ft: S ^ *'> t^ zX- lYYiiiiH 'ION ACT, 1902, ; H E M E iNSTITUTION N COMMn I t~- LIVKilFOOL; Vi', 10 3. CITY OF LIVERPOOL, EDUCATION ACT, 1902. SCHEME FOR THK CONSTITUTION EDUCATION COMMITTEE. LIVERPOOL : C. TiNLING AND Co., PRINTING CONTRACTORS. 53, VICTORIA StREKT. 1903 L5 ftS • • » k • CITY OF LIVERPOOL. EDUCATION ACT, 1902. SCHEME OF THE Council of the City of Liverpool for the constitution of an Education Committee under the provisions of the Education Act, 1902. 1. Tlie Committee shall be a Committee of the City Council of Liverpool, and shall be called " The Education Committee." 2. The Education Committee (hereinafter called "The Committee") shall consist of 52 members, and shall be constituted as follows : — 34 members shall be appointed by the City Council from amongst the Members of that body, and 18 members, at least three of whom shall be women, shall be appointed by the City Council as hereinafter provided. The Committee shall include, in addition to persons experienced in Technical and Elementary Education and persons acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of Schools in the City, persons directly engaged in and representative of the commerce, trade, industries and professions of the City. 3. Tlie following bodies sliall liave tlie right to recommend persons as Members of tbe Committee, viz. : — Number to be Recommended. The Council of University College, Liver- pool, or of the University of Liverpool The Liverpool United Trades and Labour Council ... Associations representing the different kinds of Voluntary Schools, that is to say : — {a) An Association recognised by the Council for the purpose comprising the Church of England Elementary Schools within the City of Liverpool 2 (h) An Association recognised by the Council for the purpose comprising the Eoman Cath- olic Schools within the City of Liverpool ... ... ... 1 (c) Associations recognised by the Council for the purpose repre- senting Wesleyan and other Voluntary Schools within the City of Liverpool not herein- before provided for ... ... 1 The Governing Bodies of the different kinds of Public Secondary Schools ... Liverpool and District Teachers' Association of tbe National Union of Teachers ... The Liverpool School Board in the case of the first Committee, For subsequent Committees such members shall be appointed by the City Council The City Council shall also appoint from amongst persons experienced in Tech- nical and Elementary Education and persons acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of Schools in the City one of whom shall lie a woman. one of whom shall be a woman. at least one of whom shall be a woman. 18 4. The Recommendations shall be submitted to the City Council within a period to be fixed by them, and the City Council may reject any Recommendation, and require another Recommendation to be submitted to them within a further period to be fixed by them. If a Recommendation is not submitted to the Council within the time fixed by the Council, or if after the Council have rejected a Recom- mendation, another Recommendation, satisfactory to the Council, is not submitted by the body entitled to make such Recommendation within the time fixed by the Council for so doing, the Council may themselves fill up the vacancy on the Committee. Provided never- theless that in filling up such a vacancy the Council shall have regard as far as may be practicable to the character of the interests represented by the body entitled to make such recommendation. 5. The persons to be recommended as members of the Committee by Associations representing the different kinds of schools in the City of Liverpool and by the governing bodies of the dift'erent kinds of public secondary schools in the City of Liverpool, shall be elected in accordance with regulations to be from time to time framed by the City Council for the purpose. Members of the Council shall be eligible to serve as recommended members of the Committee. 6. In the event of any of the recommending bodies ceasing to exist the City Council shall substitute such other body as in their opinion is of the same character or represents the same interests as the body which shall cease to exist. 7. The first appointment of the Education Committee shall be made at a Meeting of the City Council, to be held within one month after the approval of this Scheme by the Board of Education. 8. The Members of the Committee shall be appointed at the Meeting of the City Council to be held on the 9th day of November in every year and shall hold ofiice for one year; provided, neverthe- less, that members of the first Committee shall hold office up to tKe 9tli day of November, 1904, and tlie next appointment of tlie Committee after tlie first appointment sliall be made on the 9th day of November, 1904. 9. In the event of any Member of the Committee who shall be appointed by the City Council from amongst the Members of that Body ceasing to be a Member of the City Council, he shall cease to be a Member of the Committee. 10. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Committee, the Committee shall report such vacancy to the next Meeting of the City Council, who shall thereupon fill up the vacancy : provided neverthe- less that if such vacancy shall be caused by the death, resignation or disqualification of any Member of the Committee who shall have been appointed by the City Council on the recommendation of any of the bodies mentioned in Clause 3 of this Scheme, such body shall be requested to recommend another person as a Member of the Com- mittee, and the provisions of Clause 4 of this Scheme shall thereupon apply to such recommendation. Approved on behalf of the /^TT^ Board of Education. V3^ JOHN E. DASENT. An Assistant Secretary, 24th March, 1903. Municipal Buildings, Liverpool, 16th February, 1903 697592 /^^j^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY 5 > ^ ~^M >. ,A -■"■'^ <^'