University of California Berkelev 6x '* ."*. THE LILY AND THE TOTEM, OR, THE HUGUENOTS IN FLORIDA. A SERIES OF SKETCHES, PICTURESQUE AND HISTORICAL, OP THE COLONIES OF COLIGNI, IN NORTH AMERICA. 15621570. BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE YEMASSEE," LIFE OF MARION/ "LIFE OF BAYARD" ETC. SECOND EDITION. NEW YORK: BAKER AND S C B, I B N E R , 145 NASSAU STREET AND 36 PARK ROW. 1850. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, by W. GILMORE SIMMS-, ESQ., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United State* for the Southern District of New York. * C. W. BENEDICT, Stereotype r, JOi William at. f .& EPISTLE DEDICATORY, TO THE HON. JAMES H. HAMMOND, OF SOUTH CAROLINA. MY DEAR HAMMOND: I VERY well know the deep interest which you take in all researches which aim to develope the early history of our State and country, and sympathize with you very sincerely in that local feeling which delights to trace, on your own grounds, and in your own neighborhood, the doubtful progresses of French and Spaniard, in their wild passion for adventure or eager appetite for gold. I have no doubt that the clues are in your hands which shall hereafter conduct you along a portion of the route pursued by that famous cavalier, Hernando de Soto ; and I am almost satisfied that the region of Silver Bluff was that distinguished in the adventures of the Spanish Adelantado, by the presence of that dusky but lovely princess of Cofachiqui, who welcomed him with go much favor and whom he treated with an ingratitude as unhandsome as unknightly. But I must not dwell on a subject so seductive ; particularly, as I entertain the hope, in some future IV EPISTLE DEDICATORY. labor, to weave her legend into an appropriate, and I trust not unworthy history. For the present, inscribing these pages to you, as a memorial of a long and grateful intimacy, and of inquiries and conjectures, musings and meditations, enjoyed together, which, it is my hope, have resulted no less profitably to you than to myself, I propose briefly to give you the plan of the volume in your hands. The design of the narrative which follows, contemplates, in nearly equal degree, the picturesque and the historical. It belongs to a class of writings with which the world has been long since made familiar, through a collection of the greatest interest, the body of which continues to expand, and which has been entitled the " Romance of History." This name will justly apply to the present sketches, yet must not be construed to signify any large or important departure, in the narrative, from the absolute records of the Past. The romance here is not suffered to super- sede the history. On the contrary, the design of the writer has been simply to supply the deficiencies of the record. Where the author, in this species of writing, has employed history, usually, as a mere loop, upon which to hang his lively fancies and auda- cious inventions, embodying in his narrative as small a portion of the chronicle as possible, I have been content to reverse the process, making the fiction simply tributary, and always subor- dinate to the fact. I have been studious to preserve all the vital details of the event, as embodied in the record, and have only ventured my own " graftings" upon it in those portions of the history which exhibited a certain baldness in their details, and seemed to demand the helping agency of art. In thus interweav- ing the history with the fiction, I have been solicitous always of those proprieties and of that vraisembla7ice 9 in the introduction of EPISTLE DEDICATORY. Y new details, which are essential to the chief characteristics of the history ; seeking equally to preserve the general integrity of the record from which I draw my materials, and of that art which aims to present them in a costume the most picturesque. My labor has been not to make, but to perfect, a history ; not to invent facts, but to trace them out to seemingly inevitable results ; to take the premise and work out the problem ; recog- nize the meagre record which affords simply a general outline ; and endeavor, by a severe induction, to supply its details and pro- cesses. I have been at no such pains to disguise the chronicle, as will prevent the reader from separating, should he desire to do so, the certain from the conjectural ; and yet, I trust, that I have succeeded in so linking the two together, as to prevent the lines of junction from obtruding themselves offensively upon hig consciousness. Upon the successful prosecution of this object, apart from the native interest which the subject itself possesses, depends all the merit of the performance. It is by raising the tone of the history, warming it with the hues of fancy, and making it dramatic by the continued exercise of art, rather than by any actual violation of its recorded facts, that I have endeavored to awaken interest. To bring out such portions of the event as demand elevation to suppress those which are only cumbrous, and neither raise the imposing, nor relieve the unavoidable ; and to supply, from the probable, the apparent deficiencies of the actual, have been the chief processes in the art which I have employed. What is wholly fictitious will appear rather as episo- dical matter, than as a part of the narrative ; and a brief historical summary, even in regard to the episode, shall occasionally be employed to determine, for the reader, upon how much, or how little, he may properly rely as history. * yi EPISTLE DEDICATORY. The experiment of Coligny, in colonizing Florida, is one of those remarkable instances in the early settlement of this country, which deserve the particular attention of our people. Its wild and dark events, its startling tragedies, its picturesque and exciting incidents, long since impressed themselves upon my imagination, as offering suitable materials for employment in romantic fiction. In the preparation of the work which follows, I have rather yielded to the requisitions of publishers and the public, than followed the suggestions of my own taste and judgment. Originally, I com- menced the treatment of this material, in the form of poetry ; but the stimulus to a keen prosecution of the task was wanting : not so much, perhaps, in consequence of my own diminished interest in the subject, as because of the indifference of readers ; who, in all periods have determined the usual direction of the writer. Hereafter, I may prosecute the experiment upon this history in still another fashion. I do not regard this work as precluding me from trying the malleability of its subject, and from seeking to force it into a mould more grateful to the dictates of my imagina- tion. In abandoning the design, however, of shaping it to the form of narrative poetry, I may, at least, submit to the reader such portions of the verse as are already written. My purpose, as will be seen, by the fragmentary passages which follow fin the Appendix at the close of the volume,) was to seize upon the strong points of the subject, and exhibit the whole progress of the action, in so many successive scenes ; as in the plan adopted by Rogers in his " Columbus" the one scene naturally forming the intro- duction to the other, and the whole, a complete and single his- tory. To these fragments let me refer you. With these, my original design found its limit ; the spirit which had urged me thus far, no longer quickening me with that impatient eagerness which EPISTLE DEDICATORY. VU can alone justify poetic labors. The plan is one which I am no longer likely to pursue. It will no doubt have a place of safe- keeping and harborage in some one of Astolpho's mansions. It need not be deplored on earth. I shall be but too happy if those who read the performance which follows, shall forbear the wish that it had shared the same destiny. To you, at least, I venture to commend it with a very "different hope. Very truly yours, as ever, THE AUTHOR. CHARLESTON, S. C., > May 1, 1850. ( CONTENTS, i. THE FIRST VOYAGE OF KIBAULT, II. THE COLONY UNDER ALBERT, 29 III. THE LEGEND OF GUERNACHE, Chap. 1 37 IV. THE LEGEND OF G-UERNACHE, Chap. H 44 V. THE LEGEND OF GUERNACHE, Chap. Ill 69 VI. THE LEGEND OF GUERNACHE, Chap. IV 71 VII. LACHANE, THE DELIVERER, 81 X CONTENTS. VIII. FLIGHT, FAMINE, AND THE BLOODY FEAST OP THE FUGI- TIVES, 100 IX. THE SECOND EXPEDITION OF THE HUGUENOTS TO FLORIDA, 110 X. HISTORICAL SUMMARY, 123 XL THE CONSPIRACY OF LE GENRE HISTORICAL SUMMARY . 131 XII THE CONSPIRACY OF LE GENRE, 133 XIII. HISTORICAL SUMMARY, 164 XIV. THE SEDITION AT LA CAROLINE, 166 XV. THE MUTINEERS AT SEA, 185 XVI. THE ADVENTURE OF D'ERLACH, 193 XVII. THE NARRATIVE OF LE BARBU, 218 CONTENTS. XI XVIII. HISTORICAL SUMMARY, 251 XIX. CAPTIVITY OF THE GREAT PARACOUSSI, 263 XX. IRACANA, 294 XXI. HISTORICAL SUMMARY, 310 XXII. THE FATE OF LA CAROLINE, 321 XXIII. THE FORTUNES OF RIBAULT, 364 XXIY. ALPHONSE D'ERLACH, 387 XXY. DOMINIQUE DE GOURGUES, 414 APPENDIX, 463 THE LILY AND THE TOTEM, I. THE FIRST VOYAGE OF RIBAULT. Introduction The Huguenots Their Condition in France First Expedition for th New World, under the auspices of the Admiral Coligny, Conducted by John Ribault-*- Colony Established in Florida, and confided to the charge of Captain Albert. THE Huguenots, in plain terms, were the Protestants of France. They were a sect which rose very soon after the preaching of the Reformation had passed from Germany into the neighboring countries. In France, they first excited the appre- hensions and provoked the hostility of the Roman Catholic priesthood, during the reign of Francis the First. This prince, unstable as water, and governed rather by his humors and caprices than by., any fixed principles of conduct wanting, perhaps, equally in head and heart showed himself, in the outset of his career, rather friendly to the reformers. But they were soon destined to suffer, with more decided favorites, from the caprices of his despotism. He subsequently became one of their most cruel persecutors. The Huguenots were not originally known by this name. It does not appear to have been one of their own choosing. It was the name which distinguished them in the days of their persecution. Though frequently 'the subject of con- 1 2 THE LILY AND THE TOTEM. jecture, its origin is very doubtful. Montluc, the Marshal, whose position at the time, and whose interests in the subject of religion were such as might have enabled him to know quite as well as any other person, confesses that the source and meaning of the appellation were unknown. It is suggested that the name was taken from the tower of one Hugon, or Hugo, at Tours, where the Protestants were in the habit of assembling secretly for worship. This, by many, is assumed to be the true origin of the word. But there are numerous etymologies besides, from which the reader may make his selection, all more or less plausibly contended for by the commentators. The commence- ment of a petition to the Cardinal Lorraine " Hue nos venimus, eerenissime princeps, &c.," furnishes a suggestion to one set of writers. Another finds in the words " Heus quenaus," which, in the Swiss patois, signify " seditious fellows," conclusive evidence of the thing for which he seeks. Heghenen or Huguenen,a Flemish word, which means Puritans, or Cathari, is reasonably urged by Caseneuve, as the true authority ; while Yerdier tells us that they were so called from their being the apes or followers of John Hus " les guenons de Hus ;" guenon being a young ape. This is ingenious enough without being complimentary. The etymology most generally received, according to Mr. Browning, (History of the Huguenots,) is that which ascribes the origin of the name to " the word JEignot, derived from the German JEidegenossen, q. e. federati. A party thus designated existed at Geneva ; and it is highly probable that the French Protestants would adopt a term so applicable to themselves." There are, however, sundry other etymologies, all of which seem equally plausible; but these will suffice, at least, to increase the difficulties of conjecture, Either will answer, since the name by which the .. THE HUGUENOTS. 3 child is christened is never expected to foreshadow his future character, or determine his career. The name of the Huguenots was probably bestowed by the enemies of the sect. It is in all likelihood a term of opprobrium or contempt. It will not materially concern us, in the scheme of the present performance, that we should reach any definite conclusion on this point. Their European history must be read in other volumes. Ours is but the American episode in their sad and protracted struggle with their foes and fortune. Unhappily, for present inquiry, this portion of their history attracted but too little the attention of the parent country. We a/e told of colonies in America, and of their disastrous termination, but the details are meagre, touched by the chronicler with a slight and careless hand ; and, but for the striking outline of the narrative, the leading and prominent events which compelled record, it is one that we should pass without comment, and with no awakening curiosity. But the few terrible particulars which remain to us in the ancient summary, are of a kind to reward inquiry, and command the most active sym- pathies ; and the melancholy outline of the Huguenots' progress, in the New World, exhibits features of trial, strength and suffering, which render their career equally unique in both coun- tries ; a dark and bloody history, involving details of strife, of enterprise, and sorrow, which denied them the securities of home in the parent land, and even the most miserable refuge from persecution in the wildernesses of a savage empire. Their European fortunes are amply developed in all the European chronicles. Our narrative relates wholly to those portions of their history which belong to America. It is not so generally known that the colonies of the Hugue- nots, in the new world, were almost coeval with those of the 4 THE LILY AND THE TOTEM. Spaniards. They anticipated them in the northern portions of the continent. These settlements were projected by the active genius of the justly-celebrated French admiral, Graspard de Col- igny, one of the great leaders of the Huguenots in France. His persevering energies, impelled by his sagacious forethought, effect- ed a beginning in the work of foreign colonization, which, unhap- pily for himself and party, he was not permitte'd to prosecute, with the proper vigor, to successful completion. His sagacity led him to apprehend, from an early experience of the character of the Queen-mother, in the bigoted and brutal reign of Charles the Ninth, that there would, in little time, be no safety in France for the dissenters from the established religion. The feebleness of the youthful Prince, the jealous and malignant character of Catharine her utter faithlessness, and the hatred which she felt for the Protestants, which no pact could bind, and no concession mollify, to say nothing of the controlling will of Pius the Fifth, who had ascended the Papal throne, sworn to the extermination of all heresies, all combined to assure the Protestants of the dangers by which their cause was threatened. The danger was one of life as well as religion. It was in the destruction of the one, that the enemies of the Huguenots contemplated the over- throw of the other. Coligny was not the man to be deceived by the hollow compromises, the delusive promises, the false truces, which were all employed in turn to beguile him and his associates into confidence, and persuade them into the most treacherous snares. He combined a fair proportion of the cunning of the serpent with the dove's purity, and, maintaining strict watch upon his enemies, succeeded, for a long period, in eluding the artifices by which he was overcome at last. Availing himself of the influence of his position, and of a brief respite from that open ATTEMPT AT COLONIZATION. 5 war which preceded the famous Edict of January, 1562, by which the Huguenots were admitted, with some restrictions, to the ex- ercise of their religion, Coligny addressed himself to the task of establishing a colony of Protestants in America. He readily divined the future importance, to his sect, of such a place of refuge. The moment was favorable to his objects. The policy of the Queen-mother was not yet sufficiently matured, to render it proper that she should oppose herself to his desires. Perhaps, she also conceived the plan a good one, which should relieve the country of a race whom she equally loathed and dreaded.* It is possible that she did not fully conjecture the ultimate calculations of the admiral. The king, himself, was a minor, entirely in her hands, who could add nothing to her counsels, or, for the present, interfere with her authority ; and, without seeking farther to in- quire by what motives she was governed in according to Coligny the permission which he sought, it is enough that he obtained the necessary sanction. Of this he readily availed himself. It was not, by the way, his first attempt at colonization. Having in view the same objects by which he was governed in the present instance, he had, in 1555, sent out an expedition to Brazil under Villegag- non. This enterprise had failed through the perfidy of that com- mander. Its failure did not discourage the admiral. Though the full character of Catharine had not developed itself, in all its cruel and heartless characteristics, it was yet justly understood by * Charlevoix expressly says, speaking, however, of Charles IX., " qu'il fut fort aise de voir que M. de Coligni n'employoit k cette expedition que des .Calvinistes, parce que c'etoit autant d'ennemis, dont il purgeoit 1'etat." Of Coligny's anxiety in regard to this expedition and his objects, the same writer says : " Coligny had the colony greatly at heart. It was, in fact, the first thing of which the admiral spoke to the king when he obtained permission to repair to the court." I THE LILY AND THE TOTEM. him, and he never suffered himself to forget how necessary to the sect which he represented was the desired haven of security which he sought, in a region beyond her influence. From Brazil he turned his eyes on Florida. This terra incog- nita, at the period of which we speak, was El Dorado to the European imagination. It was the New Empire, richer than Peru or Mexico, in which adventurers as daring as Cortes and Pizarro were to compass realms of as great magnificence and wealth. Already had the Spaniard traversed it with his iron-clad warriors, seeking vainly, and through numberless perils, for the treasure which he worshipped. Still other treasures had won the imagination of one of their noblest knights ; and in exploring the wild realm of the Floridian for the magical fountain which was to restore youth to the heart of age, and a fresh bloom to its withered aspect, Ponce de Leon pursued one of the loveliest phantoms that ever deluded the fancy or the heart of man. To him had succeeded others ; all seeking, in turn, the realization of those unfruitful visions which, like wandering lights of the swamp forest, only glitter to betray. Vasquez d'Ayllon, John Verazzani, Pam- philo de Narvaez, and the more brilliant cavalier than all, Her- nando de Soto, had each penetrated this land of hopes and fancies, to deplore in turn its disappointments and delusions. With the wildest desires in their hearts, they had disdained the merely pos- sible within then* reach. They had sought for possessions such as few empires have been known to yield ; and had failed to see, or had beheld with scorn, the simple treasures of fruit and flower which the country promised and proffered in abundance. This vast re- gion, claimed equally by Spain, France, and England, still lay derelict. " Death," as one of our own writers very happily re- marks, " seemed to guard the avenues of the country." None BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY. 7 of the great realms which claimed it as their domain, regarded it in any light but as a territory which they might ravage. Yet, well might its delicious climate, the beauty of its groves and forests, the sweets of its flowers, which beguiled the senses of the ocean pilgrim a score of leagues from land to say nothing of the supposed wealth of its mountains, and of the great cities hid among their far recesses have persuaded the enterprise, and im- plored the prows of enterprise and adventure. To these attractions the previous adventurers had not wholly shown themselves insen- sible. Ponce de Leon, enraptured with its rich and exquisite vegetation, as seen in the spring season of the year, first conferred upon it the name of beauty, which it bears. Nor, had he not been distracted by baser objects, would he have failed utterly to dis- cover the salubrious fountains which he sought. Here were met natives, who, quaffing at medicinal streams by which the country was everywhere watered, grew to years which almost rival those of the antediluvian fathers. Verazzani, the Florentine, unfolds a golden chronicle of the innocence and delight which distinguished the simple people by whom the territory was possessed, and whose character was derived from the gentle influences of their climate, and the exquisite delicacy, beauty, and variety of the productions of the soil. He, too, had visited the country in the season of spring, when all things in nature look lovely to the eye. But such verdure as blessed his vision on this occasion, constituted a new era in his life, and seemed to lift him. to the crowning achieve- ment of all his enterprises. The region, as far his eye could reach, was covered with " faire fields and plaines," " full of mightie great woodes," " replenished with divers sort of trees, as pleasant and delectable to behold as is possible to imagine ; " Not," says the voyager, " like the woodes of Hercynia or the wilde deserts 8 THE LILY AND THE TOTEM. of Tartary, and the northerne coasts full of fruitlesse trees," but trees of sortes unknowen in Europe, which yeeld most sweete sa- vours farre from the shoare." Nor did these constitute the only attractions. The appearance of the forests and the land " argued drugs and spicery," " and other riches of golde." The woods were " full of many beastes, as stags, deere and hares, and likewise of lakes and pooles of fresh water, with great plentie of fowles, convenient for all kinde of pleasant game." The air was " goode and wholesome, temperate between hot and colde ;" " no vehement windes doe blowe in these regions, and those that do commonly reigne are the southwest and west windes in the summer season ;" " the skye cleare and faire, with very little raine ; and if, at any time, the ayre be cloudie and rnistie with the southerne winde, immediately it is dissolved and waxeth cleare and faire againe. The sea is calme, not boisterous, and the waves gentle." And the people were like their climate. The nature which yielded to their wants, without exacting the toil of ever-straining sinews, left them unembittered by necessities which take the heart from youth, and the spirit from play and exercise. No carking cares interfered with their humanity to check hospitality in its first impulse, and teach avarice to with- hold the voluntary tribute which the natural virtues would prompt, in obedience to a selfishness that finds its justification in serious toils which know no remission, and a forethought that is never permitted to forget the necessities of'the coming day. Yerazzani found the people as mild and grateful as their climate. They crowded to the shore as the stranger ships drew nigh, " making divers synes of friendship." They showed themselves " very courteous and gentle," and, in a single incident, won the hearts of the Europeans, who seldom, at that period, in their intercourse KINDNESS OF THE NATIVES 9 with the natives, were known to exhibit an instance so beautiful, of a humanity so Christian. A young sailor, attempting to swim on shore, had overrated his strength. Cast among the breakers, he was in danger of being drowned. This, when the Indians saw, they dashed into the surf, and dragged the fair-skinned voyager to land. Here, when he recovered from his stupor, he exhibited signs of the greatest apprehension, finding himself in the hands of the savages. But his lamentations, which were piteously loud, only provoked theirs. Their tears flowed at his weeping. In this way they strove to " cheere him, and to give him courage." Nor were they neglectful of other means. " They set him on the ground, at the foot of a little hill against the sunne, and began to behold him with great admiration, marveiling at the whitenesse of his fleshe ;" " Putting off his clothes, they made him warme at a great fire, not without one great feare, by what r.emayned in the boate, that they would have rested him at that fire and have eaten him," But the fear was idle. When they had warmed and revived the stranger, they reclothed him, and as he showed an anxiety to return to the ship, " they, with great love, clapping him fast about with many embracings," accompanied him to the shore, where they left him, retiring to a distance, whence they could witness his departure without awakening the apprehensions of his comrades. These people were of " middle stature, hands