wr , M^ J_&^.L Plan^of the G round F loor of the Reading Room of the British Museum, The Dingerf/eld Prifvlng C i", Uf/iogn/fiers. London Prinici feofe: LIST OF BOOKS FOEMING THE EEFEEENCE LIBEAEY IN THE EEADING EOOM OF THE BEITISH MUSEUM FOURTH EDITION REVISED AND ENLARGED VOL. L AUTHOBS PRINTED FOR THE TRUSTEES Sold at the British Museum; and by Longmans & Co., 39, Paternoster Row Bernard Quahitch, 11, Grafton Street ; Asher & Co., 13, Bedford Street, Coveut Garden ; and Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, London. 1910 [All rights reserved^ LONDON : PKINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWKS AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. y PREFACE The first edition of the catalogue of books on the ground floor of the Reading Room was pubKshed by the Trustees under the title of " List of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room of the British Museum " in the year 1859, two years after the present Reading Room was opened. It contained an introduction by Mr. J. Winter Jones, Keeper of Printed Books from 1856 to 1866 and Principal Librarian from 1866 to 1878, which gives the fullest account extant of the earlier state of the Library and of the origin and construction of the circular Reading Room and of the Iron Library which surrounds it. This introduction has been reprinted in the present work, and is well worth reading by all who are interested in the British Museum. A second edition was published in 1871 and a third in 1889, each recording the changes in the Reference Library and the improvements in the Reading Room which had taken place since its foundation. Of these changes the most important has been the introduction of the electric light. For many years the absence of any artificial light had been a source of serious inconvenience to readers, gas being considered too dangerous an illuminant, and the use of naked lights being forbidden by the regulations of the Museum. Consequently it was found necessary to close the Reading Room at 6 p.m. in summer, at 5 p.m. in spring and autumn, and at 4 p.m. in winter, while readers were frequently interrupted by the occurrence of fogs, which reduced the number of working hours during the winter months by nearly a fourth. The invention of the electric light made it joossible to light the Reading Room. The first attempt was made in 1879, but was not very successful. In the autumn of that year, however, Messrs. Siemens's method of production was tested, and gave satisfactory results. Their apparatus was installed and in working order by October, 1880. The light was supplied by four arc-lamps, each of 5,000 candle-power. These were used until 1893, when a great improvement was effected by the introduction of glow-lamps fixed to the readers' tables, the arc-lamps being reduced to about 300-candle- iv PREFACE power each. Two years later the shelves accessible to readers on the ground floor were lighted by glow-lamps, aided by reflectors, which efll'ctually lighted the books on the shelves without causing any glare. In the early part of 1906 forty-six additional glow-lamps were fitted to the .smaller tables. The Reading Room is now admirably lighted by five arc-lamps and 325 glow-lamps, and is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. throughout the year. Partly, but, as will l)e .^howii, by no means entirely owing to the increased number of hours during which the Reading Room has been made available for purposes of study, the twenty-one years that have elapsed since the third edition of this catalogue was issued have seen a large increase in the number of readers. The opening of the Newspaper Room in 1885, by absorbing a daily average of readers, which beginning at about 30 has now risen to 70, has relieved to this extent the strain upon the resources of the Reading Room. It is hoped that the approaching completion of the King Edward VII. Wing of the British Museum will aflbrd increased facilities for the accommodation of this class of readers. A statistical table, in which the numbers of the students who have used the Reading Room since its opening and of the books with which they have been supplied are duly set forth, will be found on p. xxviii. Rapid as has been the increase in the numljer of readers, it has been accompanied by a still greater increase in the demand for books. Many causes have contriljuted to this, of which the most important undoubtedly is the substitution of a printed for a written catalogue. On the reconnuendation of Sir Edward Bond, at that time Principal Lilirarian, this change was adopted by the Trustees in the year 1880, when the rapid growth of the catalogue had become too serious to be ignored. A year later the plan was adopted of printing the manuscript catalogue volume by volume. After a few years it was thought advisable that the larger and more important headings in the catalogue should be revised and rearranged according to a new system before being printed. Mr. Garnett retired from the Reading Room in 1884 in order to superintend the revision and printing of the catalogue. He fulfilled tliis duty until his aj^pointment to the Keepership of Printed Books in 1890, when he was succeeded by Mr. A. W. K. Miller, under whose supervision the printing of the catiilogue was completed in 1899. Scarcely less impoi'tant for the convenience of readers than the printing of the catalogue has been the issue of subject indexes. The first of these appeared in 1886 and dealt with all the modern books received by the Museum during the years 1881-85. This volume, by giving to readers a conspectus of the recent literature upon every subject, occasioned a great and inuncdiate increase in the number of PREFACE V bcoks written for. The subject index of 1886 was followed by others issued respectively in 1891 and 1897, dealing with the periods 1886-90 and 1891-95, In 1902-3 appeared a subject index in tliree volumes- covering the whole period from 1881 to 1900. In 1906 another five- yearly index, containing the accessions for the years 1900-1905, was- issued. A second supplementary index of the books received during the years 1906-10 is now in course of preparation. The additional space allotted to the Department of Printed Books after the removal of the Natural History Departments in 1881, made it possible to remove from the lower gallery of the Reading Room the collections of magazines and other periodicals, which up to this period had filled both galleries, and to substitute for them a selection of standard works and of works most frequently asked for by readers. A catalogue of the books in the lower gallery was published in 1886. In addition to the catalogues and indexes already mentioned, numerous other works have been published in recent years -by the Trustees with the object of making the Museum collections better known to students. Such are the Catalogue of English Books printed before 1640 (1884), the Catalogue of the Thomason Tracts (19C8), the Catalogue of l^ooks printed in the 15th century, of which the first part was issued in 1908, and the numerous catalogues published by the Department of Manuscripts and the Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books. All these works are placed in the Reading Room. During the year 1907 the Reading Room was closed for six months for external repair and internal cleansing and redecoration. It was necessary for these purposes to remove the books from the shelves on the ground floor and in the two galleries. This gave to the staff of the Library an excellent opportunity of making a thorough revision of the entire collection. Many books that had become obsolete have been replaced by more recent and authoritative works ; a logical and convenient system of arrangement of the books on the ground floor has been adopted ; duplicate copies of books in constant use have been placed upon the shelves ; and a new and enlarged plan of the ground floor, a copy of which is prefixed to vol. 1 of this catalogue, has been prepared. Every eftbrt has thus been made to render the collection of books and periodicals as complete a library of reference and of standard works as possible. In forming a library of this character there can of course be no finality. Later editions of the books now selected will be substituted, as they appear, for those at present on the shelves ; new works of literary, scientific, and historical value will he added to the collection ; and books which are found to be seldom consulted will be transferred vi PREFACE to the (Jcneral Lil)rarv. Such changes will be noted in the inter- leaved copies of this catalogue placed in the Reading Room. It will be understood from what has already been said that the present catalogue is on a much larger scalt- than the three editions previously issued, since in addition to the books on the ground floor it includes those in the two galleries of the Reading Room, in all about 00,000 volumes. The system of arrangement may be roughly described as follows : the gi'ound floor is de^'oted mainly to works of reference and collections of texts placed upon the shelves surrounding the room and bearing the press-marks 2000-"2121. Bibliographies are placed in a series of small stands at the inner end of every alternate row of readers' desks, and are press-marked BB.A — BB.T. Catalogues (including the General Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum), together with a selection of calendars, directt)ries and encyclopaedias, are placed in the two Circles sur- rounding the Superintendent's desk in the centre of the Reading Room and bear the press-marks Circ. 1-100. The book shelves on the barriers enclosing the entrance to the North Library contain the Law Reports, the Reports of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, etc., press-marked Bar.A. and Bar.T. The lower gallery is devoted to standard works in every branch of literature, bearing the press- marks 2200-2504, and the upper gallery to magazines and other peri(jdicals and the publications of literary, .scientific, and other .societies, bearing the press-marks R.P.P. 1-G529 and R.Ac. 1-9959. The book.s placed on the ground floor of the Reading Room can be taken from the shelves by readers, who are required to replace them after use. These books are easily distinguisha))le, by the pre.ss-marks attached to them in the catalogue, from the books placed in the galleries. For the latter tickets must be written in the usual wa,y, but, uidike the lx)oks stored in the General Library, they are availaljle for readers, independently of fog or daikness, from 9 a.m. to 6. ."30 p.m. throughout the year. The present catalogue is in two volumes. Of these the first contains a list of the books arrangetl under the names of their authors, anonymous books being as a rule entered under the first substantive in the title. In vol. 2 will be found a subject index compiled according to the sy.stem adopted in the subject indexes of modern books in the Mu.seum Library referred to on p. iv, which is now familiar to most of tho.se who use the Reading Room. Although this catalogue is mainly designed to assi.st readers, it is hoped that it may answer a wider purpose by enabling other librarians to ascertain what are the books which the staff" of the British ^Museum Library have learnt by experience to consider best fitted to fill the shelves of a libnirv of reference. PREFACE vii The selection, of the books now placed in the Reading Room has been entrusted to members of the staft' possessing special knowledge of the various subjects ; but it may be pointed out that the selection has to a large extent been made by the readers themselves, the fact that a book is constantly asked for offering the best possible reason for placing it in a specially accessible position. We have moreover been so fortunate as to profit by the advice of experts in many branches of knowledge, such as Law, Medicine, and Science. I desire especially to express my obligations to the following gentlemen : to Mr. A. W. K. Miller and Mr. G. F. Barwick, Assistant- Keepers of the Printed Book Department, for their careful revision of the proofs and for their co-operation throughout the entire work ; to Dr. E. A. Wallis Budge, Keeper of the Oriental Antiquities, for his assistance in selecting works on Assyi'iology and Egyptology ; to Mr. H. Jenner, for his choice of the theological, heraldic, and genea- logical literature and for the rearrangement of the books on the ground floor ; to Mr. W. Barclay Squire, for his selection of the books on music, jjainting, sculpture, and other branches of art ; and finally, to Mr. R. F. Sharp, Mr. R. A. Streatfeild, and Mr. W. A. Marsden, who have comj^iled both sections of the present catalogue under my supervision. G. K. FORTESCUE. British Museum, Jimc, 1910. PEEFAC E TO THE FIEST EDITION The same in object, the same as to the nature of its collections, unchanged in government and general administration, yet no two public establishments can be well more dissimilar than the British Museum of 1759 and the British Museum of 1859. The Act of Incorporation was passed in the year 1753, and the six years from that date to the time of opening (15th of January, 1759) had beeu spent by the Trustees in procuring a suitable building for the collections, in selecting officers, and in making all the necessary arrangements for carrying out the trusts committed to their charge. By these regulations the Museum was closed on Saturday and Sunday in each week, and likewise on Chi'istmas Day and for one week after, one week after Easter day and Whit Sunday respectively, on Good Friday, and on all days appointed for thanksgivings and fasts. At all other times it was to be set open from nine o'clock in the morning till three in the afternoon from Monday to Friday between the months of September and April inclusive and also at the same hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in May, June, July, and August ; but on ^Monday and Friday only from four o'clock to eight in the afternoon during these four months. Persons desirous to see the ^luseum were to be admitted by printed tickets, to be delivered by the porter upon their application in writing. No more than ten tickets were to be delivered out for each hour, and five of the persons producing such tickets were to be attended by the Under-Librarian, and the other five by the Assistant Librarian in eacli department. Company was to be admitted at the hours of nine, ten, eleven, and twelve respectively in the morning, and at the hours of four and five in the afternoon of those days in which the Museum was open at that time. The visitors were to be first conducted through the department of Manuscripts and Medals; then the department of Natural and PREFACE ix Artificial Productions ; and afterwards the department of Printed Books, by the particular officers assigned to each department ; and one hour only was allow ed to the several companies for viewing each department. No children were to be admitted into the Museum. After the lapse of a few months an alteration was suggested by the officers of the Museum, and on the 30th of March, 1761, the hours of admission were changed from nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, to nine, eleven, and one, the numbers admitted at one time were increased from ten to fifteen, and the time visitors were allowed to remain in the Museum was reduced from three hours to two. i These regulations were not mere matters of form. It would appear that some attemf)t had been made to break through the order for admission by ticket, for on the 7th of April, 1769, the Trustees directed " that the porter and messengers have positive orders not to admit anybody into the house without tickets." This system naturally confined the number of visitors within very narrow limits (forty-five per diem at the utmost), and as the number of applicants for tickets was very large, and visitors were admitted in the order of their application, weeks, and ultimately months, would elapse between the date of application and admission. On the 9th of February, 1774, a Committee of the House of Commons was appointed to consider of a more convenient method of admitting persons to the sight of the British Museum, and on the 11th of May following the Committee reported that it was their opinion that the most probable method of obviating these incon- veniences would be by enabling the Trustees to demand and receive money for the admission of persons to see the Museum on certain days in the week, some days and hours being still allotted for receiving persons gratis." Upon this resolution the House divided, when the proposition was lost, but only by the very small majority of three, fifty-three being in favour of it, and fifty-six against it. The practice of admission by tickets continued in force for thirty-six years afterwards.* * The celebrated John Wilkes took a just view of what the Museum, and especially the Library, ought to be when, on a petition being presented to the House from the Trustees, on the 28th of April, 1777, praying for a grant of money, he made the following remarks : — " It seems to me, sir, highly expedient that the Trustees of the British Museum should not only be enabled adequately to fulfil the objects of their public trust by making what is already collected as useful as possible to the nation, but istill further to extend the laudable purposes of their Institution The British Museum, sir, is rich in manuscripts — the Harleian Collection, the Cottonian Library, the Collection of Charles I., and many others, especially on our own history ; but it is wretchedly poor in printed books. I wish, sir, a sum was allowed by Parliament X PREFACE Tn thf y.ar ISIO, the first step towards the present system was made by Mv. Plaiita, the Principal Librarian, who recommended that the ^luseum should be opened for public inspection from ten till four o'clock on ^londay, Wednestlay, and Friday in every week except in the Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide week, on thanksgiving and fast days, and during the months of August and September; and that all persons who apj)lied im those days between the hours of ten and two should be immediately admitted. But even then, and for many years afterwards, the presence of a few hundred persons in the building was considered to call for special precautions to secui-e the preservation of order. This fear of the jniblic has long ceased. Now all are admitted who present themselves, the only condition being that they shall be able to icaUi into the l)uilding. Visitors are not only admitted freely, but their attention is directed to those objects which possess the greatest interest by printed guides, which are sold at prices in many instances not sutticiently high to cover the cost of preparation. These eflbrts to populaiize the Institution are fully appreciated : 43,000 holiday folk have recently passed through the building in one day without the slightest injury to the collections. One of the last acts of the Trustees, before the Museum was opened for the purposes of inspection and study, was to make arrangements for the reception of students. On the 8th of December, 1758, the Trustees ordered " that the corner room in the base story be appropriated for the reading-room, and that a proper wainscot table, covered with green bays in the same manner as those in the libraries, be prepared for the same, with twenty chairs of the same kind with those already provided for the several departments of the house." On the 22nd of the same month. Dr. Peter Templeman, the translator of Norden's Travels in Eg\^t, and who afterwards became the secretary to the then newly-iucoi-purated Society of Arts and Commerce, for the purchase of the most valuable editions of the best authors, and an Act passed to oblige every printer, under a certain penalty, to send a copy bound of every publication he mede to the British Museum. Our posterity, by this and other acquisitions, might, perhaps, possess a more valuable treasure than even the celebrated Alexandrian Collection; for, notwithstanding the selfish- ness which marks the present age, we have not quite lost sight of every beneficial prospect for futurity. Consideraible donations might likewise, after such a sanction of parliamentary approbation, be expected from private persons, who in England, more than in any country in the world, have enlarged views for the general good and glory of the State." On this occasion, Kdraund burke moved that, instead of 3000^., the sum asked by the Trustees, 6000/. should be granted for the service of the IMuseum. This motion was lost, but it showed the interest taken in the Institution by men of enlightened niindB even at that early period of its existence. PREFACE xi delivered in his appointment as " Keeper of the Readini,' Room or Rooms in the British Museum." The appointment of such an othcer had been ordered on the 23rd of the June preceding, the Trustees wisely foreseeing the importance of the Reading Room, and the necessity of providing for its efficient superintendence. A corner room in the basement story, with one oak table and twenty chairs, forms a very striking contrast with the Reading Room of the present day, but it was not so bad as the indulged reader of modern times may imagine. A glass door opened from this Reading Room into the garden of Montagu House, which was well cultivated and planted with goodly trees, and between which and Hampstead nothing intervened to obstruct the prospect or poison the air.* We may smile now at the twenty chairs, but they proved more than sufficient for the demands made upon them. The poet Gray, in his correspondence, gives an amusing account of his visit to the Museum. In a letter to the Rev. Wm. Mason, dated July 23, 1759, he says, — " I am just settled in my new habitation in Southampton Row, and, though a solitary and dispirited creature, not unquiet nor wholly unpleasant to myself. The Museum will be my chief amusement. I this day passed through the jaws of a great leviathan that lay in my way into the belly of Dr. Templeman, Superintendent of the Reading Room, who congratulated himself on the sight of so much good company. We were — a man that writes for Lord Royston : a man that writes for Dr. Barton of York ; a third that writes for the Emperor of Germany or Dr. Peacock, for he speaks the worst English I ever heard ; Dr. Stukeley, who writes for himself, the very worst person he could write for ; and I, who only read to know if there were anything worth writing, and that not without some difficulty. I find that they printed one thousand copies of the Harleian Catalogue, and sold four-score ; that they have 900/. a-year income and spend 1300/., and that they are building apartments for the under-keepers ; so I expect in winter to see the collection advertised and set to auction.'' The late Chancellor of the Exchequer f bears similar testimony as to a later period, in the introduction to his edition of the "Curiosities of Literature," published in 1858, p. xxix. He says, — "When my father first frequented the Reading Room of the British Museum at the end of the last century, his companions never numbered half-a-dozen ; now these daily pilgrims of research * " After the establishment of the Museum in Montagu House, ]\Ir. [after- wards Sir William] Watson was very assiduous, not only in the internal arrangements of subjects, but also in getting the garden furnished with plants, insomuch that in the first year of its establishment in 1756 it contained no fewer than GOO species, all in a flourishing state." — Pultnei/s Sketches of Botany, 1790, vol. ii. p. 310. t Mr. Disraeli. xii PREFACE may be counted by as many biindreds." The " pilgrims of research " are certainly vastly more numerous now than when the author of the " Curiosities of Literature " formed one of the select few. But it cannot be denied that at that time they loere select, which tliey certainly are not now. The Trustees themselves, until the year 1819, always exaaiined in committee the applications for admission to the Reading Room, power having, on the 19th of June, 1760, been given to the Principal Librarian to grant admissions only when a quorum of the Committee did not meet, or between the meetings, in cases of emergency, these admissions being reported at the next meeting. Students were admitted for periods varying from one month to six. It may be of some interest to see to whom this privilege was first accorded. The entry on the Minutes (12th Jan. 1759, three days before the opening of the Museum) is as follows : — " The Rev. Dr. Taylor, Residentiary of St. Paul's, for six months. The Rev. Dr. Lowth, Prebendary of Durham [afterwards bishop of London], for two months. Daniel AVray, Esq., for six months. Mr. Musgrave, Editor of the Hippolytus of Euripides, for six months. ]Mr. Stuart, of Grosvenor Street, for six months. ]\Ir. Edward Langton, at the desire of Lord Royston, for six months. The Rev. Dr. Chandler, for three months. Taylor White. Esq., for one month ; and that the said Mr. White having occasion to make drawings of some specimens of cinnamon and cassia, such books of dried plants as contain the said specimens be carried to him into the reading-room for that purpose." The above were followed at short intervals by Dr. Lyttelton, Dean of Exeter, Dr. Jortin, the Rev. Benjamin Kennicott, Dr. Blair, Sir William Blackstone, Lord Dacres, the Earl of Egremont, David Hume, Owen Ruffhead, the Bishop of Norwich, Dr. Nash, Lord Morton, Thomas Gray, and Dr. Johnson. Dr. Johnson was admitted on the recom- mendation of Dr. Morton, on the 8th of May, 1761. These are only specimens of the class of readers of that day. From what has already been said, it will be seen that the Reading Room of 1759 was very different from what it became many years afterwards. It was only open to leaders wlicn the rest of the house was open to the public — it contained no books of reference — the number of volumes of prints and drawings to be carried into the room in one day was limited to two by order of March 17, 1759 — and the statutes directed that notice should be given in writing the day before to the officer in attendance by each person " what book or manuscript he will be desirous of perusing the following day : which book or manuscrijit on such i'e(|uest will be lodged in some convenient place in the said room, and will fidiii tlicnci' be delivered to him Ijy the otficer of tiie said room." This regulation was not allowed to PREFACE xiii become a dead letter. Complaints having been made tliat the duty of the several ofhcers and servants had been rendered Imrdensonie by disorderly application from the Reading Room for books of which no previous notice had been given the day before, it was ordered by the Trustees, on the 27th of June, 1760, " that the Keeper of the Reading Room shall not send for any book or manuscript without such previous notice, unless in very extraordinary cases." Even after this oi'der had been abolished, it was considered necessary to restrict the use of the library. In the printed directions respecting the Reading Room, dated 3rd of July, 1804, it is declared that "no reader (except in particular cases, at the discretion of the Principal Librarian) will be entitled to more than two volumes at a time, but they may be exchanged as often as he may require." The Reading Room, like the rest of the Museum, was closed on Saturday, until the year 1831, on the 25th of April of which year the Trustees ordered that it should be opened during the usual hours on every Saturday tliroughout the year, the three holiday weeks excepted, as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made. If the Trustees thus restricted the use of the books and manuscripts, they, on tlie other hand, showed great anxiety that the students, when at their work, should ha\e the best assistance, by appointing an officer specially to superintend the Reading Room, and selecting for this duty men of education. They were no less anxious that this officer should attend strictly to his duties. On the 10th of February, 1759, the Keeper of the Reading Room was ordei'ed to make regular monthly reports to the Trustees. On the 21st of June, 1759, when relaxing, under certain conditions, the strict attendance of the officers during six hours daily, they inade an order that, " in the case of the Keeper of the Reading Room, the six hours' attendance cannot be dispensed with ; " * and he was subsequently ordered (February 27th, 1768) to mention in his reports the days of his absence from his duty, the reasons thereof, and in what manner his place had been supplied. These precautions were, no doubt, necessary, for the pleasant garden of Montagu House was very tempting, and admission through the glass door of the Reading Room very easy, and Dr. Templeman was unable to resist the temptation. One day, however, while enjoying his walk in the * On the 15th of May, 1778, the Principal Librarian was specially ordered to report any failure in the regulations made for the superintendence of tlie Reading Room. The same order was repeated in 1801 ; and again in 1802 it was directed " that the strictest orders should be made and enforced for due attendance in the Reading Room." On several other occasions, also, the Trustees had the subject under their consideration, and appear at all times to have kept a watchful eye over this particular branch of the service. xiv PREFACE .garden, he was met by one of the Trustees, who, pointing with his cane to the ghiss door, exclaimed, with a starthng energy of voice and manner, " Go back, sir ! " Whether in consequence of this official rebuke or from some other cause cannot now be known, but, on the If^th of December, 1760, Dr. Templeman resigned his appointment, and was succeeded by the Rev. Richard Penneck. Mr. Penneck held the otfice of Keeper of the Reading Room for forty-one years, and died towards the close of the year 1802. On his decease, the office of Superintendent of the Reading Room was abolished, and the duties were performed by the Assistant Librarians, according to a tixed rota, until 1805, and from that time until 1824 by the Under and Assistant Librarians, the officer in attendance being ordered never on any account to quit the room during the hours when it was open to visitors. In 1824 the duties were made over to an attendant of the room under the management of the Principal Librarian. In consequence of complaints that the Reading Room was damp, the Trustees, on the 28th of May, 1774, ordered that the south-west angle room upon the first state story should be fitted up for the reception of students. This room was directly over the former. It was opened on the 31st of October, 1774, and continued to be used by the readers until the year 1803, when they were removed to the adjoining room,'' which was occupied by them until the year 1817, * This Reading Room is thus described by Malcolm in his Londinium Eedivivum, (1803) ii. 500 :— " A passage from the vestibule leads to the Western apartments. The anti-room is comparatively small, with nothing remarkable in its architecture ; but the ceiling is richly ornamented with paintings, heightened by gold. It contains but one window ; and the wall is covered with shelves of printed books, secured by lattices of twisted wire. The adjoining room, proceeding northward, was, till the winter of 1803, the reading-room. This is a large vaulted apartment, with a clumsy marble chimney-piece ; but, having only two windows, which were insufficient to illuminate the most remote parts of the table, the Trustees very judiciously transferred the appendages for study and research to the next room North, leaving the old reading-room a receptacle for the case, in which the readers deposit their books and manuscripts while they are in use. This is also full of printed books, arranged as in the anti-room. " The present reading-room is surrounded by shelves of books, secured by wire, has a vaulted ceiling, a handsome cornice, and large marble chimney- piece, a West window, and three North, with several portraits on the walls. Facing the fire-place are the table and chair for the superintending officer, who occupies the latter during the hours for reading, for the necessary purpose of noticing any deviation from the liberal rules for admission, or injury done to the articles in use by the readers. Behind him is another small table, on which a file is placed, with squares of paper, on which orders for books and manuscripts must be written, and signed by the reader, with the day of the month. PREFACE XV making a total period of forty-three years, from 1774. This cir- cumstance shows how small was the attendance of readers for the first fifty yeai's of the existence of the Museum. The French Revolution led, however, to a considerable increase in the number of readers during the first years of that extraoidinary convulsion. Nearly one-half of those admitted in the year 1795 consisted of French refugees. Among them were the Archbishop of Bordeaux, the Bishops of Uzes and of Troyes, the Count de St. Cyr, the Aldje de Tressan, the Duke de Levis, and the Count de Lally Tollendal, with a long list of abbes and men of less note, all of whom sought relief from the ennui of their exile in the Reading Room of the British Museum. A perusal of the mere lists of admissions to the Reading Room about this period is highly suggestive. In addition to the long catalogue of victims of political revolution, we find the names of veterans of literature of our own country, some of whom are still amongst us, and others but recently passed away. Under the date of May 13, 1795, is recorded the name of the late Principal Librarian, Sir Henry Ellis, who may still be seen prosecuting his antiquarian labours with all the eagerness of sixty-four years ago.* Further on we read, " Walter Scott, admitted May 14, 1803." "Rev. Sydney Smith, admitted Dec. 9, 1803." " Henry Brougham, admitted March 23, 1804." "Charles Lamb, recommended by Mr. Godwin, May 12, 1804. ' " Mr. Hallam, admitted March 8, 1805." Even the Celestial Empire is represented by " Yong Sam Tack, a Chinese gentleman, No. 14, Pitt Street, Fitzroy Square, November 14, 1805." It was not until the year 1814 that the question of further accommodation appears to have been mooted, and then only in a report that further accommodation could not be found without incurring expense in wiring bookcases and paying for a'lditional " Two long tables extend North and South on each side of the fire-place for the readers. These are covered with green cloth, and are plentifully supplied with pens, ink, and rests for the books. Catalogues are placed on shelves within the room, which the reader consults at his pleasure, writes his notes from them, pulls the bell-rope near the door, a messenger instantly obeys the summons, and in as short a time as possible returns with the wished-for book. This application may be made, any reasonable number of times, from 10 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon, at which hour all studies cease in the reading-room of the British Museum." The catalogues referred to are stated in a note to be as follows: — "The Harleian, 2 volumes, folio ; the Cottonian, 1 volume, folio ; the King's, 1 volume, quarto ; Ayscough's, 2 volumes, quarto ; Additional Manuscripts and the Catalogue of Printed Books, 2 volumes, folio. A new one is compiling, with vast additions." * Sir Henry Ellis died January 15, 1SG9, in the 92ud year of his age. xvi PREFACE attendance. On tlie \'2ih. of April, 1817, however, the Principal Librarian reported as follows : — " The number of pei-sons who frequent the Reading Room having of late so considerably increased as to render their accommodation insuthcient, Mr. Planta had been induced to appropi'iate the room Xo. o on the upper floor for their use.'' This was one of the rooms in whicli the Harleian MSS. were deposited. From this period the Hjiplications for the privilege of reading at the Museum appear gradually and steadily to have increased. On the loth of March, 182.3,* it was ordered, "that the room which adjoins the jn-esent Reading Room towards tlie saloon, be forthwith prepared for the further accommodation of readers;" and on the 10th of December, 1825, that a third room in the MS. department be opened for the accommodation of the readers who frequent the Museum. In 1823, King George IV. presented the magniticent library formed by his father, to the nation, on condition that a suitable room should be provided for its reception. The present east wing was accordingly built, the upper floor being at first intended for a picture gallery. I The erection of this wing afforded an opportunity for building three rooms for the reception of the manuscripts, two of which at the .south end were devoted to the purpose of a Reading Room, and made to accommodate, when full, 120 readers. These rooms were ready for use at Midsummer of the year 1826, and were speedily filled, as appears from an order of the Trustees dated 12th July, 1828, directing that, in the event of an actual overflow of the pi'esent Reading Rooms, the M8. room be considered and used as an additional Reading Room. That this order must ultimately have been acted upon was evident to everyone who saw and smelt these rooms when occupied liy readers. The necessity was, however, * The daily average of readers at this time was from 50 to 70. t The idea of making use of the Museum as a Picture Gallery appears to have prevailed at a very early jperiod of its existence. Wilkes, in the course of his speech above referred to, made the following remarks : — " The British Museum, sir, possesses few valuable paintings, yet we are anxious to have an English School of painters. If we expect to rival the Italian, the Flemish, or even the French school, our artists must have before their ej'es the finished works of the greatest masters. Such an opportunity, if I am rightly informed, will soon present itself. I understand that an application is intended to Parliament, that one of the first collections in Europe, that at Houghton, made by Sir Robert Walpole, of acknowledged superiority to most in Italy, and scarely inferior even to the Duke of Orleans' in the Palais Eoyal at Paris, may be sold by the family. I ho^je it will not be dispersed, but purchased by Parliament, and added to the British Museum. I wish, sir, the eye of painting as fully gratified as the ear of music is in this island, which at last bids fair to become a favourite abode of the polite arts. A noble gallery ought to be built in the spacious garden of the British I\Iusoum for the reception of that invaluable treasure." ■-::s^ .^ NEW READING ROOM, BRITISH MUSEU n^cist- ss<^ O Sketck. )H MUSEUM. j.l^^ / / / / ^ VincBntBrooJa! Di^y &.wonlit3i PREFACE xvii avoided by the erection of two larger rooms at the eastern end of the present north wing, to which the readers migrated in the year 1838. These rooms also were soon filled, and complaints of overcrowding and foul air and " Museum fleas " became more and more frequent, but there was no longer any power of expansion in the then existing building, and the evil to a certain extent worked its own cure (if cure it can be called) by driving away those students who could not struggle against the physical inconveniences and annoyances to which they were exposed. A great change had come over the frequenters of the Bi'itish Museum library. In former years, when admission was more formal, and the library comparatively poor, readers were content with the books they found there, but as admission became more easy and the number of students increased, they made their demands, not with reference to the contents of the library, but to their own wants. They were right in so doing — the public library of Great Britain ought (as far as such a term can be used with propriety) to be complete, and this principle, strongly urged by Mr. Panizzi, was fully admitted by the Trustees. The necessity of a general enlargement of the libraiy led to the suggestion of many plans — some impracticable — some too expensive — and all involving a delay which would have been fatal to the efficiency of the Institution. Here the great danger was that some scheme might be adopted which, looking well upon paper, would be mischievous in its application, and such a danger actually arose. Fortunately, however, after much vigorous discussion, a plan which had been suggested by the present Principal Librarian* for building in the vacant quadrangle was adopted and carried out under his own immediate and watchful attendance. It may be interesting to some to see Mr. Panizzi's first sketch for this plan, which was made on the 18th of April, 1852, and shown on the following day to the writer of this Preface, to whom it was subsequently presented. The accompanying lithograph gives an exact copy of it. Very few days sufiiced to develop this rough idea, and give it a clear and definite form, and on the 5th of May following Mr. Panizzi laid it before the Trustees.j By the Trustees this plan was im- * Mr. (afterwards Sir Anthony) Panizzi retired from the Museum in 1866. He was succeeded in the post of Principal Librarian by Mr. Winter Jones, the writer of this preface. t See " Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 22nd June, 1852, for a copy of all communications made by the architect and officers of the British Museum to the Trustees respecting the enlargement of the building of that institution," &c. h xviii PREFACE mediately referred to Mr. Smirke, the architect to the Museum, who having reported favourably upon its practicability, it was in due course submitted to the Government. This step brought a counter plan into the field, which, howe\-er, after having been examined with all the care its boldness and ingenuity merited, was, like its predecessors, condemned, no one being able to foresee the limit either of time or money that would be involved in carrying it out. Apart from the many other advantages of Mr. Panizzi's scheme, both time and money could be calculated, and shown to be considerably less than those involved in any other plan. The suggestion was ulti- mately adopted, and the excavations commenced in the month of May, 1854. The first brick was laid in the September of the same year : the first iron standard was fixed in the month of January, 1855, and in the month of May, 1857, the building was completed. From the 8th to the 1 6th of May the public were admitted to view the Reading Room. The readers took possession of their new room on the 18th of May ; and as the public curiosity was far from satisfied by the opportunity which had been afforded of inspecting it, it was thrown open, from six to eight o'clock in the evening, from the 27th of May to the 15th of August, or for 140 hours. During this time it was visited by 62,041 persons, being more than saw the jNIuseum in any four years when the admission was by tickets. The quadrangle within which the new library is built is 313 feet in length by 235 wide, comprising an area of 73,555 square feet. Of this space the building covers 47,472 feet, being 258 feet long by 184 feet in width, thus leaving an interval of from 27 to 30 feet all round. By this arrangement, the light and ventilation of the sur- rounding buildings is not interfered with, and the risk of fire from the outer buildings is guarded against. Tiie Reading Room is circular. The dome is 140 feet in diameter, and its height 106 feet. The diameter of the lantern is 40 feet. Light is further obtained from twenty circular-headed windows, 27 feet high by 12 feet wide, inserted at equal intervals round the dome at a height of 35 feet from the ground. In its diameter the dome of the Reading Room exceeds all others, wdth the exception of the Pantheon of Rome, which is about 2 feet wider. That of St. Peter's at Rome, and of Santa Maria in Florence are each only 139 feet; that of the tomb of Mahomet at Bejapore, 135; of St. Paul's 112; of St. Sophia, at Constantinople, 107 ; and of the church of Darmstadt, 105. The new Reading Room contains 1,250,000 cubic feet of space, and the surrounding libraries 750,000. The.se libraries are 24 feet in height, with the exception of that part which runs round the outside of the Reading Room, which is 32 feet high ; the spring of the doiiic being 24 feet from the PREFACE xix floor of the Reading Room, and the ground excavated 8 feet below this level. The whole building is constructed princijially of iron. The main ribs of the Reading Room, with brick arches between, are supported by twenty iron piers, having a sectional area of 10 superticial feet to each, including the brick casing, or 200 feet in all. This saving of space by the use of iron is remarkable ; the piers of support on which the dome rests thus only occupying 200 feet, while the piers of the Pantheon at Rome fill 7477 feet of area, and those of the tomb of Mahomet 5593. Upwards of 2000 tons of iron have been employed in the construction of the Reading Room and the surrounding libraries. The weight of the materials used in the dome is about 4200 tons, or upwards of 200 tons on each pier. The roof is formed into two separate spherical and concentric air chambers, extending over the whole surface — one between the external covering and brick vaulting, the object of which is the equalization of tem- perature during extremes of heat and cold out of doors ; the other between the brick vaulting and the internal visible surface, and which is intended to carry off the vitiated air from the Reading Room. This ventilation is effected partly through apertures in the soffites of the windows, and partly through others at the top of the dome, the bad air passing through outlets provided around the lantern. The effects of condensation are obviated by making all the skylights, lanterns and windows throughout the building double. The quantity of glass used amounts to about 60,000 superficial feet. In order to guard against the consequences of an avalanche of snow falling from the dome on to the surrounding libraries, the building has been carried up outside perpendicular to such a height above the spring of the arch as to form a gallery 9 feet in width, provided with proper outlets, by which the snow is intercepted. The Reading Room contains ample and comfortable accommodation for 302 ■"■ readers. There are thirty-five tables ; eight are 34 feet long, and accommodate sixteen readers, eight on each side ; nine are 30 feet long, and accommodate fourteen readers, seven on each side ; two are 30 ft. long, and accommodate eight readers each, viz., seven on one side and one on the other — these two tables are set apart for the exclusive use of ladies ; sixteen other tables are six feet long, and accommodate two readers each — these are fitted up with rising desks of a large size for those readers who may have occasion to consult works Ijeyond the usual dimensions. Each person has allotted to him, at the long tables, a space of 4 feet 3 inches in length by 2 feet 1 inch in depth. He is screened from the opposite occupant by a longitudinal division which is fitted * By the enlargement of the tables the number of readers for whom there is a;ocommodation has since been increased to 458. 6 2 XX PREFACE with a hinged desk graduated on sloping racks, and a folding shelf for spare books. In the space between the two, which is recessed, an inkstand is fixed, having suitable penholders. Thus the whole table- top is free from writing implements and other embarrassments, and every precaution is taken to preserve the books from injury by carelessness or accident. The framework of each table is of iron, forming air-distributing channels, which are contrived so that the air may be delivered at the top of the longitudinal screen division, above the level of the heads of the I'eaders, or, if desired, only at each end pedestal of the tables, all the outlets being under the control of valves. A tubular foot-rail also passes from end to end of each table, which may have a current of warm water through it at pleasure, and be used as a foot- warmer if required. The pedestals of the tables form tubes communicating with the air-chamber below, which is 6 feet high, and occupies the whole area of the Reading Room : it is fitted with hot-water pipes arranged in radiating lines. The supply of fresh air is obtained from a shaft 60 feet high, built on the north side of the north wing, about 300 feet distant, communicating with a tunnel or subway, which has branches, or loop-lines, fitted with valves for diverting the current either wholly through the heating apparatus, or through the cold-air flues, or partly through either, as occasion may require. The air channels are of sufficient capacity to admit a supply of fresh air for 500 persons, at a rate of 10 cubic feet per minute, and at a velocity not exceeding 1 foot per second. For summer ventilation a con- tinuous current of fresh air is forced into the room by means of a steam engine and blower, and the foul air thus expelled through the valves constructed for this purpose in the lantern. In the centre of the Reading Room is a I'aised enclosure for the Superintendent, fitted with a table and ticket boxes, and with dwarf partitions, surmounted by glass screens, which form a passage to the North Library, through which the service of the Reading Room is carried on. The catalogue tables, with shelves under and air-dis- tributing tubes between, are ranged in two concentric circles around the Superintendent's enclosure. The arrangement of the presses is peculiar throughout the new libraries. The shelves within the Reading Room contain about 60,000 volumes : the new building altogether will accommodate about 1,500,000 volumes.* Two lifts are placed at convenient stations for * The New Library would by this time be full had it not been for the invention and introduction, in 1887, of sliding presses constructed of light iron-work and fitted with shelves of sufficient depth to hold rows of books both back and front. These presses are provided with small overhead wheels which run along narrow flanges fastened to the girders supporting the floor above, so PREFACE xxi tlie purpose of raising the books to the level of the several gallery floors.* The bookcases are of novel and simple construction, the uprights or standards being formed of malleable iron galvanized and framed together, having fillets of beech inserted between the iron to receive the brass pins upon which the shelves rest. The framework of the bookcases forms the support for the iron perforated floors of the gallery avenues, which are generally 8 feet wide, the centi'al 6 feet being approj^riated to the perforated floor, and the remainder being a clear space between the back of the books and the flooring, by which contrivance the light from the skylights (in all cases extending to the full width of the avenues) is thrown down the back of the books on each story, so that the letterings may be easily discerned throughout the book ranges. The shelves are formed of iron galvanized plates, edged with wainscot, and covered with russet hide leather, and having a fall attached."!" At each end of the shelves pads of galvanized iron covered with leather and wadded are placed next to the skeleton bookcase framing, to prevent injury to the binding when the books are taken out or replaced. Between these pads the skeleton framing of the cases forms an aperture by which a current of air may pass and ventilation be kept up throughout. The shelves rest upon brass pins, the holes for which are pierced at three quarters of an inch aj^art from centre to centre ; but by a contrivance in cranking the shaft of the pin, which may be turned upwards or downwards, this interval is practically halved, and the position of the shelves may be altered three-eighths of an inch at a time. In all cases, except against the external walls, the bookcases are double, the books being placed on both sides, a lattice of ironwork being fixed for their longitudinal separation. Thus throughout the whole interior of the new building thei'e are no walls, the division being in all cases formed of a double range of books, placed fore-edge to fore-edge. The only exception is at the shelving jirovided for newspapers, a single range of which necessarily occupies the depth of two ranges of books. that the presses can be drawn forward and as easily pushed back into position against the fixed presses which they supplement. On the basement floor, which is reserved for newspapers and large folio books, are similar presses, but they travel on runners on the ground instead of being suspended to the girders above. There are, at present, upwards of 700 of these sliding presses in use, and more are added every year. * These are now supplemented by a large lift, which carries barrows full of books ready to be replaced on the shelves. t The use of the fall is now discontinued. xxii PREFACE Foi' convenience of access to the galleries, the staircases have been placed so that, throughout the building, they are within forty feet of each other. The building contains three miles lineal of bookcases eight feet high ; assuming them all to be spaced for the average octavo book size, the entire ranges form twenty-five miles of shelves. Assuming the shelves to be filled with books, of paper of average thickness, the leaves placed edge to edge would extend about 25,000 miles, or more than three times the diameter of the globe.* In the decoration of the interior dome, light colours and the purest gilding haAe been preferred. The great room therefore has an illuminated and elegant aspect. The decorative work may be shortly described. The inner surface of the dome is divided into twenty compartments by the moulded ribs, which are gilded with leaf pre- pared from unalloyed gold, the soffites being in ornamental patterns, and the edges touching the adjoining margins, fringed with a leaf- pattern scalloped edge. Each compartment contains a window, with three panels above, the central one being medallion shaped, the whole bordered with gilt moulding and lines, and the field of the panels finished in encaustic azure blue, the surrounding margins being of a warm cream-colour. The details of the windows are treated in like manner — the spandril panels blue ; the enriched column and pilaster caps, the central flowers, the border moulding and lines being all gilded, the margins cream-colour throughout. The moulded rim of the lantern light is painted and gilded to corre- spond. The sash is formed of gilt moulded ribs, radiating from a central medallion, in which a monogram, formed of the letters V A, is alternated with the imperial crown. The cornice from which the dome springs is massive, and almost wholly gilded, the frieze being formed into panels bounded by lines terminating at the ends with a gilt fret ornament. Each compart- ment of the dome is marked by a bold enriched gilt console, which forms at once the support of the main rib and the base for a colossal marble statue, a series of which it was proposed in Mr. Panizzi's plan should be placed on the cornice. Between the cornice and the floor the space is filled with the book- cases and galleries of access, the cornices, standards, and railings of * The latest calculations with regard to the mileage of the Department are as follows : The new Library and Reading Room contain about three miles of bookcases, eight feet in height. The shelves of these cases extend to more than twenty-eight miles, while those of the other libraries are about eleven miles, and those of the sliding presses about seven miles, making the total shelving of the Printed Book Department forty-six miles ; while the total number of volumes in the Department must exceed three millions. PREFACE xxiii wliicli are wliolly gilded, the panels of the soffites of the latter being blue, with gilded ornaments therein. * The tables and enclosures are of wainscot, the chairs of mahogany, some having leathern, some wooden, and some cane seats : the floors are covered with kamptulicon. The main entrance into the new Reading Room is direct from the Great Hall, and there are secondary entrances for the officers from the King's Library and the Great Northern Library, f through which all books are conveyed to the centre of the Reading Room, whence they are distributed. On the west side of the readers' entrance from the Great Hall there is a I'oom for ladies, where a female is always in attendance to take charge of their bonnets and shawls. On the same side is the Copyright Office,^ and also the lavatories for the assistants and attendants. The ventilation is managed by Mr. Heydon's process, the principle of which consists in regulating the temperature of the air before it is thrown into the building. By this arrangement the succession of cold and hot blasts is avoided, and the air is renewed imperceptibly. * In the year 1907 the Reading Room was examined and tested. The external ironwork was found to have suffered no deterioration, and scarcely a rivet had failed. The whole of the inside of the room was overhauled, repainted, and re-decorated. In this re-decoration the object of the architect, Mr. J. J. Burnet, was to counteract an effect of heaviness in the dome, due to the comparatively small height of the springing line. In effecting this a very simple scheme has been employed. Broadly speaking, the entire upper dome has been treated as one mass and painted white, relieved only by lines on the ribs, by a circlet of decorative lines round the great central skylight, and by a plain circlet running right round the base, all of which are in gold. A broad gold band at the line of the springing of the windows round the dome forms the starting point of the white treatment above, and this band includes the capitals of the mullions and imposts of the windows. Below it all surfaces are treated alike in a dark neutral tint of old gold, to harmonize with the bright gold which relieves it here and there, and by a sufficient contrast to the white above, to relieve the whole structure of any sense of heaviness. Besides the gold v;ork already mentioned, there are some lines round the semi-circular heads of the windows. The spandrels of the windows and the ornamental ventilators in their soffites are also gilded, as well as the ring of the great circular central light, the bars of that light, the upright standards of the wall bookcases, the two tiers of gallery railings, etc. ; while the actual springing line of the dome is delicately emphasized by some thin gold bands. The panels in the breastwork of nineteen of the windows round the dome bear the names of Chaucer, Caxton, Tindale, Spenser, Shakespeare, Bacon, Milton, Locke, Addison, Swift, Pope, Gibbon, Wordsworth, Scott, Byron, Carlyle, Macaulay, Tennyson and Browning, picked out on a gold ground, the twentieth panel being occupied by the clock. t Now known as the North Library. X Now in the White Wing and soon to be removed to the King Edward VII. Wing. xxiv PREFACE It has been said before that Mr. Panizzi submitted his phm not as the best (for lie had previously suggested one of a much larger and more comprehensive character), but as the only one which appeared to be practicable under the peculiar circumstances of the case. An experience of three years, however, has shown it to possess extra- ordinary advantages which, until triefl, could only be hoped for. It may be more than doubted whether any other plan would have answered so well. Certainly, no other arrangement could ha^•e pro- vided accommodation for so enormous a number as 1,500,000 volumes in so small a space, and at so small an expense. The position of the Reading Room is also the best that could have been selected — in the centre of the libraries from which the books used in it are drawn. An evidence of the excellence of this structure exists not only in the universal admiration with which it is regarded, but also in the general feeling to adopt its arrangements which is manifested by all who desire to put their lilu-aries in order, both in England and al)road. It is well, however, that the secret of this great success should not be overlooked. It will be found in the daily communica- tions between the constructor and the librai'ian — in the patient and careful consultation upon every point of detail, however small — in the fact that Mr. Panizzi understood thoroughly his own plan, and that Mr. Smirke and Mr. Fielder, as architect and builder, cordially exerted themselves in carrying it out. All this cannot be better expx'essed than in the words of a writer in the "Times," of the 21st April, 1857. He says : " We should not do justice if we omitted to give credit to those who richly deserve it for individual aid in this invaluable service of the public. To Mr. Panizzi, as we have shown, is due the merit of the first conception of a single and sufficient structure. His indefatigable industry, and his untiring interest in the Museum, have been devoted to the daily inspection of the works, and he has originated constant and valuable suggestions in the course of their progress. The architect, Mr. Smirke, has his merit in the preparation of the original and first designs. The contractors, Messrs. Baker and Fielder, share no common deserts in their professional labours. Indeed the skill, perseverance, and ingenious resources of their managing partner, Mr. Fielder, has been beyond all praise. All worked together, we understand, without vanity or jealousy, to complete a Reading Room worthy the Museum and their country." In the account which has l>een given above of the arrangements made for the superintendence of the Reading Room, it would almost appear as though the superintendence decreased with the increase of the number of readers. Rut this apparent inconsistency is easily explained. With the death of Mr. Peinieck, in 1802, the appoint- ment of a special officer as Superintendent of the Reading Room PREFACE XXV ceased, because, additions being made to the sevei'al departments at that time very slowly, it was considered that the librarians might perform the duties of this office between them without detriment to the service generally. As the collections increased, however, and the duties of arrangement and description became more onerous, attend- ance in the Reading Room was productive of much inconvenience, and hence the arrangement made in 1824. In 1826 the readers had for the first time a library of reference in the Reading Room, and this seemed to render still less necessary the special assistance they had previously enjoyed ; but in the course of a few years it was found that this was not sufficient, and in the year 1837 an assistant from the Department of Printed Books was transferred to the Reading Room, for the purpose of aiding the readers in their researches. It was also intended that a gentleman possessing superior qualifications as a linguist should be attached to the staff of the Reading Room service, and one was accordingly appointed, but the business of the Department of Printed Books increased to such an extent that it was found necessary to withdraw him from the Reading Room and con- fine his services to the interior of the Library. A feeling, however, gradually grew up that further assistance ought to be given : while all acknowledged the kindness and courtesy with which their inquiries were met, questions were constantly asked which the super- intendents could not answ^er, and it was frequently suggested that to some competent officer should be delegated the task of aiding the readers in their studies. The opening of the new Reading Room appeared to present a fitting opportunity for responding to this wish, and returning to the original plan of superintendence. The Trustees, by an order dated March 28, 1857, directed that the senior Assistant Keeper in the Department of Printed Books should be transferred to the chief superintendence of the new Reading Room, but still continue to be the senior Assistant Keeper in the Department of Printed Books. That the clerk and attendants in the Reading Room should be under his immediate control. That the preservation of the volumes placed in the hands of the readers, as well as the preservation of order in that room, should be mainly entrusted to him, as also the enforcement of all the regulations either respecting the readers or the servants of the Trustees. He was further directed, " above all, to afford all the assistance in his power to readers in their pursuits." The readers have thus placed at their disposal, for six houi's every day, the services of a gentleman whose intimate acquaintance with the Museum collections, extensive know- ledge of the literature of his own and foreign countries, and acquirements as a linguist rarely to l^e met with, render him peculiarly fitted to carry out the chief object of the Trustees, as expressed in xxvi PREFACE their order. The very numerous apphcations made to Mr. Watts* in his capacity of Superintendent, show the importance of the appoint- ment, and with what judgment the Trustees have acted in the selection of their officer. It was a natural consequence of the increase of accommodation that the number of readers should also incx-ease ; but there is this peculiarity in the increase of the readers, that, while in the former Reading Rooms in the north wing 208 readers could be accommo- dated at one time, the average daily attendance was only 181, in the new Reading Room the largest number that can be conveniently accommodated is 302, and the daily average attendance is upwards of 420. t There has also been a steady increase in the number of books supplied to the new Reading Room. During the first six months that it was opened, the number sent into the room from the library averaged 522 per diem ; the daily average during the present year has been 652. This is of course exclusive of those kept for readers from day to day, and also of the books forming the Library of Reference in the Reading Room, to which the readers are allowed free access. On the 9th of May of the present year (1859) the number was 1114, that being the first open day after the return of all the books to the shelves of the library. The removal of the readers to the present room afforded an oppor- portunity for rearranging and extending the lil)rary of reference placed \\ithin it, and it has been found practicable to represent all classes with tolerable completeness. In carrying out this operation atten- tion has been given in the first place to Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, Atlases, Gazetteers, Catalogues, the leading works in Art, Science, and Literature, and the most important collections in the various branches of learning. Many works have also been added, although not strictly works of reference, which are constantly asked for by the readers — but of such works those editions have l^een selected which are found to be most generally useful. Of some of the foreign works neither the original nor a translation would be foui.d in the Reading * Islr. George BuUen succeeded Mr. Watts as Superintendent of the Reading Room in October, 1866, when the latter became Keeper of the Printed Books. Mr. Watts died on September 9, 1869. Mr. Bullen, on his promotion to the Keeporship, was succeeded by Mr. Richard Garnett in 1875, and Mr. Garnett, who retired from the Reading Room in 1884 in order to direct more effectively the great work of printing the entire Catalogue, was succeeded by Mr. G. K. Fortescue. Mr. Fortescue was succeeded in 1896 by ]\Ir. W. R. Wilson, who filled the post until 1900, when he was succeeded by Mr. G. F. Barwick, the present Superintendent. t Owing to the exclusion of all persons under twenty-one years of age the daily average for some years showed a considerable decline. For a statistical table see p. xxviii. PREFACE xxvii Room but for the circumstance that they form a portion of important collections which are placed there. The following brief Catalogue has been published for the purpose of faciUtating the use of this special library. The titles of the books of which it consists having been already written for the general catalogue with that attention to fulness, to minuteness, and accuracy of detail, as well as to strict uniformity in the headings, which is absolutely necessary for the catalogue of a large lil^rary like that of the British Museum, and the books themselves being comparatively few in number, and open to the readers, the entries have been made as short as possible. The contents of the greater number of the collections have been set out at length (those only being omitted which from their great extent would add too much to the bulk of the volume), the separate works in each collection being also entered under their resi^ective headings. An alphabetical index of subjects has also been added. These are the principal features of the work. It has been compiled by Mr. Rye,* the second Assistant Keeper, according to rules laid down by the Keejaer of the department, who has superintended the preparation of the work, and is pleased to have this opportunity of acknowledging the zeal and intelligence with which Mr. Rye has performed his task. The plan, which is distributed over the room, and an improved copy of which accomj^anies this volume, has also been designed by Mr. Rye. J. WINTER JONES. British Museum, July 22, 1859. * Afterwards Keeper of the Printed Books. Year. Keaders. Daily Average. Volumes supplied to Readers. 1858 122,103 424 312,897 1860 127,763 437 392,571 1865 100,271 349 353,247 1870 98,971 338 460,305 1875 105,310 360 582,269 1880 133,842 458 802,135 1885 159,340 526 1,103,121 1890 197,823 652 1,226,126 1895 194,924 643 1,405,866 1900 198,566 655 1,366,147 1905 214,940 711 1,599,562 1909 217,975 719 1,495,092 CATALOGUE. PAET I. AUTHOES. A. AA (A. J. van der) Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden. 21 Dl. Haarlem, 1852-78. 8«. 2093. f. Kieuw Biographisch Woordenboek van Nederlandsche Dichters : Aanhangsel op Witsen Geysbeeks Woordenboek der ISTederkind- sche Dichters. 3 voL Amsterdam, 1844-46. 8°. 2093. f. Aagesen (A.) Fortegnelse over Retshteratur i Danmark, Norge, Sverig og Finland. Kjphenhavn, 1876. 8°. BB. C. b. 11. Abady (J.) Gas Analyst's Manual. London, 1902. 8°. 2246. d. 22. Abbey (C. J.) The English Church and its Bishops, 1700-1800. 2 vol London, i^S-. 8°. 2210. cc. 10. Abbey (C. J.) and Overton (J. H.) The English Church in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vol London, i^-Q. 8°- 2210. cc. 1. Abbot (E.) The Literature of the Doctrine of a Future Life. New Yorl; 187 1. 8°. BB. A. d. 12. Abbot (H. L.) Problems of the Panama Canal. New York, 1907. 80. 2246. d. 8. Abbotsford Club. PubKcations. 33 vol. Edinburgh, 1835-66. 4^. R. Ac. 8247. 1. Ancient Mysteries from the | the reign of ^larv, Queen of DigbyMSS. Scots. 2. The Presentation to the Tern- 7. Ecclesiastical Records from the pie : a pageant. Minutes of the Presbyteries of 3. Compota domestica familiaruni St. Andrews and Cupar, 1641-98. de Bukingham et d'Angou- 8. Ecclesiastical Records from the leme, 1443, 52, 63. Minutes of the Synod of Fife, 4. The Romance of Roulaud and 1611-87. Vernagu, and Otuel. 9. INIelrose : State Papers and IMiscel- 5. Williams : Account of the laneous Correspondence. 2 vol. Monastic Treasures confis- 10. Mind, WiU and Understanding, a cated at the dissolution of IMorality. the various Houses in Eng- 11. ]\Iiscellany. land. 12. Arthour and Merlin, a metrical 6. Herries ; Historical Memoirs of romance. D ABB— ABB Abbotsford Club — continued. 13. Letters and State Papers dur- ing the reign of James VI. 14. Teulet : Inveutaire des docu- ments relatifs a I'histoire d'Ecosse conserves aux Archives du Royaume a Paris. 15. Hume : De familia Humia Wedderburneusi. 10. Ecclesiastical Records, from the registers of the Presby- tery of Lanark, 1623-1709. 17. Jacobite Correspondence of the Atholl family during the Re- bellion of 174-5. 18. The Romances of Sir Guy of Warwick and Rembrun his son. 19. Guillaume, de Normandie : Le Roman des aventures de Fregus. 20. The Legend of St. Katharine of Alexandria. 21. Liber Conventus S. Katharine Senensis prope Ediuburgum. Abbott (A. C.) Principles of Bacteriology. 22. The Charters of Balmerino and Lindores. 23. Extracta e variis Cronicis Scocie : from the IMS. in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. 24. Drummond : ^Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill. 25. Liber Officialis Sancti Audree. 26. Gardyne : A Garden of grave and godlie flowers. — Garden : The Theatre of Scotish Kings. — Lundie : Miscellaneous Poems. 27. Hay: The Book of the Order of Knyghthood. 28. Sire Degarre, a metrical romance. 29. A Penni Worth of Witte ; Florice and Blancheflour ; and other poems. 80. Sinclair : ]\Iemoirs of the Insur- rection in Scotland in 1715. 32. Hawes : The Conversyon of Swerers ; A joyfull jMeditacyon to all Englonde of the Corona- cyon of King Henry the Eyght. 33. List of Members, Rules, etc., of the Abbotsford Club. London, 1906. 8*^. 2256. b. 18. Law relative to Merchant Ships and 2018. f. Abbott (C.) Baron Tenferden Seamen. London, 1901. Abbott (Edwin A.) Concordance to the Works of Alexander Pope. London, 1875. 8°. 2041. g. Francis Bacon : an account of his life and works. London, 1885. 8«. 2406. d. 5. St. Thomas of Canterbury, his death and miracles. - y<>\. London, 1898. 8". 2214. d. 4. A Shakespearian Grammar. London, 1870. 8^. 2300. a. 1. Abbott (Edwin A.) and Seeley {Sir J. R.) English Lessons for English People. London, 18-ji. 8". 2278. 1). 8. Abbott (Evelyn) Easy Gi-eek Reader. [CIarcnd(ni Press S'-rics.l Oxford, 1886. 8". 2320. aa.^3L Hellenica. Essays on Greek Poetr}", Philosophy, History and Re- ligion. Edited by E. Abbott. London, i8c,S. 8°. 2382. b. 14. A History of Greece. 3 pt. Xojk?oh, 1 893-1900. 80, 2382. b. 6. Abbott (G. F.) Israel in Europe. London, 1907. 8«. 2217. cc. 11. Songs of Modern Greece. Camhrkhje, 1900. 8". 2286. a. 4. Abbott (R.) The Narrative of Richard Abbott : his apprehension, im- prisonment and release, 1689-91. [Chethtni Society PHhlicolions. GL] Manchester, 1864. 4°. R. Ac. 8120/61. Abbott (T. K.) Catalogue of Fifteenth-Century Books in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, and in ]\rarsh's Library, Dublin. Dublin, 1905. 8". 2038. b. ABB— ABE Abbott (T. K.) Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Dubliii, 1900. 8". 2038. b. • Short Notes on St. Paul's Epistles. \_DuhUn Universifi/ Press Scries.] Duhlin, 1892. 8°. 2322. e. 1. Abderhalden (E.) Bibliograpliie der Literatur iiber den Alkohol. BrrJln, 1 90+. 8". BB. C. d. 14. Abdy (J. T.) Feudalism. Londo7i, i8go. 8°. 2388. a. 11. Abegg (D.) Zur Entwicklung der historischen Dichtung bei den Angelsachsen. [Quellen unci Forschungen zur Sprach- und Cultur- geschichte der germanischen VolJcer. no. 73.] Strasshurg, 1894. 8°. 2338. h. 13. Abel (C.) Linguistic Essays. [Triibner's Oriental Series.] London, 1882. 8°. 2318. f. 18. Abercromby {Hon. J.) The Pre- and Proto-historic Finns. 2 vol. [Grimm Library. 9,10.] London, iSgS. 8". 2346. c. 6. Abercromby (R.) Weather London, 1887. S^. Aberdeen^ Earl of. See Gordon. Aberdeen Ecclesiological Society. Transactions. 4 vol. Aberdeen, 1887-1905. 4^. R. Ac. 2082. Aberdeen University. Calendai Aberdeen. S°. Aberdeen University Studies. Aberdeen, igoo, etc [International Scientific Series.] 2324. b. 26. 1. Alumni of the University and King's College. 2. Records of Old Aberdeen. vol. 1. 3. Place Names of West Aber- deenshire. 4. Family of Burnett of Leys. 5. Records of Invercauld. 6. Aberdeen Rectorial Addresses. 7. The Albemarle Papers. 2 vol. 8. 30. The House of Gordon. 2 vol. Records of Elgin, vol 1. Avogadro and Dalton. 24. Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire. 2 vol. 22. Proceedings of the Ana- tomical and Anthropological Society. 2 vol. Report on the Alcyonaria col- lected by Professor Herdman in Ceylon. 14. Researches in Organic Chem- istry. 15. Meminisse Juvat. 16. The Blackballs of that Ilk and Barra. 17. Records of the Scots Colleges at Doiiai, etc. vol. 1. 13 [Current issue.] Cire. 69. a. 8". R.Ac. 1482. 18. Rolls of the Graduates of the University of Aberdeen. 19. Studies in the History of the Uni- versity of Aberdeen. 20. Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire. 21. Studies in Pathology. 23. Subject Catalogues of the Science and Law Libraries in ]Marischal College. 25. Studies on Alcyonarians and Anti- patharians. 26. Milne : Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times. 28. narrower : Flosculi Graeci Bor- eales. 29. Record of the Quatercentenary Celebration. 31. Miscellany of New Spalding Club. vol. 2. [For vol. 1 see New Spalding Club.] 32. Adam : Religious Teachers of Greece. 33. Driesch : Science and Philosophy of the Organism. 34. Proceedings of the Anatomical and Anthropological Society, 1906- 1908. B 2 4 ABE— ACA Abert (H.) Robert Schumann. [Beruhmie Musiker. 13.] Berlin, 1903. 8«. 2268. Lb. Abiiandlungen. Abhandlungen zur Geschidite tier Mathematik. Leq,z!zlrj. 1888. 8°. 2047. a, etc. Amat di San Filippo (P.) Bibliografia dei viaggiatori italiani. Bo,ua, 1S74. 8°. BB. I. e. 3. Ambra (F. d'.) Proverbi italiani. Firenze, 1886. 8°. 2348 1). 11. Ambronn (L.) Handbuch der astronomischen Instrumentenkunde. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1899. 4°. 2242. g. 8. Ambros (A. W.) Geschichte der Musik. 5 Bde. Breslau, 1862-82. 8«. 2268. b. 8. [Another edition.] 3 vol. Leipzig, 1887-91. 8". 2031. a. Ambrose, Saint. Opera. 4 torn. [Migne. Patrologia. 14-17.] Paris, 1845. 8°. 2000. a. Opera. ^[Corjms Script. Eceles. Lat. 32, etc.'] Vienna, 1896, etc. 8". 2003. e. Select Works and Letters. Eng. [Wace and Schajf. Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. 10.] Oxford, 1896. 8°. 2004. h Letters. Eng. [Pusey. Library of Fathers.] Oxford, 1 88 1. 8°. ■ 2004. c. Ambrosiaster. A Study of Ambrosiaster. By A. Souter. [Texts and Studies. 7.] Cambridge, 1905. 8°. 2004. b. Ameer All, Si/ed. The Spirit of Islam. Calcutta, 1902. 8^. 2217. b. 12. Amelineau (E.) Contes et romans de I'Egypte chretienne. [Col- hctiari de chansons et de contes populaires.] 2 torn. Paris, 1888. 12°. 2348. aaa. 13. 14. L'evolution des idees morales dans I'Egypte ancienne. \Ecole p>ratique des hautes etudes. Sciences religieuses. 6.] Paris, 1895. 8°. R. Ac. 8929/7. c 2 20 AME— AME Amelineau (E.) La morale egyptienne quinze siecles avant notre en- lEcole pratique des haiitcs eludes. Sciences religieuses. 4.] Paris, 1892 80. R. Ac. 8929/7. La religion egyptienne. [Ecole pratiqiie des Itautes etudes. Sciences reJigieuses. 21.] Paris, 1908. 8«. R. Ac. 8929/7. American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. y<>ri}q>ort, N.Y., lSzj6, etc. S". 2232. a. American Annual Cyclopaedia. See Appletox's Annual Cyclo- paedia. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings. Pldladelphia, 1849, etc. 8«. R. Ac. 3065. American Book-Prices Current. New Yorh, \8<:^o////'.s- Classical Libran/.] London, 1853. 8°. 2500. e. 6. Apologia sive de Magia liber, et Floiida. Recensuit J. van der Vliet. [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, ic,oo. 8'\ 2047. a, e^c. Metamorphoses. Recensuit J. van dci- A^liet. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, 1897. 80. " 2047. a, etc. Arabian Nights. The Arabian Nights' Enteitainments. Transla- tion with notes Ijy E. W. Lane. Edited by E. S. Poole. 3 vol. London, 1877. 8". 2348. f. 3. ARA— ARB 31 Arabian Nights. The Arabian Niglits' Eiiteitainments. Translated by Sir R. F. Burton. Lady Burton's edition, prepar(;d for liouse- hold reading by J. H. McCarthy. 6 vol. London, 1886, 87. S^. 2348. f. 4. ■ The Aral)ian Nights' Entertainments. Translated by E. W. Lane. -4 vol. [Bohns Standard Librari/.'\ London, 1906. 8". 2504. m. 1. Aratus, of Soli. Rufi Festi Avieni Aratea. Edidit A. Breysig. [Teubncr Series.] Leipzig, 1882. S*'. 2047. a, etc. Germanici Caesaris Aratea. Edidit A. Breysig. Accedunt epigrammata. [Teuhner's Series.] Leipzig, 1899. 8^. 2047. a, etc. 8 vol. Arber (E.) The English Garner. English Reprints. 30 nos. London, 1869-71. 4*^ London, 1877-96. 8°. 2324. e. 2324. e. 17. Udall : Roister Doister. 18. Revelation to the Monk of Eves- ham. 19. James I. : Essays of a Prentise, etc. 20. Naunton : Fragmenta Regalia. 21. Watson : Poems. 22. Habington : Castara. 23. Ascham : Scholemaster. 24. Tottel : Miscellany. 25. Lever : Sermons. 26. Webbe : Discourse of English Poetrie. 27. Bacon : Harmony of the Essays. 28. Roy and Barlowe : Rede me and be not wroth. 29. Raleigh : Last Fight of the Re- venge. 30. Googe: Eglogs. The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works. 16 vol.' London, 1880-84. 4°. 2324. f. 1-16. 8. Introductory Sketch of the Martin Marprelate Controversy. 9. Udall : Demonstration of the Truth. 10. Stanyhurst : Translation of the • JLneis. 11. Martin Marprelate : The Epistle. 12. Greene : Menaphon, etc. 13. Joy : An Apology to satisfy W. 1. IMilton : Areopagitica. 2. Latimer : Sermon on the Ploughers. 3. Gosson : Schoole of Abuse. 4. Sidney : Apologie for Poetrie. 5. Webbe : Travailes. 6. Selden: Table-Talk. 7. Ascham : Toxophilus. 8. Addison : Criticism on Para- dise Lost. 9. Lyly : Euphues. 10. Villiers : Rehearsal. 11. Gascoigne : Steele Glas, etc. 12. Earle : Micro-Cosmographie. 13. Latimer : Sermons before Ed- ward VI. 14. More : Utopia. 15. Puttenham : Art of Poesie. 16. Howell : Forreine Travel. 1. Caxton : History of Reynard the Fox. 2. Knox : First Blast of the Trumpet. 3. Robinson : Handful of Pleasant Delights. 4. Fish : Supplication for the Beggars. 5. Udall : State of the Church of England. 6. The Return from Parnassus. 7. Dekker : Seven Deadly Sins of London. IG, Tindale. Barnfield : Poems. Cooper : Admonition to the People of England. Captain John Smith : Works. - The first three English books on America. Birmingham, 1885. 4". 2374. h. 6. - Introductory Sketch to the Martin Marprelate Controversy. [English Scholar's Library. 8.] London, 18S0. 4^. 2324. f. 8. 32 ARE— ARC Arber (E.) List of London Publishers, 1553-1640. Birmingham, 1890. 4''. 2035. f. The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606-1623. London, 1897. 8«. 2398. b. 12. The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709. 3 vol. London, 1903-06. 4«. 2035. f. Arbois de Jubainville (H. d') Les Celtes depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'en I'an 100 avant notre ere. Paris, 1904. 8°. 2352. b. 11. Cours de litterature celtique. 12 torn. Paris, 188^-1902. 8°. 2308. g. 1. Essai d'un catalogue de la litterature epique de I'lrlande. Paris, 1883. 8«. 2035. b. Etudes grammaticales sur les langues celtiques. 2 torn. Paris, 1881-96. 8". 2278. f. 5. The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology. Dublin, 1903. 8°. . "■ 2217. aa. 19. Archaeologia. London, 1770, etc. 4°. 2111. d-g. Archaeologia Cambrensis. London, 1846, etc 8°. 2112. b-d. Archaeologia Cantiana. London, 1858, etc. 8°. 2114. g-h. Archaeological Institute. Archseological Journal. London, 1845, ^'''^■- '^°- 2114. a-c. Proceedings, 1845-53. 10 vol. London, 1846-56. 8*^. R. Ac. 5602. Old London. Papers read at the London Congress, 1866. London, 1867. 8«. R. Ac. 5602. Catalogue of the Library. London, 1890. 8'^. R. Ac. 5602/5. Archaeological Review. 4 vol. London, 1888-90. 8"^. R. P.P. 1925. df. Archbold (J. F.) Lunacy. London, 1S95. 8°. 2230. e. 13. Pleading, Evidence, and Practice in Criminal Cases. London, 1905. 8°. 2017. b. Archbold (W. A. J.) The Somerset Religious Houses. [Cambridge Historintl Essay.^. 6.] Cambridge, i8g2. 8«. 2378. a. 26. Archdall (M.) Monasticum Hibernicum. London, 1786. 4". 2066. e. Archelaus, Bisliop of Cascar. Works. Eng. [Ante-Nircne Christian Library. 20.] Edinburgh, 187 1. 8°. 2004. a. Archer (P. B.) The Gambia Colony and Protectorate. London, 1906. 80. 2358. -. 13. Archer (J. H. L.) The British Army. London, 1888. 8". 2248. b. 6. Archer (T. A.) and Kingsford (C. L.) The Crusades. [Story of the Nations. 40.] London, 1894. 8". 2071. bl 40. ARC— ARD 33 Archer (T. C.) Paper. [British Manufacturing Industries.] London, 1877. 8°. 2270. aa. 7. Wool. [British Manufacturing Industries.] London, 1877. 8". 2270. aa. 11. Archer (W.) English Dramatist.s of To-day. London, 1882. 8". 2306. a. 15. The Theatrical " World " for 1893-97. 5 vol. London, 1894-98. 8°. 2306. c 8. Archer (W.) and Barker (H. G.) A National Theatre. London, 1907. 4«. 2306. li. 9. Archibald (W. F. A.) Metropolitan Police Guide. London, 1906. 8«. 2018. g. Archimedes. Opera omnia, cum conmientariis Eutocii. Recensuit, Latine vertit notisque illustravit J. L. Heiberg. Gr. Sc Lat. 3 vol. [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1880, Si. 8°. 20i7. a, efc. Archinard (P. E.) Microscopy and Bacteriology. [Medical Epitome Series.] London, 1905. 8°. 2256. a. Architects' Library. London, 1905, etc. 8°. 2032. b. Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland. Transactions. Durham, 1862, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 5635. Architectural and Topographical Record. London, 1908, etc. 8^. R. Ac. 4878. Architectural Publication Society. Dictionary of Architecture. 8 vol. London, 1856-92. fol. 2031. g. Detached Essays and Illustrations. London, 1853. fol. 2031. g. Archiv fUr Naturgeschichte. Berlin, 1835, etc. 8^. R. P.P. 1995. Archives de I'histoire religieuse de la France. Paris, ic,02, etc. 80. 2214. aa. Lemoiue : Memoires des evequos de France. Du Bellay: Ambassadesen Angle- terre. Clement VII : Nonciatures. Valois : La Pragmatique Sanction de Bourses. Archives Italiennes de Biologie. Paris, 18S2-91. 8°. R. P.P. 3012. bb. Archivio Storico Italiano. Firenze, 1842, etc. 8°. R. P.P. 3557. a. Arcin (A ) La Guinee frangaise. Paris, 1907. 8°. 2358. h. 11. Ardaillon (E.) Les mines du Laurion dans I'antiquite. [Bibl. des Ecoles Frangaises d'Athenes, etc. 77.] Paris, 1897. 8°. R. Ac. 5206/2. Arden (A. H.) Progressive Grammar of the Telugu Language. Madras, 1905. 8°. 2056. c. D 34 ARE— ARI Aretaeus, the Cappndoeian. Works. Edited by F. Adams. Gr. k Erin. {Siidcitham SocieJi/.'] London, 1856. 8°. • ^ • R. Ac. 3837/28. Aretin (J. C. von) Litterarisches Handbueh fiir die baieiische Geschichte. 2 Tie. Milnchen, 18 10. 8«. BB. M. b. 11. Argenson (L. R. de Voyer d') Marquis. Memoires et journal inedit du Manjuis d'Argenson, 1694-1757. 5 torn. Paris, 1857-58. 12". 2390. a. 11. Journal and Memoirs. Translated by K. P. AVormeley. 2 vol. London, 1902. 8°. " 2390. c. 11. Argentine Republic. Code de Commerce argentin. Traduit par H. Prudhuiiime. [^Collection de Codes etrangers. 6.] Paris, 1893. 8°. 2018. b. Argyle, Commissariot. Register of Testaments, 1674-1800. [Scottish Ihrord Societi/.] Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. 2100. f. Argyll, Archibald, Mi Earl of. See Campbell. Aribau (B. C.) Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles. 71 vol. Madrid, 1848-80. 8°. 2041 a-c. 1. Cervantes. 2. N. y L. Fernandez de Moratin. 3. Novelistas anteriores & Cer- vantes. 4. Castellanos. 5. Tirso de IMolina. 6. 8, 11. Luis de Granada. 3 vol. 7. 9, 12, 14. Calderon. 4 vol. 10, 16. Romancero general, por A. Duran. 2 vol. 13, G2. Epistolario Espanol, por Ochoa. 2 vol. 15. Isla. 17, 29. Poemas epicos, por C. Rosell. 2 vol. 18, 33. Novelistas posteriores 4 Cervantes. 2 vol. 19, Quintana. 20, Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendoza. 21, 28. Historiadores de sucesos particulares. 2 vol. 22, 26. Historiadores priraitivos de Indias,porE.deVedia. 2vol. 23, 48, 69. Quevedo. 3 vol. 24, 34, 41, 52. Lope de Vega. 4 vol. 25. Saavedra Fajardo y P. Fer- nandez Navarrete. 27, 37. Escritores del siglo xvi. — Vol. 1. San Juan de la Cruz, P. Malon de Chaide, H. dc Zarate. Vol 2. Fray Luis de Leon. 30, 31. Mariana. 2 vol. 32, 42. Poetas liricos de los siglos xvi. y xvii., por A. de Castro. 2 vol. 35. Romancero y Cauciouero sagrados, por. J. de Sancha. 36. Curiosidades bibliograficas, por A. de Castro. 38. Obras no dramaticas de Lope de Vega, por C. Rosell. 39. Moreto y Cabana. 40. Libros de Caballerias, por P. de Gayangos. 43, 45. Dramaticos contemporaneos a Lope de Vega. 2 vol. 44. Alfonso X. La gran Conquista de Ultramar. 46, 50. Jovellanos. 2 vol. 47, 49. Dramaticos posteriores d Lope de Vega. 2 vol. 51. Escritores en prosa anteriores al siglo XV., por P. de Gayangos. 53, 55. Santa Teresa. 2 vol. 54. Rojas Zorrilla. 56. Feyjoo. 57. Poetas Castellanos anteriores al siglo XV, Por T. A. Sanchez. 58. Autos Sacramcntales. 59. Floridablanca. 60. Rivadancira. 61. 63, 67. Poetas liricos del siglo xviii. por L. A. de Cueto. 3 vol. 64. Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolucion de Espaila, por el Coude dc Toreno. 65. Obras escogidas de filosofos. 66. 68, 70. Cronicas de los Reyes de Castilla, por C. Rosell. 3 vol. 71. Indices generales. Ariosto CL.) Commedie e satire. Firenze, 1856 8°. 2298. f. 3. ARI— ARI 35 Ariosto (L.) Orlaiido Furioso. With memoirs and notes by A. Panizzi. 4 vol. Loudon, 1834. ^"- 2284. d. 2. Orlando Furioso. Con commento di P. Papini. Firenze, 1903. 8«. 2042. f. Orlando Furioso, translated by W. S. Rose. 2 vol. [Bohti's Illmtrated Library.] London, 1858. S". 2502. b. 3. Aristaenetus. Epistolae. Gr. & Lai. Paris, 1873. 8°. 2046. c. ■ Lovt! Epistles. [Bohn's Classical Library.] London, 1883. 8**. 2500. g. 11. Aristeas. Ad Philocratem epistula, cum ceteris de origine versionis Ixx. interj^retum testimoniis. Ludovici Mendelssohn schedis usus edidit P. Wendland. [Teiihner Series.] Leipzig, 1900. S<*. 2047. a, etc. The Letter of Aristeas edited by H. St. J. Thackeray. [Swete. Introduction to the Old Testament.] Cambridge, 1902. 8". 2008. a Aristides, the Philosopher. Apology. Syriac, Gr. & Eng. [Texts and Studies. 1.] Cambridge, 1891. 8". 2004. b, 'ATToAoyta -mpl ©eocre^etW [Gebhardt and Harnach. 4.] Leipzig, 1895 8°. 2003. f. Apology. Eng. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library. 25.] Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. 2004. a. Apologia. Ger. [Gebhardt and Harnach. 9.] Leipzig, 1892. 8°. 2003. f. Aristophanes. Comcediae et fragmenta, ex recensione G. Dindorfii. Accedunt Menandri et Philemonis fragmenta. Gr. &l Lat. [Didot. Scriptorum Grdecorum Bibliotheca.] Paris, 1838. 8**. 2046. c. Aristophanis comoedias edidit T. Bergk. 2 vol. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, 1857. 8*^. 2047. a, etc. Aristophanis comoediae quae supersunt cum perditarum frag- mentis. (Onomasticon Aristophaneum.) 2 vol. Cambridge, 1868-69. 8^. 2280. d. 1. Comoediae. Annotatione critica instruxit F. H. M. Blaydes. 12 pt. ITaZ/e, 1880-93. 8°- 2045. b. Comoediae. Recognoverunt F. W. Hall, W. M. Geldart. 2 vol. [Oxford Classical Texts.] Oxford, 1900, 01. 8°. 2046. a. Comedies. Translated by W. J. Hickie. [Bohn^s Classical Library.] 2 vol. 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London, 19OV S^\ 2217. ;i;i IS Astronomical Society of London. >\\ ROV.VL ASTKONOMICAU SOOIKIV. 46 AST— ATK Astronomische Nachrichten. Altona, 1823, etc 4°. R. P.P. 1569. c. Asvaghosha. Tlie Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. Eiig. [Sacred Boohs of tl,. East. 19.] Oxford, I SS^. 8". 2006. e. Atchley (E. G. C. F.) Oido Romanus Primus. With introduction and uot€.s. [Stalei/. Library of Liturgiohxjy and EcrJe>^)ology. 6.] 1905. 8". ' " ' ' 2202. cc. Tlie Parish Clerk, and his right to read the Liturgical Ejiistle. [AJcuin Club Tracts. 4.] London, 1903. 8«. R. Ac. 2066. The People's Prayers. [Alcuin Club Tracts. 6.] Londnu, 1906. 8«. R. Ac. 2066. Athanasius, Saiut. Opera. Gr. &. Led. 4 torn. [Migne. Patrologia. Gr. 25-28.] Paris, 1857. 8°. 2001. c. Treatises, Historical Tracts, Festal Epistles. Eng. 5 vol. [Piisei/. Librart/ of Fathers.] O-r/ord, 1842-44, 188 1. 8". 2004. c. Select Works and Letters. [Wace and Schaff. Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. 4.] 0.xford, 1892. 8". 2004. h. 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London, 1909. ««. 2406. d. 14. Bagster (S.) Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. London, 1852. 4". 2057. c. Bagwell (R.) Ireland under the Stuarts. 2 vol. London, 1909. 8°. 2083. g. Ireland under the Tudors. 3 vol. London, 1885-90. 8°. 2083. g. Baif (J. A. de) CEuvres en rime. 4 vol. [La Pleiade Framboise.'] Paris, 1 88 1-90. 8°. 2043. a. Baikie (E. S.) Intern.ational Dictionary for Naturalists and Sports- men. London, 1880. 8". 2276. g. 10. Bail (L.) Summa Conciliorum Omnium. 2 vol. Paris, iS-jy fol. 2014. f. Baildon (W. P.) Court Rolls of the :\tanor of Wakefield, 1274- 1309. 2 vol. [Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Becord Series, 29, 36.] 1901, 06. 8°. R. Ac. 5652/8. Notes on Religious and Secular Houses of Yorkshire. [ Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Becord. Series, 17, etc.] 1895, etc. 8". R. Ac. 5652/8. Bailey (J. E.) Inventories of Goods in the Churches and Chapels of Lancashire, 1552. [Chetham Society Pid)lications. 107, 113.] Manchester, 1879-85. 4«. R. Ac. 8120. Bailey (N.) 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Extra Numbers. 1.] London, 1906. 4". R. P.P. 1931. pcx. Bain (A.) Education as a Science. [International Scientific Series.] London, 1879. 8°. 2324. a. 25. The Emotions and the AVill. London, 1899. 80. 2023. b. John Stuart Mill. London, 1S82. 8«. 2236. a. 4. Mind and Body : the theories of their relation. [International Srlentijic Series.] London, 1874. 8°. 2324. a. 4. The Senses and the Intellect. London, 1894. 8°. 2023. f. Bain (F. W.) Christina, Queen of Sweden. London, 1890. 8". 2404. a. 3. Bain (G.) History of Nairnshire. Nairn, 1893. 8°. 2066. c. Bain (J.) and Rogers (C.) Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis, notarii publici et scribae capituli Glasguensis, a.d. 1499- 1513. Also the Rental Book of the Dioce-se of Glasgow, a.d. 1509-1570. 2 vol. [Grampian Cluh. 5.] London, 1875. 8*^. R. Ac. 8241/5. Bain (R. ) History of the Ancient Province of Ross. Blmjwnll, 1899. 8". 2066. c. Bain (R. N.) The Daughter of Peter the Great. Westminster, 1899. 80. 2404. d. 8. The First Romanovs. London, 1905. 80. 2392. f. 2. Gustavus III. and his contemporaries. 2 vol. London, 1894. 8". 2404. d. 7. Peter 111., Emperor of Russia. Westminster, 1902. iS". 2404. d. 9. The Pupils of Peter the Great. Westminster, 1897. 8". 2392. e. 1. Scandinavia, 1513-1900. [Cambridge Historical Series.] Camhridijc, 1905. 8". 2378. b. Slavonic Europe, 1447-1796. [Cambridge Historical Series.] Cambridge, 1908. 8«. 2378. b. Bainbridge (W.) Law of Mines and Minerals. London, 1^00. S°. 2018. e. B AI -BAK 57 Baines (E.) History of the County of Lancaster. 2 vol. London, 1868-70. 4". 2063. d. ■ History of the Commerce and Town of Liverpool. London, 1852. 8°. 2368. d. 12. Lancashire and Cheshire past and present. 2 vol. London, 1869-70. 4°. 2367. dd. 8. Yorkshire past and present. 2 vol. London, 1875-77. 4'^ 2367. dd. 7. Baird (H. M.) History of the rise of the Huguenots. 2 vol. London, 1880. 8^. 2212. ua. 7. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 vol. London, 1886. 8°. 2212. cc 3. The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. 2 vol. London, 1895. 8°. 2212. cc. 4. Baird (S. P.) History of North American Birds. By S. F. Baird, T. M. Brewer and R. Ridgwav. 3 vol. Boston, 1874. •*°- 2250. h. 1. Baird (W.) M.B.I.S. Annals of Duddingston and Portobello. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. 2370. d. 11. Baird (W.) M.D. Natural History of the British Entomostraca. [Ray Society.] London, 1850. 8°. 2027. g. Baireuth, Wilhelmina, Manjravine of. See Frederica Sophia "WlLHELMINA. Baissac (C.) Le folk-lore de I'lle Maurice. [Litferatures pjpidaires.] Paris, 1888. 8". 2348. a. 18. Baker (A. E.) Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases. 2 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2278. c. 13. Baker (C. C.) Sir E. A. Waterlow. [Art Annual] London, 1906. 4°. R. P.P. 1931. pc. Baker (C. E.) The Foreign Commercial Correspondent. Aids to Correspondence in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. London, 1901. 8°. 2276. b. 3. Baker (D. E.) Biographia Dramatica. 3 vol. London, iSi 2. 8". 2094. d. Baker (E. A.) Descriptive Guide to the best Fiction, English and American. London, 1903. 8°. 2040. f. History in Fiction. 2 vol. London, 1907. 8*^. 2308. a. 1. Baker (G.) History of the County of Northampton. 2 vol. London, 1822-41. fol. 2062. f. Baker (G. P.) Charles Dickens and Maria Beadnell. [Bibliojjhilc Society.] Boston, 1908. 8«. R. Ac. 9719/16. Baker (H. B.) History of the London Stage, 1576-1903. Londo,i, 1904. 8°. 2306. d. 2. Our Old Actors. London, 188 1. 8°. 2306. a. 1. Baker (I. O.) Treatise on Roads and Pavements. New York, 1903. 8°. 2246. d. 2. 58 BAK— BAL Baker (J. B.) History of Scarbrough. London, 1882. S". 2368. (Id. 5. Baker (Sir R.) Chronicle of the Kings of England. LnioJnn, 1730. fol. 2072. g. Baker (Sir S. W.) The Albert N'Yanza. 2 vol. Lonilon, 1866. 8«. 2358. e. 2. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. London, 1879. 8°. 2356. f. 2. Eight Years in Ceylon. London, 1874. 8'^. 2356. a. 1. The Nile TriVjutaries of Abyssinia. London, 1871. 8''. 2358. a. 4. Baker (T.) Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. 2 vol. Xnc York, 1900, 05. 8°. 2031. c. Baker (T. T.) The Spectroscope; its uses in general analytical chemistry, ioarfon, 1907. 8«. 2244.' f. 1. Baker (W.) Merchant Taylors' School Register, 1871-1900. Lnmlon, 1907. 8°. 2234. d. 12. Baker (W. S.) American Engravers. Philadelphia, 1875. 8*^. 2264. aa. 16. Balaguer (V.) Historia de los Trovadores. 6 torn. Madrid, 1878-79. 8°. 2310. f. 1. Balch (T. W.) The Alaska Frontier. Philadelphia, lyo^. 8°. 2398. g. 9. Baldamus TE.) Schleswig-Holstein-Literatur. Prag, 1865. 8". BB. M. b. 5. Baldeschi (J.) Cei-emonial according to the Roman Rite. London, 1 87?. 8°. 2202. a. 10. Baldry (A. L.) G. H. Boughton. [Art Annual. '\ London, K^oOf. 4°. R. P.P. 1931. pc. Marcus Stone. \_Art Annual.'] London, 1896. 4". R. P.P. 1931. pc. Baldwin (E. T.) Law of Bankruptcy and Bills of Sale. London, 1904. 8«. 2017. b. Baldwin (J.) Revolutionary Journal, 1775-78. [_De Burians. 3.] Jkuvjor, Maine, 1906. 4". R. Ac. 9717/3. 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[Society of Antiqtiaries.] Westminster, 1896. 4°. R. Ac. 5665/b. Bevan (W. L.) St. David's. [Diocesan Histories.] London, 1888. 8°. 2210. a. 16. • Student's Manual of Modern Geography. London, 1884. 8". " "^ 2352. b. 3. Beven (T.) Law of Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensa- tion. London, 1909. 8°. 2230. b. 2. Negligence in Law. 2 vol. London, 1908. 8°. 2018. i. 88 BEV— BIB Beveridge (E.) Bibliography of works relating to Dunfermline and the West of Fife. [Edinhvr(jh BiUiocjraphkal Society. Puhlica- tious. 5.] Dinifennline, 1901. 4«. R. Ac. 9703. Beveridge (W.) Btshoi> of St. Asaph. Theological Works. 12 vol. 'LiJnani of An>iIv-Catholic Theohxiii.] Oxford, 1842-4S. 8°. ■ ■ ' ■ ■ 2006. a. Bevis, Sir, of Soutliampton. Sir Be\es of Hamtouu : a metrical romance. \Maiiland Chh. 44.1 Edinburgh, 1838. 4°. R. Ac. 8253 44. Sir Beves of Hamtoun. 3 pt. [Eorhj Emjlish Text Socicfii.] London, 1885-94. SO. R. Ac. 9926/25. Beyer (V.) Die Begriindung der ern.sten Ballade durch G. A. Biuger. [QueUen uud Forschungen zur S^jvach- und CuUurgeschichte der ger- manischen YdJher. 97.] Strmsbnrg, 1905. 8°. 2338. h. Bhagavadgita. The Bhagavad Gita. [^TiUhner's Oriental Series.'] London, 1889. 8«. 2318. f. 19. The Bhagavadgita. Eng. [Sacred BooJcs of the East. 8.] O.-ford, 1S58. 8°. 2006. e. Bhamini-Vilasa. [Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. BihJiothequc. Sc. hist, et phil. 9.] Prtm, 1872. 8^. R. Ac. 8929- Bhartrihari. Satakas. [I'riihncr's Oriental Series.] London, 1886. S". 2318. g. 15. Bianchi (G. M.) Dizionario e frasario eritreo. Milano, I'^o^. 8°. 2276. b. 26. Bianchi (L.) Text-book of Psychiatry. Translated by J. H. Mac- donald. London, 1906. 8°. 2256. h. 13. Biart (L.) Les Azteques. Pan's, 1885. 8^. 2374. g. 11. Quand j'etais petit. Edited by J. Boielle. 2 pt. [Pitt Press Series.] Cambridge, 18^6, (^j. 8°. 2322. d. 26. Bible. Text of the complete Bible, p. 88. Old Testament, History, Textual Criti- Bibliography, History and Textual cism, Con»mentaries, etc., p. 95. Criticism of the complete Bible, , Old Testament, Separate Books, p. 96. p. 89. ,, Apocr}-phal Books, p. 99. Commentaries on the complete Bible, , New Testament, Text, p. 99. p. 91. ,, History, Textual Criticism, Concordances, p. 92. Commentaries, etc., Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias and mis- p. 101. cellaueous works, p. 93. ,, Separate Books, p. 102. Old Testament, Text, p. 94. „ Apocryphal Books, p. 107. Tkxt of the Complete Bible. [For the Text accompanied by Commentaries, See below : Commentaries.] Poljglott. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. Auctore S. Lee. Heb., Or., Lat., Eng., Port., Syr. London, i%i,i. fol. 2006. g. Polvglotten-Bibel. Bearbeitet von R. Stier und K. G. W. Theiie. JLh.,Gr.,Ger.,Lat. 4 vol. Bielefeld, iQ^--j^. 8". 2200. dd. 1. BIBLE 89 Bible. The Hexaglot Bible. Edited by E. R. de Levante. G vol. Hcl)., Gr., Lat., Enq., Germ., Fr., Si/r. London, 1874-76. 4^*. 2009. f. Latin and French. La Sainte Bible commentee par L. C. Fillion. 8 torn. Pariff, 1S88-1904. 8". 2009. a. ElKjlisll. Holy Bible, with the Apocryphal Books, in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by Wyclifte and his followers. Edited by J. Forshali and Sir F. Madden. 4 vol. Oxford, 1850. 40. 2009. g. Holy Bible. Candjridge, 1825. 4^. 2009. g. Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version. With the text revised, and a critical introduction by F. H. Scrivener. 3 vol. Cambridge, 1870-7:5. 4". 2200. e. 7. Parallel Bible. Being the Authorized Version arranged in pai'allel columns with the ReA'ised Version. Oxford, 1885. 8°. 2008. g. Annotated Paragraph Bible. Authorised Version. London, 1894. 4". 2008. e. Holy Bible. [Authorised Version.] ComiDared with the most ancient authorities and revised. Oxford, 1898. S'*. 2008. b. Variorum Teacher's Edition of the Holy Bible. [Authorised Aversion.] With various renderings and readings from the best authorities. London, i8<^8. 8°. 2008. f. Interlinear Bible. The Authorised and Revised Versions. Cambridge, 1906. 8^. 2008. c. Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgate; the Old Testa- ment at Douay, 1609 ; the New Testament at Rheims, 1582. The text collated by F. 0. Husenbeth. 2 vol. London, 1850. 4*^. 2009. g. Gothic. Ultilas. Die Heiligen Schriften in gothischer Sprache, mit Anmerkungen von H. F. Massman. Stuttgart, 1857. 8°. 2200. c. 3. Die gotische Bibel. Herausgegeben von W. Streitberg. [^Germun- ische BihUotheh.] Heidelberg, 1908, etc. 8^. 2276. c. BlBLIOGKAPHY, HiSTORY AND TEXTUAL CrITICI.SM OF THE COMPLETE Bible. [For the History, etc., of the Old and New Testament, Sec below : Old Testament and Neio Testametit.] - Bibliotheca Sacra post J. Le Long et C. F. Boerneri curas emendata et continuata ab A. G. Masch. (De editionibus textus originalis. — De versionibus Latinis.) 2 torn. Halae, 1778-83. 4«. BB. A. e. 4. 90 BIBLE Bible. British and Foreign Bible Society. Historical Catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the library of the Society. London, 1503, etc. 4°. ' BB. A. d. 21. The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877. A bibliographical description of representative Bibles, jjrinted 1450 to 1877. London, 1S78. 8°. BB. A. b. 16. The Bible of every Land : a history of the Sacred Scriptures in every language into which ti'anslations have been made. London, 1 861. 40. 2008. g. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. By J. Darling. Vol. 3, Biblio- graphy of the Holy Scriptures. London, 1859. 4°. BB. A. e. 7. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Herausgegeben von O. Gebhardt und A. Hainack. Leiiiziij, 1883, etc. '8°. 2003. f-g. History of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Church. By E. Reuss. Edinburgh, 1884. 8«. 2200. d. 9. The Bible in the Church. By B. F. Westcott. London, 1864. 80. 2320. a. 16. Annals of the English Bible. By C. Anderson. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8«. 2009. a. Editions of the Bible in English, from 1525 to 1850. By H. Cotton. Oxford, 1852. 8°. BB. A. b. 6. ■ The English Bible. A history of the various English translations. ByJ. Eadie. 2 vol. London, i%-6. 8«. 2200. c. 6. Our Bible and the ancient Manuscripts. A history of the text and its translations. By F. G. Kenyon. London, 1898. S**. 2200. cc. 3. English versions of the Bible. By J. I. ]Mombert. London, 1885. 8°. 2200. bb. 3. [Another edition]. London, 1907. 8". 2008. a. General View of the History of the English Bible. By B. F. Westcott. London, 1903. 8°. 2008. b. The Authorized Edition of the English Bible, IGll. By F. H. A. Scrivener. Cambridge, 1884. 8°. 2200. bb. 1. A Century of Bibles, 1611 to 171 1. By W. J. Loftie. London, 1872. 8«. BB. A. b. 4. R hemes and Doway. An attempt to shew what has been done by the Rcjman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in Engli-sh. 0.^/^,1855. 8«. BB. A. b. 5. The Bible in Wales. By J. Ballinger. London, 1906. S°. BB. A. d. 5. List of editions of the Holy Scriptures and parts thereof printed in America previous to 1860. By E. B. O'Callaghan. AUjami, i860. 40. BB. A. e. 2. BIBLE 91 Bible. Die deutsche Bibeliibei-setzung des Mittelalters. Von AV. Walther. 3 pt. Braunsclnccig, 1889-92. 4". 2009. f. Canon op the Biblk. \_See above : Bihliography, etc. For the Canons of the Old and New Te.stament, See below : Old Testament, History, etc. ; New Testament, Historjj, etc.'\ Commentaries on the complete Bible. [For Commentaries on portions of the Bible, See below : Old Testament ; Neto Testament.^ Calvini Opera Exegetica et Homiletica. 35 vol. [Opera 23-57.] Brunsvigae, 1882-97. 8°- 2204. d-dd. • Melanchthonis Scripta Exegetica. [02Jera. 13-15.] Halts Saxonum, 1846-48. 8°. 2204. cc. The Annotated Bible. A household commentary, bv J. H. Blunt. 3 vol. London, 1878-82. 4°. 2200. e. 3. The Annotated Paragraph Bible. Authorised Version, with notes, prefaces and references. London, 1894. 4*^. 2008. e. The Cambridge Bible for Schools. Cambridge, 1877, etc. 2200. a. and aa. Maclear : Joshua. | Perowne : Malachi. Lias : Judges. ! Fairweather and Black : Maccabees. Kirkpatrick : Samuel. 2 vol. '■ Fairweather and Black: Wisdom of Lumby : Kings. . 2 vol. I Solomon. Barnes : Chronicles. j Can : Matthew. Ryle : Ezra and Nehemiah. | Maclear : Mark. Davidson : Job. : Farrar : Luke. Kirkpatrick : Psalms. 3 vol. Plummer : John. Perowne : Pro%-erbs. : Lumby : Acts of the Apostles. 2 vol. Plumptre : Ecclesiastes. | Moule : Romans. Harper : Song of Solomon. i Lias : Corinthians. 2 vol. Skinner : Isaiah. 2 vol. j Plummer : 11. Corinthians. Streane : Jeremiah and Lamenta- Perowne : Galatians. tions. Monk : Ephesians. Monk : Philippians. Monk : Colossians and Philemon. Findlay : Thessalonians. Davidson : Ezekiel Driver : Daniel Cheyne : Hosea Driver : Joel and Amos. Humphreys : Timothy and Titus. Perowne : Obadiah and Jonah. Farrar : Hebrews. Cheyne : Micah. Plumptre : Epistle of James. Davidson : Nahum, Habakkuk Plumptre : Epistles of Peter and Jude. and Zephauiah. i Plummer : Epistles of John. Perowne : Haggai and Zechariah. Simcox : Revelation. - Holy Bible according to the Authorized Version, with commen- tary and a revision of the translation by Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church. Edited by F. C. Cook. With the Apocrypha, edited by H. Wace. 12 vol. London, 1871-88. 8°. 2008. f. - La Sainte Bible commentee par L. C. Fillion. 8 torn. Paris, 1 888-1904. 8°. 2009. b. 92 BIBLE Bible. The Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgate ; the Old Testament at Douay, 1609 : the New Testament at Rheims, 1582. With notes bv G. L. Havdock. The text collated by F. C. Husenbeth. 2 vol. Londo,} ^ iSjO. 4°. 2009. g. Commentary on the Holy Scriptures. Bv J. P. Lange. 25 vol. Edinburgh, 1865-80. 8". ' 2201. d-dd. The Expositor's Bible. Edited by W. R. Nicoll. 42 vol. London, 1887-1905. 8°. ' 2201. a-b. Dods : Genesis. Gibson : Matthew. Chadwiek : Exodus. Chadwick : ;\Iark. Kellogg : Leviticus. ! Burton : Luke. Watson : Numbers. Dods : John. 2 vol. Harper : Deuteronomy. i Stokes : Acts. 2 vol. Blaikie: Joshua. | Moule : Komans. Watson : Judges, Euth. ! Dodds and Deuney : Corinthians. Blaikie : Samuel. ' 2 vol. Farrar : Kings. 2 vol. ' Findlay : Galatians, Ephesians. Bennett : Chronicles. Eainy : Philippians. Adeney: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. ' Maclaren : Colossians. Watson : Job. Denney : Thessalonians. jMaclaren : Psalms. 3 vol. Plummer : Pastoral Epistles. Horton : Proverbs. Maclaren : Philemon. Cox : Ecclesiastes. Edwards : Hebrews. Adeney : Song of Solomon. \ Plummer : James. Smith': Isaiah. 2 vol. : Lumby : Peter. Ball and Bennett : Jeremiah. Alexander : Epistles of S. John. Adeney : Lamentations. Plummer : Jude. Skinner : Ezekiel. jNIilligau : Eevelatiou. Farrar : Daniel. Ayres : Index. Smith : Elinor Prophets. 2 vol. The Pulpit Commentary. Edited bv H. D. M. Spence and J. S. Exell. 48 vol. London, 1880-90. 8°. 2009. b. The Variorum Teacher s Edition of the Holy Bible. With various renderings and readings from the best atithorities and with the Aids to the Student of the Holy Bible. London, 1898. 8". 2008. f. ■ The Holy Bible, with notes and introductions by C. Words- worth. IG vol London, iQ-'y-- 6. 8°. 2009. e. The Expositor. London, 1875, etc. 8°. R. P.P. 296. c. The Expository Times. Edinhurnh, i88q. etc 4^. R. RP. 796. COXCORDAXCES. Concordautiaj Bibliorum Sacrorum vulgatai editionis. Paris, 1838. 4«. 2009. g. Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament. By A. Cruden. London, iSyj. 4^. 2009. c. Concordance of Parallels, collected from Bibles and Com- mentaries, by C. Cruttwel). London, 1790. 4°. 2009. f. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. Bv R. YounL,^ Edinhmjh, 1900. 4«. ' ' 2009. f. Librorum Sacrorum Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae atque Chaldaicae. Auctore J. Fuerstio. Lclpzoj, 1840. fol. 2011. g. BIBLE 93 Bible. A. Troramii Concordantife CTi-oecoe Versionis vulgo dicta- lxx luterpretum. 2 vol. Amsterdam, 17 18. fol. 2009. g. • Concordance to the Septuagint and the other Greek ver.sioas of the Old Testament, including the Apocryphal Books. Jiy E. Hatch and H. A. Redpath 3 vol. Oxford, 1892. 4°. 2009. g. The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance uf the Old Testament. By G. V. ^VigraD^. 2 vol. London, i86o. 'S". 2008. g. An English, Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance to the Old Testament. By W. Wilson. London, 1866. 8^. 2200. c 5. Concordantia? Xovi Testamenti Graeci, cura C. H. Bruder. Leipzig, 1S42. 40. 2009. e. • The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament. By G. V. Wigram. London, 1S60. S'^. 2008. g. Complete Concordance to the Revised Version of the New Testament. By J. A. Thorns. London, 188^. 8°. 2008. b. New Testament Quotations collated with the Scriptures of the Old Testament. By H. Gough. Heh. London, 18^^. 8°. 2200. c. 20. The Old Testament in the New. Quotations from the (^)ld Testament in the New. London, 1868. 8°. 2200. dd. 6. Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias and Miscellaneous Works. \_See also below: Old Testament; New Testament.] • The Bible Handbook. By J. Angus. London, 1907. 8°. 2009. a. Encyclopedia Biblica. Edited by T. K. Cheyne and J. S. Black. i vol. London, 1899-1903. 8°. 2009. e. ■ Biblical Cyclopedia. By J. Eadie. London, 1901. 8°. 2008. e. ■ Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by H. B. Hackett and E. Abbot. 4 vol. Neio York, 1868-70. 8^. 2008. e. ■ [Another edition.] Edited bv Sir W. Smith and J. M. Fuller. vol. I., pt. 1, 2. London, 1893." 8°. 2008. e. • Real-Encyclopiidie fiir Bibel und Talmud. Von J. Hamburger. 3 vol. Breslaii, 1883-92. 8". 2008. e. Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by J. Hastings. 5 \ol. Edinburgh, 1 900-04. 8«. 2008. h. Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. By J. Kitto. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1862-70. S'^. Murray's Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Edited by W. C. Pierey. London, 1908. 8°. 2008. d. ■ Undesigned Coincidences in the Old and New Testament an argument of their veracity. By J. J. Blunt. London, 1859. 8*^. 2200. bl). 12. 94 BIBLE Bible. By-Paths of Bible Knowledge. 24 vol. London, 1883-1905. 8«. 2200. b. Modern Research as illustrating the Bible. By S. R. Driver. London, 1909. 8«. " " R. Ac. 1186/2. • Studia Biblica. Essays in Biblical and Patristic Criticism. By Members of the University of Oxford. Edited by S. R. Driver. 5 vol. XoHrfoH, 18S5-1903. 8°. 2008. d. Helps to the Study of the Bible. Oa;/o?v?, 1897. 8«. 2008. a. Introduction to the Devotional Study of the Hoh^ Scriptures. By E. M. Goulburn. London, 1878. 8«. 2'200. bb. 18. Foreign Biblical Library. Edited by W. R. Nicoll. 6 vol. London, 1886-92. 8°. 2201. c. Delitzsch : Commentary on Isaiah. 1 Weiss : Introduction to the New 2 vol. i Testament. Kurtz : Church History. 3 vol. | Schleiermacher : Sermons. Delitzsch : Commentary on the Rothe : Still Hours. Psalms. , Biblical Studies. By E. H. Plumptre. London, 1870. 8°. 2200. bb. 14. The Bible Educator. Edited by E. H. Plumptre. 4 vol. London, 1877-79. 8«. 2200. dd. 4. Society of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1879, efc. 8«. R. Ac. 5669/2. Society of Biblical Archaeology. Transactions. London, 1872, efc. 8°. R. Ac. 5669. Bible Atlas. By S. Clark. London, 1900. 4«. 2009. f. Bible Places, or the Topography of the Holy Land. By H. B. Tristram. London, 1897. 8°. 2201. bb. 5. Natural History of the Bible. By H. B. Tristram. London, 1867. 8°. 2201. bb. 7. Bible Animals : a description of every living creature mentioned in the Scrii)tures. By J. G. Wood. London, 1869. 8°. 2200. c. 22. Old Testament. Text. Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English. The Old Testament. Hch. 6 vol. Warmw, 1S60-66. \'\ 2009. f. The Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament, Hebrew and Englisli, in parallel columns. London, 1865. 4°. 2200. c 2. Jewish School and Family Bible. By A. Benisch. Ueh. & Eng. 4 vol. London, 18^1-61. 8°. 2008. b. Biblia Hebraica. Edidit R. Kittel. Leipzig, 1906. 8°. 2008. c. Vetus Testamentum Graecum. Cum variis lectionibus. Edidit Ji. Holmes. Oxonii, 1798-1827. fol. Circ. 24. b. BIBLE 95 Bible. Vetus Testamentum Grtecum juxta Septuaginta Interpretes. Cura et studio J. N. Jager. Gr. & Lat. 2 vol. [^Didot. Scriptotum Grsecoru7n Bihliotheca.'] Paris, 1839. 8°. 2046. f. The 01(1 Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint. Edited by H. B. Swete. 2 vol. Camhridije, 1887, 94. 8^. 2008. a. Vetus Testamentum Greece iuxta lxx interpretes. Textuni Vaticanuni Romanum emendatius edidit, prolegoraenis uberrimis instruxit C. de Tischendorf. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1887. 2008. d. The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, with an English translation. London, 1879. 4*^. 2200. cc. 10. The Septuagint Version according to the Vatican text, translated into English by Sir L. 0. L. Brenton. 2 vol. London, 1844. 8°. 2008. e ■ Biblia Sacra Latina Veteris Testamenti Hieronymo interpi'ete. Editionem instituit T. Heyse. Ad finem perduxit 0. de Tischendorf. Leipzig, 1873. 8". 2200. dd. 3. Old Testament. Concordances. \_See above : Concord ances-l Old Testament. History, Textual Criticism, Commentaries, etc. \_See also above : Bihliograpjhy, etc., and Commentaries, etc., of the complete Bible. Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt ; sive veterum iuterpretum Graecorum in totum Vetus Testamentum fragmenta. Concinnavit F. Field. 2 vol. Oxford, 1875. 4°. 2200. e. 2. Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible. By C. D. Ginsburg. London, 1897. 8°. 2008. e. An Old Testament Commentary for English Readers. Edited by C. J. Ellicott. 5 vol. LonfZon, 1882-84. 4°- 2008. h. Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. By C. F. Keil and F. Delitzsch. 25 vol. [^ClarVs Foreign Theological Library. Ser. 4, nos. 2, .3, 6, 8-11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 29-31, 33-35, 38. 40, 41, 43, 47, 49, 50, 54.] Edinburgh, 1865-77. 8°. 2007. c-e. ■ The Old Testament. With a brief commentary by various authors. 5 vol. London, 1876-80. 8''. 2008. a. Introduction to the Old Testament. By F. Bleek. 2 vol. [Bohn's Ecclesiastical and Theological Library.^ London, iS~^. S°. 2500. i. 5. Inti'oduction to the Canonical Books of the Old Testament. By C. Cornill. \^Cheyne. Theological Translation Librari/. 23.] London, 1907. 8°. " 2206. cc. 1. The Messages of the Books. Discourses and notes on the books of the Old Testament. By F. W. Farrar. London, 1S84. 8". 2200. cc. 7. 9G BIBLE Bible. SynoDvms of the Old Testament. By R. B. Girdlostone. 1S37. so/ 2200. c. 15. • The Bible and 3Ioclern Discoveries. By H. A. Harper. [Palestine Exploration Fund.] London, 1890. 8°. 2200. c. 13. The Proper iSTames of the Old Testament Scriptures expounded and illustrated. By A. Jones. London, iS^6. i^. 2088. e. • Class-book of Old Testament History. By G. F. Maclear. London, 1865. 8°. 2320. a. 1. • Aspects of the Old Testament. By R. L. Ottlev. [BamjAon Lectures, 1897.] London, 1897. 8^. "^ 2200. c. 8. The " Higher Criticism " and the Verdict of the Monuments. ByA. H. Sayce. London, iSc^^. 8". 2201. bb. 11. Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament. By E. Schrader. 2 vol. [Thcoloijical Translation Fund Library. 33, 38.] London, 1885, 88. 8°. 2204. bb. 13. The Old Testament in the Jewish Church. By W. R. Smith. London, 1892. 80. 2200. d. 7. Old Testament. Sepakate Books. [See also above : Bible, Commentaries, and Old Testament, Comrnentaries.^ Pentateuch. An Inquiry into the Origin and Composition of the Hexateuch (Pentateuch and Jo.shua). By A. Kuenen. London, i885. 8". 2200. c. 11. The Patriarchs and Lawgivers of the Old Testament. Sermons by R D. Maurice. Cambridge, 1855. 8°. 2200. bb. 10. The Pentateuch accoi'ding to the Talmud. With a Talmudic Commentary by P. Hershon. 18S3. 8«. 2008. b. The Tai'gums of Onkelos and Jonathan ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch. AVith the fragments of the Jerusalem Targum. By J. W. Etheridge. 2 vol. ^London, 1862-65. 8°. 2200. bb. 16. Fragments of a Samaritan Targum. Edited, with an introduc- tion, by J. W. Nutt. London, 1814. 8°. 2200. d. 10. Commentar uber die Genesis, von F. Delitzsch. Leipzig, 1872. 8°. 2200. c. 10. Xew Commentary on Genesis. By F. Delitzsch. 2 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Librarij. iv., 36, 37.] Edinburgh, 18S8, 8^. 8°. ' 2007. g. Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Book of Genesis. By G. J. Stnirrell. \ Clarendon Press Series.^ Oxford, 1887. 8°. ' 2319. a. 11. BIBLE 97 Bible. Wo lag (las Paradies. Yon F. Delitzscb. Leipzii/, i88i. R°. 2200. 1.1). 13. Lex Mosaica ; or, the Law of Moses and the Higher Critiri.sm. Edited by K. V. French. London, i8g/^. 8°. 2200. dd. 12. Deuteronomy. By F. AV. J. Schroeder. [Ltoi'if. Cominrnian/.] Edinburgh, i8jg. 8°. " 2201. d. "S. Historica I Booh^. (Joxh un-Enther.) An Inquiry into the Origin and Composition of the Hexateuch (Pentateuch and Jo.shua). By A. Kuenen. London, i886. 8°. 2200. c. 11. Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament. By F. D. Maurice. London, 187 1. 8°. 2200. bb. 9. Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Books of Samuel. By 8. 1\. Driver. Oxford, 1890. 8°. 2200. c. 12. The Books of Samuel. By C. F. D. Erdmann. [Lnnge. Com- nicnUm/.] Edinburgh, 1877. 8°. 2201. d. 5. The Books of the Chronicles. By O. Zoeckler. [Lange. Com- mentary.] Edinburgh, 1876. 8°. 2201. d. 7. Introduction to the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. Bv A. H. Sayce. London, 1S83. 80. 2200. bb. 17. Job. Lectui'es on the Book of Job. By G. G. Bradley'. Oxford, 1887. 80. 2008. a. Job and Solomon, or the Wisdom of the Old Testament. By T. K. Cheyne. Loudon, 18 87. 8°. 2008. b. • Commentary on the Book of Job, with translation. By G. H. A. von Ewald. [Theological Translation Fund Librari/. 28.] London, 1882. 8°. 2204. bb. 15. Das Buch Hiob. Uebersetzt und ausgelegt von F. Hitzig. Leipzig, 1874. 80. 2200. d. 11. Le Livre de Job. Traduit jDar E. Renan. Etude sur I'age et le caractere du poeme. Paris, 1859. 8°. 2200. d. 2. Le Livre de Job. Ethiop. & Fr. [Graffin and Nau. Patrologia Orientalis. 2.] Paris, 1907. S°. ' 2004. h. Psalms. Biblical Commentary on the Psalms. By F. Delitzsch. 3 vol. [Foreign Biblical Library.] London, 1887-89. 8°. 2201. c. Commentary on the Psalms. By G. H. A. von Ewald. 2 vol. [Theological Translation Fund Librari/. 23, 24.] London, 1880, 81. 80. ' 2204. l.b. 5. The Psalms. By C. B. Moll. [Lange. Commentar)/.] Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. '2201. d. 9. Commentary on the Psalms. 4 vol. By J. M. Neale. London, 1860-74. 8°. 2008. a. H 98 BIBLE Bible. The Book of Psalms ; a new translation, with introduction and notes. Bv J. J. ^^. Perowne. 2 vol. London, 1S83. ^^■ 2200. d. 1. [Another edition.] 2 vol. London, 1886. 8^. 2008. b. The Psalms in Human Life. By R. E. Prothero. London, 1904. 8°. 2200. d. 15. The Treasury of David : containing an original exposition of the Book of Psalms. By C. H. Spurgeon. 7 vol. London, 1870-86. S^. 2200. d. 3. The Mozarabic Psalter, MS. British Museum, Add. 30,851. [Henry Br (uhliaio Societij. Puhlicaiions.^ London, 1905. 8°. R. Ac. 9929/24. The Earliest Complete English Prose Psalter. Pt. i. [Earh/ English Text Society.] London, i8gi. 8«. R. Ac. 9925 73. Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter. [Surtees Society Publications. IG, 19.1 2 vol. London, 1843-47. 8°. R. Ac. 8045 16. Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter. [Early English Text Societi/.] London, 188^. 8°. '^ ' R. Ac. 9925, 70. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. Job and Solomon, or the Wisdom of the Old Testament. By T. K. Cheyne. London, 1887. 8«. 2008. b. Die Spriiche Salomo's, iibersetzt unci ausgelegt von F. Hitzig. Zurich, 1858. 8«. 2200. d. 5. Coheleth, commonly called the Book of Ecclesiastes. Translated from the original Hebrew, with a commentary by C. D. Ginsburg. London, 1861. 8°. " 2200. c. 5. Ecclesiastes. With notes and introduction bv E. H. Plumptre. Cambridge, 1881. 80. "^ 2008. b. Tho Song of Songs Translated, witli a commentary, bv C. D. Ginsburg. London, 1857. 8<^. 2200. d. 4. Prophetic Books. [Isaiah-Mai achi.) Connnent.iry on the Prophets of the Old Testament. By G. H. A. von Ewald. 5 vol. [Theological Translation Fund Librari/. 9,12, IS. 21, 20.] London, 18- 'y-8 1. 8°. 2204. bb. 4. The Prophets and Prophecy in Isi-ael. By A. Kuenen. London, 1877. 8«. 2200. d. 12. Old Testament Prophecy. By S. Leathes. London, 1880. 8°. 2200. c. 14. Prophets and Kings of tlie Old Testament. By F. D. ^laurice. London, 1 87 1. 8«.' 2200. bb. 9. The Prophets of Israel. Jiy W. Robertson Smith. London, 1895. 8". 2200. bb. IL BIBLE 99 Bible. Introduction to the Book of Isaiah. By T. K. Cheyiio. London, 1895. 8«. " 2008. c. BibHcal Commentary on Isaiah. By F. DeUtzscIi. 2 vol. [Foreign Bihlical Library.'] London, 1891,92. 8°. 2201. c. The Book of Ezekiel. By F. W. J. Schroeder. [Lanrje. Com- mentary.] EdinhurgJi, 1869. 8". 2201. d. 13. The Minor Prophets, with a commentary by E. B. Pusev. Oxford, i860. 4«. '2009. f. Zechariah and his Prophecies. By C. H. H. "Wright. London, 1879. 8°. 2008. b. Apocryplial Boohs. Libri Apocrvphi Veteris Testamenti Gi'aece. Recensuit et edidit O. F. Fritzsche. Li^mae, iSji. 8^. 2200. c 4. The Apocrypha : Greek and English in parallel columns. London, 1871. 4°. 2200. cc. 11. Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures. By W. R. Churton. London, 1884. 8^. 2201. bb. 9. The Apocrypha. Bv E. C. Bissell. [Lange. Commentary.] Edinburgh, 1880. 8^ 2201. d. 15. The Book of Wisdom. The Greek Text, the Latin Yulgate and the Authorised English Version. With an introduction and com- mentary by W. J. Deane. Oxford, 1881. 4". 2008. d. The Fourth Book of Ezra. Lat. [Texts and Studies. 3.] Cambridge, 1895. 8°- 2004. b. New Testament. Text. Greek, Hebreio, Latin, English. The English Hexapla. The New Testament in Greek, with six English translations : viz. Wiclif's, Tyndale's, Cranmer's, the Genevan, Anglo-Rhemish and Authorized. The Greek Text after Scholz. Preceded by an historical account of the English translations. London, 1841. 4°. 2009. g. Novum Testamentum Grajce et Latine. Lectiones variantes Stephani et Griesbachii notavit C. Tischendorf. [Didof. Scrip- ioruni Grsecorum Bibliotheca.] Paris, 1842. 8". 2046. e. Bagster's Large-Print Greek Testament. London, 1851. 8°. 2008. e. The Greek New Testament, with the Latin version of Jerome. By S. P. Tregelles. London, 1857-79. 8«. 2200. dd. 2. 'H Kauri ALaOrmrj. [Bohn's Collegiate Series.] London, 1859. 8*'. 2500. h. 23. Novum Testamentum Graece. Antiquissimorum codicum textus in ordine parallelo dispositi. Edidit E. H. Hansell. 3 vol. Oxonii, 1864. 8°. 2200. cc. 1. H 2 100 BIBLE Bible. Novum Testamentum Grajce. Kecensuit C. Tischendorf. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1869-94. 8«. 2008. c. The Student's Analytical Greek Testament. Loudo)), 1874. 8°. 2200. a. 3. The Greek and English Testament. Edited by J. Schulelield. Lnndon, 1879. 8°. 2200. a. 1. The New Testament in the original Greek, according to the text followed in the Authorised Version, with the variations in the Revised Version. By F. H. A. Scrivener. Cambridge, 1881. 8°. 2200. bh. 4. Tlie New Testament, in Greek. With notes Ijy C. Wordsworth. •2 vol. London, 1882-87. 8°. 2008. h. Greek Testament. Prolegomena and commentax-y by H. Alfoi'd. 4 vol. London, 1883-84.^80. ' ' 2008. c. Novum Testamentum Graece. Recensuit P. Buttmann. [Teahner Series.] Leipzig, 1886. 8^. 2047. a, eh: The Resultant Greek Testament, exhibiting the text in which the majority of modei'n editors are agreed. By R. F. Weymouth. London, 1886. 8«. 2200. bb. 2. The Parallel New Testament, Greek and English. Oxford, 1896. 8". 2008. 1). New Testament. Text revised by B. F. Westcott and F. J. A. Hort. London, 1909. 8°. 2008. b. n"j'?D '2 h]) niy-\n nnn London, 1817. 8°. 2008. b. Novum Testamentum Latine, interprete Hieronymo. Edidit C. Tischendorf. Lipsite, 1850. 4«. ' 2008. g. The first New Testament printed in English, 1525 or 1526. Translated from the Greek by W. Tyndale. Reproduced in facsimile, with an inti'oduction by F. Fry. Bristol, 1862. 8°. 2200. bl). 7. Facsimile Text. The first pi-inted English New Testament. Translated by W. Tyndale. London, i^-ji. 4°. 2200. c 18. The New Testament. A literal translation from the Syriac Peshito Version. By James Murdoch. New York, 1851. 8°. 2008. b. The New Testament. Translated from the text of Von Tischen- dorf, with an introduction by S. David.soii. Loiidaii, i9,-^. 8°. 2200. bb. 8. The Parallel New Testament, Greek and iMiglish : being the authorised version set forth in 1611, arranged in parallel columns with the revised ver.sion of 1881, and with the Greek text. Oxford, 1896. 8°. 2008. b. The New Testament in Scots. 3 vol. [Scottish Text Societi/.] Edinburgh, 1901-05. 8°. R. Ac. 9943/20. Nbw Testamknt. Coxcokdances. [See Skhove : Concordances.] BIBLE 101 New Testament. Histoky, Textual Cjuticism, Commentaries, etc. [See also above : Bibliography, etc., and Commentaries, etc.l^ Bible. Bibliotheca Novi Testamenti Graeci. Illustravit E. Reuss. Bransvigae, 1872. 8°. BB. A. b. 19. The English Hexapla. The New Testament in Greek, with six English translations. Preceded by an historical account of the English translations. London, 1841. 4". 2009. g. Greek Testament. Prolegomena and Commentary, I)y H. Alford. 4 vol. London, 1883-84. 8«. 2008. c. The New Testament for English Readers : containing the Authorized Version and a commentary by H. Alford. vol. 1, vol. 2, pt. 1. London, 1881. 8^. 2200. d. 6. Canonicity. A collection of early testimonies to the Canonical Books of the New Testament. By A. H. Charteris. Edinburgh, 1880. 8°. 2200. cc. 2. Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. By S. David- son. 2 vol. London, 1894. ^°- 2008. c. A New Testament Commentary for English Readers. Edited by C. J. Ellicott. 3 vol. London, i88/[. 4:°. 2008. h. Scholia Hellenistica in Novum Testamentum. Edited by E. G. Grinfield. 2 vol. Londini, 1848. 8°. 2200. c. 7. Textual Criticism applied to the New Testament. By C. E. Hammond. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1890. 8*^. 2320. d. 18. Codex Bezae. A study of the so-called Western Text of the New Testament. By G. Rendel Harris. [Texts and Studies. 2.] Cambridge, 1891. 8°. 2004. b. Histoire des livres du Nouveau Testament. Par E. Jacquier. 2 tom. [Bihliotheque de Venseignement de Vhistoire ecclesiastiqiie.] Paris, 1903, 05. 8*'. 2208. a. Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. By F. G. Kenyon. London, 1901. 8°. 2008. d. Fasti Sacri, or a Key to the New Testament, by T. Lewin. London, 1865. 8°. 2012. g. Biblical Essays. By J. B. Lightfoot. London, 1893. 8°. 2200. c. 19. Class-book of New Testament History. By G. F. Maclear. London, 1886. 8°. 2320. a. 2 The Messianic Hope in the New Testament. By S. Mathews. [Chicago University. Decennial Publications, ii. 12.] Chicago, 1905. 80. R. Ac. 2691. d^ 11. Critical Handbook. A guide to the study of the authenticity, canon and text of the Greek New Testament. By E. C. Mitchell. London, 1880. S«. 2201. bb. 2. 102 BIBLE Bible. T!ie Science of Language and the Study of the New Testa- ment. By J. H. Moulton. [3Iaiic}iesier University Lectures. 4.] Manchester, 1906. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/4. Introiluction to tlie Textual Criticism of the Greek New Testa- ment. By E. Nestle. [Chei/ne. Theological Translation Lihrary. 13.] London, 1 901. 8«. 2206. cc. 8. The Xeu' Testament in the Apostolic Fathers. By a Committee of the Oxford Society of Historical Theology. Oxford, 1905. 8°. R. Ac. 2072. History of the Sacred Scriptures of the New Testament. By E. W. E. Reuss. Edinburgh, .i88/[. 80. 2200. d. 8. Historical Introduction to the Books of the New Testament. By E. Salmon. London, 1894. 8°. 2008. a A Popular Commentary on the New Testament. Edited by P. Schaff. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1879, 80. 8°. 2200. dd. 5. Short Protestant Commentary on the Books of the New Testament. Edited by P. W. Schmidt and F. von Holzendorff. 3 vol. [Theological Translation Fund LiJirari/. 27, 29. 31.] 1882-84. 8°. ' 2204. bb. 6. • Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament. By F. H. A. Scrivener. 2 vol. London, 1854. 8°. 2008. c. Synonyms of the New Testament. By R. C. Trench. XoWoH,' 1871. 80. "^ 2200. cc. 9. ]\Ianual of Introduction to the New Testament. By B. Weiss. 2 vol. [Foreign Bihlical Lihran/.] London, 1887, 88. 8°. 2201. c. General Survey' of the History of the Canon of the New Testa- ment. By B. F. Westcott. London, 1896. 8°. 2008. a. The New Testament in Greek. With Notes by C. Wordsworth. 2 vol. London, 1882-87. ^o. 2008. h. New Testament. Separate Books. Gospels. Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis. An exact copy, in ordinary type, of the uncial Graeco-Latin manuscript of the four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles. Edited by F. H. Scrivener. Cainhridf/t', iS6^. S°. 2200. e. 6. Codex 1 of the Gospels and its allies. [Texts and Studies. 7.] Cambridge, 1902. 8«. 2004. b. Codex Purpureus Petropolitanus. [Texts and Studies. ■').] Cambridge, 1899. 8°. 2004. b. 06101' Ktti 'l(pov Euayyc'Aioi'. Venice, 184O. fol. 2011. g. A Collation of four important Greek Manuscripts of the Gospels ; with a view to pro'.e their common origin, liy W. H. Ferrar. Dublin, 1877. 4". 2200. c. 21. A Collation of about twenty Greek ^lanuscripts of the Holy Go.spels. By F. H. Scrivener. Cambridge, 1853. 8''. 2200. c. 16. BIBLE 103 Bible. Evangeliorum versio antehiei-onymiana. Ediclit T. K. Abbott. 2 vol. [Dublin University Press Series.] Dublin, 18S4. 8°. 2322. f. 1. Hor;e Hebraicre et Talmudicae. Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitatious upon the Gospels, the Acts, some chapters of Romaus, and Corinthians. By J. Lightfoot. New edition by R. Gaudell. 4 vol. Oa/wr/, 1859. 8°. 2200. cc. 8. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in parallel columns with the versions of Wyclifte and Tyndale. London, \%6y 4°. 2009. e. The Holy Gospels in Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian, and Old Mercian versions, together with the early Latin version as contained in the Lindisfarne ms. Edited by W. W. Skeat. Camhridge, 1871-87. 4^. 2200. e. 4. The Lindisfarne and Rush worth Gospels. [Surtees Society Publications. 28, 39, 43, 48.] Lat. & Anglo-Saxon. 4 vol. Durham, 1854-65. 8°. R. Ac. 8045 27. The Gospels in the Second Century. By "W. Sanday. London, 1876. 8«. 2201. bb. 4. ■ Introduction to the Study of the Gospels. By B. F. Westcott. London, 1872. 8°. 2201. bb. 6. Harmony of the Gospels. By Saint Augustine. [Aararii. 8, 10.] London, 1875, 76. 8«. 2204. bb. 14. BIBLE 105 Epistles. [For other works on the Epistles of Saint Paul, See Pb. II. Church History, Earh/.] Bible. The Apostolical Acts and Epistles fi'om the Peschito or ancient Syriac. Translated by J. W. Etheridge. London, 1849. 8°. 2008. a. Die katholischen Briefe. Textherstellung von B. "Weiss. [Geh- hanlt awl Harmu'h. 8.] Leipzig, iSgz. 8*^. 2003. f. Commentary on the Epistles for the Year. By W. Denton. 2 vol. London, 1869, 71. 8°. 2201. cc. 2. Textkritik der Paulinischen Briefe. [Gehhardt and Harnark. 7.] Leipzig, 1 89 1. 8°. 2003. f. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. By W. J. Conybeare and J. S. Howson. London, 1856. 8^. 2008. b. The Epistles of St. Paul. Edited by J. B. Lightfoot. 3 vol. London, 1865-75. 8°. 2008. b. Xotes on the Epistles of St. Paul. By J. B. Lightfoot. London, 1904. 8". 2008. d. The Epistle to the Romans. Translation and commentary by B. Jowett. London, 1894. ^°- 2200. cc. 13. Studia Sacra. Commentaries on the introductory verses of St. •John's Gospel and on a portion of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. By J. Keble. Oxford, 1877. 8^. 2206. bb. 7. Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. By H. P. Liddon. London, 1899. 8«. 2008. d. Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae. Hebrew and Talmudical exercitations upon the Gospels and some chapters of Romans and Corinthians. By J. Lightfoot. Xew edition by R. Gauilell. Oxford, 1859. 8°. 2200. cc. 8. - The Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians. With notes and dissertations by A. P. Stanley. London, 1876. 8°. 2008. d. - The Epistle to the Ephesians. With commentary and translation, by C. J. Ellicott. London, 1884. 8°. 2200. cc. 6. - St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. Revised text and transla- tion, with exposition and notes by J. Armitage Robinson. London, 1904. 8°. 2008. d. - St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, with introduction, notes, etc., by J. B. Lightfoot. Gr. Camhridge, 1865. 80. 2008. b - The Epistle bo the Galatians. Translation and commentary by B. Jowett. London, 1894. 8°. 2200. cc. 13. - St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. With introduction, notes, etc., by J. B. Lightfoot. Gr. Cambridge, 1868. 8°. 2008. b. - The EjDistle to the Philippians. With commentary l)v C. J. Ellicott. Gr.kEng. London, 1888. 8°. 2200. cc. 5. lOG BIBLE Bible. St. Paul's Epistle to the Colossians. With notes by J. B. Lightfoot. Gr. London, 1875. 8«. 2008. b. The Epistle to the Colossians. With commentary by C J. Ellicott. Gr. k Eng. London, 1888. 8°. 2200. cc. 5. St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians. With a counnentary and revised translation by C. J. Ellicott. London, 1880. 8°. 2008. d. The Epistles to the Thessalonians. Translation and cf)mmentary by B. Jowett. London, 1894. S". 2200. cc. 13. The Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul (l and 11 Timothy and Titus). With a revised translation by C. J. Ellicott. Loudoti, 1883. S*'. 2200. c. 22. Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul's First Epistle to Timothy. By H. P. Liddon. ionrfoH, 1897. 8°. 2008. d. ■ St. Paul's Epistle to Philemon. With notes by J. B. Lightfoot. Gr. London, 1875. 8°. 2008. b. The Epistle to Philemon. With commentary by C. J. Ellicott. Gr. ik Eng. London, 188S. 8°. " ^ 2200. cc. 6, The Epistle to the Hebrews, With notes and essays by B. F. Westcott. London, 1892. 8°. 2008. d. The Epistle to the Hebrews. By C. B. Moll. [Laiii/c. Com- mentary. ] Edinburgh, 1868. 8«. ' 2201. dd. 5. The Epistle of St. James. With notes and comments by J. B. Mayor. London, 1897. S^. 2008. d. The Second Epistle of St. Peter. With notes by J. B. Mayor. London, 1907. 8<'. 2008. d. Epistles of St. John. The Greek text, with notes and essays by B. F. Westcott. London, 1902. 8°. 2008. c. The Epistles of St. John. A series of lectures on Christian Ethics. By F. D. Maurice. Camhridge, 1857. 8°. 2200. bb. 19. The Epistle of St. Jude. With comments by J. B. ]\Iayor. London, 1907. 8°. 2008. d. Itevelation. The Apocalypse of St. John. Greek text. With introduction, notes and indices by H. B. Swete. London, 1907. 8". 2008. d. The Apocalypse of St. John in a Syriac version. [Duhlin Uni- versitij Press /S'me«.] Duhlin, 1897. 4". 2322. g. 1. L'Apocalyp.se en francais au xiii'= siecle. [Societe des (inricns textes frunnns.] Paris, 1901. 8°. li. Ac. 9811/45. The Apostolical Acts and Epistles from the Peschito : to which is added the Book of Revelation after a later Syrian text. Trans- lated by J. W. Etheridge. London, 1849. 8°. 2008. a. BIB— BIB 1U7 Bible. Dr. F. Bleek's Lectures on the Apocalypse. Edited by S. Davidson. [Theological Translation Fund Library. 5.] London, 1875. 8°. " 2204. bl). 3. Die Johannes Apokalypse. [Gebhardt and Harnach.^ Lei2>zig, 1891. 8°. 2003. £. Lectures on the Apocalypse. By F. D. Maurice. London, 1887. 8°. 2008. a. New Testament. Apocuyphal Books. Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti : the Uncanouical Gosj^el.s and other writings in the original languages. Collected by Dr. Giles. 2 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2008. c. Novum Testamentuni extra canonem i-eceptum. Edi(Ht A. Hilgenfeld. Leipsiae, 1866. 8«. 2200. d. 15. Evangelia Apocrypha. Collegit et recensuit C. de Tischendorf. Leipzig, iS-]6. 8°. 2200. d. 14. Aussercanonische Paralleltexte zu den Evangelien. Untersucht von A. Resch, \Gehliardt and Harnack. 10.] Leij^zig, 1893-97. 8«. 2003. f. Apocryphal Gospels and other documents relating to the history of Christ. Translated, with notes, by B. Harris Cowpei-. London, 1870. 8°. 2201. bb. 1. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts and Revelations. Eng. [Ante-Nicene Christian Library. 16.] Edinburgh, 1870. 8°. 2004. a. Coptic Apocryphal Gospels. \_Texts and Studies. 4.] Cambridge, 1896. S^. 2004. b. Les Apocryphes Coptes. Copt. & Fr. [Graffia and Nau. Patrologia Orientalis. 2, etc.] Paris, ic)0-j,etc. 8°. 2004. h. Bibliografia Italiana. [Recent volumes.] Mihmo. 8**. BB. R. e. I. Bibliografia Romana, dal secolo xi ai nostri giorni. \ol. 1. Boma, 1880. 8°. 2037. e. Bibliographia Hungarica. Budapest, 1877-S8. 8*^ R. PP. 6527. cab. Bibliographica. 3 vol. London, 1895-97. 4°. 2036. g. Bibliographical Society, London. Annual Report. London, 1893, etc. 4°. R. Ac. 9670 9. • Transactions. London, 1893, etc. 4°. R. Ac. 9670. Illustrated Monographs. London, 1894, etc. 4°. R. Ac. 9670/2. 1. Eedgrave : Erhard Ratdolt and 4. Haebler : Early Printers of Spain his work at Venice. and Portugal. 2. Proctor : Jan van Doesborgh. 5. La Marche : Le Chevalier Delib6r6. 3. Ashbee: Iconography of Don 6. Claudin: The First Paris Press. Quixote. 7. Macfarlane : Antoine V6rard. 108 BIB— BIB Bibliographical Society, London — coniinued. S. Proctor : The Printing of Greek 12. ]Maclau : A Chart of Oxford in the Fifteenth Century. Printing. 9. Barwick : A Book bound for 13. Gray : The Earlier Cambridge Mary Queen of Scots. ; Stationers and Bookbinders, and 10. Gibson : Early Oxford Bind- > the first Cambridge Printer. ings. " 14. Bourdillon : The Early Editions of 11. Steele: The Earliest English the Roman de la Rose. Music Printing. Miscellaneous Publications. London, 1897, etc. 4*^. R. Ac. 9670/4-16. Proctor : Classified Index to the of English Printers and Stationers, Serapeum. , 1492-1G30. Plomer : Robert Wyer, Printer 1 Greg : List of Masques, Pageants, etc. and Bookseller. ' White : Catalogue of English Books in Gordon Duff and others : Hand- Archbishop Marsh's Library. Lists of English Printers. | Hand List of Books in the Library of Index to Dibdin's edition of Ames' j the Society. Typographical Antiquities. Worman : Alien Members of the Book- Greg : List of English Plays ' Trade during the Tudor Period. written before 1643 and printed Gibson : Abstracts from Wills of before 1700. Binders, Printers and Stationers of Plomer: Abstracts from the Wills Oxford, 1493-1638. A Century of the English Book Trade, 1457-1557. By E. Gordon Duff. London, 1905. 8°. BB. G. c. 17. • A Dictionai'y of the Booksellers and Printers who wei"e at work in England, Scotland and Ireland, 1G41-67. Bv H. R. Plomer. London, 1907. 40. ' BB. G. d. 22. Hand-lists of English Printers, 1501-1556. By E. Gordon Duff, etc. London, 1895, etc. 4°. BB. G. b. 27. List of English Plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700. Bv W. AV. Greg. 2 vol. London, 1900, 02. 4°. BB. G. c. 14. Bibliographical Society of Chicago. Year Book. Chlnojn, 1 90 1, etc. 8". R. Ac. 9722/2. Bibliographical Society of Lancashire. [Publications.] Manchester, 1909, etc. ^''. R. Ac. 9681. 1. Commemoracio Lamentacionis Beate Marie. Bibliographic de Belgique. Bru.relhs, 1S-5, etc. 8°. R. P.P. 6506. b. and BB. R. d. 5. Bibliographic de la France. Paris, 1S13, etc. S'\ 15. P.P. 6475. and 2036. e. Bibliographie der Deutschen Zeitschriften-Litteratur. Lripzi^j, 1896, etc. 4". R. p.p. 6529. be. and BB. R. e. 8. Bibliographie der Schweiz. Zurich, 187 1, etc. 4". & 8". R. P.P. 6503. e. Bibliographie der theologischen Litteratur. lirrlin, IjOl. etc. s<>. BB. A. d. 19. Bibliographie des Benedictins de la Congregation de France. Solt'snies, lyjC. s". 2015. f. Bibliographic des Femmes Celebres. See Uxguerim. BIB— P>1B 100 Bibliophile Society, Boston. Boston, 31as^., 1901, etc. 8°. Year Book. Odes aucl Epodes of Horace. Letter of Paul Joues. Marat : Polish Letters. 2 vol. Horatian Quotations. Rossetti : Heury the Leper. 2 vol. Unpublished Letters of Paul Jones. Theocritus, Bion and Moschus. 3 vol. Eeport of fourth Annual Banquet. Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles. Biblioteca di San Marco, Venice Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. Publications. 11. Ac. 9719. Thoreau : Sir Walter Raleigh. Letters of Charles Lamb. 5 vol. Unpublished poems by Bryant and Thoreau. Thoreau : First and last Journeys. 2 vol. Payne-Shelley Letters. Hart : The Varick Court of Inquiry. Baker : Charles Dickens and Maria Beadnell. The Geddes Burns. See Aribau. See Venice. -Biblioteca, etc Gijtthujen, 185 I- R. Bibliotheca Medico- Chirurgica. -88 ^ P.P. 6516. h. Goitiugen, 1847-92. 8^. R. P.P. 6516. b. Bibliotheca Nacional, Lisbon. See Lisbon. — BihUotheca Nacional. Bibliotheca Philologica. Gdttinqen, 1849, etc. 8°. R. P.P. 6516. f. Bibliotheca Philologica Classica. Berlin, 1875, etc 8°. R. P.P. 1897. f. Bibliotheca Sacra. London, 1844, etc. 8^ R. P.P. 907. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teub- neriana. See Teubxer Series. 2047. a.-2049. c. Bibliotheca Theologica : Uebersicht aller auf dem Gebiet der evangelischen Theolot-ie in Deutschland neu erschieneiien Biicher. R. P.P. 6516. d. Gottingen, 1848, etc. 8". Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica. 10 vol. London, 1780-1800. 4°. Vol. 1. Kent and Sussex : — Mores : Tunstall. Thorpe : Antiquities in Kent. Duncombe : Reculver and Heme ; Denne : Mayfield Palace. Duncombe and Battely : Hos- pitals near Canterbury. St. Radiguud's ; Tradesmen's Tokens in the Isle of Thanet ; The Moat, near Canterbury ; Hawkhurst Church ; Essex : On Canterbury Cathedral ; Douglas : On the Urbs Rutu- pise ; jMemoirs of Lambarde. Douglas : On Celts. Pegge : On the Textus Roffensis, &c. Vol. 2. Middlesex and Surrey : — Ducarel : St. Katharine's Hos- pital, near the Tower. 2061. c. Browne : Stoke Newington. Nichols : Canonbury House. Ducarel : Lambeth Palace. Nichols : Lambeth Parish. Ducarel : Croydon. Manorial Houses belonging to the See of Canterbury, &c. Vol. 3. Lincolnshire : — Account of the Gentlemen's Society at Spalding. Reliquiffi Galeanje. 3 pt. Gough : Croyland Abbey. Essex : Croyland Abbey. Vol. 4. Beds, Berks, Dei-byshire, Northamptonshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire : — Great Coxwell. Parochial History of Berkshire. Puddington, Luton, and Dunstaple. Cooper : Wimmington. 110 BIB— BIB Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica Cooper : Odcll. Fotheringay. Black Book of Warwick ; Pegge : On Guy, Earl of Warwick ; Sir T. More : On a religious frenzy at Coventry. Pegge : Eccleshal Manor and Lichfield House. Pegge ; Bolsover and Peak Castles. Pegge : Ikenild-street and Bath- way ; on the Coritani. -continued. Shai'pe : Coinage of England. Anecdotes of Rev. John Hutchins. Lewis and Pegge : On Suffragan Bishops in England. Pegge : Inscriptions relative to the erection of English Churches. Thorkelin : On English and Irish History, 9th and 10th centuries. Vol. 5. Cambridqeshire, Suffolk, Scotland, and Wales : — Barnwell Ahbey and Sturbridge Fair. Cullum : Hawsted. Elmswell and Campsey Ash. Orem : Chanonry of Old Aber- deen. Martin : St. Rule's Chapel ; the Riding of the Parliament, &c. Buchan : On the Roman Army in Scotland ; Jameson : On the Roman Camps of Battle Dykes and Haerfauds. Gifford : Zetland Islands. Price: Holyhead. Vol. 6. Biographical and Miscel- laneous : — Sir J. Hawkwood. D'Ewes : Journal. Gough : Family of Oliver Crom- well. Vol. 7. Leicestershire : — Nichols : Hinckley, Stoke, Dadling- ton, and the Hyde. Nichols : Aston Flamvile and Bur- bach. Nichols : Collections for Leicester. Vol. 8. Leicestershire : — Nichols : Additional Collections for Leicester. Vol. 9. Various Cotinties ;— Bartlett : Manceter, Warwick, &c. Hawkherst. Blore : Manor and Manor House of South Winfield. Sanders : Shenstone. Vol. 10. Various Counties : — Denne : Addenda to Lambeth Parish and Lambeth Palace. [See Vol. 2.] Ironside : Twickenham. Gibson : Comment upon Antoninus ; History of Castor, &c. List of the Society of Antiquaries, from 1717 to 1796. Bibliothek Indogermanischer Grammatiken. Leipzig, iSi6-<^-j. 8^. 1. Sievers : Grundziige der Laut physiologie. 2. Whitney : Sanskrit Grammar. 3. Meyer : Griecbische Gramma tik. Bibliotheque de Bibliographies tics Etudes Historiques. Paris, 1. Funck-Brentano : La Prise de l la Bastille, 1789. 2. ^lartin : Histoire de I'industrie en France avant 1789. 3. Urbain : Bossuet. 4. Curzon : Franz Schubert. , 5. Lehautcourt : La Guerre de 1870-71. 6. Guy : Le Trouvere Adan de le Hale. 7. ^lorel-Fatio and Rouanet : Le theatre espagnol. 8. Dodgson : Lucas Cranach. 9. Decharme : La colonisation allemande. i 6 Bde. 2051. b. 4. Delbriick : Einleitung in das Sprach- studium. 5. Hatzidakis : Einleitung in die neugriechische Grammatik. 6. Hiibschmann: Armenische Grammatik. critiques. Publiee par la 8oeiet6 1900, etc. 8«. 2036. e. 10. Dumoulin : L'histoire du Forez et du Roannais. 11. Asse : Jean Jacques Rousseau. 12. Griselle : Bourdaloue. 13. Cagnat : Epigraphie latine. 14. Curzon : Hoffmann. 15. Leroux : Les conflits entre la France et I'Empire pendant le moyen age. 16. Chavanon : L'histoire de I'Artois. 17. Giraud: Taine. 18. Blanchet : Sigillographie fran^aise. 19. Lejeal : Lcs antiquitis mexicaines. 20. Guiffrey : La tapisserie. BIBLIOTHEQUE 111 Bibliothsque de rEnseignement Pa/7.s 1S97-190S. 8°. Allard : Le christianisme et I'em- pire romaiu. Battifol and Duval : Anciennes litt^ratures chr^tiennos. Salembier : Le Grand Schisme d'Occident., Guiraud : L'P^glise et les origines de la Renaissance. Jacquier : Histoire des livres du Nouveau Testament. 2 torn. Bibliotheque de rEnseignement des Beaux-Arts. de I'Histoire Ecclesiastique. 2208. a. Leclercq: L'Afrique Chr^tienuc. 2 torn. Labourt : Le Christianisme dans I'era- pire perse. Tixeront : Histoire des dogmes. Pargoire: L'Eglise byzantine. Leclercq : L'Espagne chretienne. Brehier : L'Eglise et I'Orient au moyen age. Tr6sal : Lcs origines du schisme angli- can. Paris, 1 88 2, etc. S^ Corroyer: L' Architecture romane. Pale'ologue : L'Art chinois. Lefebure : Broderie et dentelles. Gourdon de Genouillac : L'Art heraldique. CoUignon : Mythologie figuree de la Grece. Maindron : Les Armes. Champeaux : Le ]\Ieuble. 2 vol. Bayet : L'Art byzantin. Lenormant: INIonnaies et ^Medailles. Palustre : L'Architecture de la Renaissance. Lavoix : La ^lusique francjaise. Lavoix : Histoire de la Musique. Miintz : La Tapisserie. Gerspach : L'Art de la Verrerie. Gonse : L'Art japonais. [Two editions.] Maspero : L'Archeologie egypti- enne. Perate : L'Archeologie chr6tienne. Martha : L'Archeologie etrusque et romaine. Adeline : Lexique des termes d'art. Corroyer : L'Architecture goth- ique. Chesneau : La Peinture anglaise. Wauters : La Peinture flamande. Lafenestre : La Peinture itali- enne. Lechavallier - Chevignard : Les Styles francjais. Bibliotheque Dramatique. 100 torn. 2263. c. ct cc. Mayeux : La Composition decorative. Vogt : La Porcelaine. Deck : La Faience. Bouchot : Le Livre. Lecoy de la Marche : Les Manuscrits et la Miniature. Renan : Le Costume en France. Lostalot : Les Precedes de la Gravure. Duval : L'Anatomie artistique. Collignon : L'Archeologie grecque. Havard : La Peinture hollandaise. Gerspach : La Mosaique. Lecoy de la Marche : Les Sceaux. Lefort : La Peinture espagnole. Gayet : L'Art arabe. Babelon : La Gravure en pierres fines. Pouvourville : L'Art indo-chinois. Bouchot ; La Lithographie. Merson : Les Vitraux. Gayet : L'Art persan. Soubies : La Musique allemaude. Mantz : La Peinture fran(?aise du ix^ siecle a la fin du xvi". Soubies : La Musique en Russie. ]\Iaiudron : L'Art indien. Riat : L'Art des jardins. Merson : La Peinture fran(;',aise au xvii'^-xviir siecle. Marcel : La Peinture franci'aise au xix^ siecle. Menil ; Histoire de la dause. Delaborde : La Gravure. Lafond : La Sculpture espagnole. Paris, 1847-5^. 8". 2296. b. 1 Bibliotheque du Depot de la Guerre, Paris. See Paris. — BiblioiJieque du Pei>6t de la Guerre. Bibliotheque Hagiographique Orientale. Editee par Paris, 1901-1905. 8°. 1. Vie de I'abbe Daniel le Scetiote. 2. Vie de Jean bar Aphtonia. 3. Jacques Baradee ; Histoire de S. Nicolas. 4. Vie et Office de :\Iichel Maleinos. 5. L. Clugiiet. 2214. e. Euthyme le 5. Vie et Office de S Jeune. 6. Viede S. Auxence : Mont S. Auxence 7. S. Jean le Paleolaurite. 8. Vie et Office de Ste. Marine. 9. Saints jumeaux et dieux cavaliers. 112 BIB— BIG Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Srr Pah IS. — BiJ>Iii'thrqw XdtidiiaJe. Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique. St'f Brusskls. — BiJih'ntliiijiir TloijaJi', etc. Bibliotheque Ste. Genevieve, Paris. Set Paris. — Bibliotheque Sfe. Genevieve. Bickerdyke (J.) Sea Fishing. [Badminton Lihrani.] London, 1S95. 8«. ' 2270. cc. 22. Biden (W. D.) History and Antiquities of Kingston-upon-Tliames. Kimjston, 1852. 8°. 2367. bb. 10. Bidwell (C. T.) The Balearic Islands. London, 1876. 8°. 2362. bb. 14. Bidpai. Deux versions hebraicjues du livre de Kalilah et Dimhiih. lEcoIe pratique des liautes etudes. Bihiiothtque. Sc. ijhil. et ]ri.st. 49.] Paris, 1881. 8°. R. Ac. 8929. Directorium Vitae Humanae. [Ecole pratique des liautes etudes. Bibliotheque. Sc. jjhil. et hist. 72.] Paris, 1S8-. 8°. R. Ac. 8929. The Fables of Bidpai. AVith an English translation of the later Syriac version, and notes, by 1. G. N. Keith-Falconer. Cambridge, 1885. 8«. ^ 2348. e. 20. Bidwell (L. A.) Handbook of Intestinal Surgery. London, 1905. 8°. ^ 2256. f. 2. Bie (O.) History of the Pianoforte and Pianoforte Players. London, 1899. 8«. 2268. cc. 14. Biedermann (K.) Staatengeschichte der neuesten Zeit. Leipzi'j, 1858, etc. 8°. 2388. g. 1, 2. Bochau : Frankreich. 9, 14, 17. Baumgarten : Spanien. 3-5, 16, 18. Beuchlin : Italien. 11, 12. Roseu : Turkei. 6, 10. Springer : Oesterreich. 15, 20. Bartholdy : Griecheiilaud 7, 19, 21, 23. Bernhardi : Russlaud. 24-28. Treitschke : Deutschland. 8, 13, 22. Pauli : England. 29. Oechsli : Schweiz. Bierbaum (O. J.) Stuck. [Knachfuss. Kiinstler-MonograpMen. 42. j Lcij^z'nj, 1859. 8". ' 2034. c. Bigandet (P.) Life of Gaudama. 2 vol. [TrUbners Oriental Series.] London, 1 8 80. 8°. 2318. f. 7. Bigelow (H. R.) International System of Electro-Therapeutics. London, 1902. 8". ' 2024. f. Bigelow (J.) W. C. Bryant. [American Men of Letters.] Boston, 1890. 8«. ' ' 2407. a. 1. Bigelow (M, M.) History of Procedure in England, 1066-1204. London, 1880. 8°. 2228. cc. 6. Placita Anglo-Normannica. Law Cases from William 1. lo liichard i. London, 1879. 80. 2018. c. Bigelow (P.) History of the German struggle for liberty. ."3 vol. Loudon, 1 896-1903. 8". 2392. c. L BIG— BIN 1 I ;; Bigg (C.) Origins of Christianity. Oxfonl, 1909. 8". 2210. .1. 13. Bigg- Wither (T. P.) Sec AVithkk. Bigmore (E. C.) and Wyman (C. W. H.) Bibliography of Printini;-. 3 xiA. London, 1SS0-S6. 4". BB. E. c. 13. Bikkers (A. J. W.) Malay, Achinese, French and English Vocabu- lary. London, 1882. 8". 2272. c. 24. Bilciurescu (C. S.) Mouastirile §i Bisericile din Romania. Bucuresti, 1890. 8°. 2208. <1. 6. Billings (J. S.) National Medical Dictionary. 2 vol. EiVinhurgh, 1890. 8". 2024. 0. Billings (R. W.) and Burn (W.) The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of KScotland. 4 vol. Edinhuryh, 1848-52. fol. 2261. g. 2. Billroth (T.) Clinical Surgery. [Neio Sydenham Society.] London, 1881. 8«. ' R. Ac. 3838; 39. Surgical Pathology. 2 vol. [Neio Si/denham Societi/.] London, 1S77, 78. \8o. ' R. Ac. 3838 31. Binding (K.) Deutsche Staatsgrundgesetze. Leipzij, 1907, etc. 8°. 2392. a. Bindley (T. H.) The Oecumenical Document.? of the Faith. London, 1906. 8". 2202. aa. 5. Binet (A.) The Mind and the Brain. [International Scientific Serial.'] London, 1907. 8". 2324. bb. 26. Binet (A.) and Fere (C.) Animal Magnetism. [Internationa] Scien- tific Series.] London, 18S-. 8°. 2324. b. 27. Bingham (C. T.) Butterflies. [Fauna of British India.] London, 1905, etc. 8"^. 2250. c. Hymenoptera. [Fauna of British India.] 2 vol. London, 1897, 1903. 8°. " 2250. c. Bingham {Hon. D. A.) Selection from the Letters and Despatches of the First Napoleon. 3 vol. Xonrfofj, 1884. 8°. 2410. g. 4. Bingham (J.) Works. 10 vol. Oxford, 1855. 8°. 2011. b. Bingner (A.) Literatur iiber das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1750- 1854. Karlsruhe, 1854. 8°. BB. K. b. 14. Binney (E. W.) Flora of Carboniferous Strata. [Palaeontographical Societii. Publications.] London, 1868, etc. 4". R. Ac. 3200. Binyon (R. L.) Attila. London, 1907. 8°. 2303. e. 8. The Death of Adam, and other poems. London, 1904. 8". 2290. e. 9. Dutch Etchers of the XVII century. [Portfolio ^lonoqraphs. 21.] London, 1895. 8°- I^- P-^- ^^^^^ P^''- John Crome and John Sell Cotman. [Portfolio Monocjraphs. 32.] London, iSc^-i. 8«. ' R. P.P. 1931. pcd. London Visions. London, 1908. 8°. 2290. 1). 3. lU BIN— BIO Binvon (R. L.) Paintiuij; iu the Far East. Lu iido n, ic,oS. 8". ^ - 2262. d. 23. Binz (C.) rhavmacoluifv. 2 vol. [New Siidoiluuu S(><'i>'tii.] L.n/((/(;/(, 1816. 8*^. 2094. d. Biographical Peerage of Ireland. Loiuhm, 1S17. lii". 2101. a. Biographic des Contemporains. ') vol. Paris, 1834. 8". 2090. c. Biographic des Homnics Vivants. 5 vol. Paris, 18 16-19. 8°- 2090. c. Biographie Nationale de Belgique. BruxidUs, iSizG, etc ^'\ 2093. e. Biographie Universellc. 45 vol. Pari.^, 1843-66. 8". 2090. g.-h. Biographisches Jahrbuch fur Alterthumskunde. Br.Un, 1875, rtr. ,s". R. P.P. 1897. fa. Biographiskt Lexicon ofver namnkunnige Svenska Man. 23 V..1. r^.^ala, 1835-57. 8'\ 2093. y. Biologisches Centralblatt. ErJangen, i8Si, etc. 8°. R. P.P. 3208. c. Biometrika. Cambridge, icoi, de. 8«. R. P.P. 3224. b. Bion. Buccdicorum Graecorum Theocriti Bionis Moschi reliquiae. Edidit H. L. Ahrens. Gr. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1855-59. 8". 2045. d. [Another edition.] Gr. [J'enbner Serie.^.'\ Leijizitj, 1S61. 8". 2149. a. Bucolici Graeci. Recensuit U. de Wilamovvitz-Moclli'nddrft". Gr. [0.vford Classical Te.ds.] Oxford, 1906. 8°. 2046. a. ■ -. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus. Recognovit C. F. AmeLs. Gr. k Lai. [Poetse Bucolici ct Didnctiei.] Paris, 1846. 8°. 2046. e. Idvlls. Tran.slated by J. Banks. [Bahn's Clas.siral LiJir<(n/.] London, 1853. 8". 2500.' h. 9. Theocritus, Bion and Moschus, rendered into English pro-se by Andrew Lang. London, 18S0. 8°. 2280. a. 22. Theocritus, Bion and Moschus. 3 vol. [Jjihiioiiliilc Stu-irti/. 8.] Boston, 3Iass., 1903. 4". i!. Ac. 9719/8. Biondo (M. A.) Von der hochedlen Malerei. [QncUciisclirif'Iru filr Ko„yi,jtsrhirldr. .").] Wicu, 1 87 3. 8". 2262. Ij. BIP— BIT li:, Bippen (W. von) Geschiclite dec Studt Bremen. 3 Bde. Jirnnen, 1 892-1904. S<>. 2364. e. 5. Birch (G. H.) Loudou-on-Tliannv-; in Ijygone days. [Portfolio MonogntjiJiH.] Lundon, 1903. S". R. P.P. 1931. jjcd. Birch (J.) Military Memoir of Col. J. Bii'cli. [Camden Socicti/. 101.] London, 1S73. 4". R. Ac. 8113 101. Birch (S.) Egyptian Texts. London, 1881. 4°. 2272. f. 9. Records of the Past. Edited by S. Birch. Sec Recui;ds (jf THE Past. Birch (W. de G.) Cartularium Saxonicum. 4 vol. London, 1885-9S. 8°. 2080. d. Historical Charters and Constituti(mal Documents of the City of London. London, 1887. 8". 2065. b. Index of the Styles and Tides of English Sovereigns. [Index Socict)/ PuhUeafions. 4.] London, 1879. 4". BB. T. b. IL Birch (W. de G.) and Jenner (H.) Early Drawings and Illumina- tions. With a dictionary of subjects in the British Museum. London, 1879. 8^. 2038. b. Bird, afterwards Bishop (I. L.) The Golden Chersonese. London, 1885. 80. 2356. c. 2, Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. 2 vol. London, 1S91. 8". 2356. b. 8. The Yangtze Valley and beyond. London, 1899. 8°. 2354. f. 4. Bird (J.) Annals of Natal, 1495-1845. 2 vol. Pietennnritzhurg, 1888. S^. 2386. h. 4. Birdwood (*S7/- G. C. M.) The Industrial Arts of India. 2 vol. [South Kensington 3Inseina Handbooks.^ London, 1880. 8". 2270. b. 8. Birmingham (J.) Red Stars. [Boi/al Irish Academij. Cnnnin(/It(ini Memoiis. 5.] Duhlin, 1890. 40. R. Ac. 1540/6. Birmingham Historical Society. Transactions. 3 vol. Birmingham, 1880-S3. 8". R. Ac. 8022. Birmingham University. Calendar. [Current issue.] Piriuingham. 8". Circ. 67. b. Birrell (Right Hon. A.) Andrew Marvel!. [English Men of Letters.] London, 1905. 8°. 2326. l>b. 6. William Hazlitt. [Engli-sh Men of Letters.] London. I'Oi. S'\ 2326. b. 42. Bishop (I. L.) Srr Bird, afterwards Bishop (I. L.). Bismarck-Schoenhausen (O. E. L. von) Prince. Reflections and Reminiscences. 2 vol. London, 1898. 8". 2402. f. 9. Bissell (E. C.) Apocrypha. [Lange. Commentarij.] Edinburgh, 1880. 8". ' 2201. d. 15. Bithell (J.) German Comniei'cial Correspondence. [Longman's Com- mercial Series.] London, 1908. S". ' 2240. a. I 2 116 BIT— BLA Bithell (R.) Countiug-House Dictionary. London, 1882. 8°. 2240. aa. 19. Bitter (C. H.) Die Sohne Sebastian liaclis. [SauDnlung 7nusilc(tlisr}u'r Vortriuje. Ser. v. no. 49.] Leqjzig, 1883. 8". " 2268. bb. 4. Bizonfy (F.) English-Hungarian Dictionaw. Budapest, 1886. 8°. 2055. )). Bkah-Hgyur. Tibetan Tales. [Tnibncr's Oiirutal Series.] Lu,i/.] London, 1S83. SO. ' R. Ac. 9938/6. Handbook of the Parochial Ecclesiastical Law of Scotland. Edinlnmili, 1891. 8^. 2228. aa. 12. Scottish Parochial Law, other than Ecclesiastical. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. 2228. aa. 13. Blackburn (H.) Academy Notes. London, 1875, etc. 8°. 2264. a. 1. Academy Sketches, 1883-94. London, 1883-04. 8°. 2264. a. 2. Grosvenor Notes, 1878-90. London, 1878-90. 8«. 2264. a. 3. New Gallery Notes, 1888-95. London, 1888-95. ''^''• 2264. a. 4. Blackie (J. S.) Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands. Edinburgh, i8-j6. 8°. 2308. b. 9. Lays and Legends of Ancient Greece. Edinbunjlt, iSSo. 8°. 2292. a. 2. Lays of the Highlands and Islands. London, 1872. N". 2292. a. 5. Scottish Song. Edinburgh, 1889. 8«'. 2308. b. 4. Blackie (W. G.) Comprehensive Atlas and Geograjihy of the W'orkl. London, 1883. fol. 2059. e. Blackledge (G. R.) Luganda-English and English-Luganda Vocabu- lary. London, 1904. 8". ' ' 2272. d. 16. Blackley (W. L.) and Friedlaender (C. M.) Practical Dictionary of the Gei-iiiaii and Engli.sh Languages. Loudon, 1S66. 8". 2276. c. 11. BLA— BLA 117 Blackmar (P. W.) Spanish Institutions of the Southwest. [Johns Ho^ikins University Studies. Extra vol. 10.] Baltimore, 1891. )S^. R. Ac. 2689. Blackmore (E.) British Mercantile Marine. London, 1897. ^''• 2248. d. 4. Griffin's Nautical Series. Edited by E. Blackmore. See Griffin's Nautical Skhiks. Blackmore (R. W.) Doctrine of the Russian Church. Aberdeen, 1845. 8°. 2202. c. 1. Blackstone (Sir W.) Commentaries on the Laws of Eniiland. 4 vol. London, iS-] 6. 8°. 2230. e. 2. Dissertation on the Accounts of All Souls College, Oxford. [Boxburghe Cluh. 119.] London, 1898. 4°. R. Ac. 8104 119. Blackwall (J.) Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. [liai/ Soridi/.] L> pt. London, 1S6 1-6^. 4°. R. Ac. '3023^ 32. Blackwood (A.) History of Mary Queen of Scots : a fragment. Translated from the French. [Maitland Club. 31.] Edinburgh, 1834. 4°. R. Ac. 8253 31. Blackwood (F. T. H.) Marquess of Dufferin and Ava. Contributions to an inquiry into the state of Ireland. London, 1 866. 8°. 2238. 1). 4. Letters from High Latitudes. London, 1903. 8°. 2364. c. 2. Blackwood's Magazine. Edinburgh, 18 17, etc. 8°. R. P.P. 6202. Blade (J. F.) Contes populaires de la Gascogne. [Litteratxres [jopulaires.] 3 tom. Paris, 1886. 8". 2348. a. 14. Poesies populaires de la Gascogne. [Litteratures populaires.'\ 3 tom. P«r/.s, 18S1-82. 8°. 2348. a. 4. Blades (W.) Biography and Typography of William Caxton. London, 1882. S^. 2308. c 3. Life and Typography of William Caxton. 2 vol. London, 1861-63. 4^. 2035. g. Shakspere and Typography. London, 1872. 8°. 2300. e. 1. Blaetter fur literarische Unterhaltung. Weimar, 18 18, etc. 4°. R. P.P. 4750. Blaikie (J. A.) and Gosse (E. W.) Madrigals, Songs and Sonnets. London, 1S70. 8«. 2292. c. 4. Blaikie (W. B.) Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, 1745-6. [Scottish History Society Publications. 23]. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. R. Ac. 8256. Blair (E. H.) and Robertson (J. A.) The Philippine Islands. Exjjlorations, descriptions of the Islands, etc. Translated from the originals. Edited by E. H. Blair and J. A. Robertson. 53 vol. Cleveland, Ohio, 1903-1908. 8^. 2378. ee-g. 118 BLA— BLA Blair (J.) Chronological and Historical Tables. London, 1844. 8**. 2088. h. [Another edition.] [^BolnCtt licferencc LihrKrij.] London, 1 882. 8«. ' 2502. f. 24. Blair (R.) Autobiography. \\Vo(h-ow Socicfjj.'] Edinburgh, 1S48. 8°. ' R. Ac. 2081/13. Blake (J. F.) Fauna of the Cornbrash. \P(dacontoijraphu'al Society. Pnhlicalions.] London, 1905, etc. 4". R. Ac. 3200. Blake (W.) Poetical Works. Edited by W. M. Rossetti. [Aldlne Edition.] London, 1874. S^. ^ 2288. b. 5. • Poems. Edited by W. B. Yeats. ^Muses' Library.] Londnn, 1893. 80. ' 2290. b. Blake (W. H.) Bre\yer's Vade jMecuni. London, 1902. 8^. 2246. d. 13. Blakhal (G.) Services to three noble ladyes, 1631-49. [Spaldinq Club. 8.] Aberdeen, 1844. 4«. R. Ac. 8244/8. Blakiston (H. E. D.) Trinity College. [Cone. Blazek (C.) Der abgestorbene Adel der preussischen Provinz Schlesien. 3 vol. [Siehmacher. Wappenlmch . Bd. vi. Abth. 8.] Niirnherg, 1887-94. i°. 2097. d. Der Adel von oesterreichischem Schlesieu. [Siehmarlier. Wap- penhuch. Bd. iv. Abth. 11.] Niirnherg, 1885. 4°. 2097. b. Bleek (F.) Introduction to the Kew Testament. Edinburgh, 1869. 8«. 2007. d. Introduction to the Old Testament. 2 vol. [Bo]ni\'< Ecclesi- astical and Theological Library.] London, 1S75. 8". 2500. i. 5. Lectures on the Apocalypse. [Theohx/ical Translation Fund Librari/. 5.] London, 1875. 8°. * 2204. l)b. 3. Bleek (W. H. I.) Comparative Grammar of South African Languages. 2 pt. Lond<,n, 1S62. 8«. 2272. e. 22. Bleibtreu (C.) Die Yertreter des Jahrhunderts. 3 Bde. Berlin, 1904. 8". 2092. d. Blemmidas (N.) Curriculum vitae et carmina. Edidit A. Heisen- berg. Gr. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, iSg6. 8^. 20V7. n, etc. Blennerhassett (C. J.) Lady. Madame de Stael, her friends and her influence in politics and literature. 3 vol. London, 1889. 8°. 2402. g. 12. Talleyrand. 2 vol. London, 1894. ^°- ^^^2- '^- ^■ Blew (V/. C. A.) History of Steeple-Chiising. London, ic^oi. 8". 227L cc. 2. ] 20 BLT— BLO Blickling Homilies. [Earlij EiujUsli Text Society.] Lnndon, 1S74-S0. 8°. R. Ac. 9925/46. Blight (J. T.) Ancient Crosses and other antiquities in the East of Cornwall. London, 1858. 4°. 2259. f. 1. Blind (M.) George Eliot. [Eminent Women Series.] London, i888. 8^. 2407. b. 18. Madame Roland. \Endnent Women Series.] London, 1886. 8°. 2407. b. 3. Bliss (F. J.) Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-1897. London, 1898. 8«. 2356. f. 5. Bliss (F. J.) and Macalister (R. A. S.) Excavations in Palestine, 1898-1900. {Palestine Exploration Fund.] London, 10^02. 4^. 2356. h. 11. Bloch (G.) Les Origines du Senat romain. [Bihl. des Ecoles Franroises d'Athenes, etc. 29.1 Paris, 1S85. 8°. K. Ac. 5206/2. Bloch (I.) and Levy (E.) Histoire de la Litterature juive. J'aris, 1901. 8". 2015. e. Blochet (E.) Les Sources orientales de la Divine Comedie. [Litteratures populaires.] Paris, 1901. 8". 2348. aa. 11. Block (M.) Dictionnaire de I'administration franeaise. 2 torn. Paris, 1905. 8°. 2390. g. 3. Petit dictionnaire politi(jue et social. Paris, 1896. 8°. 2238. f. 3. Les progres de la science economique depuis Adam Smith. 2 tom. Paris, 1890. 8°. 2240. bb. 3. Bloesch (E.) Geschichte der schweizerisch-reformierten Kirehen. IJern, 1898. 8°. 2212. d. 1. Blomefield (F.) History of Norfolk. 11vol. London, iSoj-Cz. 8". 2064. b. Blomfield (R.) History of Renaissance Architecture in England, 1500-1800. 2 vol. London, 1897. 4''- ^261. g. 15. Short History of Renaissance Architecture in England, 1500- 1800. London, 1900. 8°. ^2261. d. 4. Blonay (G. de) HLstoire de la deesse buddhique Tara. [Ecole j,ratlque des hautes etudes. Bibliother^ue. Sc. pMl. et hist. 107.] Paris, 1895. 8°. R. Ac. 8929. Bloom (J. H.) English Seals. [Antirj^uan/s Boohs.] London, 1906. 8«. " 2260. a. 9. Blore (T.) History of the County of Rutland. Stanford, ibii. fol. 2062. f. Blouet (P.) French Oratory. [Clarendon Pre>S're O.xfoud UNivKiisrrv.--.Bor//f/V(» LIhrari/. Bodley (J. E. C.) The Church in France. London, 1906. 8°. 2214. aa. 12. ]50D— BOG 123 Bodley (J. E. C.) France. London, 1902. 8°. 2362. 1)1.. 6. Boeckh (A.) Corpus Inscriptionum Graecaruin. 4 vol. JJrrnJInl, 1828-77. fol. Giro. 49. h. Ge.sammelte kleiiie Schriften. 7 Bde. Leipzltj, 1838--4. 8". 2(336. f. 2. Puljlic Economy of the Athenians. Boston, 1857. ^''• 2258. h. 8. Boehmer (E.) Romanische Studien. 6 Bde. Strossl^unj, 1875-95. 8«. 2310. g. 2. Boehn (M. von) Giorgione und Palma Yecchio. [K unci- fuss. Kilnf'Ucf-Monoqrapliicn. 94.] Lcipzkj, 1908. 8*^. 2034. c Boehtlingk (O.) and Roth (R.) Sanskrit-Worterbuch. 7 vol. St. Petersburg, 1855-75. 4"- 2056. f. Boethius. Opera. [Corims Script. Ecdcs. Lett. 48, etc.'] Vienna, icpS, etc. 8^. 2003. e. Commentarii in librum AristotelLs ITepi ep/xi^vetas. [With Latin translation.] 2 vol. \_Teuhner Series.] Leipziq, 1877. 8". 2047. a, etc. ■ De institutione arithmetica. De institutione musica. Accedit geometria quae fertur Boetii. Edidit G. Friedlein. [^Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1867. 8^. 2047. a, etc. Philosophiae consolationis libri quincjue. Accedunt ejusdem atque incei'torum opuscula sacra. Recensuit R. Peiper. [^Teubner Series.] Leipjzig, iS-ji. 8°. 2047. a, etc. King Alfred's version of De Consolatione Philosophiae, with a literal Engli.sh translation. [BoJm's Antiquarian Lihran/.] ■ London, 1864. 8°. 2500. a. 2. ■ De Consolatione Philosophiae. Translated by Chaucer. [Earh/ Eng. Text Soc] London, 1S6S. 8°. R. Ac. 9926/5. Boethius (H.) Bulk of the Chroniclis of Scotland; or, a metrical version of the History of Boece, by W. Stewart. Edited bv W, B. Turnbull. [Chronicles and 3Iemorials.] 3 vol. London, 1858. 80. 2073. (6.) Murthlacensium et Aberdonensium Ei^iscoporum Vitae. [Baniia- tyne Club. 11.] Edinburgh, 1S2-J. 4". R. Ac. 8248, 11. — [Another edition.] [New Spalding Club. 12.] Aberdeen, 1894. 4«. R. Ac. 8245/12. Boetticher (A.) Olympia, das Test und seine Stiitte. Berlin, 1S86. 8°. 2258. d. 3. Boetticher (C.) Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen auf der Akmpolis von Athen. Berlin, 1863. S^. " 2258. c 6. Bogart (E. L.) Economic History of the United States. Neio York, 1907. 8". 2240. b. Bogg (E.) The Old Kingdom of El met : York and the Ainsty District. London, 1902. 4*^'. 2063. a. • Richmondshire and Yale of Mowbray. 2 vol. London, 1906, oS. 8°. 2063. a. 124 BOG— BOH Bogg (E.) Two Thousand Miles in Wbarfdale. L< n, 1904. 4' 2063. a. the Bogue (D.) and Bennett (J.) History of Dissenters from Revolution, 1688 to 1808. 4 vol. London, 1S08-12. 8". 2012. e Englische Chrestomathie. 8°.' [Kunst der Poh/glottie.^ 2272. a. 49. [Kunst 2272. a. der 39. Bohatta (H.) Wicn, 1S96 Praktische Grannnatik der javanischen Sprache Folyfjlottie.] Wien, 1893. 8^. Bohl (J.) Code de commerce roumain, compare aux prinoipaux codes de commerce europeens. \Colledion de Codes efrangers. \(A. 12.] Paris, 1S95. 80. 2018. b. 8^. 2500 a-b. Bohn's Antiquarian Library. London, 1847-92. Bede : Ecclesiastical History of Eng- land ; also the Anglo-Saxon Chro- nicle. BoETHius : King Alfred's Auglo-Saxon version of De Cousolatioue Philo- sophite, with a literal English translation by S. Fox. BOHN : Hand-Book of Proverbs. Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. Brai«d : Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Enlarged by Sir H. Ellis. 3 vol. Beowhe (Sir T.) : Works, edited by S. Wilkin. 3 vol. Cheonicles. Chronicles of the Cru- sades: Richard of Devizes, Geoffrey de Vinsauf, Lord de Joinville. Six old English Chronicles : Ethel- werd ; Asser ; Geoffrey of IMon- niouth ; Gildas; Nennius ; and llichard of Cirencester. Ellis : Early English Metrical Ro- mances, revised by J. 0. Halli- well. Florence of Worcester: Chronicle, with the two Continuations, trans- lated by T. Forester. Gesta Romanohum. Translated by C. Swan. Revised by W. Hooper. GiRALDUs Cambkensis : Historical Works. Translated by T. Forester and Sir R. C. Hoare. Revised by T. Wright. Henderson : Select Historical Docu- ments. Henry of Huntingdon : Chronicle of England. Translated by T. Forester. Ingulph : Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, with the Continuations, by Peter of Blois. Translated by H. T. Riley. Keiohtley : Fairy Mythology. Lamb : Specimens of English Dramatic Poets. Lepsius : Letters from Egypt, Ethio- pia, and the Peninsula of Sinai. Translated by L. and J. B. Horner. Mallet : Northern Antiquities, by Bishop Percy, with an abstract of the Eyrbyggja Saga, by Sir Walter Scott. New edition, by I. A. Blackwell. ]\Iatthew of Westminster : Flowers of History. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 2 vol. Matthew Paris : English History, from 1235 to 1273. Translated by Dr. Giles. 3 vol. Ordericus Vitalis : Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy. Translated by T. Forester. 4 vol. Palestine. Early Travels in Palestine : Arculf, Willibald, Bernard, Saewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Maun- deville, La Brocquiere, and Maun- drell. Edited by T. Wright. Pauli : Life of Alfred the Great, trans- lated ; Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Ver- sion of Orosius, with a literal English translation, by B. Thorpe. Pettigrew : Chronicles of the Tombs ; a Collection of Epitaphs. Planchh : History of British Costume. Polo (Marco) : Travels, the transla- tion of Marsden. Edited by T. Wright. Roger de Hoveden : Annals, from 732 to 1201. Translated by H. T. Riley. 2 vol. Roger of Wendover : Flowers of His- tory ; History of England from the descent of the Saxons to 1235, for- merly ascribed to Matthew Paris. Translated by Dr. Giles. 2 vol. William of Malmesbury : Chronicle of the Kings of England. Yule-tide Stories : A collection of Scandinavian Tales and Traditions, edited by B. Thorpe. BOHN 125 Bohn's Artists' Library. London, 1870-88. 8^ 2500. h Bell : Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression. Demmin : History of Arms and Armour. Fairholt : Costume in England. 2 vol. Flaxman: Lectures on Sculpture. Heaton : History of Painting. Planche : History of British Costume. Vinci (Leonardo da) : Treatise on Painting. Bohn's British Classics. London, 1853-57. 8°. Addison : Works, with notes by Bishop Hurd. 6 vol. Burke : Works. 8 vol. Life, by Prior, forming the preli- minary volume of Burke's Works. 2500. c. 1-d. 2. Defoe : Works, with prefaces and notes, including those attributed to Sir Walter Scott. 6 vol. Gibbon : Roman Empire, with va- riorum notes. Edited by an English Churchman. 7 vol. Bohn's Classical Library. London, 1848, etc Aeschylus : Tragedies. Translated by T. A. Buckley. New readings in Hermann's edition. Dramas. Translated by A. Swan- wick. Marcellinus : Roman Translated by C. D. Ammianus History Yonge. Apollonius Rhodius : Argonautica. Translated by E. P. Coleridge. Appian : Roman History. Translated by H. White. Apuleius : Works. Aristophanes : Comedies. Translated by W. J. Hickie. 2 vol. Aristotle : Ethics. Translated by R. W. Browne. History of Animals. Translated by R. Cresswell. Metaphysics. Translated by J. H. M'Mahou. Organou ; or, Logical Treatises ; with the Introduction of Porphyry. Translated by 0. F. Owen. 2 vol. Politics and Economics. Trans- lated by E. Walford. Rhetoric and Poetic. Literally translated by T. Buckley. Arrian : Anabasis of Alexander and Indica. Translated by E. J. Chin- nock. Athbnaeus : The Deipnosophists. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 3 vol. Bentley : On the Epistles of Phalaris. Cesar : Commentaries. Catullus, Tibullus, and the Vigil of Venus : Translated by W. K. Kelly. Cicero : Academics, De Finibus, and Tusculau Disputations. Trans- lated by C. D. Y'onge. Offices, Old Age, Friendship, Paradoxes, etc. Translated by C. R. Edmonds. . 8«. 2500. e-h. Cicero : On Oratory and Orators. Translated by J. S. Watson. On the Nature of the Gods, Divination, Fate, Republic, Laws, etc. Translated by C. D. Yonge. Orations. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 4 vol. Letters. Translated by E. S. Shuckburgh. 4 vol. Demosthenes : Orations. Translated by C. R. Kennedy. 5 vol. Diogenes Laertius : Lives and Opinions of eminent Philosophers. Translated by C. D. Yonge. Epictetus : Discourses, with the En- cheiridion and Fragments. Trans- lated by G. Long. Euripides : Tragedies. Translated by T. A. Buckley. 2 vol. Greek Anthology : Translated chiefly by G. Burges ; with metrical ver- sions by Bland and others. Greek Romances : Heliodorus, Longus, and Achilles Tatius. Translated by R. Smith. 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Marcus Aurelius : Thoughts. Trans- lated by G. Long. Martial: Epigrams. Ovid : Fasti, Tristia, Epistles, etc. Translated by H. T. Eiley. Heroides, Amours, Art of Love, etc. Translated by H. T. Riley. Metamorphoses. Literally trans- lated by H. T. Riley. Pausanias : Description of Greece. Translated by A. E, Shilleto. 2 vol. PiSDAR : Odes. Translated by D. Turner. Plato : Works. Translated by Gary and G. Burges. 6 vol. Summary and Analysis of Dialogues of Plato. By Day. Plautus : Comedies. Literally trans- lated into English prose by H. T. Riley. 2 vol. Plixy, the Elder : Natural History. Translated by J. Bostock and H. T. Riley. 6 vol. Pliny, the Younger : Letters. Mel- moth's translation revised by F. C. T. Bosanquet. Plutarch : Morals. Translated by C. W. King. Propertius, Petronius Arbiter, Jo- HAKXES Secuxdus, and Akist^ene- Tus : Translated. Edited by W. K. Kelly. W. H. the A. QuiNTiLiAN : Institutes of Oratory. Translated by J. S. Watson. 2 vol. 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Xexophon : Anabasis aud Jtlemorabi- lia of Socrates. Translated by J. S. Watson ; with a geographical commentary by W. F. Ainsworth. Cyropsedia and Hellenics. Trans- lated by J. S. Watson aud H. Dale. jMinor Works. Translated by J. S. Watson. Bohn's Collegiate Series. Dante : Carlyle's Dante. The Inferno. The Purgatorio. Translated by W. S. Dugdale. Dobree : Adversaria. 2 vols. Donaldson : Theatre of the Greeks. Keightley : Classical Mythology. Bohn's Ecclesiastical and Theological Library. Ltwhtii, 1851-75. .'^". 2500. h. London, 1852-83. 8°. New Testament in Greek. Gricsbach's Text. Turner : Notes on Herodotus. Wheeler : Analysis of Herodotus. Analysis of Thucydides. 2500. Bleek : An Introduction to the Old Testament. Translated by G. H. Venables. 2 vol. EusEBius : Ecclesiastical History. With notes. Hardwick ; History of the Articles of Re- ligion. Revised by Rev. F. Procter. Henry : Commentary on the Psalms. Pearson : On the Creed. With analysis and notes. BOHN Bohn's Ecclesiastical and Theological Library — nnifnincd. Philo Jud.eus : Works. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 4 vol. Socrates : Ecclesiastical History, in continuation of Euscbius. SozoMEN : Ecclesiastical History, from A.D. 32i-440 ; and Philostorgius. Bohn's Economic Library. .") ( tIlbart ; History of Banliing. 2 vol. IliCARDO : Political Economy. 1 Bohn's Extra Volumes. London, 1846-55. 8". Theodouet and Evagrius : Ecclesias- tical Histories, from a.d. .332 to a.d. 427, and from a.d. 431 to a.d. 544. WiESELER : Chronological Synopsis of the Four Gospels. Translated by Canon Venables. ul. London, 1 88 2-91. 8". 2500. i. Smith : Wealth of Nations. 2 vol. 2500. Boccaccio : Decameron. Cervantes : Exemplary Novels. Grammont : Memoirs. Ha^iilton: Fairy Tales. Bohn's French Memoirs. CoMMiNES : Memoirs. 2 vol. Bohn's Historical Library 1*]VELYN : Diary and Correspondence. 4 vol. Jesse : Memoirs of the Court of Eng- land during the reign of the Stuarts. 3 vol. 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Wheeler : Analysis and Summary of Herodotus. Analysis of Thucj-dides. Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction. Wright : Dictionarj- of Obsolete and Provincial English. 2 vol. Bohn's Reference Library. London Blaiu : Chronological Tables. BoHN : Handbook of Games. DoDD : The Epigrammatists. Bohn's Scientific Library. Agassiz and Gould : Comparative Phy- siology'. Enlarged by T. Wright. Bacon : Physical and Metaphysical Works. Blair : Chronological Tables, revised and enlarged to April, 1856. BoHN : Handbook of Games. BoLLEY and Paul : Manual of Technical Analysis. Bridgwater Treatises.— Bell: The Hand. Chalmers: Adaptation of External , 18-5-88. 8°. Henfrey : English Coins. Pettigrew : Epitaphs. SO. 2502. f. 2502. London, 1847-72. Nature to the Moral and Intellec- tual Constitution of INIan. Bridgwater Treatises. — Kidd : On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of I\Ian. KiRBY : History, Habits, and In- stincts of Animals. 2 vol. Prout : Chemistry, Meteorologj', and the Function of Digestion. Whewell : Astronomy and gene- ral Physics, considered with refer- ence to Natural Theology-. BOHN 129 Bohn's Scientific Library — continued. Bdckland : Geologv and ^Mineralogy. 2 vol. Carpentkr : Animal Physiology. I\Iechanical Philosophy, Horology, and Astronomy. Vegetable Physiology and Sys- tematic Botany. Zoology ; revised by W. S. Dallas. 2 vol. Chevreul : Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours. Translated by C. ]\Iartel. Ennemoseb : History of Magic. Trans- lated by W. Howitt. With an Appendix by ^lary Howitt. 2 vol. Handbook of Domestic Medicine. Hind : Introduction to Astronomy. Hogg : Elements of Experimental and Natural Philosophy. Humboldt : Cosmos. Translated by E. C. Otte. 5 vol. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America. Translated by T. Ross. 3 vol. Views of Nature. Translated by E. C. Otte and H. G. Bohn. Humphreys : Coin Collector's ilauual. 2 vol. Hunt : Elementary Physics. Poetry of Science. Joyce : Scientific Dialogues. Jukes-Brown : Handbook of Historical Geology. The Building of the British Isles. JussiEU : Elements of Botany. Trans- lated by J. H. Wilson. Lectures on Painting by Barry, Opie, and Fuseli. Lewes : Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences. Lobwenthal : Chess Congress of 1862. Mantell: Geological P^xcursions round the Isle of Wight. Medals of Creation. 2 vol. Petrifactions and their teachings. Wonders of Geology. Seventh edition, by T. R. Jones. 2 vol. ]\IORPiiY : Games of Chess. Oersted : Soul in Nature. Translated by L. and J. B. Horner. Richardson : Geolog\% Mineralogy-, and Palaeontologj'. RossE : Index of Dates. 2 vol. ScHOUw : Earth, Plants, and Man ; and Kobell's Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom. Translated by A. Henfrey. Smith (P.) Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science. Stanley : Painters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools. Staunton : Chess-Player's Companion. Chess-Player's Handbook. Chess Praxis. Chess Tournament. Stockhardt : Chemical Field Lectures. Translated by A. Henfrey. Experimental Chemistry. Principles of Chemistry. Trans- lated by C. H. Peirce. Uee : The Cotton ]\Ianufacture of Great Britain ; with supplement by P. L. Simmonds. 2 vol. Philosophy of Manufactures. Bohn's Select Library. London, 1887-89. 8*^ 2502. k. Alford : Queen's English. Bacon : Essays. Burke : The Sublime. Channing : Perfect Life. Cicero : Friendship and Old Age. Dante : Inferno. Purgatorio. Defoe : History of the Plague. Demosthenes : On the Crown. Eaton : Waterloo Days. Goethe : Autobiography. Faust. Reineke Fox. Goldsmith : Dramatic Works. Vicar of Wakefield. Harvey : Circulation of the Blood. Helps : Thomas Brassey. Hugo : Hernani. Irving : Life of Mahomet. Lessing : Laokoon. Plays. MoLiEBE : Plays. Pauli : Oliver Cromwell. Plato : Dialogues. Plautus: Comedies. Schiller : Mary Stuart and Maid of Orleans. Sheridan : Plays. Trevelyan : Ladies in Parliament^ and Horace at Athens. Bohn's Standard Library. London, 1846, etc. S^. Alfieri : Tragedies. Bacon : ]\Ioral and Historical Works. Beaumont and Fletcher : Selections, by Leigh Hunt. 2504. Beckmann : History of Inventions. 2 vol. Bell : Early Ballads. Bremer ; Works. 3 vol. K 130 BOHN Bolm's Standard Library — contimu'd. Early English Literature. Diary. Pilgrimage to Meccah. Analogy of Religion. Lusiad. Connter-Revolution in Eng- 2 vol. Beikk 3 vol. BUENEY Burton : Butler : Camoens Carrel land. Cellini : Memoirs. Cervantes : Don Quixote. Exemplary Novels. Classic Tales, containing Rasselas, Vicar of Wakefield, Gulliver's Travels, etc. Coleridge : Aids to Reflection. The Friend. Lectures and Notes on Shak- spere. Miscellanies. Table Talk. Conde : Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 3 vol. CowpER : Works. 8 vol. CoxE : House of Austria. 4 vol. Memoirs of the Duke of Marl- borough. 4 vol. Cunningham : Lives of British Painters. 3 vol. Dante : The Vision. Translated by H. F. Cary. De Lolme : Constitution of England. DuNLOP : History of Fiction. 2 vol. Emerson : Works. 5 vol. Foster : Critical Essays. 2 vol. Essays on Decision of Character. Essay on Popular Ignorance. Fosteriana. Lectures. 2 vol. Life and Correspondence. 2 vol. Fuller : Principal Works. Gaspary : Early Italian Literature. Goethe : Works. 14 vol. Goldsmith : Works. 5 vol. Gray : Letters. 3 vol. Greene : Poems of Greene, Marlowe, and Ben Jonson. Gregory : Evidences of the Christian Religion. Grimm : Household Tales. GuizOT : English Revolution of 1G40. History of Civilization. 3 vol. Representative Government. Hall : Miscellaneous Works and Re- mains. Hawthorne : Tales. Hazlitt : Lectures on the English Poets and the English Comic Writers. Literature of Age of Elizabeth. Plain Speaker. Sketches and Essays, and Winter- slow. Spirit of the Age. Hazlitt : View of the English Stage. Heine : Poems. Travel Pictures. Hoffmann : Works. 2 vol. Hooper : Waterloo. Sedan. Hugo : Dramatic Works. Poems. Hungary, and its Revolutions. With memoir of Kossuth. Hutchinson : Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson. James : Louis XlVth. 2 vol. Richard Coeur de Lion. 2 vol. Jameson : Characteristics of Women. Johnson : Lives of the Poets. 3 vol. JosEPHUs : Works. 5 vol. Junius : Letters. 2 vol. Kelly : History of Russia. 2 vol. King : Life and Letters of Locke. La Fontaine : Fables. Lamartine : French Revolution of 1848. ■ — '- History of the Girondists. 3 vol. History of the Restoration of jMonarchy in France. 4 vol. Lamb : Essays of Elia. IMemorials and Letters. Lambert : Shakespeare Documents. Lane : Arabian Nights. Lanzi : History of Painting. 3 vol. Lessing : Dramatic Works. Selected Prose Works. Linton : Poetry of America. Locke : Philosophical Works. 2 vol. LocKHART : Life of Burns. Luther : Table Talk. ]\Iacchiavelli : History of Florence ; the Prince, etc. Martineau : History of England. History of the Thirty Years' Peace. Menzel : History of Germany. 3 vol. Michelet : The French Revolution. History of the Roman Republic. IMiGNET : The French Revolution. i\IiLL : Early Essays. IMiLTON : Prose Works. 5 vol. Moliere : Dramatic Works. 3 vol. Montagu : Letters and ^Vorks. 2 vol. Montesquieu : Spirit of Laws. 2 vol. Motley : Dutch Republic. 3 vol. Neander : Christian Life in the Early and IMiddle Ages. History of the Christian Religion. 9 vol. Lectures on the History of Chris- tian Dogmas. 2 vol. Life of Christ. Planting of the Christian Church. 2 vol. Nip.klungen Lied. North : Lives. 3 vol. BOHN 131 Bohn's Standard Library — continued. OcKLEY : History of the Saracens. Oman : Great Indian Epics. Pascal : Thoughts. Percy : Reliques of English Poetry. 2 vol. Plutarch : Lives. 4 vol. Prescott : Conquest of Mexico. 3 vol. Conquest of Peru. 2 vol. ■ ■ Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vol. Racine : Plays. 2 vol. Ranke : History of Servia. History of the Popes. 3 vol. Latin Nations. Reumont : Carafas of Maddaloui. Reynolds : Literary Works. 2 vol. RiCHTER : Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. RoscoE : Leo X. 2 vol. Lorenzo dc' IMedici. Schiller : Works 7 vol. Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe. 2 vol. ScHLEGEL (A. W. von) : Lectures on Dramatic Literature. ScHLEGEL (C. W. F. von) : Aesthetic and jMiscellaneous Works. Lectures on ^Modern History. Lectures on the History of Litera- ture. Philosophy of History. ScHLEGEL (0. W. F. von) : Philosophy of Life, and Philosophy of Language. Sheridan : Dramatic Works. SiSMONDi : Literature of the South of Europe. 2 vol. Smith : Theory of Moral Sentiment. Wealth of Nations. 2 vol. Smyth : French Revolution. 2 vol. Lectures on ]\Iodcrn History. 2 vol. Southey : Letters. Life of Wesley. Standard Library Cyclop.edia of Political Knowledge. 4 vol. i- TURM : Meditations. Swift : Letters. 12 vol. Taylor : Holy Living and Dying. Thierry : Conquest of England by the Normans. 2 vol. Formation and Progress of the Tiers Ktat. 2 vol. Ulrici : Shakespeare's Dramatic Art. Vasari : Lives of Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 6 vol. Voltaire : Tales. Werner : Templars in Cyprus. Wheatley : Book of Common Prayer. Young : Travels in France. Travels in Ireland. Bohn (E.) Bibliographie der Musik-Druckvv^erke bis 1700. Berlin, 1S83. 8°. 2031. d. Bohn (H. G.) Bibliogx-aphical Account of the Works of Shakespeare. London, 1864. 8". BB. G. b. 5. ■ ■ Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare. [Philohihlon Societi/:] London, 1863. 8°. R. Ac. 9120/4. • Dictionary of Quotations from the English Poets. London, 1884. 8". " 2040. d. • Dictionary of Quotations from English and American Poets. Based upon Bohn's edition. New York, 1883. 8". 2040. f. Guide to the knowledge of Pottery. [BoltJi's Blmtrotvd Librarij.] London, 1857. 8°. 2502. b. 5. Hand-Book of Games. [Bohns Befcrence Library.] London, 1884. 8°. ' 2502. f. 22. Handbook of Proverbs. [Bohn's Antiquarian Lihrarij.] London, 1855. 8°. ' 2500. a. 3. Pictorial Handl)Ook of Modern Geography. 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S.) Pennsylvania, 1G09 to 1790. 2 vol. Philadrlphia, 1899. 8". 2398. c. 1. Bolton (H, C.) Catalogue of Scientilir and Technical Periodicals, 1G65-1882. [Smithsonian MisceUaneous Collections, no. 514.] WaHhinhiraJ Socii'tij.] Loiuhm, igo6. 4^. R. Ac. 9670, 2. Bourgade La Dardye (E. de) Le Paraguay. Paris, 1889. 8". 2374. a. 15. Bourgin (G.) La Commune de Soissons. [Bibl. de Vecole des hautes etudes. Sc hixt. vi phil. Fasr. 1G7.] Paris, 1908. 8". R. Ac. 8929. Bourgin (H.) Fourier : contribution a I'etude du socialisme fran^ais. Paris. 1905. 8«. 2240. f. 1. Bourguet (E.) L' Administration linaneiere du 8anctuaire Pythique au iV siecle avant J. C [Bill, des Ecoles Francaises dWtltiias, etc. 95.] Paris, 1905. 8". R. Ac. 5206 2. Bourinot {Sir J. G.) Canada. [Slary of the Nations. 45.] London, 1S97. 8". 2071. b. 45. Canada under British Rule, 1760-1900. [Camhridge Historical Scries.] Camhridcje, 1900. 8°. 2378. b. Bourne (H. R. F.) English Merchants. 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Earl of Orrery. Collection of State Letters. London, 1742. fol. 2082. f. Boyne (W.) Trade Tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, AVales and Ireland. New edition by G. C. WiIliam.son. 2 vol. London, 1889-91. 8". 2261. a. 5. The Yorkshire Library. London, 1869. 4°. BB. K. 1). 28. Boynton (H. W.) Bret Harte. [Contemp. Men of Letters Series.] London, 1905. 8". 2407. aa. Boynton ( W. P.) Ai)plications of the Kinetic Theory. JSeiv York, 1904. 8". 2242. aa. 27. Bozoa (N,) Contes Moralises. [Societe des anciens textes franrah.] Paris, 1889. 80. R. Ac. 9811/29. Brabner (J. H. F.) Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales. 6 \ol. London, 1894-95. ^^- 2059. d. Brabrook (E. W.) Law of Friendly Societies. London, 1907. 8°. 2230. a. 10. The Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingtloni : its origin and progress. London, 1S97. ^"- ^^- "^^- 9125/10. Brachet (A.) Etymological Dictionary of the French Language. [C/arcidon Press Series.] Oxford, iSj^. 8^. 2320. d. 16. Grammaire historiijue de la langue fran^aise. Paris, 1S67. 8". 2276. 1). 12. Historical Grammar of the French tongue. [Chirendon J'ress Series.] Oxford, 1869. S^. 2320. c. 17. [Another edition.] Oxford, 1896. 8°. 2053. a. Brackenbury (C. B.) Field Works. 2 pt. [Militan/ Ifondhools. 7.] London, 1888. 8". ' 2248. a. 20. BRA— BRA 141 Brackenbury (C. B.) Military Handbooks for Regimental Officers. Edited by Lieut. -Col. C. B. Brackenbury. London, 1878, i;te. 8*^. 2248. a. 10. Shaw : Map Reading and Field Sketching. 11. Shaw : Tactical Operations for Field Officers. 12. Redway : Militia Officer's Instruc- HuTCHisoN AND MacGregor : Mili- tary Sketching and Reconnais- sance. Shaw: Elements of Modern Tactics. 3. Pratt : Field Artillery. ! tor. 4. Buxton : Elements of Military Ad- ministration. 5. Pratt: ^Military Law. G. Trench : Cavalry in ]\Iodern War. 7. Brackenbury : Field Works. 8. Ward : Army Service Corps Duties. 9. Redway : How to check a Pay List. 13. Redway: How to Pass in Topo- graphy. 14. Wyndham : Questions and Answers for Cavalry Non-Commissioned Officers. 15. Newman : What to know for the " C " Examination. 10. Becke : What to apply in Tactical Problems. Brackett (J. R.) The Negro in Maryland. [JolniH HojJcins TJniversitij Studies. Extra vol. 6.] Baltimore, 1889. 8°. R. Ac. 2689. Bracton (H. de) Bi-acton's Note Book. Cases decided in the King's Courts during the reign of Henry in. 3 vol. London, 1887. 8°. " 2228. cc. 4. De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglige. Edited by Sir T. Twiss. Vol. 1-6. [^Chronicles and. Memorials of Great Britain and h-eland.'\ London, 1878-83. 8°. 2073. (70.) Bradby {H. C.) Rugby. [Great PuUic Schools.] London, 1900. 8«. 2234. a. Bradford Antiquary. See Bradford Historical and Antiquarian HociETv. Journal. Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society. Journal. Bradford, 1888, etc. 8". R. Ac. 5621. Bradford (J.) Writings. [ParJcer Society Publications. 2.3.] 2 vol. Camhridge, 1848-53. 8°. R. 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London, 1897. 8°. 2101. d. Burke {Sir B.) Family Romance. London, i860. 8". 2400. a. 6. Reminiscences. London, 1882. 8°. 2400. 1). 2. Ri.se of Great Families. London, 18-^. 8°. 2400. b. 13. Romance of the Aristocracy. 3 vol. London, iSy'^. 8". 2400. b. 14. lioyal Families of England, Scotland and Wales. London, 1876. 8«. 2400. g. 1. Vicissitudes of Fanulies. 2 vol. London, iSS^. 8'>. 2400. V). 3. Burke (Ri(/ht Hon. E.) Works. [Bohn's Britixli Classics.] 8 vol. London, 1853-57. 8«. 2500. c. 3. Select Works. Edited bv E. J. Payne. 3 vol. [Clarendon Pres.^ Series.] Ore/on/, 1897-98. 80. 2320. e. 16. Correspondence, 1744-97. 4 vol. London, 1844. 8°. 2410. e. 1. Irish Affairs. London, 1S81. 8°. 2238. bb. 1. Speeches on American Taxation and Conciliation witli America. Edited by A. D. Innes. [Pitt Press Series.] Camhridfje, 1906. 8°. 2322. dd. 60. The Sublime and Beautiful. [liohn^s Select Lihrarij.] London, 1889. 8°. 2502. k. 4. Burke (J.) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. 4 vol. London, 1S33-38. 8''. 2102. f. Peerage, Baronetaue and Knightage of the United Kingdom. London, 1826, etc. "8«. ' ' R. P.P. 2505. ac. Portrait Gallery of distinguished females. With memoirs. 2 vol. London, 1833. '80. 2092. f. Burke fj.) and {Sir J, B.) Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of Fngland, Ireland and Scotland. London, 1844. S''. 2102. f. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vol. London, 1846-49. 8*^. 2101. d. Burke {Sir J, B.) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry. 2 vol. London, 1 89 1, 95. 8". 2102. d. Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol. London, 18-1. 8°. 2101. d. [Another edition.] 2 vol. London, 1886. 8". 2101. d. BUR— BUR 173 Burke {Sir J. B.) Genealogical History of the Dormant and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire. London, 1883. 80. 2102. d. General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wahis. London, 1884. 8«. 2098. c. Heraldic Illustrations. 3 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2098. c. Landed Gentry of Great Britain. [Curi-ent issue.] London. 8''. 2101. d. Landed Gentry of Ireland. [Current issue.] Londim. 8". 2101. (1. • Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage. [Current issue.] London. 8°. 2101. d. Visitation of the Seats and Arms of Great Britain and Ireland. 4 vol. London, 1852-55. 8«. 2102. e. Burke (O. J.) History of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland, 1186 to 1874. Dublin, 1S79. 8°. 2407. d. 3. Burke (U. R.) History of Spain to the death of Ferdinand the Catholic. 2 vol. London, 1900. 8°. 2388. a. 12. Burkhardt (C. A. H.) Hand- und Adressbuch der deutschen Archive. Lei2>zig, 1875. 8°. 2037. b. Burkitt (F. C.) Early Christianity outside the Roman Empire. Cambridge, 1S99. S^. 2214. aa. 2. Early Eastern Christianity. London, 1904. 8°. 2214. aa. 1. The Old Latin and the Itala. [Texts and Studies. 4.] Cambridge, 1896. 8«. 2004. b. Burlamacchi (L.) Marchioness. Luca della Robbia. [Great Masters.'] London, 1900. 8°. 2263. d. 22. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogues of Exhibitions. London, 186S, ctr. 4". R. Ac. 4644/2, et<\ Burmeister (H.) Organization of Trilobites. [Bay Society.] London, 1846. 4«. R. Ac. 3023/27. Bum (A. E.) The Athanasian Creed. [Texts and Studies. 4.] Cambridge, 1896. 8°. 2004. b. Facsimiles of the Creeds from early manuscripts. Edited by A. E. Burn. [Henry Bradshaw Society.] London, 1909. 4°. R. Ac. 9929/28. Burn (J. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the London Trader's Tokens current in the Seventeenth Century. London, 1855. 8°. 2261. a. 4. Bum (J. S.) History of Parish Registers in Enolaud. London, 1862. 8°. " 2228. e. 4. History of the Fleet Marriages. Xowf/on, 1S34. '^°' 2228. c. 2. History of the French, Walloon, Dutch and other foreign Protestant Refugees in England, 1509-1685. London, 1846. 8°. 2212. b. 9. 174 BUR— BUR Burn (R.) 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Oxford, 1865. 8°. 2011. d. Burnet (J.) Early Greek Philosophy. London, iS()2. 8°. 2023. c. Burnet (Lady M.) Letters to John, Duke of Lauderdale. [Bannn- iynr Cluh. 24.] Edinhimjli, 1828. 4o. R. Ac. 8248/24. Burnett (G.) The Family of Burnett of Leys. \New Spalding Cluh. 20.] Aberdeen, 1901. 4°. R. Ac. 8245/20. [Another edition.! [Aberdeen University Studies. 4.] 1901. 8°. R. Ac. 1482. Burney (C.) History of Music 4 vol. London, 1776-89. 4°. 2032. g. Burney, afterwards D'Arblay (F.) Cecilia. 2 vol. [Bohn's Novrlisfs' Library.] Dnidnn, 1882. 8°. 2502. e. 10. Early Diary, 1768-1778. 2 vol. London, iSSg. 8°. 2096. d. [Another edition.] 2 vol. [Bohn's Standard Library.] London, 1907. 8«. 2504. 1. 9. Diary and Letters, 1778-1840. "With notes bv Au.stin Dobson. 6 vol. London, 1904-05. 8°. ' 2096. b. Evelina. [Bohn's Novelist's Library.] London, 1882. 8°. 2502. e. 9. Burnley (J.) History of "Wool and Woolcombing. London, 1889. 8«. 2251. d. 3. Burns CD.) Tempei-ance Historv. 4 pt. London, 18S5-91. 8°. 2236. c. 17. BUR— BUR 17") Burns (E.) Coinat'e of Scotland. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 18S7. 4°. 2261. c. 1. Burns (R.) Poetical Works. 3 vol. [Aldine Edition.] London, 1866. 8". 2288. c. 5. Poems, Songs and Letters. Edited by Alexander Smith. Gl()l)e Edition. London, 1868. 8°. 2290. h. 5. Poetical Works. Edited by W. Scott Douglas. 2 vol. Kilmarnock, 1876. S°. 2041. a. Selected Poems. Edited by J. Logie Ro1)ertsoii. \CI((rend(iii Press Series.] Oxford, 1904. 8°. '^ 2319. a. 9. The Geddes Burns. [A facsimile of the copy of the Edinburgh edition of 1787, formerly in the possession of Dr. Alexander Geddes.] [BihliojMle Society.] Boston, 1908. 8". R. Ac. 9719/17. Complete Concordance to the Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. ByJ. B. Reid. Glasgow, iSSg. 8". 2041. h. Burnside (W. S.) and Panton (A. W.) The Theory of Equations. 2 vol. [Dublin Universiti/ Press Series.] Dublin, 1904. 8°. 2322. f. 6. Burr (M.) British Orthoptera. Huddersfield, 1897. ^°- 2252. d. 3. Burr (W. H.) The Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering. New York, 1903. 8*^. 2246. d. 1. Burr (W. H.) and Falk (M. S.) The Design and Construction of Metalhc Bridges. New York, 1905. 8". 2246. d. 4. Burrows (G.) The Land of the Pigmies. London, 1898. 8°. 2358. d. 6. Burrows (M.) Cinque Ports. [Historic Toicns.] London, iSSS. 8^. 2366. aa. 10. Commentaries on the History of England. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. 2394. d. 2. Visitors of Oxford University, 1647-58. [Camden Society 120.] London, 1 83 1. 4^. R. Ac. 8113/120. Burrows (R. M.) The Discoveries in Crete. London, 1907. 8°. 2258. c. 13. Burry (B. P.) Jamaica as it is. London, 1903. 8*^. 2374. a. 13. Ethiopia in Exile : Jamaica revisited. London, 1905. 8*^. 2398. b. 4. Burton (I.) Lady. The Life of Sir Richard F. Burton. London, 1898. 8°. 2407. g. 2. Burton (J.) Monasticon Eboracense. York, i-j'^S. fol. 2063. f. Burton (J. H.) The Book-Hunter. Edinburgh, 18S2. 8°. 2308. o. 2. Darien Papers, 1695-1700. [Bannatyne Club. 90.] Edinburgh, 1849. i°. R. Ac. 8248/90. 176 BUR— BUR Burton (J. H.) History of Scotland. 9 vol. E'linhnrt/h, iS-:^. S". 2083. a. History of the Reign of Queen Anne. 3 vol. Edlnhun/h, i88o. 8°. 2394. e. 5. Life and Correspondence of David Hume. 2 vol. Edi))J»ir (1897) (1899) (1901) (1902) (1904) Domestic Series. William III. Edited by William John Hardv. Vol. I.— 13 Feb. 1689-April 1690 (1896) Vol. II.— May 1690-Oct. 1091 (1898) Vol. IIL— 1691-1692 . . . (1901) Vol. IV.— 1693 .... (1904V Vol. v.— 1694-1695 . . . (1906) Vol. VI.— July-Dec. 1695, and Addenda 1689-95 . . . (1908.) 2077. b. Home Office Papers. George III. Edited by Joseph Kedington (vols. I. and IL), and R. A. Roberts (vols. III. and IV.). Vol. I.— (25 Oct.) 1760-1765 . (1878) I Vol. IIL— 1770-1772 . . . (1881) Vol. IL— 1766-1769 . . . (1879) | Vol. IV.— 1773-1775 . . . (1899) 2079. a. Scotland. State Papers. Edited by Markham John Thorpe. Vol. I. — The Scottish Series. | Mary, and Elizabeth, Henry VIIL, Edward VI., 1509-1589 (1858) CALENDARS 185 Calendars of State Papers. Scotland — contimwd. Vol. II.— The Scottish Series. Elizabeth, 1589-1G03 ; an Appendix to the Scottish Series, 1543-1592 ; and the State Papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots during her Detention in England, 1568-1587 (1858) 2075. £. and II. S. . . . (1881) . . . (1886) 2079. a. Ireland. Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. State Papers. Edited by Hans C. Hamilton (vols. I.-V.), and Ernest G. Atkinson (vols. VI.-X.). Ireland. Documents. Edited by H. S. Swectman (vols. I.-IV Sweetman and G. F. Handcock (vol. V.). Vol. I.— 1171-1251 . . . (1875) I Vol. IV.— 1293-1301 . Vol. II.— 1252-1284 . . . (1877) Vol. V.— 1302-1307 . Vol. III.— 1285-1292 . . . (1879) \ Vol. I.— 1509-1573 . . . (1860) Vol. II.— 1574-1585 . . . (1867) Vol. III.— 1586-July 1588 . (1880) Vol. IV. — Aug. 158S-Sept. 1592 (1885) Vol. v.— Oct. 1592-June 1596 (1890) Vol. VI.— July 1596-Dec. 1597 (1893) Vol. VIL— Jan. 1598-March 1599 (1895) Vol. VIII.— April 1599-Feb. 1600 (1900) Vol. IX.— March-Oct. 1600 . (1903) Vol. X.— Nov. 1600 -July 1601 (1905) Ireland. James I. P. Prendergast. Vol. I.— 1603-1606 Vol. II.— 1606-1608 Vol. III.— 1608-1610 2079. a, b. State Papers. Edited by C. W. Russell, and John (1872) (1874) (1874) Vol. IV.— 1611-1614 Vol. v.— 1615-1625 Ireland. Charles I. and Commonwealth Mahaffy. Vol. I.— 1625-1632 . . . (1900) i Vol. IV. — Adventurers for Vol. II.— 1633— 1647 . . . (1901) Land, 1642-1659 Vol. III.— 1647-1660, and Addenda, 1625-1660 . . (1904) (1876) (1880) 2079. b. State Papers. Edited by R. P. iturers for (1903) Ireland. Charles II. Edited by R. P. IMahaffy. Vol. I.— 1660-1662 . . . (1905) I Vol. III. Vol. II.— 1663-1665 . . . (1907) | Colonial Series. Edited by W Fortescue (vols. X.-XVI.). Vol. I. — America and West Indies, 1574-1660 . . . (1860) Vol. II. — East Indies, China, and Japan, 1513-1616 . . (1862) Vol. III. — China and Japan, 1617-1621 (1870) Vol. IV.— East Indies, China, and Japan, 1622-1624 . . (1878) Vol. V. — America and West Indies, 1661-1668 . . . (1880) Vol. VI.— East Indies, China, and Persia, 1625-1629 . . (1884) Vol. VII. — America and West Indies, 1669-1674 . . . (1889) Vol. VIII. — East Indies, 16.30-1634 (1892) 2079. b, c. -1666-1669 . . (1908) 2079. c. Noel Saiusbury (vols. I.-IX.), and the Hon. J. W. Vol. IX. — America and West Indies, 1075-1676, with Ad- denda, 1574-1674 . . . (1894) Vol. X.— Ditto, 1677-1680 . (1896) Vol. XI.— Ditto, 1681-1685 . (1898) Vol. XII.— Ditto, 1685-1688 (1900) Vol. XIII.— Ditto, 1689-1692 (1901) Vol. XIV.— Ditto, 1693-1696 (1903) Vol. XV.— Ditto, May 1696- Oct. 1697 (1904) Vol. XVI.— Ditto, Oct. 1697- Dec. 1698 (1905) Vol. XVIL— Ditto, 1699,with Addenda, 1621-1698 . . (1908) 2079. c, d. •186 CALENDARS Calendars of State Papers. FoEEiGX AND DOMESTIC. Letters and Papers. Henry VIII. Edited by J. S. Brewer (vols. I.-IV.) ; James Gairdner (vols. V.-XIII.) ; James Gairdner and R. H. Brodie (vols. XIV.-XIX.) Vol. I.— 1509-1511 . . . (1862) Vol. II. (in two Parts).— 1515- 1518 (1864) Vol. III. (in two Parts).— 1519-1523 (1867) Vol. IV.— lutroductiou .... (1875) Part 1.— 1524-1526 . . . (1870) Part 2.— 1526-1528 . . . (1872) Part 3.— 1529-1530 . . . (187G) Vol. v.— 1581-1532 . . . (1880) Vol. VI.— 1533 (1882) Vol. VII.— 1531 .... (1883 Vol. VIII.— 1535, Jan.-JiUv. (1885) Vol. IX.— 1535, Aug.-Dec. ' . (1886) Vol. X.— 1536, Jan.-June . (1887) Vol. XI.— 1536, July-Dec. . (1888) Vol. XII.— Part 1.-1537, Jan.-May Part 2. — 1537, June-Dec. (1890) (1891) Vol. XIII.— Part 1. —1538. Jan. -July Part 2.— 1538, Aug.-Dec. Vol. XIV.— Part 1.— 1539, Jan.-Julv Part 2.-1539, Aug.-Dec Vol. XV.— 1510 . Vol. XVI.— 1510-1511 Vol. XVII.— 1512 . Vol. XVIII.— Part 1.— 1543 . Part 2.— 1513 . Vol. XIX.— Part 1.— 1544 . Part 2.— 1544 . Vol. XX.— Part 1.-1545 . Part 2.-1545 . Vol. XXI.— Part 1.-1516 . (1892) (1893) (1894) (1896) (1897) (1898) (1900) (1901) (1902) (1903) (1905) (1906) (1907) . . . (1908) 2076. c-e. FoEEiGN Series. Edward VI. 1517-1553. Edited by W. B. Turnbull (1861) 2077. c. Foreign Series. Mary. 1553-1558. Edited by W. B. TurubuU . . (1861) 2077. c. Foreign Series. Elizabeth. Edited by J. Stevenson (vols. Crosby (vols. VIII.-XL), and A. J. Butler (vols. XII.-XIV.). I.-VIL), A. J. Vol. I.— 155S-1559 Vol. II.— 1559-1560 Vol. III.— 1560-1561 Vol. IV.— 1561-1562 Vol. v.— 1562. Vol. VI.— 1563 . . Vol. VIL--1561-1565 Vol. VIIL— 1566-1568 (1863) Vol. IX.— 1569-1571 . (18G5) Vol. X.— 1572-1571 . (1865) ' Vol. XI.— 1575-1577 . (1866) , Vol. XII.— 1577-1578. (1867) : Vol. XIIL— 1578-1579 (1809) ' Vol. XIV.— 1579-1580 (1870) Vol XV.— 1581-1582 . (Ib71) Vol. XVI.— 1582 . . Treasury Papers. Edited by J. Kedington. Vol. I.— 1557-1696 . . . (1868) i Vol. IV.— 1708-1714 Vol. II.— 1697-1702 . . . Vol. III.— 1702-1707 . . . Treasury Books and Papers. Vol. I.— 1729-1730 , . . Vol. II.— 1731-1734 . . . Vol. III.— 1735-1738 . . . (1871) (1874) Vol. v.— 1714-1719 Vol. VI.— 1720-1728 Edited by W. A. Shaw. (1898) Vol. IV.— 1739-1741 (1899) Vol. v.— 1742-1745 (1900) Treasury Books. Edited by W. A. Shaw. Vol. I.— 1660-1667 . . . (1901) I Vol. III.— 1669-1672. Vol. II.— 1667-1668 . . . (1905) | (1871) (1876) (1890) (1901) (1903) (1904) (1907) (1908) 2077. c, d. . . (1879) . . (1883 . . (1889) 2078. f, g. . . (1901) . . (1903) 2078. ii. 2pt.. (1908) 2078. 2. Carew Papers. Preserved in the Lambeth Library and William BuUen. Vol. I.— 1515-1574 . . . (1867) Vol. II.— 1575-1588 . . . (1868) Vol. III.— 1589-1000 . . . (1869) Vol. IV.— 1601-1603 . . . (1870) Edited by J. S. Brewer Vol. V.-Book of Howth, Miscellaneous .... (1871) Vol. VI.— 1603-1624 . . . (1873) 2079. .-, CALENDARS 187 Calendars of State Papers. England and Spain. Letters, Despatches, and State Papers preserved in the Archives of Simancas and elsewhere. Edited by G. A. Bergenroth (vols. I and II.), by Don Pascual de Gavangos (vols. III.-YIL), and by Martin A. S. Hume (vol. VIII.). Vol. I. — Henry 1509 . . . VII.— 1485- Vol. II.— Henry VIIL— 1509- 1525 Supplement to vol. I. and vol. II Vol. III.— Part 1. Henry VIII.— 1525-152G . . Part 2. Henry VIII. 1527-1529 .... Vol. IV.— Part 1. Henry VIIL— 1529-1530 . . Part 2. Henry VIII. 1531-1533 .... (1862) (1866) (1868) (1873) (1877) (1879) (1883) Part 2. Henry VIIL— continued (1883) Vol. v.— Part 1. Henry VIII. —1534-1535 (1886) Part 2. Henry A'lII. - 1535-1538 (1889) Vol. VI.— Part 1. Henry VIIL— 1538-1542 . . . (1890) Part 2. Henry VIIL— 1542-1543 (1895) Vol. VII.— Part 1. Henry VIIL— 1544 (1899) Vol. VIIL— Henry VIIL— 1545-1546 (1904) 2077. e-£. Letters and State Papers relating to English Aiiairs, preserved principally in the Archives of Simancas. Edited by ^Martin A. S. Hume. Vol. I.— Elizabeth. 1558-1567 (1892) : Vol. III.— Elizabeth. 1580-1586 (1896) Vol. II.— Ditto 1569-1579 (1894) I Vol. IV.— Ditto 1587-1603 (1899) 2077. d. Venice. State Papers and ^Manuscripts relating to English Affairs. Preserved in the Archives and Collections of Venice, and in other Libraries of Northern Italy. Edited by Rawdou Brown (vols. I.-A"I.), the late Rawdon Brown and the Right Hon. G. Caveudish-Bentiuck (vol. VII.), and Horatio F. Brown (vols. VIII.-XIL), and A. B. Hinds (vols. XIII. , XIV.) Vol. I.— 1202-1509 . . . (1864) Vol. VII.— 1558-1580. . (1890) Vol. II.— 1509-1519 . . . (1867) Vol. VIIL— 1581-1591 . (1895) Vol. III.— 1520-1526 . . . (1869) Vol. IX.— 1592-1603 . . (1889) Vol. IV.— 1527-1533 . . . (1871) Vol. X.— 1603-1607 . . (1900) Vol. v.— 1534-1554 . . . (1873) Vol. XL— 1607-1610 . . (1904) Vol. VI., Part 1.-1555-1556 (1877) Vol. XII.— 1610-1613. . (1905) Part 2.-1556-1577 (1882) Vol. XIIL— 1613-1615 . (1907) Part 3.— 1557-1558. A^ol. Xiy.— 1615-1617 . (1908) With Appendix . (1884) 2077. f-g. Rymer's Pcedeea. Syllabus, in English, with Index. Edited by Sir T. D. Hardv. Vol. I.— William I.-Edward III.— 1066-1377 . . . (1869) Patent Rolls. Henry III. — Vol. I.— 1216-1225 . Vol. II.— 1225-1232 Vol. III.— 1232-1247 Vol. IV.— 1247-1258 Edward I. — Vol. L— 1272-1281 . Vol. IL— 1281-1292 Vol. III.— 1292-1301 Vol. IV.— 1301-1307 Edward IL— Vol. I.— 1307-1313 . Vol. IL— 1313-1317 Vol. IL— Richard Il.-Charles IL— 1377-1654 .... (1873) Vol. III. — Appendix and Index (1885) 2078. a. Vol. III.— 1317-1321 . . (1903) . . (1901) Vol. IV.— 1321-1324 . . (1904) . . (1903) Vol. v.— 1324-1327 . . (1904) . . (1906) Edward III.— . . (1908) Vol. I.— 1327-1330 . . . (1891) Vol. IL— 1330-1334 . . (1894) . . (1901) Vol. III.— 1334-1338 . . (1895) . . (1893 . . (1895) Vol. IV.— 1338-1340 . . (1898) Vol. v.— 1340-1343 . . (1900) . . (1898) Vol. VI.— 1343-1345 . . (1902) Vol. VII.— 1345-1348 . . (1903) . . (1894) . . (1898) Vol. VIIL— 1348-1350. . (1905) Vol. IX.— 1350-1354 . . (1907) 188 CALENDARS Calendars of State Papers. Patent Kolls — continued. Richard II.— - Vol. I.— 1377-1381 . Vol. II.— 1381-1385 Vol. III.— 1385-1389 Vol. IV.— 1388-1392 Vol. v.— 1391-1395 Vol. VI.— 1396-1399 Henry IV.— Vol. I.— 1399-1401 . Vol. II.— 1401-1405 (1895) (1898) (1900) (1902) (1905) (1909) (1903) (1905) Henry VI.— Vol. I.— 1422-1429 . . . (1901) Vol. II.— 1429-143G . . (1907) Vol. III.— 1436-1441 . . (1907) Vol. IV.— 1441-1445 . . (1908) Edward IV.— Vol. I.— 14G1-14G7 . . . (1897) Vol. II.— 1467-1476 . . (1900) Edward IV., Edward V., Richard III.— 1476-1485 . (1901) 2078. a.-d. Caete and Carew Papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth Libraries. Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records and J. S. Brewer to the ]\Iaster of the Rolls thereupon (1864) 2079. c. Venice. Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Records upon the Documents in the Archives and Public Libraries of Venice (1886) 2077. f. Guide to the Peincipal Classes of Documents preserved in the Public Record Office, by S. R. Scargill-Bird (1896) Cat. Desk B. Close Rolls. Henry HI.— Vol. I.— 1227-1231 . (1902) Vol. II.— 1231-1234 . . (1905) Edward I.— Vol. I.— 1272-1279 . . . (1900) Vol. II.— 1279-1288 . . (1902) Vol. III.— 1288-1296 . . (1904) Vol. IV.— 1296-1302 . . (1906) Edward II.— Vol. I.— 1307-1313 . . . (1892) Vol. II.— 1313-1318 . . (1893) Vol. III.— 1318-1323 . . (1895) Vol. IV.— 1323-1327 Edward III.— Vol. L— 1327-1330 . Vol. II.— 1330-1333 Vol. lU.— 1333-1337 Vol. IV.— 1337-1339 Vol. v.— 1839-1341 Vol. VI.— 1341-1343 Vol. VIL— 1343-1346 Vol. VIIL— 1346-1349 Vol. IX.— 1349-1354 Vol. X.— 1354-1360 2078 (1898) (1896) (1898) (1899) (1900) (1901) (1902) (1904) (1905) (1906) (1908) . e, f. Papal Registers. Entries relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Edited by W. H. Bliss (vols. I. and II.), W. H. Bliss and C. Johnson (vol. HI.), W. H. Bliss and J. A. Twemlow (vols. IV. and V.), J. A. Twcmlow (vol. VI.). Papal Letters — Vol. VI.— 1404-1415 . . (1904) Vol. I.— 1198-1304 . . (1894) Vol. VIL— 1417-1431 . . (1906) Vol. II.— 1305-1342 . (1895) Vol. VIIL— 1427-1447 . (1909) Vol. III.— 1343-1362 . (1897) Petitions to the Pope — Vol. IV.— 1362-1404 . (190:2) Vol. 1.-1342-1419 . (1897) Vol. v.— 1396-1404 . (1904) 2079. e. Documents Preserved in France illustrative of the history of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I.— 918-1206. Edited by J. Horace Round . . (1899) 2077. K- Inquisitions Post Mortem and other analogous Documents. Vol. I.— Henry III. Vol. IL— Edward I. Vol. v.— Edward II. (1904) (1906) (1908) Vol. VIL— Edward III. Henry VIL— Vol. I. — ^Modern Series . (1909) . (1898) 2079. e. CALENDARS 189 Calendars of State Papers. Feudal Aids. Inquisitions and Assessments relating thereto, with other analogous Documents. Vol. I.— Bedford to Devon . (1899) Vol. II. — Dorset to Hunting- don (1901) Vol. III.— Kent to Norfolk . (1904) Vol. IV. — Northampton to Somerset (190G) Vol. v.— Stafford to Wor- cester (190S) 2077. L'. Charter Rolls. Vol. I.— Henry III.— 1226- 1 1257 (1903) I Vol. III.— Edward I.-Edward II. Vol. II.— Henry III.-Edward I.— 1257-1300 .... (190(5) —1300-1325 . . (1908) 2078. a. Lists and Indexes op Documents preserved in the Public Record Office. No. I. — Ancient Petitions of the Chancery and of the Exchequer . No. II. — Declared Accounts from the Pipe Office and the Audit Office . No. III. — State Papers (Great Britain and Ireland). Part 1 ... No. IV. — Plea Rolls of various Courts No. V. — ]\IiNiSTERS Accounts. Part 1 No. VI. — Court Rolls, Part 1 No. VII. — Chancery Proceedings. (Series II.) Vol. I No. VIII. — Ministers Accounts. Appendix, Corrigenda, and Index to Part 1 No. IX. — Sheriffs for England and Wales, from the earliest times to A.D. 1831. Compiled from Documents in the Public Record Office. No. X. — Charitable Uses. Proceedings of Commissioners appointed pursuant to the Statutes, 39 Eliz. cap. 6, and 43 Eliz. cap. 4 . . . No. XI. — Foreign Accounts enrolled on the Great Rolls of the Exchequer No. XII. — Early Chancery Proceedings. Vol. I No. XIII. — Star Chamber, Court OF. Proceedings. Vol.1. — 1485-1538 No. XIV. — Duchy of Lancaster. Records No. XV. — Ancient Correspondence of the Chancery and the Exchequer No. XVI. — Early Chancery Proceedings. Vol. II No. XVII. — Inquisitions ad Quod Damnum. Part 1 No. XVIII. — Admiralty Records. Vol. I No. XIX.— State Papers, Foreign. 1577-1781 No. XX. — Early Chancery Proceedings. Vol. Ill No. XXI. — Requests, Court of. Proceedings. Vol. I No. XXII. — Inquisitions ad Quod Damnum. Part 2 No. XXIII. — Index of Inquisitions. Vol. I No. XXIV. — Chancery Proceedings. Series II. Vol. II No. XXV. — Rentals and Surveys No. XXVI. — Index of Inquisitions. Vol. II No. XXVII. — Chancery Rolls No. XXVIIL— War Office Records. Vol. I No. XXIX. — Early Chancery Proceedings. Vol. IV No. XXX. — Chancery Proceedings. Series II. Vol. Ill No. XXXI. — Index of Inquisitions. Vol. Ill Circ. Privy Council. Privy Council of England. Acts. New Series. Edited, by direction of the Lord President of the Council, by J. Roche Dasent. (1892) (1893) (1894) (1894) (1894) (189G) (189G) (1897) (1898) (1899) (1900) (1901) (1901) (1901) (1902) (1903) (1904) (1904) (1904) (190G) 190G) (190G) (1907) (1908) (1908) (1908) (1908) (1908) (1908) (1909) (1909) 93. a. Vol. I.— 1542-1547 Vol. II.— 1547-1550 Vol. III.— 1550-1552 Vol. IV.— 1552-1554 Vol. v.— 1554-1556 Vol. VI.— 1556-1558 Vol. VII.— 1558-1570 Vol. VIII.— 1571-1575 (1890) (1890) (1891) 1892) (1892) (1893) (1893) (1894) Vol. IX.— 1575-1577 . Vol. X.— 1577-1578 . Vol. XI.— 1578-1580 . Vol. XII.— 1580-1581 Vol. XIII.— 1581-1582 Vol. XIV.— 1586-1587 Vol. XV.— 1587-1588 Vol. XVI.— 1588 . . (1894) (1895) (1895) (1896) (1896) (1897) (1897) (1897) 190 CAL— CAL Calendars of State Papers. Privy Council of England — contimted. Vol. XVII.— 1588-1589 . (1898) Vol. XXV. -1595-1596 . (1902) Vol. XVIII.— 1589-1590 . (1899) Vol. XXVI.— 1596-1597 . (1902) Vol. XIX.— 1590 . . . (1899) Vol. XXVII.— 1597 . . (1903) Vol. XX.— 1590-1591. . (1900) Vol. XXVIII.— 1597-1598 (190-4) Vol. XXI.— 1591 . . . (1900) Vol. XXIX.— 1598-1599 . (1905) Vol. XXII.— 1591-1592 . (1901) Vol. XXX.— 1599-lGOO . (1905) Vol. XXIII.— 1592 . . (1901) Vol. XXXI.— 1600-1601 . (1906) Vol. XXIV.— 1592-1593 . (1901) Vol. XXXII.— 1601-1604 (1907) 2079. f. g. Calf hill (J.) Answer to J. Martiall'.s Treatise of the Cross. [Parlcer Society. Pnhliaitlons. 21.] Cauihridqe, 184.6. 8°. R. Ac. 2077/21. California University. Publications : American Archaeology and Ethnology. BerleJey, 1903, etc. 8«. R. Ac. 2689. g/3. I._l. Goddard : The Hupa. 2. Goddard : Hupa Texts. II. — 1. Sinclair : Potter Creek Cave. 2. Kroeber : Languages of Cali- fornia. 8. Kroeber : Indian Culture in California. 4. Kroeber : Basket Designs of California. 5. Kroeber : The Yokuts Lan- guage. III. — Goddard : Hupa Language. IV. — 1. Nuttall : Eolations between Mexico and Japan. 2. [Not yet received.] 3. Kroeber : Shoshonean Dia- lects. 4. Kroeber : Indian Myths of Cali- fornia. V. — 1. Goddard : Phonology of the Hupa Language. - Publications : Graeco-Roman Archaeology. New Yorlc, 1902, etc. 8°. 1, 2. Tebtunis Papj'ri. R. Ac. 2689. Calisch (I. M.) New complete Dictionary of the English and Dutch (Dutch and English) Languages. 2 vol. Tiel, 1875, 92. 8°. 2055. d. Calisto. The Interlude of Calisto and Melebea. \_Mcdone Sodetii. Bepriuts.] Oxford, 1908. 4°. R. Ac. 9923. Calkins (G. N.) Protozoa. [Cohmihia University Biolof/ical Series. 6.] Nrw Yorl-, 1S94. 8°. ' 2028. a. Callahan (E. W.) List of Officers of the Na-sy of the United States, 177r,-1900. Neio York, 1901. 8". Circ. 69. I). Callahan (J. M.) Cuba and International Relations. [Johns Hojikins Univrxitii Studies. Extra vol. 21.] Baltimore, 1899. 8°. R. Ac. 2689. Callaway (H.) Nursery Tales and Traditions of the Zulus, vol. 1. Natxl, 1868. 8°. 2348. d. 5. Religious System of the Amazulu. [Folk Lore Sociftif. Ptddirafions. 15.] London, 1884. 8". R. Ac. 9938/8. Callimachus. Callimachea. Edidit O. Schneider. 2 vol. Lipsiae, 1870, 73. 80. 2280. f. 1. CAL-CAL 191 Callimachus. Callimaelii Hymni et Epigrammata. Edidit V. de Wilainowitz-Moellendoi-ft". Berolhl, 1907. S^. 2282. b. 2. Works. Translated by J. Banks. [Jiohii'x Classical Lihran/.] Lomlnn, 1856. 8«. 2500. 'f. 9. Callinicus. De vita S. Hypatii. [Tenhnei- Scries.] Leipziii, 1895. S''. 2047. a, etc. Callis (P.) Cutlery. [British Maunfactnrinc/ LulKsfrics.] London, 1876. 8". ' ' 2270. aa. 4. Callistratus, »S'('^'///.s/rt. Descriptiones. /S^f/-%f', 1839-64. 8°. R. Ac. 5625/2, 4.-12. Transactions, 1843-45. Canthridqe, 1S45. 4°. R. Ac. 5625/15. Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Camhridge, 1843-44. S^. R. Ac. 5625/14. The Ecclesiologist. 29 vol. Camhridge, 1842-68. 8°. R. Ac. 5625. Handbook of English Ecclesiolo.gy. London, 1847. 8°. R. Ac. 5625/3. Illustrations of Moiiunientul 15rasses. Camhridge, 1846. 4". R. Ac. 5625/16. Instrumenta Ecclesiastica. 2 vol. London, 1847, 56. 4*'. R. Ac. 5625/17. CAMBRIDGE lij3 Cambridge Historical Essays. 1. Wliililuy ; Political I'arUus in Atlions. 2. Kellctt: Grugory thu Gruat and Cuiul. 8. Jeuks : Constitutional Experiments of tlio Coinmonwoaltli. J. lluadlam: Election by lot at Athens. 5. Jlibbert : lutluenco and Uevelop- ineut of English Gilds. G. Archbold : Somerset Keligious 1 louses. 7. liadford : Thomas of London before his Consecration. Cambridge Historical Series. Cii.nil)rl(ly M. R. James. Cambridfje, ic^o^. 8'\ 2038. e. t'lare Collrfje. Descriptive Catalogue of tlii' \\'estern Mamiscrii)ts in the Library of Clare College. ]>y M. R. James. Cnmhridrje, 1905. 8". 2038. e. Emmanuel College. Descriptive Catalogue of the ^\'(■stcrn Manuscripts in the Library of Enini.iinu-l College. l!y M. R- James. 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[Tcuhiicr Series.] Leqtzi(/, iSGo. 8". 2047. a, etc. Catulli, Tibulli, Proportii carmina. Recensuit Ij. Mueller. \ Teuhner Series.] ic/^z/r/, 1870. 80. 2047. a, Wr. Catulli Veroneiisis liber, llecognovit R. Ellis. Oxonii, 1878. 8". 2045. e. Carmina. Recognovit R. Ellis. [Oxford Clnxxical Texts.] Oxford, 1904. 80. ■ 2046. a. Poems. Translated by W.K.Kelly. [Bidrn'x (Uassieal I/diranj] London, 1854. ^"- 2^^®- ^- ^^- Poems. Translated into English ver.se by Theodore Martin. Edinhur(jh, iS-;^. 80. ' ■ 2282. a. 2. Cauchy (A. L.) IJaron. Q^^uvres completes. [Aadleniie des Seienrrs.] P(tri.s, 1882, etc. 40. R. Ac. 424 6. Caulfeild (S. F. A.) and Saward (B. C.) Dictionary of Needlework. London, 188^. 40. 2268. e. 4. Cavaignac (E.) Ktudcis sur riii.stoire linanciere d'Atheues au v" siecle. Uiihliotlii'qnf y works l)y these authors see Ckowk {Sir •) . A.) and Cavauc.vskli^k (G. J.>.)J Cavanagh (P.) Care of the I'.odv. \Ncn) Liliron/ of Mcdi<'inc.\ Loudon, 1907. 8". ■' ' " 2256. d. CAV CKC 209 Cave (A.) luti'oduction to 'TluMdogy. Ediithnn/li, 1886. 8". BB. A. h. 17. Cave (W.) 8cri|)torum Ecclesiasticorum Plistoria Liter.iii.i. 2 vol. Ox/onI, 1740, 45. fol. 2006. g. Cave-Browne (J.) See Bkownh (J. Cave) Cavendish (G.) Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 2 vol. Lniuloii, 1825. 8". 2406. li. 1. Cavendish (M.) Diirhrss <,f Ncwait^tlc. Livens of VVilliaiii Ca\eii(li.sli, hukeof Newcastle and of his wife Margaret, l)ucliessof Newcastle. [Llhrur, I of Old Authors.] LoihJoii, lSl2. 8". 2340. 1). 4. Caxton Society. Publications. K) vol. London, 1844-54. i>". R. Ac. 8114. 1. Galfredi Monumotensis Historia Britonum. 2. Chronioon Anglise Petriburgcn.se. 3. Scriptores rerum gestarum Wilhelmi Conqucstoris. 4. Chronicon Hcnrici dc Silegrave. 5. Epistoke Herberti de Losinga, Osberti de Clara et Elmeri. 6. Alani, Abbatis Tewkesberiensis, scripta qua3 extant. 7. Galfridi le Baker de Swinbroke Cbronicon. 8. La Kevolte du Conte de Warwick. y. The Anglo-Norman Metrical Ro- mance of G. Gaimar. 10. Walteri Abbatis Dervonsis Epistolie. 11. Benedicti Abbatis Potriburgcnis Dc Vita et Miraculis S. Thomi;e Can- tuar. 12. Anecdota Beda3, Lanfranci, et aliorum. 13. Radulti Nigri Chronica. 14. Memorial of Bishop Waynflete. By Dr. P. Heylin. 15. li. Grossetete Carmina Anglo- Normannica. IG. Vita Quorunduni Anglo-Saxonum. Caxton (W.) Blanchardyn and Eglantine. [Early Ent/lifih Text Sorletij.] London, 1890. 8". li. Ac.' 9926/32. Book of Curtcsye. [Earli/ En(/li.s]i Text Society.] London, 1868. 8". ' R. Ac. 9926/3. Di;dogue.s in French and Englisli. [E(trli/ Ewjlish Text Soi-ieli/.] London, 1900. 8". ' ' R. Ac. 9926/49 History of Reynard the Fox. [Arhcr. En(il!sh Srholor's IJhran/. 1.] London, 1880. 4". ' 2324.' f. 1. Cayotte (L.) Dictionnaire des rimes. I^arls, 1906. 8". 2276. c. 6. Cean Bermudez (J, A.) Diccionario historico de los mas ilustre.^ j)rofesoi'es de las bellas artes en Espana. 6 vol. Madrid, 1800. 8«. 2033. a. Cebes. Tabula. Edited by 0. S. Jerra,m. Gr. 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Charlotte Cliarke. Written Ijy herself. [Aidoliiot/raji/iy. 7.] Loii(h,ii, 1827. 'S". 2094. a. Charles, Dnl.-r of (>rh'((nfi. Poems written during hi.s captivity in l']iiL;lan, 1887. 8°. 2374. g. 1. Charnock (J.) Riographia Navalis. G vol. London, 1794-98. 8". 2095. d. Charnock (R. S.) Glossary of the Essex Dialect. London, 1880. 8". ■ 2278. a. 20. Chart (D. A.) Story of Dublin. [Mediferal Towns.] London, k^oj. S°. 2360. b. 16. Charteris (A. H.) Canonicity. A collection of early testimonies to the Canonical Books of the New Testament. Edinburgh, 1880. 8". 2200. cc. 2. Charteris (M.) Practice of IMedicine. London, 1909. 8". 2256. b. 15. Charters. Charters prior to 1200. [Pipe Boll Sorieti/. PubJirafions. 10.] London, 1888. 8". ' R. Ac. 8115. Chartier (A.) Curial. Translated l)y Caxton. [Early EngUsh Te.vt Snrirfi/.] L.ondon, 1888. 8". R. Ac. 9926/30. 21 S CHA-CHA Charton (E.) Voyageurs aiiciens oA luoclei-iios. 4 toiii. Pan's, I S 54-57. 8". 2060. I.. Chase (F. H.) Jiixhoj) of Eh/. Tlic Loid'.s Prayer in ilic Early Churcli. ITcftti ". 2004. I). Chassant (A. A. L.) Dictiounaii-e th^s aUrevialioii.s latiiuw ct tVaiiraises. Paris, 1884. 8«. 2038. 1). Paleographie des charte.s et dc.s inanu.scrits du xr au xvii' .siocle. Par!.-<, 1S85. 8«. 2038. b. Chassant (A. A. L.) and Delbarre (P. J.) Diclionnaire de sigillo- i,'i;tphie pratique. P<(ris, i860. 8". 2259. e. 19. Chassant (A. A. L.) and Tausin (H.) Dictionnaire des devises historiques et heraldi(iues. .J toni. Pmis, 1878—95. 8". 2400. a. 5. Chaster (A. W.) Powers, Duties and Liabilities of Executive Olliccrs. Louihrn, 1899. 8". 2230. e. 3. Chatelain (E.) Notice sur les M8S. dos poesies de Saint Paul de Nole. [Jiihl. (h'S EcoJcs Fraiindscs iVAthrncs, etc. I 4. | Paris, 1880. 8". li. Ar. 5206/2. Chatelain (E.) and Le Coultre (J.) Collation (.\\\n manuscrit du x'= siecle. (.^uintilien, [n.stitution Oratoire. [^Emlc jiratiquc (hs haufc.s etndcs. Jiihlioliirquc. Sr. jililj. ct iiist. 20. J Paris, 1875. 8". 11. Ac. 8929. 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I'.ehar J'roverhs. [Tridincr. Ori<„tal S>riis.'\ London, 1891. 8". 2318. h. 7. Christie (R. C.) l':tiejine Dolet. Xoy/r/o*/, 1899. P. 2402. f. 1. Old Churcii and School Libraries of Lanca.shire. \<'helhaiii Saciefi/. P,d)licatiartholoma!i de Cotton Historia Anglicana (449-1298). Edited by H. R. Luard. 17. Brut y Tywysogion, or Chronicle of the Princes. Edited by J. Wil- liams ab Ithol. 18. Royal and Historical Letters during the reign of Henry IV: Edited by F. C. Hingeston. vol. 1. I'J. Pecock (R.) The Repressor of ovor- mucli blaming of the Clergy. P^jdited by C. Babiugton. 2 vol. 20. Annalos CambritB. Edited by J. Williams ab Ithel. 21. Giraldus Cambrensis. Opera. Edited by J. S. Brewer, J. F. Dimock and G. F. Warner. 8 vol. 22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry VI. Edited by J. Stevenson. 2 vol. (in 3.) 23. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited, with a translation, by B. Tliorpe. 2 vol. 24. Letters and Papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII. Edited by J. Gairdner. 2 vol. 2 228 CHRONICLES Chronicles and Memorials, etc. -continued. 25. Grossetcste. Epistoke. Edited by H. R. Luard. 2G. Hardy. Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the end of the reign of Henry VII. 3 vol. in 4. 25. Royal and other Historical Letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III. Edited by W. W. Shirley. 2 vol. 28. Chronica Monastcrii S. Albani. Edited by H. T. Riley. (i.) TlioruEe Walsingharn His- toria Anglicana. 2 vol. (ii.) Willelmi Rishanger et quo- rundani auonymorum Chro- nica et Amiales. 1259-1307. (iii.) Johannis de Trokelowe ot Henrici de Blancforde Chro- nica et Anuales. 1259-1290 ; 1307-1321 ; 1.392-140G. (iv.) Walsingharn. Gesta Ab- batum INIonasterii Sancti Al- bani. 3 vol. (v.) Johannis Amundesham. Au- nales Monasterii S. Albani, 1421-1440. 2 vol. (vi.) Registra Johannis Whct- hamstede, Wilhehni Albon ct Willelmi Wallingforde. 2 vol. (vii.) Ypodigma Neustrias a Thoma Walsingharn. 29. Chronicon Abbatiaj de Evesham, ad annum 1418. Edited by W. D. Macray. 30. Ricardi de Cirencestria Speculum historiale de gestis Rcgum Anglise. Edited by J. E. B. Mayor. 2 vol. 31. Year Books of the reign of Edward I. and Edward III. Edited and translated by A. J. Ilorwood. 18 vol. 32. Narratives of the Iiixpulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449- 1450. Edited by J. Stevenson. 33. Historia et Cartularium ]\Ionasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestrite. Edited byW. H. Hart. 3 vol. 34. Neckam. De Naturis rerum libri duo. With the Poem Do laudibus Divin;e Sapientitc. Edited by T. Wright. 35. Leechdoms, wortcuiming, and star- craft of Early England. Edited by O. Cockayne. 3 vol. 3G. Annalos Monastici. 5 vol. Edited by H. R. Luard. 37. Magna Vita S. Hugonis episcopi Liucolnienais. Edited by J. F. Dimock. 38. Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I. Edited by W. Stubljs. 2 vol. •39. Rccueil des Croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Brctaigne. Par J. de Waurin. Edited by W. Hardy. 5 vol. 40. Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, &c. By Jolni de Waurin. Trans- lated by W. Hardy. 3 vol. 41. Higden (R.) Polychronicon ; with English translation of John Tre- visa, &c. Edited by C. Babington and J. R. Lumley. 9 vol. 42. Le Livcrc de Reis de Brittanie e le livere de Reis de Engleterc. [By Peter of Ickham ?] Edited by J. Glover. 43. Chronica Monasterii deMelsa. Auc- toro Thoma de Burton. Accedit continuatio ad annum 1406. Edited by E. A. Bond. 3 vol. 44. Mattha;i Parisiensis Historia An- glorum ; sive, ut vulgo dicitur, His- toria Minor. Edited by Sir F. IMaddeu. 3 vol. 45. Liber Monasterii do Hyda. a.d. 455-1023. Edited by E. Edwards. 4G. Chronicum Scotorum. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, to a.u. 1135. With Supplement to 1150. Edited, with a translation, by W. M. Hennessy. 47. The Chronicle of I'ierre de Lang- toft, in French verse. Edited by T. Wright. 2 vol. 48. The War of the Gaedhil with the Gain, or the Invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen. Edited by J. H. Todd. 49. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi Beue- dicti abbatis. Chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., 11G9-1192. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. 50. i\IunimL'nta Acadcmica, or Docu- ments illustrative of Academical Life and Studies at Oxford. By H. Anstey. 2 vol. 51. Rogeri de Houedenc Chronica. Edited by W. Stubbs. 4 vol. 52. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis De gestis Pontificum Auglorum libri V. I'klited by N. E. S. \. Hamilton. 53. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, 1172-1320. Edited by J. T. Gilbert. 54. Annals of Loch Gd, A Chronicle of Irish alTairs from A.n. 1014 a.u. 1590. Edited by W. U. Hennessy. 2 vol. 55. INIonumenta Juridica. The Black book of the Admiralty. Edited by Sir T. Twiss. vol. 1-4. CHRONICLES 220 Chronicles and Memorials, etc.— conthmrfl. 50. 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Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. A Life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic. Edited by E. ]\Iagnusson. 2 vol. 66. Radulphi de Coggeshall Chronicon Anglicanum. Edited by J. Steven- son. 67. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited by J. C. Robertson. 7 vol. 68. Radulphi de Diceto Decani Lundo- niensis opera historica. The His- torical Works of R. de Diceto. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. 69. Roll of the proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland, a.d. 1392-93. PJdited by J. Graves. 70. Henrici de Bracton do Legibus et consuotudinibus Anglise. Edited by Sir T. Twiss. G vol. 71. The Historians of tho Church of York and its Archbishops. Edited by J. Raine. 3 vol. 72. Registrum INIalmesburiense. The Register of Malmesbury Abbey. Edited by J. S. Brewer and C. T. IMartin. 2 vol. 73. Tho Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. 74. Henrici Archidiaconi Huntendunen- sis Historia Anglorum. The His- tory of tlic English, by Henry Archdeacon of Huntingdon. I'lditcd by T. Arnold. 75. Symeonis Monachi opera omnia. 2 vol. 76. Chronicles and Memorials of tho reigns of Edward I. and Edward 1 1, Edited by W. Stubljs. 2 vol. 77. Registrum ]<'pistolarum fratris Toan- nis do Peckam. Edited by C. T. Martin. 3 vol. 78. Vetus Registrum Sarisberiense. The Register of S.Osmund. Edited by W. H. R. Jones. 2 vol. 79. Cartularium Monasterii de Rame- seia, Edited by W. H. Hart. 3 vol. 80. Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin. Edited by J. T. Gilbert. 2 vol. 81. Eadmeri Historia Novorum in Anglia. Edited by M. Rule. 82. Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. 4 vol. 83. Chronicon Abbatiaj Rameseiensis. Edited by W. D. Macray. 84. Roger de Wendover. Flowers of History. Edited by H. G. Hewlett. 3 vol. 85. Letter Book of the ^lonastery of Christ Church, Canterbury. Edited by J. B. Sheppard. 3 vol. 86. Robert of Gloucester. Metrical Chronicle. Edited by W. A. Wright. 2 vol. 87. Chronicles of Robert IManning of Brunne. Edited by P. J. Furnivall. 2 vol. 88. Icelandic Sagas. Edited by G. Vigfusson. 4 vol. 89. Tripartite Life of S. Patrick. Edited by Whitley Stokes. 2 vol. 90. Willelmi IMalmesburiensis Monachi De Gestis Regum Anglic libri quinque. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. 91. Lostorio des Engles solum Maistro Geffrei Gaimar. Edited by Sir T. D. Hardy and C. T. Martin. 2 vol. 92. Henrici Knighton vel Cuitthon Monachi Leycestrensis Chronicon. Edited by J. R. Lumby. 2 vol. 93. Adae Murimuth continuatio chroni- carum Roberti . de Avesbury de Gestis ]\Iirabilibus Regis Edwardi III. Edited by Sir E. M. Thompson. 94. St. Thomas the Martyr, Dublin. Register of the Abbey. Edited by J. T. Gilbert. 95. Flores Historiarum per Matthaoum Westmonastericnsem Collect i Edited by H. R. Luard. 3 vol. •2:'.0 CHR— CHIT Chronicles and Memorials, etc. — coniinncd. 9G. St. Edmund's Abbey. Memorials. 98. Parliament holdcn at Westminster, Edited by T. Arnold. 3 vol. 1305. Edited l)y F. W. Maitland. 97. Salisbury. Charters and Docu- 99. lied Book of the Exchequer, meuts of the 12th and 13th cen- Edited by Hubert Hall. 3 pt. turies. Edited by W. D. ]\Tacray. Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland pul)li.slie(l uatlor iht; (lirectiou of the Lord Clerk liegister of Scotland. K,Vn,hi,r. 12. Church (A. J.) Carthage. [Stori/ of the Nations. 4.] London, 1886. 8". ' ' 2071. a. 4. Early Britain. [Stori/ of the Notions. 21.] London, 1889. 8". 2071. a. 21. Church (R. W.) Dean of St. Paul's. Bacon. [English Men of Letters.] London, 1SS4.' 8". 2326. b. 3. Beginning of the Middle Ages. [Epoehs of Modem Ilistori/.] London, 1877. 8". ' 2378. a. 1. Dante. An essay, to which is added a translation of De Monarchia by F. C. Church. London, iSjS. 8". 2284. c. 5. The Oxford Movement. 1833-1845. London, iSgi. 8". 2210. e. 3. Spens(;r. [English Men of Letters.] London, i8-jg. 8". 2326. b. 33. Churchill (A.) and (J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels. 6 vol. London, 1704-32. fol. ' 2058. f. Churchill (C.) P.K^tical Works, edited by W. Tooke. [Aldine Edition.] -2 vol. London, 1866. 8". 2288. c 7. Churchill (F.) Essays on the Puerperal Fever. Selected from the writings of Uritish authors and edited by F. Chui'chill. [Si/denham Hendety.] London, 1849. 8". R. Ac. 3837/19. Churchill (S.) Dnchess of Marlhorovgh. Private C(»rrespondence, illustrative of the court and times of Queen Anne. 2 vol. London, 1838. 8". 2410. c. 1. Letters. London, 1875. 8". 2410. g. 2. Churchill {Bight Hon. W. S.) For Free Trade. Speeches at Man- chester and in the House of Commons. London, 1906. 8". 2240. bb. 18. • Lord Bandolph Churchill. London, 1907. S". 2406. f. 10 L>:V2 CHU-CTC Churchyard (T.) ('liiircli\;u(le.s Chippes. Cliurdiyanles ("harge. ■1 pi. L,„i,h,ii, J 871. 4". 2326. c. 1. The Worthines of Wales. ^Spenser Sodctii Pn\>Vi('(i1'nins.'\ M,nirhrsfcr, 1876. 4". ' II. Ac. 9490/11 Churl. Tlie Chorle and the r.inlc. [Iloxhanjlir i.'Jnh. II.] Lnnihni, 1S22. 1". 11. Ac. 8104/14. Churton (W. R.) lliicanoiiical and A])()Ciyp1ial Scriptures. [Willi intiodiictious l)y W. II. Oluirton.l L<>ii(h)ii, 1884. 8". 2201. I.I.. 9. Chwolson (D.) hie S.sahier uud diT Ssabisnuis. '2 JUlc ,S7. Pcfcrdmr;/, 1856. S". 2217. <: 3. Gibber (C.) Life \Aiti<,}i'n„ir,inlui. 1.1 Lniuhi,,, 1826. 8". 2094. a. Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Opera. Ex recensione T. C. Onlli. Curaverunt I. C. Orelli et I. G. Baiterus. 4 vol. Turici, 1845-62. 8'\ 2045. h. Opera ipiae supersunt omnia. Edideruiit F. G. IJaitcr, ('. L. Kayser. 11 vol. Lipsiar, 1860-69. 8«. 2282. d. 1. Scrijita (luao niansoruiit omnia, llocognovit C. F. W. Mueller. [Trubuer Series.] Lrijizitj, iSS^, iS-H, ctr. 8". 2047. ;i,, r/r. Extracts. Edited by H. Walford. 3 pt. [CldiciKhm Press Series.] Oxford, 1869. 8«. 2320. c 31. Oi-ationos. With a conunentary l)y O. Long. 4 \rd,\rp8. 8". ' 2320. I). 48. Orationes Caesarianae. Pro Maiccllo. Pro Ligario. Pro liege Deiotaro. With introduction and notes bv \\ . Y. h'ausset. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1906. 8". ^ 2319. a. 53. Speeches against Catilina. Edited by E. A. Ujicott. [Clareudioi Press Scries.] Oxford, 1891. N". 2320. .-. 9. Orationes in Catilinam Quattuor. lulited l)y J. C^ Xicol. | /*/// Press Series.] Ca, nlolihje, i<^o2. 8". 2322.(1(1.40. Treati.ses on the; Nature of the (!ods, on Divination, on Fate, on the Uejiublic, on the Laws, and on Standing for the Consulship. Translat<'d by C D. ^^lng(!. \]lnhn\^ Clussirol Ld)jrid,/e, 1891. 8". 2322. 1). 43. Laelius de Amicitia. Edited by J. S. Reid. [Pllf Press Series.] Camhridrje, 1879. 8". 2322. b. 46. [Another edition.] With introduction and notes by St. G. Stock. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1S93. 8°. 2319. a. 51. On Friend.sliip, and r)n Old Age. [Bolin's Seleef Lihran/.] Loudon, 1889. 8". 2502. k. 6. Oratio pro Lege Manilia. Edited by J. C. Nicol. [Piff Press Series.] Comhridge, 1899. 8". 2322. dd. 14. Pro Milone. Edited by J. S. Purton. [Pitt Press Series.] Camhrid,je, 1875. S". 2322. h. 26. [Another edition.] Edited by A. B. Poynton. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1892. 8". 2319. a. 44. [Another edition.] Edited l)y J. S. Reid. [Pitt Press Series.] Camhridije, 1894. 8°- 2322. dd. 3. • Pro Murena. Edited l)y W. E. Heitland. [Pitt Press Series.] Cand)ride,e, 1816. 8". 2322. b. 6. De Natura Deorum. With commentary liy J. B. Mayoi'. .3 vol. Cand,rid(je, 1880-85. 8". 2236. e. 8. 234 CKJKTJO Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Do Ofliciis lihri tros. Ivlifod })v H. A. Jfoldcm. daniln-'nliir, iH^jt. 8". 2282. a. 1. Do, Oflioiis, Book m. With fiotes by H. A. Holrlon. \PHt Prf-ns .SV"/-/V«.) CWmhrlrhjf'., 1898. 8". 2322. c. 39. Offices or Moral Duties. Translatod by C. P. . Ivbiionfls. [Bohn'n Glafr(inj.\ L<,n(hni, 1855. 8". 2500. e. 20. Oratio Philipf)i("i sfcunda. With notes liy A. G. Peskett. [PiU Press Hn-icH.] (Jamhrlrh/f, 1887. 8". 2322. c. 32. Rhetorica. ilecognovit, A. S. Wilkins. 2 vjI. [Oxford Chtsfiiral Texf.^.] Oxford, 1902, 03. 8". ' 2046. a. Pro lioscid. W^ith introduction and notes by St. G. Stock. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1S90. 8". 2319. a. 6. [Anothei- (ulition.] Edited liy .J. C. Nicol. [PiU Press Serien.] Cmuhr!did>rldi/<', 1883. ,S". 2322. b. 42. In V(!rrein actio jirinia. Edited by H. Cowie. [Pitt Pre.^s Series.] Camhrldeie, 1876. 8". ' 2322. b. 13. [Another edition.] Edited l)y J. R. Kin:m Cicogaa (E. A.) 8;l.i!;jJtio «li l>il>li>><;r;Ui;i \(M\i<,-.i;in.i .' \.>l V,ri,:i,u 1S4-. 8^.' ' •l'\ ' I'.l'.. K, ,1. 2, Cieza de Leon v?- ^^^'^ I'lavrls. \.n. lA.'VJ, i-onl.iiiKMl in his Chn>niele of roru. _ \i>l. [ Uaklnyl Son<>t>i.\ lom/ojj, 1S64, 65. S'\ ' ' 1^ Ar. 6172/31. Cinderella: three humlivd and forty livi- \ari;m(s. r,\ M. K'. Cdx. [i^/Z-/:.>rr' S'ocfV///.] /..ui./.ui, lS.)j. S". K. Ac. 9938/13. Cinnamus (Joannes) Kpitomo vonnn :il) Id.innc ct Aloxio CoHinonis gostaruni. Hc^'ensiiit, A. .Moimkc. dr. \- l.nl. \nu:o,tii,), HIstorji. lo.] Rnnxn'. 18^6. S". 2070. 1>. 15. Cinque vJ- P- de) aiul Fabricius ^ R.) Nita- (>l res ixt^^-.v Stim- moruin I'oiitiliruin ct I'aidiiialiiini ad Ciaci-onii cNcinplnm eontiiiuata\ Tom. 1. lumcf. |-S-. fol. 2006. i^. City News Notes and Queries. Srr M.\noiii:sti:k N()Ti;s ,\ni) (^>|!i;i;ii:,s. City of London Directory. [(^lu-rtMit, i.s.suc. | Lnudmi. S". (^i.v. 71. -.1. Civezza (M. da) Saggio ili l»il)lio<;i'aHa Sa,iifranc'o.sca,iia. Pratn, 1879. 8"\ ' ' 1515. A. d. 3. Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society. 'Pian.sacslion.s. L,n„l,ni, 1885, c/r. S"\ li. Ac. 4313. I.. Clairbrook (R.) Die cnglischo 8i>ra(;h('. \ KiiiikI thr l\i/i/>ilnll/,.\ Win>, 1887. .^«. 2272. a. 2. Clairinghneach (Conghal) iMailial Career of Conghal Clairingli neach. [Irii^]) Texts Socicti/. l*iihll('(tti<»is. -I.] London, 1904. 8". II. Ac 9955. Clapham (J. H.) Causes of tlio War of 1 7!)l'. | <'(,ml>rl(h/r Ulslnrhul Essai/s. 11.] CainJn-Hhjr, 1S99. 8«. 2378. a. 31. Clapin (S.) Dictionary of Amei-icanisms. Ncio York, 1903. 8". 2052. 1.. Claremont (L.) Geiii-Cutt(M-'s Craft. London, 1906. 8". 2249. h. 11. Clarendon Historical Society. Reprints. Series l-;5. Edinhirnj],, 18S2-88. 1". R. Ac. 8251. Clarendon, Edward, Eorl of. Scr IIydk. Claretie (J.) Peintres et scujpteurs contcinporaitis. 2 .sci-ies. Pans, 1882, 84. 8°. 2262. c. 14. Claretie (L.) Histoire de la littorature fram-aise. 900-1900. 4 torn. Paris, 1905-og. 80. ' 2039. f. Clariodus, a metrical romance. [Maitland CJuh. 9.] Edhdmnih, 1830. 40. R. Ac. 8253/9. Clark University Library. Publications. Worcester, Mass., 1903, etc. 8". R. Ac. 9727, Clark (A.) Lincoln College. [Co1Je, 1898. 8°. ' ■ 2234. ('.. 9 236 CLARK Clark (D. K.) Inditslilcs.] It.iil ways and Loinhni, l8~6. Tram\va\s. [Bn'ti^li l\Iiniii/'ii(h>n, 1866. 8". 2400. 1.. 1. Clark (J. B.) ProliliMii of ^FdnopolN-. \('(>hiiiih/,hriook of Chronicles, by E. Berthoau. 2 vol. Third Series. 20 vol. Hdlnhnn/h, 1859-63. 8". 2007. 1-3. Kurtz : History of the Old Covenant. 3 vol. 4. Stier: Words of the risen Saviour, and Connnentary on the Epistle of St. James. 5. Tiioi.ucK : Commtnitary on St. .John's Gospel. 0. HENGSTENRiCRfr : ComuK^ntary on Ecclesiastes, etc. 7. Thofaick : Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. 8. Errard : Commentary on St. John's Epistles. 9, 12, IG. Lange : Commentary on St. Matthew, vol. 1-3. 10, 11, 14, 15, 18. Dorner: On tho Person of Christ. Division 1. vol. 1,2. Division 2, vol. 13. 13, 17. OosTERZEE : Commentary on St. Luke. 2 vol. 19. EitRARo: TJie Gospel History. 20. Ki inv, : Sacrificial Worship of tlic Old Testament. CLARK 2:57 Clark (T.) and (T.) Fourth Scries. Kdinbunjh, 1864-79. 8". 1, 4. Leciilku and Gkuok : Com- 35. iiioutiiry oil the Acts. vol. 1, 2. 37. 5, 7. Henostknukuu : Coiiuaontiiry on the (lospel of- St. John. 38. 2 vol. 2, 3, G. Keh, and DiiLiTz.scir : On the 3'.J. Pentateuch, vol. 1-3. 40, 8. Joshua, Judges, Ruth. 9. Samuel. 17,18 Twelve :Minorrroi)hets. 42. vol. 1, 2. 10, 11. Delitzsch : Commentary on 43, Joh. 2 vol. 12. jMahtensen : Christian Dogmatics. 44, 13. Delitzsch : Bihlical Psychology. 14. 15. Delitzsch : Commentary ou 45, Isaiah. 2 vol. 16. AuBEKLEN : Ou the Divine lleve- 49, latioii. I'J. H.iKLESS : Christian Ethics. 51, 20, 28. Delitzsch : Commentary ou the Hehrews. 2 vol. 52, 21, Hengstenbeug : Commentary on Ezokiel. 54. 22, Stiek : Words of the Apostles. 23, 25. Keil : Introduction to the Old 58. Testament. 2 vol. 24, 2G. Bleek : Introduction to the 59. New Testament. 2 vol. 27. ScHMiD : Bihlical Theology of the New Testament. ! GO 29, 30, 31. Delitzsch: Commentary on the Psalms. 3 vol. 32. 3G. Hengstenbekg : History of 63 the Kingdom of God under the Old Testament. 2 vol. 33. Keil : On the Books of the Kings. [ 64 34. On the Book of Daniel. ! Now (Fifth) Series. U vol Ed 1,3,8. Hagenbach : History of Chris- tian Doctrines, vol. 1-3. 2, G. Gouet : Commentary 011 St. Paul's Epistle to the llomans. Translated by A. Cusin. vol. 1, 2. System of Chris- vol. 1-4. Christian Ethics, vol. 1, 2. 4,5,9,10. Dounek: tiau Doctrine. 7, 11. Maktensen : Special Part. 12, 13. Weiss : Biblical Theology of the New Testament. 2 vol. 14, IG, 17. Weiss : Life of Christ. 3 vol. 15. GoEBEL : Parables of Jesus. 18. Sartorius : Doctrine of Divine Love. 19. EwALD : lievclatioii. 20. 21. Uaebiger : Encyclopa'dia of Theology. 2 vol. 22. 23- 26, 27, 28. 32, 33. 34. 36, 38. 39. 40. 42, Gl vol. 2007. c-e. Keil : On the Books of the Chro- nicles. Winer : On the Doctrines and Confessions of Christendom. Keil : On the ]k)oks of Ezra, Nehemiah, and l*jsther. IMartensen : On Christian lOthics. 41. Keil : On the Prophecies of Jeremiah and Lamentations. 2 vol. Christlieb : Modern Doubt and Christian Belief. 47. Delitzsch : On the Proverbs of Solomon. 2 vol. 48. Oehler : Theology of the Old Testament. 2 vol. 46. Godet : Commentary on St. Luke. 2 vol. 50. Keil : On the Prophecies of Ezekiel. 2 vol. 53, 56. Godet : On the Gospel of St. John. 3 vol. 55, 57. LuTUARDT ; On the Gospel of St. John. vol. I., II., III. Delitzsch : Ou the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes. Gebhardt : On the Doctrine of the Apocalypse. 62. Hagenbach : History of the Keformation in Germany and Switzerland chiefly. 2 vol. , 61. Philippi : Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 2 vol. , Steinmeyer: History of the Pas- sion and Resurrection of our Lord. . Haupt; The first Epistle of St. John. liibun/h, 1880-90. 8°. 2007. e.-g. Obelli : Old Testament Prophecy. 25, 41, 43. ScHUERER : History of the Jewish People. 5 vol. 29,31. Ebraru : Apologetics. 3 vol. 30. Godet ou St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. 2 vol. Frank : System of the Christian certainty. 35. Keil : Biblical Arclueology. 2 vol. EwALD : Old Testament Theology. Cassel : Commentary on Esther. 37. Delitzsch : New Commentary ou Genesis. 2 vol. Obelli : Prophecies of Isaiah. Orelli : Prophecies of Jeremiah. Luthardt : History of Christian Ethics before the Reformation. 44. Delitzsch : Prophecies uf Isaiah. 238 CLA— CLA Clark (W. P.) Tla- iiulinn Sij,ni Language. Pliil(i(h-Jji]i!(i, iHS'^. 8°. 2272. f. 20. Clarke (A. L.) Manual of Practical Tudexing. LoikJoii, kjO)- 8". 2308. c. 19. Clarke (A. R.) Geodesy. [Clarendon Prexs Series.] Oxford, i88o. 8«. 2320. li. 8. Clarke (C. Cowden) Shakespeare Characters. Loiidaii, i86^. M". 2300. e. 4. Clarke (E.) Susanna Wesley. [Eniincid Women Scries.] Londn,,, 1890. 80. 2407. 1.. 1. Clarke (Sir E.) Law of Extradition. London, 1905. 8". 2018. c. Clarke (G. H.) and Tanquerey (L. R.) lutemuMhate French Grammar. London, 1902. 8". 2276. 1). 4. Clarke (H. B.) Modern Spain, 1SL5-1898. [Camhridi/e Hisloriad Series.] Gamhridcje, 1906. 8". 2378. b. Spanish Grammar for Scliools. London, 1892. 8". 2274. h. 30. Clarke (J. T.) Pveeords of Saint Mark's Chapel, Malevv, Ish; of Man, 1771-18G4:. Edited by W. Harrison. [Manx Sorictij. T*nhliea tions. 28.] Bomjlas, 1878. 8". \(. Ac. 8130. Clarke (M. Cowden) Coniplete Concordance to Sliakespeare. London, 1847. 8". 2042. e. Clarke (W.) Clarke Papers, 1G47-49, 1651-00. 2 vol. [Camden Sociefn. Fnhiicaiions. 13.5.1 London, 1891, 94. 4". K. Ac. 8113/135. Clarke (W. B.) and Lockwood (C. B.) I)is.sector's Manual. London, 1883. 8". 2255. a. 14. Clarke (W. N.) Parochial Topography of the Hundred of AVantiiig. Oxford, 1824. -1". ' 2367. e,. 11. Clarkson (A.) and Farquharson (D. A.) Siiident/s Ilandl k of Physiology. Edinlmnjh, 1908. 8". 2256. c 3. Clarkson (C.) History of Pichmond in the; county of York. llirlnnond, 182 1. 4". 2367. c 18. Classical Philology. Chieaijo, 1906, ete. 8". P. P.P. 4970. he Classical Quarterly. London, 1907, etc. 8". P. P.P. 4970. ictionnaire des Operas. Paris, 1905. 8". 2031. d Clement (W. H. P.) Law of tht; Canadian Constitution. 'Ln-unto, 1^04. ,s". 2230. bb. 17. Clement de Ris (L.) Les Musees Av rrovinee. Paris, 1872. 8". 2262. a. 11 Clemow (F. G.) Geography of Disease. C(nnbriitner Series.] ic/j^z/ry, 1891. 8". 2047. a, t'/f. Cleplian (R. C.) Defensive Armour and ^\^•allons of niedijfval in es. London, 1900. 8". 2248. c 10. Clcrc (M.) Les Mete(|ues athenien.s. [JJibi des Ecoles Franraiscs d'Athcnes, etc. 64.] Paris, 1893. 8". K. Ac. 5206/2. Clerget (P.) J^a Suisse au x.x" siecle. Etude economi(|ue vl sociale. Paris, 1908. 8". 2362. \). 1. Clergy Directory. [Current issue.] London. 8". Circ-. 70. a. Clergy List. [Cunent issue.] London. >^". Ciic. 70. a. Clerk (,SV/- J.) Memoirs, ] (".70-1755. \Seolli.^l, lli.^lori/ Sorirli/. Publications. 1;;.) Ediidiin-ijl,, 1892. 8". ]{. Ac. 8256. [Another cdil ion. I \ llo.rhnr|^^ London, 1893. 8°. R. Ac." 6172/68. Select Letters relating to his four Voyages to the New World. Edited by R. H. Major. [Hakhi,/t Society.] London, iQ-jo. 8". R. Ac. 6172/39. Colvile (F. L.) 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Committee on Public Libraries. Report. 2 vol. London, 1849-50. fol. Circ. 21. b. Commodianus. Carmina. Recognovit E. Ludwig. 2 pt. [Teidmer Series.] Leipzig, 1877, 78. 8°. 2047. a, etc. Carmina. [Corptis Script. Eccles. Lat. 15.] Vienna, I'd^-j. 8". 2003. d. Common Prayer, Book of. See Pt. II. Liturgies and Liturgiology. Compain (L). Etude sur Geoffroi de Vendome. [Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Bihliotheque. Sc. phil. et hist. 86.] Paris, 1 89 1. 8°. R. Ac. 8929. Comparetti (D.) Researches respecting the Book of Sindibad. [Folk-Lore Society.] London, 1882. 80. R. Ac. 9938/5. (1.) Traditional Poetry of the Finns. London, 1898. 8°. 2312. d. 3. Comparetti (D.) and Ancona (A. d') Canti e racconti del popolo italiauo. 6 vol. Torino, 1S70-75. S*'. 2284. e. 3. Complaint. Complaint of a Lover's Life. [Boxburghe Club. 16.] London, 1818. 4". R. Ac. 8104/16. Complaynt of Scotlande. [Early English Text Society.] London, 1872. 8". R. Ac. 9926/15. Compton (H.) Particular Account of the European Military Adven- turers of Hindustan, 1784-1803. London, 1892. 8°. 2386. d. 8. Comstock (A. B.) How to keep Bees. London, 1905. S^. 2252. a. 3. Comstock (J, H.) and (A. B.) Manual for the Study of Insects Bhaca,N.Y., 1895. 8". 2028. c. 254 COM— CON Comte (J. A. M. F, X.) Cours de philosophie positive. G tnm. i\(//.s, 1S77. 8'\ 2236. e. 9. System of Positive Polity. 4 vol. London, 1875-77. '^"• 2234. .1. 2. Positive Philosophy. [Jiohii>! PJiilomphical L(l>r('irv, 1397. [Irish Ai-chyeological Soricti/.] Duhlin, 1850. 4". R. Ac. 5783/12. Cotton (F. H. G. P.) Tn Unknown Africa. London, 19C4. 8". 2358. g. 4. Cotton (W.j Sir Jo.shua Reynolds and his work. L„ndou, 1856. 8". 2263. e. 12. Couch (A. T. Q.) The Golden Pomp. A procession of English lyiics from Surrey to Shirley. London, 1895. ^°- 2288. d. 14. The Oxford Book of English Verse. Oxford, icoo. 8". 2288. b. 4. Couch (J.) History of the Fishes of the British Islands. 4 \ol. 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Edinburgh, 1865. 8". BB. A. c. 6. Cox (T.) Magna Britannia. See Magna Britannia. Coxe (H. O.) The Apocalypse of 8t. John in a MS. in the Bodleian Library. [Boxhur(ihe Club. 91.1 London, 1876. 4". ^ ^ R. Ac. 8104 91. Catalogus Codicum MSS. Bibliothec* Bodleiante. Oxford, iS^^, etc. 4". 2038. d. • Catalogus Codicum MSS. qui in Collegiis Aulisque Oxoniensibus asservantur. 2 vol. Oxford, 1852. 4o. 2038. e. Coxe (W.) Historical Tour through Monmouthshire. Brecon, 1904. 4". 2066. f. History of the House of Austria. 4 vol. [Bohn'.'^ Standard Library^] London, 1847-53. 8°. 2504. b. 4. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. With an atlas. 4 vol. [Bohn's Standard Library.] London, 1847-48. 8*^ &. 4". ^ ^ ^' ^ 2504. b. 5. 268 COX— CKA Coxe (W.) ^Memoirs of the life and administration of Sir Robert Walpole. 3 vol. London, 1798. 4". 2083. h. Crabb (G.) Barrister at Law. History of English Law. Lundon, 1S29. 8«. 2228. c. 21. Crabb (G.) M.A. English Synonyms. London, 1884. 8". 2278. 1). 3. Crabbe (G.) Life and Poetical Works. London, iS^-. 8". 2041. g. [Another edition.] London, iS^^. 8'\ 2290. i. 1. Crabtree (W. A.) Elements of Luganda Grammar. London, 1902. 8«. ^ 2272. d. 7. Grace (F.) Catalogue of Map, Plans and Views of London, West- minster and Southwark. London, 1878. 8°. Giro. 45. h. Grace Galvert (P.) On Dyes and Dye-Stuffs other than Aniline. {Soviet ij of Arts. Cantor Lectures.'] London, iQ-j i. 8". R. Ac. 4470/4. (2.) Gracow. — Universytet Jat/iellonsH. Incunabula Typographica Biblio- ihecae Universitatis, usque ad 1500. Oracovise, 1900. 8". 2037. e. Graig (A.) Poetical Works. [Hunterian Cluh.] Glasi/oio, 1873. 4". R. Ac. 9945/5. Graig (-S//- J. T. G.) Papers relative to the marriage of King James VI. of Scotland. [Bannatijne Club. 26.] Edinburgh, 1828. 4". R. Ac. 8248/26. Graik (G. L.) The English of Shakespeare. London, 1857. 8^\ 2300. a. 6. History of English Literature and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest. 2 vol. London, 1864. 8". 2039. f. Manual of Engh.sh Literature. London, 1883. 8". 2308. a. 4. The Pursuit of Knowledge. \Bohn^s Illustrated Lihi-nni.] London, 1906. 8". 2502. il. 25. Graik {Sir H.) A Century of Scottish History. 2 vol. London, 1901. 8«. 2396. e. 12. English Prose Selections, 1-1 tli to 19th centuries. 5 vol. London, 1893-96. 8°. 2308. c 23. Life of Jonathan Swift. 2 vol. London, 1894. 8". 2408. a. 1. ■ The State in its relation to Education. {Enylish Citizen Series.] London, 1896. 8^'. 2238. bb. 10. Grakanthorp (R.) Defensio EcclesijB Anglicana'. [Lihrani of Anglo- Catl,„lic Ti,ei>J(>[i!i.] (kcford, 1847. 8". * 2006. b. Gramond (W.) Annals of Banff. 2 vol. [New Sp(ddlni/ Cluh. 7.] AUrdcen, 1891, 93. 4". R. Ac. 8245/7. Recordsof Elgin, 1234-1800. 2 vol. [New Sjmldin,/ Cluh. 22.] ^^mZce/j, 1903,08. 4". R. Ac. 8245/22. CRA— ORE 269 Crane (T. P.) Italian Popular Tales. London, 1885. .S". 2348. e. 18. Crane (W.) Line and Form. London, 1902. 8". 2264. aa. 7. ■ The Work of Walter Crane. [Art Annual.] London, 1898. 4". R. P.P. 1931. pc. Cranmer (T.) Arclihisliop of Canterhurij. Works. [Parlcer Society. Publications. 40.] 2 vol. Cambridge, 1844-46. 8°. R. Ac. 2077/40. Cranstoun (J.) Office and Practice of a Notary of England. London, 1901. 8'\ 2017. c. Crashaw (R.) Works. 2 vol. [Fuller Worthies^ Librari/.] London, 1872, 73. 4«. 2326. d. 2. Craven, pseud. Recreations in Shooting. [Bohn^s Illustrated. Librari/.] London, 1859. S". 2502. b. 13. Crawford (F. Marion) Ave Roma Immortalis. Studies fi'om the chronicles of Rome. London, 1903. 8". 2388. b. 8. ■ ■ Gleanings from Venetian Histoiy. London, 1907. S*'. 2388. b. 12. Southern Italy and Sicily. London, 1905. 8**. 2388. b. 13. Crawford (W. S.) Synesius the Hellene. London, 1901. 8". 2216. b. 6. Crawfurd (G.) Peerage of Scotland. Edinhurgli, I'lS. fol. 2101. g. Crawfurd (J.) Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and adjacent countries. London, 1856. 8^. 2059. a. Crawfurd (O. J. H.) Portugal, old and new. 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(i., La Derniere Idole, Les Absents, L'OEillet Blanc, Le Frere Aine, Le Sacrifice, teuse.) Romans, 'J tom. (i., Le Petit Chose, ii., Fromout jeune et Risler aine, iii., Jack, iv., Le Nabab. v., Les Rois en Exil. vi., Numa Rou- mestan. vii., Tartarin. viii., Sappho, Lisa Tavernier. ii., L'Arlesienne, j L'Immortel. ix., La Petite Fromont jeune et Risler ain6, Le I Paroisse, Rose et Ninette.) 286 DAU— DAY Dauglish (M. G.) Harrow School Register, 1801-1900. Luwhui, 1901. 8«. 2234. c. 10. Daumet (G.) L' Alliance de la France et de la Castille au xiV et au xv^ siecles. [Evole pratique des hautcs etudes. Bihlloihrijtir. Sc. pltil. et hist. 118.] Pflm, 1898. 8°. R. Ac. 8929. Daun (B.) P. Vischer und A. Krafft. [Knarkfn.^,s. KiuistJer- Monograpliicn. 75.] Leipzig, 1905. S*'. 2034. c. Siemering. [Knaclcfuss. Kilmtler-Monuijraplilcn. 80.] Leipzig, 1906. 80. 2034. c. Veit Stoss. [Knarhfuss. Kiinstler-3Ionograpliien. 81.] Leipzig, 1906. 2034. c. Dauney (W.) Ancient Scottish Melodies. 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[Boltn's Select Librari/.] London, 1SS8. 8". 2502. k. 22. Olynthiac Speeches. Edited by T. R. Glo\-er. [Pitt Press Series:] Cambridge, 1897. 8". 2322. d. 41. Orations against Philip. Edited by E. Abbott and P. E. Matheson. 2 vol. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1890, 97. 8«. 2320. f. 25. Philippics. Edited by E. Abbott and P. E. Matheson. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1S95. 8". 2319. aa. 14. Phili^jpics 1, II, III. Edited by G. A. Davies. [Pitt Press Series.] Cambridge, 1907. 8". 2322. bl). 2. Dempster (T.) Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Scotorum. 2 vol. [Bannati/ne Clnh. 21.] EdinhurgJi, 1829. 4". R. Ac. 8248/21. Dendy (F. W.) Extracts from the Records of the Company of Ho.st- men of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. [Siirtees Societi/. Pnblications. 105.] Durham, 1901. 8". R. Ac. 8045; 79. Denham (M. A.) The Denhaia Tracts. 2 vol. [Folk-Lore Socicti/.] Lnndnu, 1892, 95. 8". R. Ac. 9938/12. DEN— DEQ 295 Denifle (H. S.) Taulers Bekehrung kritisch untersucht. [Qxellen uikI Forschungen zur Spracli- imd Oulturgeschichte der iicnuanisclten VoUcer. 36.] Strassbury, 18-] g. 8". ' 2338. h. 6. Deniker (J.) Les races et les peuples de la terre. Paris, 1900. 8". 2259. e. 18. Denis (H.) Histoire des systemes economiques et socialistes. 2 vol. Paris, 1904, 07. 8". 2240. d. 2. Denison (C. M.) and Scott (C. H.) Practice and Procedure of the House of Lords in English, Scotch and Irish Appeal Cases. Lowhni, 1879. 8". 2017. c. Denison (G. T.) A History of Cavalry from the earliest times. London, 1877. 8". 2248. b. 5. Denkmaeler Deutscher Poesie und Prosa. See Muellexhoff (C.) and ScHEHER (W.) Denne (S.) History and Antiquities of Rochester. IloclteHter, 18 17. 8". 2368. bb. 22. Dennett (R. E.) At the Back of the Black Man's Mind. London, 1906. 8". 2358. f. 17. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Fjort, French Congo. [Folk- Lore Society.'] London, 1898. 8''. R. Ac. 9938/20. Dennistoun (J.) Memoirs of Sir R. Strange, engraver, and of his brother-in-law A. Lumisden. 2 vol. London, 1855. 8". 2406. b. 9. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, 1440-1630. 3 vol. London, 1909. S^. 2094. b. Dent (C. T.) Mountaineering. [Badminton Library.] London, 1900. 8". ' 2270. cc. 20. Dentists' Register. [Current issue.] London. 8". Circ. 69. b. Denton (W.) Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. 2 vol. London, 1874, 76. 80. 2008. d. Commentary on the E^jistles for the Sundays and other Holy Days of the Christian Year. 2 vol. London, 1869, 71. 8". 2201. cc. 2 Commentary on the Gospels for the Sundays and other Holy Days of the Christian Year. 3 vol. London, 1861-63. 8". 2201. cc. 1. Denziger (H.) Enchiridion symbolorum et definitionum qute de rebus tidei et morum a Consiliis Oecumenicis et Summis Ponti- ficibus emanarunt. Wurzburg, igoS. 8". 2008. a. Deperet (C.) The Ti-ansformations of the Animal World. [Liter- national Scientific Series.] London, 1909. 8". 2324. bb. 31. Deprez /E.) Les preliminaires de la Guerre de Cent Ans. [Bi}>J. des Ecoles Fram;aises d'Athenes, etc. 86.] Paris, 1902. S". R. Ac. 5206/2. De Quincey (T.) Works. 16 vol. Edinhurgli, iS62--;i. 8". 2041. a. 296 DER— DES Derbyshire Archaeological Society. Journal. L'nxlon, 1S79, etc. 8'\ R. Ac. 5633. Dermatological Society. Transactions. London, 1895, etc. 8". R. Ac. 3826. b. De Balis (H. R.) Handbook of Inland Navigation. Loudon, 1904. 8°. 2240. £. 5. Descamps (J. B.) La vie des Peintres flamands, alleniands et hollandois. 4 vol. Paris, 1753-64. 8'\ 2034. a. Descemet (C.) Inscriptions doliaires latines. [Bill, des Ecoles Franraises d'Atlil'ues, etc. 15.1 Paris, 1880. 8". R. Ac. 5206/2. Deschamps (E.) Qjluvres completes. [Societe des anciens textes fraH<;(ds.'\ 11 vol. Paris, 1878-1903. 8". R. Ac. 9811/10. Deschamps (P.) Dictionnaire de geographie ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1870. 8". 2036. c. Deschanel (A. Privat) See Privat-Deschanel (A.) Deschiens ( ) Collection des materianx pour I'histoire de la Revolution de France. Bibliographie des Journaux. Paris, 1829. 8°. BB. M. c. 19. De Schweinitz (E.) History of the Church known as the Unitas Fratrum. Bethlehem, Pa., 1885. 8°. 2013. a. Des Cilleuls (A.) Histoire de I'administration parisienne au xix® siecle. 3 pt. Paris, 1900. 8". 2228. d. 12. Desfeuilles (A.) and (P.) Lexique de la langue de Moliere. 2 vol. Paris, 1900 8". 2043. e. Desgodins (A.) Essai de grammaire thibetaine. Hon.jh-mg, 1899. 8°. 2272. c 20. Desiderius, Saint. Vie de Saint Didier. Publiee d'apres les manuscrits de Paris et de Copenhague par R. Pouj^ardin. [^Collection de textes pour servir a V etude d' histoire.^ Paris, 1900. 8". 2086. g. Desjardins (A. E. E.) Geographie historique et administrative de la Gaule roinaine. 4 torn. Paris, 1876-93. 8". 2362. dd. 4. Deslandes (V.) Documentos para a historia da typographia portugueza nos seculos XVI e XVII. Lishoa, 1888. 8°. 2330. d. 8. Deslandres (P.) L'Ordre des Trinitaires pour le rachat des captifs. ■2 tuiu. 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Biicherver- zeichnis der Zentral-Bibliothek in Miinchen. 3Iunclten, 1902. 8". BB. I. d. 2. De Vere (A. T.) Poetical Works. 6 vol. London, 1884-98. 8". 2292. b. 12. Legends of the Saxon Saints. London, 1879. 8'\ 2292. b. 11. De Vere (M. S.) Americanisms. New York, 1872. 8". 2278. d. 19. Deveria (T.) Memoires et Fragments. [Bibliotlteque egyptoJocjique. 4, 5.] 2 vol. Paris, 1896, 97. 8«. ' 2258. f. De Verteuil (L. A. A.) Trinidad. London, i%%/[. 8". 2374. g. 3. Devey (J.) Logic. [BohtCs Pliilologico-PliHosophieal Librani.] London, 1854. 8'\ 2502. f. 1. Devine (A.) The Commandments explained. London, 1897. ^"• 2206. aa. 13. De Vinne (T. L.) The Invention of Printing. London, 1877. S'^. 2308. g. 3. Devon and Cornwall Record Society. Publications. Exeter, 1905, etc. 8". R. Ac. 8040. Devon Notes and Queries. Exeter, 1900, etc. 8". R. P.P. 6049. ka. Devon (F.) Issues of the Exchequer : being payments made out of His Majesty's revenue from Hen. iii. to Hen. vi. London, 1837. 4°. 2082. d. Issues of the Exchequer : being payments made out of His Majesty's revenue during the reign of James i. London, 1836. i^. 2082. d. Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science. Report and Transactions. Plymouth, 1863. 8". R. Ac. 1200. Calendars of Wills and Administrations relating to De^•on and Cornwall. Edited by E. A. Fry. 9 pt. Plymouth, 1900-08. 8". R. Ac. 1200/3. 298 DEW— DIB D'Ewes (Sir S.) Autobiography and Correspondence. 2 vol. D^iulnn, 1S45. 8". 2406. f. 5. Journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Elizabeth ; revised and pubHshed by P. Bowes. London, 1682. fol. 2080. g. Dewey (J.) Studies in Logical Theory. [Chicago Universitii. Decen- nial PnltJirations. ser. 2. vol. 11.] Ghicaqo, 1903. 8". R. Ac. 2691. d/11. Dewick (E. S.) Facsimiles of Horae de Beata Maria Yirgine. [ll''nn/ Bradshaio Sociefi/. Publications.^ London, 1902. 4°. R. Ac. 9929/17. De Windt (H.) Finland as it is. London, 1901. 8^'. 2364. d. 5. Dewsnup (E. R.) The Housing Problem in England. [Manchester Universiti/ Publications, Economic Series. 7.] Manrlicster, 1907. 8". R. Ac. 2671/2. Dexippus (P. Herennius) Dexippi, Eunapii, Petri Patricii, Prisci, Malchi, Menandri Historiarum quae supersunt. E recensione I. Bekkeri et B. G. Niebuhrii. Gr.kLat. [Bi/zantine Ilistorii. 6.] Bonnae, 1829. 8". ' 2070. a. 6. Dexter (F. B.) Sketch of the History of Yale University. New York, 1887. 8". 2234. b. 18. Dexter (H. M.) The Congregationalism of the last three hundred vears as seen in its literature. New York, 1880. 8". BB. A. d. 2. Dezobry (C.) and Bachelet (T.) Dictionnaire general de Biographie et d'Histoire. 2 vol. Paris, 1903. 8". 2105. e. Dhammapada. The Dhammapada. Translated by F. Max ^Nlliller. [Sarrrd Books of the East. 10.] 0*/on7, 1881. 8". 2006. e. Dharmatrata. Udanavarga. Translated from the Tibetan. [Triib- nrrx Oriental Series.'] London, i8S^. 8". 2318 g. 2. Dianu (J.) Tite-Live. Etude du MS. 5726 de la Bibliotheque Xationale. [Ecole p-atique des haiites etudes. Bibliotheque. Sc. phil. et hist. 109.] Paris, 1895. 8"- R- -^^- 8929. Diaz del Castillo (B.) Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Xufva Espana. 2 tom. Mexico, 1904. 8". 2398. g. 5. Dibdin Club. Publications. New York, 1898, etc 8". R. Ac. 9728. 1. Growoll : Book-Trade Bibliography 3. Ghowoll : Three Centuries of in U.S. in the 19th century. English Book-Trade Bibliography. 2. Mixer : Daniel Boone. Dibdin (E. R.) Frank Dicksee. [Art Annual.'] London, 1905. 4". R. P.P. 1931. pc. Dibdin (J. C.) Annals of the Edinburgh Stage. Edinburgh, 1888. 4". " 2306. h. 12. Dibdin (T. P.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 4 vol. Loudon, 1814-15. 8". 2035. e. DIB— Die 299 Dibdin (T. F.) Typographical Antiquities. See Ames (J.) Diceto (R. de) Opera Historica. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, i8-] 6. 8°. 2073.(68.) Abbreviationes Chronicorum & Ymagiues Historiaruni. [Tw/.s- den. Historise Anglicanse Scri/ptores x] London, 1652. fol. 2072. g. Historia compendiosa de Regibus Britonum. [Gale. Rerum Anglicarum Scrijjiores Veteres. 3.] Oxford, 1691. fol. 2072. f. Dicey (A. V.) The Conflict of Laws. London, 1908. 8". 2016. d. Introduction to the study of the Law of the Constitution. London, 1908. 8". 2230. bb. 2. Treatise on the Rules for the Selection of the Parties to an Action. London, 1870. 8°. 2018. c. Dicey (E.) The Story of the Khedivate. London, 1902. 8". 2386. 1). 8. Dichtungen des deutschen Mittelalters. 8 Bde. Leijjzig, 1843-52. 8". 2286. d. 1. 1. Der Nibeluuge Not und Diu Ivlage. 5. Gudruu. 2. Tristau und Isolt. 6. Wigalois. 3. Barlaani und Josaphat. 7. Mai und Beaflor. 4. Der Edelstein. 8. Heinrich von Veldeke. Dickens (C.) Works. Edited by Andrew Lang. 36 vol. London, 1 897-1 908. S^. '' 2344. e. 1, 2. Pickwick Papers. 25. Hard Times, Hunted Down 3. Oliver Twist. Holiday Romance, George 4, 5. Nicholas Nickleby. Silverman's Explanation. 6, 7. Martin Chuzzlewit. 26, 27. Sketches by Boz. 8, 9. Dombey and Son. 28. American Notes, Pictures from 10, 11. Old Curiosity Shop. | Italy. 12, 13. Baruaby Rudge. 29. Uncommercial Traveller. 14, 15. David Gopperfield. , 30. Child's History of England. 16, 17. Bleak House. 31, 32. Christmas Stories. 18. Christmas Books. 33. Edwin Drood, Master Hum- 19, 20. Little Dorrit. phrey's Clock. 21. Tale of Two Cities. 34. Reprinted Pieces : The Lamp- 22. Great Expectations. lighter, To be read at Dusk, 23, 24. Our Mutual Friend. Sunday under Three Heads. 35, 36. Miscellaneous Papers, Plays and Poems. Letters, 1833-70. 2 vol. London, 1882. 8". 2410. a. 9. The Dickens Concordance. By M. Williams. London, 1907. 8°. 2041. h. Dickenson (J.) Prose and Verse. [Grosart. Occasional Issues.] London, 1S78. 4". 2326. g. 6. (2.) Dickinson (E.) Music in the histor}- of the Western Church. London, 1902. 80. 2268. b. 11. Dickinson (W.) Glossary of the Dialect of Cumberland. 2 pt. \Enr/lish Dialect Society.] London, iSlS, 61. 8". R. Ac. 9934/8, 14. Dicksee (B.) The London Building Acts, 1894 to 1908. London, 1908. 8«. 2017. a. 300 DIG— DID Dicksee (L. R.) The A B Cof Bookkeeping. [LunijuiaiLs Commercial Srrlfs.] London, 190S. 8". 2240. a. Dickson (R.) and Edmond (J. P.) Annals of Scottish Printing from 1-507 to the beginning of the seventeenth centurv. Ciunhrbhje, 1890. 4". "2330. g. 7. Dickson (W. G.) Law of Evidence in Scotland. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1S87. 8". 2018. c. Dickson (W. K.) The Jacobite Attempt of 1719. [Scott i.sJi History Socit'tij Puhlications. 19.] Edinburgh, iS<^^. 8*\ R. Ac. 8256. Dictionaries. [Anoni/inons^. Complete Dictionary ; English and Polish, and Polish and English. 2 pt. Berlin, 1S49, 51. 8". 2055. d. Dictionary of Synonyms of the English Language. London, 1872. 8^. ' 2278. a. 7. Dictionnaire frangais-berbere. Paris, 1 844. 8". 2272. h. 13. English-Siamese Dictionary. BanglwJc, 1890. 8". 2272. d. 19. A Malayalini-Latin-English Dictionary. Verapoh/, 1891. S^. 2272. g. 7. New English- Dutch-German-French Dictionary. Brussels, 1849. 8«. 2054. d. Nouveau dictionnaire fran^ais-hollandais-allemand-anglais. BruxeUes, 1849. S^. ' 2055. d. Patriot Dictionary. Cape Dutch-English, English-Cape Dutch. 2 pt. Paarl, 1902-04. 8". 2276. a. 13. The Slang Dictionary. London, 1864. 8". 2278. h. 15. Teknisk Maritim Ordbog. Danish, Eng. Ger. Fr. K0benhavn, 1904. 4". 2276. f. 2. For other Dictionaries see under the authors' names. Dictionary of National Biography. Dictionary of National Bio- gra])hy. Edited by Sir L. Stephen and S. Lee. 68 vol. London, 1885-1904. 8". 2091. b-e. [A re-issue.] London, 1908, etc. 8". 2092. c. Dictys, of Crete, pseud. Ephemeris belli Troiani. Recognovit F. -Meister. [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1872. 8". 2047. a, etc. Didache. See Apostles. Diderot (D.) CEuvres completes. 20 torn. Par/s, 1S75-77. 8". 2332. h. 1-4. Philosophie. 17. Voyages. — CEuvres diverses. 4-9. Belles-Lettres. 18. ffiuvres diverses. — Correspond- 10-13. Beaux-Arts. auce. 13-17. Encyclopedie. 19-20. Correspondance. Diderot (D.) and Alembert (J. L. d') Encyclopedie, ou Diction- naire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des metiers. Publie par ^I. Diderot et M. D'Alembert. 17 vol. Genere, 1765-72. fol. 2103. f. c^ 2104. g. Supplement. 2 vol. Amsterdam, i"6. fol. 2104. g. DID— DIE .301 Diderot (D.) and Alembert (J. L. d') Encj-clopedie. Planches. 11 vol. Amsterdam, 1762-72. fol. 2104. t,'. il' 2105. o-. Didio (H.) Histoire de I'editioii beuedictine de Saint Aii,. ^ 2262. d. 7. Les graveui's de portraits en France. 2 torn. Paris, 1875-77. 8«. 2262. c. 4. Scriptorum Gra?coruni Bibliotheca. Gr. 6: Laf. Paris, 1838-86. 8". ^lianus ; Porphyrins ; Philo. ^schylus et Sophocles. Appianus Alexandrinus. Aristophanes, ]Menander et Philemon. Scholia Grffica in Aristophanem. Aristoteles. 5 vol. Arrianus ; Pseudo-Callisthenes. Demosthenes. Diodorus Sicnlus. 2 vol. Diogenes Laertius. Dionysius Halicarnassensis. Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina. 3 vol. Epistolographi Grseci. Erotici Scriptores: Parthenius, Achilles Tatius, Longus, Xenophon Ephe- sius, Heliodorus, Chariton, An- tonius Diogenes, lamblicus ; Eu- mathius ; Apollonius Tyrius ; Ni- cetas Eugenianus. Euripides. 2 vol. Pragmenta Historicorum Grfecorum. 5 vol. Fragmenta Philosophorum Graecorum. 3 vol. Geographi Grseci Minores. 3 vol. Herodotus ; Ctesias. Didot-Bottin. Annuaire. [Current issues.] Paris 2046. c-f. Hesiodus ; Apollonius Rhodius ; Mu- sseus ; Coluthus ; Quintus Smyr- nseus ; Tryphidorus ; T^^etzes. Homerus. Josephus. 2 vol. Lucianus. Nonnus. Oratores Attici. 2 vol. Pausauias. Philostratus ; Callistratus ; Eunapius ; Himerius. Plato. 3 vol. Plotinus. Plutarchus. 5 vol. Poetse Bucolici et Didactici. Theo- critus, Bion, Moschus ; Nicander, Oppianus, Philes. Scholia in Theocritum,]Sricandrum et Oppianum. PoetiB Comici Grfeci. Polybius. 2 vol. Strabo. Pars 1, 2. Testamentum Vetus et Novum. 3 vol. Theophrastus. 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IMacalister : Morphology of Verte- BiBLE : Apocalypse in Syriac version. ' brates. Bible : Evangeliorum versio ante- | Maccullagh : Works. hierouj-miana. I Moxck : Logic. BuRNSiDE and Paxtox : Equations. I Plato : Parmenides. Cabey : Analytical Geometry. j Purser : Histology. Casey : Sequel to Euclid. I Roberts : Plane Conies. Fitzgerald : Scientific Writings. [ Southey : Correspondence with C. Goethe : Faust. Bowles. Graves : Life of Sir W. R. Hamilton. . Tyrrell : Dublin Translations. 3 vol. I Virgil : Aeneid. Griffix : The Parabola. • Webb : Veil of Isis. Havghtox : Physical Geography. Wilkixs : Homeric Poems. Dubnow (S. M.) Jewish History. [Jewish Historical Society.] I,.,„du„, \^py 8". R. Ac. 8106/4. Dubois (C.) Pouzzoles antique. Histoire et topographie. [Bihl.des Kcoles Francaises d'Atltencs, etc. 98.] Paris, 1907. 8". R. Ac. 5206/2. DUB— DUG 319 Dubois (J. A.) Desci'iption of the character, manners and custonis of the people of India. With notes and additions by G. U. Pope. Madras, 1862. 8°. 2354. g. 3. Dubois (M.) Les Ligues etolienne et acheenne. [Bihl. des Ecoles Francaises d'Athcnes, etc. 40.] Paris, 1885. 8". R. Ac. 5206/2. Dubois (P.) De recuperatione Terre Sancte. Paris, 1891. 8". 2086. g. Du Bois (W. E. B.) The Suppression of the African Slave-Trade to the U.S.A., 1638-1870. [Harvard Historical Studies. 1.] Neiv Yorl; 1896. 8°. R. xVc. 2692/10. Du Boulay (E.) Text-book on Marine Motors. London, 1907. 8". 2246. h. 10. Du Camp (M.) Les Convulsions de Paris. 4 torn. Paris, 1878-80. 8«. 2390. d. 1. Paris : ses organes, ses fonetions et sa vie dans la seconde moitie du xix« siecle. 6 torn. P^ns, 1869-76. 8". 2362. cc. 10. Du Cane (Sir E. F.) The Punishment and Prevention of Crime. [EmjJish Citizen Series.] London, 18S5. 8°. 2238. bh. 9. Ducange (C.) See Dufresne (0.) Seigneur Du Cangc. Ducas (Michael) Historia Byzantina. Recognovit I. Bekkerus- Gr. & Laf. [Bi/zantine Historij. 12.] Bonnae, 1834. ''^"• 2070. a. 12. Du Chaillu (P. B.) 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Les origines du Parlement de Paris et la justice aux xiii^ et xiV^ siecles. Paris, 1902. 8". 2228. e. 10. 320 DUD— DUF Dudden (F. H.) Gregory the Great. 2 vol. London, 1905. 8". 2214. d. 1. Dudley (E. C.) Principles and practice of Gynecology. L,„>(hw, 1905. 8". 2255. g-. 11. Dudley (Sir R.) A^oyage to the West Indies, 1594-1595. Narrated bv Capt. Wyatt, by himself, and by Abram Kendall. Edited by G'. F. AVarner. IRaJduyt Society.] London, 1899. 8". R. Ac. 6172/79. Duentzer (H.) Life of Schiller. Translated by P. E. Pinkerton. Loudon, 1883. 8". 2402. b. 17. Duerck (H.) Special and General Pathologic Histology. 2 vol. ISdinider's Medical Hand -Atlases.'] Philadelphia, 1901, 04. 8". 2256. c. Duerer (Albrecht) Briefe, Tagebiicher unci Reime. [QueJlenschriften fur Knnstiieschichte. 3.] m'en, 1872. 8«. 2262. b. Duerrbach (F.) L'orateur Lycurgue. [Bihl. des Ecoles Fran(;aises d'Athrurs, etc. 57.] Paris, 1890. 8^. R. Ac. 5206/2. Duff (A.) The Theologv and Ethics of the Hebrews. [Semitic Series.] London, 1902. 8". 2259. b. 9. Duff (E. Gordon) A Century of the English Book Trade, 1457- 1557. [Bddioqra^hicrd Society.] London, 1905. 8*^. BB. G. c. 17. Early Printed Books. \JBoohs about Books.] London, 1893. ^°- 2312. d. 11. Hand-Lists of English Printers. \IiihHo(ira])hical Society.] London, 1895, ^'^- ■*"• SB- ^- b. 27. [Another copy.] R. Ac. 9670/6. Westminster and London Printers, 1476-1535. Camhridye, 1906. 8". 2330. a. 13. Duff (H. L.) Nyasaland under the Foreign Office. London, 1906. 8". " 2358. d. 2. Dufif(J. C. G.) History of the Mahrattas. Bonthay, iS-^. S'\ 2386. c. 2. Duff ^. Creation et redemption: — La fille du Marquis : Le docteur mysterieux. 4 tonr. ., 9. Les crimes celebres. 4 tom. ., 10. La dame de Monsoreau. 3 tom. ,, 11. Ladamedevolupte. 2 tom. „ 12. Les deux Diane. 3 tom. „ 13. Les deux i-eiues. 2 tom. „ 14. Dieu dispose. 2 tom. „ 15. Le drame de 93. 3 tom. ,, IG. Les drames galants : — La ^larquise d'Escoman. 2 torn. 2334. c. 1. Emma Lyonna. 5 tom. 2. La femme au collier de velours: Fernande. 2 tom. ,, 3. Une fille du Regent. ,, 4. Filles, lorettes et courti- saues. „ 5. Lc fils du format. „ G. Les freres corses. „ 7. Gabriel Lambert : La peche aux filets: Invraiscm- blance : Une arae a naitre : L'horoscope. 2 tom. „ 8. Les Garibaldiens. „ 9. Gaule et France. „ 10. Les Mflidicis: Uu CTil-Blas en Californie. 2 tom. continued. 2334. c. 11. Les Grands Hommes en robe de chambre : — Cesar. 2 tom. „ 12. Les Grands Hommes en robe de chambre : — Henry IV, Louis XIII et Riclielieu. 2 tom. 13. La Guerre des femmes. 2 tom. 14. Histoire d'un casse-nois- ette. 15. Histoire de mes betes. IG. L'homme aux contes : Les hommes de fer. 2 tom. 17. L'lle de feu. 2 tom. 18. Impressions de voyage : — Une annee a Florence — Quinze jours au Sinai. 2 tom. 19. Impressions de voyage : — Excursions sur les bords du Rliin. 2 ser. 20. Impressions de voyage : — Le Caucase. 3 tom. 21. Impressions de voyage :— Le Corricolo. 2 tom. 22. Impressions de voyage : — ■ Le Midi de la France. 2. tom. 23. Impressions de voyage : — De Paris a Cadiz. 2 tom. 24. Impressions de voyage : — En Russie. 4 tom. 25. Impressions de voyage : — Le Speronare. 2 s6r. 2334. d. 1. Impressions de voyage: — Suisse. 3 tom. 2. Impressions de voyage: — Le Veloce. 2 tom. 3. Impressions de voyage :- - La villa Palmieri. 4. Ingenue. 2 tom. 5. Isaac Lacquedem. 2 tom. 6. Isabel de Baviere. 2 tom. 7. Italiens et flamands. 2 ser. 8. Ivanhoe. 2 tom. 9. Jacques Ortis. 10. Jacquot sans Oreilles, 11. Jane. 12. Jehanne la Pucelle. 13. Louis XIV et son siecle. 4 tom. 14. Louis XV et sa cour. 2 tom. 15. Louis XVI et la revolution. 2 tom. IG. Les louves de IMachecoul. 3 tom. 17. Madame de Chamblay. 2 tom. 18. La maison de glace. 2 tom. DUi^r— DUM 323 2334. f. Dumas (Alexandre) the Elder — continued 2334:. d. 19. Le maitre d'armes : Une nuit a Florence. 2 torn. „ 20. Les mille et un fantomes : Les inariages du pere Olifus. 2 torn. ,, 21. Mas Memoires. 10 ser. 2334. e. 1. Memoires de Garibaldi. 2 ser. ,, 2. Memoires d'une aveugie — Madame du Deffand. 2 ser. „ 3. Memoires d'un medecin — Joseph Balsamo. 5 tom. „ 4. Le meneur de loups : Le Pere La Ruine. 2 tom. „ 5. Les Mohicans de Paris. 4 tom. ,, 6. Les morts vont vite. 2 tom. „ 7. Napoleon. „ 8. Olympe de Cleves. 3 tom. „ 9. Le page du due de Savoie. 2 tom. ,, 10. Parisiens et provinciaux. 2 tom. „ 11. Le pasteur d'Ashbourn. 2 tom. ,, 12. Pauline et Pascal Bruno : Sylvandire. 2 tom. „ 13. Un pays iuconnu. „ 14. Le pere Gigogne. 2 ser. ,, 15. Le prince des voleurs. 2 tom. 2334. e. 16. La princesse de Monaco. 2 ser. 17. Propos d'art et de cuisine. 18. Les Quarante-Ciuq. 3 tom. 19. La Regence. 20. La reine Margot. 2 tom. 21. Robin Hood le proscrit. 2 tom. 22. La route de Varennes : La tulipe noire. 2 tom. 1. Les Stuarts : Le Salteador. 2 tom. 2. Salvator. 5 tom. 3. La San Felice. 9 tom. 4. Souvenirs d'Antony. 5. Souvenirs d'une favorite. 4 tom. 6. Le Testament de M. Chauvelin : Sultanetta. 2 tom. 7. La Terreur prussienne. 2 tom. 8. Trois maitres. 9. Les Trois Mousquetaires. 2 tom. 10. Le Vicomte de Bragelonne. 6 tom. 11. La vie au desert. 2 ser. 12. Une vie d'artiste. 13. Vingt ans apres. 3 tom. 14. Souvenirs dramatiques. 2 tom. (Theatre des 2298. b. 2. Dumas (Alexandre) the Younger. Theatre complet autres.) 10 ser. Paris, 1868-9S. 8^. ■ Notes pour les tomes i-iv. 2 pt. Paris, 1891. 8". 2298. e. 2. Dumesnil (A. J.) Histoire des jdIus celebres amateurs italiens (fraiicais, etrangers). 5 tom. Paris, 1853-60. 8". 2264. c. 5. Dumfries, Conimissariot. Register of Testaments, 1624-1800. [Scot- tish Becord Society.] Edinburgh, 1902. 8". 2100. f. Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Anti- quarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1864, etc. 8". R. Ac. 3032. Dumont (A.) Essai sur I'Ephebie attique. 2 tom. Paris, 1876, 75. 8". 2258. d. 12. Dumont (E.) Recollections of Mirabeau. London, 1832. 8". 2390. d. 6. Dumoulin (M.) 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The Story of Minstrelsy. [Music Story Series.] London, 1907. 8°. 2268. a. Duncan (J.) History of Guei-nsey ; with occasional notices of Jersey, Alderney, and Sark. London, 1841. 8°. 2066. a. Duncan (J. M.) The Parochial Ecclesiastical Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1903. 8°. 2228. c. 5. Duncan (P. M.) British Fossil Corals. [Palaeontograjihical Society. Puldicntions.] London, 1866. 4°. R. Ac. 3200. Duncker (M. W.) Aus der Zeit Friedrichs des grosseu und Friedrich Wilhelms III. Leipzig, iB-/ 6. S". 2392. e. 4. Geschichte des Alterthums. 9 Bde. Leiimg, 1878-86. 8*^. 2382. f. 3. History of Antiquity. 6 vol. London, 1311-82. 8°. 2070. c. History of Greece from the earliest times to the end of the Persian War. 2 vol. London, iS8^-86. 8°. 2382. f. 6. Dunckley (H.) Lord Melbourne. [Prime 3Iinisters of England.] Loudon, 1906. 8«. 2407. c. Duncombe (J.) Duncombe's Edition of the British Theatre, vol. 1-G7. London, 1825-52. 12«. 2304. a, b. Duncumb (J.) History of the County of Hereford. 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S". 2268. CO. 10. D unman (T.) Glossary of Anatomical, Physiological and Biological Terms. London, 1889. 8°. 2251. a. 6. Dunning (J.) Tobacco. [British Manufacturing Industries.] London, 1876. 8°. 2270. aa. 12. Dunning (W. A.) History of Political Theories. 2 vol. New York, 1902-05. 8«. 2238. cc. 15, 16. Dunraven, Earl of. See Quin. Dunsford (M.) Historical Memoirs of the town and parish of Tiverton. Exeter, 1790. 4^. 2368. d. 3. (1.) Dunstable. Chronicon, sive Annales Prioratus de Dunstaple. 2 vol. Oxford, 1733. 8°. 2072. a. Dunstan, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury. Memorials of St. Dunstan. Edited by W. Stubbs. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1874. 8°. 2073. (63.) Dunstan (R.) Basses and Melodies : for Students of Harmony. [NoveUo's Music Primers. 44.] London, 1894. 8°. 2268. aa. Duplessis (G.) See Geatet-Duplessis. Du Plessis (L. F. A.) Duke de Bichelieu. Xouveaux memoires, 1696-1788. 4pt. Pam, 1869-71. 8°. 2402. a. 1. Dupont (E.) Bibliographie generale du Mont Saint Michel. 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Ac. 5773/6. • Pedigrees of Montgomeryshire Families. [Powys-Land Cluh.] London, 1888. 8". R. Ac. 8225/2. Dyce (A.) A few notes on Shakespeare. London, 1853. 8". 2300. e. 7. Dye (F.) Practical Treatise upon Steam Heating. London, 1901. 8^. 2246. d. 11. Practical Treatise upon warming Buildings by Hot Water. Lomlon, 1905. 8«. 2246. d. 25. Dyer (G.) History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge. L'vol.' London, 1S14. 8". 2368. c 6. Dyer (T. F. T.) British Popular Customs. London, 1876. 8". 2348. d. 8. Folk Lore of Shakespeare. Loudon, 1883. 8^. 2300. e. 8. Dyer (T. H.) Modern Europe from 1453. Continued to 1900 by A. Hassall. 6 vol. London, 1901. 8^'. 2071. c. Pomijeii. [Bohns LlJastrated Library.] London, iS-j'). 8". 2502. b. 19. E. E.-A., C. d'^ Dictionnaire des families franq-aises a la fin du xix® siecle. Erreiix, 1903, etc. 8". 2400. d. Eadie (J.) Biblical Cyclopedia. London, 1901. 80. 2008. e. Ecclesiastical Cyclopaedia. London, 1862. 8". 2012. a. 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London, 1890. 8". ^ 2308. e. 11. Hand-Book to the Land-Charters and other Saxonic Documents. Oxford, 1888. 8^ 2278. c. 7. ■ Philology of the English Tongue. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1892. 8". 2320. d. 36. Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel. Edited by C. Plummer. 2 vol. Oxford, 1892, 99. 8°. " 2394. b. 2. Early English Dramatists. London, 1905, etc. 8". 2303. a. Bale. FULWELL, Heywood. 3 vol. Norton and Sackville. Early English Text Society. London, 1864, etc. 8". 1. Early English Alliterative Poems. 2. Arthur : his life and history in English Verse. 3. Lauder : Ane compendious tractate concerning the office of Kyngis. 4. Sir Gawayue and the Green Knight. 5. Hume : Of the Orthographic of the Britan Tongue. 6. Lancelot of the Laik. 7. The Story of Genesis and Exodus. 8. Morte Arthure. [2 editions.] 9. Thynne : Chaucer. 10, 21, 36, 112. Merlin, or the history of King Arthur. 11, 19, 35, 37, 47. Lindesay : Works. 5pt. 12, 84. Adam op Cobsam : The Wright's Chaste Wife. 14. King Horn, Floriz and Blauucheflur and The Assumption of Our Lady. 15. Political, Religious and Love Poems. Udall. Wever and Ingelekd. " Lost " Tudor Plays. Anonymous Plays. 4 ser. Publications. Original series. R. Ac. 9925. 16. The Book of Quinte Essence. 17. Parallel Extracts from twenty- nine MSS. of Piers Plowman. 18. Hali Meidenhad. 20. Richard Rolle de Hampole : English Prose Treatises. 22. La Coudrette : The Romans of Partenay. [2 editions.] 23. Dan Michel : Ayenbite of Inwyt. 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, and other religious poems from the Lambeth IMS. [2 editions.] 25. The Stacions of Rome and The Pilgrim's Sea- Voyage. 26. Religious pieces from R. Thornton's M.S. 27. Levins : Manipulus Vocabulorum. 28. 38, 54, 67, 81. Langland : Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman. 29. 34, 53. Old English Homilies. 30. Pierce the Plowman's Crede. 330 EAKLY Early English Text Society- conthmcd. 31. 32. 33. 39, 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45, 46. 48. 49. 51. 52, 55, 57, 58, 60. 61. 64, 76, Parish Epi- 87, Myrc : Instriictious for Priests. [2 editions.] TheBabees Book, Aristotle's A. B.C. The Book of the Kuight of La Tour-Laudry. 56. The " Gcst Hystoriale " of the destruction of Troy. English Gilds. Lauder : ]Minor Poems. Bernardus de cura rei familiaris. Katis Raving and other jjieces. Joseph of Arimathie, or The Romance of the Holy Grail. 50. King Alfred's West-Saxon Ver- sion of Gregory's Pastoral Care. Legends of the Holy Rood. The Time's Whistle. Old English ISIiscellany of the thirteenth century. The Liflade of St. Juliana. 72. Palladius on Husbandrie. 70. Geuerydes. 59, 62, 66, 68, 99, 101. Cursor Mundi. 03, 73. The Blickling Homilies. Maxnixg : Bonavcutura's Medita- tions on the Supper of our Lord and the Hours of the Passion. Thomas of ERCiLnou:sE : Romance and Prophecies. Thysxe : Emblems and grames. Be Domes Daege. | Adam Davy's Dreams about | 120 Edward ii. j The Lay Folk's Mass Book. Wyclif : Unprinted Works. Catholicon Anglic um. 82, 94, 114. Aelfric's Lives of Saints. Beowulf : Autotypes of ]MSS. Fifty Earliest English Wills in the Court of Probate. King Alfred's Orosius. Life of St. Katharine. The Oldest English Texts. The Tliree Kings of Cologne. The Lives of Women Saints of our contrio of England. 89. 90. 91, 92. 93. 95, 97. 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106. 107. 108, 113. 115, 116. 118. 119. 121. 124. 125, 126, 129, 131, 133, 134 The Early S o u t h - E n g 1 i s h Legendary. Bradshaw: Life of Saint Wer- burge of Chester. Vices and Virtues. The Rule of S. Benet, Anglo-Saxon and Latin. Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books. Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter. Defensor's Liber Scintillarum. 96, 110, 111. Bede : Ecclesiastical History. etc. Earliest English Prose Psalter. 117. Vernon IMS. : Minor Poems. Capgrave : Life of St. Katharine of Alexandria. etc. Lanpranc : Cirurgie. History of the Holy Rood-Tree. etc. The Exeter Book. 109. The Prymer or Lay Folk's Praj'er Book. Fire of Love and Mending of Life. The English Conquest of Ireland, 1166-1185. Child-lMarriages and Divorces. Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, Plutarch. Jacob's Well. An Old-English Martyroiogy. Lay Folks' Cathechism. 123. Robert of Brunne : Hand- lyng Synne. Rule of S. Benet, Northern Prose and Verse. 122. Laud MS. Troy Book. Political and other Poems from the Digliy IMS. 128. Medieval Records of a London City Church, St. Mary at Hill. 127. Stephanus, Bisuntinus : An Alphabet of Tales. 130. English Register of Godstow Nunnery, 1450. etc. The iirut, or Chronicle of England. English Register of Osenev Abbey, 1460. etc. The Coventry Leet Book. Extra .series. London, i86-, etc. 8". 1. William of Palerne. 2. 7, 14, 23, 56. I^llis : Early English Pronunciation. 5 pt. 3. CrtxtonV' Book of Curtesye. 9. R. Ac. 9926. Fraternitve of Vaca- •1. le Dane. Dc C o u s o 1 a t i o n e i ii.i.-.jphiac. Translated by W. Caxtou. Chcvclere Assigne. GiLHEHT : Queeue Elizabcthc's Academy. AWDELEY : bondes. 10. BooRDE : Works. 11. The Bruce. 12. 32. England in the reign of Henry VIII. 2 pt. 13. Fish : Supplicacyon for the Beggars. 15. Crowley : Works. 16. Chaucer : Treatise on the Astrolabe. 17. 18. Complaynt of Scotlande. 19. Myroure of oure Ladye. EAR— EAS 331 Early English Text Society— 20, 24, 27, 30. De Bobron : History of the Holy Grail. 4 pt. 22. Beinklow: Complaynt of Eoderyck IMors. 25, 26. Guy of Warwick. Second ver- sion. 2 pt. 27. Fisher : Works, pt. 1. 31. Alexander and Didynaus. 33. Early English versions of Gesta Romauornm. 34-41, 43-45. English Charlemague Romances. 11 pt. 42, 49, 59. Guy of Warwick. First version. 3 pt. 46, 48, 65. Sir Beves of Hamtouu. 3pt. 47. The Wars of Alexander. 51. Torrent of Portyngale. 52. BuLLEiN : Dialogue against Fever Pestilence. 53. ViCARY : Anatomic. 54. Ghartier : Curial. 57. Caxton's Eneydos. 58. Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eg- lantine. 60. Lydgate : Temple of Glas. 61. OccLEVE : Works. 2 pt. 62. Chester Plays, pt. 1. 63. De Imitatione Christi. 64. Godeffroy of Boloyne. 66. Lydgate and Burgh : Secrees of old Philisoffres. 67. The Three Kings' Sons. 68. Jean d'Abras : Melusine. ■continued. 70. Digby Plays. 74. Prose Versions of the Sccrcta Secretorum. 75. Speculum Gy de Warewyke. 76. AsHBY : Poems. 77. 83, 92. De Deguileville : Pil- grimage of the Life of ]Man. 3pt. 78. Robinson : Life of jMary Mag- delene. 79. Caxton : Dialogues in French and English. 80. Lydgate : Elinor Poems. 81. 82. GowER : English Works. 2 pt 84. 89. Lydgate : Reson and Sensu allyte. 2 pt. 85. Poems of Alexander Scott. 86. Poems of William of Shoreham. 87. Coventry Corpus Christi Plays. 88. Le Morte Arthur. 90. English Fragments from Latin Medieval Service-Books. 91. Macro Plays. 93. LovELiCH : Merlin. 94. Respublica. 95. Kejipe : The Legend of the Holy Grail. 96. Mirk's Festial. 97. Lydgate : Troy Book. 98. Skelton: Magnyfycencc. 99. The Romance of Emare. 100. The Harrowing of Hell. 101. Songs and Poems from Richard Hill's Commonplace Book. 102. Promptorium Parvulorum. 2 vol. 2064. 69. Lydgate : The Assembly of Gods. Earwaker (J. P.) East Cheshire, past and present Lundon, i^~i~i, 8o. 4". kJUb^. e LancasMre and Cheshire Wills. [Gheiham Society Pnllications. Neiv Series. 3, 28, 37.] Manchester, 1884-97. '^°- R. Ac. 8120. East Anglian. London, i'$>6a^, etc. 8". East Herts Archaeological Society. 8". R. P.P. 6081. d. Report and Transactions. R. Ac. 5654. Catalogue of the Library, Transactions. Circ. 88. a. R. Ac. 5653. Hertford, 1899, etc. East India Company. London, 1S45. 8''. East Riding Antiquarian Society. Enll, 1893, etc. 80. Easther (A.) Glossary of the dialect of Almondbury and Hudders- lield. [En(/lish Dialect Society. '\ London, 1883. 8". R. Ac. 9934/16. Eastlake (*S'//- C. L.) Materials for a History of Oil Painting. 2 vol. London, 1847, 69. 80. 2033. g. Eastlake (F. W.) and Yamada Yoshi-Aki. Heroic Japan. A history of the War between China and Japan, 189-1-95. London, 1S97. 8". 2386. c 16. 332 EAS-EBR Eastland Company. Acts and Ordinances. [Camden Sonet!/.] Lo.ulon, 1906. 4". R. Ac. 8113/147. fAiiother edition.! \Iioyal Historical Soeietj/.] London, 1906. 8". '- J L ./ J, ^^ 8118/15. Easton (H. T.) History and Princifjles of Banks and Banking. London, 1904. 8". " 2240. b. 11. ]\loney, Exchange and Banking. London, 1905. 8". 2240. b. 10. Eastwick (E. B.) Handbook of the Bengal Presidency. [3Iurray's Unndhoohs.] London, 1882. 8". 2364. a. 2. Handbook of the Bombay Presidency. [Murray's Eandhooks.] London, 1881. 8". 2364. a. 4. Handbook of the Madras Presidency. [3Iurray's Handbooks.] London, 1S79. 8". 2364. b. 2. Handbook of the Punjab, Western Rajputana, Kashmir and Upper Sindh. \Murrai/s Handbooks.] London, 1883. 8°. 2364. b. 6. Eaton (C. A.) Rome in the nineteenth century. 2 vol. [Bohi's Illustrated Library.] London, 1852. 8«. 2502. b. 20. AVaterloo Davs. [Bohn's Select Librari/.] London, 1888. 8°. 2502. k. 23. EbeKH.) Celtic Studies. London, 186^. 8«. 2278. g. 4. Ebeling (F. W.) Geschiclite der komischen Literatur in Deutseh- land. ;} Bde. Leiimiy, 1852-69. 8". 2312. f. 7. Ebeling (H.) Lexicon Homericum. 2 vol. Leipziij, 1885, 80. 8". 2048. h. Eberhard (A.) Fabulae Romanenses Graece conscrijDtae. [Teuhner Srrle.s.] Leipzig, 1872, etc. 8^. 2047. a, etc. Eberhard (J. A.) Deutsche Synonymik. 2 Bde. Lripziy, 1852, 53. 8". 2276. c. 16. Ebers (G.) An Egyptian Princess. [Bohn's Novelists Library.] London, 1887. 8". 2502. e. 15. Ebert (A.) Gescluchte der Literatur des Mittelalters im Abendlande. 3 Bde. Lei2jzi(i, 1874-87. 8". 2312. g. Ebert ^F. A.) Allgemeines Bibliographisches Lexikon. 2 vol. L'ij,,.!./, 1 82 1, 30. 40. 2037. f. Ebrard (J. H. A.) Apologetics. 3 vol. [ClorFs Forei ses comnientateurs conserves dans i 87. les bibliotheques de France. Dlrrbach : L'orateur Lycurgue. Langlois : Origines du Roman de la Rose. Cadier : Essai sur I'administration du royaume de Sicile sous Charles i. et Charles ii. d'Anjou. Paris: Elatee. La ville, le temple d' Athena Cranaia. NoiRET : Documents inedits pour servir a I'histoire de la domination venitienne en Crete de 1380 a 1499. Fabee : Etude sur le Liber Cen- suum de I'Eglise Romaine. Radet : La Lydie et le monde grec au temps des Mermuades. Clerc : Les Meteques atheniens. GsELL : Essai sur le regne de I'Empereur Domitien. Enlart : Origines fraiK^aises de I'architecture gothique en Italie. Berard : Origine des cultes arca- diens. Baudrillart : Les divinites de la victoire en Grece et en Italie. De Ridder : Catalogue des bronzes de la Societe archeolo- gique d'Athenes. Berger : Histoire de Blanche de Castille. RoLLAND : Les Origines du theatre lyrique moderne : histoire de I'opera en Europe avant Lully et Scarlatti. TouTAiN : Les cit6s romaines de la Tunisie. Guibaud : L'Etat Pontificale apres le grand schisme. De Ridder : Catalogue des bronzes trouves sur I'Acropole d'Athenes. 76. Pelissier : Louis xii et Ludovic Sforza. Ardaillon : Les mines du Laurion dans I'antiquite. Fougeres : Mantinee et I'Arcadie Orientale. Legrand : De Loye Chambre siecle. Courbaud : Le Bas-Relief romain a representations historiques. Mace : Essai sur Suetone. DuPODRCQ : Etude sur les Gesta Martyrum romains. AuDOLLENT : Carthage romaine. CoLLiGNON and Couve : Catalogue des vases peints du Musee National d'Athenes. Deprez : Les preliminaires de la guerre de cent ans. Besnier : L'lle Tiberine dans I'antiquite. Etude sur Theocrite. Les Archives de la Apostolique au xiV 338 ECO— EDE Ecoles Fran9aises d'Athenes et de Rome — continued. 8S. YvER : Le commerce et les mar- 95. Bourguet : L'Administration chands dans I'ltalie M^ridionale au XIV' siecle. 89. Homo : Essai sur le regne de I'Empereur Aurelien. 90. Gay : L'ltalie Meridiouale et TEmpire Byzantin. 91. Millet, etc. : Recueil des in- scriptions chr^tiennes du Mont Atbos. 92. Lechat : La Sculpture attique fiuauciere du Sanctuaire Pythique au iV siecle avant J. C 96. Samaran and Mollat : La Pis- calite Pontificale en France au xiV siecle. 97. Merlin : L'Aventin dans I'Anti- quite. 98. Dubois : Pouzzoles antique. 99. Chapot : La Frontiere de I'Eu- phrate. avant Phidias. 100. Cavaignac : Histoire financiere 93. Colin: La Culted'Apol Ion Pythien i d'Athenes au v" siecle. a Athenes. I 101. Perdrizet : La Vierge de Mis6ri- 94. Colin : Rome et la Grece. ' corde. Deuxieme serie. Paris, 1884, efc. 4". R. Ac. 5206/2. 1. Registres d'Innocent iv. 1 10. Fouilles dans la Necropole de 2. Registres de Benoit xi. 1 Vulci. 3. Liber Pontificalis. 11. Registres de Clement iv. 4. Registres de Boniface viii. 12. Registres de Gregoire x et de 5. Registres de Nicolas iv. j Jean xxi. 6. Liber Censuum. I 13. Registres d'Urbain iv. 7. Registres d'Honorius iv. ' 14. Registres de Nicolas iii. 8. La N6cropole de ]Myrina. 15. Registres d'Alexandre iv. 9. Registres de Gregoire ix. 16. Registres de Martin iv. Troisieme serie. Lettres de Papes d'Avignon se rapportant a la France. PaWs, 1899, e/c. 4". R. Ac. 5206/2. 1. Jean xxii. I 4. Innocent vi. 2. Benoit xii. 5. Urbain v. 3. Clement vi. 6. Gregoire xi. • JJulletin de Correspondance Hellenique. Paris, 1877, etc. (S". R. Ac. 5206/3. Economic Journal. London, 1891, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 2359. and 2020. f. Ecthesis Chronica. Ecthesis Chronica and Chronicon Athenarum. Edited by 8. P. Lambros. [Biizantine Texts.'] London, 1902. 8". 2071. e. Edda. Die Lieder der Edda. Herausgegeben von B. Sijmons und H. Gering. [Gerrnanistische Handhibliotheh. 7.] EaUe a. S., 1888, etc. 8". 2043. b. Vollstiindiges Worterbuch zu den Liedern der Edda. Von H. Gering. 2 pt. Halle a. S., 1901-03. 8". 2043. b. Eddy (A. J.) The Law of Combinations. 2 vol. Chira>,o, 1 901. 8". 2232. cc. 2. Eddy (M. B. G.) Science and Health. Boston, U.S.A., 1902. 8". 2256. b. 19. Edersheim (A.) Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. 2 vol. London, 1887. 8". 2206. c. 1. Edersheim (E. W.) The Laws and Polity of the Jews. Loudon, 1883. 8^'. 2217. a. 17. Edessa Chronicle. Si/r. & Ger. [Gehhardt and Harnack. 9.] Lr;2,znj, itiy2. H'>. 2003. f. EDE— EDI 339 Edeyrn, Damd Aur. Dosparth Edeyrn Davod Aur : the Ancient Welsh Grammar. [WeJxh MSS. Society.'] Llandovery, 1856. 8". R. Ac. 5773/4. Edgar (A.) and Rogers (C.) Genealogical Collections concei-ning the Scottish House of Edgar. [Grampian Cluh. 17.] London, 1873. 8". R. Ac. 8241/17. Edgren (H.) Compendious Sanskrit Grammar. [Truhner'!^ Collection of Simplified Grammars. 13.] London, 18S5. 8". 2274. a. 25. Italian and English Dictionary. London, 1902. 8". 2055. c. Edinburgh. Register of Marriages, 1.595-1700. [Scottixli llecorci, Society.] Edinburgh, 1905. 8". 2100. f. Advocate's Library. Catalogue of Printed Books. 7 vol. Edinburgh, 1867-79. '^"- Circ. 88. c. Bannatyne Cluh. See Bannatyne Club. Commissariat Record. Register of Testaments, 1514-1600. [Index Library. 16.] Edinhurgh, 1897. ^^- 2100. d. Register of Testaments, 1601-1700. [Scottish Record, Society.] Edinburgh, 1898. 8". 2100. f. Greyfriars Church. Register of Interments, 1658-1700. [Scot- tish Record: Society.] Edinburgh, 1902. 8". 2100. f. Royal Physical Society. See Royal Physical Society, Edin- burgh. ■ Royal Society. See Royal Society, Edinburgh. Signet Library. Catalogue of Printed Books. 3 vol. Edinburgh, 187 1-9 1. i". Circ. 89. b. Wernerian Natural History Society. See Wernerian Natural History Society, Edinburgh. Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Publications. Edinburgh, 1896, etc. 4". R. Ac. 9703. 1. Papers, 1890-95. : 5. Bibliography of Dunfermline. 2. Bibliography of Mary Queen of Scots. 6. Papers, 1901-04. 3. Papers, 1895-98. 7. Books i)rinted in Scotland before 4. Papers, 1899-1901. 1700. Edinburgh Magazine. A new series of the Scots Magazine. See Scots Magazine. Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1881, etc. 8". U. Ac. 3033. c. Edinburgh Review. Edinhurgh, 1804, etc. 8'\ 2121. b-i. General Index to vol. 1-20, 1802-12. Edinburgh, 18 13. 8". vol. 21-50, 1813-30. Edinburgh, 1832. 8". ■ vol. 51-80, 1830-44. London, 1850. 8". vol. 81-110, 1845-59. London, 1862. 8°. vol. 111-140, 1860-74. London, 1876. 8". vol. 141-170, 1875-89. London, 1891. 8". 2121. i. 7. 9. 340 EDI— EDW Edinburgh University. Calendar. [Current issue.] Ediiibiinjli. 8". Circ. 69. a. Edis (H. W.) Decoration and Funiiture of Town Houses. London, 1 88 1. 8". 2261. d. 3. Edkins (J.) Chinese Buddhism. [Trubna-'s Oriental Seriex.'] London, i88o. S^. 2318. g. 4. The Early Spread of Religious Ideas, especially in the Far East. \Bii-Paths of BihJe Knoioledcje. 19.] Lo/k/oh, 1893. 8". 2200. b. 21. Grammar of the Chinese Language, Mandarin Dialect. Shanghai, 1863. 8°. " 2056. b. Religion in China. [EntjJlsh <{■ Forei. ' R. Ac. 3200. Edwards (F. M.) The Defence and Defensive Positions. London, 1902. S". 2248. h. 8. Edwards (G. M.) Sidney Sussex College. [CoUcye Histories, Canihridije.] London, 1899. 8". '2234. ee. 8. Edwards (H.) Collection of old English customs and curious bequests and charities. London, 1842. 8". 2368. b. 7. Edwards (H. S.) Rossini and his school. [Great Musicians.] London, 1881. 8". 2268. a. 11. Edwards (James) The Hemiptera Homoptera of the British Islands. London, 1896. 8". 2251. h. 4. Edwards (Jonathan) Works. 4 vol. New York, 1844. 8". 2204. b. 2. Edwards (O. M.) Wales. [Stoni of the Nations. 56.] London, 1 90 1. 8". ' ■ 2071. c. 66. Edwards (R.) Castra Regia. [Boxhurghe Club. 56.] London, 1846. 4«. R. Ac. 8104/56. Damon and Pithias. [Earhj En(jh's]i Dramatists.] London, 1906. 8". ' ' 2303. a. • The Paradyse of Daynty Devises. Edited by J. P. Collier. [Seven Poeticcd Miscellanies. 2.] London, i%6^. 4". 2326. c. 7. Edwards (T.) Cephalus and Procris. — Narcissus. [Bo.chun/he Gluh. 98.] London, 1S82. 4". R. Ac. 8104/98. Edwards (W. D.) Compendium of the Law of Property in Land. London, 1904. 8". 2228. b. 11. Egan (P.) Boxiana : sketches of ancient and modern pugilism. 4 vol. London, 1818-24. 8". ' 2270. e. 8. 342 EGA— EIT Egan (P.) Tom and Jerry. Life in London. With coloured illustra- tions by I. R. and G. Cruikshank. London, 1870. 8". 2350. h. 14. Egerton (H. E.) Origin and Growth of the English Colonies. Oxford, 1903. 8«.^ " 2398. b. 1. Egerton (H. E.) and Grant (W. L.) Canadian Constitutional Development. London, 1907. 8'\ 2398. f. 8. Egerton Papers. [Camden Society. 12.] London, 1840. i". R. Ac. 8113/12. Egidi (P.) Notizie storiclie. [I Monasteri di Suhiaco. 1.] Boma, 1904. 8". 2212. dd. 3. Egilsson (S.) Lexicon poeticum antiquae linguae septentrionalis. Hn/niae, i860. 8". 2276. g. 4. Egli (J. J.) Etymologisch-geographisches Lexikon. Leipzig, 1880. 8". 2060. b. Nomina geographica. Sprach- und Sacherkliirung von 42,000 geographischen Namen aller Erdraume. Leipzig, 1893. S". 2059. a. Egypt. Codes egyptiens. Le Caire, 1896. B". 2018. c. Eichens (M.) Fir.st Reading Book. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1869. 8". 2320. c. 29. Eijnden (R. van) and Willigen (A. van der) Geschiedenis der Vaderlandsche Schilderkunst sedert de helft der xviii. eeuw. 4 vol. Haarlem, iS 16-^2. 8". 2034. a. Eilhart, von Oherge. Eilhart von Oberge. Herausgegeben von F. Lichtenstein. [QueJlen und Forscliungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschielite der germanisclien Volher. 19.] Sirn.J.nrg, 1877. 8". 2338. h. 3. Einarsson (H.) Historia Litteraria Tslandite. Copenhagen, 1786. 12«. 2037. a. Eisler (R.) Worterbuch der philosopliischen Begriffe. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1904. 8". ' ■ 2236. c. 18. Eitel (E. J.) Europe in China. History of Hongkong. Lnudon, 1895. 8". ' 2386. c. 10. Eitelberger von Edelberg (R.; Quellenschriften fiir Kunst- geschichte. Herausgegeben von R. Eitelberger von Edelberg. See QUKLLEXSCIIKIFTKX. Eitner (R.) Jjililiographie der Musik-Sammelwerke des xvi und xvii Jahrhuuderts. Berlin, 1877. 8^^ 2031. C Bucherverzeichniss der Musik-Literatur, 1839-46. [Gesellschaft fur MuMh/orscJinng.] Leipzig, iS8^. 8". BB. G. e. 5. [Another copy.] R. Ac. 5144. Buch- und Musikalien-Handler, Buch- und Musikalien-Drucker. [Geiselhehaft fur Mnsik-Forsrhung.] Lripzli/, 1904. 8^. R. Ac. 5144. EIT— ELI 343 Eitner (R.) Katalog der Musikalien-Sarumlung des Joachimsthalsclien Gymnasiums zu Berlin. [Gesellschaft fiir 3lusiJcforsckuny.'\ Berlin, 1884. 8«. " ' R. Ac. 5144. Musik-Handschriftenauf ofFentlichen Bibliotheken. [GexeJhchaft fiir 3Iusikforschun(j.] Leij^zig, 1S86. S". R. Ac. 5144. Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten, bis zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 10 vol. Leipzig, 1900-04. S". 2031. d. Thematischer Katalog der von Thulemeier'schen Musikalien- Sammlung in der Bibliothek des -Joachimsthal'schen Gymnasiums zu Berlin. [Gesellschaft fur Musikforsehung.'] Leipzig, i8'^<). 8". R. Ac. 5144. Verzeichniss neuer Ausgaben alter Musikwerke. [Geselhchaft fiir M'usikforsdiiuig.] Berlin, 1870. 8*^. R. Ac. 5144. Eitner (R.) and Kade (O.) Katalog der Musik-Sammlung der Kgl. oftentlicben Bibliothek zu Dresden. [Gesellschaft fiir Musik- forsrhung.] Leipzig, 1S90. 8". R. Ac. 5144. Elderton (E. M.) and Pearson (K.) On the measure of the Resem- blance of First Cousins. [Eiigenics Laboratory Memoirs. 4.] London, 1907. fol. R. Ac. 3820. i. Elger CT. G.) The Moon. XoHf?on, 1895. 8^ 2242. f. 4. Elias, Chevalier au Cygne. Chevalere Assigne. [Roxhurghe Club. 25.] London, 1820." 4«. R. Ac. 8104/25. Elie, de Saint Gille. Elie de Saint Gille. Chanson de geste. [Societe des anciens textes frawjais.^ Paris, 1879. 8°. R. Ac. 9811/13. Elijah, the Prophet. Die Apokalypse des Elias. Copt. S: Ger. [Gebhardt and Harnack. N.F. 2.] Leipzig, i8(^r^. 8". 2003. f. Eliot {Sir C.) The East African Pi'otectorate. London, 1905. 8". 2358. f. 16. Turkey in Europe. London, 1908. 8«. 2360. d. 3. Eliot (C. N. E.) Finnish Grammar. Oxford, 1890. S^. 2272. c. 30. Eliot (George) Works. 20 vol. Edinburgh, 1878-80. 8". 2342. b. Adam Bede. 2 vol. Mill on the Floss. 2 vol. Daniel Deronda. 3 vol. I Romola. 2 vol. Felix Holt. 2 vol. j Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vol. Impressions of Theoplirastus Such. I Silas Marner. The Lifted Veil. Brother Legend of Jubal and other Poems. , Jacob. Middlemarch. 3 vol. The Spanish Gypsy. Essays and Leaves from a Xote-Book. Edinburgh, 1884. 8'\ 2350. b. 1. Eliot {Sir J.) Apology for Socrates. — Kegotium Posterorum. 2 vol. London, 1 88 1, ^r*^. 2326. g. 17. De Jure Majestatis. — Letter Book, 1625-32. 2 vol. London, 1882. 4". 2326. n. 18. 344 ELI— ELL Elizabeth, Qhpoi of Enijland. Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of L'.octliius, Plutarch, Horace. [Earhi EwjViali Text Sorieti/.] LomJon, 1899. S'\ R. Ac. 9925/83. Letters to James vi. of Scotland. [Ccunden Sorirti/. 46.] London, 1849. 4«. R. Ac. 8113/46. Ellacombe (H. N.) The Plant-Lore of Shakespeare. London, 18S4. 8". 2300. a. 8. Ellendt (F.) Lexicon Sophocleum. Berlin, 1872-74. 8". 2048. h. EUes (J. L.) and Wood (E. M. R.) British Graptolites. [Palaeonto- (/ni])h/cn/ Sorieti/. PuhJirations.^ London, 1902, etc. 4". R. Ac. 3200. Ellicott (C. J.) Bishop of Gloucester and, Bristol. Historical Lectures on the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. London, 1876. 8". 2206. c. 6. New Testament Commentary for English Readers. 3 vol. London, 18S4. 4". ' 2008. h. Old Testament Commentary for English Readers. 5 vol. London, 1882-84. 4". ' 2008. h. Elliot (A.) The State and the Church. [English Citizen Series.] Loudon, 1899. S". " 2238. bb. 11. Elliot (G.) Earl of Minto. Lord Minto in India. Life and letters, 1807-14. London, 1880. 8". 2410. b. 8. Elliot (G. H.) Cavalry Literature. Calentta, 1873. 8". BB. E. e. 12. Elliot (H.) Life uf Sidney, Earl of Godolphin. London, 1888. 8°. 2406. f. 8. Elliot {Sir H. M.) PibHographical Index to the historians of Muhammedan India, vol. 1. Calcutta, 1849. 8". BB. M. c. 16. Memoii's of the history, folk lore and distribution of the races of the North Western Provinces of India. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8<'. 2354. f. 7. Elliott (A.) Tlie Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906. London, 1907. 8". 2018. C Elliott (A. M.) Contemporary Biography. References to books and magazine articles on prominent men and women of the time. Pittslmrijh, 1903, 8". 2092. e. Elliott (Ebenezer) Poetical Works. Edited by his son. 2 vol. London, iS-C. 8". 2290. d. 5. Ellis (A. B.) History of tlie Gold Coast of West Africa. Loudon, 1893. 8". 2386. d. 18. Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast. London, 1887. 8". 2358. f. 1. The Yoruba-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa. Loudon, 1894. 8". 2272. e. 6. ELL— ELP 345 Ellis (A. J.) Early English Pronunciation. 5 vol. [Philohu/iral Sii, 1727. 16'\ Contributions towards a Dictionary of 13 pt. London, 1892-99. 8". 2330. e. 17. English Catalogue of Books, 1835, etc. 8"! Circ. 90, 91. a. Records of the English Catholics under the penal laws. London, 1878, etc. 4". 2210. f. 2. 1. First and Second Diaries of the English College, Douay. 2. Letters and ^lemorials of William, Cardinal Allen. English Citizen Series. London, 1881, etc. 8°. 22S8. hh. 6, etc. English Book-Collectors. Eno-lish Book-Collectors. English Catalogue. London, 1864, etc. English Catholics. Chalmers : Local Government. Craik : The State in its relation to Education. DucANE : Punishment and Prevention of Crime. Elliot : The State and the Church. Farrer : The State in its relation to Trade. FowLE : Poor Laws. Jevons : The State in its relation to Labour. Mackay : The State and Charity. Maitland : Justice and Police. Maurice : National Defences. Odgers : Local Government. Payne : Colonies and Colonial Federa- tions. Pollock : Land Laws. Traill : Central Government. Walpole : The Electorate and the Legislature. Walpole : Foreign Relations. Wilson : The National Budget. English Dialect Society, Bibliographical List of works published, or known to exist in MS., illustrative of the various dialects of English. London, 1877. 8«. BB. T. d. 12. Publications. London, 1873-96. 8". R. Ac. 9934. A: 9935. Addy : Sheffield Glossary. Atkinson : Cleveland Words. Axon : Dialect Words of 18th Century. Britten : Old Country Words. Britten and Holland : English Plant Names. BiJLBRiNG : Ablaut in the Dialects of Southern England. Chamberlain : West Worcestershire Glossary. Chope : Dialect of Hartland. Cole : South-west Lincolnshire Glos- sary. Cope : Hampshire Glossary. Courtney and Couch : Cornwall Glos- sary. Darlington : Folk Speech of South Cheshire. Dartnell and Goddard : Wiltshire Glossary. Dickinson : Cumberland Glossary. Easther : Dialect of Almondbury and Huddersfield. Ellis : English Dialects. Ellwood : Lakeland and Iceland. Elworthy : Dialect of West Somerset. 350 ENGLISH English Dialect Society. Publications— crm^mwerf. West Somerset Grammar. West Somerset Word- Elwokthy Elworthy Book. Elworthy and Skeat : Specimens of English Dialects. EvAXS : Leicestershire W^ords. FiTZHERBERT : Book of Husbandry. Fbiexd : Devonshire Plant Names. GowER : Surrey Glossary. Haeland : Swaledale Glossary. Heslop : List of works illustrative of Northumberland Dialect. Heslop : Northumberland Glossary. HoLLA>D : Cheshire Glossary. Lawson : Upton-on-Severn Words. Lowsley : Berkshire Glossary. Miscellanies. Nodal and Milnee : Lancashire Glossary. NORTHALL : Folk-phrases of Gloucester- shire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, I ■ Worcestershire. North ALL : Warwickshire Word- Book. Palgrave : Hetton-le-hole Words and Phrases. Parish and Shaw : Kentish Dialect. Patterson : Antrim and Down Glos- sary. Peacock : Words used in JManley and Corringham. Pegge : Derbicisms. Robertson : Gloucestershire Glossary. Robinson : Mid-Yorkshire Glossary. Robinson : Whitby Glossary. Ross : Holderness Glossary. Rye : East Anglian Glossary. Salisbury' : South-east Worcestershire Words. Skeat ; Reprinted Glossaries. Skeat : Specimens of English Dialects. Smith : Isle of Wight Words. Swainson: Provincial Names of Birds. Sweet : History of English Sounds. Turner : Names of Herbes. TussER : Good Husbandrie. Wordsworth : Rutland W^ords. Wright : Dialect of Windhill. English Goethe Society. Loiuhn,, 1886-99. 8". English Historical Review. Publications, no. 1-9. English Historical Society LoikIoh, 1838-56. 8". Adamus Murimuthensis. Chronica. Recensuit T. Hog. Beda. Opera historica. Recensuit J. Stevenson. 2 vol. Chronicque de la traison et mort de Richart deux, Rov dengleterre. Par B. Williams. Florentius Wigorniensis. Chronicon ex Chronicis. Edidit B. Thorpe. 2 vol. Gesta Stephani, Regis Anglorum. Recensuit R. C. Sewell. Gildas. De Excidio Britannise. Re- censuit ■]. Stevenson. Henrici Quinti Gesta, cum Chronica Neustriie : illustravit B. Williams. Kemble. Codex Diplomaticus ^vi Saxon ici. G vol. English Men of Letters. London, 1 87 8, etc. 8". Ainger : Crabbe. AiNGER : Lamb. Benson : Fitzgerald. Benson : Pater. Birrell: Hazlitt. Bikhell: Marvell. Black : Goldsmith. Che.sterton : Browning. Church : Bacon. Church : Spenser. London, 1886, etc. 8°. Publications. 29 vol. R. Ac 9478. 2115. ij, h. 2072. 5ritonum. be. Re- Chronicon de I. Curante Chronica. T. Nennius. Historia censuit J. Stevenson. RiCARDUS DiVISIENSIS. rebus gestis Ricardi ] J. Stevenson. Roger de Wendover. Edidit H. 0. Coxe. 4 vol. Appendix. Trivetus. Annales. Recensuit Hog. Walter de Hemingford. Chronicon. Recensuit H. C. Hamilton. 2 vol. .WiLLELMUs Malmesbiriensis. Gesta Regum Anglorum. Recensuit T. D. Hardy. 2 vol. Willelmus Parvus. Historia rerum Anglicarum. Recensuit H. 0. Hamilton. 2 vol. Edited by John Morley. 2326. b. 1, etc. CoLviN : Keats. CoLviN : Landor. Courthope : Addison. DoBSON : Burney. DoBSON : Fielding. DowDEN : Southey. Fowler : Locke. Froude : Bunyan. GoLDWiN Smith : Cowper. GossB : Browne. ENG— ENO 351 English Men of Letters — continued. GossE : Gray. : GossB : Jeremy Taylor. GwYNN : Moore. Harrison : Ruskiu. Hirst : Adam Smith. HuTTON : Scott. Huxley : Hume. James : Hawthorn e. Jebb : Bentley. Lawless : Edgeworth. Lyall : Tennyson. Macaulay : James Thompson. Masson : De Quincey. MiNTO : Defoe. MoRisoN : Gihbon. MoRisoN : I\Iacaulay. MoRLEY : Burke. Myers : Wordsworth. NicHOL : Byron. NiCHOL : Carlyle. NoYES : William Morris. Oliphant : Sheridan. Pattison : ]\Iilton. Paul : Matt. Arnold. Raleigh : Shakespeare. Russell : Sydney Smith. Saintsbury : Drydan. Shairp : Burns. Symonds : Shelley. Symonds : Sidney. Stephen : George Eliot. Stephen : Hobbes. Stephen : Johnson. Stephen : Pope. Stephen : Swift. Traill : Coleridge. Traill : Sterne. Trollope : Thackeray. Ward : Chaucer. Ward : Dickens. English Philosophers. 5 vol. 1. Fowler : Bacon. 2. MoNCK : Sir William Hamilton. 3. Bower : Hartley and James Mill. London, i88i. 8". 2326. a. 1-5. Shaftesbury and Hut- 4. Fowler : cheson. 5. Farrer : Adam Smith. English Poets. See Chalmers (A.) English Reports. London, 1900, etc. 1-11. House of Lords. 12-20. Privy Council. 21-47. Court of Chancery. English Theological Library. Englishwoman's Year Book. 8°. 2041. f. 2227. a-d. 48-55. RoUs Court. 56-71. Vice-Chancellor's Court. 72, etc. Court of King's Bench. See Relton (F.) [Current issue.'] London. 8°. Circ. 67. English (H. S.) Crowland and Burgh. 3 vol. London, 187 1. 8". 2367. aa. 4. Enlart (C.) Origines fran^aises de I'architecture gothique en Italic. [Bibl. des Ecoles Fra7i(^-ciisesd'Athenes, etc. 66.] Par/s, 1894. 8*^. R. Ac. 5206/2. [Bohn's Scienfifir Ldnary.l^ 2502. - 17. 2003. d. [Gchliardt and HdrnacJc. 2003. g. Ennemoser (J.) History of Magic. 2 vol. Loudon, 1854. 8". Ennodius. Opera. [Corpus Script. Eccles. Lat. 6.] Vienna, 1882. 8°. Enoch. ' Das Buch Henoch. Ethiop. N.F. 7.] Leipzig, 1902. 8"^. • ■ Das Bucli Henoch. Gr. & Ger. [Die griecldsclien Christhichen Schriftdellen.'] Leipzig, 1901. 8^. 2004. f. The Book of Enoch. Translated from the Ethiopic and edited by R. H. Charles. Oxford, 1893. 8^. 2200. c. 9. Enock (C. R.) The Andes and the Amazon. London, 1907. 8". 2374. c. 5. 352 ENQ— EPO Enquire Within. Enquire Within upon Everything. Ln,>,lu,>, 1903. 8". 2270. aa. 20. Enriquez de Guzman (A.) Life and Acts. Translated by C. R. Markham. IHakJui/i Societ//.] London, 1862. 8". ^ R. Ac. 6172/27. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliothek der schonen Wissensclaaften. 2 Bde. Lrqj::lil, 1S37, 46. 8". BB. g. b. 3. Entomological Society of London. Catalogue of the Library. 2 vol. London, 1893, 1900. 8". BB. E. b. 8. Transactions, vol. L pt. 1 and 2. London, 1807. 8". R. Ac. 3650/2. New Series. London, 187,6, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 3650/2. Ephesus, Council of. Koptische Akten zum Ephesinischen Konzil vomJahre431. Ger. [Gehhardt and Harnack. N.F. 11.] Lcqyzid, 1904. 8". 2003. g. Ephraemius. Ephraemius. Ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Gr. & Lot. \B)izaniine History. 28.1 Bonnae, i8/[o. 8". 2070. b. 28. Ephraim, Saint. Quotations from the Gospels. Collected and arranged by F. C. Burkitt. [Texts and Studies, vol. 7.] Camhridge, 1901. 8". 2004. b. Selections from the Hymns and Homilies. Eng. [Wace and Srhaf. Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. 13.] O.ifnrd, 1S98. 8". 2004. h. Epictetus. Uissertationes ab Arriano digestae. Recensuit H. Sclienkl. Gr. [Teuhner Series.] Xe^j^ZiV/, 1894. 8". 2047. a, etc. Discourses, with the Encheiridion and fragments. Translated by G. Long. [Bohis Classical Librarii.] London, 1877. 8". 2500. f. 4. Epicurus. Fragmenta librorum 11. et xi. de natura. Edidit I. C. OrcUius. Lipsiac, 1818. 8". 2045. a. Epidemiological Society. Transactions. London, 1856, etc. 8". R. Ac. 3842. Epistolographi Graeci. See Hekciier (R.) Epistolario Espanol. 2 \ol. [Arihau. Autores espaTwles. 13, 02.] Madrid, 1S50, 70. 8". 2044. a. & c. Epochs of Church History. Edited by M. Creighton. 15 vol. 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London, 1877. 8". 2360. f. 6. Evans (C.) American Bibliographv, 1639 to 1820. 3 vol. Chicago, 1903-05. 4". ' "^ 2035. g. Evans (D. O.) Old Age Pensions Act, 1908. London, 19CS. 8". 2230. a. 17. Evans (D. S.) Dictionary of the Welsh Language. Carmarthen, 1887, etc. 8". 2052. c. English and Welsh Dictionarv. 2 vol. Denhii/li, 184 8-5 8. 8". 2278. e. 1. Evans (F.) Diary, 1699-1706. [Worcestershire Historical Socicti/.] Oxford, 1903. " 8«. R. Ac. 8166; 19. Evans (H. A.) Highways and Bywavs in Oxford and the Cotswolds. London, 1905. 8". " ' 2366. bb. 15. Evans (J.) Congregational Minister. Popular History of the Ancient Britons or the Welsh People. London, 1900. 8". 2396. d. 11. Evans {Sir J.) Ancient Bronze Implements of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1881. 8". 2031. b. ■ Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain. London, i"^97. 8". 2031. b. 360 EVA-EWA Evans iS!r J.) An Archaeological Survey of Hertfordshire. [^Murti, uf Auiiquaries.] Westnnnsier, 1892. 4«. R. Ac. 5665/b. Coins of the Ancient Britons. 2 vol. London, 1 864, 90. 8". /Hjox. C. ■Evans (J H) Ornamental Turning, :3 vol. London, igo^-Q^. 8".. ji.vans(j. n., gg^^ ^^ gg Evans (J. T.) Church Plate of Gloucestershire. [Bristol and Glouces- t'-rxh'ire ArvltaeoJoqical Society.'] Gloucester, 1906. 8". R. Ac. 5650/8. Evans (M.) Butter and Cheese. [British Mnnufacturinb. 12. Farrer (W.) Lancashire Pipe Rolls and early Charters. Liverpool, 1902. 8". 2367. bb. 11. Farwell (G.) Concise Treatise on Powers. London, 1893. 8". 2018. h. Fatio (V.) Faune des vertebres de la Suisse. 5 vol. Geneve, 1869-1904. 8". 2250. d. 1. Faucit (Helena) See Martin (Helena) Lady. Faucon (M.) La Librairie des Papes d' Avignon. 2 vol. [Bihl. des Ecoh's Fran(;aises d'Athenes, etc. 43, 50.] Paris, 1886, 87. 8". R. Ac. 5206/2. Faulkner (T.) Historical and topographical account of Fulham. London, 181 3. 4".- 2366. cc. 2. Historical and topographical description of Chelsea. 2 vol. Chelsea, 1829. 8°. 2064. a. 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Catalogue of the alchemical, chemical and pharmaceutical books in the collection of James Young, of Kelly and Durris. 2 vol. Glasgow, 1906. 4". BB. C. e. 1. 368 FER— FER Ferguson (R.) Dialect of Cumberland. LomJou, iS'^. 8". ^ ^ 2278. c. 14. . Surnames as a Science. London, 18S3. 8*^. 2278. c. 2. Ferguson (R. S.) Book of Record of Kirkby Kendal. [Cumherland awl Westinvrvlnnd Antiqnnrian Societi/.] Kendal, 1892. 8". R. Ac. 5630/8. Carlisle. [Diocesan Hlstorit's.] London, 1889. 8". 2210. a. 3. History of Cumberland. [Popular County Histories.] London' iS(^c. 8". 2366. cc. 8. History of Westmorland. [Pojjular Countij Histories.'] London, 1894. 8«. 2366. cc. 6. Old Church Plate in the Diocese of Carlisle. [Cumherland and Wt»tmonIand Antiquarian Societij.] Carlisle, 1882. 8". R. Ac. 5630/4. Ruval Charters of Carlisle. [Cumherland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society.] Oarlisle, iSg^. 8". R. Ac. 5630/11. Testamenta Karleolensia, 1353-1386. 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[Tiubner Series.] Leipzig, 1897, etc. 8". 2047. a, etc. Firth (C. H.) Cromwell's Army. London, 1902. 8". 2248. b. 1. Naval Songs and Ballads. [Navy Records Society. 33.] London, 1908. 8". R. Ac. 8109. Scotland and the Commonwealth, 1651-53. [Scottish History Society. Publications. 18.] Edinburgh, 1895. 8". R. Ac. 8256. Scotland and the Protectorate, 1654-59. [Scottish History Snricti/. Publications. 31.] Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. R. Ac. 8256. Firth (J. B.) Highways and Byways in Derbyshire. London, 1905. 8". 2266. bb. 6. Firth (J. F. B.) Municipal London. London, 1876. 8". 2366. d. 3. FiBchel (O.) Ludwig von Hofmann. [Knaclcfuss. Kiinstler-Mono- graphirn. 6."^.] Leipzig, 1903. 8". 2034. c. Fischer (E. L.) (Jrammatik and Wortschatz der plattdeutschen -Mundurt. Halle a. S., i^6. 8". 2276. c. 2. Fischer (K.) Commentary on Kant's Critick of the Pure Reason. London, 1686. 8". 2234. b. 8. Desf^urtfs and his School. London, 18S7. 8". 2236. g. 3. I'Vanci.s Bacon. London, 1857. 8". 2234. b. 7. Fischer fP.j Manuel de Conchyliologie. Paris, 1887. 8". 2027. c. nS— FIS 373 Fish (C. R.) The Civil Service and the Patronage. [Harvard Hititoiical Studies. 11.] New York, 1905. 8*^. R. Ac. 2692/10. Fish (D. T.) Hardy-Fruit Book. 2 vol. London, 1879, 81. 8". 2254. b. 19. Fish (S.) Supplicacyon for the Beggers. [Enrli/ English Text Soviet i/.] London, 1871. 8°. ' 'K. Ac. 9926/12. [Another edition. [Arher. English Scholars' Lihrarij. 4.] London, 1880. 4°. ' 2324. f. 4. Fisher (G. W.) Annals of Shrewsbury School. London, 1859. 8". 2234. c. 7. Fisher (H. A. L.) History of England, 1485-1547. [Political History of England. 5.] London, 1906. 8°. 2084. d. ■ The Medieval Empire. 2 vol. London, 1898. 8". 2388. e. 6. Studies in Napoleonic Statesmanship. Germany. Oxford, 1903. 8°. 2388. e. 11. Fisher (J.) Cardinal. English Works, pt. 1. [Early English Text Society.] London, 1876. 80. R. Ac. 9926/21. Fisher (J. R.) and Strahan (J. A.) Law of the Press. London, 1898. 8°. 2017. b. Fisher (W. R.) Forest Protection. Forest Utilization. [Sehlich. Manual of Forestry. 4,5.] London, 1907,08. 8*^. 2252. e. 11. Law of Mortgage. London, 1897. 8°. 2230. f. 1. Fisher (W. W.) Class Book of Elementary Chemistry. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1905. 8°. 2319. a. 16. Fishwick (H.) History of Bispham. [Chetham Society. Publications. New Series. 10.] Manchester, 18 Q-]. 4^. R. Ac. 8120. History of Garstang. [Chetham Society. Publications. 104, 105.] Manchester, 1878, 79. 4°. R. Ac. 8120. History of Kirkham. [Chetham Society. Publications. 92.] Manchester, 1874. 4^. R. Ac. 8120. History of Lancashire. [PopuJar County Histories.] London, 1894. 4°. 2366. cc. 16. History of Lytham. [Chetham Society. Publications. Neiv Series. 60.] London, 1907. 8«. R. Ac. 8120. History of Poulton-le-Fylde. [Chetham Society. Publications. New Series. 8.] 3Ianchester, 188^. 4". R. Ac. 8120. History of St. Michael's-on-Wyre. [Chetham Society. Publications. New Series. 25.] Manchester, 18^1. 4". R. Ac. 8120. Lancashire Library. London, 1875. 4"^. BB. K. d. 9. Registers of the Parish Church of Croston, 1538-1727. 3 vol. [Lancashire Parish Register Society. 6.] Wigan, 1900-04. 8". R. Ac. 8088/6. Fiske (A. K.) The West Indies. New York, 1899. 8". 2374. b. 22. 374 FIS-FLA FiskeiJ.) Be<'innings of New England. London, i8Sg. 8". risse rari/.] Lu„don,iSSi. 4«. 2326. g. 15. (1.) Fitz Gerald (E.) Letters and Literary Remains. 7 vol. Lnndon, 1902,03. 8". " 2340. g. 4. Fitzgerald (G. F.) Scientific Writings. [Dnhlhi UnirersHi/ Press S,ri>,.] Dublin, 1902. 8". 2322. f. 7. Fitzgerald (P. H.) History of the English Stage from the Restora- tiuii to the Liberty of the Theatres. 2 vol. London, iSS 2. 8". 2306. g. 3, TheKembles. 2 vol. London, 1871. 8". 2407. e. 7. Life and Times of "William iv. 2 vol. London, 18S4. 8". 2404. e. 4. Life uf David Garrick. 2 vol. London, 186S. 8". 2407. g. 6. Life of George the Fourth. 2 vol. London, 1S81. 8". 2404. e. 3. Life of Laurence Sterne. 2 vol. London, 1864. 8". 2408. b. 7. Royal Dukes and Princesses of the Family of George in. 2 vol. London, I SB 2. 8". " 2404. c. 3. Fitzgerald (T. W. H.) Ireland and her People. A librar}' of Irish biography. Chirrnjo, 1909, etc. 8^*. 2092. d. Fitzherbert (Sir A.) Book of Husbandry. [English Dialed Sociefi/.] London, ib62. 8°. R. Ac. 9935/3. Fitzmaurice (E. G.) Baron Fitzmaurice. Life of William, Earl of Shclljurne. 3 vol. London, 1875-76. 8". 2406. f. 4. Fitzmaurice-Kelly (J.) See Kelly. Fitzpatrick (A. O.) Dublin. [Aneient Cities.] London, 190-. 8°. 2366. b. Fitzpatrick (Sir J. P.) Tlie Transvaal from witliin. London, 1900. 8«. 2386. a. 16. Fitzroy, afterwards Scott (J.) Duli-e of Monmouth. Letters. [Camden Sorlrt;,. 113.] London, 1679. 4'\ R. Ac. 8113/113. Fitz Warine (F.) History of Fulk Fitz Warine. Edited by T. \Nnglil [Wartou Chd,. Puhlimtions. 1.] London, iS^^. 8". R. Ac. 8119. Flack (H.E., Tho Adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment. [Johns Iloph.m Ihintrxifif Studies in Historical and Political Sciem-c hxtra voJunie. 2C..] Baltimore, 1908. 8". R Ac 2689 FLA— FLE 375 Flammarion (C.) Astnmoinie populaire. Pan's, 1880. 4". 2242. - 1. L'Atmosphere. Paris, 1905. 4". 2242. ^'. 12. Flamniermont (J.) Histoire des institutions municipales de Henlis. [Ecolc j^iratiqnc (Ics Jiaufes etudes. BibliotJieque. Sc.2>liif. et hist. 45.] P((ris, 188 1. 8". R. Ac. 8929. Flandrijs. Flandrijs. Herausgegeben von J. Franck. [Quellen und Forxcliungen zur Sjjrach- unci CulturgcscJiichte der (jermanischen Vollrr. 18.] Strasshurg, 1876. 8". 2338. li. 3. Flavigny (C. de) Countess. Sainte Brigitte de Suede. Paris, 1892. 8". 2214. c. 3. Flaxman (J.) Lectures on Sculpture. [Bohn\«, 1869. 8". ^ 2326. d. 5. The Two Noble Kinsmen. By J. Fletcher and W. Shakespeare. Koi.rint of the Quarto, 1634. [New ShaJcespeare Society.] l1iou,iS-6. 4". R.Ac. 9487/7. Fletcher (J. S.) Picturesque History of Yorkshire. 6 vol. Lu„'lou, 1903, 04. 8". 2063. b. Fletcher (L.) Introduction to the Study of Minerals. London, 1907. 8". 2249. d. 13. Fletcher (Phineas) Poems. 4 vol. [Faller Worthies' Library.] London, 1S69. 8". 2326. e. 2. Fletcher (W. T.) " A. L. A." Index. Index to General Literature. Bostou, 1 90 1. 4". Circ. 97. a. Co-operative Index to Periodicals, 1885-91. 7 pt. N.w York, 1886-92. 4". Circ. 97. a. Fletcher (W. Y.) Bookbinding in France. [Portfolio Monograj^hs. lU.] London, 1894. ^"- ^'- P-P- ^931. pcd. Fleury (C.) Histoire du Christianisme. 6 vol. Paris, 1836-37. 8". 2013. c. Fleury (J.) Litterature orale de la Basse-Normandie. [Litferatures j.nj.ulaires.] Paris, 1883. 8". 2348. a. 7. Flint (R.) Vico. [Philosophical Classics.] Ediubur(/h, iSS^. 8". 23;d6. a. 18. Flodoardus, Remensis. Annales. Avec uiie introduction et des notes par P. Lauer. Paris, 1905. 8". 2086. g. Flood (W. H. G.) Story of the Harp. [Music Stori/ Series.] Lundon, 1905. 8«. " 2268. a. Floovant. Floovant. Chanson de geste. [Am-iens poi-tex de la Froure. 1.] Paris, 1859. 8«. 2285. b. 2. Florence.— Bibliutecn Nazionale. I manoscritti italiani della Biblio- ii-<-a. 4 toni. Firenze, 1879-85. 8". 2330. b. 10. Florence, of Rome. Florence de Rome. [Societe des anciens textes franraiti.] Paris, 1907, etc. 8". R. Ac. 9811/56. Florentius, WigomieusiH. Chronicon ex Chronicis. Edidit B. Thorpe. '2 vol. [English Historical Societi/.] London, 1848, 49. 8". 2072. c. Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. Translated by T. Forester. [liohuH Antiquarian Library.] London, iS'^/i^. 8". ^ 2500. a. 8. FLO— rOL 377 Floriant. Floriant and Florete. [Roxhurglie Club. 85.] Edinburgh, 1873. 4". R. Ac. 8104/85. Florice. Florice and Blauncheflour, and other pieces of ancient English poetry. [Ahhotsford CJuh. :29.] Edinburgh, 1857. 4". R. Ac. 8247/29. Floridablanca, Jose Mofiino, Couni de. See Monino. Florus (L. Annaeus) Epitoma de Tito Livio bellorum omnium annorum Dcc. Recognovit C. Hahn. [Teuhner Series.^ Leipzig, 1854. 8". 2047. a, etc. Epitome of Roman History. Translated by J. S. Watson. [^Bolin's Classical Library.^ London, 1852. 8*^. 2500. g. 14. Flower (W.) Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, 1567. [Chetham Societij. Publlcntions. 81.] Manchester, 1870. 4". R. Ac. 8120. Flower {Sir W. H.) Fashion in Deformity. [Nature Series.] London, 1881. 8«. 2244. b. 14. Introduction to the Osteology of the Mammalia. London, 1885. 8^. 2250. a. 5. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea. [Bai/ Society.] London, 1866. 4". " R. Ac. 3023/34. Flower {Sir W. H.) and Lyiekker (R.) Introduction to the Study of Mammals living and extinct. London, 1891. 8". 2028. b. Floyer (E. A.) Unexplored Baluchistan. London, 1882. 8". 2356. g. 4. Floyer (J. K.) Catalogue of Manuscripts preserved in the Chapter Library of Worcester Cathedral. [Worcestershire Historical Society.] Oxford, 1906. 8". R. Ac. 8166/22. Fluegel (F.) Dictionary of the English and German Languages. 2 vol. London, 1896. 4". 2054. f. Universal English-German and German-English Dictionary. 2 pt. Braunschweig, 1894. 8"^. 2053. d. Fluegel (J. G.) Dictionary of the English and German Languages. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1856. 8". 2053. b. [Another edition.] 2 vol. London, 1S80. 8°. 2053. b. Fluegge (C.) Micro-Organisms. [New Sydenham Society.] London, 1890. 8". R. Ac. 3838/53. Foa (E.) Le Dahomey. Pans, 1895. 8". 2358. h. 8. Fock (G.) Catalogus dissertationum philologicarum classicarum. Leipzig, 1894. 8". BB. G. d. 24. Foerstemann (E.) Altdeutsches Namenbuch. Bonn, 1900, etc 4°. 2053. e. Foerster (R.) Scriptores physiognomonici Graeci et Latini. 2 vol. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, 1893. 8". 2047. n, etc. Foley (H.) Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus. 7 vol. London, 1875-83. 8". 2210. c. 1. 378 FOL— FOR Foliot (G.) Epistolie. 2 vol. [Giles. Patres Ecde/ise AwjUranse.'] <).a„ni, 1S45. 8". 2004. e. Folk -Lore Society. Tlic Folk-Lore Record. 5 vol. London, 1S7S-S2. 8". [continued as] The Folk-Lore Journal. 7 vol. Londo)!, 1SS3-89. 8°. [continued as] Folk-Lore: a quarterly review. London, 18(^0, etc. S^. R. Ac. 9938. Publications. London, 1879, etc. S"". R. Ac. 9938. Avbrey: Remaines of Gentilisme and | Jekyll: Jamaican Song and Story. Judaisme. j Jones and Kropf : Folk-Tales of the Black: Folk-^Medicine. I Magjars. BowKU : The Elevation and Procession ; Lokgworth Dames : Popular Poetry of the Ceri at Gubbio. of the Baloches. Chaxiherlaix: Aino Folk-Tales. , Maclagan : Games of Argyleshire. CoMPAHETTi : Book of Sondibad. Ndtt : Legend of the Holy Grail. County Folk-Lore. Owen : Folk-Lore of the Musquakie Cox : Cinderella. Indians. Dexham : Tracts on Folk-Lore. Pedroso : Portuguese Folk-Tales. Dennett : Folk-Lore of the Fjort. Starr : Catalogue of Mexican Folk- De ViTBY : Exempla. Lore Collection. Gerocld : The grateful Dead. Swainson : Folk-Lore of British Birds. GoMME : Handbook of Folk-Lore. Thomas : Bibliography of Folk-Lore. Henderson : Folk-Lore of the North- I em Counties. ( Polkard (H. C.) Concise Abridgment of the Law. Loido,,, 150S. 8«. 2230. d. 1. Law of Slander and Libel. See Starkie (T.) 2230. f. 11. The Sailing Boat. London, 1901. 4". 2248. g. 1. Fonseca (M. A. da) Subsidies para um Diccionario de Pseudonymos, Iniciacs e Obras Anonymas de Escriptores Portuguezes. Lixhon, iS^6. 8". 2037. c. Fontenay (E.) Les Bijoux anciens et modernes. Pari.% iSS-. 8". 2263. f. 13. Foord (A. H.) Carboniferous Cephalopoda of Ireland. [Palaeonfo- l/ntidilritl SorlHij. PublicationH.] London, 1 897-1 903. 4". R. Ac. 3200. Foots (J. A.) Conci.sc Treatise on Private International Juris- prudence. London, 1904. 8". 2228. e. 14. Forbes (A. P.) Bixhojj of Brechin. Explanation of the Thirty-nine .\rticle.s. -2 vol. Oxford, 1867, 68. 8". 2202. aa. 8. Lives of S. Ninian and S. Kentigern. Edited by A. P. Forbes. [II, xlori Hygiene of Nerves and Mind. [Progressive Science Sl»7— 14. [Camden Society. 95.] London, 1871. 4^. R. Ac. 8113/95. Fortescue (A.) The Orthodox Eastern Church. London, 1907. 8". . 2012. e. Fortescue (E. F. K.) The Armenian Chui'ch. L^ondon, 1872. 8*^. 2202. a. 18. Fortescue (G. K.) List of the contents of the three collections of books, pamphlets and journals in the British Museum relating to the French Revolution. London, 18^^. 8". Circ. 95. a. Subject Index of Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum, 1881-1900. 3 vol. London, 1902-03. 8''. Circ. 92. a. and 95. a. .Suljject Index of Modern Works, 1901-1905. London, 1906. 8". Cii'c. 91. a. and 95. a. Fortescue {Sir J.) Fortescue de Laudibus Legura Angliae. Transla- tion into English and the Latin text. Edited by A. Amos. (',uuhrid,t,.n, i^yy 8". R. Ac. 9959/2. Fortnightly Review. London, 1865, etc. 8^. R. P.P. 5239. c. ct 2117 a. Fortnum (C. D. E.) Bionzes. [,S'. K. Museum HandhooJcs.] London, 1877. «". 2270. b. 18. Catalogue of European Bronzes in the South Kensington MuM-uni. London, 1876. 8". 2268. d. 3. FOR— FOS 383 Fortnum (C. D. E.) Maiolica. [S. K. ^luseum HandhooJis.] London, 1S75. 8". 2270. 1). 19. Maiolica. Oxford, 1896. 8°. 2268. d. 17. Fosbrooke (T. D.) Abstracts of Records respecting the County of Gloucester. 2 vol. Gloucester, 1807. 4". 2064. c. Foscolo (U.) Tragedie e poesie. M/a??o, 1874. 8". 2284. d. 9. Foss (E.) Biographia Juridica. A biographical dictionary of the Judges of England, 1066-1870. London, iSjo. 8". 2095. f. Judges of England. 9 vol. London, 18^8-6^. 8". 2095. e. Foss (M.) Marine-Kunde. Stuttgart, 1909. 8'. 2248. g. 12. Fossey (C.) La Magie assyrienne. [Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Sciences religieuses. 15.] Paris, 1902. 8°. R. Ac. 8929/7. Foster (Sir C. le N.) Elements of Mining. London, 1903. 8". 2249. c. 6. Text-book of Ore and Stone Mining. London, 1904. S". 2030. b. Foster (F.) Engineering in the United States. [Manchester Uni- versity Publications. Economic Series. 4.] Manchester, 1906. 8-^. R. Ac. 2671/2. Foster (G. B.) Finality of the Christian Religion. [Chicago Uni- rersiti/ Decennial Publications, ser. 2. vol. 16.] Chicago, 1906. 8«. R. Ac. 2691. d/11. Foster (John) Baptist Minister. Critical Essays contributed to the Eclectic Review. [jBo/m's Standard Librari/.^ 2 vol. London, 1856. 8°. ' 2504. b. 9. Essays. [Bohn's Standard Librari/.'\ 2 vol. London, 1863. 8". 2504. c. 1, 2. Fosteriana. [Bohn's Standard Librari/.^ London, 1863. 8". 2504. c. 3. Lectures delivered at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol. [Bohn's Standard Library.'] 2 vol. London, 1853. 8". 2504. c. 4. Foster (John) M.A., Edinburgh. Shakespeare Word-Book. London, 1908. S^. 2041. c. Foster (John W.) A Century of American Diplomacy. A review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1776-1876. Boston, 1901. 8«. 2398. e. 5. Foster (Joseph) Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1714. 4 vol. London, 1891-92. 8°. 2102. a. • Alumni Oxonienses, 1715-1886. 4 vol. London, 1887-8S. 8". 2102. a. Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire, for 1882. London, 1882. 8". 210L e. Collectanea Genealogica, 12 vol. London, 1881-85. 8". 2102. b. Index Ecclesiasticus. Oxford, 1890. 8". 2101. e. 384 FOS— FOU Foster (Joseph) London Marriage Licenses, L521-1869. Luudnn, 1SS7. 8". 2102. g. "Members of Parliament, Scotland, 1357-1882. Lomlou, 1SS2. 8". BB. T. e. 6. ^len at the Bar, a biographical hand-list. [Collectanea Genealogica.] London, 1885. 8". 2102. b. . Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire. 2 vol. Loudon, 1874. fol. 2099. g. Pedigrees recorded at the Visitations of Northumberland, 1615 and 166G. Neiocai^tle, 1891. 8". 2098. e. Pedigrees recorded at the Visitations of the County Palatine of Durham in 1575, 1615 and 1666. London, 1887. 8°. 2400. c. 11. Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire. London, 1S80, etc. 8«. R. P.P. 2505. aba. Peerage of the British Empire for 1882. London, 1882. 8". 2101. e. . Register of Admissions to Gray's Inn, 1521-1889, and ALirriaces in Gray's Inn Chapel, 1695-1754. London, 1889. 8°. 2102. g. Royal Lineage of our Noble and Gentle Families. 3 vol. Lvndou, 18S7-91. 4". 2101. f. Foster {Sir M.) Text-Book of Physiology. 4 vol. L,>ndon, 1893. 8°. 2024. bb. Foster {Sir M.) and Langley (J. N.) Course of Elementary Practical Physiology and Histology. London, 1899. 8°. 2256. b. 2. Foster ( P. L. N.) Photography. [British Manufacturinq Lndustries.^ London, 1877! 8". 2270. aa. 7. Foster (T. G.) Judith. Studies in metre, language and style. [Qitrlhn und Forschunrjen zur Sprach- und Culiurgcschichte der inwhm, 1S5S. ' 4". 2063. e. Gagnon (P.) E.ssai de bibliographie canadienne. Quebec, 1S55. 8'». 2035. d. Gahan (C. J.) Coleoptera. [Fauna of British India.] Lamlon, 1906, etc. 8". 2250. c. Gaidoz (H.) Ktude.s de mvthologie gauloise. Paris, 1Q86. 8". 2217. c. 9. Gaimar ( G.) Anglo-Norman Metrical Chronicle. Edited by T. Wright. [Caxtun Socicti/. 9.] London, 1850. 8". K. Ac. 8114. Lestorie des Engles. Edited by Sir T. D. Hardy and C. T. ^Martin. 2 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1 888, 89. 8". 2073. (91.) Gaina-Sutras. Gaina-Sutras. Translated from Prakrit by H. Jaeobi. ■2 vol. [Sacred Books of the East. 22, 45.] O.vford, 1884, 95. 8". ■ 2006. e. & f. Gairdner (J.) The English Church in the sixteenth century from tilt' accession of Henrv viii. to the death of Mary. [Stephens and Hunt. H'stori/ tif fhe'Enr/lish Church. 4.] London, 1902. 8". 2210. aa. Henrv vii. [Ticeh-c English Statesmen.] London, 1904. 8". 2406. a. 18. History of the life and reign of Richard in. To which is added the storv of Perkin Warbeck. Cambridge, 1898. 8". 2394. c. 6. The Houses of Lancaster and York. [E^iochs of Modern History.] London, 1874. 8". 2378. a. '5. - - Lollardv and the Reformation in England. 2 vol. Loudon, \go8. 8«. 2210. cc. 17. Sailing Directions for the circumnavigation of England and for a voyage to tlie Straits of Gibraltar. From a 15th century IMS. [nuhhuit Socletij.] London, 1889. 8". R. Ac. 6172/64. (2.) Gairdner (J.) and Spedding (J.) Studies in English History. Edinhmjh, 1 88 1. S". 2350. g. 15. Gaisford (T.) Etymologicon Magnum. Recensuit T. Gaisford. Gr. Oxfi.rd, 1848. fol. 2050. f. Gaisser (H.) Le Systeme musical de I'Eglise grecque. Home, 1 90 1, s^. 2268. bb. 6. GaiuB, the Jurist. Institutionum comfnentarii quattuor. Ediderunt E. Seckel ct ]{. Kuebler. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, i<^o8. 8«. 2047. a, etc. IriKtitutiones. 'J'ranslation and commentary by E. Poste. Revised by E. A. Wliittuck. With introduction by A. H. J. Greenidge. [Clitrrudon PresH Series.] Oxford, 1904. 8". 2320. g. 16. Galabin <'A. L.) Disejtses of Women. London, 1903. 8". 2256. (1. 1. GAL— GAL 397 Galabin (A. L.) Manual of Midwifery. London, 1904. H". 2256. b. 23. Galberlus, Syndic of the Citi/ of Bruges. Histoire du nunirtre de Charles le Bon. Pans, 189 1." 8'^'. 2086. g. Gale (C. J.) Treatise of the Law of Easements. London, 1908. H". 2230. c. 6. Gale (T.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Veteres. 3 vol. Oxford, 1684-91. fol. 2072. f. Galenus (CI.) De temperamentis. Kecensuit (!. Ilelinrcicli. '//• F.) The Art of Travel. London, 1S72. 8". ^^ 2352. ].. 10. English Men of Science. London, 1874. 8". 2255. e. 6. Finger Prints. London, 1892. 8". 2255. f. 16. Hereditary Genius. London, 1869. 8**. 2255. e. 5. luquiries into Human Faculty and its Development. London, 1883. 8". 2236. 0. 4. Natural Inheritance. London, 18S9. 8°. 2255. f. 17. Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel, 1860-63. 3 vol. Camhrid.jv, 1 85 1 -64. 8". 2352. e. 6-8. Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics. See Loxdon University. Galvano (A.) The Discoveries of the World from their first original unto the year 1555. Edited by Vice- Admiral Bethune. [Haklui/t Surnt;/.] London, 1862. 8". R. Ac. 6172/2'8. Galvayne (S.) The XXth Century Book on the Horse. London, 1905. 4". 2250. h. 4. Galway Archaeological and Historical Society. Journal. G(dica;i, 1 901, ('/('. 8". R. Ac. 5784. Gatna (V. da) Journal of the Fir.st Voyage of Vasco da Gama, U'.tT- 1499. Translated by E. G. Ravenstein. [HaMuijt Sorieii/.] London, 1898. 8". R. Ac. 6172/77. Gamba (B.) Galleria dei lettorati ed artisti illustri delle Provincie Veneziane nel secolo decimottavo. 2 vol. Venezia, 1824. 8" 2032. e. Gamelyn. The Tale of Gamelyn. Edited by W. W. Skeat. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, iS8^. 8". 2320. aa. 21. Gamgee (A.) Text-book of the Physiological Chemistry of the animal body. 2 vol. London, 1880-93. ^"- 2255. f. 10. Gammage (R. G.) History of the Chartist Movement, 1837-1854. Xrtcr„..tlr.on-Tuue, 1894. 8". 2394. e. 12. Gams (P. B.) Die Kirchengeschichte von Spanien. 3 vol. lir,j,nsbur(j, 1862-79. 8". 2214. b. 7. Scries Episcoporum Ecclesiae Catholicae. (Suj^plementum.) 2 pt. n.itixhon, 1873-86. 4". 2011. e. Ganahatarava Raghunatha Navalahar. The Students' Marathi Crammar. Jiondx,;!, iS _^^. 8". 2056. 'b. Gangadhara Sastri Dravida. English and Nei)ali Dictionary. JSruorrs, iy.5. 8". 2272. d. 6. Ganglbauer (L.) Die Kiifer A-on Mitteleuropa. Wien, 18(^2, etc 8". 2028. e. Gannett (H.) The United States of America. [Stdnford'i^ Com- jinidium of Geoijraphj.'] London, 18^8. 8°. ' 2060. a. Ganot ^A.) Elementary Treatise on Physics. London, 1902. 8°. 2022. a. GAN— GAR 399 Gant (F. J.) Guide to the Examinations by the Conjoint l^Lxamining Board in Enj^'laud. Loudon, i8<^g. 8°. " 2256. a. 3. Garcia (J. C.) BibUoteca de escritores de hi provincia de Guadala- jara. 3Iadr!d, 1899. 8". 2330. f. 6. Garcia da Luna (L. J.) and Honncher (E.) Praktisihes Lchr- buch der Spanischen Conversationssprache. [Kinisf drr Poh/- yJotflc] Wien, 1898. 8°. 2272. a. 53. Garcia Peres (D.) Catalogo razonado de los autores Portugueses que escribieron en Castellano. Madrid, 1890. 8^*. 2330. c. 11. Garcia y Perez (J. P.) Indicador de varias cronicas religiosas y militares en Espana. Madrid, 1 899. 8°. BB. A. d. 20. Garcilasso de la Vega, El Inca. See Lasso de la Vega. 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Documents relating to the proceedings against Prynne, 1634-37. [Camden Society. 110.] London, 18^^. 4". R. Ac. 8113/110. The First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution, 1603-60. [Epochs of Modern History.] London, 1902. S^. 2378. a. 7. History of England, 1603-1642. 10 vol. Xowf?on, 1 88 3-84. 8°. 2083. b. [Another copy.] 2394. c. 8. History of the great Civil War, 1642-49. 4 vol. London, 1893. 80. . 2083. b. [Another copy.] 2394. c. 9. History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-60. 3 vol. London, 1 894-1903. 8°. 2083. c. [Another edition.] 4 vol. London, 1903. 80. 2394. c. 10. 400 GAR— GAR Gardiner (S. R.) Letters and Papers illustrating the relations between Charles ii. and Scotland in 1650. [»SVr>///,s/( History Society. Publication^!. 17.] Edinhunjli, 1894. 8". R. Ac. 8256. Narrative of the Spanish Marriage Treaty, 1604-24. [^Camden Society. 92.] Loudon, 1869. 4". R. Ac. 8113/92. Notes of Debates in the Lords, 1621, 24, 26. 2 vol. 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London, 1905. 8°. 2216. b. 8. Gardner (E. A.) Ancient Athens. London, 1902. 8". 2258. c. 8. Handbook of Greek Sculpture. [Handbooks of Archaeology.] London^ igo^. 8". 2258. a. 17. Gardner (E. G.) The King of Court Poets : a study of the work, life, and times of Lodovico Ariosto. London, 1906. 8". 2402. f. 10. The Story of Florence. [Medieval Towns.] London, 1)00. 8". 2360. b. 18. The Story of Siena and San Gimignano. [Medieral Towns.] London, 1904. 8". 2360. b. 29. Gardner (F. L.) Catalogue Raisonne of works on the Occult Sciences. London, 1903, etc. S'\ BB. A. c. 2. Gardner (J. A.) Recollections, 1775-1814. [Nary Records Society. 31. J London, 1906. 8". R. Ac. 8109. GAR— GAR 401 Gardner (J. S.) Armour in England, [Portfolio MonograjjJis. 33.] London, 1897. 8". ' ' R. P.P. 1931. pcd. Foreign Armour in Engbmd. [Porf folio Monoqraphs. 38.] London, 1898. 8". ^ ' R. P.P. 1931. pcd. Ii-oiiwork. [*S^. K. Miisenni HanfJhook.s.'^ London, 1907, etc. 8". 2270. b. 35. Gardner (J. 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[Hunterian Club.] Glasgotv, 1878. 4". R. Ac. 9945y7. Gargilius Martialis. Decuris boum fragmentum. [Teubner Series. Vegetius Benatus.] Leipzig, 1903. 8". 2047. a, etc. Medicina. [Teubner Series. Pliny the Yonnqcr.'] Leipzig, 1875. 8". ' 2047. a, etc. Garke (H.) Prothese und Aphaei-ese des H im Althochdeutschen. [Quellen und Furschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschiclite dcr germanischen Volker. 69.] Strassbu.rg, 1891. 8". 2338. h. 12. Garlandia (J. de) De triumpliis Ecclesiae. [Boxburghe Cluh. 66.] London, 1856. 4". R. Ac. 8104/66. Garner (R. L.) Apes and Monkeys. Boston, Mass., 1900. 8". 2251. a. 8. Garnett (L. M. J.) Greek Folk Poesy. 2 vol. Guildford, 1896. 8". 2286. f. 6 Greek Folk-Songs. London, 1888. 8'^'. 2286. f. 5. Turkish Life in town and country. London, 1504. 8". 2360. c. 19. 2 D 402 GAR— GAS Garnett (Richard) History of Italian Literature. [Short Rlstories (,;■ thr Lltn-atnre>s of the World. 4.] London, i8<^8. 8". 2039. e. . Richmoud on the Thames. 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Histoire de I'art dramatitiue en France depuis vingt-cinn ans. 6 ser. Paris, 1838, 59. 8". 2306. a. 5. Histoire du Romantisme. Paris, 1S74. 8". 2310. 1) 10. Poesies completes. 2 torn. Paris, 1875, 76. 8". 2285. c 11. Portraits contemporains. Paris, 1874. 8". 2310. c. 7. Portraits et souvenirs Htteraires. Pctris, 1S75. 8". 2310. c. 8. Scenes of Travel. Selected by G. Saintsbury. [Clarendon Press Scries.] Oxford, 1886. 8". ' 2320. aa. 6. Theatre. Mystere, comedies et ballets. Paris, iSj 2. 8". 2298. 1). 3. Gavet (G.) Sources de I'histoii'e des institutions du droit fran^ais. P'o-V, 1899. 8°. 2228. d. 11. Gavrilovic (M.) Le Traite de Paris de 12.59. [Ecole pratique des hauten etudes. Bihiiotlirque. Sc. pJiil. et hii(/iraI Librari/. Fourth Series. 58.] Edinburgh, 1878. 8**. 2007. e. Gebhardt (O. von) Das Arethascodex. [Gebhardt and Harnack. 1.] Leipzig, 1883. 8". 2003. f. Hieronymus De Viris Inlustribns. [Gebhardt and Harnack. 14.] Leipzig, 1896. 8". 2003. f. Passio S. Theclae. [Gebhardt and HarnacJc. N.F. 7.] Leipzig, 1902. 8". 2003. g. Die Psalmen Salomo's zum ersten Male herausgegeben. [Gebhardt and Harnach. 13.] Leipzig, 1895. 8".. 2003. f. Gebhardt (O. von) and Harnack (A.) Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Leipzig, 1883, etc. 8". 2003. f. 1. Habnack : Die griechischen Apolo- commentar des Theophilus von geten, Altercatio Siinonis et 1 Antiochen; Gebhabdt: Arethas- Theophili, Acta Archelai, Dia- j codex, Codex Rossanensis. tessaron Tatians, Evangelien- | 406 GEBHARDT Gebhardt (O. von) and Harnack (A.) Texte und Untersuchungen (ieschichte der altcliristlichen Literatur — continued. Harnack : Evangelium und Apokalypse des Petrus ; Weiss : Apostelgeschichte. 10. Resch : Aussercanonische Parallel- texte zu den Evangelien. 11. DobschOtz : Kerygma Petri ; AcHELis : Acta Nerei et Achillei ; RoLPFS : Indulgeuz-Edict Kal- lists ; BoussET : Studien zum Neuen Testament. 12. Schlatter : Chronograph ; Har- nack : Altchristliche Litteratur, Alcuins Insehrift ; Noelde- chen : Tertullian's Gegen die Juden ; Pape : Predigt des Aristides ; Goltz : Ignatius von Antiochien ; Klostermann : Homilien des Origines ; Rolffs : Antimontanistischer Kampf. 13. Harnack : Eine Schrift Sistus' II., Edict des Antoninus Pius, Eine Schrift Novatians ; Iselin : Version der Apostellehre ; Geb- hardt : Psalmen Salomes ; Wentzel : Viri Inlustres. 14. Richardson : Hieronymus et Gennadius de Viris Inlustribus ; Gebhardt : Soplironius ; Ropes : Aussercanonische Spriiche Jesu ; Weiss : Textcritik der Paulin- ischen Briefe ; Violet : Euse- bius' palastinische Martyrer. 15. Corssen : Monarchianische Prologe zu den vier Evangelien ; Klette : Acta Apollonii ; Bruckner : Julian von Eclanum ; Harnack : Dritter Johannesbrief ; Anz : Gnosticismus. zur 2. Harnack: Lehre der 12 Apostel, Apostolische Kirchenordnung ; Gebhardt : Fragment der AiSax'i ; Vischer : Offenbarung Jobaunis ; Jahn : Eustathius uber Origenes. 3. LooFS : Leontius von Byzanz ; Bert : Aphrahat's Homilien ; Harnack : Akten des Karpus. 4. Schwartz : Tatianus ad Graecos, Athenagoras pro Christianis ; Hennecke : Apologie des Aris- tides. 5. Harnack : De Aleatoribus, Evan- gcliumfragment von Fajjum ; Noeldechen : Schriften Ter- tullians ; De Boor : Fragmente des Papias ; Handmann : He- braerevangelium ; Resch : Agra- pha. G. KoKTSCHAU : Origenes gegen Cel- sus ; Werner : Paulinismus des Irenaeus ; Stachelin : Gno- stische Quellen Hippolyts ; Har- nack : Syllogismen des ApeUes, Die Gwynn'schen Fragmente ; Achelis : Canones Hippolyti. 7. Weiss : Jobaunes-Apokalypse ; Har- nack : Pistis Sophia, Brod und Wasser bei Justin; Draseke: Apollinarios von Laodicea. 8. Schmidt : Gnostische Schriften ; Weiss : Katholische Briefe ; Harnack : Apologeticus Ter- tullians, ^ledicinisches aus der Kirchengeschichte. 9. Hallier : Edessenische Chronik ; Raabe ; Apologie des Aristides ; N.F. N.F. 1. Holl : Parallela des Johannes Damascenus ; Bonwetsch: Studien zu den Kommcntaren Hippolyts ; Klostermann : Joremiahomilien des Origines ; Achelis : Hippolytstudien. 2. Weiss : Codex D. in der Apostelgeschichte; Haller: Jovinianus ; Steindorff : Apokalyp.se des Elias ; Wobber- min: Altchristliche liturgische Schriften aus der Kirche Aegj'ptens ; Jeep : Philostorgios ; Goltz : Textkritische Arbeit des 10. bczw. G. Jahrhunderts. 3. DoiJscHiTz: Christusbilder. N.F. 4. KiiHKS : Todestage der Apostel Pttulus und Petrus ; Harnack : KetzcT-Katalog des ]\Iaruta; GoKTz : Cyprians Schrift Ad Donatum ; Weiss : Textkritik der Evangelien ; Bratke : liciigion«gcsprach am Hof der N.F. Sasaniden ; Harnack : Cyprian- ische Schriften ; Stulcken : Athanasiana. N.F. 5. Knoff : Der erste Clemens- brief ; Holl: Fragmente vorniciinischer Kirchenviiter ; Harnack : Pfafi'sche Ireniius- Fragineute, IMiscellen zu den apostolischen Vatern ; Schmidt : Plotin's Stellung zum Gnos- ticismus, Fragmente des Petrus von Alexandrien ; Stahlin : Clemens Alexandrinus. N.F. G. Sickenberger : Titus von Bostra ; Nestle : Kirchen- geschichte des Eusebius ; Urbain : ]\Iartyrologium ; Har- nack : Diodor von Tarsus. N.F. 7. Fleming : Henoch ; Gebhardt : Passio S. Theclae ; Preuschen : Eusebius Kirchengeschichte VI. and VII. ; Sickenberger : Lukaskateuc des Niketas. GEB— GEF 407 Gebhardt (O. von) and Harnack (A.) Texte unci Untersuclmngen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur — contlnned. N.F. 8. Geffcken : Oracula Sibyllina ; Harnack : Veiioreue Cyprian- ischen Briefe ; Klostermann : Eusebius Tlepl run/ tottikSiv ouofxaTccv ; BoNWETSCH : Hippo- lyts Kommentar zum Hohenlied ; Gressman ; Eusebius Theo- phanie ; Janssen : Nonnus Pano- politauus. N.F. 9. Schmidt : Petrusakten ; Wrede : Zweiter Thessa- lonicherbrief ; Harnack : Ma- crobius De Singularitate Cleri- corum, Theognost Hypotyposen, Brief des Theouas ; Schubert : Praedestinatus. N.F, 10. Leipoldt : Schenute von Atripe ; Achelis und Flemming Syrische Didaskalia ; Soden Cyprianische Briefsaminluug Waitz : Pseudoklementinen. N.F. 11. BoNWETSCH : Drei Schriften von Hippolytus ; Leipoldt : Saidischo Ausziige ; Kraatz : Koptische Akten ; Berendts : Zacharias und Johannes- Apokry- phen, Bibliotheken der IMeteor- ischen und Ossa-Olympischcn Kloster : T e r - M i s s i A N t z : Armenische Kirche. N.F. 12. Resch : Paulinismus und Logia Jesu. N.F. 13. Schermann: Dogmatische Plorilegien; Koetschau : Origenes' Johannescommentar ; Harnack : Analecta zur Ge- schichte des Ghristenturas, Vorwurf des Atheismus ; Klos- termann : tjber des Didymus Enarratio ; Resch : Apostel- decret ; Schultze : IMartyriuin des Abo ; Augar : Die Frau im romischen Christenprocess. N.F. 14. Bauer : Cbronik des Hippo- lyts ; CuNTZ : Stadiasmus IMaris Magni ; Goltz : Athanasius De Virginitate, Tischgebete und Abendmahlsgebete ; Leipoldt : DidjTnus der Blinde ; Berendts: Zeuguisse voni Christentuni. Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia. 8". 2402. e. 5. Musa Latina Aberdonensis. 2 vol. [New Gebler (C. von) London, 1879 Geddes {Sir W. D.) Spalding Clah. 8.] Aberdeen, 1892, 95. i". R. Ac. 8245/8 The Problem of the Homeric Poems. London, 1878. 8". 2280. c. 5. Geddes {Sir W. D.) and Duguid (P.) The Heraldic Ceiling of the church of St. Machar. [Neic Spalding Club. 3.] Aberdeen, 1888. 4o. R. Ac. 8245/3. Gedney (C. W.) Foreign Cage Birds. 2 vol. London, 1877-79. 8". 2250. b. 3. Gee (G. E.) The Goldsmith's Handbook. London, 1 88 1. 8". 2270. a. 16. The Hall-Marking of Jewellery. London, 1882. 8". 2270. .la. 9. The Silversmith's Handbook. London, 1907. 8". 2249. a. 2. Gee (H.) and Hardy (W. J.) Documents illustrative of English Church History. London, 1896. 8". 2210. aa. 4. Gee (S.) Auscultation and Percussion. London, 1907. 8'\ 2255. b. Medical Lectures and Aphorisms. London, 1907. 8". 2255. b. Geelmuyden (I.) Engelsk-norsk Ordbog. Fjerde udgave ved H. Eitrem. Kristiania, 1901. 8". 2055. b. Geffcken (H.) and Tykocinski (H.) Stiftungsbuch der Stadt Leipzig. Leipzig, 1905. 8". 2364. h. 3. 408 GEF— GEL Geffcken(J.) Oracula SibvUina,. [GcUanlt antl Earnach. N.F. 8.] LrlpzKj, ir^o2. 8". ' 2003. g. Geffrov (G.) Kubens. Ties Grmvh Artiste^.'] Paris, 1902. 8". ^ ^ ^ ^ 2266. bb. 29. Geffroy (G.) and Alexandre (A.) Corot and Millet. [Studio Special Xnmhrr.] L,m<1o„, 1902. 8". R. P.P. 1931. pcu. Gelirino(F) Mozart. \ Great Musicians.] Lohy/oh, 1883. 8". 2268. a. 14. Gehring (J.) Die Sekten der russiscben Kirclie, 1003-1S97. Lclpziii, 1898. 8". 2208. dd. 9. Gehrmann (H.) Carl ^laiia von Weber. [Beriihiite Miixilar. 5.] Berlin, 1S99. 8". 2268. bb. Geiger (L.) Development of the Human Race. [Enr/Jish and Foreiijn Philaxnphiral Lihrani.] London, iSSo. 8". " 2318. d. 9. 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The Gelasiau Sacramentary. Edited by H. A. Wilscii. Oxford, 1894. 8". " 2202. b. 7. Geldart (E. M.) A Guide to Modern Greek. (Key.) 2 pt. Loudon, i^S3. 8". ' 2274. c. 8, 9. The Modern Greek Language in its relation to ancient Greek. [Chinndori Prcxs Serirs.] Oxford, 1870. 8". 2320. d. 21. Simphficd Grainuiar of Modern Greek. [Truhner''s ('ollcrllou of Simplified Grainuiani. 5.] London, 1883. 8". 2274. a. 17. GEL-GEN 409 Gellert (C. F.) Fal)eln und Erz;lhluii<,'eii von Lessin<^ und Gellert. Edited by K. Breul. [Pitt Press Scr/'cx.] CdinJirldf/c, 1S8-. 8". 2322. c. 31. Gelli (J.) Bibliografia della vScherma. Firenzc, 1890. 8". 2330. c. 3. Gellius (Auius) Noctes Atticae. Kecensuit A. Lion. 2 vol. Gotthujac. 1S24. 8". 2045. v. Noctes Atticae. Edidit C. Hosius. 2 vol. [Teuhncr Sericx.'\ Leipzig, 1903. 8". 2047. a, ete. Geminus, Bhodius. Elementa astronomiae. Kecensuit, Germanica interpretatione et commentariis instnixit C. Manitius. Gr. & Ger. 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[Knackfnss. Kiinstler- Monographien. 69.] Leipzig, 1904. 8". 2034. c. Gensel (W.) Constantin Meunier. [Knaclfnss. Kiinstler-Mono- graphien. 79.] Leipzig, 1905. 8". 2034. c. Corot und Troyon. [Knachfuss. Kiinstler-Monographien. 83.] Leipzig, 1906. 8". ' 2034. c. Millet und Rousseau. [KnacJcfuss. Kunstler-3Ionograjihien. 57.] Leipzig, 1902. 8". '2034. c. Gentleman's Magazine. 1731-1833. vol. 1-103. Loudon, 17 31-183 3. 8". 2117. f. — 2118. e. New Series, vol. 1-4.5. London, 1834-56. 8". 2118. e-g. • New [Third] Series, vol. 1-19. London, 1S56-65. 8". 2118. g-h. New [Fourth] Series vol. 1-5. London, 1866-68. 8". 2118. h. no GEN— GEO Gentleman's Magazine. (General Index, 1731-1818. 4 vol. Luudou, 178^-1821. 8". 2118. h. Index to the Biographical and Olntuary Notices, 1731-1780. Luudun, 1 89 1. 8«. 2118. h. Gentleman's Magazine Lil)rary : being a clas-sified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1868. Edited by G. L. Gomme. 30 vol. Loiulon, 1883-1905. 8". 2324. ee. Manners and Customs. 1 vol. Romano-British Remains. 2 vol. Dialect, Proverbs, Word-Lore. 1 vol. Literary Curiosities. 1 vol. Popular Superstitions. 1 vol. Bibliographical Notes. 1 vol. English Traditions : Foreign Customs. | Architectural Antiquities. 2 vol. 1 vol. I Ecclesiology. 1 vol. Archaeologj-. 2 vol. [ Enghsh Topography. 17 vol. Geoffrey, of Monmouth. De Vita Merlini Caledonii. [Rnxhu'njh' Chih. 41. J London, 1830. 4'». R. Ac. 8104/41. Historiu JiritDnuni. Edidit J. A. (Hies. London, 1S44. 8". 2072. c. J>ritish History. Translated by A. Thompson. London, 17 18. 'S". 2072. c. British History. [Bo/im'.s Antiquarian Ljihrari/.^ Lniidon, 1 90S. 8". " 2500. b. 4. Geographi Graeci Minores. See Mueller (C.) 2046. d. Geographical Journal. Published by the Royal Geographical S.K'icty. huKlon, 1893, etc. 8". 2058. a. & aa. Geographical Society. See Royal Geographical Hociety. Geographischer Anzeiger, Gotlia, 1900, etc. 4". R. RP. 3946. aa. Geological Magazine. London, 1864-97. 8". R. P.P. 2122. c. k 2030. f. Geological Record. London, 1875, etc 8". R. P.P. 2122. g. k BB. E. c. 6. Geological Society of America. Bulletin. AV/f Ynrh, iS'p, r/r. S". R. Ac. 3187. Geological Society of London. Charter and Bye-Laws. London, 1862. 8". r, Ac. 3171/3. Li.st of Members, ('/r. London, 1^2%, etc. 8". R.Ac. 3171. ——Proceedings, vol. 1-4. London, 1834-46. 8". R. Ac. 3171/4. Th,' Prorrrdui./s of ih' Sorlrti/ Were afterwards piddlshed in the Quarterly Journal. ^ j Abstracts of Proceedings. No. 31!), rtc London, 1875, e/c. 8". R. Ac. 3171/6. <-^iurt«Tly .lournal. London, iS^^^, etc. 8". li. Ac. 3171/2. & 2030. f. Tnuiwutions. Ser. 1. voi. ]. _Ser. 2 vol 7 London, iSu-i8s6. 1". " ' ' " R.Ac. 3171/9. GEO— GEO 411 Geological Society of London. Classified Index to the Trans- actions, Proceedings and Quarterly Journal, including all memoirs and notices to 1855. By G. W. Ormerod. Lomlon, 1858. 8«. R. Ac. 3171/5. Classified Index to the Transactions and Proceedings and the Quarterly Journal of the Society to 1869. By G. W. Ormerod. London, 1870. 8". BB. E. c. 8. Catalogue of the Library of the Society. London, i88f. 8". R. Ac. 3171/7. Geological Literature added to the Society's Library, 1894, clc London, 1895, etc. 8". R. Ac. 3171/10. History of the Geological Society of London. Bv H. B. Wood- ward. ioHr/oH, 1907." 8". R. Ac. 3171/11. List of the Types and Figured Specimens recognized by C. D. Sherborn in the collection of the Society. Verified, witli additions by J. F. Blake. London, 1902. 8". R. Ac. 3171/8. Geologists' Association. Reports and Proceedings. London, 1864, etc. 8". R. Ac. 3172. Geoponica. Geoponica sive Cassiani Bassi Scholastici de re rustica eclogae. Recensuit H. Beckh. [Teubner Series.] Leipzitj, 1895. 8". 2047. a, etc. George, a Greek Monk. Chronicon. Edidit C. de Boor. [Teuhner Ser /('.(rt Btroni Sociefi/. 13.1 London, 1900. 8". ^ ' R. Ac. 8133/13. Gerber (A.) and Greef (H.) Lexic(.n Taciteum. Lcipzi;/, icjot,. 8°. 2048. i. Gericke (J. F. C.) and Roorda (T.) Javaausch-Nederl;; dsch Hand- \va -Mo.sjiiciue. [Bibl. de rEnsei(/nement des Beaux-Arts.] I'aris, 1882. S". ' 2263. c. 35. Geruzez (E.) llistuire de la litteratme frangaise pendant la Jtevolutiou. Paris, 1859. 8*^. 2310. b. 11. GER — GES 413 Gervasius, Gantuariensis. terbury. Edited by 8' Me t no I'} ah. ^ London, 1879, 80. Gervasius, Dorohomensis. Chronica. [Twijsden. Scripfores X] London, 1652. fol. Gervinus (G. G.) Shakespeare Commentaries. Gerzon (J.) Die jiidiseh-deutsche Sprache. FranJcfurt a. M., 1902. 8". Geschichte der deutschen Kunst. Bde. Beilin, 1SS5-91. 8". The Historical Works of Gervase of Can- W. Stubbs. 2 vol. [Chronicles and 2073. (73.) Hist arise A n (jlica n se 2072. ics.] Paris, 1905. 8<*, 2266. bb. 19. N'an Dyck. \Lcs Grands Artistes.] Paris, 1903. 8". 2266. bb. 33. Geysbeek (P. G. W.) Biographisch Woordenboek der Neder- duitsclie Dichters. 6 vol. ^Amsterdam, 1821-27. 8". 2093. f. Aanhangsel. See Aa (A. J. van der) Giannares (A.) Historical Greek Grammar. London, 1897. 8". 2050. b. Gibb (E. J. W.) History of Ottoman Poetry. 5 vol. Lnudnu, 1900-07. 8". 2312. g. Gibbon (E.) Autobiographies. Edited by John Murray. Lnndou, 1896. 8". 2410. g. 8. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 7 vol. [Bohn's British Classics.] Lo/(», 1853-55. 8". 2500. d. 1. [Another edition.] Edited by J. B. Bury. 7 vol. Laiidou, 1 896-1 900. 8". 2070. d. Private Letters, 1753-1794. Edited ))y ]{. E. Prothoio. 2 vol. Luudnu, 1896. 8". 2410. g. 6. GibbstA. R.) Brilisli Honduras. London, iSS^. - 8'\ 2374. b. 10. Gibson (E. C. S.) liishop of GJonrester. The Thirty-nine Articles .•xplaiucd. London, 1898. 8". 2202. b. 11. Gibson (G. A.) Klementary Treatise on (baphs. I.uudnu, 1904. 8". 2242. b. 14. Gibson (J. G.) Registers of Ebchester, 1619-1812. 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[B>i-Paths of Bihlr Knowledge] London, 1894. 8°. 2200. b. 23. Gilliat-Smith (E.) See Smith (E. G.) Gillieron (J.) Patois de la Commune de Vionnaz. [Ecole i)raiiqne des hautes etudes. Bihliotheque. Sc. plnl. et hist. 40.] Paris, 1880. 8". R. Ac. 8929. Gillies (H. C.) Elements of Gaelic Grammar. London, 1896. 8°. 2052. a. Gillow (J.) Bibliographical Dictionar'y of English Catholics, from 1534. 5 vol. London, 1885-1902. S^. 2013. b. Oilman (A.) Rome from the earliest times to the end of the Republic. [Story of the Nations. 1.] London, 1 88"]. 8". 2071. a. 1. The Saracens. [St or 1/ of the Nations. 9.] London, iSS-j. 8". 2071. a. 9. Oilman (D, C.) and Peck (H. T.) New International Encyclopaedia. 17 vol. New Yorl; 1903-04. 8". 2104. e. Gilpin (W.) Memoirs of Dr. Richard Gilpin. [Cumherland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society.] London, 1879. 8". R. Ac. 5630/3. Oindely (A.) History of the Thirty Years' AVar. 2 vol. London, 1 88 5. 8". 2392. c. 2. Oinever (C. A.) and (I.) Hungarian Grammar. 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Wagner. \Pilf Press Series.] Cambrtchje, 1876. 8". 2322. b. 15. Hermann und Dorothea. Edited by C. A. Buchhemi. [CJaremlon Press Series.] Oxford, i^oi. 8". 2319. aa. 28. Iphigenie auf Tauris. Edited by Karl Breul. \Piit Press Series.] Gamhridge, 1899. 8". ' 2322. dd. 9. • Kjiabenjahre. Edited by J. W. Cartmell. [PiU Press Series.] Gamhridge, 1891. 8«. 2322. b. 12. Miscellaneous Travels. [liohn^s Standard Libran/.] London, 1882. 8". ' 2504. c. 15. Reineke Fox, West-Eastern Divan, and Achilleid. [Bohn's Standard Library.] London, 1890. 8^. 2504. k. 2. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. [Bohn's Standard Library.] London, 1855. 8«. 2504. c. 21. ■ Wilhelm Meister's Travels. [BoJin's Stavdard Library.] London, 1S82. S^. 2504. e. 17. Goettingische Gelehrte Anzeigen. Gottinqen, 1824, etc. 8". R. "p.p. 4672. k 2107. b. Goetz (K. G.) Cyprian's Schrift Ad Donatum. [Gehhardt and Harnach. N.F. 4.] Leipzig, 1899. 8". 2003. f. Goetze (E.) Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung. Fortgefiihrt von E. Goetze. See Goedeke. 2039. g. Goffart (I.) Le Congo physique, politique et economique. BruxeUes, 1908. 8". 2358. d. 3. Gofflot (L. V.) Le Theatre au college. Paris, 1907. 8". 2306. d. 9. Goirand (L.) French Commercial Law. London, 1898. 8'*. 2018. c. Goldingham (H.) The Garden Plot. [Boxburghe Glub. 36.] London, 1825. 4". R. Ac. 8104/36. Goldoni (C.) Collezione completa delle commedie di C. Goldoni. 24 torn. Pm/o, 1 8 19-2 1. 8". 2298. g. 1. Memoirs. 2 vol. [Antobioip-aphi/. 23, 24.] London, 1828. 8". 2094. a. Goldschmidt (H.) Studien zur Geschichte der italienischen Oper im 17. Jahrhundert. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 190 1, 04. 8°. 2268. c 4. Goldsmid {Sir F. J.) Eastern Persia : an account of the journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-72. 2 vol. Ljondon, 1876. 8°. " 2356. e. 4. James Outram. 2 vol. London, 1881. 8". 2406. e. 6. Goldsmitn (O.) Works. 4 vol. London, 1854. 8". 2041. e. Works. [Globe Edition.] London, 1869. 8". 2342. c. 3. Works. 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Report of the Annual Dinner of the tions in Scotland. 2 vol. Club, 1875. 4. Cartulary of Cambuskenneth. 16. Rogers : History of the Chapel 5. Baix and Rogers : Diocesan Regis- Royal of Scotland. ters of Glasgow. 17. The Scottish House of Edgar. 6. 7. Batten : History of Beauly 18. Rogers : The Book of Robert Priory. Burns. 3 vol. 8. Rogers : Register of the Collegiate ' 19. Rogers : The Scottish Nobility Church of Crail. during the minority of James vi. 9. Rogers : Register of Cupar Abbey. 20. Rogers : Boswelliana. 2 vol. 21. Rogers : Genealogical Memoirs of 10. Rogers : Chartulary of Coldstream [ the family of Sir W. Scott and the Abbey. | Haliburtons. 11. Rogers : Leaves from my Auto- 22. Rogers : The Book of Wallace. biography. 2 vol. 12. Rogers : Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Knox. Gran Conquista de Ultramar. See Alphonso X. Grande Encyclopedie. 31 torn. Paris, 1887-1902. 4*'. Circ. 67-69. c. Grandgeorge (L.) Saint Augustin et le neo-platonisme. [Ecole pratique fles hautes etudes. Sciences religieuses. 8.] Paris, 1896. 8°. R. Ac. 8929/7. Grandidier (E.) La ceramique chinoise. Paris, 1894. 4*^. 2268. e. 6. Grandisson (J. de) Bishop of Exeter. Register of John de Gran- disson, l;)27-1369. [Episcopal Registers of the Diocese of Exeter.'] 3 pt. London, 1894-99. 8°. 2210. e. 5. Granger (E.) Index to Poetry and Recitations. Giicago, i^o/\.. 8°. 2040. i. Granges de Surgeres ( de) Marquis. Repertoire de la Gazette de France, i vol. Paris, 1902-06. 4°. 2085. f. Granier (C.) Essai de bibHographie charitable. Paris, 18(^1. 8°. BB. C. b. 2. Granier de Cassagnac (A.) Souvenirs du Second Empire. 3 pt. Paris, 1879-82. 8". 2390. a. 2. Granius Licinianus (G.) Grani Liciniani quae supersunt. liecognovit M. Flemisch. [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1904. 8«. 2047. a, etc. Grant (Sir A.) The University of Edinburgh during its first three hundred years. 2 vol. London, 1 88^. 8". 2234. cc. 9. Grant (A. J.) The French Monarchy, 1483-1789. 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[Bohn's Standard Lihrarii.] London, 1900, ete. 8°. " 2504. k. 16. Correspondence of Thomas Gray and William ^lusoii. AVith notes by J. Mitford. London, 1852. 8". 2410. i. 6. Gray {Sir Thomas) Scalacbronica. A chronicle of England and Scotland, 1066-1362. [3LtitIand Club.] Edinbure/h, 1836. 4«. R. Ac. 8253/40. Gray (W.) Archbisliop of Yorh. Register, or Rolls. [Surtees Soeieti/. Publications. 56.] Durham, 1872. 8". R. Ac. 8045/45. Grazebrook (H. S.) The Heraldry of Worcestershire. London, 1 87 3. 4". 2400. c. 3. Great Marlow. See Marlow. Great Musicians. Edited by F. HueiFer. 15 vol. London, 1881-90. 8°. 2268. a. 1. Huepfeb: Wagner. 2. HuBFFER : Wagner. Second edition. 3. Barrett : English Church Com- posers. 4. Benedict : Weber. 5. ^Iarshall : Handel. 6. Rockstro : Mendelssohn 7. Crowest : Cherubini. 8. Edwards : Rossini. 9. Frost : Schubert. 10. CuMMiNGS : Purcell. 11. Gehring : Mozart. 12. Poole : Bach. 13. Fuller-Maitlaxd : Schumann. 14. RuDALL : Beethoven. 15. TowNSEND : Haydn. 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Remains. [Parlier Sociel;/. Publications. 13.] Cambridge, 1843. 8". R. Ac. 2077. Grinfield (E. H.) Scholia Hellenistica in Novum Testamentum. 2 vol. Londini, 1848. 8". 2200. c. 7. Gringore fP.) The Castell of Labour. [Boxbnnihe Club. 12.*).] Edinburgh, 1905. 4". R. Ac. 8104/125. Grinton. Registers of Grinton in Swaledale. [Yorhsliire Parish Begi^ter Societg. 23.] Leeds, 1905. 8°. R. Ac. 8136. 446 GRI— GRO Griselle (E.) Bourdaloue. [Bihliotheque de hihliograpJiics critiques. IL'.] Paris, 1900. 8°. 2036. e. Grisons, CantiVi. Code civil. Traduit par R. de la Grasserie. [Col- lectiou de Codes eiramjers. 7.] P«r/s, 1893. ^°- 2018. b. Griswold, (R. W.) Poets and Poetry of America. X,,c Y.ul; 1 87 2. 8". 2039. h. Prose Writers of America. Philadelphia, iQ^i. 8«. 2039. b. Gritzner (A. M. F.) Handbuch der Ritter- und Verdienstorden aller Kulturstaateu der Welt. Leipzig, 1893. S". 2400. a. 8. . Sicbmacher's Wappenbuch. Herausgegeben von M. Gritzner, etc. mnthenj, 1856, etc. 4°. 2097. a-d. 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English .Jacobite Ballads. [Towneley Hall MSS.] London, 1877. 4«. 2326. g. 19. The Fuller Worthies' Library. 39 vol. Loudon, 1868-76. 8«. & 4". 2326. d-f. Beaumont: Poems. Harvey: Poems. Cbabuaw : Works. 2 vol, Davies : Works. 3 vol. Donne : Poems. 2 vol. Fletcher, G. : Poems. Fletcher, J. : Poems. Fletcher, P. : Poems. 4 vol. Fuller: Poems. Greville: Works. 1 vol. Herbert : Works. 3 vol. Marvell : Works. 4 vol. Miscellanies. 4 vol. Sidney : Poems. 2 vol. Southwell: Poems. Vaughan : Works. 4 vol. Washbourne : Poems. GRO— GEO 447 Grosart (A. B.) Occasional Issues of Uniciue or Very Rare Books. IS vol. London, 1875-83. 4". Armin : Works. Austin : Scourge of Venus. Barksted : Poems. Barnes : Poems. Bastard : Poems. Chester : Love's IMartyr. CoLSE : Penelope's Complaint. Crosse : Vertues Commonwealth. Dickenson : Works. Dolarny : Primerose. Fitzgeofprey : Poems. Fletcher : Poems. GiPFORD : Poems. Gresham : Picture of Incest. Griffin : Poems. Grove : Poems. GuiLPiN : Skialetheia. Hall : Poems. Howell : Poems. LiNCHE : Poems. Marston : Poems. Nicholson : Acolastus. Parkes : Curtain-Drawer. 2326. 1-16. Percy : Sonnets. Peicket : Honor's Fame. Scoloker : Daiphantus. Smith : Cbloris. SwETNAM : W o m a n - H a t e r arraigned. Tasso : Godfrey of BuUoigne. ToPTE : Alba. W. N. : Barley-Breake. Westmorkland : Poems. WiLLOBY : Airsa. Woodhouse : Democritus his Dreame. Alcilia. Annalia Dubrensia. Choice, Change and Chance. Cornucopiae. Pasquil's Palinodia. Polimanteia. Quest of Enquirie. True Coppie of a Discourse. Notes and Illustrations. Grose (F.) Antiquarian Repertory. See Antiquarian Repertory. Antiquities of England and Wales. 4 vol. London, 1773-87. 4^. 2061. e. Antiquities of Ireland. 2 vol. London, 1791—95. 8". 2066. e. Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. London, 1823. 8". 2278. d. 7. Military Antiquities respecting a history of the English Armj^ 2 vol. London, 1801. 4°. 2032. f. Provincial Glossary, with a collection of local proverbs and popular superstitions. London, 1787. 8*^, 2278. g. 6. Grosen (W. H.) Scripture Natural History. Trees and Plants mentioned in the Bible. \_By-Paths of Bible Knowledge. 10.] London, 1888. 8°. 2200. b. 12. Gross (C.) Bibliography of British Municipal History. \ Harvard Historical Studies. 5.] New Torh, i^^j. 8". R. Ac. 2692/10. [Another copy.] BB. K. b. 2. The Gild Merchant. 2 vol. Oxford, 18 go. 8°. 2020. g. Sources and Literature of English History from the earliest times to about 1485. London, 1900. 8°. BB. M. d. 16. Grosse (E.) Die Anfange der Kunst. Freiburg, 1894, 8". 2264. cc. 13. Grosseteste (R.) Bishop of Lincoln. Carmina Anglo-Normannica. [Caxton Society. 15.] London, 1852. 8°. R. Ac. 8114. Castel off Loue. IPhiloloqical Society.] London, 186^. 8". ^ R. Ac. 9930/5. 448 GRO— GRU Grosseteste (R.) Bishop of Lincoln. Epistolae. Edited by H. R. 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[Bibl. des JEcoles Franraises d'Athenes, etc. 22.] Paris, 1881. 8". R. Ac. 5206/2. Guillaum.e (P.) Istorio de Sanct Poncz. [Societe pour I'etude des langues romanes.] Paris, 1888. 8°. R. Ac. 9809 8. Guillemin (A.) The World of Comets. London, iS-j-j. 8". 2242. f. 6. Guillim (J.) Display of Heraldry. London, 1724. fol. 2099. g. Guillon (J. M.) Etude generale de la vigne. Paris, 1905. 8". 2254. g. 4. Guilmard (D.) Les Maitres ornemanistes. Paris, 1880. 4". 2264. dd. 18. Guilpin (E.) Skialetheia. London, 1870. 4". 2326. c. 8. (4.) [Another edition.] [Grosart. Occasional Lssues.'\ London, 1878. 4^. 2326. g. 6. (3.) Guinness (H.) Andrea del Sarto. [Great Masters.] London, 1899. 8<>. 2263. d. 24. 2 G 2 452 GUI— GUN Guiraud (J.) L'Kglise et les origines de la Renaissance. [Bihliotheque de Venseignement dc Vhidoire ecclesiastique.] Paris, 1902. 8°. 2208. a. Guisbrough Priory. Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne. [Surteen Societi/. Puhllcations. 86, 89.] 2 vol. Durham, 1889-94. 8". R. 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Loudon, 1909. 8".' 2249. f. 1. Harkness (J.) and Morley (F.) Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Inuictions. Loudon, iS<^8^ 8". 2242. d. 12. Harkness (M. E.) Assyrian Life and History. [Bij-Pathx of BihJe KnuicJrd.je. ■!.] London, 1883. 8°. ' 2200. b. 2. Egyptian Life and History according to the Monuments. [By-Paths of Bible Knoidedge. 6.] London, 18S4. 8°. 2200. b. 8. Harland (J.) Collectanea relating to ^lanchester. [CJietham Societi/. Pithllrotions. G8, 72.] Manchester, 1866-67. ■*"• R. Ac. 8120. Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester in the sixteenth century. Compiled by J. Harland. [Chetham Societi/. Publieatlonf. 6;?, G')'] Manchester, 1864, 65. 4". ' R. Ac. 8120. Cilcssar}' of words used in Swaledale, Yorkshire. [Emjlish Di alert Society.] London, 1873. 80. R. Ac. 9934. House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall, 1582-1621. [Chetham Society. Puhlicafions. 35, 41, 4.3, 4G.] Manchester, 1856-58. 4". R. Ac. 8120. 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Visitations of Norfolk, 1563, 1613. 33, 34. Marriage Licences, 1660-1679. 35, 36. Hampshire Marriage Licences, 1689-1837. 37-40. Familiae Minoruru Gentium. 41. Visitations of Cambridgeshire, 1575, 1619. 42. Visitation of Kent, 1619-21. 43. Visitations of Surrey, 1530, 1572, 1623. 44-49. Musgrave's Obituary. 50-52, 55. Maddison's Lincolnshire Pedigrees. 53. Visitations of Sussex, 1530, 1633- 34. 54. Visitations of Kent, 1663, 1668. 56. Visitations of Berkshire. 1. Visitation of Loudon, 1568. 2. Visitation of Leicestershire, 1619. 8. Visitation of Rutland, 1618. 4. Visitations of Nottingham, 1614. 5. A'isitations of Oxford, 1574, 1634. 6. Visitation of Devon, 1620. 7. Visitation of Cumberland, 1615. 8. Lc Neve's Catalogue of Knights. 9. Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. 10. Registers of Westminster Abbey. 11. Visitation of Somersetshire, 1623. 12. A'^isitation of Warwickshire, 1619. 18, 14. A'isitations of Essex, 1552, 1558, 1612, 1634. 15, 17. Visitation of London, 1633, 34. 16. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1564. 18. Visitation of Cheshire, 1580. 19. Visitations of Bedfordshire, 1566, 1582, 1634. 20. A^isitatiou of Dorset, 1623. 21. A^isitation of Gloucester, 1623. 22. A^isitation of Hertfordshire, 1572, 1634. 28. Marriage Licences, AVestminster, 1558-1699, Canterbury, 1660-79. Registers. 1. 4. St. Peter, CornhiU. 2. Canterbury Cathedral. 3. St. Dionis Backchurch. 5. St. jMary Aldermary. 6. St. Thomas the Apostle. 7. St. Michael, CornhiU. 8. St. Antholin, Budge Row, and St. John Baptist, Walbrook. 9. 10, 13, 17, 19, 20. St. James, Clerk- enwell. 11, 14, 22, 24. St. George, Hanover Square. 12. Stourton, AVilts. Harless (G. C. A. von) System of Christian Ethics. Translated by A. W. Morrison, and revised by W. Findlay. [Claries Foreiyn Theological Library. 4th Series. 19.1 Ed i nJmryh, 1 868. 8"." 2007. d. Harley (Ladij B.) Letters. [Catnden Socieii/. 56.] London, 1854. 4". R. Ac. 8113 56. Harmer (S. F.) and Shipley (A. E.) Cambridge Natural History. London, 1895, etc. 8". 2027. c. Harmonville (A. L. d') Dictionnaire des Dates. 2 vol. Paris, 1842,43. 8". 2088. h. Harmsworth (A. C. W.) Baron NorthUffe. Motors. [Badminton Library.] London, 1906. 8°. ' 2270. cc. 25. Harnack (A.) Die Acten des Karpus. [Gebhardt and Hamad- . o.\ Leipzig, 1888. 8". 2003. f. 2099. c-f. 15. St. George's Chapel, Mayfair. 16. Kensington. 18. Charterhouse Chapel. 21. Christchurch, Newgate. 28. Durham Cathedral. 25. St. Martin in the Fields. 26. St. Paul's Cathedral. 27. 28. Bath Abbey. 29, 30. St. A^edast, Foster Lane, and St. Michael le Quern. 31. St. Helen, Bishopsgate. 32. St. Martin, Outwich. 33-36. St. Paul, Covent Garden. 472 HARNACK Harnack (A.) Analecta zur iiltesten Geschichte des Christentums. — Der V'uiwurf des Atheismus in den drei ersten Jtahrhunderten. [GebhanU (ukI Haniack. N.F. 13.] Leipzig, 1905. 8°. 2003. j?. Bruehstucke des Evangeliums und der Apokalypse des Petrus. [Gehhtrdt and Harnack. 9.] Leipzig, i^c^^. 8". 2003. f. Dicxlor von Tarsus. [Gehhardt and Harnack. N.F. 6.] Leipzig, 1 90 1. 8". 2003. f. Di-ei wenig beachtete Cvprianische Schriften. [Gebhardf and Harnack. N.F. 4.] Leipzig, 1899. 8". 2003. f. The Expansion of Christianity in the first three centuries. 2 vol. \Thei,Ji>qlral Tran^laiion Llhrari/.] London, 1904, 05. 8°. 2206. cc. 5. [Another edition.] [The(doglcaI Translation Library.'] London, 1908. 8". ■ "2206. cc. 16. Geschichte der Akademie der Wisseuschaften zu Berlin. Berlin, 1901. 8". 2312. e. 1. Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteiatur bis Eusebius. Leipzig, [893, etc. 8". 2015. e. Die griechische Ueber.setzung des Apologeticus Tertullians. — Medicinisches aus der iiltesten Kirchengeschichte. [Gehhardt and Harnack. 8.] Leipzig, 1892. 8". 2003. f. History of Dogma. 7 vol. [Theological Translation Library.] London," J 8g^-(^<^. 8". 2206. cc. 3. Der Ketzer-Katalog des Maruta. [Gebhardf and Harnack. N.F. 4.] Leipzig, 1899. "^8«. 2003. f. Die Pfafl"'schen Ireniius-Fragmente.- — Miscellen zu den Apos- tolischen Viitern. [Gebhardt and Harnack. N.F. 5.] Leipzig, 1900. 8". 2003. f. Der pseudocyprianisclie Traktat De Aleatoribus. — Das Evan- geHuuifragment von Fajjum. [Gebhardt and Harnack. .").] Leijizig, 1888, 89. 8". ' 2003. f. Der p.seudocyprianische Traktat De 8ingularitate Clericorum. — Die Hypotesen des Theognost. — Der gefiilschte Brief des Theonas an Lucian. [Gebhardt and Harnack. N.F. 9.] Leijjzlg, 1903. 8". 2003. g. Dihical Library] London, 1895. 8". 2318. d. 21. Philosophy of Mind. Translated, with introductory essays, by W. Wallace. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1894. 8". 2319. b. 12. Heidelberg University. Katalog der Handschriften der Univer- sittits-Bibliothek. Heidelberg, 1887, etc. 4o. 2330. g. 5. Heidenstam (O. G. von) Swedish Life in town and conntry. Loiidjrn, 1905. 8". 2360. c. 22. Heilmeyer (A.) Adolf Hildebrand. [Knackfnss. KUn.stler- Monographien. 60.] Leijjzig, 1902. 8". 2034. c. Heilprin (A.) The Distribution of Animals. [Liiternational Scientific Series.] London, 1887. 8". 2324. b. 25. Heilprin (A.) and (L.) Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World. London, 1906. 4o. 2060. c. Heim (E.) Neuer Fiihrer durch die Violin-Litteratur. Hannorer, 1901. 8". BB. C b. 12. Heimbucher (M.) Die Orden und Kongregationen der katholischen Kirche. 3 Bde. Paderborn, 1907, 08. 8". 2014. b.. Hein (G.) and Becker (M.) Commercial German. With a Key. 4 pt. London, 1902-07. 8". 2276. b. 1. Heine (H.) Siimmtliche Werke. 23 Bde. Handjn rg, iS6i-S^. 8«. 2336 d. 2. 1, 2. Reisebilder. 3. Englische Fragments : Shake- speare's Madcheu uucl Frauen. 4. Novellistische Fragmeute. 5-7. Ueber Deutschland. 8-11. Franzosische Zustande. 12. Ueber Ludwig Borue. 13, 14. Vermischte Schriften. 15-18. Dichtungen. 19-21. Briefe. Supplemeutbaud I. : — Letzte Gedichte u. Gedauken. Supplementband II. :— ^Icmoireu, etc. 488 HEI— HEL Heine (H.) Works. Translated by C. G. Leland and others. 12 vol. Lumlou, 1 892-1905. S*'. 2338. Ix 1. 1. Florentine Nights. 2, 3. Pictures of Travel. 4. Salon. 5, 6. Germany. 7, 8. French Affairs. 9. Book of Songs. 10. New Poems. 11. Germany. Romancero I., II. 12. Romancero III. Last Poems. Sammtliche Gedichte. 2 vol. Amsterdam, 1 869. 8". 2043. a. Poems, translated by E. A. Bowring. [Bohn's Stawhtnl Lihntrii.] Loudon, 1S61. 8". " 2504. d. 8. Poems and Ballads. Done into English verse by Theodore Marthi. Ediuhiirgh, 1878. 8«. 2286. d. 5. Book of Songs, translated by C. G. Leland. New York, 1S68. 8". 2286. a. 5. Memoirs. Loiidon, 18S4. 8". 2402. a. 3. Pictures of Travel. Translated by C. G. Leland. Niw York, 1866. 8". 2350. 2. Travel Pictures. [Bohn's Standard Lihrary.^ London, 1887. 8". 2504. k. 5. 'l{eligion and Philosophy in Germany. [Enf/lisli and Foreign Phllosojjlnral LJhrarji.] London, iSS 2. " S''. ' 2318. d. 15. Heienmann (H. von) Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands und der 8ch\vei/.. 2 vol. BraiinHchveig, 1859-77. 8'^. 2028. a. Heinemann (O. von) Geschichte von Braunschweig und Hannover. ;; IMe. Gotha, 1882-92. 8°. 2392. d. 2. Heintze (A.) Die deut.schen Familiennamen. Halle a. S., 190S. 8". 2400. f. 11. Heinzel (R.) tjber den Stil der altgermanischen Poesie. [Quellen und FnrscJiungen zur Sprach- nnd Culturgesehichte der geruiauischen Volker. 10.] Strassbnrg, iS-j^. S^. '2338. h. 2. Heiss (A.) Descripcion de las Monedas hisjmno-cristianas. 3 torn. Madrid, 1665-69. 4". 2261. c. 6. Helbig (W.) Das Homerische Epos aus den Denkmiilern erlautert. Lrijcig, 1884. 8". 2280. g. 3. Helfenstein (J.) Comparative Grammai- of the Teutonic Languages. London, 1870. 8«. 2055. c. Helferich (H.) Fractures and Dislocations. [New Siidenh<(ui Sodet]/.'] Lomtan, 1S99. 8". k Ac. 3838/68. [Another edition.] [Saunders' Medical Rand- Atlases.'] Pl,llad,'lj>hia, 1902. 8". 2256. c. Heliand. irdiand. Herausgegeben von E. Sievers. [Germanistisrlie llondhddiothf^c. 4.] Halle, 1878. 8". 2043. b. Helinant, dc Fmidmont. Le.s Vers de la Mort. [Societe des auciens Ivxl- X franrain.] Paris, 1905. 8". R. Ac. 9811. HEL— HEM 489 Heliodorus, Bixltop of Trlrm. Aethiopicorum lihi'i decern. Al) I. Bekkero recogniti. [Tcniyiier Series.] Leipzig, 1855. 8". 2047. a, etc. The Etliiopics ; di', Adventures of Theagenes and Chariclea. [BoWs Classical Lihranj.] Xojk^oh, 1889. 8". 2500. f. 7. Heller (J.) Handbuch fiir Kupferstichsammler. Neu iHaiboitet und um das Doppelte erweitert von A. Andresen. 2 \iA. Leipzirj, 1870-73. 8". 2264. c. 4. Hellespont, psend. Tlie Laws and Principles of Bridge. J L<,n,h>n, 1905. 8". ' 2270. cc. 6. Hellwald (F. de) J>ibliograpliie mctliodique de I'ordre de St. Jean de Jerusalem. Borne, 1885. 8". BJ^>. T. e. 14. Hellyer (S. S.) The Phimher and Sanitary Houses. London, 1900. 8". 2246. g. 1. Principles and Practice of Plumbing. [Technological HandJiooks.] London, 1893. 8«. ' 2270. a. 24. Helmholtz (H. von) Handbuch der physiologischen Optik. Hamburg, 1896. 8". 2246. g. 3. On the Sensations of Tone as a physiological basis for the tlieory of Music. Translated by A. J. Ellis. London, 1885. 8". 2268. bb. 3. Yorlesungen iiber theoretische Physik. 6 Bde. Leipzig, 1903. 8". 2246. h. 9. Helmore (T.) Plain Song. [Novelh/s Music Primers. 14.] London, 1878. 8«. " 2268. aa. Helps to the Study of the Bible. i'_Oxford, 1897. 8". 2008. a. Helps {Sir A.) Life of Columbus. London, 1869. 8". 2402. 1). 10. Life of Hernando Cortes. 2 vol. London, 1871. 8". 2402. b. 15. Life of Las Casas, " The Apostle of the Indians." London, 1868. 8«. 2402. h. 14. Life of Pizarro. London, 1869. 8". 2402. b. 16. Life of T. Brassey. [Bohn^s Select Lihrari/.'] London, 1888. 8°. 2502. k. 13. The Spanish Conquest in America. Edited by M. Oppenheim. 4 vol. London, 1900-04. 8". 2398. b. 10. Helyot (P.) Histoire et costumes des ordres monastiques. 8 tom. Gningamp, 1838-40. 8°. 2208. dd. 1. Hemans {3Irs. F. D.) Poetical Works. Edited by W. INI. ]^)ssetti. London, 1873. 8". 2290. c. 1. Hemingburgh (Walterus de) See Walterus, de Heminghurgh. Hemingus, Monaclms Wigorniensis. Chartularium Ecclesise "NVigorni- ensis. 2 vol. Oxford, 1723. 8«. 2072. a. Hemingway (J.) History of the City of Chester. 2 vol. Chester, 183 1. 8°. 2368. bl). 21. 490 HEM— HEN Hemme (A.) Das lateinische Spradimaterial. Lcijjzifj, igo^. 8°. 2274. h. Hemsley iW. B.) Index to the Botanical Magazine, 1797 to 1904. Lnu,h,„, 1906. 8". BB. E. d. 21. Hemsterhuis (T.) Elogium Tibeiii Hemsterhusii. Auctore D. Buhiikenio. [Teuhne,- Series.] Leipzig, iQ-^. 8°. 2047. a, efc. Henderson (A.) Latin Pro\erl)s and Quotations. London, i86cj. 4". 2348. e. 4. Henderson (B. W.) Merton College. [CoUege Histories, Oxford.] Lnndou, 1S99. 8". " 2234. e. 11. Henderson (E. P.) Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ai;es. [Bidiii's A)itiqiiari<(ii Liltrori/.] Loudon, 1892. >^". 2500. 1). 3. Short Historv of Gernianv. 2 vol. Neio York, 1902. 8". 2392. d. 6. Henderson (G. F. R.) The Science of War. Lectures, edited Ijv N. Malcolm. AVith a memoir of the author by Earl Roberts. London, 1905. 8". 2248. f. 12. Henderson (M. S.) Constable. [Libr<(n/ of Art.] Lnndon, 1905. 8". ' ' 2264. b. 7. Henderson (P. E.) A British Officer in the Balkans ; a journey tlirough Dalmatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, etc. London, 1909. 8^. 2360. e. 10. Henderson (T. F.) Scottish \' ernacular Literature : a succinct history. ^London, 1898. 8". 2308. b. 7. Henderson (V. C.) Tibetan Manual. Calcutta, 1903. 4". 2056. e. Henderson (W.) Folk Lore of the northern counties of England. L<,„d„„, 1866. 8". 2348. d. 12. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the noi'thern counties of England and the Borders. [Fallc-Lore Socictii.] London, iQ-g. 8". R. Ac. 9938 2. Hengstenberg (E. W.) Chi-istologv of the Old Testament. 4 vol. \('l«rVx Foreign Theological Librdri/. 2nd Series, 1, 9, 19, 20.] K'liid,nrgh, 1854-58. 8". ' 2007. b. Coiiiinentary on Ecclesiastes, with other treatises. [Clarlc's Fia-figit Tlu'ological Librari/. Srd Series, 6.] Edinlmrgh, i860. 8". ' 2007. c. Coiiiinentary on Ezekiel. [GlarJc's Forei(/n Thcohxiical Lihran/. ■nil Scrirx, 2\.] Edinlmrgh, 186^. 8". ' ' 2007. d. (''.iniiicntary on the Gospel of St. John. 2 vol. [Clark's Fi'i-iigii Theological Lihran/. 4th Series, ."), 7.] Edinlmrgh, 1S65. 8". " 2007. C. Coinineiitary on the Psalms, vol. 1 (in 2 pt.) [Bihliml Cabinet. New SrrlcH, [.] Edinburgh, iS^^, ^^. 8". 2007. a. HEN— JIEN 491 Hengstenberg (E. W.) Coinmcntiiry on the Psalms, vol. 2, ."}. yClarlc's Foreiyn Theological Llhrarj/. '2, 12. J Edinhunjh, 1846-48. 8". ' 2007. a. History of the Kingdom of God under the Old Testament. 2 vol. [CVar/c's Foreign Theohx/lcal Lihrdri/. \th Series-, 32, ."50.] Edinburgh, 1871. 8". ' ' 2007. d. The Revelation of St. John expuuiuled. 2 vol. \_Glark's Foreign Theologiatl Lihrari/. 22,26.] Edinburgh, iS'^v, . 2092. b. Hennessey (J. B. N.) On tlu; Atmospheric Lines of the Solar Spectrum, [^lioi/al Societt/. Misfrllaiieoiis PnhJications. no 5.] London, I S-]^. '4". R. Ac. 3025 5. Hennessy (G.) Novum Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale J^oadiuense. London, 1898. 4". 2011. e. Hennessy (W. M.) Annals of Ulster. See Ulstkij. 2072. e. Henning (R.) Das deutsche Haus in seiner historischeu Entwickelung. \_Quellen iind Forschiingen ziir Sprach- und CulturgeschicJite der germanischen Vollcer. 47.] Strassburg, 1882, 8". 2338. h. 8. Die deutschen Haustypen. [^Qaellen ii.nd Forschungenzar S^rrarh- und C id targeschi elite der gerniatiischen Volher. 55. pt. 2.] Strassburg, 1886. 8". * 2338. h. 10. Nibelungenstudien. [Qaellen und Forschiingen ziir Sprarh- and Culturgeschi elite der germanischen Volher. 31.] Strassburg, 1883. 8". 2338. h. 5. Uber die sanctgallischen Sprachdenkmiiler bis zuin Tude Karls des Grossen. [Quelle n luid Forsehiuigen zur Sprach- und Culiur- geschichte der qermanischen Vollcer. 3.] Strassburg, 1874. 8". 2338. h. 1. Hennion (C.) Les Fleurs felibresques. Poesies proven(;ales et languedociennes modernes. Pror. tt Fr. Paris, 1883. 8". 2285. c. 3. 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Hereford Breviary. 22. Tracts on the Mass. 23. ]\Iartyrology of Oengus the Culdee. 24. Mozarabic Psalter. 25. Stowe Missal. 26. Second Recension of Quiguon Breviarj'. vol. 1. 27. Facsimiles of Creeds. London, 1879. 8". History of the English. Translated by Antiquarian Libra ri/.] London, 1853. 8". Henrietta Maria, Queen CouKort of CharJes I. :\1. A. E. Green. London, 1857. 8". Henry Bradshaw Society. Publications. London, iS^i, etc. 1" i^' tS". 1. !Missale ad usum Eccles.Wcstmon 2. Coronation of Charles I. 3. ilartilogc of Salisbury. 4. Autijjhouary of Bangor. 5. Evesham Book. G. Tracts of Clement Maydeston. 7. Winchester Troper. S. Martyrology of Gorman. 9. Missal of Robert of Jumieges. 10. Irish Liber Hymnorum. 11. Rosslyn :\Iissal. 12. Coronation Book of Charles V. 13. Missale llomanum jMcdiolani. 14. Processional of Nuns of Chester, 15. Three Coronation Orders. IG. Dircctorium Sacerdotum. Henry II., Kimj of England. Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henrv 11. and Richard i. 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The Book of Card and Table Games. London, 1903. 80. 2270. er. 3. Later Magic. London, 1904. 80. 2270. d. 12. Hoffmann (M.) Geschichte der freien und Hanse-Stadt Liilx'ck. Liiheclc, 1889. 80. 2364. h. 2. Hoffmann (S. F. W.) Bibliographisches Lexicon der gesammten Literatur der Griechen. .3 vol. Leipzig, 1838-45. 8". 2038. 1). Hoffmann von Fallersleben (A. H.) Gedichte. Hannover, 1862. 8". 2286. a. 6. Kinderlieder. Vollstiindige Ausgabe besorgt durch L. von Donop. Berlin, 1877. 8". " 2286. b. 5. Hofmeister (W.) On the germination, development and fructifi- cation of the Higher Cryptogamia. [Bai/ Sorictn.] London, 1862. 80. " ' ' 2027. f. 508 HOG— HOL Ho<*an (E.) The Irish Nennius from L. ua Huidre. [Boyal Irish ■icadeniii. Todd Lecture Series. 6.] Z>*(7^//», 1895. 8". R. Ac. 1540/7. Latin Lives of the Saiuts. [Royal Irish Academy. Todd Lecture ,SovV.s-. 0.] Dublin, 1894. 8". R. Ac. 1540/7. Hogan (J.) Kilkenny. KiUceiniy, 1884. 8". 2370. d. 13. Hogarth (D. G.) Authority and Archifiology. 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[Itnxhurghc Club. 71.] London, 1 861, 63. 4«. R. Ac. 8104/71. Holyoake (G. J.) History of Co-operation. 2 vol. London, 1906. 8". 2240. c. 13. HOL— HOM 511 Holyrood House, Chapel Boyal of. Register of Burials, 170G-1900. [Scott /sh Becord Societ//.] Ed'inhurrjli, 1900. 8". 2100. f. Holzmann (M.) aud Bohatta (H.) Deutsches Anonymen-L(!xikuu, 1501-1850. Weimar, 1902, etc. 8". 2037. c Deutsches Pseudonymen-Lexikon. Wien, 1906. 8°. 2037. c. Home Counties Magazine. London, 1899, etc. 8°. R. P.P. 6033. ga. Home (R.) Precis of Modern Tactics. London, 1896. 8". 2248. <-. 5. Hom.er. Carmina et Cycli Epici Reliquiae. Gr. & Lat. \Didot. Scriptorum Graecorum BibUotheca.^ Paris, 1838. 8*^. 2046. d. Carmina. Curante Gr. Dindorfio. Hymni Homerici. Ex recen- sione Augusti Baumeister. 3 vol. \_Teuhner Series.l^ Leipzig, 1858-62. 8". 2047. a, etc. ■ Opera. Recognoverunt D. B. Monro et T. W. Allen. \Oxford Classical Texis.^ Oxford, 1902, etc. 8". 2046. a. Works. Translated by T. A. Buckley. 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[Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1899. 8°. 2320. aa. 4. Iliad, Book I. Edited by D. B. Monio. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1878. 8«. 2320. b. 6. Iliad, Book ili. Edited by M. T. Tatham. [Clareiidou Press Series.] Oxford, 1892. 80. 2319. a. 41. Iliad, Book vi. Edited by H. Hailstone. [Clareudini Press Series.] Oxford, 1882. 8«. 2320. b. 40. 512 HOMER Homer. Ilind, Book vi. With notes by G. M. Edwards. [Pitt Press Serie^:] Camhrichje, i8^2. 8". 2322. cc. 28. Iliad Books ix and x. Edited by J. C. Lawson. \Pift Press Series.] Cumhrkhjc, 1902. 8«. 2322. dd. 38. Iliad, Book xxi. Edited by H. Hailstone. [Clarciuhm Press Series.] Oxford, 1880. 8«. 2320. b. 34. Tliad, Books xxii and xxiii. With notes by G. M. Edwards. :.' vnl. [Pia Press Series.] Camhridg e, iSqo. ^8". 2322. cc. 16. Tliad, Book xxiv. Edited Ijy G. M. Edwards. [Plft Press Series.] Camhrirari/.] Lnndon, 1897. 8". 2504. k. i4. Waterloo. [B(din's St((ndard Lihrari/.] London, 1890. 8". 2504. k. 6. Hooper (J.) LH.^Ioqt of (Uonn'ster. Works. [Parhir Socictji. Pnhliralioiis. l.'», IG.) 2 vol. Camhridrje, 1843-52. 8". R. Ac. 2077/15, 16. HOP— HOR 515 Hope (Sir T.) Public Correspondence, 1633-45. [Bannatyne Club. 7G.] Edinburgh, 1843. 4". R. Ac. 8248/76. Hope (W. H. St. J.) The Abbey of St. Mary in Furness. Kendal, 1902. 4". 2261. g. 16. Hope (W. H. St. J.) and Bilson (J.) Kirkstall Abbey. [Thorexb,/ Sociehj. Publications. 16.] Leeds, 1907. 8". R. Ac. 8092. Hopkins (E. J.) The Organ : its history and construction. London, 1877. 8«. 2268. bb. 10. Hopkins (E. W.) The Religions of India. [Handbooks on the Historij of BeVujions. 2.] £os/oh, 1895. 8". 2014. b. Hopkins (R. V. N.) Life of Alexander Severus. [Cainhrid(je Historical Essai/s. 14.] Cambridge, 1907. 8*^. 2278. a. 34. Hopley (Catherine C.) Snakes. Curiosities of serpent life. London, 18S2. 8°. 2251. c. 11. Hoppe (A.) Englisch-Deutsches Supplement-Lexikon. Berlin, 1871. 8°. 2053. c. Hopton (R.) Baron Hopton. Bellum Civile. 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Poems, translated by A. H. Bryce. [Bohn's Classical Librani.] London, 1897. 8°. 2500. h.' 17. Odes, Carmen Seculare, and Epodes. Edited by E. C. Wickham. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1 88 1. 8°. 2320. b. 39. [Another edition.] Oxford, 1887. 8^ 2320. g. 6. 2 L 2 516 . HOR -f[OR Horatius Flaccus (Quintus) Odes and Epodes, edited by C. L. Smith. {Bihh'ophile Soclrfii. 2.1 Boston, Mass., 1901, etc. V'. R. Ac. 9719/2. Odes and Epodes, translated by Lord Lytton. Loiulon, iS-2. 8". 2282. a. 4. Odes. Edited by J. Gow. 4 pt. [Pitt Press Ser!es.] Camhrhhje, 1S95-96. S'\ 2322. d. 25. Selected Odes. With notes for the use of a fifth form by E. C. Wickham. {Chirendon Press Series.] Oxford, i()0^. 8". 2319. aa. 33. Odes. Book I. Edited by E. C. Wickham. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1892. 8". 2319. a. 46. Epodon liber. Edited by J. Gow. [Pitt Press Series.] Camhridf/e, 1896. 8". 2322. d. 34. Saturarum Liber l. Edited by J. Gow. [Pitt Pres^ Scries.] Camhridt/e, 1901. 8". 2322. dd. 32. Epistles, Book i. Edited by E. S. Shuckburgh. [Pitt Press Series.] Camhridc/e, 1888. 8". 2322. c. 41. — — - Horatian Quotations. [BiUiophile Societi/. 5.] Boston, Mass., 1904. 4". ' R. Ac. 9719/5. Horden (J.) Grammar of the Cree Language. London, iSSi. 8". 2272. b. 7. Hore (A. H.) Eighteen Centuries of the Orthodox Greek Church. Lornhni, 1899. 8". 2208. bb. 4. Hore (H. F.) and Graves (J.) Social State of the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the sixteenth century. [Roi/al Societif of Antiquaries of Ireland. Extra vol.] Dublin, 1870. 8*^. R. Ac. 5785, 2. Hore (J. P.) History of Newmarket and Aiuials of the Turf. 3 \o\. London, is86. 8'\ 2368. b. 10. Hore (P. H.) History of the Town and County of AVexford. London, 1900, etc. 8". 2368. d. 9. Horlock (K. W. ) Science of l*\)x-hunting. London, 1868. 1'^". 2270. cc. 16. Horn. Horn et Rimcidiikl. [Bannattine Club. 80.] Paris, 1845. 4". ■ R. Ac. 8248 80. Horn, King. King J lorn, with fragments of Floriz and BlauncheHur and the Assumption of our Lady. Edited by J. R. Lumby, [Earh/ Ent/lish Text Society.] London, 1866. 8". R. Ac. 9925/14. Das Lied von King Horn. Herausgegeben von T. Wissmann. [Quelleu nnd Forscliungen zur Spracli- und CulturitcscliicJite der i/crnatnisi-hcn Vollcer. 45.] Strassburg, i88j. 8". 2338. h. 7. Horn (A.) I'ic V'crwaltung Ostpreussens, L~)2r)-1875. Konigshrnj, ib90. 8". 2392. <■. 8. HOE— HOS 517 Horn (F. W.) History of tlic Litcraturt' of the Scaudiiiavian North. Chinnjo, 18S4. 8". 2312. d. 2. Horn (W.) Untersucliungeu zur ueuenglisdicii Lautgescliiehte. [Qndlcii nnd Forsvlnunjcn zur Sprach- und Gulturyeschiclifc dcr ijermaii/srheii Volker. 98.] Strassburg, 1905. 8". 2338. h. Hornby (J.) Uas Manufacture. [Tcchiologiad Hawlhool.s.'] London, 1896. 8". 2270. a. 28. Home (H, P.) The Binding of IJooks. [Boohs (dxnit Uool/s.] London, 1894. 8". 2312. d. 15. Home (R. H.) Ballad Romances. London, 1846. 8". 2292. a. 17. Orion. London, 1872. 8°. 2292. f. 10. Horner (B. W.) Organ Pedal Technique. 2 pt. [Novcllo's Music Prhiicni. 47, 47a.] London, 1895-igoo. 4". 2266. d. Horner (J.) Engineers' Turning in princij)le and practice. London, 1905. 8«. 2246. d. 20. Horner (S.) and (J.) AValks in Florence. 2 vol. London, 1884. 8«. 2360. a. 7. Horrack (P. J. de) CEuvres diverses. [Bddiot]iequee(/iipfoJo(/iqiir. 17.] Paris, 1907. 8". " " 2258. f. Horrocks (J.) Railway Rates ; the method of calculating equitable rates for merchandise carried on railways. London, 1909. 8". 2238. cc. 9. Horsburgh (E. L. S.) Lorenzo the Magnificent and Florence in her golden age. London, 1908. 8". 2388. c. 13. Horse. The Hors, the Shape and the Ghoos. [Eoxhnn/he CJnh. 14.] Lond„n, 1822. 40. R." Ac. 8104/14. Horsey {Sh J.) Travels. Edited by E. A. Bond. [HalJnyt Sorieti/.] London, 1856. 80. R. Ac. 6172/18. Horsfield (T. W.) History and Antiquities of Lewes and its vicinit3\ 2 vol. Lcwcs, 1824-27. 4". 2368. d. 6. History, Antiquities and Topography of Sussex. 2 vol. Leices, 1835. 4". 2065. e. Horsley {Sir V.) Structure and Functions of the Brain and Spinal Cord. London, 1892. 8". 2024. b. Horsley {Sir V.) and Sturge (M. D.) Alcohol and the Human Body. Ljondon, 1907. 8". 2236. c. 9. Hortis (A.) Catalogo delle opere di Francesco Petrarca esistenti nella Petravchesca RoSvSettiana di Trieste. Trieste, 1874. 8". 2037. f. Horton (J. D.) Bibliography of Money. Lo)tdon, 1878. 8". BB. C. b. 3. (L) Hosack (J.) Mary Queen of Scots and her accusers. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1 870-74. 8°. 2404. d. 4. 518 HOS— HOW Hoskins (E.) Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis. Sarum and York Primers, with Primers of the reformed Roman use. i:o//(/o«,'i90i. 8". 2010. g. Hosmer (J. K.) The Jews in ancient, medigeval and modern times. [Stori/ of ihc Natioths. 2.] London, iSS6. 8". 2071. a. 2. Life of young 8ir Henry Vane. London, i88S. 8". 2406. h. 8. Hotten (J. C.) Handbook to the ToiDOgraphy and Family History of England and Wales. London, 1863. 8«. BB. K. b. 22. Lists of Emigrants from Great Britain to the American Planta- tions, 1600-1700. London, 1S74. 40. 2101. g. Houbraken (A.) Der Grosse Schouburgh der niederliindischen Maler. [Qiiellenschriffen fill- Kunstgeschichte. 14.] Wien, 1880. S°. 2262. b. Hough (P. M.) Dutch Life in town and country. London, 1901. 8°. 2360. c. 14. Houghton ( W.) Gleanings from the Natural History of the Ancients. London, 1879. 8«. 2250. b. 8. Houssaye (A.) Behind the scenes of the Comedie Fran^aise. London, 1889. 8°. 2306. g. 8. Houssaye (H.) 1814. Pom, 1899. 8". 2388. a. 7. 1815. La premiere restauration. Le retour de I'ile d'Elbe. Les cent jours. Paris, 1893. 8". 2388. a. 8. 1815. Waterloo. Pan's, 1906. 8". 2388. a. 10. 1815. La seconde abdication. La terreur blanche. Paris, 1905. 8«. 2388. a. 9. Houston (D. F.) Critical Study of Nullification in South Carolina. [Harcard Historical Studies. 3.] New York, 1896. 8". R. Ac. 2692/10. Houtin (A.) L'Araericanisme. Paris, 1904. 8". 2212. a. 3. La Crise du Clerge. Paris, 1908. 8". 2214. a. 6. Houtum-Schindler (A.) Eastern Persian Irak. [Royal Geographical Sorirlii.] London, 1S96. 8". R. Ac. 6170 13. Houzeau (J. C.) Etudes sur les facultes mentales des animaux comparees a celles de I'homrae. 2 torn. Bruxelles, iS~2. iS". 2236. d. 7. Houzeau (J. C.) and Lancaster (A.) Bibliographie generale de rAsti'onomic. 2 torn. BruxelJes, 1882-89. 4"- ^^- ^- ^- ^^ Hoveden (Roger de) See Roger, de Moveden. Hovelacque (A.) Science of Language. [Lihrarii of Contemporari) Srinirc. 2.] London, 1877. 8«. ' 2244. d. 12. Howard (E.) Studies of Non-Christian Religion.s. London, 1907. 8". 2217. a. 27. Howard (G. B.) The Canons of the Primitive Church, together with the Creeds of Nicaea and Constantinople. Translated from a Syriac MS. London, 1896. 8". 2208. a. 4. HOW— HOW 519 Howard (G. B.) The Christians of St. Thomas and tlieir Liturgies. Oxford, 1864. 8". 2202. c. 7. Howard (G. E.) History of Matrimonial Institutions in England and the United States. With an analysis of the theories of Primitive Marriage and the Family. 3 vol. Chicago, 1904. 8". 2228. e. 13. • Introduction to the local Constitutional History of the United States, vol. i. [Johns Hnpldtis Unifersliij Studies. Extra vol. ■!.] Baltimore, 1889. 8«. K. Ac 2689. Howard (G. S.) New Royal Cyclopaedia. 2 vol. London, 1788. fol. 2105. g. Howard (H.) Earl of Surreij. Poems. [Aldine Edition.] London, 1866. 8°. 2288. d. 12. Howard (H. C.) Earl of Suffolk, and Coventry (A.) Racing and Steeple-Chasing. [Badminton Lihrary.] Lo)tdon, 1900. 8". 2270. c. 9. Howard (J.) 1st Duke of Norfolk. Household Books of John, Duke of Norfolk, temp. 1481-90. [Roxhurglie Cluh. 55.] London, 1844. 4^. R. Ac. 8104/55. Howard (L. O.) The Insect Book. London, 1902. 8". 2027. d. Howard (T.) Earl of Surrey. Household Books of Thomas, Earl of Surrey, temp. 1481-90. [Boxhurghe Cluh. 55.] London,\s^^. 4«. R. Ac. 8104/55. Howard {Lord W.) Selections from the Household Books of Lord William Howard. [Surtees Society. Publications. 68.] Durham, 1878. S". R. Ac. 8045/55. Howardy (G.) Clavis cuneorum, sive lexicon signorum Assyriorum linguis Latina, Germanica, Britannica compositum. Lipsise, 1904, etc. 8°. 2276. g. Howe (J. W.) Margaret Puller. [Eminent Women Series.] London, 1883. 8". 2407. b. 6. Howe (M. A. de W.) Boston. Neio York, 1903. 8". 2374. b. 12. Howell (G.) Conflicts of Capital and Labour. London, 1S90. 8". 2240. aa. 9. Labour Legislation, Labour Movements and Labour Leaders. London, 1902. 8«. 2240. bb. 13. Howell (J.) Epistolae Ho-elianae. Edited by J. Jacobs. 2 vol. London, 1890, 92. 8". 2410. c. 10. ■ Instructions for Porreine Travel. [Arber. En(/li.sli Beprinis.] London, 1869. 4". ' 2324. e. 4. (2.) Howell (T.) Poems. [Grosart. Occasional L^sues.] Loudnu, 1879. 4". 2326. g. 8. (1.) Howell (T. B.) and (T. J.) Complete Collection of State Trials. See State Trials. 520 HOW-HUA Howell (W. H.) Text-book of Physiology. FhihuhJphki, 1907. 8". 2255. e. 15. Howes (G. B.) Atlas of Practical Elementary Biology. London, 1S85. 4«. ^ " 2251. h. 2. Hewitt (A. W.) Native Tribes of South-East Australia. London, 1904. 8«. 2374. e. 16. Howitt (M.) Ballads and other Poems. London, 1847. <*^". 2390. h. 2. Pictorial Calendar of the Seasons. [i?o//«'.s Illadnded. Library.] London, 1854. 8". 2502. c. 6. Howitt (W.) The Northern Heights of London. London, iBGg. 8". 2366. bb. 3. Rural Life of England. 2 vol. London, 1S38. 8". 2366. 1). 3. Howitt (W.) and (M.) Literature and llomance of Northern Europe. 2 vol. London, 1852. 8°. 2312. b. 11. Stories of English and Foreign Life. \Bohns LUustnded Library. ^^ London, 1853. 8°. 2502. c. 7. Ho worth {Sir H. H.) History of the Mongols from the 9 th to the iDth century. .3 pt. London, 1%-,6-SQ. 8". 2069. e. Hoyer r., Eny., Fr. 3 vol. Wiesbaden, 1902-04. 8". 2054. e. [Another cop)] 2276. g. 6. Hoyt (J. K.) Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations. New York, 1896. 8". 2040. h. Hozier (C. d') Armorial Genei-al de France. Goneralite de Limoges. Dijon, 1895. 8«. 2400. g. 14. Indicateur du Grand Armorial General de France. 2 vo]. Paris, 1865. 8". 2098. b. Hozier (H. M.) Tlie British Expedition to Abyssinia. London, 1S69. 8". 2358. f. 6. The Invasions of England. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8". 2394. f. 11. The Seven Weeks' War. L^oudon, 1871. 8". 2392. b. 3. Hozier (L, P. d') Armorial General de la France. 6 vol. Paris, 1738-68. fol. 2098. g. Armorial General et universel. Paris, 1907, etc. fol. 2098. g. Hrotsvitha. See Rosvvitha. Hslieh Chi Tschong. Deutsch-franzosisch-chinesischcs Konver- sation.sljucli. [Kunst der Poh/glott/e.] Wien, 1904. >'". 2272. a. 82. Huard (E.) Vie complete des peintres cspagnols. Pr/ y/.s, 1839. 8". 2262. d. 6. HUA— HUE 521 Huart (C.) Bibliographie ottomane. Notice des livres turcs, arabes el pei'saues imijrimes a Constantinople, 1^82-1888. 2 toiii. Pans, 1885, 89. 8". BB. T. c. 1, 2. History of Arabic Literature. [Short Hiatorien of tlie Liicrafirres of the World. 11.] London, i<^o^. 8". 2039. e. Hub (I.) Die deutsche komische und hunioristische Dichtung seit lieginn des xvi. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 1-Bd. 3, Hiilfte 1. Nurnhenj, 1855-57. 8". 2286. f. 4. Hubbard (G.) Histoire de la litterature conteuiporaiiie en Espagne. Paris, 1876. 8^'. 2310. b. 9. Huber (J. C.) Bibliographie der klinischen Helmintliologie. Miinclien, 1855. 8". BB. C. b. 1. Huberts (W. J. A.) Ijiographisch Woordenboek der Noord- en Zuid- Nederlaudsche Letterkunde. Deveuter, 1878. S°. 2094. h. Hue (E. R.) The Chinese Empire. London, 1859. 8". 2354. a. 17. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. 3 vol. London, 1857-58. 8". 2208. bb. 8. Hucher (E.) Le Saint-Graal. 3 torn. Le Muns, 1875-78. 8°. 2346. b. 1. Huchon (R.) George Crabbe and his times. London, 1907. 8". 2216. c. 13. Huddersfield Archaeological Association. See Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Hudleston (W. H.) British Jurassic Gasteropoda. [Paloeouto- (jraphical Societij. Publications.^ London, 1887-96. 4". R. Ac. 3200. Hudson (A. A.) The Law of Compensation. 2 vol. London, 1 go <). 8". 2230. f. 8. Hudson (A. A.) and Inman (A.) The Law of Light and Air. London, 1905. 8". 2228. aa. 21. Hudson (F.) Journalism in the United States from 1G90 to 1872. Neio York, 1873. 8". 2308. e. 7. Hudson (H.) Henry Hudson the Navigator. Original documents annotated by G. M. Asher. [HaMui/t Societi/.^ London, i860. 8". " ' R. Ac 6172/25. Hudson (W.) and Tingey (J. C.) Catalogue of the records of the City of Norwich in the Castle Museum. Norwich, 1898. 4". BB. K. d. 14. Records of the City of Norwich. Noricich, 1906, etc. 8". 2368. cc. 4. Hudson (W. H.) The Naturalist in La Plata. London, 1903. 8". 2250. d. 12. Huebner (E.) Bibliographie der klassischen Alterthumswissenschaft. Berlin, 1889. 8°. BB. G. c. 5. 522 HUE— HUG Huebner (E.) Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature. Edited by J. E. B. Mayor. London, 1875. 8". BB. G. c. 11 Exempla Scripturae Epigraphicae Latiuae. Bcrollni, 18S5. fol. Circ. 48. b. Grundriss zu Yorlesungeu iiber die lateinische Grammatik. Berlin, iS^6. 8". ' BB. G. c. 7. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die romische Litteraturgeschichte. Berlin, 187 8. S^. BB. G. c. 6. Inscriptiones Hispaniae Christianae. Berolini, 1871. 4". 2258. g. 9. Huebner (J.) Genealogische Tabellen. 4 vol. Letj)z!(j, 1728-44. ohl. fol. 2098. c. Huebner (J. A. von) Baron. Life and times of Sixtus v. 2 vol. Londnn, 1872. 8". 2216. bb. 2. Huebschmann (H.) Anuenische Grammatik. [Indo-Ger manic Grammar. C] Leipzi(j, 1897, etc. 8". 2051. b. Hueffer (F.) Richard Wagner. [Great Musicians.'] London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2268. a. 4. Second edition. London, 1883. 8". 2268. a. 5. The Troubadours. London, 1878. 8". 2310. e. 6. Hues (R.) Tractatus de Globis et eorum usu. Edited by C. K. Markham. [Haklui/t Society.] London, 1889. 8". R. Ac. 6172/64. (1). Hug (L.) and Stead (R.) 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Edinburgh, 1857. 8«. 2394. e. 7 HUG— HUG 523 Hughes (John) Poet. Complete History of England, to the death of William iii. 3 vol. London, 1706. fol. 2082. f. Hughes (R.) Carolau. [Ci/vulcithns Lien Ci/mru. 1.] Caerdydd, 1900. 4". ' ' R. Ac. 8220. Hughes (T.) Author of " Tom Brown's School da i/s." Rugby, Ten- nessee : account of the Settlement. London, 1881. 8". 2374. a. 5. Hughes (T.) (//' the Soclcti/ of Jesus. History of the Society of Jesus in Kortli America. London, 1907, etc. 8". 2212. c. Hughes (T. P.) Dictionary of Islam. London, iSS^. 8". 2015. f. Hughes (W.) Philip's Imperial Library Atlas. Landan, 1875. fol. 2060. f. Hughes (W. O. Hughes) Register of Tonbridge School, 1820- 1893. London, 1893. 8". ■" 2234. f. 6. Hugo, de S. Victore. Opera. 3 torn. [Migne. Patrologia. 175-177.] Paris, 1854. 8°. 2000. g. Hugo (T.) The Bewick Collector. 2 vol. XoWow, 1866-68. 8^. 2262. f. 8, 9. Hugo (V. M.) CEuvres completes. 48 tom. Pans, 1880-85. 8". 2335. e. Poesies, 16 tom. 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Ac. 3023/31. • On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of Organic Nature. Loudon,' i86^. 8". 2250. a. 11. Physiography. London, 1904. 8'*. 2249. b. 8. Protoplasm: the physical basis of life. MeJbonrnc, 1S69. >^^\ 2250. a. 11. Science and Culture and other essays. London, 1881. 8". 2244. g. 5. Scientific Memoirs, o vol. London, 1898—1903. 8". 2246. h. 1. Huyghe (G.) Dictionnaire francais-kab\'le. M(dinex, 1^05. 8'\ 2272. <1. 14. Dictionnaire kabyle-frangais. Parh, 1901. 8". 2272. c. 3. Huyttens (J.) L'art de verifier les genealogies des families beiges et hollandaises. Bruxellex, 1865. 8«. BB. T. c. 11. Hwuy-Le. Life of Hiuen-Tsiang. [Trilbner's OrienUd Sfric^.'] London, 1888. 8". ' 2318. h. 5. Hyamson (A. M.) History of the Jews in England. [Jeioish Historical Society.] London, 1908. 8'\ R. Ac. 8106/9. Hyde, Monastery of. Liber Monasterii de Hyda ; comprising a Chronicle of England, a.d. 455-1023. Edited by E. Edwards. [GItronicles and Memorials.] London, 1866. 8". 2073.(45.) 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[Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1879. 8". '2047. a, etc. Hymans (H.) Histoire de la gravure dans I'ecole de Rubens. Bruxelles, 1879. 8«. 2262. d. 8. Les Van Eyck. [Les Grands Artistes.] Paris, 1907. 8". 2266. bb. 40. Hy-Many. The Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many. [Irish Archseo- Jn<,;cnl Societij.] Duhlin, 18^^. 4". R. Ac. 5783/5. Hymns. Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi. Leipzig, \ 886, etc. 8". 2010. d-e. ■ Irish Liber Hymnorum. [Henri/ Bradshaw Societi/. Puhllcations.] •2 vol. London, 1897. 80. ' R. Ac. 9929/10. Thesaurus Hymnologicus. 5 vol. Halle, 1 84 1-56. 8". 2010. d. Hypatius, Saint. Callinici de vita 8. Hypatii liber. [Teiibner Srries.] Leipzig, 1895. 8". 2047. a, etc. Hyperides. Orationes sex, cum ceterai'um fragmentis. Edidit F. Blass. [Teuhner Series.] Leip/zig, 1894. S*'. 2047. a, etc. Orationes et fragmenta. Recognovit F. G. Keriyon. [Oxford Classical Texts.] Oxford, 1907. 8°. 2046. a. I. lamblichus, <>/ CJialris. De communi mathematica scientia. Edidit N. Festa. ' [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1891. 8^. 2047. a, etc. In Nicomachi Arithmeticam introductionem liber. Edidit II. Pistelli. [Teuhner Series^ Leipzig, 1894. 8". 2047. a, etc. Iberno-Celtic Society. Transactions for 1820. vol. L, \^t. 1. DnhVni, 1820. 4". 2035. f. Ibis. Index of the genera and species referred to, and an index to the plates, in "The Ibis," 1859-1876. LojkZoh, 1879. 8°. BB. E. c. 1. Ibn Al-'Abd Al-Bakri. Diwan. [Ecole ptratique des hautes etudes. llihh'nthitiur. S,\ phll. ct hl.sf. 128.] Prtr/.s-, 1901. 8". R. Ac. 8929. Ibn At-Tiktaka. Histoire du Khalifat. [Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Bihliotheque. Sc. phil. ei liist. 105.] Paris, 1895. 8". R. Ac. 8929. Ibn Khallikan. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, translated from the Arabic by Baron MacGuckin de Slane. 4 vol. Prtm-, 1842-71. 8". 2091. g. Ibrahim-Hilmi, Prince. Literature of Egyj^t and the Soudan to 1885. 2 vol. London, 1886, 88. 4°. BB. I. e. 19. IBS— IND 535 Ibsen (H.) Collected Works. Edited by William Archer. 1 1 vol. London, 1907, 08. 8°. 2298. b. 4. Iddings (J. P.) Rock Minerals. New YorJc, 1906. 8". 2030. d. Idler. [British Essayists. 27.] London, 1823. 8". 2040. b. Ignatius, de Loyola, Saint. Ignatius Loyola and the early Jesuits. London, 187 1. 8«. 2214. cc. 7. Ignatius, Saint, Bishop of Antioch. Epistolae. Gr. & Lat. [3ric/ne. Patrologia. Gr. 5.] Paris, 1857. 4". 2001. b. [Another edition.] Gr. & Enq. 3 vol. [Light/oof. Apostolic Fathers.] London, 1889. 8°. ' ' 2004. b. — Vindicipe Epistolarum S. Ignatii. By Bishop Pearson. 2 vol. [Lihrari/ of Anglo-Catholic Theoloqi/.] Oxford, 1852. 8°. 2006. c. Ihne (W.) History of Rome. 5 vol. London, 1871-82. 8". 2382. d. 3. Ilbert (Sir C. P.) The Government of India. A digest of the Statute Law relating thereto. Oxford, 1907. 8". 2228. d. 17. Ilg (A.) Beitriige zur Geschichte der Kunst aus mittelhochdeutschen Dichtungen. [Quellenschriften fur Kunstgeschichte. N.F. 5.] Wien, 1892. 8°. ■ 2262. b. Ilges (F. W.) Michael von Munkacsy. [Knachfuss. Kunstler-Mono- graphien. 40.] Leipzig, 1899. 8*^. 2034. c. Iliffe (P.) The Forty-Eight Preludes and Fugues of J. S. Bach analysed for the use of students. [Novella's Music Primers. 56.] London, 1897. 4«. 2266. d. Imbrecq (J.) Le Code du Chauffeur. Paris, 1907. 8°. 2230. a. 25. Immermann (C. L.) Werke. 20 Tie. Berlin, 1883. 8"^. 2336. c. 3. Imprimerie hors I'Europe. Par un Bibliophile. Paris, 1902. 8°. 2330. d. 14. Im Thurn (E. P.) Among the Indians of Guiana. London, 1883. 8°. 2374. d. 11. Independent Theatre Series of Plays. 4 vol. London, 1893-95. 8'^. 2303. e. 9. 1. Shaw : Widowers' Houses. I -3. Zola : The Heirs of Eabourdiu. 2. Alan's Wife. | 4. Todhunter : The Black Cat. Indermaur (J.) Principles of Common Law. London, 1909. 8°. 2230. e. 4. Inderwick (P. A.) The King's Peace : historical sketch of the English Law Courts. [Social England Series.] London, 1895. 8°- 2394. b. The Story of King Edward and New Winchelsea. London, 1892. 4°. 2367. a. 11. 536 IND— IND Index Kewensis. See Jackson (B. D.) Index Library. London, 1888, etc. 8". 2100. d-e. 1. Nortbamptoxi and Rutland Wills, 1510-1652. 2. 5, 6, 14. Chancery Proceedings temp. Charles I. 3. Royalist Composition Papers. Index Nomiuum, A-F. 4. Signet Bills and Privy Seals temp. Elizabeth and James I. 7. Lichfield Wills, 1516-1652. 8. Berkshire Wills, 150S-1G52. 9. 13, 21, 30. Gloucestershire Inquisi- tiones Post Mortem, 1625-1642. 10, 11, 18, 25. Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1383-1604. 12. Gloucestershire Wills, 1541-1650. 15, 26. London luquisitioues Post Mor- tem, 1485-1577. 16. Edinburgh Register of Testaments, 1514-1600. Index Librorum Prohibitorum Index Medicus 17. Bristol Wills, 1379-1792. 19. Pleas of the Court of King's Bench, 1297. 20. Hamilton and Campsie Register of Testaments, 1564-1800 ; Inverness Register of Testaments, 1630- 1800. 22. Dorset Wills, 1568-1799. 23. Wiltshire Inquisitiones Post Mor- tem, temp. Charles I. 24. Sussex Wills, Henry VIII. to Com- monwealth. 27. Leicestershire Wills, 1495-1649. 28. Lincoln Wills, 1320-1600 (vol. I.). 29. 32. Chancery Proceedings, Reynard- son's Division, 1649-1714. 31. Worcester Wills, 1451-1600. 33. Faculty Office Marriage Licences, 1632-1714. Hotiu 1900. 8°. 2035. d. New York, 1879, etc. 8". R. P.P. 2898. c. and BB. C. d. 1. Index Society. 1. Wheatley : What is an Index ? 2. Peacock : Index of Royalists. 3. GoiiME : Index of jMunicipal Offices. iHuTH : Marriage of Near Kin. Birch : Titles of English Sovereigns. Solly : Portraits in Magazines. 5. Solly : Titles of Honour. 6. Clabk : Index to Trevelyan's ilac- aulay. 7. Bowes and Douglas : Portrait Galleries, etc. Publications. 15 vol. Loudon, 1879-91. 4". BB. T. b. 8-22. 8. Jackson : Guide to Literature of Botanv. 9. Obituary Notices, 1880. 10. Rye : Index to Norfolk Topography. 11. Jackson : Vegetable Technology. 12. Obituary Notices, 1881. 13. Peacock : English Students at Levden. 14. Obituary Notices for 1882. 15. Farrar : Index to Gentleman's Magazine. Alba n I/, N.Y., 1900. 8°. BB. T. e. Index to American Genealogies. India. See Pt. 11. India. India Office. Catalogue of the Library. London, 1S8S, etc. S°. Circ. 88. a. Catalogue of Persian jNIaniiscripts in the Library of the India Office. Oxford, 1903, etc. 4". 2038. d. Catalogue of Reports of Indian Surveys in the Map Room of the India Office. London, [8- S. 8" BB. I. e. 21. List of General Records, 1599-1879, preserved in the Record Department of the India Office. London, 1902. fol. 2038. f. India Office List. [Current issue.] London. 8^. Circ. 69. b. Indian Records Series. London, 1905, etc. 8°. 2386. b. 1. Hill : Bengal in 1756-57. 3 vol. 2. Wilson : Old Fort William in Bengal. 2 vol. 5. Hatzidakis : Einlcitung in die xieugriechische Grainmatik. 6. HiJBSCHMANN : Annenischo Gram- matik. IND— ING 537 Indo-Germanic Grammars. Bibliothek iiidogermaniscber (iram- matikeu. Leipziij, 1876, etc. 8°. 2051. b. 1. SiEVERS : Grundziige dor Lautphysi- ologie. 2. Whitney : Sanskrit Grammar. 3. Meyer : Griechische Grammatik. 4. Delbrick : Einlcitung in das Sprachstudium. Indy (V. d') Cesar Fi-anck. \Les Maitres dc hi Mnslquc.^ Paris, 1906. 8". 2268. b. Information. Informacoii for pylgrymes unto the Holy Londe. [Boxhnrghe Cluh. 34.] London, 1824. 4'\ R. Ac. 8104/34. Ingelend (T.) The Disobedient Child. The Nice Wanton. [Earlif EiKjJJsh Drcunatists.^ London, 1905. 8". 2303. a. Ingenbleek (T.) Uber den Einfluss des Reimes auf die 8prache (Jtt'rids. [Qaellen iind Furschunyen ziir Sprach- imd Culturge- schichte der (jennanischen VoJker. 37.] Strassbui-g, 1S80. 8'\ 2338. h. 6. Ingle (H.) Manual of Agricultural Chemistry. London, 1902. 8*\ 2246. d. 18. Ingleby (C. M.) Comj^lete View of the Shakspere Controversy. London, 1861. 8^. 2300.' e. 17. Shakspere Allusion-Books. Pt. 1. [New Shahesjjcare Societi/.^ London, 1874. 8°. R. Ac. 9488. 'b/1. Shakespeare Hermeneutics. London, 1875. V. 2300. e. 18. Shakespeare's Centurie of Prayse : being materials for a history of opinion on Shakespeare, 1591-1693. \_Neic Shakesjjeare Society.] London, 1879. 8". R. Ac. 9488. b/2. Shakespeare, the man and the book. 2 pt. London, 1877, 81. S^. 2300. e. 19. Inglis (H. D.) The Channel Islands. 2 vol. London, 18^^. 8°. 2066. a. Ingold (A. M. P.) Bossuet et le jansenisme. Notices historiques, publiees par A. M. P. Ingold. [Docu7)ients pour servir h I'histoire religieuse des XVII^ et XVIir siecles.] Paris, 1904. 8^. 2212. d. Essai de bibliographic oratorienne. Paris, 1882. 8". BB. A. d. 18. Ingoldsby (Thomas) See Barham (R. H.) Ingram (J. H.) Eminent Women Series. Edited by J. H. Ingram. See Eminent Women Series. Ingram (J. K.) History of Political Economy. Edinburgh, 1907. 8^. 2240. b. 9. Ingram (T. D.) Critical Examination of Irish History from the Elizabethan Conquest to the Legislative Union of 1800. 2 vol. London, 1900. 8«. 2396. d. 12. Ingulphus, Abbot. Historiarum lib. I. [Beruni Anglicarmn Scrip- tores.] Francofurti, 1601. fol. 2072. g. 538 ING— INN Ingulphus, Abbot. Chronicle of the Abbey of Ci'oyland. Translated by H. T. Riley. [Bohn's Antiquarian Librari/.] London, 1854." 8". ' 2500. a. 11. Inman (A. H.) Domesday and Feudal Statistics. Loudon, 1900. 8". 2366. bb. 5. Inner Temple. Members admitted, 1.547-1660. Loudon, 1S77. 8". 2102. f. Innes (A, D.) England under the Tudors. [Oiium : History <>/ E.Kjland. 4.] London, 1905. 8". 2394. e. Innes (C.) Abbacie de Inchaffery registruni ; premissis quibusdam comitatus de Sti'atherne reliquiis. [Bannatyne Club. 85.] Edinbun/h, 1847. 4". R. Ac. 8248/85. Ancient Laws and Customs of the Bui-ghs of Scotland, a.d. 1124— 1424. [Scottish Burqhs Record Soc'tet)!.] Edinbmy/h, 186S. 4o. R. Ac. 8249. The Book of the Thanes of Cawdor, 12.35-1742. \Spaldini) Club. 19.J Edinburr/h, 1859. 4«. R. Ac. 8244/19. Carte monialium de ISTorthberwic. [Bannati/ne Club. 84.] Edinburgh, 1847. 4^. ' R. Ac. 8248/84. • Fasti Aberdonenses, 1494-1854. [Spalding Club. 16.] Aberdeen, 1854. 40. R. Ac. 8244/16. . ■ Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis. [Bannatyne Club. 70.] Edinburgh, 1840. 4". R. Ac. 8248/70. Liber Sancte Marie de Calchou. 2 vol. [Bannatyne Club. 82.] Edinburgh, 1846. 4". R. Ac. 8248/82. Liber Sancte Marie de Melros. 2 vol. [Bannatyne Club. 56.] Edinburgh, 1837. 4o. R. Ac. 8248/56. Memoir of Thomas Thomson. [Bannatyne Club. 99.] Edinburgh, 1854. 4°. R. Ac. 8248/99. Registruni de Dunfermelyn. [Bannatyne Club. 74.] Edinburgh, 1842. 4". ' R. Ac. 8248/74. Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis. [Spalding Club. 10.] 2 vol. Edinburgh, iS^'^. 4". R. Ac. 8244/10. Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis. 2 vol. [Bannatipie Club. 102.] Aberdeen, 1856. 4". R. Ac. 8248/102. Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis. 2 vol. [Bannati/nc Club. 75.] Edinburgh, 1843. 4«. R. Ac. '8248/75. Registrum S. Marie de Neubotle, 1140-1528. [Banuati/iir Club. 89.] Edinburgh, 1849. 4«. R. Ac. 8248/89. Innes (C.) and Chalmers (P.) Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc, 1178-1536. 2 vol. [Jiauuati/ne Club. 86.] Edinburgh, 1848, 56. 4^. ' R. Ac. 8248/86. Innes (J. J. McL.) Lucknow and Oude in the ^Eutinv. London, 1896. 8". ' 2386. d. 14. Innes (J. W. B.) Comparative Principles of the Laws of England and Scotland. Edinburgh, 1903. 8". 2019. b. INK— INS 53& Innes (T.) History of Scotland, a.d. 80-8 IS. [Spalding Cluh. 15.] Ahtrdceu, 1853. 40. R. Ac. 8244/15. Innocent III., Pojjf. Opera. 4 torn. \_Migne. Patrologia. 214-217.] Paris, 1855. 8°. 2001. a, b. Institut de Prance. After the suppression of the French Academies, the Constitution of 1793 directed the foundation of an Institut National ; this was organized in 1795, and was at first composed of three classes, which in 181G hecame four Academies. Since 1832, there have been five, as follows : I. Acad^mie Fran(,'aise ; II. Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres ; III. Academie des Sciences ; IV. Academic des Beaux-Arts ; V. Academie des Sciences ^Morales et Politiques. • Seances publiques annuelles des cinq Academies. Paris, 1839, ^'/f. 4«. R. Ac. 421. Academie Fran. 2300. b. 5. Irenseus, Saint. Opera. Gr. S: Lai. [Mi. 10-.] London, 1887. 4«. R. Ac. 8104/102. Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie. Counterblaste to Tobacco. [Enqlish Beprints.] London, 1870. 4". 2324. c. 4. (5.) • Correspondence with Sir R. Cecil during the reign of Elizabeth. Edited by J. Brewer. [Camden Society. 73.] London, 1861. 4«. ' R. Ac. 8113/73. Letters to Queen Elizabeth. Edited by J. Bruce. [Camden Society. 46.] London, 1849. 4". R. Ac. 8113/46. History of King James, 1566-1617. Edited by D. Laing. [Bannatyne Club. 13.] Edinhurgh, 1825. 4". R. Ac. 8248/13. Secret History of the Court of James i. (and of Elizabeth). Containing Osborne's Traditional Memoirs, Sir A. Weldon's Court and Character of King James. Edited by Sir Walter Scott. 2 vol. Edinhurgh, 1811. 8«. 2394. d. 13. James I., Kitig of Scotland. The Kingis Quair, together with a Ballad of Good Counsel. Edited by W. W. Skeat. [Scottish Text Society.] Edinhurgh, 1884. 8". R. Ac. 9943/3. The Life and Death of King James the Urst of Scotland. Documents edited by J. Stevenson. [Maitland Cluh. 42.] Edinhurgh, 1837. 4". R. Ac. 8253/42. James V,, King of Scotland. Excerpta e libris domicilii Jacobi Quinti Regis Scotorum. [Bannatyne Cluh. 54.] Edinburgh, 1836. 4". R. Ac. 8248/54. James (B.) Journal of Rear-Admiral James, 1752-1828. [Navy Becords Society. 6.] London, 1896. 8°. R. Ac. 8109. James (F. L.) The A^'ild Tribes of the Soudan. London, iS8^. 8". 2358. a. 7. James (G. P. R.) History of the Life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion. 2 vol. [Bohn's Standard Library.] London, 1854. 8". 2504. d. 13. Life and Times of Louis the Fourteenth. [Bohn's Standard Library.] London, 1851. 8«. 2504. d. 12. JAM— JAM 549 James (G. W.) The Indians of the Painted Desert llegion. L^". 2031. a. [Another edition.] 2 vt.l. Boston, 1896. 8". 2264. bb. 9. Shakespeare's Heroines. [Bohn's Standard Librari/.] London, 1879. 8«. 2504. d. 14. Jami. Yusuf and Zulaika. \^Trubncr's Oriental Series.^ London, 1882. 8°. 2318. g. U. Jamieson (A.) Text-Book of Steam and Steaui-Engines. London, 1909. 80. 2246. b. 6. Jamieson (J.) Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. 5 vol. Paisleij, 1879-87. 4". "' 2052. d. Jan (C. de) Musici Scriptores Graeci. Gr. 2 vol. [Teulnier Series.'\ Lcqjzig, 1895, 99. 80. 2047. a, etc. Jane (F. T.) The Lnperial Japanese Navy. London, 1904. 8". 2248. g. 11. Jane (L. C.) The Coming of Parliament. England from 1350 to 1660. [Story of the Nations. 63.] London, 1905. 8". 2071. c. 63. Janet (P.) Theory of Morals. Edinburgh, 1884. 8". 2236. cc. 4. Janet (P.) and Seailles (G.) History of the Problems of Philosophy. 2 vol. London, 1902. 8^. 2236. c. 20. Janezic (A.) Deutsch-slovenisches Hand-Worterbuch. Klarjenfurt, 1889. 8". 2276. c. 14. Slovenisch-deutsches Hand-Worterbuch. Klagenfurt, 1893. 8". 2276. c. 13. Janin (J.) Chefs-d'teuvre dramatiques du xviii® siecle. Paris, 1872. 8". 2296. g. 2. Janitschek (H.) Geschichte der deutschen Malerei. [Geschichte der dentsrhen Kunst. Thl. 3.] Berlin, 18S6. S^. 2264. dd. 1. Janssen (J.) History of the German People at the close of tlie Middle Ages. 14 vol. io/ir?o}i, 1896-j 909. 8". 2087. c. Janssen (R.) Das Johannes-Evangelium nach der Paraphrase des Xoimus. [GebJiardt and narnuclc. N.F. 8.] Leipzig, 1905. 8". 2003. g. Janusz (W.) Dictionnaire complet fran^ais-polonais et polonais- franrais. 3 pt. Leojjol, iS66--jS. 8". 2055. b. Janvier (L. J.) Les Constitutions d'Haiti, 1801-85, Paris, 1886. 8". 2238. d. 1. Japan. Sec Pt. 11. Japan. Japan Directory. [Current issue.] Yohohaiua. 8". Circ. 70. b. JAP— JEB 551 Japan Society. Transactions and Proceedings. London, 1893, etc. 8«. li. Ac. 8821. Japp (A. H.) De Quincey Memorials. 2 vol. London, i8gi. 8°. 2408. e. 10. Thomas De Quincey : his life and writings. London, 1 8go. 8". 2408. b. 1. Japp (F. R.) Researches in Organic Chemistry. By Professor Japp and others. \_Aberdeen University Studies. 14.] 1905. 8". R. Ac. 1482. Jarcu (D.) Bibliogratia Chronologica Romana, 1550-1873. Bucuresci, 1873. 8". 2037. f. Jarmain (G.) On Wool Dyeing. [Society of Arts. Cantor Lectures.] London, 1876. 8". R. Ac. 4470/4. (12.) Jarnik (J. U.) Neuer voUstiindiger Index zu Diez' etymologischem Worterbuche der romanischen Sprachen. Heilbronn, 1889. 8^^. 2051. d. Jastrow (M.) Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature. 2 vol. London, 1903. 4^. 2057. e. Handbooks on the History of Religions. Boston, 1898, etc. 8°. 2014. b. 1. Jasteow : Babylonia and Assyria. 2. Hopkins : India. 3. De La Saussaye : Teutons. Jatakas. Buddhist Birth Stories. Edited by T. W. R. Davids. \_TrUbner\s Oriental Series.] London, i88o. 8". 2318. g. 25. Jaugey (J. B.) Dictionnaire apologetique de la foi catholique. Paris, 1889. 8«. 2009. e. Jaurgain (J. de) La Vasconie. 2 torn. Pau, 189S-TQ02. 8°. 2392. g. 6. Jesm, d'Arras. Melusine. Englisht about 1500. pt. 1. [Early English Text Society.] London, 1895. 8". R. Ac. 9926/40. Jean, le SenescJial. Les Cent Ballades. [Societe des Anciens Textes Fran<;ais.] Paris, 1905. 8". R. Ac. 9811. Jeans (J. H.) Dynamical Theory of Gases. Cambridge, 1904. 8°. 2246. h. 2. Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Cambridge, 1908. 8«. 2022. aa. Jebb (L.) Small Holdings of England. London, 1907. 8°. 2238. cc. 13. Jebb {Sir R. C.) The Attic Orators. 2 vol. London, 1893. 8". 2044. d. Bentley. [English Men of Letters.] London, 18S2. 8^'. 2326. b. 4. Essays and Addresses. Cambridge, 1907. 8". 2280. c. 2. 552 JEB— JEN Jebb (Sir R. C.) Gi-eek Literature. [Literature Primers.'] London, 1877. 8". 2322. a. Homer. Glasgow, 1887. 8«. 2280. a. 9. Modern Greece. London, 1901. 8*^. 2360. b. 4. Jeep (L.) Zur tJberlieferung des Philostorgios. [Gehhtrdt and HarnacJc. N.F. 2.] Leipzig, 1899. 8«. 2003. f. Jefiferies (R.) Hodge and his Mastei-s. 2 vol. London, 1880. 8^. 2350. c. 7. Red Deer. London, 1884. 8«. 2251. a. 13. Jefferson (J.) Autobiography. London, i8<^o. S'\ 2407. f. 5. Jefferson (S.) History and Antiquities of Cumberland. 2 vol. Carlisle, 1840,42. 8". 2063. a. History and Antiquities of Carlisle. Carlisle, 1838. 8". 2367. aa. 17. Jekyll (W.) Jamaican Song and Story. [FoUc-Lore Soeietij.] London, 1907. 8«. '' R. Ac! 9938/24. Jelf (E. A.) The Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Acts, 1883 and 1895. London, 1905. 8*^. 2228. aa. 23. Where to find your Law. London, 1907. 8". 2016. c. Jenkin (F.) Electricity and Magnetism. [Texthoolcs of Science.] London, 1876. 8". 2244. a. 15. Jenkins (H. G.) The Lights and Tides of the AVorkl, including a description of all the Fog-Signals. London, 1909. 4". 2248. g. 5. Jenkins (R. C.) Canterbury. [Diocesan Histories.] London, 18S0. 8". 2210. a. 2. Jenkinson (A.) Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and Persia by Anthony Jenkinson and other Englishmen. Edited by E. D. Morgan and C. H. Coote. 2 vol. [Hakluyt Society.] London, 1886. 8". R. Ac. 6172/61 Jenks (E.) The Constitutional Experiments of the Commonwealth, 1G49-60. [Cambridge Historical Essays. 3.] Cambridge, 1890. 8«. 2378. a. 23. History of the Australasian Colonies. [Ca)nhridi/e Historical Series.] Cambridge, 1893. 8". ' 2378. b. Law and Politics in the Middle Ages. London, 1898. 8". 2017. b. Parliamentary England. [Story of the Nations. Gl.] London, 1903. 8". 2071. c. Jenkyns {Sir H.) British Rule and Jurisdiction beyond the Seas. Oxford, 1902. 8". 2228. c. 3. Jenner (H.) Handbook of the Cornish Language. London, 1904. 8". 2052. b. Jenner-Fust (H.) Poor Law Orders. London, 1907. 8". 2016. d. Jennings (G. H.) Anecdotal History of the Ri-itish Parliament. London, 1899. 8°. 2238. d. 10. JEN— JER 553 Jennings (H.) The Rosicrucians. Loiifhni, 1907. 8°. 2217. .0. 12. Jennings (J. W.) and Addison (C.) With the Abyssinians in tSomalilaud. London, 1905. S^. 2386. c. 13. Jensen (H.) 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Comedies and Dramas. 554 JER— JES Jerrold (W.) Highways and Byways in Kent. London, 1907. 8°. 2366. LL. 21. Thomas Hood. London, 1907. 8°. 2408. e. 11. Jersey. See Channel Islands. Jervis {Sir J.) The Coroners Acts, 1887 and 1892. London, 1898. 8°. 2017. a. Jervis (W. H.) See Pearson, afterwai-ds Jervis (W. H.) Jervis (W. P.) Encyclopedia of Ceramics. Neto York, 1902. 8°. 2268. d. 15. Jervise (A.) Epitaphs and Inscriptions from burial grounds and old buikUngs in the North-East of Scotland. 2 vol. Edinhunjli, 1S75, 79. 8" 2260. e. 15. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns. 2 vol. Edinhmyjh, 1885. 4°. 2066. d. Jesse (E.) Anecdotes of Dogs. [Bohn's Illustrated Lihrari/.] London, 1858. 8". 2502. c. 9. Jesse (J. H.) INIemoirs of the Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. 3 vol. [Bohn's Historical Librari/.] London, 1857. 80. 2502. a. 1. Memoirs of the Court of England from the Revolution in 1688 to the death of George the Second. 3 vol. 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Ac. 9926/36. ■ L'Imitation de Jesus-Christ. [Chefs-d'uuucre de la liiterature franraise.] Paris, 1865. 8". 2332. e. 4. JEU— JEW 555 Jeu. Die beiden Biicher des Jeu. Ger. [Die griechischen chri.stltchen Schn'fisteUer.} Leipzig, 1905. 8". 2004. f. Jevons (P, B.) History of Greek Literature. London, 1894. 8°. 2280. aa. 6. Introduction to the Study of Religion. London, 1902. 8". 2217. bb. 9. Jevons (W. S.) Bibliography of Money. ionc?on, 1884. 8^. BB. C. b. 3. (2.) The Coal Question. London, 1906. 8°. 2249. d. 6. Investigations in Currency and Finance. London, 1909. 8*^. 2020. c. • Methods of Social Reform. London, 1883. 8". 2238. d. 2. ■ Money. [International Scientific Series.'] London, 1875. 8**. 2324. a. 17. The Principles of Science. London, i8i~. 8°. 2236. a. 12. • The State in relation to Labour. [English Citizen, Series.] London, 1894. 8". 2238. bb. 14. Studies in Deductive Logic. London, 1880. 8*^. 2234. a. 9. Theory of Political Economy. London, iSSS. 8"'. 2020. d. Jewel (J.) 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Konrads von Wiirzburg Klage der Kunst. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Vollcer. '54.] Strasshurg, 1885. 8". 2338. h. 9. Josephson (A. G. S.) Bibliographies of Bibliographies. Chicago, 1901. 8". 2330. c 15. [Another copy.] R. Ac. 9722. 2 o 2 564 JOS-JOV Josephus. Opera omnia. Post I. Bekkerum recognovit S. A. Na])er. vol. [Teidmer Series.] Leipzig, 1 888-^6. 8°. 204:7. n, etc. Opera. Recognovit G. Dindorfius. Gr. & Lett. 2 vol. [Dldof. Scriptormn Grsecorum Bibliotheca.'] Paris, 1845-47. 8*'. 204:6. d. Opera. Lai. \_Cor2)us Script. Eccles. Lat. 37, etc.] Vienna, 1898, etc. 8°. 2003. e. - — — Works, with dissertations hy W. Whiston. 2 vol. London, 1825. 8«. 2015. c. Jost (J. M.) Geschichte des Judenthunis und seiner Secten. Al)t. 1-3. Leipzig, 1857-59. 8". 2008. c. Jouin (H.) David d' Angers. 2 torn. Pr/r/.s, 1878. 4". 2264. dd. 17. Jean Goujon. \Milntz. Artistes celehres.] Paris, 1906. 8". 2264. d. 11. Joule (J. P.) Scientific Papers. 2 vol. 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M.) and Bensley (E. R.) ISTuevo diccionario ingles- espanol y espanol-ingles. Paris, 1891. 8°. 2055. e. Lopez de Haro (A.) Nobiliario Genealogico de lo.s Reyos v Titulo.s de EspaHa. 2 vol. Madrid, 1622. fol. 2098. d. Lopez-Valdemoro de Aranda (F.) Count de CazaUa del Bio. Guia de la uobleza espanola. Madrid, 1900, etc. 4". 2400. h. Lord (E. L.) Industrial Experiments in the British Colonies of North America. [Johns HojJcins University Studies. Extra vol. 17.] Baltimore, 1898. 8". . R. Ac. 2689. Lord (W. F.) England and France in the Mediterranean, 1660-1830. Lnudon, 1 901. 8". 2388. d. 16. Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer in five hundred languages. London, 1905. 8". 2051. e. Lorenz (Otto) Catalogue general de la Librairie Frangaise, 1840, etc. Paris, 1867, etc. 8'\ 2036. d. Lorenz (Ottokar) Genealogisches Handbuch der europiiischen Staatengesehichte. Berlin, 1895. 8". 2400. g. 13. Loret (V.) Manuel de la langue egyptienne. Par/s, 1889. 8". 2259. li. 7. Lorimer (J.) Handbook of the Law of Scotland. Edivhurf/h, 1894. 8". 2228. aa. 10. Lorimer (J. G.) Grammar and Vocabulary of Waziri Pashto. Calcutta, 1902. 8". 2272. g. 10. Lorimer (P.) John Knox and the Chui'ch of England. London, 1875. 8". 2210. d. 9. Loring (A.) Rhymers' Dictionary. London, 1907. 8". 2040. f. LOR— LOU 639 Lorris (G. de) Le Roman de la Rose. [Edited b}- F. Michel.] 2 torn. Paris, 1864. 8". 2285. c. 13. Losetll (E.) Le Roman de Tristan. [Ecole pratique des Jiautes etudes. Bihliotliequc. Sc. pliii. et hist. 82.] Paris, 1891. S'\ R. Ac. 8929. Lostalot (A. de) Les Procedos de la gravure. [Bill, dc VEnseigne- vicHt dcs Beaux-Arts.] Paris, 1882. 80. 2263. e. 31. Lot (F.) Les derniers Carolingiens, 954-991. [Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Bibliotheque. Sc. phil. et Jiist. 87.] R. Ac. 8929. Le regne de Hvagues Capet. [Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Bibliotheque. Sc. phil. et hist. 147.] Pa m, 1903. 8". R. Ac. 8929. Loth (J.) A^ocabulaire vieux-breton. 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Bibllotlitque. Sc. phll. et hist. 103.] Paris, 1894. 8°- ^- ^«- 8929. Malon de Chaide (P.) La Conversion de la Madalena. [Arlhai.t. Autores espaTioles. 27.] iUrtc^m?, 1853. S". 2044. b. Malone Society. Collections. Oxford, 1907, etc. i^. R. Ac. 9923/2. ■ Reprints. Oxford, 1907, etc. 4°. R. Ac. 9923. 1. Orlando Furioso. 2. Johan the Evangelist. 3. Battle of Alcazar. 4. Wealth aud Health. 5. History of King Leir. 6. Locrine. 7. Calisto and Melebea. 8. Sir John Oldcastle. Malory {Sir T.) For editions of Malory's Morte d' Arthur : See Arthur, King of Britain. Malta. Lois civiles de Malte. Traduites par C. Billiet. [Collection de Codes Et rangers. 17.] P«m, 1896. 8°. 2018. b. Malthus (T. R.) Essay on the Principle of Population. London, 1S90. 80. 2240. d. 8. Maltzabn (W. von) Deutscher Biicherschatz des sechszehnten bis um die Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Jena, 1B75. 8°. 2037. b. Maltzew (A.) [Collection of Slavonic Offices.] Berlin, 1890, etc. 8°. 2010. c. Mamiani (T.) Poeti italiani dell' eta media. P«/'/^/, 1848. 8". 2284. f. 10. Man : a monthly record of anthropological science. Publislicd und«ir the direction of the Anthropological Institute. London, 1 901, etc. 8^. 2110. b. Manassewitsch (B.) Die arabische Sprache. [Kiinst der Poly- glottlc] Wlen, 1890. 8^. 2272. a. 23. Die hebriiische Sprache. [Ktinst dtr Polyglottle.] Wien, 1889. 8". 2272. a. 17. Die polnische Sprache. [Knnst der Polyglottle.] Wlen, 1887. 8«. 2272. a. 7. Die russische Spraclie. [Ktinst der Polyglottle.] Wien, 1887. 8'\ 2272. a. 4. MANCHESTER 667 Manchester. — Jolia Bijlaiuh Lihrarij. See John Rylands Library, Mancliestcr. Chetham Lihrari/. See Ciietham Library, Manchester. Manchester Field Club. Proceedings, 1899, etc. Manchester, 1903, etc. 8". R. Ac. 3027. K- Manchester Geographical Society. Journal. Manchester, 18S5, etc. 8". R. Ac. 6175. Manchester Goethe Society. Transactions, 1886-93. Manchester, 1894. 8°. R. Ac. 9491. Manchester Microscopic Society. Annual Report and Trans- actions. Manchester, 1883, e^-. 8^. R. Ac. 3027. e. Manchester Notes and Queries. Manchester, 1878-88. 4*^. R. P.P. 6080. c. Manchester School. Admission Register. [Chetham Society. Publications. 69, 73, 93, 9i.] Manchester, 1866-74. 4". R. Ac. 8120. Manchester Record Society. See Record Society, Manchester. Manchester University. Calendar. [Current. issue.] Manchester, 8". Circ. 67. b Publications. Celtic series, Manchester, 1909, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/9. 1. Steachan : Introduction to Early Welsh. Classical Series. Manchester, 1908, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/8. 1. Norwood : The Riddle of the Bacchae. ■ Economic Series. Manchester, 1904, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/2. 1. Chapman : Lancashire Cotton In- ■ 8. Ivnoop : American Business Enter- dustry. prise. 2. Uttley : Cotton Spinning in U.S.A. \ 9. Watson : The Argentine as a 3. PoppLEWELL : Iron and Steel Pro- duction in America. 4. Foster: Engineering in U.S.A. 5. Chorlton : Rating of Land Values. Market. 10. Pring : Some Electro-Chemical Centres. 11. Baron : Chemical Industry on the 6. HiGGiNS : Dyeing in Germany and ! Continent. America. j 12. Chapman and Hallsworth : Un- 7. Dewsnup : Housing Problem in ; employment. England. ! • Educational Series. Manchester, 1907, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/7. 1. Sadler : Continuation Schools in England and elsewhere. 2. Demonstration Schools Record. 3. Teaching of History in Girls' Schools in Germany. Historical Series. Manchester, 1904, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/3. 1. Tait. Mediseval Manchester. 5. Casola : Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 2. Little : Initia Operum Latinorum. 1494. 3. Hertz : Old Colonial System. 7. Petit-Dutaillis : Studies Supple- 4. Arnold : Studies of Roman Im- , mentary to Stubhs' Constitutional perialism. 1 History. 8. Jones : Malaria and Greek History. 668 MAN— MAN Manchester University. PuLlications. Medical Series. 3lanchedci\ 1504, etc. 4" tt 8^. 1. Brockbank : Honorary Medical j Staff, 1752-1830. 2. KiRKBY : Practical Prescribiug aud Dispensing. 3. Wright and Preston : Handbook of Surgical Anatomy. 4. Thorburn : Course of Instruction in Operative Surgery. 5. Sellers : Handbook of Legal Medicine. R. Ac. 2671. G. Smith : Catalogue of Patliological Museum. 7. Steell : Text Book on Diseases of the Heart. 8. Dreschfeld Memorial Volume. 9. Marsden : Infectious Diseases. 10. White : Pathology of Cancer. 11. Sinclair : Scmmehveis, his life and doctrine. 12. LuGARO : ]\Iodorn Problems in I Psychiatry. • Theological Series. 3Ianrhesfer, 1905, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/5. 1. Inaugural Lectures. ■ Physical Series. Manchester, igoS, etc. 8". R. Ac. 2671/6. 1. Physical Laboratories. Manchester University Lectures. Manchester, 1904, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/4. G. Vernon : Contrasts in Dante. 7. Hunter : Preservation of Places of Interest. 9. Allbutt : Hospitals, Medical Science and Public Health. 10. Bradley : English Poetry and German Philosophy. 1. Neville : Garden Cities. 2. Schuster : Bank of England and the State. 3. Barclay : Commercial Treaties in the Twentieth Century. 4. MouLTON : Science of Language and the New Testament. 5. Macalister : General Medical Council. Public Health Laboratory. Lectures. 10 nos. R. Ac. 2671. c. Manchester, 1904. 8". Mander (C. van) Le Livre des Peintres. Traduction et com- mentaires par H. Hymans. Paris, 1884, 85. 4*^. 2031. g. Mander (J.) Derbyshire Minei's' Glossary. BaheweU, 1824. 8". 2278. d. 9. Mandeville {Sir J.) Yoiage. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1866. 8°. 2352. e. 9. Manetho. Apotelesmaticorum (jui feruntur libri vi. Relegit A. Koechly. Accedunt Dorothei et Annubionis fragmenta astrologica. Gr. [Tenhner Series.] Leipzig, 1858. 8", 20i7. a, etc. Mangan (J. C.) Poems. Edited by D. J. O'Donoghue. Dublin, 1903. 80. 2342. )b. 1. - Prose Writings. Edited by D. J. O'Donoghue, Dnhliu, 1904. 8". 2342. 2. Manley (J. J.) Salt; Presei-vation of Food; Bread and Biscuits. [British Manufncturinq Industries.] London, i8-j6. 8". 2270. aa. 6. Mann (J. D.) Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. London, 1908. 8°. 2024. l)b. MAN— MAN 669 Mannaberg (J.) .and Leichtenstern (O.) Malaria, Influenza and Dengue. Edited by 1\. lloss. Translation from tlie German by A. Stengel. Philaclelpliia, 1905. 8^. 2256. h. 1. Mannhardt (W.) Mythologiscbe Porschungen. [Qiidlen und Foriichuiujen zur Si>rach- und Culturgeschichte dcr germnnischcn Volker. '51.] Strasshiirg, 1884. 8°. 2338. 1). 9. Manning (H. E.) Cardinal. Essays on Religion and Literature. By various writers. Edited by H. E. Manning. 3 series. London, 1865-74. 8°. 2206. bb. 3. Miscellanies. 3 vol. London, 1877-88. 8^. 2350. c. 3. Sermons. 4 vol. London, 1842-50. 8^. 2204. b. 3. Manning (J. A.) Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons. London, 1850. 8«. 2094. h. Manning (O.) History and Antiquities of Surrey. 3 vol. London, 1804-14. fol. 2065. f. Manningham (J.) Diary, 1602-08. [Camden Society. 90.] London, 1868. 4°. R. Ac. 8113/90. Mannyng (R.) o/i?neHHe. Handlyng Synne. [Boxhurghe Cluh. 75.] London, 1862. 4^. ' R. Ac. 8104/75. [Another edition.] 2 pt. [EarJy English Text Society.'] London, 1901-03. 8''. R. Ac. 9925/87. Meditations on the Supper of our Lord and the Hours of the Passion. By Cardinal Bonaventura. Done into English verse by R. Manning of Brunne. [Early English Text Societi/.] London, 1875. 8«. R. Ac. 9925/47. The Story of England. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 2 pt. [Chronicles and 3Iemorials.] London, 1887. 8°. 2073. (87.) Manorial Society. Reports. London, 1906, etc. 8". R. Ac. 8115. d. ■ Monographs. London, 1907, etc. 4°. R. Ac. 8115. e. Mansel (H. L.) Dean of St. PauVs. Gnostic Heresies of the first and second centuries. London, 1875. 8°. 2208. b. 9. Prolegomena Logica. Oxford, i860. 8". 2234. d. 7. Manship (H.) History of Great Yarmouth. 2 vol. Yarmouth, 1854-56. 4^. 2367. b. 3. Mansi (J. D.) Sacrorum Conciliorum Collectio. Paris, 1759, etc. fol. Circ. 30. b, etc. Mantell (G. A.) Geological Excursions round the Isle of Wight. [Bohn^s Scientific Library.] London, 1854. 8". 2502. h. 13. ■ ■ The Medals of Creation : first lessons in geology. 2 vol. [Bohn's Scientific Library.] London, 1853. 8*^. 2502. h. 14. Petrifactions and their teachings. [Bohn's Scientific Library.] London, 185 1. 8^. 2502. h. 15. The Wonders of Geology. 2 vol. [Bohn's Scientific Library.] London, 1857, 58. 8°. 2502. h. 16. G70 MAN— MAN Manton (W. P.) Obstetrics. [Medical Epitome Series.] London, 1305. 8". 2256. a. Mantz (P.) La Peinture fran^aise du ix'' siecle a la fin du xvi''. [BihJ. 1ri. Marie, (Jc France. Poesies, [Edited with uute.s and cumiiieutaru'S by J^. de Ro(iuefort.] Paris, 18 19, 20. 8". 2043. b. Marie (P.) Aeromegaly. [New Siidenliaia Sorieh/.] London, 1891. 8". ' " R. Ac. 3838/35. Diseases of the Spinal Cord. [Xew Si/.] London, 1895. ^"^ ^^- ■^''- ^^^^■ 2 X 674 I\IAR— MAR Markham {Sir C. R.) Life of the Great Lord Fairfax. LumJon, 1S70. N". 2406. b. 6. ■ NarratiNes of the Rite.s and Laws of tlie Yiicas. Edited by C. R. Markham. [If(il-Iui/t Sorivti/.] London, 1873. ^"• R. Ac. 6172/43. ■ Peruvian Bark. Ln, 1 882. 8". 2398. b. 6. Markham (J.) Correspondence, 1801-07. \NaV'ii Beconh Socivfi/. 28.] Lon/h, 1875. 8". * 2302. b. 5. Marmontel (J. F.) Memoirs. 2 vol. [Aidohio'jrajjhy. 3, 4.] London, 1826. 80. 2094. a. MAR— MAR 675 Marner (C.) Der Marnei". Herausgei>eben von V. Stiauch. [Qacllca luvf F. 8. Marsden (R.) Cotton Spinning. [Technological Ha ttdlnxdcs.] London, 1884. 8«. 2270. a. 19, Cotton Weaving. [Technological Handbooks.] London, 1895. 8«. 2270. a. 27. Marsden (R. G.) Treatise on the Law of Collisions at 8ea. London, 1904. 8". 2017. g. 2x2 676 MAR— MAK Marsden (R. W.) Text-Book on Infectious Diseases. \M(inr]irs{er Ui(icvri]es of Economies, vol.1. Xo»Jr»//, 1 898. 8". 2020. c. Marshall (E.) Oxford. \lJi(ireHin Jlisfcrics.] London, 1682. 8". 2210. a. 12. Marshall (F. 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Historia de los heterodoxos espaiioles. •5 vol. Madrid, 1S80-S1. S^. 2214. b. 6. Origenes de la Novela. Madrid, 1905, etc. 80. '2310. h. Menil (F. de) Histoire de la danse. [Bibl. de VEnsviqaement des Beaux- Arts.] Paris, 1906. 80. 2263. cc. 17. Mennell (P.) Dictionary of Australasian Biography, 1855-1892. London, 1892. 8^. 2094. b. MEN— MER 693 Mention (L.) Rapports du Clergc avec la Rovautc, 1682-1705. Ii,j-2pt. Pam, 1893, 1903. 8". " 2086. g. Mentmore. Register of the Parish of Mentmore, 1685-1829. [BncJcs Parish Register Soc{etij.'\ Aylesbury, 1909. 8**. R. Ac. 8027. Menzel (W.) History of Germany. 3 vol. [BaJut's Standard Library.] London, 1848-49. 8°. 2504. f. 1. Menzies (A.) Conveyancing according to the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. 2019. 1). Menzies (D. P.) The " Red and White " Book of Menzies. Glasgoio, 1S94. 4". 2400. h. 1. Meraviglia (R. J.) Count. Der bohmische Adel. [Siehmachcr's ^j^. Wrqipcnbuch. Bd. IV. Abth. 9.] Niirnberg, 1886. 4°. 2097. b. Mercator(M.) 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Bibliographie russe des livres d'histoire, 1800-54. 2 torn. St. Pet'ershourg, 1892, 93. 8". 2330. e. 13. Bibliographia Sibirica. 3 torn. St. Petershnirg, 1891-92. 8". 2330. e. 14. Recueil du Turkestan, comprenant des livres et des articles sur I'Asie centrale. St. Petershourg, 1878. 8°. BB. I. e. 1. -Miall (L. C.) 8irenoid and Crossopterygian Ganoids. [Pnlaconto- graphicaJ Society. Publications.^ London, 1878. 4". R. Ac. 3200. "Miansarof (M.) Bibliographia Caucasica et Transcaucasica. tom. 1. St. Petershourg, 1874-76. 8°. BB. I. d. 5. Michael, Mcdeinos. Vie et Office de Michel Maleinos. Gr. [Bihlio- theque Ha(iiograp)}nqne Orientale. 4.] Paris, 1903. 8^*. 2214. e. Michael (A. D. ) British Oribatida^. [Bay Society.] 2 vol. London, 1884, 88. 8«. 2027. g. British Tyroglyphida?. [Bay Society.] 2 ^•ol. London. 1901, 03. 8". " ' 2027. g. Michael (W. H.) and Will (J. S.) The Law relating to (Jas and Water. London, 1901. S*'. ' 2230. c 10. Michaelis (A.) Ancient ]Srar])l(;s in (Jrcat Britain. Cambridge, 1882. 8°. 2258. c 4. Michaelis (H.) New Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages. 2 vol. London, 1906. 8°. 2055. c. MIC— MIC 697 Michaud (J. F.) Bibliotlioque des Croisades. 4 vol. Paris, 1S29. 8". 2087. a. Histoire des Croisades. 6 vol. Paris, iS^8. S". 2087. a. History of the Crusades. 3 \'ol. Loinh)), 1881. 8". 2388. a. 3. Michel, D((ii. The Ayenbite of Inwvt. Edited by J. Stevenson. [Boxhtmjlie Clnh. 65.] London, 1855. 4^. R. Ac. 8104/65. [Another edition.] Edited by R. Morris. [Early English Text Society.] London, 1866. 8". R. Ac. 9925/21. Michel (A.) F. Boucher. [Bliinfz. Artistex ceJrhres.] Paris, 1 886. 8°. 2264. d. 9. Michel (C.) (^ebet und Bild in friihchristlicher Zeit. [Sfndien uher vhristlieiie Denkmaler. 1.] Leipzig, 1902. 8". 2259. f. Michel (E.) Les Brueghel. \Muntz. Artistes celehres.] Paris, 1892. 8°. 2264. d. 1. Gerard Terbui-g et sa famille. [Miintz. Artistes celehres.] Paris, 1886. 8". 2264. d. 8. Hobbema. \Milntz. 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Paris, 1856. 8°. 2274. g. 4. ■ Histoire des races maudites de la France et de I'Espagne. Paris, 1847. 8"- 2388. c. 3. Le Pays basque. Londres, 1857. 8«. 2388. c 4. Rapports sur les anciens monuments de I'histoire et de la litterature de la France qui se trouvent dans les bibliotheques de I'Angleterre et de I'Ecosse. Pam, 1838. 4°. 2037. g. 698 MIC— MID Michelet (J.) CEuvres. 2 torn. Bnixelles, i8^c. 8°. 2332. h. 1. Histoire de France. 19 vol. Paris, 1876-78. 8". 2086. c. Histoire de la Revulution fran^ai.se. 9 torn. Paris, 1879. 8*^. 2390. a. 3. Historical View of the French Revolution. [Bolm's Standard Library.] London, i860. 8°. 2504. f. 2. History of the Roman RepubUc. [Bohn's Standard Lihrari/.] London," iS6^. 8«. 2504. f. '3. Louis XI et Charles le Temeraire. Edited by A. R. Ivopes. [Pitt Press Series.] Cambridge, 1 896. 8". 2322. d. 15. Michell (A. T.) Rugby School Registers, 1675-1904. 3 vol. PiKi/by, 1901-04. '"8". 2234. c. 3. Michell (E. B.) Siamese-English Dictionary. BanqhoTc, 1892. 4". 2272. d. 10. Michell (T.) Handbook for Russia, Poland and Finland. [^Inrraifs EandbooTis.] London, 1893. 8^. 2364. b. 28. Michels (V.) Mittelhochdeutsches Elementarbuch. [Samnduntf von Elementarbiicliern. 1 .] Heidelberg, 1900, 8". 2276. c. ■ Studien iiber die iiltesten deutschen Fastnachtspiele. [Quellen nnd Forsclmngen zur SijracTi- und CulturgescMclde der t/frmanischen VoIJcer. 77.] Strassburg, 1896. 8°. 2338. li. 14. Michelson (A. A.) Light Waves and their uses. [Chicago Unicersity. Decennial Publications, ser. 2. vol. 3.] Ciiicago, 1903. 8«. R. Ac. 2691. d/11. Michie (J. G.) Records of Invercauld. [Aberdeen Unicersity Studies. 5.] Aberdeen, 1901. 8°. R. Ac. 1482. ■ [Another edition.] [New Spalding Club. 18.] Aberdeen, 1901. 40. R. Ac. 8245/18. Michiel (M.) Der Anoniino Morelliano. [QuellenscliriftenfiirKunst- geschichte. N.F. 1.] Wien, 1888. 8". 2262. b. Michiels (A.) Rubens et I'ecole d'Anvers. Paris, 1854. 8". 2264. 1^. 5. Van Dyck et ses eleves. Paris, 1881. 8". 2263. f. 3. Michon (L.) Les Traites internationaux devant les Chambres. Paris, 1901. 8". 2238. c. 21. Micklethwaite (J. T.) Modern Parish Churches. London, 1874. 8". 2261. d. 8. The Ornaments of the Rubric. [Alcuin Club Tracts. 1.] London, 1897. 8«. R. Ac. 2066. Microscopical Society. Transactions, Journal and Reports. London, i84i,e/c. 8". R. Ac. 3022. Middendorf (E. W.) Peru. Beobachtuugen und Studien iiber das Land und seine Bewohuer. 3 Bde. .Bct/?», 1893-95. 8". 2374. f. 15. MID— MIG 699 Middlesex and Hertfordshire Notes and Queries. London, 1S95-9S. iS". Ft. P.P. 6033. g. Middlesex County Records Society. Middlesex County Records. 4 vol. London, 1886-92. 8". li. Ac. 8108. Middlesex Natural History Society. Transactions, 1886-91. London, 1887-92. 80. R. Ac. 3017. b. Middleton (C.) Ist Baron Barhmn. Letters and Papers, 1758-1813. [Navi/ Bccords Soeieti/. 32, ctc.^ London, 1906, etc. 8". R. Ac. 8109. Middleton (C. H.) The Etched Work of Rembrandt. London, 1878. 8'^'. 2262. d. 10. Middleton (G. A. T.) Modern Buildings, their planning, con- struction and equipment. 6 vol. London, 1906-07. 4°. 2032. f. Middleton {Sir H.) Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands. [HaMuyt Society.] London, 18^^. 8°. R. Ac. 6172/17. Middleton (J. H.) Illuminated Manuscripts in classical and mediaeval times. Cambridge, 1892. 8°. 2262. e. 14. The Remains of Ancient Rome. 2 vol. London, 1892. 8'^ 2258. b. 10. Middleton (O. R.) Outlines of Military History. London, 1903. 8". 2388. d. 6. Middleton (R. E.) and Chadwick (O.) Treatise on Surveying. 2 vol. London, 1904, 06. 80. 2022. b. Middleton (T.) Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8 vol. [The English Dramatists.] London, 1885-86. 8°. 2302. d. 2. Midland Naturalist. Journal of the Associated Natural History Societies of the Midland Counties. 16 vol. Luudon, 1S78-93. 8". R. Ac. 3001. Midland Record Society. Transactions. Birmingham, 1896, etc. 4«. R. Ac. 8023. Miers (H. A.) Mineralogy. London, 1902. 80. 2030. d. Migne (J. P.) Catalogue des ouvrages edites par lAbbe Migne. Paris, 1885. 8°. 2003. c. • ■ Encyclopedie Theologique : ou, Serie de Dictionnaires sur toutes les parties de la science religieuse. 50 vol. Paris, 1844-49. 80. 2002. c-e. 33-35. Theologie dogmatique. 36-38. Droit et Jurisprudence. 39. Passions. 40, 41. Hagiograpliie. 42. Astronomie, Physique et I\I6teoro- logie. 43, 44. Pelerinages. 45. Iconographie. 46. Chimie et ]\Iineralogie. 47. Diplomatique chretienue. 48. 49. Sciences occultes. 50. Geologie et Chronologie. 1-4. Bible. 5-7. Philologie sacree. 8. Liturgie Catholique. 9, 10. Droit Canon. 11, 12. Heresies. 13, 14. Conciles. 15-17. Ceremonies. 18, 19. Gas de Conscience. 20-23. Ordres Eeligieux. 24-27. Religions du Monde. 28-30. Geographic sacree et ecclesias- tique. 31, 32. Theologie morale. '00 MIGNE Migne (J. P.) Xouvelle Encyelopedie Theologique. i\a7,s, I S3 1-55. 8". 1-3. Biographie. 4, 5. Pers^'cutions. 6. Eloquence sacree. 7. Litterature cliretienue. 8. Botanique. 9. Statistique religieuse. 10. Anecdotes chretiennes. 11, 12. Archeologie sacree. 13. Heraldique. 14-16. Zoologie Chretienne. 17. Medecine pratique. 18. Croisades. 19. Erreurs sociales. 20-23. Patrologie. 24, 25. Propheties et Miracles. 24*. Discipline Ecclesiastique. a-b. 26. Decrets. 27. Indulgences. 28. Agriculture. 52 vol. 2002. e-£ 29. Plain-Chant. 30, 31. Epigraphie. 32. Numismatique. 33. Conversions. 34. Education. 35. 36. Inventions. 37. Ethnograpliie moderne. 38, 39. Apologistes involontaires. 40, 41. Manuscrits. 42. Anthropologic. 43. IMysteres. 44. Merveilles et Curiosites. 45. 46. Ascetisme. 47. Paleographie. 48. Cosmogonie et Paleontologie. 49. Art de verifier les Dates. 50. Confreries et Corporations. 51. 52. Apologetique. - Troisieme et derniere Encyelopedie Theologique. 66 vol. Par;.«, 1855-66. 8". ^ 2002. g. ev 2003. 1-3. Sciences politiques et sociales. , 32. 4. Muse'es. ; 33. 5-8. Economic charitahle. 9. Bienfaits et Beaute's du Christian- 34. isme. 35 10. Mythologie. 36. 11. Sagesse populaire. 37. 12. 13. Tradition. 14. Legendes. 15. Origines du Christianisme. J 39- 16. Abbayes et ^lonasteres. : 43. 17. Esthetique Chretienne. 44. 18. Antiphilosophisme. 45. 19. Harmonies de la Raisonet de la Foi. 46, 20. Superstitions. 48- 21. 22. Philosophic et Th^ologie sco- 51- lastiques. , 57. 23, 24. Apocrvphes. ' 58. 25, 26. Discipline ecclesiastique. ' 59, 27. Orfevrerie, Gravure, et Ciselure 61, Chretienne. 28, 29. Technologie. 63. 30. Sciences physiques et naturelles. I 64, 31. Cardinaux. 66. Papes. Objections populaires contre la Re- ligion Catholique. Linguistique. Mystique chretienne. Protestantisme. Preuves de la Divinity de Jesus- Christ. Parallele entre diverses Doctrines. 42. Bibliographic catholique. Bibliologie catholique. Bibliographic et Bibliologie. Antiquites bibliques. 47. Savants et Ignorants. 50. Philosophic catholique. 56. Histoire universelle de I'Eglise. Droits de la liaison dans la Foi. Physiologic. 60. Missions catholiques. 62. LcQons et exemples de Litte- rature chretienne. Noels et Cantiques. 65. Droit civil ecclesiastique. Controverses historiques. ■ Patrologije Cursus Completus. Series Grseca. Gr. & Lat. 163 torn. Pam, 1857-66. S^. 2001. b-g. & 2002. a-c. 1, 2. Clemens I., Barnabus Apostolus, Matthias Apostolus, Bartholomajus Apostolus, Anacletus, Hermas, Tes- taraenta XII. Patriarcharum, Epis- tola ad Diognetum, Epistola de Martyrio S. Andrcae. 3, 4. Dionysius Areopagita. 5. Ignatius, Polycarpus, Evaristus, Alexander I., Sixtus I., Telesphorus, Hyginius, Pius I., Anicetus I., Soter, Eleutherius, Mclito, Papias, Quadratus, Aristides, Agrippa Cas- tor, Aristo Pellseus, Claudius Apol- linaris, Hegesippus, Pantaenus, Rhodon, Maximus, Polycrates, Theophilus Caisariensis, Serapion, ApoUonius, Anonymorum reliquiaa a S. Irenico servatte, Epistola de Martyrio S. Pothiui, Victor I., Archa>us. 6. Justinus, Tatianus, Athenagoras, Theophilus Antiochenus, Hermias. 7. Irenteus. 8. 9. Clemens Alcxandrinus. MIGNE 701 Migne (J. P.) Patrologioe Cursus Completus. Sei'ies Grteca — cont(J. 10. Zepliirinus, Caius Presbyter, Julius Africanus, Callistas I., Urbanus I., Asterius Urbauus, Pontianus, Anterus, Fabianus, Alexander Hierosolj'mitanus, Anatolius, Theognostus, Pierius, ilalchio, Hippolytus Portuensis, Gregorius Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Alexan- drinus, ^Macarius Magues, Arche- laus, Pampliilus, Phileas Thmueos, Tbeonas. 11-17. Origenes. IS. Metbodius, Alexander Lycopoli- tanus, Petrus Alexandrinus, Alex- ander Alexandrinus, Eustathius, Titus Bostrensis, Z\Iarcellus Ancyr- anus, Tbeodorus Heracleeusis. 19-24. Eusebius Pampbili, A^'eterum Scriptorum Opuscula Cbrouologica et Astronomica. 2.5-28. Athanasius. 29-32. Basilius, Acolutbia Officii Ca- nonici, Acolutbia triplicis festi, Symeonis Logotbetie Sermones. 33. Cyrillus, Petrus II. Alexandrinus, Tiniotbeus Alexandrinus, Apollin- arius, Isaac, Diodorus Tarsensis. 34. Macarius ^gj'ptius, Macarius Alexandrinus, Palladius. 35-38. Gregorius Nazianzenus, Cliris- 89 tusPatiens, Cosmas,Nicetas David, Ctesarius. 39. Ampbilocbius, Didymus Alexau- 90 drinus, Nectarius. 40. Pbilo Carpasius, Asterius, Neiue- 92 sius, Hieronymus Tbeologus; 93 Patres J^^gyptii seeculi IV. : Orsie- sius, Serapion, Pacbomius, Antouius 94- Magnus, Isaias Abbas, Evagrius Ponticus. 41-43. Epipbanius, Nonuus Panopoli- 97 tanus. 44-46. Gregorius Nyssenus. 47-64. Joannes Cbrysostomus, Mele- tius. 65. Severianus, Tbeopbilus Alexan- drinus, Palladius Helenopolitanus, 99 Pbilostorgius, Atticus, Proclus, 100. Flavianus, Marcus Eremita, Mar- cus, Diadocbus, Marcus Diaconus. 66. Tbeodorus Mopsuestenus, Syne- sius, Arsenius. 101 67. Socrates, Sozomenus. 68-77. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Tbeo- 105 dotus, Paulus, Emesenus, Acacius, Joannes Antiocbenus, Memuon, Rabbulas, Firmus, Ampbilocbius. 78. Isidorus Pelusiota, Zosimus. 106 79. Nilus. 80-84. Tbeodoretus. 85. Basilius Seleuciensis, Eutbalius, Joannes Carpatbius, Eudocia, JEinea,s Gazteus, Zacbarias, Gela- i 107 sius, Tbeotimus, Ammonius, Andreas Saniosatensis, Genuadius, Quintianus, Candidas Isaurus, Antipater, Dalmatius, Timotbeus Berytensis, Eustatbius, Fragmcnta Historica Tusculaua. Timotbeus CP. Presbyter, Joannes Maxentius, Tbeodorus Lector, Procopius, Tbeodorus Scytbopoli- tanus, Timotbeus Hierosolymi- tanus, Timotbeus III. Patriarcba, Tbeodosius Patriarcba, Eusebius Alexandrinus, Eusebius Emesenus, Gregeutius, Epipbanius, Isaacus Ninivitanus, Barsanupbius, Eusta- tbius, Justinianus Imperator, Aga- petus, Leontius, Epbraimus, Paulus Silentiarius, Eutycbius, Evagrius, Eulogius, Synieon Junior, Zacb- arias, De Persica Captivitate, Mo- destus, Jobius, Erecbtius, Petrus Laodicenus. Procopius Gazffius, Joannes Moscbus, Sopbronius, Alexan- der Monacbus. Cosmas, Constantinus Diaconus, Joannes Climacus, Agatbias, Doro- tbeus, Gregorius Antiocbenus, Joannes Jejunator. Auastasius Sinaita, Anastasius I. Patriarcba, Anastasius Abbas, Anas - tasius IV. Patriarcba, Antiocbus. 91. Maximus, Tbalassius, Tbeo- dorus Rbaituensis. CbroniconPascale.GeorgiusPisida. Olympiodorus, Hesycbius, Leon- tius Damascenus. -96. Joannes Damascenus, Joannes CP. Patriarcba, Joannes Nictenus, Joannes Euboeensis. Joannes Malalas, Andreas Creten- sis, Elias, Tbeodorus Abucara. Germanus, Cosmas Hierosol., Gregorius Agrigentinus, Pantaleon, Adrianus, Epipbanius, Pacbomius, Pbilotbeus, Tarasius. Tbeodorus Studita. Nicepborus, Stepbanus, Diaconus, Procopius, Gregorius Decapolita, Cbristopborus Alexandrinus, Me- thodius, Georgius Nicomediensis. -104. Pbotius, Petrus Siculus, Bartbolomaeus Edessenus. Nicetas David Papblago, Nicetas Byzantinus, Theognostus, Vita S. Nicolai Studitae, Josephus Hymno- graphus. Joseppus, Nicepborus, Andrfeas, Arethas, Joannes Geometra, Cos- rQas Vestitor, Leo Patricius, Athanasius Corintbus, Opuscula Grseca incertse astatis. Leo Imperator. 702 MIGNE Migne (J. P.) Patrologiie Cursus Completus. Series GrjBca — contd. 108. Tbeophanes, Leo Grammaticus, Anastasius Bibliothecarius. 109. Histori;e Byzautinte Scriptores post I'lieophanem : Constautinus Por- phyrogenitus, Joannes Hierosol., Joannes Cameniata, Gregorius INIonachus, Sjnneon, Georgius IMonachus, Josephus Genesius. 110. Georgius Hamartolus. 111. Nicolaus CP. Patriarcha, Basilius Metropolita, Basilius Minimus, Gregorius Presbyter, IMoses Bar- Cepha, Theodoras Dapbnopata, Niceplaorus, Eutycbius, Georgius ]\Ionachus. 112. 113. Constautinus Imperator, Ni- con, Theodosius Diaconus. 114-llG. Symeon Metaphrastes, Deme- trius Martyris Acta. 117. Basilius Imp., Leo Diaconus, Hippolytus Thebanus, Georgides, Ignatius Diaconus, Nilus, Cbrysto- phorus Protoasecretis, Michael Hai:ijartolus, Suidas. 118, 119. CEcumenius, Jus Canonicum Grseco-Romanum. 120. Vita S. Nili Junioris, Tbeodorus Iconius, Leo Presbyter, Leo Grammaticus, Joannes Pr&sbyter, Epiphanius, Alexius, Demetrius Syncellus, Symeon Junior, Nicetas Chartophylax, Michael Cerularius, Samonas Gazensis, Leo Achridanus, Nicetas Pectoratus, Joannes Eu- chaitarum Metropolita, Joannes Xiphilinus, Joannes CP. Diaconus. 121, 122. Georgius Cedrenus, Joannes Scylitzes, Michael Psellus. 123-126. Theophylactus. 127. Nicepborus Bryennius, Constau- tinus Manasses, Nicolaus CP. Patriarcha, Lucas Abbas, Nicon, Anastasius Arcliiepiscopus, Nicetas Serronius, Jacobus Slonacbus, Philippus Solitarius, Job Mona- chus, Petrus Chrysolanus, Alexius Comnenus, Irene Augusta, Elias Ecdicus, Nicepborus, Nicetas Seidus. 128-131. Euthymius Zigabenus, Anna Comnena. 132. Tbeophanes Cerameus, Nilus Doxapatrius, Joannes Antiochanus, Joannes Comnenus, Isaacus. 133. Arsenius, Lucas Chrysoberges, Alexius Aristonus, Theorianus, Nerses, Joannes Cinnamus, Manuel Comnenus, Alexius Comnenus, Andronicus Comnenus, Joannes Phocas, Epiphanius, Pcrdiccas, Eugesippus, Tbeodorus Prodromus. 134-13G. Joannes Zonaras, Georgius Xiphilinus, Isaacius Angelus, Neo- phytus, Joannes Chilas, Nicolaus INIethonensis, Eustathius, Antonius Melissa. 137, 138. Theodoras Balsamon. 139, 140. Isidorus Thessalonicensis, Nicetas ]Maroniensis, Joannes Citri, Marcus Alexandrinus, Joel, Nicetas Choniata, Michael Acomi- natus, Theodoras Alanise Episcopus, Theodoras Andidensis Episcopus, Manuel Magnus, Pantaleo, Manuel Charitopulus, Germanus II., Michael Chumnus, Theodoras Ducas, Methodius Monachus, Nicepborus CP. Patriarcha, Con- stautinus Acropolita, Arsenius Autorianus, Georgius Acropolita, Nicepborus Chumnus, Alexander IV., Sixtus IV. 141. Joannes Veccus, Constautinus Meliteniota, Georgius Metochita. 142. Georgius Cyprius, Athanasius CP. Patriarcha, Nicepborus Blemmida. 143-147. Ephrsemius, Theoleptus, Georgius Pachymeres, Theodoras Metochita, IMatthseus Blastares, Theodulus, Nicepborus Callistus, Callistus et Ignatius Xanthopuli, Callistus CP. Patriarcha, Callistus Telicoudes, Callistus Cataphugiota, Nicepborus Monachus, Maximus Planudes. 148, 149. Nicepborus Gregoras, Nilus Cabasilas, Tbeodorus Meliteniota, Georgius Lapitha. 150-151. Constautinus Harmenopulus, Macarius Chrysocepbalus, Joannes Caleca, Tbeophanes Nicsenus, Nicolaus Cabasila, Gregorius Palamas, Gregorius Acindynus, Barlaamus. 152. Manuel Calecas, Joannes Cj'paris- siota, Mattbffius Cantacuzenus, CP. Patriarcharum Diplomata, Synodicse constitutiones, Epistolae —1310-1372: Joannes Glycis, Esaias, Joannes Calecas, Isidorus, Callistus et Philotheus. 153, 154. Joannes Cantacuzenus, Philo- theus CP. Patriarcha, Demetrius Cydouius, Kicbardi Liber contra IMahometi asseclas, Maximus Chry- sobcrga, Philotheus Selymbriensis, Joannes Palaologus. 155. Symeon Thessalonicensis. 156. Manuel Chrysoloras, Joannes Cananus, Manuel II. Palseologus, Joannes Anagnosta, Georgius Phrantza. 157. Georgius Codinus, Breves Enar- rationes Chronographicoe, Ducas. 158. Michael Glycas, Joannes Diaconus, Esaias Cyprius, Ililario, Joannes MIGNE 703 Migne (J. P.) Patiologiie Cursus Completus. Series Grjeca — contd. Geo rg ills Gemistus Pie t ho, I\Iatthoeus Camariota, Marcus Eugenicus, Nicolaus V. 161. Bessarion, Georgius Trapezun- tinus, Constantinus Lascaris, Theo- dorus Gaza, Andronicus Callistus. 162, 1G3. Indexes. Argyropulus, Theodorus Agallianus, Josephus CP. Patriarcha, Job Monachus, BartholomEeus de Jano, Nicolaus Barbarus. 159. Laonicus Chalcocondyla, Leo- nardus Chiensis, Isidorus Cardi- nalis, Josephus Methonensis. 160. Gregorius Mamma, Gennadius, Patrologije Cursus Completus. Paris, 1844-64. 8°. 1-2. TertuUiamis. 3. Acta Perpetuffi et Felicitatis, Fragm. de Cauone SS. Scriptu- rarum, ]\Iinucius Felix, Anonymi ChronicoD, Cornelius Papa, Nova- tianus Presbyter, Lucius I. Papa, Stephanus I. Papa, Acta Disputa- tionis de Hfereticorum baptismate. Concilia Carthaginensia, Anouymi Liber de rebaptismate, Annales Ecc. Afric. temp. Cypriani, Pontius, Cypriani Acta Proconsularia. 4. Cyprianus, Coruelii Papse epistola ad Cyprianum. 5. Sixtus II., Dionysius Papa, Diony- sius Alexandrinus, Felix, Euty- chianus, Caius, Comniodianus, Antonius, Victorinus, Magues, Arnobius. 6. 7. Marcellinus Papa, Marcellus Papa, Eusebius Papa, Melcbiades, Rheticius, Anonjani carmen de laudibus Domini, Celsus, Lactan- tius, Incerti auctoris carmen de Passione Domini, Fortunati de Pascha, Symphosii iEnigma, Mar- celli epistolfe. 8. Eusebii Pamphili de vita Constan- tini, Constantini opera, Nazarii panegyricus Constantino dictus, Panegyrici ab aliis Constantino dicti, Monumeiita ad hist. Dona- tistarum pertineiitia, Anouymi Itinerarium Burdegalense, Sil- vester Papa, iMarcus Papa, Julius Papa I., Victorinus, Candidus Ari- anus, Osius, Liberius, Potamius. 9, 10. Hilarius. 11. Zeno, Historia Donatistarum, Monumenta ad hist. Donatist. pertinentia, Gesta Carthagineusis CoUationis, Leges in Douatistas, Fragmenta de Donatistis, Balduiui Hist. Carthag. CoUationes. 12. Eusebius Vercellensis, Blanchini Evangeliarium Quadruplex, Firmi- cus Maternus, Philastrius. 13. Felix II.,Faustinus et Marcellinus, Damasus, Theodosius Magnus, Pacatus, Vigilius Tridentinus, Monumenta ad Arianorum doct. pertinentia, Filocalus, Sylvius, Series Latina. 221 torn. 2000. a-g, 2001. a-b. Lucifer, Pacianus, Hilarianus, Siricius. 14-17. Ambrosius. 18. Martinus Turonensis, Tichonius, Hilarius, Novatus, Aurelius Sym- machus, Maximus Grammaticus, Mamertinus, Publius Victor, Ulfi- las, Grammatica et Glossarium Gothicse Linguae. 19. Quarti Sfficuli Poette Christian! (Juvencus, Optatianus, Sedulius, Severus Rhetor, Faltonia, Ausouius). 20. Quinti Sseculi Scriptores Ecclesi- astici (Phoebadius, Anastasius I., Faustus, Sulpicius Severus, Secun- dinus, ChromatiuR, Victricius, Pammachius et Oceanus, luno- centius I., Zosimus, Paulinus Mediolanensis, Severus Majori- censis, Bouifacius I., Gaudentius, Aurelius, Bachiarius, Zaccheeus, Evagrius). 21. Rufinus, Pelagius, Julianus, Coeles- tinus, Anianus. 22-30. Hieronymus, Ferrandus, Justus Urgelleusis, Viventiolus, Trojanus, Pontiauus, Csesarius, Rusticus, Pachomii et Theodori epistolse et verba mystica, Didymi Liber de spiritu saucto, Theodori Mopsuest. Fragmenta, Translatio Homili- arum Origenis, Prosperi Aquitanici Chronicon. 31. Dexter, Orosius, Leporius, Evodius, Nonnulli Patres S. Augustino sequales. 32-47. Augustinus, Epistola? var. de S. Stephano ; De miraculis S. Stephani, &c.. Opera var. falso Augustino tributa. Contra Fulgentium Donatistam incert. Auct. liber, Scripta Vetera ad Donatistarum hist, pertinentia, Scripta et monumenta ad hist. Pelagianorum pertinentia ; Prosperi Aquitani Opuscula et epistolse, Supplementum : Phereponus sive Clericus, Norisius, Merlin, Fontani, Mai, A.B. CaiUau et Saint-Yves.) 48. Mercator. 49, 50. Cassianus, Vigilius, Fastidius, r04 MIGNE Migne (J. P.) Patrulogi;« Ciirsus Completus. Series Latiiia — contd. 71. Gregorius Turonensis, Fredegauius. 72. Joannes III., Martinus Dumiensis Ep., Gcrmanus, Mabillonii De Liturgia Gallicana, Muratorii Sac- rameutarium Gallicanum, Anti- phonarium Benchorense, Origo Cursuum Eccles., Martyrologinm Gallicanum, Calendarium Angli- canum, Litanise Anglicanse, Dom- nolus, Radegmidis, Benedictus I., Licinianus, Yeranus, Pelagius II., Aunarius, Sedatns, Aregius, Gogi- tosus, Marius Aventicensis, Lucu- lentius, Joannes Arelatensis, Jo- annes Biclarensis, Leander, An- toninus Placentinus, Florianus Abbas, Justiniani leges selectse, Theodorici Prseceptiones, etc. 73. 74. Vitae Patrum, Heraclidis Para- disus, Palladii Lausiaca, Mgypti- orum Patrum Sententiye, Addenda ad torn, viii., xiii., xx., 11., Muratorii de rebus liturgicis, Sacramentarium Gelasiauum, Armenii et Honorii Confessio fidei et De libris canoni- cis, Carilef. 75-79. Gregorius ]\Iagnus, Liber Sacra- mentorum, Liber Responsalis, Or- dinis Romani libelli, Paterius, Alulfus. 80. Patres VII. Sseculi, pars I. Eu- tropius, Tarra, Dinothus, Dyna- mius, Augustinus, Bonifacius IV., Bulgaranus, Paulus Emeritanus, Gondemarus, Marcus Cassinensis, Warnaharius, Columbanus, Alpha- nus, Aileranus, Ethelbertus, Deus- dedit, Sisebuthus, Bertichramnus, Protadius (Liturgia, Laudes, Mar- tyrologinm), Bonifacius V., Son- natius, Verus, Clotarius, Honorius I., Dagobertus I., Hadoindus, Sul- picius, Autbertus, Joannes IV., Maximus, Victor Carthaginensis, Braulio, Taio. 81-84. Isidorus Hispalensis, Excerpta Canonum, Graecorum Concilia, Epistolas decretales. 85, 86. Liturgia ilozarabica. 87. Patres VII. Ssculi, pt. 2. Gallus Abbas, Tbeodorus I., ]\Iaurus Ra- vcnnatensis, Martinus I., Gallus cpisc, Paulus Virodunensis, Raur- acus, Felix Lemovicensis, Palladius, Coustantius, Abbo, Desiderius, Do- natus, Landericus, Sigebertus, Livinus, Eugenius, Dracontius, Valerius, Vita S. Fructuosi, Anne- mundus, Verus, Eligius, Audtriius, ClodovcusIL, Bathildis, Marculfus, Formulae veteres, Cummianus, Vitalianus, Jonas, Fructuosus, Chrodobortus, Faro, Adeodatus, Possidius, Coelestinus I., Antoninus, Xystus III., Vincentius Lirinensis, Eucherius, Hilarius Arelatensis, Pascbasinus, Anneeus Sylvius, Turribius. 51. Prosper Acj^uitanus, Idacius, Mar- celliuus. 52. Cbryi-ologus, Valerianus, Nicetas. 53. Salvianus, Arnobius Junior, Anonymi Praedestinatus, Sirmondi Historia Praedestinatiaua, Mamertus Claudianus, Claudii Carmina, Patricius, Capreolus, Uranius, Eustathius, Polema^us Sylvius, Salonius, Philippus Pres- byter, Leo Bituricensis. 54-56. Leo Magnus, Liber Sacra- mentorum Eccl. Romanae, Pas- chasii Quesnelli dissertationes in S. Leonis Magni Opera, Codex Canonum Ecclesiasticorum et Con- stitutorum S. Sedis Apostolicae. 57. Maximus Turineusis. 58. Hilarius, Simplicius, Lupus, Eu- pbronius, Ruricius, Victor Viteusis, Sidonius ApoUinaris, Perpetuus, Cerealis, Eugenius, Faustus Rhe- giensis, Felix III., Gennadius. 59. 60. Gelasius, Avitus, Joannes Diaconus, Faustinus, Julianus Pomerius, Prudentius, Dracontius. 61. Paulinus Nolanus, Marius Victor, Merobaudes, Orientius, Auspicius, Paulinus Petricordiensis, Amoenus, Secundinus, Drepanius Florus, In- certi carmen de landibus Domini. 62. Paschasius Diaconus, Symmaclius Papa, Petrus Diaconus, Vigil ins Tapsensis, Rusticus Helpidius, Eugyppius. 63. 64. Ennodius, Hormisda, Trifolius, Elpis, Boetius. 65. Felix IV., Prosper, Bonifacius II., IMontanus, Eleutherius, Fulgen- tius, (Fidei Catholicte Instru- menta.) Remigius. 66. Joannes II., Agapetus I., Sylverius, Laurentius Novaricnsis, Bene- dictus, Bencdicti Ordo IMonasticus, Alberici sermo in S. Scholasticam, Regulae variae. 67. Dionysius Exiguus, Facundus, Pulgentius Ferrandus, Justus Urgellensis, Viventiolus, Trojanus, Pontianus, Caesarius, Rusticus. 68. Leo Senonensis, Junilius, Map- pinius, Arator, Victor Capuanus, Nicetius, Agnellus, Aurelianus, Primasius, Victor Turonensis, Liberatus. 09, 70. Vigilius Papa, Gildas, Pelagius I., Cassiodorus, Jordan! de Gotho- rum origine. MIGNE r05 Migne (J. P.) Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Latina — contd. Donus, Agatho, Damianus, Aman- dus, Mansuetus, Clofcarius III., CMldericus II., Dagobertus II., Theodoricus III., Diplomata eccles. selecta regum Langobardorum. 88, Yenantius, Defensor, Evautius, Arculfus, Adamnanus, Crisconius, Magister, Auonymi Eegula ad Virgines, Auonymi Sermo de x virginibus, Sloimmenta Eccles. sseculorum vii. et viii. quasi inter- media. 89. Octavi Steculi Scriptores. Sergius I., Joannes VI., VII., Aldhelmus, Constantinus Papa, Ceolfridus, Felix, Benedictus Crispus, Eg- bertns, Gregorius II., III., Villi- brordus, Bonifacius Moguntinus, Zacharias, Stephanus II., III., Pirminius, Cyprianus, Chrodegan- gus, Paulus I., Alanus, Ambrosius Cadurcensis, Sturmius, Ambrosius Autpertus. 90-95. Beda, Paulus Diaconus. 96. Cyricius, Hildefonsus, Loodegarius, Leo II. , Benedictus II. , Joannes V. , Julianus, Idalius, Felix, Lullus, Elipandus, Heterius, Racbio, Angelramnus, Wicbodus, Adriauus I. S;eculi VIII. auctores incerti : Isidorus, Abedoc, Ethelvolfus, Marcus Idrontinus, Petrus Archi- diaconus, Catulfus, Constans, Gar- nerius, Anonymi sseculi viii., Gesta Dagoberti, Gesta Regum Fran- corum, Cbronicon Episcoporum Metensium, Octavi sfeculi monu- menta ecc, Expositio Missse Ro- manaj, Pippini et Carolomanni Diplomata, etc. 97, 98. Carolus Magnus, Codex Caro- linus. 99. Paulinus, Poeta Saxo, Simpertus, Ludgerus, Josephus, Fardulfus, Dagulfus, Angilbertus, Laidradus, Amalarius, Theodorus, Capitula varia, Pcenitentiale, Canones se- lect!, Ascaricus, Tusaredus. 100, 101. Alcuinus, Amalarius, Adso. 102. Smaragdus, Acta Collationis Ro- mante, Chartse pro Monasterio S. ilichaelis, Magnus, Leo III., Stepbanus IV., Paschalis I., Re- migius. 103. Sedulius Scotus, Benedictus Abbas, Chartse Anianenses. 104. Agobardus, Eginhardus, Anuales Laurissenses, Claudius Taurinensis Ep., Ludovicus Pius. 105. Liber diurnus Rom. Pontificum, Tbeodulfus, Eigil. Bernowimus, Dungalus, Adalbardus, Cbartse Corbeienses, Ermoldus Nisellus, Eugenius 11. , Valentinus, Halit- garius, Jeremias, Ansegisus, Frede- gisus, Haiminius, Hildericus, Hetto, Jesse, Aldricus, Sympbosius Amalarius. 106. Hilduinus, Maxentius, Candidus, Dodana, Jonas, Ardo, Benedictus, Hildemarus, Lambertus, Tlieganus, Agnellus, Gregorius IV., Frotharius, Eldefonsus, Josepbus, Sergius II., Freculpbus, Columbanus, Christi- anus Drutbmarus, Aurelianus. 107-112. Rabanus Maurus. 113,114. Walafridus Strabus, Vita S. Leodegarii. 115. Abyto, Audradus, Aldricus, Ange- lomus, Leo IV., Benedictus III., Eulogius, Prudentius. 116-118. Ebbo, Hartmannus, Erman- ricus, Ercbambertus, Nitbardus, Amnio, Haymo, Anscbarius. 119. Florus Diaconus, Lupus, Con- cilium Vernense, Rodulpbus, Wal- terius, Rothadus, Nicolaus I. 120. Pascbasius Radbertus. 121. Ratramnus, Gottescbalcus, Lo- tharius, Guntharius, Tbeudoinus, Paulus Alvarus, Bernardus Mo- nachus, Wandalbertus, ^Eneas, He- rardus, Iso, Grimaldus, Milo, Remigius, Wulfadus, Adventius, Ratramni Epistola de cynoce- pbalis. 122. Joannes Scotus, Adrianus II. 123. 124. Ado, Vetus_Romanum Martyr- ologium, Usuardus, Carolus Calvus, Adrevaldus, Hincmarus Laudun- ensis, Isaacus Lingonensis, Ado Bellovacensis, Hericus. 125, 126. Hincmarus Rhemensis Archi- episcopus, Joannes VIII., Marinus I., Adrianus III., Bertarius, Har- motus, Rembertus, Aimoinus, Ratpertus. 127-129. Anastasius, Ercbembertus, Angilbertus, Berengaudus, Stepb- anus v., VI., Formosus, Romanus, Tutilo, Grimlaicus, Wolfardus, Ana- modus, Eutropius, Supplementum ad epistolas et diplomata Pontifi- cum Rom. qui currente sseculo nono floruere ; Supplementum ad scrip- tores eccles. : Smaragdus, Autbper- tus, Halduinus, Hebernus, Liud- bertus, Auxilius Francus, Sig- loareus, Gosbertus, Pseudo Liut- prandus ; Sseculi ix. auctores anonymi. 130. Isidorus Mercator, Marcus Va- lerius Probus, ^vi Carolini Car- mina. 131. Fulco, Riculfus, Mancio, Martini- auus, Joannes IX., Benedictus IV., 2 z '06 MIGNE Migne (J. P.) Patrologia' Cursus Completus. Series Latina — contd. Christophorus seclis afiostolicte in- vasor, Remigius, Sergius III., Not- kerus Balbulus, Hatto, Anastasius III. 132. Regino, Bertarius, Robertus Mc- tensis Ep., Radbodus, Trajecteusis, Salomon, Waldrammus, Odilo, Stephanus Leodiensis Ep., Her- vseus, Walterius, Radbodus Dolen- sis, Abbo, Dado, Agio, Cyprianus, Joannes X., XI., Leo VI., VII., Hucbaldus, Stephanus VII., VIII., Seulfus. 133. Odo Abbas, Cappidus, ]\Iarinus, Cosmas, Joannes Italus, Lauren- tius, Agapetus II., Odo Archiepis- copus, Rorico, Artbaldus, Odalri- cus, Sigehardus, Fridegodus, Joannes XII. 134. Atto, Adalgerus, Bruno, Leo VIIL, Wiboldus, Utho, Guillehnus Cabil- lonensis Monachus. 135. Flodoardus, Mathildis, Gunipoldus, Eraclius, Joannes XIII. , Udalri- cus, Benedictus VI. 1.36. Ratherius, Liutprandus, Folqui- nus, Gunzo, Richardus Abbas Floriacensis, Adalbertus. 187. Wigo, Helpericus, Bernerus, Ethel- woldus, Wolstanus, Widukindus, Joannes Abbas Meteusis, Odo Diaconus Ausciensis, Benedictus VII., Joannes XIV., XV., Theo- dericus Metensis, Gozo, Dunstanus, Adalbero, Folcuinus, Erkembaldus, Adso, Aymardus, Maiolus, Letal- dus, Guido 11. , Adalbertus, Grego- rius v., Hrotsuitha. 138. Richerus, Gerardus S. Medardi Decanus, Albuinus, Teraldus. Sseculi X. opera adespotica ; Monu- menta Diplomatica : Leges Al- fredi et Anglo-Saxonum Regum, Leges Presbyteroruni Northum- brensum, Francorum Regum Capi- tularia, Trium Ottonum Constitu- tiones ; Monumenta Liturgica ; ilonumenta Monastica. 139. Benedictus S. Andrese Monachus, Silvester II., Purchardus, Gos- pertus, Thietpaldus, Abbo, Annales Floriacenses, Albertus, Rorico, Aimoinus, Joannes Diaconus Vene- tus, Herigcrus, Notgerus, Thiet- marus, Britfertus, >?Elfricus, Joannes XVIII., Arnoldus, Sergius IV., Henricus Parmensis Ep., Bruno, Arnulfus, Constantiuus Abbas, Benedictus VIII. 140. Henricus Imperator, Thangmarus, Alpertus, Burchardus, Adelboldus, Romualdus. 141. Ademarus, Bernardus, Fulbertus, Guido Aretiuus, Dudo, Gauslinus, Adalbero, Guillelmus V. Dux Aqui- tauite, Guillelmus Abbas S. Ger- mani, Guillelmus Abbas S. Benigui, Robertus Rex, Meginfredus, Ar- noldus ex Comite, Aribo, Ebalus, Joannes XIX., Godehardus, Cath- wallonus, Froumundus, Eberhar- dus, Peringerus, EUiugerias, Udal- ricus, Godeschalkus, Ledwinus, Othelboldus, Benedictus IX., Heribertus, Emma Regina, Poppo, Angelrannus, Papias, Rotbertus, Garcias, Dominicus. 142. Bruno, Gregorius VI., Clemens II., Oliva, Rodulfus Glaber, Seifridus, Vaso, Odorannus, Odilo, Berno, Wippo, Helgaudus, Gerardus I., Hugo, Halinardus, Jordanus, Guido de Castellione, Anselmus Remeu- sis. 143. Hermannus Contractus, Leo IX., Victor II., Berengarius, Theuzo, Odo Monachus, Anselmus Canoni- cus Leodiensis, Drogo, Stephanus X., Gozechinus, Joannes Sabinen- sis Ep., Humbertus, Adelmannus, Nicolaus II., Hugo II., Bovo, Frol- landus, Widricus, Franco, Mau- rilius, Raimbaldus, Gervasius, Leo- degarius, Stephanus Cardinalis, Leo Atinensis Ep., Evesgotus, Arialdus, Herlembaldus, Anno. 144. 145. Petrus Damianus. 146. Othlonus, Adamus Canonicus Bremensis, Joannes Gualbertus, Gundecharus, Lambertus Hersfel- densis, Petrus !Malleacensis, Alex- ander II., Hugo Trecensis, Deo- duinus, Lietbertus, Rogerius, Guido Ambianensis Ep. 147. Joannes Abrincensis, Arnulfus, Theodericus, Bertholdus, Joannes Fiscamnensis, Bruno, Thomellus, Renallus, Marianus Scottus, Lan- dulphus, Geraldus, Folcardus, Eusebius Bruno, Gebuinus, Gual- terius, Alphauus, Guaiferius. 148. Gregorius VII., WibertusAntipapa, Vetera IMonunicuta contra Schis- maticos sive ^Monumenta Gregori- ana. 149. GestaPontificum Cameracensium, Godefredus, Samviel Marochianu.«, Osbernus, Bartholomieus, Ber- nardus, Anastasius, Anselmus Lu- censis, Ep., Udalricus, Willelmus Calculus, Victor III., Guillelmus Apulus, Gaufredus Malaterra, Wil- lelmus Conquestor, Durandus, Guitmundus, Ebrardus. 150. Lanfrancus, Bonizo, Guillelmus Metensis, Willhelmus Hirsaugien- MIGNE 70 Migne (J. P.) Patrolcgia? Carsus Coinpletus. Series hatma^contd. sis, Herimaunus, Theodericus, Guido Farfensis, Aribo, Henricus Pomposianus, Robertas de Tum- balena, Gerardus II.,Raynaldus I., Cotto, Fulco, Rogcrius Becccnsis, Gillebertus, Willelmus Clusieiisis, Durandus, Henimingiis, Radbodus II., Agano, Odalricus, Bernardus Lutevensis, Fulcoius, Ccnstantinws Africanus, Deusdedit, Willelmus Pictaviensis, Joannes de Garlandia, Rufinns. 151. Urbanus II. Sseculi xi. auctores : Valcandus, Gudinus, Wido, Ray- mundus, Alwalo, Ansellus, De musicis opusculis nionitum, Anony- mi, Monumenta Liturgica : Hym- norum CoUectio, Sacramentarium vetiis, IMicrologus ; INIouumenta Diplomatica Germanise, Anglise, Hungarise, &c., Appendix ad Specu- lum IX. : Angilbertus Pusteiia, Andreas Bergomas, Petrus Biblio- thecarius, Matbildis Regina, Joannes Smera, Formules in^dites publiees par E. de Roziere. 152, 15.3. Bruno, Guigo I., II., Ber- nardus Prior, Joannes Monachus, Stephanus de Cbalmeto, Hugo Lincolniensis, Statuta Antiqua Ordinis Carthusiani, Lambertus Cartbusiensis. 154. Hugo Flaviniacensis, Wolpbel- mus, Ekkebardus. 155. Goscelinus, Lupus, Bruno, Ber- nardus Toletanus, Manegaldus, Paulus Monacbus, Godefridus Bullonius, B. Idte vita, &c., Monu- menta de Bello Sacro, Radulpbus Ardens, Tbomas Eboracensis Ep., Ricbardus de Dumellis, Albericus Ostiensis, Sulcardus, Amatus, Poppo, Anselmus Mediolanensis Ep. 156. Guibertus. 157. Goffridus, Tbiofridus, Pibo, Su- avius, Folcardus, Adelgorius, Tbeo- doricus, Hugo Liigdunensis, Petrus Alpbonsi, Galterus ab Insulis, Wernerus, Robertus Molismensis, Matbildis Comitissa. 158. 159. Anselmus, Eadmerus, Gul- dulfus, Pbilippus Rex, Hugo Cluniacensis, Walramus, Gilbertus Lunicensis, Gislebertus Crispinus. 160. Sigebertus, Cbronicse Polonorum, Berengosus, Joannes Marsicanus, Odo Cameracensis, Walterus Cabi- lonensis, Radulfus Tortarius. 161, 162. Ivo, Lambertus Atribatensis, Franciscus Camenus, Galo, Gode- fridus Ambianensis, Reimbaldus, Cbronicon Bcnigni Divionensis, Joannes Besuensis, Petrus Chryso Ian us, Robertus de Arbrissello, Do- nationes Abbatise Fontis Ebraldi, Seherus, Joannes I\Ionacbus S. Audoeni, Anselmus Scbolasticus, Leo Marsicanus, Ricardus Cardi- nalis. 1G3. Pascbalis II., Gelasius II., Lauren- tius Veronensis, Placidus, Petrus de Honestis, Gregorius Presbyter, Tbeobaldus, Tbeogerus, Hugo de Sancta ^Maria, Lambertus Audo- marensis, Hugo de Cleriis, Guillel- mus de Campellis, Calixtus II., Radulfus Remensis, Conon, Ernul- fus, Arnaldus Senonensis, Pontius Abbas S. Rufi, Joannes Constant!- ensis, Radulfus Cantuariensis. 164, 165. Bruno, Oddo. 166. Cosmas, Albericus, Franco, Hugo- de Ribodimonte, Pontius Abbas Cluniacensis, Petrus Leonis et Gregorius, Joannes Micbaelensis, Gualterus Tarvanensis, Galbertus, Baldricus, Honorius II., Vivianus, Domnizo, Abbaudus, Bruno Argen- tinensis, Fridericus Coloniensis, Ricbardus Pratellensis, Stepbanus Abbas, Joannes Monacbus, Drogo, Hugo Gratianopolitanus. 167-170. Rupertus, Hermannus, Udas- - calcus, Munio, Hugo Portucalensis,, Gerardus Presbyter, Norbertus. 171. Hildebertus, Marbodus. 172. Honorius Augustodunensis, Ste- pbanus de Balgiaco, Gerardus Engolismensis, Odo Remensis, Adalbertus Moguntinus, Rainaldus, Oldegarius, Gaufridus Grossus. 173. Rodulpbus, Leo Marsicanus et Petrus Diaconus, Falco, Mattbeeus Cardinalis, Otto, Gualterus Clunia- censis, Gilo, Gaufridus Catalaun- ensis, Stepbanus Parisiensis, Lan- dulpbus Junior. 174. Godefridus Admontensis, HariuL fus, Monasterii Aldenburgensis. Cbronicon et Codex Diplomaticus,, Lisiardus. 175-177. Hugo de S. Victore. (Ap- pendix. De Bestiis, De csere- moniis ecclesiasticis et opera alia anonyma.) 178. Petrus Abeelardus, Hilarius et Berengarius. 179. Innocentius II., Anacletus Anti- papa, Benedictus Canonicus, Coeles- tinus II., Lucius II., Willelmus Malmesburiensis, Hugo Farsitus, Frowinus, Arnulfus. 180. Hermannus Abbas, Teulfus, Jo- annes Monacbus, Guillelmus Abbas, Algerus, Henricus Salteriensis, Eu- 2 z 2 708 MIG— MIG Migne (J. P.) Pati-ologite Cursus genius III., Ulgerius, Ogerius, Arnulfus de Boeriis. 181. Herveus, Hildebrandus Junior, Aimo et Petrus ]Monachus, Guido, Heribertus, Bartliolomfeus Cata- lauuensis, Bernardus Prior, Rain- ardus Abbas, Hugo INIasticonensis. 182-185. Bernardus Clara3 - Vallensis. (Gillebertus, Guigo, Guillelmus Abbas S. Theoderici, Gaudefridus, Aelredus, Ogerius, Guerricus, Odo de Diogilo, Joannes Eremita, Herbertus Turritanus, Opuscula anonima S. Bernardo tributa, Documents sur le sejour de S. Bernard ,en Flandres, par le E,. P. Pitra ; Etudes sur I'bistoire du XIII^ siecle. Recherches sur la part que I'ordre de Citeaux et le comte de Flandre prirent a la lutte de Boniface VIII. et de Philippe le Bel, par M. Kervyn de Lettenhove.) ISG. Zacharias Chrysopolitanus, Zacb- arias Episcopus, Robertus Pullus, Sugerius, Willelmus, Sandionysi- anus, Joslenus. 187. Gratianus. 188. Ordericus Vitalis, Guerricus, Atto, Anastasius IV., Anselmus Havel- bergensis, Gislebertus Porretanus, Hugo Metellus, Amedeus, Adrianus IV., Odo Abbas, Fastredus, Joannes Cirita, Theobaldus Cantuariensis, Gaufridus Abbas, Gilbert us de Hoilandia. 189. Petrus Cluniacensis, Statuta Cluniacensia, Robertus Retenensis, Wibaldus, Ernaldus. 190. Thomas Cantuariensis, Gilbertus Foliot, Herbertus de Boseham, Alanus. 191. 192. Petrus Lombardus, Magister Bandinus, Hugo Ambianensis. 193, 194. Garnerus, Gerhohus, Arno, Riliudis et Erradis, Joannes Dia- conus, Hugo Pictavinus, Isaac Abbas, Alcherus, Petrus de Roya. 195. Eckbertus, Elisabeth, Aelredus, Henricus Huntingdonensis, Odo de Deogilo, Bertrandus de Blances- fort, Wolbero. 196. Richardus a Sancto Victore, Gildu- inus, Achardus, Ervisius, Guarinus, Odo, Godefridus, Adamus, Josce- linus Turonensis, Henricus Saltz- burgensis, Hugo de Folieto, Hen- ricus Remensis, Hugo do Campo Florido, Nicolaus Clar;evallensis. Completus. Series Latiua — coiitd. 197. Hildegardis. 198. Adamus Prtemonstratensis, Gode- fridus Viterbiensis, Petrus Come- stor. 199. Joannes Sarisberiensis, Joannes Cornubiensis, Guichardus, Petrus Cardinalis, Rogerus Abbas, Gual- terus Prior. 200. Alexander III. 201. Arnulfus, Guillelmus Tyrensis, Lucius III., Alanus, Petrus Abbas, Aimericus et Terricus. 202. Joannes Belethus, Hugo Eterianus, Petrus Cellensis, Gilbertus Foliot, Robertus de Torinneio, Urbanus III., Gregorius VIII. 203. Philippus de Harveng. 204. Reinerus, Henricus de Castro Marsiaco, Balduinus Cantuari- ensis, Bonacursus, Bernardus Abbas, Henricus Septimellensis, Laborans, Laurentius de Leodio, Stephanus de jMureto, Stephanus de Liciaco, Petrus Bernardi, Guillelmus de Trehiuaco, Gerardus Itherii, Ermengaudus, Clemens III. 205. Petrus Cantor, Garnerius, Gau- fridus Subprior, ^Mauricius de Sulliaco, Odo Tullensis, Alexander Gemmeticensis, Geraldus Cadur- censis, Matthfeus Vindocinensis. 206. Thomas Cisterciensis Monachus Joannes Algrinus, Coelestinus III. 207. Petrus Blesensis. 208. 209. Martinus Legioneusis, Gual- terus de Castellione, Wilhelmus Abbas, Willelmus de Campania, Joannes de Belmeis, Hugo V., Balduinus Imperator, Elias de Coxida, Thomas de Radolio. 210. Alanus de Insulis. 211. Absalon, Stephanus Tornacensis, Adamus Abbas, Petrus Pictavien- sis, Guibertus Gemblacensis. 212. Petrus de Riga, /Egidius Parisien- sis, Odo de Soliaco, Guntherus, Helinandus. 213. Sicardus, Petrus Sarnensis. (Anonymi Sseculi xii. Tractatus adversus Judfeum, De diversis ordinibus, DialogTis de conflictu amoris dci et lingure dolosae, De poiuitentia, De conscientia, De stabilitate animac.) 214-217. Innocentius HI., Regula Or- dinis S. Spiritus de Saxia. 218-221. Indexes. • [Supplementary Series.] 4 torn. Parisiis, 1 841. 8°. 2001. b. l*-4*. Petrus Lombardus, Thomas Aquinas. Mignet (F. A. M.) Histoire de la Revolution frangaise. 2 torn. rarls, 18C1. 8". 2390. a. 4. MIG— MIL 709 Mignet (F. A. M.) History of the French llevolutioii. \Bn],n's Standard Lihranj.] London, 1856. 8°. 2504. f. 4. Mijatovic (C.) Constantine, the last Emperoi' of the Greeks, or the Conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, a.d. 1453. London, 1892. 8°. 2388. b. 14 Serbian Folk-lore. London, 1874. §". 2348. d. 10. Mikhelson (M. I.) Miirid;! 11 xo,i,)i'iiii ciobq, etc. a Jlnnejm/jpio, 1894. S^. 2348. f. 7. Miklosich (F.) Vergleichende Grammatik der slavischen Hprachen. 4Bde. Wlen, 1852-75. 8°. 2276. f. 1. Mila y Fontanals (M.) Poetes Catalans. [Soctete ponr Vetnde des langues romanes.] Montpellier, 1876. 8°. li. Ac. 9809/7. Milas (N.) Das Kirchenrecht der morgenlandischen Kirche. Zara, 1905. 8«. 2228. f. 8. Milford (L. S.) Haileybury College, past and present. London, 1909. 8°. ' 2234. cc. 23. Haileybmy Register, 18G2-1900. London, 1900. 4°. 2234. c. 13. Milinda. The Questions of King Milinda. Translated by T. W. R. Davids. 2 vol. [Sacred Books of the East. 35, 36.] Oxford, 1890, 94. 8°. ' 2006. f. Military Handbooks. Edited by Lt.-Col. C. B. Brackenbury. See Brackexbury (C. B.). Military Service Institution of the United States. Journal, Neiv York, 1879, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 4358. Mill (H. R.) Elementary Commercial Geography. [Pitt Press Series.] Camhridge, 1894. 8°. 2322. c. 45. The Siege of the South Pole. [Keltic. Story of Exploration.'] London, 1905. 8^. 2352. g. Mill (James) The History of British India. 9 vol. London, 1840-48. 8«. 2087. d. Mill (John) Diary, 1740-1803. [Scottish History Society. Publica- tions. 5.] Edinburgh, 1889. 8°. ' R. Ac. 8256. Mill (John Stuart) Auguste Comte and Positivism. [English and Foreign Philosophical Library.] London, 1882. 8". 2318. d. 13. Autobiography. London, 1873. 8°. 2408. e. 12. ■ Considerations on Representative Government. London, 1865. 8^. 2020. e. Early Essays. [Bohn^s Standard Library.] London, 1897. 8". 2504. k. 12. Essays on some unsettled questions of Political Economy. London, 1874. 8°. 2020. e. Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's Philosophy. London, 1865. 8«. 2023. a. 710 MIL— MIL Mill (John Stuart) On Liberty. London, i86^. 8». 2238. a. 20. Principles of Political Economv. 2 vol. London, 187 1. ^^. 2020. d. The Subjection of Women. London, i86g. 8°. 2234. b. 15. [Another edition.] Edited by S. Coit. London, 1906. 8°. 2236. a. 22. System of Logic. London, 188^. 8°. 2234. b. 17. Utilitarianism. London, 1864. 8°. 2236. c. 5. Millais (J. G.) Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vol. London, 1 904-05. fol. 2029. e. Millar (A. H.) History of Rob Roy. Dundet; i8S-j. 8^. 2407. b. 26. IVIillar (J. H.) Literary History of Scotland. [Library of Literary History.] London, 1903. 8". 2039. e. The Mid-Eighteenth Century. [Periods of European Literature.] London, 1902. 8". 2308. d. 7. Millar (W. J.) Latitude and Longitude. London, 1903. 8°. 2248. d. 7. Millares (A.) Historia general de las Islas Canarias. 10 torn. Las Palmas, 1893-95. ^°- 2386. b. 4. Miller (Edward) M.A., of Neic College, Oxford. Greek Testament Primer. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1888. 8°. 2320. b. 20. Miller (Edward) Mus. D. History and Antiquities of Doncaster. Boncaster, 1804. 40. 2367. c. 10. Miller (F.) Pictures in the Wallace Collection. London, 1902. 4*'. 2264. dd. 3. Miller (F. F.) 3Irs. Harriet Martineau. [Eminent Women Series.] London, 1884. 80. 2407. b. 19. Miller (H.) The Old Red Sandstone. Edinhnnjl,, 18^2. 8«. 2249. a. 4. My Schools and Schoolmasters. Edinhuryh, 1905. 8". 2408. d. 12. Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland. London, 1850. 8«. 2348. c 24. Miller (J. M.) and Durham (J. S.) The Martinique Horror. Philadelphia, 1902. 8^. 2249. e. 2. Miller (Joaquin) Songs of the Sierras and Sunlands. London, 1878. 8". 2292. d. 16. Miller (S. H.) and Skertchley (S. B. J.) The Fenland past and present. Wisbech, 1878. 8". 2368. cc. 2. Miller (Thomas) English LeJcfor at Gottingen University. Place Names in the J'^nglish Rede. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der gcrmanischen Volker. 78.] Strasshurg, 1896. 8«. 2338. h. 14. MIL— MIL 711 Miller (Thomas) Miscellaneous Writer. History of the Anglo-Saxons. [Bohns Illustrated Library.] London, 1856. 8°. 2502. d. 9. Miller (William) Botanist. Dictionaiy of English Names of Plants. London, 1884. 8«. 2029. c. Miller (William) M.A., 0.c»n. The Balkans. [Stor>i of the Nations. U.] London, 1896. 8". ' 2071. b. 44. Greek Life in town and country. London, 1905. 8^. 2360. c. 23. Mediieval Rome from Hildebrand to Clement viir. 1073-1600. [Story of the Nations. 57.] London, 1901. 8^ 2071. c. 57. Miller (William A.) Introduction to the study of Inorganic Chemistry. [Textboohs of Science.] London, 187 1. 8^. 2244. a. 18. Millet (G.) Recueil des inscriptions chretiennes du Mont Athos. By G. Millet, J. Pargoire and L. Petit. [Bibl. des Ecoles Franca ises d'Athenes, etc. 91.] Paris, 1904. 8°. R. Ac. 5206/2. Milligan (W.) The Book of Revelation. [Ex2JOsitor's Bible.] London, 1889. 8°. 2201. b. 5. Million (J. W.) State Aid to Railways in Missouri. [Chicago University Studies in Economics. 4.] Chicago, 1896. 8*^. R. Ac. 2691. d/4. Mills (A.) Colonial Constitutions. London, 1856. 8°. 2238 cc. 8. Mills (J.) Account Roll of the Priory of the Holy Trinity, Dublin. [Boi/. Soc. of Antiq. of Ireland. Extra Vol.] Dublin, 1891. 8°. R. Ac. 5785/2. Milman (H. H.) Annals of S. Paul's Cathedral. London, 1869. 8°. 2066. a. Handbook to St. Paul's Cathedral. London, 1879. 8^. 2261. d. 6. History of Christianity. 3 vol. London, 1867. 8*^. 2210. b. 1. History of Latin Christianity. 9 vol. London, 1864. 8*^. 2011. c. Milman (L.) Sir Christopher Wren. London, 1908. 8°. 2264. b. 17. Milne (J.) Earthquakes. [International Scientific Series.] London, 1893. 8^. 2324. b. 23. Seismology. [International Scientific Series.] London, i8g8. 8^. 2324. bb. 22. Milne (J. G.) Roman Egypt. [Petrie. History of Egifpt. 5.] London, 1900. 8°. ' 2378. b. 1. Milne (J. S.) Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman times. [Aberdeen University Studies. 26.] Aberdeen, 1907. 8°. R. Ac 1482. 712 MIL— MIL Milne-Edwards (H.) and Haime (J.) British Fossil Corals, [Pidacont 0( I rapliiral Society. Puhlicofidtis.^ London, 18^0-^^. 4". R. Ac. 3200. Milner (A.) Viscount MUner. England in Egypt. Loudon, 1904. 8°. 2386. a. 6. Milner (J.) History of Winchester. 2 vol. Winchester, 1 798-1 801. 4«. 2367. bb. 4. Milnes (R. M.) Baron Houghton. Monographs, personal and social. London, 1873. 8°. 2407. b. 31. Poetical Works. 2 vol. London, 1876. 8«. 2290. a. 7. Milsand (P.) Bibliographie bourguignonne. 2 vol. Dijon, 1885, 88. 8°. 2330. c. 8. Milton (J.) Poetical Works. 2 vol. [Bohi's Lllustrated Lihntri/.'] London, 1861. 8°. 2502. d. 10. Poetical Works. [Aid ine Edition.] 3 vol. London. 1866. 8". 2288. d. 9. Poetical Works. Edited by D. Masson. 3 vol. London, 1874. 80. 2041. e. [Another edition.] London, i^r^o. 8^. I 288. h. 1. The Cambridge Milton for Schools. Edited by A. W. Verity. lU vol. [Pitt Press Series.] Cambridge, 1891-99. 8°. 2322. cc. 17. English Poems. Edited by R. C. Browne. [Chucndon Press Series.] Oxford, 1870. 8^. 2320. e. 2. [Another edition.] 2 vol. Oxford, iS^/^. 8°. 2319. aa. 12. Prose Works. Edited by C. Symmons. 7 vol. London, i8o5. S^. 2041. e. Prose AVorks. Edited by .J. A. vSt. John. [Bohns Standard Library.] 5 vol. London, 184S. 8^. 2504. f. 5. L' Allegro. Edited by 0. Elton. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1893. 8°. 2319. aa. 2. Areopagitica. [Arber's English Bejjrints.] London, 1869. 4°. 2324. e. 1. (1.) Areopagitica. Edited by J. W. Hales. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1898. 8°. 2320. f. 13. Common-Place Book. Edited by A. J. Horwood. [Camden Society. 108.] London, 1876. 4°. R. Ac. 8113/108. Comus. Edited l)y O. Elton. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1893. 80. 2320. b. 46. Lycidas. Edited by O. ]*]lton. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1893. 8°. 2319. aa. 3. Paradise Lost. Book i. Edited by H. C. 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Montagu (Lady M. Wortley) Letters and ^^'ot•ks. Edited by Lord Wharnclifle. 2 vol. London, 1861. 8". 2410. e. 9. MON— MO^' 721 Montague (F. C.) History of England, 1 (303-1 GGO. [Politlcul lllstnrif of Eii. ' 2332. d. 7. E.ssais. [Edited by J. V. Le Clerc] [Chefs-iVeeuire de hi litteniiurefranraixc.] 4 torn. Paris, i86j-66. ' 8'\ 2332. e. 5. Essays. Translated by C. Cotton. 3 aoI. London, 1S77. 8". 2234. d. 8. Montalbo (L. de) Baron. l)izionario bibliogralico iconografico della Kepubblica di San Marino. Parigi, iS^^S. 4". 2400. li. 10. Montalembert (C. F. R. de) Count. The Conversiun of England. 3 vol. Edinburgh d- London, 1S6-. 8". 2210. e. 9. Life of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. London. 1904. 8*^. 2214. cc. 4. The Monks of the West, fi'oni St. Benedict to St. Bernard. G ^ol. London, 1895. 8°. 2208. b. 11. Montandon (M.) Gysis. [Knackfuss. Kiinsiler-Monographien. 59.] Leipzig, 1902. 8". " 2034. c. Segantini. [Knadcfnss. Kiinstler-Monix/raphlen. 7l'.j Lei])zig, 1904. 8°. " ' 2034. e. 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Berlin, 1SS3-S7. 4". JJB. G. e. 8. Mueller (Julius) The Christian Doctrine of Sin. 2 vol. [Clarh's Foreign Theological Lihran/. 35, 30.] Fdinhurgh. 1S6S. 8". 2007. a, b. Mueller (L.) Deremetrica poetarimi latimtruin. 7>/'/w/V(r, 1S6 i. S". 2274. f. 7. Mueller (W.) .Mittelhochdeutsches Wr.rterbuch. .". vol. Leipzig, 1854-6C. 8°. 2053, .-. MUE—MUL 733 Muelverstedt (G. A. von) Ausgestorbeiier Preussischer .Vdel. Ausgestorljeiier Mcckleuburgisclier und Anhaltisclier Adel. 7 vol. [Slebmachcr's Wappmhurh. lUl. vi., vii.] Niirnherg, 1 874-1 905. 4". 2097. c, d. Der bluheiide Adel des Kuuigr-eiclis Prcussen. o vol. \Sifb' macher's WappenhucJt. Bd. in. Abth. '_'.] Nurnherij, 1878-1905. 4". 2097. b. Muenzer (G.) Heiurich ]\[ar.schiier. [lierilhmtc Ma.^il-cr. J "_'.] Berlin, 190 1. S". 2268. bb. Muhammad Latif, Saiy'id. History of the Panirtl). Calcutta, 1891. 8". ' 2386. h. 6. Muir (J.) Metrical Translation.s from Sanskrit Writers. [^Truhner's Oriental Series.] London, 1879. S". 2318. li. 10. 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S". 2354. r. 11. Muratori (L. A.) Auti(|uitales Italicac Mcdii Ae^ i. 7 vnl. Mn]!,>]anl, 17^8-1885. f(.l. Circ. 16. 1). Lituri;i;i Ki>iiiaiia Vetus. 2 vol. Venclii.^, 174b. fol. 2011. ,1^'. ■ llerum Italicaruiii Scriptofos ab anno HOG ad 1500. -•") vol. Medlolanl, 172^,-51. fol. Ciiv. 14-15. b. l\ei'nm Italicaruui Scriptores ab anno KldO nd HiUO. ."! vol. FlorcHiiae, 1748-1 S85. fol. Circ. 15. 1). Murav'ev (A. N.) History of the Chinch of KiiNsia. (Kcfonl, 1842. S". ' 2012. d. Murchison (*S7/- R. I.) The Silurian Sy.sleju. l! pt. LoikIou, 1839. 4". 2029. r. Murdin (W.) State Papers. See Ckcil (W.) B<(r<>ii Biirhi(ili. 2089. ,-. Mure (W.) "/' Cdhlicrll. Selection from the Faniily Paper.s at Caldwell. " 1' vol. [MuitlaiKl t'Inh. 71.| Gla.^ifow, iS^A. 4". 'R. Ac. 8253/71. Mure {Sir W.) cf Boicallcn. Woi'ks. •_' vol. \Sr<,lt!s]i Tr.d Sorlrfij.] Faedic l*>nglish-Geriuan mid Cernian-Eni,dish Dictionar\ . 1 vol. Berlin, 1891-1900. 8". Circ. 72. e. [Another edition.] -l vol. Brrii ,1, \'jOO. S". 2053. il. Muret (M. A.) Scripta selecta. l' vol. \Tfiilni('r Srrivs.\ L<'!pz!rlj'<>li<' Mnimi/nijilis. ."iCi.] Lwahti, 1898. 8°. * IJ. i'.J'. 1931. pcd. Handbook of Greek Arrd, 1884, etc. 4«. Circ. 69. c. Murray (James Erskine) Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy. London, 1909. 8«. 2246. d. 16. Murray (John) Publisher. Handljooks. London, 1864, etc. S°. 2364. a. IG. South Germany. 17. Worcester and Hereford. 18. Greece. lU. Holland and Belgium. 20. Central Italy. 21. Northern Italy. 22. Southern Italy. 23. Japan. 24. Kent. 2.5. English Lakes. 2G. Lancashire. 27. Lincolnshire. 28. Gloucestershire. 29. Warwickshire. .30. Somerset. 31. Buckinghamshire. 2364. 1). 11. Shropsliire and Cheshire. 12. Sicily. 13. Spain. 2 pt. 14. Surrey. 15. Sussex. IG. Sweden. 17. Switzerland. 18. Turkey in Asia. 19. Syria and Palestine. 20. North Wales. 3 B 1. Algeria. 2. Bengal. 3. Berkshire. 4. Bombay. 5. Cornwall. G. Corsica. 7. Denmark. 8. Derby, Notts, Leicester and Staf- ford. 9. Devon. 10. Durham and Nortlmmbcrlaud. 11. Egypt. 12. England and Wales. 13. Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cam- bridgeshire. 14. France. 3 pt. 15. North Germany. 1. London. 2. jMadras. 3. ]\Iediterranean. 4. Northamptonshire and Hutland. 5. Norway. G. Punjab. 7. Paris. 8. Portugal. 9. Rome. 10. Scotland. 738 MUR— MUS Murray (John) Pnhlisher. Handbooks — continued. 21. South Wales. i 28. Russia. 22. Wilts and Dorset. \ 29. New Zealand. 23. Yorkshire. j 30. Oxfordshire. 24. India. ■ 31. Herts., Beds, and Hunts. 25. Riviera. 32. Asia IMiuor. 26. Constantinople. 33. Hampshire. 27. Ireland. 34. Isle of Wight. Murray's Illu.strated Bible Dictionary. See Piercy (W. C.) Murray {Sir Jolan) and Peake (R. E.) The Floor of the North Atlantic. [Royal Geogra^jliical Soriefi/.'\ London, 1904. 8°. R. Ac. 6170,15. Murray (K. M.) Marchioness of TuUihardine. Military History of Perthshire, 16G0-1902. 2 vol. Perth, 1908. 4". ' 2248. li. 4. Murray (L.) English Grammar. 2 vol. London, 1853. 8°. 2052. a. Musaeus (J. C. A.) Volksmarchen der Deutschen. Altona, 1 87 1. 8°. 2348. e. 6. Musee des Archives Nationales, Paris. See Paris. — Musee des ArcJi ires Nation ales . Musee Monetaire, Paris. See Paris. — Musee Monetaire. Museo Dramatico Ilustrado. Coleccion de Comedias escogidas escritas por los principales autores antiguos y modernos, nacionales y estrangeros. 2 torn. Barcelona, 1863, 64. 4°. 2298. i. 2. Muses' Library. First series. 20 vol. London, 1891-98. 8". 2290. b. 1, 2. Herbick : Edited by A. W. Pol- lard. 2 vol. 3, 4. Maevell : Edited by G. A. Aitken. 11,12. Drummond: Edited bv W. C. Ward. 2 vol. 13, 14. Donne : Edited by E. K. 2 vol. ! Chambers. 2 vol. 5. Blake : Edited by W. B. Yeats. 6, 7. Gay: Edited by J. Underbill. 2 vol. 8. Waller : Edited by G. T. Drury. 9,10. Browne: Edited by G. Goodwin. 2 vol. 15, IG. Keats : Edited by R. Bridges. 2 vol. 17, 18. Vaughan : Edited by E. K. Chambers. 2 vol. 19. Coleridge : Edited by R. Garnett. 20. Carew : Edited by A. Vincent. 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Le Mistere du Viel Testament. [Socieie des anciens textes fran(;ais.] 6 vol. Paris, 1878-91. 8«. R. Ac. 9811/9. Mythographi Graeci. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, iS()^, etc. 8". 2047. a, etc. N. Naake (J. T.) Slavonic Fairy Tales. Collected and translated by J. T. Naake. London, 1874. 80. 2348. b. 4. Nabbes (T.) Works. 2 vol. [Bidlen's Old English Plays, ser. 2.] London, 1887. 8°- 2302. e. 2. Nagel (J. D.) Nervous and Mental Diseases. [3Iedical Epitome Series.] London, 1905. S*'. 2256. a. 3 B 2 740 NAG— NAP Nagel (W.) Annalen der englischen Hofmusik, 1509-1649. [GeHell- i2/V/, 1S72-85. S". 2031. e. • Die Monogrammisten, und diejenigen Klinstler aller Schulen wek-he sich eines Zeichens bedient haben. 5 vol. MilncJien, 1858-79. 8°. 2031. e. Nalson (J.) Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State, 1039-49. 2 vol. London, 1682-83. fol. 2082. e. Namur (P.) Bibliographie academique beige. Liege, 1838. 8°. 2037. d. Bibliographie des ouvrages publics sous le noni d'Ana. BruxcUes, 1839. 8^. BB. G. c. 3. Nani MocenigO (F.) Delia letteratura veneziana del secolo xix. Venezia, 1901. 8«. 2312. a. 1. Nansen (F.) Farthest North. 2 vol. Westminster, 1897. 8''. 2370. f. 12. The First Crossing of Greenland. 2 vol. London, 1890. 8°. 2370 e. 2. Norway and the Union with Sweden. London, 1905. 8''. 2392. a. 2. Napier (A. S.) History of the Holy Rood-Tree. [Early English Text Surivtij.] London, 1894. 8^. R. Ac. 9925/77. Napier (James) Folk Lore : or superstitious beliefs in the "West of Scotland within this century. Paisleij, 1879. S°. 2348. f. 9. Napier (John) De Ai*te Logistica. [Bannatyne Chih. 62.] Edinhurgh, 1839. 4°. R. Ac. 8248/62. Napier (M.) Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose. 2 vol. Edinhurgh, iS^6. 8". 2406. d. 8. Memorials and Letters illustrative of the life and times of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee. 3 vol. Edinhurgh, 1859-62. 8°. 2406. d. 9. Napier (Sir W. F. P.) History of General Sir Charles Napier's Aihninistration of Scinde and Campaign in the Cutchee Hills. London, 1851. 8". 2386. e. 8. History of the War in the Peninsula, from 1807 to 1814. 6 vol. London, 185 1. 8«. 2084. a. Life and Opinions of General Sir C. J. Napier. 4 vol. Loudon, 1857. 80. 2406. 1>. 11. Napoleon I., Kiupemr of the French. CEuvres. Paris, 1840. 8°. 2332. c. 12. 2410. L :•• 4. 2228. aa. 24. 2264. d. 10. [Societe des NAP— NAT 741 Napoleon I., Emperor of the French. Lettres inedites, 1809-15. 2 torn. Paris, 1897. " 8°. 2410. d. 8. Selection from the Letters and Despatches of the First Napoleon. With notes by Capt. the Hon. D. A. Bingham. 3 vol. London, 1884. 8^. Naquet (A.) La Loi du Divorce. Paris, 1903. 8°. Naquet (F.) Fragonard. [Miintz. Artistes celehres.] Paris, 1890. 8*^. Narbonnais. Les Narbonnais. Chanson de geste. anciens textes fram^ais.'] 2 vol. Par/s, 1898. 8^. R. Ac. 9811/43. Nares {Sir G. S.) Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea, 1875-6, in H.M. Ships ' Alert ' and ' Discovery.' 2 vol. London, 1878. S*'. 2370. e. 3. Nares (R.) Glossary of Words and Phrases in English authors particularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries. London, 1905. 8°. 2052. b. Nash (D. W.) Taliesin ; or, the Bards and Druids of Britain. A translation of the remains of the earliest Welsh Bards. London, 1858. 8°. 2288. g. 7. Nash (J.) Mansions of England in the Olden Time. [Studio. Special Number.] London, 1906. 8^. R. P.P. 1931. pcu. Nash (Thomas) Have with you to Saffron- Walden. Edited by J. P. Collier. London, 1870. 4^. 2326, c. 10. (1.) ■ Pierce Penniless's Supj)lication to the Devil. Edited by J. P. Collier. London, 1870. 40. 2326. c. 9. (1.) Strange Newes of the intercepting certaine Letters and a Convoy of Verses. Edited by J. P. Collier. London, 1870. 4". 2326. c. 8. (2.) Nash (Treadway R.) History and Antiquities of Worcestershire. 2 vol. London, 1781-99. fol. 2063. f. Nasmyth (J.) Autobiography. Edited by S. Smiles. London, 1885. 8^. 2407. b. 30. Nasmyth (J.) and Carpenter (J.) The Moon. London, 1903. 8°. 2242. b. 29. Nassau, Duchy of. Versuch einer nassauischen Geschichts-Biblio- thek. Hadamar, 1799. 8°. BB. M. b. 8. Nathan (M.) Common Law of South Africa. 4 vol. Grahamstoion, 1904-07. 8°. 2230. d. 9. Nation. New York, 1865, efc. 4°. R. P.P. 6392. e. National Gallery, London. Descriptive and historical Catalogue of the Pictures. British School. London, 1909. 8°. 2266. a. 24. Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures. Foreign Schools. London, 1906. 8^. 2266. a. 16. 742 NAT— NAU National Gallery, London. Catalogue of the Eastlake Library. Loiuhni, 1872. fol. BB. G. e. 20. National Gallery of British Art, London. Catalogue. Lnudnn, 190S. 8°. 2266. a. 23. National Liberal Club. — Gladstone Lihranj. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets. London, 1908. 8°. Cu'c. 88. a. National Portrait Gallery, London. Historical and descriptive Catalogue. London, 1907. .^". 2264. aa. 17. Naturae Novitates. BerUn, 1879, etc. 8°. K. P.P. 6513. 1. Natural History Museum, London. See British Museum, Xatural History. Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. See Noktiiumbekland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Natural History Society. Naturalist. London, 1865, etc. 8°. K. Ac. 3016. Nature. London, 1870, etc. 8". R. P.P. 2011. e. A: 2021. e-g. Nature Notes. London, 1890, etc. 8". R. Ac. 3017. e. Nature Series. London, 1S73-1901. 8°. 2244. b. Allex : Colours of Flowers. Ball : Use and Disuse. Bernard : The Apodidfe. Chisholm : Weighing and Measuring. Clifford : Seeing and Thinking. Darwin : ^Memorial Notices. Lodge : Electricity. Lubbock: British Wild Flowers. Lubbock : Insects. Lubbock : Flowers, Fruit and Leaves. Mayer : Sound. Mayer and Barnard : Light. De Varigny: Experimental Evolution. 1 Meldola : Chemistry of Photography. Flower : Fashion in Deformity. i Mendenhall : Electricity. Forbes : The Transit of Venus. [ Mivart : The Frog. Gladstone and Tribe : Secondary \ Rodwell : Chemistry. Batteries. 1 Romanes : Evolution. Kelvin : Lectures and Addresses. I Spottiswoode : Polarisation of Light. 3 vol. I Ward : Disease in Plants. Kempe : How to draw a Straight Line. Ward : Timher. Lankester : Degeneration. j Wilson : Left-handedness. Lockyer : Spectroscope. I Nauck (A.) Tragicorum Graecoruin fragnienta. Leq>zl(/, 1889. 8*^. 2045. d. Tragicae Dictionis Index, spectans ad Tragicorum Graecoruni fragmeuta. ,S^/. Petersburg, 1892. 8°. " 2047. h. Naumann (C. F.) Elemente der Mineralogie. Leijjzig, iQ8^. 8*^. 2030. d. Naumann (E.) Wolfgang Mozait. [Sammlung nnislliallscher Vor- tnnjr. ser. 1. no. 6.] Leipzig, 1879. 8°. ' 2268. l)b. 4. Naunton (Sir R.) Fragmenta Regalia. [English Be2)riuts.] Lnudon, 1870. 40. 2324. e. 5. (1.) Naunyn (B.) Cholelithiasis. [New Si/di-nhom Society.] London, iSjC. 8". ' R. Ac. 3838 65. Nautical Almanac. [Current issue.] London. 8". Circ. 67. 1). Nautical Magazine. London, 1832, etc. 8". R. P.P. 4029. b. .V- 2110. g. NAV— NEA 743 Naval and Military Journal. See United Service Magazine. Navarrete (P. Fernandez) See Fernandez Navahrete. Navy List. [Current issue.] London. 8°. Circ. 69. b. Navy Records Society. Publications. London, 1894, etc. 8^. R. Ac. 8109. 1, 2. Defeat of the Spanish Armada. 3. Letters of Lord Hood. 4. Index to James's Naval History. 5. Life of Capt. Stephen ilartiu. 6. Journal of Rear-Admiral James. 7. Hollond's Discourses of the Navy. 8. Naval Accounts and Inventories in the reign of Henry VIII. 9. Journal of Sir George liooke. 22, 23. Naval Tracts of Sir W. :\Ionson. vol. 1, 2. 25. Nelson and the Neapolitan Jaco- bins. 26, 27, 36. Naval MSS. in the Pepysian Library. 3 vol. 28. Correspondence of Admiral John Maikham. 29. Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816. 10. War with France, 1512-13. 1 31. Recollections of Commander J. A. 11. Spanish War, 1585-87. j Gardner, 1775-1814. 12,19,24. Journals and Letters of Sir J 32. Letters and Papers of Lord Barham, T. B. Martin. 3 vol. 13, 17, 30. First Dutch War. 3 vol. 14, 21. Blockade of Brest. 2 vol. 15, Russian fleet under Peter the Great. 16, 18. Logs of the great Sea-fights, 1794-1805. 2 vol. 20. Naval Miscellany, vol. 1. 1758-1813. vol. 1. 33. Naval Songs and Ballads. 34. Note on Drawings illustrating the Battle of Sole Bay and the Battle of the Texel. 35. Signals and Instructions, 1776- 1794. Naylor (W.) Trades Waste : its treatment and utilisation. London, 1902. 8«. 2270. bb. 7. Neal (D.) History of the Puritans. 5 vol. London, 1822. 8°. 2011. b. Neale (J. M.) Commentary on the Psalms. 4 vol. London, 1860-74. 8°- ^^^^- '''• ■ Essays on Liturgiology and Church History. London, 1867. 8^. 2202. b. 20. History of the Eastern Church. 4 vol. London, 1847-73. 8*^. 2011. b. ■ ■ History of the so-called Jansenist Church of Holland. Oxford, 1858. 8". 2212. I). 3. Neale (J. P.) A^iews of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 6 vol. London, 1S18-23. 4°. 2061. d. Second series. 5 vol. London, 1824-29. 4". 2061. d. Neale (J. P.) and Brayley (E. W.) History of Westminster Abbey. ■2 vol. London, 18 18, 23. fol. 2034. e. Neale (R.) Medical Digest. [New Sydenham Societi/.] London, 1877. 8°. R. Ac. 3838/32. [Another edition.] 3 vol. London, 1891-99. 8°. BB. C. c. 11. Neander (J. A. W.) History of the Christian Religion and Church, 9 vol. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library. 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 24, 25, 33.] Edinburgh, 1847-55. 80. 2007. a, b. [Another edition.] 9 vol. [Bohn's Standard Llbrarij.] London, 1850-58. 80. " 2504. f. 8. 744 NEA— NES Neander (J. A. W.) History of the Planting of the Christian Cliurch by the Apostles. 2 vol. [Bohn's Standard Librari/.^ London, 185 1. 8°. 2504. f. 11. Lectures on the History of Christian Dogmas. [Bnlin\s Standard Llbrari/.] 2 vol. London, 1858. B^. ' 2504. f. 9. Life of Jesus Christ. [Bohn^s Standard Lihrarif.'] London, 185 1. 8«. ' 2504. f. 10. Memorials of Christian Life in the early and middle ages. [Bohn's Standard Libra r I/.] London, iS^2. 8°. 2504. f^ 7. Neatby (W. B.) History of the Plymouth Brethren. London, 1902. 8°. 2212. aa. 6. Nebocat (I.) Estniseh-deutsches Worterbuch. Biga, i88g. 8*^'. 2276. d. 12. Neckam (A.) De Naturis Rerum libri duo. With the poem De Laudibus Divinfe Sapienti^e. Edited by T. Wright. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, iS6^. 8°. 2073.(34.) Neffgen (H.) Grammatik der .samoanischen Sj^rache. [Kunst der Pohjglottie.] Wien, 1904. 8". 2272. a. 79. Negri (G.) Julian the Apostate. 2 vol. Limdun, 1903. 8". 2404. d. 5. Neill (E. D.) The English Colonization of America during the seven- teenth century. London, 1871. 8". 2398. f. 6. Neilson (R. M.) The Steam Turbine. London, 1903. 8". 2246. g. 4. Neitzel (O.) Camille Saint-SaiJns. [Beriihude Musiher. 6.] Berlin, 1899. 8". 2268. bb. Nelson (J.) History, Topography, and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Mary, Lslington. London, 181 1. 4°. 2065. c. Nemesianus (M. A. O.) Carmina quae supersunt. [Teiibner Series. Foetae Latini 3Iinores. 3.] Lijjsiae, 1S81. 8'\ 20^1. r, etc. Nemnich (P. A.) Allgemeines Polyglotten-Lexicon der Xatur- Geschichte. 8 Lief. Hamburg, 1793-98. 4*^. 2028. e. Nennius, Abbot of Bangor. Historia Britonura. [Berum AngJicannn Scriptores Veteres. 3.] Oxoniae, 1691. fol. 2072. f. ■ Historia Britonum. Recensuit J. Stevenson. [English Historical Society.'] London, 1838. 8". 2072. c. • History f)f the Britons. [Beis. 5.] London, 1908. 4°. " R. P.P. 1931. pcx. 746 NEV— NEW Neville (M.) Earl of Westmoreland. Poems. [Grosart. Occaslonol Issues.] London, 1879. 4«. 2326. g. 10. (1.) Neville (R.) Garden Cities. [3Iancltester Univer.siti/ Lectures. 1.] Manchester, 1904. 8°. ' R. Ac. 2671/4. New England Historic-Genealogical Society. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Boston, 1847, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 5942. • Proceedings of the Society. Boston, iS~ i, etc. 8". R. Ac. 5942/5. Memorial Biographies. Boston, 1880, etc. 8". R. Ac. 5942/9. New Gallery Notes. London, 1888-95. 8°. 2264. a. 4. New Library of Medicine. London, iCjo6, etc. 8*^. 2256. d. Cavakagh : The Care of the Body. Newsholme : Prevention of Tuber- Childe : The Control of a Scourge. ! culosis. Clouston : Hygiene of Mind. j Oliver : Diseases of Occupation. GoEST : The Children of the Nation. I Sainsbury : Drugs. Kelynack : The Drink Problem. Schofield : Functional Nerve Diseases. Newman : Infant Mortality. New Library of Music. London, 1907, etc. 8". 2266. cc. 1. Newman : Hugo Wolf. 2. Streatfeild : Handel. New Palaeographical Society. Reports. London, 1903, etc. S°. R. Ac. 5605. New Park Street Pulpit. London, 1856-62. 8". Continued as : Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit. London, 1S62, etc 8". R. P.P. 790. ga. New Peerage of England, Scotland and Ireland. 3 vol. LiOuJon, 1778. 8". 2101. a. New Shakespeare Society. See SnAKf:sPKARE Society. New South Wales Post Office Directory. [Current issue.] Dunedui. 8". Circ. 70. b. New Spalding Club. Sec Spalding Club. New Sporting Magazine. London, 1831-70. 8". R. P.P. 1832. b. New Sydenham Society. See Sydenham Society. New York. — Astar Lihrani. Catalogue. 9 vol. New York, 1857-88. 8". Circ. 89. b. Coliunhia College. See Columbia Collecjk. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Neiv York, 1870, etc. 8". R. Ac. 5944. New Zealand Official Year-Book. [Current issue.] WrlUnyfim, N.Z. 8". Circ. 70. a. Newbigging (T.) Handbook for Gas Engineers and .Alanaifers. London, 1904. 8". 2246. b. 2. NEW— NEW 747 Newbolt (W. C. E.) Consolidation. [Alcidn Cluh Tracts. 2.] London, 1897. 8°. R. Ac. 2066. Newbury. History and Antiquities of Newbury. Si>cenhamJ(in,J, 1839. 8". " 2368. bb. 15. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. — Puhlic Lihrartj. Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1900. 8". BB. G. e. 13. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Society of Antiquaries. Archaeologia yEliana. Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Anti^iuity. Newcastle-iqjon-Tym, 1856, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 5675. Proceedings, 1855-57. Gateshead, 1858. 8". R. Ac. 5675/2. ■ New sei-ies, 1885, etc. South Shields, 1887, etc. S'\ R. Ac. 5675/2. Newcomb (S.) Compendium of Spherical Astronomy. Neio York, 1906. 8". 2022. a. ■ The Stars. [Progressive Science Series.! London, 1901. 8". 2244. e. Newcome (H.) Autobiography. [Chetham Societij. PnhUcnUons. 26, 27.] Manchester, 1852. 4". R. Ac. 8120. Diary, 1661-1663. [Chetham Society. Publications. 18.] Manchester, 1849. 4" R. Ac. 8120. Newcourt (R.) Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense. 2 vol. London, 1708, 10. fol. 2064 e. Newell (E. J.) History of the Welsh Church to the Dissolution of the Monasteries. London, 1895. 8°. 2210. cc. 15. Llandaff. [Diocesan Histories.^ London, 1902. 8°. 2210. a. 10. Newlands (J. A. R.) and (B. E. R.) Sugar. London, 1909. 8°. 2254. g. 19. Newman (A. H.) History of the Baptist Churches in the United States. [American Church Histori/ Series. 2.] NeiD York, 1894. 8°. ' 2212. aa. 8. Newman (Edward) Dictionary of British Birds. London, 1 88 1. 8°. 2250. d. 14. Newman (Ernest) Hugo Wolf. [New Library of Music. 1.] London, 1907. 8". ' 2266. cc. New Library of Music. Edited ))y E. Newman. See New Library op Music. Newman (F. W.) Dictionary of Modern Arabic. London, 1 87 1. 80. 2272. c. 13. Libyan Vocabulary. London, 1882. 8". 2272. c. 7. Newman (G.) Bacteria. [Progressive Science Scries.] London, 1900. 8°. 2244. e. Bacteriology and the Public Health. London, 1904. i"^"^. 2255. d. 2. Infant Mortality. [Neiv Library of Medicine.] London, 1906. 8°. 2256. d. 748 NEWMAN Newman (J. C. H.) What to know for the "0" Examination. [MlJitarii Handbooks. 15.] London, 1907. 8°. 2248. a. 28. Newman (J. H.) Cardinal. Apologia Pro Vita Sua. London, 1873. 8^. 2204. aa. 6. The Avians of the Fourth Century. London, 1876. 8°. 2208. aa. 6. Certain Difficulties felt by Anglicaus in Catholic Teaching. London, 1876. 8«. ' 2204'. aa. 9. The Church of the Fathers. London, 1868. 8°. 2208. a. 2. Discourse.s addressed to mixed congregations. London, 1881. 8«. 2204. aa. 14. Discussions and Arguments on Various Subjects. London, 1S72. 8". 2204. aa. 2. Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. London, 1878. 8«. 2204. aa. 13. Essays, critical and historical. 2 vol. London, 1872. 8*^. 2204. aa. 3. Fifteen Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. London, 1884. 8«. 2204. aa. 18. Grammar of Assent. London, 1881. 8°. 2204. aa. 19. Historical Sketches. 3 vol. London, 1872-73. 8°. 2204. aa. 5. Lectures on the Doctrine of Justification. London, 1SS5. 8". 2204. aa. 11. Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England. London, 1880. 8^. 2204. aa. 12. Letters and Correspondence during his life in the English Church. 2 vol. London, 1891. 8°. " 2410. d. 5. Miscellanies. London, 1870. 8°. 2204. aa. 10. • Parochial and Plain Sermons. 8 vol. London, 1882. 8*^. 2204. aa. 16. Sermons bearing on subjects of the day. London, 188=5. 8"- 2204. aa. 17. Sermons preached on various occasions. London, 1881. 8". 2204. aa. 15. Tract xc. With a liistorical preface by E. B. Pusey, and Catholic Subscription to the .xxxi.x Articles considered by J. Keble. Oxford, 1S6G. 8°. 2204 b. 8. Tracts, theological and ecclesiastical. London, 1874. 8"- 2204. a. 7. Two Essays on Scripture Miracles and on Ecclesiastical. London, 1870. 8°. 2204. aa. 1. Verses on various occasions. London, 1880. 8°. 2292. f. 16. NEW— NIC 749 Newman (J. H.) Cardinal. The Via Media of the AngUean Church. 2 vol London, 1877. 8°. ' 2204. aa. 4. Newman (S.) English and Hebrew Lexicon. London, 1832. S°. 2057. 1). Newmarch (R.) Life of Tchaikovsky. London, 1906. 8°. 2268. 1). 2. Newminster Abbey. Chartularium. [Surtees Society. Piihlirations. G6.] Durham, 1878. 8°. R. Ac. 8045/54. Newsholme (A.) Elements of Vital Statistics. London, 1899. 8°. 2240. b. 5. Prevention of Tuberculosis. [New Library of 3Iedicme.'\ London, 1908. 8°. 2256. d. Newspaper Press Directory. [Current issue.] London. 8*^. Circ. 92. a. Newstead (R.) Monograph of the Coccidje of the British Lsles. [Bay Society.] 2 vol. London, 1901, 03. 8^. 2027. g. Newton (A.) and Gadow (H.) Dictionary of Birds. 4 vol. London, 1893-96. 8°. 2027. c. Newton (E. P.) Panjabe Grammar. Ludhiana, 1898. 8". 2056. b. Nibelungen. Das Nibelungenlied. Herausgegeben von K. Bartsch. [Deutsche Glassilcer des Mittelalters. 3.] Leipzig, 1866. 8*^. 2286. b. 9. Der Nibelunge Not und Diu Klage. Hei*ausgegeben von A. J. Vollmer. [Dichtungen des deutschen 3Iittelalters. 1.] Leipzig, 1S43. 8°. 2286. d. 1. Der Nibelunge Not. Mit Uebersetzung herausgegeben von L. Braunfels. Frankfurt a. M., 18^6. 8°. 2286. b. 8. Der Nibelunge Not. Mit den Abweichungen von der Nibelungen Liet und einem Worterbuche von K. Bartsch. 2 Thle. Leipzig, 1870, 80. 8". 2042. g. Diu Klage. Herausgegeben von K. Bartsch. Leipzig, 1875. S^. 2042. g. Lay of the Nibelungs. Translated by A. Horton. 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History of the Scotch Poor Law. London, iS<^6. 8°. 2020. d. Nicholls (J. F.) and Taylor (J.) Bristol past and present. 3 vol. Bristol, 1 88 1, 82. 4". 2368. d. 1. Nicholls (J. H. K.) The King Country : explorations in New Zealand. London, 1884. 80. 2374. d. 12. Nichols (C. L.) Bibliography of Worcester, Mass., 1775-1848. Worcester, Mass., 1899. 8"°. BB. K. b. 3. Nichols (J.) Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica. See Bibliotiieca TopoGRAPHicA Britannica. 2061. c. • Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. 9 vol. [Indexes in vol. 7.] London, 1812-1^. 8°. 2039. c. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteentli Century. S vol. London, i8i--'^Q. 8«. 2039. c. ■ Illustrations of the manners and expences of antient times in England. London, 1797. 4«. 2082. d. Progresses, Processions, etc., of Queen Elizabeth. 3 vol. London, 1821-23. 40. 2081. h. NIC— NIC 751 Nichols (J.) Progresses, Processions, etc., of James i. 4 vol. Lomhm, 1S2S. 40. 2081. li. Nichols (J. B.) Catalogue of the Hoare Library at Stourliead, Wilts. Lo,„Jon, 1840. 8". BB. K. c 7. Nichols (J. G.) Autographs of royal, noble, learned, and remark- able per.sonages f rom Richard il. to Charles 11. London, 1829. fol. 2092. g. Chronicle of Queen Jane and of two years of Queen Mary. [Camden Society. 48.] London, i^'^o. 4°. R. Ac. 8113/48. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. [Edited by J. G. Nichols.] 8 vol. London, 1834-43. S^. 2062. b. The Topographer and Genealogist. [Sequel to the above.] 3 vol. London, 1846-58. 8^. 2062. b. Crown Grants during the reign of Edward v. [Camden Sactcfi/. 58.] London, 1854. 4°. R. Ac. 8113/58. ■ Descriptive Catalogue of the works of the Camden Society. [Camden Soeieti/. 76.] London, 1S62. 4°. R. Ac. 8113/76. [Another edition.] London, 1872. 4^. 2083. g. The Unton Inventories I'elating to Wadley and Faringdon, 1596 and 1620. [BerJcshire Ashmolean Society. Piihlications. 2.] London, 1841. 4°. R. Ac. 8160. Nichols (R. S.) English Pleasure Gardens. New Yorl; 1902. S". 2254. h. 7. Nicholson (G.) The Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening. 4 vol. London, 18S5-89. 4°. 2029. d. Supplement. 2 vol. London, 1900, 01. 4°. 2029. d. Nicholson (H. A.) British Stromatoporoids. [Palaeontograpliical Society. Publications.] London, 1886-92. 4". R. Ac. 3200. Manual of Zoology. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 2250. b. 2. On the Structure and Affinities of the " Tabulate Corals " of the Palaeozoic Period. Edinhun/h, 1879. 8°. 2249. h. 6. Synopsis of the Classification of the Animal Kingdom. London, 1882. 8°. 2250. e. 7. Nicholson (J. S.) Principles of Political Economy. 3 vol. London, 1 893-1901. 80. 2020. e. Nicholson (R. A.) Literary History of the Arabs. [Lihrnry of Literary History.] London, 1907. 8*^. 2039. e, Nicholson (S.) Acolastus his After-Witte. [Grosarf. Occasional Lssues.] London, 1876. 4^. 2326. g. 2. (3.) Nicholson (W.) Bishop of Gloucester. Exposition of the Catechism. [Librart/ of Anglo-Catholic Theology.] Oxford, 1842. 8° 2006. (1. Nicodemus. Trois versions rimees de I'Evangile de Nicodeme. Publiees par G. Paris et A. Bos. [Societe des anciens textes framjais.] Paris, 1885. 8°. R. Ac. 9811/20. 752 NIC— NIE Nicolas (Sir N. H.) The Chronology of History. London, 1838. 8°. 2087. a. Historic Peerage of England ; continued by "NV. Courthope. London, 1857. 8°. 2101. c. Synopsis of the Peerage of England. 2 vol. London, 1825. S°. 2101. a. Nicolay (F.) Histoire des croyances, superstitions, mtieurs, usages et coutumes, selon le plan du Decalogue. 3 torn. Paris, 1902. 8**. 2346. g. 5. Nicolini (G.) Oj^cre. Nuovamente ordinate da D. Pallaveri. 2 vol. Firenze, i85o, 61. S^. 2284. c. 13. Nicolini (G. B.) History of the Jesuits. [Bohn's Blustrated Librari/.] London, 1893. 8°. 2502. d. 24. Nicoll (J.) Diai'y of Public Transactions, 1650-67. [Bannati/ne Cluh. 52.] Edinburgh, 1836. 4". R. Ac. 8248/52. Nicoll (W. Robertson) The Expositor's Bible. Edited by W. Pv. Nicoll. 42 vol. London, 1887-1905. 8°. 2201. a-b. Foreign Biblical Library. Edited by W. E. Nicoll. 6 vol. London, 18S6-92. 8°. 2201. c. Delitzsch : Commentary on the I Rothe : Still Hours Psalms. 2 vol. Delitzsch : Commentary on Isaiah. Kurtz : Church History. 3 vol. ScHLEiERMACHER : Selected Sermons. Weiss : Introduction to the New Tes- tament. 2 vol. Nicolson (A.) Gaelic Proverbs. Edinburgh, 1882. 8". 2348. c. 22. Nicolson (J.) and Burn (R.) History and Anti([uities of the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland. 2 vol. London, 1777. 4°. 2063. d. Nicolson (W.) Bishop of Carlisle. Miscellany Accounts of the Diocese of Carlisle. [Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Society.] London, 1877. 8°. R. Ac. 5630/2. Nicomachus, Gerasenus. Introductio arithmetica. Recensuit R. Hoche. Accedunt codicis Cizensis problemata arithmetica. [Tenhner Series.] Leipzig, i%66. 8«. 2047. a, eb. 19. History of the Post-Office Packet Service, 1793-1815. London, 1895. S^. 2240. b. 2. Norwood (G.) The Riddle of the Bacchae. [MancJiester University PMications.] Manchester, 1908. 8°. R. Ac. 2671/8. Nota (A.) Teatro comico. 8 vol. ToWho, 1842-43. 8°. 2298. h. 5. Notes and Gleanings. 5 vol. Exeter, 1888-92. 8". R. P.P. 6049. kb. Notes and Queries. London, 1850, etc. 4". 2115. a-f. General Index. London, 1856, etc. 4°. BB. O. a. 14. Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset. Sherborne, 1890, etc. 8°. R. P.P. 6046. be. Notes on Building Construction. 4 pt. London, 1904. 8°. 2246. e. 3. Notter (J. L.) and Firth (R. H.) Hygiene. London, 1908. B". 2256. e. 12. Nottingham. Records of the Borough of Nottingham, 1155-1702. 5 vol. London, 1882-1900. 8^. 2366. d. 1. Notts and Derbyshire Notes and Queries. Nottingham, 1893-98. 8°. R. P.P. 6065. f. Noulet (J. B.) Las Nonpareilhas Receptas. \_Societe j'oiir V etude des: langues romanes.'] Montpenier, 1880. S*'. R. Ac. 9809. Noulet (J. B.) and Chabaneau (C.) Deux manuscrits proven^aux du XIV* siecle. \Societe j^^onr Vetude des langues romanes.^ Montpellier, 1888. 8^. R. Ac. 9809/7. Nouveau Traite de Diplomatique. 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Satires. With traii.slatiun and coniincntarv bv >) . Coningtoii. To wliicli is prefixed a lecture on tlic life and writings of Per.sius. Edited Ijy H. Nettlesliii.. Oxford, 1S93. 8". " 2045. e. Perth, James, Earl of. See Dkummond. Perth Literary and Antiquarian Society. Transactions, vol. I. rerth, 1827. 1". Pv. Ac. 5776. Pertz (G. H.) Monumenta Geruianiac Historica. Hannorerne, 1826, ete. fol. Circ. 8 TO. )>. Inhaltsverzeichnisse der zelin ersten Biinde der Moinuiienta Germaniae. Hannorer, 1S4S. 8". 2087. li. Perwich (W.) Despatches of William Perwich, Enghsh Agent in Paris, 16Gl)-77. [Camden Soeieti/.] London, 1900. 4". P. Ac. 8113/142. [Another edition.] [Ii0ij((l Historical Socieii/.] London, 1903. 8". ' P. Ac. 8118/9. Perzynski (F.) Hokusai. [Knad-fn-^s. Kunsthr-Monoi/jdjjhien. GS.] Bielefeld, 1904. 8". ' '2034. c. Pesch (C.) Praelectiones Doginaticae. 9 \ol. Freihurhy. London, iS^o. fol. 2059. d. 800 PET— PET Petermann (A.) 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Zimmern : Vcrglcichende Gram- menicae Granimatica. matik der semitiscben Sprachen. 7. Pkaeiokius : Atbiopiscbe Gram- 18. Marti: Aramiiische Grammatik. matik. I'J. Erman : Agyptische Chrcstomatbie. S. ^Iebx : Chrestomathia Targumica. 20. Salemann and Shukovski : Per- 9. J AGO 13 : Arabisclie Bibel-Cbresto- sisclic Grammatik. matliic. 21. Brockelmaxn : Grammatik der 10. DELrrzscn: AssyriscbeGrammatik. Semitiscben Spraclicu. 11. MuLLEu: Tiirkisclie Grammatik. Peters (C.) The Eklurado of the Ancients. Lundvn, 1902. 8", 2358. d. 8. Peters (J. P.) Nipjuir ; or, Explorations on the Euphrates. 2 vol. New Yvrl; 1S97. 8". 2259. d. 5. Peters (J. P.) and Thiersch (H.) Painted Tombs in the Necropolis of Marissa. [Paleslinti BxpJoratiun Fnitil.] Lundoii, 19^5. 1". 2356. h. 12. Petit (A.) La Granmiairc de la Punctuation. Parit:, 18S1. 8". 2276. b. 8. Petit de Julleville (L.) Histuirc de la langue et de la litterature fran(;aise. 8 vol. P((ris\ 1 896-1 900. 8". 2039. g. Petit-Dutaillis (C.) 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S". 2368. aa. 6. Philip's Imperial Atlas of the AVorld. London, 1890. fol. 2060. f. Philip's Imperial Library Atlas. By AV. Hughes. London, 1875. f'jl- " 20^^- ^'- Philip's Systematic Atlas. London, 1906. 4**. 2060. c. Philip (J.) 0/ Aimer icclosc. The Grameid. An heroic poem descripti\e of the campaign of Viscount Dundee in 1689. [Seottltih liidoni Socletii. Publications. 3.1 Edinhnrrjh, 1888. 8". B. Ac. 8256. Philippe, de Navarre. Les Quatre Ages de I'Hoixime. [Societo des anciens tcctes francai.^.] Pans, 1888. 8«. B. Ac. 9811/28. Philippe, de Bheinis. The Romance of Blonde of Oxford. Edited by M. Le Boux de Lincy. [Camden Society. 72.] London, 18^8. 40. B- Ac 8113/68. 3 F 2 804 PHI— PHT Philippi (F. A.) Cnmuieutary on iSt. Paul's Epistle to the Eomans. 2 Aol. [Clark's Foreign TJunloijicul Libran/. .Ser. iv. GO, 61.] E'lhihunjh, iS-8,-'^. 8". ' 2007.6. Philippus, Soh'tan'us. Les Pleiirs. Public par E. Au\ray. Gr. [Ecolc pratique des haates cftuJcs. Bihliotliequc. Sv. iiliil. cl hi.'^l. •22.] Pans, 1875. '^"- I^- -^«- 8929. Philipson (J.) Coachbuikling. ['Tcchiiohxjical H(in(lb<>oJL,'<.] Loiulon, 1897. •'^"- 2270. a. 29. Phillimore (L.) 8ir Christopher "Wren, his fainilv and his times. L»ne musica librorum quae exstant. Edidit T. Kemke. Gr. [Teuhnn- Scries.] Leipzly, iSSj^. H». 2047. a, r/r. Ilepl oiKovo/xias. Edidit C. Jensen. [TciiJmrr Series.] Lelpznj, 1906. 8°. 2047. a, efr. Volumina Rhetorica. Edidit S. Siidhaus. [Teuhier ,SV/-/V'.s\] Lnpz!i(r(/h, iS^^. 4". R. Ac. 8248/50. Philpot (J.) Examinations and Wi'itings. [Parl-er Soricfi/. ViihJlra- tlnns. 10.] Cambridge, 1842. 8". ' R. Ac. 2077/10. Phipson (E.) Animal-Lore of Shak.speare's time. Lniido,,. iSS^ s". 2252. c. 1. PHL-PIC 807 Phlipon, afterwards Roland de la Platiere (Marie J.) See RoLAXD. Phoenix Nest. Edited by J. P. Collier. [Seven Poetiral Mixrrlhin'irs. 4.] London, 1S67. 4">. 2326. c. 7. Photius. Bibliotheca. Ex recensione I. Bekkeri. BeroHn!, 1S24. 4". 2045. h. ■ Zonara^ et Photii Lexica. 3 vol. Leipzig, 1S08. I". 2050. c Photographic Society. Journal. London, \S^^, etc. 8". R. Ac 5051. Illustrated Catalogues of Exliibitions. London, 1S98, ele. 8". R. Ac. 5051. Phrantzes (G.) Georgins Phrantzes, ex recensione T. Bekkeri. Gr. <{' Lot. [Bijzantine Wxionj. 23.] Bonnae, 1858. 8". 2070. 1). 23. Phrenological Society, Edinburgh. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1824. 8". ]\. Ac. 3849/2. Physical Memoirs, Translated from foreign sources. [PJn/sic((] Sorietij.] 3 pt. London, \%^%-c^o. 8<>. R.Ac. 3019/5. Physical Society. Proceedings. London, 1S7C, efr. H". R. Ac. 3019. Puljlications. Ljondon, 1879, eie. 8". R. Ac. 3019. Everett: The C.-O.-S. System of [ Joule: Scientific Papers. 2 vol. Units. I WiTEATSTONR : Scientific Papers. Foreign Physicae JIemoirs. i PhysicUS. A candid examination of Theism. By Physicus. [Emjlish and Fareiqn PliiloSophlcoJ Lilnnn/.] London, 1878. 8°. 2318. d. 6. Picard (E.) and Siville (L.) Code Civil beige annote. Bi-uxelles, 1909. 12". ' 2018. a. Code de Commerce annote. BnixeJIefi, 1909. 12*^. 2018. a. Code des Lois penales beiges. Bruxelles, 1909. 12'\ 2018. a. Picard (E.) and Larcier (F.) Bibliograi3hie du droit beige. BmxelleH, 18S2-90. 8°. " 2330. d. 27. Picarda (E.) Les Marchands de I'Eau. [Beole pratique des Jiautes etudes. Bihliotheque. Se. pJiil. et hist. 134.] Paris, 1901. S^. R. Ac. 8929. Picatoste y Rodriguez (P.) Apuntes para una bil)lioteca cicntifica espanola del siglo XVI. Madrid, 18^1. 8'\ 2330. e. 7. Picavet (P.) Gerbert, un pape philosophe. \Eeole pratique des hauti-s etudes. Sciences reJigieuses. 9.] Paris, 1897. 8°. R. Ac. 8929/7. Pick (T. P.) Fractui-es and Dislocations. [Cliniral Manuals.] London, 1885. 8". 2255. a. Pickering (C.) The Races of Man. [Bell's LUustrated Lihran/.] London, 1 85 1. 8°. 2502. d. 13. Pickhill. Registers of Pickhill-cum-Boxby. [YorJcshire P((ris]i Register Sorietij. 20.] Leeds, \CjOA^. 8"^. R.Ac. 8136. 808 PIC— PIG Picot (E.) I'.iljlioiii-apliie cornrlienne. Pan's, \S-6. 8°. BB. G. d. 15. Kecueil general des Sutties. [Soriete dcK (iiidrns texies frangais.^ 2 vol. Paris, 1902-06. 8". R. Ac. 9811/48. Picot (G. M. R.) Etudes d'histoire conteinporaine. Notices his- toriques. 2 vol. [Acad, des Sciences.'^ Paris, 1907. 8". R. Ac. 422/4. Picot (J.) Tablettes chronologiques de I'histoire universelle. 3 vol. Genere, 1808. 8". 2088. .1. Pictet (A.) Ve.o-etable Alkaloids. New Yorl-, 1904. 8". 2246. g. 2. Picton (Sir J. A.) INIemorials of Liverpool. 2 vol. Loudon, 1875. 8". 2367. a. 3. Picturesque Europe, o vol. London, 1876-79. fol. 2360. h. 1. Piepers (M. C.) .Mimicry, Selektion, Darwinismu.s. Leiden, 1903. 8". 2252. c. 7. Pier (G. C.) Egyptian Anti(iuities in the Pier Collection. [Chleago Universlti/ Piihlleatlons.] t'hieat/o, 1906, fife. 4". R. Ac. 2691. da. Pierce (F.) The Tarift" and the Trusts. New Yorl; ic^o-. S". 2238. h. 9. Pierce (G. A.) The Dickens Dictionary. London, 1878. 8". 2308. d. 4. Piercy (W. C.) Murray's Illustrated Bible Dictionary. London, 1908. 8". 2008. d. Pierret (P.) Yocabulaire hieroglyphique. Paris, 1875. 8". 2259. c. 1. Piers, Plone/hman. See Langland (W.). Pierson (P.) Metrique naturelle du langage. [Ecole prallqne des haufes ettides. BlhllotJieejne. Se. jihil. et lilst. 5G.] Paris, 1884. 8^'. R. Ac. 8929. Pietsch (L.) Herkomer. [Knael'fuss. Kiinsfler-Monof/rajjJi len . 54.] Leipzig, 1 90 1. 8". 2034. c. Knaus. [KnaeJcfuss. Kilnsfler-Monor/raplilen. 11.] Leipzig, 1896. 8". ' 2034. c. Pigafetta (A.) The First Voyage round the "World by Magellan. Edited })y Lord Stanley of Aldei'lov. [Hallni/f Soeieti/.] London, 1874. S". ^ ' ' R. Ac. 6172/50. Piggott (^.« Series.] 0.rfor<], iS6g. 8". 2320. f. 22. Pineau (L.) Les contes populaires du Poitou. [Collection de rh an sons et lie conies popnlaires^ Paris, 1891. 12". 2348. aaa. 16. • Le Folk-Lore du Poitou. [Collection de chansons et de contes pojndaires.] Paris, 1892. 12". 2348. aaa. 18. Le Romancero scandinave. [Callection de chansons et de conies populaires.] Paris, 1906. 12*^. 2348. aaa. 30. Pinero (A. W.) Plays. Londnn, iScji, dc 8«. 2303. 1. The Times. 2. The Profligate. 3. The Cabinet ^linister. 4. The Hobby-Hoise. 5. Lady Bountiful. C>. The Magistrate. 7. Dandy Dick. S. Sweet Lavender. 9. The Schoolmistress. 10. The Weaker Sex. 11. The Amazons. 12. The Second Mrs. Tanqueray. 13. The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith. 14. The Benefit of the Doubt. lo. The Princess and the Butterfly. IG. The Gay Lord Quex. 17. Trelawney of the NYells. 15. Iris. 19. Letty. 20. A Wife without a Smile. 21. His House in Order. 22. The Thunderbolt. Pinkerton (J.) General Collection of Voyages and Travels. 17 vol, London, 180S-14. 4«. ' 2059. c Pinks (W. J.) History of Clerkenwell. London, iSSi. 4". 2065. 1). Pinson (P.) Kssai de l)il)liogr.iphie ('tampoise. Paris, iS- 7,. S". BF>. K. c. 10. Pinto de Mattos (R.) 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Auditors : their duties and responsibilities. 2 vol. London, 1906. 80. 2230. c. 9. History of the Baronetage. London, 1900. 4". 2400. g. 2. Placita. Placita de Quo Warranto temporibus Edw. i., 11., &. in., in Curia Receptee Scaccarii Westm. asservata. [Beeord Connnission.] London, 1818. fol. Circ. 66. b. Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum abbreviatio : temporibus Regum Ric. I., .Johan., Henr. 111., Edw. i., Edw. II. [Beeord Contmission.] L.ondon, iSll. fol. Circ. 56. b. «12 PL A— PL A Planche (J. R.) Tlie Conqueror and his companicjn.s. 2 vol. L.riuhni, 1874. 8". 2394. d. 11. Cyclopaedia of Costume. 2 vol. LondoD, iS"C, 79. 4". 2031. f. Extravaganzas. Edited bv T. F. D. Croker and S. Turker. o vol. Lomlon, 1879. 8*^. " 2302. aa. 2. History of Bintish Costume. [Bohiis Arti.^ts Llhrcry.] London, 1907. 8". 2500. 1j. 18. • The Pursuivant of Arms. London, 1874. 8«. 2400. b. 6. 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Purves. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1 89 1. 8". ' 2320. c 35. Apologia Soci'atis. With notes l)y J. Adam. [Pitt Press Serie.^.] Cambridge, 1887. 8". 2322. c. 28. Apology. Edited by St. G. Stock. [Clarendon Press Series.] O.t/o/v/, 1895. 8". 2320. c. 39. Crito. With notes by J. Adam. [Pitt Press Series.] Candjrid,je, 1888. 8". 2322. c 27. Crito. With introduction and notes by St. G. Stock. [Claren- don Press Series.] Oxford, 18^1. 8". 2319. .1. 37. Euthyphro. Edited by J. Adam. [Pitt Press Series.] Cambridije, 1890. 8". 2322. cc. 5. Gcjrgias. With English notes by W. H. Thompson. [Loikj. JJiUiotJieca Classica.]^ London, 1871. 8". 2049. g. Meno. Edited by St. G. Stock. [Clarendon Press Sei-ies.] Oxford, 1904. 8". 2320. ia. 42. PLA— PLA 813 Plato. Pai-menides. Edited by T. Maguirc. [Dnhllii Unlnrsitii Prctis Scr!cf<.] Dabliit, 16S2. 8". ' 2322. f. 16. Phacdo. Edited by W. D, (icddcs. LoikIou, 1SS5. . Jowett and L. 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Ac. 8104 128. Probyn (J. .W.) Italy from the fall of Napoleon 1. to the death of Victor Emmanuel. 7.o/(r/r>/(, 1894. 8". 2388. d. 8. Systems of Land Tenure in \arious countries. ^V seri(>s of essays edited by J. AV. Pr.hyn. LvH. Kroll. 2 \ol. \Tral>itrr Series.] Lr/y/x/j/, 1901. 8". 2047. a, r/r. in i'latonis 'i'iiuaeuni connnentaria. ivlidit K. I>ielil. •") vol. [Trnlnirr Sn-lrs.] J.rqizl'j, l^Q^j-o6. X". 2047. a, r/r. In prinium i'Hiclidis elemcntorum lilnuni cornincniarii. E.\ reeogiiitione Codofredi Eriedlein. | Trabiicr Siti'cs. | J.'';py.!.j, 1S-3. 8". 2047. a, rlr. Procopius, ';/" Cn'sdicd. Procojiius. Vj\ r(;ceiisionc G. hindorlii. Cr.K^Ld'i. ;j vol. \ l:ii;:<(iiti,ir llisldn/. 10.] j:n„nnr, 1855-5S. ,S". ' ' 2070. a. 10. Opera omnia. Peeogno\ it J. llaury. [ 7'r«6//c/- ,S' /v'cs.J Lrljr/.HJ, \^jO--^, rlr. S'\ 2047. a,, r/r. Procter (A. A.) Legends and L\ i ic^ : a hook of vi'rses. With an iidroduction by Charles Dickens. Lnuddii, 1882. 8". 2290. d. 11. Procter (F.) 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Lqmae, 1896, etc. .S». 2258. d. Prou (M.) Relations politiques du pape Urbain v. avec les rois Jean 11. et diaries v. [Erolc pratique des hautes etudes. Blhl'io- thrqur. Sc. phil et hist. 76.] Paris, 1SS8. 8". R. Ac. 8929. Prout, Father, pseud. Sec Maiiony (F. S.) Prout (E. ) Double Cuunterpuint and Canon. London, 1S93. 8". 2266. cc. 2. Fugal Analysis. London, 1S92. 8*^. 2266. ce. 1. Fugue. London, 1900. 8". 2266. ec 4. Instrumentation. \_NoveUos Music Primers. lo.J London, 1R7S. 8". 2268. aa. Musical Form. London, 1 897. 8". 2266. cc. 3. Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. Tian.sactions. xo]. 1-11). Lo„dou, 1S33-53. .^". R. Ac. 3822. Prowse (D. W.) History of Newfoundland, from the English, Colonial and foreign records. London, 1896. 8". 2398. e. 9. Prudhomme (R. F. A. Sully) See Sully-Prudho.m.mi:. Prussia. See Pt. 11., Germany : Pku.ssia. Prutz (H.) Entwicklung und Untergang des Tempelherrcnordcns. JJrrliu, 1888. 8". 2208. dd. 4. Pryor (A. R.) Flora of Hertfordshire. [Hertfordshire Xidural Uistm-ij Sorirtij] London, 1887. 8°. l\. Ac. 3009/2. Przheval'sky (N. M.) From Kulja, across the Tiaii Shan to Lob- nor. Translated bv E. 1). Moigan. London, 1S79. i^"'. 2356. f. 11. • Mongolia, the Tangut and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet : a narrative of three years' tra\"el in Eastern High Asia. Translated by E. D. Morgan." 2 vol. London, 1876. 8«. 2356. d. 15. Psellus (M.) History. Edited by C. Satlias. [Byzantiw 7'r,/7.s-.] Londnn, 1899. 8«. " 2071. e. Psuchares (J.) Etudes de philologie uco-grec(iue. [ii/Vo/c pratique des hautes ctwles. BihlothJque. Sc. pjhil. et hist. U2.] Paris, 1892. 8". R. Ac. 8929, Psychological Index : Jjil>liography of the Literature of Psvihologv, ls:»l,Wr. y>w Yorl; iS^j, etc. 8". ^2023.''g. Psychological Review. New York, 1894, etc. 8". R. P.P. 1247. c. PSY— PUI 833 Psychological Review. Monograph Supplements. New Yod; 1S95, etc. 8«. R. P.P. 1247. e. Psychological Society. Proceedings, 1875-79. London, 18S0. S^. R. Ac. 3833. Ptolemseus (Claudius) Opera quae exstant omnia. Edidit J. L. Heiberg. [Teuhncr Series.] Leipzig, 18(^8, etc. S^. 2047. a, elc. Public Characters. 1798-1806, 1809-10, 1828. 10 vol. Lnn,lon, 1S01-2S. 80. 2094. g. Public Characters of all Nations. 3 vol. London, 182^. 8*^. 2094. a. Public Record Office, Dublin. Calendar of the Justiciary Rolls of Ireland, xxiii to xxxi years of Edward i. Edited by J. Mills. Didjlin, 1905. 8". Bar. T. 8. c. Reports of the Deputy Keeper of Public Records in Ireland. Bidjlin, 1869, etc. 80. Bar. T. 8. c. Public Record Office, London. Reports of the Deputy Keeper of Public Records. London, 1840, etc. 4^ k 8°. Bar. T. 8. a. & Bar. T. 9. a. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir F. Palgrave, Deputy Keeper. 1840-1861. London, 1865. fol. Bar. T. 8. a. Index to the Printed Reports of Sir T. Duffus Hardy, Deputy Keeper. 1862-78. London, 1880. fol. Bar. T. 8. a. Lists and Indexes. London, 1892. 8^. Circ. 91. b. Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Oftice. London, 1890, etc. 8°. Circ. 86. aa. Pughe (J.) and Williams (J.) The Physicians of Myddvai, [Welsh MSS. Society.] Llandovey, 1861. 8°. R. Ac. 5773/5. Pughe (W. Owen) Dictionary of the Welsh Language. 2 vol. Denhicjh, i8-ji,<^i. 8«. 2052. b. [Another copy.] 2052. b. Pugin (A. C.) Gothic Examples. See AVillson (E. J.) Pugin (A. C.) and Le Keux (H.) Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. With historical and descriptive essays, edited by J. Britton. London, 1827, 28. 4°. 2031. g. Pugin (A. W. N.) Designs for Iron and Brass Work. London, 1836. 4^. 2261. g. 11. Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume. London, 1868. 4". 2011. f. ■ • Gothic Examples. See AYillson (E. J.) ■ ■ Gothic Furniture. London, 18^^. 4". 2261. g. 13. Puipin (A. N.) Histoire des litteratures slaves. Paris, 188 1. 8°. 2312. h. 1. ■ Geschichte der slavischen Literaturen. Uberti'agen von T. Pech. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1880, 8^. 8". 2039. f. 3 H 834 PUL— PUT Pulling (A.) Laws, Customs, &c., of the City and Port of London. Lnuddii, 1S54. 8". ^ 2017. c. Pulsifer (W. H.) Notes for a history of Lead. New YorJc, 1888. 8°. 2249. g. 1. Puranas. — Bhayavutapura na . Legendes morales de I'lnde. Traduites du Sanscrit par A. Roussel. [Litfcrcdnres populaires.^ 2 tom. Paris, 1900, 1 90 1. 8". 2348. aa. 7. Purchas (S.) Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Pili^rimes. 20 vol. Glasgow, 1905-07. 80. 2058. c. Purchas (W. H.) and Ley (A.) Flora of Herefordshire. [Woolhope Naiundlsis' Field Cluh.] Hereford, 1889. 8°. R. Ac. 3015^2. Purnell (E. K.) JSIagdalene College. [College Histories, Ca)uhrid(ic.'\ London, 1904. 8°. " 2234. ee. 1. Purser (J. M.) Manual of Histology. [DnhJin Unircrsitii Press Series.] DuUin, 1884. 8". 2322. e. 8. Pusey (E. B.) The Councils of the Church from the Council of Jerusalem, a.d. 51, to the Council of Constantinople, a.d. 381. Oxford, 1857. 8". 2208. d. 2. The Doctrine of the Real Presence. Oxford, 1855. 8". 2204. 1.. 5. An Eirenicon. 3 pt. Oxford, 1865-70.- 8". 2208. bb. 10. Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church. .50 vol. Oxford, 1838-Sr. 8". 2004. c. c^ d. Ambrose. Athanasius. 5 vol. Augustine. 12 vol. Chrysostom. 19 vol. Cyprian. 2 vol. ' Tertullian. • Selections from the writings of E. B. Pusey. London, 1S85. 8°. 2206. a. 4. Sermons. 2 vol. Oxford, 1848, 53. 8". 2204. b. 4. Sermons for the Church's Seasons from Advent to Trinitv. London, 18S3. 8". 2206. aa. 8. AVhat is of Faith as to Everlasting Punishment ? Oxf,rd, 1880. 8°. 2206. bb. 10. Putnam (G. H.) Books and their Makers during the Middle Ages. A study of the conditions of the production and distribution of Literature ivo\u the fall of the Roman Empire to the close of the seventeenth centur}-, a.d. 476-1709. 2 vol. New YorJc, 1897. 80. 2330. c. 21. The Censorship of the Church of Rome. 2 vol. New York, 1906, 07. 8". 2208. d. 13. The Question of Copyright, comprising tlie text of the Copyright Law of the United States and a summary of the Laws in force in the chief countries of the World. New York, 1896. 8". 2227. a. 1. Puttenham (G.) Arte of English Poesie. [English lirjirinis.] London, ib69. 4". 2324. e. 4. (1.) Cyril. 4 vol. Gregory. 3 vol. Irenseus. Justin IMartvr. PUY— QUA 835 Puymaigre (T. J. de) Count. Choix de vieux cliaiits portugais. [CoUcctlo)! >h' chansons, etc.] Paris, iS8i. 12". 2348. aaa. 2. Pye (J.) Notes and Memoranda re.specting the Libci- Studioruni of J. M. W. Turner. London, 1879. 8". 2264. bl). 8. Pyl (R. van der) Practical Grammar of the' Dutch Language. Rotff'nhnu, 1883, 84. 8". 2276. c. 10. Pyrard (F.) Voyage to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil. Edited by A. Gray and H. C. P. Bell. 2 vol. [Haldiujt Society.] London, 1887, 90. K. Ac. 6172/63. Q- Quadrio (F. S.) Delia storia e della ragione d' ogni poesia. 7 vol. Bologna, 1739-52. 4". ' 2039. h. Quain (J.) Elements of Anatomy. Edited by E. A. Schiifer and G. D. Thane. 4 vol. London, 1890-96. 8". 2024. e. Quain (R.) Dictionary of Medicine. London, 1902. 8". 2024. f. Quantz (A.) Die Musikwerke der Kgl. Universitats-Bibliothek zu Gottingen. \Gesellscliaft fiir MusHiforsclmncj.] Berlin, 1883. 8''. R. Ac. 5144. Quaritch (B.) Catalogue of works on Oriental History and Litera- ture. London, 1902. 8''. Circ. 91. b. Catalogue of works on the Fine Arts. London, 1904. S**. Circ. 91. b. General Catalogue of Books. London, 1887, etc. 8". Circ. 90. b. ct 91. b. Quarles (F.) Works. [Chertsei/ Worthies' Librar;/.] 3 vol. Edinburgh, 1880-81. 4". ' ' 2324. g. 6. Enchiridion. [TAhrary of Old Authors.'] London, 1856. 8". 2340. a. 14. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Boston, 1887, etc. 8". R. P.P. 1423. ee. & 2020. c. Quarterly Journal of Education. See Journal of Education. Quarterly Review. London, 1809, etc. 8'\ R. P.P. 5989. ab. & 2120. a-h. ■ Vol. 20. General Index to vol. 1-19. London, 1820. 8". Vol. 40. General Index to vol. 21-39. London, 1831. 8". ■ Vol. 60. General Index to vol. 41-59. London, 1839. 8". Vol. 80. General Index to vol. 61-79. London, 1850. 8". 3 H 2 83G QUA— QUE Quarterly Review — continued. ■ Vol. 100. General Index to vol. 89-99. London, 1858. 8". ■ Vol. 121. General Index to vol. 101-120. London, 1861. 8". Vol. 140. General Index to vol. 122-139. Vol. 160. General Index to vol. U 1-1 59. Vol. 181. General Index to vol. 161-180. ■ Vol. 201. General Index to vol. 182-200. Quatrefages de Breau (J. L. A. de) Histoire generale des races humaines. Introduction a I'etude des races humaines. 2 pt. Paris, 1887, 89. 80. 2260. e. 1. The Human Species. [International Scientific Series.'] London, 1879. 8«. 2824. Queensland Post Office Directory. [Current issue.] Brixhane. 8". London, 1875. 8" London, 1885. 8" London, 1895. 8" London, 1905. 8" 26. Circ. 70. h. Queipo de Llano (J. M.) Count de Toreno. Historia del levant- aniiento, guerra y revolucion de Espana. \_Arihau. Autores espauoles. 64.] 3Iadrid, 1872. 8°. 2044. c. Quekett Microscopical Club. Journal. London, 1868, etc. 8<'. R. Ac. 3021. Quellen. Quellen und Forschungen zur Spracli- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Viilker. Strasshurg, iS-^, etc. 8^. 2338. h. 1. ScHEREE : Geistliche Poeteii der deutschen Kaiserzeit. I. 2. jMaetin : Ungedruckte Briefe von und an J. G. Jacobi. 3. Henning : tjber die sanctgalli- schen Sprachdeukmiiler. 4. Schmidt : Reinmar vou Hage- nau. 5. Wiegand : Die Vorredeu Fried- richs des Grossen zur Histoire de mon temps. 6. ScHMOLLER : Strassburgs Bliite. 7. ScHERER : Geistliche Poeten der deutscheu Kaiserzeit. II. 8. VoiGT : Ecbasis Captivi. 9. Knorr : ijber Ulrich von Lichteu- stein. 10. Heinzel : Uber den Stil der altgermanischen Poesie. 11. 12. Scherer: Geschichte der deut- schen Dichtung im XI. und XII. Jahrliundcrt. 18. ZiMMER^: Die NominalsuffixG A und A in den germanischen Sprachen. 14. Strauch : Der Marner. 15. Wagner : Uber den ilonch von Heilsbronn. IG. WissMANN : King Horn. 17. Hirzel: Karl Huckstuhl. 18. Feanck : Flandrijs. 19. LiCHTENSTEiN : E i 1 h a r t von Oberge. 20. ScHiPFER : Englische Alexius- legenden. 21. Scherer : Die Anfiinge des deutschen Prosaromans. 22. Werner ; Ludwig Philipp Hahn. 23. ScHMARSOw : Leibniz und Schot- telius. 24. SeemC'ller : Die Handschriftcn Willirams Paraphrase des Hohen Liedes. 25. VoiGT : Kleinere lateinische Denk- maler der Thiersage. 2G. Strauch : Die Offenbarungen der Adellieid Langmann. 27. Bock : Uber einige Fiille des Conjunctivs im Mittelhoch- deutschen. 28. Seemuller : Willirams deutsche Paraphrase des Hohen Liedes. 29. Henkici : Die Quellen von Notkers Psalmen. 30. Sauer : Joachim Wilhelm von Bra we. 31. Henning : Nibelungenstudien. 32. Kluge : Beitriige zur Geschichte der germanischen Conjugation. 33. Bock : Wolframs von Eschenbach Bilder und Worter. QUELLEN 837 Quellen— ('out i naol . 34. ScHERER : Aus GocUies Friihzeit. 35. Sarrazin : Wigamur. 36. Denifle : Taulers Bekehrung. 37. Ingenbleek : Der Einfluss des Keimes auf die Sprache Otfrids. 38. Michel : Ileinricli von Morungen und die Troubadours. 39. Schmidt : Beitriige zur Kentniss der Klopstockschen Jugend- ]yrik. 40. Brahm : Das deutsche Ritter- drama des XVIII. Jahrhuuderts. 41. RiES : Die Stellung vou Subject und P r a d i c a t s V e r b u m im Heliand. 42. Martin : Zur Gralsage. 43. KocHENDOHFFER : Die Kindheit Jesu von Konrad von Fusses- brunnen. 44. Schroder : Das Anegenge. 45. WissMANN : Das Lied von King Horn. 46. KossiNNA : Uberdie iiltestenhoch- friinkischen Sprachdenkmaler. 47. Henning : Das deutsche Haus in seiner historischeu Entwicke- lung. 48. SoBEL : Die Accente in Otfrids E vangelienbuch . 49. Oettingen: UberGeorgGreflinger von Regensburg. 50. Graef : Eraclius. 51. Mannhardt : Mythologi sclie Forschungen. 52. S c H o L L E : Laurence Miuots Lieder. 53. RoETTEKEN : Der zusammen- gesetzte Satz bei Berthold von Regensburg. 54. Joseph : Konrads von Wiirzburg Klage der Kunst. ILasius : Das friesische Bauern- haus. Henning : Die deutschen Haus- typen. 56. Waldberg 57. Kossmann: Exodus. 58. Meyer : Grundlagen des mittel- hochdeutschen Strophenbaus. 59. Wrede: tjber die Sprache der Wandalen. 60. Servaes : Die Poetik Gottscheds und der Schweizer. 61. KoNiG : Der Vers in Shaksperes Dramen. 62. Ten Brink : Beowulf. 63. Bi'LBRiNG: Der Ablaut der starken Zeitworterinnerhalbdes Siideng- lischen. 64. Pogatscher: Zur Lautlehre der griechischen Lehnworte im Altenglischen. Die galante Lyrik. Die altdeutsche 65. Martin: Neuo Fragmente des Gedichts Van den Vos Rein- aerde. 66. Hauffen : Caspar Scheidt. 67. SzAMATOLSKi: Ulrichs von Hutten deutsche Schriften. 68. Wrede : Die Sprache der Ost- goten. 69. Garke : Prothese und Aphaerese des H im Althochdeutschen. 70. Koepel: Studien zur Geschichte der italienischen Novelle in der euglischen Litteratur. 71. Foster: Judith. 72. Hench: Der althochdeutsche Isidor. 73. Abegg : Zur Entwicklung der historischen Dichtung bei den Angelsachsen. 74. Schorbach: Studien iiber das deutsche Volksbuch Lucidarius. 75. Bruckner : Die Sprache der Langobarden. 76. KoSTER : Huchoron's Pistel of Swete Susan. 77. Michels : Die altesten deutschen Fastnachtspiele. 78. Miller : Place Names in the English Bede. 79. Joseph : Die Friihzeit des deut- schen Minnesangs. 80. Brandl : Quellen des weltlichen Dramas in England. 81. Moorman : William Browne. 82. Koeppel: Quellen-Studien zu den Dramen Chapman's, Massinger's und Ford's. 83. Schleich : Lydgate's Fabula Duorum Mercatorum. 84. Keller : Die litterarischen Be- strebungen von Worcester. 85. Hagen : Der Gral. 86. Drescher : Arigo, der tjbersetzer des Decamerone. 87. Kock: Diealt-undneuschwedische Accentuierung. 88. PoLZiN : Studien zur Geschichte des Deminutivums im Deut- schen. 89. Koeppel : Spelling-Pronuncia- tions. 90. Jiriczek: Alexander Gill's Logo- nomia Auglica. 91. Schonfeld : Der islandische Bauernhof zur Sagazeit. 92. BiJRGER : Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Teuerdank. 93. Brecht : Die Verfasser der Epis- tolae Obscurorum Virorum. 94. DoLLMAYR : Die Sprache der Wiener Genesis. 95. IMooRMAN : The Interpretation of Nature in English Poetry. 838 QUE— QUE Quellen — rout limed. 90. Kraft : Heinricli Steinhowels Verdeutscliung der Historia Hierosolymitana. 97. Beyer : Die Begi-iindung der ernsten Ballade. 98. Horn : Untersucbungen zur neuengliscben Lautgeschiclitc. 99. Zinkernagel: Die Entwick- lungsgeschichte von Holdeiiins Hyperion. 100. Martin: DerVersbaudesHeliand. 101. Auspeld: Die deutsebe anakreon- tiscbe Dicbtung des xviii. Jahrbunderts. Quellen zur Schweizerischen Reformationsgeschichte. See ZuKicii. — Ztriixjllverciu. 2212. d. Quellenschriften fur Kunstgeschichte. 18 vol. WIen, 1871-82. 8". '/ 1. Cexxini : Bucb von der Kunst. 2. Dolce : Aretino, oder Dialog liber Malerei. 3. Dlrer : Briefe, Tagebiicber u.nd Reime. 4. Heraclius : Von den Farben der Romer. 5. BiONDO : Von der bocbcdlen IMalerei. G. CoxDivi : Lebendes ]\Iicbelangelo. 7. Theophilus Presbyter : Scbedula diversarum artiuni. I. 8. Stockbauer ; Kunstbestrebungen { am bayeriscben Hofe. 1 Xeue Folge. Wien, 1888, etc. 8". 2262. b. 9. Semper : Donatello. 10. Neudorfer : Nacbricbten von Kiinstlern. 11. Alberti : Kleinere Kunsttbeore- tiscbe Scbriften. 12. Unger; Quellen der byzantiniscben Kunstgescbicbte. 13. Pang ERE : Bucb der Malerzeche in Prag. 14. HouBRAKEN : Grosser Scbouburg der niederlandiscben INIaler. 15-18. Vinci : Bucb von der Malerei. 2262. b. 8. RiCHTER : Quellen der byzanti- niscben Kunstgescbicbte. 9. HoLLANDA : Gespriicbe iiber die Malerei. 10. Hainhofer: Reisen nacb Inns- brucb und Dresden. 11-13. Hampe : Niirnberger Ratsver- liisse iiber Kunst. 14. Ertinger: Reisebeschreibung durcb Osterreicb und Deutscb- land. 15. ScHLOSSER : Vasaristudien. 1. IMicHiEE : Anonimo ]\Iorelliano. 2. Pacioli : Divina Proportione. 3. FiLARETE : Tractat iiber die Bau- kuust. 4. ScHLOSSER : Scbriftquellen zur Ge- schicbte der karolingiscben Kunst. 5. Ilg : Beitriige zur Gescbicbte der Kunst aus mittelbocbdeutscben Dicbtungen. 6. Hainhofer : Beziebungen zuin Herzog Pbilipp 11. von Pommern- Stettin. 7. Schlosseb: Quellenbucb zur Kunst- gescbicbte des abendltindiscben :\Iittelalters. Quellien (N.) Chansons et danses des Bretons. Paris, 18S9. 8°. 2288. f. 3. Querard (J. M,) La France litteraire ; ou, dictionnaire biblio- graphique. (Vol. 11, 12. Corrections, additions, auteurs, pseudonymes et anonymes dcvoiles. A-Roc.) 12 vol. Pans, 1827-64. 8«. 2036. b. ■ La Litterature frangaise contemporaine. (Vol. 2-G, pai- C. Louandre, F. Bourguelot et A. Maurv.) H xo]. Paris, 1842-57. 8». ■ 2036. 1). Les Supercheries litteraires devoilees. Seconde edition, par G. Brunet et P. Jannet. Suivie du Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes, par A. A. Barbier. (Supplement. Par (A. Brunet.) 4 vol. Pam, 1869-89. 8". 2036. c. QUE— QUI 839 Querolus. Aululaiia sive Querolus. Theodosiani aevi comoedia Rutilio dedicata. Edidit R. Peiper. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, 1875. 8". 2047. a, efc. Quesnay (F.) Tableau a^conomique. [Economic Society.] London, 1894. 4". R. Ac. 2359. b. Quest. A Quest of EiKjuirie by Women. [Fuller Worthies^ Lihrari/.] London, 1 88 1. 4". 2326. g. 14. (1.) Quetif (J.) Scriptores Ordinis Prajdicatorum. Opus inchoavit J. Quetif, absolvit J. Ecliard. 2 vol. Paris, 17 19-21. fol. 2014. f. Quevedo y Villegas (F. de) Obras. Coleccion completa por A. Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe. 3 vol. [Arihau. Autores espanoles. 23, 48, 69.] Madrid, 1852-77. 8°. 2044. a-e. Qui etes-vous ? Annuaire des Contemporains. [Current issue.] Paris. 8'\ Circ. 68. a. Quicherat (J.) Histoire du costume en France. Paris, 1875. 8". 2260. g. 12. Quicherat (L.) and Daveluy (A.) Dictionnaire latin-frangaiG. Nouvelle edition par E. Chatelain. PrtWs, 1889. 8°. 2051. 0. Quick (J.) and Garran (R. R.) 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London, 1856. 8«. 2500. g. 13. Institutionis oratoriae liber decimus. Recensuit C. Halm. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, 1881. 8«. 2047. a, p/r. Institutionis oratoriae liber x. Edited by W. Peterson. [Clarendon Press Series.] O.vford, 1903. 8". 2319. a. 49. 840 QUI— RAC Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius) Deckmationes quae supersunt CXLV. Receiisuit C. Hitter. [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 188^. 8". 2047. a, etc. • • Quintiliani quae feruntur declamationes xix. majores. Edidit G. Lehnert. [Teuhner Series.'] Leijizig, K^o^. 8". 2047. a, etc. Quintus, Smyrnaeus. Posthomericorum libri xiv. Recensuit A. Koechly. Lipsiae, 1850. 8". 2045. b. Posthomericorum libri xiv. Recognovit A. Zimmermann. [2'enhner Series.] Leipzig, 1891. 8". 2047. a, etc. Quintus Curtius. See Curtius Rufus (Q.) Quitard (P. M.) Dictionnaire des Rimes. Paris, 1905. 8". 2310. b. 2. Quivil (P.) Bishop of Exeter. Registers of Walter Bronescombe and Peter Quivil. 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(Vol. I., Birth, Breacli of Promise, Caste, David Garrick, Dreams, Home, Ladies' Battle, M.P.— Vol. II., The Nightingale, Ours, Play, Progress, Row in the House, School, Society, War.) 2 vol. Loudon, 1889. 8°. 2303. e. 2. Robertson (W.) Index of records of Charters granted by Sovereigns of Scotland between 1309 and 1413. Edlnhurgli, I'j^'Q. 4*^. 2080. e. Robertson (W. A. S.) Kentish Archaeology, pts. 1-4, 6. London, 1876-84. 8". " 2260. b. 15. Robertson-Smith (W.) See SMrrn (W. Robertson) RobertUS, dc Arcsburi/. Historia de mirabilihus gestis Edwardi ill. Edited by T. Hearne. Oxford, 1720. 80. 2072. b. RobertUS, de Grai/.st(tnai. Historiae Dunelmensis scriptores tres : l!o!>ertus de Graystanes, etc. [Surtees Societij. PaUicdtionn. 9.] London, 1839. «°- li- Ac. 8045/9. Roloertus, de Sorhona. De Consciencia. P«m, 1902. 8". 2086. g Robida (A.) La \^ieille Fraiice. Noi-mandie. l^retagne. Touraine. Provence. 4 torn. Paris, 1S90-93. fol. 2362. ih\. 1. Robinet (J. F. E.) Dictionnaire de la ]{e\ohition ct de I'Empire, 1789-1815. 2 voh Pam, 1899. 8". 2086. g. Robinson (A. G.) Cuba and the Intervention, 1895-99. Xew York, 1905. 8". 2398. c. 14. Robinson, afteiwards Duclaux (A. M. F.; l^milv nnnite. [Eminent Women Series.] L^ondon, 1889. ''^"- ' 2407. b. 17. Margaret of Angouleme, Queen of Kavane. [Eminent Women Series.] London, 1886. 8^. 2407. b. 14. ROBINSON 869 Robinson (C.) A Haudefull of Pleasant Delites. [Spensn- Socirf,;. Piihllnitloiix.] Mdiirhc^fcr, 1 87 1. 4". |^ Ac. 9490 6. [Another edition.] \^Arhcr. EiKjli.sh ScIkiIki-'s Lihran/. .">.l London, 1880. 4". ' *2324. f. 3. Robinson (C. C.) (Glossary of tlic dialect of iM iil ^'ol•ksllil•o. [EmjJish I)l((hrt Sodrt!/.] Loiuhhi, \S-C. 8". IJ. Ac. 9934/P. Robinson (C. H.) Dictionary of the Hausa Language. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1899, 1900. 8". 2057. b. Hausa Grammar. [IVaJnicr's Collection of Shnplificd Gronnnnrs. 25.] London, 1905. 8". " * 2274. a. 36. Hausaland. London, i8}6. 8". 2358. e. 10. Robinson (C. J.) History of the Mansions and Aranors of Hereford- shire. Hereford, 1S73. 4". 2367. c. 4. • Register of the Scholars admitted into Merchant Taylors' School, 1562-1874. 2 vol. ir?«e.s, 1882, 83. 8". 2234. f. 5. Robinson (Edward) D.B. Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament. Revised by A. Negris and J. Duncan. Edinhnr,ih,^^i8-j<^. 8°. ' 2050. a. Robinson (Edward) Major. Discourse of the AVarr in Lancashiie, 1655. [^Cliethain Sociefij. Puhlicdfioiix. 62.] Manchester, 1864. 4". * R. Ac. 8120/62. Robinson (F. K.) Glossary of Words used in the neighbourhood of AVhitby. [En(iJish Di((Iert Sociefy.] London, iQ-]'^-- 6. 8°. R. Ac. 9934/2. Robinson (H. Crabb) Diary, reminiscences and correspondence. Edited by T. Sadler. 2 vol. London, 18-2. 8". 2408. b. 4. Robinson (H. J.) Colonial Chronologv. London, 18 j-i. 4". 2382. h. 2. Robinson (,S7/' John C.) Critical Account of the Drawings by Michel Angelo and Ratl'aello in the University (Talleries, Oxford. Oxford, 1870. 8". 2264. aa. 9. Robinson (Joseph Armitage) Dmn of Westminster. Euthaliana. [Texts and Stndlex. o.] Ca nihr id (je, ' i8g'^. 80. 2001. b. • Texts and Stutlies. Contributions to Biblical and Patristic Literature. Edited by J. A. Robinsoa. Gand)rid,/e, i8()i, etc. 8^. 2004. 1j. 1. Apology of Aristides. Passion of 5. Apocrypha Anecdota II. Clement's S. Perpetua. Lord's Prayer in Quis dives salvetur. Hymn of the Early Church. Heracleon. Soul. Code.K Purpureus Petro- 2. Study of Codex Bezae. Testament politanus. Clement's Biblical of Abraham. Apocrypha Anec- Text. dota I. G. Lausiac History of Palladius. 3. Rules of Tyconius. Elzra IV. Eli- 7. Meaning of Homoousios in Constan- thaliana. I tinopolitan Creed. S. Ephraim's 4. Athanasian Creed. Coptic Apocry- Quotations from Gospels. Codex phal Gospels. Old Latin and 1 of the Gospels and its allies. Itala. Study of Ambrosiaster. Robinson (L.) J. L. E. Meissonicr. [Art Annnal.] London, 1887. 4". R. P.P. 1931. pc. 870 HOB— ROC Robinson (Mary) IMemoirs. [Aiiiolncxji-aplni. 7.] L,nulo,u 1^26. 8". 2094. a. Robinson (R.) A Golden .Miirour. [Clicflniin Soclrfii. PiiJilicdllous. ■23.] MaurJu'sfrr, \^-^\. 4». K. Al-. 8120 23. Robinson (T.) Life of JNIary Magdalene. [Eiirhj EiK/lish Text Sonrt;i.] Lo,uhni, iS^rj. S". II. Ac." 9926 48. Robinson (Wilfrid C.) Antwerp: an liistoiical sketch. Lniiihni, 1^04. 8°. 2390. li. 7. Robinson (William) F.L.S. Alpine Flowens for Gardens. Lon;h Hiaiorkud Sociefy.] London, 1841-44. 8". 2072. c. Flores Historiarum. Edited by H. G. Hewlett. 3 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, i8S6-8g. 8". 2073.(84.) Flowers of History. Enq. [Bohn's Antiquarian Libra ni.] 2 vol. London, 1849. 8". ' 2500. b. 10. Roger-Miles (L.) Corot. [Milnfz. Artistes celehres.] P<(ris, 1890. 80. 2264. (1. 10. Rogers (A. W.) Tntioduction to the Geologv of Cape Colony. Londnn, 1905. 8". '^ 2249. c. 3. Rogers (C.) The Book of Rolx'it Bums : genealogical and historical memoirs. 3 vol. [Grampian ('hd>. IS.] Edinhunjh, iS8^-^i. 8". ]{. Ac. 8241^ 18. The Book of Wallace, 2 vol. [Grampian Club. 22.] Edinlmrgh, 1889. 8". R. Ac. 8241/22. Boswelliana : the Ccmunonplace Hook of James Boswell. With a memoir and notes by C. Rogers. [Grampian Club. 20. | Lnvdn,,, 1874. ^"- 1'- -'^^■- 8241/20. llOaERS 873 Rogers (C.) Chartulary of the Cistercian Priory of Coldstream. [Grampian Gliih. 10.] London, iSy). ^". W. Ac. 8241/10. Estimate of the Scotti.sh Nobility duriiiff the minority of James VI. By Alexander Hay. Edited by C. Roijers. [Gninipldn Chh. 19.] 'LoikJou, 1873. 8'>. ^ ]{. Ac. 8241/19. Genealogical Memoirs of John Knox and of the Family of Kimx. [Gra„q/i(in Clnh. 12.] London, 1879. 8". R. Ac. 8241 12. Genealogical JNIeraoirs of the Family of Sir AV alter Scott : with a reprint of hi.s JNlemorials of the Halilmrtons. [Gratiipian Clnh. 21.] London, 1S77. 8'\ R, Ac. 8241/21. Historical Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith, and rehearsal of events which occurred in the North of Scotland from 1635 to 1645 in I'elation to the National Covenant. [Gnunpian Club. 14.] London, iSj-j. 8". R. Ac. 8241/14. History of the Chapel Royal, with the Register of the Chapel Royal of Stirling. [Graminnn Clnh. 16.] Edinhmr/h, i?.S>. 8". R.'Ac. 8241/16. Leaves from my Autobiography. [Grampian Clnh. 11.] London, 1876. 8". R. Ac 8241/11. The Modern Scottish Minstrel. 6 vol. Ediidjun/Ii, 1855-57. ''^"• 2290. e. 11. Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland. 2 vol. [Grampian Cluh. 3.] London, \%-i, - 2. 8". R. Ac. 8241/3. ■ Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail. [Grampian Clnh. 8.] London, 1877. ^'^^ ^- ^c. 8241/7. ■ Rental Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar- Angus, with the Breviary of the Register. 2 vol. [Grampnan Club. 9.] London, 1879, So. 8". R. Ac. 8241/9. • Scotland: social and domestic. [Grampian Cluh. 1.] London, 1869. S". R. Ac. 8241. Rogers (C. G.) Manual of Forest Engineering for India. 3 vol. Calcutta, 1900-02. 80. 2252. g. Rogers (P. N.) On Elections. 3 vol. London, igo6-o:j. 8". 2017. a. Rogers (J. E. Thorold) Complete Collection of the Protests of the Lords, 1624-1874. 3 vol. Oxford, 1875. 8". 2080. b. • The Economic Interpretation of History. London, 1HS8. 8". 2238. e. 4. Historical Gleanings. A scries of sketches. ]\Iontagu, AN'ulpole, Adam Smith, Cobbett, Wiclif, Laud, Wilkes, Home Tooke. 2 ser. London, 1869, 70. 8'\ 2407. b. 22. & 23. History of Agriculture and Prices in England, 1259-1793. 7 vol. Oxford, 1 866-1902. 8'\ "^ 2020. e. Holland. [Story of the Nation.^. 15.] London, 1888. 8". 2071. a. 15. Industrial and Commercial Histoi-y of England. London, 1892. 8". 2020. (1. 874 ROa— ROL Rogers (J. E. Thorold) Oxford City Documents, financial and judicial. Edited by J. E. T. Rogers. [Oxford Historicdl Socicti/.l Oxford, 1S91. 8". ' R. Ac. 812640. Political Economy. [Clarendon Prefis Series.] Oxford, 1S69. 8". 2320. c. 20. Six Centuries of Work and Wages. The History of English labour. London, 1S90. S". ' 2240. c. 3. Rogers (J. J.) 0]>ie and his works. London, 1878. 8". 2263. c 13. Rogers (S.) Poems. London, 18C0. 8". 2290. g. 9. Poetical AVorks. Edited by E. Bell. [AJdIne Edition.] London, 1875. 8'\ 2288. b. 15. ■ Recollections. London, 1859. 8". 2408. a. 8. Table-Talk: to which is added Porsoniana. London, 1S56. 8". 2408. 1). 5. Rogers (T.) Catholic Doctrine of the Church of England. [Porl-er Societij. Pnldicafions. 34.] Cainhridije, 1854. 8*^. R. Ac. 2077/34. Roget (P. M.) Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. London, 1904. 8". 2052. a. Rohault de Fleury (C.) La Messe. Etude archiJologique. 8 vol. Paris, 1883-89. 4^ ' 2011. f. Rohde (E.) Psyche. Seelencult und Unsterblichkeit.sglaube der (Jriechen. 2 Bde. Tiihiwjen, 1907. 8'>. 2258. d. 5. Rohrbach (A.) Die Tiachten der Volker bis ziun xix'"' Jahrhundert. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1S82. 4". 2260. h. 6. Rojas Zorrilla (F. de) Comedias escogidas jDor R. de Mesonero Romanos. [Arihau. Antores esjiaTioles. 54.] Madrid, 1861. 8". 2044. c. Rokeby (T.) Memoir, containing his religious journal and corre- spondence. [Surtees Society. Publications. 37.] Durham, i860. 8". R. Ac. 8045/35. Rokitansky (C.) Manual of Pathological Anatomy. 4 vol. [Siidrnhom Sovietij.] London, 1849-54. 8". R. Ac. 3837/18. Roland. La Chanson de Roland. Texte criticiue, traduction et commentaire par L. Gautier. Tours, 1881. ''^". 2285. c. 19. • La Chanson de Roland. Traduction nouvelle. Avcc une introduction et des notes par L. Petit de Julleville. Pa, is, 1878. 8". 2043. b. The History of Orlando Furioso, 1594. [Malone Sorietij. Lie- prints. 1.] Oxford, 1907. 4". K. Ac". 9923. The Romances of Rouland and Vernagu, and Otuel. [Ahhofsfird Club. 4.] Edinburgh, 1836. 4". R. Ac. 8247/4. Roland de la Platiere (Marie J.) Memoires. l*ubli('s par C. Perroud. 2 l-jm. Paris, 1905. 8". 2402. e. 7. ROL— HO:\I S75 Rolfe (C. C.) The Ancient Use of Liturgicjil Colours. Oxfonl, 1879. 8". " 2202. 1.. 17. Rolffs (E.) Das Indul<,'enz- Edict de.s KaJlist. [(Irhhnnll (iiid Hurnnch. 11.] Leipzig, 1S93. hanJt ami HarnacTc. 12.] Leipzlff, iS'j^. S'>. 2003. f. Rolland (E.) Ifinies et jeux de Tcnfaiice. [LitlerdtnrcK jiopKhiircs.] Paris, 1 88 5. 8". ' 2348. a. 10. Rolland (J.) The Seven 8ages. In Scottish metre. Edited \^y L). Laing. [Bannatyne GInb. 57.] Edinhimjh, 1837. 4". R. Ac. 8248/57. Ane Treatise callit The Court of Venus. Edited by W. Cregor. [Scottish Text Societi/.] Ediuhitnjh, I S8^. 8". R. Ac. 9943 1. Rolland (R.) Les Origines du theatre lyrique moderne. Histoire de I'opera en Europe avant Lully et Scarlatti. [Bibl. des Ecoles Frauraises d'Athenes, etc. 71.] Paris, 1895. 8". R. Ac. 5206/2. Rolland (V.) Supplement a I'Armorial general de J. B. Rietstap. Paris, 1904, etc. 8". 2400. g. Rolle (R.) Richard Rolle of Hampole. Edited Ijy C. Horstnian. [Eni.] London, 1885. 8«. 2324. 1.. IT. Mental Evolution in Animals. London, 18S5. 8". 2252. c-. 5. ■ The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution. [^Natnrc ,SVr/r,s-.] London, 1S82. S". 2244. b. 25. Romania. Recueil consacre a Tetude des langues et des litteratures romanes. Paris, 1S72, etc. 8". R, P.P. 4964. e. Romanoff (H. C.) Sketches of the Rites and Cu.stoms of the Greco- Russian Church. London, \^6c,. 8". 2202. a. 19. Romberg (M. H.) ^Manual of the Nervous Diseases of Man. 2 vol. [Siidenliani Soeietij.'] London, i^^^t,. 8". R. Ac. 3837/22. Rome. See Pt. 11. CiiuJicii History, rapaei/ : Rome. 2055. g. Rome, Seven Wise Mttsters of. Seven Sages of Rome. Edited by Killis Campl^ell. [Albion Series of Middle English Poetri/.] Boston, U.S.A., 1907. 8". ■ ' ' 2290. g. • Deux redactions du Roman des Sept Sages de Rome. Publiros par G. Paris. [Soeiete des anciens textcs fr((nrais.^ Paris, 1876. 8". ■ R. Ac. 9811/6. Ronalds (A.) The Fly -Fisher's Entomology. London, 1901. 8". 2252. c. 13. Ronalds [Sir F.) Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Electricity. London, 1880. 8". BB. E. e. 6. Ronsard (P. de) QCuvres. [Edited by C. Marty-La veaux.] 5 vol. [La Pleiade Fran<;aise.] Paris, 1887-93. 8". 2043. a. ffiuvres clioisies. [Edited by L. Moland.] [ChrfxiVnurre de la litteratnre fraw;aise.] Paris, 1879. 8". * 2332. g. 2. Poesies choi-sies. Paris, 1875. 8". 2285. c. 20. Rontgen Society. Jcmrnal. London, 1904, etc. 4". }{. Ac. 3826. m. Rood (O. N.) Modern Chromatics. [Intcrnatiomtl Scientific Series.^ London, 1S79. 8". 2324. a. 27. Rooke (-S7/- G.) Journal, 170U-0l*. Edited by O. Browning. [Xari) liecords Societij. 9.] London, i%cj-. 8". R.Ac. 8109. Roorbach (O. A.) liibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of American publications from 1820 to 1861. 4 vol. Neio Yorlc, i^'^2-6l. 8". Circ. 88. a. Rooses (M.) Geschichte der Malerschule Antwerpens. Miinchen, 1881. 8". 2262. e. 3. L'(Euvre de Rubens. 5 vol. ^1h(,v'/-.s, 1886-92. 8". 2266. aa. 3. Roosevelt (T.) 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Rossetti (Christina G.) Poetical Works. AVith memoir and notes In- W. M. Ro.ssetti. London, 1904. 8". 2290. d. 13. Rossetti (D. G.) Collected Works. 2 vol. London, 1SS6. 8". 2342. a. 15. Poems. London, 1870. 8°. 2290. e. 12. Dante and his circle. London, 1874. 8". 2284. c. 16. Henry tlie Leper. 2 vol. [Biblio^diile Soviet 1/. 6.] Boston, Mass., 1905. 4". ' R. Ac 9719/6. Rossetti (H. M. M.) D. G. Rossetti. [Art Annual] London, 1902. 4". R. P.P. 1931. pc. Rossetti (L. M.) iNIrs. Shelley. [Eminent Women Series.] London, 1890. 8". 2407. b. 2 Rossetti (Maria F.) A Shadow of Dante. Lo)idon, i8S^. S". 2284. d. 12. Rossetti (W. M.) Dante Galiriel Rossetti as designer and writer. AN'ith a prose paraphrase of the House of Life. London, 1889. 8". 2308. a. 19. Humorous Poems. Selected by W. M. Rossetti. London, 1872. S". 2288. b. 16. Memoir of Shelley. [Shelley Societij. Puhlieations. Series 4. no. 2.] London, i886. 8". R. Ac. 9484/6. Rossi (F.) 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Henricus Huntingdonensis. | Ethehverdus. I Ingulphus. Sawyer (F. J.) Extemporisation. [Novella's Music Primers. 33.] London, 1890. 40. 2266. d. 908 SAX— SAY Saxon Chronicle. The Saxon Chronicle. With an English transla- tion and notes by J. Ingram. London, 1823. 4". 2072. f. Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel. Revised text edited by C. Plummer on the basis of an edition by J. Earle. 2 vol. Oxford, 1899. 8'\ 2394. b. 2. Say (L.) and Chailley (J.) Nouveau-Dictionnaire d'Kconomie Politique. 3 vol. Paris, 1891, 92. 8°. 2020. h. Sayce (A. H.) The Ancient Empires of the East. London, 1884. 8«. 2378. c 7. • • Assvria ; its princes, priests and people. [Bi/-P((ths of Bible Knowledge. 7.] London, 1885. 8". ' 2200. b. 9. ■ Assyrian Grammar. London, 1872. 8". 2272. c. 10. Babylonian Literature. London, 1877. 8". 2259. d. 4. Babylonians and Assyrians. [Semitic Series.] London, 1900. 8«. ' 2259. b. 7. The Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotus. London, 1902. 8". 2259. e. 21. ■ Elementary Grammar of the Assyrian Language. London, 1904. 4". 2272. f. 10. Fresh Light from the ancient Monuments. [By-Paths of Bible Knowledge'. 3.] London, 1884. 8«. 2200. b. 3. • The " Higher Criticism " and the Verdict of the IMonuments. London, 1894. 8°. . 2201. bb. 11. ■ The Hittites. [By-Paths of Bible Knowledge. 12.] London, 1903. 8«. ■ 2200. b. 14. Introduction to the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. London, 1885. 8-^. 2200. bb. 17. Introduction to the Science of Language. 2 vol. London, 1880. 8". 2272. c. 1. Lectures upon the Assyrian Language. London, 1877. 4". 2272. f. 11. The Life and Times of Isaiah as illustrated by contemporary monuments. [By-Patlis of Bible Knoicledge. 13.] London, 1889. 8". ' 2200. b. 15. Monument Facts and higher critical fancies. [Bif-Poths of Bible Knowledge. 23.] London, 1904. 8«. " 2200." h. 25. On the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians. [Hibbert Lectures.] London, 1887. 80. 2217. aa. 17. The Principles of Comparative Philology. London, iSS^. 8". 2272. c. 6. The Races of the Old Testament. [By-Paths of Bible Knowledi/e. 16.] London, 1 89 1. SO. 2200. b. iS. Recoz'ds of the Past. New Series. Edited by A. H. Sayce. See Records of the Past. SAY— SCH 909 Sayce (A. H.) The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia. E'linhunjh, 1902. 8«. 2217. aa. 20. Social Life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. [Bi/-Paths of BlhJ<- Kimoledge. 18.] London, iS'^^. 8". 2200. b. 20. Sbaralea (J. H.) Supplementum et Castigatio ad Scriptures Ordinis Minorum. Borne, 1806. fol. 2015. g. Sbarbi (J. M.) Monografia sobre los refranes, adagios y pri»\erbios oastellanos. Madrid, 1891. 8°. 2348. g. 6. Scaife (W. B.) America: its geographical history, 1492-1892. [Johns HojjJcins University Studies. Extra vol. 13.] Baltimore, 1892. 8". R. Ac. 2689. Florentine Life during the Renaissance. [Joins Hopkins Univrrsifi/ Studies. Extra vol. li.] Baltimore, iS'^^. 8'\ R. Ac. 2689. Scargill-Bird. (S. R.) Guide to the documents preserved in the Public Record Office. London, 1908. 8°. Circ. 92. a. Scartazzini (G. A.) A Companion to Dante. Translated by A. J. Butler. London, 1S93. 8". 2284. e. 1. Enciclopedia dantesca. Dizionario critico e ragionato di quanto concerne la vita e le opere di Dante Alighieri. 3 vol. 3IiIano, 1896-1905. 8°. 2042. f. Handbook to Dante. Translated by T. Davidson. Boston, 1887. 8°. 2284. d. 1. Scarth (A. M. E.) Story of the Old Catholic and kindred Movements. London, 1883. 8«. 2314. a. 1. Scliack (A. F. von) Count. Poesie und Kunst der Araber in Spanien und Sicilien. 2 Bde. Stuttgart, 1877. 8". 2312. c. 7. Schaefer (A.) Geschichte des siebenjiihrigen Kriegs. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1867, 74. 8°. 2392. f. 6. Schaefer (E. A.) Essentials of Histology. London, 1907. 8". 2025. c. Schaeffer (O.) Labor and Operative Obstetrics. [Saunders Medical Hand-Atlases. Philadelphia, 1901. 8^. 2256. c. Ol)stetric Diagnosis and Treatment. [Saunders' Medical Hand- Atlases.] Philadelphia, 1901. 8". 2256. c. • Operative Gynecology. [Saunders' Medical Hand- Atlases.] Philadelphia, 1904. 8". 2256. c. Schaff (P.) History of the Apostolic Church. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1854. 8". 2011. b. Histoxy of the Christian Church. 7 vol. Neio York, 1886-94. 8". 2208. cc. 6. History of the Creeds. 3 vol. London, 1877-78. 8". 2010. a. Popular Commentary on the New Testament. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1879-80. 8". 2200. dd. 5. 910 SCH— SCH Schaffhausen. — StadthibUothek. Yerzeichnis cler Inkunabeln und Handschriften der SchaffhaiLsei' Stadtbibliothek. Schafhamen, 1903. S^. 2330. h. 2. Schalek (A.) Diseases of the Skin. [3Iedical Epitome Series.^ London, 1905. 8°. 2256. a. Schanz (M.) Geschichte der roinischen Litteratur bis zum Gesetz- gebungswerk des Kaisers Justinian. [JSIuller. Handbuch der JcJnsfiischen AJteriuius-WlsseHschaff. 8.] Milnclien, 1898, elc. 9>^. 2044. g. Scharff (R. F.) European Animals. London, 1907. 8". 2028. a, Scheeben (M. J.) Manual of Catholic Theology. 2 vol. London, 1890, 98. 8°. 2009. a. ScTiefer (G.) Chardin. \Les Grands Artistes.'] Paris, 1904. S'\ 2266. bb. 6. Scheiner (J.) Treatise on Astronomical Spectroscopy. Boston, 1898. 8". 2022. b. Scheler (A.) Dictionnaire d'Etymologie fran(;'aise. Br^ixeUes, iSSS. 8". 2053. g. Schellendorff (P. Bronsart von) See Broxsart. Scheller (I. J. G.) Lexicon totius Latinitatis. Revised and trans- lated by J. E. Riddle. Oxford, 1835. fol. 2051. g. Scheltema (J.) Staatkundig Nederland. 2 vol. Amsterdam, 1805, 06. 8«. 2092. a. Schenckel (J.) Deutsche Dichterhalle des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 3 Bde. 3Iainz, iS^o, ^i. S'\ 2286. d. 7. Scherer (E.) £tudes sur la litterature au xviii*^ siecle. Paris, 1 891. 8". 2310. b. 7. Etudes critiques sur la litterature contemjDoraine. 10 tom. Paris, 1863-95. 8". 2310. b. 18. Scherer (W.) Die Anfiinge des deutschen Prosaromans. [QneJIen und Forschungen zur Spracli- und GulturgescTiichte der qermanisclien VolJcer. 21.] Strassburg, 18 j-j. 8^. ' 2338. h. 4. Geistliche Poeten der deutschen Kaiserzeit. 2 pt. [Qnellen und Forschungen zur Spracli- und Cultiirgeschiclite der gcruianischen Volker. 1, 7.] Strassburg, 1874, 75. 8°. 2338. h. 1. Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung im xi. und xii. Jahrhundert. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichie der germanischen VolJcer. 12.] Strassburg, 1875, 8°. 2338. h. 2. History of German Literature. Translated by INIrs. F. C. Conybeare. 2 vol. Oxford, 1906. 8". 2312. b. 10. Zur Geschichte der deut.schen Sprache. Berlin, 1878. 8". 2276. e. 3. Schermann (T.) Die Geschichte der dogmatischen Elorilegien. [Gebhardt and HarnacJc. N.F. 13.] Leipzig, 1904. 8^^. 2003. cr. SCH— SCH 911 Schermann (T.) Prophetarum vitae fabulosae. Indices apostolorum discipulorumque Domini. Edidit T. Schermann. [TeHhner Series.] Lqmae, 1907. 8°. 2047. a, etc. Scherren (H.) The Zoological Society of London. London, 1906. 8°. 2250. f. 5. Schickler (F. de) Baron. Les Eglises du llefuge en Angletene. :3 vol. Parix, 1892. 8". 2212. d. 6. Schieniann (T.) Geschichte Russlands unter Kaiser Nikolaus i. Berlin, 1904, etc. 80. 2392. d. SchifF (M.) La Bibliotheque du Marquis de Santillane. [EcoJe pratique des liautes etudes. Bibliotheque. Sc. pliil. ct liist. 153.] Paris, 1905. 8«. R. Ac. 8929. Schiller (H.) Geschichte der romischen Kaiserzeit. 3 vol. [Hand- biicher der alten Geschichte. iii. 2.1 Gotha, iSS^-8-]. 8^. 2071. g. Schiller (J. C. F. von) Sammtliche Schriften. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe von K. Goedeke. 15 vol. Stuttgart, i86~-~6. 8". 2042. h. Sammtliche Werke. 12 Bde. Stuttgart, iQSi. 8". 2336. d. 1. Works. Eng. 4 vol. [Brjhn's Standard Library.] London, 1846-49. 8". 2504. g. 10. • Essays. Enq. [Bohn's Standard Librari/.] London, 1875. 8". 2504. g. 12. Poems and Ballads. Translated by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Edinburgh, 1852. 8°. 2286. d. 8. Poems. Enq. 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'6172/65. Schmidt-Beauchez (L.) Die franzu.sische Sprache. [Kimst der Po/;,glnttie.] Wien, ibb7. 8". 2272. a. 1. Schmit (C.) Bibliograpliie zur Geschichte des ostcrreichischen Kaiser.staates. Wien, 1858. 8". BB. M. e. 11. SCH— SCH 915 Schmitz (B.) Encyclopiidie des i^hilologischen Studiuius der neueren Simichen. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1875, 81. 8". BB. T. d. 8. Schmoller (G.) Strassburgs Bliite mid die Aolkswirthschaftliche Ivevolutiou im xiii. Jalirhundert. [QiirJlru itnd Forschungen zur Sprach- und Ciilfvrr/cscliiclite der geniKtnisclioi ViAlar. 6.] Strasshurg, 1875. 'S*^. 2338. li. 1. Schmoller (O.) Galatiaus. Translated by C. C. Starbuck. [Ldiige. CohniH'iitdn/ on ilie Holy Scriptures.^ EdinhiirgJi, 1870. 8". 2201. dd. 4. Schnaase (C.) Geschichte der bildeiiden Klinste. .S Bde. Dilsseldorf, 1866-79. 8". 2262. e. 12. Schnabel (C.) Handbuch der Metallhiittenkunde. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1901, 04. 8". 2030. d. Handbook of Metallui'gy. Translated by H. Louis. 2 vol. London, 1905, 07. 8". 2030. d. Schnitzler (J. M.) Hossf eld's New Practical Method for learning the Dutch Language. With key. 2 pt. London, igo2, 05. 8". 2276. b. 7. Schoebel (C.) La Legende du Juif-Errant. Paris, 1877. 8". 2217. cc. 14. Schoelcher (V.) Vie de Toussaint-Louverture. Paris, 1889. 8'*. 2402. a. 12. Sclioemann (G. F.) Griechische Alterthiimer. Neu bearbeitet von J. H. Lipsius. 2 vol. Berlin, 1897, 1902. 8«. 2034. d. ■ The Antiquities of Greece. London, 1880. S". 2258. b. 3. Schoenfeld (E. D.) Der isliindische Bauernhof und sein Betrieb zur Sagazeit. [Quellen and Forsclmngen zur Sprrach- und Cultur- gescJiicliie der gcr^nanischen Volher. 91.] Strassburg, 1902. 8°. 2338. h. Schoenhoff (H.) EmsLindische Grammatik. [Germanischr BibliotheJc. Reihe 1. Bd. 8.] Heidelberg, 1908. 8". 2276. c. Schofield (A. T.) Functional Nerve Diseases. [Netv Library of Medicine.] London, 1908. 8°. 2256. d. Schofield (W. H.) English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer. London, 1906. 8**. 2308. b. Scholastic Register. See Journal op Education. Scholefield (J.) Encyclopaedia of Local Government Law. 7 vol. London, 1905-08. 8°. 2017. h. Scholl (C.) Phraseological Dictionary of Commercial Correspondence. Eng., Ger., Fr., Span. Liverpool, 1884. 8«. 2054. d. Schollenberger (J.) Bundesverfassung der Schweizerischen Eid- genossenschaft. Kommentarmit Einleitung von J. Schollenberger. Berlin, 1905. 8". 2392. d. 5. Schoolcraft (H. R.) Historical and statistical information respecting the Indian tribes of the United States. 6 vol. Philadelphia, 1851-60. 4". 2398 h. 4. 3 N 2 916 SCH— SCH Schoolcraft (H. R.) Personal Memoirs of a residence of tbiity years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers. PhnadeljtJua, 1851. S". 2374. f. 8. Schopenhauer (A.) 8iimmtliche AVerke. 6 Bde. Leipzig, 1873-74. 8". 2236. d. 12. Selected Essays. Edited by E. B. Bax. [Bohns PhiJoJoiu-h der EspeniTito. \Kiiii.-t Hotlu'k zu Ohniitz vor 1501. Olmiitz, 1901. 8". 2330. f. 3. Schubert (H. von) Der sogenannte Praede.stinatu.s. [Gehhardt and Ilarnaeh. N.F. 9.] Leipzig, 1903. 8". 2003. g. Outlines of Church History. Translated Ijy M. A. Canney. [Cheync. Theological Translation Library. 24.] London, 1907. 8". 2206. cc. 14. Schubring (P.) Luca della Robbia und seine FauiiHe. [Kiiacli/Hss. Kiinfiflcr-^Tonograpliien. 74.] Leipzig, 1905. 8". 2034. c. Schuchardt (H. E. M.) Baskisch und Romaniseh. [Zeitscltrift J'iir romanische Philologie. Beilieft 6.] Halle, 1906, etc 8". R. P.P. 5044. ac. Der Vokalisraus des Vulgiirlateins. 3 Bde. Leipzig, 1866-68. 8«. 2274. f. 11. Schuchhardt (C) Schliemann's Excavations. London, 1891. 8". 2258. b. 5. Schuerer (E.) History of the Jewish People. 5 vol. [Clark's Foreii/n Theological Library. Ser. v. No. 23-25, 41, 45.] Edinburgh, 1885-90. 8<'. 2007. f, g. Schulte (J. F. von) Der Altkatliolicisuius. Giessen, 1887. 8". 2214. b. 8. Schulthess (F.) Lexicon Syropalaestinum. Berlin, 1903. 8". 2057. c. Schultz (A.) Das hotische Leben zur Zeit der Minnesinger. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1889. 8". 2032. c. Schultze (K.) Das Martyrium des Al)o von Tillis. [Gebhardf and Harnaek. N.F. 13.] Leipzig, 1905. 8". 2003. g. Schultze (M.) Graniiiiatik der altpreussisclien Spraclie. Leipzig, 1897. 8". 2276. c. 2. Schultze (V.) Archiiologie der altehristHchen Kunst. j\Bnchen, 1895. 8", ' 2264. cc. 4- 918 8CH— SCI Schulz {A.) ]>ibliogr;ipliit' de la guerre franco-alleniaiule, 1870- 1871, et de la Commune de 1871. Paris, i886. 8". BB. M. d. 19. Schulze (E.) Uotliisohes Glossar. M(ii><)k of Antelopes. 4 vol. Loudon, 1 894- 1900. 4". 2028. e. Sclater (W. L.) Fauna of South Africa, l^^dited l»y W. L. Selater. Loudou, 1900, etc. 8". 2251. (I. 11. Sclater (W. L.) and (P. L.) The (leo.^'nq.hy of Mammals. Loudou, 1899. 8". " 2028. b. Scobell (H.) Collection of Acts and Ordinances made in Parliament, 1640-16.56. 2 pt. London, 1658. fol. Giro. 57. b. Scoloker (A.) Daiphantus. [Boxhurghe Club. 15.] Loudon, 18 1 8. 4". R. Ac. 8104/15. Scone, Mouitdcni of tJie LIolji Trinifi/ af. Lilier Ecclesie de Scon. [BdunatipK^ Cluh. 78.] Ediuhxnih, 1843. 4". R. Ac. 8248/78. Scoones (W. B.) Four Centuries of English T^etters. London, 1883. 8". 2410. a. 7. Scot (Walter) Metrical History of the families of Scot and Elliot. [Sroflsh LHcrarii CJuh.] Edrnhi(rgh, 1892. 4". R. Ac. 9166/2. Scot (William) Apologetical Narration of the State of the Kirk of Scotland since the Reformation. [Wodrow Socii'li/.] Edinhuryh, 1846. 8". R. Ac. 2081/10. Scotish Literary Club. Publications. 2 vol. Edinhmjh, 1877,92. 4". R. Ac. 9166. 1. Works of Adam Petrie. 2. Scot (W.). Metrical History of Scot and Elliot families. Scotland. See Pt. ii., Scotland. Scots Compendium ; or, Pocket Peerage of Scotland. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1826. 8". 2101. a. Scots Magazine. 79 vol. Edinburgh, 1739-1817. 8". 2113. a-d. Tlie Edinburgh Magazine. A new series of the Scots jNIagazine. 18 vol. Edinburgh, 1811-26. 8". 2113. d, c. Scott (Alexander) Poems. Edited by J. Cranstoun. [Scof/ish Tc.if Soviet!/.] Edinburgh, 1896. 8«. 1{. Ac. 9943. • Poems. Edited by A. K. Donald. [Earhi Em/Ji.'ih Text Socirti/.] London, 1902. 8". ' 'R. Ac. 9926/53. Scott (Charles W.) Guide to the Prepaiation, Delivery and Taxa- tion of Bills of Costs. 2 vol. London, 1907. 8". "2230. c. 2. Scott (Clement W.) The Drama of Yesterday and To-dav. 2 vol. London, 1899. 8°. 2306. d. 4. Scott (D.) Annals and Statistics of the Original Secession Church. Edinburgh, 1886. 8*^. 2212. bb. 2. 920 SC( )TT Scott (D. H.) Studies in Fossil Botany. Lnndnn, 1909. 8". 2254. g. 16. Scott (Sir G. G.) Cileaning.s from AVe.stiuinstei- Abbey. O.r/onI, 1S63. 8". " 2261. e. 7. Lectures on the Rise and Development of Mediaeval Architecture. 2 vol. io(K?o)(, 1S78, 79. 8". 2031. b. Scott (H.) Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae : the succession of Ministers in the Parish Churches of Scotland from a.d. 1-i60 to the present time. 3 vol. Edinhnrgh, 1^66-- 1. 8". 2012. h. Scott (H. T.) and Davey (S.) Guide to the Collector of Historical Documents and Autographs. London, 1891. 4°. 2330. e. 16. Scott (J.) Bibliography of \\orks relating to Mary Queen of Scots, 154:4-1700. [Edinhim/h Bih/iot/raphical Sorirti/. Pnhlications. 2.] Edinhnnilt, 1896. 4°.' ' ' R. Ac. 9703. Scott {Sir J. G.) Burma : a handliook of practical information. London, 1906. 8'\ 2354. a. 7. Scott (J. H.) The Law affecting foreigners in Egypt. Edinhiinjh, 1907. 8". '"' 2228. e. 15. Scott (L.) Filippo di Ser Brunellesco. [Great ^Ta^trrs.] London, 1901. 8". 2263. d. 2. Scott (R. Falcon) The Voyage of the ' Discovery.' 2 vol. London, 1905. 8°. 2370. f. 1. Scott (R. Forsyth) The Theory of Determinants. Canihr'uhjr, 1904. 8". ' 2242. d. 2. Scott (R. H.) Elementary Meteorology. [Lidcrndtional Scientific Series:] London, 1883. 8". 2324. b. 13. Weather Charts and Storm Warnings. London, 1S87. 8". 2244. c. 10. Scott (.SV/- S. D.) The Bi'itish Army. -I vol. Ljondon, 1868-80. 8". 2248. c. 2. Scott {Sir Walter) Waverley Novels. Edited by Andrew Lang. 24 vol. London, 1898-99. 8". 2344. g. 1. Waverley. 15. Peveril of the Peak. 2. Guy Mannering. , 16. Quentin Durward. 3. Antiquary. (--,.„ 4. Rob Roy. 5. Old :Morta]ity. 6. Heart of Midlothian. 7. Legend of Montrose. Plack Dwarf. ' 21. Pair Maid of Perth. 8. Bride of Lammermoor. « 22. Anne of Geierstein. 9. Ivanhoe. 28. Count Robert of Paris. Burgeon's 10. ^Monastery. Daughter. 11. Abbot. 24. Castle Dangerous, Chronicles of tiie 12. Kenilworth. , Cauongate, My Aunt Margaret's 1.3. Pirate. IMirror, Tapestried Chamber. 14. Fortunes of Nigel. ]Mi.scellaneous Pro.se Works. ^J vol. Ediidtnn/li, 1 84 1-47. 8". 2041. li. 17. St. Ronan's Well. 18. Redgauntlet. 19. Betrothed. Talisman. 20. Woodstock. SCO— SCO 921 Scott (»S^/r Walter) Poetical Works. Efh'iihiirt/h, iS/[S. 8". 2041. h. Familiar Lettor.s. 2 vol. Editibnryh, 1894. 8". 2096. c. Journal, 1825-32. EdinJmnih, 1S91. 8". 2408. d. 8. The Lady of the Lake. Edittid hv AV. Minto. [Clarendon Prcsn Series.] Oxford, 1S91. 8". ^ 2319. a. 27. ■ The Lay oMhe Last ]\Iinstrel. Edited "by >\'. .Minto. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1886. 8". 2320. h a. 8. The Lord of the Isle.s. Edited l)y T. 15avne. [Clarendon l^ress Series.] Oxford, 1893. 8". ' " 2319. a. 55. Marniion. Edited by T. Bayiie. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1 88;. 8". 2319. a. 7. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. 3 vol. Edinhnrr/h, 1821. 8". 2288. .1,'. 9. Scott (William Bell) Half-hour Lectures on the history and practice of the Fine Arts. London, 1874. 8*^. 2266. a. 6. ■ • The Little Masters. London, 1S80. 8". 2264. aa. 1. • Poems. London, 1875. 8". 2290. f. 5. Scott (William R.) Records of a Scottish Cloth Manufactory at New Mills, Haddingtonshire, 1681-1703. [Seottish History Soeieiij. Puhlicaiions. 46.] Edinburgh, 1905. 8". R. Ac. 8256. Scott-Moncrieff (W. G.) Records of the Proceedings of the Justiciary- Court, Edinburgh, 1661-78. [Seofii.^Ji Histoni Soeieti/. I'iddieations. 48, 49.] 2'vol. Edinhiin/h, 1905. 8'>. R. Ac. 8256. Scottish Antiquary. See Northern Notes and Queries. Scottish Arboricultural Society. Tiansactions. Edinhurgh, 1838, ete. 8". R. Ac. 3501. Scottish Burghs Records Society. Pul)lications. Edinhurgh, 1868, etc. 4«. R. Ac. 8249. 1. Ancient Laws and Customs of the 5. Charters and Documents relating Burghs of Scotland. I to Peebles. 2. Extracts from Records of Eurgh of ! G. Extracts from Records of Burgh of Edinburgh. Glasgow. 3. Charters and Documents relating 7. Miscellany. to Edinburgh. 8. Charters and Documents relating 4. Extracts from Aberdeen Council to Glasgow. Register. Scottish Ecclesiological Society. Transactions. Aberdeen, 1904, ete. 4". R. Ac. 2082. c. Scottish Geographical Society. Scottish GeograiOiical Magazine. Edinburgh, i88^, etc. S". R. Ac' 6182. • Britannic Confederation. A series of i>a])ers. Editerl by A. S. White. London, 1892. 8". R. Ac. 6182/2. Scottish Historical Review. See Northern Notes and Queries 922 SCOTTISH 31. 32, 33, 30. 37. Scottish History Society. Publications. E>lhihiin/h 1. Bishop Pococke's Tours in Scot- land. 2. Diary of William Cunningham. 3. Philip Grameid. 4. 7. Register of St. Andrews Kirk Session. 5. Diary of John ]\Iill. tj. Narrative of James Nimmo. 8. List of Persons concerned in the Rebellion, 1745. 9. Glamis Book of Record. 10. ^Major's History of Greater Britain. 11. Records of Commissions of General Assemblies, 1G4G-47. 12. Court-Book of Barony of Urie. 13. jMemoir of Sir John Clerk. 14. Diary of Col. Erskine of Carnock. 1.5, 44. Miscellany. IG. Account Book of Sir John Foulis of Ravelston. 17. Charles II. and Scotland in 1650. 18. Scotland and the Commonwealth. 19. Jacobite Attempt of 1719. 20-22. Lyon in INIourning. 23. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward. 24. Extracts from Inverness and Ding- wall Presbytery Records. 25. Records of Commissions of General Assemblies, 164S-49. Scottish Literary Club. Scottish Notes and Queries Scottish Record Society Commissariot Records of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dunblane, St. Andrews, Argyle, Brechin, Caithness, Dumfries, Dunkeld, Hamilton and Campsie, the Isles, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Lauder, Peebles, Moray, Publication lSS-,rfc. 8". R. Ac. 8256. 2G. Wariston's Diary. 27. Memorials of John Murray of Bronghton. 23. Compt Bulk of David Wedderburne. 29, 30. Correspondence of Montereul and Bellievre. Scotland and the Protectorate. 35, 38. Scots Brigade in Holland. 34. Macfarlane's Gen alogical Col- lections. Lauder : Journals. Papal Negotiations with Queen Mary. 39. Diary of Andrew Hay. 40. Cromwell ian Union. 41. IMacphebson : Loyall Dissuasive. 42. Chartulary of Lindores. 43. Queen Mary's Letter to Guise. 45. Letters of John Cockburn. 4G. Minute Book of New IMills Cloth Factory. 47. Chronicles of the Erasers. 48, 49. Justiciary Court Records. 50. Records of Baron Court of Stitchill. 51-53. Macfarlane's Geographical Col- lections. 54. Statuta Ecclesiae Scoticanae. 55. Ochtertyre House Book. 56. Charters of Inchaffray Abbey. Sec ScoTisn Literary Club. iherdeen, 18S7, etc. 4". R. P.P. 6214. c. Pul>lication,s. E(linh)(r(l Presbytcfian Church, the Cuiiiberlati. Fragments des poemes geographic {ues. Kestitues par M. Letronue. Pam, 1840. 8*^. 2045. a. Seager (H. W.) Natural History in Sliakespeare's Time. Loiulon, 1896. 8". 2300. li. 9. Seailles (G.) Leonard de Vinci. [Lex Grainls Aiiisics.] Paris, 1903. 8". 2266. 1.1.. 10. Watteau. [Lex GrdiiiJs Artisti's.] F((iis, 1901. S". 2266. bb. 35. Searle (W. G.) Anglo-Saxon Bishops, Kings and Nobles. Camhrhhje, 1899.'" 8« " 2102. e. Onomasticon Anglo-Saxoniemn Cahihrldye, 1897. S*'. 2102. e. Seaton (A. E.) Manual of Marine Engineering. London, 1907. 8*^. 2248. e. 6. The Screw Propeller, and other competing instruments for marine propulsion. London, 1909. 8". 2246. g. 11. Sebastian (L. B.) Dige.st of Cases of Trademark in the United Kingdom, the Colonies and U.S.A. London, 1879. 8". 2228. b. 9. Law of Trade Mai-ks. London, iS^(^. 8". 2230. d. 6. Sebillot (P.) Coutumes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne. [Litlnd- tures populaires.] Par'iA, 1S86. 8". 2348. a. 15. Le Folk-Lore des Pecheurs. [Littcratitrfs popiiJairi's.^ Paris, 1 90 1. 8". 2348. aa. 13. Gargantua dans les traditions populaires. [Litferatiires popu- laires.] Paris, 1883. 8". 2348. a. 8. Legendes de la Mer. 2 sor. P(y/v's, 1886, 87. 8". 2346. b. 2. • Litterature orale de la Haute-Bretagne. [Litteratures populaires.] Paris, 1 88 1. 8". 2348. a. 1. Litterature orale de I'Auvergne. \Ijitteratnres popiilai res.] Paris, 1898. 8°. 2348. aa. 5. Traditions et superstitions de la Haute-Bretagne. [Litferatiires pojndaires.] 2 torn. Paris, 1882. 8^. ' 2348. a. 6. ■ Les Travaux publics et les mines dans les traditions et les superstitions de tous les pays. Paris, 1894. 8". 2346. g. 9. Sebillot (Y.) Histoire du peuj.le breton. Paris, 1903. 8". 2390. a. 9. Secondat (C. de) Banm de Montescpiien. See MONTKSQUIKU. Secreta Secretorum. Secrees of Old Philisoffres. Translated by Lydgate and JUiigh. Edited by R. Steele. [Early Enqlish text Society.] London, i^^. 8". R. Ac. 9926/38. Three pro.s(^ versions (»f the Secreta Secretorum. Edited by R. Steele, pt. 1. [Early En(/lish Text Societi/.] London, 1898. 8^. R. Ac. 9926/44. SED— SEE 925 Sedaine (M. J.) Le Philosophc sans lesavoir. Edited l)y IT. A. UuU. [Plit Pn'.^s Sn-U:^.] C((mhr!(J(jc, iSS-j. .^". "'2322. c. 35. Seddall (H.) Malta, past and present. London, 1870. S'>. 2360. e. 4. Sedding (J. D.) Art and Handicraft. London, 1893. S". 2264. .-. 14. Seddon (H. C.) Builder's Work and the lUiiidini;- Trjules. London, 1897. ^"- 2246. r. 2. Sedgwick (A.) Student's Text-book of Zooloi,'y. 15 aoI. London, 1 898-1 909. 8". ' 2028. b. Sedgwick (H. D.) Francis Parkinan. [AniciicfOi Men of L( tfcr.s.] Bo!. * 2272. a. 50. Praktische Grammatiken der Hauptspraehen Deutsch-Siidwest- afrikas : Nama, Otyiherero, Oshindonga. [Knnst der PoItigJottie.^ Wien, 1892. 8". 2272. a. 37. Praktische Grammatik der japanischen Sprache. [Knnst di r Polijglottic.] Wien, 1890. 8«. 2272. a. 22. Praktische Grammatik der malayischen Sprache. [Kanst der Pohjglottie.] Wien, 1892. 8«. 2272. a. 34. Praktische Grammatik der neupersischen Sprache. [Kanst der Pohjglottie.] Wien, 1890. 8". 2272. a. 26. Praktische Grammatik der Suaheli-Sprache. [Kanst der Pohj- glottie.] Wien, 1 891. 8". 2272. a. 32. Praktisches Lehrbuch der arabischen Umgangssprache syrischen Dialekts. [Kanst der Pohjglottie.] TF/ch, 1895. 8". 2272. a. 47. Praktisches Lehrbuch der englischen Umgangssprache. [Kanst der Pohjglottie.] TF/V«, 1895. 8". 2272. a. 44. Praktisches Lehrbuch der f ranziisischen Umgangssprache. [Kunst der Pohjglottie.] TF/ch, 1895. 8". 2272. a. 45. Systematisches Worterbuch der englischen Umgangssprache. [Kanst der Pohjglottie.] Wien, 1906. 8". 2272. a. 86. ■ Systematisches Wilrterbuch der franzosischen Umgangssprache. 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[NorfcjJk ArcJiaeoloyical Society.] Nonvich, 1886, 92. 8'\ R. Ac. 5685/8. Selden Society. Publications. London, 18S7, etc. 8". R. Ac. 2176. 1. Select Pleas of the Crown. , 10. Select Cases in Chancery. 2. Select Pleas in Manorial Courts. ' 12. Select Cases in the Court of llc- 3. Select Civil Pleas. [ quests. 4. The Court Baron. 13. Select Pleas of the Forest. 5. Leet Jurisdiction in Norwich. | 14. Beverley Town Documents. 6. 11. Select Pleas in the Court of ' 15. Select Pleas of the Jewish Admiralty. 2 vol. i Exchequer. 7. The ]Mirror of Justices. | 16. Select Cases in the Star Chamber. 8. Bracton and Azo. I 17, 19, 20. Year Books, 1307-10. 8 vol. 9. Select Coroners' Rolls. ' 18, 21. Borough Customs. 2 vol. Selden (J.) Table-Talk. [Lihrarii of Old AutJiors.] London, 1856. 8". 2340. a. 16. [Another edition.] [^Enijlisli Reprints.] London, 1869. 4". 2324. ('. 1. (6.) [Another edition.] Edited by S. H. Reynolds. Oxford, 1892. 8". 2350. g. 8. Titles of Honour. London, 1631. fol. 2098. e. Select British Theatre. 4 vol. London, 1S15. 8". 2304. d. 1-4. Selincourt (B. de) Giotto. [Lihran/ of Art.] London, 1905. 8". 2264. b. 4. ■ ■ William Blake. [Lib ran/ of Art.] London, iCjOC). 8". 2264. b. 19 Sell (E.) The Faith of Islam. [Trilbncr's Oriental Series.] London, 1896. 8°. 2318. g. 29. The Historical Development of the Quran. London, 1905. 8'\ 2217. a. 28. 928 SEL— SEN Sellar (A. M.) Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England. [Edited by A. M. Sellar.] London, 1907. 8". 2210. aa. 1. Sellar (W. Y.) The lloman Poets of the Augustan Age. Horace and the Elegiac Poets. [^(.Uarcndon Press Scries.] Oxford, 1S99. 8". 2320. g. 21. The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age. Virgil. [Glarendou Press Series.] Oxford, iSg-. 8". ' 2320. g. 19. The Pionian Poets of the RepuhHc. Oxford, 1SS3. 8". 2282. e. 10. Sellers, afterwards Strong (E.) Roman Sculjiture. [L.'hrdri/ of Art.] London, 1907. 8^ 2264. h. 8. Sellers (W.) Handljook of Legal Medicine. [Mdncheder University. Pnhiications. Medical Series. 5.] Manchester, 1906. 8". R. Ac. 2671. Selwyn (E. J.) Catalogue of Works illustrated 1)y Thomas and John Bewick. London, 1S51. fol. BB. G. e. 19. Selwyn (G. A.) B'sliop of Lichfield. George Selwyn: his letters and his life. Edited by E. S. Roscoe and H. Clergue. London, 1899. 8°. 2407. e. 3. Semitic Series. 7 vol. London, 1900-06. 2259. b. 7-13. Day : Social Life of the Hebrews. Duff : Theology aud Ethics of the Hebrews. JuDAH Hallevi : Kifcab al Khazari. Macdo]n'Ald : INIuslim Theology. Paton : Syria and Palestine. Rapapokt : Tales from the Midrash. Sayce : Babylonians and Assyrians. Semitistische Studien. Berlin, 1894, etc. 8". R. P.P. 4994. Semper (C.) Tin- Natural Conditions of Existence as they afi'ect Animal Life. [Lnter national Scientific Series.] Ixnidon, 1881. S°. 2324. a. 31. Semper (H.) Donatello, seine Zeit und Schule. [Quellenscltriften fiir Kunstijescliicldc' \}.] TF/e;/, 1875. 8". 2262. b. Seneca (Lucius Annseus) Opera (juae supersunt. Recognovit F. 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History of Sennaclicrib. Translated from the cuneiform inscriptions by G.Smith. London, 1878. 8". 2259. h. 6. Sennett (R.) and Oram (H. J.) The Marine Steam Engine. London, 1908. 8« 2248. e. 5. Sepet (M.) Origines catholiques du theatre moderne. Paris, 1 90 1. 8«. 2306. g. 11. Seraphim (E.) Geschichte Liv-, Est- und Kurlands. 2 Bde. Eeval, 1895,96. 8". 2392. e. 6. Serbat (L.) Les Assemblees du Clerge, 1561-1615. [Lcole pratique des hautes etudes. Bihliotheque. Sc. pMl. et hist. 154.] Paris, 1906. 8«. R. Ac. 8929. Serenus, of Anzi. Opuscula. Edidit et Latine interpretatus est I. L. Heiberg. Gr. & Lat. [Teidiner Series.] Leipzig, 1896. 8**. 2047. a, etc. Serenus Sammonicus (Quintus) Liber Medicinalis. [Teidjner Series. Poetae Latini Minores. 3.] Leipjzig, 1881. 8^. 2047. a, etc. Sergeant (L.) The Franks. [Story of the Nations. 48.] London, 1898. 8". 2071. b. 48. Serrano y Ortega (M.) Bibliogralia de la Catedral de Sevilla. Sevilla, 1 90 1. 80. 2330. f. 9. Servaes (P.) 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Smith (Justin Harvey) The Troul)a(loiii's at Home. 2 vol. Nrw Vnrl; iS-j^. 8". 2310. g. 6. Smith (Leon) and Hamilton (H.) Tnicrnaiional l<]iiglisli and h'reiu'li I )ieHon;i,ry. Ltntdoii, 1S78. 8". 2053. e. Smith (Logan Pearsall) Life of Sir Jlenry Woilon. 2 vol. Oxford, 1907. 8". 2408. f. 8. Smith (Philip) Students' Ecclesiastical History, llish.ry of the Christian Chui'ch. 2 vol. Lo»Jo», 1 878, 85. ' 8". 2210. aa. 12. Smith (Reginald Bosworth) Cai'thage and the Cirlhnglniaus. LomloN, 1S79. 8". 2378. c. 8. Life of Lord Lawi-ence. 2 vol London, 1885. 8". 2406. e. 9. Smith (Richard Travers) The Church in l^'rancc. | Diirhilrhl. TJic NotUnuil Chiirrhrs.] Ljundnn, 1894. fi" 2208. aa. 17. Smith (Richmond Mayo) Science of Statistics. 2 vol. Nrw Yorl; 1895, 9> 8". 2023. c Smith (Robert Henry) Cutting Tools worked ]>y hand and uiacliine. [Matiaals 0/ Trr]niolo(/y.\ L(nido)i, 1SS2. 8". 2270. a. 7. Smith (Sir Robert Murdoch) Persian Art. [,S'. K. 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History of Ihe County of AVarwi.-k. ]>iniilii(/]iifin, 1830. 4". 2063. li. 952 HMTTH Smith (William) F.S.A.S. Old Yorkshire. vol. Lowhni, 18S1-S4. 8« & 4". 2368. «1«1. U. Smith (William) "/" Nuremh('r(i. Chloris. [Grosart. OcrdsioiKil Issiu's] London,' 18--. 8".' 2326. - 5. (3.) Smith (;SV/- William) Atlas of Ancient Geography, J'.il)lical and Chxssical. Linuhni, 1S75. fol. 2059. f. Classical Dictionary of Gi-eek and Eoman Biogra})hy, jNlytholooy and Geography. London, 1894. 8". 2258. b. 4. [Another editioii.] Revised and in part rewritten by G. >'. Marindin. London, 1904. S*'. 2045. d. Concise Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquiti(^^. Edited by F. W. Cornish. ' London, 1898. 8". 2032. e. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Anti((uities. 2 vol. London, 1890, 91. 8". 2045. d. Dictionary of Greek and Roman JMography and Mythology. 3 vol. London, 1844-49. S'\ ' 2045. d. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vol. London, 1878, 73. 8". ' ' 2045. d. Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by H. B. 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Smith (William Henry) Sccreiari/ of State of Ohio. Political history of SlaNcry in the Lhiited States of America. 2 vo'. New York, J 903." 8", 2398. e. 6. SMT— SMY O.").", Smith (William Johnson) Medical and Siii',i;ical Jft'lp foi- Sliip- masters. Loinhni, 1-^5. ,S". 2248. d. 11. Smith (William Robertson) Kiu.ship and Marriao-o in caily Arabia. Loiuhm, 1903. 8". 2378. <•. l4. Lectures on the Reli^'ion of tlie Semites. Loudon, 1S94. (S". 2217. I>. 15. ■ The Old Testament in the Jewish C!liiiirli. Lainloii, 1S92. H". 2200. d. 7. The Prophets of Israel and their place in history. AVith iiilfo- duction and notes by T. K. Cheyne. Loinhni, 1S95. 8". 2200. c. . 12. Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Smithsonian Contiibu- tions to Knowledge. W(i.shiii(jlo)i, 1848, ftc 4". 11. Ac. 1875. Annual Reports, ctr. W(ixh!n: WaMngton, 1S8S, etc 8". R. Ac. 1872-1874. Smollett (T. G.) Humphry Clinker. [Bohns Novelists Lihran/.] London, 1S95. 8". 2502. e. 20. Peregrine Pickle. 2 vol. 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Giffard and H. Exchequer Lay Subsidies, temp. Bowett, Bishops of Bath and Wells, Edward in. 1265-1407. 4. Church-Wardens Accounts of Cros- 12. Cartularies of Muchelney and combe, Pilton, Yatton, Tintin- Athelney Abbeys. hull, iMorebath, and St, Michael's, 13. Gebard : Particular Descriptions Bath. of Somerset, 1633. 5. llentalia et Custumaria, Glaston- 14. Somerset Medieval Wills. 3 vol. bury Abbey, 1235-6 L. | 15. Bellum Civile. Hopton's Cam- G. Eeet of Fines, Richard I. -Henry VI. i paign. 1 vol. I 16. Certificate of Musters, 1569. 7. Two Cartularies of Bath Priory. | 17. Somerset Quarter Sessions Records. 8. Cartularies of Bruton and jMonta- cutc. Somerset (H. C. F.) Jhil.r of Bcniifort. Driving. [Bddiiniitiui lAhrnrij.] J.nndn,,, 1S94. S"! " ' 2270. c. 21. Somerset (H. C. F.) Dnkr of Bmnfurt, and Morris (M.) ILunthig. [Badiiiiiilnii Ldinirii.] London, 1906. 8". 2270. c. 8. SoiaerseishiYe. — ('on rl of (jnorter Sessions. 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London, 1895. 4". Circ. 96. a, Sophocles. Tragrediae. Ex recensione G. Dindorfii. [Teiihner Series.] Leipzig, 1856. 8". 2047. a, etc. Sophocles. With English notes by F. H. M. Blaydes and F. A. Paley. 2 vol. [Longs Bihliotheca Classica.] London, 1859, 80. 8". 2049. g. ■ Seven Plays. Edited by L. Campbell. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1873. 8". 2320. d. 26. Tragoediae superstites. Recensuit G. Liuwood. London, 1877. 8«. 2280. d. 8. Plays and Fragments. Edited by L. Campbell. 2 vol. [Claren- don Press Series.] Oxford, 18-]^, 81. 8«. 2320. g. 20. ■ Plays and Fragments. Edited by R. C. Jebb. 7 vol. Cambridge, 1883-96. 80. 2045. a. ■ [Another edition.] Cambridge, 1893, etc. 8«. 2280. f. 12. • Plays. Edited by L. Campljell and E. Abbott. 2 vol. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1886. 8". 2320. aa. 55. ^schyli et Sophoclis Tragtedi^e et fragmenta. Recognovit E. A. J. Ahrens. Gr. k Lat. [Didot. Scripiorma Grsecorum Bibliotlieca.] Paris, 1842. 8«. 2046. a. Tragedies. The Oxford translation. [Bolm^s Classical Library.] London, 1849. 8''. 2500. g. 15. Tragedies. Translated bv E. H. Plumptre. London, 1867. 8". 2280. a. 19. Tragedies. Translated by E. P. Coleridge. [Bohn's Classical Library.] London, 1893. 8«. 2500. h. 11. Cantica. Dige.ssit O. Schroeder. [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1907. 8«. 2047. a, etc. Scholia in Sophoclis tragoedias vetera. Edidit P. N. Papageorgius. [Teubner Series.] Leipzig, 18S8. S'\ 2047. a, e/c. Lexicon Sophocleum. Composuit F. EUendt. 2 vol. Berlin, 1872, 74. 8". 2048. h. 3 Q 962 SOP— SOU Sophocles (E. A.) Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods. Neio Yorh, 1893. 8". 2050. c. Sophronius. Sophronii Patriarchae Alexandrini Excerpta. [Graiit- inatici Graeci. \.] Lijjsiae, 1894. 8*^. 2051. b. Soranus II., of i?|>/(c.s?(.s\ Gynaeciorum vetus trauslatio Latina. Kdita cum additis Graeci textvis reliquiis a V. Rose. Gr. & Lat. [Teiihner Series.] Leipzig, 1S8 2. 8"'. 20^7. a, etc. Sorel (A.) Bonaparte et Hoche en 1797. Paris, 1896. 8". 2388. d. 14. L'Europe et la Revolution franf;aise, 1789-1815. 8 torn. Paris, 1 88 5-1 904. 8^. 2085. c. Histoire diplomatique de la Guerre franco-allemande. 2 torn. Paris, 1875. 8". 2085. c. Sotheby (S. L.) Principia Typographica. The Block-Books issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the loth century, etc. 3 V(.l. Lawlon, 1S58. 4". 2038. f. Sothern (J. W.) The Marine Steam Turbine. Luiahni, 1905. 8". 2246. g. 10. Soubies (A.) Histoire de la musique allemande. [BiliL r(iri/.'\ Loudon, 1S64. 2504. h. - Robert Southey. The story of his life written in his letters. [Bo]ni\'< Standard Library. '\ London, 1894. 8". 2504. i. 8". 12. 11. Southgate (T. L.) English Music, 1604-1904. Lectures delivered at the Music Loan .Exhibition. Edited by T. L. Soutligate. [MuHic Story Scries.] 1906. 8". 2268. a. Southwell (R.) Poetical Works. Edited by W. B. Turnbull. [Library of Old Authors.] London, 18 '^6. 8'>. 2340. a. 12. Poems. [Fuller Worthies' Lihrari/.] London, 1872. 4". 2326. d. 6. Souttar (R.) Alcohol ; its place and power in Legislation. London, 1904. 8°. 2236. a. 28. Short History of MediiBval Peoples. London, 190" 8". 2378. d. 13. Sozomenus (H.) Ecclesiastical Histoiy. Eng. [Bohn's Ecclesiastical and Theological Library.] London, 1855. 8". 2500. i. 10. ' Ecclesiastical History. Eng. [Wace and. Schaff. Ldm(ry of Niccnc and Post-Nicene Fathers. 2.] Oa./o/Y/, 1891." 8". 2004. li. Spahn (M.) Philipp Veit. [KnacTcfuss. Kiinstler-Monographien. 51.] Leipzig, 1901. 8". 2034. c. Spain. See Pt. 11., Spaix. Spalding Club. Publications. 37 vol. Aberdeen, 1841-69. 4*^ and fol. R. Ac. 8244. 1. Gordon : History of Scots Affairs, 1637-41. 3 vol. 2. Stuart : Miscellanv of the Spalding Club. 5 vol. 3. Gordon : Abredouiae iituiusqne descriptio. 4. Presbitery Book of Strathbogie, 1631-54. 5. Keith : Memoir, 1714-34. 6. Robertson : Collections for history of Aberdeenshire and Banffshire. 5 vol. 7. Gordon : Abridgement of Britane's Distemper. 8. Blakhal's Services to three noble ladyes, 1631-49. 9. Extracts from Aberdeen Council Records, 1398-1625. 2 vol. 10. Registrum Episcopatus Aberdon- ensis. 2 vol. 11. Records of Aberdeen Kirk Session Presbytery and Synod Records. 12. Rose : Genealogical Deduction of the family of Rose of Kilravock. 13. Letters of the Earl of Aberdeen, 1681-84. 14. Spalding: Memoriallsof thetrubles in Scotland and England, 1624-45. 2 vol. 15. Innes : History of Scotland, a.d. 80-818. 16. Fasti Aberdonenses, 1494-1854. 17. Stuart : Sculptured Stones of Scotland. 2 vol. 18. Barbour : The Brus. 19. Book of the Thanes of Cawdor, 1236-1742. 20. Diarv of Gen. P. Gordon, 1635-99. 21. The Book of Deer. 22. Diary of A. Brodie, 1652-80; and J. Brodie, 1680-85. 23. Forbes: The Familie of Innes. 3 Q 2 964 SPA— SPE Spalding Club. Publicatiuns — continued. [Continued as :] 2sew Spalding Club Publications. Aberdeen, 1887, etc. 4**. 1. ^Memorials of the Family of Skene. 2. Cartularium Ecclesiae S. Nicholai Aberdoneusis. 2 vol. 3. GEDDESand DuGUiD : The heraldic ceiling of St. Machar's Church. 4. Fasti Academiae Mari^^callanae Aberdoneusis 3 vol. 5. Selections from Wodrow's Bio- graphical Collections. G. Miscellauj-. vol. I. [For vol. 11. sec Aberdekn University Studies.] 7. Cramond : Annals of BanfT. 2 vol. 8. Geddes : Musa Latina Aberdon- eusis. 2 vol. 9. Officers and Graduates of King's College, Aberdeen, 1495-1860. 10. Reports of the Council of the Club. 11. Records of Aboyne, 1230-1G81. 12. BoETHivs : Murthalceusium et Aberdonensium Episcoporum Vitae. 13. 14. Allardyce : Historical papers I relating to the Jacobite period, I 1099-1750. 2 vol. | Spalding (J.) History of the troubles in Scotland, 1624-45. 2 vol. [Bannatyne Club. 2^.] Edinbnrqh, 1828, 29. 8". R. Ac. 8248,25. ■ ]Memorialls of the trubles in Scotland and in England, 1624-45. R. Ac. 8245. 15. Records of the Exercise of Alford, 1662-88. 16. Records of Old Aberdeen, 1657- 1891. 17. Robertson : Bibliography of Aber- deenshire, Banffshire and Kin- cardine. 18. Records of Invercauld, 1647-1828. 19. Macdonald : Place Names of West Aberdeenshire. 20. Burnett : The Family of Burnett of Leys. 21. Albemarle Papers. 2 vol, 22. Records of Elgin, 1284-1800. 2 vol, 23. Bulloch : The House of Gordon. 24. Aberdeen Sheriff Court Records. 3 vol. 25. Morison : The Blackballs. 26. Records of the Scots Colleges at Douai, Rome, ^Madrid, Valladolid, and Ratisbon. 2 vol. [Spa]din(/ Club. 14.] Aberdeen, 18^0, ^i. 4". R. Ac. 8244/14. Spalding (W.) Letter on Shakspere's Authorship of the Two Xoble Kinsmen. [Neiv Shalcespeare Soeieti/.'] London, 1876. S^. R. Ac. 9489. d. 1. Spanish Series. See Calvert (A. F.) Sparkes (J. C. L.) Fine Art Library. 8 vol. London, 1884-86. 8". 2322. a. Chesneau : Education of the Artist. Duval : Artistic Anatomy. Chesneau : English Painting. I Havaru : Dutch Painting. CoLLiGNON : Greek Archaeology. Ml'ntz : Tapestry. Dklahokde: Engraving. I Wauters : Flemish Painting. Sparta, Museum. Catalogue. By M. N. Tod and A. J. B. Wace. (Icford, 1906. 8". 2258. b. IL Spearman (F. H.) The Strategy of great Railroads. 2238. 1). Lniidoil, 1905. Spectator. 8 \o\. 13. [British Essaijists. 5-12.1 London, 1823. 8". 2040. a. [Another edition.] With introduction and notes bv G. A. Ait ken. K vol. London, 1898. 8". R. P.P. 5257. ce. Spedding (J.) Account of the life and times of Francis Bacon. 2 vol. Loudon, 1878. 8". 2406. b. 13. SPE— SPE 965 Spedding (J.) Evenings with a Reviewer. 2 vol. London, 1881. 8". 2350. g. 6. Keviews and Discussions. London, 1879. S''. 2350. g. 7. Speed (J.) Historic of Great Britaine. London, 1623. t'ol. 2072. g. Speilbergen (J. van) The East and West Mirror, being an account of Joris van 82:)eilbergen's voyage round the world, 1614-1G17. [Hakhi,/i Soneii/.] London, 1906. 8". R. Ac. 6172/92. Speir, afterwards Manning (C.) Mrs. Ancient and Media-val India. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8« 2386. <1. 6. Speke (J. H.) The Discovery of the Source of the Nile. Edinburgh, 1863. 8". " 2358. e. 15. Spelman {Sir H.) Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Edited after Spelman by A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs. 3 vol. Oxford, 1869-71. S^. 2012. f. ■ Glossariura Archaiologicum : continens latino-barbara, peregrina, obsoleta, & novatae significationis vocabula. Londini, 1687. 8*^. 2051. g. History and Fate of Sacrilege. Edited by C. F. S. Warren. London, 1895. 8°. 2210. d. 6. Spemann (W.) Kunstlexikon. Berlin, 1905. 8". 2031. a. Spence, afterwards Spence-Jones (H. D. M.) Dean of Gloucester. The Church of England : a history for the people. 30 pt. London, 1904, 05. 8». 2210. f. 8. • Early Christianity and Paganism. London, 1902. 8". 2208. dd. 8. Thirty Thousand Thoughts, being Extracts on religious and allied topics. Edited by H. D. M. Spence, J. S. Exell, C. Neil. 6 vol. London, 1884-88. 8^. 2008. g. Spence, afterwards Spence-Jones (H. D. M.) Dean of Gloucester and Exell (J. S.) The Homiletical Libi-ary. 3 vol. London, 1882-83. 8". 2009. a. The Pulpit Commentary. 48 vol. London, 1880-90. 8". 2009. b. Spence (J.) Anecdotes, Observations and Characters of Books and Men. AVith notes by S. W. Singer. [Lihrarij (f Old Authors.^ London, 1858. 8". " 2340. b. 11. Spencer (B.) and Gillen (F. J.) The Northern Tribes of Central Australia. London, 1904. 8". 2374. e. 11. Spencer (P.) Primer of French Verse. [Pitt Press Series.] Carubridjje, 1899. 8". 2322. dd. 13. Spencer (Herbert) Autobiography. 2 vol. London, 1904. 8". 2407. e. 6. Data of Ethics. London, iS-j^. 8". 2023. b. ■ ■ First Principles. London, 1900. 8". 2023. b. 966 SPE— SPI Spencer (Herbert) Piiiicii>les of Biology. 2 vol. L.nxhn, 1898, 99. 8". 2023. 1.. Priuciple.s of Ethics. 2 vol. Lonr/oH, 1892, 93. 8". 2023.1.. Principle.s of Psychology. 2 vol. London, 1890. 8". 2023. b. Principles of Sociology. 3 vol. Loudon, 1876-96. 8". 2023. 1>. Third edition. Vol. 1. Lo//^/o«, 1885. N". 2023.1.. .Study of Sociology. [Internationa} Scientific Serief^.] London, 1873. 8". 2324. a. 5. Spenser Society. Publications. Manclwder, 1867, etc. 4° & fol. R. Ac. 9490. 1. Hf.ywood: Proverbs and Epigrams. 15. Withkr : Hymncs and Songs of the 2. Taylor: Works in Folio of 1G30. Church. 3. Zepiikria. 16. Wither : Psalmes of David. 4. Watson: 'E/caTO|nro0i'o. 17. Whither: Paralellogrammaton. 5. Tavloh : Works not included in 18. Wither : Exercises upon the first Folio of 16:30. 5 pt. i Psalme. 6. Handefull of Pleasant Delites. 19. Copley : A Fig for Fortune. 7. Wither : Juvenilia. 3 pt. , 20. Wither : Respublica Anglicana. 8. Wither: Miscellaneous Works. , 21. Wither: Preparation to the Psalter. 6 pt. 22. Barclay : Mirrour of Good Mau- 9. Kendall : Flowers of Epigrammes. i ners. 10. BoDENHAM : Belvedere. , 23. Barclay : Certayne Egloges. 11. Chcrchyard : Worthines of Wales. ! 30. Drayton : Poly-Olbion. 12. Rous : Thule. i 31. Spenser : Shepheardes Calender. 13. Wither : Haleluiah. 3 pt. i 33. Drayton : ^Nluses Elizium. 14. Wither : Britain's Remembrancer. Spenser (E.) Works. Edited by J. P. Collier. 5 vol. London, 1 862. 8". 2041. g. • Poetical Works. [Aldine Edition.] 5 vol. London, i866. 8". 2288. d. 1. The Faery Queene. Edited by G. W. Kitchin. 2 vol. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oo/on?, 1895, 97. 8". 2320. c. 44. The Shepheardes Calender. [Sjjenser Society. Publications.] London, 1890. 4". P. Ac. 9490/31. Speyer (Adolf) and (August) iJie geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge Deutschlands und der Schweiz. 2 Tie. L>;p:a^j, 1858, 62. 8". 2252. e. 4. Spiegel (F.) Die altpersischen Keilinschriften. Ijeipzi(i, 1881. 8". ■ 2272. f. 21. ^'el•gleichende Grammutik der altenlnischen Spraclicn. Leipzifj, 1882. 8°. 2272. f. 3. Spiegelberg (O.) ^Midwifery. 2 vol. [Neio Sydenham Socielii.] h.ndnn, 1887,88. 8". R. Ac. 3838 49. Spielhagen (F.) Sammtliche Werke. 1 1 Bde. L'lj.zi^i, 1872, 73. 8«. 2338. c. 1. Spielmann (M. H.) The History of " Punch." Lo/k/oh, 1895. 8". 2308. g. 4. The Portraits of Geoffrey Chaucer, [(.'hnucer Societi/. Piddim- tioHH.] Loudon, I yjo. o/,7. fol. R. Ac 9924 37. SPI— SPO 9G7 Spiers (A.) New French- English ;ind Erinlisli-Ficiicli Dictionary. 2 vol. Pm-Ls, 1S89. 8". 2053. e. Spiers (R. Phene) Orders of Architecture, Greek, Roman and Italian. London, 1893. fol. 2031. g. Spinoza (B. de) Samnitliche Werke. Aus dem Lateinischen, mit dein Lebeii Sj^ino/.a's, von B. Auerbach. 2 i>(le. Stxth/art, 1 87 1. 8". 2236. d. 13. Chief Works. Translated by li. H. M. Elwes. 2 vol. [iJo//,/'.s PhUologico-PhUosophical Library.^ London, 1885. 8". 2502. f. 6. Ethic. Translated by W. H. White. [English (did ForPi'(le. [Staateugeschichte der neuesten Zeit. 6, 10.] Leipzig, 1863-65. 8". 2388. g. 3. Springer (R.) Wegweiser in der vegetarianischen Literatur. Xordhmisen, 1880. 8". BE. C. c. 7. Sprott (T.) Chronica. [Edited by T. Hearne.] Oxford, i- 1'). 8". 2072. b. Spruner (C. von) Atlas Anti(juus. Gothae, 1850. oil. 4". 2058. f. Historic Geographical Atlas of the Middle and Modern Ages. Loudon, 1855. fol. 2059. e. Spruner (C. von) and Menke (T.) Hand- Atlas fiir die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. Gotha, 1880. fol. 2059. e. Squier ( E. G.) Monograph of Authors who have written on the Languages of Central America. New York, 1861. 4". BB. T. d. 7. Squire. The Squyr of Lowe Degre. Edited by W. E. Mead. [Albion Series of Middle English Poetry.] Boston, U.S.A., 1904. 8". 2290. g. Squire (C.) ^Mythology of the British Islands. L.oudoii, I'p^. N". 2217. b. 14. Squire (P.) Companion to the British Pharmacopteia. Loudon, 1908. s". 2255. c. 20. Pharmacopceias of thirty Loiukm Hosjiitals. London, 1900. 8". 2256. a. 11. Squire (W. B.j Catalogue of Printed Music in the Lil)iary of the Royal College of Music, London. L^oudon, 1909. 4". Circ. 89. b. Musik-Katalog der Bibliothek der Westminster-Abtei. [GeseU- xrlinft fiir Mmihforschnng.] Leipzig, 1903. 8". R. Ac. 5144. Stables (W. G.) Our Friend the iJog. A practical guide to every breed of dog. London, 1903. 8". 2251. c. 7. Stace (M.) British Historical Intelligencer. ]l>.v7;»/».v/r/-, 1S29. 8". 2072. c. Stade (H.) Tlie Captivity of Hans 8tade of Hesse in a.d. 1547-1555, among the wild tribes of Eastern Brazil. Annotated by R. F. Burton. [Hokluyt Society.] Londou.iS-^. S". R. Ac. 6172/46. STA-STA 969 Stadtmueller (H.) Eclogae poetarum Graecorum. [Tcuhncr S('r!eK.'\ Leipzig, 1883. 8". 2047. u, etc. Staehelin (H.) Die gnostischen Quellen Hippolyts. [Gehhardt and Hanuul. G.] Leipziij, 1 890. 8". " 2003. f. Staehlin (O.) Zur haiKlschiftlichen tlberlieferung des Clemens Alexaiulrimis. [^Gehhardt and Harnack. N.F. 5.] l.fipzig, 1 90 1. (S". 2003. f. Stael-Holstein (A. L. G. de) Baroness. Q^^uvrcs completes. 2 torn. Paris, 1861. 8". 2335. h. 1. Stafford (E.) JB/.s7/ojv o/^.tv/er. Regi.ster of Edmund Staliord. a.d. 1395-1419. [Epiiicopal Eegistcrs of the Diocese of Exeter.'] London, 1886. S^. 2210. e. 5. Stafford (W.) Compendious Examination of certayne Complaints of oui' Countrymen in these dayes, 1581. \_New Shahexpeare Socicti/.] London, 1876. 4". R. Ac. 9489/3. Staffordshire Parish Register Society. [Registers published by the Society.] London, 1902, etc. 8". R. Ac. 8131. Alstoufield. Barlaston. Bartou-under-Needwood. Berkswick. Brewood. Castle-Church, Stafford. Hamstall Ridware. Haughton. Milwich. Pipe Ridware. Rocester. Standon. Tatenhill. Trcntham. Stainer (C. L.) Oxford Silver Pennies, a.d. 925-1272. [Oxford Historical Society.] Oxford, 1904. B^. R. Ac. 8126/27. Stainer {Sir J.) Choral Society Vocalisation. 2 pt. [Novello's Music Primers. 50, 50a.] London, 1895-97. 4°. 2266. d. Composition. [NoveUo's Music Primers. 20.] London, iS8c. 8". 2268. aa. • Dictionary of Violin Makers. [Novello's Music Priinerf<. -lo.] London, 1896. 8". 2268. aa. Harmony. [Novello's Music Primers. 8.] London, 1S82. 8*^'. 2268. aa. The Organ. INovello's Music Primers. 3.] London, 1877. 4". ^ ^ 2266. .1. Theory of Harmony. London, 1876. 8". 2268. a. 3. Stainer (Sir J.) and Barrett (W. A.) Dictionary of Musical Terms. [Novello's Music Primers. 21.] London, iSSo. 8". 2268. aa. [Another edition.] London d New York, 1S8S. 8". 2031. f. Staley (E.) AVatteau and his school. [Great Ma.^ters.] London, 1902. 8". 2263. d. 30. Staley (V.) Library of Litui-giology and Ecclesiology for English Readers. London, 1902, etc. 8". 2202. cc. 1, .3, 5. Hierurgia Anglicana. pt. 1. 6. Atchley : Ordo Roinanus Primus. 2. First Prayer Book of Edward VI. 7. Legg : Ecclesiological Essays. 4. Essays on Ceremonial, 970 STA-STA Staley (V.) Liturgical Studies. London, 1907. 8". 2202. c 15. Stallo (J. B.) Modern Physics. [IntcrndtiondJ Srl<-nt!fir Scries.] Lomhni, 1SS2. 8". 2324. b. 9. Stammliammer (J.) Bibliographie dev Fiiiaiizwi.ssenschaft. Jenn, 1905. 8". 2330. e. 1. Bibliographic des 8ociali.simi.s uiid Cummunisinus. 2 iJde. Jena, 1S93-1900. 8". BB. 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I^oole: The Moors in Spain. IG. Masson : lyrcdireval France. 7. Rawli.nson: Ancient Egypt. 17. Bknjamin : Persia. 8. Vamhkuy: Hungary. 18. Rawlinson : PhcBuicia. 9. (Jilman: The Saracens. 19. Ragozin: Media. 10. LwvLKSs: Ireland. 20. Zimmern : The Hansa Towns. STO— STO 983 Story of the Nations -ro/(//»»rb. 8. Strauch (P.) Die Offenbarungen der Adelheid Langmann, Kloster- frau zii Engelthal. [QiieUeu )uh1 ForxcJiiiu(/cn zur Sjrrach- mid Ciilinriicxcliiclde der (jcrmimixrlicn YoJlccr. 26.] Strasshiirg, 1878. 8". 2338. b. 4. Strauss (D. F.) Ge.sammelte Scbriften. Eingeleitet von E. Zellei'. 12 Bde. Boini, 1876, 78. 8". 2336. f. 4. New Life of Jesus. Authorized translation. 2 vol. London, 1865. 8". 2206. c 8. Streatfeild (G. S.) Lincolnshire and the Dane.s. London, iSS^. 8". 2368. b. 8. Streatfeild (R. A.) Handel. [Neto Lihrari/ of Mns;,-.] London, 1909. 80. 2266. cc. Modern Music and Musicians. Ljondon, 1906. 8". 2266. (.. 11. The Opera. London, 1907. 8". 2268. b. 6. Street (G. E.) Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages. N(.tes of tours in the North of Italy. London, i8~/[. 8". ' 2261. c 6. Some Account of Gotliic Architecture in Spain. London, 1865. 8". 2261. e. 4. Streeter (A.) Botticelli. [Grmf MoHtn-s.] Tjondon, 1903. 8". 2263. .1. 1. Streeter (E. W.) The Great Diamonds of the World. London, 1882. 8". 2249. d. 8. Pearls and pearling life. L.ondon, 1886. 8". 2251. c. 6. Precious Stones and Gems. London, 1898. 8". 2249. d. 9. Streitberg (W.) See Gehmanischk Bibliotuek. Strieker (S.) Manual of Histology. 3 vol. [Nao Si/denJKnn Sorirfi/.] London, 1870-73. 8". R. Ac. 3838/22. Strickland (A.) Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 2 vol. [Bohn's Historical Lihrori/.] London, 1873. 8". 2502. a. 6. Lives of the Queens of England. 8 vol. London, iS'^i-^2. 8". 2094. d. [Another edition.] 6 vol. [J3o//h'.s Historicol Ldyrari/.] London, 1864, 65. 8". '2502. a. 7. Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8 vol. London, 1850-59. 8". 2094. d. ■ Lives of the Tudor and Stuart Princesses, \_Bohn's Historical Lihrary.] London, 1888. 8". 2502. a. 8. Stride (W. K.) Exeter College. [College Histories, Oxford.] London, 1900. 8». 2234. e. 6. 9S6 STR— STU Strieder (F. W.) (ii-undlage zu einer Hessischen (fclelu-ten, Schrift- stcllor uiid Iviinstlcr-Ciesdiirlite. [With continuations bv K. C. Justi and O. Uerland.] 21 vol. Gotflih/en, 1781-1868. S". 2093. b. Stroud (P.) Judicial Diclionarv. 4 vol. London, 1 903-09. 8". 2016. d. Strutt (J.) l)ioi;raphioal Dictionavv of Engravers. 2 vol. LoihIu,,, J785, 86. 4". ' 2032. f. Chronicle of England : friTn Julius (Ja-sar to the Norman Con- (juest. 2 vol. Londni, 1777, 78. 1". 2082. d. - - Coinpleat View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, itc, of the Inhabitants of England. 3 vol. London, 1775, 76. 4". 2032. f. Regal and Ecclesiastical Anti([uities of England, from Edward tlie Confes.sor to Heniy viii. London, 1793. 4". 2082. e. Sports and Pastimes of the People of ]<]ngland. Loudon, 1903. 8". ' 2033. h. Strutt (J. W.) Baron Boiih'njli. Scientific Papers. 4 vol. Ljondon, 1 899-1903. 8". 2022. aa. Theory of Sound. 2 vol. Xo)k/o», 1894, 96. 8". 2244. f. 11. Strype (J.) Ecclesia.stical Memorials. 3 vol. Oxf(>rd, 1822. S". 2013. c. Life and Acts of Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury. Oxford, 1821. 8". 2013. c. Life of Sir Thomas Smith. Oxford, 1^20. 8". 2013. c. ^Memorials of Thomas Cranmer. 2 vol. Oxford, 1812. 8". 2012. g. [Another edition.] 3 vol. [Ecclcsidsfical LLhtory Socicfi/.^ Oxf.rd, 1848-54. 8". R. Ac.' 2065/ 2. Strzygowski (J.) Orient oder Rom. Leipzig, 1901. 4". 2264. dd. 12. Stuart, Honxc if. Decline of the last Stuarts. Extracts from the despatches of British envoys. Edited l)y Earl Stanhope. \lh>x- hun/he CInh. 54.] London, 1843. 1". R. Ac. 8104/54. Stuart Papers, relating to the exiled Court of James 11. Edited by F. Madan. 2 vo). '[Boxhurr/he Club. 106.] London, 188^. i'\ ' R. Ac. 8104 106. 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Historical Introductions to the Rolls Series. London, 1902. 8". 2394. e. 1. • Lectures on European History. London, 1904. 8". 2388. e. 5. • Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum. The course of Ei)iscoi)al Succession in England, 597-1897. Oxford,, 18^-. 8". 2013. c. Select Charters and other illustrations of English Constitutional History. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1895. 8". 2319. aa. 7. • Translation of such Documents as are untranslated in Mr. Stubbs' Collection. Oxford, 1873. 8". 2319. aa. 8. — Seventeen Lectures on the Study of INIediaeval and ^Modern History. Oxford, 1900. 8". 2388. b. 9, 0,^,^ STU-SUl) Studemund (W.) SLudien auf ilein Gebiete des archaischon Lateins. i> Bile. i>V//H, 1873, 91. 8". 2274. e. 3. Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica. 5 vol. Oxford, i88SV^ Snorri, StKrlason. Sturlungs. Sturlunga Saga and other works. Edited by G- Vigfusson. 2 vol. Oxford, 1878. 8". ^ 2087. b. Sturt (C.) Narrative of an Exj^edition into Central Australia, 1844- 46. 2 vol. 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Astrophel. Atalauta in Calydon. A Channel Passage. Erechtheus. • Tragedies. 5 vol. London, 1^0^-06. 8". 2303. £. 2. 1. The Queen Mother. 5. Locrine. Kosamond. The Sisters. 2. Chastelard. ]\Iarino Faliero. Bothwell, Acts 1 and 2. Rosamund, Queen of the Lom~ 3. Bothwell, Acts 3-5. bards. 4. Mary Stuart. The Age of Shakespeare. London, 1908. 8". 2308. f. 14. The Duke of Gandia. London, 1908. 8". 2303. f. 3. Essays and Studies. London, 1875. 8". 2308. c. 16. George Cliapinan : a critical essay. London, 1875. 8". 2308. c. 17. Miscellanie.s. London, 1886. 8". 2308. aa. 5. Note ou Charlotte Bronte. London, 1877. 8". 2308. c. 18. Shakespeare. London, 1909. 8". 2300. a. 13. Studies in Prose and Poetry. London, 1 894. 8". 2308. b. 28. Study of Ben Jonson. London, 1889. 8". 2308. a. 22. Study of Shakespeare. London, 18S0. 8°. 2300. c. 6. Study of Victor Hugo. London, 1886. 8". 2308. \k 20. William Blake : a critical essay. London, 1906. 8". 2408. b. 9. Swin&eld {R.) Bishoj/ of Hereford. 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Sydenham : Opera Omnia. 3. Hecker : Epidemics of tlie Middle [Publications.] 40 vol. 4. Louis : Researclies on Plithisis. 5. Paulus ^gineta. Seven Books. 3 vol. G. Erichsen : Observations on Aneur- ism. 7. Simon : Animal Chemistry. 2 vol. 8. Hasse : Anatomical Description of the Diseases of the Organs of Respiration. 9. Hewson: Works. 10. Dupuytren : Lectures on Injuries and Diseases of Bones. 11. Harvey : Works. 12. Peuchtersleben : Principles of Medical Psychology. 13. Schwann : Microscopical Researches into the Accordance of Animals and Plants. 14. Ottley : Observations on Surgical Diseases of the Head and Neck. 15. Rhazes : Treatise on the SmaU-Pox and Measles. R. Ac. 3837. Works. Translated. IG. Sydenham 2 vol. 17. Hippocrates : Genuine Works. 2 vol. 18. RoKiTANSKY : Manual of Patho- logical Anatomy. 4 vol. 19. Churchill: Essays on Puerperal Fever. 20. Unzer and Prochaska: Nervous System. 21. Thompson : Annals of Influenza. 22. Romberg : Diseases of the Nervous System. 2 vol. Kolliker : Manual of Human His- tologj'. 2 vol. Dupuytren : Lesions of the Blood Vessels. Wedl : Pathological Histology. OsTERLEN : Medical Logic. Velpeau : Diseases of the Breast. Aret.eus : Works. Gr. and Eng. Siebold and KCchenmeister: Manual of Vegetable Parasites of the Human Bodv. 2 vol. 23. 24. 25. 2G. 27. 28. 29. New Sydenham Society. Publications 1. DiDAY : Infantile Syphilis. 2. CtOOCh : Diseases of Women. 3. Memoirs on Diphtheria. 4. Van der Kolk : Spinal Cord. 5. Monographs. (Kussmaul and Ten- ner. Wagner. Graefe.) 6. Bright : Abdominal Tumours. 7. Frerichs : Diseases of the Liver. 2 vol. 8. Yearbooks, 1859-64. 5 vol. 9. Monograx)hs. (Czermak, Dusch, Radicke, etc.) 10. Casper: Forensic Medicine. 4 vol. 11. Kramer : Diseases of the Ear. 12. Neubauer and Vogel: Analysis of the Urine. 13. Donders : Accommodation and Re- fraction of the Eye. 14. Bernutz and Goupil : Diseases of Women. 2 vol. 15. Hebra : Diseases of the Skin. 5 vol. 16. Biennial Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery, 1865-74. 5 vol. 17. Griesinger : Mental Pathology and Therapeutics. 18. Trousseau : Clinical Medicine. 5 vol. 19. Addison : Collected Works. 20. Lancereaux : Syphilis. 2 vol. London, 1859, etc. 8°. R. Ac. 3838. 21. Catalogue of Atlas of Skin Diseases. 2 vol. 22. Stricker : Manual of Histology. 3 vol. 23. NiEMEYER : Lectures on Phthisis. 24. WuNDERLiCH : Medical Thermo- metry. 25. RiNDPLEiscH : Pathological His- tology. 2 vol. 26. Troeltsch : Diseases of the Ear. 27. Clinical Lectures by various Gierman Professors. 3 vol. 28. Latham : Works. 2 vol. 29. Smellie : Midwifery. 3 vol. 30. Charcot : Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System. 3 vol. 31. Billroth : Lectures on Surgical Pathology. 2 vol. 32. Neale : Medical Digest. [33. Lexicon of Medical Terms. 5 vol. At press 2024. c.] 34. Report for August, 1878. 35. Guttmann : Manual of Physical Diagnosis. 36. Koch : Traumatic Infective Dis- eases. 38. CoLLES : Works. 39. Billroth : Clinical Surgery. 40. Charcot : Senile Diseases. 3 s 2 996 SYD— 8YM Sydenham Society. New Sydenham Society. Publications — couOl. 41. Stokes: Diseases of the Chest. 57. Monographs on Dermatology. 42. Wabbukton Begbie. Works. 58. Annual Reports. 1869, etc. 43. DucHENNE : Selections f rem Clini- 59. Laveean : Paludism. cal Works. GO. Gull : Works. 2 vol. 44. HiRSCH : Handbook of Geographical Gl. Marchiafava: Parasites of and Historical Pathology. 3 vol. IMalarial Fevers. 45. Charcot: Localisation of Cerebral 62. Marie: Diseases of the Spinal Diseases. Cord. 46. Selected ]\Ionographs. 63. Binz : Pharmacology. 2 vol. 47. Graves : Clinical Medicine. 2 vol. 64. Essays on Leprosy. 2 vol. 48. Cheyne: Microparasites in Disease. 65. Naunyn: Chole-Lithiasis. 49. Spiegelherg : ^Midwifery. 66. Selected Essays. 50. Selected Monographs. 67. Report on Vaccination. 51. Henoch : Children's Diseases. 2 68. Helferich : Fractures. vol. 69. Sternberg : Acromegaly. 52. CoHNHEiM : General Pathology. 70. Selected Essays. 3 voL 71. 53. Fluegge : Micro-Organisms. 72. Monti : Modern Pathology. 54. EwALD : Diseases of the Stomach. 73. Selected Essays. 2 vol. 74. Limbeck : Pathology of the Blood. 55. Marie : Acromegaly. 75. Selected Essays on Syphilis and 56. Pozzi : Gynaecology. 3 vol. | Small-pox. Lexicon of Medicine and the allied sciences. Based on JNIayne's Lexicon. 5 vol. London, 1881-99. 8". 2024. c. Sydenham (T.) Opera omnia. Edidit G. A. Greenhill. [Sydenham Society.] London, 1846. S^. K. Ac. 3837. Works. Translated by R. G. Latham. 2 vol. [Si/denham Society.] London, 1848, 50. 8". E. Ac. 3837/16. Sydney. — Free Puhlle Library. Australasian Bibliography. Catalogue uf Ijooks in the Library relating to or puljlished in Australasia. Sydney, 1893. 4". 2058. d. Syers (E.) and (M.) Book of AVinter Spoils. London, igo8. 8". 2271. d. 1. Sykes (J.) Local llecords ; or, Historical Register of Northumberland and Durham, Newcastle and Berwick. 2 vol. Newcastle, 1833. 8°. 2063. b. Sylvester II., Po2Je. Lettres, 983-997. Publiees par J. Havet. Lot. Paris, 1889. 8°. 2086. g. Sylvester (J.) Works. [Chcrtsey Worthies Lihron/.] 2 vol. Ldlithimjh, 1880. 40. ■ 2324. g. 7. Syme (J. T. B.) English Botany. Edited by J. T. B. Syme. 13 vol. London, 1863-92. S^. 2029. b. Symeon, D/oieZwiejm's. Opera et Collectanea, vol.1. [Surtee.-i Societi/. Piihllrations. 51.] Durham, 186S. 8". J{. Ac. 8045/42. Symonds (E.) Story of the Australian Church. [Colonial Church 7//.v/o/ve.s.] London, 1898. 8°. 2208. ii. Symonds (J. A.) Anuni Figura. London, 1S8 2. 8". 2292. a. 37. Essays speculative and suggestive. London, 1907. 8'^. 2350. b 6. SYM— SZC 997 Symonds (J. A.) Introduction to the study of Dante. London, 1899. 8". 2284. c 1. Italian Byways. London, 1883. 8". 2360. c 8. Renaissance in Italy. 7 vol. London, 1875-86. 8", 2388. f. 4. Shakspere's Predecessors in the Enalish Diania. London, 1900. 8". 2300. (1. 12. Shelley. [English Men of Letters.] London, 1S78. 8". 2326. 1.. 31. Sir Philip Sidney. [English Men of Letters.'] London, 1886. 8°. ' 2326. h. 32. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece. 3 vol. London, 1898. 8°. 2360. r. 9. Studies of the Greek Poets. 2 vol. London, 1893. 8". 2282. c. 2. Yagabunduli Libellus. London, 1884. 8'\ 2292. d. 31. Symonds (M.) and Gordon (L. D.) The Story of Perugia. [Medieval Toions.] London, 1S98. 8". 2360. b. 24. Symonds (R.) Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army in the Civil War. [Camden Society. 69.] London, 1859. 4*^. R. Ac. 8113/69. Sympson (E. M.) Lincoln. [Ancieid Cities.] London, 1906. 8''. 2366. b. Sypherd (W. O.) Studies in Chaucer's Hous of Fame. [Chaucer Society. Publications.] London, 1907. 8". R. Ac. 9924/43. Syriac Chronicle. See Zacharias. Syrianus. In Hermogenem commentaria. Edidit H. Rabe. [Tenhner Series.] Leipzig, 1892. 8". 2047. a, etc. Szabo (K.) Regi Magyar Konyvtar. Az 1531-1711 megjelent Magyar nyomtatvanyok konyveszeti kezikonyve. 4 vol. Budapest, 1879-98. 8". 2037. e. Szamatolski (S.) Ulrichs von Hutten deutsche Schriften. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprarh- und CuUurgeschichte der germanischen VoJker. 67.] Strasshurg, 1891. 8". 2338. h. 12. Szczawinski (W.) Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache fiir Polen. [Kunst der Pohjglottie.] Wien, 1904. 8". 2272. a. 78. Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache flir Russen. [Kunst der Poly- glottie.] Wien, 1900. 8". 2272. a. 63. 998 TACITUS Tacitus (C. Cornelius) Opera quae super.sunt. Ex recognitione C. Haliuii. 2 \o\. [Tc)(h)U'r Series.] Leipzuj, 1850-57. 8". 2047. a, etc. "Works. The Oxford translation. [BoJnt's Classical Library.] ■2 vol. Loudon, 1854. 8". 2500. h. 7. Annals. With a commentary by P. Frost. [Lrodri))1i. London, 1876. 8". ' 2282. h. 14. Annalium libri i-iv. [Clarendon Prcs-.v Series.] Oxf,rd, 18S5. 8". 2320. aa. 2. Annalium liber i. Edited by H. Furneaux. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, 1S87. 8". 2320. c. 26. Histories. Edited by W. A. Spooner. London, 1891. 8". 2045. £. The History, translated by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribl). London, 1873. S^. " 2282. b. 15. Histories, Bk. 1. Edited by G. A. Davies. [Piff Press Series.] Camhridfje, 1896. 8«. 2322. d. 31. Historiarum liber in. Edited by W. C. Summers. [Pitt Press Series.] Cambridge, 1904. 8". 2322. dd. 55. Opera minora. Recognovit H. Furneaux. [Oxford Classical Texts.] Oxford, 1900. 8". * 2046. b. Agricola and Germania. Edited by A. J. Cluircli and ^^^ J. Brodribb. London, 1869. 8°. * 2320. a. 15. Agricola and Germania. With notes by H. M. Stephenson. [Pitt Press Series.] Cambridge, i8(^^. 8". "" 2322. cc. 48. ■ Agricola and Germania. Translated by A. -J . Church and W. J. Brodribb. London, 1868. 8". 2320. a. 14. De Germania. Edited V)y H. Furneaux. [Clarendon Press Scries.] Oxford, 1894. 8". ' 2320. g. 26. Dialogus de Oratoribus. With notes by W. Peterson. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, i8g^. 8". " 2320. g. 25. Lexicon Taciteum. Ediderunt A. Gerber et A. Greef. Leipzig, 1903. 8". 2048. i. TAI— TAL 999 Taine (H. A.) Dc rintelligeuce. 2 torn. Par/», 1870. «". 2236. f. 3. • Essais de criti(iue. Paris, 1858. 8«. 2310. c. 1. Histoire de la litterature anglaise. 5 torn. Pdria, 1892. 8". 2308. iia. 1. • History of English Literature. Translated by H. van Laun. 4 vol. ^London, 1886. 8". ^ 2039. 1). Notes sur lAngleterre. Paris, 1872. 8". 2366. aa. 3. Notes on England. Translated by W. F. Rae. London, 1872. 8". 2366. aa. 2. Notes sur Paris. Vie et opinions de M. Frederic-Thomas Graindorge. Paris, 1867. 8°. 2350. b. 7. Les Origines de la France contemporaine. 6 toni. Paris, 1876-94. 8". 2086. e. 1. L'Ancieu Regime. | 5, G. Le Regime Modernc. 2-4. La E^volution. [ The Ancient Regime. — The Revolution. — The Modern Regime. Tran.slated by J. Durand. 6 vol. London, 1876-94. 8". 2390. c. 9. ■ Voyage en Italie. 2 torn. Paris, 1866. 8". 2360. e. 17. -Italy. Translated by J. Durant. Neio York, i86g. 8«. 2360. e. 11. Tait (J.) Mediieval Manchester and the beginnings of Lancashire. [Blanchcster University Puhlicatiuns. Historical Series. 1.] ManrJtester, 1904. 8". R. Ac. 2671,3. Tait (P. G.) Elementary Treatise on Quaternions. Cambridge, 1890. 8". 2242. d. 23. ■ Heat. London, 1884. 8". 2244. b. 39. Light. London, 1900. 8°. 2244. b. 1. Properties of Matter. London, 1899. 8". 2244. b. 40. Takahashi (S.) International Law applied to the Russo-Japanese War. London, 1908. 8". 2018. d. Talbot (G. J.) and Fort (H.) Index of Cases judicially noticed. London, 1908. 8«. Bar. A. 10. c. Taldir ab Herninn. See Jaffrennon (F.) Talfourd OSVV T. N.) Dramatic Works. London, iS^2. 8". 2303. b. 11. Tallack (W.) Penological and Preventive Principles. London, iS^^6. 8". 2228. c. 13. Talleyrand-Perigord (C. M. de) Prince of Benevento. Memoires. Publics par le due de Broglie. 5 tom. Paris, 1891, 92. 8". 2402. g. 1. Talmud, 'hii -\v2hn p (m:-) m^tn riDDO- 12 vol. Amsterdam, 1752-65. fol. 2007. h. 1000 TAL^TAS Talmud. Le Talmud tie Babvlone. Ti-aduit par I'abbe L. Chiarini, 2 vol. Leipsir, 16^1. 8"'/ 2217. bb. 16. Le Talmud de Jerusalem. Trad uit par ^NI. Schwab. 11 vol. Purls, 1871-89. 8". 2015. d. Taming of the Shrew. The old Taming of the Shrew, upon which Shakespeare t'ouiulcd his Comedy. [SJial-cfjicare Societi/. 24.] Loidor., 1844. 8«. R. Ac. 9485/24. Tancock (O. W.) Elementary English Grammar. [CJnrnnlon Pre^s Sn-ics.] Oxford, 1877. 8". 2320. c. 30. English Grammar and Reading Book. [Cldrciidoit Press Serie.s.'\ Oxford, 1872. 80. " 2320. d. 30. Tanner (J. R.) Catalogue of the Naval MSS. in the Pepysian Library. 2 vol. [Navij Records Socicfi/. 26, 27.] London, 1903, 04. 8". R. Ac. 8109. Tanner (T.) Bisliop of St. Asoph. Bibliotheca P>ritannico-Hil)ernica. London, 1748. fol. 2092. g. ■ Notitia Monastica. London, 1744. fol. 2062. e. [Another edition.] With additions by J. Nasmith. Candn-ldge, 1787. fol. " 2062. e. Taplin (G.) Folklore of the South Australian Aborigines. AdeJaidr, 1S79. 8". 2348. d. 17. Tapparelli d'Azeglio (M.) Marquis. Recollections. Translated by Count Mafiei. 2 vol. London, 1868. 8°. 2402. d. 1. Tarbuck (E. L.) Handbook of House Property. London, 1904. 8". 2230. a. 13. Tarlton (R.) Tarlton's Jests, and News out of Purgator}'. With some account of the life of Tarlton by J. O. Halliwell. [Shake- speare Society. 19.] London, 1844. 8". R. Ac. 9485/19. Tarn (E. W.) The Science of Building. London, i8<^o. 8". 2246. a. 9. Tarring {Sir C. J.) Chapters on the Law relating to the Colonies. London, 1906. 8". 2230. e. 18. Tarver (J. C.) The Royal Phraseological English-French, French- lOnglish Dictionary. 2 va London, 1853, 54. 8". 2053. d. Taschenberg (E. L.) Die Rymenopteren Deutschlands. L<:ipziS7/- R.) India in 1880. London, \8Si. 8". 2238. d. 6. Men and Events of mv time in India. London, 1882. 8". 2386. e. 13. Oriental Exjjeric 'nee : e.ssays and addre.sses. London, 18S5. 8". 2354. e. 13. Temple (.S'/y W.) Works. 4 vol. London, 18 1/[. 8". 2340. f. 2. Tennemann (W. G.) Manual of the History of Philosophy. [Boh n' s PhiIolo(/ico-Philoso2)hical Library.^ London, 1852. 8". 2502. f. 7. Tennent (.S'/r J. E.) Ceylr(l Claxxiad Texin.^ Oxford, 1903. 8". ■ 2046. )>. • Comedies. Translated by H. T. liile\'. [Bohii's ClassicaJ Lihrar)/.] London, 1853. 8". " 2500. h.'S. Adelphi. With notes and introductions by A. Sloman. [Clareitflou Press Series.] Oxford, 1892. 8". 2319. a. 58. Andria. Edited by C. E. Freeman and A. Slomaii. [Clarendon Press Series.] Oxford, i8S^. 8". 2320. aa. 27. Hauton Timoruraenos. Edited by J. H. Gray. [Pitt Pre.')n)Hission.] Lo)tdon, i8o~. fol. Circ. 58. b. Testa (G. B.) History of the War of Frederick i. against the Com- '//• munes of Lombardy. London, li Testamentum Adae. Sijr. & L^at 1. 2.] Paris, 1907. '8«. Tetzner (F.) Die Slawen in Deutschland 8". 2388. d. 12. Teubner Series Teubneriana. Acron. Acropolites. Aegidius. Aelianus. Aeneas. Aeschines. Aeschylus. Aesop. Albertus. Alciphron. Alexander, BisliO}) of Li/copolis. Amarcius. Ammon. Anacreon. Anastasia. Andocides. Anna Comueua. Aiithimus. Anthologia Graeca. .\nthologia Latina. Antiphon. Apollodorus. Apollonius Pergaeus. .\pollonius Rhodius. Apollonius Tyrius. Appian. Apuleius. Aratufi. Archimedes. .\ristcas. .\ristophanes. Aristotle. Arrian. Athenaeus. .\ugustine, Saint. .\ulularia. .S'tc Querolus. .\urelius .\ntoninus. [Craffiii. Patrolo(/ia Si/riaiyf. 2004. h. Prannschicciij, 1890. 8". ■ 2364. f. 3. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecoruni et Latinorum Lipsi((e, 1850, etc. 8". Ausonius. Autolycus. Avienus. See Aratus. Babrius. Bacchylides. Bassus. Sea Geoponica. Benedict, Saint. Bion. Sec Theocritus. Blenimidas. Boethius. Gaecilius. Caesar. Callinicus. Callistratus. See Philostratus. Calpuruius Flaccus. Canabutzes. Capella. Cassianus Bassus. Sec Geoponica. Cassius Felix. Cato. Catullus. Cebes. Celsus. Censorinus. Cicero. Claudianus. Claudius Ilermeros. Clcomedes. Conimodianus. Cornutus. Curtius llufus. Daniasus, Saint. See Anthologia. Dares Phrygius. 2047. a, etc. Demetrius Cydonius. Demosthenes. Dictys Cretensis. Diuarchus. Diodorus Siculus. Diogenes. Dion Cassius. Dion Chrysostom. Dionysius Halicarnas- sensis. Diophantus Alexandri- nus. Donatus (Ae.). Donatus (T. C). Dracontius. Epietetus. Euclid. Eudocia. Eulogius. Euripides. Eusebius. Eutropius. Firmicus Maternus. Florus. Frontinus. Fulgentius. Gaius. Galenus. Gargilius ^lartialis. Sec Pliny, tlie Younger. Gellius. Gcmiuus. Geoponica. Georgius. Granius Licinianus. Gregory, of Cyprus. Gregory, of Nazianzns. Gulielmus Bleseusis. TEUBNER 1007 Teubner Series — continued. Heliodoriis. Hermippus. Hero Alexandrinus. Herodas. Herodian. Herodotus. Hesiod. Hesychius. Hierocles. Hildegarde, Saint. Hipparchus. Hippocrates. Homer. Horace. Horatius Romanus. Hyginus. Hyperides. lamblichus. Ignatius. Isaeus. Isocrates. Jerome, Saint. Joannes Alexandrinus. Joannes Stobaeus. Josephus. Julian, Empcrur. Justinian, Emperor. Justinus. Juvenal. Juvencus. Laurentius. Libanius. Livy. Lucan. Lucian. Lucretius. Lycophron. Lycurgns. Lysias. Macrobius. Manetho. Manuzio. Marcellinus. Marcellus Empiricus. Marcus Gazensis. Martial. Maximus. Mala. Minucius Felix. Moschus. See Theocritus. IMuret. Musonius Rufus. Nepos. Nicephorus. Niconiachus. Nonius Marcellus. Nonnus. Novum Testamentum Graece. Odo, Saint. Onosander. Orosius. Ovid. Pal lad i us. Pausanias. gonius. Persius. Phaedrus. Philodemus. Philostratus, the Elder. P h i 1 o s t r a t u s, the Younger. Pindar. Plato. Plautus. Pliny, the Elder. Pliny, tJie Younger. Plotinus. Plutarch. Polemon. Polyaenus. Polybius. Polystratus. Porphyrio. Porphyry. Priscianus. Proclus. Procopius. Propertius. Ptolemaeus. Querolus. Quintilian. Quintus Smyrnaeus Rcraigius. Roswitha. Ruhnkenius. Rutilius Namatianus. Sallust. Scribonius. Seneca. Serenus. Sidonius. Silius Italicus. Simeon. Simocatta. Sophocles. Soranus. Statins. Strabo. Suetonius. Syrianus. Tacitus. Terence. Themistius. Theocritus. Theodoret. Thcon. Theophrastus. Thiofridus. Thucydides. TibuUus. Trogus Pompeius. Ulpianus. Valerius (J.). Valerius Flaccus. Valerius Maximus. Varro. Vegetius Renatus. Velleius Paterculus. Virgil. Vitruvius. Xenophon. Zonaras. Baehbens : Fragmenta poetarum Romanorum. XII. Panegyric! Latini. Poetae Latini minores. 5 vol. Beegk : Anthologia lyrica. Bbandt: Eclogae poetarum Latinorum. Beemee : Jurisprudentiae Antehadri- anae quae supersunt. 2 vol. CoNSTANTiNE I. : De Constantino Mag- no eiusque matre Helena. CoEPUSCULUM poesis epicae Graecae ludibundae. 2 vol. DiNDOEF : Historici Graeci nainores. 2 vol. Ebeehaed : Fabulae Romanenses Graece conscriptae. Foeestee : Scriptores physiogiiomici Graeci et Latini. 2 vol. Feick : Chronica minora. HuLTSCH : Metrologicorum scriptorum reliquiae. 2 vol. HuscHKB : Jurisprudentiae Anteiusti- nianae quae supersunt. Jahnke : Comoediae Horatianae tres. Jan : Musici scriptores Graeci. 2 vol. Kellee : Rerum naturalivmi scriptores Graeci minores. KiNKEL : Epicorum C4raecorum frag- menta. LiBEE de re militari. Mythogeaphi Geaeci. 1008 TEU— THA Teubner Series contnuied. Petkk : Histoi'icoiuui Romanoium Solmsen : Insci-iptiones Graece selec- fraginenta. tae. Scriptores historiae Augustac. Stadtmcf.ller : Eclogae poetarum 2 vol. Graecorum. Preger : Scriptores originum Constan- Weber : Virorum clarorum saeculi tinopolitarum. xvi. et xvii. epistolac selcctae. RiBBECK : Scaenicae Romauorum Westphal : Scriptores metrici Graeci. poesis fragmenta. 2 vol. Witkowski : Epistolac privatae Scriptores sacri et profani. Graecae. TeufFel (W. S.) Geschichte der romischen Literatur. lyiiiziii, iSS2. 8«. 2282. (1. 5. History of Roman Literature. Translated by tx. C. ^\^ A\'air. 2 vol. 'Loudou, 1900. 8". " 2045. g. Histoire de la littorature roinaine. Traduit i)ar J. Bonnard et r. Picvson. 3 torn. Prrm-, 1879-83. 8°. 2282.11. Teulet (J. B. A. T.) luventaire chronologique des documents rt'latifs a Ihistoire d'Ecosse conserves aux Archives du Royaume a Paris. [Abhohford CJnh. 14.] Edinlmrqli, 1839. 4«. R. Ac. 8247/14. Pa})iers d'etat relatifs a I'histoire de I'Ecosse au xvFsiecle. 4 vol. [BannntiiHc CJnh. 107.] Fnrh, 1S51-60. 4«. R. Ac. 8248/107. Thacker's Indian Directory. [Current issue.] Calmfta. 8°. Circ. 70. b. Thackeray, afterwards Ritchie (A. I.) Ladi/ Madame de Sevigne. [Frari/.] London, 1853. S". " 2500.' h. 9. Tlieocritus, Bion and Moschus, rendered into Eni^lisli pi-ose 1j\- A. Lang. London, 1880. 8«. "2280. a. 22. iScholia in Theocritum, auctiora reddidit F. Diibner. [Didot. Scrii>toruni Grsecorum Bihliotheca.] Prrr/.s-, 1849. 8°. 2046. c. Theodore, Studita, Saint. Opera. Gr. k Lat. [Miijnc. Patroloi/i<(. Gr. 99.] Paris, i860. 8". 2001. g. Theodoret, Bishop of Ci/rus. Oj: era. Gr. &, LAit. 5 torn. {JSIiipie. Patrolofta. Gr. 80-84.] Paris, i860. S^. 2001. g. Graecarum affectionum curatio. Recensuit I. Raeder. \_Teuhner Scries.] Leipzig, 1904. 8*^. 2047. a, etc. History of the Church. [BoJin's Ecclesiastical and Theological Librari/.] London, 1854. ^"- ^^^O- ^- ^- Ecclesiastical History, Dialogues and Letters. [H'^oce and Schajf. Librari/ of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. 3.] Oxford, 1892. 8". 2004. li. Theodosius, Alexandrinus. Canones. Georgii Choerobosci Scholia. Sophronii Patriarchae Alexandrini Excerpta. Recensuit A. Hilgard. [Grammatici Graeci.] Lipsiae, 1889-04. 8". 2051. b. Theognis. Works. Translated by J. Banks. [Bohn's Classical Librari/.] London, 1856. 8". 2500. f.'9. Theological Translation Fund Library. London, 1875, rtc. S". 2204. bb. 1, 11, 14, 19, 25, 30. Keim: History of Jesus of Nazara. 6 vol. 2, G. Baur : Paul. 2 vol. 3, 4, 7. KoENEN : Religion of Israel. 3 vol. 5. Bleek : Lectures on the Apoca- lypse. 8, 10. Zi:rj.Eu : Acts of the Apostles. 2 vol. 9, 12, IH, 21, 2G. EwALD : I'rophets of the Old Testament. .0 vol. 13,15. Pkleujekeu: Paulinism. 2 vol. 10,20. Back: Church History. 2 vol. 17, 22. Hausuath : New Testament Times. 2 vol. 23, 24. EwALD : Commentary on tliL' Psalms. 2 vol. 27, 29,31. Schmidt and Holzendorff: Commentary on the New Testa- ment. 3 vol. 28. EwALD : Book of Job. 32, Reville : Prolegomena of the History of Religions. 33, 38. ScHRADER : Cuneiform Inscrip- tions and the Old Testament. 2 vol. 34, 35, 30,37. Pfleidkrer: Philosophy of Religion. 4 vol. 18. DoBsciiiTZ : Christian Life in tlio Primitive Clmrch. 19, 20. Hatinack : Expansion of Chris- tianity. 2 vol. 21. Weinel: St. Pavil. 22. Pfleiderer: Primitive Chris- tianity, vol. 1. 23. CoRNTLL : Canonical Books of the Old Testament. 24. SciiunERT: Outlines of Church History. 25. Haering : Ethics of Christian Art. 26. Haunack : Christianity in the first three centuries. THE -THE 1011 Theological Translation Library. Edited by T. K. Chcync nud A. 1). Bruce. London, 1894, ^''''- 8". 2206. cc. 1, 5. Weizsacker : Apostolic Age. 2 vol. 2, 7-12. Harnack : History of Dogma. 7 vol. 3, G. Kittel : History of the Hebrews. 2 vol. 4, HERRitANN : Communion with Crod. 13. Nestle : Textual Criticism of the Greek Testament. 14. Harnack : What is Christianity ? 15. 17. Wernle : Beginnings of Chris- tianity. 2 vol. 10. Sabatier : Ileligions of Authority and Religion of the Spirit. Theologischer Jahresbericht. Leipzig, 1882, etc. 8". 'R. P.p. 154. ca. .1' 2004. g. Theon, "/ Smyrna. Expo.siti(j rerum matbematicaruni ad legendum Platonem utilium. Piccensuit E. Hiller. [Teuhner Serie.'i.'\ Leipzig, 1878. 8". 2047. a, etc. Theophanes, Clironnginphia. Ex recensione I. Classeni. Gr. it Lat. 2 vol. [Byzanfine Hisfori/. 26.] Bonnae, 1859, 41. 8". 2070. b. 26. Theoplianes contiiiuatus, ex recognitione I. Bekkeri. Gr. S: Lot. [Bi/zanfiue Histori/. 22.] Bonnae, 18^8. 8°. 2070. b. 22. Tlieophilus. Theoplulus : mittelniederdeutsches Drama. Heraus- gegeben von R. Petscli. [Germanische BihliotheJc. AJ>t. 2. Unter- suchungen imd Texte. 2.] Heidelberg, 1908. 8". 2276. c. Theophilus, of Anfiorh. Writings. Eng. [Ante-Nicene Christian Lihrari/. 3.] Edinhurgli, 1867. 8°. 2004. a. Theophilus, Presbyter. Schedula diversarum artiuni. I. [Qaellen- sehri/ien fiir Kanstgeschichte. 7.] Wien, 1874. 8". 2262. b. Theophrastus. Opera quae supersunt omnia. Ex recognitione Frederici Wimmer. 3 vol. [Tenbner Series.] Leipzig, 1854-62. 8". 2047. a, etc. [Another edition.] Gr. & Lat. \^Didot. Scriptornni Grsecorum BihJiofheca.] Paris, 1866. 8°. 2046. f. Characteres. Edidit H. E. Foss. [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1858. 8". 2047. a, etc. Chai'acteres. Recensuit H. Diels. [Oxford Classical Texts.] Oxonii, 1909. 8" " 2046. b. Characteres ; Marci Antonini Commentarii ; Epicteti Disserta- tiones, Fragmenta et Enchiridion, cum commentario SimjDhcii ; Cebetis Tabula, Maximi Tyrii Dissertationes. Theophra.sti Characteres et Maximum Tyrium emendavit F. Diibner. Gr. it Lat. [Didot. Scriptorum Grsecorum Bibliotlieca.] Paris, 1840. 8". 2046. e. The Characters. EngUsh translation b}^ Sir R. C. Jel)[). Edited by J. E. Sand vs. Lonrton, 1909. S"." 2280. c. 11. 3 T 2 1012 THE— THI Theophylactus, Arrhhhhop of Acini da. Opera. Gr. tk Lat. 4 torn. [3Ii,j,ie. Patrologia. G/. "123-1 26.] Paris, 1864. 8". 2002. a. Theophylactus, Simocaiia. Historiarum libri 8. Eecogiiovit I. Ik'kkcriis. Gr. k Lai. [Bijzantine History. 11.] Bonnae, 1S34. 8°. 2070. a. 11. • Historiae. Edidit C. de Boor. [Tcubncr Scries.'] Leipzig, 1887. 8°. 2047. a, etc. Theresa [de Cepeda], dc Jesus, Saint. Escritos. Ilustrados por V. de la Fuente. 2 vol. [Arihau. Autores espanoles. 53, 55.] Madrid, 1861,62. 8". 2041 c. Thersites. Thei'sytes. An interlude. [Roxhurglie Cluh. 26.] London, 1820. 4'\ R. Ac. 8104 26. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. Leipzig, 1900, etc. 4". 2050. d. Thespian Dictionary; or Dramatic Biography of the eighteenth century. London, 1802. 8". 2306. a. 4. Thespian Dictionary ; or Dramatic Biography of the present age. London, 1805. 8". 2039. a. Theux de Montjardin (X.) Bibliographic liegoise. Bruges, 1S85. 4°. " 2038. f. Thevenin (M.) Textes relatifs aux epoques merovingienne et carolingienne. Paris, 1887. 8". 2086. g. Thibaudeau (A. C.) Bonaparte and the Consulate. Ti-anslated and edited by G. K. Fortescue. London, 1908. 8°. 2390. f. 6. Thibaudeau (A. R. H.) Abrege de I'liistoire du Poitou. Niort, 1889. H". 2362. cc. 6. Thisbault (D. A. P. F. C. H.) Baron. INlemoires du General ]3aron Thiebault. Publics par F. Calmettes. 1769-1720. ■") toni. Paris, 1893-95. 8°. 2390. e. 2. Thiel (A.) Epistolae Romanorum Pontificum genuinae. Recensuit A. Thiol, torn. 1. 461-523. Brunsbergae, 1868. 8«. 2208. dd. 2. Thiele (J. M.) Life of Thorvaldsen. From the Danish. London, 1865. 8". 2264. bb. 12. Thieme (H. P.) Guide bibliographique de la litterature fran^aise de 1800 a 1906. P«m, 1907. 8". 2036. e. Thieme (U.) and Becker (F.) Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kiiiistlcr von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1907, etc. 8«. ' 2032. g. Thierry (J. N. A.) Formation and Progress of the Tiers Ktat. Translated by F. B. Wells. 2 vol. [Bohn's Standard Lihrari/.] London, 1859. 8". 2504. i". 16. Histoire de la conquete de I'Angleterre par les Normands. 2 torn. Paris, 185 1. 8«. 2388. f. 6. History of the conquest of England by the Normans. 2 vol. [Bohn's Standard LJhrary.] London, 18^6. 8". 2504. h. 15. Lettres .sur I'histoire de France, xiii-xxiv. Ivlited l)y G. Masson and G. W. Prothero. [Pitt Press Series.] Candjridge, 1885. 8". 2322. b. 53. THI— THO lol;; Thierry (J. N. A.) Itecits des temjis merovingiens i-iii. ICditeil l»y G. Masson and A. R. Ropes. [Pitt Press Series.] Cambridge, 1887. 8". 2322. c. 36. Thiers (L. A.) Histoire de la Revolution fraiK;aisc. [With Atlas.] 3 vol. P«m-, 1878-82. 80&40. 2086.il. History of the French Revolution. Translated Ijv 1'\ SIiuIktI. 5 vol. London, 1895. 8". ' 2085. c. Histoire du Consulat et de I'Empire. [With Atlas.] (> v. F. Campbell and J. Stebbing. 12 vol. London, 1893-98. 8". 2086. e. Thimm (C. A.) Complete Bibliogi^aphy of Fencing and Duelling. London, 1896. 4«. ' BB. E. e. 2. Thimm (P.) Shakespeariana from 1-564 to 1864. London, 1865. 8". BB. g. b. 23. Thin (G.) Leprosy. London, 1S91. 8". 2256. g. 19. ThiofriduSj Abbas Epternacensis. Vita Willibrordi metrica. Re- censuit K. Rossberg. [Teuhner Series.] Leipzig, 1883. 8". 2047. a, ct,: Thode (H.) Correggio. [Knarhfuss. Kilnstler-Monographien. 30.] Leipzig, 1898. 8". " 2034. c. Giotto. [Knackfuss. Kiinstler-Monographien. 43.] Leijizig, 1899. 8°. ' 2034. c. Mantegna. \_Knackfuss. Kiimtler-Monograijliien. 27.] Leipzig, i8g-j. 8'\ ' 2034. c. Tintoretto. [Knackfuss. Kiinstlcr-Monograi)liien. 49.] Leipzig, 1901. 8°. 2034. c. Tholuck (F. A. G.) Commentai-y on the Gospel of St. John. [Clark's Foreign Theological Library, ser. 3. no. 5.] Edinburgh, i860. 8°. 2007. c. Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. [Clark^s Foreign Theological Library, ser. 3. no. 7.] Edinburgh, i860. 8". 2007. c. Thorn's Official Directory. [Current i-ssue.] Dublin, 8". Circ. 70. a. Thom.as, Aquinas, Saint. Summa Theologica. 4 torn. [Miipie. Patrologia. Suppl. Ser., l*-4*.] Paris, 1841. 8". 2001. b. Totius Summie Theologicse Conclusiones. Paris, 1890. 8". 2204. a. 3. Thomas, de Burton. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa. Edited by Sir E. A. Bond. 3 vol. [Chronicles and Memorials.] London, 1866-68. 8°. 2073. (43.) Thomas, a Monk, of Ely. Liber Eliensis. vol. I. [Anglia Christiana. 3.] London, 1848. 8°. R. Ac. 8110. 1014 THOMAS Thomas, of En-Uduunc. Romance and Prophecies. Edited by iSir J. A. H. Murray. [Earli/ Eii(/li>th T< .d Societij.] London, 1875. 80. ■ ' R. Ac. 9925/48. Thomas, Saint and Aposilc. Hymn of the Soul. Sijr. k Eng. [Texts and Studies. 5.] Camhridgc, \6:j- . 8^ ' 2004. b. Thomas [a Becket], Saint. Epistolie. — Viti >S. Thoina\ 4 voL [Giles. Faires Ecclesise Anglicanse.] Oxonii, 1845. 8°. 2004. c. Fragments d'une vie de Saint Thomas de Cantorbery. Publieej; par P. Meyer. [Societe dcs anciens textes frantjais.] Paris, 1S85. 8". * R. Ac. 9811/21. ■ Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited by J. C. Robertson, vol. 1-7. [(liraniclac a7id 3remorials.] London, 1 87 5-8 5. 8". 2073. (67.) Thomas Saga Erkibj'skups. A Life of Arclibishop Tliomas Becket, in Icelandic ; with English translation. Edited by E. Magnii-sson. 2 vol. [Chronicles and J^hunorials.^ London, 187 5-8 3. 80. 2073. (65.) Thomas, the Trouhadour. Le Roman de Tristan. Public par J. Bedier. [Soeictc des anciens textes /'r((iira{s.'\ 2 vol. Paris, 1902, 05. 8". ■ R. Ac. 9811/47. Thomas (A.) Francesco da Barberino et la litterature proven(;ale en Italic au moven age. [Bihl. des Ecohs Francaises d'Athenes, etc. 35.] Pan*-, 1883." 8". R. Ac. 5206/2. Nouvelles recherches sur lEntree de Spagne, chanson de geste franco-italienne. [Bihl. des Ecoles Frannvises d'Athenes, etc. 25.] Paris, 1SS2. 8«. R. Ac. 5206/2. Thomas (B.) George Sand. [Eminent Women Series.] London, 1889. 8". 2407. b. 15. Thomas (C.) History of German Literature. [Short Histories of the Literatures of the World. 14.] iojir/o//, 1909. 8°. 203*9. e. Thomas (D. R.) St. A.saph. [Diocesan Histories.] London, 1 888. 8". 2210. a. 15. Thomas (F. S.) The Ancient Excheciuer uf England ; the Treasury, etc. London, 1848. 8«. ' 2085. b. Thomas (I.) History of Printing in America. 2 vol. Albani/, 1674. 8". 2035. c. Thomas (J.) Universal Dictionary of IHugi-jiphv and Mythologv. 1' vol. io«(?on, 18S7, 89. 80. ^ 2090.""f. Thomas (N. W.) Bibliography of Anrhi-opology and Folk-Lore, 1907. London, 1908. 8". BB. C. b. 21. Bibliography of Folk-Lore. 1905. [Foil-Lore Societij.] London, 1906. 8", R. Ac. 9938/25. Kinship Organisations and Group Marriage in Australia. [Cawhridtje Archaeological and Ethnoloijiral Sci'ies.] Camhrid. 13. Thomasius (J. M.) See Tomasi (G. M.) Thomason (George) Catalogue of the Pamphlets, Books, Newspapers, and ^Manuscripts relating to the Civil War, the Commonwealth and Restoi-ation, collected by G. Thomason, 1610-1G61. 2 vol. London, 190S. 8'\ Ciix-. 95. a. Thome (O. W.) and Bennett (A. W.) Text-Book of structural and j)hvsi()logical Botunv. [Tr.ii-Bnoks of Science.] London, 1897. 8"." 2244. a. 13. Thompson (A. B.) The Oil Fields of Paissia. London, i-^oS. 8". 2249. h. 7. Thompson (C. J. S.) The Mystery and Romance of Alchemv and Pharmacy. London, 1897. S«. 2244. 'd. 6. Thompson (D'A. W.) Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Cix4enterata and ^N'orms. Camhrldyc, 1885. 8°. BB. E, c. 5. Thompson {Sir E. Maunde) Greek and Latin Palaeography. [Lnternational Scientific Scries.] London, 1893. 8". 23.24. bb. 10.. Thompson (Francis) Selected Poemp. London, 1908. 8". 2260. a. 12. Thompson {Sir H.) Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Urinary Organs. London, 1888. 8"\ 2256. f. 9. Diet in relation to age and activity. With hints concerning habits conducive to Longevity. London, 1903. 8'\ 2256. e. 20. — — Diseases of the Prostate. London, 1886. 8". 2256. f. 10. Food and Feeding. L^ondon, 1898. 8°. 2256. 1). 20. Pathology and Treatment of Stricture of the Uretln a. London, 1885. 8". 2256. f. 12 • Practical Lithotomy and Lithotrity. London, 1880. 8". 2256. f. 13. Thompson (H. L.) Christ Church. [College Histories, Oxford.] London, 1900. 8". 2234. e. 4. Thompson (J.) History of Leicester. Leicester, i8^(^. 8". 2367. b. 4. Thompson (R.) The Gardener's As.sistant. 2 vol. London, 1902. 8". 2252. h. 6. Thompson (R. E.) History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States. [American Church Histori/ Series. 6.] New York, 1895. 8". 2212. aa. 6. Thompson (Silvanus P.) Elementary Le.ssons in Electricity and Magnetism. London, 1900. 8". 2244. b. 2. Thompson (T.) Annals of Influenza. [Sydenham Society.] London, 1852. 8". R. Ac. 3837/21. 1016 THO— THO Thompson (W. P.) Handbook of Patent Law for all countries. Lumlou, 1305. 8". 2230. a. 2. Thorns (W. J.) Anecdotes and traditions of early Englisli History and Literature. [Camden Society. 5.] London, 1839. 4°. R. Ac. 8113^ 5. The Book of the Court. London, iS^^. 8". 2098. b. Longevity of Man. London, 1879. 8«. 2256. b. 17. Thomsen (V.) The lielations between ancient Russia and Scandi- navia. Oxford, 1877. 8". 2392. b. 9. Thomson (A.) Handbook of Anatomy for Art Students. O.cfurd, 1906. 8°. 2255. e. 9. Thomson (B. C.) The Fijians. London, 1908. 8". 2374. d. 13. Savage Island. An account of a soJQurn in Niue and Tonga. London, 1902. 8". 2374. a. 2. The Story of Dartmoor Prison. London, 1907. 8". 2230. a. 15. Thomson (Sir C. Wyville) The Depths of the Sea. Lniidon, 1873. 8". 2251. c. 8. The Voyage of the "Challenger." 2 vol. London, 1877. ^°- 2250. e. 13. Thomson (D. C.) The Brothers Maris. [Stndio. Special NHnd>er.'\ London, 1907. 8". R. P.P. 1931. pcu. Luke Fildes. [Art Annual.] London, 1895. 4*^. R. P.P. 1931. pc. Thomson (H. C.) China and the Powers. A narrative of the outbreak of 1300. London, 1902. 8". 2386. e. 18. Thomson (James) Author of " The Citij of Dreadful Xi'/ht." Tlie City of Dreadful Night. ^ London, 1880. S'\ 2292. h. 10. A Voice from the Nile. London, 1884. 8". 2292. g. 10. Thomson (James) of Dundee. History of Dundee. Edited and continued by J. Maclaren. Dundee, 1874. 8'>. J1370. d. 6. Thomson (James) the Poet. Poetical Works. 2 vol. [Aldine Edition.] London, 1866. 8". 2288. d. 2. ■ The Seasons and The Castle of Indolence. Edited by J. Logie Pvobertson. [Clarendon Prcf^-C. 8". 2408. 1.. 2. Life of W. H. Prcscott. London, 18C3. 8". 2408 1.. 8. Tieck (J. L.) Gedidite. BrrUn, 1841. 8". 2286. I. 12. Tiele (C. P.) Babylonisch-Assyrische Ge.schichte. 2 vol. [Hand- hiicher der alten Geschiclde. I. iv.] Gotha, 1886, 88. &". 2071. g. Elements of the Science of Religion. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1897,99. 8". 2206. i. 9. • History of the Egyptian Religion. [I'luhnt'i'i^ Orifntfd Srrlpy.] London, 1882. 8". ' 2318. g. 24. Outlines of the History of Religion. [English R. I. d. 6. Tierney (M. A.) History and Antiquities of Arundel. London, 1834. 4". 2367. c. 19. Tiffany (C. C.) History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. [American Church Histon/ Series. 7.] Neiv Yorlc, 1895. 8". '2212. n:. 8. Tighe (R. R.) and Davis (J. E.) Annals of Windsor. 2 vo!. London, 1858. 8<^. 2367. bis. 14. Tigri (G.) Canti popolari toscani. Raccolti da C Tigri. Fireuze, 1869. 8". " 2284. '..>. 13. Tilden {Sir W. A.) Introduction to the study of Chemical Philosophy. [Textbooks of Science.] London, igoi. 8". 2244. a. 24. Manual of Chemistry. London, 1897. 8°. 2244. c. 2. Tilley (A. A.) Literature of the French Renaissaiice. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1904. 8". 2310. e. 9. Tilley (J.) Old Halls, Manors and Families of Derbyshire. 4 vol. London, 1 892-1902. 4", 2366. del. 7. Tillyard (H. J. W.) Agathocles. [Cambridge Historical E.s.^.n/s. 15.] Cambridge, 1908. 8". ' 2378. a. 35. Timbs (J.) Anecdote Lives of the later Wits and Humourists. 2 vol. London, 1874. 8«. 2350. a. 12. Curiositie.^ of London. London, 1878. 8°. 2366. cc. 1. English Eccentrics and Eccentricities. London, 1875. 8°. 2350. a. 11. Historic jSTinepins. London, 1869. 8°. 2350. b. 9. London and Westminster. 2 vol. London, 1868. 8". 2366. b. 9. Notabilia. London, 1872. 8". 2350. a. 10. ■ Walks and Talks about London. London, 1865. 8". 2366. aa. 5. 1022 TIM TIT Times Index to ' The Times.' London, iSo^, etc. 8°. BB. O. h-d. Eminent Persons. Biographies reprinted from ' The Times.' London, 1892, etc. 8". 2407. c 'Times' Annual Index-, for 1907, etc. Ljondon, 1909, eie. 8". Circ. 97. b. The ' Times ' Atlas. Lond<,n, i9,y^. fol. 2059. f. The 'Times' Law Reports. Lo„du„. 18S4, eie. 4°. Circ. 55-57. b. Times' Whistle, and other poems. [Eorli/ Eix/Jisli Text Societi/.] Londnn, 1871. 8". ■ R. Ac. 9925/40. Timmins (S.) History of Warwicksliire. [Popular Counfi/ Histories.] Loudon, 1889. 8". 2366. cv. 12. Timon, a play. Now first printed. Edited by A. Dyee. [Shol-e- speare Socirt!/. 10.] London, 1842. 8". R. Ac. 9485/10. Tipaldo (E. de) Biografia degli Italiani illustri del .secolo win. 10 vol. J 'e»f2/V^ 1834-45. 8°. 2092. d. Tiraboschi (G.) Biblioteca modenese : scrittori di Modena. G vol. Modena, 1781-86. 4^. 2092. e. Storia della Letteratura italiana. 16 torn. 3Llano, 1822-26. 8". 2041. d. Tischendorf (C. de) Evangelia apocrypha. Collegit et recen.suit C. de Tischendorf. LciirJ'j, iQ-6. 8«. 2200. d. 14. Tischer (G.) and Burchard (K.) Musikalienkatalog der Hauptkirche zu Sorau. IGescIlscJiaft fiir Musikforsc]i)()iendent Theatre Series. 4.] London, 1895. 8«. 2303. e. 9. A Study of Shelley. London, i88q. 8". 2308. b. 22. Tofte (R.) Alba : the month's minde of a melancholy lover. 1598. [Fuller Worthies' Library.] London, 1880. 4". 2326. g. 11. (2.) Tola (P.) Dizionario biografico dogli uomini illustri di Sardegna. 3 vol. ToWho, 1837, 3H. 8". 2092. e. Tolhausen (A.) Dictionnaire technologique. Fr., Eng., Ger. 3 pt. Leipzig, 1878-83. 8". " 2054. a. Grand Supplement. 3 pt. Leipzig, 1901, 02. 8". 2054. a. Tomes (C. S.) Manual of Dental Anatomy. London, 1904. 8". 2256. f. 6. On the development of the teeth of the Newt, Frog, etc. [lioi/al Society. Miscellaneous Publications. 7.] London, 1875. 4". R. Ac. 3025/5. 1024 TOM— TOU Tomkins (H. G.) Life and Times of Joseph in the Hglit of Egyptian lore. \Bi/-P(ifhs of Bible Knowled(/e. 17.] London, 1891. 8". 2200. l>. 19. Tomlins (Sir T. E.) Law Dictionary. 2 vol. London, 1855. 4^. 2016. d. Tommaseo (N.) and Bellini (B.) Dizionario della lingua italiana. [ vol. Torino, 1861-79. 4". 2055. f. Tompkins (H. W.) Highwa3\s and Byways in Hertford.shirc. London, 1505. .^«. " 2366. l)b. 11. Tone (T. Wolfe) The Life of T. A\'. Tone. AVritten by liimstslf and extracted from his journals. [Autobiography. 19.] Lnndon, 1828. 8°. 2094. a. Tonetti (F.) Biblioteca Yalsesiana. 2 vol. Varallo, 1893, 94. 8". 2330. a. 2. 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Analytical Concordance to the Bible. Edinhiin/h, 1900. 40. 2009. f. Young (T. E.) Insurance. A practical exposition. London, 1903. 80. 2238. c 11. Young (W.) History of Dulwidi College. 2 vol. I.on. R. P.P. 4993. Zeitschrift fUr Assyriologie. Leipzig, \%^ a, etc. 8". R. P.P. 4994. Ergiinzungshefte : Semitistische Studien. Berlin, 1894, etc. 8". R. P.P. 4994. Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie. Halle, 1896, etc. 8". R. P.P. 5044. ae. ZEI— ZEN 1 1 1 :5 Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftforschung. See Z kitsch rift fur A.SSYRIOLftCIE. Zeitschrift fiir romanische Philologie. JLdIr, \S--, ,ir. s". U. IM'. 5044. ae. • Beihefte. Halle, 1905, etc. 8". R. p.p. 5044. ac. 10. Sainkan : La Creation metapho- rique en fran(,"ais et en roman. Le chien et le pore. 11. Neumann: Bcitriigo zur Charakter- istik des Dialektcs der Marche. 12. Wagnek: Lautlohre dcr siidsar- dischen Mundarten. 13. EwALD : Die Schreibweise in der autographischen Handschrift des Canzoniere Petrarcas. 14. Jordan : Ueber Boeve de Han- stone. 15. EoHESHEiM : Die Sprache des Fra Guittone von Arezzo. 16. Jacobius: Die Erziehung des Edelfrauleins im alten Frankreich. 17. Sommer: Messiro Robert de Bor- ron und der Verfasser des Didot- Perceval. 19. Boje : Ueber Beuve de Hamtone. 1. Sainkan: La Cr(5ation ni6tapho- rique en francjais et en roman. Le chat. 2. Skok : Die mit den Sufifixen -acum, -anum, -ascum und -uscum ge- bildeten siidfranzosischen Orts- namen. 3. Feedenhagen: Ueber den Gebrauch des Artikels in der franzosischen Prosa des xiii. Jahrhunderts. 4. De Roche : Les noms de lieu de la Vallee IMontier-Grandval. 5. GoiDANiCH : L' origine della dit- tongazione romana. 6. Schuchardt: Baskisch und Romanisch. 7. Hetzer : DieReichenauer Glossen. 8. Meyer : Franzosische Lieder. 9. Settegast : Floovant und Julian. Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung. Berlin, iS^i, etc. 8". R. P.P. 5043. b. Zeller (E.) Contents and Origin of the Acts of the Apostle.s. 2 vol. 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D.) Lives of the Hanoverian Queens of England. I.ecs and Wasps. b. 8. Romanes : Animal Intelli- gence. b. 9. Stallo : Modern Physics. b. 10. Eibot: Diseases of Memory. b. 11. JOLY : Man before Metals. b. 12. Amos : Science of Politics. b. 13. Scott : Elementary Meteor- ology. b. 14. Yon Mfaer : Organs of Speech. b. 15. SiDGWiCK : Fallacies. b. IC. Candolle: Cultivated Plants. b. 17. Romanes : Jelly-Fish. b. IS. Clifford : Common Sense of the Exact Sciences. b. 19. Warner: Physical Ex- pression. b. 20. Hartmann : Anthropoid Apes. b. 21. Schmidt : Mammalia. b. 22. Posnett: Comparative Literature. b. 23. Milne : Earthquakes. b. 24. Trouessart : Microbes. b. 25. Heilprin : Distribution of Animals. b. 20. Abercromby : Weather. b. 27. Binkt and Fere : Animal Magnetism. b. 28. Phillips : British Dis- comycetes. b. 29. Levi : International Law. b. 30. Dawson : Geological His- tory of Plants. bb. 1. Henslow ; Floral Struc- ture. bb. 2. L u K B o c K : Senses of Animals. bb. 3. 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