o hat the lister Ms it each as to * arming, AN ADDRESS i THK NDIAXA STATK ACIMCI III I! Al. SlM'IKTY AT ITS ANNUAL IA1K. I..\1AH:TTE. INDIANA FTORACE GRE&LE1 NEW YOEK: FOWLERS AND WELLS, PUB LISH T -\ US , <'I.INTO\ HALL. 131 NASSAT STKKK.T. lii Wathin PhiUdelphU: 231 Arch St. | s - o i London: 1-Ji SlranJ. ADDKESS. FARMERS AND FRIENDU : I stand before you at your Society's invitation, feeling the full force of the criticism which denies to one of my habits and pursuits capacity to instruct fanners as to their own espe.-ial vocation. "Shoemaker, stick to your last!" is a sound though sometime^ misapplied admonition, and there is givut >tivngth in tlu- natural presumption that every man can see a little farther on his own proper pathway than can be seen by an\ one else. I fully rcali/.e and cheerfully admit that any one of you, who has devoted tin- la>t twenty or thirty years to Agri- culture, must kno\\ very much more concerning it than I, who- abandoned it at fifteen to master and pursue a imt exacting mechanical and intellectual vocation, and have since been able to. snatch hut here and there an hour from a constant pressure of imperative duties and oppressive cares to revive the memories of my youth among the busy seed-planters, or within sound of the mown- sharpening his scythe. If I were to essay a lecture on the Complete Husbandman to fix the proper time for planting this or that vegetable, and for harvesting thisor that grain, and so on I might, of course, be corrected, on many points, by some of the youngest of my auditors. Little as I know of farming, I know too- much of it to attempt any such teaching. What I shall endeavor, is to set forth some of the principles which underlie the whole fabric of Productive Art and Industry, (my calling as well as yours,) and to show their application, as correctly as I may, to the Farm- er's vocation as well as others. I may err in this or that ap- plication ; but I shall endeavor to base my inculcations on prin- (8) 4 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS ciples so broad in their scope, and so vindicated by centuries of successful experience in a great variety of pursuits, as to be justly entitled to a place among the axioms of Industrial Science. I. The first point, then, which I shall endeavor to illustrate, is that of Economy of Means perhaps I should rather say, Har- mony of Proportion in the management of farms as of every ; riling el^e./ ; for *y fieri I say Economy, I mean something as re- *frTote as possible fWrn Parsimony. Cheap lands, cheap buildings, .*. I I *iaj).}al9Oj- chgap.stfodk, cheap trees or grafts, are as far from .''.I "ec<5ix>Vy *asanytllm^well could be. By Economy of Means, I imply such a disposition or distribution of means, be they scanty or abundant, as shall insure to the operator the largest attainable return for his labor and skill. For example : I print newspapers for a living, and am obliged, by the extent of some of my edi- tions, to use presses costing twelve to sixteen thousand dollars each. There is a real economy in so doing, because I could not otherwise dispatch my papers to their subscribers in acceptable season. But if any journal printing one-third or one-tenth so many copies, were to buy and use such presses, the policy would be wasteful and ruinous, although the editions would be thrown off with unwonted celerity and efficiency. The interest on the capital needlessly locked up in presses would probably absorb all the profits of the business, if not more. And yet this is the identical blunder that thousands of farmers persist in, by holding on to large farms, which cost thousands of dollars, and are very likely mortgaged or otherwise encumbered, while able or willing -only to apply thereto the labor, science, skill and manures which are requisite and proper for farms one-fourth so large. Here is enormous waste a loss of interest on three-fourths of the capi- tal invested in land a loss which may possibly be endured in farming, but which could not fail to prove ruinous in almost any other business. Every farmer seems aware of the reality and magnitude of the general error in this respect, yet the great majority persist in being wise for their neighbors only, and not for themselves. .And I apprehend the error with many originates rather in want TEACH AS TO FARMING. 5 of thought than lack of knowledge. They plod on in the path beaten out by their grandfathers, not reflecting that a course which might have been advisable, or at least excusable, when a farm of three, hundred acres was worth but a thousand dollars in cash, has Ijecn rendered utterly indefensible and suicidal by a gradual advance in the value of that farm to five or perhaps ten thousand dollars. He who can buy land at ton shillings per acre may afford to leave it. unfilled and unfenced for years, until its timber or its urass shall have become decidedly valuable ; but when that tim- ber shall have disappeared, the grass become the watched-for prey of droves of other men's cattle, and the land worth fifty dollars per acre, it is flagrant ainl culpable waste to blunder on as though it were still worth but ten shillings. I once went to look at a farm <>f fifty acres that I thought of buying for a summer home, some tl-rty miles from the City of New York. The owner had boon born on it, as I believe had his father before him; but it yielded only a moagor subsistence for l:is family, and he thought f srlling and going West. I went over it with him late in June, passing through a well-filled barn-yard which had not been disturbed that season, and stepping thence into a corn-field of five acres with a like field of potatoes just beyond it. " Why, neighbor !" asked I, in astonishment, " how could you leave all this manure so handy to your plowed land, and plant ten acres without any ?" " O, I was sick a good part f Nature and her immu- table Laws; and who can seriously doubt the importance of this to the Farmer? For instan- We all know that a field of one hundred acres entirely devoted during five successive years to a rotation of Corn, Oats, Clover, Potatoes and Wheat respectively. \vuill yield a far greater product than would that same field if divided into live emial parts and each devoted to some one of the-e products for live years in suc- cession. Experience had settled thi-<. before Science was allowed to say anything about it. When at last interrogated, for tin- rear son or law which underlies this fa<-t, Science made answer that each plant requires and e\a-t> its peculiar nutriment, and that this is relatively if not absolutely e\hau>ted by growing that crop on the same land year after year. It m;.y !> that the five plants above named all require Lime, Potash, Phosphorus, Ammo- nia, Carbon, &e., which, beside Water, are the chief elements of vegetable structure ; but, if so, they require them in very un- equal proportions or quantities. Grown each on its own twenty acres throughout the five years, one will have exhausted the Lime, yet have an abundance of Phosphorus left ; another will have absorbed all the Potash in its division, yet hardly tasted the Lime ; and so on ; while, had the hundred acres been sown in rota- tion or succession entirely to one and then to another of these crops, or had the five been alternated from portion to portio* 12 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS with each succeeding year, they would all have yielded abundant- ly, yet left no portion of the soil utterly robbed of any single element. Experience affirms that the rotation of crops has taken far more from the soil than the adverse system, which Science unhesitatingly corroborates, and adds that, while rotation has taken more from the soil, it has nevertheless left it in better con- dition to bear future harvests ; and this Experience will in due time ratify and establish. Here, then, Experience has been outstripped by Science, whose torch irradiates the Futqre with light drawn directly from the Present, not reflected from the Past. Experience has shown that a particular rotation is preferable to the growth of the same plant on the same soil for a succession of years ; but Science fore- casts beyond this, and affirms that any possible rotation must be preferable to incessant and unchanging repetition, for reasons which lie deep in the bosom of Nature and are inseparable from her very vitality. As surely as Experience has demonstrated the expediency of keeping cattle where they have grass and water both, instead of shutting up a part where they will have grass enough but no water, and the residue where they will have abundance of water but no grass or other food, so clearly does Science dem- onstrate the advantage of growing different crops in rotation. But in answering our first question, " Why should different crops be grown in rotation ?" Science has thrown open a wide field of profitable inquiry. We have seen that five good crops of Indian Corn cannot be grown off the same ground for five suc- cessive years, unless by virtue of profuse and expensive manur- ing; because each crop has absorbed an undue proportion of cer- tain elements or properties essential to Corn, leaving others, less vital to Maize, but more necessary to Wheat, Clover, &c., undis- turbed in the soil. We now know, therefore, that any average soil, regarded with reference to any particular plant, possesses certain elements in excess, while it is deficient in others ; and we demand of Science that she tell us just how we may most cheaply and easily supply, not elements of fertility in general, but those particular elements which are deficient, considered with reference TEACH AS TO FARMING. 13 to our purpose. We desire not to spend our time and means in filling a soil on which Wheat is never to be grown with costly elements which Wheat alone will require or take up, but to invest each dollar and day, so far as we may, in enriching that soil with the elements wherein it is now deficient, but which our next crop will nevertheless require. In other words, since it is not our practice to plow, plant and cultivate our entire farms forests, ravines and all because we purpose to harvest Indian Corn ami Wheat from a small part of them, so we desire to exercise a like discrimination and practice a like economy in the production or purchase and application of manures. And to do this, we appeal to Science for an analysis of the diil'-rent soils of our various fields, to determine wherein each i- .1. -ticicnt, each relatively re- dundant, that we may apply various tertili/ers accordingly. And this is the basis, and all the basis, of Scientific Farming. Let me linger still on this topic of Book-farming, and pile il- lustration on illustration of its true character and manifold advan- Yoii may tell me that this U needless, Imt I know better ; since 1 know there arc tens >f thousands of termers in every quarter nay, right here in Indiana some of them. I doubt not, now before me who take no agricultural paper nay, no paper at all ! because they think they raw'/ afford it! that it has no other than a speculative or fancy value for their use that they would be the poorer for taking it ! Now I maintain that no farmer or artisan that can read can really afford to do without at least three weekly newspapers ; one to bring him the general news, politics and social movements of his time ; aunt her to teach him whatever of discovery, invention or improvement may from time to time be made in his own pursuit or calling ; and the third to keep him advised of whatever of interest may transpire in his own locality or county. He may be so very poor and inefficient that he is justified in obtaining two of these by exchanges with his equally luckless neighbors ; but these three he should at least read every week, because ho cannot afford to be without the in- telligence they bring him. And, while there are thousands who are bringing up sons for farmers and daughters for housewives without taking a periodical or even owning a book that treats of 14 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS Farming or Housewifery, it is absurd to say that this stupid pre- judice against Book-farming has been already sufficiently dealt with, since it is this day so potent and mischievous. Bear with me, then, while I attempt to let in some daylight upon it through the relation of a few homely facts : I was visiting some old friends in Vermont last summer, when I observed in the garden of one of them the most thrifty and luxuriant grape-vine that I had ever seen growing in so cold a cli- mate. Now it is one advantage possessed by the class of ig- norant cultivators to which I belong over that sort who not merely know nothing but glory in it, that we are not at all reluctant to confess our ignorance when we see a chance of thus mitigating it. I, therefore, at once asked the lady whose vine this was, to tell me by what means she had insured it such vigor and productive- ness ; and she replied that she had made it her rule, ever since the vine was set there, to throw a pailfull of soap-suds at its root at the close of every washing-day. Again : in the same garden I remarked a scar or ring around each plum-tree, just above the ground, and, on inquiry, ascertained that these trees had been girdled last spring by some malicious scoundrel, who had halted one dark night, on his way from the gutter to the State prison, to perpetrate this dastardly outrage. The owner discovered the mischief early next morning, and, having a pot of copal var- nish in the house, speedily applied it with a brush . to the wound on each tree, covering each with a coat of varnish ; and by this means every tree was saved. When I saw them in midsummer, they were as green and thrifty as any trees within miles. Now I do not stand here to maintain that soap-suds will always insure an abundance of fine grapes, nor that a coating of varnish, sea- sonably applied, will always save girdled trees ; for I do not know such to be the fact. I trust further experience and inquiry will cast light on both points that soap-suds will be withheld from the door-yard and given to the grape-vines ; and that every tree that any prowling rascal may girdle will be promptly coated with varnish until we shall determine under what circumstances, and with what limitations, potash or soda is beneficial to grapes and varnish an antidote for girdling. The point I make is this, TEACH AS TO FAKMING. 15 that no sane former, having heard this relation, will henceforth throw away his soap-suds or neglect varnishing his girdled trees, unless he learns some reason for doing otherwise ; and that, if he would do so on the strength of my mere narration, he ought many times rather to do so had he found these same recipes in an Agricultural paper or manual, where the chances are ten to one that it would not have found a place unless on the strength of testimony more reliable than mine, because founded on a wider and more varied experience, and subjected to a more rigid scru- tiny. Take another case : My friend Dr. R. T. Underhill was a physician in extensive practice some twenty years ago, when in the prime of life, having bermr heartily tired of gallipots and bone-sawing, he shook off the dust of our city from his feet, and resolved henceforth to live an hom-st lite as a grower of fruits. He went forty miles up the Hudson, bought a neck of land, and commenced the cultivation of the Grape, which he has since pro- secuted with scientific knowledge, untii-iiii; energy, and at length with decided success, He ha< probably assuaged more sutK'rinij with his Crapes than h- '<-<\ by his drugs; he has grown considerably younger by hi* t\v-iit\ years' fanning, and is now taking his place among the most brisk and genial of our youth an admirable specimen of that branch of " Young America " which does not hate to work nor long for opportunity to steal. Well : the Doctor, since the untimely death of the lamented Downing, stands, probably, at the head of our fruit-growers, with whom one knotty problem of tin- la>t few years has been how to counteract the ravages of the Curculio, which is nearly robbing us of plums, for which his taste is equal to ours, while in the matter of gratifying it he is cat and sleep? If they do, then they may find time, if they will, to learn how to apply their labor to the best advantage as well as to qualify themselves by rest and refreshment for working at all. I venture the assertion that there are twenty thousand fanm-rs in Indiana who would have been wealthier as well as more useful, more respected and happier men this day, if they had abstracted ten hours per week from labor during all their adult life, and devoted those hours to read- ing and thought, in part with a view to improvement in their owa vocation, but in part also looking to higher and nobler ends than even this. Some men waste the better part of their lives in dis- sipation and idleness ; but this does not excuse in others the waste of time equally precious in mere animal effort to heap up goods and comforts which we must leave behind so soon and for ever. V. I read very few old books ; I can hardly find time to master the best new ones ; but I have no doubt that those who do read the very oldest treatises on Agriculture which have sur- vived the ravages of tii . will find Cato, or Seneca, or Columella, or whoever may be the author in hand, talking to the farmers of his day very much as our farmers are now generally talked to, and inculcating substantially the same truths : " Plow deeper, fer- tilize more thoroughly, cultivate less land, and cultivate it better ;" 20 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS such, I have no doubt, has been the burden of Agricultural admo- nition and exhortation from the days of Homer and Moses. It seems incredible to modern skepticism that millions of Hebrews could have for ages inhabited the narrow and rocky land of Judea ; and it would be hard to believe, if we were ignorant of the Agra- rian law of Moses, under which, as population increased, the ina- lienable patrimony of each family became smaller and smaller, and the cultivation of course better and better. Very few of us are at all aware of the average capacity of an arable acre, if sub- jected to thorough scientific culture. Many a family of four or five persons has derived a generous subsistence for year after year from a single acre. The story of a farmer who was com pelled to sell off half his little estate of eight or ten acres, and was most agreeably surprised by finding the reward of his labor quite as large when it was restricted to the remaining half as when it was bestowed on the whole, was very current in Roman literature two thousand years ago. Why it is that men persist in running over much land, instead of thoroughly cultivating a little, defying not only Science, but Experience, the wisdom of the fire- side as well as that of the laboratory, can only be accounted for by supposing that men have a natural passion for annexation, a pride in extended dominion, or else a natural repugnance to fol- lowing good advice. Surely, if Wisdom ever cried in the streets, she has been bawling herself hoarse these twenty-five centuries against the folly of maintaining fences and paying taxes on a hundred acres of land in order to grow a crop that might have been produced from ten. But the sinners against light and knowledge in our day have far less excuse than their remote ancestors, or even their own grandfathers. It was always well to urge deep plowing and the like ; but so long as the plow was but a forked log or stick, with one prong sharpened for a coulter, and the other employed as a beam, it was hardly possible to plow thoroughly. In our day, however, the advance from wooden plows through iron points nnd iron mold-boards, to iron plows, steel points, steel plows, and subsoil- ing, has been so signal and decisive that the shiftless creature who with his two lean ponies skims and skins over the fields he TEACH AS TO FAHMIXG. 21 ought either to cultivate or let alone ; scratching their surface mild- ly to a depth of three or four inches ; sins against such an array of light and knowledge that he is for less excusable than his ancestors who did not pretend to plow at all, but stuck in a seed here and there as they could easiest find a hole or make one, and trusted to Providence to give them an undeserved return for their spirits less and frivolous efforts. VI. The three main features of Agricultural advancement among the Anglo-Saxon race now-a-days are: 1. DEEP PLOWING, OR SUB-SOILING ; 2. DRAINING ; 3. IRRIGATION. I am quite aware that Draining should take juwih-iHv in the order of time, yet I believe, in point of fact, Deep Plowing has led to Draining, by demonstrating its necessity, and not Draining to Deep Plowing. \V ulViT immensely from drouth in this country. Probably the aggregate annual loss from drouth alone throughout the Union decidedly exceeds, taking one year with another, the entire cost of our Federal (jovorninent. Yet we know that the roots of most plants will descend to moisture, no matter how dry the sur- face, if the earth beneath them is porous, mellow and inviting. Hetuv wo reali/ethe immense importance of Deep Plowing ; and, after doubling our teams and sinking our deepest plows to the beam, we summon to our aid the Sub-Soil implement, and go down a depth beyond that of anv single furrow. But we soon find that the pulverization of the suit-soil, thus attained, has no permanent effect ; that the water that leaches down to it settles it into a compact, solid mass, which the roots cannot penetrate ; and all our sub-soiling needs to be done over again. The remedy that readily suggests itself is the freeing of the sub-soil from water by drains sunk below it, say three to six rods apart, and filled half way up with pebbles, with flat stones forming a sort of culvert, or, still better, laid with draining-tile or hollow brick, placed end to end, and forming a continuous channel from the highest part of any slope or grade to t'he brook which drains it. And now the sub-soil, supposing the drains well made and the drainage-way sufficient, is readily freed from any water settling into it, and long retains the porous and permeable character com- municated to it by deep plowing. 22 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS Of course, this does not exhaust the good effects of Draining. The sub-soil, thus loosened and freed from excessive moisture, becomes a source of food as well as drink to the plants growing above it ; for that it is capable 01 feeding plants, no one, who has observed the rank vegetation growing out of the earth thrown up by draining or digging, can doubt. Instead of being like a slough in wet weather and like a brick in dry, the sub-soil retains suffi- cient moisture to cheer the plants, but too little to indurate itself. And the mean temperature of the soil, hitherto lowered by the constant evaporation of the water contained in the sub-soil, is raised several degrees by the sun's rays, no longer counteracted by the evaporating process at least, not to any such extent as be- fore so that the plants grow more luxuriantly, mature more rapidly, and so are earlier out of danger from frost. And beside this, the constant passage of currents of air through that portion of the drain not occupied by water and each drain should have an opening at its head as well as at its mouth is an additional source of fertility through the chemical combinations it insures. It would be difficult to overstate the value, the importance, the profit of Draining. Many are accustomed to say, " This land needs no draining ;" meaning that it is not habitually too wet. But draining proves as useful, if it is not as imperatively necessary, on dry soil as on wet. On dry lands it is required that the sub-soil, once broken up and pulverized, shall not, by the settling of moisture therein during the wet season, be hardened and rendered impervious again ; these lands need to be rendered porous and penetrable by roots to a greater depth because of their dryness ; they need to be shielded from the pernicious effects of constant evaporation in cooling the soil, and thus retarding the growth of its plants. There is very much land not worth tilling ; but there is none that will justify tillage which would not reward Draining. Of Irrigation, we in this country know very little by experi- ence ; but we are destined soon to know more, and to be profited by our knowledge. True, there are lands that ma^ be readily drained and sub-soiled that cannot so readily be irrigated, owing TEACH AS TO FARMING. 23 to their elevation and a deficient supply of water. I apprehend, however, that these lands are not to be found in Indiana, nor in any other Prairie State, whose first peculiarities that strike a stranger are a superabundance of water in tin.- rainy season and a scarcity thereof in the dry. The time is at hand when you will here require extensive and powerful pumping apparatus, if only to raise water for your heavy stocks of cattle and convey it to the pastures wherein they will be confined ; and why not raise enough of the grateful fluid to refresh pastures and cattle alike ? But even though this assured and ample resource were non- existent, I maintain that water enough foils on your fields every year to keep them fresh and luxuriant through the summer, if it were saved and not wasted. But most of it falls during the seasons when least is wanted, and is suffered to run off to the rivers and the ocean, carrying very much of the best juices of the soil along with it, when it should be retained in ponds and voirs to be pumped into barn-yards or drawn oil' to irrigate the fields during the fervid heats of summer. The apparent difficulty of doing this would vanish and the presumed expense be materi- ally lessened on careful consideration. I know not that I have traversed any country with more lively interest than beautiful, bountiful, picturesque Lombardy. The dark pall of Austrian despotism enveloping it did not suffice to dim its natural loveliness and luxuriance, so greatly improved by the labor and genius of Man. It seems to have grown into its system of almost universal irrigation by imperceptible and un- marked degrees, and to be now producing double hur\ ests annually as the result of some fortuitous impulse rather than of foresight and deliberate calculation. The magnificent plain of Upper Italy, which has for so many centuries been the field of combat where Goth and Latin, Frank and Hun, Gaul and German, have struggled for the mastery of Europe, slopes almost imperceptibly from the Alps to the Po, and the impetuous torrents which tear the rocky sides of the snow-crowned precipices are arrested and chas- tened in the blue Lakes which lie at the foot of the mountains, smiling serenely out upon the plain. Thence the waters proceed 24 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS with a more gentle and measured cadence to the great River, and are drawn off and stayed from point to point to fill the irri- gating canals and insure a rich reward to the husbandman's labors. Let any stream from heavy rains become a raging, foaming, milky torrent, and its waters have a value which the pure element could not command, and are drawn off on every side until the canals and reservoirs are filled and all danger of inundation pre- cluded. Thus the waters are most valuable for irrigation just when they are most easily and abundantly obtainable for that purpose. The water which has irrigated one fertile garden or field, far from being exhausted, has been rendered more nourish- ing thereby, and may now be drawn off to fertilize the next field, lying an inch or so lower, and thence to the next, and so on to the river, enriching and gladdening all it touches on its way. Irrigation is the life-blood of Lombardy ; shall it be nothing, teach nothing, to us? If there be a country on earth which one would suppose irriga- tion unsuited to, Great Britain is that country. Her exceedingly moist, cool climate, coupled with her compact, clay subsoil (not universal, but very extensive) would seem to render a deficiency of moisture one of the very last evils to be apprehended or guarded against in her Agriculture. And yet her best farmers are now embarking rapidly and extensively in Irrigation, finding it prac- ticable and immensely profitable. Not here, as in Lombardy, is the natural flow of the streams, in their descent from the hills to the rivers, relied on ; but great pumps are employed, raising water by steam or other power from rivers, brooks and ponds, to a hight whence it is carried by gravitation through metallic and gutta-percha pipes to every point where it is needed. Mr. Mechi, the ex-London merchant, who retired from trade with a competency to earn another by scientific farming, takes the lead in this application, and his estimates of the increased productive- ness of lands by reason of irrigation and the profits thus secured would seem wild to any audience unfamiliar with the subject. I may state, however, that he fixes the expense of conveying his manures in liquid form from his yard to every portion of his es- tate as equivalent to one penny sterling or two cents per cartload TEACH AS TO FARMING. 25 that is to say, the fertilizing properties which were contained in a tun of muck or compost are now conveyed to the soil that requires them at the cost of one penny. That loading, teaming, unloading and spreading in the old way must have cost far nunv than this, you cannot doubt : beside, the fertilizing liquid, being entirely free from seeds or weedy germs of any kind, and in A condition to be readily and totally absorbed by plants, must he worth twice as much as if applied in the old way. Now consider that this load of manure has been conveyed through and applied with many tuns of water, just when the soil is most thirsty, and the plants most needy, and you can readily judge that the tun of manure dissolved in water and applied through irrigating pip --> at the cost of a penny, must be worth at least thriee as nun-h as the same tun applied in the crude, solid state, at a cost of not less than thrice that sum. But I must not dwell on details. You have the general idea, and can follow it out at your leisure into all its necessary results. VII. What the Sister Arts teach as to Agriculture may be fair- ly summed up in this proposition : THE WORKMAN SHOULD BE COMPLETELY MASTER OF HIS MATERIALS AND ins IMPLEMENTS. He should first thoroughly understand, in order that he may in the next plaee thoroughly control, the ele- ments from which he is to evolve value and sustenance. He who should undertake to build a ship, in ignorance of the relative tenacity and resistance to pressure of the various woods and metals, would rush into a pursuit for which he had no capacity; so would he who should undertake the running of a steam-engine in ignorance of the nature and power of steam. Yet the man who attempts to farm with an imperfect knowledge of the nature and properties of Soils in general, of the laws of Vegetation, the qualities and peculiarities of the particular soils whereof his farm is composed, and the cheapest means of renovating and increas- ing their fertility and productiveness, stands on the same plat- form with the ignorant shipwright or engineer, and braves like disasters, whereof the largest share will naturally fall to himself and his family. Agriculture is a pursuit so vast in its scope, so 2 26 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS various in its processes and objects, that it is difficult to lay down a general rule with regard to it that will admit of no exceptions ; yet I will venture to propound one, which is as follows : The cultivator whose farm is not more valuable and more productive as one result of each year's tillage, does not understand his vocation, and ought to learn it or quit it. Perhaps there is no single field of observation wherein the ex- tent and disastrous effects of ignorance among farmers are more strikingly exhibited than in that of Insect Life and Ravages. It has pleased the All- Wise to subject Agriculture to the chances and perils of Insect depredations, as well as to weeds, drouth, frost, inundation, and other evils. The end of all these is benefi- cence the evolution and discipline of Man's capacities through the necessary counteraction and combat. Plants and domestic animals rightfully look to their owner for efficient protection ; and he who allows his sheep to be killed by wolves, his fowls to be carried off by foxes, or his grain to be devoured by insects, is culpably faithless to his dependents and his duty. Yet how list- lessly, thoughtlessly, hopelessly, do we see farmers stand by while their crops are destroyed by worms, birds, or weevil, with- out seeming to know that they have anything to do in the prem- ises 1 No Turkish fatalism is blinder or blanker than theirs. It is hardly yet six weeks since I saw whole counties of my own State covered and devastated by grasshoppers, who stripped the dry uplands of every blade of grass, almost every green leaf, cutting the green oats from their stalks, the fruit from the trees, devouring corn in the ear, making the cleared land a desert, and pushing the cattle to the very verge of starvation. Yet there stood the farmers, gazing gloomily from day to day at the de- struction of their cherished hopes of a harvest and the utter deso- lation of the whole country, yet not one asking of another, " What shall we do to arrest this sweeping ravage ? How shall we most readily, cheaply and surely clear our lands of these vermin f I do not pretend to know what the proper remedy was or is ; but this I do know, that, had / been one of these farmers, I would have found a remedy or bankrupted myself in the search. I should have first interrogated the best authorities on Agriculture TEACH AS TO FARMING. 27 and Natural History, and, in case of finding no guidance there, I should have sowed one acre of my land bountifully with Salt ; the next with Plaster ; the next perhaps with Nitre ; a fourth with Potash ; and so on. using in all cases substances that I knew would be paid for by future harvests, unless I had reason to be- lieve something else would be more efficient. Thus, before one week had elapsed, I would have found some caustic that grass- hoppers could not abide ; and having found it, 1 would have ap- plied it until the last cormorant among them had been driven into the woods or turned over on his back. And this is the spirit in which every such invasion should be met and overcome. Had the farmers of any township promptly met, when the ravage first became serious, and agreed that one of them would try one possible antidote and another another, according as they happened respectively to have the material at command, and met again a few evenings later to compare notes on the results of their several experiments, they could not have failed to discover an efficient remedy within the first work. But they did nothing; and hence many of their farms are a desert, their Fall crops next to nothing, and half their cattle must be sold or killed for want of food. Our farmers generally think and work better out of their own vocation than in it. A distant and towering evil arouses their hostility and evokes their energy much more readily than one of a less imposing but more mischievous character which assails them in their homes. Let the word go forth, "An army of in- vaders have landed !" and tens of thousands snatch instinctively their muskets and take the road ; but here are armies all around them who are plundering them worse than any invaders would, yet hardly attract their notice. The Hessians who were hired to subjugate our fathers had no rest for their feet until the last of them was killed, captured or hunted home, more than seventy years ago; yet their attendant parasite, the Hessian Fly, has been plundering us ever since without resistance, and is now as formida- ble and destructive as ever. I cannot believe flies more difficult to conquer than men, if we would but fairly set about it. VII. And here let me retrace my steps to illustrate a point in 28 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS Industrial Economy which I have already incidentally touched, but have riot illustrated as its importance deserves, and as the prevailing misconceptions render necessary. I refer to The Pro- portion of Means to Ends, which the Artisan must always bear in mind, but which the Farmer seems too often to forget. No artifi- cer presumes that the labor and materials required for a fine table will suffice for a piano-forte ; nor that a steam-engine can be con- structed as cheaply as a churn. But the farmer, seeing trees and plants grow around him with weed-like facility and tenacity, often indolently imagines that any tree will grow so, and plants his rare and delicate fruit-trees, if he plants such at all, as if they were oaks or locusts. But Nature is inexorable in her require- ment that the labor and care essential to the production of a choice fruit or plant shall be proportionate to the value of the product. You may grow Pine on yellow sand or Hickory on blue clay ; but if you want choice Pears or Peaches you must devote much labor and expense to preparing and enriching the ground wherein your trees are to be set. Too many farmers, not heeding this law, or supposing that Nature may somehow be cir- cumvented, obtain worthless fruit or none at all, and so abandon the culture in disgust and despair. There is not now one grape-vine or fruit-tree, except of the coarsest and commonest kinds, where there should be twenty, taking one State with another ; and one consequence of this is an enormous and perilous consumption of flesh as food, to an extent unknown in other countries. We are nationally surfeited with pork and tainted with Scrofula, not because we are so fond of pork, but because, for an important portion of each year, the ma- jority of our population can get little beside. " The foolishness of preaching" will never suffice to correct this aberration ; for men who work must eat, though their food be not the best ; but give us an abundance of the choicest fruits and vegetables, with farmers who know how to grow them, and truly educated house- wives, who delight in preparing and serving them, and we shall enjoy health, elasticity and longevity to an extent now unknown. A flesh diet is the dearest, the least palatable and the least whole- some, and all that is needed to wean men from it is the presenta- TEACH AS TO FARMING. 29 tion of a better. To secure this, we need only farmers who will feel a just pride in having the finest orchards and gardens who will surround, not merely their own dwellings, but those of their tenants and helpers also, with choice trees ; and who will plant and keep planting until good fruit shall be so abundant that it can be no longer an object to steal it. But I detain you too long, though many suggestions crowd upon me which I would gladly develop, did time permit. I would like to illustrate that inspiring theme, THE HARMONY OF IXTKK- ESTS between Farmer and Manufacturer, \\liich renders each new factory or workshop established in an agricultural county or dis- trict a positive accession of wealth to every farmer who lives within the radius of its influence. You may readily perceive the addition of value given to each farm in Indiana by any canal or railroad which cheapens the cost of sending that farm's surplus produce to market that is, to producers of the wares you re- quire or the fabrics you consume; and how much greater must be the saving, the benefit, to Indiana, of bringing to her soil or near it, instead of tin- fabrics, their manufacturers, so as to render them perpetual and more extensive consumers of her produce, I need not surely insist on. But I pass over this and kindred topics, not as out of place but out of time, to dwell for a moment on the necessity that every where exists for increased facilities to Practical Education. I have been exhorting your young farmers to study and master the vocation to which their lives are to be devoted and that is right but what if they were to turn on me with the inquiry " Where shall we study ?" How shall I answer them if they ask, " How and where are we to learn how to analyze soils and make ourselves familiar with all the Science which lies at the base of Agriculture as well as Mechanics ]" I can only say to them, " We in New-York are determined, as soon as may be, to have a PEOPLE'S COLLEGE to teach these important, vital truths to all who seek them, and to enable them to pay their way by their labor while learning ; and we trust you in Indiana will speedily 30 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS follow if you do not precede us." That is the best that can be said to-day ; I trust ere long to be able to speak more to the pur- pose. I do not seek to disguise the magnitude and the difficulty of the work I contemplate that of revolutionizing our Agriculture, and making it the most elevated and ennobling, because the most intel- lectual, pursuit of man. I realize the mountains of Prejudice that are to be leveled, the Dead Seas of Ignorance that must be filled up, the constitutional immobility of Conservatism that must be overcome, before the end can be attained. But I see also how " the stars in their courses " fight in behalf of Progress and En- lightenment how immense has been the march of Intelligence as well as Invention and Physical Improvement in our age how the Steamboat, the Railroad, the Steam Press, the Ocean Steamship, the Electric Telegraph, are speeding us onward with a momentum the world has never before known and I hear a voice from all these and many a kindred impulse and influence, bidding Man the Cultivator advance boldly and confidently to take his proper post as lord of the animal kingdom and wielder of the elements for the satisfaction of his wants and the development of his immortal powers. I hear them calling him to vindicate the discernment or the prescience of those glorious old Greeks who gave our Earth in her young luxuriance the name of Kosmos or BEAUTY a name belied by our scarred and stumpy grain-fields, our seared and barren pastures, our bleak and arid deserts, our foul, malarious marshes ; but which Science shall yet justify and joyous Labor perpetuate. In spite of all distractions and impediments, " the world does move," and even the most sluggish and stubborn are carried along with it. Our Agriculture, as a whole, is more skillful and efficient than it was thirty or forty years ago ; and it is now improving in accelerated ratio. Even I, the descendant of a line of poor cultivators, stretching back, very likely, to him who through his own blindness and fatuity lost the situation of head-gardener in Eden even I feel the all-pervading impulse toward improvement and reform. I can never be a Scientific farm- er I am too old and too heavily laden with duties and cares for that but my son, if he lives, shall be. The little I can teach him TEACH AS TO FARMING. 31 shall at least inspire him with a craving for more, and set him on the right track to learn it. And thus tens of thousands are grow- ing up all around us children, perhaps, of ignorance and ineffi- ciency who shall be leaders and guides in the great work to which this Address is a feeble but earnest contribution. Hawthorne, in his " Three-Fold Destiny," tells the story of a young man who wandered all the world over in quest of three wonderful incidents, which, it had been predicted, should occur lo him ; and returned disappointed and spirit-broken to find them all under the shadow of his paternal roof. I perceive in this tale, as in every work of true genius, some reflection of a universal fact; an appeal to the general experience and the heart of Hu- manity. How many have chased deluding phantoms through the fervid noontide of life, only to find, as evening shadows drew around them, that Ambition had no goal, Achievement no triumph, to equal the calm, perennial joys of a humble rural home ! I commend the moral of Hawthorne's story to our young men, who are from year to year setting forth so bravely to wrench fortune from the golden sands of California, or win her among the young cities that, emulating the growth of Jonah's gourd, are beginning to dot the American shores of the great Pacific. Far be it from me to insinuate that their venture is a wild one, and their hopes necessarily doomed to ultimely blight. I have faith in American energy ; still more in sturdy, persistent, intelligent Industry ; and I feel sure that a clime so genial, a country so diversified in its natural features, a soil so deep and virgin, as those of California, must proffer many inducements to the hardy, resolute pioneer, even though that soil be here and there sprin- kled with gold. Such an enterprise as the peopling and settling of a country so new and so remote from prior civilization, will, of course, demand its martyrs : in its prosecution thousands will die, and tens of thousands fail ; but the enterprise itself will neither die nor fail ; and many of those who fitly embark in it will achieve, at last, success and competence. What I would say is addressed rather to the tens of thousands whom filial or parental ties retain among us, while they impatiently champ the bit and 32 WHAT THE SISTER ARTS say, " Why am not /, too, at liberty to cross the Rocky Moun- tains and gather my share of the golden harvest f To these I would earnestly say, " Believe not, repining friends ! that Cali- fornia and fortune are inseparable, nor forget that there were broad avenues to success and competence before Fremont un- furled his Bear standard in the valley of the Sacramento." Nay : be assured that, right here in Indiana, are ample placers for all who will resolutely and wisely work them placers, whereof the yield may be less per pan or day than that of some of the richest " gulches" on the Feather or the Yuba ; but then it is certain, inexhaustible, and sure to prove more and more abundant with each returning season. The deeper these mines are worked, the more ample is the return ; they require no outlay of skill or labor in " prospecting ;" for every arable rood will reward the digger's efforts, and from the Ohio to the Missouri he will find hardly any other than " pay-dirt." As for me, long-tossed on the stormiest waves of doubtful con flict and arduous endeavor, I have begun to feel, since the shades of forty years fell upon me, the weary, tempest-driven voyager's longing for land, the wanderer's yearning for the hamlet where in childhood he nestled by his mother's knee, and was soothed to sleep on her breast. The sober down-hill of life dispels many illusions while it developes or strengthens within us the attach- ment, perhaps long smothered or overlaid, for " that dear hut, our home." And so I, in the sober afternoon of life, when its sun, if not high, is still warm, have bought me a few acres of land in the broad, still country, and, bearing thither my household trea- sures, have resolved to steal from the City's labors and anxieties at least one day in each week, wherein to revive as a farmer the memories of my childhood's humble home. And already I real- ize that the experiment cannot cost so much as it is worth. Already I find in that day's quiet an antidote and a solace for the feverish, festering cares of the weeks which environ it. Al- ready my brook murmurs a soothing even-song to my burning, throbbing brain ; and my trees, gently stirred by the fresh breezes, whisper to my spirit something of their own quiet strength and patient trust in God. And thus do I faintly realize, though but TEACH AS TO FARMING. 33 for a brief and flitting day, the serene joy which shall irradiate the Farmer's vocation, when a fuller and truer Education shall have refined and chastened his animal cravings, and when Science shall have endowed him with her treasures, redeeming Labor from drudgery while quadrupling its efficiency, and crowning with beauty and plenty our bounteous, beneficent Earth. 14 jJAl \. _>.^ RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. Fo\v~ Professic mkiiKftlfl 'TQJUn J9 1 ** Hf nd ^ate These . fng- COMML SUBSCRIP IN STACKS and JUN 15 1959 1 ism, Agric which ar= REC'D LD AHC :;; Quarto for TiiKV ML 1 iBBd REC,CIR, DEC 23 '75 rk> devoted U Numerous familiar It vith ic :i complete I ftlit,-.! by 1 high rank in 7 ^OCT 191986 I, ing n* the R|> abundance o! 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