o CO B30 115 2M-728J BULLETIN ' OF THE UNIVERSITY OFJTEXAS No. 342 ISSUED FOUR TIMES A MONTH EXTENSION SERIES No. 51 JUNE 20, 1914 Food for Growing Childrea BY JESSIE P. RICH DIVISION OF HOME WELFARE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Published by the University of Texas AUSTIN. TEXAS Entered at the Postoffice in Austin, Texas, as Second Class Mail Matter f?J^06' •I0LO6I BIOLO«l LIBRAIIY The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free gov- ernment. Sam Houston. Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy .... It is tlie only dictator that freemen acknowl- edge and the only security that free- men desire. Mirabeau B. Lamar. FOOD FOR GROWING CHILDREN. The food question is undoubtedly the most important prob- lem in the welfare of the growing child. It has profound ef- fect upon his physical development, his disposition and his character. Indiscriminate feeding is the cause of much of the trouble and worry of mothers. The child is allowed to eat the foods prepared for the adult. No account is taken of the undeveloped, immature condition of his digestive organs. He has only limited facilities for caring for his foods. The di- gestive juices are not in full stren.2th and the means for masti- cation are undeveloped. These points should be taken into consideration in feeding, and the food administered to the growing child should be of such a nature and in such condi- tion as to recognize his limitations. Many books and lectures are available for the feeding of very young children. Holt: "Diseases of Infancy and Childhood." Chapin: ''Theory and Practice of Infant Feeding." Campbell : ' ' Practical Motherhood. ' ' These books give the principles of infant feeding and modi- fication of cow's milk for bottle food. Few books carry the subject of feeding through the early years of the growing child. They fail to explain carefully the diet after ])abyhood is past. The mother who would do the best for her growing child should know these things : ' The uses of the food in the body to the growing child. The foods best suited to meet the requirements of the grow- ing child. The best method of preparing foods for the growing child. When to administer the food to the growing child. The cost of food required for the growing child. THE USES OF THE FOOD IN THE BODY TO THE GROWING CHILD. Foods are taken into the system to perform special work. The body may be likened to a great machine in motion. The M361425 4 Bidleiin of the University of Texas efficiency of this machine comes from the fuel or food sup- plied. The fuel in the human machine must do more than fur- nish power to do work. It must keep the machine in a state of repair and increase the size from that of the infant to the adult. The machine can never completely shut down its activ- ity for repair or growth. The foods are the means of increas- ing the size of the growing child. They are the sources of power and activity. THE FOODS BEST SUITED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OP THE GROWING CHILD. The food materials are of great variety but analysis shows that all of them are but varying com])inations of a few simple foods just as all of our English words are made from twenty- six letters. These basic foods are carbo-hydrates, including starch and sugar, proteins, fats and mineral salts. The starches are well known substances and occur in such vegetables as cereals, potatoes, rice, wheat, corn, and oats. Sugar is largely used in commercial form but occurs also in fruit and vegetables and in some animals products in small quantities. Sugar and starch are specially suited to furnish the heat and energy required by the body. The l)est starches for children are obtained from such as cereals, rice, wheat, corn, oats, and from potatoes. Sugar furnishes a beneficial source of energy if eaten in small quantities, but for the grow- ing child large amounts of sugar are considered especially harmful. Possibly the best administr'ation of sugar is in the date and figs eaten in small quantities as dessert for luncheon or dinner. * The fats are easily recognized and are further sources of heat and energy. The best sources of fat for children are cream, butter, olive oil, cotton-seed oil, nuts, and ])acon. The substances required by the body to repair tissue and to build the muscles are called protein. This is a material found especially in eggs, the lean of meiats, milk, etc. Protein foods also furnish heat and energy but they are expensive and dis- astrous to health if too much is taken. The best protein foods for the growing child are those found in milk, eggs, chicken, mutton and beef, and nuts when prop- Food for Gromng Children 5 erly ground and pulverized ; cheese rightly cooked, beans, peas and lentils. Mineral salts are also needed building material. They are essential to the growth of the bones and the teeth and they are necessary constituents of the blood and body fluids. Some of the more important mineral salts are iron, lime, phos- phorus, and potassium. These mineral salts are found in many foods, especially in milk, green vegetables, fresh fruits, and cereals. It is necessary that the growing child have these in his diet. Many children do not like green vegetables, but if they are taught to eat them at an early age, this dislike can often be obviated. The child can frequently be taught to eat the vegeta))les through means of Scotch broths, cream soups, and me-at stews. Onions, cabbage, spinach, and the yolk of eggs are among the best sources of iron. Vegetables for very young children should be carefully rubbed through a puree sieve. Lime is largely obtained from milk. Children who do not like milk can be given it in disguised form as in a cream soup, a junket pudding, or in a cup of cocoa. THE BEST METHOD OF PREPARING FOODS FOR THE GROWING CHILD. The proteins, starches, and the fats all have a particular tem- perature which is best suited to their preparation. In the case of the protein foods a knowledge of the effects of heat on protein is necessary. Eggs are a typical protein food. To determine the effect of heat on eggs put a slightly beaten eg^ into a buttered sauce pan and pl^ce it over a slow fire, stirring the egg constanly until a jelly like mass is formed. Now allow more heat and notice the result. The egg becomes hard and tough. High temperature applied to any form of protein clauses it to shrink and harden and renders it difficult to di- gest. A low temperature below the boiling point is best suited to cook protein foods and makes them easily digestible. The reason custards curdle is because the egg has been cooked at too high a temperature. The egg is especially necessary in the diet of the growing child and too much cannot ])e said about its proper method of preparation. What is true of the 6 Bulletin of the University of Texas temperature of the cooking of the egg is true of all protein foods. On the other hand, starches and foods containing starches require a high temperature. This is necessary to break up the starch grains and put them into a condition of digestibility The temperature in moist heat would be what we call the boiling point, 212 degrees Fahrenheit. This would suggest that rice, cereals, potatoes, etc., be cooked at a high tempera- ture or for a longer time at a temperature a few degrees below the boiling point. Fats and fatty foods should be cooked in such a way that the fat does not become too brown. When fat is subjected to too high a temperature it splits up and changes into sub- stances irritating to the lining of the stomach. A dark burn- ing of the fat indicates this splitting. Browned butter and foods browned in butter and very crisp brown bacon are very hard to digest. It is because of this fact that we find one of the greatest objections to fried foods, especially for children. Further principles may be given to govern the feeding of growing children. First: The foods for the growing child should all be sim- ple and simply prepared. That means that the diet should con- tain no high spiced foods, no fried foods, no rich pastry and rich cakes. The child should not be given a great variety of foods at any one meal. The variety in the diet should come rather from meal to meal and from day to day. Second : The food administered to the growing child should be in a condition such as can be easily eared for by the diges- tive apparatus of the growing orp-anism. Often the digesti- bility of a food depends on its fineness of division. The child should be taught to chew thoroughly, but to a certain extent the preparation in the kitchen should take into consideration the child's limited powers of mastication. Such foods as peas, beans, and lentils should ])e rubbed through a strainer for the younger children and served in a. cream soup or as a vegetable. Corn, if given at all to small children, should be scored and only the milk of the corn allowed the child. Fresh bread and rolls fed to a child reach the stomach in a gummy mass. Large chunks of cheese are bad. The cheese is a concentrated food Food for Growing Children 7 and should be grated or dissolved in a milk sauce. Bananas slip down in large pieces and cause discomfort. Fruits for the young children should be thoroughly cooked or scraped. The fruits should be free from all coarse fibre and skin l)efore eaten. This again is due to the fact that the diges- tive system of the child is not in shape to take care of the coarse fibrous material. Water is needed in the daily diet of the child. It may be taken between meals and in a delicate amount at meal time, but the food must not be washed down with the liquid. The water should be pure, and if one is not sure that it is free from contamination, it should be boiled and cooled before given to the child. Several glasses are needed each day. Un- der no circumstances should the child be given tea or coffee. These beverages stimulate the nerves and take away the appe- tite. Hot water with a little milk and sugar or "crust" coffee made from toasted bread or wheat cocoa will give a hot drink for the cold morning. THE AMOUNT OF FOOD REQUIRED FOR THE GROWING CHILD. The strong child who is active in play and work demands more and more food as he grows larger. If he has the right, kind of food, takes it at the right time, chews it thoroughly, there is little danger that he will over-eat. The less vigorous child who gets up unfreshed in the morning, perhaps because he has had foul air to breathe through the night, or the child whose diet consists largely of candy, pickles, ice cream cones, chili, tamales, and other food ].)ought from the itinerant vendor may not get enough food to make him grow as he should and provide for his activity. One can determine whether or not the growing child is gaining enough by weighing him. But whether he is pale, listless, irritable because he has not had enough food, or for some other reason, is not always easy to tell. To determine whether the lack of proper nourishment is to blame, certain amounts have been determined upon which are suitable to the average child (see table below), "and we m'ay compare the amount given with these standards. Just as clothes are made up in sizes to fit special ages, so a certain amount of food is suggested for the child between varying ages. But, as 8 Bulletin of the University of Texas in planning a dress for a certain age, the size of the child as well as the age must be considered, so in determining the amount of food needed, the weight as well as the age must be taken into account. We cannot measure our foods in pounds and ounces and say we will give so many pounds or ounces each day to each in- dividual. The foods contain different substances of different values. Many foods contain much water and waste. Because of this condition, in order to measure the amount of nutriment in any food, we measure the heat that is obtained from that food when it is burned. All foods containing protein, starch, sugar, and fats are burned in the body before they are 'avail- able for use in the body. The unit of heat used for measuring the heat produced by the burning of these foods is called the calorie. Just as we say five or six quarts of milk, so we say five or six calories of heat. A calorie is merely a unit for meas- uring .a specific amount of heat. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pint of water four degrees Fahrenheit is called a calorie. For convenience dietaries are now planned on the basis of one hundred calorie portions. Each of the following food portions represent about one hundred calories : Name of Food and Serving. Ounces. Bread (corn) , small square 1.30 Bread (white) , thick slice 1.30 Bread (brown) , thick slice 1.50 Com flakes, cereal dish (1 cup) 97 Oats (rolled) i .88 Hominy (cooked), large serving 4.20 Hominy (uncooked), 2% tablespoons 92 Rice (boiled), serving dish 3:10 Rice (uncooked), 21/2 tablespoons 98 Shredded wheat, 1 biscuit ' 94 "Wheat flour, 4 teaspoons 97 Eggs, 1 2.10 Chocolate (bitter), % square 56 Puffed rice, 1% cups 97 Potatoes, 1 medium potato 4.20' Food for Growing Children 9 Cabbage, 3 cups H-OO Split pea, 1% tablespoonfuls. 1.00 Whole milk, small glass 4.90 Cheese (full cream), V/^ cubic inches 82 Cottage cheese, 4 cubic inches 3.12 Banana, 1 large 3.50 Apples, 2 apples (small) 7.30 Grape juice, small glass 4.20 Name of Food and Serving. Ounces. Cream, % glass l-'^O Sponge cake, small piece 89 Custard (milk), ordinary cup 4.29 Olives (green), 7 olives 1.10 Olives (ripe) , 7 olives 1-30 Sugar, 3 teaspoonfuls or l^/^ lumps 86 Pecans, 8 46 Celery 19.00 Lettuce 17.30 When children are of normal size, development and activity they require per day about as follows : Age in Years. Calories, Boys 14-17 .2700-3000 Girls 14-17 2200-2600 Children 10-13 1800-2200 Children 6- 9 1400-2000 Children 2-5 .1200-1500 Children 1-2 900-1200 Infants .... Under 1 year .... 45 c!allories per pound of weight Should children be under or over size their requirement can be figured from the following table: From 1-2 years of age about 45-40 calories per pound. From 2-5 years of age about 40-35 calories per pound. 'From 6-9 years of age about 35-31 calories per pound. From 10-13 years of age about 31-27 calories per pound. .From 14-17 years of age about 27-20 calories per pound. 10 Bulletin of the University of Texas One must remember in using the calorie that it measures only the amount of food. It is not enough merely to see that the child secures the needed number of calories. A five-year-old could get 1200 calories from sugar alone but that child would not grow. A child must have a "mixed diet," containing pro- tein, fats, sugars, starches, and minerals. Mineral salts cannot be burned, so they have no fuel value. They are, however, a most important food constituent. They are absolutely neces- sary, and must be present in sufficient amounts if the child is to develop normally. Lack of lime salts cause rickets ; lack of iron, anemia. Milk is very deficient in iron, and for this reason, as a child approaches the end of its first year, the milk diet should be supplemented with other foods, eggs and strained cereals, for example. A mother must select with great care, using each day milk, eggs, cereals, green vegetables, fruits and bread. Where the child has a carefully planned mixed diet it seldom fails to get enough of each of the needed materials to build the body and furnish the energy for activity. WHEN TO ADMINISTER THE FOOD TO THE GROWING CHILD. The child should have regular meals provided and should eat at regular times. Little children should have a morning luncheon at eleven o'clock. They should be continued after the child enters school and should continue through the first three or four years of the child's school life. A glass of milk and a graham cracker are sufficient. Where schools have given this luncheon to the children a marked difference has been noted in the amount of work the children can accomplish in the last morning hour as compared with the work of chil- dren with no luncheon. Very little children need a simple luncheon in the afternoon. This luncheon, again, may con- sist of a cracker and a glass of milk, or a biaked apple, with a slice of bread and butter. THE COST OF FOOD REQUIRED FOR THE GROWING CHILD, This is a difficult question. The price of food varies in dif- ferent parts of the country, in different parts of the city, arid at different times of the year. If the money must go as far :as possi])le, remember there is more nourishment in the cheap 1 quart of milk . . 10 Food for Growing Children 11 cuts of meat ; that the broken rice is as good as the whole ker- nels ; that homemade bread is the best and cheapest ; that but- terine and cotton seed oils are cheaper than butter and are fairly good substitutes; that beans and peas may be used in place of meat ; that skimmed milk contains much good protein that can be eaten in the form of cottage cheese ; that one quart of whole milk gives as much strength as two pounds of pota- toes, four pounds of cabbage, eight eggs, or three-quarters of a pound 'of round steak. The cost of these articles is as follows : 8 eggs 24 2 pounds potatoes 05 % pound steak 16 A pounds cabbage 10 Remember that in buying food at the baker's ready pre- pared you are paying the baker for doing work that you can do better and cheaper yourself and that in buying canned goods you are guilty of the same extravagance. Buy the non-perishable supplies, where it is possible, in quantities, thus securing the advantage of a lower price and making it possible to purchase articles of food when they are cheapest and best on the market. MEALS *Below are some suggested meals with the amount for serving given : Food for one day for a child 2-5. Price about 15c. Fuel Talue 1200-1500 calories. Breakfast— 7 :30 'clock. Orange juice, 4 tablespoonfuls. Cream of wheat, i/4 cup. Milk, 1% cups. Toast. *We are indebted to the Chicago Child Welfare for a part of this material on meals. 12 Bulletin of the University of Texas Lunch — 11 O'clock. Milk, 1 glass. Bread and butter, 1 thin slice. Dinner— 12:30 O'clock Cream of split pea soup, 1 cup. Bread and butter, 2 thin slices of bread, 1 pat of butter. Rice pudding and raisins, 1 generous serving. Lunch — 4 O'clock. Graham crackers, 2. Supper. Milk toast, 2 thin slices, 1 glass top milk. Baked apple, 1. Food for one day for a child 6-9. Price about 15c. Fuel value, 1400 to 2000 calories. Breakfast. Cream of wheat and dates, I/2 cup of cream of wheat and 4r dates. Milk, Ys cup top milk. Toast with butter, 1 slice. Lunch — 11 O'clock. Milk, 1 glass. Bread and butter, 1 slice. Dinner. Fish chowder, 1 cup. Crackers, 2. Rhubarb sauce, 1 cup. Cookies, 2. Supper. Creamed egg, 1 egg and % cup cream sauce. Toast, 2 slices. Milk, 1 glass. Gingerbread, 1 piece. Breakfast. Oatmeal, I/2 cup. Milk, 14 cup top. Toast and butter, 2 slices. Stewed dried apples, 1 sauce dish. Food for Growing Children 13 Lunch. Eice and cheese, % cup. Bread and butter, 2 slices. Bananas, 1. Dinner. Lentil stew with potatoes. Corn bread and butter, 2 slices. Prune whip. The following meals 'are for* the three children of a family living on a $1000 income and they are so planned that, by in- creasing the amount of food or making simply additions to the menu of the younger children, the older children are provided for. Child 2-5 years of age : 1200-1500 calories. Breakfast— 7 :30 'clock. Orange juice, 4 tablespoons. Cream of wheat, 1/4 cup. Milk, 11/^ cups. Bread (stale), 1 slice. Lunch — 11 O'clock. Milk, 1 cup. Bread (stale), 1 slice. Butter, 1 teaspoonful. Dinner — 1 O'clock Baked potato, 1. Boiled onions (mashed), 2. Bread and butter, 1 slice. Milk to drink, 1 cup. Baked apple, 1. Boiled rice, 1 cup. Milk, % cup. Bread and butter, 1 slice. SUBSTITUTES OR ADDITIONS. For cream or wheat or rice : Farina, Wheatena, Pettyjohn or other cereal. For orange juice and baked apple : Prune pulp and sauce. For onion : Spinach, strained peas, stewed celery. 14 Bulletin of the University of Texm An egg every day may take the place of a part of the milk (% cup), and should be given two or three times a week. Child 6-9 years of age : 1500-1800 calories. Breakfast— 7 :30 O'clock Cream of Wheat, % cup. Top milk, 1/4 cup. Stewed prunes, 5. Toast, 1 slice. Milk to drink, 1 glass. Dinner — 1 O'clock. Pea soup, 1 cup. Croutons, 1 slice bread. Boiled onions, 2 small. Baked potato, 1 large. \ Molasses cookies, 2. Supper— 5:30 O'clock. Cream toast, 2 slices bread. Rice pudding (with milk and sugar), 1 cup. Milk to drink, 1 glass. SUBSTITUTES OR ADDITIONS. Cream of Wheat. For peas : Strained beans or lentils. For onions: Spinach, cauliflower, carrots (well cooked), lettuce. For prunes: Ripe apples, dates, baked l)ananas, all stewed fruits. For pudding: Junkets, custards, ice cream, blanc mange, bread pudding, and simple desserts. For cookies: Sponge cake, gingerbread, plain cakes or cookies. Child 10-13 years of age : 1800-2200 calories. Breakfast— 7:30 O'clock. Cream of Wheat, % cup. Top milk, % cup. Stewed prunes, 7 prunes. Toast, 2 slices. Milk to drink, 1 cup. Food for Growing Children 15 Luncheon — 1 O'clock. Pea soup, 1 cup. Boiled onions, 2 small. Baked potato, 1 large. Bread and butter, 2 slices. Cookies, 3. Dinner— 5:30 O'clock Baked fish, small serving. Creamed potatoes, % cup. Spinach, I/2 cup. Bread and butter, 2 slices. . Rice pudding (milk and sugar), 1 cup. SUBSTITUTES OR ADDITIONS. For Cream of Wheat : Any well cooked cereal. For fish: Rare beefsteak, roast beef or mutton chops, boiled mutton, salt fish. For prunes: Any fruit (uncooked or cooked). For vegetables : Any well cooked or fresh vegetables. For dessert : All simple desserts. The above menus are inexpensive, biit they provide little fresh fruits and vegetables. They are not the best possible because of this omission. The growing child needs in its diet the fresh fruits and vegetables daily. The following menus suggest meals for children between the ages of two and three years and three and six years. The cost here exceeds 20 cents per day. FROM TWO TO THREE YEARS. Breakfast. 1. Juice of one sweet orange, pulp of six stewed prunes, pineapple juice (one ounce), a baked apple or apple sauce. 2. A cereal, such as oatmeal, farina, cream of wheat, hom- iny, com meal or rice slightly sweetened or l)uttered.as pre- ferred, with the addition of top milk (top sixteen ounces), or a soft boiled or poached eg^ with stale bread or toast. 3. A glass of milk. 16 Bulletin of the University of Texas Dinner. 1. Broth or soup made of chicken, beef or mutton, thick- ened with arrow root, split peas or rice with the addition of the yolk of an egg or toast squares. 2. Scraped beef, white meat of chicken, broiled fish, or halibut (two ounces), or two slices of broiled crisp bacon. 3. Mashed or baked potatoes, macaroni, peas, spinach, car- rots, beets, squash or cauliflower. 4. A glass of milk with educator or graham crackers, or stale bread buttered. 5. . Dessert : Apple sauce, baked apple, rice, junket, custard. Supper. 1. Stewed fruit, a cereal or ^gg (if not taken for break- fast), bread and milk or custard, cup of warm milk or cocoa, crackers,, or zwiebach. Graham crackers or stale graham bread, if constipated. FROM THREE TO SIX YEARS. Breakfast. 1. Fruits : Oranges, apples, pears, stewed prunes. 2. Cereal or eggs (not both), oatmeal, hominy, corn meal, rice and wheat preparations well cooked and salted, with thin cream and sugar or butter and salt. 3. Eggs: Soft-boiled, poached, omelet, scrambled. 4. Milk or cocoa to drink, stale bread and butter. Dinner. 1. Soups: Beef, chicken or mutton. 2. Chicken, rare beefsteak, roast beef, fish or lamb chops. 3. Vegetables: Spinach, carrots, string beans, peas, cauli- flower tops, mashed or baked potatoes, beets, lettuce (without vinegar), macaroni, spaghetti. 4. Bread and butter (not fresh bread or rolls). 5. Dessert : Custard, rice or bread pudding, tapioca, choco- late pudding, ice cream (once a week), corn-starch pudding, stewed prunes or baked apples. 6. Milk. Supper. 1. Milk toast or a thick soup, as pea or cream of celery, or Food for Growing Children 17 s. cereal or thin cream. Stewed fruit or a custard, or a plain pudding, jam or jelly, graham crackers and milk. 2. Bread and butter. All menus given are prepared for a child of normal health. Individual cases will occur where certain things cannot be given to certain children. In the case of one child eggs caused distress. The mother must understand the child individually, and eliminate from its diet those foods which cause discomfort. The method of serving foods aids in their digestion. The child should eat in a pleasant and well aired room. The food should be served in an attr'active, pleasing way. Especially is this true of the child after he has reached the adolescent period, whore the nervous system is overstrained. Confusion, worry, and untidiness act directly on the digestive juices with harm- ful effects to the child. In general, the foods for the growing child should be simple, should be easy of digestion, should ))e well served. The diet should not furnish tea or coffee, pork, fried foods and gravies, hot breads, pies, bananas, cucumbers and cabbage. The diet should not administer foods, such as beans, peas, lentils, cheese, nuts, peanuts, etc., unless they are in a fine state of division. The simplier the diet, the simplier the preparation, the better it is for the growing child. A FEW RECIPES. CEREALS. In general cereals should be cooked as follows: Have the water rapidly boiling. Add one teaspoonful of salt for each cup of cereal. Sprinkle the cereal slowly into the water, stirring until it is well mixed, and boil for five minutes. Continue the cooking without stirring, either in a double boiler or with a piece of asbestos under the saucepan. A double boiler may be made by fitting together two saucepans, nearly of the same size, putting the larger one on top. Fine cereals need three and a half to six times as much water as cereal. The coarser cereals require two to three times as much water as cereal. Cream of Wheat, Wheatena, Quaker oats, wheat germ, malt 18 Bulletin of the University of Texas eereal should be cooked thirty or forty minutes ; coarse oatmeal, corn meal and cracked wheat from two to six hours. The fireless cooker is excellent for cereals. Add cereal to boil- ing salted water. Boil ten minutes. Put in cooker and allow to stand over night. Dates, cooked prunes, or other fruit, cut in small pieces, may be stirred into the cereal before serving. VEGETABLES. Wash or scrub vegetables in cold water. Cook until tender in salted boiling water. Withered vegetables may be freshened by putting in cold water in an hour or two. This is especially true of carrots, potatoes, and turnips. The time for cooking varies very much with the age of the vegetables. This table gives the time for cooking some kinds of vegetables : Potatoes, 30 minutes. Carrots, 45 minutes. Onions, 60 minutes. Turnips, 45 minutes. Beets, 2 hours. Cabbage, 20 minutes. Spinach, 30 to 45 minutes. Squash, 30 to 45 minutes. DRIED FRUITS. Wash the fruit thoroughly, add four or five times as much water . as fruit, and soak from twelve to twenty-four hours. Bring to a boil and put into a fireless cooker. Sugar may be added if desired. Prunes need none if the juice is boiled down. Apricots, peaches and apples need little. With 48 hours' soaking apricots and peaches may l)e cooked with only a few minutes boiling. LENTILS. Pick over and wash the lentils and toak them over night, or even twenty-four hours. . Pour off the water and add about four times as much fresh water as there are lentils. Add a teaspoon of salt for each cup of lentils. A slice of salt pork and an onion may be added r Food for Growing Children 19 if desired. Boil for half an hour and then cook in the fireless cooker for six or eight hours, or simmer slowly on the stove. CREAM SOUPS. Delicious cream soups may be made from the water in which vegetables, such as spinach, celery, asparagus, cauliflower and cabbage have been cooked. For two cups of the vegetable water allow an equal amount of mill:. Thicken with three level tablespoons of flour rubbed smooth in-^ little milk. Stir in two tablespoons of ))utter or butterine or clarified beef fat, and salt to taste. In the same way cream soups may be made from dried gr^en or split peas, dried lima beans and lentils, as well as from corn, onions, potatoes, and tomatoes. The dried vegetablre should be soaked and used with the water in which they were cooked. Unless liked very thick; a little less flour •may be used for thickening, since they contain so much starch. (Two tablespoons to the quart is sufficient.) CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP." 2 cups of milk. 2 tablespoons of fat. ' 2 cups of tomato. 1 tablespoon of salt. 4 tal)lespoons of flour. Mix four tablespoons of flour with a little cold tomato, add the rest of the tomato and bring to the boiling point. Strain, cool, and then add the milk. Heat just before serving and add the fat and salt. This will serve six people. POTATO SOUP. 3 potatoes. . 1 tablespoon of fat. ^ 1 quart milk. 1 tablespoon of salt. 2 tat)lespoons of flour. Boil potatoes in salted water until soft ; mash and beat until light. Add milk gradually. Mix flour with a little cold liquid and add to the lot potato mixture. Let come to the boiling point and then add the butter and salt. This will serve six people. BEEF STEW WITH VEGETABLES. Cut into pieces one or two pounds of stew meat (neck piece, aitch bone or shank may be used). Cover well w^ith boiling 20 Bulletin of the University, of Texas water and simmer for two or three hours or until the meat is nearly done. Add potatoes and other vegetables, such as car- rots, onion, turnips ; cut in small pieces, and cook until tender. Season with salt. Thicken or serve thin as desired. Rice and left over cereal may be used for thickening. This also may be cooked in the fireless cooker. Cook the meat and vegetables in boiling water ten minutes, put into the fireless cooker for font to five hours. Season with salt and serve hot. ^ FISH CHOWDER. # One pound cod, haddock or any white fish ; six medium sized potatoes cut into small pieces, one sliced onion, one or two slices of salt pork cut into small pieces, two teaspoons salt, two cups milk, four cups water. Wash and cut fish from l)ones# Put four cups of cold water over bones and cook 20 minutes. Strain out bones and add pork, potatoes, and onion to this .water; cook. 1-5 ininiites, then add fish, cover and simmer 15 minutes. Then add milk, salt and crackers and cook five min- utes. Serve hot. SCOTCH BROTH. Wash and cut into pieces two ])ounds of neck of mutton. Put meat and bones into kettle with two quarts of cold water and bring quickly to the boiling point; add from one-half to three-fourths cup of barley that has been soaked over night in cold water. Simmer one to one and one-half hours or until the meat is tender. Then add two carrots, one turnip, one onion, and two potatoes 'cut into small pieces. Cook until vegeta.bles are soft. Serve hot. If the fireless cooker is used, add vegetables with the ))arley. Boil ten minutes and put into the cooker for four or five hours. GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER Manufactured hy GAYLORD BROS. I«c. Syracuse, N. Y. 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