HOLIDAY CATALOG gf A SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHER THE ARRANGEMENT OF THIS CATALOG IS ALPHABETICAL ACCORDING TO THE TITLES, WITH THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFICATIONS APPEARING IN THE ALPHABETICAL SE- QUENCE: CALIFORNIA, page 4; CHILDREN'S BOOKS, page 5; DAINTY GIFTS, page 8; ESSAY AND TRAVEL, page 9; GAIETY BOOKS, page 11; GIFT BOOKS, page 12; RECORD BOOKS, page 18 OUT OF BONDAGE I stand on the outermost brink, As far as the path may be trod, Where mortal brain must cease to think And the heart cries out for God. His temple gateway is here Where I see but the void abyss; But I know I am His and I need not /ear, And I tell my Maker this : I am not afraid to be Man; To be Atom where Thou art Whole; To take my place in the august plan That circles Thee and my soul. jPanny Hodges Newman, in Out of Bondage " and Other Poem*. PAUL ELDER AND COMPANY TWO -THIRTY -NINE GRANT AVENUE ' SAN FRANCISCO SOME WORLD-CIRCUIT SAUNTERINGS ByWIL- LIAMFORDNICHOLS.EPIS- COPAL BISHOP OF CALIFORNIA "'Saunter' some think comes from Sainte terrc, which would make a saunterer literally one who visits the Holy Land. Whether this can pass muster with the 'latest unabridged' or not we need not stop to inquire, but the sentiment of such a derivation, even if it is imaginary, seems to happily dictate that particular word for use here. Having been asked to tell something of our trip around the world, the dates and itinerary of which were shaped a good deal by adjustment to a visit to Jerusalem at Eastertime, the ' sauntering ' in the sense just mentioned seems a not inapt title-term. And then when one's big-hearted Diocese has sent him and his family on such a 'leave' putting an ample letter of credit in his pocket, start- ing him out, so to speak, under Church auspices, and his point of view must be everywhere that of a parson, and so lead to the con- stant ' natural selection ' of places and phases of life of historic or present day religious interest, and the impressions gathered from it all must perforce be colored a good deal by their bearings upon the faiths of the world, it has seemed to make one in this sense a saunt- erer during the whole world circuit, as he came in contact with many lands held by their respective devotees to be holy." William Ford Nichols. QROFESSOR BERNHARDI A COMEDY BY MR ARTHUR SCHNITZLER ADAPTED INTO ENGLISH by MRS. EMIL POHLI A play to read, to ponder over. It is the author's latest and most daring drama. Professor Bernhardi is a great physician, so com- pletely absorbed in his work that he sees only his patient and the particular disease and cares not for the claims of religion or society if they conflict with what he considers his duty. Out of this de- velops a dramatic war between the physician and the clergy. A tremendously strong play. Buffalo Express. DO YOU KNOW SAN FRANCISCO AS IT WAS? Do you know the first street of San Francisco, and where the first house stood? Do you know where were the first Post Office, Custom House, School House and Churches? Do you know that the population of San Francisco was once half Mormon? Do you know that the laundries of San Francisco were once in China and the Sandwich Islands? Do you know how many times the business part of San Fran- cisco has been wiped out by fire? Do you know how far into the present business portion of the city the bay extended in early days? Do you know the strange purposes which many of the ships in San Francisco Bay served in 1849 and the early fifties? Do you remember the old Cobweb Museum, the Emperor Nor- ton, the What Cheer House, Fort Gunnybags and Washer- woman's Lagoon? Do you remember Russ's Garden, The Willows, Haye Park and Woodward's Garden? Do you know about the lagoon near Sacramento and Montgom- ery Streets and Captain Hinckley's bridge? Do you know about the toll-gate that once stood near the pres- ent intersection of Kearny and Post Streets ? The answers to all the preceding queries and a world of other interesting material is set forth in a well arranged manner in this splendid illustrated hook SAN FRANCISCO AS IT WAS AS IT IS -AND HOW TO SEE IT BY HELEN THROOP PURDY A picturesque sketch of the unique city by the Golden Gate; its history; its present accomplishments; and its immediate prospects. Illustrated with two hundred and twenty-five plates, including many full page views and text inserts of past and present scenes. 1915 Edition: Bound in boards, with pictured inlay, square linen back and uniform jacket. *2.50 net; by mail, $2.75. Pioneer Edition: Bound in full pigskin. *$6.00 net; by mail, $6.25 PAUL ELDER & COMPANY PUBLISHERS NO- 239 GRANT AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO / have never seen a more attractive set of books than your "Small Talks on Card Games." They are not only attractive to look at, but very instruc- tive. I am sure all people could be card playora if they -would read them. K. Bielman, Ex- President Women's Whist Lea&ue, Detroit, Mich. NOVEL CARD GAME SET Virginia M. Meyer writes a set of six instructive card manuals, including "How to Become a Good Card Player." SHALL TALKS ON CARD GAMES by the well known teacher, Virginia M. Meyer, a novel little set of six miniature books on popular card games enclosed in a conventional card case has just been published by Paul Elder CBJ, Company, San Francisco, at the modest sum of $1.00. The fas- cinating little volumes are delightfully printed in two colors with appropriate decorations and are bound in flexible levant cover. Enclosed in the handsome case, the set will make an appropriate gift to any card player and is especially suitable as a unique card prize. While this may have been in the mind of Mrs. Meyer, her real object was to present in the fewest, clearest words possible, the games she chose for the little set of books. One volume in the set, entitled " HOW TO BECOME' A GOOD CARD PLAYER" is the only book of its kind. It is not needed by the artistic expert, but that same expert would heartily endorse each thought in it. Its object is to teach card players how to reason, how to train the'memory to become familiar with the little niceties that at once stamp the first class card players. Included with itis"B's Without a Sting," a little "stunt" giving twenty-five thoughts arranged in alphabetical order and that are sure to be as helpful as the author's previous aids to the auc- tion player known as "Jingles that Help." The wee book on ROYAL AUCTION, another one of the set, is arranged in such a way that any one must quickly grasp the bidding system and be intelligently able to meet "Auction" players of high caliber on common ground. While not an exponent of the h ; gh spade calls, Mrs. Meyer has given those of Mr. Milton C. Work a prominent place. PINOCLE with it's Auction version is made very plain in another book which covers in a few words the different phases of the popular game. Mrs. *** I am delighted with the excellent card game manu- als by Mrs. Meyer. They are accurate and c/e- pendable. The little set ts a charming novelty. Bessie Dickinson, Teacher of Card Games, Syracuse, New York. Meyer happily chose the three most popular PATIENCE or "SOLITAIRE" games for another of the small books, that will be a boon to the many who pass much time with the fascination of Solitaires. FIVE HUNDRED is care- fully explained, showing the values of hands. Also a brief analysis on Auction Five Hundred that differs some from the old game. Finally CONQUIAN, "Coon Can" or " Rhum " was thought worthy of a place in the set. There is just enough of interest in this game to fill a book this size. A few questions and answers that are given bring out the most important points. Each booklet in this splendid collection will well repay a careful perusal and will add wonderfully to the reader's knowledge of this delightful amusement. Indeed it is a marvel how six such exceedingly small books could carry all they do. Paul Elder CS, Company are placing on the market an excellent Auction Score Pad arranged by Mrs. Meyer, issued in their usual artistic style also one for 500. Another feature is a set of Celluloid Score Slates, attract- ively made, which may be repeatedly used. SMALL TALKS ON CARD GAMES (Set) By Virginia M. Meyer. Six concise booklets that tell how to play Royal Auction, Five Hundred, Conquian, Pinocle, Patience, and How to Become a Good Card Player. A unique set, just the size of a pack of cards, enclosed in a card case. Mrs. Meyer is well known as a successful teacher of card games and her previous books have shown that she has the art of present- ing the essentials of a game in the briefest, most understandable manner. This little set is a most delightful novelty, available for prizes, gifts or personal text books. " The card-playing of today is more than mere amusement. It has become a science and if played along scientific lines will help the power of reasoning and strengthen the memor^f. Some claim card-placing is harmfulthis is true only when it is car- ried to excess- and may be said of other things as well." Assembly Edition. Printed from hand-set type, in two colors on French vellum, and bound in flexible levant cover and gold, with stained edges. The six booklets, a set just the size of a pack of cards, enclosed in a uniform card case. $1.00 net; by mail, $1.05. SMALL TALKS ON CARD GAMES (Individual) The several manuals by Mrs. Virginia M. Meyer, some of which in a different format are included in the above set, are published separately as follows: BRIDGE (SMALL TALKS ON). Lucid helps on scientific playing, in handy form. By Virginia M.Meyer. Tenth revised edition. Rub- I have always found hooka of -which Mrs. Virginia M. Meyer is the author to be accurate, up to date, and most clearly and concisely written. I can heart- ily recommend " Small Talks on Card Games" to students and lovers of card games. M. Ida Moore, Teacher of Card Games, Denver, Colo. ricated. Ace o' Spades Edition. Tekoa boards, 50 cents, net; by mail, 54 cents. " My talks on Bridge are o simplified that even a beginner ma? readily understand them. While learning to play it will be well to follow the rigid rules and marks. After that, let experience be your teacher." CONQUIANOR"COONCAN" (SMALL TALKS ON). The best round game of the day with just a wee bit of science in it that can be quickly learned. By Virginia M. Meyer. Second and revised issue. Senora Edition. Flexible onyx repousse cover, 25 cents, net; by mail, 28 cents. "Conquian, commonly called 'Coon Can,' because any old 'Coon Can' and 'Rhum' for no reason that is known, is an old Spanish game placed, in the beginning, principally in Mexico and Spanish- American countries. It ia popular in London clubs, and fast be- coming so in all places. " 500 AND AUCTION 500 (SMALL TALKS ON). The first text book treating 500 with the popular Auction feature. By Virginia M. Meyer. Cinq-cent Edition. Flexible onyx repousse cover, 25 cents, net; by mail, 28 cents. "Now that Five Hundred has Joined the Auction ranks, it is safe to say its popularity is assured. The Bridge and Auction play- ers have heretofore smiled at the mention of Five Hundred, but had it been placed on a more scientific basis it would have been classed with the games of higher merit." HOW TO BECOME A GOOD CARD PLAYER (SMALL TALKS ON) AND T WEN TY-FIVE BE'S WITHOUT A STING. A unique text book in its simple general outlines of how to learn games quickly. By Virginia M. Meyer. Students' Edition. Flexible onyx repousse cover, 25 cents, net; by mail, 28 cents. "This book is written with the hope that it will be a genuine help to those who aim for the best in cards. It will deal with no game in particular, but with things in general. The one who knows just enough to want to know more to him this book will appeal." PINOCLE AND AUCTION PINOCLE (SMALL TALKS ON). A game fast gaining in favor, and filling the need of one for two or three players. By Virginia M. Meyer. German-American Edition. Flexible onyx repousse cover, 25 cents, net; by mail, 28 cents. "Why the German games have not become more popular among the Americans is a matter of wonder to those who have become familiar with them. " PATIENCE GROUP (A) POKER PATIENCE, CANFIELD, A DOUBLE PATIENCE (SMALL TALKS ON). Games affording the fascination of beating the cards. By Virginia M.Meyer. Soli- taire Edition. Flexible onyx repousse cover, 25 cents, net; mail,28c. "At least half the games of Patience or Solitaire are governed by chance. While such lack the problematic element, they have a fascination that mil hold the attention for hours at a time." ROYAL (LILY) AUCTION IN A NUTSHELL AND SMALL TALKS ON AUCTION BRIDGE. Elucidating a Fascinating Game. By Virginia M. Meyer. Fifth revised edition presenting the latest rulings of the game, to which is added JINGLES THAT HELP. The Kernel Edition. Rubricated, bound in flexible Tekoa, 50 cents, net; by mail, 54 cents. "The innovation of Royals has done away with much that is fascinating in the game, but it adds strong points well worth consideration. The concise rules given below should improve the reckless bidding of today, and as soon as this is done the tomorrows of this splendid game will be many more. " *** Mrs. Virginia M. Meyer's "Small Talks on Card Games" consist of six dainty books, each present- ing the salient points of a game concisely with no unnecessary verbiage to dim the clearness of the in- struction. Bessie Dickinson, Author of The Cards, Bridge Abridged, Bridge Essentials, etc. SCORE TABLETS Arranged by Virginia M. Meyer. The scoring tables are completely set forth on the mount and a brief digest given on each leaf with convenient rulings. SCORE TABLET FOR AUCTION, ROYAL (LILY) AUCTION, BRIDGE AND NULLO, (which isthevery latest phase of the game). The latest rulings of the games. Artistically printed on interesting duplex paper, 48 leaves, with gold heading and Rhododendrum mount, rubricated. Size SHutf/i inches. Royal Edition. 25 cents, net; by mail, 28 cents. SCORE TABLET FOR 500 AND AUCTION 590. With space for scoring games and additional space for keeping individual records. Uniform with the above. Auction Edition. 25 cents, net; by mail, 28. SCORE SLATES Arranged by Virginia M. Meyer. An innovation, printed on surfaced celluloid. The penciled records may be erased and the slate repeatedly used. RECORD EDITION. Tastefully printed with concise scoring tables on one side and correctly ruled forms for the score record on the other. Size 3Vax6 inches. Each 10 cents, net; by mail, 12 cents. (But little additional is required for postage on a number.) 1. AUCTION, ROYAL (LILY) AUCTION AND BRIDGE SCORE. 2. PROGRESSIVE AUCTION, ROYAL (LILY) AUCTION AND BRIDGE SCORE. An individual score card to be used at Progres- sive games. 3. 500 AND AUCTION 500 SCORE. 'With space for scoring games and additional space for keeping individual records. 4. PROGRESSIVE 500 AND AUCTION 500. An individual score card to be used at Progressive games. PAUL ELDER AND COMPANY TWO-THIRTY-NINE GRANT AVENUE ' SAN FRANCISCO Supplement to tfje Catalog of a g>an Jf rancigco CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS, CALENDARS, GREETINGS, MOTTOES AND LEAFLETS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Christmas and New Year's Cards nERE are the newest greetings, beautiful and dignified, or fa- miliar and dainty, on lovely hand-made papers all of them choice and appropriate for the Yule- tide season. "Merry Christmas to You." X. 1. A miniature, personal greeting, with "Merry Christmas to You," hand- lettered and brightly illuminated in four colors on a Florentine deckle- edge folder. Size 2%x2% inches. Each, 5 cents, net; postage, 2 cents; by the dozen, 50 cents, net. In a bright red envelope. A Christmas Gift of Love. X. 2. By Elsinore Robinson Crowell. A screen card of French vellum. The doors, quaintly colored, opening upon the paneled verses and a dainty picture of mother and child at the Christmas Tree Emblem. This will appeal to all who, tired of gift extravagance, are looking for the true spirit in the token. Size folded, 6x4*4 inches. In an envelope. 20 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "I send to you, my friend, this Christmas day, the thing in all the world I hold most dear. All radiant with the life and warmth of truth, the old-time blessed Christmas gift of love." "Merry Christmas." X. 3. Another lit- tle tot of Jean Oliver's standing over- whelmed before the Christmas tree, much beribboned and ready for the festivities. Brightly hand -colored on a chameleon folder. Size 3 1 /4x4% inches. In a dainty green envelope. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. A Dally Wish. X. 4. The new card by Agnes Greene Foster. Designed and hand-lettered by Harold Sichel. Print- ed on a folder of beautiful green Lom- bardia deckle -edge cover. Size 4x5% inches. In a rich deckle-edge, uniform envelope. 15 cents, net; postage 2 cents. "I would not have you other than you are, impossible 'twould be to sweeter grow; No better wish can I express for you, Than to repeat my prayer God keep you so." "God Bless th Master of this House." X. 5. This beautiful old-time greeting has been designed in lovely type and rule embellishments by John Bernhardt fc>wart, and printed in gold and colors on a deckle-edge folder of rich golden- hued Lombardia cover. Size 6%x4 inches. In a deckle-edge uniform en- velope. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "God bless the Master of this house, Likewise the Mistress too. And all the little Children, That 'round the table go." A Christmas Toast. X. 6. By Frances Woodward Tyler. Another card de- signed in type and rules by John Bern- hardt Swart, and printed in gold and delicate tones on Van Gelder hand- made paper. These lines of healthful greeting are equally appropriate for Christmas or New Year's day. Size 3%x6% inches. Enveloped. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. Greetings: "Comrade, here's good health to you, and Joy enough for savour, a gladdening ray in the daily gray, lest fortune loose its flavour. Here's laughter, love and a little wealth, and of leisure a bit for dream- ing, and here's to the deeds that we may do, in the year whose dawn is gleaming." Copyright. A Christmas Deed. X. 7. By Julia K. Shrout. A legal greeting, with blanks for personal engrossing and signature, duly witnessed by Good Cheer, Loving Kindness, Kris Kringle, and Jolly Christmas. Properly illuminated on a folder of heavy crisp vegetable parch- ment. Unmistakably conveying your Christmas greetings. Size, folded, 2%x6% inches. Enveloped. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "Know all Men by these presents, that I * * * do convey * * * one large portion each of the riches of my good-will, the fortune of my best wishes, and the wealth of my love, situated in the domain of my Cfjrtetmas; an& J&eto gear's! Carte heart. To have and to hold the same together with all appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging for- ever." "I Been Wlshin' 'at Cwismus Would Turn." X. 8. A pretty child's verse by Grace McKinstry. Designed by Eisinore Robinson Crowell. Daintily printed and hand-colored on a folder of French vellum. Size 6%x3^4 inches. In a bright red envelope. 10 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "I been wishin' an' wishin' 'at Cwis'mus would turn, an' flnkin' just what I would do. I'll eat up for you a b-i-g, pink sugar-plum, an' wite, 'Mewy Cwis'mus' to you." New Year "Blessings Galore/' X. 9. By Grace McKinstry. Designed by John Bernhardt Swart. What more could one wish? Printed in gold and bright- ly rubricated on a folder of green Lombardia cover. Size 3x6% inches. Enclosed in a deckle-edge uniform en- velope. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "'Tis mesilf that am wishin' yez blessings galore, to fill up this New Year, and thin plinty more; may ivery- thing go foine, an' nothin' go ill, an' the postman deliver no sign av a bill." The Bridger's Friendly Greeting. X. 10. By Virginia M. Meyer. "Wishing you success over every 'Bridge' you cross." Designed by D. H. Hilliker and printed in colors on a French vellum folder. Size 3%x7ft inches. Enveloped. 15 cents, net; postage 2 cants. "Tell me, if you can and will, the greatest feat of builders' skill; the greatest feat to my own notion, is that of 'Bridgin' o'er the ocean." Old Favorites. A few well-loved cards of former seasons that are still asked for: Fairy Christmas Stocking. X. 80. A real stocking at a fireplace. "It's knit of fairy wool. You take all good wishes from it, and yet you leave it full." By Jean Oliver. Hand colored double-mount. Size 5x6^4 inches. En- veloped. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. Merry May Your Christmas Be. X. 81. A charming Christmas greeting by Charlotte E. Hooper. Designed by Harold Sichel. Size 4%x5i4. Envel- oped. 15 cents, net; postage 2 cents. "Merry may your Christmas be with sky all bright and clear; many may your gifts be and bounteous your good cheer. Near you may your friends be, not one empty place; thankful may your heart be, in this year of Grace." A Cat-alogue of Christmas Wishes. X. 83. "May cat-astrophes shun you." A unique greeting in puns by Isabel Goodhue. Decorated with a cat frieze. Size 3%x6%. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. For all true cat lovers. A Christmas Dog-gerel. X. 84. An un- cur-tailed wish for Christmas joy. Also by Isabel Goodhue. Printed in red and black on a tan folder. Decor- ated with a real wag tail. Size 5x6%. Enveloped. 20 cents, net; postage 2 cents. For all dog lovers. California Greetings OKENS that are imbued with tne beauty and charm of our favored State. The "souvenir card" in a tasteful, artistic foim bright, interesting and beauti- ful printed on beautiful papers with mounted miniature views. Greetings From Out Here in California. C. G. No. 1. A six-leaf folder of rich Lombardia cover of a lovely orange tone, printed in toned ink and gold, upon which are mounted the following views done in duo-tone prints. Into the Golden Gate, Portals of the Past, The Le Conte Oak, The Seal Rocks and the Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, The verses are from the poem by A. J. Waterhouse. Size, folded, 5%x3% inches. In a deckle-edge uniform en- velope. 25 cents, net; postage 2 cents. "Out here in California where the orange turns to gold, and Nature has forgotten all the arts of growing old." California Greetings. C. G. No. 2. Uni- form with the preceding, with the fol- lowing mounted prints: The Golden Gate, On Stowe Lake in Golden Gate Park, The Flower Vendors at Liotta's Fountain, Breakers at Land's End, and The Greek Theater, University of Cali- fornia. The verses are by Daniel S. Richardson. 25 cents, net; postage 2 cents. "Behold, upon the yellows sands, I wait with laurels in my hands. The Golden Gate swings wide, and there 1 stand with poppies in my hair." Greetings From Out Here In California. C. G. No. 10. This is the same folder as No. 1, except that the following views are substituted: Mission San Gabriel, Orange Grove and Snow- capped Mountains, A Park Scene, Eu- calyptus and San Bernardino Moun- tains, and A Garden View of Palrns and Pampas Grass. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. Greetings From Poppy Land. C. G. No. 3. An attractive oblong folder of brown Lombardia cover with fascin- ating paneled views mounted thereon. The Golden Gate, Yachting Near Al- catraz, In Through the Golden Gate, On the Campus of the University of California, and Lotta's Fountain. Verses by Alberta Bancroft. Size, folded 2%x5% inches. Uniform deckle- edge envelope. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "The copper-sailed feluccas are out upon the bay, past Alcatraz a-skim- ming like sea-gulls on their way." Greetings From San Francisco. C. G. No. 4. Uniform with the preceding, with the following mounted views: The Ferries at San Francisco, The Museum at Golden Gate Park, Tamal- pais Across the Golden Gate, On the New City's Streets, and Point Bonita. Verses by Ina Coolbrith. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "Little the Goodly Fathers building their Mission rude, * Dreamed of the beautiful city, proud of her tow- ering height, and strange as a flower Carte for up- springing to bloom in a single night." A Christmas Greeting. C. G. No. 5. Verses by Jean Oliver, hand-lettered, with poppy and Chinese lantern dec- orations hand-colored. A folder of deckle-edge Italian card. Size 3%x5% inches. In a deckle-edge envelope. 20 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "From the land where Orient mys- tery blends with Western dash and vim." In an Old Mission of Padre Serra. C. G. No. 6. An exquisite Mission folder of white Lombardia cover. Verses, The Mission Grail and The Cloister, by Agnes K. Gray, beauti- fully printed and illuminated. In the center panel there is a mounted duo- tone print of the Arches of San Juan Capistrano. Size, folded, 6^x2^ inches. Uniform envelopes. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "Four crumbling walls of rose- stained gray the ancient chapel stands today." From California. C. G. No. 7. Edward Rowland Sill's verse hand-lettered and printed on a folder of toned Enfield board, with one of a series of typical California views. Mission turrets, the Golden Gate, Tamalpais, etc., mounted thereon. Size, 5x7. Enveloped. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. The same. C. G. No. 7a. Printed on delicately colored onyx bristol, and hand-colored. Enveloped. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. Christmas Greetings From California. C. G. No. 8. A verse of colorful wel- come and Christmas greetings. Hand- lettered and printed on a folder of toned Enfield board, with one of a series of typical California views mounted thereon. Size, 5x7. Envel- oped. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. The same. C. G. No. Sa. Printed on delicately colored onyx bristol and hand-colored. Enveloped. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cants. Cards for Occasions OBLIGATE messages of affec- tion for the many in between- time days births, weddings, departure, condolence and just love tokens. The Snow Crowned Queen of All My Heart. V. 403. A lovely "mother" card by Elsinore Robinson Crowell. A screen card of French vellum. On the inner panel is a sweet-faced "Mother" picture with the verses hand-lettered and decorated in the panels of the doors. Size 4%x6 inches, folded. 20 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "Some pay their court to ladies fair, or witching maids with dusky hair, but you, my dear, reign far apart the snow-crowned queen of all my heart." Gratitude. "The heart like a rosebud opens to God, each petal a prayer of thanksgiving." * * Printed in cloud- gray Ink on a shadowed folder. The hand-colored design in gray, rose and gold is of wild roses. Size 3%x8%. 20 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 13. The Twenty-third Psalm. These beau- tiful verses are treated in a charm- Ing and original way. Purple, laven- der and gold on soft gray hand-made paper make a dignified and interest- ing composition. Size 4*4x7%. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 11. Mizpah. "The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another." Egyptian iris pods, printed in gold, green, black and ver- milion on a cream card, ornament this verse of Scripture. Size 7%x4*4. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 10. Love. "All things flag but only Love" is one of six wonderful lines by Chris- tina Rossetti. It is printed on the third page of a pale pink folder in black and gold. The outside has the title in black and a flowing design in gold which completely covers it. It is hand colored in delicate green and rose. Size 3x7%. 25 cents, net; post- age, 2 cents. No. 4. Just Know. "Just know God's prom- ise never fails, it matters not how fear assails." * * * Printed in green, brown and gold on a light brown folder of hand-made paper. The elaborate initial is colored by hand from orange to brown. Size 5%x5%. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 8. Greetings. A folder, with this single word large, designed gracefully and printed in gold, contains a panel of water-color flowers which speak elo- quently where words mi^ht fail. Size 4x8%. 50 cents, net; postage 2 cents. Nn. 12. With a Booke to a Frlende. Orange, black and prold are the colors in which this delightful design is printed. Hand lettered and designed by Harold Sichel, this eight-line verse is a charming sen- timent to send with a book. Size 5%x4. 10 cents, net; postage 2 cents. No. 8. "Deere Friende: I send as Friend- ship's wage thys Friendlie Booke, whose everie Pase, whate'er Its Print- ed wordes, should tell ye Love of One that loves thee well." For Your Happiness. A card of fe- licitation for betrothals, marriaeres or marriaere anniversaries, consisting of eteht lines of poetry by Sidney Lanier printed in gold and black, with a dainty hand decoration of pink roses and forget-me-nots. Size 4%x7. 25 cents, net; postage. 2 cents. No. 9. Announcement of Baby's Arrival. A stork winprs its grrareful way across a pink-tinted rard, with a tiny envelope for the baby's card in its mouth. The reverse side has spaces for the Bar- ents' names and date of baby's birth. Size 4x3%. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 8. Congratulations on Baby's Arrival. "Another floweret blooming In the sun." and three more lines of verses with a design of flowers, birds and a wee sweet child make this a desirable Carte Hospitalities; card to send to proud parents. The de- sign is hand colored delicately, and "congratulations" are on the reverse side. Size 5x3%. 25 cents, net; post- age, 2 cents. No. 7. The Chord of Sympathy. William Locke's idea of sympathy is printed in subdued yet charming colors gray, green and gold on a white folder. Violets form the motif and Harold Sichel is the designer. Size 4x5. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 6. A Prayer for the Soul of One Beloved In Paradise. The authorship of this beautiful prayer is attributed to Will- iam Ewart Gladstone. It is beauti- fully composed and printed in red and black. Size 6%x9%. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 1. Birthday Cards The Birthday Daisy. B. 300. A novel birthday greeting designed by Jean Oliver. A real daisy attached to a dainty Cloth of Gold blue folder, with the verse in gold. Size 5^x3 inches. Enveloped. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. "My birthday wish is a daisy may your Joys be everlasting." Your Birthday. "Each holds in fee the possibility of life's best day." Thus ends the four lines of verse by Gertrude Ring Homans. It is hand lettered in elaborated English stvle and printed in crimson and gold. Size 3%x6%. 10 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 17. On This Fair Day. Richard L,e Gal- liene has written these six lines glori- fying the dav on which a beloved one was born. The desism is nasturtiums, done in yellow, green, black, and gold on a creamy folder. It is hand-col- ored. Size 6%x5%. 20 cents, net; postage. 2 cents. No. 13. God Bless the Boys Old and Young. A whimsical Infant, hand colored, con- tentedly wading in a lily pond, decor- ates the outside of this pale-pink fold- er. There is a concise greeting on the first, third and fourth pages. Size 2^x6%. 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 9. Your Birthday. A personal six-line verse by Martial on white wedding hrlstol is printed in gold, black and light green. The delicately beautiful desifim is by Harold Sichel. Size 4%x(?%. 15 cents, net: postage, 2 cents. No. 11. To My Bonnie Friend. A six-line verse by Burns is printed in gold and black on smoke gray, hand -made Fahriano. The thistle decoration is hand-colored in lavender and green. Size 3xfi4. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents No. 1. A Birthday Oracle. "Tour kismet reads Mke a ma sic tale." * * A treas- ure shin on dancing waves deoorates this eieht-llne verse of good fortune. It is printed in two blues, two preens. and gold on a folder of French Japan. Size 2%x5%. 15 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 4a. The same card, with one blue and the green omitted and hand coloring sub- stituted, is 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 4b. A Happy Birthday. A series of twelve cards, each with a different flower symbolic of a month gracefully painted on it. The cards are Italian deckle-edge hand-made, with a uni- form envelope. Size 3%x6. Each, 25 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. No. 7. Hospitalities GHERRT wall cards that give a greeting to the guest, and serve admirably the purposes of mu- ral decoration. Illuminated on sheets of Japan Vellum, 8%xl4% inches, ready for framing, these rich, mediaeval pictures in color by Robert Wilson Hyde are appropriate for din- ing-room, hall, library, guest-room or parlor. Each, 35 cents, net; postage, 5 cents. 1. Old Welch Door Verse, "Hall, Guest." A beautiful wall card of wel- come. 2. "Sleep Sweet Within This Quiet Room." For the guest-chamber. 3. "Bring Here No Tattle In." A de- lightful old-fashioned picture. 4. "Some Hae Meat." The Selkirk Grace. By Robert Burns. For the din- ing-room. Guest-Room Verses 'OTTOES for the guest-room which will give its occupant a sense of warm welcome, indi- cating as they do that hospi- tality is the generous rule of the house and that there is always a place pre- pared for the guest. 1. "Sleep Sweet Within This Quiet Room." A poppy flower and leaf de- sign on a delicate-toned antique folder, by Jean Oliver. Hand -colored. A toned Chameleon folder. Size, 6%x7*4. 25 cents, net; postage, 4 cents. 2. Rest In His Love. "He giveth unto His beloved sleep. " A design of mother and child, by Charles Frank Ingerson. Hand-colored. A toned Chameleon folder. Size, 6%x7%. 25 cents; post- age, 4 cents. Homely Maxims ACH one of these is a gem of purely native wit and wisdom. Designs of quaint humor, by Raymond Carter, on cards 3%x7 inches. Enclosed in envelopes. Each, 10 cents, net; postage, 2 cents. 7. The Game of Life. "Hit the line hard ! " Roosevelt. 8. The Eleventh Commandment. "Minding his own business." Andrew Jackson. 9. Snalx. "That hole belongs to that snaix." Josh Billings. ou are a poor creature whom nothing but the city, can comfort." METROPOLITAN EDITION. Nut-brown weathered boards. *$1.25 net; by mail, $1.34. COMFORT FOUND IN GOOD OLD BOOKS. By George Hamlin Fitch. A wonderful book, helping the reader to understand the great writers, the liter- ature of power which lifts one into that spiritual life whose dwellers ar for- ever young. Refer to alphabet classification. THE CRITIC'S TRAVELS. By George Hamlin Fitch. Two rare volumes de- scribing in a vivid style a tour around the world, filled with a genial under- standing of the peoples and places visited. Refer to alphabet classification* FLOWERS FROM MEDIEVAL HISTORY. By Minnie D. Kellogg. Gothic architecture was a product of the highest artistic craft of its time. Its de- velopment in France is told of in these entertaining studies. Profusely illus- trated with mezzogravure prints. "Although as painting, mediaeval effort* are often taken too seriously,- as literature they are charming, for the^ speak of the good and the beautiful as their Age conceived it. " CATHEDRAL EDITION. Semi-flexible linen, Sultan jacket. *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.58. FLEUR DE LIS EDITION. Half genuine imported pigskin. *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.62. IN THE OPEN. By Stanton Davis Kirkham. Happy-hearted nature talks of a nature lover, who has had the time and patience to wait and watch and listen for the wild things which he has written of with great enthusiasm. Illustrated with photographs and a frontispiece in color by Fuertes. " It is because the -wild life im so shy and elusive that the unexpected encounters have such charm." HILLTOP EDITION. Heavy green boards, buckram back. *$1,75 net; by mail, $1.84. INTIMATIONS. By John D. Barry. A book that makes one think, containing a good deal of shrewd and suggestive comment, enforced by examples that are apt and fresh. Refer to alphabet classification. MINISTRY OF BEAUTY. Essays in Practical Idealism, by Stanton Davis Kirkham. Touching on such topics as Elements of Freedom, Ethical Re- lations, Wealth, True Aims, etc. Refer to alphabet classification. MODERN ENGLISH BOOKS OF POWER. By George Hamlin Fitch. A companion book to "Comfort Found in Good Old Books." Refer to alpha- bet classification. OUTLINES. And other Allegories. By John D. Barry. A volume of about fifty fictional studies. A companion volume to Intimations. Refer to alpha- bet classification. PHILOSOPHY OF HOPE, (THE). By David Starr Jordan. Militant opti- mism the optimism that justifies its faith by works, that toils and fights for the realization of its ideals is the spirit upheld in this little book, al- ready regarded as a classic in its field. ESPERANZA EDITION. Tokugawa red-brown boards. *75 cents net; by mail, 81 cents. SOME WORLD-CIRCUIT SAUNTERINGS. By William Ford Nichols, Epis- copal Bishop of California. Travel Notes of a churchman's journey around the world. Refer to alphabet classification. [10] PAUL ELDER C& COMPANY No. 239 GRANT AVENUE GAIETY BOOKS VOLUMES OF FUN, WIT AND HUMOR, THE GAY TRILOGY THAT KEEP THE OLD WORLD YOUNG AND MERRY. ANIMAL ANALOGUES. By Robert Williams Wood. (He did the illustrations also) . Happy contributions to mirthful zoology, being further extravagances of a florifaunal unnaturalist after having perpetrated that brilliant success entitled, " How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers." " When you secure your house-hold pot, Be very mure you do not get The Octo-pus, or there may be Dom-es-tic in-felis-ity. " DENATURED EDITION. School-book boards, in a lively red box. 50 cents net; by mail, 57 cents. ARMY GOOSE MELODIES. By Florence Kellogg Krebs. (An army woman). Rhymed burlesques of the army snappily illustrated by Herbert Morton Stoops and gaily printed in red and black. " Sing a song of mix pence, A. colonel fall of rye, Wishes he could creep to bed, And dodge his dear -wife's eye." PRESIDIO EDITION. Heavy army-blue boards with pictorial label. 75 cents net; by mail, 83 cents. COLLEGE FRESHMAN'S DON'T BOOK, (THE). By George Fullerton Evans, (A. B.) A sympathizer. Chunks of the wisdom born of experience, dispensed to Freshmen at large. Illustrated by Charles Frank Ingerson. FACULTY EDITION. Bound in Fabriano boards, fabric back, 75 cents net; by mail, 81. HOW TO TELL THE BIRDS FROM THE FLOWERS. By Robert Williams Wood. A manual of flornithology, with illuminating illustrations executed by the author, explaining the difference between the Bird and the Burdock, the Clover and the Plover, the Rue and the Rooster, and others. " TAe graceful Orchid on it* stalk, Resembles so the awkward Auk." BURBANK EDITION. Bound in school-book boards, boxed. 50 cents net; by mail, 56. IN LIGHTER VEIN. Compiled by John de Morgan. Bundles of laughter in quip and anecdote. A collection of good after-dinner stories, witty sayings, bon mots, and bright repartees of celebrated men and women. With frontis- piece by Merle Johnson. " Unexpressed Profanity ' Sir, ' said old Sir William Earle to a man who had offended him, ' you don't know the strength of the ex- pression* I am not using.' " AFTER-DINNER EDITION. Bound in Fab-Ri-Ko-Na buckram, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.64. SPEAKERS' EDITION. Bound in flexible New Zealand roan leather, boxed. $3.50 net; by mail, $3.64. LOVE SONNETS OF A CAR CONDUCTOR. By Wallace Irwin. Nobody has dared to suggest that Elizabeth Barrett Browning ever wrote anything like this sequence, telling the heart history of a handsome car conductor in pure American. Frontispiece and decorations by Raymond Carter. " Life's a slow skate, but Love's the dopey glim That puts a brevrery horse in racing trim." STEP-LIVELY EDITION. Red transfer boards, boxed. 50 cents net; by mail, 57 cents. LOVE SONNETS OF A HOODLUM. By Wallace Irwin. It was through these touching songs in patent self-explanatory slang that the poet won more fame than he could accommodate in his flat. " Gef next to how the French Villon, Before Jack Hangman yanked him high, Quilled slangy guff and French? stuff And kicked up rough the same as I." LYRIC EDITION. Flexible cloth of gold. 25 cents net; by mail, 28 cents. [11] HOLIDAY CATALOGUE gf A SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHER GAIETY BOOKS Continued PROSIT. Compiled by the Spinners' Club. A book of toasts. Any one with the dining-out habit will appreciate this collection, for it is full of merriment and is both quotable and readable. " Here be toasts, or wise or wirfy, Gay and brave ones, grave and pretty; Many an old one, many a new one; Prim or naughty, none's a blue one." NEW CONVIVIAL EDITION. Tar boards, buckram back, taped. 75 cents net; by mail, 81. RUBA'IYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM, JR., (THE). By Wallace Irwin. No such hackneyed theme as wine occupies the time of the younger Omar. He sings of Tobacco, Beauty, Hairpins and (alas) Kisses, with here and there scraps of true philosophy. Illustrated by Gelett Burgess. NICOTINE EDITION. Flexible cover. 50 cents net; by mail, 55 cents. SOCIAL RUBA'IYAT OF A BUD. By Mrs. Ambrose Madison Willis. A purple and gold glimpse behind the scenes in Vanity Fair. Refer to alpha- bet classification. "Myself, when younger, heard great argument About love in a cottage, but m$ bent Is rather for the golf stick than the broom; Oh, the sad grind of a domestic saint. * * * -A rustic settle underneath the bough, A faultless gown, becoming hat and thou, A millionaire on marriage bent beside- Ah, Paradise were at a discount now. " SQUARE BEASTS AND CURVED. By George A. Harker. A whimsical ex- position of the line of beauty as depicted in the animal world. Contrived in droll fashion, with verses and drawings by the author. In a dumpy little book, just right for the Christmas stocking of the young (or old) child. BANDERSNATCH EDITION. Bound in bright Jabberwocky boards, size (about) 3x5 inches. 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. GIFT BOOKS MANY DIFFERENT KINDS, BUT ALL BEAUTIFUL AND SURE TO BE JUST THE RIGHT ONE FOR SOME FRIEND. BLESSINGS. Compiled by Agness Greene Foster. Selections from the Bible arranged to present basic truths of strength and comfort Blessings, Prom- ises, Commands, Admonitions, and Answers. Beautifully printed on Nor- mandy vellum in two colors and illustrated with a series of well-loved paintings. COMFORTER'S EDITION. Corduroy boards. *$1,00 net; by mail, $1.07. RESURGAM EDITION. Shiki silk with Fabriano sides, boxed. *$1.25 net; by mail, $1.33. GOOD THINGS. By Isabel Goodhue. Ethical recipes for feast days and other days with graces for all the days. Gracefully illustrated and decorated in old-time style by Walter Francis. The whole book is a dainty harmony suggestive of a piece of delicate, soft-colored, old-rose chintz. Printed on creamy Normandy vellum. BON BOUCHE EDITION. Linen back and Suisse boards. *$1.00 net; by mail, $1.08. OBIL, KEEPER OF CAMELS. By Lucia Chase Bell. A story told with reverent art based upon the Master's teachings, full of such deep faith and com- forting assurance that one must feel it is the truth. PALESTINE EDITION. Tamalpais series. Printed on American Drawing-Paper, heavy Alhambra boards, extra. 50 cents net; by mail, 55 cents. PALM-LEAF EDITION. On Van Gelder hand-made paper, flexible Ancona, 50 cents net; by mail, 53 cents. HEBRON EDITION. On Van Gelder hand-made paper, bound in attractive boards, 75 cents net; by mail, 79 cents. [12] PAUL ELDER <&> COMPANY No. 239 GRANT AVENUE GIFT BOOKS Con tinned POTATO CHILD AND OTHERS (THE). Three tender Christmas stories: The Potato Child, A Story That Never Ends and A Nazareth Christmas. By Mrs. Charles J. Woodbury. These touching tales are little in size but big in their appeal to the heart, and are told in the simple manner that is the best art. The frontispiece is a reproduction of a charming bas-relief by Elizabeth Ferrea, representing little Elsie tending the Potato Child. COMPENSATION EDITION. The binding is of golden-brown corduroy boards, with inlay. A slim, attractive little book. Price 50 cents net; by mail, 56 cents. PSYCHOLOGICAL YEAR BOOK COMPLETE. Compiled by Janet M. Young. A collection of magnetic messages from many philosophers, ancient and modern, testifying to the immeasurable power of thought and will. Re- printing the popular first and second series in one volume. OVERCOMER'S EDITION, Full Wiboco buckram. *$1.25 net; by mail, $1.39. RECIPE FOR A HAPPY LIFE. By Margaret of Navarre. Amplified by Marie West King. The famous royal recipe for Happiness has been made the text for a unique compilation, many thoughtfully selected passages from other writers being collected under the heads suggested by the ingredients. With a mezzogravure portrait frontispiece and richly printed and rubricated. " Of Pleasant Memory and of Hope three good drachms there muj* be at least." VALOIS EDITION. Golden Shiki silk back, heavy Alhambra boards, Alhambra jacket. *$1.00 net; by mail, $1.10. RUBA'IYAT (THE) OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Edward FitzGerald's final ver- sion, with THE LITERAL OMAR. Edited with preface and notes by Arthur Guiterman. The supplementary matter, perfect typography and eight beautiful plates of Gilbert James' drawing make the edition noteworthy. NAISHAPUR EDITION. Printed on Italian hand-made paper, hand-made Oriental boards, boxed. *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.58. WILDERNESS EDITION. Printed on Italian hand-made paper, flexible leather, boxed. *$2.25 net; by mail, $2.32. SYLLOGISMS. Arranged by Lee Washington. A spiritual calendar, offering for each day in the year a strengthening thought from that fount of inspir- ation, the Bible, and beneath a quotation emphasizing or developing the scriptural thought. Illustrated with reproductions of appropriate famous paintings. HYACINTH EDITION. Wiboco buckram. *$1 75 net; by mall, $1.90. AJALON EDITION. Fab-Ri-Ko-Na buckram, boxed. *$2.00 net; by mail, $2.19. TONY'S WHITE ROOM. A story of the power of example and the strength of love. By Winifred Rich. How the White Rose of Love, planted by a lov- ing hand, bloomed and flourished in the white room of a little, neglected boy's heart. Sympathetically illustrated with duotone color inserts repro- ducing bas-reliefs modeled by Elizabeth Ferrea. " The windows and doors new open. The little drooping spirit caught the fragrance of the white rose, awoke and began to sing. Then the child looked up at the angel' a face and smiled, jJes, smiled. " JUNE ROSE EDITION. Heavy opal boards with pictorial inlay, opal jacket. *$1.00 net; by mail, $1.11. TWINS AND THE WHYS, (THE). By Susan F. Thompson. A fairy-tale worth while for young and old, telling how two little girls, "Cannie" and " Cantie," set forth on a pilgrimage and learn many necessary things on the way. PILGRIM EDITION. Flexible lambskin, boxed. 75 cents net; by mail 80 cents. HOLIDAY EDITION. Spanish leather, boxed. $1.00 net; by mail, $1.05. [13] HOLIDAY CATALOGUE gf A SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHER GIFT BOOKS Continued WORKS OF JESUS, (THE). Arranged by Edna S. Little. Christ's healing acts as set forth in the New Testament, followed by the Sermon on the Mount. The Scripture record without additional comment. Da Vinci's head of Christ, from "The Last Supper," forms the frontispiece. BETHLEHEM EDITION. Flexible Hartgeheimte. *50 cents net; by mail, 55 cents. OLIVET EDITION. Fabriano boards, boxed. *$1.00 net; by mail, $1.08. YE GARDEYNE BOKE. Compiled by Jennie Day Haines. Sayings, senti- mental and instructive, about gardens and green things growing, for all garden lovers. Decorated and printed in two colors. TRELLIS EDITION. Flexible Lombardia cover. *$1.00 net; by mail, $1.09, PERGOLA EDITION. Green Italian leather, boxed. *$3.00 net; by mail, $3.10. YOU AND SOME OTHERS. By Agness Greene Foster. A little volume of intimate, friendly poems for occasions, suitable for presentation at all seasons and handy for reference when a gift is in order. With a frontispiece. Printed on Italian hand-made paper. HEARTSEASE EDITION. Attractive hand-made cover boards. *$1.00 net; by mail, $1.07. FRIENDSHIP EDITION. Ancona boards, boxed. *$1.25 net; by mail, $1.32, HERITAGE OF HIROSHIGE, (THE) A GLIMPSE AT JAPANESE LANDSCAPE ART. BY DORA AMSDEN. In Mrs. Amsden's charming volume there is a general survey of Japanese Art which deals successively with its earliest expressions, the emergence of the rival schools of Tosa and Kano and with the influences that led to color printing. This is followed by a consideration of the work of the great master, Hiroshige, and (with the collaboration of Mr. J. S. Happer, the well-known English connoisseur and collector of Japanese prints) by the presentation of an interesting contribution to our knowledge concerning one of the most distinctive artists of Japan, namely, the seal-dating of the Hiroshige prints by cycle-ciphers, discovered by Mr. Happer and confirmed by the connois- seurs. "Love of Nature, inherent and profound, gave to Japan her national religion, nourished her patriotism, and was the quickening source of all her art." NARA EDITION. Printed on double-leaved duplex paper and rubricated. Newly bound in hand-stained Japanese boards. Price, *$2.25 net; by mail, $2.35. TOSA EDITION. Enclosed in an Oriental gold box. *$2.50 net; by mail, $2.65, IMPRESSIONS OF UKIYO-YE TELLING OF THE JAPANESE COLOR- PRINT ARTISTS AND THEIR WORK. BY DORA AMSDEN. From this fascinating survey of the national art of Japan one cannot but gain an idea of Japan itself, for the old Japanese color prints do not concern themselves so much with history or classic allegories as with the every-day, intimate life of the people. The book is of itself an art treasure, printed in Japanese effects on doubled-leaved Japan paper and illustrated with many fine examples of the work of the old artists whose romantic lives and not- able productions are interpreted and described in the text. The character- istic Japanese touch also appears in the workmanship of the unbleached linen binding. FUJI EDITION. Price, *$1.50 net; by mail, $158. INGERSOLL, (THE PHILOSOPHY OF) EDITED AND ARRANGED BY VERB GOLDTHWAITE. A selective compilation from Ingersoll's brilliant works, presenting his con- structive philosophy of love and service. No one can read even a page of [14] PAUL ELDER C& COMPANY No. 239 GRANT AVENUE INGERSOLL, (THE PHILOSOPHY OF) Continued this book without feeling the simple, unstrained eloquence of this man who for forty years preached the gospel of love and justice. Much of the bitter feeling aroused by Ingersoll's attacks on religious intolerance has passed away with his death. Many of his sayings, once regarded as radical and revolutionary, are now accepted even by religious people. It is recognized today that he was far removed from the ordinary infidel who denies the ex- istence of God. The extracts here are gathered from many sources, but some of the best are from tributes paid to the dead. In this branch of oratory Ingersoll easily surpassed all other speakers of his time. One of the finest of these addresses the funeral tribute to his brother is given here entire. It is a classic that is worth committing to memory. With it is printed Inger- soll's eulogy on Shakespeare, which has never been surpassed. NEW ALETHEA EDITION. Newly printed on white American drawing paper. Bound in full crash buckram. *$150 net; by mail, $1.64. INHUMANITY OF SOCIALISM, (THE) BEING THE CASE AGAINST SOCIALISM AND A CRITIQUE OF SOCIALISM. BY EDWARD F. ADAMS. A frontal and extremely concise and pungent assault on the fundamental doctrines of theoretical socialism written in a forceful and withal entertain- ing style. If the "Case " prove too strong, the " Critique" will be found very pleasant reading. The author has a wide range of information expressed in a spirit of evident fairness and a fund of dry humor that makes even his serious work very entertaining. "' And finally, let each of us according to his ability and opportunity practice and inculcate respect for the law, the maintenance of order, regard for the rights of others, admiration for the successful, sym- pathy with the unfortunate, charity for all, hope for humanity, jo$ in the simple life and contentment therewith. " ADMINISTRATION EDITION. Hand-set in legible Scotch Roman type and printed on white, antique, Bangalore paper. Bound in gray Buckeye boards, with uniform end papers, and blue cloth back. *$1.00 net; by mail, $1,09. INTIMATIONS A VOLUME OF ESSAYS DEALING MAINLY WITH ASPECTS OF EVERYDAY LIVING. BY JOHN D. BARRY. Mr. Barry has the great gift of glorifying the familiar, even the common- place. He is serene and optimistic, and these essays help to bring intellec- tual content as the out-of-doors bring content with mere being. SPECTATOR EDITION. Printed on toned American drawing paper, with rubricated title page. Bound in brown crash buckram with Tekoa sides, stained top, Herculean ends and jacket. *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.62. JAPANESE PAINTING, (ON LAWS OF) AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE ART OF JAPAN. BY HENRY P. BOWIE. Mr. Bowie's important work is unique in that it is from the pen of a foreigner who, besides studying Japanese methods, has also mastered their applica- tion. For nine years the author lived in Japan, studying and working with several modern Japanese painters, and he won artistic distinction among them, even to the extent of carrying off high awards at their exhibitions. The value of the book is attested by all the critical journals of England and America. The work derives no small attractiveness from its illustrations, [15] HOLIDAY CATALOGUE sf A SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHER JAPANESE PAINTING, (ON LAWS OF) Continued which, while studiously chosen to exemplify some point or canon of the text, are themselves informed with a characteristically Oriental charm. The book is printed in legible type and bound in strong buckram, gilt top. YAMATO EDITION. Price, *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.65. AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH EDITION. Price, *$5.00 net; by mail, $5.15. MINISTRY OF BEAUTY, (THE) ETHICAL ESSAYS OF LOVE AND SERVICE. BY STANTON DAVIS KIRKHAM. Always clearly, always with simplicity and beauty of style, Mr. Kirkham writes on Beauty, Life, Religion, Philosophy, The World-Message, Work, Health, Happiness, and other great themes, with the breadth and joyous sanity that comes of knowledge of the hearts of men and of the unfenced world of mountain, plain, forest and sea. NEW TWILIGHT EDITION. Printed on antique paper and bound in boards with white linen back. *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.62. MISSIONS THE OLD SPANISH MISSIONS OF CALIFORNIA. BY PAUL ELDER. An historical sketch of the inception of the Franciscan Missions, their de- velopment and decline, with colorful incidents of their founding and admin- istration, and of the Mission life. The architectural features of their beauti- ful buildings, both as originally constructed and as they remain today, are presented. Descriptive and historical passages from contemporary and re- cent writers are appropriately introduced and an anthology of prose and poetical selections included. All of which is supplemented by over fifty duo- tone reproductions of photographs by our Western artists, mounted in the pages of the handsome book. The first attempt to present a volume treat- ing on this romantic period in a manner both comprehensive and pictur- esque. It is truly a sumptuous edition de luxe, distinctive, dignified and tasteful the publisher's most ambitious effort of the year. " For everyone who cares for beauty and romance, these Missions are an example in artistic and architectural beauty, in sincerity 1 , in heroism, and in the manhood which can do the impossible." DOLORES EDITION. Bound in heavy boards with inlay, linen back, boxed. *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.80. JUNIPERO SERRA EDITION. The same beautiful volume, but bound In full genuine pigskin, boxed. *$6.50 net; by mail, $6.80. MODERN ENGLISH BOOKS OF POWER BY GEORGE HAMLIN FITCH. Essays on representative modern English authors who in prose or verse best reflect the spiritual tendencies of their age. It is a book of leading and light a guide to the best in modern English letters. The making of the book has been characterized as appropriate and distinctive, " a beautiful and worthy setting," and the illustrations thirty-two portraits, facsimiles and scenes in mezzograph prints "appear to one as fine as illustrations well may be." MONOGRAPH EDITION. Second printing. Flexible cloth. *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.58. BOOK LOVERS' EDITION. Bound in brown pigskin. *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.62. COLLECTORS' EDITION. Bound in full pigskin. *$5.00 net; by mail, $5.12. [16] PAUL ELDER C& COMPANY No. 239 GRANT AVENUE 101 EPICUREAN THRILLS SERIES BY MAY E. SOUTHWORTH. A Library of Original Recipes Conveniently Classified. Practical for the housewife's use and welcome as gifts to the homekeeper. I. 101 SANDWICHES. 101 Suggestions for preparing light refreshments of all kinds. 4. 101 MEXICAN DISHES. Typical Mexican dishes adapted to American kitchens. 6. 101 ENTREES. 101 answers to the problem, what shall I provide for an entree ? ^, 7. 101 BEVERAGES. Cool shivers on hot days, mellow satisfaction on cold days. 8. 101 CANDIES. For those who love sweets and the fun of making them. 9. 101 DESSERTS. A boon to housewives bereft of ideas for preparing dainty dishes. KITCHEN EDITION. The titles mentioned above. Bound in daintily colored and decor- ated flexible Del Monte cover, each volume enclosed in a uniform envelope, complete and ready for sending. Each, 25 cents net; by mail, 29 cents. 5. 101 SAUCES. Not least in importance in cookery is the blending of a sauce. II. 101 OYSTERS. 101 directions for preparing and serving the succulent bi- valve. GRILL-ROOM EDITION. The titles mentioned above. Heavy herculean cover, buck- ram hinges. Each, 50 cents net; by mail, 54 cents. OUT OF BONDAGE AND OTHER POEMS. BY FANNY HODGES NEWMAN, OFFICIER D'ACADEMIE. Mrs. Newman's verse is distinguished by exceptional artistry and restraint and evinces genuine poetic thought. In writing of it to the author, Hamilton Wright Mabie says: "There is no reason whatever why you should not send your verse to any publication which desires the best. * Tripoli ' is good, vigorous verse and 'The Question' is unhackneyed and free from the com- monplace. . . It is not the usual verse." Fog I saw the farmer guide his tagging steed, All in a mist across the fallow field, The while he mused upon the winter's need And reckoned on the summer harvest yield. " As far as cj?e could see the skies were gray; I thought, 'This is a boundless plain he tills;'- Then came the sun and drank the fog awa$; I trembled at the glory of the hill*." FLEUR DE LIS EDITION. A limited numbered edition of two hundred and fifty copies of which two hundred only are for sale. Printed from hand-set antique type on Italian hand-made deckle edge paper. Bound in rich green Lombardia boards, genuine vellum back, enclosed in a uniform Lombardia box. $2.50 net; by mail, $2.65. OUTLINES BRIEF STUDIES IN FICTION, REPRESENTING AN EFFORT TO GIVE AN IMAGINATIVE INTERPRETATION TO FAMILIAR HUMAN EXPERIENCES. BY JOHN D. BARRY. These little narratives are remarkable for their beauty and distinction. Many are models of condensation, each with material enough for a novel. And yet they all give the impression of completeness. Like the author's previous book, the collection of essays, " Intimations," they rely mainly on suggestion. [17] [OLIDAY CATALOGUE gf A SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHER OUTLINES Continued They invite the co-operation of the reader. Technically they are excep- tional in their swift and easy progress to the climax. The full meaning of "The Wife of the Prophet" is disclosed only by the last word. Throughout the book there is displayed the understanding and the sympathy character- istic of "Intimations." THE JEWEL EDITION. Uniform with Intimations. Bound in brown crash buckram with Tekoa sides, stained top, Herculean ends and jacket. *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.62. PATIENCE AND HER GARDEN A WHIMSICAL PARABLE FOR CLUBWOMEN, HOUSEKEEPERS, AND GARDENERS. BY IDA SMITH DECKER. Her garden like other gardens had enemies even more potent than snail or slug, and how this truth became clear to her, and what she did when the scales fell from her eyes, is the theme of this half-sportive little story. Then let all true garden-lovers read the brief narrative of Patience and Her Gar- den, so that their own gardens shall more abundantly flourish with leaf and flower and fruit. Yea, and upon all true garden-lovers be that old Anglo- Saxon benediction, " May they be blest with the blessing of grapes and apples." NEW SBNSIBELLB EDITION. Charmingly printed i 4 p two colors on Spanish hand- made paper with a frontispiece illuminating the verse, " A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot ! " Bound in flexible Lombardia cover, enclosed in a uniform hand-made en- velope. 35 cents net; by mail, 38 cents. PROFESSOR BERNHARDI A COMEDY BY ARTHUR SCHNITZLER. An authorized adaptation in English by Mrs. Emil Pohli. The author's lat- est and most original drama, the first performance of which took place in the month of December 1912, at the Kleine Theatre in Berlin. There is no lead- ing lady in "Professor Bernhardi." The only woman in the play is a nurse who speaks but a few lines in the first Act. Fourteen physicians are the other characters. With remarkable technique, these are introduced: the hypo- crite, the incompetent, the enthusiast, the Zionist, the anti-Semitic ones, the false and the real philanthropists. It is in sparkling dialogue, discussions, and in the display of their respective feelings towards their chief, that they show their characteristics to the audience. Mrs. Pohli's adaptation is an ar- tistic rendering, faithfully preserving its brilliant qualities. FUTURIST EDITION. Printed from hand-set Caslon Old Style type, with decorations by D. H. Hilliker, on laid, antique, white Bangalore paper. Bound in handsome gray Fabriano boards, with uniform end papers and coral Lombardia labels. *$1.00 net; by mail, $1.08. RECORDS HANDSOME SOUVENIRS OF IMPORTANT EVENTS, PLEASANT VISITS AND HAPPY TIMES. AUTO GUEST BOOK, (THE). By Ethel Watts-Mumford Grant and R. B. Glaenzer. All who enjoy auto rides will find this book serviceable to pre- serve the records of excursions, adventures and misadventures, and even the scoffer will rejoice in the gasoline-scented maxims of Punbad the Railer. Illustrated and decorated. MOTOR EDITION. Full linen, boxed. $1.00 net; by mail, $1.10. SPARK PLUG EDITION. Full automobile leather, boxed. $3.00 net; by mail, $3.10. [18] PAUL ELDER C& COMPANY No. 239 GRANT AVENUE RECORDS Continued BABY'S ALBUM : IN THE BEGINNING. Compiled and arranged by Frances Woodward Tyler. A dainty, substantial volume, combining the usual record pages with appropriate selections from the poets and profuse mounting leaves for the camera's record of baby's experiences. Printed throughout with delicate border of mitred rules on light stork-gray mounting stock. Size, TINKER-BELL EDITION. Ingrain buckram in delicate baby tones of for-g-et-me-not pink, blue, or white, with a pictorial inlay by Laura A. Armer. *$2.00 net; by mail, $2.25. WONDERLAND EDITION. Full sued* lambikin board* in baby-pink or blue, boxed. *$5.00 net; by mail, $5.27. COLLEGE GIM,S' RECORD, (THE). Arranged by Virginia Woodson Frame. College is often spoken of as the happiest period of a lifetime. This volume was designed to preserve its dear memories and hold its trophies for the en- joyment of the after years. It is generously illustrated and printed in two colors. CAMPUS EDITION. Green full buckram, boxed. *$1.50 net; by mail, $1.66. THE CRAFTSWOMAN'S EDITION. Golden Fabric, boxed. *$2.00 net; by mail, $2.17 IVY EDITION. Suede leather boards, boxed. *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.66. GUEST BOOK, (THE CRAFTSMAN). Designed by Robert Wilson Hyde with verses by Arthur Guiterman. A sumptuous volume, 15^x11^ inches, with many pages to hold the bright chronicles of hospitality, each page headed with a greeting verse from somebody or something in the house, so wherever a guest opens the book he will find his welcome. HOUSE GIFT EDITION. Golden Fabric, hinged, boxed. *$7.50 net; by express, $8.14. ALL HAIL EDITION. Full russet pigskin, boxed. *S15.00 net; by express, $15.64. GUEST BOOK, (THE REMEMBRANCE). Designed by Robert Wilson Hyde with verses by Arthur Guiterman. This is exactly the same as The Craftsman Guest Book in contents and decoration, but smaller in size, 8^x11^ inches. A welcome wedding or engagement gift or suitable as an acknowledgment of hospitality. HOST EDITION. Golden Fabric, boxed. *$3.50 net; by express, $3.82. GREETING EDITION. Full Shiki silk, boxed. *$5.00 net; by express, 85.32. WELCOME EDITION. Full russet pigskin, boxed. *$10.00 net; by express, $10.32. HOSPITALITIES, (A BOOK OF). By Arthur Guiterman. A guest book, 10#x 6% inches, with a foreword on Old House Mottoes and pleasant greeting verses. Printed in two colors on toned Brittany Printing Paper, with frontis- piece and border decorations by Charles Frank Ingerson. LATCH-STRING EDITION. Brittany boards, leather back, boxed. *$1.50 net; mail, $1.62; BIDE-A-WEE EDITION. Bound in full leather, extra, boxed. *$3.00 net; by mail, $3.12. KODAK ALBUM. For the picture record of pleasant ways and happy days. A substantial craftsman-made, simply finished volume. 1. Size, 6% xlO, gray boards. $1.50 net; by express, $1.78. 3. Size, SjaxlO, brown boards. $1.50 net; by express, $1.78. WEDDING BOOK. (The House That Jack Built). By Robert Wilson Hyde. A splendid and unusual record book for marriage gifts, guests and memories, on which nothing has been spared to make it a gift that the bride will be glad to treasure and proud to show. The pages are decorated with a paneled illustration in full color and gold running through the book. BRIDAL EDITION. Buckram, boxed. *$3.50 net; by mail, $3.75. JOY BELL EDITION. Full Shiki silk, boxed. *$5.00 net; by mail, $5.25. JOY BELL EDITION, EXTRA. Shiki silk, Shiki silk case, boxed. *$6.00 net; mail, $6.25. ORANGE BLOSSOM EDITION. Full white calf, boxed. *$10.00 net; by mail, $10.25. ORANGE BLOSSOM EDITION, EXTRA. Full white calf, enclosed in whit* calf ease, boxed. *$15.00 net; by mail, $15.30, [19] HOLIDAY CATALOGUE gf A SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHER SAN FRANCISCO AS IT WAS, AS IT IS, AND HOW TO SEE IT. BY HELEN THROOP PURDY. A complete, well-written sketch of all one wants to know of this " City by the Western Sea." Every side of this loved and fascinating city is consid- ered in its turn, and thus one here reads its history in brief, learns of its varied and imposing institutions, catches the appearance and life of the streets, and sees its wonderful environment unscroll in splendid bay, charm- ing islands and sweep of mountain and flowery shore. Indeed, Mrs. Purdy's account is so inclusive that one need consult no other book than this to bear away a vivid and complete idea of San Francisco "as/ 't was, as it is, and how to see it." Profusely illustrated. GOLDEN GATE EDITION. Bound in boards, buckram back, stained top, uncut edges. *$2.50 net; by mail, $2.78. EUCALYPTUS EDITION. Bound In full genuine pigskin, *$6.00. SOCIAL RUBA'IYAT OF A BUD, (THE) BY MRS. AMBROSE MADISON WILLIS. A satire, in a delicate, sparkling manner, of the Social Institution. In a very clever way the author shows behind the scenes in Vanity Fair with Cupid out of work, while the up-to-date Bud is mistress of her own heart which she unlocks at will but only with a golden key. Imbued with the author's spirit of satire, the book has been done in purple and gold on luxurious double-leafed duplex paper, with clever illustrations and decorations by Elsie A. Harrison, of London, England. From the full-length presentation upon the cover of the Bud, luxuriously wrapped in cloth of gold, the spirit is maintained throughout the volume; " They gad and got sip, gush, and ruth 'to meet' 'To greet' 'to dine' and then with tire/ess Feet They Rag- Time through the Night Some Wine of Life They surely drink that ham the Cocktail beat!" ORCHID EDITION. Beautifully printed in delicate purple tint, gold and black through- out, on toned double-leafed duplex paper, and bound in flexible Rhinos boards similarly decorated with uniform end papers. 75 cents net; by mail, 81 cents. "SOME WORLD-CIRCUIT S AUNTERINGS" A SOUVENIR BY WILLIAM FORD NICHOLS, BISHOP OF CALIFORNIA. Travel notes of a Churchman's journey around the world from San Fran- cisco via New York, to the Holy Land and returning over the Trans-Siberian Road through the Orient. The pleasant pen pictures of this world tour are supplemented with a series of unusual photographs reproduced in mounted duotone prints illustrating an unusually handsome volume. CHURCHMAN'S EDITION. Set in large sized Bodoni type and printed on toned Ameri- can drawing paper with a series of thirty-two mounted duotone prints inserted, repro- ducing a collection of unusual photographs. Bound in brown buckram, with toned end papers and jacket. A pleasant book to look upon and to read. *$2.00 net; by mail, $2.15. SONGS OF CONTENT BY RALPH ERWIN GIBBS. The rare songs of a true poet, one who, in the short span of life that was granted him for his work, feared not all the little half-gods to whom men give power over life and death, but kept ever undimmed the vision splen- did. They are compiled, with a preface, by Prof. Charles Mills Gayley, who was the poet's friend, and the book is published under the auspices of the [20]