SYNOPSIS OF ANIMAL CLASSIFICATION Dr. Emil Selenka and I. R. Ainsworth Davis OF THE UNIVERSITY OF A ZOOLOGICAL POCKET-BOOK : OR, SYNOPSIS OF ANIMAL CLASSIFICATION. WORKS BY J. R. AINSWORTH DAVIS, B.A., Lecturer on Biology at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. In Large Crown 8vo, Handsome Cloth, 12s. 6d. BIOLOGY (An Introduction to), For the Use of Students. Comprising Vegetable and Animal Morphology and Physiology. GENERAL CONTENTS. PART I. VEGETABLE MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY : Fungi ; Algse ; The Moss ; The Fern ; Gymnosperms ; Angiosperms. Comparative Vegetable Morphology and Physiology ; Classification of Plants. PART II. -ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY : Protozoa ; Ccelenterata ; Vermes ; Arthropoda ; Mollusca ; Amphibia ; Ayes ; Mammalia. Comparative Animal Morphology and Physiology ; Classification of Animals. With Bibliography, Examination Questions, Complete Glossary, and 158 Illustrations. 'The volume is literally PACKED with information.' Glasgow Medical Journal. As a general work of reference, Mr Davis's Manual will be highly serviceable to amateur or professional scientists.' British Medical Journal. Extra Crown 8vo, with very Numerous Illustrations, Cloth, 3s. 6d. THE FLOWERING PLANT : First Principles of Botany. Specially adapted to the Requirements of Students preparing for London University Matriculation, Science and Art, and other Examinations. ' SUPPLIES A WANT felt by teachers. Mr Davis's method is peculiarly suitable to be- ginners.' The Lancet. ' Calculated to be of much service in making clear to fresh minds the framework of botanical science. Chemist and Druggist. L \* .Recommended by the National Home-Reading Union, and for Use in the University Correspondence Classes. WORKS BY WILLIAM STIRLING, M.D., Sc.D., Professor in the Victoria University ; Brackenbury Professor of Physiology and Histology in the Owens College, Manchester; Examiner in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. In Extra Crown 8vo, with 344 Illustrations, 12s. 6d. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY (Outlines of). *** Dr Stirling's ' Outlines of Practical Histology ' is a compact Handbook for Students, providing a COMPLETE LABORATORY COURSE, in which almost every exercise is accom- panied by a Drawing. 'The general plan of the work is ADMIRABLE. . . . It is very evident that the suggestions given are the outcome of a PROLONGED EXPERIENCE in teaching Practical Histology, combined with a REMARKABLE JUDGMENT in the selection of methods.' British Medical Journal. In Extra Crown 8vo, with 234 Illustrations. PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY (Outlines of). SECOND EDITION. \* A Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory, including Chemical and Experimental Physiology, with reference to PRACTICAL MEDICINE. ' Thoroughly well done, and forms an admirable epitome of Physiological Science. . . . An EXCELLENT TREATISE, which we can thoroughly recommend.' The Lancet. LONDON : CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY. A ZOOLOGICAL POCKET-BOOK : OK, SYNOPSIS OF AMMAL CLASSIFICATION. COMPRISING DEFINITIONS OF THE PHYLA, CLASSES, AND ORDERS, WITH EXPLANATORY REMARKS AND TABLES. BY DR EMIL SELENKA, PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF E1ILANGEN. TRANSLATED FROM THE THIRD GERMAN EDITION BY J. R AINSWORTH DAVIS, B.A., TRIN. COLL. CAMB. LECTURER ON BIOLOGY AND GEOLOGY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, ABERYSTWYTII ; AUTIIOR OF "A TEXT-BOOK OF BIOLOGY," ETC. Interleaved for Students' Notes. LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN AND COMPANY. EXETER STREET, STRAND. 1890. [All Rights Reserved.] AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THIS Pocket-Book is intended to serve for the reception of my pupils' Sketches and Notes during Lectures and Practical Work, and at the same time to facilitate a review of Classification. SELENKA. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. IT is believed that this set of Schedules will be found generally useful to students of Zoology, presenting as it does the leading- features of the larger groups in a comparatively small space, while clearness is gained by the use of various kinds of type. The blank paper may profitably be employed to receive brief synopses from voluminous lecture-notes, or, in some cases, definitions of families and smaller subdivisions. The Translation has been prepared from the Third German Edition, but numerous additions and revisions have been made by the Translator, who is also responsible for the Notes on Distribu- tion (mainly prepared from Wallace) and the Geological Table. J. R. A. D. ABKRYSTWYTH, September 1890. ,43 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE GRADE A. PROTOZOA (Plastidozoa), . . . . .2 Class I. Rhizopoda (Gymnomyxa), ..... 4 Order 1. Proteomyxa, ....... 4 Order 2. Labyrinthulidea, ...... 4 Order 3. Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes), . . .. . .4 Order 4. Amoeboidea, ....... 5 Order 5. Foraminifera (Reticularia), . . . . .5 Order 6. Heliozoa, . . . . . .6 Order 7. Radiolaria, . . . . . .6 Class II. Infusoria (Plegepoda), ...... 7 Order 1. Flagellata (Mastigophora), ..... 7 Order 2. Ciliata, ..... .8 Order 3. Suctoria (Acinetaria, Tentaculifera), . .8 Class III. Gregarinida (Sporozoa), . . . . . .10 GRADE B. METAZOA (Enterozoa), . . . . .11 Phylogenetic Scheme, . . . , . . .11 Comparative Table of Metazoa, . . . . . 12, 13 SUBGRADE A. CCELENTERATA (Diploblastica), . . . . .14 Phylum I. Spongiae (Porifera), ...... 20 Order 1. Silicospongise, ....... 20 Order 2. Calcispongise, ....... 20 Phylum II. Cnidaria (Nematophora), . . . . .22 Class I. Hydrozoa (Polypomedusse), . . . . .22 Order 1. Hydromedusaa, . . . . . .22 Order 2. Siphonophora, . . . . . .22 Order 3. Acalephse (Scyphomedusse, Acraspeda), . . .22 IV CONTENTS. PAGE Class II. Anthozoa (Actinozoa), . . . . . .29 Order 1. Rugosa (Tetracoralla), . . .29 Order 2. Alcyonaria (Octactinia, Octocoralla), . . .29 Order 3. Zoantharia (Hexactinia, Hexacoralla), . . .29 Class III. Ctenophora, ....... 32 SUBGRADE B. C(ELOMATA (Triploblastica), . . 33 Phylum I. Vermes, ........ 39 Class I. Platyhelmia (Platyhelminthes), . . . . .44 Order 1. Turbellaria, ....... 44 Order 2. Nemertina (Nemertea), . . . . .46 Order3. Trematoda, ....... 47 Order 4. Cestoda, ....... 50 Order 5. Mesozoa, ....... 53 Class II. Nemathelmia (Neniathelminthes), . . . .54 Order 1. Nematoda, . . . . . . .54 Order 2. Acanthocephala, . . . . . .58 Order 3. Chaetognatha, ....... 59 Table of Parasitic Worms, ..... 60, 61 Class III. Rotatoria (Rotifera), . . . . . .62 Class IV. Annelida (Annulata), . . . . . .63 Order 1. Archiannelida, ...... 63 Order 2. Chaetopoda, ..... .63 Order 3. Hirudinea (Discophora), . . . . .63 Class V. Gephyrea, .... .70 Phylum II. Echinodermata, ....... 73 Class I. Crinoidea, ........ 74 Class II. Asteroidea, .... 75 Order 1. Stellerida, ' [ 75 Order 2. Ophiurida, .... 75 Class III. Echinoidea, .... 77 Order 1. Regularia, .... Order 2. Clypeastroidea, Order 3. Spatangoidea, .... CONTEXTS. V PAGE Class IV. Holothuroidea, ....... 79 Order 1. Pedata, . .79 Order 2. Elasipoda, ....... 79 Order 3. Apoda, . . . . . . . .79 Phylum III. Arthropoda, . . . . . .81 Class I. Crustacea, . . . . . .85 Group A. Entomostraca, . . . . . .85 Order 1. Phyllopoda, ..... . .85 Order 2. Ostracoda, . . . . . - . .85 Order 3. Copepoda, . . . . . . .85 Order 4. Cirripedia, . . . . . . .85 Group B. Leptostraca, . . . . . .87 Group C. Malacostraca, . . . ' . . . .88 Order 1. Arthrostraca (Edriophthalmata), . . . .88 Order 2. Thoracostraca, . . . . . .88 Class II. Arachnida, . . . ," . . .90 Group A. Arachnida Branchiata, . . . . . .90 Order 1. Xiphosura, . . . . . . .90 Order 2. Eurypterina, . . . . . . .90 Order3. Trilobita, . . : . . . . .90 Group B. Arachnida Tracheata, . . . . . .92 Order 1. Acarina, ....... 92 Order 2. Pycnogonida (Pantopoda), . . . . .92 Order 3. Tardigrada, ....... 92 Order 4. Liuguatulidse, . . . . . .92 Order 5. Araneida, . . * . . . . .92 Order 6. Phalangidae, ....... 92 Order 7. Pedipalpi, . . . . . . .92 Order 8. Scorpionidee, ....... 92 Order 9. Pseudoscorpionida 1 , . . . . . .92 Order 10. Solifugse, ....... 92 Class III. Protracheata, ....... 94 Class IV. Myriapoda, ....... 96 Order 1. Chilopoda, ....... 96 Order 2. Chilognatha, . ... 96 Class V. Insecta (Hexapoda), . . . . . .99 Order 1. Orthoptera, ....... 99 Order 2. Thysanura (Aptera), . . 99 VI CONTENTS. . PAGE Order 3. Pseudoneuroptera, . . . . . .99 Order 4. Hemiptera, ....... 99 Order 5. Neuroptera, ....... 99 Order 6. Trichoptera, ..... .99 Order 7. Strepsiptera, . . . . . . .99 Order 8. Diptera, . . . . . . .101 Order 9. Aphaniptera, ... . 101 Order 10. Coleoptera, ....... 101 Order 11. Hymenoptera, ...... 101 Order 12. Lepidoptera, . . . . . . .101 Phylum IV. Molluscoidea, . . . . . . .105 Class I. Polyzoa (Bryozoa), . . . . . . .105 Order 1. Vermiformia, . . . . . . .105 Order 2. Eupolyzoa, . . . . . . .105 Class II. Brachiopoda, . . . . . . .109 Order 1. Ecardines, . . . . . . .109 Order 2. Testicardines, . . . . . . .109 Phylum V. Mollusca, . . . . . . .113 Subphylum A. Lipocephala (Acephala), . . . . .113 Class I. Larnellibranchiata (Conchifera), . . . , .113 Order 1. Asiphonida, ....... 113 Order 2. Siphonida, ....... 113 Subphylum B. Glossophora, . . . . ... 118 Class I. Scaphopoda, ..... .118 Class II. Gastropoda, . . . . . . .121 A. Gastropoda Isopleura, . . . . . .121 Order 1. Solenogastres (Amphiueura), .... 121 Order 2. Polyplacophora, . . . . . .121 B. Gastropoda Anisopleura, ...... 121 Order 1. Streptoneura (Prosobrauchia), . . . .121 Order 2. Euthyneura, . . . . . .121 Class III. Pteropoda, . . . . . . . 126 Order 1. Thecosomata, . . ... 126 Order 2. Gymnosomata, ...... 126 Class IV. Cephalopoda (Siphonopoda). . . . . .129 Order 1. Tetrabranchiata, . . . . . .129 Order 2. Dibranchiata, . 129 CONTENTS. Vll PAGE Phylum VI. Chordata, . . . . . . .335 Subphylum A. Hemichorda, ...... 135 Subphylum B. Urochorda (Tunicata), . . . . .138 Order 1. Larvacea (Perennichordata), ..... 138 Order 2. Ascidiaj, . . . . . . .138 Order 3. Thaliacea, .... . . .138 Subphylum C. Cephalochorda (Acrania), ..... 143 Subphylum D. Vertebrata (Craniata), . . . . .146 Table of Vertebrate Groups. . . . . . .147 Class I. Cyclostomi (Marsipobranchii), ..... 148 Order 1. Hyperotreti, . . . . . . .148 Order 2. Hyperoartia, . .148 Class II. Pisces, . . . . . . . .153 Order 1. Selachii (Elasmobranchii), ..... 153 Order 2. Holocephali, . . . . . . .153 Order 3. Ganoidei, . . . . . . .153 Order 4. Teleostei, . . . ... . .157 Order5. Dipnoi, . . . . . . .161 Class III. Amphibia, ....... 164 Order 1. Urodela (Caudata), . .164 Order 2. Batrachia (Anura), . . . . . .164 Order 3. Apoda (Gymiiophioua), . . . 164 Order 4. Stegocephali, . . 164 Class IV. Reptilia, ... ... 168 Lepidosauria (Plagiotremata), ...... 168 Order 1. Lacertilia (Sauria), . . . . . .168 Order 2. Pterosauria, . . . . . .168 Order3. Ophidia, . . 168 Hydrosauria, . .174 Order 4. Enaliosauria, . . . . .174 OrderS. Crocodilia, . . . . . . .174 Order 6. Chelonia, ... ... 174 Order 7. Dinosauria, . . . . . .174 Class V. Aves, . . . 180 Order 1. Saururse, . . .... 180 Order 2. Ratitae ... . .180 Order3. Cariuatae, . . . . . . .183 Vlll CONTENTS. 1'AGE Class VI. Mammalia, ..... .188 Subclass I. Prototheria (Ornithodelphia), . . . . .188 Order 1. .Monotremata, . . . 188 Subclass II. Metatheria (Didelphia), . . . . .191 Order 1. Marsupialia, ....... 191 Subclass III. Eutheria (Monodelphia), ... .195 Group A. Non-Deciduata, . ... 196 Order 1. Edentata (Bruta), .... .196 Order 2. Ungulata, . . . . . . .199 Order 3. Cetacea, . . . . . . .203 Order 4. Sirenia, . . . . . . .203 Group B. Deciduata, ... ... 207 Order 5. Kodentia (Glires), . . . 207 Order 6. Proboscidea, . . .212 Order 7. Hyracoidea (Lanmugia), ..... 212 Order 8. Insectivora, ....... 215 Order 9. Cheiroptera. ... ... 215 Order 10. Carnivora (Ferae), . . . . . .218 Order 11. Prosimise (Lemuroidea), . . . . .222 Order 12. Primates, . . . . . . .222 Principles of Distribution, ....... 227 Distribution of Mammals, . . . . . . .231 Table showing the Geological Eange of the Chief Animal Groups. . . 238 PROTOZOA. Grade A. PROTOZOA (Plastldozoa). Unicellular organisms. The cell-body (sarcode, protoplasm) effects the reception and assimilation of food ; the endoplast or nucleus (chromatin and nucleolus ; nuclear fluid) plays an important part in reproduc- tion. One or more contractile vacuoles frequently present. Keproduction effected by fission, gemmation, or spore-formation (often after preceding conjugation or copulation). All Protozoans live in water, damp places, or as parasites in the juices of other animals. 4 EHIZOPODA. Class I. Rhizopoda (Gymnomyxa). Protozoans devoid of cuticle whose protoplasmic body takes in food, and, in many cases, moves by means of retractile pseudopodia. A skeleton frequently present. Reproduction by fission or formation of swarm- spores. Order 1. Proteomyxa. A heterogeneous group of small forms with inconspicuous nuclei, and pseudopodia of various nature : Protomyxa, Protomonas, Vampyrella, Protogenes, Archerina. Order 2. Labyrinthulidea. Protozoans consisting of a protoplasmic network with travelling spindles : Labyrinthula, Chlamydomyxa. Order 3. Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes). Rhizopods in which the body is an active plasmodium, producing coated spores : Ceratium, Trichia, ^Sthalium (flowers of tan). RHIZOPODA. 5 Order 4. Amceboidea. Shape-changing Rhizopods with a contractile vacuole. Movement and reception of food effected by means of blunt pseudopodia. Sometimes a skeleton. Reproduction usually by binary fission, sometimes by gemmation. Resting-cysts (hypnocysts) common Amoeba, Lithamoeba, Hyalodiscus, Plakopus, Pelomyxa, Difflugia with membranous shell strengthened by foreign particles, Arcella with shagreen-like shell. Order 5. Foraminifera (Reticularia). Rhizopods with an amoeba -like body, emitting filiform pseudopodia which branch and anastomose. Pos- sess a (usually calcareous) shell. A. Imperforata. Shell with a single or a sieve-like opening ; (more rarely two or a few openings). Gromia, one-chambered. Milio- lina, many-chambered. B. Perforata. Shell with pores. Lagena. Orbulina ; Globi- gerina. Polystomella; Nummulina. Eozobn, a doubtful form from the Precambrian (Laurentian). 6 RHIZOPODA. Order 6. Heliozoa. Globular Rhizopods, with fine stiff radiating pseudopodia. Protoplasm containing one or more nuclei and contractile vacuoles, and very numerous non-contractile vacuoles. A siliceous skeleton sometimes present. Cyst- and spore-formation may take place. Actinosphserium and Actiiiophrys sol, sun animalcule, without skeleton. Raphidiophrys, with loose tangential spicules. Acantho- cystis, with radial spicules. Clathrulina, stalked, and with perforated spherical shell. Lead on to Order 7. Radiolaria. Marine Rhizopods of globular or conical shape, with differentiated protoplasmic body. Radiating filamentous pseudo- podia, central nucleus-containing capsule, and (generally) a radial or tangential skeleton of silica or acanthin. No contractile vacuole. Re- production by fission or swarm-spores. Parasitic (?) or symbiotic (?) yellow corpuscles very generally present. Actinomma. Thalassicolla, no skeleton. Collozoum, colonial and without skeleton. Acantho- metra. Eucyrtidium, INFUSORIA. 7 Class II. Infusoria (Plegepoda). Protozoans with a definitely-shaped body invested by a cuticle Locomotion effected, and food- and oxygen-bearing currents produced by vibratile membranes, flagella, or cilia. Order 1. Flagellata (Mastigophora). With one or more flagella, and a contractile vacuole. Reception of food effected by short broad pseudo- podia, or through a cell-mouth. Some possess chlorophyll, and then live partly or entirely (holophytic) like green plants. Reproduction by longitudinal fission or by spores. Conjugation frequent. Monas, Cerco- monas, Uroglena. Bodo. Euglena. Pandorina, Volvox, Haemato- COCCUS, holophytic, and first two colonial. Codosiga, with single flagellum surrounded by oral collar. Ceratium, Peridinium, and Noctiluca, marine forms, with shell and two flagella. The lower Flagellates are allied by spore-formation and presence of flagella to the Schizomycetes (Bacterium ; Leptothrix; Cladothrix), the higher to the Ciliata. 8 INFUSORIA. Order 2. Ciliata ( = Infusoria in limited sense). Protozoans of stable form, with firm ectosarc (cortical layer), giving origin to variously dis- posed cilia which pierce the cuticle when present. Usually possess nucleus, paranucleus ; contractile vacuole ; mouth, gullet, and anal spot ; contractile fibres ; and sometimes bristles and stalks. Reproduction effected by fission, gemmation, and spore-formation. Permanent or temporary conjugation. Encystment. Holotricha: body uniformly covered with short cilia, no adoral ciliated zone. Paramoecium aurelia, slipper animalcule ; Opalina ranarum, without mouth and anus, parasitic in rectum of frog. Heterotricha : the entire body covered with cilia arranged in longitudinal rows, an adoral band of cilia present. Stentor poly- morphus (cceruleus) ; Balantidium and Nyctotherus in rectum of frog. Hypotricha: mouth and anus placed on the ventral surface which is provided with locomotor cilia and bristles, dorsal surface naked or with fine tactile cilia. Stylonichia mytilus, Oxytricha gibba. Peritricha : cylindrical ; with an adoral spiral of cilia and fre- quently with a girdle of cilia. Longitudinal fission. Vorticella nebulifera, V. microstoma, Carchesium, Epistylis, bell animalcules, all stalked. Order 3. Suctoria (Acinetaria, Tentaculifera). Usually fixed In- fusorians, devoid of cilia in the adult condition, but possessing bundles of suctorial tentacles. Reproduction chiefly by internal gemmation, with production of free-swimming ciliated young. Acineta, Podophrya gemmipara. 10 INFUSORIA. Class III. Gregarinida (Sporozoa). ess unicellular endoparasites, v bion by spores (pseudonavicell ,,_ it. Gregarina blattarum. I seminales of Earthworm. Psorosperms. -L / Mouthless unicellular endoparasites, with cortical layer and cuticle. -Reproduction by spores (pseudonavicellse) following conjugation and encystment. ^Gregarina blattarum. Monocystis agilis in vesicul* ^'1 r*f ln*7-/~irTVl T5o /NWArtwyN^n^k^i METAZOA. 11 Grade B. METAZOA (Enterozoa). The unicellular Protozoa are contrasted with the remaining animals forming Grade B METAZOA, which possess cellular differentiated tissues and organs. Sexual reproduction by ova and spermatozoa. From the fertilized ovum a Blastula is produced by continued cell-division (cleavage), and from this a Gastrula with Ectoderm and Endoderm. The probable phylogenetic connection of the Metazoan classes is shown in the following scheme ; and several important typical differences are collected together in the annexed table : Mammalia ^ Aves g Reptilia $ Amphibia Pisces Cyclostomi Cephalochorda Cephalopoda Pteropoda Hemichorda Gastropoda to | ?> Lamellibranchiata Molluscoidea \ Insecta Myriapoda Urochorda Protracheata Nemertea Cestoda Mesozoa V Trematoda- Arachnida Crustacea / Annelida Holothuroidea Echinoidea Asteroidea Criuoidea Acanthoc Nematoda irbellaria Ctenophora Spongise Cnidaria Ccelenterata Cell Colonies Protozoa 12 ( ) = in a few or the minority of cases. r= radial. w b= bilateral. &. V- s= segmented. Gut. 5 ! i " ii & 08 Nervous System. ill . 1 *1 1 S> *C 2 II II I' tf 8 H = hermaphrodite. s = separate sexes. P= parasites. f=free-living. Spongise, (r) inhalent and ex- halent aper- tures ; canal system scattered cells H s f Cnidaria, r (b) m; gastro-vas- cular sac network, often plus ring or 00 G (H) s f Turbellaria, b m; tube, often branched GG H (8) f Nemertina, b m, a, tube GG (H) s f Trematoda, b m, forked tube GG (R) H P Cestoda, b, often strobilized nil commissure in head, lateral cords H P Nematoda, b m, a, tube R s P f Acanthocephala, b nil G 8 P Rotatoria, b ? m, a <5 rudim. G S Annelida, b s m, a GG; ventral chain (H) s (P) f Echinodermata, r larvae b m, a or m only R, radial nerves (H) s f Arthropoda, b s m, a GG ; ventral chain (H) s (P)f Polyzoa, b m, a G H s f Brachiopoda, . b s? m, a or m only R, on which are variable number of G (H) s f Mollusca, b m, a R with three pairs of G (H) s (P) f Balanoglossus, b m, a dorsal, partly hollow cord connected with ventral cord s f Urochorda, b s m, a dorsal neural tube in Appen- dicularia and embryos, G. in most adults H (s) f Cephalochorda, b s m, a dorsal neural tube s f Vertebrata, . b s m, a dorsal neural tube (H) s (P)f 13 Reproduction may exhibit Blood Vascular System. s 1 ill nation of aeration. "O Special Respira- tory Organs present d ] 1 I ti |> 1 i i 1 $ 5 "8 o -3 & 1 I .a P, a i II II O a 11 it f b almost all Da U) b m t i almost all m (m) (o) c Ciliated pits in head almost all m b m a f b m a \ (m) f | P trochal apparatus ? mostly f (O m o in Hirudinea c in Chsetopoda and Gephy- rea often gills mostly m (O (1) (O (ra) c water-vascular system m (P) (m) gills, lung- books, tracheae m f 1 b m c in Phoronis, absent else- where lophophore m (f) m o presence disputed lophophore m (m) gills, lungs m f m c perforated pharynx m b m (a) perforated pharynx m c perforated pharynx m (m) c ditto, with gill- filaments ; lungs, allantois. m f 1 14 C03LENTERATA. Subgrade A. CCELENTERATA (Diploblastica). Metazoans of prevailing radial symmetry, with wide digestive cavity (gastrovascular system). No body-cavity (as blood or lymph-reservoir). Ectoderm and endoderm separated by a supporting lamella (mesoglcea). Asexual reproduction often obtains (gemmation, fission, frequently lead- ing to formation of stocks). The development usually exhibits a meta- morphosis (with planula larva), and often an alternation of generations (sexual and asexual generations alternating). With few exceptions (Spongilla, Hydra, &c.), marine. 20 SPONGLE. Phylum I. SPONGI^ (Porifera). Sponges. The digestive tract has the form of a much-branched canal-system. Many of the endoderm cells (collar-cells), which may be limited to flagellated chambers, are provided with a flagellmn and collar. Numerous microscopic pores (inhalent or nutritive apertures), and one or more oscula (exhalent apertures). The mesogloea contains sense-cells, con- tractile fibrous cells, supporting cells, skeletogenous cells (together with horny fibres, and calcareous or siliceous spicules), pigment cells, wander- ing cells, ova, and spermatozoa. Asexual reproduction by budding, through gemmules, &c. Sexes mostly separated ; usually viviparous. Thread-cells absent, in contrast to the Cnidaria. Marine, with few exceptions. Order 1. Silicospongice (Fibrospongiae, Micromastictora). Usually possess a skeleton of horny fibres, siliceous spicules, or both. Collar-cells small. Tetractinellida3 (Lithospongias), siliceous sponges with 4-rayed spicules. Geodia, Monactinellidse. Hexactinellida3 (Hyalospongise), 6-rayed siliceous spicules. Euplectella, Venus' flower-basket ; Hyalonema, glass-rope sponge. H a 1 i c h o n d r i B, skeleton of horny fibres and siliceous spicules. Reniera, Spongilla fluviatilis, fresh-water sponge. Ceratosporigia?, horny sponges. Euspongia officinalis adriatica, bath sponge. Myxospongise, gelatinous sponges, without skeleton. Halisarca lobularis. Order 2. Caldspongice, calcareous sponges. Grantia, Leuconia, Sycon. 22 CNIDARIA. Phylum II. CNIDAEIA (JSTematophora). Eadial animals without pore-canals, and with thread-cells (or adhesive cells) in their epithelium. Nerves and sense-organs. Class I. Hydrozoa (Polypomedusse). Polypes and medusae with digestive cavity sac-like, or narrowed (gastro-vascular space). No gullet (stomodaeum). Development chiefly by alternation of generations (medusoid sexual generation, or free- swimming medusa3 as sexual animals). Order 1. Hydromedusce. Hydroid stocks devoid of mesenteric folds, and with sexual medusoid buds or small craspedote medusae as sexual animals. The nursing hydroid stock often possesses a horny cuticular skeleton (perisarc) ; the sexual hydromedusse mostly small, with only 4, 6, or 8 radial vessels, muscular velum, naked marginal sense organs, eye-spots (Ocellatae), or otocysts (Vesiculatae), double marginal nerve- ring, and sexes usually separate. The blastula formed by delamination. Gymnoblastea-Anthomedusae, perisarc stops short at bases of polypes ; medusas with ocelli, and with genital organs in the manu- brium. Hydra viridis, H. fusca, solitary freshwater hermaphrodites, devoid of perisarc or medusoid buds. Cordylophora lacustris, the sexual buds remain attached. Eudendrium. Syncoryne sarsii, with Sarsia tubulosa as medusa. Hydractinia and Tubularia, medusae attached. Ccenograptus, Ordovician. Ctenaria ctenophora, a tran- sitional form to the Ctenophora. Calyptoblastea-Leptomedusae, perisarc forms hydrothecae and gonangia ; medusae with ocelli or otocysts, and genital organs in the course of the radial canals. Sertularia and Plumularia with attached, Campanularia and Obelia with free medusae. .!quorea, large medusa with numerous radial vessels and marginal tentacles. Trachymedusae, craspedote medusae without gastral filaments, and with a velum. Dense gelatinous umbrella. Sense-organs as ten- taculocysts. The asexual hydroid generation has fallen out. ^Egina and Geryonia with 6, Liriope with 4 radial canals. The freshwater medusa, Limnocodium (? with a hydroid stage), possibly belongs here. Hydrocorallinae, polymorphic colonies with calcified cuticular skeleton ; medusoid stage represented by sporosacs. Millepora. Stylaster. Order 2. Siphonophora, free-swimming polymorphic stocks. Phy- sophora hydrostatica. Physalia pelagica, Portuguese man-of-war. Diphyes. Velella. Order 3. Acalephce (Scyphomedusse, Acraspeda). Medusae with gastral CNIDARIA. 23 filaments, lappets to umbrella, covered marginal sense-organs (tentaculo- cysts), and central nervous system in the form of groups of ganglion-cells. No velum. Development seldom direct (Pelagia, Charybdeidae ?), usually with alternation of generations, the asexual generation being a short broad scyphistoma, which strobilizes to produce medusae. The blastula formed by invagination. Calycozoa (Lucernariee), fixed scyphistoma form without medusoid stage. Lucernaria. Marsupialida, a high arched umbrella with 4-divided margin ; four interradial tentacles, a pseud-velum, and four gastric pouches wiih four lamellar genital glands on the partitions separating them. Charybdaea. Discomedusae (Discophora), discoid acraspedote medusae with 8-divided umbrella-edge, slightly curved umbrella, genital glands in floor of stomach, and at least eight tentaculocysts situated in notches. Oral tentacles usually large. Pelagia noctiluca. Amelia aurita, small, with branched radial vessels united by a ring-canal. Rhizostoma Cuvieri, without marginal filaments, but with dorsal and ventral oral frills ; the central mouth-opening of the Ephyra (young form) converted later by coalescing folds into numerous suctorial pores. ANTHOZOA. 29 Class II. Anthozoa (Actinozoa). Corals. Polypes with gullet (stomodseum), which, is fixed to the body- wall by mesenteries, which bear mesenteric filaments and the endodermal genital glands. Sexes generally separated. A crown of hollow tentacles sur- rounds the elongated mouth. Usually with a firm calcareous non- superficial skeleton, and frequently colonial by budding. For the most part inhabitants of shallow water (coral reefs). Order 1. Rugosa (Tetracoralla). Palaeozoic (except Holocystis) corals, with numerous tetramerously grouped septa. Cyathophyllum. Order 2. Alcyonaria (Octactinia, Octocoralla), with eight pinnate tentacles, and as many uncalcified mesenteric folds with ventral retractor muscles. Calcareous spicules usually present in the mesoglcea. Alcyonium digitatum, dead man's fingers, stocks of fleshy polypes. Pennatula rubra and Veretillum, sea-pens, stocks, of which the naked basis sticks in the mud, horny axial skeleton ; the latter dioecious. Gorgonia ; Corallium rubrum, red coral. Tubipora purpurea, organ- pipe coral. Heliopora, massive skeleton, dimorphic polypes. ,: Order 3. Zoantharia (Hexactinia, Hexacoralla). The number of the non-pinnate tentacles, and mesenteric pouches, six, or a multiple thereof. Mesenteries usually paired, and the retractor muscles not arranged as in Alcyonaria. Generally a compact skeleton. Actinia mesembry- anthemum, sea anemone, a solitary form with several alternating circlets of tentacles ; fixed by an adhesive disc ; Cerianthus, elongated with an aboral pore ; hermaphrodite. Antipathes, with six tentacles and a horny skeletal axis. We group together as Madreporaria the forms with a firm cal- careous skeleton. Aporosa : Caryophyllaea. Oculina virginea. Astrsea. Maeandrina, brain coral. Fungia discus, mushroom coral. Perforata : Madrepora cervicornis. Asteroides. 32 CTENOPHORA. Class III. Ctenophora. Free-swimming hermaphrodites with eight rows of external ciliary plates, with gullet (stomodseum) and gastro-vascular canals arranged bilaterally. Usually with two retractile tentacles. Thread-cells replaced by adhesive cells. Cydippe. Cestus Veneris. Beroe Forskalii. Cceloplana, a creeping form. C(ELOMATA. 33 Subgrade B. CCELOMATA. (Triploblastica). Bilaterally symmetrical forms with a praeoral region (head). A third cellular body-layer, the mesoderm, present between the embryonic ecto- derm and mesoderm. Within this a body-cavity (coelom) is usually developed outside the digestive cavity. VERMES. 39 Phylum I. VERMES. Worms. Bilateral forms with unsegmented or segmented body, paired excretory organs, dermal musculature, &c. A sharp diagnosis of this group is the less easy, since it not only contains the most different forms, but also con- necting links with all the higher phyla. The lower worms (Turbellaria) similarly c.onnect themselves with the Ccelenterata (Ctenophora). The group of Vermes has long been made a receptacle for all sorts of doubt- ful forms, and, since the removal of the Tunicata from the Molluscoidea, the Polyzoa and Brachiopoda have usually been added to it. Ray Lankester abandons both Vermes and Molluscoidea, and places their classes in separate phyla. (1.) Platyhelmia. (Leeches are included here as well as ordinary flat- worms. ) (2.) ISTematoidea (including Nematoda and Chsetognatha). (3.) Acanthocephala. (4.) Gastrotricha. (5.) Podaxonia (Gephyrea + Polyzoa + Brachiopoda). (6.) Appendiculata, seep. 62. TB. 44 VERMES. Class I. Platyhelmia (Platyhelminthes). Flat-Worms. Unsegmented worms, generally with flattened bodies. Body-cavity imperfectly developed (mesoderm generally parenchymatous), and usually an excretory system of longitudinal trunks with narrow branches. Cerebral ganglia generally present, but never a ventral nerve-cord. Mostly hermaphrodite. Many forms parasitic. Order 1. Turbellaria. Free-living flat- worms, with soft, ciliated, tricho- cyst-bearing skin. Mouth and muscular pharynx, but no anus. Live in water or damp places. Rhabdocoelida, small forms with intestine, when present, a simple tube. Convoluta, no intestine. Micr stomum, fission, stiff tactile hairs ; Vortex, Monotus. Dendroccelida, large forms, with branched intestine and follicular testes. (a) Triclades (Monogonopora), elongated Dendrocceles with three main divisions to intestine, and single genital opening. Land (Geodes- mus in pot-earth ; Bipalium) and freshwater (Planaria torva, P. dioica ; Dendroccelum lacteum) Planarians. Gunda (internal organs segment- ally arranged), marine. (6) Polyclades (Digonopora), flattened leaf-like marine Dendrocoales, with a central stomach and two genital openings. Leptoplana tremellaris ; Thysanozoon (metamorphosis with Miiller's larva); both marine. 46 VERMES. Order 2. Nemertina (Nemertea). Elongated ciliated worms with a dorsal eversible proboscis (surrounded by nervous commissures), a straight gut terminating in an anus, blood-vessels and spaces (body-cavity), a pair of cephalic pits and two anterior nephridia. Nearly all marine, and with sexes separate. A 11 o p 1 a, proboscis devoid of armature, three layers of muscle in body- wall, and development sometimes with metamorphosis (larva of Desor, and Pilidium). Linens longissimus. Borlasia. Pelagonemertes. E n o p 1 a (Hoplonemertea), proboscis armed with stylets, two layers of muscle in body-wall, development direct. Nemertes. Tetrastemma obscura, viviparous. Malacobdella. VERMES. 47 Order 3. Trcmatoda. Flukes. Parasites with mouth-opening placed in an anterior sucker, forked or branched aproctous intestine, and supra- pharyngeal ganglia. Usually provided with organs of adhesion in addi- tion to the anterior sucker. Nearly all hermaphrodite [typical parts, two testes with vasa deferentia, cirrus-sac with cirrus. Ovary (ger- marium), two yolk-glands (vitellaria), oviduct, ootype with copulatory passage (Laurer's canal), shell-glands]. Mostly oviparous. D i s t o m e sd endoparasites with not more than two suckers. Develop- ment with metamorphosis and alternation of generations. [From the egg an embryo, usually ciliated, is developed, generally in water, This penetrates into an intermediate host (usually a mollusc), and develops into a redia (with mouth and gut) or sporocyst (without gut), which in- directly or directly produces cercariae (tailed, with forked intestine). The cercaria, often after a second migration into another invertebrate host (e.g., a water-snail), ultimately reaches the final host (a vertebrate) in which the sexual form is attained]. Distqmum hepaticum (Fasciola hepatica), liver-fluke. Body covered with chitinous prickles. In the bile- ducts of the sheep and other domestic animals-, occasionally of man. Ciliated aquatic embryo, with x-shaped eye spot ; the asexual nurse-forms (sporocyst and redia) in Limnseus truncatulus. From the redia tailed cercariae are developed, which become free and encyst on grass, &c., with which they are swallowed by the vertebrate host. D. crassum, in the intestine of the Chinese. D. haematobium (Bilharzia), bisexual ; in the portal, mesenteric, and vesical veins of the Abyssinians. Monostomum flavum, in water birds, the young form (Cercaria ephemera) in Planorbis. Poly sto mere, mostly ectoparasites with more than two suckers. Development direct, or without considerable metamorphosis. Poly- Sternum integerrimum, in the urinary bladder of the frog. Egg pro- duction commences in the spring (mutual fertilization), and the larva, which is hatched in the water, enters the gill-chamber of a tadpole, loses its five ciliated bands, and passing down the alimentary canal reaches the bladder in eight weeks. Here it becomes sexually mature in three or more years. (It rarely reaches the sexual stage in the gill-cavity, in which case it dies after producing an egg.) Diplozqon paradoxum, on the gills of many freshwater fish ; two separate animals (Diporpa) par- tially fuse to a compound individual ; eggs with attachment threads ; larva ciliated. Gyrodactylus. 50 VERMES. Order 4. Cesioda. Tape-worms. Elongated endoparasites, without gut or sense-organs, but with an attachment apparatus at the anterior end. Excretory organs consist of longitudinal canals, with branched canalettes. Hermaphrodite (numerous testes, with vas deferens, cirrus, and cirrus-sac. Ovaries, yolk-glands, spermatheca, shell-glands, uterus, and vagina). Numerous sets of reproductive organs usually present, contained in generative " segments " (proglottides) budded off from an anterior head. With advancing ripeness the male organs disappear ; then the female organs with the exception of the exit passages. Two nerve- trunks, united in the head. Development seldom direct or with alternation of generations, mostly with a metamorphosis. The eggs generally reach dung-heaps or water, then enter with the food the stomach of omnivorous or plant-eating animals, where the egg-shells are ruptured ; the freed six- (rarely four-) hooked embryos bore into the blood-vessels, and develop in the liver, lungs, brain, or muscles to encysted measles (bladder- worm, cysticercus, cysticercoid, ccenurus, echinococcus) ; after passive removal into the intestine of a carnivorous, insectivorous, or omnivorous animal, the everted bladder-worm (scolex) fixes itself firmly to the intestinal wall and grows into a jointed form (strobila). Caryophyllseus mutabilis, non-jointed, in the intestine of Cyprinoids ; young form in Tubifex rivulorum. Archigetes Sieboldii, non-jointed, with direct development, in body-cavity of Tubifex rivulorum. Both- riocephalus with two adhesive pits, young form a scolex ; genital open- ings in the middle of the ventral surface of the proglottis. B. latus, 24 to 30 feet long ; in Russia, Poland, Switzerland, and S. France. The eggs, enclosed in shells, hatch in water, the ciliated embryo enters a first intermediate host, and with this as a scolex into the intestine of the pike or burbot. B. cordatus, 3 feet long, in the intestines of dog and man in Greenland. Trisenophorus nodulosus in the intestine of the pike, young form in liver of carp. Ligula simplicissima, non-jointed, in the intestine of water-fowls, and the body-cavity of fishes. Tsenia solium, two to three metres long, with four suckers and a double circlet of (26) hooks; in the intestine of man. Young form (measles, Cysti- cercus cellulosse) in the muscles and subcutaneous connective tissue of swine, seldom of deer, dog, and cat, occasionally in muscles, eye, or brain of man (self-infection). T. saginata (mediocanellata), in the intestine of man, without circlet of hooks ; four metres long ; measles in muscles of the ox. T. ccenurus, in intestine of sheep-dog ; young form in brain of one year old sheep (seldom in the body-cavity of rabbit, &c.) as Ccenurus cerebralis, the stagger-worm; (from the walls of the measles numerous tape-worm heads bud out. Alternation of generations). T. echinococcus, in the intestine of the dog, three to four millimetres long, forming but few proglottides. The corresponding bladder-worm with budding secondary and tertiary cysts in the liver and lungs of domestic animals (Echinococcus veterinorum, E. scolicipariens), or of man (E. hominis, E. altricipariens). VERMES. 53 Order 5. Mesozoa. Multicellular endoparasites of small size and extremely simple structure. A ciliated ectoderm, and an endoderm of one or several cells giving rise to the genital products. Sexes separate. No mesoderm. Probably degenerate. Systematic position doubtful. Dicyemidse (Rhombozoa). A single endoderm cell. The male (infusoriform embryo) top-shaped. The females either monogenic or diphygenic, i.e., producing females only, or females at first and then males. Dicyema (in cuttle-fishes, Octopus, Sepia). Orthonectidse. Endoderm of several cells, some originating muscle-fibres, and others sexual products. The male elongated and annulated. The female dimorphic (annulated cylindrical female, flat female) and oviparous. Rhopalura Giardi, in the genital pouches of the Ophiuroid Amphiura squamata. 54 VERMES. Class II. Nemathelmia (Nemathelminthes). Round-Worms. Body cylindrical, unsegmented, devoid of lateral locomotor append- ages, with papillae or armature of hooks at the anterior end. No blood- vessels nor specialized respiratory organs. Predominantly parasitic. Sexes separate. Development generally without metamorphosis. Order 1. Nematoda. Thread- worms. Usually possess a straight ali- mentary canal, and paired excretory tubes contained in lateral lines and opening by a ventral pore behind the terminal mouth. The male with curved tail-end and copulatory spicules, smaller than the female. The young form often inhabits an intermediate host. Ascaris lumbri- coides, round-worm of man (and as a smaller variety in swine) ; the transference probably takes place by an intermediate host (Julus guttu- latus ?). A. mystax, in the cat and dog, occasionally in man . A. mega- locephala, in the horse and ox. Oxyuris vermicularis, thread- worm, in the large intestine of man ; the female ten millimetres long. Stron- gylus. Rhabdonema nigrovenosa, as a viviparous hermaphrodite in the frog's lung, producing a generation with separate sexes (Rhabditis), which becomes sexually mature in damp earth (heteromorphous genera- tion). Dochmius duodenalis, 16 millimetres long ; in the small intes- tine of man, in Europe, Egypt, Comoro Islands, Brazil, and Cayenne. Trichocephalus dispar, whip-worm, in the human colon ; transfer without intermediate host by filthy food. Trichina spiralis, in the intestine of man and other omnivorous mammals. The viviparous female trichina of the intestine, about eight days after its introduction, begins to bear young, which penetrate the wall of the intestine and make their way actively or by means of the blood-stream, into the muscles, here within fourteen days to develop into spiral worms and to encyst ; they first attain sexual maturity in the intestine of some other warm-blooded animal. This form is maintained by means of the house- rat. Filaria (Dracunculus) medinensis, Guinea-worm, in the subcuta- neous connective tissue of man ; the young form in Cyclops. Mermis, devoid of anus, in the body-cavity of insects, thence to damp earth, where sexual maturity is reached. SphSBrularia bombi, in female humble- bees which survive the winter. Gordius aquaticus, in insect larvae, later in the body-cavity of predatory insects ; then becomes mouthless and sexually mature in water. Anguillula aceti, vinegar-eel, free- living. Tylenehus tritici, in wheat, &c., causing ear-cockle; young form in earth. Dorylaimus, common in mud. 58 VERMES. Order 2. Acanthocephata. Endoparasites without mouth or alimentary canal. Possess a retractile hook-bearing proboscis. Sexes separate. A single genus Echinorhynchus. E. gigas in the small intestine of the pig ; the embryo is developed in the larva of the cockchafer. VERMES. 59 The systematic position is doubtful of Order 3. Chcetognatha. Marine, free-living hermaphrodites with lateral fins, head, cerebral, sub-oesophageal and ventral ganglia. Are entero- ccelic (mesoderm developed from archenteric diverticula). Sagitta ger- manica. S. bipunctata. 60 Name. Dwelling-place of Sexual Form. Distomum hepaticum. redia last encysts in Planorbis (?) cercaria, the 7; embryo ciliated ; further history unknown. I Cairo. The Cape. 7; as Cercaria ephemera in Planorbis. No 7; larva on tadpole, resembles Gyrodactylus. No 7; larva solitary (Diporpa). 7; the ciliated embryo appears to pass into a first 7, from thence (by intestine, &c.) into muscles of pike and burbot. 7; undoubtedly'flslu West Switzerland and S. France, Russian Baltic Provinces, Sweden, &c.; rarely Germany, Japan. Greenland, Iceland. 7; encysted in the liver of Cyprinus. 7; the pig, rarely Man (self-infection), dog, cat. Cysticercus cellulosse. 7; the ox. 7; as Coenurus cerebralis in the brain of sheep. 7; domestic animals, more rarely Man. Iceland, Europe, India, &c. 7 probably; (Julus guttulatus ?) ; the eggs pass I Cosmopolite, into water. No 7; self-infection. No 7; young form (Rhabditis) lives free in I Switzerland, Italy, Egypt, Comoro Islands, mud. | Brazil, Cayenne. Apparently no 7; young free-living ? | Widely distributed. No 7; the young forms encyst in the infected j animals. 7; the young form in Cyclops. | Tropics of the Old World, West Indies. /; embryos pass into insects, later into pre- datory insects, become sexual in water. .) Plectognathi. Compact forms with immovably fused premaxillae maxillae ; vertebral column short (18-20 vertebrae) ; a swim-bladder. Ostracion, box-fish ; Orthagoriscus mola, sun-fish. Diodon. (c.) Anacanthini, with soft fin-rays (Malacopteri) ; a swim-bladder. Pleuronectidae, flat-fish. Gadus morrhua, cod, G. seglefinus, haddock, G. merlangus, whiting. Fierasfer acus, parasitic in Holothuria. Ex- ocoetus exiliens, flying-fish.. (d.) Pharyngognathi, some of the fin-rays spinous ; hypopharyngeal bones fused ; a swim-bladder. Labrus, Scarus. Embiotoca, viviparous. (e.) Acanthopteri, with spinous fin-rays, and separate hypopharyngeal bones ; mostly ctenoid scales. Perca fluviatilis, perch. Serranus scriba, hermaphrodite. Gasterosteus aculeatus, stickleback ; the male takes care of the young. Oottus. gobio, bull-head. Trigla, gurnard. Gobius, gudgeon. Zoarces viviparus. Mugil. Anabas scandens, climbing fish (Labyrinthici). B. Physostomi. Soft fin-rays and separate hypopharyngeal bones. Swim-bladder, when present, with a pneumatic duct. Anguilla vul- garis, eel ; the male does not enter rivers. Mursena, Gymnotus elec- tricus. Clupea harengus, herring. Mormyrus with pseudelectric organ. Esox lucius, pike. Salmo salar, salmon,, with a fatty fin. Cy- prinus carpio, carp. Cobitis fossilis, loach, Siiurus, Malapterurus electricus, sheat-fish. CHORD AT A. 161 Order 5. Dipnoi, mud fishes ; lead on to the Amphibians. With per- sistent notochord, paired limbs supported by a central jointed axis, branchial and pulmonary respiration, muscular conus arteriosus, spiral valve to the intestine, and a cloaca. Monopneumona, with a single lung ; Trias to recent. Cera- todus Forsteri, Queensland. Dipneumona, paired lungs. Protopterus annectens, W. Africa (with three pairs of branched external gills). Lepidosiren paradoxa, Brazil. 164 CHORD ATA. Class III. Amphibia. Cold-blooded Vertebrates with naked glandular skin, a sacral ver- tebra, and (generally) paired limbs, consisting of girdle with free limb transversely divided into three regions/ A cloaca, lungs, temporary or permanent branchial respiration, and an incomplete double circula- tion. Median fins, when present, not supported by tin-rays. Amnion absent, and allantois represented by a urinary bladder. Frequently a metamorphosis. Order 1. Urodela (Caudata), tailed forms. Ichthyoidea, notochord largely persistent, and vertebrae bicon- cave : Proteus anguineus, in the underground streams of Carniolu ; Siredon pisciformis, Axolotl, may lose its gills (becoming Ambly- stoma); both preceding perennibranch. Menopoma, and Sieboldia (Cryptobranchus) Japonicus, lose their gills (caducibranch), but retain a pair of gill-clefts. Salamandrina (Myctodera), adults without gills or gill-clefts; vertebra} opisthoccelous. Triton cristatus, great water newt, with spermatheca, oviparous. Salamandra maculosa, viviparous. Order 2. Batrachia (Anura). With elongated hind-limbs, and 9-11 procoelous vertebrae. Tail, gills, and gill-slits only present in the larva. Pipa dorsigera, female with brood- pouches on the back. Eana escu- lenta, edible frog, R, temporaria, common frog, R. oxyrhinus. Bom- binator igneus. Bufo vulgaris, toad. Hyla arborea, tree-frog, toes with suckers. Order 3. Apoda (Gymnophiona). Serpent-shaped subterranean forms devoid of limbs, tail, gills, and gill-clefts. Skin with small dermal scales ; vertebra* amphicrelous. Co3cilia lumbricoidea. Epicrium. Sipho- nops. Order 4. Steyocephali. Extinct forms, often of large size, with tail, dermal armour, and well-ossified pubes. Carboniferous to Trias. Labyrinthodon. 168 CHOEDATA. Class IV. Reptilia. Cold-blooded Vertebrates breathing by lungs, and possessing scales or scutes. A single occipital condyle, generally two sacral vertebrae, and (in recent forms) ischial and pubic symphyses and separate pelvic bones and nietatarsals. Heart with two auricles and either an imperfectly divided ventricle or perfectly divided one with mixture of blood-streams outside heart ; at least two aortic arches. The following groups of Reptiles covered with scales or scutes are grouped together as Lepidosauria (Plagiotremata) . Order 1. Lacertilia (Sauria), lizards. Cloacal aperture a transverse slit; a urinary bladder and two eversible copulatory organs. Protero- saurus (Upper Dyas). Telerpeton (biconcave vertebrae, Trias). Gecko and Platydactylus with biconcave vertebras. Iguana. Draco volans. Chamseleo vulgaris. Scincus. Pseudopus Pallassii and Anguis fragilis, blindworm, limbless. Lacerta agilis, L. vivipara. Monitor varanus. Mosasaurus (Chalk). Amphisbsena. Hatteria (Spheno- don), biconcave vertebrae, no copulatory organs. Order 2. Pterosauria, Lias to Chalk. Antebrachium and fifth digit of manus greatly elongated. Jaws usually dentigerous. Bones pneumatic. Pterodactylus longirostris. Pteranodon, toothless. Order 3. Ophidia, snakes. Limbless, and without urinary bladder. Jaw apparatus with elastic bands. Typhlops, mouth cannot be widely opened. Colubriformia: Boa constrictor. Python- Coronella aus- triaca ( = la^vis) smooth viper. Tropidonotus natrix, common snake. Coluber. Dryophis. Proteroglypha, poisonous snakes, with grooved fangs in the front of the upper jaw : Naja tripudians, cobra. Hydrophis, Indian Ocean. Solenoglyphia, with triangular head, and a poison-fang on either side of the small upper jaw. Pelias (Vipera) berus, adder. Crotalus horridus, rattlesnake. 174 CHORDATA. The following two groups are included under the name of Hydro- s a u r i a (large aquatic forms with teeth firmly implanted in the jaw, feet-modified for swimming and strong or armoured skin). Order 4. Enaliosauria, with naked leathery skin, paddles, and biconcave vertebrae (all from the Secondary period). Nothosaurus. Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus. Ichthyosaurus communis. Order 5. Crocodilia, with a long tail, webbed feet, scales, and scutes. Teeth in sockets, ventricle completely divided, longitudinal cloacal aperture and solid grooved penis. Teleosaurus, Jurassic, amphicoelous vertebrae. Steneosaurus, Jurassic and Cretaceous, vertebras opisthocoe- lous. Procoelous vertebrae from the Cretaceous on : Alligator lucius and Caiman in America, Crocodilus vulgaris in the Nile. Gavialis gaugeticus. Order 6. Chelonia, with bony dorsal and ventral dermal shields ; edentulous ; a urinary bladder and solid grooved penis. Chelone midas, edible turtle. Trionyx. Cistudo (Emys) Europsea, Emys caspica. Testudo Grseca, land tortoise. Order 7. Dinosauria. Fossil forms which possessed more than two sacral vertebras, and were in many respects, especially as regards the pelvis and hind limb, intermediate between Eeptiles and Birds. Igu- anodon. Megalosaurus Bucklandi (Jurassic and Wealden). Also Dicynodon in the Trias. 180 CHORD AT A. Class V. Aves. Birds. Feathered warm-blooded vertebrates with lungs closely adherent to the back of the thorax and communicating with air-sacs which extend between the viscera and into the bones. Ventricle completely divided, the right auriculo-ventricular valve muscular, and a single aortic arch curving to the right. Occipital region with a single condyle, numerous vertebrae fused to form a pseud-sacrum, fore-limbs wings, pelvis with fused bones, and (as a rule) neither pubic nor ischial symphyses, ankle-joint between a tibio-tarsus and tarso-metatarsus. Eight ovary and oviduct rudimentary ; oviparous. Some toothed fossil forms. Order 1. Saururce. Numerous free caudal vertebrae ; jaws with teeth. Archaeopteryx lithographica from the Upper Oolite. Order 2. Ratitce (Cursores). Wings rudimentary, no keel to the sternum. Dinornis, extinct moa of New Zealand. Struthio camelus, ostrich, Deserts of N., E., and S. Africa, Arabia, and Syria. Rhea Americana, S. America. Dromseus, emeu, Australia. Casuarius, cassowary, New Guinea, &c., and N. Australia. Apteryx australis, with complete dia- phragm and air-sacs situated in the thorax; New Zealand. Odontolcae, with teeth in grooves. Hesperornis, from the Cretaceous. CHORD AT A. 183 Order 3. Carinatce. Wings well developed, sternum with a keel. Odontormae, biconcave vertebrae, teeth in sockets. Ichthyornis from the Cretaceous. Urinatores, wings short, sickle-shaped. Aptenodytes. Podi- ceps. Alca impennis, exterminated. Longipennes, beak hooked. Diomedea exulans, albatross. Pro- cellaria Lams. Steganopodes, with webbed feet. Pelecanus onocrotalus. Lamellirostres, edges of the beak with horny plates. Cygnus olor. Anser. Anas boschas. G r a 1 1 ae, palate schizognathous. Scolopax. Grus cinerea. Ciconiae, Ardea cinerea. Ciconia alba. Ibis mbra. Otis tarda. E a s o r e s, gallinaceous birds. Tetrao. Perdix. Gallus bankiva. Pavo. Columbae (Gyrantes), doves. Columba livia. Didus ineptus, exterminated. Raptores, birds of prey. Strix. Vultur. Falco. Aquila. Passeres, special muscle to the syrinx. Fringilla coelebs. Alauda. Hirundo. Sturnus. Corvus. Paradisea. Macrochires. Caprimulgus. Cypselus apus. Trochilus co- lubris. P i c i, tongue slender and extensible. Picus. Levirostres (Coccygomorphae) palate desmognathous. Cuculus canorus. Buceros. Upupa epops. P s i 1 1 a c i, upper jaw hinged on the skull. Psittacus erithacus. Nestor. Strigops, no keel to sternum. 188 CHORD AT A. Class VI. Mammalia. Hair-clothed, warm-blooded vertebrates, viviparous with the excep- tion of Monotremes ; milk-glands always present in the female. A double circulation, membranous right auriculo-ventricular valve, single aortic arch curving to the left, and non-nucleated red blood-corpuscles. A complete muscular diaphragm (respiratory muscle). Two occipital condyles, and seven (6-9) cervical vertebrae. Sub-Class I. PKOTOTHEKIA (Ornithodelphia). Order 1. Monotremata. A persistent cloaca, epipubic (marsupial) bones and beak-like horny jaws. Oviparous. Ova large and cleavage meroblastic. No placenta. Only three genera are known. Ornitho- rhynchus, duck-billed platypus, Australia and Tasmania ; Echidna (Tachyglossus), and Proechidna (Acanthoglossus), spiny ant-eaters, the former in Australia, Tasmania, and North New Guinea, the latter in South New Guinea. 4 CHORDATA. 191 Sub-Class II. METATHERIA (Didelphia, Implacentalia). Order 1. Marsupialia, pouched animals. Epipubic (marsupial) bones ; in the female, two uteri, usually two vaginas and a marsupial pouch, genital aperture and anus surrounded by a common sphincter ; in the male, scrotum suspended in front of the penis. Auditory bulla formed by alisphenoid, angle of the lower jaw inflected. Generally very numerous teeth, which (with a few exceptions) are not changed ; incisors O Q never - -- . No allantoic placenta (so far as known). 3 3 (a.) R a p a c i a, carnivorous marsupials. Perameles, 4 -r- 3 13 Myrmecobius, . Dasyurus viverrinus, dasyure. Thyla- o 1 4 5 cinus, native wolf. Thylacoleo, Pleistocene. (6.) Pedimana, opossums. Dentition carnivorous, and resembling . Didelphys Americana, Ameri- can opossum ; as many as twenty-seven young at a birth. Chironectes. (c.) Carpophaga, frugivorous marsupials with corresponding den- tition. Phalangista vulpina, phalanger. Petaurus. Phascolarctos, JL JL J_| 1 114* (d.) Poephaga (Macropoda), springing marsupials. The two lower incisors horizontal ; dentition LJ Microlestes from the 1014 Trias. Diprotodon australis in the Pleistocene. Macropus (Halma- turus) gigantea, kangaroo. (e.) Glirina (Rhizophaga), gnawing marsupials. Phascolomys wombat that of the Insectivora, ____ CHORDATA. 195 Sub-Class III. EUTHERIA (Monodelphia, Placentalia). The embryo is nourished by means of an allantoic placenta ; the niar- supium and epipubic bones are absent ; vagina single ; scrotum, when present, behind the penis. Alisphenoid does not form an auditory bulla ; angle of mandible rarely inflected. Fossil from the Eocene onwards. 196 CHORD ATA. A. NON-DECIDUATA. Placenta non-deciduate (except in some Edentates). Order 1. Edentata (Bruta). Teeth of persistent growth and without enamel ; median incisors never present ; grinding teeth, when present, similar and rootless. (a.) Phytophaga, arboreal vegetable-feeding South American forms, with dome-shaped deciduate placenta. Bradypus, three-toed sloth, with tridactyle manus and nine cervical vertebrae. Choloepus, two-toed sloth, with didactyle manus and six to seven cervical vertebrae. Megatherium and Mylodon, gigantic ground sloths, from the South American Pleis- tocene. (6.) Entomophaga, insectivorous forms. Myrmecophaga, great ant- eater (S. America), and Manis, pangolin or scaly ant-eater (E. Africa and S. Asia), both toothless, the former with a dome-shaped deciduate, the latter with a diffuse placenta. Orycteropus, aard-vark (S. Africa), with zonary deciduate placenta. Dasypus and Chlamydophorus, arma- dilloes (S. America) with bony dermal plates covered by epidermic scales, and discoidal deciduate placenta. Glyptodon, a large armadillo from the S. American Pleistocene. CHORDATA. 199 Order 2. Ungulata. Hoofed mammals, with elongated metaearpals and metatarsals, and two successive sets of enamel-covered teeth. Cla- vicles never present; never more than four digits. (a.) Artiodactyla, paired digits, and grinding teeth with enamel folds. Placenta diffuse or cotyledonary, Non-ruminantia (Bunodontia). Anthracotherium, a primaeval 3 1 4 form from the Eocene. Porcus babymssa. Sus scrofa, pig, 3" y "4 Sus antiquus, Miocene. Hippopotamus amphibius. Ruminantia (Bisulca, Pecora, Selenodontia), with complicated stomach; median upper incisors always absent. Anoplotherium, Miocene. Camelus. Auchenia, llama. Helladotherium and Siya- therium, Miocene. Camelopardalis giraffus. Dorcatherium, Mio- cene. Tragulus, chevrotain, recent Megaceros Hibernicus, Irish elk, Pleistocene. Ceryus capreolus, roe, 0. elaphus, red deer, C. alces, elk. Capra. Ovis. Bos primigenius, B. brachyceros, B. frontosus. J>.) Perissodactyla, a large middle digit (3rd) symmetrical in itself, pes with an odd number of toes. Placenta diffuse. Lophiodon, Palseotherium, and Eohippus, in the Eocene. Tapirus, S. America and S.E. Asia. Rhinoceros, S. Africa and S. Asia, CHORDATA, 203 Order 3. Cetacea. Marine (rarely fluviatile or estuarine) Mammals, of fish-like form, with almost hairless skin, paddle-like fore-limbs with- out nails, and horizontally flattened tail-fin. No hind-limbs, clavicles, or distinct sacrum. Teeth, when present in adult, numerous, similar, and without vertical successors. Placenta diffuse. (a.) Denticeti, toothed Cetaceans ; Zeuglodon (Tertiary). Delphinus delphis, dolphin. Phocsena communis, porpoise. Monodon, narwhal. Physeter tursio. (6) Mysticeti, right whales. Balsenoptera rostrata. Balsena Mys- ticetus. Order 4. Sirenia, sea-cows. Aquatic Mammals with scanty hair, paddle-like fore-limbs with rudimentary nails, and horizontally flattened tail-fin. No hind-limbs, clavicles, or sacrum. Dentition herbivorous. Placenta diffuse. Manatus, manatee (E. coast of S. America and W. coast of Africa), with six cervical vertebrae. Halicore, clugong (shores of Indian Ocean and Red Sea). Rhytina Stelleri, exterminated last century. Halitherium, Pliocene. CHORDATA. 207 B. DEGIDUATA. Placenta deciduate (except in the Prosimiae). Order 5. Rodentia (Glires). Mammals with (usually) five clawed digits to the maims and pes, chisel-shaped continuously growing incisors, and 3-6 back teeth with transverse folds of enamel ; no canines. Pla- centa discoidal. Lepus timidus, hare. L. cuniculus, rabbit. Cavia cobaya, C. aperea, guinea-pig. Hydrochcerus capybara, Hystrix, porcupine. Pedetes caffer, Cape jumping hare. Cricetus frumen- tarius, hamster. Mus rattus, black rat. M. decumanus, brown rat. M. musculus, mouse. Arvicola, vole. Myodes, lemming. Castor fiber, beaver. Myoxus, dormouse. Sciurus vulgaris, squirrel. 212 CHORD ATA, Order 6. Proboscidea. Pentadactyle hoofed Mammalia with prehensile proboscis, two tusk-like continuously growing upper incisors, no canines, and composite grinding teeth. Placenta zonary. Mastodon, Miocene to Pleistocene. Deinotherium, with two tusk-like lower incisors. Mio- cene. Elephas primigenius, mammoth, Pleistocene, E. (Euelephas) Indicus, Indian elephant, S. Asia, E. (Loxodon) Africanus, African elephant, Africa S. of the Sahara. Order 7. Hyracoidea (Lamnugia), conies. Small rodent-like Mammals with pentadactyle (but two digits rudimentary) manus and tridac- O f\ A. \ *%. tyle pes. Dental formula , upper outer incisors soon fall out, upper median incisors chisel-like, and continuously growing. Placenta zonary. Hyrax, Africa and Syria. CHORD ATA. 215 Order 8. Tnsectivora. Small pentadactyle plantigrade or sub-planti- grade Mammals, with clawed digits and (almost always) clavicles. Always more than two lower incisors, canines small, molars with fangs and sharply pointed crowns. Placenta discoidal Erinaceus Europaeus, hedgehog. Sorex, shrew. Talpa, mole. Order 9. Cheiroptera, bats. Mammals in which there is a flying mem- brane (patagium) stretched between the body, limbs, and elongated digits of the manus. Dentition complete, incisors smaller than the canines. Clavicles well developed, sternum keeled, mammae pectoral. Placenta discoidal. (a.) Frugivora (Megacheiroptera), fruit-eating forms ; Pteropus edulis. (6.) Insectivora (Microcheiroptera), insectivorous or blood-sucking forms; Vespertilio. Plecotus. Vampyrus. 218 CHORDATA. Order 10. Carnivora (Ferae), beasts of prey. Pentadactyle clawed o Mammals, with complete dentition. Incisors generally , canines 3 strong. Clavicles absent or rudimentary. Placenta zonary. (a) Fissipedia; terrestrial forms with well-developed claws, and ex- o tremities seldom webbed. Incisors , canines long and pointed, prse- molars (denies spurii) pointed, molars mostly small and irregular ; the last upper praemolars and first lower molars are large rending teeth (car- nassial or sectorial). Ursus, p.m. _ m. . Mustela martes, martin, p.m. L m. 1 . Viverra, p.m. 1 m. A . Canis, p.m. 1 m. JL . Hyaena, p.m. m. . Felis, p.m. m. . o 1 z 1 (b) Pinnipedia; aquatic forms with rudimentary claws and webbed extremities; the hind-limbs united with the tail by a fold of skin. Grinding teeth all similar, and never with more than two fangs. Phoca 01 R vitulina, common seal, i. ^- c. p.m. + m. . Otaria, sea lion or *z 1 o eared seal. Trichechus rosmarus, walrus. 222 CHORDATA. Order 11. Prosimice (Lemuroidea), lemurs. Quadrupedal Mammals with prehensile extremities, opposable hallux, and long non-prehensile tail. Hallux (and generally pollex) with a flat nail, remaining digits clawed. Orbits incompletely separated from the temporal fossae. Uterus bicornuate, clitoris perforated by urethra, mammae pectoral and abdo- minal, placenta diffuse. (a.) Cheiromyini ; Cheiromys Madagascarensis, pollex non-oppo- sable and clawed ; i. c. p.m. + in. . 10 3 (6.) Lemurini, with large opposable flat-nailed pollex ; lower incisors forwardly directed. Limited to S. Africa and S. Asia ; Tarsius, 9-10 dentition 1 1 3 Lemur, Order 12. Primates. Hallux (and generally pollex) with a flat nail and relatively short. Orbits completely or almost completely separated from temporal fossae. Uterus simple, clitoris not perforated by urethra, a pair of pectoral mammae, placenta metadiscoidal. (a.) Arctopitheci, marmozets (S. America); quadrupedal, long non- prehensile tail, and non-opposable clawed pollex. Orbits not quite O "I O O walled off from temporal fossae. Dental formula '- . Hapale. 2132 (b.) Platyrrhini, New World monkeys; quadrupedal, long generally prehensile tail, non-opposable pollex, nailed digits, and broad nasal septum. Orbits completely separated from temporal fossae, coronal suture V-shaped, alisphenoids united with parietals, external auditory O 1 O meatus not ossified. Dental formula o Neither cheek - 213 pouches nor ischial callosities. Cebus capuciniis. Mycetes niger, howling monkey. Pithecia satanas. (c) Catarrhini, Old World monkeys. Tail, when present, non- prehensile, opposable pollex, nailed digits, and narrow nasal septum. Orbits completely separated from temporal fossae, alisphenoids not united with parietals, external auditory meatus ossified. Dental formula - Cynomorpha, baboons, &c. ; quadrupedal tailed forms, 2123 with ischial callosities, and, as a rule, cheek-pouches. Cynocephalus. Macacus. Cercopithecus sabseus. Anthropomorpha, arboreal semi-erect tailless forms. Hylobates, gibbon (S. E. Asia and Malay Archipelago), with ischial callosities. Pithecus (Satyrus), orang (Borneo and Sumatra), 12 pairs of ribs. Gorilla engena (Troglodytes gorilla) and Troglodytes niger, chimpanzee, both from W. Africa, and with 13 pairs of ribs. (d) Anthropidae, distinguished from the other groups of Primates by the following characters : Hair scanty, position habitually erect, hallux non-opposable, cranio-facial angle not greater than 120, mandibular symphysis with a mental prominence, no diastema in the dental series, volume of brain not less than 55 cubic inches. Homo sapiens, man. PRINCIPLES OF DISTRIBUTION. 227 PRINCIPLES OF DISTRIBUTION. Explanatory Theories I. Theory of Special Creations, now abandoned. According to it: 1. Organisms were created where now found. 2. The fauna and flora of any particular region must be better adapted to it than any other fauna and flora. 3. Climate, soil, and position explain all the phenomena of distribution. II. Theory of Evolution, generally accepted. Regards modern distribution as the result of innumerable changes that have affected (1) organisms ; (2) the surface of the globe. 1. Geological history shows that there has been a succession of faunas and floras passing gradually into one another, old species becoming extinct, and new ones being evolved by the combined influence of variation and heredity, which respectively originate and accumulate new characters. Upon the whole a gradual advance in complexity has taken place, but the geological record is extremely imperfect, especially as regards land organ- isms. The process of change is still going on, and examples of modern extinction (e.g. the New Zealand Dinornis and Sirenian form Rhytina) are well known, but the detec- tion of newly evolved species involves greater difficulties. Species once established have extended themselves over smaller or larger areas, according to their powers of migration and surrounding conditions, i.e., their environ- ment. Physical barriers, such as oceans, mountains, climate, and soil, have played an important part in limiting such extension, but the competition of other forms has had a still greater influence. Introduced forms often increase prodigiously, and even supersede the indigenous ones, whence it follows that these last are not necessarily the best adapted. Exs. Rabbits in Australia; the brown rat in England, which has almost ousted the indigenous black rat. 2. Owing to the wearing away or erosion of the land by various agencies (chiefly the different forms of water), and the action of subterranean forces by which upward and downward movements of the earth's crust are produced, the distribution of land and sea has constantly varied. Europe and North America, for example, have most likely been connected at various times by laud occupying part of what is now the North Atlantic, and Australia appears to have been once united with Asia. On the other hand, evidence is found on every continental land surface of the former presence of the sea. In spite of what has been said, the theory of "permanence of oceanic and continental areas" finds much support. According to it the great oceans are of extreme antiquity, and, on the lohole, more or less land has existed from very remote times within the present continental areas. It is perhaps best to accept this theory only for the deeper parts of the great oceans. An accurate knowledge of the contours of the ocean-floor is important in this r.onnection, and serves as an important check upon speculations regarding former land- unions. On this basis islands have been divided into oceanic and continental, which are believed respectively to have been always isolated, and to have been connected with an adjoining continent. Oceanic Islands are : (a) generally remote from continents ; (6) separated from them by very deep (usually over 1000 fathoms) water ; (c) of volcanic or coral nature ; (rf) inhabited by forms which possess powers of migration capable of carrying them, actively or passively, over more or less broad ocean tracts ; (e) characterised by numerous peculiar species. Exs. The Azores, St. Helena, Ascension, coral islands of Pacific. Continental islands are: (a) comparatively near a continent ; (b) separated from it by comparatively shallow (under 1000 fathoms; water ; (c) of similar geological structure, and not entirely volcanic or coral ; (d) inhabited by similar organisms, irrespective of powers of migration. Such islands are : (1) Ancient continental, separated from the nearest continent by fairly deep (over 100 fathoms) water, and presenting only a general resemblance in the fauna and flora ; many peculiar species. Exs. Madagascar, Malay Islands. (2) Recent continental, separated from the adjacent continent by shallow (not more than 100 fathoms) water, and with closely similar fauna and flora ; very few peculiar species. Exs. British Islands, Japan. Both (1) and (2) have presumably been united with the adjoining continents, the latter at a recent date, geologically speaking. The surface of the globe has also undergone numerous mutations as regards climate. The temperate parts of N. America and Europe, for example, were at a geologically recent period passing through a glacial epoch (the " great ice age"), as proved by ice- worn and scratched rock-surfaces and rocks, boulder-clay. &c. On the other hand, fossil plants evidencing subtropical conditions have been found in the Arctic regions. Many PRINCIPLES OF DISTRIBUTION. 229 theories have been advanced to account for secular changes of climate. The most satis- factory is one by Wallace which attributes them to geographical revolutions (previously suggested by Lyell), influenced by astronomical changes (variations in excentricity of earth's orbit and movements of precession, as advanced by Croll). All the preceding changes must have exerted a profound influence upon organisms, and throw light upon many problems of distribution. Areas of Distribution. May be mapped out for species genera, families, and orders. In all cases : (1) Size and nature of boundaries very variable. (2) Need not be continuous. (a.) Exs. of Limited Areas. The marmot only found in the Alps. A species of humming-bird confined to the crater of the extinct volcano Chiriqui in Veragua. Six genera of Lemurs are peculiar to Madagascar. The family Galeopithecidce (including the single genus Galeopithecus) is limited to Malacca, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippines. The order Monotremata only occurs in Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. (6.), Exs. of Extensive Areas. The leopard is distributed through the whole of Africa and S. Asia to Borneo and E. China. The genus Felis (cat, lion, leopard, &c.) ranges over most of the globe except Australia, the Pacific Islands, W. Indies, Madagascar, and the more northerly parts of X. America and Asia. The family Vespertilionidce, including 200 species of small insect-eating bats, occurs everywhere within the tropical and temperate zones; while the family M uridce (rats, mice, &c.) is only absent from Polynesia and New Zealand. 2. Discontinuity is generally a sign of antiquity, the two or more parts being remains of a once continuous distributional area, in part of which extinction has occurred. Changes in the distribution of land and sea have broken up many once continuous areas. Examples. The variable hare (Lepus variabilis), Europe and Asia N. of 55 ; Alps, Pyrenees, and Caucasus. The genus Tapirus, S. America, S. E. Asia. Centetidce (a family of the Insectivora), Madagascar, Cuba, Hayti. Ganoid fishes are now represented by genera with the 'following distribution: Acipenser, N. temperate and Arctic regions. Most species marine, others are found in the Caspian Sea, Black Sea, and N. American lakes, with their rivers, also in the Danube, Mississippi, and Columbia. Scapbirhynchus, Mississippi and tributaries. Polyodon, Mississippi, and Yang-tse-Kiang. Polypterus, Nile and W. African rivers. Calamoichtbys, rivers of Old Calabar. Amia, fresh-water, United States. Lepidos- teus, fresh-water, N. America to Mexico and Cuba. Ganoid fishes are of great geological antiquity, and were formerly a widely spread marine group. Most of the forms now surviving have gradually accommodated themselves to a life in rivers, lakes, &c., where the struggle for existence is less severe. The peculiar distribution of the Dipnoi (p. 161) can be explained similarly. The Marsupialia and Edentata (p. 235) are also good examples of interrupted areas of distribution. Zoological Regions, characterised by the presence of peculiar families and genera, and by fne absence of other families and genera, have been formed for sea and land. The most useful division of the latter is chiefly based on the Mammalia, but applies very well to birds and reptiles and fairly to other groups. The regions thus established are six in number. I. Palcearctic Region. Temperate Europe and Asia and N. temperate Africa. Extends W. to Iceland, the Azores, and Cape Verde Islands, and E. to Behring Straits and Japan. Southern boundary somewhat indefinite, tropic of Cancer in Africa and Arabia, river Indus, Himalayas, Nanling mountains. II. Ethiopian Region. Africa and Arabia S. of the tropic of Cancer, and including Madagascar. III. Oriental Region. Asia, S. of Region I., and the western part of the E. Indies. The E. boundary of this region (Wallace's line) passes between Bali, Borneo, and the Philippines on the one hand, Lombok and Celebes on the other. The former islands are therefore in the Oriental Region, the latter in the Australian Region. IV. Australian Region. Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, with the smaller islands from Wallace's line to the Marquesas and Low Archipelago, and the tropic of Cancer to the Macqnarie Islands. V. Neotropical Region. S. America, the W. Indies, and tropical N. America, with the exception of the central part of the Mexican table-land. VI. Nearctic Region. Arctic and temperate N. America, with the central part of the Mexican table-land. DISTRIBUTION OF MAMMALS. 231 DISTRIBUTION OF MAMMALS. I. Palcearctic Region. Thirty-five families represented. Peculiar Genera. The camels, six deer, the yak, six antelopes (including the chamois), and all wild sheep and goats, except two species. Six p.g. of Muridce (rats and mice), two of mole-rats, and one other ; dormice and pikas (calling hares) are almost confined to this region. Six p.g. of moles ; the remaining two genera of which (Talpa, Urotrichus) extend, respectively, into N. India and N. W. America. Five p.g. of Carnivora, including the racoon-dog, a seal, and the badger ; the last just enters the Oriental region in China. II. Ethiopian Region. Fifty families represented, of which nine are peculiar, i.e. teropodidce. Hippopotamidce ; Camelopardidce. Potamogalidce (including Potamo- m otter-like Insectiyore) ; Chrysochloridce (golden moles). Cryptoproctidee (Cryptoprocta is a small civet-cat-like form peculiar to Madagascar) ; Protelidce (Proteles, the aard-wolf, is allied to the hysenas and weasels) ; Cheiromyidce (contains Cheiromy, the aye-aye, peculiar to Madagascar). Peculiar Genera (besides those in the above families). Potamochaerus (river hog), and Phacochaerus (wart hog); Hyomoschus (a small deer-like form), twelve p.g. of antelopes. Thirteen p.g. of Muridce; Pedetes (a jerboa or jumping mouse); An omalums (a flying squirrel); three other p.g. of Rodents. Three p.g. of elephant-shrews, and the Insectivorous family Centetidce, except one genus from Cuba and Hayti. Three p.g. of bats. Seventeen p.g. of Viverridce (civets and ichneumons), two p.g. of dogs, and two p.g. of Mustelidce (weasels, otters, &c.). Nine p.g. of Lemurs. Eight p.g. of apes and monkeys, the most important being Gorilla and Troglodytes (chimpanzee). Peculiar Species. Among these are several species or Manis, the two-horned African rhinoceroses, the zebras, African elephant, and lion. Absent Palcearctic Forms. The genera Bos (wild ox), and Sus (wild boar), camels, deer, goats and sheep, moles, bears. III. Oriental Region. Forty-two families represented, of which two are peculiar, and one other almost so, i.e., Galeopithecidce (including Galeopithecus, the flying lemur), and Tupaiidce (tree-shrews), among Insectivora. Tarsiidas, a family of lemurs (including only Tarsius spectrum, found in Sumatra, Bauca, and Borneo ; also outside the Oriental region in Celebes.) Peculiar Genera (besides those in the above families). Tragulus (chevrotain) ; Cervulus (a deer) ; Bibos (wild cattle) ; three p,g. of antelopes. Platanista (a dolphin found in Ganges and Indus). Three p.g. of Muridce; Pteromys (a flying squirrel ; Acanthion (a porcupine). Gymnura (a hedgehog). Eleven p.g. of bats. Twelve p.g. of Viverridce ; Cuon (a dog) ; five p.g. of Mustelidce; two p.g. of bears. Loris and Nycticebus (lemurs). Four p.g. .of apes, including Pithecus (orang-utan), and Hylobates (gibbon). Peculiar Species. Among these are the Indian tapir, several species of rhinoceros, and the Indian elephant. IV. A ustralian Region. Twenty-eight families represented, of which eight are peculiar, i.e. six out of the seven families of Marsupials, and the two families of Monotremes. All of these, however, are absent from Polynesia and New Zealand. Peculiar Genera (besides those in the above families). Babirusa (a hog) and Anoa (a small kind of cow) in Celebes. Five p.g. of Muridce in Australia, and one of these in Tasmania also. Three p.g. of bats. Absent Forme. Australia and New Guinea possess no non-aquatic Mammals higher than Marsupials, except some bats, mice, and rats. This points to extremely long-continued isolation, which has afforded time for the Marsupials to become modified in the most diverse directions, thus enabling them to fill places elsewhere occupied by other orders. New Zealand is remarkable for the absence of all indigenous Mammals, so far as certainly known, with the exception of two bats. V. Neotropical Region. Thirty-seven families represented, of which seven are peculiar, i.e. Bradypodidce (sloths), Dasypodidce (armadilloes), and Myrmecophagidce (true ant- eaters). Chinchillidce (chinchillas) and Caviidce (cavies) among .Rodents. Cebidce (New*" World monkeys) ; Hapalidce (marmozets). The Phyllostomidce (leaf-nosed bats) are peculiar with th exception of a Calif ornian species. Peculiar Genera (besides those in the above families). Chironectes and Hyracodon (opossums). Dicotyles (peccary, also in Texas) ; Auchenia (llama) ; Elasmognattms (a tapir). Inia (a dolphin, upper part of Amazon basin). Six p.g. of Muridce ; six p.g. of Octodontidce (rat-like forms), two of them peculiar to W. Indies ; eight p.g. of Echimyidee DISTRIBUTION OF MAMMALS. 233 (spiny rats) ; two p.g. of Cercolabidce (tree porcupines) . Solenodpn (a hedgehog-like form from Cuba and Hay ti). Twenty-six p.g. of bats, including the Vampires. Five p.g. of Canidce; three p.g. of Mustelidce; Nasua (coati) and Cercoleptes (Kinkajou) ; Tremarctos (spectacled bear) ; Otaria (an eared seal). Peculiar Species. Among these are, twenty species of Didelphys (to which genus most opossums belong). The American tapir. A species of racoon (genus Procyon)- Absent Forms. Ungulata are scarce, deer and llamas being the only ruminants, tapirs and peccaries the only non-ruminants. The only insectivores are Solenodon and a species of shrew (Sorex). The Viverridce are absent. VI. Nearctic Region. Thirty-two families are represented, of which one is peculiar, while one other is almost so, i.e. Haploodontidce (rat-like forms allied to beavers and marmots), and Saccomyidce (the pouched rats, of which one genus ranges into the N. of the Neo- tropical region). Peculiar Genera (besides those in the above families). Antilocapra (prong-horned antelope), Aplocerus (a goat-like antelope), and Ovibos (the musk-sheep). Three p.g. of Muridoe, Jaculus (a jerboa) , Cynomys (the so-called prairie dog), and Erethizon (the tree porcupine), three p.g. of moles, two p.g. of bats, two p.g. of Mustelidce; Eumetopias (an eared seal ; Halicyon (a seal). Peculiar Species. Among these are two of Didelphys, a peccary, several deer, the American bison, racoons, and the grizzly bear (Ursus ferox). Absent Forms. Ungulates are ill represented, deer, the American bison, two antelopes, a sheep, and the musk-sheep, being the only ruminants, while a peccary (Texas to Red River), is the only non-ruminant. Hedgehogs, Viverridce, and monkeys are all unre- presented. DISTRIBUTION OF ORDERS. 235 Distribution of Orders 1. Monotremata. Consists of only three genera, limited to part of the Australian region. See p. 188. No fossil forms are found elsewhere, so that the place of origin of this order is unknown. 2. Marsupialia. Consists of seven families (comprising thirty-six genera), of which only one, the Opossum family (including three genera), occurs outside the Australian region. The Opossums are Neotropical and Nearctic. Fossil opossums occur in the Pleistocene of America, and in much older European deposits (Eocene to Miocene). The Secondary rocks of Europe contain a number of small forms, which probably resemble the ancestors of the Australian Marsupials. We may therefore suppose that this order originated in the Palaearctic region, and then extended into what is now Australia (at that time united by land with Asia), isolation occurring soon after, followed by specialization in various directions. The Opossums seem first to have existed in Europe, from whence they spread into America by former northerly land-connections. 3. Edentata. This order is now chiefly limited to S. America, but Orycteropus is peculiar to the Ethiopian region, while Manis is found both in that and the Oriental region. The geological evidence is in favour of considerable development in Africa, whence the order would spread north to the Oriental and Palsearctic regions, and thence on to America. The competition with higher forms has caused this extinction in most areas, and Edentates appear to be most abundant in S. America, because the competition with other animals is there comparatively small. The peculiar burrowing or climbing habits of most of the genera also tend to preserve them, and these habits no doubt represent attempts to escape from the severe competition with higher forms. The size of existing Edentates is insignificant compared with that of Pleistocene S. American and European genera. 4. Ungulata.(a) Artipdactyla. Non-rumniantia. Swine are only represented in America by peccaries (Dicotyles) ; true swine are found in all the other regions but only extend into the Australian as far as New Guinea. These animals are first known in the European Eocene, and during Miocene and Pliocene times were as common in N. America as Europe, but since then have almost entirely disappeared from the former area. The hippopotamus is now limited to the Ethiopian region, but fossil forms occur in Europe (Pliocene and Pleistocene) and India (Miocene). Ruminantia. Recent Camelidce are only found in the Neotropical and Palsearctic'regions, but numerous forms occur in the Miocene and later deposits of N. America, where the group originated. Tragulidce or mouse-deer have also a discontinuous area of distribution W. Africa (Hyomoschus) and Oriental region (Tragulus). This is accounted for by the presence of Miocene forms in Europe, whence the family extended south. Deer occur in all the regions except the Ethiopian, but do not extend far into the Australian region. They appear to have taken origin in the Old World, from whence they reached N. America in Miocene times, and afterwards passed to S. America. Giraffes are at the present time confined to the Ethiopian region, but fossil forms are known from S. Europe and India, and a northern temperate origin is probable. Bovidce (oxen, sheep, antelopes, &c.) are present in all the regions except the Neotropical, though they only just pass into the Australian, and are scarce in the Nearctic. The family appears to have originated in the Palasarctic and Oriental regions during Miocene times. (&) Perissodactyla. Tapirs present a striking example of discontinuous distribution, being found, on the one hand, in the Malay peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo, and on the other, in S. and Central America. True tapirs occur in the W. of Europe as far back as Miocene times, but in America are not found further back than the Pleistocene. Migration from the Palsearctic region is thus indicated. Rhinoceroses are now only Ethiopian and Oriental, but they appear to have originated in the Palsearctic region, where they extend back to the Miocene period. In Pliocene times they also ranged into N. America. The genus Equus (horse, ass, zebra) is now limited to the Ethiopian and Palsearctic regions. It appears to have originated in the latter area during Miocene times, and then migrated not only into the Ethiopian, but also into the Oriental, Nearctic, and Neotropical regions, as proved by fossil forms. 5. Sirenia.See p. 203. DISTRIBUTION OF ORDERS. 237 6. Rodentia. Very widely distributed ; occurring in all the regions, but in Madagascar and Australia only represented by Muridce. They attain their largest development in S. America. The order is of great geological antiquity, for some living genera extend back to the Eocene. Rodents probably originated in the Palsearctic region, whence migrations took place at an early date to S. America and S. Africa, allowing time for great specialization. 7. Proboscidea. Elephants are now limited to the Ethiopian and Oriental regions, but formerly had a much wider extension. Palaearctic forms occur from Miocene to Pleistocene times, and elephants have lived in India since the Miocene period. Numerous fossil examples occur in the Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits of N. and S. America. 8. Hyracoidea. Almost entirely limited to the Ethiopian region, but range northwards as far as Syria. 9. Insectivora. Very widely distributed, and represented by numerous specialized forms. Absent from S. America and Australia. This order is a very ancient one, as shown by the fact that Miocene forms mostly belong to existing families. Extinction appears to be slowly taking place, and has led to many cases of discontinuous distribution, e.g., the Centetidce, represented by Solenodon in the W. Indies, and Centetes, with four other genera, in Madagascar. 10. Cheiroptera. Bats, as might be expected, are found in all the great areas, but the Frugivora are absent from the Nearctic and Neotropical regions, as are the Horse-shoe bats (Rhinolophidce) among insectivorous forms. On the other hand, the Leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidce) are almost exclusively Neotropical. Fossil bats, very like recent species, date from Eocene times, and the order is un- doubtedly one of extreme antiquity. 11. Carnivora.(a) Fissipedia. Occur in all the regions, except, perhaps, the Australian (the "native dog "of Australia is only doubtfully indigenous), but are especially characteristic of the Ethiopian and Oriental, which possess almost all the Viverridce and Hycenidce, with a great many of the Felidce and Mustelidce. Two genera, Cryptoprocta and Proteles, constituting distinct families, are limited respectively to Ma'dagascar and S. Africa. Bears, however, are absent from the Ethiopian region, and are only represented by one species in the Neotropical region, which is also very poor in other Carnivora. The Procyonidce are small bear-like forms, found in the Nearctic and Neotropical regions, and include the racoons (Procyon), coatis (Nasua), and kinkajous (Cercoleptes). Fossil Carnivores date back to the Lower Eocene, but the recent families were not then dif- ferentiated. The order appeai-s to have originated in the northern half of the Old World. (6) Pinnipedia. Seals are limited to cold and temperate seas, and are also found in the Caspian, Sea of Aral, and Lake Baikal, all of which, at no very distant epoch, were con- nected with the Arctic Ocean. Walruses characterise the North Polar regions. 12. Prosimice. (a) Cheiromyini. Only one form, the aye-aye (Cheiromys) which is restricted to Madagascar. (b) Lemurini. Practically limited to the Ethiopian and Oriental regions. Indris, Lemur, and four other genera are only found in Madagascar. Tarsius constitutes a distinct family, and is limited to Sumatra, Banca, Borneo, and Celebes. Lemurs date back to the Eocene in Europe. 13. Primates. (a) Arctopitheci and (6) Platyrrhini are confined to the Neotropical region. (c) Catarrhini are found only in the Old World. Cynomorpha are especially Ethiopian and Oriental, but also extend into the Pate- arctic region, and into the Australian region as far as Timor. Anthropomorpha present a marked example of discontinuous distribution. See p. 222. The order dates back to the Eocene. Origin and Migrations of the Mammalia. The Class, and most likely all the Orders, originated in the Northern Hemisphere. Australia was isolated at a very early date, and therefore has preserved a very ancient Mammalian fauna. S. America and S. Africa were severed somewhat later, to be afterwards re-united, and they also have preserved some very ancient forms. The northerly connection between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres was then broken, not only by submergence of land, but also by a lowering of temperature. The Oriental and Ethiopian regions were also marked off by the formation of the Himalayas and the desert zone stretching from the Sahara to Central Asia. 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