UC-NRLF 3fl3 HEBREW POEMS (WITH VOWEL POINTS) OF DR. S. MANDELKERN have appeard and are to be had of all booksellers and also from the author himself (Leipzig, Querstr. 9). 1. vol. (7 sheets, 156 poems) in boards 2, 2. vol. (772 sheets, 107 poems) in boards 2, Elegantly bound each volume separately 3, or both volumes purchased together 5, These poems have been most favorably reviewed by the press both for their contents and purity of biblical language. They are also to be recommended to Universities for exercises in reading Hebrew. 5 7 rraViiB i. 9 . . . . . IYH "lias ii. ii . . d^nrj rvianx in. ii "O5 irwtir&g iv. 15 ?jhb *bi Wa V. 15 l^rSd^ixrTW VI. 15 rraTi trm nria^-rm vii. 17 ^?i?3 T"fe viii. 19 . "jmpirri^ b?,NW ix. 21 'pinbii ^ x. 21 d^tia nii XL 23 fij'i'n^rj 'i^rt^ ^ n ^^ ^^^ xii. 25 T . iwa^rw 'inibrrin iixtS xm. 27 ^nipri ^ipx bnn Van xiv. 27 '. ' . dMs ^r xv. 31 i^xttJta rnrra xvi. 35 rrijn ra'i xvii. 35 tsiixb XVIII. 37 .... TB-b inizfK d^a ^ns? loi^in na^p xix. 39 trti^w ''TfW'ft 1 !^^ Md^q di^a xx. 41 "... bna ni^na-'b? xxi. 41 ^"^55 nbari xxn. 45 " 1 ?^' n ^ tfi^K "ptli XXIII. CONTENTS. Invocation 4 I. She walks in beauty 6 II. The harp the monarch minstrel swept 8 III. If that high world 10 IV. The wild gazelle 10 V. Oh! weep for those 12 VI. On Jordans banks . 14 VII. Jephtha's daughter 14 VIII. Oh! snatch'd away in beauty's bloom 16 IX. My soul is dark 18 X. I saw thee weep 20 XL Thy days are done 20 XII. Song of Saul before his last battle 22 XIII. Saul 24 XIV. "All is vanity, saith the Preacher" 26 XV. When coldness wraps this suffering clay 26 XVI. Vision of Belshazzar .... 30 XVII. Sun of the sleepless! 34 XVIII. Were my bosom as false as thou deem'st :t to be . 34 XIX. Herod's lament for Mariamne 36 XX. On the day of the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus . 38 XXL By the rivers of Babylon we sate down and wept . . 40 XXII. The destruction of Sennacherib 40 XXIII. A Spirit pass'd before me 44 45 * XXIII. *in tonbs - - rrn cjbrn rno-a x'b naitiPi-te -FX ^n^sb n^n'bx D^fiti"^ ribn^ti ts 1 ^") j^njjTns TK ^tiw bipj n^-^i -- ^iS^' x'b n^^na , Vim a^n n^n'bx - - - -- X 44 > XXIII. A SPIRIT PASS'D BEFORE ME. FROM JOB. SPIRIT pass'd before me: I beheld The face of immortality unveiPd Deep sleep came down on every eye save mine And there it stood, all formless but divine: Along my bones the creeping flesh did quake; And as my damp hair stirTen'd, thus it spake: "Is man more just than God? Is man more pure Than he who deems even Seraphs insecure? Creatures of clay vain -dwellers in the dust! The moth survives you, and are ye more just? Things of a day! you wither ere the night, Heedless and blind to Wisdom's wasted light!" 43 w rrfcn n*bti vrea 1^53 to 1 !? ; f igj a-og D^ nsj *I nab -._ . DTD nimnfi vh n^^x ihn? ^i ntf n ,n^bnxa b wrina ^h^ : -: - ' TO jnjn^^n ^i- n^a ba b?^nn^ ^ ww bss n^ina rw T - T ' - . ' 133)3 -*? ' 4 2 *** Like the leaves of the forest when Summer is green, That host with their banners at sunset were seen: Like the leaves of the forest when Autumn hath blown, That host on the morrow lay wither'd and strown. For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he pass'dj And the eyes of the sleepers wax'd deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still ! And there lay the steed with his nostril all wide, But through it there rolPd not the breath of his pride: And the foam of his gasping lay white on the turf, And cold as the spray of the rock-beating surf. And there lay the rider distorted and pale, With the dew on his brow, and the rust on his mail, And the tents were all silent, the banners alone, The lances unlifted, the trumpet unblown. And the widows of Ashur are loud in their wail, And the idols are broke in the temple of Baal; And the might of the Gentile, unsmote by the sword, Hath melted like snow in the glance of the Lord! 4i XXI. ; bras nroin n^ , *p&h rot -pi* ,r^ blp nte? nb| jbK- nb^ p^ ,an^ nti it TOJDS , n o^n tish b? bbn dv s :wati? la a phto Kba^ tfb ' XXII. ntfii 1? *; 4 ** XXI. BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON WE SATE DOWN AND WEPT. sate down and wept by the waters Of Babel,, and thought of the day When our foe, in the hue of his slaughters, Made Salem's high places his prey; And ye, oh her desolate daughters! Were scatter'd all weeping away. While sadly we gazed on the river Which roll'd on in freedom below, They demanded the song; but, oh never That triumph the stranger shall know! May this right hand be withered for ever, Ere it string our high harp for the foe ! On the willow that harp is suspended, Oh Salem! its sound should be free; And the hour when thy glories were ended But left me that token of thee: And ne'er shall its soft tones be blended With the voice of the spoiler by me! XXII. THE DESTRUCTION OF SENNACHERIB. ):IE Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold^ And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold; And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea, When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee. * 39 * XX. trbwv twin ova DT? 1 ' Dfcnti ^ab nprt ^^ ^grt T : ~ ' *, '' ~ T I" T oi^n , nrn'a ' amn ^np Ira _ .. ._ . . n?n rnn:? , i^s n^a nV warb? a^? . . . D?BH HK^K "rto 'b nr wp}% niK s'nn^ D'ntfh^ip pSa nr;? i^ijnin ^b , srj ; ^n QT3j iBhj; nt , nj ^? ^n^-DX pKbwi ^ra' tttD '^T? 'qa lab ,ih?? V^b* "ij XX. ON THE DAY OF THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM BY TITUS. 9 ROM the last hill that looks on thy once holy dome I beheld thee, o Sion! when render'd to Rome: 'T was thy last sun went down, and the flames of thy fall Flashed back on the last glance I gave to thy wall. I look'd for thy temple, I look'd for my home, And forgot for a moment my bondage to come; I beheld but the death-fire that fed on thy fane, And the fast-fetter'd hands that made vengeance in vain. On many an eve, the high spot whence I gazed Had reflected the last beam of day as it blazed; While I stood on the height, and beheld the decline Of the rays from the mountain that shone on thy shrine. And now on that mountain I stood on that day, But I mark'd not the twilight beam melting away; Oh! would that the lightning had glared in its stead, And the thunderbolt burst on the conqueror's head! But the Gods of the Pagan shall never profane The shrine where Jehovah disdained not to reign; And scattered and scorn'd as thy people may be, Our worship, oh Father! is only for thee.. 37 XIX. , nnrn njitfl Dps nnpb ' nte?? Q^n ? ^n nnia ^fe ,15? b^tinn w^ tt . nbistra ~*Z 36 !* XIX. HEROD'S LAMENT FOR MARIAMNK IH, Mariamne! now for thee The heart for which thou bled'st is bleeding ; Revenge is lost in agony, And wild remorse to rage succeeding. Oh, Mariamne! where art thou? Thou canst not hear my bitter pleading: Ah! couldst thou thou wouldst pardon now, Though Heaven were to my prayer unheeding. And is she dead? -and did they dare Obey my frenzy's jealous raving? My wrath but doom'd my own despair. The sword that smote hers o'er me waving. But thou art cold, my murder' d love! And this dark heart is vainly craving For her who soars alone above, And leaves my soul unworthy saving. She's gone, who shared my diadem; She sunk, with her my joys entombing; I swept that flower from Judah's stem, Whose leaves for me alone were blooming; And mine's the guilt, and mine the hell, This bosom's desolation dooming; And I have earn'd those tortures well, Which unconsumed are still consuming! ** 35 ** XVII. .trwi robb 'm? rfbh tip ,njEi 'rti twta , nasto nni'tD o w Wwrrti WOT T ; i. T T : hnan *\p\ pirn -fi? ,nsi xvm. n *6 ^ ^5^ - - .TObiam ^rbroa 0^2 ain sni T T -: T T -: - : ' - : 1 - : ' : : - ; tjbsfe iti^ tft ^3 wte f to 3^ pi DX ^tha ^ n^wttTaa ^sistt w^a n*? ! W nniix wa :T , rin anna T T T -T: I-' T- ":T: ,nin bDin ^b *\VXK w^a ^15 nnj an ;nxtei b^ian ^Dn'^b? bx ' Tnrin n^psb frja pi ^Jnipini *iv I^Fiwnn ft ^ansa -- ' 3* * 34 *> XVII. SUN OF THE SLEEPLESS! JJUN of the sleepless! melancholy star! Whose tearful beam glows tremulously far, That show'st the darkness thou canst not dispel, How like art thou to joy remembered well! So gleams the past, the light of other days, Which shines, but warms not with its powerless rays; A night-beam Sorrow watcheth to behold, Distinct, but distant clear but, oh how cold! XVIII. WERE MY BOSOM AS FALSE AS THOU DEEM'ST IT TO BE. IERE my bosom as false as thou deem'st it to be, I need not have wander' d from far Galilee; It was but abjuring my creed to efface The curse which, thou say'st, is the crime of my race. If the bad never triumph, then God is with thee! If the slave only sin, thou art spotless and free! If the Exile on earth is an Outcast on high, Live on in thy faith, but in mine I will die. I have lost for that faith more than thou canst bestow, As the God who permits thee to prosper doth know; In his hand is my heart and my hope and in thine The land and the life which for him I resign. 33 - ban tK'iai "p^tt Tio j'an ,n^PDp\on nn? rt* ap^n nsn ri>a - b^bn trisre "isatibab y> b nnto taf b ^in^bf;^ biptj I'KDS * 32 * Chaldea's seers are good, But here they have no skill; And the unknown letters stood Untold and awful still. And Babel's men of age Are wise and deep in lore; But now they were not sage, They saw but knew no more. A captive in the land, A stranger and a youth, He heard the king's command, He saw that writing's truth. The lamps around were bright, The prophecy in view; He read it on that night, The morrow proved it true. "Belshazzar's grave is made, His kingdom passM away, He, in the balance weigh'd, Is light and worthless clay. The shroud, his robe of state, His canopy the stone; The Mede is at his gate! The Persian on his throne!" XVI. ,0^3501 rnns wsii m ^ns nnf ^15 ,niob ' ' n'b^: bnbn nrnn binn ^s-b? bp row n^htt ^IBIO - T : T T ' Dpp nro^ ib ^ n^nn rptin ^b ttifla bb^'i - - 'i?^ ibip n^pp ,D^i nn tt n 30 XVI. VISION OF BELSHAZZAR. King was on his throne, The Satraps throng'd the hall; A thousand bright lamps shone O'er that high festival. A thousand cups of gold, In Judah deem'd divine Jehovah's vessels hold The godless Heathen's wine. In that same hour and hall, The fingers of a hand Came forth against the wall, And wrote as if on sand: The fingers of a man; A solitary hand Along the letters ran, And traced them like a wand. The monarch saw, and shook, And bade no more rejoice: All bloodless wax'd his look, And tremulous his voice. "Let the men of lore appear, The wisest of the earth, And expound the words of fear, Which mar our royal mirth." 29 niairo ftb ob wrifttt jn'a ,b!ma bb psn ^? bb rnn nnn . n^ws 'b nntf , ^n-itaD nnb^r T T : v : T : : - , nbbln n^a a^ta , f^ ^nin ^j^s nis^bn KM -sp n^n n nn^K , nipn , nnnx-b? , 5)bK niw fib "ih^ ^ S^ri ' nbD &nn sgD'^ba f j? Then, unembodied, doth it trace By steps each planet's heavenly way? Or fill at once the realms of space, A thing of eyes, that all survey? Eternal, boundless, undecay'd, A thought unseen, but seeing all, All, all in earth, or skies display'd, Shall it survey, shall it recall: Each fainter trace that memory holds So darkly of departed years, In one broad glance the soul beholds, And all, that was, at once appears. Before Creation peopled earth, Its eye shall roll through chaos back: And where the furthest heaven had birth, The spirit trace its rising track. And where the future mars or makes, Its glance dilate o'er all to be, While sun is quench'd or system breaks, Fix'd in its own eternity. Above or Love, Hope, Hate or Fear, It lives all passionless and pure: An age shall fleet like earthly year; Its years as moments shall endure. Away, away, without a wing, O'er all, through all, its thought shall fly; A nameless and eternal thing, Forgetting what it was to die, * 27 **> XIV. .nbrrin I/JK bnn bin tt'a'ffi nan*? ,fi^Dn ,ai'B at? IP? nbab rris^ trisS Jrrrib a? ab bxn - ,-WT? ^b t|bn x'b ,D^ w thb jft ^ bm DTS& n^i : T T ,rpirn -cnb rrtjp^ ,^T^ Dpp n x'b rtj^Sftb ?.5 15^ bibs ,b^bn bipb tt fip?) !bnt?n ^ten D^n-bs tiiDi XV. aha ,n3^ ra 1r.^D ,rmn -ybin aai'o aaib ,b^n sfb a't^n rtttn n^a *< 26 ** XIV. "ALL IS VANITY, SAITH THE PREACHER." wisdom, love, and power were mine, And health and youth possessed me; My goblets blush'd from every vine And lovely forms caress'd me; I sunn'd my heart in beauty's eyes, And felt my soul grow tender; All earth can give, or mortal prize, Was mine of regal splendour. I strive to number o'er what days Remembrance can discover, Which all that life or earth displays Would lure me to live over. There rose no day, there roll'd no hour Of pleasure unembitter'd ; And not a trapping deck'd my power That galFd not while it glitter'd. The serpent of the field, by art And spells, is won from harming; But that which coils around the heart, Oh! who hath power of charming? It will not list to wisdom's lore, Nor music's voice can lure it; But there it stings for evermore The soul that must endure it. XV. WHEN COLDNESS WRAPS THIS SUFFERING CLAY. IHEN coldness wraps this suffering clay, Ah! whither strays the immortal mind? It cannot die, it cannot stay, But leaves its darkened dust behind. 25 XIII. xte ja nn ,runn nan nrnan , rha j ?3*3 n^ ^ T^ha bip ns^ T v : f T T n:?b Di'^a ftw bis* 1 ! nan p^'a n obs "D-^D nan nto nn^ - nV *4 24 j- XIII. SAUL. whose spell can raise the dead. Bid the prophet's form appear. "Samuel, raise thy buried head! King, behold the phantom seer!" Earth yawn'd; he stood the centre of a cloud: Light changed its hue, retiring from his shroud. Death stood all glassy in his fixed eye; His hand was wither' d, and his veins were dry; His foot, in bony whiteness, glitter'd there, Shrunken and sinewless, and ghastly bare; From lips that moved not and unbreathing frame, Like cavern'd winds, the hollow accents came. Saul saw, and fell to earth, as falls the oak, At once, and blasted by the thunder-stroke. "Why is my sleep disquieted? Who is he that calls the dead? Is it thou, O King? Behold, Bloodless are these limbs, and cold: Such are mine; and such shall be Thine to-morrow, when with me: Ere the coming day is done, Such shalt thou be, such thy son. Fare thee well, but for a day, Then we mix our mouldering clay. Thou, thy race, lie pale and low, Pierced by shafts of many a bow; And the falchion by thy side To thy heart thy hand shall guide: Crownless, breathless, headless fall, Son and sire, the house of Saul!" -*4 23 pars *\wo star tfnsrn 02? toy snipnb XII. S'in ^ , nb wten'-b^ ^ns^- n btia " nian TOSIS ,rrra w "ipbn ' T T T ' v T : F : V n o^ ni'ta <*$ 22 >* Thy name, our charging hosts along, Shall be the battle- word! Thy fall, the theme of choral song From virgin voices pour'd ! To weep would do thy glory wrong; Thou shalt not be deplored. XII. SONG OF SAUL BEFORE HIS LAST BATTLE. WARRIORS and chiefs! should the shaft or the sword Pierce me in leading the host of the Lord, Heed not the corse, though a king's, in your path: Bury your steel in the bosoms of Gath! Thou who art bearing my buckler and bow, Should the soldiers of Saul look away from the foe, Stretch me that moment in blood at thy feet! Mine be the doom which they dared not to meet. Farewell to others, but never we part, Heir to my royalty, son of my heart! Bright is the diadem, boundless the sway, Or kingly the death, which awaits us to-day! rraia tt rri&nb TK rftte bt: nso^ "n XL I DI bnn n nbtfe b nhp .-: T T T T n? : D? n tfe^-^3 ^its^ ^ wte rvinsns w !nnr^3 ^ nib ni^ ^ 20 >* X. I SAW THEE WEEP. SAW thee weep the big bright tear Came o'er that eye of blue; And then methought it did appear A violet dropping dew: I saw thee smile the sapphire's blaze Beside thee ceased to shine; It could not match the living rays That fill'd that glance of thine. As clouds from yonder sun receive A deep and mellow dye, Which scarce the shade of coming eve Can banish from the sky, Those smiles unto the moodiest mind Their own pure joy impart; Their sunshine leaves a glow behind That lightens o'er the heart. 9 XI. THY DAYS ARE DONE. ||HY days are done, thy fame begun; Thy country's strains record The triumphs of her chosen Son, The slaughters of his sword! The deeds he did, the fields he won, The freedom he restored! Though thou art fall'n, while we are free Thou shalt not taste of death! The generous blood that flow'd from thee Disdain'd to sink beneath: Within our veins its currents be, Thy spirit on our breath! 19 bnn DID IX. -- -fton l "p^n nigft p^r "r^ nt ^sb-b^ 'DK TDSD iihafi '- - nn b-tn ion nstfiK^ bb.xa ^b bip o?^ ? h 1^> ^rbi? ^tete bi'p ? ^b - - nr ^"b ox mm *; iS * Away! we know that tears are vain, That death nor heeds nor hears distress: Will this unteach us to complain? Or make one mourner weep the less? And thou who tell'st me to forget, Thy looks are wan, thine eyes are wet. IX. MY SOUL IS DARK. |Y soul is dark Oh! quickly string The harp I yet can brook to hear; And let thy gentle fingers fling Its melting murmurs o'er mine ear. If in this heart a hope be dear, That sound shall charm it forth again: If in these eyes there lurk a tear, J T will flow, and cease to burn my brain. But bid the strain be wild and deep, Nor let thy notes of joy be first: I tell thee, minstrel, I must weep, Or else this heavy heart will burst; For it hath been by sorrow nursed, And ached in sleepless silence long; And now 't is doom'd to know the worst, And break at once or yield to song. 17 nn?-D3 niaa bb nh^pn ^ nt ^bi D^ n? b qb s ,n?ti?rrb^ , VIII. ibap ttKyb^Jnfin b? bp? ns2? asnn , mi n^a n'bnn nitibn ,TsD-tfbna ria^p ^ap-b^ taia ,f^ iw tthn TEn T ^ti'i "i^^ &^5 bip ^Dn !nth v T - : T ' - T : J *< 1 6 !** And of this, oh, my Father! be sure That the blood of thy child is as pure As the blessing I beg ere it flow, And the last thought that soothes me below. Though the virgins of Salem lament, Be the judge and the hero unbent! I have won the great battle for thee, And my Father and Country are free! When this blood of thy giving hath gush'd, When the voice that thou lovest is hush'd, Let my memory still be thy pride, And forget not I smiled as I died! VIII. OH! SNATCH'D AWAY IN BEAUTY'S BLOOM. |H ! snatch'd away in beauty's bloom, On thee shall press no ponderous tomb; But on thy turf shall roses rear Their leaves, the earliest of the year; And the wild cypress wave in tender gloom: And oft by yon blue gushing stream Shall Sorrow lean her drooping head, And feed deep thought with many a dream, And lingering pause and lightly tread; Fond wretch ! as if her step disturb'd the dead! yt , c^'aa DDTO rr-nmi frfta VI. ni^ibs TDK tiinnb DTI? Di* ^p T d? mo^ Di? D^p^n^i nftpa I'^BW VIL ^sn n^n pa? ^a ^nniia nan ' " " x'b nvm^i wtea 'I^K x'b n?ah Irrtan 112 "no ^ab tD^n^ K'b V T - T ' T K 14 5*- Tribes of the wandering foot and weary breast How shall ye flee away and be at rest! The wild-dove hath her nest, the fox his cave, Mankind their country Israel but the grave! VI. ON JORDAN'S BANKS. |N Jordan's banks the Arab's camels stray, On Sion's hill the False One's votaries pray, The Baal-adorer bows on Sinai's steep Yet there even there Oh God! thy thunders sleep: There where thy finger scorch'd the tablet stone! There where thy shadow to thy people shone! Thy glory shrouded in its garb of fire: Thyself none living see and not expire! Oh! in the lightning let thy glance appear; Sweep from his shiver'd hand the oppressor's spear: How long by tyrants shall thy land be trod! How long thy temple worshipless, Oh God! VII. JEPHTHA'S DAUGHTER. IINCE our Country, our God Oh, my Sire! Demand that thy Daughter expire; Since thy triumph was bought by thy vow Strike the bosom that's bared for thee now! And the voice of my mourning is o'er, And the mountains behold me no more: If the hand that I love lay me low, There cannot be pain in the blow! *$ 13 nnb? n^y ^asa "p^rna SJK p2Ei vina-fra jDE pjrr rmsn wj ^n^-bs ;^5?nn rfiyi qtft ^n- nbiti iirrip;^ rrio? ,thiE -f^ i^nn -paca ' ? liy x'b ^ini tbibx b? ^n? i^Dax 173 ,DM? bna rrhro-b? nrn? oarix , Dibn? ti^'n ra 3 "p*? i aab^i A step as fleet, an eye more bright, Hath Judah witnessed there; And o'er her scenes of lost delight Inhabitants more fair. The cedars wave on Lebanon, But Judah's statelier maids are gone! More blest each palm that shades those plains Than Israel's scatter' d race; For, taking root, it there remains In solitary grace: It cannot quit its place of birth, It will not live in other earth. But we must wander witheringly, In other lands to die; And where our fathers' ashes be, Our own may never lie: Our temple hath not left a stone, And Mockery sits on Salem's throne. V. OH! WEEP FOR THOSE. i! weep for those that wept by BabeFs stream, Whose shrines are desolate, whose land a dream; Weep for the harp of Judah's broken shell; Mourn where their God hath dwelt the Godless dwell! And where shall Israel lave her bleeding feet? And when shall Sion's songs again seem sweet? And Judah's melody once more rejoice The hearts that leap'd before its heavenly voice? II III. 'b ,*ish p? tnn pDD bnn ,T6^n Dbi^ srjKia tpna ; aten -b? ins? "nb ^bhn sb n*nn f ttKriri ^'i ; ninjT ni? n? 'rp-m-? psinn tj nfe w HSDD? nnn ninnbn-b^ oti nnn^n nnsp IV. .1 ^brn ninbti^ nibp vrte aft;' ^s-? nsnan " oib ^ip^ flh' '^n pna? DT nntaaai ^is ' *J 10 * III. IF THAT HIGH WORLD. |F that high world, which lies beyond Our own, surviving Love endears; If there the cherish' d heart be fond, The eye the same, except in tears How welcome those untrodden spheres! How sweet this very hour to die! To soar from earth and find all fears Lost in thy light Eternity! It must be so: 't is not for self That we so tremble on the brink; And striving to o'erleap the gulf, Yet cling to Being's severing link. Oh! in that future let us think To hold each heart the heart that shares, With them the immortal waters drink, And soul in soul grow deathless theirs! IV. THE WILD GAZELLE. wild gazelle on Judah's hills Exulting yet may bound, And drink from all the living rills That gush on holy ground; Its airy step and glorious eye May glance in tameless transport by:- *4 9 *- II. rpte rta-S nton bnsn ni^r tftp ni>OT-oa nb . . hna nstJts ^ v ; nb-oa ^n ibip nin tosa ^ b? t htta b^nb ,nn irrnat 'b ibip TK-^W trx-b? nbsn^i nnn b n-in 'b 01^ ni'x-o? , rritibn tibirn II. THE HARP THE MONARCH MINSTREL SWEPT. S)HE harp the monarch minstrel swept, The King of men, the loved of Heaven, Which Music hallow'd while she wept O'er tones her heart of hearts had given, Redoubled be her tears, its chords are riven! It soften* d men of iron mould, It gave them virtues not their own; No ear so dull, no soul so cold, That felt not, fired not to the tone, Till David's lyre grew mightier than his throne ! It told the triumphs of our King, It wafted glory to our God; It made our gladden'd valleys ring, The cedars bow, the mountains nod; Its sound aspired to Heaven and there abode ! Since then, though heard on earth no more, Devotion and her daughter Love, Still bid the bursting spirit soar To sounds that seem as from above, In dreams that day's broad light can not remove. wnasn T : - : ia 1 ; ^3 "tr^tfis jD^pnisa -nrD D?b rrinht&n . & T "^ rrinsns ,int?n "J5K ^nstt nnb ^I'^b ni; ^ H'JOOT bip "Infe nnti n^rntt,, ,nrnir wj:^ n^ ,nb ngb pinto - - rnn SHE WALKS IN BEAUTY. [HE walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies ; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impair'd the nameless grace, Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express, How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent! ima*a peris nnn Ah, would some angel deign to shew me grace, And lend my pen his own seraphic fire, So that my verse be worthy deemed a place Beside the Bards who struck the Hebrew lyre ! Dr. Mandelkern. PR4154 TO LEON LEWISOHN ESQ., LONDON, THE ARDENT LOVER OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE, THIS VERSION OF BYRON'S ; ,HEBREW MELODIES" IS DEDICATED BY SOLOMON MANDELKERN. PH. & LL. D. 664 LOAN STACK PRINTED BY W. DRUGULIN, LEIPZIG. 3* HEBREW MELODIES LORD BYRON TRANSLATED BY DR. S. 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