary E Wilkins 812 W444.3 Gill, J: Systems of education . . 370.9.G4 Gillespie, W: 31. Treatise on surveying .530 9.04 Gillet, J. A. Lecture notes on physics .530.04. Gillet, J: A., and W. J. Rolfe. Hand- book of the stars 523 RO Gillett, E. H. England 3iW years ago '. 385 3. 04 Gilman, Art. Hist, of the Am. people 973 044 Story of Boston 974.46.04 Story 01 Rome 937. (144 Story of the Saracens .... 0,53.04 Tales of the pathfinders . . . . 973.1.G4 Gilman, Art., f./, Shakespeare's morals 833.33.ShO.66 3 Giln\an, Mrs. Bradley. See Gilman, Mrs. M. B. P. Gilman, Dan. C. Monroe, Ja. 973.5.M0 Gilman, J: Bradley. Kingdom of coins 813.0445 Gilman, Mrs. 31. R. P. St. Theresa of Avila 371.9.T3 Gilman, Nicholas Paine. Laws of daily conduct M 170 044 Profit sharing 331.31. 04 Socialism and the American spirit . 335. (it Gilmore, G: AV. Korea from its capital . 915.19,04 Gilmore, Ja. R. Advance-guard ol west- ern civilization 970 8.(!4.0 Rear-guard of the revolution . 973.3.044 Sevier. J:, as a commouwealth-buiider .. 976.8.Se8 Gilpin, AV: Cosmopolitaii railway . . 3S0.G4 Mission of the North American people . 917.3 (144 Gindely, Anton. Thirty years' war. 2 v. 940.7. 04 Giotto; by Harry (Juilter .... 7,59.504 Giovanni and the other, id:.; by Mrs. F. II. Burnett 813.68002.34 Gipson, A. E. Ilurticullure and irriga- tion 1)3.5.04 Girard, Sle., and Olrard College; by II: W. Arey 378.7.G4 Giraft'c-hunters; by Maynu Reid . 823.R343.34 Girl he married; by Ja. (Irani . . 823. ({(i.3 graduate; by Celia P. Wooley 813.VV()l)4.3 in the Karpathians; by Mrs. M. M. Nor- man 914.37.N() GIRIjHOOI) 07 GOIiDKN Girlhoixl of ShaUespoare's heroines: by M. C. (.'Uirke. :. vols .... S-.;-J 3:iC4.3 Girl's book of f;iimMis queens; by I-ydia II. Fanner 396.9.F0.3 of a feather; by Mrs. A E. Kiirr sn.lSOGG.S who beeatne famous; by S K'. Hoi Ion S'.ili (i. Hd 3 winter in India; by M. T. Carpenter '.11.5.4 C()6 CJish.ii'iio, \V. Colony of Ni'W Zealand . and G Ecclesiastical [essays] 2G0.G4 7 Miscellaneous [essays] CH0.(14 Homer 883.1. Hr.34 .Inventus mnndi 292. G4. 4 i.andmarks of Homeric study 883.1. G4. 4 (iladstonc, AV: K., ani( "!/icr.''. Both sides of till! tariff question .... ,337. G4 Order of creation 213.G40 Glave, K. J. In savage Africa 910 72.G4 (ilazehrook, 11. T. Laws and properties of matter .'J30.G4U Gla/.ier, AVillard. Down the great river 917 7.G4 Heroes of tnrel. W. Veti^rinary handbook G19 (14.8 Gleis, G. I{. Wellington,/'!*"/ . 942.07 W2.3 Glenavei'il; by Rob. lUilwer . ,821.88490.3 <;iencore. Fortunes of; by C: Lever . 823.L'282.32 Glimpses of lifty years; by F. E. Willard '307 432.JV4 of science; by .\nd. 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Goethe Lewes, G: H: Story of Goethe's life Sanborn, F. B., ci. Life and genius of Goethe Seeley, J. R. Goethe reviewed after 00 years Si me, .7 a. Life of Goethe Snider, D. J. Goethe's Faust. 2 vols Goethe, J: W. von. Autobiography. 2 v. Conversations with Eckermann and Sure.t Dramatic works: Iphigenia in Taiiris; TorquatoTasso; Goetz'v. Berliching(!n; Fellow culprits Electric allinities Faust: tr. by Anna Swanwick Faust; tr. by Bayard Taylor Faust; tr. by A. Ilayward; Clavigo. Eg- monl; Wayward lover Good women Poems Travels in Italy, France and Switzerland Werther, Sorrows of, c("- Wilhelm Meisler's apprenticeship and travels; tr. by T: Carlyle. 2 vols. Goethe and Schiller; byL. Muhlbach Gosel, Nikolai V. Inspector-general Gold and name; by M. S. Schwartz . Elsie; by E. Mariitt .... of pleasure; byG: P Lathrou . Golden bottle; by I. Donnelly bough; by J. G. Frazer. 2 vols. butterfly; by W. Besantanrf J. Rice Chersonese; by Mrs. Isa L. Bishop . days of '49: by K. Munroe . . dreams and leaden realities; by R. Raven fleece; by J. Ha%vthorne . gossip; by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney guess; byJ: V.Cheney . hour; by M. D. Conway justice; by W; H: Bishop lion of Grandpere; by A. TroUope lotus, etc. ; by E; (Ireey shaft; by C: Gibbon S63.P20 3 833 Sch8.3 823.D49.3 833. G 4. G 342.42.G(i 342.42.Gli.l 374 R9 339.GG 5r.l.GG 241.GG2 (W.t.GO 813.(1622.2 94.').09.F4 599. GG 823.B849.9 393.2. R6.3 292 Ft; 823. M(K1.3 S10.9 BG9.3 320.4. GO 133.4 (16 331. (16 830.9.G0.3 830.9 ( 10.4 830.9 G0.70 830 9.GG.72 830.9 GO 7 832.62.G6.7G 830.9.G0 830.9.GG.2 832. GG 9 III 833.(10.7 832.G6.2.7.1 832.G6.80 832.GG.3 7.2 In 833.GG.7 831.GG.0 914.5.(16 833.G6.7 833.G0.9.1 . 833. M83 30 891 72. (10 839.73. Sch9 30 833.MOIJ.30 . S13.LO83.30 813. D(«50 3 290 FG . 823.B-27.304 915.9 B4 . 813.MSOG.3G 917.94.ro 813.H094.36 S13.W3486 3G 814.C32 326 CO 813. B47 3(34 823.T064.3O 895.GG.3 823.G40.3 GOliDEN 68 GRANITE Golden wedding, etc ; by E. M. Stuart west; by Ht. M. Lothrop Gold-foil; by J. (!. Holland Goldsmith, Ijewis. Napoleon, Secret hist, of Goldsmith, Ol. [Lite]; by W: Black Life; by A. Dobson . . . Life; by Wash Irving Goldsmith, Ol. Hist, of England. 4 vols Hist, of (ireece. 3 vols Hist, of Rome to 4T6 Hist of the earth and animated nature 4 vols ...... Miscellaneous works. 4 vols Poetical works Works. 5 vols .... Gomme, G: Ij. Kthnology in folk lore Primitive folk-moots Village community Good men and true; by A. H. Japp *Good words. ISOO to date Goode, G Brown. American fishes Goodeve, T. M. Manual of mechanics Goodhue, W. V. Municipal improve ments Good-night poetry; comp. by W. P. Gar rison Goodrich, S: G. {ntcr Parlnn Pict, gcosraphy Goodman, AVa. Pearl of the Antilles *Goodwin, Harry, and W: Knight Through the Wordsworth country, i^, Goodwin, J. H. Improved book-keeping Goodwin, J: A. Pilgrim republic . Goodyear, W: H: Hist of art Gordon, Mm., farmcrhj Wilson. Wilson. J Gordon, Sir Art. Aberdeen, Earl of Gordon. C: G: [Life] ; by Sir W; F. Cutler [Lifel; by S. A. Swaine . . . . Gordon, J. E H. Electricity and mag- netism. 2 vols Gordon, Mrs. J. E. H. Decorative elec- tricity Gordon, Lydia L. From Lady Washing- ton to Mrs, Cleveland .... Gordon, 1>1. li. Am. missionary in Japan Gortlon, T: Hist, of the (ireek revolution Gore, (': Incarnation of the Son of (iod . Gore, C:, -r/. Lii.\ niundi . . . . Gorham,,): System for the construction of crystal models on the type of an or- dinary plait Gorilla huntc:rs; by U. M. Ballantyne Goss, \V. F. M. Hench work in wood Goss, Warren Ijee. Jed . Recollections of a private Soldier's story of Andersonville, t'-c. Tom el if tun Gosse, Kdiii. Browning, Rob. : per.sonal Cougreve. W:, Life of . , . dray. T: Northern studies , . , . Raleigh Secret of Narcis.je .... GoNHJp, G H.I). CIkws players' manual 81,'3.StS.3 '.117.3. L(5 170.4. H()..'i '.144. ()."), N(),36 SL'O.'.I.CO 8^) '.).U().2 /rt97'J.5.I6 'J4:;.(tO <):i8.(i(i '.a7.(!6 8liS.G6 821. Glj 820.8.G6 .'•)73 GO 343 42.G6 331.2.G0 3I50.J()0 050..'.1<'00.3 S30;).G0() S39.."j.G0 943O.-..R0 833. G07 794.(i0.1 by W: R. H. 917.398.T6 833 33 ShO.70.36 178.5.(i6 and Gossip of the Caribbees; Trowbridge Gosson, Ste. School of abuse . Gough. J: B. Platform echoes Gouin, Francois. Art of teaching studying languages .... Goulbiirn, E: M. Resurrection of the body *Gould, C: Mythical monsters Gould, E: W. Fifty years on the Missis- sippi Gould, G: M. Meaning and method of life Gould, Jay. White, J. Wizard of Wall St. Gould, J: 31. How to camp out *Gould, Hob. Preke. Hist, of freema- sonry. vols. Q Gould, S. Baring-. Curious myths of the middle ages Eve Germany, pi'esent and past Grettir. the outlaw In the roar of the sea .... In Troubadour-land Legends of the patriarchs and prophets Old country life Origin and development of religious be- lief. 2 vols. Post-mediaeval preachers Red spider Story of Germany Goulding, F. K. Marooner's island Young marooners Gounod, C: Francois; by M. 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Gumming elections ■il Claver- 407.(;3 230.S.G68 398.(J0 O.')6.(i0 330.G6 333.0 GO 799(108 306.1 GO 398. 3. G() 823.(J08.2 914.3.G6 949.1.(i6 823.G()8 4 914.49.G0 231.G6 914.3. (JO 309.G6 2.51.G6 823.G68.6 943.G6 813.Gl)8.5 813.G68.9 781 O.GO 759.9.G0 7.')9.3.R6 91.'i.7.G6 337.2. C() 833.J0.').3(i 833.K08.3 200 G(>01 070. GO 917..5 (iO In 070.( ;0 840.9,110.3 3:24.43.(;0 943.0."). GO 104.(;0 :»^.(io 330. N2 501. 1*3 43.5. N 3 823.(il)0 823.F300.3 813.COO!.:iO ,S91.S03.N2 823 M043 3 813.F40.4.3.8 I. '51 1 GO 917.94.C8 i /* %• 'MIC Ol- (irH I'A IKONS AssmUiic Uoufi . PARCUES-D AVIWLL URua COM J' AX y llck'iia. Moid. Parchen-U Acheiil Drug Company />'// llicir li.i)iii>r£^. 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Hot Hale, E: Everett, (Concluded) Story of Massachusetts .... 974.4 HO Ten times one is ten .... 813.H043.83 Ups and downs 813.H042.86 Washington, G:, Life of. studied anew . 973,3.W0.30 Hale, E: Everett iind Susan. Family flight around home .... 917.4. HO Family flight over Egypt and Assyria 9Hi.2.H0 Family night through Mexico . 917.:2.H0 3 Hale, E: Everett, and t,lherB. "How I was educated" papers 370.4.HIM Workiugmen's homes .... 331. ,^3. HO Hale, (lertrude Eliz. Little llower people 5S0.4.H0 Hale, Luoretia P. Fagots for the fireside 793.H0 Peterkiu papers 817.H04.6 Peterkins, Last of the .... 817.H04,4 Hale, Susan. Family flight through .Spain 914 0.H0 Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantine 843.H042.0 Hair-century of conllict; by Fs. Park- man. 3 vols 973.2. P06.6 Haliburton, T: C. Clockmaker, The S13.H044.7 Hall, A. Oakey. Congressman's Christ- mas dream. Q 343.73.HO Hall, A. Will'ord. Problem of human life 575.H04 Hall, H: F. Republican party. The 11856] 339.6.H0 Hall, C: H: Sermons .... 220.1. H04 Hall, C:W. Adrift in the ice fields 917,1.H0 Hall, !<:: B. Ware, il/rx. Mary L. 2S8.W065 Hall, E: H. Orthodoxy and heresy :i30.H0 Hall, Mrs. Elorenoe Hall. Correct thing in good society .... 395.H0.1 Social customs 395 110.7 Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture 304.110 Methods of teaching history 371.3.110 Hall, H: Allen. Ethan .... 974.3.A4.3 Hall, Hubert. Antii|Uities of the ex- che(|Uer 336 110 Hall, .1: and nUieis. Timely topics dis- cussed 304.HO Hall,.li>s. Miindus alter et idem • . /;»320.1.M0.4 *llall, S. C. i(ii(( A. M. Ireland. 3 vols . 914.15.110 Hall in the grove; by Mrs. Isa M, Alden 813,A4324,30 Hallain, H: Const, hi.st. of England 34'2,42.HO Intro, to the literature of Europe , 809,H0 HAIiliAM T3 HARDY' llallaiii. II., (C'lwhiilal) Middlo aj;i!S. 'J vols Hallaiii sm'i'cssion: by Mrs. A. E. Barr Hallec'k, l''itz- riOCi. iio."i •114 4.1I0.-) 7U4.Ho.->.:i 833.H0.53.3 833.110.53.32 170. Hi fi. 3 7r,S.H0.4 170 H05.4 833.no.'>3..'J 944.H05.5 014.3. II0.T 834.1105 914.4.H(r> 504 H0:5 750. HO 8 833.11 052.9 378. H05 973.4 H(l.4 973.4. H05.7 343.73. F3 340.6. HO 390.8.H05 941.:->8.01.3 917.12. HO 914.H0 599.7. 1 10 597.110 917.3.110 193.9.110 5 193.9. H0.4 947.07. 1 105 840.9. V6. 3 S13.H0.54.6 833.0380.3 S13.C6644.30 813.Se.S2 813.H0.55.3 S13.HO:-)5.2 813 H055.4 813.JI0.55..54 813.H0.55.66 813.U055.78 Hampden, U. D. Scholastic philosophy anil christian theology .... :.'73,Ho."i Hanoock, Anson Uriel. Hist, of Chile 983 lib Hancook, K. Campbell. Amateur pot- tery and glass painter 738.110 Hancook, W.S. Life; by F. H. Norton "»(( 1) X. Jenkin 973.7.IIiiil 1 Reminiscences; by Mrs. A. R. Hancock , 973.7. Hoij Handbook of reference to Latter day Saints 298.HO Handel, (i:F: [Life] ; by Eliza Clarke . 7SG.H0.I [Life]; by Mrs. . J. Marshall . 786.1106 Handy Andy; by S: Lover 823.LOS.30 Hanging moss; by Paul Lindau . 833.L46.3 Hannah, J. Divine and human elements in Holy Scripture 330.1. HiHl Hannah; by Mrs. 1). M. Craik . S33.C604 30 Thurston; by 15. Taylor .... 813.T09.3 Hannay, D: Blake, Adm. 943.0.5.R4 Marryat, F: 820.9.M0f).3 Rodney, i;: B 943 07.R6.3 Smollett, Tobias B 830.9.Sm6.3 Hannibal. History; by .1. Abbott . 939.73.H0 Life: by Theo. A. Dodge .... 9.39.73. Ho.3 Hans Breitmann's ballads; by C: (i. Leiand 817. L3 Brlnker; by Mary M. Dodge ... 813 D6.30 Hanson, C: H: Siege of Troy, etc. . 393 H06,6 Hanson, AV: Fallacies in "Progress and poverty" 336 33.H06 Hopgood, Olive C. School needlework . 371 43 II06 Happiness of being rich; by H. Conscience 839.33. C6.30 Happy boy; by IS. Bjornsen J/i S39.S3.1U66.Vol.3 Happy Dodd; by Rose Terry Cooke . . S13.H6646 30 Happy-go-lucky; by Mrs. M. Harris . 813,H0I')6.30 Happy homes, etc.; by S: Smiles 173.Sm4 hunting grounds; by W: 11. Cibson . 504.(14.3 thoughts; by F. C. Burnand 834.1!sc,.3 Haroonrt, L. F. Vernon-. Acliieve- ments in engineering .... 620.9.110 Hard cash, etc. ; by C: Reade . 833.R303.30 life in the colonies; by C. C. .lenkyns 910.4. .13 times; by C: Dickens .... 833.D414.S Harder, Inidwig. Family fe\id 833.H06.3 Har4.St() HaswoII, V: H. Mechanics and engineers' pocketbook ti:.;(is.ll(i Hati-h, Kilw. Inlliiencc! of (ireek ideas and usaaies upon tlie Christian church 2;ii) llo.s Organization of the early Christian churches ;^si.H()8 Hatch, F: H. Mineralogy r,49.H() HatHoUl, M. V. I'liysijiogy and hygiene 61;.MI0 Hiithercourt rectory; by Mrs. M. L. Molesworth 833.M643.3() Hatt.m, Jos. Under tht^ great seal . 833.H08.H Hattoii.T: Sketclu'S in water color from nature 7.i3.H0 Haiipt, Hcniiaii. Street railway motors G3.").H0 Howard, H: Dutch school of painting . Havelock, .SiV H: [Mte] ; by A. Forbes . Or>4.H0S ILifel; by E. C. Phillips .... In'.m.lliX) Havorffal, Fes. Ridley; by Lizzie Alldridge 7h610.73.N4 Havergal, Fes. llidlcy. Poems . 821. HO Royal grace and loyal gilts . . 342 HO *Swiss letters and Alpine poems . 914 04.110 Haweis, H. K. American humorists .810 0.11002.0 Music and morals 7SO.4.HO0 My musical memories .... 7.80.1100 Hawk, Rol> M. A., Memorial addresses on. Q rn073 8L(i Hawkins, K: Means of attaining Chris- tian truth 240.1100 Hawkins, F: Annals of the French stage to 1600. 2 vols .... 793.H00 French stage in the ISth century. 2 vols 792.H0.3 Hawkins, AV: Discourses on scripture myteries 230. H09 Haworth.s; by Mrs. Fes. II Uurnett . 813 B8W;2.30 Hawthorne, Julian. American penman 813.11004.0 lieatri.x Randolph S13. 11004.03 Uressant S13.H0!I4 10 Calbot's rival 7ii813 Hoo4.1t)7 Confessions and criticisms 814.11094 Constance, etc. 813. H004 167 Fortune's fool 813.Ho04.36 Garth 813.Hoo4.3 (Jolden fleece S13.Hoo4.36 Hawthorne, Nalb., and his wife. 3 vols 810.0. HOO.ii .John Parmelee's curse .... 813. HO04.4 Love— or a name 813. HO04.46 Six cent Sams 813.11094.7 Hawthorne, Julian, er/. Confessions of a convict .36:').H00.1 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Bridge, Hor. Personal recollections of Hawthorne . OlO.O.HiiO.l Conway, M..D. Life of N. Hawthorne . 810.9 HOO.16 Hawthorne, J. N. Ilawthoriut and his wife. 2 vols 810.0. Hoo.3 James, H: N.Hawthorne . SIO.O HO!i 4 Lathrop, G: P. Study of Hawthorne . 810.9. HOO. 40 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. IJlithedale romance 813.H09.1 Dr. Grlmshawe's secret ... 8i3.Hflo.3 Hawtliorne, Nathaniel, (Cnncludfil) Dolliver romance, t(i'. Fnglish note-books. 3 vols Fanshawe .... Grandfather's chair . House of the seven gables Litlk) DalTydowndilly, cA'-. ; Itiog. stories Marble faun. 3 vols .... **'(ime. 3 vols Mosses' from an old manso. 3 vols . Our old home; English note-books. 4 v. l'assag(!S from American note-books. 3 v. Passages from French and Italian note- books. 3 vols Scarlet letter .Septimius Felton Snow image, etc. Tales, sketches, etc. 2 vols Tanglewood talcs Twice-told tales Wonderbook, etc. 2 vols .... Hay, J: Castilian days .... Pike county ballads, etc. . *Hay, J:, and J: G. Nicolay. Lincoln, Abr. 10 vols 'Hayilen, F. V. Annual reports of the U. S. geol. survey of the tcjTitories, 1867-1878. 13 vols Great west Haydn, Jos. Life; by L: Nohl [Life]; by Pauline D. Townsend Haydn, Jos. No. 1 of 13 grand symphon- ies, for violoncello. F . Symphonies, arr. for violin. F Symphonies for lUite. F . . Trois sonatas pour le piano-forte, avec accompagnemenl de violin et violon- cello Twelvegrand symphonies, arr. for piano- forte, cither as solos or duets, with ac- companiment for llute, violin, violon- cello. F Hayes, I: F. Cast away in the cold Hayes, I: I. Land of desolation Hayes, M. Hor. Veterinary notes for horse owners ...... Hayes, Kut her ford B.; by W; (). Stod- dard Hays, Mi:i. W. I. Prince Lazybones, Ad- ventures of, etc Princess Idleways .... Hay ward, A. Goethe Hiizard of new fortunes; by W: D. How ells. 3 vols Hazen, H. A. Tornado, The . Hazlitt, W: Characteristics English poets, ami English comic writers Literature of age of FOIizabeth, etc. Northcote's conversations Personal recollections; ed. by Stoddard .... Plain speaker .... Round table, etc. Sketches and essays, etc. . .Spirit of the age Table talk'. He fell in love with his wifin by E: P. Roe S13. H00.36 014.3. H(W.Vols.3.t4 .m813.Hc».26 . f;i203.Hl».Vol.2 813.H(KI.3 930 H09 813.HO0..5 813.H09..''i0 813.H00.56 014.3. HOO 017.3. HOO 914..'.. HOO 813.H00.7 813.H00.73 813.H09.76 818. HOO /ii393 H09 813. H 09. 8 293. H()9 9I4 6.H09 811. HO 973.7 L4.6 .557.U.S.I6.3 917.9 Ho 786 H09.8 786.Hai 787.3. HO 787.1.H0.7 788..'). HO 786.4. HO knew he was right: by Ant. Trollope 786.4. H0.7 919.8. H09.1 918.8. H09 619. HO 973 8. HO. 7 813.H097 66 813.H097.6e6 830.9.(;6.3 813.H693.3 551.55. HO In 834. HOO. 6 830.0. HOO 6 830 9 H09.3 in834.H09.6 /n820 9.L0 824. HOO 824.H00.6 834.H00.7 834.H00.76 834. HOO. 8 813.R62.33 823.T664.32 HEAD 76 HENKEti Head, G: Forest scenes and incident.' the wilds of North America Head, Percy B. Van Dvcl\, Sir A., < F. Hale . . " . Head of Medusa; by Julia Fletcher of the family; by Mrs. I). M Craik Headley, Joel Tyler. Adirondack, The Chaplains and clergy of the revolution (Irant and Sherman Mountain adventures Napoleon and his marshalls 3 vols Pen and pencil sketches of great riots Sacred scones and characters Washington and his generals. 3 vols Headsman, The; by J. V. Cooper Health guyed; by Fk. P. W. Bellew Healy, Edith. On christian art Healy, Mary. Mere caprice, A. Heap, D. P. Ancient and modern light houses Heaps of money; by W. E. Norris Heard, 1: V. D. Hist, of the Siou.x war 18(32-3 Hearn, Lal'cadio. Chita . Two years in the French West Indies Youma Hearn, AV: E. Aryan household Heart and cross; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oli phant and science: by Wilkie Collins of Mid-Lothian; by Sir VVa. Scott . steel ; by Fes. C. Fisher Hearth-stone, The; by S: Osgood Heartsease; by Charlotte M. Yonge Heath, K: Ford. Durer, Albrecht . Titian Heathcote, C. G. Lawn-tennis Heather. J. F., and A. T. Walniisley Mathematical instruments . Heather and snow; by (i: Mac Donald Heaton, J: Ij. Story of Vermont Heatun, M. Conipton Correggio Heaven, Mrs. L/ouisa P. Chata and Chinita . . ' . Heavenly twins; by Mme. Sarah CJrand Heber, Reginald. Personality and th oilice of the Christian Comforter . Heckethorn, C: W: Secret societies o all ages and countries . . . . Hector, "Miis. Alexander" F. Freres, The Her dearest foe .... Heritage of Langdale Look before you leap Maid, wife or widow? Ralph Wilton's weird Which shall it br^V .... Wooing o't Hector; by Flora L. Shaw Servadac; by .Jules Veriu! Hedse, F:H: Atheism in pnilosophy, <( I'rose writers of (ioruiany Hedge, F: H:, ami othetn. Unitarian allirmations Heclged in; by Mrs. VAU. S. Phelps Ward Heehner, C: P. Manual of pharmacy Hegel, G: W: F: Caird, E; Hegel Jlarris, W: T. Hegel's Logic ni7.1.H3 TW.li.VO .S13 F43S.3 S'.'3.C(i(l4 .33 1117 47.'). H 3 377.33. H3 '.173.7. H3 790. H2 944.0.5. H3 973. H30 320.7. H2 973.3. H30 813.C666 .') 817.B3 709 H3 813. H3 6-37.9. H3 833.N6( 56.32 977.6. H3 813 II30B.1 917.39. H3 S13.H306.9 573. A9 833 0446.320 823 C644 33 833.Sc6.19 813.F473.3 173.07 833. Y66 3 759.3. D8 759.5.T4 J'a796.H30 510.8. H2 S23.M36.3 974 3. H3 7.59.5.C6 813.H208.1 833.G60 331.3. H20 366. H3 833. H218.36 S23.H31S.3 S33.H31S.32 S33.H31S.46 823.H21S.50 823.H218.60 823.H218 93 S23.H218.90 S13.Sh09.32 843.V3.33 104. H2 830.2. H2 388. H2 813.W0623.33 61.5.4. H3 193 5.H3.1 160. H3 Hegel, G: W: F:, (Cundiukd.) Morris, U; S. Hegel's philosophy of the state and of history .... 910 H33.5 Sterrett, J. McB. Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of religion 301.H3.7 Hegel, G: W: F. Philosophy of history ',K)1.H2 Heidenniauer, The; by J. F. Cooper 813.C666.8 Heidi; by .Johanna Spyri .... 833,Sp9.3 Heilprin, Angelo. Arctic problem and narrative of the Peary relief expedition 998.113 Geog. and geol. distribution of animals 591.9.H3 Town geology: Philadelphia rocks .5.57.48.H3 Heilprin, Angelo, i«i<; uthcrs. Bermuda islands ,508.739. H3 Heilprin, Blichael. Hist, poetry of the ancient Hebrews. 3 vols . 893.41. H3 Heinibiirg, W. Gertrude's marriage 833.H3.3 Her only brother 833.H3.32 Lora, the major's daughter 833.H2.46 Lucie's mistake 833 H2.4S Magdalen's fortunes .... 833.H3.5 Miss Mischief .• 833.H3.t4 Pastor's daughter 833.H2.60 Penniless girl ,833.H3.63 Two daughters of one race 833.H3.8 Heiniskringla, The; by S; Sturlason. 4v 839.6.St8 Heine, H: Family life; by L von Erabden 830.9.H3 Life; by W: Sharp. (Cir. writers.) . . 830.9.H24.7 Heine, H: Florentine nights . 8.34.H24 3 Germany. 3 vols 8309.H24.3 Pictures of travel, 1833-1838. 2 vols 914.B34 Poems; tr. by E. A. Bowring . 831. H2 Romantic school, The .... in 914.3 H2 Travel pictures 914.3.H3 Heir of RedclyfFe; by Charlotte M. Yonge 8;33.Y66.32 presumptive and heir apparent, by Mrs. M O. W. Oliphant .... 823.0446.32 to millions; by Edgar Fawcett 813.F09.33 Held fast for England; by G: A. Henty . 946.S.H3.3 Helen Gardner's wedding day: by Mrs. M. V. Terhune S13.T26.3 Glenn: by Lucy C. Lillie .... 813.L444.32 Troy. Story of; by Mrs. C. C. Harrison . 813.H06647.3 Helen's babies; by ,J: Habberton . 81.3.H00O.3 Heliodorus, anci iii;ifr8. Greek romances; tr. by R. Smith 888 9.H2 Helper, Hinton R. Impending crisis 326.H3 Heinans, 3//S. Felicia. Poetical works . 831. H2 Records of women, r'c 831.H2.6 Henck, J: B. Field-book for R. R. en- gineers 62.5. 113 Henderson, Mrs. Eliza Easton-. (Uiide to palmistry 1.33.6. H3 Henderson, I: Agatha Page , Si;).H:26.03 Prelate 813 H;».6 Henderson, J. T. Manual on cattle 636.G3 Henderson, J: C T; Jelferson's views on public education ... 379.J3.3 Henderson, Mrs. Mary F. I'ractieal cooking and diniuM' giving 643. H3 Henderson, P: Gardening for pleasure 630.H36 64 Gardening for profit . . i;30.H:36 66 Hen«lerson. W. J. Story of music . Hendricks the hunter; by W: II. (i. Kingston 916.83.K46.3 Henkel, Fr. Mistress of Ibichstein 833.H26.5 HKNIiEY HESPERUS Henley, W: E. l>yrii hci'oica: bookof verse for boys S:;i.n3(;4 Henrietta 'IVmplo; by B: Uisriioli . S:.';i.l)l7.:i3 Henry V., nf K>i{ihind; by A. .1. Church i)4-.' 04.115 Henry IV., -1/ Fiviiic. Abbott, .1; .S. C. Hist, of Honry IV '.144.()3.B-.' Uaird, II: M. llonry of Navarre and the Huguenots. 2 vols. 944.(>:i.I!()4 .lames, li: r. K. One in a thousand S-':i..lo.'i.Cii Honey, I'atrick; by M. C. Tyler Wi..) H3.8 Life: by \V: Wirt '.iT.I.S.lia.ii Henry Vll I. and his court: by l>. Muhlbaeh S.'ili.Ms:! 3:.' Henry lOsmond: by \V: M. Thackeray ,s;;;i.T3.3 iMastertou: by (i: P. K. James 8IJ3.JO.").:i:i St. .John, gentlemen: by .1: 10. Cooke . 813.01044 (Xl Vane, Crime of: by V. .1. Stiinson . . S13.vSt457.33 Henslow, (J: Origin of lloral structures. r)S1.4.H:i Henty, .H:.' Ky Kngland's aid iH'.t.ti.Il-M'.i r.y pike and dyke '.)41i.:i II:i.l Ky sneer pluck '.IIJ{J.7.H3 1 Captain Kayley's heir .... S33.H3i)8.1u Catof Hubastos 933.H3.1 Chapter of adventures .... '.I(;2.1.H3 Condemned as a nihilist .... '.I47(JS.H3 Dash for Khartoum ... 903 H2.3 Dragon and the raven 943.01. A4.3 Facing death 033.33.H2 Fall of S(^bastopol . . 947.07. H3 Fighting the .Saracens . . 94().4.H2 Final reckoning 919.4. Il3. 3 For name and fame 9.58 H3.3 For the temple 933.H3 Held fast for England 94(;.8.H3.3 In freedom's cause 941.02.113 In Greek waters 949..50G H2 In the reign of terror ... 944.04.H2 .Jack Archer 947.07.H3 Lion of St. Mark 945.3.H3.4 Lion of the north 940.7.(.;8 3 Maori and S(-ttler 993.1. H2..'i Oneofthe3Sth 944. Orange and green 941 50. 112. 6 Out on the pampas 918.2.H3 Redskin and cow-boy .... 917.8 H3 .St. llcorge for England .... i>44.03.H3.7 Through the fray 8:i3.H368.8 Through the Sikh war .... True to the old Mag ... 973 3.H29 Under Drake's Hag 943.05. De.3 Winning his spurs 940.4. H2 With Clive in India .... 9.54.H3.9 With Lee in Virginia ... 973.7. tl20 With Wolfe in Canada .... 973.3.11:20 Young Carthaginian 939 73.H0.3 Young colonists 9115.8. H3 Young franc-tireurs .... 9440S.H30 Henty, (J: A., id. Stories of .sea and land o-to.H3.7 Hepworth, G: H. Rocks and shoals 170 H3 Her associate members: by Mrs. Isa M. Alden 813.A4234.33 crime 813.H361 dearest foe: by "Mrs. Alex." F. Hector . .S33.H31S.3 only brother: by W. Heimburg S53.H2.32 Her picture: by 1'. (i. llamerton . 823.H052.32 Hi-rl) of the licOd: by CharlotteM. Yonge . ' 580. YOO Herl)ern>iinn, C; G. Business life in an- cient Ronu3 9.37. H26 Herliart, J: F: Text-book in psychology 1.50.110 Herbert, (J: Poetical works 831.H200 Herbert, H: W: Complete manual for yo\nig sportsmen 799.113.1 Herbert, Hilary A., ani ntliris. Why the solid South'.' 973.8. H20 Herina, C: Universal wiring computer 021.3. H2 Heritase of Langdale; by "Mrs. Alex." F. Hector 833.11318.33 Herewartl; by C: Kingsley 833 K4037.32 HeriHlon, W: H. (tfidJ.AV. Weik. Lm coin, Abr. 3 vols 973 7.L4..33 Hernrton, W: Lewis. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon 918 1.U.S.N3. Vol.1 Hero, A., etc.; by Mrs. D. M. Craik Carthew; by Mrs. Louisa Parr of ('owp(uis; by Rebecca McConkey of Fine Ridge: by W: F. Butler Herodotus; by (1: B. Swayne Herodotus. History; tr. by (i: Rawlin- son. 4 vols Boys' and girls' Herodotus; ed. by J: S. White Histories: ed. by J: S. White. 3 vols Heroes, The; by C: Kingsley and hero worship: by T: Carlyle and martyrs of invention; by (i: M. Towle of Asgard; by Annie and E. Keary of chivalry: Bayard ami The Cid of history; by A. 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Herrick . 831. H20 Hesperu.*; by .lean Paul F: Riehter. 2 v 833.R4.3 833. cool. 3:36 833.PO06.3 973.3. M()e. 3 970.3. R3 888.1.C3.71 8.8, 888.1.H3.9 888.1. 113.93 292.K4.3 In. 824.COli (1O8.T0 393 K3 940.3 BO 904. Sa 3 .580.9. D8 540.9. M8 031.L3 26e.M62 942.05.Si3.0 937.08.T3.3 973. G 4 904 BO. 3 833.M043.32 .599. M40 049. H3 .831. H30 HESSEY 7S HOGAKTH Hessey, Ja. A: Sunday .... 263.H27 Hester; by Mrs. M O. W. Oliphant . Sa.S.OMe.aSV Hester Stanley at St. Mark.s; by Ht. P. Spoflord 813.Spe2.3a Het.h, Oaiighter of; by W: Ulack , . 833.B4014.308 Hetty (iray; by Rosa Mulholland . 8;33.M843.32 Heurtley, C: A. Justilication 234 7.H2S Heiistoii, B. F. Rice mills of Port My.s,tpry 813.11287 Howctt, E(l\v. C. Treatise on pedagogy 3711 1129 Heywood, T: 1st and 2nd parts of King Edward IV S32.33.Sh().70.32 Hickok, Laurens P. System of moral science 170. H6 Hicks, Elias. Extemporaneous dis- courses 289.6.H4 Hioks, Mary D., and utlins. vSngeestions for a course of instruction in water color 752.P0 Hitidcn path: by Mrs. M. V. Terhune 813.T2(;.34 Hide-and-seek; by VVilkie Collins . 823.C644.34 Hicover, Harry. Pocket. The, and the stud 03(3 1.H4 Higginson, Fs. Life; byT: W. Higginson 974.4.H4.3 Higginson, S. J. Java, the pearl of the East 919.23. H4 Higginson, T: W. Army life in a black regiment 973.7. H43 Atlantic essays 814. H43.0 Book of American explorers . 973.1. H4 Common sense about women . 396.H4 Concerning all of iis 396 H4 1 English statesmen 942 08.H43 Higginson, Fs., Life of .... 974.4.H4.3 Larger hist, of the U. S. to 1837 973. H4 Malbone 813.11433..^. New world and the new book . . . 814.H43() Old port days 917.4. H43. 6 Ossoli, Marg. Fuller 810 9.07.34 Out-door papers 814.H43.6 Short studies of Am. authors . . S10.9.H43 Travellers and outlaws .... 970.H4 Women and men 396.H43.9 Higginson, T: AV., erl. Harvard memorial biographies. 2 vols . 378.73. H43 Higher ground; by A: Jacobson 331. Jo Highland widow; by Sir Wa. Scott 823.Sc(i.2 High-lights; by Mrs. C. L. Field 813 F424 3 Hildebrand and his times; by W. R. W. Stephens 270.7.t;(j Hildebrand, Hans. Industrial arts of Scandinavia in pagan times .- ri71 114 Hildegardes holiday; by Mrs. Laura E. Richards 813 R41 34 Hih-s, 'I'heron Ij. Ice-crop, The 021..').H4 Hill, A Metallurgy of lead . Hogarth, W :; by i\- Dobson Hogarlh, W: Works moralized, by .1: Trws.sler 796. K3 813.C()644.34 91.5.4. M46 917.93.114 '.HI7.I14 977. H 4 942.08. H4() 631.U.S.A3 (i69.1.H4 823.N(;6(i34 813.T2H 347 813.T(i02.3 823.C(«)4.34 813.B0426 3 813.T0(J9 34 813.T()(J9 3 813 Rli2.34 290 P(X; 813.Sm4.7 904.86.34 396 B()6 974.46 L6 942 41. H 8 942 83. C6 942.23. B8 tM2.(i7.C8 942.35.F6 942.1.L62 974.71. R6 942.37. B6 942.27 K4 917 7.3.T3 920 BS 843. BO 34 944 07.H8 612.M0 97146.H4 978 6. H4 342.73. H4 813.W3486.34 979.4 H4 /It 739.9. R84 192.9. H6.6 331. H6 339. H6 385 1.H6 385. HC 285. H(i3 937 08. T3 3 839.73. H6 398.3. H6 669.4. H6 739.2. H6 759. HC) HOGAllTH 70 HOME V.-iO 1IC..4 s:.'i.nc,:i:t V.V.i.H.Hti 7U4 IIG :ir.:!.4 H(i 793. HOI fil3.2.H(l 154. HO 5;3:3 1 HO Mioy.AS 3 917. 1)4. HO 5110 7. HO 575.1)00.3 590 4. HO 599 0.HG4 591.0. HO .590.HG4.5 710.2. HO 914.1.5. H64 823.BO(56 3 813 F404.2.2 320.92. DO 'HoKai'lli illustratctl; by ,1: Iri'land. Q. HosK. >'«• I'oems Holltoin, Hiuis; by J. Ciuidiill Holbein's Daiico of death; by Ks. Douce . Ilolbi'ook, J. Ton years ainoni; the mail bags Holbi'ook, KeiiiKMly. Ho\v2 or, Spare hours made oroli table for boys and girls ll4.55 5 813 H0455 .50 813 H04.55.5()6 813.H0455„53 813,II(;4.55.54 813.H04,55 544 813 110455.08 813.1104.55.00 813.H04.55 8 813. H04.55.92 Sh akes- Holmes, Mm. Mary .1, Cameron pridi' . Chateau d'Or Christmas stories Cousin Maude; Hosani Ethelyn's mistake Daisy Thornton: Jessie Graha Darkness and daylight Dora Deane; Maggie Miller Edyth Lyie Edna Browning English orphans Fon^st house Gretchen .... Homestead on the hillside, etc. Hugh Worthinglon Lena Rivers Madeline .... Marguerite Marion Grey Meadow Brook . Mildred .... Millbank .... Queenie lletherton . Rose Mather Tempest and Sunshine West Lawn .... Holmes, Natl. Author.-,hip of peare. 2 vols. Realistic idealism in philosophy itself. 2v. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Autocrat of the breakfast table Birthday book Elsie Venner Emerson, R. W, Guardian angel Medical essays . Mortal antipathy Our hundred days in Europe Over the teacups Pages from an old volume of Poet at the breakfast table Poetical works. 3 vols. . Professor at the breakfast table Holmes, Rob. Prophecies and testimon; of John the Baptist, <:(c. Holp, P. K. Golden age, e(',. Hoist. H, von. Calhoun, J: C. Const, hist, of LI. S. to 1801. 8 vols. Holt, Ardern. Fancy dresses described Gentleman's fancy dress Holy cross, rtc; by Eugene Field Roman empire: by Ja. Bryce . war; by .1: Bunyan .... Holyoake, G: Janob. Co-operation ii England Self-help 100 years ago . . . , Home, The; by Fredrika Bremer amusements; by Mrs. M. PI W. Sherwood as found: by J. F. Cooper attireylock: by Mrs. E. Prentiss garden: by Ella R Church grounds; by Alex. F. Oakey handicrafts; by C: Peters inlluence; by (irace Aguilar life in Germany; by C: L Brace Life of life 822 33 1104 141.H0 817 HG4 810.8. H04 813. H0450 2 191. 3. E5 ,30 813.n(M.50.3 ei0 4.IIC4 823.II04.50.5 914. H04 817.1I()4 814. H04 817, H 04 00 811 II04 817.H04.i;00 220. 1 [04 252 HO 973,5 C04 342 73.H04 391.2. HO 391.1. HO 813. F4. 3 943. B09 823.B809,9 334. HO 334.H0.7 .S39.73.B0 3 793. Sh3 813.C600.7 813. P62IJ 30 710.C.38 712.00 747. P2 82.3.A38.3 914.3 B6 HOME 80 HOW Home life of great authors; liy Hattie T. Griswold 820.9.G66 life on an ostrich farm; by Anr.ie Martin 91(>.S.M0(J nook; by Amanda M. Douglas S13.D(;8.365 occupations: by Janet E. Runtz-Kees . 740 R2.fi Homer; by W: E. Gladstone . 883.1.110.34 Homer's Iliad; by VV. L. Collins . 883.1. Hfi.4.1fi Homer's Odyssey: by W. L. Collins . 883.1. H6.6,16 Lamb's Adventures of Ulysses .883.1. H6.G 4.0 Homer. Iliad; tr. by W: C. Bryant . 8S3.1.H0 4.1 Same; tr. by l!: Chapman. 2 vols . 883.1.H6.4.13 Same; tr. by A. Lang, VV. Leaf and E. Myers . 8S3.1.ne.4.4 SnnK,- tr. by Alex. Pone . 883.1.H0 4 6 Odyssey; tr. by W: ('. Kryant . .883 l.HO.0.1 fiamc; tr. by S. H. Butcher add A. Lang 8S3.1.H6.6.4 SfitM; tr. by G: Chapman. 3 vols. . 883.1. H«.e.l3 Same: tr. by G: H. Palmer . 883.1. Hfi.6.() Siimi- tr. by Ale.x. Pope . . 883.1 HO. 0.60 Homes and haunts of British poets; by W. Howitt S30.9.H09.3 in city and country, «■((■.; by R. .Sturgis and (ithers 728.St8 of our country: by VVa. T. CiritHn . 173.G0 of the new world: by Fredrika Bremer. 2 vols 917.3.B6 under the ground; by . J. (i. Wood . 590. WO. 3 without bauds; by J. (!. Wood . 5a).4.Wfi Hoiiiespiiii yarns; by Mrs. A. D. T. Whit- ney 813.W4380.363 Home.st.ea6 Home, Herbert P. Binding of books 0.86. UO Home, T: Religious necessity of the re- formation 373. H60 Horse-shoe Robinson; by .1: P. Kennedy 813.K36li.3 Horsford, Kben Norton. Problem of the Northmen ' 973.1.116 Hortense, Hist, of; by J : S. C. Abbott 944.05.110 Horton, S. Dana. Silver in Europe 333.42.116 Silver pound. The 333.4.H0 Hosiner, Ja. K. Adams, S: . . 973.3.A37 Short hist, of Anglo-Saxon freedom 943. HO Short hist, of German literature 830.9.HO Story of the Jews 933. HO Vane, Young Sir H:, Life of . . 942.0<;.Vo Hospital sketches: by Louisa M. Alcott . 813.A410.30 Hot plowshares; by A. W. Tourgee . . • 813.TG86.3ii swamp. The; by R. M. Ballantyne . S33.B0440.36 Hotten, J: Camden, and J. Ijarwood. Hist, of signboards .... 6.59.L0 Hough, Franklin H. Report upon fores- try, 1877 634.9.U.S.A3 Houghton, Ifl Liml. See Milnes, 11; Monokton. Houghton, Wa. II. Kings of fortune 930.H68.4 Honk, Leonidas C. Memorial addresses on. Q 973.8. H6 Hours of work and play; by Ps. P. Cobbe. 040.000.3 with men and books; by W: Mathews . 814.M0S,3O with the mystics; by R. A. Vaughan. 3 v 149 3.V0 House, K: H. Midnight warning, etc. 813.H087.5 House, The, and the brain; by E: G: L. Bulvver f»i833.B849.33 at High Bridge: by Edg. Eawcctt . S13.F(K) 30 by the medlar tree; by G. Verga 8.53. V3 hunter in Europe; by W; H: Bishop 914.B47 in town: by Susan Warner 813.W()667.933 of a merchant prince; by W: H: Bisluip. 813 1547.368 of Martha; by Fk. R. Stockton . 813 St614.368 of surprises; by Mrs. Eliz. T. Smith 833.Sm48.3 of the seven gables; by N. Hawthorne . 813 H09.3 of the wolf: by S. J. Weyman 833. W29 3 that Jill built; by E. C. Gardner 090 GO. 3 Household of Glen Holly; by Lucy C. Lillie 813.L444.36 Houssay, P: Industries of animals .591.0.H08 Housseye, Arsene. Behind the scenes in the Comedie Francaise, c(c. 792.rt08 Houston. K: .J. Outlines of forestry 634 9. Hi; Houston, .S: Life; by H. Bruce . 976.4.H6.1 Houston and the war of independence of Texas: by Alf. M. Williams . 970.4. Ho 1 Hovey, Hor. V. Celebrated Am. caverns .551. 4. Ho How? by Kennedy Holbrook 793.H(;4 "I was educated" papers; by E: E. Hale, artdutherg :i70.4.H04 HOW 81 HUGHKS How John Xorton Uopt hi>< Christmas; by \V. H. H. Murray Sn.MSOl'i.H men propose; cull, hy Asnos Sli'vuiis s:.':i.St'WO t,ho olhor half lives: liy .lacob A. Riis ;i:i'.i.R4.3 the peasant owner lives; by [,aciy Verney :i:i:(.V3 they went to Kiirope; by Mrs Ht. M. Lothrop Si:i.MW3..'!ri to fail in literature: by Ami. l.iintr SOT.LO to make a living; by (■: Gary Ksgleston 174 E3 we are governed; by Anna Ij. Uavves . 3r)3.I)09 Howard, Blanche W. Aulnay Tower . 813.H000.0 Aunt Serena 8t3.H690.08 Battle and a hoy S13.H(1!H)00 Guenn 813.H(iU0.3S No heroes 813.HCjyO.(3()3 One Slimmer S13.Hr>i«)(i One year abroad '.il4.Hi)9 Open door 813.H(;9().i)0 Tony the maid . . . 813.H690.86 Howard, HIaiifho \V. iriii \V: Sharp. I'elluwe and his wife ... 813.H69022 *Howar«l, G: K. Intro, to loeal const. hist, of U. S. . , 343.73..ru Howard, H: Poetical works 821. VV9 Howard, H: C. and ii(/iit«. Racing and steeple-chasing 798.H69 Howard, .1:, and the prison world of Europe: by W. H. Dixon 365 HO. 3 Howard, Oliver O. Joseph, Nez Perce . 970.3 J().3 Taylor, Zachary 973.G.T0.3 Howe, K. W. Man story, A. . 8I3.H(;91.5 Moonlight boy. A 813.H691.5(; Mystery of the locks . . 813.H()91.r)9 Story of a country town . . 813.H(i91.7 •Howe, H: Marion. Mctallnrgy of steel, Vol. 1. F (iCi9.1.H6 Howe, -Ifcs. Julia Ward. Fuller. Marg. 810.9. 07..3ii Howe, Malverd A. Iletaining-walls for earth CiSO.HO Howe, Maud. See Klliott, Mrs. Mau S41.H8 822.33.ShO.38 944.07 H8.8 843.118 8 .'•).51.21.H84 780.118 758 H8 813.VV444.38 813. M87.92 503. H8 917.291 H8 501. HS5 .508.98. H8 192,4. H8 193.4 H8 4 040. H 85 942. HS5 943.H85.7 0(;7.2.H8 817 MO 652.110 973 7. H 8 843 ll,s,00 823 H8B3.0 ,833.11863.02 823 H803 2 823.H863..54 823.11803 5 823.H8IJ3(i3 820.9. 1186 824. H86 821.U8.4 945.8. H8 Hunt, Ijeigh, (Conehulcd) Men, women and books ... Table talk, c'c Town, The Wit and humor, sel. from Eng. poets Hunt, Ijucy B. Band-book of ligh gymnastics Hunt, M. R. Harrington's fate Hunt, .Sarah. Journal Hunt, Theo. Studies in literature and style Hunt, T: Sterry. Chemical and geolog leal essays Mineral physiology and physiography New basis for chemistry . Systematic mineralogy Hunt. Vi: Bristol .... Hist, of Italy Hunted and harried; by R. M Ballantyne Hunter, .S(r W:.W. Brief hist, of the In- dian people Hunter and Tom; by J. Abbott cats of Connorloa; by Mrs. H. U. Jackson Hunter's feast: by Mayne Raid Hunting in the .jungle: by W. F. Kellogg Huntington, Alf. K., and C: L. Bloxain. Metals . . . Huntington, G: Outlines of Congrega- tional history Huntington, "IV: Reed. Short hist, of the book of common prayer Huntington, AV: S., ami C: Latimer. Road- master's assistant and section- master's guide Hurlbert, W: H: France and the repub- lic, 1889 Ireland under coercion . . . . Hurry-graphs; by N. P. Willis Hurst, C. de. How women should Hurst, J: F. Indika Husbands and homos; by Mrs. M. V hune Husks; by Mrs. M. V. Terhuiu! Hussak, Eugen. Determination of rock- forming minerals . . . . Hutcheson, Fs: by T: Fowler Hutchinson, H. N. Autobiography of the earth Extinct monsters Story of the hills Hutchinson, Horace G. Golf Hutchinson, W. N. Dog breaking Huth, Air. H: Marriage of near kin Hutton, Alt", Swordsman, The Hutton, Art. W. Manning, Cardinal Hutton, Ij. Curiosities of the Am. stage From the books of Laurence Hutton Literary landmarks of Edinburgh Literary landmarks of London Hutton, L., and Mrs. C. E. C. Waters. Artists of the 19th century and their works Hutton, R: H. Literary essays Modern guides to English thought Scott, .s'i')- Wa Theological essays ride , Tcr- 824.H86.5 828 H8fi 943.1.H86.8 821. H86 613.71 H8 813.H868 289.6. U8 814. H8 550. H 8 .5.50.4. H 86 .541. H86 549. H86 943.41 H8 945.118 823 B044O.3 954. H8 813.A00.0838 Zn 813.J014.1 917.78.R34 916. 8. K2 (M9.B4 285.9. H8 2(54.03. H8 (i25.H8 1144 08. H8 941..58.H8 814. W44 798. H8 91.5.4. H8 813.T26.3S 813.T20,25 .549.1. H 8 192.9.ShO 550. H88 5()t). H8 551.43.H8 796. H8 630.7. H8 393.5. H8 790. H88 ;282.MO 792. IIS. 1 010.4.118 820.9.HS8.3 820.9 U88 703.C42 8-24.H88 830.9 11888 820.9.Sc6.3 304. H88 HUXLKY HS IliliUSTRATKD Huxley, T: H: American addresses, cf-^ . 575.HH Animal autoniatism, 'tc 3T(14.I1S ('riti(|MOs anil addresses , , . , .'idi.ll.s.l Darwin, More critieisms mi ; AdiiiiiitstiM- tive nihilism r)7,').n(X).:W Darwiniana rjT.^.IISS Essays upon some controverted i|uestions 2iri.ll« Kvidenco as to man's place in natiin' 57:1.1. lis lliune, 1): , ... l',i:.'.4.IJS Introductory Ito science; primers] .'iUi.HS.4 Lay sermons, addresses and reviews .il)4 H8.4 Manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals .")91.4.HS.4 Manual of the analniiiy of vcrtelirated animals . . . ' . .501.4.H8.S Method and results .'lOJ.HS..') Huxley. T: H:, (.Coneluikd) Origin of species i'liysioj-'raphy Science and culture, <■((■. Science and education .... Social diseases and worse remedies Study of zoology: ilhis. Iiy the cray-lish. Huxley, T: H:, and H. N. Martin. Prac- tical biology Hyiiciiitho, Fitthrr. Discourses Hyiiilnian, H. M. Commercial crises of th(! I'.ltli century .3.1!'. Mil Hypalia; by C: Kingsley . . 83,3.K4ffl7.3;) Hyperion; by II: VV. liOngfcdlow . 914.3 Li'iCi.SO N(i"i6 Zij914.3. LCil) 3 Hyslop, Ja. H. Elements of logic . IWl.Hn 57r>S.HS 551.4. ll.s 5(14. lis. 7 370,4. HS 33',l. HS .5!ll).7. US .577.HS.6 :js4.s 111! I prouiessi sposi; by A. Manzoni . 833.M0 I say no; by W. Collins .... 8:33.C(i44.4 Ibsen, I Ii'nrik; by H. Jaeger S39S.I0.4 Four lectures on; by I'h. 11. Wicksteed 83B 8 10.9 Ibsen, Henrik. I'rose dramas. 6 vols S39.82.I1 CoNTKNTs: Vol. 1. League of youth; Pillars of society; Poll's house. Vol. 2. Ghosts; Enemy of the people; Wild duck. Vol. 3. Lady Inger of Ostrat; Vikings at Helgeland: The pretenders Vol.4. Emperor and (ialillean; A world- historic drama. Vol. 5. Rasniersholm; Lady from the sea; iledda Cabler. Vol. 1). Peer Cynt. Ice ([ueen; by Ernest Ingersoll . 813.IiJ3i).4 Ida, The story of; by Fes. Alexander 39li.I2 Noble, Tragedy of; by VV: C. Russell . 823.RS77.42 litittiM9.5.A(i Bartolommeo di Paolo, Fra: by Mrs. Lucy E. Baxter 7.59,5.150 Claude (iellee, de Lorrain; by Owen J. Dullea 7.59 4. C4 Constable, J:; by ti: M. Brock-Arnold . /«7.59.2.GO Carot, Caraille; by J: VV. Mollett 7.59.4.C(J Correggio; by M. C Ileaton 7.59.5.C6 Cox, D:;byG. R Redgrave 759.2.CC Cuijp, Alb.; by Fk. Cundall . . /ii7.59,9.R84 D'Agnolo, Andrea: by Mrs. Lucy E. Baxter /a 759.5. BO D'Aubigny, C: Francois; by J: VV. Mollett In 7.59.4 CO Delarocho, Paul; by J. R Rees /«7.59 4.V2 De Wint, P:; by (i. R. Redgrave /n 7.59.3.C6 Diaz, Narcisse Virgile; by J : W. Mollett /n 7.59.4. M4 Donatello; by Mrs. Lucy E, Baxter 7.59..5.B09 Dupre, Jules; by J: W. Mollett . r«7.59.4.C0 Durer, AlbreCht; by R: F Heath . 7.59. 3.D8 Figure painters of Holland; by R: Giower 7.59.9.G(i Francia; by Julia Cartwright . . /n 7.59 5. MO Gainsborough, T; by G: M. Brock-Arnold 7.59.2. Go Ghiberti, Lorenzo; by Mrs LucvE. Bax- ter . . ' ;» 7.59..5.B09 Giotto; by Harry Quilter , 759.5 G4 llais, Franz; by P. R. Head . l/i 7.59.9. VO Hobbema, Meindert; by Fk Cundall . /71759 9.R84 Hogarth. W:; by A, Dobson . 759.2. HB Flolbein, Hans; by J. Cundall . 7.59.3.HB Landseer, Sir Ed w.; by F. G. Stephens . 7.59.2. LO Lawrence, .s'tcT:; by R: Gower . /n 7.59.2. RO Little masters, The: by VV: B. Scott 7.59.3. ScB Mantegna, Andrea; by J. Cartwright . 7.59.5.MO IliliUSTRATED 84 INGEL/OW Illustrated biographies, (Concluded) Mariotto Albertinello; by Mrs. Lucy E Baxter Messionier, Jean L: Ernest; by .1: W, Mollett Michael Angelo Buonarroti; by C Clement Millet, Jean Francois; by J: VV. Mollett Mulready, W:; by F: J. Stevens Murillo de Sevilla, Bartolome Esteban by Ellen E. Minor .... Overbeck, J: F:; by J. B. Atkinson Potter, Paulus; by Fk. Cundall Raphael; by N. R. E. Bell Rembrandt Hermanzoon von Ryn; by J W. Mollett Robbia, Luca Delia; by Mrs. Lucy E. Bax ter Romney, (;:; by R: (lower Rousseau, Theo.; by J: W. Mollett Rubens, Sir P: Paul; by C: W. Kett Ruisdael, Jacob van; by Fk. CundoU Tintoretto; by W. R. Osier Titian; by R: F. Heath . Turner, J: M. W:; by W. C. Monkhouse Van Dyck, Sir Anth.; by P. R. Head Vernet. Horace; by J. R. Rees Vinci, Leonardo da; by J. P. Richter Watteau, Antoine; by J: VV. Mollett Wilkie, Sir O:: by J:'w. Mollett . Illustrated library ol" wonders. Three series, viz: — Wo7ulcrs of art and archamlouy n'ondiTs of man and nature. TJ'otiders of scie7ice. Note: — For separate volumes, see series entries. Iina^iiiary conversations; by Wa. S. Lan- der. ") vols portraits; by Wa. Pater Imagination, etc.; by («: MacDonald and fancy; by L. [Lint Immortal, The; by A. Daudet . Impending crisis; by IL R. Helper . Imperative duty; by W: D. Howells Iinprovisatore; by Hans C. Ander.sen In a house-boat; by Mrs. D. M. Craik Amazon land; by Martha F. Sesselberg. and out of three Normandy inns; by Anna B. Dodd .... Kluc Creek canon; by Anna C. Ray camp and Held; by B: F. Taylor castle and cabin; by U; Pellew darkest Africa; by H: M. Stanley. 2 darkest England; by W: Booth exile, e.li-.; by Mrs. Mary H. Foote . far Dakota; by Mrs. Mary Locke . far Ldchaber; by W: Black freedom's cause; by (J: A. llenty gold and silver; by (i: H. Ellwanger (Jre(!k waters; by (!: A. Henty his name; by E: E. Hale Ijeisler's times; by E. S. IJrooks nesting lime; by Mrs. Olive T. Miller Xew (iranada; by W. H. (J. Kingston No-man's land; by K. S. Brooks ole Virginia; by T. N. I'age search of a .son; by Uncle l.,awrence In 7r>'.U,.Bl) 7.iC).4.M3 709. M4 7ri9.4.M4 7ri!).3.M8 7.'')9 0.MS 7.7,1 3.08 r.TO.ll R84 7,5'J..'i.RO In 759 y.R3 73.'J.BO 759.3.R6 lit 7.59.4. M4 7.59.9. RS 7.59.9. B84 759 5.T4H 7.59 5.T4 759.3.T8 7.59.9. VO 7.59.4. V3 709. V4 759.4. WO 759.3. VV4 930.L0(i 833 P083.4 834. M3G 831.HS.4 843.DOS.45 32G.H3 813 H692.45 8.39.S3.A63.4 /)i833.C()04 54 8(39. Se7 914.43. D6 813.R09.4 973.7.TO 914.15P3 910.7.S10.4 339. BOH 813.F608.4 S33.LG.4 833.B4014.4t;3 941.03.H3 813.E449.4 949. .500. H3 813.H043.4(i 813.B0003.4 .598.S.M4 4 833. K4038.403 813..H0003.4(i 813.1^033.40 813.U0.4 In silk attire; by W: Black .833.B4014.407 starry realms; by Rob. S, Ball 533.B0.4 Tennyson land: by J. C. Walters . ,S30.9.T3.iK) the boyhood of Lincoln; by H. Butter- worth 973.7. L4.1 the brave days of old; by H: Frith 940.4.FO the cheering-up business; by Mary C. Lee 813.L32.40 the clouds; by Mary N. Mnrfree 813.M8025.4r)l the distance; by (!: P. Lathrop 813.L083.40 the golden days; by Ada E. Bayly 833.BOil.40 the heart of the storm; by M. (!. Tnttiet 833.T88.4 the high heavens: by Sir Rob. S. Ball . 5:iO.BO the high valley; by Sarah C. Woolsey , 813. VV0047.40 the key of blue; by J; A. Symonds 834 Sy5 the king's name; by (i: M. Fenn . 833.F360.44 the olden time; by Marg. Roberts . 833.K05.4 the ranks; by Amanda M. Douglas 813.De8.405 the reign of terror: by (!; A. llenty 944.04. H3 the roar of the sea; by S. Baring-Oould 833.G68.4 the Schillmgscourt: by E. 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Dudevant Indiana man by Le Roy Armstrong Indika; by J: F. Hurst Individual liberty: reply to Mill "Oi liberty" Indoor studies; by. I: Burroughs Industrial progress of the nation; by E Atkinson ..... Inez; by Mrs. Augusta E. Wilson Inl'elice; by Mrs. Augusta E. Wilson InCelicia; by Adah Isaacs Menken Inge, \V: It. Society in Rome under the Caesars Ingelow, Jean. Don .iohn Fated to Im' free .Iohn Jerome Mopsa, the (airy (iir the Skclligs 813 MSe35 468 813.St4.57.4 S33.W3480.4 917.:29.B0 813.F033.4 813.M088.4 799. WO 808. MOO 4.1 504. AG 00 914.49.t;e 813.D08.408 833.044(i.4(i 813.M481.40 914.0.So7 953.J0 (11 813.A410.7 813.MS7.y 813.H093.4(' 843. DS3 40 S13.Ae.57.4 915 4 H8 304.10 814.B8.4 330.9.A8 813.W447.49 813.W447.40 811. M30 937.103 833.1033.3 833.1633.30 833.1633.40 833 1633.50 823.1633.0 HIE nEW DUHE HOTEL ONE OF THE FINEST APPOINTED HOTELS IN THE WEST i Rlcgaut Saiupfc Rooms, Barber Shop, B I Ilia I'd and Bar Rooms in Connection. All Mixlcrn Advanfao-es Obtain able in a Strictly First-CIass Hotel ■ ^ --Celebrated for its Cuisine BUTTE HOTEL COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. 60 WEST PARK STREET, BUTTE Call your attention to their ahvays large Stock of HARNESS of all grades and manufactures. Horse Blankets, and Horsemen's Goods of all A'inds, Phae- tons, Carriages, Road Carts, Etc Long years of experience have familiarized tlicm zvith tlit^ requirements oj i\ font ana horsc-y*'^ men, and never has there been a (ju est ion that this establishment has always sold the I'ery Best Goods ,, obtainable for the money. On tliis record they solicit the continued k^t^^^^^K hatronao-e of old customers and nciu ones 7vill be pleased with the treatnijmt^^/^ff-':/%-ff^^ they receive. A First- Class Repair Shop in connection. /'■Jy//^H^J^^ m. theked-doot EXCLUSIVELY WE AIM TO PROVIDE STYLISH, DURABLE, POPUPLAR-PRICED SHOES. CHILDREN'S SHOES OUR SPECIALTY A book I O rare one Be not, as our fangled world, a garment Nobler than that it covers. — Shakespeare. Ip YOU Find the Book you want in llif. CANi^OT ^^'f T °'f ' '°" flSKFOR ' ' v^aqt a book for your ' ^ home or your own library, 11 Hi Joliii (i. Evans' Book Store Wfiere you will also lind all kinds of OFFICE aqd FANCY STATIONERY and all the PROMINENT NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES and FASHION BOOKS llead(|iiartcrs for .Scliool Hooks, .ind Supplies, Hammocks, Base liall, Tenuis, Croquet, and Fishing Tackle. 43 WKSl HKOAIiWAV, BUTTE, MONTANA. H. J. BLUME c STOVES Crockery and Glassware House Furnishing Goods Wire Flower Stands 78 WEST PARK ST. BUTTE, MONTANAvi, De rair ^in^e Glev'er!' At F.iir prices we sell merchandisp of gooil i|ii.Tlit3' ill Toii.ET Artici.es, Soaps, Pek- FUMKHiKS, Drugs, Etc. In the line of Chemists Glassware ami Apparatus, Chemicals, we undersell any house in the State. Fair Drug Assay Supply Go, No. 115 East Park St. BUTTE, MON INGELiOW H5 INTERNATIONAL Ingf^low, Jean, (Cuncludeil) I'ucms S31.I()3 Sarah Ue Berenger 823.1633 7 Sister's-bye-hours 823.1033.74 .Stories told to a child. 3 vols . 833.1033.78 IiiK't^rsoll, Kriiest. liirds-ncsting .")98.3.I0 04 Country cousins 5<.H). 103.1 Friends worth U now iiig .... ,VJ0.102 Ice iiueen. The 813.1030.4 Knocking round the KocUies (I17.S.10 4 Week in New York .... 1117.471.10 lnfjofsoll, li. 1>. Hist, of wardcpl. of U. S. 3r>3.ii,10 liifftis, lldti. l.iKlii. Siege of Liicknow !l.">4.10 Iii«o; by (lustav Kreytag .... S33.K03.4(i liiKohl.sl.y legends: by R: H. Harham 824.1!cr, IiiSi-abiin; by Ciistav Kreytag . . 833.F63.403 lii»raliaiii, J. H. Pillar of lire 813.103.04 I'rince of the house of David 813 163.60 Throne of David 233.5.D0.4 Ingram, J. K. Land of gold, diamonds and ivory 910.S lii liiKi-aiii. J. H. Browning, -Vis. E. U. . S3U.9.1i063.4 liiuraiii, J. S. Centennial exposition, The OOtj.IO Ingram, J: Language of flowers 710.3.16 Ingram, J: K. Hist, of political economy 330.9.16 Initials; by Baroness Tautphoeus . . 833.T088.4 Inland voyage; by R. L. Stevenson 914.93 St3 Innocent impostor, t(c.; by M. G. Tuttiet 833.T88.40 Innocents abroad; by S: L. Clemens 914.C43 Inside our gate; by Mrs. C. C. Brush 813.15087.4 Inspector general; by N. V. C;ogol . . 891.73.(;6 Intellectual life; by Ph. G. Hamerton 170.H0.'>.4 *lntellectnal observer. 13 vols .W.^.TO Intei-rerence; by Mrs. 15. M. Croker . S33.C'664.4 International education series. Adler, F. Moral instruction of children .377.A3 Baldwin, J. lilem. psychology and edu- cation l.")0.B04 Psychology applied to the art of teach- ing l.'')0.B043 lioone, 11: (;. Education in the U. S. 370.9.B0 Fouilli^e, A. Education from a national standpoint 379.3.F6 Froebel, F: Education of man . . 372.3.F6 Guimps, R. de. Pestalozzi . . 371.44.P3.3 llcrbart, J: F: Text-book in psychology l.W.HO Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history . . _ . 907. H4 Howlaud, G: Practical hints for teach- ers of public schools .... 371. Ho Kay, I). Memory 1.">4.K0 KliMum, L. R. European schools 379.4. K4 Lange, H. Higher education of women in Furope 370.0.L0 Ijaurie, S, S. Rise and early history of universities 378.LO Morrison, G. B. Ventilation of school buildings ' 697 9.M0 Painter, F. V. N. Hist, of education 370.9.P(kJ Parker, F. W. How to study geography 371.3.P0e Pickard, .1. L. School supervision 371. P4 Prayer, \V. Mental development in the child l.il.PO Mind of the child. 3 vols . l.-iO.PO.""! (Juick, R. H. Educational reformers . 370.9.Q8 Rosenkranz. .1; K. F. Phil, of educa- tion 370.1. RO Iiiternatiunal education series, (Concluded) Rousseau, J. J. Emile .... Sharpless, I. English education in the elementary and secondary schools International Honiciopathic Congress. Transactions, 1891 International humor series. France; tr. and ed. by Eliz. Lee (Germany; tr. and ed. by Hans Muller- Casenov Holland; tr. and od. by A. Werner Italy; tr. and ed. by A. Werner International scientific series. Abcrcrombie. R. Weather Amos, S. Science of law Science of politics .... Bagehot, W. Physics and politics Bain, A. Education as a science . Mind and body .... Bernstein. J. Five senses of man . Binet, A., ami C: Fere. Animal magnet- ism . . . " Blaserna, P. Sound in relation to music Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated plants Clifford, W: K. Common S(!nse of the exact sciences .... Cooke, J. P. New chemistry . Cooke, M. C. Fungi Darwin, C: Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms Dawson, .Sir J. W: Geol. hist, of plants Draper, J: W: Conflict between religion and science Graham, W: Socialism . Hartmann, R. Anthropoid apes Heilprin, A. tieog. and geol. distribution of animals Henslow, G: Origin of lloral structures Huxley, T: H: Study of zoology, ill. by cray-fish Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechan ism of exchange .... Joly, N. Man before metals Judd,J:\V. Volcanoes . Langrange, F. Physiology of bodily ex ercise LeConte, J. Sight .... Levi, L. International law Lockyer, J. N. Spectrum analysis Lommel, E. Nature of light . Lubbock, Sir J: Ants, bees and wasps Senses, instincts and intelligence of ani mals Luys, J. Brain and its functions ■ Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism . Maudsley, H: Responsibility in mental disease Meyer, G: H. v. Organs of speech Milne, J: Earthquakes, efc. . Morselli, H: Suicide Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature Poulton, E: B. Colours of animals Quatrefages, A. de. Human species Ribot, T. Diseases of memory 379.R6.3 373.42.ShO In 610.0.A.'') 847. L3 837. CO 839.37.W3 857. wa S.fiL.^.AO 340.1. A.5 330.1.A.5 320. BO 370.1. BO 130. BO 611.8. B3 134. B4 .534 3.B4 63.-) CO 510. C4 . .541.C6 589.3.C6 .-.95.1 DO ,501. DO 109.1)0 335.G6 599 8.H(i .591. 9. H3 581.4. H3 590.7. H8 332.J2.5 ,573.3.J6 .5.51.31.J8 613.7. LO 535 7 L3 341.L3 .544.0. L6 .530. LO ,595.7. L8 .591.. 5. L8 613.82. L8 .591.47.M0 133.M0 611. M3 .5.51.22. M4 394.8. MO .591.47.P2 801. PO .577. PO .573.QS 1.54. R4 INTEKNATIOXAL, 86 IVOUY International scientific series, (Coneliuled) Romanes, G: .T. Animal intclliacnce J('lly-lish, star-fish, and sea urchins . Rosenthal, I. General phvsiolosy o niHscU's unci nerves Sclimitit, () Descent and Darwinism Mammalia ..... Schiitzenberger. P. Fermentation Semper, K: Animal life SidRwicIc, A. Fallacies . Smith, E: Foods .... Spencer, IL Study of sociology Stiillo, J. K. Concepts and theories o modern physics .... Starcke, C. N. Primitive family Stewart, P. Conservation of cnerKV Snlly, J. Illusions .... Thompson, E. M. (ireek and fjatin pal aeography tirnwth of the steam L. Microbes, ferment Thnrston, R 11 engine Tronessant. E. and monlds Tylor. E: B. Anthropology Tyndiill. J. Forms of water Van lieneden, P J, Animal parasites Vignoli, Tito. Myth and science . Vogel, H Chemistry of light and jiho tography Warner, F. Physical expression Whitney. \V: D. Life and growth o language ..... Wright, (J, F: Man ;ind the glacia perind Wnrtz. A. Atomic theory Young. C. A. Sun, The Internatioiiitl statesmen series. Disraeli, B:: by T. F. Kebbel . (irattan. II:: by Rob Duntop . I^'etternieh. Piince; by G. R. Malleson O'Connell, Dan.; by J. A. Hamilton Palmerston, Viiiciiunt; by L. C. Sanders Pei'l. .Sir Rob.: by F. C. Montague . St. .lohn, H:; by A. Hassall Interprelationof nature; by N. S Shaler Interrupted; by Mrs Isa. M. Alden Into iinknown seas: by D: Ker . Invaders, etc ; by Count Loo Tolstoi Invasion of France; by E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian .... Invisible empire: by A. W. Tourgee lodge: by Jean Paul 1'': Richter Involuntary voyage: by L. Piart lota, /. " I1 1. See Catr.vn, Mrs. M. Iowa. Statutes relating to railways, cte Adj. irn. llei)orts, 187.i to ISK!). 8 vols. ltd. "f R. R. cnmntinHimierif. Annual re ports, 1880-I8!«. 14 vols. . Burcim 8 and.lill: by L. M. Ali'ott . S13.A41li.lO Archer; by (!: A. Honty ... '.)47.()7.H2 ('lialidier; by ,1a. firant .... 8:.';i.(ifl 4 Hall; by Uol). (irant »i:).(lc.0(i.4?, Hazard: by .1: T. Trow briiim' . Si:i.TG(i'.).40 Hinton; by C: Lover .... 833 L282.4 Hooper; by V. Ij. Caincrnn S33.CO">.4 llornor; l)y M. S. Tioriian 813.T42().4 in llici bush; by Rob. (irant 8t3.(!(;0(i.44 Manly; by Ja. (irant .... 833. (16.40 tlio hunchback; by "Ja. Olis" Kalcr . 813 K04ai 40 Tier: by J. F. Cooper .... 813.C'(;(;(i.y Jackanapes; by Juliana II. Ewing S33.Eit4.401 Jackiiinii, Wilbur S. Nature study for common schools 507 Jo Ja<-k's courtship: by W. C Riissuli . . 833.R8T7.40 •la<;ks<>ii, And. Frost, J: Old Hickery '.173.5 JOI 3 Tarton, Ja. (len. Jackson . 973.5 J 01 Stoddard. \V: O. And. Jackson 973 5 J0.7 iSumnor, W: (i. And. Jackson 073. 5. ,10 78 Jackson, Lrx/i/C. C. First of Bourbons. 3v '.)44.()3.J0 Old regime 944 03.J01 •lackson, K: P. Character building la 170.044 Jacksun, (i: A. E.VHI.V CIIIUSTI.VN I.ITERATUUK SEUIKS. Apostolic fathers, lU- Fathers of the third century . I'ast NicencOreek fathers I'ast Nicene Latin fathers Jackson, G: Anson. ,Son of a prophet Jack.son, .Vcs. Helen Hunt. Uitsoftalk Hits of travel l!its of travel at home ... Cat stories ...... CoN'TK.NTs: Lc'.tters from a cat: Mam- my Titth^back and her family; llini- ter cats of Connorloa. Century of dishonor (ilimpses of three coasts Nelly's silver mine . Ramona ..... Verses by H. H. Zeph Jackson, Juliii N. Winter holiday in summer lands •lackson, T. l>s, Jos., ed. Celtic fairy tales . English fairy tales Indian fairy tales •lacobs, M. Rebel invasion ol Md. and I'a. Jacobs, W: I'roduction and consumption of the precious metals [to 1832] Jacobson, A: Crisis of a party Higher ground .lacquos Honhomme; by P. Ulouet . .laeffer, Hcnrik. Ibsen, Henrik ■laso, W: Inorganic chemistry James, ISusIirod W. Alaskana •lames, F. Ij. Unknown h(U-n of Africa Wild tribes of the Soudan •James, G: Fs., enmp. Proceedings of Ka tional Conference on University Exten sion. Dec. 39-31, 1891 •James, («: Ks., ci. Handbook of uuivur siiy extension .... James, G: P. R. Agincoun Brigand. The; or. Corse de Leon Castleneau; or. The ancient regime Daruley ... De L"Orme Delaware .... Forest days (iowrie ... Henry Mastertou Morley Ernstein One in a thousand Philip Augustus Robber, The Smuggler, The . Thirty years hence James, H. K. M Long while muiuiUiin •lames, H: American, Tlie liostonians, The Confidence Daisy Miller Europeans, The . French poets and novel isis Hawthorne, N. Lessons of the master, 'Ic. fjitlle tour in France London life, etc. Partial portraits Passionate pilgrim, rlr. Picture and text Portraits of places Princess Casamasslma Private life, ele. ... Real thing, etc. . . Reverberator . . Roderick Hudson ' Siege of London; Pen.--iuii l!eaiiiepd,s Point of view .... Tales of three cities Tragic muse. 2 vols Transatlantic sketches Watch and ward . . Wheel of time, itc . . . . 891. 03. JO 833 J 01 891.433.J0 973 7.J01('i 009.3 JOI 329.Ci.JO 331.J0 914.4. B46.4 839.8 10 4 54(i.J0 811.J05 910.(i2.Jo8 910.03 .10 378.1 3. A5 378.13. JO 833 J 05.03 823 J 05. 10 833 J05.10 823 JO.5.30 823. J 05.33 833. J 05.83 833.JO5.30 823. .KK 30 823. .105 32 833.. J 05 50 S23.J05 00 823..) 05 03 823 .105 000 833. J 05 75 823., J 05 S3 95l.8.,l0 8 1 3.. 1(1.53.0 813. .1052 00 813. .10.52. 10 813 .10;53 2 81 3. J 0.53 38 840 4. .105 8109 1109.4 813 JO.52.42 914 4 .105 813. ,10.52. 40 809. Jo 813..JO53.fl0 S14 J05 914.105 813. .10.52.00 S13..I(J.53 004 813 .Io.52.()20 813 .1052 02 813 ,1052.002 S13.J0.53. 74 813.10.52.8 SI 3 J 053 8() 914.J0.5.8 813. .10.53.9 813 JO.52 93 JAMES 8K JENKS James, H:, aid Wa. Besaot. Art of fietion 80S.3.B2 James, W: Principles of usychology. 2v ]r>0.,JU James Braitliwaite; by VV. H. U. Kingston 823.K4()38.4 Jameson, Mis. Anna. Diary of an ennuyee 914.5.J0ri Legends of the Madonna . . . 709.J0.'J.5 Legends of the monastic orders . . 271.J05.4 Memoirs of the early Italian painters . 759.r).Jori Memoirs of the loves of the poets . . 809..1(l"i.4 Sacred and legendary art. 2 vols VOfl.JO.'i.T Sketches of art, literature and character 704.,JO.") 7 Studies, stories, and memoirs . . 704.,J(i.').78 .Jameson, J. Franklin. Historical writ- ing in America 907..J0.5 Jameson, Ja. S. Story of the rear col- umn 916.7..T0.'-. Janof the windmill; by J. II. Ewing . 823.E',i4.1()i; Jan Veddcr's wife; by Mrs. A. E. Uarr . 813 B(WG.40 Jane Eyre; by Charlotte Hronte . . 823.8666.4 Jane Seton; by Ja. (Irant . 833.Gr, 4(K1 Janet; by Rebecca S. Clarke . .813.C4lJ(i46.ii6 Janet's repentance; by Mrs. M. E. Cross 7» 823. C667.:.' Jannettaz, E: Guide to the determina- tion of rocks 549.1. .1(1 Janney, S: M. Convor.-iations on religious subjects 289.6. JO. 1 Fox. G:. Life of 289 6.F6 Memoirs 289.6.J0 Peace principles 172 4.J0 Penn, W:, Lifeof 289 6. P2 Summary of Christian doctrines 289.6.J(i.7 Jansen, Kristofer. Spell-bound tiddler 839.83.J06.7 Janvier, Marg. Thomson. Doris and Theodora 813.J068.2 Under the Dog-star 813.J068.8 Janvier, T: A. Aztec treasure house . 813.J0688 09 *Mexican guide 917.2.J0 5 Stories of old New Spain . . . ■ 813.J0688.7 Uncle of an angel, etc 813.J0088.86 Japan. Drpt. nf ayricultuir tntd etiiiuuficf. General view of commerce and indus- try in Japan [1893] .... 91.').2.JO Japanese homes, etc.; by E: S. Morse 728. M6 Japhet in search of a father; by F: Mar- ry at 823.M066 406 Japonica; by Sir Edw. Arnold . 915.2. A6. 4 Japp, Ale.v. H. Days with industrials 6ii4.Jo (iood men and true . . . . 360. J06 Japs at home; by D. Sladcn . . . 915.2.S10 Jar of honey; by Leigh Hunt . 945.8. H8 .laroliow, H. Nicholas. Forest planting 634 9.J0(; Jardine, Sb- W:, cd. Naturalist's library. Contents : — ICntomolnyy. Vol. 1. Introduction; by Ja. Duncan. 595.7.D8 Vol.2. Beetles; by Ja. Duncan . .595.76.D8 British butterflies; byJa. Dun Vol. 3. can Vol. 4. Vol. 5. ,595.78. D8.1 British moths; by Ja. Duncan 595.78.D8.5 Foreign buttorllies; by Ja. Duncan 595.78.DS 2 Vol. 0. Bees, etc.; ed. by SirW: Jardino .595.79..I0 Vol. 7. Exotic moths; by .la. Duncan. 595 78.D8.29 Ichthijijlnuil. Vol.1. Perch famllv;by SlrW:.lardine 597.5. .10 Vol.2. .Structure, c'c. of Hshes; by J. S. Bushnan .597. B8 Vols. .') ami I. l''ish(!S of Guiana; by R. H. Schomliurgb .597.Scli() Vols. 5 and 6. British fishes; by R. Hamilton .597 110 MammalUi, Vol. 1. Monkeys; by Sir W: Jardine . Vol. 2. Felinae; by Sir W: Jardine Vols. 3 and 4. Ruminantia; by Sir W: Jardine . . . . Vol. 5. Pachydermos; by Sir VV; Jar- dine Vol. 6. Whales; ed. by Sir W: Jardine Vol, 7. British (juadrupeds; by W: Macgillivray Vol. 8. Amphibious carnivora; by R. Hamilton Vols. 9«M((10. Dogs; by C: U.Smith. Vol. 11. Marsupialia; by G. R. Water- house Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Smith Horses; by C: H. Smith Intro, to mammalia; by C: H. .599.8..I0 599.7.J0.2 599.7 J0.3 599.0.J0.6 5i«).5.J0 .599.7. M3 .590.7.110 .599.7.Sm4.2 .599.2. WO .599.7.Sm4 3 599. Sm 4 Humming birds; by Sir by M. L Ornithithidu. Vols. 1 and 2. W: .Jardine Vols. 3 and 4. (iallinaceous birds Sir VV: Jardine .... Vol. 5. Pigeons; by P. J; Selby Vol.0. Parrots; by P. J: Selby . Vols. 7 and 8. Birds of W. Africa; by VV; Swainson Vols. 9, 11 and 13. Birds of Gr. Britain and Ireland; by Sir W: .Jardine Vol. 10. Fly_ catchers; bv VV: Swainson Vol. 13. Sun-birds; by Sir W: .lardine Vol. 14. Birds of Great Britain and Ireland; natatores; by Sir W: Jardine Jarves, Ueming. Reminiscences of glass- making Jarves, Ja. Jackson. Art thoughts Jason Edwards; by H. Garland Jay, J:; by G; Pellew .... *Jeaft'reson, J: C. Annals of 0.\ford. 2v *Brides and bridals. 2 vols Jean Noel; by F. and E. Scannell .Jean Dare; by VV: II. D. Adams Jeannette's cisterns; by Mrs. Peebles Jeans, .1. Ste. Railway problems Waterways and water transport Jeans, W. T. Creators of age of steel Jebb, R. C. Bentley, R . . . Erasmus Greek literature .... Jed; by Warren Lee (ioss . Jefferies, K: Field and hedgirow Nature near London Open air. The Red deer Story of my heart .... Toilers of the field .... Wild life in a southern county .Jefl'erson, .Jos. Autobiography Jefferson, T: Henderson, J: C. son's views on public education Morse, J: T.,.;V. T: JeiTerson Schouler. .Ja. T: Jefferson Stoddard, W: O. T; Jefferson Jeffersons. The; by W: Winter Jeffery, .J: B. (luide to the opera bouses etc., of America, 1883-4 ... .Jelf, U: W: Means of grace .Jeli; W: K: Christian faith ".lenkin, Eleeming. Papers Jenkins, C. Carlyon. Hard colonies ... Jenks, E: IJovernmeut of Vicli.ria, Aus Jeffer- , 2 v.jIs. life in th .598.8.J0.3 598-6.J0.3 .598.8. Se4.6 5988.Se4.00 598.2.SwO .598 2.J0 59S.0.SWO .598.8.J0.7 59S.4.J0 066.1 JO 704. J 06 813 GOi;4.4 973.4. JO 378.42..I2 392.5.J2 833 ScO.4 944 03.. 1:20 02 813.P2'30.42 .385.. 12 626. J 2 672. J 2 S30.S.B20 270.6. EO 7/1 820.9. BM 973 7.G06.4 .5()4..I3 34 .504. J3. 6 .50-4. J 3. 06 599.7. J2 .509. J2 630.4..I3 .504. J 3. 9 793.J22 379 J 2. 3 973.4.J2.5 973.4.J3.7 Tn 973 4.A2.7 In 793. 1<'6 793. J 3 340..I34 330.,134 60 1.. 1 2 910.4 J3 342.945 J2 .IKXKS ■Joiiks, Tudor. Contury World's fair liook for boys ami Kirls .Icnness, Mabel. C'oiiuirchcnsivo pliysi cal ciilturt' .ItMiiiiiiKN, Hargi-avc. Itosicriieuins, TIk .loiiny (ioddi's: by W. I'. Breed llarlowe: by \V. C. Kussell .le|>hsoii, A. .1. Nouiiloiioy-. iMuiii I'astii and the rebellion at the Equator Stories told in an Afriean forest .lephsoii, H: Platform, The. '.' vols •lereiiiiali; by T. K. Cheyne .leroiiie, iJeronie K. Diary of a pilijrim age, etc. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow Novel notes ..... On the stage and »IV Stage-land Three men in a boat Told after supper .... .lerrold, Douglas, Memoir of: by W. B .lerrold tlorrold, Doiifflas. Cakes and ale Chronicles of Clovernook Man madc^ of money, etc. Men of character .... Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures, c;c. Punch's complete letter writer Punch's letters to his son St. Giles and St. .lames Sick giant and the Doctor Dwarf Sketches of the English . Story of a feather, c(^ Jerrold, Walter. Gladstone, W. E. .lerry; by Sarah B. Elliott Jerusalem delivered; by Torquato Tasso .lervis, J: IJ. Railway property .less; by II. Rider Haggard ■Ie.ssaiiiine; by Mrs. M. V. Terhune .le.s.sopp. A: Arcady for better or worse Studies of a recluse Trials of a country parson .Jesuits in North America: by Fs. Park man .Jesus Christ. Adams, W: H. Seven words from the cross Alden, H: M God in his world Brooks, Phillips. Influence of .Tesus Bushnell, Hor. Character of . I esus Druminond, H: Programme of chris tianity Edersheim, Alf. .Jesus, the mt-ssiah Farrar, F: W. Mfe of Christ Farrer, .1; Mission and characterof Chris Geikie, C. Mfe and words of Christ Crore, C: Incarnation of the son of God Holland. II. S., aiul uUien. \ai\ Mundi Hughes, T: Maijliness of Christ Ingraham, .J. H. Prince of the house of David Liddon, H. Parry. Divinity of our Lord MacDuff, J: R. Memoirs of Bethany Medd, P: G. One mediator Ogilvie, C: A. Divine glory manifested in the conduct and discourses of our Lord Parsons. Alb. R. Parsifal SO I'iDli.CS 4 (■,i:!.;i..T3 1 :ic.(;.t..i'~' L'S.-..B(i Sili.RSTT.OG 91G.('.3 Scli4.4 s;i:!..l2f>3,7 - 8()S .I.JS 234 3.J2.1 S33.J2()(5.2 837..J26.4 823 J260.6 7n2..T26 7!)2..726.7 837..I20.S 827..J'36.80 823..J6..5 fn 823 .126.2 ;n 823 .126.4 823..)26 4 In 823 ,136.3 823.J26.3 J^n833..J26.3 fn823.J36.1 823..J26.1 /nS33.,I3e.4 MS23..I3R.4 823.. 1 26. 2 942.U8.(J40.4 813.E444.4 S'll.TO 6.56..J2 833.H033.43 S13.T26.4 914.3.J3.0 904.J27 360 J3 973.2.P0(3.2 233.3.A2 333. A4 233. B6 333.8.B8 332.D6.G 233. E2 232.9 FO 233 FWJ 333 9 G3 3.32.1. GG6 233.1. H6 232 8. H8 • 813.163.66 332.8.L43 333.9. M2 332.3. M23 333.8.034 '333. P() •lesus Christ, {('uncluiJeil) Renan. Ernest. Life of .lesus . Smyth, E. C. mid oUins. Diviuilv of .lesus Christ Thomson, W: Atoning work of Christ Vallings, ,1. F. .lesus Christ Veysie, Dan. Doctrines of atonenuuil Wallace, Lew. Ben Hur Ware, H:, ./'r. Life of the Saviour . Ware, W: Julian Weiss, B. Life of Christ. 3 vols. . Wintle, T: Expediency, prediction and accomplishment of the Christian re demption Jevons. \V. Stanley. Investigations in currency and finance .... Logic Money, rtv. ...... Political economy Principles of science State in relation to labor . . . . Theory of political economy Jew, The, in Eng. fiction: by D; Philipson Jewel in the lotos; by Mary A. Tincker . Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester . Country by-ways Country doctor Deephaven King of Folly island, etc . Marsh island, A Mate of the Daylight, i/c. Native of Winby. eU-. .... Old friends and new .... Story of the Normans .... Tales of New England .... White heron, e(c .Jewish portraits: by Lady Katie Magnus Jewett, Ijewellyn. Ceramic art of (ireat Britain. Q Jewltt, Ijevvellyn, an . S. C. Hall. Stately homes of England Jews of Barnow: by K: Emil Fran/.os Jimmy Brown, Adventures of: by W: L Alden Jinrikish.a days in .Japan: by Eliz R Scidmore Joan of Arc: by Janet Tuckey . Joan the maid; by Mrs. Eliz. CharliiS Joe Bentley; by H. H. Clark *John, Don, of Austria; by Sir W: Stir- ling-Maxwell. 3 vols. Q . . . John Bodewin's testimony; by Mrs. M. 11 Foote - Boyd's adventures; by T: W. Knox Brent; by Theo. Winthrop Bull and his island; by Paul Blouet Bull on the continent; by Paul Blouet Caldigate; by Anth. Trollope Dorrien; by Julia Kavanagh Eax. etc.; by A. W. Tourgee Godsoe's legacy; by Elijah Kellogg Gray; bv Ja. L. Allen Halifax, gentleman; by Mrs. I). M. Craik Inglesant; by J. H. Shorthouse .Jerome; by Jean Ingelow North in Mexico; by F. A. Ober Paget; by Sarah B. Elliott JOHN 332.9. R2 333.S Sm 9 333.3 T36 332.9. Vll 333.3 \'38 813.VV044.(I 233.9. WO 813.W063.4 233.9. W2 233. W46 3,32. J 2 1(50. J 3 332.J3,.'5 330.J3 160. .13.6 331.S.J2 330.1 J3 396 I '3 813.T461.4 813. .139 02 813.J39.16 S13.J29.1(j8 813.J.39 32 813.J39.44 813.J39 506 813.J39..108 81,3 J39.6 813 J39.64 940 3 J 3 813.J39.80 813.J39.93 833.M03 738.J3 914.3.J3 833. f 6.4 813.A4329 4 91.^) 3.Sc4 944.03. J6.S 823 03064.46 813.040643.4 940.7. .16 813.F668.46 813 K669.4 813.W468.4 914.3. B46 4 frt 914.4. B42.J(i 949.4 Jli 979.4. JO 342. .JO :i33..lli 970.. Ili 94.->..'>.J0.3 .■liir) JG.7 ;/i973.li.L4 7 371.4..lli llOli. IjII.N.Y 379.74 ,10 784 8.JG .".20.9. Jfl ;i89.0.1G 917.8.J03 *Johnson, Rob. U., and C. C. Bell, edn. Battles and leaders of the civil war. 4 vols. Q Johnson, liossiter. End of a raiubusv Hist, of the French war .... Hist, of the war of 1813-15 Phaeton Rogers Johnson, Kossiter, of. Famous single and fugitive poems .... Little classics, viz: Authors r'hildhood Comedy Exile Fortune Heroism Humanity Intellect Laughter Life . Love Lyrical poems Minor poems Mystery Narrative poems Nature Romance Tragedy Johnson, S: Life: by Ja. Boswell . Life: by F. Grant [Life]; by L. Stephen .... .Johnson, S: Lives of the poets. 3 vols . Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia . .Johnson, S: Oriental religions: China Oriental religions: India Oriental religions: Persia Johnson, Virginia W. Catskill fairies. tienoa, the superb Lily of the Arno John.son, Sir W:, and the Six nations; by W: E. Griffis .Johnston, Ale,\. Connecticut . United States: history and constitution. .Johnston, Alex., etl. Representative American orations. 3 vols . .Jolinston, Ja. Missionary landscapes in the dark continent .... Reality vs. romance in S. Cent. Africa . Johnston, .Ja. P. W., and A. H. Churoh. Chemistry of common life .Johnston, Jos. E.; by R. M. Hughes .Johnston, .Jos K. Narrative of military operations .Johnston, R: Maloohn. Uukesborough tales: chronicles of Mr. Bill Williams. Mr. Billy Downs and his likes Studies: literary and social Widow (iuthrie .Johnstone, Ale.v. Botany .Johnstown stage, r.ic; by R. H. Fletcher. Johonnot, Ja. PrincipU'S and practice of teaching Johonnot, J: Friends in feathers and fur, cic Neighbors with wings and tins, dc. Jokai, M. Pretty Michal *JolIy, J., Ir. Minor law books, pt, 1: Narada, Brihaspati . Vishnu. Institutes of . .Jolly Rover; by J: T. Trowbridge Joly, N. Man before metals JOLV 973.7.StO si3.J03G.;;o 973.2.J0 973.5.J0 813. .1030 03 808.1. JO 809. L4 808.L3.13 808.L4.1 808. L4 19 808.L4.3MI\I 91 KANSAS .liiiiiiiii, II:; /irHfiii. Art of war HS.'i.JG •liiiiiitliaii and his coiitiiKiiit; by 1'. Bloiut '.UT.3 Hi ■loiios, AIoiizo T. Two republics ^'S',i..'i .Id Ji>ii<-.s, C: H. Difkons, C:, l>ifc ol' - S:iil.!i,n4 4 Cliidstoiic, VV: K . Short life of '.i|-j.()S.(!.l(). l Macaulay, T; B., Life aiiU writings of . S:.'i) ii.Md t •loiios, .1. It. Country merchant si:i..I(i(i3 1 Wiir-patli ... S13..IC.(;2.<)2 Wild western scenes ... 813..I()62.'.)1 .loncs. J. Hi<'litor. Qiialvcr soldier S13.. 160.0 •loiifs (J:) collection in S. Kensin«loii museum. Handbook to . Jones, JJir. J: Moral tendency of divine revelation Jones, J: Paul. Abbott. .1: .S. ('. I'aul Jone.s Cooper, .J. K. Pilot, Thi'. .Seawcll, Molly E. Paul .Tones Jones, Ijliiytl. Owen, Rob., IJfe. times and labours of ..... •lones, Ijynds K. Best readinfi. 3 vols. •loiies, IJob. H Asbestos ... .lones, AV: Credulities: past and present Crowns and coronations .... I''inger-ring lore * Jones, AV: A. Ueconnaisance of north- western Wyoming. l>^~3 •lones, W: H. Federal taxes expenses ....... •lonson, ]!en; by J. A. .Symonds •lonson, I5en. Poems . . Poetical works Joost Avelingh. .Sin of; by M. Maartens .lo's boys; by Louisa M. Alcott . opportunity; by Lucy C. Lillie •loseph, Nez Perce; by O. O Howard Joseph Andrews: by H. Fieldinc .fn S20.S.F-l.vol.6 .Joseph Bonaparte. Hist, of; by J: S. C. Abbott 944.0.%.J6 Josephine. Abbott, .1: S. (1. Empress Josephine n44.frt.J07 Saint-Amand. L de. Citizeness liona- parto . .944.04 J07.7.1 Wife of the First Consul . . . .944.04 J07.7.3 Court of the Empress Josephine .944 05.J0S.7.3 70S. 2. ,10 234 .JOO 97:i 3.J0 .S13,(V)00.19 973.3.J0.7 33.-..9 09 4 02,S.JO .1.53.07. JO 398. JO 394.4.JG 39L7.J6 917.87, U.vS.W.O and state 33() JO 820 9. JOO in 83 1. G 02 In 831 ShO 833,M00.4 813.A41G.46 813.L444.40 970.3 J6.3 Joseplius, Fluvius. Our young folks .Toseplnis; simplified by VV; Shepard . tr., rev. by A. R .•31,.I0 Works; Whiston Shilleto .loshiia; by VV: .1. Deane .... •loshiiii; by (!; Ebers ..... Josiali Allen's wife as P. A. and P. I.; by Marietta UoUey in Now York; by "Ja. Otis" Kaler Journey to the center of the earth; by Jules Verne .loy, J.a. K: Grecian history to 33S B. C. .loyous story of Toto; by Mrs. Laura E Richards .loys beyond the threshold; by L; Figuier .luan and Juanita; by Fes. ('. Baylor .liitUI,.J: AV. Volcanoes .... Jiulso and jury; by B: V. Abbott .liulse Burnham's daughters: by Mrs. Isa. M. Alden .Judith Shakespeare; by W: Black . .ludson, Adoniram; by E: Judson .Juslar, Clement. Brief hist, of panics . Jukes, The; by R. L. Dugdale . .lulia Ried; by Mrs. Isa. M. Alden Julian, G: AV. liiddings, Joshua R., Life of Julian; by W: Ware .Julian home; by F: W. Farrar . .Julius; by II. Alger, ji- .Juncker, E. Margarethe Junius. Letters. 3 vols. Junkin, D. X. and P: H. Norton. Han- cock, W. S., Life of .... .Junkin, G: Political fallacies .Juno and Georgie; by J. Abbott on a .iourney; by J. Abbott Jupiter lights: by Constance F. Woolson 813.W0048.4 Jusseraiid, J. J. Eng. novel in the lime of Shakespeare Eng. wayfaring life in the middle ages .lust sixteen; by Sarah C. Woolsey .Justina; by Art. S. Hardy .Juvenalis, D. Junius: by E: Walford Juvenalis, 1>. Junius. Satires; tr. by Lewis Evans 877.7. .18 933.,I.0.4 222. I.JO 3 833.E0 40 S17.H044.4 S13.K0426.4fi 843. V2 43 938., TO 8 1 3. U 11,80 337.3. F4. 813.B09.4 .'■..51.31. J8 340.9. AO 813.A4321.48 823. B401 4.48 380.J8 333.J8 575 1 08 S13.A4224 484 973;o.( 142.4 S13.WO03.4 823.F060.4 813.A433 85 833.JS.5 320 4. J8 973.7. H00.4 342.73. .18 813.A00.484 S13.A0() 4848 830.9.J8 942.03.J8 S13.W6fl47.4 813.H0fl30.4 877.7.J8.9 K K., M. Lie B. Boat-building made easy KalJir folk-lore; by G: McC. Theal Kalakaua, Kiiiii. Legends and myths Hawaii Kalani of Oahu; by C. M. Newell Kaler, ".la. Otis " Braganza diamond Castaways, The Jack the hunchback .Tosiah in New York Left behind Little Joe .... Mr. Stubtis's brother Raising the "Pearl" Runaway brig . . Silent Pete ... of /k099.Y'6 39S.3.T3 919 09. KG 4 S13.N39.4 813 KO430.1 813. K' 0420. 10 si3.KOt20 40 S13.K0-120.40 813. KO420.43 813.K(W20.44 S13.K(W30.54 813.K(H30.liO 8I3.KO430.03 813.K0420 74 Kaler, (.Concluded) Tim and Tip Toby Tyler Kalevala, The; tr. by J: M. Crawford Kaloolah; by W: S Mayo Kane, Elisha K. Arctic explorations. 2v i^Tnited States Grinnell expedition Kan.sas, .Id,;, ijen. Biennial reports, 1889- K892. 3 vols 3.53. 9781. K06 Aiiditiii- (If state. Biennial report, 1891-2 . 3.53.9781 KO.2 Bil. i)f l{. R. oiramwaiiinT.'i. Annual re- ports, 1883, 1885, 1891. 1892. 1893. 5 vols liuri'au nf hilifir (iiid inditstriiil slftti!8.403 harvest days; by A. M. Douglas . S13.D()8.40(j soldiers; by A. M. Douglas . S13.D08.4O4 summer at Cedarwooa; by A. M. Douglas 813. D6S.403 three wishes; by A. M. Douglas . 8131108.401 Kathleen Mavourneen; by C. Mulholland. 833. M84 4 Kathi-ina; by J: G. Holland S11.HU4 4 Kaul'niaii, 1>: George Eliot and Judaism 830.9.C6 4 Kaul'inan, K: Paris of to-day 914 43G.K0 Kavanagh, Julia. Adele . 833.K08.0 Beatrice 833 K08 03 Daisy Burns 833.K08.3 (Jrace liOe 833.K0S.3 John Dorrien 833. K08 4 Madeline . . '. . 833.K08.5 Nathalie 833.K08.0 Queen Mab 823 KOS.OS Rachel Gray 833.K08G0 Sybil's second love 823.K08 7 Two lilies 823.KOS.8 Kavanagh; by II: W. Ijongfellovv ./n914.3.1Ji() 3 Kay, D: Memory 1.54.K0 Kayser, K. Comparative zoology ,5.i3.K0 Kcary, Annie. Castle Daly .823 K304.1 York and a Lancaster rose 833. K304 9 Keary, Annie and K. Heroes of Asgard :293.K3 Keary, C P. Dawn of history 57I.K:.'0 Norway, and the Norwegians 948.1. K3 Primitive belief 391. K3 Vikings in westi>rn Cliristendona, 789-888 940 3.K:30 8 KeatK, .1:; by S. Colvin .... 830.9.K2 Life! of; by W: M. Rossetti . , 830 9.K3.0 Keats, J: I'oetical works. 3 vols. . 821. CO Kehbel, T. K. Agricultural labourer 331. 8. K3 Crabbe, G:, Life of 830.9.C(M).4 Disraeli. B:; LIfeof .... 943(XS.D4.4 Kcihlie, Henrietta l.s'imiJi 7';/"" i. Marie Antoinette 944.03.MiM Musical coinpo.sers, (-(c 781. K3 Kedney, J: Hteinlort. Hegel's Aesthetics 701.112.4 KeS 813 K33 813.K32.4 813.K22..'-, 813.K32.8 0.')4.6.K3 840.9. K2 813.K22030 813.K3362.3 813.K;33C3.4 813.K3262.49 813.K2203.6 813.K2362.8 398 K3 973.8 K2 823.B888.4 330. K24 S13.K:.'44.24I 813 K244.343 813 K344.-343 813.K244.244 813 K344 345 813.K344.246 813.K244 261 813 K344.263 S13. K'344 203 8I3.K344.2fi4 813.K244.205 813.K344.36G 813.K:.'44.78 , 813.K344.8(J 813.K244lil 813.K344 03 . 813. K344 03 , 813.K244 04 813. K:244.05 813.K344.(;0 813.K344.91 813.K244.93 S13.Iv344.93 S13.K':244.94 813.K:;44.95 813.K344.Wi 394. K3 910.8. K3 917.5. K3 833.T664.42 900. K3 833.K2,50.3 793. K25 3 821.K25 792.K35.1 792.1v25.3 5.53. 1K3 d j^J^M IWoniancCs c^vcatcft ^\h\ -: -:- ^uttc U-I]C ^llctropolif of 2rioiitana ERCHED on the Rocky Mountains is a city which has already taken the lead amonj^ the cities of the Northwest, and which offers unrivaled inducements for investments and for business locations. Butte is the metropolis of Montana. Not only is it the most populous city of the State, having a population of forty thousand, but it is the nucleus of more than two-fifths of the population of the State. Silver Bow County, of which Butte is the county seat, contains one-fifth of Montana's inhabitants, while the counties immediately adjoining make up another one-fifth of the State's population. •V^ xi.^ Is the most prosperous, the most accessible, the most favorably ^^^^^*'^ located city in the State of Montana. Five Railroads make the City of Butte the great railroad center of the State; The Great Northern, the Northern Pacific and the Union Pacific all reaching Butte directly, while two local lines add to the volume of traffic. The freight business of Butte amounts to five millions per annum. •rvvvButtc is tl^o Poi.ri ICAL, Railroad, Banking, Business, Center of Montana. #> '^-~ '4 -^ MM >jc^ "-^) '. ;:5iitt e =^' 4 V, i % ^,^ Vr ">MV .A.S not only the busiest city in the Northwest ami llie giealest ol iiiiiiiMg 4* camps but it is a beautiful residence cit}'. It has a school system and school buildings of which any city would be proud. Its hotel accommodations are splendid, it taxes low; while in the matter of churches and all moral agencies, such as temperance lodges and charitable societies, Butte is in the forefront, hav- ing seventeen churches representing a cost of half a million dollars. The school property is valuetl at a quarter of a million dollars, and live thousand children at- tend school within the city's limits. Its sanitary condition is famed, the death rate being among the very lowest of America's cities. It is provided with a splendid sewer system, an abundant and excellent water supply, and has complete electric light, electric railroad and telephone systems. Butte's great source of wealth and industry is its mines, which are practic ably inexhaustible. All in, around and under Butte the rich copper ore is being mined. The work of production has but fairly begun. Of 3,250 mineral claims patented, only five hundred ha\ c liccn explored, and they are by no means tiie biggest or best. The field is, therefore, most in- viting for investment in mining as well as in real estate. No cojjper mine has yet been opened that shows any signs of weakness. The silver mines are as rich as ever. The silver production is about $15,000,000.00 per year and the copper pio- duction 175,000,000 pounds, and increasing every year. There are also about 50,000 ounces of gold taken from Silver Bow County each year. ^{k t t i 4 *■ •<» fr- •« 4 4 KNt)X Kuox, J. Annoy, and A. K. Sweet Mexican mustang . Kuox, .1: .1. United States notes Knox, T: W. Backsheesti Hoy travellers [in] Africa Australia .... Ceylon and India Egypt and the Holy Land Great Britain and Ireland Japan and China Me.\lco .... Northern Europe Russian empire Siam and Java . South America on the Congo Close shave .... Decisive battles since Waterloo Dog stories and dog lore . Fulton. Hob., and steam navigation How to travel .... John Uoyd's adventures . Overland through Asia I'olo, Marco, Travels of Siberian exiles .... Talking handkerchief, e(c Voyage of the "" Vivian " Young Nimrods around the world in North America Kniidsun, A: Triangular surveys single stations Ivol'ler, Ijeo. Art of breathing »5 On a from '.llT.(>l.S\v3 332. ■). Kl) 4.4 821..Sc0.4.6 S13.St<')14.4 S23.B4014.40 823.(;g.402 833.MO<1.4 Lady's cruise in a French man of war; by C. F. (iordon Gumming . . . 919.6.C8 Ijafargue, Paul. Evolution of property. 330. LO *Ija Fontaine, J. de. Fables; ill. by G. Dore 841.L02.3 *La Fontaine, J.de,c(f.: by W. L. Collins 840.9.L0.1 Lagrange, F. Physiology of bodily ex- ercise 612.7. LO Laing, S: Modern science and modern thought .504.L04 Laird, Ja., Memorial addresses on. Q . 973.8 L04 Laird of Xorlaw; by Mrs. M O. W. Oli- phant 8:23.0440 404 Lakenian, 3Iary. Ruth Eliot's dream 813.L042.G Lakes, Art. Creol. of Colorado, etc. . 557.88 LO Lai; by W: A. Hammond .... 813.H05.5.4 La Mara, id. Thoughts of great musicians 780.L0 lianiartine, A. de. tJraziella . . 843.L0.3 Hist, of the French revolution of 1848 . '.H4 07 L05.2 Hist, of the Gn-ondists. 3 vols . 94K)4.L05 3 Restoration of the monarchy. 4 vols !>44.06.L0 Twenty-five years of my life . /)iS40 9.M2 Lamb, C: Ainger. Alf. C: Lamb . . 820.9.L05.0 Martin, B: E. In the footprints of C: Lamb 8300.L05.5 Lamb, C: Ella, Essays of 824.L06.2 Letters. 2 vols 820 9.L05 Mrs. Leicester's school, etc. . . 828.L05 LAMB 96 LATH BOP Lamb, C:, (Concluded) Personal recollections; Stoddard Poems, plays, etc Ulysses, Adventures of ed. by R . S20.9. L05.7 . 883.1. H6.l).4.0 by W: M. . Gerard B. Harris 3 vols Lamb, C:, ami Mary. Poetry for children Shakespeare. Tales from *Laiiib, Mrs. M. J. Hist, of city of New York. 3 vols. Q .... Lamb, Mary; by Anne Gilchrist Lainborii, Rob. N. Me.\ican painting and painters Lamplighter, The; by M. S. Cummins Lamps and paths; by Theo. T. Munger Lancaster, Alb. E. All's dross but love Lancaster, Alb. E. and P. K. Vincent. Lady of Cawnpore . . . . Lancaster, T: W: Popular evidence of Christianity Lance of Kanana; by H. VV. French Lances of Lynwood; by C. M. Yonge *Lanciani, K. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries ... *Pagan and Christian Rome Land, The, and the book Thompson. 3 vols beyond the forest; by E. de I. of an African sultan: by Wa. of Uolivar; by Ja. M. Spence of desolation; by I: I. Hayes . of gold, diamonds and ivory; by J. F. Ingram of Poco Tiempo; by C: F. Lummis of the cliff-dwellers; by F: H. Chapin . of th(^ Incas, etc.; by VV. H. D. Adams of the Lamas; by W: W. Rockhiil . of the midnight sun; by P. B. DuChail- lu. 2 vols, of the Montezumas; by Cora H. Crawford of the moose; the bear and the beaver; liy A. Daunt of the pink pearl; by L. 1). Powles of the sky; by Fes. C. Fisher . of the viking and empire of the Tsar; by E. F. Blackstock Landon, Jos. School management Landon, Melville, U. (Eli Perkins). Wit, humor and pathos Laudur, Wa. .Savage; by S. Colvin L.andor, Wa. S. Imaginary conversations. ;"> vols. ....... Pcntameron, The .... Landscer, Sir Edw.; by F: G. Stephens Miog of; by M. F. Swecazer Laiiib;, And. Ballades and vcirses vain Books and bookmen . . ('ustom and myth .... How to fail in literature . Letters on litc^ratun^ Letters to dead aulli.irs Lost leadi^rs . , . , Myth, ritual and rrligion. :i vols. . Olrl friends Princi^ Darling, i-lr .... Lang. And., >vi. Blue fairy book Blu(! poi'ti'y book , . (ire(;n fairy book .... Red fairy book .... 83LL05.1 833.33.LO 974.71 L(> 830 9. LOS, 3 7.'i9.6.LO 813.0855 4 353.4. MS 813.LO 813.V40 339. L06 813.r6363.4 833.Y6()4 937. LOO 937.09. LO 956.9.T3 914 392.G3 91()4.H0 918.7. Sp3 919.8. H09 91U.8,I() 917.89. L8 917.8 C3 985. A3 915.1.R(; 914.8. DS 917.3.CG0 917.13. D9. 4 917.396. PU 813.F473.4 914.7.B4 371.3. LO 817 LO 830.9. LOG 920 Llli: 834.Lor, 7.59 3. LO In 759.3. R39.7 821.L(K;3.0 OIU.LO 39S.L0li 807. IJ) 834.Ln53.43 834.L(H33.4 834. LoliS. Hi 3'.HI.L0 834 L0(i3.() 833 L(K13.(iO 833.L0i;3 04 S31.L()()3.0 833. LOI)3.3Ci 823.LOU3.tJ2 Gideon and the judges G: Electro-deposition o Lang, J: M Langbein, metals .... Lange, Helene. Higher education women in Europe Langley, S: Pierpont. New astronomy Ijanier. Sidney. English novel, etc Poems .Science of English verse Lanier, Sidney, cil. Boy's Froissart Boy's King Arthur .... Boy's Percy ICniiihtly legends of Wales; or, Boy Mabinogion Lanin, E. B. Russian characteristics Lankester, E. Bay. Advancement of science Lanman, C: .Tapan: its leading men Lanoye, P. de. Rameses the great .Sublime in nature .... *Ijansdell, H: Russian central Asia. 3 ' Lanza, Gaetano. Applied mechanics Lanzi, A. L. Hist, of painting in Italy. 3i Ijaodicean, A.; by T: Hardy Lap.sed, but not lost; by Mrs. E. Charles, Laramie; by C: King ... Larcom, Lucy. New England girlhood Poetical works Large fortunes; by C: Richardson La Bochefoncauld, P., ilucdc. Reflections Larrabee, W: Railroad question . Larry; by Amanda M. Douglas La Salle, Bob. Chevalier, and his com panions; by J: S. C. Abbott . La Salle, Bob. Chevalier, and the dis covery of the great west; by Fs. Park man La.scelles, Gerald. Falconry . Lass.alle, Perdinand; by W: H. Dawson as a social reformer; by E. Bernstein Las.salle, Mrs. N. P. Annie Grayson Ijassesof Ijeverhouse; by Jessie FolherglT Last assembly ball; by Mrs. M. H. Foote chronicle of Barset; by Ant. Trollope confession; by Hall Caine days of Pompeii; by E: G. L. Bulwer fairy tales; by E. Laboulayo of the barons; by E; G. L. Bulwer of the MacAllisters; by Mrs. A. E. Barr of tlie Mortimers; by Mrs. M. O. W. Gli pliant . - . sentence; by M. G. Tuttiet tenant; by B. L. Farjeon touches, etc.: by Mrs. W. K. Clilford voyage. The; by Annie Brasscy voyages of the admiral of the ocean sea by C: P. Ma(^kie .... words; by Juliana H. Ewing . Iiatc Mrs. Null; by Fk. R. Stockton - Lathrop, (1: Parsons. Afterglow Behind time .... lOcho of passion .... Gold of pleasure Hawthorne, .Study of In tlie distance Newport True, and other stories Would you kill him'.' 323.3.G4 537.85. LO 37ti.O.LO 52(X LO 830.4. Lo 811. LO 808.1.LWJ 940. Fa; 4 942.01. AG5 831.P26.4 943.01. AG. 3 914.7. LO 509. LOG 952. LO 933. LO 551.4. Lo 915 8. LO G31.L0 750. LO 833.H063 40 823.C30G4.40 813.K4G31.40 810.9. LO 811.L0G 331.1. R4 170. LO 385, Lo 813.DG8.40 977. LO 973.2.P06.3 In 799. C6.1 fn335.5.D03 33,5..5.LO 813.L077 833. F68 40 813.FGG8-40 833.T664.407 823.C04G.4 823.BS49 13 843.L(HK).4 823.B,S49 12 813.BOGG.407 S33.()44G 40 823.TSS.40 833.F0(>t.4 823.0443 40 9I5.B0O 910.9.CG.544 833.EW.40 S13.StG14.40 813. LO,S3.0 813.[j083.O2 813.L083.21 813.L083 3G 810.9. H0!l.40 813.Iil)83.4G 813,LOS3.G3 813 L083.8 813.L083.9 K KM IMS 93 KIXOSTOIV Keinpis, Thomas a. Sre Thomas a K7.K3 Tent lil'i> in Sibi-ria .... 'Jir).7.K:3(i.S K<-niiar: Cassack and Czar 947.(),">.K2 I'rom the Hudson to the Neva . 813. Iv26 3 Into unknown seas 813.K3i5.46 Lost city 813 D36.467 *Kerl, Bruno. Assayer"s manual; tr by W: T. Brannt 609.9 K2 Kei-n, H., (»-. B. C. to lli8S A. n. 13 vols .... ri43.L4 Sami : abridged 043.L46 Links in Rebecca's life; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden 813.A4324.44 Linn, Rtv. Dr., ami athcrs. Essays on epis- , 813.L444.36 , 813.L444 33 S13,L444.3() 813 L444 46 813.L444..-.4 813.L444.6(I 813. L444.(;3 813.L444.(5B8 813.L444.0C 813.L444.7(J 83()9.L44.78 780.'J.I;4 833.0440.5478 330. L4 iK)l.L4.I 310. L4 170. L4 813.1)3.-14.44 94.'-). 5. JO 843.B0.4 073.7. L4.10 9';3.7.L4 1 In 304.C3 973.7. L4.13 973.7. L4.3 973.7. L4.3 973.7. L4.33 973.7. L4.4 973.7. L4.5 973.7. L4. 6 973.7. L4.7 973 7.L4.7S 833.L46.3 784. L4 .'J80.L4 917.94. L4 copacy Lintern, W: Mineral surveyor valuer's complete guide Linton, W. J. English republic VVhittier, J: (i.. Life of liion lien: by E. Kellogg city of Africa; by Willis B Allen of Flanders; by H. Conscience of St. Mark; by G. A. Ilenty of the north; by (J. A. Henty . and 363.13. L4 633.1.B4 321.7. L4 810 9 W3.44 813.K344,341 916.7. A4 839.33.C0.44 945.3. H3.4 940.7.G8.3 by J Criss-cross Nine worlds. The .iudgments; by W, . O S13.CO(i6 15 Lionel Lincoln; by .1. F. Cooper Lii)j>ino<)tl, Sarah .1. (iJrnnr Grnnii'iuiil Merrie England; Bonnie .Scotland Stories and legends of travel and history for children Stories and sketches Stories for home folks Stories from famous ballads Lischen and the fairy; by F. and E, Scanneil Lissagarivy, P. O. Hist, of thecommun of 1871 liist, ye landsmen; by W. C Russell Liszt, Franz, Life of; by L: Nohl Recollections of a compatriot; Wohl Litchfield, Grace D, Hard-won victory Knight of the Black forest Only an incident Litchfleld, Mary K. Literary and social R. Greg .... blunders, by H: B. Wheatley character; by I: Disraeli courtship; by A. Fuller criticism; by T: De Quincey industries; by H. H. Bancroft landmarks; by Mary E. Burt landmarks of Edinburgh; by L. Hutton landmarks of London: by L Hutton style, etc.; by W: Mathews liiteratnre and dogma; by M. Arnold and life; by E. P. Whipple and style; bv Theo. Hunt of kissing; by C. C. Bombaugh of the fine arts; by Sir C: L. Eastlake Little, Arch. J. Through the Yang-tse gorges Little book of profitable tales; by E. Field book of western verse; by Eugene Field brothers of the air; by Mrs. Olive T Miller brown house; by Mrs. 1). P. Sauford by little: by W: T. Adams Little classics; id. by Rossiter Johnson Fur Mpiiratevols. sec Johnson, Rossiter Little corporal; by .J: Frost Datfydowndilly. f((-.; by N. Hawthorne, Dorrit; by C: Dickens flower people; by Gertrude E. Hale folks astray; by Rebecca S. Clarke folks in feathers and fur. etc; by Mrs T. Miller fo.Kes; by Mrs. 11. B. Stowe garden of roses; by Thomas a Kempis grandfather; by R. S Clarke . grandmother; by R. S. Clarke Jarvis; by Molly E. Seawell Joe; by "Ja Otis" Kaler . journey in the world; by C: D. Warner lame prince; by Mrs. D. M. Craik Lord Fauntleroy; by Mrs. F. H. Burnett 813. B8063.44 Marjorie's love story; by M. Bouvet 8I3.B088.4 master. The; by J: T. Trowbridge . . 813.T(«)9..t4 masters. The; by W: B. , Scott . 7.59.3-Sc6 men; by Louisa M. Alcoli . 813.A416.445 P42.L40 5 1114. L46 SIS L40 813.L460.3 813.L460.3 S33.ScO.447 941.08. L4 S33.R877.44 780 L4.6 7S0 L4.9 S13.L481.1 S13.L48J,3 S13.L481.46 S13.L481.0 393. L4 04o.( :o 010.9. W3 834 D47 4 813. F84 ■804.1)3.4 810.9.B03 038. B8 .S30.9.H88 3 830.9. H88 S14.M08.4 •320.8.A66,4 814.W3.4 814 H8 393. 3. BO 704. EO 91.5.1 L4 813 F4.44 811. F4 598.3. M4.4 813.SaO-3.44 S13.A3098.06 144.05 NO 3 /a930.H09 833.D414.9 .580.4 HO 813.040640 441 590. M 4 4 177.St6 34;J.1.T3.4 813.C40640.445 813.C40646,444 813.SeO 4 . 813.K04!0.44 . S13.W00014 . 833.0604.448 LITTLE lOO LONGFKIiLOW Little minister; by J. M Barrie minx. A.: by Ada Cam bridge . Miss Muffet; by Rosa >f. Carey Miss Wardlaw: by L. M. (Jray moorland princess; by E. Marlitt Miss Peggy; by Mrs. M. L. Molesworth musicians; by Flo. and Edith Scannell Norsk; by Hamlin (iarland Paul and the Frisbie school; by Mrs. Ht. M. Lothrou people and their homes; by S. L. Hooli people of Asia; by Mrs. O. T. Miller pilgrim: by Mrs. M. O. VV. Oliphant pitchers; by Rebecca S. Clarke. Prudy; by Rebecca S. Clarke queen of hearts; by Ruth Ogden Saint Elizabeth; by Mrs. F. H. Burnett savage; by F: Marryat ... schoolmaster Mark; by J. H. Sborthouse sister; by Mrs. J. Yardley smoke; by VV: O. Stoddard Sunshine's holiday; by Mrs. D. M. Craik women; by Louisa M. Alcott . Littledalc, K: b\ Short hist, of the coun cil of Trent Litton, E: Art. Mosaic dispensation Live questions; by J : P. Altgeld Liveniiore, Mary A. What shall we d( with our daughters? Livesay, Jos.; by J; VV. Kirton Livingston, Grace. Parkerstown dele gate Livingstone, D: [Life]; by Mrs. Eliz Charles iLife]; by T: Hughes I Lite]; by Mrs. Anne Rathoone [Life] ; by S: Smiles Livingstone, D: Last .iournals Missionary travels and researches in S Africa ' . Livius Patavinu.s, T.; by VV. W. Cape: Liviiis Patavinu.s, T.; by VV. L. Collins Ijiviiis PataviniLs, T. Hist, of Rome. 4 v Liza; by I S. Turgenieff *Lloyd, A. P. Law of building and build ings Lloyd, H: D. Strike of millionaires against miners . ' . Loaded dice; by Edg. Fawcett Lobley, J. Li>gan. Mount Vesuvius Lol)-lie-l)y-lh«'-tire; by J. H. Ewing Ijoch, C S. Charity organization Loch, C. S., and (illierx. Criticisms on (len Booth's social scheme . Ijock, C <;. Miner's pocket book *IiOck, V. t;. Warnford. Practical gold mining Workshop niceipls .... Locke, l>: K. Struggles of Petroleum V Nasby Locke, .):; by T: Fowler l;<»cke, .J:; by A. C Eraser Locke, J: Essay on human understand ing. ;j vols Four letters on toleration Some thoughts on education Locke, .1: S. Art of correspondence 833. B0(i(>.4 8:33.CO.'J0.4 833C0(a.4 .8:3:{.( ;o4.4 «:i;i.M0().44 SLili M()4:3.4 S3.'!.ScO,44S 813, (; 004 44 813 :X)83.4 .■ja^.T.HO yi.').M4.4 833.0446.44 S13.C4C)()4fi.343 S13.C40U4IJ 401 813.033 44 813.B8IJ03.47 833.M()00.44 833.Sh00.44 813. Yoe 4 S13.St(;33 44 833.C004.44 813.A416.449 370.0. L4 3110. L48 30.'-).A4 396 L4 In 178.G8 813.L48.0 iftSOO.CS 300 L4.3 /(1306.M03 300. L4. 7 910.S.I.,4.4 910.8. L4 S /"873.1.V4.e 878.5. L4.1 878.4. L4 891.73.T8.4 093.9. L4 331.89. L4 813.F09.4 .5.51.31. LO 833.E94.00 301 LO 33U.B(i.4 033. LO 033. LOl 603. LO 817.1i01 193.3. L0.30 193.:>.L0 3 1.50. LOl 173.3. LO 370.4. LO 808 0.LO Locke, Mrs. Mary. In far Dakota . . 833 L6.4 Locke Am.sden; by n. P. Thompson 813 T3fl5 4 Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of Sir Wa. Scott. 10 vols 83()9.Sc6.4 Lockhart, J. G., Ir. Ancient Spanish ballads 801. LO, Ijockwood, H:C. Abolition of the presi- dency 331.8. L6 Constitutional hist, of France 343.44. L6 Lockyer, J. Norman. Astronomy 530.3. LO Chemistry of the sun . .533.7 L6 Meteoric hypothesis 533.5 li6 Studies in spectrum analysis . .544.6 L6 Locrine; by A. C Swinburne 833.Sw46.4 Locusts and wild honey; by J: P.urroughs 504.B8.4 Lodge, H: Cabot. Boston. 974.46 LO Hamilton, Alex 973.4.18 4^ Hist, and political essays 330.4.L63 Studies in history 973,L6.7 Washington, G: 3 vols 973.3. WO.4 Webster, Dan '. 973.3. W3.46 Lodge, H: Cabot, cull. Ballads and lyrics 808.1. L03 Lodge, Ol. J. Modern views of electricity ,537.L6 Lodge, K: Hist, of modern Europe 940 5.L6 Loftie, W. J. Hist, of London. 3 vols. . 942.1.L6 ■'Kensington: picturesque and historical 914 3 L6.4 London 943.1. L63 *London city, (j 914 31.L0 Ride in Egypt 916.3 L6 Westminster Abbey 914.3.1^0 9 Log Sfhool-house on the Columbia; by H. Butterworih 813 B88.4 Logan, J: A. Volunteer soldier of Amer- ica ........ 355. L6 Lombard, L: Observations of a musician 780 L6 Lombard street; by Wa. Bagehot 333.B0.4 Lonibroso, Cesare. Man of genius 1.50.L6 Lomniel, Eugene. Nature of light .535.1^0 *London Exhibition, 1M51. Reports of the .juries (iOO.LO London life, etc.; by H: James 813..I0.53.40' programme; by S. Webb .... 3351.VV34 Lonely island; by R. M. Ballantyne 997 B04 Long, A. L. Lee, Ro'b. E., Memoirs of - 973.7.L3 Long, J: JD , cd. Republican party . 3'39.6.L6 Long, J: H., and Osc. Oldlierg. Manual of chemistry: [pharmaceutical] 015.4 04 Long run, The; by Rose E. Cleveland 813 C438.4 white mountain; by IL E M. .lames 951 8.J0 Longl'ellow, H: W. Final memorials; ed. by S: Longfellow .... 810.9.L6.3 Life, dc; ed. by S: Longfellow. 3v 810.9.L6 Life; by E S. Robertson .... 8109.LOO Ijongfellow, H; W. jiirthday book 810.8. LOli Christus 8I3.L60 1 Hyperion 914 3.L06.30 Kavanagh /»914.3.LG6.3 Outre-mer; Drift wood .... 914.L0O.O Poetical works 8!1.L00 Ijongfellow, H: AV., at. Poctius of places. Africa S08.16.L6 America, British 808 171. LO America. Middle states . 808.174. L()0 America. Now England. 3 vols 808,174. L6 America. Southern states 808.175 LO America. Western states . 808.177.1^6 Asia. 3 vols 808.15. L6 England. 4 vols 808.143, L6 l''rance. 3 vols 80S.144.L6 liATIMKK 97 IjKNOBMANT TiUtiiiior, C:, ami W: S. MiiiitiiiKton. Road-nuistpr's assistant ami soi'tioii master's sriikli' . : . . . (i:.':>.IIs liiitiincr, Kliz. Woi-iiioly I'raiiec in the mill contiiry '.l-t4.07.L0 Itiissia and 'rurkey in llie I'.iili century . '.H'.i.O.IjO Ijiilin-AiiuTicaii re|>iil)lics. llanc'ocU.A. li. Cliile .... M3.U0 Marl;liain, C. R. Peru i)85.M0 l,aii(li-r, TooHe. Legends and tales of tiie llarz mountains s:i:!.LOS liiiiiKliliii, •!. li Kleraents of political economy ...... 330. LOS Ui.st. of bimetallism in the U. S. 333.4';.L0 Liauglitoii, J: K. Studies in naval history :!.")!i,LOS Ijaura lOveringliam: by .la. ('.rant . 833 I i 0.408 liaurel bush; by Mr.s. n. M. CraiK . . 833.C(ilH.40 liaurulKon, P: Bering, Vitus . 9<.«.B2G liauric, A. Conquest of thR moon 833.LOS.1 Ijaiiric, A. T. Food of plants . 031. LO liaurie, Andre. Schoolboy days in Italy SM L0.7 Schoolboy days in Russia . '-114 7.L08 l;aurie. S. S. Comenius. J. A. . 370.!I.Ce.4 Rise and early constitution of universities .37S.L0 liavater, J: Caspar. Essays on physiog- nomy 1-^S LO Ijavcleye, Emile de. Luxury . 331. LO Socialism of to-day ,33F).L08 Lavengro; by (i: Borrow .... 833 H00.4 Law. J: Thiers. A. Mississippi bubble . 333r>.L0.8 liawand the lady: by W. Collins . ,S33.C044 40 I/awless. Iliiii. Kiiiily. Maj. Lawrence . ,S33.L094..5 Millionaire's cousin 833. Ll)94..54 Story of Indand 041..i.L0 Lawrence. Amos A., Lifeof: by W: Law- rence 301). LO Lawrence. J: M . '"OcDi. Life; by Iv. B. Smith. 3 vols 1).'>4 LOy.7 [Life]: by Sir R: Temple i)ri4.Lo.8 Lawrence, Marg. Woods, mid ntlifi-K. Parish probb-ms; ed. by \V. tlladden . 300.L0 Lawrence, K:' Articlesof Churchof Eng. which Calvinists consider Calvinistical 383. LOS liawrence, Sir T:; by Lord R. Uower /)i7r);).3.R0 Iiawrence's adventures; by J: T. Trow- bridge OO3.T0 Lawson, W. K. Spain of to-9 Lays of ancient Rome; by T: B. Macau- lay /n 304. MO. vol. 3 Lazy man's worl<: by Fes. C. SparhawU- 813.SpO()3.4 l,ea, .A. S. Clieraical basis of the animal body 61LL3 l,ea, H: C: Hist, of the inquisition 3 v 373.3.L3 Superstition and force .... 340.3. L3 Le.il'less spring; by Ossip Schubin . 833.Sch8.4 Ijeague of Am. Wheelmen, Mo. Dir. Road and hand-book, 1893 . 7ntlL3 Leathes. Stanley. Religion of the Christ 33U.L20 Leavenworth case; by Mrs. A. K. Rohlfe 813.R634 4 I) Leaves from the book of nature: by S. De Vero Ijeaves of grass; by W. Whitman Lecky, W: K: H. Hist, of Eng. in 18th century. 8 vols Hist of European morals, B. C. 44-A. 814. 3 vols lycaders of public opinion in Ireland Political value of history LeConte, Jos. Elements of geology Evolution Religion and science Sight . .... Led; by Mrs. S. F. Keene Led-horse claim; by Mrs. Mary H. Foote Lee, Alf. K. European days and ways Lee, Kliz., ti: and al. Humour of France Lee, Katharine. In the Alsatian mount- ains .... Lee, Mary C. In the oheering-up busi- ness ..... Quaker girl of Nantucket Lee, Rob. K., Memoir of; by A L. Long Lee, Sidney. Stratford-on-Avon Lee, Vernon, psmd. See Paget, Violet. Lees, J. A., ami AV. J.CIutterback. B. C. 1887 Lei'ebure, Ernest. Embroidery and lace. Lel'evre, M. Wonders of architecture Lettingwell, W: Bruce. Shooting on uplands, marsh and stream . Wild fowl shooting .... Left behind; by "Ja Otis" Kaler on Labrador; by C. A. Stephens Legend of Montrose; by Sir Wa. Scott Legends of the Madonna: by Mrs Anna Jameson Leger, L: Hist, of Austro- Hungary *Legge, Ja., ()■ Li Ki, The. 3 vols. *Shu King, The; The religious portions of the Shih King; The Hsiao King. *Texts of Taoism. 3 vols. *Yi King, The Legouve, Ernest. Art of reading . Leibnitz, G. W:, Imnin; by J: T. Merz *Ijeidy, Jos. Fresu water rhizopods of North America. Q . . . .593. Leighton, Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound, etc Leighton, Kob. Pilots of Pomona Thirsty sword Wreck of the Golden Fleece Leila; by E: Q: L. Bulwer Leisurely journey, A; by W: L Gage Leitch, Mary and Marg. Seven years in Ceylon Leland, C: G: Hans Breitman's ballads. Lincoln, Abr Manual of wood carving .... Leland. F: Philip, kingof Macedon. 3 v. Le Mesurier, T: Nature and guilt of schism ....... 360. L3r, Len Gansett; by Opie Read 813.R3 43 Lena Rivers; by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes . 813.H6455.42 Lenormant, Francois. Beginnings of history 930.L26 504 D38 811.W3485 943.07.1/2 170 9.L3 941. 57 L3 i)04 L3 5.50. L31 575. L3 215. L3 535.7. L3 813 K3303.4 813.F0e8.43 914. L3 847. L3 914.34.L3 813.L32.40 813.L33.0S 973.7. L3 914.3. L3 917.11. L3 740. L3 730 L2 799. L3 799.L3.9 813 K0436.43 813.St203.13 /n833.Sc6.17 ■7U9..I0.-I.5 943. L3 399 5.L3.4 399.5. L3. 7 399.5.L3.8 399.5. L2 9 808 5.L3 193.1. L3 917.97. L3 833.L343.0 833.L343.8 S33.L34().9 S33.B849.14 914.t!0 300. L3 817. L3 973.7. L4 4 730. L3 938.07. P3 LEO 98 LIGHT Leo X., Life and pontiticate of; by \V: Roscoe. 2 vols -JSS.LS.IO Leon lioch: by IS. Perez-Ualdos. 3 vols . 8e3.P26.4 Leonard and Ciertriide; by H: Pestalozzi. 3T1.44.P37.3 Leone; by Luigi Monti .... S13.1VllJlJ8-t.4 Leonovvens, Mrs. A. H. Our Asiatic cousins 915. L3 Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the tiuinan body (U3.L3 Le Kow, Caroline B., at. English as she is taught 420.L2 Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatolc. Empire of the Isars and the Russians. 3 Vol. 914.7. L2 Le Sage, A. R. Bachelor of Salamanca 843.L3.0 IJil Klas, Adventures of .... 843.L2 Leslie Goldthvvaite's life, A summer in; by Mrs. A. T). T. Whitney . . . . 813.VV348(J.78 Le.s Miserable*; by Victor Hugo 843.H8 4 Lesseps, Ferdinand de. Kecollectious of 40 years 636.L2 Lessing, G. E., Liteof ; by T. W. Eolleston 830.9.L3.6 Lessing, G. E. Dramatic works; comedies 833.L3,1 Dramatic worlds: tragedies . . . 833.L3.8 Selected prose works .... 704.L3 Lesson of the master, etc.; by H; James . 813.JO.'53.43 Lessons from nature; by St. G; Mivart . 504.M4 in life; by J. G. Holland .... 170.4.H6.4 Le Strange, Guy. Palestine under the Moslems 9.'-,6.9.L3 Let him tirst be a man, etc.; by W. H. Venable 370.4.V3 Letourneau, Oh. Evolution of marriage and of the family .... 393..'i.L3 Property 335.01. L3 Letter and spirit; by R; Metcalf . 288.M2 of introduction; by W; D. Howells . 812.H69.4 Letters and social aims; by R. W. Emer- son 191.3 E5.43 from a cat; by Mrs. H. H. Jackson . 7n813.J014.1 from high latitudes; by the Earl of Duf- ferin 919.8.D8 to a daughter. (((•.; by H. E. Starrett 177.St0 to a king; by A. W. Tourgee . 172.1. T6 to a little girl; by H. E. Starrett . 177.SIU.4 to dead authors; by And. Lang . . S34.Li)63.4 to elder daughters; by H. E. Starrett SWi.O.Sto to farme.-'s sons; by H; S. Chase . 330.33.C3 to the Joneses; by J. G. Holland 170.4.HG.42 liCtty Hyde's lover; by Ja. Grant 833.G6.42 Le Van, W: B. Steam engine and the in- dicator 631.LL38 Levana; by Jean Paul F; Richter 370.4.R4 Lever, C: Arthur O'Leary 833.L383.0 Barrington 833.1^383.00 Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon . S33.L383.13 Con Cregan, Confessions of 823.L282.16 Cornelius O'Dowd 823.L383.1BG Daltons, The 823.L282.30 Davenport Diinii 823.L283.208 Day's ride, A 833.L283.20S) Dodd family abroad ... 833.L283.20 Fortunes of (J lencore .... 823.L383.33 Harry Lorrequer 833.L383.30 .lack Hinton. the guardsman . . 833 L282.4 Isniglitof (Jvvynii 823.L283 4t)4 Lord Kllgobbin 823 L383.4I) Luttrell of Arran 833.L283.48 Lever, C:, (Cnmluded.) Martins of Cro' Martin Maurice Tiernay O'Donoghue .... One of them .... Roland Cashel .... .Sir Brooke Fossbrooke That boy of Norcott's Tom Burke of *'Ours" Tony Butler .... *Levermore, C: H. Republic of New Haven Levi, Leone. International law Lewes, G: H: Biog. hist, of philo.5ophy. 3v. Comte's philosophy of the sciences . Goethe"s life. Story of ... . On actors and the art of acting Lewes, Vivian B. Air and water . Lewis, A. H, Hist, of Sunday legislation Lewis, Angelo J. {Pro/. Hoffmann). Con- juring tricks Modern magic Lewis, Eleanor. Famous pets of famous people Lewis, 3Ieriwether, fiiidW: Clark. Hist, of the expedition to the sources of the Missouri, and to the Pacific ocean in 1804, 180.5, 1800. 3 vols Lewis, B: Hist of the life boat and its work Lewis, T. C. Heroes of science: mechan- icians *Li Ki, The; Ir. by Ja. Legge. 3 v. (Sacred books of the east, vols. 37 and 38) Liberty and a living; by Ph.G. Hu'Dert,./i. Liljrary notes; by A. P. Russell Liddell, H: G: Hist, of Rome to 31 B. C. Liddell, H: G:, and Kob. Scott. Lexicon [Greek-English] abridged Liddon, H: Parry. Divinity of Our Lord Lie, Jonas. Barque future, The Pilot and his wife Weird tales from northern seas Lieber, Fs. Civil liberty and self govern- ment Manual of political ethics Lieber, Oscar 31. Assayer's guide . Life; by Count Leo Tolstoi Good things of. 3., 5., (i., 7., 8., 9., series. 6 vols and her children; by Mrs. A. B. Fi>her. and labor: by S; Smiles . . . . and Sylvia; by Josephine Balestier at the South, or, "Uncle Tom's cabin" as it is; by W. L. G. Smith . for a life; by Mrs. D. M. Craik in Danbury; by Ja. M. Bailey in the open air; by Theo. Winthrop on the Mississippi; by S: L. Clemens sentence, A; by Adeline Sergeant without and life within; by Marg. Ossoli Lifeboat, The; by R. M. Ballantyne Iviglit of Asia; by Sir Edw. Arnold 1(1831. of Asia and the light of the world; by S. H. Kellogg of her countenance; by IL U. Boyesen . of the world; by Sir Edw. Arnold 833.L283.50 833.L283 .508 833 L383.62 823.L383.66 833. L282.6U4 823.L283.74 833.L383.83 833.L;282 86 823.L283.866 974 68.JG 341. L2 109.L3 194.8.C6.4 830.9.GB.4 793. L2 .533.L2 363.8.L2 794.L3.1 793. L3 599. L3 917.8.L39.3 ()14.8U7.L3 1531. L3 399 5.L2.4 630. H8 814.R87.4 937.L4.7 483. L43 233.8. L42 839.83. L4.0 839.83.L4.G 839 83.L4.9 321. L4 172. L4 GG9.9.L4 170. TG 817.L42 593. F4 177.Sm4 813.B04.4 813.Sm489.4 833.CG04.443 817.B0 814. W46 917 7.043 833.Se633.4 818 07 G14.867.B0 ACG.6G. Vol.1 304 K3 813.BG93.4 821.A6G.4 liOXGFKMiOW lOl LiOVK liOiiK't'ellow, H: W., erf. Poems of places. {Concluded) Curmiuiy. '.'vols 8i)S.l lli.Lil (Ii-ooco . . .... .SOS I I'.].',. I,ii Irnlami wis i ii."p.l,ii Italy. 3 vols ,s(is.i i.i 1,(1 Oceana sos. lii. I,i> Russia SOS. 117 Lii Scotland. :i vols SdSiii |,i; Spain. 'J vols SdS i tii. 1 ,1; Switzcrlaiiil .siis H'.ii.l,!; lioiiKinairs oU'iiieiilary sciciicr iiiaiiiials. Hiclfjood,.). ]{iolof,'y - , , . "i7(i.l!l Mild, I': (ieology 5."iO:.'.I{4 Unrroll, K: J. Muilding I'onsiriu-lion and drawinR CiiiO. I'.s Kdnioiids, II: Elementary botany .WO Ki Kiirnraiix, \V: S. Animal physiology Gl:M<'S IOI<'montary chemistry . ."vlO. FS (loodovo, T. M. Manual of mechanics . .''ai.dii .laRo, VV: Inorganic clKunistry .■i40.Jo I, aw, I): A. Intro, to machine drawing and design o-.'(i.(H r,(i 1/iipton, A. Mining iW:; Ls Morris, I. II. Practical plane and solid geometry .">i:i Mr, I'oyser, A. W: Magnetism and electricity .ViS.Pi; Ripper, W: Steam (J31.1.R4 Taylor, .I.E. Theoretical mechanics . rilil To Tliornton, J: Physiography . .")."il.4.T3 Tilden. W: A. Practical chemistry .",44. T4 Webb, H: J. Elementary agriculture . 630. Wd Wright, M. II. Elem. physics .").30.W(i Sound, light and heat .... .^iSii.Wfi Ijook about club: by Mary E. liamford. :)v. .")90.B0.54 before you leap; by Mrs. "Alex." ¥. Hector S:i3.H218 4lJ round literature; by Rob. Buchanan 834.B81.4 Ijook ins backward; by E: fiellaray . • S13 B2440.4 out on life; by Ks. E.Clark . . 30C).C40 4 liOoiiiis, Lalayette C. Index guide to travel and art study in Europe . TOS.LU Luoiiii.s, S: liaiie. Modern cities, etc. Siifi.Lti Iji>ra; by W: Heimburg .... 833.H3.4li lj Kilgobbin; by C: Lever .... 833.17283.46 Lorenzo tli Medici; by Edith Carpenter 94.").5.L6 1 Life of; by W: Roscoe ». . . . 94.5 5 L6.6 Lorenzo Benoni; by G. D. Ruflini . 8.i3 R8.4 Lorinier, G: C. What I know about books 038.1.L6 Lorinier, Mary. Among the trees ."iSO.LG Loring, Caleb W: Nullilication, secession 342 73.L6 Loring, G:B. Farm-yard clubofJotham 630.L6 Year in Portugal 914.69.L6 liorna Doone; by R. D. Blackmore . 823.B40145.4 Lornc, ^[luyllis . /. l*alnierston, Mscmntt. 943.08. Pai. 4 Ijo.sh and gain; by ,1: II: Newman 2S3.N3.4 "Ijo.ssing, Ben.son .1. Am. industries and arts OO'.l, 1/6 Hist, of England to 1.S7I . 943.1,6 Hist, of New York City .... 974.71. L6 I'ictorial field-book of the revolution. 2v 973.3.L6 Pictorial hist, of the civil war. 3 v(ds . 973.7.L6 Story of tlu^ U. S. navy .... 97:11/6.76 'Washington and the American republic. 3 vols. Q <.i7;i.:( WO 46 l/iiNsiiig, Ben.son J., inul Dllicm. The American nation: ed by .1. II. Kennedy 3 vols i|7n 1,(3.05 Ijost Atlantis, etc. ; by I). Wilson 571. W4 canyon of the Toltecs: by C; S. Seeley . 813. Se2 cause; by E: A. Pollard ... 973.7.P6 city; by D: Ker 813.1)36.467 slove; by II. Conscience . . . 839.33.C6.46 hero: by Mrs. E. S. awl Herb. I). Ward . 813.W063.46 illusions; by H. de Balzac 843.B0.4(; in a great city; by Amanda M. Douglas 813.1)68 4 in Samoa; by r>. S. Ellis .... 919.61. E4 in the fog; by Ja De Mille . . 81,3.D2")4.03 in the jungle; by P. B. DuChaillu 916.D8.4 leaders; by And. Lang .... 824.L(Hi3.46 lode; by Fes. C. Fisher .... 813.F473.46 manuscript; by G. Freytag S33.F63.4 jewel; by Ht. P. Spotford . S[3.Sp63.4 silver of Brilfault; by Mrs. A. E. Barr . si3.BO(36 46 winter; by Mrs. Eliz. S. Ward . . 811. WOO Lothair; by B: Disraeli .... S33.D47.40 Liothrop, Ht. M. (Murtiaict Siilniii.) Adiron- dack cabin S13 1^683.0 Five little peppers and how they grew . 813.r/;83.241 F'ive little peppers grown up . . 813.L683 343 Five little peppers midway . . . 813.L688.343 Golden west 917.3. LO How they went to Europe .813 L6S3 36 Little PanI and the Frisbie school . 813.L683.4 Our town 813.L683.4 Whittier with the children . . . 810.9. W3. 4 Liotta Schmidt; by Ant. Trol lope . . 833.T664.46 Lotus eating; by G; W. Curtis . . 917.4.CS Lotze, Herniaiiii, Philosophy of; by L. Stahlin /u 193.Stn Lotze, Hermann. Logic. 2 vols 160. L6 Metaphysic 193.8. L6..5 Philosophy of religion .... 301 L6 Longhead, Klora Haines. Abandoned claim S13.L6833.0 Louie's last term at St. Mary's; by Mrs. M. C Harris 813. H066.4 liOiiis XI., Reign of; by P. F Willert. 944.03.L6 11.9 Louis .\IV., Hist, of; by J: S C. Abbott . Louis fjambert; by H. de Balzac Louis Phillippe; by J: S. C. Abbott Louisaof Prussia and her times; by Louisa Muhlbach Louise de Valliere; by A. Dumas Louisiana; by Mrs. Fes. H. Burnett Lounger, The. 3 vols. Lounsbury, T: K. Chaucer in. 3 vols. Cooper. .T. F. Love, K. G.. erf. 944.03.LG 843. BO 468 944.06. L6 . 833.M83.46 . Are843.D85.3 . 813.B8662.46 040.B64.Vols.38-40 Studies Pavements and roads .S20.9.C30.4 810.9.C6.4 63.5. L6 LOVE 102 LYTTI^ETON Love affairs of an old maid; by Lilian Bell and life; by Charlotte M. Yonge and tfieology; by Celia P. Woolley for an hour is love forever; by Mrs. A. E ){arr . . in the 19th century; by Ht. W.Preston me little; love me long; by C: Reado or a name; by J. Hawthorne . love letters of a worldly woman; by Mrs VV. K Clifford .... Lovel the widower; by VV: M. Thackery Lover, S: Handy Andy Legends and stories of Ireland Rory O'More Love'.s labour won; by Ja. Grant Lovett, K: Irish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Q. . . . Low, D: Allan. Intro to machine draw ing and design .... Lowe, "\V: M. Memorial addresses on Lowell, E: J. Eve of the French revolu lution Hessians, and other (icrman au.xiliaries of (treat Britain in the revolutionary war Lowell, Ja. Russell; by Fs. H. Underwood Lowell, Ja. Kussell. Birthday book Letters; ed. by C. E. Norton. 3 vols Literary and political addresses Literary essays, i vols. . Old English dramatists Political essays .... Poems. 4 vols Lowell, Josephine Shaw, rump. Indu trial arbitration and conciliation Lowell, Percival. Noto Soul of the far east .... Lowell, Kol). New priest of conception bay. - vols Ijoyal little red-coat; by Ruth Ogden Ijoyalty (Jeorge; by Mrs. Louisa Parr Loyola, Ignatius, and the educational system of the Jesuits; by T; Hughes Loyola, Ignatius, and. the early Jesuits by Stewart Rose .... liubbock, .Sic J: Ants, bees and wasps Beauties of nature, etc. Fifty years of science Flowers, fruits and leaves On British wild flowers considered in re lation to insects .... On the senses, instincts and intelligence of animals Origin and metamorphoses of insects Origin of civilization and the primitiv condition of man .... Pleasures of life ... Prehistoric times .... Scientific lectures .... Seedlings. 2 vols .... 'Luhke, W: M ist. of art. 3 vols. Q. "Hist, of sculpture. 3 vols. (J. liucanus, M. Annaeus. Pliarsalia; tr. bv H: T: Ilili^y 813.B34 4 823.Y9>..t(i .S13. Will 14.4 813 BU6li.4GS S13.P037 4IJ S33.R203.468 813.H094.46 S33.C442.4 S33.T3 8 S33.Ll'i8.30 823 L6S.42 823 LGS.G S33.(;i;.4IJS '.114 1.5. Li; 030.04 LG 973.8. L6 944.03. LG9 973.3. Lli9 810.9. LG9 8 810.8 LG9 810.9. Li;9 330.4.LG9.4 814. L69 839.9 LG9 320.4. L69.G 811. Ln9 331.1.LG 91.'5 2.LG.0 91.1.3. LG S13.LG924.6 813.033.4 833 P06().4 271..5.L6 3 371.5. L6.6 .595.7. LS .504. 1 j8 .509. L8 .580. LS .581.9. L8 .591.7. L8.5 .595.7. L.5.8 .572. L8 374. L8 571. L8 .5fM.L8.7 .581.3. LS 709 LS 730.1.8 873. L8 Lueian; by W. L. Collins Lucie's mistake; by W. Heimburg Lucilius, C. Satires; tr. by Lewis Evans Luck of Roaring Camp, etc ; byBretllarte Lucretia; by E; G: L. Bulwer Lucretius Carus, T.; by W: H. Mallock Lucretius Cams, T. I)e rerum natura; ed. by H. A. J. Munro. 3 vols Lucy, H: W. Diary of the Salisbury par- liament, lSSG-1893 . ' . . . Lucy; by Julie P. Smith . . . . Arden; by Ja. Cirant ,. . . Crofton; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant Ludlow, ,Ia. M. Captain of the janizaries King of Tyre That angelic woman ... Ludlow, J: M. Woman's work in the church Lukin, J: Amongst machines Boy engineers Young mechanic .... Lulu's library; by Louisa M. Alcott Ijuniholtz, Carl. Among cannibals Luininis, C: F. Land of Poco Tiemuo Some strange corners in our country Spanish pioneers .... Tramp across the continent Lunt, E: C. Present condition of econ- omic science ...... LuptoD, Arnold. Mining Lupton, N. T. Elementary principles of scientific agriculture Lusiad, The: by L. de Camoens Luther, Martin. [Autobiography]; ed by J. Michelet .... [Life]; by J: H. Treadwell On education; by F. V. N. Painter Luther, Martin. Table talk Watchwords for the warfare of life Luttrell of Arran; by C: Lever Lux mundi; by H. S. Holland and nUtcrs ed. by C: Gore .... Luys, J. Brain and its functions Lyall, .Sir Alf. Hastings, Warren Rise of the British dominion in India Lyall, Edna, (p»eud.) See Bayly, Ada Ellen. Lyell, Sic C: Geol. evidences of the an- tiquity of man *Principles of geology. 2 vols Lyle MacDonald; by Mrs. S. F. Keene Lyman, S. B. Webster, Dan., Public and private life of . . . . Lynch, Jeremiah. Egyptian sketches . Lyndell Sherburne; by Amanda M. Doug- las Lynx-hunting; by C. A. Stephens Ijyon, W: H. Study of tl» sects Lyra heroica; ed. by W: E. Henley . liyons, S: Model merchant of the middle ages LytteKon, II. H. Cricket 888.7. liS.l 833 H2.48 fn 877.7. J8 S13.H0G8.4 S23.B849.15 871 1.L8..50 871.1.L8.5 942.08. L8 813.Sm4 9 823.G0.48 823 044G 48 813.L82.10 813.L82.44 813 L83.8 396 5. L8 070.LS.() fl21.L8.0 G21.L8.9 813.A41G 48 919.4. LS 917.89. L8 917.9. L8 970 LS 917 8. L8 330.4. LS 622. L8 630. L8 8G9 ICO 284.1 L8 2S4.1.LS8 370 9. L8 348. LS 284.1. LS.9 823 L283 48 232.1 H6 612.82. LS 9.54. HO 4 9.54. L9 .573.3. L9 .550. L9 S13.K3262.49 973.5.W3.4 916.3. L9 813.D68.730 813.St363.14 3S0.L9 . 821.H264 6.50. W3.4 797.St2 MAAHTKXS 103 MACDOUGAIjIi M Mat- Maurteiis, Maarten. (lod's fool Joost Avoliiigli. Sin of Mabel IjOi'; by I'Vs. C. Fislier Vaughan, by M S. Ciiinmins . Walton's cxporiraont; by J. 11 thews Muliio, Haniillon W. Kssiiys in literary interpretation My study lire Norse stories retold from the Hddas Short sludii^s in literature Under the tn^'s and elsewhere >tal>iiioKi<>ii, The boy"s; ed. by S. Lanier MaoAlistcr, Ja. Catalogue of library in ollice of Supt. I'ublic sehools, Phila- delphia Siimr: supplement . . . . >IcAllister, Ward. Society as I have found it . MirAiially. I). K., Jr. Irish wonders Mac-aria; by Mrs. Augusta E. Wilson MacAriliur, Art. liiog. of the English language ..... Education in relation to manual trainin; MaoArtlmr, Marg. Hist, of Scotland Maoaulay, T: 15., htii-ini. Life and writ ings; by C: 11. Jones [Life]; by J. C. Morison . Macaulay, T. B., hartm. Life and lettiTS by i;. Otto Trevelyan Essays. (> vojs Hist, of England. S vols. Speeches and poems, etc. 3 vols. ]>IoAuIey. Jerry: life and work MeCahe, Ja. I>. Centennial exhibition McCal)e, Ja. It., jr. Planting th(^ Wil derness ...... MoCabo, Iikla R. Am. (iirl at colleger MacCalliiiii, M. W. Studies in tierman literature SlcCiirtlia, C. I;. Lost tribes of Israel McCarthy, Justin. Dear lady Disdain Dictator Donna Quixote .... Hist, of our own times. ;i vols Hist, of the four Georges. 2 vols Lady .Judith ... Maid of Athens .... Miss Misanthrope ... Peel, .Sir Rob . McCarthy, Justin H. French revolution Ireland since the union, 179S-IS,sr, Outline of Irish history McClellan, Mrx. G: Broken chord McClellan, G: U. McClellan's own story MoClcIlauil, M. G. Hroadoaks Manitou island .... Oblivion McClintock. V. ti. In the arctic seas McClure, A. K. The south 83:). MIX) :i s:.':i.M(K).4 813.E473.r) 8i:i.C8r)r>.r> S13.M(W3.5(JO 814.M()0.3 8 1 4. MOO.. -> 3'.i:i.MU 814 MOO 7 814.MOO.S '.143 Of. AC). 3 017. P3 017.P3.7 394.1.MO 813. M06 813.VV447..50 430.'.!. MO 371.43. MO 941. MO 830.9.M0.4 830 9.M0.8 830.9. Mo 040. MO 943.06.M0 304.M0 3(il3.MO li06.P3.5 S13.M10.6 39(j.4.Ml 830.4. Ml 330.8. M2 .S33.M1.33 833.M10.3 833.M1.30 943.08.M1 943.07. Ml. 2 833.M1.4 S33.M1.5 823. Ml. 54 943.08. P33.T 944.04.Ml 9-11..58.M1.4G 941 .i.Ml 813.M143 1 973.7.M14 813.M14.1 813.M14.5 813.M14.G 998.M1 917.rj.M14 Mt^C^luro, .1. It., nl. Edison and his inven- tions Mi;<\)an, J. V. Egypt as it is . Mj-Conkcy, Kohecca. Hero of Cowpcuis Mc<'t)ok, H: C. Agricultural ant of Texas Tenants of an old farm .... MauCord, C: W: Kinematics Mt;t'osh, Ja. Christianity and positivism First and fundamental truths .). S. MiiPs philosophy . . . . Our moral nature Psychology: cognitive powers Psychology: motive powers Realistic philosophy. 3 vols MacCoun, Townsend. Hist geog. of LI.S. McCraekan, W. I). Rise of the Swi.ss republic McCuIloch, Hugh. Men and measures of half a century MacDerinots of Ballycloran; by Ant, Trollope Macdoiiald, Murslml, Recollections of MacDonald, Art. Criminology MacDonald, G: Adela Cathcart Alec Forbes of Ilowglen . Annals of a (luiet neighborhood At the back of the north-wind David Elginbrod Dealings with the fairies Doual (irant Double story Elect lady Cuild court Grutta Percha Willie . Heather and snow Hoije of the Gospel Imagination, etc. Light princess, etc Malcolm .... Marquis of Lossie Mary Marston Miracles of our Lord Paul Faber, surgeon . Phantasies; The portent . Princess and Curdle Ranald Hannerman's boyhood Robert Falconer St. (leorge and St. Michael Seaboard parish Sir (libbie .... There and back Thomas Wingfold, curate Unspoken sermons. 3 vols. Vicar's daughter Warlock o' (.ilenwarlock . Weighed and wanting What's mine's mine .... Wilfred Curabermede MaoDonncll, Art. A. Camping out MacDougall, J., i:d. Folk and hero tale .'>37.E3 9ir,.3,Ml 973. 3. MOB 3 59.5.73, Ml ,595.7. Ml 531.1. Ml 311. Ml 15(5. Ml 193 7. Ml 171.r,.Ml 1,53. Ml 157. Ml 149.3.M1 973.MI 949. 4. Ml 973.7.M18.5 833.T664..53 944.0,5.M2 3()4.M3 S23.M36.03 S33.M36.043 833.M36.0() 833 M36.08 S33.M:36.30 8.33.M36.33 833.M26.26 833.M36.3(J8 8:33.M36.34 833 M39.38 833.M26.388 833.M30.3 230, M3 833. M3(! 833.M36.4 834.M3B..504 833.M3G..50O 833.M3(i.50 231.7.M3G 833.M;3G.608 833.M36.0,3O 833.M26.6() 823.M3G.GO 833.M36.(U;o S33.M3G.70 833.M3G.73 823.M36.74 833.M36.83 S33.M20.83G 3.53.M3n 833.M36.84 833.M36.90G 833.M3G93 833.M2G.93 833.M36.944 799 M2 398.2.M2 MACDOWELiL, 104 MAHAN MacDowell, Miti. Kath. S. (gherwuod Bmi- ner). Dialect tales .... Siiwanee River tales .... MacDutr, .1. li. Memoirs of Bethany Mace, .1//-8. Fes. Li. Under pine and palm 3Iaoe, Jean. Hist, of a mouthful of bread McP^lligott, Ja. M. American debater . MacJ'arlane, Ja. Am geol railway guide MacGeorge, A. Flags: hist, and uses . MacGillivray, W: British quadrupeds . MacGinley, T: C. Intro, to study of geiKU-al biology McGuckiii, W: G. Whist nuggets . *I>Iacliiavclli, Xiceolo. Writings. 4 vols. Maclnnes, I)., fd. Folk and hero tales Maclntyre, Donaltl. Hindu-koh Mackay, Ale.v. Western world. 3 vols. Maokay, Ale.x., of Ugmiila, Story of; by .1. W. li ' . Mackay, C: Extraordinary popular de- lusions, etc. ...... Founders of the American republic Mackay, T:, al. Plea for liberty M'KciuIrick, J: Gray, oni W: Snod- grass. Physiology of the senses Mackenzie, Ht. D. S. Switzerland MacKenzie, II. Shelton. Bitsof blarney MacKenzie, liobt. America Nineteenth century .... Mackey, All). G. Symbolism of freema- sonry ....... Mackio, C: P. Last voyages of the ad- miral of the ocean sea With the admiral of the ocean sea McKinley, C. Appeal to Pharaoh Mcliinloy, W: Speeches and addresses . 3Iackintosh, .1: Story of Scotland Mcljauchlin, Anil. C. Cass, Lewis Mcljaiicliliii, i>I. iiouise. China painting Painting in oil ..... Mciiaurin, J. J. Story of .Johnstown Mcljpan, J. I*. Anticjuity of man Mound builders Molieniian, .1: K. Patriarchal theory St\idii-s in ancient history M<-liCiul, Grace I). Stories of the land of Kvang(!line ..... Molicod, H: D. Theory of credit Mcljeoil, Norman. Love the fulfilling of the law aiacleod of Dare: by W: HIack . .» Mc>IahaM, Anna R. Study class McMaHter, J: It. Franklin, R: Hist, of tlH^ people of the LI. S. Vols. 1-3 McMillan, i>I. Promotion of general hap- piiK^ss Ma<'>fillan, \Va. G. Treatise on electro- metallurgy Macinin,,): Maiiilciba. '(c. MclMiei-soii, I'',: llandbookof politics, IS'.tt Political hist, of U. S., ISIll-lSOo Political hist, of U. S.. lsru-1870 . M<:l"Iicr.sUI. T: anil liatli. Pictures and legends from Normandy and Jirittany. 81T.M2r> 817.M;2 7 232.;i M3 Sll.Ml) I112,M() 3:2S.l Mr.' r«7.M2 920.U M3 r)99.7.M3 577. M3 79.-..M3 945. M3 398 3.M4 915.4. M40 917.3. M4 2G6.M()1 133. M4 973.4. Ml 335. Sp3 012 8.M4 949 4. MO 838. M4 970. M4 940 8.M4 300 1.M0.7 910.9.C0.544 91O.9.C0.:-)4 336.8.M4 308. M4 9-11.M4 973.0.C07 7.")2.M40 7.53. M4 974.87.M4 .573.3. M4 .57 1,91. MO 393. M4 393. M43 813.M43 332.7.M4 248. M43 33 B4014 .501 820.7. M5 973.3. F0.5 973, M5 171. M5 .537. 85. M 5 917 12.M1 3:i9.M0 973 7. MO 973.8. MO 831. M03 3 13. MO 914. 4. MO Reminiscences, rtc. . nil. and cd. (iypsies of Macready, AV: C. Macllitchie, I):, India MacVane, S. M. Working principles of political economy MacVine, J: Sixty-three years angling. Macy, Jesse. Our government Madam How and Lady Why; byC: Kings- ley Madame de Presnel: by E. Fes. Poynter. Delphine; by G: W. Cable Lucas ....... Therese: by E. Erckmannniid A. Chatrian Madan, Falconer. Books in manuscript Madcap Violet; by W: Black 793.M63 397. MG 330. 3, M 8 799. M8 343 73. M .5.50. K4 833.P09.5 813 C(X)4 .50 813.M0305 843. EO 5 091. Mo 8:23. 154014. 503 Maddan, K: R., and J. Bowles Daly. Ireland in '98 941.57.M03 Made in France; by H C. Bunner 813.B8i;6.5 Madeleine; by Julia Kavanagh . . 833,K08.5 Madeline; by Mrs M. J. Holmes . 813 1164.55.5 by .lules Sandeau 843, SaO 5 Mademoiselle; by Fes. M. Peard 823 P200.5 Ixe: by L. Falconer 813. F04 5 Mori; by Marg. Roberts .... 833.R65.5 Madison, Dolly, Memoirs and letters of . 973 5.M033 Madison, Ja.; by S. H. (iay 973.5.M0.3 Madison, Ja.; by W. O. Stoddard . 973.5 MO.7 Madonna Mary; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oli- phant 833 ()440..502 Magdalen's fortune; by W. Heimburg 833. H2. 5 Magellan, Ferd. Life, etc.: by F. H. H. Guillemard 91O.9.M03.3 [Life]; by G: M. Towle .... 910.9.M03 Maggie Bradford's club; by J. H Mathews 813.M083.51 Bradford's schoolmates: by J. H. Mathews 813,M083.517 Magic ink; by W: Black . . .833.B4014..5O3 skin; by H. de Balzac .... S43.B05 Maginnis. Art. J. Atlantic ferry . 050. M3 Magnliild; by B. Bjornson 7h 839.83. B400. Vol 3 Magnificent plebeian; by J. Magrnder . 813.M036.5 Magnus, />tiiii; Katie. .Jewish portraits . 833. M03 Mago, Capt., Adventures of; by L. Cahun 939.44. MO Magoon, E. L. Westward empire 902 Mo Magrnder, Alien B. Marshall, .1; . 973 4.M00 Magruder, Julia. Across the chasm 813.M030 Magnificent plebeian .... 813.M030.5 Mahaffy, J. P. Descartes 194.1. D2. 5 Euripides rrt8S3.2.So0.1 Hist, of Greek literature: dramatic poets 880.9.Mn.2 Hist, of (ireek literature: poets . 88O.9.MO.30 Hist, of Greek literature: prose writers. 2 vols . . 880.9.MO.0(i Old Greek education .... 370.9. Mo Old Greek life 938.M03 Princi|)les of conversation . . 808.M0 Rambles and studies in Greece . . 9.38 M04 Social life in Greece 9.38, M07 Story of Alexander's empire 938 07.M0 Mahaffy, J. P., and J. E. Rogers. Sketches of a tour through Holland and t;ormany 914.92. Mo Mahan, A. T. Farragut, D: G. 973.7. FO (iulf and inland waters .... 973.7.N08.3 Inlluence of sea power upon hist. . 940.M03 Inllnenco of sea power upon the French revolution and empire. 2 vols. 944.04.M03 MAHOMKT 103 MARCO Mahomet iind his successors; by W. IrviiiR In lUiilii Maid Mariiin, etc.; by M. K. .Soawcll si:i.Se().r)(l of Athens; by ,1. McCai-lby S^'S Ml.Ti of lionor; by L. Wiimlickl . 8:i:i.W4i;:K.r> wife or widow? Iiy Mrs. "Alex." K. Hector S'.'li.HSls ,".() >Iaiii-travclled roads; by H. (iarland si3.(;(i(i+..''> Maine. Militia law, 18S0 344. M04 A'lj. !i,;i. Report. lS(i4 and ISIm 353.9741. M04.(j Supplement to reports. ISllI- 18(55 . 3.53.9741.MII4 (17 Ifnnril .1/ aunmllinr. Reports, lSS;t-189(). 8 v (130.5. M(>4 Stiilelniai-dtiJ hriiUli. Reports, 1885- USOl. 7v aidti- Kiiiil, of iiiihlic .ichiiiil.-<. Report, 18'Jl . Maine, H: S Ancient law Early hist, of institutions Karly law and customs .... Popular Kovernmont .... N'ilhme coinnuinities .... >laitlanIa.j<>r and minor; by VV. K. Norris Kilgore, Tassing of; by Y. E. Allison Lawrence; by Hon. Emily Lawless Make or break; by W: T. Adams .^Inkers of America series. Rienville, .1. 15. L. M. ,S. de; by Grace King Calvert, (!: andC: by VV: II. Brown Columbus, C; by C: K. Adams Fulton, R.; by R. Thurston Hamilton, A.; by \V: C Sumner Higginson, Fs. ; by T; W. Higginson Hooker, T:; by U: L. Walker . Houston, S:; by H: Bruce Hughes, J;; by II: A. Brann . .lelTerson, T:; by .T. Schouler . .lohnson. Sir W;; by VV; E. (Jrillis . Mather, Cotton; by B. Wendell Morris, Rob ; by VV: G. Sumner Oglethorpe, Ja ; by H: Bruce Stuyvesant, P:; by B. Tuckerman . Sumner, C:; by Anna L. Dawes White, W:; by .J. H. Ward VVinthrop, J;; by J. II. Twichell Makers of modern English: by W. J. Daw son Making of a man; by VV: M. Baker . Mallione: by T: W. Higginson . Malcolm, .Sir J: Clive, Robt., Innl, lAfe (if. 3 vols Malcolm; by U; MacDonald Maiden, Mrs. Cath. Austen, Jane . Malet, Ijuoas, pwwl. Sec Harrison, Mra. Mary. Mallard, 11. Q. Plantation life before emancipation Malleson, G. B. Decisive battles of India Indian mutiny Metternich, Princi- C. VV. N. L.. Life of . Refoundingof the (!erman empire Mallet, C:K: French revolution Mallet, Paul H: Northern antiquities Mallock, W: Hurrell. Is life worth living? Labor and the popular welfare Lucretius ....... Property and progress .... 3.5:2. 4. M04 379. M(M 340. Mo 340.MO.:20 340.M0.3 321.8.MO.(l 333 12. MO 3:53.3.MO 786.Sch85 823. 11033.50 833.N6G().5 813.A444.(J 833.L094.5 813.A309S.75 97(3 3.B4.4 975.3.C0.1 910.9.C6.03 (J31.12.F8.8 97.3.4. H05 7 974.4.H4.3 38.5.8. H(1.9 970.4 H(l 1 383.118 973.4.J3.7 974.7.JG.3 :385.8 Mo. 9 33().MG.7 975.8.03.1 974.7.St8.8 973.S.SU5 1 383. VV3 974.4. W4.S 830.4. DO 813 BIM20.5 813.H433.5 9.54. C4 5 823.M36.,504 830.9 A8 5 336 MO 954 MO 9.54.M0.4 '.►43.06. M2 943.07. MO 944 04. Mo 948 01. MO 179.7. MO 331.M0.4 871.1. L8.. 50 331. M04 Malory, .SO' T: Arthur, King, and the ijuest of the IIoly(!rail; ed. by E. Rhys Hoy's King Arthur; ed. by S Lanier Malot, H. l!oy wanderer; or. No relations Malthus, T: Kob., and his work; by Ja. Bonar Malthus, T: Kob. Principle of popula- tion Mainelon; by A. VV. Tourgee Mamelons and Ungava; by VV: II. 11. Murray Mammon of unrighteousness; by U. H. Boyesen Man and the state and wife; by VV. Collins . . . . made of money; by D. Jerrold of genius; by C. Lombroso of-war life: by C; Nordhofl' story; by E. W. Howe .... vs. the state; by H. Scencer who laughs; by V. Hugo with the broken ear; by E. About . without a country, etc ; by E: E. Hale . Manitou island; by M. (1. McClelland Mann, Horace. Life and works. 5 vols. Manning, Anne. .Sfi llathbone, Mrs. Anue M. Manning, H: E:, cardinal; by A. W. Hutton Man's will; by E. Fawcett Mansel.H: L. Limits of religious thought 3Ianstield Humphreys, Fate of; by R: G. White Manstield Park; by Jane Austen Manson, G: J. Work for women Mant, R. Appeal to the gospel Mantegazza, Paolo. Physiognomy and e.xpression Slantegna, Andrea; by Julia Cartwright Manteuffel, Ursula Zoge v. Violetta Manton, Wa. I». Beginnings with the microscope Insects: how to catch and prepare them. Primary methods in zoology Taxidermy without a teacher *Manii, Laws of ; tr. by G: Buhler Manual of guard duty of U. S. Army Manuals oC technology. Greenwood, W; H: Steel and iron Hummel, J. J. Dyeing of textile fabrics Manuela Paredes; by VV: Chamberlain Many inventions; by ll. Kipling Manzoni, A. Betrothed lovers: I promessi sposi Maori and settler; by G: A. Henty Marble faun; by N. Hawthorne. 2 vols . Marbot, IStinm di\ Memoirs of . Marcella; by Mrs. Mary A. Ward. 2 vols March, Dan. Morning light in many lands March, Fs. A. (Jrammarof Anglo-Saxon March in the ranks; by J. Fothergill Marching to victory; by C: C. Coffin Marco Paul at the Springfield armory; by J. Abbott in Boston; by J. Abbott in Maine; by J. Abbott in New York; by J. Abbott . 942.01. Afi :50 943. 01. All. 5 843 M04.(.)(l 312.MO.U 312. M02 /ii8I3.T(18(i.4 813 M866 5 813 B693.5 304. BOO 893.C644 50 833 J30.4 150. Iv6 3,59 NO 813 H(191.5 /ii302.Sp2 843.H8.1 843. AO 5 8t3.H042..50 S13.M14 5 370.M00 :.'83. Mo 813.F0<».50 210.M(I(1 8)3.W.34S3 823.A87.5 396.5. M'J 330. M06 138. MO 7.59.5 MO 833.Moe..S4 .578 Mo .579. M04 .590.7. MO 579.4. Mo 274. B8 3.55. Mo 069.1. GO 007 3.1i8 813.C305.5 823 K464.50 8.53. MO 993.1. II3.5 813.H09.5 944.05.MO60 823.W0C3 .50 206.MOO 439. Mo 833.F68.5 973.4. C6 93 813.A0O..56 813.A00..55 813.AfX).53 813.A0O.51 MARCO 106 MARRYAT Marco Paul in Vermont; by J. Abbott 813.A0O.54 on the Erie canal; by J. Abbott 813.A00.53 Marenholz-Bulow, Barancgx B. von. Froebel, F. Reminiscences of 37a 2 F(i 1 Marey, K. J. Animal mechanism r>91.47.Mo Margaret, nf Aininulemc: by Mrs. A. Mary F. Darmesteter '.iH.U3.M0()3 Margaret 0/ ^"./mi, Hist, of; by J a. Abbott 943,U4.MUIJ Margaret ICent, Story of: by Mrs. E. W. Kirk 813.K4(H.50 Margaretlie; by E. JnncKer '. 833. JS 5 Margery: by G: Ebers .... S33.E0.50 MargoUe, E., ani V. Znrcher. Meteors, aeorilites. storms and atmospheric phenomena 533 5.Z8 Marguerite; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes . . 813.110455 50 ■ do Valois; by Alex. Dumas .843 D85.81 Maria; by Jorge Isaacs .... 863.17.5 Maria Celeste, Sixter. Galileo, Private life of 509.00.1 Marian Grey: by Mrs. M. J. Holmes .813.H(;455.506 Marianela; by I?. Perez Galdos 8()3.P36.5 Marie: by Ale.\. Pushkin ... 8!ll.73.P8.5 IMarie Antoinette. Hist.: by J. Abbott 944()3.M0.0 Private life; by Mme. J. L. H. Campan . 944.03 M04.1 Woman and queen: by Henrietta Keddie 944 03.M04 Marie Antoinette and downfall of roy- alty; by I. de Saint-Araand . . . 944 03.M0.7.3 and end of the old regime: by I. de Saint-Amand 944.03.M0.7 1 at the Tuileries: by I. de Saint-Amand . 944.03.M0.7,3 Story of the diamond necklace; by U: Vizetolly .'..... 94403.M04.9 Marie Antoinette and her son; by Ijouisa Muhlbacb S33.MS3 50 Marie I;ouise and decadence of the em- pire; by I.de Saint-Amand . . 944.05 MO.7.3 and invasion of 1814; by I. de Saint- Amand 944.05.M0.7.3 Happy days of; by I. de Saint-Amand 944.05.M0 7.1 the island of Elbii and the hundred days; by I. de Saint-Amand . .944.05. MO.7.4 Mariette-Z?c(/, Aiigiiste. Monuments of upper Egypt 913 (13. MO Marino Faliero; by A. C. Swinburne 833.Sw4.5 'Mario, siiiiuird .1. W. Garibaldi, Guiseppe, SupphiMuMit to autobiography of 945 GoO.Vol.S .Marion, F. Wonders of optics 535 MO .Marion, I's. Frost,.!: The swamp fox . 973.3.M06.2 .Marion Berkley; by Li/.zie B. Cpmins 813.C6.54.5 Marion Darche; by F. M. Crawford 833 0(309 5 Marion's faith: by C: King . . 813.K4()315 >lariotto Albi-rlinelli; by Mrs. li. E. Baxlcir //1 759.5. BO >larius the ICpicurean; by Wa. Pater 833.P(J83.5 >Iar.jorie Daw, -;/c ; by T: B. Aldrich 813.A43(!.5 >lark kutberford, Autobiography of: by W: H. White 833.W34..50 .^lark Ilutlicrford's deliverance; liy W: H. White 833.VV34.51 Mark Seaworlh: by W: U. G. Kingston . S33.K4G38.50 Mark the match boy; by H. Algor. ./■)■. 813.A33.('j3 Mark Twain's skiachc^s; by S: ]j. ChMuens 817.C43.74 Marked man; by Ada Camljridgo 833.C0.5() 50 .Marked "personal :" by Mrs. A. K. liohlfe 813.KU34..50(J Markham, Alb. H. Franklin, .Sir J: . 919.8. F0.5 Markhani, Clements R. Davis, .1: Fighting Veres, The Hist, of Peru Sea fathers Markhani, R. King Philip's war Markliani, R:, cil. Chronicle of the Cid Miirkof; by Mme. Alice Durand Marks, Mrs. Mary A. M. (Hoppus) (Jreat treason .... Story of carnival .... Marks, W: D. Relative proportions o steam engine Marlborough, Dukenf. Life: by Sir A Alison. 3 vols Memoirs, etc; by W: Coxe. 3 vols. [Life]; by G: Saintsbury . Marlitt, K. At the councillors Bailiff's maid Countess Gisela .... Gold Elsie In the Schillingscourt Lady with the rubies Little mooriand princess . Old mam'selle's secret Owl's nest ...... Second wife Marlowe, Christopher. Poems Marniion; by Sir Wa. Scott; ed. by W Rolfe Marniorne; by Ph. G. Hamerton Marooner's island; by F. R (ioulding Marquis, T: G., ami A. M. Machar, Stories of new France Marquis' hand-book of Chicago o_f Carabas; by lit. P. SpofTord of Lossie; by G: MacDonald . Marriage in high life; by O. Feuillet Married belle; by Mrs. J. P. Smith . Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modern Italy Marryat, P: Life; by D. Hannay Marryat, F: Children of thi! new for(!st Diary in America, (i vols. Dog Bend; or, Snarleyyow Flying Dutchman .... Frank Mildway .... Jacob Faithful . . Japhet in search of a father King's own Little Savage Masterman Ready .... Mission, The Mister Midshipman Easy Naval ollicer Newton Forster .... t)lla Podrida Pacha of many tales Percival Keene Peter Simple Phantom ship Pirate, The I'oacher, The Poor Jack Privateersman ... Rattlin the rc^efi^r .... Settlers in Canada .... Snarleyyow, the dog flend 919.8. D08.5 943.05.V3 985. Mo 910 9.M0B.7 974.4. Mo M94(J.3.BO 843.D86.5 8:J3.M0647.3 833.M0Ij47.7 6:31 l.MOG 940.7. M06.0 940.7. Mofi.l 940 9. MOO 833 MOO.O S33.M(J0(X) 833. Moo. 16 833.M0fi.36 833.M06.46 833.M04.4 833.M06,44 833.M06.6 833 MOO 69 833.M06.7 In 831.G63 831.Sc6.5.6 833. II 053.5 813.(;08.5 971. Mo 917.73.MO 813.Sp6'2.5 833. M36 .506 S43.F28 5 813 Sm4.4 945 MO 830.9.MU6.3 S33.MO(36.13 917 MOO 833.M0(i(;.7 833.M(X16 (13 S23.M066.3(1 833,MO66.40 833. M 060 400 833.M066.446 833 M066.44 833.MO6(>,.50 833.MO0(; .54 833 M(ri6 .547 833.M066.26 833 M065.63 833.M066.64 S23.M0()(160 833.M06(1 636 833.M(KJ6 628 833.M066.63 833. M0( 16.646 823 M0(16.66O 833.M(K16.66 833.M066(164 833.M066.S0 833 M066.72 S23.M066.7 MAIJKYAT 107 MASTER Marryat, F:, (Concluded) Three cutters ;» S23.M0ii(;.riti; Valerie 823 MtWl.sw MarryinK and Riviiis in niurriaKe: Ijy Mrs. M I,. Moloswortli 823.M(i-13.5 Mai-so Chiui; l).v T: N. I'iigo 813 l'(03.5 Marsfi, t'allierino; liy M/zic Alldrkigo . fHi;i0.73,N4 >fai-sli, K: Garruftl. Siuictilication 234.8.M()r) Mui-nIi, G: l». Kanli as nioililii'd by human action (;20.M().-.' Loclurcs on the Kiiglish langnage . 420.1. Moi; Origin and hist, of the Kng. language 420.9.M0G Marsfi, . I: n. Hood. Robin . 1142.03. HOii.S Mar.sli, Slarie M. Vic: the autobiography of a l'o\-torrler 50'.).M«i.8 Jlarsh island; by S O. Jt'wctt . . S13.J2'.i..^)Oil Marshall. .1:; by A. H. Magruder 073 4.M(Ki Marshall, J: Wasliinglon, C:, Lifeof. 2v il73.3.\V0.5 Marshall, J: A. American bastile . ' 344.MO Marshall, Mrs Julian. Handel 7SH.Ha; Marshall, Natli. I'emaenlial discipline of the primitive church 2()3.9.M0 Marsldii, E: How Stanley wrote ""In darki-st Africa." Oir,.|.»16.StO >lars(uii, Kate. On sledge and horseback to the outcast Siberian lepers '.)ir).7.M0 Manila Corey; by C. G. T)ii Hois 813.0801) ', Martialis, >1. X'aleriiis. Epigrams S77 MO >Iartiii, .-Viiiiie. Home life on an ostrich farm OKi.S.MOO Martin, B: Ellis. In the footprints of C: r>arab 820y.L0.5..-i Martin, G: O. cil. Farm appliances G30.MO(i *3Iartin. H: Popular hist, of France. 3 v n44.MO Martin, Theo. Horace .... 874..i.H(;.;"; Martin Chu/.zlewit; by C; Dickens . 823.0414.10 Merrivale; by J: T. Trowbridge 813 T6()l)..5 Rattler; by K M. Ballantyne 918.1. B04 Martincau, Ht.; by Mrs. F. F. Miller 830.9.M0.6 Martincau, Ut. Autobiography. 2 vols 820 9.M0(iS Feats on the fiord 823.M0i;8.2 Household education .... 373 l.MO Peasant and the princi! .... S23. M0(j8.6 Martincau, .la. Endeavors after the christian life 240.M06 Essays, reviews and addresses. 4 vols 2O4.M06 .Seat of authority in religion 201.M0«i.7 .Studies of Christianity .... 230.MO6S Types of ethical theory .... 180 MO Martins of Cro' Martin; by C: Lever . 823.L282 .iO Martyn, Carlos. Oodge, W: E. 380 Dij Phillips, Wendi-ll 33Ci.9,P3 >Iartyrs of science; by D; Brewster .i20 BC :>larvel, Ik., paeitd. See Mitchell, Don- ald G. Marvel of nations; by Uriah Smith . 289.3 Sm4.68 Marvcll, .\nil. Poetical works MS21.M4.Vol 3 country; by S: VV. Cozzens animal life series; by C: F. Marvel lou! Marvels of Holder. Ivory king Living lights Marvidsof animallife Marvels over our heads; by (I: Hartwig Marvels under our feet: by (i: Hartwig Marvin, Abijah P. Mather, Cotton 917.91. CO .")99.(!.Hr)4 .■>91.6.Hr) WM.HM.r, 5.30. HO .5.il.H0 i."i.9.M08.5 Marwedel, Emma. Conscious mother- hood 372.2. MOi; Mar.x, K: Capital 331. MO Student's Marx: by E: Avoling . 331. Moo Mary, r/iKiji nf Sentx. Abbott. .J. Hist, of Mary 941 o.-i.Moo Mary Anerly; by Pi. O. lilackmore . . S23.U4014.'i .■> Fenwick, Awakening of; by P.. Whitby . 823.W34SO.r> Marston; by (i: MacOonald S23.M::o .'•>0 of Lorraine; by .la. (Jrant 823 ('iCi.T) Osborne: by J. Abbott ... 813.A(X).48.") St. .lohn; by Rosa N. Carey 823.C(H)2..") Marzials. Fk. T. Oickens, C: s:iO,9.I14.r, Hugo, Victor 840 9.H8 5 Thackeray, VV: M 820.9.T3..'-) >Iarzio's crncilix; by F. M. Crawford S13.Clio9..'iO Masers «le Latude, H:, and G. O. de Scingalt, Escapes of, from prison: ed. by P. Villars. (Adv. series) 944.03. Mo Maskell, AH'. Russian art, etc. 708 7, Mo Maskell, W: Ivories .... 7.3() Mo *Mason, Amelia G. Women of the Fnuich salons, q 944. M07 Mason, E: T., d. Humorous masterpieces from Amer. literature. 3 vols. 817. Mo Personal traits of British authors.— Wordsworth, Coleridge, Lamb, Hazlitt. Hunt, Proctor 8;20 9M07.G.l Scott, Hogg. Campbell, Chalmers, De Quincev, Jeffrey . . . .820.9. V107.0.2 Byron, Shelley, Moore, Rogers, Keats, Southey. Landor 820 9 M07.0.3 Hood, Macaulav, Smith. Jerrold. Oick- ens, Bronte. Thackeray .820.9.MO7G.4 Mason, S: AV. Gymnastic exercises . 371.73.MO Blaspero, G. Egyptian archaeology 910 2 Mo Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria . . 913.0 3 M07 Massachusetts, Adj. tien. Reports, 1875- 1891. 7 vols .... 353.9744. M07.i; Board of (MiHculta c. Reports, 1.S71, 1874, 1881, 1888-1893. 9 vols. . 030.5 M07 Board of coinmSssimc » of savlntjs lianhs. Reports, 1880, 1887. 1889, 1890 pt. 1. 18U1, 1892 pt- 3. 7 vols 332 3.M07 *Bureau of statutics of lahur. Reports, 1885-1889, 1892. 6 vols 331. M07 Statistics of manufactures, 18.S0-1892. 5v 338.4 M07 SlalK hoard of arhifralion. Reports. 1891- 1893. 3 vols 331.1.M07 State hoard of education. Report. 1890-1 . 379.744. M07 State hoard of lieaUh. Reports, 1880-1890. 5 vols 352.4. M07 State hoard of R B. commissioneis Reports 1884. 1885, 1888, 1892, 1894. 5 vols. 385.M07 Digest of reported decisions, precedents and general principles enunciated. 1870-1888 3S5.M07.2 Special report [Bussey bridge investiga- tion! 1887 381.M07.1 Ma.ssacres of the mountains; by .1. P. Dunn 979.2.D8 Massee, G. Evolution of plant life: lower forms 581. MO Masson, 1>: l)e Quincey, T: 820 9.D;2(; Masson, (i. Story of mediaeval France . 944.02.Mo Master mariner. A; ed. bv H. Compton (mO.EO.I of P.allantrae; by R. L. Stevenson . . S23.St283.50 of his fate; by Mrs. A. E. Barr . 813.B0e6.50 MASTKK 108 MEN Master of Rathkelly; by H. Smart . of the ceremonies; by G: M. Fenn of the magicians; by Mrs. Eliz. S. Phelps (im/ Herb. D. Ward of the mine; by K liiichanan Masteniiaii Eeady; by !■': Marryat Masters of the situation; by W: Ja. Tilley Mate of the Daylight; by S. O. Jewett of the "Easter Bell;" by Mrs. A. E, Barr Mateaiix, C. Ij. Stephenson, G: and Rob Mather, Cotton. Life and times; by A, P Marvin [Life]; by B. Wendell ... Mather, Helen. One summer in Hawai Mathers, K: P. (Jolden south Africa Mathew, Father Theobald; by J: W Kirton Mathews, Joanna H. Bessie IJradlord prize .... Elsie's Santa Claus . Fanny's birthday gift Mabel Walton's experiment Maggie P>radford's club . Maggie Bradford's schoolmates Rosalie's pot .... Uncle Rutherford's attic . Mathews, W. S. B. Hundred years of music in America Mathews, AV: Cletting on in the world . Great conversers Hours with men and books Literary style, etc. Men, places and things Oratory and orators . Wit and humor: use and abuse Words: use and abuse . . . . Matrinion,v; by W. E. Norris Matter of millions; by Mrs. A. K. Rohlfe of skill; by B. Whitby . . .1 Matthew, Ja. K. I'opular hist, of music. Matthews, J. Braiidcr. Americanisms and Briticisms Decision of the court .... Family tree, itc. French dramatists of Wth century In the vestibule limited .... Pen and ink Story of a story, and other stories . Tom Paulding Mattliews, J. Brander, and L. Hutton. Actors and actresses of CJreat Britain and U. S. ."i vols Maudsley, At hoi. Highways and horses >IaiidsI<'y, H: Natural causes and super- natural seemings Responsibility in mental disease >lauiidevile, Sir J: Voiage and travaile Maiipas, C. K. de. Story of the coup d'etat Maupassant, u.v dr eru ghosts ... >lauprat; by Mmi, A. L. .V. I). Duiicvant Maurice, l<'. War; Military literature . Maurice, F. I>. Frie.iidsliip ol books, etc. Odd number anil ntherx. Mod- 833.Sm068.5 836.F366.50 813.W0C33..5 823.B81..5 833.M066.50 170.T4 813.J:2 38.'j.8 MO '.) i.llO.IW M08 '.IKJ.S Ml) III 17S.(iS S13.M083.01 813 M083.34 S13.M(1S3.20 813.M083.r)(:KJ 813.M083..')1 813.M083.ni7 813.M083.66 813.M083.861 780.0 MOS 174. MO 814. MOS 3 814.M08.3(5 814.M08.4 040. MOS 5 SOS..") MO 808.7 MO 433. MO 833 M6156..')0 S13.R634.r)0 833.W3480.58 780. y MO 404. MO 813.M08.3 S13.M0S8.20 840 9.M0.3 S13.M0SS.4 804. MOS 813. MOSS 7 813.M0SS 86 703.MOS.(I 035.7. Mo 13:2. MO 132. MO .S38 MOS 044 07. MOS S43.M08.0 SOS. 3, MO 843.1)82.50 ;!.55.MOS 834. MOS Maurice, J. P. Balance of military power in Europe Maurice Tiernay; byC: Lever Mawe, J: Travels in Brazil. Q. Ma.xinilian, Fall of; by W. H. Chy noweth Maxiniina; by A. P. Valdes Maxwell, K. H. Griltiin ahoyl Maxwell, J. Clerk. Theory of heat *3Iaxwell, .St; W: Stirling. Don Johi of Austria. 2 vols. Q. May, S: Jos., Memoir of; by G. B Emer son, and ntliers ..... May, Sophie, psctul. See Clarke, lie becca S. May, T: K. Const, hist, of England. 3 v Democracy in Europe. 3 vols. May; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant Martin, etc.; by D. P. Thompson Mayer, C: Institutions of law and form Mayhew, Ira. Standard book-keeping Mayo, Rob. Eight years in Washington Mayo, W: S. Kaloolah Mayor of Casterbridge; by T; Hardy Mazzini, Jos. Essays Mead, Theo. H. Horsemanship for women Our mother tongue .... Meadow brook; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes Medbury, Ja. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street Medd, P: Goldsmith. 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MOS 833 L382.508 918.1 MO 972 03 8fi3.V0.5 915.B.M0 .■>36.1.MO '.)40.7..Ii", 388. M09 343 43 MO 940. Mo 833.044(1,509 813 T305.5 340. MOO 057. Mo 343 73. MO 813.M09.4 833 H063..50 8.54 MO 798.M30 431.5.M3 813.H6455..52 333.6. M3 333.3. M 33 833.Sm48.53 917.94. R3 7.59.4. M2 912.08.M2 606. M3 833.E94.53 771. M3 668.7.M3 813 Si.55.5 S33.M34S.3 833.M248.6 813.M248.5 8J3.M248.6 919.0. M3.S 813.M348.9 813 G0G4..52 S33.D336.5 813.A537 S43.BO.SO 3S9.6.M3 814 M44 833.MS4.5 S34.St39.5 SH.vScS 910.9.GCI 608. HS Jn 823. J36 3 p. A. LARGEY, rniaioaNT. C. H. PALMER, vioi'KnaviDiNT. T. M. HODGENS, o««Hi«R. STHTE SflVIHGS Blli COR. MAIN AND PARK STS. BUTTE, MONTANA PAID IN CAPITAL, SIOO.OOO.OO I lulcr Slate Supcivi.sion anil Jut iMlictiuii. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Buys and sells Foreign and IJoineslic Exchange. Trans act a General Banking Business ....Summer an^ Miutci Mvury (lay and nijjht in the year, yoti may olilain llie l)cst .service at liii' confectionery estaljli.sli- nicnt of J. W. MORRIS 76 W. PARK STREET. DIRECTORS. I'. A. I.AKIM.V, A. M. liAKKEI, Y. K. WILSO.V. C. H. PALMER, C. V. UOOTll, S. V. KE.MI'KR * r- SHORT? a fIDulc is a 2)on{^e^_ ao lEat ttbistlcs wben be can get JBetter ffoo6. THE BEST HAV THE BEST GRAIN THE BEST HEED Is what every sensible man wants for his horses and cattle. ^ ^ We take particular pride in handling only the best. This we obtain by personal inspection and careful selection. . . .We have a corner on the earth and get the best it produces at the lowest possible cost; buy in large quantities and sell on close margins .... Unless you are tied ,up short, you will trade with us ... . Write for terms and prices A. J. DAVIDSON 6c CO., BUTXE, MONTANA ▼ ATA "THE-.-'BAIN-.-'WAGON" HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TATA ▼ ATA "THE-.'-BAINv-WAGON" HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TATA ~ Ifacts are Stranger tban jfiction BAIN WAGONS are made of the very best materials, by good mechanics, who arc paiit by the day. The lumber is thoroughly seasoned in open sheds and not dried by artificial means. These wagons are the best painted, most durable, best ironed finest finished and lightest draft wagons made. It i.s the vStandakb Wagon of this country. No manufacturer oi- dealer claims to have as good a wagon as the Bain. Its wearing quality is more than double that of any other, and quality considered, the price is low ; hence it is the best and by long odds the ciiKAi'KST IN THic END of any wagon in the market to-day. For circulars and further particulars, address A. J. DAVIDSON & CO. DEALERS IN HAY. GRAIN, FEED AND BAIN WAGONS... BUTTE, MONTANA. MKX lOO MIDNIGHT Men of iron; by II. Tyli! ... - S13.I".).r,3 Moil oltlio liililc series. Abraham: by W; . I. Il.aiic SJ.1.A0.2 Daniel; by U. IH-uiie »t..l.l)(K; 2 David; by VV: .1. IH-anc ■J:.':i.4 Do.:3 Elijah; by W. Millitjun 332..').E4..') 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Hist, of chemistry .M0.'.).M3 Meyer, F. B. Moses 332.1. M6 5 Meyer, 6 .54 Michael Strogolf; by J. Verne 843.V3.54 Michaelmas Daisy; by S. Doudney . S23.Dli83.5 Michaud, Jos. F. Hist, of the crusades 940.4.M4 Michel, Fernand. (Antnnij Hcul). Story of the stick 390.M4 Michelet, Jules. On the higliways of Europe 3Iichell, II. Christian evidences Michell, Ste. Mine-drainage . Michener, Ezra. Retrospect of early Quakerism Michigan. liareau »/ lahur and indttstrlal flatMics. Reports, 1885, 1890, 1893. 3 v. CdmmisKtoncr of insurance. Reports, 1873. 1877-1879, 1880 pt. 1, 1882, 1883 pt. .1, 1884 pt. 1, 1885-1892. 22 vols . . 308.M41 Comniisiioncr of the hankinn depl. Reports, lS<)0-3. 4 vols 332. M41 Statchoard of ayHcuHurc. Reports. 1888- 1891. 4 vols 630.M41 Slate hoard of ciirrcclionis and chanties. Re- ports, 1885-1893. 4 vols . 3i;0.M41 State li(}ard of health. Reports, 1873-1883, 1885-1890. 17 vols 3.52 4. M41 Middle kingdom; by S. W. Williams 915.1. VV4 Middlemarch; by Mrs. M. E. 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Barbara Thayer S13.M4442 Physical beauty 613,M4.o Miller, Kniory. Evolution of love . 231.(J.M44 Miller, .U;.s. F. Fenwick. Martineau, Ht. 820 9.Mu.(i Miller, Hugh. Cruise of the Betsey 508.41. M4 Footprints of the creator .... 215.M4.2 Old red sandstone .'j.52..')l.M4 Rambles of a geologist . . . ./n508.41.M4 Testimony of the rocks ... 315.M4 Miller, J. Bleeker. Trade organizations in politics; Progress and Robbery 3.20 4 M4 Jliller, Joaiiuin. Baroness of New York 811. M44 9 Destruction of Gotham .... 813.444.2 Forty nine 813.M444 2(i Memorie and rime 814 M44 Poems 811. M44 (5 Shadows of Shasta 813.M444.7 Songs of summer land .... 811 M44.7 Miller, J: Divine authority of Holy Scrip- ture 32ni,M44 Miller, Mrs. Olive (Thome). Bird-ways .'>98.8.M4 In nesting time .598.8. M4.4 liitth! brothers of the air . .")98.2.M4.4 Little folks in feathers and fur. cte. ,'>!X).M4.4 Little people of Asia .... 91.').M.4.4 (iiieer pets at Marcy's .... .')9H.M4.n Woman's club. The 39().M44.9 Miller, S. A. North American geology and palaeontology .... .').')7.E4 3Iiller, W:, Sketches of; ed. by . la. White 28'.i.3.M4 Millet, F. U. Danube, The. . 914.9(>.M4 Millet, Jean F.; by J: W. Mollett . 7!59 C, M4 Milligan, W. Elijah .... 222..-). K4..') Millionaire's cousin; by Emily Lawless . 823 L()94..-)4 of a day; by T. S. VanDyke . 3.33 \'o *MilIf9, K. J., mid F. J. Rowan. Fuel and its application .... liai.ii M4 MilLs, Herbert V. Poverty and the state 335.(i.M4 Mills, Ij. H., and Ja. Darmesteter, trs. Zend-Avesta. The. 3 vols. . 295. Do Mills, "Wa. T: Science of politics . 330.7.M4 3Iilnian, H: H. Character of the apostles 270 1 M44 Milne, J: Earthquakes, etc. . . .551.22.M4 3Iilnes, K: Monckton, harmi lUiwjhtnn. Life, letters and friendships; by T. W. Reid. 2 vols 820 9 M44 Milton, J: Life; by S. A. Brooke 820.9.M4.1 Life; by R: Garuett 820.9.M4.3 [Life]: by M. Paltison .... 820.9.M4.4 Milton, J: English prose writings S2S.M44 Poetical works. 2 vols 821. M4 Milton, J:, and his times; by Ma.x Ring S33.R46.4 Mine own people; by Louisa M. (tray 823.(i(>4.5 Sinnc; by R. Kipling .... 823.K404.5 *Miner, Ht. Stewart. Orchids. F. 584.15.M4 Minei-'sright, The; by R. Boldrewood 823.B642 5 Mingo, etc.; by J. C. Harris . 813.H0()64 54 Minister's charge; by W: D. Howells . 813.H(;92..54(5 wooing: by Mrs. Ht. B. Stowe S13.St69..54 Minneapolis. Reports of city officers, 1893 3.52.M4 Minnesota. Buremi uf lulinr slntMicf. Re- ports, 1889-90 331.M4fi (Idil and nat.hist. surceu. Annual reports, IS.SO, 1883. 1886, 1887, 1888. 1890. (J vols 5.')7.770.M46 bulletin No. 6: Ironoresot Minnesota; by N. H. and H. V. Winchell . 5.53.3.M46 BulletinNo. 7: Mammals of Minnesota; by 0. L. Herrick .-)99.M46 *Flnal report; by N. H. Winchellraui W. Upham. 1872-1885. 2 vols. F. . 5.57.76.M4I) [i. R. and warefiouse cnmmiif.^iun. Reports, 1S89, 1890, 1891. 3 vols 385. M46 Supt. iif pulilw instructiun. Laws relating to the common school system 379.14. M4B Minor, Ellen E. 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Sermons on the interna- tional S. S. lessons for 1893 . 3G8.MG Money makers; by H: ]•". Keenan 8I3.K33 n Monikins; by .1. F. Cooper 813.Cr.G0.n .Monk, <;:; by .hilian Corbelt . 9-13.(lG.MG.l Monk and knight; by K. W. (luiisaulus 813.G8G7 3Ionkhouse, \V. C. Turner, J. M. W; 7.-)9.2.T8 Monnier, Marc. Wonders of Pompeii 571. MO Monroe, Ja.; Ijy 1). C. (Jilman . 973..1.MG Monroe, Sa.; by W: (I. Stoddard In 973 .J.MO.7 Monroe, Ijewis R., td. Public and parlor readings, — Dialogues and dramas .... 793.MG.3 Humorous 371 33.M8.0 Miscellaneous 371 32.M0.5 M. Peli.\, Mystery of; by B. L. Farjeon . S23.1'W4..5 aionsienr Sylvestre; by Mme. A. L. A. D. Diidevant 843. 083. .W Montagu, Lzdy Mary Wortley. Letters and works. 3 vols 83C.MC Montague, F. C. Peel. .Sir Rob. . 942.08. P3 5 Montaigne, M. E. de: by W. L. Collins . 840.n.M668.1 Montaigne. M. E. de. Complete works . 840.8 MO Montaigne, M. S. de. Education of chil- dren 373. MG Montana. Bureau nf aiirinilture, lahnr attil induKtry. Report, 1893 . 331. MG Gmnil ('Iwpter, R. A. M. [Organization and proceedings], 1891-1893 .... 3(;g.1,MG.O Granil Oimmandn-ij, K. T. [Organization and proceedings], 1889-1893 . . . ^,300.1. M6.4 Gnind Lndijc, F. nnd A. M. Proceedings, Montcalm, Ij: J., n7jl Ja. Wolfe; by Fs. Parkman. 2 vols U73 3.P06.7 Jlontefiore, .Sir Moses; hy L. Wolfe 39G.MO *Monteti GG.8 Montgomery, Ja. I'oetical works. 2 v. 831. MG Montgomery, W: E. Hist of land tenure in Ireland 333. MG Monti, Ijuigi. Leone . 813 MOGS4.4 Montrose, 1M marqmx of: l)y M. Morris . 941.0(i MO .'> Moods; by Louisa M. .\lcott S13A410.") Moody, l>. L. (ilad tidings 3.'.3 M6..34 (ireat joy 3.")2.MG.30 To all people 2.'>2.M6.8 Moon, G: Wash. With all niy worldly goods I thee endow . . . '. S33.MG.9 Moondyne; by .1: B. O'Reilly . 813.0G24..''> Moonl'olk; by .lane G. Austin . 813.A878..')G Moonlight boy; liy E. VV. 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Studies in civil government Moysey. C. A. Doctrines of Unitarians . Mozart, J: C. W. A. [Life] ; by F. Geh- rin^ Life; by L; Nohl Mozley, J. B. On miracles Mozley, T. Reminiscences. 2 vols . Mozoonidar, P. C. The oriental Christ. Muhlbach, Louisa. Andreas Hofer Berlin and Sans-souci ... Daughter of an empress Empress Josephine Frederick the great and his court . Frederick the great, and his family Goethe and Schiller Henry the eighth and his court Louisa of Prussia and her times Marie Antoinette, and her son Merchant of Berlin Mohammed All and his house Napoleon and Blucher .... Napoleon and the queen of Prussia Old Fritz, and the new era Prince Eugene, and his times Queen Hortense Muhlenl)erg, W: A:; by VV. W. Newton Muir, M. M. Patti.son. Heroes of sci- ence: chemists Principles of chemistry Muirhead, J. H. Elements of ethics Mulforrt, Elisha. Nation, The Republic of (iod Mulhall, Michael G. Hist. o\ prices Mulholland, Clara. Kathleen Mavour- ni'en ....... 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The reason for this is, in ff)rmer years a Piano was considered a luxury, while to-day people even of moderate means cannot get along without an instrument of some kind, for it is a stepping stone to culture and refinement. Your childrens education is not complete without a knowledge ot music, and a Piano is a positive necessity in giving thcnn this. When you buy a Piano buy the best. r)cckcr Brothers, IPcbcr anb (Sstcy pianos Are known the world over, and you can make no mistake in buying an)- one of them. We will be pleased to have you call on us. Sherman Music Co. 223 NORTH MAIN ST., BUTTE. MONT. Ue NEW New Jersey, K. R. mau of, 1S92 . . 917.4'.).N. .1. Maijilak'ii: by Wilkio Collins . s:i3.C(i(;:i mistross; by(i: M. Fenn .... S-'3. 1''2(Ki.l) niuntli of Mary: by St. FraiK'is dc Sales '.il:2.Sa:J.5 mniitli of St. .losiiph: by St. Francis de Sali'S Ni'w I'lutiii'e'li scries. t'dli'iny. (J. de.; by VVa. ISosant l''ranlilin, Sir,]-.; by A. II. Beosly llaroiiii Alrascliid; by E. 11. 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Plain man's talk on the lalior iiucstion . . . , 331.N29.() Principles of political economy 330.N2 Newcoinos, The; by \V: M. Thackeray 823. T3. 4 Xewell, C. >I. Kalani of Oahu S13.N29.4 Wreck of the Greyhound 813.N2S.9 213.Sa2 4 914.02.00.0 919 8.FCp.(1 9.-i3.11oil 944 02. .10 8 973 7. 1.,4 4 284.1.L8.8 944.03. M04 94.^..09.V4.2 942.1.\V3.0 813. LG924.0 833.RO.0 304. ISO 813.A4229.(J 813.W(K):33.(1 204.B2.() C06.LO.X Y. 331.2.N.Y..-. 331.N.Y. 351.6.N.Y in!< nw (on. 18S0, 1883-1886, 1888- Report, 1890 . Reports, 1SS3, 1S8.''>, Reports, 379.747. N9 3l)l.N:i9 3.52.4.N.Y. 385.N.Y.RO 636.N.Y.R0 .%5.7.N.Y 338.9.N.Y. 332.3.x. Y. 332.2. N.Y. 379.747.N.Y. 117 NINDE Newliall, C: S. Trees of N. E. America . ,^i81.9.N2 Ncwiiiiiii, F. W. Anglo-Saxon aiiolition of negro slavery 326.8. N2 Ncwiiiiiii, J: H:, eaidinal. 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OLD Old na,vy and the new; by D. Amraen red sandstone; by Hugh Millei' Rough and Ready; by J: Frost times: by J: Asbton . . . . town by the sea; by T: ]{. Aldrich OUlberg, Oso , and J. H. Long. Manual of chemistry. *OUIeiil)erg, H., Ir. Grihya-Sutras, The. 2 vols. .... *OUlenberg, H., ami T. H. Rhys Davids, trs. Vinaya texts. 3 vols. . Oldport days; by T: W. Higginson. OldtoHii folks; by Mrs. Tit. B. Stowe. Oliphant, li. Episodes in a life of ad- venture. Haifa; or, Life in modern Palestine. Oliphant, L., and Alice, Memoir of; by Mrs. M. (). W. Oliphant Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. ^V. Beleaguered city. Cervantes. Chronicles of Carlingford, viz: The rector; Salem chapel: Perpetual curate: Miss Majoribanks: Phoe- be, jr. See iiiimherg /«("«•. Country gentleman and his family Curate in charge Dante Days of my life . Dress .... Elinor, Marriage of . Francis of Assisi ... Heart and cross Heir presumptive and heirapparen Hester In trusty .Jerusalem, the holy city . Laird of Norlaw, The Last of the Mortimers Lilliesleaf .... Literary hist, of England. 3 vols Little pilgrim, A . , . Lucy Crofton .... Madonna Mary Makers of Florence . Makers of Venice May Miss Majoribanks Moliere Old Lady Mary .... Perpetual curate Pho(!be, jr. Railway man and bis cliildren Rector. The, and the doctor's famil Royal Edinburgh Salem chapcU .... Sheridan Sir Tom Son of the soil .... Si|uire Arden ... 120 Valentine and his brotln^r, Tlii! story of 8^3.O14().804 Victorian age of lOng. literature. 2 vols Whiteladies Wizard's son Oliphant, A/ivi. M O. W., ami T: 11. Aid rich. Si^cond son . . Olive; by Mrs. I). M. Craik ()23.S.A5 .'>.53.,51.M4 973 G.T0<).2 94:j.07.A7.li •I1743.A4 (■il.-|.4.(;4 394.04 394. D.O 9174.H43.(i 813 St69.f.)4 930.044 91.5.G9.044 3 920.044.(5 823.044Ci.13 860.9. C3G 823.0446.!r,S S33.044fi.lS S.'il.lo.noCi .S33.()44fi.30 391. 04 833.044(5.1)0 371.3. F(;.(l 833.044(5 330 823 (344(5.33 833.044(5.337 833.044(5.4(5 333. 04 833.0445.404 833.044(5.40 833.044(5..-)47S S20.9.O44.4 .833 044(5.44 ■ .833.044(5 48 823.0440.503 945.5.04 2 M5.3.04 823.044G .-.09 823.0440.547 840.9, MG.O 833.044(5.(54 S33.044G.G3G 823.044(5.(530 833 O44G.004 833.044(5.031 941.44.04 833.O44G.704 792.Sli2 833.044(5.74 833.0440.70(5 833 044(5.7(58 820.9. 044 8 8;i3.044(5.93 833.0440.949 833.0447.73 833.C0044.G4 Oliver Ellis; by Ja. Grant . . . . Optic's magazine; ed. by W: T, Adams, 18(57-9. 3 vols Twist. Adventures of; by C: Dickens Olivia Delaplaine; by Edg. Fawcett Olla I'odrida; by F: Marryat *01lier, Kdni. Gassell's illus. hist, of th(' Russo-Turkish war. Q. Olnistead, P: Law. Journey through Texas Oman, C. W. C. .Story of the Byzantine Empire. ...... Oman, C: W. Warwick. Oman, .1. C. Indian life .... O'Meara, Barry K. Napoleon at St. Helena. 3 vols Omoo; by Herman Melville On a Mexican mustang: by A. E. Sweet, and ,1. A. Knox both sides; by Fes. C. Baylor both sides of the sea; by Mrs. Eliz. Charles. .... compromise; by .J: Morley horseback: by C: D. Warner . liberty: by J: S. Mill New Found river: by T: N. Page the Amazons; by C. A. Stephens the desert: by H: M. Field the edge of the storm: by Marg. Roberts the Eve; by I. S. Turgenieff the heights; by B. Auerbach the hills: by F: Starr .... the lake of Lucerne, etc. ; by B. Whitby the old frontier; by W: O. Stoddard the Susquehanna: by W: A. Hammond tlie threshold: by Theo. T. Munger *lhe track of Ulysses; by W. J. Stillman One commonplace day; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden day's weaving; by Mrs. M. L. Peebles hundred choice selections. 31 vols in a thousand; by O: P. R. James maid's mischief; by O. M. Fenn million po([nd bank note, etc.; by S: L. Clemens ...... of "Berrian's" novels; by Mrs. C. H. Stone of our con(iuerors; by G: Meredith of the six hundred; by Ja. Grant of the 38th; by G: A. Henty . of them; by C: Lever reason why; by B. Whitby summer; by Blanche W. Howard I know best of all; by Mrs. F. H. Burnett woman's way; by Edm. Pendleton year; by Emily F. Carlen O'Neil, C: A. American electoral system Onesinuis; by Edw. A. Abbott. Only a fiddler; by H. C. Andersen a lloek of women; by A. M. Diaz a girl; by Wilhelmine von Hillern . an ensign: by Ja. (irant an incident: by (irace D. Litchlicld one, The; by Harry W. French Open air. The: by R. Jefferies door. The: by lilancheW. Howard . sesame: ed. by B. W. Bellamy and M. B Goodwin. 3 vols OPEN 833.GG.6 0.50.08(5 833 D414.13 813.F09.0 833.M(X5G.04 949.(5.04 917.(54.04 949.5.05 943.04. WO 915.4.05 944()5.NO.G 813 M;i48.6 917.G4.Sw3 813.B09.G 833.C3O04.6G 834. M(5 917 5. WO 304.M4.4 813.P033.(5(5 813.St2(53.10 915.3.F4 S33.R(55.0 891.73.T8 833.A8.6 .5.W.St() 833.W3480.(5(5 S1.3.St(533 G 813.11055.00 17().M83.() 883.1. LO 813 A4324.6(5 813 P330..53 371. .33 GO 833 J05.6G S33.F3CG.6G 813.C43.10 8I3.SlO(5 833.M302.00 833.G0.00 944.()5.H3.00 833 L383.(50 .S33.W348O.0 813. 1 1690.0 810 9. H8 8l3.P3()34.0G 839.73. CO (5 339.0(5 370.1. A0.(5 839.83. A(53 (5(5 814.1)4 833.1144.(50 833.00.0(54 813.L4S1.G S13.F02(53.G .504.J3.GG 8I3.IIG90.66 803. B3 OI'KMXti 121 OVVKN Opening a chestnut burr; by E: P. Roe 813.R03.()(') OlM-rotta in protile; by Czeika . 812.C0 Opinions of !i philosopher; by Kob. (Ji-aiil. SKi.dCOli.iJG Opiic, Oliver, /im:i((/. Sic Adams, W: T. Oran«e luui Green: by G: A. llenty . '.Ul.Ml. HS il Orhis pictus; by .) : A. (Jomenius :i71.32.C(')r) Oi-fntt, Hiram. Home anil school train- ing' . . ;s7(i.4.cm; Teacher's tnaniial 371.1.0(1 o'Ueilly, neriiard. I'iiis 1 \, Life of 383.1M o'Keilly, ,): Itoyle. Athletics and man- ly sports 7%.0(i.3 In liohemia sil.OO.4 JVIoondyne Si;i.O()31..'"i Songs, legenils and ballads 811.011.7 Statues in llie block, c(c 811.0(').7S O'Ueilly, Private Miles. Baked meats of the funeral 81S.06.(J Life and adventures, rtc. 818.00.4 O'iJell, Ma.v, ijseud. See lllouet, Paul Orient boys; by Mrs. S. F. Keene 8i:i.K3.3G2.(i sunbeams: by S: S. Cox S)1.5 6.C(i Original lielle; by E: P. Koe 813 RG3.(i64 Oriole's dausbti-r: by J. Fother<;ill 833.FG8.0 OrluMilo Kurioso; by L. Ariosto. 3 vols. 851. AO Orley farm; by Ant. Trollope . S33.TCi64.GG Orlh, Godlovc S., Memorial addresses on /n!l73.8.LG Orlhoeiiisl; by T: E Osmun 421. 07 Orton, .la. Comparative zoology MIO.OG Oshorn, H. S. Manual of minerals, mines and mining 069. 07 Prospector's lield-book and guide (;22.1.07 Osborne of Arrochar: by A. M. Douglas 813.DGS()7 Osjjood, S: Hearth-stone, The 173 07 Osier, \V. U<>s<,-oe. Tintoretto 7o9..').T4G Osmer, \V: Dissertation on horses U"''U| G3G.1.07 Osmun, T: K. (.1//>,:(1 .4jyce«) Mentor, The 3a-).07 Oi-lboepist, The 431. 07 Verbalist. The 428.3 07 Ossian, Poems of: by Ja. McPher.son 831. MG3 Ossoli, Marjt- Fuller, manhrgii. [Life]; by T: \V. lligginson .... Sl()'.l07.34 [lAfti] by Mrs. .Iiilia VV. Howe 810.9.07.36 Ossoli, Marg. I'^uller, niarchcxa. At home and abi'oad 914 07 Life without and life within 818. 07 Woman in the 19tb century 396.07 Oswald, K. _ Vain forebodings 833.07.8 Oswald, Mi'x E. ,r. Dragon of the North 833 079.2 Oswald, l''eli.v li. Days and nights in tlu; trollies 918.1.07 Physical education GI3.7.07 Poison problem 17S.07 Summerland sketches .... 917.3 07 Zoological sket,ihcs .... .'i90.O7.9 0.^wandcl, .1. Jacob. Notes on the Mexi- can war ... ... 973.007 Other girls; by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney S13.WJ48G.93 people's children: by, I: Habberton 813 n(X)0.30 side of war: by Katherine I'. Worme- ley 973.7. Woo Otis, Klwell S. Indian iiuestion. The 970..5.O8 t)tis, .Ja .Sic Kaler, ".Ja. Otis." Olte, 1-;. C. Denmark and Iceland 94S.9.08 Scandinavian history .... 948.08 Ottoof the silver hand; by H. Pyle 813.P9.G8 the knight, clc ; by Mrs. Alice French . 813.Fe20.68 Our base ball club; by Noah Brooks Bessie; by Kosa N. Carey best society; by (1: W. Curtis boys and girls; ed. by W: T. Adams. 1SG7-9. 3 vols business boys; by Fs. E. Clark christian lieritage; by Card. ,/a. (iibbons Christmas in a palace; by E: 10. Hale country; by Uriah Smith destiny; by Ij. Gronhind Knglish; by A. S. Hill .... Fred; by Mrs. M. Finley ... Helen; by Rebecca S. Clarke heredity from (Jod; by E. P. Powell Italy; by C: D. Warner , , . . kin across the sea; by .1. C. Firth lost explorers; by G: W. De Long, ami ■ otlicrs ....... mutual friend; by C: Dickens new home in the west; by Mrs. C. M. Kirk land old home, etc.; by N. Hawthorne own set; by Ossip Schubin Phil, etc.; by Katharine F. Dana town: by Mrs. Ht. M. Lothrop "young folks. 9 vols .... young folks' Josephus; ed. by W: Shep- ard Ourselves and our neighbors: by Mrs. L. C. Monlton Out of doors in Tsarland; by F. .I.Wishaw of the foam; by .1: E. Cooke of the burly burly; by C: H. Clark of the night; by H. W. French of the question; by W: I). Howelis of the sunset sea; by A. W. Tourgee of the wreck; by Amanda M. Douglas of town places; by D. (4. Mitchell on the Pampas; by G. A. Henty : P. Theory and practice teaching Page, J: L moor Page, T: N. Elsket, etc. .... In ole Virginia Marse Chan .... Old South ... On Xew Found river Two little confederates . Pages from an old volume of life VV. Holmes .... (Tcnion Lcej, W. E.\ploration of Dart Among the camps : by O. Albany Questions of 833.M0(;6.ro .i!)5.7.P01.3 r)9r)"7.PO 917.19.P0 sis.TGsr, (j 813.R90.(i 37O.l-.P03 914.:i.P03 813.P033.0.'i 813.P033.24 813.P033.46 813.P033.5 917..').P03 813.P033.60 SI3.P032.S9 814.H64 S50.9.A4 Paget, Violet. Countess of . . . Paget, Violet, and othcn. belief 204. PO Pahlavi texts: tr. by E W, West. 4 vols. 39.i.W2 Paine, T:. Life of; by M. D. Conway. 3 v 311.P0.1 Paine, T: Political works . 330.4. PO Painter, F. V. N. Hist, of education 370.9.P04 Luther on education .... 370.9.L8 Painter's camp; by Ph. (i. Hamerton 914.3. H05 Pair of blue eyes; by T: Hardy . 833.HOG2.60 Palace and cottage; by W: T. Adams . 813.A2098.9.5 Pale young maiden; by H. Conscience In 839.33 C6.40 PaUrey, Fs. AV. Antietam and Freder- icksburg 973.7. PO Hist, of New England. 5 vols. 974.P04 Palgrave, Fs. T., ed. Children's treasury of lyrical poetry 821. P04 Palm, And. J. Death penalty 348.2.P0 Palnilierg, All). Treatise on public health 614 PO Palmer, A. B. Temperance teachings of science 178. P06 Palmer, E. H. llaroun Alraschid . 9r)3.HO.O Palmer, E: H., tr. Qur'an. The; by Mo- luimmod. 2 vols 397. Mlj Palmer. E. H., and Wa. Besant. Jerus- alem 9.'i(i.I!27 Palmer, Fs. 15. Science of education 370.1.1^0 Palmer, H: S. Sinai from the fourth Egyptian dynasty 939 4S I'o I'almer, J: W .{.l:Cwcnlv)i). After his kind 813. P04.O2 Palmer, Lynde, /..si »ri See, Peebles. Mm. .Mary L. Palmer, O. II. Type-writing and busi- ness correspondence .... (■i.^2.l'04 Palmerston, Vi>>n.i,nl (H: J: Temple) I Life]; by the Marquis of Lome . . 942 0S.P04.4 Life; by L. C. Sanders .... 942.08.P04. 7 *Pamely, Caleb. Colliery manager's handbook Pan Michael; by U. Sienkiewicz; Panin, Ivan. Lectures on Russian litcu'- ature Pansy, pseud. See Alden, Mrs. Isa M. Papers of a critic; by C: VV. Dilke. 2 vols Paradoxes of a Philistine; by W: S. Walsh ... .' . Parado.\ical philosophy; by B. Stewart and P. G. Tait .... Parent's assistant; by M. Edgeworth Paris, Phillippe, ramte de. Civil war in America. 4 vols Paris, Pierre. Ancient sculpture *Paris universal exposition, 1867. Re ports of U. S. commissioners. 6 vols Report upon t'ne precious metals; by W P. Blake *Paris universal e.xposition, 1878. Re ports of U. S. commissioners, .i v. Q *Paris universal exposition, 1883. Re ports of U. S. commissioners. .5 v Parish problems; ed. by Wash. Gladden Parisians, The; by E: G; L. Bulwer Park, Mungo, and the Niger; by Jos. Thompson Parker, B: S. Cabin m the clearing, etc. Parker, Ps. "W. How to study geography Talks on teaching; ed. by L. E. Patridge Parker, Jane, and Van B. Denslow. Edison, T: A., and S: F. B. Morse, Lives of Parker, Nathan H. Iowa as it is, 18.W Iowa handbook, 1S.")6 Parker, Theo. Views of religion Parker, W. B. Notes taken during the expedition commanded by Capt. R. B. Marcy through unexplored Texas. 18.">4 Parker, W: Harrison. Familiar talks on astronomy. Parkerstown delegate; by Grace Living- ston. Parkin, G. It. Imperial federation. Parknian, Fs. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 3v I'Vontenac and New France. Half-century of conllict. 3 vols. Jesuits in North America. La iSalle and the discovery of the great west. Montcalm and Wolfe. 3 vols. old regime in Canada Oregon trail Pioneers of France in the new world. Parks, lieighton. His star in the oast. Parlon, i>Iaria. Appledore cook book Miss Parloa's kitchen companion Miss Parloa's new cook book and mar- keting guide 632.33. PO 891.853.Si2 93 891.7. PO 834. D44 814. WU 318-St3.6 /I1833.E23 973,7. POO 733. POO 60G.P.U.S .B4 609. 600.P0.U.S C06.P06.U.S 300. LO 833.B849.17 916.0. P06. 8 811.P0(j.l 371.3.1'06 371.47.PO ()21.3.E3.2 917.77.P0 917.77. P0.4 252. PO 976.4. PO 520. PO.O 813.L4S6 342.42. PO 973.2. P06.8 973.3. P06 5 973.3. P06.0 973. 3. POO 2 973.2. PlX) 3 973.3. POO. 7 973.3. PI Hi. 4 917.8. POO 973.2. POO. 1 290. Poo 041. PO.O G41.P().14 641. PO •ARMKIjE 133 PEARS l*ariiiele, Mary. Evolution of an empire 943. PO raniell, T: I'oetical works . AiiS31.C38.vol. 2 I'iiriiell niovcniont. The; by T. I'. 0"Coii nor Ml. or, I'iu-r, Mis. Liouisa. AtUuii anil lOvo S-J3.1'()(iC>.() Dorothy Fox S33. 1'oWil lleroCarlhi'w 823 1'(J<;(;.3 l-oyalty (Jcorge S23.PO('iii4 JSiluirp. The S23.I'().7 •'arsons, Alb. Ross. I'arsifal: or. 1 Wagiior as a thooloslau 232 I'O Parsons, .Ja. R., Jr. Prussian school through Amorican (>yes ST'.M.PO Parsons, .lulia. Full stature of a man si3.Poii7:.' Prtrsons, S:, ,ir Landscape gardiuiiug 710 l'(Hi Parsons, W. B., Jr. Track (iSfi l.Po Part of the property; bv Kealrlci' Whitby S23.\V34SI) (iO Partial portraits; by H:. Tamers S()9 .10 l"artisan; by W: (i. .Simms SlS.Siri.i.Ci I'arton, .la. Captains of industry. 2 v lUW Pin; Caricature and other comic art 741 PO .lackson, (ieneral . . . , . il73.5 .lOlil Voltaire, Life of. 2 vols l'.)4.9.Vii.i50 I'arton, Mrs. S. P. \V. Fern leaves S14 PO Partsch, Herman. Sea-sickness . GIO 33.P0 Pascal, Itlaise; byJ:Tulloch .")13.P0S Pascal, Illaise. Provincial letters 194.9. PO Pascoe, C: E. London of to-day, 1893 9]4 21.Po Passages from the dairy of a late physi- cian; by .S: Warren Passe rose: by A. S. Hardy Passionate pilgrim, etc.; by H: James Pa.st and present: by T: Carlyle Pasteur. !>:; by M. V. Radot Pastor's daughter: by \V Ileimburg I'ator, W. H. Appreciations, ec. Inuiginary portraits Marius the epicurean Plato and Platonism Paterculus, C. Velleius. Hist. Patience; by Anna 1!. Warner Patience Strong's ouMogs; liy Mrs A. D, T. Whitney Patuiore, Coventry, «/ Children's gar land Paton, W: A. Down the islands Patrick, St. [Life! Popular life; by an Irish priest Patridge, Li. E. (Juincy methods iilus. Patriot boy. The .... Patriotism and science; by W; M. Kul lerton Patsy, Story of; by Mrs K D Wiggin Patten, C. B. England as seen by ai American banker Patten, .Simon X. Economic basis o protection Patterson, J. Stahl. Class interests Patterson, J: Coleridge: by Mrs. Eli: Charles Patterson, Rol>. Campaign in the valley of the Sheiuindoah. ISOl Pattison, Mark. Essays . Milton, J: Patton, J. Harris. Democratic party Natural resources of the U. S. Sdiiit. iSci. primers) S23.VVuiiiC 2 .S13.HOi)20.U S13 J052.r,0 ;ii943 l.FO 614.473.P0 S33.H3.60 820 9.P08 823.P083.4 S23.POS3..-) 184.P0 of Rome In S7S 2 Sa4 SlS.WUtiUO.O S13.VV34S6.t)0 821. POS 917.29.P0S 283.Sa(;o 3S2.Sa6 371. 47. POS 973.3. WO 3(14. FS 813 W433 914 2. POS 337.1 '08 330. POS In 206. C3 973.7. POS 040. POS S20.9.M4r) 339.3. PO 917. 3. POS 917.3.P08.6 Patton, Jacol] H. Political economy for American youth 330. PO Paul, St. Arnold, M. St. Paul and pro- te^'tantisnl, etc. 37().A6ri Conybeare, W. .1., nmi ,J. S. Hawson. St. Paul: life and epistles . . 370.1. SaOl Farrar, F: W. Life and work of St. I'aul. 3 vols 370.i.,Sa6.3 Iverach, .la. St. Paul: his lili^ iind times ;i70.1.SaO Pfleiderer, O. Inlluence of the apostle Paul 327. P3 Kenan, E. St. Paul ... :i70.1.Sa6.6 Paul and Christina: by Mrs. A. E. IJarr . SIS.BCWOOO and Virginia; by .1. 11. B. de St. Pierre . 843 Sa64.6 ClilVord: byE: tJ: L. P.ulwer . . 833.15849 IS Faber, surgeon; by (J: MacDonald . . 823.M:26.608 Grayson, Who was'? by J: Ilabberton S13.II0OO.9 PatotV; by F. M. Crawford .813 C609 (iO the peddler; by H. Alger, Jr. . . S13.A433.S2 Paulding, J. K. Hulls, The. and the .Jonathans 813.P08.1 Dutchman's fireside. 2 vols . . 813.P08.3 Puritan and his daughter 813. POS.O Westward ho! 3 vols .... 813.P0S9 Pausanias the Spartan; by E: (i: L. Bul- wer 833.B849.19 Payn, Ja. Burt million. The . 823 P096.1 For cash only 823 P096.36 Halves 823.P096.30 Prince of the blood 823.P096.6() Some literary recollections 834.P09 Stumble on the threshold . . . 833.P096.7 Thicker than water S33.P096.83 Walter's word ....". 833.1 '096 90 Payne, E. J., ami J. S. Colton. Colonies and dependencies .... 335.3.C6 Payne, F. M. L(>gal adviser 347.P09 Payne's business educator . . 6.50.P09 Payne's business letter writer, e(f. 652. P09 Rules of order governing public meetings 338.1.1*09 Social letter writer S08.P09 Payne, Jos. Lectures on the science and art of education 370 1.P09 Visit to (German schools . 379.43. PO Payne, W: H. Chapters on school super- vision 370.P09 7 Contributions to the science of education 370 4.P09.1 Payton, E. W. Round about New Zea- land 919.31.P0 Peabody, And. P. Christian consolations 252.P3 Harvard graduates whom I have known 378.7.P20.3 Harvard reminiscences .... 37S.7.P30.6 Manual of moral philosophy . 171.1'30 Peabody, Eliz. P. Allston, Last evening with 7.i9.1.A4.6 I'eak in Darien: by Fes. P. Cobbe S:i4 C6 6 Peard, Pes. Mary. Baroness, The. 3 v S33.P206 00 Blue dragon ,823.P306.0 Mademoiselle 823. P206..5 Scapegrace Dick 823 P306.7 Unawares 823.P206 8 Pearl of great price; by Jos. Smith 398.Sm4.6 of Orr's island: by Mrs. Ht P.. Stowe . S13.St69.63 of the Antilles: by Wa. (Joodman . 917.291.G6 Pears, Edw. Fall of Constantinople 949.61. 1'30 PEARSON 124 PERSIUS Pearson, C. H. Cabin on the prairio 81 3. r:.'C)(; 1 Young pioneers of the northwest . 8i:i l':iO(i.'.i Pearson, G: CuIIcn. Fliehts inside and outside Paradise ..... 91.").3.1'3 Pearson, K: (irammar of science . . .")()!. 1':.' Peary. Josephine Diebitsch. My Arctic journal <.il'.).S.P;i Peary, Kol». K. In Arctic seas; by Hob. N. Keely,,/)-. ajidG. G. Davis '.)1'J.8.I'3.4 Peary, Kob. K. Great whilie journey across Greenland /«0iy.8.P3 Peasant arid the prince; by Ht. Martineau 8:!3.MOJ8.(J Pease, Ij. T., and J: 31. Xiles. Hist, of .South America, Mexico and Texas 980 N4 Peattie, Ella W. Story of America to 18S9 973. P2 With scrip and stafl' .... 940.4.P3 Peck, Harry T. Latin pronunciation 471. 5. P3 Peckster professorship; by J. P. Quincy. 813.QS4.(1 Peouliar; by Epes Sargent . S13.Sa03 Peebles, Mrs. Mary Louise. (Lynde Pahiici: > MAGNET .STOKIES. Drifting and Steering .... 813.P330.51 One day's weaving S13.P330.d3 Archie's shadow 813.P330 53 John-Jack 813.P330.54 Peel, .Sic Uob. 1 Life] ; by J. McCarthy . 943.08. P3 5 Life; by !•'. C. Montague .... 943.08. P3.5 Peff'er, W. A. Farmer's side. The 330.4.P33 Peg WoHington, etc.; byC:Reade 833.R303.() Peile, J: Philology 403.P3 Pelayo; by Eliz. T. P. Heach 811.153 Pelham; by E: G. h. Bulwer . 823.B849.30 Pellew G: In castle and cabin 914.15.P3 Jiiy. J: 973.4.10 Pellow, T:, of I'enryn. Adventures 910.4. P3 Peloubet, P. N. mid M. A., eds. Commen- tary on the international lesson.s for 1893 2(W.1'3 Pemaquid; by Mrs. E Prentiss S13.1't53t).33 Pen and infc; by J. Brander Matthews 804.M0S Pendennis, Hist, of.; by W; M. Thack- ■ eray 833.T3.0 Pendleton, Edni. Conventional Bohe- mian 813.P3034.16 One woman's way 813.P3(j34.00 Virginia inheritance . S13.P3624.84 Pendleton, L: King Tom and the runa- ways 813.P3034.4 Penley, Aaron. System of water color painting 7.53.P3 Penn, Art. Home library, The 030.P2 Penn, W: Life, clc; by S: M. Janney . 289.6 P3 Pcnn, W: Fruits of a father's love 178.6.P3 No cross, no crown 248. P3 Rise and progress of the (Quakers 289.0.P3.B Pennell, Mm. Eliz. Hobins. To Gypsyland 914.39.P3 Wollstonecraft. Maiy 830.9. W66 Pennell, H. Ctiolniondcley. Pishing-. 3v 799 P3 Pennell, Jos. Jew, Th(!, at home . 396.P3 I'ennell, Jos., anil Mrx. E. II. 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Orininal and present state of man 389.6 P3 IMiisterer, F: .Statistical record of ar- mies of the U. S 973.7.P3 Phoebe, junior; by Mrs M. O W. Oliphant S33.0446.63G Phrathe'Phoenician: by E. L. Arnold 8-33.A6.6 Phyllis; by Mrs. M. Hungerford . 823.H863G3 Browne; by Flora L. Shaw 813.Sh09.6 of the Sierras, e(f.; by Bret Harte . . 813.H0(i8.63 Physical religion: by F. Max Muller 390, MS Picard, G: H. Mission flower 813.P410 5 Old Boniface 813 P410 Picciola; by X. B. Saintine ... 843 Sa4 6 Pickard, .J. Ij. School supervision 371. P4 Pi<:k<-d up adrift: by .Ta. DeMille ■ ■ 813.D354 06 up in the streets; by H. Schobert 833.Sch6.6 l»ickwick club, Posthumous papers of; by C: Dickens 823.D414.15 Picture and text; by H: James 814 J05 Pictures of life in camp and field: by B: F. Taylor 973.7.T0 of travel; by H. C. Andersen 914 3. A6 of travel; by H: Heine .... 914.H34 PIERCE 126 POISON Pierce, B. K. Audubon's adventures *Pierce, E: L. Sumner, C:, Memoir and letters of. 4 vols. .... 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(Anc. classics) .'iDO. P2 973 8 Su5 220. US 973.P42.3 973.P42.6 813.C609.62 811. HO 974 4.G6 813.M87.4 /»823.B849.14 823.B869 S33.B869.6 813.L63.64 813.C666.19 839.83. L4.6 833.L243.6 91S.6.P4 823.W042.6 884.5. IM..") 884..5.I^4 813.St69.646 9in.9.1'46 389.6. H06 813.R443.6 823.M06G.640 833.SC6.1.') 6.53. 6. P4 364 F6 248. M8 653.09. P4 914.P4 178.4. P4 973.7. P48.1 .374.4. P4 808.5. P4.3 808.5. P4 283. P4 985. P4 8 985. A2 334.5 1^4 834. H09 833.K464.64 304. H6 6 834.C66.0 942.03. P4 391. 1-4 f'i 820.9.C3(J 915.3. R34. 6 813 MIO.C. 808.5 .13 184. 1.1 M.I Plato. Dialogues; tr. by B. Jowett. 5 v 184.1. P4 Piatt, Ja. Business .... 174. P4 Democracy 331.4.P4 I^ife 170.P4 Money 332. P4 Plattner, C. F. Manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis wiih the blowpipe; rev. and enl. by Th. Richter 549.1. P4 Plautus, T. Maccius; by VV. L. Collins . 873.3. P4 1 Plautus, T. Maccius. Comedies; tr. by H: T: Riley. 2 vols .... 873.3.P4 Playfair, Sir Liyon. Subjects of social welfare 614. 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Oswald 178.07 I'OI.E 127 PRECAUTION Pole, W:, (iiiri otheiK. Handbook of games, viz.: Vol.1. Table sames . . ~iH.\'6 Vol. J. Card games T'.l.i.lVi Politieul problems for our age and eoun- try; bv \V. H. Cirog .... :i()4.(:G.() value of history; by \V. K. H. LccUy ;K)4.L2 Politic-inn's daushUT: bv Myra S. Ham- lin S13 Him G P<>Ik. . la. K.; bv \V; (), Stoddard . /n VCi.S.HO 7 Pollurd, Air. \V. Early illustrated books Pollarrt, K; A. Lost uause Pollen, .): Huneoi-l'ortl. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork tiold and silver smith's work Pollock, F: Intro, to the hist, of the sci- ence of politics Polly Oliver's problem; by Mrs. K. D. Wiggin Polo, Rlarco; by li: M. Towle. Travels of; ed. by T: \V. Knox Pontl, G: K. Snenandoah valley in 1.S04 . I'onliai', Conspiracy of, '■'(■. ; by Fs Park- man. '.2 vols. Ponton, Miin^o. Earthquakes. Pool, Mariu li. Katherine North Mrs. Keats Itradford .... Roweny in lioston Tenting at .Stony Beach . .. . Two Salomes Poole, K. Lane. Bach, Sebastian . 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Adventures of Porter, Jane. .Scottish chiefs Thaddeus of Warsaw (KIO.I'O '.ra.T.Pc 74W.P0 U7LP0 32().9.P6 S13.\V43:iOr, 910. 9. MO 8 915. P6 973.7.P66 ';i73.2.P06.8 551.22.Pl5 813.PG64.4 813.P664.5 813.P064 6 813.P664 82 813.P(J64 8 78G. BOl 737. P6 709. PG 949.50G.C3 961. PG 946.02. PG 949.6. PG 402. PG 813.A2098.0(J S23.M06G.GG 823.C644.666 817 F6 8-20.9. P6 821.PG 808 l.PG 6.54. PGG 363.13.St2 808. 3. CG 505. P6 505.P6.7 839 83. DO . 979.4. B03.G0 843. D08.G8 7»i833.M26 630 le 813.P668.0 813.PGI'.8 2 . 8-23.PG68.7 823.P668.8 Porter, Luther B. Cycling for health and pleasure ..... Porter, .N'oah. American colleges and the American public .... Books and reading .... Human intellect .... Kant's ethics .Science and sentiment, etc. Portfolio papers; by Ph. (!. Hauu-rlon Portia .lames, Penance of; by Tasma Portraits of friends; by J. 0. Shair|i of men; by C. A. Sainte-Beuve of places; by H: .Tames of women; by C. A. Sainle-Bcuve . Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature Posse, Nils. Swedish system of educa- tional gymnastics .... Post, W. K. Harvard stories Potiphar papers; by tl: VV: Curtis Potipliar's wife, etc.; by Sir Edw. Arnold Pott, Mrs. S: Bacon, Fs., and his secret society Potter, Alonzo. School, The, and the schoolmaster: part I . . . . Potter, Beatrice. Co-operative move- ment in (Ireat Britain .... Potter, Paulus; by Fk. Cundall Poulton, K: B. Colours of animals Powell, E. P. Liberty and life Our heredity from Clod .... *Powell, J: Wesley. Annual reports of the bureau of ethnology. Gth, 7th and 8th. 1884-1887. 3 vols. 5' *Annual reports of the U. S. geol. survey 3rd, 7th, 8th, 10th pt. I. 1881-2, 1885-7 1888-9. 4 vols. Q *Tenth annual report of the U. S. geol survey, 1888-9, pt. 2: irrigation Powers, E: War and the weather Powers, Ste. American merino I'owles, L. I). Land of the pink pearl Poynter, E. Fes. Failure of Elisabeth Madame de Presnel .... My little lady . Poyser, Art. W. Magnetism and elec- tricity Prairie folks; bylL (Jarland Praise of Hell. 2 vols. Praise of Paris; by Theo Child Prang, L:, Mary D. Hicks, ajtd J: S Clark. Course of instruction in color for public schools . Pratt, Dwight M. Decade of Christian endeavor Pratt, Mara L. Fairy-land of (lowers Pratt, Orson. Doctrines and covenants of Latter Day saints Series of pamphlets on the doctrines o the Gospel Pratt, Parle.v Parker. Autobiography Key to the science of theology Voice of warning .... Pray, T:, Jr. Twenty years with the indi- cator Preacher's daughter; by Mrs. A. E. Barr Preble, G: H: Hist, of the Hag of U. S. A. Precaution; by J. F. Cooper 79G PG .■i78 73.P6 028. P6 150. P6 17O.K0.6 104. PG 8-24. H05 8-23.T07.6 824.Sh04 944.SaO.69 914.J05 tl44.Sa().G9 80 l.PG 37l.7:i.PG 378.73.PG7 814.C8.G 821. AGO. G 822.33. BOG 371. l.PG 334 PG /u 759.9. R84 577 P6 170.P6 211. PG9 .73.U.S.Sm4.; 5.57 3.U. .S.IG G31.U. S.IG 551.5P6 G3G 3 P6 917.29G.P6 823.PG9.3 833 P69.5 823.P69.59 538. PG 813.G064.6 237.5 P6 913 436 C3 7.52. PG 267 613.P6 580. PG 29S.Sm4.2 298. P6G 298. PG 29S.P6GG 298 l'G(J 9 621. l.PG 813.B0G6.66 929. 9. P6 813.C66G.30 PREECE 128 PKOUT Preece, W: H:, and J. Meier. Telephone, The Preece, W: H: mid J. Sivewrighl. Tele- graphy Preece, \V: H:, and Art. J. Stubbs. Manual of telephonv .... Prelate, The; by I: Henderson Prentice, G: L'isk. Wilbur Prentiss. Mm. Eliz. Aunt Jane's hero Flower of the family .... Fred and Maria and me . Home at Greylock Life and letters Pemaquid Stepping heavenward .... Prescott, G: liartlett. Electric tele- phone. The Prescott, \V: H. Mte: by G: Ticknor Prescott, W: H. Biog. and critical mis- cellanies Charles V, Hist. of. 3 vols. . Ferninand and Isabella, Hist. of. 'i vols. Hist, of the conquest of Mexico. 3 vols Hist, of the conquest of Peru. ;i vols. . Philip II, Hist. of. 3 vols President's daughters; by F Bremer Press, The. and the stage; by W: Winter Preston, Ht. Waters. Is that all? Love in the 19lh century Troubadours and trouveres Year in Eden Preston, Ht. W. and G. Dodge. IJuar- dians. The ..... *Prestwich, Jos. Geology. 3 vols. Presumption of se.x; by Oscar F. Adams Pretty Michal; by M. Jokai Pretty Miss Bellew; by Mrs. T. H. Boulger PrettysisterofJo.se: by Mrs. F. H. Bur- nett Preyer, W. Mental development in the child Mind of the child. 3 vols. Price, J. E. Epworth league workers Price, J. M. From tl^e Arctic ocean to the Yellow sea Price, Li. Ij. P. R. Industrial peace Short hist, of political economy in Eng. Price, Sir Rose Ij. Two Americas Price, W. T. Technique of the drama Pride and prejudice; by Jane Austen Prime, S: Irenaverb stories; by L. M. Alcott . 813.A416.608 I'ruildcii, T. M. Driiikinc water ami ii'O supplies ..... Uust and its dangers Story of the Ijaeteria Priulenoe; by Liiey C Lillie I'alfrey: by T: B. Aldrich I'riidy keeping house; by H. S. Clarl i:i.C4<)C,!() 442 81 :! C8IW fi 833.El.(i(> 73.'i PO 8 UG'J.4.I'S 917.3. PS 827.T3.1G S37.C(),r. m 823.. 1 2(1.1 780. P8 813.P08 6 Sll.HM.li 330. T30 171.4 liCi 891.73.P3 r, III 821 K23.3 813.SaG3.0 823.R202.68 902. P8 05.")..') P8 347.7.P8 741.C0 7.58. 1)8 7,52. HO 7.53. P2 Putnam, G: Haven, eil, Repre.sentative essays 040. P8 Putnam's art handbooks; ed. by Mrs. Susan N. Carter Burnet,.!: Practical hints on composi- tion in pictures ... 751. 1J8 Carter, Mrs. S. N. Drawing in vvliitii and black DulHeld, Mcs. W: Artof Mower paintinir Hatton, T: Hints for sketching in water-color from nature Penley, A. System of water color paint- ing Rowbotham, T: Art of sketchin;,' from nature 741. Ro Warren, II: Artistic treatise on tlu^ human figure 743. VVO Weigall, C: H. Art of ligure drawing 743. \V2 Williams, W. Artof landscape painting with color 758. W4 Pycroft, .la. Crlcket-lield 797.P9 Pyle, Howard. Hood, Robin . . 942.03. HGG.O Men of iron 813.P9..53 Modern Aladdin S13 P9..5G Otto of the silver hand .... 813.P9G8 Rose of Paradise S13P9 66 Within the capes S13.P9.94 Wonder clock 813.P9.9 Pyle, Howard, rd,. Buccaneers and ma- rooners of America .... 970.P9 Pynchon, W:, of .Salem, Mass., Diary of: ed, by F. E: Oliver .... 974 4.P9 Pyrnelle, liOuise-Clarke I)iddi(\ Dumps and Tot; or, Plantation chiUl life S13.P9G.2 Pyrrhus, Hist, of; by . I. Abbott 93S.0S.P9 Q Quaokenhos, .J : D. Anc. literature 880 9 Q80 ♦Quaker girl of Nantucket; by Mary C. Lee 8]3,L23.G8 Quaker home: by G: Fox Tucker 813.T814.G Quakersoldier, The; by .T. R. Jones 813.J6G.G Quality of mercy; by W: D. Ilowells . 813 IIG93 G8 Quartet, The; by W: (I. Stoddard . 813..StG22.G8 Quatrefages, A. de. Human species 573. Q8 Queechy; by Susan Warner .813.W06G7G8 Queen Hildegarde; by Mrs. L. H Rich- ards ...".... 813.R41.6 Hortense; by L. Muhlbach . 833.M83.68 Mab: by Julia Kavanagh . . S23.Kos.G8 Money; by Mrs. E. O. Kirk . S13.K4G4.G8 of Bedlam; by C: Kinz . . . 813.K4i370.4.RS Titania; by H. II. Boyesen . . S13.BG92.68 Qneenie Hetherton; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes 813.H0455.68 Queen's cadet, c(( ; by .la. firant 823.G6.G8 Maries; by G. J. Whyte Melville 82.3.M248.6 necklace; by A. Dumas . 843 DS5 IJ02 of Amer. society; by Mrs. E. F. Ellet 390.9 E4.G Qneen's i>rinie ministers series; ed by S. J. Reid. Aberdeen. Eati of; by Sir A. Gordon . 942.0S.A02 Derby, Eirrio/,- by G: Saintsbury 943.08.D2 Disraeli, B:; by Ja. Froude '. . 942.08 D47.2 Gladstone. W: E.; by G: W. E. Russell . 942 08.G40 6 Melbourne, rixcimn^.- by H: Dunckley 942.08. M2 Palmerston, Visvimnl; by Marquis of Lome 942 OS P04.4 Peel, .Sir Rob.; by J. McCarthy . 942.08.P23.5 Salisbury, -Vai(/i(isii/; by H.D.Traill 942 08.Sa4 Queer home at Rugby court; by Annette L. Noble " . . 813.N004.3 little people; by Mrs. Ht. B. Stowe . 813 St69.G82 people; by Palmer Cox .... S13.C69.6 pets at Marcy's; by Mrs. O. T. Miller .590.M4.6 Quentin Durward; by Sir Wa. Scott 823.Sc6.G Question, A; by G: Ebers 833.E0.63 of honor; by Fes. C. Fisher . . S13.F473.68 of identity; by L. Dodge. 813.DG3.3.6 Quick, Rob. H. Educational reformers . 370 9.Q8 Quicksands; by A. tStreckfuss . 833.St63.G Quilter, Harry. Giotto .... 759.5.G4 Quinny, J.P. Peckster professorship 813.Q84 6 QUINCY 130 RAYMONli Qiiincy, Josiah. Figures of the past Hist, of tho Boston Athenaeum y uincy, Josiah P. ties Protection of majori- 971) r. (.^8 304 QS C Quiiinebassett girls; by R. S. Clarke Qiiiiitilian, M. Fabiue. Institutes oratory. 3 vols Qiiiiitiis Claudius; by E. Eckstein. 2 vol Quits; by Baroness Tautphoeus of 813.C40G4G 63 87.5 IJ.Q8 833.E1.68 S23.T088.68 R R., I. Lady's ranche Ufa in Montana Rabelais, Francois; by VVa. Besant Rachel (P''eli.\, Kliz.); by N. H. Kennard Rachel l!ray; by Julia Kavanagh Ray: by Ant. Trollope Rachel's share of the road; by E: E. Hali Racine, Jean; by H: M. Trollope Racine, Jean. Dramatic works. 3 vols Radau, K. Wonders of acoustics Radclift'e. A. G. Schools and master^ o painting Radclifft, Anne. Mysteries of Udolpho Romance of the forest Sicilian romance. 3 vols. Radot, M. v. Pasteur, L. Rae, J: Contemporary socialism Rae, W. F. Austrian health resorts Raftniates; by Kirk Munroe Ragged Dick; by H. Alger, jr. Ragnarok; by I. Donnelly Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Assyria Story of Chaldea .... Story of Media. Babylon and Persia Raikes, A. H. Violin chats for beginners Ralkes, T: Personal reminiscences Railway man and his children: by Mrs M. O. VV. Oliphant Rainiund, Golo. From hand to hand New race Sought and found .... Raising the Pearl; by "Ja. Otis'" Kaler Rajah of Dah; by G: M. Fenn Raleigh, Katherine A. (lods of Olym- pos Raleigh, Sir VVa. Gosse. Edm. Raleigh Thompson, M. A. Life and times of Ralegh Towle, (!: M. Ralegh Ralph, .Julian. On Canada's frontier Our great west Ralph, Julian, cil. Harper's Chicago and the world's fair .... Ralph the heir: by Ant. Trollops Wilton's weird; by Mrs. "Alex." F. Hec tor . . ' Ram, G. S. Incandescent lamp Kaniayana, The, Selections from; by F Richardson ..... i>anilian(l. All'. Hist, of Russia. 3 vols Kanililer, The. 4 vols Kanibles in historic land ilton IJaineses, thr timil ; by F. de l^anoyi^ Kaiiiona: by Mrs. \\. II. .Jackson KaniNay, l>: AuuT. revolution. 3 vol Ran away from the Dutch; by M. T. U Perelaer away to sea: by Mayne Keid by P: J. 917. 80. R 840.9. RO.O 793. RO 833.KOS.OO 833.Te()4.0O 813. HO43.0 7(1840.9 COS 843. RO :-)34, RO 7.->9.R0 833.R031.r> 833.R031 e 833.R031 7 G14.473.P0 33.5.R03 914.30 RO 813.M8G6.GO 813.A433.01 SGO.DC* 935.3. RO 93.5. l.RO 935. 3. RO 787 I.ROI in 830.9. KG4 833.(;446.004 833.R0.2 833. RO. 6 833.R0.7 813. KOt;30.60 833.F366 60 393 RO 942.05. RO 94'3.05.R0.83 943.05.R0.8 917.1. RO 917.8. RO 60G.C3.e 833.T6G4.G04 833.H218.G0 031.32. RO 891.2 RO 947. RO 040. BC)4. Vols. 19-32 Hara- 914. HO 932. LO 813..J014.(;() 973. 3. RO 919.1I.P3G 823.R243.60 Ranald Bannerraan's boyhood; by G: MacDonald Ranch verses; by W: L. Chittenden Rand, B:, cnmp. Selections illus. eco- nomic hist Rand, K: A. Deeds worth telling Down East master's first school Randall, J. K. Incandescent lamp Randall, P. M. Practical hydraulics Randall S: J.,«7kJ G. A. Grow, Presenta- tion of portraits of .... Randolph, J:; by H: Adams Randolphs, The; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden . Random shots; by C: H. Clark Rands, W: Brighty. Young Norseman Rangers; by D. P. Thompson Ranke, I>. von. Hist, of the popes Universal history Rankell's remains: by B. Wendell Itankin, Melinda. Twenty years amon^ the Mexicans *Rankine, W: J: Civil engineering Ranyard, Mrs. Mrs. L. N. R.; by Lizzie Alldridge Raphael. Bell, N. R. E. Raffaello San- zio de LTrbino. (Gr. Artists) Muntz, Eugene. Raphael. Rassales, prince of Abyssinia; by S: .lohnson Rathbone, Mrs. Anne (31i>ic I'. ICmmct Bonlore Kentucky colonel Len Cansett ... Selected stories Tennessee .iiidRO, .\ ITp Terra|>iii river Kead, T. Hiichanaii. Drifting Poetical works. 3 vols Iteadc, C: Christie Johnstone t'loister and the hearth Course of true love, r.te. (Irillith tJaunt .... Hard cash, cie. It is never too late to mend, etc. Love me little, love me long Peg Wollington, etc . Put yourself in his place, etc. . Simpleton Terrible temptation . White lies Woman hater Readf, C:, uiitl D. Boueicaiilt. Foul play Reader, Emily K. Voices from llower laud 808.1.R3 Rcady-iiionoy Mortiboy; by W. Besant iiiiii.I. Rice 833.B37.02 Ileal, Aiitoiiy.jwcud. Sec Michel, Fernand Real and ideal in literature; by Fk. l*. Stearns 804. St3 folks; by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney 813.W34Sii.630 Robinson Crusoe; by J. A. Wilkinson 919.(5. W4 thing, c(c; by U: James . S13.JO.")3.(;30 Realm of nature; by H. R Mill .iot M4.C Rear-guard of the Revolution; by J. R. Gilmore 973. 3.(144 Reason, faith and duty: by J. Walkiir 353. WO Rebel queen; by Wa. Uesant 833.B37.(; Reber, Franz von. Hist, of mediaeval art 709 R3 Recent rambles; by C: C. Abbott . . 504.AO(30 Reclus, Klie. Primitive folk .573. R2 *Reclus, Klisee. Ocean, atmosphere and life. Q. 551.46.R31 •Rectus, Onesime, and ntlierA. Bird's eye view of the world .... 910.R21.04 Records of agirlhood; by Fes. Ann Kem- blo 792.K35.1 of later life; by Fes. Ann Kemble • 793.K35.3 of woman; by Felicia Hemens 831.H3.(i Recreations of a country parson; by A. K. H. Boyd. 2 vols 824.B09 Rector, The, and the doctor's family; by Mrs. M O. W. Oliphant . 823.0446 1)21 Red beauty; by W: <). Stoddard . 813.St023.62 cross; by W: T. Adams .... 813.A3098.93 ■ deer; by R: JetTeries ... 599 7.J3 Eagle, etc.; by G:C. Eggleston 976.1.R2 fairy book; by And. Lang 833.L063.62 Red Jacket: or, Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, Tiife and times of; by W: r>. Stone . 970 2.R32 mustang: by W: 0. Stoddard . 813.St622.6'32 Rooney; by R. M. Ballantyne 919.8.B04 Rover; by J. F. Cooper .... 813.0666.31 spider: by S. BarinK-(;ould . 833.('.68.6 wallflower; by Susan Warner S13.W0667.(i22 Redbank; by M. L. Cowles Ucdl'ord, G: (ireek sculpture Hedl'ord, It. A. Four centuries of silence Redgauntlet; by Sir Wa. Scott Redgrave, Gilltert It. Cox, D:, and V de Wint Redgrave, R: Manual of design Redskin and cow-boy; by G: A. Henty Redskins; by J. F. Coopor Reed, Alonzo and B. Kellogg. Englisl composition and rhetoric Reed, And.; by Mrs. E. R. Pitman Reed, Sic E: J., and E: Simpson. Mod em ships of war .... Reed, Eliz. Hindu literature . Reed, Eliz. A. Persian literature Reed, H: Lectures on Eng. literature Reed, H: A. Topographical drawing, etc, Keed, T: B. Reed's rules Rees, J. E. Ruutz. Home decoration Home occupations .... Vernet, Horace .... Rees, J. Rogers. Brotherhood of letters Reeve, H: Graphid;e, etc. Petrarch Reeves, J: Rothschilds, The . ReHections of a married man; by R (Jrant Reformation principles exhibited by the reformed Presbyterian church in the U. S Refugees; by A. Conan Doyle . Regamey, Feli.\. Japan in art and in- dustry Regent's daughter. The; by A. Dumas . Register, The; by W. D. Howells Reid, Christian, pseud. □ See Fisher, Kes. C. Reid, Gilbert. Reid, Mayne. Boy hunters Boy slaves . Boy tar Bruin . Bush-boys Cliff-climbers Desert home Flag of distress . Forest exiles Giratfo-hunters Hunter's feast Ocean waifs Plant hunters Ran away to sea Scalp hunters Tiger-hunters War-trail . White chief Wood-rangers . Young voyageurs Young yagers . Reid, T. Wemyss. Miles, R: Monckton, /joroit Houghton, Life, letters and friendships of. 2 vols *Rein, J. J. Industries of Japan Rembrandt, H. van Ryn; by .1: W. Mol- letl Glances at China Afloat in the forest 813.C(i94.6 723.8.Sm4 933. 1132 833 ScO 23 7.59.2.C6 745 R2 917.8. H3 S13 C6()Ci 23 425. R3 m 248 M8 623 9. R2 891.2. R3 891.5. R3 830.9. R3 536.98. R2 328.1. R3 740. R3 3 730.R3.6 7,59 4. V3 814. R32 821.R23.3 850.9. P3.6 333.1.R6 813 t;60(!.63 285. R2 833 D694 6 91.5.3. R3 843 D85 633 813.H69.0 915.1.R24 918 l.R'2.0 823.R242.03 i23.R242.0697 823 R342.08 ,599.7. R'24.1 916,8.R34.1 915 4.R34 7 917.8. R3 823.R242 34 918 .5.R3.2 833.R343.34 917.78.R34 833.R343.6 915.4 R24.H 823.R243.60 917.8 i;34 917.2. R24.8 823 R243.8 917.3 R3 917.3. R'24.9 917 13. R3 916.8. R'34.9 830.9.M44 91.5.3. R34 7.59.9. B3 RERIEMBER 132 RIDPATH Remember the Alamo; by Mrs. A. E Barr 813.H0f>0.62 Reniondino, P. C. Mediterranean shores of America 017.94 1!3 Remusat, I*. 4c. Thiers, L: Adolohe . 84(Ui.T:i4.i) *Rem.v, Jule.s. Hist., religion and cus- toms of the Mormons, etc. 2 vols. . 208 ll'i Remy, Jules, and J. Brenchley. Jour- ney to Salt Lake City .... 398. R2 Reiiaii, Kriiest. Apostles, The 270.1. R2.0 Future of science. The .... .')04.1\2 Hist, of the people of Israel. Vols. 1 and 3 ii33.K2 Life of Jesus 232.9. R2 Paul, Saint 27().l.SaG.(J Recollections and letters 840.9. R26 Keiiee and Franz; by G. Haller 843.H04.C Renoul', P. Le Page .Religion of ancient Egypt 309.31. R2 Reoton, W: Outlines of English litera- ture 820.9.R3G Renwick, E: S. Patentable invention . (;o8.R3 Repplier, Agnes. Essays in miniature . 814. R3 Kei>resentative Am. orations; ed. by A. Johnston. 3 vols 073. Jli British orations; ed. by C: K. Adams. 3v ,82'). A3 essays; ed. by G: H. Putnam . 040. P8 men; by R W. Emerson .... 191.3.E.'i.e3 Reprinted pieces; by C: Dickens 833.0414 1(> Reproach of Anneslcy; by M G. Tuttiet 833.T8S.() Repuhlicof God; by Elisha Mulford 231.M8 without a president, etc.; byH. D. Ward '813. VVO1523.02 Reputed changeling; by C. M. Yonge 823. YGO U3 Res judicatae; by A. Birrell . 830.9 B4.1) Retrospection and introspection; by Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy Return of the native; by T: Hardy Reverberator, The; by H: James Reverend idol; by Lucretia Noble Reveriesof a bachelor; by T). G. Mitchell Reville, Alb. Native religions of Mexico and Peru Reynard the fox; by S: P. Day Reynolds, .Si;- Joshua; by M. F. Sweetser Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary works, etc. Rhine-gold; by R; Wagner Rhoades. H: E. Around the world with the blue jackets Rhoda l''leming; by G: Meredith lihode Island. CnmmUisiunir nf industrial statistics. Reports, 1890-1893. 4 vols. . tyimmissioner of puldic sell mis. Reports, 18.5.'), 18G4, 180.1. 3 vols •State Imard »/ education. Reports, 1873- 1878, 1879, 1883-1883, 1885-1890, 1893. 17 V. Rhodes, J. E. Hist, of the U. S. 3 vols. Ilhys, J: Religion of Celtic heathendom liiano, Juan E. Industrial arts in Spain Ribot, Th. Diseases of memory Diseases of personality .... English ]isychology (lerman psychology of to-day Heredity ... Psychology of attention .... Ilicardo, I): I'rinciples of political econ- omy and taxation Works; ed. by .1. I{. McCulloch Rice, I): Hall. Protective philosophy Rice, H: Native life in south India l)15.8.51.E3.0 S23.H0(;2.03 813.J0.'i2.02 813.Nli04.03 817.M48.(5 299.72. R3 823.D00.U 7.V.1.3.R39.7 704. R3 831. WOO 9in.4.R3 S33.M2(53.63 331. R3 ,379.745. R 379.745. R3 973.0. R30 399.1(i.R3 009. R4 154 R4 132 R4 192. R4 193. R4 575 lt4 153. R4 330.3. R4 31iO. Ii4 337. R4 915 4.R4 Stories from Beyond the Rice mills of Port Mystery; by B. V Ueuston Itichard I, Hist, of; by J. Abbott Richard II, Hist of; by J. Abbott Richard III, Hist, of; by J. Abbott . Kicliard Feverel. Ordeal of; by G: Mere dith Hurdis; by W; G. Simms . Vandermarck; by Mrs. M C. Harris Richards, Ellen H. Food materials and adulterations Richards, G: Divine origin of prophecy Richards, Jos. W. Aluminium Richards, Mrs. Laura E. Captain .lan- uary Four feet, two feet and no feet Glimpses of the French court . Hildegarde's holiday .... Queen Hildegarde Toto, Joyous story of .... Toto' merry winter When 1 was your age Richardson, Abby Sage old English poetry Richardson, Albert D. Mississippi Richardson, B. AV. Son of a star Richardson, C J. Picturi'S(|ue designs . Richardson, C: Large fortunes . Richardson, C: F. American literature. 3v Richardson, Frederlka, comp. Iliad of the East Richardson, Ja. Wonders of the Yellow- stone . Richardson, J : Account of his lite Richardson, Rob. Story of the Niger Richmond, Wilfrid. Christian econo- mics Richter, Jean Paul F: Flower, fruit and thorn pieces Hesperus. 3 vols Invisable lodge Levana Titan. 3 vols Vinci, Leonardo da Richter, Th. I'iattner's manual of quali- tative and quantitative analysis with the blowpipe Richter, V. von. Chemistry of the car- bon compounds . . . Text-book of inorganic chemistry . Ricketicketack; by H. Conscience In Ricketts, P. de P. Notes on assaying, f/r. Ricketts, P. de P., and S. H. Russell. Skeleton notes upon inorganic chemis- try. 3 vols Rico and Wiseli; by Johanna Spyri Riddle, Jos. E. Infidelity and super- stition ...... Ride to Khiva; by F. Burnaby Ridcing, W: H. Boyhood of living au- thors ....... Boys coastwise Boys in the nujuntains and on the plains *Ria ai^d Colorado J-Jard, I^ocky Fork, Qalt, ai^d Cunjberlarjd Blacksrrjitl;) Coal. PROPRIETORS OF STEAM WOOD SAWS. TELEPHONE 182. 201 LOWER MAIN STREET ^ -" Wy*"'-"'- Kini'ATH l.l.$ KOK Kidpatli, J: C, (>>id""i<''>'i'. lilaine. .1. (!., Life and works of ItioD/J; l)y E: G: Ij. IJtilwer KiSht at last, e'l, ; by Mrs. E C. (iaskcll . Uiiofk: by Ilelcii Vaii-Aiidorson oni'. The: by Marie S. Schwartz S: Kiis, Jacob A. Chiiiiri'ii of tho poor liiiw tlie other half lives Kilcy. -la. Wliilcoiiib. Aftcrwhili^ (!r('(!ii lii'Ids and running brooks Old fashioned roses . . . , Pipes o'I'an at Zekesbury I'ooius here at lioiiie . Rhymes of childhood . . . Sketches in prose, etc . Itiiiiiiier, (". H. I'igiire draAvinn for children Kins, >la.v. Jolin Milton and his times . ItiiiK, The, and the book; by R. Browning *ljiiiswalt, J. 1j. Transportation sys- tems in the I'. S Kipley, Eliza McHattoii. From llaa to lla? IlipU'.v, G:; byO. 1!. Krothingham Itipley, G:, (im( J5. Taylor, i"miw. Cyclo- Iiedia of literature and the line arts * Kipley. M. M. World's worship in stone Kipper, W: Steam Kise and fall of the monstache, etc.; by K. .1. linrdette Kistori, .Artelaicle: an autobiography Kiltli, W: G. Azllan . . . . Kitcliie, I>: G. Darwinism and politics Principles of state interference Kite-liie, J. Kwins- To Canada, with emigrants Kilcliie, Mrs. Kicliiiioiid. (Anne I. Thackeray.) Sevigne, Mme. de . Kiverpark rebellion. rfc; by HomerCireen Kivers, Slanroril. Home education. Kiversof ice; by K. M. Ballantyne . Kol) Koy; by Sir Wa Scott Koli l!oy. Adventures of; by .Ta. (irant K<>l)a di Koma; by W: W. Story. "J vols. Kolilier, The; byt!: P. K. James Kobhery under arms; by K. lioldrewood . Kobbia, Luca Delia, ct:; by Mrs. Lucy E. Baxter Robert, H: 31. Pocket manual of rules of order Kobert Elsmere; by Mrs. Mary A. Ward Kobert Emmet; by .1. I. C. Clarke K<>l>eri Falconer; by .R4 ',(17.1. U4 840.9. SeS S 8i3.(;o:i:.'.() 373 1.R4 823.B0440.() 8L'3.Sc(J.lS 8:>3,<;(5 6(il 914..W.Sl(; SiS.JOS.dOO S23.B043.6 73.".. BO 32S.1.R0 s-J3.W06:i.O S33 C40.(! s-;3 M:.'(J.(J(JU ■i'M T04 917.94.R6 917.8. R60 974.7. RO In 811.S10 823.R6,5.2 823.R6.1.4 823. R(n..1 823.1M.i.() .■>r>(J.2.R(i.2 378.13.R6 Hoberts, W: C. Leading orators of 2.1 campaigns 3;i9.R(l Kobcrtson, Mric S. Longfellow, 11: W. 810.9.Lli.(l Koliorl.soii, n, J. M. Eight hours i|uestioii 331.81. RO Fallacy of saving 330.R() Modern humanists 192.110 Kobida, A. "Yesteryear": ten ceutur- i(>s of toilette :i9i,:.'.R0 Kobiiison, A. Mary K. .^n I>ariiies- tetor,',Vr8 A, M. l'\ ( Ki)l>iiisi>ii i Kobiiisoii, C: S. Pharoahs of the bond- age! and the exodus .... 91.'!.(12.RG KoliiiiNoii, I<;. Kowland. N'ermoiit 974. 3. RG Kobiiison, I'klitb. Forced acquaintances 813.1!(i04.2 KobiiiKon, F. W. Nin<'ly-nine Dark St. S23.U(104.() Woman's ransom 823. 11(104.9 ' Wrong that was done .... 813.R0O4.9B Kobiiison, H. M. tlreat fur land 917.12.R0 Kubinson, Ijouise B. liundleof letters from over the sea , . 914 Kco Kiibinson, Fhil. Sinners and saints 917.3. RO I'ndertliesun r.90.4.R0 ICobinson, Sarab; by E. M. Tomkinson 302.R(i8 Itol>insoii, W. Cremation and urn burial 393.2.11(1.1 Clod's acre beautiful .... 393.2.R0.3 Parks, promenades and gardens of Paris 710.R0 Uobinson, "W: Cas and ]ietroleum en- gines ....... (121 4 RO Roiiinsoii, W: S. Warrington's manual . 3:.'8 l.RUO Kobin.son Crusoe: by D. Defoe . s:i3. D:220.0 Koohe, ,Ja. J. Story of the lilibustors . 973.S.R0 Koolie, Kegina M. Children of the abbey 823.R013.1 Kock, Daniel. Textile fabrics 077.R0 Kockliill, W: W. Land of the lamas 915.1. RO Books and shoals; by ii: II. Hepworth 17().H2 Kookstro, W. S. General hist, of music 7S0 9.R(y Mendel.ssohn 780. M2 *Ilockstro, W. S.,aml H: S. Holland. Lind-tloldschmidt, Mme. .Jenny. Mem- oir of. 2 vols 784. L4 Kockwcll, C: Catskill mountains, <(c. . 917 473.R0 Ko<-ky l''ork; by Mary H. Cathervvood 8:.'3.C()83 00 Kocqiiain, Fcli.x. Revolutionary spirit preci'eding the French revolution 342.44.RG Koderick Hudson; by II: .James . 813 J0.'>2.G02 Kodinan the kee|ier; by Constance l'\ Woolson 813 W004S.C, Kodney, G: B.; by D. Hanney , 942.07. UO 3 Boe, K: I*. Barriers burned away 813-IM2.0 Day of fate 81.3.1102.2 Driven back to Eden .... S13 R02.2fi Earth trembled S13.R(13 :2()0 l''ace illumined ... . 813.R(K.2U1 From jest to earnest .... 813.1102:260 Helen in love with his wife . 813 R(12 32 His sombre rivals 813.R62.34 Home acre. The 03.5 RO Knight of the 19th century S13.R02.4 Miss I>ou 813.R02..T Nature's serial story ... 813.R62.6 Near to nature's heart .... 8i:i.R62.(52 Opening a chestnut burr .... 813.R6266 Original belle 813 R(;2.e64 .Success with small fruits . 634.R6 ROE 134 BOSE by J: S. C. Roe, E: P., (C«ticluded) Taken alive, etc. .... What can she do? .... \Vithont a home .... YouiiK gh'Ts woohig .... Roger Hunt; by Celia V. Wuolley Kogers, Clara Katlileeii. I'liilosophy o singing Rogers, Ja. E. T. Economic Inlerprcta tion of history .... Eiglit chapters on worl; and wages Six centuries of work and wages Social economy .... Story of Holland Rogers, S: Poems Roget, P: 31. Animal and vegetable physiology with reference to natural theology. 3 vols .... Itogue, The: by \V. E. Norris RohU'e, Mrs. Anna Katherine (Green Behind closed doors .... Cynthia VVakeham's money Leavenworth case .... Marked "personal" .... Matter of millions .... Mill mystery Strange disappearance Sword of Damocles .... Roland, Jf»?ic. M. J.P. Hist Abbott [Life]; by Mathildc lilind Roland, Story of; by Ja. Baldwin Roland Cashel: by C: Lever Roll' house; by Lucy C. Lillie . RoU'e, W: J., cd. Fairy tales . Tales from English history Note: See also Brownin C:, Morris, W:, Scott, Shakespeare, W: Rolle, W: J., (Hid J. A.Gillet. of the stars for school and home use Rolleston, T. W. Lessing, G E., Life of RoUin, C: Ancient history. 3 vols Rollins, Alice W^. From palm to glacier Story of a ranch .... Rollins, 31rs. E. C. New England gones Rolloatplay: by J. Abbott at school; by J. Abbott at work; by J. Abbott learning to read; by J. Abbott learning to talk: by .T. Abbott Rollo's correspondence; by J. Abbott exp(Timents; by J. Abbott museum; by J. Abbott philosophy: air; by J. Abbott philosophy: lire; Iw J. Abbott philosojihy: sky; by J. Abbott philosophy: water; by J. Abbott travids; by J. Abbott vacation; by .1. Abbott Roniain, .I;i. Harold, (iambling Roman singer; by F. M. Crawford . Romance at lh(^ antipodes: by Mrs. I! Douglass ..... of a mummy; by T. (iautier of a poor young man; by O. iM'uillet of a schoolboy: by Miiry A. Denison R., Lamb .Sir Wa. Handbook by 813.R6;3.S S13.R63 93 813.R(;3.9 813.R63.i16 S13.W664.6 784. R6 330.9 R6 33].3.R6.9 331.3 R6.7 330.3. R6 949 3.R6 831. R63 315. B6.. 5 833.N666 66 S13.R634.0 813.R634.19 S13.R034.4 813. l!634..')06 813.R034..50 813.R634..5 813.R634 78 813. U634.79 944.04. j;6 944 03 R6 944. 01. BO 833.L383.664 S13.L444.66 833.A4.6 943. R6 533 R6 830.9 L3.P 930. 1!6 917.R64 813.11644.7 917.4 R64 Ift813.A0O.6608 813.A00 660 813.A00 6608 In S13.A00 664 813.A00.fi04 S13.A0O.668 . S13,A00.663 to813.A0O.()63 In S13.A00.667 . 813.A00.li634 . 813 A00.667 /il 813. AOO 6634 . 8I3.A0O.(;6S /kSI3.A(KI.(;()0 174.6. R6 . 813.C609.0G D. 813.DG8fi.6 843,(108.66 S43.F:.'S.6 8I3.D;'6I.C) Romance of Bollard; by Mary H. Cather- wood 823.0083.3 of electricity; by . I. Munro . ()31.3 M8 of the age; by E: E Dunbar . 979 4.D8.0 of the forest: by Anne Radclitfe 8:i3.R021.6 of the Forum; by P: Burke . 340.9.B8 of the republic; by L. Maria Child . 813 C34.66 of the revolution: by O. B. Bunco . 973 3.B()6 of war; by ,Ja. (Jrant ... S33.('i6.665 Boniances and extravaganzas; by T. De Quincoy 8:33. D386 of chivalry; by J: Ashton . 940.4.A7 Ivonianes, G: J: Animal intelligence . .591 S.Rfi Darwin and after Darwin . 575.R6.30 Jelly-fish, star-lish and sea urchins . 593.8 R6 Mental evolution in man .... 151. R6 Scientilic evidences of organic evolution .575. P»6 Ivoniantic school. The; by H: Heine /ft914.3.A3 tales; by Mrs. D. M. Craik . . 833.C604.665 Romany Rye; by (i: Borrow 833.B66.0 Romney, G:; by Lord Ronald (lower 759.;3.R6 Romola; by Mrs. M. E. Cross . . 833.C667.U Romulus, Hist, of; by J. Abbott 937.01. R()5 Roosevelt, Theo. Benton. T: H. . 973.5.B36 Essays on practical politics 3.50 4.R6 Morris, (louverneur 973.3. M06 Naval war of 1812 973.5. R6 New York 974.71 R6 Wilderness hunter 799 R6 Winning of the west. 3 vols . . 977.116 Roper, Stephen. Catechism of high pressure, or non-condensing, steam engines 631.1.R(i.l Handbook of modern steam fire-engines 621.68 R6 Handbook of the locomotive . 621.13 Rii Use and abuse of the steam-boiler . . 621.18 R6 Young engineer's own book 621.1 R6 Ropes, J: Codman. Array under Pope . 973.7.R6 Campaign of Waterloo, wiUi altas . 944.05. R6. 9 Napoleon, The first 944.05.N0.6(i Rorer, Mrs. Sarah T. Canning and pre- serving 641.R6.1 Home candy making .... 643.R6 Hot weather dishes 643 R6 Mrs. Rorer's Philadelphia cook book . 641. R6 Rory O'More: by S: Lover . 823.Lfi8.6 Rosalie's pet: by Joanna H. Mathews . 813.M083 66 Rosamond; by Maria Edgeworth In S23.E33 Roscher, W: Principles of political economy. 3 vols 33O.R07 Roscoe, Sir H. E. Chemistry . 540.3 R6 *Roscoe, SirH. E., and C. Schorleninier. Treatise on chemistry, viz.- Non-metallic elements .... 546.1. R6 Metals. 2 vols 546.3 R6 Organic chemistry. 6 vol?. . . .547.R6 Roscoe, T:, (c. (lerman novelists 833.R6 Italian novelists 853.R6 Spanish novelists . . ■ . . 863.R6 Roscoe, W: Leo X, Life and pontilicate of. 2 vols 382.L2.10 liorenzo de'Medici, Life of . . . 945 5.Tj6.6 Rose, Joshua. Mechanical drawing 744.R6 Rose, Stewart, fjoyola, St. Ignatius, and the early Jesuits 371.5.L6.6 Rose and the ring; by W: M. Thackeray 823.T3.fi6 in bloom; by L. M. Alcott 8I3.A416.()6 Mather; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes . 813.1t(;455.6fi of 100 leaves; by Mrs. A. E. Barr . 813.15066 (567 of l^iradise: by H. I'vle .... S13.P9.66 KOSKXBUSCH i:{- KUKSKIili Uosenbusch, H. Microscopical physi- ography of the rocU-iiiaking minerals ."i4Sl.l{ii UosciiK'urten, .1. G. (iiriiuiii sulilicr in till" wars of llif l'. S '.I7:M!I17 UoKonkruiii^., .1: K. F. I'lijlusophy of (>d- Moalion :i70.1 \W llosenilial, I. (iciu'ral pliysioloijy of mus- cles and iiorvos .... 01:^.8. K(") IJoses and lilies of Christendom: by C. Biirke 270.1W ItosU-rucians, The: by H. Jennings. 3 v 30G.4.J2 Hoslyii'.s fortune; by Fes. C. Fisher , . 813 F473.Cit) Itos.s, \v. A. lilowpipe, The .^i44.;i.U0 IJosseUi. Dante (;,; by Jos. Knight 820.'.). IM7.4 llos.'.etti, W: >li<'li. Keats, .1 :, Ijife of . 8:;i).'.iK'-'.(i Jto»<.«itii, Giiiuchino Aiiloiiio, and his school: by II. S. Edwards. (CJr. musi- cians.) 780.UI) Itoss-sliire bnll's: by Ja. (irant 823.(50.007 Itotlirock, J. T. Vacation cruising in Chesapeake and Delaware bays . U17.53.R0 Ivothsohild. M. I>. IIand-bool< of pre- cious stones . . 730. KC liotTischiUls, The; by .1; Keovos 333.1. R6 Kotliwcll, It. I'. Universal bimetallism. lit- 333.43.K0 IJouKh and ready: by Horatio Alger, ./r. . 813.A432.04 ll<>u$(liiiijg it; by S: L. Clemens '.»17.9.C43 Koiiiiil dozen, A ; by Sarah C. Woolsey .S13.\V0(>47.6() my bouse: by I'h. G. Hamorton . 914.4.H()").0 IJouiul-robin series Damens ghost; by E: L. Kynner . S13.B9.2 Desmond hundred; by Jane G. Austin . 813.AS7S.22 Dorothea 813.DG00S Fanchette; by J: E. Cooke , S13.C0044.2 Georgians; by Mrs. E. II. Hammond 313.II055.3 Leone; by L. Monti 813.M000S4 4 Madame Lucas 813.MO205 llachel's share of the road; by E: E. Hale 813.11043.0 Strike in the B— mill .... 813.Ste44 Koiiiiil table, e(c.; by VV: Hazlitt 834.1109.0 ISoiiiulabotit journey; by C: 1). Warner . 914. VVO Kous.seaii, J. .1. Emile. (Inter ed. ser ) 370.110.3 Itdiisseau. Tlieodore; by J: VV. Mollett . fii759 4.M4 lloussi'let, li: Tale of the Indian mutiny 833.K6S7.8 Koutlertge, Uol>. Discoveries and inven- tion of 19th century ... (>09.R6 Ron.v, Hugues Ije,fim(.I. Garnier. Acro- bats and mountebanks .... 791. R08 Koux, Jos. Meditations of a parish priest 242.K0 Kovor of the Andes: by R. M. Ballantyne 918.1504 IJow, C. A. Christian evidences viewed in relation to modern thought . 239. R09 ♦Howbothani. .1: F: Hist, of music. 3 v. 780.9 i;09 Private life of the gn^at composers . 781.0.Rii Uowhothaiii. T: Sketching from nature 741. RO llDHcny in Boston; by M. L. I'ool . S13.PiiO4.10 Uowlaiids, Dan. Fishguard invasion by the French in 1707 941..-|7.K0 Roxy; by E: Eggleston .... 813 E334.00 Koy the royalist: by W: VVestall 833.W278.0 Koyal grace and loyal gifts; by Fes. R. llavergal 240.H0 gentleman: by A. VV. Tourgee . . 813.T(W0.G0 girls and royal courts; by Mrs. M. E. W. Sherwood 390.9.Sh3 Uoyal Highlanders: by Ja. Grant 833. GO 009 rociment, c(c.; by Ja. Grunt . 823 GO. 0090 IJoyoe, .lo.siali. California 979.4.110 Uellgious aspect of philosophy 301.110 Spirit of modern philosophy 190.K0 Uozier, Firniiii. Hist, of thi> early set- tlement of the Mississippi valh^y . . 977.R09 Uubeiis, .SI) V: l»anl; by C: W. Kelt Knbinslein, .\nlon. Autobiography 780. RS Conversation on music .... 780.R8 Music and its masters .... 7SO.R8.5 Ruby's husband; by Mrs. M, V. Terhune 813.T30flS Kiidall, II. A. Beethoven 780.K3 Undder Grange: by Fk. R. Stockton . S13.St014.08 Uuddcr Grangers abroad: by Fk. R Stockton 813.St014.083 Hiidolph of Rosonfoldt; by .1 : W. Spear . 813.Sp30 Rnllini. G. D. Doctor Antonio 8.-)3.R8.2 Lorenzo Benoni 8.53.R8.4 Rufus and Rose; by II. Alger, ,/)■. , 813.A433.0ri Riii.sdale. Jacob Van; by Fk. Cundall . 7.'i9.9.R84 Rulers of India; ed. by SirW. W. Hunter Thomason, Ja.: by Sir R: Temple . 954.T3 Rulers of the Mediterranean; by R: H. Davis 9ie.D0 Rules of discipline: Friends . . 289.0.R8 Runaway brig; by "J a. Otis'" Kaler . 813.Ko430.eS- RunninK to waste; by G: M. Baker . 813 B0433.0'. Ruskin,.J:, Art teaching of; by W. G.Col- lingwood 709.RS.1 Studies in; by E: T. Cook 709.i;s.l0 Ruskin, J: Complete works. 30 vols. CoNTE.N'Ts: Vols. 1-4. Modern paint- ers 7.50. Iv8 Vols. 5-0. Stones of Venice 733. RS. 7 Vol. 7. Seven lamps of architecture; Architecture and painting; Study of architecture; Poetry of archi- tecture 730.7. R8.7 Vol. 8. Two paths; Lectures on art: Political economy of art: 1 're- Raphael itism; Pleasures of Ens- land 707.R8.S Vol.9. Elements of drawing . 740.K8 Vol.10. Ariadne Florentina; Art of England: Mornings in Florence 70O.i;s Vol.11. Sesame and lilies; Ethics of the dust; Crown of wild olive; Queen of the air .... 370.4. US Vol. 13. Time and tide: Unto this last: Muuera pulveris; Eagle'snest 331. Its Vol.13. St. Mark's rest; Val D'Arno; Gur fathers have told us . 94.5.3 R8 Vol. 14. Laws of Fesole; Proserpina 7.59.5. lis Vol. 15. Dinicalion; Poems . 551. R8 Vol. 10. Arrows of the chaee; Love's meinie 704.K8.0 Vol. 17. Miscellanea: King of the golden river: Construction of sheepfolds 704. RS 5 Vols, ls-20. Fors clavigera; Stonu cloud of 19th century 331. RS 3 King of the golden river .... S33.K87.4 On painting 7.50.R8.0 Russell, A. R. Characteristics 814 RS7.1 Clubof one 818.RS Library notes S14.R87.4 Sub-coelum 335 9 RS Russell, G: W. F. Gladstone, VV: E. . 943 OS.G40.0 Russell, H:, (mil \V: Gattie. Uiiin of the Soudan 910.02. R8 Russell, W. Clark. Dam pier. VV: . 910.9.D0 Emigrant ship, The .S33.R877.'35 Ida Noble, Tragedy of .... 8'33.R877.42 RUSSELL i:j« SAINT Russell, \V. Clark, (Condudal) Jack's i-ourtship 823.R877.40 Jenny Harlowe, Romance of . 823.R877.6(5 List, ye landsmen! 823.R877.44 My Danish sweetheart .... 833.R877.59 Ocean tragedy 833.R877 Sailor's sweetheart .... 833-RS77.7 Sea queen 823.R877.73 Wreck of the Orosvenor .823 R877.9 Russell, W: Howard. General Todle- bon's history of the defense of Sebas- topol 947.07.T6 Russian proprietor, c'c ; by Count Leo Tolstoi 80L73.TB.6S Ruth, the gleaner. e(c.; by W: M. Taylor 222.3.RIJ Ruth Eliot's dream; by Mary Lakeman Erskine's crosses; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden Ruiherfortl, J: Troubadours, The Rutherford; by Edg. Favvcett Kutlcdge; by M. C. Harris Kyun, Abrain .J. I'oems Ryan, C: Systematic drawing and shad ing Ryan, Marah Ellis. Pagan oftheAlle . ghanies Squaw Elouise .... Told in the hills .... ISydberg, \'iktor. Roman days Ryder, Annie H. (io right on, girls Rylands, L. Gordon. Crime 813.L043.6 813.A4334.C8 840.9. R8 813 F09 08 8I3.H0IJ6.C8 811. R9 515 6.R9 813.R90.0 813.R90.7 813.R90.8 937.CJ6.R9 374.R9 3B5.R9 s S., K. A. B. Virginia Dare . 813.S.8 Snbliiith readings for the home circle . 389.3.SaO Sahina Zc^mbra; by W: T.lack . .833.154014.70 Sachs, .Julius von. Hist, of liotany, 15.30- 1860 580.9.Sal *Sacred hooks of the east; ed. by F. Ma.K Muller. Vols. 1-35, 37, 39, 40. Contents: Vols. 1, 15. The Upanishads, tr. by F. Max Muller Vols. 3, 14. Sacred laws of the Aryas, tr by G: Huhler .... Vol. 3. The Shu King: The religious portions of theShih King, aiiif The Hsiao King. tr. by Ja. J>egge . Vols. 4, 23. 31. The Zend A vesta, tr. by Ja. Darmesteter (Tud L. H. Mills Vols. 5, 18. 34. 37. Pahlavi texts, tr. bv E. VV. West Vols 6, 9. The Quran, tr. by E. H. Palmer Vol. 7. The institutes of Vishnu, tr. by J. Jolly Vol. 8. The Bhagavadgita; The Sa- natsugativa, awl The Anugita, tr. by Kashinath Trimbak Telang Vol. 10. The ])hnmma|)ada, tr. by I'. Max Muller: The Sutta Nipata, tr. hv V. Fausboll .... Vol. 11. Ruddhist Suitas, tr. by T. W. Rhys Davids .... Vols. 12," 26. The Satapatha-Rrah- manii.. tr. by .1. Eggi-ling Vols 13, 17, :20. Vinava te.xts, tr. by T W. Rhys Davids and H. Olden- berg . Vol 16 The Vi King, tr. by Ja. Legge ...... V(d. 19. Tlie Fo-sho-hing-stan-king, tr. by S. Heal Vol 21 The Saddharma-Pundarika, tr. by H. K'ern .... Vol.33, (iiiiua Sutras. Pt. 1, tr. by H. Jacobi Vol. 25. Laws of Manu, tr. Iiy (i. Ruhler Vols. 27, ;28. Legge Vols. 39, 30 The Grihya-Sutras, tr. by H. Oldenberg; Apastamba's >agiui,-Parnili:isba-Sulras, tr. by F. Ma.\ Muller . . . '. Vol. .32. Vedic hymns, tr. by 1''. Max Muller Vol. 33. The minor law IkioUs Narada. Hriluispati, tr. bv J. Vol. 34. Th(^ Vedanta-Sutras (J: Thibault Vol. 35. The iiiiestions of King Mi- linda. tr. by T. W. Rhys Davids The Li Ki, tr. by J a. Pt. 1: -Jolly tr. by 394. MS S 394.B8.7 399 5. L3.7 395. DO 395 W3 ;297.M6 294.J6 394. Ko 394. M8 294 DO 394. E3 394.D0.S 299.5 L3.9 294. R3 294. K36 299.11.J0 299 BS 299.5. L2.4 294.04 294.M8.83 294.J0.5 1294. T3 294. DO. 5 *Sacred books of the east. CoNTENT.s: (Concluded) Vols. 39 40. Te.xts of Taoism: Tao Teh King, Writings of Kuang-Ze, The Tliai-shang tractate of actions and retributions, tr. by J. Legge . Sacred hymns and spiritual songs .Saddle and moccasin; by Fs. Francis. ./> . Sadlier, Agnes. Heroes of history . Sadtler, B: Tables of economic min- eralogy Sadtler, S: I*. Chemical experimentation Saft'ord, \V:H.,«/. Rlennerhassett papers Sailor boy: by W: T.Adams boys of '61; by Ja. R. Soley Sailor's sweetheart; by W. C. Russell Saint-Aniand, Inibertde. FAMOIIS WOMEN OF THE FRENCH COURT. Miric Antoinette and the end of the old regime 944.03. MO, 7.1 Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries . Marie Antoinette and the downfall royalty Citizeness Bonaparte Wife ot the first consul Court of the empress Josephine Happy days of Mario Louise . :299..5.L2.8 345.Sal 799. F60 ;i04 Sa3 .549.1.Sa3 .543. Sa3 973.4. B43 813.A209S.08 973.7.So4 833.R877.7 .944.03.M0.7.3 of .944.03.M0 7 3 944.04.J07.7.1 944 04.J67.7.2 944.04..JG7.7 3 944.05.M0.7.1 Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire 944.05.M0.7.3 Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814 .944.05 MO.7.3 Marie Louise, the return from Elba, and 100 days 944.(I5.M0.7 4 Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVlII 944.06.B3.4 Duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X 944.06. B3 1 \VOMEN OF VERS.MI.LES. Court of Louis XIV .... 944.93.L14 Court of Louis XV 944.03.L15 Last years of Louis XV .... 944.03.L15,4 Women of the Valois court . 944.03.Sa0.9 St. Aufjustine; by J: R. Musick ' . 813.MS7.3 Barllioloinevv's eve; by G; A. Henty . 944 039.H3 Elmo; by Mrs. Augusta E. Wilson . 813.W447.70 <;corKC and St. Michael; by G: McDon- ald 833.M36.70 (;<-orKe for England; by G: A. Henty . 944 02.H2.7 Odes and St. James; by D. Jerrold 823.J2C.1 SAINT IS', SAII/.AV "inil llt'limjlo'ilic. Life '. Aiiduhiiii llic luitiii- lower; l>y \Va by A Rernardiii tie. I'aii hy Sir Wa. Scott do Konvroy de; by C Mo -through a St. Heller, H. W. Krnst.and utiien. Selec tions for violin St. John. H:, li-r by A. Ilnssiill St. .lohii, .1/I-.V Hor alist St. Katlioriiio's by tin Uesant Mark's rosl; bv .1. Kiisliin >!ichaoI; liyE. Wornor . *\ioholas. Vols. 1 /i. i(ii'(. riiilips: by Mrs. M C. Harris. SI. I'iori-o, ,1. H. Bornni-iliii dr Harino St. Pierre, .1. H ami Virginia St. Uoiinn's well; .Saint-Siiiioii, L W. Collins .... Saiiit-Siinon li: de Itouvroy de moirs. 3 vols. .... St. \aloiuiiie'.>; day; hy Sir VVa. .Scott Willi I'l-od's; by F: W. Farrar .Saiiiic-lteuve, C. A. Monday chats Portraits of mon ... Portraits of women ... Saiiitine, X. U. IMcciola Saintsbury, G: Uorby, Knrl i if- Dryden, .1: Essays in lOnglisb literature Kssays on I'Vonch novelists Marllinroiiuli Salaiiian, >lalcoIin. Woman man's eyeglass .... Salathiel the immortal; by (i: Croly Saloiii chapel; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant Salisbury, Kr>b. Art. T. G: C, marqiiin by H. 1). Traill Salliistius Crispus, C. [Works] Sally Dows, etc.; by Bret Harte Williams: by Mrs. E. D. Cheney Saliu-Salm, Feliv. My diary in Mexico, 18(17, eir Salt, H: S. Animal's rights Salt, .s'ii- Titus; by .la. Burnley S.-ilt watiT; bv W: H. (J. Kingston Saltillo boys; by W: O. Stoddard Salvage ..... Salvini, Thoniniaso. Leaves from (his autobiography .Saniantlia among the l)rethren; by M Holley at Saratoga; by M. Holley at the centennial; liy M. Holley on the race problem; by M. Holley Sanip.son, H: Hist, of advertising . Sam's chance; by H. -Mger, ./>. Samson, Mmr. Toussaint-. Parisian ii Bra/il Samuel !l44.03.Sa7.1 '.)4-4.03 Sa7 .S33.Scri.5 S;ri F()0Ci,7 !l44.Sal)..''i !)44.Sa(l.ri(i 044.SaO ('.9 843.Sa4.l', '.I42.0.S 1)2 S;;o '.I. IXV.i .S30.n Sa4 S40 9.Sa4 940.7.M06 39{;.Sa4 823.C&)4.7 823.0446.704 n43.08.Sa4 878.3.Sa4 si3.nons.7 S13.C326.7 972.07.Sa4 179.3, Sa4 f)77.Sa4 823.K4i;3,S.70 813.StG2.70 813.Sa48 792. Sa4 817.H644.7 817.H044.77 817.Hi;44.4 336..8.H0.7 6.')9.Sa.-> S13.A432.87 918.1.Sa5 222.4.Sa.').2 823. T3 7 8I3.Sar,8.-20 7W».Sa5 rufl.Sa'i 949.7. Sa") San Kraiicisuo, ci'f)/ and park commissiimcrs. Report, 1890 3.')3.C0.29.() San Kosai'io ranch; bv Mrs M. H. Elliott 813 E4 Salvador; by Mrs. M. A. Tincker . . S13.T4(1I.7(1 ■Saiia(sui;aliya, The; tr. bv Kashiuath TriniliaK T(^lang ;k;.'94.K'(1 Sanborn, P. n. Howe, Dr. S (i. :!(i2. Ilil Thoreau, H: D. 810 9.T3 Sanborn, K. B., i-i/. Emerson, K. W. 191 3.E.1.13 Coethe, .1: W. von 8.30.9, ({(i. 70 Sanborn, P. B., and W: T. liarriH Alcott, A. Bronson. 2 vols. . 19I,9.A4.7 Sanborn, Helen J. Winter in Central America and Mexico .... 9I7.28.Sari Sanborn, Kate. Adopting an abandoned farm .... ()3().Sa(J Trnlhful woman in Southern California 917 94.Sa(i Wit of women 808.7. SaO Sand, George, psnnl. Sci: Dudevant Mm'. A. Ii. A. D. Haiiday, W. Inspiration .... 220.1. SaO .Sandeau, Jules. Madeline 843.Sai;.r) Seagull rock ,s43.Sar).7 Sanders, Ijloyd C. Sheridan. K: B. 793.Sh2.7 I'almerston, Viscmnt 942.08.P0.7 .Sanderson, J: 1». Republican landmarks 325.1. Sa(i Sandford.J: Church at home 2rj0.Sa62 Sandl'ord and MerUjn; by T: Day 823.D09 .Sandford and Morton, iSew hist, of; by F. C. Burnand 823.B86 ri Sandra Belloni; by (1: Meredith . S33.M2G2.70 Sane lunatic; by Clara L. Burnham . . S13.B8663.7 Sanford, Mrs. 1). P. Fisk and his llock . S13.SaC3.2i; From May to Christmas at Thorne Hill . 813.Sa('i3.260 Little brown house, e'c. . . ■ . 8!3.Sa63 44 Pussy Tip-toe's family .... S13 Sa62.0 Sankey, C: Spartan and Theban su- premacies 938 Ofi SaG Sant' Uario: by F. M. Crawford . 813 C609.70 Santa Claus, St. Nicholas and Kriss Kringle 813.SaO on a lark; by W. Gladden 813 (i403.7 Sara Crewe; by Mrs. F. H. Burnett . 813 B8GG 70 Saracinesca; by F. M. Crawford 813.0)09.7 Sarah De Berenger; by Jean Ingelow . S23.IG32.7 Sarcey, Prancisque. Fo Hi, Miseries of 847.Sa6 Recollections of middle life 840.9.Sa6 Sargent, Epes. Peculiar 813.SaG3.G Woman who dared ' 811. SaG Sastorresartus; by T; Carlyle 824.C0(j Sartorius, Ernestine. Three months in the Soudan 91G.62.Sa,0 Satan.st<)e; by .1. F. Cooper 813.CGRG.33 *Satapatlia-Brahmana, The; tr. by ,J. Eggeling. 2 vols 294.E3 Satin-wood box, The; by .1 : T. Trowbridge 813.TGG9.70 Saul and Samuel; by W; J. Deane 322.4. Sa5.3 Saunder.s. P: Salad for the solitary and the social 817.Sa8 Story of some famous books 8:20.4. Sa8 Saunders, P:, i:d. Addresses; historical and patriotic, centennial and quadren- nial 973. Sa8 Saunterer, The; by C; (i. Whiting 818. W3 Sauntcrings; by C: D. Warner 914. WOG Sau7.ay, A. Wonders of glass-making GGG.l.Sa8 SAVONAROLA 138 SCHUBIN Savonarola, Girolaino. Life and times; by W: Claris 282.SaS.l Life and times: by P. Villari. 3 vols. . 382.Sa8.8 *Sawyer, Art. Rob. Accidents in mines in N. .Staffordshire coal-field (B2.8.Sa8 Saxe, J: Godfrey. Poetical works. . 811. Sa9 Saxe Holm's stories. 3 vols. ... 813 Sa93 Say, Leon. Turgot 33(3.TS.7 Sayce, A. H. Ancient empires of the east 930.Sa9 Intro, to the science of language. 2 vols. 401. Sa9 Principles of comparative philology 4Ol.Sa9.0 Races of the Old Testament . .TCJ.g.Sag *Scaire, Wa. B. America: its geograph- ical history 9V().Jr) *Florentine life during the renaissance . 94.5.5.Jr>3 Scallavvag, The; by Urant Allen 823.A443.7 Scalp hunters, The; by Mayne Reid 917 8.E24 Scamper through Spain and Tangier: by Marg. Thomas 914.6.T3<; Scaiinell, Flo. and Kdith. Dulce's prom- ise 833.SC0.3 Jean Noel 833.Sc0.4 Lischen and the fairy .... 833.ScO.447 Little musician S33.Sc0 448 Scapegrace Dick; by Fes. M. Peard . S23.P30G7 Scarlet letter; by N. Hawthorne 813.H09.7 Scartazziai, Giovanoi A. Handbook to Dante SSl.l.'i.ScO Scenery of the Pacific railways and Colo- rado 917.8.Sc2 Scenes of clerical life; by Mrs. M. E. Cross 823 C667.3 Schaack, Micb. Anarchy and anarchists 33r).SchO Schaflf, Ph. Church and state in U. S. . 3;3.ScliO Hist of the Christian church. 6 vols. 370.SchO I'rogress of religious freedom . . .270.SchO.G Schattle, A. Impossibility of social dem- ocracy 390.SchO Quintessence of socialism . 33.5.Sch02 Scharf, J. T: Chronicles of Baltimore to 1874 ....... 97.'J.2.Scb0 I lift of the Confederate Slates navy 973.7 SchO SchefTel, .Tos. Victor von Ekkehard. 3 v. 833.Sch22.3 Soberer, Kdm. Essays on Eng. literature 830 4.Sch2 Soberer, W: Hist. of German literature. 3v. 830,9.Sch2 Sobiller, F: Life; by T: Carlyle . . in 830.9.C6 1 Life; by 11: W. Nevlnson . . . 830.9.Sch4 ILifej; by JaSime 830.9.Sch4.7 Sobiller, F: Aesthetical and philosoph- ical essays In S31.Sch4 Historical dramas 833.Sch4.3 CiiNTKNTs: William Tell; DonCarlos: Demetrius; Mary Stuart; Maid of Orleans; Bride of Messina Poems, and Essays 831.Sch4 Romances, oy days in Italy; by A. Laurie . S.'i3 LO 7 Schooner Mary Ann; by J. Abbott . 813.A00.087 Schopenhauer, Art. Life; by W. Wal- lace . . • 193.7.Sch6.9 Life and philosophy; by Helen Zim- mern 193.7.Sch0.94.5 Schopenhauer. Art. Art of literature . 8.30.4. SchO Counsels and maxims .... 193.7. SchO.l Fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason: On the will in nature Religion Studies in pessimism .... Wisdom of life World as will and idea. 3 vols "Scborlemmer, C, and H. F. Roscoe. Treatise on chemistry, viz.— Non-metallic elements .... Metals. 3 vols. Organic chemistry. vols. Schouler, Ja. Hist, of U. S ") vols. Jefferson. T: Schrader, O. Pre-historio antiquities of the Aryan peoples .... Schreiner, Olive, tllnlpli Inm). Dream life and real life 823.Sch(;2.3 Story of an African farm . 833.SchG3.02 Sohroeder, Seaton. Fall of Maximilian's empire 973.07.SchO Schubert, Franz; by II. F. I'rosl 788.Sch8 Sobuhin, Ossip. Erlach Court 833.Sch8.2 Gloria victis ... 833.Sch8,3 Leafless spring 833.Sch8.4 Our own set 833.Sch8.0 193.7 Sch6.2 193.7.SchG.O 193.7.Sch0.7 193.7.Schn 94 l93.7.Sche.96 :">40.1.R6 r)40.3.RG 547. R6 973.Schf) 973.4..I2.7 .57!.Sch4 SCHVCHAUUT 130 SCUDDER Schlipinann's excava- of bi'iiting anil A. F. Maitlaiul iiul musicians. 'Jv Kthical import l,ifL' of. vols Si'hiioliardt, V tions Scliuiiianii, F. Manual Vfntilatioii Scliiiiiianii, lti>l> ; by .1. Scliiiinanii, Koli. Music Scliiiriiiaii, Ja. Guuhl. of Darwinism Sohiirz, Carl. Clav, II: Scliut/.oiibergor, I'. IVrmcnlatiou Si-liuyl8Sch8 S7()'.).T2 Birth and ed- ,s:i'.i.7.3..Sch'.l.7G Alaska's great river !»17 9S.Sch9 919..S.Sch9 Nimrod of the North . U19.8.1Sch4 6 *l!eoortof a military reconnai>ance in Alaska, 18S3 917 9S.U,!S.W0 SIolly Elliott. Berkeleys and their neiglibors Children of destiny .... Jones. Paul Little .larvis Maid Marian, clc Midshipman Paulding .... Midshipmen's mess. The Throckmorton . . . . ^ Through thick and thin .... .Second son. The; by Mrs. Oliphant and T: B. Aldrich to none; by Ja. Grant .... . wife. The; by E. Marlitt Secret of Narcisse; by Edm. (.rosse . of the Andes; by F. Hassaurek Sedgwick, Tlieo. Public and private economy. 2 vols Seeholini, F. Era of the Protestant revo- lution Seek and find; by W; T. Adams Seekers after God; by F; W. Farrar Seeley, C: Sumner. Lost canyon of the Toltecs Seeley, J: Hob. Pixpansion of England . Goethe reviewed after 60 years Napoleon I, A short hist of Natural religion Seemann, O. Mythology of Greece and Rome Seguin, E: Family thermometry Segur, P, P. d(!, annte. Hist, of the pedition to Russia in l'^13. 3 vols. Seidcl, Hob. Industrial instruction Seller, Emma. Voice in singing SeisH, Jos. A. Children of silence Miracle in stone ... Selby, Prideau.\ J: Parrots . Pigeons Selected stories; by O. P. Read SeU'e, Ho.se !•;. Arnold, T; Semmes, Hapliacl. .Service alloat Semper, li: Animal life . Seneca, Ij. Annaeus. Minor dialogues On chuncncy Oji benefits Sense and .sensibility; by .lane Auste 833.B37.73 917.19.F() 63.5 SeS 63.5.Se0.6 813.SeO.O S13.Se0.1 973.3.J6.7 813.Se0.4 S13.Se0.50 S13.Se0.5 /n813.Se0.S3 S13.SeO.S 8)3.SeO.S3 813.0447.73 833.G6.73 833.M06.7 823.t;67 S13.H077.7 330. Se3 940.7.Se3 813.A2098 74 188. FO S13.Se3 943. Se3 S30.9.G6.73 944.05.N0.7 3in.Se3 292. Se3 616.075. SeS 944.0.-). NO. 73 371.43..Se4 7S4.9.Se4 363.4.Se4 913.63.Se4 r>9S 8.tie4.60 .-.98.8.Sq4.6 813.R3.7 .371.A6.7 973.7. Se.-) STS.S.Ser) 188.6..Se6 :> I88.6.Se6.6 823.A87.7 SeptimiusFelton; by N. Hawthorne 813.II09.73 Seraphita; by H. de Balzac 843. BO 7 Serapis; by G: Ebers .... 833.Eo.73 Sergeant, Adeline. Beyond recall 833.Se632.0 Christine 823.Se632.I Esther Denison 833 Se633.3 Life sentence 833.Se633.4 No saint 833.Se633.6 Sergeant, Lewis. Greece 949.."i.Se6 Sermons out of church; by Mrs. U. M. Craik 353.4.C60 to the clergy; by M. A. Dodge . 241. D8 Serrao, Teodoro. Brushes and chisels 813.Se6 Service afloat; by R. Semmes . 973.7.Se.'> Serviss, Garrett P. Astronomy with an ooera glass .')33.Se6 Sesame and lilies; by J. Ruskin 370.4.R8 Sesselberg, Martha F. In Amazon land 869.Se7 Sessions, Pk. C. From Ycllewstone |iark to Alaska 917.9, He7 In western Ijevant 914.6.Se7 Seth's brother's wife; by H. l<'rederic . 813.F623.7 Settler, The, and the savage: by R. M. Ballantyno 916.8. B04 SettlersinCanadaf bvF: Marryat . . 833.M066.73 Seven daughters; by A. M. Douglas . 813.D68.7 hills. The; by .la. DeMille . . 813.D3.i4.93 lamps of architecture; by J: ftuskin 730 7 R8.7 little sisters prove their sisterhood; by Jane Andrews 910.7. A0.3 little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air; by Jane Andrews 910.7.A6 .Sevenoaks; by J. G. Holland S13.II644.7 Severa; by E. Hartner .... S33.H068.7 Severance, M. S. Hammersmith 813 Se83 Sevier, J:, as a commonwealth-builder: by Ja. R. Gillmore .... 97i; s.SeS Sevigne, Mmc. de. [Life]; by (!. Boissier 840 9.SeS.0 [Life]; by Mrs. R. Ritchie S40.9.SeS.8 Seward, W: H. Adams, J: Q. . 973.r).A340.7 Travels around the world 910.4 Se9 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty . 636 l.SeO Sewell, E. »I. Hist, of the early church 2Sl.l.Se9 Sl'orza; by VV: W. Astor .... 813.A78.73 Shabby genteel story; by W: M. Thack- eray ....... /H833.T3.6 Shackelford, J; W., Memorial addresses on . . . . Q . . . Ill 973.8. L6 .Shaokl'ord, C: C. Social and literary papers . " . 304 ShO Shadow of a dream; by W: D. Howells . S13.HG92.73 of the sword; by R. Buchanan 823.B817 Sliadows of Shasta; by Joaquin Miller . 813.M444.7 Shatt'er, Virginia C How to remember history 907. ShO Shaftesbury, FiiH earl of; by H. D. Traill 942 06,ShO SliaCtesbury, Third earl of; by T: Fowler . 193.9.ShO Shaftesbury, SeroiWi cfi,)-; n/; by H; I'rith. 361. ShO Shairp, J:C. Aspects of poetry 8OS.l.Sh04 Burns, Rob 8209.BS6 Culture and religion in some of their re- lations 304, ShO Poetic interpretation of nature S04.Sh04 6 Portraits of friends S24.Sh04 Studies in poetry and philosophy . S20.9.Sh04.7 Shakespeare, W: Craik. G: L. English of Shakespeare , , . s:23.33.Sh0.1.3 SHAKESPEARE 141 SHIH Shakespeuro, W:, (Cnm-luilnl.) Corson, II. Intro, to stiuly of Stiiikps- pearo s:2-j as.SliO.Kl Dowdon. E: Shakespoaro (Lit. primers) /HSS;i.l.llii.31 Shalcospearo 8','3.;i3.IX><.t Kairholt, F. W. Homo of Shal.Sh3 ;i73.3.Sh3 91Cj.S.Sh3 '.109.Sli3 910.7,. Sh3 S23.Sh2 830 9,Sh3.7 830.U.Sh3 S31 Sli3 973..').VO Shedd, AV mixed Shehlon, K. A instruction Shehlon, liouiwe Vescclius girls in Zulu land .... Shehlon, i>l. D. Studies in general history Sheldon, M. French-. .Sultaii to Sultan Shelley, Mrs. M. AV. Fraiik(!usteiu Shelley, I'ercy Bys.she. Life; by VV: Sharp [Life]; by J: A. Symonds Shelley, Percy Bysuhe. Poetical works. 4 vols Shepard, F: M. Van Buren, Martin Shepard, Hazel, purwl. So- Sniitli, Helen A. Shepard, Mabel S. Cruise of the steamer "Rush" in Behring sea, 1889 . 917.9S.SIi3 Shepherd, 3/?-,s. K. K. For girls fl3.Sh2.3 Shepherd, R: Cirouud and credibility of the Christian religion [178SJ . :'.39.Sh3G Sheppard, Mm. Eliz S. Charles Auches- ter S'33.Sh36 1 Counterparts 833.Sli2(3.1(3 Sheppard, Nathan, al. Darwinism stated by Darwin himself .... .')7.'). 1)00.7 Sherburne house; by A. M. Douglas . 813. DOS. 73 Sheridan, Ph. H. Personal memoirs. 3v 973.7. Sh304 Sheridan. R: Brin.sley. [Lifel; by Mrs. Oliphant 792.Sh3 Life; by L. C. Sanders .... 793.Sh2.7 Sheridan, U: Brinsley. Dramatic works 833. Sh2 Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of; by A. C. Doyle 833 1)094.733 Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of; by A. C. Doyle 823 1)094.73 Sherman, J: Life and public services; by S. A. Bronson 973.S.Sh20 Sherman, AV: T. Headley. .1. T. (irant and Sherman U7.'i.7. II3 Bowman, S. M.. and It. ]!. Irwiii. Sher- man and his campaigns . 973.7.Sh3 Sherman, W: T. Memoirs. 3 vols. 973.7.Sh3 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. AV. Amenities of home 173. Sh3 Art of entertaining 391.1.Sh3 Home amusements 793.Sh3 Manners and social usages . . . 39r).Sh3 Royal girls and royal courts 390.9.Sh3 Sweetbriar 813.Sh26.7 Transplanted rose 813.Sh30.8 Sherwood, Sidney. History and theory of money 333.Sh3 Shields, G. O. (Coiiuina.) Battle of the Big Hole y78.fl.Sh4 Camping and camp outlits . . 799.Sho Cruisings in the Cascades . 799.Sh4.1 Hunting in the great west; or. Rustlings in the Rockies 799.Sh4 *Shih King, The religious portions of; tr. by Ja. Legge r)i399..i.L3.7 SHILLABER 142 SIX Doiiblo-ninncT club Ag(^ of r.he world, and Suijremacy of Unly vol Shillaltcr, B. P. Ike I'artingtoti Shimeall, 11. C. '■Sif,'n.s of the tiinos," c(c. Sliiiin, C: H. Mining camps Sliipp, J: Memoirs of [his] oxtraordinarv career Shirley, Wa. A. Scripture, etc, Shirley; by Charlotte Bronte . Shiiikichi Shigenii. Ja|ianesoboy Shdbei-l, F: Austria: manners, customs, etc Shoemaker, C: O., a:l. Holiday enter- tainments Shoemaker, J. W. Practical elocution *Shoppeirs modern houses. Selected do- signs from. F Shore, H: N. vSmuggling days and smug- gling ways Short, A: Witness of the spirit Short, J: T. North Americans of an tiqnity ...... Short studies on great subjects; by .1. A Kroude 4 vols Shorthouse, J. H. Blan,;he, Lady Falaise Countess Eve, The John Inglesant Little schoolmaster Mark Sir Percival Teacher of the violin, etc. Shoshone, elc ,• by Edwards Roberts Shoup, W: J. (Jraded didactics. ; Hist, and science of education 'Shu King, Tlie; tr. by Ja Legge Shiiniway, Edgar S. Day in ancient RonK! ..... Siberian exiles; by T: W. Knox Sicilian romance; by Ann Radcli Si<-kles, Ivan. Exercises in wood-working Si(l(Ions,il/r.s. Sarah; by Nina IL Kennard Siilgwiok, Air. Fallacies Sidney, Marg., pxcud. See Lothrop, Mrs. Ht. M. Sidney, ,Sir Ph. [Life|;-liy H. R. Fox Bourne I Life); by J: A. Symonds Sidney, .Sjc Ph. Arcadia , Sidney; by Marg. Deland . Siege of London, etc.; by 11: James . Siegfried, The story of; by Ja. Baldwin Sienkievvic/,. H. Deluge, The. 3 vols. Fan Michael With lire and sword .... Without dogma Sights and insights: by Mrs. A. 1). ■; Wtiitney ...... Sign of four; by A. Conon Doyle Signal boys; liy (!: C. Kggleston .Signor Monaldini"s niece; by M. A.Tickncr SigiiH and si^asons; by J: Burroughs Sigrid; l)y J. T. Thoroddsi!n SikcM, Win. British goblins. Welsh folk lore, etc SihiH Lapham, Rise of; l)y W: D. Howell: Silent partner; by Mrs. K. S. I'helps Ward 8i:i. W0(B;3 74 Fete; by -Ma. Otis" Kaler . . 813.K042ri.74 le. a V S13.Sh44.3 817. Sh4 380. 3 Sh4 343.73. Sh4 a54.Sh4 330 1 Sb40 833.BlJli(i.7 91.5 3 Sh4 39LShG0 371 33.Sh(J 3 808 5. She 738. ShG 343, She 373. Shoe .i71.Shl) ' 040. Fe 833 Shoe, 04 S33Shii6-l(; S33.ShGC.4 S33.Sh6e.44 S33.Shee.74 S33.ShGe.S3 917.8. Reo 370.7. Sii6 370.9. She /n399.5.L3.7 937.Sh8 S13.K0e9.7 823 R031.7 37L43.Sil 793.Si3 lG.5.Si2 943.0,5.813.0 830.9.Si2 833 Si3 S13.D340.74 813.JO.53.74 830.9. B0.7 891.8,53.Si3.2 891.8.53.Si3.93 891.853.Si3.9 891 853.S13.6 813.W3480.74 833.De94.7 813.E334.3.7 81.3.T4G1.7 .504. B8 7 839.83 T3 .398. Si4 813.H693.(i4 Silliman, A: E. scenery . .Silver cily. The; (lallop among American by !• 917.3.814 A. Obcr 917.3 003 medal. The; by J: T. Trowbridge . 813.TGG9.74 pitchers; by Louisa M. Alcott 813.A4ie.7 Sime, Ja. Goethe, J: W. von.. Life of 830.y.(;G.7 Hist, of Germany 913.Si.5 Schiller 830 9.Sch4 7 Simnis, AV: Gilmore; by W: P. Trent S10,9.Si.5 Simms, W: Gilmore. Beauchampe 813 Si.55.13 Border beagles 813.Si.55.&10 Charlemont S13.Si55 1 Confession 813.Si.5.5.1G Eutaw 813.Si55.30 Forayers, The 813.Si.5.5 3 (luy Rivers 813 Si.55.3 Katherine Walton 8I3.Si5.5.4 Kinsmen. The 813.81:55.7 Mollichampe 813.Si55.5 Partisan, Th(! 813.81.55.6 ■ Richard Hurdis .813 Si.55.64 Scout, The 813 8155.7 Southward ho ! 813.8i55.7G Sword and the distatf .... 813.8155. 96 Vasconselos 813.8155.8 Wigwam and thecabin .... 813.Si55.9 Woodcraft . • 813.Si.55.96 Yeraassee 813.Si55 960 Simon, Jules. Cousin, Victor Government of M. Thiers. 2 vols 944.08.Si5 Simple adventures of a racinsahib; by Sara J. Duncan Simpleton, A; by C: Reade Simpson, E:, ani Sir E: J. Reed. Mod- ern ships of war *Simpson, J. H. Report of explorations across the great basin of Utah in 18.59. Q Simpson, Matthew. Life; by G: Crooks .Sinclair, Angus. Locomotive engine .Sinding, Paul C. Hist, of Scandinavia to 1858 Singer, A, from the sea; by Mrs. A. E Barr 813.B066.74e Sinners and saints; by Phil Robinson 917.3. R6 Sintram andhiscompanions; by La Motte Fouqne 7iiS33.F08.8 Sir Amyas Leigh; by C: Kingsley . 833.K4e37,93 Brook FosslirooU: by C: Lover . . 833.L:i82.74 Gibbie; by G: MacDonald . 833.M3G.74 Harry Hotspur; by Ant. Trollope . S:i3.Te64.74 Jasper Cari^w; by C: Lever . 833.L383.744 Percival; by J. H. Shorthouse . 823.She6.74 Tom; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphanl . . 8:J3.0446.74 Sismondi, J. C. Ij. S. de. Literature of the south of Europe. 3 vols 809.Si7 Sister Dolorosa; by Ja. Ij. Allen m 813.A443.34 SaintSulpice; by A. P. Valdes 863.V0.7 Susy; by Rebecca S. Clarke 813.C4oe46.403 to Esau; by Mrs. A. E. Barr . . 813.BoeG.74 Sisters, The; by A. C. Swinburne 821.8w4e.7 bye hours; by Jean Ingelow 833.1633.74 Si.\ cent Sams: by J. Hawthorne 813.H094.7 girls; by Fannie B. H'ving . 813.1693.7 old English chronicles; ed. by .LA. Giles 943.01. Si9 813.D8.7 833 R303.7 633.9. R3 .5.57.93.U.S.W0 R. 287. Sio 631.13.Si6 948.Si6 SIX 1 + 3 SMITH Six to Sixteen: by J. H. Ewina . years ago: by .'a. (fraiit . . Si/.i'raniie, Muiiricc lie la. lilincl, The, as seen thnnifjh blind eyes . Skeel, Ailelaido. My three-legged story teller SkeUoii. J: Poetieal works -.' vols. .'^k.-iie, Alex. .1. C. Education and cul- ture as related to the health and dis- eases of women Sketch book: by Wash. Irving Skou-hes by l!oz: by C: Dickens. 2 vols. Skcii-hcs of creation: bv Alex. Wincheli. Sketching rambles in Holland: byC: H. Houghton Skinner, O. N Care of the eyes Skinner, T: Fifty years in Ceylon . skinioxve. li. f. Hist, of I'arliament Sliidcn, DiinKlas II. W. Australian poets, 17SS-1SS8 •laps at home SMiiimer Christmas SInden, Douslas, IJ. W., cil. Younger American poets Slags, C: Sanitary work in the smaller towns and in villages .... Slater, J. Herl)ert. Engravings and their value Slaler, J:, itiul T. It. Smith. Architec- ture: classic and early Christian Slater, S: Memoir; by (i: S. White .Slav and Moslem; by J. M. N. Krodhead Slav or Saxon: by W: D. Foulke *siooman, C. Torpedoes and torpedo warfare Sloeping-car, The; by W: I). Ilowells . Sleight, Mary B. Flag on the mill Slingo, AV., (i)id A. Brooker. Electrical engineering Sloane, T. O'donor. Arithmetic of elec- tricity Electric toy making for amatcnirs . Electricity simplilied Home experiments in science Sloane, AV: M. French war and the rev- olution slow and sure: by H. Alger, jr. Small house at Allington; by Ant. Trol- lope Smart, Hawley. Master of Hathkelly Smart, AA': Theory of value Sme5I VV4i; 7 914.93.HG ('.13.84, Sk4 '.l.')4.8.Sk4 343.43. Sk6 S21..Sll)2 ;ii.^..3.sio S31.S10.7 sn.sio 038.810 7G0.S1O 733.Sm4 677 SlO 9-l!l.:>.TiO ■147. FO 033.i).SI2 813.H0'J.7 813.S124 031.3 S14 .•>37.S10.0 5:!7.SI6.3 .-.37.810.24 :>30.S1G 973.3.S10 813.A433.84 833.T6G4,75 823.SmOfi8 r> 330 4.Sm() 320.y.Sra3 17().Sm4.1 170.Sm4 2 173.Sm4 177.Sra4 306. L4.7 17().Sm4.7 331 84.Sm4 620. XO 330.;).8m4 330.!I.Sm4.3 330..Sm4 323. Sm4 Smith, C: Hannllon. Dogs . r)99.7.Sm4 2 Horses . .%99.7.Sm4.3 Intro, to mammalia , . , r)99.Sm4 Sndth, lOdg, F. I'^lectro-cliemicai ;inaly- sis :.i:,.3.Sui4 Smith, R: Foods i.Cl.Sml Smilh, I'UiK. T. (/,. T. Meml. \. Daddy's boy 8;3.Sm4S.3 Dob and the duchess . ' . . 823.Sm48.23 House of surprises 833.8m48.3 Medicine lady 823.Sm48..')2 Sweet girl srraduate 823.8m4!5.79 Smith, K. Canary, The ... 030 O.Sm4 Manual of veterinary physiology 019..Sm4 Smith, l'\ Harrison. Through Abyssinia 910.3. Sm4 Smith, F. Hoyikinson. Colonel Carter of Cartorsville 813.Sm48.l Well worn roads of Spain, Holland and Italy 914. Sml White umbrella in Mexico 917.2-Sm4 Smith, F: A. A. Keep your mouth shut 013.1.8m4 Smith, G. Barnett. Prime ministers of tjueen Victoria 942.0S.Sm4 Victoria, Life of 942.08. \'4.7 William I, and the (ierman empire 943.08 W4 Smith, G: Assyria to the fall of Nineveh 93r).2.Sm4 Assyrian discoveries .... r)7LSm4 Chaldean account of Cienesis . 222.ll.Sm4 Hist, of Babylonia 93.'') 4.Sm4 Smith, Goldwin. Austen, .lane, Life of 820 9.A8.7 Canada and the Canadian question 917.1. 8m4 Cowper, W: 820.9. C09 Three English statesmen . 943.0G.Sm4 Trip to England 914.3.Sm4 United States, The 973.Sm4 Smith, Helen AiiiMlie (Hazel SliriMi-d). C.reat cities of the ancient world 930.Sm4 (ireat cities of the modern world 912. Sm4 One hundred famous Americans 973.Sm4.0 Smith, H:B. Faith and philosophy 204. Sm4 Smith, H: Boynton; by Lewis F. Stearns 3S.-..8.Sm4 Smith, H: Preserved. Inspiration and inerrancy 22(i l.Smt Smith, I. G. Characteristics of christian morality 171 7.Sm4S Smith, J Buoknall. Wire . . 071 Sm4 Smith, .J: Cotton. Certain aspects of the church Smith, Jos. Life; by C: Q. Cannon .Smith, Jos. Fearl of groat price Smith, .los., tr. Book of Mormon Smith, .Urs- Julie P. Widow (ioldsmith's daughter Chris and Otho Widower, The Marrii^d belle. The Ten old maids Courting and farming .... His young wife Kiss and be friends Lucy Blossom Bud Smith, Laura Alexandrine. Through Romany songland Smith, M, P. (.ireat match and oilier matches ....... 360 8m 4 298.Sm44 298.Sm4.0 298.Sm4.0 813Sm4.1 S13Sm4.3 813.Sm4.3 813.Sm4.4 813 Sra4.5 813.Sm4e S13.Sm4.7 813.Sm4.8 813.Sm4.9 813.Sm4.90 :i97.Sm4 S13.Sm4833.3 SMITH 144 SOCIAL Smith, Ph. Hist, of the Christian church to 164S. 3 vols 270.Sm4 Smith, K. Bosworth. Lawrence, Lord, l^ifeof. 3 vols 954.L09.7 Mohammed and Mohammed ism . . 397. Sm4 Home and Carthage 937.04.Sm4 Smith, R. Payne. Prophecy a prepara- tion for Christ 231.1.Sm48 Smith, Richmoiitl 31. Emigration and immigration 33.5. Sm4 Smith, Roderick H. Science of business 650.Sm4 Smith. S. R. Marriage process in the U. S. 393..5 Sra4 Smith, Sydney. Essays .... 304. Sm4 Wit and wisdom S37.Sm4.9 Smith, T. Roger. Architecture: Gothic and renaissance 733.Sm3 Greek architecture 733.8. 8m4 Smith, T. Roger, n?id J: Slater. Archi- tecture: classic and early christian . 732.Sm4 Smith, Uriah. Marvel of nations . . 289.3.Sm4.68 Thoughts on the book of Daniel . . 389.3. Sm4.3 Thoughts on the book of Revelation . 389.3. Sm4.6 Smith, W. li G. Life at the South; or, "Uncle Tom's cabin as it is." . . 813.Sm4S9.4 Smith, AV: JNew Testament history 235. Sm4 Old Testament history .... 331. Sm4 Smith, W: A. What is Calvinism? 3S5.Sm4 Smith, AV: Farrar. From Chattanooga to Petersburg 973.7.Sm4 SmolJe; by L Turgenleff .... 891.73.T8.75 Smolce abatement comniittee. Report, 18S3. Q. U38.53.M0 *SmoIlet, T. Hist, of England. 4 vols . 943.07.SmG Smollet, Tohiaa G. Life; by D: Hannay 830 9.Sm6.3 Sniujisicr, The; by (!: P. R. .Tames . 833.J05.75 Smyth, Kgbert C, and uthern. Divinity of Jesus Christ 333.8. Sm9 Progressive orthodoxy .... 330.Sm9 Snarleyyow; by F: Marryat . 833.M066.7 Snedeker, Florence W. Family canoe trip ■ 797.Sn3 Snider, Denton J. Goethe's Faust. 3 v 833.63.(}6.76 Shakespearian drama, viz: Comedies 823.33-Sh0.76.1 Histories 832.33.Sh0.7t3.3 Tragedies 833.33 ShO.76.3 Walk in Hellas . . . . 914.95 Sn4 SQodgrass, W:, (mtJ J: G. McKendrick. Physiology of the senses . ei3.8.M4 Snow Image, etc.; by N. Hawthorne . 813.H09.7(i man; by Mme. A. L. A. D. Dudevant ,S43.D83.7IJ Snowherries; by Alice Gary . . . 813.C003.76 Sniiu'-hound at Eagle's; by Bret Harte . S13.H0<)8.76 Snyder, W: Li. (!(>ography of marriage . 393.5. Sn9 Soanies, H: Doctrines of the Anglo- Saxon church 383.So05 Social diiparture; by S. J. Duncan . 910.4.DS dIsi'Msi's and worse remedies; by T: H: Huxley 339.H8 lialiitations and para'^ltlc nests; by .1. G. Wood .5!K).WC.7 horizon 301. Sol Social reform and the church; bv J: K. Commons . . ' . . .304. CO Socliil science sericH. Avi!llng, K: Student's Marx . 331.M0.0 Aveling, E: mid E. M. Working class movement In America 331.2.A8.3 Social science series, (Conttnued) Balmforth, R. New reformation 304.B04 Ba.\, E. B. Ethics of socialism 335.B0.3 Outlooks from the new standpoint 304.B0 Religion of socialism .... 335.B06 Story of the French revolution 342.44.B0 Beaulleu, P. L. Modern state In rela- tion to society and tiie individual 331. B2 Bernstein. E: Ferd. Lassalle . 335.5.L0 Bllsjard, W. Ethic of usury and Interest 333.8.B4 Basanquet, B. Essays and addresses . 304.B6 Carpenter, E: Civilization . . 304.C05 England's Ideal 330.4.CO Colt, S. Neighborhood guilds . 361. C6 Coulanges, F. de. Origin of property In land 333 3. CO Crepaz, A. Emancipation of women . 396.1. CO Daly, J. B. Dawn of radicalism 942.07.D0 Dawson, W: H. Bismarck and state socialism 335.5.D0.0 German socialism and Ferdinand La- salle 335.5.D0.2 Unearned Increment .... 333.DO Engels, F; Socialism .... 335.E6 Working class in England in 1844 331.8.E6 Goddard, J: (i: Poverty. . . 339.G6 Godwin, W: Political justice . 331. G6 Gronlund, L. Our destiny . . . 335.G66 Guyot, Y. Principles of social economy 330.G8 Hervey, M. H. Trade policy of the im- perial federation 337. H3 Higginson. T: W. Common sense about women 396.H4 Holyoake, G: J. Self help 100 years ago .334.H6 7 Hyndman. H. M. Commercial crises of of the 19th century .... 333 H9 Irish peasant 914.15 16 Jones, L. Owen, Rob. : life.times, labours Kebbel, T. E. Agricultural labourer . 331.8.K3 Lafargue, P. Evolution of property 330.L0 Laveleye, E. de. Lu.xury . . 331. LO Leilingwell, A. Hlegitamacy, etc. . . 176.L3 Linton, W. J. English republic . . 331.7.L4 Loch, G. S. Charity organization . 361. L6 Loch, C. S.. mid othen. Criticisms on Gen. Booth's scheme .... 339 B6.4 MacMlllan, M. Promotion of general happiness 171. M5 Mitchell. K. Drink question ... 178 M4 Morris, W:, n»d E. B. Bax. Socialism . 335.M6 Morrison, W. D. Crime and Its causes . 364 M6 Naquet, A. Collectivism and the social- ism of the liberal school 335.NO Nicholson, J. S. Effects of machinery on wages 331. 3. N4 PIzzamlgllo, L. Distributing co-oper- ative societies 334.5. P4 Potter, B. Co-operative movement In tireat Britain 334. P6 Ritchie, D: G. Darwinism and politics 330.R4.8 Principles of state interference . . 335.6.R4 Robertson, J; M. Eight hours question .331.81.R6 Fallacy of saving 330.R6 Modern humanists .... 192.R6 Rocquain, F. Kevolutlonary spirit pre- ceedlng the French revolution . 343.44. R6 Rogers, J. 10. T. Eight chapters on work and wages 331.3. R6.9 SOCIAL 14.-> SPAKKS Sot'ial science series, (Concluded) Schallle, A. Impossibility of social de- mocracy 39O.Sch0 Quliitesseiico of socialism 335.Sch03 Skottowe, B. C. Hist, of I'arliament 342.42.Sk() Smith, A. Wealth of nations 33().Sm4 Social horizon 302.Sol Spender. J. A. State and pensions in old age 235.0. Sp2 Stiibos, C: W: Land and the laljourers 333. StS Thompson. U. M. T'urse and the con- science ....... 330.T3(J Wallace. A. R. Land nationalization 3.33.1. Wo Webb, S. r.ondon programme 3.3') LW2.4 Socialism in England .... 335.1. W2.T White. A, iiHrl ()(/((■)■«. Uostituto alien in lireat Britain 339. W3 Winter. A. Now York state reformatory at Elmira 364. W4 Social silhouettes: by Edg. Fawcett 813.FO'.).7 struggles; by H. II. Boyesen S13.B()92.7 studies in England; by S. K. Bolton 390.BU.7 Society and solitude; by K. W. Emerson . 191.3. E5. 7 Society of tlie Sons of tlie Revolution. Constitution, by-laws, membership [IS'.XJ] 300.SoiJ Soldier boy; by W: T. Adams . -. 813.A209S 07 Soldier's secret; by C: King . 813.K4031.7 three; by R. Kipling .... 823 K4G4.7t) Soley, Ja. R. Blockade and the cruisers 973.7.N08.04 Boys of 1S12 973 5.So4 Sailor boys of '61 973.7. So4 Solitudes of nature and of man; by W. R. Ak'er 814 A43 Solomon; by F: W. Farrar . 223.5.So4.2 Some literary recollections; by Ja. Payn 824.P(K» Persian tales; by W. A. Cloustnn . 891.55.C4 Somerset, H: C P., and othirs. Driving 798 So5 Hunting 799.So5 Somerville, Mrs. Mary; by 1". Browne ,520.9.So5 Something occurred; by B. L. Farjeon . 833.F064.7 .Son of a prophet; by G: A. Jackson S13.J0.7 of a star: by B: W. Richardson . 813.R413.7 of Issachar; by E. S. Brooks . . 813.86662.7 of old Harry; by A. W. Tourgee . . 813.T686.7 of the organ grinder: by M. S. Schwarz S.39.73 Sch9.76 of the soil: by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant 823.0446.766 Songs of summer lands; by Joaquin Miller 811.M44.7 Sons and daughters: by Mrs. Ellen W. Kirk S13.K464.76 of the sires 329.5.So() of the soil; by H. de Balzac . . . 843 B0.76 Sophocles. [Life]; by L. Campbell 882.2.So6.1 ILife]: by C. W. Collins . . . 882.3..So6.10 Sophocles. Oedibus tyrannus . 7n821.Sh2.Vol.3 Tragedies 882.2.So6 Sophomores of Radcliffe; by E. Kellogg 813.K244.93 Sorei, All). Montesquieu . . 840.9 M66.7 Stael. Mme. de 84().9.St0.7 Sought and found; by(!. Raimund 833.R0.7 .Soul of the far east; by P. Lowell . . 915.2.L0 South Kensington, Travels in; by M. D. Conway 708.2 CO South Kensington museum art hand- books. Bell. J: Chemistry of foods . 014.3 B2 Birdwood, G: C. M. Industrial arts of India 609. 1!4 Charapeaux, A. de. Tapestry . . . 746.03 South Kensington museum art hand- books, (I'linHiolal.) Church, A. H. English earthenware 738.C3.20 English porcelain 73S.C3.2 Precious stones 549.C38 Cripps. W. .1. College and corporation plato 730. CO Dyce and Forsler collections 708.2. D9 Fortnura, C. n. Bronzes .... 739 F'O Maiolica 7.38. FO Franks. A; W. .Japanese pottery . 738.F60 (.iasuault, P., anil K. (Jarnier. French pottery 73S.GII Ilildebrand, H. Industrial arts of Scan- dinavia in pagan times 571.114 Industrial arts: hist, sketches 004.16 Jones collection 708.2. JO Maskell. A. Russian art . . 70S.7.M0 Maskoll, W. Ivories .... 736.MO Nesbitt, A. (ilass 600.1. N2 Pollen, J: H. Furniture. . 749 P6 Gold and silversmith's work 671 P6 Poole, S. Lane-. Art of tlie Saracens in Egypt 709.P6 Redgrave, R. Manual of design . 745. R2 Riano, J. F. Industrial arts in Spain 609.R0 Rock, D. Textile fabrics e77.R6 Stokes. M. Early Christian art in Ire- land . ." 709.St6 Worsae, J. J. A. Industrial arts of Den- mark 609.W6 South Kensington museum science handbooks. Church, A. H. Food .... 013.3.C3 Food-grains of India .... 633. C3 Holmes, G: C. V. Marine engines and boilers 621. 12. HO So. Kensington Museum. Handbook of the special loan collection of scientilic apparatus .507. So8 South sea whaler; by W: li. G Kingston 823.K4638.708 Southern cross fairy tale; by Kate McC Clark 823.U4.7 empire, etc.; by O. T. Morton . 320.4.M0 planter; by Susan D. Sraedes . . 326.9.Sm2 Southey, Rob.; by E: Dowden . 830.9.So8 Southey, Rob. Nelson, U., Life of . 942.07.N24.7 Poetical works. 5 vols 831. So8 Wesley. J:, Life of . . 287. W2. 7 Southward, J: Printing machinery 055.3.So8 Southward ho! by W: G. Simms . 813.Si.55.76 Souvenirs of my time; by Mrs. J. B. Fre- mont 973.F03.7 Souvestre, Emile. Attic philosopher' in Paris 843.So8.0 Workman's confessions .... 843.So8.9 Sowed by the wind; by E. Kelloes 81.3.K:M4.261 Spalding, J. L. Education and the nigher life 370.4.SpO Spanish story of the Armada, etc. ; by J. A. Froude 904.F68.7 Spare hours; by J; Brown, M. D. 3 vols . 828.B6.7 Sparhawk, Kes. C. Lazy man's work . 813.Sp063.4 Spark of of genius: by E. Kellogg . SI3.K244.92 Sparks, Jared. Washington, G:, Life; of . . .• . . 973 3.WO.7.V0I.I SPARKS 146 STANLiKY Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of American biography. 10 vols .... 973.SpO CoxTKNTs: Vol. 1 J: Starke: . C: B. Brown; R: Montgomery; E. Allen. Vol. 2. Alex, Wilson; Capt. J: Smith. Vol. 3. B. Arnold. Vol. 4. A. Wayne: Sir H: Vane. Vol. ij. .T: El lot. Vol. G. VV: Pinkney; W: Ellery; C- Mather. Vol, 7. Sir W: Phips; I. Putnam; Lu- cretia M. Davidson; D: Rittenhousc. Vol. 8. .)ona. Edwards; U: Brainerd. Vnl. 9. Baron Steuben; S. Cabot: W: Eaton. Vol. 10. R. Fulton; J.Warren; Father Marquette. Sparks from a geologisfs hammer: by A. Winchell .'i01.VV4(J Sparrow the tramp; by L. F. Wesselhoett 813. W3 Spoakiiian, T: H. Divisions in the so- ciety of Friends 389 G.SpS Spear, J: W. R\idolph of Rosenfeldt 813.Sp20 Specht, G: J., f!ii(/ others. Topographical surveying 530.9.Sp3 Spectator, The. 10 vols . J'ii040.BC4.Vols.6-15 Spell-bound fiddler: by K. Janson . . S39.83.J06.7 Spence, H. D. M. Cloister life in days of Cunir de Lion 271. Sp2 Speiice, Ja. M. Land of Bolivar. 2 vols. 918.7.Sp2 .Spencer, C: C. Art of playing the piano- forte 786.3.Sp2 Spencer, Orson. I'rominent doctrines of the fjatter-day Saints 39S.Sp3 Spencer, Herbert. Epitome of "Syn- thetic philosophy"; by F. H. Collins . 193.8,Sp2,3.1 .Spencer, Herbert. Ceremonial institu- tions 394.Sp3 Data of ethics In 170.Sp3. Vol.1 Data of sociology .... In 301.Sp3.Vol.l Domestic institutions . . rn 301 Sp2. Vol.1 Ecclesiastical institutions . lu 3()l.Sp3.Vol.3 Education 370. Sp3 Essays O40.Sp3 Ethicsof individual life First principles .... 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Alcott Spinoza, Benedict; by J: Caird .Spinoza, Benedict. Chief works. 2 vols .Spinoza; by B. Auerbach . Spirit of '70; by A. W., tiri'l D S. Curtis of the age; by VV: Hazlitt of "the book"; by T: Ashe. 3 vols. Spirite; by T. Gautier Spitzka, E. C. Insanity . Spoft'ord, A. B. Manual of parliamen tary rules *Spoff"ord, A. R., (Hid C: Gibb.30.1.StO G38.3.StO 8:33.84014.78 974.4.StO 813.A878 7 943.1 StO 381 9. StO 296. SlG STANIiKY 147 STEVENSON Stanley, H: M. Murston, E. How Stan- loy wroto "In darkest Afn'i'ii'" VViuilcrs, A. J. Stanley's Kinin I'aslia cxprclition Stanley, H: M. Congo. Tlic. 2 vols. Cooniassio and Magdala How I found l.iviniistonc In darkest Afriea. :J vols. My dark conipanions and their strange stories My Kalulu Slavery and tlu^ slave trade in Africa Tlirongli the dark continent. 2 vols. .Stanley. 31jui(lo. Clubs for working girls *Stansbnry, Howard. lO.Kploration and survey of the valley of the lireat Salt Lake of Utah |18.M] .01 Stanton, St«'. B. liehringscni controversy Stanton, Theo., ed. Woman i|uestion in Europe Staiiwixxl, Is: Hist, of presidential elec- tions Star papers; by II: Ward Beocher Siai'c-Ue, C. N. Primitive family Starlight ranch, etc.; by C: King S Starr, Kliza A. Isabella, (luei'n of Castile Slai-r, F. On the hills .... Starr, I;: Hygiene of the nursery Slarrett, Helen K. Future of educa- ted women Letters to a daughter, <((:.; . Letters to a little girl . Letters to elder daughters Starry flair; by W: T. Adams Starry skies. The; by A. C.iberne Start in lif'-: by J: T. Trowbridge Staunton, H. Great schooLs of England SioatI, W : T Pope, The, and the new era Truth aliout Russia .... Steadfast; by Hose Terry Cooke Steam house; by .Tules Verne Stfain-hcatiii!; problems . . Stearns, K: .1. Faith of our forefathers Stearns, Vk.. I'reston. Real and ideal in literature Stearns. J. N., nt. Temperance in all na- tions 3 vols Strains, liewis K. .Smith, H: Hoynton . .St<-bl)ins, T: II. II. Hist, of Crustacea Stebhing, W: Peterborough SoHK! verdicts of history reviewed .Stebbins, G. Delsarte system of expres- sion Stebbins, Giles B. Am. protectionist's manual Stedinan, Edmund C. Nature and el(>- raents of poetry . Poetical works Poets of America Victorian poets Stedinan, Ediii. C, aiitiEIIen M. Hutch- inson, eds. Library o( American litera- ture. 11 vols steel. A G. Cricket . , Steel, .Wi-.i. K. A. From tlie live rivers Steele. Kes. Mary, and 10. I,. S. Adams. Beauty of form and grace of vesture (iiC]'.iir,.sio '.H17. WO UUT.StO.l IWT.SlO.Ki '.IKi.T.SlO.:! i.iui r.su) 1 Hilli.StO '.iiir.sui.."> rai.'.i.SU) !ll(i.7.SU)C) ;«K').stot) r.'.e.u.s.wii OTU.S.SIO 390.8 to IVJ.I.Stb ()40.B:i.T 3113 StO I3.K4I)31.7.S0 !)4(j.03.17 .'•>r)0.St0 fiW.StO 39G.4.St(«) 177. StO 177. StO. 4 3'J0.ii.Sl() 813.A3098.71 533.( !4 SI3.T()(i9.7S 37S.43.S10 363.13 Sl3 914.7.St20 813.C004G.7S S43.V3.7S ()2J.19.St3 383. St3 804.St3 178.St3 3S5.8.Sm4 .■i95.3li.St2 94(i.O.').l'2 904.St3 808.5. D3.7 337..^St2 S04.St33 Sll.St32 810.9.St3 820.9. St3 S10.8.S12 797. St3 S33.St23.2 701. St3 Steele, K:; by A. Dobson .... 830.9.St32 Steinit/,, W. Modern chess Inftructor 794. St3 Stella's discipline; by F. X. L. /nS13 1''473 4Ci Step aside, A; by Charlotte Dunning Stephen, Ijeslie. Agnostic's apology Hist, of Eng. thought in istli century. 3v Pop(^ Ale.x Swift, ,lona Stephen, M. I).; by Susan Warn(!r . si3.l)s(j(;.9s 14y.7.St3 ]'.l2.St3 .S30.9 I'Ci S30.9.Sw4 S13.WOIi(i7.7S Steplien Dane; by Amanda M. Douglas Stephens, Ale.v. H. Ueviewers reviewed War between the states .... Stephens, C A. t'.\MI'IN(; OCT SKIilKS. Camping out Left on Labrador .... Off to the geysers . . , . Lynx-hunting Fox-liunting On the Amazons ... Knockabout club alongshore . Knockabout club in the tropics Knockabout club in the woods .Stephens, F: G. Cruikshauk, (1: Landseor, Sir Edw Mulready, W Stephens, H. Morse. Story of I'ortugal Stephens, \V, It. W. Ilildebrand and hi limes Stepniak, S. 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Inland voyage Island night's entertainments Kidnapped ■ Master of Ballantrae Memories and portraits New Arabian nights Treasure island Virginibus puerisque S13, Dli8.7S 343.73.St2 343.73.St3 813.St3(13 11 8l3.St3G3.13 813.St'2«3.13 8I3.St303.14 S13.St3li3.15 813.St3lJ3.1() 917.1. St3 917.1. St3 917.41 St3 740.C(i 7.59.3.LO 7.59.3. Ms 94G.9.St3 370 7.cr, 914.7.St3.(i 914.7 St2. OS 914.7.St3.S 813 Pr,3().70 210.C4 in834.C0fi 830.9.St3(i 8;3.St36() 8 301.113.7 S33.St3SO 973.4.C.0 940 7.U8.7 675.St3 9]0.4.St3 910.7.SI3 914.7.St3 813.St383.93 834. St3 831. St3 S33.St283.14 831.St38 1 833 St2S3.20 S23.St2S3.34 914.140.813 834.St39.3 99G.St3 914.93.St2 S33.St383.4 823.St382.44 833.St382..50 824.St39.5 S33 St382.G3 823.St283.8G 834.St39.8 STEVENSON 148 STORIES Stevenson, Rob. L; and Fanny Van tie G. Dynamiter, The .... Stevenson, Hob. L:, and liloycl Osborne. Wrecker, The WronK box. The Stevenson, Sarah H. Boys and girls in biology Stevenson, W: P. Praying and working Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of en- ergy Physics Stewart, Balfour, ami P. G. Tait. Para- doxical philosophy . . . . Unseen universe Stewart, H: Dairyman's manual Irrigation tor farm, garden and orchard Stickney, A. B. Railway problem, The . Stickney, Alb. Democratic government True republic Stille, C: J. Dickinson, J:, Life and times of Great central fair for the U. S. sanitary commission, 1S04 ..... Studies in mediaeval history Wayne, Antony, and the Pennsylvania line in the Continental army *StilIman, W. J. On the track of Ulysses. Q Stillwater tragedy; by T: B. Aldrich Stimson, P. J. First harvests Guerndale Henry Vane, Crime of In the three zones Stockbridge, Hor. E. liocks and soils Stockham, Alice B. Tokology Stockton, Fk. li. Amos Kilbright, etc. Bee man of f)rn, etc. Christmas wreck, etc. Clocks of Rondaine, etc. . Floating prince, dc. (!rf at war syndicate House of Martha I.,ady or the tiger, etc. Late Mrs. Xuli Merry chanter Personally conducted Rudder Grange Rudder Grangers abroad, etc. Squirrel inn .... .Story of Viteau .... Tales out of school Tiiig-a-ling tales Watchmaker's wife, etc. . What might have been expected Stockton, Kob. V., Sketch of, etc. Stothlard, O: A. Across Russia Spanish cities .... Stoddard, .1: li. Stoddard, If: H: Stoddard, K: li Red-letter days abroad Poems , . . . Bric-a-brac ser- 833.St283.'39 823 St2S3 823 St2S3.96 577.St2 30e.St2 531.G.St2 530. St2 218.St3 6 218.St2 637.St2 631.St2 385. St4 331.4.St4 321.8.St4 073.3. D4I 361.St4 940.1. St4 973, 3. WOO 883.1. liO 813.A420.7 813,St457.24 813 St4.57 3 813.St457.32 813.St4.')7.4 553. sti; 613.9,St(J 813.St614.05 S13.St614.02 813.St014.1 813.St614.14 S13.St614.24 813.St614.36 813.StG14.368 813.St614.4 813.St614.40 813.St614.53 914.StO 813.St(;i4.G8 813.St614 682 S13.St614.7G 813.St614.78 813.St614.80 813.St614.S4 813.StG14 9 813.St614.93 979.4. St6 914.7.St() 914.6.St6 914.G.St6.6 SU.StG r.arham, R: Blessington, ('anipliell, T: Chorlev, II: F. Constable, Arch Dickens. C: (ill lies, Rob. P. ■li. II. . CDUntexH I 820.9.BO() In 820.9.L05.7 In 830.9 LO.5.7 830.9.C3(> G55.4.C6 In 830.9.T3,7 . In G'&i.Cr, Stoddard, li: H:, (oi. Bric-a-brac series), (Concluded.) Greville. C: C. F 942.08.G63 Harness, W: /«830.9.Bor) Hazlitt. W: /n 820.9. LO.5.7 Hodder, G; in 820.0. 1506 Jerdan. W; in 820.0 M666 Kelly, Mich In 820.9 04^ Knight, Cornelia 820.9.K64 Lamb, C: 820.9. r,0.'-,.7 Meriraee, Prosper 840.0.M2 Moore. T: Smo.MGGO O'Keefe, J: 830.9.O4 Planche, .la. R Jn820 9.C36 Ivaikes, T: rn820.9.K()4 Taylor, J: 7n820.9.O4 Thackeray, W: M 820.0.T3.7 Young, Julian C Jn8209.C36 Stoddard, n:li:,fmd iithers. Poet's homes 810.9.St(i.6 Stoddard, W: O. Among the lakes . 813.St622.05 Battle of New York 973.7. St63 Chuck Purdy 813.St623.13 Crowded out of Cro'field .... 813.St633 16 Dab Kinzer 813.St622.30 Gid Granger 813.St633 34 GuertTenEyck 813.St622.3 Inside the White House in war time 973.7.L4 78 Little Smoke 813.St623.44 Lives of the presidents, mz.: G: Washington 973 3.W0.7 J: Adams OTulT: Jefferson . . 973.4.A3.7 Ja. Madison, Ja. Monroe and 3: Q. Adams 973.5.M0.7 And. Jackson a^^cl Martin Van Buren . 973.5.J0.7 ■W: II: Harrison, J: Tyler and Ja. K. Polk 973.5. H0.7 Z. Taylor, M. Fillmore, F. Pierce and J a. Buchanan 973.6.T0.7 Abraham Lincoln and A. Johnson . 973 6.L4.7 Ulysses S. Grant 973.7.G6.7 R. B. Hayes, J. A. Garfield and C. A. 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StG Stories for home folks: by Mrs. S. J. \Ap- pincott S13.L46G3 from famous ballads; by Mrs. S. .L Lip- pincott 813.L466.2 '^"^ SULPHO-CARBON WALL PAPER CLEANER. ^^7, CLEANS THE BEST CLEANER ON EARTH. WALL PAPER, KALSOMINE AND FRESCOES, Removes all Smoke, Dust, Etc. and Makes Old Paper Brightas New. Does not Injure the Most Delicate Tints. f-'ull Directions for Using on Every Package. ONE PACKAGE CLEANS TWO ROOMS. PRICE FIFTY CENTS. CARDER BROTHERS, Sole Agents for Montana. — , — Wall Paper, ■HTindaw Qlass, Paints, Dils, Etc. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SMOKH^ ANACONDA FOR THE CAPITAL •:••:••:• •• •• FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS GUARANTEED ALL IMPORTED STOCK >5aB^. M. G. COHN. SOLE AGENT, TRADE MARK REGISTERED. 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Agnes of Sor rento Betty's bright idea; Deacon Pitkin'; farm; First Christmas of New England Chimney corner r)rod Minister's wooing My wife and I . . . . Nina Gordon .... Little foxes .... Old town folks .... Pearl of Orr's island Pink and white tyranny . Poganuc people t^ueer little people Records of an unfashionable street Uucle Tom's cabin Uncle Tom's cabin. Key to We and our neighbors 9.35. l.RO 933.R0.7 944. 02. MO 943 (iG 940.1. BO 938.110 943..5.Z4 949.2. Ho 943 9. VO 941..';. LO '.m M8 933. IlG 933. MO 9:i.'-).3.RO 94G.02.PG 940. 3. J 2 948.1. BO 93.i.G. RO 93.5.. 5. B2 939.44. RO 943.8. MO 940 9.St3 937. G 44 947. MO 953. (M 941. MO 940.110 949.1 lis 949.0 PO 945.5. B8 91G.7..I05 970 9 CO 970 3.T3 974 4 110 975.9. LO 974.7. BO '..77.I.B4 974 3.112 977 .5.T3 390, M4 813 K241 91 sio.o.Stoy 813.St69.03 813.St09.0S 39(i StO 813.St09.:;0 813.St69 .54 813 St69.59 813.St09.;36 177.SIH 813.StG9.:54 813.St69.63 813.St69.G4G 813 StG9 66 813.St09.683 813.StG9.92 813.St09.80 320.9.St6.8 S13.St69.92 STRACHEY loO SWABIAN Straohcy, Sir J: Hastings and the Ro- hillawar ns+.SKi Strafford. ;s( car; o/; by II. D. Traill . 043.06. StG 8 Sirahan, S. A. K. Suioiclo and insanity . 1.33 l.StiJ Straigliton 843, SKi Slranahan, C. H. Hist, of French paint- in? 75a 4.StO Strange adventures of a house-ljoat; by VV: Black 833.B4014.783 adventures of a phaeton; by W: Black 833. 154014. 7863 disappearance; by Mrs. Anna K. G. Rolilfe 813.R634.78 elo|)enicnt; by W. Clark Russell . /iiOM.EG 1S91-3 story; by E: (1: L Bulwer . 833. B849, 33 true stories of Louisiana; by G: W. Cable 976.3. Co.7 Stray studies from England and Italy; by J: R. Green 914 5.G63 Strcokniss, Aclolph. 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