GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAE CATALOGUE OF 6892 STAES FOE 1890. Appendix II. to Greenwich Observations, 1898. O [ 35 GIFT OF ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OP TIE PACIFIC MEAN CORRECTIONS TO THE RIGHT ASCENSIONS OF THE CLOCK STARS, from 12-hour Groups of the 1860, 1864, 1872, 1880, and 1890 Catalogues. (The Curvet for 1860 and 1864 are derived from a Comparison with the u-hour Groups of the 187* Catalogue.) 3 h 4 h v c.vs - .', 1 86 t. +-OJ OIO V / s ^ \ / oio 01$ N, / >^ \ / / "'S *MO \ / / 'OIO "0*5 \ z 0*5 *O30 oio '035 V j 035 040 '040 04.5 1 86 4. '025 - "f"oa5 t N \ / ^ T" \ 'OI< oij \ / /" *O1O \ * z "*" 'oo< 005 \ \ * / 'ooo \ Jl ^- ' K^ y [O '. f \! / /~\ ^ x^ 2 "~ '5 'OIO N s / v^ t,Y oio *OI< ~> r f~- f oij 'OIO \ / oio 015 -^~ 025 *0}0 ojo 035 '040 ft 1X7 j. "*" '015 T OI 3 -*N ^: 'OIO \ ^*- + - OOJ + 005 \ \ r ^w. .^^ / / ooo ooo \ Is* l ^ -005 005 ~J~ --. N, / 'OIO -015 '015 1 188 0. i ~*~ ''S f -015 " OIO oio - / '^~ -\ + .005 -f -OOJ \ * ^^ f / . X ooo ooo ^ -^~ - .^- > * ,^- s - ^"^ -005 005 '01 O oio ~~ ' OI S 015 * 18 9 0. ~^~ '005 005 ^ * - r~ - * - ~-^ ooo ooo r "^3- u _^^ ^*- * - - -^i >s ^*' *oo$ 00$ u/nf Jt r.rah;trn; |t.d I itho Lonrior. SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF 6892 STARS FOR THE EPOCH 1890-0, FROM OBSERVATIONS WITH THE TEANSIT-CIECLE MADE AT THE ~" ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF WILLIAM HENRY MAHONEY CHRISTIE, C.B., M.A., F.R.S., ASTRONOMER ROYAL. (Forming Appendix II. to the Volume of Greenwich Observations for the Year 1898.) EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOE HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY NEILL & Co., LIMITED, BELLEVUE. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from JOHN MENZIES & CO., 39-47 ROSE STREET, EDINBURGH, and 90 WEST NILE STREET, GLASGOW; or EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.G.; and 32 ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. ; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO., LIMITED, 104 GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1900. Price Six Shillings and Sixpence, . tr? ASTRONOMY INTRODUCTION TO THE GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF 6892 STARS, FOR THE EPOCH 1890-0. THE results contained in the following Catalogue are derived from observations made with the Transit-Circle in the years 1887 to 1896. The year 1890 has been adopted for the epoch as being near the mean year of the observations, and more convenient for reduction to other epochs than the actual mean year. The stars contained in the Catalogue may be classified as follows : (i.) Fundamental Stars. These include Greenwich Clock Stars, 9 Azimuth stars, and the stars in the Nautical Almanac and other Ephemerides. Altogether, 843 stars of Professor Newcomb's Catalogue of Fundamental Stars for 1875 and 1900 are contained in the present Catalogue. These stars have been generally well observed, especially those of the Greenwich Clock Star list, of which the number of observations is usually 50 or more. (ii.) Stars contained in Groombridge's Circumpolar Catalogue, 1810. Of the 4243 stars in Groombridge's Catalogue, 3645 are contained in this Catalogue, and the remainder, with-few exceptions, have been observed in the preceding Ten-Year or Nine- Year Catalogues. (iii.) About 1500 stars, brighter than the 7th magnitude, and beyond the limits of N.P.D. of Groombridge's Catalogue. These include Zodiacal stars, Southern stars observed for refraction, and stars used for determination of zenith point. With these may be included 340 Piazzi stars. (iv.) About 700 or 800 stars, mostly faint. The positions of these stars were required as guiding stars for the Astrographic Equatorial, comparison stars for Comets, or stars which had been occulted by the Moon. The total number of Bradley stars observed is 1817, of which number 466 are also Groombridge stars. 701273 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE or STARS FOR 1890. Attention is drawn in this Introduction to various observations made chief}} 7 during the years 1887 to 1896, with the view of investigating the peculiarities of the instrument ; and the results are collected as showing to what extent the Catalogue is free from, and to what extent it may be liable to, systematic errors. I. RIGHT ASCENSIONS. Collimation Error. The position of the line of collimation is determined each day by observations on the collimators, the reading of the micrometer of the north collimator for coincidence of its nearly vertical wire with that of the south collimator being obtained by observations made through the central cube of the transit-circle. The mean of the observations is taken for each week, and a correction of + r- 008 ( = 0"'30), determined from observations made in the years 1871 to 1880, has been applied in forming the adopted reading of the line of collimation on account of the difference of the readings for coincidence of the collimators, according as they are viewed through the central cube or with the instrument raised. The readings for coincidence of the collimators are given in the Greenwich Obser- vations in the section " Transits." Once each week these observations are made both through the central cube and with the instrument raised, the latter being marked with the letter R. The differences between these nearly simultaneous readings for coinci- dence, as obtained by all the observations of each observer, give the following corrections to the collimation error derived from observations through the central cube for each of the years 1887 to 1896: Excess of Collimation Error ivhen the observation for coincidence of collimators is made with the instrument raised, over that obtained when the observation is made through the central cube. Observer AD. T. L. H. AC. B. TH. CD. WB. Mean. 1887 + ' : 4 8 + ' : 59 + "86 + "6 1 " // " It + '62 1888 45 42 51 -56 50 1889 50 77 62 '53 61 1890 '34 59 50 76 63 1891 + -24 + 79 '45 '53 ' + '62 53 i8 9 z + "53 '44 '47 + -27 + -38 '39 i893 22 47 27 + -36 33 1894 28 75 25 '4 1 1895 '33 '44 44 40 1896 + -41 + -36 + -38 + '39 + '3' + '30 INTRODUCTION. LIBRARY OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OK P AC FIG 5 The mean of these corrections is + 0" - 47, while the correction (derived from observations 1871 to 1880) which has been applied is + 0"'30. The effect of this erroneous collimation on the right ascensions is very small and equals N P D s> 011 (l tan ' 2 ' '). (See discussions by Professor Turner in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vols. xlvi. and lii.) In order to eliminate personality depending on the direction of measurement, a reversion prism, eye-piece has been frequently used in determining the readings for collimation, three bisections being taken with the direction of increasing readings apparently towards the right (r), and three towards the left (1). The following table gives the excess of the readings r over the readings 1. Observer HT. AD. T. L. H. AC. B. , No. r ~ l 01*. , No. . No. Obs. r ~ Obs. r-l No ' Obs. , No. r ~ l Obs. , No. r ~ l Obs. r I No ' Obs. i ,, " '/ lf // n 1887 -27 12 + 10 65 '4-1 48 -io 53 oo 68 1 988 -27 8 + 31 61 --43 57 02 40 + 31 63 1889 + 07 3 + 24 42 +-02 36 oo 50 + '63 57 1890 + '39 I2 + 12 59 +-05 44 02 50 + 77 60 1891 + 'H 4 + -O2 19 '02 27 'o 33 +70 38 + -05 2.8 1892 oo 42 02 II - '44 5* + 10 45 1893 -90 4 + 'I 5 80 -i'57 9 -68 68 1894 15 2O -68 20 +48 4 1895 + 17 127 -i'33 H9 + 05 133 1896 + 34 81 1-50 114 -29 125 There does" not appear to be any marked personality in any of the observers except in the case of AC. The initials HT, AD, T, L, H, AC, B, TH, CD, WB are those of Mr Turner, Mr Downing, Mr Thackeray, Mr Lewis, Mr Hollis, Mr Crommelin, Mr Bryant, Mr Hudson, Mr Davidson, and Mr Bowyer. Level Error. The error of level has been determined by observations on the nadir, using the value of the collimation reading adopted for each week. The observed and adopted values are given in the Greenwich Observations. The apparent correction to the adopted level errors derived from reflexion observations of right ascension are collected for each year in the "Transit-Circle tables" in the Greenwich Observations. These corrections for the ten years 1887 to 1896 are : 6 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. North Stars. 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 Mean u Weight. 0-18 36 -0-55 2 + 0-15 IO + 0-09 7 6 +0-61 12 + 0-27 4' +0-03 42 +0-31 99 + 0-24 171 + 0-38 '34 + O-22 South Stars. Weight. +0-44 '59 0'2O 38 O-I4 18 + O'2I 3i + 0-12 25 + O-I2 IOO + '4 1 60 + O-O2 241 0-03 1 S 1 261 Mean +0-0$ The cause of these small discordances has not been investigated. They may be partly due to pivot error. The apparent errors of the pivots given in the annual volumes, taken over the mean range of Z.D. in which reflexion observations are made, would give corrections to the level of + 0"'12 for north stars, and +0"'03 for south stars. Diurnal Variations of the Level Error. Observations taken in the years 1895 to 1899 show a diurnal change in the level error, the level error within three hours of noon or midnight being greater than that determined about 6 p.m. The following tables, derived from observations on all days on which three or more determinations of level were made, have been found by grouping the observations made between 21 h and 3 h , and 9 h and 15 h , and exhibit the apparent corrections to level about the time of sunset. (See Monthly Notices, R. A. S., vol. lix. pp. 351-353.) Corrections to the values of the Level Error found about 6 p.m., deduced from the observations made about Noon. 21 h to 3 h . Month. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Means. t January '22 -15 + "ll -04 T n -05 February . + ''3 , . 22 4 + "34 I + -08 : + -18 March ^ 4~ '3 + '3' + '27 + -21 April . - ;ss g + -28 ! 21 ^ 14 + '3 May . i IO *T" *2Q + -3 '; + '54 , 9 , + -38 June . 8 + '34 'I + '33 + -58 + "47 July . + ;>3 7 + -38 l l + -06 ' + "49 + '49 + -32 August + -36 ,; + '3 2 ' 4 + '7 . + '33 + -26 September . [ 2 _L f\ *~ A + -22 ' 4 + '7 1 + -28 + -40 October + '13" + -18 ' + '26 " + '12 " + '3 *' + -21 November . - -06 9 + -14 9 + -,6'J .+ '3 2 ' + '13 ' 5 3 ~f~ * I I December . + -**l 7 + -' 8 I + -13 Means + ''3^ + -31 + -20 + '33 + -29 + -26 54 79 114 103 139 INTRODUCTION. Corrections to the values of the Level Error found about 6 p.m., deduced from the observations made about Midnight. 9 h to 15 h . Month. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Means. // // ;/ // H January oo - >2 3 + '-20 + ' 25 .0 + -12 February + -16* + -28 + -I 9 J - '' 7 1 + -03 March + -23 I - -06 4 + -3i + -H + -13 April + -38 + - I6 !o + '" , + '*' + 'I* May . + "37 o + -io + '" + ' 27 M + -20 June . + ''9, + "37 ' + - 3 6 + -H : + -3 July . + -'7 . + ' 6 s + " .! + -4 ; 1 1 + '9 ,, + -II August September + ''5, + ''5 + -26 8 10 + -29 + -06 M + -I6" + -12 + -39 ;: + -41 5 + -7 \l + -20 + -27 October f -20" + -20 6 IO + -31 . + -15 + -16 ' + -21 November - -9 I + -15! + "37 ' II + -20 + -13 ' + 'I! December + -39 9 6 7 -04 ; + , 4 ^ + "'9 \ + "I? Means + '% + ^ + ^.M + '^.03 + - I8 .39 + ''9 Azimuth Error. The stars Polaris, S Ursae Minoris, Cephei 51, and X Ursse Minoris were used for determination of azimuth error. The observations of these four stars were only kept for place when the azimuth error was determined by consecutive transits of one of the stars at upper and lower culmination. As consecutive transits of Polaris at upper and lower culmination are observed much more frequently than those of the other polars, the right ascensions of these stars depend essentially on double transits of Polaris. This absolute method of determining the azimuth error assumes the stability of the instrument for 12 hours; but the diurnal change in the level error (p. 6) and the discordances between the right ascensions of the close polars, determined from observa- tions at upper and lower culmination respectively, exhibited in the following table, indicate that there is a diurnal variation in the position of the pole of the instrument. GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Discordances in Right Ascensions of Close Circumpolar Stars, from Observations above and below Pole respectively, 1887-1896. Polaris. Cephei 5 1 . Groombridge 1119. Year. Excess of R.A. above Pole. No. of Obs. Excess of K.A. above Pole. No. of Obs. Excess of R.A. above Pole. No. of Obs. g 1 < o IB CO t o pB 4 28 1890 0-084 5 1 5i + 0-830 8 9 + 0-094 16 43 1891 -0-059 34 32 ... 0-580 '9 24 1892 + 0-307 68 7i O-122 6 10 + 1736 24 30 1893 0-130 1 16 i'3 + 0-570 29 29 + 1763 i? 33 1894 + 0-097 98 82 + 0-575 3i 29 -1-999 23 9 1895 + 0-018 IO2 108 + 0-438 28 32 +0-395 30 49 1896 + 0-307 9 2 98 + 0-298 19 38 + ''543 16 25 Mean + 0-087 7 05 695 + 0-503 131 184 + 0-691 '59 251 Bradley 1672. Groombridge 2283. 8 Ursse Minorie. 8 S 8 1887 ... . . . + 0-816 17 4 1888 * * . . +0-283 15 4 1889 + 0-66.2 ' 21 1 1 + I-346 '9 '3 + 0-276 16 4 1890 + 1-231 i 17 12 0-219 15 8 + 0-206 7 7 1891 + 1-781 9 9 + J'i55 16 9 -0-776 3 1 1 1892 +0-894 27 16 -0-544 28 12 +0-287 16 6 1893 +r6jl 3i 12 + 0-424 15 5 +0-377 38 34 1894 + o'5'54 15 7 0-019 13 15 +0-727 3' 34 1895 + 0730 IS 29 + 0-180 13 21 +0-527 49 28 1896 + 0-466 24 ii 0-068 22 6 +0-305 4' 22 Mean + 1-125 "59 107 + 0-182 141 89 +0-491 233 '54 X Ursse Minoris. Groombridge 3548. Bradley 3147. a 8 1887 + 1-963 13 2 ... 1888 +4-023 16 2 1889 -0-268 19 3 + 1-947 20 i + 0-547 13 2O 1890 + 1-914 12 8 + 0-894 5 6 + 1-028 H 7 1891 + 2-683 4 3 0-141 13 8 1892 + 2-173 8 + 1 "5 4 1 9 i + 0-267 18 20 1893 +2-733 37 23 + 1-423 13 5 + .1-016 12 22 1894 + 2-494 24 22 + 1-769 8 10 + 0-581 13 '4 1895 + 1-591 38 18 0-320 27 9 + 0-177 30 10 1896 + 0-372 32 IS -0-079 13 10 +OM55 13 16 Mean + 1-988 209 IO4 + 0-393 95 42 + 0-335 '126 117 The observations of Groombridge 1119, Bradley 1672, Groombridge 2283, Groombridge 3548, Bradley 3147 are not necessarily derived from double transits of polar stars. When the observations are divided into months, and grouped according to the time of day at which they were taken, and the differences from the mean assumed to be due to a change of the pole of the instrument in azimuth, the following table is obtained. In the case of Polaris the observations used extend from 1851 to 1893. INTRODUCTION. ft, . t/j -S 00 S I 1 * I f 6 ^ ^ ^ ^ 8 3* 8 rO 1 ^ 1 SQ - ^ ll ^ cs ^* ^ -I ^1 g^ Is tq J s S "-O ^^ Q co o s s Q 3 9 & ^*. ca w ^ 10 ?'J t^ ^ O 1 A, i- " r, **i . s ft, c^ <4 ^ =C ES ^ se -sl 5- ^ fl N Z ? M ^ *^ d * " fr< O* -*a* O O fi N A *+ & 5 <5 5 b '+ *+ 8 M 1 ^^ G\ " ON O o "? if g ^ ** o N 'f ~O S - o S " O CO "* O O + ^ + ^ + ^ + + CTv Tj- m ^- * -* o s, ? N o "* bb c> O o 2i ~b ^i O O 1 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 1 f N 2 s * os 9 a N <3 + N-I -; ON o o Ei f-M f*^- J? HD 5 Q =b O* o "3 5 b '0 ' 1 " 1 "" 1 "" 1 1 OO 8 oo , ^ ci !T T' N ^ U"l O O a s * ^ "" O co -b ^ " o ^ o 1 1 " + 1 1 OO w> t* >0 ^-x rl ^-*v ^-v X! ^ M a. O ^ 5 tsb i * c ' ? ^ " o 2- " b ^ " O W o o + + 1 1 + 4f o - " .C 2 N g, w>" J^> CO a "^ w ^ 'f S 'o. n, *- t2- 5 b_ ; b ^ - sp ***" "** Wl O I-" ON u* !g <1 ; b 1-5 -0 P J b -6 + ^ 1 1 "^ + + N ~ 0> ", a as NO N "3 03 f^ > ~f O N o N * O >-5 'b f&l " Q [^ " b 5 O + ^ + ^^ + ^^ + + O 1 -v ^ ON CO 00 co 06 ^ CO CC ll'f^ X I m 1 _. >PH 1 03 fli ^H I 1 3 (Jf -3 ^T ||-S.g TO OS ^ i' S -g^oo a a P H -C- 6O ^ Cj -^-^ 5 ^O ^ 2 i p-l I CD ^ a '. i 4 g s + GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. 10 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Clock Error, The right ascensions of the clock stars adopted each year are given in the Introductions to the Greenwich Observations. For the years 1887 and 1888, the right ascensions of the clock stars depend on the Standard Right Ascensions of the 1872 Catalogue, for the years 1889 to 1B92, on the Standard Right Ascensions of the 1880 Catalogue, and for the years 1893 to 1896, on the right ascensions of tie 1890 Five- Year Catalogue, using Struve-Peters' value of the constant of precession, and the Auwers'-Bradley proper motions. Equinox Correction. From the discussions of the position of the ecliptic in the Greenwich Observations, it appears that the right ascensions of the Clock Stars in the ten years 1887 to 1896 require the following corrections : s 1887 0-046 1888 +0-072 1889 +0-024 1890 +0-093 1891 +0-088 1892 +0-040 1893 +0-090 1894 +0-042 1895 +0-027 1896 +0-040 The mean of these is + 8> 047, but no correction has been applied, as the uncertainty of the system of proper motions based on Bradley's equinox, and of the observations of the Sun due to the personality of the observers, leaves the determina- tion of the equinox somewhat arbitrary. The equinox of this Catalogue, therefore, is that of the 1872 Catalogue carried on by the use of Struve-Peters' precessions and Auwers'-Bradley proper motions. As in the Nine-Year Catalogue (1872), and the Ten-Year Catalogue (1880), a separate determination of the right ascensions of the clock stars has been made, in which only those observations are included where the group of clock stars extended over 12 hours at least. The total number of observations of clock stars (from Six-Hour groups) is 12,599, and of this number 6128 are derived from Twelve-Hour groups. From these data corrections have been determined to reduce the right ascensions of the Catalogue to those of the Twelve-Hour groups taken as standard. The following table exhibits the excess of the R.A. from the Twelve-Hour groups above that of the Catalogue for each star, together with the number of observations. The weights are computed from the formula ^T^> where m and n are the numbers of observations in the Twelve-Hour groups and in the Catalogue respectively. INTRODUCTION. Corrections to the Right Ascensions of Clock Stars in the Second Ten- Year Catalogue to reduce them to the Standard Right Ascensions from Twelve-Hour Groups, 1887 to 1896. Star's Name. Excess of 12-hour Groups. No. of Obs. j 1 Star's N"ame. .Excess of 12-hour Groups. No. of Obsi -w 6C '3 G^;>^ 112-hour Groups. 10 Year a Amlromedse s -005 77 i 49 i Aurigpe 'OO2 36 *7 25 y Pegasi + 014 33 70 22 i Leporis -014 15 28 IO i Ceti . + -005 IO 24 7 /? Orionis 'OOI 53 97 34 44 Piscram + -009 12 25 8 /? Tauri + -ooi 64 123 42 12 Ceti . 'OO2 34 63 22 8 Orionis + -OI2 39 77 26 e Andromedae + -ooi '3 4' IO a Leporis 019 10 23 7 /3Ceti . -017 22 54 I 6 Orionis -ooi 45 79 2 9 8 Pischnn + 013 '9 54 H a Columbae . -054 5 rc 3 20 Ceti . ooo 2O 13 K Orionis + 005 16 46 12 /x Andromedae + -OI I I I 32 8 a Orionis ooo 77 141 50 e Piscium + 'OO2 23 56 16 1 Geminorum + 005 7 22 5 /3 Andromedae + -ooi 106 182 67 v Orionis on 15 43 n ' Piscium -007 '9 47 q Geminorum + 006 16 *1 ro Ceti . -003 25 42 16 /x Geminorum -004 34 81 24 t; Piscium + -ooi 29 73 21 /J Canis Majoris -on 17 37 12 v Piscium -005 42 96 2 9 v Geminorum -003 15 47 , 1 I o Piscium + 005 4i 76 27 y Geminorum . + 004 46 roo 32 /3 Arietis ' +-005 49 89 32 Geminorum -008 22 52 15 a Arietis + 003 72 133 47 Canis Majoris . 'OO2 7 , 4 f Ceti . + -006 16 30 IO Canis Majoris ooo 16 24 IO 67 Ceti . -017 17 30 n t, Geminorum + 005 38 70 2 5 | 2 Ceti . + -ooi 35 58 22 y Canis Majoris -009 16 34 n v Ceti . -oio 10 24 7 51 Geminorum -016 14 3 2 10 8 Ceti . -007 22 40 H 8 Geminorum + -004 32 64 21 y- Ceti . + 005 25 4 15 /? Canis Minoris + 002 21 47 14 o- Arietis ooo 13 25 9 a Geminorum . boo 7 1 '3 1 46 E Arietis + 008 25 44 16 a Canis Minoris . ooo 99 164 62 a Ceti . '007 38 62 24 /? Geminorum -016 99 175 63 8 Arietis + 017 25 50 17 Argus -004 26 9 r 1 Arietis + 015 8 21 6 6 Cancri -on 20 55 15 o Tauri 'OOI 9 24 7 p Argils + 003 16 27 10 / Tauri -016 1 1 30 8 /3 Cancri -004 24 67 18 Eridani -019 4 26 9 d l Cancri -on 5 24 4 11 Tauri -026 10 2O 7 rj Cancri + 003 '3 39 IO 8 Eridani -004 16 24 10 y Cancri -015 15 4 1 n i] Tauri -006 36 66 23 E Hydros + 'OI2 27 56 18 y 1 Eridani -013 18 44 13 a Cancri -on 1 9 59 4 A 1 Tauri + 015 17 45 12 K Cancri -002 15 45 ii oj 1 Tauri -009 '3 25 9 83 Cancri -005 '9 39 13 o 1 Eridani -035 IO 26 7 a Hydrse -007 31 69 21 y Tauri + 015 28 54 18 f Leonis + 017 6 23 5 e Tauri + 016 24 52 16 o Leonis + 005 24 59 17 a Tauri ooi 83 '49 53 Leonis -013 44 89 3 T Tauri -017 15 39 n /x Leonis -003 28 61 19 /j. Eridani + -OO2 '4 26 9 TT Leonis -003 19 44 13 12 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Corrections to the Right Ascensions of Clock Stars in the Second Ten-Year Catalogue to reduce them to the Standard Right Ascensions from Twelve-Hour Groups, 1887 to 1896 cont. Star's Name. Excess of 12-hour Groups. No. of Obs. ^_a pfl g ec "3 * Star's Name. Excess of 12-hour Groups. No. of Obs. } B 12-hour Groups. 10 Year. 12-hour Groups. 10 Year. 8 s a Leonis 008 77 H5 5 e Serpentis . + 004 15 35 1 1 y 1 Leonis + 012 5 105 34 y Serpentis . -OI I 16 43 12 /* Hydras Oil 10 9 7 ft 1 Scorpii + 005 13 39 10 p Leonis + -OO2 20 45 H S Ophiuchi . + '01 I 33 5 20 34 Sextan tis . -013 7 34 6 y Herculis . + 003 38 63 2 4 I Leonis -014 ii 43 9 a Scorpii + 007 22 47 15 d Leonis -005 10 35 8 A. Ophiuchi . + 013 18 39 12 X Leonis -017 16 47 12 f Ophiuchi . + -006 23 4i '5 8 Leonis + -OO2 39 90 27 Herculis + 005 58 108 38 8 Crateris "OO3 12 50 IO K Ophiuchi . 'OO2 42 77 27 r Leonis 'Gig 15 43 II e Herculis -003 44 69 27 v Leonis -018 12 34 9 17 Ophiuchi . 008 4i 75 26 ft Leonis + -002 61 126 4 1 a 1 Herculis + 009 36 69 23 ft Virginis + 018 28 66 20 6 Ophiuchi . + -OO2 20 34 13 TT Virginis -004 16 55 12 a- Ophiuchi . + -OI2 '9 40 13 o Virginis ooo 25 69 18 a Ophiuchi . + 005 68 128 44 c Corvi 003 12 3i 9 ft Ophiuchi . -003 57 IOI 36 r; Virginis + 013 12 32 9 fj. Herculis . -OOI 67 106 4' 8 2 Corvi -02 1 20 55 i5 89 Herculis . + -01 1 8 21 6 ft Corvi -oio 8 25 6 72 Ophiuchi . '014 33 69 22 p Virginis -017 6 28 5 p. Sagittarii . + 007 1 1 17 7 35 Virginis + 007 9 34 7 TJ Serpentis . + 013 68 133 45 31 Comae + 051 4 29 4 X Sagittarii . + 003 17 36 ii 8 Virginis '003 3 55 '9 a Lyrte + 001 H7 261 94 t Virginis -004 34 68 23 2 Aquite + 005 32 66 22 Virginis + 008 24 72 18 ft 1 Lyra + 018 61 93 35 a Virginis -003 70 '34 46 e Aquike + 005 17 52 13 Virginis '003 49 104 33 Aquilae + 003 75 140 49 m Virginis + 009 39 73 25 i/f Sagittarii . + 004 27 52 1 8 v Bootis + 012 21 53 15 o> Aquilae 006 35 76 24 17 Bootis -015 49 104 33 8 A quite + 003 33 80 23 v Virginis + 008 30 60 20 a Vulpeculse + 'OOI 20 46 '4 94 Virginis 004 6 21 5 fi Aquilae + 017 9 23 6 K Virginis + 003 21 40 H /i 2 Sagittarii . -002 '3 21 8 a Bootis 'OO2 131 246 85 e 1 Sagittarii , -002 12 2O 8 / Bootis -003 17 38 12 y Aquilae + 005 4 8 107 33 p Bob'tis 'OIO 28 57 '9 a Aquite + 003 I0 7 175 66 t Bob'tis + 001 58 97 36 ft Aquilae + 003 36 65 23 a Librae + 003 31 56 20 < Sagittarii . + 027 15 32 10 Librae . -017 24 47 16 Aquilse + -022 32 75 22 \f> Bootis + 005 18 40 12 a Capricorni . + 012 18 5 13 i 1 Libras -003 7 33 6 ft Capricorni . + -006 H 38 IO ft Libra; -020 9 40 7 p Capricorni . -014 15 36 I I o 2 Librae '030 5 16 4 e Delphini . + 009 27 65 '9 J Librae -003 15 44 1 1 a Delphini . -005 17 4 1 12 a Coronse -OO2 9 1 165 59 t Aquarii + 009 '9 4' 13 a Serpentis . + 007 52 1 06 35 //, Aquarii + 013 22 47 15 INTRODUCTION. 13 Corrections to the Right Ascensions of Clock Stars in the Second Ten- Yeat Catalogue to reduce them to the Standard Right Ascensions from Twelve-Hour Groups, 1887 to 1896 corit. Star's Name. Excess of 12-hour Groups. No. of Obs. M i> 1 ' & Star's Name. Excess of 12-hour Groups. No. of Obs. 4-i tO .SP ' 12-hour Groups 10 Year. 12-hour Groups. 10 Year. s ' s 32 Vulpeculse . -oio 32 56 20 o- Aquarii -027 9 20 6 6 Capricorn! . + 006 12 29 8 if Aquarii + 005 27 53 18 Cygni + -OO2 5 94 33 Pegasi -005 3' 72 22 a Equulei -004 24 43 '5 p Pegasi 'OOI 20 5 H i Capricorn! . ooo 14 3> 10 A. Aquarii ooo 23 5 16 /3 Aquarii '003 26 54 18 a Piscis Australis . + 011 12 27 8 f Aquarii -029 16 34 1 1 a Pegasi + 008 4' 70 26 c Pegasi + -oio 4 2 86 28 y Piscium + -OI2 30 69 21 8 Capvicorni . + 007 29 53 '9 K Piscium -025 23 64 17 16 Pegasi -004 27 56 18 i Piscium 'OIO 2 5 67 20 a Aquarii 008 32 7i 22 8 Sculptoris . + 007 18 2 9 I I i Pegasi -005 18 43 13 (o Piscium + 007 27 62 '9 6 Aquarii -004 23 56 16 2 Ceti . + 003 16 36 ii y Aquarii + -ooi 3i 56 '9 The following table gives the mean excess of the right ascensions of the Twelve- Hour groups over those of the Catalogue, arranged (l) for each hour of right ascension, and (2) for each 5 of north polar distance. The weights are also given, and taking the probable error of one observation as s '034, the probable errors of the different groups vary from =t 8- 002 to zt 8 '004. Mran Corrections to the Right Ascensions of the Second Ten-Year Catalogue to reduce them to the Standard Right Ascensions from Twelve- Hour Groups. Limits of R.A. Excess of iz h Group. 4J it .y * Adopted Correction. Limits of R.A. Excess of I2 h Group. ,C3 .5- 'v is Adopted Correction. Limits ofN.P.D. Excess of i2 h Group. j o h h s s h h s s s O I + 'OOIO 185 + -ooi 12 - I 3 -0027 97 -ooi 5 - 55 + 'OO20 169 I 2 + -0005 206 + 'DO I '3 - '4 -oooi 190 -ooi 55 - 6 -f- -OOO6 190 2 - 3 oooo 178 ooo 14 - 15 '0022 219 -ooi 60 65 - -0035 407 3 - 4 '0025 I 12 -ooi 15 16 - -0014 155 ooo 65 - 70 + 'OO06 393 4 - 5 -0005 148 '001 16 17 + -0039 178 + -OO2 7 - 75 -0005 406 5 - 6 -0003 218 -ooi 17 - 18 + '0015 202 + -003 75 - 80 + '0004 473 6 - 7 -0018 ,65 'OO2 18 - 19 + -0051 249 + '3 80 85 + '0013 594 7 - 8 - -0054 240 -004 19 20 + '0033 282 + -004 85 - 90 + -0003 3'5 8 - 9 -0019 85 -004 2O 21 + -0057 143 ! + -003 90 - 95 + '0040 310 9 10 - -0043 129 -004 2122 -oooi 152 + - OOI 95 100 -0016 297 10 I I - -0039 140 -003 22 - 2 3 -ooii 1 80 ooo 100 105 -0050 137 II 12 + -0003 148 -ooi 23-0 - -0013 99 ooo 105 MO -0052 218 110 115 -0025 64 115 - + -0050 94 14 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. In the column " Adopted Correction " of the above table is given a smoothed coTre-c- tion derived from the mean excesses for each hour. This correction has been applied to the right ascensions of the Catalogue to obtain the Standard Right Ascensions of the clock stars for 1890-0. In forming these Standard Right Ascensions, no correction has been applied for the differences depending on north polar distance. Neither of these corrections has been applied to the right ascensions of the Catalogue itself. The practice of basing the right ascensions of the clock stars on the Twelve- Hour groups was introduced at Greenwich in the Nine-Year Catalogue for 1872. The following tables and the corresponding diagrams of the frontispiece show the effect of this process in eliminating the systematic errors of the places of clock stars derived from the earlier catalogues. The mean corrections to the right ascensions of the First Seven-Year Catalogue (1860) and of the Second Seven-Year Catalogue (1864) are obtained from the introduction to the Nine-Year Catalogue (1872), p. 8, and to the other Catalogues from the direct comparisons with the Twelve-Hour groups given in the introduction of each Catalogue. Mean Excess of the Right Ascensions of Twelve-Hour Groups for each Hour of Right Ascension. i860. 1864. 1872. 1880. 1890. i860. 1864. 1872. 1880. 1890. h li S S S S S h li 3 s 3 S S o i + -019 + 'O2I + '014 -004 + -ooi 12 13! "009 -oi i 'OO5 'OO2 -003 12 + -029 + -008 + -OI2 + -004 + -ooi 13 - 14'+ -005 + -007 + -005 'ooo ooo 2 - 3 'OO2 -010 -OO2 '004 ooo 14 15, -026 -014 + -003 ; '001 -OO2 3-4 -005 'O02 'O06 -004 -OO2 15 1 6 -009 + 'OOI -003 ^05 'OOI 4 - 5 '016 '005 -ooi + '003 'OOI 1 6 17 -014 "009 + '004 + -ooi + -004 5 - 6 -020 - -018 'OO6 -005 ooo 17 l8 'O02 '003 -004 + -ooi + '002 6 - 7 - '35 -009 '006 -008 -OO2 18 - 19 + -014 + -008 + -005 -003 + -005 7 - 8 - '44 - -037 'GO; + -004 '005 19 20 + -023 -|- 'O2I + -007 + -004 + -003 8 - 9 -021 - -013 'OI2 '014 'OO2 2O 21 + '029 + -016 + -007 - -005 + '006 910 -008 -oio -010 ooo -004 21 22 + "34 + -019 + -008 -4- -007 ooo 10 u -008 -ooo -002 - OOI -004 22 - 2 3 + -041 + -023 + -007 + -006 -ooi I I 12 '003 '003 + 'OO2 -006 ooo 23-0 + -027 + -017 + 'OI2 + 'OH -ooi Mean Excess of the Right Ascensions of Twelve-Hour Groups for each 10 of North Polar Distance. 1860. 1864. 1872. 1880. 1890. S S s s s 50 60 '02O '021 '005 ooo + 'OOI 60 70 - -015 -007 -003 + -004 -ooi 70 80 -OO2 + -ooi -002 'OOJ ooo 80 90 -009 '003 + '003 ooo + -ooi 90 ioo + -023 + -016 + -ooi ooo + -ooi IOO 110 + -017 + -005 + '3 -ooi -005 IIO 120 + -024 + -018 + -002 -ooi + -002 INTRODUCTION. The Standard Right Ascensions of the clock stars for 1890-0 based on Twelve-Hour groups are given on p, 64. The differences between the Twelve- Hour and Six-Hour groups are now so small that they can no longer with certainty be attributed to errors in the Six-Hour groups. An independent verification of the accuracy of the Greenwich fundamental right ascensions is afforded by the following comparison between Newcomb's Fundamental Catalogue and the 1880 Ten-Year, 1890 Five-Year and Second Ten-Year Catalogues, the small differences in order of R.A. being entirely of an accidental character. Comparison of the Standard Right Ascensions of Clock Stars of the Ten- Year Catalogue 1880, the Five- Year Catalogue 1890, and the Ten-Year Catalogue .1890, with Newcomb's Fundamental Catalogue 1900, reduced to 1890 with Struve's Precession and Auwers' Proper Motions. (Arranged in order of K.A.) Ten-Yea: 1880 Five- Year 1 890 Ten-Year 1890 Ten- Year 1880 Five-Year 1890 Tea-Year 1890 Newcomb. Newcomb. Newcomb. Newcomb. Newcomb. Newcomb. Constant. -o s 'o56 -03-058 -01-057 Constant. -o s 'o56 -01-058 -o s 'o57 Limits of R. A. Limits of R.A. h h s s s li h s s s O I O'OIO 4- O-OO2 0-005 12 - 13 4- O-O02 4- 0-008 0-OQ2 12 0-013 0-012 0-008 13 - 14 + 0-OO3 + 0-003 4- 0-006 2 - 3 - 0-007 O'OOI 4- O-OO2 14 - 15 4- 0-008 + 0-018 + 0-006 3 - 4 0-005 O'OII 0-OO9 15 16 4- 0-OO4 4- 0-004 + -O-O02 4 - 5 O-OQl 4- O-O03 4- 0-002 1617 4- 0-O03 o-ooo 4- 0-003 5 - 6 O'OOI + 0-006 4- 0-005 17 18 o-ooo 0-007 O-OO2 6 - 7 O-OOJ 0-005 0-008 18 - 19 o-ooo o-ooo 4- O-004 7 - 8 + 0-014 + 0-007 O'OO2 19 20 0-004 + 0-002 + 0'014 8 - 9 o-ooi 0-014 O-OO2 20 21 0-007 4- o-ooi o-ooi 910 4- 0-007 + 0-004 o-ooo 2122 4- 0-006 O-OO2 + O-OOJ 10 I I 0-OO2 -1- 0-005 0-OO4 22 - 23 4- 0-004 o-oio O-OO5 II 12 + O-OO7 + 0-006 4- o-ooi 23 - H 0-007 0-004 0-OO2 (Arranged in order of N.P.D.) Ten-Year 1880 Five-Year 1890 Ten-Year 1890 Newcomb. Newcomb. Newcomb. Constant. -<,, S 6 -o"o 5 8 -08-057 Limits of N.P.D. s s s 50 60 + 0-017 4- 0-018 4- 0-012 60 70 + 0-006 4- 0-009 4- 0-006 70 80 4- 0-002 4- 0-002 4- o-ooi 80 90 0-007 0-005 0-003 90 100 0-007 0-007 O'OO2 100 IIO o-ooo 0-003 0-007 IIO 120 4- 0-004 o-ooo 4- 0-002 16 GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. . II. NORTH POLAR DISTANCES. Microscope-Micrometer Screws.- New steel screws were applied in 1886, and three of them were reversed to eliminate the effects of wear. The errors of the mean readings of the six microscope-micrometer screws, as determined in 1886 when the screws were new, in 1893, and in 1896 November, were as follows: Error of the Revolutions of the Screws. Screws in 9 r o r l r ^r 3 r 4 r 5 r 6* 1886 // 0-13 0-07 + CT03 o - o6 + 0-06 ii O'OO 0-06 H + o-io 1893 0-29 O'l I o-n + 0-03 0-03 o-oo 0-09 O'll 1896 0-14 O'02 o-io + O'O2 0'02 + O'IO 0-04 0-19 It appears that the errors are practically insensible for the range of the screw (O r to 5 r ) to which the observations are ordinarily confined. Division Errors. Redetermination of the division errors for every 5 and every 1 were made in 1898, to supplement those made in 1851, 1856, and 1871. The discussion of these observations is given in the " Transit-Circle Tables " in Greenwich Observations (1897). The differences between the newly adopted values of the division correction and those previously in use were applied to the means in forming the N.P.D.'s of the Catalogue. The following table gives the values of the correction for division error resulting from the discussion in 189K, and also the corrections to the values previously in use. INTRODUCTION. 17 Table of new Corrections for Division Error to the Mean Reading of the Six Microscopes, and of Corrections to the Values previously adopted. The corrections recur after every 60. Pointer Reading. Approximate N.P.D. Approximate N.P.D. Approximate N.P.D. New Cor- rection for Division Error. Corrections to Greenwich Obs 1851-56. Corrections to Greenwich Obs. 1857-67. Corrections to Greenwich Obs. 1868-79. Corrections to Greenwich Obs. 1880-06. o u O o o M H o to i 39 to 40 99 to loo 20 to 21 o '25 o '06 +O '01 o -03 o '06 1 ., 2 40 ,, 41 IOO ,, IOI 19 20 o -28 '5 + -oi -03 -06 2 3 41 ,, 42 101 1.02 18 19 o '26 '10 - ;o 3 -08 -06 3 ., 4 42 ,, 43 IO2 103 -17 -18 o '24 'it -08 -07 4 5 43 ,. 44 103 I0 4 -16 , 17 o -28 - -08 + -03 - '03 5 6 44 -, 45 104 ,, 105 -15 , -16 0-35 -02 + -03 oo -08 6 7 45 46 105 ,, 106 -14 , 15 O '46 + "OS + ;o3 -J- -03 -06 7 ,, 8 46 ,, 47 106 ,, 107 13 , '4 o -49 'O2 - -03 -04 8 , 9 47 >i 48 107 108 12 , 13 o -47 "7 'S -06 "02 9 , io 48 49 108 ,, 109 II , 12 o -48 'O2 '01 'O2 10 , II 49 .. 5 109 no 10 , II o -56 + '06 + S + -06 -(- '03 II , 12 So 5' no in 9 , io o -54 + '03 oo + -oi + '03 12 , 13 Si ,, 5 2 III ,, 112 - 8 , - 9 0-57 + -07 + '07 + -06 -j- '02 13 , 14 52 ,, 53 IJ2 113 - 7 , - 8 o '65 + -II -O2 '4 , IS 53 54 "3 "4 - 6 , - 7 o 72 + -03 + -09 + 'OS X>I 15 , 16 54 ,, 55 H4 US - 5 , - 6 o 79 -04 + -05 oo 'O2 16 , 17 55 >. 56 115 116 - 4 , - 5 o -85 + -03 + -06 + -05 + -O2 17 , 18 56 ,, 57 116 117 - 3 , - 4 o -86 + ''a + -07 "f" ''3 18 , 19 57 ,, 58 117 118 2 , 3 o '91 4- '22 + -18 + '20 + 'I? 19 , 20 58 59 118 ,, 119 - I , 2 I 'IO + -36 + "29 + "3 2 + 'i6 20 , 21 21 , 22 22 , 23 23 , 24 24 , 25 59 ,, 60 60 ,, 61 61 ,, 62 62 63 63 ,, 64 119 120 I2O , 121 121 , 122 122 , 123 I2 3 , I2 4 O , I O , I I 2 2 , 3 3 . 4 I 'OI o -88 077 o 74 73 + '22 + -20 + ;24 + -04 '10 - -08 -06 '07 + ' r 4 oo + -06 + -09 + '02 -j- '14 |;:! + -02 2 5 , 26 64 65 I2 4 , 125 4 , 5 o '64 -04 '10 '7 '03 2 , 27 65 66 125 , 126 5 6 o -56 -II 'IO 'II -O2 27 , 28 66 67 126 , 127 6 , 7 o -50 -09 -06 - -08 oo 28 , 29 67 68 127 , 128 7 , 8 o '42 -09 '5 - -08 + -oi 29 , 3 68 ,, 69 8 , 9 o -29 '12 -10 '12 oo 3 > 3 1 69 ,, 7 9 , io o -31 + '3 + '04 + -02 + -06 3i , 32 7 ,, 7 1 IO , II o -32 + 'OS + : 12 + ;o7 -- -06 32 , 33 71 .. 72 II , 12 O '22 -08 -- -04 33 , 34 72 ,, 73 - 47 ,, - 48 12 ,, 13 o -16 - -06 + -03 -02 -- '02 34 , 35 73 74 46 47 13 ,. 14 0-31 + ''3 + -24 + '17 -j- 'O2 35 , 36 74 > 75 45 46 '4 ,, 15 o '32 -oi + -os + '3 -12 36 , 37 75 ,, 76 44 45 15 , 16 o -39 'IO + -oi "05 -14 37 , 38 76 77 43 44 16 , 17 o -47 'ii + -oi -06 38 , 39 77 78 4 2 43 17 , 18 0-51 -14 -06 -it -I 9 39 , 4 78 79 - 41 ,, 4 2 18 , 19 o -58 ''7 -06 '12 40 , 41 79 ,. 80 40 , 41 19 , 20 o -57 -25 -06 - -16 -17 41 , 42 80 ,, 81 39 , 4 2O , 21 o -59 -27 '3 ''5 -21 42 , 43 81 ,, 82 -38 , - 39 21 , 22 o -59 -09 -21 -21 43 , 44 82 83 -37 , - 38 22 , 23 o '60 '3 '20 '13 44 , 45 83 , 84 -36 , - 37 23 > 24 o -67 -09 '01 '06 + -02 45 , 46 84 , 85 -35 , - 36 24 , 25 o 61 -oi -07 - -0 4 + -03 46 , 47 85 , 86 -34 , - 35 25 , 26 o '60 -f- '09 -04 + -02 + 'OS 47 , 48 86 , 87 -33 , - 34 26 , 27 o -59 + '16 -07 + -oi 48 , 49 87 , 88 32 , 33 27 , 28 o -56 + '13 "O2 oo 49 , 5 88 , 89 31 3 2 28 , 29 o -47 + ;o3 -19 -09 "02 5 i 51 89 , 9 3 , 3i 29 , 30 o '50 - -08 + -oi + -09 51 ,52 90 , 91 29 , 30 3 , 31 '43 + -13 -09 + -02 + -16 52 , 53 91 , 92 -28 , - 29 31 , 32 o -31 + -05 + -04 + '04 + '20 53 ,54 92 , 93 -27 , - 28 32 , 33 o -29 + -09 + '29 + -18 + 'IS 54 , 55 55 , 56 93 , 94 94 ,, 95 26 , 27 25 , 26 33 , 34 34 , 35 0-35 o -32 + : i6 + -28 + -07 + -21 + -08 + -n + -06 56 , 57 95 ., 96 24 , 25 35 , 36 o -29 + -08 'OI + -03 + "OS 57 , 58 96 97 23 , 24 36 , 37 o -29 + '09 + -02 + -05 + '04 58 , 59 97 98 22 23 37 . 3 8 o -28 + -02 + -06 + -03 + '01 59 , 60 98 ,, 99 21 ,, 22 38 , 39 O '22 o '09 +O "01 o -05 o "06 GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAK CATALOGUE FOR 1890. 18 GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Nadir Correction. The apparent correction for discordance between the zenith point, determined from observations of the nadir and from reflexion observations of stars in the years 1887-1896, are as follows : 1887 +0-01 1892 0-25 1888 0-12 1893 0'34 1889 +0-07 1894 0-27 1890 +O-08 1895 O-3I 1891 +O-07 1896 O'34 It may be noticed that the object-glass was repolished and a new telescope- micrometer screw introduced in 1891 October. No correction has been applied on account of these discordances. It should be observed that the adopted zenith points depend essentially on the reflexion observa- tions of stars, and that this discordance only enters into the observations on those nights when no reflexion observations are obtained. As will be seen in the next paragraph, there appears to be a diurnal variation in the nadir, and it was considered possible that, as the reflexion observations were usually made soon after sunset, while the observations of the nadir were made at all hours, such a diurnal variation would to some extent account for the above discord- ance, but this was not found to be the case. Diurnal Variations of the Nadir. Observations taken in the years 1895 to 1899 show a diurnal change in the position of the nadir, the observations taken about noon and midnight giving positive corrections to the observations made near the time of sunset. The observations were grouped as in the case of the levels (see p. 6), and the results for each month from 1895 July, from which date three observations of nadir were taken regularly on fine days, to 1899 December, are given in the following tables, and exhibit the apparent corrections to the nadir about the time of sunset. INTRODUCTION. Diurnal variations of the Nadir. Corrections to the observations of the Nadir made about 6 p.m., deduced from the observations made about Noon. 21 h to 3 h . 19 Month. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Means. January + -58 - "'17 + /: 3 + "08 +"06 February - -46* - -12 + 'I! I + -09 + -oi March . + ''3 + -32 - -io + -02 -f- 'IO April O + '24 ' + -03 4 I C 4- -04 May . + '64* Q II + '24 .. - - 4 + 'I? + -25 June + -18 9 + ''5 . + -21 i ... '4 + '17 July . -07 + - 6 ! * 8 + 'H O 15 + -ii August . September . "J I 2 + -12 8 + -.3 - -20 ' 5 + -i6'5 + -26 7 + -43 ;; o ^ + -I l8 + -19 + -23 October + -4" + '35,0 + -08 I - -03 7 + '2? ' 5 + -17 November + -41 9 + -26' + '49 4 + '44 I + -09 I4 + '35 December + '45^ + -2i 3 + " 9 6 + -27 Means . + -28 + -20 + -ii + 'i6 + "'7 + -17 54 84 108 104 1 5* Corrections to the observations of the Nadir made about 6 p.m., deduced from the observations made about Midnight. 9 h to 15 h . Month. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Means. // // ft // // January - '5' , -io + "28 . + *9 , + -oi February - "Si + -19 + -18 + -26 + -17 March . + -oi I + -38 * - -03 : - -19 + 4 OO April . + -'5 + -31 + -12 + -'7 + -18 May . + -35 + >2 9 , + -.3 " + -9 , + -21 June + -12, 9 + -5 , ~ ' l6 + -20 ' + -io July . + -18 + + -16 , 6 *OO + -H + -17 August . + -4i / 2 - -06 8 - "25 + -a, + '35 + ''5 September + '9 + -13 I + -17 5 + -13 + -17 + -H October + -26'' + -34* + "33 ' + ' 28 o + -26 5 + -29 November + -36 ' + -37' . 12 + "64- + -23 ? + -28 I4 + -35 December + "33 6 9 + "49 I + -: -" : + '47 1 + -2i Means . * '*7 54 + -16 54 + ''7,08 + -II 104 + ''9 I52 + -17 20 GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. R D Discordance. The following table gives the corrections applied to the direct observations for discordance between the reflexion and direct observations for the ten years 1887-1896. 1887 0-014 + 0-683 s i" Z.D. 1888 + o-oio + 0746 sin Z.D. 1889 0-012 + 0-677 sin Z.D. 1890 0-014 + 0-556 sin Z.D. 1891 0-013 + '536 sin Z.D. 1892 -J- 0-062 + 0-576 sin Z.D. 1893 + 0-057 + 0-703 sin Z.D. 1894 + 0-057 + 0-546 sin Z.D. 1895 + 0-065 + '4H s i" Z.D. 1896 + 0-056 + 0-367 sin Z.D. A number of special observations have been made to obtain information as to the cause of this discordance. A series of observations were made between 1893 December 3 and 1894 April 22, in which the direct observation was taken immediately before the observation by reflexion instead of after it. A discussion of these observations and of others relating to the R D discordance by Professor Turner and Mr Thackeray is given in the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. li. The following table showing the results of this series of observations is taken from the Introduction to Greenwich Observations, 1894, p. cxli., where the results of the separate observations are given. Results for R D Discordance from observations in which the direct observation was taken first, compared with those taken in the ordinary manner, and with the valves computed from the formula +o"'i 14+ i"'ogi sin Z.D. Approx. N.P.D. Approx. Z.D. South. (DtaKiret.) N - f bS - R D (R taken First.) R D from Formula. o O 61-7 23-2 -o /: i 4 17 + 0-2O + 0-49 65-8 27-3 O-2I 15 + 0-52 + '53 69-9 3I-4 0-28 2O + 0-41 + 0-63 77'4 38-9 . -0-55 20 + '47 + 0-69 82-3 43-8 -0-57 18 + 0-85 + 0-77 90-8 52-3 0-40 10 + I- 7 I + 0-85 96-6 58-1 O'22 8 + 1-40 + 0-90 102-0 63-5 0'2O 8 + i'3 + 0-95 These observations suggested that the sign of the discordance was changed when the D observation was made first. Another series of observations was then made from 1895 to 1898, in which the R and D observations of pairs of stars were made alternately on alternate nights. The results of these observations which are given in the following tables do not support the previous conclusion, but show a fair agreement with the observations made in the usual way, both when the discordance was large, as in the years 1895-1896, and when it was small, as in the years 1897-1898. INTRODUCTION. 21 Comparison of the R D Discordance deduced from observations on different nights with its value as deduced from observations in which the reflexion observation is taken immediately before the direct observation, and with the formula. 1895-1896. Approx. N.P.D. Approx. Z.D. R D R and D Observations on Different Nights. Weight. R D R Observation immedi- ately before D. R D From Formula. o O _ 23 . 2 617 + 0-23 4 0-83 - o'-53 -18-5 -57'o 0-27 1 1 070 - o'43 12-2 507 0-40 II - 0-17 - 4 39 + 9-3 -29-2 - 0-13 13 - 0-15 0'22 + 597 +21-2 + 0-24 7 + o-o i + '37 + 72-8 + 34-3 + 0-68 16 + 0-40 + '53 + 79-2 +407 + 0-48 12 + 0-67 + 0-58 +90-4 +5'9 + '55 17 + 0-85 + 0-67 + 97'i + 58-6 + 1-05 '4 + 0-84 + 0-71 1897-1898. -24-5 63-0 ri2 4 O'2O // CTO3 -10-5 -49-0 - 0'2 3 8 + 0-O6 O'OI + 13-5 -25-0 + 0'02 4 + 0-30 + 0-07 + 63-8 + 25-3 O'l I 6 + 0-07 + 0-23 + 78-0 + 39'5 + O'2I 12 + 0-05 + 0-28 + 86-5 + 48-0 + 0-30 13 + 0-42 + 0-3 + 99-8 + 6l"3 + '59 7 + o-SS + 0-32 Flexure. The values of the horizontal flexure, determined from observations on the collimators in the years 1887 to 1892, are as follows : Year. Flexure. No. of Obs. Year. Flexure. No. of Obs. 1887 0'06 1888 +0-10 1889 +0-29 1890 +0-19 6 1891 +0-06 i 1892 0-13 5 In the year 1893 a special series of observations, 174 in number, were made, the mean being +0"'19. These observations, arranged according to the reading of the thermometer at the time of observation, show a variation in the flexure corresponding generally to the annual variation in the R D discordance (see Monthly Notices, R. A. S., vol. Hi. p. 374). 22 GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Value of Flexure found from observations in 1893, arranged according to Temperature at the time of observation. Range of Temperature. Flexure. No. of Obs. Range of Temperature. Flexure. No. of Obs. 40-45 O'OZ 6 65-70 + 0-20 39 45-50 + 0-09 12 70-75 + '35 21 5-5S + 0-04 16 75-80 + 0-45 8 55-60 + 0-14 25 80 85 + 0-26 4 60 65 + 0-19 43 111 1894 a series of observations, 26 in number, was made, in which readings were taken (l) immediately after the instrument was clamped, and (2) after an interval of two minutes. The resulting values of the flexure were + 0"'05 and + 0"'24 respectively. (Greenivich Observations, 1894, pp. cxxviii.-cxxx.) No correction for flexure has been applied, the flexure correction being virtually included in the R D correction. Thermometer. The thermometer used throughout the ten years 1887-1896 as the exterior thermometer is Negretti and Zambra No. 45357. It is mounted on the north front of the Observatory, where it is carried by an arm projecting from the wall at a distance of 4^ feet, at a height of nearly 7 feet from the ground. It has been compared at intervals with the Standard Thermometer, and as a result of these comparisons, a correction, 0'l, was applied to its readings from 1887 to 1894, and 0- 2 for 1895 and 1896. On 1896 July 18 a thermometer was mounted in the Front Court in a screen allowing a free circulation of air. Comparisons of this thermometer with Negretti and Zambra No. 45357, given in the Transit-Circle Tables of the Greenwich Observa- tions, 1896 and 1897, show that the mean readings of these two thermometers agree closely for the times when the observations of stars are generally made. Barometer. The barometer in use is one made by Home and Thornthwaite marked No. 389, with metallic scale and graduation modified for change of mercury surface in the cistern. From comparisons with the Standard Barometer, it is found unnecessary to apply any index correction to the readings of this barometer. Colatitude and Refraction. The value of the colatitude adopted in the formation of this Catalogue is 38 3l'2l"'90. The refractions used are those of Bessel's Tabulse Reyiomontanse. By adopting this colatitude and refraction, continuity with the Ten-Year Catalogue for 1880 has been preserved. The material of this Catalogue is well suited for the discussion of refraction owing INTRODUCTION. to the large number of circumpolar observations, and the number of stars it contains in common with the Cape Catalogue for 1890. Taking the observations of Greenwich circumpolar stars first, and using the results given on p. 32, the following table exhibits the discordances in order of N.P.D. of the circumpolar observations with Bessel's and the Pulkowa refractions respectively. A comparison of columns 2 and 8 shows, on the whole, a better accordance when the Pulkowa refractions are used. Comparison of North Polar Distances from Observations above and below Pole. Excess of N.P.D. Excess of N.P.D. Excess of N.P.D. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole. above Pole. above Pole. above Pole. Limits of N.P.D. Bessel's Refractions. Weight. Number of Stars. Correction for Pulkowa Pulkowa Refraction. Refractions. Pulkowa Refractions. Pulkowa Refractions. Colatitude Colatitude Colatitude Colatitude 2l"'9O. 2l"'90. 2l"'8o. 2i"75. o- 5 0-o8 849 64 +0-24 + 0-1 6 0-04 0-14 510 +0-06 1600 183 +0-26 + 0-32 + 0-12 + 0-02 1015 +0-09 1634 181 +0-27 + 0-36 + 0-16 + 0-O6 IJ ZO +O'O2 2146 2 74 +0-30 + 0-32 + 0-12 + O'O2 2025 +0-02 1922 273 +Q'33 + 0-35 +0-15 + 0-05 25-30 0'02 1687 289 +0-37 + 0-35 + 0-15 + 0-05 3-35 0-19 1491 344 +0-44 + 0-25 + 0'05 0-05 35-4 0'2S. 1006 280 + '54 + 0-26 +0-06 0-04 40-45 0-60 141 56 +0-65 + 0-05 -0-15 -0-25 It is to be noted that the apparent corrections to colatitude are half of the quantities tabulated above, with the sign changed. With regard to the comparison with the Cape Catalogue for 1890, those results for the Cape were used which are given under the heading of "Sees, of Final Dec.," and depend on the following basis : (Cape Catalogue, 1890, p. xxiv.) (i.) Colatitude, - 33 56' 3"'45. (ii.) Refractions of the Tabulte Regiomontanse diminished in the ratio 1 '00218. (This diminution of the constant makes the refractions used agree nearly with those of the Pulkowa tables.) (iii.) A flexure correction of 0"'30 sin z obtained by observations on the collimators, but not supported by the R D observations. 24 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. The differences between these Catalogues for each 5 degrees of N.P.D. down to 120, and afterwards in small groups of convenient size, are given in the fourth column, using the refractions of the Tabulae Regiomontanse and colatitude 21"'90, and in the last column using the Pulkowa refractions and colatitude 21 //> 7'5. The weights are derived from the formula - , where m and n are the number of observations at Greenwich and the Cape respectively. Comparison between the Greenwich Ten-Year Catalogue, 1890, and the Cape Catalogue, 1890, arranged in order of N.P.D. Mean Zenith Distance. Greenwich minus Cape. Greenwich minus Cape. Correction -for Mean Pulkowa Greenwich corrected for N.P.D. N.P.D. Refractions at Pulkowa Refractions. Greenwich. Greenwich. Cape. G. -C. Weight. No. of Stars. Colatitude 2l"'90. Colatitude *i"7S- O o o II 42-5 4-0 81-4 + '54 363 42 o-oi + 0-53 + o-38 47'5 9-0 76-4 + 0-19 444 53 O'O2 + 0-17 + O'O2 52-5 14-0 71-4 + 0-08 434 48 0-04 + 0-04 o-i i 57'5 19-0 66-4 O'2I 355 35 O-06 0-27 0-42* 62-5 24-0 61-4 O'l I 572 53 0-07 - 0-18 - 0-33* 67-5 29-0 56-4 4- O-26 657 67 O-Og + 0-17 4- 0-02 72-5 34' 5i-4 4- o-i i 7'4 70 o-i i O'OO - 0-15 77'5 39-0 464 + 0-08 602 55 - 0-13 0-05 O-2O 82-5 44-0 41-4 + 0-17 644 54 o-i 6 + 0-03 0-12 87-5 49-0 36-4 + O'OI 473 44 0-19 - 0-18 - 0-33 92-5 54-0 3i-4 + 0-32 624 59 O-22 4- o-io o-oc 97'5 59-0 26-4 + 0-30 654 66 0-27 + 0-03 0-12 102-5 64-0 21-4 + 0-35 39 2 4i - 0-32 + O-O3 - O-J2 107-5 69-0 16-4 + 0-34 54' 53 - '39 0-05 O'2O 112-5 74-0 11-4 4- 0-62 629 77 . - o-49 + 'i3 0'O2 117-5 79-0 6-4 + o-34 444 56 0-62 - 0-28 0-43* 121-8 83-3 2-1 + 0-41 94 12 - '94 - 0-53 - 0-68* 124-4 85-9 - 'S + 2-62 60 8 - 2'55 + 0-07 0-08 125-8 87-3 - I- 9 + 5'46 17 2 - 5-48 O'O2 - 0-13 126-4 87-9 - 2 '5 + 272 16 3 9-00 - 6-28 - 6 '43 127-1 88-6 - 3'2 4-10-88 15 2 -17-25 - 6-37 - 6-52 A comparison of columns 4 and 9 shows that the Pulkowa refractions produce a very satisfactory accordance between the observations made at the two observatories when the values of the colatitudes are suitably adjusted. * Attention may be drawn to the discordances at 57'5 and 62'5 N.P.D., and again at 60 from these points. The repetition at 60 apart would seem to point to division error remaining in the Greenwich or Cape Observations. INTRODUCTION. 25 To these data for the discussion of refraction should be added the observations of the Sun at Greenwich. The corrections to the adopted colatitude 2l"'90, using Bessel's refractions (the values of z found in the ecliptic investigations in the Greenwich Observations), are as follows for the years 1887 to 1896 : 1887 +0-08 1888 +0-09 1889 +0-06 1890 o-io 1891 o - oy 1892 +0-20 1893 0-05 1894 0-32 1895 +0-14 1896 o-oi The mean of these corrections is zero, giving a colatitude of 21 //- 90, while the circumpolars from to 40 give a colatitude 2l"'92. Had the Pulkowa refractions been used ; the colatitude derived from the observations of the Sun would have been 22"'14, while the circumpolar stars would have given 21 //> 75. (Memoirs R. A. S., vol. liii. pp. 159-161.) From this discussion it is apparent that the Pulkowa refractions, as compared with Bessel's refractions, produce greater accordance between the Greenwich circumpolar observations and, what is of very great weight, a remarkably good agreement between the Greenwich and Cape observations : they introduce, however, an unexplained dis- cordance into the Sun observations. The following table is given to enable those who may wish to do so, to substitute the Pulkowa refractions in the north polar distances. In the case of circumpolar stars, the corrections above and below pole should be combined according to the number of observations above and below pole, remarking that for observations below pole full weight is given as far as N.P.D. 15 ; from 15 to 36* N.P.D. f weight; from 36 to 41 \ weight; and below 41 N.P.D. the observa- tions below pole are not used. GREENWICH SKCOKD TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. 26 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 890. Table of Corrections for reduction to Pulkowa Refractions and Colatitude 38 31' 2i"75. Barometer 3O in -oo. Thermometer 5o-o F. Argument N.P.D. N.P.D. Correction. N.P.D. Correction. N.P.D. Correction. N.P.D. Correction. 40 S.P. - ' ; 45 3f 0^04 O 5 - 0-17 96 0-40 39 - Q'43 6 0-05 5 2 0-18 98 - 0-42 38 - 0-40 8 o'o; 54 0-19 IOO - '44 37 - 0-38 10 0-06 56 O'20 IO2 0-47 36 - '35 12 0-07 58 O-2I IO4 0-49 34 - 0-31 H 0-07 60 O'22 1 06 - 0-52 32 - 0-27 16 0-08 62 ' 2 3 108 0-55 3 0^24 18 0-08 64 - 0-23 no ! 0-59 28 O'2O 20 0-09 66 0-24 I 12 0-63 26 0-18 22 O'lO 68 0-24 1 14 - 0-66 24 - 0-15 24 o-ii 70 - 0-25 115 0-69 22 - 0-13 26 0'12 72 0-26 116 0-72 20 O'l I 28 - 0-13 74 - 0-27 117 - 75 rt 0-09 3 - 0-13 76 0-28 118 078 16 0-07 32 - 0-13 78 0-29 119 0-82 14 0-06 34 80 o - 3 120 0-88 12 0-04 36 0-14 82 - 0-31 121 0^96 10 - 0-03 ' 38 - 0-15 84 - 0-32 122 no 8 O'O2 40 - 0-15 86 0-33 123 - 1-38 6 O'OI 42 - 0-15 88 0-34 124 2MO 3f o-oo 44 0-16 90 0-36 125 3'zo + o-oi 46 0-16 92 - o'37 I2 5i - 4' 6 5 I* ' O'02 48 - 0-17 94 126 672 I26J - 9'9 ' III PROBABLE ERROR OF THE OBSERVATIONS. The probable error of the Greenwich observations in right ascension is given in a paper by Dr Downing in the Monthly Notices, R. A. S., vol. xlix. p. 359. This table, supplemented by a determination from the star ledgers for the year 1894, shows that the probable error of an observation of right ascension is O s> 033 cosec. N.P.D. between the limits of 70 and + 70 Z.D., except near the pole where it is somewhat less. At greater zenith distances than 70, the probable error increases from O s '033 to 8 '043 at 86. The probable error of the north polar distances is given in a paper by Mr Stone in the Monthly Notices, R. A. S., vol. xxix. p. 324. The results of a redetermination made INTRODUCTION. 27 from about 3500 observations from the 1894 ledgers, supplemented by the ledgers 1887 to 1896 for low stars, together with a comparison of the values previously found by Mr Stone, are given in the following table, from which it appears that the later observations have a smaller probable error. The results have been smoothed by taking means and means again of each consecutive pair. Probable Error of an Observation of N.P.D. Z.D. N.P.D. P.E. 1894. P.E. 1869. Stone. P.E. 1894 -P.E. 1869. Z.D. N.P.D. P.E. 1894. P.E. 1869. Stone. P.E. 1894 -P.E. 1869. o it it -83 -44 l'l3 1-5* - "'39 + II*i 5 0'43 0'47 - -04 -78i -40 075 I-IO - '35 + 2li 60 45 47 '02 -73* -35 65 0-91 - -26 +3'i 70 48 51 - -03 -68$ -30 60 83 - -23 + 44 80 S 2 56 - -04 -634 -25 55 78 - '23 + 46 85 54 61 - -07 -58* -2 '49 73 - -24 + 54 90 56 66 -10 -534 -'5 47 69 '22 + 5 6 I 95 58 72 - ''4 -48* 10 46 63 - 'I/ +64 IOO 60 76 - -16 -43* - 5 45 58 - -'3 + 66J 105 64 82 - -18 -38i , o '44 54 -io + 74 I IO 68 86 - -18 *8j : 10 '43 49 '06 + 74 I I2| 73 0^92 - -19 -I8j zo 4i 47 - '06 + 76J H5 83 roo - -17 3 '39 47 - -08 + 79 "7i 0-93 1-14 '21 + 4 40 '4i '47 - '06 + 84 I2O 1-10 i'35 - -25 Systematic and Accidental Errors indicated by Circumpolar Observations. The table on pp. 39 to 44 of the Excess of N.P.D. as obtained from observations above pole, may be used to indicate the amount of error, systematic and accidental, of the observations of N.P.D. Within the limits to 30 of N.P.D., a range which involves all the division errors and a considerable change in the correction for R D discordance, the discordances have been arranged in groups corresponding to their weights. The weights are computed by the formula 2 tin. where e and e-. . ' + ne i + 2 nn-L v are Mr Stone's values taken from the fourth column of the preceding table, and e has been assumed arbitrarily as //- 16. The maximum weight given by this formula is 39. At 20 from the pole the weights given by the formula are as follows : No. of observations above pole . ,, below pole . Weight , 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 and 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 8 10 ii 12 28 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. In the following table the weight is given in the first column, the corresponding 2 mean discordance obtained by dividing ,J by '845 (the factor for changing from mean to probable error) in the second, and in the third column the actual mean discordance obtained from the table on p. 39, the number of stars on which the determination depends being given in the fourth column. Mean Discordance in N.P.D. of Observations above and below Pole. Weight given bj Formula. Discordance computed from Formula. Discordance actually found. Number of Stars. u // 35 0-28 0-18 12 23 o - 36 0-26 48 16 0-41 0-40 78 n 0-51 0-43 9 6 9 0-56 0'53 60 8 0-60 0-60 I I I 7 0-63 0-55 I6 7 6 0-69 0-57 289 5 075 0-58 270 4 0-84 0-82 137 Comparison of the second and third columns of the above table shows that the observed discordance is decidedly less than that given by the formula. The observa- tions with a large weight show that the systematic error is about 0"'10, instead of 0"'16 as assumed in the formula, and those with smaller weights show diminution of the accidental errors in fair accordance with the determination on p. 27. Discordances from Prof. Newcomb's Fundamental Catalogue. Before a com- parison was made between the two Catalogues, a correction of O s- 054 for difference in the adopted equinox was applied to the right ascensions of the Greenwich Catalogue, and corrections to reduce to the Pulkowa refractions and to colatitude 38 31' 21/''80 were applied to the north polar distances. The differences of right ascension are multiplied by sin N.P.D. The discordances were arbitrarily grouped in 5 classes according to the number of observations in this Catalogue, and the results are shown in the following table. INTRODUCTION. 29 Mean Discordances bettveen Newcomb's Fundamental Catalogue, 1890, and the Greenwich Second Ten- Year Catalogue, 1890, for every 5 of N. P. D. from Q- 1-20 N.P.D. R.A. x sin N.P.D. N.P.D. Limits nf No. of e No. of 2 No. of No. of 2 No. of 2 No. of No. of No. of i No. of t No. of A 01 N.P.D. Obs. DO Obs. 1 Obs. to Obs. S 03 Obs. S, 03 Obs. rt 03 Obs. S 03 Obs. 03 Obs. rt 03 Obs. 03 50 or M O 25 to **-< o 10 to IM o 5 to IM O 4 to IM O 50 or IM 25 to IM 10 to IM O 5 t (M O 4 to *** o over. 49- o to 24. 9- i 2. 1 over. i 49- 1 24. O K 9- 2. O 3 s s s s S II fl // ii o- 5 '-'l5 9 34 I -42 i 5- 10 I 9 2 25 3 38 2 10 15 011 4 023 9 018 6 026 3'i4 I '5 4 -24 9 28 6 33 3 -12 I 15 20 012 7 020 1 1 014 5: -009 3 16 7 -23 1 1 19 5 ii 3 20 25 012 4 028 2 '021 19; -023 8 30 4 15 2 25 '9 38 6 25- 30 01 I 6 oi i 3 -028 7 023 4 16 6 09 3 17 7 37 4 3- 35 018 2 030 8 -023 4 028 8 09 2 -II 8 43 4 "57 8 35- 4 01 I 3 019 5 026 013 2 04 3 ''9 5 25 5 25 2 40- 45 ooi i 006 6 009 ii 37 5 -026 7 '44 i -14 6 25 ii 21 4 49 8 45- 50 006 2 018 ii 015 9 024 6 -043 13 07 2| -17 ii '5 9 26 6 '35 13 5- 55 006 3 "OH '3 014 7 017 15 -030 4 23 3 -2i 13 31 8 33 15 55 4 55- 60 015 6 '017 1 1 019 9 032 5 '029 7 16 5 '9 1 1 22 9 32 5 53 7 60 65 014 II -oio 13 -016 13 025 8 -017 3 12 ii '5 14 23 13 13 8 26 3 65- 70 oi 6 III -012 14 -016 7 029 3 -065 i 08 1 1 23 14 25 i8l -24 3 91 i 7- 75 oio 8: -028 15 -017 16 020 5 9 8 26 '51 '32 16 -45 5 75- 8 006 i6j -012 12 'O2O 10 '039 3! -016 3 '5 16 22 12 -37 ii '44 3 30 3 80 85 oio 12 '015 2O 'Gig '4: -035 7 -022 2 14 13 '2O '9 28 H 53 7 16 2 85- 90 009 4 '012 16 -016 10 33 7 -4' 5 04 4 17 16 3 6 ii '55 7 36 5 90- 95 005 6 : -oil 17 -022 13 038 6 -013 2 21 6 18 i7 31 i3 6 1 6 30 2 95100 019 5 -012 13 -OI 3 '7 021 8 -042 2 17 5 32 13 '5 >7 37 8 19 3 100105 oio 2 -010 5 025; I 9 022 10 -059 I 5 2 30 5 37 '9 39 10 22 i 105 1 10 oio 3 oi i 10 OI 7 21 024 10 -072 2 -0 7 2 19 10 36 21 34 10 7 8 2 110115 013 3 '020 '3 040 II 030 3 15 3 '49 13 56 ii I -01 3 115 120 004 1 026 5 -O20 13 -0 7 8 3 '0 3 I 4 32 5 '43 13 1-05 3 92 4 Mean 011 117 016 222 019 258 028 140 '034 60 'H I2 7 20 225 30 265 '4 138 '47 62 As these figures represent mean discordances, they must be multiplied by 0'845 to obtain probable errors. A superior limit of the systematic errors of the Catalogue is readily found by making the extreme assumption that Prof. Newcomb's Catalogue is entirely free from error, whether systematic or accidental. Taking the stars observed more than 50 times, the probable errors obtained in this way are O s '009 and 0"'12; and allowing for the accidental error of 70 or 80 observations by the table on p. 27, the systematic errors are seen to be less than O s- 008 and 0"'10 in R.A. and N.P.D. respectively. The probable error of a result derived from n observations may be taken as O s '033 2 8 '008 2 n x cosec. N.P.D. for the right ascensions, and 0"'10 2 + ~ for n the north polar distances, where e is taken from the third column of the table on p. 27. The following table giving the mean discordances between the Greenwich Ten- Year Catalogue, 1890, and those of the Aatronomische Gcsellschaft, is of interest as showing 30 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. the relative accuracy of these Catalogues, as the accuracy of the Greenwich Catalogue may be considered nearly the same throughout. Mean Discordances between the Greenwich Ten- Year Catalogue, 1890, and the Astronomische Gesellschaft Catalogues, 1875. Mean Discordance. Name of Catalogue. Limits of N.P.D. No. of Stars. K.A. x sin N.P.D. N.P.D. Kasan 1015 s 0-045 074 I8 7 Christiania 20 25 0-046 0-95 281 Helsingfors 25-35 0-057 0-74 74' Cambridge (Mass.) 35-40 0-047 0-72 615 Bonn 40-50 0-062 0-86 1404 Cambridge 60 65 0-044 0-57 198 Berlin B . 65-70 0-030 0-43 283 Berlin A . 70-75 0-041 0-72 277 Leipzig 80 85 0-039 0-50 I 5 8 Albany 85-89 0-041 0-47 H3 IV. CIRCUMPOLAR STARS. The full tables printed pp. 34 to 44 show the mean excess of R.A. and N.P.D. above the pole for all stars in the present Catalogue of which observations have been made both above and below the pole. In the first table the excess above pole for the right ascensions is arranged in order of right ascension. In the second table the excess above pole for the north polar distances is arranged in order of north polar distance. In each table the star is designated by its number taken from the body of the Catalogue. The weights assigned to each star are computed as follows : For R.A., if in and n be the number of observations above and below the pole respectively, the weight assigned is 4 mn The maximum weight for any m + n + i mn star is thus 20, which corresponds to an infinite number of observations above and below the pole ; and the expression is equivalent to that for N.P.D. for stars at about 30 from the pole. For N.P.D. the weights used are determined by use of the " Probable Errors of Greenwich Observations in Zenith Distance " given by Mr Stone in the Monthly Notices, R. A. S., vol. xxix. p. 324. Putting n for the number of observations of a star above pole, e for the probable error of one observation, n^ and e^ the similar quantities for the observations below pole, e the probable systematic error affecting all observations of the same star, and depending on outstanding division error, variation of latitude, etc., the formula employed to determine the weight to be given to that star is 4- ne? + 2 ., or assuming e 2 = A- e 2 , which would 2 make e = 0"'16, the weight becomes tv) 0& use in this investigation. + -, which has been adopted for & INTRODUCTION. 31 Mean Excess of R.A. and N.P.D. above Pole, arranged in Groups of One Hour of R.A. Limit of R.A. of Group. Mean Excess of R.A. above Pole x sin N.P.D. Weight. Number of Stars. Mean Excess of N.P.D. above Pole. Weight. Numbei of Stars. h h s I -on 590 121 - o'-i3 806 121 I 2 -014 471 94 + 0-05 692 94 2- 3 - -017 389 81 + 0-08 594 81 3- 4 - -023 358 81 + 0-15 542 79 4- 5 -004 438 93 + 0-09 63, 93 5- 6 -ooi 33' 73 + 0-15 460 74 6- 7 'OO2 39 6 85 0-21 575 85 7- 8 -013 393 89 - 0'47 587 87 8- 9 -009 306 66 - 0-23 465 65 910 + 'OO2 236 53 0-05 336 5 1 10 I I + -OO2 317 70 + 0-08 468 68 I I 12 ooo 3'8 66 . 0-06 436 66 12-13 + 'CIS 305 61 + 0-15 459 61 I3-H -024 3'7 69 0-04 422 69 14-15 '003 278 59 + O'I2 423 59 I5l6 -OI2 368 78 + O'OI 49' 78 16 17 - -025 261 60 + 0-05 377 59 17 18 -oi I 169 38 O'OI 256 39 18 19 -046 254 62 + 0-09 321 64 19 20 'O2O 3ii 70 - 0-17 404 7i 2O 21 - -44 374 93 ' - o-i7 480 93 2122 - -028 567 124 O'O2 73i 125 22-23 - -017 649 152 o-i I 807 '51 23-24 -009 540 "5 O-Og 822 114 Mean Excess of R.A. and N.P.D. above Pole, arranged in Groups of Three Hours of R.A. Limit of R.A. of Group. Mean Excess of R.A. above Pole x sin N.P.D. Weight. Mean Excess of N.P.D. above Pole. Weight. h h s 3 - -013 1450 -OI 2092 3- 6 -008 ' 1127 + '12 1633 6- 9 -008 1089 '31 1627 9-12 + -ooi 871 'OI 1240 12-15 -004 900 + -08 1304 15-18 -016 798 + -02 U2 4 18 21 -037 939 -io I2O5 2124 -018 1786 - -08 2360 Mean - -013 8960 -04 12585 32 GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Mean Excess of K.A. and of N.P.D. above Pole, arranged in Groups of 1 of N.P.D. n a o ^5 I" 8 t__0 MX 53 p^ J3 be "S No. of Stars. 'o a Weight. No. of Stars. Limit of N.P.D. of Croup. **" ,i -f. ill. l ~" CO PH &2* In! ^ P^ 1 8 No. of Stars. % o s-s^ * CO 02 O a 8 o o I + -036 H 3 + 0-01 24 3 26 27 -024 286 6 7 + o ; 25 377 66 I 2 + -016 99 9 0-03 199 10 27 28 - -017 326 69 + 0-08 397 69 2- 3 + -007 85 H 0-04 152 '4 28 29 -017 257 56 o-io 321 56 3- 4 + -015 1 08 16 O-I2 249 17 29-30 -oi I 260 57 - 0-34 312 58 4- 5 + -oio 116 '9 0-12 225 20 3031 -009 343 81 0-40 361 81 5- 6 -008 102 25 + 0-01 205 25 31-32 + 'O2O 170 39 0-30 184 40 6- 7 -012 132 33 -f-o-i8 265 34 32-33 -005 305 67 0-09 314 69 7- 8 -022 145 33 + 0-08 309 36 33-34 -005 343 . 80 + 0-05 327 79 8- 9 - -013 242 49 0-06 481 49 34-35 -oio 328 75 - 0-19 305 75 910 - -013 174 38 +0-18 340 38 35-36 'GO, 418 100 0-44 409 99 10 II -033 162 35 + 0-14 313 35 36-37 -008 203 46 0-04 184 47 II 12 -020 152 3 1 + 0-07 322 3' 37-38 + -008 224 5' 0-28 169 5 12 13 -017 189 39 + 0-24 356 39 38-39 - -028 191 45 - 0-13 138 45 ^ H -028 168 34 + 0-02 325 35 39-40 -009 157 39 0-30 1 06 39 14-15 - -017 185 4 1 0-02 318 41 40-41 -038 113 26 0-32 75 26 15 16 - -014 253 54 + O'I I 401 5 2 41-42 - -034 38 JO 1-34 16 10 16 17 -024 277 57 + 0-I4 478 56 4?-43 + '005 44 n 0-96 25 1 1 17 18 - -025 205 41 0-02 337 40 43-44 -040 24 6 0-92 '5 6 18 19 '029 205 44 o-oo 333 44 44-45 '012 26 4 '97 H 5 19 20 -018 379 82 o-io 597 82 45-46 + -018 18 5 ' - 3''3 5 4 2O 21 -019 328 74 + 0-09 489 74 46-47 - '032 8 2 no 4 2 21 22 -032 '45 33 0-24 262 33 47-48 + -052 6 2 - 2-55 2 22 23 -oio 227 47 O-O3 361 46 48-49 23-24 - -017 267 56 + 0'l8 39 6 56 49-50 + -008 6 I 20-46 I 24-25 - -025 277 63 o-io 414 64 2526 '009 '95 40 0-05 280 40 Mean Excess of R.A. and of N.P.D. above Pole, arranged in Groups of 5 of N.P.D, Limit of Mean Excess of R.A. Mean Excess of N.P.D. of Group. above 1'ole x sin N.P.D. Weight. N.P.D. above Pole. Weight. s o- 5 + 0-013 422 -o : o8 849 5-10 0-014 795 + 0-06 1600 10-15 0-023 856 + 0-09 1634 15 20 O'02I 1319 + 0-02 2146 20 25 0-020 '244 + 0-O2 1922 25-30 0-016 1324 0'O2 1687 30-35 0-004 1489 O-lg 1491 35-4 o-oio 1193 -0-28 IOo6 40-45 0-024 245 O'6o 141 45-50 + O'OI I 38 Mean 0-013 0-O4 INTRODUCTION. 33 In these comparisons of the circumpolar observations the most noticeable features in the right ascensions are the persistent negative values of the Excess of R.A. above Pole from N.P.D. 6 to the extreme limit of N.P.D. observable, and the positive value from the pole to N.P.D. 5. Possible explanations of this are : (i.) Pivot error ; (ii.) Different character of the observation of the close polars ; (iii.) Diurnal changes in the position of the instrument. The discordances in N.P.D. for the groups of 1 indicate that the systematic errors (in which residual division errors are included) are very small, the mean value of the discordance (taken without regard to sign) for the groups from the pole to N.P.D. 30 being zt 0"'105, from which it results that the probable value of the systematic error for a zone of 1 of N.P.D. is it 0"-06 The mean value of the discordances in N.P.D. for groups of 1 hour of R.A. (taken without .regard to sign) is O'^IW, which is somewhat larger than the value for groups of 1 of N.P.D., though the weights and numbers of the stars are much larger for the R.A. groups. GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOQUE FOR 1890. 34 GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Circumpolar Stars. Excess of R.A. above Pole, arranged in order of R.A. Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. jj 3 1 Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. ,a 60 3 ft Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. -*-=' a i Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. -*-> -^ _BC '3 Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. 3? '3 d & 'S 6 m & I 35 Excess of R.A. above Pole. -t! is? 3 d fc jn "l* OQ Excess of R. A. above Pole. 1 1 3 d to 00 1 02 Excess of R. A. above Pole. jj ,c .:? '3 ^ JD 1 03 Excess of R. A. above Pole. .*> f 1 Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. ": SP '3 s Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. 4J 8 -SterVNo. Excess of R.A. above Pole. -ti :> a? s s s s s s s s I28l -i 68 4 1456 + -092 6 l62I + -III 7 1820 -08 1 4 2009 + -016 5 2157 + -037 4 2303 + -O2 1 3 2413 + -117 4 1282 - -019; 4 H57 - -265 4 1624!+ -303 5 1826 -004 4 2011 - - H9 4 2160 -427 5 2308 + -071 3 2414 + -079 5 1286 + -133 4 1460 -085 4 l626i+ -084 5 1828 - -071 4 2OI2 -140 ii 2163 + -145 5 2312 '090 4 2415 - -023 4 1288 - -322 4 1461 '020 5 1629 + -010 4 1833 + '040 4 2013 + -091 5 2164 + -056 5 2 3H '221 4 2420 + -no 4 1289 - -93 5 1466 - "93 6 1642 | -OO2 4 1835 + '73 7 20l6 + -038 4 2169 + '025 4 2 3'5 + -124 4 2425 -062 5 1290 + ' 9 5 1471 -089 4 1651 + -094 5 1836 - -174 3 2OI7 -204 5 2175 + '33 IO 2316 + '105 4 2430 + -20O S 1292 + >2 44 4 1 474 - -052 5 1656 -019 5 1840 - -427 5 2O2I + -063 4 2176 -070 4 2318 ~ -075 5 2 43 2 -087 5 I2 94 . + -318 4 H75 - -I0 5 5 1661 + -045 4 1848 M21 5 2022 + -073 6 21791+ '77 4 2321 - '395 4 2451 + -0 7 6 13 I2 9 5 + -106 5 1476 - -3 2 5 1662 -Ill 4 2027 -220 7 2182 + -123 5 2323 'IOO 4 2455 - -017 6 1296 + -168 4 1478 + 'OSS 4 1667 + -015 4 6 h . 2030 + -020 5 2185 -3-884 3 2325 - -31! 4 2456 + -146 4 1298 + -068 5 H79 + -082 12 1680 + -209 7 2033 -005 4 2196 -081 5 2327 + -126 4 2457 + -003 5 I2 99 + -079; 4 1498 -084 4 1684 -085 5 1855 + -225 4 2039 -083 4 2197 -088 5 2328 + ''49 4 2461 + -060 4 1300 + '006 ' 4 1501 + 'OS 1 5 1689 i "OI2 5 1858 -on 4 2040 + -039 4 2198 + -052 4 2330 + -107 3 2462 ~ '135 5 1306 - -051 4 1503 - -OI 7 4 1691 + -780 3 1861 + -206 5 2043 - -015 7 2199 + -ioi 4 2332 - - 455 3 2465 + -070 4 1307 + -253 4 1512 + ^70 5 1692 -340 4 1866 -029 4 2045 -058 4 220O -027 4 2335 - -154 3 2466 + -178 4 1309 - -358 5 1514 ~ ^79 4 1695 - -395 3 1876 -1-662 4 2052 -028 4 22O3 + -123 7 2337 + -691 20 2471 + -125 5 1312 -068 i 4 1515 - -181 4 1697 + -oi 6 5 1879 - -376 4 2056 -oio 5 2213 - -175 4 2338 + -156 5 2472 -oio 6 1313 - ''5 6 4 1516 + -007 5 1700 + -032 5 1881 + -103 4 2057 -018 5 2214 '083 4 2342 - -469 5 2484 + -123 5 3*5 - -048 : 6 1520 + -021 6 1701 + -035 5 1882 - -123 7 2059 - -203 7 2222 + - II7 6 2 343 + -015 4 2485 - -032 8 1316 -i 06 7 1521 + '024 4 1704 + -oio 5 1884 - -172 5 207O + -185 4 2225 + 'ooi 5 2 344 + '676 4 2487 -026 4 1320 + -210 4 1524 - -I0 5 3 1709 - -035 3 1885 - -158 4 2071 - -058 4 2232 -521 5 2346 - '234 4 2 494 + -238 4 1323 - -092, 5 1525 -089 4 1715 -008 4 1899 + -130 4 2078 + -160 4 2233 '027 5 2347 -210 4 2495 - -305 4 1326 + -ioo 4 1527 1+ -141 4 1721 - -438 3 1902 + -III 4 2079 - -183 4 224O - '353 5 2 34 8 - ^27 4 2528 - -044 4 1332 + " n 9 5 1528 + -050 4 "737'~ '5 2 4 1903 + -002 5 208l - -174 4 2241 - '57 4 2353 -063 4 253 -069 5 '335 + "024 4 1529 + -122 8 1738 + -137 5 1904 'O2O 3 2082 - '55 4 2243 -on 3 2355 '2O2 4 2531 -012 3 '344 + -025 4 1530 ~ ^38 4 17391+ -l6 5 4 1908 -026 4 2095 - -33 4 2245 - '57 4 2356 - -225 4 2536 - -0 55 4 1348 - -083 5 IS32:- -I 3 6 4 1742 + -036 5 1914 - -051 2 2102 + "54 '9 2252 - -123 5 2359 '007 6 2539 - -22 9 3 '355 + -170 5 1534 + -054 5 1748 + '373 4 1915 + ^97 4 2103 - -170 4 2253 -232 4 2365 + -us 4 2546 + ^32 3 1364 - -056 5 1543 + -095 4 J754 - '241 6 1918 + -092 4 2IO5 - '097 4 2254 '026 4 2368 - -073 4 2553 - -252 3 1366 -096 4 1544 + -077 4 1756 '007 4 1921 + -062 4 2I06 - -027 4 2255 - -328 4 2369 '020 4 2556 + -070 6 1368 -178 5 I 54 8 ~ -53 6 1757 -1-019 4 1922 + -06 7 5 2108 + -065 4 2257 + -95 4 2 37 2 -032 4 2568 + I-370 3 1371 !- -078 4 1552 - U72 6 1758 - -153 4 1929 + ^05 5 21 IO + -08 1 3 2262 'OI2 4 2375 '062 4 2571 -198 5 1372 -ooo 4 553 - '134 4 1767 + -004 4 '935 + -106 S 21 I I -i 06 4 2266 + 'H3 4 2377 + 'OO2 4 2572 - -232 5 1373 :+ -060 4 I 55 8 - -119 4 1768 + -037 5 '937 -i 20 4 2114 + -in 4 2267 - -041 4 2378 ~ ^57 4 2574 - -023 4 1380' -122 4 1772 '090 4 1942 '029 4 2117 + -051 4 2270 - -321 4 2379 + -112 5 2575 + "53 4 1383 '. -328 4 5". 1779 + -053 6 1945 + -144 4 2119 -018 4 2271 + -056 4 2576 -019 4 1385 - -154 5 1788 -084 4 1948 - '357 4 2123 -in 5 2274 - '74 4 8 b . 2579 + - 37 4 1386 -093 4 1564 + -03 4 1789' -063 6 1949 - -128 7 2125 + -085 4 2275 - -185 4 2580 + 'IS 8 4 1390 , '268 4 '574 + -003 5 1792 + -028 3 1954 - '399 3 2130 + -'73 2 2278 - -032 4 2382 '062 4 2587 - -54 3 1406 + -191 4 1575 + -067 5 '794 - -142 4 '957 -006 4 2132 - -027 4 2282 - -068 4 2383 - -224 5 2591 + -015 5 1419 + -141 4 1580 - -127 6 1796 + -132 6 1968 + -077 5 2136 - 1 -049 2 2283 - -127 4 2386 - -170 6 2592 -264 4 1423 + -179 4 1582 -i 60 3 1800 + -123 4 1971 1-528 3 2137 + -229 3 2286 - -'77 3 2387 - '39 4 2595 -022 5 1424 1+ 'ioi 4 1586 + -036 4 1802 + -107 5 '975 - -088 4 2138 + -197 5 2287 + '070 6 2390 -076 5 2596 -042 3 1426 + -098 5 1589 + '237 3 1803 + -033 4 1977 + -081 5 2147 + -009 7 2288 + -140 4 2392 + -219 4 2598 '604 4 1430 + -032 4 J593 - -124 5 1804 + '051 4 1978 - -086 5 2148 - -176 4 2289 + -197 4 2397 -080 4 2601 + -382 5 1437 '+ -oio 5 1 60 1 - -97 5 1807:+ -253 4 1983 - -068 5 2290 -005 S 2398 - -279 4 2603 'OO3 4 1438 '136 5 1603 -020 12 1808 + -139 4 1990 - -165 10 7 h - 2291 + -009 4 2400 -090 6 2604 - -074 4 1441 + -016 7 1605 + -072 4 1809 + -ooi 5 2000 + -164 3 2294 + -147 4 2401 + -138 4 2605 ~ ^35 5 14441 -026 5 1610 - -467 3 1811 + '012 5 20OI - -079 4 2151 - -322 5 2297 + -030 3 2405 - -148 4 2606 - -0 5 2 3 1445 - -046 4 161 1 + -157 4 1812 -029 3 20O3 + -003 5 2153 - -532 5 2299 + -015 4 2408 - -421 6 2612 + ^31 3 1453 - -306 4 1612 + -139 4 1813 'O6o 4 2OO7 - -028 5 2156 + -018 5 2302 - 738 3 2411 -104 6 2613 - '77 3 36 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Circumpolar Stars. Excess of R.A. above Pole, arranged in oi'der of R.A. continued. Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. 1 3 to - w 3 01 Excess of R.A. above Pole. *s a I Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. J= .2? '3 d to _cn i 02 Excess of R.A. above Pole. + 'So 1 Star's No. Excess of R. A. above Pole. *i S & 1 00 1 Excess of R.A. above Pole. *i J3 . "S & 00 1 Excess of R.A. above Pole. ^ a s Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. 41 a '3 s s s s s s s s 2614. + -14 5 2786 + -015 4 2932 '109 4 3058 -064 4 3374 - 'US 5 3517 -089 5 3675 - -227 4 2617 ooo 9 2789 + -015 4 2935 + -OI2 5 3061 + -024 4 I2 h . 3376 + 'CIS 12 3519 -089 10 3677 + 2-570 4 2790!+ -050 4 2938 -on 4 3O66 - -275 4 3377 + -088 4 3520 - -59 3 3681 + -047 3 2795 + -061 5 2942 + - 9'4 4 3070 + '025 4 3207 + ^50 4 3379 + -008 4 3521 -058 5 3684 -500 4 9 h - 2797 + -008 4 2943 + -022 5 3071 + '025 5 3208 + -068 4 3382 - -088 4 3522 - -142 5 3685 - -125 4 2799 - -115 4 2950 + -169 4 3072 + -172 4 3210 -038 4 3384 + '243 5 3526 + -057 4 3689 - -072 4 2624 - -091 4 2801 -106 4 2954 + -008 5 377 + 'DO I 8 3226 + '37 5 3386 - 'US S 3527 - -*5 4 3690 + '019 5 2628 - '33 5 2804 + '024 4 2959 - - 34 6 5 3094 + -049 4 323 - -148 3 3388 + -189 4 3530 - -227 5 3692 + -075 4 2633 + '190 4 2964 + -020 4 3095 + -016 4 3231 -103 8 3389 + '025 5 3532 + -117 5 3693 + -008 4 2635 + -116 4 2965 + -062 4 3098 - - 37 4 3233 -280 4 339 6 + -024 4 3535 -089 4 3696 + -142 10 2636 + '009 7 I0 h . 2966 - -S3 5 3107 + -766 4 3238 + -115 S 3398 + -03 I 3 3538 - -051 4 3 6 97 - -043 4 2646 + -084 4 2970 + -055 4 3108 + -07 i 4 3239 + -002 ii 3400 + -055 3 3539 + -082 4 3699 + -122 4 2654 + -066 4 2812 + -059 4 2971 + -OOI 8 3112 + -092 4 3242 - -131 4 343 + -885 4 3542 - -i73 4 37i -180 4 2657 + '225 5 28i6| -172 4 2972 - -188 3 3"4 + '047 4 3245 + -095 5 3543 + -195 4 377 -058 4 2667 + '007 4 2817 - -99 4 2973 -100 4 31 16 + '15 4 3249 - -6 49 4 13". 3545 - "99 4 3708 -089 4 2668 + -128 4 2822 + -137 4 2975 + '004 4 3120 -087 12 3250 - -I 49 5 3553 + -H4 4 3709 - -047 4 2669 + 'Oil 4 2828 -006 4 2981 -01 1 5 3126 + -058 4 3252 + 1-149 J 9 3413 - "39 1 5 3555 -022 ii 3710 - -156 5 2670 -ooi 4 2831 + -079 4 2986 -Ill 7 3128 + '054 5 3253 + 'H3 4 34H - '53 4 3557 + -066 4 3713 + -117 4 2671 + '025 2 2833 + -094 4 2987 + -134 4 3131 + -284 4 3260 -064 4 3424 - '43 4 3563 - 385 4 3714 + -082 4 2672 + -228 3 2838!+ -075 4 2988 + -019 4 3'34 + -112 5 3261 -104 4 3427 + -426 4 3568 + -073 4 3719 - '339 4 2674 -058 3 2841 -022 5 2989 - -484 3 3i35 + -134 4 3263 + '345 4 3433 + -026 4 3569 -060 4 3723 -041 5 2677 + -072 H 2845 + -054 3 2990 - -031 4 3136 -058 4 3264 -on 4 3434 + -57 5 3570 ~ -155 4 3729 - -79 4 2680 + -008 4 2847 + -027 2 2991 - -137 4 3i37 + -296 5 3265 + '4 5 3438 - -'33 5 3572 "169 4 373i + -028 5 2685 - -124 4 2849 '211 4 2992,+ -115 4 3138 + -205 4 3266 + -118 4 3442 - -187 5 3581 + -22 5 5 3748 -022 4 2686 + '013 6 2850 + '050 4 2993 - -54 3 3H5 - -267 5 3268 + -242 5 3448 -036 4 3582 - '491 6 3755 + -016 4 2691 - -053 8 2852 + '050 5 2997 - -115 5 3146 -091 4 3269 -060 4 345' - -291 5 3587 - -365 4 3757 - -034 4 2697 -026 5 2853 + -046 4 3001 +9-557 4 3'47 + -066 5 3277 -002 S 3455 -IOO 4 3588 - -752 5 3758 + -033 5 2703 - '!74 4 2854 + -946 5 3004;+ -079 H 3H9 + -130 4 3278 + 1-307 3 3457 - -017 5 359 1 -020 4 3763 + -162 4 2706 -003 4 2855 + -262 4 3005 -056 4 3151 - -173 4 3279 + -Q4 1 4 3459 - -145 4 3592 - -254 4 3765 '003 4 2708 - '*99 4 2856 ~ -254 4 3007 + -026 15 3153 + '1 20 4 3282 -036 4 34 6 4 + -622 4 359 6 -i 10 4 3769 + -126 4 2714 -08 1 5 2863 + M22 3 3008 '416 4 3154 - -318 4 3283 + -083 5 3466 + -128 8 3601 + -006 5 377i -030 4 2716 -046 7 2865 + -096 4 3160 'Old 5 3284 + -56 3 34 6 7 + '003 8 3604 + -073 | 4 3774 -046 3 2717 - '454 4 2866 + 'H 2 5 3161 + -078 4 3286 - -79 5 3468 + '44 5 3605 - -827 3 3777 + -009 15 2718 + -082 4 2867 - -127 5 n h . 3162 - -090 5 3292 - -133 5 3469 + '027 7 3606 + -on 8 378o - -116 5 2726 - -193 4 2877 + -052 4 3168 + '54 4 3293 + -194 4 347i -090 3 3783 - -055 5 2730 + -003 5 2878 - -128 4 3021 - -077 5 3171 - -071 5 3294 - -187 4 3474 - -33 4 H u - 379 1 - -684 4 2735 + -130 4 2890 + -387 4 3022 - -052 4 3176 - -142 4 3295 + -19 7 3476 -006 4 3792 - -084 4 2736 - -133 4 2896 + -009 5 3023 1-486 5 3177 -004 15 3296 -203 4 3477 -248 4 3610 + -488 3 3793 + -015 5 2742 + -157 3 2902 - -068 4 3024 + '019 5 3'85 -098 6 3298 - -127 7 3478 -184 4 3612 - - 44 13 3794 - '35 4 2745 -168 4 2903 - -152 4 3026;+ -063 6 3189 '026 5 33'4 + -043 1 1 3480 - '277 5 3618 - -I 9 6 4 3796 + -048 4 2747 -090 3 2908 '211 4 3028 -083 4 3190 -087 6 3320 -007 4 348i + -125 3 3620 + '071 4 3798 -048 6 2749 + -079 5 2910 + -076 4 3031 [ + -181 4 3i9 2 -070 4 3323 + 'Hi 4 3483 - -027 5 3625 + -073 5 3800 -096 7 2751 + '47 5 2912 -070 5 3032 + -ooi 8 3'94 + -844 4 3336 + ^55 5 3488 - -387 4 3630 + -106 4 3802 -289 4 2754 + -211 7 2913 + -123 4 3035 + -061 4 3196 + -119 5 3339 -oi i 4 3493 + -051 3 3631 + '54 4 3804 - -236 4 2 759 + -086 4 2916 + -H5 4 3036 -070 6 3200 - -031 4 3340 + -197 5 3496 -210 3 3634 - -233 5 3805 - -235 4 2762 + ^^ 3 2917 + -261 5 3040 -089 4 3201 + '123 4 3342 - -051 4 3497 + I-507 4 3651 + -024 4 2765 + -067 4 2919 + '59 4 3042 + -107 5 3202 -048 5 3348 + -059 5 354 - '439 4 3659 + '031 4 15". 2766 + ' 5S 6 2924 - -H7 4 3044 - -150 5 3203 - -362 4 335' -003 4 3506 + 'OSS 4 3664 + -118 6 2769 '050 4 2927 -100 4 3052 + -024 4 3204 + '065 4 3363 -046 4 3511 - -389 5 3666 + "03 4 3808 - -136 5 2772 + *43 3 2928 - -262 5 3053 + -119 5 3206 + -140 5 3364 -029 6 35'4 - -565 5 3670 + -126 5 3810 - '174 4 2777 '064 4 2930 -008 4 3055 -216 4 3373 + 'OS* 4 35i6 + -047 4 3673 - -066 5 3812 - -215 5 INTRODUCTION. 37 Circumpolar Stars. Excess of R.A. above Pole, arranged in order of R.A. continued. o to - 00 i CO Excess of R.A. above Pole. *- ,C .&0 *4> (q 01 Excess of R. A. above Pole. j-i To '3 * 6 K 93 ' 03 Excess of R. A. above Pole. -t-> 4= ,M '57 + -182 4 4333 - -055 4 4601 - -137 4 4869 + -290 3 5189 - -562 3 5453 + -068 3 3816 - -088 5 398i -087 5 4164 - -159 4 4335 + -55 5 4603 - '445 5 4883 -007 '3 5198 '122 4 5455 + -'35 3 3820 - -291 4 3985 - -017 4 4165 '609 4 434 + -137 5 4606 -no 4 4888 '109 4 5201 - -I 5 2 4 5460 4 -063 4 3823 -oi 6 4 3988 - '33 4 4166 + -018 4 4349 + -157 4 4608 + 'IS 6 3 4896 - -066 5 5205 - -027 4 54 6 3 - -215 3 3824 '2O2 4 399 + -040 4 4167 - '39 2 4 4353 - '215 4 4626 -no 4 4899 - -114 3 5208 + -172 3 5472 'OI2 3 3826 - -0 5 2 4 3994 'OOI 4 4172 -012 4 435 6 - -039 4 4 6 3I + -050 3 4906 - -132 A 5210 - ''99 4 5473 ~ '537 3 3827 + -010 4 3995 + '004 3 4'83 + '397 4 4359 '104 4 4633 4- -032 3 4907 - -138 4 5230 -064 5 5477 -083 3 3832 + -039 4 3997 - -310 4 4186 - -017 5 4360 + "III 4 4634 - -073 4 4908 -228 4 5232 - -186 5 5489 - -051 4 3836 + -058 4 3999 -290 5 4194 -iio 5 4366 + -168 6 4 6 37 + 'OH 5 4909 -018 4 5233 + -i4 3 549 * 'IO7 8 3838 + -128 5 4006 - -207 '3 4196 -289 4 437 '090 5 4641 - -165 4 49 12 + -045 5 5236 -480 4 5494 + -106 4 384' - -270 4 4009 + -082 4 4198 -180 5 437i 'OO2 5 4 6 55 + -008 4 49'5 + -007 4 5504 + -013 4 3843 -005 5 4012 - -135 4 4201 - -525 4 4372 - -616 3 4658 + '071 3 4920 + '33 12 20 h . 5505 - '495 3 3845 - -071 6 4022 + 'P7 2 4 4203 + '54 7 4378 + '014 5 4660 + -4' 4 4924 - -217 4 5508 - -327 3 3849 + '94 4 4031 + '99 5 4204 - '4 2 5 4 4386 - '174 3 4662 -122 4 4932 + '014 3 5243 - -I2 3 4 55H -oio 4 3855 + -182 18 4032 + -i5 6 5 4206 + -070 4 4387 + -Oil 4 4663 - -161 4 4936 -ioi 4 5248 -056 4 5522 + -55 4 3856 '2O2 4 433 + '333 4 4209 + '041 4 4393 - -320 4 4666 + -08 1 4 4947 -027 4 5255 - -75 4 5525 -181 4 3858 '120 4 4036 -002 5 4210 + -567 3 4394 - '243 3 4669 - -188 5 4953 + '232 5 5258 '3O 6 5539 + -38 6 386l + -oi 6 4 437 + -229 4 4217 + '132 4 4402 + -I2O 4 4672 -I2O 3 4954 + -in 4 5259 3 3 5543 - -255 16 3867 + '32 5 4040 -050 4 4219 in 4 4415 '060 i 7 4676 - -II 9 4 49 6 3 + -078 S 5260 + -108 4 5552 + -in 3 3875 -056 4 4048 + -132 5 4220 + -068 4 4416 -021 5 4678 -065 5 4965 -206 4 5262 - -oi 8 4 5553 -100 13 3877 + -063 4 4051 + -101 5 4222 - -280 4 4454 '030 10 4681 -226 4 4967 -246 5 5264 - -052 2 5554 - 779 3 3878 - -125 5 453 + -040 4 4229 - 'i3> 5 4455 - '3'S 4 4682 -100 5 4969 + -014 4 5270 - -185 3 5555 "222 4 3880 - -255 4 4054 + -033 4 4243 + -336 4 4466 - -045 4 4708 -009 4 4974 - -054 4 5272 - -086 3 5560 - -093 4 3882 + -06 1 4 4248 + 352 4 4467 -280 4 4716 - -174 4 4983 - -150 4 5275 -248 5 55 6 7 - '337 3 3885 - -073 5 i6 h . 4253 - '93 5 4472 - -038 6 4718 - -598 3 4987 -006 4 5289 '121 4 55 6 9 '208 3 3898 + 'OH 13 4254 - '345 4 4739 '263 3 4994 + -015 3 533 1-016 4 557i - -332 4 3900 - -162 4 4064 + -ooi 4 4256 + -151 5 i8b. 4744 -209 5 4996 - -323 4 5322 - -232 S 5579 -306 3 3906 - -135 4 4066 '211 4 4258 + -017 4 4761 - -252 4 5011 -070 4 5323 4 -009 3 558i + 'Cog 3 3907 + -025 5 4068 + -024 5 4260 + -033 3 453 - -162 4 4768 - "99 4 5026 - '3 6 7 4 5325 - -115 4 5594 - -660 3 3912 - -79 4 4070 - -003 4 4262 -086 9 4505 - -296 3 4773 - '093 4 537 + '993 '9 5326 + -126 4 5595 - "39 5 39H + 'OH 4 4074 + -070: 5 4264 + -085 4 4506:- -369 3 4776 -298 3 5038 -002 6 533 '067 4 5599 - -138 5 39'7 -108 4 4079 -028 4 4268 -128 3 4507,- -084 4 4782 + -046 3 5039 - -113 2 5333 + -134 4 5610 - -125 3 39'9 + 1-023 4 4082 '065 4 4272 '092 4 4512 -209 3 4783 - '379 4 5042 - -265 3 5334 - - 52 5 5614 - -425 3 3922 - -34 4 4083 - -138 4 4274 - -513 4 4523 + -49' '9 4792 '219 3 557 + -007 3 5338 + -179 4 5623 + -44 4 39 2 3 + -152 4 4089 -090 5 4277 - -140 5 4524 ~ '235 3 4794 - -I 55 4 5061 - -158 3 5352 'Ill 3 5625 -065 4 3926 '112 4 4104 - -015 4 4533 - -080 3 4795 - -363 4 5094 + -048 3 5357 - '033 5 5629 - -126 4 3928 - -023 8 4108 -082 3 17*. 454i + -152 4 479 s - -187 4 5111 + '04 1 4 5358 -048 4 5630 + -020 3 3932 + 'i4 5 4109 - -126 4 4543 - ' I2 5 4 4800 -006 5 5114 + -153 4 5362 -014 4 5 6 33 - -382 4 3936 - 1-244 \ 5 4114 + -44 4 4278 'OOI 4 455 1 - -II 3 4 4809 '222 4 5116 - -116 5 5383 - '35 5 5642 - -2SS 3 3945 -046 5 4115 -224 4 4279 - -031 3 4558 - -056 3 5121 - -126 3 5399 -098 4 5646 + "55 3 3952 '290 4 41 16 - -107 4 4282 -190 4 4560 + -oio 4 I9 h . 5127 -080 4 5402 + -183 4 5 6 57 + -132 4 3954 - -181 5 4118 - -114 4 4283 '2OI 3 45 6 7 - -090 4 5137 + -277 3 5409 -160 5 5658 - -432 4 3955 + -005 4 4119 - -136 5 4285 ~ -37 4 4568 - -008 3 4821 + -112 4 5t39 - -235 6 54" + -'4 4 5661 - -128 4 3959 + -79 4 4122 + -126 3 4286 - -2 7 I 5 4574 - -125 3 4826 - -205 4 5158 + -211 3 5412 4 -ooi 4 5669 - 765 S 3964 -091 4 4124 - '043 4 4290 - -0 99 3 4580 - -084 6 4830 - -072 4 5 l6 3 -169 3 54'9 - -346 3 5680 - -161 4 39 6 5 4. '062 4 4129 -076 4 4291 + -'49 4 4581 -161 3 4834 '003 7 5168 + 'IO2 4 5427 - -307 4 5690 -306 4 3966 + -218 4 4139 -300 5 4293 + '53 3 4585 - -162 4 4847 - '63. 4 5170 + 'CIS 4 5428 - '34 3 5691 - >0 95 3 3969 + '071 4 4140 - '393 4 4 2 95 + "379 3 4589 - -042 4 4850 - -179 4 5'77 + -084 3 543 - -138 4 5694 -284 3 397 + -005 4 4H5 - -13 4 4298 + ''59 4 459 1 - -025 4 4852 -027 5 5180 -024 4 5437 - -J53 4 5699 4 -023 4 397* - -141 4 4146 + -096 5 4302 -078 9 4592 '211 4 4861 - 'OJI 5 5186 + -009 4 5439 - -113 3 5702 -028 3 3.8 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Circumpolar Stars. Excess of R.A. above Pole, arranged in order of R.A. concluded. Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. S .f *OJ Star's No. Excess of R.A. above Pole. i .HP 'GJ !z; m a 02 Excess of R. A. above Pole. 4! :> 8 Star's No. Excess of R. A. above Pole. *: % B d to j 35 Excess of R.A. above Pole. -*-> S 1 *O> t to ^M "t-i e) 03 Excess of R. A. above Pole. -^5 [3; 'E d to JM EQ Excess of R.A. above Pole. Weight. d to jn & 02 Excess of R.A. above Pole. 4* 8 & s s s s s s s s 5706 - '99 4 5883 M20 6 6042 -140 4 6161 -023 4 6267 + " 2 39 18 6426 + -009 3 6567 - ''55 4 6734 - -54 4 5707 'O02 3 5884 '062 13 6043 -006 4 6164 - -267 4 6270 + -523 4 6428 -06 1 4 6569 - ''34 3 6735 - -084 5 5715 + -098 4 5888 -08 1 4 6045 - -168 4 6165 + -092 7 6272 - -170 5 6429 - -177 3 6571 "2IO 6 6736 + -003 i5 5722 - -II 9 3 5889 + -168 4 6053 + -079 4 6168 + -106 5 6273 + -052 4 6433 - -H3 4 6579 + 'OJO 4 6737 - -025 3 5728 'OH 4 5891 - -138 4 6057 - -129 4 6170 - -086 4 6277 - '155 5 6 434 -112 4 6588 + -017 4 6739 - '443 4 5893 -060 4 OOjS -222 4 6176 + -070 ii 6280 - -157 3 6 437 + -030 8 6593 + -129 4 6740 + -193 4 5897 - -068 6 6059 -OO2 4 6177 - -127 4 6281 -OIO 4 6444 - -II 5 5 6598 + -06 4 6 6746 -200 4 2I h . 5900 - OO2 4 6060 + -038 4 6178 '007 4 6290 + -115 3 6450 + 'O2I 4 6602 'O02 5 6751 -009 5 5904 'O6o 4 6062 + M 7 6 4 6179 + -045 4 6296 - -231 4 6 453 -084 4 6606 '237 4 6752 + ''43 4 5731 - -037 4 5906 - -213 4 6064 - ^64 5 6180 -006 5 6300 - -187 3 6 455 ~ - 4 2 4 4 66lO ! "062 4 6 753 - -056 4 5736 - '159 4 597 'O22 3 6065 - -025 7 6181 -026 4 6302 - -270 3 6466 -010 4 6613 + -083 5 6 754|- -127 6 5743 + -035 3 5908 - -I 9 2 4 6067 ~ -'45 4 6183 - -119 3 6305 + -143 4 6470 - -171 4 66l7 -150 4 6757!- '4 8 5 5744 + -15' 3 5911 -070 4 6070 + '005 4 6184 - -228 6 6309 + -017 5 6476 -Ill 5 66l8 '038 4 6758 -506 4 5749 + -041 6 59*4 - -'95 4 6074 - ^32 5 6185 -206 3 631 1 - '379 5 6480 - -155 4 6619 'OgO 5 6759 '036 5 575 - -132 5 59'5 - -6 7 2 3 6077 - -54 5 6186 + -025 3 6312 -048 4 6482 + -098 4 6625 - 'H3 5 6761 -016 5 5760 -184 4 5921 + -34 6 6078 - -054 4 6188 + -161 3 6318 -069 4 6489 + -014 4 6627 + -396 5 6762 -056 5 5764 -209 4 5922 - -0 99 5 6o8l + -55 4 6190 + -023 5 6 3H + -066 8 6492 + -056 4 6630 "189 4 6765 + -048 6 57 6 5 -062 6 5923 + -048 5 6082 -061 5 6191 - -116 4 63 2 7 - -148 4 6 495 + -182; 5 6632 + '8 4 6769 - '47 5 5766 -076 4 59 2 7 - ''57 3 6083 + -422 4 6192 - '47 3 6331 - -227 4 6502 - -007 : 4 6633 + -124 4 6771 + -124 4 5767 + '77 5 5929 ~ ^83 3 6086 Mo6 4 6193 - "'99 4 6 333 - '1*5 5 6504 + -043 3 6634 + -322 5 6772 + -347 4 5768 - -158 4 593' -007 4 6087 + -047 5 6198 -083 5 6 335 -081 6 6509 -iii A 6637 -f- '060 4 6776 '221 4 5770 - -245 4 5932 '009 4 6091 + -O22 4 6201 + -050 5 6336 - '154 2 65 10 - -191 4 6640 - -017 5 6777 - '036 5 577i - -218 10 5933 + -198 3 6097 + -086 4 6205 + -146 5 6337 - -105 3 6512 + -165 4 6645 -056 5 6780 + -ioo 4 5773 -i-347 4 5934 - -073 4 6098 'log 4 6207 - -071 4 6342 + -064 4 6517 -120 4 6646 -136 4 6782 -061 4 5774 - -i3 5 5938 '009 4 6101 -056 10 6208 + -035 4 6 344 - -114 4 6520 + -002 4 6648 -095 4 6786 -219 5 5776 + -083 4 594 1 - -I0 5 4 6102 + -59 4 6214 - '054 5 6347 -056 5 6521 - '353 3 6649 + -oil 4 6793 - '098 5 5778 -189 8 594* + -057 4 6103 -091 4 6215 -089 4 6351 + -178 S 6522 - ''13 3 6651 -140 4 6802 -i 60 5 5786 -082 4 5945 - -225 4 6105 '190 5 6218 + -003 5 6 354 + -108 9 6524 -081 5 6652 - -93 3 6805 - -161 4 579 -129 4 5947 -406 4 6106 M 60 5 6220 + -066 3 6360 + -064 4 6527 - '454 3 6656 -064 5 6822 + '-55 5 5794 -092 4 5952 + -069 3 6109 -O2 I 4 6224 - -136 4 6362 - -170 5 6529 + M20 4 6660 - -072 5 6827 - -273 5 5799 + -01 1 4 5953 + 'ISO 3 6116 MO7 5 6230 - '157 3 6365 -087 5 6530 -020 4 6663 -009 4 6830 -032 5 5802 - -185 4 5955 -f -080 3 6231 - '193 3 6366 + -085 5 6532 - ' 2 57 4 6665 + -084 4 6832 + -369 4 5803 + -164 4 5960 - -I2 9 3 6232 - -608 4 6378 - -023 4 6533 + -022 5 6666 - -076 5 6834'+ -036 4 5804 -016 4 5968 + -017 4 22 h . 6237 - -I 53 5 6383 -4- -006 4 6537 - '345 2 6668 - -027 ! 3 6839, -130 4 5811 + -027 '5 5973 - -2I 3 5 6241 '462 5 6384 - -172 3 6673 - -007! 3 6842 + -036 5 5820 -508 5 5979 - '07 4 6119 ~ -53 6 6242 + -on 4 6386 - '44 4 6678 + -247 4 6846 '+ -126 4 5822 - -125 5 5987 ~ -179 3 6123 - -023 5 6243 - -158 4 6387 -026 5 23". 6679 + -029 5 6852 + -175 6 5824. + -'74 4 5992 + '73 3 6124 + -120 4 6246 -063 6 6 393 + '94 5 6681 -028 5 6854 - -177 6 5829 + -075 4 5997 -072 7 6125 + 'O02 4 6247 + '77 4 6394 + -118 8 6538 'OO2 5 6683 + -005 4 6855 + -ooi 5 5831 + '015 4 6004 - -017 5 6128 + "IS 8 4 6248 - -166 4 6 395 + -oi i 4 6 539 - -I82 3 6685 - '173' 4 6857 '224 4 5841 - -268 5 6009 - -134 4 6129 - -22 9 3 6249 - -287 4 6 397 -206 4 6540 - -I8 7 3 6690 -062 4 6858 -038 4 5842 - '333 4 6015 -046 4 6130 -08 I 3 6250 + '94 7 6400 '030 4 6542 + -231 4 6692 -oio 5 6864 -02 1 4 5 H 5 2 + '393 17 6016 - ''54 3 6131 - -01 7 2 6251 - -77 4 6401 + -74 3 6545 + '060 4 6693 + '335 19 6866 -109 3 5856 - '33 5 6020 + -024 5 6132 -050 3 6253 + *oi6 3 6403 - -116 3 6546 + '53 4 6699 - -188 5 6868 - -192 5 5861 -040 4 6024 - '3 2 4 4 6138 + '025 4 6*54 - -029) 3 6409 'I2O 4 6549 -003 3 6707 - - 74 4 6871 -085 4 5863 + -072 4 6025 - -H5 4 6148 + 'US 4 6257 - '170 4 6410 - '017 3 6551 -003 3 6712 + -160 4 6873 + -101 4 5864 - -130 4 6029 + -181 4 6149 - -I 34 4 6260 -024 3 6414 + '114 3 6554 '207 5 6723 + -226 3 6876 -084 5 5868 - -079 3 6033 -050 4 6150 -oio 5 6261 - -57 3 6416 - -170 4 6556 ~ -139 4 6724 + -069 5 6878 + 'i9 5 5870 - -107 4 6035 + 1-737 3 6i53 - '43 3 6262 - '97 4 6418 + -021 4 6561 - 'CIS 10 6728 + -124 4 6881 + '014 5 5873 -090 3 6036 -089 3 6156 -005 4 6264 -i 10 3 6420 + -281 4 6^65 '08 1 4 6732 + -078 ; 4 6884 + -228 4 5876 -087 4 6037 - -127 5 6159 -08 1 5 6266 + -254 3 6423 - -35 3 6566 -i 60 | 4 6733 -266 4 6888 -160 5 i i INTRODUCTION. 39 Circumpolar Stars. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, arranged in order ofN.P.D. d to ! 03 * j M . tt to -w if, B Star's No. ^ > Is* to* "S Star's No. xl. d to* Star's No. E <-, o 0,0 jzi 1 Star's No. Jgl to "3s 'S d to OJ oj a > to If "ai d to . m a a A WPi -t- "S " 3610 + '35 IO 4210 - ''07 5 4157 -2-30 7 1256 + '39 6 2286 -1-34 7 763 + ''5 6 " 0. 1 109 + -18 i 21 3233 - -08 7 '739 + -66 6 2539 5 I2 4 + -16 IO 820 + '53 7 12. 3203 + '5 17 2598 + '37 7 5554 + '63 4 453 + '4 1 6 3553 + '24 7 3488 + 170 7 95' + -56 10 6852 '27 22 3153 + 2-49 4 53 - -26 7 3098 -13 6 2430 - '36 6 6740 - -86 6 1130 + 74 6 3001 -1-14 7 1971 - '31 7 3373 + -06 7 2392 + -13 1 1 5594 + '67 4 5778 - '54 H 701 -1-32 9 4204 - -06 7 822 - -38 7 2344 + -20 7 3374 + '3 1 13 '757 + -26 15 1234 i "04 5 6 754 + -oi ii 704 - '49 9 2323 -3'34 6 334 - '65 8 3975 + 4-29 4 3194 + -42 16 1309 + '47 9 4166 + -16 6 2312 - '49 6 1. 4- 2175 - -28 29 2164 - '45 19 '355 + -19 7 779 - -70 6 4198 + i'ij IO 6. 2043 '05 13 H57 + -88 6 4585 - '34 7 1580 '19 17 1621 + '52 19 2337 - -18 37 2553 -1-42 5 6723 + -24 8 1948 - '49 6 1294 - '93 6 1582 + 72 5 4201 - -08 8 537 - -16 37 2942 - "3 7 3200 + '67 6 6451 -21 16 6280 i '02 4 459 1 6 427 + '9 1 6 23H i'ii 6 9 1 + -is 1 1 5065 -19 4 3263 + '67 IO 6827 + 78 12 '754 - '43 12 2297 -1-15 5 778 + "22 6 4278 + '29 15 534 - 73 8 35 11 - -18 9 533 -1-29 6 6007 - '95 5 3587 - -18 9 + '45 6 1949 + "63 16 I 121 + '49 8 510 - '9 1 7 1524 - '63 5 6832 + '45 7 3919 6 2601 '22 12 4012 - '39 6 6077 + '58 IO 971 + '93 7 5" + -02 38 '37 + '9 8 355 - -18 7 6868 + -ii 8 3'8 9 - -86 8 2530 + 70 16 4295 + i'i3 4 3252 -05 36 569 + '64 8 4533 + "34 4 3226 + ;42 8 4165 + "22 6 1219 + '25 16 757 + 1*46 8 3427 + ro2 8 6270 - '49 8 5856 + "'33 6 3230 6 3H9 + 173 6 2OII - -40 8 11. 1 1 06 + '3i 6 3023 + '53 9 348 '25 33 4847 - 78 7 3201 - '44 4 423 + I-O4 8 3999 7 3954 -31 7 3497 + 76 8 6267 - ''9 32 3841 '3 7 4262 + -32 22 379 1 'OI 7 220 + '95 6 4229 + "3 ! 9 2455 + -02 22 1610 -170 4 5236 - -40 6 8,5 + '89 6 4965 - '5 7 954 - '4 1 20 577i 21 2. 5773 + -07 8 6495 + -36 21 2917 + '97 8 3966 - -61 6 6532 + i'i4 IO 3042 + 1-17 13 95 1*09 6 34 6 4 + '3 1 6 2136 'IO 6 3605 + '89 4 2203 + '5 1 26 3723 + i'44 15 690 + ro8 6 3206 + '44 IO 628 'OI 7 3107 - 7i 7 21 - -46 8 4782 - "5 4 51 16 - -06 8 5669 + '43 12 1371 - '83 6 5908 + -3 9 2185 + '4 2 5 1721 + '35 6 4507 + -58 6 5658 + '1 '9 1553 i -08 8 6302 -1-19 4 1235 + -08 IO 1344 + '23 7 3 6 77 + I'22 8 1269 - '39 30 2 7 6 + -So 12 6190 - 73 8 4783 - -8 1 6 IO04 + I'22 7 1223 + '35 6 266 - -26 9 6772 -171 5 3988 - '4' 1 1 4386 + -04 6 4196 + '01 4 3442 - '9 1 12 6566 + -24 6 716 - -16 6 3204 + i' S 6 6 385 + '09 7 1691 + '97 5 2240 - -26 9 3455 - 'is 6 2JJI '10 10 2717 - -26 ii 5357 + -09 7 3855 + -09 34 2568 + -16 5 35 6 3 - -58 7 235 6 ro6 8 2890 - '63 9 10. 3792 + 'i 6 5358 + 1 '04 6 3936 - '49 9 3684 + '5 6 4678 + -46 IO 4718 - -60 4 3692 - -91 8 6606 + '53 8 1002 + '35 22 6128 - -46 7 3284 + 1-16 6 4319 -1-14 4 5543 30 6571 + '08 9 1228 + '5 6 3689 - -46 6 3403 + '21 7 5. 43' + 0-41 8 2079 - -06 6 964 + '40 15 989 + ' 2 5 6 583 + '67 IO 6685 + -02 6 6035 + I'2I 4 4996 - -16 6 642 + '4 6 5553 - '25 27 2332 + '13 5 6634 8 3675 + '49 3 2102 - 'OS 37 2302 - '4i 5 5575 - '44 8 554 'O2 6 2919 + -35 17 3527 + 79 IO 3021 + 'i ii 6692 + '5 8 2745 -81 7 274 '07 8 1 116 + '98 8 1466 + '23 22 962 + -18 7 2986 + -02 20 3685 + 1-19 7 3588 - -80 8 6758 - -16 7 2546 4~ '"4 5 8. 4293 - '49 4 5525 - '58 9 4467 + '57 6 3693 + 'IS 6 3249 + -52 7 4183 - -16 7 2531 + '44 5 2303 ri i 5 1605 + 'O2 15 35H - -06 9 2854 '05 25 2867 + I'00 H 1840 - '5 6 9. 6 455 + -40 6 2989 - -66 5 55 '20 7 3. 2027 - '23 '5 H3 + '88 6 888 - '33 7 2342 1*31 8 6324 '22 '9 3008 + I'02 8 5477 + 1-66 4 4682 + '42 16 3719 -13 7 866 + -12 '9 6512 -42 8 '954 + 74 9 3710 '58 7 4537 - 72 8 877 - '35 7 59!5 + -25 4 2245 I'O2 7 459 + -61 9 974 + 2 '40 4 3231 '9 6736 + '03 31 1876 - '07 8 4372 + "57 4 1280 - '34 '3 6423 - -81 4 689 + '90 6 1983 + '13 ii 6300 i -06 4 6249 + 1-18 7 873 -1-41 6 1423 + "04 8 3504 I'O2 6 181 '19 20 2762 + 75 5 2012 + -28 27 3131 - '31 7 6318 + -26 6 6693 + '12 36 576 + '14 8 3713 - ''7 7 2855 + '42 6 1 191 - '33 7 9OO ~ '23 6 5794 - 76 6 4523 '31 37 4608 + '12 4 153 - '38 4 2677 + '22 2 9 2754 ii 6480 + '58 13 498 + '46 6 13. 853 + "39 7 2348 oo 8 433 -31 4 2495 + '32 6 485 + '22 7 4006 '05 24 4768 - -52 j 3820 - '31 16 7. 6834 '09 6 3320 + '48 '5 - -28 5 4022 + i'44 6 479 - '4 2 10 5853 - '3 28 2379 - ' 6 9 8 2865 + -31 6 602 - '37 8 3582 + 'H 18 984 - '44 9 4455 + -ii 16 384 -29 IO 3278 + -32 6 3802 + ;59 8 6627 + '94 ii 2160 + -ii 8 + "88 7 1990 + 'II 26 4834 + '04 20 378o i '09 7 4209 + -07 7 3748 10 3112 - '53 6 6394 + '5 8 19 403 + '3 17 3634 - '33 18 6281 oo 6 60 1 - "OS ii 619 '04 IO 3154 + '22 7 49 6 3 - '33 7 5460 + '24 6 4987 - -04 9 1975 + '64 1 1 2346 -1-30 8 40 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Circumpolar Stars. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, arranged in order of N.P.D. continued. Star's No. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole. -*i ~ 5C '5 Star's No. j OJ Oi C 1^ iQaj >z; +1 % S> VI ~i S | l Is 1 to *j -r: SO 1 i ja ij 03 *j 3 * s> "S o fc -f 3 1 CO D sl 00 * oj 1*1 flej ti s S K * 5 03 Excess of N.P.D. above Pole. J [M B O Iz; 01 I CO c "8.S * a5 fl&j & +i JS .SP *s o fc a i 02 > ^l.- 1^1 wo- fc 1 3 O fc CO i QQ S Sid il H(^ ti i a fc .. is CO > **" O 0,0 S 1,2 82* td ^ fc J 1 ,, ii // /; // ,, // 2270 - '4 2 9 3570 'II IO 3517 - ''5 6 3386 - '36 6 1861 - '43 12 666 5 + '49 5 6751 +1-03 6 6782 + -27 4 6183 + 1-15 3 4402 - '33 9 2624 - -69 5 6866 - 74 5 56 - '54 5 3l6l - '37 5 2 579 + -23 4 6078 + -69 8 6185 + -91 3 4129 + 74 5 5 2 55 - -62 10 655 - '54 9 2 954 - '43 9 691 +1-05 5 6735 '22 6 2849 + '85 6 'S3 2 + "4 2 5 5'i + '9 10 2398 - -40 5 2282 '29 5 25. 725 + I'2O 4 605 - 'OS 6 2253 -1-07 6 2386 - '23 16 3292 + 1-32 6 2252 - -04 5 2838 - ''4 12 2114 - '39 4 2294 - 73 4 6337 - -08 3 455i + 'I' 1 1 4122 1-02 3 2576 - -3 5 1720 + '97 5 1299 - -H 5 2580 1-22 4 2040 + '49 7 55 8l + -52 3 2222 - "65 i5 6619 - -38 II 3810 + 72 5 6437 - -05 15 1323 - '6 7 6 694 -1-28 5 553 -1-74 4 1118 + 1-20 5 3701 + -09 5 587 + '62 ' io 3794 - -14 5 57 - '99 6 3138 + 1-24 5 5841 + i'55 7 546 + -88 7 1117 + 2'21 5 5427 + 72 9 4883 -07 22 3816 + -24 6 6214 '94 IO 3077 oo H 4222 - -2 5 4 6556 + -21 4 2856 - '53 6 IO '84 5 3364 + -I 9 H 6042 + 1-15 4 6103 + 7 2 5 3128 -ii 6 6545 -i-i8 4 547 + '89 5 5026 + -02 5 909 - -59 12 '373 + '3 2 7 5728 - -86 5 2274 + '43 6 36l2 + 'it 21 3709 + -3i 6 3H5 - -18 8 3171 - '59 9 3670 '12 8 876 '22 12 5923 -''55 7 212 -1-07 ii 3!3 6 - '43 5 4083 +1-00 7 4320 + 7i 4 2290 -1-17 5 3664 i '92 H 3151 + -17 ii 6033 + -85 5 2462 + -18 9 4203 '22 IO 4681 + 1-00 4 4908 - -18 4 3631 + -31 8 6888 -1-55 6 2617 + "9 18 5921 - '44 9 61 16 - -36 3 6645 + -11 9 6527 + 1-90 3 6365 + '67 7 1902 + -09 5 3210 - '94 5 6663 + "53 6 6854 - -18 9 4 1 + -19 5 2485 - -64 5 5629 + -65 6 21 1 I - -03 5 6876 - '5 6 6712 + -H 6 6846 - -07 5 61 I'O2 6 6416 + 1-05 5 6521 - 78 3 27- 6333 + '22 6 1268 + "4 5 3398 + -29 7 1879 + -05 5 4932 + -09 IO 686 + "47 5 4 6 55 - -26 5 4277 + 'H 6 4378 - '34 12 6769 - ' 2 5 12 3832 + -60 5 4603! + -19 5 3928 - '39 12 7 -II 9 1651 + -58 '5 6273 - '5 1 5 3651 + 73 5 2528 + "4 2 6 3814 + ' 2 5 5 37 |+ -08 5 3932 - -40 7 6170 - -36 5 480 + '34 5 1012 + -02 8 3952 + '4 5 1426 - '4 8 1882 - -08 ii 3596 +1-02 7 2812 - '37 9 4219 + -63 4 3070 + '44 4 2850 + ^I 8 549 -ii 6 1063 - '57 5 6242 + 1-58 9 2289 i-oo 5 439 + -23 1 1 5260 - -18 5 3994 + -9' 5 5552 + "I 2 3 4074 - ' 2 5 H 652 + '89 6 6243 + ' 2 5 5 3471 - -34 5 447 + '39 3 3875 + 1-98 5 3858 + roo 4 2425 ro6 8 2130 2'06 4 H45 + -68 6 3824 + -H 5 2288 -93 5 5362 I'I2 4 3861 - '67 5 3885 + 1-08 6 1249 - 79 6 2591 - -06 1 1 845 + "57 6 '479 - -48 23 5690 - -37 5 3279 - -32 5 2975 + '4 5 560 - '44 3 5595 + '35 6 1476 - -I 9 7 593 + '59 6 1884 - '43 9 43 + -08 5 3283 - '7 6 2686 + '3 7 577 + -32 4 5633 + "97 6 6 + -46 5 1796 - -17 15 1 60 + -14 9 4663 - -25 5 2669 - '93 IO 3208 + 1-09 8 2414 -1-41 9 5111 - -82 5 2 735 + -48 9 353 - -40 7 5824 + ''9 6 3827 + '9 2 5 535 2 - -69 3 1271 + -06 8 22. 23 2866 I -54 7 936 '49 5 334 2 - '43 5 5248 - -04 5 34 2 4 - 78 6 1525 + "H 5 2749 - '42 9 4637 + "37 5 5243 + -36 3 6540 - '38 3 6537 + -38 3 3601 + 1-15 6 2935 + '35 5 1406 + -29 7 3769 + i-ii 5 4 2 53 + ''5 8 2816 + '49 4 1835 - -64 7 2932 + 1-30 4 3606 + -41 ii S3 22 -1-86 9 5571 ; + -55 5 6878 -29 7 6109 + -15 r 6387 - '4 2 6 4676 + '59 5 44 -68 8 3388 - -io 5 5334 - '3i IO 1826 -07 5 3843 - -87 7 4641 - '44 5 3261 -i '95 4 1836 + 1-56 5 542 + -21 4 1527 + "68 5 4054 + '45 5 808 +174 7 3382: - -23 5 35 6 9 -29 13 6776 + -ii 4 5264 -1-68 2 3066 - '59 4 2928 - -26 6 5906 - -64 5 45 12 + "47 3 729.+ -75 '3 5680 + 'Si 1 6 647 + -60 5 5 2 75 '20 5 1203 + -04 5 4272 - 75 5 2415 + '09 3 814 +1-13 8 5774 - -I 5 6 3 2 45 + -13 6 6786 + ' 2 5 6 6524 - -36 5 5114 + 7 2 5 3389 + '33 6 836 1-65 7 208 + '4 6 6 6045 - -08 5 3i34 + -2i 6 6510 + 1-15 4 2924 + '3 6 5900 + -23 6 803 + -97 6 2 4- 1007 + '69 5 1027 - '3 8 3348 + -87 3 3912 + 'So S 399 ~ 2 '37 6 3026 + '49 8 804 + -44 27 1014 + -03 7 4924 + 1-22 4 359 1 - -26 5 6538 I'20 7 2071 - -40 r 3022 no 4 805 + 7i 8 3765 - ''7 5 1238 - '39 9 4186 - -81 6 H75 + -58 6 6198 - '33 5 4172 + 7 IO 345i + i'3 6 1807 + 2-14 5 2378 + -38 5 6070 - -16 S 2736 + '43 7 4194 + 1-29 5 6546 + "85 4 3856 + '9 5 4104 - 7i 5 3755 + -28 5 6131 - 7' 3 673 + '89 6 2703 + '64 5 34H - ''9 8 21. 3207 + '5 5 6707 - -81 5 3805 oo 5 "59 - ' 2 3 6 494 + -14 6 5210 i -08 8 5764 + 2-03 4 593' - "67 6 1132 + -92 8 1366 + 1-22 5 917 - ' 2 9 6 697 + 7* 5 6771 2'OI 4 549 ' + 72 '3 1512 - 73 8 5270 - '57 3 661 + "39 6 3708 - -28 5 6690 + -27 5 1689 + -21 IO 4899 + 2-14 3 5201 - '5 2 5 3448 + -32 6 2059 + -i3 18 "55 + 1-87 5 4302 + -17 '9 4798 + 1-83 5 2997 + -27 7 6360 + 77 4 3867 -10 4 5472 - '59 3 5945 '2O 5 '335 + '84 5 296 - -40 7 6083 1-04 ? S38 + -23 8 1612 + -66 4 1498 + '33 8 2456 - "97 5 2213 + -ii 7 3535 - ^8 S 6129 -41 3 26. 2052 + -ii 5 3882 + '65 5 3036 - '49 H 2432 - I- 47 7 2243 - -28 6 311 + -20 5 2347 '3 1 5 6567 - -08 4 4387 + '9 S 3572 + 74 5 4256 - '05 7 4108 + '53 5 4867 '2O 5 4626 + 76 8 59 + '4 5 6737 - '57 3 6489 - -86 4 4394 + -23 3 870 - -18 IO 6533 + 'Si 7 33* + -05 S 2572 + '03 ii 2628 - 'H '4 629 + '47 24 3922 + '49 4 GRBENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAK CATALOGUE FOR 1890. ,42 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAH CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Circumpolar Stars. Excess of N.PJ). above Pale, arranged in order of N. P.D. continued. d " to' 1 d & r. 03 ta ** O * to' If o to 2 1B to' Star's No. o 1 *-' 60 '1 to i tc I^S to* If 'o d w J3 m d oj 1 d to CO ID > 1-rf -4-* "3 4633 - "54 2 5941 - -06 4 69 - "99 5 6802 + -18 6 2078 '22 6 6193 + '01 4 3526 - ''9 4 1945 + ^6 4 2156 + '47 6 571 - -04 7 2148 1-40 4 6864 -1-52 6- 1050 + '33 5 6565 + 1- 3 6 21 17 -1-19 4 1828 + 1- 59 4 4669 + 1-29 4 3877 + '99 4 3697 I'I2 4 5508 -2-37 2 2372 -1-19 5 4360 + 1-41 4 2105 ~~~ *Q2 5 2910 '22 4 6444 - -18 7 3351 + -48 9 3690 - '33 6 2328 - '47 4 2751 - -09 5 1534 - -16 2 2095 " I Q 4 760 + -84 6 2556 I'lO 1 1 4H7 + "42 5 1 196 + '37 7 5487 -1-54 2 6640 - -6 1 7 2387 - -25 4 4220 + 1-25 2 5929 '3 2 6428 - '9 1 4 5323 + '9 4 6656 + -23 4 4115 + -42 4 4631 + '47 2 3266 -20 5 291^ -1-42 4 3264 - -18 4 6138 + '21 6 4333 + -20 2 4606 + 173 4 3268 - 75 5 6632 - 76 4 33- 3007 - -56 23 I3i - "97 6 6130 - " 2 9 2 3- 531 + -05 6 6569 + -06 2 4 9 I - -8 4 6 149 + '56 ii 3731 + "34 7 4779 + 77 2 3'7 - -25 4 1957 + -27 5 6176 - 7 '3 5960 + 1-29 2 5186 + -22 4 4140 '12 4 6132 -1-45 2 5448 1-40 2 5760 -06 4 1225 + -80 4 3239 - '64 15 5952 + -56 2 5'37 + '95 2 6651 - <0 9 is 4335 - '39 IO 4821 -1-80 4 6125 - -98 3 1227 - '32 4 488 - -36 6 5953 2 5168 + "35 4 6881 - -16 6 6082 - '47 6 4089 - -80 4 3296 - -88 4 3146 -''33 4 6470 + 1-25 4 5955 + 1-58 2 4800 + '34 8 2759 -19 4 6652 -1-91 2 2338 - 77 6 5473 -22 2 6205 - '83 6 6476 + -58 5 3004 - -18 19 5158 + '22 2 1298 - -86 4 2912 + '64 6 - 78 4 6482 '01 4 20 - -08 18 1295 - 72 6 5922 -i '93 4 6091 + -55 4 6777 -1-17 6 3699 + 2'OI 4 2132 -1-18 8 1326 - '95 6 6186 - 78 2 6401 -i'36 2 1903 + '34 5 3265 + -45 4 6780 -1-41 4 6161 - -88 4 156 -1-07 4 397 - '9 1 5 6732 + 1-14 4 6lo6 + -I 5 5 2030 -1-41 6 6087 + '22 5 5947 + 1-48 5 2833 + "43 4 453 - "85 4 4 6 34 + -03 4 5623 '21 4 758 - '47 5 5927 2-62 2 3185 - '5 9 2571 - 72 7 3542 - '63 4 5439 + -19 2 6123 -2-07 4 5625 + '19 6 5208 -1-59 2 2016 - -29 6 2635 + 1'57 4 1290 + "53 6 4716 + 1-03 4 346 - "63 6 2182 + -17 7 377 - -07 4 6410 -174 2 1811 + -13 5 2633 + '89 4 1292 - -56 4 2308 + 7 4 3997 - -64 3 6124 + -61 4 6148 4 985 + -46 4 1768 + '3 7 5811 - -38 22 2575 - -36 4 4672 + i-ii 2 2966 -1-26 6 '59 -2-47 2 39 6 9 - 7 4 6105 + 1-17 7 4264 - -42 4 3917 + 1-55 4 3673 + '49 7 6857 - -50 4 349 + -46 4 61 19 - -91 4 5649 - '97 2 2706 - '34 ! 4 5121 - '99 2 4662 + '43 4 125 + -oi 7 6633 -1-32 6 1779 - -06 1 1 5868 -1-29 2 4079 - 7 4 1626 - 74 5 2343 + -38 S 6395 + '15 5 3H7 + -36 6 6153 - '63 4 3620 + '22 4 4 5 + '34 5 2021 + '39 4 39 - -86 2 3061 - 77 4 6059 + '58 6 4290 -24 2 2299 -1-68 4 6529 -76 4 6517 - -58 4 6728 -i'8i 4 3282 - -69 4 3379 - -88 4 3190 + -io 4 2604 + ' 6 3 '12 2 5722 + '85 2 6086 + '27 4 2484 - -50- 6 535 + -48 4 3294 -i '39 4 6679 -1-03 4 5987 + ''7 2 765 + 1-05 4 2233 + -17 6 78 - '95 4 3400 + '48 2 6630 I -2 I 4 * ' 6522 1-22 2 6681 + -is 5 254 'i i 10 906 + 2-69 4 39OO + '34 4 6037 - -06 6 3339 - -91 4 515 + "54 5 2943 - '43 5 1282 -12 4 904 + 2-42 4 6097 + 1-08 4 2451 '46 20 1528 4 3985 -02 4 31. 2908 + 1-32 4 394 + '89 4 1921 -2'34 4 6004 - 78 6 6036 'II 2 1529 - '25 13 328 + -oi 4 3964 + 78 4 2965 ~~ *O7 4 3376 + ''4 12 3192 - '26 4 96 - -88 4 6805 - '23 5 5786 - ' 9 8 4 2466 - ' 9 8 4 422 + 1-56 4 719 ' * I Q 4 454' - -8 1 4 4146 + -io 7 0102 - -26 4 6855 -1-86 6 4601 - '52 4 1855 I '01 5 3965 - '39 4 5933 + 1-72 2 34 -38 5 3260 i '03 4 6015 - -90 6 1123 - 1-37 4 1544 -I'32 4 4954 + 1-28 4 5942 - "35 4 754 + -02 5 5409 + -07 7 29. 4082 - '59 4 I 122 -I'27 6 6181 + ''45 4 6683 -1-38 4 5904 + -58 4 75 1 - -58 5 1715 + ''49 5 4359 '- -82 5 1257 + '60 4 4051 - '57 5 2106 r- -86 4 2045 + ''4 4 3849 -2-49 4 2636 "21 H 2147 - '39 ii 316 - -26 '9 6509 + '41 4 '543 - -60 S 2070 '22 6 1866 - 78 4 1738 + -08 S 1935 - '35 6 4708 - -29 7 334 - -27 6 1918 - -32 4 599 2 -1-27 4 35 + '06 4 5897 + '37 5 6201 + 73 4 INTRODUCTION. Circumpolar Stars. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, arranged in order of N^P.D. continued. fir; JK H?^ to i B 1 Excess of N.l'.D. above Pole. "ti 1 d ft I B O 1 "I & 1 d 1 e l HOi" to 1 EC 1 05 Iff S ,, ,, // ,, If 5731 + -19 4 6393 + -26 5 4947 - -15 4 6179 -i-JS 4 3176 - -18 4 2487 - '5 3 6549 + '47 i 45 6 7 + -14 3 5 6 57 - -09 4 2057 + "47 5 5744 1-80 2 6215 - '33 4 4830 - -08 4 177 4- -J7 12 138 _ -89 5 4974 I'D I 3 3845 1-16 3 2056 i -06 5 4869 - "85 2 237 i -08 4 5494 - '44 4 5776 + '57 4 1908 - '43 3 1758 + 2-99 3 3545 - -3 4 2157 1-48 3 5437 + 1-20 4 3031 I'I2 4 6637 4- "39 4 4543 + i'47 3 2176 - '3' 3 1772 -01 3 3838 4- -20 4 2368 _ -26 4 4568 + 1-85 2 5567 - -58 2 2927 - "47 4 4907 -1-04 3 3459 no 2 1548 4-1-08 4 5642 + 2-29 2 6384 - '17 2 2125 -6j 4 557 - -23 2 4912 - -61 5 1662 + 2-37 3 3 2 93 4-1-13 3 2799 4- '4 3 1419 + 2-26 4 302 - '99 4 5691 ~ ^4 2 3384 ~ -27 5 4739 + i'47 2 6264 + '04 2 1978 -1-53 5 105 - '9 4 1701 - -29 5 2214 - "32 4 54'9 2'22 2 3757 + ^5 4 6386 - -98 4 3980 - "87 2 3277 + 1-41 4 616 - -96 3 5646 5289 - "5 1 2 4994 - -28 2 2163 -oi 5 6418 -1-45 4 1307 - "85 4 2697 -20 S 1709 4- -60 3 5630 - -47 ' 2 5 6 94 -1-15 2 2278 - 79 4 6246 - 77 4 2266 - '57 4 4009 + "83 4 3295 1-09 5 2817 -1-81 3 5189 + -53 I 2 6053 1-22 4 21 19 - -16 4 4953 4 6403 - -40 4 6266 2-06 2 5891 2-30 3 1154 + -69 3 1471 + 77 A 283 + ; 5 6 5 2316 + ro8 4 8/4 -i'37 5 3783 -1-82 5 4048 - -08 5 6220 - "57 i 1767 - '14 4 6224 4- -86 4 1501 6 2275 -1-42 4 6520 + 72 2257 -1-57 4 4909 -1-74 3 6218 - -42 4 35 l6 4- '91 3 H74 + '3 6 5560 4-2-2O 4 2327 - '43 4 6253 + -02 2 3681 + "47 2 4896 - '47 4 299 - -90 5 3135 - '39 3 2801 - "44 4 39'4 I -01 4 2772 + 1-08 3 232 - -16 7 98 4 1586 4-1-03 3 "97 + 1-07 i 5911 - '33 3 6 344 + "44 4 2007 + -24 5 5272 - -5 2 6502 - -61 4 43 I'OI 4 966 -71 8 5411 I-I2 3 5842 I'OI 3 1929 + -62 5 34 6 9 -i'53 4 6757 - -06 5 3666 + i'37 4 1661 4-1-07 3 37H + I'9S 3 3478 4-1-27 i 3532 + '4 8 5 6231 4- -06 2 35- 5428 - '99 2 782 - "25 4 6842 -1-49 5 2670 - '97 3 1813 + '44 3 54 6 3 -2'35 2 2200 '21 4 6646 - -27 4 2990 -20 3 1820 4- 72 3 1478 I -01 4 6649 "2O 4 3114 + -42 4 6188 - '37 2 36. 37. 5799 4-2-21 3 2828 - -68 3 4524 + 2-12 2 5702 - "64 2 4888 1-16 4 6261 - -61 2 5614 4-1-27 i 1320 '6l 4 2198 '87 5 3923 + -80 4 4969 -2-42 4 2714 + 1-39 5 1516 + '49 5 5804 + -10 3 39- 2680 + '12 | 4 21 99 - -69 5 5876 - '57 4 239 -1-16 4 677 + -82 4 2137 - -23 5 6362 + -98 , 5 3466 - '95 6 6192 -1-66 2 1804 + 1-09 2 6016 4- -86 2 2138 4- -23 4 38. 280 - -04 2 2033 - io : 4 34 6 7 - -90 6 780 + "63 4 2671 + '43 2 6024 -02 4 2654 i -08 3 277 - -28 2 2804 -J'3 4 3468 - '49 4 6759 i-i8 5 2672 + '35 3 2718 - -80 4 5934 -3-01 2 4164 - '43 3 2970 2-02 3 3539 + -38 4 2262 - '3' 4 3955 - '25 4 4809 - 75 4 6426 -13 2 5932 - '33 3 3763 4-1-64 3 72 + '33 3 377i - "83 4 33 2 3 + 1 '4^ 4 5198 1-04 4 6648 - '3' 4 6029 - '32 4 6067 + -26 4 3028 - -66 3 944 -i-37 2 796 - -'4 5 2017 -176 6 5205 + 1-05 4 2365 -2-13 4 1244 5 6618 - -84 3 2847 + "33 3 3557 + '69 3 2786 - '44 4 912 + 1-19 4 4936 + '37 4 2359 6 6025 -1-94 4 6602 + -13 3 4'45 - -16 3 3959 -1-31 3 5829 '12 4 913 + -02 6 2730 -29 5 2315 -13 4 1564 4 1968 - '63 5 4589 -1-87 i 3363 - -52 3 3798 + "37 4 2003 - -58 5 3168 '12 5 621 -2-29 5 5938 - -61 4 6610 - -88 3 6400 - -'7 3 2291 4-1-42 3 6327 + -68 4 6248 -06 4 3926 -24 4 6504 - -03 2 344 + -06 4 921 4- "65 2 2797 + -46 3 6260 - -20 i 379 6 + '83 5 908 + 78-4 5333 - -6 5 2 233 - '54 4 6331 + '3 4 3126 '2O 4 4592 - -'7 3 1313 4-I-O7 3 6150 - -08 4 3659 - '23 4 1742 j - -63 5 414 - -18 8 1942 4- -20 4 928 + -94 2 6178 -1-54 3 6251 4- -88 3 2795 + -05 5 577 + '12 2 4596 +1-71 4 5968 - '55 5 1642 + i'33 3 20OO 4-ro8 2 1202 -oi 3 2777 -14 3 5822 + '25 4 5802 -1-62 4 5326 1-09 4 620 - -09 5 2457 - 78 5 2OOI - -81 4 3758 + 73 2 2790 - -58 3 5259 + 1-54 2 1803 4-1-16 4 5338 -14 4 1808 + -16 4 2461 + -2i 3 1977 - -96 5 2382 - '57 4 5187 - '55 3 5767 4-1-67 4 5736 - -26 4 4574 - -60 2 3522 + -13 4 I IO + 1-63 3 1788 - -66 3 1300 + 77 3 34- 5768 l +2-II 4 2853 - -68 4 1697 - '44 5 6098 + '31 3 5522 - '39 3 6177 + '47 3 5170 + -02 3 4370 - -07 4 1737 + -36 4 5430 - -64 4 3040 - '34 3 55H - 78 3 2082 4-1-12 3 3823 -3'5 3 2254 - '42 4 4371- + -20 4 6191 -173 4 2852 - -46 4 1286 -16 4 4366 -1-47 4 99 I 4-1-04 3 394 - -18 3 1792 2-04 2 4850 4-1-71 4 6761 + "49 5 3'77 - -38 20 6062 + n i 3 35 21 - "24 5 2657 4- -24 4 2789 - '54 3 6149 + -98 4 5699 4-1-34 4 2353 I '2 I 5 5489 - -04 4 3052 -f-i'5 1 3 3071 - '95 4 5888 3 6429 -1-81 i 205 - -26 18 5402 4- -79 4 2769 - '35 4 2845 -1-34 4 353 + '3 5 2179 -,67 3 6250 -i'S3 5 260 - -56 3 5661 - 78 4 4861 + -15 5 6230 2 3945 + '39 6 6383 '35 3 I2OI - '99 3 208l + "3 3 1206 - -62 i 1789 + -26 6 4983 - -45 4 335 -I-30 4 6414 2 1656 - '83 6 933 5 6009 4-2-90 i 2603 -1-31 3 5873 - -69 2 6762 1-82 5 3024 -1-88 4 1802 + '84 4 1296 + -38 4 4124 -1-52 3 1833 - '37 3 2196 - -28 3 J794 1-03 4 2973 - -67 4 2605 - -25 4 6433 + "64 4 3981 -''43 5 5861 4- -27 3 3604 1-84 3 2197 - '53 3 4206 -1-41 4 4852 - -45 5 4658 - -69 2 2916 '21 4 1574 + "65 ; 3 4666 + 2-45 3 4454 -2-32 6 5610 + '84 i 44 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Circumpolar Stars. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, arranged in order of N.P.D. concluded. 0> o o CJ 01 > E E *o .n *o ji *S _S *s "ol *o ^ ** O *o ^ d 33 *,3 j d 0! CO . si M 1,2 j j| %*, j 01 a ^ ^ H j| 23 *.S O ' W rt gj ',- . -z; d Jz; 3 " 2 a^fS g. _M gRfS i * gRfS , f gR i ." JS be f ^ iL |Rc2 '5c g(S ^ h O2 w 1 02 to GO WPn i CQ W S 3 02 flfc 1 55 W^' 1 1 pq PH 03 W S i " " // // ti // it 2765 - '45 4 2903 -r30 3 2726 - '5' 3 H37 I-gO 3 5749 - "'7 4 44. Af> 2596 2595 597 6450 - -82 + "97 - '59 - '9' i 3 5 3 6074 5262 40. + '44 3 3 3253 4560 2878 4506 I '04 - -60 - '94 - 72 3 3 i i 4466 2 93 8 -2-31 + -26 4'- 3 3 573 42. 2 6290 3774 -1-94 -1-83 43- i i 1603 2993 2742 + 5-67 -7'59 7 i 3 2613 26l2 2841 4 -172 -4-48 - '43 2 2 2 6434 3058 - -91 + -I 4 3 3 3555 6453 - -81 -t-I'IO 8 3 6342 1031 + -3' - "'3 3 4 6254 2587 1-69 -2-24 1 103 3493 -3-09 + I-I5 3 i 2747 -'83 3 5907 3032 '39 -1-43 I 4 47- 3506 + 7 3 4581 + ' 2 5 i 1058 + -'7 3 3520 - -61 4066 - 76 3 5325 + -36 3 45- *n c Q 2822 6081 1306 6588 - -29 + I-47 + ' 2 5 3 i 3 3 1312 '444 2902 6309 + "47 + -29 2-30 2'12 3 4 3 3 455 6530 2877 4906 -1-92 - I y6 i 3 3 3 3481 349 6 2674 2'2I -279 233 1700 2606 1205 + 4-06 -3^4 - "5 - -64 i 3 5 533 1601 '593 1589 -''35 2'O2 - -14 3 2 2 2 1812 5569 5094 -' '44 -6-38 -4-52 I i i I 1 4-O 2863 5 -5-04 49- O 2667 - '59 3 4558 - '39 i 4118 + "5 3 1289 + '63 2 1128 + -06 2 57'5 2"OO -1-57 2 i 977 20-46 o V. COMPAEISONS WITH OTHEE CATALOGUES. Comparisons have been made between the Second Ten-Year Catalogue and the following Catalogues : The Greenwich Ten- Year Catalogue, 1880. The Greenwich Five- Year Catalogue, 1890. The Cape Catalogue for 1890. The Radcliffe Catalogue for 1890. Professor Auwers' Fundamental Catalogue for 1875. (Berliner Jahrbuch, 1890.) Professor Auwers' " 303 " Stars. (Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 2890-91.) Professor Newcomb's Fundamental Catalogue for 1875 and 1900. The Catalogues of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (as far as published). Groombridge's Catalogue, 1810. The Radcliffe Catalogue, 1845. The differences are given in the following tables, except for Groombridge's and the Radcliffe (1845) Catalogues, which will be discussed more fully at some future period with a view to the determination of the proper motions of the stars in Groombridge's Catalogue. In each of these comparisons, Struve's precession and the proper motions adopted in the body of this Catalogue have been used. The mean difference in the sense Greenwich 1890 Catalogue compared is given at the top of the comparisons in order of right ascension, and the difference for any hour is obtained by adding this quantity to the discordance for that hour. The comparisons in order of right ascension are limited to the stars within the Greenwich Clock-Star Zone i.e., 50 to 120 N.P.D. except in the case of the Zone Catalogues of the Astronomische Gesellschaft. In the case -of Professor Newcomb's Fundamental Catalogue for the comparison of the north polar distances in order of right ascension, and for the second table in order of N.P.D., as Professor Newcomb has adopted the Pulkowa Refractions for his Standard Catalogue, the Greenwich observations have been reduced with Pulkowa Refractions and the corresponding value of Colatitude 21 "'80 in order to make the observations directly comparable. INTRODUCTION. 45 Comparisons of the Right Ascensions within the limits of N.P.D. 50- 120, arranged in order of R.A. Catalogue...,. Auwers' Fundamental, 1875. No. of Stars. Greenwich Ten-Year, 1880. No. of Stars. Newcomb's Fundamental, 1900. No. of Stars. Constant o s 'oi8. o s -008. o s "c>54. R.A. h h s s s O I 0-014 9 o-ooi 41 O'0o6 26 I 2 0-005 9 O-OO2 41 0-007 24 2- 3 O'OOO 10 + 0-001 5 o-ooi 28 3- 4 + 0-004 13 +0-007 47 O-OO2 25 4- 5 0-003 7 + 0-005 48 o-ooi 22 5-6 + Q-OII IO +0-004 75 + 0-004 32 6- 7 0-017 10 0-006 54 0-005 2 4 7- 8 0-OO5 9 0-007 58 + 0-007 24 8- 9 0-OOS 7 0-004 53 0-006 '7 9 10 + o-ooi 8 O'OOI 38 O'OOO '9 IO II 0-003 II + 0-009 38 +0-007 22 I I 12 +0-004 9 0-004 36 +0-003 2O 1213 O-O06 2 0-004 47 0'O02 '9 1314 0-020 4 O'OII 39 + 0-006 17 1415 +O-O09 8 0-024 48 0-013 3' I5l6 +O-OO9 '3 0-004 62 o-ooi 29 I6I7 +0-O03 9 + 0-005 48 + 0-005 30 1718 o - oo6 7 + 0-003 52 + 0-009 26 1819 +0-004 ii +0-013 45 + 0-006 26 19 20 + 0-018 IO + O-QII 57 + O-QII 32 20 21 0-OO6 IO + 0-006 54 0-008 28 2122 0-006 IO +0-017 37 + O'OO2 26 22 23 O'OIO 12 + O"OO2 44 0-OO7 29 2324 +0 4 025 5 O-O02 39 + O-OO2 27 Comparisons of the Right Ascensions, arranged in order of N.P.D. Catalogue... Auwers' Fundamental, 1875. No. of Stars. 1 Auwers' "303" Stars. No. of Stars. 1 Greenwich Ten -Year, 1880. flO CO co <*-! o o fc fladcliffe, 1890. 1 tn CM Cape, 1890. c S o o* fc Newcomb's Fundamental, 1900. No. of Stars. 1 N.P.D. s s s s s s o- 5 + 0-068 6 + 0-467 17 + 0-343 8 + 0-286 II 5- 10 + 0-109 5 + 0-152 27 + 0-106 6 -0-037 7 10 15 0-028 20 + 0-015 36 + 0-083 16 0-119 23 15 20 0-071 22 + 0-030 48 + 0-080 25 0-092 26 20 25 -0-054 28 0-014 79 + 0-079 24 0-089 34 25- 30 -0-055 '9 0-005 75 + 0-029 18 0-067 20 3- 35 -0-034 '9 O'OO2 38 + o-ooi 7 -0-093 20 35-4 0-031 '5 0-016 4i 0-017 H 0-06 1 17 40- 45 0-044 24 0-031 54 0-025 18 + 0-010 14 0-066 30 45- 5 -0-045 26 0-017 53 0-036 23 +0-047 31 O'o66 4 1 So- 55 -0-034 27 o-oio 79 + 0-007 14 + 0-024 36 0-046 42 55- 60 0-040 23 0-009 81 0-026 16 0-015 35 0-046 38 60 65 -0-037 3' 0-013 112 -0-045 26 0-013 53 -0-055 49 65- 70 0-023 28 0-014 H3 -0-045 55 0-013 67 0-048 46 70- 75 0-023 3 0-006 137 0-044 67 0-O2I 70 0-052 44 75- 80 0-023 28 0-007 96 0-031 52 O-02I 55 -0-053 45 80 85 0-028 29 o-ooo 67 O-O22 j 42 O-03I 54 -0-055 57 85 90 o-oio 20 0-013 23 + 0-003 75 O-O2I 33 0-03I 43 -0-059 42 90- 95 o-oio 2? O-O2O 36 0-007 63 0-OO6 130 O-032 59 0-061 44 95 too 0-023 23 O'OlS 44 + 0-003 76 + 0-020 148 O-O2O 66 0-060 45 100105 O-O2I 16 O-027 3i o-ooi 53 + 0-035 98 0-029 4i 0-063 37 105 110 -0-034 24 O-O23 44 0-014 98 + 0-050 156 0-018 53 -0-055 46 110115 o~oi6 18 O'O24 28 O'OII 7i + 0-076 178 O-OO3 64 0-052 3 115 120 +0-004 '3 0-012 3 0-013 56 + 0-099 47 + 0-OO5 54 -0-037 26 I 46 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Comparisons of the North Polar Distances, arranged in order o Catalogue Auwers' Fundamental, i7J. , I 5 H o d H Greenwich Ten-Year, 1880. No. of Stars. Newcomb's Fundamental, 1900." 8 ac "5 d to Constant +"'9- o"'oj. o"-oo. h h 1 + 0-II 9 0-14 72 + o-'o5 26 I 2 +0-14 9 O'OO 63 0-05 24 2- 3 + 0-12 10 + 0-01 67 O-OO 28 3- 4 o-io 13 0-09 80 0-06 2 5 4- 5 O'O2 7 0-05 79 0-06 22 5- 6 O-I I 10 -fO'02 104 0-09 32 6- 7 +0-05 10 + 0-08 74 0-09 24 7- 8 + 0-06 9 O'O2 77 0-04 2 4 8- 9 +0-19 7 + 0-06 73 o-oo 17 9 10 0'OO 8 + 0-09 54 O'OO ! 9 10 II +0-23 1 1 + 0'I I 62 + 0'OI 22 II 12 + 0-06 9 +0-13 53 +0-08 20 12 13 + 0-14 2 + 0'I I 69 O'OI '9 I3-H + 0-13 4 O-OI 55 0-04 i7 14-15 0-22 8 0-08 63 0-08 3' I5l6 O-O5 '3 +0-07 84 O'OI 29 I6I7 + 0-14 9 +0-19 77 0-03 3 I7I8 0-40 7 o-oi 86 O'OO 26 1819 + 0-03 1 1 0-07 72 O'OI 26 19 20 + o'o6 10 O'OO 82 + 0-03 3 2 2O 21 0-04 10 O'OO 74 + 0-03 28 2122 0-16 10 0-14 60 + 0'OI 26 22-23 o-i 6 12 0-12 84 o'og 29 23-24 0-05 5 0-14 65 O'lO 27 Comparisons of the North Polar Distances, arranged in order of N.P.D. Catalogue. Auwers' Funda- mental, 1875. E 1 t O & Auwers' '303" Stars. No. of Stars. 1 Greenwich Ten- Year, 1880. 2 3 02 d fc Radeliffe, 1890. o5 H S CO "o d to Cape, 1890. No. of Stars. 1 Neweomb's Funda- mental, 1900. No. of Stars. Newcomb's Funda- mental, 1900*. O O o- 5 0-14 6 0-05 '9 + o : o8 8 " + 0-09 1 1 + 0-08 5- 10 0-14 5- 0-09 27 0-16 6 0-13 7 -0-15 10 15 -0-15 20 -0-13 36 -0-17 16 0-08 23 O'l I 15 20 0-08 22 0-28 48 0-14 25 0-06 26 -0-13 20 25 0-18 28 -0-25 79 + 0-09 24 O'OO 34 o-io 25- 30 0-23 '9 0'20 74 + 0-40 18 + Q-II 20 O'OO 3~ 35 -0-09 '9 0'17 38 + 0-43 7 + 0-27 20 +0-15 35 40! 0-18 i5 -0-37 4 1 -4-0-22 H + 0-15 '7 + 0-03 40- 45 0-29 24 0'12 54 + 0-26 18 + 0-54 42 o-oo 3 O'I2 45- 5 -0-16 26 -0-08 53 + 0-3I 2 3 + 0-19 53 + 0-17 4 1 + 0-05 5- 55 + 0-24 27 + 0-08 79 + 0-59 '4 + 0-08 48 +0-13 4 2 o-oo 55- 60 +0-24 23 + 0-24 81 + 0-60 16 O'2I 35 + 0-18 38 + 0'02 60 65 0-07 3i O'OO 112 + 0-64 26 o-i I 53 + 0-15 49 O'O2 65- 70 + 0'I2 28 -0-07 141 -1-0-89 55 + 0'26 67 + 0-16 46 0-03 70- 75 + 0'I I 3 0-06 136 + o-86 67 + 0'I I 70 + 0-16 44 0-05 75- 8o + 0'02 28 -0-29 94 + 0-78 S 2 + 0-08 55 + O'II 45 0'12 80 85 + 0-16 29 0-05 67 + 0-85 42 +0-17 54- + 0-26 57 O'OO 85 90! o-oi 20 + 0-40 23 o-i i 76 + 0-56 33 +0-01 44- + '33 43 + 0'05 90- 95 +0-07 2 7 + 0-60 36 + 0-02 63 +0-78 130 +0-32 59 + 0-44 44 + 0-12 95 100' +0-07 23 + 0-68 44 0'O5 76 + 0-89 148 +0-30 66 + 0-27 46 0-08 100 105 4-0-07 16 + 0-69 3' O'22 55 + 0-67 98 + '35 4i + 0-42 37 o-oo 105 no O'lO 24 + 0-77 44 -0-I 3 97 + 0-83 (156 + Q-34 53 + '43 46 0-07 110 115 0-28 18 + 0-85 28 + 0-14 69 + 0-82 178 + 0-62 77 + 0-51 30 0-08 1 15 120 0-04 '3 + 1-03 3 0-18 53 +0-83 47 + 0-34 56 + 0-44 26 0-27 * In this comparison the Greenwich Observations are reduced with Pulkowa Refractions and Colatitude 2i"'8o. INTRODUCTION. 47 Comparisons of the Right Ascensions of the Astronomische Gesellschafi Catalogues. Catalogue. Limit of N.P.D. . 'Kasan, 1875. Np. of Stars. Cliristiania, 1875. No. of Start. Helsing' fors, 1875. a o Cambridge (Mass.), 1875. No. of Stars. Bonn, 1875. No. of Stars. Cambridge, 1875. 1 O3 "8 Berlin B, 1875. No. of Stars. Berlin A, 1875. 03 < , o Leipzig, .875. as o Albany, 1875. No. of Stars. io is 9 . 20 -25. 2 5 35- 35-4. 40 50. 60 65. 65 70". 70 75- 8o 85. S'-V. Constant. 4-o s 'oi. o s 'o6. 00-04. -0-07. o'o8. -os-04. -0-03. o s '03. -0-05. o s -05. h h s s s s s g s s 8 s O I 4-0-18 6 4-o'O9 26 4-0-05 43 4-O'O2 53 O'02 103 0-04 ii 4-0-03 6 0-06 3 -0-04 18 4-O'O2 7 1 2 4-0-05 '5 4-0-05 9 o-oi 29 O'OI 42 0'02 65 '3 2 O'OI I 4-0-01 22 4- o-o i 13 4-0-02 12 2- 3 4-0-06 13 4-0-05 16 4-0-05 16 o-oi : 38 O'O2 38 4-0-02 5 4-0-01 27 4-0-02 18 O'OO 12 1 O'O C 3 3- 4 4-0-09 16 4-0-09 1 1 o-oi 18 4-0-03 17 4-0'02 74 O'OI 6 4- o-o i '40 4-0-03 17 O'O2 2 -4 O'O I i 4- 5 0'2O 9 O'OO 23 4-0-01 25 -0-03 25 -fO'OI 38 0'02 12 4- O'O I 22 4-0-01 36 o'O3 12 + 0-01 3 5- 6 4-o'i i 6 4-0-02 4 O'OO 2O 4-O'O2 26 4-Q-O2 61 0-04 14 O-02 21 O'OI 20 4-O-O2 8 0-05 6 6- 7 4-0-03 8 0'02 10 0*02 39 -0-05 14 4-0'02 59 O'O2 12 o-oo 18 O'OI 1 8 0-04 j 6 -0-05 9 7- 8 0-18 10 -0-15 12 0-04 j 29 O'OI 12 O'OO 25 4-0-03 20 O'OO 2O 4-O'02 12 4-0-02 4 O'OI 3 8- 9 0-27 5 o-io 13 0'07 16 o'03 8 O'O2 34 -0-03 , 7 o-oo 36 O'O2 27 O'OO IO O'OI i 9 10 O'l I 2 -0-14 2 4-0-03 20 o'oo 14 O-02 29 o-oi 4 4-0-02 7 O'OO 8 4-Q-oi 7 0'O2 .3 10 I I 0-06 8 0-05 9 0'02 l8 4-0-01 10 O'OO 46 4-Q-oi ' 6 o'oo 9 o-oo 6 4-O'02 9 4-0-01 2 II 12 -0-15 5 O'OI IO 0-06 25 0-03 10 4-o'oi 43 O-OI 2 4-0-04 3 4-o'oi 6 O'OO 9 4-0-01 IS 1213 0-14 4 0-08 7 0-04 1 26 4-0-03 4 O'OI 16 o-oo 9 0-04 4 4-o'oi 9 4-0-03 2 4- o'o i 7 I3-H 4-0-06 3 O'OI 13 0-04 1 6 O'OO IO 0-02 36 4-0-03 8 -0-04 7 , o-oo 4 4-0-06 I 4-0-04 i 14 ! 5 0-06 15 O'lO ii O'OO H 4-0-02 8 4-O-O3 23 4-0-01 8 0-06 8 O'OI 4 0-O2 4 15 16 4-0-1 1 6 4-O'O2 1 1 O'O2 34 o-oi 18 -|-O'O8 21 O'OO IO o'oi 3 4-0'02 ii + O-QI o-oo 3 1617 4-0-03 10 0'02 ii 0-04 16 4-0-02 9 4-0-02 19 0'05 5 4-0-05 4 o-oi 12 4-O'O2 3 4-Q-oi 4 1718 4-0-08 6 O'll 6 0-05 13 + O-QI 3 4-0-03 4 O'oo 6 0-03 ! 9 O'OI 5 -f" O'O2 9 1819 4-0-19 i 4- o'o i 7 O'OO 29 o-oi 24 O'OO U5 O'OI I 4-0-02 8 4- o'o i 4 4-o'oi 2 O'OI 3 19 20 4-0-03 3 4-o'io 7 4-0-07 43 o-oo : 37 o-oo |ii7 4-0-04 7 o'oo 7 4-0-02 6 O'OO 5 4-0-04 4 2O 21 0-05 5 4-0-04 16 4-0-05 67 O'OO 49 O'OO H5 4-0-05 15 O'OO 4 4-0'02 6 O-O 2 4 '3 4 2122 -0-18 7 -0-05 1 17 O'OO 64 4-o'oi 61 4-O'O2 99 4-0-03 9 4-o'o6 3 4-O'02 6 O'OO 9 4-0-03 3 22-23 4-0-12 13 4-0-06 16 4-0-01 71 O'OO 80 4-O'O2 73 O'OI 2 4-o'oi 8 4-O'O2 7 0-03 5 4-o'oi i 23-24 4-0-04 ii 4-o'oi IS 0-03 45 4-0-04 43 O'OI 77 O'OI ; 17 O'OI 1 1 4-0-06 5 0'02 8 4-o-o6 5 Comparisons of the North Polar Distances of the Astronomische Gesellschaft Catalogues. Catalogue. Kasan, 1875. Chris tiania, 1875. Helsing- fors, 1875. Cambridge (Mass.), 1875. Bonn, 1875. Cambridge, 1875. Berlin B, 1875. Berlin A, 1875. Leipzig, 875- Albany, 1875. z w f tn 2 Limit of N.P.D. 10 15. & ~B 20 25. s Si o 2 5 35- o 35-40'- a "3 40 50. 1 o 6o 65. 3 93 O 65-70". a: 'o 70 75- 03 S 8o 85. 03 03 a 8 5 "-8 9 . 1 s Constant. +"-3. ' o"'o. o fc +"-z. +o"'5- o +o"'z. o"'o. +o"-3- 4-o"-6. +o"- 3 . o fc +o"'i. o tz; h h I O-2 6 -0-5 26 4-0-1 43 4-0-1 53 4-o'i 103 4-o'i I I 4-0-2 6 4- ri 3 o-i 18 O'2 7 I 2 4-0-4 15 4-0-2 9 o-o 29 o-o 42 4-o-i 65 4-o'6 2 O'l , 4-0-3 22 4-0-1 '3 4-0-1 12 2- 3 4-O-4 '3 4-ro 16 -0-4 16 0-3 4-0-1 38 o-i 5 4-0'2 27 + 0-1 18 O'O IX -0-4 3 3- 4 o-o 16 4-0-2 1 1 4-0-7 18 4-0-3 17 4-0-1 74 0'2 6 O'l 40 O'O 17 -0-6 2 + 0-3 i 4- 5 -0-4 9 4-0'2 23 4-0-8 25 4-0-5 25 4- o-i 38 O'O 12 4-o'i 22 0'2 3 6 O'O 12 -fo-i 3 5- 6 + '3 6 4-0-2 4 4-0-2 20 4-0-2 26 O'l 61 O'O H + 0'2 21 4-o'4 1 20 -0-4 8 -0-4 6 6- 7 -0-8 8 4-0-4 IO 4-0-4 39 4-0-5 M 4-0-1 59 o-i 12 4-0-1 18 + '3 18 O'l 6 O'l 9 7- 8 "3 10 4-0-5 12 4-0-3 29 4-0-5 12 o-o 4-Q-i 2O 4-0-3 20 o-o 12 0'2 4 4-0-3 3 8- 9 -07 5 4-0-7 13 4-0-5 16 4-o'3 8 O'l 34 O'O 7 o-i 36 O'O 2 7 O'O IO 4-0-1 i 9 10 o-i 2 4-0-5 2 4-o'i 20 0'2 H O'2 29 4-O'2 4 4-0-4 8 4-0-2 Q 4-0-5 7 -0-6 3 IO I I 4-0-1 8 4-0-2 9 4-0-4 18 + '4 IO o-i 46 4-0-6 6 O'O 9 0-2 6 + 0-3 9 0-2 2 II 12 4-0-4 5 4-0-2 10 4-0-4 25 o-i 10 O'l 43 4-0-3 2 4-0-4 3 o-i 6 O-2 9 + '3 15 12-13 O'l 4 + 0-4 7 -0-5 26 4-0-3 4 -0-3 16 4-Q-i 9 -0-6 4 -0-8 9 4-0-2 2 4-0-2 7 J 3 '4 -0-4 3 +0-5 13 o-i 16 -0-7 10 -0-2 36 o-o 8 o'o i 7 O'O 4 o-o I I'O i 14-15 + o-5 15 -0-5 1 1 4-0-2 14 -0-6 8 O'O 23 4-0-4 8 -0-8 8 -0-4 4 4-0-4 4 15 16 4-0-2 6 o-i ii 4-0-1 34 -0-8 18 O'l 21 O'l IO 0-4 3 4-0-1 II O'l 5 4-0-3 3 1617 4-0-5 10 -0-6 ii + 0'I 16 O'l 9 O'O 19 4-o'4 5 -0-3 4 O'O 12 -r-o-i 3 4-0-1 4 1718 , 4-0-4 6 I'O 6 -0-5 13 -0-5 3 ' o-o 4 O'O 6 O'2 9 -0-8 5 ... ... O'l 9 18 19 I"2 i -0-7 7 -0-3 29 -0-5 24 O'l 4-o'i i 0-2 8 -0-5 4 ri 2 + 0-8 3 19 20 + '3 3 -0-9 7 O'l 43 -0-3 37 o-o 117 -0-4 7 -0-3 7 O'O 6 O'l 5 4-0-3 4 20 21 O-I 5 4-o'2 16 -0-4 67 O'O 49 4-0-1 H5 O'2 15 o-i 4 -0-4 6 +0-3 4 O't 4 2122 'Y Q-2 7 4-o'i j 17 O'l 64 o-o 61 o-i 99 4-0-3 9 + o'3 3 4-0-2 6 '3 9 + 0-4 3 22 23 L o-i 13 0-4 1 6 O'O 7 1 O'O 80 -0-6 73 4-O-J 2 O'l 8 4-0-2 7 + o'4 5 -0-3 i zh 24 ' ' or 3 1 1 0-2 15 o-i 45 +o-i 43 0'2 77 o-o 17 0'2 ii -0-6 5 o-o 8 O'2 5 48 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. cc ^ O HH H O S OS w PH O g ib g 9 ci ^ IB d >. ,n 03 00 'w GO O PH 'S _o S been obtained f the Groombri d 03 ^ & a? 03 S O 13 1 O3 4^> .2 p o 03 ^ d E2 d n o 03 CD O3 d O5 OO A o3 a H^ ^q 03 &0 3 omparisoi ^ 'd co 03 ^ GO 4J "3 Greenwi a 2 o c3 S i c GQ g 03 ^ +a a 'cS ^ T3 03 n3 --< "^ o _! c O S o s d fi ^ Q3 S? O3 e S o ^^ cb o , S 3 S co d S i-rl 03 eS a O to ss 03 Ctf <13 S H 2 ^ i? a GO II 11 1 O i 03 525 S-i o 00 2 P- d O3 'So a ed catalogue places & the obse -d 03 PH cS d 03 03 o* 03 C5 > O c3 i i -C co < a ^> o ^ 11 c S u is S e i 1 -g g ao"-! I o oo e s oo s[i:il|>ls.A[ O ~ too b^b O "-IOO O ; b b b b ; b b 8 b 'o6gi 'Q'J'ii jo spuoosg * CO (* r*co 3- ~ >p f) oo 8^{? ^ PN opeiuajsXg p ; if? i 9 * IF! ^ sqo jo -o^i ^roroco CO Tj- M i/l vo row ^ if*S SP ."*T* !" rom rooo JT^i? o\ oo 8M M O .pop b o b o 8 ^0 O O " b o b o + 1 " b b b b 1 1 o6gl -y'S jo spuooog . ?s j? O oo t>in 05 oo r^r^i^ MVOVOOO *4-\O OO OO 10 b b b b tt ;=g- ?? ? O O O to ++ + 8 ?? p " o o o .t" O fo m - O O " O O O oo *LJ I sqo jo 'oji \0 ^ N Tf -ft |J3 N* ^-*>. a* Q.J coin coco ^ IM ^- t^OO p^ 13 3 6 : : : : j> fja g "* Jig : ! 1=3.^ ^ 2"rt g i j ;j 1 i-J| 1* "o gjs I 00 g *b O fO jS E '? S N o | *b * O 00 a oo p >p p p - >p p i b b b b + 1 O O\M O boob o6gi 'a'ci'j!t tomco" vo 1 s * *n\o ^ONON jo spuocrag - 1-1 ro to*n " O "- 1 O^ O\ O^OO 00 =4J oo 8 co in O O O O * b b b b (^00 ^lg "bbbb 8M M O r P P w o o o o o6gi 'V'H JO S[)U009g pa^oajjoQ n t^ Ov O w 00 00 OO ON Tj- TfTf Tj- -tss ro O N ON 00 JO rf in 3 noposJJOQ orjBUt9}B.(g 23 1 o * b b b ro i _L _i_ t^* rj- rf m .r? P "! 4- f sqo jo -oji ~ ^xn^ & ^ ro Ct ro ?j I |l+ 1 O OO ^ ^ , ' M 00 >O ' ". C>00 g' O t^ m m ^* r3 73 i i o ' j ; ^ 1 2 iS : ^ * " cS A* : j I J - O T3 O 1131 s 2 S I 1 ^ &> H O o & M o O ON o S w c INTRODUCTION. 49 o-o O vo O moo \o O 800-^-0 o o 5 x 0\ o o o so o o - o s[Bnpisag ; b b b : +?T ; o o o b : oooo - o o o - oooo - o o o o6gi -(Td'N jo spuooey pjKjoajJOQ ONO ro oo oo oo to to m fO <> ON rh ^ rr> W- ro d W p fO*p r^ 5 irvoo -< ro M M f^fO N Ov pvo jn I "00 t-, - - vo VO OV t^ ^" * t^ O u"t "* vo oo *'! : i??? f^p\ op i t^Cv mm vo ftt to uoijoajjOQ o;;i!taa}sKg to t^ * ; b b ? 1 1 1 m^ j = bob? + i i + 1 f + O ; t 'T P r* s, + ? ^ B ; ffl + O N ? + sqo jo -Otf \O ro vO 2 * fO ro vo r*. roo VO * t) ^J-fn ro ^ u^ c^iri *s- a 11 + W " ONVO ro 25 g ^Ovl^N i-^'-c Q *H -^-OO O\ Cvf*. OM W ON in O i tr^ OS O J^ovvo b^ks O rr> oo 5% 3; Mpip M "-DO >b U^ -i rfO ON in N i^ r^ in N 1- ON oo spsnpisag = 3" 8 *?+ i-" *H ro Q o o o S b b b b 1 1 1 8?&8 " b b b b 8?&8 * o o o b I I 8? 8 * o b b 8^- fO Q poo a boob OvOv O a-o o "? + o6gi -VH : jo spnooag paao8jaoQ vo IN ON TJ- t^. r^ 00 t^t^. 00 ^J- rooo "^ ^ .^f^30 M N *W T4 C1 *o < * i- * * yrp in u-j u-i u" 2=2 ?8 " rON N N S;^ 1 g- " '* W- N N O " \noo 00 fO w> O 10 - N M rn mmuMn f> Tf f^ \O p in "rob t^* co PO 4 gj uoi^osiioQ OQVtM^Rfg HK ro ir> ."* P P * o b o ON ++ + 2 o 2? S 1 "++ + | VO N u^ I- "++ * f rP P " b b b " ++ + 5 O\ M U1 . P P P o o o oo ++ + - "-. LO U1 inp O O w o b o b n ++++ ? m o : + * sqO jo -ojyr vo "j- m ?, 2^"-^ ^ vO t^. f^ivo O vo ro fO % Tj-in to ^> ^- -J- u-i o *& - n si+ M p>p f- s in to ^ - Tf O\ p^ * r^ g POU1 ^ N . 11 f 00 CT- OH "B (T^vp p^t** g M O VIM T; mtN. ON PH T) O VO ONVp ^ Ui in Vj- ro '3 - <*-t^ON PH T3 + O " oo 1^4 oo Vj. S - M- Ov ^ + r* PP r -H M t^ N m S - -*\O ON p^ + m o\ *^. ^ k '$ & S d 1 1 ilP O ^ !H : a> ' is ^< ^=ta : g 11^ 5 fr- rt . 0) OK-^H ^ =i f ilda ^ o(3 OW H ; O j i-3 03 to Si "! s 5 _s to to S '"o I "iff 6 Tf 1^ ^l* 100 'S ja V2 rt S >O f "So ' m fo .- *0 N a t>o 1** I M S >> <-, M fO 1 ** ffi S 1 '"? 1 ^s o N m T a -2 |S o a' ^* 9 a o 5 o-o o o Tj-mr>. o N * O O ON fl O VO O rn O o o o O tOTl-O S[nplB3}J : b b b , 0000 - O i- N O I++ - b b b b * fOO O O - o o o 00-0 ci 6gi 'a-d'N jo spuooag pa^osjjoQ Ti'in oo ; oo vb V ~ ? N t-xOO VO * O ON ^ O m ^- TJ-U^ o M oo invp -t i ^- m\b bv f vp vpvp p S N V JN. ON *^i ^ t~ ojo N y^y^ ^ m\b ON >- M 8 tovo ** ; '. 55 P P f^r 1 5 oo b b\ - - N in o-' to aorjoajjog 31^BOIS^8jfg P P .- = o o 9 + 1 1 ; ? i P 1-1 m~ ; s o b b ? + 1 1 + p ; ? '+ COU11-1 i = b b b 9 + 1 1 + ro r-* ^ ; b b 1 1 + O to in M t - bob 9 + 1 1 + eqo jo -oji m PO Tt- - f^^o m r^ M coifl *Ori ^ vo ^-NVO M to ul r-* ^t- tn 11 + S3 " 00 VO ;<* rf ON oo H * 00 O vp p\O N OO M fO - Tl-oO O\ ON o M in Ut N >H M "- noo o\ OVp O ON W- b rj- 1-1 ir^oo ON O N rovo b?kg8 O>M O> * '~ N * vn ov P ONpN^ *^in N M ^ts<|| o-o si^nptsay 82 8 " o b b \f\\f} O Q O O - O "+?r 8^J- fO O O w O " b b b b 8S^?8 w b b b b 858^8 03 o o b o 5^2 8 " O 1 + 8\f\ - O i-i O K b b b b o6gi -VH jo spuooag p3}03JJOQ <2"ft ? "^ <$. N O* O t* _^j- 1^. r^. " ro ro fn ro to co m m ir> M vo O TfOO p\p " ioxrii^vb W N N *ro i^ -i O\t^.yn K O ON ON ON \O irnnio N ONOO O\ -* oo t^. yi w O ON ON ON \O "^ O m ^ ^2 "22 b N 1-1 PO ro ^ v\ rf M CO f<1 fO PO j e4 uorps-uoQ sijBiuo^s.Cg O ro xo ~ O O "++ + I \ft r^> m "+i 1 f ro ro O "++ i = ro N m O O "tt * t 2S S 1 "bo b oo ++ + | MM in .*P P " o o b ^ ++ .-? s - .0 o "** * 5 sqo jo -<>s. VAT!- ^- b 1-1 WO to ^ m t^i rom ?) m ro M ^- ?) VO ON Tj- to > S) t^m to ?> 11 + H " 00 p^ Tj- ^ '* tN. OO * - 1- CX) p^ O ONOO g t N . " *00 Ol M 1 OM - U-l u tfM M M ^ mOO ON PH O ON O ON j^ ?^ a, + P IX p> .* i^' fOOO -" N ^ - tx ON p^' o> I O Js $ f 1^ > 5 H O EH : : : : S : o ' jj A< te = " IIS^ 5 OW^H Jg iS 1 IISS 5 - rt . a* OM^EH ^i ii } i^"^ ^ 2-i^g OM<;E-I : : : : * ^ : sS ;i f 1^^^ 5 o T3 O C3 ^^ i i f, 2S | ^ oS ^ 5 23 s OK H Js ;s 1 l^^^r s O T3 O H C5 ^ II ps s 1 %? 1 1)& 6 ^, .0 f* S '"o a *i <* ro 6 ro ^ S-ro _O tri*o s * 1 1)5- o 1^, s*r SAW ^- VO E 'S J3 0\ S * ^- ? a v. 1 -o"" I *> o ON *fl ~ ^ i Z* I*** a GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. 50 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. o-o O O <*5O O r^oo O O l^ ro O O N O o vo o O to ON O 01-00 S[BU|>TS8g - o o o o - o o o o ? + ~ o o o o 1 1 0-00 - o o o 1 1 v O O o6gi -in ts, f^oO O *N.*P O ^f NOO 1-NO jo spuoaeg l>dj;)9.uoo ~ i-i moo b rOfO->l- M O - xnoo ^- ^-*o ^ ^ Ov co ^- 1^. CO ro ro t^, ON * ro\O ON O Tj- ^ -^-m ^ S Jrji>,do * * * t ^ K - W ""> ON ON ^ " "- 1 M co 00 ^ VO ON rf ir% mm3--+ ^ PLJ Jz; UOIJ09JJOO .niBuinjsAK w vo ; : ?f + ?? i p ^t 1 f * ^ f? i : ?? i cor^ NN ; : n+ + " M ; = b b 9 + 1 + sqo jo -ox vO <* to ON f^M Tf^- 2 * ? N ^- u^ CO CO CO N tO ^- co coao CO N CO CO W~ P !P T b r^M - ^- r>. ON P P*P r IA > ^ ff) ^- r> O^ >p * t~ b N i^ *t^O\ O O f^ covb i-*. - -( TJ- r^. o\ pOO ON cooo V W- * rf t*+ O\ M ^M

- TJ- t** ON r P j P co\b "" N *-roo ON o-o S[BllpIS83J 8^8 w b b b b 8-?8 M b b b b 8?s-8 * b b b b rJ-N Q Q i-t O O * b b b b 8H4 O O O 01 b b b b 85?8 w b b b b 8 ON fO O O * b b b b o6gi -VH jo spuooag pa}09JIOQ Tj-vfl 00 "1 Tf p fOVp * u-ivb vb vb co co to to VO ro N W r*. ON M _^- x O vb r-si^ M Ti- m o M Tt- J^! f*l f*^ fO r*) H r^ o M |s.^\O*p w inuimm O 00 O 00 {^.O f-.'O CO CO tO CO -. h- ONO O\ ^-00 M 85 ^- 1/1 \n*JD i^ N O \O ONOO ONOO K t***t*.'r^t** m m u-i vn 'Q com*m % 2 U1N 2 *& M com co "gj ro % i Tf CO COVO ^) CO * CO to ^j W " _|_ p p p ;* ,_; V is. w S * ^t-* ON p^ + P ON^p n ^J irt t^ V PO ^ ~ *r-<^ cC + vo m>- t^ ^: b r~r-- " Tft^O pj Pri-r g co r^. t^. M ^ -^ t^. ON p^ 1 O M ON ^J mts, W- * ^ -t * t, ON p^ 1 M OO N4 f* ^ to ^t to V ^ - 4t^ON p; ^< Tj- 1-* p CO IN. M M S ^00 ON p^ d 1 3 3 : : :J 1 .dsS :s & 1=3!* 5 g-ao a ~ CMiH Je ill 1 I'S^ 3 ii^g ^ CSfS^H ^sS ii 1 1=3"^ ^ g-S^s OM^H Jii : =S t !G QJ O =3^^ 3 -d a " 0- 3 -Sd a *" 0^H 3 H. ^ C5M- ] 1E- Jdii I 5so>< -o Ijqg ^ O<1H CM 9 2 S 1 fc s is 50 ro S *>" I tN. TT *^* rt * s m i * * 1 "" o d N ^ S -o M 2 " .^H O N X ON g S w t* ". 's - 2 &"> -a vo o *ln O CO OO 00 - * iy ^$ o ^N CO ^ ?>" a " 1 8 ** o ft ON -' V- | *? C5 o-o ~VO O "fO O o * o in o O OO IN. O O ts. r^. o ONOO spsnpisag +? - o o o o - O O : +T " O O O J O O O O 1 + - O9OO Q 0631 'a'd-K jo spuooag p9}o 00 00 00 t-~ ^ ^ m ON *^N *to o CX3 O N - oo ro \& C* CO CO ,_ ON f^*O ^~ i N m N i- u^ir>o "O N O *f ON ON N - V ON N 10 ir> x/i\O vO p CO 00 N ON ON * m ON to w to to o O Pu ri uopo8.uo3 oijBiua^sig * ; - bob? + 1 1 + O : ?f i r 1 .* =' : II f>r~ ; = b b 1 1 + - f i ; ! + ; f '* sqo jo -ofl VO * * (} CO ^fn NO * * 10* 00 m Tf- M \o "ej- ^- CO to fo c*^ m r^ |J + H " H p p y^ "- 5 *. o\ ONJ^OO Th mt"% ^twt - Tj- l->. O\ ON t^ ON **'? ON p p ON u-> wi TJ- * ON >H |H N OO O> TfOO N * O O O O M *_? ? 8& 8 "00 ON O O t^O O * b b b Sr-^O Q P f* P 03 b b b b 8l?88 * b b b b 8- I^O O O O '" b b b b + 1 o6gi -VH jo spuoosg pqo3jaOQ NOO "100 HH ip O GO * V m M N ro to f*3 fO oo \o o vo u^\O 00 O* M OO OO OD 00 u-i mio^ NOO t^ P .* NO w m ro ^ UMO irt NO vn t^. ^ r^ 00 K VO "1 ** a- * * XT) CO t-O p TJ- tj- 1-* * r^ t^. t->. t^. t-* N ON ""> xrj O\ ON \b i *b r-* co to to CO N N N " 00000000 ** rj- * 1- |S.\S' i-i n m M {S " b b b * + + ? * O vD "^ "i * s 2 y " b n + + $ ~ \n *n O 1L_ f 00 "H "^ o o * b b b n- + 1 + f m N ""> M 05 o b o w + '+8 r? P "- b b b o + 1 + sqo jo -0 v> -*N ^ ^ TfflTt-UI % W* xn "Q > ^ % VO * N f- % Tj- 1^1 CO fO ^ CO to ro to *fo i|+ W " 1 ^ O O y J b ^o - b ^ rj-t>.O\ p^ + CT> O 00 >O f*5 iri -^ n ^ 1-1 *! a> p; ON m t^ 1TN CO ^ * ON p. + p p irir^ TJ- ^ * * CM 1 .100 N ON J ONi'lCX) rn ^ *1^ ON (N^ 1 P NO ,J WOO " ^> ^ I-. TfCO ON f^ r }" P .-* M COO ^--^ i-i moo ON p^ 8 l c 3 ai Q Js is f c^o>- ~C3 "^ O(3"iH * : s il 1 iir. ? H OJ OWH *a A < 3 ^6 g " Op3iH J , e9 & ^fe : S o ild^ 5 . S Cf<1H *t- O | 3 do t^ iK* *>S o f^ *: e so " r o -5 o M C 't t^ Is. . S V, ^ i/Nin S x o o ^t-vo O CX) N I,* B N o |V& C5 o t- > s.^- 1- *0 a ^ S ~ a> "5 \l\ 5 o Jo -O r^ ^ |ti o o HH 00 1 a -4-> a o oo ,1 e 8 33 Q!} ^^T I INTRODUCTION. 51 o-o 8[BtlptS3fl v P VO O - b b b O OVO O b,bb o "loo o ; b b b b O 11 O O 5 bj. b b O N O b +r ON ** M O 1 ?++ b O cOtN. O b ++ b a 0651 -a'd'ia jo spuooag pa^OMJOQ rop Jf ~ O ** in in in in ia *-i yiyi ^i- - M V t-* b ~ 3- ^i p fo N ^ * b\ b PO - - M ^ f-* t^ ^ O - t^ O* ro in roro-J- rj- in N p ^ *H N in t^. $ r^ rovo ON - t^oo n ro M 00 00 oo t^in ~ Joro^ S5 noiioa-uoQ OI?ma)gS m * * * ? + N ** ^ tt + " P" =L = O ? .+11 + O : T ^ ; f + p ro 1-1 ; ; b b 1 1 + = b b "9 ] 1 sqojo -ON * ro * u^ fO N GO N M *t- ^t COM ro <* * fO W N N in vO fO^-vO 11 + W "" P r f -l i-* Tj- 1 * 5 OO N \O Vb U. ^ ^- 1^. Cv P r r* r ro -* en N 1-1 in t^ 01 - p M i-i in in M i-> *^o\ M M M O V&o roxn M -^- 1^ ON N vp^O ^ vo r>. M m M TM^ ON 00 ^- N vO n ^- b in M ^- (->. ON o-o S[BnpIS8'}J *ir> bb b 8r^.co o O M O * b b b b 8-i- m o O O " ii ' NN VO O o o o S b b b b I++ .80 38 * b b b b 8?S8 * o b b b 8?^ 8 " b b b b o6gi "V'H jo spuoaag pajOBJJOQ O GO VO VO ON OO " "roco co mu-i xn l-% wi\o O\ vO t^\O ON * H ^ ^H t-K \0 in u-ju-) 8i3>CTvO " b b b - n Oki/iM p pNO\O * t^vb \b i^. CO t^OO VO -frvp 00 O * \b vb vb t^ M M N N in Osoo OS in N ~ * t^ t^ t^ t^ inovoo ON vo vo o* " row I-. in in in in VO ro^vo % 11 + H " O 1-1 _ "00 * ^ i- * o\ e^ ->'* MOO O N " - **- dl P P r 1 * i^ fO-t fOro w \ni-^ c> p^ r* r*". r a M *b in N ^ M ^ t>, O* 4 1 . r r P *j Tfoo coin "\ IH -^- 1^ O* CD N M vp in j inoo M in S M ^tN. O* p^ 1 00 M in ^j m ON b in ^ i-t ^J- 1^ ON PL) d 1 *e3 3 O ; : 5 o-s 3 g;3 bH -O -aj "S OM : : : ^ : s ii 1^^ 5 o-go e ^ t- e8 . QJ CJ<1H : v ^& is f l? 5 ?^ 1 8"a a OW^^J Jg =2 1 1^.^ 3 o-oO a OM; -di ^ t- rt . o OM-aJEH JtS ;i 1 l^^ 5 OTJO a OH^IH J ;i l?"^ 5 o ^ O tf OH^bS O 1 * OT 5 * B * H 1 * Q m m o rn ? I s ^ 1 -- 6 Tj- 2 E ^ ^ ar I''** 5 f ^ 2 X !** 5 ro j i> 2 o S ** O\ ro E o I ; Ift 1 &0 " O "8 |}r S CO NO ro S cs o-o siunpisajj 01- o 5 b b b O N M O b +T o o o = b b b b p Tf .* p " b b b b pop p p b b M b O vo O 'T+ b O M ~ O ; b b b b Q "o6gi -(r9.uoQ opsmajsig *H- ; * O O 9 1 1 + ^-M ; - bob? + 1 1 + N - 1 f? + p N t 1 ? r Pr =L 1 +?? + p rom 1-1 ;" ^ +t? + s b b '2. 1 1 sqo jo -oji in Tj- t-* in M fo M m M m w% ^- N * .OO >-< M ^ t-^ ON O .*'?' ro W-vb ^i 1-1 * Ov vN Tj- M r>. CO i* N CO M ^- t^. ON _fOOO M M mvo co m M ^- t^. ON o-o sjBtipisajj * in o bb b o o o o w b b b b t 1 O OO -" O 0^ O w b b b b 8t> IO O O O O w b b b b SSffS M b b b b \O m m Q COO O "i++ b 83-3-8 " b b b b + 1 o6gi "VH jo spnooag pa^oaiiog PP ?> * 0000 00 fO fO CO w> rom\o w \ooooo " srjrjfjf roO\O M vO *o r-% t* * r^. r^. r>. i>, xn m i^> ^> vO CO O\vO >O \O vO f>* " W W- V M N N "^\O O -*. M N vp \p 10 ^^ r>- t-^ r>* N e* M ^-Sn M i^t^i^i^ CO CO CO CO mM ~ o OO j-*. r>.vp * M N N < BS tioi^oajjoo OIJBUiaiSjfg *- m VO O O "*? + f ?p p * b b b ^ + 1 + S- O\ PO n MO O * o b o o + i + g **co m MQ O Ti + ? M ro 10 M O O * o o o *o + 1+1 2? " b b b o + 1 + *~? p" * b b b !- + ' + a sqo j<> -OK no *; ^ mroN t+) ^j N MVO % T m-- * % ^m N ro % *co CO "Q t-*N *J-CO ^j u+ W ~ + "* " s *u-i M ifl " * "* p; + Tj- p OO ^j M tx^. b ^ - ^-IN. O> p^ O*p CO N i^ O N " - * t^ O\ f^ + P "P P P i- -*00 " n ? t>. OS p^ + O N MOO ^ foi^.\b M S M Tf- t^. O\ p^ r* .^". M r* ^ COMD co ^ M ^-t-x O\ p^, COM M M inr^. coin ^ M TJ- t^. ON p^ J 1 o JsS 53 1, -S2 a) o :i ^ 5 O ^5 pj s ^ Js |SJ 1 i^^ 5 o-ao ^ OPS-SH Jss !i 1 l^^^r 3 2l^g OM<)tH : : : : "2 ^'s IS f i^ .^ 3 e-S^.g ^ O<1H : : 5J 1 ^s :S 1^^ 3 HOC ^ H ^ OP3<1H JfS Is f 1=39^ ^ o^3O fl ~ : . q) CJW^ 2 * 1 InS S C 'g isc= C A N "* 5 1 S-ro X vO 1- 2 " t3 ^3 in o ^,^. O CO =8 IS u% o 3" *^ a *N. ^c5 ^>"^ I 4ft o 52 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. o-o O p;- ; b o b b 1 1 ; b '* b + 1 OO O co O fO O O O + 1 M pop N P s b b b b O - -^- O b ++ b O >n co o : b b b b !^P P - o '" b + 1 o6gi -a'j'K ~ 1- N - OO ON rom ro - 00 {MOf. TfOW ONt^ON OO IN. IN, Q jo spuooag SSffS ^ * ~* 2 - N OO O ** ' *'?*" g 3>>SJ- N o ; a a- a- s- N ON 00 to DIlBUtBJSAg = b b 5. 1 1 o -bob 1 1 + 1- COM 5 - bob + 1 1 "bob 9 1 1+ 1 NVO i - b b *? 1 1 + sqo jo -o& \O TJ- mm d-co ro \O *i" ^vo * H*N^ VO* W ^- \O Jl + - Th IN. ON ITIJ 0? N *00 O N N 00 t^ W-r^oo rn -> ^- !>. O\ ? t^ o\ b > co Vt- "-" ^J 1 1> ON ~ -S>Si -HZS vo PH o fi fOpNOO -i M ONVO pp poo P ^ ? at opsmajsig 23- s? * b b b N +T + s 23" S 1 "+? + oo -^- m VO O O "+? + 1 "+? + i? .* p p M o o o oo o ^ in in CO O O "+? + f Sj-p 1 p 1 OT O O O VO sqo }o -ojj * m & Tf CO CO CO "Q H vo co com % i co vo ^) P + N N ; J SJ!ON ^ f* f^ 1" *^ ^ t> V V) ^ 1-1 ^- ts. ON p., 1 T tooo r^vo ^ b mcoV " *-. TMN. ON p^ 1 = & & j QJ I 1 O :j :J 1 Co j "p. 2S * O(3 R : : : : J hs '. S o o *^ C5 o = j =ri ^ ^'s| i i j< jj|t i ijj 1 -2 fe o 13 . <] O 'w S CK H t*. o 9 a (6 5 N "* S vb i f r Pt^ in 5 G pC* ^ o ri &^ *-" vo m ^ co 1 i ^ ft a j C? g o CO 1-1 S *co vo m s r<* 00 S I o-o O N vo O - rco O N N O VO 1-4 vo O O N t^ O p *o p ^ "-ir^o spmp^H ++ o o o o " O * * O ! +TT - b b b b - o o o o ?^ Q o6gi -cr N moo t>. o^ 1 >-i oo rof* " r vo ON -< * 1J-) -J- * ON rfvo 00 corr ^r * ^ Bj iSKg 1 *p * s so 9 * b b b "5. 1 1+ + r* r "o ; TT + = ?? + ~ 9 i : ?? i sqo jo -oji N M NVO ^^-VOON *. cotN.M 1A VO vo^vo^ 1| + KES n'Sjji'S n S'S'S b$hE N m N 00 ^* b: 5 >-i TT t>* ON NOON 1-1 * t^* O\ N ^ in o HH Ov ON in H-I ^* t>. ON o-o * b b b b " b b b b " b b b b l + l 8^8 00 b b b b " b b b b M n M a f r 1 P P 8Tf M O OOO w b b b b o6gi -y'a jo spuooag to.** M\ N vo ON ON M N N N N N mvo N N ON ON 05 O^ ONOO 00 H-l HH OO ON ON co >n in 00 ON W 1^, VO ON N M ro 10 N ov * oo r- r^vb U") XO U^ U^ -1 O 00 IN, poop w do oo oo oo cd sss 23" S 1 * b b b * Hhl- Hr 1 60 O O O N vO O O 03 b b b * b b b ON + 1 + oo m m r P P " o o o ~ + ' + S OO lO ^^ vp * b b b IN, + i+| sqo jo -otf rococo ^ "T3-NVO % ro ^t w m % vo^ % vo rovo vn ^ w"" T 1 1 N ON N ON ^^ ro in t* V "*J > ^* r^ ON p . W fs, p ^ N vO O ^O ^J -i ^- IN, ON p t 00 00 ON ^ rovo ^ N . T3 (S xn u^ ro ^4 N- in ON in ^ 1 o * o o5 J|j|| = j = ^ 1. ^d te '. S o ^ ,5 " ^ II t .^ !sl i .ate . S o |-q a "^ j (2 : 3 '2- o ^ C a Op3-!H *o o 5 J 03 fe CO M * S oo So pC 00 O vO rj- 2 o CO ^ 1 1 -?1^ o S 1 g "ON *^~ O CO CO S vo N j-j ^"ON ro c 00 5 It-'ro M C ^O N 00 CO M ea o oo 6 "g o s "S * *i g^ a. R e so e a 1 5 INTRODUCTION. 53 o-o mo >o < o o O ON CO O CO co O O o o no O VO mo tn N t^ o s[Bnpisay T? ^T - o o o o JTT : b b ~ b ; b b b ; ^T^ o o6gi- cO-* p = \b b b co N M CJ ^ o K aoijo8J.ioo oijBinaisjCg Tj- : t + P rom >-i ; ; ^?t + O CO-I ?? ^ Q rOM ; bbbo I : t i o *- ; +T? + ^ rr = 1 1 + CO i i sqo jo -otf "t- Tj- N IN. n T}- com 1- M rt CO N ^* m\n ^ *n VO (N. CO ^- in N m 1 11 + W ~ -t in IN. in covo to m ^- r>. ON -* O c* 10 P$8. N N fN.tN. M W b V - ^- r-N o\ N ON N CO ^?ko\ N pxm m - i^oo m M Tf t^ON vO TJ- r>.vo 2ii?i? p tN,o* COIN. N N - 1-*N,ON 3 u 6 o-o sjunpieajj Sp28 ** b b b b 8o3-8 00 o b b b 2^88 boob I++ 8^8 " b b b b 1 1 8f^ to o O O " b b b b 8^8 " b b b b 0^3-28 "U+ b & "I s t o6gi T'H jo spuooag pa?09JJOQ k^fl M M r" 1 r^ r ^~ i/^ vn irj m u^ -^-vo m tv. ir> TJ- TJ- 03 o m xr>\n ro fO PO ro tN.vp OO ro O vO 1:0 IN,MD <& (j-> unu-jxn\n ONVO \O O\ vp y> ^- M VOOO Ov n fO M "boob H IN. IN, N p N ON O * tN.tN.VO IN. \n m in m IN, M M in M tN.vo m 35 O ON ON ON in *fr ^- ^ rO T3 s O r-( 2 < a nopoajjOQ niiBiuajsic; ir>\p *o N C w O *0 + 1+1 2^8 X "? ^ f O vp \rt NO O "*t + ? N vo n r P P +t * f ^ X "+? + i 2^8 ff "+? + f O vo in r* p P w o o b in + 1 + "8 ^-s sqo jo -OK ^ fOM IN. fy m ^-mm ^ vo CO u-k "gj m Tl- C4 CO & in ro ^-ir> & 2 ^ * m in , s o 8 V si ii+ w " H~ H ON t>. M fOO ro rO ^ ^- JN, O ^ 1 .-. N yl ro vnvo O ^ - Ti-r^Ov ^ . N pv f .O ,J HH ir> b *n ^ -. tf t- OX Q^ N j- CO g fovb W-~ - >- * t-,ON PH rt M ON mOO ' ^4 V^O ^ ^ ^H 4l>.ON PH VO tN, IN.VO M sijcgi? ^ T\ 1 p p\ f ;* ,_; rovb rn "^ 1-1 -*r^ ON pj s ^ "0 oo 8 " " oi -i- a ^ d 3 3 : : : : $ - : ,g :'S t -- : GJ o H^ ^ lisi itt! ^ es . o O^H rni 1 ^se i 2 S^O>H 3 I1 d OM^H : : : : S ' D : is c< j=sc : S 1^9^ 5 o *o O cs Opl <8 o t., ^ 5; 1 " a * w 00 TI- CS m i- xn : s.^. lib O Ov CO 2 o 2 M 1.3 " *>0 s ^ < ^- 1 *^ n " a - i "o* S ^ o <^* S Jla 1 "2^ |. Jl> S -5, ro 2 " O O [X| ^.S ?" o-o qntipisa'a p N

- o - b b b b P P P ; o o b O *vo O ; b ^T b O M O , o~~b p vp co p = b b b b i i O 1-1 O : +T 1^ o6gi XIMVM o moo *-" VO ""> CvvO P r P torvo Tl- t^vo ro >-i VO ON TJ- . y^r* p &Q S ^8 *-\ p3;03J.lOQ - oo b N irt \O\O vo \O r^ *2 ^ O fo r^ ^ - g, ^ m fO O n vh - r^oo * rj- inm N in ^ M vb oo W "* * m 5 1-1 W-vboO n tnxn m ^ Qx - vo i- TJ- n m QQ ^ Vi d.' iiopnajjog 3i:|i:UI8}8iCg o * * : bob ? + 1 1 + >H N = ? ^ P e*> ** * - b b + i i O ' t i N r 1 i, ?? + p H ro t 5 b b b _? + 1 1 + ' If + O~" ^s sqo jo -otf vO ^- fO ro N vnm^o 10 Tj- 1/1 fO* m -^Tj-VOVO vo fl-frro N n ro " ^ *i Gi ,0 ^ SSJQ; ||+ . &3 "" \n\rt b?ss; ro*p oo p N m ON LO -" ^ tN. ^ M CO O ~ io b N-l ^J- ON M O t^n '* vb Vf Vc ^)- 1^ ON N jn p op N CO to CO ^- *N. ON ONOiop O\ * to 55 w ^J- t^ ON pt^ ON b <~- ~ - * ON i. < -^ a,- 1 o-o s(nnpie8}{ 8o"?8 " b b b b 8ro N O O * b b b b 88> 8 * o b b SPO ^^ o poo * b b b b 1 1 3SS8 "boob 8TJ- N O " .- P O O O O Q fO O P P P * o o b "s s to ^? -ki o6gi -y'H jo spuooag p9}09JJO3 r^.f^\j^o oo vp in rj- K ro ro ro rr> irju-s u-i irj 00 OO v/lOO OO w-> M p OT ir> \r> m vn U^ LO U^ W) VOOO T! . ** ^ * N ? " 00 CJO t^t^ ON fN, M IN, in ynin ^> w cocococo M N N m TJ- o i^^-Tcxb w mm m TJ- m m inm vp IS vp" 03 r^l^ r^ ro co fO ^ 1 -t m m r P * o o b oo + l + 8 mvO "^ S*p o " b b b vo + 1+1 O VO m "+? ^ ? 2% V *+? * f r^,vo m - O O * Q. Q b *? + 1+8 N vp m r P p 00 + 1 + 5 O vp m P P P " o o b N + 1 + g qo jo -OR O * KIM % - m p oo ON ' ON f^ rO . H Tfr,ON PH n 1 "^vo ON J O r - B* o> ftj 1 1 Oj ! ; : ;j 3 ^'sS -8 s^^^r ^ 2s^g 0-<-i : : J -S ^sS : i^^^ 5 o-gc a ^ H fl -03 CM<)EH ii 1 } S'S a U S3 QJ OM H : : : : 5 ; a, ; "3 B< llgl | llres OM : s ii 1 i^ 5 o ^ O fl o<2; B-3 33 to vo t^ * av ^ ?r | >!? o -" a "o> . * e, "o B g, ON o oo m 5 N* q m ^ ^ fl vO ^5 W" 1 s V > ^-^m 2 O | ^ 2 "^^ O 1 -i !>? g vo 1 <*"" & m V? _ - a - _ n N 9 "o S -^ VO 2^- o CO * B~ * 1 %* O GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OP STARS FOR 1890. o-o 00 O b- T 1 b b b b ; b b b b 1 + O 11 ONO ~ boob O N \f\ O * b b b b O CM ro O - b b b b p 71 CM O ; b b b b 1 1 o o6gi "a'd'N jo epao39g p91 J J O p p f- ; CM OO ro vl^ f vO vO *O 10 * CM op ON - CM mvb do in in in in M 00 *S!TS ONOO ON O ^ in in 5 in O ^ ^O N * U 1 1 d-l-IO 1 ") tot^ ; p r 1 .* r i, p P p P oo * oijiaiavrfg bob 9 ^ +11 1 bob ? + 1 1 + ; bob? " b b o 1 1 1 ~ b b sqo jo 'ox to ^ in **m rovOCMto \n \n co co mrJ-CM to ^toco^ in in ro ON 1 H " p p CM rOOO in t-4 tt- O *^ ^j- rx ON tOMOO r srs:r2 COO CM CM b b vb in VO f^O CM ro * b in "-" ^-00 ON to in o vo O ro Q '* " 1-05 ON 1 o-o QS Q oo o " b b b 8J^ CM OOO " b b b b 3- 8 p 8 " b b b b " b b b b l + l 8SS8 * b b b b N rop H H O B " b b b b l + l 8>- in o O CM O "boob C o6gi 'VH oo in o CM p ON * ro ro CM tM N CM CMOO CM CM " ONOOOOOO OO ro to CM to to to to OO COVO CO co O O ON M CO CO CO M w *O ^- ro co CO CO CO CO O co ONVO 00 O ON3000 CO N C>1 I-H Ov CM vo g T3 I a rs *_r3 (3 UOIJ09JJOQ . ?S P + 1 + f r'S P "bo b to + * + I M vo in ." P P - \C 10 r P P * Q O O \O I_Z I "H VO "1 r P P W O O p ro + ' + a ONVO 10 NO "+t + $ ONVO m CM O O b b b ?s c sqo jo -OK 1 I'l ^ CO CO 9* ^i O 1 ^ W*" I rooo w ^ CO t^Cp OO ^ CO ON N N * O r-.vo i^i ^ ^^ ^ i^. ON p* vp t^ p in ,r ro Tl- o in ^ l-l *00 ON p^ to t-. O vo ^J 2 ?oo ON p^ } :j - : ^ ^so 2 o as bn "o o o . rf 21 OM H jjj|! II t : : : : s ilJl t tH -*^ ^ JD ; &i O O * i *d -3O a : : : : "S '. : g "S. ^ IG I S O ^ Tl ' a5 g^o>i 3 0-50 a H TO tp OM^H i o 9 ji *S S j3 O O a ja o C M *3* I ^Q ^^ fl ^ O 2 "" o Tf 00 "" S In S" ^ NO a . ' N o* 2 M * OO O ro W) 00 S^a o N vo O l-l CN| 2 a ^ oo OOO O O O ^}* O O p .* P P P O ONino O ^00 O Tf Sf| s ITOp ,s9 a ~ b b b b s b b b b 5 b b b b * b b b 5 T+^ o o o o 1 1 + f! Q o6gi XT.T.N jo spnoogg * oo in >-i vb con-inin ^ = r~^"CM p ON 00 vO ON to ON NO CM * 2 " "& 5 t^OO "-i V ON i IN. |_i ro * ro ^- M- IT 00 rovp ON * * ro in ON i| oi^Euia;sXg * ; ; b 9 p ~ b b ;< f 1 1 1 1 It + ' P f .* r 1 >, 1 OOP T + 1 1 + p * ? + 3 = b b *9 1 1 + S s sqo jo -ofl to in *n N co vo^-^^ in to ro *^--ro vO ^- ro CO * vo tt ^ ^^ ?"k- ^H ^W jj+ $m 2g?2; $ * '" ro p ON O ON ~ "1- ON *H invo ON pOO ON co co ON ^- co ^* ^ t^ ON co ro rs. $u '* S-e o-o * b b b b 82S8 " b b b b .8 P ? 8 * b b b b 8N O -i 5 b b b SHH in o OOO * b b b b 1 1 OOO -^- O K b b b b . -- 8 8 O O -Si o6gi -y'a JO SpUO09g vpS-S-S" * 00000000 00 O I- CM oo ^-oo in M N O fO ^* O vO CO N r^. w b b ON inxn ^> < .CO^S * N N Ol W wi iri m if* W1CQ t-xOQ co M \O ro 00 vb in *TJ- ^j- 1O lO lO lO m ^- co oo O ^t- 00 inco I-H k-l HH SJ S SSK 01 b b b t^ + l+| CM vp in p p r^-vO 10 M b b b [ 1 1 !> ONVO t'l * b b b + 1 + r"? P 05 O O O M \OvO i-O r p P M o o b co + ' + 5? 1TOVO IO 00 7 9 9 4-1 4- "> i^l T^ ro | sqo jo '0& mcocMvo 6 inmcM co % ? * N M CO ^> 4- vo ro ro ro ^> CM ro vo "Q 1 tl+ 1 1 CM CX3 00 CM ^ b o W" N ^ 1 covO ON ^ t co co co ON ^ bivg-a S 1 rop ONCO ^ 1 CO t^ t**. t>. l>* co ^ * ON ^J ^ d 1 1 1 i3 "I, Jljf j j ji , g ;3 bn ^ o < JsSJI J J^* I > g : m o "o ^ |S a CN. B X M ro O 00 *^ " ^ (9 ON O t 1 * e * o B -5,3 O INTRODUCTION. 55 oo O O rooo O O r^ 1- O ^ O fOOO O O ON fO O rooo O O m O sjBnpisajj - o o o 1 b b b b 1 1 :T ,OO " boob ~ O o o o o - oo o o o6gi -a'n P NO Np NO * NO l*% r^ l>. N M N o P ON" ^ Tfvo r^ b m in uiNO Tf t^ in in p * t^NO NO ON Ch 5 aoi^oajjoQ DI}BUI8^sXg *!-. ; t? + P fft HI ^ b b 1 1 + f .^ r i, 000 ? + 1 1 + O fO j-^ i i ; bob 1 1+ + : f = f p ; ff + P f '? Ni * ^ ? ? sqo jo -o^[ inr}- O "1 ^- N \O m co N co o\o ro2 NO *NO m T^m ^> coco to 11 + 63 " COOO >-> coin Q ** -^- 0% _* p O b >i> b - * f^ O Tj- tN,OO p m A a ^f\OOO ^ p p fO O vC m i-i - ^*-r^o\ .* ON <) p\ b inN N f* ^- r^ ON ^- J>. JN. N - ? i*-. ON Tl- f M ss, a o-o epnpisag ^00 ~ N O oo -o 81-1 \p O o o 5 " b b b b 1 1 82S8 M b b b b 82S8 * b b b b 00 n O o o "bbbb 8^888 " b b b b ^8= 8 'U o6gi -va jo spuooag psjoajjoo mm m f^-r* 20 10 O O^ l"*> *ro co -< >o i n co * ^ b b b m m inm NO "3-0000 op f^f^ * ONOO t^I^ ???p. OT N Cl M N M M M NO ^4- m N 00 N -*NO OT ro Vl- TJ- V fO O pO .t M CO M N W C4 vo o o "+? * f = 3" 5 1 "*? * | Q * X 1 * o o "4.T i t + l+o co rf m NO "*i * f i^ -^- in - b b b M + ' * ?{? S 1 "*T * | sqo jo $ inco vo < o u-iu-i VO "2) rOTf t^ ?> NO *n f*iNo ^ NO f*) t-H % minm ^- % m N r" O ? H * t^ ON Ck a _) 00 p g ^VOOO PH T3 T(" Tj- O p g b r^inN . Tt-t^ON P_ "2 fx * If g b '* *" " *t^O\ PH 73 + .* in t^ rf j NO In V " M ^J-t^ ON p^, ^ ON N ^ JNIOO in * * ON ^ i g 3 3 c3 -isS 3 "c. S jS 8-8 i *" t. c8 S OPS H : : : : a ^^ i i f ili 5 od 3 o H ^3 o ts a 5(2 f5 Name of Star. CO ., 2. *- 1 Jfc 8 o o t*. o\ *^ S "w ^ <* 1^ -a O o\ B $ j$ v" t?!f o *! ?5o S * S A o m 2 " o N ] ^ .1 ^ C5 HV ^ N" 1 V"> *" e . " s So is? * U1 O oo o o o O ^- f^ O O N0 O O t^ *n o O ON O NNO O O NNO O s|Bnpis5j + * b b b b ?T = 99 - o o o x O O O O ~ O O O O Q 6gi - in " $ O\ Tt- fO w - O i- N PO co ro to m OMM * CX> I^vb in 10 fm-ftf * M ^< b '- M N N ^ M Thp _* 1 NONO P- MM N N ON * * JJ ; Tj-r^ ON 1-1 5 O p^- Tj. - r^oo b b ~ - ^. oJ z. 11015031.103 oUBUiais^g vlj. i ; ? i ? mvO - 'bob "o 1 1+ 1 O 1-1 m ; s n - P^P i : ?? * N * S ^ +? 1 * p ; i?f i. sc io j 'ON: O m co t^ ^- ro m %o m N *o m ^ com *^ >V M n^fo^- \O m co 11 + w " ONt-^ TJ- 2i gg p\ rot^. o^ N m ro >- -" ^-fN. ^ ^* f^f-^ O 00 Tl-oo PO *00 OS ^ost-o\ ??hoN '*'!* OO 2^ SN Tj- t^.00 M in Tj- b * ^- 1-* o\ Tl- O COTj- 2i?;*8 o-o s[i:npis9}j 88" 8 M b b b 81^* in o O * o b b b ^- - fo o ~ O .boob ^08 -boob 8^? 8 " b b b 8=8-8 * b b b b 8S2"8 b b b b o6gi 'VH jo spuooag pajoaajof) oo co N *O !* %O OT co co CO m in m vo oo moo cooo m ro M r>.vo ^ *o * <* * ^J- vo -i mi^ f~J" ON>O * * m b b 2^3;^ co ro ro * *** ^> rONO in TJ- in in " in-b i^ r^ fO ro M \O N OO Tj-vpoo r^ M CO CO CO CO co fo ro co ONininrx m t^ t^ * in in V Vj- * * * b b b to + l+| >O m in "*T 4- f t^ in m 00 * b b b + 1 + f. ro * m roo O ^T * f v?3" o 1 - - b b ^ + 1 + S = 3" i? ^? * f m m - "ob b o + l+| gqO jo -ofl NO * ro % 1 r-m tovo % | UT.J- in 'Q m co rom ^> m -4- m 9 n m % U + W " pNOO Tf ^j O 10 00 ^ " * Pu ON t^ OS tag ( rrt 1 rr-.- g - oo moo TJ- *^ *oo ON PL,' ^- O t>. N g V\> N .- *H ^- 1^ Ov PH T3 t^* S i^ t-* ^j- - * ON ft< a 1 ^ p f^oo ^ M i-*. W- O . M" Tj- t-^ O\ ft^ 1 ON tn * M b M'-H-OO * S *t^oo p^ ! o jj jj 9 ^S= S 5* E^ tM -a . 2 G H 4 *- Crf EH : : : : : 3 |^ g O<1E-i : : : : 2 * OJ * j ** -ote : S fl^ 5 M 4 tO OP4-3H ^1 1 1 3 >" ! o-c a Cfl a> OH EH JsS :i f s:go>< 3 8-ada *" Of * 1 *a ~ m o P! CO 3 ^"* 2 " N ^* ^ 1 m S 1 . " & 2 r; 1 - 5 M ? ji >nTj- C A 'I ^? S C5 I 8 3* r-^ 5 R s -. ^ ft* m o 56 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OP STARS FOR 1890. o-o O c rn O - M O COM o O "100 O O CAN O O m o KpmplSMJI OM^O 1 o o b ; b o b o 1 1 " b b b o OOMO ; b b b b ; b b b b o6gi -avrx f*flf> Jf N CO ro !*. \o ro fOVO M t^ ^O^t^OO vnvo oo O "T*O * jj jo epaoosg pa^asiioo ~ b coao b s CT>in b - " " m o = 00 OO t^ t^. N N M - ^ O *V3 Tt * Tt- O t>- I s * ro co N N QQ *^ * O w oo vo CON M M M OO - O VO COM o" M oo 0j to UOI109JJOQ opBiua^sA^; ~ "" ^ ; n + *f- -' ; II 1 r M - - i o o b 9 + 1 1 1 ; t i n i- c b b 1 1 ' M COM i OOO | + 1 1 ' co m -< i 4 bob 9 + 1 1 1 M Bqojo-ojj rfrvo com \O * "1 m-fm roco M v >OVO NVO \O m in ro mm w ro ^> *g 11+ W inoo p f* M Coi-NN n Tt-t^ ON * 2^. S *** o\oo b (0(000 ~ ^t^OO yioo (3N p N V N u-i M *I^Ol !"? ."*P 00 vb M ro 1 1^ O\ in ON p in O f^- M t^. -" ^- t-^.OO in*- p vo *- r*. O r>, - ** t--oo $ fa a o-o sinpiS93 88M-8 * b b b b 88* 8 b b b 8r^ M O OOO " b b b b t^ o O m o o o * b b b b .1 + 8^8 ?8 * b b b b SSffS w b b b b 8-H 00 O ^ b b b b 1 C rO o6gi -VH jo epaoaog pa^oajJOQ N * COOO VOOO OVM " 'TJ-VV^ ONQQ oo r^ Tf >- w rf r*l M W C4 ro noo VO t^ ONOO b\bsooob M M W N Th *H ^- cn *p ON ON M V V CO CO tnuimm inoo 'tJ-oo P " P.* M PO ro ro ro **** O N inO r r r* . N OT N N N ^ m vo ON t->. in^>. M ro co co co W M W N gns n rt-2 et uopoaiiog a;4raa}sig CO CO Xrt c^O O * b b b o + ' + S I-*, m ir> i^O O '+t * 1 rO N m "bo o + 1 * - co N m p p " b b o w + i+| 2>8 S 1 " o b b N + 1 + ff -8 S 1 " o o b + + O -< m "+i 1 f ^ fl s S sqojo -OH -f ^-fO"^ ?) VO * "1 % VO VO *f> o roro N o *2) i tn-t N \o % vo com Tf ^> mm N co ^> IT -, ii+ W " 1 y>oo o ex) ^ t^is. ^ - ^- 1^, O^ PL, 1 _-*p\ p ^ b oo io ^ - * 0V PL, Tl- _11- pNOO J b b\>i5oo M ^J- t^OO p^ 1 in jn ON IN. ^ C4 M M in ^ mr^ON PL, m p ^fojo ^ oo Cn' 3- r->. Q\ p^ in ro p O u O in N oo . - ^-t-00 pL< O 1 mt^. O \O ^j '- Vj- b ix ^ H * r-oo p_, ^co s <-< .*> <4f il> B 1 3 <5 : : : J 3 ^sS 8" e?^^ ^ o-ao c tn CO OM-<6H : : J J ^= s - ss >>; -a 5 o 5 S g OM H : : : J 3 ^^ :t = ^o>< 3 S-go a ~ t- OJ . V O-5H JJ> i$ * .s ^ . aj Q 1^^ ^ SIPS O oo *>. cn^p V^f^ * oo 'i* vn fo r^ >0 \o * oo i do b\ o\ Tj- P P M\O \O VO VO "1 1 ^ t~ ro N jn p ^ CO M inm M N ^ OO ^i-. p : co b\ m CO* ^ invp CX3 ~ m O vo ** " 8 CQ V OH' fe U01J09JJOQ oijBiua^sjCg H 1-1 W) ^ = bb 9 1 1 1 p t b b "? 1 1 O Mm t = b b 9 1 1 + rot^M ;' i O | 1 1 + vo M s ; bob 1 1+ + co M ; * 11 > - f "* i, - o o 9 1 1 1 s O S sqo jo -ojsj: >-. Cl N u-> M corx f^ vo r-. *n \O m foj^ com to *n O CO CO t>. m m 1 *l& U+ w "" tn p en ON ^ b Vj- V -< mt-^ ON ^-00 I'l fO "N oo MD in ^ ^-r>.ON M oo n c>o ON m <* ON m co O O OO MD "<* N vt^fin int>. p in *i> "^ ON M4 Tt t-^OO moo ON 2? ^? \O p f^. t>. r Vf <* o> 1^ S- 1 "" 1^ o-o sjBnptsgg 8?n8 " b b o o 85S8 * b b b b 88 * b b o m - o O M O OT b b b b l+-h m co -* O M 5 01 b b b o + i i 83 8 o b o 8" 8 "bo b ^ S ^s o o6gi -y'H jo spao9g p9:}09.UOQ o\-* ^ CO ;3- fO p\ 0 vrivnu-ixn ^i-ONm jnt^. ON *-t 1:0 m m mvo m ro ro co *O i^ M r o * 00 mvO *o %Ooo m O M t-*.\o m u u - \n HH m ON- ONCO * in'O m m COM CO VO VO TT " 8>ff 5? 8N O vp v5v * b M co > in pp p b o b f 1 + 5 \O ro m r P P O O O ON + 1 + | 28 X "MQ L I oo m to p p " b b b m + i+| vo N in w p p * Q o b o + i+| 281? " b b b vo + + VO O M O " M O M + + ? mm 8 sqO jo -OJJ M P0 1^ % % >0 * VO % vb Tj-moo ^ i co ^fOn ^ i vo * CO ft 1 t^,\n TJ- "gj T e* ||+ H" I Irt IM CO O (^ Vb Vin ^ *ntN. ON ^ + <^M *OfO J N CNVO n " M 'J'tN. O\ p^ M 0\ .* J oo o> In ^5 a- o> CL, mvo O M yj oo in VN H ^t-^ ON p^ yn p oo L-* N oo t^ ON " >-" ^ t>.OO p^ y 1 p <* O fs t^ M * 00 p^ ^P ."* r a txOO VO " ^ ^ PH *O 1 ^ 1 I : : J 3 ^ : sS : & 1^1 5 O(S-iH ^ : s ;S 1 1?^ S |d a " CPH-^H : : ' "3 -dig | H *? 3 O ""o cl O(S H JS ii 1 l=s.^ 5 I^g O-< 3 li^ OWi * II 5 ^ oel H Jsg g f 11 ? a 0*0 B 0(2 ^J 1| I* 5 1 e . *** o 1 ?* o 00 " 1 '- 1 "- " O $ ". &a jj ro" 1 V 1 " o g fO sv> . 3> m a f | O ^ H ff e. . M VO 1 % 0f? o 1 fO !>? f 4& o VO i>* !t s. . Tj- ^*- ^ CO CO I tr* e INTRODUCTION. 57 p pj * o-o sjijnpisffjj p J^-f^- p - b b b b O N fl O '++' p in p 1 b b b b 1 1 O mas o s b b b b + 1 O N N O ; b b b b \fi\Q ir> o - b b b i++ O M N O - b b b b 1 1 0631 -a'd'K JO SpU009g p0^.13JJOO -> r>*r-s. t-^ 00 t^. rj- yri ; b V '- 'o vo m u-i TJ- ^^ Tf U1 * t ITJ ^ ON "^ "-" ON N M N ^ ^ fO - O >O O> ~ b b - b in in in m O r P *r ; *^2 2" op _* m ps ~ cjo b *sb Th m m in ^ Os t^ N ON 5 r^ *- in in insoso so ^ O " ON IN >O CO ~ N M 3, UOIJ03.U03 oi5Tmi8}S.{g 1-1 ro * ; J" >- m i O <*n 1-1 ^ * ; N * i- ; ." Pi- C bob 9 + 1 1 + ^ ? ? - bob ? + 1 1 1 s bob 9 + 1 1 + * bob 9 + 11 + ; bob 9 + 1 1 + - 000? + 1 1 + sqo jo -o^i ""> ^- N -".f ft N ro m PO N co 1 m ro * co N * mm so CON ro CO * CO 1| + 53 " yi\o jn jo b b ON ' "H TJ- r^ ON \O M m u"i 2is^ iO M "^ ON ^ \b N r-*. H Tj- t^X! y">f^ p jn ro r*. t^. b M ^ r> ON sp t^- p ^t 00 -- ro ^t t^ ON r% r* _>-" in b ^ ^t t^ as r*. IN. co o 2^K8 . <; tf oo S]nnpis3jj 8-38 * b b b b 8^88 " b b b b SO r>s Q M M p 33 b b b b ++ Bp^S " b b b b 1 1 8 r^ Q 000 * b b b b + 1 8- t^ Q M O " b b b b 8S-S-8 " b b b b 1 1 o6 8 i -VH jo spuooag psiow.ioQ N O moo sp N - ON * *S * f^ W N N N N 8-. N 00 M N * r~r^i^ t-. CO ON^O r^ PO ON r^ ^o 50 t^MD *b ^b w r^. 1^1 ON GO \O "O ?t " t>0 00 OO QO \f) mm u-i N >- N 00 - - aso " - - b - N N N N ""1 00 Tf JS I-. ONOO * OO 00 t^. t>. tiojioa.uof) DllKUlSJS.Cg 23 hH W-l .- P P "bo b vo ++ + a - M \n r 1 ? P " b b b i-r ++ + S -< N w> O O * b b b ON ++ H- | = S o 1 "++ + 1 M N in K O O * b b b f ++ + fO N m t- O O "n + f ;eqO jo -OK m~ N ~ *\ - - N i-- ^ - ^^ fc inp O in j Vn b i^ b ^ -i in t^ O ^ >O 00 - ON ^ in^-t N * i- ** t^ ON p^, ^ N M ' IN sb 11 O . TJ- i^ as p^ -rt *" ^~ r P isj W O^ONOO * M ^-f*.OQ p^ 09 1 3 * o Js N i mi 3 C . a OM3=- : : : : 5 ^ : s Is f z > ~ 8 rt c "^ 5&4# : i : J S -: a. IsdiS -2 -j a ^ " =3 < ^ rm 3 j -i i 1 ^0>< -g i-Sds "< r? . 4> O< 3 8-Sea ** b l S O PH <1 H c t 3< 1 vn co ""i - :. v? "^ - o i % 5f r- i^ * "^ _ ^ $>* a 43 o I -* rt O t roo ON fO N ^J- rom m ON ro ro ro N m **ro* 1| + M " \O ONOO ui i-\b i^ "i ^- 1^. ON ^ ^4 m t^ N O N N * ^-3O C\ 'O ui ON O t^ moo - ^ t^OO vp sp p o\ r**> t^ Q Ttt^ 5s vO t-. vo 25= S? r^ co\o ^~ 2?ha 00 N sp Tf O SO 00 N ~ *t>. ON <3 04 o-o spsnpisa^j 8 - Os 00 ^ M M M vn O - so m 1-1 so * isi m W- * co m m co roso ro f^ so "'ftfe % 00 O f~ in N oo r^ t^ t^sb so m m m m ?moo m 00 O "i " ^.^.i;.^ ttoijOtUJog OliailUSJSA'g ^rs y * b b b o> ++ + 8 Tj- ~ m r P P o o b r~ ++ + s m >- in M O O " b b b TJ- ++ + | i-t M m - O p * O b O m ++ + y as (si m 00 * b b b m ++ + <8 M (si m - " b b b 2 ++ + p 2 S 1 * b b b Jfi ++ + 1 sqo jo -ON i^im ro r^ % >O "1 f.vo % ON. ^J N m N N ^. " * Os CL, r \O MD y^ ON b b u^^o S -mr,oo ^ + sp Os p Os ^ rosb >-" O ^ - ^t-t-as ^ + sp p sp so ro ^ - * ON p.; t-^ ONO fO ^ 2?i^8s P.' T3 OO f^sO N g O l^co ro M TJT^ON fU, "S CJ 1 3 o U U i s: : S o 1P1 ^ eM : . . . U - : sg ;l f i^^r- ^ gl^S " S3 - -o g - --' i < H^ g CJW^Jf- Jsg' ;i f Slo'S 5 e _- * " | tr9 ^ m _ " fja 1 %'S- 00 I^ in M ^\n cs i %"* 5 * N ^ s +*o X S" *^ ^. O 1 ^* 2 u i &- > ^ o O N t^ _ N C * . ro N -= "\> a ABB 5 oo * 2 " o * ro oo ^ N f,sO ? "Tfc m ON ^.' O O GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE FOI: 1890. h 58 GREENWICH SECOND TEX- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. o-o O *COO \O fOvO O - w - -0 O ONfOO t^. ro ON O O -*M O S[BUpISOa : b bb b 1 b b b l + l o-oo v o o o 1 + = bbbb ++ - + 1 + - o o o o o6gi -crd'H t^ Tj- O N 1 t^ OMO M i-. ro O ON *n ON O mi>. PO c^ N HH m ON t^. i^OO Q" pajoajjoQ S NO f>i- ON SN ; b b V in **** oo m ; '* bv M ro fO f^ ^ 5> ^ Tj-OO M N m N N N pn ^ I-s. ^- PO V *O *n **5 *n o - ON O t-N t^. uvo i n LO PO - N ON i-^. m vO 10 m m ON o * UOI109JJOQ oi}Biua;s.(g p ; !? '? m ; ? + O f^ ; ' f + M u-i ^ ? t N -* i * b b ? 1 1 1 = ? 'T PO i ' t ? sqo jo -ox m N *n PO \o m co ^t "iioroto N rON * ^ PO m ro P^ PO Ttin-NO 1 18+ w " \p ;-> t>.

O .* M b r^ V *- m r^. ON N t-.r^N M u-i t^ i- -^-l^ ON --. r^vp ,-* *HH ^ V >- ^- r->. ON p xn->o vp ro W> n - ^- r*. ON e HO a o-o gpmpI83a O PO m Q bbbb 8m i-*. O O O " bbbb 1 1 M - no o o o o bbbb 8- O O N 5 "bbbb PO - O - O " bbbb t^ P^l O O O O M bob b + 1 82=88 * b b b b ++ * I o6gi -VH jo spnooag papaajoj ^&S? " i) do oooo rt ON m m ir>N t^O 10 V in invb PO pn -i ^> 10 PO fl PO f) i_i ~ K-I r^ TJ- m m XO VO O O M M M ro ft N N N OO - >-" OO vo N ^ in w IN PO PO fO N M M N po\n r^oo ~ rnvp t^ * ' W- '* W- OO \O O O O m jn * V -^- m m PH M W i^ 2 - d 7"k S 9.i.ioQ oi:)isuia:)SjCg vo co vn - '++ i | O m m NO O "n * O PO n MO O " b b b o ++ + | 1^ r^ m NO O b b b 3- ++ + J "S? S 1 "++ ^ m f^ r^ r^ "Q M N N ** ^ 2 * "i ?> .\p g N ON *i in M ^t t-^ CT CH T5 I vo . rf ^ c-i ^* t^. ON (^ + N ON t^ CO ^ M t^. I^ M- ^ - *-<* &H' + i^ O >O * _; ^ Vt - ^ ^ 't t^ ON p_^ T vO r^cp O ^ - c<)\b w en ^ - rfr-ON p^ t'S 1 x ** c* 8 *} 1 i 1 . ... o> i i S * J=g : S o I^^^ 5 Sl^s O05-. 3 g^da * rt aj OM<;C-I : : : : o '. i3 K. -2 = . aj = (x -a 6-50 c < ~ L OM-'IE- 1 ! Z ' % 2 o >n S . s > * *" | V R o | fl ; Va ivs c C5 N 5 i* i Vsr o O & R s-u ^ J? 5 * 1 1>H g 8 o t^. PO S, s-^ = ~r 1 ti S N 5 s- pn _ Jij8 1 .' c 5- " ~^S fs o-o s|t!npisaa "^ t^OO O , ^.b -. w O bb.b t^ *O O ~ b ' b b l + l O *n P^ O : ^b o o o ; b - b ONO O 5 bob b + 1 p 1^ ON O s bbbb ++ In r ^8 ft o6i 'n'd'N jo spuoosg paj.ioj.ioo M ^- PO JS - "*H cio oo b WT^J- Tj-m p W in ps - in ON PO *- N ^ HH HH ^ P M p\ CO - ' b> b b d - rj M I-- r>. u->X) ; 'O ON rv. rt r^ N M M n PD ONiO VO ; W-o b ? * ro t^ _ ^o *o p b (^NO oo a 00 00 ^-00 " oo V -- b *$5^ ? ~CQ 5^ Pi fc HOIJD3.UOO ,)Ili:m.i|K\S p r 1 .* r" * : bob 9 + 1 1 + M ^ ? '? ro-c ;' = bob + 1 1 ^ i, ^ ? P f %. ^ + ? + o *- : =: bob ? + 1 1 + N ^' ~ bb 1 1 1 f& ^ O sqo jo -O.N *f roro moo PO -3- Tf N PO m >n M \n N P^ P<1 m ro M * Tf PO Tf m II ^ 1|+ 63 CJp ^ p M OO * Q HH rj- r>. a* t>. u-jint-s. 0000 M3 PO ^J- r^. ON r* p r 1 p M V rv. PO -" "T t->. ON r* N n r^ M \Q M ro -* ^ r-* ON *P r^ r* PO N O *- xn ON 99 .** p r- b oo in N -< ^- t->. ON oo ^ f^oo V*O i^. "M -^ r^ ON fe J AH~ g^ r\ cr oo S[Btipisoa rot^. rn O "in b S^g " o b b b S-snS obbb 8 = .8 8 * o b o b 00 O g * b b b 1 + So 1 ?? " b b b o ++ N m N o - *- p p 1:0 bbbb i++ ^ e - to o6gi -ya jo spuooag pa}oaj.i03 - NOO wi O\ -" O " 2 S b h 00 *vo N ^ fO _** o co eo m u~i \n vn * mo r 1 .* o r* " ON ON O O ui ON POO OO r-% ON ON M r-% r^, r^. r- MO r- 7tx> * x ONOO CX3 ",1- Tt- Th rj- - u-i-O *n ^ ro fO * Pn PO rn PO irun m n "^^ 0> s 2 r> ++ + R PO m n NO O "bo b * ++ + p p * O O O 00 ++ + 1 - PO \n r P P * O O O f> ++ + s ir? ff "n + i 9 g; sqo jo -Otf N m ro (^) "fe mmN m % ^- m N PO % \r> N N u-i "o I e.* "S % inprNCS^ ^ 1 ^mThf^ 'Q 1 *o 1| + a ~ oo **^N m N V b . - TJ- t^Ox PL, + t- M m t^. ^ 00 00 \O ro ^ * r^. ON *_ r^. TJ- N p ^ in f-* 'm *^J - ^f r->. ^ CL, T t^ t^ ui p ^; N >i> - * *; M Tf r>. ON p_ ^p N Th ^ r^CQ M ^ - f ON (^ op t>. PO r>. ^ b rv. n M " ->. ON / oo .^ poo ^ W- m r^ N ^ "- ^- r^. ON p^ 1 ^ t& i i : : : : 1 ^sg is l^^^ 5 o-a O n O? ^ 21 CM EH : : : : ^:S is I- l^^^r 3 ifoj oai^H : : : : 5 j : i * l^otH 2 T3O a ^ ^- - .a; OWl jS ft 3 " |V^ 5 R N M ^-=0, i i m^ X a 5 2*3- .1 X^ R fo-- - "r |V o ro m &-- ^?r 'S'8. s o 00 ^a? ^ ; "> i Va c 8 Jl* |H% 6 _ rvs S ^^o o m 6 INTRODUCTION. 59 o-o o to* o too t^o O M "^ O VO fO to O O i/%vO O >o o ^ p .-* o sienpisag 00-0 m +T , 0-00 5 b b b b , nr ^oo T o Q o6gi -(rp ^ N <* *n w 9P f P .* ; M b\ b oo "" 00 to * to ^ O\ ON -i Q ulirno J5 h *! 'UOl^OSilOQ oprauia^s^g :* I s * r =L - O O O T 1 1+ 1 N ^ t ?? T M m i ^ t p rnxn >-i ^ - - bob 9 + i i i i? N r =x ; oo 1 1 >n i ' ? ? to- i 5 ? + 11 + oo i i sqo jo -ojg; *O ^2 "^ c^ m N m CO fO N f) ^- POPO m PO M vo N Tt m *A * to J* 11 + ON O m (s. tN Is. in in * ^~ t^. ON y^. j^,op y^ fO ON ""> ^*- M T}-t^Ov CO in j>. ON fO N CO m H4 XTl t^ ON ON PO m ro V MOO in ^ in r-^ ON ON ^ PO^O PO*O N PO "- rf i^. ON oooo p p ONts. ts. V * tx ON 00 00 00 >0 b \o N - ^00 ON 5 HO O MX 10 t^H N If) N b b ON f^ ro r^ cs VO TJ- M ON t^ O N * " ?'* oo ^\o * [** y* j* w 01 co W- *o *n Is. M ro Tt y-ioo MD M V PO M \O PO PO >p in M 10 vb VD min N C4 N M i-i Th\o i-i 00 tr^oo " gi/iLoIn *'! * * r^^ *o r^ >p tooo o " b - >-i N -c g T. g CD > i-! 2 4 X nopojjjo3 3i;BlU9^S.(g 00 Tj- "-) \O O O 44 + p ?? S 1 * o b b o ++ + | -< Tj- iy-j (DO O * b b b i**. ++ + a 23" 5? * o b b o> ++ + a ON ^- m O * o b b PO ++ + & O * in too O "n + i N * 10 1-1 O O "n '+ Cb'-S sqo jo -ofl \o M "^ "& i fO f^ N xr ^j CO N PO % ^- POPOPO % m PO N m % i co PO M m Q m ro N PO % s w o 1 11 + H M O*00 N *-* ^ M t-^ u-i in ^ Tf r- O\ CL, "5 r* p oo p ^j p*l 1-1 xn IY-J ^ i-i 10 r-.- ON p _* 1 op ON t^. p\ j PO M OO in " HH m r-^. ON p | ON M jn PO ^J TJ- >H oo in ^ "-t mts. ON p^ ON*- POOO ^ PO ON N PO ^ -. ^r>. ON p^ 00 l->. O N ^ ONO is."-* ^ m rs. ON ^ oo ^-oo m ,^' O ON M ^ - "tXl ON p^ ^ i! Ch ^ co g " O - &} \NJ S^> O 1 3 6 : : U 1 -c'Sn : 3 o = -S>< !2 1=S ^ OM-^e ^ is 1 S^o>i ^ a "2 CS a fc- ff . QJ C->!EH : : : .: ]g _ : .H ' Is Si pfi ^ I O e~&>< % g-Sci i "" O(2H ^ ^0 a ^ t, CC QP OW^H C^-2 if e ^ 10 66 1 g^ o |j Sod ft 00 " a -K ^ >" I 1 N- O ff ' *!* 1 <,% N ro O 0? VO ii'b i V* E o J i^ _. "> S,"b ^ ^^ 1 Vo; 2 N O PO PO -a a jj to* a a o S jt> 8 N 5 5 %a ^ to* h* o |tt | O I* o-o O vo O i- o\o o 7^ o N o ON O O t^ "-t o o o o O "3-00 O ^> g c'si spjnpisag ~ O O 1-1 O 1 1 ~+++ v too O O + s b b b b 1 + 5 b b b b - b b b b 5^ o6gi -a'd'N >O "10O "^VO N O\ VO * * 00 N t^ H t^ I-H fO P4 U^ -! Tj- ON - O m Q g l Q JO SpIIOOSg P9J09JJOQ - vb fO N ON 5 b n i- ON *0 rj- -0 0j fe nopaauoQ oi}Bu[8}s.{g .*." i, 5 o o o r + 11 1 10 ' ? ? M VO J = b b 9 1 1 + >0 s ; b b 9 1 1 I p N 1-1 ^ ; b b 1 1 1 1-1 to i = bob | + 1 1 ' ro m i 5 bob 9 + i i i -O j^, S sqo jo -ox N * t) * *O fO \ft t^ r*i com mm m \o ^a- pom ^ ^ N CO VO ^ M PO '3 ^ ^cS fj u+ 63 " oo N tin '<- >b t^ ~ 1-1 ^J- r^ ^ ONGOOO - s^-ics; f^.^r <* ON N V r*) ^ f-x ON oo r-. PO r< H M ^ ON ON - O ON m O m Tf ts, ON Js. PO PO M ^n ts, m ON - T}- 1-N.OO ON PO PO Ov ts. N M " ^- ts, ON 5- w -s; &~ ^ oo S[Biipisajj 80 to o SCO * b b b b 8 2-3-8 " o b b b O m PO O M M M Q 10 b b b b -hi 1 8r*- o O 00 b b b 8w mo o o o m b b b b g J?N g * b b b b 1 1 8PO "H O pop M b b b b ++ ^ 8 J tO o6gi -y-H jo spnooag pn^oajaoQ OM-I ^O O VO 1-1 m t--* " ^clro ro ro fO ro 00 - (^ u^ m\O OO ON " ;*;*2-^- u->3Q Tj-Q O r^ M HH x in m tn ui PO PO PO fl S?3, S " Sb J m m m ON M ** ts, " JTJU Jf \o inmts, CX) 00 ^-*O 10 mvb ts. is. m u^ m m m PO rs.\o - O ON 10 0_ i- ^ g o ^ c4 noposaiog OIJBtUSJSjfg s? s * o b b oo ++ + 2 o vo Tf \n NO O +i- + t S? 5^ * o o b i^ ++ + | as- s> * b o m +^ + $ 2^? p 1 "bo o oo ++ + N 'j- m - M b b b *5 ++ + ? P 1 m o b b ON ++ + y Sa sqo jo -ofl N mm tt % rOfON ui 'g, t^ toroo % N to % \O PO PO m o *<* to O 4. NO to to Q g ^ 11 + M " oo in ^ xn ^j - ?^5> ^ + P^OOOOOO ^ b io ro ^ 1-1 u^ 1^ OS ^ 1 r * >-i N ^ - b\i V '* " ^-t^ o\ fi, 1 00 00 .* 5! t^OO N * * ftj ON ts. M N ^ ON V O in "^ ^- ts. ON fL| r^ t^ to M _: in b LO b\ . i-i u^ t^OO CL( fl pvx> to p\ ^j 00 M " - *r^ ON ^ ^ i r 3 6 : : : : "E _3 : i2 i 'S. -^ 33 : a, o S OtH T3 8-fdB -" t-i rt .9} O3S-rH : : : : " ^sS 1 S % = ~t3^ ~a llo'i ^ b . as C(2JEH ^ ; -^ ;i 1 lldi ^ j-t rt S O^-i "2 |1di ^ M 4H i OM^H : : : i.- 5 ^iS :S = 7?^ "5 g-fdi ^ '* *^ ^t I^*. ON hH \^ QQ "^ op M yi ^ OV M o-o 82 8 * b b b Q t O * b b b iTS-SS * b b b b l + l 83-^8 b b b b 1 1 8m N O .-00 * b b b b b b b b 1 + pr> 8 o6gi -yn jo spaooag I*. * vo vp N ;-< S?^ ? P^ PO PO !!! b b b b o N oo m Ov Tj- m I*^ t*V ^* "H ^fi <* d oo M M vo r->. r^.oo ^vo n -" N vO 01 POPO W- - %3% at> -^ in m o o * b b b i^ ++ + E- o m p p x O O O *O ++ + | " b b b m ++ + ? - 3" p 1 * O O O *-" ++ + s co ^- m " b b b oo ++ + 2 "3" rj- in o o " b b b ++ + g m *f in mo O * b b b -* ++ + f sqo jo 'O^i mrj- m % mm'* to N ON ON ^ ^^ ON p^ oo _; * - N "^ 03 1 a j y 1 l| 'I 2s CM H !" ^ 3 c: : S o S ^- O r^ ^ : : : J 5 2 15 = * o" -='?/: o* ^ rt .03 rZ_ I QJ O : : .: 1 il 1 } o T3 a o II % O SB, ^5 5-f i " a g = C -i ON'* p 5 j ji 1 " ? 5 Slfl 3 o ^ "^ c N O 2 . 6 o-o o o% o bb-b O N O O 11 b b b b o * o . b, b O vo O - b b b 1 VO !* O O " b b b 1 + in PO^O o - b ~ b ?++ Q o6gi -(I'd'S. jo gpuooag oo m * t^ * M N OVON X -H OO .ON t** ^* - inb 'I-IN. ON p>p vf> m in in 00 o *- ^t r*> ? m fo m m ff OH' nopoajjog i b b "? 1 1 1 ^ ? 5- * i n p ' b b "? + 1 + -bob ? 1 1+ 1 -t m ^" = b b 1 I + 5 en m 5 * - bob 9 + 1 1 + sqO jo "OK m*> vO "^ N n + m *. *m m *tx vo PO N in M M Cl PO P + 00 P*N 2 ^2.ov WJ^P p>ON 00 N N bv b "" ^ O\ op in ON ro -^-oo ON ON M N in CO ONTf Tj- POiO O ^ "^ '"I-GQ ON oo ?-"? 8 883-8 " bob b 8? 8 * b b b 83" 8 * b b b ^. _ ro o " b b b b CO ^- N O O "boob 8^828 "boob o6gi 'VH jo spaoaag pe^os.uog it! oo vo r^ m p oo f^ * V V m m o * o PO N O in op mm m O ro O t^ ON ^ in ^ in in in in !j- PO JO ^O ^ CO CO CO 00 N M M M vooo h- 1- Xi Tj- CO J-H 10 ro in in in M uotpejaoQ r? P 50 O O O PO 3" o" " b b b m ++ + | 23" J? " b b b o ++ + 2 23" S 1 " b b b .-^ ^t -t m op p p M O O O r*-. ++ + vg -H ^ m mo O n b b b m ++ + 8 2S> J " b b b M sqo jo 'o^i in^mvo 5 *rf m % in* m o -tPOPOvO "& \O PO M vO ^) i IN ro o f o Q 11 + W " CO N ;* _; M oo b m <; rr Ov (^ T ^ r^ r ^ " * ^ PH" oo oo ON m ,_; N b co m ^ "" m !->. ON p t Cp HH _t _^ ^J H-. inOO ON ^ 03 1 1 & 5n ' * o" g " jjj "^ O ^ "^ ^ '} 11 i X OW H i J -S - s > s J" : I : J -| 1 5 d >H J5 5 u <] . : : : ^ I'ljs j- 5< il fi ? O N CO 5 v Ov 1 i r b 3 _ . z *n 5 N m s o 1 2;0 i ?- & & - *3 E VO O oo 6 1 t "Cs II t^ 13 s o < w ft} i 00 i p N 11 o ^ v^ ^ >%, HH CO s .0 INTRODUCTION. VII. BINARY STARS. The right ascensions and north polar distances for each year's observations reduced to 1890'0, together with the fraction of the year and the number of observations, are given separately for the following stars, on account of their orbital motion : n Cassiopeiee and Comes, Sirius, Procyon, and Ursas Majoris and Comes. The results are corrected for the value of proper motion given in the Catalogue. Observed Mean Annual Results reduced to 1 890 x> of >} Cassiopeia}, a Canis Majoris, a Canis Minoris, and Ursce Majoris, corrected/or Proper Motion, Xo- 253, T\ Cassiopeia (Comes). No. 254, TJ Cassiopeise. No. of Obs. No. of Obs. Sees, of Mean No. Sees, of Mean No. Sees, of Mean - Sees, of Mean R.A. Date of N.P.D. Date of R.A. Date f N.P.D. Date i 3> 1890-0. 1800 + Obs. 1890-0. iSoo-t - Obs. 1890-0. 1800+ | A 1890-0. 1800 + 1 1 8 s II 26-859 87-93 : 3-11 87'93 I 26-859 88-26 i 3 -8 88-26 i 26-950 89-30 i 89-30 i 27-033 90-75 3 i 4-16 90-78 3 i 26-971 93'24 i i 3'57 93-24 i , 27-021 94-66 8 3-86 94-66 8 26 842 95 70 i 8 46 95 70 i 26-984 95'40 9 i 3-87 95-4I 9 i 26 797 96 78 2 9 07 96 78 2 27-034 96-32 4 i 4-22 96-I5 4 X'o. 2062, o Canis Majoris (Sirius). No. 2281, a Canis Minoris (Procyon). Sees, of Mean Xo. Sees . .,f Mean X'o. Sees, of Mean No. Sees, of Mean No. R.A. Date of N.I .D. Date of R.A. Date of N.P.D. Date of 1890-0.- 1800 + Obs. 1890-0. 1800 + Obs. 1890-0. 1800 + Obs. 1890-0. 1800+ Obs. 8 It 8 17-981 8/-I 3 4 58- 28 87-13 : 32 668 87-46 12 34-97 87-52 8 I7-992 88-O4 2 60 68 88-04 2 32-657 88-54 4 37-10 88-52 3 18-087 90-12 3 59 73 90-09 2 32 636 32-677 89-34 90-60 4 37-17 36-71 89-48 90-37 2 8 18- 136 91 16 2 57 76 91 -16 2 32-628 9I-45 54 36-46 91-36 i 18-151 92-71 4 57 58 92-71 4 32-672 92-45 15 36-23 92-40 9 18-128 93'2i 14 57 14 93-20 16 32-671 4 o 93 "46 25 18-115 94-42 5 57 03 94-42 5 32-671 94-45 22 37-o6 94-47 18-132 95 '" 9 56 31 95-4I 33 32-678 95-46 28 37-09 95-49 28 18-122 96-31 49 55 57 96-32 50 32-671 96-45 : 28 37-60 96-38 23 No 3063, { Ursas Majoris. No. 3064, ( Ursae Majoris (Comes). Sees, of Mean No. Sees . of Mean No. Sees, of Mean No. Sees, of Mean No. R.A. Date of N.P .D. Date of R.A. Date of N.P.D. Date of 1890-0. \ 1800 + Obs. 1890-0. 1800 + Obs. 1890-0. 1800 + Obs. 1890-0. 1800 + Obs. 8 " s ... 5' 75 89-18 i 18-949 89^18 i E'3 90-29 3 6-97 90-29 3 18-865 90-34 2 8-54 90-34 2 9 1 91-30 i 6-56 91-30 i 18-801 91-30 I 7'95 91 30 I 18-932 92-29 2 6-09 92-29 4 18-891 92-29 4 7-77 92-28 5 19-062 93-21 I 6-83 2 18-942 93-21 i 8-66 93'25 2 '8 '933 94'? 7 2 6'2O 94'63 3 18-840 3 8-79 94-63 3 18-846 95^5 4 6-44 95-33 5 18-923 95'35 4 8-76 95 "33 5 18-854 96-34 5 6-36 96-34 6 18-910 5 8-52 96-34 6 62 GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. YIIL EXPLANATION OF THE SEPARATE COLUMNS OF THE PRINTED CATALOGUE. The No. is the ordinal number of this Catalogue for the stars arranged in order of Right Ascension. Columns 2 and 3 contain references to two other Catalogues of stars, viz., Auwers' edition of Bradley and the Groombridge Catalogue, 1810. The star's name is taken from one of the authorities given on the back of the title-page facing the Catalogue, the order of preference being the order of mention of the authority. The magnitudes are taken from the following sources in the order given : the Harvard Photometry (marked *) ; the Catalogues of the Astronomische Gesellschaft or the Bonn Durchmusterung (unmarked) ; Struve's Stellarum Duplicium Mensurse Micrometricss for double stars (marked t) ; the Uranometria Argentina, the Southern Meridian Photometry (Harvard), the Argentine General Catalogue, 1875, and the Cape Catalogue for 1890, and for a few stars from other authorities (marked j), the authority in each case being given in the notes. In the case of variable stars, the limits of magnitude and the period given in the notes are taken from Mr Chandler's Third Catalogue of Variable Stars (Tlie Astronomical Journal, vol. xvi. No. 379). The names of double stars the usual designations in double star catalogues are given in the notes for double or multiple stars, whether separated or not in the Transit-Circle. The Mean R.A. 1890'0 has been found by combining the results given in the Annual Catalogues of Greenwich Observations from 1887 to 1896. The Mean Date is expressed in years and decimals of a year reckoned from 1800. The Number of Observations gives the aggregate number of all the observations in the different years above and below the pole respectively, which are combined with equal weights to form the mean right ascension. The "Annual Precession 1890'0" and the "Secular Variation 1890'0" have been computed by the help of Folie's Douze Tables pour le Calcul des Reductions stellaires, in which Struve's constant of precession is used. The precession in R.A. is given, by the formula, 3 S -0725 -f- i"-3369 [log. = 0-12611] sin R.A. cot N.P.D. ; and the secular variation by the formula, A + B cot N.P.IX + C cot 8 N.P.D., INTRODUCTION. 63 where A = c^'ooigo + o s< oo65o sin 2 E.A. B =* o s -ooo57 sin E.A. + o^ozgSy cos E.A. C = +o s -oi3OO sin 2 E.A. The second term of the precession is readily computed from these tables, aud the quantities, A, B, C, are therein tabulated for every minute of R.A. These formulae correspond essentially with those used in previous Catalogues. The R.A. and N.P.D. have been taken for 1890'0 to 1 s and 2"'0 respectively. The calculations were made in duplicate and carefully compared. The Annual Proper Motions are taken from the authorities given on p. 48. To the columns relating to N.P.D., the same remarks apply generally as in the case of R. A., except that, in combining observations above and below the pole, the following weights are used. For stars whose N.P.D. does not exceed 15, the observations above and below pole have equal weights. From N.P.D. 15 to N.P.D. 36, those below pole have the weight f for each observation ; from N.P.D. 36 to N.P.D. 41, those below pole have the weight ^ for each observation ; beyond 41 N.P.D., the observations below pole are not used in forming the Mean N.P.D. 1890'0. The "Annual Precession 1890'0"and the " Secular Variation 1890'0" have been computed as explained in the case of the Right Ascensions. The precession in N.P.D. is given by the formula, 2o"-o542 cos E.A., which is taken directly from the tables ; and the secular variation by the formula, A 1 + Bi cot N.P.D., where A 1 = +o"-oo86 cos R.A. +o"'448o sin E.A. B 1 = +o"- 1 950 sin 2 E.A. The quantities A 1 and B 1 are given directly in the tables for every minute of R.A. 64 GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890. Standard Mean Right Ascensions of Clock- Stars for based on Twelve-Hour Groups. Star's Name. Mean R.A. 1890-0. Star's Name. Mean K.A. iSgo'o. Star's Name. Mean R.A. 1890*0. a Amhonu'dii.' h m s O. 2. 42-057 h in s 7 -3-1 ';'* '640 h in s 1 6. 17. 4*021 y Pegasi O. 7. 34-24" 1 Pollux l6. 22. WTZQ , ("Mi O. 11. 4Q"346 16 25 21*867 44 Piscium IQ 4"-"7Q3 7 C6 AC '688 16 31 6*036 laCeti o. 24. 25-464 8 2 SI "S24 16. 37. 8*321 c Andromeda- o. 32. 44-525 3 Cancri. 8 IO 32'Q'?6 /c Opliiuchi 16. 52. 27*663 ft Ceti o. 38 4-038 rf 1 Caiu'ii 8 17 1'8?2 16 *^6 4*824 8 Piscium o. 42. 58-466 8 26 20 '82 1 17. 4. 4*126 20 Ceti o. 47. 23-142 8 16 ^ri'178 17. Q. T.7*S6o p. Andromedse o. 50. 38-813 8 40 *;6'Qo8 6 Ophinohi 17. 15. I5'i83 e Piscium o. 57. 14-006 8 52 28*237 17. 21. 3*372 Aiulromedte I. 3. 34*344 17. 2Q. 4Q"67J f Pi-cium I. 7. ";8-Q72 9 12 50*466 )3 Opliiuchi 17. 38. 2*270 e . *^7. 2";'Q72 14 27 "i'^IO 6 Aquarii 22. II. 1717 v Urionis 6. I. I7'42 t ", 2 Boiitis y Afjuarii 22. 15. 58-440 T) Gemiuorum 6. 8. 14*213 a Li brse H44 47*^41 a- Anuarii ... 22. 24. 49-511 fi Geminoruin 6. 16. 18*304 { 2 Libra 77 A'|uarii 22. 29. 42-203 ft Canis Maioris... 6. 17. 51 '275 (" Po'MSl 22. 35. 58-506 v Geminoruin 6. 22. 25*870 t 1 Librte re c C7'O24 y Pegasi 22. 44. 41'594 y Gemiuorum 6. 31. 21 '399 3 Ijibra? 1C TI C ' 1 84 A Aquarii 22. 46. 52-521 GeminoTum 6. 39. 6*885 o" Libras ic, 16 r ",v6iQ Fomalhaut 22. 51. 34-282 6 Canis Majoris ... 6. 40 4 '7 1 f", a Pe^asi 22. 59. 16-847 t Canis Majoris ... 6. 54. 18-098 T c "JO I *7Q6 y Pisciura 23. II. 27-736 ( Gciuinorum 6. 57. 3^*040 TC 18 =iO'Q"',7 K Pisciura 23. 21. I7-579 y Canis Majoris ... 6. 58. 46-846 j Pisciuni 23. 34. I7'49I 51 Gfiniuoruiii 7- 7- 3' 2 37 T C CI 22*^O2 S Sculptoris 23. 43. II-756 8 Geminorum 7. 13. 33-170 tc en 2""l8o a? Piscium 23. 53- 39712 ft Canis Minoris... 7. 21. 11-082 16 8 34'Sio 2 Ceti 23. 58. 6-247 Castor 7 27 34"8RO COMPLETE LIST OF THE EERATA IN THE GEEENWICH CATALOGUES FKOM 1840. Greenwich Six-Year Catalogue of Stars f 01- 1840. PAGE 3 17 NO. 2. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 40^87, read 4o 8 73 ; Annual Precession R.A. , /or -}~3 8 'iz4, read 4-38-076 ; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 58" -62, read 58"'68. 63. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 46"'4S, read 5 6"- 4 8. 103. Annual Precession in R.A.., for +3 S '379> read +3 s 'o64. 139. No. in Bessel's Bradley, insert 328. 140. No. in Bessel's Bradley, dele the number. 139. Mean Year for N.P.D. , insert 1840; No. of Obs. in N.P.D., insert 8 ; Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 33. 21 ., read 33. 20'. 53"'g8 ; Annual Precession in N.P.D., insert i6"-Xz 7 . 140. Mean Year for N.P.D., dele No. of Obs. in N.P.D., dele; Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 33. 20'. 53" '98, read 33. 21'. ; Annual Precession in N.P.D., dele. 174. Seconds of Mean IJ.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 55 8- 32, read 558-23. 181. Flamsteed's Number, &c., for 56 Arietis... read 58 Arietis...^. 192. Flamsteed's Number, Inc., for 33 Persei...i|i, read 37 Persei...^. 252. Flamsteed's Number, &r., for 76 Tauri...i, read 97 Tanri...t; Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 71. 36'. "'46, read 71. 26'. 2i"'46. i, far 5 h . 44 m . (o 8 ), read 298. 312. 2i Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. 5 h . 40"". (o 8 ). Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i , for 2,6" 37 , read " i6 318. No. in Baily's Flamsteed, for 665, read 865. 16 & 17 320. Dele the observation and numbers. 19 321. Mean Year for R.A.,/or 1839, read 1838 ; Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for i4 8- io, read i7 8 '4i. 19 330. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i , for z^" 'go, read 27" -24. 18 & 19 331. Dele the observations and numbers. 19 332. No. of Obs. in N.P.D., for i, read 3 ; Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 59. 57'. 27" '09, read 59 . 58'. 9"'7i. 18 355. Flamsteed's Number, &c., insert 49 Aurigie ; Baily's Flamstted, insert 915 ; Bessel's Bradley, insert 959 ; Piazzi, insert VI. 146 ; Taylor, insert 2543 ; Mean R.A., 1840 Jan. i, insert. 6 h . 25. (io 8 ) ; Mean Year for N.P.D., insert 1838; No. of Obs. in N.P.D., insert 5 ; Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, insert 61. 51'. 36"'io ; Annual Precession in N.P.D., insert +2" '197. 20 & 21 378. DcJe the observations and number?. GREENWICH SECOND TEX-YKAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. Greenwich Six-Year Catalogue of Stars for 184.0 continued. No. in Groombridge's Catalogue, insert 1259. Mean Year for N.P.D., for 1841, read 1839 ; No. of Obs. in N.P.D., for i, read 3 ; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 40" '62, read 4i"'i3. Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 7 h . 2 m . i4 8- 2o, read 7 h . i m . i4 8 '2o. Dele the observation and numbers. Mean Year for R.A., insert 1836; No. of Obs. in R.A., insert z ; Seconds of R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for (4o s ), read 4i 8 '56 ; Annual Precession in R.A., insert Greenwich Si: PAGE. 20 21 NO. 385. 384. 21 394- 22 & 23 403. 2 3 404. 23 422. 24*25 455- 27 511. 29 538. 33 630. 35 662. 44 45 845. 866. 47 48 9i5- 49 941. 49 949- 5" 969. 53 1021. 5*&53 55 57 1022. 1058. 1083. 57 IIII. 57 III5. Annual Precession in N.P.D., for ^"-426, read 7"'3$4. The R.A. and N.P.D. appear to belong to different stars ; the R.A. appears to belong to Lalande 16085. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 33"94, read 43" '06. Mean Year for N.P.D., for 1840, read 1839 ; No. of Obs. in N.P.D., for 3, read 5 ; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,for 3" - oo, read 2"'88. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for i3 B '3o, read i3 8 '46 ; Annual Precession in R.A., for 3 8 '026, read 3 s 'o65. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for 23 s '99, read 23 8 '90. No. in Baily's Flamsteed, for 1230, read 2230. Annual Precession in R.A., for +3 8 'i2o, read + 3 S '020. Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,for 56. 40'., read 75. 40'. No. of reference to footnotes, for 928, read 922. The R.A. and N.P.D. appear to belong to different stars, viz., to Lalande, Nos. 31384 and 31392. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,for 36" -99, read 4i"'99- Annual Precession in N.P. D.,for 3"'363, read i""i(>7. No. of Obs. in N.P.D., for 2, read 3 ; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,for 29"'i2, read ^<)"'(>^ ; Reference of footnote, for 1022, read 1021. Dele the observation and numbers. Annual Precession in N.P.D., for i"'878, read i"'884. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for ^2"'o$, read 4t"'34 ; Insert Footnote, "Proper Motion in N.P.D. from Argelander, o" - 295." Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,for 56"'63, read 38" -49. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 5 S '29, read 5 8 '39 ; Annual Precession in R.A., for +3 8 78S, read +3 8 '594. i 66 ERRATA. Greenwich Six-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1840 continued. [ Greenwich Twelte-Year Catalogue of Stars fur 1845 contd. PAGE. NO. PAGE. NO. 59 "45. Annual Precession in|R.A., /or +3 8 '498, read +38"486. (xc) 609. Value of 1', for 85"*6i9, read ^s"'^7- 63 1216. Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for zo h . 9., read 2o h . 8 m . (xcii) 643. Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, and Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. 62 & 63 1235. Name of Object, insert r 2 Capricorni ; Seconds of i,/or~7 h . 2., read 7 h . i m . Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for i8 s *93, read 198*03 ; (xcii) 6 44 . Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. l,for 7 h . z m ., read 7 h . i m . Approximate N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 108. 42', (xcvi) 714. Star's Name, iniert Lalande 15595 ; Mean R.A.,/or T(t(t IO5 * 3 * 7*. 53. (o s ), readj*. 51. (5o s ) ; Logarithms of c, 65 Reference of footnote, for 1273, read 1272. /, g, h, and the value of I, substitute for the 67 1283. Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 2i h . 25., read 2I h . 26I" 1 ( IO S). numbers given, 0*06694, 0*10129, ''45493' '7499t 858*348 ; Logarithms of e', f, g', h', and the value 67 1290. Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for 2i h . 28., read 2i h . 27. ; Annual Precession in R.A., for +i s '8i7, read of /', substitute for the numbers given, 0*04048, 0*13425, 1-53674, 0-31867, 55"'i3i. +18*810; Mean Year for N.P.D., insert 1841 ; No. (xcix) 753- Value of I', for 3o" - 633, read 3o""533. of Obs. in N.P.D., insert i ; Mean N.P.D. 1840 (xcix) 760. Value of V, for 43"*276, read ^"jzj. Jan. i, for 33. 12'., read 33. 10'. 2"*66 ; Annual Precession in N.P.D., insert i$"-j%7. (oii) 818. Magnitude, for 5, read 4*5*. 66 1290. No. in Groombridge's Catalogue, insart 3494. (cii) 835. Star's Name, for Weisse IX. 614, read Weisse IX. fat. 66 & 67 1292. Dele the observation and numbers. 66 1313. Flainsteed's Number, &c,, dele ; No. in Baily's Flamsteed, dele. (cv) (Oil) 869. 925. Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,/or46. iV., read 46. 17'. Log. e', for 0*89741, read 9-89741. 66 1314- Flamsteed's Number, &c., insert 13 Cephei...^. No. (CX) 970. Magnitude, for 4-5, read 4*5*. in Baily's Flamsteed, insert 2997. (cxii) 1005. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,fdr 138*30, read 69 1329. No. of Obs. in R.A.,/er i, read 5. 138-46 ; Seconds of Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. i, for 288*82, read 288-64 ; Value of I, for 888*015, read 69 1331- Mean Year for R.A., for 1841, read 1840. 88 8 *2oi. 69 1332. Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,for 34. 49'., read 34. o'. (cxiv) 1021. Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, dele ; Mean R.A. 1845 69 1353. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for 358*33, read 35 8- 36. Annual Precession in R.A. , /or -f-3 s -o62, Jan. i, for I2 h . 36 m . (io s ), read 12^. 37 m . (io s ) ; Logarithms of c. /, g, h, and the value of I, for the read -|-3 8 '78. numbers given substitute 69 1354- Annual Precession in R.A., for -f-3 s 'o62, read -\-$ s- a7&. 0-02541 | 0-07079 | 1-44192 | 0-03210 | 938-953 71 1398. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for 528-16, read *2 8 '2O. (cxv) IO2I. Logarithms of e', f, g' , h', and the value of I', for the numbers given substitute J 73 1430. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,/or 25" - 67, read 5"-6 3 . (cxiv) IO22. 9*93069 | 0*31609 | 1-65118 | 0-01612 | 57"-23o Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, insert i2 h . 36 m . 18-48. (cxvi) Weisse XIII. 113, for 1555, read 1055. Greenwich Twelve-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1845. (oxviii) 1 1 20. Log. g,for 1-44549, read 1-45549 ; Value of I', for 89 8 *284, read 878-504. (Ivi) 3. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 408-87, read (cxxiii) 1176. Log. of f, for 9*71628, read 0*05386 ; Value of I' 40873. for H3"'34O, read ^"'047. (Ivii) 3. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 58"-62, (cxxiv) 1202. Logarithms of e', f, g', h', and the value of I', read 58"-68. substitute for the numbers given, 0*01360, (Ixx) 260. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan, i, for 558-32, read 9*97204, 1-60057, 9*72310, 99" -714. 558-23. (cxxiv) 1206. Logarithms of e,f, g, h, and the value of I, substitute (Ixxii) 287. Star's name, dele. for the numbers given, 0*05719, 0*05890, 1/43857, 288. Star's name, insert Groombridge 642. (Ixxviii) 402. R. A. Constants, Value of I, for 778-344, read 768-344 ; Seconds of Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. i,for 398-96, read 408 '96; Footnote, dele, the R.A. differs by more than i sec - from that Catalogue. (cxxv) I2O6. 0*06694, 908*742. Mean N.P.D. 1845 Jan. i, for 55. 50'., read 55. 42'. ; Logarithms of ',/', g', h', and the value of I', substitute for the numbers given, 9-66172, 0*20780, 1*59908, 9*71700, 97"'485. (Ixxxii) 456. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. i,for i9 8 '6o, read (cxxix) 1274. Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 106. 46'.', read 108. 46'. i9 8 '66. (cxxviii) 1289. Mean R.A. 1840, Jan. i, for I5 h . 39. 178-16, read (texii) 474. No. of Obs. in R.A., insert 2. I5 h . 39 m . 208*89 ! Logarithms of e, f, g, h, and the (Ixxxvii) 529. Log. g', for 1-39700, read 1-39888 ; Value of I', for value of 1, for the numbers given substitute 65"'i93, read 65"-o65. 0*06299 | 0-05575 | 1-45786 | 0*08700 | 878-691 (Ixxxvi) 533. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. \,for 37 s '2i, read (cxxix) 1289. Mean N.P.D. 1840, Jan. i, for 119. 30'., read 378-15 ; Log. of e, for 0-08010, read 0-07827 ; 119. 43'. ; Logarithms of e',f, g', h', and the value Value of I, for 798-846, read 798-973. of *', for the numbers given substitute (Ixxxvi) 560. Log. h, for 0-07739, read 0-07839 ; Value of I, for 0-09015 | 9*96188 | 1-56191 | 9-57931 | io3"'o82 848-232, read 848-164. (cxxxv) '373- Secular Variation in N.P.D., for o"-o2i, read (Ixxxviii) 576 & 577. These stars appear to be identical. +0"*02I. ERRATA. 67 Greenwich .Twelve-Year Catalogue of Stars for 184.5 contd. PAGl". NO. (cxxxv) 1389. Secular Variation in N.P.D. , for o"'475, read +"'475- (cxxxvi) 1434. Star's Name, dele -.. (cxxxviii) 1443. Value of I, for 843-495, read 888-495. (cxli) 1472. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 36""99, read 41" -99. (cxlii) 1507. Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for i6 h . 27 m . (o s ), read (cxlii) '535- Secular Variation in R.A., for +08-0015, read +08-0115. (cxlv) 1562. Reference Number to Pond, for 773, read 774. (exlviii) 1631, 1632, and 1633. Magnitude of star, insert 8-9, 8-9, and 7 respectively. (cliv) 1739. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. i, /or 293-56, read 288-69. (clvii) 1784. Log. /, for 0-06159, read 0-09612 ; Value of V, for I37"'52i, read I35"'i36. (clviii) 1809. Log. g, for 1-44209, read 1-44309; Value of I, for 878-092, read 878-015. (clviii) 1810. Log. g, for 1-44208, read 1-44308; Value of I, for 878-084, read 878-007. (clviii) 1811. Log. g, for 1-44209, read 1-44309; Value oil, for 878-080, read 87 s 'oo3. (clx) 1831. Value of I, for 868-573, read 868-637. (clxv) 1911. Mean N.P.D. 1845 Jan. i, for 75. o'., read 74- 55'- (clxv) 1918. Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i,for 33. n'. 7"-z8, read 33. 12'. 7 "-28. (clxviii) 1979. Delf- Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, Mean Year, and No. of Obs. 1982. Insert Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, 22 h . 2 m . 158*17 ; Mean Year, 1840 ; and No. of Obs., 2. (clxxiv) 2094. Star's Name, hi serf. Piazzi XXIII. 48. Logarithms of . ', g, h. iiii'l the value of/, for the numbers given substitute 0*10409 ] 0*07372 | 1*44640 | 0*08908 j 848*368 (clxxv) 2094. Mean N.P.D. 1845 Jan. i, for 67. 6'., read 67. i'.; Logarithms of e', f, g', h', and the value of I', for the numbers given substitute 9-85715 | 9-91246 | 0-73041 9-99717 | I4o"*283 (clxxviii) 2148. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1845 J an - '> f or 258-88, read 258-79; Log. g, for 1-44607, read 1*44762; Value of If for 808*793, read 808-673. Greenwich Sij'-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1850. (xxxvi) 151. Log e',for 0-92829, read 9-92829. (xxxviii) Reference to footnote, for 204, read 205. (xliv) 288. Annual Proper Motion in R.A.,/o?"+o s -o88, read +o 3 'oo8. (1) 390. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1850 Jan. i, for 338-41, read 308-41. (liv) 482. Log h,for 0*07739, read 0*07839. Value of I, for 848-232, read 848*164. Greenwich Six- Year Catalogue of Stars. for 18,50 contd. PAGE. (Ixii) (Ixv) (Ixxii) (Ixxvi) (Ixxviii) (Ixxxiii) (Ixxxvi) NO. 600. Secondsof Mean N.P.D. 1850 Jan. i,for 44"'S5, read 54" '8 5. Dele the footnote. 664. Secular Variation of Precession in N.P.D., insert 786. 972. 1048. (Ixxxviii) 1062. (xciv) (e) (oii) (cviii) (eix) and 1172. 1294. 1316. Star's Name, for z Corvi...-y, read 2 Corvi.... Reference to footnote, for 850, read 847. Reference to footnote, for 89, read 889. Star's Name, for 31 Bobtis...^ 1 , read 51 Bobtis.../* 1 . Seconds of Mean R.A. 1850 Jan. i,for 368-59, read 388-16; Annual Precession in R.A., /or + 38-546, read +38-022 ; No. in Greenwich Twelve-Year Catalogxie, dele 1363. Secular Variation of Precession in .N.P.D., fer o"*475, raid +o" -475. _Add Footnote : " These stars are designated in the B.A.G. as 7- Sagittarii and -f Sagittarii." Value of I', for I35"*i36, read i^f'^zi. Value of I, for 868-573, read 868-636. Reference to footnote, for 1404, 1407, 1408, read 1404, 1407. Last column, No. following 1407, for 1608, read 1408. {xviii} 46. Greenwich Seven- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1860. {xiii} Introduction. Line 8, for e, read e l ; line 9, for i -2 -f- cos R. A. cos N. P. D. , read i '2 cos R. A. cos N.P.D. {xvi} 15. Insert Footnote : " The magnitude has been taken from the Greenwich Observations." {xvii} 40. Secular Variation of Precession in N.P.D., insert +o"-o68. {xviii} 45. Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, for 34. 13'. 5i"-26, read 34. 14' ; Mean Year for N.P.D., dele ; No. of Obs. in N.P.D., dele. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, for 5i"'95, read 5i"'92 ; No. of Obs. in N.P.D., for 33, read 34. {xx} 96. Annual Precession in R.A., for +38-125, read +3 S> "7. {xxii} 148. Secular Variation of Precession in R.A., for +08-0189, read +o st oi79. {xxiv} 188. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, for 35"'O7, read 3 8" -07. {xxiv} 191. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, for 2i"'Z7, read 26"'S3. \xxiv} 196. Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, for 37. 3'. 42"76, read 37 .*'. 41" -76. {xxxi} 295. Log. /, for '85587, read 9-85587. {xxx} 303. Mean R.A. 1860 Jan. i,for 4''. 5. 578-24, read 4 h. ftm. ,8- 04 . 68 ERRATA. Greenwich Seven-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1860 coutd. PACE. NO. {xxxii} 328. MeanN.P.D. i86ojan. i, for 12.1.}'., readizo . 3'. {xxxii} 343. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1860 Jan. i,for 8 8 '94, read 98-51. {xxxii} 347. Secular Variation of Precession in R.A., for +o s 'oo44, read -|-O 8 'OO76. {xxxii} 348. Secular Variation of Precession in R.A., for +o 8 'oo25, read -|-o 8 'oioo. {xl} 504. Proper Motion in R. A., for +o s 'oo3, read 08-003. {xliv} 569. Star's Name, for Piazzi VII. 267, read Piazzi VII. 67. {xliv} 577. Insert Footnote: "This star is the Variable S. Canis Minoris ; the limits of variability are 7-5 and 13, the period 335 days." {xliv} 591. Star's Name, for Piazzi VII. 755, read Piazzi VII. '55- {xlv} 593. No. in Strove, dele 918. {xlvi} 60 1. Insert Footnote: "This star is the variable U Geminorum." {xlvi} 607. Star's Name, for Piazzi VII. 267, read Piazzi VII. 277. Column "Hour and No. in Piazzi," for 267, read 277. {xlvi} 622. Secular Variation of Precession in R.A., for c^'oisS, read o s 'oi88. {1} 694. Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, for 37. 49'., read 37. 5'- {lii} 733. Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, for 52. 57'., read 52. 58'. {liv} 780. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1860 Jan. i, /or 488-98, read 438-12. {lv} 780. Log. e',for 9-99786, read 9-97786. {ivi} 819. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, forzS"'oo, read z^"yj. {lix} 848. Log. /, for 9-80394, read 9-80217 ; Value of I', for 86"-8o6, read 86"-87i. {ixi} 904. No. in Lalande (B.A.),/or 21898, read 21899. {ixii} 943. Star's Name, for Piazzi XI. 247, read Piazzi XI. 207. {ixii} 949. Magnitude, dele. Footnote, dele. {ixii} 957. Secular Variation of Precession in R.A., for 08-0076, read -(-o 8 'oi4i. {ixiv} 975. Proper Motion in R.A., insert o s 'i52. {ixr} 975. Proper Motion in N.P.D., insert o" -07. {ixviii} 1078. Low. h,for 0-08591, read 0-08501. {ixx} 1097. Magnitude, for 6-3, read 6-5. {ixx} 1117. Star's Name, for Piazzi XIII. 221, read Piazzi XIII. 228. {ixx} 1118. Star's Name,/or Piazzi XIII. 228, read Piazzi XIII. 263. jlxxiii} 1122. Log. g',for 1-63220, read 1-63127 ; Value of I' Jor 8 4" '675, read Zj'-jjj. Greenwich Seven- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1860 contd. PAGE NO. {ixxii} 1127. Star'sName, for Piazzi XIII. 299, read Piazzi XIII. 306. {ixxii} i39- Star's Name, for Piazzi XIV. 52. read Piazzi XIV. 22. {ixxvi} 1237. Log. f,for 0-08712, read 0-05712. {ixxxviii} 1461. Log. e', for 9-12659, read 0-12659. {xc} 149. Magnitude, for 6, read 8 "9. {xc} '494- Secular Variation of Precession in R.A., for o s- 4454, read o s "8454. {xc; 1516. Seconds of Mean R. A. 1860 Jan. i,for 5i s '6i, read 52 8 ' 4 6. {xciii} 1538. \ Transpose the logarithms of e', f, g', h', and the 1 539- / value of/' for these two stars. {xciv} 1570. Secular Variation of Precession in R.A., for 4-08-0017, read 08-0017. {xcvi} 1625. Star's Name, for Groombridge 2894, read Groom- biidge 2984. {xcvii} 1627. Log. e',for 9-09029, read 0-09029. {xcvi} 1635. Star's Name, for 5 Sagittse, read 15 Sagittse. {xcviii} 1665. Ammiil Precession in R.A., fur 3 8 '334, read +3 8 '334- {civ} 1762. Magnitude, dele ; Footnote, del: {civ} 1772. Annual Precession in R. A. , for +38-238, read +38-231. {cix} 1844. The numbers in the columns referring to Bradley's, Piazzi's, Groombridge's, and Pond s Catalogues, belong to No. 1845. {ex} 1885. Proper Motion in R.A., insert +o s- o48. {cxi} 1885. Proper Motion in N.P.D., insert o" - o5. {cxv} 1963- Value of /',/< i3i"'859, rvjorf i3i"'589. {cxiv} 1971- Proper Motion in R. A., insert +o 8- o84. {cxv} 1971. Proper Motion in N.P.D. , insert o"'oi. VXvi} 2003. Seconds of Mean R. A. 1860 Jan. i, for 3O 3 77, read 308-29. Greenwich Seven- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1864. {xii} 7. No. in Lalande,/or 127, read 125. {xii} 26. No. in Lalande, insert 427 (B. A. ). {xii} 27. No. in Lalande, insert 459 (B.A.). {xv} 45. No. in Bessel's Bradley, for 33, read 39. {xvi} 93. No. in Lalande, insert 1299 (B.A.). {xix} 123. No. in Bessel's Bradley, insert 116. {xviii} 145. Annual Precession in R.A., for +3 S> 222, read + 3 - 3 22. ERRATA 69 Greenwich Seven-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1864 contd. No. iu Bessel's Bradley, insert 148. Star's Name, for 64 Andromeda 1 ... |, read 46 Andro- PAGE. NO. {xix} 53- {**} ,85. {xxii} 220. {xxiv 245. {xxiv} 246. {xxiv} 260. {xxvi} 281. {xxvi} 288. {xxviii} 359- {xxx} 375- {xxrii} 430. {xxxiv} 459- {xxxiv} 469. {xxxTi} 520. {xliv} 659. {xlv} 668. {xliv} 675. {xlix} 725. {xlviii} 727. {Ivi} 883. {lix} 933- {ixvi} 1084. {ixix} 1145. {Ixx} 1187. {Ixxi} 1198. {Ixxii} 1217. {ixxxi} 1377- {ixxxiij} 1423. {ixxxv} 1448. {ixxxv} '457- {ixxxvii} 1508. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1864 Jan. i,for 53 s 'o4, read 53 8 '54- Seconds of Mean R.A. 1864 Jan.- i,for 4 s '9i, read 4 s '6i. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1864 Jan. i, for 4 s 'qz, read 4 s -62. Secular Variation in R.A., for +o s 'oo73, read O 8 'OOI2. No. in Groombridge, dele 295. Seconds of Mean N.P. D. 1864 Jan i,for 5"'64, read 4 "'86. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1864 Jan. i,for 3 s 'oi, read 38-51. Star's Name, for 47 Cephei, read Cephei 47 (Hev). Secular Variation in R.A. , for 4~'!! s 'iJ444> read +3"' 1 933- Mean R.A. 1864 Jan. i.for 3 h . 33. 55 s '6i, read 3 h. 35 m. 55 -6i. Mi-an R.A. 1864 Jan. i, for 3''. 36 m . 36 S 'O2, read 3 h . 37. 36 s 'o2. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i, for 23"'74, read 3 3" 74- Secular Variation in R.A., for -j-o s 'oo84, read +08-0175. No. in Piazzi, for V. 26, read V. 27. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i,for 37"'9i, read 47" '91. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. , for -)-o"'85, read For No. 227, read 727. No. in Piazzi, for 294, read 297. No. in Bessel's Bradley, for 1081, read 1084. Star's Name, for 48 Cancri...o, read 48 Cancri ...i. No. in Lalande, dele 18373 (B.A.). No. in Lalaude, for 18996, read 19014. No. in Lalande, dele 19157 (B.A.). Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i,/w8o. 26'. 26" -53, read 80. 25'. 2&" - 53. Annual Precession in N.P.D., for +i7"73, read +'9"73- For No. 2423, read 1423. Log. e',for 8-89298, read 9*89298. Log. ', for 8-89686, read 9-89686. Annual Precession in N.P.D., for +I9"'S6, read + I 9 "'82. {'xxxvii} 1519. No. in Bessel's Bradley, insert 1710. Greenwich Seven- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1864 contd. PAGE. {ixxxviii} 1541. Annual Variation in N.P.D., for 19" '47, read + I9"'47 ; Secular Variation in N.P.D., for -j-o""ii3, read o"'ii3. {xc} 1562. Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i, for 79. 52'. i"'22, read 79. 51'. $i"'22. 1575. Mean R.A. 1864 Jan. i,for i3 h . 19"". 578-07, read I3 11 . 20. i3 8 '28 ; Annual Precession in R.A., for 2 8 '692, read 2 8 7io. 1575. Annual Precession in N.P.D., for +i8"'85, read + i8"-8 4 . 1584. No. in Lalande, insert 25010 (B.A.). 1620. No. in Lalande, for 25695, read 25692. 1737. No. in Bessel's Bradley, insert 1950. 1743. Footnote,/or No. 1473, read No. 1743. 1780. No. in Bessel's Bradley, insert 2006. 1874. Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i, for 110. 10'. I9"'94, read 111. 10'. i9"'94. 1966. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i,/or 3i"'47, read 24" -47. 1974. For Oi-ltz. Arg. 17415, read # ; Magnitude, for 9, read 10. Footnote, for Oeltzen's Arge- lander, read Greenwich Observation. 1981. No. in Groombridge, for 2479, read 2484. 1997. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1864 Jan. i, for ^'6^, read 32 8 '69 ; Annual Proper Motion iu R.A., for -j-o s 'ooi, read o s 'oi3 ; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i, for 57"'o6, read 57"'9Q ; Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D., for +o" '2 8, read o" 'oo. 2009. Footnote, insert the word days after 165-13. 2027. No. in Lalande, for 33838, read 33866. 2103. Magnitude, insert 9. Insert Footnote :" The magnitude is taken from the Greenwich Observa- tions." 2173. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i,for 17"'^, read 16" '7 j. 2257. Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i,for 73. 4'- o"'i8, read 73. 41'. o"-i8. 2304. Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i,for 41. 4'. 59"'iz, read 4'- 3'- 59"' 12 - 2332. No. in Lalande, for 39872, read 39859. 2462. For No. 4262, read 2462. 2524. The numbers in the columns referring to Bradley's, I'iiim's, Groombridge's, and Pond's Catalogues belong to No. 2525. {cxxxviii} 2534. Star's Name, for Groombridge 3707, read Bradley 2935 ; No. in Bessel's Bradley, insert 2935 (see Mr Safford's note in Monthly Notices of B.A.S., vol. xxxix. p. 96). {cxxxviii} 2535. Star's Name, for Bradley 2935, read Groombridge 3709 ; No. in Bessel's Bradley, dele 2935. {cxlvi} 2714. For No. 1714, read 2714. {exlviii} 2727. Mean N.P.D. 1864 Jan. i, for 89. 39'. 43"' 8 4, read 89. 40'. 43" '84. fxci} {xci} {xeii} {xcviii} {xcviii} { c | {civ} {ex} {i:x} {ex} {ox} {cxii} {cxii} {cxvi} {exx} {cxxiv} { cxxvi } {cxxviii} {cxxxv} {cxxxix} 70 ERRATA. Greenmi'li PARK. NO. M 1 8. 49- {vi} {viii} 117. 148. {x} 1 86. (W 214. {xii} 216. {xiv} {xvi} {xviii} {xxi} {xxii} 267. 281. 372- 406. '{xxvi} 506. {xxx} 598. {xxxii} 630. '.{xlii} 818. { x Hi } 821. {xlii} 824. {xHi} 827. {xlii} 828. {xlii} 830. {xlv} {xlvi} {xlvii} 859. 877. 913. 913. {H} 982. {Hi} iQiX. {liii} {Hi} 1018. 1019. {liii} 1019. {Hi} 1038. 1064. Nine*Ytar Catalogue of Stars for 1872. No. in B.A.C., insert 65. Star's Name, /<,r Lalande 1046, read W.B. (2) 0. 858. Star's Name, for Lalande 2307, read W.B. I. 135. Star's Name, for Groombridge 347, read Piazzi I. 121. Value for I, for 77 3 '68o, read 76 a '68o. Star's Name (in some copies), for F. .298, read B.F. 298. Secular Variation of Precession in R.A., for +o s 'o536, read +o s 'oi27. Star's Name, for Lalande 5346, read W.B. II. 790. Star's Name, for Lalande 5655, read W.B. II. 986. Log. h (in some copies), for 0-85833, read 0*085 3 3. Log c',for i "30544, read o "30544. Star's Name, for Lalande 8202, read W.B. (2) IV. 3'5- 6 - Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1872 Jan. i,for u""i8, read 1 1 "'22. Star's Name, for Lalande 11806, read W.B. (2) VI. 132-3. Star's Name, for B.F. 897, read Groombridge 1178. Star's Name, for Arg. Zone +2 No. 1965, read W.B. VIII. 466. Star's Name, for Arg. Zone +2 No. 1967, read W.B. VIII. 475. Star's Name, for Arg. Zone +1 No. 2095, read W.B. VIII. 516. Star's Name, for Arg. Zone +0 No. 2305, read Lalande 16645. Star's Name, for Arg. Zone +0 No. 2310, read W.B. VIII. 565. Star's Name, for Arg. Zone o No. 2000, read Lalande 16676. Log. e',for 0-15319, read 0-01519. Log. e',for 0-28553, read 0-23553. Star's Name, for W.B. IX. 465, read Piazzi IX. 95. Column " No. in Piazzi," insert IX. 95. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1872 Jan. i,for 3z"-<)i, read 2.6"-;^. No. of Obs. in N.P.D., for i, read 2. Star's Name, for Groombridge 1699, read Piazzi X. 170. Column "No. in Piazzi" insert X. 170. Star's Name, for Groombridge 1700, rtad Piazzi X. 171. Column " No. in Piazzi," insert X. 171. Star's Name, for Lalande 21272, read W.B. (2) X. 1188. Log. e',for 0-17351, read 0-11351. Greenwich Nine-Year Catalogue Of Stars far 1872 contd. PAGE. NO. {lix} 1138. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1872 Jan. i, for ^"'72 read 25""45. {lix} 1148. Log. /', for 0-96807, read 9-96807. {lix} 1149. Log. f, for 0-96808, read 9-96808. {iviii} 1158. Star's Name, for Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 12753, recu ^ Lalande 23506. -{ixii} 1222. Star's Name, for Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 13558, read Lalande 24797. 1222. Secular Variation of Precession in N.P.D., for -|-o"-i3i, read o"-i3i. 1329. Annual Precession in N.P.D., for +i6"'568, read +i 5 "- S 68. 1336. Mean N.P.D. 1872 Jan. i, for 113. 43'. 33""33, read 113. 42'. 58"'64. 1415. Column "No. in Groombridge," for 2281, read 2280. 1451. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1872 Jan. i, for 49"'6o, read 5 6" -4 2. {ixiii} {ixix} {Ixix} {ixxiii} {ixxv} {ixxvi} 1502. Value of I, for 878-980, read 97 s "98o. {ixxvii} 1503. The characteristic of log. e' is defective ; it should be 9. {ixxviii} 1530. Star's Name, for Lacaille 7015, read Lalande 3599- {ixxx} 1574. Star's Name, for a 2 Herculis read of Herculis. {ixxxii} 1618. Star's Name, for Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 17413, read Piazzi XVII. 237. {ixxxiii} 1618. Column "No. in Piazzi," insert XVII. 237. {ixxxii} 1621. Star's Name, for Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 17419, read Lalande 32488. {ixxxii} 1633. Star's Name,/o?' Lacaille 7508, read Lalande 32727. 1889. Log. e, for 0-01175, reado'iujs. 1892. Star's Name, for Lacaille 8433, read Lalande 39173. 2000. Log. e',for 073376, read 9-73376. {xcvi} {xcvi} {ci} {ciii} {cv} {cvi} {cvii} {cviii} 2006. Mean N.P.D. 1872 Jan. i, for 53. 25'. 49"'oi, read 53. 26'. i9"-oi. 2015. Star's Name, for Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 22411, read Lalande 42024. 2015. Column "No. in B.A.C., " insert 7496. 2074. Star's Name, for Groombridge 3707, read Bradley {ciii} {civ} {cv} 2074. Column "No. in Bessel's Bradley," insert 2935. {civ} 2076. Star's Name, for Bradley 2935, read Groombridge 3709 ; Seconds of Mean R.A. 1872 Jan. i, for 47 8 '7i9, read 478765 ; Proper Motion in R.A., dele. 2076. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1872 Jan. i , for $$" $\ , read 45"'59 ; Proper Motion in N.P.D., dele ; Column "No. in Bessel's Bradley," dele 2935. 2104. Star's Name, for Lalande 43776, read Bradley 2953. 2104. Columns, "No. in Bessel's Bradley," iiuer< 2953, and " No. in Piazzi," insert XXII. 93. 2156. No. of obs. in R. A., insert 3. ERRATA. 71 Greenwich Ten- Tear Catalogue of Stars for 1 8 80. PAGE. NO. 6 Mean Corrections to Right Ascension, &c., Limit of R.A. 23 h to 24 h , for +8-014, read + S 'oi3. 18 33. Mean N.P.D. iSSo'o, for 58"-68, read 58"'8o. Excess of N. P. D. above Pole, for +o"'47, read -\-o"'$g. 25 870. Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or $2"'/n, read $2"'<)i. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for o"'26, read o"'j^. 27 1231. Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 45"'49, read 4$"'jo. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for +o""85, read -|-o"'64. 32 1963. Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or o"'2S, read o"'4O. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for +o"'i7, read +o"'o5. 41 3563. Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 2i"'84, read zi"'68. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for "'4<), read o"'33. 44 3915. Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 59"76, read 6o"-c>3. Excess of N.P.D. above Po]e,/or +o"73, read +o"'46. 44 3979. Mean N.P.D. iSSo'o, for i4""33, read n"'2,j. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for o"'o9, read o"'i5. 46 1231. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for +o"'85, read +o"-64. 47 33. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for +o""47, read +o""59. 47 870. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, fur o"'26, read o"'73- 47 3979. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for o"'o9, read o"'i5. 48 1963. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for -\-o"'ij, read +o"'c>5. 48 3915. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for +o"73, read +o"'46. 51 3563. Excess of N.P.D. above Pole, for o"'49, read o"'33. 56 57 {iii} {iii} {iii} {iv} {iv} {vii} {vii} {vii} {viii} {viii} {viii} {x} Star's Name, for 1 5 Argus, read p Argus ; Assumed Mean R.A. 1880-0, for 8h. z". 268-981, read 8 h . 2 m . 258-981. Clock-Stars, &c. Piscium, Assumed Mean R.A. i88o'o, for 23 h . 53 m . 88-938, read 23 h . 53. 88-947. i. Secular Variation in R.A. 1880-0, for +08-0775, read +o s 'o6i9. 33. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 58"'42, read 39. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. iSSo'o, for T.-J"^\, read 2 7 "'5I. 78. Star's Name, for Groombridge 96, read Piazzi 0, 114 ; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 29"-8o, read 29""83. 80. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. iSSo'o, for 34" -09, read 34"-i2. 180. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 39""63, read 190. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. iSSo'o, /or zo" - 56, read 193. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for ii"'82, read 213. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 49"'o8, read 219. Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 71. 26'. io"'i4, read 71. 27'. io"-i4. 222. Annual Precession in R.A., for +38-5298, read +38-5288. 297. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 48""32, read 4 8"'4o. Greenwich Ten-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1880 contd. PAGE. {x} {x} {x} {xi} {xii} {xiii} {xiii} {xiii} {xiv} {xiv} {xiv} {xiv} {xiv} {rvii} {xvii} {xix} {xx} {xxii} NO. 300. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/o?- 24"'oo, read 23"- 9 4. 301. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 58"'37, read 58"-2o. 319. No. of Obs. in N.P.D. below Pole, for 2, read (2). 331. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1880-0, for 58 8 -8z7, read 588-527. 378. Star's Name./orW.B. (2) II. 581, raid Piazzi II. 105. 408. No. of Obs. in R.A.,/or 3, read 33. 418. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 9"'6i, read io"'o4. 422. Star's Name, for W.B. (2) II. 1016, read Groom- bridge 566. 442. Star's Name, for Piazzi II. 220 (ist Star), read Piazzi II. 220. 443. Star's Name, for Piazzi II. 220 (2nd Star), read Piazzi II. 222. 445. Star's Name, for W.B. (z) II. 1223, read Piazzi II. 223. 448. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 47""74, read 47"- 7 8. 456. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1880-0, for 268-882, read 278-428. Annual Precession in R.A., for 9, read +28-5659. 474. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1 8 80 -o, for 23 s- 6i5^ read 238-281. 591. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for &"'<)S, read 5 Z "'97- 595. Secular Variation in N.P.D. iSSo'o./or +o"'276, read +o" - 297. 661. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 3i"'49> read 3'"'53- 684. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o-o,/or24"-84, read 24"- 9 i. 775. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o-o,/or ij"'oi, read 1 7" -05. {xxiii} 826. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o-o,/r 4z"'zi, read 4 z"-24. {xxiv} 870. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880 'o, for 52"'4Z, read 5 2"-8 5 . {xxv} 899. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 8"'93, read 8"'96. {xxvi} 922. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for I3"'34, read {xxvii} 967. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, far 2i"'78, read {xxviii} 1037. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 7"'66, read 7" 7 1. {xxxii} 1169. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1880-0, for 518-546, read 518-516; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for iz"'33, read iz"'37. These corrections are due to orbital motion of Sirius, as computed from Auwers' elements (Pub. der Astron. Gesellsch., No. VII.). 72 g I Footnote, for The magnitudes given in B.D. are 8 '6 ' -! and i 7, read The magnitudes given in Struve's ' Ureenurich'JTen-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1880 contd. PAGE. NO. {xxxii} 1172. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 3o"7o, read 3"'75- {xxxiii} 1231. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 45"'94, read {xxxiii} 1237. Dele observation in N.P.D. {xxxiv} 1278. Star's Name, for Piazzi VI. 97, read Piazzi VII. 97. {xxxiv} 1280. Star's Name, for Groombridge 1318, read Piazzi VII. 92. {xxxv} *' (, Mensural Micrometrico} are 2-7 and 3-7. {xxxv} 1311. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for iz"'&7, read I 3 "-2 7 . {xxxv} 1313. Seconds of Mean R.A. i88o'o, for i s- i28, read i s 'no; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 6"'63, read 6"'6<). These corrections are due to orbital motion of Procyon as computed from Auwers' elements (Astron. Nach., vol. Iviii. Nos. 1371-1373)- {xxxvi} 1358. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 5o"'oo, read {xxxvii} 1380. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 9"'5o, read 9"'59- {xxxviii} 1409. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 43"'84, read 44"'M- {xxxix} 1448. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for io"'i8, read io"'44. {xxxix} 1471. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for i3"'33, read ERRATA. Greenwich Ten-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1880 contd. {xl} {xli} {xlii} {xlii} {xliii} {xliii} {xliii} 1513. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 38"'i7, read 3 8"- 4 6. 1559. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 2i"'83, read 2i"'8o. 1575. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 58"'28, read 5 8 "'44- '598. Animal Precession in N.P.D., for i6"'2i4, read 1602. Secular Variation in R.A., for 08-0040, read +o a '0040. 1607. Star's Name, for Oeltz. Arg. (S.) 10075, Tead Piazzi IX. 67. 1627. Seconds of Mean R.A. i88o'o, for 118-586, read 128-586. {xlvii} | 1768. Star's Name,/o?- RadclilTe 2617, read Piazzi X. 228. {xlvii} 1773. Mean R. A. 1880-0, for io h . 59"!. (28 s ), read i oh. 59x1. ( 33 8). {xlviii} 1815. Star's Name, for Piazzi IX. 59, read Piazzi XI. 59. {xlviii} 1840. Star's Name, for Piazzi XI. III., read Piazzi XI. in. {xlix} 1861. Secular Variation in N.P.D., for +o"'037, read +o"'027. {xlix} 1863. Star's Name, for Piazzi XI. 151, read Piazzi XI. 161. {li} 1959. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for io"-88, read PACK. {hi} {liii} {liii} {liii} {liii} {Hv} {liv} {lv} {lv} {Ivi} {Ivi} {Ivi} {Ivii} {ivii} {ivii} {lix} {lx} {ixiii} {ixiii} {ixiii} {ixiii} {ixiii} {ixiii} {!} NO. 1963. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for o"-tf, read "'43- 2003. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 37"7o, read 37"'5S- 2005. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 2i"'58, read 2i"- 43 . 2008. Mean N.P.D. iSSo'o. for 68. '. 8"'42, read 68. 6'. 8"- 4 2. 2023. Seconds of Mean N.P.D., i88o'o,/or 33"'85, read 32" -85. 2061. Seconds of Mean R.A., for if'ijj, read 9 S '977 ; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 48"'i4, read 48"-j8. 2064. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for ^(>"-oy, read 3 6" -30. 2102. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 43"'23, read 43"'3- 2103. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 46"'47, read 4 6"76. 2122. Secular Variation in R.A. i88o'o, for o s 'oi25, read -)-o s 'oi25. 2134. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 46"'42, read 46""48. 2154. Annual Precession in R.A., for -j-2 s 'o397, read 2 S '0397. 2171. Annual Precession in R.A., for +o s '2999, read 2184. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 46"'34, read 4 6 "'39- 2192. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, /or 24"'28, read 2 4 "' 3 8. 1253- Secular Variation in R.A., for +o s- oo83, read +08-0183. 2284. Secular Variation in R.A., for o s 'oo74, read -f- 08-0074. 2403. Seconds of Mean N.P.D i88o'o, for ^"-79, read 42""92. 2423. Star's Name, for W.B. (2) XV. 750, read Piazzi XV. 142. 2433. Secular Variation in R.A., for +o s '4o83, read 2434. Secular Variation in R.A., for +o s "4073, read +08-3782 2435. Secular Variation in R.A., for +08-0123, read +08-0136. 2437. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 2o"'9i, read 23"- 9 i. 2692. Seconds of Mean N.P.D., /or 3i"-o3, rearf 3o"'o3. {ixxi} 2726. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880-0, for 59"'63, read 5 9" -6 1 ; Secular Variation in N.P.D., for o"-i35, read +o"-i 3 5. fStar's Name,/or B.D. +50 No. 2412 (ist Star) 2 7S3- J an ,i ( 2 ,,d Star), read Piazzi XVII. 147 (ist Star) 4- ^ al ,(j ( 2 nd Star) respectively. ERRATA. 73 Greenwich Ten-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1880 contd. PAGE. NO. {ixxii} 2787. Star's Name, for Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 17419, read Lalaude 32488. {ixxii} 2788. Seconds of Mean N. P.O., i88o'o,/or ^"'17, read 53"-26. {ixxii} 2790. Secular Variation in N.P.D., for o"'o52, read +0"'052. {ixxvii} 2990. Star's Name, for Piazzi XVIII. 74, read Piazzi XVIII. 174. {ixxviii} 3035. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 39"'8i, read 39"-24. {ixxx} 3118. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for 3"'6o, read 3" '54- {ixxx} 3119. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o, for I 735- Greenwich Ten-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1880 contd. PAGE. NO. {xevi} 3744- Seconds of Mean R.A. 1880-0, for 53 s 'i39, 'read 53 8- ii7 ; MeauDatei8oo+,/or8i'52, read 8 3 -90 ; No. of Obs. in R.A., for 6, read 15 ; Seconds of Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/OT- 28""49, read 28"'39 ; Mean Date 1800+, for 8 2 '09. read 83-90; No. of Obs. in N.P.D., for 8, read id. {xevi} 3745- Dele the observations. Footnote. Dele note to 3742, 3744, and 3745 ; and for note 3744, 3745, read 3742 and 3744. 3915. Mean N.P.D. i88o'o,/or 16. 57'. 59"'93, read 16. 58'. o"-i4. 3979. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1880 'o, for i4"'36, read 4"'33- {c} {cu} {ciii} 4036. Seconds of Mean R.A. i88o'o, for 8 8 '933, read 8- 94 2. Greenwich Five-Year Catalogue 0/258 Fundamental Stars for 1890. {viii} 75. Star's Name, for 9 Canis Minoris...o, read 9 Canis Majoris.,.0. {ix} 85 & 86. Dele Footnote. Greenwich Second Ten-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1890. lii} Magnitude. For Micro metrics Measurse, read Micrometricas Mensurae. {xiv} 589. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D., for +o"'oo5, read 005 {xv} 616. Annual Proper Motion in R.A., for +o s 'ooi4, read +o s 'oo23. {xxii} 968. Star's Name, for u Eridani...T 3 , read n Eri- {xxiii} 1014. Mean N.P.D. 1890-0, for 25. 45'., read 24. 45'. {xxiii} 1050. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1890-0, for 37"'O9, read 37" -26. |1'} Footnote. For Nos. 2403-2404, read 2402-2403. {ixvii} 3204. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1890-0, for 3i"-i66, read 3i"'>55- {ixxx} For No. 5882, read 3881. {ciii} For No. 3046, read 5046. GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YKAB CATALOGUE FOR 1890. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF ERRATA IN THE GREENWICH CATALOGUES FROM 1840. Greenwich Six-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1840. PAGE. no. 69 1328. Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 22 h . 2. (io 8 ), read 2z h . 2^. ( 4 8 ). 69 1330. Mean Year for R.A., insert 1840; No. of Obs. in R A., insert 2. Mean K.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 22 h . 2., read 22 h . 2 m . 6 9 Annual Precession in R.A. insert +2 8 'i27. 1331. For Erratum on page 66 read dele the observations and numbers. 1332. page 66 Seconds of Mean K.A. 1840 Jan. i,for 2o s 'o3, read 208-05 ; Annual Precession in R.A.,/or -\-i s 'i2.6, read -j-2 8 'io6 ; Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan. i, for 34. 49', read 34. 12'. Greenwich Twelve- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1845. {clxviii} 1979. For Erratum on page 67 rearf Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, for 22 h . 2. I5"'i7, read 22 h . 2 m . (4 s ) ; dele Mean Year for R.A., No. of Obs. in K.A., Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. i, Mean Year for R.A., No. of Obs. in R.A. {clxviii} 1980. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i,for 2o s- 03 read 2o s 'o5 ; Annual Precession in R.A. for +2 S 'O99 read -|-2 s 'io6 ; Mean N.P.D. 1840 Jan i, for 34. o', read 34. 12'. {elxviii} 1982. For Erratum on page 67 read Insert Mean R.A. 1840 Jan. i, n\ 2 m . I5 8 'i7 ; Mean Year for R.A. 1840 ; No. of Obs. z. Mean R.A. 1845 Jan. i, 22 h . 2 m . 25 s- 5i ; Mean Year for R.A. 1845 ! No. of Obs. 3. Greenwich Six- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1850. (xxxv) 108. No. in Bradley, dele, 151. (xlviii) 375. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1850 Jan. i,for 5 8 '54, read (Ixxviii) 907. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1850 Jan. i,for i4 8 '6o read i4 8 '58. Annual Precession in R.A., for +i s '428, read + I 8 '42I. Mean N.P.D. 1850 Jan. i.for 26. 7', read 26. o'. 50" -27. Mean Year, insert 1850-4 ; No. of Obs., insert i. 908. Dele observation and numbers. (Ixxxiv) 999. Secular Variation of Precession in N.P.D., for -|-o"'376, read o"'^6. (Ixxxix) 1056. No. in Piazzi, for XVI. io, read XVI. 103. (cviii) 1418. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1850 Jan. i, for z"'4i, read 2."'i$. Precession in N.P.D., for 16"'99, read i6"'9o. Greenwich Seven-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1860. {ixii} 933. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1860 Jan. i,for 53^03, read 52 8 '92. {lxxxviii}i46i. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1860 Jan. i, for 3 S '56 read 4 8 -i S . {cvii} 1848. Secular Variation in R.A., read +o s 'oo86. GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. Greenwich Seven-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1860 contd. PAGE. {cxiif NO. '943- 975- 1885. 1971. Seconds of Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i, for 21" '84, read 31" '84. No correction for proper motion has been applied in fonning the Mean R.A., or the Mean N.P.D. of these stars. Greenwich Seven- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1864. {xcvi} 1694. Seconds of Mean R.A. 1864 Jan. i, for S3 S '37, read 5i 8 '37- {cxxii} 2231. Mean N.P.D. 1860 Jan. i,for 105, read 101. The above additional Errata have been kindly communicated by Prof. Auwers since the Second Ten- Year Catalogue was printed. Greenwich Twelve- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1845, and Greenwich Six- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1840. Note. A table of the corrections required to R.A. and N.P.D. of certain stars on account of proper motion for the fraction of the year which had not been applied in the original computations for these Catalogues is given at the end of the Greenvrich Seven- Year Catalogue of Stars for 1860. These corrections have not been included in the list of Errata printed in the present Catalogue. Greenwich Second Ten-Year Catalogue of Stars for 1890. {viii} 280. No. in Groombridge, insert 155. {xiii} 511. ,, ,, insert 303. {xxxiii} 1531. ,, ,, insert 910. {xxxviii} 1751. Annual Proper Motion in R.A., for +o 3i oo5, read o'ooio. Footnote, for Nos. 2005, 2007, read 2005, 2006. 2016. No. in Groombridge, insert 1184. {xliii} {xliii} {xlvi} {xlvi} {xlvii} {liv} {ixxxii} 3954. {xc} 4384. txc} {xci} {xciv} 4580. {xciv} 4594. {xcviii} 4774. {cif 4908. 6356. 2198. 2200. 2203. 2560. 4398. 4432. insert 1292. insert 1294. insert 1278. insert 1474. insert 2268. insert 2448. insert 2455. insert 2479. insert 2581. dele 2577. insert 2717. insert 2821. insert 3841. {cxxx} {cxxxii {cxxxvi} 6666. No. in Groombridge, insert 4071. {cxxxiv} 6572. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D., for -|-o"'oi9o, read -|-o"'i9O. GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890, FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 to 1896. GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. NOTE. STAB'S NAME. The " Star's Name " adopted in this Catalogue is taken from one of the following authorities, the order of preference being the order of mention of the authority below : 1. Flamsteed's constellation No. and constellation, with Bayer's letter, taken from Baily's edition of Flamsteed, or from the British Association Catalogue. 2. The No. in Bessel's FunJainanta Aittmnom-la: deduced from Bradley's observations, referred to as "Bradley." 3. The Hour and No. in Piazzi's Catalogue, edition 1814. 4. The No. in Groombridge's Catalogue. 5. The No. in Baily's edition of Flamsteed's Catalogue, referred to as " B. F." 6. The Hour and No. in Weisse's two Catalogues of the stars in Bessel's Zones, referred to as " W. B." and " W. B. (2) " respectively. 7. The No. in Lalande's Catalogue, published by the Britisli Association, or in that edited by Fedorenko with supplement referred to as "Lalande," " Lalande F." and " Lalande F. (2)" respectively. 8. The No. in Lacaille's Catalogue of Southern Stars, published by the British Association. 9. The No. in Oeltzen's two Catalogues of Argelander's Zone Observations, referred to as "Oeltz. Arg. (N.) " or " Oeltz. Arg. (S.)." 10. The No. in the First or Second Radcliffe Catalogues, referred to as " Radcliffe " and "Kadcliffe (1860) " respectively. 11. The No.. in Carrington's Eed Hill Catalogue. 12. The Zone and No. in Argelander's Bonn " Durchmusterung " or Schbnfeld's continuation of the " Durchmusterung " (Bonn Catalogue, Sections I., II., III., and IV.; Bonn Observations, Vols. III., IV., V, and VIII.) referred to as " B. D." 13. The No. in the British Association Catalogue, referred to as " B. A. C." ; in the Cape Catalogue (1880); in the Harvard Photometry, referred to as " H. P."; in the Greenwich Catalogues; or in the Catalogues of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (1875). MAGNITUDE. The magnitudes are taken from the following sources in the order given. The Harvard Photo- metry (marked *) ; the Catalogues of the Astronomische Gesellschaft or the Bonn Durchmusterung (unmarked) ; Struve's Micrometricae Measures for double stars (marked t) ; the Uranometria Argentina, the Southern Meridian Photometry (Harvard), or the Argentine General Catalogue for 1875 for Southern Stars (marked t), the Authority in each case being stated in the Notes. In the case of variable stars, the limits of magnitude and the period given in the Notes are taken from Mr. Chandler's Catalogue in the Astronomical, Journal, No. 379. PROPER MOTIONS. The proper motions are generally taken from Professor Auwers' " Neue Eeduction der Bradleyschen Beobachtungen," or his "Catalog der Fundamental Sterne"; from the Catalogues of Professor Porter; or from the list given in the Introduction. Other Authorities used are mentioned in the Introduction. SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 18900, FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. "1 a & No. a | '755 5 o " j= & 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., Mean ,890-0. D-*** i 1800 + No. of Obs - Annual Secular Preces- Varia- . sion. tion, g 1890-0. 1890-0. o o 5 OJ 1 Annual , Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + N C fl" 1 o 1 3 7 3 3 3 3 4 S 3 3 4 4 5 5 100 4 2 9 3 20 3 4 4 3 3 6 4 3 4 3 3 10 3 3 3 4 4 2 9 5 5 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 ). Of bs. GJ g 1 1 Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Proper Motion. i 2 32O9 > 4 5 6 7 32ii 8 3212 9 10 ii 12 13 ; 3213 14 3214 '5 3215 16 17 18 19 20 J2i6 21 22 l ... 23 24 25 26 27 28 3219 29 30 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 .39 3222 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ... i 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 1 - 4242 4240 4243 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 '3 '4 '5 16 17 18 Groombridge 4228... 86 Pegasi 7'9 5-8" 7'7 7'9 8-6 8-0 5-5* 7'5 8-0 7'9 7'2 6-7 6-4* 6-3* 2*1* 7-5 7-0 7'4 8-1 2*4* 8-5 7'5 9-1 8-1 7'St 8- 5 t 5-4* 7-6 8-2 9'5 5-9* 6-7 : 8-1 7'3 8-8 7-0 4-9* 5-5* 7-2 8-8 5-4 7-0 7-4 8-0 h ra s o. o. 0-970 o. o. 3 ' i i o o. o. 16-721 o. o. 18-138 o. o. 22-748 o. o. 36-979 o- o. 43-533 o. o. 54-203 o. i. 25-626 o i. 43-127 o. i. 56 695 o. i. 57-561 0. 2. 5-935 0. 2. 34-117 O. 2. 42-056 0. 2. 51-49; O. 2. 51-859 o 3- 4'883 o. 3. 17-410 o. 3. 18-536 o- 3 43'43o o. ;;. 44-946 o. 3- 54-273 o. 4. 8-652 o. 4. 17-117 o. 4. 20-183 o. 4. 20-614 o. 4. 22-962 o. 4. 32-217 o. 4. 34-752 o. 4- 37748 o. 4. 40-921 o. 4.41-965 o. 4. 43-871 o. 4- 49797 o. 4. 51-297 o. 5. 14-683 o. 5- 23-350 o. 5. 39-864 o. 5. 59-228 o. 5. 59-416 o. 6. 8-046 o. 6. 19-872 o. 6. 42*096 o. 6. 49-025 o. 6. 49-511 o. 6. 51-280 o. 7. 2-450 o. 7. 6-147 o. 7. 16-104 95-70 90-87 ' 95-81 95-76 95-80 95-94 9575 93-13 91-88 90-19 91-88 93 4 23 95-09 94-57 91-80 95-3 1 94-47 94-36 91-77 89-29 96-08 93-79 93-22 94-16 94"oi 92-03 96-09 95-84 89-82 96-09 92-07 94-09 94-09 94-46 93-41 93-22 93-51 95-46 91-44 93-I3 95-5I 91 -08 95-4I 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 6* 3 3 4 4 6 5 4 2 7 4 20 3 5 4 3 3 7 3 3 4 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 5 2 7 5 7 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 5 2 2 3 '3 3 3 2 3 2 2 ... i.. 8 + 3-0726 + 3-0726 + 3-0744 + 3-0742 + 3-0754 + 3-0811 + 3-0753 + 3-099 2 + 3-0979 + 3-0819 + 3-0820 + 3-07I8 + 3-07I7 + 3-0810 + 3-0943 + 3-I293 + 3-07I6 + 3-0947 + 3-1041 + 3-0950 + 3-0885 + 3-1022 + 3-0985 + 3-0986 + 3-0773 + 3-I059 + 3-1036 + 3-0898 + 3-0697 + 3-I043 + 3-1082 + 3-0906 + 3-I396 + 3-0630 + 3-0536 + 3'Hyi + 3-"65 + 3-1532 + 3-1121 + 3'ino + 3-1110 + 3-1107 + 3-1218 i +0-0306 +0-0087 +0-0309 +0*0411 +0*0760 +0-0621 +0-0181 +0-0989 +0-0789 +0-0268 +0-0268 +0-0004 +0-0004 +0-0183 +0-0417 +0-1072 +0-0006 +0-0372 +0-0519 +0-2983 +0-0332 +0-0233 +0*0395 +0-0213 +0*0333 +0*0333 +0-0077 +0-0407 +0-0375 +0-0215 0-0009 +0-0375 +0-0486 +0-0409 +0-0214 +0-0705 +0-1127 0-0063 0-0137 +0-0710 +0-0400 +0-0708 +'0333 +0-0319 +0-0318 +0*0315 +0-0335 +0-0402 +0-0381 +0*001 . . . +O-OO2O +0-0278 +0-OOO6 O-OOI3 O 1 /' 46. 8. 37-58 77- 12. 57-59 40. 59. 24-10 45- S 2 - 23-23 37. 20. 8 -06 21- 58- 33-I3 26. 24. 57-91 61. 35. 7-66 17. 24. 6-19 21. 31. 58-04 50. 32. I -45 50. 27. 49-84 93- 9- 40-25 93- 3- 36-44 61. 31. 0-89 37-21. 29-43 16. 23. 52-93 92. So. 5-75 40. 45. 14-02 31. 27. 25-20 6. 27. 38-25 44- 13- 26-84 54. 56. 38-10 39. 11. 20-18 57- 33- 32-53 44- 13- I7-59 44- 13- 17-02 79. 27. 59-30 38. 21. 25-51 40. 43. 48-53 57- 23. 24-83 95- Si- 35-84 40. 44. 21-14 33. 26. 48-88 38. 17. 41-40 57. 28. 52-94 24. 31. 56-99 16. 7. 37-98 106. 4. 19-78 118. 24. 45-60 24. 29. 8-22 39- 7- 55-95 24- 36- 37-I3 44- 39- 7'43 45. 54. 15-16 46. i. 16-21 46. 17. 45-83 44- 30- 58-34 39- 7- 38-80 40. 41. 7-47 9570 90-59 95-8i 95'9 94-40 92-05 94-77 96-34 93-I3 91-88 90-03 91-88 92-98 95-10 94-64 91-16 94-84 94-58 94-36 90-50 89-29 96-08 93-79 92-61 92-80 94-01 92-03 96-09 95-84 89-62 96-09 94-09 94-57 9372 92-37 93-22 9272 94-88 9532 95-46 91-44 95-53 93-13 95-5I 95-41 2 6 2 2 3 13 3 3 2 3 2 2 20-053 20-053 20-053 20-053 20-053 20*053 20-053 -20-053 -20-053 20-052 20-052 20-052 20-052 20-052 20-052 20-051 20-051 20-051 20-051 20-051 20-050 20-050 20-050 20-050 20 049 20-049 20-049 20-049 20-049 20-049 20-049 20-049 20-049 20-049 20-049 20-048 20-048 20-047 20-047 20-046 20-046 20-046 20*045 20-044 20*044 20*044 20*044' 20*044 20-043 20-043 1 +0-009 +0-009 +0-009 +0-009 +0-009 +O-QIO +0-010 +Q-OIO +0-01 1 +O-OI2 +0-013 +0-013 +0-013 +0-014 +0-014 +0-014 +0-014 +0-015 +0-015 +0-015 +0-016 +O'oi6 +O'oi6 +0-017 +0-017 +0-017 +0-017 +0-017 +0-018 +0-018 +0-018 +0-018 +0-018 +0-018 +0-018 +0-018 +0-019 +0-02O +0*020 +0*020 +0*021 +0*021 +O'02I +0'O22 +O-O22 +O'O22 -\ O'O22 +0-023 +0*023 + 0*023 0-003 +0-013 +0-193 0-026 o-o 10 +0*156 +0-190 +0*003 +0-261 +0-048 +0-004 Groombridge 4229 . . Groombridge 4230... Groombridge 4231... Groombridge 4232... Bradley 3212 Groombridge 4234... Groombridge 4235 ... Groombridge 4236... Uroombridge 4237 ... 4 Ceti... 5 Ceti 21 Andromedae o. +0-0095 +0-0658 +O*O008 0-0077 +0-0073 +0-0073 Groombridge 4238... Groombridge 4239 . . . Piazzi XXIII. 282... Groombridge 4242... 1 1 Cassiopeiae p Carrington 2 Groombridge 4243 .. B.D. +34 No. 5... Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 33.. % with Comet g 1892 Groombridge i Groomb. i (Comes)... 34 Piscium Groorabridge 2 .. Oeltz. Arg. (N.)43.. B. D. +32 No. 10'.. Piazzi i Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 45- Lalande 2 Groombridge 4 W. B. (2)0. 44 Groombridge 5 Groombridge 6 6 Ceti Piazzi 6 Groombridge 7 Groombrid'-'e 8 ... . Groombridge 10 Groombridge 12 Groombridge 13 Groombridgi: 14 Groombridge 1 5 Groombridge 16 Groombridge 17 Groombridge 18 26-27. These stars form the pail 2, 3. 41. This star is a close double and forms the (>air OS I. (IV) SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. 5' 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7' 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Si 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9' 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 HI 3 SP i J ; =1 ' 4 U 1755- 4 '5 16 '7 21 22 24 23 25 26 27 28 20 35 37 36 38 39 4' 42 43 44 45 47 46 49 So 5' 52 S3 54 55 No. of Obs. Star's Name. a | Mean II. A. 1890-0. (Iroombridse 19 17-6 88 Pegasi W'*| W. B. (2)0. 152-3.. 6-3*| 23 Androinedte 5-8* Lacaille 7 6~o* Groombridge 21 Groombridge22... Piazzi 0. 13.. Groombridge 23 . . . Groombridge 25 . ...8-0 ..,7-6 6-7 ...S-i ...8-0 Groombridge 26 8-5 B. F. 3310 54' Piazzi 0. 19 5-9* Groombridge 27 o o Groombridge 28 7-9 Bradley 6... B. D. +29' No. 30.. 36 Piscinm Piazzi 0. 25 Groombridge 32 B. D. +75 No. 6. ..8-8 Groombridge 35 7-1 6-2* 9'5 6-1* 5-8* 7'5 B. D. +36 No. 25.. Groombridge 37 Piazzi 0. 33 8-7 7-0 6-8 Groombridge 36 . Groombridge 38 . Groombridge 39 . 25 A in l n >n> i'< I: i Groombridge 41 . Groombridge 42 . 8 Ceti Groombridge 43 . Groombridge 44 . 40 Piscium ....7-4 ....7-6 ..o- 4 -6* ....8-5 ...'3-6* ,...6-2 7-3 Groombridge 45 . Groombridge 47 . Groombridge 46 . Groombridge 49 . Groombridge 50 . Radcliffe56 41 Piscium Groombridge 5 1 . 27 Andromeda Groombridge 52 . Groombridf^ 53 . Groombridge 54 . Groombridge 55 . Cassiopeise Oeltz. Arg. (K. 7-9 ...7-1 ...7-4 ...8-0 ...8-8 .ds-6* ...8-5 P5'3* -J8-4 7-3 7'3 7'4 var. 8-4 ...T 281 Mean Date. 1800 + h O. O. o. o. o. o. o. 7- 34-177 93-03 7. 34-244 | 93-69 7. 42-501 ! 89-13 7- 47 - 983 i 90-39 8. 7-349 ] 89-86 8. 20-571 95-61 8. 25-806 93-20 o. 8. 48-666 88-12 o. 8. 49-047 95-61 o. 8. 53-768 ' o. 9. 5-692 o. 9. 17-582 o. 9. 28-310 o. 9. 32-010 o. 9- 45-957 o. 9- 59-994 o. 10. 9-781 o. 10. 54-875 o. ii. 2-661 o. ii. 4-368 o. ii. 17-095 o. ii. 53-204 o. ii. 56-718 O. 12. 5-656 O. 12. 8-671 O. 12. 9-676 O. 12. I3'l62 O. 12. 21-699 O. 12. 34-847 o. 13. 16707 o. 13. 42-742 o. 13. 49-345 o. 13. 54-629 o. 14. 14-638 o. 14. 15-175 o. 14. 18-772 o- H- 39-137 o. 14. 39-842 o. 14. 40-918 o. 14. 43-177 o. 14. 47-383 o. 14. 56-132 o. 15. 12-063 o. 15. 19-586 o. 15. 20-968 o- 15- 39-437 o. 16. 0-005 o. 16. 52-215 o. 17. 17-100 o. 17. 22-767 94-11 88-57 90-53 91-70 92-44 9573 93-74 96-71 88-76 96-41 93-41 89-14 93-34 92-76 95-48 90-90 95-64 94-20 94-37 92-50 91-14 87-95 92-06 9376 | 94-79 93-85 94-57 94-79 91-27 96-88 96-58 91-27 92-27 95-03 92-95 94-70 95-66 96-77 Annual Secular Varia- tion. Preces- .3 sion. o Js 1890-0. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 4 70 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 7 3 3 5 3 3 12 4 4 3 5 4 4 24 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 i 4 6 3 3 4 4 3 3 + 3-I235 + 3-0840 + 3-0948 +0-0371 +0-010110-0007 +0-0173 + 3' JII 3 +0-0284- + 3-0488 10-0124 + 3-1805 +0-0732' 3 + 3-1809 ... ! + 3-1164 +0-0727 +0-0285 +0-0676 ... + 3-1366 1+0-0408 3 +3^890 +0-0729 + 3-0628 + 3-1002 0-0029 +0-0177 + 3-1254 +0-0318 + 3-139 +0-0388 + 3-3124 + 3-0810 + 3-1884 + 3T393 +O-02O2 +0-0065 +0-06O2 +0-0347 + 3-3275 +0-I372 + 3-I575 +0-04I2 + 3-1249 +0-0257 1443+0-005? 003^ 2 + 3-2941 - +3-0738 2 + 3-350I , + 3-I326 + 3-2032 + 3-126I + 3-3I52 + 3-I472 + 3-059 1 3^656 +0-1097 +0-0032, +0-1403 +0-0287 +0-0612 +0-02520-005 +0-II2I +0-03I9 O ' OO22 O ' 003 +0-0289 +0-0381 3-0958 +0-01 12 0-002! + 3-I5I2 + + .3-!559 +0-0334 + 3-1687 +0-0383 + 3 -I 45 +0-0292 + 3-I527 +0-0320 + + 3-0841 3-I554 3 'HO? 3-1599 3-23/8 3-3419 3-2080 3-2173 3-1958 +5-5317 +0-0067 o-ooi; +0-0321 +0-02651+0-0038 +0-0335 1+0-0625+0-0195 '+0-1038' +0-0475 +0-0497 +0-0420 Mean N.l'.D., Mean Date. 1800 -f No. of Obs. Animal Secular Preces- Varia- Annual sioo, tion, Proper I Motion. 1890-0. 1890-0. 40. 53. 17-42 75. 25. 40-99 63. 37. 24-64 49- 34- '979 116. 37. 56-91 93 -3 93 ' l6 89-13 90-39 89-86 24. 16. 24. 24. 49- 34- 26. 2. 38- 59- 24. 29. 100. 10. 63- '9- 46. 24. 40 33- 9-68 I 95-58 24-96 93'58 47-39 i 88-12 43-24 | 95-59 40-11 i 94-83 5^54 52-52 39-80 3O-2O 39-87 38-02 13. 39. 59- 49- 4i'23 82. 22. 14-83 29. 4. 41-38 43- 59- 46-93 14 27- 55 '34 39. 10. 41-17 S3-" 4- 15-12 17. 39. 50-09 88. 55. 22-56 14. 20. 3-85 49. 51. 50-24 28- 53- 3 '05 53- 49- 28-74 17. 29. 16-17 94-26 88-57 90-60 91-70 92-44 92-97 9373 96-72 93-64 88-76 96-41 93H2 89-14 9276 95-24 90-90 90-63 94-66 46. 55. 56-52 92-50 99. 26. 2-08 90-28 49- 52. 5I-53 87-95 41. 44. 41-24 91-57 74- 21. 33-53 87-80 46. 41. 3-54 45. 40. 16-67 41. 38. 30-99 49. 41. 17-06 46. 54. 57-14 i. 9. 52-26 82. 25. 14-16 46. 53. 49 63 52. 38. 27-17 45. 40. 23-59 28. 55. 3-44 19. 6. 8'6o 35- 57- 53'32 34- 49- 2-36 39. 24. 55-84 94-79 93^5 94-57 94-79 91-27 92-76 91-27 92-27 94-69 95-66 9677 4 60 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 it 2 7 7 3 3 5 3 3 12 3 4 3 7 4 4 19 3 20-042 +0-024 20-042 +0-024 +0-013 20-042 +0-024 20-041 + a | 6 fc 1755- IOI 1 02 103 104 105 106 107 1 08 109 no in 112 H3 114 "5 116 "'7 118 119 ; 120 121 122 : '23 124 125 126 127 128 129 '3' 132 133 '34 '35 136 137 '38 '39 140 141 142 143 44 145 146 '47 148 149 15,. a o Ja .3*2 d & 1810. Star's Name. Mean R.A.. 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + h m x Oeltz. Arg. (N.)282 8'8 0. 17 26-952 9 56 Groombridge 56 8'o O. 17 51-512 9 Andromeda; ..R var O. li 13-281 9 57 Groombridge 57 6 '6' o. 18 14-277 8 58 Groombridge 58 5 ' 4* O. 18. 20-124 9 59 Groombridge 59 8 2 0. 18 21-190 9 21 60 ! 2 Cassiopeise . 5'4" O. 18. 43"47S 9 Piazzi 0. 60 fi-n o. 18. C2'^8 Q 22 43 Piscium . 7-0 o. 18. J* JJ" 7 56*462 9 23 61 Bradley 23 5-8' o. !() Q-l'I Q 62 Groombridge 62 6 6 o. t 19. 7 ^ .J 7 29-698 9 63 Groombridge 63 83 o. 19, 32-273 9 25 44 Piscium 5*8* o. If) " AC'"Q2 O 26 45 Piscium fi o. 20. ^J * 7*" 7 i 662 9< -4 Bradley 24 * ^ 6-0 o. 2i i. 4 "62^ Q 29 10 Geti . fi--> o. 2i ). ***j y 58 '88 i 9 ... Radcliffe 97 8-?t o. 21. 14-309 8! 64 Groombridge 64 6 8t o. 21. 15-926 8! Lalande 593 7'3 0. 22. S'539 9. Piazzi 0. 70.... j.'8" o. ? 2. 28*170 o^ 17' .. ^ a W. B. 0. 340 7-0 0. 22. *** J/7 V* 38-777 9. B. D. +26 No. 62 9-3 o. 22. 48-664 9 66 Groombridge 66 T t o. -> ' O'4.47 Qi Lalande F. (2) 5 / J 7'9 0. -,v 23- ** *H-/ y- 23-354 9 68 Groombridge 68 7-' o. 3- 25-635 9 35 28 Andromeda 5-3* o. 24. '9-054 9. Radcliffe 103. . . 9-0 o. *4- 21-496 8i 70 Groombridge 70 9-0 >. 24. 23-886 8! 38 12 Ceti 6-2* 1. 1 1 2 1* " A6 2 *" B. IJ. +39 No. 102 9-1 0. -4-- 24. *j H- W 28-580 -'. X? 69 Groombriilge 69 7-2 o. a* 30-164 9- W. B. (2)0. 570...... 9-, o. 24. 33 '402 Sf Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 4258-8 0. 24- 46-679 9. 72 Groombridge 72 7-7 o. 25- 2'933 9- 73 Groombridge 73 8-8 0. 25- 7-5I5 W 74 Groombridge 74 6-7 o. 25- 17-500 9 67 Groombridge 67 8-3 0. 25- 21 -564 9- 75 Groombridge 75 6-0 o. 25- 39-804 9- 77 Groombridge 77 7'7 o. 25- 41 -203 9! 78 Groombridge 78 7-7 o. 25- 50-IO4 9- 79 Groombridge 79 7-8 o. 26. 4-769 9. 80 Groombridge 80 7'7 o. 26. 8-I 9 8 9. B. D. +53 No. 86 8-6 o. 20. 20-098 <* 82 Groombridge 82 8-3 o. 26. 29-442 9. 84 Groombridge 84 7'3 0. 26. 30-800 9< 83 Groombridge 83 7-8 o. 26. 32-972 yf 86 Groombridge 86 7-2 o. 26. 42-490 94 44 51 Piscium ... ??* o. 20. 17 ' roc 43 85 15 Cassiopeia xU-a* o. 20. 43 1 yj 44^45 9- 94 87 Groom bridge 87 7'9 0. 26. 48-223 93 65 93-10 91-66 96-69 95-90 91-14 '54 88-67 178 No. of Obs. 7 3 3 3 4 3 3 91-05 9 9 93-57 3 6 7 93''3 6 3 3 2 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 5 3i 3 4 3 3 4i 3 3 7 21 4 Annual Preces- sion, Secular Varia- . Annual tion, ! Proper 1890-0. 1890-0. Motion + 3-2188 +0-0497 + 3-1746 +0-0340 + 3' '553 ,+0-0274 + 3'i739 1+0-0332 + 3-2064 +0-0434 + 3-1804 +0-0350 + 3-2712 ,+0-0641 +0-0008 + 3-0671 +0-0015 + 3-0994 +0-OIO4 0'0002 + 3-2176 +0-0453 0-002 + 3-4062 +0-1092 + 3-1813 +0-0334 + 3'75 2 +0-0037 0-002: + 3-0870 +o- 0068+0-0002 + 3-7002 +0-2277+0-0099 + 3-0711 +0-0027+0-0038 + 3-2167 +0-0410 + 3-2169 +0-0410 + 3-0331 0-0057+0-019 + 2-9855 -0-0154 + 3-0948 +0-0083+0-004 + 3''393 [+0-0187 + 3-2202 +0-0391, + 3-9106 +0-2854) ... + 3'3234 +0-0666: ... + 3-I5I5 + 3-2037 + 3 "2040 + 3-0611 3-3379 + 3-2441 + 3-2078 + 5-0415 + 3-2653 + 3-2735 + 3*2246 + 3-2696 + 3-2759 + 3-2I59 + 3-2828 + 3-0898 + 3-3694 + 3-2160 +0-0206+0-0016 +0-0330! +0-0331 +o 0009 o ooo; +0-0297 +0-0680 +0-0298! +0-0420J +0-04211 +o-033ij 0-0067 +0-03381 +0-90591 +0-0464 +0-0484 +0-0363 +0-0467 +0-0482 +0-0485 +0-0338 +0-0335 +0-0437 +0-0489+0-0093 +0-0067 +0-0008 +0-0708+0 0004 +0-0332 No. of Obs. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. 34. 48. 28-42 45. 31. 16-66 52. i. 55-70 46. 20. 42-58 38. 35- 23-37 Mean Date. 1800 + 95-07 90-50 94-33 88-84 92 64 44. 44. 13-67 93-49 3 28. 46. 42-52 92-08 4 92. 49- 39-83 9i-'2 10 76. 17. 39'53 | 92-86 16 37- 33- 46-25 j 92-88 3 18. 48. 7-93 46. 17. 6-00 88. 40. 10-59 82. 55. 1-84 10. 33. 25-28 92-42 93-10 92-19 96-68 95-90 So. 24. 46-06 j 93-31 63. 19. 23-68 93-78 42. ii. 41-45 9- 13- 59-20 90-11 93-62 28. 32. 39-03 91-93 28. 15. 15-00 50. 14. 20-59 40. 20. 49-38 40. 21. 15-27 47- 13- 52-06 46. 39. 40-99 4. I?. 18-48 37- 46. 4'3 6 36. 38. 45-83 44. 40. 49-96 37. 36. 18-13 36. 47. 32-14 36. 39. 47-05 46. 46. 17-47 47. 6. 44-22 39. 30. I2"2I 36. 29. IO-85 83. 39. 8-IS 27. 40. 3I-25 47- 23. 10-53 92-87 88-82 95-75 93-52 88-78 91-75 91-74 94-31 94-82 93-85 93-21 95-30 96-07 93-88 90-89 95-21 94-73 95-80 94-23 92-13 90. 39. 32-08 91-03 12 40. 37. 14-45 89-08 4 40. 37. 22-88 88-67 4 107. i. 10-62 95-52 3 123.36.55-96,94-37 3 6 4 3 4 3 60. 51. 17-91 92-77 23 47- 13- 22-42 88-14 6 47. 12. 53-91 88-52 7 94- 33- 55'22 92-45 49 50. 21. 55-89 | 88-85 3 Aunual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. ... , 19-995 +0-044 ... 119-992; +0-045 ... 19-990 +0-045 19-990 +0-046 3 19-989! +0-046 ... 19-989; +0-046 2 19-986 +0-048 ; 19-9851 +0-045 19-985; +0-046 2 ; 19-983 +0-048 Aimuii Proper Motion -19-980 19-980 19-978 +0-051 +0-048 +0-047 i9'977i +0-048 19-976 +0-056 19-969 -19-967 +0-050 +0-052 +0-006 +0-005 +0-020 +0-01 1 +0-049 +O-QIO ... -19-9671 +0-052 ... 19-960! +0-051 ... 19-957 +0-051 -19-955 19-954 +0-053 +0-054 +0'2O I9-952 +0-056 19-949 I9-948 +0-067 +0-058 -19-940 +0-057 +0-057 -19-940 +0-058 -19-939 +0-058 ... 19-939 +0-056 +0-009 -'9-939, +0-058 4 | 19-939 +0-061 -19-938, +0-059 -19-936 +0-060 -I9-933 +0-060 -19-9331 +0-060 +0-116 -19-931 +0-060 -19-9301 +0-090 -19-927; +0-062 -19-9271 +0-062 -19-926 +0-062 119-923 19-923 119-921 19-919 19-919 +0-063 +0-063 +0-063 +0-063 +0-063 -19-919; +0-064 19-917 1-19-917 19-917 19-916 +0-064 +0-061 +0-066 + ro6 3 +0-067 0-O22 +0-019 103. The limits of magnitude are 5-6-8 '6 and I2'8 : the period 1 17-118. These stars form the pair S 30. 119. This is the principal star of the pair h 1968. (Publications of the Lick Observatory, vol. ii. p. 17.) {vi} SKCDND TK.N-\'EAU CATALOCJUK OF STARS FOR No. "e B If '755- a o .S J d 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Meai Date 1800 -f No. of Obs. Aunual Seculai Varia- tion, 1 890 xx Aunua Proper Motion Mean N.l'.l)., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Aunual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion. 1890-0. Annua 1'roper Motion. 1 i sion, 1890-0. oS 1 B 1 O OH 1 152 153 '54 '55 156 57 158 159 160 161 162 '63 164 165 166 167 1 68 169 170 171 172 173 174 '75 176 '77 178 '79 1 80 181. 182 183 184 185 1 86 187 1 88 189 190 191 192 '93 194 '95 196 197 198 199 200 45 46 51 52 53 54 48 55 56 57 88 90 89 92 9i 93 94 95 97 99 101 104 105 1 06 107 108 109 no in 112 "5 52 Piscuim S'5 1 8-8 8-3 8-6 9-0 7'5 7" 2 7'9 7'5 8-5 7"o -6 8-8 8-0 8-2 6-4* 8-4 5-3* 8-7 6-0* 8-3 5-6* 7'8 6-1* 6-i* 3-7* 3-8* 3-6 5-3* J-s 5-6* *'7 r8 )'i 7-2 5-9* 7-6 7-2 j-6* J'2 5-3 5'4* h m a 1 o. 26. 49-382 o. 26. 58 908 o. 27. 4-586 o. 27. 10-512 o. 27. 15-581 o. 27. 22-206 ! o. 27. 35-632 o. 27. 51-941 o. 27. 58-506 o. 28. 0-634 o. 28. 7-205 o. 28. 7-425 o. 28. 25-238 o. 28. 58-467 o. 29. 4-163 o. 29. 5-843 o. 29. 13-085 o. 29. 23-976 o. 29. 35-119 o. 29. 50-163 o. 29. 53-933 o. 30. 4-429 o. 30. 12-328 o. 30. 21-226 o. 30. 31-003 o. 30. 38-385 o. 30. 50-593 o. 31. 0-311 o. 31. 3 - 4I o o. 31. 13-447 o. 31. 28-977 o. 31. 35-142 o. 31. 41-554 o. 31. 51-922 o. 31- 53737 o. 31. 55-884 o. 32. 16-203 o. 32. 18-595 o. 32. 27-024 o. 32. 33-006 o. 32. 37-696 o. 32. 39-801 o. 32. 44-524 o. 32. 51-362 o. 32. 57-708 o. 33. 1-462 o. 33. 26-700 o. 33. 29-463 o. 33. 40-936 91-28 95-95 96-40 96-06 96-17 9575 88-82 9276 96-46 92-17 9477 94-69 94-19 88-80 94-90 88 -8 1 96-80 93-12 9476 92-19 94-64 96-22 88-78 95'" 93^9 93^9 93-21 94-61 93-85 89-87 91-70 95-01 91-70 90-55 96-14 94-68 95-6? 89-41 96-28 94-83 92-49 94-62 96-28 94-82 96-40 93-77 92-17 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 i 3 3 3 1 4 3 3 3 3 2 '9 3 8 3 6 3 4 3 25 10 5 5 5 17 .5 4 3 3 3 8 6 7 3 3 4' 3 4 15 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 ,i 2 2 5 8 4 4 3 3 5 i i z 2 i + 3*6161 + 4-3600 + 3-2851 + 3-2183 + 3-3477 + 3-2049 + 3-2240 + 3'3404 + 3-4412 + 3-2702 + 3-25I7 + 3-2183 + 3-3812 + 3-3651 + 3-OS99 + 3-I597 + 3-0691 + 3-3734 + 3''6i6 + 2-9952 + 3-3I3I + 3-1901 + 3-1196 + 3-3832 + 4-3568 + 3''76 + 3-5929 + 2-9851 "i 3"S9"O + 3-2701 + 3-2988 -|- 3*393^ + 3-3018 + 3-0688 + 3-6023 + 3-3050 + 3-1768 , + 3-6063 + 3-2580 + 3-6126 + 3-1859 + 3-2961 + 3-6230 +-0-0144 +0-1423 +0-4485 +0-0487 +0-0332 +0-0637 +0*0300 +0-0338 +0-0622 +0-0865 +0-0438 +0-049 +0-0393 +0-0679 +0-0314 +0-0683 +0-0104 +0-0637 +0-0014 +0-0193 +0-0030 +0'1 100 +0-0641 +0-0353 +0-0193 0-0085 +0-0494 +o 0241] +0-0116 +o 0644 +0-3843 +0-0094 +0-1157 0-0095 +0-1160 +0-0392 +0-0450 +0-0648 +0-0451 +0-0031 +0-1148 +0-0453 4- 0-0386 +0-02IO +0-1149 +0-0357 f 0-II59 -j-O'0222 ^-0-0426] +0-II&4 8 +0-008 O-QOI; +0-040 +0-0265 +0-0083 +0-0017 0-0004 0-0025 -0-0530 +0-104 +0-017 0-0056 0-0184 -(-O'OIOO O ' " 70. 18. 42-03 16. 6. 46-23 6. 58. 31-08 36. 38. 2-88 47. 25. 13-48 30. 3. 31-02 So. 30- 5-85 46. 56. 22-98 30. 42. 25-28 23. 51. 23-22 39. 36. 34-23 36. 32. 24-13 42. 41. 35-58 28. 49- 55-99 49- 14- 3'3 28. 44- 30-72 77- H- 2-65 30. 18. 38-12 94. 11. 55-00 63. 20. 8-50 91. 6. 36-67 20. I. 57-75 30. 16. 47-42 45 58- i-37 63. 21. 3-68 113. 26. 49-58 36. 42. 30-79 56. 53. 10-78 75. 22. 25-89 30. I?. 42-46 6. 4975 79. 10. 8-03 ' f 19. 26. 14-30 IIS- 22. 21-12 19. 25. iy'31 43. II. 42-90 39. 22. 26-79 30. 16. 49-57 39- 20. 9-54 91. 6. 31-09 19- 39- 6-55 39. 12. 49-28 43- 38- 54-43 61. 17. 8-21 19. 40. 57-07 45- 56. 29-94 19- 33- 56-I9 59. 44. 28-10 4i- i. 5273 19. 34. 40-42 9I-34 95-91 96-41 96-06 96-17 94-77 88-82 9276 91-38 94-77 94-69 94-19 93-51 88-80 , 94-96 88-83 : 96-96 92-99 94-76 92-19. 93-I4 ' 95-9I 88-78 89-80 95'u 94-17 92-90 94-36 92-49 89-87 92-30 95-01 92-30 90-55 95-8o 9578 8973 96-28 94-83 92-49 92-28 96-28 94-82 ' 96-33 9.V45 92-17 ! 96-34 i 15 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 23 3 8 5 4 3 3 3 26 ii S 4 10 3 4 3 3 2 6 7 9 3 3 3' i 3 3 17 3 3 j i 2 I 6 2 3 i 2 3 S 4 16 3 3 6 I "[ 2 - "*r 119-91? I9 - 9 i3 19-912 19-911 19-910 19-908 19-905 19-904 19-903 19-902 19-902 19-899 19-893 19-892 -19-892 19-890 19-888 19-886 -19-883 -19-883 19-880 -19-879 -19-877 -19-875 -19-874 -19-872 19-870 -19-869 -19-867 19-864 -19-863 -19-863 -19-861 -19-859 -19-859 -19-859' -19-855 -"9-854 -19-852: -19-851 -19-850 19-850 19-849 -19-847 -19-8461 -19-845) -19-840! -19-837 l +0-062 +0-071 +0-083 +0-065 +0-064 +0-067 +0-065 +0-066 +0-068 +0-070 +0-067 +0-067 +0-067 +0-071 +0-068 +0-071 +0-066 +0-071 +0-066 +0-068 +0-067 +0-076 +0-073 +0-071 +0-070 +0-067 +0-073 +0-071 +0-070 +0-076 +0-096 +0-071 +0-08 1 +0-069 +0-081 +0-075 +0-075 +0-078 +0-076 +0-072 +0-083 +0-077 +0-076 +0-075 +0-084 +0-077 +0-084 +0-076 +0-079 +0-086 +0-040 +0-007 0-04 +0-021 +0-09 +O'OI2 O'OOO +0-017 0-085 +0-03 +0-13 +0-025 +0-25I +0-080 B. D. +73 No. 22 Carrington 60 B. D. +53 No. 94 W. B. (2)0. 647.... Piazzi 0. 104 W. B. (2)0. 656-7 Groombridge 90 Lalande 799 16 Cassiopeije Groombridge 92 Groombridge 9 1 Groombridge 93 Radcliffe 141'. W. B. (2)0. 689 Piazzi 0. 112 Piazzi 0. 115 Groombridge 95 13 Ceti W. B. (2)0. 710 14 Ceti Groom bridge 97 .. Groombridge 99 Groombridge 101 .... W. B. (2)0. 735 Lalande 916 17 Cassiopeia; . 29 Andromeda- TT 53 Piscium ... Groombridge 104.... Bradley 48 . .. W. B. 0. 504 Groombridge 105 Piazzi 0. iv> ... Groombridge 106 Groombridge 107 .... Oelte. Arg. (N.) 559 Groombridge 108.... Groombridge 109 .... 15 Ceti Oeltz. Arg. (N.)s63 Groombridge no Groombridge in .... 30 Andromedse . Oeltz. Arg. (N.)56s Groombridge 112 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 570-. . 31 Andromedse o Groombridge 115 .... B. D. +70" No. 35 FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1890. {vii} 1 "2 c . 41 II No - -a| .* 6 o fc * 1755. 1810. Star's NMIILI-. oj T3 5 1 i* Mean K. A.. 1890-0. Mean Date. ! 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mran N.P.D., 1890 o. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. 1 Allllllil Proper Motion. Above Pole. 1 S 1 1 1 sion, 1890-0. Above Pole. o 1 20 1 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 22j 224 22$ 226 227 228 229 230 23" 232 233 234 235 2 3 6 237 238 239 240 241 2 4 2 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 60 59 61 64 67 70 66 69 76 78 80 114 116 117 118 119 121 120 122 124 125 127 128 126 130 '3 1 129 '32 '33 '34 '35 "37 38 '39 141 142 Oroombridge 114... Groombridge 116... 55 Piscium 7-0 8-8 5'5* 8-8 var. 8-7 6-2* 7-1 7-2 ,5-6* 9-0 5-9* :6-o* 7-2| 7-ot 6-9 9'4 9-2 7-0 8-8 7'3 7-8 5-0* 7'9 8-7 8-7 2'1* 8-6 5-6* 4'6* 7'4* 5-4* 8-0 9'4 8-8 7'7 6-6 7'5 8-5 7'5 9'3 9'3 9-1 i 8-7 5-7* 4'4* 9'3 6 4 2 7'2t 8-it h 111 a o. 33. 41-266 o. 33- 5 2 79S o. 34. 8-104 o. 34. 8-626 o. 34. 15-960 o. 34- 23-240 - 35- o-373 o. 35. 1-456 o. 35. 4-046 o. 35- 9 '427 o. 35. 20-281 o. 35- 30-315 o. 35. 45-896 o- 35- 47 '9'2 o. 35- 48-593 o. 36. 2-364 o. 36. 7-697 o. 36. 9-752 o. 36. 27-544 o. 36. 42-940 o. 37. 7-411 o. 37. 11-906 o. 37. 22-760 - 37- 3 2 ' r 93 o- 37- 57-o66 - 37- 58-39 o. 38. 4-037 o. 38. 16-263 o. 38. 23-531 o. 38. 35-699 o. 38. 36-479 0.39. 1-158 o. 39- 33-I97 - 39- 34703 o- 39- 37-36 ' - 39- 54-345 o- 39- 57-558 o. 40. o'Sn o. 40. 21-947 o. 40. 29-864 o. 40. 31-327 o. 40. 52-031 0.41. 7-956 o. 41. 16-594 o. 41. 17-114 o. 41. 30-445 o. 41. 41-273 o. 41. 42-223 o. 41. 45'493 o. 41. 45'5 8 9 93-08 9539 95-27 9574 94-50 96-81 89-19 94'2i 93^7 88-19 91-40 93-18 93-20 93-5I 93-5I 9I-58 8878 8878 91-52 96-17 90-03 95-18 96-22 92-32 93-53 88-90 93-26 89-75 93-45 95-20 89-55 94-00 95 '34 95' '4 96-85 95-94 93-84 92-60 94-67 89-88 93-82 93-20 89-26 93-57 93-28 94'73 95'45 93-87 93-05 9S-38 2 4 3 3 36 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 H 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 19 3 4 2 4 3 54 3 5 4 4 61 4 3 5 S 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 12 '3 3 5 5 2 3 16 I 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 12 4 2 2 2 2 s + 3' 6l 34 + 3-408I + 3-1480 + 3-3 6 6o + 3-3 6 7o + 3HI47 + 2-9804 + 3-5I44 + 3-3295 + 3-237 + 3-2547 + 3-5260 + 3-1651 + 3-6686 + 3-6688 + 3-2487 + 3-2632 + 3' 2 632 + 3-34IO + 4-3192 + 3''346 + 3-6733 + 3-3007 + 3-9056 + 3-3036 + 3-2719 + 2-9981 + 3-2595 + 3-8699 + 3 '3 '86 + 3-2611 + 3-39H + 3-3929 + 3 '393 1 + 3-3973 + 3-8064 + 3-4002 + 3-2688 + 3-4015 + 3-3i84 + 3-2508 + 3-2475 + 3'04i3 + 3-2508 + 3-1207 + 3-1780 + 3-2549 + 3-0985 + 3-3699 : + 3 '37oi 1+0-1138 +0-0650 +0-0156 +0-0557 +0-0557 +0-0655 0-0087 +0-0862 +0-0472 +0-0301 +0-0331 +0-0877 +0-0178 +O-I2IO +O-I21O +0-03I5 +0-0340 +0-0340 +0-0477 +0-3I58 +O-OI28 +0-II77 +0-0395 +0-1774 +0-0395 +0-0340 O-OO54 +0-03)8 +0-1637 +0-04151 +0-03I8 +0-O540 +0-0536; +0-0536 +0-0543 +0-I4I6 +0-0544 +0-O32I - + 0-054I +0-0397 +0-0289 +O-O282 +O'OOO4 +0-0285 +0-0103- +0-0179- +0-0289 +O-OO74- +0-047I +0-0471 +O"OOO +0-003 +0-053 o'oor +0-007 0-0029 0-0062 0-0027 +0-094 +0-0147 0-0087 0*000; +0-OII f 0-058 1-0-0017 -0-0091 -o-ooio / // '9- 53- 45-02 30. 24. 14-26 69- 9- 55'i8 34- 3- 47-36 34- 3- 57-94 30. 16. 48-53 114. 23. 56-41 24. 44. 2-48 38. 24. 20-16 51. 8. 43-49 48. 24. 16-61 24. 27. 21'22 65. 58. 27-80 19. 14. 9'86 19. 14. 14-96 49- 54. 48-82 47- 44- 39-67 47- 46. 7'93 38. 15. 57-98 9. 42. 25-18 73. 56. 17-81 19. 46. 43 "66 43- 34- 38-39 14. 39. 42-87 43. 38. 17-16 47- 52- 15-98 108. 35. 26-40 49- 55- '-'3 15- 3 6 - 48-34 42. 19. 4-13 49- 55- 2174 35- 22. 51-49 35. 37. 18-84 35. 37. 26-92 35- 17- 57-37 17. 30. 47-16 35- '7- 46-37 49. 47. 27-84 35. 27. 21-96 43. 42. 28-44 52. 50. 12-38 S3- 34- 29-15 97. 26. 36-00 53. 19. 32-62 78. 37. 34-86 66. 19. 53-20 52. 58. 11-42 83-5I- 34-65 39. 9. 21 '06 39- 9. 22-67 93-53 94-88 95-27 95-74 94-23 1 96-85 89:19 94-39 93-18 88-19 91-40 93-58 . 9279 9373 9373 ;9i-58 88-78 88-78 91-52 96-17 90-03 95-01 9671 92-32 93-53 88-90 92-29 89-75 93-25 95'20 S9-55 93H5 94-84 95-H 96-08 95-89 92-78 92-60 94-45 89-88 93-82 93-20 89-26 93-57 92-26 92-97 95-45 93-87 93-05 95-38 2 : 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 24 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 19 3 3 2 4 3 30 3 8 4 4 5 3 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 32 18 3 5 5 2 3 16 i 3 8 3 3 2 " 3 18 4 2 2 2 2 -I9-837 19-834 -19-831 -19-831 19-829 19-828 19-820 19-819 19-819 19-818 19-815 -19-813 19-809 19-809 19-809 19-806 19-804 19-804 19-800 19-796 -19-791 -19-789 19-787 -19-785 I9'779 -I9-778 '9'777 -19 '774 19-772 19-769 -19-769 19-763 -I9-755 -'9 - 755 -I9-754 -19-750 19-749 -19-748 -i9'743 -19-741 -19-740 -I9'735 -19-731 -19-729 -19-729 -19-725 -19-722 -19-721 -19-721 -19-721 it +0-086 +0-082 +0-077 +0-081 +0-082 +0-083 +0-075 +0-087 +0-083 +0-081 +0-081 +0-088 +0-080 +0-092 +0-092 +0-083 +0-083 +0-083 +0-086 +0-109 +0-082 +0-095 +0-087 +Q-IOI +0-088 +0-087 +0-08 1 +0-088 +0-103 +0*090 +0-088 +0-092 +0-093 +0-093 +0-094 +0-105 +0-095 +0-091 +0-095 +0-094 +0-092 +0-092 +0-088 +0-094 +0-090 +0-092 +0-094 +0-090 +0-098 +0-098 i // +0-025 +0-038 +0-32 O'OII +O-QI +0-03 +0-057 +0-024 +O'IO 0-034 +0-036 +0-016 +0-04 +0-064 +0-013 +0-072 +0-003 Oeltz. Arg. (N.)599 1 8 Cassiopeia* a Oeltz. Arg. (N.)6o3 Lalande 1065 Groombridge 118 ... Groombridge 119... 32 Andromed;e B. D. +41 No. 109 Groombridge 120 Piazzi 0. 148 Oeltz. Arg. (N.)6i9 Groombridge 1 22 Bradley 64 B. D. +42 No. 151 B. D. +42 No. 152 Groombridge 125... B. D. +80 No. 17 W. B. (2)0. 931 Uroumbridge 127 ... 20 Cassiopeia .. .. TT Groombridge 1 26 ... Groombridge 130... B. D. +41 No. 120 16 Ceti P Groombridge 131 .... 22 Cassiopeia* .. o Groombridge 133 .... Piazzi 0. 162 . Groombridge 135 .... Camb. U.S. 1875, No. 321 Oeltz. Arg. (N. ) 696 B. D. +72 No. 38.. Piazzi 0. 168 Groombridge 138.... Groombridge 139.... Groombridge 141 .... B. D. +36 No. 122 W. B. (2) 0. 1013.... B. D. 7 No. 120.. W. B. (2)0. 1021.... 58 Piscium 34 Andromedse . W. B. (2) 0. 1029.... 60 Piscium .... Piazzi 0. 181 Piazzi 0. 181 (Comes) 205. The limits of magnitude are 2'2 and 2'8 : the period irregular. 214-215. These stars form the pair 'S, 48. 249-250. These stars form the j>air 2 59. {viii} SECOND TKN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0. No. .si f 1755. 1810. Star's Name. Hi/an K.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. i ^ a> Annual Preces- sion, Secular Varia- Annual tion, i Proper 1890-0. 1890-0. Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. : No. of Obs. Mean Date. 1800 + Annual Secular Preces- Varia- sion, | tion, 1890-0. 18900. Annual Proper Motion. 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 79 84 83 85 87 74 90 93 146 149 '45 '47 '43 148 '5' 152 'S3 '54 156 157 158 160 162 163 161 164 165 1 66 B. t>. 7 No. 124.. 9-2 B. D. +42* No. 1 74 [8 -8 24 Cassiopseie (Oomes)nJ - 6 24 Cassiopeiae 1^4 -o' Oroombridge 149. ...7-6 8'5 8-2 .6-0' B. D. +37 No. 141 9-4 25 Cassiopeise \V. B. 0. 704., W. B. 0. 707. 62 Piscium Piazzi 0. 189 S'7* Groombridge 145. ...7-6 B. D. +36 No. 128 9-4 Groombridge 147 ....7-3 63 Pisciuin 84-6' Groombridge 143 .... 6 7 Groom bridge 148 .... 6-7 B. D. +42 No. 181 9-1 Groombridge 151 ....6-9 Lalande 1323 7-7 35 Andromedse.. . Lalande 1348 . K Piazzi 0. 196 Carrington 104 W. B. 0. 734 Bradley 74 Piazzi 0. 199 Lalande 1367 W. B. 0. 743 Piazzi 0. 203... Bradley 91 Piazzi 0. 208 Groombridge 156 .... Groombridge 157 .... Lalande 1432 Groombridge 159.... Bradley 90 W. B. 0. 781 Groombridge 160... Lalande 1433 B. D. +38 No. 128 Groombridge 162 ... W. B. (2)0. 1160.. W. B. 0. 789 Groombridge 163 ... Groombridge 161 .... Groombridge 164.... 20 Ceti Piazzi 0. 211 Groombridge 166 .... 4-4* 6-1* 5-9* 8-2 8-6 5-5* 6-2 7'5 8-5 6-8 6-6 7-0 8-2 8-6 8-5 7-6 4-9* 7'3 8-5 8-4 9-1 6-5 7-8 8-4 7'9 7-0 7'7 5-0* 6-8 8-6 o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 42. o. 43. o. 43. o- 43- o. 43. 9-487 16-343 26-799 26-990 26-987 28-303 34-068 34-939 35 '249 36-047 90-07 88-85 96-42 90-51 8972 i 8975 94-01 93-82 92-05 36-749 94-44 38-842 93-71 43-443 | 94-51 I 52-552 93-88 j 58-465 92-37 58-918 0-290 19-556 27-390 31-726 o. 43. 44-854 o. 43. 48-673 9-665 "3'594 27-507 o. 44. o- 44- o. 44. o. 44. - 44- o. 44. o. 44. o. 45. 37-081 39751 49'034 49-835 17-356 o. 45. 38-427 o. 45. 49-284 o. 45. 52-210 o. 46. 14-078 o. 46. 23-416 o. 46. 28-505 o. 46. 30-352 o. 46. 43-145 o. 46. 44-222 o. 46. 44-427 o. 46. 46-732 o. 46. 47-968 o. 46. 55-177 o. 47. 3-888 o. 47. 3-992 o. 47. 14-139 o. 47. 19-519 o. 47. 23-141 o. 47. 26-842 o. 47. 26-970 4 4 3 26 3 4 3 5 3 3 9 3 3 3 54 2 3 3 5 3 13 3 3 2 4 2 5 4 5 6 7 7 2 3 5 4 7 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 91-42 2 93-00 41 94-42 3 92-99 95-48 88 -8 1 93-02 94-47 94-66 95-61 91-22 9571 89-81 95-02 90-69 9279 89-87 90-00 94-09 89-92 94-25 93-84 89-72 9I-57 94H7 89-76 93-18 93^7 93-82 88-37 94-52 89-84 + 3-0392 + 3-3018 -4-0-0003 +0-0357 + 3-4550 +0-0611 + 3-4550 +0-0611+' + 3-3I34 +0-0374 +0-1351 0-1351 + 3-1099 +0-0088 + 3-1145 +0-0094 + 3-1015 1+0-0078 +0-0050 + 3-2600 +0-0292 + 3-3708 1+0-0465+0-0022 I 1+0-0067 +0-0500 +0-1191+0-074 +0-0285 +0-1253 +0-0079+0-0035 + 3-7463 + 3-2558 + 37778 + 3-1030 + 4-I835 +0-2292 + 3-7642 +O-I22O + 3'3 OI 9 +0-0350 i + 3-3442 +0-0414 ( + 3-2669 +3-2890 + 2-9555 3 i + 5-9238 ... +3-1237 + 5-2127 3-II74 + 3-0854 + 3-1298 + 3-4616 + 3'3423 + 3-1199 +0-0297 +o 0328 o 0009 vooSi +0-0376 +0-9330 +0-0103 +0-5840+0-0284 +0-0478+0-013 +0-0401 +0-0096 +0-0480 +0-0059 o-oooo +0-0110 +0-0580 +0-0390 +0-0098 +0-0381 +0-0721 0-0104 + 3-3375 + 3-5491 + 3-1352 1+0-0115 + 3-3823 +0-0446. + 3-3578 +0-0409 1 + 3-6824 3-2865 +0-0307 3-2972 +0-0322 o-oiog 3-2882 : +0-0309 +0-006 +0-0094 ... +0-0450. ... +0-0953! ... +0-0432J ... +0-0036 O'OO22 +0-0505 +0-0392 3-3762 3-0642 + 3-3495 97. 45. 1971 , 90-07 46. 55. 0-40 , 88-85 32. 46. 9-00 96-42 32. 46. 4 -02 94 "06 45- 37- 39-70 90-51 81. 22. 43-61 80. 20. 29-11 83. 18. 3-42 52. 47- 57-95 39- 37- 54-o6 85. 17. 6-62 20. 9. 24-30 53- 29- 55-26 19. 25. 27-17 83. o. 49-89 8972 8975 94-02 93-82 9i'oi ' 94'44 93-48 94-5I 93-21 12. 38. 44-38 j 91-60 19. 49. 31 70 I 95 -42 47. 36. 20-55 ' 88-81 42. 50. 7-23 J 93 -02 52. 23. 43-56 49. 31. 13-24 114. 44. 6-46 45- 35- 5I-35 5. 8. 20-64 78. 46. 5-12 6. 53. 24-06 39- 5- 27-96 43- 52. 39-78 80. ii. 15-81 39- I- 37-59 87. 12. 43-94 77. 48. 48-65 34. 20. 2-56 44- 47- 34-44 79. 59- 47'8i 45- 27. 51-55 29. 28. 45-48 76. 56. 56-60 41. 9. 14-23 94-66 95-61 91-22 95-82 89-81 92-08 89-12 92-79 89-87 90-05 93-95 89-92 94-48 94-78 89-72 91-57 93-93 89-76 93-18 43. 29. 58-74 93-37 51. 41. 57-29 50. 21. 14-84 51-33- 33-56 80. 47. 34-91 40. 56. 31-41 24- 9- 44-37 42. 4. 41 -87 91. 44. 30-69 37. 54. 27-89 44. 46. 45-46 93-82 88-37 89-84 91-89 94-81 92-33 93-83 94-42 4 4 3 26 5 3 3 9 2 3 4 36 2 3 3 5 3 13 3 3 2 4 3 4 4 5 6 6-i ? 2 2 ! 5 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 2 3 39 3 3 1 4 I -19-715 +0-0901 19-713 +0-097 i -19-710 +0-IOI -19-710 +o'ioi -19-710 +0-098 +0-516 +0-516 -19-710 +0-092 -19-708 +0-092 -19-708 +0-092 0-004 -19-708 +0-096 -19-708 +0-099 +0-015 -19-707 +0-092. +1-15 -19-707 +o'iio ; 0-23 -19-706 +0-097 -I9'703 +o-iu -19-702 +0-093 +0-037 -19-702 +0'I22 -19-701 +0-III -19-696 +0-099 -19-694 +Q-IOI -19-692 +0-099 -19-689 +0-100 +Q-OIO ... j 19-688 +0-091 ... 19-682 +0-101 4 ! 19-681 +0-174 19-677 +0-096 -19-675 +0-155 -19-673 +0-104 -19-671 +0-103 19-670 I 1-19-663 3 - 3 - 19-657 19-654 19-653 -19-646 -19-643 -19-642 -19-642 -19- -19-638 -19-638 -19-637 -19-636 -19-634 -16-632 -19-632 -19-629 -19-627 -19-626 19-625 19-625 +0-097 +0-106 +0-IOI +0-099 +0-109 +0-106 +O'IOO +0-107 +0-113 +Q-IOI +0-108 +0-108 +0-106 +0-106 +0-106 +O'IOI +0-109 +0-118 +0-109 +O-IOQ +Q-III +0-109 +0'02O 0'02 +0-058 -0-13 -0-049 0-17 +O-OO9 253-254. These stars form the pair S 60. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {ix} No. " V % 0* ^1 .S d & 1755- o . '- bo s .3S 6 ~K 1810. Star's Name. O ^ 4J 1 Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Oba. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 9 O Ph O jB < J * o 1 d 1 a> > J i SS.S n 1755- 1 -j A 60 Still's Name. V 1 1 3 Mean R. A. , 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Prects- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. iUuiiN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual ! 'reces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. O K 1810. 1 f o Jo < oj 1 O a> P3 (U I V t _ 5 d "S r~t a M 35i 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 36! 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 37i 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 39i 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 107 no 108 in "3 95 116 120 119 203 206 207 208 211 209 213 2IO 212 214 216 217 218 22O 222 223 221 224 228 175 227 229 226 231 232 233 2 3 6 Lalande 1690 W. B. 0. 905 8'3 S'5 7'7 7' 7 - 9 8-4 7-8 S-7 7-5 s "3 8'5 rs S'2 S-o s> 3 rs 7"2 S'2 'i'O 7-8 S-7 6-2 5-9* 8-5 5-6* 7'8 6-9 8-4 4'5 8-5 7'8 8-7 7'5 7'5 8-8 8-0 9-0 9-2 9-2 8-3 8-7 6-0* 8-3 6-6 6-5 6-4* 5-7* 8-8 7-0 7'5 b m 8 o. 53. 56-485 o- 53- 57-oi3 o. 53- 57-965 o. 54. 7-498 o. 54. 17-208 o. 54. 24-347 o. 54- 33-699 o. 54. 34-342 o. 55- 2779 o. 55. 21-853 o. 55. 25-614 o. 55. 26-234 o. 55. 28-705 o- 55- 35-934 o. 55. 37-172 o. 55- 45715 o. 55- 54-52 o. 56. 16-686 o. 56. 23-600 o. 56. 27-691 o. 56. 29-953 o. 56. 41-669 o. 56. 43-426 o. 56. 46-714 o. 56. 47-621 o. 56. 50-147 o. 56. 55-871 o. 57. 12-861 o. 57. 14-005 o. 57. 14-860 o. 57- 19-502 o. 57. 25-003 o. 57- 33-546 o. 57- 39'i47 o. 57- 4I79I o. 57- 45-345 o. 57. 48-329 o. 57- 50-699 o. 57- 54-222 o. 57- 54-3I3 o. 58. 3-818 o. 58. 9-309 o. 58. 11-166 o. 58. 20-837 o- 58. 25-334 o. 59. 10-620 o. 59. 16-878 o. 59. 20-254 o. 59. 21-548 o. 59. 38-290 95-50 90-32 96-79 93-57 95-24 95-60 92-81 95-40 92-07 92-46 93-82 91-47 89-76 8975 96-01 94-90 93-82 95-I7 95'SS 92-23 93'49 96-70 93'SS 89-87 95-03 94-85 95-23 90-48 92-96 94-20 90-45 88-92 95-07 96-65 96-61 95-61 96-46 94-24 96 15 95-60 92-94 89-68 93-59 94-34 91-26 94-29 89-87 88-87 90-35 91-82 3 3 2 5 2 3 3 3 3i 2 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 20 3 3 3 56 2 5 3 5 4 2 5 3 2 3 3 3 6| 2 3 3 51 8 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 6 2 3 2 3 2 4 4 + 3-3985 + 3'"503 + 3-2618 + 3-1048 + 3'93 10 + 3-6119 + 3-452I + 3-4028 + 3-3890 + 3-97I8 + 3-4603 + 3-4I73 + 3-i3 2 4 + 3-I368 + 4-1638 + 3-9446 + 3H635 + 3-6633 + 3-II45 + 3-4235 + 3-3968 + 3-4210 + 3 '3547 + 3-1522 + 3-2712 + 3H276 + 3-6051 + 3^644 + 3-1148 + 3-6741 + 3-I456 + 3-4304 + 3-4295 + 8-6068 + 11-2900 + 3-5935 + 3-5932 + 3-6449 + 3-43I3 + 3-596o + 3^520 + 3-0770 + 3-98I7 + 3'4798 + 3-3494 + 3-1028 + 3-1600 + 3-4419 + 4-0311 + 37216 s +0-0416 +0-0124 +0-0246 +0-0079 +0-1283 +0-0719 +0-0483 +0-0417 +0-0396 +0-1337 +0-0487 +0-0430 +0-0105 +0-0109 +0-1728 +0-1275 +0-0488 +0-0776 +0-0088 +0-0431 +0-0397 +0-0427 +0-0344 +0-0124 +0-0247 +0-0434 +0-0679 +0-0135 +0-0088 +0-0781 0-0117 +0-0434 +0-0432 +2-2177 +4-5256 +0-0653 +0-0653 +0-0728 +0-0432 +0-0656 +O-OI22 +0-0055 +0-I292 +0-049I +0-0330 +0-0077 +0-OI29 +0-0436 +0-I360 +0-0824 s O-OOI2 +O-OO74 +O-OO9I +0-OII3 O-OO2O 0-0039 +0-OOO3 +0-0001 0-0070 +0-0548 +o 006^ +0-0008 +0-0013 o I n 43-43- 1-98 75- 59- 2-30 58. 44. 24-82 84. 6. 37-64 20. 4. 17-02 30. 14. 3-14 39- 42- 50-57 43- 40- i '95 45- 8. 23-51 19- 34- 4178 39. 32. 47-92 42- 53- 9'37 79. 24. 42-07 78. 40. 49-89 1 6. 24. 10-30 20. 16. 13-76 39- 33- 25-63 28. 49. 3-16 82. 39. 10-40 42. 53- 34-55 45- 9- 59-47 43. 12. 54-16 49- H. 46-56 76. 20. 23-07 58.47. II7I 42. 44. 1 2 -6 1 31. 40. 54-32 74. 27. 13-04 82. 42. 8-49 28. 46. 50-58 77. 32. 31-00 42. 48. 7-57 42. 56. 55-38 3. 26. 26-84 2. ig. I7-24 32- 3 6 - 33'54 32- 39- i 'I i 30. 15. i6'o8 42. 58. 0-74 32. 33. 6-01 76. 39. 13-81 89. 13. 23-26 20. 16. 14-90 39- 34- 5- '2 50. 35. 56-10 84. 56. 1-30 75. 38. 4471 42. 48. 46-80 19. 39. 27-29 27- 55- 7-o5 95-50 90-32 96-75 93-73 95-3I 95^3 93-01 95-40 90-18 92-84 93-82 91-47 8976 8975 96-05 94-90 93-82 95^9 96-29 92-23 93^9 96-70 93-58 89-87 95-I3 94-85 95-06 90-48 93-8i 95-4I 90-45 88-92 94-63 95-52 96-61 95-10 96-56 94-07 96-15 95^5 92-94 8970 93^5 94-35 91-26 94-03 89-80 88-87 90-56 92-24 3 3 i 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 23 3 3 3 49 2 5 3 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 7 2 3 3 4 n 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 6 3 5 2 6 i 3 2 4 4 -19-500 19-500 -19-500 19-497 '9-493 -19-490 -19-487 19-487 19-477 19-471 19-469 19-469 19-468 -19-466 19-465 19-462 19-459 -19-451 19-449 19-447 19-447 19-442 19-442 19-441 19-440 19-440 I9'437 i9 - 43i I9-43I I9-43 1 19-429 -19-427 -19-424 19-422 19-420 19-420 -19-419 19-418 19-416 19-416 -19-413 -19-411 19-410 19-406 19-405 -19-388 -19-386 '9-385 19-384 -I9-37& +0-124 +0-116 +0-119 +0-114 +0-I43 +0-132 +0-127 +0-125 +0-126 +0-147 +0-129 +0-128 +0-118 +0-118 +0-154 +0-147 +0-130 +0-138 +0-119 +0-130 +0-129 +0-130 +0-128 +0-I2I +0-125 +0-131 +0-138 +0-122 +OM2I +0-141 +0-122 +0-I32 +0-133 +0-32I +0-419 +0-139 +0-139 +0-I4I +0-133 +0-139 +0-124 +0-I2I +0-154 +0-136 +0-I3I +0-124 +O-I26 +0-137 +0-159 +0-148 a O'OOO +O-QIO +0-008 +0-064 0-07 +0-008 +O'O2O +0-125 Q'039 +O"O2I +0-033 +0-OO4 0-046 W. B. (2) 0. 1333-4 Bradley 107 Groombridge 203 .... Groombridge 206 .... Groombridge 207 Groombridge 208 .... Piazzi 0. 254 Groombridge 209 .... Lalande 1735 Groombridge 213.... Piazzi 0. 255 Piazzi 0. 257 Groombridge 210.... Groombridge 212 .... Groombridge 214 Groombridge 216.... Groombridge 217 .... Groombridge 218 .... Groombridge 220 .... W. B. 0. 960 69 Piscium o~^ Groombridge 223.... Groombridge 221 .... W. B. (2)0. 1404... Groombridge 224 .... W. B. 0. 971 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 1033 Groombridge 228 .... Bradley 95 Groombridge 175 .... Groombridge 227 .... Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 1043 B. D. +59 No. 176 Oeltz. Arg. (N. ) 1049 Groombridge 229 ... W B. 0. 084 26 Ceti Groombridge 226 ... Piazzi 0. 267 ... Groombridge 232 ... 73 Piscium 72 Piscium Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 1075 Piazzi 0. 268 Groombridge 236... 372. This star is a close double ami forms the pair 02 21. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xi} No. "j E* <^3 a g ~M d M '755- a 8 0-1 c '5 ~ ,Q fe 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 0) i 0> 1 <1 4) 1 c & o 1 1 < S & & 1 401 402 43 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 4i3 414 415 416 4i7 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 43 431 43 2 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 121 122 109 124 125 127 118 133 136 117 141 140 43 '39 148 149 239 241 240 237 238 243 245 247 242 249 250 251 253 254 256 260 255 258 262 259 263 263 74 Piscium J/i 4'9t 5 -ot 6-9 9-0 7'2 6-1* 7'2 8-6 6-9 6-1* 6-8 7'4 8-1 5-2* 8-i 7'5 7"4 6-6 8-0 8-2 6-8 8-3 8-7 7-0 8-7 5-7* 5-6* 8-4 3-6* 8-6 7'5 7'' 2-2* 8-7 8-4 5'7* 6-9 7'4 5-5* 8-1 7'5 6-3* 8-7 8-3 7'5 8-2 7-8 0* s-st S- 7 t h m s o. 59. 47-078 o. 59- 47-856 o. 59- 50-397 i. o. 0-173 i. o. 7-512 i. o. 7727 i. o. 9-933 i. o. 32779 i. o. 37-132 i. o. 46-336 I. o. 48-560 i- o. 54-235 i. o. 56-491 I. o. 57-254 I. I. 0-493 I. I. 7-601 I. I. 14-128 I. I. 32-827 I. 2. 2-754 ' 2. 53I3 I. 2. 19-313 I. 2. 29-934 I. 2. 3I-l6l I. 2. 36-750 I. 2. 38-052 I. 2. 42-181 I. 2. 47-342 I. 3. 2-665 ' 3- 3-308 I. 3. 8-220 ' 3- 15-035 I. 3. 25-846 ' 3- 34-343 ' 3- 36778 i- 3- 37-I55 i. 4. 3-981 i. 4- 21-476 i. 4. 25-282 ' 4- 31753 ' 4- 37-674 I. 4. 51-685 i. 4. 53-880 I. 5. 6-956 I. 5. 13-388 I. 5. 18-158 i. 5. 27-266 ' 5- 30-930 i. 5. 36-091 i. 5. 46-442 i. 5. 47-028 91-23 91-40 93-51 89-75 9I-53 91-84 91-64 89-84 94-02 9671 91-16 87'84 93-40 94^7 88-85 93-9I 89-88 94-37 89-89 90-56 88-84 92-23 95"i6 94-22 90-91 93-74 96-25 94-53 93-40 95-19 93-09 94-87 93-70 94-I5 94-15 9f83 90-17 92-84 95H9 91-06 89-87 90-30 89-74 89-83 92-83 90-52 96-32 94-65 94-31 95-I4 5 7 3 6 2 7 5 4 4 5 4 5 3 12 4 2 3 34 5 3i 5 3 2 6 4 5 2 3 124 3 4 3 182 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 3 '3 3 5 2 7 3 26 4 3 7 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 4 4 4 I s + 3 '2040 + 3-2040 + 4-9208 + 3'i6i3 + 3^558 + 3'0987 + 3-0987 + 3-I708 + 3-5348 + 3-I493 + 3-4754 + 3-1204 + 37352 + 3-5629 + 3-4558 + 4-0457 + 3-3758 + 3-38oi + 3-'7oi + 3-1807 + 3-0814 + 3-6449 + 5-3976 + 3-1317 + 3-1833 + 3-1045 + 4-9485 + 3-5208 + 3-0035 + 3-5738 + 3-5767 + 3-4850 + 3-3292 + 3-5275 + 3-5275 + 3-3988 + 3-1724 + 3-4928 + 3-8490 + 3-7958 + 3-4597 + 3-0846 + 3-1929 + 3-1815 + 4-3280 + 3-1672 + 3-8602 + 3-2861 + 3-5389 + 3-5390 s 4-0-0170 +0-0170 +0-3451 +0-0130 +0-0719 +0-0074 +0-0074 +0-0138 +0-0546 +0-0118 +0-0468 +0-0092 +0-0827 +0-0581 +o - 0442 +0-1348 +0-0347 +0-035I +0-OI36 +0-0145 +0-0060 +0-0678 +0-4711 +0-0102 +0-0147 +0-0079 +0-3358 +O-O5IO +Q-OOOI +0-0576 +0-0579 +0-0463 +0-0287 +0-0514 +0-0514 +0-0360 +0-0136 +0-0466 +0-0953 +0-0871 +0-0425 +0-0063 +0-0153 +0-0143 +0-1789 +0-0130 +0-0957 +0-0238 +0-0513 +0-0513 s +O-O02 +O-OOIG -0-035 0-0008 0-0007 +0-000. +0-3896 +0-0072 0-0195 +0-0299 +0-0125 +0-0144 0-0138 O'OOOI 0-0017 +0-0045 o f rt 69. 6. 58-06 69. 7. 26-25 10. 34. 31-88 75- 36. 25-15 30. 43. 48-27 85. 40. 38 86 85. 40. 34-61 74- 16. 31-09 37. 5- 26-21 77-38. i"79 41. I. 58-80 82. 13. 40-42 27. 56. 7-47 35. 37. 10-28 42. 32. 3-44 19. 54. 22-20 49. 19. 40-93 49. 4. 29-01 74. 43. 25-48 73. 10. 31-02 88. 34. 55-36 32. 10. 24-37 8. 48. 21-70 80. 40. 46-50 72. 56. 0-35 84- 55- 57-03 10. 54. 42-98 39. o. 35-30 100. 45. 56-27 35. 57. 29-40 35. 50. 56-48 41. 31. 56-34 54. 57. 46-16 38. 50. 36-81 38. 50.21-97 48. 30. 13-81 74. 54. 42-60 41. 25. 18-02 25- 33- 59-ii 27. 13- 21-51 43- 57- 20-74 88. 8. 24-06 72. 11. 34-18 73. 48. 29-09 16. 39. 49-69 75- 53- 36-21 25- 34- 3' "'5 60. 29. 40-98 39- 3- 34-95 39- 3- 3575 91-23 91-40 92-72 89-75 92-42 91-84 91-64 89-84 94-02 9671 91-16 87-84 93-40 94-69 88-85 93-92 89-88 92-53 89-89 90-62 88-84 91-82 95-16 94-22 90-91 94-35 96-25 94-53 93-44 95-10 92-51 94-87 93-80 94-I5 94-I5 91-83 90-52 92-84 94-I3 91-19 89-89 89-87 89-74 89-83 93-83 90-52 96-26 94-72 94-3 1 95-I4 5 7 9 6 2 7 5 4 4 5 4 5 3 13 4 2 3 3 5 5 5 3 2 7 4 7 2 3 16 3 3 3 117 3 3 3 6 3 4 3 4 15 3 5 2 7 3 33 4 3 ro 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 8 5 3 i // -I9-375 r 9'374 -I9-373 i9 - 37o -19-367 -19-367 19 - 366 -I9-357 -I9-356 19-352 -I9-35I I9-349 19-348 -19-348 '9-347 I9-344 I9-342 !9'334 -19-323 19-322 19-316 -19-312 -19-311 19-309 -19-309 -19-307 -19-305 -19-299 19-299 -19-297 19-294 19-290 -19-287 19-285 19-285 -19-275 19-268 19-266 -19-263 19-261 -19-255 -19-254 -19-249 -19-247 -19-245 -19-241 -19-239 -19-237 -19-233 -19-233 +0-129 +0-129 +0-194 +0-128 +0-147 +0-126 +0-126 +0-129 +0-143 +0-129 +0-I4' +0-128 +0-151 +0-145 +0-141 +0-164 +0-138 +0-139 +0-132 +0-132 +0-129 +0-152 +0-220 +0-I32 +0-134 +0-I3I +0-2O4 +0-148 +0-127 +0-I50 +0-I50 +OT47 +0-I4I +0-149 +0-149 +0-145 +0-136 +0-I50 +0-164 +O-I62 +0-149 +0-'34 +0-139 +0-139 + 0-186 +OT38 +0-167 +0-144 +0-154 +0-154 +0-015 +0-015 +0-056 +0-119 +O'IO 0-036 + I-591 +0-438 +0-174 +0-015 +0-124 +0-084 +0-043 +0-019 +0-004 +0-OI2 Bradley 122 Bradley 109 B. D. +14 No. 168 Lalande 1886 77 Piscium Bradley 125 Lalande 1916 Piazzi 0. 279 75 Piscium Piazzi 0. 285 \V. B. 0. 1041 Groombridge 240 30 Cassiopeia? IL Oeltz. Arg. (N.)im Groombridge 238 .... Groombridge 243 Groombridge 245 .... W. B. (2)0. 1509... Lalande 1976 29 Ceti Groombridge 247 Carrington 161 Piazzi 0. 297 W. B. (2)0. 1526... 80 Piscium Q Bradley 117 Groombridge 249 31 Ceti t\ GroombrMge 250.... Groombridge 251 Groombridge 253 . ., . 43 Andromeda! ... p Radcliffe 348 Groombridge 254 44 Andromeda Piazzi 0. 311 Groombridge 260 32 Cassiopeiae Groombridge 258 ... Groombridge 262 33 Ceti B. D. +17 No. 166 W. B. (2)1. 37 Groombridge 259 W. B. I. T.T. .. OJ Piazzi 0. 312 \ 83 Piscium T' Groomb. 263 (rst Star)....' Groomb. 263 (2nd Star). i 401-402. These stars form the pair 3 88. 449-450. These stars form the pair 2 97. {xii} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. ~2 fr. s - |j Oi ,g- 6 * 1810. Star's Name. cJ 1 1 Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 -f No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. <-3 4Jj 1755- Above Pole. O & 1 of 1 0> > | 1 f c K 45' 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 47i 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 49 49 i 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 '54 157 158 159 161 IS' 164 162 J55 171 163 169 170 166 264 265 268 270 269 266 271 267 272 273 275 274 277 279 281 276 280 282 284 278 288 287 285 283 289 292 290 291 294 293 286 295 297 B. D. +49 No. 322 Piaz/i I 9 9-0 6-9 7-2 9'3 6'5 8-3 8-5 8-0 8-0 4-6* 4'2t 5'3t 8-2 8-0 8-5 5-9* 6-4* 7-0 8-5 8-1 8-2 S-o* 7-8 6-1* 6-8 6-9 8-4 6-8 6-4 8-4 7'i 9-0 6-3 5-1* 8-0 8-1 7-2 7-0 6-8 6'3 5-2* 8-4 7'4 6-7 7'6 7'2 7-6 5-9* 7-6 6-9 h m s I. 6. O'O22 I. 6. 11-889 i. 6. 20-525 i. 6. 42-698 I. 6. 52-095 i. 6. 58-940 i. 7. 14-402 i. 7. 20-031 i. 7. 34-306 i. 7. 46-539 i. 7. 58-971 i. 8. 0-420 i. 8. 3-145 J. 8. 9-309 i. 8. 15-498 i. 8. 16-969 i. 8. 18-147 i. 8. 21-376 i. 8. 27-155 i- 8. 34-995 i. 8. 46-747 i. 8. 51-497 i. 8. 52-316 i. 8. 59-065 i. 9. 55-464 i. 10. 9-759 i. 10. 18-964 i. 10. 40-952 4. ii. 10-646 i. ii. 11-462 i. ii. 17-701 i. ii. 37-551 i. n. 41-100 I. 12. 7-450 I. 12. 15-686 I. 12. 29-285 ' I2 - 35'573 i. 12. 56-954 i. 13. 0-845 i. 13. 4-120 i. 13. 9-854 i. 13. 42-910 i. 13. 43 -648 i. 13. 44-624 i. 13. 45-392 ' "3- 54-I97 i. 14. 1-720 i. 14. 6-374 i. 14. 20-172 ' '5- 15-237 92-51 89-19 92-61 88-85 88-27 90-56 92-21 93 '64 95-05 94-30 9 1 '34 92-19 94-29 92-75 9i '37 90-37 91-49 9i-3i 94-26 88-84 94-01 94-07 93'84 92-91 88-30 89-57 89-79 88-65 94-04 9373 92-81 9179 92-64 93-I5 93-99 89-89 90-88 94-5 94-23 94-93 94-7I 96-35 93'" 95-40 94-42 91-14 93-24 94-05 94-I7 93'SS 34 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 2 H 47 24 4 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 4 3 2 4 3i 3 30 3 3 3 4 3 4 6 4 3' 3 3 2* 3 3 3 5 2 3 Si 3 6 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 + 3-5240 + 3^500 + 3'544I + 3^297 + 3-0852 + 3-I843 + 3^739 + 3-5056 + 5-5I93 + 3-2460 + 3-I204 + 3-I205 + 37279 + 4-2096 + 4-39IO + 3-I8I7 + 4-223I + 4-3940 + 3-5II9 + 3-48I3 + 3-43S5 + 3-OI33 + 3-5639 + 3'7i + 3-5107 + 3-4399 + 3-1964 + 3-4688 + 4-8407 + 3-8732 + 3-4684 + 3-1886 + 3-5112 + 3-0944 + 5-3207 + 3-2076 + 3'4i44 + 37325 + 4-5332 + 47"9 + 3-7350 + 3-9427 + 3-445 1 + 3-9425 + 3-5994 + 3-4666 + 3-5969 + 5-0968 + 3-6063 + 3-578i +0-0493 +0-0407 +0-0515 +0-0495 +0-0064 +0-0143 +0-0428 +0-0463 +0-4712 +0-0196 +0-0091 +0-0091 +0-0735 +0-1493 +0-1833 +0-0140 +0-1514 +0-1837 +0-0464 +0-0429 +0-0381 +0-0015 +0-0521 +0-0089 +0-0454 +0-0377 +0-0150 +o 0405 +0-2697 +0-0901 +0-0401 +0-0143 +0-0445 +0-0072 +0-3841 +0-0157 +0-0341 +0-0695 +0-1982 +0-2345 +0-0696 +0-0968 +0-0367 +0-0968 +0-0530 +0-0388 +0-0525 +0-3178 +0-0534 +0-0497 8 ... O-OI32 O'OOO +0-0075 +0-0072 0-0047 0-005 +0-0055 ... O'OO2<| 0-016 ... 0-0049 +0-0016 0-0005 +0-0072 0-0026 +0-025 40. 3. 4872 45- H- 51-48 38. 58. 48-63 40. o. 15-99 88. 6. 35-52 73- 49- 1 2 -8 5 43- 55- 30-99 41. 47. 47-00 9. i. 15-88 65. 59. 57-28 83. o. 23-88 83. o. 13-27 30. 49- 50-40 19. o. 28-32 16. 34. 14-35 74. 26. 56-46 18. 50. 17-56 16. 33. 18-59 41- 49- 57-54 43. 57. 9-62 47. ii. 41-67 98. 30. 52-11 38. 50. 27-26 83- 35- ij'i5 42. 29. 56-44 47- 3 s - 2776 72. 5 6 - 47HO 45. 40. 40-34 13. o. 40-55 27. 2. 7-45 45. 56. 54-92 74- 13- 34-02 43- 9- 37-77 86. 57. 54-05 10. 26. 54-05 72. o. 9-21 50. 36. 55-32 32. 22. 14-05 15- 59- 49-I7 14. 20. 1633 32. 20. 48-42 25- 54- i5'98 48. 36. 22-45 25. 55. 8-06 38. 44. 40-33 47- 4- 6-76 38. 58. 58-64 II. 51. 178 38. 35. 27-08 40. 27. 17-21 90-53 89-19 92-61 88-85 88-27 90-61 92-21 93-20 95-31 94-30 92-21 92-83 94-90 93-03 91-44 90-37 90-41 91-44 94-39 88-84 94-01 94-07 93-84 92-91 88-30 89-57 89-79 88-65 93^9 93-9I 92-81 89-83 92-64 93-59 93-99 89-89 90-87 94-64 94-50 94-93 94-84 96-35 93-11 95-02 94-42 91-14 92-52 94-05 94'<7 93-55 3 3 3 3 5 4 g H 35 26 4 2 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 4 3 2 4 3 3 35 3 3 ; 3 4 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 2 3 7 4 7 6 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 19-227 19-222 19-218 19-209 19-206 -19-203 -19-196 19-194 -19-188 19-182 -19-177 -19-177 19-176 -I9-I73 -19-170 -19-170 19- 169 19-168 -19-165 19-162 -I9-I57 -19-155 -'9-155 -19-151 -19-127 19-121 19-117 -19-107 19-094 19-094 -19-090 19-081 19-080 19-068 19-064 19-058 -I9-055 19-046 19-044 19-043 19-040 19-025 19-024 19-024 19-024 19-020 19-016 19-014 19-007 -18-982 +0-154 +0-152 +0-156 +0-156 +0-138 +0-142 +0-155 +0-156 +0-242 +0-146 +0-141 +0-141 +0-167 +0-188 +0-196 +0-144 +0-189 +0-196 +0-159 +0-158 +0-157 +0-138 +0-162 +0-143 +0-162 +0-159 +0-149 +0-162 +0*224 +0-181 +0-163 +0-151 +0-166 +0-148 +0-249 +0-154 +0-163 +0-179 +0-215 +0-224 +0-179 +0-190 +0-167 +0-190 +0-174 +0-168 +0-175 +0-244 +0-176 +0-177 +0-13 +0-018 +0-051 +0-043 +0-018 0-009 -0-279 +O-02I 0-084 +0-019 +0-034 +O"OO9 +0-049 +0-01 +0-1 1 Groombridge 265 .... B. D. +49 No. 324 35 Ceti W. B. (2)1. 75 Groombridge 268 .... Groombridge 270 B. D. +80 No. 34. 86 Pisoium ... (I 1 86 Piscium B. D. +58 No. 201 Groombridge 269 Groombridge 266 87 Piscium Bradley 151 Groombridge 267 .... Groombridge 272 Groombridge 273 .... Groombridge 275 .... 37 Ceti Groom bridge 274 .... 88 Piscium Groombridge 277 .... Groombridge 279 B. D. + 16 No. 129 Groombridge 281 .... Bradley 155 Groombridge 280 .... Groombridge 282 B. D. +15 No. 185 Piazzi I. 31... 89 Piscium... ...f Groombridge 278 .... W. B. (2) I. 202 Groombridge 288 .... Piazzi I. .. Groombridge 285 Bradley 163 34 Cassiopeia; Piazzi I. 39 Groombridge 292 35 Cassiopeife Groumbridge 291 Groombridge 294 Groombridge 293 Bradley 166.... Groombridge 295 .... Groombridge 297 461-462. These stars form the pair 2 100. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xiii} No. "S 1 * >, " OJ i of 1 .~_5 d to 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean H.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular- Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Proper Motion. B S. "pa 6 to 1755- 03 *O P-. V 1 oi 1 I * 5i 502 503 504 505 506 So? 508 509 510 5ii 512 513 5H 5'5 5i6 5i7 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 53 53i 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 54i 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 I 7 8 I O2 184 i So 185 ... 1 88 197 199 203 299 298 302 296 34 301 235 306 305 308 310 37 3" 313 3H 3.7 316 315 3'9 320 3'8 321 322 327 328 326 329 33 W. B. I. 209 6-5 /i 7-9 7'5 8-0 7-0 7-0 8-1 6-1 I 9 ' 5 4-8* 2-2* 3'S* 8-4 2-8* 6-0* 7'6 7-8 6-3* 6-9 7'5 5-2* 9-0 8-2 6'5 8-3 6-8 9-2 8-7 8-8 7-o 7-6 7-2 6-4* 7-2 8-5 9-o 5-9* 7-2 7' 2 8-1 7-0 7-1 5'2" 8-1 7'7 6-9 3'7* 8-1 6-7* h m 3 I- 15- 30-94I I. 15. 47-653 I. 15. 48-662 i. 16. 51-992 i. 17. 0-672 i. 17. 1-736 i. 17- 5-235 i. 17. 30710 i. 17. 41-687 i. '7- 59-577 i. 18. 9-957 i. 18. 30-969 i. 18. 31-450 i. 18. 36-710 i. 18. 37-310 i. 1 8. 48-643 i. 18. 53-I57 i. 19. 16-840 i. 19. 53-117 i. 20. 14-210 I. 20. I5-OI3 I. 20. 19-508 I. 20. 42-006 I. 20. 52-390 I. 21. 24-277 I. 21. 36-888 I. 21. 43-294 I. 21. 52-7IO I. 21. 53-I44 I. 21. 54-486 I. 22. 5-227 I. 22. 15-349 I. 22. 29-182 I. 22. 36-786 I. 22. 39-791 I. 22. 41-487 I. 22. 51-233 I. 23. 2-971 I. 23. 7-916 I. 23. 18-565 I. 23. 34-944 I. 23. 52-II2 I. 24. 18-138 I. 24. 25-253 I. 2 4 . 34-769 I. 24. 46-601 1. 25. 14-564 I- 25. 35785 I. 26. 13-155 1. 26. 29-664 93-93 90-50 94-10 93-62 94-90 93-02 90-13 91-64 94-61 94-59 95-12 92-99 94-11 94-10 94-82 90-79 94-52 90-54 88-58 94-58 94'73 93-90 96-18 94-40 91-96 92-84 94-90 96-15 92-81 96-30 95-26 92-81 89-84 93^4 96-06 95-82 91-67 93-41 94-24 94-10 90-18 94-05 91-59 92-08 90-83 95-93 95-81 92-66 93-60 88-93 6 3 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 4 7 705 4i 3 20 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 4 T 8 3 3 3 5 3 2 3 73 3 3 3 3 2 44 695 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 s + 3-1563 + 3 "4774 + 3-6126 + 3 '4422 + 4 '998 1 + 3"!046 + 3'!566 + 3-6125 + 4'3 2I 3 +23-0057 + 4-155 +23-2023 + 3'0034 + 3-6299 + 3-8409 + 3-0132 + 3'4476 + 3-0123 + 3-3807 + 3-5019 + 4-6344 + 3-2270 + 4-6453 + 3-6480 + 3'4594 + 3-5i'8 + 3-5150 + 3-5138 + 3'652i + 6-7679 + 3-8681 + 3-6547 + 3'2I2I + 3-I337 + 3^793 + 3-;337 + 3-0099 + 4-3535 + 3-8686 + 3-1286 + 3-0104 + 4-0025 + 3-6212 + 3-"95 + 3-5231 + 4-0233 + 4-0270 + 3-2012 + 4-2952 + 3-4211 8 +0-0116 +o 0390 +0-0531 +0-0352 +0-2827 +0-0080 +0-0116 +0-0521 +0-1489 +!7'5754 +0-I2I? +17-7817 +O-OOI9 +0-0533 +0-0778 +O-OO25 +0-0349 +o 0025 +0-0287 +0-0395 +0-1981 +0-0164 +0-I990 +0-0538 +0-0351 +o 0399 +0-0401 +o 0400 +0-0537 +0-7576 +0-0778 +'0537 +0-0152 +0-0099 +0-0787 +0-0099 +0-0027 +0-1441 +0-0770 +o 0096 +0-0028 +0-0929 +0-0492 +0-0091 +0-0397 +0-0946 +0-0945 +0-0142 +0-1300 +0-0303 s +O-QII +0-1174 0-0068 +0-0384 0-0056 +0-0258 0-0036 +0-0177 O'OOO2 O 1 It 79. 2. 25-81 46. 59^ 32-70 38. 47. 56-55 49- 57- 55-56 12. 53. 41-16 85- 50. I3-7I 79. 12. 27-15 39- 24. 3-86 19- 35- 36-49 i. 16. 57-11 22. 26. 4O-22 i. 16. 41-62 98. 45. 4-66 38. 53. 23-98 30. 20. 12-48 97. 29. 20-49 50. 15. 35-88 97- 33- 29-8! 55- 59- 24-94 46. 52. 45-61 l6. 21. 45"22 71.24. I-72 16. 20. 19-21 38. 45- 44-5 50. 14. 6-75 46. 41. 36-55 46. 31. 16-76 46. 39- 7-5i 38. 53. 28-42 7- 12. 4877 30. 32. 4-01 38. 53- 4-85 73. 29. 24-82 82. 36. 33-03 30- 19- 5-33 32- 3 6 - 43 77 97- 32- 4935 20. 1 8. 6-48 30. 47. 14-85 83. 1 6. 26-09 97- 25. 4-02 27. 13. 14-42 4i- 13- 23-74 84. 25. 25-07 46. 56. 49-35 26. 56. 48-31 26. 58. 23-37 75- '3- I7-35 21. 52. 59-52 54. 43. 20 60 93-93 90-50 94-10 93-62 94-90 93-02 90-13 91-64 94-27 94-95 95-16 9274 94-64 94-10 94-94 90-79 94-52 90-59 88-58 94-58 94-39 94-I5 96-18 94-40 91-96 92-84 94-90 96-15 92-81 96-30 95-38 92-81 89-84 92-55 96-01 95-82 91-97 93H8 94-14 94-10 90-33 93-78 91-59 91-96 90-83 94-27 95-60 93-46 93-60 88-93 6 3 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 7 814 '5 3 20 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 8 4 3 3 6 3 2 3 44 3 3 3 3 2 5 945 2 3 2 3 2 7 2 2 5 2 3 I8-974 18-966 18-966 18-936 -18-931 18-931 18-929 18-917 18-912 -18-903 18-898 18-888 18-888 18-885 18-885 18-879 -18-877 18-865 18-847 -18-837 18-836 -18-834 18-823 18-817 18-801 -18-795 18-792 -18-787 -18-787 18-786 -18-781 -18-775 18-768 18-764 -18-763 18-762 -iS'757 -18-751 18-748 18-742 iS'734 -18-725 18-712 18-708 -18-703 -18-696 -18-682 -18-670 -18-651 -18-642 +0-157 +0-173 +0-179 +0-173 +0-248 +0-158 +0-160 +0-183 +0-218 +1-128 +0'2 1 1 + 1-145 +0-155 +0-186 +0-197 +0-156 +0-I78 +0-157 +0-177 +0-183 +0-240 +0-170 +0-242 +0-I92 +0-I83 +0-187 +0-I87 +0-I87 +0-194 +0-354 +0-206 +0-195 +0-173 +0-169 +0-208 +0-170 +0-163 +0-233 +0-208 +0-170 +0-165 +0-217 +0-198 +0-172 +0-193 +0-22O +0-221 +0-I78 +0-238 +0-I92 /' 0-009 +O'OO2 +0-196 +0-036 0-029 +0-07I +0-057 +O-03I +0-003 Piazzi I 50 GroombriJge 298 Groombridge 302 Groombridge 296 Piazzi I 59 W B I 236 Groombridge 304 .... Piazzi I 52 Ursse Minoris a 1 i Ursse Minoris a 45 Ceti.. 6 Groombridge 306 . . . 37 Cassiopeia? <5 W B I 271 . .. Groombridge 308 W. B. I. 283 W. B. (2)1. 378' Groombridge 310... Groombridge 307 . . . Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 1507-8 Piazzi I. 71 Gioombiidge 313 ... Groombridge 314 Grounibridge 317 W. B. (2)1. 425 Groombridge 316 Carrington 203 Groombridge 315 .... Piazzi I. 81 Piazzi I. 84 .' Piazzi I. 85 .. Groombridge 320 Piazzi I. 87 W. B. I. 352 38 Cassiopeise . A Groombridge 321 96 Piscium B. D. 7 No. 239 . Groombridge 322 .... Groombridge 327 98 Piscium . . . . M Groombridge 328 Groombridge 326 Groombridge 329 99 Piscium .. ^ Groombridge 330 W. B. (2) I. 529-30 507. This star is a, close double and forms the pair ft 4. 516. This star is a close double and forms the pair ft 1163. {xiv} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARR FOR 1890-0, N*o. ~ B * >, ff V i . B ' "" J= K 1810. Star's Name. Maglliturle. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Scular Preces- Yaria- sion, tioii, 1890-0. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., ^ ,890-0. ; Date - 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. ! B S "* & '755- Above Pole. d *^ PH | V "o P-H > O f> 4 jj "o PH k & 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 57i 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 58i 582 583 584 585 586 587 5 8S 589 590 .591 592 593 594 595 596 .597 598 .599 600 206 209 212 2I 4 218 223 221 2 4 I 228 227 33i 333 334 336 34 34i 342 335 344 337 346 345 348 349 350 352 355 353 356 357 361 35' 359 354 367 368 365 369 37i 363 372 373 374 B. F. 182 8-2 7-8 8-3 6-2 6-5 5'6 7'4 6-9 neb. 7-2 7'4 8-0 7-0 5-5* 7'3t 7'3t 4-2* 9-0 7-8 6-6 6-9 3'7* 5-6" 8-1 8-0 77 8-2 - r* J l 8-8 7'3 6-8 7'i 6-1* 4-9* 8-0 5'5* 6-8 47* 7'9 9'5 7-0 7'8 7-1 7-0 8-4 4'2 8-8 8-7 7'5 h m s I. 26. 43-364 I. 26. 58713 I. 27. 17-816 I. 27. 55-602 I. 28. 21-351 I. 28. 29-729 I. 28. 45-289 I. 28. 51-904 I. 29. 5-183 I. 29. 14-216 I. 29. 23-146 I. 29. 36-751 I. 29. 42-491 I. 29. 44-072 I. 30. 17-408 I. 30. 17-410 I. 30. 17-438 I. 30. 20-435 I. 30. 25-579 I. 30. 36-691 I. 30. 43-609 I. 30. 57-613 I. 31. 14-438 I. 31. 15-982 I. 32. 4-073 I. 32. 24-682 I. 32. 36-228 I. 32. 44-800 I. 32. 45-062 I- 32. 45^53 I. 32. 54-416 i- 33- I3-573 ' 33- 35-569 i. 33. 44-694 i- 34- 5-I55 i. 34. 10-471 i. 34. 11-871 i. 34. 29-079 i- 35- 42-363 i- 35- 49-655 i- 35- 59741 i. 36. 7-227 i. 36. 8-250 i. 36. 23-586 i. 36. 34-821 ' 36. 45-473 i. 36. 45-989 ' 37- 3-757 i. 37. 6-248 i. 37. 43'845 92-47 93-58 94-63 91-95 90-86 89-88 89-65 93-40 94-93 94-91 90-16 94-29 89-87 93'29 88-94 9175 88-94 9172 96-44 91-82 90-05 94-02 94-09 93-44 92-01 95-36 93 '93 94-52 92-39 94-07 92-81 90-24 87-99 93-22 9536 94-01 93-8i 91-41 92-31 92-14 93-82 8778 93-60 95-45 94-56 95-20 94-72 92-49 96-13 8975 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 ii 3 4 3 5 3 4i 2 9 2 4 3 3i 3 6 24 ii 3 2 3 3 4 3 6 3 5 13 10 3 3 3 96 3 3 3 3 5 4 3 22 3 3 5 3 2 2 I 2 6 3 3 2 3 2 54 3 3 2 4 8 + 3-I7I3 + 4-5858 + 4-0505 + 3-445I + 4-7958 + 37354 + 3-7095 + 3-2357 + 3-3663 + 4-0621 + 3-6091 + 4-6426 + 3-6150 + 4-6884 + 3-1363 + 3-1363 + 3-1363 + 3-5165 + 9-9266 + 3-6130 + 4-0336 + 3-I384 + 3-6495 + 3-I787 + 3-5700 + 8-6866 + 3-7382 + 3-6509 + 3-5778 + 3-6039 + 3-6057 + 3-7824 + 3-5200 + 3-2234 + 3-5205 + 4-9576 + 4-3612 + 4-9468 + 3-II93 + 3-6725 + 3-435I + 3-5264 + 4-3558 + 3-6779 + 3-6i49 + 5-0176 + 37285 + 3-6196 + 3-6828 + 3-6369 8 +O'OI22 +0-I740 +0-0953 +0-0319 +0-2070 +0-0583 +0-0555 +0-016; +0-0254 +0-0947 +0-0456 +0-1779 +0-0460 +0-1852 +0-0100 +0-0100 +0-0100 +0-0371 +2-0119 +0-0454 +0-0897 +0-0102 +0-0485 +0-0125 +0-0410 +1-3725 +0-0562 +0-0479 +0-0414 +0-0437 +0-0438 +0-0602 +0-0363 +0-015: +0-0362 +0-2212 +0-1276 +0-2I85 +0-0091 +0-0484 +O-O29I +0-0360 +O-I242 +0-0486 +0-0431 +O-2252 +0-0530 +0-0433 +0-0487 +0-0445 8 +O-OO34 O-OO5O O-OI65 +0-0045 O-0064 0-0039 +0-021 +0-O032 +O'OOJO +0-0068 0-0034 +0-OOII ' " 78. 41. 0-18 18. 7. 21 "62 26. 56. 17-64 53- 19- 38-07 16. 15. 42-79 37- 13- 5-25 38. 23. 57-89 72. 6. 5-47 59- 53- 30-76 27- S. 53-55 43- 26. 53-91 17. 58. 44-66 43. 14. 1 1 -20 17- 3'- I5-79 82. 55. 4-97 82. 55. 4-21 82. 55- 3-64 49. 8. 42-22 4. 17. 19-97 43. 36 46-27 28. 12. 33-33 82. 43. 51-04 41. 55. 45-68 78. 25. 16-97 46. 24. 56-00 5- 20. 17-97 38. 17. 32-02 42. 18. 19-82 46. 10. 25-00 44- 43- 5''37 44. 40. 28-65 36. 41. 25-11 49. 52. 26-42 74- 9- 9 '24 49. 58. 49 24 15. 48. 5O'22 22. 30. 49-37 15- 57- 3'50 85. 4- 9-63 42. 8. 21-59 56. 18. 10-35 50. 10. 41-29 22. 59. 27-85 42. 2. 18-67 45- 13- 57-79 15. 43. 50-12 39- Si- 56-33 45. 7. 18-13 42. o. 30-35 44- 24- 47-94 92-47 93-66 94-5I 91-29 90-32 89-88 89-99 93 - 57 94'93 94-76 90-16 94-08 89-87 92-20 88-91 89-97 88-94 91-72 96-49 89-89 89-73 94-02 94-14 94-48 92-01 94-93 93 '93 94'52 92-39 94-07 91-37 90-24 87-99 93 '44 94-09 94-43 93H9 90-82 91-72 92-14 93-82 8778 93-94 95-11 9382 95-18 94-69 92H9 96-13 89-47 5 3 3 6 3 3 4 13 3 4 3 5 3 9 4 16 2 4 4 3 3 6 25 9 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 5 17 12 3 3 3 74 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 24 3 3 4 3 2 2 I 2 15 3 5 (2) 3 2 7 5 3 2 4 -18-635 18-626 18-616 -18-595 -18-581 18-576 -18-568 -18-565 -18-557 -18-552 -18-547 -iS'539 -18-536 -iS'535 -18-517 -18-517 -18-517 -18-515 18-511 18-506 18-502 -18-494 18-485 18-484 -18-457 -18-445 18-438 -18-433 I8-433 -18-433 -18-428 18 416 18-404 iS'399 -18-387 -18-384 -18-383 -18-373 18-330: -18-325 -18-319 -18-315 -18-315 -18-305 18-299 18-292 18-292 18-281 18-279 -18-257 +0-179 +0-256 +0-228 +0-196 +0-271 +0-213 +O'2I2 +0'l86 +0-194 +0-233 +0-208 +0-266 +O-2O9 +0-269 +0-184 +0-184 +0-184 +0-205 +0-565 +0'2II +0-235 +0-I85 +0-214 +o-i?8 +0'2I2 +0-505 +0-222 +0-2I8 +0-213 +0-215 +0-215 +0-226 +O'2I2 +0-195 +0-2I3 +0-297 +0-262 +0-297 +0-I92 +0-225 +0'2I2 +0-217 +0-267 +0-227 +0-224 +0-308 +0-231 +0-225 +O-229 +0-227 +0-087 +0-016 +0-374 +0-1 1 1 -0-054 +0-003 +0-23 +0-008 +0-015 +0-005 ^0-005 +0-025 Groom bridge 331 ... Groombridge 333 ... Piazzi I. 102 Groombridge 336 ... Groombridge 340 ... Piazzi I. 1 10 . .. B. D. +29 No. 261 Gro'jmbridge 341.... Groombridge 342 .... Groombridge 335 Groombridge 344 40 Cassiopeia . Piazzi I 123 Piazzi I. i23(asonemns.s' Piazzi I. 123 (Comes) 50 Amlromedfe Carrington 218 Groombridge 346 Piazzi I. 116 W. B. I. 498 51 Andromedae Groombridge 349 Lalande F. 239-40 .. Groombridge 350 Groombridse 352 52 Andromedw \ Groombridge 353 Groombridge 356 Piazzi I. 130 Lalande 3024 05 Pi.scium 53 Andromedse T Groombridge 351 43 Cassiopeia Q, Groombridge 354 06 Piscium v Groombridge 367 B. D. +33 No. 282 Groombridge 368 Groombridge 365 GroombrHge 369 Groombridge 371 .... Groombridge 363. ... 54 Andromedfe Groombridge 373 .... Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 1902-3.. Groombridge 374.... 565, 567, These stars form the pair 2 138. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE IVOYAL OBSERVATOEY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. No. Tj 1 ^ & O) 1 1 C C'C & i 1810. Star's Name. S s o "3 1 O 1 < Below Pole. 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 6x8 619 620 62! 622 623 624 625 626 62 7 628 629 630 631 6 3 2 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 233 232 235 236 242 243 247 239 244 245 248 249 251 250 252 25? 339 377 375 380 38i 382 379 3S4 385 386 37 39i 393 390 395 396 397 392 400 401 402 398 399 406 407 43 408 412 Groombridge 339 Lalande F. 275-6-8 52 Ceti T 8-8 7'5 3-6* 8-4 8'2 4'4* 5-2" 7-6 8-3 7-0 8-7 6-8 5-6* n 5-9* 5'9 7-0 4-8* 8-1 7'3 8-0 8-i 5-8* 9'4 8-2 3-8* 8-2 8-2 3-6* 7-1 5-6' 3-6* 8-1 4'2t 4'4-t- 4'7" 6-5 7'4 6-9 2-8* 7'3 8-4 9-0 7-2 7'5 8'5 8-2 5'9* 8-0 7'4 h m s I. 38. 17-582 I. 38. 40-458 I- 38. 57-475 I. 39. I9'026 I. 39. 23-278 I- 39- 35'034 I. 40. 29-613 I. 40. 36-212 I. 40. 56-859 I. 41. 2-911 I. 41. 27-409 i- 4i- 55794 i. 42. 12-878 i. 42. 23-346 i. 42. 44-050 ' 43- 54'594 i. 43. 59-112 i. 44. 10-894 i. 44. 12-490 i. 44- I4"529 i. 44. 27-892 i. 44. 33-582 I. 45. 1-671 I. 45. 6-307 i. 45. 41-125 i. 46. 1-787 i. 46. 7-172 I. 46. 20-192 I. 46. 29-057 i. 46. 32-640 i. 46. 41-495 I. 46. 48 '600 I. 47. 13-516 I. 47. 29-610 i. 47. 29-650 I. 47. 51-600 i. 47. 54-904 1.48. 1-447 I. 48. 16-665 i. 48. 33-762 I. 48. 41-069 i. 49. 8-992 i. 49. 15-952 i. 49. 25-449 I. 49. 26-928 i. 49. 30-243 I. 49. 31-866 I. 49. 42-901 i. 49. 43-986 I. 49. 52-140 93 '47 94-16 92-85 9 1 ' 6 3 90-88 93-02 95 -7 92-86 94-82 91-87 90-94 90-12 95 '99 96-07 88-35 91-69 96*01 94-36 94-61 9 '43 90-36 89-90 92-66 93'i7 9'-54 93-3S 92-51 95-05 94-66 90-20 88-94 94-46 94'47 93 - 32 92-93 93-3I 92-57 87-78 89-15 93-56 90-23 96-50 92-99 92-66 94-78 94-26 95"I4 96-46 92-63 94 '95 3 2 6 3 3 76 6 3 3 4 3 3 6 3 ii 4 7 19 4 4 4 3 ! 3 3 3 19 3 2 S 2 3 3 '9 3 "i 8 5 2 3 4 89 3 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 ... 3i 2 2 4 ai 3 3 24 3 2 3 2 3 a + II-8822 + 6-5271 + 2-9066 + 37775 + 4-I798 + 3-I577 + 2-8005 + 3-839I + 3-8383 + 3-6568 + 3-7237 + 5-2257 + 3-2423 + 3-2433 + 3' 10 42 + 3-8058 + 2-9560 + 2'9559 + 8-8536 + 3-8923 + 3-8944 + 3-8065 + 3-1821 + 3-2022 + 3-5730 + 2-9578 + 3-5970 +19-8248 + 4-2547 + 3-7596 + 3-S794 + 3-4061 + 3-7603 + 3-2777 + 3-2777 + 3'toos + 5-3040 + 3-5839 + 3-5860 + 3-2977 + 3-8304 + 7-4425 + 5-3506 + 5-0345 + 3-8809 + 3-8534 + 4-3469 + 3-3344 + 3-8594 + 3-6152 s +2 ' 9029 +0-553 o 0003 + O-O562 +0-0983 +O-OIII -0-0037 +0-0612 +0-0609 +o 0448 +0-0504 +0-2485 +0-0157 +0-0157 +0-0085 +0-0564 +O-OO2I +O-OO22 + 1-2633 +0-0641 +0-0642 +O-O56I +O-OI23 +0-0134 +0-0367 +O-OO24 +0-0384 +8-9004 +0-0998 +0-05II +0-0369 +O-O250 +0-0509 +0-0173 +0-0173 +0-0084 +0-2465 +0-0368 +0-0369 +0-OI83 +O-O56I +0-733I +0-2509 +0-1993 +O-06OI +0-0577 +O-IO72 +o 0203 +0-0581 +0-0386 s 0-1223 +0-0029 +0-0079 +0-0015 0-0030 +0-0014 0-0130 0-0062 +0-000; +0-0036 0-0025 +0-0004 +0-0035 +0-0035 +0-0004 +O-OO2 +0-0050 0-0016 O t II 3- 36. 37-64 9. 10. 27-37 106. 31. 1-31 38. 31. 51-69 26. 53. 50-84 81. 23. 46-14 115. 36. 10-49 36. 32. 43-73 36. 39. 36-04 44. 19. 6-68 41- 19- 3175 14. 57. 22-48 73- 35- 33-32 73- 3i- 39-3I 86. 51. 49-95 38- 36- 33-66 10:. 14. 54-10 101. 13. 50-59 5- 47- 55-56 35- 37- 17-07 35. 36. 6-10 38. 44. 43-33 79. 30. 6-18 77. 38. 11-52 49- 55- 17-07 100. 52. 43-72 48. 42. 8-43 2. 2. 44-30 26. 52. 19-45 41. 5. 54-26 49. 48. 48-23 60. 57. 26-43 41. 14. 12-22 71. 14. 36-95 71. 14. 45-68 87. 21. 20-79 15. 12. 9-87 49- 53- 6-88 49. 50. 13-64 69. 43. 48-15 38.51. 5-18 7- 59- 0-36 15. 4. 20'12 17. 23. 2-07 37- H. 5X2 38. 12. 29-14 25. 45. 22-63 66. 57. 44'" 38. 2. 58-50 48. 38. 49-72 92'33 94-47 92-85 91-63 91-06 92-85 95-07 92-86 94-82 9I-89 90-94 89-65 95^9 96-07 88-31 90-77 96-69 93^3 94-6l 89-42 89-42 89-90 92-99 93T7 91-54 92-93 92-53 95-05 94-37 90-20 88-94 93 74 94-47 93 -I 9 93-I9 91-19 92-95 8778 89-15 93-25 90-23 96-50 93-40 92-10 94-78 94-26 95-18 96-65 92-63 94'95 5 2 8 3 3 68 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 10 4 6 23 4 3 3 3 12 3 3 21 3 2 33 3 3 38 3 ii ii 13 2 3 4 9t 3 4 2 3 3 3 2 5 3 3 5 6 3 9 2 4 3 3 3 28 3 2 3 2 3 18-238 -18-223 -18-213 18-200 -18-197 18-190 18-156 18-152 18-139 18-135 18-120 18-102 18-091 -18-085 18-072 18-027 18-02,: 18-017 18-016 18-014 18-006 18-002 -17-984 -17-981 I7-959 I7-945 17-941 -I7-934 17-927 -17-925 -17-919 -I7-9I5 -17-898 -17-887 -17-887 . TT S'71 +0-729 +0-405 +0-185 +0-239 +0-264 +O-202 +0-181 +0-246 +0-246 +0-235 +O-240 +0-335 +0-212 +0-212 +O-204 +0-25I +0-197 +0-197 +0-574 +0-257 +0-258 +0-252 +0-213 +0-215 +0-240 +O'200 +0-242 +1-300 +0-286 +0-254 +0-242 +O'23I +0-255 +0-224 +O-224 +0-213 +0-359 +0-245 +0-246 +0-227 +0-263 +0-505 +0-366 +0-345 +0-268 +0-266 +0-299 +0-232 +0-267 +0-25I -0-857 0-058 +0-066 +O'oi6 0-05 +O'II2 +0-085 +0-031 +0-028 +O'O22 O'OOO +0-23* +O'IO2 +0-095 O'O2O +0-048 +0-102 O'OOO Groombridge 377 Groombridge 375 1 10 Piscium o Sculptoris e Groombridge 380 .... Groombridge 381 Groombridge 382.... Oeltz. Arg. (N. ) 2004 Groombridge 379 .... Bradley 236 Piazzi I 175 Piazzi I. 176 Piazzi I 182 53 Ceti X Carrington 260 Groombridge 385 Groombridge 386 Groombridge 387 .... 54 Ceti B. D. +12 No. 242 Groombridge 391 .... <;<; Ceti .. t Groombridge 393 .... Lalande F. 241 45 C'assiopeiae f Piazzi I. 187 . . 2 Trianguli g Groombridge 397 5 Arietis y 5 Arietis (Comes) y in Piscium . Groombridge 392 Groombridge 400 Bradley 250 . -17-871 -17-867 -17-856 17-845 -17-840 17-821 -17-817 -17-811 -17-809 -17-807 17-806 17-799 17-798 I7-793 6 Arietis yo Piazzi I. 199 Carrington 274 Groombridge 398 Piazzi I. 194 Groombridge 406 Groombridge 407 Groombridge 403 Groombridge 408 Groombridge 412 634-635. These stars form the pair 2 180. {xvi} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. "2 s^ 11 -pa o fe 1755- i J.f aT .- _Q O * l8lO. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual 1 '](>] ier Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 0> 1 ? O 4 3J 1 1 ai 1 o <1 o I 1 1 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 66 1 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 262 263 260 254 271 273 269 259 264 277 270 275 276 281 405 414 413 411 4l6 4l8 417 423 415 4IO 409 422 431 425 432 427 429 419 437 428 438 433 439 435 441 440 426 43 442 447 444 446 449 450 B. D. +33 No. 325 Groombridge 405 Groombridge 414.... Groombridge 413 Groombridge 411 .... Piazzi I 207 . 9'5 7'4 8-2 8-4 7-0 6-8 6-7 7'9 5-2' 7-8 7'7 4-9* 8-2 6-5 9-0 6'2 7'4 7'5 6-2* 8-2 9-1 4-1- 8-4 5-4* 5-8' 3-8* 4-9* 5-3* 7-8 7'3 7'3 7'3 7-6 3'9t 2'8t 6-8 5'4* 6'5 6-7 6-7 7'5 3'ot 5'ot 8-6 9'5 7-2 5-3 6-0* 7-0 8-0 h m s I. 50. S'I2I I. 50. 14-227 I. 50. 33-295 I. 50. 40-937 I. 50. 51-368 I. 51. 5-969 I. 51. 16-056 I. 51. 17-941 I. 51. 20-393 I. 51. 42-224 I. 51. 47-652 I. 51. 47-875 I. 51. 49-849 I. 51. 58-118 I. 52. 0-539 I. 53. 26-866 I. 53. 27-007 i. 53- 30-096 i. 53. 32-418 i. 53- 53757 i. 53- 59-47I i. 54. 2-930 i- 54- 5-077 i. 54. 7-461 i. 54. 25-810 i. 54. 49-311 i. 54. 58-647 1.55. 1-704 i. 55. 6-195 i- 55- 9-374 i. 55. 24-710 i. 56. 0-857 i. 56. 5-244 i. 56. 21-167 i. 56. 21-307 i. 56. 24-050 i. 56. 32-301 i. 56. 39-804 i. 56. 41-696 i. 56. 48-707 i. 56. 50-888 i. 57. 8-803 i. 57. 9-688 i. 57. 21 ^47 i. 57. 22-795 i. 57. 40-550 i. 58. 6-441 i. 58. 10-252 i. 58. 18-681 i. 59. 23-060 93-85 94-96 91-65 92-56 93'23 88-27 90-11 92-27 96-77 88-23 937i 93'i7 92-55 91-32 91-66 91-19 90-68 92-69 93-66 94-I7 8778 95-24 94-92 94-02 94-72 90-95 91-86 94-53 92-05 94'45 92-42 9379 92-27 94-3I 93'69 94-53 94-11 93-86 95-46 93-74 96-15 94-58 94-59 94-32 93-82 91-38 90-87 87-80 90-18 92-43 4 2 3i 3 5 3 4 3 6 3 3 H 7 5 5 3 4 3 6 3 2 23i 3 3 4 5 5 3 2 4 4 4 3 15 14 3 8 5 3 34 4 47 29 3 3 ii 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 13* 3 4 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 s + 3-4870 + 4-5326 + 3-6159 + 3-8852 + 4-5028 + 37303 + 3-6178 + 3-8869 + 3-2667 + 37323 + 4-5377 + 3 '3392 + 3-3394 + 5-4090 + 5-4047 + 5-1918 + 3-6833 + 4-8933 + 3-2048 + 3-9*79 + 3 '347 2 + 5-0235 + 4-3 8 74 + 5-7849 + 3-1012 + 2-8181 + 3-9559 + 5-5750 + 3-9295 + 4'9093 + 3-7479 + 5-3412 + 3-9705 + 3-0978 + 3-0978 + 4-4402 + 3-4912 + 3-2223 + 7-1671 + 6-3723 + 4-4018 + 3-657 2 + 3-6574 + 4-4015 + 3-5I47 + 3-2824 + 4-4283 + 3-0625 + 3-8622 + 3-9809 ft +0-0296 +0-1285 +0-038, +0-0599 +0-1241 +0-0468 +0-0383 +0-0597 +0-0164 +0-0468 +0-1272 +0-0204 +O'O2O^ +0-2539 +0-2530 +0-2I52 +0-0424 +0-I7H +0-OI32 +0-06IO +O'O2O6 +0-1887 +0-I07I +o - 3 I 45 +0-0086 O'OOI2 +0-0637 +0-2742 +0-06I3 +OT706 +0-0465 +0-2329 +0-0643 +0-0085 +0-0085 +0-II06 +0-0286 +0-0139 +0-6063 +0-4213 +0-1059 +0-0394 +0-0394 +0-1054 +O-O299 +0-0168 +0-IO76 +0-007I +0-0542 +0-0634 a 9 +0-001 0-008! 0-0088 +0-0417 O'OIIO +0-0330 +0-0141 +0-0065 +0-0033 o - 0096 0-OI2I +0-OOI6 +O'OOl6 +0-OO7 0-0006 +O ' OO2 1 +0-O02I +0-0038 o / // 56. 9- 5'55 22. 57. 29-37 48. 46. 19-51 37. 22. 35-95 23. 29. 34-18 43. 26. 31-02 48. 50. 33-09 37- 27- 34-27 72/43. 11-97 43- 29- 48-59 23. 9. 12-61 66. 56. 26-66 66. 56. i -or 15. i. 54-75 15. 3. 49-91 16. 40. 55-09 46- 6. 48-53 19. 14. 7-38 78. 14. 20-90 37- o- 36-52 66. 41. 44-90 18. 6. 41-34 25- 53- 39'SS 13. 14. 52-47 87. 25. 46-65 in. 36. 40-47 36. 2. 40-19 14. 24. 51-83 36. 54. 11-23 19. 19. 8-48 43- 4i- 19-59 15. 56. 43-06 35- 5- 1 2 '33 87. 46. 2-27 87. 46. 4-51 25- 25. 31-37 57- 14- 47-05 77- 3- 15-07 9- 2. 36-31 ii. 10. 50-99 26. 8. 37-40 48. ii. 54-52 48. ii. 49-83 26. 14- 29-34 55- 59- 5'4i 72. 16. 32-81 25- 55- 5-89 90. 52. 4-06 39- 53- 2-05 36- 13- 4-5i 93-85 94-96 89-52 92-56 93-26 88-27 90-11 92-27 96-77 88-23 93-80 92-39 91-99 91-62 91-94 91-41 90-68 92-95 93-69 94-17 8778 94-21 94-91 93-25 96-66 90-95 91-12 93-40 92-05 94'34 92-42 93-79 92-27 94-30 93-07 94-64 93 ' 2 7 93-9 95-46 92-87 96-57 94-59 94-65 94-32 93-82 91-38 90-87 89-01 90-18 92-43 ' 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 3 6 3 3 21 6 5 5 3 4 3 7 3 2 34 3 3 2 5 5 5 2 4 4 4 3 i? 20 3 8 8 3 3 3 45 28 3 3 ii 3 7 3 4 3 5 3 4 3 4 3 23 8 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -17-782 -17-778 -17-765 -i7-75g -I7-753 -I7-743 -17-736 -I7-734 -I7-733 -17-7J8 -17-714 -17-714 -17-713 -17-707 -17-705 17-646 i 7 646 17-644 17-642 17-628 17-624 17-621 17-619 17-617 17-605 -'7-589 -17-582 17-580 -'7-577 -I7-574 -17-563 -17-538 -17-535 17-524 -17-524 17-522 17-516 17-510 17-509 -17-505 -17-503 -17-490 -17-489 17-480 -17-480 -17-467 -17-448 -17-446 17-440 -17-393 +0-243 +0-314 +0-252 +0-271 +0-313 +0-261 +0-254 +0-272 +0-230 +0-263 +0-318 +0-236 +0-236 +0-378 +0-378 +0-367 +0-263 +0-347 +0-230 +0-280 +0-241 +0-357 +0-313 +0-411 +0-224 +0-205 +0-285 +0-399 +0-283 +0-352 +0-271 +0-385 +0-288 +0-227 +0-227 +0-323 +0-255 +0-237 +0-517 +0-461 +0-321 +0-269 +0-269 +0-322 +0-259 +0-243 +0-326 +0-228 +0-286 +0-296 +0-019 +0-017 +0-017 +0-005 0-017 +0-052 +0-250 +0-018 +0-008 +0-019 +O'O2O +0-009 +0-009 +0-029 +0-005 +0-05I +0-05I +0-058 Groombridge 418... Groombridge 417 ... 8 Arietis t Groombridge 423... Groombridge 415 .... W. B. (2) I. 1172.... Groombridge 410 Groombridge 409 .... Groombridge 422 .... Groombridge 431 .... Groombridge 425 .... Piazzi I. 223 . Groombridge 432 B. D. +23 No. 267 50 Cassiopeiae Groombridge 429 .... 47 Cassiopeije H2Piscium. 59 Ceti ...v 4 Persei Groombridge 438 .... Groombridge 433.... Groombridge 439.... Groombridge 441 .... 1 1 3 Piscium - 113 Pisciuin . <* Bradley 270 W. B. I. 973 .. Groombridge 426.... Groombridge 430 Piazzi I. 230 57 Andromedie ... .y 57 Andromeilas y Groombridge 444.... B. D. +33 No. 353 Piazzi I. 243 Groombridge 446 .... 61 Ceti Groombridge 449 .... Groombridge 450 .... 664. This star is a close double and forms the pair 2 185. 684-685. Tliese stars form the pair S 202. 689. This star is a close double and forms the pair 02 37. 692-693. These stars form the pair 2 205. 693. This star is a close double and forms the pair 02 38. FKOM UBSERTATIONS AT THE liOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xvii} No. "e b *$ ~a o" to '755- a 5 . 11 ** .s -=> d to igio Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean E.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. d 1 > o ,0 *3 QJ S fe _0 a d & E o .0 -5 OJ o 15 S3 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 7M 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 73 73i 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 74i 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 ... 287 290 282 289 293 294 296 302 292 301 300 33 35 306 39 443 45i 445 456 455 457 458 460 452 461 462 463 465 464 466 468 470 472 473 474 481 477 Groombridge 443 W. B. (2) I. 1396-7 Groombridge 451 .... GroombriJge 445 13 Arietis .. .. .a. 7'3 7-8 8-6 6-9 2-0* 7'3 7'5 8-7 9'5 7-2 8-2 3-1* 6-5 8-1 7'3 7'i 7'7-t 8-9 6-5 5-6* 6-1 5-9* 6-6* 7-8 9'4 5'7* 9-0 8-2 6-1* 5-ot 6'4t 8-7 6-6 5-1* 5'4* 9'4 6-5 6-2* 4'4* 8'3 7'i 7-2 5'9* 5-2* 5-8 9"3 3-5 T9 3-i 5'4 h ra s ' 59- 59'659 2. o. 10-537 2. O. I5'002 2. 0. 19-326 2. O. 58-305 2. I. 41-056 2. I.43-583 2. I. 54'OOI 2. I. 59-906 2. 2. 5-809 2. 2. 40-695 2. 2. 59-831 2. 3- 13-685 2. 3. 18-131 2. 3. 20-436 2. 3.36-113 2. 3. 36-544 2. 3- 36-945 2. 3- 49-636 2. 4. 12-424 2. 4. 13-289 2- 4- 31724 2. 4. 32-392 2. 5. 12736 2. 5. 29-781 2. 5. 32-611 2. 5. 40-576 2. 5 . 45-764 2. 5. 51-238 2. 5- 59-271 2 - 5- 59-595 2. 6. 9-558 2. 6. 11-463 2. 6. 19-388 2. 6. 38-495 2. 6. 53-962 2. 6. 59-492 2. 7. 3-270 2. 7. 10-114 2. 7. 16-830 2. 7. 44-382 2 - 7- 45-53I 2- 7- 53-293 2. 8. 3-754 2. S. 7-515 2. 8. 23-314 2. S. 34-121 2. 8. 46-304 2. 8. 54-493 2. 8. 58-740 89-82 89-01 94-21 89-82 93-22 92-82 88-80 92-58 96-71 92-16 93-40 94-70 94-00 89-57 92-87 91-40 89-31 89-18 92-90 88-93 88-93 9'-47 94-52 88-82 96-64 93-03 92 61 93-86 93-93 93-96 94-62 88-90 94-25 92-87 93-69 94-70 94-86 96-69 9I-33 91-56 94-91 89-11 96-26 92-67 96-24 95-88 91-58 88-88 95-48 94-34 4 6 3 4 133 3 7 3 2 6 4 38 6 3 6 2 5 4 3 3 3 13 4 7 3 5 3 3 4 II 6 3 3 3 5 34 4 5 3 3 3 5 3 4i 3 3 3 5 3 3 4 4 7 3 3 2 3 5 s + 6-5663 + 3-3170 + 3-9175 + 6-5749 + 3-3575 + 3-7248 + 3-2861 + 3-9988 + 3-9647 + 3-9645 + 4-0046 + 3-5417 + 5-3855 + 3-9715 + 3-2782 + 6-4963 + 3-3201 + 3-3200 + 4-1366 + 3-6214 + 3-6215 + 3-3103 + 2-7522 + 3-3372 + 4-4893 + 3-1710 + 5-4447 + 4-0219 + 4-6403 + 3-4723 + 3-4723 + 3-3475 + 3-9854 + 3-7419 + 3-3375 + 3-5487 + 3-8260 + 3-2580 + 3-1756 + 3-8224 + 3-8092 + 3-3174 + 2-7935 + 2-6426 + 3-9800 + 3-0544 + 3-3611 + 3-3619 + 3-7134 + 3-9870 8 +0-4489 +0-0184 +0-0577 +0-4493 +0*0204 +0-0427 +0-0167 +0-0636 +0-0607 +0-0606 +0-0636 +0-0304 +0-2238 +0-0605 +0-0163 +0-4189 +0-0183 +0-0183 +0-0743 +0-0351 +0-0351 +0-0177 0-0016 +0-0190 +0-1069 +0-0115 +0-2274 +0-0634 +0-1227 +0-0259 +0-0259 +0-0194 +0-0603 +0-0423 +0-0189 +0-0300 +0-0480 +0-0151 +O'on6 +0-0476 +0-0465 +0-0178 0-0003 0-0031 +0-0589 +0-0071 +0-0198 +0-0199 +0-0397 +0-0590 H O-OO7 +O-OI27 +o'ou +O'O2O +0-0082 0-007, 0-0025 0-0036 +0-005 +O-O2I O-OI05 0-OO2I 0-0065 0-0065 0*0046 +0-0092 0-0078 +0-0049 O 1 It 10. 49. 45-66 69. 56. 0-16 38. 23. 46-45 10. 49. 49-87 67. 3. 29-16 46. 3- 46-50 72. 29. 41-65 36. 12. 9-67 37. 15- 6-93 37. 16. 48-47 36. n. 24-40 55- 32- 0-18 1 6. 29. 24-52 37. l8. 21-12 73. 17. 31-18 II. 20. 15-49 70. 10. 23-19 70. 10. 31-24 32. 52. 27-31 51. 28. 49-03 51. 28. 34-94 71. i. 8-20 114. 51. 55-45 69. 8. 29-14 26. 9. 48-88 81. 56. 44-69 l6. 22. 21-32 36. 17. 54-48 23- 59- 30-40 60. 12. 46-23 60. 12. 45-21 68. 31. 5976 37. 27. 29-26 46. 17- 5-5i 69. 1 8. 22-27 55- 53- 20-62 43. i. 48-66 75. 14. 10-10 81. 40. 10-56 43- 13- 38-74 43- 49- 36-22 70. 54. 4-33 111.31. 2-75 121. 14. 24-16 38. o. 9-11 91- 27. 35-93 67. 54. 50-73 67. 53. I '60 48. 2. 42-31 37. 57. 12-08 89-82 89-01 94-21 89-82 93-40 92-82 88-80 92-58 93-74 89-89 93-40 94-68 91-78 89-57 92-87 91-40 89-31 89-18 93-66 88-93 88-93 91-70 94-52 88-82 9668 90-55 9I-33 93-86 93-36 93-64 94-62 88-90 94-25 92-87 93-69 94-59 94-86 96-69 91-82 91-56 94-91 89-11 96-26 93-86 96-24 95-88 91-58 88-88 94-91 94'34 4 6 3 4 1 02 3 7 3 3 4 4 36 21 3 6 2 5 4 3 3 3 20 4 6 3 4 2 3 6 13 6 3 3 3 5 4 4 5 39 3 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 4 4 13 3 i 2 4 9 a -17-367 -I7-358 -7'355 -I7-353 '7'3 2 4 17-292 17-290 -17-283 -17-278 17-274 17-248 -17-234 17-223 17-220 -17-219 17-207 17-206 17-206 -17-196 17-180 -17-179 -17-165 17-165 17-134 17-121 17-119 17-112 17-109 17-105 17-099 -17-098 17-090 17-090 17-084 17-069 -17-057 17-053 -17-050 17-045 -17-039 17-018 -17-017 17-011 -17-003 17-000 -16-988 16-980 16-970 16-963 16-960 // +0-486 +0-250 +0-294 +0-488 +0-254 +0-283 +0-250 +0-303 +0-301 +0-301 +0-305 +0-272 +0-410 +0-304 +0-252 +0-494 +0-256 +0-256 +0-318 +0-280 +0-280 +0-257 +0-215 +0-260 +0-348 +0-248 +0-421 +0-313 +0-361 +0-272 +0-272 +0-263 +0-311 +0-293 +0-263 +0-279 +0-301 +0-257 +0-251 +0-301 +0-301 +0-263 +0-223 +O"2I2 +0-3I5 +0-244 +0-268 +0-269 +0-296 +0-3I8 H +0-05 +0-134 +0-033 +0-024 +0-188 0-005 +0-004 o-ooo +0-031 +O-QI +0-100 +0-004 +0-055 +0-055 +0-019 0-016 +0-079 +0-016 +O-QOI O'O2 +Q-OIO Groombridge 456 .... Piazzi I. 257 Groombridge 455 B. D. +52 No. 522 Groombridge 457 Piazzi I. 255 4 Trianguli R Bradley 282 Groombridge 460 W. B. (2) I. 1482,... G roombridge 452 W. B. (2)11. I W. B. (2) II. i (Comes) 5 Pursei Ji 59 Andromedae Bradley 294 . . 15 Arietis Lalaude 4023 ... . Piazzi II. i B. D. +63 No. 305 64 Ceti B. D. +73 No. 122 Groombriilge 465 55 Cassiopeise . . 6 Trianguli 6 Trianguli (Comes). ... W. B. (2)11. 75-6.,. Piazzi II. 2 60 Andromedae 5 17 Arietis ...., 77 B. D. +33 No. 381 Groombriilge 470 19 Arietis 65 Ceti . i 1 Groombridge 472 Groombridge 473 Bradley 309 +o'ooo O-OOH Lalande4i33 Fornacis ... ... Groombridge 474 B. D. 1 No. 305.. 15. D. +21 No. 303 Lalande 4136 Groombridge 481 Groombridge 477 1 - i 717-718. These stars form the pair 2221. 73Q-73 1 - These stars form the pair 2 227. GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. C {xviii} SECOND TKN-YEAK CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, So. "2 O> . ! *1 .SPQ $ 1755- g It .a! ^ 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 H- No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Aunual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annnal Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. OJ 9 > O 3 3 6 5 3 4 3 3 2 5 3 3 46 3 3 2 5' 4 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 5 5 12 4 5 2 3 3 3 3 5 8 5 3 9 4 4 4 3 3 36 4' 4 5 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 2* 3 20 2 16-457 --16-448 -16-427 16-427 16-425 16-402 16-401 l6'40i -16-395 -16-389 -16-387 -16-383 16-381 -16-373 16-342 16-340 16-326 16-310 16-309 16-301 16-291 16-282 16-277 16-271 -"16-269 16-259 16-259 -16-254 16-245 -16-238 16-223 16-212 16-199 16-182 -16-177 16-167 -16-159 16-144 -16-132 r6-i3oj 16-120' I6"II2 -16-075 16-074 16-065 16-037 -15-998 -15-995 -15-993! -15-984! +0-232 +0-293 +0-414 +0-414 +0-414 +0-342 +0-348 +0-417 +0-250 +0-292 +0-247 +0-277 +0-277 +0-418 +0-688 +0-303 +0-297 +0-305 +0-277 +0-616 +0-539 +4-300 +0-297 +0-295 +0-322 +0-357 +0-357 +0-323 +0-459 +0-281 +0-464 +0-302 +0-295 +0-293 +0-243 +0-432 +0-462 +0-244 +0-361 +0-467 +0-466 +0-306 +0-255 +0-293 +0-440 +0-497 +0-309 +0-307 +0-477 +0-335 // O'OOO O'OOO O'OOO +0-10; 0-003 O'OI +0-085 +0-001 +0-086 +0-076 +0-025 +0-086 +0-108 0-036 O'OII W. B. (2) II. 408.... Bradley 332 (Comes) Bradley 332 7-Yr. Cat. (1860) No. 156 Piazzi II. 78 Lalande F 404 72 Ceti n W. I?. (2) II. 444... Oeltz. Arg. (S.) 1551-2.. W. B. II. 306 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 2766 Piazzi II 60 12 Trian^uli . Piazzi II. 92 73 Ceti t? Groombridge 510 Groombridge 512 Carrington 303 Lalande4572 W. B. (2) II. 503.... Groombridge, 518 Groomb. 5i7 o 4 0) I s o 0> pa 1 < aj & 3 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 88 1 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 357 362 360 364 36i 353 344 367 358 372 375 369 366 377 381 374 376 380 383 383 384 385 388 386 387 390 529 534 533 532 527 536 535 539 54i 537 543 545 538 546 551 548 547 55 553 544 15 Trianguli 5-6* 6-2* 8-6 n 8-0 7'4 5-9* 4'9* 8-7 8-i 7'it 5-6* 6 -it 8-3 7-0 5-9* 8-0 5-4* 7-6 7'4 4-1* 5-0* 9-2 5-6* 8-1 5'9* 9-0 6-9 S-8" 6-3* 4-2* 8-0 5-6* 4-7* 6-8f 3'ot 9-0 8-6 TI 5-8* 8-0 4-3* 5-2* 4-4* 7'9 77 4-7* 7'7 7-0 7-6 b m 3 2. 29. 6-309 2. 29. 14-558 2. 29. 25-552 2. 29. 34-844 2. 29. 48-294 2. 30. 2-532 2. 30. 2-862 2. 30. 6-047 2. 30. II'07O 2. 30. 25-516 2. 30. 37-047 2. 3- 37-952 2- 30. 39-SI5 2. 31. 32-209 2. 31. 42-615 2- 3 1 - 57'993 2. 32. 18-552 2. 32. 34-172 2. 32. 42-352 2- 32- 55-72I 2. 33. 50-600 2- 34- 14-570 2. 34- 16-767 2. 35. 10-618 2. 35- I8-593 2. 35- 21-971 2. 35- 32-708 z- 35- 38'956 2. 36- 9-797 2. 36- 33-520 2. 36. 41-215 2. 36. 43-946 2- 36. 55122 2- 36. 59-79I 2- 37- 35-865 2. 37. 36-012 2. 37. 41-462 2. 38. 6-785 2. 38. IO-7II 2. 38. 29-225 2. 38. 5 1 -820 2. 38. 53-2II 2- 38. 57-875 2. 38. 59-708 2. 39 . 11-073 2. 39. 15-043 2. 39. 58-108 2. 40. 16-352 2. 4 0. 19-783 2. 40. 29-359 93-94 89-41 96-20 93-97 91-61 90-63 94-86 9I-38 93-87 88-93 94-76 93-67 94-76 89-32 96-28 94-87 96-28 95-19 93^9 91-20 92-56 94-97 95-88 90-66 92-17 9371 95-39 93- 3 94-07 89-72 94-73 94-76 92-94 94-39 95-75 93-13 96-19 95-86 93-83 94-49 93-27 93-62 91-94 92-26 9276 94-76 96-97 93-09 93-13 95-08 3 4 2 3 2 3 ii 24 3 3 7 7 7 5 2 j 2 13 4 3 40 9 3 3 3 4 2 7 14 6 24 3 3 5 3 40 3 2 6 5 3 5 9 12 2 3 2 3 8 3 4 3 4 16 5 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 3 2 2 2 8 + 3-6229 + 3-I7I9 + I6-5947 + 2-7377 + 5-3998 + 3-7948 + 3-I633 + 3-1453 + 4-I278 + 3-4"6 + 3-4390 + 3-2456 + 3 '4391 + 3-4I5I + 5^797 + 8-2572 + 5-4757 + 33975 + 4-1428 + 5 '0793 + 3 ' 704 + 2-8902 + 17-6562 + 4-2527 + 3'9998 + 5-0824 +12-1511 + 3 9984 + 3-37I4 + 3-2254 + 4-0358 + 5-5617 + 3-8841 + 3-5079 + 3'"36 + 3-H36 + 3-2974 + 9-0831 + 3 '3376 + 3-2985 + 4-0617 + 2-8543 + 3^539 + 3-2178 + 5'4279 + 5-6003 + 2-7760 + 5-4408 + 3-8983 + 7-7897 s +0*0299 +0-OII2 +3-8824 -(-0-0007 4-0-1779 +0-0388 +0-0109 +0-0104 +0-0595 -j-O"O2OO +O'O2I2 +-''"137 +O-02I2 +0-0201 +0-1843 +0-6549 +0-1836 +0-0193 +0-0593 +0-I386 +O-OO82 +0-0038 +4-29II +0-0657 +O-O49I +0-1361 + I-742I +0-0489 +0-0180 +0-0128 +0-0508 +0-1860 +0-0419 +0-0234 +0-0094 +0-0094 +0-0152 +0-8054 +0-0166 +0-0152 +0-0516 +0-0033 +0-0137 +0-0125 +0-1673 +o 1865 +O-002I +O'l672 +0-0417 +0-5'54 S +0-001; +0-123 0-0051 +0-008*: +0-0177 +0-0087 0-0040 +0-0021 O'OOig 0-0063 +0-OOO4 +0-0081 +0-0042 +O'OOO3 +O-OOO9 O-OO4I +0-0330 O f OOI2 O'OOig o"oii4 0-0114 +0-0024 o 0013 o 0028 +0-0073 +0-0164 +0-0126 +0-0218 / " 55. 47. 34-62 83. o. 2778 3- 25- 57-01 112. 24. 37-83 19. 15. 12-36 48. 24. 59-03 83. 38. 18-89 84- 53- 1377 37- 39 59-48 67. 25. 39-69 65- 49- 53-58 78. i. 47-38 65. 49. 55-26 67. 20. 54-99 1 8. 50. 52-92 9- i. 7-05 '8. 53- 45'9i 68. 30. 53-25 37. 40. i4'8i 22. 24. 30-61 90. 8. 46-92 IO2. 2O. 22-48 3. 16. 14-90 35. 21. 51-13 42. 6. 28-67 22. 38. 36-64 5- 16. 54-45 42. 12. 17-83 70. 27. 27-82 79. 43- 39-79 4L 14- H'38 l8 - 44- 34-5I 46. 10. 16-17 62. 45. 41-07 87. 13. 40-24 87. 13. 41-64 75. 9 49-95 8. 3. 26-67 72.42. 8-1 1 75- 9- 16-69 40. 48. 41-18 104. 19. 29 89 78. i. 3-35 80. 21. 2'79 19- 57- 52-75 18. 42. 26-14 109. 2. 19-33 19. 58. 3-89 46. II. 24-28 IO. 20. 56-15 93-94 89-41 96-20 93 '97 92-25 90-63 94-86 91-58 93-87 88-93 93-92 94-14 94-57 89-32 9 6 '35 92-88 96-52 93-i8 93 '59 90-74 9296 94^7 95-88 90-38 92-17 92-66 95-56 93-03 94-07 8972 94-76 94-65 92-94 94-26 9575 91-99 96-19 9586 9399 93-52 93'27 93-62 91-91 9235 92-94 94-65 96-97 93-27 91-90 95-08 3 4 2 3 3 ii 23 3 4 8 ii 6 5 2 6 2 16 4 3 34 9 3 3 3 6 2 7 15 6 24 4 3 7 3 25 3 2 6 5 3 5 9 i? 2 4 2 3 6 3 4 3 4 30 3 7 2 3 8 4 2 4 3 2 2 2 -I5-957 15-949 '5-941 -I5-93I -15-920 -15-906 -15-906 '5 -904 -15-899 -15-886 -15-876 -15-875 -15-874 -15-827 -15-817 15-804 -15-785 -15-771 -15-763 -'5752 -15-702 15-680 -15-678 -15-629 -15-623 -15-619 15-609 -15-603 -I5-575 -I5-553 -15-546 -I5-544 -'5-534 -15-529 -15-496 -15-496 -15-491 15-467 -15 '463 15-446 -15-425 15-424 -15-419 -15-418 -15-407 -15-404 -15-363 -I5-347 -I5'343 -I5-334 it +0-327 +0-287 +1-475 +0-249 +0-486 +0-344 +0-288 +0-286 +0-374 +0-310 +0-3I3 +0-296 +0-313 +0-313 +0-498 +0-748 +0-500 +0-313 +0-380 +0-465 +0-285 +0-270 + 1-613 +0-395 +0-373 +0-472 + I-I2O +0-373 +0-3I7 +0-304 +0-379 +0-519 +0-365 +0-330 +0-295 +0-295 +0-312 +0-850 +'37 +0-313 +0-385 +0-273 +0-310 +0-307 +0-513 +0-53 +0-267 +0-517 +0-373 +0-739 // +0-036 -1-45 +0-028 O'OI +0-075 +0-007 +0-O02 +O'IO +0-011 +0-009 +0-007 +0-245 +0-025 +0-029 +0-040 +0-028 +0-093 +0-024 +0-009 +0-156 +0-156 +0-032 +0-022 +0-009 +0-069 +O"O2O +0-1 10 -0-054 Piazzi II. 118 Lalande F. 382-3.... Lalande48i7 Groombridge 529 Groombridge 534 Piazzi II. 123 78 Ceti v Groombridge 533 W. B. (2) II. 688.... Bradley 360 \V. B. (2)11. 710.... Bradley '?<;'?.. Oeltz. Arg. (N.)297o Piazzi II. 132 Bradley 358 82 Ceti g 83 Ceti f Carrington 364 ii Persei Groombridge 541 Bradley 366 Carrington 37 1 . Groombridge 543 34 Arietis u. 85 Ceti 13 Persei Groombridge 538 14 Persei 35 Arietis 86 Ceti y 1 86 Ceti -y 2 W. B. II.6I2 Carrington 387... 36 Arietta 37 Arietis o Groombridge 551 89 Ceti TT 38 Arietis 87 Ceti u. Groombridge 548 Groombridge 547 I Eridani T i Groombridge 550 Groombridge 553 Groombridge 544 861-863. These stars form the pair 2 App. I. 5. 885-886. These stars form the; binary 2 299. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xxi} No. "in v . *> *n .53 fc 1755. Id 5f .5.0 d to 1 8 10. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Above Pole. & o 3 a 901 902 93 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 9'3 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 93 93i 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 382 393 397 395 400 399 406 408 407 555 554 549 556 552 560 559 561 557 563 564 565 558 566 567 568 562 57i 573 576 574 570 569 578 572 579 583 585 58i 586 575 W. B. II. 666 .. 7'7 8'3 7'i 6-6 7'3 6-2 7'5 8-6 6-3 8-3 6-1* 8-8 3-9* 7-2 8'3 8-3 7'4 5-6* 8-7 3-8" 7-6 8-2 6-5 7'9 7-8 4-7* 7-0 TO 8-ot 7'it 7'2 5-5* 4-0* 7'4 6-5 7-2 8-4 7-0 8-2 8-6 7'3 7'3 5-8* 6-5 8-2 9-2 5-8* 5'5* 5-2* 8-: h m 3 2. 40. 29-859 2. 40. 43-378 2. 40. 57'128 2. 41. 7798 2. 4:. 10-421 2. 41. 23-941 2. 41. 52'95 2. 41. 58-764 2. 42. 10-078 2. 42. 10-368 2. 42. 22-OOO 2- 42. 37 "546 2. 42. 40-435 2. 42. 49-557 2. 42. 51-671 2. 42. 53-160 2. 42. 54-291 2. 43. 9"2OI 2. 43. 28-807 2. 43. 30-506 2. 43. 59-311 2. 44 . 17-149 2. 44. 2 1 '880 2 - 44- 25-113 2. 44. 27-22I 2. 44. 29-148 2- 44- 37'429 2. 45- 378o 2. 45- I3'23Q 2. 45. 13-262 2. 45. 16-124 2. 45. 25-109 2. 46. 27-565 2. 46. 36-351 2. 46. 42-641 2. 46. 44-070 2. 47. 17-761 2. 47. 26-157 2. 47. 47-548 2 - 47- 53-35S 2. 48. 8-087 2. 48. 48-095 2. 49. 7-561 2. 49. 8-048 2. 49- 32-741 2. 49- 35708 2- 49- 37 '574 2. 50. 13-508 2. 50. 36-636 2- So- 39 '385 89-63 95-83 9337 93 '27 95-44 92-52 95-I3 96-49 92-64 90-93 93-53 96-31 94-91 93-28 89-85 89-85 93^5 93-75 93-87 94-01 94-80 94-55 93' 96-56 93-52 95-85 91-94 93-87 94-89 95-11 94-24 92-78 94-38 93-09 91-65 95-i6 96-19 92-10 95-13 94-7I 88-30 93-22 94-16 93-92 95-04 94-33 94-11 94-90 92-70 94-67 4 3 5 4 3 5 3 4 3 3 5 4 37 3 3 3 3 5 3 i6J 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 3i 3 25 24* 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 3 S 2 6 7 9 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 3 i 3 3 i 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 s + 2-9907 + 3-8980 + 3-4302 + 4-3821 + 6-1447 + 4-3864 + 5-8792 + 4-3301 + 5-2708 + 3-8407 + 3-3522 + 4-3371 + 4-3371 + 4-1815 + 2-9910 + 2-9904 + 4-9583 + 3-3396 + 3-8461 + 3-5146 -f- 4-2186 + 4-1864 + 5-9321 + 6-2966 + 3-9395 + 2-5044 + 3-9352 + 4-2234 + 5-8607 + 5-8607 + 3-8552 + 3-3030 + 4-2217 + 4-0156 + 4-1592 + 5'Oio6 + 4-I552 + 5-8555 + 4-1616 + 5-55I7 + 4-0276 + 3-8631 + 4-0276 + 4-1760 + 4-2283 + 4-2278 + 3-3635 + 33590 + 3-6274 + 7-2106 8 +O-006;: +0-04I5 -f-O-OIgS +0-07I7 +0-2499 +0-07I9 +0-2149 +0-0676 +0-I470 +O-038I +0-0168 +0-0678 +0-0678 +0-0574 +0-0064 +0-0063 +O-H66 +0-OI63 +o 0380 +0-0228 +0-0593 +0-0571 +0-2168 +0-2628 +0-0427 0-0006 +0-0424 +0-0591 +0-2067 +0-2067 +0-0380 +0-0150 +0-0584 +0-0462 +0-0455 +0-1175 +0-0540 +0-2023 +0-0542 +0-1683 +0-0464 +0-0375 +0*0460 +0-0545 +0-0575 +0-0574 +0-0167 +0-0165 +0-0265 +0-377I s +0-015 O'OOI +0-001; +o - 002; O'OOII +0-0032 +0-008 O-2OOO o'ooiS 0-0022 +0-0186 +0-0006 o / " 95- 25- '3-89 46. 15. 18-95 67. 30. 3-50 33- 25. 35-24 15. 43. 3-66 33. 22. 30-89 17. 10. 44-19 34. 36. 58-90 21. 34. 5-27 48. 31. 25-58 72. 10. 29-76 34- 33- 27-45 34- 33- 41-50 38. 10. 27-69 95. 20. 21-65 95. 22. 46-44 24. 49. 15-17 72. 59. 38-07 48. 30. 43-72 63. II. 36-23 37- 25. 2377 38. 15. 16-04 17. 4. 49-20 15. 14. 52-11 45- 23. 43-30 122. 52. 6-94 45- 33- 37-39 37. 27. 18-94 17- 33- 43-o8 '7- 33- 45-59 48. 25. 57-53 75- 22. 1779 37. 41. 17-85 43- i?- 23-58 39. 16. 59-22 24- 38. 28-93 39. 28. I -12 17. 46. 21-40 39. 22. IO'95 19. 49. 52-13 43- 8. 37-61 48. 38. 24-51 43. 16. 57-28 39- 2-55 37- S 6 . 37-94 37- 57- 49-07 72. 6. 52-79 72. 24. 57-88 58. 3- 33-38 12. 2O. 59'99 1 89-63 95-83 93-49 93-56 95-33 92-43 95-10 96-65 91-91 91-19 93-53 96-18 94-62 93-28 89-85 89-85 93-67 9375 93-87 93-44 94-63 94-55 93-58 96-61 93-52 95-85 91-71 9369 94-89 93-7I 94-24 9275 94-40 94-16 91-65 95-I4 96-19 91-16 94-56 94-76 88-30 93-22 94-16 9375 94-61 94-33 94-14 94-74 93-4I 94-67 4 3 4 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 5 3 32 3 3 3 3 5 3 24 4 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 I 4 3 30 26 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 5 6 8 3 2 2 2 2 2 14 2 3 3 i 3 2 I 4 3 2 7 2 3 2 -I5-333 15-321 -15-308 -15-298 -'5-295 -15-283 "5-255 -15-249 -I5-239 -15-239 15-228 15-212 15-211 15-201 -15-199 -15-198 -15-197 -15-183 -15-164 15-162 -'S'135 15-118 -I5-II3 15-110 15-108 15-107 15-099 -'S'073 15-064 -15-064 15-061 -I5-053 I4-992 14-984 14-977 14-976 I4-943 I4-935 -14-914 14-909 -I4-895 -I4-855 14-836 -14-836 -14-811 -14-808 -14-806 -14-771 -I4-748 -I4-745 +0-288 +0-373 +0-330 +0-420 +0-586 +0-421 +0-563 +0-417 +0-506 +0-37I +0-325 +0-419 +0-419 +0-404 +0-291 +0-291 +0-478 +0-325 +0-374 +0-342 +0-410 +0-408 +0-575 +o'6io +0-384 +0-247 +0-384 +0-413 +o-57i +0-571 +0-378 +0-325 +0-415 +0-396 +0-410 +0-492 +0-4-11 +0-576 +0-412 +0-548 +0-400 +0-385 +0-402 +0-416 +0-422 +0-422 +0-337 +0-338 +0-365 +0719 +0-001 +0-011 +O'O2I +0-034 O'OOI +0-119 -0-15 +0-039 +0-009 +0-005 +0-189 +0-028 Grootubridge 555 W. B. (2)11. 941.... Groombridge 554 Groombridge 549 Groombridge 556 Groombridge 552 Oeltz. Arg. (N.)3i8; Bradley 382 Groombridge 560 40 Arietis Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 3195 15 Persei . f> Piazzi II. 180 W. B. II. 707 .. . W. B II. 708 Groombridge 557 42 Arietis . TT Groombridge 563 41 Arietis Groombridge 564 Piiizzi II. 184 Groombridge 558 Groombridge 566 Groombridge 567 Groomb-568 (as one muss) Groomb. 562 (Comes] Groombridge 562 G roombridge 571 43 Arietis .. & 1 8 Persei . . 7- Groombridge 576 Piazzi II. 193 Groombridge 570 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 327 1 Groombridge 569 Groombridge 578 Groombridge 572 Groombridge 579 Groombridge 583 Groombridge 585 Piazzi II. 206 Groombridge 586 B. D. +51 No. 658 AZ Arietis n^ 46 Arietis p3 21 Persei Groombridge 575 928. This stiir is a close double and forms the pair S 314. 929-930. These stars form the pair 2 312. fxxii} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. 's 9i + 2-6551 + 3-8160 + 3'33i7 + 7-4245 + 4-2713 + 6-3640 + 8-2828 + 4-2742 + 6-3331 + 3-8843 + 4-1727 + 3'37i3 + 6-3651 + 4-0079 + 3-3S93 + 6-3656 + 7-6018 + 4-5745 + 4-1619 + 3-5958 + 2-5575 + 8-4694 + 6-3005 + 4-2910 + 4-1273 + 3-8572 + 3-9404 + 3-2892 + 3-4114 + 4-1694 + 4-1369 + 4-1395 + 3-0009 s +346-8399 +0-0378 -(-0-0052 +0-4607 +0-0396 +0-0397 +0-0181 +0-0363 +0-0184 +0-0377 +0-0119 +0-5338 +0-0006 +0-6656 +0-0098 +0-0594 +0-1612 +0-0016 +0-0331 +0-0151 +0-3809 +0-0556 +0-2381 +0-5I73 +0-0557 +0-2329 +0-0355 +0-0497 +0-0162 +0-2352 +0-0410 +0-0166 +0-2336 +0-3975 +0-0724 +0-0485 +0-0234 +O'OOI2 +0-5348 +0-2243 +0-055I +0-0463 +0-0336 +0-037I +0-OI36 +0-OI7I +0-0480 +0-0462 +0-0464 +0-0070 s +0-0038 O'OIII +0-0147 +0-0014 0-0025 0-0014 0-0225 0-0029 0-0015 0-0124 +0-0103 0-003 0-003 0-0017 +0-1274 0-0032 +0-0151 +0-0005 +0-0001 0-0029 +0-0095 or" O. 21. 7 4 32 48. ig. 53-89 99. 20. 10-90 II. I. 1-58 4 7- 4- 34-89 47- o. 15-31 69. 46. 23-87 j 49 . 24. 22-03 69- 6. 0-42 48. 17- 49-24 81- 3 1 - 53'2o io- 7- 55-9 I1 9 . 20. 43-40 8- 57- 22-53 86- 20. 32-16 36- 55- 30-" 20- 12. 19-24 114- 3- 22-89 ( 51- 35- "79 74- 34- 17-82 12- 13- 48-18 38. 14. 29-58 16- I- 3I-33 io- 17. 8'6o 38- 12. 39-77 16. 13. 20-67 49- 28. 7-35 40. 48. 26-76 72. 32- 42-86 16. 7- 17-72 45- 33- 35-53 71- 37- 39-72 16. io. 24-99 ii. 54-47-55 32- 30. 57-82 41. 18. 51-82 61. 20. 37-16 118. 15. 13-03 io. 4. 36-50 16. 32. 46-69 38. 15. 14-83 4 2. 21. 46-88 50. 48- 24-32 4 8. 2. 25-08 77. 22. 11-24 70. 41- 23-64 4 I. 24. 18-59 42. 18. 14-19 42. 14. 13-85 94- 13- 39-82 94-82 9 I> 3> 91-91 91-26 94-88 96'I9 93-96 92-42 93-28 91-50 92-83 92-32 92-26 90^92 93-S6 93-68 93-39 94-94 94-10 93-36 90-77 88-95 92-55 93-86 89-39 94-7I 94-I3 93'84 94-34 91-75 96-13 94-26 91-39 91-80 95-20 96-85 96-12 93-68 95-20 93-42 93-58 93-95 90-19 91-91 89-19 92-31 96-89 93-95 92-97 9I-93 3 3 10 IO 3 3 I 41 4 20 3 3 7 4i 26 3 6 2 3 5 2 3 19 3 5 3 So '9 7 4 3 6 4 4 3 3 3 4 7 4 3 5 3 7 46 4 3 3 3 7 15 3 8 5 3 4 18 i 2 (2) 2 (3) 4 4 2 2 II 2 H'743 -14-725 14-722 14-697 14-690 14-684 14-679 14-633 14-611 -I4-597 I4-557 -14-526 14-521 -14-505 -I4-393 -I4-374 H-354 14-331 14-295 14-269 14-208 -14-188 14-179 -14-177 14-169 14-129 -14-117 14-109 14-103 -14-083 14-050 14-048 -14-031 -14-025 -I3-995 '3'994 13-993 -I3-983 -13 971 -I3 - 971 -I3-944 -13-926 13-918 -I3-873 -13-847 -13-846 -13-843 13-821 -13-818 -13-816 I/ + 14-892 + 0-391 + 0-296 + 0-775 + 0-395 + 0-396 + 0-345 + 0-391 + 0-348 + 0-395 + 0-328 + 0-834 + 0-263 + 0-905 + 0-324 + 0-445 + 0-577 + 0-277 + 0-397 + 0-347 + 0-770 + 0-446 + 0-662 + 0-860 + 0-447 + 0-662 + 0-408 + o'439 + 0-356 + 0-667 + 0-423 + o-359 + 0-669 + 0-798 + 0-484 + 0-441 + 0-382 + 0-273 + 0-892 + 0-665 + o 456 + 0-439 + 0-411 + 0-421 + 0-353 + 0-366 + 0-446 + 0'443 + 0-443 + 0-323 */ +0-215 0-015 +0-004 +0-052 +0-006 +0-006 0-004 +0-073 +0'OO2 +0-037 +0-088 +0-10 +0-078 O'OIO +0-083 0-009 +0-160 +0-008 +0-026 0'O2O 0-OO5 Groombridge 587 C'-phei 47 Groombridge 588 W. B. (2) II. 1185... 47 Arietis Groombridge 592.... Groombridge 593 91 Ceti .. A. Groombridge 582 .... Lacaille 946 Bradley 396 . 92 Ceti a 23 Persei . y Groombridge 596 II Eridani ... T~ 25 Persei . . n W. B. (2) 11. 1358.. Groombridge 599 .... Groombridge 610 Bradley 417.. Groombridge 594 Groombridge 61 1 Groombridge 604 .... 26 Persei R Persei i 53 Arietis Groombridge 608.... 27 Persei K Groombridge 609 Groombridge 605 Oeltz. Arg. (N. 5349 3 B. D. +48 No. 857 55 Arietis Piazzi II 267 Groombridge 603 Groombridge 612 .... Groombridge 618.... Groombridge 619.... 28 Prrsei a Groombridge 621 ... Piazzi III. 4 57 Arietis . I Lalande 5851 Piazzi II. 268 Piazzi 1 1. 269 W. B. III. 50. . 959. This star is close double and forms the pair 2 333- 969. The limits of magnitude are 3-4 and 4-2 : the; period irregular. 977. The limits of magnitude are 2-3 and 3-5 : the period about three days. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT TIIE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. (xxiii) No. "2 z$ *1 flj d 1755- o . O 0} fc- tO 0-3 ~~s 6 * 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R. A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper j Motion. CJ & > 9 < i> o P-i fc o ffl "o CH O ^ m IOOI IOO2 1O03 1004 IOCS IO06 IOO7 I008 lOOg IOIO IOII IOI2 IOI3 IOI4 1015 IOl6 IOI7 1018 1019 1 020 1021 IO22 1023 1024 IO25 1026 1027 1028 IO29 1030 1031 1032 1033 I0j4 I3S 1036 I37 1038 1039 1040 1041 IO42 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 43i 454 445 45i 448 463 458 469 465 470 464 472 474 477 459 625 616 626 614 , 63 c 632 633 635 628 634 638 644 646 647 643 648 645 649 652 650 654 653 655 658 66 1 659 651 663 664 657 656 662 Groombridge 625 .... Bradley 431 8'2 5-5* 8-2 9-0 3-8* 6-7 5'5 8-0 4'9* 7-0 8-4 6-3 8-9 48* 6-0 8-0 4-8* 8-8 5-0" 6-0 4-8* 7-6 8-6 7'3 3-8* 5-2* 5-6* 5-2* 7-8 5-2* 1-9* 6-8 8-2 8-1 8'3 6-3* 8-3 5-6* 6-7 5-6* 5-9* 3-8' 6'5 7'9 8-9 7-0 8-6 8-5 8-4 4'6 h m s 3. 6. 12-350 3. 6. 22-727 3. 6. 26-992 3. 6. 46-643 3- 7-23-883 3. 7. 38-780 3- 7- 53-825 3. 8. 22-896 3- 8- 34-675 3. 8. 36-057 3- 8. 56-353 3. 9. 32-784 3. 9. 52-742 3. 10. 18-814 3. 10. 34-466 3. jo. 56-748 3. n. 51-004 3. 12. 1-648 3- 13- 35-452 3- 14- 4-396 3. 14. 4-407 3. 14. 12-513 3. 14. 22-120 3. 14. 32-061 3. 14. 37-4I3 3. 14. 52-520 3- 15- 7-701 3- IS- 25-57 3- 16. 14-463 3. 16. 25-342 3. 16. 28-174 3. 16. 36-321 3. 16. 38-985 3. 16. 42-132 3. 17. 21-270 3. 17. 32-568 3. 17. 31-696 3. 17. 48-702 3. 17. 52744 3- '8. 5-483 3. 18. 8-855 3- 18. 53-554 3- 18. 55-578 3. 19. 28-024 3. 19. 43-606 3- 19- 47-493 3- 19- 5f657 3. 20. 3-591 3. 20. 5-097 3. 20. 9-787 94-86 94-39 94-93 95-88 91-49 92-39 96-42 92-88 94'44 90-28 92-57 9493 96-80 94-I5 88-13 92-47 91-19 93-59 92-36 91-67 90-04 93-34 93-90 94'8i 93-58 92-73 92-19 95-5I 91-84 94-5I 94-22 8878 94-25 94-54 94-94 8770 95-01 96-83 93-35 94-21 94-55 91-63 96-30 94-86 96-42 93-I9 88-74 95-56 93-45 94'35 3 4 3 2 4 91 4 4 12} 3 3 3 2 6 4 3 4 3 13 5 4 3 3 5 5 21 5 4 3 5 38 4 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 24 5 4 4 4 3 3 4 II 8 3 2 3 3 2 I 3 3 2 2 2 a + 4-I3I8 + 7-3928 + 4-1286 + 8-6105 + 2-5224 + 3-9544 + 5-I925 + 4-I456 + 3-4416 + 4'55 + 4-I576 + 5-6799 + 8-9504 + 5-2I32 + 2-9630 + 4-2255 + 3-7377 + 4-I557 + 3-I243 + 4-2II5 + 4-0042 + 6-0315 + 4-1682 + 3-4399 + 2-6638 + 3-4531 + 5-I520 + 4-2233 + 3-9446 + 3-4473 + 4-2546 + 47100 + 3-9500 + 4-2260 + 4-2334 + 2-5779 + 3-973I + 3-53I9 + 3-95I6 + 3-4509 + 4-23I6 + 3-2275 + 6-1176 + 4-0346 + 4-2365 + 4-2587 + 4-6662 + 6-1301 + 6-1585 + 4-8160 3 +0-0458 +0-3546 +0-0456 +0-5432 +O'OOI2 +0-0370 +O-II27 +0-0458 +0-0177 +O-O4H +0-0462 +0-1518 +0-5872 +O'II2I +0-0063 +0-0489 +0-0273 +0-045I +0-0094 +0-0470 +0-0375 +0-1779 +0-0449 +0-OI7I +o - 0026 +0-OI75 +0-1032 +0-047I +0-0345 +0-OI72 +o 0481 +0-0730 +0-0346 +0-0468 +0-0470 +O-OO2I +0-0353 +0-0195 +0-0344 +0-0172 +0-0466 +0-OII5 +0-1789 +0-0374 +o 0463 +0-0473 +0-0686 +0-1783 +0-1809 +0-0773 a +O-OI50 +0-0245 O-OO5 0-0032 O-OO4 +0-0164 +0-018 0-OO72 +0-001; +0-0008 0-004; +0-0015 0-0004 0-0003 0-0052 +Q-OOI 0-0014 / " 42. 29. 43-12 12. 40. I3-97 42. 36. 37-47 9- 57- 43-I3 119. 25. 16-60 47- 54- 27-95 24. 45. 0-41 42. 22. 51-88 69. 21. 49-26 45- 3- 42-85 42- 7- 35-29 20. 40. 21-68 9- 30. 55-i8 25/45. 2-90 $6. 19- 33-68 40. 38. 0-37 56. 10. 49-19 42. 31. 51-33 87. 2. 1-45 41. 19. 30-09 47- 4- 7'44 18. 42. 32-40 42. 27. 43-48 69. 53. 18-36 112. 9. 32-17 69. 1 4 . 59-96 25. 48. 28-15 41. 10. 51-71 49. II. IO"49 69. 39. 7-12 40. 31. 51-03 31. 41. 50-59 49- 3- 21-94 41. 15. 5-47 41. 8. 18-72 115. 58. 54-85 48. 24. 44-98 65. 39. 58-05 49- 8. 1-15 69- 35- 15-05 41. 16. 3-88 81. 21. 31-86 18. 31. 13-33 46. 43- 50-67 41. 18. 49-42 40. 47. 6-94 32. 42. 43-64 18. 31. 18-69 18. 21. 49-10 30. 26. 37-09 94-86 92-87 94-93 9575 91-49 92-23 95-49 92-88 94-42 90-46 92-57 94-32 96-80 93-92 88-13 92-18 91-17 93-67 92-72 91-67 90-04 93-02 93-90 94-81 93-18 92-65 92-44 95-5I 92-77 94-5I 94-27 88-78 94-25 94-54 94-94 87-70 95-01 96-82 93-8i 94-21 94-55 92-44 96-11 94-86 96-51 93" '9 88-76 95-66 93-20 94-40 3 15 3 3 4 4 4 4 H 4 3 3 2 6 4 4 5 4 20 5 4 3 4 5 5 25 5 4 4 4 39 4 3 3 3 3 3 5 6 5 3 23 6 4 5 4 3 3 4 II 17 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 4 2 2 2 -I3-79I -I3-779 !3"775 i3'754 -13-714 -13-698 -13-683 -13-652 13-639 -13-638 13-616 -I3-577 i3'555 -13-527 13-510 -13-486 -13-428 13-416 I3'3i5 -13-283 13-283 13 2 73 13-264 -13-253 13-247 13-230 -13-213 i3' J 93 13-141 13-128 -13-125 13-116 -i3 -II 3 13-110 13-067 i3' 53 i3- 54 -13-036 13-031 13-018 13-013 12-963 12-961 12-926 12-908 12-903 12-899 -12-885 12-884 12-879 +0-443 +0-789 +0-444 +0-920 +0-274 +0-427 +0-559 +0'449 +0-374 +0-439 +0-451 +0-615 +0-968 +0-567 +0-325 +0-462 +0-411 +0-456 +0-346 +0-466 +0-443 +0-659 +0-462 +0-382 +0-297 +0-384 +0-57I +0-470 +0-440 +0-386 +0-475 +0-525 +0-442 +0-472 +0-474 +0-291 +0-445 +0-397 +0-444 +0-388 +0-475 +0-365 +0-687 +0-456 +0-478 +0-481 +0-527 +0-691 +0-694 +0-544 +0-054 0-656 0-004 +0-070 +O-QI2 1 O'lIO' +0-08 ' +0-008 0-037 +0-030 +0-007 +0-033 +0-046 O'OOI +0-068 0-006 O'OI2 Groombridge 626 Groombridge 614 Piazzi III. 5 . . Groombridge 632 58 Arietis / Groombridge 633.... Groombridge 635 Groombridge 628.... B. D. +80 No. 106. Bradley 448 W. B. III. 147 Groombridge 638.... Piazzi III. 23 Groombridge 644 96 Ceti . K ' Piazzi III. 28 32 Persei / Groombridge 643 .... Groombridge 648 .... Piazzi III. 38 6 1 Arietis 7.1 Piazzi III. 27 ... Pia/zi III. 37 .... Groombridge 652 63 Arietis f'i 33 Persei a Oeltz. Arg.(N.)373i Groombridge 654 Groombridge 653 Groombridge 655 .... Lacaille 107 1 . . Groombridge 658 .... 64 Arietis Groombridge 661 65 Arietis Groombridge 659 .... i Tauri Bradley 459 Groombridge 663 Oeltz. Arg. (NO 3781 Piazzi III. 52 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 3772-3.. Groom bridge 657 Groombridge 656 Piazzi III. 51 1007. Tliis star is a close double and forms the pair 02 52. 1015. This star is a close double and forms the pair ft 84. {xxiv} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, j No. "s . * I? -! ,Sp5 d to 1755- is 0-3 .si to 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890x1. Mean Date. 1800 + N.I. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annna Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. MIMII Date. 1800 -4- No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. _OJ "3 P- OJ i .n <* 1> O PH & O & | .a -J ij & o 'QJ 1051 1052 ! 53 1054 .1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 . 1080 1081 "1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 ^1088 '1089 1090 1091 1092 .1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1 100 476 4 8l 482 479 480 47' 483 486 484 487 473 493 491 668 670 672 673 675 674 676 680 666 682 683 686 687 688 669 689 665 690 691 692 693 695 679 677 694 696 697 701 699 702 685 684 705 704 Bradley 476 5-0 8-2 8'3 9-0 7'2 7'2 6'i 8-4 77 3-8* 6-8 8-6 6-1* 7'6 8-1 4'4* 7"i 77 6-7 7-8 8-4 6-7 7'4 8-0 6-9 8-5 7-0 8-6 8-2 9'3 6-4 9-2 7-6 4-3* 5-4* 7'4 7'7 6-0* 4-8* 7-2 7'5 6'5 6-9 8-3 3-7* 6'5 6-0 9-1 h m s 3. 20. 1 3 '800 3. 20. 25-091 3. 20. 30-296 3. 20. 33-407 3. 20. 34'OIJ 3. 20. 46-459 3. 20. 48-997 3. 20. 59-080 3. 21. 3-966 3- 21. 6-154 3. 21. 12-383 3. 21. 19785 3. 21. 43-739 3 . 21. 56-554 3. 22. 0-664 3. 22. I-I27 3. 22. 4-869 3. 22. 49-148 3. 22. 50-982 3. 23. 0-565 3- 23. 9737 3. 23. 27-905 3- 23. 30-817 3. 23. 38-196 3. 23. 47-788 3- 23. 54-529 3- 23. 56-752 3. 24. 1 1 -443 3. 24. 12-834 3. 24. 12-910 3. 24. 19-065 3. 24. 21-339 3. 24. 22-351 3. 24. 42-877 3. 24. 43-721 3- 24- 47 "940 3. 24. 49-070 3- 2 4. 59-305 3. 25. 6-043 3- 25. 6-085 3. 25. 9-466 3. 25. 33-481 3- 25. 52-911 3. 26. 10-282 3- 27. 8-996 3. 27. 13-880 3. 27. 44-818 3- 27. 52-344 3. 27. 55-688 3. 27. 57-268 95-40 94'95 96-91 93-89 94-53 93-82 91-92 91-98 95-14 95-18 92-79 9171 93 '90 94-59 91-58 93^3 93-68 94-87 95-02 95 '89 93-44 91-28 91-25 92-90 94-67 95-86 93-9I 95-20 95-08 93-12 94-93 96-55 94-24 93-97 94-93 91-61 9471 90-89 94-06 95-29 9I-57 92-64 92-67 91-07 91-31 94-69 93-36 89-53 93-98 94-50 6 3 2 4 3 5 7 4 4 3 it 3 3 3 5 5 3 18 4 3 4 3 2 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 5 3 71 5 2 5 3 3 26 ii 10 3 2 2 2 ... 3 2 4 I 3 4 s + 4-2383 + 4-2763 + 4-6619 + 4-0637 + 4-0619 + 3-4135 + 4-0642 + 4-2744 + 4-2423 + 4-0438 + 3-2418 + 4-6734 + 5-5059 + 4-2495 + 3-4982 + 4-2523 + 4-2024 + 4-2061 + 4-2106 + 4-0245 + 6-4549 + 4-2687 + 7-0458 + 4-2591 + 4-2049 + 4-2496 + 4-2684 + 3-3035 + 3-9569 + 6-4668 + 6-7619 + 6-7652 + 4-2137 + 3-3730 + 4-0948 + 3-3046 + 4-1396 + 3-9644 + 3-4026 + 4-0967 + 2-9729 + 4-2157 + 6 8102 + 7-0836 + 4-1023 + 4-2706 -f- 2-8901 + 3-4039 + 3-5435 + 3-5436 s +0-0462 +0-0479 +0-0680 +0-0383 +0-0382 +0-0159 +0-0382 +0-0476 +0-0461 +0-0373 +0-0117 +0-0682 +0-1233 +0-0461 +0-0181 +0-0462 +0-0439 +0-0438 +0-0440 +0-0360 +0-2042 +0-0464 +0-2655 +0-0459 +0-0434 +0-0454 +0-0462 +0-0130 +0-0330 +0-2035 +0-2331 +0-2334 +0-0436 +0-0146 +0-0384 +0-0129 +0-0403 +0-0331 +0-0153 +0-0384 +0-0066 +0-0433 +0-2350 +0-2635 +0-0380 +0-0452 +0-0055 +0-0151 +0-0187 +0-0188 s O'OOO +0-0032 0-0008 O'OOOO +o - ooi9 +0-003 : 0-0009 -O-OOO2 0-0059 0-0006 0-014 0-0675 +o'oo8 O'OOOO O'OOOO Oil' 41. 19. I6-23 40. 25. 52-22 32. 5O. 28-4I 45- 59- 37-42 46. 2. 39-38 7i. 37- 45-38 46. o. 24-98 40. 32- 3-I7 41. 18. 43-59 46. 37- 47-47 So. 39. 4-51 32- 44- 3-78 22. 57- 9^5 41. 13. 36-03 67- 34- 32-30 41. 10. 0-66 42. 24. 13-39 42- 23. 6-55 42. 1 6. 30-95 47- 24. O'02 17. I. 36-92 40. 55. 16-44 I 4 . 37. 46-07 41. 10. 4-71 42. 30. 52-52 41. 25. 28-48 40. 58. 34-63 77. 28. 32-70 49. 36. 58-23 17. 1. 50-94 15- 44- 37-04 15. 43. 55-28 42. 21. 8-45 73- 54- 36-34 45- 32. 7-33 77. 26. 26-94 44- 1 8- 59-53 49. 27. i6"o8 72. 26. 18-85 45. 31. 9-60 95- 27. 10-47 42. 25. 23-69 15- 37- 5378 14. 37. 38-84 45. 34. 3-25 41. 15. 1-71 99. 49. 51 68 72. 31. 43-06 65. 54. 18-30 65. 54. 6-52 94^3 94-95 96-91 93-89 94-49 93-82 91-92 91-90 95-I4 95-18 92-79 89-09 9438 94-59 90-67 93-64 93-68 94-84 94-73 95-89 92-45 91-28 91-25 92-90 94-93 95-86 93-9I 96-91 95-08 93-38 94-5 96-66 93-70 95-26 94-93 90-88 947i 90-89 94x6 95-29 91-26 90-74 93-I5 90-72 91-31 94-48 9297 S9-53 94-11 94-50 4 3 2 4 3 5 7 4 4 3 ii 2 3 3 10 4 3 15 3 3 9 3 2 5 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 34 3 3 5 3 7 3 2 5 3 4 21 II 13 3 2 2 10 3 2 4 I 3 8 n -12-874 12-862 12-856 -12-853 12-852 12-838 -12-835 12-824 -12-818 12-816 12-809 12-800 -12-773 -12-759 -12-754 12-754 -12-750 12-700 12-698 12-687 12-676 12-656 -12-653 -12-645 -12-633 12-625 12-623 12-606 12-605 12-605 -12-598 -12-596 -12-595 -12-571 -12-570 -12-565 -12-564 -'2'553 -12-545 -12-545 -12-541 -12-514 -12-491 -12-472 12-404 -12-399 -12-36.; -12-355 -12-350 -12-349 +0-480 +0-484 +0-527 +0-460 +0-460 +0-388 +0-461 +0-485 +0-481 +0-459 +0-369 +0-530 +0-625 +0-484 +0-399 +0-484 +0-479 +0-480 +0-481 +0-460 +0-735 +0-488 +0-803 +0-488 +0-482 +0-487 +0-489 +0-380 +0-454 +0-739 +0-773 +0773 +0-484 +0-389 +0-471 +0-381 +0-476 +0-456 +0-392 +0-471 +0-344 +0-486 +0-782 +0-814 +0-475 +0-495 +0-337 +0-396 +0-412 +0-412' +0-041 +0-049 +0-I2O O'Oig +0-038 +0-043 +O'OI O'OII +0-082 0'OO2 o'oc6 O'OII +0-35 +0-035 +0-035 Groombridge 670 * with Comet b 1887 Groombridge 672 Groombridge 673 PiazTi III 60 Groombridge 675 Piazzi III. 56 Groombridge 676 Qroombridge 680 2 Tauri ... :f: with Comet b 1887 Groombridge 666 Groombridge 682 66 Arietis Groombridge 683 Piazzi III 61 Bradley 480 G roombi idge 688 Bradley 471 . Groombriilge 689 Groombridge 665 Groombridge 690 Piazzi III. 66 Groombridge 692 Groombridge 693 B. D. +12 No. 485 Groombridge 695 Groombridge 679 Groombridge 677 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 3831-2.. Bradley 483 B. D. +15 No. 495. Groombridge 696 5 Tauri / 36 Persei Groombridge 701 W. B. (2)111.476... Groombridge 699 17 Eridani Piazzi III. 74 Groombridge 685 Bradley 473 Groombridge 705 Groombridge 704 1 8 Eridani ^ Piazzi III 87 7 Tauri # with 7 Tauri 1099. Tins star is a close double and forms the pair 2 412. 1 100. This is a third star of the system 2 412. FKOM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xxv} No. ~ V . := >> n 6 to 1755- If .=: 2 6 K 1810. Staf's Name. d 2 1 d Mean R.A., 1890-0. ili-illl Date. 1800 + No. of Obi. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. aj & o > o ^ - & Z 3 d > o f Piazzi III. 92 Groombridge 700 9 Tauri.... Groombridge 713 .... Groombridge 642 Groombridge 714 Groombridge 715 B. I). + 16 No. 474 lo Tauri 20 Eiidani Groombridge 717 Lalande F. 554-5.... Groombridge 711 Groomb. 711 (Comes) Gioombridge 710 .... Piiizzilll. 103 Groombridge 709 .... Pinzzi III. 97 Groombridgo 720 .... B. I). +28 No. 560 W. B. III. 604 it Tauri.... Groombridge 718 39 Persei . . 8 W. B. (2)111. 713... Groombridge 712 W. B. (2) III. 726... Piazzi III. 102 . ' . 13 Taiui ... W. B. (2)111. 732... Oeliz. Arg. (N.) 4062 W. B. (2)III.779-8o 38 Persei... . 14 Tauri Lalande 6853 41 Persei 23 Eridani 8 Piazzi III. 128.. ..' Groombridge 729 Groombridge 730 16 Tauri Groombridge 731 Piazzi III. 138 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 4041 17 Tauri Groombridge 733 1117, 1118. These stars form the pair 2 419. GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE FOII 1890. D {xxvi} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOU 1S90-0, No. "1 . || 6 1755- lp I M OS a! 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1 890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Projier Motion.' Above Pole. V & f o ^ M OJ 1 | -' & O M 1151 1152 "53 1154 "55 1156 "57 1158 "59 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 u 66 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 "73 "74 "75 1176 "77 1178 "79 1180 1181 1182 "83 1184 "85 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 "93 "94 "95 1196 "97 1198 "99 1 200 510 5" 512 5i3 5H 5'6 520 521 530 529 525 527 528 534 724 732 725 726 734 735 727 73 6 738 74i 743 744 739 737 742 747 752 745 1 8 Tauri 5-0 4-4* 4-6* 6-9 6-5 4-0* 8-0 6-0 4-6* 7'l 7-2 7-2 8-2 8-4 4-2 7'4 5-7* 7-4 7-0 77 6-8 7'5 8-4 3-0* 7-2 4'3* 6-6 5-1* 7-2 6'2 3'8 5-0 8-7 8'4 7'5 6-8 57* 9'5 6'5 6-5 7-8 5-8* 8-4 4'ii 9-0 8-0 7'9 6-0* 8-2 3-i* h m B 3- 38- 35^2 3- 38- 39-5o8 3. 38. 45-249 3. 38. 58-879 3. 39. 12-560 3. 39. 16-872 3- 39- I9-732 3. 39. 21-208 3. 39- 27-200 3. 39. 29-476 3- 39- 29-729 3- 39- 40-677 3- 39- 41-387 3- 39- 43-584 3- 39- 47-830 3- 39- 54-675 3. 40. 11-789 3. 40. 22-515 3. 40. 26-032 3. 40. 29-452 3. 40. 48-694 3- 40. 5 -556 3- 40. 52-971 3. 40. 56-706 3. 41. 10-207 3. 42. 6-872 3. 42. 8-247 3. 42. 14-304 3. 42. 24-741 3. 42. 24-900 3- 42. 37-245 3- 42. 38-538 3. 42. 40-149 3- 43- 4H73 3- 43- 25-450 3. 43. 25-948 3. 43. 29-423 3- 43- 35-2I7 3. 43. 48-411 3. 44. 38-807 3-44- 38-964 3. 44. 47-586 3- 45- 17-342 3. 45. 20-285 3- 45- 33-389 3- 45- 35'!3o 3. 46. 31-434 3. 46. 52-604 3. 47. 8-106 3. 47. 13-026 94 - 03 95-74 92-53 95-56 95-I3 96-52 96-17 95-68 94-70 93-74 95-58 90-22 96-17 96-17 94-00 96-17 94-07 93-93 96-23 92-11 93-40 95-72 9572 93-20 93-96 92-90 93-85 92-08 96-01 90-33 94-34 95-04 96-01 94-16 9f53 96-01 89-30 96-21 93-42 94-01 95-I4 92-94 93H7 93-82 96-28 92-29 90-54 88-23 90-24 94-16 5 4 4 3 3 5 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 6 3 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 66 2 4 6 7 3 3 20 12 3 5 3 3 4 3 2 5 5 7 5 i 3 4 3 7 3 46 8 2 2 I 4 3 3 3 2 2 I 4 s + 3-5693 + 3-5608 + 6-2393 + 4-4382 + 5 '6245 + 3-5596 + 3-552I + 3-5639 + 5-4369 + 4-4317 + 3-5635 + 4'"9i + 3'5562 + 3-5562 + 3-5507 + 3-5579 + 4-3968 + 6'ii2g + 3-5648 + 4-4285 + 3-556I + 3-5670 + 3-5687 + 3-556i + 4-4952 + 2-5916 + 4-4906 + 3-2829 + 3-5526 + 4-i6i5 + 3-5574 + 3-5595 + 3-5537 + 4-4958 + 6-0904 + 3-5539 + 2-4206 + 4-4975 + 6-8729 + 6-3901 +IO-QIII + 4-8262 + 4-5085 + 2-2482 + 4-5088 + 5-0685 + 4-565 + 3-4142 + 7-5109 + 37596 s +0-0182 +0-0180 +0-1601 +0-0482 +0-1140 +0-0179 +0-0177 +0-0180 +0-1014 +0-0477 +0-0180 +0-0352 +0-0178 +0-0178 +0-0176 +0-0178 +0-0459 +0-1479 +0-0179 +0-0472 +0-0176 +0-0179 +0-0180 +0-0176 +0-0498 +0-0031 +0-0492 +0-0115 +0-0174 +0-0359 +0-0175 +0-0175 +0-0174 +0-0490 +0-1422 +0-0173 +0-0025 +0-0488 +0-2056 +0-1635 +0-5783 +0-0633 +0-0487 +0-0026 +0-0486 +0-0752 +0-0481 +0-0138 +0-2585 +O-O22I s O'OOIl 0-0008 +0-0047 +0-0047 +0-0003 +0-0003 +0-0006 0-0005 0-0023 0-0004 0-0127 0-0005 +0-0007 0-0003 O'OOIj O'OOO +o'oo8<: +0-060 +O"OIOO +0-010 +O-I02 0-0003 O / /' 65. 30. 24-06 65. 52. 41-99 19. o. 27-57 38. 38. 9'12 23. 10. 30-70 65- 58. 35-58 66. 18. 20-25 65. 47. 22-83 24. 48. 53-76 38. 48. 49-84 65. 48. 57-93 46. 16. 10-26 66. 8. 52-32 66. 9. 12-67 66. 23. 41-58 66. 5- 16-60 39. 36. 18-02 19. 49. 46-17 65. 49. 18-88 38- 57- 53-56 66. 13. 2775 65- 45- 9^9 65. 41. 0-30 66. 14. 8-22 37- 41. 3'96 "3- 34- 3^30 37- 5'- >9'99 79. ii. 44-49 66. 28. 48-57 45. 22. 8 '22 66. 17. 0-85 66. ii. 59-92 66. 27. 0-92 37- 49- 49-65 20. 8. 2-58 66. 29. 12-23 120. 30. no 37- 50. 38-13 16. 14. 55-85 18. 30. 21-10 9- 5- 34-6i 32. 21. 9-63 37. 45. 51-13 126. 32. 1-82 37.46. 51-88 29. 9. 14-92 37- 54- "'37 73- o- 472 14. 8. 36-50 58. 26. 37-25 94-03 95-94 91-65 95-36 95-31 96-42 96-17 95'8i 92-84 94-57 95-72 90-22 96-16 96-16 94-00 96-16 94-07 94-I5 96-59 92-11 92-90 96-12 95-72 92-52 91-95 92-90 93-85 92-82 96-01 90-33 94-02 94-96 96-01 93-03 9' '95 96-01 89-30 96-21 93-84 93-23 95-I4 92-94 93-I3 93-82 96-43 91-06 89-71 88-23 90-24 94-28 5 3 9 3 3 4 3 4 3 5 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 48 3 4 6 8 3 3 17 10 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 6 7 4 i 4 4 3 7 3 46 15 2 2 3 ... 4 3 3 7 2 4 i 4 II '602 -11-597 11-591 -11-575 -11-558 -"'553 -11-550 11-548 11-541 -11-539 -11-538 -11-525 -11-525 11-521 11-516 i i 508 -11-488 -11-474 -11-471 11-467 ""443 -11-441 "'439 -"'434 ii'4i& -11-350 -"'349 11-341 u -328 11-328 -11-314 11-311 11-310 11-281 11-256 -11-255 11-251 11-244 11-228 -11-166 -11-166 -"155 II -120 11-117 II -101 II '098 11-030 11-003 10-985 10-979 // +0-430 +0-429 +0-748 +0-534 +0-675 +0-429 +0-429 +0-430 +0-653 +0-534 +0-430 +0-497 +0-429 +0-429 +0-429 +0-430 +0-531 +0-736 +0-431 +0-535 +0-431 +0-432 +0-432 +0-43I +0-544 +0-317 +0-545 +0-400 +0-432 +0-506 +0-433 +0-434 +0-433 +0-547 +0-740 +0-434 +0-297 +0-548 +0-835 +0-779 + 1-218 +0-590 +0-552 +0-278 +0-552 +0-620 +0-554 +0-421 +0-921 +0-464 +0-05 +0-031 +0-054 +0-088 +0-036 +0-037 +0-039 +0-042 +0-058 +0-040 +0-530 +0-021 +0-06 +0-047 +0-057 +0-28 +D-III +0-23 +0-130 +O"02 +0-52 +0X02 19 Tauri Camelopardi y Groombridge 732 Groombriilge 725 20 Tauri B. D. +23 No. 517 21 Tauri Pia/zi III. 121 Groomtiridge 734 22 Tauri Groombridge 735 W. B. (2)111.845... W. B. (2)111.846... 23 Tauri B. D. +23 No. 523 Oeltz. Arg. (N.)4I25 Groombridge 727 Piam III. 147 Groombridge 736 24 Tauri B. D. +24 No. 566 B. D. +24 No. 567 25 Tauri i) Groombridge 738 27 Kridaui ... T Groombridge 74 1 30 Tauri ... e 26 Tauri Groombridge 743 27 Tauri 28 Tauri Piazzi III. 161 Groombridge 744 Groombridge 739 Piazzi III. 165 . . Piazzi III. 176 B. D. +52 No. 717 Groombridge 737 Groombridge 742 Lalande F. 593 Lalande 7019 .. Groombridge 747 Eridani v~ Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 4226 Lalande 7036 Groombridge 752 Piazzi III. 187 Groombridge 745 44 Pers^i ,. ., . y 1194. The magnitude is taken from the Southern Meridian f'ho'ometry. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xxvii} No. "2 O . O a> of .2.S d m 1 8 10. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Ob3. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N. P.O., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 4? 3 H 1755- I? 1 .0 < Below Pole. O> 1 I I *$ oj "o PH & o S 1201 1202 1203 I2O4 1205 I2O6 I2O7 1208 1209 1210 I2II 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 I2i; 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 . I22J 1226 1227 1228. 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 I24O 1241 1242 '243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 533 543 539 54' 542 546 548 547 55i 55 553 552 554 755 757 753 759 760 749 764 748 751 765 767 746 758 769 756 768 762 770 761 763 773 77i 776 775 Groombridge 755 Groombridgp 757 Piazzi III 177 7-0 6-6* 4-8* 8-4 5'4* 5'5* 8'3 4-7* 5-ii 7-0 8'2 9-2 57* 8-0 3' it 8'3t 6-6 6-5 5-2* 4-1* 7'3 6-8 8-5 3-o* 7-6 7-8 8-0 8-8 7-0 5'7* var. 66* 4-6* 9'5 7'i 5-2* 5-8* 7-2 6-5 8'2 4-0* 8-1 5-6* 6-5* 7'3 6'2-r 6-it 4'4* 7'7 7-0 ^. h m s 3. 47- 18-284 3. 47. 20791 3. 47. 43-197 3. 47. 58-648 3. 48. 2-848 3. 48. 25-746 3. 48. 26-905 3. 49. I -812 3- 49- 2 7 '634 3. 49. 46-788 3. 49. 48-498 3- 5- io-53o 3. 50. 22-039 3. 50. 22'2OO 3 . 50. 28-305 3. 50. 28-427 3. 50. 32-459 3. 51. JO-I70 3. 51. 39-060 3- Si- 49-631 3. 51. 52-095 '3. 52. 21-196 3- 52- 48735 3- 52. 53784 3- 53- 36'448 3- 53- 44-382 3- 53- 45-745 3- 53- 55-730 3- 54- 19-796 3- 54- 28-478 3. 54. 35-086 3. 54. 42-465 3. 55. 14-116 3- 55- 3 2 745 3. 55. 40-017 3- 55- 57-566 3. 56. 17-282 3. 56. 21-725 3- 56. 34-712 3- 57- 2-496 3- 57- 18-213 3- 57- 43-219 3. 57. 46-882 3- 58. 2-577 3- 58- 7-506 3. 58. 8-102 3. 58. 10-228 3. 58. 11-480 3. 58. 13-466 3. 58. 21-806 92-96 91-99 93-74 96-20 93-57 92-00 94-58 96-24 96-99 8872 90-44 96-86 94-34 90-06 94-91 95-27 93-50 87-99 9372 94-35 93-61 87-97 93-61 92-12 93-40 92-83 93HO 94-94 93' Sl 91-64 93^5 90-82 94'S 1 96-45 92-02 96-10 95-18 93-99 95-43 95-89 93-88 96-22 93-34 90-75 93-o6 95-65 95-65 9I-45 95-26 93'6i 4 4 6 3 3 3 3 3 i 3 4 3 8 3 38 3 5 4 4i 27 2 4 2 44 3 4 3 3 5 5 19 7 Si 2 3 3 3. 4 4 4 16 3 5 4 3 7 7 44 2 5 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2* 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 + 4-52II + 4-4996 + 5^476 + 4-5184 + 4-2982 + 4-4283 + 6-1789 + 2-5496 + 2-2825 + 4-0715 + 7-5427 + 4-1906 + 3-5322 + 7-5440 + 4-0095 + 4-0096 + 3-5485 + 3-9730 + 9-7650 + 3-8800 + 7-655I + 3-9753 + 8-7345 + 2-7929 + 4-9408 + 7-2879 + 4-939 8 + 8-6856 + 3-4210 + 3'4407 + 3-3189 + 3-4857 + 2-5555 + io-755i + 8-8194 + 3-0353 + 2-3889 + 5-5570 + 6-8904 + 5-2375 + 3-1869 + 5-2457 + 3-5803 + 4-6414 + 4-2921 + 5-2427 + 5-2426 + 3-5330 + 6-1152 + 3-4297 s +0-0483 +0-0474 +0-0834 +0-0479 +0-0393 +0-0441 +0-1421 +0-0031 +0-0027 +0-0309 +0-2552 +0-0347 +0-0161 +0-2539 +0-0288 +0-0288 +0-0164 +0-0275 +0-5070 +0-0246 +0-2610 +0-0273 +0-3727 +0-0047 +0-0638 +0-2226 +0-0637 +0-3633 +0-0134 +0-0137 +0-0115 +0-0146 +0-0032 +0-6262 +0-3722 +0-0072 +0-0028 +0-0936 +0-1836 +0-0760 +0-0092 +0-0759 +0*0163 +0-0486 +0-0358 +0-0755 +0-0754 +0-0152 +0-1254 +0-0132 s O'OII* +0-0078 +O-OOI2 +0-004 +O-OOO.- +0-0004 +0-0045 o"ooo6 +0-0029 +0-040 +0-0078 0-0014 0*0009 O'OOOI 0-0009 +O-QOOJ 0-0005 +0-0053 +0-019 O ' " 37- 41- 3-45 38. 6. 7-58 27- '5- 4-54 37. 47. 20-44 42. 27. 8-68 39- 37- 26-56 19. 52. 10-24 114. 56. 16-81 125. 3.35-18 48. 26. 24-08 14. 8. 53-90 45- IS- 16 56 67. 50. 22-18 14. 9. 58-71 50. 18. 31-4! 50. 1 8. 22-89 67. 8. 40-12 51. 28. 36-63 9. 36. 20-65 54- 3'- 33-20 13. 53. 27-42 51. 29. 41-77 II. 20. 51-03 103. 49. 18-87 31. 21. 40-35 IS- 7. 14-44 31. 23. 9-31 II. 28. 35-52 73. o. 52-88 72. 7. 0-87 77- 49- I5-95 70. 6. 34-92 114. 19. 43-84 8, 28. 25-29 ii. 16. 2-09 91. 51. 30-13 120. 48. 3-14 24. 46. 52-68 16. 43. 48-27 27. 57. 27-05 84. 18. 58-98 27. 54. 32-11 66. n. 51-08 36. 17. 21-32 43. 22. 27-14 27- 57- 59-52 27. 58. 9-45 68. 13- 9-59 20. 44. 47-39 72. 47. 8-55 93'oS 91-30 9I-47 96-20 96-11 90-11 94H5 96-24 95-5I 8872 90-44 96-86 94-52 90-06 94-28 95-27 93-50 87-99 93-01 94-35 93-61 87-97 93-61 94'94 93-08 92-28 93-08 94-94 93-85 9i"54 94'oi 90-82 93-96 96-32 91-90 90-91 94-46 93-74 94-95 95-89 93-32 96-22 93-34 90-38 93-o6 95-65 95-65 92-77 95-46 93-61 3 4 10 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 7 3 40 3 5 4 10 27 2 4 2 28 3 4 3 3 6 4 24 7 6 i 3 7 2i 4 5 4 19 3 5 4 3 7 7 34 2 5 2 2 2 (4) i 2 3 3 8 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 6 5 2 3 3 // 10-973 10-969 10-942 10-923 10-918 10-890 10-889 10-846 10-815 10-790 10-789 10-761 10-747 10-747 10-740 10-740 -10-735 10-688 10-652 10-639 10-636 10-601 10-566 10-560 10-508 10-498 10-495 10-483 -10-453 10-443 10-434 10-425 -10-385 10-362 -10-353 -10-331 10-307 10-301 10-284 10-249 10-230 10-199 10-194 10-174 10-168 10-168 10-165 10-164 10-160 10-150 n +0-557 +0-554 +0-646 +0-557 +o-53' +0-547 +0-762 +0-317 +0-285 +0-505 +0-932 +0-520 +0-439 +0-933 +0-498 +0-498 +0-442 +0-495 + I-2I2 +0-484 +0-95I +0-497 + I-087 +0-35I +0-618 +0-910 +0-618 + 1-084 +0-43 +0-433 +0-418 +0-439 +0-323 +1-347 +1-106 +0-384 +0-303 +0-700 +0-867 +0-661 +0-404 +0-663 +0-454 +0-588 +0-544 +0-663 +0-664 +0-449 +0-773 +0-436 // o-ioi +0-125 ; +0-006 +0-II +0-016 +0-016 +O-O2 +0-013 +0-106 ... +0-28 +0-038 +0-009 +0-03 0'O2O +O-O25 ... +0-009 +0-010 +0-058 +0-32 Oeltz. Arg. (N.)4266 Piazzi III 186 Groombridge 749 33 Eridani .. . . .T 8 Eridani . f 3 Groombridge 764 Groombridge 748 B. D. +44 No. 819. 32 Turn Groombridge 751 Groombridge 767 !'i;izzi III. 160. ... 46 Persei . . Groombridge 758 Groombridge 769 Groombridge 756 IA Eridani . ...Y Groombridge 768 Groombridge 762 Groombridge 770 Groombridge 761 Piazzi III. 214 Piazzi III 215 . Tauri ....A Bradley 547 Groombridge 763 35 Eridani Piazzi III. 229 .. Groombridge 773 Groombiidge 771 Oeltz. Arg. (N. 54409 38 Tauri v Lalande74i3 36 Tauri Lalande 7449 Piazzi III. 223 Lalande 7433 37 Tauri A 1 Groom bridge; 775 W. B. (2)111. 1207-9 1209. The magnitude is taken from the Southern Meridian Photometry. 1215, 1216. These stars form the pair S 471. 1231. The limits of magnitude are 3-4 and 4-2 : period 3 d 22 h 52 m '2. 1246, 1247. These stars form the pair 2 485. {xxviii} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. ~Z V . jj >> 5.2 <~z s| '755- o . ? c 0-0 _ n .= o fe 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R. A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Ota. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. OJ 1 t> 1 < 1J 1 o 1 d 1 B 1 < O & | *w pa 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 "59 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 556 553 557 560 561 562 563 568 564 565 773 781 750 780 786 782 788 774 783 790 787 793 789 798 79 1 779 795 797 796 794 799 39 Tauri . .A 2 6'5 8-2 5-6* 5-4* 9-1 7'5 5-8 6-5* 6-9 77 4'3* 6-5* 6'2* 5-8J 5-7* 6-5 6-3* 6-4* 6-7* 5-8* 7'9 5-6* 6-5 7'8 8-9 7 '9 8-2 5-8* 8-1 5-8* 8-0 6-0 6-4* 6-2* 4-1* 8'2 5 -6* 8-9 4-2* 5-6* 4-9* 7'9 6-6* 5-7* 5:9* 5-2* 9-2 8-0 8-0 7-2 h in 8 3. 58. 49-481 3. 58. 50-261 3- 59- 13-887 3- 59- 5 '"456 3- 59- 55-120 4. o. 6-726 4. o. 8-612 4. o. 8-614 4. o. 14-468 4- o- 3 2 7i3 4. o. 40-517 4. o. 41-250 4- o. 59-165 4- ' 5 '405 4. I. 16726 '4. i. 28-424 4. 1.41-409 4- i- 47787 4. 2. 13-504 4- 2. 45-395 4. 2. 57-132 4 . 4 . y872 4. 4. 20-549 4- 5- i '47 4. 5. 8-598 4. 5. 2O-III 4. 5. 20-644 4 . 5. 29-823 4- 5- 39-395 4- 5- 51747 4- 5- 5 6 -8i3 4. 6. 0-247 4. 6. 12-721 4- 6. '9778 4. 6. 29-701 4. 6. 40-117 4. 6. 46-442 4. 6. 47-098 4. 6. 49-241 4. 7. 12-008 4- 7- 24-113 4- 7- 39-027 4. 7. 42-390 4- 7- 55^36 4. 8. 2 -040 4. S. 8-201 4- 8. 23-359 4. 8. 28-275 4. 8. 28-657 4. 8. 53710 94-27 93-50 96-92 95-89 89-04 96-23 94-73 88-77 96-38 90-92 93-60 96-44 91-63 87-99 95-25 94-01 88-38 94-36 9I-37 91-52 94'23 94-35 94-52 88-71 96-40 93-86 94-34 93-08 94-64 93-21 94-70 95-53 87-38 88-86 91-02 95-52 93-33 95''4 94-48 93-86 92-64 94-80 89-58 96-26 94-69 95-37 94-60 94-81 95-57 93-92 II 4 3 5 5 2 3 5 4 3 '4 3 2 7 5 91 3 49 25 3 6 8 4 4 3 4 3 6 3 5 2 3 3 26 3 3 3 15 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 2 2 2 84 2 2 2 2 . 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 s + 3-5321 + 3-5332 + 2-8037 + 3-6699 + 4-2117 +11-0063 + 5-0476 + 4-6131 + 3-9707 + 4-2066 + 4-3345 + 4-7010 + 3-9611 + 2-4565 + 3-9718 + 3-3810 + 3-4290 + 5-9819 +17-1262 + 3-4811 + 6-1460 + 3-6479 + 3-4558 + 4-1217 + 4-4789 + 6-3257 + 7-2622 + 2-8844 + 4-4812 +12-7406 + 7-2686 + 4-8940 + 3-4317 + 3-5507 + 2-9255 + 4-6583 + 2-6291 + 7-2850 + 4-3858 + 5-2491 + 4-0688 + 5-2466 + 3-3334 + 10-1707 + 4-9316 + 4-6587 + 5-2606 + 5-2614 + 5-6042 + 4-5120 s +0-0152 +0-0152 +0-0048 +O'oi8o +0-0327 + 0-6344 +0-0648 +0-0466 +0-0255 +0-0323 +0-0364 +0-0498 +0-0250 +0-0031 +0-0253 +O-OI2I +Q-OI29 +0-II29 + I-800I +0-0138 +O'I2l6 +0-0170 +0-0132 +0-0286 +0-0398 +0-1299 +0-1964 +0-0054 +0-0396 +0-8601 +0-1956 +0-0549 +0-0126 +0-0147 +0-0058 +0-0455 +0-0037 +0-1952 +0-0361 +0-0694 +0-0265 +0-0690 +o-oiob +0-4786 +0-0553 +0-0448 +0-0691 +0-0691 +0-0854 +0-0395 s +0-0122 +0-0009 +0-014 +0-0020 +O-OO74 0-0091 +0-OI4I +O-OI42 +O'OO22 +O-006I 0-0034 -0-0393 o'ooo6 o'ooog +0-0002 O / " 68. 17. 19-30 68. 14. 31-19 103. 5. 41-34 62. 41. 49-88 45. 27. 26-10 8. 18. 16-46 30. 23. 13-06 36. 56. 5-99 52. 12. 56-93 45- 37- 45H4 42. 34. 54-88 35. 27. 46-77 52. 33- 42-97 117. 57. 13-42 52. 14. 56-33 75- 7- 56-33 72. 57- I7-57 21. 47. 17 83 4. 44- 8-94 70. 40. 56-37 20. 4 6. 45-60 63. 48. 24-83 7'. 5'- 52-43 48. 10. 0-95 39. 49- 39 78 19. 49 39-87 15. 38. 26 48 99- 6. 25-88 39. 48. 18-04 6. 55- 35-6o 15. 38. 22-00 32. 49. 16-35 73- 0. 22 6l 67. 52. 12 32 97. 7- 29-83 3 6. 34- 38-43 1 10. 38. 33-47 15. 36. 42-40 41. 52. 15-67 28. 25. 38-48 49. 47. 44-00 28. 28. 47-56 77- 3'- 37-o8 9. 26. 25-20 32. 24. 54-77 36. 39. 55-32 28. 21. 59-I3 28. 21. 44-51 25. I. 17-32 39' 24- 34-38 94-02 93-50 92-02 95-89 89-04 96-23 94-62 88-77 96-90 90-92 93-57 96-44 9i 63 87-67 94-52 94-01 88-36 94-19 91-63 93-29 92-84 94-40 94-52 8871 96-22 92-39 94-20 93-08 93-70 91-87 94-46 9585 87-38 88-86 92-57 95-21 93-33 95-09 94'75 94-08 92-64 94-72 89-22 93 -2 4 94-73 95-05 94-60 94H3 95-43 93'3' IO 4 4 5 5 2 3 5 3 3 15 3 3 4 5 IO 3 28 30 3 5 8 4 3 3 4 3 4 9 3 2 3 3 21 4 3 3 15 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 77 4 4 2 5 2 2 2 2 (2) 3 ... 2 2 3 2 2 2 10-116 10-115 10-085 -10-035 -10-033 10-018 10-015 10-015 10-008 - 9-985 - 9-975 - 9-975 - 9-952 - 9-944 - 9-929 - 9-915 9-899 9-890 - 9-857 - 9-817 9-802 9-712 - 9-695 9-644 - 9-634 9-620 9-620 - 9-607 - 9-595 - 9-579 - 9-572 - 9-5 6 9 - 9-552 - 9-543 - 9-530 - 9-5I7 - 9-509 - 9-508 - 9-506 - 9-476 - 9-461 - 9-441 - 9-438 - 9-419 9'4i2 - 9'404 - 9-385 - 9-378 - 9'377 - 9-345 +0-449 +0-449 +0-358 +0-468 +0-536 + 1-395 -(-0-642 +0-587 +0-506 +0-536 +0-553 +0-599 +0-506 +0-315 +0-508 +0-433 +0-439 +0-763 +2-183 +0-447 +0-786 +0-470 +0-445 +0-531 +0-577 +0-814 +0-934 +0-373 +0-578 +I-637 +0-936 +0-631 +0-444 +0-460 +0-380 +0-602 +0-342 +0-940 +0-567 +0-679 +0-527 +0-679 +0-433 +i'3'4 +0-639 +0-604 +0-682 +0-682 +0-726 +0-586 +0-115 +0-06 1 +0-24 +0-033 +0-090 +0-142 0-090 +0-179 0-015 +0-033 +0-037 O'lOO 0-085 +0-027 +0-025 Piazzi III 237 W. B. III. 1120 41 Tauri B. D. +44 No. 859 Groombridge 778 Lalande 7527 Piaz/i III 242 W. B. (2) III. 1241.. 48 Persei .c Lalande 7539 Piazzi III 251 50 Persei B. D. +14 No. 657 Piazzi III 249 Lalande 7506-7 Groombridge 750 di Tauri . wl Groombridge 780 W. B. (2) IV. ii W. B. (2) IV. 8 Oeltz. Arg.(N.) 4558-9.. Groombridge 786 Groombridge 782 Lalande 7819 Piazzi III. 259 Groombridge 774 Groombridge 783 Lalande 7721-2 W. B. (2) IV. 59-62 Piazzi IV. 6 38 Eridani .. o 1 Groombridge 790 Lalande 7874 Groombridge 787 51 Persei /^ Piazzi III. 260 52 Persei i Groombridgc 791.... W. B. IV. 93 Groombridge 779.-.. Groombridge 795... Piazzi IV. 7 . . Oeltz. Arg. (N.)46n Groombridge 796 ... Groombridge 794... Groombridge 799 . . . 1259. Tins is the principal star of the pair 02 531. 1264. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranometria Argentina. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. No. "2 *& a > *! =a K 1755- o . & G-o .sS 1810. Star's Name. o> a Mean K.A., 1 890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N. P.O., 1 890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. . Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Proper . Motion. a; & S S 4 d 1 f o V 1 O 1 -4 0) 1 1 1301 1302 13 3 1304 1305 1306 ij7 1308 I39 1310 I3'i 1312 1313 34 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 "33 I33i 1332 1333 '334 I33S 1336 1337 1338 1339 134 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 '349 135 574 572 573 578 575 576 580 581 583 582 586 588 594 802 801 785 803 809 806 808 813 814 811 816 819 810 815 821 824 822 807 823 818 826 39 Eridani ... A 4-9* 6-4* 4-3* 7-0* 6-5* 4-6* 8-0 4'5* 7 '4 7'5 4'6* 5-6* 5'4* 5-4* 8-5 57* 8'3 6-6 77 5'9* 5-5* 5'4* 8-i 9-0 3'9* 6-0* 5-1* 8-4 6-1* 8-1 r * 5 ' 7'5 6-9* TO 7'9 5-6* 67 57t 7'8t 6'5 7'3 7'3 6'5 7'5 8-1 8-2 4-0* 8-0 7'3 5'9* h m a 4. 9. 9'6i6 4. 9. 31-501 4. 9. 33-624 4- 9- 34^44 4. 9. 37-608 4- 9- 58-321 4. 10. 4-647 4. 10. 12-492 4. 10. 16-283 4. 10. 36-481 4. 10. 48-872 4. 10. 57-850 4. II. 51-510 4- II. 52^55 4. II. 57-917 4. 12. 13732 4. 12. 23-033 4. 12. 38-527 4. 12. 41-121 4. 12. 54-718 4. 12. 57-068 4. 13. 5-981 4- 13. 24-029 4- 13- 3i - 590 4- 13- 3f938 4- 13- 34-123 4- 13- 35-303 4. 13. 44-687 4- '3- 55-454 4. 14. 8-879 4. 14. 21-976 4. 14. 42-791 4- 15- 6-373 4. 15. 9-163 4. 15. 15-628 4. 15. 22-699 4. 15. 46-647 4- 15- 53-236 4- 15- 53-873 4- '5- 56-352 4. 15- 56-644 4. 16. 11-610 4. 16. 21-169 4. 16. 24-819 4- '6. 25-777 4. 16. 30-952 4. 16. 35-412 4. 16. 41-881 4- 16. 50-973 4- 17- 3-427 92-82 9I-67 95-16 88-74 88-74 95-66 95-02 94-I7 94-3I 91-06 89-51 92-78 9275 93-70 93-86 9171 94-62 92-75 96-38 96-22 91-03 96-65 93-75 96-61 91-77 95-62 95-39 94-07 95-68 93-62 94-12 95-05 96-60 89-06 95-18 90-24 92-64 93-58 91-42 92-47 8932 92-05 89-03 95-56 95-42 92-05 92-37 95-04 93-89 92-68 5 ii 6 4 4 3 3 Si 3 6 7 3 3 6\ 4 <4 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 53 3 5 3 3i 3 6 3 3 4 3 3 3 ii 4 4i 3 4 4 3 3 3 24 3 3 7 2 2 3 2 2 5 6 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 s + 2-8525 + 3-3927 + 3-2520 + 3-1955 + 3'i9S 2 + 4-4868 + 4-6604 + 2-9095 + 10-2962 + 3-4908 + 3-5121 + 4-47/8 + 4-5249 + 3-5370 + 5-I799 + 5-I766 + 4-5368 + 4-1294 + 4-4937 + 4-8582 + 3-5277 + 3-543I + 5-6322 + 3-6836 + 3-4008 + 5-0899 + 3-6838 + 4-5362 + 2-5588 + 4-5869 + 3-3895 + 6-6589 + 2-5059 + 3-9647 + 5-8587 + 2 9069 + 4-592I + 3-642I + 3 6422 + 4-1607 + 3-9382 + 4-5354 + 3-9348 + 8-4439 + 3-4295 + 4-5363 + 3-4468 + 6 6507 + 4-1365 + 3-528i s +0-0051 +0-0116 +0-0095 +0-0087 +0-0087 +0-0382 +0-0441 +0-0056 +0-4819 +0-0132 +0-0135 +0-0376 +0-0388 +0-0139 +0-0632 +0-0629 +0-0389 +o'o26b +0-0374 +0-0499 +0-0136 +0-0138 +0-0825 +0-0164 +0-0114 +0-0585 +0-0164 +0-0384 +0-0035 +0-0399 +0-OII2 +0-1377 +0-0034 +0-O222 +0-0920 +0-0055 +0-0394 +0-0153 +0-0153 +0-O268 +O-O2I4 +0-0374 +0-0213 +O-2667 +o - oii6 +0-0374 +0-0119 +0-1343 +0-0260 +0-0132 s 0-0025 +0-007, 0-0003 O t II ioo. 31. 47-91 74- 52. 30-80 81. 23. 1-46 84. 4. 25-21 84. 5. 11-56 39- 58. 32-70 36- 45- 2372 97. 49. 28-93 9. 19. 39-81 70. 35. 42-38 69. 41. 34-88 40. 13. 12-60 39. 20. 50-00 68. 41. 25-51 29. 28. 25-48 29-31- 36-96 39- 9- 3-66 48. 27. 30-67 40. o. 41-68 33. 45. 32-08 69. 7. 28-85 68. 29. 34-43 25- I- 22-35 62. 55. 8-12 74. 38. 18-84 30. 38. 44-40 62. 54. 47-48 39- 14- 46-31 113. 14. 20-38 38. 19. 6-29 75- 10. 8-17 1 8. 28. 29-99 115. 17. 24-00 53. 21. 21-21 23. 17. 45-27 97. 51. 22 08 38. 19. 16-93 6 4- 37- 51-67 64. 37- 33'62 47- 49- 49-39 54. 13- 2876 39. 24. 39-64 54. 21. 20-24 12. 37. I2-29 73- 28. 4-78 39. 24. 42-24 72. 42. 58-30 18 35- I5-52 48- 31- 35-53 69. 16. 30-53 92-82 91-85 94-88 8874 88-17 95^7 9471 93-86 93-59 91-06 89-51 91-88 91-84 93-72 93-62 9173 94-62 92-75 96-38 96-25 91-04 96-65 93-8? 96-61 9I-85 94-50 95-39 94-07 94-73 93-62 94-07 95-02 96-60 89-06 95-06 90-24 92-64 93^9 91-42 92-44 89-52 92-05 89-03 94-33 95-42 92-05 92-37 95-03 9389 9268 5 16 8 4 6 3 4 7 3 7 7 3 3 7 3 6 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 28 3 5 3 4 3 8 4 3 3 3 3 3 IS 4 5 4 4 5 2 3 3 24 3 3 7 ... 2 2 5 2 2 4 8 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 9-324 - 9 297 - 9-293 - 9-292 - 9-288 9-262 - 9-253 9-243 - 9-239 - 9-2I3 - 9-196 - 9-184 9-116 9-U3 9 -106 9-086 - 9-074 9-054 9-051 9-032 9-030 9-018 8-995 - 8- 9 S 4 8-984 8-982 - 8-980 - 8-967 8-954 - 8-936 - 8-919 8-892 8-861 - 8-857 - 8-848 - 8-839 8-808 8-800 - 8-799 - 8-796 - 8-795 - 8-775 - 8-763 - 8-758 - 8-757 - 8-750 - 8-745 - 8736 - 8-724 - 8-708 ti +0-372 +0-442 +0-424 +0-417 +0-417 +0-584 +o'-6o7 +0-381 fi'337 +0-456 +0-459 +0-585 +0-592 +0-463 +0-677 +0-677 +0-594 +0-541 +0-589 +0-636 +0-463 +0-465 +0738 +0-484 +0-447 +0667 +0-484 +0-596 +0-338 +0-603 +0-447 +0-874 +0-332 +0-523 +0-770 +0-384 +0-605 +0-481 +0-481 +0-549 +0-520 +0-599 +0-520 + I-II2 +0-454 +0-599 -f-0'456 +0-877 +0-547 +0-467 +0-160 +0-010 +O'OI2 +0-15 +0-15 +3-427. +0-038 +0-029 +0-097 +0-038' +0-033 +0-030 +0-066 O'OO +0-013 +0-028 +0-028 +O'I2 +0-009; +0-025. 48 Tanvi 49 Tauri rt Piazzi IV 24. 0-006 0-006 0-1458 0-0039 +0-0059 +0-0072 O'OOO2 +O-OOO7 +0-007; 0-0019 +0-015 +0-0058 +0-0017 +0-0017 +0-070 +0-0104 +0-0066 Piazzi IV. 25 Persei . . i 1 Groombridge 801 40 Eridani Groombridge 785 Lalande 7962-3 50 Tauii io 2 Groombridge 803 .... Persei i 2 51 Tauri Groombridge 806 Piazzi IV. 22 Groombridge 813 .... Piazzi IV. 31 Radclitte 1196 B. F 522 . 53 Tauri 56 Tauri . Groombriilge 811 W. B. (2) IV. 230... 54 Tauri ... ,...y Lalande 7984 52 Tauri A Groombridge 816 Lalande 8129-30 Groombridge 819 58 Tauri ... Groombridge 810..... Piazzi IV. 56 W. B. (2) IV. 259... Groombridge 815 W. B. IV. 270 Groombridge 82 1 59 Tauri \ 59 Tauri (Climes') x Piazzi IV. 46 B. D. +35 No. 858 Piazzi IV. 44 \V. B. (2) IV. 287... Groombridge 807 Lalande 8170 . Groumbridge 823 61 Tauri 8 1 Groombridge 818 Groombridge 826 .... W. B. (2) IV. 311-2 '338. 1339- These stars form the pair 2 528. 1340. This star is a close double, and Forms tlie pair 02, 80. {XXX} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STAKS FOR 1890-0, No. S> *jj s 2 4 1755- H 2 oJ 04 s 'C "^> 1 i8ia Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean K.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date: 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Proper Motion. Above Pole. Below Pole. 4 & 6 o .0 <1 & O 'o> M I35i 1352 1353 '354 '355 1356 1357 I3S8 1.559 1360 1361 I ^,(12 1363 I.>64 1365 1366 1367 1368 '369 137 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 13* IjSl 1382 J33 1384 1385 1386 !y>7 i ;88 1389 1390 i39i 1392 1393 '394 1395 1396 1 397 1398 1399 1 4< * i 596 591 595 597 601 603 604 605 608 610 609 612 613 619 623 616 618 830 825 829 827 820 828 833 834 831 835 832 838 836 839 840 842 844 843 63 Tauri 5-6* 8-ot 5-6* 6'2t 7'4 4'7* 7'3 6-1* 6-7 6-6 8-4 5'4* 4-2* 8-0 6-9 8-4 4 '6* 7'8 4-6' 4-9* 7'4 6-0* 6-8 5-3* 3-7" 3-9* 3-6* 6-5 7'2 7'S 6'5 8-5 6-8 4'9* 8-5 7'5 7-6 8-i 8- 3 8-2 8-3 6'5 7'3 6-0* 9'5 7'6 7'5 7'5 9-0 7 'of h m s 4. 17. 6-291 4. 17. 19-814 4. I?. 20-832 4- 17- 2I79I 4. 17. 25-374 4- 17- 45-2I9 4. 18. 21-324 4. 1 8. 29-783 4. 18. 31-903 4. 18. 32-427 4. 1 8. 39-621 4. 19. 6097 4- J9- 7-439 4. 19. 15-494 4. 19. 20-522 4. 19. 24-250 4- 19- 43-48o 4. 19. 58-662 4. 20. 4-639 4, 20. 23-422 4. 20. 36-564 4. 20. 45-808 4. 22. 2-280 4. 22. 9'OI3 4. 22. 11-564 4. 22. 17-397 4. 22. 22-874 4. 22. 32-165 4. 22. 42-165 4- 22. 43-569 4. 23. 28-989 4- 23. 34-332 4. 23. 42-662 4. 24. 15-804 4. 24. 19-890 4. 24. 2I-8I7 4. 24. 29-113 4. 24. 50-5I2 4. 25. 4-852 4. 25. 10-078 4. 25. 21-569 4- 25. 34-727 4. 25. 37-110 4. 25. 40-454 4. 26. 10-696 4. 26. 13-815 4. 26. 19-775 4. 26. 25-647 4. 26. 35-043 4. 27. 10-748 ! 93-92 95-34 91-38 94-98 96-42 94-58 89-03 96-11 94-54 93-I9 89-29 92-57 93-20 94-56 96-32 94-74 94-30 94-43 91 So 94-04 95-12 94-04 95-I6 92-62 92-98 92-81 93-10 94-4S 93-92 94-79 93-86 89-29 93-80 92-52 9471 93-8o 94-5I 94-86 94-01 95-7I 9275 93-87 93'45 93-57 95-29 94-86 94-98 94-95 88-98 93-75 9 3 4 6 3 7 4 3 3 5 2i 4 10 3 3 34 10 4 5 6 2 3 3 6 52 ii 8J 7 5 3 5 3 ,0 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 6 6 5 5 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 2 3 3 2; 2 2 2 3 2 2 8 + 3^297 + 3-6IO2 + 3-88I5 + 3-6IOI + 10-3837 + 3^456 + 3-9632 + 2-5054 + 4-6048 + 3H835 + 3-9437 + 3-8046 + 3^579 + 6-4I3I + 3-4I24 + 57773 + 3-5757 + 6-4623 + 3-4056 + 3-3853 + 9-1719 + 6-8726 + 5-9940 + 3'4240 + 3-4900 + 3-4150 + 3-4130 + 3-6973 + 3-4198 + 6-4394 + 37182 + 3-8892 + 8-2536 + 3-4218 + 7-3092 + 8-2506 + 3-4209 + 4-5730 + 3-4I37 + 6-7658 + 33577 + 3-4M9 + 4-2069 + 4-2082 + 3-3594 + 4-5748 + 4-2107 + 4-5292 + 3-7442 + 3-4666 s +0-0116 +0-0145 +0-0199 +0-0145 H-o'4554 +0-0118 +0-0215 +0-0034 +0-0387 +0-0123 +O-O2IO +0-OI80 +0-0118 +0-1169 +O-OIII +0-0841 +0-0137 +0-1187 +0-0110 +0-0106 +0-3181 +0-1416 +0-0918 +Q-OIIO +0-0120 +0-0109 +0-0109 +0-0154 +O-QIIO +0-1138 +0-0157 +0-0189 +0-2306 +0-0108 +0-1626 +0-2287 +0-0108 +0-0352 +0-0106 +0-1284 +0-0099 +0-0106 +0-0254 +0-0254 +0-0098 +0-0348' +0-02531 +0-0335 +o-oi57 ( +0-OII2 s . +0-0057 +0-0003 0-O002 +0-0072 +0-0097 +0-0054 +0-0065 +0-0051 +0-0068 +0-0067 0-0008 +0-0025 0-0004 +0-0070 +0-0048 +0-0064 +0-0104 +0-0073 +0-006 +0-0058 +O"OO26 0-0004 O 1 " 73. 28. 48-72 65. 57. irio 56. 7. 29-26 65. 57. 21-23 9- 21. 3778 72. 48. 41-80 53- 35- 16 18 115- 8. 55-87 38. 14. 59-21 71. 12. 42-64 54. 12. 23-40 58. 48. 35-69 72. 19. 27-I7 19. 54. 26-52 74. 18. 40-72 24. 6. 14-80 67. 26. I2'OO 19. 40. 3-11 74. 37. 56 26 75- 32. 8 65 ii. 14- 55-52 17. 42. 36-04 22. 36. 29-83 73- 53- 13-63 71. 3- Si-o? 74- 16. 5775 74. 22. 25-48 62. 50. 22-33 74- 5- 5-72 '9- 53- 30-55 62. 6 42-09 56. 12. 31-83 13. 15. 24-IO 74. 2. 45-71 16. 5. 23-71 13. 16. 46-28 74- 5- 27-35 39. u. 14-74 74- 25. 22'2I 18. 20. 9 75 76. 53. 18-25 74. 23. 6-66 47. 12. 6-56 47. 10. 18-16 76. 49. 59-02 39- '3- 44'44 47. 8. 45-04 40. 6. 29-52 61. 18. 13-43 72. 12. 58-81 93-92 94-60 90-53 94-60 96-42 94-40 89-03 95-26 94-54 93^9 89-55 9277 92-38 9479 96-32 93-8i 94'3 94-27 91 80 94'03 95-12 92-14 94-26 92-55 92-24 92-81 92-81 94-48 93 - 92 94-75 93-86 8929 938o 9172 94-56 93-80 94-10 94-86 94-01 95-53 92-75 93-9I 93'45 93-40 96-89 94-86 94-98 94^5 89-60 93^5 9 2 5 5 3 8 5 3 3 5 4. 3 16 3 3 4 10 3 5 8 2 5 3 7 29 ii 9 7 5 3 5 3 3 10 3 3 4 3 3 4 5 7 6 7 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 8-704 - 8-686 8-684 - 8-683 - 8-679 - -653 8-605 - 8-594 - 8-591 - 8-591 - 8-580 - 8-546 - 8-545 - 8-534 - 8-526 8-522 - 8-497 - 8-476 - 8-468 8-444 - 8-426 - 8-414 - 8-313 8-304 8-300 - 8-293 - 8-285 8-272 8-260 - 8-257 - 8-198 8'igi 8-179 - 8-135 8-130 8-127 - S-uS 8-090 8-070 - 8-063 8-048 8-030 8-0271 8-022. - 7-98i - 7-977 - 7-969 - 7-961 - 7-949 - 7-901 +0-454 +0-478 +0-514 +0-478 + 1-369 +0-457 +0-526 +0-334 +o'6io +0-463 +0-523 +0-506 +0-460 +0-850 +0-454 +0-766 +0-476 +0-858 +0-454 +0-452 + 1-218 +0-914 +0-799 +0-458 +0-467 +0-457 +0-457 +0-495 +0-458 +0-859 +0-498 +0-521 + 1-103 +0-460 +0978 + 1-104 +0-460 +o 614 +0-459 +0-907 +0-452 +0-460 +0-566 +0-566 +0-453 +0-616 +0-567 +O'6io +0-505 +0-468 +0-032 +0-036 +O'O2O +O'O2O O'OO +0-I21 +0-025 +0'008 +0-034 +0-014 +0-023 +0-086 0-025 +0-028 +0-015 +0-003 +0-045 +O'O2O +0-O2 +0-026 +0-07 +0-005 W. B. (2) IV. 315-6 S? Pi-rsei Lalande F. 659-60.. 64 Tauri 8"- W. B. (2) TV. 337.. Lalande 8312-3 Groornbridgo, 830 B F US B. D. +35 No. 865 Piazai IV 69 . 68 Tauri . . . S 3 Groombridge 825 .... 70 Tauri Groombridge 829 .... 69 Tauri tf Groombridge 827 ... 71 Tauri 71 Tauri TT Groombridge 820... Groombridge 828 . . . Piazzi IV. 67 7"; Tauri. 74 Tauri e 77 Tauri .ffi- 78 Tauri .. ft? W. B. (2) IV. 436-7 W. B. (2) IV. 450... Grooiubridge 834 W. B. (2) IV. 458... B. D. +33 No. 871 Groombridge 831 .... Bradley 619 Groombridge 835 Groombridge 832 Piazzi IV. 102 .... Groombridge 838 W. B. (2) IV. 505... Groombridgo 836 W. B. IV. 482 85 Tanri Bradley 616 57 PersHi . . In B. D. +13 No. 694 Groombridge 842.... Piazzi IV. 107 Groombridge 843 AV. B. (2) IV. 523... W.B.(2)IV.'c42(Con>) 1352, 1354. These stars form the pair 2:534. 1400, 1401. These stars form the pair 2 559. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GKEENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xxxi} No. | Q) ! o^ 3 a-s " o d 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. *"*! *G .S d 1755- j 1 o & CJ & k o D ffl j 1 I 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 H37 1438 '439 1440 1441 1442 H43 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 631 634 626 630 632 637 639 641 643 647 650 644 653 841 849 850 847 851 845 846 857 855 859 860 854 864 862 848 866 858 867 W. B. (2) IV. 542... >jc with Comet b 1891 W. B. IV. 531 . 7'ot 7-0 9-0 7'4 7-0 7-6 5-6* 8-0 4'4* 6-1 8-5 i-o* 4-6* 6-2 8-2 7-4 8-5 7-7 8-4 4-1* 8-2 7-0 9'5 7-8 8-5 4-3* 8-7 6-2 l-i* 4-8* 3-9* 7'4 8-4 7-6 7-8 6-0* 5-5* 5-9* 5-7* 8-4 5'3* 8-7 7-8 9'3 4-5* h m s 4. 27. 10-977 4- 27- 33-8I5 4. 27. 36-055 4. 27. 44-921 4. 27. 48-067 4. 28. 2-640 4. 28. 20-485 4. 28. 33-040 4. 28. 47-686 4. 28. 53-700 4. 29. 2-510 4. 29. 4-101 4. 29. 15-606 4. 29. 30-691 4. 29. 32-516 4. 29. 36-487 4- 29. 36-545 4. 29. 51-584 4. 29. 53-029 4- 3- 25-339 4. 30. 33-000 4- 3- 35-59 1 4. 30. 38-878 4- 3- 45-466 4. 30. 49-249 4- 3 1 - 6-777 4. 31. 11-412 4. 31. 16-463 4. 31. 28-632 4. 31. 53-099 4. 32. 0-492 4. 32. 14-004 4- 3 2 - 35-575 4. 32. 52-243 4. 32. 58-913 4. 33. 8-518 4. 33. 11-800 4- 33- 45-763 4- 33- 48-941 4- 33- 49'276 4. 34. 2-210 4- 34- 16-153 4. 34. 26-627 4. 34. 59-921 4. 35. 3-686 4. 35. 6-028 4. 35. 14-118 4. 35. 36-068 4- 35- 36-241 4- 35- 37-745 93-96 92-78 92-41 9570 94-00 94-34 88-00 95-80 94-88 9072 94-04 96-94 93-09 9379 94-09 93-07 95-98 96-27 96-47 95-I7 94-16 93-60 94-37 94-95 94-48 94-21 95-98 91-26 90-25 89-94 94-90 93-68 93-94 93-61 96-42 94-10 89-32 95-03 9563 93-66 94-09 94-43 92-70 95-64 3 4 7 10 3 2 6 3 4 6 3 3 5 3 149 4 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 ti 3 4 3 5 9 3 3 5 4 6 3 9 3 2 3 5 4 3 3 4 2 3 2 5 2 3 4 64 3 4 s + 3-4666 + 3-3580 + 3-3568 + 3-7468 + 5-2859 + 5-9684 + 2-8887 + 2-9219 + 5-2951 + 2-8892 + 4-1387 + 4-1457 + 3-5130 + 3-3536 + 3-2899 + 3-4331 + 3-2887 + 3-5996 + 4-9321 + 4-1813 + 4-1840 + 4-1430 +16-3489 + 6-4180 + 2-9952 + 5-9987 + 4-1877 + 3-3416 + 4-6728 +13-3162 + 3-3425 + 4-1968 + 4-1349 + 3-4187 + 3-4215 + 2-7508 + 4-4561 + 6-4180 + 4-1888 + 4-5390 + 7-9667 + 2-7490 + 3-7456 + 4-5449 + 6-ono + 4-2409 + 3-5950 + 3-2504 + 2-6214 a +O'OII2 +0-0097 +O-0097 +0-0155 +0-0570 +0-0845 +0-0051 +0-0053 +0-0567 +O-OO5I +0-0230 +0-023I +0'OIl6 +0-0095 +0-0087 +0-OIO5 +0-0087 +O-OI28 +0-0438 +0-0236 +0-0236 +0-0227 + I-I758 +0'I025 +0-OO58 +0-0828 +0-0235 +0-OO92 +0-0354 +0-7I2O +O-O092 +0-0234 +O-022O +0-0100 +O-QIOO +0-0042 +0-0292 +0-0988 +0-0229 +0-0310 +0-1845 +0-0042 +0-0145 +0-0307 +0-0793 +0-0236 +0-0079 +0-0121 +0-0079 +0-0037 s 0-0003 0-0043 0-0005 +0-0035 +0-0011 +0-013 0-0023 +0-0056 +0-0009 +0-0050 0-0077 +0-052 +0-0097 +0-0060 +0-0038 O'OOOO o / // 72. 12. 59-23 76. 55- 35-58 76. 58. 49-69 61. 16. 10-43 29- 3- 53-I7 23. i. 26-62 98. 29. 1572 96. 58. 12-94 29. o. 25-63 98. 27. 43-70 49. 9- 0-07 48. 57- 43-22 70. 20. 46-18 77. 10. 4-00 80. 3. 22-65 73- 42. 45'04 80. 3. 56-54 66. 53- 3-95 33- 35- 6-51 48. 6. 16-59 48. 2. 34-40 49- 6. 50-65 5- 19- I7-53 20. 17. 19-71 93. 34. 41-05 22. 55. 27-42 47- 58- 51-22 77. 44. 9-02 37. 44. 2-02 6. 53. 52-80 77- 42- 37-87 47. 48. 10-03 49- 25. 44-62 74- 25. I -87 74- 1 8. 2 '20 104. 31. 11-19 41. 54. 50-48 20. 23. 12-37 48. 5. 3-01 40. I?. 38-82 14. 15. 38-04 104. 34. 22-84 61. 35. 56-28 40. 14. 14-80 22. 58. 45 92 46. 50. 43-30 81. 55- 58 ; 85 67. 16. 10-14 81. 52. 56-38 109. 52. 59-27 93-96 95-57 92-78 92-41 9570 93-5I 94-34 89-22 95-8o 94-88 9072 94-04 93-09 93 79 94-09 95-45 93-07 95-98 96-27 95-90 95-29 89-22 94-49 93-60 95-3 94-95 94-48 92-96 95-98 91-26 90-25 89-94 94-87 94-05 9361 96-42 93-14 89-32 94-92 95-46 94-09 94-06 93-99 94 '6 1 3 3 7 10 3 2 6 5 4 12 3 3 5 2 3 125 4 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 12 3 4 3 5 8 3 3 5 3 7 3 10 3 2 3 4 6 3 3 5 2 5 2 5 2 (3) 4 18 3 4 - 7-90I - 7-870 7-868 - 7-85I - 7-831 - 7-809 7-79I - 7-77I - 7-763 - 7-751 7-749 - 7-733 7-7I3 7-710 - 7-706 7-705 - 7-685 - 7-68 3 7-640 7-629 7-625 7-621 7-612 7-608 - 7-57I - 7-554 - 7-521 7'493 7-463 7-442 7-420 - 7-4J5 7-364 7-364 7 '347 7-268 7-263 7-260 7-249 7-219 - 7-219 7-216 +0-468 +0-454 +0-454 +0-506 +0-7I3 +0-805 +0-39I +0-396 +0715 +0-392 +0-560 +0-561 +0-476 +0-455 +0-446 +0-466 +0-446 +0-488 +0-668 +0-567 +0-568 +0-562 +2-209 +0-869 +0-408 +0-813 +0-569 +0-455 +0-635 +1-804 +0-455 +0-563 +0-466 +0-467 +0-376 +0-607 +0-874 +0-57I +o 619 + 1-084 +0-376 +0-512 +0-621 +0-820 +0-580 +0-445 +0-492 +0-445 +0-360 +0-007 0-008 +0-024 +0-184 O'OI 0-009 +0-006 +0-066 +0-022 +0-I62 +0-44 +0-I32 +O-122 +0-055 +0-086 Piazzi IV. HI Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 4928 Groombridge 841 B. D. &' No. 884.. Oeltz. Arg. (N. ) 4948 Groombridge 849 58 Persei . 6 Piazzi IV. 120 ^ with Comet b 1891 W. B. IV. 588 87 Tanri o 88 Tauri d W. B. (2) IV. 596-8 Groombridge 847 .... Groombridge 851 B. D. +41 No. 923 W. B. (2) IV. 601... Groombridge 845 .... 48 Eridani v Groombridge 846 Groombridge 857 .... B. D. +12 No. 616 Groombridge 855 . ... Lalaude V. 681 ... W. B. (2) IV. 641-3-5..'. Piazzi IV. 134 92 Tauri. s Groombridge 860 Groombridge 854 Groombridge 864 Groombridge 862 Piaz/i IV H2 Bradley 650 . ... Piazzi IV. 148 Groombridge 866 Groombridge 858 W. B. IV. 725 . .. Piazzi IV. 158 B. D. +8 No. 737.. 54 Eridani {xxxii} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. h 11 o * 755- \i 6 fc 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean H.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. 01 e I i 1 < of s. o 3 o 1 o & 1451 1452 '453 '454 1455 1456 1457 '1458 '459 ; 1460 1461 ' 1462 1463 1464 1465 '1466 1467 1468 1469 : 1470 M7i 1472 1473 1474 : "475 1476 1477 1478 '479 1480 : 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 '493 1494 "495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 648 652 657 658 660 663 667 666 661 662 670 676 675 869 863 865 86 1 868 872 873 874 856 870 875 877 879 878 876 88 1 880 883 884 887 885 888 94 Tauii . T 4-4* 7-8 8-2 6-9 8-5 8-5 8-5 9'5 9'4 7-2 6-3 8-3 7-2 7-6 7-6 5'5 7'3 6-2 7-0 4'3* 8-5 8-6 8-8 7'7 5-9* 7"i 5-2* 8-1 4-4* 8-1 6-2 8-3 6'5 3-3* 6-9 8-7 9'5 6-4 4-4* 5-1* 7'4 5-0* 4 -o 9-1 6-7* 9-0 6-8 8-5 4-2* 5-7* h m s 4- 35- 38-518 4. 36. 18-810 4. 36. 32-206 4- 36. 34-I38 4- 36. 57-784 4- 37- 19-099 4- 37- 34-S35 4- 37- 37-130 4- 37- 40'9 l8 4. 38. 12-253 4. 38. 17-840 4- 38- 33-3I3 4- 39- 5-56o 4- 39- 19-399 4. 39. 22-535 4- 39- 47; 1 24 4- 39- 49-269 4- 39- 5f358 4- 39- 54-3 20 4. 40. 0-097 4, 40. 47-407 4. 41. 21-992 4. 41. 32-375 4. 41. 39-683 4. 41. 47-679 4- 42. 23-537 4- 42. 30-325 4. 42. 56-558 4. 43. 6-897 4- 43- I3'935 4. 43. 26-468 4- 43- 3 1 633 4. 43. 38-056 4. 43. 52-088 4. 44. 18-837 4. 44. 22-446 4. 44. 26-179 4- 44- 27-768 4. 44. 36-969 4. 44. 56-309 4. 44. 58-214 4. 45. 16-160 4. 45. 20-770 4. 46. 6 945 4. 46. 35-896 4. 46. 48-217 4. 46. 55-843 4. 47. 12-860 4- 47- 29-331 4- 47- 38-577 92-54 94 '94 94-00 93^3 94-53 94-01 95-9I 95-64 95-27 95 '34 93-20 93-07 91-06 93-9 94-35 94-26 96-97 87-98 89-99 92-42 94-68 88-68 96-21 94-42 93-85 92-63 9335 93-97 93-25 95-68 95-16 94-88 91-30 93-92 93'94 96 26 89-05 95-69 94-28 89-12 96-49 93-46 92-78 89-07 89-54 95-26 93-59 94-2I 9380 95-25 39 3 2i 4 7 4 3J 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 7 3 26 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 17 3 IO 3 4 29 3 3 4 3 ii 6 4 7 9 4 4 3 5 3 4 4 3 ' 4 2 2 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 '4 2 H + 3-5954 + 4 6784 + 6 5660 + 3 6256 + 3-23 2 3 + 6-5605 + H-3934 + 3-2498 + 3-23I9 + 7 9227 + 6-6587 + 4-4102 + 4-7434 + 4-733 + 4-^674 + 11-0092 + 6-1768 + 3-4936 + 4-34I3 + 2-9966 + 4-9640 + 3-6760 + 6-1931 + 4-9637 + 5-579I + 6-1984 + 4-0330 + 4-9602 + 5-9285 + 3-4273 + 3-4278 + 4-7228 + 4-3653 + 3-2225 + 4-3708 + 3-2224 + 3-6740 + 4-7302 + 3-2662 + 3-4498 + 4-0077 + 4-0102 + 3-1926 + 3-6096 + 2-4672 + 4-4655 + 3 6148 + 6-3699 + 2-9471 + 3''24i ' a +O'OI2I +0-0336 +0-I02I +O-OI24 +0-0076 +0'I008 +0-4511 +0-0078 +0-0076 +0-I72I +0-I04I +0-0263 +0-0341 +0-0337 +0-02IO +0-4018 +0-08I2 +o'oio3 +0-0244 +0-0055 +0-0392 +0-0125 +0-0800 +0-0387 +0-0572 +0-0793 +0-0178 +0-0380 +0-0683 +0-0092 +0-0092 +0-0317 +0-0238 +0-0071 +0-0237 +0-0071 +0-OI2O +0-03I5 +0-0075 +0-0098 +0-OI69 +O'0l68 +0-0068 +O'OIIO +0-0033 +0-0248 +0-0109 +0-0805 +0-0050 +0-0061 s 67. 15. 17-74 37- 52. 6-43 19. 40. 31-91 66. 7. 13-01 82. 42. 59 60 19. 43. 40-24 8. 33- 6 97 81. 56. 3-22 82. 44. 27-36 14. 28. 48-48 19. 15. 21-57 43. 8. 609 36. 53. 50-42 37. 4. 42-08 48. 53. 46-43 8. 59. 26-88 22. I. 35-23 71. 27. 54-16 44' 42. 33 75 93. 27. 24 94 33- 37- 23 6 3 64- 23. 24-33 21. 58. 32 27 33- 39 47 8 1 26. 41. I'I2 21. 58. 4 65 52. 42. 24-99 33- 45- 55-79 23. 50. 42 99 74. 1 8. 13-87 74. 17. 18-61 37. 25. 47-60 44. 20. 2O'94 83- 13- S3*' 44. 14. 49-21 83. 14. 29-52 64- 33- 57-86 37- 20. 43-71 81. 17. 21-05 71. 20. 52-57 53. 32. 41-00 53. '29. I -40 84. 35- 0-70 67. 2. 45-OI 115. 29. 52-75 42. 20. 16-35 66. 52. 5-48 2i- 3- 53-55 95- 3*>- 14-31 87. 40. 28-23 93-67 94-94 9270 93^3 93'57 93-82 95-65 95-64 95-27 95-34 92-20 93-07 91 -06 94-90 94-35 9275 96-97 87-98 89-99 93-39 94-55 8868 96-21 9448 92-79 93-26 93-35 93-4I 93H5 95-8o 94-83 94-88 91-30 93'33 93'94 96-26 89-05 95-69 94-81 90-27 96-96 93-46 92-55 89-05 90-36 95-26 93-59 93-18 93-87 95-37 34 3 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 18 2 7 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 18 4 8 3 4 34 3 3 4 3 15 12 3 7 13 5 3 3 5 3 6 3 5 4 2 2 7 i? 2 4 3 3 4 28 4 7-215 - 7-160 7'i43 7-140 7-106 7-079 7-057 - 7 '54 - 7-49 7 -006 - 6-998 - 6-978 6-932 - 6-915 6-911 6-876 - 6-874 - 6-871 - 6-867 - 6-859 6-794 6-746 - 6-732 6-721 6-710 6-662 - 6-653 6-615 6 "602 - 6-592 - 6-576 - 6-567 - 6-559 6-540 6-502 6-498 6-493 6-490 - 6-478 - 6-451 6-449 6-424 6-417 - 6-353 6-313 6-297 6-285 - 6-262 6^240 6-226 +0-492 +0-640 +0-898 +0-497 +0-444 +0-898 + 1-558 +0-447 +0-444 + 1-086 +0-913 +O'6o6 +0-652 +0-651 +0-573 + i'5" +0-849 +0-482 +0-598 +0-414 +0-684 +0-508 +0-854 +0-685 +0-770 +0-855 +0-558 +0-685 +0-819 +0-475 +0-475 +0-654 +0-605 +0-447 +0-606 +0-447 +0-510 +0-656 +0-454 +0-486 +0-556 +0-557 +0-444 +0-502 +0-344 +0-621 +0-503 +0-885 +0-411 +0-436 +0-009 +0-014 +0-14 +0-086 +0-002 +O'IO2 o'o6o +0-001 0-007 O'OI +0-077 +0-56 0-016 +0-031 +0-034 0x14 O'OOI +O-OO2 O'O44 +0-014 Gtroombridge 869 Piazzi IV. 136 . .. O'OOOI +0-017 +0-0005 0-0002 +0-0084 O-OO5O 0-OO27 +0-0079 O'OOOI O-0002 +0-037 +O-O298 0-0009 +0-0047 +0-0080 0-0030 O'OOI I 0-0044 o-oooo 95 Tauri . W B IV 760 Grooinliridgi- 865 H. D. +7 No. 700.. B. D. +7 No. 701.. Qroombridge 861 Gi-oombriJge 868 B. D. +46 No. 910 Qroombridge 872 Qroombridge 873 Groom bridge 874 Groombiidge 856 GroombrMge 870 Piuzzi IV 179 Gmoinbridge 875 57 Eriilani /* Groombridge 877 W. B. (2) IV. 868... Liilande 8878 Uroonibridge 879 Piazzi IV. 170 Groombridge 876 Groom 1 iridgt 88 1 Piazzi IV. 194 96 Tanri Groombridge 883 Groombridge 884 I Orionis TT Groombridge 887 W B. IV. 912 B. D. +25 No. 740 Groombridge 885 97 Tauri i Braillcv 661 . 2 Auriga 3 Orii>nis . ... T^ U. D. +22 No. 767 Lacaille 1615 Oekz. Arg. (N.)527o Lalaiide 9136-8 Groombridge 888 5 Orionis * FKOM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xxxiii} No. ~ ' a - c h P <^ <5 5| .55 & 1755. 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Ohs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. A & f 1 > c O II .s| d K 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean E.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. -59 = t! 1755. o S o 1 1 & 1 Groombridge 98 1 Piazzi V 136 39 Orionis (Comes) ^ Groombridge 992.... Groombridge 990 .... 42 Orionis '-' 43 Orionis ( I st Star). . 0- 43 Orionis (2nd Star), d' 2 Groombridge 994 .... 40 Orionis .s| d fe 1810. Star's Xiinie. Magnitude. Mean K.A., 1 890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. GJ 1 0> 1 < J2 o a, E 1 g a 1 5 aj 1 1 'U W 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 '759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 '774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 '793 '794 '795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 8 3 6 837 833 832 821 827 835 844 840 831 849 8 4 8 858 856 857 seo IOI2 1014 IOOI 1017 1018 1019 1021 IO2O 1023 IO24 1026 1028 IO27 1034 J33 i37 1036 1032 1039 1042 1030 Columbae Q- 2-7* 8-6 7-6 8-0 6-0* 8-5 7'6 6-8 6-2* 6-8 6-9 3-8* 7-2 5-7* 5-5* 7'4 8-1 6'5 6'5 6-0 8-5 6-7 5-i* 2-2* 7'5 5-8* 4-2* 6-5 5-2' 7'3 5-7" 6-1* 5-6* 4-5; 4-0* 5'9* 2-9* TO 7'3 4-6* 7'3 9-0 5-8' 8-0 var. TO 7'5 8-1 6-1* 6-2 h 111 s 5- 35- 39-99 5- 35- 57-074 5. 36. 19-911 5. 36. 28-463 5- 36- 38715 5. 37. 48-673 5. 38. 3-442 5. 38. 17-871 5- 39- 1 3 '47 1 5. 39. 22-147 5. 39. 51-418 5. 39. 52-645 5. 40. 0-831 5. 40. 57-212 5.41. 1-304 5. 41. 4-455 5. 41. 8-034 5. 41. 11-047 5. 41. 12-794 5. 41. 48-348 5. 41. 50-127 5. 42. 11-878 5. 42. 15-834 5- 42. 32-342 5- 42. 37-842 5. 42. 46-673 5- 43- Si-936 5- 44- 2-126 5- 45- 6-627 5- 45- 9-236 5- 45- '7794 5- 45. 52-340 5. 46. 7-298 5. 46. 24789 5. 46. 35-404 5. 46. 52-699 5- 47- 4-749 5. 47. 29-810 5- 47- 5i'927 5- 47- 52-047 5. 48. 9-682 5. 48. 10-911 5. 48. 25-964 5.48. 57-656 5- 49- I2 '963 5. 49. 23-985 5- 49- 27-728 5- 49- 53'-83 5. 49. 58-089 5- 49- 59 '203 94-95 92-78 94-43 95-05 92-00 9278 95-26 93"I9 87-10 9173 95-69 93^9 92-76 88-05 90-29 9577 9488 9I-43 94--3 92-46 9379 94-34 9i-i5 93 '45 91-72 96-33 88-04 94-39 92-59 96-25 89-40 87-65 90-30 93-53 94-02 91-38 93-65 92-53 92-40 7S 92-74 95-33 93-18 92-33 93-57 94-45 92-62 94-65 96-29 93-65 10 3 3 5 6 3 2 3 3 3 3 10 3 6 5 4 3 3 3 7 3 4 6 46 3 5 3 6 3 4 3 5 4 21 12 4 3 5 o 5 3 3 3 4 141 3 6 3 3 2 4 4 3 2 2 3 2 9 2 4 I 2 6 5 8 + 2-I7I3 + 4-II23 + 4-3346 + U7934 + 3'64I2 + 8-3427 -I-I3-4966 + 4-7442 + 3-1647 + 4^919 + 2-5220 + 2-52I2 + 4-4847 + 3-4'57 + 3^973 + 3-58I3 + 47376 + 5-II49 + 4-I706 + 3-5795 + 3-579 + 4-7469 + 3-6808 + 2-8444 + 4-3587 + 2-3433 + 4-I569 + 3-7797 + 5-3703 + 3- 03 OJ 1 ^ > V 0:3 o 5 -a 6 fc 1755- a l| .g-e 1 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. 11 can Date. 1800 + 1 No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Animal Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. oJ "o PM o> 1 < 2 8 6 3 3 n - 0-035 - 0-034 + 0-009 + o'oi6 + 0-025 + 0-050 + 0-054 + O'lOI + 0'II2 + 0-I52 + OT56 + 0-I62 + O-I?! + 0-177 + 0-179 + 0-185 + 0-230 + 0-255 + 0-255 + 0-274 + 0-279 + 0-279 + 0-282 + 0-284 + 0-2S7 + 0-314 + 0-3I5 + 0-328 + 0-351 + 0-368 + 0-375 + 0-386 + 0-401 + 0-401 + 0-414 + 0-419 + 0-423 + 0-445 + 0-456 + 0-481 + 0-484 + 0-497 + 0-499 + 0-505 + 0-516 + 0-522 + 0-526 + 0-537 + 0-553 + 0-579 +0-619 +0-623 +0-533 +0-647 +0-772 +0-619 +0-618 +0-775 +0-500 +0-619 +0-880 +0-337 +0-655 +0-663 +0-662 +0749 +0-661 +0-528 +0-664 +0643 +0-670 +0-670 +0-457 +0-457 +0-619 +3-893 +0-643 +0-643 +0-890 +0-643 +0-776 +0-889 +0-397 +0-889 + 1-085 +0-536 +0-697 +0-690 +0-698 +0-518 +0-488 +0-497 +0-690 +0-641 +o 622 +0-488 +0-596 +0-620 +0-775 +0-640 +0-003 0-030 +0-078 +0-013 +0-033 +0-088 +0-063 +0-046 +0-107 +O-OO2 +0-022 Groombridge 1081 .. 37 Camelopardi B. D. +41 No. 1364 Groombridge 1083 .. 38 Camelopardi Groombridge 1089 .. 36 Camelopardi Lacaille 2130 Groombridge 1086 .. Groombridge 1087 .. Groombridge 1088 .. Groombridge 1084 .. Groombridge 1092 .. Piazzi V. 338 . ... Groombridge 1093 .. Groombridge 1096 .. Lalande 11608 4 1 Auriga? W. B. V. 1586 W. B. V. 1589 Groombridge 1097 . Groombridge 1004 . Oeltz. Arg. (N.)6574 Groombridge 1099 . Groombridge 1085 . Groombridge noi . Groombridge 1095 . Groombridge 1090 . W. B. VI. 58 .... Groombridge 1091 .. Groombridge 1082 .. 5 Geminorum . Oeltz. Arg. (N.)659C Groombridge 1 103 .. Groombridge 1104 .. 68 Orionis W. B. VI. 66 70 Orionis.... ...< Groom bridge 1 1 06 . . Groombridge 1 107 .. Groombridge 1 1 10 .. W. B. VI. 85 W. B. (2) VI. 54.... Groombridge 1112.. Piazzi V. 343 Groombridge 1113.. 1871, 1872. These stars form the pair 2 845. 1873, 1874. These stars form the pair 2 855. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xli} No. "to BJ? <^3 s g -03 to 1755- O 9 o 5% T* -.a d to 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Above Pole. 1 'aj M ! ! I I 3 1 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 93 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 I93 1 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 '945 1946 '947 1948 1949 1950 3235 909 907 911 920 914 902 919 921 918 906 927 924 915 1116 IIOO 1108 1109 1117 1115 1098 1 120 1122 II2I 1124 I 123 1130 1127 II 3 I 1129 1133 III4 "35 n34 1140 "39 1136 1142 mS Groombridge 1116... Piazzi V. 335 7'9 4-7* 7-2 7'3 8'3 8-9 6-9 6-8 9'4 6'5 var. 4-5* 5-1* 7'5 8-5 8-4 7-8 7'i 4-0* 6'3 6-4 4-3* 5-6' 6-9 6-0* 6-9 6'i* 6-3* 7'9 5-1* 8-0 5-2* 5-9* 7-0 7-2 8-2 7-2 7-0 6-5* 7'i 8-2 5-5* 69 7'6 67 6-8 5'4* 9-0 7-0 6-7 h m s 6. 6. 40-440 6. 6. 43 -441 6. 6. 51-402 6. 6. 59-974 6. 7. 0-512 6. 7. 4-736 6. 7. 5-449 6. 7- I7-577 6. 7. 20-370 6. 8. 3-061 6. 8. 14-215 6. 8. 22-136 6. 8. 22-511 6. 8. 24-177 6. 8. 38-713 6. 8. 41-290 6. 9. 10-123 6. 9. 14-890 6. 9. 29-401 6. 9. 35-781 6. 9. 50-320 6. 9. 54-985 6. 9. 58-569 6. 10. 0-267 6. 10. 4-068 6. 10. 5-994 6. 10. 1 1 '457 6. 10. 12-885 6. 10. 13-004 6. 10. 15-996 6. 10. 47'55 6 6. ii. 2-763 6. 11. 13-474 6. ii. 32-260 6. ii. 56-844 6. 12. 3-384 6. 12. 5-244 6. 12. 8-834 6. 12. 24-887 6. 12. 37-990 6. 12. 41-304 6. 12. 49-875 6. 13. 26-178 6. '3- 37-337 6. 13. 42707 6. 14. 1-291 6. 14. 1 6 969 6. 14. 1 9 '449 6. H 53 093 6. 15. 0675 95-18 95-78 95-5I 96-48 95-69 95-89 94-12 96-17 95-I3 94-16 939' 93-70 92-88 9574 94-87 96-57 95-11 95-47 96-36 94-08 94-48 95-27 90-80 94'i5 96-20 93-27 94-66 94-96 95-84 93->7 93-7I 94-18 96-41 94-99 95-73 95-08 92-52 92-87 89-13 93-83 89-29 92-83 93-34 91-31 9372 92-43 89 '60 94-76 94-33 93-79 3 3 3 2 3 6 3 i 5* 26 3 6 i 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 2 4 5 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 5 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 II s + 4-1820 + 6-6195 + 5-1278 + 5-1118 + 4-2665 +15-4143 + 3-5250 + 4-7962 + 4-7900 + 3-5050 + 3-6269 + 3-8295 + 3-5376 + 8-0198 + 5-1033 + 7-0193 + 4-8914 + 5-3491 + 2-9264 + 3-6673 + 5-0955 + 5-2997 + 3-0615 + 3-4864 + 2-9585 + 4-1739 + 2-8609 + 3' 100 5 + 5-0748 + 3-3638 + 4-5265 + 3-3075 + 2-6749 + 4-0161 + 5-5632 + 4-793 1 + 8-4559 + 4-1336 + 2-8206 + 3-4900 + 3-6478 + 4-8764 + 4-2906 + 4-4380 + 5-1296 + 4-3659 + 2-5635 + 11-8879 + 9-9638 + 3-5 011 s 0-OOO2 -0-0077 O-OO26 0-OO26 0-0005 0-0810 +0-0009 o'ooig 0-0019 +0-0008 +0-0006 +O"OOO2 +O-O007 0-OI78 0-0034 O'OI22 O - O03O o ' 0047 +0-0016 +0-0003 0-0040 0-0049 +0-0014 +O'ooo6 +0-0015 O'OOIO +0-0016 +0-0013 0-0041 +o"Ooo8 0-0023 +0-0009 +0-0018 0-0009 0-0075 0-0038 0-0297 0-0014 +0-0016 +0-0003 O'OOOI 0-0045 0-0023 0-0029 0-0062 0-0027 +0-0018 0-0858 0-0569 +0-0001 s 0-0009 0-0296 I 0-0024 0-0050 0-0052 0*0079 ... O'OOIO 0-0028 +0-0001 +O'OI2 +0-0044 0-0008 0-0026 0-005 0-0039 ... +O'OOI 0-006 ... ... O 1 tt 50. 17. 52-14 20. 38. 34-57 33- i- 45-3 33- 14- 1-28 48. 13. 0-70 6. 10. 44 64 71. 17. 29-92 37- 46. 59'3 6 37. 52. 54-98 72. 3. 48-00 67. 27. 43-58 60. 27. 44-06 70. 48. 25-61 15. 6. 40-62 33. 20. 18-58 18. 41. 59-24 36. 17. 31-68 30. 24. 4-67 96. 14- 30-74 65. 59. 42-81 33- 26. 0-55 30- 57- 2-17 90. 28. 16-11 72. 46. 58-79 94. 52. 47-48 50. 29. 20-18 99. o. 6-07 88. 47. 49-50 33. 42. 9-46 77- 41- 52-19 42. 33- 53'SS 80. i. 5-14 106. 34. 54-12 54-45- "'57 28. ii. 27-57 37. -48. 26-74 13. 55. 38-46 5 1 - 3 1 - I7-45 loo. 41. 6 65 72. 37. 56-42 66. 40. 57-99 36. 29. 55-76 47. 36. 44-83 44. 20. 28-35 32. 58. 20-71 45- 53- 32-87 no. 52. 53-40 8. 36. 23-81 10. 57. 21-36 72. ii. 11-44 95-18 95-63 95-61 96-49 95-69 95-89 94-12 96-09 95-I3 94-16 93'27 93-70 92-88 95-65 95''6 96-57 95-11 95-40 95-08 94-08 94-61 95-18 90 80 94-15 96-20 93'27 94-66 95-21 95-70 93-I7 9371 94-18 96-41 94-99 95-60 95-o8 92-52 92-87 89-13 9379 89-29 92-57 93-34 91-31 93-73 92-43 8960 94-76 94'S 1 93-86 3 3 3 2 3 6 3 7 16 3 6 i 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 2 5 7 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 5 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 i? + 0-583 + 0-588 + 0-599 + 0'6l2 + 0-614 + 0-620 + 0-620 + 0-639 + 0-642 + 0-704 + 0-720 + o 732 + 0-733 + 0-735 + o-757 + 0-760 + 0-802 + 0-809 + 0-830 + 0-840 + 0-860 + 0-868 + 0-873 + 0-875 + 0-881 + 0-884 + 0-892 + 0-894 + 0-894 + 0-898 + 0-945 + 0-967 + 0-981 + 1-009 + 1-045 + 1-054 + i-57 + i 063 + i -086 + 1-105 +1-109 + I -122 + I-I75 + I-I9 1 +1-200 + 1-226 + 1-249 + I-252 + I-30I + I-3I3 // +o"6og +0-965 +0-747 +0-745 +0-622 +2-247 +0-514 +0-699 +0-698 +0-511 +0-528 +0-558 +0-515 +1-169 +0-743 + 1-023 +0713 +0-779 +0-426 +0-534 +0-742 +0-772 +0-446 +0-508 +0-431 +0-608 +0-417 +0-451 +0-739 +0-490 +0-659 +0-481 +0-389 +0-584 +0-810 +0698 + 1-231 +O'6O2 +0-410 +0-508 +0-531 +0-710 +0-624 +0-646 +0-746 +0635 +0-373 +1-730 +1-449 +0-509 +Q-III +0-204 +0-017 +0-003 +0-263 +0-17 +0-06 +0-027 0-042 +O"22 0-199 +0-059 +0-040 +0-II9 O'OOI 0-004 +0-090 Groombridge 1108 ... Groombridge 1 109 ... Groom bridge 1117... \V. B. (2) VI. 108... Groombridge 1115... B. D. +52" No. 1050 W. B. (2) VI. 148... 7 Geminorum fj 44 Auriga} K 7 i Orionis Gioombridge 1098 ... Groombridge 1120... Oeltz. Arg. (N.)6629 Gioombridgu 1122... Piazzi VI. 10 ... 5 Monocerotis 8 Gerninorum Groombridge 1124... 2 Lyncis W. B. VI. 223 Lalande 11918.. . Lalande 1 1949. Groombridge 1130... H. P. 1176 Lalande 11947 Groombridge 1127 ... 74 Orionis 1 o 'a) CQ Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No Ol 4 & IO > o .0 -1 Below Pole. y 2, Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1951 '95 2 1953 '954 J955 1956 957 1958 >959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 200O 933 929 936 93i 932 940 938 942 948 J952 1148 1126 1150 1144 1152 1154 ii53 "55 1156 1157 1162 U37 1158 1160 1161 1164 1165 1138 1167 MI.:-: 1151 I 1170 1171 1174 1175 H73 W B. VI. 400. . 5-2* 6-5 3-0* 7'5 7'3 3 . 2 . 7'9 7-0 7'9 8-3 8-1 6-1* 2-0* 4'ot T 7 '4 9'5 8-6 6-8 7'7 8-9 var. 5-8* 8-1 7-0 7'3 7'5 7-8 6-1" 89 7'5 6-9 6-3* 5-2* 8'3 4-0* 8-0 5-o* 7'7 57* 6-9 5 'of S'St 6 -of 8-2 8-8 6-8 7'6 8-5 7'7t b m 6. 15. 41-997 6- 15- 55-I54 6. 16. 5-375 6. 16. 6 885 6. 16. 9-405 6. 16. 18-306 6. 16. 20-489 6. 1 6. 49-239 6. 17- 7778 6. 17. 10-061 6. 17. 13-464 6. 17. 30 662 6. 17. 51-277 6. 17. 56-279 6. 17. 56 694 6. 17. 57-142 6. 18. 24-516 6. 18. 31-528 6. 18. 31-904 6. 18. 40-616 6. 19. 16-612 6. 19. 16 634 6. 19. 27-823 6. 19. 28-123 6- 19- 33 '3 60 6- 19- 33-903 6. 20. 2-051 6. 20. 9-411 6. 20. 27-305 6. 20. 31-289 6. 21. 12-519 6. 21. 13-172 6. 21. 21768 6. 21. 29-845 6. 22. 2 1 '8O2 6. 22. 25-872 6. 22. 29-579 6. 22. 31-626 6. 22. 46-570 6. 23. 23-117 6. 23. 25-503 6. 23. 28-852 6. 23. 29-344 6. 23. 29-585 6. 23. 44-079 6. 24. 25-580 6. 24. 47-423 6. 24. 57-945 6. 25. 0-290 6. 25. 9-223 87-13 92-16 92-53 91-76 9f45 92-83 94-86 94-98 88-41 93 '94 93-69 88-80 92 61 93 '64 96-89 94-24 96-13 9471 90 '62 90-09 95 '42 87-12 91-42 9365 93-02 91-82 94'95 95-00 95-12 9279 90-76 89-30 90-89 93-00 94-88 92-57 90-87 94-27 89-78 93-53 93-89 91-59 9267 94-19 9077 90-09 93-52 91-41 9I-57 95-I3 3 3 74 2 3 81 3 3 4 4 3 3 37 74 4 6 4 3 4 3 i4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 84 4 47 4 10 3 Bj 8 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 3 2i 2 3 3 24 3 3 3 ii i s + 3-1265 + 4-2145 + 2-3021 + 9-4753 + 42261 + 3-6267 + 5-2621 + 4-3423 + 3" l6 i4 + 4-2277 + 4-4818 + 3-1615 + 2-6420 + 3-1809 + 3'i8io + 3-697 + 5-7994 + 4-8162 + 4-273I + 4-2072 +22-4264 + 3-2395 + 2-4366 + 4-2012 + 9-3396 + 4-5245 + 4-8089 + 4-7888 + 2-3430 + 4-47i6 + 4-1969 + 3-5797 +10-3832 + 3-8584 + 3-5649 + 3-5642 + 4-3577 + 2-9632 + 43550 + 9-373 1 + 3-788i + 2-9101 + 2-9100 + 2-9100 + 4-347I + 4-3783 + 3H792 + 4-4755 + 4-4804 + 4-8070 8 +0-0009 0-O026 +O-OOI9 -0-0539 0-0027 O-OOO5 O-O084 O-OO34 +O-OOO7 0-O03O O-OO42 +0-0007 +0-0016 +0-0006 +0-0006 0-0009 0-0139 0-0066 0-0035 0-0033 -0-5032 +0-0004 +0-0018 o 0034 0-0627 0-0052 0-0072 0-0071 +0-0018 0-0052 0-0038 0-0009 0-0903 O'OO22 O'OOIO o-ooio O-OO5I +0-OOO9 0-OO52 -0-0757 O-OO21 +0-0010 +0-0010 +0-0010 0-0054 0-0058 0-0009 0-0067 0-0067 0-0094 s O'OOOI +0-0037 0-0015 O-OOI2 O-OOI2 0-0035 O-OO3 0-OO22 O'OOII 0-0046 0-0046 0-0046 O 1 It 87. 40. 52-28 49. 25. 32-33 120. O. 54-I9 II. 45. 54-25 49. 8. 16-43 67. 25. 50-40 31. 20. 27-61 46. 23. 43-63 86. ii. 9-02 49. 5. 26-11 43- 2 4. 33' 11 86. 10. 51-13 107. 54. 7-26 85. 21. 6 70 85. 20. 55-03 64- 53- 39 80 26. 2. 38-04 37- 23. 15-29 47- S 8 . 49-54 49. 34. 52-18 3- 56. 14-49 82. 51. 17-52 115. 31. 8-80 49- 43- 2 7-85 ii. 59. 56 70 42. 31. 56-06 37. 29. 12-51 37- 48. 29-49 1 1 8. 42. 59-34 43- 34- 53-27 49. 48. 46-39 69. 8. 38-70 10. 19. 7-94 59- 26. 23-72 69. 41. 30-75 69. 43. 8-41 45- 59- 26-47 94. 41. 41-68 46. 2. 5O-O2 II. 55. 8'22 61. 42. 57-32 96- 57- 47-57 96. 57- 53-26 96- 57- 54-93 46. 12. 41-87 45- 3- 35-70 72.59. 8-1 1 43. 26. 46-87 43. 20. 50-48 37- 27. 23-54 87-I5 92-16 92-36 90-59 9f45 93-41 9486 94-98 88-41 93-94 9369 88-80 9256 93-36 9629 94-36 96-13 95-32 90 62 90-09 955 87-12 91-42 9365 9I-57 91-82 95-4I 95-45 95-12 93-07 90-76 89-3 90-41 93-27 95H6 93-23 90-87 94-27 8978 93-22 93-89 9i 59 92-67 94-19 90-77 90-09 93-52 91-10 9f57 94-93 4 3 8 2 3 63 3 3 4 4 3 3 15 9 6 7 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 12 3 5i 4 10 3 16 8 4 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 i ,, j 7 3 3 3 9 3 3 9 38 i rt + 1-373 + 1-392 + f 4 o6 + f409 + I-4I2 + 1-425 + I-428 + 1-470 + I-498 + I-50I + 1-507 + 1-531 + 1-560 + I-568 + I-569 + 1-569 + i -610 + 1-619 + i ' 620 + i -633 + 1-685 + 1-685 + 1-701 + 1-701 + 1-709 + 1-710 + I-75I + i-?6i + 1-787 + 1-793 + 1-852 + 1-854 + 1-867 + i -879 + I- 954 + 1-960 + 1-966 + 1-969 + 1-990 + 2-043 + 2-047 + 2-051 + 2-051 + 2-051 + 2-073 + 2-134 + 2-164 + 2'ISO +2-I83 + 2-196 tt +0-454 +0-613 +0-334 +I-378 +o 614 +0-527 +0-765 +0-631 +0-459 +o 614 +0-651 +0-459 +0-383 +0-462 +0-462 +0-537 +0-842 +0699 +o 620 +o 611 +3-258 +0-470 +0-353 +0-610 + I-356 +0-657 +0-698 +0-695 +0-340 +0-649 +0-609 +0-519 + 1-507 +0-559 +0-517 +0-516 +0-631 +0-429 +0-631 +J-359 +0-549 +0-421 +0-421 +0-421 +0-630 +0-634 +0-503 +0-648 +0-649 +0696 0-012 +O'IOI 0-003 O'OIO O'OI +0-031 +0-010 +0-006 0-014 0-034 0-034 0-034 Groombridge 1148 .. i Canis Majoris . ..4 Groombridge 1126 .. Groombridge 1150 .. 13 Geminornm /^ Piazzi VI. 57 Grcom bridge 1152 .. W. B. VI. 445 Groombridge 1154 .. Groombridge 1 1 53 W. B. VI. 456 2 Canis Majoris j8 8 Monocerotis Bradley 932 Piazzi VI. 78 B. D. +63 No. 647 Groombridge 1155 .. Groombridge 1156 .. Groombridge 1157 .. Carrington 889 Monocerotis T Lacaille 2250 Groombridge 1162 ... Groombridge 1137 ... Groombridge 1158 ... Piazzi VI. 83 Groombridge 1161 ... Lacaille 2262 . .. Groombridge 1164 ... Groombridge 1165 ... 15 Geminorum Piazzi VI. 42 48 Auriga? Lalande 12358 18 Geminorum . . i Groombridge 1167 ... 10 Monocerotis Groombridge 1168 ... Groombridge 1151 ... Piazzi VI. 114 1 1 Monocerotis ( i st star) 1 1 SJ onocerotis (2nd star) ii Monocerotis (3rd star) Groombridge 1 170 ... Groombridge 1171 ... W. B. (2) VI. 655... Groombridge 1174... Groombridge 1175 ... Groomb. 1173 (Comes)... 1964, 1965. These stars form the pair X goo. 197'- The limits of magnitude arc S'8-6'4 and 7-4-8-2 : period 27 d- o. 1992, 1993, 1994. These stars form the triple system X 919. 2000, 2001. These stars form the pair 918. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xliii} No. "is s >, Z O J3 4 O "o p-t 1 1 200 1 2OO2 2003 2OO4 2O05 2006 2007 2008 2009 2OIO 201 1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2O2O 2O2I 2O22 2023 2O24 2025 2O26 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 955 956 958 959 95i 954 963 969 967 975 978 970 973 982 "73 1172 "77 1181 1176 "59 1187 1186 1190 1189 1188 1192 1196 "93 "94 1201 I2O2 1203 1200 1207 I2O9 1205 1206 I2II 1214 Groombridge 1173 ... Piazzi VI 126 . 6- 7 t 6-0* 6-9 4-9* 6-gt 6 -of 8-5 7-0 8-0 4-3* 7'3 5-5* 6-1* 7'4 4'9* 5-8* 8-0 5-7* 6-3 7-6 7-0 6-8 8-3 8-4 7-0 57* 8-2 2-0* 5-5* 7'i 8-0 6-5 7-0 4-2* 7-3 6-9 9'5 5-7* 8-0 6-9 5-o* 8-1 8-7 7-0 6-9 5-2* 5-7* 8'7 5-0* 7'i h in s 6. 25. 9-535 6. 25. 16-493 6- 25. 23-530 6. 25. 40-190 6. 25. 52-593 6- 25. 53-3I5 6. 25. 54-083 6. 26. 3-571 6. 26. 3-640 6. 26. 57-296 6. 27. 14-016 6. 27. 26-947 6. 27. 32-108 6. 27. 57-426 6. 28. 16-347 6. 28. 17-233 6. 28. 31-820 6. 28. 34-320 6. 28. 59-084 6. 29. 30-643 6. 30. 11-779 6. 30. 20-920 6. 30. 23-828 6. 30. 26-150 6. 30. 42-596 6. 31. 2-107 6. 31. 8'2I2 6. 31. 21-401 6- 31- 24-452 6. 31. 26-301 6. 31. 32-592 6. 3 1 - 33 '842 6. 31- 44-933 6. 31. 53-171 6. 31. 59-029 6. 32. 12-630 6. 32. 18-293 6. 32. 36-917 6- 33- 33-049 6- 33- 42-582 6. 34. 15-048 6. 34. 51-485 6- 34- 55-656 6- 34- 59-387 6. 35- 3736 6. 35. 4-562 6. 35. 26-031 6- 35- 37-511 6. 35- 59-997 6- 36. 35-I33 94-29 90-76 90-70 9235 94-09 94-09 9432 9I-57 93^3 93-83 96-00 94-18 89-48 88-13 94-38 90-01 89-94 93-30 90-11 95-16 92-26 93-40 96-41 90-41 8972 91-68 95-27 93-50 94-09 93^8 93-35 92-68 94-30 91-88 89-07 go'io 95-60 9378 93-81 92-27 93-16 89-38 95-H 90-10 89-12 94 '45 93-16 92-12 93-20 89-42 5 3 3 9 6 6 3 4 3 i? 2 IO 6 3 !3 3 3 3 5 8 3 4 5 3 6 3 4 too 8 3 3 5 3 34 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 6 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 5^ '9i 2 21 4 2 5 7 4 2 3 2 2 6 2 s + 4-8069 + 3-9200 + 5-0008 + 3-3457 + 3 '5004 + 3-5005 + 5'OII2 + 4-1685 + 5 '2039 + 3'2452 +10-8719 +10-3625 + 7-1186 + 4-3445 + 378" + 5'"" + 4-9988 + 2-3714 + 4-1287 + 3-4661 + 5-2090 + 5-5665 + 3-4628 + 4-3704 + 3-6814 + 4-1639 +17-5878 + 3-4646 + 3-8090 + 5-1102 + 2-6276 + 2-6276 + 5-0501 + 2'6l24 + 4-3559 + 4-3701 +13-3954 + 3-7868 + 5-0932 + 5-6753 + 2-7417 + 4-1479 +13-2651 + 4-1424 + 5'"oi + 43767 + 3-0863 + 4-37i6 + 3H9S2 + 4-2092 s 0-0094 0-0031 0'OII2 0-0005 O'OOII O'OOII 0-0115 0-0048 0-0135 O"OOO2 0-1292 -0-1155 0-O4IO 0-OO66 O-OO29 0-0137 -0-0127 +O-OOI7 -0-0053 O-OOI4 0-0158 O-O2O3 0-OOI4 0-0075 O-0026 0-0060 0-4698 0-0015 -0-0035 0-0154 +0-0013 +0-0013 0-0149 +0-0013 0-0079 0-0080 0-2569 0-0036 0-0163 0-0243 +O'OOIO 0-0068 0-2712 0-0068 -0-0173 0-0090 O'OOOI 0-0091 O'OO22 0-0077 s +0-0025 +0-0013 +0-0003 0-0271 0-0007 0-003 0-009 0-0040 +0-0023 0-0031 0-0026 0-0026 +o 0028 0-0025 0-0053 0-0009 O'OOO O / It 37. 27. 27-25 57. 28. 3-69 34. 34. 2-68 78. 22. 47-61 72. 8.3778 72. 8. 20-47 34. 25. 6-89 50. 28. 23-08 31. 55. 50-64 82. 35- 13-89 9- 39- 32-41 10. 19. 6-66 18. 9. 39-13 46. 12. 30-II 61. 53- 34-5I 33- 3- 18-11 34- 33- 9'68 117. 51. 28-06 51. 27. 59-88 73- 27- 59-33 31. 48. 38-67 27. 59. 0-89 73- 35- 17-14 45- 35- 42-89 65. 19. 7-54 50. 30. 47-13 5- I2 - S 1 ^ 73- 3- 27-15 60. 55. 20-33 33. I. 10-86 108. 34. 14-53 108. 34. 12-38 33. 48. 12-69 109. 9. 46-03 45- 53- 25-11 45- 34- '3-46 7. 18. 25-08 61. 38. 26-22 33. 12. 1879 26. 55. 58-23 104. 2. 52-46 50. 5I.45-I5 7. 23. 1 1 -88 51. o. 7-62 3 2 - 57- 39-'5 45. 22. 14-77 89. 24. 10-05 45- 28. 23-59 72. 14. 52-56 49- IS- 53-33 9335 90-54 91-06 92-35 94-09 94-09 94-67 9I-57 93-4I 93-32 95-98 93^4 88-84 88-13 94-38 90-13 89-86 92-73 90-11 94-82 91-91 91-76 96-74 90-41 8972 91-68 94-10 93-21 94-09 94-37 91-97 91-66 94-25 90-13 89-07 90-10 95-60 93-78 93-40 90-96 93-16 89-38 95-'4 90-43 89-36 94H5 93-16 92-12 93-20 89-42 4 5 3 14 6 6 3 4 3 20 2 19 6 3 13 3 3 3 5 4 3 7 4 3 6 3 6 IOO 8 3 2 4 .3 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 ! 2 " 3 3 3 6 43 2 3 4 2 5 9 4 2 3 2 4 6 2 // + 2-196 + 2 '206 + 2-218 + 2 '241 + 2'26o + 2-260 + 2-262 + 2-276 + 2-276 + 2-353 + 2-377 + 2-396 + 2-404 + 2-440 + 2-467 + 2-469 + 2-490 + 2-493 + 2-529 + 2-576 + 2-6 3 5 + 2-648 + 2-652 + 2-655 + 2-680 + 2-707 +2-716 + 2-735 + 2-739 + 2-742 + 2-752 + 2-753 + 2-769 + 2-781 + 2-789 + 2-810 + 2-817 + 2-844 + 2-925 + 2-940 + 2-986 + 3-038 + 3-045 + 3-049 + 3-056 + 3 - 056 + 3-088 + 3' 10 5 + 3-137 + 3-187 // +0-696 +0-567 +0-724 +0-484 +0-506 +0-506 +0-725 +0-603 +0-753 +0-469 +1-573 +i'499 +1-030 +0-628 +0-546 +0739 +0-722 +0-342 +0-596 +0-500 +0-752 +0-803 +0-499 +0-631 +Q-53 1 +0-60 1 +2-540 +0-499 +o-549 +0-737 +0-378 +0-378 +0-728 +0-376 +0-628 +0-630 +I-933 +0-545 +0-734 +0-818 +0-394 +0-597 +1-911 +0-596 +0-735 +0-630 +0-443 +0-629 +0-502 +0-605 // 0-025 0-041 0-004 +0-628 +0-014 O'O2I O-022 +0-096 +0-035 +0-004 0-O23 0-023 +0-04I +0-025 +0-O4O +0-080 +0-2O 7 Lyncis W. B VI 705 20 Geminorulu 21 Geminorum Groombridge "77 ..- Groombridge 1181 ... Groombridge 1176... 13 Monocerotis . Lalande F. 904 Putzzi VI. 75 .... Oeltz. Arg. (N. 16978 Groombridge 1187 ... 49 Aurigse II Lyncis Piazzi VI. 137 Oeltz. Arg. (S.)S270 Groombridge 1190 ... Piazzi VI. 157 . Groombridge 1189... 41 Camelopardi ... W. B. (2) VI. 835.. Groombridge 1192 ... Piazzi VI. 165 51 Aurigre Carrington 929 . ^ AuriEjje Groombridge 1193 . Piazzi VI. 178 Groombridge 1194 .. 7 Canis Majoris v 2 Groombridge 1201... Groombridge 1202... Carrington 938 54 Auri rr a? Groombridge 1203... Groombridge 1200... W. B. VI. 990 Groombridge 1207... Lalande F. (2) 29 ... Groombridge 1209... Piazzi VI. 176 c.c. Auriffre Piazzi VI. 203 Groombridge 1211... 26 Geminorum Groombridge 1214... 2000, 2001. These stars form the pair 2 918. 2005, 2007. These stars form the pair 2 924. 2021. This star is a close double and forms the pair 2 936. 2031. 2032. These stars form the pair H. IV. 81. 2038. This star is a close double and forms the pair 02 152. {xliv} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1893'0, No. ~ V g* ""S o fi .w o fc I7SS- o II .2' c 1 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. t Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. d > o J2 <1 CJ & o V 09 Above Pole. o ,0 < o5 O 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 22OO 1030 1042 i33 1034 1038 1047 1046 1049 1050 1040 1058 1062 1057 1054 1056 1262 1267 1266 1268 1270 1271 1269 1255 1275 1277 1274 1279 1282 1281 1259 1280 1284 1285 1287 1288 1291 1296 1295 1297 1298 1293 Lalande F. (2) 56.... Geminorum R 7-8 var. 6-4* 7-8 5-6' 8-1 7-2 7'3 1-8" 7'4 6-8 4-6* 6-4 6'3 5'5* 8-1 7'5 5-8* 7'4 8-0 4-0* 5'4 7'5 5-6* 5-3* 7'9 6-5 5-5* 6-0* 6-8 7-8* 7-8 6-6 8-5 6-3 7-2 7'4 3-6* 8-7 8-1 6-6 5-6* S'2t 3'2t 6-Sf 6-6t 6-6t S'3t 8-1 h m s 7. o. 24 '676 7. o. 44-110 7- i- S'957 7- i. 9^97 7- 2. 3-487 7. 2.2I-407 7. 2. 26 944 7- 3- 33 - 5i 7- 3- 55'o85 7- 3- 55-403 7- 4- 7-836 7- 4- 8-249 7. 4. 13761 7. 4. 28-285 7- 4- 33702 7- 4- 35-968 7- 5- 26-338 7- 5- 45-289 7- 5- 52-968 7. 6. 12-261 7. 6. 14-783 7- 7- 3-241 7- 7- 37-386 7- 7- 39-959 7. 7. 54-028 7- 7- 57-687 7- 7- 58-299 7- 8. 34-265 7- 8. 55-589 7- 9- 4-932 7. 9. 12-445 7- 9 39-332 7. 10. 2-916 7. 10. 11-813 7. 10. 12-716 7. 10. 14-440 7. 10. 25-903 7. II. 22-608 7. II. 46-235 7- 12. 17-639 7. 12. 49'352 7- 13- 16-937 7. 13. 19-609 7- 13- 32-895 7. 13- 33-174 7. 13. 49-180 7. 13. 50-803 7. 13. 52-142 7. 13- 53-422 7- 13- 54770 95-28 96-83 91-07 91-11 93-10 9235 93-66 90-89 93-39 94-43 91-62 94-32 95-25 93-60 93-79 91-50 92-50 92-34 92-82 91-65 92-79 92-40 93-53 93' : 5 9373 94-39 94-99 96-16 94-46 9399 89-56 93-54 90-44 90-13 95-26 93-28 87-54 88-76 94-53 96-20 95-90 9I-47 93 '5 1 95-77 93-85 92-16 92-16 95-00 94-99 94-08 3 i 3 3 H 3 3 5 16 2 4 17 3 3 14 3 3 14 2 4 IO 32 2 3 9 4 9 3 3 18 3 3 3 3 i 6 4 3 24 3 5 3 3 3 64 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 6 3 44 ... 3 4 2 4 3 3 2i 2i 2 3 + II-27I7 + 3-6I68 + 7-0402 + 4-3367 + 3-4445 + 5-5400 + 4-9664 + 4-I599 + 2-4396 + II-0258 + 4'3 r 43 + 3-8271 + 4-8854 +11-6202 + 3-7279 + 4-3I99 + 4-4699 + 3-6518 + 5-2896 + 4-0842 + 3-0656 + 3-4479 + 4-3786 + 4-4651 + 12-9455 + 47224 + 3 6707 + 3-1461 + 47261 + 3-7538 + 3-2729 + 5-2227 + 4-3619 + 4-1073 +38-8467 + 37188 + 3-446I + 4-0984 + 3-4550 + 3-4S58 + 3-59I4 + 4-2502 + 4-3607 + 3-5898 + 3 5898 + 4-6028 + 4-6029 + 4-9168 + 4-9166 + 4-9207 a 0-3182 0-0061 0-0899 0-0160 0-0045 0-0426 0-0287 o'oi3& +Q-OOII 0-3196 0-0165 0-0091 0-0277 -0-3675 0-0079 0-0167 0-0197 0-0071 0-0384 0-0132 0-0016 0-0050 0-0187 o - 0204 0-5060 0-025!: -0-0077 0-002; 0-026; 0-0089 0-0035 0-0389 0-0191 0-0145 6-1584 0-0086 0-0053 0-0146 0-0055 0-0056 0-0073 0-0179 O-O2OI 0-0074 0-0074 0-0254 0-0254 -0-0331 0-033I 0-0332 8 0-0016 0-0061 0-0015 0-0034 0-0018 0-0025 O'OOI< +0-OOO- +0-003 +0-OOI2 +0-0027 -0-0097 O-OO2O +0-OO2 +0-OO5 -0-0039 O-O025 O-OO3 O-OO3 0-0044 0-0041 O / /' 8. 56. 46-22 67- 7- 38-37 18. o. 22-07 45- 34- 5-3 73- 53- 39-68 2 7- 33- 32-54 34. 12. 37-01 49- 46. 35-43 116. 13. 9-33 9. 10. 46-23 45- 58. 37-32 59- 34- 3'88 35- 19- 32-68 8. 32. 41-61 62. 57. 48-25 45- 49- 49-oi 42. 33. 2-29 65. 41. 17-36 30. 2. 17-75 5I-42. 27-44 90. 18. 40-33 73- 39- l8 '33 44. 24. 5-00 42. 33- 56-5 6 7- 22. 44'22 37. 46. 20-70 64. 55. 28-66 86. 42. 2-82 37- 40. 33-24 61- 54 43'26 81. 4. 38-70 30. 40. 41 -94 44- 40. 31-13 50. 55. 43-08 2. 2. 24-85 63. 6. 47-08 73- 39- 38-60 51. 7. 46-01 73- 15- 42-71 73- 12. 55-40 67. 46. 32-71 47. 8. 27-07 44. 34. 9-86 67- 49- 3-83 67. 48. 57-09 39- 38. 47-42 39- 38. 43-35 34- 3- 33-42 34- 3- 43-9I 34- 27. 9-I5 9523 9683 91-27 91-11 93-35 92-31 9295 90-89 93-44 94-43 91 62 93-54 95-57 91-85 93-68 91-50 92-50 91-59 91-82 91-65 9298 93-87 93-53 93-I5 92-85 94-69 94-99 94-52 94-91 93-88 88-10 93-42 90-44 90-13 95-46 93-29 S7-54 88-76 93-12 96-20 95-64 91-47 93-5I 9536 93-48 90-41 90-41 94-94 94-94 93-93 5 i 5 3 17 3 3 5 16 2 4 22 3 8 15 3 3 15 i 4 16 3i 2 3 29 3 9 3 2 22 3 3 3 3 i 5 4 3 32 3 4 3 3 4 53 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 6 3 19 4 46 2 2 4 5 2 2 3 3 2 + 5-225 + 5-252 + 5-287 + 5-28 9 + 5-363 + 5-388 + S'397 + 5-49I + 5-520 + 5-52 + 5-539 + S'539 + 5-547 + 5-567 + 5-575 + 5-578 + 5-648 + 5-674 + 5-686 + 5712 + 57i6 + 5-783 + 5- 8 32 + 5-835 + 5-855 + 5-860 + 5-860 + 5-912 + 5-941 + 5-954 + 5-963 + 6-001 + 6-034 + 6-047 + 6-047 + 6-050 + 6-066 + 6-145 + 6-177 + 6'222 + 6-265 + 6-303 + 6-308 + 6-326 + 6-326 + 6-348 + 6-351 + 6-352 + 6-353 + 6-356 n + I-585 +0-507 +0-988 +0-608 +0-482 +0-776 +0-695 +0-581 +0-340 + 1-543 +0-602 +0-534 +0-682 +1-626 +0-520 +0-603 +0-623 +0-508 +0-737 +0-569 +0-427 +0-479 +0-608 +0-620 +1-803 +0-656 +0-509 +0-436 +0-656 +0-520 +0-453 +0-724 +0-604 +0-569 +5-400 +0-514 +0-476 +0-566 +0-477 +0-477 +0-495 +0-586 +O'6oi +0-494 +0-494 +0-634 +0-634 +0-678 +0-677 +0-678 // +0-104 +0-105 0-007 +0-047 +0-045 +0-037 0-027 +0-033 +0-18 +0-096 +0-105 o'3 +0-006 +0-014 +0-17 +0-026 0-003 +0-045 +0-045 +0-05 +o-33 Groombridge 1262 . Groombridge 1267 . 45 Geminorum Groombridge 1266 . Groombriilge 1268 . Groombridge 1270 .. 25 Canis Majoris - .S Lalande F. 1006 .... Groombridge 1271 .. Groombridge 1269 . Piazzi VI. 285 47 Gemiuorum Groombridge 1275 .. Groombridge 1277 .. 48 Geminorum.. Piazzi VI. 339 Groombridge 1279 . 22 Monocerotis 51 Geminorum Groombridge 1282 .. Groombridge 1281 .. Fiazzi VI. 292 Groombridge 1280 . 52 G;miuorum Fiazzi VII. 29 Groombridge 1284 .. 53 Geminorum B. D. +8 5 No. 1709 45 Camelopardi .... Groombridge 1287 .. Groombridge 1288 .. Carrington 997 Piazzi VII. 35 . Piazzi VII. 39. ... Groombridge 1291 ... 54 Geminorum X W. B. (2) VII. 316-7 W. B. (2) VII. 327.. Groombridge 1 296 . . . Groombridge 1295 ... 55 Geminorum (Comes]l 55 Geminorum. 20 Lyncis (Comes} Bradley 1054 Piazzi VII. 49 2152. Tlie limits of magnitude are 6-6-7-8 and < 13-5 : period 37O d 'z. 2194, 2195. These stars form the pair 2 1066. 2196, 2197. These stars form the pair 2, 1065. 2198, 2199. These stars form the pair 2 1062. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xlvii} Mo. w E w Jj? if = M o to 1755- 1* o4 c c'C ".o d to 1810. Star's Nnme. d o B a> X ~. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annunl Pruper Motion. 4> 1 > 1 - Lalande F. (2) 70 ... Groombridge 1314... Groombridge 1326 ... Groombridge 1324 ... Monocerotis U Lalande F. 1075-6.. W. B. (2) VII. 703-4 W.B.(2)VII. 703 - 4 (Co, : period 46 d 'l. 2246, 2247. These stars form the pair 2 1108. 2250, 2251. These stars form the pair 2 mo. (xlviii} SECOND TEX-YEAR CATALOGUE ov STARS FOR 1890-0, Xo. " b *^ ~ M fc 1755- l_ft c'S .,0 6 fc 1810. Star's Xame. Magnitude. Mean 11. A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + Xo. 01 D "3 P-. D 1 < of s. & H3 CL, 3 Annual Pn-ccs- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean X.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + Xo. 01 aJ "3 CO 1 1 of s. 3; 1 | c 3 Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 '2272 2273 ,2274 2275 2276 2277 '2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 ;2284 2285 2286 2287 .2288 .2289 2290 ,2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 1094 1086 1093 1099 1103 1106 1104 I IIO 1 100 1109 mi 1116 I I 12 1328 1327 1330 1323 1332 I33i 1333 1336 '335 1343 "334 i34i 1340 1347 1352 1348 1351 1345 ! 337 1329 1342 : '353 '354 '35 '358 1362 "357 '339 1364 66 Geminorum an Grootnbridge 1328 ... Groombridge 1327 ... Groombridge 1330... Groombridge 1323 ... Groom bridge 1332 ... Groombridge. 1331 ... Lalande 14783 . 2'7t 5-6 8-0 6-1* 7'4 6-6 7-o 5-6' 4-2" 4'5* 8-9 7'8 8-9 5'9 6'i 6-6 7'5 7'6 4-4* 6-9 6-0 neb. 4-7* 8-1 8-5 6'i 6-0* 6-5 6-0 5-2* o- S 8-4 7'3 4 - i 4'i 8-7 7'3 7'it 7'it 7'3 5-2* 4'2 6-9 7"o 5-3* 3-6' 6-4* 5-8' 6-8 ,., h m 3 7. 27. 34-854 7. 27. 42-299 7- 27. 45-031 7. 27. 49-668 7. 27. 50-459 7. 28. 11-323 7. 28. 31-606 7- 28. 33-833 7. 29. 8-615 7. 29. 20-666 7. 29. 25-269 7. 29. 27-023 7. 29. 38-227 7- 29. 39-585 7. 29. 40-285 7- 3- 29-117 7- 30- 30'530 7. 30. 42-674 7- 3- 57'86o 7. 31. 40-941 7- 31- 43-383 7- 3 1 - 43'9i7 7. 31. 59 054 7- 32- 25-637 7. 32. 27-261 7- 32- 33-I78 7- 32. 50-303 7- 32- 59-456 7- 33- 4-696 7- 33- 7-36 7- 33- 32-653 7- 33- 33'467 7. 34. 14-307 7. 34. 18-729 7. 34. 19-282 7- 35- 5-424 7- 35- 9-I95 7- 35- 25-230 7- 35- 25-400 7. 35- 35-48i 7. 35. 44-065 7- 35- 59-499 7-36. 1-733 7. 36. 29-640 7- 37 24-293 7- 37- 48-371 7- 38- 4-1/4 7. 38. 15-600 7. 38. 26-453 7- 38- 35-059 93-18 91-38 93-5I 90-90 95-49 91-76 95-07 93-61 94-54 88-48 93-08 95-56 93""4 94-06 94-06 94-89 95-66 90-21 93-62 95 '34 95-60 90-32 9291 95-72 95-60 92-74 95-04 95-52 94-07 90-09 93-58 9574 94-96 95-63 95-63 95 -I 3 94-56 94-26 9371 95-86 95-66 94-20 9371 94-79 94-I5 94-40 93-03 96-29 94-3 93-83 [ 3 3 2 3 3 3i 3 3 12 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 3 5 164 3 3 3 3 i: 4 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 5 26 i 3 4 175 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 J 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 H + 3-85'5 + 5-92I7 + 6-40II + 4-9I05 + 7-9773 + 4-2389 + 4-7822 + 2-5088 + 3-7066 + 2-57I4 + 3-6880 + 4-868I + 3^785 + 2-54I9 + 2 5419 + 4-7803 + 5"!93i + 4-0538 + 2-4134 + 6-3819 + 4-9928 + 2-7583 + 3-9289 + 5-7763 + 4-8290 + 3-6320 + 4-0532 + 4-8280 + 4-4552 + 3-4697 + 3-1908 + 5-7893 + 7-4186 + 2-4602 + 2-4602 + 10-6147 + 7-4269 + 5-7450 + 5-7455 + 6-3276 + 4-5651 + 2-8726 + 4-2540 + 5-4769 + 36677 + 3'63 12 +10-3722 + 2-4771 + 5-2265 + 3-7265 8 -0-0135 0-0770 O-OgSg 0-0398 O-IgOO O-O2I7 0-0362 +0-O009 0-OII2 +O-0007 O-OIOg 0-0393 O-OIO7 +0-0007 +O-0007 0-0370 0-0507 0-OI82 +0-0011 0-1029 0-0445 0-0003 0-0158 -0-0751 0-0395 0-0103 0-0186 -0-0397 0-0287 0-0078 0-0041 0-0767 0-1669 +O-OOIO +Q-OOIO o*444& 0-1692 0-0764 0-0764 0-1048 0-0327 O'OOII 0-0242 0-0657 o - on6 O'OIIO 0-4340 +0-0010 0-0569 0-0129 s 0-0151 0-0144 0-OO2;. O-OO29 0-0033 O'OOO 0-0036 0-0084 o-ooig -0-0474 0-0025 0-0077 O'oii; 0-0069 0-0028 o'oo3, O'20O +O-QOI 0-048 or" 57- 52- I5-56 23. 31. 19-26 20. 25. 56-15 34- o. 13-52 14. ii. 10-95 46. 43. 40-73 35- 55. 0-22 114. 28. 29-77 62. 51- 37-39 112. 3. 33-64 63. 32. 1-96 34- 32- 55-63 63- S 2 . 52-I9 113. 14. 3-54 113. I 4 . 7-15 35- 5i- 2-34 30. H. 21-83 51. 29. 43-44 118. 7.37-63 2O. 24. 32 21 32. 40. 1-50 104. 19. o 52 55. 9. 50-66 24. 27. 22-34 34- 59- 33-59 65- 3i- 43-54 51. 24. 16 76 34. 58. 53-82 41. 36. 45-02 72. 4. 32-51 84. 29. 36-33 24. 18. 20-55 15. 44. 47-15 116. 33. 6-14 116. 33. 14-14 9. 12. 50-82 15. 41. 28-96 24-35- '75 24. 34. 46-81 20. 34. 52-31 39. 1 8. 24-02 99- '7- 41-91 45- 56. 45-78 26. 54. 18-98 63. 57. 16-61 65. 20. 19-98 9- 27. 38-I7 116. 5. 25-53 29. 26. 6-14 61. 42. 31-61 93-24 91-67 93-46 90-73 92-98 90-17 94-91 93-61 94-54 88-48 93-08 95-50 93"'4 94-06 94-06 94-70 94 61 90-21 93 62 92-34 95 69 90-32 92-91 94-50 95-51 92-74 95-04 95'44 94-07 90-78 93-80 95-60 94-71 95'63 95-63 95-12 94-48 93-4I 93-4I 95-58 95-43 94-20 9371 94-71 94-15 94-39 93-03 96-29 94-3I 94-01 90 3 ' 2 3 ! 2 ' 3 3 3 12 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 3 6 '34 3 3 3 3 ? 4 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 5 27 i 3 3 141 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 5 6 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 + 7-478 + 7-488 + 7-492 + 7-498 + 7-498 + 7-527 + 7-555 +7-558 + 7-605 + 7-621 + 7-627 + 7-629 + 7-644 + 7-647 + 7-647 + 7-7I3 + 7-7I6 + 7-732 + 7-752 + 7-8io + 7-8I3 + 7-8I4 + 7-834 + 7-870 + 7-S72 + 7-S& + 7-902 + 7'9'S + 7-923 + 7-925 + 7-96o + 7-960 + 8-015 + 8-022 + 8-022 + 8-084 + 8-088 + 8- 110 + 8-no + 8-123 + 8-135 + 8-155 + 8-159 + 8-196 + 8-268 + 8-300 + 8-321 + 8-337 + 8-35C + 8-362 +0-518 +0-798 +0-863 +0-661 ' +1-076 +0-570 +0-643 +0-336 +0-497 +0-344 +0-494 +0-653 +0-493 +0-339 +0'339 +0-640 +0-696 +0-542 +0-321 +0-854 +0-667 +0-367 +0-524 +0-771 +0-644 +0-484 + 540 +0-644 +0-593 +0-461 +0-424 +0-772 +0-988 +0-325 +0-325 +1-413 +0-988 +0-763 +0-763 +0^840 +0-605 +0-379 +0-563 +0-725 +0-484 +0-479 +i"373 +0-325 +0-689 +0-490 +0-079 +0-060 +O'IOI +0-085 0-023 +O-QI i +0'I I +0-152 0-018 +1-027 +0-036 +0-024 O'OOO +0-066 +0-026 +0-055 O'O2 +0-036 +0-051 Lalande 14810 B. D. +26 No. 1605 Groombridge 1333 ... B. D. +26 No. 1607 Groombridge 1336... Groombridge 1343... Groombridge 1334 ... B A C 2511 71 Geminorum o Groombridge 1340 ... Groombridge 1347 ... Pia?zi VII. 161. Groombridge 1352 ... Groombridge 1348 ... Piazzi VII. 156 74 Geminorum . / 10 Canis Minoris ct Groombridge 1345 ... Groombridge 1337 ... Puppis Jc^ Puppis Jft Groombridge 1 329 . . . Groombridge 1342 ... Piazzi VII. 159 Piazzi VII. 160. Groombridge 1350.. 50 Camelopardi 26 Jlonoeerotis y Piazzi VII 171 49 Cameloparili 76 Geminorum <- Piazzi VII. 132 Bradley 1 1 16 Groumbridge 1364 .. 78 Geminorum . ^G 2250, 2251. These stars form the pair 2 mo. 2256. This star is a close double and forms the pair 02 174. 2264-2265. These stars form the pair h 1374. 2284-2285. These stars form the pair Dunlop 53. 2288-2289. These stars form the pair 5 1122. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xlix} No. ~ & >, & ~ i~i '* & 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean E.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Above Pole. Groombridge 1119... Groombridge 1377... Groombridge 1381... Groombridge 1382... Piazzi VII. 245 Pinzzi VII. 187.... 52 Camelopardi . Radoliffe 2020 85 Geminorum Oeltz.Arg.(N.)838i Piazzi VII. 236 Groombridge 1359... Groombridge 1384... I Cancri 2306-2307. These stars form the pair 2 1138. 2322. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranomctna Argentina. GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. {1} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOE 1890-0, No. 'z V * >> 3 1> 11 *pS 75S- If d 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean E.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. 1 Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1 890 'a Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. I I I ~< A ~& * O 3 ri 1 ' 5 Cancri Piazzi VII. 271 Piazzi VII. 269 Bradley 1 153 6 Cancri Groombridge 1399... Groombridge 1402... 7 Cancri Groombridge 1395... B. F 1128 Groombridge 1400.. Piazzi VII. 282 Lalande F. 1178.... 28 Lyncis . . 9 Cancri /-i 1 27 Lyncis Groombridge 1398.. 10 Cancri ^' +O"OOI2 Bradley 1159. O'OOI2 O'OOO2 O'OOOS 0-007 O'OI5C O-OO27 O-OO7 O'OOlt 0-005. +0-003; 55 Camelopardi Groombridge 1410.. 12 Cancri 15 Argus [ Groombridge 1403.. 29 Monocerotis Groombridge 1391.. 14 Cancri .. if/'' Groombridge 1416.. 16 Puppis B. F. 1146. Piazzi VII. 311 Groombridge 1414.. W. B. (2) VIII. 23. Bradley 1 147 FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {11} No. ~Z 4> >* 3 oi S o o _|C = "E J3 d K 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. <- S a g - d to 755- OJ 1 1 -J 1 & Above Pole. 2 23 Cancri ... <'- B.C. 22 No. 2262 30 Monoce.rotis.. .. PiazziVIII. 72 Piazzi VIII 74 27 Cancri Lalarido 16593.. 2 Hydne . 2402. This is a double star forming the binary 2 1196. 2442-2443. These stars form the pair 2 1223. 2403-2404. These stars form the triple system 2 1196. 2447. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Argentine General Catalogue, 1875. 2409. This star is a close ilouble and forms the pair 2 189. {lii} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1S90-0, No. * L $3 .5 2 i" 1755- L ^ O'S. " J3 O fid 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. O I B > O ja < aj 1 O 1 CD > 4 CJ 1 & 3 245" 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 1186 1198 1200 1195 I2OI 1203 1207 1205 1208 I2IO I2O6 I2II 1217 3237 1438 1418 '439 1441 1447 1448 I44S 1442 1440 1449 1443 1444 I4S3 1454 1456 1455 I4S9 1461 1462 1457 1464 i Ursse Majoris o 28 Cancri . u 2 3-4* 5-9* 6-4* 5-9* 7'5 7'3 8-2 6-4* 7'7 6-8 6-4 5-3* 6-4* 5-8* 8-0 7-0 5-8* 8-1 7-0 8-5 8-5 6-8 5-5* 6-4* 5-7' 9-1 6-S 8-7 6-8 7'2 7-2 7-ot 8-6f 6-9 4-8* 5-7" 7-0 8-2 8-1 6'5 7'4 4-1* 7'5 6-8 8-0 6-6 8'3 8-0 8'2 8-0 ll 111 8 8. 21. 7-263 8. 22. 5-420 8. 22. 18-690 8. 22. 28-984 8. 22. 35-031 8. 22. 44-213 8 - 23- 7-955 8 - 23. I3-598 8. 23. 46-364 8. 23. 52-719 8. 24. 18-023 8. 24. 44-773 8. 24. 49-848 8. 25. 0-217 8- 25. 3-375 8. 25. 4-415 8. 25. 19-400 8. 25. 21-616 8. 25. 22-680 8. 25. 44-877 8. 26. 0-967 8. 26. 15-711 8. 26. 20-825 8. 26. 29-929 8. 27. 39-810 8. 28. 9-326 8. 28. 19-653 8. 28. 41-855 8. 28. 50-497 8. 29. 0-006 8. 29. 57-561 8. 30. 0-050 8. 30. 0-356 8. 30. 12-638 8. 30. 35-524 8. 30. 48-750 8- 3- 49 370 8. 31. 17-566 8. 31. 21-777 8. 31. 26-676 8. 31. 46-036 8- 3'- 49-938 8. 3i- 59-527 8.32. 4-858 8. 32. 12-095 8. 32. 17-176 8. 32. 18-022 8. 32. 31-780 8. 32. 43-816 8. 32. 47-081 94-76 93-99 89-36 94-22 95-85 90-44 9471 87-66 89-11 93-10 95-34 94-4I 92-69 93-66 93-24 9536 89-54 93-12 89-74 95-52 91-76 91-50 92-31 93-48 89-15 95-06 89-69 94-20 90-88 91-36 93-87 93-44 96-66 93-62 95-02 90-38 95-16 96-13 96-03 89-49 91-85 94-41 92-44 93-52 95-70 94-10 94-70 94-32 94-70 95-67 28 5 3 7 5 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 18 2 3 5 3 5 3 3 5 39 13 6 3 6 3 3 9 5 3 3 3 8 4 3 3 5 3 3 19 4 2 3 5 4 3 4 4 14 4 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 6 2 3 2 8 + 5-0482 + 3-56S6 + 2 '47 34 + 3-355 1 +16 6973 + 57152 + 4-5376 + 2-5491 + 3 '9944 + 3 '9996 + 4-5320 + 5 '4422 + 2-5238 + 3-S627 + 6-0267 + 4-8651 + 3-432I + 3-4608 + 3-45 8 + 3-5628 + 6-0418 + 6-0348 + 3-4806 + 3-5605 + 3-8720 + 3' OI I4 + 2 -5925 + 4-0813 + 4-0639 + 3-459I + 3-3705 + 3-2028 + 3-2028 + 4 9324 + 5'3!29 + 2-5460 + 4 4919 + 3H593 + 3-4547 + 3-7628 + 4-1132 + 3-1849 + 4-1141 + 6-0556 + 9-6338 + 3-5427 + 3-4633 + 4-0111 + 3H630 + 3-4562 s 0-0765 0-0149 -(-o'ooiS 0-0097 2-1649 0-1208 0-0510 4-0-0015 0-0286 0-0288 -0-0513 0-1038 -(-0-0017 0-0151 -0-1471 0-0688 00118 0-0125 0-0122 0-OI52 0-1496 0-1494 0-OI3I 0-OI52 O-025I -0-0033 +O-OOI4 0-0331 0-0325 O-OI28 0-0106 0-0069 o 0069 0-0-58 0-1003 +o 0018 o 0522 0-013'- 0-0129 0-0221 0-0353 o 0066 -0-0354 0-1590 O'6l2I 0-0154 0-0132 0-0314 0-0132 0-0130 s 0-0190 0-0042 O-O02S ... ... +O-O007 0-0095 0-0072 0-0051 0-0006 0-0039 0-0074 0-0027 o 0049 0-0090 0-0090 0-0107 0-0032 0-0065 0-0065 0-0006 O / '/ 28. 54- 53-53 65. 29. 26-50 118. 51. 18-02 75- 2 5- 3175 4- 33- 32-03 22. 2O. 13 22 36. 3- 36-96 115. 46. 8-96 49- 34- 35-9I 49. 24. 24-63 36. 30. 47-91 24. 28. 50-76 116. 57. 55-65 65- 32- 54-39 2O. 2. 44'88 31. I. 12-80 71- 32- 3'79 70. 10. 17-44 70. 38. 31-10 65. 29. 32-98 19- 53.41-53 19. 55. 25-88 69. II. 8-54 65. 32. 30-06 53- '2- '3-51 93- '6. 38-83 114. 13. 54-27 46. 33- 23-57 47. 2. 29'Sl 70. I. 56-09 74- 1 8. 23-53 82. 59. 48-21 82. 59- 38-74 29. 40. 37-10 25. 17. 19-16 116. 27. 52-34 36. 41. 27-28 69. 53. 4-21 70. 5. 56-07 56.48. 51-92 45. 22. I7-22 83- 54- 47-38 45. 19. 24-09 19. 26. 43-98 9- 6. 54-74 65- 55- 30-68 69. 37. 31-68 48. 14. 52-14 69. 36. 52-32 69. 56. 15-69 93-89 94-00 89-36 94-92 93-06 90-23 94-28 87-66 89-11 93-10 94-99 90-90 92-69 93-65 93-63 95-30 89-54 93''2 89-74 95-52 91-83 91-69 91-21 93-07 89-15 95-06 89-69 94-20 90-88 91-36 93-87 96-66 96-66 93-74 93-34 90-38 95-14 96-13 95-98 89-49 91-85 94-17 92-44 91-81 95-39 94-07 94-23 94-32 94-23 95-78 3 2 7 3 14 21 3 3 2 3 3 3 10 3 24 2 3 5 3 5 3 3 5 22 13 .6 6 3 3 9 5 3 3 3 '3 4 3 3 4 3 3 25 4 2 3 6 3 3 3 5 16 12 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 4 10 2 4 2 // + 11-582 + 11-651 + U-668 + 11-679 + 11-686 + n-6 9 8 + 11-726 + H-73 1 + 11-770 + "779 + 11 -808 + ii' 840 + 11-846 +11-858 + 11-861 + 11-862 + 11-880 +11-883 + 11-885 + 11 -910 + 11-929 +H-947 +H-953 + 11-963 +12-045 +12-079 + 12-092 +12-117 + 12-128 +12-138 +12-204 +12-208 + I2'2O8 + I2'223 + 12-249 + 12-264 + 12-264 + 12-298 + I2-302 + I2'3O8 + I2'330 + 12-335 + 12-346 + 12-352 + 12-360 + 12-365 + 12-367 + I2-383 + 12-396 + 12-400 // +0-596 +0-419 +0-288 +0-393 + I-974 +0-672 +0-532 +0-297 +0-467 +0-467 +0-529 +0-635 +0-292 +0-4:4 +0-703 +0-567 +0-398 +0-401 +0-400 +0-413 +0-703 +0-702 +0-402 +0-412 +0-446 +'345 +0-296 +0-469 +0-467 +0-396 +0-385 +0-365 +0-365 +0-565 +0-608 +0-288 +0-513 +0-393 +0-393 +0-428 +0-468 +0-361 +0-467 +0-690 + I'IOI +0-401 +0-392 +0-455 +0-392 +0-39I +0'I I I +0-057 +0-005 +0-107 +0-063 +0-059 +0-050 +0-089 +0-047 +0-037 +0-033 0-007 +0-109 +0-109 0-023 +0-008 +0-001 +0-135 o-ooi Lacaille 3319 29 Cancri Groombridge 1418... Piazzi VIII. 58 Piazzi VIII. 71. Lacaille 3326 Groombriilge 1447... Groombridge 1448... Piazzi VIII. 78 2 Ursse Mnjoris A 30 Canori " 3 Groombridge 1440... Groombridge 1449... 31 Cancri . B. D. +19 No. 2026 Piazzi VIII. 86 W. B. (2) VIII. 546 Groombridge 1443... Groombridge 1444... 33 Cancri fj 32 Cancri 37 Lvncis B. D. 3 No. 2390 Groombridge 1453... Groombridge 1454... 35 Cancri Piazzi VIII. 106 Piazzi VIII. 108 Piazzi VIII. 108 (Comes) Groombridge 1456... 4 Ursa Majoris tr Piazzi VIII. 103 W. B. (2) VIII. 708 W. B. (2) VIII. 713 Bradley 1211 Groombridge 1 46 1 ... 4 Hydne 8 Groombridge 1462... Groombridge 1457... Eadcliffe2i66 W. B. (2) VIII. 736. Lalande 16971 Groombridge 1464... Lalande 1 6988 . Piazzi VIII. 118 2477. This star is a close double and forms the pair 205. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranometria Argentina. 2482-2483. These stiis foi-in the pair S 1245. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {liii} No. 1755- to iSio. Star's Name. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, I Sgo'O. Annual Proper Motion. 2501 | ... 2502 2503 2504 j 1220 2505 ! I2I 4 2506 2507 ; ... 2508 ' ... 2509 2510 25U I 1222 2512 ; 1223 2513 2514 2515 1224 2516 1225 2517 ... 2518 1226 2519 I22/ 2520 1465 1466 1467 1228 1230 1232 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 [ I2 39 2535 2536 2537 I 1243 2538 | ... 2539 2540 1244 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 1468 1469 1463 1470 2546 2547 2548 2549 1248 1471 Piazzi VIII. 119 8-5 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 91849-0 Mali SnS'O* 38 Cancri W'6 34 Lyncis k'6* Groombridge 1466.. . 7"8 Piazzi VIII. 124 7-2 Groombridge 1467... 7 '4 W. B. (2) VIII. 790 7'7 W. B. (2) VIII. 793 8-0 39 Cancri .................. 6-9 40 Cancri .................. '7-0 Piazzi VIII. 128 ..... J8-o B. D. +20 No. 2165:8-3 Bradley 1224 ......... 7-1 41 Cancri ............... ^7-2 Groombridge 1468... 7 -2 42 Cancri .................. 6- Bradley 1227 .......... 7-7 Mali Bradley 1228 Mali .................. &J3-9+ 43 Canuri ............... y4' 45 Cancri ............... A 1 7 Hydrse 5 6' 47 Cancri S4'3' B. D. +i7No. 19259-0 Piazzi VIII. 137 6-o*j Mali a3 -6* Groombridge 1463... 7-3 Lalande F. 1339 7-0 B.D. +17 No. 19319-3 | W. B. (2) VIII. 9586-5! 48 Cancri i4"4t Lalande 17260 8-3 Groombridge 1470... 6 "8 11 Hydrse ^3-8 Lacaille 3503 5-8* Lalande F. 1355 7-6 12 Hydrse 4'4* B. D.+i 7 No. 19399-3 Lalande 17333 6-5* W. B. (2) VIII. 10067-5 Groombridge 1471... 6 '8 ' B.D. +17 No. 19439-3 Lalande F. 1347 7-0 13 Hydra p4'3*j B. D. +17 No. 19459-5 B. D. +i7No. 19469-5 B.D. +17 No. 19479-5 32. 50-229 3 2 - 54-093 33- W259 33- 23-428 33- 24-694' 8. 33. 26-561 8- 33- 32-037 8- 33- 36-171 8- 33- 37-830 8. 33- 39-I03 33 33 33 34 34 46-787 5I-932 59-524 1-817 3-210 8. 34- 8-455 8. 34. 14-131 8. 34. 24-268 8. 34- 37735 8- 35- 8-559 8. 35- 30-973 8. 35- 47-655 8. 36. 55-182 8. 37- 8-613 8. 37. 28-446 8. 38. 25-989 8. 38. 39-789 8. 38. 51-156 8- 39- 10-357 8. 39. 20-078 8. 39. 52-869 8- 39- 53-4I5 8. 40. 0-531 8. 40. 2-376 8. 40. 16-202 8. 40. 40-224 8. 40. 57-002 8.41. 3-718 8. 41. 6-779 8. 41. 10-698 8. 41. 37-615 8. 41. 44-642 8- 4i- 53-I94 54-473 20-331 41. 42. 9623 3 95-57 2 90-49 i 3 95-86; 3 95-12. 3 95-44 93-53 i 93-21 93-18 94-22 9467 95 96 95-96 93-35 9564 95-93 95-18 91-98 95-9I 89-80 92-83 8899 93-32 93 '94 94 5 93-94 93-85 . 96-17 93-28 95^7 93-I5 91-86 93-05 94-67 96-02 96-23 93-24 88-48 93-93 ' 93-I9 42. 36-084 96-29 42. 36-378 j 93-80 42. 38-504 j 93-18 42. 52-999 89-16 42. 59-907 92-70 3 4 3 i 4 4 9 3 2 56 3 i 3 4 3 4 5 4 i 6 3 3 4 + 3-4543 + 4-I335 + 2-5637 + 3-4575 + 4-1664 + 4-1311 + 3-9643 0-0130 -0-0365] .. +o-ooi8| 0-0131' 0-005 0-0380-1-0 -ooi 3-0365 0-0130; 0-0298. + 3-4526 o-oi3oj + 3-4523 10-01301 + 3-4618 0-0133 0-0075 0-013210-0043 0-0130! 0-0131 + 3-4544 ' 0-0131 0-004 + 3'45'7 : 0-OI30 + 4-I272 [0-0366 + 3-4550 ; 0-OI3I + 3-4518 ; 0-0131 + 2-4908 i+0'0023 + 3-4568 0-0133 + 2-3467 + 3-4880 + 3-3128 + 3-1410 -(-0-0028 0-0143 0-0097 0-0058 ; 0-006 ! 0-003 ! 0-007 -O-OO4I O'OOO -0-0087 -O-OOI2 -O-OO29 0-O026 + 3-4183 0-0125 + 3-3983 j 0-0120 + 5-5083 j 0-1224 + 2-4108 .-(-0-O028 + 9-I675 0-5713 + 11-5803 ' 1-0500 + 3^953 0-0120 + 3 6441 I 0-0195 0-0016 + 3 6439 j 0-0195 0-0016 + 3-4029 0-0122 i + 5 9905 -0-1653 + 3-1946 0-0071 0-0135 + 2-597I +0-0019 + 10-0630 0-7423 + 28344 0-0006+0-0005 + 3-3820 0-0117 + 2 7349 +0-0007 + 3'399 0-0122 + 3 8887 0-0287 + 3-3882 o 0119 +"'53 I 9 + 3-I835 1-0644 0-0069 0-0026 + 3'3867 j 0-0119 + 3-3920 I O-OI2I + 3-3930 ' O-OI2I 70. I. 44. 42. IIS. 52. 69. 50. 43- 46. 44- 43- 70. 4. 49- 35- 70. 3. 70. 4. 18-41 22-57 13-29 4-57 5I-83 95 '97 95-57 90-49 96-18 95-12 6-22 , 95-44 19-36 ! 92-90 39 89 ] 93-53 34-3I : 93'77 I5-I4 93-03 69. 36. 16 ii 69. 38. 27-83 70. 4.47-15 69. 55. 29-76 69. 56. 30-02 70. 4. O'll 44. 44. 47-46 69. 53. 29-98 70. i. 48-85 119. 10. 1 1 -So 69. 44. 4-10 124. 55. 6-88 68. 8. 11-48 76. 55- 30-58 86. 12. 24-78 71. 26. 31-44 72. 26. 2 08 22. 53. 21-49 122. 47. 25-38 93-62 9473 9465 96-19 96-19 93-00 95-64 96-16 94-73 91-98 95-91 89-80 92-74 95-26 89-04 92-89 93-94 94-50 9394 9- 33- 38-53 91-55 6. 51. 5878 ; 96-17 72. 30. 42-72 60. 49. 58-66 60. 50. 17-80 72. 6. 1 1 -09 19. 17. 40 47 83. 10. 41 61 114. 59. 17-05 8. 18. 3-30 103. 8. 45-54 73- 5- 18-83 IO8. 21. 20-22 72. 12. 2'94 51. 15. 0-6 5 72. 43. 41-49 6. 50. 11-48 83- 45- 2 3'29 72. 47. 12-41 72. 29. 52-38 72. 26. 15-81 93-18 95^9 9373 93 '5 91-64 93-59 9467 95-99 96-29 88-48 93-23 9348 93'!9 96-29 93' 18 89-16 8849 + 12 403; +0-391 +12-4081+0468 + 12 426 +0-288 + 12-441 +0-390 O0l8 + 12-443 +'47 r O'o88 + 12-4461+0-467 +12 45i| +0-389 +12-456, +0-448 +12-4581+0-389 + 12 45 9i +0-389 +12-468! +0-390 0-018 +12-474+0-390 0-024 + 124831+0388; ... +12-486 +0-389 i ... + 12 487 +0389 O'OO + 12-492+0-388 O'OOI + 12-499: +0-465 I + I2-5II] +0-388 +0-003 + 12-5271 +0-388 I +O-OO4 +12-562 +o 278 t + 12-587 +0-387 o-oo + 12 606! +o 261 o-oo +12-682 +0-389 +0-033 j + 12 698 +0-368 +12-719 +0349 +12-785 +12-800 +12-813 +12-834 +12-845 +12-882 +12-882 + 12-892 +12-908 +12-934 +12-953 +12-961 +12-964 +12-969 +12-999 +13-007 +13-016 +13-017 +13-046 +13-063 +13-063 +13-067 +13-082 1+13-090 +0-226 +0-378 +0376 +0-612 +0-265 + I-O2I + 1-289 +0-374 +0-402 | +0-033 +0-402 j +0-033 +0-374 +0662 +0-350 +0-283 +1-114 +0-310 +0-370 +0-298 +0-372 +0-426 +0-370 + 1-270 +0-347 +0-369 +0-369 +0-369 +0-023 +0-009 +0-021 2522. The magnitude of tliis star is taken from the Southern Meridian Plwtometry. 2533-2534- These stars form the pair 1. 1268. 2 537- This star is the principal star of a pair, and was itself found to be a close double by Schiaparelli. {liv} SECOND TES-YKAK CATALOGUE OK STARS FOR 1890-0, No. "2 V * >> & 0> 11 "(> i 1755- o s 0^ .S' E o K 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean D.ite. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. CJ s S I > o > o A < QJ "~o PH & JD 'fl) M 6 1 ! ^ V & & 3 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2 6 33 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 1272 1275 1271 1276 1287 1279 1289 1291 1288 1296 1298 1301 1299 '33 '304 1480 1502 1500 1499 1501 '503 I54 1506 1507 I5 9 I55 1512 1511 1513 1514 1510 I5i5 1520 1518 iS'9 1521 I5 2 3 ! 523 1527 1522 '53 i53i Groombrid^e 1480 . . Groom bridge 1502 ... Oroombridge 1500... Groombridge 1 499 . . . Groombridge 1501 ... 12 Ursse Majoris . K 6-7 7'S 7'4 7-6 5-6* 3-7* 5-6* 5-6* 6-4* 7'3 7-0 7'7 7'9 6-1* 6-6* 8-5 5-3* 8-4 S-o 7-2 4-7* 7'2 8-7 4-8* 7'it 6'7t 5-0* 4-8* 5-2* 4-8* 7-6 6-2* 7'ot 6-2 7'2t 5-2* & 7'5t ::; 5-7* 6-1* 7-0 7-0 6-5 3'9* 5-6* 7-1 8-1 h m a 8. 54. 44-207 8. 55. 16-494 8. 55. 19-958 8. 55. 55-603 8. 55. 56-646 8. 56. 6-809 8. 56. 18-384 8. 56. 20-763 8. 56. 25-105 8. 56. 28-295 8- 56- 45'!73 8. 57. 10-285 8- 57- 34370 8. 58. 10-252 8. 58. 19-817 8. 58. 20-241 8. 58. 43-613 8. 58. 51-138 8. 58. 52-007 8. 59. 25-216 8. 59. 31-845 8. 59. 49-460 8. 59. 58-281 9. o. 42-328 9. i. 6-244 9- i- 6-475 9- I- 47-337 9. I. 50-718 9. 3. 2-063 9. 3. 13-092 9. 3. 48-819 9- 3- 56-256 9- 4- 0-478 9. 4. 1-695 9. 4. 2-012 9- 5- 38-508 9. 5. 46-164 9. 6. 12-831 9. 6. 13-125 9. 6. 16-375 9. 6. 36-969 9. 6. 56-440 9- 7- 0-077 9. 7. 20-261 9. 8. 1-698 9. 8. 33-720 9. 8. 38-432 9- 9- 9-447 9- ii. 53-324 9- " 54-575 94-39 89-20 94-I3 94-6I 90-60 94-65 93-11 94-10 87-20 94-50 93-24 92-79 9279 92-10 90-45 96-02 93-53 94-07 93-20 93'!9 94-21 90-96 94-07 96-01 9379 93-84 92-52 93-7I 93-23 87-19 91-84 89-18 91-21 93-01 91-21 94-21 89-21 93-28 92-86 94-41 93' r 9 87-15 87-17 92-74 89-97 93-62 94-55 91-85 93-50 94-13 3 3 3 3 S 24 9 Si 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 8 3 ii 3 29 4 3 3 5 6 45 3 22 4 3 3 4 6 4 7 6 i 3 5 4 3 5 12 5 3 21 6 3 3 3 2 2 2 I I I 3 7 2 4 2 2 4 2 I + 9 367 1 + 3-856I + 4-2374 + 4-8386 + 4-43I8 + 4-1248 + 3-5180 + 3-0716 + 2-5995 + 3-8299 + 3-8S37 + 3-9926 + 3-9916 + 4-7085 + 2-6271 + 3-8395 + 5-3463 + 4-0330 + 3-8384 + 4-2885 + 3-8365 + 3-8309 + 4-0387 + 5-3567 + 3-4800 + 3-4800 + 3-2567 + 4-99I6 + 3-4587 + 2-6297 + 3-8589 + 2-6129 + 4-8281 + 3-456o + 4-8285 + 4-7970 + 3-38o6 + 4-0737 + 4-0737 + 3-3263 + 3-7284 + 2-7516 + 2-9655 + 3-437I + 3-8I23 + 6-3465 + 3-H66 + 3-3222 + 4-0460 + 3-8828 s 0-6921 0-0303 0-0490 0-0873 0-0604 0-0434 0-0172 0-0046 +0-0027 0-0294 0-0305 0-0371 0-0371 0-0796 +0-0026 0-030; 0-1302 0-0395 0-030; -0-0536 o O3O/ 0-0302 0-0402 -0-1333 0-0164 0-0164 o 0094 0-1034 0-0159 +0-0028 0-0324 +o 0030 0-0924 0-0159 0-0925 0-0913 0-0134 0-0440 0-0440 0-0117 0-0270 +0-0016 O-O022 -0-0155 0-03I2 0-2528 0-0057 O-OII7 0*0444 0-0356 s +O ' OOO2 0-0036 O-OOO7 0-0080 0-0126 +0-0008 0-016 +o 0180 +0-OOO2 0-0130 0-0130 o 0028 +0-0140 o-oou 0-0004 0-0019 -0-0053 0-0382 0-0055 0-0026 0-0019 0-0115 +0-0078 o 0029 o / // 8. 43- 54'42 50. 54. 42-81 39. 37. 11-44 28. 34. 29-04 35- 16. 59-30 42. 24. 32-07 65. 6. 52-85 90. 3. 10-91 116. 13. 54-23 51. 43- '6'74 50. 49. 25-87 46. 7. 23-01 46. 6. 22-30 30. 13. 2-78 115. 4. 11-80 51. 8. 44-03 22. 41. 9'O2 44- 4i- 973 51. 7. 20-22 37- 55- 50-55 51. 6. 31-09 51. 16. 54-77 44. 22. 56-84 22. 25. 11-20 66. 34. 49-01 66. 34. 41-81 78. 53. 22-45 26. 2. 22-68 67- 30. 36-57 "5- 24. 55-68 49- 45- 52-56 116. 19. 24-49 27. 52. 32-96 67- 33- 26-75 27. 52. 10-12 28. 7. 27-30 71. 30. 21-30 42. 33. 32-06 42. 33. 29-95 74- 33- 39-72 54. 26. 32-51 109. 17. 55-23 96. 39. 34-05 68. 15. 50-88 50. 56. 20-08 15. 31. 20-33 87. 13. 19 66 74- 36. 10-15 42. 35- 39H4 47. 50. 22-53 91-79 89-20 93'S 1 94-60 90-00 94-70 92-98 96-74 87-20 94-5 93'24 91-67 91-67 90-84 90-45 96-55 92-87 94-07 91-00 93-I9 93-60 90-96 94-07 9577 93-84 93-84 9278 92-27 93-03 87-19 91-84 89-18 90-95 94-42 90-95 92-97 89-21 93-28 92-86 96-24 93"'9 87-17 87-17 92-36 89-97 93'S 1 93-57 9185 93-5 94-I3 \ 9 23 a 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 9 3 6 3 27 4 3 4 6 6 So 7 26 4 3 3 4 4 4 9 6 I 3 6 4 4 5 15 5 3 3i 6 3 3 H 2 2 2 (0 (2) (2) 3 16 2 12 2 2 II 2 +13-850 +13-884 +13-888 +13-926 + 13-927 + !3'937 +i3 - 949 +I3-952 + I3-956 +'3-959 +i3 - 977 +14-003 +14-028 +14-066 + 14-076 +14-076 +14-101 + 14-108 +14-109 +14-144 + 14-151 +14-168 + 14-178 +14-223 + 14-248 +14-248 + 14-290 + 14-294 + 14-366 + i4 - 377 + 14-414 +14-421 +14-426 + 14-426 + 14-427 +14-525 +I4-S32 + r 4 - 559 + I4-559 +14-562 + 14-583 + 14-602 +14-606 + 14-626 +14-668 +14-700 +14-704 + I4-734 +14-895 + 14-897 +0-983 +0-400 +0-440 +0-502 +0-459 +0-427 +0-363 +0-316 +0-266 +o'395 +0-397 +0-411 +0-410 +0-483 +0-267 +0-393 +0-548 +0-412 +0-392 +0-437 +0-390 +0-389 +0-411 +0-545 +0-351 +o-35i +0-327 +0-504 +0-346 +0-261 +0-385 +0-259 +0-483 +0-344 +0-483 +0-476 +0-334 +0-402 +0-402 +0-327 +0-367 +0-269 +0-290 +0-337 +o'373 +0-623 +0-303 +0-322 +0-389 +0-373 +O'OOI +0-068 +0-010 +0-160 +0-095 +0-047 +0-05 O'OOO +0-064 -0-045 0-045 0-009 +0-067 0-025 0-018 +0-030 +0-008 0-249 0-063 0-047 +0-016 0-063 +0-309 0-02O W. B. VIII. 1406... Laeaille 3636 Groombridge 1 504 . . . Groombridge 1 506 . . . Groombridge 1507 ... Groombridge 1509 ... Oeltz. Arg. (N. ) 9540 Laeaille 3652 W.B.(2)VIII. 1371-2 1 1 Ursse Majoris o- 1 B. D. +45 No. 1675 Piazzi VIII. 243 Groombridge 1511... Piazzi VIII. 245 Groombrid:e 1514 ... Oeltz. Arg. (N. 59583 13 Ursfe Majoris ^ W.B.(2)Vm.i 45 8- O-SP S'S 6 fc 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular A 7 aria- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. V & > 4 QJ 1 O 3 n oj I o t> o , 5| " '~M i J755- a o If 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R. A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1 Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 0> 0) > o J3 1 o "53 PQ 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2 7J4 2735 2736 273? 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 134 1345 1347 1346 i34 2 '356 1358 1362 '354 1360 1357 1355 1366 1368 1367 1370 1369 1373 1555 1559 1558 1557 1563 1567 1566 1563 1561 1568 1569 1570 I57i 1574 1572 1575 1576 1578 1580 1579 4-7* 6-5* 7'i 6-1 7'5 6-8 6-5 7'7 6-8 5-9* 5-3* 6-7* 7'5 7-6 7'i 5-5* 6-3 7-8 4-2* 6-0* 8- 3 t 7-ot 7-2 4-9* 6-1* 7'5 5-5* 3-8' 6-6 6'3 8-8 8-4 9'3 9'5 7-4 6-5 5-7* 6-8 h m s 9. 27. 28-987 9. 27. 29-360 9. 27. 49-346 9. 28. 25-340 9. 28. 32-553 9. 28. 47-993 9.29. 1-431 9. 29. 24-782 9. 29. 52-113 9. 30. 58-417 9- 3i- 29-585 9. 31. 36-287 9. 32. 11-247 9- 32- 23-430 9. 32. 44-337 9- 32- 48751 9. 33. 0-467 9- 33- 5794 9. 34. 14-266 9. 34. 25-036 9- 34- 33-178 9- 34- 33-462 9- 34- 48-705 9- 35- t'917 9- 35- 4-675 9. 35. 10-215 9- 35- "-315 9. 35. 16-756 9- 35- 18755 9- 35- 3 0-I 25 9. 35. 40-166 9. 36. 14-344 9. 36. 25-565 9. 37. 17-004 9. 37. 18-146 9. 37. 27-282 9- 37- 44-428 9. 38. 22-966 9. 39. 28-287 9- 39 34H35 9. 39. 36-406 9. 39. 40-172 9- 39- 53-877 9. 40. 27-728 9. 40. 58-944 9. 41. 20-908 9. 41. 29-482 9. 41. 38-484 9. 41. 45-560 9. 42. 55-006 93-I4 93-15 92-54 8970 90-84 94-01 93-40 94-35 90-77 92-95 90-18 88-92 91-26 94-13 92-03 94-37 94-97 94-22 95-06 87-22 94-85 94-68 94-82 93-05 91-20 95-76 94-48 93-65 94-12 95-26 93-65 93-20 95-04 94-89 93-27 93-05 93-66 9376 9I-55 89-25 9370 93" 92-67 89-65 95^7 95-18 93 '64 93-40 94-49 91-27 5 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 7 i6J 4 3 3 3 12 3 4 3 1 3 4 3 5J 3 3 3 59 3 3 3 6 3 i 3 3 8 5 3 3 89 3 2 II 5 3 2 5 3 3 2 2 2 3 22i 2 2 2 3 2 2 I 2 2 3 s + 3 '69 19 + 2-6310 + 47092 + 2-7344 + 4'oi58 + 4-35 6 7 + 3-2636 + 5-2896 + 3-2888 + 3-3I89 + 3-7673 + 27099 + 3-8389 + 4-1773 + 3-3767 + 5-65I6 + 7-0522 + 4-1672 + 3-0636 + 2-93:6 + 3-7248 + 3-7248 + 3-8404 + 2-8779 + 3-5620 + 3-9900 + 37412 + 3-2172 + 3-4644 + 4-1924 + 3-0848 + 3 -I 7zi + 3-3651 + 3-3619 + 4-8344 + 4-6809 + 3-2740 + 3-3448 + 3-3650 + 2-7484 + 3-4193 + 3-8578 + 2-7471 + 3-2394 + 18-1311 + 3-2332 + 3-8739 + 3-2330 + 4-7843 + 3-2641 s 0-029^ +0-0047 0-1016 +0-0033 0-0486 0-0729 0-0107 0-1622 0-0117 0-0129 0-0344 +0-0040 0-0388 0-0613 0-0154 0-2118 0-4336 0-0609 0-0041 0-0004 0-0328 0-0328 -0-0397 +0-0010 0-0242 0-0494 0-0339 0-0092 0-0195 0-0641 0-0047 0-0076 0-0152 0-0151 0-1228 0-1076 0-0115 0-0144 0-0154 +0-0040 0-0179 0-0423 +0-0041 0-OI02 -5-2458 O'OIOO 0-0440 O'OIOO 0-1223 0-0113 s +0-0008 0*0031 o t rt 53. 6. 52-20 118. 8. 3773 26. 43. 13-67 112. 22. 41-23 41. I. 10-69 32. 32. 23-60 76. 51. 20-37 20. 13. 5-39 75- 7- 47-6o 73- 4- ""o6 49. 16. 0-47 114. 12. 43-92 46. 21. 32-30 36. o. 11-81 69. 12. 24-97 17. 14. 53-26 II. 21. 5279 36. 8. 18-64 90. 38. 37-60 100. 4. 23-71 50. 32. 48-86 50. 32. 49-83 45. 51. 47-16 103. 50. 1-40 58. 13. 22-26 40. 43- 5-i3 49. 44. 28-43 79- 36. 27-40 63. 35. 12-61 35- 8. 5-59 89. 6. 6-23 82. 46. 2'OI 69' 31- 54-31 69. 38. 13-48 23. 52. 5-26 25. 50. 28-44 75. 28. 3179 70. 37- 5I-97 69. ii. 15-16 112. 51. 23-52 65. 43. 10-76^: 44. 22. 30-53 112. 58. 43-40 77. 41. 1-36 2.53.51-18 78. 3.47-20 43. 28. 0-96 ' 78. 3. 40-67 23. 53. 42-18 75. 43. 18-28 94-64 9279 92-67 89-70 90-84 93-48 93-46 9177 90-44 93-12 90-18 88-92 91-27 93-82 9I-93 93-I4 95-11 9371 94-18 87-22 94-85 94-68 94-82 9274 91-20 95-52 94-48 93-13 92-90 95-23 93-65 93-20 95-04 94-89 92-56 91-86 93-I7 9376 9I-55 89-25 93-80 92-24 92-67 89-53 96-64 95-18 95-11 93-05 92-05 91-27 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 9 19 4 3 4 3 14 7 7 3 36 3 3 4 3 8 3 3 3 54 4 3 3 5 3 i 4 3 10 5 3 3 70 3 2 12 4 3 2 6 3 3 2 2 6 3 42 4 2 2 3 5 4 (i') 2 2) 6 H-15'774 + I5'774 +15-792 +15-824 +15-832 +I5-845 +I5-857 +15-878 +15-902 +15-960 +15-989 + I5'994 +16-025 + 16-035 +16-054 +16-058 + 16-067 +16-073 +16-132 +16-141 + 16-148 +16-148 +16-162 + 16-173 +16-176 + 16-180 +16-181 +16-186 +16-188 +16-197 +16-206 +16-235 + 16-245 +16-289 +16-290 +16-297 + 16-312 +16-345; +16-400 +16-405 +16-406 +16-410! + 16-421 + 16-450 +16-475 + 16-494 + 16-505 +16-508 +16-514 +I6-57I +0-326 +0-230 +0-417 +0-238 +0-353 +0-383 +0-285 +0-464 +0-285 +0-286 +0-325 +0-232 +0-330 +0-359 +0-288 +0-487 +0-608 +0-357 +0-258 +0-247 +0-3I5 +0-3I5 +0-325 +0-241 +0-300 +0-337 +0-3I5 +0-270 +0-291 +0-354 +0-258 +0-265 +0-281 +0-279 +0-404 +0-391 +0-271 +0-276 +0-275 +0-223 +0-280 +0-316 +0-223 +0-263 +1-501 +0-261 +0-314 +0-261 +0-389 +0-261 // +O-QIO +0-004 +O-OO2 0-008 +0-091 +0-134 +0-034 +0-063 0-024 +0-161 +O'i6i 0-013 +O'2O2 +0-030 +0-OI8 +0-041 +0-034 +O-QO2 +0'008 +0-I32 0-029 +0-077 +0-02 Lacaille 3892 Groombridge 1555... Lalande 18833 Groombridge 1559... Groombridge 1558... Piazzi IX. 120 Groombridge 1557 ... 7 Leonis 8 Leonis 0-0025 O-OO22 0-0051 O-OOI5 0-OO72 +0-0015 0*0038 +0-OO7O +0-O070 O-OOI7 0-0082 0-0048 O'OIO^ 0-0034 o'ooig 0-0009 0-0043 +0-0023 0-0016 +0-0198 O-002I 42 Lyncis . . Laeaille 3923 Piazzi IX. 129 Groombridge 1566... Piazzi IX. 135 . 27 Ursre Majoris Piazzi IX. 112 Gvoombridge 1568... ?; Hvdrse. ... ' 37 Hydra Groomb. 1569 (Comes}.... Groombridge 1569... Groombridge 1570... 38 Hydrse W. B. (2) IX. 696... Groombridge 1571... 43 Lyncis 14 Leonis o 13 L a onis Groombridge 1572... W. B. IX. 744 . . Lalande 19042 B. D. +20 No. 2365 B. D. +20 No. 2367 Groombridge 1575... 28 Urs, ^5 No. in Auwers' Bradley. !, o^ 0T "* .c o* h 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + Nc J \ S s . of bs. CJ & k Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 -I No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Fropi-r Motion. of ~ d to 1810. Star's Name. i 4-> 1 a 7-2 7-5 7' 8-1 4-7* 6-6* 7'3 6-7* 8-0 7'8 4-6* 6-9 8-8 3-6* 6-1* 7-2 7-6 4-6* 4-5* 1-4* 7'8 7'3 7-0 6-0 77 3.9. 7-0 6-7 6-1* 6-0* 6-2* 6-2* 7-2 6-6* 8'3 7'4 8-5 5'7* 6-6* 5-8* 3-6* 3-8* 6-8 5'9* 8-2 70 6-7 6 6 7'7 5'9* Mean E.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1 8go - o. Mean Date. 1800 4- No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. ci 1 C .0 4 d > _0 D ffl oj 'o PH 3 95 'o PH | __g -ffl 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 '2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 1402 1401 ... 1403 1405 1407 1406 1412 1411 1417 1418 1415 1424 1421 1425 1426 1606 1608 1607 1610 1611 1613 1609 1612 1614 1615 1616 1617 1619 1621 1622 1623 1624 1626 1627 1628 1625 1629 1630 1635 1634 1636 1631 1632 Piazzi IX. 233. ... . li m s 9. 59. 3-886 9. 59. 17-016 9- 59- 18-367 9. 59. 26-812 9. 59. 46-068 9- 59- 49-3S6 9- 59- 547oi 10. o. 12-315 10. o. 26*034 10. o. 48-343 10. o. 56-339 10. i. 3-138 10. i. 14-783 10. i. 20-095 10. i. 52-815 10. i. 54-135 IO. 2. 3'IO3 10. 2. 3-992 10. 2. 18-422 10. 2. 3O'803 10. 2. 45-163 to. 3. 17-332 IO. 4. 2I'OO2 10. 4. 41-605 10. 4. 52-259 10. 5. 13-470 10. 5. 43^54 10. 6. 42-632 10. 7. 1-837 10. 7. 4-876 10. 7. 31-985 10. 8. 15-741 10. 8. 28-276 10. 8. 47-299 10. 9. 34-291 10. 10. 1-388 10. 10. 2-395 10. 10. 2-560 10. 10. 1 6 607 10. 10. 26-891 10. 10. 27-649 10. 10. 34-310 10. 10. 41-942 10. 10. 46-430 10. ii. 51-742 10. ii. 54-794 10. ii. 59-562 10. 12. IO.I04 10. 12. 13-021 10. 12. 39-509 94-84 96-29 92-60 94-78 9477 91-81 95-21 89-45 89-95 91-22 92-84 92-98 89-22 93-70 89-86 93-99 94-23 93-58 89-11 93-53 92-59 94-25 92-57 88-73 91-72 94-32 90-72 94-03 89-21 93-2S 91-41 88-88 89-05 9174 91-24 89-90 89-90 92-80 92-59 95-47 95-00 94-23 91-52 92-51 95-88 93-87 95-4I 91'S 1 92-85 96-40 3 i 7 3 9 3i 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 3i 3 3 3 6 3 145 3 3 3 6 4 II 9 3 5 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 3i i?4 4 16 2 3 3 3. 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 i + 4-0820 + 3-4863 + 3-639 + 4-0749 + 2-9237 + 2-7217 + 3-6345 + 2-7226 + 3-6036 + 3-6073 + 3-5508 + 4-4621 + 3-336o + 3-2786 + 2-8760 + 4-4409 + 3-8957 + 3-I949 + 3 10 744 + 3' 2I 79 + 3-6019 + 3-8506 + 3'6384 + 3-575I + 3-6577 -1- 2-9383 + 3-23 7 + 3-8568 + 2-7352 + 3-1296 + 4-1874 + 2-7605 + 4-1865 + 3-4624 + 3-6572 + 3-6248 + 3-6253 + 4-4364 + 3-2760 + 3-3469 + 3-65S2 + 3-3456 + 3-6254 + 3-2286 + 3-9185 + 3-6509 + 3-8481 + 3-6703 + 4-6989 + 4-6695 3 0-0683 O-O24I O-0338 O-O679 -)-O-OOI5 -|-O-0069 -0-0337 -|-o-oo69 0-0317 0-0321 0-0284 0-1078 0-0159 0-0129 +0-0032 0-1061 0-0540 o 0090 0-0037 o-oioo 0-0322 0-0509 -0-0352 0-0309 0-0367 +0-0015 o-oioS 0-0530 +0-0076 0-0060 0-0844 +0-0071 0-0851 0-0244 0*0382 0-0359 0-0359 0-1146 0-0134 -0-0175 0-0383 0-0174 0-0362 0-0109 0-0612 0-0385 -0-0549 0-0401 0-1512 -0-1479 s 0-0034 +0-0038 0-0013 0-0082 0-003 O'Ol82 0-0148 +0-0019 0-0063 0-0047 0-0156 0-0180 0-0165 O'OOOO 0-0033 0-0114 +0-004 o / // 33- 4i- 48-55 58. 22. 43-67 49- 53- -4 33. 48. 26-04 102. 31. 53-61 117. 39. 21-65 49- 57- 38-92 117- 39- 48-14 51. 26. 25-25 51. 10. 7-02 54. 13. 10-24 25- 3- 37-68 68. 17. 57-85 72. 42. 4-80 106. 36. 13-80 25. 42. 29-25 38- 38- 27-13 79- 27- 49-09 89. 50. 3-18 77- 29. 43-53 51. i. 49-80 39- 57- 8-44 48- 47- 52-98 52- 3- 24-05 47- 43- 34-48 101. 48. 38-79 76. 6. 8-02 38- 57- 36-39 1 1 8. 3.47-28 84- 5- 3 I- 7i 29. 28. n - i6 116. 29. 8-56 29. 1 8. 8-68 57- 59- ifi4 46. 39. 16-23 48. 10. 33-37 48. 8. 46-22 24. 20. 35-51 71. 42. 46-14 65. 57. 1-05 46. 32. 11-53 66. 2. 5-45 47- 59- 2 37 75- 43- 24-46 35- 4i- 15-25 46. 23. 58-10 38. 2. 40 86 45- 23. 34 64 20. 25. 42-91 20. 41- 59-33 94-55 96-29 92-93 94'64 93-87 91-23 95-21 89-45 89-95 91-22 92-84 92-13 89-22 93-5I 89-86 94-03 9372 92-99 89-16 93-78 92-59 9375 92-57 88-73 91-72 94-44 90-91 93-48 89-21 93-25 91-18 88-88 89-11 9174 91-24 89-90 89-90 90-70 92-59 96-28 94-89 9333 91-52 92-65 95-72 93-87 95-3 1 91'S 1 93-38 9431 3 I 8 3 18 4 4 4 3 3 3 6 3 34 3 3 3 8 5 144 3 3 3 6 4 16 8 3 5 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 5 5 3 32 20 4 26 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 (2) 2 2 3 4 // +17-326 +17-335 + I7-336 +I7-342 +I7-356 +I7-358 +17-363 +I7'375 + I7-385 +17-401 +17-407 +J7-4I2 +17-421 +17-424 + 17-448 +I7-449 +I7-455 +I7-456 +17-466 +I7-475 + 17-486 +17-508 +I7-554 + 17-568 +I7-575 +17-590 +17-611 +I7-653 +17-666 +17-668 + 17 '687 +17-717 +17-725 +I7-738 +I7-770 + 17-788 +17-789 +17-789 +17-799 + 17-805 +17-806 +17-810 +17-815 +17-818 +17 862 + 17 864 + 17-867 +I7-874 +17-876 +17-894 n +0-292 +0-248 +0-259 +0-291 +0-206 +0-191 +0-258 +0-191 +0-255 +0-254 +0-250 +O'3 r 5 +0-233 +0-229 +0-199 +0-312 +0-272 +O-222 +0-213 +0-223 +0-250 +0-266 +0-249 +0-244 +0-249 +0-198 +0-2I8 +0-259 +0-181 +0-208 +0-280 +0-181 +0-278 +0-228 +0-240 +0-236 +0-236 +0-291 +O'2I2 +0-217 +0-237 +0-217 +0-235 +0-208 +0-252 +0-234 +0-247 +0-235 +0-303 +0-300 // 0-038 0-016 O-OO2 +0-038 0-024 0-018 +0-065 +0-03 0-019 O'OI2 +0-008 0-023 +0-058 O-OI7 +0-025 +0-090 +0-30 W. B. (2)IX.I2II... Groombridge 1608... Piazzi IX. 236 40 Hydrge u " Lacaille 4132 Groombridge 1610... Groombridge 1611... Groombridge 1613... Groombridge 1609... B. D. +21 No. 2153 30 Leonis . . . . fj Lalaude 19750 . Groombridge 1612... Groombridge 1614... 31 Leonis A 15 Sextantis Groombridge 1615... Groombridge 1616... Piazzi IX 254 Groombridge 1619... Groombridge 1621... 41 Hydne ...A Groombridge 1622... Lacaille 4183 Groombridge 1623... Groombridge 1624... 22 Leonis Minoris. Groombridge 1626... Groombridge 1627... Groombridge 1628... 32 Ursse Majoris Pi qi ^O 3J 1 <1 aj "o f-, | I 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2 937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 1467 1469 1472 1470 1475 M5S 1477 1479 1482 1484 1485 1488 1490 1493 1657 1659 1661 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1662 1670 1669 1675 1675 1674 1671 1673 1676 1678 1679 1680 1682 1683 1685 1684 1686 47 Leonis p 4-0' 7-2 6-9 6-9 7-4 5-7* 6-7 8'2 6-3* 6-3 6-1* 6-8 8-0 6-8* var. 5-8* 8-9 4-8* 6-2 5-8* 9'3 5'2* 7-8 5-9* 8-it 8-it 7'7 8-0 9'4 5-2* 6-2* 7-6 6-9 5-6 6'2 5-1* 8-0 7'5 -3 7-o 7'i 8-2 6-2 5'4* 8-0 8'2 6-2* 6-5 7'9 8-2 h m s 10. 27. 1-116 10. 27. 3 868 10. 27. 38-039 10. 28. 40-323 10. 28. 46-390 10. 29. 15-841 10. 29. 43-57 10. 29. 49-527 10. 30. 2-633 10. 30. 20-784 io- 3- 53-34 1 10. 31. 8-027 10. 31. 25-779 10. 31. 26-875 10. 32. 7-256 10. 32. 16-124 10. 32. 22 975 10. 32. 31762 10. 32. 35-965 10. 32. 50-231 io- 33- 4768 10. 33- 13-312 io- 33- 3I-478 10. 33. 58-314 10. 34. 9-712 10. 34. 9-880 10. 34. 18-018 10. 34. 38-186 10. 34- 39' 8 3 IO. 35. II'O2I 10. 35. 48-415 10. 36. 5-063 10. 36. 56-638 10. 37. 4-996 10. 37. 25-042 10. 37. 26-078 10. 37. 33-083 10. 38. 20-198 10. 38. 48-117 10. 38. 51-835 10. 39. 2-186 10. 39- S'335 10. 39. 28-544 10. 39. 44-883 10. 39. 46-800 10. 40. 18-322 10. 40. 22-033 10. 40. 30-095 10. 40. 31-118 10. 40. 34-398 937' 95-40 93-92 90-29 89-95 93-58 87-19 93 '43 91-17 93-23 93'27 94-52 95-26 89-59 91-25 92-19 94-67 93-65 9370 8963 95-06 93-28 89-16 93-27 90-55 90-24 94-22 91-53 95-06 93' 6 7 87-18 92-82 92-52 90-50 92-45 94-37 90-58 92-88 94-I5 9I-57 93-63 95-77 93H8 94'49 94-57 95-60 95-20 93H2 90-52 96-08 45 3 5 3 3 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 5 5 3 3 7 34 2 3 2 3 3 3 3i 4 3 34 4 6 17 3 3 4 3 4 2 3 i8J 6 3 ii 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 s + 3-1643 + 3-6954 + 3-6902 + 3-5475 + 3-5302 + 3-1562 + 2-8588 + 3-8887 + 3-4564 + 3-8574 + 2-8242 + 3-9733 + 3-8687 + 2-8023 + 2-9588 + 3-7660 + 6-6858 + 3-3903 + 6-2139 + 3-4670 + 3-4117 + 2-9279 + 3-4630 + 4-3505 + 3-5242 + 3-5242 + 3-7496 + 4'35 l8 + 3-4000 + 4-3762 + 3-0628 + 4-0033 + 3-1070 + 3-576I + 4-2384 + 3-2800 + 3-5734 + 3'6ii3 + 3-5452 + 3-5548 + 3-4873 + 9-5908 + 3-8072 + 3-3509 + 3-3502 + 3-3490 + 3-1280 + 3-1802 + 3-5053 + 4-3496 3 0-OO79 O-0487 O-O485 0-0360 0-0345 -0-0075 +0-0073 o 0704 0-0288 0-0673 +0-0088 0-0812 0-0694 +0-0097 +0-0033 0-0588 0-6774 0-0241 0-5370 0-0305 0-0260 +o 0049 0-0303 -0-1358 -0-0359 -0-0359 0-0584 -0-1372 0-0254 0-1419 0-0019 0-0900 0-0045 0-0421 -0-1245 0-0165 0-0421 0-0463 0-0399 0-0408 0-0344 2-0777 0-0688 0-0225 0-0225 0-0225 0-0058 o 0094 0-0368 0-1475 a O'OOI2 +0-027 0-0043 0-0106 0-0085 +0-0007 0-0067 0-0006 +0-0109 O-O22O 0-0099 +O-OO28 O'OI20 o 0090 O-O29 O'OIO5 O-O29 0-0056 o 0036 O-OO29 80. 7- 39-37 40. IS- 5^5 40. 19. 30-90 47. 31. 22-31 48. 33- iS-87 80. 46. 53-31 112. 36. 33-82 32. 7. 22-79 53. 6. 10-88 32. 59- 56-49 116. 6. 13-12 29- 17- 55-39 32. 19. 32-26 118. 12. 9-54 IO2. 48. 46-00 35. 45. 28-76 7- 5'- 3-i8 57- 27. 9-31 8- 59- 57-77 51. 31. 0-97 55- 34- 21-94 106. 18. 20-43 5'- 35- 13-96 20. 58. 55-84 47. 16. 26-59 47- 16. 30-75 35- 47- 55-48 20. 49. lS'82 56. 2. 59-12 20. 20. 55-49 91. 9. 48-96 27. 12. 44-71 85. 50. 32-45 43. 13. 6 -68 22. 0. 43-24 66. 14. 9-30 43- 12. 54-95 40. 52. 38-47 44. 27. 10-84 43. 51. 23-12 48. 6. 48-93 4- 3- I9-97 32. 3. 14-64 58. 44. 18-87 58. 47. 37-14 58. 44. 45-11 83. 2. 50-76 76. 40. 22-24 46. 23. 40-48 19- 34- 30-47 93-40 95-09 93H6 90-29 89-95 93-58 87-19 92-91 92-17 92-69 93-27 94-45 96-02 89-59 91-05 91-88 94-61 91-83 92-09 89-63 95-06 92-68 89-30 94-64 90-55 90-24 94-07 9I-53 95-06 92-17 87-18 9275 92-51 90-50 92-05 94-44 90-58 92-04 94-I5 9I-57 9376 95-57 93-16 93-68 94-5I 95-60 95 'H 93-42 90-52 96-18 37 4 5 3 3 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 7 9 3 3 15 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 8 4 3 32 4 6 22 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 25 7 3 ii 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 II 3 2 3 12 2 2 3 3 3 + 18-425 +18-427 + 18-447 + 18-482 + 18-485 + 18-502 +18-518 +18-521 +18-528 +I8-538 +18-556 +18-564 +18-574 + 18-575 +18-597 +18-602 +18-605 + 18-610 +18-612 + 18-620 + 18-628 + 18-632 +18-642 +18-657 +18-663 +18-663 +18-667 +18-678 +18-678 +18-695 + 18-715 +18-724 +18-751 + 18-755 +18-765 + 18-766 +18-769 +18-793 +18-808 +18-810 +18-815 +18-817 +18-828 +18-836 +18-837 + 18-853 + 18-855 +18-859 + 18-859 +18-861 +0-174 +0-205 +0-203 +0-193 +0-192 +0-170 +0-152 +0'2IO +0-I85 +0-207 +0-148 +O'2II +0-205 +0-146 +0-153 +0-197 +0-356 +0-I76 +0-329 +0-180 +0-176 +0-150 +0-178 +0-224 +0-180 +0-180 +0-192 +0-223 +0-172 +0-223 +0-152 +O"2OI +0-153 +0-177 +O'2IO +0-161 +0-176 +0-176 +0-171 +0-172 +0-168 +0-475 +0-183 +0-160 +0-159 +0-158 +0-147 +0-150 +0-166 +0-207 O'OIl -0-15 0-007 O'OI2 +0-081 +O'O2I +O'2l6 0-033 O"oo8 +0-018 0-051 +0-032 +0-104 0-033 +0-05 0-026 +O'o6 +0-059 +0-017 +0-028 Piazzi X. 96 Piazzi X. loo Piazzi X. 105 Groombridge 1663... Bradley 1472 Groombridge 1664... Groombridge 1665 . Groombridge 1666... Groombridge 1667... Hvdne U Groombridge 1668... Carrington 1578 37 Leonis Minoris Bradley 1458 38 Leonis Minoris B. D. +34 No. 2146 Hydra . . d, 3 W. B. (2)X. 630.... Groombridge 1669... Groombridge 1675... Groomb. 1675 (Comex). . . Groombridge 1674... Groombridge 1671... B. D. +34 No. 2149 Piazzi X. 126' 33 Sextantis Groombridge 1676... Piazzi X. 135 Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 11067 41 Leonis Minoris Piazzi X. 137 Groombridge 1680... Groombridge 1682... Groombridge 1683... Groombridge 1685... Lalande F. 1706 41 Ursffi Majoris .. 42 Leonis Minoris W. B. ( 2 )X. 775.... W. B. (2) X. 781.... 37 Sextantis. . Lalande 20748 Groombridge 1686... Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 11109 2906. This star is a close double, and forms the pair - 1450. 2912. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 02 222. 2915. The limits of mngnit.ude are 4-5 and 6-1-6-3 : period (.regular. 2925,2926. These stars form the pair 2 1460. {Ixii} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. " 5 If 6 fe 1755- a 2 i' * ,c 1810. Star's N:>me. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Moaii Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual 1'reri'S- sion, 1890-0. Se<-ular Varia- tion. 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Above Pole. OJ 1 't 1 -J g 4 y I & 3J M 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2 957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 1494 H9S 1500 1504 1499 1498 i55 1506 1509 1513 'SIS 1519 1508 1522 1525 1524 1688 1689 1690 1687 1692 1691 1693 1695 1694 1696 1698 1697 1701 1702 1705 1707 1709 1711 1715 1706 1713 1710 1708 1716 1714 1712 1717 1718 1721 1719 1724 1725 52 Leonis k 5-7* 9-0 8-8 6-3* 8-2 7-9 6-9 8-0 6-7 S-o 8-2 5-3* 3-3* 8-4 5-9* 5-7* 5-8* 7-8 7-9 7'5 6-1* 9-0 5-4* 3'9* 7'9 5-2* 7-2 8-4 5'ot 7 'of 6-6 6'3 6-5 6-2* 8-0 6-3* 7-8 8-9 7'5 7'4 7-i 9-0 7-2 5-2" 6-2 9-5 6-5 4-1* 7-1 5-4* b in 3 10. 40. 35-673 10. 40. 46-626 10. 40. 47-422 10. 41. 28-693 10. 41. 35-934 10. 41. 42-275 10. 41. 42-907 10. 42. 34-031 10. 42. 38-393 10. 43. 6-994 10. 43. 8'66o 10. 43. 28-490 10. 44. 11-822 10. 44. 22-869 10. 44. 24-055 10. 44. 28-657 10. 44. 46-908 10. 44. 48-629 10. 44. 52-101 10. 45. 37-410 10. 45. 58-353 10. 46. 24-545 10. 46. 54-534 10. 47- 9'526 10. 47. 58-504 10. 48. 6-536 10. 48. 18-157 10. 49. 6-928 10. 49- 39-395 10. 49. 39-847 10. 49. 42-018 10. 49. 57-867 10. 50. 18-739 10. 50. 21-472 10. 50. 52-463 10. 51. 8-233 10. 51. 12-348 10. 51. 15-640 10. 51. 25-077 10. 51. 28-524 10. 51. 28-918 10. 51. 51-111 10. 52. 41721 10. 53. 18-264 10. 53- 57-4I7 IO. 54. I'O22 10. 54. 8-453 10. 54. 24-873 10. 54. 27-200 10. 54. 40-534 90-52 94-30 94-30 8877 95-79 91-23 91-28 9275 93-23 92-23 93-89 93-33 94-3I 95-16 -93-24 93-5I 92-96 91-22 95-70 94-04 94-45 95-28 95 '49 92-54 93-90 93-00 90-26 92-58 94-47 9371 93'49 90-26 93-10 87-19 88-62 94-96 95-42 9470 94-46 94-64 94-06 95-21 90-61 93-04 91-31 95-23 91-87 94'99 94-18 92-27 10 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 43 12 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 2 4 7 4 7 6 3 29 13 4 3 7 5 3 7 3 4 41 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 14 3 3 3 3 2 2 J 5 2 7 2 2 2 3 5 2 2 I 2 2 2 I 3 s + 3-1922 + 3-2812 + 3-2811 + 4-0677 + 3-1270 + 3-5264 + 3-4526 + 3-5081 + 4-9279 + 3-4684 + 3-4922 + 3-1587 + 2-9511 + 4-2852 + 37435 + 3-8189 + 3-0095 + 3-5406 + 5-4962 + 3-5962 + 4-2669 + 4-2621 + 3-6750 + 3-3629 + 3-9025 + 2-9261 + 3-4420 + 3-4395 + 3-2638 + 3-2637 + 3-7208 + 3-4423 + 3-1200 + 3-2420 + 3-4294 + 4-9932 + 4-1828 + 4-6643 + 4-9725 + 3-5774 + 4-1892 + 4-6456 + 3-4702 + 3'4o62 + 3-5605 + 3-3703 + 3-8497 + 2-9520 + 3-4282 + 3-3858 8 - OIO3 O-OI7I O-OI7O O-I054 0-O058 0-0394 0-0322 0-0379 0-2638 0-0342 o 0366 0-0080 +0-0052 0-1442 0-0653 0-0749 +0-0019 o 0424 0-4135 0-0489 0-1442 0-1443 0-0590 0-0255 0-0902 +0-0073 0-0337 0-0338 0-0171 0-0171 0-0672 0-0345 -0-0053 -0-0153 -0-0335 0-3143 0-1403 0-2366 0-3104 0-0506 0-1420 0-2346 o - 0389 0-0321 0-0503 0-0286 0-0905 +0-0069 -0-0351 0-0305 0-0109 0-0057 0-0015 +0-0049 0-0046 0-0125 0-0079 O'OOII 0-081 0-0108 +0-0053 +0-0038 0-0065 0-0065 O'OOO o'ooiS 0-005 0-0261 -0-0493 0-0298 -0-0343 0-0072 O I It 75- 13- 29-23 65. 15. 4876 65. 16. 28-56 24. 17. 1577 83- 4- 24-39 44- 37- 5-09 49- 40- 37 '43 45. 29. 25-83 13. 25. 2I'II 48. I. 43-03 46. 21. 4'66 78. 52. 22-97 105- 37- S-87 19. 39. 12-95 32. 50. 8-30 30. 5. 46-23 98. 18. 54-32 42. 37. 1277 10. 4. 14-94 39- 8. 57-91 '9- 33- 36-83 19. 31. 49-70 34- 49- 49-46 55- ii- 32-65 26. 27. 53-84 109. 32. 48-29 48. 4. 38-54 47- 57- I7-93 64- 39- 49 '43 64- 39- 5i 63 31-54- 33'94 47- 24- 8-49 83. 13. 40-33 67- 3- 43-3I 48- 3- 34-78 it. 38. 26-69 19.35. 57-62 13- 56. i4'3' ii. 43. 6-80 37- 57- 15-28 19. 25. 21 '06 13. 58. 56-04 44. 12. 46-14 48. 58. 56-74 37- 54- 27-96 51. 52. 57-29 25- 59- iS-H 107. 42. 47-75 46. 40. 42-53 50. ii. 50-54 90-47 94-30 94-30 88-63 95-79 91-23 91-28 9275 92-59 92-23 93-89 92-98 94-3 1 95-24 92-85 93-38 92-96 91-22 9570 93'39 93-48 94-97 95-46 92-54 93'i9 93'oo 90-26 92-58 94-04 93-93 93-33 90-26 93-50 87-19 88-62 9373 95-21 94-70 93'oi 94-26 94-18 94-83 91-51 93-04 91-31 95-23 91-64 94-94 94-18 92-27 13 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4i 12 3 3 3 6 3 3 8 2 3 7 5 7 6 3 53 16 4 3 8 5 3 18 T A 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 '5 3 3 5 " 2 .' 5 2 6 2 2 3 ij 2 2 2 2 (O 4 +18-862 +18-867 +18-867 +18-888 +18-891 +18-894 +18-895 +18-919 +18-921 +18-935 +18-936 +18-945 +18-966 +18-971 +18-972 +18-974 +18-983 +18-984 +18-985 + 19-006 + 19-016 + 19-026 +19-042 +19-049 +19-071 +19-075 + 19-080 + 19-102 + 19-116 + 19-116 +19-117 +19-124 + I9'i33 + I9-I34 + 19-148 + 19-I55 + 19-156 + 19-158 + 19-162 + 19-164 + 19-164 + I9-I73 + I9-I95 +19-210 + 19-226 + 19-228 +19-231 + 19-238 + 19-238 + 19-244 a +0-150 +0-154 +0-154 +0-191 +0-145 +0-164 +0-161 +0-161 +0-230 +0-158 +o'i6o +0-I43 +0-132 +0-194 +0-169 +0-172 +0-I33 +0-158 +0-250 +0-159 +0-189 +0-188 +0-160 +0-145 +0-168 +0-125 +0-146 +0-145 +0-136 +0-136 +0-156 +0-143 +0-128 +0-I33 +0-140 +0-207 +0-172 +0-193 +O'2O6 +0-145 +0-172 +0-190 +0-138 +0-134 +0-139 +0-131 +0-151 +0-113 +0-133 +0-131 +0-064 0-013 +0-020 0*215 +0-143 0-007 +0-045 +o-oob +0-07 +0-007 +0-246 +O'2l6 O'OIl O'OII +0-086 0-027 O'O2 +0-029 +0-017 0-060 -0-157 +0-011 Berlin B. (1875) No. 4094 B. D. +24 No. 2269 LalaudeF. 1744 38 Sextan tis Groomliridge 1688... Grooiubridge 1689 .. Piazzi X 157 Groombridge 1687 .. Grooiubridge 1692 ... Groombridge 1691 ... 53 Leonis I Hydrse v Groombridge 1693 . 43 UrSte Majoris 42 ITrsse Majoris 41 Sextantis Groombridge 1696 ... Lalande F. 1745 Groombridge 1698 ... Groombridge 1697 ... Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 11184 yj/j TTrsflp Majnris ,, 46 Leonis Minoris .... Groombridge 1702 ... Hydra; V 1 Groombridge 1705 ... Groombridge 1707 ... 54 Leonis W. B. (2) X. 966.... Groombridge 1709 ... Piazzi X. 191 W. B. (2)X. 980.... Groombridge 1715 ... Bradley 1508 Groombriilge 1713... Groombridge 1710 ... Groombridge 1708 ... Groombridge 1716 ... Groombridge 1714 ... Groombridge 1712 ... Groombridge 1717 ... 47 Urste Majoris Groombridge 1721 ... B. D. +38 No. 2204 Groombridge 1719... 7 Crateris a. Groombridge 1724 ... 49 Ursffi Majoris 2 979> 2980. These stars form the pair 2 1487. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {Ixiii} No. 'S 1^ .5 6 X 1755- B L rt- -0 "3 6 2; 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N. P.O., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Oi>s. Annual Preces- sion. 1890-0 Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. aj O ^ OJ & o f 1 C S 3001 3002 33 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 325 3026 3027 3028 3029 33 33 ' 3033 3034 3035 337 3038 339 3040 34 ! 343 344 3045 3046 3047 3048 349 3050 1526 1527 1523 1529 1528 1531 1533 1535 1541 1542 ! 545 1546 1548 1726 1727 1729 1728 173 1731 1732 1734 1737 '735 1738 '739 1740 1741 '743 1744 '745 1748 1749 1747 1750 1752 1753 Carrington . . J7 9-0 5-o* j.j 2-6* 6-3 4-5* 2-0* 8-0 6-0* 7'7 7-6 6-2* 7-1 6-5 4-7* 7'4 7'9 6-5 6-4* 7'it 65 9-0 7'5 7-8 6-5* 6-0* 5-6* 7-0 6-2* 7-1* 7-0 3'i* 9'4 7-o 7' 2 6-6* 8-4 7'3 4-4* 7-8 7'3 6-5 8-0 8-0 2-8* 5-8* 3-5* 7'7 8-4 8-1 h m 3 10. 54. 51-283 10. 54. 52-759 10. 55. 2-685 10. 55. 12-060 10. 56. 2 257 10. 56. 27-412 10. 56. 56-160 10. 56. 56-961 10. 57. 4-842 10. 57. 25-520 10. 57- 44-332 10. 57. 58-736 IO. 58. IO'20I 10. 58. 46 741 10. 59. 20-540 10. 59. 31-901 ii. o. 32-804 ii. o. 54-144 II. I. 20-354 II. I. 35-898 II. I. 39-297 II. 1.47-792 II. I. 58-072 II. 2. 34-250 II. 2.40-575 II. 2. 40-683 II. 2. 54-950 II. 2. 55-391 II- 2. 57-313 II. 3. 21-211 II. 3. 21-930 II. 3. 28^650 II. 4. 15-009 II. 4. 39-991 II. 5. 7-864 " 5- 9-I33 ii. 5. 30-187 ii. 5.41-571 n. 6. 14-848 ii. 7. 15-477 " 7- 34H37 ii. 8. 1-828 ii. 8. 12-140 ii. 8. 13-541 ii. 8. 15-454 ii. 8. 18-816 ii. 8. 28-056 ii. 8. 58-597 ii. 9. 26-615 " 9-30-457 95-54 92-39 92-82 9535 92-45 93-88 94-57 94-85 90-84 88-29 89-59 93 7i 93-I3 9263 89-90 92-52 87-23 94-21 93H9 92-08 93-16 9372 94-72 93-28 94-24 93^4 94-39 93-68 94-64 95-22 94-I7 95-86 90-59 91-03 93-24 94H9 91-30 95-70 9473 93-82 9I-38 94-08 93'6i 92-27 91-25 2 35 6 43 2 7 54 3 5 3 i 4 47 3 3 7 2 3 3 3 IOJ 6 3 8 ii 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 Si 3 3 4 16 3 3 3 3 90 ii 12 3 3 3 3 17 4 22 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 12 2 4 6 3 s +36-1261 + 3-1001 + 3-6462 + 4-1197 + 3-2113 + 3-7657 + 4-6512 + 2-8939 + 3-4320 + 3-3688 + 3-0762 + 3-3658 + 3-1557 + 3-1212 + 3-4199 i~ "^'4.1 IQ J "I ' Io6 1 + 2-8915 + 3-5265 + 4-7102 + 3-89S3 +13-9613 + 3-5415 + 2-8847 + 3 8835 + 3-2279 + 3-4939 + 2-8871 + 2-8901 + 3-5344 + 3-3999 + 3-3357 + 2-8939 + 3-5210 + 3-8925 + 3-3705 + 2-9455 + 3M839 + 4-6056 + 4-7954 + 3^779 + 3-1882 + 3-1581 + 33745 + 3-3802 + 3-3443 s -56-8574 0-0038 0-0051 0-0624 0-1393 -0-0135 0-0814 -0-2556 +O-QIII O-0370 O-O299 O'OOlS o 0298 0'O086 0-0056 -0-0368 0-0364 0-OII7 + O-OI24 0-0519 0-2922 O-IIO3 0-0549 +0-0133 o-noo 0-0163 0-0486 +0-0132 +0-0131 0-0546 0-0366 0-0290 +0-0133 0-0543 0-1166 0-0340 0-0340 +0-0099 0-0509 -0-0315 0-2983 0-3566 0-0509 0-0131 0-0055 0-0098 0-0367 0-0378 0-0329 s 0-0018 0-0057 +0-0085 0-0029 0-0180 +o 0026 0-0166 0-0071 0-0255 -0-0377 0-0014 0-0070 O'OI2 o-oii o-ooi! +O-OIO2 0-0059 0-0063 Q 1 It o. 38. 59-29 85. 47-31-27 83. 18. 28-20 33- i- 4V47 19. 22. 36 58 69. 13. 49-41 27- 39- 19-35 12. 57- I7-37 116 14. ii 98 45- 4- 33-82 50. 26. 47-94 89- 24. 31-32 50. 32. 21-38 76 44- 24-22 82. 4. 10-04 45- 6 19-35 45. 17. 26-89 71. 40. 3-76 118. 7. 57-07 36. 35. 0-98 n. 37. 2'6i 22. 12. 20-23 I. 45. 44-61 35. 15. 10-64 119- 34- 3Q-5 1 22. II. 36-50 64. 44. 46 29 38. I. 31-04 119. 22. 36-20 "9- 9- 575 35- 17- 50-99 44- 54- 17-13 50. 44. 18-43 119. ii. 51-84 35 iS- 17-36 21. 7. 52-32 46. 34. 40-82 46. 33. 48-16 112. 13. 3I-I7 36- 33- 2-19 48. 18. 49-04 n. 5. 29-31 9- Si- 5I-47 36- 27. 11-39 68. 52. 25 58 81. 20. 15-22 73- 58- 9'5 44. 20. 17-55 43- 33- 2-15 47. 3. 38-66 93-34 92 82 9534 91-97 94-27 89-38 8878 91-71 8959 94-24 9287 9263 89-90 89-25 94-21 93-63 96-30 92-18 92-18 9372 93^9 9374 93-44 94-39 94-65 95-22 9372 94-75 94-70 90-59 91-03 93' 11 91-3 93-10 9S-70 94-45 91-09 92-65 93-61 92-27 91-25 2 37 6 2 12 58 3 4 3 2 7 3 6 37 3 . 3 6 3 3 6 3 10 5 3 7 17 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 15 3 3 7 21 3 3 3 4 16 5 21 4 S 2 2 3 2 2 (3) 2 19 2 6 6 2 +19-249 +19-249 + '9-253 + I9-257 + 19-277 +19-287 +19-299 + 19-299 + 19-302 + 19-310 + 19-317 + 19-328 + 19-342 + I9-355 + I9-359 +19-382 + 19-390 + 19-400 + 19-405 + 19-407 +19-410 + I9-4I3 + 19-427 + 19-429 + 19-429 + 19-434 + I9-434 +i9 - 435 +19-444 + 19-444 + 19-446 +19-463 +19-471 +19-481 + 19-481 +19-489 +I9'493 +19-504 +19-524 + 19-530 +19-540 +19 '543 + I9-543 +i9'544 +'9 '545 +I9-548 + I9-558 +19-567 +19-568 + 1-463 +0-118 +0-119 +0-140 +0-157 +O'I2O +0-I4I +0-I76 +0-106 +0-127 +0-124 +0-123 +0-113 +0'I I I +0-122 +0-II9 +0-098 +0-I65 +0-134 +0-502 +0-I2O +0-096 +0-I32 +0-I08 +0-II7 +0-095 +0-095 +0-II3 +0-109 +0-093 +0-II3 +O-I26 +0-107 +0-107 +0-091 +0-I08 +0-102 +0-143 +0-148 +0-105 +0-096 +0-093 +0-094 +0-100 +0-099 +0-098 +0-012 O'OOO 0-047 0047 +0-071 +0-119 +0-089 0-017 +0'O22 +0-153 O"OI2 +0-036 +0-25 I +0-23 ' +0-088 +0-"S" +0-063 +0-098 58 Leonis . d co L (l onis .... 48 Ursse Majoris . p Groombridge 1727... 60 Leonis '} 50 Ursa? Majoris a Groombridge 1728 ... Bradley 1531 Groombridge 1730 ... Groombridge 1731 ... 62 Leonis .p 1 Groombridge 1732 ... "VV. B. X. 1025 63 Leouis .X GroombriJge 1734 ... Groombridge 1736 ... W. B. (2) X. 1188... Lacaille 4593 Groomuridgu 1737 ... Groombridge 1735 0.-ltz.Arg.(N.)ii438 Lalande F. 1729 Pi.zzi X 246 .. . Lacaille 4606 Lalande F. 1812 67 Leonis Groombridge 1739 ... Liicaille 4609 Lacaille 4614 Piazzi X. 247 52 Ursa Majoris <1> B. D. +39 No. 2426 B. A. C. 3823 Piazzi X. 257 Oeltz.Arg.(N.)ii509 Groombridge 1744 ... Groombridge 1745 ... n Crateris /3 Piazzi XI, 7 .... Groombridge 1749 ... Groombridge 1747 ... B. D. +80 No. 350 Piazzi XI. 8 68 Leonis.. o Piazzi XI. 12 . . . 70 Leonis 6 Groombridge 1751 ... Groombridge 1752 ... Groombridge 1753 ... 3020. This star is the principal star of the pair 2 1510. 3034. The magnitude of this star is taken from tlic Uranomet fia Argentina. {Ixiv} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OK STARS FOB 1890 0, No. B It ^ z 1755- i -" Og c " " _= d fe 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Sei-ular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.I)., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. S.-cular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 03 1 6 o -0 < OJ o V (S a 1 4 0> & fc O 1 3051 3052 353 3S4 355 ,3 56 357 :3058 359 3060 3061 3062 3 6 3 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 37i 3072 373 374 375 3 76 377 3078 379 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 393 3094 395 3096 397 3098 399 3100 [1553 1554 1556 1557 1558 '559 1560 1562 '5 6 3 i5 6 4 1566 1568 1570 1754 1755 i?5 6 1758 I7S7 '759 1760 1761 ( 1 1763 1762 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 '775 '777 1780 '779 1781 1778 Groombridge 1754... lladclifl'e 2647 .. 8'2 7'8t 6'St 8-0 8-4" 67 8-0 6-0* 7'8 7'6 7-2 4 -of 4-9-1- 6-9 6-8 3-8* 6-3 3-9* 8-5 7'4 7'5 4-1* 7'4 8-1 8-2 5-9* 6'3 7'7 5-1* 6-6 6-8 3'9t 7'it 5-5* S-o* 4-2* 7'8 6-9 7'9 9'5 6'3t 7-3-1 7-6 8-3 7-0 5-1* 8-0 8-0 7'9 h 111 s " 9- 34-I43 11. 9.43781 11. 9. 44^140 II. 9. 44-920 ii. 9. 58-939 n. 10. 13-004 11. 10. 26-593 11. 10. 29766 ii. 10. 48-815 II. II. 8-401 II. 12. II'OI7 II. 12. 18-894 ii. 12. 18 895 II. 12. 18-895 II. 12. 23-780 II. 12. 32-082 II. 12. 32-188 II. 13. I6-I5I II. 13. 50-433 II. 14. 4-981 II. 14. 46 238 ii. 15. 6 682 ii. 15. 27-832 ii. 15. 34-692 ii. 15. 37-602 ii. 15. 46-442 ii. 16. 18-913 ii. 16. 42-390 ii. 16. 43-564 ii. 16. 47-360 ii. 17- 39-94I ii. 17. 56-663 ii. 18. 11-389 ii. 18. 11-583 ii. 18. 23-591 ii. 19. 3-205 ii. 19. 23-138 ii. 19. 32-209 II. 20. 0-155 II. 2O. 9-182 II. 20. 42-558 II. 21. H'226 II. 21. I2'222 II. 21. 21-796 II. 21. 21-872 II. 21. 49-723 II. 22. 16 791 II. 22. 16-892 II. 22. 17-569 II. 22. 39-935 92-27 92 66 92 59 93 '44 9559 89-76 92-48 95-06 90-94 94-85 94-59 94-28 9401 93-83 90-56 95-22 95-I7 94-57 93-45 96-26 9378 91-29 93-02 90-94 89-91 91-92 95'35 8866 9365 87-30 93-22 88-91 93-79 95-05 96-29 93-53 93'72 91-76 95-23 9I-55 95-29 94-76 94'Si 94-66 93-72 91-92 92-92 94-23 93-11 87-65 3 3 5 5 2 6 3 3 3 3 4 5 18 21 3 3 ii 8 50 3 3 4 24 3 3 3 5 3 I3i 3 5 3 3 3 6 8 ii 5 5 3 4 10 6i 3 3 3 42 4 18 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 9 2 2 2 8 + 3-3795 + 3-4638 + 3-4637 + 3-344I + 5-8040 + 3'I4I4 + 3-3395 + 3^149 + 333I8 + 3-3927 + 3-495 6 + 3-2460 + 3-2460 + 3-2460 + 3-3288 + 3 6070 + 3-2558 + 3-0832 + 3-0049 + 3-5939 + 3-4125 + 3-5069 + 3-1025 + 3-2966 + 3-2952 + 3-3374 + 3 6140 + 3-2891 + 3-I542 + 3-3I5 2 + 3-0757 + 3-2620 + 3-1203 + 3-1203 -f- 3-0810 + 3-0292 + 3-0001 + 3-2933 + 3-0884 + 3-2907 -f 3-0860 + 3-0867 + 3-0867 + 3-4203 + 3-7023 + 3-2491 + 3-0858 + 4-5633 + 3-0856 + 3-2539 s 0-0378 0-0503 0-0503 0-0330 0-7670 0-0082 0-0328 -0-0436 0-0320 0-0409 0-0579 0-0213 0-0213 0-0213 0-0326 00776 0-0226 0-0018 +0-0065 -0-0777 0-0472 0-0635 0-0041 -0-0299 0-0297 0-0362 0-0855 o 0295 O-OIO6 -0-0335 0-0008 0-0261 0-0064 0-0064 0-0015 -)-o 0048 +0-0083 0-0321 0-0024 0-0321 0-OO2I O-QO22 0-OO2I 0-0564 0-II72 0-0265 O-OO2O 0-3960 D'0020 O-0278 +0-0172 0-0094 0-0367 0-0367 0-0367 0-0028 0-0051 0-0106 0-0230 0-0071 0-0036 0-0093 O'OIIO 0-0044 +0-0085 +o 0085 0-0034 0-0041 0-0092 O-OO2O 0-0035 0-0514 0-0514 0-0071 O'OOIO O'OOIO o / " 43- 32- 45-33 36. 37. 32-16 36- 37- 44-95 46. 57. 3-05 6. 2. 56 57 76. 33- I4-55 47. 2. 44-68 39- 55- 24-51 47. 40. 25-86 41-27. 45-94 33- 12. 15-38 57- Si- 7-46 57- 5i- 6-57 57. 51. 8-60 47- 4- 54-59 27. 13. 178 56. 18. 20-64 87. 44. 48-15 104. ii. 0-14 27. 2. 0-18 37- 38- 0-54 30. 54. 50-76 83. 22. 5 02 48- 57- 54-52 49. 6. 59-05 44- 3- 54-I4 25- 4- 3-27 49. 13. 18-13 71. 57. 34-40 45- 54- 50-83 89- 15- 5I-55 52. 9-41-30 78. 51. 53-94 78. 51. 52-27 87. 59. 18-67 100. 15. 22-25 107. 4. 48-04 46. 45. 58-85 86. s- 35-n 46. 39. 46-32 86. 36. 55-88 86. 23. 15-18 86. 23. 40-43 32- 49- 9-44 19. 36. 14-70 51. 27. 14-08 86. 32. 17-24 8. 21. 27-48 86. 33. 49-26 50. 5. 13-15 92-27 9I-77 90-97 92-57 95-59 89-76 92-48 94^4 90-94 94-85 94-46 9325 93-82 94-10 90-56 95-21 95-I7 94-57 92-77 96-32 92-82 91-44 92-51 90-94 89-91 91-92 94-28 88-66 93-39 87-30 93-22 88-91 93-82 92-85 96-30 93-53 93-77 94-73 95-23 9I-55 95-28 94-61 94-94 94H2 92-54 91-92 92-44 95-24 93-i6 87-65 3 3 4 4 2 6 3 3 3 3 5 2 25 24 3 ii 8 34 3 3 3 36 3 3 3 5 -5 18 3 5 3 32 3 5 8 12 3 5 3 3 9 6 3 3 3 47 3 17 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 14 2 4 2 + 19-569 + I9-573 +I9-573 + I9-573 + I9-577 + 19-582 +19-586 +I9-587 +I9-593 + 19-599 +19-618 +19-621 + 19-621 + 19-621 + 19-622 +19-624 +19-624 + 19-638 +19-647 + 19-652 +19-664 +19-670 +19-676 + 19-678 +19 678 + 19-681 + 19-691 + 19-696 + 19-697 + 19-698 + 19-712 + 19-716 + 19-720 + 19-720 + 19-724 + 19-734 + 19 739 + 19-741 + 19-748 + 19-752 +I9-759 + 19-766 + 19-766 +19-769 + 19-769 + 19-776 +19-782 + 19-782 +19-782 +19-788 tt +0-099 +0-102 +0-IO2 +0-098 +0-175 +0-090 +0-096 +0-098 +0-095 +0-096 +0-097 +0-090 +0-090 +0-090 +O-CKJ2 +0-100 +0-089 +0-083 +0-079 +0-096 +0-089 +o 091 +0-079 +0-084 +0-084 +0-085 +0-091 +0-082 +0-078 +0-082 +0-074 +0-078 +0-074 +0-074 +0-073 +0-070 +0-069 +0-076 +0-070 +0-075 +0-068 +0-067 +0-067 +0-075 +0-082 +0-070 +0-065 +O-IQO +0-065 +0-068 // 0-034 +0-013 +0-573 +0-573 +0-573 0-036 +0-047 0-209 +0-113 o-ooo -0-039 O'OOO O'OOI +0-018 +0-063 +0-063 0-008 0-050 0-032 0-136 +0-030 0-181 0-181 +0-098 +0-006 +0-006 Groombridge 1755... Groombridge 1756... Lalande F. 1826 Piazzi XI. 22 Groombridge 1758... Piazzi XI. 19 Groombridge 1759... Groombridge 1760... Groombridge 1761... 53 Ursre Maj. (as one mass) 53 Ursa; Majoris C 53 TJrsrc Majoris (Comes) f Piazzi XI. 27 Groombridge 1762... 54 Ursa Majoris v 76 Leonis . 12 Crateris o Oeltz.Arg.(N.)n669 Groombriiige 1766.. Groombridge 1767... 77 Leonis a'S -~ ,0 d 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1 800 -(- No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890 o. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + Nr 03 1 V 1 < Below Pule. " . 1 Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper. Motion. 6 A a 1 H 3101 3102 3'3 3 I0 4 3 I0 5 3106 3 I0 7 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3"3 3"4 3H5 3116 3H7 31 18 3H9 3120 3121 3122 3i 2 3 3 I2 4 "^ 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3'4> 3Hi 3'42 3H3 3H4 3M5 3M6 3H7 3H8 3M9 315 '571 1573 1576 '575 1572 1580 1582 1585 1586 1590 ".'. 1592 1784 1785 1786 1787 1782 1789 1788 1792 1791 '794 1790 i?95 1796 1798 1799 1801 1803 1806 1807 1808 1809 1812 1812 1813 1815 1814 1816 1817 "\V B XI 365 7'9 7'5 7'6 9-2 5-2* 8-8 7'5 5-9* 9'5 6-0* 9'4 6-1* I' 3 6-4 7'i 6-8 6-9 5-o* 57* 4'i* 6-8 6 9 7 7 6-6* 3'8* 7'8 5'7* 8-5 6'5 6-0 7'4 4-7* 4-5* 7'7 5'9 7'6 9'5 6-3* 5-5* 8-ot 5-9t 9-1 7-0 7'7 6-9 6-6 6-6 K 6-4* h m s II. 22. 46 687 II. 22. 52-890 II. 23. I '310 11.23. 795 8 II. 23. 8729 II. 23. 21-388 II. 23. 26-365 ii. 23. 33-862 ii. 23. 48-654 ii. 23. 58-023 ii. 23. 58-115 11.24. 3-592 ii. 24. 4-285 ii. 24. 5-114 ii. 24. 24-437 ii. 24. 32-793 ii. 24. 33-148 ii. 24. 41-611 ii. 24. 44-603 ii. 24. 52-111 n. 24. 52-664 n. 24. 54-409 n. 25. 58-520 u. 26. 55-429 ii. 27. 35-522 ii. 28. 42-345 ii. 28. 44-123 ii. 29. 16 234 u. 29. 22-365 u. 30. 30611 3- 47 '3 6 ii. 31. 6-roi n. 31. 18-968 n. 31. 28-707 ii. 31. 55-727 ii. 32. 11-109 ii. 32. 15-070 n. 32. 38-097 ii. 32. 47-245 ii. 32. 56-360 32- 57368 n. 33. 6-688 ii. 33. 56-609 " 34- 13-673 ii. 34. 13-998 ii. 34. 26-152 n- 35- 3-077 H-35- 3-817 it. 35- 14-505 n. 35. 40-701 95 60 91 61 91-25 9563 87-32 95 35 96-36 95 69 96-17 87-20 9574 96-06 90-96 9507 93-61 95 '49 95-23 92-24 95-64 93-86 92-91 93' 2 7 9059 87-89 93-58 94-88 93-8i 94-I7 94-I3 90-92 93-86 92 90 93-i8 95-45 92-19 95-07 95-80 9264 90-17 93-40 93'44 9535 95 27 91-42 94-00 9360 94-22 93-97 94-I5 89'94 9 3 3 3 3 54 2 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 36 34 3 3 3 6 4 6 3 5 4 3 8 34 3 3 3 4 3 10 7 10 4 9 44 3 4 3 13 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 9 2 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 s + 3-0853 + 3-2764 + 3-2644 + 3-0854 + 3-2517 + 3-0849 + 5-6630 + 3-4027 + 3-0851 + 3-1326 + 3" 8 34 + 4-5099 + 3-2690 + 3-3703 + 3-2964 + 3-3940 + 3-2727' + 3-0639 + 3T43I + 3-6315 + 3-2556 + 3-3033 + 3-2508 + 2-9781 + 2-9582 + 3-3103 + 3-0842 + 3H545 + 3-0608 + 3-1651 + 3-8863 + 3-0453 + 3-0719 + 3-4027 + 3-27S8 + 3-4163 + 3-5509 + 3-4I33 + 3-0969 + 3-2340 + 3-2339 + 3-2329 + 3-2282 + 3-2106 + 3-3669 + 3-3161 + 3-3395 + 3-1310 + 4-0030 + 2-9953 s 0-0019 0-0318 0-0299 O"OO2O 0-0278 0-0019 o 9690 0-0562 0-0019 o 0089 0-0017 -0-3939 -0-0315 0-0505 0-0367 -0-0559 0-0326 +O-ODII 0-0108 o - iio6 0-0298 0-0386 0-0298 +0-0137 +0-0168 o - 0446 0-0018 0-0790 +0-0021 0-0168 0-2170 +0-0050 -(-0-0004 -0-0715 0-0416 0-0769 o 1151 0-0774 0-0043 -0-0333 0-0333 -0-0333 0-0332 o 0294 0-0691 0-0560 0-0637 O-OI20 -0-3077 +0-0160 , 0-0095 0-0046 0-0066 0-0034 0-069 0-0263 0-0005 0-0078 0-0085 +0-0081 0-0233 0-0166 0-0128 0-0058 0-0018 0-0150 0-0020 0-060 0-060 0-0049 0-0257 o t n 86. 36. 34-28 46- 35 58-91 48. 13. i 89 86. 32. 44-70 So- 3- 27-37 86. 39- 33-45 4. 41. 14-30 32- 39- 19-42 86. 35- 3-87 73- 5 8 - 45-43 87. o. 57-01 8. 1 6. 2-08 46- 43- 56-34 35- i- 49 77 42. 44. 12-96 32- 38- 51-25 45- 49- 2 50 92. 23. 48 79 70. 59. 4-05 20. 3. 42-92 48. 6. 14-11 41. 27. 44-01 47. 57. 22-28 116. 8. 26 60 121. 14. 56-34 37- 25- 26-57 86 19. 44-46 25. 4. 28-56 93-45- 7-22 61. 36. 39-26 ii. 47. 45-24 99- " 38-53 90. 12. 59-31 26. 40. 45-07 38. 46. 20-24 25. 12. 51-94 18. 39. 10-40 25- 2. 38-57 81. 15. 25-02 44- 17- 0-73 44- 16. 59-09 44. 16. 55-86 44- '4- i '5' 47- 21. 52-23 26. 59. 34-86 31. 25. 14-30 28. 32. 49-37 68. 2. 10-42 8. 48- 33-5I 118. 35. 36-48 95-5I 91 61 91-25 9563 87-32 95-26 96-36 95 6? 96 17 87-24 95-88 96-06 92 17 9489 936i 95-5I 95-23 92 51 9235 93-10 9064 9327 9059 8789 93-58 94-52 93-8i 94-32 94-I3 91-17 9428 92 90 93-13 95-23 91-07 94-95 95 70 92-10 89-91 93-40 93-04 95-35 94-22 9 -53 9397 93-20 94-24 9295 94-I5 89-94 8 3 3 3 3 5 2 J 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 5 44 3 3 3 6 4 6 3 5 5 8 41 3 3 3 4 3 H 7 9 4 5 3 3 4 3 24 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 21 3 2 3i 2 2 3 2 5 2 3 3 rt + 19 789 + 19 791 + I9-792 + I9-794 + ^794 + I9-797 + I9-798 + I9-80O + I9-804 + I9-806 + I9-806 + I9-807 + I9-807 + I9-807 + I9-8I2 + I9-8I4 + I9-8I4 + I9-8l6 + I9-8l6 + I9-8I8 + I9-8I8 + I9-8I8 + I9-833 + I9-845 + I9-853 + I9-866 + I9-867 + I9-873 + I9-874 + I9-887 + 19-890 + 19-894 + I9-896 + 19-898 + 19 903 + I9-905 + I9-906 + I9-9IO + I9-9I2 + I9-9I3 + I9-9I3 + I9-9I5 + I9-924 + 19-926 + 19-926 + I9-928 + I9-934 +19 934 +I9-937 +19-940 +0-064 +0-069 +0068 +o 064 +0-067 +0063 +0-123 +0-070 +0-062 +0-063 +0-062 +0-094 +0-066 +0-068 +0-066 +0-068 +0-065 +0-060 +0-062 +0-072 +0-064 +0-065 +0-062 +0-054 +0-052 +0-057 +0-053 +0-059 +0-051 +0-051 +o 064 +0-047 +0-047 +0-053 +0-050 +0-052 +0-054 +0-051 +0-045 +0-047 +0-047 +0-047 +0-045 +0-044 +0-047 +0-045 +0-044 +0-041 +0-055 +0-038 +0-037 +0-082 o 023 +0-042 'O3 0-057 O'OOO 0-025 +0-027 +0-093 +0083 +0-025 +0-089 0-032 -0-047 O'OII +0-001 o'3 0-03 +0-049 0-224 Groonibridge 1784 ... Oroonibritlge 1785 ... AV. B. XI. 368 57 UrsK Majoris W B XI 372 Lalande F. 1867-8.. Groombridge 1787... B. D. +3 No. 2509 B. D. +3 No. 2510 Groomliridge 1782... Groombridge 1789... Groombridge 1788... Groombridge 1792... Groombridge 1791... Groombridge 1794... 87 Leonis . <" 86 Leonis I Dracouis . X Groonihridgi- 1795... Groombridge 1796... Groombridge 1798... Lacaille 4772. Bradley 1580. Groombridge 1799... 89 Leonis Groombriilga 1801... W B XI 4.74. Piazzi XI. ill Groombridge 1803... 21 Crateris . 16 91 Leonis.. u Groombridge 1806... Groombridge 1807... Groombridge 1808... Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 11921-2 Groombridge 1809 . . . I Virgin is . . M Grooni'b.i8i2(Comes) Groombridge 1812 ... Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 11942 Groombridge 1813... Groombridge 1815 ... Groombridge 1814 ... Groombridge 1816 ... Groombridge 1817 ... 92 Leonis . . . Carrington 1741 Lacaille 4845 3121. This star is a close double, and forms the binary 02 234. 3130. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 2 1555. 3140, 3141. These stars form the pair S 1561. GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEA u CATALOGUE FOR 1890. {Ixvi} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. '. V t S <= ~K d K '755- 1, J -!< s "ft d K 1810. Sfair's Niuiie. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Ol. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Above Pole. i.' 13 C-. o 1 1 1 <1 OJ 1 _0 3151 3152 3IS3 3'54 3155 3'5 6 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3 l6 4 3i6S 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3I7 1 3'7 2 3 ! 73 3'74 375 3176 3'77 3,78 3'79 3180 3181 3182 3^3 3184 3i8S 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3'9 2 3193 3'94 3'95 3196 3'97 3198 3'99 3200 '595 I 59 8 1599 1601 1600 1602 1605 1606 1608 1609 1610 1614 1617 1618 1620 1819 1820 1818 1821 1823 1824 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 184: 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1848 3 Draconis 5-5* 8-3 8-4 7'7 6-9 8-5 4-9* 4-9* 4-2* 3-9* 7 '4 6-9 6-6* 5-2* 6-5 2-2* 6-2 6-6 3-7* 6-5* 6'9 6-1* 8-8 6-1* 6-4* 9-1 2-6* 6-5 6-4* 6-8* 6-4* 9-2 6-8 7-0 6-2* 8-1 7-3 7-o 8-0 6-6 6-2 7'5 5-2* 6-2 9'4 6-5 4-4* 8-8 7-0 8-4 h n II. 36. 19-960 u. 36. 44-449 u. 37. 16-730 11. 37. 22-556 "-37- 4773 ii. 38. 51-060 u. 39. 11-202 u. 39. 36-817 ii. 40. 12-305 11. 40. 14-426 n. 41. 4-617 u. 41. 11-456 ii. 41. 45-621 n. 42. 15-803 ii. 43. 24-630 u. 43. 26-899 ii. 43. 28-711 ii. 44. 24-103 ii. 44. 57-885 11-45- 3731 ii. 45. 23-254 ii. 45. 26-520 ii. 45. 27-142 11.46. 7-783 ii. 46. 38-222 ii. 47. 14-001 n. 48. 2-591 11.48. 7-743 n. 49. 22-414 ii. 49. 28-057 ii. 50. 4-473 ii. 50. 18-728 ii. 50. 21-714 ii. 50. 41-564 ii. 51. 8-421 u. 51. 12-908 n. 51. 25-841 ii. 51. 35-011 u. 52. 11-562 ii. 52. 36-564 ii. 53. 25-670 ii. 53. 33-660 ii. 54. 18-850 ii. 54. 33-262 ii. 54. 45-600 ii. 55. 11-247 ii. 55. 14-133 ii. 56. 3-866 n. 56. 6-213 u. 57. 44-247 92-45 93^7 93-90 95-92 90-99 93-64 93-52 92-19 92-65 94-37 87-65 92-60 88-26 88-60 94-02 93-89 91-85 93-10 94'45 95-25 91-38 87-26 94-61 93-70 94-32 96-03 94-55 87-96 87-32 87-32 87-20 95 21 90-81 88-02 93-28 94-54 9I-73 90-84 9370 93-87 94-36 93-43 8985 91-85 95-22 88-22 93-11 96-33 93-85 95-33 4h 3 3 4 3 5 14 21 20 14 4 3 3 5 6 126 5 4 66 3 3 3 3 34 20 i 3 81 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 ti 4 7 6 3 5 8 3 12 3 3 3 55 3 9 3 2 2 2 ' 2 2 5 2 3 ... 2 18 4 3 4 2 2 4 2 8 + 3-4028 + 3-2052 + 4-340I + 4-1340 + 3-I903 + 3-09I8 + 3-0337 + 3-09IO + 3-0870 + 3-2O22 + 3-3089 + 3-2788 + 3-OI2O + 3-0886 + 3^730 + 3-0987 + 3-0823 + 3-20I7 + 3-076I + 3-0288 + 3-2997 + 3-I297 + 3-I656 + 3-0255 + 3-I345 + 3-1757 + 3-I696 + 3-I338 + 3T392 + 3-I386 + 3^419 + 3-I249 + 3-I2I8 + 3-I225 + 3-I702 + 3-1I70 + 3-II58 + 3-II5I + 3-3686 + 3-I539 + 3^733 + 3T429 + S^SO + 3-2842 + 3-1012 + 3-1534 + 3-0760 + 3"i629 + 3-0820 + 3-1982 8 0-086 i 0-0311 0-5196 0-4050 0-0286 o 0040 +0-0100 o 0040 0-0030 0-0356 0-0729 0-0628 -j-O'0172 0-0038 -(-0-0008 0-0073 O'OO2I o 0449 O-OOO2 +0-0156 0-0903 0-0198 -0-0337 +0-0180 0-0236 0-0431 0-0430 0-0263 0-0322 0-0322 +0-0168 -0-0273 0-0257 0-0270 0-0588 0-0253 0-0252 0-0252 0-2298 0-0579 +0-0009 -0-0571 0-0007 0-2248 0-0270 0-0889 O-OO22 0-1268 O'OIOg 0-3049 s 0-0063 +0-0010 +0-0035 0-0026 0-0145 0-0233 0-0048 0-0356 0-003 +0-0481 0-006 +0-344 +0-0098 0-0007 O-O022 +O-OOO5 0-OI74 -0-0350 0-006 0022 O-OO2S O-OO5J O I II 22. 38. 46-35 45- 35- S9'8i 5- 57- 30-54 7- 4- 5 '54 47. 40. i -oo 81. 7. 6-80 107. 44. 21-40 81. 7. 49-78 82. 51. 15-68 41. 36. 38-34 24- 59- 45 '26 27- 59- 9-64 119. 40. 8-44 81. 8. 36-18 89. 42. 27-06 74. 48. 47-26 84. 12. 1-64 35. 8. 11-16 87- 36. 55-64 116. 39. 58-76 20. 33. 12-19 56. o. 51-09 42. 19. 51-64 I2O. 12. 50-11 51. 29. 31-88 35- 45- 11-98 35- 4i- 37-i6 48. 28. 24-33 42. 54. 41-89 42. 55. 7-24 117. 51. 51-98 47- 7- 16-85 48. 44. 21-92 47. 22. 27-30 27. 50. 14-30 49- i- 55'iS 49- 5- 55'27 49. 2. 31-02 8. 45- 1578 27. 55. 22-82 88. 51. 28-31 28. 3. 10-38 85- 43- 56-43 8. 31. 59-83 46. 47. 53 67 19. 9. 0-82 82. 46. 20-54 14. u. i6'o8 67. 17. 34-56 6. o. 20-95 91-91 93-97 91 69 95-92 90-99 9273 93'5 2 92-70 92-66 94-01 87-63 92-94 88-26 89-06 93-98 93-47 9185 94-26 94-03 95-25 91-13 87-28 94-61 93-46 94-32 96-08 94-63 87-96 87-32 87-32 87-20 95-21 90-81 88-02 93-49 9694 87-99 90-21 93-70 92-73 93-99 92-93 89-95 9177 95-22 8831 92-69 96-33 93'97 95-33 5 3 3 4 3 8 14 27 26 '4 3 3 3 7 5 92 5 3 4i 3 3 5 3 5 20 3 79 3 3 3 3 2 6 3 4 3 3 4 3 5 12 i 6 3 3 77 3 12 3 8 i 2 (2) 2 8 3 6 2 19 6 3 2 2 12 5 2 // +19-946 +19-950 + I9-955 +!9'955 +19-959 +19-968 +19-970 +I9-974 +19-978 +19-978 +19-985 + 19-985 +19-990 +19-993 +2O'OOI +2O'OOI +2O"OOI +20-OO7 +20-010 +2O'OIO +2O-OI2 +20-013 +20-OI3 +20'Ol6 +2O-OI9 +20-022 +2O-Q26 +20-026 +20-031 +20-032 +20-034 +20-035 +20-035 +20-036 +20-038 +20-038 +20-039 +20-039 +20-041 +20-043 +20-045 +20-045 +20-047 +20-047 +20-048 +20-049 +20-049 +20-050 +20-052 +20-052 // +0-043 +0-039 +0-054 +0-051 +0-037 +0-033 +0-032 +0-032 +0-030 +0-032 +0-031 +0-031 +0-026 +0-026 +0-024 +0-024 +0-024 +0-023 +0'O2I +0-020 +0-022 +0-020 +O'O2I +0-018 +0-OI8 +0-017 +0-015 +0-015 +O-OI3 +0-012 +0-01 1 +O-QII +O-QII +0-010 +0-009 +0-009 +0-008 +0-008 +0-008 +0-006 +0-004 +0-004 +0-003 +0-003 +O'OO2 +0-001 +0-001 O'OOI O'OOI 0-004 // -0-033 +0-009 +0-008 +0-165 0-030 +0-192 0-024 +0-098 +O'2O +0-262 +0-30 +5-80 0-008 0-008 o-ooo +0-003 +0-059 +0-0:9 0-04 0-015 +0-017 +0-005 Groombriilge 1820 . . . Groombridge 1818 ... Lalande F. 1933 Piazzi XI. 146 W. B. XI. 642. .. . 27 Crateris 2 Vir c 'inis 63 Ursse Maj oris X Groombridge 1824 ... Groombridge 1826 ... Lacaille 4890 W. B. XI. 719 B. F. 1656 Groombridge 1827 ... 5 Virgiuis 8 Lacaille 4905 Groombridge 1828 ... W. B. (2) XI. 857... Groombridge 1829... Lacaille 4913 Groombridge 1830 ... Oeltz. Arg. (N.) i2 I44 .. 64 Ursae Majoris y Groombridge 1832... 65 Ursa: Majoris Bradley 1610 .. Bradley 1614 B. D. +43 No. 2167 Groombridge 1836 ... Groombridge 1837 ... Groombridge 1838 ... Groombridge 1839 ... Groombridge 1840 ... Groombridge 1841 ... Groombvidge 1842 ... Groombridge 1843 ... Piazzi XI 207 Groombridge 1844 ... 7 Vir^iiUH .. ^ Groombridge 1845 .. B. D. +43 No. 2 1 74 Groombridge 1846.. 8 Vir^iuis n B. D. +76 No. 437 I Comae Groombridge 1848.. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 189(5. No. P . ; i = '' si. = ^. s c-c -a ** d o * :7SS. 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No 01 I o I 1 < of )S. 6 & 1 Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. M.-an N.P.D., 1 890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No 01 a> 1 a > 9 5 . of )S. oj 1 3 "03 m Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 3201 3202 3 2 03 3204 3205 3206 327 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 32J4 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 323 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 324 1 3242 3 2 43 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 1623 1624 1625 1627 1626 1628 1630 1634 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 "643 1656 1650 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 '855 1856 1858 1859 1860 1863 1862 1865 1864 1 866 1871 1868 Lalande F. 1995 Groombridge 1849... Groombridge 1850... Groombridge 1851 ... q Yireinis o 7-6 7-o 5'7 6-7 4-3* 5-8* 9-1 6-0 6-4* 9-1 9'5 9'5 4'3* 7-o 6-1* 7'2 5-7* 3-i* 6'4 6-3* 9'5 7-8 8-7 8-5 7'3 6-3* 9-2 5-9* 8-4 8-9 S-i* 9-0 7'5 8-0 8-7 6-1* 68 5-9* 3'4* 2-8* 5-1* 6-5 6-0* 5-2* 8-5 8-8 7'5 6-3 6-3* 5-6 h m s II. 57. 45'43' II. 58. 21-856 II. 59- 12-438 II. 59. 31-166 II. 59. 36-318 11. 59. 39-148 12. 0. 3-998 12. 0. 6-128 12. 0. 21 821 12. o. 43 172 12. I. 33-381 12. I. 54705 12. 2. 44 '369 12. 3- 53-571 12. 4. 3094 12. 4. 6'OIO 12. 4. 26 911 12. 4. 27-995 12. 4-48-555 12. 4. 55-2IO 12. 5. 29-475 12. 5. 36-065 12. 5. 38-226 12. 5. 54-226 12. 6. 2-621 12. 6. 2 778 12. 6. 10-023 12. 6. 16-246 12. 6. 20-866 12. 6. 34-641 12. 7. 2-265 12. 7. 29-593 12. 8. 20-990 12. 8. 27-742 12. 8. 44-182 12. 9. 18-594 12. 9. 38-045 >2. 9- 53-583 12. 9. 58-771 12. 10. 8-900 12. 10. 25-018 12. 10. 30-877 12. IO. 36-770 12. 10. 46-576 12. II. 23-323 12. 12. 2-089 12. 12. 51-346 12. 13. 1-907 12. I 3 . 38-340 '2. 13- 53-363 95-62 92-66 93-59 94-35 93-87 91-36 9577 92-59 87-44 95-85 88-09 957 9496 88-36 92 4 91 63 89-88 93-21 9397 94-82 87-99 9265 94-22 87-26 89-99 95-59 94-23 93-83 9423 95'52 9473 94-23 94-35 94-20 94-22 87-49 96-33 93-49 93-9I 92-50 94-33 90-13 87-30 91-12 94-05 94-20 87-30 94-44 91-90 93-I7 4 3 5 2 6 9 4 5 4 5 5 24 34 6 3 '5 3 4i 3' 5 27 3 3 3 3 7 5 4 ii 4 2 9 3 Si 3 3 4 3 4 29 7 i? 3 3 5 3 3 4 8 3 5 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 24 3 2 5 2 3 8 2 3 2 3 a + 3-1696 + 3-090S + 3-I427 + 3-085I + 3-0729 + 3-08I7 + 3-07I5 + 3-07I3 + 3-0726 + 3-0620 + 3-07I3 + 3-07IO + 3-0796 + 3-0539 + 3-07I5 + 3-05I8 + 3-0696 + 3-0830 + 3-0760 + 3-0635 + 3-068I + 3-0453 + 3-0642 + 3-0677 + 3-0696 + 2 8108 + 3-0634 + 3-0543 + 3-0635 + 2-7881 + 2-8757 + 3-06I8 + 2'600I + 3-0613 + 3-0613 + 3-0925 + 3-0548 + 2-9066 + 2-9806 + 3-0905 + 3-0556 + 2-8698 + 3-0182 + 3-0438 + 2-9350 + 3-0578 + 3-0611 + 3-0727 + i'53i7 + 2-7533 a 0-2329 -0-0551 0-4680 0-1326 0-0030 -0-1339 0-0711 0-0581 +0-0032 0-0725 O'OO2I O-OOI9 +0-0155 O-O220 +0-OO08 0-0234 O-OOI2 +0-0143 +0-0059 0-0072 0-0019 O'O22I -0-0053 O'OOig O'OOO2 O-l8l5 -0-0053 O-OI24 O-OO49 0-1780 0-I225 O-O049 0-1982 0-0043 O-0041 +0-0136 0-0069 0-0740 0-0418 +O-OII7 0-OO57 0-0830 O-0228 O'OIOg -0-0537 O-OO36 O-OOI9 +O-OO27 +0-0048 0-0903 s 0-0561 0-0352 0-0159 +0-0444 0-0091 +0-0045 0-0008 +0-0008 0-029 0-0125 0-0059 0-0017 0-0185 0-0035 +0-0013 +0-0133 0-012; 0-0067 +0-0025 0-0038 -0-047 O'OOOI +0-2761 0-0084 Q t it 7- 4- 57-45 27. 59. 2-78 3- 48. u'57 12. 37. 22-43 80. 39. 21 -81 12. 28. 44-07 22. 14. 40-31 26. 27. 8-06 92. 31. 6 95 21. 43. 19-86 82. 18. 27 60 82. 28. 40-69 114. 6. 55-44 50. 45. 15-28 87- 29. 3-97 49. 8. 2-64 83- 34- 53-33 112. O. 29-06 97- 9- 45-70 72. 34. 43-09 82. 7. 23-67 50. 15. 29-98 75- 5- 4-56 82. i. 6-40 85. 19. 56-50 7. 40. 41-73 75- 48. 55-54 63- 31- o-45 76. 23. 17-27 7. 40. 25-22 ii. 46. 21-15 76. 19- 37-70 5- S3- 6-8 1 77. 14. 27-12 77- 33- 57-I9 1 10. 13. 58-47 72. 28. 51-87 19. n. 15-32 32. 21. 22-12 106. 55. 52-72 74. 29. 18-71 1 6. 50. 11-07 48. 43- 38-3 1 65. 26. 35-30 2 5- 45- 39 29 78. 10. 24-98 81. 19. 27 01 90. 10. 32-53 2. 57. 10-23 14. 13. 43-43 9538 91-94 9f59 94-35 92-50 90-40 9572 91-58 87-44 95-67 87-97 90-95 94-96 88-36 92-65 91-63 89-73 92-88 9397 94-34 8799 92-65 94-22 87-26 89-99 95-77 95-I3 92-36 94-23 95-52 93-27 94-23 94-72 94-20 94-22 87-49 96-31 92-37 93-85 92-22 92-59 89-64 87-30 91-16 94-04 94-20 87-30 94-44 91-90 92-98 4 2 II 2 57 6 4 5 5 f 3 3 6 3 17 3 5 3 5 37 3 3 3 3 7 4 3 18 4 2 IS 3 5 3 3 4 4 5 29 9 38 3 3 6 3 3 4 8 3 9 i 2 9 3 4 2 4 2 2 II 2 4 IO 2 3 2 5 it +20-052 +20-052 +20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-052 +20-050 +20-050 +20-050 +20-049 +20-049 +20-049 +20-048 +20-047 +20-047 +20-047 +20*046 +20-046 +20-046 +20-046 +20-046 +20-045 +20 045 +20-044 +20-042 +20-040 +20-039 +20-038 +20-036 +20-035 +20-034 +20-034 +20-033 +20-032 +20-032 +20-031 +20-031 +20-028 +20-025 +2O'O2I +2O -02 1 +2O'Ol8 +20'Ol6 // 0-004 0-005 0-007 0-008 0-008 O"oo8 0-009 0-009 0-009 O'OIO O'OI2 O'OI2 0-014 0-016 0-017 0-017 0-017 0-017 0-018 0-018 0-019 O-020 O'O2O 0-O2O O'O2O 0-OI9 O'O2I 0-021 O'O2I O'O2O O"O22 0-023 O'O22 0-025 0-026 0-027 O-027 0-O27 0-028 O-O29 O-029 O-O28 0-029 0-030 0-030 0-032 0-034 0-034 0-022 -0-033 // 0-079 +0-098 0-049 +0-114 +0-08 1 +0-034 +0-063 +0-187 +0-06 0-039 O'O2I O-O03 0-O25 +0-037 O-O25 O-O04 0-034 +0-OI4 +0-031 O'OOO 0-07 +0-029 +O-O2O 0-OO7 Groombridge 1852... B. D. +67 No. 732 Groombridge 1853... Piazzi XI. 230 B. D. +68 No. 673 B. D. +7 No. 2514 B. JX +7 No. 2515 i Corvi . ci Groombridge 1854... 10 Virginia Groombridge 1855.. II Virgiuis 2 Corvi c W. 15. XII. 27 3 Comse B. D. +8 No. 2575 Groombridge 1856.. W. B. XII. 41 W. B XII 49 Piazzi XII. 6 Groombridge 1858... B. D. +14 No. 2478 4 Comse ... W. B. XII. 54 Lalande V. 2025 Bradley 1634 W B XII 76 Groombridge 1860... Lalande 22932 \V. B. XII. 95 Piazzi XII. 18 Piazzi XII. 20 Groombridge 1863 ... 69 Urs* Majoris 8 4 Corvi y 6 Coni{e Groombridge 1865 ... 2 Canuni Vcnaticum... 7 Comae Groombridge 1866 ... W. 15. XII. 145 ... W. B. XII. 164 13 Virginia Bradley 1656 Bradley 1650 (Ixviii} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, X<>. d Xo. in Auwers' Bradley. 9 . li .=- K 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obi. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. S. mlar Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. O -a c5 & 9 1 b 1 9'983 +19-983 + 19-980 + 19-978 +19-977 + 19-970 +19-965 + 19-964 + 19-959 + 19-958 +19-949 + 19-942 + 19-942 + I9-939 + I9-938 + 19 93 6 + I9-935 + I9-935 + I9-934 +I9'93i +19-930 +19-929 rt 0-037 O'OII 0-036 0-036 -0-037 0-037 0-038 0-038 0-038 -0-037 -0-037. 0-038 0-031 -0-039 0-039 0-040 0-041 0-040 0-040 0-043 0-043 -0-043 -0-045 0-043 0-044 0-044 -0-043 0-032 -0-043 0-045 0-048 -0-045 -0-045 0-036 0-050 0-045 0-052 -0-053 -0-055 0-056 0-056 0-051 0-054 -0-053 -0-054 -0-053 0-058 0-052 0-058 -0-057 +0-022 0-076 0-003 +0-063 +0-141 +0-141 o'ogo +0-26 o'oo6 +0-009 0'012 +0-015 +0-086 +0-008 O-OO5 +0-146 +0-146 O'Ogi 0-006 + 0-064 +Q-OI i Bradley 1672 3 Canum Venaticum... Groombridge 1870 ... Groombridge 1867 ... 1 6 Virginis r W.B.( 2 )XII.278-()(Co?ns) W.B. (2) XI I. 278-9 n Comffi Groombridge 1872 ... Groombridge 1873... Groonibridge 1874 ... Groombridge 1879 ... Groombridge 1876 ... Groombridge 1877 ... Groonibridge 1878 ... 1 2 Comae Hel8iugfors(i875)N".7i33 Groombridge 1880... Piazzi XII. 61.. Piazzi XII 65 W. B. XII. 257 W. B. XII. 262 4 Canum Vennticum .. Groombridge 1882... Piazzi XII. 68 5 Canum Venaticftm .. Groom bridge 1889... Groonibridge 1886... Groombridge 1885... Lacaille 5144. 71 Ursas Majoris Groombridge 1888... Carrington 1852 15 Corns y Groonibridge 1893... Piazzi XII. 91 Lalande 23336-7 7 Corvi S 1 7 Corvi .... S 2 Groonibridge 1897... Groombridge 1896... 74 Ursse Majoi is. 7 Canum Veiinticum .. 75 Urspe Mijoris. W. B. XII. 379 4 Draoonis .. W. B. XII. 385 21 Comae 3257, 3258. These stars form the. pair 2 1633. FEOM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {Ixix} No. " B 'f >> a o :i " d to 1755- I| g'fi " J3 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. a 1 g 4 JH *o PH 1 _g A 1 o 1 < 1 fe & 33i 332 333 3304 335 336 3307 33o8 339 33' 33" 33i2 3313 33H 33'5 33i6 3317 33i8 33'9 33 20 332i 3322 33 2 3 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 333 333" 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 334i 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 335 1681 1683 1686 1685 1689 1690 ... ... 1694 1695 1698 1699 1700 1701 1703 1902 1904 1905 1906 1907 1909 1910 1911 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 Groombridge 1902 ... B. D. +17 No. 2492 Piazzi XII. Ill ^ with Comet b 1894 Lacaille 5192 6-6 9-2 6-3 7'4* 4'4* 9-2 5-6* 6-8 4-3* 2-8* 3-8* 4'9* 6-7" 6-5* 7-0 6-8 5-9* 6-1* 6-6 9'5 6-9 8'9 9'3 9-2 7'5* 4'7* 5-4* 7'i 6-5 7-1: 9-1 77 9-4J 9-2 8-6 8-0 7'9 7-6 3'ot 3 - ot 9-0 7-0 5-i* 6-0* 8-6 77 h in s 12. 25. 41-343 12. 25. 50-225 12. 25. 59-332 12. 26. 14-575 12. 26. 22'158 12. 26. 24-037 12. 26. 31-043 12. 26. 5I-4I4 12. 28. 3-879 12. 28. 6-075 12. 28. 8-086 12. 28. 31-108 12. 28. 36-506 12. 28. 47-071 12. 28. 5i'8i3 12. 29. 22"I27 12. 29. 50-568 12. 30. 10-427 12. 30. 27-223 12. 30. 47-734 12. 31. 7-380 12. 32. 45-73 12. 32. 51-267 12. 32. 54-900 12. 33. 3-918 I2 - 33- 9-853 12. 33. 21-327 12. 33. 26-250 '2. 33- 33-389 12. 33- 34-99 12. 33- 38-958 12. 33. 48-897 12. 33. 50-205 12. 33 . 57-005 12. 34. 15-703 12. 34. 18-407 12. 34. 28-184 12. 34 . 52-945 12. 35. 24-316 '2. 35- 27-446 12. 35- 55'on 12. 36. 2-874 12. 36. 5-032 12. 36. 5-247 12. 36. IO-85I 12. 36. 16-305 12. 36. 18-990 12. 36. 45396 12. 36. 50-786 '2. 37- 59-048 87-29 94-21 9I-73 95-27 87-96 94-10 95-27 95-22 95-3 96-23 87-33 94-11 92-54 93-76 94-21 94-14 87-25 87-25 87-48 94-12 94-09 8984 90-82 94-20 92-71 90-30 94-23 95-24 92-30 93-52 92-52 95-80 94-53 92-11 95-52 9564 93-I4 94-22 94-96 9269 94-20 91-87 93-21 93-66 94-23 95-87 91-23 91-79 94-23 89-14 3 3 10 3 3 9 3 3 3 6 3 14 25 '9 3 18 4 3 6 3 '9 13 4 I 7 3 3 6 2 16 9 6 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 41 36 3 5 28 3 3 8 8 2 2 5 3 4 2 3 2i 3i s + 2-9462 + 3-0270 + 3-0843 + 2-9269 + 3-1506 + 3-1154 + 2-9253 + 2-9237 + 2 9168 + 3-0976 + 2 9415 + 2 9233 + 3'1424 + 2'6O24 + 3-0218 + 2-9992 + 3-1075 + 3-1081 + 2-9224 + 1-9596 + 3-0891 + 3-0643 + 2-7951 + 3-0074 + 3-0852 + 2-8817 + 3' 01 39 + 3-0066 + 3-1803 + 3-0978 + 2-9948 + 1-9779 + 3-0914 + 3-1821 + 1-4045 + 2 7221 + 3-I836 + 3-OOI2 + 2-7I21 + 2-7I37 + 2-9979 + 2-6359 + 3-0756 + 3-075 6 + 3-0004 + 3-0980 + 3-032I + 2-6478 + 2-9993 + 3'762 a 0-0196 0-0053 +0-0057 O'O222 +0-OI92 +0-OII9 O'O22I O-O22O O-02I9 +O-OO82 O-OI82 O-O2O5 +0-0165 0-0540 O-OO5I 0-0085 +0-0097 +0-0097 O'OigO 0-0465 +0-0064 +O-OO25 0-0314 0-0059 +0-0057 O'O2l8 0-0048 0-0058 +0-O2I2 +0-0077 -0-0073 0-0431 +0-0067 +0-O213 +0-0257 0-0361 +0-0213 O-OO60 -0-0355 -0-0353 0-0061 0-0399 +0-0043 +0-0043 -0-0057 +0-0075 0-0016 0-0383 0-0056 +0-0045 8 o 0326 0-0082 -0-0650 0-0033 0-0160 ... 0-0035 ... 0-0069 0-0069 0-O22 0-0385 0-0385 O'OOI2 +0-0033 0-OO62 C 1 II 49- 48. 36-95 73. 10. 16-11 94. 26. 45-10 46. 22. 2-4! 116. 57. 32-17 105. 35. 12-61 46. 21. 43-19 46. 23. 50-48 46. 22. 26-19 98. 50. 41-77 51. 19. 25-73 48. 2. 40-70 112. 47. 18-31 19. 36. 19-24 73- 45-46 66. 45- 54-35 101. 24. 51-18 101. 27. 49-34 49. 42. 35-20 9- 8. 34-96 95- 13- 32-21 87. 32. 23-29 34. 32. 30-02 71. 12. 13-99 93. 46. 6-37 45- 17- 28 64 73. 10. 17-46 71. 15. 35-69 118. 55. 55-64 97- 23. 24-38 68. 19. 56-96 10. 10. 46-53 95- 29- 45'22 119. 3. 6-82 6. 48. 26-52 29. 38. 47-10 119. 0.35-79 70. 36. 57-25 29- 43- 37-76 29. 52. 12-60 70. 19. 11-95 25- 37- 32-04 , 90. 50. 43-29 90. 50. 48-68 7i- 3- 46-93 96. 53- 43'39 79- 9- 28-91 26. 40. 58-52 71. 7. 4-10 90. 58. 19-17 87-29 94-21 91-63 95-27 87-96 92-62 95-27 95-I9 95-30 96-24 87-33 93-40 92-27 93-02 94-21 94-24 87-25 87-25 87-48 93'79 93-55 89-84 90-85 94-20 9271 90-07 94-21 95-24 92-30 92-21 92-10 95-80 94-53 87-23 95-52 95'4i 89-30 94-22 94-66 92-39 94-20 91-10 93-I4 93-43 94-23 95-87 92-13 90-73 94-23 88-71 3 3 13 3 3 10 3 3 3 7 3 16 22 19 3 17 4 3 6 8 21 13 3 i 7 4 2 6 2 3 IO 6 I 3 i 3 3 3 3 2 4 6 40 3 5 3i 7 3 7 16 8 2 "i 3 4 2 3 3 8 + 19-927 +19-926 +19-924 + 19-922 +19-920 + 19-920 +19-919 +19-916 +19-903 + 19-902 +19-902 +19-898 +19-897 +I9-895 +19-894 +19-889 +19-883 + 19-880 +19-876 +19-872 +19-868 + 19-848 +19-847 +19-847 +19-845 + I9'843 +19-841 +19-840 +19-839 + 19-838 +I9-837 + I9-835 +I9-835 +I9-833 +19-829 +19-829 +19-827 +19-821 +19-814 +19-814 +19-807 +19-806 +19-805; +19-805! +19-804! +19-802 +19-802 +I9-796 +I9'794 +I9-778 a -0-057 0-058 0-060 0-057 0-061 0-061 0-058 0-059 0-061 0-064 0-061 0-062 0-066 0-056 0-064 0-064 0-068 0-068 0-065 0-047 0-070 0-072 0-067 0-071 0-073 0-069 0-072 0-072 0-076 -0-075 0-073 0-051 -0-075 -0-077 -0-039 0-068 0-078 0-075 0-069 0-070 0-07-' 0-069 0-079 -0-079 -0-077 0-080 0-078 0-070 -0-079 0-083 a +0-049 0-008 0-285 +0-052 +0-002 +O'O19 +0-021 +0-O05 O'OI 0-OI5 0-OI5 +0-028 +0-088 +O'O2I 8 Corvi >7 ^ with Comet b 1894 B. D. +43No. 2236 :jc with Comet b 1894 21 Virginis {? GroombrHge 1904 . . . 8 Canum Veuaticnm /3 9 Corvi . . p % with Comet e 1893 W. B. XII. 464 AV. B. XII. 473 Groombridge 1907... Groombridge 1909... 2C Virginis .. . ./ Piazzi XII. 142 Groombridge 1910... B. D.+i8No. 2635 Piazzi XII. 143 Groombridge 1911... B. D. +17 No. 2509 B. D. +18 No. 2636 Lacaille 5230 26 Virginis \ 26 Comse B. D. +80 No. 389 Piazzi XII. 152... Lacaille 5232. Carrington 1872 Groombridge 1913... A. G. C. 17246 B. D. +19 No. 2593 Groombridge 1914... Groombridge 1915... W. B. (2) XII. 723.. Groombridge 1916... 29 A r irginis y^ 29 Virginis y" W. B. (2) XII. 726.. 28 Virginia 30 Virginis p 76 UrsjE Majoris W. B. (2) XII. 740-1 B. F. 1762 3329. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranoinetria Argentina. 3334-3337- The magnitude of these stars are taken from the Argentine CatalogiM, 1875. 3343' 3344- These stars form the binary 2, 1670. {Ixx} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. to **i T3 O 1755- i 1810. Star's Nume. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- siou, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of 0\>*. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. gj & 1 a -C ~-o d H 1810. Star's Name. _S D +J Mean R.A., 1890-0. Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.I)., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Proper Motion. <9 a " o fe 755- d z 1 < OJ o 0) & 1 e I O ' pa 34' 3402 343 3404 340S 3406 3407 3408 349 3410 34H 34 2 3413 34H 3415 34i6 34'7 34i8 34'9 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 343 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 343 6 3437 3438 3439 344 344 1 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 345 1738 1740 1741 1742 1746 1747 1748 '749 1750 1752 1753 1755 '759 1761 1762 1763 1764 1951 J954 1955 1957 1960 '959 1958 1962 1963 1965 2006 1966 1967 1969 1970 1974 '973 1977 6-6* 8'3 8-4 9'5 9'5 6-4 7-5 9'3 6-1* 6-1* 8'3 6-0 6-2* 5-2* 7'5 5'9* 9-0 6'5 4'4* 4-4* 6-3 7-0 6-5 8-0 6-7* 8-0 5-i* 6-6 4'4* 6'5 9-6 8-2 7'8 9'5 9'5 8'7 6-8 57* 7'5 8-1 6-3 7-0 8'3 5-0* 8'7 4'8* 6-1* 3-4* 3'ot h m s 12. 58. 14-272 12. 58. 20-902 12. 58. 46-518 12. 59. 45-362 13. o. 2-927 13. o. 42-559 13. o. 52-166 13. o. 55-692 13- - 59^9 13. i. 1-281 13. i. 6-586 13. i. 8-164 13. i. 25-527 13. 2. 2'Oig 13. 2. 7-944 13. 2. 9-284 13. 2. 48-236 13. 3. 18-123 13- 3- 59780 13. 4. I5-222 13- 4- 38 '19 13. 4. 38-240 13- 4- 58 - i34 13- 5- 34-973 13- 5- 35 - 386 13. 5. 40-365 13. 6. 0-146 13. 6. 12-245 13. 6. 28-913 13. 6. 44-363 13. 7. 52-867 '3- 8. 58-539 '3- 8. 59-444 13. 9. 6-822 13. 9. 19-919 '3- 9- 43-784 13. ID. 10-348 13. 10. 22-796 13. 10. 35-175 13. II. 4-987 13. II. 20-262 13. II. 26-904 13. 11.41-356 13. II 48-001 13. 12. 2-967 13. 12. 31-403 13. 12. 38-957 13. 12. 51-540 13. 12. 56-475 13. 14. 24787 89-44 88-38 95-37 9133 91-32 94-02 88-03 91-96 89-55 90-76 92-35 91-51 93-92 92-33 94-26 87-35 94-20 91-65 94-73 92-84 94-50 93-54 93-25 91-14 89-32 89-98 93-59 94-06 90-63 94-93 8866 93-07 90-95 90-62 91-32 92 68 93-66 90-94 90-95 9577 87-97 93-94 94-14 91-28 94-73 88-26 95-12 94-99 94-98 92-32 6 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 5 2 5 5 3 4 3 6 3 7 72 25 3i 3 4 4 3 5 7 3 39 3 3i 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 4 8 3 21 3 8 2 12 5 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 3 3 a + 3'0905 + 2-6911 - 3-9973 + 2-8545 + 2-8559 + 2-7768 + 2-6777 + 2-7747 + 2-9323 + 2-9217 + 2-8519 + 2-6725 + 1-8684 + 2-3820 + 3-I366 + 2-7942 + 3-I259 + 2-7631 + 3-I358 + 3-1045 + 2-9508 + 2-7699 + 2-7664 + 2-3378 + 3-I386 + 3-2565 9-2844 + 3-I789 + 27356 + 2-8647 + 2-7059 + 3-I457 + 2-4560 + 2-4542 + 2-6812 + 2-6808 + 3-I483 + 17184 + 2-7148 + 0-7018 + 2-9780 + 0-4677 + 3-I448 + 2-6687 + 3-0287 + 2-9778 + 3-2055 + I-9845 + 3-2466 + 3-3839 a +O-0066 O-OI94 +2-1792 O'OIO^ O-OIO1 0-0144 0-0187 0-0141) 0-0052 0-0059 O-OI02 0-0188 -0-0155 0-0251 +O-OIO6 O-OI29 +0-0097 O-OI4O +0-OI04 +0-0079 O-OO32 0-0132 0-0133 0-0234 +O-OI06 +O-O2IO +6-5776 +0-0140 0-0141 0-0078 0-0149 +O-OIII 0-0207 0-0207 0-0151 0-0150 +O-OII2 O-OO5I -0-0135 +0-0965 0-0004 +0-1323 +O-OI09 0-0147 +O-OO28 0-0003 +0-0155 -0-0153 +0-0188 +0-0306; a o-oo6c 0-0067 +0-0007 O-OOO2 0-0007 0-004; 0-0326 0-0024 0-009; +0-0039 0-0042 0-0605 +0-0165 0-OI20 0-0075 0-0034 0-0762 +0-0024 0-031 o / " 93. 4. 16-80 41. 26. 26-71 2. 44. 44-20 57. 41. 8-08 57. 58. 28-74 49. 48. 26-50 41- 37- 49-9I 49- 42. I5-37 68. 15. 22-33 66. 47. 37-22 57. 56. 28-63 41. 22. 57-52 16. 23. 9-20 27. 22. 6'OO loo. 9. 7-46 52- 8.43-3! 98. 23. 42-56 49. 40. 50-45 99- 44- 32-75 94- 57- 5' 80 71. 53. 19-22 50. 52. 4771 50. 41. 24-90 27. n. 5-22 99- 55- 45-i8 115. 57. 59-86 i- 45- 35'92 105. 36. 18-50 48. 37. 20-91 61. 33. 51-00 46. 47. 25-19 100. 27. 51-44 32. 44. 8-46 32. 42. 29-55 45- 3- 14-69 45- S 8 - I9-74 too. 39. 28-54 16. 37. 4-30 48- 33- 49-9I 9- 45- 54-o8 76. 59. 50-22 8. 56. 47-46 99- 57- 59-4I 45- 34- 46-07 83- 57- i'97 77- 10. 32-33 107. 41. 56-83 21. 0. 44-38 112. 35. 27-29 126. 7. 58-38 89-66 88-38 95-37 9f33 91-32 94-02 88-03 91-96 90-46 90-76 92-35 91-32 94-14 92-69 94-26 87-35 94-24 91-58 94-79 92-33 94-23 92-05 93-25 9I-I5 89-32 89-98 93-59 94-06 90-52 94-95 88-66 93-87 90-20 90-03 91-32 92-90 93-66 90-92 90-95 9S-77 87-97 93-67 94-14 91-28 93-82 88-03 95-12 94-88 95-00 92-50 8 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 7 5 2 6 5 3 4 3 8 4 6 60 3' 3 3 3 4 3 5 7 4 4" 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 5 3 3 7 8 3 3 4 8 2 '3 5 2 3 5 3 2 2 3 6 5 5 3 // +19-409 + 19-407 +I9-397 +I9-375 +19-369 +I9-353 +I9-350 +I9-348 + I9-348 +I9-347 +I9-344 +19-344 +I9-337 + r 9"3 2 3 +19-321 +19-320 +19-305 +19-293 +19-276 +19-270 +19-261 +19-261 +19-253 +19-238 +19-238 +19-236 +19-227 +19-222 +19-215 +19-209 + 19-180 +19-151 +"9-151 +19-148 +19-142 +19-132 +19-121 +19-115 +19-110 +19-096 +19-090 + 19-086 +19-080 +19-077 +19-070 +19-058 +19-054 + 19-048 +19-046 +19-005 a O'I22 O-IO7 +0-140 0-116 0-116 0-114 O'HI 0-115 O'I2I 0'I2O 0-118 O'HI 0-080 O'lOI 0-131 0-117 0-132 0-118 -0-134 0-134 0-128 O'I2I O'I2I 0-104 0-137 -0-143 +0-376 0-140 0-122 -0-128 0-123 0-144 0-114 O-II5 0-125 0-125 0-147 0-084 0-128 0-040 O-I4I 0-029 0-149 0-128 0-145 0-143 0-154 0-099 0-156 0-166 // +0-018 +0-053 +0-031 0-008 +0-019 +0-037 0-146 0-007 0-019 +0-279 +0-021 -0-8 9 7 +0-038 O'OOg 0-032 0-023 + 1-055 +0-033 +0-08 Groo-nbridge 1951... Carrington 1943 B. D. +32 No. 2317 B. D. +32 No. 2319 Groombridge 1954 ... Groombridge 1955 .. B. D. +40 No. 2622 39 Coniaj 40 Coniie,. % with Comet a 1890 Groombridge 1957 Groombridge 1960... Piazzi XII. 278 49 Vir^inis ^ Groombridge 1958... B. F. 1805 W. B. (2) XIII. 4.-. 50 Virginis t\ 15 Caiinm Veniticum .. 16 Cauum Venaticflm.. Piazzi XIII. 12 B. D.- 9 No. 3641.. Lacaille 5428 Groombridge 2006 53 Virginis 18 Canum Venaticum .. Coin(e . . . B Groombridge 1967... B. D. io No. 3634 Groombridge 1969... Groombridge 1970... B. D.+44 No. 2256 B. D.+44 No. 2257 W. B. XIII. 121 Groom'mdge 1974... 19 Canniu Vi-natieuin .. Lalande F. (2) 160.. W. B. XIII. 151 Groombridge 1977... 58 Virginis W. B. (2) XIII. 1 88 60 Virfinis. o" W. B. XIII. 171 61 Virginia . Lalande F. 2236 46 Hydrae.... y Centauri t 3401. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 929. 3416. This star is a close double, and forms the jiair 799. 3421. This star is a close double, and forms the binary 2 1728. 3450. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Soutliern Meridian Photometry. {Ixxii} SECOND TEN-YEAI; CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 18900, No. 1755- B 5 . o-f- 1810. Star's Nome. Miignitude. Mean H.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890*0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean X.P.I)., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1 800 4- No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890*0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890*0. Annual Proper Motion. aj o ^> O 1 V J OJ JD M 3451 345 2 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 347i 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 1769 1772 1773 '774 1776 1777 1779 1780 1782 1784 1786 1789 1980 1978 '979 1981 1982 1984 1983 1985 1986 2007 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1998 200 1 2003 '995 2004 2OOO 2005 2OI2 2009 2OIO 2OII 2065 2013 Groombridge 1980... 23 Canum Venaticum... Groombridge 1979... W. B. XIII.230 Lalande F. 2260 Groombridge 1981... Groombridge 1982... 7'9 5*6' 6*8 6-5 8-4 8-2 6-9 6-1* 7'3 7*8 5-8* 6-4" 7-0 1-2* 2*lt 4'2t 8-0 4*2* 9*0 8*1 8-2 8*2 7-3 5*2* 6-1* 8-6 7*1 var. 7-2 8*0 6*i* 7'3 6*8 6-7* 8 2 7-8 6'o 4-9* 6-4* 5-6* 5-5* 7'7 8-1 7-8 8-5 5-7* 3-5* 6-3* h in n 13. 15. 14-671 13. 15. 23-181 13. 16. 11-474 13. 16. 15-735 13. 16. 31-242 13. 1 6. 53-516 13- "7- 19-379 13. 17. 36-874 13. 18. 23-998 13. 18. 29*317 13- 18. 35-774 13. 18. 49*570 13. 18. 54-671 13. 19. 4*109 13. 19. 23*845 13. 19. 29-711 13. 19. 30-640 13. 20. 28-624 13. 20. 49-131 13. 20. 51-560 '3- 21. 33*484 13. 22. 5 619 13. 22. 19*795 3* 22. 53*151 13. 23. 2 970 13. 23. 19*813 '3* 23. 34-17 13. 23. 41*152 13. 23. 42*052 13. 2 4 . 6*487 13. 24. 24*626 13. 24. 41-343 13. 24. 58 629 13. 25. 22-917 '3- 25- 34354 13. 25. 39*279 13. 26. 0-809 13. 26. 14-712 13. 26. 25-614 13. 26. 28-276 13. 27. 10-417 13. 27. 18-891 13* 27- 35-452 13. 27. 48*654 13. 28. 38*030 13. 28. 44*260 13. 28. 49*502 13. 29. 5-245 13. 29. 30-190 93-4I 92'oi 94-47 95HO 94-30 94-33 90*22 95-88 95-3I 92-33 93-62 93-28 94-12 94-11 94-73 91-69 96*00 8775 93-83 93*10 95*20 94-5I 93*66 S9-39 94*12 92*70 95*07 91*00 90-02 90*02 94*08 91*44 96*00 93*86 94-74 90*28 91*99 93-I5 95-74 95-29 92*69 88-33 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 7 3 3 '34 29 7 H 3 3 3 3i 4 54 3 4 3 3 3 3 6 6 2 21 3 14 4 3 3 3 3 5 104 3 3 2 3 2 2 4 4 2 3 i 2 2 2 2 3 i 3 3 i i 2 a + 2*0176 + 2*7007 + 2*7262 + 3'ISOI 0-0774 + 2-7037 + 1-8776 + 2-4938 + 2-6958 + 2-5955 + 2-7249 2-4618 + 3--S73 + 2-4112 + 2-4III + 2-4041 + 2-3992 + 3-I745 + 2-0542 + 2-9514 + 2-9616 + I-5402 + 2-95II + 1-5210 + --5309 + 2*4797 + 3-2723 + i *688 1 + 2*5300 + 3-1224 + 1-6895 + 3-1838 + 3-3265 + 2*8472 + 2*8469 + 0*5005 + 3-1214 + 3-3454 + 3-3358 + 2*5243 + 2*8409 + 26016 + 2-5061 12*2620 + 3-iS59 + 3-0728 + 2*6552 s 0-0154 0-0124 0-0113 +0-0133 +0-2204 0-0119 0*0105 +0*0082 0*0164 0*0117 0*0144 +0-0083 0-0106 +0-9037 +0-0116 0-0170 0-0169 croi66 0-0166 +0-0127 0-0141 0-0004 +0-0001 +0-0066 0-0003 +0-0078 +0*0072 0*0148 +0*0194 O'OOII 0*0138 +0-0092 o-ooio +0*0131 +0*0231 0*0046 +0*1059 +0-0092 +0-0244 +0*0113 0*0131 0*0044 0*0115 0*0129 +7-5616 +0*0131 +0*0065 0*0098 s 0-0054 +0-0087 0-1095 0-0044 +0-0134 +0*0147 *T*O ' OI 7C 0*01 80 0-0024 +0-0009 0*0481 0*0081 +0*0085 0*000 0*0205 t II 22. 13. 38 82 49. 16. 19*16 51. 33. 58-40 103. 50. 32*09 7- 55- 4-35 50. 2. 34-32 20. 19. 13-46 94. 2O. 55'86 37. 46. 1 8 62 49- 59- 47-29 43. 18. 7-82 94. 35. 20 23 52. 23. 29-65 4* 40. I3-43 100. 35. 13*34 34. 30. 0-19 34. 30. 12-62 34. 31. 46 04 34. 26. 18 96 IO2. 26. 57-48 24- 34- 54-43 75- 3- 52-41 76. 43* 33 23 17- 9- I7-95 75-38. 103 17. 2. 13-65 17. u. 206 38. 50. 38-78 112. 42. 46-06 19. 6. 44-34 41-35* - '97 95* 54- 8-58 19. 18. 14-13 !02. 52. 53*71 117- 32- 4360 65. II. 56 46 65. II. 43*25 io. 47. 15*30 95. 41. 15-60 118. 59. 57*48 118. 7. 33-50 99* 35* 53-io 42. ii. 57 '6S 65. 4. 54*51 46. 42. 10-99 41. 40. 30*82 i- S3* 7-39 102. 38. 59*36 90. 2. O*IO 50. 38. 50 73 93-26 92*01 9423 95-40 94-30 94-50 90-22 95'59 9496 95-3- 9233 9362 9653 93^5 94-08 93-70 94-27 91-69 95-54 96-00 87-81 93-47 9267 94-47 94-I7 92 60 89-39 9422 91-67 87-33 95-09 91-00 89'93 9297 91-22 94-65 96-00 94-06 91-80 91*99 9423 9268 95-29 92*92 88*33 3 3 3 6 3 I 3 3 3 I 3 93 27 27 6 IO 3 3 3 4 4 '5 8 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 3 20 3 16 3 4 3 3 8 5 76 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 I 2 I 3 (i) 3 3 (0 I +18*982 + 18*978 +18-955 +'8*953 + 18*946 + 18*935 + 18-923 +18*914 +18 891 + 18*889 +18*885 + 18-878 +18-876 + 18-872 +18-862 + 18-859 + 18-858 +18-829 + 18-819 + 18-818 + 18-796 + 18-780 +IS-773 + 18-756 + 18-751 + 18-742 + I8-735 + 18731 +18-730 + 18*717 + 18*708 +18*699 +18*690 + 18*677 + 18*676 +18-672 +18*669 + 18-657 + 18*650 + 18*643 +18*642 + 18*620 + 18*615 +18*606 + 18*599 + 18*572 +18*568 +18*566 +i8*557 + 18*543 0*103 0-136 0-138 0-160 0-004 -0*138 0*099 -0*159 0*130 0*140 0-135 0*161 0-142 +0-114 0*165 0*128 0*128 0-129 0*129 0*168 0*112 -0-159 0-160 -0-088 0-161 0-087 0*087 -0*137 -0*179 0*096 0*141 -0-173 -0-097 -0-I/7 0-185 -0*159 0*160 -0*035 -0*175 o*i8S 0*187 0*179 0*145 0*163 0*150 0*146 +0*668 0*184 0*178 -0*155 O'OOI +0*010 +0*022 0*026 +0*018 +0*022 +0*034 +0*021 +0*569 +0*023 0*042 -0*035 +0*030 +0-023 +0*189 +0*05 0*056 Groombridge 1984... Groombridge 1983... Groombridge 1985... 66 Virginis . Groombridge 1986... Groombridge 2007... 67 Virginis a 79 Ursaj Majoris l 79 Ursfe Majoris If PiazziXIII. 83 80 Ursie Majoris (J W.B. XIII. 297 Groombridge 1992... Lalande 24909 W.B. XIII. 325 Groombridge 1998... 70 Virginis PiazziXIII. 109 Groombridge 2003 ... Pinzzi XIII. loo Hydrse . . R Groombridge 2004 . . . Groombridge 2000 . . . 72 Virginis .I 1 Groombridge 2005 ... W.B. XIII. 378.... Lacaille 5573 W. B. (2) XIII. 465 B. F. 1857 . PiazziXIII. 133 74 Virginis /'* Piazzi XIII. 112 .... Lacaille 5580 76 Virginis /( Piazzi XIII. 123 .... B. F. 1862 Groombridge 2010 . . . Groombridge 201 1 ... Groombridge 2065 ... Piazzi XIII. 126 .... 79 Virginis Groombridge 201 3 ... 3466, 3467. These stars form the pair S 1744. 3479. The limits of magnitude are 3-5-5-5 and 97 : the period 425'-. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {Ixxiii} " " No. of No. of V H O Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular <" Mean R.A., Preces- Varia- Annual Mean N.P.D., \r Preces- Varia- Annual No. c S s'C Star's Name. 0* Mean JS _aj sion, tion, Proper Mean Dfo o .n < C & 1 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3 6l 4 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3 6 3i 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3 6 49 3650 1832 1831 1833 1834 1836 1835 1839 1840 1842 1843 1844 1859 1846 i8 47 1852 1850 2074 2073 2075 2099 2076 2077 2082 2081 2085 2083 2084 2087 2094 2086 2089 2090 2092 2095 Groombridge 2074... Piazzi XIII. 286 PiazziXIII. 287 Piazzi XIII. 296 LalandeF. (2) 177... Piazzi XIII. 306 AQ Hvdne. ^ 8-8 6-5 6-5 6'2 8'2 6'2 3'5* 1-7* 6-8 7-5 5'7* 3-6* 6-5 7'5 6-5 9-1 7'4 5-2* 6-4* 4'8* 7'8t 8 -of 7-6 6-4 5-0* 6-3* 4'3* 7'i 7'i 6'2 7-0 5-5* 4'9* 5-5* 8-2 6-0 7'5 4-2* 6-3 O'O* 6-1* 6-0 6-5 6-5 4-3* 6-2 4'6' 4-8* 7'5 h m s 13. 58. 16-102 13. 58. 29-616 '3- 5 8 - 3 ''94 13. 58. 54-179 13- 59- 23-696 13. 59. 25-125 14. o. 6-408 14. o. 12-570 14. o. 28-228 14. o. 36-687 14. o. 53-687 14. i. 24-630 14. 2. Ir845 14- 2. 35-353 14. 2. 52-479 14. 3. 8-866 14- 3- 55-'76 14- 4- 35-I74 14. 4. 49-978 14. 5.21705 14. 5. 22-882 14. 5. 37-665 14. 5. 37-900 14. 5. 52-682 14. 6. 4-544 14. 6. 41-670 14. 6. 55-920 14. 7. 1-609 14. 7. 11-764 14. 7- 32-845 H- 7- 56'57o 14- 8. 37-478 14. 8. 47-741 14. 9. 16-973 14. 9. 20-339 14. 9. 32-159 14. 9. 57-295 14. 10. 1-571 14. 10. 14-762 14. 10. 34-590 14. 10. 38-623 14. 10. 47-984 14. 10. 58-497 14. 10. 58-839 14. II. 32-151 14. 12. 12-095 14. 12. 33-245 14. 13. 9-423 14. 13. 20-770 14. 13. 38-462 94-27 94-I5 94-27 89-20 94^4 94-53 94-24 92-64 92-39 93'95 89-76 94-I3 88-14 93-88 87-37 94-03 94-14 95-69 94 '06 92-38 94-68 90-39 90-37 92-05 95-27 94-38 92-05 93-28 88-04 94-97 92-18 96-25 93-80 94-52 94-41 8734 90-64 89-99 92-00 94-07 93-8o 88-76 94-24 94'I5 94-24 93-69 94-70 93-48 93-33 8737 3 7 7 3 5 6 13 I2j 21 3 7 60 4 6 3 7 3 3 8 5 22 2 I 4 4 14 3 40 3 3 3 i 12 II 5 3 3 3 5 5 246 3 5 7 5 18 9 18 4 3 3 2 I 7 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 s + 1-3331 + 3-2427 + 3'!740 + 2-2392 I75' 2 + 1-3198 + 3-4010 + 3-5558 + 3 -I 7I2 7-2680 + 3-1766 + 1-6302 + 2-5320 + 3-2087 + 2-4441 + 3-1909 + 2-1053 + 0-4474 + 3-2683 + 1-8749 + 2-7391 + 3-1068 + 3-1067 + 2-4859 + 0-4430 + 3-0366 + 3-4169 + 3-1935 + 2-4188 + 1-8940 + 1-1902 + 3'Moi + 2-9018 0-3088 + 3-3005 + 2-4797 + 2-4252 + 2-4741 + 3-I4I5 + 3-I497 + 2-8134 + 3-1064 + 3-I789 + 3-3085 + 3-i8n + 2-3017 + 3-3129 + 3-2401 + 2-5384 + 2-4663 8 +0-0173 +0-0149 +0-0117 0-0071 +0-4117 +0-0179 +0-0228 +0-0319 +0-0115 +2-2916 +0-0118 +0-0048 0-0054 +0-0131 o'oo6i +0-0123 0-0053 +0-0776 +0-0157 0-0015 0-0018 +0-0090 +0-0090 0-005; +0-0771 +0-0065 +0-0228 +0-0124 -0-0055 0-0016 +0-0237 +O'OI02 +O-OO25 +0-I527 +0-0169 0-0048 0-OO5I o 0048 +0-0103 +o'oio6 +0-0004 +0-0090 +0-0117 +0-0172 +0-0118 0-0050 +0-0173 +0-0141 0-0037 0-0043 s +0-0019 0-0442 0-0032 0-0122 O-OO92 O-OOO7 0-013* 0-OO20 0-005 O'OOO/ 0-0217 0-0186 O'OIIO 0-0060 0-0031 0-013 0-0799 0-0191 0-0025 Off 20. 46. 7-35 104. 26. 33-90 98. 43. 43-72 38. 29. 56-89 7. 51. 9-00 20. 47. 29-95 116. 9. 7-36 125. 49. 46-77 98. 21. 58-93 3- 42. 56-00 98. 47. 18-19 25- 5- 5370 51. 29. 58-69 101. 18. 22-54 47. 22. 39-02 99- 48. 47-42 35. 25. 48-28 14. 45. 25-74 105. 46. 56-04 30. 8. 27-63 64. 23. 13-20 92. 48. 53-29 92. 48. 45-51 49. 57. 11-24 14- 53- 6-39 87. 4. 21 '06 116. 5. 43-39 99- 45- 41-09 47- 8. 32-54 30. 55. 54-64 20. 37. 6-98 95. 26. I2'I2 76. 31. 27-91 II. 56. 8-40 IO7. 41. 13-96 50. 22. 27-25 47- 57- 52-51 50. 12. 37-86 95. 28. 31-56 96. 6. 35-55 70. 14. 40-90 92. 41. 2-97 98. 22. 23-04 108. 4. 28-91 98. 30. 43-90 43. 24. 22-75 108. 12. 22-83 IO2. 51. 51-78 53- 58. 58-13 50. 31. 29-19 93-83 94-I5 94-27 88-89 94'94 93-9I 94-24 92-25 92-36 92-04 89-76 93-05 88-14 93-88 87-37 94-03 94-14 95-69 94-06 92-87 93-I9 90-39 90-37 92-28 93-96 93-74 92-05 9I-57 88-04 94-67 92-14 96-25 93-46 93-43 94-41 87-34 90-64 89-99 92-00 94-07 93-56 88-93 94-25 94-I5 94-24 93-69 94-77 92-84 93-33 87-37 3 7 7 3 5 6 13 14 18 5 7 65 4 6 3 7 3 3 8 4 3 1 2 I 3 17 17 3 So 3 3 3 i 13 30 5 2 3 3 5 5 245 4 5 7 5 19 9i 22 4 3 3 2 I 6 4 16 2 2 2 2 4 . 8 + I7-442 +I7-432 + ! 7'43 c < 1 o o a 0> "3 A 1 O O 2 o *^3 a 3651 3652 3653 3<>54 , 3655 3656 3657 ,3658 ,3659 3663 3661 J662 >6 3 3664 3665 3666 '3667 3668 3669 367 S 36?i 3672 3673 '3674 3675 3676 .56/7 >6 7 8 3679 3680 3681 3682 r 363 3684 '3685 3686 3687 '3688 ,3689 3690 .3691 3692 3693 3 6 94 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 185 1 1855 1858 1860 1861 1864 1867 1865 1866 1869 1871 1873 2101 2097 2098 2IOO 2IO2 2105 2103 2104 2108 2106 2107 2112 2IO9 2110 2III 2Iig 2113 2114 2116 2126 21 18 2117 2128 2120 2130 2122 2125 2121 Groombridge 2101... 102 Virginis v 7'5 5-2' 9'3 65 6-8 4'9* 7'3 5'9" 65 6-8* 6-7* 6-3* 6-3* 6-9 6-7 7'9 5-4* 6'5 7-2 7-3 8-0 77 6 7 6-9* 9-1 6'3 8-5 8-1 5-4* 4-2* 7'3 4-9* 5V 8-5 9-0 7'3 7'i 6'3 9-2 7-2 8-2 S-6 9-1 3'6* 3'i* 4-3* 8-1 6-4* 6-1* 6-8 h m s 14. 13. 51-134 14- 13- 52353 '4- ij- 57'37I 14- H- 6-342 14- 14- 24-574 14. 14- 32-836 H- H- 33722 14. 15. 16754 14. 15 16-803 14. 15. 48-230 14. 16. 18-397 14. 17. 30-424 14- '7- 37778 14. 17. 44 893 H- 17- 55776 14. 18. 17-014 14. 18. 31-972 14. 18. 46-116 14. 18. 55-264 14. 18. 59 646 14. 19. 14-906 14. 19. 17-258 14- 19 25-353 14. 19. 26-839 14. 20. 15-831 14. 2O. 59-827 14. 21. 2-764 14. 21. 4-885 14. 21. 20-341 14. 21. 27-150 14. 21. 34-531 14. 22. 32-045 14. 22. 53-539 14.23. I-I85 14. 23. 29-566 14. 24. 30-748 H. 25. 3-838 14. 25. 16-673 14. 25. 56-064 14. 25. 56-833 14. 26. 48-680 14. 26. 55-206 14. 26. 57-926 14. 27. 5-320 14. 27. 38-888 H. 27. 45-676 14. 28. 7-633 14. 28. 39-243 14. 28. 43-670 14. 28. 50-519 92-59 93-16 94-22 9368 87-70 93-92 93-83 88-62 94-76 87-89 96-30 90-47 87-97 92-97 939 92-85 90-38 93 '5 90-09 93-28 89-89 92-67 93-06 91-87 95-11 8r37 95 35 94-12 93-I4 94-96 9442 95-08 88-76 96-40 92-77 89-08 94-I3 89-20 95-I4 92-97 90-35 96-10 95-50 94-08 95-03 94-27 93-53 88-02 93-39 87-74 3 8 3 5 3 ii 4 4 3 4 6 9 5 3 6 4 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 Si 6 38 21 3 16 5 3 5 3 4 5 4 3 3 5 4 57 44 16 3 3 5 3 2 2 7 2 3 4 2 2 I 2 2 2 3 2 2 7 2 2 8 + 1-2297 + 3 '095' + 1-9404 + 3-1532 + 2-4675 + 2-8488 + 2 3935 + 2-4635 + i-995i + 2-6989 + 30919 + 3 '2221 + 3'0493 + I'I740 + S^S + 2-0276 + 3-4I57 + 3^227 + 2-4837 + I-I573 + 2-6969 + 2-3364 + I 6672 + 3'45'o 0-3086 + 2-4502 18 1408 + 2 7960 + 2 7953 + 2-0693 + 2-0034 + 3-0961 + 3-1602 - 5-98i5 0-3646 + 2-4085 + 2-2885 + 2-3522 0-4550 + 1-6456 + 2-3977 2-0223 0-4303 + 2-5944 + 2-4272 0-1946 + 1-6268 + 3-3657 + 1-6321 + 2-4534 s +0-021 1 +0-0086 O'OOI7 +0-OIO7 O'OO42 +O'OOl6 0-0045 O-O04I O'OO2/( 0-0013 +0-0086 +0-0133 +0-OO72 +0-0233 +0-0157 0-OO24 +0-O2I5 +0-OI32 -0-0035 +0-0240 O'OOIO 0-0040 +0-0048 +0-0230 +0-1387 0-0034 +8-6012 +0-0010 +0-0010 0-0025 O'OOIJ +0-0088 +0-0109 +1-3863 +0-1410 0-0032 0-0033 0-0032 +0-1478 +0-0057 0-0029 +3-3638 +0-1438 0-0015 0-0027 +0-1190 +0-0062 +0-0183 +0-0061 0-0025 s 0-0088 O'OIIO +0-0046 0-0073 0-0031 +0-015 0-0065 0-0076 -0-0057 -0-0275 +0-0092 0-OIO2 O-OO3O +O'OIO8 O-0085 0-0106 +0-0013 0-0075 O 1 II 21. 48. 5-01 9i- 45- 24-37 33- 5- "7i 96. 14. 21-19 5- 43- 35'92 73. ii. 20-05 47. 29. Ii'i6 50. 42. 0-38 34- 37- 48-52 63- 25. 12-63 91. 29. 6-02 101. 12. 40-45 88. 14. 34-55 21.42.51-53 105. 36. 5-45 35. 58. 39-62 114. 18. 25 13 IOI. 10. II I 52. I?. 44'2; 21. 41. 44-63 63- 47- 45'48 46. 2. 30-23 28. 31. 54-25 116. 21. 10 67 12. 47. 52-67 a'- 6. 35-30 2. 5- 2-33 70. 17. 42-52 70. 16. 4192 37. 38. 26-28 35- 54- 59-79 91. 44. 4-47 96. 24. 23-39 4- 55- 55-7I 12. 50. 23-00 49. 53. 26-57 45- 14- 5I'9I 47. 42. 26-03 12. 41. 54-87 29. 7. 26-12 49- 49- 2-44 8.55. 5-68 12. 51. 39-36 59. 8. 43-90 51. 12. 37-29 13. 48. 53-81 29. 6. 56 93 109. 57. 23-35 29. 17. 22-04 52. 33. 17-21 92-46 92-41 94-22 93-68 8770 93-72 90-83 88-62 94-43 87-70 96-28 90-36 88-59 91-62 93-9 92-35 90-38 93-50 90-09 93-16 89-98 9267 9269 91-87 94-67 89-37 95-10 96-11 92-29 94-96 94-18 93-37 88-76 96-40 92-77 89-08 94-13 89-20 95-32 92-98 90-35 96-19 95-75 94-27 95-01 92-14 93-48 88-02 93-08 87-74 3 13 3 5 3 12 4 4 3 6 4 13 5 4 6 4 3 5 a 2 5 3 3 4 3 3 6 4 64 21 3 29 5 3 S 3 4 5 3 3 3 5 3 So 43 36 3 3 5 3 2 2 16 2 4 4 I 2 I 2 2 2 3 3 2 2O 2 2 // +16-729 +16-728 + 16-724 + 16-717 + 16-702 + 16-695 + 16-694 + 16-659 + 16-659 + 16-635 + 16-610 + 16-551 + 16-544 +16-538 + 16-529 + 16-513 + 16-500 +16-488 +16-481 + 16-477 + 16-464 +16-462 + 16-456 +16-454 +16-413 + 16-376 +I6-373 + 16-372 + '6-359 + I6-353 + 16-347 +16-298 +16-279 +16-275 +16-249 +16-197 +16-168 +16-157 +16-123 +16-122 +16-077 +16-072 + 16-069 + 16-063 + 16-033 +16-028 + 16-008 +15-981 + 15-976 +i5'97i n 0-106 0-256 0-163 0-261 0-206 0-237 0-2OI O-2O7 0-169 O-227 O-26O 0-272 -0-258 0-104 -0-27S 0-175 0-290 -0-275 0'2I3 O-IO3 0-232 O'2O2 0-146 -0-295 +0-019 o 213 + I-520 0-243 0-243 -0-I82 0-176 0-27O 0-276 +0-503 +0-024 0-214 0-204 O'2IO +0-033 O-I50 O"2l6 +0-170 +0-031 -0-233 O'22O +O-QIO 0-150 -0-303 O-I5I O-223 ;' +0-068 0-058 +0-081 +0-007 +0-059 +0-50 +0-033 +0-017 0-029 +0-396 +0-074 +O'OO2 +0-05I +0-2OO O-I25 0-153 0-O26 0-019 B. D. +57 No. 1500 Piazzi XIV. 44 Groombridge 2097... 20 Bootis Qroombridge 2098... Groombridge 2100... Groombridge 2102 . W.B. (2) XIV. 297-8 103 Virginis v 2 2 Libue W. B. XIV. 281 Groombridge 2105... Lalaude 26287. Piazzi XIV 79 Piiizzi XIV. 68 . Bradley :86i. Groombridge 2104... Groumbridge 2108... Pinzzi XIV. 80 . Groombridge 2107 .. Piiizzi XIV. 78 .. . Groom bridge 2 1 1 2 ... Groombridge 2109... Radcliffe 3250 Piazzi XIV. 83 22 Bootis.. . / 23 Bootis fa Groombridge 2111... 105 Virginis & 106 Virginis . . Carrington 2170 Groombridge 2119... Piazzi XIV. 102 Groombridge 2114... Groombridge 2116... Groombridge 2 1 26 ... Groombridge 2118... Groombridge 2117... Carrington 2171 Groombridge 2128... 25 Bootis p 27 Bootis. . . y 5 Ursffi Minoris Groombridge 2122... Piazzi XIV. 116 Piazzi XIV. 126 Groom bridge 2 1 21 ... 3668. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 2 1837. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 189G. {Ixxvii} No. "w . 'f >% 53 | as & 1755- o . o 5-f .5-0 i 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua' Proper Motion. O & 0> > O ^ OJ & * o 3i M fa d o t> *$ - | V 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 376i 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 377 377i 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 378o 378i 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 379 379 " 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 1894 1895 1896 1898 1901 1903 1917 1905 1907 1909 1911 1914 1916 1915 2152 2156 2157 2159 2160 2158 2163 2162 2165 2166 2167 2172 22IO 2168 2169 2I?3 2184 2l8o 2177 2174 2175 2179 2185 9 Libra 3-o* 6-0* 8-1 6-7 8-2 6-4 7'0 6-5 6-5* 4-6* 8-9 7'2 7'7 8-0 6-4 6-8* 5-8* 6-0 5-s: 7-2 8-0 6-3* 7'3 5-8* 7 4 9 2-1* 6-5 4-5* 6-8 8-6 8-1 8-0 7-0 6-2 9-0 8-8 7-o var. 5-4* 6-8 6-5 7'i 4-8* 7-2 8-6 4-9* 7-0 4-6" 7"i h m s 14- 44- 47-542 14. 44. 47-546 14. 45. 4-080 14. 45. 25-745 14. 45. 35-243 14. 45. 40-963 14. 45. 46-427 14. 45- 58-035 14. 45. 59-851 14- 45- 59-963 14. 46. 18 875 14- 47- S-?? 6 14. 47. 13-953 14. 47. 21-186 M- 47- 55-975 14. 48. 10-570 14. 48. 13-197 14. 48. 24-477 14. 48. 25-443 14. 48. 59-687 14. 49. 20-878 14. 49. 57-089 14. 50. 39-786 14. 50. 42-189 14. 50. 47-920 14. 51. 1-384 14. 51. 1777 14. 51. 2-518 14. 51. 26-297 14. 51. 31-619 14- 5i- 55-953 14. 51. 57-866 14. 52. 3-510 14. 52. 15-730 14. 52. 56-538 '4- 53- l6 -35 14- 53- 47-2I7 H- 53- 59-945 14- 55- 5-656 14. 55- 23-879 14. 55. 27-046 14. 55. 39-813 H- 55- 45-400 14. 55. 50-141 14. 56- 8-453 14. 56. 17-206 14- 57- I7-348 14. 57. 17-507 14. 57. 20-501 14. 57- 36-381 93 '54 93-09 91-40 94-66 96-38 9371 94-49 92-84 94'3' 9I-35 93"'9 87-91 94-74 8777 94-98 9173 89-40 89-18 94-58 91-38 92-63 88-07 94-3I 91-77 93 "59 95-29 94-72 95-03 93-04 93-83 8778 87-4S 92-98 92-64 89-74 96-31 96-33 95-95 93 '35 91-56 94-35 90-49 93'3o 94-80 91-40 "94'07 :94-27 93-00 91-11 92-72 56 8 3 6 3 5 34 8 3 3 5 2 3 3 3 3 4 54 3 4 3 3 5 3 47 2 66 4 II 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 .Si 6 5 34 3 4 2 2 ~>7 4 7 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 23 3 3 2 2 3 2 4 5 6 s + 3-3181 + 2-3779 + 1-4127 + 3-3482 + 1-0923 + 33582 + 1-8234 + 1-9458 + 1-9456 + 3-5865 + 2-7573 + 1-9423 + '-9325 + 2-3360 + 1-0644 + 2-1147 + 2-9674 + 3-2540 + 1-0498 + 3-6653 + 17278 + 2-9579 + 3-5689 + 2-0993 + 3-2482 + 3-4194 0-2236 + 3-4194 + 3-1345 11-4032 + 2-2135 + 2-2154 + 1-8121 + 3-2452 + 3-2456 1-2125 I -2006 + 2-6338 + 3-2038 + 2-3035 2-9081 - "-5347 0-4692 + 0-9516 + 2-1426 + 1-6920 + 2-6281 + 1-6849 + 3-0313 0-5028 s +0-0155 O'OOII -(-0-0124 +0-0165 +0-0237 +0-0168 +0-0030 +O-OOI2 +0-OOI2 +0-0255 +0-OO22 +O'OOI4 +0-OOI5 0-OOO9 +0-0246 0-OO02 +0-OO6O +0-0133 +O-025I +0-0283 +0-0048 +0-0058 +0*0241 +O-0002 +0-OI3I +0-OI85 +O'IOII +0-0185 +0-0099 +2-9487 0-0003 0-0003 +0-0035 +0-0129 +0-0129 +0-1920 +0-1898 +O-OOI2 +0-OII7 O'OOO2 +0-4132 +o 2242 +0-1172 +0-0280 +0-0003 +0-0058 +0-0014 +0-0059 +0-0075 +o- 1 184 s 0-0093 O'O2I 0-0076 0-0048 0*029 +0-0089 0-0114 o'oo6i 0-0019 +0-072 0-0077 +0-072 0-0061 O'lIO 0-0041 0-0084 o' 006/1 0-0064 0-0151 O-O02O 0-0050 O ' '/ 105. 35- 3-56 51. 44. 6-93 27. 58. 45-66 107- 19- 5532 24. 3. 23-84 107- 54- 5-76 35- 18. 43-83 38. 10. 11-92 38. 10. H'22 120. 7. 24-25 70. 26. 31-84 38. 14. lo-oi 38. I. 1-48 50. 26. 36-87 24. o. 16-66 43- 4- 13-91 83. 18. 31-12 101. 26. 57-13 23. 54. 6-05 123. 24. 30-13 33. 48. 19-10 82. 46. 5 61 1 1 8. 42. 44-40 42. 57- 30-83 I0 - 57- 55-12 no. 55. 0-95 15. 23. 41-39 110. 55. 6-91 93- 53- 53-12 3- 35- 4575 46. 41. 50-05 46- 45- 4 8 '43 35- 53- 22-51 100. 42. 45-56 100. 42. 6"o8 12. 4. 51-03 12. 8. 31-30 64. 30. 44-53 98. 4. 55-27 50. 17. 53-92 8. 48. 16-55 II. 22. 4675 14. 40. 37-86 23- 37- 45-i6 44- 58.37-32 33- 57- 42-90 64. 33. 2472 33- 56. 49-8o 87. 28. 35-01 H- 39- 39'" 92-75 92-62 91-40 94-66 96-38 9371 94-08 92-30 94-3I 91-35 90-74 87-91 94-35 87-77 94-85 9I-73 89-40 89-04 92H3 90-99 92-05 88-07 943I 90-43 92-94 95-29 9378 95-05 93 '42 93-37 8778 87-45 92 '2O 92-64 8974 96-31 96-33 95'95 93-17 91-56 93-5I 90-24 9I-82 92-8I 9^43 93-34 93-53 90-65 92-16 9 I-09 68 7 3 6 3 5 4 7 3 3 12 2 3 3 3 3 4 6 2 5 3 3 5 3 44 2 95 12 15 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 21 6 5 4 5 7 3 2 21 4 H 5 2 2 I 2 2 3 2 (I) 29 2 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 9 + 15-088 +15-088 +15-073 +15-052 +I5-043 +I5-037 + I5-033 +i5'02l + 15-019 +15-019 +15-001 +'4-957 +'4-947 +14-940 + 14-906 +14-892 +14-890 + 14-879 +14-876 +14-844 + 14-823 +14-788 +I4-745 +I4-743 +I4-738 + I4-722 + 14-722 +14-722 + 14-700 +14-695 +14-670 +14-668 +14-662 +14-650 +14-609 +14-590 +I4-559 +14-546 +14-480 +14-461 + 14-458 +I4-445 +14-440 +'4-435 +I4-4I7 + 14-408 +I4-347 +I4-346 +14-343 +I4-327 -0-325 -0-235 0-142 -0-329 O'II2 0-33I 0-I82 0-195 0-194 -0-353 0-273 -0-195 -0-194 0-234 O'lIO 0-213 0-296 -0-325 0-109 -0-366 0-176 0-298 -0-359 0-214 0-328 -0-345 +0-016 -0-345 0-317 + 1-125 0-226 0-227 0-187 -0-330 o-33i +0-115 +0-114 0-271 0-33 0-239 +0-288 +0-149 +0-041 0-103 0-223 0-178 0-274 0-178 -0-315 +0-046 +0-072 O'll +0'I2 O-OI4 +O'O2 +0-101 0-178 +O-QII 0-006 + 1-80 +0-005 + rSo +0-155 0-48 +O'OOI +0-072 +0-009 0-041 0-032 +0-048 O'OIO Groombridge 2152... B. D. +62 No. 1368 Bradley 1895 B. D. +66 No. 870 10 Librae Piazzi XIV. 202 Groombridge 2157 ... Croomb. 2 1 57 ( Comes) Lacaille 6127 37 Bootis ...f Groombridge 2159 ... Groombridge 2160... Groombridge 2158 ... Groombridge 2163 ... Groombridge 2162 ... W. B. XIV. 880 13 Librse . C Groombridge 2165... Piazzi XIV. 204 Groombridge 2 1 66 ... W. B. XIV. 907 Lacaille 6162 Groombridge 2167 ... 15 Libra? f 2 Piazzi;XIV. 212 (Comes). Piazzi XIV. 212 .... Groombridge 2210 ... Groombridge 2168... Groombriilge 2169... Lalande 27298 17 Librae I 8 Libra Oeltz.Arg.(N.)isoi3 Oeltz.Arg.(N. )i5oi7 W. B. (2) XIV. 1142 19 Librae c 40 Bootis Lalande F. 2589 Groombridge 2184... Piazzi XIV. 273 Piazzi XIV. 260 Groombridge 2174... Groombridge 2175... 41 Bootis co Groombridge 2179... no Virginia ... 8 Ursae Hinoris 3758, 3759- These stars form the pair 5 1889. 3770. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Urawmetria AnjenUna. 3776, 3778. These stars form the pair South 190. 3789. The limits of magnitude are 5-0 ami 6'2 : period 2<* 7 h 51 22^.8. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {Ixxix} No. "m E > g> -s| ft 1755- c O . ^ o' 1810. Star's Name. '3 1 a Mean R. A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. B o X! o sion, 1890-0. 0) | Below Pole. 3801 3802 3803 3804 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3816 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 1913 1918 1922 1919 1920 1924 1926 1927 1928 1930 1936 2196 2178 2186 2181 2191 2189 2187 2193 2190 2192 2213 2194 2195 22OO 2197 2199 2198 2207 2203 22O2 2201 22O4 2212 22O9 2205 2206 2208 2211 20 Libne. 3-2* 5-8* 3-6* 8-8 6-7 4-5* 6-5 5-4* 7'7 6-8 6-6 8-8 6-8 6-3* 6-0* 5-o* 8-4 9-2 7'5 6-SJ 5-8* 5'9 8-1 7-5 7-0 9'5 4-9* 8-9 9'4 6-6 6-7 6-5 7'5 8-1 6-5 7'7 7'7 6-4* 9-0 7"i 7'6 5-8* 7'3 7'3 f>'o 7"o 8 ' 4 , 3-5' h in s 14- 57- 37-842 14. 57. 47-211 14. 57. 48-123 14. 58. 3-069 14. 58. 13-944 14- 59- 43'9i2 15- o. 6-315 15. o. 18-532 15. o. 29-403 15- o. 39-332 15. o. 40-623 15. o. 52-529 15. I. 5-418 15- 1. 15-154 15. 2. 16-507 15. 2. I7-44I 15. 2. 28-158 15. 2. 37-141 15. 2. 42-2IO 15. 2. 46-669 15. 3. 26-244 15. 3. 38-846 15. 4. 50-144 IS- 4. 52-097 15. 5.4I-II7 15. 5. 42-758 i5- 5- 44-977 15- 5- 55-977 15. 5. 57-024 15. 6. 8-655 15. 6. 39-710 15- 6. 42-563 15. 7. 2-986 15- 7- 3-I54 15. 7. 52-668 15- 7- 59-I33 15. 8. 21-256 15. 9. 1-161 15. 9. IOTI2 15. 9. 24-236 15. 9. 25-125 15- 9- 32-134 15. 9. 50-729 15. 10. 0-342 15. 10. 3-250 15. 10. 4-671 15. 10. 11-729 15. 10. 46-047 15. 10. 46-676 15. II. 4-039 94-13 93-00 94-I5 92-68 94-3I 95-3I 89-51 93^9 94-34 91-19 92-76 89-60 94-79 96-23 87-42 95-03 92-63 91-22 89-66 95-20 9137 93-12 91-36 90-21 94-35 94-12 90-17 93-37 94'S 1 94-37 87-93 96-22 91-79 93-86 93-03 91-04 88-43 8775 95-ii 95-21 10 4 43 2 2 40 5 3 6 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 7 5 4 5 7 10 3 3 6 5 4 2 33 3 3 3 7 6 4 3 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 6 7 3 3 3 3 27 2 3 3 5 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 3i 2 s + 3-5057 4-5113 + 2-2637 0-5200 + 0-9744 + 2-5835 + 3-4470 + 0-1252 + 3-3411 + 0-9031 + 3-3454 + 1-3984 0-5762 + 0-9164 + 2-3563 + 0-8928 + 2-6209 + 2-7683 + 2-6195 6-6420 + 3-4909 + 2-5890 + 1-9029 + 0-8883 + 3-3455 0-3764 + 1-1263 + 1-1381 + 3-4135 + 2-7608 + 1-1325 + 0-8666 + I-9440 + 0-3019 + I-5927 + 1-9428 + 2-2854 5-9089 + 1-8923 + 0-8547 + I-5855 + 2-1383 + 2-1660 + 2-2802 + I-577I + 2-4117 s +o 0209 +0-6918 O'OOOO +0-1192 +0-0267 +O-OOI2 +0-0186 +0-0700 +0-0153 +0-O292 +0-0154 +O-OI25 +O-I2IO +0-0286 +O-OOO3 +O-O294 +O-OOI6 +0-0032 +0-OOI6 + I-I399 +0-0198 +O-OOI4 +0-0029 +0-0291 +O-OI5I +0'IOI2 +O-O203 +O-OI99 +O-OI7I +0-0033 +O'O2OO +0-0296 +O-O2O5 +0-OI70 +O-OO26 +0-0560 +0-0159 +0-0079 +O-0027 +O'OOO8 +0-9081 +0-0033 +O'O295 +0-OI85 +0-0080 +0-OOI3 +0-0012 +O-OOO9 +O-OO82 +Q-OOIO a O-OO7O +0-09U 0-0048 0-OI45 0-087 0-0052 0-0078 +0-OO7O +0-0116 0-060 0-0005 -0-0037 0-029 0-0052 0-0033 +0-0069 o / " 114. 50. 57-69 7. 2. I2'27 49. 10. 31-20 14. 37. I8-82 24. 5. 18-80 62. 37. 23-47 in. 36. 12-81 17. 48. 17-23 105. 49. 48-22 23. 36. 17-20 106. 3. 28-63 29. 32. 42-69 14- 35- 29-54 23. 47. 20-04 S3- 7- 15-02 23. 39 10-26 64. 42. 7-44 72. 20. 54-75 64. 39. 22-12 5. 37- 26-44 "3- 33- 53-55 63. 16. 37-03 39. 31. 27-07 23. 50. 23-61 105- 44- 34-42 15. 41. 11-07 26. 27. 45-66 26. 37. 7-70 109. 22. 29-98 72. II. 32-57 26. 37. 18-51 23. 47. 36-28 "4- 53- 38-29 109. 13. 58-51 40. 53- 33-47 19. 26. 10-74 107. 21. 25 85 33- 33- 43-48 41. o. 31-28 51. 19. 23-01 6. 14. 53-69 39- 48- 49-39 23- 56. 56-77 in. 59. 31-89 33- 32- 34-35 46. 32. 36-95 47- 25. 7H4 51. 17. 32-20 33- 28. 17-90 56. 16. 28-52 94-I3 94-08 93-87 93-03 93-08 94-3I 92-89 8977 94-34 91-36 9274 89-60 94-70 96-22 87-42 9'75 95-03 91-64 89-76 94-09 94-06 95-12 91-37 92-66 91-36 89-80 94-35 94-12 90-17 92-99 94-3I 93-37 87-93 96-22 91-79 93-95 95-42 92-01 91-04 88-40 8775 94-36 10 7 47 2 2 40 5 7 7 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 6 5 4 12 7 14 3 3 5 5 4 2 42 3 3 3 7 6 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 6 3 2 3 3 30 2 3 3 5 2 3 2 2 3 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 +14-325 + 14-316 +14-300 +14-289 +14-196 +I4-I73 +14-161 + 14-150 +I4-I39 +14-137 +14-125 +14-111 +14-102 +14-038 +14-038 +14-026 +14-017 +14-012 + 14-007 +13-966 +13-952 +I3-877 + I3-875 +13-824 +13-822 +13-819 +13-808 +13-807 +I3-794 +13-761 +I3-758 +I3-737 +I3-737 +13-684 +13-677 +13-654 +13-611 +13-601 +I3-586 +I3-585 +I3-578 + I3-557 +I3-548 +I3-544 +I3-542 +I3-535 + I3-498 +I3-497 +I3-479 0-364 +0-455 0-237 +0-047 0-106 0-272 0-361 0-019 -0-350 0-099 -0-352 0-151 +0-054 O'lOI 0-251 0-099 0-279 0-295 0-279 +0-687 0-371 0-277 0-206 o-ioo -0-359 +0-034 0-125 0-126 -0-367 0-298 0-126 0-098 0-380 0-368 0-213 0-038 -0-367 0-176 0-214 0-251 +0-628 0-209 0-098 0-379 0-176 0-236 0-239 0-252 0-176 0-266 +0-033 +0-243 +0-036 +0-008 0-09 +0-030 +O'OI2 +O-I2I 0-44 +0-033 +0-042 +0-08 +O-022 +0-009 +0-105 Groombridge 2196... 42 Bootis p Groombridge 2186... Piazzi XIV. 274 43 Bootis. ... ty Lalande 274^3.. 9 Ursze Minoris 21 Librae v Groombridge 2189... 22 Librae f 2 Groombridge 2187... Groombridge 2193... Groombridge 2190... W. B. (2) XIV. 1327 Groombridge 2192... 45 Bootis c W.!3.(2)XIV.i323-4 B. D. +25 No. 2874 Groombridge 2213... Piazzi XIV. 282 46 Bootis I) Groombridge 2194... Groombridge 2195... Lalande 27640.. Groombridge 2197... B. D. +63 No. 1168 24 Libra i 1 W. B. (2) XV. 80... B. D. +63 No. 1170 Groombridge 2199..,. 23 Librae 25 Librae i? Groombridge 2198... Groombridge 2207... 26 Librae . Groombridge 2203... Groombridge 2202... Groombridge 2201... Carrin gton 2286 Groombridge 2204... Groombridge 2212... Piazzi XV. 19 Groombridge 2209... Groombridge 2205... Groombridge 2206... Groombridge 2208... Groombridge 2211... 49 Bootis 8 3821. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranometria Argentina. {Ixxx} SECOND TKN-YEAK CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. "2 V Is- -^ c ~ & 1755- 1 o P . Ojo .5" c 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. d i E 1 GJ O * c5 *o & B > | < 0," 1 O 1 38SI 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 5882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 1934 1937 1938 1939 1942 1941 1943 "954 1945 1944 1947 1950 1962 2283 2214 2215 2217 2216 2219 2218 222O 2225 2228 2222 2224 2223 2229 2226 2227 2236 2233 27 Libne ft 2-7* 3'5* 8-0 8-3 7-1* 5-5* 5-i* 8-6 6-0 6-0* 9-2 5'7* 8-2 7'5 7-0 9-0 8-0 6-4* var. 8-5 8-8 5-8 8-3 6-3 8-4 9-2 7'3 77 6-4 5-1* 8-9 7-6 9'4 6-0 6-9 9'4 6-1* 8-5 8-2 5-2* 7'6 5-0* 9'5 8-6 4'4* 7-0 6-5 3-2* 9'5 7-6 h m s 15. II. 5-184 15. II. 12-346 15. II. 12-842 '5- I2 - 5703 15. 12. 49-871 15. 13. 22-592 15. 13. 41769 IS. 14. 18-687 !5- H- 39 - 382 '5- '4- 52-379 15. 15. 22-924 I5-I5- 35^88 15. 15. 41-148 15. 16. 1-346 15. 16. 2-390 15. 16. 12-182 15. 16. 17738 15. 16. 21-629 15. 16. 30-537 15. 16. 36-019 15. 16. 43-116 15. 16. 51-047 15- 16. 53-354 15. 16. 53-619 15. 16. 55-817 15. 17. 2-657 15. 17. 7-911 15. 17. 10-009 15. 17. 10-637 15. 17. 11-183 15. 17. 23-506 15. 17. 24-663 15- '7- 33-090 15. 17. 50-013 15. 17. 52-203 15. 18. 1-433 15. 18. 3-402 15. 18. 5-480 15. 18. 11-288 15. 18. 14-135 15. 18. 16-210 15. 18. 39-601 15. 18. 57-916 15. 19. 39-060 15. 20. 20-058 15. 20. 21-404 15. 20. 30-999 15. 2O. 54-288 IS- 20. 55-970 15. 21. 22-259 93-29 95-90 96-45 91-44 92-98 9372 93-55 92-15 9574 94-82 93-18 93-63 96-30 92-91 87-91 93'44 94-48 8977 93-37 95-27 95-34 9I-83 93-22 9374 93-18 93-04 95-53 96-31 93-38 91-72 93-06 92-91 94-42 89-13 9363 94-09 87-89 90-63 93-11 95-21 92-41 95-12 95-40 89-17 93-05 91-77 94-3 94-92 93-05 91-83 40 4 3 4 '43 4 10 3 12 5 4 6 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 i 4 74 16 4 64 3 3 3 34 7 4 3 9 3 34 4 24 3 5 3 '3 3 4 10 9 6 39 3 3 89 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 H 2 S + 3-2289 + 2-4112 2-8046 + 1-0518 21-2675 + 0-6292 + 3-0344 + 1-1108 + 3-3940 + 3-3445 + 1-0489 + 2-4905 + 3-3381 + 1-8436 + 2-1836 + 3-4223 + 1-1274 + 2-5937 + 2-8071 + 1-7459 + 1-7465 + 1-7602 + 3-4289 + 3-3389 + 1-0370 + 3-4280 + 1-1850 + 0-0242 + 2-8392 0-0886 + 3-4289 + 1-1219 + 3-4306 + 3-2880 + 1-0896 + 3-4293 + 3-0837 + 2-9289 + 3-4342 + 3-2506 + 1-7349 + 2-4678 + 3-4318 + 17375 + 2-2782 + 2-2790 + 3-4382 0-1326 + 2-9298 + I-I39 1 a -(-0-0118 -)-O'OOIO +0-3474 -j-0'0220 +7-2365 +0-0381 +O-O076 +0*0199 +0-0158 +0-0145 +0-0217 +0-0016 +0-0143 +0-0041 +0-0014 +0-0165 +0-0192 +O-QO22 +0-0042 +0-0054 +0-0054 +0-0052 +0-0166 +0-0142 +O-0220 +0-0166 +0-0175 +0-0674 +0-0046 +0-0740 +0-0166 +0-0193 +0-0166 +0-0129 +0-O202 +0-0166 +0-0085 +0-0059 +0-0167 +O'OI2O +0-0056 +0-0016 +0-0166 +0-0056 +0-0015 +0-0015 +0-0166 +0-0744 +0-0060 +0-0184 S 0-0079 +0-0072 +0*036 +0-0238 O'OOlJ +0-0007 0-0107 0-OO2 +0-0069 0-0025 0-0019 +0-008 +0-0044 0-0078 +0-0083 0-0143 0-0038 / // 98. 58. 35-82 56. 1 6. 7 98 9. 33. 52-22 26. n. 24-80 2. 20. 41-51 22. 14- 7^4 87. 49. 5'2I 27- 4. 3-39 107. 45. 30-83 105. 9. 4-68 26. 26. 46-80 59. 59- 4-26 i4. 45- 51-92 39. 23. 14-60 48. 37. 26-02 109. 6. 27-07 27. 26. 34-23 64. 38. 42-84 75- 17- 2378 37- 19- 4-05 37. 20. 28-31 37. 38. 42-68 109. 23. 38-19 104. 44. 27-26 26. 26. 50-35 109. 20. 29-67 28. 13. 37-58 18. 23. 21-34 77. 2. I7-6I I7-46. 36-39 109. 21. 39-34 27. 28. 3174 109. 26. 18-38 101. 58. 35-23 27. 7. 52-17 log. 2O. 25-40 90. 37. 46-65 81. 57. 44-00 109. 34. 22-00 99- 55- 35-I4 37. 15. 43-20 59. 18. 52-85 109. 24. 9-96 37. 27. 24-17 52. 14. 12-62 52. 15. 59-36 109. 37. 8-27 17. 46. 28-41 82. 5. 42-12 28. i. 42-46 93"l6 95-90 96-45 9I-44 93'!3 93-38 93-55 91-59 95-74 94-09 92-73 93-84 93T5 92-91 87-91 93'45 9379 89-77 93-37 95-27 95'34 91-83 93''9 93-42 92-73 93-03 95-49 96-32 91-92 9'-o5 93-I5 92-48 94-42 89-13 93-12 93-05 87-67 9075 93-21 95-25 92-41 95-12 95-40 89-17 92-45 92-20 94-3 94-36 92-64 91-68 30 4 3 4 '33 4 10 3 12 6 4 8 5 4 4 5 3 3 3 i 4 7 13 4 3 3 3 8 4 5 4 3 9 3 3 8 3 4 7 3 13 3 4 12 8 5 So 4 3 72 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 3 2 2 3 21 2 + I3-47S +13-470 +I3'464 +13-412 + i3-3 6 4 +13-328 + 13-307 +13-267 + 13-245 +13-231 + '3'i97 + 13-182 + I3-I77 +I3-I55 +I3-I54 + I3-I43 + 13-136 +13-132 + 13-122 + 13-116 + 13-109 +13-100 +13-097 + 13-096 + 13-094 +13-086 + 13-081 +13-079 +13-078 + 13-078 + 13-063 + 13-062 + 13-053 +13-034 +13-032 + 13-022 +13-020 + 13-018 +13-011 +13-008 + 13-006 +12-979 + 12-959 + 12-913 +12-868 + 12-866 + 12-855 +12-829 +12-827 + 12-798 n -0-354 0-266 +0-297 O-I20 +2-306 -0-074 -0-337 0-127 -0-377 0-372 O'I2I -0-279 -0-373 0-2O9 0-246 -0-383 0-130 0-292 -0-3I5 0-198 O-igS O'2OO 0-384 0-374 OT2O 0-384 -0-137 0-008 0-320 +0-004 -0-385 0-130 0-386 0-370 0-126 0-386 -0-348 -o'33 -0-387 0-367 0-198 0-280 -0-388 O'2OO o'26o O-26l 0-390 +O-OO9 -0-334 -OT33 // +0-017 0-031 +0-39 +0-528 +0-06 1 0-038 +0-049 -0-17 0-063 0-013 +0-018 0-003 +O-02O +0-153 +0-191 0-084 0-006 W. B. (2) XV. 213.. Lalande F (2) 194 ... B. D. +63 No. 1178 Groombridge 2283 . . Groombridge 2214 .. 5 Serpentis Groombridge 2215 .. 28 Librae 29 Librae o Oeltz.Arg.(N. 515292 I Coronas o Lalande 27966-7 Piazzi XV. 56 Groombridge 2216 ... B. D. 1 8 No. 4047 Groombridge 2219... W. B. (2) XV. 319... Serpentis S Groombridge 22 1 8 ... B. D. +52 No. 1868 Eadcliffe 3360 B. D. 19 No. 4091 30 Librae o Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 15312 B. D. 19 No. 4093 Groombridge 2220... 12 Ursse Minoris 7 Serpentis 1 1 Ursse Minoris B. D. 19 No. 4095 Groombridge 2222... B. D. i 9 No. 4096 Piazzi XV. 54 Groombridge 2224... Oeltz.Arg. (S.) 14520 8 Serpentis W. B. XV. 291 Oeltz. Arg. (S.) 14525-6. 31 Libne * Groombridge 2223 .. 2 Coronse fj B. D. i 9 No. 4100 Groombridge 2229... 51 ]*ootis ft Piazzi XV. 74 Lalande 28117 B. D. +8 No. 3030 Groombridge 2233... 3862. This star is a close double, and forms the binary 2 1932. 3869. The limits of magnitude are 7'6-8'7 and 12-5 : period 365 d '4. 3892. This star is a close double, and forms the binary 2. 1937. 3896. This star is a close double, and forms the binary 2, 1938. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {Ixxxij No. *2 V l L u = 'E "~ ,0 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Muan R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annuii Proper Motion. Mean N.P.I)., 1890-0. i tie in Date. 1800 + i No. of 01 )S. Animal Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Proper Motion. 31 B o ft 1755- l| e'C ,n d m 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean K.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Um, Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annuiil Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. eu & 1 < OJ O cj | 2 4 1 3 395' 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 396i 3962 39 6 3 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 .3978 3979 3980 398i 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 39S7 3988 3989 399 399i 399 2 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 1978 2008 3242 1981 1983 1986 1985 1991 1990 1995 1996 2OO2 20OI 2OOO 2OIO 2005 2OO7 2263 2258 2260 2259 2262 2261 2265 2266 2264 2267 2271 2286 2269 2272 2273 2274 2277 2278 2282 2280 2279 2281 2292 42 Libra. 5-2* 6-6 7-0 5-3* 6-1* 5-7* S'ot 4'it 6-0* 7-2 5-0* 8-5 5-8" 7-0 6-9 6-8 4-6* 7'3 6-5 ,- 5'5* 7-2 4-2* 2-7* 7-5 7ft 8-0 4-4* 3'8* 8-4 8-0 7-o 7'4 6-5 7'5 4-2* 3-5' 7-2 4-8* 7'4 8-7 6-0" 4-6* 5-2* 7'7 3-7* 7-0* 6-5 6-7 5-0* h m s 15. 33. 46-664 IS- 33- 50-I97 15 34- 39-093 15- 34- 4f345 15. 34. 42-395 15- 34- 44-87I 15. 35. 13-627 15. 35. 14-127 15- 35- 21-441 15- 35- 29-451 15. 35. 36-468 15. 35. 48-677 IS- 35- 55-638 15 36. 13-039 IS- 36. 25-551 15- 36. 35-7I7 '5- 3 6 - 38722 !5- 36 39-426 15. 36. 43-677 15. 37. 21-039 15- 37- 53-044 15. 38. 2-268 I5-38. 7-378 IS- 38. 50-957 15.39. 1726 15. 39. 16-979 15. 40. 3-022 15. 41. 6-213 15. 41. 6-622 ! 5- 4i. 9^53 15. 41. 28-661 15. 42. 21-119 15. 43. 28-797 15- 43- 34751 15. 43. 37-008 IS- 43- 47-281 15- 43- 52-746 15. 44. n-86i 15. 44. 21-783 15. 44. 24-044 15. 44. 33-876 15. 44. 58-493 15. 44. 58-850 15- 44- 59-429 15. 45. 18-074 !5- 45- 19-926 15. 45. 24728 15. 45. 29-681 15. 45. 41-313 15. 46. 56-853 93-5I 92-79 8871 94-52 94-05 90-42 90-72 90-72 94-97 90-12 93-01 93-46 91-84 9278 92-04 95-84 96-45 92-44 93-88 91-82 89-96 92-80 94'S 1 93-98 95-43 92-20 89-78 92-94 94-22 89-51 92-85 88-40 8878 93-86 93-64 95-23 94-18 95-81 95-44 89-95 94-41 94-38 95-59 92-26 92-09 92-42 93-61 94-30 96-24 95-02 16 3 3 19 3 4 3 3 3 3 21 3 S 3 4 3 14 3 3 8 3 ii 1 06 4 5 3 10 i?i 5 3 3 3 6 3 20 14 3 4 2 3 3 74 3 4 35 3 5 3 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 3 2 2 3 2 I 2 3 a + 3-5386 + 0-3908 + 2-0339 - I-8736 + I-54I8 + 1-9108 + 2-2597 + 2-2597 + 175 + I-9030 + 3'45 12 + 3-3103 + 2-7547 + 1-3487 + I-35I5 - 3-8765 + 2-6775 + 2-0186 + 1-3187 + 0-1459 + 3-3706 0-1824 + 2-5262 + 2-9429 - 5-3655 + 3-5675 + 1-8877 + 2-9240 + 2-7623 + i -6008 + I-5952 + 1-6078 + 1-8722 + 3-4229 + 1-1815 + 2-7023 + 3-1324 10-0993 + 3 '5997 + 0-1790 + I-4432 + f4423 + 2-5206 + 0-8967 + I-I593 + 2-9789 + 1-1522 + 3-3459 - 3-4623 + 3-4759 s +0-0180 +0-0424 +0-0030 +0-1907 +0-0087 +0-0040 +O-OO22 +0-OO22 +0-OO57 +o - oo4O +0-0156 +0-0124 +0-0041 +O-OI22 +O-OI22 +0-4063 +0-0035 +0-0032 +0-QI28 +0-0518 +0-0136 +0-0674 +0-OO27 +O-0062 +0-6103 +0-0181 +0-0043 +0-0060 +0-0043 +0-0077 +0-0078 +0-0075 +0-0045 +0-0143 +0-0154 +0-0038 +0-0088 + i'5'45 +0-0183 +0-0475 +0-0101 +0-OIOI +0-0029 +0-0224 +0-0157 +0-0066 +0-0159 +0-0126 +0-3262 +0-0152 0-0031 +0-012 O'O4O +0-0060 0'O022 0'OO22 O-OO46 O-OO05 0-0065 O-OO45 0-0082 +O-OO79 +0-0430 0-0162 +0-0034 O-027 O'OIII 0-0039 0-0077 0-0058 0-0075 +0-0070 +0-0068 0-0026 O / /' 113. 27. 36-62 21. 49. 34-26 46. 2. 12-83 12. 17. 4-52 35- 7- 52-04 42. 50. 22-50 53. O. 22 'O2 53- o- 2 4-93 39- J 3- 4-i4 42. 42. 56-27 109. 19. 18-78 IO2. 24. 22'IQ 73- 37- 12-91 32. 7. 20-40 32. 10. 53-32 8. 51. 47-44 69. 58. 30-23 45. 48. 3-98 31.43- n-88 20. 21. 41-92 105. 19. lS'55 1 8. 29. 27-02 63. 21. 2O"O2 83. 13. 40-74 7. 22. 1974 114. 22. 10-50 42.45. I'77 82. 18. 6-66 74. 14. 0-88 36. 45. 2-94 36. 40. 24-77 36. 58. 48-62 42. 40. 27-36 107- 33- 55-4I 30. 20. 44-60 71. 31. 6-13 93- 5- 35-20 4. 48. 43-98 115. 24. 59-13 20. 58. 50-8: 34. 16. 10-92 34. 17. IQ-OI 63- 35- 40-47 27- 3- 37H2 30. 10. 39-47 85. ii. 26-87 30. 5. 38-65 103. 48. 3-49 9. 40. 20-61 109. 50. 14-81 93-5I 92-32 8871 93^7 93-60 90-42 9072 90-22 94-62 90-12 93-01 93 '46 9178 92-15 9I-57 95-84 96-45 92-19 93-69 91-04 89-96 91-87 94-I5 93-37 93-54 92-20 89-78 93-52 92-85 88-93 91-72 88-40 88-78 93-86 93-I3 95-01 93-70 94-97 95-44 90-03 94-41 94-38 95-18 90-15 91-82 92-10 92-77 94-30 96-24 95-39 16 3 3 25 3 4 3 5 3 3 21 3 16 4 4 3 IS 4 4 3 8 3 12 109 4 5 3 13 24 5 3 3 3 6 3 22 21 4 4 2 3 3 10 6 4 38 3 5 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I I 3 2 5 3 2 J I* 3 // + U-943 +11-940 +11-882 +11-880 +11-879 +11-875 +11-841 +11 -841 +"833 +11-823 +11-815 +11-800 + 11-792 + 11-771 +11-756 +ii'744 +11-741 +11-741 + "'735 +11-691 + "653 +n '643 +11-636 +11-584 +11-572 +"553 + 11-500 + "423 +11-422 + 11-418 +H-395 +"333 +11-251 +11-244 +11-241 +11-229 +11-222 + 11-199 + II-I87 + 11-184 + II-I72 + H-I43 + II-I42 + II-I42 + II-II9 + II-II7 + II-IIO + 11-104 + II-09I + 10-999 // 0-420 0-051 0-244 +0-215 0-186 0-229 0-271 0-271 O'2II 0-229 0-412 0-395 -0-330 0-164 0-165 +0-453 0-322 0-244 0-161 0-022 -0-405 +0-017 0-305 -0-355 +0-634 0-430 0-23I 0-355 -0-336 0-197 0-196 0-198 0-23I 0-418 0-148 -0-33I 0-384 + I-2I7 0-44I O-O27 0-180 0-180 0-310 0-114 0-145 0-366 -0-145 0-411 +0-416 0-429 +O-OI2 +0-15 O'OI4 +0-139 +0-001 +0-001 +0-097 O'OO! +0-028 +0-063 0-034 0-056 +0-014 +0-057 +0-035 o'o6 0-018 +0-083 +0-013 +0-038 +0-078 +0-063 -0-059 +0-013 Groom bridge 2263 .. Groombridge 2258 .. 15 Ursa? Minoris o Groombridge 2260 .. Piazzi XV 153 7 Coronie (Comes) 7 Coronae. . Groombridge 2262... Piazzi XV. 156 4-3 Librae K W. B. XV. 645 19 Serpentis T" Groombridge 2265... Groombridge 2266... 1 -aland F. 2690 21 Serpentis.. . .t Groombridge 2264... Groombridge 2267... Lalande F. 2677 Groombridge 2271... 8 Ooronse y 24 Serpentis o. Groombridge 2286... Lalando 28670. Groombridge 2269... 27 S'jrpeutis A. 28 Serpentis ... B Groombridge 2272... Groombridge 2273... Groombridge 2274... Groombridge 2277... Lalande 28780 Groombridge 2278... 35 Serpentis K 32 Serpentis f& Lalande F. 2731-2... I Scorpii b Groombridge 2282... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)is662 Oeltz.Arg.{N.)i5666 10 Coronae o Piazzi XV. 198 Groombridge 2279... ?7 Serpentis... .... Groombridge 2281... W. B. XV. 839 . . 45 Libras A. 3957, 3958. These stars form the pair S 1965. 3973. This star is a close double, and forms the binary 2 1967. 3976. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Argentine General Giialuguc, 1875. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {Ixxxiii} No. "1 ! OS 6 3 ~ J3 o M 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. **< a S -OS d to 1755- V & t o 5-6J 6-2J 7-1* 6-8 4-0* 8-7 6'5 4-0* 8-6 8'3 5-4* 4-8* 3'i* 4-1* 6-0 2-5* 5-6* 7'3 8-3 9'4 5'3* 7'5 7-0 8-4 5-0* 8-0 7-1 7-8 6-8 4-1* 7'5t 2 -of 4 'ol 5-9* 6-2* 8-0 6-2J h m s 15. 47. 0-462 15. 47. 5-206 15. 47. 19-631 15. 47. 22-984 J5- 47- 33-684 IS- 47- 59745 15. 48. 3-266 15. 48. 16-190 15. 48. 16-961 15. 48. 51-205 15. 48. 52-307 1 5- 49- 20-871 15. 49. 40-291 J5- 49- 51-400 15. 49. 52-190 15. 50. 4-144 15. 50. 4-267 15. 50. 5-567 15. 50. 51-882 15. 51. 14-674 15. 51. 22-302 is- 51- 54-503 IS- 5'- 57-9ii 15. 51. 59-000 15. 52. 1-670 15. 52. 11-799 15.53- 1-962 -5- 53- 37-43 2 IS- 53- 49725 IS- 54- 9-I79 15. 54. 52-652 i5- 55- 15765 IS- 55- 54'343 IS- 56. I7-733 15. 56. 43-483 15. 56. 44-868 15- 57- 4-561 15- 57- 33-435 IS- 57- 36-737 IS- 57- 38-565 15. 58. 0-415 15. 58. 12-154 15. 58. 19-093 15. 58. 19-636 15. 59. 2-380 15. 59. 2-893 15. 59. 16-693 15- 59- 17-034 15. 59. 21-405 15. 59. 32-697 93-37 90-12 87-46 92-44 92-34 93-11 92-23 89-49 94-22 90-79 96-41 95'34 89-80 91-64 91-64 89-11 96-38 93-11 90-43 927S 92-56 96-59 93-39 95-17 89-65 94-25 93-84 90-41 92-73 90-30 93-36 90-22 96-42 94-53 96-33 90-88 95-59 9362 94-98 95-45 92-14 90-95 9335 92-97 93-23 9271 94-12 96-17 95-83 92-78 8 3 4 3 10 29 6 i 3 5 5 2 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 43 3 3 4 4 22 15 4 24 '4 3 6 3 24 4 3 4 22 6 4 3 4 9 2 39 9 3 3 4 5 124 2 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 s + 3-5938 + 2-2601 + 3-5755 + 3-5626 + 3-4022 2-2629 + 3-5934 + 1-5704 + I -5704 + 3-6192 + 2-0331 - 3-6237 + 1-8911 + 3-8226 + 3-8225 + 2-8828 + 3-3552 + 3-6948 + 3-3556 + 3-4992 + 2-7475 2-3052 + 3-3580 + 3-5895 + 3-3544 + 3-6208 + 2-4883 + 2-1166 + 3-5400 + 3-4040 6-6219 0-5812 4-8307 + 2-6972 + 3-4798 - 0-6153 - 1-5185 + 2-5815 + 3-4791 - 1-5054 + 2-5809 + 2-0942 + 3-2980 + 3-2980 + 3-4816 + 3-4815 + 2-2037 + 1-5265 + 3-479! + 3-5707 s +0-0179 +0-0026 +0-0174 +0-0171 +0-0135 +O-20I6 +0-0177 +0-0080 +0-0080 +0-0183 +0-0034 +0'33 2 9 0*0044 +0-0234 +0-0234 +0-0055 +0-0124 +O-O20O +0-OI24 +0-OI52 +0-0043 +0-1980 +O-QI24 +0-0172 +0-OI23 +0-0179 +0-0030 +0-0031 +0-0159 +0-0131 +0-7I07 +0-0773 +0-4578 +O-OO4O +0-0143 +0-0781 +0-1309 +0-0034 +O-OI42 +O-I293 +0-0034 +0-0033 +0-OI09 +0-OIO9 +O-OI4I +0-0141 +0-0030 +0-0083 +0-0:41 +0-0159 s 0-0035 0-0033 0-0049 +0-0067 +0-003 0-0047 o"oo6o o / // "4- 59- 53-09 54. o. 4-36 114. 12. 17-92 113- 3 8 - 59H8 106. 24. 2r67 ii. 52. 2'6i 114. 55. 0-85 36- 45- 48-33 36. 45. 48-19 115. 56. 27-14 47. 14. 25-08 9- 3 2 - 2 5-o3 43- 38- 5-3 123- 38- 38-95 123. 38. 30-65 So. 27. 12-83 104. 4. 30-80 118. 53. 32-00 104. 3- 39'59 1 10. 39. 48-43 73. 58. 44'i8 ii. 54. 7-29 104. 8. 17-14 114. 30. 49-5 6 i3- 57- 41-28 115. 47- 48-47 62. 48. 1 1 -80 49. 59- 24-10 112. 18. 28-86 106. 12. 32-40 6. 43 . 17-69 17. 22. 50-65 8. ii. 45-65 71. 52. 38-30 109. 32. 2-69 17. 17. 36-58 14. 3- 9'i6 66. 53. 23-96 109. 27. 44-83 14. 6. 38-87 66. 53. 22-48 49. 40. 19-91 101. 4. 9-38 101. 4. 5-65 109. 30. 13-57 109. 30. 1-16 S3- 3- 52-55 36. 46. 43 '20 109. 22. 48-46 113. 18. 21-63 93 '37 90-12 87-46 92-44 92-05 92-76 92-23 89-49 93-8i 90-79 96-41 95-34 89-80 91-64 91-64 89-11 96-38 93-ii 90-43 92-75 92-66 95-46 93-39 95-17 90-54 94-25 93 '25 90-41 92-73 90-30 92-02 89-83 96-30 94-56 96-33 90-75 95-65 93-53 96-33 9532 92-14 90-95 92-97 93-80 92-24 9175 94-20 96-22 95-68 92-78 8 3 4 3 13 44 6 i 3 5 S 2 3 5 S 3 3 3 3 3 48 3 3 4 7 22 22 4 24 14 2 S 3 27 3 3 3 21 3 5 3 4 12 3 31 9 4 24 3 5 17 2 3 2 5 2 I 4 2 2 3 +10-994 +10-989 +10-971 +10-967 + 10-953 +10*922 +10-918 +10-902 +10-901 +10-859 +10-858 +10-824 + 10-791 + 10-786 +10-784 +10-770 + 10-770 +10-767 +10-710 +10-682 + 10-673 +10-633 +10-629 +10-628 +10-624 + I0'6l2 +10-550 +10-505 +10-490 +10-466 +10-412 +10-383 +10-336 +10-306 +10-274 + 10-272 +10-247 + IO-2I2 + IO-2O7 + IO-2O4 + IO-I78 + I0'l6; + 10-154 + 10-153 + 10-099 + IO-098 +10-081 +10-081 +10-074 + 10-061 it 0-443 0-280 0-441 0-440 0-420 +0-272 0-444 0-197 0-197 0-448 0-254 +0-440 0-237 0-475 0-474 -0-359 0-418 0-459 0-418 0-436 0-344 +0-281 0-420 0-449 0-419 -0-453 -0-313 0-267 0-444 0-428 +0-821 +0-068 +0-606 0-342 0-440 +0-073 +0-186 0-328 0-441 +0-185 -0-329 0-268 0-419 0-419 0-443 0-443 0-282 0-197 0-440 -0-455 // +0-014 +0-357 +0-03 0-131 +0-004 +0-04 +0-04 0-601 +0-015 + 1-286 +0-014 +0-033 +0-062 +0-028 +0-368 0-158 0-037 +0-023 +0-019 +0-019 +0-027 +0-027 ii Coronee K Bradley 2009 Piazzi XV. 192 46 Librae 6 16 Ursa; Minoris 3 Scorpii Groomb.2285( Comes) Groombridge 2285 .. 4 Scorpii i Herculis . \ Groombridge 2298 .. Groombridge 2287 .. Lupi . f 1 Lupi c~ W. B. XV. 919 W. B. XV. 910 5 Srorpii p B. D. i 3 No. 4296 B. F. 2173 +0-0194 0-0028 0-003* 0-0074 o'ooiS 0-0474 0-0050 o-oooo +O-OOI 0-0065 0-0065 0-0026 0-0026 41 Serpentts y 01rz.Arg.(N.) 15793 W. B. XV. 941; Lalaude 29017.. 48 Libr o .0 648 s +0-0145 +0-0092 +0-0162 +o 0404 +O-OO9I +0-OII7 +0-0033 +o 0171 +0-0133 +0-0157 +0-0169 +0-0041 +0-0041 +0-0553 +0-0132 +0-0054 +0-0031 +0-0560 +0-0046 +0-0560 +0-0135 +0-0135 +0-0100 +0-0406 +0-0067 +0-0042 +0-0036 +0-0043 +0-0135 +0-0142 +0-OI2I +O-OI65 +O-O24O +0-OO40 +0-0160 +0-0034 +0-0129 +0-0081 +0-0161 +0-0034 +0-0114 +O'OIIO +0-0134 +0-0031 +0-OO3I +0-0034 +0-0034 +0-0173 +0-0032 +O-0082 3 -0-037 O-O2O 0-048 O'OOOO 0-0061 0-0070 0-0058 0-0031 0-0028 0-0028 0-0035 0-0085 0-0023 +0-OII 0-0070 0-0049 0-0042 0-0258 0-0258 0-0045 +0-0003 +0-0040 O ' /' 31. S. 27-46 95- 59- 29-81 30. 4. o 61 22. 4. 1-39 95. 50. 26 08 103. 46. 28-70 50. 32. 45 93 116. i. 52-26 107. 56. 39 60 113. 23. 28-59 29- 39- 29-33 72. 39- 34-8o 72. 39. 5-49 19. 35. 13-24 108. 2. 52 96 42. 12. 5-41 53- 13- 45^9 19. 26. 40-05 44. 46. 35-51 19. 26. 34-80 109. 9. 49-19 109. 10. 27-48 99. 46. 43 60 21. 53. 59 So 39- 3'- 53-00 73- 2 - 57-46 49- 9- 38-17 45- 53- 13-64 31. 46. 31-49 in. 7. 6-53 1 06. 7. 14-44 29. 50. 34-19 26. 1 8. 22-46 47- 20. 35-94 115. ii. 50-74 50. 39. 41-41 108. 15. 9-40 93- 24. 38-46 30. 2. I6-O7 51. 38. 54-98 I0 4 . 34. 22-37 103. 22. 19-36 109. 49. 48-24 55. 51. 48-04 55- 51. 44-00 65. 40. 55-18 65. 26. 58-33 118. 20. 21-51 60. 34. 38-35 94. 25. 26-00 93-95 87-70 94-16 9S-43 8972 92-94 94-07 95-80 95-7I 91-10 95-87 94-47 94-10 95-4I 94-33 87-45 94-10 94-16 89-46 94-92 92-97 92-41 93-56 92 01 93-I3 96-40 87-49 92-45 95-82 96-31 93-46 93-63 94-70 94-48 94-33 95-21 92-88 92-18 95-27 91-12 87-43 93 '45 93-79 94-87 94-62 90-36 90-41 92-77 93H8 93-80 6 4 7 7 3 5 3 4 3 '4 3 5 3 8 4 3 3 7 17 10 8 3 5 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 5 3 6 5 2 3 3 3 3 5 8 10 3 4 3 10 25 2 2 2 3 2 (2) 5 2 9 2 2 4 2 a +10-039 +10-037 + 10-034 + 10-033 + 10-016 + 9-957 + 9-939 + 9 919 + 9-891 + 9-862 + 9-805 + 9-789 + 9-789 + 9-773 + 9-754 + 9'744 + 9-649 + 9-629 + 9-622 + 9-617 + 9-601 + 9-599 + 9-570 + 9-566 + 9-558 + 9-530 + 9-530 + 9-504 + 9-501 + 9-476 + 9-431 + 9'4'o + 9-405 + 9-403 + 9-398 + 9'395 + 9-39I + 9-369 + 9'345 + 9-3I4 + 9-287 + 9-234 + 9-217 + 9-217 + 9-217 + 9-169 + 9-I55 + 9'i44 + 9-078 + 9-065 0-151 0-408 0-140 0-032 0-408 0-429 0-272 0-466 0-442 0-458 -0-135 0-349 0-349 +O'O22 0-444 0-232 -0-285 +0-028 0-246 +0-028 -0-450 0-450 0-424 0-023 O-2I5 -0-352 0-268 0-252 -0-155 0-458 -0-443 -0-135 0-092 0-260 0-472 0-275 -0-450 0-410 -0-137 0-280 0-441 -0-438 -0-457 0-298 0-298 -0-333 -0-332 -0-486 0-316 0-416 n -0-345 O'OO 0-05 +0-093 +O-QII +0-04 -0-338 -0-035 +0-013 +0-013 +0-007 -0-077 O'OOI +0-324 +0-133 +0-137 +0-114 +0-06 1 +0-06 1 +0-125 +0-026 0-034 W. B. XV. 1099 Groombridge 2306... Groombridge 2307... W. B. XV. 1105 W. B. XV. 1118 Groombridge 2305... Piaz/iXV. 265. Lalande 29338 Lalande 29345 Groombridge 2309... 7 Hereulis .. . K Bradley 2050 Groombridge 2312... Lalande 29395 Groombridge 2310... 1 6 Coronas T Groombridge 2319... II Hereulis Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 15970 PiazziXVI. 3 14 Scorpii i' 15 Scorpii i/' Groombridge 2320... Groombridge 2314 ... Bradley 2060 Groombridge 2313... 14 Hereulis Radeliffe 3513 .. Piazzi XVI. 10 Oeltz. Arg. (S.) 15412-3. Groom bridge 2322... Groombridge 2323... Groombridge 2318... Piazzi XVI. 14. Groombridge 2317... B. F. 2217 i Ophiuchi c Groombridge 2324... Groombridge 2321... W. B. XVI. 140 W. B. XVI. 149 Piazzi XVI. 28. 17 Coroiife (Comes) B. D. +24 No. 2985 B. I). +24 No. 2987 Piazzi XVI 31 18 Corona; u 2 Ophiuchi * 4060, 4085. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Uranomctria Argentina. 4062, 4063. These stars form the pair 2 2010. 4094, 4095. These stars form the binary 2 2032. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {Ixxxv} No. I ' O If HJj d 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean K.A., 1890-0. Mean Dale. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. = S. ~35 d 1755- 1 1 o 1 to o 1 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4M5 4146 4H7 4148 4149 4150 2096 2076 2077 2099 2086 2o8l 2084 2082 2087 2089 2083 2090 2088 2III 2093 2IO4 2091 2327 2325 2329 2334 2332 2335 233 2337 2331 2333 2338 2 349 2339 2340 2342 2345 2346 2341 Piazzi XVI. 35 Piazzi XVI. 36 6-0 8-0 8-2 9-0 6-8 7'4 5-5* 4-7* 8-2 6-3* 6-6 5-4* 8-7 9-1 6-1* 6-0* 3-9* 4-8* 8-3 3-8* 6-8 4-6* 6-7: 4-5* 6-4 6-1* 7'St 5'5t 5-8J 7-81 8-6 4-7* 5-0* 5-0* 7-2 5-5* 6-8 4-6* 5-6 2-8* 6-8 i-i* 7-St h m 8 16. 12. 34-079 1 6. 12. 35-264 16. 12. 41-150 1 6. 12. 45-802 16. 12. 53-952 16. 12. 56-716 16. 13. 6-193 16. 13. 56-258 16. 13. 58-026 16. 14. 0-982 16. 14. 16-022 16. 14. 30-111 16. 15. 17-962 16. 15. 18-314 16. 15. 25-121 16. 15. 29-080 16. 15. 36-810 16. 16. 6-828 16. 16. 21-959 16. 16. 26-040 1 6. 1 6. 30-062 16. 16. 31-506 16. 17. 4-019 16. 17. 37-590 16. 17. 39-939 16. 17. 45-261 16. 17. 45-277 16. 17. 48-634 16. 18. 12-275 16. 18. 43-059 16. 18. 48-481 16. 18. 59-317 16. 18. 59-338 16. 18. 59-387 16. 19. 17-304 16. 20. 20-310 16. 20. 31-161 16. 20. 38-878 16. 20. 43-378 16. 21. 19-978 16. 21. 23-100 16. 21. 29-042 16. 21. 42-522 16. 21. 51-096 1 6. 22. I3'O24 l6. 22. 19-683 l6. 22. 30-035 16. 22. 39-741 16. 22. 39728 16. 23. 18-298 92-59 92-76 94-I7 89-83 96-41 90-I3 92-57 92-47 90-45 93-57 87-40 91-94 93-59 90-36 9 I- 45 95-03 94-5I 94-41 93-07 93-22 93-40 93-04 95-49 9577 96^12 9333 88-44 95'99 91-25 91-76 96-46 94-07 87-46 92-66 95-54 95-86 89-11 94-80 94-70 95-34 92-64 94-22 94-11 3i 74 5 3 3 3 4 4 13 3 20 4 2 3 4 3 3 3 18 10 3 63 3 6 2 3 4 3 3 44 13 6 3 5 13 7 3 3 4 3 6 3 3 53 3 47 3 2 I 2 3 2 2 2 3 I 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 8 + 3-7788 + 37790 + 3-5055 + O'2760 + 3^573 5-4107 + 0-30I6 I-78I4 + 3-6028 + 2-6024 I-56IO + 0-992I + 2-5l6l + 1^752 I-03OO + I -80l8 + 3^455 + 0-I679 + 2-648I + I-5I25 + 2-3435 0-0424 + 2-3000 + 3-5907 + 3-5906 + 3-S905 + 2-6881 + 2-6888 + 3-4715 1-7973 + 0-8172 + 1-8600 + 2-1351 + 1-4858 + 3-2461 + 1-5167 + 0-7882 + 0-8050 + 2-0115 + 3-6715 + 3-6386 8 +0-OI85 +O-OI32 +0-0342 +0-0094 +0-4232 +0-0087 +0-033I +O-I26O +O-OI48 +O-OII9 +0-0154 +0-0037 +0-1116 +0-0160 +0-0823 +0-0034 +0-0063 +0-0832 +0-0052 +0-0067 +0-0363 +0-0039 +0-0079 +0-0127 +0-0172 +0-0172 +0-0032 +0-0423 +0-0032 +0-0140 +0-0140 +0-0140 +0-0140 +0-0040 +0-0044 +0-0040 +0-0119' +0-1181 +0-0186! +0-0047 +0-0035 +0-0080 +0-0087 +0-0077 +0-0190 +0-0187 +0-0039 +0*0149 +0-0143 s 0-0040 0-005 o t it 120. 38. 5-31 I2O. 38. 2I'5I 109. 56. 56-35 23. 6. 25-08 98. 48. 3-06 8. o. 32-76 36. 29. 21-85 23. 21. 0-73 13- So. 44-35 113. 54. 13-15 106. 48. 59-24 115. 19. 4174 68. 36. 5-65 14. 31. 1-26 29. 58. 40-78 16. 26. 9-67 65. 7. 58-78 40. 41. 54-38 16. 20. 11-27 43- 25. 2779 88. 42. 43-19 22. 29. 48-34 70. 35- !7'57 37. 41. 58-58 109. 46. 45-49 119. 26. 39-01 119. 26. 46-80 58. 51. 8-87 21. II. 1-25 57- 24- 35-45 113. 12. 21-59 113. II. 35-43 113. II. 32-19 113. 9. 3-90 72. 22. 26-65 75- 42- 47-02 72. 26. 35-91 IO8. 12. 21 '60 13. 59. 29-18 28. 18. 38-21 45. 3. 32-64 52. 21. 18-45 37. 27. 35-19 98. 7. 29-77 38. 2. 2-88 28. 3. 11-16 28. 14. 1 1 -99 48. 56. 28-46 116. 11. 14-87 114. 54. 15-44 91-95 91-86 94-I7 89-45 96-48 93-13 9272 91-68 90-45 93-57 87-40 90-58 93-54 90-36 90-22 94-77 Q4-" ^2 QS " ^6 92-72 93-66 92-79 93-04 95H9 95-77 92-83 88-44 95H3 91-42 91-78 96-46 87-44 94-07 87-45 92-66 92-47 96-67 89-11 94-80 93-33 91-71 93-70 94-18 94-11 94-32 4 7 5 2 3 3 4 6 13 3 20 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 20 IS 3 63 3 6 2 3 3 4 14 6 3 6 23 9 7 18 2 3 4 4 II 3 3 3 52 3 3 4 2 5 6 2 2 2 3 I 2 2 8 2 2 4 2 + 9-060 + 9-058 + 9-051 + 9'44 + 9-034 + 9-030 + 9-018 + 8-953 + 8-950 + 8-946 + 8-927 + 8-908 + 8-846 + 8-846 + 8-837 + 8-831 + 8-821 + 8-782 + 8-762 + 8-757 + 8-751 + 8-749 + 8-707 + 8-662 + 8-659 + 8-653 + 8-653 + 8-648 + 8-6 I7 + 8-576 + 8-569 + 8-555 + 8-555 + 8-555 + 8-532 + 8-448 + 8-434 + 8-423 + 8-417 + 8-369 + 8-365 + 8-357; + 8-340 + 8-328; + 8-299 + 8-289 + 8-276 + 8-263 + 8-263 + 8-212 0-496 0-496 0-460 0*040 0-428 +0-700 0-194 0-043 +0-229 0-474 0-452 0-479 0-344 +O-20I 0-134 +0-127 -0-333 0-223 +0-I3I O-24O 0-403 O-O26 -0-352 O-233 0-465 0-498 0-498 0-312 +O'OO2 0-307 0-477 0-477 0-477 0-477 -0-359 0-369 0-359 0-463 +0-234 O-II2 0-25O 0-287 0'2OI 0-434 O-2O5 O'loS O'lII 0-271 -0-491 0-488 +0-087 0-003 +0-025 +0-007 0-032 0-031 0-035 O'lO 0-048 +0-062 +O'IO 0-115 +0-017 +0-009 +0-009 +0-061 +0-018 -0-254 +0-009 -0-057 +0-028 Piazzi XVI 39 . Groombridge 2327... Carrington 2447 Pia?7i XVI 56 Piazzi XVI 69 . . 19 Ursie Minoris Oel;z.Arg.(S.)l5544 20 Siiorpii o" 0-0022 0-009 0-0017 0-0131 0-084 0-0049 O'OO2i +O-002 +O-OO4 o'oo6 +0-0009 0-0032 0-0032 +0-0016 0-0038 0-019 o'ooog 0-0030 O'OO22 B F 2244. 20 Ut'Sce Minoris Groombridge 2332... Groombridgo 2335... B. D. +24 No. 2995 Groombridge 2330... Groombridge 2337... 22 Herculis T Lalamle 29917 Groombridge 2333... 4 Ophiuclii. ^ Piazzi XVI. 60 (S. star) Piazzi XVI. 60 (S. star) Groombridge 2338... Piazzi XVI 68 5 Ophiuclii (S. star).. p 5 Ophiuclii (N. sfcu-)p Piazzi XVI. 72. W.B. (2) XVI. 532-3 24 Herculis w W. B. (2) XVI. 563. 7 Ophiurhi. X 21 Ursai Minoris. fj Oeltz.Arg.(N.)i6i88 Groombridge 2339... 25 Herculis. Groombridge 2340... 3 Ophiuchi ... v Groombridge 2342... Groombridge 2345 . . . 14 Draconis 77 Groombridge 2341... 21 Scorpii o 1'iazzi XVI. 87. 4101, 4102. The magnitudes ol these stars are taken from the Unmometria Argentina. 4131- This star is a close double, and forms the pair (B 1115. 4126, 4127. These stars form the pair A 4850. The magnitudes are taken from the Cape Catalogue, 1880. 4132, 4133. These stars form the pair South 228. The 4131, 4134, 4150. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from tlie Argentine General Catalogue, 1875. magnitudes are taken from the Piiblia'/ions of the 4136. This is a close double, and forms the pair 625. Lick Observatory, vol. )i. 4146. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 2 2054. {Ixxxvi} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. \ || si ~M d K 1755- 1 Jj> &'& 6 * 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean K.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + Above Pole. _ ^ 1 2o of is. 9 + 3-1672 + 1-9659 6-7413 + I-5I49 + 3-0249 + 3-0249 + 2-5844 + 3-5483 + 1-5232 + 1-5039 4-8526 3'3'97 0-6232 + 1-6984 + 3-3970 + 2-8173 + 3"'49 - 0-1355 + 3''54o + 3-7277 + 3-9369 + 2-3394 + 1-5808 + 2-6879 + 2-6868 + I-933I + 3-2984 + 1-4612 10-5562 + 27651 + 3-4382 + 0-5054 + 3-530 + 2-0357 + 3-6338 + 3-4663 2-6292 + 3-5I93 + 1-6301 + 0-5925 + 2 2971 - 5-9586 + 3-7470 - 2-77SO 4-0447 + 2-0519 s +0-0143 +0-0077 +0-0148 +0-0109 +0-0076 +0-0041 +0-5302 +0-0076 +0-0062 +0-0062 +0-0036 +0-0126 +0-0074 +0-0077 +0-3298 +0-2050 +0-0584 +0-0058 +0-OIO2 +0-0047 +0-0073 +O-O4IO +0-0073 +O-OI5O +0-0188 +0-0033 +0-0067 +0*0040 +O-O04O +0-0043 +0-0087 +0-0079 +0-9816 +0-0043 +0-0102 +Q-O227 +0-OI14 +0-0038 +0-0127 +0-OIO4 +0-I424 +0-OIII +0-0061 +0-0204 +0-0033 +0-3819 +0-0140 +0-1452 +0-2242 +0-0037 s 0-0027 0-0051 O'OOOO 0-0027 0-0027 0-0090 +0-0001 O'OIO 0-0147 0-009 O'OO22 0-0047 O-OO2O 0-0007 0-0027 0-0209 O-002 O'OOI 0-0356 +0-0028 t ft 114. 52. 21-04 94. 28. 50-36 116. 17. '51-44 IO6. 22. 20-29 94- 2 5- 3472 47- 52. 34-i6 7. 6. 30-82 38- 9- 56-31 87. 46. 29-49 87. 46. 28-58 68. 16. 13-20 in. 13. 49 88 38. 21. 4-84 38. o. 29-53 8. 47. 46-60 10. 51. 47-36 IS. 22. 13-24 41. 48. 6-21 104. 47. 19-05 78. 16. 31-17 93- 33- 30-24 20. 59. 38-00 93-47- i'33 117. 59. 14-15 125. i. 42-42 59. 16. 11-49 39- 37- 35-56 72. 42. 56-44 72. 40. i9'94 47- 20. 8-55 100. 20. 37-63 37- 32- 3'99 5- 4577 76. 5- 23 82 106. 23. 41-65 25. 50. 27-96 no. n. 3679 50. 12. 8'i6 114- 15- 14-21 107. 31. 43-49 12. 20. 6-03 109. 42. 47'OO 40. 51. 23-23 26. 42. 2176 58. II. 52-40 7- 53- 3-60 118. 18. 15-36 12. 5- 35-I4 9- 59- 6-96 50. 52. 5-93 93-48 90-75 94-65 91-99 87-96 91-18 95-82 92-08 93-00 96-02 94-48 90-46 94-10 95-56 96-12 96 64 94-09 8777 93-43 95-27 87-48 90-99 87-50 94'46 91-75 94-21 88-12 87-44 87-44 94^5 9269 91-49 96-14 90-80 90-45 89-99 92-86 87-80 93-79 92-09 96-50 90-88 9178 92-20 93-9I 95-57 95-33 89-31 96-50 95-I5 5 3 6 7 4 3 2 3 42 2 53 7 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 J5 4 10 5 19 3 n 3 4 3 28 63 4 4 3 3 3 5 3 5 32 3 7 3 6 88 3 3 3 3 49 3 2 2 2 2 4i 2 3 2 I 6 it + 8-195 + 8-155 + 8-106 + 8-088 + 8-084 + 8-074 + 8-068 + 8-058 + 8-047 + 8-047 + 8-038 + 8-027 + 8-003 + 8-000 + 7-98o + 7-972 + 7-952 + 7'94 + 7-882 + 7-880 + 7-821 + 7-819 + 7-787 + 7-752 + 7-744 + 7-739 + 7-670 + 7-634 + 7-634 + 7-629 + 7-5S5 + 7-569 + 7'5'9 + 7-452 + 7-390 + 7-37I + 7-343 + 7 '322 + 7-273 + 7-250 + 7-237 + 7-233 + 7-206 + 7-203 + 7-094 + 7-086 + 7-013 + 6-998 + 6-989 + 6-930 // 0-488 0-426 0-494 0-461 0-426 0-266 +0-897 0-206 0-408 0-408 -0-349 0-478 0-207 0-205 +0-646 +0-441 +0-080 0-231 0-459 -0-381 0-426 +0-015 0-427 -0-505 0-533 0-318 O"2l6 0-366 0-366 0-264 -0-449 O'2OI + 1-424 -0-378 0-469 0-O72 0-482 0-279 0-497 0-474 +0-355 o'/j8i 0-225 0-084 0-316 +o 8:0 -0-515 +0-376 +o-55o 0-284 // O'OOI +0-028 0-042 +0-065 +0-065 +0-015 -0-047 +0-27 +0-070 0-036 +0-023 +0-03 0-026 -0-035 0-018 0-278 0-044 0-021 0-410 +0-077 B. D. 4 No. 4119 Piazzi XVI 93 . . 8 Ophiuchi < B. D. 4 No. 4121. 30 Herculis @ Lalande F 2811 Groom bridge 2350... 10 Ophiuchi A- 10 Ophiuchi (Comes).. ^ 27 Herculis /? 9 Ophiuchi <*> Groombridge 2351... Groombridge 2352... Carrington 2478 Groombridge 2363... Groombridge 2356... Groombridge 2354... B. D. 14 No. 4443 Lalande 301 18 15 Dracouis A B. D. -3 No. 3967 Piazzi XVI. in Groombridge 2357... W. B. (2) XVI. 876-8 W. B. (2) XVI. 879. 35 Herculis o~ 13 Ophiuchi 4 Groombridge 2360... Carrington 2498 Piazzi XVI. 136 Lalande 30264 Groombridge 2367... Piazzi XVI. 137 Groombridge 2364... Lalande 30304 . 24 Scorpii Piazzi XVI. 195 Bradley 2115 Groombridge 2370... Carriugton 2502 Piazzi XVI. 159 .. Groombridge 2378... Lalande F. 2832 4153, 4189, 4197. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Uranometria Argentina. 4156. The, limits of magnitude are 47-5-5 and 5-4-6-0 : period irregular. 4159, 4160. These stars form the binary 'S, 2055. 4175. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Southern Meridian Photometry. FKOM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {Ixxxvii} No. 1 Blp n '"33 6 to 1755- a || H'C ,0 ll 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean E.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Above Pole. OJ ! o *O) pa Above Pole. - 1 1 s 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 423 1 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 2126 2141 2131 2135 2132 3245 2138 2139 2145 2144 2143 2151 2150 2148 2152 2156 2157 2153 2155 2379 2375 2382 2374 2376 2388 2386 2384 2381 2387 2383 2385 2391 2389 2398 2400 2392 Groom bridge 2379... 25 Scorpii .. 8-3 6-71 5-0* 7'i 5-5* 5'9 6-ot 9'3t 8-5 9'3 2-2* 6-7J 6-3* 6-5 4-7* 6-4 6-5 5-4* 7-6 7-0 6-3 6-8 5-8* 6-6 6-4* 6-6 9-1 7'7 6-5 7-31 7-oJ 5-4* 4-4* 6-5 6-2 7'i 8-4 5-6* 5-5* 8-4$ 7'3i 3-4* 7-0 6-3 6-3: 6-iJ 8-6 8-5 6-9 5-3* h m s 16. 39. 26-602 1 6. 40. 7-246 16. 40. 9-363 1 6. 40. 22-992 1 6. 40. 32-981 16. 40. 43-415 16. 41. 36 962 16. 41. 38-539 16. 42. 5-718 1 6. 42. 18-702 16. 43. 2-290 16. 43. 2-668 '6. 43- 4-59I 16. 43. 10-718 16. 43. 44-846 16. 43. 48-512 16. 44. 23-164 16. 44. 58-917 16. 45- 55-837 16. 46. 2-568 16. 46. 15-389 16. 46. 20-523 16. 46. 21-361 16. 46. 55-496 16. 47. 4-328 16. 47. 4-690 16. 47. 8-540 16. 47- 37-552 16. 48. 0-156 1 6. 48. 11-943 16. 48. 20-640 16. 48. 47-749 16. 48. 48-183 16. 48. 59-106 16. 49. 40-809 16. 50. 3-821 16. 50. 4-078 16. 50. 9-934 16. 50. 32-100 1 6. 50. 35-866 16. 50. 36-148 16. 52. 27-661 16. 52. 56-225 16. 53. 0-030 16. 53. 13-563 16. 53. 25-240 16. 53. 41-342 16. 54. 11-590 16. 54. 22'no J 6. 54- 45-764 89-45 94-45 92-40 94-83 96-05 91-83 87-47 87-45 95-J4 96-11 93-9I 92-72 87-43 93-81 92-84 87-52 92-61 96-16 91-72 93-25 88-13 90-86 94-16 92-09 88-47 9373 88-06 92-22 9376 94-37 95-69 9577 94-52 94-34 89-04 88-71 87-42 94-I7 93-87 93-26 9175 94-03 91-69 94-50 95-4I 95 '39 95-23 95-26 89-15 91-07 4 6 7 3 6 4 4 I 31 i 16 H 3 5 14 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 25 5 5 3 3 4 6 9 4 S 22 5 7 5 3 6 IS 5 10 77 3 6 4 5 4 2 3 3 2 44 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 s 2-7680 + 3-6672 + 0-4024 2-8263 + 2-8782 + 1-2154 + 3-0227 + 3-0227 - 9-3758 - 9-3549 + 3-9268 + 3-6463 + 27628 + 3-4220 + 3-3087 + 1-9172 - 1-3638 + 2-9072 + 0-5213 + 1-0683 + 1-8639 + 0-5037 + 2-3404 + 3-5403 + 2-7284 + '-9259 + 2-6785 + 1-9176 2-7602 + 3-6211 + 3-8773 + 2-2807 + 2-8401 + 3-5712 + 3-4531 + 1-8828 + 2-6804 + 3-6131 + 2-6429 + 3-5210 + 3-5209 + 2-8574 1-8980 + 2-4612 + 3-6676 + 3-6649 + 2-4612 1-2518 + 1-8899 + 3-8736 8 +0-I427 +0-0125 +O-O232 +0-I442 +O-OO48 +O'OIOO +0-0057 +0-0057 +0-7099 +0-7053 +0-0159 +0-0118 +0-0042 +0-0091 +0-0079 +0-0042 +0-0719 +0-0048 +0-0195 +0-OII2 +0-0044 +0-0198 +0-0033 +O-QIOI +0-0040 +0-0041 +0-0038 +0-0042 +0-1267 +0-0109 +0-0142 +0-0033 +0-0044 +0-OIO2 +0-0089 +0-0043 +0-0037 +O-OIO5 +0-0036 +0-0095 +0-0095 +0-0043 +0-0825 +0-0033 +0-0108 +0-0107 +0-0033 +0-0591 +0-0041 +0-0130 3 +0-OOI9 +0-0001 0-0014 +0-0052 0-0030 0-0030 0-0501 O-OOI2 +0-0046 +0-OOI; 0-0034 +0-000; +0-024 0-0019 0-0090 0-0052 +O'OI2 O-OOOg O-OO82 O-O2I2 +0-0008 0-OOI4 +O-OOJ7 0-0037 O / It 12. 7. 43-22 115. 19. 3876 25. 12. 8-65 12. I. 48-05 81. 12. 59-28 34. 6. 27-98 87. 44. 12-32 87. 44. 12-60 5. 46. 52-43 5- 47- 33"9! 124. 5. 35-40 114. 26. 48-24 76. 12. 49-15 105. 28. 3O-2I too. 35. 16-72 47- 33- 53 - 42 15-54- 45 '23 82. 33. 43-02 26. 25. 17-45 32. 19. 7-93 46. 22. 47-64 26. 16. 41-81 60. o. 19-62 no. 13. 51-61 74- 50. 26-04 47- 55- 5'95 72. 46. 6-18 47. 44. 7-91 12. 17. 48-69 113. 19. 52-42 122. 19. 26-I8 58. 6. 57-34 79. 39. u-i: in. 23. 27-18 106. 37. 49-76 46. 59. 8-23 72. 54. 30-24 112. 58. 29-97 71. 23. 25-98 109. 21. 57-89 109. 21. 54-50 So. 27. 12-98 14. 26. 28-48 64. 28. 37-41 114. 55. 28-65 114. 49. 14-41 64. 29. 32-30 16. 3- 53^5 47- 19- 4-27 121. 58. 46-44 88-57 94'45 91-21 95-05 96-05 93"4 89-16 87-45 95-16 96-11 93'37 92-72 87-46 93-81 92-25 87-52 90-66 96-18 90-99 91-59 88-13 90-55 93' 6 7 92-09 88-74 93-73 88-06 92-22 92-37 94-37 95-43 95-83 93-64 94-34 89-04 88-71 87-42 94-I7 93-85 93-26 91-67 92-99 90-48 94-50 9S-4I 95-39 95-23 95-3 89-46 90-67 4 6 10 3 6 4 6 I 4 I II H 5 5 17 3 5 9 3 5 3 3 40 5 8 3 3 4 17 9 3 3 36 5 7 5 3 6 16 5 9 74 5 6 4 5 4 2 2 4 3 5 3 2 2 3 2 2 I 2 II 2 3 // + 6-904 + 6-849 + 6-846 + 6-827 +6-813 + 6-798 + 6-726 + 6-724 + 6-686 + 6-668 + 6-608 + 6-607 + 6-604 + 6-596 + 6-549 + 6-544 + 6-497 + 6 - 447 + 6-368 + 6-359 + 6-342 + 6-335 + 6-334 + 6-285 + 6-274 + 6-273 + 6-367 + 6-227 + 6-197 + 6-180 + 6-168 + 6-130 + 6-130 + 6-115 + 6-056 + 6-025 + 6-025 + 6-016 + 5-986 + 5-980 + 5-98o + 5-824 + 5-785 + 5-78o + 5-76o + S'744 + 5-722 + 5-679 + 5-665 + 5-631 // +0-376 0-506 0-058 +0-385 0-398 0-170 0-418 0-418 + 1-286 +1-284 0-544 -0-505 -0-383 0-474 -0-459 0-267 +0-185 0-404 0-075 0-150 0-261 0-072 0-327 0-493 0-381 0-270 0-374 0-269 +0-380 -0-505 0-541 0-319 -0-397 0-499 0-483 0-264 -0-375 -0-505 0-370 -0-493 0-493 0-401 +0-263 -0-346 -0-515 -0-5I5 0-346 +0-173 0-267 -0-545 // +0-03 +0-015 0-046 0-078 +0-015 +0-015 +0-271 +0-048 +0-075 O-OI2 0-015 +0-001 0-21 +0-07 +0-019 +0-034 +0-31 O'OO 0-025 0-015 0-004 +0'OI +0-064 +0-073 18 Draconis .. Q Groombridge 2382... 43 H'-rculis Groombridge 2374 ... 19 Ophiuchi 19 Ophiuchi (Comes).... Carrington 2515 Carrington 2516 26 Scorpii . e 18 Ophinchi W. B. XVI. 794 Lalande 30563 20 Ophiuchi Groombridge 2376... Groombridge 2388... 47 Ilerciilis fc Groombridge 2386... PiazziXVI. 231 Groombridge 2381 ... Piazzi XVI. 239 50 Herculis PiazziXVI. 214 49 Herculis Groombridge 2383... W. B. (2) XVI. 1419 Groombridge 2385 ... Groombridge 2391... 22 Ophiuchi LiCidlle 7047 53 Herculis 25 Ophiuchi i Lalande 30725 Piazzi XVI. 232 .... Groombridge 2389... B. D. +17 No. 3119 24 Ophiuchi 54 Herculis Piazzi XVI. 236 (Comes). PiazziXVI. 236 27 Ophiuchi .... K Groombridge 2398... 57 Herculis Bradley 2it,-i. 26 Ophinchi .. W.B.(2)XVI.i6i6-7 Groombridge 2400... Qroombridge 2392... Piazzi XVI. 255 4207, 4208. These stars form the pair 2 2096. 4212 4231 4245, 4246. The magnitudes of these stars have been taken from the 4202, 4230. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Argentine General Vranometria Argentina. Latalogue, 1875. ^4. This star is a close double, and forms the pair $ 241. 4238. llns star is a close double, and forms the pair 1117. 4240,4241. These stars form the pair-South 240. The rmscnitudes are taken from the Annals of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, vol. ii. part ii. {Ixxxviiij SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1S90-0, No. ~ II o-~ 1755- J|c . ^~ o X 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Propel Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1 | 2 *> o5 1 o r iJ pa g 1 636 + 3-5077 + 0-2802 0-5818 - I-IS39 0-0521 + 2-2976 I -9222 -f- 2-0217 - 1-5521 0-0473 6-3449 + 3-5469 + 1-1017 + 3 '5491 + 3'940i - 1-6513 1-6178 + 2-7453 -f 3-55 02 + 2-7567 0-3118 + 27575 1-5629 + 2-1495 + 3-5787 0-3519 2-9169 + 0-8555 + 3 '4795 + 1-5860 - 1-2583 + 0-7031 + 375 10 1-2948 1-8994 + 3H344 + 2-1271 + i-958i + 0-6857 i'93" + 37525 - 5-I457 + 1-1526 2-9207 + 2-4833 + 2-4827 + 0-6964 + 3-0614 + 3'73i6 i -)-o 0060 +0-0088 +0-0213 +0-0395 +0-0547 +0-0274 +0-0032 +0-0791 +0-0037 +0-0665 +0-0269 +0-3125 +0-0090 +0-0096 +0-0090 +0-0134 +0-0684 +0-0671 +0-0038 +0-0089 +0-0038 +0-0315 +0-0038 +0-0641 +0-0034 +0-0090 +0-0320 +0-1089 +0-0117 +0-0079 +0-0054 +0-0518 +0-0134 +O OIO2 +o 0522 +0-0691 +0-0073 +0-0033 +0-0037 +0-OI3I +0-0685 +O-OO99 +0-2OI2 +0-0083 +Q-IOIO +o 0032 +0-0032 +0-0127 +0-0047 +O-0094 a 0-0051 o 005 i +0-0357 O'OO47 0-0026 +O-O09C O OOO2 0-0048 O-OOOg +0'004 o 0048 O-05I ... +0-0033 ... +0-O003 0-0044 +0'OO6 0-0037 94. 3. 26 23 108. 43. 22-96 24. 41. 49-28 19. 21. 49-21 16. 54. 33-21 22. 21. 9-45 58. 54. 40-62 14. 26. 4-88 50. 44. 24-89 15. 32. 14-26 22. 24. 35-54 7. 46. 57-50 no. 13. 54'8o 33. 9. 0-27 no. 19. i -80 123. 58. 5-35 15. 14. 56-18 15. 21. 20 99 75- 44- 57-42 IIO. 2O. 21 'So 76. 14. 16-23 20. 51. 28-37 76. 16. 25-19 15- 33- i ?o 54. 25. 48-82 in. 24. 41-53 20. 39. 8 63 12. II. 9-46 30. 16. 13-35 107. 27. 45 38 41. 2. 38 26 16. 39. 5-48 28. 40. 2 26 117- 37. 51-21 1 6. 32. 8-39 14. 37. 13-62 105. 35- I736 53- 55- l8 '44 49. 20. 23-51 28. 33. 5-34 14-33- i' 8 3 117- 37- 32-04 8. 59- 4'54 34- 5- 3i-3i 12. 14. 7-26 65- 37- 39-56 65. 36. 48-20 28. 42. 12-31 89. 30. 48-37 116. 51. 6-46 92 88 87-85 91-23 89-93 94-84 92-27 93 '37 95-29 87-87 9567 89-82 91 92 96-50 9I-57 95-78 93-I4 95-05 94 79 93-27 94-55 90-37 92'43 89-66 94-50 96-01 90-48 9f47 92-52 89-17 90-29 87-52 91-I9 90-36 96-39 91-09 93-73 92-75 S9-33 95-82 90-98 9270 94-65 93-4I 93-75 92-85 95-88 96-34 90-81 87-51 94-89 16 7 3 3 3 A 53 3 3 3 3 46 3 , 4 3 3 4 4 20 6 3 3 4 4 6 5 3 6 3 5 3 4 3 2 3 6 94 5 4 4 6 6 4 3 3 5 4 4 4 5 5 2 3 2 I 12 2 2 2 3 IO I 2 I 2 4 i 2 I I 2 tt + 5-5S9 + 5-576 + 5-576 + 5-570 + 5-54I + 5-540 -f 5-520 + 5-498 + S'495 + 5-494 + 5-450 + 5-422 + 5-421 + 5-414 + 5-405 + S'394 + 5-386 + 5-370 + 5-352 + 5-339 + 5-308 + 5-291 + 5-283 + 5-268 + 5-228 + 5-221 + 5-220 + 5-070 + 5-036 + 5-032 + 5-028 + 4-960 + 4'949 + 4-914 + 4-884 + 4-864 + 4-846 + 4-840 + 4-836 + 4-758 + 4-755 + 4-721 + 4-7I4 + 4-708 + 4-700 + 4-639 + 4-619 + 4-610 + 4-572 + 4-564 // 0-446 0-494 0-042 +0-079 +0-159 +0-005 -0-325 +0-267 0-286 +0-215 +0-004 +0-889 0-500 -0-157 0-501 -0-555 +0-229 +0-225 0-388 0-501 0-390 +0-042 0-390 +0-218 -0-305 -0-505 +0-048 +0-409 -0-123 0-493 0-226 +0-176 O'lOI -0-532 +0-181 +0-267 0-488 0-303 0-279 0-099 +0-272 -0-534 +0-727 0-166 +0-412 -0-354 0-354 o-ioi 0-437 -0-532 // +0-071 0-004 0-044 0-032 0-109 +0-003 +0-042 +0-018 +0-133 +0-025 +0-098 -0-23 +0-086 0-097 +0-027 0-066 +0-08 19 Draconis * Groombridge 2402... Groombridge 2404... Groombridge 2401... 58 Herculis * Groombridge 2406... Groombridge 2394... Groombridge 2405... Groombridge 2403... 22 Ursai Minoris . . f Lalande 30971 PLIZZI XVI. 291 Lalaude 30976 Piazzi XVI. 268 Groombridge 2409... Groombridgi- 2410... Bradley 2163 Piazzi XVI. 273 Groombridge 2407... Bradley 2166 Groombridge 2413... 61 Herculis r Bradley 2162 Groombridge 2412... Groombridge 2419... Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 16802 Piazzi XVI 297 . Piazzi XVI. 310 Gioombridge 2418... Groombridge 2416... Lalande 31 152., Groombridge 2420... Groombridge 2424... 35 Ophiuchi t] Piazzi XVII. 3... Groombridge 2415... Groombridge 2417... Groombridge 2427... Lalande 31226 Carrington 2568 Pia/.ziXVlI. 22 Groombridge 2429... 63 Herculis Piazzi XVII. 15 Piazzi XVII. 30 W. B. XVJI. 79 Bradley 2174 4284. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Argentine General Catalogue, 1875. 4287. This star is a close double, and forms the puir II 1 8. 4266, 4292, 4300. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Uranoinetria Argentina. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. No. *M E ff 1 & Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper i Motion. 43 i 4302 433 434 435 4306 4307 4308 439 43 10 43 11 43 12 4313 43H 43 ! 5 43i6 4317 4318 43'9 4320 4321 4322 43 2 3 4324 4325 4326 43 2 7 4328 43 2 9 433 433i 433 2 4333 4334 433S 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 434 s 4349 435 2193 2176 2179 2183 2185 2184 2187 2181 2182 2194 2191 2186 2190 2188 2189 2197 2192 2i 99 2204 2198 2207 22OO 2421 2428 2425 2426 2430 243 ! 2432 2 433 2437 2435 2438 Groombridge 2421... 6 '3 3'3* 5'6t 5-3t 7'3 6-8J var. 6-it 7-2 8-it 3'ot 6-1* 7-4* S-o* 3-4* 6-9J 5'5J 6-9: 8-3 5-5* 8'9 6-5 6-7* var. 5'5* 6-0 ueb. 6-8 S-8 4'5* 4'4* 5-9* 6-8 6-8J S-8 3'4* 5-3* 5-6* 5-4* 6-8 5-8* 6-5 6-3 S-8* 4'5* s-it 4-ot 6-5J 7-0 4-4* h m s 17. 8. 20-441 17. 8. 28-099 17- 8. 34-951 17. 8. 35-027 17. 9. "2-218 17. 9. 27-628 17. 9. 37-866 17. 9. 38-169 17. 9. 45-667 17. 10. 30-017 17. 10. 30-771 17. 10. 41-756 17. 10. 49-403 17. 10. 57-802 17. II. 12-923 17. II. 18-065 17. II. 18-123 17. II. 24-041 17. II. 28-243 17. II. 35-687 17- II- 56-357 17. II. 59-041 I?. 12. 3-630 17- 13- 15754 17. 13. 26-676 17. 13. 29-148 I?. 13. 44720 17. 14. 13-809 I?. 14. 18-713 17. 14. 24-624 17. 14. 38-400 17- M. 41735 17. 14 44'493 17. 14. 56-801 17- 15- 9353 17. 15. 15-181 17. 16. 22-320 17. 16. 26 178 17. 16. 32-615 17. 17. 55-601 17. 18. 7-066 17. 18. 7-251 17. 18. 10-634 '7- 19- 30-377 17. 19. 39-118 17. 19. 52-991 17- 19- 53-239 17. 20. 6-824 17. 20. 16-176 '17. 2O. ig'SoO 90-79 94-43 93-98 93-9I 88-03 93-16 93-26 93-70 88-56 95-49 94-54 87-48 9477 95-8i 94-90 96-49 96-49 96-52 95-22 93-28 88-03 94-19 87-44 94-08 94-88 92-27 90-39 88-60 90-94 90-34 93'40 87-58 93-53 92-51 9383 93-I3 93'" 93-03 94-80 93-76 87-48 91-72 93-01 95-77 9"53 94-42 9471 94-3 1 91-09 94-61 4 39 12 IO 4 4 69 94 3 3 35 3 5 3 22 44 6 6 3 3 4 5 3 21 6 5 i 4 4 5 Si 3 3 3 3 34 7 12 26 74 6 12 5 5 5 184 23 5 3 9 5 2 2 3i 2 2 s + 1-9049 -j- 0-1660 + 3-7207 + 3-7206 + 1-8193 + 3-7I97 + 2-7347 + 2-7347 + 2-0115 + 2-4646 + 2-4645 + 3-0198 + 37240 + 3'0797 + 2-0903 + 3-6588 + 3-6588 + 3-6530 - 6-2727 + 0-5071 + 1-8156 + 3-4522 + 3-0300 + 2-2153 + 2-8184 + 3-4889 + 1-8402 + 3-0210 + 1-8391 + 3-5754 + 3-3687 + 2-0139 + 0-7239 + 3-6781 + 0-7273 + 3-6809 + 2-4712 + 3-7715 + 2-2326 - 0-9504 + 1-9662 + 3-5861 + 3-5084 + 2-5121 + 3-6605 + 2-0715 + 2-0715 + 3-7103 0-7291 + 3-8257 8 +0-0038 +O-OI92 +O-OO9I +O-O09I +O-OO4I +O-O09O +0-0035 +0-0035 +0-0035 +O-OO3I +0-O03I +0-0043 +0-0088 +0-0046 +0-0033 +0-0082 +O-OO82 +0-0082 +0-2370 +0-0139 +O-OO4O +O'oo66 +0-0044 +0-0031 +0-0036 +0-0067 +0-0039 +0-0042 +0-0039 +0-0072 +0-0059 +0-0034 +0-0110 +0-0079 +0-0109 +0-0079 +0-0030 +0-0084 +0-0030 +0-0330 +0-0034 +0-0068 +0-0063 +0-0030 +0-0071 +0-0032 +0-0032 +0-0074 +0-0277 +0-0082 s 0-0027 0-0386 0-0386 +O-OO2I -0-039 0-OOig 0-OOI9 O-OO28 0-OO4I 0-0035 0-0061 o 0061 +o - 005 1 o 0039 0-0028 +0-0165 +0-0005 0-0030 0-0071 0-0024 0-0027 0-0018 +0-0085 0-0007 O'OOO 0-0028 o'oo6i 0-0061 0-003 48. 8. 15-77 24. 8. 59-48 116. 26. 26-13 Il6. 26. 2I'2I 46. 8. 15-65 116. 23. 12-57 75.29. 1-72 75- 29- 4-i4 50. 53. 10-40 65. 2. 7-04 65. i. 50-86 87. 41. 22-33 116. 30. 24-25 90. 19. 14-04 53- 3- 59-75 114. 9.47-63 114. 9. 59-04 113. 57. 2-02 7- 57-41-73 26. 59- 59-9I 46. 7- 53'04 106. ii. 35-60 88. 8. 14-78 56. 46. 51-89 79- o. 56-91 107. 38. 27-16 46. 44. 39-90 87. 44. 49-59 46. 44- 3"37 no. 59. 38-93 102. 44. 5-44 5i- 4- 32-55 29. 10. 7-60 4- 47- 39-88 29. 12. 44-94 114. 53. 20-64 65. 23. 26-46 118. 2. 8-92 57. 23. 25-83 18. 5. 36-66 49-55- J'S 1 in. 20. 17-92 108. 20. 34-53 66. 56. 13-03 114. 4.24-92 52. 45. 6-70 52. 45- 9-45 5- 5- 43-75 19. 6. 20-03 119. 45. 59-24 91-19 93-73 94-04 93 90 87-52 93-16 92-65 93-07 88-56 95-49 94-66 87-48 94-77 92-87 94-90 96-49 96-49 9652 95-43 93-4I 8803 94-19 87-47 93-5I 947' 92-27 90-39 88-60 90-94 90-34 91-87 87-58 92-45 92-51 93-03 91-99 9178 93-03 94-83 93-21 87-48 91-72 93-01 95-77 90-53 94-52 94-65 94-3I 90-27 94-61 3 42 n IO 3 4 79 IO 3 3 31 3 5 5 21 5 5 6 4 3 4 5 5 21 5 5 i 4 4 5 u 3 3 3 3 36 13 12 27 12 6 12 5 4 5 19 24 5 3 9 12 I 2 I 6 4 2 // + 4-483 + 4-47I + 4'46i + 4-461 + 4 - 423 + 4-386 + 4-372 + 4-372 + 4-360 + 4'296 + 4-296 + 4-280 + 4-270 + 4-258 + 4-236 + 4-229 + 4-229 + 4-221 + 4-215 + 4-203 + 4-175 + 4-I7I + 4-164 + 4-061 + 4-045 + 4-042 + 4-019 + 3-978 + 3-97I + 3'962 + 3-944 + 3-938 + 3-935 + 3-9i6 + 3-899 + 3-891 + 3-795 + 3-789 + 3-779 + 3-660 + 3-644 + 3-644 + 3'639 + 3-525 + 3-5I2 + 3-492 + 3-492 + 3'472 + 3-459 + 3-454 '/ 0-273 0-026 -0-53I 0-531 0-261 0-53I 0-391 0-391 0-288 -0-353 -0-353 0-432 -0-533 0-441 0-300 0-523 0-523 -0-523 +0-893 0-074 0-261 0-494 0-434 -0-318 0-404 0-500 0-265 0-434 0-265 0-513 0-483 0-290 0-105 0-528 0-106 0-528 0-356 0-542 0-321 +0-135 0-283 0-516 0-505 0-362 0-527 -0-299 0-299 0-534 +0-103 -o-5Si n 0-022 + I-I38 + I-I38 0-188 + I-I34 0-030 0-030 +0-161 +0-064 0-005 +0-01?' +0-017 +0-075 0-008 +0-080 +0'20I -0-033 0-O72 +0-039 +0-035 O'OOS +0-03I + 1 "034 +0-O72 +0-032 +0'I2d o-oi6, o'oift +0-147 36 Ophiuchi A 1 36 Ophiuchi .. ..A 2 Groombridge 2425... Bradley 2179 64 Herculis a 1 64 Herculis o-~ Groombridge 2426... 65 Herculis (Comes) ...o 65 Herculis o Lalande 31392 38 Ophiuchi 41 Ophiuchi .. PiazziXVII. 31 39 Ophiticlii Bradley 2182 Carriugton 2587 Piazzi XVII. 61 \V. B. (2) XVII. 292 Lalande 31408 W. B. XVII. 170.... 68 Herculis u Bradlev 2191 Piazzi XVII. 43 Lalande 31544 . W. B. XVII. 209.... B. D. +43 No. 2712 40 Ophiuchi 53 Serpeutis v Groombridge 24311.. Groombridge 2432... Bradley 2188. . Groombridge 2433... 42 Ophiuchi 6 70 Herculis 43 Ophiuchi 72 Herculis W Groombridge 2437... Groombridge 2435... Piazzi XVII. 76 Lalande 31611 73 Herculis 44 Ophiuchi ... b 75 Herculis .. . p^ 75 Herculis. . . p* Lalande 31671 Groombridge 2438... 45 Ophiuchi. // 433i 434- These stars form tlie pair h 6946. 4306, 4313, 4318, 4334, 4348. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Vmnomdria Argentina. ' 433> 434. 43i6, 43'7- The magnitudes aie taken from the Annals of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, vol. ii. part 2. 4307. The limits of magnitude are 3-1 and 3-9 : period irregular. 4307, 4308. These stars form the pair S 2140. 4310, 4311. These stars form the pair 2 3127. 4316, 4317. These stara fi rm the pair H III. 25. 4324. The limits of magnitude are 4-6 arid 5-4 : period irregular. 4326. This star is a close double, and forms the pair ft 126. 4346, 4347. These stars foim the pair 5 2161. GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YKAK CATALOGUE FOR 1890. M SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0. fat *tn I* 3 ID <*^3 a ; J M o fc 1755- i II 51 6 'A 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Pate. 1800 + No. Ob OJ & ffl 1 d fe 1810. Star's Name. .Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 0> IP 1 > O 5j -' 1 | 3 4401 4402 443 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 443 443 1 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 443 8 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 ' 4444 4445 ' 4446 4447 4448 4449 445 2238 2229 2230 2237 2236 2251 2252 2239 2244 2241 2245 2248 2249 2263 2457 2461 2458 2 459 2462 2463 2464 2465 2475 2477 2467 2466 2469 2468 2470 247: 2474 2473 2478 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 Groombridge 2457... 28 Draconis <*> 6-6 4-9* 6'5 2-9* 6-0 var. 7-S 7'9 8-1 3-5* 6-2* 6-5* 3-8* 7-ot 4-ot 5'2t 6-0" 6-3* 5-4* 7'9 7'6 8-2 7-2 6-8 7-'3* 7'5 6-5 6-4* 7-0 8-1 6-6J 5-8 7-6 6-5* 7'6 6-5* 7-6 8-6 5'3* 5-8* 7'i 5-8* 5-6* 8-0 8-0 3'9* 5-8* 7-8 7-9 8-5 h in a 17- 37- I7'834 '7- 37- 35'5H 17. 37. 46 124 17. 38. 2-267 17- 39- 49'924 17. 40. 38-205 17. 41. 9-831 17. 41. 30-016 17. 41. 48-000 17. 42. 9-148 17- 42. 13-922 17. 42. 20-565 17. 42. 22'6o6 17. 43. 28-267 17. 43- 53-624 '7- 43- 55-472 17.44- fi39 17. 44. 10-918 17. 44. 21-476 17- 44- 23 699 17- 44- 45-948 17. 44- 49'243 17-45- 1-986 17.45. i8'3" 17. 46. 2-566 17. 46. 32-610 17. 46. 56-845 17. 47. 10-682 I?- 47- 39-696 >7- 47- 54-593 17-48. 7-802 17. 48. 29-961 17. 48. 47-462 17. 48. 58-189 '7- 49- 9'597 17. 49. 26-763 17- 49- 32-105 17. 49- 38-I79 17. 49. 43-214 17. 49. 45-072 17. 50. 38-742 17. 50. 42-095 17. 50. 58-896 17- 5i- 3!"379 17. 51. 34-322 17- 5'- 37-586 17. 51. 40-305 17. 52. 3-192 17- 52. 3!>-i3i 17. 52. 48-354 91-52 93-43 88-88 93-9 88-49 94-23 88-05 87-52 90-49 94-24 88-54 90-82 94-34 94H9 94-16 94-58 93-54 87-48 95-63 87-57 87-94 88 -4 1 88-49 93-52 936o 88-52 93H7 90-08 88-94 87-54 90-79 92-36 91-21 9I-53 93-62 92-08 94-34 94-58 95-92 94-97 91-90 94-85 92-07 94-60 93-24 95^7 94-46 87-47 93-62 87-47 3 4 3 IOI 4 13 4 3 3 106 3 4 26 4 20 13 12 3 5 3 3 34 4 6 4 3 6 3i 6 3 54 12 3 3 3 Hi 4 3 3 4 3 8 21 3 3 29 7 3 3 3 2 3 2 8 + I-8090 - 0-3593 + 1-8866 + 2-9651 + 17805 + 3-7745 + I-9504 + 1-9920 + f9776 + 2-3702 + 1-9960 + 1-979 + 3-0085 + 37526 1-0817 1-0838 + 2-6057 + 1-6094 + 24318 + I-9528 + 17779 + I-9576 + 1-6105 + 3-5448 + 3-9066 + 1-8714 + 3-3289 + 1-5678 + f9484 + 1-5675 + 3-6912 + I-95I9 + 1-8324 + 1-6569 + 1-6652 + 3 5266 + 1-8601 + 1-8604 + 1-9507 + 3-7840 + 1-8413 + 3-0565 + 2-4190 + 17096 + 17256 + 1-0239 + 3-8053 + 2-7396 + 1-3919 + 2-7391 s +0-0032 +0-0140 +0-0031 +0*0030 +0-0032 +0-0046 +0-0029 +0-0028 +0-0028 +0-0025 +0-0028 +0-0028 +0-0028 +0-0041 +0-0157 +0-0157 +0-0025 +0-0033 +0-0025 +0-0028 +0-0030 +0-0028 +0-0033 +0-0034 +0-0041 +0-0028 +0-0029 +0-0032 +0-0027 +0-0032 +0-0033 +0-0027 +0-0028 +0-0030 +0-0030 +0-0029 +0-0028 +0-0027 +0-0027 +0-0032 +0-0027 +0-0024 +0-0024 +0-0028 +0-0028 +0-0038 +0-0029 +0-0023 +0-0032 +0-0023 8 +0-0024 O-OO4I 0-0033 O-O244 O-OO37 O-OOO6 O'OOOS ... O'OOIO 0-0024 +0-0006 O'OO22 O'OOI +O-OO29 +0-0005 +0-0003 +O-OII2 o i H 46. 28. 3O-22 21. II. 27-84 48. I?. 27-12 85. 23. IO-70 45.52. 1-67 117. 47. 16-63 49- 53- 42-05 50. 57. 48-55 50. 35. 40-86 62. 12. 52-45 51- 4- 30-53 50. 38. 9-49 87- IS- 3-38 117. 1.31-47 17. 47. 50-48 17. 47. 20-95 70. 42. 3275 42. 20. 5877 64. 20. 24-53 49- 59- n-24 45-51- 26-93 50. 6. 36-78 42. 22. 44-70 109. 29. 3373 122. O. 16-73 48. o. 44-31 ioo. 52. 18-83 4i- 34- 33-69 49- 53- 59-40 41. 34. 27-31 114. 51. 5179 49- 59- 36-76 47. 7- 2-20 43- '9- 38-93 43- 29- 53- 2 6 108. 46. 56-08 47- 45- 5070 47. 46. 20-52 49- 58. 15-31 1 1 8. 2.47-86 47. 19. 57-22 89. 18. 44-69 63- 55- 55-50 44- 25. 4I-33 44- 45- 53-3I 33- 6. 3578 118. 44. 45-69 76. o. 38-33 38. 29. 12-48 75- 59- 30-83 91-52 92-73 88-88 93-28 88-49 94-39 88-05 87-52 90-49 93-69 88-54 90-82 93-81 94-49 93-18 93-85 93-5I 87-48 95 62 87-57 87-94 88-30 88-49 93-52 93-60 88-52 93-47 87-53 88-94 87-54 90-51 92-06 91-21 9' '53 93-62 9174 93-64 94-58 95-92 94-97 91-90 94-70 92-36 94-60 93'24 95-4I 94-46 87-47 93-62 87-47 3 4 3 131 4 12 4 3 3 IOI 3 4 32 4 35 H 19 3 4 3 3 4 4 6 5 3 6 3 6 3 7 ii 3 3 3 ii 3 3 4 3 10 18 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 5 ro 2 rt + J-983 + 1-957 + 1-942 + I-9I9 + 1-762 + 1-693 + 1-646 + I-6I7 + I-59I + I-560 + 1-553 + 1-543 + I-540 + 1-445 + I -408 + I-406 + I-398 + I-383 + I-368 + I-3 6 4 + I-332 + f328 + 1-309 + 1-285 + I -22O + I-I76 + I'HI + I -121 + 1-079 + I'OS7 + I-038 + 1-006 + 0-981 + 0-965 + 0-948 + 0-923 + 0-916 + 0-907 +0-899 + 0-897 + 0-818 + 0-814 + 0-789 + 0-742 + 0-738 + 0-732 + 0-729 + 0-696 + 0-645 + 0-630 n 0-263 +0-051 -0-275 0-431 -0-259 -0-549 0-284 0-290 0-288 0-345 0-291 0-288 0-438 -0-546 +0-I57 +0-157 0-380 -0-235 -0-354 -0-285 0-259 0-286 0-235 0-516 0-569 -0-273 -0-485 0-229 0-284 0-229 -0-538 0-285 0-267 0-242 0-243 0-514 0-271 0-271 0-285 -0-5S2 0-269 0-446 0-353 0-250 0-252 0-150 -0-555 0-400 0-203 0-400 // 0-308 0-167 +0-014 +0-745 +0-056 +0-268 +0-278 +0-037 O'I20 0-016 +O-O2 0-062 +0-122 0-064 0-009 0-07I * Groombridge 2458 . . . 60 Ophiuchi p Groombridge 2459 ... 3 Sagittarii X Groombridge 2462 ... Groombridge 2463 ... Radeliffe 3756 .. 86 Herculis p. Groombridge 2464 ... Groombridge 2465 . . . 62 Ophiuchi ... ' y PiazziXVII. 238.... 31 Dracouis( ist star) i/' 1 31 Draconit.( 2nd star)!/' 1 Piazzi XVII. 255 .... Groombridge 2467... 87 Herculis PiazziXVII. 262.... Groombridge 2469 . . . Groombridge 2468 ... Groombridge 2470 ... Piazzi XVII. 253.... Lacaille 7477 Groombridge 247 1 ... PiazziXVII. 265.... 88 Herculis .... z Piazzi XVII. 280 .... Piazzi XVII. 288.... 63 Ophiuchi Bradley 2245 Groombridge 2480 . . . Groombridge 2481... Groombridge 2482... Piazzi XVII. 277.... Groombridge 2483... Radeliffe 3783 90 Herculis . ./ Latitude 32727 . Groombridge 2485... Piazzi XVII. 291 .... 89 Herculis Piazzi XVII. 306.... Groom bridge 2487... 32 Draconis... Lalande 32807 W. B. XVII. 1033.. Grooinl nidge 2489... W. B. XVII. 1057.. 4403. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 2 2203. 4406. The limits of magnitude are 4 and 6 : period|7 d- oi 185. 4414, 4425, 4431. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Uranometria Argentina. 4415, 4416. These stars form the pair S 2241. SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STABS FOR 18900, iNo. i "E B * & -~ 11 - i 1755- a P 6-f ~ M-J5 d fc 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean K.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1 890 -o. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N. P.O., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Seoul ii r Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. gj & V 1 4 o5 2 1 & Above Pole. aJ & o *"3 M 4451 ,4452 4453 ; 4454 4455 .4456 '4457 i445 s 4459 j446o 44'." 4462 ,4463 4464 :44&5 ,4466 4467 4468 4469 .447 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 ,4478 4479 '4480 4481 4482 4483 .4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 2250 2246 2258 2267 2287 2254 2259 2262 2255 2265 2265 2285 2260 2269 2266 12271 2274 2273 2275 2492 2501 2493 2494 2495 2496 2504 2497 2498 2499 2500 : { 2503 2506 2505 2507 2510 2509 2511 2513 2512 64 Ojihiuchi v 3-5* 4-6* 3'9* 2-4* 5-1* 7'3 4-5* 6-0* 4-0* 4-5* 6' 3 : 6-1* 7& 6'5 5-4* 7'9 6-5 5-9* 5'7t 5 "of 5-6* 57* 5-i* 7, var. 6'5t 3-0* 8-7 6-9 6-5 8* 6-it 4'lt 6-4 7'5 4-7* 7'i 6-5 5-4* 7-8 7-8 4-8* 7-8 3-8* 7-6 8-6 7'5 7 -2f h m a I?. 52. 58-233 17- 53- 4-555 i?- 53- 29-381 17-54- 3-084 17. 54. 22-647 17- 54- 37-67I 17. 54. 40-272 17. 54. 52-057 17. 55. 8-101 i?- 55- 9-589 i?- 55- I4-479 '7- 55- 43-695 17- 55- 54-291 17- 5 6 - 3-532 17. 56. 6-652 17. 56. 12-551 17. 56. 22-270 17. 56. 47-684 i?- 57- 5-455 17- 57- S'455 17. 57. 5-486 17. 57- 5-501 17. 57. 7-698 17. 57. 40-877 i?- 57- 57'89.7 17- 57- 59-642 17. 58. 25742 17. 58. 44-493 17- 58- 59'438 17. 59. 10-689 17- 59- 16-337 '7- 59- 48'304 J7- 59- 53-746 17- 59- 53-856 17- 59- 53-852 18. o. 35-496 18. o. 51-692 1 8. . 6-935 18. . 8-206 18. . 8-558 18. .23-880 1 8. . 27-493 1 8. . 53-209 1 8. 2. 2-709 18. 2. 2-770 1 8. 2. 8-053 18. 2. 11-007 18. 2. 15-808 18. 2. 40-312 18. 2. 57-265 94-85 9532 95-72 93H6 95-oS 93-64 96-21 92-08 9460 94^9 9609 91-52 94-41 93-09 94-75 9475 96-51 9178 96-10 96-06 96-33 95-95 91-76 94-47 89-97 95-56 87-57 94-11 90-21 88-32 90-51 94-54 93-55 94-41 93-o6 94-43 90-25 95-21 93-46 91-22 93-79 95-46 88-60 94H9 90-35 92-06 90-16 90-74 92-26 92-23 ii 5 5 61 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 3i i 54 7 3 3 3 2 2 4 7 5 7 5 3 4 10 3 4 3 5 9 ii 8 5 3 7 3 3 7 3 3 4 6 69 3 24 7 3 5 2 2 2 34 8 + 33023 + 3-6620 + 2-3238 + I-3923 27058 + 1-8074 + 3-I585 + 2-0908 + 3-0039 + 2 6700 + 3^335 + I-7I32 + 3-6748 + 3-5785 + 3-67SS + I'5203 - 3-3959 + I-7II9 + 3' 26 47 + 3-2647 + 3' 26 47 1-0454 + 3-6778 + 2-5638 + 1-7192 + 3-83I5 + 3-6791 + 3-8575 + 17824 + 1-8142 + 1-7709 + 3'7946 + 3 4 oi36 + 3-0136 + 3-0136 + 3-5979 + 1-8652 + 3-7974 + 1-8323 + I-9478 + 2-5267 + 1-8281 + 3-5928 + 2-8674 + 1-5812 + 2-8476 + I-9904 + I-5792 + 1-5165 + 1-9369 H -(-0'0024 -(-O-OO26 +O'002^ +0-0031 +0-0135 +0-OO26 +0-OO22 +O-0024 +0-0022 +O-O022 +O'OO2j +0-OO26 +O-OO2J +0-O022 +0-0022 +0-002S +0-OI2I +0-OO27 +O-OO2O +O ' OO2O +0-OO20 +0-0059 +O-0020 +0-0022 +0-O026 +0-OOI9 +0-0019 +0-OOI8 + O-OO25 +0-0025 +O-OO25 +0-0016 +0-0019 +0-0019 +0-0019 +0-0016 +0-0024 +0-0014 +0-0024 +0-0024 +0-OO2I +0-O024 +0-0014 +O-OOI9 +0-0024 +0-OOI9 +0-0023 +0-O024 +0-0024 +0-0023 i 0-0019 O'OOI; +0-006 0-0018 +0-0135 +0-008 0-0018 0-0014 0-0029 +0-0016 +0-0016 +Q-OOI 6 +0-0006 0-0031 o'ooi6 O'OOO 0-0054 +0-0131 +0-0131 +0-0131 0-0024 0-0016 0-0056 Of" 99- 45- 34-24 113. 48. 18-52 60. 44. 23-74 38. 29. 52-72 13- i- 23-03 46. 34. 23 63 93- 40. 57-i6 53- 42. 8 35 87- 3- 45-94 73- 14. 33-23 "2. 46. 3573 44- 3 1 - 3' 10 114. 15- '474 no. 44. 9-32 114. 16. 51-30 40. 43- 5S-I7 ii. 40. 32-93 44. 29. 36-27 98. 10. 46-30 98. 10. 46-84 98. 10. 46-40 17. 59. 4-27 114. 21. 43-72 69. 9. 59-21 44- 38. 55-38 "9- 35- 3'35 114. 24. 13-58 1 20. 25. 28-49 46. i. 10-19 46. 44. 3-56 45- 45- 59'84 Il8. 22. 20-32 87. 28. 27-32 87. 28. 27-45 87. 28. 28-88 III. 27. 15-66 47- 54- 42-04 118. 28. 6-82 47- 8. 49-89 49- 55- 28-31 67. 47. 27-61 47- 3- 4-54 in. 16. 1-85 Si. 16. 46-19 41. 52. 2479 So. 27. 4-78 51. o. 44-32 41. 50. 4-59 40. 40. 0-75 49- 39- 5-93 94-85 95^3 95-46 93 '37 ] 93-27 ' 93 64 96-52 92-08 94-60 94-49 96-09 91-52 94-41 92-57 94-80 94-30 96-51 91-78 96-10 96-06 96-33 94-92 91-76 94-02 89-97 95 '33 87-57 94-18 90-21 88-32 90-51 94-54 94-I5 94-32 93-57 94-43 90-25 95-21 93'46 91-22 9379 95-46 88-60 94-04 90-35 91-80 90-16 90-19 92-26 92-23 ii 4 8 66 8 3 5 4 4 3 5 4 i 5 6 3 4 3 2 2 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 9 3 4 3 5 7 12 7 5 3 7 3 3 7 3 3 4 6 Si 3 3 7 3 5 10 2 2 7 tt + 0-615 + 0-605 + 0-570 + 0-521 + 0-491 + 0-470 + 0-467 + 0-449 + 0-426 + 0-423 + 0-417 + 0-373 + 0-359 + 0-344 + 0-340 + 0-331 + 0-318 + 0-280 + 0-255 + 0-255 + 0-255 + 0-255 + 0-251 + 0-203 + 0-178 + 0-175 + 0-137 + O'lII + 0-089 + 0-072 + 0-064 + 0-018 + 0-009 + 0-009 + 0-009 - 0-051 0-076 0-098 0-099 o-ioi - 0-123 0-128 0-165 0-179 0-179 0-187 0-191 0-198 - 0-233 ' 0-258 0-482 -0-534 0-339 0-203 +0-394 0-264 0-461 0-305 0-438 -0-389 -0-530 0-250 -0-536 0-522 -0-536 O-222 -0-495 0-250 0476 0-476 0-476 +0-152 -0-536 -0-374 0-251 -0-559 -0-537 0-563 0-260 0-265 0-258 -0-553 0-439 0439 -0-439 -0-525 0-272 0-554 0-267 0-284 -0-368 0-267 0-524 0-418 0-230 -0-415 0-290 0-230 0-221 0-282 // +0-105 +0-054 +0-028 +0-028 0-239 +o 042 +0-006 o 009 +0-004 +0-008 +0-008 +0-008 +0-003 +0-005 +0-007 +O-QI +0-2II + 1-109 + I-I09 + I-I09 +0-005 0-033 0-089 4 Sagittarii 92 Hercnlis f 33 Draconis ... *y 35 Draconis Groombridge 2493 57 Serpentis . t, W. B. (2)XVII. 1719 67 Ophiuchi. . 93 Herculis Piazzi XVII. 312.... Groombridge 2494 .. Lalande 32975 Piazzi XVII. 323.... 7 Sagittarii Groombridge 2495... L'tlande 33419 Piazzi XVII. 353.... 69 Ophiuchi (Com en)... T 69 Ophiuchi(asoueiuass)' r 69 Ophiuchi T 34 Draconis.... . ip~ 9 Sagittarii 96 Hereulis Groombridge 2497... Sagittarii y } Piazzi XVII. 342.... 10 Sagittarii y* Groombridge 2498 .. Groombridge 2499... Groombridge 2500 .. Piazzi XVII. 351 .... 70 Ophiuchi (Comes) ... 7 Ophiuchi (as one mass) 70 Ophiuchi Piazzi XVII. 356.... Groombridge 2503... Piazzi XVII. 359.... Piazzi XVII. 379.... Groombridge 2505... 98 Herculis Piazzi XVII. 384.... Oeltz. Arg.(S.)i768i 71 Ophiuchi... Groombridge 2510... 72 Ophiuchi . Groombridge 2509 ... Groombridge 2511... Groombridge 2513... Groombridge 2512... 4461, 4477. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Uranumctria Argentina. 4463, 4482. Tlie magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Argentine 4470, 4472. These stars form the binary 2 2262. General Catalogue, 1875. 4476. Tlie limits of magnitude are 4-8 and 5-8 : period 7 d '5946. 4481. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 1 127. 4483, 4485. Tliirse stars form the Unary 2 2272. 4500, 4502. These stars form the pair 2 2282. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xciii} ; " * No. of No. of I* h A 1 rt ^_, T> f. Obs. Annual Secular V. Aif M . XT T* T~i Obs. Annual Secular ir No. <"j ^ o _ S o3 - = - o "^ Star's Name. "2 Mean rv. A., 1890*0. Mean Date. OB *o o 1 Preces- sion, aria- tion, Annual Proper Motion. Mean IS . 1 . D. , 1890-0. Date. 4 1 Preces- sion, V ana- tion, Annual Proper Motion. 1 1800 + o 1890*0. 1890-0. 1800 + O> o 1890*0. 1890*0. 1755. 1810. 1 < 3 M 3 h m 8 8 8 s / // 4501 Groomb. 25i2(asonemass) 18. 2. 57*399 90-07 2 + I-9369 +0-OO23 49- 39* 7-39 90-07 2 0-258 0*282 4502 2512 Groomb. 25i2(C5cs) 8'2t 18. 2. 57*516 92-56 2 + I-9369 +0-OO23 49- 39- 5' 6 5 92-23 3 0-258 0*282 453 Carrington 2725 8-9 18. 3. 3-279 96-30 3 2 - 6-0525 O*OO78 8. 20. 3*40 96-30 3 2 0-267 +0-883 4-XO4 2281 103 HercuHs o 4*0* 18. 3. 15-060 95-26 12 + 2-3392 +O*OO22 0*0007 61. it,. 8-2*; 94*15 17 0*284 Q._ . _ 0*003 4505 2515 Groombridge 2515... 7*6 18. 3. 20*857 91-92 6 4 + I-5IOO +0-OO24 "* * j' j 40. 32. 49-03 91*62 5 I *mf - 0*293 0-22O 456 2516 Groombridge 2516 ... 7'7 18. 3. 23*068 91-98 5 I + --5069 +O-0024 ... 40. 29. 30-99 92-54 4 I 0*296 0-220 4507 2548 Groombridge 2548 . . 8*8 1 8. 3. 30-256 96-18 3 2 - 8*5505 0*OI92 6. 33. 38-48 96-18 3 2 0-306 + 1*247 4508 2518 Groombridge 2518 ... 6*6 18. 4. 21-546 9' "53 3 + I-4967 +0-OO23 40. 1 8. 20-69 9I-53 3 - 0-382 0*218 J. sOQ 2276 I Sacittarii . .. *!"?* 18. ;. o**;?! 93*25 6 i "-"61:08 +O "OOIO 0*0003 III 43 21 *Q4 Q 2*2^ 6 O'AIO r\'C27 +0*06 T- j ./ 4510 2519 Groombridge 25 1 9 ... j j 8*0 j j/ 18. 5. 4-118 94-52 5 + 1*9884 +O'OO22 50. 57. 15-05 94*52 5 0-443 0*290 45" 2520 Groombridge 2520 ... 7'i 1 8. 5. 5*884 93-64 3 + 1-7776 +O*OO23 45* 54- 22*71 93-64 3 0-446 -0-259 4512 Piazzi XVIII. 23.... 67 18. 5. 18-057 95'23 3 I + 0*0656 + 0-OOI2 23* 4- 7-54 94-99 4 I 0-464 +O*OIO 4513 2521 Groombridge 2521 ... 7'8 18. 5. 35*115 92-86 4 + 1-8023 +O*0022 46. 27. 27*33 92*85 4 0-489 0*263 45'4 2523 Groombridge 2523 ... 8-4 1 8. 5- 35-497 94-89 3 + 1-0315 +O*OO2I 33- '3* 3-03 94-89 3 0-489 O*I5O 45'5 VV.B.(2)XVI11. 129-30-2 8-7 1 8. 5. 51*567 95-8i 3 + 1*9880 +O'OO22 50. 56. 27*37 95*81 3 - 0-513 O*29O 45-6 2522 Groombridge 2522 . . . 7'9 1 8. 6. 38*507 92-62 3 + 1-9883 +O*OO22 50. 56. 48*64 92-62 3 0-582 0*290 4517 2534 Groombridge 2534 ... 6-6 18. 6. 53*326 94-36 3 2*1991 0*0048 14. 13. 26-60 94-43 4 O'6o2 +0-32I 4518 2526 Groombridge 2526 ... 6-9 1 8. 6. 56*047 94-67 3 + 0*9374 +0-OOI8 32. 2. 27-34 94-67 3 0-607 O-I36 4sIQ 2284 13 Sagittarii '....\>- 4-1* 18. 7. 11-059 Q -t "^1 171 + r-;877 +0-0008 0*0014 III. 5. I3'52 nr-nS T t 0*629 O>C23 0*001 t.} ? 4520 2524 Groombridge 2524 ... 8*0 18. 7. 15-140 93*90 */ 2 3 i J J / t + 1-9929 +0-O022 51. 3.47-06 7- 7~ 93-90 1 J 3 0*634 O*29O 4521 2525 Groombridge 2525 ... 6-9 18- 7- 34-237 93-63 3 + 1-9876 +0-OO22 . . > 50. 55. 28-75 93-63 3 0-663 0*289 4<-,22 2291 104 Herculis A 4'9* l8. 7. 41; *78Q 95*16 6 i 2*2-x76 1 O " OO2 1 ' ^~n ' ("m-?n 58. 37. l8'6Q nc ' n ^ 0*680 O'32O 0*0^1 *TJ 4523 2395 2628 23 Ursa; Minoris . 8 4-3* / ^J / **7 18. 7. 47*766 93-59 233 '54 '9 "4943 0*2230 +0*0247 3. 23. 18*11 yj 460 194 0-682 +2*842 OJ 0*040 4524 2528 Groombridge 2528 ... 7'4 18. 8. 4*870 94-48 4 I + 1-0736 +0-0018 33* 45* 29-65 94-49 3 I 0-707 0*156 4525 2289 16 Sagittarii 6-2* 18. 8. 40-172 94-48 5 + 3-5698 +0*0006 0-0018 no. 25. 11-51 94-23 4 0-758 0-52O +0*014 4526 Lalande 33610 6-7* 1 8. 8. 41-903 94-61 3 + I-5750 +0*0021 41- 44- 9-55 94-61 3 0*761 O-229 4527 2529 Groombridge 2529 ... 6-6* 18. 9. 1.2-850 94-3 3 + 1-9064 +0-0021 48. 52. 51*82 94-30 3 .... 0*806 0-278 4528 2530 Groombridge 2530 ... 5-9* 18. 9. 24-605 92-58 3 + 2*0007 +O*OO2I 51. 15. 25*09 3 0-824 0-29I 4529 2531 Groombridge 2531 ... 8-0 1 8. 9. 42-663 94-92 4 + f5322 +0*0020 40- 55* 47-77 Q4 "Q2 4 0-850 O-223 453 2532 Groombridge 2532 ... 7'3 18. 10. 9 699 92-59 3 + 1-8139 +O*OO2I 46. 41. 56*21 Q2 ' ^Q 3 0-889 0-264 453' W. B. XVIII. 166... 6-3* 18. 10. 10-439 92-91 3 + 3-I578 +O*OOI2 93* 39- "'45 92-91 3 0-889 0-460 4532 Sagittarii rj 18. 10. ii"257 93-08 2 + 4*071,4 O'oooS O *OIO 126- 47. 4O"I3 93-08 2 0*891 O'-'Q'"; +0*04 4533 Lalande F. 2963..'.... 7'7 18. 10. 18-196 96-15 3 I T W * -t 9-4301 0*0825 6. 5* 49-63 3 I 0*897 Jy J + 1-375 i *f 4534 Piazzi XVIII. 21 6-7$ 1 8. 10. 25-493 93*01 2 + 3-7922 o-oooi +0-009 118. 19. 16*80 93*01 2 0*913 0*552 +0*20 4535 B. D. 17 No. 5112 6-0 18. 10. 47-533 94-44 6 + 3-4913 +0*0005 107. 24. 39-45 94-44 5 0-943 0*508 4536 Piazzi XVIII. 24 47* 18. ii. 10-039 QS ' ^2 6 + 3-7552 o-oooi 117. 4. 54*18 95-52 6 - 0-975 -0-547 4537 2417 2667 24 Urs;e M iuoris 5-9* 18. ii. 30-707 Q7 'A'l 10 -22*3386 0-4298 +0-0679 3- o. 29*23 93'48 ii 2 1*007 +3-255 +0*020 4538 2536 Groombridge 2536 ... 6-8 IS. 12. 7-718 92*70 6 + -5303 +0-0018 0-0027 40. 52. 49-05 92*70 6 1*061 O-222 0*081 4539 2533 Groombridge 2533... 5-3* 18. 12. 13-464 94*05 9 + -86 53 +0*0020 O-OO22 47. 52. 40-95 93-86 8 1*069 0-271 +0*003 4540 2535 Groombridge 2535 ... 6-8 18. 12. 22-941 91-29 4 + -7294 +0*0020 0-0079 44. 49. 28-60 91*29 4 1-083 0-252 +0*119 4541 2539 Groombridge 2539 ... 7'4 1 8. 12. 45-425 94-27 3 2 + "0520 +0-0013 33* 26. 56*76 93"87 3 2 1*117 -0-153 4542 2537 Groombridge 2537 ... 8-2 18. 13. 32-988 92-62 3 + -9442 +O-OO2O 49- 47- 8-91 90*57 2 1*185 0-283 4543 2541 Groombridge 2541 ... 7*6 18. 13. 39-794 94*78 3 2 + -2851 +0-0015 36- 44- 38-35 94-35 3 2 1-195 0-187 4544 2294 19 Sagittarii .... c 2*8* 18. 13. 57-078 94*02 19 + 3-8390 0-0008 +0-0014 119. 52. 26'6o 94*02 19 I'220 -0-558 +0*029 4545 2542 Groombridge 2542 ... 7'7 18. 14. 5-240 93-57 3 + I-5346 +0-0018 40. 56. 49-88 93-57 3 - I-232 0-223 4546 2540 Groombridge 2540 ... 7*2 18. 14. 14-612 91-39 5 + 1*9425 +0-0020 49. 44. 22-27 9I-39 5 I ' 246 0*282 4547 Lalande 33732 6*6* o T AZ'rtVi 02 - c c i I'f.n'jfi rwie CT Cn'm O2'CC I '2OO O*C77 4548 2544 Groombridge 2544 ... 6-6 18. 15. 13-308 y- 4 .*o 4 + I-6736 +O'OOl8 43- 38. 13-31 y^ jj 93-29 4 - I"331 0*243 4549 2299 74 Ophiuchi... 5*0* 18. 15. 22-533 93-38 + 2*9950 +O-OOI2 O-OOII 86. 40. 18*21 3 -"345 -0-435 +0*002 455 2298 *;8 Serpentis .., . n 3-4* 18. 15. 37-043 93-68 133 - + 3-I407 +0-0009 O-O4OO 92- 55* 37-I7 92-98 84 1-365 0*456 +0*677 4500, 4502. These stars form the pair 2 2282. 4534. The magnitude of this star is taken from .the Uranomctria Argentina. {xciv} SECOND TEX- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. "2 I* - O> -1 ~ MS 1755- L $ .3J5 i 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1 -1 CJ *O PH 1 1 03 I g o A <] CJ & 'f 4551 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 45 6 7 4568 4569 457 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 459 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 2316 2305 2297 2308 2303 2311 2315 2310 2312 2334 2313 2337 2314 2554 2545 2549 2553 2550 2551 2552 2556 2557 2559 2562 2558 2560 2564. 2563 2565 2567 2566 2569 2586 2568 2571 2572 2573 2578 2577 2574 2579 2575 2576 2577 37 Draconis 6-1* 4'4* 8'2 2-1* 6'3* 5-7* 5'5* 7'5 7 '4 8-0 7'5 4-9* 7-6 6-4 3'9* 7-8 6-9 7'3 7'3 4'9* 6'5 6'5 6-0* 7'5 3-i* 7'8t var. 8-1 7-8 4-2* 7'5 4-7* 3-7* 8-1 8-0 8'5 6-8 8'4 8-5 5-7* 8-6 8-2 8-2 9'i 7-8 7 '9 7'7 7-6 5-7* 7'i h ra s 18. 15. 55-462 18. 16. 0-382 t8. 16. 7-231 :8. 16. 52-205 18. 17. 21-392 18. 17. 33-453 18. 17. 57-383 18. 18. 21728 18. 18. 22-184 18. 18. 30-234 18. 18. 34-403 18. 18. 47 - 894 18. 18. 49-373 18. 18. 54-143 18. 19. 0-613 1 8. 19. 34-957 18. 19- 37-587 18. 19. 40-474 18. 19. 54717 18. 20. 36-376 18. 20. 42-375 18. 20. 46-552 18. 20. 47-533 1 8. 20. 55-863 18. 21. 10-870 18. 21. 34-600 18. 21. 34-806 18. 21. 54-962 18. 21. 59-762 l8. 22. 19-967 l8. 22. 27-109 18. 22. 55-628 18. 23. 2-353 18. 23. 3-501 18. 23. 7-916 1 8. 23. 23-011 18. 23. 30-398 1 8. 23. 34-898 18. 23. 42-859 18. 23. 43-922 18. 23. 50-973 18. 24. 2-129 18. 24. 41-941 18. 24. 42749 18. 24. 43789 18. 24. 48-359 18. 24. 53-088 18. 24. 58-703 18. 25. 2-077 18. 25. 2773 93-24 9375 89-54 92-92 94-53 95-63 93-97 90-86 87-83 96-46 90-53 90-68 90-87 93'25 94-65 88-61 92-12 92-46 90-56 91-58 88-27 89-18 91-97 93' 6 4 93-18 93 '5 ! 92-05 90-53 88-83 93-8o 91-41 94-00 94-35 87-56 94-55 96-26 95-81 88-59 90-34 89:06 96-18 90-40 88-85 94-53 88-59 92-87 87-90 91-56 94-57 90-52 3 8 3 14 3 7 17 4 3 3 3 ii 3 J 40 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 35 3 4 4 4 9* 3 27 28 4 5 4 6 3 3 6 3 4 4 5 3 4 3 3 32 3 2 I 2 2 I I 3 i 2 2 2 2 2 s 0-3509 + 2-1031 -f 1-5642 + 3-9866 + 1-4087 + 2-5003 + 2-6453 + 1-5028 + 1-9075 + 1-5103 + 1-8628 + 3 '5733 + f94i8 + 1-4126 + 2-5417 + 17918 + 1-3989 + 1-1650 + 1-6787 + i'977o + I-7936 + 1-8565 + 3-8375 + 1-2155 + 37069 + 3-0694 + 3-0695 + 1-6845 + 1-9927 - 0-8535 + 1-4980 + 3-4198 1-1941 + 1-9919 - 4-9683 + 2-4863 + 3-4202 + 1-6949 + 1-3734 + 3-5251 4-9058 + f375o + 1-5026 - 53I96 + 1-6964 + 1-1875 + 17956 + 17865 + 2-4866 + 1-7809 s 0-0041 +O"OO2O +0-0017 o'ooig +0-0014 -fo'ooiS +0'ooi6 +0-0015 +0-0019 +0-0015 +0-0018 o p ooo6 +0-0019 +0-0013 +0-0017 +0-0018 +O-OOI2 +0-0007 +0-0016 +0-0018 +0-0017 +0-0018 0-0019 +0-0007 0-0014 +0-0007 +0-0007 +0-0015 +0-0018 O'OIIO +O-OOI2 0-0005 0-0147 +0-0018 0-0731 +0-0017 0-0006 +0-0015 +o'ooo8 O'OOIO 0-0740 +0-0009 +Q-OOII 0-0865 +0-0015 +0-0003 +0-0016 +0-0016 +o"ooi6 +0-0016 s +0-0024 O'OO2I +0-0036 0-0043 O'OO3 O'OOig +0-OI3I O-OO33 0-0052 O-OOlS 0-0018 O'OOOI +0-0028 +o-"53 0-004 0-032 +0-0034 o / // 21. 17. 2'59 53- 59- 4-92 41. 28. 49-41 124. 26. 10-78 38. 42. 2-12 66. 46. 13-05 72. 13. 42-14 40. 19. 40-67 48. 50. 21-82 40. 27. 46-70 47- 45- 55-52 "0.35. 59-37 49. 40. 46-84 38. 45. 8-41 68. 16. 47-70 46. 7. 29-14 38. 30. 49-18 34. 55-3I-69 43. 41. 49-00 50. 33. 9-92 46. 9. 6-84 47. 35- 32-52 119. 52. 57-40 35. 38. 9-70 115. 28. 54-42 89- 52. 5-37 89. 52. 8-33 43- 47- 40-89 50. 56. 28-10 18. 43. 15-28 40. u. 50-54 104. 38. 7-49 17. 18. 54-02 50. 54. 36-13 9- 23. 33-02 66. 12. 44-98 104. 39- 13-37 43- 59- 21-83 38. 2. 5O-OI 108. 47. 52-90 9. 27. 4271 38. 4. 9 '6 1 40. 15. 9-38 8. 59- 58-38 44. o. 14-63 35- 7-o6 46. 8.41-57 45- S 6 - 25-69 66. 12. 23-84 45- 48. 53'22 92-81 92-41 89-54 92-57 94-53 95^3 93-82 90-18 87-83 96-46 90-53 90-13 90-87 93-25 94-59 88-61 91-19 92-05 90-56 91-58 88-27 89-18 91-97 93-34 93-20 92-05 92-05 90-53 88-83 90-93 9077 93-24 94-35 87-56 94-55 96-26 95-81 88-59 8879 89-06 96-18 89-98 88-85 94-53 88-59 92-41 87-90 91-56 9375 90-52 5 12 3 12 3 7 22 4 3 3 3 ii 3 3 56 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3i 4 4 4 4 18 4i 28 4 5 4 6 3 3 6 3 4 4 5 3 4 3 3 65 3 7 i 2 2 I I 5 i 2 I 2 2 2 // - 1-393 1-399 1-409 - 1-475 - I-5I7 - J'534 1-569 1-605 1-605 1-617 i '623 1-643 - l'645 1-652 I "662 - 1-712 I -716 1-719 I-74I I'Soo - 1-809 1-816 1-816 i '829 1-851 - 1-886 - i -886 I-9I5 i -922 1-951 ^1-961 '2-003 2"OI2 2-015 2-021 2-043 ~ 2-053 2-060 2-072 - 2-073 - 2-083 2-099 2-157 2-159 2'l6o 2-166 - 2-173 2-182 - 2-186 - 2-188 ft +0-052 -0-305 0-227 -0-579 0-204 0-363 0-384 0'2l8 0-277 0-219 0-270 -0-519 0-281 0-205 0-369 0-260 0-203 0-169 0-243 0-286 0-260 0-269 0-557 0-176 -0-537 0-445 0-445 0-244 0-288 +0-125 0'2l6 0-495 +0-174 0-288 +0-722 0-360 0-495 -0-245 0-198 0-511 +0-7I3 0-199 0-217 +0772 0-245 0-171 -0-259 0-258 '359 0-257 +0-061 -'035 -0-147 +0-149 0-082 +0-004 +0-257 +0-001 +0-198 +0-OO2 +O-OO2 O'O2I +0-003 +0-361 -0-045 O'2O 0-095 i Lyrte t G-roombridge 2545 ... 20 Sagittarii..! f Groombridge 2549 ... Bradley 2308 . Kailclifle 3896 Groombridge 2553 ... Groombridge 2550 ... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)i8i64 Groombrhlge 2551 . . . 21 Sagittarii Groombrulge 2552 ... Groombridge 2556 ... 109 Herculis Groombridge 2557 ... Groombridge 2559 .. Groombridge 2562 ... Groombridge 2558 ... Groombridge 2564 .. Groombridge 2563 .. Lacaille 7717 Groombridge 2565 ... 22 Sagittarii A 59 Serpentis (tomes)..'] 59 Serpentis w Groombridge 2567 ... Groombridge 2566 ... Groombridge 2569 . . . Bradley 2313. Groombridge, 2568 . . . Lalande 34617 .... B. D. +23 No. 3342 Bradley 2314 Groombridge 257 1 ... Groombridge 2572 .. Piazzi XVIII. 82.... Lalande 3464 1 Groombriilge 2573 ... Groombridne 2578... Carrington 2777 Groombridge 2574... Groombridge 2579... Groombridge 2575... Uroombridge 2576... Piazzi XVIII. ioo.... Groombridge 2577... 457 6 . 4577- These stars form the pair 2 2316. 4577. The limits of.magnitude are 5-0 and 57 : period 8 li- 72. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xcv}; No. "2 e >. 3 0) <15 = M 6 ft -755- o a, , 3 6 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean B.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + Nc. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Prope? Motion. Above Pole. 1 1 1 Above Pole. ^ 'o PH EC o S 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 . 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 U635 4636 4637 >38 ,4 6 39 4640 4641 .4642 ^4643 4644 ,4645 4646 4647 '4648 ,4649 4650 2 336 2323 2319 2324 2327 2330 2339 2333 2335 2341 2584 2582 2592 2580 2585 2590 2583 2587 2588 2589 2591 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2606 2600 2599 2598 2601 2604 2613 2608 2603 2602 2617 2605 2612 2622 2607 2614 2610 2611 2615 2616 Groombridge 2584... Groombridge 2582... 42 Draconis . . . 7-2 7'4 5-0* 6-7 7'7 6-2 7'5 7'5 5-8* 71: 7-5 5-9* 7'5 5-8* 6-6 7'6 6-0* 8-0 S 6-5 8-1 8'2 6-8 7-2 4-0* 7'9 6-6 7'8 6-6 7-2 8-8 7-6 7 '4 7'7 6-3 8-6 6-6 5-8* 8-8 5-4* 8-7 7'3 7-8 5-8* 7-2 7'3 6-0 7-0 O'2* 6-5 h m a 18. 25. 10-153 18. 25. 22-360 18. 25. 40-138 18. 25. 45-614 :8. 26. 10-573 1 8. 26. 1 1 '344 18. 26. i6'ioo 1 8. 26. 23-014 18. 26. 26-363 1 8. 26. 30-949 18.27. i '305 18. 27. 10-267 18. 27. 14-570 18. 27. 21-927 1 8. 27. 27-020 18. 28. 0-081 18. 28. 11-525 1 8. 28. 18-665 18. 28. 37-785 18. 28. 47-419 18. 28. 52-399 1 8. 29. 2-806 18. 29. 10-555 18. 29. 12-419 18. 29. 13-232 1 8. 29. 18-733 18. 29. 30-795 18. 29. 30-909 1 8. 29. 34-439 18. 29. 40-333 18. 29. 53-329 18. 30. 19-418 1 8. 30. 20-605 18. 30. 22-332 18. 30. 41-179 18. 30. 46-612 18. 30. 54-95! 18. 30. 55-697 18. 31. 14-587 18. 31. 27-023 18. 31. 35-849 18. 31. 40-656 18. 31. 45-939 18. 31. 49-219 18. 32. 2-oiS 18. 32. 4-117 18. 32 19-813 18. 32. 32-427 18. 33. 12-800 18. 33. 22-080 94-04 93'i5 9418 87-90 91-17 91-59 88-21 93 '54 93 '39 93-01 88-52 90-90 90-60 93 '39 90-35 89-60 93'9i 90-25 88-25 92-97 96-23 88-22 87-96 89-95 9632 91-52 89-28 92-64 88-30 90-69 93-25 96-16 93-62 93-15 89-27 93-21 91-38 94-25 91-90 96-39 91-86 87-84 93-65 89-74 89-97 92-61 92-72 88-34 93-26 9373 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 2 4 6 4 3 5 3 37 31 3 5 3 3 5 3 17 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 5 42 3 3 4 3 3 6 3 3 5 4 261 5 2 3 2 I 2 I I 2 3 2 6 + 0-8043 + I-25I7 + 0-I580 + ^7959 + I-3803 + O-8I99 + I-7OI6 II-0078 + 3-4270 + 3-6690 + I-9225 + 3-6666 + I-9423 + 3-4266 + I-9I75 + 1-9477 + 2-4946 + I-794I + I-7034 + 3-5796 + I-3525 + 2-0069 + 2'OoSl + I-7I4I + 3-2664 + 0-2264 + 1-6991 + 17921 + I-9423 + 1-3737 + 0-8235 + 1-3572 + 0-5319 + 0-8374 + 1-6942 + 17716 + 0-1857 + 2-4961 + I-777I + 1-36" + 0-1954 + 2-0077 + 1-4360 + 3-6509 + I-952I + 1-9347 + 3-5843 + 1-8399 + 2-0134 + 3-5583 8 O-OOI2 +0-0004 0-0048 +O-OOI6 +o 0007 0-0013 +0-0014 0-2906 0-0009 O-002O +0-OOI6 O-OO2I +O-OOI7 o-ooio +0-OOI6 +0'OOl6 +O-OOI6 +O-OOI5 +O-OOI3 o'ooiS +0-0004 +0-0017 +0-0017 +0-0013 0-0005 -0-0055 +O"OOI2 +O-OOI4 +O-OOI6 +0-0005 0-0018 +0-0003 0-0036 0-0019 +O-OOI2 +O-OOI3 0-0063 +0-OOI5 +O-OOI3 +0-0003 0-0064 +O-OOI6 +O-O005 O-OO26 +O-OOI6 +O-OOI5 O-O023 +0-0014 +O'OOl6 O-OO23 a +0-0158 +0-0051 0-0035 O-OO2; 0-OO22; O-OO25 O-OO29 0-0016 0-0024 0-0076 +0-0173 O 1 It 30. 21. 48-49 36. 7. 10-54 24. 30. 16-91 46. 8. 19-34 38- 7- 37-92 30- 31. 26-72 44. 5. 32-85 5- 23. 16-14 104. 56. 40-01 114. n. 19-91 49. 6. i -88 114. 6. 49-20 49- 35- 14-69 104. 56. 4-13 48- 58. 20- 10 49- 42. 39-37 66. 27. 53-29 46. 3. 36-69 44. 5. 31-22 1 10. 55- 33'26 37. 38. 9-26 51. 12. 59-95 51. 14. 48-26 44. 18. 29-40 98. 19. 13-50 24. 58. 46-74 43- 59- 26-26 45- 59- 50-72 49. 33. 6-14 37-58. 1-51 30. 30. 50-96 37. 41. 22-25 27. 32. 44-97 30. 39- 4S-37 43- 52- 2-85 45. 31. 16-28 24. 38. 56-73 66. 28. 59-01 45- 38- 6-68 37.44. 1-25 24. 42. 51-58 51. II. 39-94 38. 58. 32-01 "3- 35.53-5 49- 45- 30-65 49- 19- 13-89 in. 8. 32-16 47- 2. 7-71 51. 19- 6-52 no. 10. 4-13 93-68 93-I5 92-32 87-90 91-17 90-84 88-21 937i 93-39 93-01 88-52 90-90 91-26 93-39 90-35 89-60 93-37 90-03 88-25 92-97 9623 88-22 87-96 89-95 96-34 90-38 89-28 92-64 88-30 90-69 92-99 96-09 93-38 92-56 89-27 93-21 90-33 93-36 90-80 9639 91-23 87-84 93-65 89-74 89-97 92-61 92-72 88-34 92-80 93-73 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 2 4 6 3 3 5 3 54 4 3 5 3 3 5 3 18 S 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 62 4 3 4 3 3 6 3 3 5 4 222 5 2 2 2. I 4 I I 2 2 2 // 2-198 2-215 2-241 2-250 2-286 2-286 2-293 2-304 2-308 2-315 2-359 2-372 2-379 - 2-388 2-396 2-444 2-461 2-472 2-499 - 2-512 - 2-519 - 2-535 - 2-547 - 2-548 - 2-550 - 2-558 2-576 - 2-576 2-580 2-589 2-607 2-645 2-648 2-649 2-677 2-686 2-697 - 2-699 - 2-726 2-743 - 2-756 2-764 2-771 - 2-775 2 '794 - 2-797 - 2-820 - 2-837 2-896 - 2-909 // 0-116 0-180 O'O22 0-259 0-199 0-118 -0-245 + I- S9 6 0-495 -0-530 0-277 -0-530 O-28O 0-495 0-277 0-28I 0-360 0-259 0-245 -0-5I7 0-195 0-289 0-289 0-247 0-47I 0-O32 0-245 0-258 O-280 0-198 0-118 -0-195 0-076 O-I20 0-244 -0-255 0-026 0-360 0-256 -0-195 0-027 0-289 0-206 0-526 0-281 0-278 0-516 0-264 0-289 0-512 it +0-043 0-131 O-02 +0-03 0-004 O'OI ... +0-307 +0-02 +0-009 +0-15 -0-295 Groombridge 2580... Groombridg 2585... Groombridge 2590... Groombridge 2583... Lalande F. 3023 Bradley 2323. . . Bradley 2319 Groombridge 2587... 24 Sa^ittarii Groombridge 2588... Bradley 2327 Groombridge 2589... Groombridge 2591... Piazzi XVIII. 116... Groombridge 2593... Groombridge 2594... Piazzi XVIII. no... B. D. +52 No. 2225 Piazzi XVIII. 126... Piazzi XVIII. 127... Groombridge 2597... I Aquilae Groombridge 2606... Groombridge 2600... Groombridge 2599... Groorabridge 2598... Groombridge 2601... Groombridge 2604... Lalande 34541 Groombridge 2613... Groombridge 2608... Piazzi XVIII. 135... Groombridge 2602... Groombridge 2617... Piazzi XVIII. 132... Groombridge 2605 . . . Groombridge 261 2 ... Groombridge 2622 . . . Bradley 2339 Groombridge 2614... Bradley 2333 Groombridge 2610... Groombridge 2611... Bradley 231^ Groombridge 2615... 7 Lvrae ... a Oultz. Arg. (S. 518508 4610. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Argentine General Catalogue, 1875. 4638. This star is a close double, and forms the pair O2 359. {xcvi} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. ~E . > ^^ a 5 "! a d K 1755- iri of ~ ^ .a 6 fc 1810. / Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Olis. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. V & E M Groombridge 2643... Groombridge 2646... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)i8s65 28 Sagittarii Groombridge 2647... Piazzi XVIII. 182... 4 Lyrse c 1 4 Lyrfe(asone mass) e 1 4 Lyra? (Comes). c 1 ? Lvrse.... ,...(^ 5 Lyrse (as one mass) 2 5 Lyra; (Conies) - Groombridge 2652... HO Herculis Groombridge 2659.. Groombridge 2654... Groombriilge 2656... 4665, 4666. These stars form the pair S 2368. 4690, 4692. These stars form the pair 2382. 4693, 4695. These stars form the pair 2383. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xcvif} . No. of No. of o - " o ,-, Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular <~ 6 3 Mean R.A., M Preces- Viiria- ! Annual MeanN.P.D., Mi'an Preces- Varia- Annniil No. = 3 Star's Name. 1800 + p o 1890-0. 1890-0. 1800 + o 1890-0. 1890-0. J755- 1810. I 1 1 1 h m s s s s o / // 4701 2350 ; ... 6 Aqnila' .. 4-4* 18. 41. 20-239 94-83 22 + 3" l8 44 0-0009 0*O024 94- Si- 53-9 94*08 38 3-597 -0-455 +0-017 4702 ... 2653 Groombridge 2653. ..17-5 18. 41. 26-721 88-20 3 + 2-0376 +0*0014 5i- 47* SS'45 88-20 3 3-607 0-291 4703 ... 2661 Groombriilge 2661... 8-9 18. 42. 4-890 90-25 3 + 1-6988 +0*0008 43. 44. 6 6 1 90*25 3 3-662 0-242 474 2354 Ill Herculis. 4-5* 18. 42. 9-766 94'S 1 24 + 2-6440 +0*0010 +0-0033 71. 56. 26*09 93'93 43 - 3-669 -0-377 0*118 4705 ... 2662 Groombridge 2662... 8-3 18. 42. 39-824 88-28 4 + 2-0385 +0*0014 51. 47. 48-32 88-28 4 3-7I2 0-291 4706 . . . 2663 Groombridge 2663... 8-1 1 8. 42. 50-231 88-17 3 + 2-0375 +0-0014 51. 45- 54-66 88-17 3 - 3-726 0-290 ... 4707 ... 2665 Groombridge 2665... 8-5 18. 42. 57-443 90-54 3 + I-8I74 +0*OOIC 46. 18. 8'i6 90-54 3 3'736 -0-259 4708 2370 2670 Bradlev 2370 ... 6-3* 18. 43. 0-451 93-44 2 3 + 0-7097 0*0049 o'ooi 29. 4. 6-90 91 50 3 4 3-74I O'lOO 0*013 4709 ... 2666 Groombridge 2666... 7'7 18. 43. 6-819 9I-35 4 + 1-8288 +O-QOIO' 46. 33. 30-67 91-35 4 ... - 3-75I 0-260 4710 2352 29 Sagittarii 5-5* 18. 43. 8-456 92-52 94 + 3-5622 0-0035 0-0017 no. 26. 57-09 91-45 10 i - 3-752 -0-509 0-043 4711 ... 2668 Groombridge 2668... 8-0 18. 43 3!7 6 7 87-90 3 + 2-0379 +0-0014 51. 45. 36-50 87-90 3 - 3-786 0-290 ... 4712 : ... 2669 Groombridge 2669... 6-4 18.43. 51-505 91-00 3 + 1-7041 +0-0007' 43. 48. 18-89 9i'oo 3 ... - 3-8I5 0-242 47U 2353 ... 30 Sagittarii 6-1* 18. 44. 13-775 92-19 5 + 3-6103 o 0040 o 0060 112. 17. 14-35 92-I9 5 - 3-846 0-515 +0-028 4714 ... ; 2672 GroomViridge 2672... 7-8 18. 44. 39-198 93'29 3 + I-547I +0-OOO2 40. 41. 24-03 93' 2 9 3 - 3-882 O'22O ... 4715 W.B.(2)XVlII.i33o 8-2 18. 44. 45-636 95-82 3 + 2-2145 +0-0015 56. 48. I8-82 95-82 3 - 3-892 -0'3-S ... i 4716 2681 Groombridge 2681... 8-6 18. 44. 47-215 94-96 3 2 + 0-7361 0-0050 29. 18. 18-17 9465 3 2 3-894 O-IO4 4717 ! ... Piazzi XVIII. 201... 6-3 !8. 44. 55-386 95 94 3 + 3-3014 0-0019' 99* 54- 4-78 95 '94 3 - 3-905 0-470 ... 47'8 Carringtoii 2838 9-1 18. 45. 6 090 96-01 4 I - 6-2967 0-2089 7- 57* 57-53 96-01 4 I 3-92I +0-902 ... 4719 2673 Groombiidge 2673... 8-3 18. 45. 16-353 91-86 3 + I-9750 +0-0013 50. 3. 49*82 91-86 3 - 3-935 O-28l 4720 ! ... 2675 Groombridge 2675 . .. 7'5 18. 45. 22-801 92-24 5 + 17556 +0-0008 44* Si- 55-97 92-22 5 3-945 0-249 4721 2684 Groombridge 2684... 8-6 18. 45. 31-315 9362 3 + 0-7459 0-00511 29-23- 33-54 93-62 3 3-957 0-105 4722 2674 Groombridge 2674... 8'5 18. 45. 35-883 94-41 4 + i'9552 +O-OOI2 49* 33* 2-07 94-67 3 3-964 0-278 ... 4723 Lacaillu 7899 6'5t 18- 45- 37-833 94-3I 5 + 3-8142 0-0059 119. 30. 31-18 94-3I 5 3-967 -0-543 ; 4724 2676 Groombridge 2676... 7'3 "8- 45- 53-768 91-20 3 + 2-0378 +0-0013 51. 41- 5873 91-20 3 3-990 0-289 4725 ... 2679 Groombridge 2679... 8-3 18. 45. 54-053 94-68 3 + 1-7534 +0-0008 44. 48. 15-47 9 4'68 3 3-990 0-249 4726 ... ; 2678 Groombridge 2678... 6-5 18. 45. 59 829 92-25 3 + 1-8247 +0-0010 46. 23. 37-22 92-25 3 3-998 -0-259 ... 4727 2369 10 Lyrpe. . p var. 18. 46. 1-091 94'36 93 + 2-2141 +0-0015 0*0007 56. 45- 53'H 94-02 67 4-000 0-315 0-017 4728 10 Lyrre p~ g. r 18. 46. 2 '959 94*29 i 2*214*: +0*0015 0*0007 "",6. 46. 32'48 O/l-T-2 ii 4-003 0-315 0-017 4729 2680 Groombridge 2680... 7-8 1 8. 46. 15-404 93-60 3 + I '9496 +0-0012 J "I"* 1 J *t 49. 23. 28-49 y-r -j 9360 3 4-020 0-277 473 2682 Groombridge 2682. ,.\J' I 1 8. 46. 59-343 93-90 4 + 2-0046 +0-0013 50. 47. 2I*56 94-05 5 - 4-083 0-284 473 1 ... 2683 Groombridge 2683... 8-1 18. 47. 4-137 94-67 4 + 1-9196 +0-OOII 1 48. 37. 2O-I2 94-98 3 4*090 O-272 4732 2685 Groombriilge 2685... 7-o 18. 47. 6-176 93-64 3 + 1-8614 +O'OOIO 47- 13- 5-28 93-64 3 4-092 0-264 4733 2687 Groombridge 2687... 7-0 18. 47. 23-356 94-30 3 + I -8166 +0-0009' 46. 10. 24*62 94-3 3 ... 4-II7 0-257 4734 2364 32 Saittarii.... i/ 1 5-0* 18 47 31-703 94 '47 6 + 36246 0*004"-, o*oo2 112. 52. 45-94 94-47 6 4" '30 0-515 +0*019 4735 J"-T 2686 Groombridge 2686... 7-2 H/ O f J 18. 47. 38-467 93-59 3 + 2-0322 " *-""+ J +0-0013 +0-0283 51. 30. 22-48 y^ ^l 93 59 3 4*140 0-288 0*032, 4736 2691 Groombridge 269 i . . . 7-8 1 8. 47. 42-157 9468 3 + 1-4564 0-0004 ... 38. 59. 4*54 9468 3 4-144 0-206 : 4737 2688 Groombridge 2688... 6-7 18. 47. 45-968 94-66 4 + 2-0062 +O'OOI2 ... 50. 48. 41-14 9465 3 4-150 0-284 4738 2689 Groomb;idge 2689... 8-6 18. 47. 51*605 94-72 3 + 1-9645 +0-OOI2 ... 49- 43- 45'36 94-72 3 - 4-I58 0-278 4739 2694 Groombridge 2694... 6-7 1 8. 48. 2*944 94-97 3 I + 1-2615 0-0015 35- 49- 44-59 94'78 3 I 4-174 0-178 ... 4740 2692 Groombridge 2692... 7-1 1 8. 48. 15*362 93-65 3 + 1-7651 +0-O007 44* 59- 55T3 93-6S 3 4-I9 1 o 250 474' 2690 Groombridge 2690... 7-8 18. 48. 17*079 94-87 5 + 1-9227 +0-OOII 48. 40. 4*06 94-40 4 4-194 0-272 4742 2365 34 Sagittarii 4-749 4'75 2 4-766 - 4-809 4-819 - 4-823 4-829 4-830 - 4-831 - 4-834 - 4-846 4-863 - 4-867 0-190 0-259 0-275 0-516 0-263 0-264 i 0-104 0-256 -0-279 +0-147 0-209 O'2IO 0-273 0-422 0-422 0-506 +2-659 0-507 0-271 0-279 0-279 0-146 0-257 0-279 +Q-IOI 0-245 0-268 0-104 0-245 0-384 +0-898 +0-741 0-384 0-282 0-281 0-084 0-316 0-511 0-284 0-539 -0-138 -0-518 +0-105 +0-205 0-452 0-270 0-037 O'22O 0-084 +0-086 0-014 0-042 -0-057 +0-015 +0-006 0-07 +0-128 +0-080 '0-005 0-009 +0-17 0-031 +0-018 Groombridge 2704... Groombridge 2703... B. D. +72 No. 865. Groombridge 2709... Groombridge 2710... Groombridge 2706... 63 Scrpentis. 6 Bradley 2377 .... 36 Sagittarii f 1 Lalande F. 3178 37 Sa"ittarii f 2 Groombridge 2711... Groombridge 2713... Groombridge 2715... Groombridge 2720... 13 Lyra R Groombridge 2716... Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 18798 Groombridge 2722... Groombridge 2721... Groombridge 2729... Groombridge 2723... Piazzi XVIII. 259... Carrington 2865 Carrint'ton 2863 13 Aquilse Piazzi XVIII. 268... Piazzi XVIII. 270... Groombridge 2732... 14 Lvree y Piazzi XVIII. 255... Groombridge 2728... 38 Sagittarii Piazzi XVIII. 287... Piazzi XVIII. 261... 52 Draconis v Groombridge 2752... 12 Aqnilse Groombridge 2730... Lalande 35695.. Groombridge 2733... Groombridge 2742... 4754. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Arynllm: General CMalogue, 1875. 4765, 4766. These stars form the pair S 2417. 4774. The limits of magnitude are 4-0 and 4-7 : period 46 d "4. 479 2 - This is a close double, and forms the pair S 2438. 4800, 4801. These stars form the pair 2 2440. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {xcix} > No. of No. of O> >, c -O3 r ~ BC W "2 Mean R.A., in- Preces- Varia- Annual MeanN.P.D., Preces- Varia- Annual No. o "! _ > "JS Star's Name. i* 1 1890*0. Mean Date. 0* o (5 sion, tion, Proper Motion. 1890*0. Al (!(')( 1 Date. i3 & -3 ^p sion, tion, Proper Motion. d '= *-o 1800 + '? O 1890*0. 1890-0. 1800 + > I 1890*0. 1890-0. 1755- 1810. SP s 1 o> PS o 3 "3 P3 h m s a O / It // // 4801 j ... HeIsingfors(i875)No.ioioo 9*of 18. 56. 13*061 95-85 4 + 0-6081 0-0084 27.45. 17-28 95-85 4 4*870 0*084 4802 ... 2735 Groombridge 2735 ... 6*7 18. 56. 42*856 92*28 3 + i '9643 +0-0010' 49. 28. 13*30 92*28 3 ... 4*9'2 0*276 ... 4803 2734 Gruoiubridge 2734 ... 8*0 18. 56. 43*478 ! 89-22 3 + 2*Ol6l +0*0011 ... 50. 49. '7*22 89*22 3 4-912 0-283 4804 2736 Groombridge 2736 ... 7*0 18. 56. 54*437 87-59 5 + 1-9970 +0-OOII 50. 18. 37*44 87*59 5 4*928 0-280 4805 2737 Groombridge 2737 ... 7*0 18. 56. 56*055 87-59 4i ... + 1-9963 +0-OOII 50. 17. 20*51 87*59 5 4-93I 0*280 ... 4806 2739 Groombridge 2739 ... 7 - 9 18. 56. 59*987 93-98 5 + 1-9250 +0-0009 48. 28. 16*95 93^8 5 4-936 0*270 4807 2740 Groombridge 2740 ... 6*8 18. 57. 21*031 90*09 3 ... + I '902 1 +0-0009 0-0005 47- 53- 57'2 90*09 3 ... - 4-966 0*267 +0-1 1 1 4808 2741 Groombridge 2741 ... 7'8 18. 57. 36*680 89*10 4 ... + 1-9367 +O*OOIO 48. 44. 32*05 89*10 4 4*988, 0*271 4809 2747 Groombridge 2747 ... 8'3 18- 57- 45-957 94 '3 * 3 2 + 1-2575 0-0024 35- 3- I- 47 93-90 3 2 5*ooi| 0*175 ... 4810 2744 Groombridge 2744 . 7-6 18. 58. 2*326 88*31 3 + 1-8126 +0-0006 45. 46. 16*27 88*31 3 ... 5'024 -0-254 4811 27Q*} 39 Sat'ittarii o VQ* 18. *;8. *;*4*;6 92 "O2 12 + VW2S O'OO**** +O'OO2Q in. 54. 7*38 02*1*; 13 5-028 o'co*; +O*O *"7 4812 *OW3 2745 Groombridge 2745... j y 7-4 * '-', J J ^j v 18. 58. 6*005 89*28 3 j jy + I-64I3 *J**Jj J V '**f.y O'OOOI 42. 7. 16*19 89*61 4 5-030 j j 0*230 i j/ 4813 2743 Groombridge 2743... 7'J 18. 58. 7*545 90*13 4 + 1-9344 +0-0009 48. 40. io*n 90*13 4 ... - 5-032 0*271 ... 4814 1 1 2749 Groombridge 2749... 7'3 1 8. 59. 26*037 87-53 4 + 1-9962 +0-0011; 50. 12. 29*54 87*53 4 5-I42 0*279 48i5 2753 Groombridge 2753... 6*5 18. 59. 31*728 88*99 3 ... + I'4I27 0-0014 37- 53- 5537 88*99 3 ... - 5-151 0*197 ... 4816 2751 Groombridge 2751. . 7*8 18. 59. 59*229 87-55 4 + 1-9986 +Q-OOII ... 50. 15. 7*81 87*55 4 - 5-I89 -0*279 481? 2397 40 Sagittarii T 3'5* 19. o. 4-319 94-32 22 + 3-7542 0-0075' 0-0072 117,49. 50*14 94*32 22 - 5'i96 0*527 +0-255 4818 2AOC 17 Aquilie ^S' 1 * 19. o. 21*229 Q2'QO I AQ + 2-71:78 +o - 0003 o 0026 76. 17. 58*77 i 93*11 149 5*220 0*386 +0-089 4819 *"4* l -'j 2754 Groombridge 2754 ... 7 '5 19. o. 22*784 y y 87*61 'V 3 1 / Jj * + 1-9912 +0*0010' 50. 2. 50*41 87*61 3 ... 5*222 0*278 4820 24OI 16 Admire ... A 3 '6* 19. o. 24*666 Q'i'QA 21 + n 86"; 0*0022 o-nrt^S Q**,. 2. 4Q'4I OI'OO 26 5*225 0*446 +o-o8c>' *t 4821 2761 Groombridge 2761 . . . M 6*8 19. o. 32*822 yj y*r 91-50 3 2 1 J iw^J + 0-8404 0-0065 ~~J" yj* * *ry T-* 30. 2. 3*87 91*08 3 2 - 5-237 0-116 4822 Piazzi XVIII. 293... 6*5t 19. o. 35*289 94-48 5 + 3-7821 o-coSo ... 118. 48. 19*98 94*48 5 5-239 0-530 4823 2755 Groombridge 2755 ... 8*1 19. o. 36*464 gr6o 3 + 1-9326 +0-0009 48. 32. 39*77 91-35 4 5-24I 0*270 ... 4824 B. D. i8No. 5206 6"5 19. o. 42*063 94-33 6 ... + 3-5144 0-0050 108. 54. 24*24 94-33 6 - 5-249 0*492 ... 4825 2758 Groombridge 2758 ... 7 *7 19. o. 54*616 94*27 3 + 1-5638 0-0006 ... 40- 31- 53 '94 94-27 3 - 5-268 0*218 4826 2775 Groombridge 2775 ... 6*8 19. . 16*312 94-95 3 2 1-4169 0-0523 .** 16. i. 27*17 94*65 3 2 - 5-297 +0*202 ... 4827 2756 Groombridge 2756 ... 8-2 19. . 18*112 89-31 3 + 1-9413 +0-0009 48. 44. 12*97 89*18 4 - 5-300 0*271 4828 2759 Groombridgi- 2759... 7-3 19. .20-485 92-65 3 + 1-7488 +0-0003 44. 14. 42*08 92*65 3 - S-SOS -0*244 4829 2757 Groombridge 2757 ... 8'i 19. .26-534 87-61 3 + 1-9924 +O-QOIO 50. 2. 26*86 87*61 3 - 5-3I3 0*278 ... 4830 2762 Piazzi XVIII. 325... 7*5 19- -33-884 93^4 3 2 + 1-2838 0-0025 ... 35- 46. 33-50 93-48 3 2 5-322 0-178 4831 ... 2760 Groombridge 2760 ... 8'7 19- 1-43-783 89-31 3 + 1-9422 +0-0009 48. 44. 45*27 89-18 4 ... - 5-336 0-271 4832 2409 Bradley 2409 5*6* 19. 2. 3*193 QC -77 6 + 2 'd.o68 +O"OOIO 4-o - oo t \o 6*;. *;;. low 95-84 4 5-363 0*349 0-027 4833 2766 Piazzi XVIII. 328!. .6*8 19. 2. 19*299 y j 1 1 87-99 3 * t Yy lJtJ + 1-55" 0-0007 i ** v ^*'j t - 1 j jj j 40. 14. 42*44 87-99 3 ... - 5-386 0*216 4834 2440 2784 Bradley 2440 6*7 19. 2. 33*800 94-47 74 5 2-4567 0-0890 0*0124 13. 6. 23 64 92*33 19 13 5-407 +0*347 +0-09 4835 2764 Groombridge 2764... 8*4 19. 2.40-684 88-27 3 + 2-0602 +O-OOII ... 51. 48. 56*66 88-27 3 ... 5'4I7 0*287 4836 ... 2765 Grooru bridge 2765 ... 6-0* 19. 2.43*125 87-59 3 + I-9440 +0-0009 48. 45. 22*66 87-59 3 5-419 0-271 4837 1 ... 2767 Groornbridgt 2767 ...8*1 19. 3. 3*427 89-98 3 + 1-9404 +0-0009 ... 48. 39- 9'45 89-98 3 - S'447 0-270 ... 4838 ; 2406 41 Sagittarii. . . "*** 3' 1 * '9- 3- 13-281 93-85 33 . t + 3'57i4 0-0059 0-OO22 in. 11. 52*77 93-66 34 ... 5-46I 0*499 +0-034 4839 Pianzi XVIII. 316. ..6*5 19. 3.18-855 93-68 6 * + 3-5401 0-0056 ... 109. 58. 36*28 93*68 6 ... - 5-470 0-494 4840 2414 18 Lyra; .. I 5-2* 19. 3. 22-557 89-35 3 ... + 2-1407 +0-OOI2 o'ooo7 54- 4- i9'39 89-I5 9 ... - 5 - 476 0-298 0-009 4841 2410 19 Aquilie 5'3* 19 3 36*618 AC -fiA + 2"Q7Q6 0*0007 O * OO2 1 84. *;. *;7"?7 9-)'6*i 6 5'495 0-410 +0-064 4842 2769 Groombridge 2769 ... 6*9 19. 3.43-469 7J '-"T 88*03 3 yjy u + 1-9597 +0*0009 "*T- J- Jl JJ 49. 7. 7*28 yj j 88*03 3 "... - 5-504 0*272 4843 2773 Groombridge 2773... 8*4 19. 3.51*835 91*27 3 + 1-8182 +0-0005 45- 42- 5-94 91*10 4 - 5-516 0*253 ... 4844 2772 Grooiubridgf 2772... 7-2 19. 3.54*392 90*11 4 + 1-8681 +0*0006 ... 46. 51. 32*63 90*11 4 - 5-5I9 0*260 ... 4845 ... 2770 Piazzi XIX. 8 7'Q ' 19. 4. 2-879 9I-37 5 + 2-0410 +O-OOII 51. 14. 44*88 92*07 4 - 5'532 0*284 ... 4846 2774 Piazzi XIX. 1 I 6-9 19. 4. 29-459 90*16 4 ... + 2-0333 +0-0011 51. i. 12*44 90*16 4 ... - 5-568 0-282 4847 Lalaude F. 3177 6*5 19. 5.27*554 94-68 5 2 8-6478 0-5064 6. 14. 44-67 94*68 5 2 5-649 + 1*212 4848 2776 Groombridge 2776... 7*9 19. 5.41-940 90*57 3 + "'5399 0*0009 ... 39- 55- 13-28 90*57 4 5'670 O - 2I3 4849 2777 Groombridge 2777 ... 7'4 19- 5-44-657 88*28 3 + 1-5343 o-ooio ... 39. 48. 48*25 88*28 3 - S'674 O*2I2 ... 4850 2779 Groombridge 2779 ... 7'6 19. 5. 50731 91*30 3 2 + 1-2264 0*0033 ... 34- 46. 43'5 90-44 3 2 - 5-683 0*169 4800, 4801. These stars form the pair 2 2440. 4822. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranomctria Argentina. 4845. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 3 2469. SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. "n i .= '- O 1755- 5 o Star's Name. 'c Mean R. A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean X.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1800-0. Sivuhir Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual PM pel- Motion. - '.5 1810. d e 4 1 _0 OJ 1 1 O s 4851 4852 4853 4S54 4856 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 14867 ,4868 4869 ,4870 4&7I 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 2415 2422 2419 2418 2443 2424 2423 2428 2449 2438 2432 2441 2447 2435 2778 2781 2780 2783 2782 2786 2785 2787 2796 2788 2793 2795 2792 2794 2799 2798 2797 2800 2801 2802 2811 2803 2806 2808 2807 2805 2809 2810 2813 2819 Groombridge 2778 ... Groombridge 2781 .. B. D. +31 No. 3485 20 Afjuila; 5-0 7-2 8-0 5'3* 8-5 7'9 5'7* 5-8 5'2* 8-1 7-3 5-2* 8-9 ::; 8-4 8-3 8-5 8-6 8-4 5-4* 8-0 4'9* 7'5 4-7* 7'9 7-0 7'5 6-7 3-2* 4-3* 5'i* 6-0 8-4 77 7'4 7'5 6-1* 8-5 57* 5'4* 3-9* 5-2* 7-0 9-1 h in a 19- 5- 5I-339 19. 6. 4-942 19. 6. 33-849 19. 6. 42-684 19. 7. 4-092 19- 7- 6-315 19. 7. 27-187 19. 7. 32-866 19- 7- 44-I57 19. 8. 9859 19. 8. 25-282 19. 8.41-677 19. 8. 47-721 19. 8. 48-882 19. 8. 51-102 19. 9. 9-018 19. 9. 21-042 19. 9. 47-208 19. 10. 7-078 19. 10. 46-277 19. 10. 50 908 19. 10. 51-399 19. 10. 52-098 19- II- 4-345 19. II. 9-093 19. II. 11-922 19. II. 26-758 19. II. 29-285 19- 12. 4-574 19. 12. 8-687 19. 12. 27-047 19. 12. 31-657 19. 12. 33'OQI 19. 12. 39"l66 19. 12. 43-740 19. 12. 45-639 19. 12. 53-402 19. 13. 26-070 19. 13. 29-012 19. 13. 32-569 19. 13. 42-026 '9- 13- 43'944 19. 14. 2-580 '9- '4- 3i'366 19. H- 33-643 19. 14. 40-511 19. 14. 59-021 19. 15. 3-228 19. 15. 10-348 88-31 94-77 90-78 96 20 9^57 8993 94^9 Q'J "7 A QA 'O5 90-66 8984 9354 90-24 90-44 88-91 92-57 88-34 92-03 94-54 88-74 88-58 90-36 9577 9233 90-48 92-08 94-67 89-21 9I-55 89-29 92-62 94-10 92-93 93-60 94-I5 92-62 94-93 90-86 87-92 87-62 91-09 94-67 90-65 94-01 94-16 89-68 96-26 92-30 93-37 3 3 7 42 3 4! 4 31 3 7 5 4 52 3 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 7 3 8i 4 24 3 44 3 3 42 3 76 5 3 3 3 3 4 7 3 5 21 29 36 4 4 5 5 3 2 I 13 2 ... 2 I i + 1-4167 + 1-2316 + 2 2986 + 2-0364 + I-6385 + 2-3008 + 1-9899 + 3^255 + 1-2344 + 1-9601 + 3-6802 + 1-2348 + 3-6509 + 1-6945 + 0-2337 + 2-0003 + 1-2435 + I 9608 + 1-9939 + I-9628 + 1-6502 + 2-9691 + I-38I9 + 3-5I45 + 1-6329 + 2-579I + I-80I3 + 19994 + I-7950 + 1-5648 + 0-0102 + 2-O82I + 2-8164 + 3-4302 + 17169 + I-2606 + I '60I2 + 1-6555 + 1-9671 + 17222 + 17132 + 3-6003 + 27992 + I-38I4 + 3-I972 + 0-5672 + 3-5I92 0-0018 -0-0033 +0-0012 0-OO3I 0-0026 +0 001U 0-0004 +0-0012 +0-0009 0-0014 0-0035 +0-0008 0-0079 -0-0035 0-0075 O-OOO2 O-OI74 +O-OOO9 -0-0035 +0-0008 +0-0009 +0-0008 0-0005 O'OOI2 0-OO24 O-OO62 0-OOO7 +O-OOO7 +0-0002 +0-OOO9 +O-OOO2 O'OOII 0-O229 +0-OOII O-OOO3 O-O054 O-OOO2 0-0036 O-OOO9 0-0006 +0-0008 0-OOO2 0-0003 0-0076 0-0002 0-0026 0-0031 0-0030 0-0130 0-0067 8 O'OOl! O'OOI. O'OOIO +O'OOO< +0-007 O'OOII 0-0004 0-0024 0-0009 +0-0156 0-0009 0-0014 o-ooS O'OOO 0-0015 +0-0066 +0-0053 o / " 37- 44- 58-27 34- So. 49-3 58. 51. 33-84 98. 7. 22-58 95- 15- 19-41 51. o. 39-00 41. 44- 14-51 S 8 - 53 59^4 49. 45. 11-45 87- 53 34'Si 34- 48. 17-53 48- 56. 49-75 115. 26. 44-48 34- 47- 46-57 114. 21. 58-53 42. 48. 39-88 24. 12. 19-89 49- 56. 45-73 34. 52. 36 61 48. 53- 4-94 49. 44. 1 1 -06 48. 55. 50-72 41. 50. 27-28 85. 21. 3I-8O 36. 58. 40-74 109. 8. 53-00 41. 28. 18-20 '. 68. 48. 12-59 45- i- 4-29 49. 49. 58-19 44. 51. 28-71 40. 7. 23-11 22. 31. 5478 52. 3. 43-84 78. 36. 9-31 105. 43- 38-36 43. 8. 0-03 35- i- 26-52 40. 46. 22-38 41. 50. 22-57 48. 55- 58-39 43. 12. 26-99 43- o- 55-95 112. 36. 24-19 ! 77. 49. 40-93 36. 50. 3-58 95-37- 15-18 94. 42. 23-48 26. 48. 20-95 109. 26. 22-74 88-31 90-15 9495 90-64 96-20 92-06 90-68 94-64 87-74 9465 90-17 89-84 93'53 90-24 90-46 88-91 91-46 88-34 91-65 94-54 88-74 88-58 91-29 9582 90-77 91-78 89-21 91-15 89-29 92-62 92-93 94-I5 90-99 94-64 90-86 87-92 87-62 91-41 90-63 93-63 94-11 89-67 96-18 91-96 93'37 3 3 6 46 3 6 3 38 3 7 5 4 47 3 7 4 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 Mi 5 35 3 5 3 3 48 3 79 5 3 3 3 3 J 3 6 35 28 39 3 4 5 3 3 2 I 17 2 2 I n - 5-702 - 5755 - 5 817 5-826 - 5-841 - 5-898 5-921 - 5-930 5-93I S'934 - S'959 6'012 6-040 6-094 6-101 6'ioi 6"I02 6-119 6-126 6-130 6-151 - 6-154 6-169 6-202 - 6-234 6-241 6-243 6-25I 6-258 6-26I 6-316 6-320 6-326 6-341 - 6-367 6-406 6-410 6-420 6-444 6-450 6-460 n 0-196 O-I70 0-3I8 -0-452 -0-443 0-282 Q-226 0-318 -0-275 0-419 0-169 0-27I 0-510 0-169 0-506 -0-233 0-030 0-276 0-170 0-270 0-274 O-27O 0-227 0-410 -0-189 -0-485 0-224 -0-355 0-247 0-275 0-246 0-214 +0-001 0-286 0-388 -0-473 0-235 0-172 0-219 0-227 0-270 0-236 0-234 0-495 0-384 0-188 -0-439 0-436 0-076 -0-483 0-007 0-005 O Oil +0-029 +0-13 0-015 +O'OOI +0-004 +0-001 0-079 0-006 0-025 +0-30 0-29 0-019 O'II2 0-060 W. B. XIX. 96 Pia/zi XIX. 27 Groombridge 2783 ... 19 Lyra; Groombridge 2782 . . . 21 Aquil.t Groombridge 2786 ... Groombridge 2785 ... 42 Sugittarii if Oeltz.Arg.(N.)i9047 Piazzi XIX. 22 .. Groombridge 2787 .. 55 Draconis Groombridge 2788... Groombridge 2793 W. B. (2) XIX. 292. Groombridge 2795 ... Groombridge 2792 ... Gi-ooinbridge 2794 ... 22 Aquilie Groombridge 2799 .. 43 Sagittarii '/ Groombridge 2798 ... i Vulpeculse Groombridge 2797 ... Groombridge 2800 ... Groombridge 2801 ... Groombridge 2802 ... 57 Draconis o 21 Lyrae f 1 25 Aquila; w Piazzi XIX. 50. Groombridge 2803 ... Groombridge 2806 . . . Groombridge 2808 ... Groombridge 2807 ... Groombridge 2805 ... Groombridge 2809 ... Groombridge 2810 ... Piazzi XIX. 61 . 28 Aquila; A I Cvsui.. f 26 Aquilie f Lalande 36393-5 Piazzi XIX. 101 Piazzi XIX. 67 4852. This star is a close double, De 19, and forms part of the triple system 2 2479. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. No. "-n 5 s ^ o If s "Z. - J 6 K 1810. Star's Niimc. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1 890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. - 5 ' = d to 1755- 1 CD 1 1 <1 1 & _o y> 4901 4902 493 4904 4905 4906 4937 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 49 : 3 4914 4915 4916 49'7 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 49 2 3 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 493 2 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 2434 243? 2436 2472 2450 2445 2446 2452 2448 2451 2471 2455 2812 2815 2816 2817 2814 2818 2822 2823 2820 2826 2824 2840 2835 2829 2828 2830 2842 2831 2832 2836 2839 2834 2837 2838 2841 2843 2847 2845 2846 Groombridge 2812 ... 44 Sagittarii p 6-6 3'9* 4-7* 6-1* 9-0 6'5 8-2 6-8 7'9 7'4 6-5 7-0 8-1 6-6 8-6 9'o 8'5 5-9* 7-2 4-5* 5.9" 6'2* 6-8 7'i 8'7 5-3* 5'5* 8'2 3-5* 4-6* 7-6 6-0* 67 7'2 7'3 8-5 7'6 4'8* 7'3 7-8 7'7 7-0 TO 8-4 7'4 6-9 6-7 5-6* h m a 19. 15. 17-302 19- IS- '7 '543 19. 15. 25-633 19. 15. 25-874 19. 15. 34-281 19. 15. 4i'773 19. 15. 44769 19. 15. 48-528 19. 15. 51-260 19. 15. 56-742 19. 16. 44-282 19. 17. 10-710 19. 17. 22-676 19. 17. 31-980 19. 17. 32-408 19. 17. 35-618 19. 17. 35-627 19. 17. 38-688 19- 17- 39'395 19. 17. 39-909 19. 18. 20-541 19. 18. 34-845 19. 18. 50-184 19. 18. 55-307 19- 18. 56-374 19. 19. 30-225 19. 19. 42-379 19. 19. 43474 19. 19. 45 494 19. 19. 48-740 19. 19. 57-104 19. 20. 6-288 19. 20. 24-118 19. 20. 27-875 19. 2O. 30-672 19. 20. 36-051 19. 2O. 4I-O75 19. 20. 49-923 I 9 . 20. 51-533 19. 20. 53476 19. 21. l6'II7 19. 21. 20-776 19. 21. 28406 19. 21. 39-604 19. 21. 41-305 19. 22. 31-731 19. 22. 33470 19. 22. 39711 '9- 23. 0-547 19. 23. 3-896 87-57 92-86 88-78 90-78 94-65 96-54 92-98 9046 92-24 88-03 88-24 91-28 90-25 90-59 94-90 91-11 90-46 93-62 9233 95-22 94-22 92-50 93-54 88-64 90-42 89-23 94-3 6 94-00 9370 91-91 92-81 94-32 92-63 94-72 9I'40 9546 93-I7 94-86 93^9 93-68 92-17 90-97 89-53 90-75 92-61 91-60 9344 89-40 87-56 93^5 4 9 3 4 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3i 6 3 45 23 8 5 3 3 4 8 25 5 3 80 34 3 3 4 3 5 3 3 IS 7 3 4 6 7 3 3 4 3 6 2 2 2 2 3 2 94 2 2 2 2 s + 2-0047 + 3-4850 + 3-4391 + 3-4961 -11-5513 + 1-5988 + 1-3789 + 0-5901 + 1-3830 + 2-0094 + 2-0235 + 1-3249 + 1-3890 + 1-9177 + 1-1086 + 1-3783 + 1-3775 + 3-7451 + 1-5628 1-0907 + 2-4568 + 3-6522 + 3-6375 + 04714 + 1-4523 + 1-9099 + 2-8112 + 2-8120 + 3-5801 + 1-7678 + 3-0089 + 0-3161 + 2-0559 + 1-8946 + 1-5736 -f 1-2898 + 1-8300 + 1-8315 + 1-7633 + 3-0699 + 3-4937 + 1-8910 + 3-2032 + 1-5781 + 3-4937 + 1-9418 + 1-2767 + 1-8307 + 2-0332 + 3-7152 a +O-OO09 0-0062 0-0057 0-0064 0-9486 o-ooio 0-0027 0-0128 0-0027 +0-0009 +0-0009 0-0033 0-0027 +0-0006 0-0056 0-0028 0-0028 O'OIOI 0-0013 0-0565 +O-QOIO 0-0088 0-0087 0-0156 0-0023 +0-0005 0-0004 0-0004 0-0080 O'OOOI 0-0018 0-0189 +O'OOIO +0-0005 0-0014 0-0038 +O-OOO2 +O-OOO2 O-OO02 0-0023 0-0070 +0-0004 0-0036 0-0014 0-0070 +0-0006 o 0042 +0-0001 +0-0009 0-0104 s 0-0033 3-0013 +0-0055 -0-0313 0-0013 +0-0023 0*0034 +0-0487 O-0002 +0-0153 O'OOOI +0-0086 0-0009 o-ooo O / It 49- 5- 32-23 108. 3. 13-50 106. 9. 40-09 108. 30. 4245 4. 56. 3641 40. 38. 3-30 36. 44. 43-53 26. 59. 32-33 36. 48. 34-18 49. 56. 1246 50. 16. 47-23 35- 49- 43-87 36. 50. 35-72 47- 3 1 - ii-S 8 32. 42. 19-27 36. 39. 36-04 36. 38. 49-25 118. 4. 40-44 39- S 2 . 4-35 16. 50. 55-86 63- S 6 . 54-26 114. 43. 17-68 114. 10. 3843 25- 49- 2-71 37- 5- 5-98 47. 14. 19-23 78. 15. 31-32 78. 17. 26-12 in. 59. 38-08 43- 55- 26-00 87. 6. 14-88 24. 29. 50-13 51. o. 9-25 46. 49. 34-09 39. 56. 38-10 35- 8. 43-34 45. 16. 59-69 45. 18. 44-25 43. 46. 38-89 89. 52. 49-06 108. 34. 15-10 46. 41. 42-57 95. 57. 14-88 39. 58. 31-66 108. 34. 52-36 47- S3- 44-09 34. 51. 5049 45. 12. 27-19 50. 15. 3645 117. 12. 36-14 87-57 9I-87 88-78 90-78 94-65 96-54 92-10 90-58 90-04 88-03 88-24 91-28 90-25 90-59 94-59 91-11 90-09 93-62 92-33 9477 93-90 92-50 9275 88-56 9042 89-23 9436 93-28 9370 91-91 92-35 91-42 92-63 93-92 90-65 95-25 92-35 94-86 93-69 93-06 92-17 90-97 89-53 90-75 92-61 91-60 92-96 8940 87-56 93-35 4 13 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 6 3 5i 34 O 6 3 4 8 3i 5 3 77 7 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 23 7 3 4 6 7 3 3 4 -3 6 2 2 2 2 3 2 IS 2 5 2 2 n 6-469 - 6-471 6-482 6-482 - 6-493 - 6-504 6-508 6'5I2 6-516 - 6-525 - 6-589 6-626 6-643 ~ 6-655 - 6-655 6-661 - 6-661 - 6-665 6-665 6-666 6-723 6-742 - 6-763 6-769 6-771 - 6-817 - 6-834 - 6-835 - 6-839 6-844 - 6-854 6-867 6-891 - 6-897 6-931 6-908 - 6-915 6-927 - 6-930 6-931 6-963 6-969 6-979 - 6-995 6-997 7-066 7-068 - 7-077 7-106 7-110 // 0-274 0478 0472 0-480 +1-597 0-218 0-187 0-079 0-188 0-274 0-276 0-180 0-188 0-261 0-150 0-187 0-187 0-512 O'2I2 +0-153 -0-335 0499 0-497 O-O62 0-196 0-259 -0-383 -0-383 0488 0-239 0409 O'O4O 0-279 0-257 O-2I3 0-174 0-248 0-248 0-238 0-417 0-475 0-256 0-435 O-2I3 -0475 O-262 O-I7I -0-247 0-274 -0-504 // 0-026 +0-009 +0-065 0-108 +0-013 +0-049 +0-005 0-651 +0-001 0-091 0-030 0-026 0-024 +0-06 46 Sagittarii v 45 Sagittarii p~ Carrington 2931 Groombridge 2815 ... Groombridge 2816 ... Piazzi XIX. 108 Groombridge 2817 ... Groombridge 2814 ... Groombridge 2818 ... Qroombridge 2822 ... Groombridge 2823 ... Groombridgi' 2820 ... Groombridge 2826 ... Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 19180 Ofltz.Arg.(Jf.)igi8i Piazzi XIX. 84 . Groombridge 2824 ... 60 Draconis. . .T 3 Vulpeculie 47 Sagittarii . ... \ 49 Sai'ittarii \ a Groombridge 2835 ... Grcom bridge 2829 Groombridge 2828 ... B. D. +11 No. 3834 31 Aquilse l> 50 Sagittarii Groombridge 2830 ... 30 Aquilse. S 58 Draconis TT Groombridge 2831 ... Groombridge 2832 ... Piazzi XIX. 131 Groombridge 2839 ... Groombridge 2834 ... Radclifle 431 1 Groombridge 2837 . . . 32 Aquila;.... v Lalande 36666 Groombridge 2838 . . . W. B. XIX. 466 Piazzi XIX. 140 Lalande 36688 Groombridge 2843 ... Groombridge 2847 ... Groom bridge 2845 ... Qroombridge 2846 . . . Piazzi XIX. 126 4925. This is a close double, and forms tlie pair 1129. SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, M No. of No. of * p Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular ^v 0-f Mean R.A., Preces- Varia- Annual Mean N.P.D., TL* Preces- Varia- Annual No. s .si Star's Name. 1 1890*0. ean Date. of QJ 1 sion, tion, Proper Motion. 1890*0. Mean Date. 1 1 sion, tion, Proper llotion. 1800 + 1 1890*0. 1890*0. 1800 + o O 1890-0. 1890*0. 1755* 1810. I 4 2 1 h m 3 S 8 a ' " 4951 ... W. B. XIX. 516 8*3 19. 23. 5*788 89-57 4 + 3-2127 O*OO38 96. 23. 54-57 89*56 5 7-II3 0*435 4952 Piazzi XIX. 130 8*2 19. 23. 1 1 -549 95 : 5 8 3 + 3-5664 0*0082 III. 33. 50-70 95 '5 s 3 7-121 0-483 4953 2850 Groombridge 2850... 8*0 19- 23- 39-550 92 : 94 6 2 + 1-3111 0*0039 35. 20. 8-05 93*11 5 2 7-159 0-175 4954 2852 Piazzi XIX. 156 6-6 19. 23. 47-303 91-63 4 2 + 1-0894 0*0065 32. II. 40*OO 91-39 4 2 7-169 0-145 4955 W. B. (2) XIX. 680. 8-2 19. 23. 48-418 9535 5 + 2-4171 +O*OOII ... 62. 18. ii*n 95-35 5 7-170 0*326 4956 2848 Groombridge 2848.. 7*8 19. 23. 49-955 89-95 3 + 1-9482 +0*0006 47- 59- 36-79 89-95 3 7' '73 0*262 4QC7 2467 6 Vulpeculfe .. o- 4*7* 10 24 7*6?^ Q2'O1 46 1 o'COCA +O'OOOQ o*oioy + I*0968 0*0067 32. 10. 47-25 y^ *r 90*62 *T/ 4 - 7'375 0*146 4972 2474 Bradlev 2474 5-2* 19. 26. 19-253 93^5 27 + 2-4IS9 +0*0011 0*0020 62. 15. 55-91 93-34 23 - 7-375 -0-325 +0*00 1 Mawj *"t/ t ' 4973 2856 Groombridge 2856... 7-5 19. 26. 55*447 89-34 3 + 17902 0*0001 44- 4- 57-7I 89-34 3 7*424 -0*239 4974 2481 2859 10 Cygni. . i 3-9* 19. 26. 55-909 96^8 5 2 + I '5'i4 O*O02I +0*0022 38. 30. 15-98 96-62 3 2 7-425 0*202 O*I2I 4975 2858 Groombridge 2858... 8-0 19. 26. 56-103 90-60 3 + 1-6299 O*OOI2 40. 43. 20-39 90-60 3 - 7-425 0*218 4976 2857 Groombridge 2857... 7'9 19- 27. 9-578 87-56 3 + 1*9228 +0*OOO5 47. II. 38-60 87-56 3 7'444 0-257 4977 Lalande 37026 8-2 19. 27. 25-213 93-96 3 + 2*2281 +O'OOI2 55. 45. 48-16 QVQ6 3 7*465 0-298 4978 ... W. B. XIX. 638 8-0 19. 27. 33-829 yj y 94-61 J 3 ... + 3-1801 -0*0037 94. 57. 42-46 "j y 95-10 j 4 ... - 7 '477 0*427 4979 B. D. +57 No. 2013 8-5 19. 27. 40-214 92-60 3 + 1-1079 0*0067 32. 15. 50*75 92-60 3 7-485 -0-147 4080 2480 8 Cveni .. 4-8* IQ. 27. 41 "o6l 02-68 _|_ 2'22QO +O'OOI2 o'ooof 55. 46. 50*85 Q2-68 3 7*486 0-298 O*OI7 ^7 49 8l *,tfWV 2861 Groombridge 2861... *T w 7'3 * 7 1 *t * ^ 19. 27. 44'8l6 7" * 89-99 3 + 1-7840 0*0002 43* 54- 4-96 y " 89-99 j 3 7-492 -0-238 / 4982 2860 Groombridge 2860.. 7'3 19. 27. 46-298 87-56 3 + 1-9261 +O*OOO5 47. 14. 48-80 87-56 3 - 7-493 -0*257 ... 4983 2864 Groombridge 2864.. 6-7 19. 27. 50-544 94 '93 3 2 + 1-2895 0*0045 o-ooo 34. 48. 48-91 94-63 3 2 7-499 0*171 O'll 4984 ... W. B. XIX. 646 7-6 19. 27. 53*697 91-38 9 + 3-1805 0*0037 94. 58. 42-60 91-38 9 7'504 0*427 4985 2862 Groombridge 2862 .. 7'3 19. 28. 0*829 9^59 4 + 1-6790 O*OOO9 41. 39. 5-24 91-59 4 - 7-5I3 0*224 ... 49 86 2863 Groombridge 2863.. 7'5 19. 28. 6-706 91-98 4 + 1-5975 0*0015 40. 2. 12*37 91-98 4 - 7-521 0*213 4987 2900 Groombridge 2900.. 6-3 19. 28. 20-365 2 3 - 3-5354 -0*1975 +0-0129 10. 37. 6*12 92-45 8 3 - 7-539 +0*481 +0*047 49 88 2865 Groombridge 2865.. 5-7* 19. 28. 24-563 93-38 3 + 1-5927 0-0015 39- 55- 44-io 93-38 3 7'546 O'2I2 4989 2868 Piazzi XIX. 190 8-3 19. 28. 29-67I 95-14 4 + 1-2804 0-0046 ... 34- 38. 43'iS 95-21 5 - 7-553 0-I70 4990 2866 Groombridge 2866.. 8-7 19. 28. 32-333 95-21 4 + 1-6871 0-OO08 41. 47. 31-93 95-35 3 - 7-555 O-225 4991 W. B. XIX. 670.... 8-5 19. 28. 40-872 89-61 4 + 3-1740 0-0037 94. 41. 17*82 89*61 4 - 7-568 0-425 4992 2479 38 Aquilte u 4'7* 19. 28. 42-922 9178 2 3 + 2-9173 0-OOI3 +0-0129 82. 51. 15*00 90*28 29 7-570 -0-391 +0*133 4993 2867 Groombridge 2867.. 8-5 19. 28. 50-347 93*02 5 + 1-6810 0-0009 +0-007 41. 39. 972 93*02 5 ... 7-580 O-224 -0-35 4994 2872 Groombridge 2872.. 6-6 19. 29. 4-403 95-29 3 I + 1-3040 0-0044 +0*005 34. 58. 28-54 95-I3 3 I 7'599 -0-173 0*11 4995 2871 Piazzi XIX. 191 8-2 19- 29. 7-379 92-72 3 + 1-6015 0*OOI5 0*008 40. 3. 47-80 92*72 3 7-603 0*213 0*30 4996 Lalande F. 3268 6*3* 19. 29. II-325 96-40 3 2 - 7-3731 -0-5533 ... 6. 45. 8-96 96*40 3 2 7*608 +0*998 4997 ... 2869 Groombridge 2869... 8-8 19. 29. 17780 87-95 3 . . + 1-8002 O'OOOI 0*0054 44. ii. 6-21 87-95 3 ... - 7-617 0*240 +0*106 4998 2471 51 Sagittarii h 1 i;*8* 19, 29. 20*876 _i_ -j-fiiSo O 'OIO5 O'OOO' 114. --,7. 33-61 Q4'4.Q 5 7*621 0*489 +0*021 tyy 4999 **T/ J W. B. XIX. 687 J 7*8 19. 29. 23^44 89-56 3 T j fDU 0-0037 * * t Jt JJ 94- 32. 59-26 y^ *ry 89-56 J 3 ... - 7-625 0*424 5000 ... B. D. +55 No. 2218 9'3 9- 29- 35-195 95-97 3 ... + I*28l2 0*0046 34. 36. 21*98 95-97 3 ... - 7-641 O*l69 FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {ciii} So. 1 . 1$ ** = K 755- g o . O OJ of S. o fe 1810 Stir's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annnal Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secukr VarU- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 0> & V 4 & 1 'S M d 1 I <) 1 O 5001 5002 53 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 533 534 5035 S 36 537 5038 539 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 545 3046 547 5048 5049 5050 2483 2478 2482 2484 2491 2485 2505 2496 2486 2498 2488 2795 2492 2490 2497 2495 2870 2873 2874 2878 2885 2880 2879 2882 2883 2888 2884 2898 2886 2887 2890 2894 2891 2889 2892 2895 3308 2899 2896 2897 2904 2917 9 Vulpeculse 5-0* 6-6 6'6 4-6* 8-2 7-8 7'5 4'9* 4-3* 7-2 7'3 S-o 7-0 6'5 8-8 6-0* 5-6* 8-9 6-4J 8-9 8-3 8-5 7.9 8-4 8-4 4-7* 7-6 7'9 8'4 6-9 6-8 6-5 6-2* 6-8 4'6* 6-2* 6-5" 6-0 6-5 5-0* var. 9'3 5-6* 6-8 7'3 7'5 4-9* 4'3* 7'4 6-7 h in 8 19. 29. 45-000 19. 29. 46-599 19. 29. 50-282 19. 30. 0-785 19. 30. 11-027 19. 30. 44-321 19. 30. 56-574 19. 30. 58-380 19. 31. 1783 19. 31. 15-255 19. 31. 18-555 19- 31- 25-336 19. 31. 28-820 19. 31. 32-088 19. 31. 45-563 19. 31. 51-099 19- 3'- 57-i7i 19. 32. 0-705 19. 32. 4-299 19. 32. 6-957 19. 32. 8-586 19. 32. 12-850 19. 32. 14-222 19. 32- 18-685 19. 32. 23-487 19. 32. 34-414 19. 32. 50-763 19- 32- S5'S47 19. 32. 58-175 19. 32. 59-070 19- 33- 2-395 19. 33. 4-603 19. 33. 12-789 19. 33. 26-295 19. 33. 29-473 19- 33- 3o-37i !9- 33- 34-465 '9- 33- 36-178 19- 33- 43-803 19- 33- 45-939 19- 33- 5i-93i 19. 34. 9-882 19. 34. 25-239 19. 34. 30-081 '9- 34- 53-407 19. 34. 56-687 19. 35. 1-906 19. 35- 10-766 '9- 35- 19-508 19. 35. 31-077 93-54 89-31 87-95 92-97 90-31 89-65 89-66 95-21 92-28 94-84 95-42 89-70 95-92 9332 95-01 93-04 89-68 95-93 94-S4 95-92 9471 96-08 93-20 95-62 91-40 95-62 93-76 91-28 93-76 96-02 89-19 92-32 94-47 93-69 95-20 94-52 93-39 95-56 92-74 95-76 94^3 92-04 9271 90-42 93-65 89-72 94-60 93-9I 93-27 94-45 5 3 3 21 3 3 3 9 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 6 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 5 2 3 3 3 5 3 6 7 209 5 2 I 3 3i 20 4 3 3 8i 5 3 4 2 2 104 4 I I 8 + 2-634I + 2-0889 + I '8020 + S^SI? + I-956I + 3-I808 + 3-I705 + 3-2298 + 3' 10 54 + 1-8948 + 1-0092 + 3-1526 + 1-7869 + 1-7082 + I-8939 + 2-1550 + 3-I778 + I-7904 + 3-7505 + 17900 + 1-9642 + 17905 + 1-9602 + 1-5484 + 2-0140 0-2109 + 2-0133 + 2-0151 + 2-0166 + 1-6090 + 1-9086 + 2-1083 + 3-6109 + 2-1016 + 1-6118 + 3-6107 64-9700 + 0-6447 + i -202 1 + 2-9620 + '-6135 -f- I -202 1 + 3-4364 + 3-I948 + 1-6630 + 3-1642 + 2-36S9 + 2-6807 + I-5633 - 0-552I 3 +0-0004 +0-0010 O'OOOI 0-0103 +0-0006 0-0039 0-0038 0-0044 o 003 i +0-0003 0-0085 0-0036 0-O002 0-0007 +0-0003 +O-QOII 0-0039 O-OOO2 0*0124 0-OOO2 +0-0006 0-OOO2 +0-0006 O-OO20 +0-0008 0-0370 +0-0008 +0-0008 +0-0008 0-0015 +0-0004 +0-0010 O'OIOI +0-0010 0-0015 O'OIOI 28-4496 0-0154 0-0060 0-0018 0-0015 0-0060 0-0074 0-0042 O'OOII 0-0039 +O-OOI2 +0-O002 O'OO2O 0-0501 0-0014 +O'Ooi6 +0-0056 O'OOIO o'ooog 0-0006 +0-0056 0-0007 +0-0973 0-0028 0-0029 o 0033 +0-0001 0-0504 0-0018 +0-0026 +O-OO2I 0-0005 O'OOOO O 1 II 70. 27. 59-87 51. 28. 38-68 44. II. 56-40 "5- 7- 3277 47. 52. 50-27 95. o. 56-52 94. 32. 36-12 97. 16. 17-65 91. 31. 47-36 46. 17. 45-71 30. 50. 39-73 93. 43. n-88 43- 46- 30-47 42. 4. 31-10 46. 14. 54-30 53- 17- 58-13 94- S3- 33-05 43- 49' 29-31 118. 51. 18-63 43- 48. 37-22 47- 59- "-40 43. 48. 56-18 47. 52. 41-19 38. 54- 9-67 49- 16. 42-59 20 - 3i- 33HI 49. 14- 8-38 49- 1 6. 47-07 49. 19. 20-66 40. o. 28-81 46. 32. 2577 Si. 51. 46-36 113. 40. 37-66 51. 39. 13-28 4O. 2. O'73 113. 40. 47-58 I. I. 59-22 26. 48. 38-08 33- IS- 24-04 84. 51. 9-14 40. 2. 5O-66 33- 14- 3-65 106. 32. 41-87 95. 42. o-oi 40. 58. 12-46 94. 17. 13-86 60. 5. 59-83 72. 14. 19-58 39. o. 56-81 18. 38. 20-92 93-54 89-31 87-95 92-33 90-31 89-65 89-66 95-21 89-I5 94-84 95-19 89-70 95-92 93-32 95-01 93-04 89-68 95-93 94-54 95-92 9471 96-08 95-05 95-62 91-40 93-50 93-76 91-28 93-76 96-02 89-19 92-32 94-53 93-69 95-01 94-5I 92-38 94-67 92-21 96-06 94-93 9I-55 92-29 90-28 93-65 89-72 93-93 92-98 93-27 92-97 5 3 3 18 3 3 3 9 5 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 6 3 3 4 3 3 4 6 3 5 2 3 3 3 6 3 3 7 36i 4 2 5 3 4 15 5 3 3 9 8 3 3 2 2 202 4 I I 4 - 7-654 - 7-656 7-661 7-675 - 7-689 - 7-733 7-75I - 7-752 - 7-757 7-775 - 7-780 - 7-788 7-794 7-798 - 7-817 7-823 - 7-831 - 7-837 - 7-84I - 7-845 - 7-847 - 7-853 - 7-854 7-861 - 7-866 - 7-881 7-904 - 7-9io - 7-9I3 7-915 - 7-9I9 - 7-923 - 7-933 - 7-95I - 7-955 - 7-956 - 7-961 7-964 - 7-975 7-977 - 7-985 S'oio 8-030 - 8-036 8-067 8-072 - 8-079 8-091 - 8-103 - 8-118 // 0-352 0-278 0-240 0-489 0-260 0-425 0-423 0-431 0-414 0-251 0-132 0-420 0-237 0-226 0-251 0-286 0-423 0-237 0-500 0-237 0-260 -0-237 0-260 0-204 0-267 +0-032 0-266 0-267 0-267 O'2I2 O-252 0-279 0-480 0-278 O'2I2 0-480 .+8702 0-083 -0-157 -0-393 O'2I2 -0-157 0-456 0-423 O'2I9 0-419 -0-313 0-354 0-205 +0-077 // 0-019 +0-010 +o'oo6 0-007 +0-005 0-026 +0-053 0-090 +1766 0-05 +0-046 -0-239 0-007 +0-006 0-004 +0-039 0-158 -0-047 +O-OI2 Groombridge 2870 . . . Groombridge 2873 ... 52 Safittarii /'- Groombridge 2874 ... B. D. 5 No. 5021 B. D. -4 No. 4855 39 Aquilse K 41 Aquilse t Groombridge 2878 ... Groombridge 2885 ... B. D. 3 No. 4649 Lalande 37260 . . . Groombridge 2880 ... Groombridge 2879 ... ii Cv'ni. Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 19405 Lalnnde 37147 Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 19411 Groombridge 2882... Lalande 37286.. . Groombridge 2883 . . . Groombridge 2888 . . . Groombridge 2884 ... Groombridge 2886 . . . Groombridge 2887 ... Groombridge 2890 . . . Bradley 2496 Groombridge 2891 ... Groombridge 2889 ... 53 Sa^ittarii Groombridge 2892 . . . i-i CvKni . ...^ Bradley 2488 Groombridge 2899 . . . Oeltz.Arg.(X-) 19459 Cygni R Helsiugfors(i875)No. 10633 54 Sagittarii e 1 W. B. XIX. 827 PiazziXIX. 233 B. D. 4 No. 4877 12 Cygni 5 Sagitt* a Groombridge 2904 ... Groombridge 2917 ... 5019. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Untnoui.dria, Argentina. 5027. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 02 378. 5041. The limits of magnitude are 5-9-8-0 and < 14 : period 425 <1 7. {civ} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. "2 18? <:g o S fa 1755- ij sS 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean B.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- Annual tion, Proper Motion. 1890-0. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion , 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. d e o ! V o co 1 g < OJ "~Z GH 1 1 5051 5052 553 5054 S55 5056 S57 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 S72 5073 574 S75 5076 577 5078 579 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 S9o 5091 5092 S093 5094 S9S 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 2494 2501 2512 2513 2508 2506 2504 2511 2520 2517 2902 2901 2903 2906 2907 2909 2930 2908 2910 2911 2923 2912 2916 2913 2914 2915 2922 2924 2918 2919 2921 2920 2925 2926 2929 2927 2931 2928 2935 2936 2932 2933 2934 Groombridge 2902... Groombridge 2901... Groombridge 2903... W. B. XIX. 869 Groombridge 2906... Kadeliffe 4476 7-8 8-3 8-6 7'7 8-0 8-4 5-7' 5-0" 5-4* 5-1* 6-7 7'9 6-9 8-7 8-9 7-2 6-1* 9-0 8-0 8-8 8-2 8-2 6-3 6-6 9-1 5-4* 6-5 6-8 6-7 9-0 8-3 6-1* 5-1* 6-1* 8-9 7'7 2-8* 7-8 8-7 7 '4 6-5 6-6 6-6 3-o' 7-8 8-7 7-8 7'3 5'it s-it h m s 19. 35. 40-050 '9- 35- 48-959 19. 35. 57-666 '9- 35- 59'204 19. 36. 10-356 19. 36. 11-684 19. 36. 12-787 19- 36. I3'578 9- 37- 23-441 19. 37. 26-521 19- 37- 27789 19- 37- 30-573 19. 37. 52-903 19- 37- 55-200 19- 37- 59-597 19. 38. 6-652 19. 38. 11-871 19. 38. 12-660 19. 38. 16-280 19. 38. 26-934 19. 38. 47-154 19. 38. 49-620 '9- 38. 53'47i 19. 38. 56-280 19. 38. 59-608 19. 39. 8-473 19. 39. 12-060 19. 39. 17-417 19- 39- 18-385 '9- 39- 25-483 19. 39. 26-928 19. 39. 27-080 19- 39- 56-700 19. 40. 4-803 19. 40. 13-400 19. 40. 31-391 19.41. 1-778 19. 41. 2-755 19. 41. 2-877 19. 41. 3-248 19- 4i- 5'030 19. 41. 5-908 19. 41. 24-775 19. 41. 32-181 19. 41. 56-543 19. 42. 1-568 19. 42. 3-230 19. 42. 7-005 19. 42. 15-075 19. 42. 16-998 94-67 94-11 9471 89-69 94-32 95-96 94-77 9472 89-92 92-01 94-94 92-90 90-94 93-65 96-22 94-02 93-66 90-64 94-21 94-72 91-91 91-61 93-29 93-29 :9476 94-5I 94-72 92-46 94-60 90 '60 89-62 90-26 89-95 91-96 90-62 93-98 93-9I 9I-58 93-63 94-09 94-32 95-25 93-07 94-20 91-56 94-90 90-64 91-94 94-82 95-62 3 3* 3 7 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 13 3 7 3 4 5 3 5 3 3 4 107 31 4 3 3 4 3 24 34 4 2 3 5 3 I I ... I s + 1-9093 + 2-1045 + 2-0960 + 3-1696 + 1-5729 13-8031 + 1-3473 '+ 3'43H + 2-8232 + I-8434 I'2IO2 + 2-II43 + 2 -0600 + 2-0376 137252 + 1-0008 + 2-0524 + 1-2686 + I-6I73 + 2-0514 + 2-0618 + 2-0628 + 1-6114 + 1-6119 + 2-0581 + 2-4934 + 2-0375 + 2-0639 + 2-1105 + 1-2821 + 3-1741 + 2-7916 + 3'SHi + 2-0004 + 2-0675 + 1-5067 + 2-8518 + 3-I556 + 2-0644 + 1-5057 + 2-0417 + 1-1563 + 1-2280 + 1-8704 + 3-1888 + 2-0663 + 2-0498 + 2-0738 + 2-2751 + 2-2751 s +0-0004 J+O'OOIG i+O'OOIG o 0040 0-O020 -1-6759 0-004; 0-0075 0-0008 O'OOOO 0-0787 +0-OOII +O-OOIO +0-0009 -1-6950 0-0095 +0-0009 0-0055 0-0016 +0-0009 +0-0010 +0-0010 0-0017 0-0017 +0-0009 +0-0009 +0-0009 +0-0010 +O-OOII 0-0053 0-0042 0-0006 0-0092 +0-0008 +0-0010 0-0028 O'OOIO 0-0041 +0-0010 o 0028 +0-0009 0-0073 0-0063 +0-O002 0-0045 +0-0010 +0-0009 +O'OOIO +0-0013 +0-0013 s +0-0052 +0-0027 0-0018 +0-009 0-0180 0-0134 0-0007 o-ooii 0-0114 0-0005 +0-0173 +0-0046 O'OOIO 46. 24. 47-08 51. 36. 36-32 51. 21. 25-10 94. 32. 42-18 39. 8. 54-70 4. 8. 1676 35- 17- 2-05 IO6. 22. 52-72 78. 25. 56-45 44. 44. 8-65 15. 52. 22-52 51. 47. 58-07 50. 14. I I 6/ 49- 36. 56-95 4- 8. 3274 30. 24. 56-98 50. o. 21-39 33- 59- i '35 39- 52. 46-96 49. 57. 47-81 50. 14. 3-40 50. 15. 41-21 39. 43. 47-25 39. 44. 14-35 50. 7. 6-82 64. 29. 27-57 49. 32. 23-26 50. 15. 54-87 51. 35. 24-99 34- 7- 11-32 94. 47. 15-28 76. 57. 38-68 1 10. i. 30-89 48. 29. 26-58 50. 18. 38-59 37. 42. 6-92 79- 39- 16-14 93- 55- 53-67 50. 10. 45-55 37. 39. 17-02 49. 32. 54-49 32. 14. 44-84 33- 13- 23-81 45. 8. 14-96 95. 30. 15-30 50. 10. 25-74 49- 42- 47-I3 50. 22. 48-13 56. 31. 41. II 56-31. 34-94 94-67 94-18 9471 89 69 94-32 95-96 95-I3 94-72 9067 92-01 94-80 92 90 9094 93 '65 96-41 94-02 93 54 90-64 94-21 94-72 91-91 91 61 93'29 93'29 94-76 94-I5 94-72 92-46 94'37 90-60 89-61 90-26 89-95 91-96 90-62 93-98 94-23 89-59 93-63 94-09 94-32 95-25 93 '7 ; 94-I7 89-57 94-90 91-03 91-94 94-82 95-62 3 4 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 16 3 7 4 4 4 3 5 3 3 4 79 3 4 3 3 4 3 26 3 4 3 3 5 3 i 1 i ... (0 -8-130 8-142 - 8-154 - 8-155 8-170 - 8-17, - 8-173 - 8-175 - 8-267 - 8-272 - 8-273 - 8-277 - 8-307 - 8-309 - 8-315 - 8-325 - 8-332 - 8-333 8-337 - 8-352 - 8-378 - 8-382 8-386 - 8-390 - 8-395 8-406 - 8-411 8-418 8-419 8-429 - 8-431 - 8-431 - 8-471 8-481 - 8-492 8-516 - 8-557 - 8-558 - 8-558 - 8-558 - 8-561 - 8-562 - 8-587 - 8-596 8-629 - 8-636 - 8-637 8-642 - 8-653 - 8-655 0-251 0-277 0-276 -0-419 0-206 +1-842 0-176 -0-453 0-372 0-241 +0-165 -0-277 0-270 0-267 +1-825 0-129 0-269 0-165 O'2II 0-268 -0-270 0-270 O'2IO 0-210 0-269 -0-327 -0-266 O-27O 0-276 0-166 0-416 0-366 0-461 0-261 0-270 -0-195 o-37i 0-413 0-269 0-195 0-266 0-149 0-158 0-243 0-416 0-268 0-266 0-269 0-296 0-296 -0-143 +0-007 0-017 -0-132 +0-149 +0-152 0-026 +0-017 +0-078 0-008 +0-058 -0-035 +0-434 Groombridge 2907... S5 Sawittarii e 2 47 Aouilee Y Groombridge 2909... Groombridge 2930... Groombridge 2908... Groombridge 2910... Groombridge 2911... Radclitfe 4489 Groomliridge 2923... Oroom bridge 2912... Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 19542 Groombridge 2916... Groombridge 2913... Groombridge 2914... Groombridge 2915... 16 Cvffni .c Bradley 2513 Groombridge 2918... lo Vulpeculae Groombridge 2919... Groombridge 2921... Groombridge 2920... Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 19566 W. B. XIX. 964 48 Aquiliu i^ 56 Sagittarii f Groombridge 2925... Groombridge 2926... Groombridge 2929... 50 Aqnila! y W. B. XIX. 997 Groombridge 2927... Groombridge 2931... Groombridge 2928... Groombridge 2935... Piazzi XIX. 284 18 Cygni o W. B. XIX. 1020.... B. D. +39 No. 3902 Groombridge 2933 . . . Groombridge 2934... 17 Cvni ... ..V B. D. +33 No. 3589 5077. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 02 383. 594- This star is a close double, and forms the binary 2 2579. 5097. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 02 385. 599, $100. These stars form the pair 2 2580. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cv} "yj , No. of No. of 1 &' 1 * Obe. Annual Secular OKs. Annual Secular * IQ. A. 48*392 QO'5I 16 + \ ' 10 "" 0*0094 O'OOI ] 109. 19. 25*61 < l<~) ' s I 16 8-Q--2 0-452 +0*045 5127 2953 Groombridge 2953. ..6*0 19. 46. 17-909 94-04 3 2 j rSr*" + 1-0714 0-0092 +0*0014 30. 51. 25-33 y^ j-* 9366 3 2 yj - 8*971 0*136 -0*135 5128 2534 2949 19 Cygni 5'5*. 19. 46. 40-082 : 95 65 3 + 2-1243 +0*0012 +0*0006 Si- 33* 37-55 95 65 3 9*000 0*273 O*II2 5 I2 9 2950 Groombridge 2950... 5 -5*; 19. 46. 50*822 92 67 3 + 2*0591 +0*0010 49. 40. 48-76 92 67 3 ... 9-014 0*264 5-3 2951 Groombridge 2951... 8*3 19.47. I5'43 89*84 4 + 2*0977 +0*0011 50. 45. 7*65 90*59 3 9-045 0*269 i 5i3i 2954 Croon-bridge 2954. ..8-5 19. 47. 26-967 94-82 3 + 1*9190 +0*0004 45- 57- I97o 94-82 3 9-061; 0*246 5132 W. B. XIX. 1158 ...8-0 19. 47- 30-377 89 66 4 ... + 3-1738 0*0046 94. 51. 25-22 8966 4 9*065! 0*409 5133 Lalande 37813 6-4* 19 47. 42*490 Qd'QI 8 + 1-608*; o'oi 18 O'OIO 1 14. 12. 50*54 Q4 'QI 8 0*080 0*46-* +0-45 ; 5J34 2955 Groombriilge 2955... 8*1 i '9- 47- 44'9 2 9 8984 4 ... r j w^3 + 2-0986 +O-OOH 50. 44. 46-42 7T- y l 89-84 4 y *t v j 9-084 0*269 5U5 2957 Groombridge 2957... 6-7 19. 48. 2-215 89 02 3 ... + 17910 0-0004 42. 54- 1978 89 02 3 9*106 0*229 5'36 2956 Grooiiibridge 2956... 8-i 19. 48. 7*052 9375 3 - + 2-0349 +0-0009 48. 56. 2*05 93*75 3 Q * I I 7 0-26O 5'37 2965 GroombriiU'e 2965... 8*0 19. 48. 17*789 94-54 3 i + 0-8074 0-0147 27- 43- I9-94 94-56 3 I Q * J 27 O'lOI 5138 ... W. B. XIX. 1 178.... 8-0 19. 48. 25-639 89-62 4 ... + 3-1835 o 0048 95. 19. 51*69 89*62 4 - 9-138 0-409 5 ! 39 2 554 2974 63 Dr&co&ia 7*0* 10. A%. 32*616 OVA"" II iA o '0441 +0*0123 2O. O. 4""j 7O Q^'SQ 12 Q"I47' -4-O'O2Q o'oi6 5140 2968 Qroouibridge 2968... J 9 5-6 19. 48. 40*372 yj ^j 94-37 3 J A + 0-9333 O*OI2I 29. 4. 25*83 94*37 3 y -*T-/ | i ** **3J 9*156 0*117 5141 2537 13 Vulpecnlira . 4-7* 19. 48. 47-138 95*23 ii + 2-5482 +0*0008 +0-0006 66. 12. 25*88 94-76 16 - 9-165 0-327 0*042 5H2 2959 Groombridge 2959... 8*2 19.48.47*656 91-81 4 + 2-1255 +0-0012 51. 27. 46-09 90*23 3 - 9-166 0-272 5-43 2960 Groombridge 2960. ..'8'O 19. 48. 58*673 94*65 3 + 2-1309 +0*0012 51. 36. 48*14 94-65 3 9-180 0-272 1 5"44 2528 58 Sagittarii 4.-0* 19. 49. 54-562 93-03 65 + 2*9451 0-0020+0-0007 83- 52- 331 92-56 36 ! ... 9-253 0-377 +0-473 i 5101, 5133. The magnitudes of the*- stars are tal;en from the Uranomt'iin Argentina. 5108. 5110. These stars form the pair 2 2583. 5139. This is the larger star of the pair 2, 2603. i i GREENWICH SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE FOR 1890. O (cvij SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, 1 a No. of 1 No. of is* o o Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secnlar 03 \1 n n T? A "\r n ,.. "VT nn 11 XT T> T\ \; No. B -; o Star's Name. V -3 Mean K.A., 1890-0. Date. 03* 1 t rTecea- sion, V aria- tion, Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., ^^ 1890-0. "o PH ai & rreces- sion, Varia- tion, Annual Proper Motion. 'I 1800 + I o 1890*0. 1890*0. 1800 + 1 k 1890-0. 1890*0. 1755- 1810. pfi i s 1 1 h m s 8 a a O 1 II 5151 2969 Groombridge 2969... 8-5 19. 50. 2-153 94-77 3 * + t'9335 +0*0005 46. 9. 3*91 94-77 3 9*262 0*246 5152 2970 Groombridge 2970... 8-3 19. 50. 3-149 95-5I 5 + I-9293 +0*OO05 46. 2. 38*66 95'23 4 9-263 0*246 5153 2966 Groombridge 2966... 7-9 19. 50. 7-264 94 '74 3 + 2*0441 +0-0010 49. 3. 31-22 94-74 3 9*269 0*260 5154 2*-*; \\ 59 Sagittarii. . o 4'7* 19. 50. II"82I 96'44 5 + V688** 0-0138 0*002; 117. 27. 39'87 96*47 6 9-275 0*473 +0-024 J J T 5155 B. D. +43 No. 3401 9-0 19. 50. 18-685 96*00 3 + 1*9290 +0-0005 46. i. 10*81 96*00 3 9*284 0*245 5156 2971 Groombridge 2971... 8-0 I 9 . 50. 19-323 93-10 3 + f8799 +O-O002 44. 49. 2*56 93*10 3 9-284 -0-239 5157 B. D. +54 No. 2241 9'4 19. 50. 21-405 94-28 5 + 1-4354 O*O040 35- 53- 45-47 93*68 4 - 9*287 0-182 5158 B. D. +62 No. 1764 9-0 19. 50. 23-894 96*05 3 I + 0*8238 0*0147 27. 46. 59*05 96-23 3 I - 9*291 O'IO2 5159 B. D. +53 No. 2313 9-2 19. 50. 50-753 92*91 3 + I-44I5 0-0039 35- 58. i -oi 92-91 3 9'325 0-I82 5160 2972 Groombridge 2972... 7'i 19. JO. 51-185 9I-34 3 + 2-0373 +0-0010 48. 49. 27*55 9I-34 3 - 9-325 -0-259 -ji6i 2544 10 Sagittiw S var. 10. SI. I 'All 93*00 6 + 2-7256 0*0002 0*0004 73* 39- 22*64 91*94 8 9 "33-"' 0*348 O'OIO J 2978 Groombridge 2978... 7-0 * y' J ** * tj * 19. 51. r6n 94*86 3 + 1-1882 0-0077 32. 7. 20*27 94*86 3 9-340 -0*149 Xi 6^ 2552 2Q76 27 Gvffni VI* 19. 51. 1*989 Q-1'8? 7 I 1 y '27^,1 0*0069 +0*0014 7.2 <*.** " "> ' ~> T 94 '6*! 7 I 9-340 0*155 0*002 5164 *"jl w 2973 Groombridge 2973... J * 8-5 19. 51. 4-857 94-35 J 3 + 2*IIO7 +0*0012 50. 53. ino y^ "j 94^5 J 3 - 9-343 -0*268 5165 2975 Groombridge 2975... 8-3 19. 51. 13-951 94*72 3 + 17764 0-0005 42. 22. 31*45 94-72 3 - 9-355 O*225 5166 Lalaude 37995 8'2 19. 51. 29*081 8g-t6 4 + 3'1755 o * 0048 94. 58. 44*16 8a*i-6 4 9*374 0*405 5167 Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 19786 8'4 19. 51. 31-230 y j v 92*08 8* + 1-4457 0-0039 35. 59. 41*60 91-44 8 - 9-377 0*l82 sies 2983 ftroombridge 2983... 8-3 19. 51. 40-109 94*66 3 2 + 0-8268 0-0148 27. 44. 43-32 95-13 4 2 9'3 S 9 O-IO3 5169 2977 Groombridge 2977... 7-0 19. 51. 47-640 94-78 3 + I795O 0*0004 42. 45. 1-04 94-30 4 9-399 O-227 5170 2979 Groombridge 2979... 77 19. 51. 55-956 94-40 3 2 + I-6389 0-0017 39. 28. 16-52 9387 3 2 - 9'409 O-2O7 5171 ..* B. D. 5 No. 5124 8-5 19. 52. 6-726 89-62 4 ". + 3-1857 0-0050 95* 28. 50*77 89-62 4 - 9-423 0-406 --172 2548 21 Cygni TJ 4-0* 19. 52. 10*742 QO'QC t; + 2*2527 +0*0014 0*0029 55. 12. 30*86 9O "**7, 7 9-429 0-286 +0*020 J 1 60 Sagittarii A t " VO* y yj Q***o6 j c + 3*6605 0*0134 O'OOOO 116. 29. 33*24 O.l*a I 6 9-434 0-467 0-034 5'74 W. B. XIX. 1266.... *> 8-2 19. 52. 21*277 yj w *-* 89*61 j 3 + 3*2099 0-0054 96. 38. 46*89 89*61 3 9-44I 0-409 5175 W. B. XIX. 1269.... 8-5 19. 52. 22 '6O2 91*92 3 + 3-1684 0-0048 94- 39- 3 "59 9 -'92 3 9'444 0-404 5176 W. B. XIX. 1272.... 8-2 19. 52. 41*218 89*60 3 + 3-1684 0-0048 94. 39. 6*98 89*60 3 ... 9-467 0-403 5177 2992 Groombridge 2992... 6-5 I 9 . 52. 55*887 93*80 4 I + 0*9881 0*OIl6 29. 28. 6*31 92*75 6 I - 9-486 0*123 5178 Lalande 38048 . 6-5 19- 53- 3-003 94-51 S ... + 3'56o4 0-0115 ... 112. 30. 31*75 94-5I 5 9-495 -0-453 5179 2982 Groombridge 2982... 7-8 19. 53. 10-807 9235 3 + 2*0220 +0-0009 48. 15. II'oS 92-35 3 - 9-506 0-256 5180 2991 Groombridge 2991... 6-6 19. 53. 11-170 93-65 4 2 + I-I9I7 0-0078 32. 2. 26*O7 93 '56 3 2 - 9-506 0-149 5181 2981 Groombridge 2981... 8-6 19. 53. 13*047 90-59 3 + 2-0978 +O-OOI2 50. 22. 22*45 90-59 3 - 9-508 0-265 5182 2986 Groombridge 2986... 7-8 19. 53. 16*938 94*32 3 + I-9370 +0-0005 46. I. 25-85 94'32 3 -~ Q * --J 1 1 0-245 5183 2985 Groombridge 2985... 8-7 19. 53. 27-841 90*96 3 + 2-1075 +O-OOI2 50. 38. 12-93 90-96 3 n ' C27 0*266 5184 2994 Groombridge 2994... 8-4 19- 53* 36-566 89*69 3 + 1-4098 0*0045 35* 16. 1377 89-69 3 9'539 -0*177 5185 2988 Groombridge 2988... 8-0 19- 53* 39'243 94-88 4 + f9383 +O-O005 46. 2. 3*05 94-88 4 - 9-542 0*244 5186 2999 Groombridge 2999... 7'5 19- 53- 40-379 93-65 3 2 + 0-8326 0-0150! 27. 4 I. 43*52 94-03 3 2 9-543 0-IO3 5187 ... 2990 Groombridge 2990... 6-3* 19. 53. 44*688 93-05 3 2 + 1-6410 0-OOI7J 39. 23. 34-84 93'32 3 2 9 '549 O"2O6 5188 255O 12 Sagittie y V6* IQ IT. -"1*870 O2"**7. II + 2*667,4 +o * 0003 -l-o OOT.O 7O. 48. 23*43 92-55 H 9'558 0-337 0-037 Piaz*-i XIX. 370 j * 6-1* 19* S3- 55713 95-27 3 I m wjtf + ^3045 0*0060 33. 36. 30-19 95-12 3 I - 9-563 0*163 5190 2989 Groombridge 2989... 6-6* 19. 54. 14*220 90-68 3 + 2'Ol66 +0*0009 48. 2. 11-41 90-68 3 - 9-586 -0*254 5191 Radcliffc, 4533 . 9-0 19. 54. 18-331 94-19 2 i . > + 1-9354 +0*0005 45* 54* 57-53 94-19 2 - 9-S92 0*244 5192 2995 Groombridge 2995... 8-3 19. 54. 19-687 93-05 3 + t'9354 +0*0005 45- 54- 43-24 93'05 3 - 9-594 0*244 5193 2997 Groombridge 2997... 8-4 19. 54. 20*454 92-32 3 + I^IS 6 0*0045 ... 35* 17- 7-85 92-32 3 9-594 0*177 5194 2553 14 Vnlpeoulfe. 5-7* 19. 54. 27-331 96-59 3 + 2-579I +0-0007 0-0065 67. it. 52*45 93-01 5 ... - 9-603 0*326 0*019 5195 Piazxi XIX. 351 6-0* 19. 54. 51-642 93'32 S + 3-57II 0-0119 113. 2. 21*01 93'SS 9 - 9-635 0-453 5196 2998 Groombridge 2998... 8-4 19- 54- 59'oSi 91-68 3 ... + I*8960 +0*0003 44* 53* 35'i2 91-68 3 - 9-644 0-238 5197 W. B. XIX. 1330.... 7-8 19. 55. 0*505 89-59 4 + 3-I67I 0*0049 94* 36. 43-I3 89-59 4 9'647 0-401 5198 3002 Groombridge 3002... 8-4 19. 55. 16*828 94"94 3 2 + I-4084 0*0046 35. 8. 25*10 93'33 4 2 9*667! 0*176 5199 W. B. XIX. 1349.... 8-2 19- 55- 43'ooo 89*61 3 + 3-2095 0*0055 96. 40. 40*28 89-63 4 9*700 0-406 5200 ... W. B. (2) XIX. 1799 8-6 19. 55. 42*952 95'25 3 + I-9438 +0-0006 46. i. 56*15 95-25 3 - 9*700 0-244 5161. The limits of magnitude are 5-6 and 6-4 : pi-riod 8 d "3832. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cvii} - No. of No. of . p Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular M ^ K 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1 890 -a Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, i Sgo'O. Secular Varia- tion, 18900. Annual Proper Motion. a > o < aJ ""o &H (8 o I to o f> < ej 1 O 1 535" 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 536i 5362 53 6 3 5364 5365 5366 53 6 7 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 538o 538i 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 539 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 2612 2632 2620 2613 2597 2614 2618 2616 2607 2609 3108 3123 3110 3H4 3H8 3109 39 3129 3"3 3116 35 37 3118 3126 3120 3121 3127 3 I2 4 3122 3125 3147 3128 313 3!3i 3134 3132 3'33 3136 3135 3i5 6 3138 ^2 Cvani. *'I* 8-4 5-8* 7'3 8-6 9'5 4'ot 8 -of 8-0 8-1 7'i 7'i 8-1 5'3 7'i 5-6* 8-1 7'5 6-9 9'5 7-6 8-4 6-4* 7'3 var. 8-2 8-5 8-4 6-3* 9'5 6-2 6-8 6-5* 5-2* 8-5 8-2 8-1 6-3 6-2* 9-1 8-2 3-4* 6-8 8 * 7-5 8-2 8-7 7-0 8-5 h 111 s 2O. 12. 4-289 2O. 12. 15-260 2O. 12. 26-710 2O. 12. 31-422 20. 12. 32-413 2O. 12. 34-328 20. 12. 34-997 2O. 12. 36-934 20. 12. 36-256 2O. 12. 40-514 2O. 12. 49-886 2O. 12. 51-456 20. 12. 54-917 20. 13. 0-405 20. 13. 0-909 2O. 13. 2-769 20. 13. 6-147 2O. 13. 18-470 20. 13. 27-303 20. 13. 32-237 20. 13. 34-746 20. 13. 39-415 20. 13. 41-369 2O. 13. 42-865 20. 13. 43-879 20. 13. 45-115 2O. 13. 49-278 2O. 13. 49-823 2O. 13. 50-OI3 2O. 14. 2T47 20. 14. 5-765 20. 14. 13-167 20. 14. 17-650 20. 14. 19-385 2O. 14. 25-615 2O. 14. 27-845 2O. 14. 30-360 2O. 14. 31-252 20. 14. 34-725 20. 14. 35712 20. I 4 . 44-471 2O. 14. 49-017 20. 14. 49-828 20. 14. 57-256 20. 14. 58-900 2O. 15. 9-12: 20. 15. 14-231 20. 15. 31-027 20. 15. 43-498 20. 15. 49-986 94'S 1 95-26 90-08 93-04 90-68 973 95'5i 96-72 91-29 88-43 93 '69 94-24 90-90 94-22 92-57 89-89 94-65 93-01 92-58 90-78 94-78 91-80 96-34 92-87 88-64 94-08 94-81 94-34 92-72 88-99 9172 94-03 95-50 94-95 96-63 93 -I 4 95-23 92-54 89-66 93-77 96-05 94-29 93-5I 94-34 92-69 92-99 94-38 88-62 95-21 94-48 4i 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 4 3 7 31 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 18 9 3 3 38 3 6 31 3 3 3 si i 3 2 2 3 2 3 + 1-8544 + 0-8890 + '943 2 + '7433 + -7803 + -7768 -9268 -9264 + 2-2257 + 2-1804 + 1-6324 + 0-7352 + 2-2273 + 2-1336 + I-9546 + 3'4675 + 2-0307 + 2-1269 + 2-1602 + 1-7720 + 1-6410 + 2-1820 + 3-7048 + 2-0544 + 2-2105 + I-74S6 + 2-0381 + 2-1311 + I-7784 + 3-1002 + 1-7797 + 2-1247 0-4732 + 2-8180 + 2-3033 + 2-1369 + i'9699 + 1-9573 + 3'2033 + 3-3734 + I-9699 + 1-9027 + 3-373I + 2-1831 + 3-5634 + 2-1751 + 1-9142 + 2-1933 0-3958 + 1-9688 8 +0-0001 0-0165 +0-0008 0-0009 0-0005 0-0005 0-1664 0-1664 +0-0019 +0-0018 0-0021 O-O2O9 +O-OOI9 +O-OOI7 +0-OOO9 O-OII5 +O-OOI3 +0-0017 +O-OOI8 0-OOO6 O-OO2O +O'OOl8 -0-0175 +0-OOI4 +Q-OOI9 0-0008 +0-OOI4 +0-OOI7 O-OOO5 O-OO45 0-0005 +0-OOI7 0-0713 0-0008 +O OO2O +O-OOI7 +O-QOIO +0-0009 o 0063 0-0096 +0-0010 +0-0006 0-0096 +0-0019 0-0140 +0-0019 +0-0007 +0-0019 0-0682 +0-0010 s +0-0001 0-0015 0-0078 +0-0058 0-0013 0-0008 0'O22 +O-002; +0-OOO4 0-0047 0-OOO2 +O'OOO8 / // 42. 37. 24-54 27. 9. 48-82 44. 45. 26-80 40. 6. 20-56 40. 54. 14-15 40. 49. 27-95 12. 37. 12-64 12. 37. 16-39 52. 53. 28-62 51. 26. 25-28 37- 5- "'57 25. 34. 22-80 52. 55. 0-61 49. 58. 30-62 45- o- 3^9 109. 27. 40-85 47. o. 48-77 49- 44- 58-45 5- 44- 52-3 40. 38. 34-30 37- 56. 35-73 51. 24. 26-83 119. 32. 32-79 47- 37- 10-95 52. 18. 32-39 40. 3. 20-62 47. 9. 29-21 49. 50. 6-49 40. 45. 22-68 91. 25. 27-29 40.45. 51-18 49. 36. 38-67 17. 26. 26-01 77- 7- 38-38 55- 21. 38-71 49- 57- 18-99 45- '6- 25-93 44- 56. 47-I5 96. 42. 18-73 105. 7. 52-63 45- '5- : 7'oi 43- 33- 6-58 105. 7. 42-01 51. 20. 25-70 113. 49. 28-56 51. 4. I7-76 43.48. I'99 51. 36. 5I-69 I?. 44. 8-37 45- 7- 53-54 94-34 95-22 90-08 93-04 90-68 90-73 94-61 96-72 91-29 88-43 93-99 94'43 90-21 93-33 92-57 89-89 94-65 93-01 92-58 90-78 94-78 91-80 96-34 92-87 88-64 94-08 94-81 94-34 90-74 89-20 91-72 94-12 94-45 92-01 93-05 93'H 95'23 92-54 89-66 9373 96-05 94-29 92-30 94-34 92-69 92-70 94-38 88-62 95-01 93-67 5 3 5 3 3 4 7 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 6 3 4 5 5 4 4 3 16 9 3 3 28 3 6 4 3 3 3 3 i 2 2 2 3 2 it 10-927 10-940 10-955 10-960 10-961 10-963 10-964 10-966 10-966 -10-97: 10-983 -10-984 10-989 10-995 10-996 10-999 II -002 II'OlS 11-028 11-034 11-038 11-043 -11-045 11-047 11-049 II-O5O -11-055 11-056 11-056 II "070 11-075 11-084 11 -089 ll'Ogi II-IOO II -102 -11-104 II-I06 II'III II -112 II-I2I 11-128 11-129 11-137 II -140 II-I52 11-158 11-179 11-193 II-2O1 // Q'222 O-IO4 -0-233 0-208 0-213 O'212 +0-240 +0-240 0-267 O-262 0-195 0-085 * 0-267 0-256 0-234 0-418 -0-243 0-254 0-258 0-21 1 -0-195 0-26l 0-446 0-245 0-264 O'2O8 0-243 -0-255 O'212 0-372 0-212 0-254 +O-062 -0-338 0-275 -0-255 -0-234 -0-233 0-384 0-405 0-234 O-226 0-405 0-26O 0-427 0-259 0-227 0-26l +0-053 -0-233 H +0-008 0-014 0-007 +0-01 0-008 0-003 +0-19 +0-004 o-oio +0-085 O'OOO O'O22 Groombridge 3123... Groombridge 3110... GroombriJge 3114... Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 20296-7 B. D. +49 No. 3237 I Cephei . K I Cephei (Comes) K B. D. +37 No. 3863 Groombridge 3109... Groombridge 3119... Bradley 2620. B. D. +36 No. 3987 Bradley 2613 Groombridge 3116... Groombridge 3115... Groombridge 3117... Groombridge 3118... B. D. +49 No. 3243 Groombridge 3126... Groombridge 3120... Lacaille 8409 Groombridge 3121... 24 Cveni... ...P Groombridge 3127... Groombridge 3124... Groombridge 3122... % with Comet 01890 W. B. XX. 285 B. D. +49 No. 3246 Bradley 2618 Groombridge 3147... W. B. XX. 302 ?<; Cvsni... Groombridge 3128... Groombridge 3130... Groombridge 3131... Piazzi XX. 84 Bradley 2607. B. D. +44 No. 3424 Groombridge 3134... 9 Capricorni fi Groombridge 3132... Lalande 39031.. Groombridge 3133... Groombridge 3136.. Groombridge 3135.. Groombridge 3156.. Groombridge 3138.. 5357. SSS 8 - These stars form the pair S 2675. 5375. The limits of magnitude are 3-5 and < 6 : period ? 5382. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 2 2666. 5395. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Aryentine General Catalogue, 1875. FKOM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxi} . No. of No. of L a Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular S aj 2o Mean E.A., Preces- Varia- Annual Mean N.P.D., u Al 6ft 11 Preces- Varia- Annual No. =H "a .S'*" Star's Name. 0* 1890*0. j\l cun Date. O 1 c'C - .a 6 to 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Above Pole. tA % & 1 1 OJ > O ^ < V 1 * o & 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 546i 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 55oo 2634 2630 2631 2633 2637 2638 2651 2642 2644 3^77 3184 3 l8 9 3190 3>85 3188 3192 3'9i 3187 3'93 3194 3208 3'99 3260 3203 3'96 3197 3195 3204 3198 3200 3211 3206 3207 3218 3209 3214 3213 3215 3217 3219 Groombrulge 3177... Gronmbridge 3184... Groombridge 3189... 1'iazzi XX 146 l-l 8-0 6-2 8-0 8-6 8-2 5'5* 7'4 8-4 8-3 5-6* 6-St 8'3t 5-2* 8-5 4-1* 7'3 8-0 8-5 8-0 7'4 7'3 7-0 7'2t 7-ot 7'2 8-6 8-7 6'4t 6-6 8-2 7'4 8-2 7-7 7 i 7'i 7-2 7'4 8-8 4'3* 4-1* 8-4 8-0 6-0* 5-2* 8-1 6-5 6-5 7'3 h m s 2O. 22. 45-768 2O. 22. 48-241 20. 23. 0-277 20. 23. 4'o6l 20. 23. 5-059 2O. 23. 20-051 20. 23. 257II 2O. 23. 29-716 2O. 23. 29-931 20. 23. 32-847 20. 23. 34-164 20. 23. 35-442 2O. 23. 44-071 2O. 23. 46 826 2O. 23. 54-026 20. 24. 8-317 20. 24. 54-028 20. 25. 10-588 20. 25. 23-789 20. 25. 30-181 20. 25. 30-370 20. 25. 40-382 20. 25. 42-583 20. 25. 43-592 2O. 25. 56-790 20. 25- 57-856 2O. 25. 58-190 20. 26. 9-210 20. 26. 9-247 2O. 26. 19-330 20. 26. 21-457 20. 26. 26-510 20. 26. 32-534 2O. 26. 41-018 20. 26. 43-563 20. 27. 3-595 2O. 27. 5-902 20. 27. 18-988 20. 27. 23-482 20. 27. 40-667 2O. 27. 44-I2I 20. 27. 57-425 20. 27. 57-899 2O. 28. 9-005 20. 28. 12-537 20. 28. 44-844 2O. 28. 45-214 20. 28. 58-690 20. 29. 2-607 2O. 29. 4'23O 94-5I 93-02 94-37 92-49 94-37 91-86 91-86 94-19 93-39 9626 9247 91-07 91-64 93'43 95-26 89-44 9460 90-68 88-69 94-75 90-68 92-86 94-92 93-34 96-40 96-40 95-53 93 63 9563 94-74 90-59 94-37 90-00 94-68 94-66 90-07 93-8o 91-04 94'3 95-67 93H6 92-99 89-42 94H5 89-36 94-3 9532 93-92 90-69 93'64 3 15 3 4 4 3 3 3 5 7 4 3 * 4 22 4 3 5 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 17 65 3 3 3 13 3 4 3 3 I I ... I I I I 2 4i 2 8 + 2-l6l9 + I-2483 + I-I876 + 3^275 + I-1S56 + I '5994 + 1-5995 + 2 2237 + J-2IOI - 3 6l 5 + 3'4444 + 3 '4443 + 1-4509 + i '4514 + 3-1339 + 2-1574 + 2-4498 + 1-9817 + 2-1776 + i'5 s 3 6 + 1-9823 + Q-2754 + 1-2560 7-5075 + 2-8657 + 2-8657 8-6891 + 1-2203 + 2-0685 + 3-5803 + i-978i + 1-9964 + 2-1680 + 1-6098 + 2-0694 + 2-1721 + 1-2138 + 1-7067 + I-5833 + i'5 8 94 + 1-0088 + 2-8663 -f- 2-0122 + I-59I9 + I-7IOI + 2-8335 1-6199 + 2-1307 + 2-OS67 + 2-0232 +O-002I 0-0090 O-OIO3 O'OI4O O-OI04 O-0027 0-0027 +0-0022 0-0099 0-3634 O-OII9 0-0119 0-0051 0-0050 -0-0053 +0-O02I -t-O'OO2O +O-OOI4 +O ' OO22 0-O029 +0-0014 0-0409 O-OOgO I '0270 0-OO13 O-OOI3 -1-2935 0-0099 +O-OOI9 0-0157 +0-0014 +O-OOI5 +O-0022 O-OO25 +O-OOI9 +0-OG23 O'OIOl O-OOI2 O-0029 0-0028 0-0154 O-OOI3 +0-0016 0-0028 O-OOI2 0-0008 0-0024 +O-OO22 +O'OO2O +O-OOJ7 8 0-0015 0-0035 O'OOOi 0-0006 +0-0032 +0-0005 ... +0-0012 +0-009 +0-0108 +0-0046 0-0006 +0-0033 0-014 o / // 50. o. 52-41 3- 45- 33 94 29- 55- 32 81 112. 45. 2I'IO 29- 53- 33-77 36. 2O. 40-45 36. 20. 9-32 51- 55- 15-42 30. I 1 . 2 70 9. 12. 19-48 108. 57. 0-08 108. 56. 48-46 33- 43- 26-73 33- 43- 38 34 93- 15- 3-62 49. 45. 16-14 59- 59- 5375 44. 38. 52-82 50. 16. 676 35- 5i- 54-48 44- 37- 57-97 21. 2. 14-20 3- 37- 55 '80 5. 48. 16-94 79- 6- 36-40 79. 6. 33-03 5- U- 15-51 30. 6. 38-48 46. 56. 3-08 115. 18. 54-33 44. 26. 42-74 44- 55- 19-36 49. 51. 46-29 36. 14. 37-24 46. 54. 21 'ID 49. 56. 40 94 29. 56. 48-78 38. 4. 36-07 35- 4'- 33-69 35. 46. 42-36 27. 22. 32-02 79. 4. 13-05 45- 12. 4-58 35- 46. 53-77 38. 3- 53-85 77. 20. 57-90 36. 14. 53-82 48. 29. 25-69 47. II. 0-62 45- 2 3- 45-76 94-5 ' 93'37 93-75 9249 93-75 90-31 90-31 91-25 93-39 9626 92-47 91-07 91-96 9343 95-30 89H4 93-52 9068 88 69 94-75 90-68 92-73 94-74 92-58 96 60 96-60 95-53 9363 9563 94-74 90-59 94-37 89-79 94-68 94-66 90-07 92-97 91-04 94-I7 95-67 91-93 93-36 89-42 94-28 89-36 94-10 95-32 93-98 90-69 93-64 4 4 3 15 3 3 3 6j 3 ^ 7 4 3 i? 4 1 3 5 4 3 3 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 25 65 3 3 3 15 3 3 3 3 2 I I I I I 2 7 2 // 11-700 H -702 II -716 ii -721 11-722 -11-740 11-747 -11-752 -11752 -11-755 -11-756 -11758 11-768 -11-772 -11-780 -11-796 -11-851 -11-871 -u-886 -11-893 -11-893 -11-905 u -908 11-908 11-925 11-926 11-926 11-939 -"939 11-950 -i i '953 n'959 -11-967 -11-976 ii -980 12' 003 I2-005 I2'O2O 12-026 12-046 12-050 I2-C65 12 '066 12-079 12-083 12-121 I2'12I 12-137 I2-I4I -12-143 0-251 0-143 0-136 0-412 -0-135 -0-184 -0-184 0-258 0-138 +0-432 0-402 0-402 0-166 0-166 -0-365 -0-249 0-283 0-228 0-251 -0-181 0-228 0-027 0-142 +0886 o-33i -o-33i + 1-024 0-138 0-237 0-414 O'227 O-229 0-249 -0-l8 3 -0-237 0-249 0-137 -0-194 0-180 0-180 0-113 0-329 0-229 0-180 0-194 -0-324 -0-183 0-242 -0-237 0-230 +0-044 +0*040 +O'I2 +0-077 O-003 +O-QOI O'OII 0-16 0-105, +0-027 +O'O22 0-047 0-45 Groombridge 3190... Groombridge 3185... Groombridge 3188... 40 Cvffni... Groombridge 3192... Lalande 39835 Bradley 2630 12 Caprieorni o Groombridgi; 3191... Radclifle 4809 69 Aquilse Groombridge 3187... 4.1 Cveni. . Radcliffe48u Groombridge 3193... Groombridge 3194 ... RadclifTe48i6 Grooiiibricige 3208... Groombridge 3199 ... Groombridge 3260 . . . Piazzi XX. 177 Bradley 2638 Lalande F. 3559 Groombridge 3203... W. B. (2) XX. 870.. Piazzi XX. 170 Groombridge 3196 ... Groombridge 3197 ... Groombridge 3195 ... Groombridge 3204... Groombridge 3198 ... Groombridge 3200 ... Groombridge 321 1 ... Groombridge 3206 ... Groombridge 3207 ... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)2o67S 2 Cephei 6 2 Delphini... ,... Groombridge 3209 . . . Groombridge 3214 ... Groombridge 3213 ... 3 Delphini 77 Oeltz.Arg.(N-) 20708 Groombridge 32 1 5 ... Groombrid ge 32 1 7 . . . Groombridge 3219 ... 5461, 5462. These stars form the pair h 370. 5463, 5464. These stars form the pair 2 2687. 5480. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranometria Argentina. 5475, 54?6. These stars form the ]>air 'S. 2690. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxiii} "to It No. .Sj y, '755- 1 :H = J3 6 fc 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., .1890-0. Me;m Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. QJ 1 fl 1 < oj 1 I Z a d 1 0> > | 2 o I 5501 5502 553 554 555 5506 550? 5508 559 5510 55H 5512 5513 55H 5515 5516 SSi? 5518 5519 5520 5521 SS 22 5523 5524 5525 SS^ 6 5527 5528 5529 553 553 1 5532 5533 5534 5535 553 6 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 5547 5548 5549 555 2650 2648 2660 2656 2654 2682 2652 2701 2663 2657 2667 3216 3222 3261 323 3224 3233 3220 3223 3231 3232 3227 3225 3229 3234 3228 3235 3237 3236 3239 3238 3 2 42 3247 3251 3240 3268 3243 3245 3244 Groombridge 3216... Piazzi XX. 194 7'3 6-2 7'7 7'4 7-6 4-8* 7-8 6-8 6-5 7-0 8-9 7' 2 4'7* 7'5 7'9 7-8 8'2 6-6 6-4 7'3 9'5 9-2 7.4- 8-7 8-0 6-6J 6'7 8-5 6-81 6'5 8-0 8-2 5'6* 3'7* 4'4* 7-i j.j. 5-3* 7'2 6'5t 7'5 5-1" 5'3* 5-9* 7-1 6-6 6-0 7' 2 h in a 20. 29. 5-312 20. 29. 18751 20. 29. 1 8 '890 20. 29. 29-132 20. 29. 35-041 20. 29. 37-454 20. 29. 39'064 20. 29. 49-593 20. 29. 53-319 20. 29. 57-143 2O. 30. 8-190 20. 30. 9-431 20. 30. 9-955 2O. 30. 20-035 20. 30. 20-893 20. 30. 23-136 20. 30. 26-331 20. 30. 27-037 2O. 30. 28-II9 2O. 3O. 29-016 20. 30. 38-124 20. 30. 39-572 20. 30. 50-780 20. 30. 52-523 20. 31. 2-639 20. 31. 8-093 20. 31. H7I7 20. 31. 19-291 2O. 31. 22-587 2O. 31. 28'OlS 20. 31. 34-301 20. 31. 38-184 20. 31. 41-519 20. 31. 57-211 20. 32. 23-074 20. 32. 23-419 20. 32. 39-429 20. 32. 55-247 20. 32- 57 'IS 8 20. 33. 7-282 20. 33. 30-803 20. 33. 38-961 20. 33. 45-057 20. 33. 47-I93 20. 33. 47-218 20. 33. 58790 20. 34. 5'IU 20. 34. 5-237 20. 34. 21-647 20. 34. 28-272 88-02 95'i7 94 '95 95-32 95-37 9370 93'96 94-59 92-71 90-04 90-72 94-80 96 33 92-95 94-01 96-70 94-63 91-69 9479 94-69 9279 92-95 90-69 93-73 90-44 95-64 91-40 94-59 90-64 96-01 92-67 93-80 93-63 94-72 94-09 94'3' 92-06 94-37 94-41 94-24 93-03 94-55 90-74 9 6 -i5 90-50 95-06 9'34 94-70 94-19 92-01 3 5 3* 2 4 3 4 3 3i 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 10 3 4 3 6 23 5 3 6 7 3 5 69 5 7 17 5 3 5 3 3 i i 2 H 4 27 8 + 2-1445 + 33955 + I-62II - 4-4933 + I-2558 + 2-3324 + I-68I2 + I-2307 + 2-I372 + 2-OI92 + 2-0325 + I-609I + 2-8024 + I-6955 + I-9740 + 2-0395 + 2-0854 + 2-0229 + ^5920 + 2-04IO + 2-1616 + I-&959 + 2-0426 + 2-0347 28311 + 1-9608 + 1-9608 + 3-5759 + 2-1381 + 2-8047 + 3-S558 + 1-7477 + 2-0219 + 0-5984 + 2-5575 + 2-8060 + 3-0998 + 0-2944 - 0-7339 + 3-3603 + 2-1086 + 3-5427 - 3-5841 + 2-8935 + 3-4234 + 2-7833 + 2-1155 + 1-7050 + 3-3823 + 2-0657 8 +o - 0023 0-OII2 O'OO24 0-5079 0-0093 +0-OO25 O-OOI5 O-OO99 +0-0023 +0-0018 +0-0018 0-0026 0-0004 0-0013 +0-0015 +0-0019 +O-O02I +O'OOl8 O-0028 +O-OOI9 +0-0024 O-OOI3 +O-OOI9 +0-0019 0-2924 +0-0014 +0-0014 0-0162 +0-0024 0-0004 -0-0157 o - 0007 +0-0018 0-0297 +0-0018 0-0004 0-0049 0-0427 o- 1018 0-0106 +0-0024 -0-0155 0-395 1 0-0016 0-OI22 o-oooi +0-0024 O-OOI2 O-OII2 +O-OO22 a 0-0013 O'OO2j +O-OOI2 +0-0082 +O-OOI3 +0-0057 0-0003 +O-QOI7 0-0012 +0-034 +0-OI83 +0-0197 0-0034 o'OooS +0-010 0-008 48. 54. 8-95 I06. 54. I2'2I 3 6 - '3- 6-13 7- 59- 35-67 30. 18. 43-65 55- 7- 32-18 37. 21. 2-12 29. 57. 0-54 48.36. 7-85 45- 12. 5-44 45- 32. 56-21 35- 55- I0 '72 75- 42. 17-25 37- 34- 23-58 43- 57- 39-72 45. 43. 6-28 47. o. 52-69 45- '5- 23'99 35-34- 31-45 45. 45. 0-21 49. 16. 50-24 37- 33- 4-39 45- 45- 35'2 45- 32- 21-39 10. 8. 59-57 43- 32. 33-87 43- 3t- 57-5I 115. 29 29-79 48. 29. 24-97 75- 45- 47 29 114. 36. 41-16 38. 31. 31-11 45- 6 - I9-I7 23. 4. 6-08 63. 55. 14-58 75- 47- 13-80 91. 29. 20-72 20. 42. 28-IO 15. 25. 20-98 105. 2O. 24-87 47- 23. 35-56 114. 10. 31-26 8. 56. 24-15 80. 18. 3-53 108. 31. 32-46 74- S 2 - S 2 -? 8 47- 32. 42-51 37. 24. 40-90 106. 30. 54-20 46. 3. 14-17 88-02 95-I7 94-67 95-32 95-25 9370 95-35 94-37 92 72 90-04 90-72 94-8o 96-33 93-27 94-01 96-70 94-63 91-69 94-79 94-69 91-89 92-98 90-69 973 89-42 95-64 91-40 94 59 93-68 96-01 9267 93-8o 93-63 9+72 93-30 94-I3 91-64 94-37 92-65 94-24 93-03 94-55 90-70 96-26 9275 95-02 89-34 94-70 94-19 92-01 3 5 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 2i 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 5 4 3 10 3 4 3 9 22 18 3 18 7 3 5 76 6 ii 15 5 3 5 3 3 i i 2 2 5 5 36 -12-144 12-163 12- 160 12-172 -12-179 12-181 -12-183 12-196 -12-199 12-204 12-217 12-218 12-219 12-231 12-232 12-234 -12-238 -12-239 12-240 12-241 12-251 12-254 12-266 1 2 ' 269 I2-280 12-286 12-294 12-299 -I2-303 I2-309 I2-3I6 I2-32I I2-325 I2-342 I2-372 -I2-372 I2-39I I2-409 I2-4II 12-423 -I2-450 12-459 12- 466 12-468 I2'46b 12-482 12-489 12-489 12-508 -I2-5I5 0-244 -0-389 0-183 +0-526 0-140 0-265 0-189 0-137 0-242 0-228 0-230 0-181 0-319 0-191 0-223 0-230 0-236 0-228 0-179 0-230 0-244 0-191 0-230 0-230 +0-332 O'22I 0-221 0-407 O-24I -0-3I8 0-404 0-196 O-227 0-063 0-288 0-317 0-350 O-028 +0-089 0-379 0-236 -0-399 +0-4I5 0-326 0-386 O-3I2 0-236 O-lSg 0-380 0-230 +0-009 +0-090 +0-002 i 0-032 ' i i +O-OI2; +0-03I +Q-OOI +O-02I +O-OI2 0-41 O'OO 0-012 O-OI3 +0-006 0-18 0-08 Groombridge 3222.. Groomliridge 3261... Groombridge 3230... d7 Cvffni Groombridge 3224... Piazzi XX. 222 .... Groombridge 3220... Groombridge 3223... B. D.+44No. 3506 Groombridge 3231... Groombridge 3232... Groombridge 3227... -Jf with Comet a 1890 Groombridge 3225... Groombridge 3229... Groombridge 3234... ^ with Comet 18PO Groombridge 3228... Groombridge 3235... B. D.+44 No. 3509 B. D.+44No 3510 Lalande 40071 . Oeltz.Arg.(N.)20768 Groombridge 3237... Lacaille 8504 Groombridge 3236... Lalande 39766 Lacaille 8506 Piazzi XX. 236 Groombridu'e 3238... Groornbridge 3242... 6 Delphini . /8 Groombridge 3247... Groombridge 3240... Lalande 39816. Bra lley 2701 7 Delphini. .. K Bradley 2667 Groombridge 3243... Groombridge 3245... Piazzi XX. 240 Groombridge 3244... 55 2 8. 553'i 554 2 - The magnitudes of these stars arc taken from the Urannmttria Argentina. 5536. Tills star is a close double, aiul forms the binary 151. GREENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE Foil 1890. |cxiv} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, ; No. "oa '% ^=3 = a "03 d M 1755- i 9 0.5? = - -= d b 1810. Star's Name. o5 1 "3 ac a Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Si'cnlar Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 0> 1 9 1 <1 5586. These stars form the pair 2, 2727. 5591- The magnitude of this star in taken from the Argentine General Catalogue, 1875. FKOM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxvj "Z No. of No. of Is I a* Obs. Annual Secular Obs - Annual Secular ^5 ojf Mean R.A., M Preces- Varia- Annual Mean N.P.D., Preces- Varia- Annual No. B 1 C"E" * Star's Name. "3 3 1890-0. Date. 1 sion, tion, Proper Motion. 1890-0. Mean Date. 4J I 4 sion, tion, Proper Motion. * & Ju 'I 1800+ o o 1890-0. 1890-0. 1800 + 0) U 1890-0. o ! 1890*0. 1755- 1810. CO a > M 4 3 h m s 8 s a Oil! 5601 3285 Groombridge 3285... 6-4 20. 43. 9'8ll 93-7I 4 + I-7490 0-0004 O-OOg 37. 24. 17-92 93-7I 4 13-101 0*188 +O'IO 5602 127Q Groombridge 3279... 7'5 20. 43. 11-948 88-02 4 + 2-1611 +0-0030 47- 59- 38-78 88-02 4 -13-103 0-233 5603 J 1 7 Groomb 3279 (Conies) 9"! 2O. 43. 12-872 88-37 5 + 2-1611 +0-0030 47. 59. 40-10 88-31 4 -13-104 -0-233 5604 3288 Groombridge 3288... 7-6 20. 43. 33-474 94-05 3 + 1-5497 0-0036 33- 34- 13-17 94-05 3 13-127 0-165 5605 3284 Groombridge 3284... 6-6 20. 43. 34-372 90-35 3 + 2-0557 +0-0026 ... 44- 49- 27-65 90-35 3 ... 13-127 O'22I 5606 3293 Groombridge 3293... 8-6 2O. 43. 46-462 94-96 3 + 1-4220 0-0062 31. 27. 27-92 94-96 3 13-142 0*151 5607 Oeltz.Arg.(N.)2iii5 8-9 20. 43. 54-675 9471 3 + 1-8536 +0-0009 39- 37- 28-96 9471 3 13-150 0*198 5608 3289 Groombridge 3289... 7-2 20.43.55-859 93-80 3 + 1-7713 o-oooi 37. 47. 46-11 93-80 3 13-151 0-189 5609 Lalande 40173 6'9t 2O. 44. I'22O 94-05 3 + 3-5512 0-0170 115. 23. 18-31 94-05 3 -I3-I57 -0*385 5610 3290 Groombridge 3290... 8-3 20. 44. 15-335 95-I7 4 I + 1-8558 +0-0009 39. 38. 21-88 94-59 3 i -13-172 0*198 5611 3298 Groombridge 3298... 6-7 2O. 44. 20-959 94-36 3 + 1-4593 0-0054 31. 59. 18-94 94-36 3 -I3-I79 -0*155 5612 3287 Groombridge 3287... 8-3 20. 44. 23-883 88-01 3 + 2-1872 +0-0032 48. 41. 23-48 88-01 3 13-182 -0-235 5613 ... 3296 Pia?zi XX 349 8-2 20. 44. 33-752 95'83 5 + 1-6259 0-0023 34. 50. 11-70 95-63 4 -I3-I93 0-173 5614 3295 GroombriJge 3295... 6-4* 20. 44. 35-815 91-76 3 I + 1-7838 +0-0001 +0-008 37- 59- 39-73 92-43 3 i 13-195 0-190 +0-1 1 5615 3291 Groombridge 3291... 7-2 20. 44. 42-277 8772 3 ... + 2-1868 +0-0032 48. 38. 39-75 87-72 3 13-202 0-234 5616 3292 Groombridge 3292... 7'7 20. 44. 50-136 92-38 3i + 2-2738 +0-0033 51. 32. 34-29 90-74 4 13-211 0-244 5617 B.D.+55No.2473 9-5 20. 45. 13-973 95-97 3 + 1-6267 0-0023 ... 34. 46. 51-81 95-97 3 -I3-237 -0-173 5618 3304 Groombridge 3304... 8-7 20. 45. 38-387 90-64 3 + 1-4773 0-0051 32- 9- 4-39 90-64 3 13-26; 0-156 5619 335 Groombridge 3305... 6-7 2O. 46. 1*046 92-81 3 + 1-7034 O'OOIO o-ooio 36. 10. 41-05 92-81 3 -13-289 0-180 0-104 5620 3303 Groombridge 3303... 7'7 2O. 46. 8-Oig 93-65 3 + 1-8638 +0-0011 39- 37- 3272 93-65 3 13-294 0-198 *s62I 27O2 3300 56 Cygni 0* 20. 46. 10-477 89"?^ 3 + 2-1181 +o - 0030 +O"onc 46. 21. 18*09 89-33 ! 8 ^0*226 O'l I ' J^*' 5622 *'/ VJ *- 6 3302 Groombridge 3302... J 7-2 20. 46. 1 1 -395 " JJ 3 + 2-0273 +0-0025 43. 44. 56-24 93-81 3 13-300 0-216 5623 337 Groombridge 3307... 7-8 20. 46. 25-393 93-02 4 2 + 1-4518 0-0056 +o'oi8o 31. 39. 56-02 92-63 4 2 -13-315 0-153 0-090 5624 Piazzi XX. 339 6'6J 20. 46. 34-040 9373 9 + 3-5213 0-0163 +0-0050 114- II. 41-35 93-73 9 13-325 -0-378 +0-087 5625 3309 Groombridge 3309... 6-2 20. 46. 39-610 93-02 4 2 + 1-4530 0-0056 31. 39. 40-36 93-03 4 3 -13-331 -0-153 ... 5626 3306 Groombridge 3306... 7-i 2O. 46. 40'IlS 90-32 3 + 2-1743 +0-0033 ... 48. I. 43-20 90-32 3 13-33I 0-231 5627 2696 6 Aquarii /* 4-8* 2O. 46. 43-206 92-91 47 + 3-2377 0-0083 +0-0008 99- 23. 44-43 92-60 36 -13-334 0-347 +0-031 5628 Lalande 40311 6-5 20. 47. 16-085 94-18 5 + 3-4259 0-0134 109. 31. 43-59 94-18 5 13-370 -0*367 5629 Lalande F. 3606 6*4* 20. 47. 21-472 90-89 4 2 + 1-0632 0-0161 ... 26. 22. 5-74 90-90 4 3 -13-376 0*IIO 5630 33!0 Groombridge 3310... 7-2 20. 47. 25-122 93 62 3i I + 1-5745 0-0032 33- 36. 47-94 93-65 4 i -13-380 0*165 5631 Lacaille 8617 7iJ 20. 47- 33-598 : 93-61 4 + 3-5301 0-0167 114. 41. 44-28 93-6i 4 13-390 -0*378 5632 3312 Groombridge 3312... 7'4 20. 47. 39-857 93-17 4 + 1-6721 0-0015 35. 23. 20-26 93-19 4 -13-396 0-176 5633 3322 Piazzi XX. 389 ' 7"i 20. 47. 42-676 1 92-16 2 3 + 0-4476 0-0408 20. 45. 9-26 9175 3 3 13-399 0-043 5634 33" Groombridge 3311... 7'4 20. 47. 46-511 93-39 3 + I -8010 +0-0004 ... 38. i. 2-61 93-39 3 13-404 0-190 5635 33-3 GroombriJge 3313... 7-6 20. 48. 2-973 94-37 3 + 1-9201 +0-0017 40. 45. 27-46 94-37 3 13-421 O'2O2 ... 5636 Piazzi XX. 360 6-6* 20. 48. 6-631 92-38 3 + 3-1998 O-.0074 97. 18. 17-42 9I-99 4 13-426 0-34I 5637 Lalande 40436 8-1 20. 48. 13-410 95-65 4 + 1-9191 +0-0017 ... 40. 42. 56-81 95'65 4 -13-432 O*2O2 5638 Lalande 40439 8-2 20. 4 8. 25-438 95-65 4 + 1-9204 +0-0017 40. 43. 32-80 95'65 4 13-445 O-202 5639 33H Groombridge 3314... 7-9 2O. 48. 32-720 89-70 3 + 2-1935 +0-0034 48. 26. 7-20 89-70 3 13-454 0*231 5640 3315 Groombridge 3315" 7-8 20. 4 8. 33-755 94-67 3 + 1-6055 0-0026 34- 2. 52-0 9 94-67 3 -13-455 0*168 5641 2700 19 Capricorni . ... 6-0* 20. 48. 34-878 92-53 6 + 3-4011 0-0128 0-0058 1 08. 20. 23-47 91-91 5 -13-456 0-362 +0*00; 5642 3320 Groombridge 3320... 8-6 20. 4 8. 57-209 1 93-83 4 i + 1-5817 0-0030 33. 34. 47-88 93-8o 4 i -13-480 0*165 5643 3321 Groombridge 3321... 6-6 20. 49. 15-984 94-43 3 + 1-6797 0-0013 35. 21. 52-82 94'43 3 -13-500 -0-175 ... 5644 2710 3317 57 Cygni ... . 4-6' 2O. 49. 21-259 91-69 4 + 2-1193 +0-0032 +0-0017 46. I. 44^4 91-69 4 -13-506 0*223 +0-014 5645 33i6 Groombridge 3316... 6-5 2O. 49. 25-865 89-36 3 + 2-1833 +0-0034 48. 0. 22-88 89-36 3 13-511 0-230 5646 33 2 5 Groombridge 3325... 8-2 2O. 49. 33-868 94-I7 44 i + 1-5855 0-0030 33- 35- 4-48 94-30 4 i -13-520 0*165 ... 5647 33'8 Groombridge 3318... 7'5 20. 49. 34-718 91-03 3 + 2-2253 +0-0035 49. 22. 4'10 91-03 3 13-521 0-234 5648 Lalande 40482. . 8-4 20. 49. 40-924 96-36 3 + 2-0946 +0-0031 45- IS- 42-33 96-36 3 13-527 O*22O 5649 3328 Groombridge 3328... 7-0 20. 49. 47-I79 95-42 3 + 1-4790 0-0050 31. 45. 38-33 95-42 4 i -13-534 -0-153 5650 3326 Groombridge 3326... 7-. 20. 49. 47-300 94-67 3 + 1-6007 0-0027 ... 33- 49- 53-34 94-67 3 -13-534 0-166 5602, 5603. These stars form the pair 02 414. 5609, 5624. The magnitudes of these stars are taken from the Uranometria Argentina. 5631. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Argentine General Cataloyue, 1875. (CXVI SECOND TEX- YEAH CATALOGUE OF STABS FOR 1890-0, No. 4> . > -1 = fe 1755- O . It .5* 6 fc 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of ' Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. to 1 & j5 i> 93 e-lf -3 & 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., Mean 1890-0. Date 1800 + N C OJ o o. of bs. V & O s Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Proper Motion Mean N.P.D. 1890-0. 1 Meat Date 1800 -f i N ( d S _9 ^ o. of )bs. Annua Preces- sion, 1890-0 Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annua Proper Motion. OJ o i 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 57H 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 573 573' 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 574 574' 5742 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 575 2735 2729 2740 2733 2739 2746 2744 2745 2741 2750 336o 33 6 4 3365 3384 3368 3366 3369 337J 3374 3372 3375 3376 3379 3389 338o 3382 3386 338i 3387 3385 3388 339 3392 3393 339' 3394 3403 Groombridgc 3360.. Groombri'lge 3364.. Groombridge 3365.. Lalande 40787 7-1 6-4 7-1 8-0 7-8 6-6 8-5 5'2* 7'7 8-0 9-0 9' 2 5-2* I 6-7 5 77 7-8 7-0 6'2* 8-7 6-4 5-s* 9'5 6-9 4'3* 6-7 8-2 6-2* 8-5 8-4 7it 7-8 8-1 7-oJ 7 '4 8-0 8-1 3'7* 8-9 S-2 5-o 5-6 7-6 r-8 5'3t 5'9t 5'3* 5-1* n h m a 20. 55. 57-303 20. 56. 25-027 2O. 56. 41-264 2O. 57. I-260 20. 57. 4-227 20. 57- 19-339 20. 57. 19 '579 20. 57. 20-550 20. 57- 37-353 20. 57- 57-6i7 2O. 58. O'2O2 20. 58. 6-288 20. 58. 8-6II 2O. 58. 14-697 20. 58. 28-438 20. 58. 33'952 20. 58. 40 878 20. 58. 41-344 20. 58. 48-596 20. 58. 48-712 20. 58. 50-591 20- 58. 55710 20. 59. I0'2l6 20. 59- 43 "49 8 20. 59. 45 '009 20. 59. 45-798 20. 59. 50-886 20. 59. 52-338 20. 59- 59^71 21. 0. 2'8OO 21. O. II'4I4 21. 0. 28-527 21. 0. 31-081 21- 0. 35793 21. 0. 40-573 21. O. 41-875 21. 0. 48-354 21. O. 54-024 21. 0. 55749 21. 0. 56-367 21. I. 0-694 21. I. 22-754 21. I. 25'Il8 21. I. 39-004 21. I. 57738 21. I. 57-974 21. I. 59-510 21. 2. 15-559 21. 2. 48-693 21. 3 . 3-540 88-76 93-81 92-36 9471 90-79 95-I4 92-31 91-07 90-68 94-40 95-63 92-07 93-52 90-81 91-86 96-30 96-42 93-63 90-76 90- 20 9273 92-99 87-64 96-04 95 "34 92-57 90-42 95-36 88-30 9375 94-69 95-02 93 '99 94-68 95-83 94-64 92-77 92-44 94-93 90-77 94-67 93 '4 1 95-00 92-58 88-38 94-26 94'i7 9173 92-18 94-60 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 3 3 2{ 3 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 29 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 5 3 3 3i 37 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 24 4 6 3 i 2 I 2 I 2 2 I I 3 3 s + 2-1251 + 1-6751 + 17138 + 2-0758 + 2-5375 - 0-5705 + 1-6893 + 2-0919 + 2-5191 + 2-5163 + 2-0804 + 2-0511 + 3-4248 + 2-5543 + 2-1420 2-9705 + 3-3741 + 2-1488 + 2-5532 + 2-3241 + 2-5229 + 1-6301 + 3-0421 - 2-9458 + 2-2442 + 3-3739 + 1-9486 + 0-9203 + 2-9811 + 2-0975 + 1-6460 + 3-4857 + 17788 + 2-1093 + 3-4841 + 1-7369 + 2-5578 + 2-5651 + 2-1793 + 2-5452 + 1-9497 + 1-9598 + 1-6464 + 17248 + 2-0546 + 2-3348 + 2-3350 + 3-4437 + 2-0641 + 0-3830 8 -|-o - oo3( o-oor o-ooo( +0-0035 +0-0032 O-II20 O'OOIO +0-0036 +0-0034 +0-003; +0-0035 +0-0034 0-0143 +0-0032 +0-0039 -0-3933 0-0127 +0-0039 +0-0032 -}-o 0042 +0-0035 O"OO2O 0-0039 0-3933 +0-0043 O-OI28 +Q-OO26 0-0230 0-0026 +0-0038 0-0017 o'oi66 +0-0005 +0-0039 0-0165 O'OOOI +0-0033 +0-0033 +0-0042- +0-0034 +0-0027. +0-0028! 0-0017 0-0003 +0-0036 -(-0-0044- -)-o-oo44- 0-0153- -^0-0038- o 0498 s ... ': o-ooo 0-0050 0-0003 +0-0040 0-0064 j-o-ooo6 f 0-3492 f 0-3497 -0-0004 fo-ooi3 O / " 45-25. 57-85 34. 29. 20- 10 35- '2. 43'09 43. 51. 10-13 60. 48. 7-15 14. 42. 30-81 34. 39. 30-62 44- >6- 34-37 59- 54- 42-34 59. 44. 52-67 43- 51- 53-09 43- I- 576 no. 17. 22-69 61. 26. 5779 45. 38. 34-98 8- 56. 42-25 107. 35. 59-25 45- 49- 35'77 61. 20. 31-71 51. 46. 38 69 59- 56. 43-3 8 33-21. 43-92 88. 9- 53-42 8. 56. 17-11 48. 48. 24-34 107. 40. 10-78 40. 5. 9-21 23- 43- 29-74 84. 28. 34-93 44. 6. 22-91 33- 30. 32-77 113. 39. 22-26 36. 5. 35-24 44- 23. 22-23 113- 35- 25-35 35- !2. 25-53 61. 20. 34-35 61. 41. 4-08 46. 30. 38-90 60. 44. 44-00 39- 58. 5-74 40. 10. 44'io 33. 22. 27-41 34- 51- 8-28 42. 38. 9-20 51. 47. 28-68 Si- 47- 39-77 n. 38. 7-71 42. 47. 36-81 19- 7- 3!'47 88-76 93-58 92-36 94'7' 90-79 95''4 92-51 91-07 90-68 94-40 95-63 92-07 93-43 90-81 92-37 96-30 96-42 93-63 90-76 90-20 92-73 92-62 88-15 96-04 91-23 92-15 90-42 95-i8 88-30 9375 9471 95-62 93-99 94-67 95 '30 94-81 9277 92-24 94-83 90-77 94-67 93-4I 94'33 92-18 88-38 93'99 93-99 9I-74 92-17 95-05 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 23 3 3 2| 3 3 5 4 3 3 4 3 4 26 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 37 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 27 5 6 3 i i (2) I 2 2 2 I (3) 6 13-92 -I3'95< -I3-97; -'3'99< !3-99/ 14-013 14-014 I4'oi< 14-031 14-053 I4'055 14-061 14-065 14-071 14-085 14-091 14-098 14-098 14-106 14-106 14-108 -14-113 14-128 14-162 14-164 -14-165 -14-170 -14-171 14-180 -14-183 -14-191 14-210 14-212 -14-217 14-222' -14-223 14-229 -14-235 -i4- 2 37 -I4-237 -14-242 -14-265 -14-267 -14-281 -14-301 -14-301 -I4'3i H'3I9 I4-353 H'36? r 0-21 i 0-169 ! 0-17 I O'2I 0-259 +0-066 0-170 O'2I2 0-256 0-256 O'2IO 0-207 -0-350 0-259 O'2l6 +0-314 0-344 0-217 0-259 0-235 -0-255 0-163 -0-309 +0-310 0-226 -0-342 0-195 0-089 0-301 O'2IO 0-164 -0-353 0-177 0'2II -0-352 O-I72 0-257 -0-257 0-218 -0-255 0-194 0-195 0-163 0-170 0-204 -0-233 0-233 0-345 0-204 -0-033 0-005 +0-037 O'O2 +0-054 +0-127 +o-co8 3-240 -3-033 -0-053 -0-014 Lalande 40763 Groombridge 3384.. Groombridgc 3368... 60 Cvgni. W. B. (2) XX. 1748 W. B. (2) XX. 1761 Croombridge 3369 . B. D. +46 No. 3148 22 Capricorni fj AV. B. (2) XX. 1765 Groombridge 3371... B. D. +80 No. 675 Piazzi XX. 443 . Groombridge 3374. . W. B. (2) XX. 1780 Bradley 2740 B. D. +29 No. 4292 Groombridgi; 3375... Lalande 40806 B. D. +80 N.I. 676 23 Capricorni firoomlni-lge 3379... Groombridge 3389... 4 E<]uulei Groombridge 3380... Groombridge 3382... Lalande 40831 Groombridge 3386... Groombridge 3381... Lalande 40842 Groombridge 3387... W. B. (2) XX. 1834 62 Cygni B. D. +29 No. 4304 Groombridge 3388... Groombridge 3390... Groombridge 3392... Groombridge 3393... PiazziXX. 486 61 Cygni (ist Star) 61 Cygni (2nd Star) 25 Capricorni ^ 63 Cv^ni 7*2 Groombridge 3403... 571 1. Tliis star is a close double, and forms the pair 156. 57'9. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 445. 5732. The magnitude of this star is token from the Aryentine General Cahiloijue, 1875. 5735- The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranomctria Argent '<. 5746, 5747. These stars form tin- pair 1. 2758. {cxviii} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. ~Z m * si, p ii :i - 6 G 755- 6 ;- o M .s| 6 to 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Sucular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1 13 1 < 29 Capricorni W. B. XXI. 155 Piazzi XXI. 61 W. B. (2) XXI. 185. 8 Equulei a 6s Cvgni... ....T Groombridge 3422... W. B. (2) XXI. 207 Piazzi XXI. 63 4 Piscis Australia Groomliridge 3433... 30 Capricorni Groombridge 3418... Groombridge 3420... Groombridge 3421... Groombridge 3425... 67 Cygni o" 5769. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Argentine General Catalogue, 1875. 5782. This star is a close double, and forms the binary 02 535. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxix} No. 1 55? I B 5 Oj? .0 6 ft 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. <5 .5 * "* Q5 * 1755- & o 0) M 5801 5802 5803 5804 S8oS 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 58i5 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 585 2775 2786 2772 2796 2780 2788 2779 2778 2785 2787 3424 3428 3446 343 3427 3429 3431 3432 3437 3434 3436 3435 3452 344 3442 3438 3439 3445 344 s 344' 3443 3444 3447 3450 3449 3453 3451 3455 3454 3457 3456. Groombridge 3424... Piazzi XXI. 86 6-0* 6-2* 67 8-0 5-0* 8-2 6-8 8-5 5-4* 8-0 2-6* 8-0 5-8* 4-4* 6-1 7-it 7'it 8-4 5-8* 6-2* 4 - 3* 7 - 3 6-5* 5-3* 8-3 6-8 4'9* 8-1 7'5 5-6* 7-8 6-1 7'5 7-2 9'4 7'5 6-4* 8-0 7'3 6-s: TO 7-2 3'8* 8-3 ; 8-2 S-6 8-3 8'3 8-8 6-0* h m s 21. 13. 13-562 21. 13. 56'95O 21. 14. 1-973 21. 14. 17-504 21. 14. 21-043 21. 14. 23-962 21. 14. 4O-227 21. 15. 39-230 21. 15. 4I-53I 21. 15. 48-610 21. 15. 57-165 21. 15. 58-033 21. 16. 5-956 21. 16. 7-272 21. 16. 8-516 21. l6. 26 J OOO 21. 16. 26-801 21. 16. 30700 21. 16. 42-096 21. 16. 53-599 21. 16. 59-936 21- 17- 0393 21. 17. 2-022 21. I?. 5-141 21. 17. 11-990 21. 17. 2I'8o6 21. 17. 25-997 21. 17- 35745 21. 17. 49-573 21. 17. 55-196 21. 17. 56-644 21. 18. 11-170 21. 18. 31-692 21. 18. 33-365 21. 18. 34-349 21. 18. 40-124 21. 19. 2-316 21. 19. 4-254 21. 19. 14-385 21. 19. 28-675 21. 2O. 8-243 21. 20. 16-944 21. 2O. 23-195 21. 20 31-554 21. 20. 50-896 21. 20. 54-796 21. 2O. 56*052 21. 20. 56-961 21. 21. 0-361 21. 21. 0-598 90-09 92-18 89-92 95-34 88-83 92-65 90-01 92-18 9372 95-28 93-43 94 '3 1 92-69 91-33 91-71 94-57 94-79 9271 94-61 92-29 93-23 94-43 88-31 96-29 95-95 94-69 92-51 94-67 94-01 92-97 95-33 93''7 92-06 93-11 95-69 93-83 96-36 89-11 9I-93 95-52 95-25 95-06 93-73 94-83 95-06 92-66 96-62 91-22 88-90 93-21 8 4 3 4 3 5 3 2 5 3 Si 3 13 3i 4 5 4 3 5 2 7i 4 3 3 3 4 5 3 4 41 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 4 5 34 3 15 3 3 4 3 3i 3i 6 2 2 2 18 8 3 2 2 2 3 2 s + 2-2654 + 1-7911 1-2880 + 1-9398 + 2-2338 + 3-4451 + 2-3164 + 2-0565 + 2-0604 + 2-0711 + 1-4143 + 1-9309 + 2-6933 + 3-3456 + 1-9265 + 1-9315 + i'93!6 + 2-0702 + 3'446o 0-5781 + 2-7663 + 1-7774 + 3-0352 + 1-2516 + 2-1635 + 2-1624 + 2-9757 + 2-2704 + 1-7806 + 3-4H4 + I- 435i + 2-0776 + 2-3339 + 12-3402 + 2-3414 + 2-0764 + 2-9248 + 2-0824 + 2-2380 + 3-4615 + 1-3309 + 2-0059 + 3H346 + 2-2503 + 2-1860 + 2-2473 + 2-9268 + 2-0916 + 2-2493 + 3-4122 3 +O-OO5Z +O-OOI4 O-2O52 +0-0035 +0-OO55 O-OI64 +O-OO55 +0-0047 +0-0047 +0-OO48 O-OO72 +0-0035 +0-OO30 O-OI29 +O'OO34 +O-O035 +0-0035 +0-0049 O-OI67 -0-I33I +O-OO2O +O-OOI3 0-0036 O - OI25 +0-0055 +0-0055 O-OO2I +0-0058 +0-OOI4 -0-0155 O-0066 +O-OO5I +0-0059 +0-0059 +0-0059 +O-OO5I O-OOO9 +0-0052 +0-0059 0-0176 O'OIOO +0-0047 o-oi66 +0-0061 +0-0060 +0-0061 0-0009 +0-0055 +0-0061 0-0158 s O-QO22 +O-O2II +0-0146 o-ooo; +0-016 +0-0064 0-0008 +0-0014 0-0032 0-0013 0-0036 o / tr 47. 46. 39-18 34- 39- 50-68 n. 28. 52-21 37- 59- 7-72 46. 31. i -02 112. 51. 6-93 49. 25. 24-03 40- 51- 3'34 40. 57. 17-72 41. 14- SO^S 27- S 2 . 49-33 37. 32. 21-68 66. 36. 26-08 107. 18. 9-99 37- 24. 27-33 37. 29. 20-35 37. 29. 23-25 41. 6. 50-35 113. 8. 17-20 13- 27. 3-59 70. 39- 57-38 33- 5 8 - 1976 87-33- 1-05 25. 35. 40-13 43- 47- 59-38 43. 44. 19-23 83- 39- 3177 47- 19- 27-33 33- 55- 34-83 in. 19. 8-63 27. 56. 27-26 41. 4. 56-51 49. 32. 15-00 49. 46. 22-55 49. 48. 57-10 40. 58. 42-97 80. 17. 56-45 41- 5- 33-87 45. 57. 11-66 114. 17. 43-68 26. 14. 43-11 38. 48. 57-23 112. 53. 15-32 46. 10. 56-18 43- 59- 3-48 46. i. 20-44 80. 19. 51-21 41. 4. 54-46 46. 4. 40-50 in. 40. 18-56 89-14 91-64 90-34 95-10 88-83 92-65 90-01 92-18 9372 95-28 93-34 94-3 1 92-60 92-18 9171 94-08 94-08 9271 94-62 92-87 92-41 94-06 88-06 96-29 95-95 94-04 93-64 94-67 94-06 92-58 95-11 93-I7 92-06 90-73 95-94 93-83 96-36 89-51 93-35 95-52 93-37 94-80 93-6o 94-83 94-98 92-66 96-62 89-27 89-62 93-21 7 4 3 4 3 5 3 2 5 3 58 3 26 27 4 3 3 3 6 2 19 4 5 3 3 3 ii 3 4 6 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 5 5 3 i? 3 4 4 3 4 4 6 2 7 2 20 IO 2 3 2 2 3 2 14-974 15-016 15-021 15-036 -15-039 15-042 -I5-057 15-114 -15-117 15-124 -15-131 -15-132 15-140 15-141 -'5-143 -I5-I59 15-160 -15-164 15-174 -15-186 15-192 -15-192 -15-193 15-196 15-203 -15-212 15-216 15-226 -15-239 15-244 15-246 15-259 -15-279 15-280 15-281 -15-286 -15-307 -15-309 -15-318 -I5-332 -15-369 I5-377 -I5-383 -I5-39I - I 5'409 'S'413 -15-414 -'5'4i5 -15-418 -15-419 H 0-213 O-I67 +0-I32 0-181 0-209 0-326 0-217 0-191 0-191 0-192 0-129 0-178 0-251 0-313 0-178 0-178 0-178 0-191 0-322 +0-062 0-257 0-163 0-282 0-113 0-199 0-199 0-276 0-209 0-163 0-317 0-130 0-190 0-214 0-214 0-215 0-189 0-269 0-190 0-204 0-319 0-118 0-181 -0-315 0-204 -0-197 0-203 0-266 0-188 0-203 0-312 a +0-03 0-025 +0-114 0-013 O'OII -0-075 0-016 0-009 +0-115 0-013 t +0-027 Groombridge 3446... Groombridge 3430... 68 Cyni.. . A Groombridge 3429... Groombridge 3431... Groombridge 3432... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)22046 H. D. +52 No. 2910 34 Vulpecula} Groombridge 3434... Groombridge 3436... Radcliffe5i96 Groombridge 3435... Piazzi XXI. 87 Bradley 2796 I Pegasi Groombridge 3440... W. B. XXI. 347 6 Cephei Oeltz.Arg.(N.)22o84 Groombridge 3438... 10 Equulei .../3 Groombridge 3439... Groombridge 3445... 33 Capricorni. Groombridge 3448... Groombridge 3441... Piazzi XXI. 116 Groombridge 3444... W. B. (2) XXI. 418. Groombridge 3447... W. B. XXI. 396 Groombridge 3450... Groombridge 3449... Piazzi XXI. 142... Groombridge 3453... Groombridge 3451... Groombridge 3455... Groombridge 3454... W. B. XXI. 439 Groombridge 3457... Groombridge 3456... 5816, 5817. These stars form the pair 2 2789. 5840. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Uranomctria Argentina. {cxx} SECOND TEX-YKAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. E H l ""I M 6 to 1755- B o Z o o-SP .' 6 K 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs ' Annual Sec-ular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Seeulnr Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. flj 1 e 1 < si on. & $ 1890-0. o 3 03 1 > S *\ -* 1 t; O *o3 C 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 S87S 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 2792 2832 2790 2793 2798 2799 2797 2811 3458 3459 3548 3460 346i 35i 3464 3463 3466 3465 3479 3478 3468 347' 3486 3469 3473 3470 3472 3474 3476 3475 348o 3493 3482 3483 3484 3485 3488 3487 3492 349 3491 3497 Groombridge 3458 ... Bradley 2792 6-9 5'5* 7'4* 7-8 8-3 7'5 4-5* 8'7 7-6 5-4* 7-6 8-1 6-9 6-8 8'4 6'5 7: 6-6 7-3* 6-8 4-8* 6-4 7'7 7'3 5'3* 6-6 6-8 3'i* 5'9* 7 '4 7'5 5-9* 8-ot 3-ot 7'3 8-8 8-5 6-7 7'8 6-8* 6-2* 7-8 7-8 8-1 8'4 6-5 7-0 8-6 8-5 6-7 h m s 21. 21. 4-916 21. 21. I7-I75 21. 21. 28-448 21. 21. 53-098 21. 22. 13-273 21. 22. 20-628 21. 22. 27-034 21. 22. 36-418 21. 22. 48-850 21. 22. 49-214 21. 22. 5I-I35 21. 22. 52-22I 21. 23. 22-I5I 21. 23. 29 663 21. 23. 47-923 21. 23. 49-084 21. 24. 4-708 21. 24. 22-976 21. 24. 39-521 21. 24. 47-868 21. 24. 57-875 21. 24. 58-272 21. 25. 2-70O 21. 25. 4-858 21. 25. 23-354 21. 25. 25-234 21. 25. 33-244 21. 25. 46-074 21. 25. 50-379 21. 26. I3-452 21. 26. 16-824 21. 26. 40-441 21. 27. 11-858 21. 27. 14-294 21. 27. 20-930 21. 27. 26-I7I 21. 27. 32-746 21. 27. 34-519 21. 27. 44-413 21. 27. 45'JOI 21. 27. 45728 21. 27. 46-989 21. 27. 48-906 21. 28. 6-838 21. 28. 17-320 21. 28. 18-997 21. 28. 19-587 21. 28. 34-674 21. 28. 36-308 21. 28. 40-374 8806 9f43 94-I7 89-42 91-67 96-80 94-88 92-11 89-50 96-60 95-08 92-47 9571 95-7I 93-68 9461 94-84 94'58 95^3 95 ' 2 4 93-10 89-41 96-15 89-04 93-46 95-06 96-04 93-88 91-99 94 '74 91-68 94-33 94'3 94-24 94-05 94-35 93 '33 95'S' 95-30 94-99 9571 96-20 95-87 96-27 96-43 96-19 92-76 93-06 93-06 93-6i 3 3 "3 5 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 54 6 3 3 5 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 7 4 4 4 7 4 4 4 3 3 3 8 ... + 2-0948 ... + 2-l8l2 42 11-1991 ... + 2-2531 ... + 2-2904 3 - 4-7328 ... + 3-4202 ... i + 2-1042 ... + 2-2898 ... + 2-6387 2 + I-9784 ... + 2-2435 2 0-4758 2 o'335 ... + 2-2980 ... + 3-3728 ... + 3'4767 I : + I -6601 ... + 2-8991 2 j 0-1652 - ' + 27145 ... + 2-25I7 I + 1-8364 ... + 2-2688 ... + 2-206I 2 + 1-8830 ... + 2-2103 ... + 3-1609 ... + 2-9007 ... + I-99II ... + 2-2591 ... + 1-9929 6 + 0-7916 12 + 0-7919 ... + 2-3231 ... : + 2-2787 ... + 2-2827 2 + 2-0276 2 + 1-5607 - + 2-1539 2 ! + 2-0125 - + 2-1573 2 + I-5643 ... |+ 2-1565 ... + 2-1550 ... + 2-1614 4 + 1-8067 ... + 2-0127 ... | + 2-0094 2 + 1-0625 s +0-0055 +0-0060 -3-1910 +0-0062 +0-0063 0-8671 0-0162 +0-0057 +0-0064 +o 0042 +0-0046 +0-0063 0-1305 0-1166 +0-0065 0-0145 o 0187 0-0007 O'OOOI 0-1028 +0-0034 +0-0065 +0-0028 +0-0066 +o 0065 +0-0036 +0-0065 0-0071 O'OOOI +0-0051 +0-0067 +0-0051 0-0348 0-0348 +0-0068 +0-0068 +0-0069 +0-0056 0-0031 +0-0065 +0-0054 +0-0066 0-0030 +0-0066 +0-0066 +o 0066 +0-0025 +0-0055 +0-0055 0-0214 8 +O-OI69 +0-03I9 +0-0057 +0-0077 +O-OO2I -0-0353 +0-0011 +0-0023 0-0006 +O'OOI2 +O-OOI2 O t II 41. 9. 2'II 43- 45- 42-88 3- 25- 9-3 1 46- 4- 5'S7 47- 21. 21-76 6 12. 23-53 112. I?. 906 41. II. 48-57 47. 14. 47-03 62. 52. I2-72 37- 43- 45'3 2 45- 35- 36-93 13. 22. 58-87 13. 55. 25-52 47. 24. 1-34 109. 37- 39-I9 115. 40. 28-00 30. 43. 43-00 78. 18. 53-12 14. 30. 20-27 66. 50. 35-62 45- 33- 29-13 34. 5. 20-60 46. 8. 35-38 43- 56. 3 98 35- 3- 47-21 44. 3. 20-44 96. 3. 17-54 78. 20. 44-94 37- 32- 57-27 45- 36. 3'6i 37- 3'. 33-85 19. 55. 23-98 19- 55- I9-49 47- 47- 4-I9 46. 7. 34-68 46. 15. 6 68 38. 17. 28-09 28. 36. 2-09 41. 54. 0-83 37- Si- 55-5 42. o. i -45 28. 38. 51-43 41. 55. 8-87 41. 50. 46-81 42. 2. 30-84 32. 58. 59-76 37- 44- 8-85 37. 39. 8-08 22. II. 32-52 88-06 9I-43 93-36 89-42 91-67 9676 94-88 92 ii 89-50 93-03 94-82 92-47 94-74 9571 93-68 94-61 94-84 94-41 95-16 95 24 92-45 89-41 95-64 89-04 93-46 94-90 96-04 93-43 91-83 9374 91-68 93-73 94-42 937 94-05 94-35 93-33 95-22 95-36 94-74 95-18 96-20 95-92 96-22 96-36 96-19 90-71 93-06 93-06 93-I4 3 3 57 5 3 3 6 3 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 4 A 3 H 3 4 3 3 3 3 40 5 2 3 4 3 36 3 3 3 3 3 6 5 4 4 6 3 4 3 3 3 3 22 2 2 5 2 I 2 I 2 6 19 2 3 2 3 3 3 // -15-422 -I5-433 -I5-445 -15-467 -15-485 I5-492 -I5-498 -15-507 -I5-5I9 -'5-5I9 -15-521 -15-522 15-549 -I5-556 -I5-573 -I5-574 -15-589 -15-605 -15-621 -15 627 -'5-637 -I5-637 15-642 15-644 15-660 15-662 -15-669 15-681 -15-685 -I5-705 -I5-709 I5-730 -I5-759 -15-761 15'767 -IS'??' -15-778 15-780 -15-788 -I5-789 -15-789 15-790 15-792 15-808 -15-817 -15-819 15-820 -15-833 -I5-834 -15-838 0-189 0-197 +1-048 0-203 0-206 +0-445 0-310 0-188 0-205 0-237 0-176 O-200 +0-051 +0-037 0-205 0-303 0-3I2 -0-145 0-258 +0-O22 0-241 0-199 0-161 0-2OO 0-194 0-165 0-194 0-281 0-257 0-174 0-198 0-174 0-065 0-064 0-203 0-198 0-199 0-176 0-134 0-187 0-174 0-187 -0-134 0-187 0-186 0-187 0-155 0-173 -0-173 0-088 // 0-056 0-018 +0028 +0-012 0-025 0-154 O-OO2 0-096 +0-001 +O'OI2 +O-OI2 Groombridge 3548 ... Groombridge 3460 . . . Groombridge 346 1 ... Bradley 2832 Groombridge 3464 ... Groombridge 3463 . . . ?S Vulpeculse ... Groombridge 3466 . . . Groombridge 3465 . . . Groombridge 3479 ... Groombridge 3478 ... Groombridge 3468 . . . Piazzi XXI. 145 Piazzi XXI. 148 Groombridge 347 1 . . . Lalande 41815 Groombridge 3486 . . . 2 Pe^asi Groombridge 3469 . . . Groombridge 3473 ... Groombridge 3470 ... 71 Cvcni . ...// Piazzi XXI. 170 Lalande 41897 22 Aquarii ... R W. B. XXI. 557 Groombridge 3476 . . . Groombridge 3475 ... Groombridge 3480... 8 Cephei ft 1 8 Cephei /3'' Grooinbridge 3482... Groombridge 3483 ... Groombridge 3484 . . . Groombridge 3485... Groombridge 3488 . Lalande 41990 . ... Groombridge 3487... B. D. +47 No. 3451 Oeltz. Arg. (N. ) 224 1 o B. D. +47No. 34 55 B. 1). +48 No. 3411 Lalande 42024 Groombridge 3492 . . . Groombridge 3490 ... Groom bridge 349 1 ... Groombridge 3497 ... 5867. The mngnitude of this star is taken from the Argentine General Catalogue, 1875. 5883, 5884. These stars form the pair 2 2806. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxxi} No. ~2 11 d K 1755- lo 04? =! to 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. s, 1 < - & o M d 1 0) 1 < d 1 g i 5901 5902 5903 5904 595 5906 5907 5908 5909 591 5911 5912 59 J 3 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 593 5931 593 2 5933 5934 5935 593 6 5937 5938 5939 5940 594' 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 2800 2801 2810 2809 2806 2808 ... 2818 2814 2815 2830 ... 3494 3496 3502 3495 35'9 3498 3500 3499 355 356 3507 354 35'6 35' 3517 3509 35'3 35H 3512 3527 3520 3522 3515 35i8 3523 3521 352S 3526 3524 3525 3538 3530 3535 353' 3529 37 Capricorni 5-9* 7'5 6-7J 8-2 7'4 8-1 4-2* 7'5 S-o* 7-6 5'9 6-9 4-5* 7-8 8-5 var. 4-8* 8-8 8-4 8-0 7-o 8-2 7-1 5-i 5-2* 9'ot 8'5t 7'i 9-0 6-4 6-2 7'4 8-6 8-4 6-3 7'3 ,8-4 5-0 '3'8* 8-3 17 -o >- 4 6-8 8-1 8-6 7'4 4-8" 7-8 8-4 6-5 b in s 21. 28. 40-381 21. 28. 43757 21. 28. 58-405 21. 29. 10-867 21. 29. 34-286 21. 29. 47-841 21. 2Q. 50-597 21. 30. I-O7O 21. 30. 17-007 21. 30. 31-324 21. 30. 40-039 21. 30. 53-842 21. 30. 55-250 21. 31. 1-542 21. 31- 33749 21. 31. 51-634 21. 31. 53-741 21. 31. 58-233 21. 32. 2-047 21. 32. 6-096 21. 32. 9-906 21. 32. 21-599 21. 32. 22-897 21. 32. 32-326 21. 32. 36-539 21. 32. 38717 21. 32. 40-098 21. 33. 14-872 21. 33. 18-381 21. 33. 20-631 21. 33. 23-148 21. 33. 24-287 21. 33. 25-479 21. 33. 30-888 21-33- 33-368 21- 33- 37-973 21. 33. 54-242 21. 33- 58-97I 21. 33- 59-738 21. 34. 2-277 21. 34. 14-887 21. 34. 17-566 21. 34. 31-835 21. 34. 32-446 21. 34. 52-336 21. 34- 53-73I 21. 34. 58-190 21. 35. 17-036 21. 35. 23-554 21- 35.25-I33 92-28 95-96 93-98 91-52 93-66 93-69 89-76 9377 91-84 90-93 95-36 90-99 9273 93-91 95-03 88-65 92-17 94-36 94-35 91-02 92-66 95-53 92-63 93-29 92-88 93-67 94-76 92-70 96-01 95-02 95-12 94-67 96-60 94-67 94-19 94-49 94-84 92-26 93-58 89-04 93-77 96-05 94-74 i 93-26 95-98 . 94-43 94-01 94-62 i 90-44 j 88-99 14 3 6 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 I3i 3 3 3 34 3 3 3 4 6 3 7 8 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 4 3 3 19 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 6 3 3 2 2 I 2 2 2 I 5 2 3 i i 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 + 3-3803 + 3-3828 + 3-436o + 1-8110 + f9858 + 1-0669 + 2-2550 - 0-5832 + 2-4368 + 2-4167 + 2-0638 + 2-3118 + 3-3665 + I-594I - 3-5792 + 2-2706 + 3''9o6 + 2-2971 + 2-3005 + 2-4216 + 1-2470 + f8374 + 1-2455 + 2-4014 + 2-7992 + I-8393 + 1-8394 + 2-2958 + 1-8426 + 2-4303 + i 1 240 + 2-0180 + 1-8396 + 2-0179 + 3-2286 + 2-3897 + 2-3936 + 1-9959 + 3-3i8i + 2-4283 + I-59I3 + 1-8471 + 2-1510 + 2-1455 + I-I445 + 2-0197 + 1-6110 + 3-3982 + 2-3124 + 2-4336 a 0-0152 -0-0153 0-0175 +0-0027 +0-0053 0-0213 +0-0071 0-1497 +0-0068 +0-0069 +0-0062 +0-0073 0-0148 0-0021 0-6558 +0-0073 0-0082 +0-0074 +0-0074 +O-OO7I 0-0138 +0-0034 O'OI39 +O-OO72 +O-OO25 +0-0035 +0-0035 +0-0075 +0-0036 +O-OO72 O-OI92 +0-0o6l +0-0035 +0-0061 0-0096 +0-0074 +0-0074 +0-0059 0-0130 +0-0073 O-OO2I +0-0037 +0-0073 +0-0073 O-OlS^ +0-0063 0-OOI5 0-0165 +O-O07S +0-0074 s 0-0026 +0-0007 0-0034 +0-0095 0-0009 +0-0058 O'OOIO +0-0053 +0-0119 +0-0046 O'OOI of" .110. 34. 28-24 i to. 44. 24-54 113. 56. 36-40 32. 56. 54-55 36- 53- S2-35 22. 6. 34-78 44- 53- 39-I3 12. 32. 57-66 51. 57. 32-16 51- 3- 16-43 38. 47. 30-24 46. 47. 16-00 i9- 57- 31-1 28. 41. 23-32 6. 54. 50-67 45- 7- 4'4 98. 20. 49-95 46- 3- 54-55 46. 10. 36-62 51. o. 48-65 23. 45. 50-44 33- I- 29-32 23. 43. 7-60 50. 4. 49-26 71. 10. 33-74 33- I- I9-I9 33. i. 20-13 45- 47- 50-14 32. 59. 30-01 51. 10. 40-19 22. 1 6. 27-02 37- 7- 1-15 32. 54. 37-86 37- 5- 45'44 101. 4. 18-76 49- 24. 43-53 49. 31. 51-81 36. 27. 11-54 107. 9. 32-29 50. 59. 8-23 28. ii. 40-46 32. 56. 6-09 40. 42. 2-50 40. 32. 3-96 22. l8. 35-91 36- 55- 2-13 28. 24. 50-55 112. 25. 40-22 46. 3. 22-70 50. 59. 0-95 92-28 95-96 93-98 90-74 93-66 93HI 88-92 93-54 91-84 90-93 95^3 90-99 92-66 94-24 95 -3 98-65 92-74 94-36 94-35 91-02 92-99 94-90 92-89 93-29 92-86 93-67 94-60 92-70 95-45 95-02 95''3 94-53 96-51 94-29 94-19 94-49 94-84 91-67 93-90 99-04 94-08 96-05 94-74 9277 95-65 94-43 91-28 94-62 90-44 88-99 14 3 6 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 '4 3 3 3 32 3 3 3 4 4 3 7 18 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 ] 4 j 3 19 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 6 6 3 3 2 2 (0 4 2 2 I 5 2 4 i i 3 2 I I 2 2 2 2 . 2 H -I5-838 -I5-84I -I5-854 15-866 I5-886 -I5-898 -I5-90I I5-910 15-924 -I5'937 -I5-945 -I5-957 -I5-958 15-964 I5-992 l6-008 16-010 16-013 16-017 16-020 16-024 16-034 -16-035 16-043 16-04!! 16-049 16-050 16-081 16-083 16-086 16-088 16-089 16-089 16-095 16-096 16-101 16-115 16-119 16-120 16-122 16-133 -16-135 16-147 16-147 16-165 16-166 i6-i7c 16-186 16-192 16-193 0-296 0-296 0-300 -0-155 0-170 0-088 0-193 +0-059 0-209 0-207 0-176 0-197 0-290 0-134 +0-322 -0-193 0-273 0-195 -0-195 0-206 O'IO2 0-154 O'IO2 0-203 0-238 0-154 0-154 -0-193 0-154 0-205 0-091 0-169 -0-153 0-169 0-274 0'2OI 0-2O1 O'l66 O'28l O-2O4 0-131 0-153 0-179 0-179 O-O92 0-167 0-I32 0-286 O-192 0-2O2 -0-033 +0-050 +0-105 0-105 +0-003 +0-022 0-009 O-O26 +0-013 0-130 +O-OI2 38 Capricorni PiazziXXI. 184 Groombridge 3494... Groonibridge 3496 ... Groombridge 3502... 7-1 (Jveui ...P Groombridge 3519 ... 72 Cvmii... Groombridge 3498... Groombridge 3500 . . . Groombridge 3499... 39 Capricorn! c PiazziXXI. 221 Lalande F. (2) 277... Lalande 42153 23 Aquarii Groombridge 3506... Groombridge 3507 ... Groombridge 3504... Groombridge 3516... Groombridge 3510... Groonibridge 3517... 74 Cygni 5 Pegasi Groonib.35i3(Oms) Groombridge 3513... Groombridge 3514... Oeltz. Arg. (X.) 22563-4 Piazzi XXI. 228 Groonibridge 3527 ... Groombridge 3520 . . . Oeltz.Arg.(N-) 22571 Groombridge 3522 ... W. B. XXI. 749 Groonibridge 3515... Groombridge 3518... Groombridge 3523.. 40 Capricorni y Groombridge 3521.. Piazzi XXI. 241 Groombridge 3526.. Groombridge 3524.. Groombridge 3525.. Groombridge 3538.. Groombridge 3530.. 9 Cephei Piazzi XXI. 230 . Groombridge 3531.. Groombridge 3529.. 5903. The magnitude of this star is taken from the Vrdmnndrln Aryiitina. 5914. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 02 442. 5916. The limits of magnitude are 5-0-6-3 and 6-1-67 : period 1^1^-^. 5926, 5927. These stars form the pair S 2813. 5942. This star is a close double, according to Dembowski (mag. 8'2 and io-o : dist. o"'9). GRKENWKH SMOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE for. 1890. {cxxii} SECOND TEX-YEAK CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. ~* Bjp Jj> a'S " J d H 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean K.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Animal Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. <- e "* *^ 1 '755- 0) 1 t 1 < C." 1 1 3 d g 0) 1 4 Below Pole. 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 597 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983 5984 5985 5986 5987 5988 5989 599 5991 5992 5993 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 2820 2819 2826 2821 2831 2854 2836 2828 2841 2835 2833 2834 2837 2848 2856 2847 2842 3533 3536 3532 3534 3542 3540 3539 3537 3541 3545 3544 3543 355' 355 3558 3546 3547 356o 3549 3552 3554 3556 3555 3557 356i 3559 3563 3562 3566 3564 Groombridge 3533... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)2264i Piaz?i XXI 248 .. 7-8 8-ot 6'3t 5'3* 7'9t 6-8 5-2* 5-3* 8-4 8-6 8-4 7-2 47* 7-8 7'5t 8'5t 6-2* 6-2* 6-4 8-6 6-5 6-2 7'i 8-2 7'5 8-6 5-3* 5-8* 8-0 7'5 7-0 6-3 6-2 8-9 5-5* 2-4* 6-8 8-0 5-2* 6-1* 4-4* 6-0 7'3 4-2* 6-9 8-7 4-8* 3-o* 5-0* 6-2 h in a 21. 35. 29-514 21. 35. 31-960 21. 35. 32-836 2i- 35- 33-996 21- 35- 34-I37 21. 35. 38-914 21. 35. 44-819 21. 35. 52-056 21. 35. 59-489 21. 36. 2-237 21. 36. 5-073 21. 36. 13-033 21. 36. 30-903 21. 36. 49-952 21. 36. 56-602 21- 36. 57-899 21- 37- 4-329 21. 37. 4-671 21. 37. 8-765 21. 37- iS'^o 21. 37- 17-671 21. 37. 22-656 21. 37- 37-787 21. 37- 39-564 21- 37- 45^46 21. 37- 53-086 21. 37. 57-310 21. 38. 0-556 21. 38. 7-488 21. 38. 7-635 21. 38. 12-193 21. 38. 15-303 21. 38. 38-552 21. 38. 4I-OOO 21. 38. 41-221 21. 38. 46-962 21. 3 8. 57-843 21. 39. 3-276 21. 39. 8-397 21. 39. 13-050 21. 39. 18-146 21. 39. 26783 21. 39. 27-528 2'- 39- 39-820 21. 40. 15-347 21. 40. 18-488 21. 40. 18-565 21. 40. 58-128 21. 41. 16-689 21. 41. 20'OSl 94-29 94-62 94-62 95-I7 94-62 88-96 95-26 92-01 95-43 94-I7 94-11 93-42 92-11 90-20 89-82 89-82 93-4I 9I-93 94-65 95-28 95-02 88-65 93-54 94-98 88-30 95-99 93-01 94-54 95-96 9279 95-00 9S-75 95-72 95-14 95-I3 93-ii 93-39 96-62 96-70 87-65 96-42 95-79 94-05 9S-49 95' 6 5 92-99 95-35 93-04 94-37 93'79 3 5 5 6 5 4 6 3 3 4 3 3 15 4 3 3 5 3 3 6 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 7 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 86 3 3 4 3 3 3 3i 5 3 3 5 53 3 3 I I I I 2 4 24 i i 5 8 + 2-0686 + I-8593 + I-8596 + 3-2768 + f8598 + 2-3I38 + 3-4I89 + 2-3449 + f65I5 + 1-8634 + 2-0340 + 2-I639 + 3-3479 + 2-4400 + I-8656 + 1-8657 + 3-3586 + I-9832 + 2-4IO6 + 1-6653 + I76I9 + 2-5266 + 0-8367 I-667I + 2-4423 + 3^554 + 2-4076 + 3^42 + 0-829I + 2-4089 + 2-3759 + 2-0878 + 2-1800 + 2-9445 + 2-4086 + 2-9450 + 1-8735 + 3 " 2 24 + 3-2027 + 2-8765 + 2-8393 + 1-8037 + 2-0912 + 2-7119 + 2-2698 + 2-4519 + 0-8743 + 3-3001 + 3-5369 + 2-1076 i +0-0068 +0-0040 +0-0040 0-0115 +0-0041 +0-0078 0-0175 +0-0078 0-0004 +0-0041 +0-0065 +0-0076 0-0144 +0-0075 +0-0043 +0-0043 0-0149 +0-0060 +0-0077 O'OOOO +0-0023 +0-0069 0-0351 0-3108 +0-0076 0-0149 +0-0078 0-0119 0-0354 +0-0079 +0-0080 +0-0073 +0-0079 0-0005 +0-0079 0-0005 +0-0046 0-0087 0-0088 +0-0013 +O-OO22 +0-0033 +0-0075 +0-0047 +0-0084 +O-OO79 0-0336 O-OI27 O-O239 +0-0078 8 O-OIO6 +0-0055 +0-O058 +0-OO72 O-OOI4 +0-0245 +O-OOO3 0-0036 O-OO28 +O'OOO8 +0-0039 0-O023 +0-OI52 +O'O02O O'OOO +O-O2O7 +0'0l66 O-OO62 O 1 II 38. 8. 6-75 33. o. 11-28 33. o. 30-25 104. 32. 16-46 33- - 36-23 46. 3- 58-15 1 13- 45- 36-27 47- '3- SI'S' 28. 56. 29-37 33- o- 52-74 37. 6. 0-46 40. 48. 56-73 109. 23. 2 '6O 51. i. 34-42 32- 55- 4-05 32. 54. 56-97 1 10. 7. 22-69 35. 37. 41-06 49- 4i. 38-75 28. 59- 43-68 30. 44. 52-58 54- 59- 28-37 19. ii. 16-95 9- 19- 13-94 50. 58. 33-62 no. 0.41-82 49- 25- 30-70 105. 15. 11-24 19. 4. 27-53 49. 27. 18-56 48. 3. 41-27 38. 12. 36-91 40. 54. 8-54 80. 35- 54-94 49. 20. 52-13 So. 37. 44-87 32. 45. 59-90 99. 32. 31-56 99- 35- !5'03 75- 43- 45 '44 73- 9- 16-98 31- 13- 57-89 38. 5. 46-19 64-5'- 37-45 43- 38. 35-83 5- 57- 43-9I 19. ii. 42-14 106. 37. 34-66 121. 24. 24-55 38. 14. 21-32 94-29 94-83 94-48 94-06 94-83 89-40 96-75 89-63 95-43 94-27 94-11 93H2 92-25 90-99 89-82 89-82 93-41 92-07 94-65 95-28 94-94 88-65 94-62 94-08 88-30 95-99 93-01 94-54 95-88 9279 95-00 95-7S 95-72 9671 95-02 92-93 93-85 96-62 96-04 87-65 93-38 95-92 92-33 95-34 95-67 92-99 92-55 92-50 94-37 93-79 3 4 5 8 4 3 5 7 3 3 3 3 '3 3 3 3 5 3 3 6 4 3 3 4 3 j 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 65 3 3 6 3 5 3 3 8 2 3 13 36 3 3 i i i i 3 3 2 I 2 12 16-197 -16-199 l6'2OO l6'20I l6'20I 16-205 l6'2IO 16-216 16-223 16-225 16-227 16-234 16-250 16-266 16-272 -16-273 16-278 -16-279 16-282 16-287 16-290 16-294 16-307 16-308 16-313 -16-319 -16-323 16-326 -16-331 -16-332 -16-336 -16-338 -16-358 16-360 16-360 -16-365 -16-374 -16-379 -16-383 -16-387 16-391 -16-399 16-399 16-410 16-439 16-441 16-442 -16-475 16-491 -16-493 0-171 -0-153 o-jss 0-275 -0-153 0-192 0-287 0-194 -0-135 -0-153 0-167 -0-179 0-279 O'2OI 0-152 0-152 0-279 0-I62 0-198 -0-135 0-143 0'208 0-064 +0-149 O'2OO 0-277 -0-197 -0-27I -0-063 -0-197 0-194 0-170 0-177 0-241 0-196 0-241 0-151 0-262 0-262 -235 0-231 0-144 0-168 O'22O -0-183 0-198 0-066 0-267 0-286 0-168 +0-299 +0-106 O'OII +0-003 +0-045 +0-08 +O-OO2 +0-05 O'OIO O'OII +Q-OI O'O2O +0-103 +0-004 O'OIO 0-080 +0-297 -0-035 42 Capricorn! Oeltz.Arg.(N.) 22648 Groombridge 3532... 41 Capricorn! 7c Cvfirni Groombridge 3542... Groombridge 3540... Groombridge 3539... Groombridge 3537... 43 Capricorni.. ...,/c Groombridge 3541... PiazziXXI. 256 Radcliffe 5356 Piazzi XXI. 243.. Groombridge 3544... 76 Cveni. Groombridge 3551... Groombridge 3550... W. B. (2) XXI. 889 Bradley 2854 Lalande F. 3912 Groombridge 3546... Lalande 42322. 77 Cvgrni... 45 Capricorni Groombridge 3560... PiazziXXI. 261 Groombridge 3552... Groombridge 3554... Groombridge 3556... B. D. +9 No. 4890 Bradley 2841 8 Pegasi f Piazzi XXI. 277 Bradley 2833 46 Capricorni.... ,C W. B. XXI. 908 9 Pegasi Groombridge 3561... Groombridge 3559... 10 Pegasi K Groombridge 3563... Groombridge 3562... li Cephei.... 49 Capricorni 8 10 Piscis Australis Groombridge 3564... 5952, 5953, 5955- These stars form the triple system 3 2816. 5958. This star is a close double, and forms the pair A.C. 20. 59^5, 5966. These stars form the pair 2 2819. 5979- This star is a close double, and forms the pair 3 688. 5994. This star is a close double, and forms the binary 989. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. (cxxiii) . , No. of No. of fe >, o o - Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular B_B a b <> Mean R.A., Preces- Varia- Annual Mean N.P.D., HT Preces- Varia- Annual No. pi -PQ !H Hjj Star's Name. O 1890-0. Date. 1 1 sion, tion, Proper Motion. 1890-0. Mean Date. air South 802. The magnitudes are taken from the Annals of tlie Royal Obseroalory, Cape of Good Hope, Vol. II. Part 2. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxxv j No. of No. of !| 8 O . O OJ Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular C'c' Mean R.A., T Preces- Varia- Annual MeanN.P.D., M Preces- Varia- Annual No. .s! .s!I Star's Name. d 73 3 lueau 1890-0. Date - ^ sion, tion, Proper Motion. 111 CO, 11 1890-0. Date - sion, tion, Proper Motion. d * o" K -M '1 1800 + o 1 z 1890-0. 1890-0. ! 1800 + ? s | 3 1890-0. 1890-0. '755- 1810. S n < h in s s s 8 O ' " n 6101 2QOO Me 1 6 Cephei 5'2* 21. 57. 40-530 93'6l '44 9 + 0-8948 0-0373 O-OI44 17. 20. 36-86 9VS9 36 13 17-264 0-059 +0-176 6102 *y\j^i j" j 3656 Groombridge 3656... 7-6 21. 58. 2-085 94'47 3 2 + 1-8474 +o 0062 28. 58. 26-34 94-51 3 2 17-280 O-I29 6103 3661 Groombridge 366 1 . . . 7-8 21. 58. 8-337 94-87 3 2 + 1-5815 0-OOI5 24. 26. 51-28 9475 3 2 17-284 0-109 6104 3653 Groombridge 3653 . . 7'7 21. 58. 13-409 89H4 3 + 2-4565 +O-OIO5 47. 42. 59-86 > 90-35 2 17-2881 0-174 6105 2892 3657 14 Cephei 5-5* 21. 58. 22724 90-95 4 3 + 2-0117 +O-OO92 O-OO23 32. 31. 49-55 91 ''4 4 4 -17-295 0-I4I +0-003 6106 3658 Piazzi XXI. 386 8-i 21. 58. 23-657 92-I3 3 3 + 2-0098 +0-0092 32. 28. 53-29 92-17 3 3 17-296 0-I4I 6107 3655 Groombridge 3655... 5-6* 21. 58. 30-282 96-75 5 + 2-4170 +0-0108 45. 52. 50-26 96-74 4 17-300 0-I7I 6108 ... 3659 Groombridge 3659... 8-6 21. 58. 56-577 95-14 3 + 2-4190 +O-OIO9 45- 52- 30-75 95-I4 3 17-320 0-I70 6109 ... 3668 Groombridge 3668... 8-0 21. 59. 15-278 95-29 3 2 + 1-6107 0-O004 24. 41. 37-94 95-I5 3 2 -17-334 O'HI 6110 3662 Groombridge 3662... 8-2 21. 59. 22-67I 94-48 3 + 2-4196 +O-QUO 45. 48. 26-01 94-48 3 - -I7-339 0-170 6111 ... ! 3663 Groombridge 3663... 7'4 21. 59. 24-645 9577 4 + 2-4228 +0-0109 45. 56. 31-03 95-45 3 -I7-34I 0-170 6112 ... 3666 Groombridge 3666... 7'4 21. 59. 25-026 94-83 3 + 2-1365 +0-0107 35. 39. 8-68 94-82 3 17-341 0-149 6113 B. D. iNo. 4245 9-1 21. 59- 35-674 95-64 4 + 3-0869 0-0043 91. 14. 077 95-64 4 I7-349 0-218 6114 ... 3664 Piazzi XXI. 392 6'8 21. 59- 38787 94-07 3 + 2-4295 +O-QIIO 46. n. 16-51 94-07 3 -I7-35I 0-170 6115 W. B. XXI. 1341.... 6-6 21. 59. 44'154 8872 4 + 2-9020 +O " OO22 75. 43. 2-36 88-72 4 -I7-355 0-204 6116 ... : 3671 Groombridge 367 1 ... 6-1 21. 59. 52-952 94-46 3 4 + 1-6023 0-0007 24. 28. 6-88 92-97 5 4 17-361 0-109 6117 2891 22 Pegasi 4-8* 22. 0. 7-899 93-10 3 + 3-0197 O-OOI7 +0-OO49 85. 28. 44-81 93-10 3 17-372 0-212 0-107 6118 2800 \A <\nuarii ^ 7-2* 22. O. S'OII O9"37 7 1 + vo82<; 0*0041 n-oof5 90. 51. 14*62 91*89 47 17-372 0-217 O'OO2 6119 *>vyu . . . 2QO2 ^67O 15 Cephei J 6-7* 22. O. 18747 7 J* Q-V82 6 4 1 J *-"-'*,) -}- I'Q"-;O2 +O-OO8 1 ; 4-o-on/i T.O. 4.1. 6*Q5 Q-""O6 4 2 17-380 O'IT.4 +O-OO2 6120 7 . J*s/ 2889 33 Aquarii t 4-3* 22. O. 29*740 yj QA'26 ii i yj + V24."5^ i v ** v j O'OI 12 i - ^ n-nono j w * *TJ. yj 104. 24. 1 1 "21 94-26 II 17-388 0-228 +O-049 6121 ... 3669 Groombridge 3669 . . . T^ J 6-8 22. 0. 34-905 y-r 94-04 3 J tO J + 2-3663 +O-OII5 43. 18. 1-76 y*r " 94-04 3 17-392 0-164 6122 W. B. (2) XXI. 1472 7'9 22. 0. 36-212 95-96 3 + 2-4248 +0-OII2 45. 46. 18-34 95-96 3 '7 "393 0-169 6123 3674 Piazzi XXI. 401 6'9 22. 0. 37-631 95-56 5 3 + 1-9506 +0-0086 30- 39- 59'98 94-96 4 2 I7-394 0-134 6124 Oeltz.Arg.(N.)23355i7'5 22. 0.41732 96-23 4 2 + '-9529 +0-0086 30. 42. 12-58 96-02 3 2 -I7-397 0-134 6125 Oeltz.Arg.(N.)2336o ; 8-o 22. o. 51741 96-17 3 2 + 1-9507 +0-0086 30. 37. 20-15 95-97 3 '4 17-404 0-134 6126 3672 Groombridge 3672... 6-3 22. 0. 54-293 9071 3 + 2-3799 +o-oii5 i 43- 47- 21-56 90-7I 3 ... 17-406 0-I65 6127 3673 Groombridge 3673... 7-8 22. 0. 59-476 95-36 3 ! + 2-2484 +0-0116 38. 49- 59-57 95-20 4 ... 17-410 -0-155 6128 Carrington 3400 8-2 22. I. 5-164 95-53 4 2 10-8165 4 '3679: ... 2. 43. 57-88 95-53 4 2 17-414 +0-788 1 6129 ... 3683 Groombridge 3683 ... 8 7 22. I. I2-79O 96-16 34 I + 1-6488 +0-OOIO! 24. 56. 49-39 1 96-09 3 I I7-4I9 O'II2 i 6 '3 Radcliffe 5555 8-1 22. I. 13-900 96-57 3 I + 1-8864 +0-0074 29. 10. 29-33 96-53 3 I 17-420 O-I29 ! 6131 3684 Groombridge 3684 ... 8 ' 5 22. I. 15-054 95-91 2 I + 1-6392 +0-0007 +0-0227 24. 47- 38-ii 95-88 2 i 17-421 O'HI O-II3 ! 6132 3682 Groombridge 3682 ... 7 2 22. I. 15-852 96-57 4 I + 1-8878 +0-0074 29. ii. 49-36 96-46 3 i 17-422 0-129 j 6133 3675 Piazzi XXI. 404 7-0 22. I. 23-313 94-46 3 + 2-4207 +0-0113 ... 45. 25. 22-11 94-46 3 ... 17-427 0-167 ' 6134 3677 Groombridge 3677... 8-3 22. I. 29'CIOI 95-39 3 + 2-4360 +O-OII2 46. 4. 48-75 95 '39 3 ... 17-431 0-168 i 6l 35 3679 Groombridge 3679 ... 5-3* 22. I. 34716 93-57 5 ... + 2-4240 +O-OII; 45- 3'- I4-59 93'27 4 -. -'7-435 0-I67 6136 3688 Groombridge 3688 ...'8-4 22. I. 44-258 96-05 6 + 1-6507 +0-OOII 24. 53. 24-18 95 '93 5 17-442 O'lII 6137 3681 Groombridge 3681... 6'5 22. i. 45'3 10 93-86 3 + 2-4195 +0-0114 45- 17- 12-95 93-86 3 17-442 0-167 6138 2910 3686 19 Cephei 5-2* 22. I. 45-432 93-84 4 2 + 1-8452 +0-0066 +O'OIO< 28. 15. 18-34 92-63 4 3 -'7-442 0-125 +o - 33 6139 2899 4-0* 22. I. 53-380 93-02 43 + 2-7679 +0-0061 +O-02og 65. n. 30-87 92-90 40 ... -I7-448 0-191 O'02O 6140 2935 3707 Bradley 2935 7-5 22. 2. 8"o6l 92-35 3 ..< 1-8173 0-4235 0-0706 7- 39- 3532 92-29 7 ... -'7-459 +0-138 +0-033 . 6141 Oeltz.Arg.(N.)234209'o 22. 2. 8-642 93'20 4 + 1-8500 +0-0067 28. 16. 26-02 93-20 4 ... 17-460 0-125 ': 6142 3709 Groombridge 3709 ... [8 - o 22. 2. 14-904 92-35 3 - 1-8137 0-4234 0-0635 7- 39- 3172 91-32 5 ... 17-464 +0-137 O-OI4 ; 6143 ... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)23407 8-8 22. 2. 27-563 95'97 3 + 2-3762 +0-0117 43. 17. 26-42 95 '97 3 ... -'7-473 0-163 6144 3687 Groombridge 3687... 6-5 22. 2. 30-998 9172 3 ... + 2-2550 +0-0119 38. 43- 50-30 91-72 3 .- -I7-475 0-154 6145 3689 Groombridge 3689... 8-6 22. 2. 43'797 95-62 3 + 2'2l6l +0-0118 -0-055 37- 23- 44-38 95-62 3 ... 17-485 0-151 +0-35 6146 2898 35 Afjuarii 5-8* 22. 2. 56-969 93-65 5 + 3-2983 0-0141 0-0022 109. 3. 28-83 93-65 5 ... I7-494 0-228 O'OO2 6147 3690 Groombridge 3690... 5'4 22. 3. 2I-2O4 93-02 3 + 2-2152 +0-0119 37. 13. 48-23 9'"37 3 ... -I7'5" 0-150 ! 6148 3691 Piazzi XXII. 4 7-0 22. 3. 27-181 94-04 3 2 + 2-0184 +0-0101 31. 41. 46-05 93'69 3 2 -17-515 0-136 ' 6149 ... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)23 4 628'7 22. 3- 37-34I 96-48 44 2 + 2-1098 +0-OII2J 34- I- 45'09 96-40 4 2 I7-523 0-142 6150 3693 Groombridge 3693 ... 8-2 22. 4- 5'49I 95-83 6 2 + 2-II09 +0-0113 33- 57- 36-51 95-36 4 2 I7-543 0-142 : 1 6107. This star is a close double, and forms the pair /3 694. {cxxvi} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. 6151 6152 6i5J 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 6i73 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6iSS 6189 6190 6191 6192 6i93 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 ~ B Ss- =1 o h 1755- a o g eg C'C - j3 & 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. MeanN.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + Jlo. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Above Pole. f o 2 < J O I 2915 2914 2908 2909 2913 2917 2919 2920 2925 2932 2927 2922 2934 2938 2928 3692 3695 37' 3696 3697 3702 3698 3694 37" 3699 3704 3700 3706 3705 3708 3710 37i8 3713 3723 379 3715 3714 37i6 3720 3721 3724 3722 3726 3727 Groombridge 3692 .. 27 Pesrasi . .. 7-2 5-7* 8-9 3-8* 6'5 7'5 5'4* 6-0 8-1 6-1* 7-8 6'2 4-4* 7-2 7 '4 7-8 8-0 7-8 7-6 7-8 7'9 6-5 6-7 6-2* 6-3* 3'5* 8-2 7'4 8-8 5-0* 5'3* 5-6* 8'2t 6-7 6-2t 6-6 8-1 7-0 4-6* 7'7 7'4 7'9 7'J 7 '9 7'6 8-5 8-9 6-8 9'3 5-7* h m a 22. 4. 20'049 22. 4. 21 '144 22. 4. 27-978 22. 4. 3 8 '99S 22. 4 . 39715 22. 4. 41-309 22. 4. 44-59 8 22. 4. 49 '604 22. 4. 49-900 22. 4. 56-079 22. 4. 56-137 22. 5. 1-548 22. 5. 6-099 22. 5. 7-927 22. 5. 11-769 22. 5. 11-987 22. 5. 15-609 22. 5. 54-I34 22. 6. II-86I 22. 6. 26-942 22. 6. 29-2II 22. 6. 29-821 22. 6. 32-536 22. 6. 45-546 22. 7. 0-132 22. 7. 2-255 22. 7. 4'6l8 22. 7. 28-260 22. 7. 34-999 22. 7.4I-487 22. 7. 46-665 22. 8. 4-641 22. 8. 5-320 22. 8. 5-814 22. 8. 8-004 22. 8. 8-951 22. 8. I2'562 22. 8. 19-030 22. 9- 9'455 22. 9. I2-287 22. 9. I3-000 22. 9. I9-I23 22. 9. 22*896 22. 9. 29-602 22. 10. H'955 22. 10. I7'738 22. 10. 20 : 353 22. IO. 22-OI3 22. IO. 48-234 22. IO. 54-659 89-45 94-I5 9S-32 91-92 96-68 95 '37 9I-45 95-48 95-45 9275 95-I4 9277 93'SS 95-5i 94-16 92-06 96-30 9373 88-77 94-89 92-25 93-62 91-99 93 '64 92-33 94-29 94-69 95 '33 94-37 96-44 92-23 93 - o9 93-73 93-80 94-73 91-90 95-63 95-32 92-27 95-30 93 '47 93-63 95-22 93-77 93-86 94-14 95'36 95-53 9S-64 91-94 3 IO 24 "4 6 3 13 5 6 3 3 3 12 3 74 3 3 3 4 34 5 IO 3 6 30 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 64 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 9 3 8 2 2 2 2 2 5 I 3 2 7 2 2 2 3 2 I 4 I I I 5 2 I 2 2 i + 2-3696 + 2-6586 + 1-9272 + 3-0086 + 3-2020 + 1-1245 + 3-2107 + 3-1267 + i 9324 + 3-3295 + 1-9256 + 2-9111 + 2-6610 + 1-1150 + I-9386 + 2-4812 + 2-0331 + 0-8172 + 2-3806 + I-793I + 2-4904 + 3-2396 + 2-8964 + 3'3937 + 3-1308 + 2-0734 + 2-2698 + 2-2689 + 2-1822 + I-I590 + 2-0314 + 3-4104 + 1-3872 + 1-1907 + I-3877 + 2-0480 + 3-0689 + 2-1931 + 2-5660 f4i75 + 2-1927 + 2-1883 + 2-0498 + 2-2834 + 2-2847 + 2-1962 + 2-1968 + 1-8844 + 3-0532 + 3-2182 +O-OI2I +0-0088 +0-OO87 O'OOII 0-0094 0-0239 0-0098 0-0059 +0-0089 0-0159 +0-0088 +0-0024 +0-0089 0-0246 +0-0090 +0-0115 +0-0106 0-0460 +O"O12<( +0-0058 +0-OII7 O'OIII +O-OO3O o-oigJ 0-0061 +O'OII^ +0-0128 +0-0129 +0-0125 0-0224 +0-0110 O-O2IO 0-0097 O-O2O5 0-0096 +O-OII3 0-003; +0-0128 +O-OII2 0-3690 +0-OI29 +O-OI29 +0'OIl6 +0-0133 +0-0134 +0-OI32 +0-OI32 +0-0087 0-OO26 O-OIO4 s 0-0050 +0-0177 +0-0018 +0-0008 O-OO02 O-OO20 O-OO05 0-0047 0-0016 +O-OO2I +0-0056 +o-ooo< O'OOO +0-0140 0-0066 0-0015 o / " 42. 36. 17-39 57. 21. 53-82 29- 24. 55-54 84. 20. 35'6l IOI. 21. 42-25 18. 18. 38-37 102. 6. 21 'l8 94. 48. 26-75 29. 27. 25-22 III. 46. 22'OI 29. 17. 25-40 75- 54- 37-I9 57. 2J. 41-50 18. 10. i -2i 29. 31. 1-28 47. 21. 13-19 31. 41. 14-99 IS- 48. I8-I7 42. 37. 38-08 26. 25. 6'59 47- 3- 37-86 104. 44. 7-90 74. 30. 4-78 116. 52. 12-56 95- '5- 46-93 32. 20. 27-21 38. 13. 47-95 38- 6. 45-93 35. 16. 29-90 18. 12. 2-31 31. 7. 40-42 118. 18. 43-15 20. 24. 42-92 18. 25. 49-47 20. 24. 39-87 31. 27. 40-17 89. 40. 1-56 35. 26. 44-14 50. 49. 50-33 7. 52. 48-42 35. 13. 52-00 35- 4- 26-39 31. 14. 46-89 38. 9. 11-69 38. i. 57-10 35- 5- 45-75 35. 6. 23-29 27. 22. 59-89 88. ii. 45-12 103. 22. 47-57 89-45 93-95 95-4I 92-69 96-68 95-23 91-77 94-64 95-11 92-75 95-I3 92-77 93-55 94-50 93-09 92-06 96-30 937' 88-77 94-85 92-21 93-62 91-58 93-64 92-33 94-20 94-22 95'49 94-41 96-29 91-51 93-09 93-44 92-63 94-57 91-50 95-63 95-06 91-13 95-32 93 '37 93-32 95-i 93-77 93-86 94-14 95-36 95-43 95-64 91-94 3 ii 24 25 6 3 12 5 5 3 3 3 12 54 4 3 4 4 5 16 3 6 30 3 4 3 3 3 5 3 ii 5 3 3 4 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 9 3 8 2 2 2 2 5 4 I 3 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 I 12 I I I 4 2 I 2 2 -I7-553 -I7-554 -I7-559 17-566 -17-567 -17-568 -17-571 -I7-574 -I7'574 -I7-578 -I7-578 -17-582 -I7-585 -I7-587 -17-589 -17-589 -I7-592 -17-619 17-631 17-642 17-643 17-644 17-646 -17-655 -17-665 17-666 17-668 -17-684 17-689 -17-693 -17-697 -17-709 17-709 17-710 17-711 17-712 -17-715 17-719 -I7-753 -I7-755 -I7-755 17-760 -17-762 17-767 -I7-795 -17-799 17-801 17-802 -17-819 -17-824 n -0-159 0-180 0-128 0-204 0-218 0-072 0-218 O'2I2 0-128 O-226 -0-128 0-197 0-179 0-071 0-128 -0-166 -0-135 O-O49 0-158 O-II7 O-I65 O-2I7 -0-193 O-227 0'2O8 0-136 0-149 0-148 O-I42 O-O72 0-I32 0-226 0-088 0-074 0-087 O-I32 O-2O2 0-I42 0-166 +0-104 0-141 0-140 0-131 0-147 0-146 0-140 0-140 0-119 0-197 0-207 // +0-061 0-036 0-047 O'OIO +0-01 +0-005 +0-035 +O-O22 +0-006 +0-007 +0-020 +0-012 +0-038 -0-068 +0-01 0-005 Groombridge 3695 . . . 26 Pegasi v Groombridge 3701 .. 38 Aquarii ...e 2 Bradley 2913 Groombridge 3696 .. Piazzi XXI 419 Groombridge 3697... W. B. XXII. 51 29 Pegasi . T Groombridge 3702 . . . Groombridge 3698... Piazzi XXII. 8 Piazzi XXII. 16 ... Groombridge 3711... Groombridge 3699... Piazzi XXII. 24 Groombridge 3700... 39 Aquarii Piazzi XXII. 15 Lalande 43293-4 Bradley 2920 21 Cephei Groombridge 3705.. Groombridge 3708 .. Groombridge 3710.. 24 Cephei 22 Cephei A 16 Piscis Australia A Groomb. 3719 (Comes). Bradley 2934 Groombridge 3719... Groombridge 3715... W. B. XXII. 112.... Groombridge 3714... Piazzi XXII. 36 Lalande 43607. Groombridge 3720... Groombridge 3721... Groombridge 3724... Groombridge 3722... Groombridge 3726... Groombridge 3727... Radclifie 5627... Bradley 2938 B. D. +1 No. 4598 6183, 6185. These stars form the pair 5 2883. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxxvii} Tt , No. of No. of '? >> H o Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular 2 CD Ml Mean R.A., Preces- Varia- Annual Mean N.P.D., Preces- Varia- Annual No. *l Star's Name. oj a 1890-0. Mean Date. (j 1 1 sion, tion, Proper Motion. 1890-0. Mean Date. 1 1 sion, tion, Proper Motion. O fe & ."t* 1800 + O C is 1890*0. 1890-0. 1800 + (D 1890*0. 1890-0. 1 j o 1 O 1755- 1810. ~ 22. 1 8. 42*840 89-28 4 3 .2102 + 2-5666 +0-0131 48. 29. 49-13 y* j^ 89-28 *^ 4 ... 18-126 7 J 0-I52 6246 3755 Groombridge 3755... 8-0 22. l8. 51*405 93-07 4 2 + 2*2667 +0*0154 35* '9- 23-74 92-68 4 2 18-131 0-134 6247 3758 Groombridge 3758... 6-3 22. l8. 56*645 93'6o 3 2 + 2*2030 +0*0151 33* l6 - l8 "33 93-28 4 2 -18-135 0-129 6248 3757 Piazzi XXII. 92 7'3 22. 18. 59*135 94-31 5 2 + 2*2455 +0-0153 34- 35- 35-33 94-04 5 2 -18-136 0-I32 6249 3770 Groombridge 3770... 7-8 22. 19. 7*232 2 3 + 0-6008 0-0735 12. 58. 41-18 91-90 2 4 18-141 O-O3O 6250 2956 376i 3 Lacertse /3 4-5* 22. 19. I4*O2I 94-13 16 3 + 2-3525 +o 0154 0-0036 38. 19. 19-18 94-18 17 3 18-146 0-I38 +0-203 6229. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 8 379- 6242, 6243. These stars form the pair 2 2903. {cxxviii} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. Z | >. *2 11 4 '755- a 11 .S.S 4 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. O 1 g I OJ 1 _0 - pa j o PH 0} 1 4 W 1 o 1 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 2958 2953 2954 2993 2997 ... 2960 2961 2963 2966 2970 2968 2964 2971 2967 2980 3759 3763 3764 3765 3776 3767 3768 3778 3769 3771 3772 3773 3820 3774 3775 3824 3784 378i 3779 3788 378o 3796 3782 3795 3785 3786 3790 3787 3789 3793 3792 3809 Groonibriilge 3759... W. B. XXII. 368.... Groonibridge 3763... 4 Lacerte 7-2 7-8 8-5 4'6* 6-3* 8-0 8-7 6-st 6-3* 7-0 8-6 8-0 7 '4 7-2 6-8 8-3 5-4* 8-4 7'4 6-5 8-3 8-0 7-8 4'it 4-ot 7'6 8-0 7-2 5-9* 7-0 7-o 79 8-9 7-0 6-8 8'2 7'5 & rr 5-5* 6-5 8-3 4'3* 6-5 8-2 6'3 4-6* 6-8 5-8* h m 3 22. 19. 14-673 22. 19. 15-458 22. 19. 31-225 22. 20. 3-371 22. 20. 5-578 22. 2O. 22'544 22. 2O. 23-786 22. 20. 35-696 22. 2O. 36-151 22. 2O. 39-250 22. 2O. 42711 22. 20. 54-605 22. 20. 58-231 22. 21. 29-494 22. 21. 36-821 22. 21. 41-247 22. 21. 58-810 22. 21. 59-314 22. 22. 9-927 22. 22. 24-337 22. 22. 27-828 22. 22. 42-039 22. 22. 52-094 22. 23. 9-914 22. 23. IO-IO3 22. 23. 18-916 22. 23. 21'120 22. 23. 29-552 22. 23. 36-764 22. 23. 47-950 22. 23. 51715 22. 23. 59-743 22. 24. 0-6 1 8 22. 24. 8-554 22. 24. 23-654 22. 24. 30-400 22. 24. 38-053 22. 24. 49*462 22. 24. 49-511 22. 2 4 . 56739 22. 24. 59-880 22. 25. 3-838 22. 25. 9-111 22. 25. 15-072 22. 25. 29-293 22. 25. 30-796 22. 25. 37-175 22. 25. 44-369 22. 25. 51-349 22. 25. 52-424 95'23 89-19 94-06 94'7i 95-66 89-71 92-43 93-82 93-82 93-86 95-04 93^3 93-05 92-19 94-06 91-52 9I-55 94-3 90-43 93-07 95-50 94-66 95-38 91-92 94-50 92 60 9466 94-38 91-06 96-64 95-58 94-38 96-05 89-91 93-44 94'3 6 92-76 96-00 93-I5 92-45 93-45 9575 96-46 9675 95-78 96-16 94 '5 " 94-20 88-98 95-8S 3 4 3 12 3 3 2 5 5 3 3 3 3 7 4 5 87 34 3 2 4 4 3 8 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 5 3 3 4 20 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 4i 2 I I 3 i i 2 I I 63 3 3 ?. 3 i 2 I 2 I + 2-3789 + 2-9798 + 2-2724 + 2-4247 + 3-3267 + 2-5051 + 0-8834 + 3-2475 + 3-2475 + 2-3865 + 2-2838 + 1-0596 + 2-4090 + 2-3262 + 2-3237 + 2-3286 4-0590 + 2-3297 + 2-3233 4-2183 I-4074 + I 'I H7 + 1-6149 + 3-0781 + 3-0781 + 2-3982 + 1-1298 + 2-3974 + 3-3587 0-5208 + 0-7378 + 2-4071 + 0-9525 + 3-2026 + 3-2191 + 2-4281 + 2-4065 + 2-1036 + 3"i797 + 2-4919 + 2-7358 + 2-3405 + 2-3887 + 3-4201 + 2-3903 + 1-4543 + 3-1050 + 2-5817 + 3-1808 + 0-5118 +0-0153 +0-0011 +0-0155 +0-0152 0-0174 +0-0144 0-0469 0-0125 0-0125 +0-0156 +0-0158 0-0324 +0-0155 +0-0160 +0-0160 +0-0161 1-2729 +0-0161 +0-0162 -I-3450 -0-4242 0-0287 +0-0014 0-0032 0*0032 +0-0162 0-0277 +0-0162 O-O20O 0-2422 0-0627 +0-OI63 0-0425 O'OIOI O'OIII +0-0163 +0-0165 +0-0157 0-0088 +0-0157 +0-0106 +0-0169 +0-0167 0-0247 +0-0168 0-0064 0-0046 +0-0145 0-0089 -0-0895 8 O-OO27 +O-OI55 +0-OI38 O'OIO +0-0530 +0-0253 +Q-OIIO +Q-OIIO +0-0098 0-0003 O'OOII 0-0033 +0-0014 +0-0007 0-0027 +0-0030 0-0054 O / /' 39. 21. 39-91 80. 44. 52-86 35. 21. 0-29 41. 4. 52-12 114. 14. 29-00 44. 46. 26'86 14. 25. 8-80 107. 18. 0-75 107. 18. 4-91 39. 1 8. 11-78 35. 26. 0-89 IS- 33- "-'6 40. 9. 25-82 36. 44. 34-75 36. 36. 54-27 36. 46. 39-48 4. 26. 45-38 36. 44. 8-29 36. 27. 22-20 4. 19. 54-10 7. i. 25-01 15. 42. 33-90 20. 39- 55- 4 90. 34. 56-17 90- 34- 59'44 39. 4. 6-05 '5- 43- 54-42 38. 59- 7-92 117. 40. 11-14 8- 37- I7-34 '3- 7- 37-67 39. 15. 2071 14. 22. 58-72 103. 28. 41-39 105. 8. 52-39 40. I. 6-70 39- 3- '7 '33 29. 6. 26-99 101. 14. 26-64 42. 51. 22-17 57. 59. 24-46 36. 19. 1-83 38. 10. 27-23 122. 54. 36-32 38. 8. 50-89 18. 18. 51-62 93. 28. 28-65 47. 26. 25-49 101. 28. 8-57 II. 46. 29-68 94-79 89-19 93-87 94-5I 9566 8971 92-43 93-82 93-82 93-5I 94-94 94-34 93-05 91-48 93-81 90-26 92-10 92-44 90-43 92-10 95-50 94-84 95-32 91-51 93-03 92-08 94-84 94-38 91-06 96-64 95-58 94-38 96-05 89-91 93'44 94-36 9276 95-68 92-22 93-48 92-04 96-01 96-46 93-78 9578 96-15 94 "5 1 94-20 88-98 93-74 3 4 3 13 3 3 2 5 5 3 3 3 3 6 3 4 72 3 3 4 4 4 3 ii 12 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 5 3 3 4 21 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 7 2 1 (I) 3 i i 2 I I 61 3 3 2 3 i 2 (I) 2 I 18-146 18-146 18-156 -18-176 18-178 -18-188 18-189 18-196 18-196 18-198 l8'2OI 18-207 18-210 18-229 -18-234 18-236 18-247 -18-247 18-253 18-262 18-264 -18-273 18-279 18-290 18-290 -18-295 18-296 18-301 18-306 -18-312 -18-315 18-319 18-320 -18-325 -18-334 -18-337 18-342 18-348 '8-349 -'8-353 -'8-355 -'8-357 -18-360 -'8-364 -'8-372 -'8-373 -18-376 -18-380 -18-385 -18-385 0-140 0-177 0-133 0-142 0-197 0-146 0-046 0-191 0-191 0-138 0-132 0-057 0-139 0-134 -0-133 0-133 +0-253 0-133 0-133 +0-262 +0-092 0-059 0-089 0-176 0-176 ' 0-135 O'o6o -0-135 0-192 +0-039 0-036 -0-135 0-049 0-182 0-182 0-136 0-134 o'ii6 -0-179 -0-139 0-153 0-129 0-132 0-193 0-132 0-077 0-173 0-143 0-177 O'O22 +0-031 O'O2 +0-023 O'OO 0-044 O-OI2 O-O42 0-042 O'OI +0-039 +0-037 +0-027 O-OO4 +0-036 +0-007 +0-023 +0-046 Piazzi XXII. 91 Groombridge 3765... Groombridge 3776... Bradley 2953 S3 Aquarii... Piazzi XXII. 103.... Groombridge 3768... Groombridge 3778.. Piazzi XXII. 105... Groombridge 3771.. Groombridge 3772.. Groombridge 3773.. Bradlev 200? ... Groombridge 3774.. Groombridge 3775.. Bradley 2997 Carrington 3438 Groombridge 3784 .. Groombridge 3781.. 55 Aquarii (Comes) { 55 Aquarii Groombridge 3779.. Groombridge 3788.. Groombridge 3780... Piazzi XXII. 1 12.... Lalande F. 4175 Groombridge 3796... Groombridge 3782... Groombridge 3795... Bradley 2961 ... . 56 Aquarii Groombridge 3785... Groombriilge 3786... Groombridge 3790... 57 Aquarii i j 6314 3801 Groombridge 3801... 8-5 22. 27. 16-091 94-70 3 + 2*6428 +0*0135 50. 45. 59*84 9375 2 18-434 0*144 6315 2Q74. 6-3* 22. 27. l6'5I3 88-82 3 + 2-8845 +0*0059 +0-0086 70. 20. 12*86 88*82 3 18-434 0*158 O*O32 6316 "yi t 3803 Groombridge 3803... 7'7 22. 27. 31-184 9273 4 ... + 2-6312 +0*0139 49- 56. 59-3 9175 3 -18-442 -0*143 6317 3804 Groombridge 3804... 5-6* 22. 27. 34-614 92-63 6 + 2-6444 +0*0136 50. 47. 9*72 O j "JO 8 -18-445 0*143 ... 6318 3821 Groombridge 3821... 7-6 22. 27. 56-425 95-52 3 2 + 0*8051 0*0586 12. 58. 54*74 QC ' ^2 3 2 -18*457 0*038 6319 3807 Groombridge 3807... 6'7 22. 27. 56-964 94-77 4 + 2-3670 +0*0176 36. 31. 46*38 94-77 4 18*457 0*127 6320 3808 Groombridge 3808... 8-0 22. 28. 30-903 92-34 3 + 2-6516 +0*0136 50. 59. 29*46 92-34 3 -i8*477 0*142 6321 3811 Groombridge 3811... 9'2 22. 28. 32-831 92-06 3 + 2-4582 +0*0170 40. 12. 37*68 92*06 3 18*478 0*131 6322 B.D.+53No. 2914 8-7 22. 28. 39-954 96'39 3 + 2-3694 +0-0178 36. 25. 17*96 96*39 3 18*482 0*126 6323 3810 Groombridge 3810... 6-6 22. 28. 43-960 92-44 7 + 2-6336 +0*0141 49- 44- 5370 91-91 6 18*484 0*141 6 ' 4. 2Q88 18 1 1 29 Cephei . p 5'4* 22. 28. 54-090 Qd'7 7 . 6 7 j Q't$2'Z 0*0840 0*000= n. 44. 24*96 94*54 12 12 18*490 0-025 +0*027 6325 ff-y-ww >*j* 3812 Groombriilge 3812... 7'4 22. 28. 57-389 94-I5 3 + 2*5369 +0*0161 44. o. 6*51 3 18*491 0-135 6326 B. D. +53 No. 2915 8-8 22. 29. 2-913 96-39 3 + 2*3719 +0-0179 36. 24. 39*64 96*39 3 18-495 0-126 ... 6327 3816 Piazzi XXII. 156.... 6-4 22. 29. 24-653 95-16 3 2 + 2*3078 +0*0182 +0*0098 33- 56. 38-41 95*00 3 2 18-507 O'122 -0*033 6328 Carrington 3467 9-2 22. 29. 35-067 96-45 3 3-0163 0*9684 4- 49- 27-84 96-45 3 18-512 +0*178 ... 6329 3815 Groombridge 3815... 7'2 22. 2 9 . 39-131 93-50 5 + 2*6385 +0*0142 49- 47- 35-10 92*96 4 18-515 0*140 6^"*o 2Q7Q 62 Aquarii ^ 4-2* 22. 29. 42*203 92-96 51 + 3-0786 0*00-30 +0*0042 90. 41. 3*79 92*32 45 18-516 0*164 +0*053 6331 **7/ y 3819 Groombridge 3819... 7-8 22. 29. 47-096 95-84 3 2 + 2-3791 +0-0181 36. 28. 57*52 3 2 18-519 O*I25 6332 3818 Groombridge 3818... 8-6 22. 29. 47-942 94-98 3 + 2-4691 +0-0173 40. 21. 5*43 94*90 4 18-520 0*130 6333 3826 Groombridge 3826... 6-0* 22. 29. 51-621 88-62 3 3 + 17136 +0-0063 +0-023 20. 39. 21*73 88*83 3 3 18-522 0*088 O*IO 6334 38i7 Groombridge 3817... 8-4 22. 29. 59'193 94-68 3 ... + 2-6406 +0-0142 .. . 49. 50. 8*52 94*68 3 ... 18-526 0*139 6335 3827 Groombridge 3827... 6'9t 22. 30. 10-319 94-47 4 5 + 1-6840 +0-0051 20. ii. 39*10 9371 3 6 -I8-532 0'086 ... 6336 3827 Groojnb.3827(0>mes) 9'2t 22. 30. H'579 95-90 2 i + 1*6844 +0-0051 20. ii. 33*01 96*10 2 i -iS-533 0*086 ... 6337 3828 Groombridge 3828... 8-7 22. 30. I2'425 95*10 3 i + 17058 +0-0061 20. 28. 59-41 94-93 3 i -18-533 0*087 6338 3822 Piazzi XXII. 159.... 7'9 22. 30. 33-875 91-78 5 + 2*6604 +0-0139 50. 59. 0*50 90-57 4 18-545 0*140 2981 Bradley 2981 6'5t 22. 30. 58-513 92*62 4* + 2-6616 +0-0140 O'OOO: 50. 56. 27*77 91*56 6 -18*559 0*139 +O*OI 6i ^ sion, tion, Proper o Q 3 1890-0. i^die. & & Motion. 1890*0. UAIC, 3 - Motion. 1 1800 + 9 J o 1890*0. 1890*0. 1800 + O > 1890*0. 1890-0. 1755- 1810. S "5 PQ "9 22. 40. 14-052 95-48 3 2 + 2*4902 1-0-0203 ... 38. 3. 38-96 94-55 4 2 -18-852 0-116 ... | 6359. This star is a close double, and forms the pair h 5356. 6361. This star is a close double, and forms the pair Hough 295. 6369. This star is a close double, and forms the pair Hough 296. 6385. This star is a close double, and forms the pair OS 476. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxxxi} " " No. of No. of it? | d r n A Obs. Annual Secular V in Obs. Annual Secular "i O ""C .Menu K.A. , ~\t . Preces- Varia- Annual Mean N.P. D. , r Preces- v aria- Annual No. si Star's Name. 1 1890-0. OlcftQ Date. -S 3 o 'o sion, tion, Proper Motion. 1890*0. .M fill I Date. 1 1 sion, tion, Proper Motion. o M o t" 1800 -t- || 1890-0. 1890-0. 1800 + O o 1890-0. 1890-0. 1755- 1810. < , M < -"--> h m s s s 8 O ' /' ,, n 6401 3881 Groombridge 3881... 6-7 22. 40. 43-746 94*05 4 i + 2-3591 +O'O2l8 o 0065 32. 25. 36-88 93-84 4 I 18-866 0-109 +0*139 6402 3878 Groombridge 3878. ..8'2 22. 40. 44-461 91-63 34 ... + 2-5146 +O-02OI 39. 5. 23-06 89'78 3 18-866 0-116 6403 3879 Groombridge 3879... 7 "8 22. 40. 48-147 93-8i 5 i + 2-4460 +O-O2IO 35- 5i- 33-6o 92-43 3 2 -18*868 0-113 6404 3880 Groombridge 3880... 7*9 22. 40. 56-372 89-46 , 3 + 2-5192 +0-020O 39. 15. 19*82 89-46 3 18-871 0-116 6405 B. D. +53 No. 2974 8*9 22. 41. 2-760 95*70 3 + 2-4486 +O'O2II 35. 53. 28-80 95-70 3 -18-875 O*II2 6406 "-looS 4*2* 22. 41. II'83O 92*52 8 + 2 -9799 +0-0032 -4-0*0126 78. 23. 28-26 91-74 H 18-879 0-138 +0*479 6407 ^oio 47 Pegasi ^ 4*2* 22. 41. 13-924 94*20 24 + 2-8814 +0-0083+0-0031 67. o. 47-48 94-20 24 18-880 O-I33 +0*004 6408 3884 Groombridge 3884 ... 7-2 22. 41. 32*283 5 + 2-6136 +O-OI82 44. 21. 48-00 5 18-889 O'12O 6409 . ... 3891 Groombridge 3891 . . . 7'3 22. 41. 36-141 93-9J 3 2 + ''5239 o 0024 +o 0066 16. 9. 0-14 94-24 3 2 18-891 0-067 0*051 6410 3885 Groombridge 3885... 7'7 22. 41. 43-204 93-76 5 I + 2-3697 +O-O22I 32. 30. 19-97 92-89 4 I 18-895 0-108 641 1 Radcliffe 5828 8-8 22. 41. 46-539 94-72 3 + 2-3704 +O-O22I 32. 30. 34-35 94-72 3 18-896 0-108 6/1 12 6-of 22. 41. 52-293 92-38 ii + 3-1892 O'OIO2 0*000 104. 38. 10-82 91-42 9 18-899 0-147 +0-019 3009 69 Aquarii (Comes). . . .f 9'2t 22. 41. 54'OH 94-69 3 + 3-1892 O-OIO2 104. 38. 22-15 94-69 3 18-900 0-147 6414 3886 Groombridge 3886. J7'o 22. 4 I. 58-553 92-45 3 I + 2-4515 +O-02I4 35- 42. 25-91 92-11 3 I 18-902 O'HI 6415 B. D. +69 No. 1278 8-9 22. 42. 6*442 95-68 5 + f8459 +0-0140 19. 58. 10-30 95-68 5 18-906 0-082 6416 3889 Groombridge 3889 ... 7'4 22. 42. 7-300 94-58 3 2 + 2-1291 +O"O2I2 25. 17. 4-49 94-62 3 2 18-906 0-095 6417 , 3888 Groombridge 3888... 7-8 22. 42. 34-967 94-I3 3 + 2-6196 +0-0183 44. 22. 2O-I5 94-I3 3 18-920 0-118 6418 3890 Groombridge 3890... 7'5 22. 42. 39-588 92-82 2 3 + 2-4595 +O'O2l6 35- 49. 41 'So 92-03 2 2 18-922 O'lll 6419 3012 7o Aquarii . 6-3* 22. 42. 42-878 91-03 II + 3-I596 0-0081 +0*0022 101. 8. 11-24 91*03 II 18-924 0-144 0-027 6420 3893 Groombridge 3893 . . . 7'3 22. 42. 48-880 93-28 2 5 + 1-5344 0-0016 16. i. 30-46 94-12 2 4 -18-927 0-066 6421 3902 Groombridge 3902 . . . 7-8 22. 43. 4-613 94-68 8 + O'6lI2 0-0960 10. 8. 31-76 94" 1 3 9 18-934 O'O2I 6422 W. B. (2) XXII. 967 6-0* 22. 43. 8-798 93'47 3 + 2-7429 +0-0146 53- 9- 43-76 93 '47 3 -18-936 O*I24 6423 Carrington 3486 8-0 22. 43. 10-706 96-55 3 i 0-0232 0-2024 8. 5. 578 96-55 3 i -I8-937 +0-009 6A2A 3013 71 Aquarii ' 4-1* 22. 43. 46-070 92-25 6 + 3-1827 0-0098 0*0030 104. 10. 23-72 92-25 6 18-954 0*143 +0-040 6425 3895 Groombridge 3895 . . . 7'3 22. 43. 54-086 93-12 3 I J m*r^f + 2-I596 +0-0223 25. 31. 7-00 93-12 3 -18-958 -0-095 6426 3894 Groombridge 3894 . . . 6-0* 22. 44. 13-660 94-62 3 i + 2-4789 +0-0219 36. 9 . 58-78 94 '39 3 I -18-967 0-109 6427 W. B. (2) XXII. 994 8-7 22. 44- I9-343 92-93 S + 2*8816 +0-0089 66. 14. 6-21 92*93 5 -18-970 0-128 ... 6428 3897 Groombridge 3897 ... 6-4 22. 44. 35-313 94-58 3 2 + 2*2476 +0-0233 27. 38. 29-65 94-40 3 2 18-977 0-098 6429 3896 Groombridge 3896 . . . 6-8 22. 44. 36-022 93-43 3 I + 2*5504 +0*0207 O-OO22 39. 36. 2-16 93-45 3 I -18-978 O'1I2 +0-146 64^O 3016 48 Pegasi... ...M 3'7* 22. 44. 41-594 92-99 CO + 2*8802 +o*ooqo +o - 009^ 6-;. 18. 44*03 93'29 38 18-980 0*127 +0*042 ^T- J^ 643" W.B. (2) XXII. joio-i... 8-5 22. 45. 2-824 94-05 J + 2*8818 t w-yv +0*0090 v j' j"' t*r yj 66. 3. 10*96 94-05 J 3 18-990 0-127 6432 B. D. +23 No. 4617 9'3 22. 45. 13-506 92-86 34 + 2*8834 +0*0090 66. ii. 4*11 92-87 3 -18-995 0-127 6433 3899 Groombridge 3899 . . . 7-2 22. 45. 13-736 92-52 3 2 + 2-4770 +0*0223 35. 44. 6-12 92-56 3 2 -18-995 0-108 6434 3901 Groombridge 3901 ... 6-8 22. 45. 26-977 92-94 3 2 + 2-5616 +0*0208 39- 54- 20-45 92-36 3 2 19-001 O'lII 6435 W. B. (2) XXII. 1026 8-6 22. 45. 27-688 9275 3 + 2-8743 +0*0095 65. 6. 42*74 92-75 3 19-002 0-126 6436 B. D. +23 No. 4621 9-2 22. 45. 28-076 92-82 3 + 2*8855 +0*0089 66. 21. 15*30 92-82 3 19-002 0-126 6d."'7 5022 ?QO<; 32 Cephei t r6* 22. 45. 45-854 93-80 1 44 + 2*1^6 +0*0227 Q . OI .~ 24. 22. 4.O'Q2 02-77 18 19-010 0-091 +0*140 6438 y J jy j 393 Groombridge 3903 ... J 8-0 22. 45. 55-568 7 J 87-81 +2 3 j o + 2*6574 +0*0184 ..f **.. .fv y** 45- 38. 39'28 y 1 1 87-81 3 19-015 0-115 6439 3017 22 Piscis Australis y 4'3* 22. 46. 24-656 91-90 3 + 3'35!3 0*0242 0-0062 123. 27. 31*99 91-90 3 19-028 0-146 +0-030 6440 -O2O 49 Pegasi ...& (>* 22. 46. 49-564 9 2 '47 6 + -J'0042 +O " OO2 <", f O ' O^4i 80. 44. 59*03 92-47 6 19-040 0-129 0-048 W *T--T W 64 4 1 3OIO 73 Aquarii X J J 1-8* 22. 46. 52*521 OV27 *"O l j "".f"- | V w*> J 0*0062 O'OOl( 08. o. -"V6"- 02-87 19*041 0-135 0-040 v/< -T 4 -T-* 6442 o y 3906 Groombridge 3906 ... J "* 7-8 22. 46. 59-534 yj i 93 'oi -> 4 + 2*6367 +0*0194 y ' y jj j 43- 50. 52-98 y / 93-01 4 19-044 O'II2 644^ "'O2'-' "too? 1 5 Lacertae 5-1* 22. 47. 4-327 04-46 + 2 "686 i 4-o*oi78 +0-0088 47. l6. IQ'8l 04*46 7 19*046 0-007 '-"t'TO 6444 39" Groombridge 39 1 1 ... 6-6 22. 47. 17-540 y-T T^ 91*99 3 3 + 2-2752 1 " * / " +0-0245 *r/ i . *y uj 27. 36. 36*14 7T 1 V 92-34 J 3 4 19-052 0-095 6445 B. D. +24 No. 4678 9-2 22. 47. 18-676 93 '93 34 + 2-8812 +0-0095 65. 21. 16*55 92-85 4 19-053 0-123 ... 6446 3908 Groombridge 3908 . . . 8-0 22. 47. 19-528 90-72 34 + 2-7267 +0-0165 50. 19. 6*54 88-43 3 -I9-053 0-116 6447 3909 Groombridge 3909 . . . 8-3 22. 47. 29-441 9371 3 + 2-6750 +0-0183 46. 17- 50*44 9371 3 19-058 0-113 6448 PiazziXXII. 241 .... 5-7* 22- 47- 37-38o 94*65 3 + 2-9514 +0*0057 73- 44- 32-21 93-55 3 19-061 0-126 6440 3O2I 74 Aquarii c *8* 22. 47. 41-178 92*19 12 + 3*1622 0*0085 +0*0001 102. 12. 4*93 02*IQ 12 19-063 0-135 +0*012 vi T'T-7 6450 3913 Groombridge 3913 ... 7-8 22. 47- 53-498 3 2 + 2*5774 +0*0213 39- 52. 45-52 y~ *y 94-36 3 2 19-069 0-108 6410, 6411. These stars form the pair 02 480. 6412, 6413. These stars form the pair 2 2943. {cxxxii} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, > No. of No. of J- B P r? Obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular ^3 64 Mean R.A., Tlf nn ** Preces- Varia- Annual Mean N.P.D., I\T Preces- Varia- Annual No. s| .S'M Star's Name. / 0*086 6469 3921 Groombridge 3921 ... 8-1 22. 50. 14-172 88-84 3 .. . + 2-6134 +O-O2I3 +0-0093 41. 6. 4472 88*84 3 19*131 0*106 +0*016 6470 3924 Groombridge 3924 . . . 8-5 22. 50. 33-657 94-85 3 2 + 2-4434 +0-0250 32. 22. 33-38 94*62 3 2 19*140 0*098 6471 3925 Groombridge 3925 ... 7'8 22. 50. 43-925 93-40 3 + 2-5625 +0-0229 37. 57. 49-88 93-40 3 19*144 0*103 6472 3923 Groombridge 3923... 7-0 22. SO. 49-641 89-16 3 + 2-6925 +0-0189 46. 1 6. 40-99 89-16 3 19*1471 0*108 6473 334 3926 16 Lacertie T6* 22. 51. 22*323 8o-*-2 + 272Q1 +O'OI77 O"OO2- 48 -;8 wio 8o'"i2 ! 19*16: O'lOO +0*006 6474 3927 Groombridge 3927 ... J 8-2 22. 51- 27794 uy J^, 94-02 3 * / *y J + 27126 it +0-0184 tfu. jw. jy iv^ 47- 34- 32-17 ^y J^ 94*02 J 3 -19-163 y 0'ioS 6475 ... 3929 Groombridge 3929 ... 8-3 22. 51. 30-994 94-68 3 + 2-6042 +O-O22I ... 40. 2. 46-01 94*68 3 19*164 0-104 6476 393' Groombridge 3931... 7'i 22. 51. 31-892 94-02 3 3 + 2-4523 +0-0253 32. 23. 29-75 93-89 3 3 19-165 0*097 6477 3032 24 Piscis Australia a i'3* 22. 51. 34-282 93'64 27 + 3'30I4 0-O2IO +0*0232 120. 12. 19-47 93 '44 25 19*166 0-I 33 +0*159 6478 333 Bradlev lO'iT 6*5* 22. 51. 35-509 89-85 3 + 3-I097 0-0045 0*0044 95- 2 3- 5 2 '90 89-85 3 19*166 0*125 0*005 6479 335 51 Pegasi T6* 22 (-.2 V6?Q QA'28 + 2'O2QO 4-o*OO78 4-o'oi "i2 60 40 i ";--;"; Q-3-C7 17 IQ* I7Q 0*117 O*O *iQ 6480 3942 GroombriiJge 3942... J 8-1 *" j*' j jy 22. 52. 15-978 y*t *** 93-52 24 3 * y^y^f + 0-9399 I v w^/ w 0-06I7 -pw v*^fl Vy ty- 03 10. 20. 49-88 yj j/ 91-96 */ 4 9 y 1 y -19-184 0*032 jy 648l 3934 Groombridge 3934 ... 6-8 22. 52. 25-344 9379 3 + 2-7174, +0-0185 47- 34- 31-5I 9379 3 -I9-I87 0-107 6482 3937 Groombridge 3937 ... 7'3 22. 52. 28-472 95-21 5 2 + 2-4168 +0-0263 30. 37. 34-78 94-98 4 2 19*189 0-094 6 4 83 3935 PiazziXXII. 260.... 7'6 22. 52. 31749 91-38 3 + 2-7606 +0-0167 51. n. 57-04 91-38 3 19*190 0-109 6 4 8 4 W. B. XXII. 1052... 6'3 22. 52. 35-591 93 '44 5 + 3-0927 0-0032 92.59. 1-31 93'44 5 I9*I92' 0-123 6485 Helsingfors (1875) No. 13598 9'3 22. 52. 35-617 95-82 3 + 2-4179 +0-0263 30. 37. 26-35 95-82 3 19-192 0-094 6486 W. B.(2)XXII. 1175 7'9 22. 52. 45-235 96-05 3 + 2-9308 +0-0079 69. 50. 44-73 96-05 3 -19-196 0*115 ... 6487 3938 Groombridge 3938 . . . 8'2 22. 53. 45-637 90-50 3 + 2-6301 +O'O222 40. 44. 8-85 90-50 3 I9-22I O'lOI 6488 3939 Groombridge 3939 ... 7'5 22. 53. 46-081 94-70 3 + 2-6167 +O-O226 39. 53. 25-24 94-70 3 I9-22I O'lOI 6489 3944 Groombridge 3944 . . . 7-6 22. 54. 19-895 92-66 3 2 + 2-3471 +0-0277 27. 30. 42-68 92-18 3 2 I9-236 0-089 ... 6490 3940 Groombridge 3940 . . . 6-4* 22. 54. 24-430 91-48 3 + 2-5883 +0-0238 37- 56. 9'29 89-83 3 19-237 0-098 6491 3941 PiazziXXII. 276.... 7'4 22. 54. 26-005 93-12 3 + 2-5946 +0-0236 >n 38. I?. 10-43 : 93"I2 3 I9'338 0-099 ... 6492 ... 3945 Groombridge 3945 . . . 6*6 22. 54. 38-738 95-53 4 2 + 2-4410 +O-0270 30. 46. 28-88 95-46 4 2 19-243 0'092 6493 3943 Groombridge 3943 . . . 8-0 22. 54. 41-859 9371 3 . i i + 2-7091 +0-0197 45- 57- 29*49 9371 3 ... 19*245 0-103 6494 3039 3 Piscium 6-5* 22. 54. 59-361 8877 3 + 3-0751 o'ooiS +O'OO2O 90. 24. 17-25 88-77 3 19-252 0-117 0-OI9 6495 3058 3970 Bradley 3058 To* 22 *"" IH 'loo QA 'QA cl fV37,4'7 n 7106 +o'o6oo 6 14 12-78 QV2I 21 12 IQ"2"-8 -4-0-022 O-OI4 6496 Piazzi XXII. 277.... J 6-1* mm * Jj" *O j^y 22. 55. 28-086 y4 y4 93-40 99 3 u oo4/ + 3-2331 w j-y 1 -" 0-0153 " *+ J*" / w 113. 22. 52*43 yj mf 93-40 3 L y *j*-* i - -19*263 0-123 6497 3947 Groombridge 3947 . . . 6-6 22. 55. 35-641 88-22 34 ... + 2-7045 +0-0203 45- 12. 55*57 88*30 4 19-267 o-ioi 6498 3040 81 Aquarii... 6-8 22. 55. 4O'6OO OT "7 I IO + 3 ' T 77 2 Q *oo*i6 Q *oO^O o? "jo 6*66 OI '21 12 19-269 o'liS +0-OO2 6499 3948 M Groombridge 3948 . . . 8-2 22. 55. 49-307 yi / i 90-46 3 J '-".3 + 2-6419 +0-0227 y/- jy' w uv 40. 38. 2-75 y 1 *j 90*46 3 19-272 0-098 6500 Piazzi XXII. 279 6-0 22. 55. 50-L24 93-50 6 + 3-1068 0-0043 ... 95* 18. 9'45 93-91 ii ... I9*272 O*II7 FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxxxiii} No. Tj o . ! 11 = ft 1755- o . > ^ ,S,0 d ft 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R. A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, iSgo'o. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Q) "3 1 < O & o "3 a 73o 23- 7- 53731 23. 8. 28-231 23. 8. 37-485 23. 9. 0-623 23. 9. 1-018 23. 9. 12-890 23. 9. 13-486 23. 9. 16-450 23. 9. 54-206 2 3- 9- 54-365 23- 9- 54-755 23- 9- 54-793 23. 10. 7-668 23. 10. 11-837 23. 10. 32-557 23. 10. 42-632 23. II. 8-817 23. II. 27-736 9378 91-44 9I-54 94-64 89-23 94'39 94-58 9275 88-86 88-17 94-52 88-78 91-12 93-8? 96'34 95-I7 94-04 93-86 94-90 89-52 94-78 88-47 91-52 89-47 91-40 93-22 94-59 93-87 96-16 92-23 94-70 92-44 93-I3 9577 94-18 94-86 92-76 9336 94-07 92-17 96-68 94-12 95-49 93-73 93-30 88-80 89-08 93'77 89-53 93-22 3 3 3 3i 3 3 H 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3i 13 3 3 3 3 5 3 23 4 5 4 3 3 6 3 3 27 ^ 4 4 5 69 i 3 2 8 24 2 2 I 6J 2 2 2 6J -s + 2-5175 + 2-8024 + 2-6965 + 1-8427 + 2-7559 + 2-4289 + 3-2026 + 2-8128 + 3-2501 + 2-7017 + 1-8911 + 3' 02 4 + 2-8150 + 27215 + 2-5495 + 1-2638 + 2-4458 + 27256 + 2-5513 + 2-9758 + 1-2837 + 2-7786 + 2-7804 + 2-7987 + 3-0281 + 2-6678 + 2-7010 + 2-9199 + 1-9015 + 2-6883 + 2-8235 + 2-8061 + 2-8250 + 2-7979 + 3'io7i + 2-7721 + 2-9079 + 2-7222 + 2-7996 + 2-7978 + 3-0933 + 2-8048 + 2-0176 + 27730 + 3-1218 + 2-9421 + 2-9440 + 2-1013 + 3-II39 + 3-0593 +0-0299 +0-0184 +0-0239 +0-02IO +O'O2II +0-0322 0-0138 +0-0181 0-0189 +0-0244 +0-0240 +0-0035 +0-0185 +0-0237 +0-0307 0-0296 +0-0331 +0-0236 +0-0307 +0-0073 0-0272 +0-0209 +O-O2II +0-02OO +0-0030 +O-027O +0-0255 +O-OI20 +O-O2&0 +0-0267 +0-OI92 +O-O2O4 +O-OI92 +O-O2I2 0-0044 +0-023I +0-0137 +0-O26I +O-O2I5 +0'02l6 O-OO3O +0-0215 +0-0328 +0-0235 O - OO6O +0-OII3 +0-OII2 +0-0360 0*0052 +O'OOO7 +o-0!39 +0-0014 +0-0038 0-0014 +0-0001 0-0204 O'OO2O 0-0147 +0-0071 +0-0009 +o 007 1 +0-0237 +0-007 +0-019 0-0031 +0-0487 O / " 30. 52. 3-12 50. 47. 58-47 41. 18. 11-87 15. o. 47-94 46. 2. 0-49 26. 57. 42-17 in. 46. 10-52 51. 25. 39-56 118.41. 7-36 40. 56. 43-24 15. 12. 25-64 80. 46. 28-35 51. 7. 38-14 42. 12. 16-90 31. 15. 49-26 9- 57- 30-36 26. 51. 57"2O 42. 26. 37-05 31. 18. 29-23 73- o- 6-27 10. i. 32-96 47. 2. 48-22 46. 56. 26-95 48. 43. 16-37 81. 52. 38-17 37. 32. 19-79 39. 49. 34-30 63. 44. 48-67 14. 34. 18-07 38. 22. 4-06 So. 35- 34-55 48. 32. 8-23 50. 35. 44-62 47. 20. 53'H 96. 38. 30-36 44. 28. 29-74 60. 49- 37-I3 39. 58. 51-61 47- 7- 22-27 46. 53. 54-18 94- 5- 45-44 47. 17. 4-86 15. 21. 46-47 44. 4. 28-84 99- 41- 13-69 65. 39. 31-20 65. 49. 44-85 l6. 22. 6-19 98. 19. 36-12 87- 19- 7-53 93-55 91-44 9''54 94-01 89-23 94-57 94-63 92-75 88-86 88-17 92-98 88-78 91-12 93-86 96-40 95-I7 94-00 93-86 94-29 90-28 94-44 88-47 91-52 89-47 91-40 93-22 9374 9 1 '68 96-16 92-23 94-70 92-44 90-78 9577 93-11 94-86 92-76 92-86 94-07 92-17 96-68 94-12 95-31 93-73 92-59 88-80 89-08 93'So 89-53 92-46 3 3 3 4 3 3 H 3 3 3 25 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 35 4 5 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 36 3 4 8 5 35 3 2 26 3 2 2 I 5 2 2 2 '7 19-426 19-428 19-431 I9-433 '9-439 19-442 -19-448 19-449 J9'453 19-464 19-466 19-467 19-472 19-476 -19-479 19-479 19-479 19-480 19-481 19-483 19-484 19-486 -19-499 19-500 I9'503 -19-503 -19-507 19-509 19-526 -19-527 I9-53 1 -I9-536 -I9-537 19-548 -I9-55I I9-559 -I9-559 -19-563 i9 - 563 19-564 -19-576 -19-576 -I9-576 -I9-576 -19-580 -19-581 19-588 19-591 19-599 19-605 - 0-083 0-093 0-089 0-058 0-090 0-078 O'io6 0-092 0-107 0-086 0-058 0-097 0-090 0-086 0-080 - 0-035 0-076 - 0-086 0-080 0-094 0-036 0-087 0-086 0-087 0-094 0-082 0-083 0-090 - 0-055 0-081 0-085 0-084 0-084 0-083 0-092 - 0-081 - 0-085 0-079 0-081 0-081 0-089 0-080 0-055 - 0-079 0-090 0-084 0-084 0-057 0-088 0-085 // 0-123 0-054 +0-041 0-007 +0-007 +0-0190 O'OOO +0-105 +0-016 +0-184 +O-QIO +0-005 0'O2 +0-003 +O-OO3 0-017 Piazzi XXIII. I Groombridge 3991... Groombridge 3993... 88 Aquarii r 3 Groombridge 3992... Lacaille 9383 Groombridge 3996... 33 Cephei T eg Peeasi. Groombridge 3997... B. D. +47 No. 4057 Groombridge 4008... Groombridge 4001... B. D. +47 No. 4060 Groombridge 4000... W. B. XXIII. 41 .... Groombridge 40x39... 6 Andromedse . . Groombridge 4003... Groombridge 4004... MPeeasi Groombridge 4006... Groombridge 4007... 60 Pegasi Oeltz.Arg.(N.)25287 Groombridge 4010... Kadcliffe 5996 Groombriilge 4013... Groombridge 4012... Lalande 45491 .... 90 Aquarii

2 100. 12. 43-39 15. 18. 6-51 95-43-3I-63 42. 6. 19-42 45- 27. 52-32 16. 54. 44-66 37- 22. 7-30 22. 29. 25-33 41. 58. 40-28 51. 18. 44-21 48. 31. 26-88 48. 50. 50-78 96. 30. 31-11 29. 27. 8-63 66. 51. 42-01 8. 16. 47-70 32- 5- 8-75 60. ii. 7-15 30. 19. 38-91 39- 6. 1-63 32. 19. 28-72 29. 24. 27-90 ii. 36. 2-66 65. 39. 25-68 58. 47. 24-81 35. 47- 13-24 36. 29. 46-93 78. 17. 20-62 30. 28. II'22 36. 22. 49-71 36. 34. 22-54 63- 55- 57-6i 48. 59. 27-52 25- 15- 34'94 35. 25. 8-14 49. 29. 28-60 35- 31- 671 34- 29. 52-58 67. 12. 5-23 92-79 96-52 92-80 93-3I 94-8o 93-30 92-83 ' 88-78 95-38 94-70 90-39 92-99 9171 94-56 92-38 92-80 94-56 93-94 92-48 91-98 9I-55 90-81 92-83 93'44 92-32 93-40 94-61 94-81 9275 93-85 94-67 95-20 90-55 92-29 88 -8 1 93-79 93-95 91-82 92-28 92-68 91-81 89-41 88-83 88-50 92-04 94-44 91-45 94-67 94-73 94-55 3 3 3 4 >5 2 3 4 3 3 4 18 3 29 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 5 4 28 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 14 3 3 29 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 42 2 5 2 3 5 2 9 5 4 2 2 3 3 2 4 7 2 2 2 19-60. 19-60 19-61 19-61 19-61 19-62 19-62 19-621 -19-63' 19-63 -19-63' 19-63; 19-64 19-64; 19-647 19-64!! 19-649 19-650 19-652 -I9-657 I9-659 19-661 19-664 19-668 19-671 19-671 19-674 -I9-675 -19-675 19-676 19-676 -19-679 -19-683 19" 684 -19-686 19-694 -19-695 -19-707 -19-710 -19-711 -19-711 -19-726 -19-730 -I9'73i -I9'735 -19-736 -I9-73 8 -19-746 -19-747 -19-747 3 0-080 ? 0-074 I 0-080 ? 0-076 5 0-086 5 0-043 ; 0-079 > 0-080 > 0-088 0-072 i 0-076 0-084 -0-053 0-082 0-073 0-074 0-056 0-071 0-062 0-072 0-074 -0-073 0-073 0-080 0-066 0-075 0-028 0-067 0-074 0-066 0-069 0-066 0-065 0-042 0-074 0-072 -0-066 0-066 0-073 0-063 0-065 0-064 0-069 -0-066 0-058 0-062 0-065 0-061 0-061 0-067 it +0-276 +0-015 +0-07 0-006 0-008 0-002 0'006 0-043 0-016 +0-014 +0-068 0-118 +0-016 +0-026 +O-OO2 -0-039 W. B. (2) XXIII. 206-7. Groombridge 4025... 93 Aquarii ^" Groombriilge 4031... W. B. (2)XXIII. 217 W.B. (2) XXIII. 219 B. D. +52 No. 3414 95 Aquarii ^ Groombridge 4033... Groombridge 4030... Groombridge 4029... Groombridge 4040... Groombridge 4032... 34 Cephei o +0-009; +0-000* +0-0036 +0-0009 +0-0028 +0-0607 +0-0009 0-0003 o-oooo (-O-OII2 ii Andromedse Groombridge 4034... 10 Audromedai Piazzi XXIII. 54.... Lalande 45698-9 Groombridge 4041... 62 Pegasi T Lalande F. 4457-8.. Groombridge 4042... 63 Pegasi Groombridge 4043... B. D. +50 No. 4017 Groombridge 4044... Groombridge 4045 . . . Groombridge 4047... W. B. (2) XXIII. 291-2. 64 Pe^asi Groombridge 4046... Groombridge 4048... 66 Pegasi Bradley 3110 Groombridge 4049... Groombridge 405 1 . . . W.B. (2) XXIII. 350 Groombridge 4052... Groombridge 4056... Groombridge 4055... Groombridge 4053... Groombridge 4057... Groombridge 4058... 68 Pe<*asi v 6619. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 2 3001. 6636. This star is a close double, and forms the pair $ 718. {cxxxvi} SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, 1 d NoJ of No. of > S H L obs. Annual Secular Obs. Annual Secular .~ c.f Mean R.A., Preces- Varia- Annual MeanN.P.D., Preces- Varia- Annual No. .s a '" - ,0 Star's Name. 3 1890-0. JVlean Date. d & u & sion, tion, Proper Motion. 1890*0. Meati Date. d & CJ sion, tion, Proper Motion. fc 1800 + g 1 1890-0. 1890-0. 1800 + v > | 1890-0. 1890-0. 1755* 1810. I 1 1 s < o> S3 h m a H 8 8 O / /' ,, 66-.I in 1 - 4.0^0 4 Cassiopeia 5-2* 23. iq. WIQl 94'35 2 5 -J- 2-64I2 +O*O'*qi +O'OOIO 28 IQ. I VOX oi *(6 6 16 IQ *74 + 3'0504 +0*002$ O*OIO4 84. 13. 30*95 93 "44 16 -19*784 0-064 +0*045 6665 4070 Groombridge 4070... 6-9 23. 22. 28-121 95-24 4 2 + 2-6048 +0*0440 O*OO25 24- 58. 56-72 93-52 3 2 -19*785 -0-053 +0*089 6666 3I2S Bradley 3125 5-7* 23. 22. 37-636 94-77 3 4 + 2-4841 +0*0494 +0*028 2O. 14. 42-70 93*06 6 4 -19-787 0-050 +O-OO9 6667 Groombridge 4073... 7'it 23. 23. ig-IIS 96-27 4 + 2-3526 +0*0531 16. 29. 11-91 96*27 4 -19*797 0-046 6668 4073 Groomb. 4073 (as one mass) 23. 23. 19-280 93-94 I 3 + 2-3526 +0*0531 16. 29. 11-45 93-82 4 -19-797 0-046 6669 Groomb. 407 3 ( Comes) 8'2f 23. 23. 19-488 96-11 3 + 2-3526 +0*0531 16. 29. 10-08 96-11 3 19*797 0-046 6670 1 1 22 70 Pegasi t[ 4-6* 21. 21. 1""*<1''Q 91-85 7 + 7 "0260 +O*OO6l +O'OOI' 77 *O 47 "06 QI *7O I I 1 9 * 800 o'o6i O'OIO Wf V 6671 j*m* 4072 Groombridge 4072... 6-5 "J" ~O* JJ *TJ"7 23. 23. 42-I74 7 V J 93''9 / 3 J y*"-*; + 2-7921 +0*032I / / J Vp 'r/ v ^ w 36. 56. 2174 y i 93'!9 3 19*802 0-056 w *-'J^' 6672 7123 II Piscium 6-s 27. 27. 48*2I ( *, 96-67 c + 1-0811 O*OOI4 O'OOT.4 O2 27 4.7 '76 96-67 C 19*801 0*062 0*008 "/ 6673 j^^J '... Oeltz.Arg.(N. 525632 J 8-3 * j- * j* *t ij * * j 23. 23. 49-362 95 -c8 J S i r o "*-j + 2-4788 +0*0513 ***'j* y*> *"j' *i*/ j w 19. 29. 22-34 yv vj 95-I4 J 5 i M.y <^-' i _ 19*804 0-048 6674 .. . Piazzi XXIII. 96 6-3* 23. 23. 50-807 93-7S 24 + 3'09I4 O*O028 +O-OI4 95- 7- 5473 94-07 28 19*804 0-062 +0-25 6675 7J24 12 Piscium 6-5 23. 23. 51-804 94-1 1 6 + V0785 O'OOIO 0*002- 91. 38. 27-85 94-1 1 6 19*804 0*062 +0*002 6676 j ****t 4074 Groombridge 4074... * J 7'3 23. 24. 10-789 92-45 6 1 J V 4 J + 2-8581 +0*0261 44. 8. 27-23 92-45 6 -19*809 0-056 6677 4075 Groombridge 4075... 8-0 23. 24. 32-747 96-72 3 ... + 2-8782 +0*0243 46. 39- SSHS 96-72 3 ... 19*814 0*056 6678 3131 4080 Bradley 3131 7-0 23. 24. 38714 94-84 3 2 + 2-3259 +0-0554 0*006 15. 22. 50-05 93-47 3 2 19*815 0-044 +0*009 6679 4077 Piazzi XXIII. 100... 7-6 23. 24. 47-634 95-o6 4 3 + 2-7459 +0*0371 32. 3. 28-32 94-06 4 2 -19*817 0-053 6680 4076 Groombridge 4076... 8-4 2 3- 24- 54-349 94-53 3 + 2-8624 +0*0263 44. 8. 35-16 94-53 3 19*818 -0-055 6681 4078 Piazzi XXIII. 101... 4-8* 23- 24- 57-194 93-3 8 2i + 2-7473 +0*0372 32. 3. 26-98 91-58 7 2 19*819 0*053 6682 4079 Groombridge 4079. . . 7-S 23. 25. 21-444 93'37 5 ... + 2-8824 +0*0245 46. 37. 49-70 92-73 3 19*824 -0*055 6683 4082 Groombridge 4082... 8-6 23. 25. 46-298 95'33 3 2 + 27565 +0*0374 32. ii. 26-69 95*12 3 2 19*830 0*051 6684 3128 4081 14 Andromedse 5-3* 23. 25. 52-831 94-04 5 + 2-9140 +0*0212 +0*0232 51. 22. 5'l6 92-27 5 -19-831 -0-055 +0-077 6685 4086 Groombridge 4086... 7'3 23. 26. 27-426 95-I5 4 2 + 2-2081 +0*0574 12. 42. 45-83 95-I5 4 2 -19*839 0-038 6686 ... 4083 Piazzi XXIII. no... 6-5 23. 26. 31-150 93'JO 3 + 2-8880 +0*0248 46. 32. 5-78 93*10 3 19*839 0-053 6687 4085 Groombridge 4085... 8-2 23. 26. 40-042 94-80 3 ... + 2-8707 +0*0268 ... 43- 49- I9'3o 94*80 3 19*841 0-052 6688 4.O8 A Groomb. 4O&4(Cm>ies) 9'ot 23. 26. 41-597 9579 3 ... + 2-8906 +0*0245 46. 47. 4-19 95-79 3 19*842 0-052 6689 *r *t Groombridge 4084... 8'2t 23. 26. 42-058 93-96 5 + 2-8906 +0-0245 46. 47. 2-94 93 '27 4 19*842 0-052 6690 4088 Groombridge 4088... 6-7 23. 27. 14775 94-88 3 2 + 2-6617 +0*0470 24. 52- 5-64 94-66 3 2 19*849 0-047 6691 4087 Groombridge 4087... 7-0 23. 27. 22-770 9I-93 3 + 2-8202 +0*0331 36- 55- I5-34 9I-93 3 -19*850 0-050 6692 4089 Groombridge 4089... 7-0 23. 27. 28-139 93-32 4 3 + 2-2392 +0*0601 12. 47. 16*46 93*27 4 3 -19*851 0-038 66Q 1 7147 4IOI Bradley 3147 r-6* 21. 27. 4Q-74.8 Qd'Ol I4.I 1 17 r 0*1718 o * 5668 +0*0861 3. 17. 57*59 I 93*07 133 121 19-856 +O'OI2 0*001 VV 7O 66Q4 j**r/ 71 72 *r* *'* 7 1 Pegasi j ** c-4* J' "1* ty / 1" 21. 27. 53 3154 3'56 4093 4095 4096 4097 4099 4098 4103 4104 4102 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4114 4115 4112 4H3 4116 4119 4120 4117 4122 4121 4118 4124 4123 4125 4126 4129 4127 4128 15 Andromedre 5-5* 6-7* 8-0 6'5* 8-2 6-8 7'i 8-5 9-3t 8-8t 9-2 7'5 9-0 8-1 8-3 9'3 4-0* 5-4* 8-7 7'4 7'9 4-3* 7'5 7'3 9-1 7-8 8-7 7'4 5-2* 7'5 4-3* 8-1 6-5 6-0* 6-3 3-4* 8-6 4-4* 8-0 8-1 6-5 4-8* 6-4 8-2 4-7* 8-0 7-0 6-5 4-7* 6'3 h in s 23. 29. 14-642 23. 29. 29-859 23. 29. 31-179 23. 29. 51-564 23. 30. 2-752 23. 30. 10-246 23. 30. 12-298 23. 30. 14-800 23- 3- 49-43I 23. 30. 49-583 23. 31. 11-240 23- 31- 3 '5 12 23- 3 1 - 30-986 23. 31. 38-583 23-31- 42-330 23- 3 1 - 57-638 23. 32. 10-802 23. 32. 23-523 23. 32. 24-651 23. 32. 38-067 23. 32. 40-384 23- 3 2 - 44-478 23- 32- SS'943 23- 33- 9-592 23- 33- 45-633 23- 33- 47-359 23- 33- 54-98i 23. 34. 0-633 23. 34. 4-640 23- 34- 13-130 23- 34- i7-49 23. 34. 20-941 23. 34. 27-383 23- 34- 33-673 23. 34. 43-146 23- 34- 5" I0 6 23- 34- 55-854 23- 34- 59-337 23- 35- 7-294 23. 35-21-239 23- 35- 38-229 23. 36. 3-108 23. 36. 4-631 23. 36. 15-132 23. 36. 25-997 23. 36. 27-671 23. 36. 48-460 23- 36- 49-72I 23. 37. 1-028 23- 37- 8-753 91-50 88-07 93-09 92-17 93-88 89-79 93-55 92-85 9332 91-30 91-52 95-46 94-79 92-11 92-76 89-71 94H7 92-13 95-80 91-88 8976 94-25 96-60 95-23 94-84 92-80 92-73 95-28 9371 90-44 92-42 95-00 93'47 94-20 92-07 94-40 93'07 96-26 93'94 95-92 92-71 9173 92-37 94-44 92-76 94-25 9375 92-74 93-I7 94-23 7 3 3 15 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 20 7 3 3 3 18 2 6 3 3 3 3 3 34 67 3 2 3 A 40 4 6 2j 4 5 4 3 3 iaj 2 34 3 6 10 2 2 24 2 2 2 3 2 3 27 I 3 2 3 3 + 2-9244 + 2-9942 + 2-8873 + 3^974 + 2-85I2 + 2-8530 + 2-6664 + 2-8394 + 2-98II + 2-98II + 2-978I + 2^75 + 2-5I98 + 2-8639 + 2-96I4 + 2-9830 + 2^57 + 3-O2IO + 2-86 9 7 + 2-S932 + 2-9269 + 2-9263 + 1-8005 + 2-8222 + 2^723 + 2-969I + 2-5684 + 2-829I + 3'H 2 4 + 2-9338 + 3^593 + 2-8302 + 2-5295 + 2-576I + 2-7822 + 2-437I + 2-7S44 + 2-9333 + 2-5263 + 2-3I94 + 2-948I + 3-II90 + 2^128 + 2-95I5 + 3-0697 + 2-5620 + 2-94I4 + 2-9405 + 3-I087 + 3-0350 i +0-0224 +0-0126 +0-0275 0-0041 +0-0325 +0-0324 +0-0515 +0-0342 +0-0153 +0-0153 +0-0160 +0-0530 +0-0638 +0-0328 +0-0189 +0-0157 +0-0277 +0-0095 +0-0329 +0-0299 +0*0250 +0-0252 +0-0493 +0-0403 +0-0661 +0-0192 +0-0669 +0-0407 0-0076 +0-0255 +0-0031 +0-0411 +0-0708 +0-0681 +0-0481 +0-076; +0-0483 +0-0264 +0-0729 +0-0803 +0-0245 0-0097 +0-0311 +0-0245 +O-QOI2 +0-0748 +O-O270 +O-O272 O'OO77 +0-0088 s 0-0016 0-006 +0-0157 +0-0024 +0-02II +0-0014 +O-OO24 +0-0234 O-OI99 +0-0069 +0-0010 0-0092 0-0107 +0-0053 +O'OO4i o ' n 5O. 22. I2X>5 66. 10. S3'38 43. 44. 51-21 98. 4. 2373 38. 12. 47-35 38. 19- 3'32 23. 6. 5971 36. 35. 32-50 61. 42. 34-34 61. 42. 34-94 60. 37. 22-23 22. 45- 33'5i 16. 41. 21-39 38. 19. 25-04 55- 57- 43-88 61. 15. 41-71 44. 8. 16-04 72. 12. 31-79 38. 21. 52-41 41. 36. 31-42 47. 31. 51-54 47. 20. 27-32 7- 24. 17-35 31. 57. 17-30 16. 58. 17-80 55.52.41-38 1 6. 45. 45-48 31. 51. 31-04 104. 49. 49-19 47. 16. 36-47 84. 58. 11-78 31. 38. 22-68 15. 19. 0-76 16. 36. 24-68 26. 53. 2-52 12. 58. 53-30 26. 51- 33 '95 46. 1 6. 30-67 14. 51. 25-62 10. 47. 18-00 48- 45- 33 '39 108. 25. 36-09 41. 5. 48-99 48. 49- 35 "2 1 88. 49. 30-89 15. i. 32-04 45. 51. 13-87 45- 37- 4-65 105. 9. 11-39 74. 16. 29-55 91-50 88-07 93-09 92-05 93-88 8979 93-98 92-85 93-32 90-81 91-52 95-46 94-79 92-11 92-76 89-71 94-47 91-52 95-80 91-88 89-76 94-37 96-52 95-33 94-84 92-80 9273 95-20 93-7I 88-07 92-57 95-02 93-86 94-05 91-56 93-40 92-40 96-26 93-09 95-92 92-71 91-73 92-37 94-44 92-55 93-88 91-78 92-74 92-93 93-32 7 3 3 15 3 3 3 2 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 4 20 II 3 3 3 16 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 37 3 2 3 3 So 3 6 2 4 5 4 3 3 IS 2 3 3 9 12 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 51 I 3 2 9 -I9'873 19-876 19-876 19-880 19-882 19-883 19-884 19-884 19-891 19-891 -19-895 -19-898 19-898 19-900 19-900 -19-903 19-905 19-908 19-908 19-910 19-911 19-911 *9'9 1 3 19-916 19-922 19-922 19-923 19-924 19-925 19-926 19-927 19-928 -19-929 19-930 19-931 -19-932 I9-933 I9'934 '9-935 I9-937 19-940 19 '944 19-944 19-945 19-947 19-947 19-950 -19-951 -19-952 I9'953 // 0-049 0-049 0-047 0-051 0-046 0-045 0-042 0-045 0-047 0-047 0-046 0-040 0-037 0-043 0-045 0-044 0-043 0-044 0-042 0-042 0-042 0-042 0-023 0-040 0-034 0-041 0-034 0-038 0-043 0-040 0-041 0-038 -0-033 0-033 0-036 0-030 0-036 0-038 0-031 0-028 0-037 0-039 0-036 0-036 0-038 0-030 -0-035 -0-035 0-037 0-036 +0-038 O'OO +0-425 0-005 +0-119 +O-OI2 +0-04I +0-443 0*135 +0-024 O'022 +0-003 +0'I37 +0-055 O'OI2 W. B. (2) XXIII. 593-4. Groombridge 4095 . . . Piazzi XXIII. 126... Groombridge 4096... GroombriJge 4097... Groombridge 4099... Groombridge 4098... W.]:.( 2 )XXIII.62i-2(Coics) W.B.(2)XXIII.62I-2 B. D.+29 No. 4969 Groombridge 4103... Groombridge 4104... Groombridge 4102... B. D.+33No. 4744 B. D.+2S' No. 4608 7s Peeasi . Groombridge 4107... Piazzi XXIII. 141... 17 Andromeda? t Carrington 3629 Groombridge 4110... Groombridge 4114... Groombridge 4115... Groombridge 4112... 1 02 Aquarii . w Groombridge 4113... 17 Piscium t Groombridge 4116... Groombridge 4119... Piazzi XXIII. 152... Groombridge 4117... 35 Cephei y Groombridge 4121... Groombridge 4124... Lalande F. 4544 Groombridge 4123... 104 Aquarii A- Groombridge 4125... Groombridge 4126... Groombridge 4129... Piazzi XXIII. 160... Groombridge 4128... 105 Aquarii w~ 76 Pe^asi 6709, 6710. These stars form the pair 2 3026. GHEENWICH SECOND TEN-YEAR CATALOGUE FOB 1890. S {cxxxviii} SECOND TEN- YEAR CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1890-0, No. 1 >, 5 <=3 a & PQ 1755- f, 0^ .s2 ta 1810. Star's Name. Magnitude. Mean R.A., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean N.P.D., 1890-0. Mean Date. 1800 + No. of Obs. Annual Preces- sion, 1890-0. Secular Varia- tion, 1890-0. Annual Proper Motion. OJ e 2 < a & jff O 1 CJ 1 ^ 1 <5 09 1 f C S 67SI 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 M 3160 3'59 3162 3164 3'6S 3 l66 3169 3167 3171 3172 3173 3176 3'79 3 I80 4130 4I3 1 4132 4133 4134 4I3S 4136 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4H3 4144 4I4S 4147 4148 4149 4150 4iSi 4152 4153 4IS4 4I5S Groombridge 4130... Groombridge 4131... Oeltz.Arg.(N.)2S964 Lalande F. 4555 78 Pegasi ... 6-9* 8-0 9-0 7-8 4'9* 5-3* 7-4 8-2 8-0 7'i 8-2 6-2 9-0 5-2* 5-2* 6-8 5'7* 8-1 5-i* 9-0 7-0 8-5 6-3 7-8 4-6* 6-4 5-5* 6-1* 5-9* 8-0 6-3 6-7 7-0 9-0 7-8 6-5 5-3* 6-0* 6-5 5-2* 6-3 6-0 6-5 6-8* 6-3* 6-9 7'5 8-8 h m s 23-37- 9-508 23- 37- I5-559 23. 38. 4-234 23. 38. 25-644 23. 38. 27-456 23. 38. 29-697 23.39. i'5" 23. 39. 8-197 23- 39- 7-914 23- 39- 17-695 23. 39. 20-797 23. 39. 26-646 23- 39- 43-351 23. 40. 46-124 23. 41. 40-756 23. 42. 5-257 23. 42. 17-222 23. 42. 38-169 23. 42. 39-096 23- 42. 39-809 23. 42. 46-482 23. 42. 46-785 23- 42. 53' 2 54 23. 43. 3-762 23.43. 11-756 23. 43. 19-637 23. 43. 28-713 23- 43- 49-499 23- 44- 5'346 23. 44. 30-551 23. 44. 52-655 23. 45. 2-186 23. 45. 10-632 23. 45. 12-100 23. 45. 26-333 23. 45. 36-565 23. 45. 40-456 23- 45- 44-372 23. 46. i -383 23. 46. 41 -556 23. 46. 53-482 23. 46. 56-562 23- 47- 3-H9 23. 47. 16-523 23- 47- 23-936 23- 47- 24-332 23. 47. 26-727 23. 47. 27-283 23- 47- 3 I- 433 23- 47- 35-565 89-68 94-77 96-82 95-15 94-18 91-42 93-02 95-89 92-40 89-56 9371 93-23 90-11 88-77 92-04 90-75 92-96 89-77 92-74 96-46 93-39 94-5I 90-51 91-11 93-60 93-70 95-82 94-02 94-88 94-45 89-88 94-14 93-I7 92 4 76 90-11 93-84 92-21 88-08 91-43 92-71 94-11 90-15 94-61 92-27 92-72 8877 96-10 92-87 96-40 96-01 3 4 34 5 20 34 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 21 3 3 4 3 5 ii 3 29 3 3 3 27 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 25 5 13 15 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 s + 2-8008 + 2-6250 + 2-6686 + 2-3062 + 3-0036 + 3-II54 + 2-9007 + 1-7216 + 2-8997 + 2-9595 + 2-9021 + 2-9003 + 3-0035 + 3-0669 + 2-9014 + 2-9636 + 3-0786 + 2-9861 + 2-8320 + 3-0183 + 2-8738 + 0-5403 + 3-o847 + 2-9849 + 3-1262 + 2-8710 + 2-8945 + 3-07I7 + 3-0227 + 2-9056 + 2-9637 + 2-9003 + 2-9555 + 3-0098 + 2-9998 + 2-9053 + 3-1021 + 3-0598 + 3-0005 + 3-0246 + 3-0469 + 3'0254 + 2-7921 + 3-0774 + 3 - OI 8s + 3-0496 + 3-0706 + 3-0095 + 3-0380 + 3-0020 +0-0506 +0-0714 +0-0702 +0-0917 +0-0163 0-0098 +0-0379 +0-0409 +0-0383 +0-0266 +0-0383 +0-0388 +0-0174 +0-0023 +0-0434 +0-0298 0-0009 +0-0250 +0-0608 +0-0164 +0-0524 -0-4834 0-0028 +0-0259 0-0160 +0-0547 +0-0498 +O'OOI2 +0-OI65 +0-0503 +'0353 +0-0534 +0-0385 +0*0219 +0-0254 +0-0542 0-0097 +0-0056 +0-0263 +0-0190 +0-01 10 +0-0191 +0-0918 o'oooS +0-0224 +0-0104 +O-OO2O +0-0259 +0-0150 +0-0290 a +0-0053 +0-0006 O-OO50 +0-0069 +0-0048 O-O04 +0-0040 0-0023 O-OOI6 +0-0036 +0-010 0-0006 0-0028 0-0033 +0-073 +0-0040 0-0015 26. 5. 40-63 16. 28. 51-55 17. 32. 57-65 9. 18. 35-17 61. 14. 52-21 1 08. 53. 1579 35. 24. 14-27 5. 8. 29-80 35- 7- 9'99 46. S'- 53'27 35- 13- 4-63 34. 48. 40 -02 59- 44- 8-42 87. 7. 24-62 31. 57. 39-16 43- 46- 43-5I 93. 22. 23-27 49. 30. 9-64 22. 48. 15-59 61. 46. 33-22 26. 47. 37-53 2. 16. 8-21 96. 59. 28-92 48. 25. 3-32 118. 44. 20-05 25- 44- 3 '99 28. 23. 49-71 89. 32. 5-08 61. 46. 1 1-79 28. 23. 50-85 38. 59. 22-32 26. 52. 4-25 36. 24. 44-07 S3- 58. 37-33 49. 26. 52-78 26. 37- 36-55 109. 31. 15-57 81. 17. 47-82 48. 31. 44-39 58. 16. 51-75 71. 29. 26-54 58. 15. 42-13 IS- 4- 7'53 93- 45- 59-04 S3- 39- 18-54 72. 42. 41-59 88. 31. 15-22 49- 15- 59-40 64. 36. 44-14 45- 44- 20-19 89-83 94-70 96-80 95-4I 94-01 90-33 92-40 96-15 9178 89-20 93-27 93-22 90-11 8877 91-88 9075 93-01 S977 90-01 96-66 93-4I 94-22 90-54 90-27 93-44 93-21 95-25 94-02 94-76 94-3I 89-88 94-04 93-17 92-76 90-11 93-82 9f74 88-36 9I-43 92-71 93-88 9075 92-7 92-38 92-72 89-84 96-10 92-87 96-40 96-01 3 4 4 5 24 6 4 5 3 5 3 3 4 3 4 3 27 3 8 3 3 5 18 4 26 3 3 3 3i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 5 3 3 30 5 23 1 9 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 5 3 2 3 3 3 4 7 2 I 2 3 2 2 3 14 // -I9-9S3 19-954 19-961 19-964 19-964 -19-965 -19-969 19-970 19-970 19-971 19-972 19-972 -I9-975 19-982 -19-989 19-992 19-993 -19-995 19-996 19-996 19-996 19-996 19-997 19-998 19-999 20-000 20-001 20-003 20-OO5 2O-OO7 20-CI09 2O-OIO 2O'OII 2O 'Oil 2O-OI3 2O'OI4 20-014 2O-OI4 20'Ol6 20*019 20-020 2O"O2O 2O-O2I 2O-O22 20-023 20-023 2O "O23 20-023 20-023 20-O24 // 0-032 0-029 0-029 0-023 0-033 0-034 0-030 0-014 0-030 0-030 0-030 0-029 0-030 0-029 0-025 0-025 0-026 0-024 0-023 0-025 0-023 +0-003 0-025 0-024 0-025 0'O22 O'O22 0-023 O-022 O'O2O O'O2O O-Olg O'Oig O-O2O O'Oig O'OlS O'O2O 0-019 o'oiS 0-017 0-017 0-017 0-014 0-016 0-016 0-016 0-016 0-015 0-016 0-015 +0-034 +0-01 1 +0-023 0-052 0-003 +0-010 1 +0-097 1 +0-010 +0-030 0-014 O'OO O'OO2 +0-043 +0-042 0-08 +0-019 +0-005 106 Aquarii fc 1 Groombridge 4132... Lalande F. 4560 Groombridge 4133... Piazzi XXIII. 173... Groombridge 4135... Piazzi XXIII. 175... B. D. +30 No. 5015 19 Piscium Groombridge 4139... Groombridge 4140... Bradley 3166 B. D. +28 No. 4643 Groombridge 4142... Carrington 3660 Piazzi XXIII. 190... Groombridge 4143... Sculptoris o Groombridge 4144... 6 Cassiopeia. 21 Piscium 79 Pegasi Piazzi XXIII. 202... Piazzi XXIII. 204... Groombridge 4149... Piazzi XXIII. 205... W.B. (2) XXIII. 920 Groombridge 4151... Groombridge 4152.. 1 08 Aijuarii 80 Pegasi Groombridge 4153... H: with Cornet a 1888 81 Pegasi sf: with Comet a 1888 Piazzi XXIII. 218... 24 Piscium B. D. +36 No. 5126 W. B. (2) XXIII. 928 25 Piscium Groombridge 4155... W. B. ( 2 ) iXIII. 971-2-3 B. D. +44 No. 4511 6756. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 3 995. 6776. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 02 507. 6777. This star is a close double, and forms the pair OS 508. 6789. This star is a close double, and forms the pair 6 1038. - FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1887 TO 1896. {cxxxix} "s No. of No. of i& TIT TJ A Obs. Annual Secular \r -vr p f| Obs. Annual Secular ~\r ' No. 11 03 .5.5 Star's Name. 4 Mean K.A., 1890*0. Date. D 1 f Preces- sion, Varia- tion, Annual Proper Motion. Mean r^.r.lJ., 1890*0. Mean Date. t-J 1 0* 1 Preces- sion, Varia- tion, Annual Proper Motion. * * Sb 1800 + 1 1890-0. 1890*0. 1800 + 1 O 1890-0. 1890-0. 1755- 1810. ii < S 3 K h m s a 8 O t H H 6801 Lalande 46809 8-0 23. 47. 36*686 89-15 5 + 3-0277 +0*0192 58. 12. I2'3I 89-I5 5 20-024 O-OI5 6802 4156 Groombridge 4156 ... 6-6 23- 47- 37-562 92*92 4 3 + 2-9472 +0*0489 29. 54. 26*53 93-36 4 3 20-024 O-OI5 6803 Piazzi XXIII. 222... 6-1* 23- 47- 39-569 94*16 3 ... + 3-I058 0-0129 114. 50. 29-16 94*16 3 20-024 0-016 6804 4i57 PiazziXXIlI. 223... 7-1 23. 48. 2-991 93*82 3 ... + 2-9867 +0-0360 39. 5. 22*47 93*82 3 20-026 0*014 6805 3268 4158 Groombridge 4158 ... 7' 2 23. 48. 22-O2I 92*49 2 3 + 2-9538 +0*0494 +0*0003 29. 45. 30*41 92-47 2 3 20-027 0*013 +0-009 6806 4i59 Groombridge 41 59 ... 6-5 23. 48. 29*948 90-86 4 ^ + 3-0188 +0*0243 51. 19. 48-96 90-86 3 20-028 0-013 6807 4160 Groombridge 4160 ... S-o 23. 48. 38*712 95-18 5 + 3-0080 +0-0291 45. 44. 41-08 95-18 5 20-028 0-013 6808 Lalande 46S38(C0ie) 7-s: 23. 48. 39*690 94-89 3 + 3-I07I 0-0147 117.39. 1778 94-89 3 20-028 0-014 6809 Lalande 46838 7-oJ 2"?. 48. 4O'2-;6 04 *8Q + 1 * I O7 1 O'OId.7 117 "JO I7'6l 04*80 7 20*028 O'OId 6810 ... W.B. (2) XXIII. 989 7-9 J' *T W< *T V J" 23. 48. 47*127 7*t v y 89-08 3 j *"/ * + 3-030I _ ^ Lt 1l +0*0201 * A / J.7 */ *** 57- i* 5-92 89-08 J 3 20-029 V VJ 1 If 0-013 68n Piazzi XXIII. 227... 6-0* 23. 49. 8-722 93-io 7 + 3-073I +0-0010 90. 30. 8-94 93-32 6 20-031 0-013 6812 4162 Groombridge 4162 ... 8-0 23- 49- 17-390 94'47 3 + 2*9899 +0-0387 37- 6. 51-57 94'47 3 20-031 O-OI2 6813 W. B. XXIII. 973... 7'5 23. 49. 29*181 89-76 3 + 3-0782 0-0015 95- 6. 47*76 89-76 3 20-032 O*OI2 6814 PiazziXXIlI. 229... 6-3 23. 49. 47*184 93-26 16 + 3-0443 +0-OI52 64. 39. 25-46 94-26 16 20-033 O'OII 681*; Lalande 46883 7'5 23. 49. 47*730 89*52 -J- 2 '0349 -i-O'OIQ? 57. 43. I2'OI 8d '12 3 20*033 O'OII vw j 6816 4164 PiazziXXIlI. 231... 6-7 2 3- 49- 59-77I y j 9175 3 + 2-9975 +0-0379 37. 52. 38-82 9175 3 20-034 O'OIO 6817 B. F. 1276 ... 7-6 23. 50. 0*087 04*02 3 + 3 '0646 -l-O'OO c ''-t 82. 23. 20*46 94*02 3 20-034 O'OII 'V * j 68l8 4166 Groombridge 4166 ... 7'3 23. 50. 4*494 y*r v 92*49 j 3 ... O ***"^ + 3*0131 +0-0308 ... 44. 15. 12*68 92*49 3 ... 20-034 O'OIO 6819 4167 Groombridge 4 1 67 ... 6'7 23. 50. 14*571 93-80 3 + 3*0102 +0-0328 42. 23. 24-93 93*80 3 20-035 o-oio 6820 B. D. +32 No. 4736 9-0 23. 50. 22*495 90*45 3 ... + 3-0364 +0-0201 57. 14. 43-81 90*51 4 20-035 0*010 I 6821 W.B.(2)XXIII. 1020 7-0 23. 50. 32*142 89*57 4 + 3-0368 +O-O2O2 57- 7- 27-02 89-57 4 20*036, o-oio 6822 4170 Groombridge 4170 ... 8-2 23. 50. 55*618 91*54 3 4 + 2*8937 +0-0907 ... 1 6. 28. 27-87 92*06 4 9 -20*037 0*008 6823 4168 Groombridge 4168 ... 8-6 23. 50. 56-654 91-88 4 + 3-0252 +0-0274 48. 5. 36-60 91*88 4 20-037 0*009 6824 4169 Groombridge 4169 ... 8-0 23. 50. 58*261 95-02 4 + 3-0023 +0-0394 ... 36. 53. 59-06 9575 4 20-037 0*009 6825 PiazziXXIlI. 235... 6-i 23- 51- 5-I85 92*60 S + 3-0515 +0-0133 67. 57. 51-28 92*60 5 ... 20-038 0*009 6826 W.B.(2)XXIII.I029 8-5 23. 51. 8-386 89*87 3 + 3-0394 +O-O2OI 57. 24. 20-38 89-87 3 20-038 0*009 6827 3187 4i74 Bradley 3187. . . 6*3* 23. 51. 18-415 92*98 3 5 + 2*6850 +O-I72S +0-0237 7. 25. 16-61 92-11 4 7 20-039 0*006 +0*004 6828 4171 Groombridge 4171 ... 7-6 23. 51. 24*206 94-12 3 + 3*0206 +0-0313 43- 59- 42-12 94*12 3 20-039 0*008 6829 4175 Groombridge 4175 ... 7-8 23- s 1 - 47-796 92-46 3 + 3*0200 +0-033I 42. 19. 52*80 92-46 3 20-040 0*007 6830 4176 Groombridge 4176 ... 8-0 23. 52. 4-541 92-11 3 4 + 2-9187 +0-0908 +0*0244 16. 44. 46*59 91*81 2 4 20-041 0*006 +0*016 68^1 5186 84 Pe ff asi. . */" 4-6* 23 52 9-189 OTQ7 17 + **.'o** 16 -J Q *OI4X 0-004-? 65. 28. 12*25 92*78 23 20-041 0-007 +0*024 W J * 6832 ow Carrington 3684 9'3 23. 52. 11*358 yj y3 1 / 2 4 j U^lU + 2*6429 +0-2049 ' 6. 2. 40*76 94-48 2 4 20-041 0-005 6833 4177 Piazzi XXIII., 242.. 6-6 23. 52. 32*732 93-I5 3 ... + 3-0210 +0*0357 0-004 40. 10. 21*03 93'J5 3 20-042 0-006 0*25 6834 Carrington 3686 9'5 23. 52. 46*598 95-81 2 4 + 2-7804 +0-1696 8. 11. 52*43 9573 2 3 20-043 0-004 ... 6835 4178 Groombridge 4178 .. 7-8 23. 52. 47*010 93-01 4 + 3-0392 +0-0246 51. 38. 53-67 93*01 4 20-043 0-005 6836 var. 23. 52. 49-279 94-85 3 ... + 3-0212 +0-0369 *. . 39. 13. 26*82 94-85 3 20-043 0-005 ... 6837 4179 Groombridge 4179 ... 8-2 23. 52. 51-356 94-44 3 + 3-0298 +0-0313 ... 44. 18. 14-39 94-44 3 20-043 0-005 ... 6838 3189 5-0* 23- 53- 2-455 91-62 IS + 3-0755 0-0007 0^0050 94- 9- 58-79 91-74 21 20-044 0*005 +0-057 6839 4182 Groombridge 4182 ... 9-0 23- 53- 2-574 94'65 2 3 + 2-9396 +0-0910 ... 16. 57. 16*83 94-93 2 2 20-044 0-004 6840 4180 Groombridge 4180 ... 7-6 23.53. 7-2ii 94-90 3 + 3*0197 +0-0395 37- '3- 30-31 94-90 3 20-044 0-005 ... 6841 4181 Groombridge 4181 ... 6-6 23. 53. 10-871 93-23 3 + 3-0316 +0-0314 44. n. 56*50 92*86 2 ... 20-044 0-005 ... 6842 ... 4183 Groombridge 4183 ... 8-5 23- 53- 14-651 95-08 3 3 + 3-0201 +0-0399 ... 36. 56. 24*62 9576 3 3 20-044 0-004 ... 6843 B. D. +52 No. 3572 9-1 23* 53- 15-699 96-19 3 + 3-0209 +0-0395 ... 37. 16. 4*22 96-19 3 20-044 0-004 ... 6844 4184 Groombridge 4 1 84 . . . 7-0 23- 53- 17-076 93'48 3 ... + 3-0414 +0-0248 ... 51. 30. 1-02 93-48 3 20-044 0-005 ... 6845 4185 Groombridge 4 1 85 ... 8-2 23- 53- 25-916 94^7 3 ... + 3-0356 +0-0296 ... 46. 2. 53-48 94-97 3 20-045 0-004 ._ 6846 ... 4188 Groombridge 4188 ... 8-7 23. 53. 26*453 94-84 2 3 + 2*9856 +0-0654 23. 47. 52-24 94-98 2 3 20-045 0-004 ... 6847 4187 Groombridge 4187 ... 8-0 23. 53. 27-100 96-39 5 + 3-0225 +0-0394 >*. 37- 21. 33-92 96-39 5 20-045 0-004 6848 4189 Groombridge 4 1 89 . . . 7'5 23- 53- 37-3io 95*10 4 + 3-0232 +0-0399 to* 37- 2. 55-13 95-18 3 20-045 0-004 * 6849 4190 PiazziXXIlI. 247... 6-8 23- 53- 39-288 92-53 4 + 3-0285 +0-0360 40. 4- 58'i7 92-53 4 20-045 0*004 68 -*o "tlQI 28 Piscium