■■/W' / QNION (:!OLLE()E ISS.^?S!^ UNION COLLEGE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY 1795-1895 "^'o s'lj- tItoHsiuid men Uuioii Collcf/e has been .wnu'thinu more than a name. To three thousand,, not yet wrapped In eternal site?iee, it is still a si/no)i//nt for four years of in- tellectual sfrnyyie and i)d<'lh'(tu((l joy, of yrou-in// discern- ment of vague outlines of the irorld of thouyht, [^riTTEK 4-5 Sub-Committees 5-6 The Program 8-18 The Proceedings 19-35 Alumni Dinner 23-25 Commencement Exercises 20-35 Conferring op Degrees 27-31 History op the College 37-76 Baccalaureate Day MORNING SERVICE Discourse by George Alexander, D. D 70-90 AFTERNOON SERVICE Conference on the Relations of Religion and Educa- tion 91-120 addresses by A. C. Sewall, D. D 91-94 B. B. Loomis, D. D 95-100 Rev. Walter Scott, A. M 101-109 Thomas E. Bliss, D. D 110-114 William Maxon, D. D 115-120 Frederick Z. Rooker, D. D 121-12() EVENING SERVICE Baccalaureate Sermon by Rt. Rev. Wm. C. Doane, D. D. 127-139 Educatoes' Day MORNING SESSION. SUBJECT, THE SECONDARY SCHOOL 143-182 addresses by Melvil Dewey 143-149 William H. Maxwell 150-171 C. F. P. Bancroft, LL. D 172-182 vii VI 11 CONTENTS. AFTERNOON SESSION. SUB.JE(T, THE COLLEOE . is;]-212 ADDRKSSES BY President Austin Scott 1S3-185 President Benjamin Andrews 180-197 President James H. Tayt.or li).S-i.M2 EVENING SESSION. SUBJECT, THE UNIVERSITY . 213-2-14 addresses by President Danied Coit Oilman 21:5-210 Professor William Gardner Hale .... 217-229 President G. Stanley Hall 230-244 Alumni Day CENTENNIAL BANQUET speeches by President Andrew V. V. Raymond . Chancellor Anson Judd Upson . Professor George Herbert Palmer Dean Henry Parks Wright .... Professor John Haskell Hewitt . Professor Charles F. Richardson De.aj^ J. H. Van Amringe Professor William ]Macdonald . Professor John Randolph Tucker Professor Oren Root Professor Anson D. Morse President Austin Scott .... President James H. Taylor EVENING SESSION Commemorative Addresses and Centennial Poem addresses by Charles D. Nott, D. D George F. Danforth, LL. 1) Stealy B. Rossiter, D. D. centennial poem by William H. McElroy, LL. D Memorial Day THE COLLEGE IN PATRIOTIC SERVICE addresses by Gen. Daniel Butterfield, LL. I). . Major Austin A. Yates Poem by ^Ik. Weston Flint 247-248 249-2.")7 258-259 201-203 203-208 208-270 271-274 274-270 270-280 280-283 283-284 285-288 288-291 293-331 293-295 290-310 311-327 328-331 335-347 33i>-336 337-a*6 347 CONTENTS. IX THE COLLE(iK IN PROFESSIONAL LIFK 348-420 ADDRESSKS BY W. H. Hklmk ^[oore 348-:}r)l J. Newton Fikro '.i')2-'M')7 Teunis S. Hamlin, D. I) :}()8-4()r) John Van Rensselaer Hoff, A. M., M. I). . . . 40(^-420 SEMI-CENTENNIAL OF THE ENGINEERING SCHOOL 421-435 ADDRESSES BY President Cady Staley 421-42G Warner Miller, LL. D 427-435 THE COLLEGE IN STATESMANSHIP AND POLITICS 437-407 addresses by Silas B. Brownell, LL. D 437-438 Governor John Gary Evans 439-443 Hon. David C. Robinson 444-455 Chables Emory Smith, LL. D 456-4(57 Commencement Day UNIVERSITY CELEBRATION 471-497 address by Eliphalet Nott Potter, D. D., LL. D. . . . 471-476 CENTENNIAL ORATION BY Henry C. Potter, D. D., LL. D 477-497 REGISTRATION 501-517 INDEX 519-524 ILLUSTRATIONS. UNION COLLEGE Frontispiece PAGE Union College in 1795 39 John Blair Smith 44 Jonathan Edwards 46 Union College in 1804 47 Eliphalet Nott 49 Laurens P. Hickok 57 Charles Augustus Aiken 58 Eliphalet Nott Potter 59 Harrison E. Webster 60 Andrew V. V. Raymond 61 Tayler Lewis 63 Isaac W. Jackson 64 Entrance to College Grounds 68 The Terrace 69 Powers Memorial Building 71 SKETCH OF THE COMMEMOKATIOX. THE PREPARATION. AT the aimual meeting; of the Board of Trustees of -^ Union College on June 27, 1893, Trustee R. C. Alex- ander moved the following preamble and resolution, pre- facing it by the remark that with the substitution of the word "century" for "half-century," the resolution was an exact copy of one passed by the Board of Trustees fifty years before : Wheeeas, The space of a century will have nearly elapsed before the next annual commencement since the incorporation of Union College ; and whereas, the expira- tion of such a period affords a fit occasion for reviewing the i^ast history of the institution, and commemorating the services of those among its patrons and alumni who have been called away by death therefrom. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to cooperate with a committee of the alumni in a joint committee to consider and report upon the time most proper for such a celebration, and to suggest such arrangements as may, in their estimation, be deemed best adapted to give interest and useful effect to the occasion. 1 UNION COLLEGE. ACTION OF THE ALUMNI. On tlie same day tbo Association of tlie Alumni, at its regular annual meeting, u[)()n motion of Edwai'd P. White, '79, adopted the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, The year 1895 will mark the completion of a full hundred years of the life of Union College, and Whereas, This fact will call for general rejoicing among the alumni and friends of the College, and will offer a most fitting occasion for celebrating the beneficent work and far-reaching influence of our Alma Mater, and for honoring the memory of those who, as officers, instruc- tors, graduates, or benefactors, have made the name of Union illustrious; and Whereas, The worthy commemoration of an event of such historic interest will require extended and careful preparations, therefore be it resolved, 1. That a committee of twelve, together with the Pres- ident of the Association, ex officio, be appointed from our most interested and loyal alumni to devise and perfect a plan for appropriately celebrating the centennial anniver- sary of the founding of Union College. The committee shall have power to add to their number by selecting at least one from each class. 2. That the Faculty and Board of Trustees be requested to appoint each a committee to cooperate with this com- mittee of the alumni. 3. That the joint committee be requested to report one year hence a definite plan for the celebration. ACTION OF THE FACULTY. On December 7, 1893, at a meeting of the Faculty of the College, a resolution was unanimously adopted author- izing the President to a]ipoint a committee of three to co- SKETCH OF THE COMMEMOKATION. 3 operate with tlie other committees in tiie celebration of the centennial anniversary of the College. ACTION OF THE UNIVERSITY. At the annual meeting of the Board of Governoi-s of the University, held in Albany, on January 23, 1894, Dr. Willis J. Tucker presiding, a resolution was adopted authorizing the chairman to appoint one representative upon the Centennial Committee from each of the Albany departments of the University, and directing that he shoukl designate himself as the representative of the Medical College. ORGANIZATION OF THE COMMITTEE. On December 14, 1893, the committees met in joint ses- sion at 203 Broadway, in the city of New York, made a temj)orary organization, and appointed a snb-committee on plan and scojje to report at a later meeting, wdiich they should call. Such meeting was duly held at the same place on March 8, 1894, and a permanent organization was then effected. The committee at the same time added to their number additional alumni members, as authorized by the resolution of the Ceneral Alumni Association, thus form- ing the Grand Committee of One Hundred; and desig- nated the members of the various sub-committees. The committee then heard the report of the sub-com- mittee on plan and scope, appointed at the December meeting, and after due discussion adopted a set of by- laws for the future direction of the Centennial Committee and its various sub-committees. It was decided that the celebration of the Centennial should be held during the Commencement week of 1895, and that the various Centennial exercises should be ar- ticulated with the regular exercises of the graduating 4 UNION COLLEGE. class ill such uiaiincr as iiii<;lit tlieroafter be agreed upon by the committees on Commemorative Exercises and on Banquet and Receptions, eoiipci-atiiig witli tlie Faculty of the College. The committee, as finally constituted, and its sub-com- mittees are indicated in the following list : THE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Hon. JUDSON S. LANDON, LL. D. \yy\. H. H. :\rOORE. Rev. GEORGE ALEXANDER, D. D. Hon. JOHN A. DE REMER. CHARLES C. LESTER. OF THE FACULTY. Prof. WILLIAM WELLS, LL. D. Prof. .JAMES R. TRUAX, Ph. D. Prof. B. H. RIPTON, Ph. D. OF THE UNIVERSITY. MEDICAL COLLEGE, . . Dr. WILLIS G. TUCKER. LAW SCHOOL, . . . Dean LEWIS B. HALL. DUDLEY OBSERVATORY, . Dr. SAMUEL B. WARD. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, Dr. ALFRED B. HUESTED. OF THE ALUMNI. Rev. ANDREW V. V. RAYMOND, D. D. Hon. ALEX. H. RICE, LL. D. Gen. DANIEL BUTTERFIELD, LL. D. Hon. ROBERT EARL, LL. D. Rev. CHARLES D. NOTT, D. D. Hon. CHARLES EMORY SMITH, LL. D. Col. CHARLES E. SPRAGUE, Ph. D. ROBERT C. ALEXANDER. Hon. CHESTER HOLCOMBE. HOMER GREENE. JOSEPH D. CRAIG, :\I. D. SEYMOUR VAN SANTVOORD. WILLIAM P. RUDD. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. OF THE ALUMNI. (ContiiHieil.) '26 '27 '28 '29 '30 '31 '32 '33 '34 '35 '36 '37 '38 '39 '40 '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 '47 '48 '49 '50 '51 '52 '53 '54 '55 '56 '57 '58, '59 '60 '61 Thomas Hun, M. D., '62 Charles T. Cromwell, '63 Zaccheus T. Newcomb, '64 Alexander Proudfit, D. D., '05 Jolin C. Halsey, M. D., '66 Geu. John Cochrane, '67 Charles E. West, LL. D., '68 Ezra A. Huntington, D. D., '69 John C. Cruikshank, D. D., '70 John Foster, LL. D., '71 Rol)ert M. Brown, D. D., '72 Hon. S. K. WiUiams, '73 Hon. Isaac Dayton, '74 Joel T. Headly, LL. D., '75 Hon. Geo. F. Danforth, LL. D., '76 Hamilton Harris, LL. D., '77 Hon. Samuel W, Jackson, '78 Prof. Daniel B. Hagar, '79 Prof. Wendell Lamorovix, '80 Rt. Rev. A. N. Littlejohn, D. D., '81 Hon. John M. Carroll, '82 Warren G. Brown, '83 Hon. Charles C. Nott, '84, Hon. Frederick W. Seward, '85 CUfford A. Hand, '86 James H. McClure, '87 Silas B. Brownell, LL. D. '88 Nelson Millard, D. D., '89 Hon. John H. Burtis, '90 Sheldon Jackson , D. D. , '91 Edward P. North, '92 L. Clark Seelye, D. D., '93 John T. Mygatt, '94 Charles Beattie, D. D., '95 Hon. Warner Miller, '96 E. Nott Potter, D. D., LL. D., '97 Prof. Oliver P. Steves, Hon. Amasa J. Pai'ker, Daniel M. Stimson, M. D., Stealy B. Rossiter, D. D., Monroe ]\I. Cady. Hon. J. Newton Fiero, Harrison E. Webster, LL. D., Kenneth Clark, Robert P. Orr, George R. Donnan, Hon. Howard Thornton, Wm. T. Clute, M. D., Hon. Tracy C. Becker, N. V. V. Franchot, Frederick B. Streeter, M. D., William B. Rankine, Charies M. Cidver, M. D., Edward P. White, John V. L. Pruyn, Frederick W. Cameron, James R. Fairgrieve, Frank Burton, Dow Beekman, Frank Bailey, William P. Landon, Charles F. Bridge, Prof. Philip H. Cole, Archie R. Conover, Fred. L. Comstock, Tracy H. Robertson, Edward J. Prest, George T. Hughes, Howard Pemberton, 2d, Russell S. Greenman, R. E. Wilder. '48, Hon. Julm H. Starin, '93, Hon. Pliny T. Sexton, LL. D. UNION COLLEGE. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. Cliairman, Andrew V. V. Raymond, Vice-Chairmau, Charles D. Nott, Treasurer, Charles E. Spraque, Secretary, Chester Holcombe, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. A. V. V. Raymond, Chairman. Charles D. Nott, Charles E. Sprague, Chester Holcombe, J. S. Landon, William Wells, J. A. De Remer, Georgre Alexander, Seymour Van Santvoord, John H. Starin, Robert C. Alexander. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Charles E, Sprague, Chairman. Hamilton Han-is, Chester Holcombe, Alex. H. Rice, C. M. Culver, Daniel Butterfield, James H. McClure. COMMITTEE ON INVITATION. Charles C. Lester, Chairman. Robert Earl, Joseph D. Craig, Howard Thornton, B. H. Ripton. COMMITTEE ON COMMEMORATIVE EXERCISES. J. S. Landon, Chairman. A. V. V. Raymond, Warner Miller, Daniel Butterfield, Silas B. Brownell, Georg-e Alexander, James R. Truax. COMMITTEE ON BANQUET AND RECEPTIONS. W1LLLA.M Wells, Chairman, J. A. De Remer, William P. Rudd, J, Newton Fiero, Willis G. Tucker. \ SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. 7 COMMITTEE ON MUSIC. Seymour Van Santvoord, Chairman. Daniel M. Stimson, William B. Rankine, Charles W. Culver, Tracy H. Robertson. COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT. John A. De Remer, Chairman. Samuel W. Jackson, William T. ("lute. COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION. John H. Starin, Chairman. Daniel Butterfleld, Frank Loomis. COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION OF HISTORY, ETC. George Alexander, Chairman. Charles Emory Smith, Homer Greene, Charles D. Nott, James R. Truax, Frederick W. Seward, Edward P. White. COMMITTEE ON ALUMNI RECORD. Wendell Lamoroux, Chairman. A. H. Rice, Philip H. Cole, Charles F. Bridge, Dow Beekman. COMMITTEE ON PRINTING, PUBLICITY, AND PROMOTION. R. C, Alexander, Chairman. Frederick W. Cameron, William B. Rankine, Frank A. de Puy, Edgar S. Barney. COMMITTEE ON CENTENNIAL ENDOWMENT. Stephen K. Williams, John V. L. Pruyn, Wm. H. H. Moore, William P. Landon, John A. De Remer, Monroe M. Cady, Pliny T. Sexton. When the time for the celebration drew near, the Committee issued the following Program : 8 UNION COLLEGE. THE PROGRAM. ¥ jf ln^a\^ 3unc 2 1. ALLISON-FOOTE PRIZE DEBATE BETWEEN THE ADELPHIC AND PHILOMATHEAN LITERARY SOCIETIES. First Presbyterian Chureli, 8.00 p, M. QUESTION FOR DEBATE : ^Rcsoh-rd, " That Coin'^ Fhmncinl School is Antagouistic to tlie True Interests of America."" MUSIC. SPEAKERS. In the Affirmntive. Members of the Adelphic Society. Rockwell Harmon Potter, Glenville, Orman West, Middlebm*gb, Zedekiah L, Myers, St. Johnsville. In the Negative. ^Members of tlie Philoniatheau Society. Theodore Floyd Bayles, West Kortright, James Michael Cass, Wataugua, Tenn., Orlando B. Pershing. MUSIC. AWARD OF PRIZES. Satur&as, %\\\\c 22. CLASS-DAY EXERCISES OF THE CLASS OF 189.3. First Presl)yterian Church, 3.30 p. >r. INTRODUCTORY MUSIC. PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS, George Linius Streeter, Johnstown. OliATION, James Alexander Collins, Amsterdam. POEM Henry Ravenel Dwtght, Charleston, S. C HISTORY Albert Sewall Cox, Schenectady. ADDRESS William (tRant Bkown. Utica. PROPHECY, .... Thkodore Floyd Bayles, West Kortright. SKETCH OF THE C0MMEM(3RATI0N. 9 PRIZE ORATORY OF JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORES, AND THE ALEXANDER PRIZE CONTEST IN EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING. First Presb^-terian Church, 7.30 p. m. ORATORY. INTRODUCTORY MUSIC. Sophomores. Howard Rutsen Furbeck, St. Johnsville, ** Safeguards of a Natiou." Ira Hotaling, Albany, " Unconscious Influence." John Crapo Merchant, Nassau, " Ballot Reform." MUSIC. Juniors. D. Howard Craver, Albany, . . . " Christianity Not Philosophy." George J. Dann, Walton, ''The End of the Century." RoscoE Guernsey, East Cobleskill, . . " The Progress of Liberty." MUSIC. PRIZE CONTEST. established by ROBERT C. ALEXANDER, '80. For the Encouragement of Extemporaneous Sjjeaking. General Subject, *' Wealth." MUSIC. CONTESTANTS. Horatio M. Pollock, '95 Schenectady. D. Howard Craver, '96, Albany. Albert S. Cox, '95, . . . . : Schenectady. Theodore Floyd Bayles, '95, West Kortright. William Dike Reed, '98, Albany. Rockwell Harmon Potter, '95, Glenville. George Young, '9G, Cobleskill. Loren C. Guernsey, '95, East Cobleskill. MUSIC. 10 UNION COLLEGE. DOXOLOGY. ANTHEM. HYMN. HYMN. Sun^av?, June 23. MORNINU SERVICE. First Reformed Church, 10.30 a. m. INVOCATION. SALUTATION. Responsive Beading of the 103^7 Psalm. Beading of the Commandments. PRAYER. Offerings and Offertory. DISCOURSE By the Rev. GEORGE ALEXANDER, D. D., '66, Pastor of the Uaiversity Place Presbyterian Church of New York City. HYMN. PRAYER. BENEDICTION. ANTHEM. HYMN. AFTERNOON SERVICE. First Reformed Church, 4.00 P. M. Beading of Scriptxre. CONFERENCE, "RELIGION AND EDUCATION," Led by the Rev. A. C. SEWALL, D. D., Pastor of the First Reformed Church, Schenectady, N. Y. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. 11 ADDRESSES BY The Rkv. B. B, Loomis, '63, of Canajoliarie, N. Y., representing the Methodist Church. The Rev. Walter Scott, '(58, Principal of the Connecticut Literary Institution, representing- the Baptist Cliurcli. The Rev. William D. Maxon, D. D., 78, Rector of the Calvary Epis- copal Chui'ch, of Pittsburg, Pa. The Rev. Thomas E. Bliss, D. D., '48, of Denver, Colorado, repre- senting the Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Frederick Z. Rooker, D. D., '84, Secretary to the Apostolic Delegate, Monsignor Satolli, Washington, D, C. HYMN. BENEDICTION. EVENING SERVICE AND BACCALAUREATE SERMON. First Reformed Church, 7.30 P. M. INVOCATION. SALUTATION. ANTHEM. Beading of the Third Chapter of the Boole of Proverbs. PRAYER. Offerings and Offer tor ij. HYMN. BACCALAUREATE SERMON BY The Right Reverend WILLIAM CROSWELL DOANE, Bishop of Albany, N. Y. PRAYER. HYMN. BENEDICTION. 12 UNION COLLEGE. flDoii^av, .^unc 24. EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE. MORNING SESSION. College Cli.ipcl. 10 oVloc'k. Subject: "The School." Mklvil Dkwey, Secretary of the Board of Regents of tlie University of the State of New York. i)resi(ling. ADDRESSES BY Prof. William H. Maxwell, Superintendent of Schools, Brooklyn, N. Y. C. F. P. Bancroft, Principal of PhiUips Academy, Andover, Mass. AFTERNOON SESSION. College Chapel, 2.30 o'clock. Subject: '' The COLLEGE." President Scott, of Rutgers College, presiding. ADDRESSES BY President Andrews, of Brown University. President Taylor, of Vassar CoUege. ATHLETIC CONTEST. College Oval, 4.30 p. M. EVENING SESSION. First Presbyterian Church, 8.00 o'clock. Subject: "The University." President Oilman, of Johns Hopkins University, presiding. ADDHKSSES BY President G. Stanley Hall, of Clark l^niversity. President Harper, of Chicago University. Chancellor MacCrackex, of the Universitv of the Citv of New York. SKETCH OF THE COMIMEMORATION. 13 ALUMNI DAY. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PHI BETA KAPPA SOCIETY. English Room, 9.00 a. m. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SIGMA XI SOCIETY. Engineering Room, 9.00 a. m. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES. Philosophical Room, 10.00 a. m. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Hon. Amasa J. Parker, President, presiding. College Chapel, 10.00 a. m. ELECTION OF ALUMNI TRUSTEE 12.00 m. FOOT-BALL KICKING CONTEST. Under the direction of the Foot-Ball Association. College Campus, 12.15 p. M. CENTENNIAL BANQUET. Memorial Hall, 1.15 p. m. President Raymond, presiding. MUSIC — Bv THE Glee, Mandolin, and Banjo Clubs. Greetings from Chancellor Anson J. Upson, of the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York. Professor George Herbert Palmer, of Harvard Univei-sity. President Patton, of Princeton College. President Andrews, of Brown University. Professor Henry Parks Wright, Dean of Yale College. 14 UNION COLLEGE. Professor John Haskkll 1 1 kwitt, of Williams College. Propkssor Charles F. Richardson, of Dartmouth College. Professor J. H. Van Amringe, Dean of ('olumbia College. Professor William MacDonald, of Bowdoin College. Professor John Randolph Tucker, of Washington and Lee University. President Scott, of Rutgers College. Professor Oren Root, of Hamilton College. Professor Anson D. Morse, of Amherst College. Chancellor MacCracken, of the University of the City of New York. President Taylor, of Vassar College. REUNION OF ALL CLASSES ABOUT THE "OLD ELM," AND IVY EXERCISES OF THE CLASS OF 1895. College Garden, 3.30 p. M. INTRODUCTORY MUSIC. PIPE ORATION, Isaac Harby, Sumter, S. C. MUSIC. IVY POEM, Rockwell Harmon Potter, Glenville. PLANTING OF THE IVY. IVY ORATION, . . George Albert Johnston, Palatine Bridge. RECEPTION BY PRESIDENT AND MRS. RAYMOND. President's Residence, 5.00 P. M. COMMEMORATIVE ADDRESSES AND CENTENNIAL POEM. First Presbyterian Church, 8.00 P. M. Rev. Chas. D. Nott, D. D,, '54, presiding. ADDRESSES BY Hon. George F. Danporth, LL, D., '40. Rev. Stealy B. Rossiter, D. D., '65. POEM BY William H. McElroy, LL. D., 'GO. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. 15 Mc^nes^a\?. 3\\nc 26. MEMORIAL DAY. THE COLLEGE IN PATRIOTIC SERVICE. College Campus, 8.30 A. M. Presiding Officer,— Gen. Daniel Butterfield, LL. I)., '49. FLAG-RAISING, WITH ARTILLERY SALUTE. ADDRESS BY Major Austin A. Yates, '54. THE COLLEGE IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE. Memorial Hall, 9.30 a. m. Presiding Officer,— W. H. H. Moore, '44. ADDRESSES BY Hon. J. Newton Fiero, '67, late President of the New York State Bar Association. Rev. Teunis S. Ha]\ilin, D. D., '67. Major John Van R. Hoff, M. D., U. S. A., 71. BASE-BALL GAME. The CoUege Nine against an Alumni Nine. College Campus, 11.00 a. m. ALUMNI BANQUET. Memorial Hall, 1.00 p. m. Hon. Amasa J. Parker, '63, President of the General Alumni As- sociation, presiding. ADDRESSES BY ALUMNI AND OTHERS. jVIUSIC — The Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs. 16 UNION COLLEGE. CELEBRATToX OF THE REMT-CENTKXXIAL OF THE ENCilNEEKlNO SCHOOL OF UNION COLLEGE. College Chapel, 4.00 p. m. IV(>si(linfr Officer, President Cady Stalky, '65, of the Case School of Applied Science. ADDRESSES BY Hon. Warner Miller, LL. I)., 'GO. Gen. Roy Stone, 'oG. THE COLLEGE IN STATESMANSHIP AND POLITICS First Presbyterian Church, 8.00 P. M. Presiding Officer,— Hon. John Gary Evans, '83, Governor of South CaroUna. MUSIC — Introductory — The College Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. ADDRESS BY Hon. David C. Robinson, 'Go. SONG — The College Glee Club. ADDRESS BY Hon. Charles Emory Smith, LL. D., '01. SONG — The College Ulee ('luh. SKETCH OF THE COINIMEMORATION. 17 Uburs^av, June 27. COMMENCEMENT DAY. GRADUATING EXERCISES OP THE CLASS OF 1895. First Presbyterian Church, 10.00 A. M. INTRODUCTORY MUSIC — '' Centeunial IMareh," by John T. Mygatt, '58. Singing of the 117th T'.sahn to the tune " Ohl Hundred." PRAYER. MUSIC. ORATIONS. 1. '* America for Humanity." William Allen, Clyde. 2. '' The Evohition of Great Men." Theodore Floyd Bayles, West Kortright. 3. " An Educational Basis for Suffrage." Frederick Marshall Eajies, Albany. MUSIC. 4. " The Study of Literature, as Related to a Liberal Education." LoREN C. Guernsey, East Cobleskill. 5. " The Beneficent Results of the French Revolution." Frederick Klein, Gloversville. 6. " The Advance of Man." Horatio M. Pollock, Schenectady. MUSIC. 7. " Influence of Feudahsm on the Formation of the State." George Linius Streeter, Johnstown. 8. " The Individual and Society." John N. V. Vedder, Schenectady. 9. VALEDICTORY — '' Ethics in Literatui-e." Rockwell Harmon Potter, Glenville. THESIS IN ENGINEERING. * " Asphalts and Tests of Asphalts." Miles Ayrault, Jr., Tonawanda. MUSIC. * Excused. 2 18 UNION COLLEGE. UNIVEKSITV CKLKBRATION. RKV. ELIPflALKT NOTT I'OTTEH, I). I)., LL. D., Pivsidt'iit of Iloljurt Collcfjo, President of Union College 1871-84, Class '61, Founder of Union University, introducing, The Honorary Chancellor and Centennial Orator, KIGIIT REV. HENRY C. POTTER, D. 1).. LL. D., Bishop of New York. MUSIC. CONFERRING OF DEGREES. SONG TO OLD UNION. AWARD OF PRIZES. BENEDICTION. Chief Marshal, Mekton R. Skinner, '95. Assistant Marshals. '96. '97. '98. R. B. Beattie, P. Canfield, G. W. Spiegel, W. A. Campbell, H. A. Frey, F. E. Sturdevant, A. L. Peckbam, C, G. McMullen, C. J. Vrooinan. M. A. Twiford. H. C. Todd, A. C. Wvekoff. PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION. President's Residence, 8.00 to 10.00 p. m. RECEPTION OF THE GRADUATING CLASS. Memorial Hall, 10.00 p. m. * SILAS B. BROWNELL, LL. D., Chairman of tbe Board of Trustees, General Chairman for Centennial Exercises. HON. JOHN KEYES PAIGE. '65. Grand ^larshal. THE PROCEEDINGS. THE program issued by the Centennial Committee was successfully carried out in all its details except as changes were required by the enforced absence of Presi- dent Patton, of Princeton College; President Harper, of Chicago University; Chancellor MacCracken, of the Uni- versity of New York, and General Roy Stone. The beautiful college grounds were never more beauti- ful, and the rare June days were seldom overcast with threatening clouds. College Hill was the center of interest, but when the general public were invited the place of assembly was changed to the city churches — the First Presbyterian Church, suggestive to Union men of old and hallowed as- sociation, and the First Reformed Church with its beau- tiful impressiveness, both being chosen for some of the most important events. In the college inclosure the point of meeting shifted from the library to the familiar chapel, and the marble hall of the Alumni Building with its lofty dome ; again to the large tent erected upon the campus, and, most beautiful of all. Nature's amphitheater and " Captain Jack's Garden." Crowds gathered also at the running track in the grove to witness the athletic contest, and the President's house was the scene of a brilliant reception. The attendance throughout the week's festivities was very large, and interest was sustained and deepened to the very close by the able discussions and eloquent ad- dresses, each successive event making a fresh impression of appropriateness and importance, and the more serious features of the celebration being happily relieved by lighter entertainments. 20 UNION COLLEGE, The fii-st of the coiiiincncement exercises was a deliate between the Adelphio and Pliiloinatliean Literary Socie- ties for the Allison-Foote prize, wliicli took place at the First Presbyterian Church, Friday eveninji;, June 21. The question for debate was, " Resolved, that ' Coin's Fi- nancial School 'antagonizes the true interests of America." Three undero-raduates s]»oko on each side. The Adelpliic Society, wliidi liud the allHnnativc, received the award, and the first Adelpliic speaker, Rockwell H. Potter, of the Class of '95, won the individual prize. On Saturday afternoon occurred the Class day exercises of the graduating class, and in the evening the Junior and Sophomore prize contest in oratory, and the contest in extemporaneous speaking for the R. C. Alexander prize. Large audiences attended and greeted the several competitors with the accustomed generosity of applause. On Sunday the centennial commemoration proper was inaugurated with a morning service at the First Reformed Church. The pastor, Rev. A. C. Sewall, D. D., and Presi- dent Raymond conducted the devotional exercises, and the memorial discourse was delivered by the Rev. George Alexander, D. D., of the Class of '66, pastor of the Uni- versity Place Presbyterian Church, New York. In the afternoon, at the same place, occurred an inter- denominational conference on religion and education. The Rev. Dr. Sewall presided, and with brief and appro- priate remarks introduced representatives of five great religious bodies, (Mich of whom discussed the question from the view point of his own denomination. The tone of the whole conference was admirable and inspiring, and the spirit of union which prevailed illustrated the devel- opment of the lil)eral principles upon which Union Col- lege was founded. A great audience gathered in the evening to hear the baccalaureate sermon which was delivered by the Right Rev. William Croswell Doanc, Bishop of Al)>any. Presi- SKETCH OF THE COMMEMOEATION. l21 (lent Raymond eoudueted tlie devotional exercises. In introducing the preacher he commented upon the fact that the Right Rev. George W. Doane, Bishop of New Jersey, was present at the semi-centennial of Union Col- lege fifty years ago, and expressed great pleasure that the son of the distinguished prelate who participated in the former celebration was to have part in the exercises of this occasion. The sermon was addressed especially to the graduating class and forcibly urged the responsibili- ties of young men. Monday was devoted exclusively to the discussion of educational problems by men of reputation and achieve- ment in school, college, and university work. The sev- eral papers and addresses were listened to with absorbing interest by audiences largely composed of educators, and elicited lively and earnest discussion. A pleasant diversion in the exercises of the day came in the after- noon, when a spirited athletic contest was held under the direction of the Athletic Track Association on the college oval. Tuesday, Alumni Day, was the day of all days to the older graduates. The jirogram followed the usual cus- tom, the annual meetings of the Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi being the first order of business. The meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa, which was largely attended, assembled in the Washburne Building. Otfi- cers were elected, and matters of interest to the Chapter were considered. At the Sigma Xi meeting in the adjoining room, amendments to the constitution were acted upon, and other business was transacted. At ten o'clock the annual meeting of the Alumni Asso- ciation was called to order by the President, Hon. Amasa J. Parker. A committee was appointed to nominate offi- cers for the ensuing year. Hon. D. C. Robinson, Rev. Stealy B. Rossiter, D. D., and Mr. C R. Bailey were ap- 9* 22 UNION COLLEGE. pointed a coiumitteo to solicit subscriptions for tli«' [>ur- pose of purchasing tlu? lil>rary of the late Tayler Lewis, and at once ])(\<2:an their work witli ^ratifyin^ success. The Nominating Committee r<^port(Ml the following list of otfteers for the ensuing year: President, Hon. Amasa J. Parker; Vice-President, Rev. Charles D. Nott, D. D. ; Secretary, William T. Clute, M. D.; Treasurer, Herman V. Mynderse, M. D. ; Executive (''ommittee, William H. ^NIc- Eh-oy, Edward P. White, Nelson Millard, James Heatley, and Alonzo P. Strong. The persons named were duly elected. A committee of five of the Alumni were appointed to confer with the Trustees for the pui-pose of advancing the financial interests of the college. President Parker ap- pointed Rev. Daniel Addison, Rev. Teunis S. Hamlin, D. D., Rev. William D. Maxon, D. D., Hon. George E. Hazelton, and Courtland V. Anable, Esq., as such Com- niittee. Shortly after one o'clock the Alumni adjourned to Me- morial Hall for the centennial banquet, at which more than five hundred guests assembled. This occasion w^as one of great enthusiasm and enjoyment. Repeated bursts of cheering and song punctuated the proceedings. Presi- dent Raymond presided with marked grace and dignity and introduced the distinguished representatives of sister colleges. After the banquet the ivy exercises of the Class of '95 were held in the college garden under the historic elm so familiar to all sons of Union. The reception given by President and Mrs. Raymond at five o'clock was largely attended by the Alumni. The exercises of Tuesday evening consisted of com- memorative addresses and the delivery of the centennial poem. The ineeting was presided over by Rev. Charles D. Nott, D. D., '54. Hon. George P. Danforth, LL. D., '40, and Rev. Stealy B. Rossiter, D. D., 'G5, were the speakers. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. 23 The centennial poem, entitled "The Roll Call," was read by Hon. William H. McElroy, LL. D., '61. One of the greatest throngs of the commencement week was in at- tendance, and the attention of the vast audience was sus- tained to the very close. Wednesday was Memorial Day. The exercises were opened by (Tcneral Daniel Buttcrheld from the steps of the Library. In concluding his introductory speech he said, " Let the flag be raised over old Union," and with his closing words the stars and stripes were hoisted above the Memorial Building. Major Austin A, Yates, the orator of the occasion, awakened great enthusiasm by his address on " The Col- lege in Patriotic Service." Weston Flint, '47, then read an original patriotic poem entitled, " The Old Flag." The second session of the day was held in the tent erected at the east of the chapel. The topic was " The College in Professional Life." W. H. H. Moore, '44, presided, but during the closing part of the exercises yielded the chair to his classmate, Rev. Philip Phelps, D. D. The three great professions, — law, divinity, and medicine, — were ably represented by Hon. J. Xewton Fiero, '67, Rev. Tennis S. Hamlin, '67, and Major John Van R. Hoff, M. D., U. S. A., '71. After these exercises the annual base-ball game between the Alumni and University nines afforded much amuse- ment. At one o'clock the Alumni again assembled in the Me- morial Building for the annual banquet. Hon. Amasa J. Parker, president of the Alumni Association, acted as toast-master. President Raymond made several an- nouncements of gifts to the college and introduced Professor Charles F. Richardson, of Dartmouth College, who had been prevented from attending the banquet of the day previous. The regular order of toasts was then followed. 24 UNION COLLEGE. Hon. Silas B. Brownell, Chairman of the Board of Trus- tees, in responding for that body, said, in the course of his speech: At this time last year, but not in this phicc, I had the pleasure to assist, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, in the inauguration of our President. I then foreshadowed, from wliat we knew of him, what we might expeet of him. To-day, fellow alumni, you see what has already been accomplished. [Applause.] Not alone does the occasion bring you all u}) here. Not alone have the hundred years that are gone and our hopes for the unknown years ahead brought you here. But a great element in bringing you here has been the feeling that during the past year we have thrown to the winds our fears and that we are now enjoying the prospects for the future which have been eloquently pictured more than once on this occasion. We, gentlemen of the alumni, feel that we have the right man in the riglit place. [Applause.] I want to call the attention of the alumni to one other thing, a thing which I am sure has impressed the Board of Trustees both officially and individually. We know, gentlemen, that in this country there are millions upon millions now seeking investment in the direction, as has been said by the last speaker, of speciali- zation in education ; and as long as any institution shows that it is worthy of confidence and support, and worthy to be the object of individual beneficence, so long it may rely upon the American people to furnish the means which are necessary to carry out well-designed and well-executed systems of education. What we want and what we are likely to get are clearly sliown by the two notices which President Raymond has just read of offers to es- tablish fellowships. These two funds are for university work, for post-graduate study — I call your attention to that fact : they were each given for education in the law. Now I say, as the distinguished Dartmouth orator has said, we have Union College. Look at what she has done. Look at what she is doing, and what we may expect her to do in the future, in the century which is just before her. So long as time endures, will endure institutions of learning which repose in the confi- dence of the people. Under all dynasties, through all changes, through all revolutions, they continue so long as they deserve to continue. We of the Board of Trustees charge you that, as we SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. 25 deserve 3'our support, as Union (V)llegc deserves your support, vou should eontribute to it. Melville D. Laiidoii, of the class of '61, better known as "Eli Perkins," followed with one of his inimitable speeches full of wit and humor, which provoked ^reat merriment. Hon. James L. Meredith responded for the Class of '65 ; Henry C. Hodgkins, for the Class of '75 ; Hon. Wallace P. Foote, for the Class of '85 ; and Rockwell H. Potter, for the Class of '95. Professor George W. Clarke spoke briefly for the Class of '40 ; Rev. S. Mills Day for the Class of '50. Hon. John M. Bailey, of the Class of '61, responded to repeated calls from the audience. Professor John F. Grenung, of Amherst College, represented the Class of '70, and made the closing speech, in which he referred to the fact that the Amherst Classes of 1823 and 1824 had re- ceived their degrees from Union College. Immediately after the banquet the Alumni and their guests repaired to the tent on the campus to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Engineer- ing School. President Cady Staley, of the Case School of Applied Science, who was for many years in charge of this department, presided. At the close of his address President Staley introduced his successor in that office, Professor Brown, who made a brief address. Hon. War- ner Miller, of the Class of '60, then claimed the interest of the great audience while he spoke upon " The College in Industrial and Commercial Life." In closing the exer- cises President Raymond called attention to the broad- ness of the engineering course, and presented Prof. Olin H. Landreth, of the Class of '76, the recently elected head of the Engineering Department. In the evening, at the First Presbyterian Church, oc- curred the last of the college commemorative exercises. Hon. Silas B. Brownell, Chairman of the Boai-d of Trus- tees, introduced the presiding officer of the evening, John 26 UNION COLLEGE. Gary Evans, «>f llic Class of '83, (lovcriior of South Caro- lina, who after a brief address iutrodueed the other speak- ers of the evening, Hon. David C. Rol)inson, of the Class of '65, and Hon. Charles Emory Smith, LL. D., of the Class of 'GO, late Minister to Russia. Th«.' college glee club furnisluMl delightful music for the occasion, and the great throng present indicated that popular interest in the celebration was unabated. Thursday, Commencement Day, dawned bright and beautiful. At nine o'clock in the morning the procession formed along the terrace on College Hill in the following order: First, the undergraduates in the order of their classes, f reslimen in front ; nt^xt, the Alumni in the order of their classes, the more recent graduates in front ; third, the Faculty ; fourth, distinguished visitors ; fifth, the Board of Trustees and the President. The procession, in impressive numbers, marched down Union Street to the First Presbyterian Church, wliere they were joined by the Honorary Chancellor. Ranks were opened, and in inverse order the procession passed up the long approach and entered the old church in which so many college functions have been performed. The graduating exercises of the Class of '95 were opened with the singing of the hymn : From all that dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise ; Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every land, ])y every tougiie. Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord ! Eternal truth attends Thy word : Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore Till suns shall rise and set no more. Rev. Robert Russell Booth, D. D., Modei'ator of the Presbyterian General Ass'embly, offered the invocation. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMOEATION. 27 The orators of the Centennial Class then pci-t'oriiKMl lli(ir parts as indicated in the program. The University cele- bration followed. The enthusiasm of the crowded audi- ence reached its cHmax when Kev. Eliphalet Nott Potter, D. D., President of Hobart College, inti'oduced his bro- ther, the Right Rev. Henr}^ C. Potter, D. D., Bishop of New York, who as Honorary Chancellor of the University delivered the centennial oration. President Raymond then advanced and said : On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I wish to announce the election yesterday of a life trustee, Nicholas Van Vranken Franchot, of Olean, of the Class of '75. The members of the Graduating Class will now present themselves for their degrees. The class marching up the central aisle filled the plat- form, and were addressed by the President as follows : Young gentlemen of the Graduating Class, — It now be- comes my pleasant duty to confer upon you the de- grees to which you are entitled. I had thought at one time of addressing to you a few personal words; but surely after the words to which you have just listened, no further speech is needed. You must have caught the spirit of that centennial oration and of all the exercises of this centennial week, and realize that if your lives are to attain the ends which, in your hopes and your prayers, you set before you, it will be not only by devotion to your work, but by the cultivation of a spirit that brings you into sympathy with all that is best in man, in sym- pathy with God Himself. And so, in the name of Him who has given unto us and to all men the truth, I bid you go forth on your mission of blessing this world. The Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of the Faculty of Union College, have granted the degree of 28 UNION COLLEGE. Bac'lu'loi- of Ai'ts to the t'oUovviiig int'iiilu'i-s of tlic S«.'iiior Class : THEoDom: Floyd Havm:s West Kortri^'ht. James Michael Cass Wjitauga, Tcnn. Harvey Clements Schenectady. James Alexander Collins Amsterdam. Albert S. Cox Sclienectady. Clarke Winslow Crannell .... Albany. Bartholomew Howard North Brookfield, Mass. WALTEii Stuakt McEwan Ijoudouville. Howard Pemherton, 2d Albany. Rockwell Harmon Potter Glcnvillc William John Sanderson Walton. Armon SpI'^ncer Newark. GrEORGE LiNius Streeter Johnstowu. Frank Vander Bogert Schenectady. John N. V. Vedder Schenectady. And the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy to the fol- lowing : Arthur Elijah Barnes Clyde. Edgar Brown Manchester. William Grant Brown Manchester. Clarke Day Cambridge. Loren C. Guernsey East Cobleskill. George A. Johnston Palatine Bi-idge. Willoughby Lord Sawyer Sandy Hill. Merton R. Skinner Le Roy. Scott Winfikld Skinner Le Roy. William Edward Walker Schenectady. William L. Wilson Scotia. And the degree of Bachelor of Science to the following : William Allen Clyde. Alphonso Dix Bissell Le Roy. Henry Ravenkl Dwight Charleston, S. C. DuRYEA Beekman Eldredge ...... Sluiron. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. 29 Frederick Klein (Tloversville. Lauhiston Job Lane S:Io Paulo, lira/il. Horatio M. Pollock Scliouectady. Orman M. West Middleburgh. W. Howard Wukjht ScliciiccitiKly. And the (logree of Bciehelor of Eiigiiiooi-iii<;- to the fol- lowing: Miles Ayrault, Jr Tonawanda. Henry Mayberry Bailey Franklin, Tenn. Carl L. Bannister Le Roy. Warren R. Borst Albany. Bryan Ogden Burgin Walton. John A. Clark, Jr Sidney. Frederick Marshall Fames Albany. Isaac Harby Sumter, S. C. Francis Edward Holleran Waterloo. Howard M. Jones Murfreesboro, Tenn. John Young Lav^ery Brookljni. Edward Van Rensselaer Payne . . . Ban gall. Edward Shalders Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Sanford L. Vossler St. Johnsville. And now by virtue of the authority committed to me by the Board of Trustees of Union College, I confer upon you the degrees mentioned in connection with your names, and salute you in the name of the Board of Trus- tees of Union College as Bachelors of Art, Bachelors of Philosophy, Bachelors of Science, and Bachelors of Engineering. [diplomas presented.] By virtue of the authority committed to me by the Board of Trustees of Union College, on this centennial of the founding of the College, in the presence of the alumni and friends of Union College, I am now to confer the 30 UNION COLLEGE. honorary degrees williiii the gift of tlie College upon gen- tlemen distinguished in learning and in service. Charles F. Richardson, Professor of English in Dart- moutli College. William MacDonald, Professor of History and vSociol- ogy in Bowdoin College. Benjamin H. Ripton, Professor of History and Sociol- ogy in Union College. I create you Doctors in Philoso])hy and bid you enjoy all the rights, privileges, and lionors pertaining to this degree, and direct that your names be enrolled as honor- ary graduates of Union College. Oren Root, Professor of Mathematics in Hamilton College, I create you a Doctor of Letters, and bid you enjoy all the rights, privileges, and honors of this degree, and direct that your name be enrolled as an honorary graduate of Union College. Rev. Augustus W. Cowles, of the Class of '41, founder and president of the Elmira Female College. The name which I next announce is one which brings response from the heart of every graduate of Union College — we only regret that he cannot be present with us at this time : the Rev. John W. Nott, of the Class of '46. These I now create Doctors of Divinity and bid them enjoy all the rights, privileges, and honors pertaining to this de- gree, and direct that their names be enrolled as honorary graduates of Union College. George Herbert Palmer, Professor of Ethics in Harvard Col- lege. Henry Parks "VVrkiht, Dean of Yale College. John Haskell Hewitt, Professor of Ancient Languages in Williams College. John H. Van Amrlnoe, Dean of the School of Arts in Coluni- hia College. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMOKATION. 31 Anson 1). Moksk, I'l-itfcssor of Ilistoi-y in Aiiilicrst ('olU'j,^^'. William (i. Hale, ProtVssor of Latin in C'liieau:o UniviM-sity. John Randolph Tucker, of Washington and Lee LTuiver.sity. J. RuPLTS Tryon, Class of '58, Surgeon-Geueral in the United States Navy. I create you Doctors of Law, and bid you enjoy all the riglits, pi'ivileges, and honors pertaining to this degree, and direct that your names be en rolled as honorary grad- uates of Union College. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was also con- ferred upon Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, formerly Presi- dent of Wellesley College. The audience then arose and sang with great enthu- siasm the SONG TO OLD UNION. BY FITZHUGH LUDLOW, '56. Let the Grecian dream of his sacred stream, And sing of the brave adorning That Phoebus weaves from his laurel leaves At the golden gates of morning; But the brook that bounds through Union's grounds Gleams bright as the Delphic water, And a prize as fair as a god may wear Is a dip. from our Alma Mater. Chorus. — Then here 's to thee, the brave and free; Old Union smiling o'er us; And for many a day, as thy walls grow gray. May they ring with thy children's chorus. Could our praises throng on the waves of song. Like an Orient fleet gem-bringing, We would bear to thee the argosy. And crown thee with pearls of singing. 32 UNION COLLEGE. \iu\ thy smile bcaiiis down IxMicath a crown, VV^liose f^lory asks no other ; We gather it not from the green sea-grot — 'T is the love we bear our mother. Chorus. — Then liere 's to thee, etc. Let the joy that falls from thy dear old walls, Unchanged, brave time's on-darting, And onr only tear fall once a year On hands that clasp ere parting; And when other throngs shall sing our songs. And their spell once more hath bound us, Our faded hours shall revive their flowers, And the past shall live around us. Choeus. — Then here 's to thee, etc. Prizes were then awarded as follows : The Warner Prize, to Rockwell H. Potter. The Ingham Prize, to Harvey Clements. The Allen Prizes, to John N. V. Vedder, Harmon Spencer, and Albert. 8. Cox. The Clark Prizes, to GtEORGE J. Dann and D. Howard Craver. Junior Oratorical Prizes, to George J. Dann and D. Howard Craver. *, Sophomore Oratorical Prizes, to Howard R. Furbeck and Ira HOTALING. Engineering Prize, to F. M. Fames, E. Van R. Payne, and Ed- ward Shalders. The Gilbert K. Harroun Prize, to John N. V. Vedder. The Blatchford Oratorical Medals, to John N. V. Vedder and Rockwell H. Potter. Special Honors, awarded by vote of the Faculty, were announced as follows: In Biology, Edgar Brown, Albert S. Cox, Henry R. D wight, L. J. Lane, Horatio M. Pollock, George L. Streeter, Orman West. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. 33 111 Chemistry, William E. Walker, W. Howard Wright. Ill P]nc^lisli, Theodore F. Bayles. Ill French, Loren C. Guernsey, Horatio M. Pollock, Edward Shalders. lu German, Edgar Bro-wtst, Loren C. Guernsey, George A. Johnston, Frederick Klein, Howard Pemberton 2d, George, L. Streeter. In Mathematics, John N. V. Vedder. In Physics, John N. V. Vedder. In Philosophy, Rockwell H. Potter. In Latin, Theodore F. Bayles. In Greek, Rockwell H. Potter. In awarding the Bntterfield prizes, President Raymond introduced the founder of this lecture course, General Bntterfield, who said : Mk. President, Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees and of the Faculty, Graduates and Undergraduates: Most of you have been aware of the purposes and uses of this course of lectures. The report, necessarily voluminous, was printed and distributed to avoid taking up the time set apart for the award of the prizes and diplomas by reading it. This course of lectures had its origin at a dinner of the New York Alumni Association in the City of New York, at which were recalled Dr. Nott and his talks to students in the days when I was here, where you young gentlemen are now, and the value of the discourses which he secured to the students by bringing here eminent men to speak before them. This course of lectures I offered to the college at that dinner, with a series of prizes to be con- nected with it. If you find any value of an educational and practical character in these lectures, please remem- ber, young gentlemen, in the future, that they came through the intercourse of alumni in the pleasures of an 3 34 UNION COLLEGE. alumni association reunion. You sliould all join one in your various localities. I hope that in the future these may be the means of prompting other good woi-ks for our Alma Mater. The full award of prizes cannot be made at this time. As you will find stated in the Report, the three schools, — the Union Classical Institute of Schenectady, the Coop- erstown Union School, and the Cobleskill High School, — all stand very high for the $150 prizes awarded to the preparatory school or teachers whose pupils gain the highest number of special prizes and the highest number of marks. The remaining lectures to be given may change the status of the school which now stands highest. Of course it becomes the teachers of the preparatory schools to enter the largest number of freshmen possible in the next year's classes. The awards and marks were made by separate judges upon each lecture. Double Firsts in those awards were Douglass Campbell, Class of '94 ; Major Allen Twiford, of the Class of '96 ; Horatio M. Pollock, of the Class of '95 ; and Roscoe Guernsey, of the Class of '96. Awards of special prizes were to Roger Griswold Perkins, '94 ; Fred- erick M. Fames, '95; Norman E. Webster, '96; Clark Winslow Crannell, '95; Edwin G. Conde, '93; John Y. Lavery, '95; Raymond A. Lansing, '94; Theodore F. Bayles, '95 ; William D. Reed, '98 ; D. Howard Craver, '96 ; and Paul Canfield, '97. Those entitled to " Very High Class Competition Diplomas" are Charles A. Burliank, '93 ; John Van Schaick, Jr., '94 ; Edward K. Nicholson, '96; Lauranco C. Baker, '95; George H. Hoxie, '93; Allen Wright, Jr., '93; Frederick Todd, '97; James M. Cass, '95; and Harris Lee Cooke, '94. These prizes were presented, and the exercises were closed with the benedi<;tion pronounced by Bishop Potter. SKETCH OF THE COMMEMORATION. 35 Thus ended the official exercises of the most memor- able commencement in Union's history. A great throng of alumni and citizens attended the President's reception in the evening. This was followed by the commencement ball given by the members of the graduating class. Memorial Hall was gorgeously illu- minated and decorated for the most brilliant social func- tion that College Hill had ever known. From beginning to close the Centennial Celebration jiroved a most gratifying success. " Old Union " was fit- tingly honored, and fresh inspiration was gathered from the past for the new century upon which she entered. HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE BY ROBERT C. ALEXANDER, Of the ('loss of 1880. THE history of Union College, in its origin and during its early years, is a narrative of toil, sacrifice, faith, constancy, indomitable energy, and ultimate success. Long before its incorporation the struggle began. As early as 1779 petitions were circulated, addressed to the Governor and Legislature, in response to which a charter was drawn, but for some reason never signed or sealed. It recited that "Whereas a great number of respectable inhabitants of the counties of Albany, Tryon (Montgomery), and Charlotte (Washington), taking into consideration the great benefit of a good education, the disadvantages they labor under for want of means of acquiring it, and the loud call there now is, and no doubt will be in a future day, for men of learning to fill the several offices of Church and State, and looking upon the town of Schen- ectady as in every respect the most suitable and commo- dious seat for a seminary of learning in this State, or per- haps in America, have presented theii* humble petition to the Governor and Legislature of this State, earnestly requesting that a number of gentlemen may be incorpor- ated in a body politic, who shall be empowered to erect a 38 UNION COLLEGE. college in the place aforesaid, to hold sufficient funds for its support, to make ])i(>i«'i' laws for its government, and to confer de<;-rees." Tliis institution was to have been called Clinton College, in honor of New York's great Governor. It contemplated the creation of a corporate body by an executive act, therein following the colonial precedents. Seven years later the Board of Regents of the University was created, and upon that Board there- after devolved the chartering of New York colleges. The petition of the "respectable inhabitants" seems to have been favorably received, Init the exigencies of the war probably diverted attention from the project for the time, and the unsealed charter in the State Library at Albany contains all that is known to-day of " Clinton College." But the widespread belief that there should be a col- lege in Schenectady was too deep-rooted to be readily abandoned. Dominie Dirck Romeyn, pastor of the Re- formed Dutch Church in Schenectady, who more than any other man is entitled to be styled the founder of Union College, was unremitting in his efforts to secure the charter, as is evident from his letters during the period 1779-1795. Again, in 1779, as appears from the Assembly Journal of that year, " a petition was received from John Cuylei', and 542 inhabitants of Albany and Tryon counties, and from Thomas Clarke and 131 others of Charlotte County, for a college in Schenectady." No action seems to have been taken on the petition. An interesting recital is that which follows, contained in the memorial of 1795 to the Board of Regents : "In the year 1782 the citizens of the northern and western parts of this State, together with the inhabitants of the Town of Schenectady, amounting to near 1200 subscribers, applied to the Legislature, in session in the town of Kingston, for the institution of a college in the HISTOKY OF THE COLLEGE. 39 Town of Schenectady, for founding which tlic citizens of Schenectady alone proposed an estate valued at nearly eight thousand jtounds })rin('ipal." That is all history tells us of the application of 1782, but in the light of those thrilling times, how eloquent it is of the spirit which animated the Revolutionary patri- ots ! The war had not yet closed. The smoke was still rising from the smoldering ruins of burned habitations on the northern and western borders, and the echo of the Indian warwhoop had not yet died away in the Valley of the Mohawk. The long struggle for lil)erty had left the people decimated, weary, and im- ^ poverished. Yet ^^ ^^ twelve hundred of the citizens on the northern and west- ern frontier sub- scribed from their meager fortunes to the cause of higher learning, and the citizens of Sche- nectady alone pro- posed to contribute to the new college a sum of eight thousand pounds. The extent of this sacrifice is apparent when it is remembered that by the State census fourteen years later the whole population of the town was but 3472, " of whom 683 are electors and 381 slaves." Yet this second application, even with so much of heroic self-sacrifice behind it, fared no better than that for Clinton College. In February, 1785, measures were taken for the estab- lishment of a private academy in Schenectady, by mutual agreement among leading citizens, and it was placed in UNION COLLEGi: IN" 1795. 40 UNION COLLEGE. the charge of twelve trustees. An academy building was erected a few years later on the noi-tliwest corner of what are now Union and Ferry .streets. It was of brick, two stories high, about fifty by thirty feet on the ground plan, and cost about $3000. It afterwards became Union College, and was its only edifice until 1804. The school was opened under the care of Colonel John Taylor, of New Jersey, and aj^pears to have been conducted with much ability, being well sustained by the community in which it was planted. This academy was the germ of Union College. In December, 1791, the managers of the academy in Schenectady memorialized the Legislature for a grant of land in the Oneida Reservation to their institution, "in order to be in possession of an estate that would enable them at an early day to apply to the Regents for incor- poration as a college and to have an amount of property that would justify the establishment of a college." The Assembly records show that the Committee rejwrted it to be " derogatory to the interest of the State to grant the request." In February, 1792, the trustees of the academy sent another petition to the Regents, in which they stated that they had at that time about eighty students in the English language, and that they had nearly twenty pur- suing the study of the learned languages and higher branches, in prej)aration for the first or more advanced classes in college. They were fully convinced of their ability to establish and maintain a college, and had made efforts that led them to depend confidently upon rais- ing the fund needed for endowment, and asked for a col- lege charter. As a foundation for their fund, the Town of Schenectady was willing to convey to the trustees of a college as soon as they were appointed, and by good and ample title, a tract of land containing 5000 acres. A pledge of 700 acres more was offered from individuals, HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. 41 and a further subscription of nearly a tliousand pounds in money, to be paid in four instalments, was promised from citizens. The consistory of the Dutch Church of- fered to giv(3 the building called the "Academy" for col- lege use, and not to be alienated, estimated as worth £1500, and a sum of money collected for a library, amounting to £250 was likewise to be given. But as these funds could not be realized or applied un- less there was created a Board of Trustees capable of holding them, they prayed for an act of incorporation from the Regents, with all the powers and privileges con- ferred by law upon Columbia College, and that the name of the institution should be " The College of Schenectady." The Regents on the 27th of March denied this applica- tion u})ou the ground that sufficient funds had not been provided. Failing in this effort, an application was made in No- vember of the same year for the incorporation of the private institution as the "Academy of the Town of Schenectady." This application was successful, and an academic charter was granted in January, 1793. Early in 1794, the Regents were again petitioned for a college charter for the academy, but this was denied upon the ground that the state of literature in the academy did not appear to be far enough advanced, or its funds suf- ficient to warrant its erection into a college. On December 18, 1791, was presented the final and suc- cessful petition to the Board of Regents. It thus begins : " We, the subscribers, inhaljitants of the northern and western counties of the State of New York, taking into view the growing population of these counties, and sen- sible of the necessity and importance of facilitating the means of acquiring useful knowledge, make known that we are minded to establish a College upon the following principles : " 1. A college shall be founded in the town of Schenec- 42 UNION COLLEGE. tady, County of Albany, an:e desiral)le. On the eastern border of the city the fields rose by a gentle slope to a plain of moderate elevation and of easy access. Near the upper edge of this slope the construction of a tei-race a few feet higli would afford a level campus of ample space, and a site for buildings that would overlook the valley, the river, and the neighboring city, while north- ward glimpses of mountains blue in the distance, and southwestward ranges of hills dividing the waters of the Mohawk and Susquehanna rivers, would present a pan- orama of peculiar loveliness. A gently murmuring V)rook issuing from dense woodlands flowed across the grounds just north of the proposed site, and in the rear alternat- ing fields and groves extended several miles eastward to the Hudson. A half century later, in an address before the gathered alumni of Union who had met to celebrate the anniver- sary of his accession to the presidency. Dr. Nott thus spoke of the new college grounds : Fifty years ago, having been charged with the supervision of Union College, I stood for the first time on yon rising grounds, where the college edifices now stand. The same range of western hills, the same intervening luxuriant flats, and the same quiet river, winding through fields of grain whitening for the harvest, then met the eye; the same starry firmament over- spread the night, and the same glorious sunlight rendered visi- ble by day, in its general outline, the whole lovely Valley of the Mohawk. The immediate college grounds, however, now so symmetrical and ornate, were then mere pasture ground, scarred by deep ravines, rendered at once unsightly and difficult of access by an alternation of swamp and sand hill, and the whole divided into numerous irregular compartments, in evidence of different own- 52 UNION COLLEGE. erships. As yet, ncilhcr slu-iih noi- ivi'c. liad Ijccii planted, walk traced, garden laid out, or edifice erected thereon. A tract of some 250 acres was secured, mainly on the responsibility of the president, and new buildings begun upon plans drawn l)y M. Joseph Jacques Ramee, a French engineer then eminent in this country, and for a time employed by the National government in planning forti- fications and public works. In 1890, in an old print-shop in Paris, a Union College graduate of the Class of '80 discovered M. Ramee's original sketch of the gi'ound plan of the college buildings and garden. It bears the inscription " (hUk/e de P Union a Schenectady^ Etat de Neiv Yorck, 1813," and is probably the original draft submitted by the architect to Dr. Nott. It was purchased and deposited in the College Library. This plan has been very closely followed in the laying out of the grounds and the erection of the successive col- lege buildings. It shows the ground plan of the main college buildings, north and south, the central circular building, not com[)leted till 1876, and the projected semi- circular building in the rear, wlii(di has still more recently taken form in tlie Powers Memorial Building, finished in 1884. The two buildings at the ends of this semicircle, however, are still to be built. Nor has the lake in the "college pasture," or the Catholic cross in the garden, shown on the Frenchman's plan, yet materialized into being. The work of construction was begun in 1812 and the two main buildings finished in 1820, although one of them was occupied as early as 1814. These l)uildings are four stories high, 200 feet by 40 feet each, and cost about $110,000. To meet this expense, application was again made to the Legislature in 1814. Dr. Nott was a power in Albany. His influence with the legislators and before committees was another instance of that remarkable force which im- HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. 53 pressed itself upon all lie met. Otlicr coUeojes and institu- tions were before the Legislature of 1814 as applicants for aid, l)ut, satisfied that their unaided efforts would prove iuetfeetual, they intrusted their cases to President Nott, who generously advocated their claims in the same breath with his own, and the benefits to Hamilton College, the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Asbury African Church of New York, were included in the same gi'aut as those to Union. Columbia College had intro- duced a bill intended to grant to that institution the cele- brated Hosack Botanical Garden in New York. Convinced of the futility of their independent claim for aid, the Co- lumbia managers withdrew their special bill and besought Dr. Nott to take up their appeal. This he did so gener- ously and vigorously that the Columbia grant was at- tached as a "rider" to his own lottery bill, and went through with it. Thus, solely through the influence of the president of Union, Columbia received that magnifi- cent property which to-day forms its principal endow- ment. The botanical garden granted to Columbia com- prised twenty acres located between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, Forty-seventh and Fifty-first Streets, in New York City, then three and one half miles out of town, but now the center of the wealth and population of the me- tropolis. In the same act which gave to Columbia the title to the botanical garden, it was provided that within one year from the passage of the act at least one healthy, exotic flower, shrub, or plant of each kind it contained in duplicate should be sent, with the jar containing it, to Union College. There is no record, however, that Co- lumbia ever complied with this graceful suggestion for the recognition of Union's services in her behalf. So marked was the influence of Dr. Nott in favor of the combination bill that at the close of the act in the offi- cial session laws of 1814 was printed this unprecedented "Note. — No bill before the Legislature excited greater in- 54 UNION COLLEGE. teivst uiid alU'iitioii tlian tiiis act. JMiicli crcilit is due to the unwearied exertions of the able and eloquent president of Union Collejjje in promoting its passage." This lottery bill gi-aiited to Union College $2()U,()()(), to Hamilton College >|;4(),0()(), to the College of Physicians and Surgeons $30,000, an., i,i,. i>. Southern State. Bnt as tlie controversy over the (jues- tion of slavery became more bitter, the South gradually HISTOIIY OF THE COLLEGE. 59 withdrew its young xmm from Northern institutions, and when tlie first sliell i)roke over Sumter tlie hist ])and of Southern students tlien rcmainini;' in Tiiion left to join REV. ELIPIIALET NOTT POTTER, I). U., LL. U the ranks of the Confederacy. Nor was this the only cause of depletion. Scores of Northern students forsook their books to take up the musket. The college campus became a drill-ground. The brilliant young professor of modern languages, Professor Elias Peissner, recruited a company on College Hill and led them in person to the front, himself falling on the bloody field of Chancellors- ville, with a colonel's stars on his shoulders. Over three hundred Union men became Union soldiers in that great struggle for the vindication of the National honor. The war was the beginning of a period of depression which lasted for many years. Dr. Nott died in 1860, at the ripe age of ninety-three years, and was succeeded by Dr. Hickok. The latter resigned in 18G8, and was sue- 60 UNION COLLEGE. cecded by Rov. Dr. Cliai-los A. Aikoii, of l^riiicftoii, who served for only two years. After a ]>ri('f iiitcrregnuiii, Rev. Dr. Kliplialet Nott Potter, a son of Bishop Aloiizo Potter and a grandson of President Nott, was elected to the presidency. Under his administration new endow- ments were received, new buildings erected, and the num- ber of students increased. Misunderstandings, however, arose Ix'twt^en the ])i-esident and the faculty and trustees, and he retired in 1884 to accept the presidency of Hobart College. On his retirement, Hon. Judson S. Landon became president ad iifferin/ until the election, in May, 1888, of Harrison E. Webster, LL. D. II \i;i;i^( IN I,, w i,ii>i i.i;, LL. D. Pi'esident Webster served the college till January, 1804, when, by reason of ill health, he presented his resignation. HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. 61 which was accepted with many expressions of regret and of appreciation for his vahiable services to liis alma mater. REV. ANDREW V. V. RAYMOND, D. I)., LL. D. Early in 1894 the trustees elected as the successor of President Webster Rev. Dr. Andrew V. V. Raymond, a graduate of the Class of 1875, and at that time pastor of 62 UNION COLLEGE. the Fourth l^'esljyteriaii Church of ^Uhaiiy. There are many who link this coincidence with the youth, the en- thusiasm, the oratorical aljility, and the remarkal^le per- sonal influenco of Dr. Raymond, and draw a })arallel be- tween Pi-csident Nott and Pi'esidcnt Raymond. Not since the war lias ilie old college experienced such a period of pi-osperity and of hopeful enthusiasm as since the. inau- guration of President Raymond, which occurred in June, 1894. The classes have doubled in numbers, the teaching force largely increased, new endowments have been se- cured, and the standard of scholarship constantly elevated. New interest and enthusiasm have l)een inspired among the alumni, and complete harmony exists in the college councils. Educational Influence and Progress. There is perhaps no place more fitting than this for a brief mention of the services of the instructors who have made Union famous, and of her influence in the develop- ment of higher education in America. It is true that during the administration of Dr. Nott he alone shaped the policy of the college, originated plans for its government, suggested and carried into effect changes when needed, and controlled its affairs as absolutely as any monarch who ever ruled an empire. Yet his rule was gentle, if autocratic. The utmost harmony prevailed in the coun- cils of the faculty, and the mention of their names is sufficient to account for the value and popularity of the Union College course during his long administration. At the head of the Greek department Union has had such instructors as Andrew Yates, Henrv Davis, Robert Proudfit, Taylei" Lewis, and Henry AVhitehorne. In Latin, Thomas C. Reed, John Newman, Benjamin Stanton, and Robert Lowell. In ^lathematies, John Taylor, Benjamin Allen, Francis AVayland, Isaac AV^. Jackson, and Isaiah B. HISTOKY OF THE COLLEGE. 63 Price. In Chemistry, Joel B. Nott, Charles A. Joy, Ben- jamiu F, Josliii, Charles F. Chandler, and Maurice Per- kins. In Natural Philosophy, Thomas Macauley, Alonzo PROF. TAYLER LEWIS, D. D., LL. V. Potter, and John Foster. In French and German, Pierre Reynaud, Louis Tellkampf, Pierre A. Proal, Elias Peiss- ner, William Wells, and Wendell Lamoroux. In Natural History, Jonathan Pearson and Harrison E. Webster. In Rhetoric, Logic, and Belles-Lettres, Thomas C. Brown well, Alonzo Potter, Laurens P. Hickok, Nathaniel G. Clarke, Ransom B. Welsh, and George Alexander. In Oriental Literature, John Austin Yates and Tayler Lewis. In Civil Engineering, Frederick R. Hassler, William M. Gillespie, Cady Staley, and Winfield S. Chaplin. Union College was the first to break away from the strict and beaten classical course, and to place scientific instruction on .a plane of equal dignity. At Union also originated the so-called optional system, which it has always exercised to a limited degree, but never to the 64 UNION COLLEGE. extent of license wliich it afterward attaincil in other col- leges. As far back as 1797, we have seen, in the report of the Regents quoted in the foregoing pages, the germ of this now popular systcnn. " A provision is also made for substituting the knowledge of the French language histead of the Greek, in certain cases, if the funds should hereafter admit of instituting a French professorship." This professorshi}), with a single excei>tion, the first in the United States, was established in 1806. The essential features of the scientific course, as origi- nated by Dr. Nott, and so ably advocated by President Wayland and others of his ])U])ils, was the substitution of the modern languages and an increased amount of mathe- matical and i)h3'sical science, in place of the Greek and HMH p ^H \ \ rv ■ ^^ ^m t %l 1 jHSHI^^P .^'- *\^ IKOF. ISAAC \V. .JACKSON. Latin languages. It also permitted, within certain well- defined limits, the election of certain studies by the stu- dents. HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. 65 The first course of civil engineeriiii;- in any American college was established at Union in 1845, by Pi-ofessor William IM, (fillcspic, and lias evei- since Ixhmi successfnlly continued. WJiile the college still maintains the classical course in all its thoi'oughness, the scientific instruction has recently been still further developed by the estab- lishment of courses in sanitary and electrical engineering. The departments of English and of modern languages have also been greatly strengthened, and the course of instruction at Union to-day com])arcs favorably with that of the best New England and New York colleges. Union has been called the mother of secret societies. Instead of antagonizing and repressing the fraternities, the authorities of Union have ever encouraged and fos- tered them. The three oldest college fraternities in the United States, except the venerable Phi Beta Kappa, which had then already ceased to be a secret society, were or- ganized at Union in 1825 and 1827. These were Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi, and Delta Phi. Later on, in 1832 and 1847, Psi Upsilon, Chi Psi, and Theta Delta Chi established their first chapters at Union. The authorities have al- ways maintained that, properly conducted, the fraternities were of actual benefit rather than a hindrance to college discipline. The fraternities now flourishing are, in the order of their establishment. Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi, Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Delta Upsilon, Alpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, and Chi Psi, reestablished in 1892. The Union Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, estab- lished in 1817, is the Alpha, or parent, cliaj)ter for the State of New York. Another honorary fraternity, Sigma Xi, has recently been established, to which only the honor men of the scientific and engineering courses are eligible, Phi Beta Kappa being confined to the classical students. Two literary societies, the Philomathean and the Adel- phic, each nearly a century old, divide the allegiance of 5 66 UNION COLLEGE. the stiKk'iit.s. Each liiis a line hull uucl wcU-stjlected lil»ru- ries of from three thousand to five thousand volumes. One of tlie earliest of all college publications was the "Floriad," publislied by the litei'ary societies of Union in 1809. A few nnnibers of tliis paper are in the Boston City Lil)i-ary. The vai'ious student publications which have followed it, and survived for a longer oi* shorter ])eriod, were the "Students' Album" (1827), "The Parthenon" and "Academicians' Magazine" (1832), "The Union Col- lege Magazine " (18(){)-1875), " The Unionian " (18G2), "The Spectator" (1873), and the " Concordiensis" (1877). The last mentioned is now the principal college publication, and has recently been made a bi-monthly. " The Grarnet," so named from the college color, is an annual illustrated publication, conducted by the secret societies. The " Par- thenon" has been recently revived in magazine form. The songs of Union form a handsome volume, "Car- mina Concordia," first collected by Truman Weed, of the Class of '75, a new edition of which, embodying the recent songs, has just been issued by two members of the Class of 1896. John Howard Payne was one of Union's ear- liest song-writers, and gifted writers have from year to year added to the collection. A few of these songs are perennial in their fragrance, and are always sung on festive occasions. This is especially true of the " Song to Old Union," composed by Fitzhugh Ludlow, of the Class of 1856. It is always sung on commencement day, at the close of the graduating exercises. The hearty good-will and feeling with which returning sons join in the grand chorus : Then here 's to thee, the brave and free, Old Union smiling o'er ns. And for many a day, as thy walls grow gray. May they ring with thy ehildren's chorns, show that the gifted poet did not attune his lyre in vain. HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. 67 The government of Union College has always been pa- ternal, but characterized by the greatest freedom consis- tent with good results. The ponderous code of rules and restrictions of the old days has long since gone out of print, and the only rule now promulgated at Union Col- lege is, in the language of ex-President Webster, that " Every student should do his work and conduct himself like a gentleman." On these two hang all the law and the prophets. Of the nine presidents of Union, four. Presidents Hickok, Potter, Webster, and Raymond, have been graduates of Union. Presidents Maxcy and Nott bore the diplomas of Brown University, Presidents Smith and Edwards were Princeton men, and President Aiken was a graduate of Dartmouth. The strict adherence of the college to the principle of Christian union which shaped the plans of its founders is apparent in the varying religious tenets of its several presidents. Presidents Smith, Edwards, Nott, Webster, and Raymond were Presbyterians; Dr. Maxcy a Baptist ; Dr. Hickok a Congregationalist ; and Dr. Potter an Episcopalian. Buildings and Gtrounds. The oldest buildings on the college grounds are the North and South College buildings, uniform in construc- tion, and 800 feet apart. The ends of each building con- tain residences for professors, and the central part, having three distinct entrances and sections, provides 48 rooms in each college. Backward from each of these buildings run the two " colonnades," each 250 feet long. These con- tain recitation rooms, lecture rooms, and apparatus. The colonnades terminate each in a larger, square building, the North building being devoted to the chemical and philo- sophical laboratories and lecture rooms, and the South to chapel, Registrar's office, and natural history museum. 68 UNION COLLEGE. Tliu miiseiiiii of uatunil liisloi-y is oiio of the finest in this country, being exceeded, in the nunilici- and \aiiety of its specimens, only by that of Harvard Tnivcrsity and tlie Smithsonian Institntion at WashinjAton. It comprises (1) the extensive collections, chiefly of marine animals, made by President Webster during his occupancy of the chair of natui-al history, (2) the celeljrated Wlieatley collection of shells and minerals, donated by E. C. Dclavan, (o) spcci- ^CVoi.:^--^ ENTRANCE TO COLI.E(;E (iROUNDS. mens received fi-om the National and State governments, and (4) coutributions from friends and }>atrons of the college. The philosophical museum is also rich in apparatus, especially in iusti'uments illustrating electricity, magnet- ism, light, heat, acoustics, pneumatics, statics and dyna- mics, hydrostatics and hydraulics, and measurements. The engineering department possesses the celebrated HISTOKY OF THE COLLEGE. 69 Olivier collection of models, consisting of about fifty models, representing the most important and compli- eat«'d ruled surfaces of descriptive geometi'y, i>articularly wai'ped or twisted surfaces. Their directrices are rep- resented by brass bars, straight or curved, to which are attached silk threads representing the elements or successive positions of the generatrices of the surfaces. THE TERKACE. Each of these threads has a weight suspended by it so as always to make it a straight line. These weights are contained in boxes sustaining the directrices and their standards. The bars are movable in various directions, carrying with them the threads still stretched straight by the weights in every position they may take ; so that the forms and natures of the surfaces which they consti- tute are continually changing, while they always remain 70 UNION COLLEGE. " ruled surfaces." In this way a plaue is transformed into a paraboloid, a cylinder into a hyperboloid, etc. These models were invented by the lamented Theodore Olivier, while professor of descriptiv^e geometry at tlie Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, in Paris. One set of them is now deposited there and a second is in the con- serv^atory at Madrid. Coj^ies of some of them are to be found in most of the iiolytechnic schools of Germany. The Union College set is the original collection of the in- ventor, having been made in part by his own hands, and after his death, in 1853, retained by the widow till bought from her by Professor Gillespie, in 1855. It is more com- plete than that in the Paris Conservatoire. It may be worth noticing that the silvered plates on the boxes, reading " Tnvente par Theodore Olivler,^^ etc., were added by Madame Olivier after the purchase, at her own ex- pense, as a tribute to the memory of her husband ; her own words being, ^^ Je teuais a ce, que cliaque hi.strument portdt le noni tin savant dont la reputation passera a la posterite.^ Memorial Hall, long a familiar object in the pictures, and originally designed for a chapel, was delayed for var- ious causes, so that the foundation was not laid till 1858. The war and its attendant depression interrupted the work, which was not resumed till 1874, and the present domed structure was evolved in 1876. This building, situated midway between and in the rear of the two main buildings, is nearly circular, 84 feet in diameter, the dome rising 120 feet from the floor. It has never been of any particular use to the college, but is employed for the banquet hall at commencement time, and is adorned by paintings, statues, and works of art. A president's house was built in 1873, and in 1874 a gymnasium, which, when finished, was one of the largest and best equipped in the country. All these buildings, except Memoi-ial Hall, are of brick, rough cast with stucco 72 UNION COLLEGE. or cement, producing tlio "gi'uy old walls" celebrated in college song. Some distance behind the circular })uilding has recently been erected a handsome structure known as the Powers Memorial Building, finished in 1885. This consists of a chapel-like central building, with wings extending from it on either side in the form of a half-circle. The central building forms a splendid I'eceptacle for the 4:(),()0() vol- umes which constitute the college library, and the wings contain the president's office and eight spacious and well- equipped recitation rooms. The development of fraternity life is gi-adually intro- ducing a more modern architecture on the college grounds. The Psi Upsilon fraternity recently secured the grant of a lot on the college grounds, to the rear of South College, and has erected on it a fine chapter-house costing $30,- 000. The Alpha Delta Phi Society has erected a hand- some and commodious chapter home, now approaching completion, near the Psi Upsilon chapter house, on a path which is known as the "Grecian Bend." The Sigma Phi Chapter has recently been enriched by a bequest of $40,000, and a building for this venerable fraternity is probable in the near future. Similar plans are contem- plated by Delta Upsilon, Chi Psi, Beta Theta Pi, and other of the Greek-letter societies. The original grounds acquired for college uses in Sche- nectady have been somewhat reduced by street improve- ments and the sale of lots, but are still amply sufficient, embracing about 125 acres, including the campus, gardens, and grounds properly belonging to the college and essen- tial for its use, besides some one hundred acres of wood- lands and fields adjoining. During the residence of Professor Thomas Macauley, more than fifty years ago, a beginning was made in the improveinent of a garden north of Xorth College. The work was, howevei', scai'cely more than a beginning until HISTOKY OF THE COLLEGE. 73 Professor Isaac W. Jackson became a resident of the ad- joining dwelling in 1831, when a series of improvements were begun, which, aided by a small annual gi-ant from the trustees, have gradually transformed a wild ravine and tangled woodland into a charming ramble and pleas- ant retreat. The grounds end)race some twelve acres, and combine many attractions of sylvan solitude and floral beauty, " Captain Jack," as the pi'ofessor was affection- ately styled by his pupils, devoted the last years of his life almost entirely to the beautifying of this garden, and here, under the spreading elm which was his favorite resort, were held his funeral ceremonies in 1877. Besides the real estate in Schenectady, the college owns a few lots in the City of New York and a large tract comprising over 1100 city lots in Long Island City. This tract was received under the deed of Dr. Nott, and is of great value, already yielding the college a considerable annual income. The constant growth of Long Island City, its probable connection with New York City in the near future by tunnel or bridges, and its inevitable con- solidation with the metropolis, unite to make the college real estate of immense prospective value. The trustees of the college are, by its charter as amended, the Grovernor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Com^Dtroller, Treasurer, and Attorney-Greneral of the State, ex officio; fifteen chosen for life by the Board of Trustees and four elected, one each year for a term of four years by the alumni. The present trustees, exclusive of the ex-officio members, are Silas B. Brownell, Rev. Dr. William Irvin, Hon. Judson S. Landon, Hon. Edward W. Paige, William H. H. Moore, Rev. Dr. Denis Wortman, Hon. John H. Starin, Clark Brooks, John A. De Remer, Rev. Dr. George Alexander, Robert C. Alex- ander, Hon. Warner Miller, N. V. V. Franchot, Col. Charles E. Sprague, Howard Thornton, Hon. Wallace T. Foote, and Rev. David Sprague. 74 UNION COLLEGE. The faculty, as now eoiistituted, is made up as follows : A. V. V. Raymond, D. D., LL. D., President ; John Foster, LL. D., Nott Professor (Emeritus) of Natural History ; Henry Whitehorne, LL. D., Nott Professoi* of the Greek Language and Literature ; William Wells, LL. D., Pro- fessor of Modern Languages and Literature and Lecturer on Current History ; Maurice Perkins, A. M., M. D., Pro- fessor of Analytical Chemistry; Sidney G. Ashmore, A. M., L. H. D., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature ; James R. Truax, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of the English Language and Literature; Thomas W. Wright, A. M., Ph. D,, Professor of Applied Mathematics and Physics; Frank S. Hoffman, A. M., Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy; Benjamin H. Rii)ton, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of History and Sociology, and Dean of the Faculty ; Olin H. Landreth, A. M., C. E., Professor of Civil Engineer- ing; James L. Patterson, So. D., Professor of ^Nlathemat- ics; Samuel B. Howe, Ph. D., Adjunct Nott Professor, Princii)al of Union School ; Albert H. Pepper, A. M., Assistant Professor of Modern Languages ; James H. Stoller, A.M., Professor of Biology; Edward Everett Hale, Jr., Ph. D., Professor of Rhetoric and Logic ; Edwin H. Winans, A. M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics; Homer P. Cummings, Instructor in Surveying ; Wendell Lamoroux, A. M., Librarian and Lecturer ; C. P. Linhai-t, M. D., Instructor in Physiologj^ and I*hysical Education ; George Y. Edwards, A. M., Instructor in Latin and San- skrit ; Howard Opdyke, A. B., Instructor in Mathematics and Physics; Elton D.Walker, B. S., Instructor in Engi- neering; John I. Bennett, A. M., Instructor in Greek; besides a corps of thirty-six lecturers. The general catalogues of Union College contain a list of names of which both the college and the country may well be proud. In the total number of its graduates it stands at least fourth, and perhaps third, among American colleges. The number of its alumni is nearly double that HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE. lo of any other college in New York State. Its graduates have become prominent in every profession and walk in life. Among the number have been a President of the United States, two Secretaries of State, two Justices of the United States Supreme Court, ten Senators, two Speakers, and 130 members of the House of Representa- tives. Thirty-six college presidents have had their edu- cational ideas molded at Union and have transplanted them to other institutions. One-fifth of the whole number of judges elected to the bench of the Court of Appeals and of the Supreme Court in New York State have been Union College graduates. The general alumni association was organized and in- corporated in 1857, and local associations have been formed in New York City, Albany, Chicago, Rochester, St. Paul, Boston, San Francisco, and Washington. The New York association has over 500 members. Union Univeksity. Union University embraces the following institutions : Union College, Albany Medical College, Albany Law School, Dudley Observatory, Albany College of Pharmacy. Union College acquired by its original charter full Uni- versity powers, but the creation of graduate institutions at Schenectady was not found practicable. Schools of Law and Medicine, and also an Astronomical Observatory, had existed at Albany, only a few miles distant, for many years previous to 1873. The arrangement naturally sug- gested by these circumstances was, that the professional schools and the observatory at Albany should be united with Union College under the charter and Board of Trus- 76 UNION COLLEGE. toes of tlic latter. Tliis was aocordiiifcly effectod ])y tlie incorporation of Union University in ISTii. The An>any College of Pharmacy was created by the Board of Regents June 21, 1881, and incorporated as a department of the University August 21, of the same year. The President of Union College and permanent Chan- cellor of Union University has the oversight of the Uni- versity, each of the institutions having its resident Dean. The University Board of Governors is composed of certain of the permanent trustees of Union College, and of repre- sentatives of each of the other institutions embraced in Union University. BACCALAUREATE DAY. The Services of this day included a Discourse upon an assigned topic in the morning, a Cojiference on Religion and Education in the afternoon, and the Baccalaureate Sermon in the evening. DISCOURSE BY REV. GEORGE ALEXANDER, D. D. Class of 1866. Z\^t ndigtouisf ^diffucncc of Clnion CoUcgc. ONE hundred years ago Europe was still rocking with the throes of the French Revolution. America had just entered upon the hazardous experiment of popular government. The administration of Washington was drawing to a close amid scenes of turbulence that boded ill for the Republic. The State of New York was for the most part a wilderness. For nearly a century and a half the Dutch colonists and their descendants had held this smiling valley, but so narrow was' their domain that the ax of the hardy pioneer was ringing not twenty miles away. But a new spirit was abroad in the land. Men were rejoicing in the sense of emancipation, and beginning to feel the years before them. In the natural gateway be- tween the Catskills and the Adirondacks fresh streams of migration were meeting and mingling. Scotch and Scotch-Irish, obeying the instinct of their race, were pushing back among the hills which the Netherlanders had not cared to explore. Men of New England, who had developed muscle and grit in wringing a livelihood from their sterile hills, had started on that tremendous march which in a century has reduced a continent from 80 UNION COLLEGE. sava,2:ory to civilization. The modern era of ent('r])rise and progress and vast material development had just begun. If we could reproduce the moral and religious atmo- sphere of that period we should find a contrast not less vivid between the last decade of the eighteenth century and the last decade of the nineteenth. The War of Inde- pendence, and the political ferment that followed it, hod l)t>en anything but fav(n'able to those faculties of the soul wliicli look Godward. The Puritan revival had s]t('iit its energy, and the undis{;i[»lined spirit of libei'ty was in active hostility to the stern and somber theology of New England. The democracy of America had been brought into close and vital relation with that continental democra<'y whose ultimate object of assault was the ('liristian faith. Ske[)ticism had loosened the bonds of moral obligation. The Churches were enfeebled and in many cases disorganized. The Christianity of America was on the defensive, and had little energy for conquest. American institutions were about to be subjected to a new and searching test. Could the tide of migration and immigration be folloW(^d and dominated l)y the wholesome and disciplinary influences of leai'uing and religion ! Such were the conditions under which Union College had its birth. It sprang from the soil ; it was not the product of individual beneficence or ecclesiastical zeal or legislative initiative, but of popular demand. No other American college has been created in response to a peti- tion signed by a thousand men of the viciiuige. It is one of the factors which has shaped the history of a century unparalleled for the brilliancy and beneficence of its achievements. The impulse to whicii our college owes its origin was national and secular rather than religious, but religious men are coming to recognize the fact that nothing is more sacred than those seculai- movements which bear DISCOURSE. 81 witness to the reality of a Divine Spirit which is like the wind that bloweth where it listeth — to the power and ceaseless activity of a God immanent in His nniverse. Tlie task assigned me is to trace in rude outline the contribution^ of Union College to the forces which make for righteousness and the ui^building of the kingdom of God. Let us seek those contributions in the reahu of Christian thought and education, in the field of church organization and leadership, in the annals of world-wide evangelism, and among the forces that tend toward the reunion of Christendom. I. The philosophy of the eighteenth century had much to do with its spiritual decadence. Hobbes and Hume, Rousseau and Voltaire, had formulated the ideas which occupied the public mind to the prejudice of both con- science and faith. Atheism had poisoned the fountains of learning. The educated mind of America has never been so pronouncedly unchristian as it was at the close of the last century. Among the students of Yale College there was about this time but a single professor of re- ligion. Similar conditions prevailed at Williams and Bowdoin. If the spirit of the nineteenth century has been, in comparison, reverent and belie\dng, it is because far- seeing and godly educators, among whom Dr. Dwight and Dr. Xott stand preeminent, bent their best energies to the task of impressing a Christian stamp upon our in- stitutions of higher learning. In the development of the American college as a center of Christian light and power the sons of our alma mater have borne no inconspicuous part. Her great thinkers and teachers have been profoundly religious, men of lofty character and invincible faith. Froin the roll of those who have served on her faculty we might call the names of Thomas C. Brownell, Francis Wayland, Laurens P. Hickok, each of which stands for a measureless force in 6 82 UNION COLLEGE. the education of tlie Aiiierictiu people. By tlieir i)ubliea- tioDS, and still more by direct contact of mind with mind, they disseminated the principles of a sound and reverent philosophy. Their teachings were saturated with those ideas which lie at the basis of the Christian faith, and im- pose upon the spirit of man the most solemn obligations and sanctions. In this sanctuary, where he worshiped, it is especially fitting that reference should be made to the influence of that serene scholar who united the crystalline thinking of a Platonist with the spiritual intuitions of the Hebrew seer. No Biblical scholar of his time foresaw more dis- tinctly or faced more fearlessly the peril to which the progress of physical science and scientific criticism would subject the foundations of revealed religion. We cannot reckon the number of those whom Tayler Lewis strength- ened to meet it. No one who received the impress of his catholic and cosmopolitan spirit could ever fail in rever- ence for the sacred oracles or share the panic of timorous half-believers who would withhold the Scriptures from the sharpest scrutiny. II. Union College has, however, produced men of the arena rather than men of the cloister. Scholars some- times become conspicuous by reason of their aloofness ; they become influential by merging their life in the stream of common humanity and giving it direction. To shape institutions of religion and learning is to live and work forever. The citizens of Albany and Tryon counties who peti- tioned for the founding of a college in the town of Schenectady to supply " men of learning to fill the sev- eral otfices of Church and State" l)egan to realize their ideal when Eliphalet Nott was called to the presidency. He was a master of assemblies and a mover of men. His fame as a pulpit orator made him })i-esident of the college, and his fame as a college administrator made him a force DISCOUESE. ^ 83 ill public affairs which we cannot now ostiniato. It is not surprising that young men drawn from the meager con- ditions of frontier life into contact with so commanding a personality caught the inspiration of his genius. To be with liiin was an education in the leadership of men. Under his tuition those who viewed life as a divine voca- tion became like the men of Issachar, "who had under- standing of the times to know what Israel ought to do." Responding to the needs of a rapidly expanding nation, they l)ecame founders and framers of beneficent institu- tions. Time would fail us to name the schools of higher learning which were founded or presided over in their earliest years by ministers of the gospel who received their training and impulse from Union College. Among them are Trinity, the University of New York, the Uni- versity of Michigan, Hanover, Knox, Hobart, Eacine, Philadeljihia Divinit}^ School; and, in another category, Elmira Female College, Rutgers Female College, Vassar, and Smith. In shaping the most significant educational movement of the last half-century, the higher Christian education of American womanhood, it is no exaggeration to say that Union College men both pointed and led the way. It may be a more graphic presentation of the part that Union College has taken in the statesmanship of the kingdom of God if we make a cross-section of the stream of her alumni and note the posts of influential service which at a single point of time were occupied by her men of religion. Forty years ago to-day ministers of the^ gospel who were sons of old Union presided over such colleges as Bowdoin, Brown, Princeton, University of Michigan, Western University, Racine, and Hobart. A Union graduate was president of the House of Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church. In that body were a group of Union alumni, including Bishop Brownell, of Connecticut ; Bishop Doane, of New Jersey ; Bishop 84 UNION COLLEGE. Alonzo Potter, of Pennsylvania; Bisliop Horatio Potter, of New Yoik, and Bishop Upfold, of Indiana, il would be difficult to select from the entire roll of hei- cler<;y five men whose influence uj)on the fortunes of that historic Church has been more profound and permanent. At the same date, Dr. Ludlow and Dr. Proudfit were in the seminary at New Brunswick, shapiu": the theo- logical instruction of the Dutch Keformed Churcli. Dr. De Witt occupied the most conspicuous pulpit in that denomination as ])astor of the Collegiate Church in New York City. Dr. Wisner, also a graduate of Union, was Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly. Half of the theological chairs of the Presbyterian Church were occupied by Union graduates. Dr. McMasters, the founder of Hanover, and subsequently the president of Miami University, was professor of theology in New Al- bany, now McCormick, Seminary, Dr. Robert C. Breck- enridge was dominating the thought of the Presbyterians of the South as professor of theology in the seminary at Danville. Dr. Huntington was occujiying the same chair in Auburn Seminary, as successor to Dr. Hickok. Dr. Phillips, Dr. Wadsworth, and Dr. Grurley were filling the most conspicuous Presbyterian pulpits in New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, respectively. Such selections from a list which might be greatly ex- tended will afford some conception of the influence which this venerable institution was exercising upon the re- ligious thought and life of our country in the five preg- nant years which immediately pi-eceded the nation's baptism of blood. It is not without significance that in the darkest hours of that tremendous struggle, when the mind and the heart of her great President wei'e bowed with the weight of his responsibility, while a Union gi-aduate was the leader of his Cabinet and a Union grad- uate the commander-in-chief of his armies, a Union graduate was also his sjtiritual counselor, and knelt with DISCOUESE. 85 him when his burdened sonl cried out for Clod, for the Hving God. III. But we turn to another fiehl of inquiry. The char- acteristic note of the nineteenth century is evangelism. The Church has recovered the spirit of conquest which glorified the Pentecostal era. Wide areas have been added to the domain of Christendom and ancient strongholds of paganism have been invaded. In this sublime warfare our college has furnished her full quota of heroes and martyrs. Her president for more than sixty years began his ministry as a missionary. Cherry Valley was a rude frontier settlement when, as teacher and schoolmaster, he kindled there the lam^) of religion and learning. Men of God who lit their torches at his flame could not ignore the Macedonian cry from the regions beyond. By hun- dreds they followed the trail of the settler's wagon through the wilds of the Western Reserve and across the rich prairies of the Louisiana Purchase. It was through the perils and pains of such unremembered heralds of the cross that in those days of slow locomo- tion the isolated settlements were kept from lajjsing into barbarism. They planted the school beside the church, and infused into the advancing tide of migration the saving salt of intelligence and virtue. Some of them tm'ned their feet towards the vanishing tribes of red men ; and some of them went southward. A graduate of this college, following close upon the marching col- umns of '61, established at Old Point Comfort the first school for freedmen, and began the work which to-day is bringing eight million men of African descent into intelligent citizenship. On such an occasion as this w^e may perhaps consider ourselves released from the obligation to confine our praises to dead heroes. As a type of many others, let me trace the career of one who here received his diploma forty years ago, and who has become the most widely 6* 86 UNION COLLEGE. known luissionury uii the coiitiiK'nt — tireless, dauntless, ul)iquitoiis. First a missionary to the aborigines of the Indian Territory, then a missionary in the sparse settle- ments of ]\Iinnesota, then for a dozen years marshaling the Chnreh's advance along the slopes of the Rockies, in Colorado, iu Montana, and Wyoming and Utah ; penetrat- ing the mining camps, where godh^ssness and anarchy reigned supreme, appealing to the consciences of desper- ate men and reminding them of home and mother. Still later we find him the apostle of Alaska, sailing away into wintry seas to brave the forces of lawlessness in their farthest strongliold and to save a simple race from ex- tinction. He roused the Church to a sense of her respon- sibility, and shamed the general government into making provision for the defense of its helpless wards. Finally, true to the spirit of his alma mater, he invited a union of Churches for the redemption of that remote principality, and said of the Catholic priest whom he found engaged in the same holy service, " My heart went out to him as to a brother." For the Church of his own allegiance, Sheldon Jackson accei»ted the i'(\gion most inhospital)le, and planted the standard of the cross where the northern- most point of the Republic looks out on the l)leak and lonely prospects of the Arctic seas. But our theme requires us to take a wider range. A few years ago I received a letter from a graduate of this college who was doing yeoman service on the Pacific slope, offering himself as a foreign missionary, and say- ing: "I feel that I ouglit to be on the skirmish line." With scores of our alumni he is now enduring hardness as a good soldier "on the skirmish line." Some, like those who joined the educational foives of the new Japan, have enjoyed the speedy fruition of their labors in seeing Christian forbearance and self-restraint and humanity displacing the barbaric code which lately op- pressed that now rejuvenated and emancipated nation. DISCOURSE. 87 Some, like Lansing beside the Pyramids and Crawford in Damascus, have been slowly rearing on the ruins of hoary civilizations the more enduring fal)ric of the king- dom of God. Others have 8imi)ly given the last, full measure of a soldier's devotion and laid down their lives, that over their prostrate forms later comrades might press on to victory. Long and shining is the martyr roll. We might speak of Hume, whose grave is deep among the coral and pearls of the Indian Ocean and whose children are passing on through Southern India the torch which he kindled; of McQueen, 1)reatliing out his life on the deadly shores of Africa and leaving as his last message to the native chief, " I am going home " ; of Preston and Butler in China; of Nevins also, glorious missionary and prince among men ; of Whiting, who fol- lowed in the track of the pestilence, bearing succor to the famishing, until the plague claimed him as its victim, and over whose lonely grave the untaught children of the East paid divine honors. Such are the unwritten epics of this sublime crusade. It is something to have touched elbows in the march of life with comrades like these. Amid our centennial rejoicings we do well to bring our own poor lives under the spell of their ex- ample, and to borrow stimulus for future service from the pathos and chivalry of their story ; to be reminded by them of that teaching of our Lord and Master, which we are too ready to forget : " He who saveth his life shall lose it ; but he who loseth his life for My sake shall save it." We build, like corals, grave on grave, To pave a path that 's sunward. We are beaten back in many a strife, But newer strength we borrow. And where the vanguard halts to-day The rear will rest to-morrow. 88 UNION COLLEGE. IV. But wo cuuuot leave the coiisideratiou of this theme without tuniiu^ for a moment to that particular iu which the position and influence of Union College are unique. If tlio first petition for a seat of learning in this ancient town had hecn granted, the institution woidd have been known as (■linton College, based upon the Heidelberg Catechism and the decisions of the Synod of Dort. The delay of fifteen years resulted in making it Union College, with a basis as broad as the fundamental convictions of Christendom. It is doubtful whether such an issue could have been reached a century ago anywdiere except in a Dutch colony. Union's most distinguished historian has painted in glowing (,'olors that type of Puritanism per- sonified in William the Silent, the enlightened and tol- erant Puritanism of Holland. Dirck Romeyn and the Dutch burghers, who a hundred years ago directed the policy of this historic Church, illustrated the noblest (pialities of the Netherlands when, in the founding of the college, they sacrificed the narrower interests of a de- nomination that they might advance the larger interests of Christian civilization. The union proposed and accom- plished was not a union of Churches, but a union of Christians in the high walks of learning. The founders of the college took pains to guard against ecclesiastical domination by providing that the majority of the trustees should not belong to any one sect. It was their aim to establisli an institution which should be a common gi'ound of meeting for men of all creeds, where they might rub off their sharp points of antagonism, and dis- cover underneath all superficial differences their common heritage of faith in Christ, and their common calling to patriotic citizenship. Their design is well expressed in the motto selected for Union University, " In Necessariis Unitas, in Dubiis Libertas, in Omnibus Caritas." There has never been occasion to modifv the original DISCOURSE. 89 plau. Union ColIej::e has not escaped those strifes whicli arise from personal idiosyncrasy or conflict of policies; bnt throngh all its history there has l)een no hint of cleavage along the lines of denominational preference. Here Baptists and Methodists, Cameronians and Catho- lics, have measnred strength in the generous emulation of classic pursuits, learning to estimate at their true value the great things in which they agree, and the minor things in which they differ. The history of Union alunnii bears witness that this sympathetic association has not impaired their loyalty to their respective Churches, but they have been able to distinguish between loyalty and bigotry, and to rejoice in a brotherhood that is broader than their particular household of faith. The influence of that catholicity which has prevailed here is illustrated by the fact that an honored son of this col- lege, imbued with its spirit and endeared to its faculty by his manly and Christian qualities, is to-day the trusted coadjutor of that enlightened prelate who represents the See of Rome at the national capital. Eternity alone can reveal how much the irenic spirit of Union College has done to soften sectarian asperities, to extend the reach of Christian charity, and to hasten the fulfilment of the Saviour's prayer for His disciples yet unborn, " that they all may be one, as thou. Father, art in me, and I in thee." This may be still a far-off event, but it is a divine event, and toward it the deepest longings of Christendom, inspired by the Holy Ghost, are steadily tending. To labor for this blessed consummation, our college stands irrevocably committed by her charter, by her traditions, by the life-work of that great cloud of witnesses who, in spiritual presence, now encompass us. Amid the rejoicings of these commemorative days, fragrant with hallowed and inspiring recollections, let us consecrate ourselves anew to this holy purpose, and 90 UNION COLLEGE. breathe for our alma mater tli(5 prayer so eloquently voiced by her distiii^uislied orator of fifty years ago: "Honored Parent ! Heretofore you have been the home of religious toleration. May you b(^ so still. Thus far you have been the nursery of free spii'its, of a compre- hensive and large-minded Init reverent philosophy ; thus may it always be. . . . And when the term of fifty years has again rolled away, and your children and children's children shall come back to celebrate your praise and write up your records, may it l)e found that this is then the home of brave and true men — of men braver, truer, holier than we, that better and wiser spirits have risen up to direct your counsels, and that a higher scholarship and a deeper sanctity are sending out from these shrines rich blessings on the world." Conference on tlje flelation? of Heiigion anb able and trustworthy guide of an ever- advancing culture. We, therefore, wed Christianity and culture, religion and education ; or rather, we rejoice that they have been wedded in a higher sphere than the humble sanctuary of our thought; and we, therefore, feel justified in pronoun- ADDRESS. 93 cing, "What God hath joined togethei- let not man put asunder." Th(^ appropriateness of our theme to tliis phice requires but the briefest explanation. Union College, in celebrat- ing her one Imndi-edth anniversary, is not disposed to forget the place where she was born. Personally, I feel justly proud to-day to be the official successor of that far-seeing, liberal, and large-minded man. Rev. Dr. Dirck Romeyn, the seventh pastor of this First Reformed Church, to whom the Dutch Reformed denomination. Union College, the City of Schenectad}", and the State of New York owe so large a debt of gratitude. I hold in my hand the original agreement entered into by a meet- ing of citizens, called at Dr. Romeyn's suggestion and at which he presided, pursuant to which the Academy was built, which, ten years later, and largely under Dr. Romeyn's influence, became Union College. It is signifi- cant of the wise catholicity of the founders that in the original charter of the college a clause was inserted pro- viding that no religious denomination shall ever acquire a majority in the board of trustees. The college was meant to be in reality as well as in name a Union college, admitting to all its privileges and on an equal footing young men desirous of liberal culture, whatever their personal religious preferences. From the beginning the college has aimed, and it still aims, to be true to the pur- pose of its founders, nor will those who now administer its affairs consent to limit the execution of that purpose by the old-time conceptions of liberality. They I'ather seek to keep fully abreast of the times in the effort to maintain the broadest catholicity consistent with loyalty to truth as such, whatever its som'ce and aim. We, therefore, welcome to this discussion to-day rep- resentatives of different bodies of Christians, that each may freely speak from his own standpoint of the rela- tions between religion and education as he conceives 94 UNION COLLEGE. thciii, or of methods, teiidc^iicies, needs, ix'([uirements, eii- eouragemeiits, as each may deem conducive to the best results of our cojifen'injz; with cacli other. Permit me to preface the introduction of the several speakers with this simple sentiment: May that unity of all true believers for which Christ Jesus prayed be not inconsiderably ])romoted by this and all kindred nssom- blages. It gives me pleasure to introduce as the first speaker of the afternoon a gentleman who re}>resents that great movement to which England and the world owe so much for the revival of spiritual Christianity, as well as for its educational institutions, the Rev. B. B. Loomis, of the Class of '63, now pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Canajoharie, New York. ADDRESS BY REV. B. B. LOOMLS, D. D., PH. D. Class of 1863. KEPEESENTING THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. MY heart is filled with a twofold joy to-day. I am permitted to return to alma mater and unite with my fellow-alumni and the citizens of this goodly city in cel- ebrating the centennial of Old Union — and I am also, through the genuine catholicity which makes the name " Union " more than a mere empty title, given a few min- utes in which to represent the Church of my choice, my spiritual alma mater, and trace some of her work for re- ligion and education by the side of Union College, down through the century. Methodism was born at a university and in a revival, and hence has always been in a high degree favorable to both religion and education. The youngest of all the great denominations, its earnest evangelizing spirit has given it remarkable success in gathering people into Christian con- gregations, and training them in habits of religion and virtue. Anticipating the discovery of the correlation of forces by half a century, the early Methodists soon learned how to transmute the spiritual fervor of their converts into religious activity, and developed a zeal which has led the Church to push out with the advancing tides of immigra- 96 UNION COLLEGE. tiou and plant tlic institutions of Christianity on the ever- widening frontier of our civilization. Its system of cii-cuit-proachinj^, by which one earnest man could sui)i)ly a doz, hut nowhere is the goal yet reached. Public education should be lifted ont of the narrow limits hitherto existing and recognized as one of the chief interests of the entire commonwealth. The times are ripe for a comprehensive plan of State educa- tion which shall insure equality of educational privilege to all youth. Turning to National as distinguished from State edu- cation, Baptists hold a similar attitude. Give all youth of the nation their birthright — equality of educational privilege. It is, of course, conceded that the States have a sphere of educational work into which the nation may perhaps never enter, and that States may vary in their educational policy. But it remains that the nation has an educational opportunity and duty. It has already its naval and military schools and other agencies. A single battle may cost as much as a college or university. No one believes our nation will stop here. The concep- tion of a national university is not new, but it has not taken definite form. The idea has been advanced and advocated by some of the most practical men of affairs the nation has produced. Give the nation a few men with the instincts of educators and statesmen to lead, and the vague aspirations looking toward national edu- cation will be soon embodied in legislation and institu- tions. Such an enterprise may result in good by preventing the States from enterprises in the way of State universi- ties, if by university is meant an institution for profes- sional and graduate study. Such work involves large funds, teaching power, and appliances. It is expensive and needless for most States. Let fewer but better uni- versities be the new order. If the State carries its youth 104 UNION COLLECxE. from kiiulergiirteii tliruiigli college or its equivalent, uni- versity work may fall to the States on a joint basis or to the nation. However these matters may be wrought out, the Baptist holds to a pulilie odueational policy which sliall give each youth his bii'thi'iglit — e(pudity of educa- tional privilege. Second, the Baptist's attitude toward th(^ l)le8t relig- ious motives. Tlieir teachers in\t their heart into the work. Their students have been a blessing to the world. To-day these schools stand by the Hudson, the Mississippi, the Congo, the Ganges. This effort is moving on in the great world centers, at London, Calcutta, Yokohama, Chicago, Washington, and in remote and neglected places among j^oor and obscure people. It aims at the backward as well as the foremost races. None can contemplate the educational work of this or of other great Christian bodies with indifference. The work is a growing, not a waning, enterjjrise. It is a rosy dawn, not a fading day. The (Christian denomination is thus a world-wide force in education. State and nation plan foi- a limited popu- lation or area ; this contemplates the training of the race. Measure its field — it is as broad as the earth, as extensive as humanity. How can it lay down its work without being faithless to a great opportunity f On the contrary, it must organize and correlate its agencies better than in the past. Let it continue to train and send forth leaders. Let it fire the heart of nations with a generous sympathy for their own populations. It may appeal to men of wealth to consecrate their wealth to this cause, which lies at the basis not alone of social progress, but of the very life of society. It gives humanity a true ideal and leads on to equal and univei'sal education. ADDRESS. 107 There i.s no time to enlarge ui)on these themes, but ampler treatment would put in stronger light the idea I have ti-ied to emphasize, that the Cliristian denomination has a broadening field and opportunity in universal edu- cation. I may name in this connection one characteristic fact of our times — the consecration of great wealth to educati(^n. do back a quarter of a century. Who could foresee the recent vast accumulations of wealth ? Or who could foretell the great benefactions of men of wealth to education ? Cooper, Cornell, Colgate, Pratt, Drexel, Stan- ford, Hopkins, Fayerweather, Slater, Peabody, Rockefel- ler, — we cannot even call the roll of names that will never fade from the memory of humanity. If education ranks among the first interests of the race, these men stand among the truest benefactors of mankind. They are master-builders in rearing the fabric of a better social order. Analyze the lives and motives of these men, and it will appear that a religious motive directly or indirectly impelled them in their undertakings. They were not dis- obedient to the heavenly vision. This will not cease. Men will devote wealth in the future to education as they have done, but in a larger way and on a broader plan. They have given millions ; they will give tens of millions. Mark, also, how plans have grown. Peter Cooper gave to the youth of a city, Ezra Cornell to the youth of a commonwealth, Daniel Slater to a neglected race diffused over the South, George Peabody to another race in the same region. A Christian philanthropist will rise up in the future to devote his wealth to the better training of youth, not in a city, state, or nation merely, but the whole world over. Such a gift will mark a new era in uni- versal education. The administration of such gifts is to-day possible to a degree never before equaled in hu- man history. Third, the Baptist's attitude toward denominational cooperation in education. 108 UNION COLLEGE. The times are not rii)e for full cooperation as yet, be- cause the workl-field is so vast that they who work in it scarcely touch each other. But soon the vastness of the field will show the necessity of joint labor in universal education. How such union of effort may be effected we cannot discuss here, but a law of organization or principle of cooperation will, doubtless, touch these great and be- neficent educational forces of our common Christianity. Already there are suggestions pointing along this line. The Chautauqua movement has a home in many parts of the world. The international Y. M. C. A. work is es- tablished far and wide, and is pushing forward with a spirit big with hope. Christian denominations have their schools in all lands. The printed page and the teacher have an open world before them. I point to the history of this college, standing at the threshold of its second century, as an illustration of such cooperation of Chris- tian men. Eliphalet Nott, the Presbyterian; Alonzp Potter, the Episcopalian ; Francis Wayland, the Ba[)tist ; John Newman, the Methodist ; Tayler Lewis, of the Re- formed Chm-ch, labored side by side, loyal to the Churches of which they were ornaments and the cause of education of which they were promoters. Whatever may be the future of this college, — we confidently hope it may be one of honor and usefulness, — the idea on which it rests is destined to have a large place in Christian education throughout the world. I have sought briefly to give the views of Baptists on public education, State and National; on denominational education, and on the cooperation of Christian denomi- nations in education. Baptists believe the Christian idea to be fundamental as a basis, motive, and inspiration. It is the Son of Man who In-ings to the sons of men in all the earth equal privileges in religion and education. The work goes forward as Baptists view it. Events and upheavals may seem to check advance, but they do ADDRESS. 109 SO ill appearance only, not in reality. Mental and spiri- tnal forces, like the great operations of Nature, the falling (low, the spri^ad of light, the growth of harvests, move silently but surely. A fairer social order is rising; but, as in the rearing of the ancient temple, we hear no sound of chisel, no blow of hammer. To that regenerated form of society we inay npply the imniortal words of Milton: "Methiuks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation, rousing herself like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invincible locks ; methinks I see her as an eagle, mewing her mighty youth, and kindling her undazzled eyes at the full noonday beam, purging and unsealing her long- abused sight at the fountain itself of heavenly radiance." Or it may be like the earthly dawning of the pro})hetic vision, fair l:>ut long delayed, of a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness, where knowledge fills the earth as waters cover the mighty deep. ADDEESS BY REV. THOMAS E. BLISS, D. D. Class of 1848. KEPKESENTING THE PKESBYTERIAN CHURCH. THERE is ail atmosphere, it is said, imperceptible to many, but which in fact gathers around every insti- tution of learning in the land. The philosophy of a cer- tain institution or college used to be often spoken of as having come from the atmosphere of that region. It is so to-day with regard to Old Union. In man 5^ things there is a peculiar atmosphere which is found here, and which is represented in the motto on the seal of our beloved mother : " In essentials, unity ; in non-essen- tials, lil)erty; in all things, charity." This spirit has taken strong hold of the great body of the graduates of this University. As one of its representatives in the East for years, and for more than a quarter of a century in the West, I tliink I can bear good testimony to the fruitful and beneficent results which have come from the cultivation of the spirit and principle presented in that motto. In my own native State of Massachusetts we were wont to boast of our deep interest in educa- tion. Our foi-efathers had hardly landed in the region of Massachusets Bay or on Plymouth Rock before they l>egan to consider the question of education. Old John Harvard, a Puritan divine, founded Harvard College as ADDRESS. Ill oarly as lOHO, l)y .C'ivinc; ei,i;lit liundrod jiouiids sterling', and tliat institution lias lived on and has been-a power in the educational ^Y()rld. Yale took its rise in the beginning of the eighteenth ctMitnry. It started with only a few books contributed by the neighboring ministers in that region, but its onward progress has been marked with power; and all along there have been great glory and honor attending the history of that institution. Turn- ing now to Dartmouth — Old Dartmouth, where Webster graduated, and that prince of flowery orators, Rufus Ohoate, — we find there that education was one of the first things which took hold of the popular mind. Old Dr. Wheelock, early in the enterprise of settling the State of New Hampshire, there founded an Indian school. Many imagine that Indian education is a modern thing. Oh, no ! Our fathers did ten times more of that work in proportion to their means and numbers than we are doing to-day. They founded Dartmouth College as an Indian school. Then it was endowed by Lord Dart- mouth, and rose to its present position of honor among the great educators of the East. Williams had a similar origin, though not an Indian school. Amherst came on later ; then Brown. I was settled once within fifteen miles of Brown University, and I love it almost as well as any other, though not quite as well as Old Union. It is one of those honored institutions that took their rise in the early history of New England, and which have done a mighty work in sending out master-minds for the education of the nation, who have scattered far and wide from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and have done, and are doing, a beneficent work in laying foundations broad and deep in all the new and rising States of the great West. But we must not dwell too long upon this subject. I have been exceedingly pleased to hear the reports of the work of the Baptists, but when we come to speak 112 UNTOX COLLEGE. of the early Presbyterians, Cougre.i^atioualists, and Dutch Reformed — as wc used to (tiiW tliat Church; and it is an honored name, the Reformed Church, now called — we find that they were often blended in their great religious and educational enter) )rises. As late as 1845, if I remember correctly, the Presbyterian and Congre- gational Churches were united as one in the support of Home and Foreign Missions. New England sent out her young men and maidens and settled all the western region of New York State v^ery largely. When I was there near Rochester supplying a pulpit some years ago, they requested me to write the history of the Presbyterian Church. When I looked through the old records of that Church I found it had a creed as sound as its songs, ringing clear on all the fundamental doctrines of the kingdom of our God; and yet it was for sixty years in its history a Congregational Church, founded by a colony from Pittsford, Vermont. So I might go on to almost any extent showing how the blended strength of these two great bodies has wrought grandly in the great work of education and the greater work of the kingdom of our God. But let me come a little closer to the present. Having spent most of my ministry upon the frontier of the West, I would like to show you briefly how these things work together. "In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, lib- erty. In all things, charitj'." Some years ago when I left my charge in the Old Bay State, I went to the Upper Lakes, and there, upon the shores of Lake Superior, at Hancock, I organized a Congregational Church. Within six months after I went there we had members of seven different religious bodies who were members in good standing in that Church; yet I never saw a more united Church. Its members worked together harmoniously; they wei'e all seeking one common object, the advance- ment of the Redeemer's kingdom, the salvation of ini- ADDRESS. Ml] mortal souls. I witnessed some beautiful sights in my own home there. Many times after its occurrence the fact impressed me that upon a certain evening- which I now recall there knelt side by side in prayer in my house members of these seven different religious bodies ; yet no one would ever have dreamed that they ever be- longed to different religious denominations; no one would ever have thought that they had not been from child- hood in the same religious family. I also found that there was just as much readiness to cooperate. The spirit was large — in the great essentials they were one; private opinions they held without disturbance, but in working together for Grod they were a unit. Again and again it has been my privilege to do this same thing. I am pastor to-day of a church in which there are representatives of some half-dozen different bodies among its members. We never think of that difference. We all work together and pray together. My friends, I have found some of the sweetest hours of my ministerial life of over forty years among those blended souls, singing the songs of Zion, working and praying together, and for the common welfare of Christ's kingdom. Ecclesiastical form is one of the smallest things we have to consider. It is the union of hearts, the union of sympathy, the union of as2:)iration — all drawing their inspiration from that divine fountain which flows from the pierced side of our precious Sa- viour — in this is the hiding of the strength of the king- dom of our God in this world. It is to these great things that we need to give our thoughts, the things that when rightly presented bring souls together as one, so that they all speak and sing in the sacred " language of Canaan." Yes; that is one of the beautiful things that I can recollect here in other days, even in this old city of our great love. We wish you to understand that we intend to carry forward that spirit of Christian union 8 114 UNION COLLEGE. more and inoi'c in the West. It is doing a great and blessed work tliere. Diflferent religious Inxlies have their place and value ; but iu comuiunities where there are only a few, perhaps half a dozen, Christians, of as many dif- ferent denominations, there comes in the need of union and of blending of hearts in the work for the Master, which is attended with tlie most benign results. In edu- cational matters, let me say that our Methodist friends have the stai-t in that region, and we are very glad of it. The conditions are such that we may find it neces- sary to unite in one great Union University, taking dear Old Union as our model ; and I have recommended it again and again. I was glad that Dr. Alexander to-day made mention of the fact that in this college and in its Board of Trustees there never had been any discord be- tween the various denominational elements. It is one of the secrets of power in the educational and religious world that we, especially in earlier frontier work, hold fast to the motto of dear Old Union ; and with that we expect to win success, success not only in educational matters, but also that success which is higher — success in the up- building of the Redeemer's kingdom among the great mountains of God, where, we trust, it shall stand so long as time shall endure. ADDRESS BY REV. WILLIAM D. MAXON, D. D. Class of 1878. EEPRESENTING THE PEOTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. IT is one advantage of a conference of this kind that each speaker can contribute his own especial thought, and so add to the sum total of thoughts. I regard this subject somewhat in a general way, and perhaps more especially from a philosophic point, with some consider- ation of the particular difficulties which obtain in the matter of applying religion and education. If I were asked to speak specifically of the contributions of the Church of England and the American Episcopal Church to-day to education, I should have no need to feel ashamed beside the quota of results that have been presented here this afternoon by our Baptist and Methodist brethren. However, I do not feel myself quite justified in speaking specifically of the results of the work of the American Episcopal Church in matters of education and religion ; and I can only trust that as I speak as a loyal member of the American Ef)iscoi)al Church, born and bred in it, you will take what I say as reflecting in some measure, though very poorly, the convictions which obtain in the Protestant Episcopal Church concerning the relation of religion to education. Tin UNION COLLEGE. ''It is tlic cliiot'est of good tiling's foi- a man to be liim- self." This saying o±" Benjamin Wliichcotc, sometime Provost of King's College, Cambridge, will, I am sure, fiud full response in all who look for a real relation between reli- gion and education. // is tlic chicfcst of nootl fJ/})/f/s for a man to he Ji'nnsrlf. {(() It is one side of an eternal truth. The personality of man is real. No man is worthy of the name who does not respect his personalit3\ Ever}- man fails to be what he ought to be who is not educated up to the possibilities of his i^ersonality — to be himself; his real, true, best, and fullest self. {h) But there is another side to the eternal truth, and I cannot forbear to give this also in the words of the same old English scholar and churchman : "He that taketh himself out of God's hands into his own, by-and-by will not know what to do with himself." The personality of God is also real. Apart from God no man can really know himself. That, therefore, is no true education which does not, directly or indirectly, sooner or later, establish a living intercom'se between the personality of man and the personality of God. That is a defective education which, tending to take a man out of God's hand into his own, puts him on the destructive broad- way of not knowing what to do with himself. For if the way of men lead not finally to God, who is the supreme consciousness of the universe, then man, indeed, shall be hopelessly lost amid the unconscious things of the universe. The relation, then, between religion and education is fundamental, and continuously necessary. In a real sense, religion and education are one and the same thing; for relifjion is the education of the full nia>f, the educing, draw- ing-out, and leading forth of all the human faculties, forces, and feelings up to their unity and completion in the divine. . ADDRESS. 117 But our subject, I take it, is not transcendental, but practical. Religion has a commonly accepted province, and education another. Can the two provinces touch with mutual advantage I For us, religion means Christianity, and education stands for the pursuit and acquisition of modern knowledge. What relation do these bear one to the other I Are they enemies I Should they not be friends and co-workers ? 1. The extreme partizans of secular knowledge insist that religion and education have nothing in common — that education is scientific, natural, progressive ; while religion is transcendental, visionary, traditional, and sta- tionary. Such opinion was prominent when I was in college, seventeen years ago. We young men were quite sure of the value of scientific education, but we were much mixed about religion ; we had a keen appreciation for the great names of Darwin, Spencer, and Huxley, but we had little or no vital interest in that Name which is above even/ name. The opinion still extensively holds. Many students, convinced of the conclusions of modern science, think it incompatible with their allegiance to knowledge to hold still to the Christian religion. The opinion has been popularized by Mr. Ingersoll, and to some extent by the novels of Mrs. Humphry Ward. But there are signs of reaction and revolt. Certainly the awful revelations that have been made in the city of London concerning the compatibility between the gross- est immorality and the extreme of the culture of secular- ism have made the whole civilized world sick of an education divorced from religion. Mr. Benjamin Kidd's " Social Evolution " is a strong mark of the rebound from the dogmatism of secularism, in its clear recognition of the power of religious belief in the evolution of society. Mr. Balfour's " Foundation of Belief " indicates the com- patibility of political leadership with clear convictions of Christian philosophy. Prof. George Romanes, who 8* 118 UNION COLLEGE. twonty yoars n^o put forth a "Candid Examination of Theism" with a skei)tieal conchision, has lately died in the communion of the Church of Enj^land, having left notes upon a " Candid Examination of Religion," treated from the standpoint of fact, whih; the words of James Anthony Fi'oude in one of his recent works are reassui'- ing : " Science grows and observers are adding daily to our knowledge of the material univei'se, Init tliey tell us nothing of what we ))iost want to knoir.'''' Now, it is the Christian religion which tells us specific- ally, enthusiastically, authoritatively of what we most want to Joioic. Considering the precariousness of this earthly life, we may well ask, What is the use of this fev- erish pursuit of modern knowledge, with its prolonged and complicated process of education, if men shall ac- quire from it nothing permanent, nothing to outlast his earthly and temporal experience ? Yes, it is religion, Christ's religion, which tells us what we most want to know; it is religion, Christ's religion, which unveils and injects eternity into the midst of time; it is religion, Christ's religion, which gives coherency and unfailing inspiration to the j)ursuit of knowledge; and, therefore, this religion must enter into education and continue with education throughout the whole course of man — religion in the education of the home, religion in the edu- cation of the school, religion in the education of the college and univeivsity, religion in the education of the busy after-life in the world. 2. But what is the Christian religion ? Here is con- fusion. Here is the difficulty of bringing religion and education together. Christendom is divided and subdi- vided. The chief teachers of Christ's religion differ greatly as to what constitutes its essential truth and effi- cacious methods. They are jealous of their resi)ective convictions. Hence the Christian religion is banished from where, next after the home, it ought to be taught — ADDRESS. 119 in the publio seliools. But so intense is the division of Christendom that both seeulai'ists and rehgiouists unite in the one cry, " The School for the State aud the Church for God." But that cry is not consistent with the claims of the Founder of the Christian relij>-ion. He came to bear witness to the truth. He said, " All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth." He sent the Divine Spirit to guide the world into the fullness of the truth. How, then, shall this supreme and universal Master be ex- cluded from anything that conduces to the welfare of man f Shall He who bade men to love God not only with their hearts and souls but with their })U)i(ls as well be denied His rightful place in the realm of knowledge — in the school, the college, the university? Nay, He who is supreme ahorc all is, indeed, supreme in all. But, alas ! Christ is barred from his universal domain very largely because of the unhappy divisions among those who bear His Name. Nevertheless even here are signs of reaction and revolt. Across the lines of our divisions there has been raised a cry which, when fully caught up by the voice of our common Christianity, shall level to the ground the walls of sectarianism. That cry is, " Back, back to Christ ! The School, the State, the Church — all for God." Certainly, since 1886, when the Church of which I have the honor to be a minister put forth its platform of church-unity, there has been a remarkable interest in overcoming the divisions of Christendom. There have been many discussions and conferences, many biddings to prayer, and many sermons preached. All western Christianity, from the Pope at St. Peter's to the humblest missionary worker on our borders, has felt the thrill of the call to unity. It is a difficult prob- lem — one that will not soon be solved; but one that must be solved if the power of the living Christ shall, indeed, have rightful sway over the opinions and preju- dices of men ; and when the problem of church-unity is 120 UNION COLLEGE. solved, the problem of religion and education will need no solution. Then, indeed, shall be witnessed the restoration of that image which the famous Dean Colet, of St. Paul's, set up in the noble Christian school he founded in London in 1510. It was an image of the Child Jesus standing over the master's chair in the attitude of teaching, with the motto, '"'' Hear ye HimJ'^ ADDRESS BY REV. FREDERICK Z. ROOKER, D. D. Class of 1884. REPRESENTING THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. IT would be a sort of profanation to try to put into words the feelings with which I have come here to- day to speak to you and with you. These feelings are too profound and sacred to admit of any description. I have been invited to take an active part in the centennial celebration of my alma mater, and the respect and love with which I have ever regarded her have to-day min- gled with them a kind of awe, the most natural evolution of the reverence which preceded it, when I consider that she is now venerable, not only for her office as teacher of men and maker of men's characters, but also because her brow is circled by the hundred years of a glorious ex- istence. I feel honored by this privilege of speaking to- day; I feel glad to be alive to participate in the first centennial of Old Union. You have asked me to give the view which the Catholic Charch takes of the subject of religion and education. It is not a difficult thing to do ; for the position of the Catholic Church in that matter is definitely and clearly formulated, and within her fold there is no chance for a diversity of opinions about it. Her teaching in this re- gard is the logical outcome of the great fundamental 122 UNION COLLEGE. principles which permeate by their influence her whole system — principles about which, or about the evident and necessary deductions from which, she admits no discussion. Let me then, briefly, expose to you these principles, and I am sure that you will agree with me that the stand taken by the Church regarding the relation of religion to education is but a necessary conclusion. In the first place, the Church recognizes as existing two distinct or- ders — the natural order and the supernatural order ; the order of nature and the order of grace. To her the su- pernatnral order is just as real, and, for rational crea- tures, far more important than the natural. In her doctrine there is no place for the theory that man was created to work out as best he may a natural destiny, or by the use and perfection of his natural faculties to pro- gress through grades of evolution to a better and fuller knowledge of himself and the universe, and consequently to a better and fuller existence as a more perfected and highly developed element of that universe. No, the Catholic Church sees in man a creature made for one end only, and that end a supernatural one. At the moment of his creation he was placed in a supernatural state, and to that state was he restored by the work of the redemption. The one and only perfection to which he can attain is a perfection in, and of, the supernatural order. If he does not attain that he must forever remain unperfected. Do what he will with his natural faculties, develop them as he may in the natural order and by nat- ural means, there is nothing for him to hope for. You can see, then, how all-important it is for him to get into this supernatural order, and work and live and develop in it. Unless he does so, it were better for him never to have been born. Now, this supernatural order is a thing whose very ex- istence is absolutely hidden from the natural knowledge ADDRESS. 123 of man. By his natural faculties alone he never could even come to know that there is such a thing, much less could he know anything about its details. And yet this knowledge is of supreme importance to liim. ^Vlience, then, is it to come t Only from tlie Author of both the supernatm-al and the natural. Only the voice of God speaking directly to man could make known those things which are of first and highest concern to him. The se- crets thus manifested constitute the deposit of revealed truth, and the knowledge and understanding of them are the most necessary things in the life of man. To commu- nicate this knowledge, and to perfect this understanding, is the work of religion and of the teachers of religion. These considerations are enough for our present purposes. The conclusions which naturally flow from them will give a very accurate and sufficiently detailed explanation of the position of the Catholic Church in this matter. In the first place, then, what is education I It is the development of man by the imparting of knowledge to his intellect and by the training of his rational faculties so that they are made capable of doing the best that is in them. If the best that is in the rational faculties of man. were confined to the natural order, then education would be complete and perfect when it should train those facul- ties up to their highest natural capacity. Then the pur- est and best and profoundest of philosophers would be to us examples of the most perfect results attainable by education. Then education would consist in leading our youth by the paths of naturally acquired knowledge to the highest summit of natural thought. It would mean to help youth to know as many as possible of the undisputed facts dis- covered by human investigation, and from these facts to formulate the highest and best abstractions. It would be performing its whole duty when it should train up men to walk in the paths of moral righteousness, to think 124 UNION COLLEGE. high thoughts and do noble actions, to be animated, in all things by a spirit of justice and truth, to govern their lives by prudence, to enjoy the world's goods with tem- perance, and bear the world's ills with fortitude ; when it should make men feel that they are indeed men and not beasts, and that they are all men and, as men, brothers. But the best that is in the rational faculties is not re- stricted by nature. It is true that nature limits their own independent activities; but it does not limit their capacity for things higher than nature, provided they be helped by a corresponding power. While God has not put into our nature the power of doing things above its own requirements. He has made it capable of receiving supernatural assistance. He has established for man a supernatural end; and though He has not given him the power of reaching that end by his own unaided exertions. He has made him so that, properly aided, he himself may make the necessary su- pernatural progress. Since, then, it is the work of education to develop the very best that is in man, and since the very best that is in him goes on above and beyond the natural, a develop- ment which takes no account of the supernatural cannot be truly called the education of a man. True education must be permeated by, and must tend to, the supernat- ural, for its one aim must be to lead man to his true end. But this is the same as to say that true education must be permeated by revealed religion, for only in revealed religion do we find any knowledge of the supernatural or of its workings and requirements. This, then, is and always has been and always will be the position of the Catholic Church. On this question she cannot compromise. The communication of truths without reference to revealed religion may be instruction, but it can never be education; and instruction is not enough for man. The Church can never recognize as ADDRESS. 125 perfect a system of t<^aoliiiig which pi-esciiids from the existence of revealed religion. It may be that circum- stances make it impossible to have the best aiid most perfect, but it does not follow that she is therefore con- tent with what she holds to be imperfect. Instruction in profane knowledge is necessary, and if it cannot be had except it be taken apart from any re- ligious training, it will be so received, and everj^ effort will be made to supply the deficiency in other ways. But the Catholic Church will never cease to long for, nor to work for, a better condition of things. If she did she would be false to herself and to the i3rinciples on which she is founded, and from which she draws her vitality. With her, revealed religion is the first and last necessity of life. Unless it entered into every phase of the activ- ity of her subjects, she could not exist. She would, therefore, be inconsistent did she not insist that it should have the first and middle and last place in the education of the young. So much, then, for the relation to education of the su- pernatural regarded objectively. But there remains for a full explanation of the Church's position the considera- tion of the supernatural in its subjective aspect. It does not suffice to set before the young the great truths of the supernatural order. These truths cannot, indeed, be known unless they are placed before our minds by a competent authority ; but even when placed before us they cannot be taken into our intellects and assimilated by them, and made the ruling principles of our lives un- less our wills are gently molded to their acceptance. There is needed not only the manifestation of infinite wisdom, but the action of infinite grace ; and, in the ordi- nary disposition of Providence, this all-powerful yet all- gentle moving of the will is accomplished only when by careful training the will has been disposed to receive it. Here, then, is another, and perhaps the greater, office of 126 UNION COLLEGE. education — the training of the will to make it submissive to the operation of grace. This training can be accom- plished only with the aid of a practical, tangible religion. The absolute necessity of these two elements in education the Church ever insists on, and she claims that just as man has no natural but only a supernatural end, so he can have no real natural but only a supernatural moral- ity, since morality is nothing but a means to the end. She claims that her position is supported by the history of all nations. The principles and precepts of what is called natural morality have been investigated and known to perfection for centuries. The practical fruit of this investigation has always been summed up in the almost despairing cry, " Video meliora prohoque, sed dete- riora sequorP The Catholic Church finds a great and a natural satis- faction in watching the movement of thoughtful minds toward her position on this question. An organization made up of human subjects cannot divest itself of hu- manity so far as not to enjoy saying "I told you so," when a chance offers. The Church, confident of her posi- tion, stands firm and awaits the developments of time, and as she sees one or another of her teachings gaining accej)tance outside her fold, she feels encouraged to go on hoping for that union of minds and hearts for which she has longed for centuries and for which she will long while she continues to exist. BACCALAUREATE SERMON BY THE BT. REV. WM. CROSWELL DOANE, D. D., LL. D. Bishop of Albany. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth ; and some to honour and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. —2 Timothy, ii, 20, 21. IT is a pleasant thought to me that everywhere in the Church of which I am a minister, this evening, this portion of Holy Scripture is read in the Even-song serv- ice, sending its searching words into the listening ears of thousands ; to be turned into some life influence in the hearts of men ; and to pass, by the natural tendency of Christian thought to Christian prayer, into an earnest resolve, or a still more earnest supplication, by which the chai'acter of a young man may be formed. And so, about us here to-night, concerned with the question of charac- ter-forming in you young men of Union, are gathered thoughts and prayers and lessons most congenial to this last religions service, for some of you, of your under- gi'aduate lives. For this whole chapter is the outpouring of an old man's earnestness, and an old man's experience, to a young man who is as his son. It appeals, first of all, to that inherent element of youth and manhood — namely, strength, which is the young man's glory. It recognizes strength as something to be honored and 128 UNION COLLEGE. held iu high esteem, even as St. John wrote " unto j^oung men because they were strong." It asks for this vigour of young manhood, that it may be " empowered (sv5ova[j.orj) with the grace that is in Christ Jesus." Because the trend and tendency of young strength is to self-confidence and presumption ; and, strong as youth is, and young as your strength is, it is not sufficient for the burthens or the battles or the duties of life. It makes of every man a teacher and trustee for others, of all that he has heard and learned; and sends you out, not to the idle indul- gence of a selfish scholarship, but to hold up, and to hand on whatever light of truth you have gained here. It puts before you the conflict of life, in which you are enlisted for the truth and the right, " soldiers of Jesus Christ," and lays the laws down by which the fight is to be fought. " Enduring hardness " ; not ease and indolence and sham fights and fine uniforms and parades, playing with the weapons that are given you for work; but what the heathen poet taught of preparation for their games, — " multa tulit fecitque puer sudavit et alsit," — courage, en- durance, simple living, abstinence, suffering, self-mastery. It bids you keep yourselves clear and unclouded by the blandishments and temptations of mere earthly things, entanglements with the affairs of this life, its pleasures, its seductions, its near horizons of aim, its narrow limita- tions of effort ; mere money-getting, mere place-hunting, mere selfish satisfaction of the senses. It forbids, as sure to lose even the earthly crown of a success that satisfies^ all the mean tricks and subterfuges, the quibbles with truth, the indifference to honour, the advantages taken, the resorts to double-dealing, by which men " strive un- lawfully." It stands you outdoors, in the full light of Heaven's highest noon, with God's eye on you, in the whole enterprise and undertaking of your life, each to be " a workman that needeth not to be ashamed." It gives you the two tests by which alone all character is tried, BACCALAUREATE SERMON. 129 whether it rest or not on tlie foundation of God ; the out- ward and visible sign of a confession of the Master, by whieh "the Lord knoweth them that are His," «y^<'/ tlie in- wai'd and spiritual grace, woi'king deep down into the motives and aims and intentions of life, " Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from inicjuity." I know, of course, that it is the letter of an Apostle to a Bishop, a pastoral letter to one whom he had set in high place, in the Church of the Ephesians. But it is resonant and redolent with just what is, and ought to be, in my heart to-night, the urgency and entreaty of an old man to young men, " Thou, therefore, my son, be strong." The portion of this letter to which I especially address myself to-night, my friends, contains great princii3les of practical value for the life on which you are setting forth, and principles which need some application and some interpretation for theii' full understanding. The picture is of the palace of the Great King, in which are gathered the various vessels for His use. The great House is the Church, in the first and finest sense. And, in the larger and wider range of its inclusion, it is the world ; all His, the Master's, in which He is ; and every man in it, and every thing in it. His, for use. How great the House is, looked at any way. How little in compari- son the largest, costliest vessel of them all. In it He rules. Who is present, not in the sense of the old pan- theism — which was more reverent and more religious than some things that pass for Christianity now — but present in a reality of influence, of interference if you will, which makes every act and every instant full of Him — "immanent" the modern philosophic word is. The old expression told it of the universe, "Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory." "If I climb up to Heaven Thou art there, if I go down to Hell Thou art there also ; if I take the wings of the morning and remain in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there also Thy hand 9 130 UNION COLLEGE. shall lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me." And, for the Church, which is in the world, the Master's promise fills it with His presence, instant, immediate, in- tense, universal : " Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." And in this great House in which He is, there are these various vessels (axs-rrj). It is a word used constantly in the New Testament Scriptures to de- scribe sometimes men, and, sometimes, the bodies of men ; and it is used here in its larger sense, the whole man. What are we set to learn here, every man of us, about our place and portion, in this great House of God, the World ? Three things — Diversity of character ; distinc- tion of use; devotion of service; and, after these, an indiscriminate usefulness and honour to each in his own place. Diversity of character; "gold and silver and wood and earth." Oh, what a wealth of wisdom, and what a world of truth are here. Half the wretchedness and unrest of life would be done quite away with by the acceptance of this first thought. It is not easy always to accept, or pleasant to believe. But the vain strifes of vaulting am- bition, the senseless swellings after unattainable ends, the feeble apings and imitations of other people whom we can never resemble, and the wretched failures of so many lives, might all be avoided if only men would learn this truth, that they are made of various stuffs and different materials; some rare and rich, some poor and homely. And life could not be, without these various and differing vessels to carry on its work. It is easy for some impa- tient, discontented individual to fault the Maker and the Master that, being clay, he was not gold, or, being wood, he was not silver. But the discontent comes from wish- ing to be something other than he is. And the content would be if each would realize three things, the infinite wisdom of his Maker; the responsibility of life relative to the capacity of the liver ; and the need of just such ser- BACCALAUREATE SERMON. 131 vice as each can render to accomplish all God's will. It seems to nio that jnst here lie the use and value of your trainini;- time ; to have found out the stuff you are made of. It is idle folly to imagine that only common things can be made out of common stuffs. That cheapest and commonest of all materials, earth, in the hands of Palissy the potter, made vessels of beauty that equal Cellini's work in gold; and the Sacrament-Haus, in the Dom- kirche at Nuremberg, with its top tendril bent over lest it should strike the roof, is rival to the rarest Venetian filigree of silver. Learn, and lay well to heart, the equal value, for their own peculiar uses, of all created sub- stances. It is this longing after the unattainable that wastes life out with fevers of discontent. To make the most of one's own self, and not to be some one else, should be the intelligent desire of every sensible man. And to be excellent in auyili'mg, to make good machinery, to plant a garden well or sow a field, to breed good horses or to manufacture honest goods, is to fill out one's place in life as really and as valuably as to be poet, practitioner of law or medicine, inventor, statesman, editor, philosopher, or priest. And the next lesson is of distinction of use. There is a vulgarity in the misinterpretation of these words, which is well-nigh insufferable. There is no intimation here that " some to honour and some to dishonour " means that gold and silver vessels are for honourable things, and wooden and earthen vessels for dishonourable things. The honour or dishonour lies, iwt in the material of which the vessel is made. There is no commonest thing which is not " to honour," if it be honourably used. And there is no such depth of dishonour conceivable as the degrada- tion, to base uses, of the finer, rarer vessels of silver and gold. How I wish I could press this home. I take it, and you take it, that the man of intellectual ability, of spiri- 132 UNION COLLEGE. tual power, is the most precious vessel of all. Is he therefore, by the mere possession of these gifts, a "vessel unto honour"! And I say a thousand times. No! To prostitute intellect till it ministers only to the dissemina- tion of doubts and the denial of God ; or to pervert the subtle influence of spiritual power till it panders to pas- sion or sin, dishonours the noblest vessel in the great House of God. The other lesson, the honourableness of commonest things, is taught us at every turn. There is the slow, dull boy, most ordinary in capacity, whose plod- -ding patience, dully persisting in the pursuit of problems caught in an instant by the superficial facileness of a quicker brain, has seized, and holds what he has gained, with a grasp of retentiveness, which makes him really a scholar; where the other has only a half -forgotten smat- tering of memorized words. And everywhere in life to-day there are the steady, useful, trustworthy men, not smart enough to run the risks and take the ventures which land their quicker fellows in degradation and dis- honesty ; the men whose speech is slow, but whose word is as good as their bond, on whom men lean for counsel in doubtful times, and for confidence in days of disaster — " vessels of wood and earth " to honour. And the next lesson is of devotion of service — " sanc- tified and meet for the Master's use." Life lies open and out before you from to-day. There is no choice of what is called independence, because that means, really, selfish- ness and self-will. In the veritable mesh and network of life, the relation of men to one another is so close and vital that no man liveth or dieth to himself. Robinson Crusoe, even, had his man Friday. And as there is of necessity interdependence among men, so there must be dependence upon some stronger power and higher will. Offero, till he becomes Christopher, will be the servant of Satan. The choice is not ivJietlier, but " wJiom will ye serve." It is a choice that cannot be made too soon. BACCALAUKEATE SERMON. W>] " Choose ye this day whom ye will S(^rvo." Yon know that the other side of man's choice is God's call. Yon know that (rod's call is yonv " callini>-," yonr vocation, yonr place and lot of work in life. And yon will have to learn that that call comes in various ways, and to very varying oc- cupations. It will be largely influenced by your capacit}^, " gold, silver, wood, earth." For God never puts the ves- sels in His House to any unsuitable use. And while I would fain believe that some of you, at least, may have, and hear, ;uid heed the call to the sacred ministry, I beg you to realize that this is not the only meaning of " the Master's use." For He has use for, and need of, men who shall serve Him in every walk and way of life. What is meant is that every man shall so do his woi'k, in whatever state of life God calls him to work in, from time to time, as to be serving his Master in that work. Look out to-day upon the world. You are the young men of the coming generation of Americans, to be citizens, to hold public office, to guide public opinion, to minister public or private trusts, to be the bankers, the tradesmen, the lawyers, the physicians, the clergymen, the manufacturers, the law-makers, the politicians of the time. You are to fill these places, and to act out these parts, so that the Master can use you for His great ends. The rottenness in public life and private affairs, which shocks us and threatens us to-day, is due to the common forgetfulness of this fundamental truth ; and there is danger that it will spread till it corrupt the body politic. There seems no watchfulness sharp enough in trustees and directors to detect the step-by-step stealing (called by a euphemism borrowing), whose end is dishonesty and dishonour ; and often after these, the disgraceful escape of consequences, by the contemptible cowardice of suicide. And the reason is not far to find. The clerk or the cash- ier is imitating his directors or trustees. Eaten up with the sin of covetousness, they are committing the crime — 9* 134 UNION COLLEGE. which gambling is — of money-making by the effort, through reckless risks, to get something ivitli no equivalent given. I have no stone to cast against the great body of the brokers of the world. There are illustrious examples, I know, among them of fidelity to obligations unwritten and unsigned, which all of us might learn to imitate. There are among them men who, within our recent recol- lection, have saved the credit of the country from disaster and disgrace. The essential element in commerce, of buying low to sell at an advance, if it be right in land and sugar, cannot be wrong in stocks and bonds. But the lawless and illegitimate business which skulks behind slang names in "the Street," of buying augthii/g with nothing, of promises without the means to pay, of rising to success on another's wreck or ruin, wrought out " with weapons " that are not even carnal, but hrutal, the tossing of sharp horns, the crushing with cruel claws ; these are among the crying crimes of capital to-day. The rich master wins his millions, and whets the appetite of his poor clerk to make his smaller, sinful ventures ; or he loses his millions, makes good the loss, and does not mind it. But the weak follower has no resource behind. The venture fails. His little fortune is wi'ecked, and then the sequel follows, in fast succeeding steps ; false entries, de- tection, flight, a skulking life, an ignominious death. And the chief blame rests on the protected and undetected sinner who led him astray. There is no cure for this but in the consciousness that every vessel must be sanctified, purged from all these evil lusts, meet for the Master's use, and living as though used by Him, for the high ends of honesty and honour, and faithfulness to trust. Turn from this, up or down, as you may think it, into the political field, which has great atti'activeness in a country like ours, where the rewards of highest place have been won, and can be, from the lowest start. We have high-sounding sentences like " public office is a pub- BACCALAUREATE SERMON. 135 lie trust." We have great schemes of civil service and reform. But very few live up to the sentences, or are governed by the schemes. The temptations are great; to be popular, to influence votes, to manage men, to con- trol great measures, to advance one's own interest, to get tlie patronage of great corporations, to have the power of much patronage to distribute, to stand well with the party for party ends and gains ; all these, this side of the coarse, vulgar, criminal, traceahle taking of a money bribe, seduce the public man from the strict integrity of his service. He has forgotten the Master for whose service he is set apart, to lift society, to advance the 8tate, to get good government, to use the public money with a liberal econ- omy, to have clean streets, good roads, pure water; to give employment with honest wages to the men who la- bom* with their hands ; to prevent vice, to manage, gen- erously and wisely, public charities, to raise the standards of education. There are no human panaceas, I know, to cure the po- litical corruption which so runs riot in our State as to recall the sickening senility of the decayed governments of the older world. But this consciousness of responsi- bility to God, of service to the Divine Master, of being here in this world to be used by Him and for His great and gracious ends, has made the patriots, and statesmen of the Hebrew people, of the Gentile nations, of all ages and races of men ; made Moses the Law-giver, and Daniel the Ruler, and Aristides the Just, and xVlfred the Great, and Louis the King, and William the Emperor, and Washing- ton the President, and Lincoln the Liberator. And it has power now to-day to convert our politicians into states- men, and to make each one of you a vessel of use and honom". And here discrhn'mation ends. Diversity of character and distinction of use are inherent and essential elements of service and of life. There must be differences in the 136 UNION COLLEGE. natures and temperaments of men to make a world ; as there must be in the materials of which the world is made. For men cannot clothe themselves with wood, nor build their houses with spun silk, nor plow their fields with gold, nor clear their forests with axes of silver. And for the parts we have to play in life there must be the men of muscle and the men of nerve, the men of thought and the men of action, the poet and the man of affairs, the student and the soldier, the dreamer and the doer, the inventor and the mechanic, the maker and the spender of wealth. And the complement of all this is distribution of use ; " propria quae singulis^'''' we might read the old proverb. Because for the different uses which the Master has for men. He must have different sorts of men. Because the Master has made the vessels of His great House of differ- ent stuffs, He must have, for each. His appropriate use. And the lesson of success in life is simply the learning of fitness. What am I suited to do f It is a long, deep subject, this, with many sides. Aimlessness ends in use- lessness. The Chinese-shoe idea, of a father forcing his son against all inclinations and all indications, ends in wretchedness and failure. The ivilful struggle against surrounding suggestions of circumstance and opportunity breaks the bir,d's wing against the cage bars, and the man's heart against the barriers of impossibility. The ivill-less surrender of easy-going indolence to difficulties which were meant to stimulate to effort, cumbers the world with what we call tramps when they are dirty, and gentlemen of elegant leisure when the linen is clean. It is not easy, always, to find one's use. It is found not sel- dom after much experience and many mistakes. And no one man can tell it absolutely for another. But, honestly sought for, it will be certainly found. And here, I say again, discrimination ends. For useful- ness and for honour, for the use the Master will make of BACCALAUKEATE SERMON. 187 US, and for tho honour lie will give us, there is abso- lutely no ditt'erence between gold and wood, between sil- ver and oavth. ; and no distinction between the positions that rank highest in the world's eye, and the places which are so lowly that the world does not see them at all, since for every faithful servant, whose work is well done, there is waiting " the joy of His Lord " ; the joy that was in the heart of the Master, when, from the sublime height of the Cross, He looked back upon the pathway of His earthly life, and saw, step by step, and detail after detail, (he will of Grod for Him, finished and fulfilled ; this, and besides this, the joy, into which He entered, of the Son " in Whom the Father is well pleased." Brothers and friends, old and new sons of this old mother, rejoicing to-day in her children as her jewels ; I have come heartily to render this small service as a debt of love to Union University. Fifty years ago I came here as a boy with my belov^ed father, to keep the semi-centen- nial of this college. It was a day of strong impressions to me, a boy of twelve. The venerable president, upon whose heart was written the name of Union ; the Bishop of Pennsylvania who gave one son to the presidency and another to be the Bishop of New York ; and my father, the Bishop of New Jersey ; these men rise up before me. And they are noble illustrations of the lesson I have tried to leave with you to-night ; " vessels of honour," every one. I go behind that day with its rich memories, to recall the earlier years of my father's student life here when with a love of study and a thirst for knowledge which overleaped the barriers of restricted means he woi'ked with his might till he attained his end, an educa- tion which should fit him " for the Master's use," and be- fore and after these, are the great names and many, " of whom the time would fail me to tell," on our alumni honom' roll. As I stand here to-night recalling the past with its il- 138 UNION COLLEGE. lustrious instances, and rejoicing in the present, which has put my old friend and fellow-citizen of Albany into the high place of service here which he is preeminently fitted to fill, I look with the fearless eye of hope toward the future of this University. One of the many institu- tions of the higher learning in this great State, it has its own sphere of service, its own especial possibilities of usefulness. I remember well my father's words that June day fifty years ago, when, speaking of our Colleges, he quoted the old lines : " Facies non omnibus una nee diversa tamen, qualem decet esse sororum." ' Yes, they are sisters, all these fair mothers of the intel- lectual, moral, spiritual children whom they bear and train : Columbia, Union, Hobart, Cornell, Williams, St. Stephen's, Syracuse, Hamilton, and the rest. They are vessels in the Master's House, different in character and distinct in use, but " vessels unto honour," For our Uni- versity here, — if I may so call Old Union as naturally the institution of the capital city of this State, and as a kind stepmother to me, her unworthy "alumnus causa honoris," — our University has its own peculiar place and power in the purposes of Grod. You will not fault me if I avow that, naturally, my chiefest interest as a churchman centers in our Church Colleges — Columbia, Hobart, St. Stephen's ; because I believe firmly that a perfect educa- tion demands training in the Christian religion, and that a perfect training in the Christian religion demands defi- nite teaching of tJiefaUJi. But my deep interest in education breaks down all narrowing limitations and recognizes the learning and the teaching, the larger appliances for scholarly work 1 He translated tliem that day : They seem not one, Nor yet as two, But look alike, As sisters do. BACCALAUREATE SERMON. 139 wherever they are, the great things tliat are behind Old Union, and the great things that are before her, too. Tied, I am glad to say, witli a bond that is more than telephonic, to my own old town of Albany, by the fact that the Medical and Law departments of the University, the College of Pharmacy, and the Dudley Observatory are there, and with a possibility of even nearer and closer contact with the Capital City which more and more is tending to be the home of thought and study. Union University is the University of Allmny ; and Albany is the capital and center of the Empire State. Our watchword to-night is "Concordia" — together- heartedness, that means — the union of Alumni and Undergraduates in a liberal love of their Alma Mater; the union of Trustees and Faculty under the brave lead- ership of the President, in a large conception of future work; the union of the Public Schools with the High Schools and Academies, and of the High Schools and Academies, in this broad section of New York, with this University, so that they shall feed her, and she shall foster them ; the union of all the Colleges and Universi- ties of the Empire State; the union of the educational interests of New York; the union of all lovers of that com- bination of piety and patriotism for which this institution stands, the Jive Union of diversity in unity, "non omnibus una," "e pluribus unum;" and She, the mother of such noble sons and "bringing forth more fruit in her age"; She, in position and in purpose, in nature and in name, the point and pivot of that union in which there is strength. God grant the consummation, and hasten it in His time. God guide and guard you, my young friends and make you "vessels unto honour." God bless Old Union. EDUCATORS' DAY. The morning and the aftei'noon Sessions of the Conference were held in the College Chapel, the evening Session in the First Presbyterian Church. (JEtiufational Conference. MORNING SESSION. SUBJECT : THE SECONDAEY SCHOOL. Hon. Melvil Dewey, Secretaky of the University of THE State of New York, presiding. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS BY MR. DEWEY. IT was my experience as a boy, some thirty years ago, to come nuder teachers from Union College oftener, perhaps, than under teachers from any other half-dozen institutions. The three teachers in the schools I at- tended that made the strongest impression on me were all graduates of the old college at Schenectady, and the result of my experience was that, as I approached the time for my college course, I found myself possessed with a strong feeling that it was a great thing to go to col- lege, but to go to Union was a much greater. Union stood out in our imagination far beyond the ordinary college, because of the men we had seen her send out. It chances, too, that the best day of all the year to me is 144 UNION COLLEGE. the anniversary of the organization of Union, and the election of her first president — for on that day I was married. When I became connected with the Regents, I naturally felt a warm interest in Union College, not only because she was the eldest born of those institutions which have received charters from the Regents, but also because of the things for which Union has stood ; and the true test of that is the reception accorded her innovations by the educational world. Union was preeminently a pioneer in certain directions. She was a non-sectarian institu- tion. When, a hundred years ago. Union's charter was sent out from the Regents' office, soon after the most famous of my predecessors, DeWitt Clinton, had assumed office as Secretary, nearly all colleges were sectarian. Now, as I look over the list, I find less than one tenth willing to report themselves as sectarian. Thus the ex- ample of undenominationalism set by Union a century ago has been largely followed. The principle has grown stronger and stronger, and to-day the strongest higher educational institutions are non-sectarian. Then, Union stood for a greater liberality in its range of studies. It was a pioneer in introducing modern lan- guages and scientific studies into the college curriculum. It set the example of greater flexibility with less of the Procrustean in college courses. Union was also a pioneer in trusting students — put- ting them on their honor as to their personal conduct. We of Amherst are very proud of the Amherst system ; but I find that, under President Nott, Union had laid the foundation of a great deal of that trust in students' honor which has since his day so widely spread throughout the country. So I come to Union this morning with a peculiar in- terest in this centennial, and our topic of " The School " leads me to say what I believe in my heart of the second- INTRODUCTOKY ADDRESS. 145 ai\y school. England, forced to a profound conviction of its superlative importance, has been engaged this last year in reorganizing her secondary-school system. France, since the Franco-Prussian war, has marvelously developed her secondary schools, as well as her schools of higher education. The French used to think that they as a nation needed to pay only for primary education ; but they learned a grievous lesson at tlie time of the Prussian war, and since then their appropriations have grown fivefold for secondary education — fivefold in twenty-five years. The gain to the country through this greater devotion to advanced education has more than offset the physical losses of the Franco-Prussian war. The truth was aptly put by that famous Frenchman, Renau. When some one said that it was the German needle-gun that cost France the victory, he said, "No; it was not the Grerman needle-gun, nor the German soldier that held the needle-gun ; nor was it the German school- master that made the German soldier; but it was the German University that made the German schoolmaster." France learned that lesson, and it teaches us that we cannot have a thorough and satisfactory system of ele- mentary schools till we first have a system of secondary schools to fit teachers for the elementary work. It is part of the stock in trade of superficial writers in the public press to clamor that public funds ought to be confined to the elementary schools; that it is unjust to take the taxpayers' money to support high schools, as is done all over the country. Such people forget the pecu- liar character and nature of education. They take no account of what might be called its "diffusive" qualities. Their criticism would have force, if it were true that secondary education benefited only the recipient. But that is no more true than that the man who builds a lighthouse on a rocky coast to light his own fishing- smack safely to harbor can exclude its benefit from all 10 146 UNION COLLEGE. but his own little craft. It is no more true than that the man who builds a beautiful roadway beside his own resi- dence builds only for himself ; every passer shares the benefit. It is no more true than that he who drains a pestilential swamp, and turns the wet jungle into a blooming field, can keep the whole gain for himself. The health of the whole community must be improved by his labor. So the fallacy of the criticism of these many well- meaning people lies in the fact that they overlook the diffusive nature of education, and that the secondary school in training its students is raising the standard of intelligence of the whole community. I ran across a case the other day which illustrates this. The head of a great manufacturing firm said : " We have all the work we can do in our own factory. We get all our workmen, if possible, from Worcester, Massachusetts." The question was asked, "Why?" The reply was, "Be- cause the Worcester Public Library, supported by taxa- tion, has one of the best collections in this country of books pertaining to our work ; and the presence of this library with its fund of information produces a class of people who are the best for our business." That gives a tangible illustration of a substantial return from an in- vestment in material from which intelligence is made. Which one of us to-day, in looking for a home to which he might bring his children for their proper education, would hesitate a moment to pay the higher price of living in a community having a good secondary school. In many cities, taking the value of lot and building, and the various expenses connected with the support of the high school, we have the equivalent of an endowment of not less than a million dollars. A few years ago that would have been thought a princely endowment for a university, yet the cities of the country are maintaining these schools ; and if you were to put it to the vote of the community, you would have an overwhelming majority INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS. 147 in favor of coiitiiiuiiig tins munitic'eut support at public expense. The year 1895 has been marked by important legisla- tion to the advantage of the high schools of this State. Fii'st was the law providing for an academic fund that should hereafter be increased each year with the growth of the schools. Heretofore we have been under a law dating back half a century, which provided a fixed and unchanging sum, so that when the number of schools increased, the divisor became constantly larger and the quotient constantly smaller. As the number of students in those schools increased, the amount received for each grew less. So far as State encouragement was concerned, it was a financial misfortune to any school to have the number of schools or of its own pupils increase. A second clause of the law provides that every school registered as of academic grade should also receive an- nually one hundred dollars, and also one cent for each day's attendance of each academic student. This action of the legislature was doubly significant because it fol- lowed an agitation in this State from that little remnant of people who still antagonize public taxation for support of high schools. Still more significant, educationally, is the beginning of a new system under which the Court of Appeals will, at an early day, require every candidate for the legal pro- fession to have at least a full high-school education. They have raised the standard now three times, and with the last increase of requirements, say that probably the next step will be to require, within the next two or three years, a four-year high-school course, or its full equiva- lent. The legislature this year also established a graded increase in the requirements for the study of medicine, so that the classes matriculating after 1897 must be made up solely of candidates having a full high-school course, without which they will not be allowed to pursue their 148 UNION COLLEGE. medical studies. Next came the movement for raising the standard of education for admission to the practice of dentistry, sustained by the State Dental Society, com- posed of the best dentists in the State, who secured the same requirements as for the study of medicine. The dentists were closely followed by the State Veterinary Society, who secured a law providing that no man or woman shall be admitted to practice in this State, after the class entering in 1897, who has not laid the founda- tion for his profession in a full high-school course. Fi- nally came the law reaching the common-school teachers in cities, requiring that, in 1897, again, teachers must be graduates of normal schools, or in lieu thereof must have had a full high-school course supplemented by thirty- eight weeks in a training-school, or normal-school tech- nical instruction. In law, medicine, dentistry, veterinary surgery, and public-school teaching, then, this year has marked the setting of the high-school course as the minimum educa- tional requirement for admission to these professions, and one of the most eminent and clear-minded theological seminary presidents recently sent in a request to the Re- gents that a similar rule should be made for theological students. This was one of the things we had been shy of suggesting, but had been hoping and waiting for from the side of the seminary. All these movements have come from the professions themselves. The call has al- ready come from theology, and there is a growing feeling that the Civil Service of the State should require at least a high-school training as a condition of candidacy there- for. We are going to learn the lesson that they have learned in Europe, that if it is worth the twenty million dollars that it costs each year to support the educational system of the State, then the State is entitled to the bene- fit arising from having the product of the high school and academy in its professions and its public departments. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS. 149 See what this new law means to the secondary school ! Hereafter, if your boys and girls hope, either soon or late, to go into either of these professions, they must complete the high-school course. This will be a powerful incentive to them to remain in school and round out their education instead of dropping out after the first, second, or third year, as has been so common. The State gives a still greater pecuniary support to the schools, and also this encouragement in the form of statute that ad- mission to practice in these scholarly professions must depend on the candidate's having prepared himself by a general education at least equivalent to a high-school course. This advance has gone hand in hand with in- creased technical requirements in professional schools. As we take up the discussion of the school, to be opened by a man known throughout the length and breadth of the laud, pray bear in mind that this is an educational conference, and that we are to have a face-to- face discussion of the points brought out by the speaker. I take pleasure in introducing for the first paper this morning a man whose work in elementary as well as sec- ondary education is known throughout this country and abroad, and who is recognized as a leader wherever the work of the Committee of Fifteen is known. We are all proud that that man, who did more than any one else in this cause, was of our own State, — Mr. William H. Max- well, Superintendent of Schools in Brooklyn. 10* ADDEESS BY WILLIAM H. MAXWELL, Supt. of Public Instruction, BrooUyn, N. Y. THE STUDIES OF THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. IT is not without good reason that, in celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the foundation of Union College, the work of the school should receive due atten- tion in the exercises. The hundred years that have elapsed since the acorn was planted which has grown into the stately oak that shelters us to-day have witnessed many changes in education — changes that have affected the school even more than they have affected the college. These hundred years have seen the German system of education — the most complete the world has ever known — developed from the kindergarten to the university. They have seen — nay, we ourselves have seen — within the past few years education in England become the right of all instead of the privilege of a few. They have seen universal popular education established in every British colony. They have seen France, rent asunder by the un- clean spirits she has cast out, at last clothed and in her right mind, and become in many respects a model to the world in the education of her children. And they have seen the great public-school system of America struggling up from its small beginnings in the Dutch colonies in New York and the Puritan settlements in New England, until ADDRESS. 151 it lias l)ec()iiu' tlic chief means of enlightenment for the masses of the people, an incalenlable fovee that makes for riii-hteousnoss. The century that is di'awing to a close will stand in history for many great and beneficent move- ments, but for none more than for the spread of popular education. When we come to analyze this wonderful movement of the century, we find certain strongly marked features which cannot be mistaken, and which must be thoroughly understood if we are to plan wisely for the development of education in the future. In the first place, this movement for popular education is not confined to any one country; it is a- world-move- ment. Universal education is not confined to America ; it is not confined to Germany. It has recently become the law in England and the law in France. Its beneficent influence is felt in poor oppressed Ireland, and is making New Zealand a model commonwealth. It is making its way slowly, but surely, in Italy. Signs are not wanting that it is making headway in Russia. And it has enabled Japan to conquer her more powerful and more populous neighbor, who has used popular (education not to develop the latent powers of individuals, but to preserve the tra- ditions of semi-barbarism. Popular education, as a world-movement, is part of a still larger movement — the democratic movement by which political power has been transferred from the few to the many. Without popular education as ballast, the ship of state will inevitably be wrecked on the rocks of anarchy. But while popular education is a world- movement, it is a movement that has acquired a peculiar strength and a peculiar character in America. We have taken part — in many respects we have led the way — in the onward educational movement; but it has been in a manner pe- culiarly our own. In other countries, popular education has progressed along lines laid down by the central gov- 152 UNION COLLEGE. ernment, which regulates the schools of the people down even to the smallest details. In this country, on the other hand, the central government takes no direct part in edu- cational work, except in the education of its Indian wards. It is true that it has always evinced the liveliest interest in popular education, not only by collecting and pub- lishing, through its Bureau of Education, facts and sta- tistics that would be otherwise inaccessible, but by mak- ing enormous grants of land for the support of schools and colleges. The care of popular education, however, has been reserved for the State governments. These, in turn, have, as a rule, contented themselves with passing general laws, and have left the management of details to local authorities. This fact — the regulation of popular education by local authorities — I take to be the most characteristic feature of popular education in America. Educational theorists, who admire the symmetrical and easy-running machinery of the German and French edu- cational systems, upbraid us with what they are pleased to call the lack of system in America. They point to the undoubted facts that New York has one system — if sys- tem it can be called ; that Massachusetts has another ; Michigan, another ; and so on throughout the list of our commonwealths. They tell us that our public schools vary extremely in degrees of efficiency, that only in some places are they managed by educational experts, and that in many they are injuriously affected by the baleful in- fluences of party politics. But when all has been said that can be said with truth in criticism of our public schools, the great facts remain that American public schools are the people's schools, that the people pay for them, that the people have developed them, that the schools have very largely molded the character of the people, and that so long as the schools remain under the care of the people, government for the people and by the people shall never perish from the earth. We may ADDEESS. 153 best perceive the advantages of our peculiar way of local school managemeut by consideriug the effects on a large population of the opposite policy — the policy of centrali- zation. From time immemorial, at least for her male population, China has had universal education, and has imparted to this education an enormous value in the eyes of her people by nudui;li its telegraphic columns, of the whole civilized woi'ld. ' Yes, but who is to guide him so to interpret the larger significance of what he reads as to make of him a better citizen and a better man f It is here, as I conceive, ladies and gentlemen, that the office of the true scholar appears. You may exclaim against social and personal inequalities as you please. The time will never come when a man who has not merely learned certain chemical combina- tions so that he can manufacture a fertilizer, or certain mathematical combinations so that he can build a rail- road, but has also learned what made a little peninsula in the Adriatic the mistress of the world, or how Roman law became the basis of the jurisprudence of Christen- dom, or how the fall of empires was foreshadowed in the " Republic " of Plato, or how the growth of a corrupt and pri\dleged ecclesiasticism brought about the trans- formation of modern Europe ; the time will never come, I say, when the man who has learned these things, not with a parrot-like learning, but in the length and breadth of their vast and enduring significance, will not be, in every highest sense, the master of him who has not. He may not be as rich, as adroit, as aggressive, as appar- ently successful. He may be overlooked and forgotten in the mad scramble for place or power, or in the vulgar contentions of a political convention. But sooner or later will come the moment when inferior men, helpless and groping in their ignorance, will be compelled to listen 1 The humblest village inhabitant has to-day a widei* geographical hori- zon, more numerous aTid complex intellectual interests, than the Prime Minister of a petty or even of a second-rate State a century ago. If he do but read his paper, let it be the most innocent provincial rag, he takes part, certainly not by active interference and inference, but by a continuous and receptive curiosity, in the thousand events which take place in all parts of the globe, and he interests himself simultaneously in the issue of a bush-war in East Africa, a massacre in North China, a famine in Russia, a street-row in Spain, and an international exhibition in North America. "Degenera- tion." Max Nordau, p. 39. 488 UNION COLLEGE. to him, just as men of meaner mold were compelled once, and again and again, to listen to Lincoln, — graduate of no university, it is true, but, from the hour when, a long, ungainly lad, he lay before the fire in his father's cabin, reading by the light of a pine-knot, all the way on, a devourer of books, an insatiate learner and student, reader and thinker and seer as well. And thus, I conceive, we are prepared to see the place which the college ought to fill in our social economy to- day, and the influence which those who are bred in it should exert. It should be the training-school not merely of learners, but of thinkers^ and the men whom it gradu- ates should be the leaders not merely in successful enter- prise and in purely technical ability, but in those sounder ideas of civic and social and moral order, of which the greatest nations have yet so much to learn. I do not forget the fine disdain which exists among us in certain quarters toward the " scholar in politics," nor the impa- tience of its criticisms, — of which disdain, unless I am mistaken, you have, here, had quite unstinted expression on occasions similar to this. But the scholar, happily for the betterment of the state, however little the ring- masters and office-holders happen to like it, persists in obtruding himself into politics, as into all other burning- questions, and turns the eye of his pitiless lantern of truth upon partizan leaders, and placemen with equal and searching impartiality. Have you ever thought what would become of us if he did not I Have you ever dared to sit down and imagine what ignorance and cu- pidity, mated to an unscrupulous lust of power, would do with the Republic, if it were not for some clear voice of warning, which, from time to time, lifts its penetrating note, names the insolent defier of the eternal equities, paints the infamy of his conduct, and pursues him with relentless denunciation f We have had our modern Elijah, lately, in the great metropolis, yonder, facing the CENTENNIAL ORATION. 4^f) moderu Alial) of Taiiimaiiy Hall as he sneered, "Art tlioii he that troubleth Israel?" and answering, as of old, " I have not troubled Israel, but thou and thy father's house ! " And we sleep easier in New York because of his brave and splendid crusade. Does anybody think that that crusade was a less effective one because Dr. Parkhui-st was a college graduate ? Nay, does not every intelligent man know that that clear and vigorous and acute mind, — yet to light, I hope, the " back fires " that will burn up all the rubl)ish of "bossism" throughout the commonwealth, — does not every one know that this fearless leader was just so much better equipped for his great task because of his wider reading of history and the finer training of all his mental powers ? Never, indeed, was there an age when the state de- manded of its sons, in whatever relation they are to serve it, a larger culture or a riper learning. The dangers that assail us to-day are, after all, as a very limited reading will demonstrate, but the reappearance of old foes in a new guise. There is not a political, or social, or economic heresy of which you may not find the prophecy and the prototype in the pages of a nearer or remoter past. We break the molds in which society organizes itself, we dethrone the monarch and fling away his scepter, but the peril of officialism forever remains ; and the insolent pride of office needs forever to be taught, sharply and humblingly, it may be, — all the way from chief magis- trate to policeman, — that our rulers and office-holders are the servants, not the masters, of the people. And the men who are to lead in these reforms, — the men whose right it is to lead, as dealing with a situation which has in it no novelty to them, — are the men who are ordained to be " men of leading," because they are first of all " men of light." And this not only in the realm of civic and political problems, but also in that wider realm which includes 490 UNION COLLEGE. our whole social order, and touches all the complex rela- tions that bind together a civilized society. Here agaiu^ as before, we find that a reconstruction of the form under which such a society exists does not free it from the perils which have threatened other and older nations and communities. We have no landed aristocracy, for in- stance, in America, but we have forms of associated wealth which have seemed to many people who are not at all alarmists quite as formidable and dangerous. How to harmonize these, and how, above all, to disseminate a sound social and political economy among people who are easily misled by a doctrine of socialism which, in correcting one set of evils, threatens to create others even more dangerous and destructive in their tendencies, — this, surely, must be the office of men who have read history widely and deeply, who have informed themselves as to the origin and beginnings of socialistic movements, all the way from Athenian communism, down through the story of the Hebrew theocracy, — the societies, as we shouhi call them, of the Essenes and the Therapeiit(e^ — on through the monastic life of the middle ages, until, in the sixteenth century (1516), 8ir Thomas More pub- lished his "Utopia," and in our own century, Robert Owen, and Saint-Simon, and Lamennais gave to the world their more or less crude conception of an ideal state. To be ignorant of these things, of all that they stand for, and of the truths and fallacies so curiously in- termingled, which they severally illustrate, is to be largely disqualified even for intelligently discussing, much more effectually attempting to solve, the problems which to-day increasingly challenge us. Here is the scholar's true place, and here, brethren and fathers of Union College, will be some of the noblest opportunities of the men who go forth from yonder halls. And this, most of all, because this college has always stood, and I pray God may ever continue to stand, as the CENTENNIAL OllATION. 491 nursery, not alone of a soiiiul learning, but also as tlic home of a truly philosophic and reflective tempei', — a temper touched and ennol)led by the highest of all sanc- tions, — the person and the messages of Jesus Christ. The spirit of the greatest Teacher whom the world has ever known, a Teacher both human and divine, was early invoked here, and has been the dominant spell in the noblest minds and lives that the history of this col- lege has known. It was called Union College, unless I have been misinformed, because, in a generation con- spicuous for marked denoniinational differences, it was meant to stand for a larger and more comprehensive spirit. The leading institutions of learning in this land, a century ago, stood mainly for various partial aspects of Christian truth or ecclesiastical order, which it is no disrespect to them to describe as exclusive rather than inclusive. The men who were reared in them were mainly the sons of those who, from strong conviction or inherited belief, held somewhat stiffly not merely to a particular faith, but to a distinctive order. It was the especial distinction of Union College that it allied itself to no single fellowship, in these particulars, but had an equal welcome for pupils of whatever tradi- tion. As little did it disparage strenuous conviction in these directions, or discourage its expression. What has lately, and slowly, come to be the prevalent usage of other institutions in this regard was, unless I am mis- taken, the rule of this college from the beginning. Each youth was taught to respect the convictions in which he had been reared, and left free to believe and to worship in accordance with them. But, as recognizing that greater is the spirit than the form or symbol through which it finds expression, there presided from the be- ginning here a wide-minded and reverent faith, pro- foundly concerned rather for the fundamental verities, and constantly illustrating their transforming power. 492 UNION COLLEGE. Such words you will say, perhaps, are mere generali- ties, and it is easy to indulge in generalities. Bear with me then, for a few moments longer, if I attempt at once to interpret and justify them by some illustrative per- sonal reminiscences. I am not, with a single exception, familiar enough with the earlier history of Union College to recall the men who were first conspicuous in deter- mining its character and creating its just renown; nor may I venture to deal with its later annals in any purely judicial spirit. But taking these hundred years as a whole, there are, I venture to think, four names which, if not preeminent among those who have influenced the growth and determined what is most characteristic in the history and development of this college, are repre- sentative of those who have largely affected both, and who may be, at any rate, accepted as typical of what, for want of a better word, I may call the genius of the col- lege, — I mean Eliphalet Nott, Alonzo Potter, Isaac W. Jackson, and Tayler Lewis. I am embarrassed, as you will readily anticipate, by personal ties connecting me with two of these names, but not thereby, I hope, wholly disqualified from estimating them with at least a modei'- ate impartialitj^ Concerning the other two, I am hap- pily free to speak without restraint or reserve. One of them carries me back to childish days, — for, alas, I was never, myself, his pupil who bore it, — and has to do with impressions which are among the earliest that the mind can receive. There is no lad within the sound of my voice, — there is no man who is not so unfortunate as wholly to have forgotten the impressions of childhood, who will not tell you that they concerned, first of all, those things that strike the eye and the ear, and that awaken, on the one hand or the other, fear or affection. And so I apprehend that no youth who can remember him at all will ever be able to disassociate Professor Jackson from that impression of soldierly precision, and that aspect CENTENNIAL ORATION. 4<):) and niannei' of almost military brevity and abruptness, which were the first characteristics in him that revealed tlieniselves. They created at once their own atmosphere, and built up, inevitably, a fixed tradition which no less iuevitably found familiar expression in a titular designa- tion which will live in the memory of the men who were so fortunate as to be his pupils as long as they remember anything. But no less vivid in the memory of these pupils, I am persuaded, as in the memory of all who genuinely knew him, will be the recollection of those other qualities, so marked and so engaging, which pre- eminently determined his character. I remember to have heard it said once, in connection with Professor Jackson's devotion to all that was beautiful in trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers, that it seemed to be a very odd thing that a professor of mathematics should find his chief delight in the creation of a beautiful garden ; but in fact it was this harmony of opposite tastes and characteristics which made him always so delightful a companion and so in- teresting a personality. But not this alone. His fine taste, his scientific knowledge, his rare energy, were all dominated by a singular elevation and nobility of temper which assured all men of his incorruptible integrity, and which made him a power for all that was best. Like the science which he loved so well and taught so ably, he was an exact man ; and rectitude, a life ordered upon a rifiM line, distinguished all that he was and did. In a thousand unconscious ways his pupils felt and recognized this, and so he stood here, during all his long and distin- gidshed service as a professor in this college, for that which must forever be a part of the structural foun- dations of character, the right, and the eternal right- eousness. Another there was, cast in a different mold, and exer- cising by his pen, as well as b}^ his voice and presence, an influence felt far beyond these immediate limits, and 494 UNION COLLEGE. felt iucreasingly to the eud. In Professor Tayler Lewis were united in a rare degree the gifts of the thinker and the seer. His clear and luminous mind penetrated always to the heart of things, and a rare felicity of statement made him a teacher in the best sense of the word. All over this land, to-day, there are men who can look back and remember how, in more than one direction, his acute and vigorous intellect gave to their best powers their earliest and most distinctive impulse, and how the charm of his picturesque presence, and the beautiful transpar- ency of his most engaging and lovable personality, made them in love with beauty, and goodness, and truth, wher- ever it might reveal itself. Still another there was of whom I may scarcely ven- ture to speak at all, and yet concerning whom you will as little expect me to keep silent. When in the year 1814, a Quaker lad, no older than the century, entered Union College, he little dreamed with how large a part of his life it was to be bound up, nor how large a debt he was to owe it. Later generations will declare whether or no he at all discharged that debt ; but no one of his contem- poraries will be reluctant, I imagine, to own that, what- ever were the obligations of Alonzo Potter to Union College, he gave to it in return some of the best years and most helpful services of a rare and noble life. Gifted above most men of his day and calling, with a singularly wide range of vision and a very high and sacred sense of the teacher's calling, he touched few lives without lift- ing them to a loftier conception at once of the privileges and the responsibilities of educated men. A great teacher himself, he was a greater disciple of the truth, however revealed. Wherever it led he was ready to follow, and with sympathies as large and generous as were his intel- lectual endowments, the motto of Terence, ^'■Homo sum : humaul nihil a me aliemmi piito,''^ was as true of all that he was and did as if it had been his own. He loved this CENTENNIAL ORATION. 495 college with a tender and inextinguishable lov(^, and much of its most enduring fame will be bound uj) with his name and services. And he whose son, if not in the flesh yet most truly in the spirit, he was, — the man to whom more than any other in all its history this college is preenunently in- debted, — do I need even to name him 1 There was a time when "Union College" and "Eliphalet Nott" were con- vertible terms. There will never come a time, when all that is best and greatest in its achievements will not be indissolubly bound up with his life and work. He could say of the college, in the highest sense of the words, what a Roman emperor could say of his capital, — that "he came and found it of wood, and left it of marble." Step by step, vestigia nuUa retrorsum, he lifted it out of its pro- vincial obscurity, and gave to it a name and a fame throughout the land. A young man, and an old man elo- quent, he was without the rashness of the one or the acerbity of the other. Of singular wisdom and penetra- tion, he was adorned by a no less singular patience and gentleness. Of a humor so delightful and so unique that the traditions of it are as fresh to-day as they were a half- century ago, he was as incapable of a word that could wound, or malign, as he was of a thought that was base or mean. A teacher of almost unequaled charm in the classroom, he was a counselor of matchless and unerring wisdom for all sorts and conditions of men, outside it. The helper and defender of the friendless, the pioneer in every good and noble cause, however despised or forlorn, his heart was as young at fourscore as when he was himself a stripling ; and love of his " boys," as he forever called them, as tender and inextinguishable at the end as at the beginning. Who will undertake to count the lives he touched and kindled and ennobled, or to reckon the men, in every possible rank and calling of life, to whom his counsels and his maxims were guiding prin- 496 UNION (COLLEGE. ciples, never to be forgotten ! Great teacher, great leader, great administrator, but, greatest of all, true father of all his sons ! My friend and brother,^ if I may venture so to call you, I congratulate you that yours is the rare privilege of following men like these. The man of rectitude, the man of vision, the man of large and comprehensive sym- pathies, and, presiding over them all, the man of paternal wisdom and of a child-like and Christ-like benignity — surely these are types which you and all of us may well be glad to remember to-day. They stand for that sj^irit and purpose which have most of all made this college a power for God and for good. May they never fade out of these scenes ; and may they find in your administra- tion new and nobler illustration ! You come to your large tasks under happy auguries, and with a wide and generous sympathy on every hand to cheer you forward ! May your work here be worthy of the eminent gifts which you have elsewhere revealed, and of the high and unselfish devotion which, hitherto, has adorned your use of them. The clouds are past, and a new era begins to dawn once more for your beloved alma mater. May it shine more and more into the perfect day ! Graduates and Undergraduates, Ladies and Gentle- men, I end, as I began, with other words than my own. Speaking for the last time amid these scenes, the orator of fifty years ago breathed out of a full heart this aspira- tion for Union College — it is the prayer of his children and of his children's children to-day : " Honored parent, heretofore you have been the abode of religious toleration — may you be so still ! Thus far you have been the nursery of free spirits, of a compre- hensive and large-minded, but reverent philosophy — thus may it always be. Here has paternal kindness and forbearance ever tempered the exercise of authority, and 1 Addressed to President Eaymond. CENTENNIAL ORATION. 497 a wakeful parental vigilance l^een applied to the forming of youthful eharacter. Be it never otherwise ! And, when the term of fifty years has again rolled away, and your children, and your (dnldren's children, even to the fifth and sixth generation, shall come back to celebrate yoni" praise and write up your records, may it b(^ found that this is then the home of brave and true men — of men braver, truer, and holier than we; that better and wiser spirits have risen to direct your counsels, and that a higher scholarship and a deeper sanctity are sending forth from these shrines rich blessings on the world." ' 1 "Semi-centennial discourse of Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D.," pp. 28, 29. 32 REGISTRATION. REGISTRATION GRADUATES, GUESTS, AND OTHERS ATTENDING THE COMMEMORATION. [The following names appear on tlie college register as those of persons present during the Centennial, except the names nnnuraliered, which are of persons whose presence at the Centennial is vouched for by Mr. R. C. Alexander, of the Class of 1880. The register entry has been exactly copied in each case, so that spelling of name, initials, residence, and occupation appear as given by the signer] : UNION COLLEGE. 1897. Reg. No. 446 O'Neill, J. A., Schenectady , Med. Student. 1895. 512 Baker, C. Lauranee, Comstocks Stock Breeder. 432 Burtis, Arthur, U. S. Navy 427 Harder, H. D., Castleton 425 Schermerhorn, N. I., Schenectady Accountant. 1894. 94 Aufhampaugh, E. L., Delanson Medicine. 66 Beckwith, N., Stissing, N. Y Student. 415 Braman, Ashley J., Schenectady, N. Y. . . . Joiu'nalist. 384 Cooke. H. L., Cooperstown, 119 Gilmour, Robt. F., Schenectady, N. Y . . . Electrical Student. 437 Gregory, C. E., Coxsackie, N. Y Civil Engineer. 345 Lansing, R. A., New Brunswick 439 Lawton, W. L., Albany, N. Y Civil Engineer. 38 Lynes, G. Briggs, Middleburgh, N. Y Student. 450 Miller, Guy H.. Herkimer, N. Y 33 Smith, Chas. R., Tioga, Pa Med. Student. 32* 501 502 UNION COLLEGE. Reg. No. 34 Smith, (leoi-ge V., Tioga, Pa Law Student. 313 Veeder, James W., Schenectady, N. Y. . . 395 Veeder, N. I , Schenectady Business. 36 Van Beusekom, R., Jr., McKownville . . . .Med. Student. 498 Van Schaick, John, Jr., Cobleskill, N. Y.. . 1893. 126 Cooper, Frank, Schenectady, N. Y. 122 Clowe, C. W., New Brunswick, N. J Theolog'y. 511 Conde, Edwin C, Schenectady Reporter. 39 Cromer, Wm. F., Schenectady, N. Y Sec. Y. M. C. A. 444 Crane, Fred., Montclair, N. J Student. 476 Esselstyn, Henry H., Brooklyn 48 Fairlee, Alvah, Schenectady Law Student. 338 Field, C. W., Clyde ^ 461 Grupe, F. W., Schenectady, N. Y 153 Hoxie, Geo. H., Cambridge, N. Y Teacher. 11 Hughes, George T., New York Journali.st. 121 KUne, H. S., Amsterdam Attorney. 416 Lines, E. D., Jamestown Business. 261 Merchant, H. D., Nassau, N. Y 78 Morey, John R., Schenectady Teacher. 101 Perkins, Roger G., Schenectady, N. Y. . . Medicine. 321 Pike, Emory Edward, Johnstown, N. Y. Insurance. 192 Raymond, H. S., Waterloo, Iowa Business. 314 Van Alstyne, H. A., Rochester, N. Y Civil Engineer. 449 Van Zandt, Burton, Schenectady 1892. 256 Coons, Edw. S., Ballston Spa 252 Conaut, Howard, Waverley, N. Y 32 Dougall, Arthur, Berlin, Md., Minister. 137 Furbeck, George H., Gloversville Physician. 77 Mosher, Gouverneur F., Middletown, Conn. Divinity Student. 3 Orr, Alex., Gloversville, N. Y Glove Manufacturer. 127 Sebring, Lewis Beck, Schenectady, N. Y. . Civil Engineer. 480 TrnmbuU, C. W., Cleveland, O Teacher. 93 Wemple, J. V., Schenectady Clergyman. 1891. 257 Briggs, Henry Ward, Wilmington, Del. . . . Physician. 394 Burr, John W., Gloversville, N. Y Lawyer. 412 Clements, Robt., Cuba, N. Y. ClergjTiian. 40 Dewey, James E., Fort Plain, N. Y REGISTRATION. 503 Reg. No. 176 Ferguson, James W., Amsterdam, N. Y.. . Lawyer. r)07 Fiske. Clias., Jr.. Gloversville, N. Y ("ivil Eiig. 247 (libson, H. P.. Schenectady, N. Y 245 Little, Beeknian C, Rochester Civil Engineer. 492 McDonald, W. A., (iloversville, N. Y Lawyer. 246 Walker, Thomas L., Schenectady 1890. 65 Bennett, John Tra, Jr., Chicago, 111 Teacher. 319 Carroll, Fred Linns, Johnstown, N. Y. . . .Lawyer. 208 Clnte, George H., Al])any, N. Y 487 Comstoek, F. L., Ballston Spa. Architect. 62 Fish, Norman D., Tonawanda Lawyer. 75 Knox, John C, Schenectady Minister. 56 Mosher, H. T., Schenectady Instructoi'. 74 Schwilk, Elisha T., New York City Medicine, 320 Stewart, Geo. C, Amsterdam Lawyer. 462 Wright, Arthur B.. New York City Physician. 1889. 125 Cameron, Leroy L., St. Paul Clergyman. 244 Carroll, Edward T., Amsterdam, N. Y Clergyman. 506 Dorlon, Philip S., Troy, N. Y Electrical Eng. 493 Fairgrieve, G. W., Coxsackie ; 84 and 89 . . Teacher. 286 Flanigan, C. H., Albany, N. Y Engineer. 191 Hanson, J. H., Amsterdam Lawyer. 207 Moore, Tom, Schenectady 243 Nolan, Michael D., Troy, N. Y. Lawyer. 322 Shaw, Charles P., Albany, N. Y Merchant. 84 Smith, Max M., M. D., New York City . . Physician. 458 Snow, J. B., Tonawanda, N. Y"" Civil Engineer. 82 Simpson, J. L., Elbridge, N. Y Teacher. 283 Whalen, J. L., New York City Civil Engineer. 1888. 483 Baker, Geo. C, Comstocks Attorney. Cole, Philip H., Schenectady Professor. 343 Cumings, H. P., Schenectady Instructor. 70 Davis, C. Schuyler, Duluth, Minn Lawyer. 181b Dillingham, A. J., Schenectady, N. Y. . . Lawyer. 190 Kennedy, William L., Jr., New York N. Y. Stock Exchange. 227 King, Louis M., Schenectady Lawyer. 383 Ishkanian, Antranig T., New York City Physician. 228 Lewis, Frank D., Amsterdam Business. 504 UNION COLLEGE. Reg. No. 359 Little, S. W., Roclie.ster, N. Y Physician. 422 McTntyre, Joseph W., Glenville Clergyman. 20() Stevenson, M. D., Albany, N. Y Physician. 59 Winne, J. Edgar, Kingston, N. Y Minister. 1887. 35 Bennett, Alden L., Waltham, Mass Clergyman. 372 Bridge, Chas. F., Albany Lawyer. 266 Cameron, Edward M., Albany, N. Y. Merchant. 103 Estcourt, Harry S. , Schenectady Newspaper. 107 Furbeek, Geo. W., Stuyvesant, N. Y Clergyman. 424 Gilmoui', John T. B., Schenectady Pharmacist. 509 Gulick, Nelson J., Bacon Hill, N. Y Clergyman. 327 Hawkes, Edward M. Z., Newark, N. J . . . . M. D. 76 Johnson, Irving P., S. Omaha, Neb Priest. 323 Karth, Henry A., Schenectady, N. Y Physician. 209 McMillen, Harlow, Grand Rapids, N. D . . . Teacher. 123 McMnrray, Chas. B., Troy, N. Y 464 Miller, Edward Waite, Syracuse, N. Y. . . . Clergyman. 69 Pepper, A. H., Schenectady Professor. 262 Radlii¥, Kelton C, Schenectady Manufacturer. 55 Van Voast, John C, Schenectady Lawyer. 61 Vroman, Dow, Tonawanda Lawyer. 503 Wemple, Wm. B., Albany, N. Y 1886. 159 Allen, T. Warren, N. Y. City Civil Engineer. 317 Angle, E. C, Schenectady Lawyer. 15 Dorwin, G. S., Ogdensbur-g, N. Y Lawyer. 401 Foote, Thos. H., New York City Engineer. 375 Harris, E. S., Catskill .' School. 67 Jackson, Allan H., New York City Lawyer. 405 Little, J. L., Rochester C. Eug. 495 Perkins, Ed. J., Amsterdam Lawyer. 249 Randall, F. S., Le Roy Lawyer. 443 Wemple, Wm. W., Schenectady Attorney. 1885. 229 Bailey, Frank, Brooklyn, T. G. & T. Co.. Lawyer. 136 Bai-hydt, Geoi-ge Weed, Westport, Conn. . . Clergyman. 268 Bishop, A. B., Clyde, N. Y Teacher. 310 Bond, Frank, Kinderhook, N. Y 361 Coflin, Saml. B., Hudson, N. Y Lawyer. 223 Crane, F. E , Amsterdam, N. Y Civif Eng. REGISTKATION. 505 Ueg. No. 325 Delaney, Thomas J., Alluuiy, N, Y Engineer. 420 Fowler, Evei-ett, King;st()n, N. Y Lawyer. ')i)4 Foote, Wallaee T., Jr., Pcn-t Henry, N. Y. Lawyer. 32(J (jihbes, K. Hamilton, Schenectady, N. Y. Driiffg-ist. 237 Halsey, Albert L., Schenectady Law. 429 :\rills,'Wm. C, Gloversville, N. Y Lawyer. 42(5 Schermerhorn, J. R., Schenectady 131 Sweetland, 3Ionroe M., Ithaca, N. Y Lawyer. 430 Veeder, John H., Schenectady School Commissioner. 360 Wands, R. J., Fairmount, Md Business. 1884, 362 AUison, Geo. F., N. Y. City Lawyer. 238 Barney, Edgar S., 36 Stnyvesant St., N. Y. Principal. 278 Beekman, Dow, Middlebux'gh Lawyer. 287 Dailey, W. N. P., Albany Clergyman. 493 Fail-grieve, Geo. Wm., Coxsackie, 84, 89. .Teacher. 141 Green, Jas. G., Rochester . . .Lawyer. 264 Heatley, John A., Schenectady Doctor. 339 MacFarlane, A., Albany, N. Y Physician. 118 McEncroe, J. F., Schenectady, N. Y Physician. 348 Moore, William A., Potsdam, N. Y 373 Mynderse, H. V., Schenectady, N. Y Physician. 340 Naylon, Daniel Jr., Schenectady, N. Y. . . .Lawyer. 328 Philip, H. V. N., New York Lawyer. Stoller, James, Schenectady Professor. 312 Van Auken, L., West Troy, N. Y Clergyman. 47 Young, Henry C, Hagaman, N. Y M. D. 1883. Adams, John W Lawyer. 251 Addison, Dan'l Delaney, Brookline, Mass. Clergyman. 10 Benedict, R. A., Cranford, N. J . , .Lawyer. 433 Burton, Prank, Glovers\'ille Lawyer. 16 Cantine, James, Busrab, Arabia Missionaiy. 311 Dent, Richard W., Brooklyn, N. Y 46 Franklin, C. E., Albany, N. Y Teacher. 204 Harding, John R., Utica, N. Y Clergyman. 148 Hook, G. S., Schenectady Engineer. Evans, John Gai'y, Columbia, S. C Governor. 436 Lansing, J. B. W., Tenafly, N. J Physician and Surgeon. 377 McClellan, F. W., Schenectady Business. 466 McElwain, Daniel C, Cohoes Lawyer. 506 UNION COLLEGE. Reg. No. 336 Sloan, B. Cleveland, Sclienectady, N. Y. . .Insurance. 448 Timmerman, C. F., Amsterdam Physician. 1882. Case, Lee W., Schenectady Manufacturer. 482 Coffin, Lewis A., New York City Physician. 110 Fail-grieve, J. R., Walton, N. Y Teacher. Fay, Charles E Clergyman. 371 Gifford, Wm., Schenectady Engineer. 22 Greene, E. W., New Salem, N. Y Clergyman. 380 Griswold, Sheldon Muuroe, Hudson, N. Y. Clergyman. 284 Hinds, Herbert C., Troy, N. Y Clergyman. 370 McFarren, J. A., Syracuse, N. Y Att'y. 102 Reed, W. Boardman, New York City Civil Engineer. Van Voast, James A., Schenectady Lawyer. 479 Watkins, S. H., Norwalk, Conn Clergyman. 71 WhitehoT'ue, Bayard, Newark, N. J Electricity. 409 Whitmeyer, Edward C, Schenectady. . . . Lawyer. 52 Wright, A. S., Cleveland, Teacher. 1881. 379 Abbott, F. E., Chicago C. E. 248 Anable, C. V., New York Lawyer. 303 Cameron, F. W., Albany Lawyer. 374 Glen, Horatio G., Schenectady, N. Y Lawyer. 298 Henning, John J., Green Island, N. Y. . . .Clergyman. 382 Landreth, Wm. B., Cortland, N. Y Engineer. 435 Lansing, Edw. Ten Eyek, Little Falls Civil Engineer. Lester, James W., Saratoga Lawyer. 305 McClellan, Samuel Paris, Troy, N. Y Lawyer. Moore, Frank W Manufacturer. Raukine, James L., New York City Bu.siness. 221 Schlosser, Henry, Aurora, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Pastor Pi-esby. Church. 95 Still, Josiah, Masonville, N. Y Clergyman. 23 Vedder, A. M., Schenectady, N. Y. Lawyer. 481 Vedder, L. T., Schenectady, N. Y Physician. 277 White, Wm. M., Amsterdam, N. Y Physician. 297 Wood, Robert A., Warsaw, N. Y Editor. 351 Wiswall, Irving W., Ballston Spa Lawyer. 1880. 155 Alexander, R. C, New York Lawyer. 205 Anderson, Wilber E., Scranton, Pa. Civil Engineer. 216 Bishop, Chas. F., Brooklyn Lawyer. 419 Craig, Joseph D., Albany, N. Y Physician. REGISTRATION. 507 Reg. No. 213 (Vane, F. P. S., Middletown, N. Y Mcnhaiit. 21)0 Ely, Frank S., New York City Manufactnrer. Fitzfiferald, John Leland, Schenectady. . . . Enjjfineer. 135 Laudou, R. J., City Lawyer, 1!)!) ^[uhlfelder, David, All)any, N. Y Lawyer. Parry, .lohn F., Glens Falls Banker. 41 Ripton, B. H., Schenectady Professor. 134 Rogers, F. T., Providence," R. I Physician. 234 Sadler, W. H., Scranton, Pa Civil Engineer. c Chancellor, 440 rpson, An.son Judd, Glens Falls, N. Y.. ] Honorary f graduate 1880. Van Santvoord, Talcott C, New York City . Banker. Vosburgh, Miles W., Albany Business. 1879. 346 Adams, Wm. P., Cohoes, N. Y 37 Goodi'ich, James A., Schenectady, N. Y. . Lawyer. 465 Grupe, John W. H., Schenectady Florist. 344 Heatly, James, Green Island Teacher. 250 Kingsley, H. W., St. Louis, Mo 129 Marks, Geo. E., New York City 169 Reed, Newton L., Olean, N. Y Clergyman. 370 Sevenoak, F. L., New York City 128 Sprague, David, Amherst, Mass Clergyman. 44 Van Dusen, Fred, Ogdensburg Principal. 332 White, E, P., Amsterdam, N. Y Lawyer. 1878. 330 Anable, Eliph. Nott, New York Lawyer. 385 Cass, Lewis, Aloany Lawyer. 365 DeyErmand, Hugh H., Albany, N. Y. . . . Manufacturer. 418 Lansing, Egbert P., Stamford, Conn. Merchant. 80 Maxon, W. D., Pittsburgh Clergyman. 26 Sanders, Chas. P., Schenectady Lawyer. Smith, Everett, Schenectady Lawyer. 203 Stolbrand, Vasa E., New Brighton Teacher. 293 Thomas, John F., Stuyvesant, N. Y 31 Vanderveer, Lauren, Schenectady, N. Y . . Clergyman. 399 Van Santvoord, Seymour, Troy, N. Y 494 Vroomau, Wm. C, Schenectady, N. Y. . . .Merchant. 1877. 402 Akin, Clarence E., Troy, N. Y 398 Bassett, Frederick J., Providence, R. I. . .Clergyman. 508 UNION COLLEGE. RefT. No. 130 BrovviioU, F. V., Schenectady Physician. 388 Delehanty, John A., Albany, N. Y Lawyer. 168 Fairlee, Geo., Troy, N. Y Clergyman. ooo n-jj- Tji n 1- tr XT VI S Pi"of(^ssor iu Columbia 232 Giddings, Franklm H., New i ork < n^^g^g 490 Moore, Dewitt C, Johnstown, N. Y Lawyer. 25 Rankine, Wm. B., New York City Lawyer. 387 Roberson, W. C, N. Y Merchant. 296 Russum, Joseph C, Schenectady Clergyman. 280 Tenbroeck, D. Wessel, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Postal Clerk. 1876. 477 Greene, Homer, Honesdale, Pa Lawyer. 138 Kriegsman, Edward E., Schenectady . . . .Lawyer. 367 Lawrence, E. S., Ballston, N. Y 147 Landreth, Olin H., Union College Professor. Truax, James R., Schenectady Prof, of English. 231 Veenfliet, E. M., St. Mary's, Ohio Civil Engineer. 1875. 294 Dudley, Harwood, Johnstown, N. Y Lawyer. Franciiot, N. V. V., Olean, N. Y Manufacturer. 120 Gowenlock, J. N., Marlboro', England. . . .Engineer. 463 Hodgkins, H. C, Syracuse, N. Y Civil Engineer. 392 King, Chas. B., Peoria, 111 98 Oppenheim, Louis, New York U. S. Service. 57 Raymond, Andrew V. V., Schenec'y, N. Y. President Union Col. 295 Schoolcraft, John L., Schenectady M. D. 269 Smith, DeWitt C, Schenectady, N. Y Civil Engineer. 502 Wemple, Frank P., Schenectady, N. Y. . . . Manufacturer. 1874. 337 Backus, J. Bayard, New York Lawyer. 335 Barker, James F., Albany, N. Y Physician. 455 Beakley, G. F., Johnstown, N. Y 1873. 276 Buchanan, A., Chambersburg, Pa Eng'r and Contractor. 2 Clute, Wm. T., Schenectady, N. Y Physician. 270 Faulkner, W. E., Fairview, Pa Minister. 253 King, H. Prior, Glens Falls Lawyer. 485 Lester, WiUard, Saratoga Lawyer. 423 Packer, J. B., Schenectady 302 Rider, John M., New York Lawyer. REGISTRATION. 509 Reg. No. 282 Rost, Wm. F., SclieiuH-tady 30(i Kudd, Win. \\, Albany Lawyer. 1872. 459 Archibald, Andrew W,, Hyde Park, Bost'n. Clergyman. 241 Barry, J. C, Cortland, N. Y Manufacturing'. 473 Ci'ofts, Clarence L., Hudson Merchant. 333 Hillis, W. J., Albany Lawyer. 79 Kline, Wm. J., Amsterdam Publisher. 451 Mills, Charle-s H., Albany, N. Y 96 Thornton, Howard, Newburgh, N. Y Lawyer. 1871. 378 Corbin, E. A., Albany Teacher. 240 Featherstonhaugh, Geo. W., Schenectady . Lawyer. 196 Hoff , John Van R., U. S. A., (Gov'nor's Isl.) . Med. Department. 279 Sprague, Philo W., Boston, Mass Minister. 230 WUbur, H. S., Rochester, N. Y Lawyer. 356 Yates, C. O., Schenectady . 1870. 513 Backus, Clarence W., Kansas City, Kan . .Clergyman. 139 Geuung, George F., Suffield, Conn Clergyman. 7 Genung, John F. , Amherst, Mass Professor. Lestei', Charles C, Saratoga Sprs Lawyer. 219 Loekwood, Jas. B., White Plains Lawyer. Ill Peake, Albert D., Walton, N. Y Lawyer. 500 Peake, Cyi*us A., Yonkers, N. Y Lawyer. 218 Sherman, Joseph, New Baltimore Civil Engineer. 334 Stiles, R. B., Lansingburgh, N. Y Lawyer. 132 Wortman, Denis, Saugerties (Hon.) Clergyman. 1869. 301 Clark, Kenneth, St. Paul, Minn Banker. 363 Washington, J. A., Schenectady 1868. 307 Hunter, W. S., Schenectady Manufacturer. 342 Mott, John T., Oswego Banker. 9 Scott, Walter, Suffield, Conn Prin. Conn. Lit. Inst. 318 Spraker, David, Canajoharie, N. Y Lawyer. 368 Warner, J. B. Y., Rochester, N. Y Planter. 1867. 201 Coons, J. J., Deekertown, N. J Civil Engineer. 143 Doolittle, S. K,, Stony Point, N. Y, Clergyman. 510 UNION COLLEGE. Reg. No. 414 Fiero, J. N., Albany Lawj'er. 407 Fish, R. B., Fultonville, N. Y Lawyer. 242 Haiulin, Teiinis S., Washington Clergyman. 355 Mun-ay, Wm. H., Albany, N. Y Physician. 289 Olney, A. R., West Troy Clergyman. 267 Planck, M. G., Schenectady, N. Y Physician. 413 Ronan, E. D., Albany Lawyer. 1866. 149 Alexander, George, New York City Clergyman. 486 Ashe, John E., Fonda, N. Y Lawyer. 499 Bates, Erskine S., New York City Physician. 390 Bunn, T. Romeyn, Amsterdam, N. Y 116 Cady, M. M., Dubuque, Iowa ... .Lawyer. 457 Dean, J. J., New York City 452 Loucks, William, Albany, N. Y 474 Miller, James C, Amsterdam 475 Sanson, Thos. J., East Orange, N. J Lawyer. 45 Seymour, Dan'l, New York City Lawyer. 88 Van Vranken, E. W., Brooklyn Lawyer. Wemple, Edward, Fultonville Manufactm-er. 1865. 189 Albro, W. H., Middleburgh, N. Y Lawyer. 447 Allen, Elmer A., New York City Lawyer. 27 Brooks, Clark, New York Lawyer. 324 Cornell, Howard, Seneca Castle, N. Y Clergyman. 28 Hoag, F. J., Toledo, 478 Lockwood, D. N., Buffalo, N. Y Lawyer. 60 Lyon, R. S., Chicago Commissioner. 193 McLeod, Theodorus, New York City Lawyer. 13 Meredith, J. L., Williamsport, Pa Lawyer. 58 Paige, Jno. Keyes, Schenectady, N. Y. ... 30 Pelton, Frank, Des Moines, Iowa Civil Engineer. Robinson, David C, Elmira Lawyer. 263 Rockwell, Lewis H., Albany Teacher. 86 Rossiter, S. B., New York City Minister. 194 Rupert, John L., Sammonsville Teacher. Staley, Cady, Cleveland, President. 274 Sutton, George H,, Springfield, Mass Insurance. 109 Van Zandt, H. C, Schenectady .Physician. 210 Waldron, Z. W., Jackson, Mich Physician. REGISTRATION. 511 Reg. NO. 1864. 112 Anthony, Wnlti'r ("., Ni'wbui-gli, N. Y. . . Lawyer. 113 Arthur, George, Springfield, Lawyer. 49 Biiruham, T. W., Cleveland, j\rerehant. 212 Carr, Elias F., Trenton, N. J Teacher. 217 Crumb, D. S., Bloonitield, Mo Real Estate. 87 Curtiss. E., Sodus Teacher. 352 Magoun, Edw. P., Hudson, N. Y Lawyer. Paige, Edward Wiuslow, New York City . . 43 Potter, William Appleton, New York City Architect. ^20 Sherman, Augustus, New Baltimore Lawyer. 273 Steinf iihrer, ( '. D. P., Astoria, L. L, N. Y. . Clergyman. Stnmg, Alonzo P., Schenectady Lawyer. 8 Van Allen, C. E., Stephentown Minister. 211 Wakeman, Samuel S., Ballston Spa, N. Y. . Merchant. 174 Ward, Henry, Closter, N. J Clergyman. 1863. 167 Atwood, A.Watson, Philadelphia, Pa. . . Lawyer. 497 Easton, Chai-les L., Chicago Lawyer. 105 Parker, Amasa J., Albany, N. Y Lawyer. Potter, Henry C, New York (A. M.) Chan. '95, Clergyman. 166 Snow, Horatio N., Albany, N. Y Banker. 202 Van Vrankeu, G. D., Hempstead M. D. 1862. 291 BothweU, J. L., Albany Teacher. 397 Brooks, Peter H., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Clergyman. 496 Bm*ns, J. Irving, Yonkers Lawyer. 19 Howe, S. B., Schenectady Supt. Schools. 510 Joslin, J. T., Schenectady 145 Lewis, D. N., Avei'ill Park Clergyman. 393 Shankland, W. H., Albany, N. Y 21 Sherwood, John E., Albany Teacher. 254 Slocum, Elliott T., Detroit, Mich 1861. 358 Bailey, John M., Albany, N. Y Lawyer. 331 Barnes, John A., Chicago, lU Insurance. 441 Coe, John S., Canandaigua, N. Y Lawyer. 260 Earle, Charle.s M., N. Y. City Lawyer. 512 UNION COLLEGE. Reg. No. 369 Fox, Clias. J., Detroit, Mich 410 Landon, Melville D., New York City ... i 411 Eli Perkins, New York City \ P^^^^'^ot- Potter, Eliphalet Nott, Geneva President. 108 Reagles, James, Schenectady, N. Y. Physician. 184 Reynolds, S. Edgar, Troy, N. Y Lawyer. 409 Sinitli, Chas. Emory, Philadelphia Editor. 484 Turner, Robert T., Elmira Lawyer. 239 White, T. R., New York City Teacher. 42 Wilcox, Maj. Timothy E., U. S. Army Surgeon. 456 Yost, Daniel, Fonda, N. Y 1860. 255 Arch))ald, James, Scranton, Pa Engineer. Benedict, Samuel T,, Schenectady Lawyer. 258 Birch, J. P., Philadelphia, Pa Physician. 235 Cantiue, John, Schenectady Civil Engineer. 90 Conant, C. A., Lishas Kill Clergyman. 99 Flint, Weston, Washington, D. C 181a Gilmour, Neil, Ballston Spa., N. Y Manager Aetna Life. 105 Hulett, E. M., Fort Scott, Kan Lawyer. 64 Lyon, J. Alexander, Schenectady, N. Y. . . 200 Mansfield, S., Wappinger's Falls, N. Y . . . . Principal. 214 Miller, Warner, Herkimer Farmer. McElroy, Wm. H., New York City Journalist. 195 Patterson, Charles E., Troy, N. Y Lawyer. 417 Rexford, W. M., N. Y Contractor. 63 Sprague, Charles E., New York Pres't Savings Bank. 215 Thayer, Samuel R., Minneapolis, Minn. . . 265 Voorhees, J. H., Amsterdam 460 Wilcox, J. H., Otter Lake, N. Y 1859. 442 Hodge, James M., Philadelphia, Pa Secret'y and Treasurer. 117 Jackson, Daniel B., Minneapolis, Minn., . .Clergyman. 177 Peck, Chas. H., Albany, N. Y Botanist. 315 Rexford, Benjamin F., Jr., Montclair, N. J. Custom Service. 100 Robinson, James H., Delhi, N. Y 428 Westlake, W. B., Dallas, Pa Clergyman. 1858. 161 Cooley, Le Roy C, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. . . 162 Daniels, Anson J., Grand Rapids, Mich. . .Lumberman. 17 Enders, J. H., Fort Hunter, N. Y. Synodical Sup't. REGISTRATION. 513 197 Reg. No. 233 Fisk, Hic'liiiKiiul, Boston, IMass Clerti^yniaTi. 14 Grahain, J. B., Selu'iioi-taay, N. Y 396 Hazleton, Geo. C, Washiut^toii, I). C. ... Lawyer. 175 Johnson, Wm. M., Colioes, N. Y. Clergyman. Mygatt, John T , New York Business. 316 Norton, L. P., Bennington, Vt Insurance. 403 Tryon, J. R., Navy Dept., Wash., 1). ('. . .Sm-g. Gen'l. U. S. N. 1857. 51 DeRemer, J. A., Schenectady Lawyer. 182 Felter, M., Troy, N. Y Phy.sician. 170 Horner, Geo. D., New Egypt, N. J. Teaclier. 157 Lewis, S. D., Amsterdam Physician. 152 McChesuey, J. B., Oakland, Cal Teacher. 347 Tliorne, C. C, Windham, N. Y Clergyman. 154 Zabriskie, N. Lansing, Aurora, N. Y. . . Law. 1856. 329 Cheeseman, N. S., Scotia, N. Y Phy.sician. 50 Hough, G. W., Bvanston Astronomer. 353 Robinson, W. J., Allegheny, Pa Clergyman. 1855. 114 Clarke, A. P., Cazeuovia, N. Y C. Engineer. Landon, Judsou S., Schenectady .(A. M.) Lawyer. 1854. 172 Buitoji, Reuben B., Ncav York Physician. 20 Furbeck, P. R., Glover.sville, N. Y Physician. 434 Furbeck, P., West Copake Clergyman. 236 Marvin, Daniel, Troy, N. Y Clergyman. 349 Nott, Chas. D., New York 160 Peterson, E. H., Montrose, N. Y Lawyer. 304 Rice, Edwin W., Philadelphia Editor. 400 Westfall, D. M., Camln-idge 364 Yates, A. A., Schenectady 1853. 54 .Jackson, A. H., Ft. Logan, ('olo U. S. Army. Millard, Nelson, Rochester Clergjanan. 1852. 354 Anderson, J., Cambridge, N. Y Clergyman. 83 Brownell, S. B., New York Counsellor at LaAv, 259 Dunlap, Wm. B., Schenectady 33 514: UNION COLLEGE. Keg. No. 292 Hood, Robt., Livingston, N. Y Civil Engineer. 505 HitcUcock, O. B., Ithaca Minister. 514 Linn, John D., St. Augustine, Fla. Clergyman. 1851. 183 Fry, Jacob, Reading, Pa Clergyman. 179 Graham, William, Dubuque, Iowa Lawyer. 489 Gurley, L. E., Troy Manufactm-er. 171 Smith, Alfred B,, Poughkeej^sie, N. Y Lawyer. 164 Woodi-ufe, Wm. H., Pine Bush, Orange, Co., N.Y ^. 225 Wright, Frank D., Auburn, N. Y ."Lawyer. 163 1 81 271 341 142 308 438 104 188 151 285 97 408 140 12 158 Physician & Sui"geon. 1850. Darrow, D. J., Brookings, S. Dakota Day, S. Mills, Honeoye, N. Y Clergyman. Thomson, Lemon, Thomson, N. Y Lumber Merchant. 1849. Brower, H. T. E., Fonda Farmer. Butterfield, Daniel, New York French, John R., Syracuse Univei'sity .... Teacher. Green, Andrew H., Syracuse, N. Y Lawyer. Merchant, Abel, Nassau, N. Y Pearse, J. Lansing, Delmar, N. Y Clergyman. Wells, Sa-m'l, Schuylerville Lawyer. 1848. Bliss, Thos. E., Denver, Colo. Clergyman. Bronson, J. H., Amsterdam Retired. Daucliy, Geo. K., Chicago Manufacturer. Diefendorf , Menzo, New York Lawyer. King, Harvey J., Troy, N. Y. Lawyer. Stark, Joshua, Milwaukee, Wis Lawyer. Wahlron, C. A., Waterford Law. 1847. 445 MeClellan, R. H., Galena, 111. . . . 187 133 186 18 . Varied. 1846. Anable, Courtland W., New Brighton, S. I. Clergyman. Baldwin, R. J., Minneapolis, Minn. Carroll, John M., Johnstown Lawyer. Dunham, Isaac W., SchenYly Teacher. KEGISTEATION. 515 Reff. No. 24 Rankiue, J;imes, Geneva, N. Y Clergyman. 173 Sillinian, H. B., Cohoes 357 Swits, Jno. L., Schenectady 1845. 29 Bailey, Lansing, (Jeneva, N. Y Clergyman. 448 Busli, Steplien, Waterfcn-d, N. Y Clergyman. 275 Campbell, Jolm L., New York Physician. 185 Earl, K., .Herkimer Judge. 272 Perry, Seely, Rockford, 111. Merchant. 6 Putnam, L. D., Grand Rapids, Mich Doctor. 89 Warring, C. B., Poughkeepsie Teacher. 1844. 508 Brown, Theo. S., Chatham, N. Y Clerg^nnan. 515 Lamoroux, Wendell, Union College Professor. 72 Moore, W. H. H., New York Lawyer. 73 Phelps, Philip, Jr., North Blenheim, N. Y.Clergyman. 146 Rice, Alexander H., Boston 472 Wood, Wm. H., Chicago Lawyer. 1843. 366 ColHer, C. P., Hudson, N. Y 386 Geer, A. C, Hoosick Falls Lawyer. 91 Moore, Franklin, Washington, D. C U. S. Service. 4 Taylor, Geo. I., Newark, N. J Clergyman. 106 Taylor, J. W., Cleveland, Ohio 1842. 53 Jackson, S. W., Schenectady Lawyer. 92 Maxwell, J. L., New York Clergyman. 381 McHarg, Chas. K., Cooperstown, N. Y.. . .Clergyman. 1841. 299 Cowles, Augustus W., Elmira, N. Y Pres. Em. Elmira Col. 198 Luce, Samuel D., Fayette\nlle Lawj-er. 350 Potter, Henry C, Saginaw, Mich R. R'd. 470 Potter, Jos., Whitehall Lawyer. 1840. Chadsey, Demetrius M., Schenectady Lawyer. 124 Clarke, George W., Ph. D., New York City.Teacher. 222 Danforth, George F., Rochester, N. Y. . . .Lawyer. 150 Hodgman, T. M., Rochester Clergyman. 516 UNION COLLEGE. Reg. No. 1838. 300 McCall, A. J., Bath, N. Y 471 Walworth, Clarence A., Albany, N. Y. . . .Clerg-ynian. 1837. 309 House, Sam'l R., Waterford, N. Y Clerg^nnan. 150 Williams, Stephen K., Newark, N. Y. ... Lawyer. 1836. 404 Haskins, Sam'l M., Brooklyn Clergyman. 391 Seward, Alex., Utica, N. Y 1835. Foster, John, Schenectady Professor Emer. 406 Reed, Villeroy D., Philadelphia, Pa Clergyman. 144 Van Sautvoord, C, Kingston Clergyman. 1834. 389 Feathei'stonhaugh, J. D., Duanesburg .... 1832. 180 Kanouse, John L., Boonton, New Jersey .Farmer. 1831. 178 Dana, J. Jay, Housatouic, Mass. Clerg^nnan. ¥ OTHER COLLEGES. AMHERST. 85 Dewey, Melvil, Albany See. Regents, 1874. 132 Wortman, Denis, Saugerties, N. Y Clergyman, 1857. CHICAGO. 224 Lipes, Hemy H., Central Bridge Minister. 431 Neely, F. Tennyson Chicago, 111. HAMILTON. 501 Groves, Leslie R., Albany, N. Y Minister, 1881. LAWRENCE. 421 Albro, Addis, Bridgeport, Conn Clergyman, 1880. REGISTRATION. 517 Rpur. No. ROCHESTER. 5 F'owU'i-, Creo. J\r., Rochester, N. Y Teacher, 1878. RUTGERS. 468 Ditmars, C. P., Niskayuna Clergyman, 1876. 281 Searle, J. P., New Brunswick, N. J Minister, 1875. TRINITY. 11.3 Ohnstead, Jaiues P., Schenectady, N. Y. . .Clergyman. WABASH. 407 Johnson, E. P., Albany Clergyman, 1871. WILLIAMS. 68 Sewall, A. C, Schenectady Clergyman, 1867. YALE. 288 Sawin, T. P., Troy, N. Y Clergyman, 1864. 226 Wright, Henry P.', New Haven, Conn Teacher, 1868. 33* INDEX. ''Academy, The." Address by Rev. C. F. P. Bancroft, 173 AdtUsoTi, Rev. Dauiel, 22 Aiken, Rev. Dr. Charles A., 60 Alden, Rev. Dr. Joseph, 379 Alexander, Rev. Dr. George, 4, 6, 7, 63, 402 ; address by, 79 Alexander, Robert C, 1, 4, 6, 7; History of the College by, 37 Alexander, R. C, prize, 20 Allen, Benjamin, 62 Allen, William F. 358 Allison-Foote prize, 20 Alnmni Association, 21 Amherst College, 209 Auable, Conrtland V., 22 Andrews, President, address by, 186 Arthm-, President Chester A., 467 Asbury African Church, N. Y., Ap- plication to Legislature for grant, 53 ; Lottery bill grant, 54 Baccalaureate sermon by the Rt. Rev. William Crosswell Doane, 127 Bailey, Frank, 5 Bailey, G. R., 21 Bailey, Hon. John M., 25 Bancroft, Rev. C. F. P., address by, 172 Baptist Church, as represented by the Rev. Walter Scott, 101 Barney, Edgar S., 7 Bayard, James A., 462 Beattie, Rev. Dr. Charles, 5 Beck, Dr. Theodi-ic Romeyn, 409 Becker, Hon. Tracy C, 5 Beekman, Dow, 5, 7 Bliss, Rev. Dr. Thomas E., address by, 110 Board of Regents, First charter granted by, 248 Booth, Rev. Dr. Robert Russell, 26 Breckinridge, Rev. Robert J., .394 Breese, Sidney, 3.54 Bridge, Charles F., 7 Brodhead, Rev. Augiistus, 393 Brown, Prof., 25 Brown, Rev. Dr. Robert M., 5 Brown University, 187, 260 Brown, Warren G., 5 Brownell, Hon. Silas B., 5, 6, 24; Sjieech by, 437 Brownell, Rt. Rev. Thomas C, 63, 314, 387 Butterfleld, Genl. Daniel, 4, 6, 7, 23 ; Speech by, 335 Butterfleld prize, 33 Burtis, Hon. John H., 5 Burton, Frank, 5 Cady, Monroe M., 5, 7 Cameron, Frederick W., 5, 7 Campbell, Hon. William W., 57 Carroll, Hon. John M., 5 Cassidy, William, 465 Centennial banquet, 22 ; addresses by Prof. John H. Hewitt, 263; Prof. Wm. MacDonald, 274; Prof. Anson D. Morse, 283 ; Prof. George H. Palmer, 258; President Ray- mond, 247 ; Prof. Charles F. Rich- ardson, 268; Prof. Oreu Root, 280; President Austin Scott, 285 ; Presi- dent James H. Taylor, 288 ; Prof. John Randolph Tucker, 276 ; Rev. Dr. Anson J. Upson, 249; Dean J. H. Van Amringe, 271 ; Dean Henry P. Wright, 261 520 UNION COLLEGE. Centennial Celebriitiou : Resolutions regarding, 1, 2, 3 ; Date selected for, 3; List of committees ap- pointed for, 4, 5, 6, 7 Centennial oration by the Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, 477 Chandler, Charles F., 63 Chaplin, Winfield S., 63 Chester, Rev. William, 391 Clark, Kenneth, 5 Clarke, Nathaniel G., 63 Clarke, Prof. George W., 25 Clute, Dr. William T., 5, 7, 22 Cochrane, Gen. John, 5 Cokesbury College, 99 Cole, Orsamus, 362 Cole, Prof. Philip H., 5, 7 " College, The." Addresses by Presi- dent Andrews, 186; President Taylor, 198 ; President Scott, 181 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Application to Legislature for grant to, 53 ; Lottery bill grant, 54 Columbia College and the Hosaek Bo- tanical Garden, 53 Commemoration, Sketch of the, 1 Commencement Day procession, 26 Comstock, Fred. L., 5 Comstock, George F., 360 Conkliug, Judge Alfred, 460 Conover, Archie R., 5 Cowles, Rev. Augustus W., 30 Craig, Dr. Joseph D., 4, 6 Cromwell, Charles T., 5 Cruikshank, Rev. Dr. John C, 5 Culver, Dr. Charles M., 5 Culver, Charles W., 7 Danforth, Hon. George F., 5, 22, 361 ; address by, 296 Dartmouth College founded, 111 Davis, Henry, 62 Day, Rev. S. Mills, 25 Dayton, Hon. Isaac, 5 Dean, Amos, 358 Degrees conferred, 28, 29, 30, 31 Dentistry, Requirements for study of, .148 de Puy, Frank A., 7 De Remer, Hon. John A., 4, 6, 7 Dewey, Hon. Melvil. Address by, 143* De Witt, Rev. William R., 397 De Witt, Thomas, 398 Doane, George W., 21, 388 Doane, Rt. Rev, William C, 20; bac- calaureate sermon by, 127 Dounan, George R., 5 Earl, Hon. Robert, 4, 6, 362 Eaton, Rev. George W., 381 Education, Baptist Church and, 101 ; Methodist Episcopal Church and, 95; Presbyterian Church and, 110; Protestant Episcopal Church and, 115 ; Roman Catholic Church and, 121 ; under secular authority, 154 ; universal and popular, 151 Educational conference, 143 ; The academy, 172; The college, 183; Graduate work, 217 ; Growth of the woman's college, 198 ; Secondary school, 143 ; Studies of the second- ary school, 150 ; The imiversity, 213, 231 Engineering school, 25 ; Semi-cen- tennial of, 421 Evans, Hon. John Gary, 26 ; address by, 439 "Faculty, The Starred," 311 Fairgrieve, James R., 5 Fiero, Hon. J. Newton, 5, 6, 23 ; ad- dress by, 352 Flint, Weston, 23; poem by, 347 Foote, Rev. Dr. Horatio, 56 Foote, Samuel A., 354 Foote. Hon. Wallace P., 25 Foster, John, 5, 63 Franchot, Nicholas Van V., 5, 27 Genung, Prof. John F., 25 Gillespie, Prof.WilliamM., 63, 325,422 Gilman, President, Address by, 213 Graham, Rev. James R., 399 Grand Committee of One Hiindred, 3 Gray, Hiram, 356 INDEX. 521 Greene, Homer, 4. 7. Greenniiin, Kussell S., 5 Hagar, Prof. Daniel B., 5 Hale, Prof. William G., 31 ; address by, 217 Hall, Dean Lewis B., 4 Hall. President, address by, 230 Hall, Kev. Samuel H., 391 Halsey, Dr. John C, 5 Hamilton College, application to Legislature for grant to, 53 Hamilton. Prof. Frank H.. 411 Hamlin. Rev. Dr. Teunis S., 22, 23; address by, 368 Hand, Clifford A., 5 Hand, Samuel, 364 Harper, President, 216 Harris, Hamilton, 5, 6, 361 Harris, Ira, 356 Harvard College founded, 110 Harvard University's greetings to Union College, 258 Haskins, Rev. Samuel M., 398 Hassler, Frederick R., 63 Hawley, Gideon, 249, 460 Hazelton, George E., 22 Headly, Joel T., 5 Heatley, James, 22 Hewitt, Prof. John H., 30; speech of, 263 Hiekok, Rev. Dr. Laurens P., 56, 63, 81, 253, 322, 376 ; elected vice-presi- dent, 58 Hobart College, 472 Hodgkins, Henry C, 25 Hoff, Dr. John Van R., 23; address by, 406 Hoffman, John T., 363 Holcombe, Hon. Chester, 4, 6 Honors awarded. Special, 32 Hosack Botanical Garden ; how Co- lumbia College secured it, 53 Huested, Dr. Alfred B., 4 Hughes, George T., 5 Hun, Dr. Thomas, 5 Hund, Ward, 359 Huntingdon, Rev. Dr. Ezra A., 5, 84 Jackson, Hon. Samuel W., 5, 7 Jackson, Prof. Isaac W., 62, 317, 492; "Capt. Jack's garden," 73 Jackscm, Rev. Dr. Sheldon, 5, 85,86, 395 Johnson, Rev. Wm. M., 400 Joslin, Benjamin F., 63 Joy, Charles A., 63 Kent, William, .56 King, William H., 363 Lamoroiix, Prof. Wendell, 5, 7, 63 Landon, Hon. Judson S., 4, 6, 60 Landon, Melville D., 25 Landon, William P., 5, 7 Landreth, Prof. Olin H., 25 Lane, Dr. Levi C, 418 Lansing, Rev. Gulian, 393 Legal profession, requirements for candidates, 147; Union men in the, 352 Lester, Charles C.,4, 6 Lewis, Prof. Tayler, 56, 62, 63, 82, 253, 320,492; library of, 21 Littlejohn, Rt. Rev. Abram N., 5, 390 Loomis, Dr. Alfred L., 416 Loomis, Rev. Dr. B. B., address by, 95 Loomis, Frank, 7 Lott, John A., 3.56 Lowell, Robert, 62 Ludlow, Fitzhugh, Poem b}', 31 Ludlow, Rev. John, 383 Mabon, Rev. William A. YanV., 385 Macauley, Thomas, 63, 326, 402 McClure, James H., 5, 6 MacCracken, Chancelloi", regrets of, 270 MacDonald, Prof. William, 30; speech of, 274 McEh-oy, William H., 22. 23 ; Centen- nial poem by, 328 McLeod, Rev. Alexander, 399 McMaster, Rev. Dr. Erastus D., 382 Matthews, Rev. James McF., 400 Mattoon, Rev. Stephen, 392 Maxon, Rev. Dr. William D., 22; address bv, 115 522 UNION COLLEGE. Maxwell, William H., address by, loO Medical Profession, Uuiou College in the, 406 Medicine, requirements for study of, 147 Meredith, Hon. James L., 25 Methodist Episcopal Church as rep- resented by the Rev. Dr. B. B. Loomis, 95 Millard, Eev. Dr. Nelson, 5, 22 Miller, Hon. Warner, 5, 6, 25 ; ad- dress by, 427 Ministry, Union College in the, 368 Moore, William H. H., 4,7, 23 ; speech by, 248 Morse, Prof. Anson D., 31 ; speech of, 283 Mygatt, John T., 5 Mynderse, Dr. Herman V., 22 Nevin, Rev, Dr. John W., 380 Newcomb, Zacchens T., 5 Newman, John, 62 North, Edward P., 5 Nott, Hon. Charles C, 5 Nott, Rev. Dr. Charles D., 4, 6, 7, 22 ; address by, 293 Nott, Rev. Dr. Eliphalet, 48, 182, 495 ; and the new college grounds, 51 ; as an educator, 56, 82 ; fiftieth anniversary of his administration, 57 ; his proposed school curriculum, 156 ; made president, 48 ; sketch of, 296, 495 Nott, Joel B., 63 Nott, Rev. John W., 30 "Old Flag, The," poem by Weston Flint, 347 Orr, Robert P., 5 Palmer, Prof. George H., 30; addi'ess by, 258 Park, Rev. Roswell, 382 Parker, Hon. Amasa J., 5, 21, 22, 23, 357 Pearson, Jonathan, 63, 326 Peckham, Rufus W., 359 Peissner, Prof. Elias, 59, 63, 327 Peraberton, Howard, 5 Perkins, Maurice, 63 Phelps, Rev. Philip, 23 Phi Beta Kappa, 21 Porter, John K., 360 Potter, Rev. Dr. Alonzo, 57, 63, 252, 316, 388, 494; extract from semi-cen- tennial discourse of, 478 Potter, Rev. Dr. E. Nott, 5, 27, 385 ; address by, 471; elected presi- dent, 60 Potter, Rt. Rev. Henry C„ 27; Cen- tennial oration by, 477 Potter, Rt. Rev. Horatio, 390 Potter, Rockwell H., 20, 25 Presbyterian Church, as represented by the Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Bliss, lio Prest, Edward J., 5 Price, Isaiah B., 62, 327 Princeton University, 259 Prizes awarded, 32 Proal, Pierre A., 63 Proceedings, The, 19 Protestant Episcopal Church, as rep- resented by the Rev. Dr. William D. Maxon, 115 Proudfit, Rev. Dr. Alexander, 5 Proudflt, Robert, 62, 326 Pruyn, John V. L., 5, 7 Rankine, William B., 5, 7 Raymond, President Andrew V. V., 4, 6, 404 ; address to graduating class, 27; elected president, 61; his opening address at the Centennial banquet, 247 Raymond, Rev. John H., 377 Raymond, Rev. Dr. Robert P., 384 Registration, 501 Reid, Rev. Dr. Thomas C, 62, 326 Religion and Education, Conference on the relations of, 91 Reynaud, Pierre, 63 Rice, Hon. Alex. H., 4, 6, 7 Rice, Rev. Dr. Edwin W., 391 INDEX. 523 Kii'hardson, Prof. Cliarli's F., 12:5, ;50 ; speeoli of, 268 Riptoii, Prof. Boiijamiii II., 4, (i, :>() Kobert.son, Tracy H., ;'), 7 RobiiKson, Hon. David C, LM, 2fl ; appeal for Prof. Lewis's library by, 271 ; address by, 444 " Roll-Call," Centennial poem by Wil- liam H. MeElroy, 328 Roman Catholic Chni-cb, as repie- sented by the Rev. Dr. Frederick Z. Hooker, 121 Romeyn, Rev. Dr. Dirck, 38, 43, 93 Rooker, Rev. Dr. Frederick Z., 89; address by, 121 Root, Prof. Oren, 30 ; speech of, 280 Rossiter, Rev. Dr. Stealy B., 5, 21, 22, 401 ; address by, 311 Rudd, William P., 4, 6 Ruggles, Philo T., 356 Sanderson, Silas W., 363 Savage, John, 354 Scott, President, addi-ess by, 183 ; speech of, 285 Scott, Rev. Walter, adcbi-ess by, 101 Secondary school, address by Hon. Melvil Dewey on the, 143 ; address by William H. Maxwell, 150 Seelye, President L. Clark, 5, 198, 378 Sewall, Rev. Dr. A. C, 20; address by, 91 Seward, Hon. Frederick W., 5, 7 Seward, William H., 56, 354, 465 Sexton, Hon. Pliny T., 5, 7 Sigma Xi, 21 Smith, Dr. John Nash, 408 Smith, Hon. Charles Emory, 4, 7, 26 ; address by, 456 " Song to Old Union," by F. Ludlow, 31 Sprague, Col. Charles E., 4, 6 Spencer, Hon. John C, 55, 461 Spencer, Rev. I. S., 400 Staley, President Cady, 25, 63; ad- dress by, 421 Stanton, Benjamin, 62, 327 Slariii, lloii. .lohn II., ,5. 6, 7 Steves, I'rof. Oliver P., 5 Stimson, Dr. Daniel M., 5, 7, 419 Stone's, Genl., regrets, 424 Streeter, Dr. Frederick B., 5 Strong, Alonzo P., 22 Swectman, Rev. Dr. Joseph, 57 Tallmadge, Nathaniel P., 462 Tappan, Rev. Dr. Henry P., 373 Taylor, President James H,, 288; address by, 198 Taylor, John, 62 Tellkamj)f, Louis, 63 Thornton, Hon. Howard, 5, 6 Toom])s, Robert, 463 Totten, Rev. Dr. Silas, 381 Townsend, Dr. Howard, 414 Truax, Prof. James R., 4, 6, 7 Tryon, Dr. J. Rufus, 31, 418 Tucker, Prof. John R., 31 ; speech of, 276 Tucker, Dr. Willis G.. 3, 4, 6 Union College, History of, 37; aca- demic charter granted, 41 ; final petition to the Board of Regents, 41 ; charter granted, 42 ; organiza- tion of, 44 ; progress of first two years, 45; financial history, 49; lot- tery in connection with, 49 ; Dr. Nott and the new college grounds, 51 ; plan of college building by M. Ramee, 52; lottery bill grant, 54; examination of financial condition by Committee of Assembly, 55 ; Semi-centennial anniversary, 57; effect of Civil War on, .58 ; educa- tional influence and progress, 62; French professorship, 64 ; first course of civil engineering estab- lished, 65 ; mother of secret so- cieties, 65 ; college publications, 66 ; songs of, 66 ; government of, 67 ; presidents of, 67 ; buildings and grounds, 67 ; present trustees, 73 ; present faculty, 74 ; General Alumni Association, 75 ; univer- sity powers, 75 ; religious influ- 524 UNION COLLEGE. ence of, 79 ; its origin, 80 ; reli- gious men of, 81, 83, 84 ; influence of Tayler Lewis on, 82, 178 ; promi- nent posts occupied by her men of religion, 84; and evangelistic work, 85 ; undenominational character of, 88, 93, 144, 154; liberality in its range of studies, 144 ; first char- ter by Board of Regents granted to, 248 ; and the Board of Regents, 249; in patriotic service, 335 ; upon the bench and at the bar, 348 ; in the ministry, 368; in the medical pro- fession, 406; in commercial and industrial life, 427; in statesman- ship and politics, 437, 444, 456 Union University, 75 " University, The." Address by Pres- ident Gilman, 213; address by Prof . William G. Hale, 217 ; address by President Hall, 230 University celebration, 471 University of Pennsylvania, 174 Upfold, Rev. Dr. George, 387 Upson, Rev. Dr. Anson J., address by, 249 Van Amringe, Dean John H., 30 ; speech of, 271 Van Santvoord, Seymour, 4, 6, 7 Vassar College, 205 Vedder, Dr. Alexander M., 414 Vedder, Rev. Charles S., 400 Waldron, Rev. Charles N., 399 Ward, Dr. Samuel B., 4 Washington and Lee University, 278 Wayland, President Francis, 57, 62, 187, 188, 252, 315, 372 Webster, Harrison E., 5, 60, 63 Welch, Rev. Ransom B., 63, 379 Wells, Prof. William, 4, 6, 63 Wells, Rev. John D., 398 West, Charles E., 5 West Point, 210 White, Edward P., 2, 5, 7, 22 White, Rev. Henry, 383 Whitehorne, Henry, 62 Wilder, R. E., 5 Willard, Emma, 199 Williams, Hon. Stephen K., 5, 7 Wisner, Rev. William C, 399 Woods, Rev. Dr. Leonard, 375 Woman's College, growth of, 198 Worcester Public Library, 146 Wright, Dean Henry Parks, 30 ; speech by, 261 Wright, Rev. Allen, 396 Yale College founded. 111 Yale University, 260 Yates, Prof. Andrew, 62, 313 Yates, Joseph C, 460 Yates, Major Austin A., 23 ; address by, 337 Yates, Rev. Dr. John A., 63, 327 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below LIBRARY IISF SEP 23 1952 $EP2 31952LU RETCD W:^ LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 1^ YD If>3l2 ivi209166 o 7 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY