NO. 10
Irrigation District Laws
JOHN £. Kl^.^te
Irrigation District Laws
JOHN E. KINO. SUte PrlDter
List of Irrigation districts as of June 30, 1925 7
Outline of procedure for the formation of a "Wright" Irrigation District 9
Organization 13
Election on organization 20
Duties and powers of board of directors 22
Water regulations »_— . « 26
General elections 27
Title to property 1 — . 35
Issuance of bonds — 35
Assessment for completion of works 42
Duties of assessor 43
Equalization of assessment 44
Levy and collection of taxes 45
Publication of delinquent notice 50
Sale for delinquent taxes — . 50
Redemption of property sold for delinquent taxes '. 52
Redemption of bonds and payment of interest 54
Construction of works —— — 55
Governing directors 58
Special assessments 59
Incurring Indebtedness 60
Governing the use of water 62
Exemption from taxation — creation of funds 62
General provisions ~ 63
Exclusion of lands — 65
Inclusion of lands 69
Reduction of bonded indebtedness _— 73
Lease of water 74
Destruction of unsold bonds 75
Saving clauses 76
Organization . — 80
Board of directors and report of board on project 85
Proceedings of state engineer subsequent to report of board of directors 88
Payment of assessments 92
Supplemental assessments 94
Bonds 96
Powers and duties of board of directors . . 103
General elections 108
Special elections 114
General provisions — 114
State Irrigation Board _ 122
Organization of districts ___,^_i 123
Water and power survey 126
Apportionment of cost 127
Board of directors 131
Issuance of bonds 135
Powers of board of directors 141
Apportionment and assessment of costs 144
Certification of bonds 145
General provisions 146
Organization , 151
Powers and duties .__. IZIHIZIIIZIIIIII 160
Water rates and taxes Z 165
General provisions _. ™ 158
Organization . . 170
Officers, powers and duties IIIIZZIZZZI 173
Taxes 'Z. _! ~ IIII" I 175
Bonds II_I~I 180
Elections _-^ .—-^-^ , ,.-, -^ ^ , ^_^_.v^ , 186
Construction of works 188
Appropriation of Water ."__ . , _„_ 189
Dtssolution __-^ .__ 1 _'__ . 190
General provisions 191
Sale of water -_ 191
£;reation of commission - 195
Powers and duties ^-. 194
Appropriation of water . 19^
' "Permit to divert water—— : . 205
Fees 211
Determination of water rights by commission- 212
Investigation of flow of streams '. — 213
Contests .concerning water rights 21.4
Supervision of distribution of water 220
General provisions _' — ■'. ____"_1__'; -' —~ 222
A. Consolidation of districts 224
B. Water district may include territory of an irrigation district 226
C Cooperative agreements with districts in other states 227
D. Cooperation with federal government for construction, operation and
maintenance of works. — _— _ _ 228
E. Cooperation with federal government, twenty-year extension act 232
•F. Districts may unite for production of materials 233
A. Work by day labor __._ '— __ _ 234
B. Security for claims against contractor 235
A. .Yoluntary dissolution _, 239
B. Involuntary dissolution . 244
A. Acquiring stock in foreign corporation 246
B. Bonds exempt from taxation 246
O. Payment of bonds ■— . i-- 246
D. Bond certification commission _ ^ 246
E. Refunding bonds .. , , — .^ , 261,
F. Bond -Validating- -Act— _ — ^ ■ — -. — _____—• -^ ^— 251-
A. Assessments payable in two installments . 253
B. Assessment of public land-. —__.:;; 254
Oi Cancellation of taxes .-: _: -~zz.z---zz-. 255
A. Drainage by irrigation districtsr_l_ll._,_,___^.,,_,___,„_,__ 258
B. Development of electric power-'_l____l_l „_ 258
C. Rights of w%y for power lines.:.. .,_, -^-Jrt ; 259"
D. Protection of canals and works : 260
B. Injuries to highways—— — 1 1 '_. !__ _1 261
APPENDIX rl._;;,__,___-,.^-__.____— r__'_-__l'-_: 262
INDEX — ^ ..^-;*._=:. .^—^^—^j...: - — : 265
The rapid expansion of the irrigated area in California which has
occurred during the past decade, has largely been through the organi-
zation of irrigation districts under the state law commonly known as
the ** Wright Act." The Wright Act was originally passed in 1887.
Each succeeding legislature passed amendments of more or less
importance, but the fundamental objections to this act were not cor-
rected until 1897. Under the legislative leadership of Judge E. A.
Bridgford, a new act was passed which did not alter the essential pur-
port of the law and in many of its provisions was but a slight revision
in verbiage of the original act. However, radical changes made in the
procedure for organizing the districts and in incurring indebtedness,
had the effect of stopping the organization of new districts.
Many amendments and supplementary acts have been passed to the
Bridgford Act by legislatures since 1901 and particularly since 1909.
The more essential changes have been as follows :
1. Requiring petitions for the formation of irrigation districts to
be referred by the board of supervisors of counties, to the state
engineer for report, and giving the state engineer ninety days
in which to "report, make or cause to be made such prelim-
inary investigations as may be practicable, with a view to
determining the feasibility of the project proposed to be
2. Creating an irrigation district bond commission, composed of the
state engineer, state superintendent of banks, and the attorney
general of the state, which, prior to bond elections, must pass
on proposed bond issues, and which may certify bonds that
have been voted in whole or in part, so as to make them legal
investments for funds of banks, insurance and trust companies,
trusts and state school funds, and so as to permit them to be
used as security for the performance of any act the same as
bonds of cities, counties, school districts or municipalities.
3. Permitting the organization of districts to be proposed by 500
petitioners, each petitioner, to the number of at least 500, to be
an elector residing in the proposed district or the holder of
title or evidence of title to land therein.
4. Reducing the number of votes necessary to carry the organization
of an irrigation district from two-thirds to a majority of all
votes cast.
5. Permitting, boards of directors of districts to call bond elections
to cover expenditures, approved by the irrigation district bond
commission, without petition of the landowTiers, as necessary
from 1897 to 1919, but requiring a two-thirds instead of a
majority vote to carry such elections.
There are now seven active irrigation districts that were organized
prior to 1897 but none originated during the years 1897 to 1909.
Beginning in 1909, districts have been organized at an increasingly
rapid rate until at present there are one hundred and seven districts in
California, comprising a total area of 4,129,000 acres. This is about
two-thirds of the entire area under irrigation in California. The great
bulk of this development has occurred since inclusions have been made
in the law for state supervision in the organization of the districts
and in financing and constructing their projects.
With the near completion of all the simpler projects whose works
consist for the most part of diversion dams and distribution canals,
necessity has arisen for the organization of large areas in single enter-
prises that overlap areas already organized in irrigation districts. The
"Water Storage District Act" of 1921, and the "Water Conservation
District Act" of 1923 have resulted.
Active Irrigation Districts as of June 30, 1925.
Name of district.
Address of
Baxter Creek
Brentwood .
Brown's Valley
Butte Valley
Byron Bethany
Camp Far West...
Citrus Heights
Fair Oaks
Happy Valley
Hot Spring Valley.
Island No. 3
La Canada.
La Mesa, Lemon Grove and Spring
Lemoore. .
little Rock Creek
Lone Tree
Mojave River
Newport Heights
Newport Mesa
Oroville- Wyandotte
Owens Valley
Potter Valley...
Pri nee ton-Codora, Glenn
Red Rock Creek*.
Round Valley
San Dieguito
Santa Fe
San Ysidro
Scott Valley
South Capay
South Montebello
South San Joaquin
Table Mountain
Terra Bella
San Joaquin..
Contra Costa
Contra Costa-San
Yuba -'.."."."
San Benito
Kingii ......
Contra Costa
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Diego
Tulare I
Los Angeles...
Los Angeles. .
Contra Coeta.
San Bernardino
San Joaquin
Stanislaus-San Joaquin
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Diego
San Diego...
Los Angeles
San Joaquin
Susan ville.
Brown's Valley.
Fair Oaks.
El Centra
La ton.
San Joaquin.
La ton.
La Mesa.
Little Rock.
Box 396, Los Angeles
Grass Valley.
Coeta Mesa.
Coeta Mesa.
Potter Valley.
Del Mar.
San Ysidra
Fort Jones.
Terra Bella.
•Formed without approval of State Engineer.
tOlenn-Cdusa and Williams conbined in 1924.
Name of district
Address of
Thennalito. .
"Ha Juana
Tracy Clover
West Side...
San Diego
San Joaquin
San Diego
Los Angeles
San Joaquin
San Joaquin
National City.
Browns Valley and
Exclusive Tulare and
Browns Valley.
Browns Valley paid off bonds at 30 cents.
Tulare bought up bonds at 53 cents in 1903 and burned them.
In addition to the above, a number of other districts have proceeded to organize but for various causes have been
unaUe to function. But one of these proceeded as far as submitting to the voters the matter of bonding— Crooks Canyon.
Name of district.
Butte City.
Crooks Canyon* . w
VA C.ATmnn*
El Solyo*
FaU River VaUey..
San Fnmcisco.
Feather River
Fullerton. ^
Honey Lake Valley*
Klamath-Shasta Valley t
Siskiyou . .
Riverside .
Surprise Valley*
Fort BidwelL
Victor Valley
Son Bernardino
West Stanislaus*
Crows Iianding.
'Formed without approval of State Engineer.
tVoluntarily dissolved.
The following is an outline of the steps in the procedure of forming
an irrigation district and issuance of bonds for construction work :
(1) Determination of the general practicability of the proposed
project. Advice may be obtained from the State Department of
Public Works.
(2) Determination of boundaries of proposed district and of pro-
posed source of water supply.
(3) Circulation of petition among property owners within proposed
district. Petitions must contain the names of a majority of the holders
of title to lands within the proposed district representing a majority
in value of said land ; or they may contain the names of 500 electors or
landowners within the proposed district. This petition should be drawn
up and circulated under competent legal advice. (Sec. 2.)
(4) Advertise proposal to present petition for two weeks in some
newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties in which the
proposed district is situated. (Sec. 2.)
(5) Present petition to board of supervisors at date specified in
advertised notice and forward copy of petition to state engineer.
(Sec. 2.)
(6) Hearing on sufficiency of petition by county board of supervisors
(Sec. 2) and if found sufficient, forwarding of copy of the determina-
tion of the board of supervisors to the state engineerj for report.
(Sec. 2.)
(7) After receiving the report of the state engineer, and if the pro-
posed district is approved, final hearing on the matter by the board of
supervisors and calling of election on organization, notice of such
election to be published for at least three weeks prior thereto, and
officers of the district to be voted on along with the matter of organiza-
tion. (Sees. 6 to 8.)
(8) Board of supervisors to canvass votes cast at the election, and
if carried, to declare district duly organized. (Sec. 9.)
(9) Organization of the board of directors and employment of an
engineer to prepare plans for the district; determination by board of
directors of the amount of bonds necessary; reference of plans and
specifications to the irrigation district bond commission. (Sees. 13,
30, and 30a.)
(10) Report by the irrigation district bond commission and, if
favorable, the calling of a bond election by the board of directors.
(Sec. 30a.)
(11) Reference of bond issue to irrigation district bond commission
for certification. (Special act Stats. 1913, p. 778 ; Stats. 1915, p. 692 ;
Stats. 1917, p. 582; Stats. 1919, p. 1207; Stats. 1921, p. 1198.)
With these and other related steps fully set forth in the act, the
district is ready to purchase or construct irrigation works and otherwise
carry out proposals for which it has been formed.
tThe Division of Engineering and Irrigation, Department of Public Works, has
succeeded to tlie powers and duties conferred or imposed upon the State EIngineer
by the irrigation laws.
State Constitution, Article XIV, Sec. 1.
The use of all water now appropriated, or that may hereafter be
appropriated, for sale, rental, or distribution, is hereby declared to be
a public use, and subject to the regulation and control of the state, in
the manner to be prescribed by law * * *,
Water Works vs. San Francisco, 82 Cal. 286.
Willkimson vs. Railroad Commission, 193 Cal. 22.
State Constitution, Article XI, Sec. IB.
The legislature shall not delegate to any special commission, private
corporation, company, association or individual any power to make,
control, appropriate, supervise or in any way interfere with any
county, city, town or municipal improvement, money, property, or
effects, whether held in trust or otherwise, or to levy taxes or assess-
ments or perform any municipal function whatever, except that the
legislature shall have power to provide for the supervision, regulation
and conduct, in such manner as it may determine, of the affairs of irri-
gation districts, reclamation districts or drainage districts, organized or
existing under any law of this state. (Amendment adopted Novem-
ber 3, 1914.)
Merchants Bank vs. Escondido Irr. Dist., 144 Cal. 329.
San Leandro vs. Railroad Com,m,ission, 183 Cal. 229.
Mordecai vs. Board of Supervisors, 183 Cal. 434.
Turlock Irrigation District vs. White, 186 Cal. 183. ■^'
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Worea vs. Im,perial Irrigation District, 193 Cal. 609.
State Constitution, Article I, Sec. 14.
Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public use with-
out just compensation having first been made to, or paid into court
for, the owner, and no right of way shall be appropriated to the
use of any corporation, except a municipal corporation or a county,
until full compensation therefor be first made in money or ascertained
and paid into court for the owner, irrespective of any benefits from
any improvement proposed by such corporation, which compensation
shall be ascertained by a jury, unless a jury be waived, as in other
civil eases in a court of record, as shall be prescribed by law ; provided,
that in an action in eminent domain brought by the state, or a cx)unty,
or a municipal corporation, or a drainage, irrigation, levee, or reclama-
tion district, the aforesaid state or political subdivision thereof, or
district may take immediate possession and use of any right of way
required for a public use whether the fee thereof or an easement there-
for be .sought upon first commencing eminent domain proceedings
according to law in a court of competent jurisdiction and thereupon
giving such security in the way of money deposits as the court in which
such proceedings are pending may direct, and in such amounts as the
court may determine to be reasonably adequate to secure to the owner
of the property sought to be taken immediate payment of just compen-
sation for such taking and any damage incident thereto, including dam-
ages sustained by reason of an adjudication that there is no necessity
for taking the property, as soon as the same can be ascertained accord-
ing to law. The court may, upon motion of any party to said eminent
domain proceedings, after such notice to the other parties as the court
may prescribe, alter the amount of such security so required in such
proceedings. The taking of private property for a railroad run by
steam or electric power for logging or lumbering purposes shall be
deemed a taking for a public use, and any person, firm, company or
corporation taking private property under the law of eminent domain
for such purposes shall thereupon and thereby become a common
carrier. (Amendment adopted November 5, 1918,)
Tormey vs. Anderaon-Cottonwood Irr. Dist., 53 Cal. App. 559.
Marblehead Land Co. vs. Superior Court, 40 Cal. App. Dec. 291.
An act regarding irrigation and declaring the same to he a public use.
(Approved May 1, 1911 ; Stats. 1911, p. 1407.)
Irrigation declared public use.
Section 1. Irrigation in the State of California is hereby declared
to be a public necessity and a public use, and the power to eminent
domain may be exercised on behalf of such public use in accordance
with the provisions of title VII, part III of the Code of Civil Procedure
of the State of California. Provided that any person, firm or corpora-
tion, exercising the power of eminent domain and in control of water
appropriated for sale, rental or distribution, shall not, by this act, be
relieved from the duty of furnishing water to irrigate the lands over
which any right of way is obtained by condemnation for irrigation
purposes as required by an act entitled, "An act to regulate and control
the sale, rental and distribution of appropriated water in this state,
other than in any city, city and county, or town therein and to secure
the rights of way for the conveyance of such water to the places of
use", approved March 12, 1885, or any other law now in force in this
Gravelly Ford Canal Co. vs. Pope and Talbot Land Co., 192 Cal. 4 ;
same 36 Cal. App. 556.
Certain acts not affected.
Sec. 2, This act .shall not repeal or modify an act entitled, "An act
to regulate and control the sale, rental and distribution of appropriated
water in this state, other than in any city, city and county, or town
therein, and to secure the rights of way for the conveyance of such
water to the place of use", approved March 12, 1885, and other acts
supplemental thereto and amendatory thereof, or shall the same be con-
strued to alter or change the law of the State of California as to the
duty of any person, firm or corporation in charge of a public use to
furnish water.
Effective, when.
Sec. 3. This act shall "be in force from and after its passage.
Appropriation for private use of the taker Is not "public use."
Gravellv Ford Co. vs. Pope d Talbot Co., 36 Cal. App. 556 ;
See also Const., Art. XIV. Sec. 1.
An act to provide for the arganization and government of irrigation
districts, and to provide for the acquisition and constmction thereby
of works for the irrigation of the lands embraced within such dis-
tricts, and, also, to provide for the distribution of water for irrigt. Diat., 161 Cal. 345.
Legislature may authorize initiatory proposal to be made by such persons as it
sees fit.
Imperial Water^Co. vs. Supervisors, 162 Cal. 14-25.
Holders of title or evidence of title :
Board of Directors vs. Abila, 106 Cal. 355 ;
Carson vs. Cudworth (Colo.), 140 Pac. 935;
In re Gallatin Irr. Dist. (Mont.), 140 Pac. 92—4;
Gem. Irr. Dist. vs. Johnson (Idaho), 109 Pac. 845.
Inclusion of public land will not invalidate organization. -_
Cullen vs. Glendora W. Co., 113 Cal. 503;
Stevens vs. Melville (Utah), 175 Pac. 602;
NevArt. XI, Sec. 13J, of the Constitution, authorizes the payment of bonds and Interest
in any place within or outside of the United States. See Part III, Division 4, Act
3 hereof.
Sale of bonds.
Sec. 32. The board may sell said bonds from time to time in such
quantities as may be necessary and most advantageous to raise money
for the construction of said canals and works, the acquisition of said
property and rights, or the acquisition of any water or water rights,
and otherwise to fully carry out the objects and purposes of this act.
Before making any sale the board shall, at a meeting, by resolution,
declare its intention to sell a specified amount of the bonds, and the day
and hour and place of such sale, and shall cause such resolution to be
entered in the minutes, and notice of the sale to be given, by publica-
tion thereof at least three weeks in some newspaper published in the
county where the office of the board of directors is located and in any
other newspaper at its dLscretion. The notice shall state that sealed
proposals will be received by the board at their office, for the purchase
of bonds, till the day and hour named in the resolution. At the time
appointed the board shall open the proposals and award the purchase
of the bonds or any portion or portions thereof to the highest responsible
bidder or bidders ; provided, however, that they may reject any or all
bids; and provided, further, that no proposal shall be accepted which
is not accompanied by a certified check for such reasonable percentage
of the amount of the bid as shall be determined by the board of
directors, but in no event less than two per cent of the amount thereof
to apply on the purchase price of the bonds, the amount of which check
shall be forfeited if after the acceptance of the proposal the bidder
shall refuse to accept said bonds and complete his purchase thereof on
the conditions stated in his proposal. In case no award is made, the
board thereafter may either readvertise said bonds or any part thereof
for sale or sell the same or any part thereof at private sale but no sale
of said bonds at private sale shall be valid unless approved by the
California bond certification commission. (Stats. 1921, p. 1108.)
Leeman vs. Perris Dist., 140 Cal. 540 ;
Stimson vs. Alessandro Irr. Diat., 135 Cal. 389;
Kinkade vs. Witherop (Wash.), 69 Pac. 399;
Wi/man vs. Searle (Nebr.), 128 N. W. 801.
Funding or refunding bonds.
Sec. 32a. The board of directors of any irrigation district organized
and existing under or subject to the provisions of this act may, by a
majority vote of the members of the board, submit to the electors of
the irrigation district at any election, the proposition of the issuance
of new bonds for the purpose of funding or refunding any or all bonds
of such district outstanding at the time of such election.
Such election shall be held and the result thereof determined and
declared substantially in the same manner, and the vote required for
the authorization of such bonds shall be the same as provided by this
act for the issuance of other bonds of such districts.
Such funding or refunding bonds shall be issued in substantially the
manner and in the form required by this act for the issuance of other
bonds of irrigation districts, and the provisions of this act, and of the
act creating the California bond certification commission, concerning
the authorization, certification, issuance and sale of bonds of irrigation
fiistricts, shall be applicable to funding or refunding bonds; provided,
however, that the maturities of said funding or refunding bonds shall
be fixed by the board of directors of said district, subject to the
approval of the California bond certification commission, but in no case
shall the maturity of any such bonds be more than forty years from the
date thereof. Such funding or refunding bonds may be sold from time
to time in the same manner as other bonds of the district, or, if the
directors of the district and the holders of any outstanding bonds so
elect, any such funding or refunding bonds may be exchanged for any
outstanding bonds. Any such outstanding bonds so funded or
refunded or exchanged shall be immediately canceled by the board of
directors. (Stats. 1923, p. 628.)
Election on sale of bonds for less than par.
Sec. Z2^. If any irrigation district bonds have been authorized
before the time when this section shall go into effect but have not
been sold and the board of directors of said district deems it desirable
that said board be authorized to sell said bonds for less than the par
value thereof, said board may call a special election to submit to the
voters of the district said proposition. Such election shall be held and
notice thereof shall be given in the same manner as is provided in the
ease of special elections to authorize the issuance of bonds in irrigation
districts. The proposition shall be stated in substantially the follow-
ing form: "Shall the board of directors of (insert the name)
irrigation district be authorized to sell bonds of the district for less
than the par value thereof?" followed by the words "Yes" and "No,"
as provided in section thirty hereof. If at least two-thirds of the legal
votes cast at such election are for "Yes," then the board of directors
may sell any bonds authorized by said district before this section shall
take effect to the highest responsible bidder. (Stats. 1913, p. 1000.)
Paid by annual assessment. . -^
Sec. 33. Said bonds and the interest thereon shall be paid from
revenue derived from an annual assessment upon the land within the
district; and all the land within the district shall be and remain liable
to be assessed for such payments as hereinafter provided. (Stats. 1917,
p. 764.)
Procedure for enforcement of lien :
Nevada National Bank vs. Poao Irr. Dist., 140 Gal. 344 ;
Boskowitz vs. Thompson, 144 Cal. 724;
Herring vs. Modesto District, 95 Fed. 705 ;
Perkins vs. People (Colo.), 147 Pac. 356;
Henrylyn Irr. Dist. vs. Thomas (Colo.), 173 Pac. 541;
Henrylyn Irr. Dist. vs. Thomas (Colo.), 181 Pac. 979, 980;
Rialto Irr. Dist. vs. Stowell, 246 Fed. 294;
N orris vs. Montezuma Irr. Dist., 248 Fed. 369 ;
Gas Securities Co. vs. Antero and Lost Park Reservoir Co., 259 Fed. 423.
Suit by bondholders to enforce payment :
Quinton vs. Equitable Investment Co., 196 Fed. 314.
Farwell vs. San Jacinto, etc., Irr. Dist., 49 Cal. App. 167.
Assessment to complete works; notice of election; ballots.
Sec. 34. In case the money raised by the sale of bonds issued be
insufficient, or in case the bonds be unavailable for the completion of
the plan of canal and works adopted, and the acquisition of the neces-
sary property, waters and water rights therefor, and additional bonds
be not voted, it shall be the duty of the board of directors to provide
for the completion of said plan, and the acquisition of such necessary
property, waters and water rights, by levy of assessments therefor;
provided, however, that such levy of assessments shall not be made
except first an estimate of the amount required for such purposes has
been made by said board, and the question as to the making of said
levy submitted to a vote of the electors of the district. Before such
question is submitted the order of submission shall be entered in the
minutes of the board, stating the amount to be levied and the purpose
therefor, and if submitted at a special election said order shall, in
addition, fix the day of election. Notice of such election must be given
by posting notices in three public places in each election precinct in
said district for at least twenty days, and also by publication of such
notice in some newspaper published in the county where the office of tiie
board of directors of such district is required to be kept once a week
for at least three successive weeks. Such notices must specify the
time of holding the election, and the amount of assessment proposed to
be levied. Said election must be held and the result thereof determined
and declared in all respects as nearly as practicable in conformity with
the provisions of this act governing the election of officers; provided,
that no informalities in conducting such an election shall invalidate
the same, if the election shall have been otherwise fairly conducted.
At such election the ballots shall contain the words "Assessment — Yes",
or "Assessment — No", or words equivalent thereto. If a majority of
the votes cast are "Assessment — Yes", the board of directors shall
cause an assessment in the amount named in the order of submission
to be levied; if a majority of the votes east are "Assessment — No", the
result of such election shall be so declared and entered of record.
(Stats. 1911, p. 514.)
Cooper vs. Miller, 113 Cal. 238;
Matter of Bonds of South San Joaquin Diat., 161 Cal. 345 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Dist., 173 Cal. 668;
Carson vs. Crocker, 31 Cal. App. 626 ;
Buachmann vs. Turlock Irr. Dist.. 47 Cal. App. 321 ;
8er-vi8 vs. Victor Valley Irr. Dist., 190 Cal. 732.
Duty of assessor; improvements exempt.
Sec. 35. The assessor must, between the first Monday in March and
the first Monday in June, in each year, assess all real estate in the dis-
trict, to the persons who own, claim or have possession or control
thereof, at its full cash value, as follows: He must prepare an assess-
ment book* with appropriate headings, in which must be listed all such
property within the district, in which must be specified, in separate
columns, under the apropriate head: (1) the name of the person to
whom the property is assessed, if the name is not known to the assessor,
the property shall be assessed to "unknown owners"; (2) land by
township, range, section or fractional section, and when such land is
not congressional division or subdivision, by metes and bounds, or other
description sufficient to identify it, giving an estimate of the number
'Pol. C, Sec. 3653, provides that, upon written request, the county assessor must
furnish the district with a certified copy of the assessment book, so far as it pertains
to property within the district.
of acres and locality; (3) city and town lots, naming the city or town
and the number and block, according to the system of numbering in
such city or town; (4) the cash value of real estate, other than city or
town lots; (5) the cash value of city and town lots; (6) the total value
of all property assessed; (7) the total value of all property after
equalization by the board of directors; (8) such other things as the
board of directors may require. Improvements on any lands or town
lots within such districts shall be exempt from taxation for any of the
purposes mentioned in this act. Any property which may have escaped
the payment of any assessment for any year, shall, in addition to the
assessment for the then current year, be assessed for such year with the
same effect and with the same penalties as are provided for in such
current year. The term improvements as used in this section includes
trees, vines, alfalfa and all growing crops and all buildings and struc-
tures of whatever class or description erected or being erected upon
said lands or city or town lots. (Stats. 1917, p. 764.)
Cooper vs. Miller, 113 Cal. 238 ;
Eacondido H. 8. Diet. vs. Escondido Seminary, 130 Cal. 128;
Best vs. Wohlford, 144 Cal. 733 ;
W. U. Tel. Co. vs. Modesto Irr. Dist., 149 Cal. 662 ;
Best vs. Wohlford, 153 Cal. 17 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Irr. Dist., 173 Cal. 668;
Corson vs. Crocker, 31 Cal. App. 626;
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 30 Cal. App. 682 ;
Miller rf Lux vs. Madera Irr. Dist., 64 Cal. Dec. 94;
Wares vs. Imperial Irrigation District, 193 Cal. 609.
Assessor's deputies.
Sec 36. The board of directors must allow the assessor as many
deputies, to be appointed by him, as will, in the judgment of the board,
enable him to complete the assessment within the time herein pre-
scribed. The board must fix the compensation of such deputies, which
shall be paid out of the treasury of the district. The compensation must
not exceed five dollars per day for each deputy, for the time actually
engaged, nor must any allowance be made l)ut for work done between
the first Monday in March and the first Monday in August in each year.
Time for completion of assessment book; time for equalizing assessments.
Sec 37. On or before the first IMonday in August in each year, the
assessor must complete his assessment book, and deliver it to the secre-
tary of the board, who must immediately give notice thereof, and of the
time the board of directors, acting as a board of equalization, will meet
to equalize assessments, by publication in a newspaper published in each
of the counties comprising the district. The time fixed for the meeting
shall not be less than twenty nor more than thirty days from the first
publication of the notice; and in the meantime the assessment book
must remain in the office of the secretary for the inspection of all
persons interested.
Lahman vs. Hatch, 124 Cal. 1 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Madera Irr. Dist., 64 Cal. Dec. 94;
N. P. Ry. Co. vs. John Day Irr. Dist. (Oregon), 211 Pac. 781, 789;
Wares vs. Imperial Irrigation District, 193 Cal. 609.
Hearings on objections to assessments.
Sec. 38. Upon the day specified in the notice required by the pre-
ceding section for the meeting, the board of directors, which is hereby
constituted a board of equalization for that purpose, shall meet and
continue in session from time to time, as long as may be necessary, not
to exceed ten days, exclusive of Sundays, to hear and determine such
objections to the valuation and assessment as may come before them;
and the board may change the valuation as may be just. The secretary
of the board shall be present during its sessions, and note all changes
made in the valuation of property, and in the names of the persons
whose property is assessed; and within ten days after the close of the
session he shall have the total values, as finally equalized by the board,
extended into columns and added.
Lahman vs. Hatch, 124 Cal. 1 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Irr. Dist., 173 Cal. 668 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Board of Supervisors, 189 Cal. 254 ;
Miller rf Lux vs. Madera Irr. Dist., 64 Cal. Dec. 94 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Secara, 193 Cal. 755.
Assessment for interest, principal, rentals, etc.
Sec. 39. The board of directors shall then, within fifteen days after
the close of its session as a board of equalization, levy an assessment
upon the lands within the district in an amount sufficient to raise the
interest due or that will become due on all outstanding bonds of the
district on the first day of the next ensuing January and the first day
of the next ensuing July, or that the board of directors believes will
become due on either or both of said dates, on bonds authorized but not
sold ; also sufficient to pay the principal of all bonds of the district that
have matured or that will mature before the close of the next ensuing
calendar year; also sufficient to pay in full all sums due or that will
become due from the district before the close of the next ensuing
calendar year on account of rentals, or charges for lands, water or
water rights acquired by said district under lease or contract; also
sufficient to pay in full all sums due or that will become due from the
district, before the close of the next ensuing calendar year on account
of contracts entered into by the district for power or fuel used or to
be used for the pumping of water for the irrigation of land ^^^thin the
district; provided, the payment of the cost of such power or fuel has
not been provided for by the levying of tolls or charges for the use of
water or otherwise; also sufficient to pay in full the amount of all
unpaid warrants of the district is.sued in accordance with this act and
the amount of any other contracts or obligations of the district which
shall have been reduced to judgment ; also sufficient to raise such
amount not exceeding two per centum of the aggregate value of the
lands within the district according to the latest duly equalized assess-
ment roll thereof, as the board of directors shall determine may be
needed to be raised by assessment for any of the purposes of this act.
The board of directors may also include in any annual as.sessment such
an amount as it may deem proper, not exceeding one per centum of the
total assessed value of the land in the district, to be apportioned to the
bond fund and to be used as provided in section fifty-two of this act,
for the redemption of immatured bonds of the district or for the
creation of a sinking fund to pay any of such bonds as they become
due; provided, however, that notwithstanding any provision of this
act or any act amendatory hereof, or supplementary hereto, the board
of directors may in lieu, either in whole or in part, of levying the
annual assessment for the payment of interest on or principal of bonds,
or for any other purposes of this act, use any income or revenue of the
district derived from the sale of electric power or from the sale or
lease of water or the use of water for power purposes. (Stats. 1925,
p. 488.)
Cooper vs. Miller, 113 Cal. 238 ;
Hughaon vs. Crane, 115 Cal. 404 ;
Lahman vs. Hatch, 124 Cal. 1 :
Eacondido H, S. Diet. vs. Eacondido Seminary, 130 Cal. 128;
Baxter vs. Vineland Irr. Diat., 136 Cal. 185;
Boakowitz vs. Thompson. 144 Cal. 724 ;
. Nevada Natio7ial Bank vs. Poso Diat., 149 Cal. 662 ;
Matter of Bonda of South San Joaquin Diat., 161 Cal. 345 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Diat., 173 Cal. 660 ;
Hewel vs. Hogan, 3 Cal. App. 248;
Nevada National Bank vs. Superviaora, 5 Cal. App. 638 ;
Corson vs. Crocker, 31 Cal. App. 626;
Buachmann vs. Turlock Irr. Diat., 47 Cal. App. 321 ;
Board of Superviaora vs. Thompaon, 122 Fed. 860;
Marra vs. S. J. and P. V. Irr. Diat., 131 Fed. 780 ;
Eberhard vs. Canon (Colo.), 157 Pac. 189;
Rio Grande, etc., Co. vs. Orchard Meaa Diatrict (Colo.), 171 Pac. 367.
Assessments on ad valorem basis constitutional :
In re Madera Irr. Diat., 92 Cal. 296.
Payment under protest :
Decker vs. Perry, 4 Cal. Unrep. 488.
"Outstanding bonds" defined:
Board of Directora vs. Tregea, 88 Cal. 334, 356.
Boree vs. Poaco Irr. Diat., 36 Cal. App. Dec. 199 ;
kelson vs. Anderaon-Cottonwood Irr. Diat., 51 Cal. App. 92 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Board of Superviaora, 64 Cal. Dec. 57 ;
Miller & Lux vs. Madera Irr. Diat., 64 Cal. Dec. 94 ;
McDonough vs. Cooper, 179 Cal. 384.
Duty of secretary.
Sec. 39a. The secretary of the board must compute and enter in a
separate column of the assessment book the respective sums in "dollars
and cents to be paid as an assessment on the property therein enumer-
ated. When collected, the assessment shall be paid into the district
treasury and be apportioned to the several proper funds. (Stats. 1917,
p. 765.)
McDonough vs. Cooper, 179 Cal. 384.
Neglect to make assessment.
Sec. 396. If as the result of the neglect or refusal of the board of
directors to cause such assessment and levies to be made as in this act
provided, then the duly equalized assessment made by the county
assessor of the county or each of the respective counties in which the
district is situated shall be the basis of assessment for the district, and
the board of supervisors of the county in which the office of the board
of directors of said district is situateci shall cause an assessment roll of
said district to be prepared, and shall make the levy required by this
act, in the same manner and with like effect as if the same had been
made by said board of directors and all expenses incident thereto shall
be borne by such district and may be collected by suit at law, which
shall be commenced by the district attorney of the county whose board
of supervisors caused said assessment roll to be prepared, unless the
amount of such expenses shall be paid within sixty days from the time
when proper demand shall have been made therefor. In ease of the
neglect or refusal of the collector or treasurer of any irrigation district
to perform the duties imposed by law, then the tax collector and the
treasurer of the county in which the oflBce of the board of directors of
such district is situated must respectively perform such duties and shall
be accountable therefor upon their official bonds; but, in case any
county tax collector shall collect any assessment for any irrigation
district, he shall pay the same to the county treasurer, who shall place
such money in special fund to the credit of the district and shall dis-
burse the same to the proper persons for the purposes for which such
assessments have been levied and shall not pay any part thereof to the
treasurer of said district until said county treasurer shall be satisfied
that all of the valid obligations for which such assessments were levied
and for which payment has been demanded have been paid. (Stats.
1917, p. 765.)
Duty of district attorney.
Sec. 39c. It shall be the duty of the district attorney of each county
in which the office of any irrigation district is located to ascertain each
year whether the duties relating to the levying and collection of assess-
ments, as in this act provided, have been performed, and if he shall
learn that the board of directors or any official of any such irrigation
district has neglected or refused to perform any such duty, said district
attorney shall so notify the board of supervisors or the county official
required by this act to perform such duty in such case, and, unless
such board of supervisors or such county official shall proceed to the
performance of such duty within thirty days after the receipt of such
notice the district attorney shall take such action in court as may be
necessary to compel the performance of such duty, and said district
attorney shall give such notice to other officials, and shall take such
action, as may be necessary to secure the performance in their proper
sequence of the other duties relating to the levying and collection of
assessments, as in this act provided, that for the enforcement of the
levying and collection of any assessment hereafter required to be levied
and collected for the payment of any debt hereafter incurred, in case
complaint shall be made to the attorney general of the State of Cali-
fornia that the district attorney of any county has not performed any
duty devolving upon him by the provisions of this section, or that he is
not proceeding with due diligence or in the proper manner in the
performance of any such duty, the attorney general shall make an
investigation, and if it shall be found that such charge or charges are
true, said attorney general shall take such measures as may be necessary
to enforce the performance of the duties relating to the levying and
collection of assessments, as in this act provided. (Stats. 1917, p. 766.)
Maiia vs. 8. J. and P. V. Irr. Dist.. 131 Fed. 780.
Extension of time.
Sec. S9d. If as the result of the neglect or refusal of any official or
officials to perform any duty relating to the levying and collection of
assessments, as in this act provided, it shall be impossible for such duty
to be performed within the time required and such duty shall subse-
quently be performed, then the time within which all duties con.sequent
upon the performance of such duty shall be performed shall be extended
SO as to allow the elapsing of the intervals required by this act to elapse
between the performance of sueh duties, and the assessments herein
provided for shall not become delinquent for at least thirty days after
the first publication of the notice that such assessments are due and
payable, as provided in section forty-one of this act, (Stats. 1917,
p. 767.)
Assessment of land omitted.
Sec. 39e. In the event any land within said district subject to assess-
ment for the purposes of the district has not been assessed by the county
assessor or does not appear upon the county assessment roll adopted by
said board of supervisors as the basis of assessment for the district, the
land so omitted belonging to any person, association, corporation, or
municipality shall be forthwith assessed by the county assessor upon
an order of the board of supervisors and a description of the property
so omitted shall be written in the roll prepared for the purpose of
district assessments. In such case, before any assessment is levied, the
board of supervisors must meet and equalize said assessment with that
of the assessment of other lands in said district. The same notice shall
be given by the board of supervisors of such meeting for purpose
of equalizing the assessment to be made as herein directed as is provided
in this act to be given by the board of directors of an irrigation district
when the said board is to meet for the purpose of equalizing assess-
ments.-'^ll the powers and duties respecting the collection of all
assessment on possession of, claim to, or right to the possession of land
now provided in sections three thousand eight hundred twenty, three
thousand eight hundred twenty-one, three thousand eight hundred
twenty-two, three thousand eight hundred twenty-three, three thou-
sand eight hundred twenty-four, three thousand eight hundred twenty-
five and three thousand eight hundred tw«nty-nine of the I^olitical
Code, as regards county assessors shall apply, so far as applicable to
irrigation district assessors. (Stats. 1917, p. 767.) ^
yUnpaid tolls part of assessment.
/ Sec. 39/. Whenever any tolls and charges for the use of water and
other public uses provided for by this act have been fixed by the board
of directors, it shall be lawful to make the same payable in advance. In
case any tolls or charges remain unpaid at the time specified for the
delivery of the assessment book to the collector of the district, the
amount due for such tolls and charges, may be added to and become
V a part of the annual assessment levied upon the land upon which the
\ water for which such tolls and charges are unpaid was used and upon
j the lands subject to tolls and charges for other public uses, and shall
/ constitute a lien on said land, and if such assessment is divided and
/ made payable in two installments such unpaid tolls and charges may
I be added to and become a part of the first installment of said assess-
\ ment. (Stats. 1925, p. 501.)
Assessment becomes a lien, when.
Sec. 40. The assessment upon land is a lien against the property
assessed from and after the first Monday in ]March for any year.
(Stats. 1917, p. 768.)
M\ttev d Lux vs. Madera Irr. Dist., 64 Cal. Dec. 94.
Assessments may be refunded, when.
Sec. 40a. In case the board of directors of any irrigation district
shall find that any property has been assessed in any year more than
once or has been assessed by reason of a clerical error for more than its
full cash value, or computed on an excessive acreage, or that any prop-
erty assessed was not in the district when so assessed, the board may
authorize the collector to cancel or modify such assessment, as may be
proper, and in case of any such change in any assessment, the secretary
shall credit the collector with the amount of said assessment if it is
canceled, or the amount by what it is reduced if it is modified.
Any assessments, penalties or costs thereon, or portions thereof, pro-
vided for by this act, heretofore or hereafter paid more than once, or
heretofore or hereafter erroneously, or illegally collected, may by order
of the board of directors be refunded by the district treasurer.
No order for the refund of assessments, penalties or costs under this
section shall be made except upon a verified claim therefor verified by
the person who has paid said assessments, penalties or costs, or by his
guardian, or in case of his death, by his executor or administrator,
which said claim must be filed within one year after the making of the
payment sought to be refunded. (Stats. 1923, p. 632.)
Notice that assessments are due; when delinquent.
Sec. 41. On or before the first day of November, the secretary must
deliver the assessment book to the collector of the district, who shall
within twenty days publish a notice in a newspaper published in each
county in which any portion of the district may lie, that said assess-
ments are due and payable and will become delinquent at six o'clock
p.m. on the last Monday of December next thereafter,^ and that unless
paid prior thereto ten per cent will be added to the amount thereof, and
also the time and place at which payment of assessments may be made^
which notice shall be published for the period of two weeks. The col-
lector must attend at the time and place specified in the notice to
receive assessments, which must be paid in gold and silver coin; he
must mark the date of payment of any assessment in the assessment
book, opposite the name of the person paying and give a receipt to such
person, specifying the amount of the assessment and the amount paid,
with the description of the property assessed. On the last Monday in
December at six o'clock p.m. of each year,^ all unpaid asses.sments are
delinquent and thereafter the collector must collect thereon, for the
use of the district, an addition of ten per cent. (Stats. 1913, p. 1002.)
San Diego vs. Linda Vista Dist., 108 Cal. 189 ;
Perry vs. Otay Irr. Dist., 127 Cal. 565 ;
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 30 Cal. App. 682 ;
Corson vs. Crocker, 31 Cal. App. 626 ;
Holland vs. Avondale Dist. (Idaho), 166 Pac. 259:
Farwell vs. San Jacinto etc. Irr. Dist., 49 Cal. App. 167.
Suit against delinquent, to collect assessment.
Sec. 41a. The board of directors may at any time after any assess-
ment has become delinquent direct the collector not to proceed with the
ijf provision has been made for the payment of assessments in two installments,
one-half becomes delinquent at the above time and one-half at 6 p.m. on the last
Monday of June next thereafter. See section 4 of the act of 1909 permitting payment
of assessments In two installments, Part III, Division 4, Act 4.
sale of any property on the delinquent list, but to bring suit against
the delinquent in the proper court in the name of the district to enforce
such collection. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure relat-
ing to pleadings, proofs, trials, and pleas are hereby made applicable
to the proceedings herein provided for, and in such suit the district
may recover the amount of said assessment together with the penalties
and interests, provided in this act, and costs of suit. (Stats. 1915,
p. 1368.)
Irrigation district assessment is an assessment for benefits.
San Diego vs. Linda Vista Irr. Dist., 108 Cal. 189.
As to enforcement of collection by suit against delinquent, see
Atchison T. d S. F. Ry. Co. vs. Reclamation Dist., 173 Cal. 91.
Delinquent list; day of sale.
Sec. 42. On or before the first day of February, the collector must
publish the delinquent list,^ which must contain the names of the persons
and a description of the property delinquent, and the amount of the
assessments and costs due opposite each name and description. He
must append to and publish with the delinquent list a notice, that unless
the assessments delinquent, together with costs and percentage, are
paid, the real property upon which such assessments are a lien will be
sold at public auction. The publication must be made once a week
for three successive weeks, in a newspaper published in the county in
which the property delinquent is situated; provided, that if any
property assessed to the same person or corporation shall lie in more
than one county, then such publication may be made in any county in
which any portion of such property may lie. The publication must
designate the time and place of sale. The time of sale must not be less
than twenty-one nor more than twenty-eight days from the first publica-
tion, and the place must be at some point designated by the collector,
within the district; provided, however, that if there should occur any
error in the publication of the sale of the delinquent property, which
might invalidate a sale made thereunder, and such error is discovered
prior to sale thereunder the collector shall at once republish the sale of
the property affected by such error, making such republication conform
to the provisions of this law, and the time of sale designated in such
republication must not be less than twenty-one nor more than twenty-
eight days from the first republication ; and the place of sale must be at
some point designated by the collector within the district, and stated in
such republication.
Best vs. Wohlford, 153 Cal. 17 ;
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 30 Cal. App. 682-96.
Sale of property for delinquent taxes.
Sec. 43. The collector must collect, in addition to the assessments
due on the delinquent list, and ten per cent added, fifty cents on each
lot, piece or tract of land separately assessed. On the day fixed for the
"If provision has been made for the payment of assessments In two installments,
publication of the delinquent list shall not be made before the first day of July, but
must be made on or before the first day of August. See section 5 of the act of 1909
permitting the payment of assessments in two installments. Part III, Division 4. Act 4.
sale, or some subsequent day to which he may have postponed it, of
which he must give notice, the collector, between the hours of ten a.m.
and three o'clock p.m., must commence the sale of the property adver-
tised, commencing at the head of the list and continuing alphabetically,
or in the numerical order of the lots or blocks, until completed. He
may postpone the day of commencing the sales, or the sale, from day to
day, but the sale must be completed within three weeks from the day
first fixed ; provided, that if any sale or sales shall be stayed by legal
proceedings, the time of the continuance of such proceedings is not
part of the time limited for making such sale or sales; and provided
further, that in any district where the validity of any assessment shall
be in litigation at the time this act shall take effect, the sale of any
property, whether it be involved in such litigation or not, may be post-
poned for a time not to exceed four months. (Stats. 1913, p. 1003.)
Woodruff vs. Perry, 103 Cal. 611 ;
Baxter vs. Vineland Dist., 136 Cal. 185-193 ;
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 30 Cal. App. 682 ;
Corson vs. Crocker, 31 Cal. App. 626.
Rights of owner of realty ; resale in default of payment; district may purchase.
Sec. 44. The owner or person in possession of any real estate offered
for sale for assessments due thereon may designate, in writing, to the
collector, prior to the sale, what portion of the property he wishes sold,
if less than the whole ; but if the owner or possessor does not, then the
collector may designate it and the person who will take the least quan-
tity of the land, or in case an undivided interest, is assessed, then the
smallest portion of the interest, and pay the assessments and costs due,
including two dollars for the duplicate certificate of sale, is the pur-
chaser. If the purchaser does not pay the assessments and costs before
ten o'clock a.m. the following day, the property on the next sale day
must be resold for the assessments and costs. But in case there is no
purchaser in good faith for the same on the first day that the property
is offered for sale, then, when the property is offered thereafter for sale,
and there is no purchaser in good faith for the same, the whole amount
of the property assessed shall be struck off to the irrigation district
within which such lands are situated, as the purchaser, and the dupli-
cate certificate delivered to the treasurer of the district, and filed by
him in his office. No charge shall be made for the duplicate certificate
where the district is the purchaser, and, in such case, the collector
shall make an entry, ".sold to the district" and he shall be credited
with the amount thereof in his settlement. An irrigation district as a
purchaser at such sale, shall be entitled to the same rights as a private
purchaser, subject to the right of redemption hereinafter provided, and
the district as such purchaser may sell, assign and transfer such certifi-
cate of sale for a consideration of not less than the amount of the
assessment, penalties and costs. (Stats. 1925, p. 429.)
Designation of least quantity, etc. :
Beat vs. Wohlford, 153 Cal. 17-20.
Priority of tax liens :
Nevada National Bank vs. Poso Dist., 140 Cal. 344; *^
Henrylyn Irr. Dist. vs. Patterson (Colo.), 176 Pac. 493;
(Political Code, section 3787 ; Sec. 48, infra.) ^
Certificate of sale.
Sec. 45. After receiving the amount of assessments and costs, the
collector must make out in duplicate a certificate, dated on the day of
sale, stating (when known) the name of the person assessed, a descrip-
tion of the land sold, the amount paid therefor, that it was sold for
assessments, giving the amount and year of the assessment, and specify-
ing the time when the purchaser will be entitled to a deed. The certifi-
cate must be signed by the collector, and one copy delivered to the
purchaser, and the other filed in the office of the county recorder of the
county in which the land is situated.
Wilson vs. Carter, 117 Cal. 53 ;
Best vs. Wohlford. 153 Cal. 17;
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 30 Cal. App. 682 ;
Corson vs. Crocker, 31 Cal. App. 626 ;
McDonough vs. Cooper. 179 Cal. 384 ;
(See section 48, infra.)
Record book of property sold for assessments.
Sec. 46. The collector, before delivering any certificate, must in a
book enter a description of the land sold, corresponding with the descrip-
tion in the certificate, the date of the sale, purchasers' names, and
amount paid, regularly number the description on the margin of the
book, and put a corresponding number on each certificate. Such book
must be open to public inspection, without fee, during office hours, when
not in actual use. On filing the certificate with such county recorder
the lien of the assessments vests with the purchaser, and is only divested
by the payment to him, or to the collector for his use, of the purchase
money, and two per cent per month from the day of sale until
Redemption of property.
Sec. 47. A redemption of the property sold may be made by the
owner or any party in interest, within three years from the date of
purchase, or at any time thereafter before a deed has been made- and
delivered. Redemption must be made in gold or silver coin, as provided
for the collection of state and county taxes, and wihen made to the
collector he must credit the amount paid to the purchaser or his
assignees. In each report the collector makes to the board of directors,
he must name the person entitled to redemption money, and the amount
due each. On receiving the certificate of sale, the county recorder must
file it and make an entry in a book similar to that required of the
collector. On the presentation of the receipt of the person named in
the certificate, or of the collector for his use, of the total amount of the
redemption money, the recorder must mark the word "redeemed," the
date, and by whom redeemed, on the certificate and on the margin of
the book where the entry of the certificate is made. If the property is
not redeemed within the time herein provided, the collector or his
successor in office, upon demand, must make to the purchaser, or his
assignee, a deed of the property, reciting in the deed substantially the
matters contained in the certificate, and that no person redeemed the
property during the time allowed by law for its redemption. The col-
lector shall receive from the purchaser for the use of the district, two
dollars for making such deed. Where property has been sold to the
district and a deed for it has been given to the district as the pur-
chaser, the title so acquired by the district may be conveyed by deed
executed and acknowledged by the president and secretary of the board
of directors; provided, that authority to so convey must be conferred
by resolution of th« board entered on its minutes fixing the price at
which such sale may be made ; and provided, further, that where prop-
erty has been sold to the district it may be redeemed as herein pro-
vided at any time before the district has disposed of the same. (Stats.
1925, p. 429.)
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 30 Cal. App. 682.
Delinquent taxes not bar to dissolution; deed of land sold.
Sec. 47^. The five year period herein prescribed for the redemption
of properties sold for delinquent taxes shall not operate as a bar to the
dissolution of any irrigation district. If any land has been sold for
delinquent taxes of a district in process of dissolution, or in a district
which has been dissolved, and the time allowed for redemption has not
expired, the owner of such property or any one in interest may redeem
the same by paying the amount due thereon, computed as provided in
section forty-six of this act, to the county treasurer, who must issue his
receipt therefor, and upon the presentation of such receipt the county
recorder must cancel the certificate of sale in the manner required in
the preceding section.
In the event any land has been sold for nonpayment of taxes as
herein provided, and no redemption has been made within five years
from the date of purchase in any district which may have been dis-
solved before the expiration of said redemption period, then a deed for
the property sold and described in the certificate of sale must be made
to the purchaser upon demand by the county treasurer of the county
in which said irrigation district is or was situated. Such deed shall
contain all the recitals of the certificate of sale, and in addition thereto,
a recital that the district has been dissolved, and a deed executed in
pursuance of the authority given by this section. A deed so executed
shall have the same force and eflFect as if executed by the collector of
an irrigation district. (Stats. 1911, p. 516.)
Tax deed, evidence of what.
Sec. 48. The matter recited in the certificate of sale must be recited
in the deed, and such deed duly acknowledged or proved is prima facie
evidence that: (a) The property was as.sessed as required by law; (h)
the property was equalized as required by law; (c) the assessments
were levied in accordance with law; (d) the assessments were not paid;
(e) at a proper time and place the property was sold as prescribed by
law, and by the proper officer; (f) the property was not redeemed; (gr)
the person who executed the deed was the proper officer.
Such deed duly acknowledged or proved is (except as against actual
fraud) conclusive evidence of the regularity of all the proceedings from
the assessment by the assessor, inclusive, up to the execution of the deed.
The deed conveys to the grantee the absolute title to the lands described
therein free of all encumbrances, except when the land is owned by the
United States^ or this state, in which case it is prima facie evidence of
the right of possession.
Cooper vs. Miller, 113 Cal. 238 ;
Escondido H. 8. Dist. vs. Escondido Seminary, 130 Cal. 128;
Best vs. Wohlford, 144 Cal. 733 ;
Best vs. Wohlford, 153 Cal. 17 ;
Haese vs. Heitzig, 159 Cal. 569, 575 ;
McOonough vs. Cooper, 179 Cal. 384 ;
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 30 Cal. App. 682 ;
Corson vs. Crocker, 31 Cal. App. 626.
Assessment book, evidence of what.
Sec 49. The assessment book or delinquent list, or a copy thereof,
certified by the collector, showing unpaid assessments against any
person, or property, is prima facie evidence of the assessment, the
property assessed, the delinquency, the amount of assessments due and
unpaid, and that all the forms of the law in relation to the assessment
and levy of such assessments have been complied with.
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 31 Cal. App. 682 ;
Boree vs. Pasco Irr. Dist., 36 Cal. App. E>ec. 199 ;
Miller d Lux, vs. Secara, 193 Cal. 755.
Misnomer does not invalidate.
Sec 50. "When land is sold for assessments correctly imposed, as the
property of a particular person, no misnomer of the owner, or supposed
owner, or other mistake relating to the ownership thereof affects the
sale, or renders it void, or voidable.
Escondido H. 8. Dist. vs. Escondido Seminary, 130 Cal. 128 ;
Commercial National Bank vs. 8chlitz, 6 Cal. App. 174, 182 ;
Bruschi vs. Cooper, 30 Cal. App. 682.
Settlements between secretary and collector.
Sec 51. On the first Monday in each month, the collector must settle
with the secretary of the board for all moneys collected for assessments,
and pay the same over to the treasurer ; and within six days ther^ter
he must deliver to and file in the office of the secretary a statement under
oath, showing: (a) An account of all his transactions and receipts since
his last settlement; (6) that all money collected by him as collector has
been paid. The collector shall also file in the office of the secretary, on
said first Monday in each month, the receipt of the treasurer for the
money so paid.
Redemption of bonds.
Sec 52, Upon presentation of any matured bond or any matured
interest coupon of any bond of the district, the treasurer shall pay the
same from the bond fund. If funds are not available for the payment
of any such matured bond or interest coupon, it shall draw interest at
the rate of seven per cent per annum from the date of its presentation
for payment until notice is given that funds are available for its pay-
ment, and it shall be stamped and provision made for its payment as
in the case of a warrant for the payment of which funds are not
available on its presentation. Whenever the bond fund contains ten
thousand dollars in excess of the amount necessary to pay all bonds and
interest coupons of the district that have matured or that will mature
before the time when any part of the next annual assessment to be
levied in the district will become delinquent, the board of directors may
advertise, in the manner hereinbefore provided for the sale of bonds,
for the receipt of sealed proposals for the delivery to the district for
redemption of any of its bonds not due. Said advertisement shall state
the amount which may be used for the redemption of such bonds. Any
such proposals shall be opened by the board in open meeting at the time
named in said advertisement, and the offer or offers of such bonds at the
lowest rate or rates shall be accepted ; provided, that no bonds shall be
redeemed at more than the par value thereof except by unanimous vote
of the directors. In case two or more proposals are equal and there is
not sufficient money available to accept them all, the lowest numbered
bonds shall have the preference. In case not enough bonds are offered
for redemption at prices which the board of directors accepts, the board
may invest any money available for redemption of bonds in bonds of
the United States or the State of California and shall hold the bonds
so purchased as part of the bond fund until such time as the board may
determine that it is for the best interests of the district that such bonds
or any of them be sold. In case of the sale of any such bonds, the
proceeds of the sale shall be deposited in the bond fund. (Stats. 1919,
p. 667.)
Hewel vs. Hogin, 3 Cal. App. 248.
Statute of limitations :
Sechriat vs. Rialto Irr. Dist.. 129 Cal. 640;
Curtis vs. Rialto Irr. Dist. (Cal. App.), 187 Pac. 117 ;
Farwell vs. 8cm Jacinto and P. V. Irr. Dist. (Cal. App.), 192 Pac. 1034.
Bids for construction of works.
Sec. 53. After adopting a plan for such canal or canals, storage
reservoirs, and works, as in this act provided for, the board of directors
shall give notice, by publication thereof not less than twenty days in
one newspaper published in each of the counties composing the district
(provided a newspaper is published therein), and in such other news-
papers as they may deem advisable, calling for bids for the construction
of such work, or of any portion thereof ; if less than the whole work is
advertised, then the portion so advertised must be particularly (described
in such notice. Said notice shall set forth that plans and specifications
can be seen at the office of the board, and that the board will receive
sealed proposals therefor, and that the contract will be let to the lowest
responsible bidder, stating the time and place for opening said pro-
posals, which, at the time and place appointed, shall be opened in
public ; and as convenient thereafter the board shall let said work, either
in portions or as a whole, to the lowest responsible bidder ; or they may
reject any or all bids and readvertise for proposals or may proceed to
construct the work under their own superintendence; provided, that in
case of emergency or urgent necessity for the construction, extension
or repair of works for irrigation or drainage, the board of directors,
by unanimous vote of those present at any regular or special meeting,
may award contracts therefor without advertising for bids, but the
cost of such work shall not exceed five hundred dollars and such
additional amount as shall be equal to five cents for each acre of land
in the district. Contracts for the purchase of material shall be awarded
to the lowest responsible bidder. Any person or persons to whom a
contract may be awarded shall enter into a bond, with good and suffi-
cient sureties, to be approved by the board, payable to said district for
its use, for twenty-five per cent of the amount of the contract price,
conditioned for the faithful performance of said contract. The work
shall be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the engineer,
and be approved by the board. (Stats. 1919, p. 668.)
Healey vs. Anglo Bank. JAd., 5 Cal. App. 278;
See section 9 of Stats. 1917, p. 243 ; p. 89 hereof;
Ttoohy Bros. Co. vs. Oshoco Irr. Dist. (Ore.), 210 Pac. 873.
Investigations by state engineer.
Sec. 53rt. During the construction of any irrigation works to be paid
for out of the proceeds of any bond issue which has been certified by
the state irrigation district bond commission as provided in the act
creating said commission, the state engineer shall have access to all
plans, specifications, and records of such construction, and shall from
time to time make such investigations and such reports to the board of
directors of the district as he shall deem to be in the interest of the
public or of the district. (Stats. 1917, p. 768.)
Payment of claims.
Sec. 54. No claim shall be paid by the treasurer until allowed by
the board, and only upon a warrant signed by the president, and
countersigned by the secretary; provided, that the board may draw,
from time to time, from the construction fund, and deposit in the
county treasury of the county where the office of the board is situated
any sum in excess of the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars. The
county treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and required to
receive and receipt for the same and place the same to the credit of
said district, and he shall be responsible upon his official bond for the
safekeeping and disbursement of the same, a-s in this act provided.
He shall pay out the same, or any portion thereof, to the treasurer of
the district only, and only upon the order of the board, signed by the
president, and attested by the secretary. The said county treasurer
shall report, in writing, on the second Monday in each month, the
amount of money in the county treasury, the amount of receipts for
the month preceding, and the amount or amounts paid out ; said report
shall be verified and filed with the secretary of the board. The district
treasurer shall also report to the board, in writing, on the first Monday
in each month, the amount of money in the district treasury, the
amount of receipts for the month preceding, and the amount and items
of expenditures, and said report shall be verified and filed with the
secretary of the board.
Perry vs. Otay Irr. Diat., 127 Cal. 565.
Negotiability and validity of warrants :
Danby vs. Starlight Irr. Diat. (Ore.), 157 Pac. 1066;
Interstate Trust Co. vs. Steele (Colo.), 173 Pac. 873-5.
Carmichael vs. Riley, 37 Cal. App. Dec. 318;
Ser-vis vs. Victor Valley Irr. Diat., 65 Cal. Dec. 329.
Reports to be forwarded to state engineer.
Sec 54^. During the construction of any work to be paid for out
of the proceeds of the sale of any bonds of any irrigation district
within this state, the secretary of the board of directors shall, within
one week after each regular meeting of said board, forward to the state
engineer copies of all reports made to said board as to the progress of
said work and a statement of the amounts paid for the doing of any
part of said work. Immediately after the publication of the statement
of the financial condition of any irrigation district within this state,
required by section fourteen of this act to be made annually, the board
of directors of said district shall cause a copy of said statement and a
report stating the general condition of any works constructed or
acquired by said district and whether or not the plan of irrigation
adopted by the district is being successfully carried out and any other
matters which the board may deem proper, to be forwarded to the state
engineer, who shall examine said statement and report and make to
said board such recommendations and comments as he may deem proper.
The state engineer may at any time make or cause to be made an
examination of the affairs of any irrigation district within this state
or call upon the authorities of such district for such information as
he may desire and make such report thereon as he mav deem advisable.
(Stats. 1913, p. 1000.)
Improvements to be paid for from construction fund.
Sec. 55. The cost and expense of purchasing and acquiring property
and constructing the works and improvements herein provided for
shall be wholly paid out of the construction fund; provided, however,
that when any lands, waters, water rights or other property shall be
acquired by the district by any lease or contract, under the terms of
which the consideration or rental shall be payable in such installments
that a like amount shall be payable in each year of the life of such
lease or contract, then such rental or consideration shall be paid out of
the funds derived from the levying of annual assesments, or from the
collection of rates, tolls and charges fixed and collected as hereinafter
provided for. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of the
organization of the district, and of the care, operation, management,
repair and improvement of such portions of such canal and works as are
completed and in use, including salaries of officers and employees, and
installments of rental or consideration accruing under any lease or
contract as hereinabove in this section mentioned, the board may in
lieu (either in part or in whole) of levying assessments as herein
provided for, fix rates of toll and charges, for irrigation and other
public uses declared by this act, and collect the same from all persons
using said canal for irrigation and other purposes. (Stats. 1911,
p. 516.)
Hughson vs. Crane, 115 Gal. 404 ;
Mitchell vs. Patterson, 120 Cal. 286;
Buschmann vs. Turlock Irr. Diat., 47 Cal. App. 321 ;
Wares vs. Imperial Irriqation District, 193 Cal. 609;
Danley vs. Merced Irrigation District et al., 43 Cal. App. Dec. 565.
Right of way.
Sec. 56. The board of directors shall have power to construct the
said works across any stream of water, watercourse, street, avenue,
highway, railway, canal, ditch, or flume which the route of said canal
or canals may intersect or cross, in such manner as to afford security
for life aud property; but said board shall restore the same, when so
crossed or intersected, to its former state as near as may be, or in a
sufficient manner not to have impaired unnecessarily its usefulness ; and
every company wliose railroad shall be intersected or crossed by said
works shall unite witli said board in forming said intersections and
crossings, and grant the privileges aforesaid; and if such railroad com-
pany and said board, or the owners and controllers of the said prop-
erty, thing, or franchise so to be crossed, can not agree upon the amount
to be paid therefor, or the points or the matter of said crossings or
intersections, the same shall be ascertained and determined in all
respects as is herein provided in respect to the taking of land. The
right of way is hereby given, dedicated, and set apart, to locate, con-
struct, and maintain said works over and through any of the lands
which are now or may be the property of this state ; and also there is
given, dedicated, and set apart, for the uses and purposes aforesaid,
all waters and water rights belonging to this state within the district.
McPherson vs. Alta Irr. Diat., 14 Cal. App. 353 ;
MacCatnmeUy vs. Pioneer Irr. Dist. (Idaho), 105 Pac. 1076;
City of Nampa vs. Nampa, etc., Dist. (Idaho), 131 Pac. 8.
Compensation of officers.
Sec. 57. The directors, when sitting as a board or acting under the
orders of the board, shall each receive not to exceed six dollars per day
and fifteen cents per mile for each mile actually traveled from his place
of residence to the office of the board, and actual and necessary expenses
paid while engaged in official business under the order of the board;
provided, that in irrigation districts containing five hundred thousand
acres or more the directors, in lieu of said per diem, shall each receive
a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars per month. The board shall
fix the compensation to be paid to all officers named in this act, to be
paid out of the treasury of the district; provided, that said board
shall, upon the petition of at least fifty freeholders within such district
therefor, submit to the electors at any general election a schedule of
salaries and fees to be paid hereunder, which may include the salary
or per diem to be paid to the directors. Such petition must be pre-
sented to the board not less than twenty days, nor more than forty
days, prior to a general election, and the result of such election shall
be determined and declared in all respects as other elections are
determined and declared under this act. (Stats. 1921, p. 1004.)
Directors not to be interested in contracts.
Sec. 58. No director or any other officer named in this act shall in
any manner be interested, (iirectly or indirectly, in any contract
awarded or to be awarded by the board, or in the profits to be derived
therefrom ; and for any violation of this provision, such officer shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and such conviction shall work a
forfeiture of his office, and he shall be punished by a fine not exceeding
five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceed-
ing six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Election on question of special assessment.
Sec. 59. The board of directors may at any time call a special
election and submit to the qualified electors of the district the question
whether a special assessment shall be levied for the purpose of raising
money to be applied to any of the purposes of this act or of any act
supplementary hereto. Such election must be called upon the notice
prescribed, and the same shall be held and the result thereof determined
and declared in all respects in conformity with the provisions of sec-
tion thirty d of this act. The notice must specify the amount of money
proposed to be raised, and the purpose or purposes for which it is
intended to be used, and it may state that said assessment shall be
levied in two or three annual installments and specify the amount of
the installment to be levied in each year. At the special election the
ballots shall contain the words "Assessment — Yes" or "Assessment —
No," or words equivalent thereto. If a majority of the votes cast are
"Assessment — Yes," the board of directors shall, at the time of the
annual levy hereunder, levy a sum suflScient to raise the amount voted,
or, if the notice of election shall have provided for levying said assess-
ment in annual installments, the board of directors shall, at the time
of the annual levy in each of the years specified in said notice, levy
such assessment as shall raise the amount of the installment provided
in said notice to be raised in said ye&T ; provided, however, that in case
of an unexpected emergency by which the flow of water in the canal
or other supply is interrupted, the amount of the indebtedness, incurred
in the repair of the works of said district, caused by such interruption,
not to exceed in any one year forty thousand dollars, may also, in
addition to the assessments hereinbefore provided for, be levied by the
adoption of a resolution by at least four-fifths of the members of the
board of directors, at the time of the levying of the annual assessment
provided for in this act, without the submission of the question of such
levy to a vote, as in this section hereinbefore provided. (Stats. 1919,
p. 668.)
Tregea vs. Owena, 94 Cal. 317 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Irr. Dist., 26 Cal. App. 529 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Irr. Dist., 166 Cal. 491;
Imperial Land Co. va Imperial Irr. Dist., 173 Cal. 660 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Irr. Dist., 173 Cal. 668 ;
McDonough vs. Cooper, 179 Cal. 384 ;
aer-vis vs. Victor Valley Irr. Dist., 190 Cal. 732;
Danley vs. Merced Irr. Diat., 43 Cal. App. Dec. 566.
Rate of assessments, how ascertained.
Sec 60. The rate of assessments levied under the provisions of this
act shall be ascertained by deducting fifteen per cent for anticipated
delinquencies from the aggregate assessed value of the property in the
district as it appears on the assessment roll for the current year, and
then dividing the sum to be raised by the remainder of such aggregate
assessed value. Special assessments shall be computed and entered by
the secretary and collected as a part of the regular assessment levied
hereunder, and, when collected, shall be paid into the district treasury
for the purpose or purposes specified in the notices calling the respective
elections at which they were voted. (Stats. 1919, p. 669.)
McDonough vs. Cooper, 179 Cal. 384 ;
Stevens vs. Melville (Utah), 175 Pac. 602;
Ser-rAs vs. Victor Valley Irr. Dist., 65 Cal. Dec. 329.
Power to incur indebtedness restricted.
Sec. 61. The board of directors or other officers of the district shall
have no power to incur any debt or liability whatever, either by issuing
bonds or otherwise, in excess of the express provisions of this act ; and
any debt or liability incurred in excess of such express provisions shall
be and remain absolutely void, except that for the purposas of organiza-
tion, or for any of the purposes of this act, the board of directors may,
before the levying of the first assessment, incur indebtedness in such
sum or sums as shall amount to two thousand dollars, or, if the district
shall contain more than four thousand acres, to one-half as many
dollars as there are acres of land in the district, and may cause war-
rants of the district to be issued therefor, bearing interest at not more
than seven per centum per annum, said rate to be fixed by the board
of directors. Each such warrant shall be made payable on a date not
later than the first day of July next after the first assessment in the
district shall be levied, and if not paid when presented on the due date
or thereafter shall be registered and the amount due thereon shall draw
interest as provided in section sixty-one a of this act. Nothing con-
tained in this section shall be construed as limiting the right of the
board to enter into any contract or lease for any lands, waters, water
rights or other property as elsewhere in this act authorized and by
such lease or contract to bind the district for the payment of the con-
sideration specified in such lease or contract, but if the smallest
payment to be made under such lease or contract in any year^ exceeds
an amount equal to ten cents an acre for all the land in the district,
such lease or contract shall not be valid unless approved by the com-
mission authorized by law to approve the bonds of irrigation districts
as legal investments for savings banks, or unless an assessment sufficient
to meet all the payments to become due under such lease or contract
shall have been or shall be authorized for that purpose in accordance
with section fifty-nine of this act. (Stats. 1921, p. 1110.)
Mitchell vs. Patterson, 120 Cal. 286, 293;
Bnschmann vs. Turlock Irr. Dist., 47 Cal. App. 321 ;
Ser-vis vs. Victor Valley Irr. Dist.. 190 Cal. 732;
N. P. Ry. Co. vs. John Day Irr. Dist. (Ore.), 211 Pac. 781;
Miller d Lux vs. Secara, 193 Cal. 755;
Danley vs. Merced Irr. Dist., 43 Cal. App. Dec. 565.
Warrants not paid to draw interest.
Sec. 61a. Whenever any warrant of the district payable on demand
is presented to the treasurer for payment when funds are not available
for the payment thereof, it shall thereafter draw interest at a rate to be
determined by resolution of the board of directors, not, however, to
exceed seven per centum per annum, until public notice is given that
such funds are available. Upon the presentation of any such warrants
for payment, other than warrants issued under the provisions of sec-
tion sixty-one hereof, when funds of the district are not available to pay
the same, the treasurer of the district shall endorse thereon the words
"funds not available for payment," with the date of presentation and
shall specify the interest that such warrants shall thereafter bear and
shall sign his name thereto. He shall keep a record showing the
number and amount of each such warrant, the date of its issuance, the
person in whose favor it was issued, and the date of its presentation
for payment. Whenever there is sufficient money in the treasury to
pay all such outstanding warrants or whenever the board of directors
shall order that all such warrants presented for payment prior to a
certain date, be made and there is sufficient money available for such
payments, the treasurer shall give notice in some newspaper published
in the district, or, if none is published therein, then in some newspaper
published in the county in which the district or any portion thereof is
situated, or, if none is published in such county, then the treasurer
shall post such notice conspicuously in the place in which the board
of directors of the district holds its regular meetings, stating that he
is prepared to pay all warrants of the district for the payment of which
funds were not available upon their original presentation, or all such
warrants which were presented for payment prior to the date fixed by
the board of directors, as the case may be, and no further description
of the warrants entitled to payment shall be made in such notice. tJpon
the presentation of any warrant entitled to payment under the terms
of such notice, the treasurer shall pay it, together with interest thereon
at the rate specified by the board of directors, from the date of its
original presentation for payment to the date of the first publication
or posting of said notice, and all warrants for the payment of which
funds are declared in said notice to be available shall cease to draw
interest at the time of the first publication or posting of said notice.
The treasurer shall enter in the record hereinbefore required to be kept,
the dates of the payment of all such warrants, the names of the persons
to whom payments are made and the amount paid to each person.
(Stats. 1915, p. 1369.)
Carter vs. Tilghman, 119 Cal. 104-6.
Directors may purchase irrigation works.
Sec. 616. The board of directors of irrigation districts may acquire,
by purchase or condemnation, the irrigation system, canals and works
through wihich lands in such districts have been or may be supplied
with water for irrigation,^ and may exchange bonds, of such irrigation
district for such system or canals or works or for any portion thereof,
or for any interest therein or for the capital stock of any corporation
owning such system or any portion thereof, upon such terms and con-
ditions as the said board of directors may deem best. (Stats. 1917,
p. 769.)
Exchange of bonds for property:
Stimson vs. Aleasandro Dist., 135 Cal. 389 ;
Hughson vs. Crane, 115 Cal. 404 ;
Stowell vs. Rialto Dist., 155 Cal. 215 ;
Ham vs. Grapeland Dist., 172 Cal. 611 ;
Hooker vs. East Riverside Dist., 38 Cal. App. 615 ;
Rialto Dist. vs. Stowell. 246 Fed. 294, 297 ;
Baltes vs. Farmers Irr. Dist. (Nebr.). 83 N. W. 83;
Wyman vs. Searles (Nebr.), 128 N. W. 801;
O'Neil vs. Yelloicstone Dist. (Mont), 121 Pac. 283.
Validity of contract for exchange :
Kinkade vs. Witherop (Wash.), 69 Pac. 399;
Board of Directors vs. Peterson (Ore.), 128 Pac. 837.
*The procedure before the Railroad Commission for the valuation of the property
of a public utility In condemnation proceedings instituted by a district is prescribed
'n sections 47 and 70 of the Public Utilities Act (as amended by Stats. 1917, p. 261).
Determination of validity of bonds.
Sec. 61c. Where the board of directors of an irrigation district
have exchanged bonds or have agreed to exchange bonds for property
rights in any irrigation system or works or for any interest therein
under the provisions of section sixty-one 6 of this act, the court shall,
in any proceeding brought under the provisions of the last section, by
its decree determine the validity of all bonds issued or to be issued
under any contract or contracts for the exchange of bonds for property
interests and by its decree shall determine whether the bonds provided
for in said contracts, when delivered to the person or corporation
entitled thereto under the term-s of any such contract, shall constitute
valid obligations of said irrigation district as against all persons.
(Stats. 1915, p. 1291.)
When the volume of water is insufficient.
Sec. 62. In case the volume of water in any stream or river shall
not be sufficient to supply the continual wants of the entire country
through which it passes, and susceptible of irrigation therefrom, then it
shall be the duty of the water commissioners, constituted as hereinafter
provided, to apportion, in a just and equitable proportion, a certain
amount of said water upon certain or alternate weekly days to different
localities, as they may, in their judgment, think best for the interest of
all parties concerned, and with due regard to the legal and equitable
rights of all. Said water commissioners shall consist of the chairman
of the board of directors of each of the districts affected.
Full capacity of ditches.
Sec. 63. It shall be the duty of the board of directors to keep the
water flowing through the ditches under their control to tjie full
capacity of such ditches in times of high water.
Sec. 64. Repealed Stats. 1917, p. 915.
Right of eminent domain.
Sec. 65. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to authorize any
person or persons to divert the waters of any river, creek, stream,
canal, or ditch from its channel, to the detriment of any person or
persons having any interest in such river, creek, stream, canal, or ditch,
or the waters therein, unless previous compensation be ascertained and
paid therefor, under the laws of this state authorizing the taking of
private property for public uses.
See Const. Art. I, Sec. 14, page 9 hereof;
Tormey vs. Anderson-Cottonwood Iit. Diat., 35 Cal. App. Dec. 676.
Exemption of property from taxation.
Sec. 66. The rights of way, ditches, flumes, pipe-lines, dams, water
rights, reservoirs, and other property of like character, belonging to
any irrigation district shall not be taxed for state and county or
municipal purposes.
Constitution of California, Sec. 1, Art. XIII ;
Reclamation Diat. vs. County of Sacramento, 134 Cal. 477;
Turlock Irr. Diat. vs. White (Cal.), 198 Pac. 1060.
Funds created.
Sec. 67. The following funds are hereby created and established, to
which the moneys properly belonging shall be apportioned, to wit : bond
fund, construction fund, general fund.
Hughaon vs. Crane, 115 Gal. 404. 414;
Buachmann vs. Turlock Irr. Diat., 47 Cal. App. 321.
Unexpended money.
Sec. 67a. Whenever an object for which money has been specifically
provided by assessment or by bond issue has been accomplished and
any money provided therefor remains unexpended, the same shall in
the discretion of the board of directors be transferred to the general
fund and thereafter be available for any of the purposes of this act.
(Stats. 1917, p. 769.)
Action to determine validity of bonds.
Sec. 68. The board of directors may, at any time after the issue
of any bonds or the levy of any assessment herein provided for, bring
an action in the superior court of the county wherein is located the
office of such board, to determine the validity of any such bonds or
such levy of assessments; such action shall be in the nature of a pro-
ceeding in rem, and jurisdiction of all parties interested may be had
by publication of summons for at least once a week for three weeks in
some paper of general circulation published in the county where the
action is pending, such paper to be designated by the court having
jurisdiction of the proceedings. Jurisdiction shall be complete within
ten days after the full publication of such summons in the manner
herein provided. Anyone interested may at any time before the expira-
tion of said ten days appear and by proper proceedings contest the
validity of such bonds or assessments. Such action shall be speedily
tried and judgment rendered declaring such matter so contested either
valid or invalid. Either party may have the right to appeal to the
supreme court at any time within thirty days after the rendition of
such judgment, which appeal must be heard and determined within
three months from the time of taking such appeal.
Crall vs. Poso Irr. Diat., 87 Cal. 140 ;
Board of Directora vs. Tregea, 88 Cal. 334 ;
In re Madera Irr. Diat.. 92 Cal. 296 ;
Rialto Irr. Diat. vs. Brandon, 103 Cal. 384 ;
CuUen vs. Glendora Water Co., 113 Cal. 805;
In re Central Irr. Dfat., 117 Cal. 382 ;
People vs. Linda Viata Irr. Diat.. 128 Cal. 477 ;
People vs. Perria Irr. Diat., 132 Cal. 289 ;
People vs. Perria In: Diat., 142 Cal. 601 ;
Western Union Tel. Co. vs. Modeato Diatrict. 149 Cal. 662-6;
Fogg vs. Perria Diat., 154 Cal. 209 ;
Haeae vs. Heitzig, 159 Cal. 569 ;
In re Bonds of 8. San Joaquin Irr. Diat., IGl Cal. 345 ;
Imperial Water Co. vs. Stipervisora, 162 Cal. 14 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Diat., 173 Cal. 660 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. lynperial Diat., 173 Cal. 668;
lilack Canyon Irr. Diat. vs. Fallon (Idaho), 122 Pac. 850;
Petition of Board of Directtyra Unit Diatrict (Ore.), 178 I'ac. 186-8;
Gray vs. Cardiff Irr. Diat., 51 Cal. App. 304 :
Miller rf Lux vs. Madera Iii: Diat., 64 Cal. Dec. 94 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Secara. 193 Cal. 755.
Assessment payer may bring action.
Sec. 69. If no such proceedings shall have been brought by the
board of directors, then, at any time within thirty days after the levy
of any assessment or issue of any bonds under the provisions of this act,
any district assessment payer may bring an action in the superior
court of the county where the office of the board of directors is located,
to determine the validity of any such assessment or such bonds. The
board of directors shall be made parties defendant, and service of sum-
mons shall be miade on the members of the board personally. Said
board shall have the right to appear and contest such action. Such
action shall be speedily tried, with the right of appeal to either party,
within the time and manner herein provided for the bringing of actions
by the board to determine such matters. Such appeal shall be heard
and determined in the manner and within the time therein provided.
Sechrist vs. Rialto Jrr. Dist., 129 Cal. 640 ;
Henry vs. Vineland Irr. Dist., 140 Cal. 376 ;
Western Union Tel. Co. vs. Modesto Dist., 149 Cal. 662-6;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Dist., 173 Cal. 660 ;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Dist., 173 Cal. 668 ;
Gray vs. Cardiff Irr. Dist., 51 Cal. App. 304 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Board of Sitpervisors, 189 Cal. 254 ;
Miller & Lux vs. Madera Irr. Dist., 64 Cal. Dec. 94 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Secara, 193 Cal. 755.
Consolidation of actions.
Sec. 70. If more than one action shall be pending at the same time
concerning similar contests in this act provided for, they shall be con-
solidated and tried together.
Imperial Land Co. va Imperial Dist., 173 Cal. 660.
Courts must disregard errors, etc.; rules of pleading.
Sec. 71. The court hearing any of the contests herein provided for,
in inquiring into the regularity, legality, or correctness of such pro-
ceedings, must disregard any error, irregularity, or omission which does
not affect the substantial rights of the parties to said action or proceed-
ing. The rules of pleading and practice provided by the Code pf Civil
Procedure, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act,
are applicable to all actions or proceedings herein provided for. The
motion for a new trial of any such action or proceeding must be heard
and determined within ten days from the filing of the notice of inten-
tion. The costs on any hearing, or contest herein provided for, may be
allowed and apportioned between the parties, or taxed to the losing
party, in the discretion of the court.
Palmdale Irr. Dist. vs. Rathke, 95 Cal. 538 ;
Board of Directors vs. Abila, 106 Cal. 365;
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Dist., 173 Cal. 660.
Sec. 72, No contest of anything or matter herein provided shall be
made other than within the time and manner herein specified, and in
any such action all findings of facts or conclusions of said board of
directors, or of the board of supervisors upon all matters shall be con-
clusive, unless such action was instituted within six months after such
finding or conclusion was made. (Stats. 1915, p. 1370.)
Imperial Land Co. vs. Imperial Dist., 173 Cal. 660 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Board of Supervisors, 36 Cal. App. Dec. 770 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Board of Supervisors, 189 Cal. 254 ;
Miller d Lux vs. Madera Irr. Dist., 64 Cal. Dec. 94 ;
N. P. Ry. Co. vs. John Day Irr. Dist. (Ore.), 211 Pac. 781;
Miller d Lux vs. Secara. 193 Cal. 755.
California irrigation district laws, 65
t*enalty for violation of duty.
Sec. 73. For any wilful violation of any express duty herein pro-
vided for, on the part of any officer herein named, he shall be liable
upon his official bond, and be subject to removal from office, by pro-
ceedings brought in the superior court of the county wherein the office
of the board of directors of the district is located, by any assessment
payer of the district; but no officer of an irrigation district shall be
personally liable for any damage resulting from the operations of the
district or from the negligence or misconduct of any of its officers or
employees unless such damage was proximately caused by the officer's
own negligence or misconduct or by his wilful violation of official duty.
(Stats. 1921, p. 849.)
Ken- vs. Superior Court, 130 Cal. 183.
Applicability of Sec. 165 of the Penal Code:
People vs. Turnbull, 93 Cal. 630.
As to recall, see section 28i of this act.
Whiteman vs. Anderaon-Cottonwood Jrr. Dist., 40 Cal. App. Dec. 9.
Boundaries may be changed to exclude lands.
Sec. 74. The boundaries of any irrigation district now organized or
hereafter organized under the provision of this act, may be changed,
and tracts of land which were included within the boundaries of such
district at or after its organization under the provisions of said act,
may be excluded therefrom, in the manner herein prescribed; but
neither such change of the boundaries of the districts nor such exclusion
of lands from the district shall impair or affect its organization, or its
right in or to property, or any of its rights or privileges of whatever
kind or nature ; nor shall it affect, impair, or discharge any contract,
obligation, lien, or charge for or upon which said district was and may
become liable or chargeable, had such change of its boundaries not been
made, or had not such land been excluded from the district.
Board of Directors vs. Tregea, 88 Cal. 334-356 ;
Herring vs. Modesto Dist., 95 Fed. T05.
Petition of owners for exclusion of land.
Sec. 75. The owner or owners in fee of one or more tracts of land
which constitute a portion of an irrigation district may jointly or sev-
erally file with the board of directors of the district a petition, praying
that such tract or tracts, and any other tracts contiguous thereto, may
be excluded and taken from said district. The petition shall state the
grounds and reasons upon which it is claimed that such lands should be
excluded and shall describe the boundaries thereof, and also the lands
of such petitioner or petitioners which are included within such bound-
aries ; but the description of such lands need not be more particular or
certain than is required when the lands are entered in the assessment
book by the county assessor. Such petition must be acknowledged in
the same manner and form as is required in the case of a conveyance
of land, and the acknowledgment shall have the same force and effect
as evidence as the acknowledgment of such a conveyance.
Harelson va South San Joaquin Irr. Dist., 20 Cal. App. 324.
Publication of filing of petition; contests of notice.
Sec. 76. The secretary of the board of directors shall cause a notice
of the filing of such petition to be published for at least two weeks in
some newspaper published in the county where the office of the board
of directors is situated, and if any portion of such territory to be
excluded lie within another county or counties, then said notice shall
be so published in a newspaper published within each of said counties ;
or if no newspaper be published therein, then by posting such notice
for the same time in at least three public places in said district, and
in case of the posting of said notices, one of said notices must be so
posted on the lands proposed to be excluded. The notice shall state the
filing of such petition, the names of the petitioners, a description of
the lands mentioned in said petition, and the prayer of said petition;
and it shall notify all persons interested in, or who may be affected by
such change of the boundaries of the district, to appear at the office of
said board at a time named in said notice, and show cause, in writing,
if any they have, why the change of the boundaries of said district, as
proposed in said petition, should not be made. The time to be specified
in the notice at which they shall be required to shoAv cause shall be the
regular meeting of the board next after the expiration of the time for
the publication of the notice.
Harelson vs. South San Joaquin Irr. Dist., 20 Cal. App. 324.
Hearing of petition; failure to show cause deemed assent.
Sec. 77. The board of directors, at the time and place mentioned in
the notice, or at the time or times to which the hearing of said petition
may be adjourned, shall proceed to hear the petition, and all evidence
or proofs that may or shall be introduced by or on behalf of the peti-
tioner or petitioners, and all objections to such petition that may or
shall be presented in writing by any person showing cause as aforesaid,
and all evidence and proofs that may be introduced in support of such
objections. Such evidence shall be taken down in shorthand, and a
record made thereof and filed with the board. The failure of any
person interested in said district, other than the holders of bonds
thereof outstanding at the time of the filing of said petition with said
board, to show cause, in writing, why the tract or tracts of land men-
tioned in said petition should not be excluded from said district, shall
be deemed and taken as an assent by him to the exclusion of such tract
or tracts of land, or any part thereof, from said district ; and the filing
of such petition with said board, as aforesaid, shall be deemed and
taken as an assent by each and all such petitioners to the exclusion from
such district of the lands mentioned in the petition, or any part thereof.
The expenses of giving said notice and of the aforesaid proceeding
shall be paid by the person or persons filing such petition.
Harelson vs. South San Joaquin Irr. Dist., 20 Cal. App. 324.
Power of board to exclude land from district.
Sec. 78. If, upon the hearing of any such petition, no evidence or
proofs in support thereof be introduced, or if the evidence fail to
sustain said petition, or if the board deem it not for the best interest
of the district that the lands, or some portion thereof, mentioned in
the petition, should be excluded from the district, the board shall order
that said petition be denied as to such lands; but if the said board
deem it for the best interest of the district that the lands mentioned in
the petition, or some portion thereof, be excluded from the district, and
if no person interested in the district show cause in writing why the
said lands or some portion thereof, should not be exclu^led from the
district, or if, having shown cause, withdraws the same, or upon the
hearing fails to establish such objections as he may have made, then it
shall be the duty of the board to, and it shall forthwith, make an order
that the lands mentioned and described in the petition, or some defined
portion thereof, be excluded from said district; provided, that it shall
be the duty of said board to so order, upon petition therefor as afore-
said, that all lands so petitioned to be excluded from said district shall
be excluded therefrom, which can not be irrigated from, or which are
not susceptible to, irrigation from a common source or by the same
system of works with the other lands of said district, or from the
source selected, chosen, or provided, or the system adopted for the
irrigation of the lands in said district, or which are already irrigated,
or entitled to be irrigated, from another source or by another system
of irrigation works; provided, that no land irrigated by means of water,
pumped from an underground source or sources shall be entitled to
exclusion from any irrigation district on account of being so irrigated,
if it shall be shown that such land is or will be substantially benefited
by subirrigation from the works of said district or by drainage works
provided or required by law to be provided by said district, but no
owner of land in any irrigation district shall be required to pay any
assessment, except for the payment of interest and principal due on
bonds of the district, on any land in such district which, when the
district was organized, was irrigated by means of water pumped from
an underground source or sources and has continued each year to be
irrigated exclusively by such means. (Stats. 1915, p. 836.)
Harelson vs. South San Joaquin Irr. Diet., 20 Cal. App. 324 ;
Board of Directors vs. Tregea, 88 Cal. 334 ;
Miller & Lux vs. Secara, 193 Cal. 755.
Assent of bondholders; release from lien.
Sec. 79. If there be outstanding bonds of the district at the time of
the filing of said petition, the holders of such outstanding bonds may
give their assent, in writing, to the effect that they severally consent
that the lands mentioned in the petition, or such portion thereof as
may be excluded from said district by order of said board, or the
decree of the superior court as hereinafter provided, may be excluded
from the district; and if said lands, or any portion thereof, be there-
after excluded from the district, the lands so excluded shall be released
from the lien of such outstanding bonds. The assent must be acknowl-
edged by the several holders of such bonds in the same manner and
form as is required in case of a conveyance of land, and the acknowl-
edgment shall have the same force and effect as evidence as the
acknowledgment of such conveyance. The assent shall be filed with
the board, and must be recorded in the minutes of the board ; and said
minutes, or a copy thereof, certified by the secretary of said board, shall
be admissible in evidence, with the same effect as the said assent, and
such certified copy thereof may be recorded in the office of the county
recorder of the county wherein said lands are situated.
Change of boundaries to be recorded; organization not affected.
Sec. 80. In the event the said board of directors shall exclude any
lands from said district upon petition therefor, it shall be the duty of
the board of directors to make an entry in the minutes of the board,
describing the boundaries of the district, should the exclusion of said
lands from said district change the boundaries of said district, and for
that purpose the board may cause a survey to be made of such portions
of the district as the board may deem necessary ; and a certified copy of
the entry in the minutes of the board excluding any land, certified by
the president and secretary of the board, shall be filed for record in the
recorder's office of each county within which are situated any of the
lands of the district ; but said district, notwithstanding such exclusion,
shall be and remain an irrigation district as fully, to every intent and
purpose, as it would be had no change been made in the boundaries of
the district, or had the lands excluded therefrom never constituted a
portion of the district.
Office of director of excluded division declared vacant.
Sec. 81. If the lands excluded from any district under this act shall
embrace the greater portion of any division or divisions of such dis-
trict, then the office of director for such division or divisions shall
become and be vacant at the expiration of ten days from the final
order of the board excluding said lands ; and such vacancy or vacancies
shall be filled by appointment by the board of supervisors of the county
where the office of such board is situated, from the district at large.
A director appointed as above provided, shall hold his office until the
next regular election for said district, and until his successor is elected
and qualified.
Division of district.
Sec. 82. In case land is excluded from any district, the board of
directors thereof^ if they deem it desirable, but not less than thirty
days before any election in such district, may reestablish the boundaiies
of the divisions and election precincts within such district. (Stats.
1921, p. 860.)
Rights of guardian, administrator or executor.
Sec. 83. A guardian and executor, or an administrator of an estate,
who is appointed as such under the laws of this state, and who, as
such guardian, executor, or administrator, is entitled to the possession
of the lands belonging to the estate which he represents, may, on behalf
of his ward, or the estate which he represents, upon being thereto
properly authorized by the proper court, sign and acknowledge the
petition in this act mentioned, and may show cause, as in this act
provided, why the boundaries of the district should not be changed.
Lands excluded not released from liabilities for indebtedness.
Sec. 84. Nothing in this act provided shall, in any manner, operate
to release any of the lands so excluded from the district from any
obligation to pay, or any lien thereon, of any valid outstanding bonds
or other indebtedness of said district at the time of the filing of said
petition for the exckision of said lands, but upon the contrary, said
lands shall be held subject to said lien, and answerable and chargeable
for and with the payment and discharge of all of said outstanding
obligations at the time of the filing of the petition for the exclusion
of said land, as fully as though said petition for such exclusion were
never filed and said order or decree of exclusion never made; and for
the purpose of discharging such outstanding indebtedness, said lands
so excluded shall be deemed and considered as part of said irrigation
district the same as though said petition for its exclusion had never
been filed or said order or decree of exclusion never made; and all
provisions which may have been resorted to to compel the payment by
said lands of its quota or portion of said outstanding obligations, had
said exclusion never been accomplished, may, notwithstanding said
exclusion, be resorted to to compel and enforce the payment on the
part of said lands of its quota and portion of said outstanding obliga-
tions of said irrigation district for which it is liable, as herein provided.
But said land so excluded shall not be held answerable or chargeable
for any obligation of any nature or kind whatever, incurred after the
filing with the board of directors of said district of the petition for
the exclusion of said lands from the said district ; provided, that the
provisions of this section shall not apply to any outstanding bonds, the
holders of which have assented to the exclusion of such lands from said
district, as hereinbefore provided.
Boundaries may be changed to include lands.
Sec. 85. The boundaries of any irrigation district now organized or
hereafter organized under the provisions of this act may be changed in
the manner herein prescribed; but such change of the boundaries of
the district shall not impair or affect its organization, or its rights in
or to property, or any of its rights or privileges of whatsoever kind or
nature; nor shall it affect, impair, or discharge any contract, obligation,
lien, or charge for or upon which it was or might become liable or
chargeable, had such change of its boundaries not been made.
Giay vs. Cardiff Irr. Dist.. 51 Cal. App. 304.
Procedure for inclusion of lands.
Sec. 86. The holder or holders, of title, or evidence of title, repre-
senting one-half or more of any body of lands adjacent to the boundary
of an irrigation district, which are contiguous, and which, taken
together, constitute one tract of land, may file with the board of
directors of said district a petition, in writing, praying that the bound-
aries of said district may be so changed as to include therein said lands.
The petition shall describe the boundaries of said parcel or tract of
land, and shall also describe the boundaries of the several parcels owned
by the petitioners, if the petitioners be the owners, respectively, of
distinct parcels, but such descriptions need not be more particular than
they are required to be when such lands are entered by the county
assessor in the assessment book. Such petition must contain the assent
of the petitioners to the inclusion within said district of the parcels or
tracts of land described in the petition, and of which said petition
alleges they are, respectively, the owners ; and it must be acknowledged
in the same manner that conveyances of land are required to be
People vs. Cardiff Irr. Dist., 51 Cal. App. 307 ;
Gray vs. Cardiff Irr. Dist., 51 Cal. App. 304.
Notice of filing of petition.
Sec. 87, The secretary of the board of directors shall cause a notice
of the filing of such petition to be given and published in the same man-
ner and for the same time that notices of special elections for the issue
of bonds are required by this act to be published. The notice shall
state the filing of such petition and the names of the petitioners, a
description of the lands mentioned in said petition, and the prayer of
said petition ; and it shall notify all persons interested in, or that may
be affected by such change of the boundaries of the district, to appear
at the office of said board, at a time named in said notice, and show
cause in writing, if any they have, why the change in the boundaries
of said district, as proposed in said petition, should not be made.
The time to be specified in the notice at which they shall be required
to show cause shall be the regular meeting of the board next after the
expiration of the time for the publication of the notice. The petitioners
shall advance to the secretary sufficient money to pay the estimated
costs of all proceedings under this act.
Hearing of petition.
Sec, 88. The board of directors, at the time and place mentioned
in the said notice, or at such other time or times to which the hearing of
said petition may be adjourned, shall proceed to hear the petition,
and all the objections thereto, presented in writing by any person
showing cause as aforesaid why said proposed change of the boundaries
of the district should not be made. The failure by any person inter-
ested in said district, or in the matter of the proposed change of its
boundaries, to show cause, in writing, as aforesaid, shall be deemed
and taken as an assent on his part to a change of the boundaries of the
district as prayed for in said petition, or to such a change thereof as
will include a part of said lands. And the filing of such petition with
said board, as aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken as an assent on the
part of each and all of such petitioners to such a change of said
boundaries that they may include the whole or any portion of the lands
described in said petition.
Condition precedent.
Sec. 89. The board of directors to whom such petition is presented,
may require, as a condition precedent to the granting of the same, that
the petitioners shall severally pay to such district such respective sums,
as nearly as the same can be estimated (the several amounts to be
determined by the board), as said petitioners or their grantors would
have been required to pay to such district as assessments, had such
lands been included in such district at the time the same was originally
Nile Irr. Dist. vs. G. S. Co., 248 Fed. 861.
Change in boundaries.
Sec. 90. If the board of directors deem it for the best interest of
the district that the boundaries of the district be changed as proposed
and if no protest against such change is made as provided in section
ninety-one of this act, or if such protest be made and enough signatures
be withdrawn therefrom so that said protest is no longer sufficient, the
board shall order that the boundaries of the district be changed so as
to include therein the lands described in said petition, or such portion
thereof as the board shall find will be benefited by such inclusion. The
order shall describe the boundaries as changed and shall also describe
the entire boundaries of the district as they will be after the change
thereof as aforesaid is made ; and for that purpose the board may cause
a survey to be made of such portions of such boundaries as is deemed
necessary ; provided, hoivever, that any public land of the United States
of America adjoining the boundaries of any irrigation district may be
included within the boundaries of any such irrigation district by order
or resolution of the board of directors of such district without any
petition being filed asking for such inclusion ; and provided, further,
that when additional land is included within any irrigation district and
the board of directors of such district finds either that such inclusion
without condition would work an injury to the land already in the
district, either by an impairment of water rights or by requiring a
greater expense for furnishing water to the lands proposed to be
included, the board may prescribe conditions upon such inclusion of
land, either by providing for priority of right to water or for the pay-
ment of an additional annual charge, or such other conditions as may
to the board seem just. If such inclusion is upon petition of property
owners, all such property owners shall sign and acknowledge an agree-
ment with the district, specifying such conditions and describing the
land so to be included. Such agreement must be recorded in the office
of the county recorder of the county in which such lands are situated,
together with a certified copy of the order including such lands, and
thereupon such lands shall become a part of such irrigation district
subject to such conditions. (Stats. 1921, p. 999.)
Resolution describing boundaries.
Sec. 91. If a protest against the inclusion of such lands, signed by
not less than three per cent of the holders of title or evidence of title
to lands within the district and holding the title or evidence of title
to not less than three per cent in value of the lands within the district
according to the last equalized assessment roll of said district, shall
have been presented to the board of directors and upon the hearing
of said matter said protest shall not be withdrawn, or after the with-
drawal therefrom of any signatures it shall still be signed by not less
than three per cent of the holders of title or evidence of title to lands
within the district and holding the title or evidence of title to not less
than three per cent in value of the lands within the district according
to the last equalized assessment roll of said district, or if the board of
directors deem it not for the best interests of the district to include
therein the lands described in said petition for inclusion, or any of
them, the board shall adopt a resolution stating the facts and describing
the boundary of the tract of land proposed to be included in the
district ; but before calling the election provided for in the next section,
the board may require an undertaking, with sufficient sureties, from
the petitioners for the inclusion of said land conditioned that the peti-
tioners or the sureties will pay all the costs of holding such election
in ease such inclusion shall be denied. (Stats. 1921, p. 1000.)
Notice of election; ballots.
Sec. 92. Upon the adoption of the resolution mentioned in the last
preceding section, the board shall order that an election be held within
said district, to determine whether the boundaries of the district shall
be changed as mentioned in said resolution ; and shall fix the time at
which such election shall be held, and cause notice thereof to be given
and published. Such notice shall be given and published, and such
election shall be held and conducted, the returns thereof shall be made
and canvassed, and the result of the election ascertained and declared,
and all things pertaining thereto conducted in the manner prescribed by
said act in ease of a special election to determine whether bonds of an
irrigation district shall be issued. The ballots cast at said election
shall contain the words "For change of boundary," or "Against change
of boundary," or words equivalent thereto. The notice of election
shall describe the proposed change of the boundaries in such manner
and terms that it can readily be traced.
Majority vote to decide election.
Sec. 93. If at such election a majority of all the votes cast at said
election shall be against such change of the boundaries of the district,
the board shall order that said petition be denied, and shall proceed
no further in that matter. But if a majority of such votes be in favor
of such change of the boundaries of the district, the board shall there-
upon order that the boundaries be changed in accordance with said reso-
lution adopted by the board. The said order shall describe the entire
boundaries of said district, and for that purpose the board may cause a
survey of such portions thereof to be made as the board may deem
Order of board to be recorded.
Sec. 94. Upon a change of the boundaries of a district being made,
a copy of the order of the board of directors ordering such change,
certified by the president and secretary of the board, shall be filed for
record in the recorder's office of each county within which are situated
any of the lands of the district, and thereupon the district shall be and
remain an irrigation district, as fully, and to every intent and purpose,
as if the lands which are included in the district by the change of the
boundaries, as aforesaid, had been included therein at the original
organization of the district.
Recording petition in minutes.
Sec. 95. Upon the filing of the copies of the order, as in the last
preceding section mentioned, the secretary shall record in the minutes
of the board the petition aforesaid ; and the said minutes, or a certified
copy thereof, shall be admissible in evidence, with the same effect as the
Rights of guardians, executors and administrators.
Sec. 96. A guardian, an executor, or an administrator of an estate,
who is appointed as such under the laws of this state, and who, as
such guardian, executor, or administrator, is entitled to the possession
of the lands belonging to the estate which he represents, may, on behalf
of his ward, or the estate which he represents, upon being thereunto
authorized by the proper court, sign and acknowledge the petition in
this act mentioned, and may show cause, as in this act mentioned, why
the boundaries of the district should not be changed.
Redivision of district.
Sec. 97. In case land is included within any district as aforesaid,
the board of directors thereof shall, but not less than thirty days before
any election in such district, reestablish the boundaries of the divisions
and election precincts within such district, so as to include such land
therein and so as to make such divisions as nearly equal in size and
population as may be practicable. In case of the inclusion of any land
less than thirty days before an election within such district, the inhabi-
tants of the land so included shall not be entitled to vote at such election.
(Stats. 1921, p. 861.)
Election on question of reducing bonded indebtedness.
Sec. 98. Whenever the board of directors of an irrigation district
heretofore organized, or hereafter organized under the provisions of
this act, shall determine that the authorized bonded indebtedness of
such irrigation district is greater than such district is liable to need
to complete its system as planned, and there be no outstanding bonds,
the board of directors may call a special election for the purpose of
voting upon a proposition to reduce such bonded indebtedness to such
sum as the board may determine to be suflScient for such purpose.
Notice of election; ballots.
Sec. 99. Notice of the said election shall be given in the same manner
as provided in section thirty of said act, in relation to calling special
elections for issuance of bonds. The notice of election must state the
amount of the authorized bonded indebtedness of such district, and the
amount to which it is proposed to reduce the same; also, the date on
which said election Avill be held, and the polling places, as established,
by said board of directors. The ballots cast at said election shall con-
tain the words "For reducing bonds — Yes," or "For reducing bonds —
No. ' ' When the vote is canvassed by the board of directors and entered
of record, if a majority of the votes shall be * ' For reducing bonds —
Yes, ' ' then in that event the board of directors shall only be empowered
to issue or sell such amount of bonds as was stipulated in the said
notice of such special election ; but if a majority of said votes are not
"For reducing bonds — ^Yes, " then the authority to issue bonds shall
remain the same as before said special election was held.
Assent of bondholders.
Sec. 99^. In case there be outstanding bonds of any district desiring
to take advantage of the provisions of this act concerning reduction of
bonded indebtedness, the assent of such bondholders may be obtained
to such reduction of the bonded indebtedness, in the same manner as
■provided in section seventy -nine of this act. If such assent is obtained
in the manner therein provided, then, and in that event, such district
shall be empowered to take advantage of all the provisions of this act,
but not otherwise. No reduction of the bonded indebtedness, as in this
act provided, shall in any manner affect any order of court that may
have been made, adjudicating and confirming the validity of said bonds.
Authority of board to lease.
Sec. 100. Whenever any irrigation district, heretofore organized, or
hereafter organized under the provisions of this act, in the development
of its works as by law provided, may have opportunity, without
increased expenditure, to utilize the water by it owned or controlled,
for mechanical purposes not inconsistent with the provisions of said
act, the board of directors may lease the same, as in this act hereinafter
Manner of procedure.
Sec. 101. Whenever the board of directors may desire to lease the
use of water, as hereinbefore stated, they shall pass a resoIu.tion of
intention to so lease the same. Immediately thereafter the secretary
shall cause notice of such intention to be given by publication in one
newspaper published in each county in which lands of the district are
situated, for at least twentj^ days (provided, a newspaper is published
therein, otherwise in any newspaper the board of directors may select),
and, if the board thinks proper in such other newspapers as may be
deemed advisable, calling for bids for the leasing of said water for the
purposes hereinbefore mentioned. Said notice shall state that the board
will receive sealed proposals therefor, that the lease will be let to the
highest responsible bidder, stating the time and place of opening said
Opening proposals.
Sec. 102. At the time and place appointed the board shall proceed
to open the proposals in public. As soon thereafter as may be con-
venient the board shall let said lease in portions, or as a whole, to the
highest responsible bidder, or they may reject any or all bids, and
readvertise for proposals for the same.
Sec. 103. The rental accruing upon said lease may vary from year
to year, as shall be specified in said lease, and shall be payable semi-
annually, on the thirtieth day of December and thirtieth day of June
of each year. All moneys collected, as in this act provided, shall be
paid into the treasury, and be apportioned to such funds as may be
deemed advisable.
Length of lease; forfeiture.
Sec. 104. The board shall have power, as in this act provided, to
execute a lease for any period not exceeding twenty-five years. If at
any time the rental shall not be paid on the days hereinbefore men-
tioned, the amount of such rental then due shall be doubled, and if not
paid within ninety days thereafter, the said lease shall be forfeited to
said district, together with any and all works constructed, owned, used,
or controlled by said lessee.
Bond of lessee.
Sec. 105. Upon the letting of any lease, as in this act provided, the
board may require the lessee to execute a bond for the faithful per-
formance of the covenants of said lease, or give such other evidence
of good faith as in their judgment may be necessary.
Election on question of destroying unsold bonds.
Sec. 106. Whenever there remains in the hands of the board of
directors of any irrigation district heretofore organized, or organized
under the provisions of this act, after the completion of its ditch system,
and the payment of all demands against such district, any bonds voted
to be issued by said district, but not sold, and not necessary to be sold
for the raising of funds for the use of such district, said board of
directors may call a special election for tlie purpose of voting upon a
proposition to destroy said unsold bonds, or so many of them as may be
deemed best, or may submit such proposition at a general election.
Notice of election; ballots.
Sec. 107. Such election shall be held in the same manner as other
elections held under the provisions of this act. A notice of such election
shall be given in the same manner as provided in section thirty of this
act in relation to calling special elections for the issuance of bonds.
The notice of election must state tbe amount of the bonded indebtedness
of such district authorized by the vote of the district, the amount of
the bonds remaining unsold, and the amount proposed to be destroyed,
and the date on which such election is proposed to be held, and the
polling places as fixed by the board of directors. The ballots to be cast
at such election shall contain the words "For destroying bonds — Yes,"
and "For destroying bonds — No," and the voter must erase the word
"No" in case he favors the destruction of bonds, otherwise the word
Two-thirds majority required.
Sec. 108. When the vote is canvassed by the board of directors and
entered of record, if a two-thirds majority of the votes cast should be
found to be in favor of the destruction of said bonds, then the president
of the board, in the presence of a majority of the members of the board,
must destroy the bonds so voted to be destroyed ; and the total amount
of bonds so destroyed and canceled shall be deducted from the sum
authorized to be issued by the electors of said district, and no part
thereof shall thereafter be reprinted or reissued.
Existing districts and existing rights not affected.
Sec. 109. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to affect the
validity of any district heretofore organized under the laws of this
state, or its rights in or to property, or any of its rights or privileges
of whatsoever kind or nature; but said districts are hereby made
subject to the provisions of this act so far as applicable; nor shall it
affect, impair, or discharge any contract, obligation, lien, or charge for,
or upon which it was or might become liable or chargeable had not this
act been passed; nor shall it affect the validity of any bonds which
have been issued but not sold ; nor shall it affect any action which now
may be pending.
Tulare Irr. Dist. vs. Collins. 154 Cal. 440-2 ;
Board of Supervisors vs. Thompson, 122 Fed. 860-2.
Name of district.
Sec. 109a. The name of any district hereafter organized hereunder
shall contain either the words "irrigation district" or "water con-
servation district." Any district heretofore or hereafter organized
and existing, the name of which shall include the words "irrigation
district" may change its said name by substituting for the word
"irrigation," "water conservation" by filing with the board of super-
visors with which was filed the original petition for the organization of
the district, a certified copy of a resolution of its board of directors
adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of said board at a
regular meeting thereof providing for such change of name ; and there-
after all proceedings of such district shall be had under such changed
name, but all existing obligations and contracts of the district entered
into under its former name shall remain outstanding without change
and with the validity thereof unimpaired and unaffected by such
change of name. (Stats. 1921, p. 1110.)
Effect on prior acts.
Sec. 110. Nothing in this act shall be construed as repealing or in
any wise modifying the provisions of any other act relating to the
subject of irrigation or water commissioners, except such as may be
contained in the act, an act entitled an act to provide for the organiza-
tion and government of irrigation districts, and to provide for the
acquisition of water and other property, and for the distribution of
water thereby for irrigation purposes, approved March seventh, eigh-
teen hundred and eighty-seven, and the subsequent acts supplementary
thereto, and amendatory thereof, all of which acts, so far as they may
be inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed.
Board of Supervisors vs. Thompson, 122 Fed. 860.
Time of taking effect.
Sec. 111. This act shall take eflFect from and after its passage and
Title of act.
Sec. 112. This act may be referred to in any action, proceeding
or legislative enactment as "the California irrigation district act."
(Stats. 1919, p. 669.)
Constitutionality :
Act is constitutional.
Turlock Irrigation District vs. Williams, 76 Cal. 360 ;
Board of Directors vs. Tregea. 88 Cal. 334 ;
In, re Madera Irrigation District, 92 Cal. 296 ;
In re Central Irrigation District, 117 Cal. 382 ;
Matter of Bonds of South San Joaquin Irrigation District, 161 Cal. 345 ;
Fallbrook Ii-rigation District vs. Bradley, 164 U. S. 112, 41 L. Ed. 369.
Public corporation :
Irrigation district is public corporation or quasi corporation.
Turlock Irrigation District vs. Williams, 76 Cal. 360 ;
Central Irrigation District vs. DeLappe, 79 Cal. 351 ;
Crall vs. Poso Irrigation District, 87 Cal. 140 ;
In re Madera Irrigation District, 92 Cal. 296 ;
People vs. Selma Irrigation District, 98 Cal. 206 ;
People vs. Turnbull, 93 Cal. 630 ;
Tulare Irrigation District vs. Collins, 154 Cal. 440;
Bettencourt vs. Industrial Accident Commission, 175 Cal. 559 ;
Turlock Irr. Dist. vs. White (Cal.), 198 Pac. 1060;
People vs. Cardiff Irr. Dist., 34 C. A. D. 451 ;
Lindsay-Strathmore Irr. Dist. vs. Superior Court, 182 Cal. 315.
Validity of organization :
May not be questioned by private party.
Miller vs. Perris Inigation District, 85 Fed. 693.
Can not be attacked collaterally.
Quint vs. Hoffman, 103 Cal. 506 ;
Knoicles vs. New Sweden Irrigation District (Idaho), 101 Pac. 81;
Quinton vs. Equitable Itivestment Company, 196 Fed. 314 ;
Tulare Irrigation District vs. Shepard, 185 U. S. 1.
District may not plead the illegality of its own organization to defeat pay-
ment of bonds.
Herring vs. Modesto Irrigation District, 95 Fed. 705 ;
Tulare Ir~rigation District vs. Shepard, 185 U. S. 1.
Construction of act:
Act should be so construed as to effectuate its purpose to facilitate the
economic and permanent reclamation of arid lands.
Jennison vs. Redfield, 149 Cal. 500 ;
Nampa and Meridian Irrigation District vs. Petrie (Idaho), 153 Pac. 425;
Colburn vs. Wilson et ah (Idaho), 132 Pac. 579.
-4n act providing for the organization, operation, maintenance, and
government of tvater storage districts, and for the acquisition,
appropriation, diversion, storage, conservation, and distribution of
water for irrigation of lands in such districts, for drainage and
reclamation connected theretvith, and for the generation, disposition,
and sale of hydro-electric energy developed incidental to such stor-
age and distribution; and for the acquisition of lands or rights
therein and the acquisition, construction, operation, and mainte-
nance of works to carry into effect the provisions of this act; and
conferring upon the state engineer certain additional duties and
powers in connection with the carrying out of the purposes of said
act and providing for the appointment of directors to CLssist the
state engineer in so doing and defining said duties and powers; and
repealing the California irrigation act approved June 4, 1915, and
all acts amendatory thereof.
(Approved June 3,. 1921 ; Stats. 1921, p. 1727 ; amended Stats, 1923, p. 941.)
State engineer, powers and duties of.
Section 1. The state engineer shall have the powers and duties in
this act conferred upon him, in addition to the other powers and duties
possessed by or imposed upon him by law, and shall also possess and
exercise such further powers and authority as may be necessary to
enable him to fully perform the duties imposed upon him by this act,
including the employment of such engineers, attorneys, superin-
tendents, inspectors, and other assistants as he may deem necessary,
and the fixing of their compensation, which together with the cost and
expense of all work done in connection with the performance of such
duties under this act shall be paid by the districts to be formed here-
under as hereinafter provided for payment of other expenses of the
Constitutionality of act established.
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593 ;
Wores vs. Imperial Irr. Dist.. 193 Cal. 609.
Executive directors, appointment, powers and duties of.
Sec. 2. For the purpose of facilitating and expediting the perform-
ance of the duties in this act imposed upon the state engineer and to
provide against interference with the performance of the other duties
imposed upon him by law, and to provide for the equalization of assess-
ments in this act provided for, the governor shall within thirty days
after the date upon which this act takes effect name and designate two
persons to be known and hereinafter referred to as executive directors,
one of whom shall have at least five years' practical experience in irri-
gation and the other of whom shall have had at least five years' experi-
ence in administration and both of whom shall be residents of this state
and continue to be such residents during tlieir term of office, which
term shall be four years, and until their successors have been named
and have qualified. Their successors shall be named and designated in
like manner. Each of said executive directors shall receive as com-
pensation the sum of twenty dollars per day for each day employed
by him in the performance of duties under this act, and shall receive
actual traveling expenses while engaged in such duties, which shall be
chargeable as a part of the cost of the project of the district for which
such duties are performed. The powers and duties herein conferred
and imposed upon the state engineer may be exercised by said executive
directors under the direction of the state engineer,
Who may propose organization of district.
Sec. 3. A majority in number of the holders of title or evidence of
title to lands already irrigated or susceptible of irrigation from a com-
mon source and by the same system of storage and irrigation works and
representing a majority in value of said lands may by written petition
propose the organization of a water storage district under the provisions
of this act which shall comprise lands so irrigated or susceptible of
irrigation and may include therein lands situated in other distinctive
district agencies of the state including other water storage districts
having different plans and purposes and the object of v/hieh is not the
same; organization of such a district under the provisions of this act
may also be proposed by written petition signed by not less than five
hundred petitioners who are holders of title or evidence of title to lands
therein ; provided, that the said petitioners must include the holders of
title or evidence of title to not less than ten per cent in value of the
lands within said proposed district. Such lands proposed to be^organ-
ized into a water storage district need not consist of contiguous parcels
(Stats. 1923, p. 941.)
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Petition to organize district.
Sec. 4. In order to propose the organization of a water storage
district, a petition signed as provided in the preceding section setting
forth generally the boundaries of the proposed district or describing
the lands situated therein, and the location proposed for the storage of
water to be used for such irrigation, any drainage or reclamation con
nected therewith, and any incidental development of hydro-electric
energy, and the nature of the proposed works, and praying that the ter-
ritory embraced within said proposed district may be organized as a
water storage district under the provisions of this act, shall be presented
to the state engineer. The petition may consist of any number of
separate instruments, and must be accompanied with a good and suf-
ficient undertaking, to be approved by the state engineer, in double the
amount of the probable cost of organizing such district as estimated by
said state engineer, conditioned that the sureties shall pay all of said
costs in ease said organization shall not be finally effected, and said state
engineer shall have power to require the furnishing of any additional
undertaking, or undertakings, or payments of money, in case he should
deem the same necessary. Upon the presentation and filing of said
petition and undertaking in the office of the said state engineer the said
engineer shall forthwith fix a time and place at which he will hear said
petition, which place shall be either the office of the state engineer at
Sacramento or some place within the county, or one of the counties,
within which any portion of the lands of said proposed district are
situated and which time shall be not less than thirty nor more than sixty
days after the presentation and filing of said petition. Said petition,
together with a notice stating the time and place of the hearing so fixed
by said engineer, shall be published in each county in which any of the
lands of said proposed district are situate by said state engineer once
a week for three successive weeks before said hearing. Said notice shall
be issued by said state engineer, shall refer to said petition, and shall
be directed to the persons named as petitioners therein, and to all
other persons holding title or evidence of title to any lands included
within the water storage district proposed in said petition, and to all
other persons who may be interested in or affected by the project con-
templated in said petition, and shall be substantially in the following
form :
Before the state engineer, State of California.
To the persons named as petitioners in the foregoing petition, to all
persons holding title or evidence of title to lands included within the
water storage district proposed therein; and to all other persons who
may be interested in or affected by the project contemplated in said
petition :
You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the foregoing petition
was filed with the state engineer on the day of , ,
and will be heard by said engineer at on the day of
, , at the hour of m. of that day, at which time and
place said engineer will hear and receive evidence in support of said
petition or any objections which may be presented thereto, and will
hear and determine the right of all parties holding title or evidence of
title to lands not included in the water storage district proposed in said
petition, but which lands are already irrigated or susceptible of irriga-
tion from the same common source and by the same system of storage
and irrigation works as are particularly referred to and described in
said petition, to have said lands included in said district.
This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of an act, approved
June 3, 1921, and known as California water storage district act, to
which said act particular reference is hereby made.
State Engineer.
When contained upon more than one instrument one copy only of
said petition need be published but the names attached to all said instru-
ments must appear in such publication. Signatures to the petition may
be withdrawn at any time before the publication is commenced as in
this section required, by filing a declaration signed by the petitioner,
with the state engineer, stating that it is the intention of the petitioner
to withdraw therefrom, which declaration shall be acknowledged in the
same manner as conveyances of real estate are required to be acknowl-
edged. (Stats. 1923, p. 942.)
Hearing on petition.
Sec. 5. At the time and place fixed in said notice the state engineer
shall proceed to hear said petition and to determine whether or not the
same complies with the requirements hereinbefore set forth and whether
or not the notice required herein has been published as required, and
must hear all competent and relevant testimony offered in support of or
in opposition thereto. Said hearing may be adjourned from time to
time for the determination of said facts, not exceeding thirty days in
all. No defect in the contents of the petition or in the title to or form
of the notice or signatures, and no lack of signatures thereto, or to the
petition as published, shall vitiate any proceedings thereon; provided,
such petition or petitions have a sufficient number of qualified signa-
tures attached thereto. The determination of said engineer shall be
expressed by an order establishing the facts. If said state engineer shall
determine that any of the requirements hereinbefore set forth have not
been complied with the matter shall be dismissed, but without prejudice
to the right of the proper number of persons to present a new petition
covering the same matter or to present the same petition ^vith additional
signatures, if such additional signatures are necessary to comply with
the requirements of this act. If the state engineer shall determine that
all the said requirements have been complied with the said engineer
shall forthwith proceed to hear said petition and all evidence offered
in support of the petition and in support of said written objections, and
the written application of any holder of title or evidence of title to
lands included in said proposed water storage district, to have said
lands excluded therefrom, and to also receive the written application of
the holder of title or evidence of title to other lands already irrigated
or susceptible of irrigation from the common source and by the same
system of storage and irrigation works in said petition more particularly
referred to and described, to have said lands included in said district
and to participate in the benefits of such water storage district. Said
engineer shall ascertain and determine the practicability, feasibility,
and utility of the proposed project set forth in said petition, and for
that purpose may make, or cause to be made, all necessary studies,
examinations, surveys, plans, and estimates of cost, and in connection
therewith said state engineer may employ all necessary engineers,
attorneys, and other assistants, or acquire and use estimates, surveys,
and reports theretofore made, for the accomplishment of said purposes,
and the cost thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed a sum in dollars
equal in amount to one-fourth the number of acres in such proposed
district and shall be deemed a part of the expense of said project, and
said state engineer may require the same to be paid by the proponents of
said district or may issue warrants therefor and which payment and
warrants shall be considered and treated in all respects as warrants of
the district and which shall be payable out of the funds of said district
when the organization thereof has been completed, and the same, if
necessary, may be included in any bond issue authorized for the pur-
poses of said district. If said district shall, as a result of any election
hereinafter provided for, be not organized, any warrants issued by said
state engineer or board of directors of said district upon the funds of
the district shall be a charge upon the undertaking, or undertakings,
hereinbefore and in section four of this act provided for, and shall
thereupon become due and payable by the sureties therein named, and
the holders of said warrants shall have a cause of action against said
sureties thereon. (Stats. 1923, p. 943.)
Not attempted delegation of legislative or judicial power.
Tarpey vs. McClure. 190 Gal. 593.
Order on petition.
Sec. 6. Upon the final hearing of said petition the state engineer
shall make an order reaffirming his conclusions as to the genuineness
and sufficiency of the petition, affirming the regularity and sufficiency
of the notice of hearing thereon, and determining the practicability,
feasibility, and utility of the proposed project. The said engineer shall
also in his said order establish the boundaries of the proposed district or
describe the lands included therein, specify the location proposed for the
storage of water to be used for any of the purposes of this act, and pro-
vide an estimate of the probable cost of the proposed project. The
said state engineer shall also in his said order divide said proposed
district into five, seven, nine, or eleven divisions in such manner as to
segregate into separate divisions lands possessing the same general
character of water rights or interests in and to the waters of such com-
mon source, which divisions shall be numbered first, second, third,
fourth, and fifth, and sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, or eleventh,
according to the number of such divisions. The order of said state
engineer, made as in this section provided, shall be signed by him and
entered in full upon the records kept by him. A copy of such order
certified by said state engineer, together with a map showing the exterior
boundaries of the district and indicating the lands if any excluded
therefrom, shall forthwith be filed for record in the office of the county
recorder of each county in which any of the lands within the said dis-
trict are situated. The finding of said state engineer in favor of the
genuineness and sufficiency of the petition and the regularity and
sufficiency of the notice of hearing thereon shall be final and conclusive
against all persons except the State of California upon suit commenced
by the attorney general. Any such suit must be commenced within
ninety days after the date of first filing in the office of any county
recorder of such certified copy of said order as hereinabove required.
(Stats. 1923, p. 945.)
Authority of state engineer.
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Gal. 593.
Election on organization.
Sec. 7. Said state engineer shall, within sixty da^^s after the filing
of said order, give notice of an election to be held in the proposed
district for the purpose of determining whether or not the same shall
be organized under the provisions of this act. Such notice shall
describe the boundaries so established, or the lands so included, and the
divisions so created, and shall designate a name for the proposed dis-
trict, and said notice shall be published once a week for at least three
weeks previous to such election in each county in which any land in the
proposed district is situated. Such notice shall require ballots to be
cast which shall contain the words "Water storage district — Yes" or
"Water storage district — No," or words equivalent thereto, and also
the names of persons to be voted for at said election. For the purposes
of said election the state engineer must establish a convenient number
of election precincts in said proposed district and define the boundaries
thereof and at least one such precinct must be established for each
division of said district and said state engineer, at the time of calling
said election, shall in his order designate voting places and appoint
three landholders of the district to act as a board of election at each
voting place. Such election shall be conducted as nearly as practicable
in accordance with the general water storage district election as in this
act provided, but no particular form of ballot shall be required. Nom-
inating petitions for officers to be elected at such election shall be
filed as provided in section thirtj'-nine of this act except that the same
shall be filed in the office of the state engineer.
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Election of directors.
Sec. 8. At such election there shall be elected a board of directors
corresponding in number to the number of divisions in the district, and
a treasurer. None of said directors shall be elected by the district at
large, but one director shall be elected by each division to represent
such division. Said officers shall qualify in the same manner as is
provided for the qualification of the same officers elected at a general
water storage district election as hereinafter in this act provided.
Qualification of voters.
Sec. 9. Only the holders of title or evidence of title to lands
situated within the district shall be entitled to vote at such election,
and every such holder of title or evidence of title shall be entitled to
vote, in person or as hereinafter provided, in each precinct in which
any of the lands so owned by him are situated and to cast one vote for
each one hundred dollars', or fraction thereof, worth of land in said
precinct so owned by him. Each male or female voter over the age of
twenty-one years shall be entitled to vote in person or by proxy. Any
guardian, administrator, or executor of a person or estate owning land
within the district shall be considered the holder of title or evidence of
title to such lands for the purposes of this act, where the owner in fee
is not entitled to vote. Any corporation holding title or evidence of
title to lands within the district shall be entitled to vote as such land
owner through any officer or agent thereunto duly authorized in writ-
ing under the seal of the corporation. Entryiuen upon public lands
situated within tbe district shall be considered as the holders of title or
evidence of title to such lands for the purposes of this act. No person
shall vote by proxy unless his authority to cast such vote shall be
evidenced by an instrument in writing duly acknowledged and certi-
fied in the same manner as grants of real property and filed with the
board of election. The provisions of this act relating to general elec-
tions shall, except as herein otherwise specifically provided, apply to
elections on organization of any water storage district under this act.
(Stats. 1923, p. 945.)
Canvass of votes.
Sec. 10. The state engineer shall on the second Monday succeeding
iich election proceed to canvass the votes cast thereat and if upon such
canvass it appears that a majority of all the votes cast are "Water
storage district — Yes" said engineer shall, by an order entered in the
records kept by him, declare the territory duly organized as a water
storage district under the name heretofore designated, and shall
declare the candidate for director receiving at such election the highest
number of votes in each division to be duly elected a director, and
the candidate for treasurer receiving the highest number of votes in the
district to be duly elected treasurer. If upon such canvass it appears
that a majority of all the votes cast are "Water storage district — No,"
then the result of such election shall be declared accordingly and
entered of record in the records kept by the state engineer.
Order on election, filing of.
Sec. 11. If such order on election shall declare the territory duly
organized as a water storage district the said state engineer shall forth-
with cause a copy of such order, duly certified, to be filed for record
in the office of the county recorder of each county in which any portion
of the lands embraced in such district is situated, and from and after
such filing the organization of such district shall be complete and said
district shall have the powers and rights conferred upon it by the pro-
visions of this act. Said state engineer shall at the same time issue
certificates of election to the persons declared in said order to be elected
I i rectors and treasurer.
Board of directors, tenure of office.
Sec. 12. The directors and treasurer elected at such election, after
qualifying by receiving their certificates of election and subscribing
tlic officini ();ifli rind -iviniT tlio required bond.s, shall immediately enter
upon their duties and shall hold office, respectively, until their suc-
cessors are elected and qualified.
Board of directors, organization of.
Sec. 13. The directors shall on the first Tuesday after their elec-
tion and qualification meet and organize as a board and select and
designate an office of the board, which shall also be the office of the
district, at which the board shall thereafter hold its meetings. The
board shall then proceed to classify themselves by lot into two classes,
as nearly equal in number as possible, and the term of office of the
class having the greater number shall expire on the first Tuesday in
March following the next general February election in this act provided
for; and the term of office of the class having the lesser number shall
terminate on the first Tuesday in March following the next general
February election thereafter. After such classification the board shall
elect a president from their number and shall appoint a secretary, each
of whom shall hold office during the pleasure of the board. The salary
of the secretary and the amount of the bond to be given by him for
the faithful performance of his duties shall be fixed by the board.
Board of directors, meetings of.
Sec. 14. The board of directors shall thereafter hold regular meet-
ings on the first Tuesday of each month at the place selected as the
office of the board; provided, that such board may by resolution duly
entered upon its minutes fix anj^ other time or place for the regular
monthly meeting, but no such change shall become effective until after
the resolution making such change shall have been published once a
week for two successive weeks in the county in which the office of the
board of directors is located. Such special meetings of the bo^rd of
directors may be held as may be required for the proper transaction
of the business of the district, but a special meeting must be ordered
by a majority of the board. The order must be entered of record, and
five days notice thereof must be given by the secretary to each director
not joining in the order. The order must specify the business to be
transacted, and no other business than that specified in the order may
be transacted at such special meeting, unless all the members are
present and consent to the consideration of any business not specified
in said order. All meetings of the board must be public and a majority
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A smaller
number of directors than a quorum may adjourn from day to day. All
records of the board shall be open to public inspection during business
Board of directors, complementary powers and duties of.
Sec. 15. The board of directors shall have in addition to the powers
and authority hereinbefore and hereinafter conferred upon it. such
further powers and authority as may be necessary to enable it to fully
perform the duties imposed upon it by this act.
Provisions for defraying preliminary expenses.
Sec. 16. The board of directors must and shall at its first regular
monthly meeting^ levy an assessment of an equal amount upon each
acre of land in said district sufficient to pay all warrants issued by the
state engineer in accordance with tlie provisions of this act, and in
addition thereto an amount sufficient in the judgment of said board to
defray all other expenses incurred or to be incurred by or for the
benefit of said district prior to the appointment of tlie commissioners
provided for in section nineteen of this act. In the event the assess-
ment so levied for the purposes aforesaid shall not be sufiicieut, it shall
be the duty of the board of directors to levy an additional assessment,
or assessments ; thereafter if it shall become necessary to provide funds
for the payment of any expense incurred by or on behalf of the district
subsequent to the appointment of said commissioners and prior to the
assessment provided for in section nineteen of this act, the board of
directors shall levy such additional assessment, or assessments, of an
equal amount upon each acre of land in said district as may be neces-
sary to pay such expenses; provided, however, the total of all such
assessments exclusive of the amount assessed to pay all warrants issued
by the state engineer shall not exceed fifty (50) cents per acre. Said
assessment, or assessments, so levied shall constitute a lien iipon the
lands affected thereby until the full amount thereof is paid, which lien
shall be prior to all other liens except state, county, and municipal
taxes and assessments or taxes levied or assessed by or under statutory
authority, and shall be collected in the same manner as other assess-
ments provided for in this act. (Stats. 1923, p. 946.)
Original section constitutional.
Tarpey vs. McClure. 190 Cal. 593.
Board of directors, preparation and submission of report of.
Sec. 17. The board of directors shall, upon the organization of a
water storage district as in this act provided, proceed to make or cause
to be made, all such examinations, surveys, detailed plans and specifi-
cations, and estimates of costs for fhe acquisition, appropriation, diver-
sion, storage, conservation, and distribution of water, any drainage or
reclamation works connected therewith, and the generation of hydro-
electric energy incident thereto, and the sale and distribution thereof,
as may be necessary or requisite to enable said board of directors to
ascertain and estimate the requirements and works necessary as afore-
said for the purposes of said water storage district and the probable
cost and expense thereof, and to make a report thereof as hereinafter
provided. In such connection said board may use and adopt all
previous estimates, surveys, reports, and other data it may have
acquired or which are available to it adapted to that purpose, and may
employ all necessary engineers, attorneys, and other assistants for the
accomplishment of said purposes, and the cost thereof shall be deemed
a part of the expense of said project, and such board may issue war-
rants therefor, which shall be payable out of the funds of said district
and may be included in any bond issue authorized for the purposes of
said district.
Upon the completion of said examination and study of the proposed
project by the said board of directors, the said board shall prepare and
file in the office of the state engineer a report thereof, in which said
report shall be set forth in full and in detail the character and nature
of the proposed works, a description of the rights, both to waters and
lands, it will be necessary to acquire to carry said project to comple-
tion, accompanied by detailed plans and specifications, and a detailed
estimate of the costs of said project, including the acquisition of all
rights necessary to the completion and operation thereof. The board
of directors shall attach to said report a recommendation that said
project shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifica-
tions in said report contained, or that said project be abandoned.
Such report when completed shall be signed by a majority of the board
of directors and entered in full upon the minutes of said board. A
copy of such report certified by the secretary of said board of directors
shall be filed in the office of the state engineer.
Action on adverse report.
Sec. 18. If the said board of directors recommends that said proj-
ect be abandoned the state engineer shall make such further investiga-
tion of said project as is in his judgment desirable and shall within
sixty days after the filing of said report make and enter upon the
records kept by him an order either (a) approving and confirming the
said report and recommendation and declaring said project abandoned,
which said order shall be without prejudice to the presentation of
another petition covering the same matter, or (&) approving and
adopting the said report but taking no action with respect to the said
recommendation, and calling another election to be held in the district
for the purpose of determining whether or not the recommendation of
said board of directors shall be adopted or rejected. In the event the
said order so made and entered by the state engineer shall call an
election, said state engineer shall within thirty days after the entry of
said order give notice of such election. Said notice shall be published
once a week for at least three weeks previous to such election in each
county in which any land in the district is situated. Said notice shall
require ballots to be cast, which shall contain the words "Completion
of project — Yes" or "Completion of project — No." For the purposes
of said election the state engineer must establish a convenient number
of election precincts in said district and define the boundaries thereof
and said state engineer at the time of calling said election shall in his
order designate voting places and appoint three land holders of the
district to act as a board of election at each voting place. Such elec-
tion shall be conducted as nearly as i)racticable in accordance with the
provisions of this act relating to general water storage district elec-
tions, but no particular form of ballot shall be required. The qualifica-
tion of voters at said election shall be the same as prescribed for the
original election on organization of district, and the votes cast at said
election shall be canvassed in the same manner as votes cast at said
original election, and the result of such election shall be declared and
entered of record in the minutes of the board. If such result shall
show a majority of all the votes cast are "Completion of project —
No," the state engineer shall make and enter in his records an order
declaring said project abandoned, and requiring all persons, except the
holders of warrants issued pursuant to the provisions of this act and
which have been duly presented for payment, having claims against
said district, or proposed district, to file them with the necessary
vouchers within three months from the making of said order in the
office of said state engineer. Notice of said order requiring presenta-
tion of claims stating the time and place thereof shall be published in
the county in which the office of the district is located by said state
engineer once a week for four successive weeks, the first publication of
which said notice sball be made within ten days after the making of
said order. After all warrants issued under the provisions of this act
which have been duly presented for payment and all claims that have
been duly presented and have been allowed and approved by said state
engineer or the board of directors of said district, have been paid, said
state engineer shall forthwith cause a copy of said order declaring said
project abandoned, duly certified by said state engineer, to be filed for
record in the office of the county recorder of each county in which any
portion of the land embraced in said district is situated, and from and
after such filing said district shall be deemed dissolved and all liens
which may have attached to any of the lands therein under any pro-
visions of this act shall be discharged and any undertaking given pur-
suant thereto shall be annulled and of no further effect. If the canvass
of the votes cast at such election show a majority of all votes cast are
"Completion of project — Yes" said state engineer shall thereupon
appoint the commissioners provided for in section nineteen of this act
and thereafter such proceedings shall be taken and followed as are
provided in said section nineteen and subsequent sections of this act.
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Action on favorable report, assessment of project cost by commissioners, and
review thereof by adjustment board.
Sec. 19. If the board of directors recommends that said project be
carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications in its said
report contained and if within sixty days after the filing of said report
in the office of the state engineer there .shall be presented to and filed
with said state engineer a petition signed by the owners of more than
fifteen per cent of the total assessed valuation of the land in the district
requesting that an election be held to ascertain whether such recom-
mendation of the board of directors shall be adopted, the state engineer
shall immediately give notice of such an election, which election shall
be held and conducted and the result thereof determined and declared
in all respects as provided in section eighteen of this act, and if the
result of such election shows a majority of all votes cast are "Completion
of project — No" the project shall be deemed abandoned and proceedings
shall be thereafter taken as provided in said section eighteen in case of
abandonment, but if no petition shall be filed as aforesaid or if an elec-
tion be held and the majority of the votes cast thereat are ''Completion
of project — ^Yes" then the state engineer shall forthwith appoint three
commissioners whose duty it shall be to assess the cost of the project,
upon the benefited lands within the district which shall be done, and
the said cost shall be apportioned in accordance with the benefits that
will accrue to each tract of land held in separate ownership in said
district by reason of the expenditures of said sums of money, and the
completion of the project, such assessment to be in gold coin of the
United States; provided, how&ver, that where any such tract of land
consists of more than one section such apportionment to such tract of
land shall be made according to legal subdivisions thereof or to other
boundaries sufficient to identify the same in subdivisions not greater
than one section in area, but any failure or defect in complying with
this requirement shall not invalidate said apportionment or said assess-
ment. One of said commissioners shall be a civil engineer and one
shall have a practical knowledge of irrigation, and none of said com-
missioners shall have any interest in any land in the district either
directly or indirectly, and each commissioner before entering upon his
duties shall take and subscribe an oath that he is not in any manner
interested directly or indirectly in any land in the district and that he
will perform the duties of commissioner to the best of his ability, and
said commissioners shall be paid as compensation for the services ren-
dered by them such sum, or sums, as the state engineer shall fix and
determine, which shall be considered a part of the cost of the project,
and said state engineer may issue warrants therefor, which sliall be
payable out of the funds of said district and may be included in any
bond issue authorized for the purposes of said district. The said com-
missioners shall receive from the board of directors of the district the
detailed plans, specifications, and estimate of the costs of the
project, which have theretofore been duly approved by the state engi-
neer. The said commissioners shall thereupon prepare and certify to
the state engineer in triplicate rolls which shall contain :
(1) A description of each tract assessed held in separate ownership
by legal subdivisions, governmental surveys, or other boundaries suf-
ficient to identify the same ;
(2) The number of acres in each tract ;
(3) The name and address of the owner of each tract, if known, and
if unknown, that fact, but no mistake or error in the name of the owner
or supposed owner of the property assessed, and no mistake in any
other particular, shall render the assessment thereof invalid;
(4) The rate per acre of such assessment upon said tract ;
(5) The total amount of the assessment as computed;
(6) Any other statement which may be required by the state engineer
and as to which notice is given in writing to the commissioners at the
time of transmitting the plans and specifications and costs of the work
for the district beforementioned.
The rolls shall be separately made for lands lying within difi'erent
counties contained within said district. Said rolls when completed
shall be accompanied by the written report of the commissioners wherein
is set out with particularity the exact nature and quantum of the
benefits so assessed, both in respect of the right in and to stored surplus
waters, and the right to store water in the reservoir or reservoirs of
the district, apportioned and allocated to each such tract of land in said
district and also through any drainage or reclamation work connected
therewith. In such report lands embraced within a comprehensive
area or a political subdivision of the state may be referred to generally
as lands lying within such area or subdivision without further
In the event of the conveyance of a part of a tract of land in said
district and in the absence of any provisions in the instrument convey-
ing the same, said lands so conveyed shall be deemed to share ratably in
the benefits apportioned to the entire tract.
Said rolls when completed shall be duly certified by said commis-
sioners and forthwith by them filed in the office of the state engineer.
Said state engineer shall forthwith transmit two copies of said rolls to
the board of directors of said district, who shall file one copy in their
records and thereupon transmit to the county treasurer of each county
within such district that portion of the roll relating to the lands within
such county. Thereafter the executive directors and the president of
the board of directors of the water storage district in which the lands
described in said rolls are situated shall become and constitute a board,
in the nature of a board of equalization, which shall be known and
designated as the "adjustment board" and whose functions shall be to
consider and act upon objections, if any, presented as herein provided
to the assessment made by said commissioners. For that purpose said
adjustment board shall at once organize by the election from its members
of a president and a secretary and shall thereupon appoint times and
places not less than thirty days after said rolls have been filed in the
records of said board of directors when and where it will meet within
each county wherein lands of said district are situated for the purpose
of hearing objections to said assessments, and notice of such hearing
shall be published at least once a week for two successive weeks in each
county in which any land within said district may be situate. Said
objections, if any, must be in writing verified and filed with the state
engineer, and shall set forth the grounds of such objections. Such
verification shall be made by the affidavit of the objector or some other
person who is familiar with the facts. Said adjustment board may
postpone such hearings from time to time. At such hearings the
adjustment board shall hear such evidence as may be offered touching
the correctness of such assessment, and may modify, amend, or appro-ve
the said assessment in any particular and may reapportion the whole or
any part thereof; provided, however, that no assessment .shall be
increased except after personal notice or notice by registered mail given
to the owner if known by depositing in the postoffice at the place in
which the office of said district is located in a sealed envelope addressed
to each of such owners at his last known, if any, place of residence or
business otherwise at the county seat of the county in which any portion
of his lands are situated, with full postage paid, at least two weeks
before said hearing, or if unknown by publication at least once a week
for two successive weeks in the county in which said land in the district
may be located, and upon a hearing of objections thereto if made.
Said adjustment board, after said hearings, must make an order
approving such assessment as finally fixed or modified, which order shall
be filed with and entered in the records of the state engineer, and the
apportionment and determination of said adjustment board shall be
final and conclusive, and no action or defense shall ever be maintained
attacking the same in any respect. Two copies of said assessment roll
as finally fixed and approved by the adjustment board shall be forth-
with certified by the secretary of such adjustment board and transmitted
to the board of directors of the said district, who shall file one copy in
their records and thereupon immediately transmit to the county treas-
urer of each county within such district that portion of the roll relating
to the lands within such county, together with a copy of the order of
approval of such assessment roll by said adjustment board. Thereafter
said assessment roll shall be conclusive evidence before any court or
tribunal that said assessment has been made and levied according to law.
When the board of directors shall file with the county treasurer of a
county within such district the said assessment list or roll as finally
approved as hereinbefore provided the charges assessed thereby upon
the several tracts of land within the county shall contitute a lien thereon
which shall be prior to all other liens except state, county, and municipal
taxes, and assessments or taxes levied or assessed by or under statutory
authority, and shall impart notice thereof to all persons. "Where bonds
of such district have been issued upon any such assessment no act or
conduct on the part of such board of directors, or any officer herein
mentioned, shall invalidate any such assessment after the same shall
have become a lien in the manner herein provided. (Stats. 1923,
p. 946.)
Hearing as to benefits.
Fallbrook Irr. Dist. vs. Bradley, 164 U. S. 112;
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Provision for payment in full.
Sec. 20. The assessment list of each county must remain open for
payment in full in the office of the county treasurer of tlie respective
counties within the district for a period of thirty days ; and during
the time they so remain any person may pay the amount of the charge
a.ssessed any tract of land to the county treasurer in gold coin
of the United States or in warrants of the district drawn by the state
engineer or the board of directors, or the proper officers thereof.
Collection of unpaid assessments.
Sec. 21. At the end of thirty days the trea.surer must make return
to the board of directors of tlie distrit't of ;ill Msscssmciifs paid. All
unpaid assessments sliall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per
annum. Thereafter all unpaid assessments and accrued interest shall
be collected when and as called, and paid to the treasurer of the county
or counties, who shall collect and hold such moneys to the credit of the
district. Unless bonds shall have been authorized as hereinafter pro-
vided, all such payments shall be made in such amounts or installments
and at such times respectively as the said board, from time to time in
its discretion, by order entered in its minutes, may direct. Upon mak-
ing any order fixing and calling such installment or amount, the secre-
tary shall also enter in the minutes of the board, and certify to each
county treasurer for signature and mailing or publication in the coun-
ties in which any lands within the district are situated a notice in
substantially the following form:
Name: (Name) water storage district. (Location of the principal
place of business.) Notice is hereby given that, at a meeting of the
board of directors held on an installment of '
per cent of assessment number was ordered paid within sixty
days from the date thereof to the respective county treasurers of the
counties wherein lands of such districts are situate. Any installment
which shall remain unpaid on the (day fixed) will be delinquent,
together with the accrued interest thereon, with ten per cent of such
installment and interest added as penalty.
Treasurer of County.
Such notice must be sent through the mail, addressed to each owner
of land in the district at his place of residence if known or entered
upon the assessment roll of the district, and if not known, at the place
where the principal office of the district is situated, or in lieu thereof
such notice shall be published once a week for two successive weeks in
each such county.
If any such installment shall remain unpaid at the expiration of
said sixty days from the date of the order, then the said installment
of said assessment shall become delinquent, together with the accrued
interest thereon and a penalty of ten per cent of the amount of said
installment and interest shall be added thereto and collected for the
use of the district.
Immediately after the said installment has become delinquent the
said county treasurer or county treasurers must publish once a week
for two successive weeks in each county wherein lands of the district
are situate, in one notice a list of all delinquencies in such county,
which notice shall contain a description of the property assessed, the
name of the person to whom it is assessed or a statement that it is
assessed to unknown owners, if such is the fact, the amount then due
on said property, and a notice that the property assessed will be sold
on the date therein stated in front of the courthouse of said county to
pay the amount then due on said property. The date of said sale shall
not be less than ten days after the date of the last publication of said
notice. At the time stated in said notice, or such other time to which
said sale may have been postponed, the county treasurer must sell said
property to the highest bidder for gold coin of the United States. Out
of the proceeds of said sale the county treasurer must deposit the
amount due on said property as shown in said notice to the proper
fund of the said district. The county treasurer must pay to the owner
of said property any surplus remaining after said deposit to the credit
of the district, after first deducting any expense of sale. Except where
bonds have been issued upon an assessment the board of directors may
direct the county treasurer to postpone said sale from time to time for
not less than ten nor more than thirty days at one time, by a written
notice posted at the place of sale.
If no bid is made for said property equal to the amount due thereon,
it must be struck off to the district for the said amount so due. A cer-
tificate of such sale shall be executed by the county treasurer to the
purchaser, or to the district if the property shall have been struck off
to the district, and this certificate of sale shall be recorded in the office
of the county recorder of said county. Any person interested in said
property may redeem the same at any time within three years after
the date of said sale, by paying to the county treasurer the amount for
which the said property was sold, and interest on the said sum at the
rate of two per cent per month from the date of said sale, which
amount shall be credited to the proper fund of said district.
If no redemption shall be made within said three years, the purchaser
or the district, if the property shall have been sold to the district, shall
be entitled to a deed executed by the county treasurer or his successor
in office, and the effect of such deed shall be to convey said property
free and clear of all liens and incumbrances, except state, county and
municipal taxes, assessments or taxes levied or assessed by or under
statutory authority and any water storage district assessment or por-
tion thereof remaining unpaid at the date of said sale, each installment
whereof may be called and collected as herein provided. The board of
directors may sell such property sold to the district at any time at
public auction after notice given for the same period and in the same
manner as is herein provided for sale of delinquent assessments, but
not for a sum less than the amount for which said property was sold,
with interest at seven per cent per annum, and the deed executed in
pursuance of such sale shall convey said property free of all incum-
brances except as herein above provided for said deed by the countv
treasurer. (Stats. 1923, p. 950.)
Manner of making levy.
Sec. 22. Thereafter, whenever in the opinion of the board of
directors of the district, it shall be necessary to raise any sum for the
maintenance, repair, or operation of works of the said district, or for
the management and conduct thereof, the said board shall make an
order, which order shall be entered in the minutes of the board and
shall recite the total amount necessary to be raised, and shall fix a rate
designating the number of dollars or cents to be levied on each one
hundred dollars of the original assessment theretofore made by the
commissioners. Thereafter the board shall complete said assessment
by inserting upon supplementary assessment rolls the total amount
assessed against each respective tract or parcel of land to be assessed.
The supplemental assessment roll herein provided for shall be filed with
the county treasurer of each county of said district wherein lands of
such district are situate, and thereafter collected in the same manner
provided for the collection of the original assessment. The board of
directors may call the whole or any part of such supplementary assess-
ment in one installment, or may call the same in several installments.
The said report of the commissioners allocating the assessment levied
for the purposes of the construction and maintenance of the original
project, after having been approved and filed for record in each county
as aforesaid, shall continue in force as the basis for apportioning and
allocating subsequent assessments for construction, maintenance, repair,
or operation of the works of the project, and for the incidental expenses
of conducting the said district. All provisions of this act, with respect
to the levy and collection of assessments, shall be applicable to such
supplemental assessments.
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Special assessments, when and how made.
Sec. 23. In the event that the original assessment is insufficient to
provide for the completion of the project or if the board of directors
of the district should determine that it is for the best interests of the
land owners in the district to acquire property or construct works in
connection with said project which are not contemplated and covered
by the original plans and estimates herein provided for, the board of
directors is authorized to levy and collect a special and additional assess-
ment in the manner and proportions herein provided for other assess-
ments sufficient to complete the project or to acquire the property or
construct the works desired unless the estimated cost of such comple-
tion of the project or acquisition of property or construction of works
shall in the aggregate exceed ten per cent of the estimated cost of the
original project and in that event a statement of the work necessary
to be done to complete the project and the estimated cost thereof or
descriptions of such property to be so acquired, or additional plans
and specifications of such works, as the case may be, shall be prepared
by the board of directors and filed with the state engineer and there-
after the board of directors shall call a special election, to be held
within said district, at which shall be submitted to the owners of
assessed lands in the district the question whether or not the said prop-
erty shall be acquired or the additional works shall be constructed in
accordance with the plans so prepared as the case may be. If a major-
ity of the votes cast shall be in favor of acquiring the property or con-
structing the works the board of directors shall proceed to levy and
collect an assessment covering the cost thereof in the manner and pro-
portions herein provided for other assessments. Such election shall be
conducted, save and except as in this section otherwise specifically
provided, in accordance with the provisions of this act relating to other
elections in the district.
Tdrpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Bonds, when and in what manner and form issued and how validated,
certified, sold, paid, and proceeds accounted for.
Sec. 24. "Whenever in any water storage district any assessment
has been levied and assessed upon the lands of said district and remains
unpaid in whole or in part, and, in the judgment and opinion of the
board of directors of said district, it shall be for the best interest of
the district or the landowners therein to issue bonds for the purpose of
obtaining money to pay the costs of the proposed project, the indebted-
ness of the district, or any other lawful charge, or when a petition
signed by the owners of more than one-fourth of the total acreage of
the assessed land in the district requesting it is filed with the secretary
of said board, the board of directors of such district shall by order
entered upon the records of said board order a special election to be
held in said district, at which special election shall be submitted to the
owners of assessed land in said district the question whether or not
bonds of said district shall be issued in an amount equal to the amount
of such assessment, or the part of such assessment remaining unpaid,
which said amount shall be entered by said board of directors in its
records and stated by them in the order for such special election.
The notice of such special election must state in addition to other
statements required to be made therein, the aggregate face value of
bonds proposed to be issued. Only owners of lands which have been
assessed as provided herein shall be qualified to vote at such election.
Such election shall be conducted, save and except as in this section
otherwise specifically provided, in accordance with the provisions of this
act relating to other elections in the district.
The ballots cast at such election shall contain the words "Bonds —
Yes," or the w^ords "Bonds — No," and also the name of the person
casting the ballot, with the number of votes cast by him. A list of the
ballots cast shall be made by the board of election containing the name
of each voter, and if the ballot be cast by proxy also the name of the
person casting it, and the number of votes cast by each, and whether
the same be cast for or against the issuing of the bonds. At the close
of the polls the board of election shall at once proceed to canvass the
votes and declare the result and shall deliver a certificate showing such
result and the number of votes cast for and against the issuing of such
bonds to the county clerk of the county, and shall deliver a duplicate
thereof to the board of directors of the district, and shall also deliver
to the said county clerk all ballots cast at such election within said
county and all documents and papers used at such election, and except
as in this section specifically provided the provisions of this act with
reference to all matters pertaining to elections shall govern and con-
trol. The county clerks of the respective counties shall immediately
upon receipt of the ballots, papers, and documents from the board of
election certify to the board of directors at its oflSce a statement of the
result of said election held in each of said counties, with a statement
of the number of votes for and in favor of the proposition of ' ' Bonds —
Yes" and opposed "Bonds — No." The board of directors shall there-
upon in a certificate in writing recorded in their minutes declare that
the proposal to issue bonds has carried or has been defeated, and stat-
ing therein the vote cast throughout the entire district, and a duplicate
of such certificate shall be immediately transmitted to the state
If a majority of the votes cast at such election are in favor of the
issuance of bonds, the board of directors of the district shall cause
bonds in the amount stated in the order for the election to be executed
and delivered, together with the assessment list segregated as to coun-
ties within said district, to the treasurer of said district. Said bonds
shall be of the denomination of not less than one hundred dollars nor
more than one thousand dollars each ; they shall be signed by the presi-
dent of the board of directors of the district and attested by the
treasurer of said district, and shall be numbered consecutively in order
of their maturity, and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six
and one-half per cent per annum payable semiannually on the first day
of January and the first day of July in each year at the office of .said
treasurer, and at any other place within the United States which may
be designated by said board, upon the presentation of the proper
coupons therefor. Coupons for each installment of interest shall be
attached to said bonds and shall bear the facsimile signature of the
treasurer of said district. The principal of said bonds shall be made
payable on the first day of July, or the first day of January, and in
such years as the directors may prescribe. Said bonds shall be payable
serially within forty years from their date in the manner following,
to wit :
(1) Not less than ten per centum of the aggregate face value of
such bonds issued shall be payable within fifteen years from their date ;
(2) Not less than two and one-half per centum of the aggregate face
value of such bonds remaining unpaid at the end of fifteen years shall
be payable each year beginning with the sixteenth year from their
date, until the whole amount of said bonds has been paid.
Said bonds shall be substantially in the following form:
United States of America
State of California
('Name) water storage district.
Xo ^ $
(Name) water storage district for value received hereby acknowl-
edges itself indebted to and promises to pay to the holder hereof at
the office of the treasurer of said district, at (place) in the State of
California, on the first day of , the sum of $ in
gold coin of the United States of America, with interest thereon in
like gold coin from date hereof until paid, at the rate of
per cent per annum, payable at the office of said treasurer, or at (other
designated places), semiannually on the first day of January and the
first day of July in each year on presentation and surrender of the
interest coupons hereto attached, This bond is one of a series of
— bonds of like tenor and effect (except as to denomination and
maturity), numbered from to inclusive, amounting in
the aggregate to dollars, issued in accordance with the
provisions of an act known as "California water storage district act,"
duly passed and adopted (stating when) and of the laws of the State
of California, pursuant to an election held in said water storage dis-
trict on the day of , authorizing its issuance, and based
upon and secured by an assessment levied on the lands in said district,
and filed in the office of the county treasurers of the county (or coun-
ties) of on the day of , , and
the said water storage district does hereby certify and declare that said
election was duly called and held upon due notice, and the result
thereof was duly canvassed and ascertained, in pursuance of and in
strict conformity with the laws of the State of California applicable
thereto, and that all the acts and conditions and things required by
law to be done, precedent to and in the issue of said bonds have been
done and have been performed in regular and in due form and in
strict accordance with the provisions of the law authorizing the issu-
ance of water storage district bonds.
In testimony whereof, the said district, by its board of director'?, has
caused this bond to be signed by the president of said board and
attested by the treasurer of said district, with the official seal of said
district affixed this day of
President of said board.
And the interest coupons may be substantially in the following
No $
The treasurer of (name) water storage district, California, will pay
to the holder hereof on the day of , ,
at his office at (place in the State of California, or at designated
places), the sum of $ , in gold coin of the United States, out
of the funds of (name) water storage district for interest on bond of
said district numbered
The treasurer of said district shall place the bonds prepared pursuant
to this act to the credit of the district. Therafter when directed by
resolution of the board of directors of the district, the treasurer shall
sell the whole or any designated number of said bonds for the best price
obtainable, but in no event for less than ninety per ceot of the face value
of said bonds and the accrued interest thereon. Before making a sale
of said bonds, notice shall be given by the said treasurer by publication
at least once a week for two successive weeks in the county in which the
office of said district is located, that he will sell a specified amount of
said bonds, and stating the day, hour, and place of such sale, and asking
sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds, or any part thereof.
At the time appointed said treasurer shall open the bids and award the
bonds to the highest responsible bidder. The treasurer upon written
request of a majority of the directors must reject any or all bids. Any
sale by the treasurer and delivery of the bonds thereunder shall be
conclusive evidence in favor of the purchaser and all subsequent holders
of the bonds that such sale was made upon due authority and notice.
The proceeds of sale of said bonds shall be placed in the treasuries of
the respective counties in which land included in the district is situate to
the amount of the unpaid assessment in each county and credited to the
bond fund of the district, and a proper record of such transaction shall
be made upon the books of said treasurer. At any time within thirty
days after the issue of any bonds as the result of such election an
action may be commenced in the superior court of any said counties by
the board of directors of said water storage district in the name of the
district as plaintiff, and the defendants shall be described as *'all per-
sons claiming any interest in any lands within the said (name) water
storage district," to have it determined that said bonds are a legal
obligation of such water storage district, and in the event no such action
is brought then the same may be commenced by any land owner in the
district within thirty days after the expiration of the period within
which said action might have been brought by the board of directors.
It shall be sufficient to describe said lands as all lands in the district
(naming it) without a more specific description. The summons shall
be published once a week for two successive weeks in the county where
the action is pending. Within thirty days after the first publication of
summons any owner of land in such district or any person interested
may appear and answer the complaint, which answer shall set forth the
facts relied upon to show the invalidity of said bonds. The default of
all defendants not so appearing may be entered. Such action shall be
given precedence in hearing and trial over all other civil actions in such
court, and judgment rendered declaring such matter so contested either
valid or invalid. Any party not in default may have the right to appeal
to the supreme court within thirty days after the entry of judgment.
Judgment for the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be considered as a
judgment in rem and shall be conclusive against said district and against
all lands therein, and all owners thereof and other interested persons.
All moneys collected by a county treasurer upon any assessment upon
which bonds shall have been issued, including all moneys derived from
sale of land for delinquent installments, or from redemption thereof, or
from sale of lands bought by such treasurer at any such sale as trustee
of the bond fund of the district, shall be by such treasurer forthwith
paid into the county treasury of the county from which the same arose
to the credit of the bond fund of such water storage district, and shall
be used exclusively for the payment of principal and interest of said
bonds issued on such assessment.
Whenever the board of directors shall by resolution declare that it
deems it desirable that any contemplated or outstanding bonds of a
water storage district organized under this act, including any bonds of
such district authorized but not sold, shall be made available for the
purpose provided for in section seven of an act of the legislature of the
State of California entitled "An act relating to bonds of irrigation
districts, providing under what circumstances such bonds shall be legal
investments for funds of banks, insurance companies, and trust com-
panies, trust funds, state school funds and any money or funds which
may now or hereafter be invested in bonds of cities, cities and counties,
counties, school districts or municipalities, and providing under what
circumstances the use of bonds of irrigation districts as security for
the performance of any act may be authorized," approved June 13,
1913, as amended, the said board of directors shall thereupon file a
certified copy of such resolution with the commission created by, and
provided for in, said act of June 13, 1913, which commission, and the
state controller in connection therewith, are hereby given the same
power and authority in respect of the investigation and certification of
bonds issued under this act as is given to them in respect of the investi-
gation and certification of irrigation district bonds by said act, as
amended, except as the same may be limited by, or inconsistent with,
any provision of this act, and bonds of water storage districts provided
for in this act which have been so investigated and certified and by
authority of such investigation and certification are declared to be legal
investments for the purposes stated in said act of June 13, 1913, as
amended, may be lawfully purchased, or received in pledge for loans by
savings banks, trust companies, insurance companies, guardians,
executors, administrators, and special administrators, or by any public
oflScer or ofiicers of this state or of any county, city, or city and county,
or other municipal or corporate body within this state having or holding
funds which they are allowed by law to invest or loan ; provided, how-
ever, that where said irrigation district bond commission has passed
upon one issue of bonds of districts formed hereunder, that all subse-
quent issues of said districts shall be submitted to said commission as in
said act provided.
The lien of any unpaid assessment upon which bonds shall have been
issued shall continue until all said bonds shall have been paid in full,
and if for any reason any part of the principal or interest of said bonds
shall remain unpaid after enforcement of said assessment as in this act
provided, the board of directors shall order an additional or supple-
mental assessment to be made as provided in this act sufficient to pay
such unpaid principal and interest; which additional or supplemental
assessment shall be enforced and collected in the same manner as the
original assessment.
If any district having authorized the issuance of a series of bonds
shall issue an additional series of bonds based on another assessment,
the dates of maturity of such additional series of bonds shall be such
that the latest maturities thereof shall not exceed fifty years and the
earliest maturity of bonds of such additional series shall be later than
the latest maturity of bonds of any earlier series. All provisions of this
section relative to the original issue of bonds shall apply to such addi-
tional series of bonds.
Upon a sale of any of the bonds provided herein the treasurer of the
district is hereby authorized to accept in payment for said bonds, either
in whole or in part, outstanding warrants of such district at their face
value, together with the accrued interest thereon.
Where bonds of the district have been authorized to be issued on such
assessments all unpaid assessments shall bear interest at the rate of
seven per cent per annum from the date of the bonds issued thereon
until such bonds shall have been fully paid and discharged, and the
interest due at any time on said unpaid assessments may be called
without calling any installment of the said assessment. The word install-
ment as used in this section shall be construed as applying to interest
as well as to principal as the case may be.
At least ninety days before any interest date of the bonds, the
treasurer of the district shall certify to the county treasurer of each
county in which lands of the district are situated an estimate of the
amount of the amount of money and the percentage of the assessment
together with the interest thereon, or only of the interest, necessary to
pay interest and principal or the interest maturing on such interest date
after crediting thereon the funds in the treasury applicable to the pay-
ment thereof to be collected by such county treasurer, and shall add
thereto fifteen per cent of such aggregate sum to cover possible delin-
quencies, and each said county treasurer shall thereupon cause to be
published, once a week for two successive weeks in the county of which
he is county treasurer, a notice substantially in the following form :
(Name of water storage district). Notice is hereby given that an
installment of assessment (describing it) or (amount or proportion
thereof including interest thereon or only for interest) is payable within
thirty days from date by all assessed landowners of said district in the
county of (name of county) to the treasurer of said county. All or any
part of said installment of interest which remains unpaid on the (day
fixed) will be delinquent, together with accrued interest thereon, with
ten per cent of such installment and interest added as penalty.
Treasurer of County.
If no newspaper is published in said county, such publication shall
be made in a newspaper published in an adjoining county. If any part
of such installment or any interest thereon shall remain unpaid at the
expiration of thirty days from the date of said notice, it shall become
delinquent and ten per cent of the unpaid amount of said installment
and interest shall be added thereto and collected by said county
treasurer. When any installment shall have become delinquent, said
treasurer shall, within ten days, publish in said county once a week for
two successive weeks a notice containing a description of each parcel of
land assessed in the district in said county wherein such installment is
delinquent, as such description appears on the assessment list, the name
of the person to whom it is assessed, to unknown owners, if such is the
fact; the amount of the installment delinquent on such parcel, the
amount of interest thereon reckoned to the day of sale, the amount of
said ten per cent penalty thereon, and a notice that each of said parcels
will be sold at public auction by said county treasurer in front of the
courthouse of said county, at a specified day and hour, which shall not
be less than thirty nor more than sixty days from the date of delin-
quency, to pay said delinquent installment, with said accrued interest
and penalty. At the time stated in said notice, the county treasurer
shall sell each parcel of land described in said notice to the highest bid-
der, unless prior thereto he shall have received payment in full of said
delinquent installment, together with interest and penalty. No bid for
any parcel shall be accepted less than the aggregate sum then due on
said installment thereon with interest and penalty, and such sale shall
be made for cash, except the treasurer may receive from any purchaser
at their face value in lieu of cash bonds of said district or their interest
coupons, issued on said assessment and then matured or to mature
within sixty days after such sale. Any bond or coupon so received in
payment shall be by the county treasurer forthwith canceled and filed in
the office of the treasurer of the district. If the entire amount of such
bond or coupon tendered in payment shall not be required to complete
payment of the purchase money, the county treasurer shall endorse
thereon as paid the amount of such purchase money credited thereon.
If no bid is made for any parcel at such sale equal to the amount of
the installment delinquent thereon, with interest and penalty, the county
treasurer shall bid in and sell said parcel to himself and his successors
in office, as trustee of the bond fund of said district, as purchaser, for
the amount of said installment, interest, and penalty. The county
treasurer shall execute to each purchaser, including himself as trustee
a certificate of sale, and shall record a duplicate in the county recorder 's
office. Any person interested in the said property may redeem the
same at any time within three years after the date of sale by paying
to the county treasurer for such purpose a sum equal to the purchase
price stated in the certificate, with interest thereon at the rate of twelve
per cent per annum from the date of sale to such redemption. If no
redemption shall be made within three years, the said county treasurer
upon demand and surrender of such certificate of purchase, shall
execute to the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, a deed of conveyance of
the parcel of land described in such certificate, which deed shall convey
to the grantee therein named the said land free and clear of all encum-
brances, except state, county and municipal taxes, assessments or taxes
levied or assessed by or under statutory authority, and any water stor-
age district assessment, or portion thereof, remaining unpaid at the date
of said sale each installment whereof may be called and collected as
herein provided, except that no parcel sold and conveyed to the district
shall thereafter be subject to sale by the county treasurer for delinquent
installments. Every deed by a county treasurer purporting to be
executed under this section shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of
the matters therein recited, and of ownership by the grantee of the lands
therein described. The county treasurer of each county shall credit
to the bond fund of the district all moneys collected by him by sale or
otherwise, upon assessments against which bonds shall have been issued,
including interest and penalties, and he shall likewise credit to said
fund the amounts of purchase money paid in bonds or coupons on sales
made under said assessment. Each county treasurer shall charge to the
general fund of the district, or to the bond fund if he has no money to
the credit of the general fund, the expense of publication of notices and
of recording certificates of sale, and shall notify the treasurer of the
district thereof. The county treasurer shall transmit to the treasurer
of the district all canceled bonds and coupons received in payment on
any delinquent sale, and a memorandum of all sums endorsed as paid
upon account of purchase money on any bonds or coupons, specifying
the same. All moneys collected by any county treasurer upon account
of an assessment on which bonds shall not have been issued shall be
similarly accounted for to the treasurer of the district, and shall be
credited to the general fund of the district. Any parcel of land bid in
and purchased by any county treasurer as aforesaid, as trustee of the
bond fund of the district, may be sold and conveyed by him or his
successor in office at any time after the expiration of said redemption
period of three years, at public or private sale and with or without
notice, to any person paying him the amount for which said parcel was
bid in by said treasurer at delinquent sale, with interest thereon at the
rate of seven per cent per annum, compounded yearly, from the date of
said delinquent sale, and also the amount of all subsequent installments
then delinquent, with accrued interest and penalties thereon. Such
payment may be made either in cash or in matured bonds and coupons
issued on said assessment, taken at their face value, and such treasurer
shall execute a deed to such purchaser upon such sale, conveying said
property free of encumbrances, except as hereinbefore provided for
deeds where no redemption is made. If any land so held by a county
treasurer as trustee of the bond fund of a district shall remain unsold
after the final installment of the assessment shall have been collected by
payment or sale, then each such treasurer shall sell all said land so held
by him at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, notice of which
sale shall be given by publication once a week for two successive weeks
in some newspaper published in the county in which said land is
situated, and shall deposit the proceeds of such sale in the treasury of
the county to the credit of the bond fund of the district. Any balance
remaining in such bond fund, after payment in full of the principal
and interest of all outstanding bonds of the district, shall be by the
treasurer transferred to the general fund of the district. The county
treasurer of each of the several counties shall report all transactions of
delinquencies and sales to the treasurer of the district who shall keep a
record thereof in the office of the district. (Stats. 1923, p. 952.)
General powers.
Sec. 25. The board of directors shall have the power and it shall be
its duty to manage and conduct the business and affairs of the district ;
to adopt a seal ; to make and execute all necessary contracts ; to employ
and appoint such agents, officers, and employees as may be required.
and prescribe their duties. The board and its agents shall have the
right to enter upon any lands to make surveys, locate works, or for any
other necessary and lawful purpose. The board shall have the power
to construct, maintain, improve, and operate the necessary dams, reser-
voirs, canals, and works for the storage and distribution of water, and
any drainage or reclamation works connected therewith, and to provide
for the generation and distribution of hydro-electric energy incidental
to such storage and distribution and shall have the power to sell, dis-
tribute, or otherwise dispose of, such water, water rights, and hydro-
electric energy as may not be necessary for the uses and purposes of
said district. The board shall also have the right to acquire by pur-
chase, lease, contract, or other legal means, all lands, waters, water
rights, or any use thereof or interest therein, and any other property or
rights by it deemed necessary for the construction, maintenance,
improvement, and operation of the works or the carrying out of the
project of the district, whether the same be in this or another state or
foreign nation, including the property and rights of private owners,
and stocks of other corporations domestic or foreign, and may give in
payment therefor bonds of such district upon such terms and conditions
as the board of directors may deem best; provided, Jiowfver, that no
bonds shall be so used at a valuation less than ninety per cent of the
face value of the same and the accrued interest thereon. Said board
may also enter into, and do any acts necessary or proper for the per-
formance of, any agreement with the United States or with any state,
county, district, public corporation, or municipality of any kind, for a
purpose appertaining to or beneficial to the project of the district, and
may acquire the right to store water in any reservoir, or to carry water
through any canal, ditch, or conduit within or without this state not
owned or controlled by the district and may grant to the owner or
lessee of a right to the use of any water permission to store such water
in any reservoir of the district or to carry such water through any canal,
ditch, or conduit of the district. The said board is hereby authorized
and empowered to take conveyances, leases, contracts, or other assur-
ances for all property acquired by it under the provisions of this act, in
the name of such district, to and for the uses and purposes herein
expressed, and to institute and maintain any and all actions and pro-
ceedings, suits at law, or in equity necessary or proper in order to fully
carry out the provisions of this act, or to enforce, maintain, protect or
preserve any and all rights, privileges, and immunities created by this
act or acquired in pursuance thereof. All contracts and other docu-
ments executed by the board shall be signed by the president and by the
secretary. And in aU actions, suits or proceedings, the said board may
sue, appear, and defend in person or by attorneys, and in the name of
such district. The board of directors shall have power whenever it
deems it necessary for its own guidance or for the best interests of the
district to submit any question or proposition relating to the construc-
tion, maintenance, improvement, or operation of the works or the carry-
ing out of the project of the district, to the qualified voters of the dis-
trict at any general election or at a special election called for the
purpose, which election shall be in all respects conducted as is provided
for other elections in the district. The said board shall have power
generally to perform all such acts as may be necessary to fully carry
out the purposes of this act. (Stats. 1923, p. 960.)
Power of condemnation.
Sec. 26. The board of directors shall have the right and power to
acquire by condemnation all lands, waters, water rights, or any use
thereof or interest therein, and any other property or rights by it
deemed necessary for the construction, maintenance, improvement, and
operation of the works, or the carrying out of the project of the district.
In case of condemnation proceedings the board shall proceed in the
name of the district under the provisions of section fourteen of article
one as amended of the constitution of the State of California, and title
seven, part three of the Code of Civil Procedure of California and all
pleadings, proceedings, and process in said title provided shall be
applicable to the condemnation proceeding hereunder.
Construction and maintenance of works.
Sec. 27. The board of directors shall proceed to carrj' out the
project of the district in accordance with the plans and specifications of
the duly approved and adopted report of said board. Before making
any contract for the construction of any works in carrying out said
project, or for the subsequent maintenance, improvement, or operation
thereof, said board shall advertise for bids. When such work is to be
done said board shall give notice by publication thereof iu the county
in which the office of the board is located once a week for four suc-
cessive weeks, calling for bids for the same. If less than the whole
work provided for in said plans and specifications is to be done and
advertised, the portion to be done must be particularly described in
such notice. Said notice shall set forth that plans and specifications of
the work to be done can be seen at the office of the board, and that the
board will receive sealed proposals therefor, and that the contract will
be let to the lowest responsible bidder, stating the time and place for
opening said proposals, which, at the time and place appointed shall be
opened in public ; and as convenient thereafter the board shall let said
work either in portions or as a whole, to the lowest responsible bidder;
or it may reject any or all bids and readvertise for proposals or may
proceed to construct the work under its own superintendence; pro-
vided, that in case of emergency or urgent necessity the board of
directors, by unanimous vote of those present at any regular or special
meeting, may award contracts without advertising for bids, but the
amount of any contract so awarded shall not exceed ten thousand dol-
lars. Contracts for the purchase of materials only shall be awarded
to the lowest responsible bidder. Any person or persons to whom a
contract may be awarded shall enter into a bond, with good and suf-
ficient sureties, to be approved by the board, payable to said district for
its use, for twenty-five per cent of the amount of the contract price,
conditioned for the full and faithful performance of said contract.
The work shall be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of,
and be approved by the board.
Payment of claims.
Sec. 28. All claims against the district shall be paid by warrants of
said district. To provide a fund for that purpose the board of directors
may from time to time draw from the general fund deposited and kept
to the credit of the district in the office of the county treasurer of a
county having funds belonging to the district in his possession such
sums as may be necessary for said purpose, which said sums shall be
deposited with the treasurer of the district and paid out by him upon
warrants of the district, and he shall report to the board of directors
in writing at its regular meeting in each month the amount of money
in the district treasury and the amount of receipts and the amount
and items of expenditures for the month preceding, which said report
shall be verified and filed with the secretarv of the board. (Stats.
1923, p. 961.)
Reports to state engineer of work done.
Sec. 29. During the construction of any works in carrying out the
project of any water storage district the board of directors of such
district shall, within one week after each regular meeting of said board,
forward to the state engineer a report of the progress of such con-
struction together with a statement of the amount, or amounts, paid for
the doing of such work. The board of directors at their regular
monthly meeting in Januarj^ of each year shall render and immediately
thereafter cause to be published in the county where the office of said
board is situated at least once a week for two successive weeks a verified
statement of the financial condition of the district, showing particu-
larly the receipts and disbursements of the last preceding year, together
with the source of such receipts and purpose of such disbursements.
Immediately after the publication of said statement the board of
directors shall cause a copy thereof accompanied by a report stating
the progress of the work under construction and the general condition
of the project and whether or not the same is being successfully and
satisfactorily carried out, and any other matter which the board may
deem proper, to be filed with the state engineer, who shall examine said
statement and report and make to the board of directors such recom-
mendations and comments as he may deem proper and may publish
said recommendations and comments in such manner as may be deemed
advisable. Said state engineer may at any time make or cause to be
made an examination of the affairs of any water storage district within
the state or call upon the board of directors of such district for such
information as he may desire, and may make and publish such report
thereon as he may deem advisable.
Right of way privileges.
Sec. 30. The board of directors shall have power to construct the
said works across or intersecting any stream of water, water-course,
street, avenue, highway, railway, canal, ditch, or flume, in such manner
as to afford security for life and property ; but said board shall restore
the same, when so crossed or intersected, to its former state as near as
may be, or in a sufficient manner not to have impaired unnecessarily
its usefulness; and every company whose railroad shall be intersected
or crossed by said works shall unite with said board in forming said
intersections and crossings, and grant the privileges aforesaid; and if
such railroad company and said board, or the owners and controllers
of said property, thing, or franchise to be so crossed, can not agree upon
the amount to be paid therefor, or the points or the matter of said
crossings or intersections, the same shall be ascertained and determined
in all respects as is herein provided in respect to the taking of land.
The right of way is hereby given, dedicated, and set apart for the
location, construction, and maintenance of said works over and through
any of the lands which are now or may be the property of this state;
and also there is given, dedicated, and set apart, for the uses and pur-
poses aforesaid, all waters and water rights belonging to this state
within the district.
Compensation of officers.
Sec. 31. The members of the board of directors when sitting as a
board or acting under the orders of the board, shall each receive not to
exceed ten dollars per day and ten cents per mile for each mile actually
traveled from his place of residence to the office of the board, and
actual and necessary expenses paid while engaged in official business
under the order of the board. The board shall fix the compensation to
be paid to all other officers and employees named in this act, to be
paid out of the treasury of the district, except as herein otherwise
Officers not to be interested in contracts.
Sec. 32. No director or any other officer named in this act shall in
any manner be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract
awarded or to be awarded by the board, or in the profits to be derived
therefrom; and for any violation of this provision, such officer shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and conviction shall work a forfeiture
of his office, and he shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hun-
dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six
months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Incurring indebtedness.
Sec. 33. The board of directors or other officers of the district
shall have no power to incur any debt or liability whatever, either by
issuing bonds or otherwise, in excess of the express provisions of this
act ; and any debt or liabilitj^ incurred in excess of such provisions shall
be and remain absolutely void ; provided, that nothing contained in this
section shall be construed as limiting the right of the board to enter into
any contract for the use of or lease for any lands, water, water rights,
or other property, as in this act provided, and by such lease or contract
to bind the district for the payment of the rental or consideration
specified in such lease or contract.
Distribution of water under certain conditions.
Sec. 34. In the event the volume of the water under the control of
the district is so diminished that the distribution thereof in accordance
with the apportionment of such water as finally made and approved
by the adjustment board as prescribed in section nineteen of this act,
will not, in the judgment of the board of directors, result in an
economical, efficient, and beneficial use of such water, said board shall
have the power to distribute in a just and equitable manner the water
available, in such manner, at and for such times, and in such quantities,
as in the judgment of said board, will best promote the interests of said
district, due regard being had to the rights of the respective parties
thereto as determined by the assessment and apportionment of the com-
missioners provided for in section nineteen of this act as equalized by
the adjustment board provided for in said section. (Stats. 1923,
p. 962.)
Establishment of precincts.
Sec. 35. The board of directors of a water storage district shall
establish a convenient number of election precincts in the district and
define the boundaries thereof and at least one such precinct must be
established for each division of the district, and said board whenever
it is deemed advisable for the best interests of the district and the
convenience of the voters may at any time, but not less than sixty days
before an election to be held in the district, change the boundaries of
any such election precinct, which changes when made must be entered
upon the minutes of the board.
Qualification of voters.
Sec. 36. Only the holders of title or evidence of title to lands situ-
ated within the district shall be entitled to vote at a general election,
and every such holder of title or evidence of title shall be entitled to
vote, in person or as hereinafter provided, in each precinct in which
any of the lands so owned by him are situated and to cast one vote for
each one hundred dollars', or fraction thereof, worth of land in said
precinct so owned by him. Each male or female voter over the age of
twenty-one years shall be entitled to vote in person or by proxy. Any
guardian, administrator, or executor, of a person or estate owning land
within the district shall be considered the holder of title or evidence
of title to such lands for the purposes of this act, where the owner in
fee is not entitled to vote. Any corporation holding title or evidence
of title to lands within the district shall be entitled to vote as such land
owner through any officer or agent thereunto duly authorized in writ-
ing under the seal of the corporation. Ent^^'men upon public lands
situated within the district shall be considered as the holders of title
or evidence of title to such lands for the purposes of this act. No
person shall vote by proxy unless his authority to cast such vote shall
be evidenced by an instrument in writing duly acknowledged and
certified in the same manner as grants of real property and filed with
the board of election. (Stats. 1923, p. 962.)
Elections, when held ; officers to be elected.
Sec. 37. An election, which shall l)e known as the general water
storage district election, shall be held in each water storage district ou
the first Wednesday in February in each odd-numbered year, at which
a successor shall be chosen to each officer whose term shall expire in
March next thereafter. The person receiving the highest number of
votes for each office to be filled at such election shall be elected thereto.
The term of oflSce of each elective officer of the district elected after
the election on organization provided for in section seven of this act
shall be four years, or until his successor is elected and has qualified.
Notice of election; appointment of election officers.
Sec. 38. Twenty days before a general election held under this act,
the secretary of the board of directors shall cause notices to be posted
in three public places in each election precinct, of the time and place
of holding the election, and shall also post a general notice of the same
in the office of said board specifying the polling places of each precinct.
Affidavits of the publication and posting of such notice must be filed
with the county clerk of each county in the district, together with a
copy of the order calling the election certified by the president of the
board of directors, and duplicates filed with the board of directors.
Prior to the time for posting the notices, the board must appoint for
each precinct, from the voters thereof, one inspector and two judges,
who shall constitute a board of election for such precinct. If the board
fail to appoint a board of election, or the members appointed do not
attend at the opening of the polls on the morning of election, the
voters of the precinct present at that hour may appoint the board, or
supply the place of an absent member thereof. The board of directors
must, in its order appointing the board of election, designate the place
within the precinct where the election must be held.
Nominating petitions.
Sec. 39. Not less than ten days before the election, any ten or more
qualified voters in any division of the district may file with the board
of directors a petition, requesting that certain persons, specified in such
petition, be placed on the ballot as candidates for the office named in
the petition. The names proposed by the various petitions so filed, and
no others, shall be printed on the ballots. But there shall be sufficient
blank spaces left in which voters may write other names if they so
desire. The petitions shall be preserved in the office of the secretary
of the district.
Election officers, powers and duties of.
Sec. 40. The inspector is chairman of the election board and may
administer all oaths required in the process of an election: and
appoint judges if, during the progress of the election, any judge ceases
to act. Any member of the board of election may administer and
certify oaths required to be administered during the progress of an
election. Before opening the polls, each member of the board must
take and subscribe an oath to faithfully perform the duties imposed
upon him by law. Any voter of the precinct may administer and
certify such oath. The polls must be opened at eight am. on the
morning of the election, and be kept open until four p.m., when the
same must be closed.
Ballots and manner of voting.
Sec. 41. The ballot used at the election shall be provided by the
board of directors, and one of the judges of election shall deliver to
each of the qualified voters one of the ballots so provided. The ballots
shall have printed on them the names of all candidates whose names
have been filed as provided in this act, with a voting square behind each
name; provided, that the ballots in each division of thf» district shall
have on them names of persons to be voted for as director to represent
that division only, and no director shall be elected by the district at
large. The names shall be arranged in groups, alphabetically, under
the designation of the oflSce for which each person named is a candidate.
Each voter shall stamp a cross, with a rubber stamp to be provided by
the board of directors, in the square behind the name of each candi-
date he wishes to vote for. Each ballot cast shall contain the name of
the person casting the ballot with the number of votes cast by him. A
list of the ballots cast shall be made by the board of election containing
the names of each voter, and if the ballot be east by proxy the name
of the person casting it, the number of votes cast by each, and whether
the same be cast for or against the proposition submitted at the election.
Voting and counting of votes.
Sec. 42. Voting may commence as soon as the polls are opened, and
may be continued during all the time the polls remain opened, and
shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with the
provisions of the general election laws of this state. As soon as all
votes are counted, a certificate shall be drawn upon each of the papers
containing the poll lists and tallies, or attached thereto, stating the
number of votes each one voted for has received, and designating the
office to fill which he was voted for, which number shall be written in
figures and in words at full length. Each certificate shall be signed
by a judge and the inspector. One of said certificates, with the poll
list and the tally paper to which it is attached, shall be retained by the
inspector, and preserved by him at least six months. The ballots shall
be strung upon a cord or thread by the inspector, during the counting
thereof, in the order in which they are entered upon the tally list by
the judges ; and said ballots, together with the other of said certificates,
with the poll list and tally paper to which it is attached, shall be
sealed by the inspector in the presence of the judges and indorsed
"Election returns of (naming the precinct) precinct," and be directed
to the secretary of the board of directors, and shall be immediately
delivered by the inspector, or by some other safe and responsible carrier
designated by said inspector, to said secretary, and the ballots shall be
kept unopened for at least six months; and if any qualified voter of
the district be of the opinion that the vote of any precinct has not been
correctly counted, he may appear on the day appointed for the board
of directors to open and canvass the returns, and demand a recount
of the vote of the precinct that is so claimed to have been incorrectly
counted. No list, tally paper, or certificate returned from any election
shall be set aside or rejected for want of form, if it can be satisfactorily
Canvass of votes.
Sec. 43. The board of directors must meet at its usual place of
meeting on the first Monday after each election to canvass the returns.
If, at the time of meeting, the returns from each precinct in the district
in which the polls were opened have been received, the board of
directors must then and there proceed to canvass the returns ; but if all
the returns have not been received, the canvass must be postponed from
day to day until all the returns have been received, or until six post-
ponements have been had. The canvass must be made in public and
by opening the returns and ascertaining the vote of the district for
each person voted for, and declaring the result thereof.
Statement of results; vacancy in office, how filled.
Sec. 44. The secretary of the board of directors must, as soon as
the result is declared, enter in the records of such board a statement of
such result, which statement must show: (a) the whole number of
votes cast in the district, and in each division of the district; (&) the
names of the persons voted for; (c) the office to fill which each person
was voted for; (d) the number of votes given in each precinct to each
of such persons;* (e) the number of votes given in each division for
the office of director, and the number of votes given in the district for
the office of treasurer. The board of directors must declare elected as
director the person having the highest number of votes for that office
in each division, and as treasurer the person having the highest number
of votes in the district. The secretary must immediately make out
and deliver to such persons certificates of election, signed by him, and
authenticated with the seal of the board.
In case of a vacancy in the office of treasurer, the vacancy shall be
filled by appointment of the board of directors; provided, that if said
board of directors shall neglect or refuse to make such appointment
within a period of forty days, then the state engineer shall make such
appointment. In case of a vacancy in the office of director, the vacancy
shall be filled by appointment by the state engineer from the division
in which the vacancy occurred. An officer appointed as above provided
shall hold his office for the remainder of the unexpired term to fill
which he is appointed, and until his successor is elected and qualified.
Official bonds.
Sec. 45. "Within ten days after receiving their certificates of elec-
tion herein provided for, said officers shall take and subscribe the
official oath, and file the same in the office of the board of directors, and
execute the bond hereinafter provided for. The treasurer of the district
shall execute an official bond in the sum of fifty thousand dollars to be
approved by the board of directors ; provided, that the board may, if it
shall be deemed advisable, fix the bond of the treasurer to suit the con-
ditions of the district, the maximum amount thereof not to exceed fifty
thousand dollars, and the minimum amount thereof not to be less than
ten thousand dollars. Each member of the board of directors shall
execute an official bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, which said
bonds shall be approved by a judge of the superior court and shall be
recorded in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the
office of the board is situated, and filed with the secretary of said board.
All official bonds herein provided for shall be made payable to the
proper water storage district and shall be in the form prescribed by
law for the official bonds of county officers and the premiums thereon
may be paid by the district ; provided, that in case any district organized
under this act is appointed fiscal agent of the United States or by the
United States in connection with any federal reclamation project, each
of said officers shall execute a further and additional official bond in
such sum as the secretary of the interior may require, conditioned for
the faithful discharge of the duties of his office and the faithful dis-
charge of the district of its duties as fiscal or other agent of the United
States under any such appointment or authorization, and any such
bond may be sued upon by the United States or any person injured by
the failure of such officers of the district to fully, promptly, and com-
pletely perform their respective duties. (Stats. 1923, p. 962.)
If election not held, provision for special election.
Sec. 46. If an election is not held as herein provided, then upon the
filing of a petition with the secretary of the board of directors of such
district, signed by the owners of more than fifteen per. cent of the total
assessed valuation of the lands within the district, requesting that a
special election be called for the election of such officers, the directors
of such district shall thereupon call a special election thereof for the
election of such officers, such election to be held within not less than
fifteen, nor more than thirty days after the filing of such petition.
(Stats. 1923, p. 963.)
Beginning of terms of officers; organization of board of directors.
Sec. 47. At noon of the first Tuesday in March next following their
election, except as provided in section twelve of this act, the officers
who shall have been elected at the preceding general district election
shall enter upon the duties of their respective offices. On the first
Tuesday in March next following each election, the directors shall
meet and organize as a board, elect a president and appoint a secretary,
who shall eacli hold office during the pleasure of the board.
Recall of officers.
Sec. 48. The holder of any elective office of any district may be
removed or recalled at any time by the voters; provided, he has held
his office at least six months. The procedure to effect such removal or
recall shall be as follows: A petition demanding the election of a suc-
cessor to the person sought to be removed shall be filed with the secre-
tary of the board of directors of such district, which petition shall be
signed by qualified voters constituting at least twenty-five per cent of
the highest vote cast within such district for candidates for the office,
the incumbent of which is sought to be removed, at the last general
election in such district at which an incumbent of such office was
elected, or, in the case of the removal of the incumbent of an office
elected by a subdivision of such district, such petition shall be signed by
fl, like percentage of qualified voters of such subdivision computed upon
the total number of votes cast in such subdivision for all candidates
for the office, the incumbent of which is sought to be removed, at the
last general election in such subdivision at which an incumbent of such
office was elected; and said petition shall contain a statement of the
grounds on which the removal or recall is sought, which statement is
intended solely for the information of the voters. Any insufficien.^y
of form or substance in such statement shall in no wise affect the
validity of the election and proceedings held thereunder. The signa-
tures to the petition need not all be appended to one paper. Each
signer shall add to his signature his place of residence, giving the
precinct, and if within a town having named streets and numbered
houses, street and number. Each such separate paper shall have
attached thereto an affidavit made by a qualified voter of the district
and sworn to before an officer competent to administer oaths, stating
that the affiant circulated that particular paper and saw written the
signatures appended thereto; and that according to the best informa-
tion and belief of the affiant, each is the genuine signature of the person
whose name purports to be thereunto subscribed and of a qualified
voter of the district. Within ten days from the date of filing such
petition, the secretary of the board shall examine and from the records
of qualified voters ascertain whether or not said petition is signed by
the requisite number of such qualified voters, and he shall attach to
said petition his certificate showing the result of said examination. If
by the said certificate the petition is shown to be insufficient, it may be
supplemented within ten days from the date of such certificate, by the
filing of additional papers, duplicates of the original petition except as
to the names signed. The secretary shall, within ten days after such
supplementing papers are filed, make like examination of a supple-
menting petition, and if a certificate shall show that all the names to
such petition, including the supplemental papers, are still insufficient,
no action shall be taken thereon; but the petition shall remain on
file as a public record; and the failure to secure sufficient names shall
be without prejudice to the filing later of an entirely new petition to
the same effect. If the petition shall be found to be sufficient, the
secretary shair submit the same to the board of directors without delay,
whereupon the board shall forthwith cause a special election to be held
within not less than thirty-five nor more than forty days after the date
of the order calling such election, to determine whether the voters will
recall such officer; provided, that if a general water storage district
election is to occur within sixty days from the date of the order calling
for such election, the board may in its discretion postpone the holding
of such election to such general election or submit such recall election
at any such general election for officers of such district occurring not
less than thirty-five days after such order. If a vacancy occur in said
office after a recall petition is filed, the election shall nevertheless
proceed as in this section provided. One petition is sufficient to pro-
pose a removal and election of one or more elective officials. One
election is competent for the removal and election of one or more
elective officials. Nominations for any office under such recall election
shall be made in the manner prescribed by section thirty-nine of this
There shall be printed on the recall ballot, as to every officer whose
recall is to be voted on thereat, the following question: "Shall (name
of person against whom the recall petition is filed) be recalled from the
office of (title of the office) ?" following which question shall be the
words "yes" and "no" on separate lines, with a blank space at the
right of each, in which the voter shall indicate by stamping a cross ( X )
his vote for or against such recall. On such ballots, under each such
question, there shall also be printed the names of those persons who
have been nominated as candidates to succeed the person recalled, iu
case he shall be removed from office by said recall election ; but no vote
shall be counted for any candidate for said office unless the voter also
voted on said question of the recall of the person sought to be recalled
from said office. The name of the person against whom the petition is
filed shall not appear on the ballot as a candidate for the office. If a
majority of those voting on said question of the recall of any incumbent
from office shaU vote "no," said incumbent shall continue in said office.
If a majority shall vote "yes," said incumbent shall thereupon be
deemed removed from such office, upon the qualification of his suc-
cessor. The election shall be conducted, canvass of all votes for candi-
dates for said office shall be made, and the result declared in like manner
as in a regular election within such district. If the vote at any such
recall election shall recall the officer, then the candidate who has received
the highest number of votes for the office shall be thereby declared
elected for the remainder of the term. In case the person who received
the highest number of votes shall fail to qualify within ten days after
receiving the certificate of election, the office shall be deemed vacant
and shall be filled according to law. If the vote at any such recall
election shall not recall the officer, no further petition for the recall of
such officer shall be filed before the expiration of six months from the
date of such first recall election.
Special elections, how held.
Sec. 49. Notice of any special election to be held pursuant to the
provisions of this act must be given by posting notices in three public
places in each election precinct in the water conservation district for at
least twenty days, and also by publication of said notice once a week for
three successive weeks in each county in which any land in said district
is located. Such notice must specify the time and place of holding the
election and the purpose thereof. Unless otherwise in this act expressly
specified said election shall be held and the result thereof determined
and declared as nearly as may be in accordance with the provisions of
this act relating to general water conservation district elections; pro-
vided, that no informalities in conducting such election shall invalidate
the same if the election shall have been otherwise fairly conducted.
Contest of elections.
Sec. 50. Any election held under the provisions of this act may be
contested by any person owning property within the district, or pro-
posed district, liable to assessment. Such contest shall be brought in
the superior court of any county in which some portion of the land
within the district or proposed district is situated and shall be conducted
in the manner provided for contests of election by title two of part three
of the Code of Civil Procedure of California, except that in the case of
a contest not involving the right of a person declared elected to an
office to hold such office the directors of the district shall be made
parties to the contest. The court having jurisdiction shall speedily try
such contest and determine upon the hearing whether the election was
fairly conducted and in substantial compliance with the requirements
of this act and enter its judgment accordingly. Such contest must be
brought within twenty days after the canvass of the vote and declara-
tion of the result. The right of appeal is hereby given to either party
to the record within thirty days from entry of judgment. The appeal
must be heard and determined by the supreme court within sixty days
from the time of the filing of the notice of appeal.
Determination of ownership and value of land.
Sec. 51. For all purposes of this act relating to signing petitions
and voting at any election, and for all other purposes when the question
of title to or value of land claimed to be owned by a petitioner or voter
is involved, the county assessment roll last equalized at the time of the
election or filing of the petition, in each county wherein any such laud
is situated shall be sufficient evidence of ownership and value. If any
parcel of land is assessed on any such assessment roll to unknown or
fictitiously named owners, or to unnamed owners in addition to any
owner or owners named thereon, said parcel of land shall be deemed
for any of the purposes of this act to have but one owner in addition
to any owner or owners whose true name or names may be purported
to be given on such assessment roll. The holder of title or evidence of
title to an undivided interest in any land affected by any of the provi-
sions of this act may sign any petition or vote at any election provided
for in this act, and such undivided interest shall be counted and valued
as though it were ja separate interest, and if the assessment roll shall
fail to indicate the extent of any such undivided interest the holders of
title or evidence of title whose undivided interests in any land are not
specifically defined shall be deemed to have equal shares therein. Where
property has been conveyed prior to the election and such change of
interest does not appear by such assessment roll the original deed of
conveyance, or a copy thereof duly certified by the county recorder of
the county wherein the same has been recorded, or otherwise authen-
ticated, shall be sufficient evidence to entitle the bolder thereof to vote
the acreage therein described. Any person not legally qualified to
vote who shall make any false statement in respect to his right to vote
shall incur all of the penalties provided in the Penal Code of the State
of California for persons illegally voting at elections. The certificate
of the register of the United States land office for the district in which
the lands are situated, or of the surveyor general of the State of Cali-
fornia, shall be sufficient evidence of possessory right in any lands
entered under the laws of the United States or of the State of California.
Guardians, personal representatives and other persons holding land in a
trust capacity under appointment of court may sign any petition and
may vote at any election in behalf of the estate represented by them
without obtaining any special authority therefor. A certificate of
acknowledgment taken before a notary public or justice of the peace
of any state, or an affidavit by any person in the presence of whom a
petition was signed, shall be sufficient evidence of the genuineness of
such signature and of the fact of place of residence of any petitioner
under this act. The state engineer shall, prior to the election on organi-
zation, and at all subsequent elections the board of directors shall,
cause to be prepared and certified and furnished to the election board
at each voting place in the district a copy of each of said assessment
rolls as far as the same pertains to any land in the respective precincts,
and shall likewise cause to be prepared and furnished to the election
boards lists certified by the register of the United States land office
or the surveyor general of the State of California, as the case may be,
showing the lands entered under the laws of the United States or of the
State of California, respectively, which said lists, so far as disclosed
by the records of said offices, shall contain the names of the persons
entitled to. possessory rights therein and the quantity of land held by
each of said persons by virtue of said rights. Said assessment rolls
and said lists shall be used by the election boards in determining the
qualifications of voters and the number of votes each voter is entitled
to cast.
Where a tract of land is situated partly within and partly without
the boundaries of an election precinct and the assessment roll contains
a valuation of said tract as a whole the same must be apportioned
according to the number of acres lying within and without the bound-
aries of said precinct. If there shall be included in any assessment
roll or list as furnished to an election board any land which has no
valuation assigned to it, then the state engineer or the board of
directors, as the case may be, shall request the county assessor of the
county in which such land is situated to value said land and it shall
be the duty of such county assessor to prepare and furnish to the state
engineer or board requesting it a statement of the value of such land
as the same shall be appraised by him, which value shall be arrived at
as nearly as may be done in the same manner and upon the same basis
as was the valuation for purposes of taxation assessed upon other lands
in the precinct similarly situated, and the valuation so made by the
county assessor shall be furnished to the election board of the precinct
in which the land so valued is situated and shall be used by the election
board in determining the number of votes which the holder of title or
evidence of title to such land is entitled to cast.
Publication, how and where made.
Sec. 52. Whenever any notice or publication, or notice of publica-
tion, or official advertising, or publication of process is required to be
given or made by the provisions of this act the same, unless, other wise
specifically provided in this act, shall be given or made in a newspaper
of general circulation as defined by the laws of this state, printed and
published in each county in which any of the lands in a water storage
district, or a proposed water storage district, are situated, and if in any
such county or counties there be no such newspaper then in a news-
paper printed and published in an adjoining county, the time of the
giving or making of said notices, publication, or advertising shall be,
unless otherwise specifically provided in this act, once a week for two
successive weeks. (Stats. 1923, p. 963.)
State engineer, additional duties of.
Sec. 53. The state engineer shall have authority and it shall be his
duty to give information, so far as may be practicable, to persons con-
templating the organization of a water storage district, and whenever
the department of engineering of this state shall deem it in the public
interest that preliminary surveys and field investigations of proposed
water storage district projects shall be made at the expense of the state
the state engineer shall make such surveys and investigation and pre-
pare a report thereof which shall be kept on file in his office.
Validity of section.
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Records of proceedings.
Sec. 54, The state engineer and the board of directors of every
water storage district shall, respectively, cause to be entered in books to
be kept for that purpose a complete and connected record of all their
acts and transactions and shall execute all contracts and other written
instruments in duplicate, one copy of each of which, together with any
other documents, instruments, or other papers filed with them, shall
be kept and preserved on file in their respective offices and open to
inspection by the public during business hours. Said records and ail
documents, instruments, or other papers filed as above provided, or a
copy or copies of any thereof certified by the state engineer or secretary
of the board, shall be received in evidence without further proof in
any court of this state, or before any board or tribunal authorized to
hear or consider a matter wherein the same shall be properly admissible
in evidence.
Title to, and disposition of property.
Sec. 55. The legal title to all property acquired under the provi-
sions of this act shall by operation of law, immediately upon the
acquisition thereof, vest in the water storage district by which it is
acquired, and shall be held by such district in trust for the uses and
purposes set forth in this act, and is hereby dedicated and set apart
to said uses and purposes. The board of directors is hereby authorized
and empowered to hold, use, manage, occupy, and possess said property
and may determine by resolution duly entered upon its minutes, that
any property, real or personal, held by the district is not necessary for
the uses and purposes thereof and may sell the same for an adequate
consideration; and a conveyance or transfer of any of the property
of a district executed by the president and secretary of its board of
directors in pursuance of a resolution of the board adopted as above
provided, shall convey good title to the property.
Warrants, how drawn.
Sec, 56, Warrants drawn by the state engineer shall be signed by
him and shall be drawn upon the treasurer of the water storage district.
Warrants, drawn by the board of directors shall be signed by its presi-
dent and secretary and countersigned by its treasurer, and shall be
drawn upon the county treasurer of a county having funds belonging
to the district in his possession for payment of the principal or interest
of bonds, and upon the treasurer of the district or the county treasurer
of such a county, as the case may be, for payment of all other claims
and demands.
Warrants, payment of and interest on unpaid.
Sec. 57. Whenever any warrant of the district payable on demand
is presented for payment when funds are not available for the payment
thereof, it shall thereafter draw interest at a rate to be determined by
resolution of the board of directors, not, however, to exceed seven per
centum per annum, until public notice is given that such funds are
available. Upon the presentation of any such warrants for payment
when funds of the district are not available to pay the same, the
treasurer of the district or of the county, as the ease may be, shall
endorse thereon the words "funds not available for payment," with
the date of presentation, and shall specify the interest that such war-
rants shall thereafter bear and shall sign his name thereto. He shall
keep a record showing the number and amount of each such warrant,
the date of its issuance, the person in whose favor it was issued, and
the date of its presentation for payment, and such warrant is and shall
be considered as a contract in writing for the payment of money and
the period prescribed for the commencement of an action based upon
such warrant is and shall be four years from the date of issuance.
Whenever there is sufficient money in the treasury to pay all such
outstanding warrants, or whenever the board of directors shall order
that all such warrants presented for payment prior to a certain date
be paid and there is sufficient money available for such payment, the
proper treasurer shall publish a notice once a week for two successive
weeks in some newspaper published in the county in which the office of
the board of directors is situated, stating that he is prepared to pay all
warrants of the district for the payment of which funds were not avail-
able upon their original presentation, or all such warrants which were
presented for payment prior to the date fixed by the board of directors
as the case may be, and no further description of the warrants entitled
to payment need be made in such notice. Upon the presentation of
any warrant entitled to payment under the terms of such notice, the
treasurer shall pay it together with interest thereon at the rate specified
by the board of directors, from the date of its original presentation
for payment to the date of the first publication of said notice, and all
warrants for the payment of which funds are declared in said notice
to be available shall cease to draw interest at the time of the first publi-
cation of said notice. The treasurer shall enter in the record herein-
before required to be kept, the dates of the payment of all such war-
rants, the names of the persons to whom payments are made, and the
amount paid to each person.
Declaration of public use.
Sec. 58. It is hereby declared that the State of California has a
paramount interest in the storage, conservation and diversion of water,
the prevention of floods, the irrigation, drainage, and reclamation of
land and the production of electric energy; and that such storage,
conservation, diversion, irrigation, prevention of floods, reclamation,
drainage, and production of electric energy will make productive vast
quantities of land that are comparatively unproductive and will
increase production, property valuations and population in the state,
make profitable the cultivation of small tracts and promote subdivision
of larger tracts, and will promote the welfare and prosperity of all the
people. The powers herein conferred upon the state engineer and
board of directors are hereby declared to be police and regulatory
powers and are necessary to the accomplishment of a purpose that is
indispensable to the public interests, and the water storage districts
hereunder provided to be formed are districts of the nature of irri-
gation, reclamation, or drainage districts in respect to all matters con
templated in the provisions of the constitution of the State of Cali-
fornia relating to irrigation, reclamation, or drainage. The use of all
water required for the irrigation of the lands of any district formed
under the provisions of this act and for domestic and other incidental
and beneficial uses within such district, together with the rights of way
for canals and ditches, sites for reservoirs and all other property
required in fully carrying out the provisions of this act is hereby
declared to be a public use, subject to the regulation and control of
the state, in the manner prescribed by law.
Exemption of property from taxation.
Sec. 59. The rights of way, ditches, canals, flumes, pipe lines, dams,
water rights, reservoirs, power plants, an^ transmission lines, and all
other property of like character belonging to a water storage district
shall not be taxed for state and county or municipal purposes.
Conduct of actions. /
Sec. 60. The court or other board or tribunal having jurisdiction
before whom any action, proceeding, or contest in this act provided for
is heard shall, when considering the regularity, legality, or correctness
thereof, disregard any error, irregularity, or omission which does not
affect the substantial rights of the parties concerned. In all such
actions, proceedings, or contests the rules of pleading and practice
provided by the Code of Civil Procedure of California, in so far aa
they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall apply.
A motion for a new trial or hearing in such action, proceeding, or
contest must be heard and determined within ten days from the filing
of the notice of intention. The costs on any such action, proceeding,
or contest may be allowed and apportioned between the parties or taxed
to the defeated party' in the discretion of the court, board, or tribunal
before whom the same is heard. No such action, proceeding, or contest
shall be commenced other than within the time and manner herein
specified, and in the determination thereof all findings of fact or con-
clusions of the state engineer or the board of directors upon all matters
shall be held to be conclusive unless the action, proceeding, or contest
was instituted within six months after such findings or conclusions were
Consolidation of actions.
Sec. 61. If two or more actions or contests shall be pending at the
same time in the same court or before the same board or tribunal for
the purpose of contesting or determining the validity of identical or
similar acts or matters under the provisions of this act, said actions
or contests shall be consolidated and tried together.
Neglect of official to perform duty.
Sec. 62. It shall be the duty of the state engineer to ascertain
whether the duties r.elating to the levying and collection of any assess-
ment or assessments provided for in this act have been performed by
the proper officer, and if the engineer shall leam that any officer of the
district or of any county therein has neglected or refused to perform
such duty he shall forthwith notify the district attorney of the county
in which the office of the district is located of such failure or neglect,
and said district attorney shall, thereupon, after due notice to the
official or officials involved, take such proceedings in court as may be
necessary to compel the performance of such duty.
Penalty for violation of duty by officer.
Sec. 63. For any wilful violation of any express duty in this act
provided for on the part of any officer herein named, such officer shall
be liable upon his official bond and shall be subject to removal from
office by proceeding brought in the superior court of the county in
which the office of the board of directors of the district is located, by
any assessment payer of the district.
Omission of land from assessment.
Sec. 64. In the event any land subject to assessment is not assessed
or does not appear upon the assessment book of the district for any
year, the land so omitted may be assessed in the next or any year
following, and the amount of such assessment shall be added to and
become a part of the assessment levied upon the land for such
subsequent year.
Dissolution of district.
Sec. 65. Any water storage district organized pursuant to the pro-
visions of this act may be dissolved for the same reasons, under the
same circumstances, in the same manner, upon the same conditions,
and with the same results as is or may be provided by the laws of this
state for the dissolution of irrigation districts organized under the laws
of California; provided, that in case a contract authorized by law has
been made between a water storage district and the United States per-
taining to the construction, maintenance, or operation of the works of
the district, or the delivery or supply of water therefor, no such district
shall be dissolved nor shall any proceedings be initiated by a court or
otherwise for the purpose of dissolving such district, unless and until
the consent in writing of the secretary of the interior to such dissolu-
tion or proceedings has first been obtained.
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Title of act.
Sec. 66. This act shall be known and may be referred to in any
action, proceeding, or legislative enactment, as the "California water
storage district act."
Unconstitutionality of part of act, effect of. '
Sec. 67. If any section, subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of
this act be for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this act ; and
the legislature hereby declares that it would hav6 passed this act and
each and every other section, subdivision, sentence, clause, and phrase
thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub-
divisions, sentences, clauses, or phrases of this act be declared uncon-
Noninterference with vested rights.
Sec. 68. Nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to
affect or impair the vested right of any person, association, or corpora-
tion to the use of water. (Stats. 1923, p. 963.)
Tarpey vs. McClure, 190 Cal. 593.
Repeal of other acts.
Sec. 69. The California irrigation act, approved June 4, 1915, and
all acts amendatory thereof, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent
with any of the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed, but nothing
in this act shall be construed as repealing or in anywise modifying the
provisions of any other act relating to the subject of irrigation.
Repeal constitutional.
Tarpey vs. McClure. 190 Cal. 593.
An act providing for the organization, operation, maintenance, and
government of water conservation districts, and for the acquisition,
appropriation, diversion, storage, conservation, and distribution of
water for the irrigating of lands in sux^h districts, for drainage and
reclamation connected therewith; and for the generation, disposition,
and sale of hydro-electric energy developed incidental to such storage
and distribution; and for the acquisition of lands or rights therein
and the acquisition, construction, operation, and maintenance of
works to carry into effect the provisions of this act; for the inclu-
sion therein of irrigation districts, water storage districts, reclama-
tion districts, drainage districts, and other political subdivisions of
the state, as constituent districts or units of said water cmiserva-
tion districts, and the manner of providing funds and the voting and
issuance of bonds by such political subdivisions, to carry out the
purposes of this act; and creating a state board to be known as the
''state irrigation board," and defining its powers and duties, and the
methods and procedure of exercising such powers and duties. (Title
amended, Stats. 1925, p. 555.)
(Approved June 18, 1923; Stats. 1923, p. 978; Amended, Stats. 1925, p. 555.)
State irrigation board created.
Section 1. There is created a board to be Imown as the "state
irrigation board," which board shall consist of the state engineer and
two executive directors.
That said board shall constitute a body corporate and body politic for
the purpose of exercising the powers and performing the acts herein
mentioned, and said board shall have the power to sue and be sued.
The executive directors provided for by the California water storage
district act. Statutes of 1921, page 1727, and approved June 3, 1921, are
hereby declared to be and are hereby constituted the two executive
directors of the ' ' state irrigation board ' ' herein created ; provided, how-
ever, that if any of the offices provided for in the said California water
storage district act are vacated or declared vacant or abolished, the
governor shall without delay appoint the executive members of said
board herein created and said executive directors so appointed by the
governor shall serve for four years and until their successors have been
appointed. Their successors shall be appointed and all vacancies shall
be filled by appointment in like manner.
One of said executive directors shall have at least five years practical
experience in irrigation, and the other of whom shall have at least five
years experience in administration and both of whom shall be residents
of this state and continue to be such residents during the term of their
The office of the state irrigation board herein created shall be at the
city of Sacramento, in the State of California.
Each executive director shall receive as compensation the sum of
twenty (20) dollars per day for each day actually employed in the per-
formance of duties under this act and shall receive actual traveling
expenses when engaged in the performance of such duties, which shall
be charged as a part of the cost of the project of the proposed water
conservation district for which such duties are performed.
Officers and employees of board.
Sec. 2. The state engineer shall be the chairman of the state irriga-
tion board herein created and said board shall employ a secretary and
such attorneys, engineers and other employees and assistants as it may
require and shall fix the term of their employment and compensation.
Power to organize water conservation districts.
Sec. 3. The state irrigation board shall have the power to unite into
single districts in the manner and for the purposes provided in this act,
irrigation districts, water storage districts, reclamation districts, drain-
age districts and other political subdivisions of the state, organized to
promote irrigation, reclamation or drainage, which united districts
shall be known and are herein referred to as water conservation dis-
tricts; and the purposes of the formation of such districts being
primarily to provide for the storage of waters and the development of
hydro-electric energy in conjunction therewith and incidental thereto, to
promote the irrigation of the lands therein, and in connection therewith
and incidental thereto the reclamation and drainage and flood control
of such lands. The legislature hereby declares that every such water
conservation district, formed as herein provided, is and shall be an
irrigation district within the meaning of section thirteen of article
eleven of the constitution of the State of California, and within the
meaning of every other provision of said constitution relating to irriga-
tion districts. Such water conservation districts shall be composed of
three or more units, all or any of which units shall be irrigation districts,
water storage districts, reclamation districts, drainage districts, or
other political subdivisions of the state organized to promote irrigation,
reclamation or drainage or flood control.
Petition for organization.
Sec. 4. Whenever three or more of such units, all or any of which
units shall be irrigation districts, reclamation districts, drainage dis-
tricts, water storage districts or other political subdivisions of the state
organized to promote irrigation, reclamation or drainage or flood control
now or hereafter to be formed, can use a common system of works and
all the land situated therein be benefited by such works, the governing
boards of any three or more of said units may present a petition to the
state irrigation board herein created for the purpose and object of creat-
ing a water conservation district. Said petition shall designate by name
or otherwise the units joined in such petition and the water to be stored,
used or acquired and shall outline generally the character and
location of the proposed works and pray that said units be united in
pursuance of the provisions of this act so as to create a water conserva-
tion district.
Said petition shall be signed by the presiding officers and the secre-
tary or clerk of the governing board of each of said units under seal
of said units so petitioning said state irrigation board to form a water
conservation district as herein provided.
Said petition may be contained in separate instruments presented by
each unit or may be contained in one or more instruments presented
by any or all of said units. Such petition must be accompanied by a
certified copy of a resolution of the governing boards of each petition-
ing unit, authorizing the presiding officer and the secretary or clerk to
execute the same.
Said petition must be accompanied with a good and sufficient under-
taking or agreement to be approved by the state irrigation board herein
created, conditioned that the sureties or signers shall pay all of the
costs and expenses in connection with the investigation herein provided
for in case said organization shall not be finally effected, and said state
irrigation board herein created shall have power to require the furnish-
ing of any additional undertaking, or undertakings, or payments of
money in case they should deem the same necessary : provided, however,
that the cost thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed in amount in
dollars one-fourth the number of acres in such proposed water con-
servation district and shall be deemed a part of the expense of said proj-
ect, and said state irrigation board herein created may require the same
to be paid by the proponents of said district, and the sum so collected
and expended by said state irrigation board unincorporated territory included in
such proposed water district shall be in favor of organizing such county
water district, said board shall by an order entered on its minutes
declare the territory enclosed within the proposed boundaries duly
organized as a county water district under the name theretofore desig-
nated, and the county clerk shall immediately cause to be filed with the
secretary of state and shall cause to be recorded in the office of the
county recorder of the county in which such district is situated, each,
a certificate stating that such a proposition was adopted. Upon the
receipt of such last mentioned certificate the secretary of state shall,
within ten days, issue his certificate reciting that the county water dis-
trict (naming it) has been duly incorporated according to the laws of
the State of California. A copy of such certificate shall be tansmitted
to and filed with the county clerk of the county in which such county
water district is situated. From and after the date of such certificate,
the district named therein shall be deemed incorporated as a county
water district, with all the rights, privileges and powers set forth in
this act and necessarily incident thereto. In case less than a majority
of the votes cast are in favor of said proposition the organization fails
but without prejudice to renewing proceedings at any time in the
future. (Amended Stats. 1915, p. 26.)
Election of directors.^
Sec. 4. Within ninety days after the date of filing with the county
clerk of the copy of the certificate of the secretary of state, pro-
vided for in section three of this act, the board of supervisors of the
county in which the county water district is located shall make and
cause to be entered upon its minutes at a regular meeting thereof an
order calling an election in such county water district for the election
of a board of directors for the county water district consisting of five
members, each of whom shall be a resident and qualified elector of the
county water district.'
The order of the board of supervisors shall fix the date of the election
which shall not be more than sixty days after the date of the order
calling the election. The order shall also create one or more voting
precincts within the district and establish a polling place in each pre-
cinct and appoint a board of election, consisting of one inspector, one
judge and two clerks, to hold, conduct and make returns of the election.
The county clerk shall give notice of the election by publishing notice
thereof for at least tw^o weeks in one but not to exceed three newspapers
published in the county. The notice of election so published shall state
the purpose for which the election is to be held, describe the voting
precincts, state the location of the polling place for each precinct, the
name and position of the persons appointed election officers and the
date on which the election will be held.
The election shall be conducted in accordance with the general elec-
tion laws of the state so far as the same may be applicable and the
returns canvassed bj' the board of supervisors of the county at its
regular meeting next succeeding the date of the election.
In all cases where the boundaries of the county water district include
both unincorporated territory and any incorporated municipality or
Miunieipalities, the board of directors of the district, in addition to the
five directors elected, shall further consist of one additional director,
for each incorporated municipality within the boundaries of the county
water district, and one additional director to be appointed by the board
of supervisors of the county in which such district is located. Each
such additional director for an incorporated municipality shall be
appointed by the mayor or president of the board of trustees of the
municipality for which such additional director is allowed, and the
additional director for the county shall be appointed by the board of
supervisors of the county. Any director so appointed need not be an
elector or resident of the county water district. All directors elected or
appointed shall hold offiee until the election and qualification or
appointment and qualification of their successor. The term of office
of directors elected under the provisions of this act shall be four years
from and after the date of their election; provided, that the directors
first elected after the incorporation of the county water district shall
hold office only until the election and qualification of their successors
as hereinafter provided. The term of office of directors appointed shall
be six years from and after the date of their appointment. All vacan-
cies occurring in the office of directors appointed shall be filled by
appointment by the same authority as in the first instance.
All vacancies occurring in the office of directors who are elected shall
be filled by appointment by the remaining directors elected and the
person so appointed shall have all of the qualifications necessary to be
elected a director, and shall hold office during the Unexpired term.
In all cases where, under the provisions of this section, directors are
to be appointed the first appointed directors shall be appointed by the
mayor or the president of the board of trustees of incorporated munici-
palities and the board of supervisors not later than the date set for the
election provided for in this section.
The election of directors of such county water district shall be in
every fourth year after its organization, on the fourth. Tuesday in
March, and shall be known as the general water district election. A
second election shall be held, when necessary, as hereinafter provided,
on the third Tuesday after such general election and shall be known as
the second water district election. All other elections which may be
held by authority of this act, or of the general laws, shall be known
as special water district election. (Stats. 1925, p. 530.)
Nomination and election of officers.
Sec. 5. (1) The mode of nomination and election of all elective
officers of such water district to be voted for at any water district
election and the mode of appointment of a director or directors by said
mayor or mayors or by said board of supervisors shall be as follows and
not otherwise.
(2) The name of a candidate shall be printed upon the ballot when
a petition of nomination shall have been filed in his behalf in the man-
ner and form and under the conditions hereinafter set forth.
(3) The petition of nomination shall consist of not less than twenty-
five individual certificates, which shall read substantially as follows:
Individual Certificate.
State of California, 1
County of 3
Precinct No
I, the undersigned, certify that I do hereby join in a petition for the
nomination of , whose residence is at No. , street,
for the office of of the -- county water district
to be voted for at the water district election to be held in the
county water district on the day of , 19 — ; and I further
certify that I am a qualified elector residing within said district, and
am not at this time a signer of any other petition nominating any other
candidate for the above named office, or, in case there are several places
to be filled in the above named office, that I have not signed more peti-
tions than there are places to be filled in the above named office ; that
my residence is at No. , street, , and that
my occupation is Signed
State of California, )
County of )
. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the
person who signed the foregoing certificate and that the statements
therein are true and correct.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of
- 19___.
Notary public or verification deputy.
The petition for nomination of which this certificate forms a part
shall, if found insufficient, be returned to at No.
street, , California.
(4) It shall be the duty of the county clerk to furnish upon appli-
cation a reasonable number of forms of individual certificates of the
above character.
(5) Each certificate must be a separate paper. All certificates must
be of uniform size as determined by the county clerk. Each certificate
must contain the name of one signer thereto and no more. Each
certificate shall contain the name of one candidate and no more. Each
signer must be a qualified elector residing within said district, must
not at the time of signing a certificate have his named signed to any
other certificate for any other candidate for the same office, nor, in
case there are several places to be filled in the same office, signed to
more certificates for candidates for that office than there are places to
be filled in such office. In ease an elector has signed two or more con-
flicting certificates, all such certificates shall be rejected. Each signer
must verify his certificate and make oath that the same is true, before
a notary public or a certification deputy, as provided for in this section.
Each certificate shall further contain the name and address of the
person to whom the petition is to be returned in case said petition is
found insufficient.
(6) Verification deputies, under this section, must be qualified
electors of such county water district, and shall be appointed by the
county clerk upon application in writing, signed by not less than five
qualified electors of such county water district. The application shall
set forth that the signers thereto desire to procure the necessary signa-
tures of electors for the nomination of candidates for office in said
countj'^ water district at an election therein specified, and that the
applicants desire the person or persons whose names and addresses are
given appointed as verification deputies, who shall upon appointment
be authorized and empowered to take the oath of verification of the
signers of petitions of nomination. Such verification deputies need
not use a seal, and shall not have power to take oaths for any other
purposes whatsoever, and their appointments shall continue only until
all petitions of nomination, under this section, shall have been filed by
the county clerk.
(7) A petition of nomination, consisting of not less than twenty-five
individual certificates for any one candidate, may be presented to the
county clerk not earlier than forty-five days nor later than thirty days
before the election. The county clerk shall endorse thereon the date
upon which the petition was presented to him.
(8) When a petition of nomination is presented for filing to the
county clerk, he shall forthwith examine the same, and ascertain
whether or not it conforms to the provisions of this section. If found
not to conform thereto, he shall then and there in writing designate on
said petition the defect or omission or reason why such petition can not
be filed, and shall return the petition to the person named as the person
to whom the same may be returned in accordance with this section.
The petition may then be amended and again presented to the clerk
as in the first instance. The clerk shall forthwith proceed to examine
the petition as hereinbefore provided. If necessary, the board of super-
visors shall provide extra help to enable the clerk to perform satisfac-
torily and promptly the duties imposed by this section.
(9) Any signer to a petition of nomination and certificate may with-
draw his name from the same by filing with the county clerk a verified
revocation of his signature before the filing of a petition by the clerk,
and not otherwise. He shall then be at liberty to sign a petition for
another candidate for the same office.
(10) Any person whose name has been presented under this section
as a candidate may, not later than twenty-five days before the day of
election, cause his name to be withdrawn from nomination by filing with
the county clerk a request therefor in writing, and no name so with-
drawn shall be printed upon the ballot. If, upon such withdrawal,
the number of candidates remaining does not exceed the number to be
cieetc'd. then other nominations may be made by filing petitions there-
for not later than twenty-tive days prior to such election.
(11) If either the original or amended petition of nomination be
found sufficiently signed as hereinbefore provided, the clerk shall file
the same twenty-five days before the date of the election. When a
petition of nomination shall have been filed by the clerk it shall not
bf^ '.vithdrawn or added to and no signature shall be revoked thereafter.
(12) The county clerk shall preserve in his office for a period of two
years, all petitions of nomination and all certificates belonging thereto,
filed under this section.
(13) Immediately after such petitions are filed, the county clerk
shall enter the names of the candidates in a list, with the offices to be
filled, and shall not later than twenty days before the election certify
such list as being the list of candidates nominated as required by the
provisions of this act, and the board of supervisors shall cause said
certified list of names and the offices to be filled, to be published in the
proclamation calling the election at least ten successive days before the
election in at least one but not more than three newspapers of general
circulation published in the county in which such municipal water
district is located. Such proclamation shall conform in all respects
to the general state law governing the conduct of general elections now
or hereafter in force, applicable thereto, except as otherwise herein
(14) The county clerk shall cause the ballots to be printed and bound
and numbered as provided by said general state law, except as otherwise
required in this act. The ballots shall contain the list of names and the
respective offices as published in the proclamation and shall be in
substantially the following form :
General (Or Special) District Election,
county water district,
(Inserting date thereof).
Instructions to Voters : To vote, stamp or write a cross ( X ) opposite
the name of the candidate for whom you desire to vote. All marks
otherwise made are forbidden. All distinguishing marks are forbidden
and make the ballot void. If you wrongly mark, tear or deface this
ballot, return it to the inspector of election, and obtain another.
(15) All ballots printed shall be precisely on the same size, quality,
tint of paper, kind of type, and color of ink, so that w'thout the number
it would be impossible to distinguish one ballot from another ; and the
names of all candidates printed upon the ballot shall be in type of the size and style. A column may be provided on the right-hand side
for questions to be voted upon at municipal water district elections, as
provided for under this act. The names of the candidates for each
office shall be arranged in alphabetical order, and nothing on the ballot
shall be indicative of the source of the candidacy or of the support
of any candidate.
(16) The name of no candidate who has been duly and regularly
nominated, and who has not withdrawn his name as herein provided
shall be omitted from the ballot.
(17) The offices to be filled shall be arranged in the following order:
*'For director vote for (giving number)."
(18) Half -inch square shall be provided at the right of the name of
each candidate wherein to mark the cross.
(19) Half -inch spaces shall be left bcloAv the printed names of can-
didates for each office equal in number to the number to be voted for,
wherein the voter may write the name of any person or persons for
whom he may wish to vote.
(20) The county clerk shall cause to be printed sample ballots,
identical with the ballot to be used at the election, and shall furnish
copies of the same on application to registered voters at his office at
least five days before the date fixed for such election, and shall mail
one such ballot to each voter entitled to vote at such election, so that
all of said sample ballots shall have been mailed at least three whole
days before said election.
(21) In case there is but one person to be elected to an office, the
candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast for the candidates
for that office shall be declared elected ; in case there are two or more
persons to be elected to an office, as that of director, then those candi-
dates equal in number to the number to be elected, who receive the
highest number of votes for such office shall be declared elected;
provided, however, thM no person shall be declared elected to any
office at such first election unless the number of votes received by him
shall be greater than one-half the number of ballots cast at such election.
(22) If at any election held as above provided there be any office to
which the required number of persons was not elected, then as to such
office the said first election shall be considered to have been a primary
election for the nomination of candidates, and a second election shall
be held to fill said office. The candidates not elected at such first
election, equal in number to twice the number to be elected to any given
office, or less if so there be, who receive the highest number of votes
for the respective offices at such first election, shall be the only candi-
dates at such second election ; provided, that if there be any person who,
under the provisions of this subdivision, would have been entitled to
become a candidate for any office, except for the fact that some other
candidate received an equal number of votes therefor, then all such
persons receiving such equal number of votes shall likewise become
candidates for such office. The candidates equal in number to the
persons to be elected who shall receive the highest number of votes at
such second election shall be declared elected to such office.
(23) The said second election, if necessary to be held, shall be held
three weeks after the first electioh.
(24) All the provisions and conditions above set forth as to the
conduct of an election, so far as they may be applicable, shall govern
the second election, except that notice of election need be published
twice only; and provided, also, that the same precincts and polling
places shall, if possible, be used.
(25) If a person elected fails to qualify, the office shall be filled as
if there were a vacancy in such office, as hereinafte"r provided.
(26) The mode of appointment of director or directors by a mayor,
or by a board of supervisors shall be by certificate of appointment
signed by said mayor or mayors, or issued by said board of supervisors,
and transmitted to the board of directors of said county water district.
(27) No infonnality in conducting county water district elections
shall invalidate the same, if they have been conducted of directors to
fill a vacancy, or appointment by a mayor or by this act.
General laws to govern.
Sec. 6. The provisions of the law relating to the qualifications of
electors, the manner of voting, the duties of election ofiicers, the canvass-
ing of returns, and all other particulars in respect to the management
of general elections, so far as they may be applicable, shall govern all
water district elections, except as in this act otherwise provided;
provided, that the board of supervisors shall canvass the returns of the
first election and that thereafter, except as herein provided, the board
of directors shall meet as a canvassing board and duly canvass the
returns within four days after any water district election, including
any water district bond election.
Officers subject to recall.
Sec. 7. Every incumbent of an elective office, whether elected by
popular vote for a full term, or elected by the board of directors to fill
a vacancy, or appointed by a mayor or by said board of supervisors for
a full term, is subject to recall by the voters of any county water dis-
trict organized under the provisions of this act, in accordance with the
recall provisions of the general laws of the state applicable to ofiicers
of counties.
Organization of board.
Sec. 8. The board of directors shall be the governing body of such
county water district. It shall hold its first meeting on the sixth ^Ion-
day after the first general election for the election of directors as herein
provided ; it shall choose one of its members president, and shall there-
upon provide for the time and place of holding its meetings and the
manner in which its special meetings may be called. All legislative
sessions of the board of directors whether regular or special shall be
open to the public. A majority of the board of directors shall consti-
tute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board of directors
shall establish rules for its proceedings.
Sec. 9. The board of directors shall act only by ordinance or reso-
lution. The ayes and noes shall be taken upon the passage of all ordi-
nances or resolutions and entered upon the journal of the proceedings
of the board of directors. No ordinance or resolution shall be passed
or become effective without the affirmative votes of at least a majority of
the members of the board. The enacting clause of all ordinances passed
by the board shall be in these words : "Be it ordained by the board of
directors of county water district as follows:". All
resolutions and ordinances shall be signed by the president of the board
of directors and attested by the secretary. Each of the members of
the board of directors shall receive for each attendance at the meetings
of the board ten dollars, and shall receive no other compensation. No
director, however, shall receive pay for more than three meetings in any
calendar month. Any vacancy in the board of directors, whether the
vacant office is elective or appointive, shall be filled by the remaining
General manager, secretary, and auditor.
Sec. 10. The board of directors shall at its first meeting, or as soon
thereafter as practicable, appoint, by a majority vote, a general man-
ager, a secretary, and an auditor. No director shall be eligible to the
office of general manager, secretary or auditor. The general manager,
secretary, and auditor shall receive such compensation as the board of
directors shall determine, and each shall serve at the pleasure of the
Informality not to invalidate.
Sec. 11. No informality in any proceeding or informality in the
conduct of any election, not substantially affecting adversely the legal
rights of any citizen, shall be held to invalidate the incorporation of any
county water district, and any proceeding wherein tbe validity of such
incorporation is denied shall be commenced within three months from
the date of the certificate of incorporation, otherwise said incorporation
and the legal existence of said county water district, and all proceedings
in respect thereto, shall be held to be valid and in every respect legal
and incontestable.
Powers of district.
Sec. 12. Any county water district incorporated as herein provided
shall have power:
1. To have perpetual succession;
2. To sue and be sued, except as otherwise provided herein or by law,
in all actions and proceedings in all courts and tribunals of competent
jurisdiction ;
3. To adopt a seal and alter it at pleasure;
4. To take by grant, purchase, gift, devise, or lease; to hold, use,
enjoy, and to lease or dispose of real and personal property of every
kind, within or without the district, necessary to the full exercise of its
powers ;
5. To construct, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire waterworks and
other works and machinery, canals, conduits and reservoirs, and to
purchase, lease or otherwise acquire water rights, storage sites, water
sheds, lands, rights and privileges, useful or necessary to convey,
supply, store or otherwise make use of water for irrigation, power or
other useful purposes, and to operate and maintain such water rights,
waterworks, canals, conduits, reservoirs, storage sites, water sheds,
works, machiner)', lands, rights and privileges for the uses aforesaid
for the benefit of the district;
6. To store water for the benefit of the district; to conserve water
for future use; to appropriate, acquire and conserve water and water
rights for any useful purpose ; to commence, maintain, intervene in and
compromise, in the name of the district, and to assume the costs of any
action or proceeding involving or affecting the ownership or use of
waters or water rights within the district used or useful for any purpose
of the district or a benefit to any land situated therein ; to commence,
maintain, intervene in, defend and compromise actions and proceedings
to prevent interference with or diminution of the natural flow of any
stream or natural subterranean supply of waters used or useful for any
purpose of the district or a common benefit to the lands within the
district or its inhabitants; and to commence, maintain and defend
actions and proceedings to prevent any such interference with the
aforesaid waters as may endanger the inhabitants or lands of the
district ;
7. To lease of and from any person, firm or public or private cor-
poration, with the privilege of purchase, or otherwise, existing water
rights, waterworks, canals, or reservoir systems ; and to carry on and
maintain the same ; also to sell Avater, or the use thereof, for irrigation,
power, or other useful purposes, and whenever there is a surplus, sell,
or otherwise, dispose of the same, to municipalities, or towTis, or to
consumers, located within or without the boundaries of the district ;
8. To have and exercise the right of eminent domain in the manner
provided by law for the condemnation of private property for public
use, to take any property necessary to supply the district or any portion
thereof with water, Avhether such property be already devoted to the
same use or otherwise, and may condemn any existing water rights,
canals, reservoirs, storage sites, water sheds, waterworks or systems, or
any portion thereof owned by any person, firm or corporation ; provided,
that property and water rights of municipal corporations shall not be
subject to tbe provisions of this section. In proceedings relative to the
exercise of such right, the district shall have the same rights, powers
and privileges as a municipal corporation ;
9. To cooperate and contract with the United States, under the
federal reclamation act of June 17, 1902, and all acts amendatory
thereof or supplementary thereto, or any other act of congress here-
tofore or hereafter enacted, authorizing or permitting such cooperation
or contract for purposes of construction of works, whether for irriga-
tion, drainage, flood control or for the development of electric or other
power, or for the acquisition, purchase, extension, operation or mainte-
nance of such works, or for a water supply, or for the assumption as
principal or guarantor of indebtedness to the United States, and to
carry out and perform the terms of any contract so made ;
10. To borrow money and incur indebtedness and to issue bonds or
other evidences of such indebtedness; also to refund or retire any
indebtedness or lien that may exist against the district or property
thereof ;
11. To cause taxes to be levied for the purpose of paying any obliga-
tion of the district and to accomplish the purposes of this act in the
manner herein provided;
12. To make contracts, to employ labor and to do all acts necessary
for the full exercise of the foregoing powers. (Amended Stats. 1919, p.
816; Stats. 1923, p. 312.)
Powers exercised by board.
Sec. 13. The powers herein enumerated shall, except as herein
otherwise provided, be exercised by the board of directors above pro-
vided for and elected and .ippointed as described herein.
Duties of officers of board.
Sec. 14, The president shall sign all contracts on behalf of the
district and perform such other duties as may be imposed by the board
of directors. The secretary shall countersign all contracts on behalf of
the district and perform r.uch other duties as may be imposed by the
board of directors. The secretary shall give his full time during office
hours to the affairs of the district. The general manager shall have
full charge and control of the maintenance, operation and construction
of the waterworks or waterworks system of said water district, with
full power and authority to employ and discharge all employees and
assi-stants at pleasure, prescribe their duties, and shall, subject to the
approval of the board of directors, fix their compensation. The general
manager shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him
by the board of directors. The general manager shall report to the
board of directors in accordance with such rules and regulations as
they may adopt. The auditor shall be charged with the duty of in-
stalling and maintaining a system of auditing and accounting that
shall completely and at all times show the financial condition of the
district. He shall draw warrants to pay demands made against the
district when such demands have been first approved bj' at least three
members of the board of directors and by the general manager. The
board of directors shall also designate a depositan,^ or depositaries to
have the custody of the funds of the district, all of which depositaries
shall give security sufficient to secure the district against possible loss,
and who shall pay the warrants drawn by the auditor for demands
against the district under such rules as the directors may prescribe. The
general manager, secretary and auditor, and all other employees or
assistants of said district who may require so to do by the board of di-
rectors, shall give bonds to the district conditioned for the faithful
performance of their duties as the board of directors from time to
time may provide.
Bonded indebtedness. Election. Notice. Publication. Canvass of returns.
Sec. 15.^ Whenever the board of directors deem it necessary for
the district to incur a bonded indebtedness, it shall by resolution so
declare, and state in said resolution the purpose for which the pro-
posed debt is to be incurred and the amount thereof, and shall by said
resolution fix a time and place for a hearing by the board on the ques-
tion as to whether the whole district or only a portion thereof will be
benefited by the accomplishment of said purpose, and if only a portion
thereof will be so benefited, what portion will be so benefited. Notice
of such hearing shall thereupon be given by the secretary of said
board of directors by publication of a copy of said resolution in some
newspaper printed and published in said district for at least two weeks
and, if there be no newspaper printed and published in said district,
by posting a copy thereof in three public places within said district
at least two weeks before the time fixed for said hearing. Said copy
of said resolution so published or posted shall be accompanied by
notice subscribed by said secretary, with the seal of the district at-
tached, to the effect that the hearing referred to in said resolution will
^ See note following: section 22.
be had at the time and place specified in said resolution and at said
time any person interested, including all persons owning property in
said district, will be heard upon the question stated in said resolution.
At the time and place fixed in .said resolution for said hearing, or at
such time and place to which said hearing may be adjourned, said
board of directors shall proceed with said hearing and any person
interested, including any and all persons owning property within said
district, may appear and present any and all such matters material
to said question as he may desire. Upon the conclusion of said hearing,
said board of directors shall by resolution determine whether the
whole of said district will be benefited by the accomplishment of the
purpose stated, and if it determines that the whole of said district
will not be so benefited by the accomplishment of said purpose, it shall
state what portion of the district will be so benefited, describing the
same in a manner sufficient for identification and that portion of the
county water district so described shall thereupon constitute and be
known as Improvement District No of county
water district, and the proceedings thereafter for the purpose of the
bond election within said improvement district and for the purpose of
taxation for the payment of said bonds and interest shall be limited,
and apply only to said improvement district of said county water dis-
trict. The determination of the board of directors on this question
shall be final and conclusive. The resolution of the board of directors
expressing its determination in the matter having been adopted, said
board of directors, if they deem it necessary to incur such bonded
indebtedness, shall by a resolution so declare and state the purpose for
which the proposed debt is to be incurred, whether or not the whole of
the county water district is to be benefited thereby or only a portion
thereof, and if only a portion thereof, a description of such portion
sufficient for identification and the designation thereof as hereinafter
provided for all in accord with the determination of the board as ex-
pressed in its previous resolution, the amount of debt to be incurred,
the maximum term the bonds to be issued shall run before maturity,
which shall not exceed forty years, and the amount or rate of interest
to be paid which shall not exceed seven per cent per annum, payable
annually or semi-annually and the proposition to be submitted to the
electors. The board of directors shall fix a date upon which an election
shall be held for the purpose of authorizing said bonded indebtedness
to be incurred. It shall be the duty of the board of directors to pro-
vide for holding such special election on the day so fixed, in accordance
with the general election laws of the state, so far as the same shall
be applicable, except as herein otherwise provided. Such board of
directors shall give notice oi" the holding of such election, which notice
shall contain the resolution calling the election adopted by the board
of directors of the water district, boundaries of voting precincts, which
shall include therein only such portions of the district as will be ben-
efited, as stated in such resolution, the location of polling places, and
the names of the officers selected to conduct the election, who shall
consist of one judge, one inspector and two clerks in each precinct.
Such notice shall be published for two weeks in at least one newspaper
printed and published in such water district, which newspaper or news-
papers shall be designated by the board of directors ; and if there is no
newspaper printed and published in such water district, then by posting
such notice in three public places in the said county water district if
the entire water district has been found to be benefited or otherwise in
said improvement district so created therein. Every qualified elector
residing within such voting precincts, but no others, shall be entitled
to vote at such election. All the expenses of holding such election
shall be borne by the county water district. The returns of such
election shall be made to and the votes canvassed by said board of
directors on the first Monday following said election, and the results
thereof ascertained and declared in accordance with the general election
laws of the state, so far as they may be applicable, except as herein
otherwise provided. The secretary of the board of directors, as soon
as the result is declared, shall enter in the records of such board a
statement of such result. No irregularities or informalities in con-
ducting such election shall invalidate the same, if the election shall
have otherwise been fairly conducted. Except as otherwise provided
for herein, said election shall be called, managed and directed as is by
law provided for general elections in this state applicable thereto.
(Stats. 1923, p. 314; 1925, p. 987.)
Two-thirds vote necessary.
Sec. 16. If from such returns it appears that more than two-thirds
of the votes east at such election were in favor of and assented to the
incurring of such indebtedness, then the board of directors may, by
resolution, at such time or times as it deems proper, provide for the
form and execution of such bonds and for the issuance of any part
thereof, and may sell or dispose of the bonds so issued at such times or
in such manner as it may deem to be to the public interest.
Value of bonds issued.
Sec. 17. Any bonds issued by any district organized under the pro-
visions of this act are hereby given the same force, value and use as
bonds issued by any municipality and shall be exempt from all taxa-
tion within the State of California.
Power to construct works.
Sec. 18. The board of directors shall have power to construct works
across any stream of water, watercoui-se, street, avenue, highway, rail-
way, canal, ditch, or flume which the route of said Avorks may intersect
or cross; provided, such works are constructed in such manner as to
afford security for life and property, and said board of directors shall
restore the cras.sings and intersections to their former state as near as
may be, or in a manner not to have impaired unnecessarily their useful-
ness. Every company whose right of way shall be intersected or
crossed by said works shall unite with said board of directors in forming
said intersections and crossings and grant the rights therefor. The
right of way is hereby given, dedicated and set apart to locate, construct
and maintain said works over and through any of the lands which are
now or may be the property of this state, and to have the same rights
and privileges appertaining thereto as have been or may be granted to
tho \numr\]v.\]\\'u'^ within the state.
Water rates.
Sec. 19. The board of directors shall fix all water rates, subject to
the power of the .state railroad commission to fix rates for water fur-
nished to municipal corporations and their inhabitants, and shall
through the general manager collect the charges for the sale and distri-
bution of water to all customers. (Amended Stats. 1915, p. 26.)
Rate to pay operating expenses.
Sec. 20. The board of directors in the furnishing of water shall fix
such rate as will pay the operating expenses of the district, provide for
repairs and depreciation of works owned or operated by it, pay the
interest on any bonded debt, and, so far as passible, provide a sinking
or other fund for the payment of the principal of such debt as it may
become due ; it being the intention of this .section to require the district
to pay the interest and principal of its bonded debt from the revenues
of the district.
Tax levy to pay deficit.
Sec. 21.2 If, from any cause, the revenues of the water district shall
be inadequate to pay the interast on or principal of any bonded debt
as it becomes due or any other expenses or claims against the district,
then the board of directors must, at least fifteen days before the first
day of the month in which the board of supervisors of the county or
city and county in which such district is located is required by law to
levy the amount of taxes required for county or city and county pur-
poses, furnish to the board of supervisors and to the auditor, respect-
ively, an estimate in writing of the minimum amount of money required
by the district for the payment of the principal of or interest on any
bonded debt as it becomes due, together with a description of the
portion of the district benefited thereby, as stated by the board of
directors in the resolution declaring the necessity to incur such bonded
indebtedness, and also of the minimum amount of money required by
the district for any other purpose in this section set forth, and the
board of supervisors of such county or city and county must annually,
at the time and in the manner of levying other county or city and
county taxes and until any such bonded debt is fully paid, levy upon the
property within the portion of the district so benefited and cause to be
collected, a tax sufficient for the payment of the principal of and the
interest on such bonded indebtedness to be known as the "
county water district bond tax"; and until all other expenses or claims
are fully paid, levy upon all of the property within the district and
cause to be collected a tax sufficient for the payment thereof to be
known as the " count j^ water district water tax." Where
with relation to any such bonded indebtedness, the determination of the
board of directors as expressed in its resolution shall have been to the
effect that the whole of the said district was benefited by the purpose
thereof, it will be sufficient for the purpose of this section to simply
state that the whole of the district was so benefited. (Stats. 1923, p.
313; 1925, p. 987.)
* See note following section 22.
Levy and collection of tax.
Sec. 22.' Such taxes for the payment of the interest on or principal
of any such bonded debt shall be levied on the property within the
portion or portions of the district benefited thereby as stated by the
board of directors in accordance with their determination in the resolu-
tion declaring such determination, as well as in their resolution de-
claring the necessity for such indebtedness, and all taxes for other
purposes shall be levied on all property in the territory comprising
the district. All such taxes shall be collected at the same time and in
the same manner and form as county taxes are collected, and when
collected shall be paid to the district for Avhich such taxes were levied
and collected. Such taxes, if for the payment of a bonded debt or the
interest thereon, shall be a lien on all the property benefited thereby,
as so stated in the resolution of the board of directors aforesaid, and
all taxes for other purposes shall be a lien on all the property in the
territory comprising the district; and said taxes, whether for the pay-
ment of a bonded indebtedness or the interest thereon or for other
purposes, shall be of the same force and effect as other liens for taxes,
and their collection shall be enforced by the same means as provided
for in the enforcement of liens for state and county taxes. (Stats.
1915, p. 29; 1923, p. 315; 1925, p. 987.)
Sec. 23. Ordinances may be passed by the electors of any county
water district organized under the provisions of this act in accordance
with the methods provided by the general laws of the state for direct
legislation applicable to counties.
Sec. 24. Ordinances may be disapproved and thereby vetoed by the
electors of any such county water district by proceeding in accordance
with the methods provided by the general laws of the state for protest-
ing against legislation by counties.
Adding to district.
Sec. 25. Any portion of a county or any municipality, or both, may-
be added to any county water district organized under the provisions
of this act, at any time, upon petition presented in the manner herein
provided for the organization of such water district, which petition
may be granted by ordinance of the board of directors of such water
district. Such ordinance shall be submitted for adoption or rejection to
the vote of the electors in such water district and in the proposed
addition, at a general or special election held as herein provided, within
seventy days after the adoption of such ordinance. If such ordinance
3NOTH — Chapter 457 of the Statutes of 1925 (p. 987), which amended sections 15, 21
and 22 of this act, contained the following section, which must be interpreted as a
limitation on these three sections :
Sbc. 4. This act shall have no effect with regard to any bonded indebtedness
of the district heretofore authorized by vote of the electors of the district in accord
with the law in force at the time of such authorization, whether all of said bonds
so authorizd have been heretofore issued and sold or not, but all such bonds so
authorized may be issued and sold in conformity with the law in force at the time
of such authorization, and all provisions of such laws applicable to such bonds at
the time of such authorization shall, with regard to said bonds, continue in full
force and effect.
is approved, the president and secretary of the board of directors shall
certify that fact to the secretary of slate and to the county recorder of
the county in which such water district is located. Upon the receipt of
such last mentioned certificate the secretary of state shall, within ten
days, issue his certificate, reciting the passage of said ordinance and
the addition of said territory to said district. A copy of such certificate
shall be transmitted to and filed with the county clerk of the county in
which such county water district is situated. From and after the date
of such certificate the territory named therein shall be deemed added
to and form a part of said county water district, with all the rights,
privileges and powers set forth in this act and necessarily incident
Other water acts not repealed.
Sec. 26. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as repealing or in
any wise modifying the provisions of any other act relating to water or
the supply of water to, or the acquisition thereof by counties or munici-
palities within this state. The term "municipality," as used in this
act, shall include a consolidated city and county, city or town, and shall
be understood and so construed as to include, and is hereby declared
to include, all corporations heretofore organized and now existing and
those hereafter organized for municipal purpases within such water
districts. The term "county" shall be understood nad construed to
include "city and county." In municipalities in which there Is no
mayor the duty imposed upon said officer by the provisions of this act
shall be performed by the president of the board of trustees or other
chief executive of the municipality. The word "district" shall apply,
unless otherwise expressed or used, to a water district formed under the
provisions of this act, and the word "board" and the words "boards of
directors" shall apply to the board of directors of such district. Any
county water district heretofore oganized under the provisions of the
act of which this act is amendatory shall enjoy all the powers herein
granted and the organization of such districts and all proceedings lead-
ing to such organization are hereby affirmed and validated and such
districts are hereby declared to be duly organized and incorporated.
(Amended Stats. 1915, p. 26.)
Duties performed by registrar of voters.
Sec. 27. Whenever a registrar of voters in any county, or city and
county, shall be appointed, or elected, under the provisions of law, or
charter providing therefor, the duties imposed on the county clerk by
the provisions of this act shall be performed by the registrar of voters
with like effect, and in such ease all papers or documents required to
be filed with the county clerk shall be filed with said registrar of voters
when so appointed or elected.
Exclusion of territory.
Sec. 28. Any territory, included within any county water district
formed under the provisions of this act. and not benefited in any
manner by such district, or its continued inclusion therein, may be
excluded therefrom by order of the board of directors of such district
upon the verified petition of the owner or owners in fee of lands whose
assessed value, with improvements, is in excess of one-half of the
assessed value of all the lands, with improvements, held in private
ownership in such territory. S§id petition shall describe the territory
sought to be excluded and shall set forth that such territory is not
benefited in any manner by said county water district or its continued
inclusion therein, and shall pray that such territory may be excluded
and taken from said district. Such petition shall be filed with the
secretary of the water district and shall be accompanied by a deposit
with such secretary of the sum of one hundred dollars, to meet the
expenses of advertising and other costs incident to the proceedings for
the exclusion of such territory, including the cost of recording a certified
copy of the order hereinafter provided for, any unconsumed balance
to be returned to the petitioner. Upon the filing of such petition with
the secretary of the water district he shall call a meeting of the board
of directors of the district at a time not less than twenty-five days nor
more than fifty days after the filing of the petition and cause a notice
of the filing of such petition to be published for at least two weeks in
some newspaper of general circulation within said district, if there be
one, and if not, in some newspaper of general circulation published in
the county in w^hich the district is situated. Such notice shall also state
the date of the filing of such petition and that the same will come on
for hearing before the board of directors of the district and shall state
the time of the hearing and the place thereof, which shall be the regular
meeting place of the board of directors of the district; provided, that
the board may adjourn the hearing to a more convenient meeting place
within the district. Any landowner or taxpayer within the district
shall have the right to appear at said hearing, either in behalf of or in
opposition to the granting of said petition. Said petition shall come
on for hearing before the board of directors of the district at the time
and place specified in the notice of hearing. If upon such hearing the
board of directors determines that it is for the best interests of the
district that the lands mentioned in the petition, or some portion thereof,
be excluded from the district, or if it appears that such lands, or some
portion thereof, will not be benefited by their continued inclusion in
the district, then the board of directors shall make an order that such
lands, or such portion thereof, be excluded from the district, such order
to describe specifically the lands so excluded. From the time of the
making of such order the lands so excluded shall be deemed to be no
longer included in the district, but such order of exclusion shall not be
taken to invalidate in any manner any taxes or assessments theretofore
levied or assessed against the lands so excluded. A copy of such order
of exclusion, certified to by the secretary of the district, shall be
recorded in the oflfice of the county recorder of the county in which the
district is situated and the record of such certified copy shall be deemed
prima facie evidence of the exclusion from the district of the lands
purporting to be excluded thereby.
The board of directors of any countj' water district formed under
the provisions of this act may itself initiate the proceedings for the
exclusion from the district of any land or lands which it may not be
for the best interests of the district to be included, or which may not
be benefited in any manner by their continued inclusion therein. Such
proceedings shall be initiated by the board of directors by the passage
of a resolution requiring all persons interested to appear and show cause
before the board of directors, at a time and place specified, why such
lands, describing them, should not be excluded from the district and
fixing a time and place for such hearing and directing the secretary
of the district to give notice of the passage of such resolution and of
such hearing. Upon the passage of such resolution the secretary of the
district shall give notice thereof and of the time and place of such
hearing in the manner hereinbefore prescribed for notice of hearing
upon petition by a landowner or landowners, and thereafter all pro-
ceedings shall be had in the manner and with the effect herein provided
for proceedings upon a petition by a landowner or landowners. The
time of hearing fixed by the board of directors by its resolution herein-
before mentioned shall be not less than twenty-five days nor more than
fifty days after the passage of such resolution and the place of hearing
so fixed shall be a convenient place within the district ; provided, that
the final action of the board of directors under this section shall be
subject to the referendum by the electors of the water district according
to section twenty-four of this act. (Added Stats. 1917, p. 225.)
An act providing for the organization of water districts hy the hoard
of supervisors of the different counties of the state upon petition
therefor hy the land owners; providing for the joint government and
control thereof hy the land owners thereof and the hoard of super-
visors of the county in which the same are formed; providing for
the duties in connection therewith of the county officials of each
county in which any of the lands contained in said district are
located; providing for the acquisition and construction hy said
district of irrigation works, for the irrigation of the lands emhraced
therein and for the distrihution therehy of water for irrigation
purposes; providing for the payment of the dehts thereof hy a tax
levied on the lands emhraced therein; providing for the issuance
and sale of hands therehy; providing that said hands may he
investigated hy an appointive hoard of three hydraulic engineers;
providing for the approval of said hands hy the state superintendent
of hanks in case said investigation is favorably reported and that
thereafter said hands may he lawfidly purchased, or received in
pledge as security for any money or deposits or for the perform-
ance of any act, hy hanks, hanking institutions, insurance com-
panies, trtist companies, guardians, executors, administrators and
special administrators ; providing in certain cases for the transfer
of districts from the supervision of one county hoard of supervisors
to another; and providing for the dissolution of said districts for
nonuser of corporate power.
(Approved June 13, 1913, Stats. 1913, p. 815. Amended Stats. 1917, p. 1409; Stats,
1921, p. 1142.)
Organization of water districts. Petition. "Evidence of Title."
Section 1. The holders of title or evidence of title to a majority in
area of lands which are susceptible of irrigation from a common source
and by the same system of works may propose the organization of a
water district by signing and presenting to the board of supervisors of
the county in which the lands or the greater part thereof are situated,
at any of its regular meetings, a petition setting forth the following
facts, — that they propose to form under the provisions of this act a
water district to be known as the "( ) Water District"; the
boundaries thereof; a description of the lands contained therein by
legal subdivisions or other boundaries, specifying the county in which
the same are located ; the number of acres in the proposed district and
in each parcel or tract of land contained therein with the names, if
known, of the owners thereof, and, if not, designating them as "un-
known"; the place where the principal business thereof is proposed to
be transacted ; and the source or sources (which may be in the alterna-
tive) from which said lands are proposed to be irrigated. The words
"title or evidence of title" as used in this section include the possessory
rights of entrymen or purchasers of public lands under any law of
the United States or of this state whether evidenced by receipts or
otherwise. The records of the United States land office for the district
in which said lands are located ; the records of the state land office ; and
the records in the office of the county recorder of the county in which
said lands are situated shall be conclusive evidence of ownership for
the purposes of this section.
Lands within irrigation district.
Sec. la. All or any part of lands embraced within the boundaries of
any irrigation district now or hereafter organized under any law or
laws whatsoever of the State of California may be organized into or
included in a water district formed under the provisions of this act;
provided, that eighty per cent of the land within the boundaries of the
proposed water district is not under irrigation at the time of the for-
mation of the water district; provided, further, that no land within an
irrigation district which is also within the boundaries of a water dis-
trict formed under the provisions hereof shall be released from any of
the burdens, obligations, liabilities, or control of or under said irriga-
tion district by virtue of the formation of the water district and shall in
every respect continue to be a part of said irrigation district despite
the formation of said water district ; provided, further, that such water
district may not issue bonds in excess of such an amount as may be
authorized and designated by the irrigation district bond commission
created by the act entitled, "An act relating to bonds of irrigation
districts, providing under what circumstances such bonds shall be
legal investments for funds of banks, insurance companies and trust
companies, trust funds, state school funds and any money or funds
which may now or hereafter be invested in bonds of cities, cities and
counties, counties, school districts or municipalities, and providing
under what circumstances the use of bonds of irrigation districts as
security for the performance of anj' act may be authorized," approved
June 13, 1913, or such other state commission, department or agency
that may supersede said commission or succeed to its functions. (New
section added Stats. 1921, p. 1142.)
Publication of petition. Fixing boundaries. District declared organized.
Sec. 2. A copy of said petition and a notice signed by one or more of
the Detitioners stating the time and place at which the petition will be
presented to and heard by the board of supervisors shall be published
once a week for four weeks in some newspaper of general circulation
published in the county where said proceedings are to be held. Proof
of publication must be attached to the petition and filed with the clerk
of the board on or before the day on which the petition is presented.
During the hearing, or any continuation thereof until concluded, the
board must keep a full and complete record of all the proceedings and
shall preserve the evidence of all persons appearing and testifying
therein. If, at the hearing, it shall appear that the petition has been
prepared and presented in the manner required by law and that it
contains the required and properly qualified signatures thereto, the
board shall enter its order approving the same. Thereupon the board
shall fix the boundaries of the district and to that end may exclude
therefrom any lands improperly included therein by the petitioners;
and after a hearing thereon pursuant to a notice thereof published for
the time and in the manner required for the publication of the petition
(proof whereof has been filed with the clerk of the board on or before
the date of said hearing) shall include in said district any land which
shall appear to have been improperly excluded therefrom by the peti-
tioners ; and the board shall appoint until such time as their successors
are elected and shall have qualified as in this act provided and from
among those qualified to serve, a board of directors and an assessor.
The various orders of the board approving the petition, fixing the
boundaries of the district and appointing its officials shall be indorsed
upon or attached to the petition, and be signed by the president and
attested by the clerk of the board and it must then be by them filed for
record with the county recorder of each county in which any of the
lands contained in said district are located, and by him recorded in a
book kept by him for the purpose of recording instruments and writings
relating to said district. When said documents have been so recorded,
the district shall be and is hereby declared to be legally organized and
shall have power to sue and be sued.
Tax for preliminary expenses..
Sec. 2a. Immediately upon the formation of the district as provided
in section two hereof, the board of directors of the district shall have
the power to levy and collect the sum of fifty cents per acre for each
and every acre of land within the district and all such moneys thus
collected shall be used by the board of directors to pay the preliminary
expenses incurred in forming the district. (New section added Stats.
1921, p. 1143.)
Determination of legality of district.
Sec. 3. Any district formed hereunder, in order to determine the
legality of its existence, may institute a proceeding therefor in the
superior court of the county in which it was organized by filing with
the clerk of said county a complaint setting forth the name of the
district, its exterior boundaries, the date of its organization and a
prayer that it be adjudged a legal water district formed under the
provisions of this act. The summons in such proceeding shall be
served by publishing a copy thereof once a week for four weeks in
some newspaper of general circulation published in each county in
which any of the lands contained in said district are located. Within
thirty days after the last publication thereof shall have been completed
and proof thereof filed with the complaint any person interested may
appear and answer said complaint, in which case said answer shall set
forth the facts relied upon to show the invalidity of the district. If no
answer shall be filed within said time the court must render judgment
as prayed for in the complaint. If an answer be filed the court shall
proceed as in other civil cases. Said proceeding is hereby declared to
be a proceeding in rem and the judgment rendered therein shall be
conclusive against all persons whomsoever and against the State of
By-laws. Evidence of ownership.
Sec. 4. The district must adopt for the government and control of
its affairs a code of by-laws, not inconsistent with the constitution and
laws of the state or the provisions of this act. Sixty days after they
shall have qualified for office the board of directors shall prepare by-
laws for the written approval of the board of supervisors of the county
in which the district was organized, and, when said by-laws are ap-
proved, shall adopt the same by resolution entered in the minutes of
the meeting, unless, prior thereto, by-laws shall have been adopted
and filed with the secretary of the district by the written assent of the
holders of title or evidence of title, including such aforesaid possessory
rights, to a majority in area of the lands embraced in said district. The
records of the United States land office for the district in which said
lands are located ; the records of the state land office ; and the records in
the office of the county recorder of the county in which said lands are
situated shall be conclusive evidence of ownership for the purposes of
this section. The by-laws shall provide for : the manner of calling, and
the time, place and manner of conducting all elections and the manner
of giving notice thereof: the mode of voting in person or by proxy;
the qualifications and duties of officers, the tenure of their office, the
time and manner of their appointment or election ; their compensation ;
the place at which the principal biLsiness of the district is to be trans-
acted and the mode of changing the same; the mode of amending or
repealing the by-laws and suitable penalites for the violation of the
by-laws not to exceed in any one case two hundred dollars for any one
offense. The by-laws may be repealed or amended, or new by-laws may
be adopted by the assent of two-thirds of the total vote of the district,
given either in writing or by ballot cast at an election of the district.
The by-laws in their original form, and any repeal thereof, or amend-
ment or addition thereto, must, together with the approval of the board
of supervisors and the resolution of the directors, or the written assent
thereto or a memorandum of the returns of the election at which the
assent was given, be certified by a majority of the directors and the sec-
retary of the district and must be filed for record with the county
recorder of each county in which any of the lands contained in said
district are located and by him recorded in a book kept by him for the
purpose of recording instruments and writings relating to said district.
Until so recorded, no by-law, addition thereto, amendment or repeal
thereof, can be enforced against any person not having actual notice
of the same.
Officers of district. Vacancies. Salaries.
Sec. 5. The officers of the district shall be a board of five directors,
a secretary, and an assessor, all of whom shall except as herein other-
wise provided, be elected by ballot, except the secretary, who shall be
appointed by the board of directors. No person shall be qualified to
hold any of said offices, except that of secretary, unless he is a holder
of title or evidence of title, including such aforesaid possessory rights,
to lands contained in the district. Each appointee to office or officer-
elect shall forfeit his office unless within ten days after he has notice
of his election or appointment or before the expiration of ten days
from the commencement of his term of office, when no such notice is
given, he shall have filed for record with the county recorder of each
county in which any of the lands contained in said district are located,
a written acceptance of his office which shall be recorded in a book
kept for the purpose of recording: instruments and writings relating
to the district. If any office shall become vacant by forfeiture, death,
resignation, or from any other cause, the same shall be filled by ap-
pointment, — by the board of directors in case of a acancy in the office
of secretary, and by the board of supervisors of the county in which the
district was organized in all other cases. Until such time as their
salaries shall have been fixed by the adoption of by-laws, the officers
of the district shall receive the following compensation for their ser-
vices: the secretary and assessor such sum each as shall be fixed by
the board of directors; and the directors five dollars each for each
directors' meeting attended or for each day's service rendered as a
director by order of the board of directors, together with any expenses
incident to such service, except expenses incurred in traveling between
his place of residence and the place at which directors' meetings are
Organization of board; meetings, etc. Quorum. Records open to inspection.
Sec. 6. The board of directors shall choose from among its members
a president ; shall appoint the secretary of the district ; shall select and
maintain an office for the district in the principal place of business
thereof and shall hold regular meetings therein at such time and place
as may be agreed upon by resolution adopted, and shall hold therein
such other meetings as, from time to time, may be deemed advisable;
provided, that no meetings, except regular meetings, shall be valid
unless prior thereto each director shall have filed with the secretary his
written consent to the same, or unless the president, or three members
of the board of directors, shall have called the same by giving each of
said directors five days' written notice thereof, or unless said directors
shall have authorized the same by resolution adopted at a former meet-
ing and shall have caused five days' written notice thereof to be given
by the secretary to each director not joining therein. A majority of
the board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business. The vote of a majority of those present at any meeting
where a quorum is had shall be necessary to determine any proposi-
tion or resolution pre.sented. The secretary shall keep a record of all
the proceedings had at meetings of the board of directors. The books,
maps, papers, contracts, records and other documents pertaining to
the affairs of the district shall be filed in the office of the district with
the secretary and must be open to inspection at all times by any persons
Duties and powers of board. Not to let contracts until bonds are sold.
Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the board of directors to manage and
conduct the affairs of the district and to that end it shall, in the name
of the district, have power to plan, construct, maintain and keep in
repair the irrigation works necessary or proper to supply the lands
contained therein with sufficient water for irrigation purposes; to
acquire by purchase, condemnation or other legal means all water,
water rights, lands, properties or rights in properties necessary or
proper therefor; to lease or sell for a valuable consideration any
property, or right in property, belonging to the district and no longer
necessary to its use and purpose ; to take conveyances, contracts, leases
or other assurances for property acquired by the district under the
provisions of this act; to execute by its president and secretary all
contracts, leases, conveyances and other documents necessary to carry
out the duties and powers specified herein; to institute, maintain and
defend in person, or by attorneys, all actions, proceedings or suits at
law or in equity necessary or proper to carry but the provisions of tnis
act, or to enforce, maintain, protect or preser\'e the rights, privileges
and immunities created by or acquired in pursuance thereof; to estab-
lish, print and distribute among the land o\niers of the district
equitable rules and regulations for the distribution of water; to enter,
for the above purposes, either in person or by its agents or employees,
in and upon any lands contained in the district; to employ or fix the
salary of such persons as may be necessary or proper to fully carry out
the uses and purposes of the district : and to do any other lawful
thing necessary or proper to carry out the provisions of this act or
the uses and purposes for which the district is formed; provided,
however, that the board of directors shall not let, or enter into, a con-
tract for the construction of irrigation works, nor shall said board of
directors construct the same by employees of the district until an
election has been called and held to determine whether or not bonds
of the district shall be issued as provided in section thirteen of this act,
nor, in case bonds are voted, until eight-five per cent of the total
amount of said bond issue has been sold and the money received
thereon, as provided in section eighteen hereof.
Annual estimate of funds needed. Assessment. Hearing of objections. Tax
rate. Charge against each parcel computed. Appeal from decision of
Sec. 8. Between thirty and ninety days after the organiation of the
district, and between said dates annually thereafter, the board of
directors must file with the clerk of the board of supervisors of the
county in which said district was organized an estimate of the sum
required by the district to discharge the unpaid matured obligations
thereof at that date and the obligations thereof that will mature or
that it is probable will be incurred and mature during the two years
next following, specifying that portion of said estimate which will be
required for the pajTnent of bonds and of the interest on bonds.
Between the date on which the district was organized and ninety
days thereafter, and between said dates in each succeeding year, the
assessor must view the lands of the district and assess each parcel or
tract of land contained therein at the cash value of the benefit derived
by it from the construction and maintenance or proposed construction
and maintenance of irrigation works and said assessor must, within
said time, file with the clerk of said board of supers'isors, an assessment-
book, with appropriate headings, in which must be listed each parcel
or tract of land within the district, specifying, — (1) the name, if
known, (and, if unknown, stating that fact) of the holder of title or
evidence of title, including such aforesaid possessory rights, thereto;
(2) the description thereof by legal subdivisions, metes and bounds, or
other boundaries sufficient to identify the same; and (3) the value
assessed thereon. If the district is contained in more than one county,
then the assessment-book shall be prepared with a separate part in a
separate volume for the lands of each county.
Hearing of objections.
Within sixty daj^s after the said estimate and the said assessment
list shall have been filed as above provided, the said board of super-
visors, acting as a board of equalization, shall meet and hear any
verified, written objections, stating the ground therefor, to the assess-
ment as made, which objections shall, prior to the hearing, be filed
with the clerk of said board. Prior to the hearing, and during the
office hours of said board of supervisors, the assessment list shall be
open to public inspection. At the hearing, which must be continued
from time to time until completed, the said board of supervisors shall
hear the evidence offered in support of the objections presented and
shall add to or deduct from the valuation assessed to any tract or
parcel of land such per centum -thereof as shall be sufficient to raise
it or reduce it to the full cash value of the benefit derived by said tract
or parcel of land from the construction or maintenance or proposed
construction and maintenance of irrigation works and shall fix the
value of any lands contained in said district that shall not have been
so assessed. Thereupon, and before said hearing is closed, the assessor
shall have the total valuation of all the lands assessed extended into
columns, added and a statement thereof made.
Tax rate fixed.
When said statement is completed, the board of supervisors must
fix such ad valorem rate of taxation upon each hundred dollars in
value of the lands so assessed as will raise the sum specified in said
estimate. Any charges in or additions to said list shall be entered in
said assessment-book in the proper place therefor and the order therefor
shall be indorsed on the margin of the entry and signed by the president
and attested by the secretary of said board of supervisors. The order
of the board of supervisors approving the assessment, the statement
of the assessor showing the total valuation of the property assessed,
the order fixing the rate of taxation thereon, and the estimate of the
sum required by the board of directors of the district for the expense
thereof during the two years next following shall be signed by the
president and attested by the secretary of the district and shall be
attached to the assessment-book on the last volume thereof, unless the
lands of the district are contained in more than one county, in which
case a copy thereof shall be signed and attached in a similar manner
to each separate part of the .assessment-book.
Charge against each parcel of land computed.
Within ten days after the hearing is completed, the assessor shall
compute and charge in the assessment-book in a place provided there-
for in the record of each parcel or tract of land assessed the amount of
the tax due thereon and shall file each said separate part of the assess-
ment-book with the county tax collector of the county in which the
lands therein assessed are located and thereafter the charges therein
taxed shall be due and payable to the county tax collector of the county
in which the lands on which they are taxed are situated.
Appeal from decision of supervisors.
The various orders of the board of supervisors made at the hearing
shall be final and when indorsed on or attached to the assessment-book
shall be conclusive evidence that the assessment was made and the tax
levied in accordance with the law ; provided, however, that any person
interested in lands of the district and aggrieved by the decision of the
board of supervisors may, in order to have said assessment, or the tax
levied thereon, corrected, modified or annulled, institute an action
therefor in the superior court of the county in which said district was
Time to commence action to determine validity of assessment. Objection,
how to be made.
No action to determine the validity in any respect of any such
assessment, or tax levied thereon, shall be maintained unless the same
shall have been commenced within thirtj' days after the assessment-
book, or each separate part thereof, is filed with said county tax collector
as above provided, and no objection to the assessment shall be con-
sidered by said board of supervisors or allowed in any other action, or
proceeding, unless such objection shall have been made in writing,
verified and presented to the clerk of the board of supervisors in the
manner herein required.
Assessment lien on property.
Sec. 9. From and after the filing of the assessment-book, or separate
part thereof, with said county tax collector, as provided in section 8 of
this act, the charges therein taxed upon any tract or parcel of land
within the county for which he is the tax collector and any penalties
added thereto as hereafter provided shall constitute a lien thereon
and shall impart notice thereof to all persons.
Delinquency notice. Publication.
Sec. 10. Within ten days after each tax shall have become due and
payable, the assessor shall publish in some newspaper of general circu-
lation published in the county in which the district was organized, a
notice stating that the same became due and payable on (inserting
date) to the county tax collector of the county in which the lands on
which the charge therefor is a lien are located and that unless paid
within six calendar months from said date the same will become delin-
quent, an additional charge of ten per cent thereof added thereto and
the delinquent property sold at public auction. The tax must be paid
in United States gold coin and the tax collector must mark the date of
payment in the assessment-book opposite the name of the person paying,
and must give to such person a receipt, specifying the property taxed,
the amount of the charge thereon and the amount paid, and thereafter
must pay the moneys so received to the county treasurer of said county,
who must pay the same to the county treasurer of the county in which
said district was organized, and he shall place the same to the credit
of the district. As soon as possible after the tax shall become delin-
quent the assessment-book and each separate ])art thereof shall be
returned to the secretary of the district and the board of directors
thereof shall publish once a week for three weeks in some nemspaper
of general circulation published in the county in which said district
was organized a notice containing a description of the delinquent
property; the name, if known, and, if unknown, stating that fact, of
the person to whom it is assessed ; the amount of the taxes and penalties
due thereon; and a statement that the delinquent property will be
sold therefor in front of the courthouse of said county on a date therein
stated, which must be not less than twenty-one or more than twenty-
eight days from the first publication, unless an error is made in the
publication and discovered prior to the sale, in which case the notice
shall be republished in the same manner, specifying the sale for a date
not less than twenty-one or more than twenty-eight days from the first
Purchaser. Certificates of sale. Redemption of property. Deed after one
year. Sale by district purchasing.
Sec. 11. At the time and place stated in said notice or at such other
time (written notice whereof has been posted at the place of sale) to
which the board of directors may have postponed it, not exceeding
thirty days in all from the original date of sale, that person is the pur-
chaser who will immediately pay in gold coin of the United States the
delinquent tax and the penalty thereon for the smallest portion of the
delinquent property, or in case an undivided interest is taxed, then
the smallest portion of the interest. In case there is no purchaser in
good faith for the same the whole amount of the delinquent property
shall, for the amount of the tax and penalty thereon, be struck off to
the district as the purchaser.
Certificate of sale.
A certificate of sale shall be executed in duplicate by the board of
directors, one of which shall be delivered to the purchaser or to the
district, if the property shall have been struck off to the district, and
the other of which shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder
of the county in which the property sold is located. The certificate
shall be dated the day of the sale and shall specify — the description of
the property sold ; the name, if known, and if not, stating that fact, of
the person to whom it was assessed; the fact that it was sold for the
amount of the tax and penalty thereon, giving the ainount and year
of said tax ; and the date on which the purchaser will be entitled to a
Certificates recorded.
The recorder upon receiving the certificates of sale must, when he
records the same, enter, in a book provided for that purpose and kept
with the book provided for the purpose of recording instruments and
writings relating to the district, a description of the land sold, cor-
responding with the description in the certificate, the date of sale, the
name of the purchaser, and the amount paid. The entries in said book
shall be numbered consecutively on the margin thereof and a cor-
responding number shall be indorsed on the certificate. At the time
of the sale the board of directors shall indorse in the asse.ssment-book
opposite the description of the property, the portion of the same sold
for taxes and penalties, with the date of sale and name of purchaser
and shall thereafter pay to the tax collector of the county in which the
lands sold are located the amount received on the sale thereof and
shall return said assessment-book, or any such separate part thereof,
to the county tax collector from whom the same was received, who
must keep and file the same for the use and benefit of the district.
Redemption of property sold.
Any person interested in any property sold may redeem the same
within one year from the date of sale by paying in gold coin of the
United States to the county tax collector of the county in which the
property is located, and in trust for the purchaser or his assignees, the
amount for which the same was sold, together with interest thereon at
the rate of two per cent per month from the date of sale, and the tax
collector must give him a receipt therefor, specifying therein a descrip-
tion of the property redeemed, the name of the purcha.ser and the date
of sale, and he shall credit the amount so paid to the purchaser and
shall thereafter pay the same on demand to the purchaser or his
assignee. The county recorder of the county in which is located the
property redeemed shall, upon presentation of the tax collector's
receipt for said amount, mark the word "redeemed," the date and by
whom redeemed on both the record of the certificate of sale of said
property and on the margin of the memorandum thereof made in the
book kept for that purpose.
Purchaser entitled to deed after one year.
If no redemption shall be made within said one year, the purchaser,
or the district, if said property shall have been sold to the district,
shall be entitled to a deed executed by the board of directors, and said
deed shall contain all the recitals of the certificate, and when duly
acknowledged shall be (except as against actual fraud) conclusive
evidence of the regularity of all proceedings from the assessment to
the execution of said deed, inclusive, and said deed will convey to the
grantee the absolute title to the lands described therein, free of all
encumbrances, except state, county, municipal or subsequent district
taxes, and except when the land is owned by the United States or this
state, in which case it is the prima facie evidence of the right of
All property sold for taxes to the district shall subsequently be
assessed for district taxation as though it had never been sold, but it
shall not again l)e sold for delinquent tax, as long as it is owned by
the district.
Sale by district which became purchaser.
The title acquired by the district, in case it becomes the purchaser
at a delinquent tax sale of the district, may, subject to the reght of
redemption herein provided, be sold at public auction or private sale,
but such sale shall not be made for less than the reasonable market
value of the property, or for less than the amount of the taxes levied
thereon, plus any penalties that may have been added thereto.
Additional tax in case of failure or error.
Sec. 12. If for any reason any tract or parcel of land contained
within the district shall not have been charged with its portion of any
tax levied, or if the tax levied on any tract or parcel of land shall be
adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, then such
tract or parcel of land shall at the hearing in any subsequent tax levy
be additionally taxed and charged by the board of supervisors of the
county in which said district was organized in a sum which bears the
same proportion to the total amount of said former tax as its then
assessed valuation bears to the total amount of the assessed valuation
placed on all the lands in the district at the time said former tax was
Plan of irrigation works. Special bond election. Notice. Ballots.
Sec. 13. The board of directors shall, as soon after the organization
of the district as is practicable, prepare and adopt a plan of irrigation
works and shall estimate the cost of constructing the same and of
acquiring the lands, property, property rights, water, and water rights
necessary or proper therefor and to supply the lands contained in the
district with sufficient water for irrigation purposes, together with
every other expense of the district that it is probable will be incurred
and become payable before the expiration of one j'ear from the com-
pletion of said works, for which the funds of the district then in the
treasury or thereafter to be received from a tax previously levied, are
inadequate, including the interest on any bonds of the district due and
payable prior to said date. Thereafter, when it is considered by the
board of directors for the best interest of the district that bonds thereof
shall be issued for the purpose of obtaining all of the money necessary
to pay the costs and expenses specified in the estimate accompanying
the plan of the irrigation works or when the holders of title, or evidence
of title, including such aforesaid possessory rights, to a majority in
area of the land contained in the district, shall sign and file with the
secretary of the district a petition therefor, the said board of directors
shall, by resolution adopted and entered in its minutes, order a special
election to be held at the time designated by said board at which shall
be submitted to the land owners the question of whether or not bonds
of the district shall be issued in said amount. A notice of said election
specifying the time and place at which the same will be held, the
amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the interest rate and pur-
pose thereof, shall be published once a week for four weeks in some
newspaper of general circulation published in each county in which
any of the lands contained in said district are located, and proof
thereof must be filed with the secretarj' of the district prior to the date
on which said election is held. The ballots east at such election shall
specify the amount and purpose of the proposed bond issue and the
rate of interest proposed. If two-thirds of the votes cast thereat are
in favor of the issuance of bonds, the board of directors sihall cause
bonds in the amount specified in the order for the election to be executed
and delivered to the county treasurer of the county in which said dis-
trict was organized.
Term, denomination, etc., of bonds. Interest Coupons. Form. Bonds
placed to credit of district.
Sec. 14. Bonds of the district, when issued, shall be payable in gold
coin of the United States in twenty series as follows, five per cent of
the whole amount of said bonds at the expiration of eleven years and
at the expiration of each succeeding year to and including the expira-
tion of thirty years from the date of execution thereof; they shall be
of the denomination of not less than one hundred dollars nor more
than one thousand dollars each; and they shall be signed by the
president of the board of directoi-s and attested by the county auditor
of the county in which the district was organized. Each bond must be
made payable at a given time for its entire amount and not for a per-
centage; shall bear interest at a rate not in excess of seven per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually on the dates therein named at the
office of said county treasurer upon the presentation and surrender of
the proper coupons therefor, and the principal thereof shall be payable
when due upon the presentation and surrender thereof to said county
treasurer by the holder of the same. Each issue shall be numbered
consecutively and the bonds of each issue shall be numbered consecu-
tively and bear date at the time of their issue. Coupons for each
installment of interest shall be attached to the bonds and shall be num-
bered the same as the bonds, and attested by the facsimile signature
of the county auditor of the county in which said district was organized.
The bonds shall be substantially in the following form :
"Issue No. For value received water
district situated in the county of , State of California, prom-
ises to pay the holder hereof at the office of the treasurer of said
county, on the day of , 19__, the sum of dollars
in gold coin of the United States with interest in like gold coin at the
rate of per centum per annum, payable at the office of said
treasurer semi-annually, on the day of and the
day of in each year, on presentation and surrender
of the interest coupons hereto attached. This bond is issued pursuant
to an election held by said district on the day of ,
19 — , authorizing its issuance, and by authority of an act entitled
(specifying the title and date of approval of this act).
In witness whereof, the said district, by its board of directors, has
caused this bond to be signed by the president of said board and attested
by the auditor of said county, with his seal of office attached, this
of , 19-_.
President of said board.
Attest :
Auditor of County."
The interest coupons shall be substantially in the following form :
The treasurer of county, State of California, will pay
the holder hereof, on the day of , 19 , at his office
in , dollars, gold coin of the United States,
out of the funds of Water District for interest on bond
numbered of said district.
County Auditor. ' '
The county treasurer of the county in which said district was organ-
ized shall, when he receives the same, place the said bonds to the credit
of the district and he shall, in a book provided for that purpose, keep a
record of said bonds and of the pajTnent thereof and the interest
thereon. When filed with said county treasurer, as above provided,
the bonds of the district and the interest thereon shall be and remain
until paid a lien on the lands of the district, and a lien for the bonds of
any issue shall be a preferred lien to that of any subsequent issue.
Test of validity of bonds.
Sec. 15. As soon as said bonds .shall have been delivered to said
county treasurer, the board of directors, or any holder of title, or
evidence of title, including such aforesaid possessory rights, to lands
contained in the district, may, in order to determine that said bonds
are a legal obligation of the district, institute a proceeding therefor in
the superior court of the county in which the district was organized
by filing with the clerk of said county a complaint setting forth that
on a date therein named bonds of said district were delivered to the
said treasurer, stating the amount of such bonds, and praying that such
bonds be adjudged to be a valid legal obligation of such district. The
summons in such proceeding shall be serv-ed by publishing a copy
thereof once a week for four weeks in some newspaper of general
circulation published in each county in which any of the lands con-
tained in said district are located. Within thirty days after the last
publication thereof shall have been completed and proof thereof filed
with the court, any person interested may appear and answer said com-
plaint, in which case .said answer shall set forth the facts relied upon to
show the invalidity of said bonds. If no answer shall be filed within
said time, the court must render judgment as prayed for in the som-
plaint. If an answer be filed the court shall proceed as in other civil
cases. Said proceeding is hereby declared to be a proceeding in rem
and the judgment rendered therein shall be conclusive against all
persons whomsoever and against the State of California.
Issue of additional bonds.
Sec. 16. For the purpose of completing the irrigation works and of
acquiring the lands, property, property rights, water and water rights
neces.sary or proper therefor and to supply the lands contained in the
di.strict with sufiicient water for irrigation, or for the purpose
of making additions to said irrigation works, or for the purpose
of paying: for and retirinjj any issue of bonds previously made, the dis-
trict may, when it is necessary or proper therefor, issue additional
bonds in the same manner as is hereinbefore provided for the original
issue of bonds.
Sale of bonds.
Sec. 17. The board of directors shall provide ways and means for
the sale of said bonds or for the exchanpje thereof dollar for dollar for
bonds of the State of California. Said board .shall in no event, except
as herein otherwise provided, .sell or exchange, as above provided, any
of said bonds for less than the par value thereof, plus the accrued
interest thereon, nor shall any of .said bonds be sold or exchanged nor
shall said treasurer deliver any of the same unless the total proceeds
thereof, either in gold coin of the United States or bonds of the State
of California at their par value, shall be at least eighty-five per centum
of the total amount of .said bond issue, nor unless said bonds shall first
have been approved as provided in .section eighteen of this act; pro-
vided, however, that the board of directors of a district shall have the
power to order the bonds of the district to be sold at not less than
ninety per cent of the par value thereof, when the board deems it for
the best interest of the district to do so. When any of said bonds are
sold by the board of directors, the count}^ treasurer of the county in
which the district was organized shall transfer the bonds purcha.sed to
the purchaser upon receiving the price, and the moneys
received therefrom shall be placed to the credit of the district and in a
similar manner bonds of the State of California that may be received
for bonds of the district shall be placed to the credit thereof to be sold
as the board of directors may direct, in no case, however, for less than
the par value thereof. (Amended Stats. 1921, p. 1142.)
Water district bonds lawful investment of trust funds, etc. Appointment of
engineer. Board of investigation. Approval of superintendent of banks.
Expense of investigation.
Sec. 18. When approved as provided in this section the bonds of
any water district issued in pursuance of this act may be lawfully pur-
chased or received in pledge as security for any money or deposits or
for the performance of any act, by banks, banking institutions, insur-
ance companies and trust companies, and, when thereunto duly author-
ized by the court, by guardians, executors, administrators and special
admini.strators. When requested therefor in writing by a majority of
the board of directors of any water district formed hereunder, the
governor select and appoint one hydraulic engineer, who, wuth
one such engineer appointed by said board of directors and one such
engineer mutually agreed upon and jointly appointed by the governor
and said board of directors, shall constitute a board of investigation to
determine w^hether or not the total cost of acquiring the water rights
and the system of works that may be necessary to supply the lands of
the district with water in sufficient quantities for irrigation purposes
will be in excess of one hundred per centum of the total amount of the
bonds theretofore issued by such district. Within ninety days after
the third and last member thereof is chosen, unless said time shall be
extended by the board of directors, in which case within said extension
of time, each member of said board of investigation shall prepare his
separate written report and shall file the same with the state superin-
tendent of banks and shall certify and file a copy thereof with the board
of directors of said district, which report shall specify whether or not
said cost will be in excess of one hundred per centum of the total
amount of the said bonds so issued. If two members of said board of
investigation shall find that said cost will not be in excess of an amount
equal to one hundred per centum of the total amount of the said bonds
so issued, the state superintendent of banks must, when so requested by
the board of directors of said district, indorse upon the face of each
of said bonds the word "approved" and shall affix thereunder his
signature and the title of his office. The said district shall bear and
pay for all expenses incident to the investigation and the governor,
before appointing any member of the board of investigation which he
is herebj' empowered to select and appoint, may require that the said
district provide, subject to his approval, a good and sufficient under-
taking in an amount not in excess of six thousand dollars, conditioned
that said district, or its sureties, which shall be two in number, will
pay the salary and necessary expenses of that member of said board of
investigation appointed by him, not to exceed, however, the total sum
of five thousand dollars.
Destruction of unused bonds.
Sec. 19. Whenever there remains in the hands of the treasurer of
the county in which the district was organized any unsold bonds of the
district which it is not necessary to sell for the purpose of raising funds
for the district, the board of directors may call a special election to
determine whether said bonds shall be destroyed or not, or may submit
such proposition at a general election. The notice thereof shall specify,
in addition to the requirements therefor as provided in section 23
of this act, the amount of the bonded indebtedness authorized, the
amount of the bonds remaining unsold and the amount thereof pro-
posed to be destroyed. When the vote cast at said election is canvassed
by the board of election, if a two-thirds majority of the votes cast shall
be found to be in favor of the destruction of said bonds, then the
president of the board of directors, in the presence of a majority of the
members thereof, must destroy the bonds so voted to be destroyed and
the amount thereof shall be deducted from the total amount authorized
to be issued, and no part thereof shall thereafter be reprinted or
Use of excess money to redeem bonds.
Sec. 20. Whenever the funds of the district are in excess of the
amount necessary to complete the construction of the irrigation works
or to acquire the necessary water, water rights, property and rights in
property therefor and to supply all the lands contained in the district
with sufficient water for irrigation and in addition thereto to
pay every obligation of the district that is due and payable or that will
become due and payable or that it is probable will become due and
payable before the expiration of two years from the date on which the
next preceding tax of the district was levied, the board of directors
may direct the treasurer of the county in which said district was
organized to pay with said excess (specifying the amount thereof)
such an amount of the sold bonds of the district as said excess sum of
money will redeem at the lowest value at which they may be obtained
for liquidation, in no case for more than the par value thereof.
County treasurer to receive funds for district. Bond fund. General fund.
Payments from fund.
Sec. 21. The county treasurer of the county in which the district
was organized shall receive to the credit of the district and in trust for
the uses and benefits thereof all the funds thereof, and all such funds
or moneys belonging to the district, or to which the district is entitled,
shall, when received, except as herein otherwise provided, be paid by
the person so receiving them to the said treasurer. The said treasurer
shall establish for the district two funds, to wit, a bond fund and a
general fund, and shall apportion the moneys of the district to said
funds, as follows : to the bond fund, that portion of the moneys received
from the collection of taxes or from the sale of property for delinquent
taxes which bears the same proportion to the total amount so received
from the collection of taxes or from the sale of property for delinquent
taxes as that portion of the estimate of the board of directors (on which
said tax was based) which is required for the payment of bonds and of
the interest on bonds bears to the whole amount of said estimate; to
the general fund, the balance of all moneys or funds so received. In
case lands of the district when sold for delinquent taxes, are struck off
to the district as the purchaser, the tax collector of the county in which
said lands are located shall, in making his accounting with the treasurer
of said count}', furnish a statement of the lands so sold to the district
and of the amount for which the same were sold, and said treasurer
shall deliver the same to the treasurer of the county in which said
district was organized and said last-named treasurer shall thereupon
estimate that portion of said amount belonging to the bond fund and
shall charge the general fund with said portion and shall pay the same
from the general fund into the bond fund. The moneys placed in the
bond fund shall be used for the payment of bonds and of the interest
thereon, and, until the total bonded indebtedness of the district is
discharged, shall not be used for any other purpose. The funds of the
district shall not, except for the paj-ment of bonds and the interest
thereon, be paid out by the treasurer of the county in which said dis-
trict was organized, unless a warrant therefor shall have been drawn
and executed to the board of directors and approved by the board of
supervisors of said county. Such warrants are and shall be considered
as contracts in writing for the pajTiient of money, and the period pre-
scribed for the commencement of an action based thereon, or connected
therewith, is and shall be the term of four years from the date of their
issuance. In any proceeding for a writ of mandate to compel the board
of directors to issue a warrant, the court must determine the controversy
in the manner provided for determining controversies in other civil
actions, and shall cause a writ to issue for such sum as may be found
to be due.
Sec. 22. Except as herein otherwise provided, every holder of title
or evidence of title (including the aforesaid possessory rights) to land
contained in said district, and no other, shall be qualified and entitled
to vote either in person or by proxy at any election held by said dis-
trict. Each person entitled thereto shall have one vote for each
dollar's worth of land, the title to which is held by him as above pro-
vided. The next preceding assessment-book of said district shall, for
the purpose of this section, be conclusive evidence of ownership and of
the value of the property so owned.
Conduct of elections. Election officers. Contest of election. Proxies.
Sec. 23. Except as herein otherwise provided, all elections held
under the provisions of this act shall be called, held and conducted at
the time, place and in the manner provided by the by-laws of the dis-
trict; provided, however, that no such election shall be valid unless the
place at w^hieh the same is held is at the principal place of business of
the district and unless notice thereof shall first have been given in the
following manner : by publication thereof once a week for at least two
weeks in some newspaper of general circulation published in each
county in which any of the lands contained in said district are located.
The said notice of election shall state the time, place and purposes
thereof. At least ten days before any election, the board of directors
must appoint from among those persons qualified and entitled to vote
at said election an inspector and two judges, who shall constitute a
board of election, and three alternates who shall, in the order in which
they are appointed, fill any vacancies on said board if any members
thereof do not attend at the opening of the polls. Each member of such
board of election, or his successor, must, before entering upon his
duties as such, take an official oath as such member of the board of
election, which may be administered by any officer authorized to admin-
ister oaths or by any landholder in the district. The inspector is chair-
man of the election board and shall appoint the necessary clerks, and
if during the progress of the election any judge or clerk shall cease to
act, he shall appoint his successor. The polls shall be kept open for
the reception of votes from 10 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m., when
the same must be closed. The election board shall, before the opening
of the polls, post in a conspicuous place thereat a list of all persons
entitled to vote at said election with the number of votes they are
entitled to cast. The ballots used at the election shall be provided by
the board of directors and one of the clerks of election shall deliver one
of them to each person qualified to cast a vote or to his representative
by proxy. The Australian ballot shall be used and the clerk of the
election board at the time of delivering the same to the voter, or his
representative by proxy, shall mark thereon in a place provided for
that purpose the name of the person casting the ballot and the number
of votes which he is entitled to cast. The person casting the ballot
shall stamp a cross w^ith a rubber stamp, to be provided by the board
of directors, in the square behind the name of each candidate or propo-
sition he wishes to vote for. The election board shall retain and file
with the returns of the election all proxies presented at said election.
A list of the ballots cast shall be made by the board of election, con-
taining the name of the voter and, if the ballot be cast by proxy or by
the legal representative of the voter, the name of the person casting it ;
the number of votes cast; and how the person voted on the different
matters presented at the election. At the close of the polls the board
of election shall at once proceed to canvass the votes and declare the
result, and shall forward a certificate, showing the same and the num-
ber of votes cast for or against each candidate or proposition and shall
forward said certificate, together with all ballots used and all docu-
ments and papers used at such election, to the clerk of the board of
supervisors of the county in which the district was organized, and a
duplicate copy thereof to the secretary of the district. A copy of said
certificate, certified by said clerk of the board of supervisors, shall be
by him filed for record with the county recorder of each county in
which any of the lands contained in said district are located, and by
him recorded in a book kept by him for the purpose of recording instru-
ments and writings relating to said district. Any person interested
may contest such election, within twenty days after the result thereof
has been declared, by filing a complaint in the superior court of the
county where such election was held, and if no contest shall be com-
menced within said time, the declaration of the result by the board of
election shall be final and conclusive. No proxy shall be valid and no
proxy shall be accepted or vote allowed thereon at any election held
under the provisions of this act unless the same be executed in writing
by the person or corporation who, according to the next preceding
assessment-book of the district, is entitled to the votes for which the
proxy is given. The said proxy shall be acknowledged before some
person authorized to take certified acknowledgments of conveyances of
real property and shall specify the election for which it is given and
shall only be used at such election. Every proxy shall be revocable at
the pleasure of the person executing it.
Rights may be exercised by legal representative.
Sec. 24. The rights, privileges and immunities created by this act
in favor of any holder of title or evidence of title, including such afore-
said possessory rights, to lands contained in the district may for his
benefit and on his behalf be exercised by, and are hereby extended to,
his legal representative in all cases where said legal representative is an
official of said corporation owning land within the district or is a guar-
dian, executor, or administrator of an estate who is appointed as such
under the laws of this state and who as such is entitled to the possession
of lands included within said water district belonging to the estate which
he represents and who has been by the court duly authorized to exercise
the particular right, privilege or immunity which he seeks to exercise ;
provided, however, that he must, before he casts a ballot at any elec-
tion of the district, present the board of election or some clerk thereof
with a certified copy of his authority, which must be kept and filed with
the returns of the election.
Use of water for district declared public use.
Sec. 25. The use of all water required for the irrigation of the
lands of any district formed under the provisions of this act, and for
domestic and other incidental and other beneficial uses, within such
district, together with the rights of way for canals and ditches, sites
for reservoirs and all other property required in fully carrying out
the provisions of this act, is hereby declared to be a public use, subject
to the regulation and control of the state in the manner prescribed
by law.
Power to construct works across streets, etc. Right of way through state
Sec. 26. The board of directoi-s shall have power to construct the
irrigation works across any stream of water, watercourse, street,
avenue, highway, railway, canal, ditch, or flume which the route of a
canal or canals of said works may intersect or cross, in such manner as
to afford securitj^ for life and property; but said board shall restore
the same, when so crossed or intersected, to its former state as near as
may be, or in a sufficient manner not to have impaired unnecessarily
its usefulness; and every company whose railroad shall be intersected
or crossed by said works shall unite with said board in forming said
intersections and crossings and shall grant the privileges aforesaid ; and
if such railroad company and said board or the owners and controllers
of said property, thing or franchise so to be crossed, cannot agree upon
the amount to be paid therefor, or the points or the manner of said
crossings or intersections, the same shall be ascertained and determined
in all respects as is herein provided in respect to the taking of land.
A right of way is hereby given, dedicated, and set apart to locate, con-
struct, and maintain said works over and through any of the lands
which are now or may be the property of this state; and also there is
given, dedicated, and set apart for the uses and purposes aforesaid, all
waters and water rights belonging to this state within the district.
The rights of way, ditches, flumes, pipe-lines, dams, water rights,
reservoirs and other property of like character belonging to any dis-
tric organized under this act shall not be taxed for state and county
or municipal purposes.
Condemnation proceedings.
Sec. 27. In case of condemnation proceedings, the board of directors
shall proceed in the name of the district under the provisions of Title
VII, Part III of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Officers not to be interested in contracts.
Sec. 28. No officer of the district shall in any manner be interested
directly or indirectly, in any contract awarded or to be awarded, or
in the profits to be derived therefrom; and for any violation of this
provision such officer shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
such conviction shall work a forfeiture of his office, and he shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprison-
ment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by both such fine
and imprisonment.
Apportionment of waters. Penalty.
Sec. 29. It is hereby expressly provided that all waters distributed
for irrigation purposes shall be apportioned ratably to each land
owner upon the basis of the ratio which the last assessment of such
owner for district purposes within said district bears to the whole
acreage assessed upon the district. When the equitable rules and
regulations for the distribution of water have been provided by the
board of directors and published once a week for two weeks in some
newspaper of general circulation published in each county in which
any of the lands contained in said district are located, any violation
thereof shall be and is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and the
person committing the same shall, upon convicition thereof, be subject
to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hun-
dred dollars.
No fees for services of county officers.
Sec. 30. No supervisor, recorder, tax collector, treasurer, auditor or
clerk of any county shall receive any fee for any service required to be
performed by him under the provisions of this act ; provided, however,
that the tax collector of each county in which any of the lands contained
in the district are located, during the time for the collection of the
taxfes of the district, may require the board of directors to provide and
pay for a deputy tax collector whose duty it shall be to care for the
matters relating to the collection of the said taxes of the district.
In case of division of a county excluding lands of district.
Sec. 31. If at any time after the organization of any district here-
under, the boundaries of the county in Avhicli the same was organized
shall be so changed or modified as to exclude therefrom all of the lands
contained in said di.strict, then in that event the records and docu-
ments of said district in the possession and care of the board of super-
visors of said county, together with a certified copy of the proceedings
had by the district under jurisdiction of said board of supervisors, shall
be transferred and filed with the clerk of the board of supervisors of
the county in which the greater portion of the lands contained in said
district are located. All proceedings, petitions, orders or other docu-
ments which have been filed with the recorder of the county in which
said district was organized, and which, or a certified copy thereof, have
not been recorded in the county to which said district is transferred,
shall be certified to by said county recorder and filed for record with
the county recorder of the county to which said district has been trans-
ferred, and by him recorded in a book kept by him for the purpose of
recording instruments and writings relating to said district. The
treasurer and the auditor of the county in which said district was organ-
ized shall draw their warrant upon .said treasurer for all of the funds
of such district in the treasury of said county and the said treasurer
shall pay such warrant and said funds, together with all unsold bonds
of the district and the bond record kept by him, shall be transferred
by him to the treasurer of the county to which the district has been
o transferred. From and after the transfer in the manner above
specified the board of supervisors of the county to which the district
is transferred shall have and exercise all of the jurisdiction, power and
authority over said district as was theretofore exercised by the board
of supervisors of the county wherein such district was originally
formed and thereafter any act or duty which is herein required to be
done by the board of supervisors or any officer of the county in which
said district was organized shall be performed by the correcpond-
ing board of supervisors or other official of the county to which
said district has been transferred, in general the said district
shall thereafter conduct and manage its affairs through its proper
officials and in conjunction with the proper officials of each county in
which any of the lands contained in said district are located as though
said district was originally organized in the county to which it was
Action for dissolution of district. Hearing.
Sec. 32. An action may be brought by the attorney general in the
name of the people of this state, upon his own information, or that of
a private party, for the dissolution of any district formed hereunder
for a nonuser of its corporate powers. In such action the complaint
and summons shall be personally served upon said district by delivery
of a copy thereof to either the president of the board of directors or
the secretary of the district. When service has been made upon the
defendant and an appearance has been entered or a default of the
defendant entered, the court, upon the application of any of the parties,
shall thereupon enter an order fixing a day for hearing, w^hich shall,
not be less than twenty-five days from the date of the order and shall,
also, enter an order directing notice by publication to be given by the
clerk to all persons interested in said district either as the owners of
land or interests in land in said district or as creditors of said district,
or otherwise, requiring them to be and appear on the day fixed for the
hearing and show cause, if any they have, why the district named in
the complaint as defendant should not be dissolved. The notice shall
be published in some newspaper of general circulation published in
each county in which any of the lands contained in said district are
located, for a period of not less than twenty days. On the day fixed
for a hearing, or some later date to which the cause may be continued,
the court may proceed with the hearing, due proof having been first
made of the service of the notice by publication for the length of time
required by the order. Any person interested in the district that is
defendant, shall, upon showing his interest, be allowed to file an answer
or objections to the dis.solution of the defendant and shall from the
filing of said answer or objections become a party defendant, and be
entitled to all the rights of a defendant in any civil action. If upon
the trial of any .such action it be determined by the court : that the
district is not in debt, or if in debt, that all claims are barred by the
statute of limitations and that in addition thereto said district, or the
board of directors thereof, are not proceeding to place the lands of the
district under irrigation and are not exercising the powers of the cor-
poration and have not been so doing for a period of one year prior
thereto, the court shall then enter a decree di.ssolving the corporation,
or make such further order as may be deciiuMl noc^'ssary to protect the
rigrhts of all parties interested.
Constitutionality of act.
Sec. ;J3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of
this act is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this act. The
legislature hereby declares that it would have passed this act, and each
of .said parts thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more
other sections, subsection.s, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared
Nothing repealed.
Sec, 34. This act does not change, modify, add to or repeal any
other act or law of this state.
County assessment-roll may be adopted.
Sec. 35. The board of directors of any district hereafter organized
hereunder may at their option adopt the assessment-roll of the county
or counties in which the land of the district is contained in so far as
said assessment-roll affects the lands in the district ; and file with the
clerk of the board of supervisors a certified copy of such
roll, in lieu of the assessment -book mentioned in section eight of this
act. (New section added Stats. 1917, p. 1409.)
Sale of water.
Sec. 36. The board of directors of any district hereafter organized
hereunder shall have the power to sell water to owners of land in the
district and to fix rates for the sale of water, and such rates may vary
in different months and in different localities of the district to cor-
respond to the cost and value of the service, and to collect for all water
.sold and to use so much of the proceeds of the sale of water as may be
neces.sary to defray the ordinary operating expenses of the district
and any funds derived from the sale of water, in excess of the amount
necessary for operating expenses, shall be paid to the treasurer of the
county in which said district is located and applied upon the payment
of interest on bonds or to create a sinking fund. (New section added
Stats. 1917, p. 1409.)
An act to regulate the iise of water which is subject to such control by
the State of California, and in that behalf creating a state water
commission; specifying and providing for the appointment of the
members of said commission; fixing the terms of office and compen-
sation of the members of said commission; fixing the powers, duties
and authority of said commission and its members; providing for
the filling of vacancies in the membership of said commission; pro-
viding for the removal from office of the appointed members of said
commission; pi'oviding for the cooperation of courts with said com-
mission; providing that certain courts shall take judicial notice of
certain acts of the state water commission; specifying the duties of
all persons summoned as witnesses before said commission or any
of its members; appropriating money for carrying out the provi-
sions of this act; providing for the payment of the indebtedness and
expenses of said commission, its members and employees; declaring
what water is unappropriated; providing for the utilization of water
and the worhs necessary to such utilization to the full capacity of
streams or of such portion or portions of such capacity as the public
good may require; declaring what water may be appropriated;
declaring that the nonapplication for ten consecutive years of any
portion of the waters of any stream to lands riparian to such stream
shall be conclusive presumption that the use of such nonapplied
water is not needed on said riparian lands for a iiseful or beneficial
purpose; declaring that such nonapplied water shall be deemed to
be in the use of the state and subject to appropriation; declaring
the duties of those who desire to appropriate water; declaring the
periods for which water may be appropriated and the conditions
under which water may be appropriated; providing for the payment
of fees and charges by the applicants for permission to appropriate
water and by the appropriators of water; providing for the ascer-
tainment and adjudication of water rights; providing for the bring-
ing of actions by certain persons, or, upon the direction of the state
water commission, by the attorney general, for the quieting of title
to water rights; specifying certain duties of the claimants, possessors
or u^ers of water or water rights; declaring water rights forfeited
under certain conditions; regulating the appropriation of water;
excepting cities, cities and counties, municipal water districts, irri-
gation districts and lighting districts from certain provisions of this
act; defining certain words and terms used in this act; repealing all
acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act; declaring how this act
shall be known; making legislative declaration concerning those
parts of this act which may not be declared unconstitutional.
(Approved by the Governor June 16, 1913, held up by referendum, approved by vote
of the people November 3, 1914, went Into effect December 19, 1914. Amended Stata.
1917, pp. 194, 195, 231, 284, 746; 1919, pp. 52, 124, 162; 1921, pp. 442, 443. 482, 543;
1923, pp. 511. 1193; and 1925. p. 586.)
The people of the State of California do enact as follows:
Commission personnel, etc.
Section 1. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this
act a state water commission consisting of five persons is hereby
created and established. Two members of said commission shall be, ex
officio, the governor of the state and the state engineer, respectively.
Three members of said commission, one of whom shall be the executive
member and the other two shall be associate members, shall be appointed
by the governor for the term of four years; provided, however, that the
members first appointed shall be appointed to hold office for the unex-
pired term of the members in office at the time this amendatory act takes
effect. Such appointive commissioners shall be men of practical knowl-
edge or experience in the application and use of waters for irrigation,
mining and municipal purposes, and shall be so appointed that at least
one thereof shall have had practical knowledge and experience in the
use of water for agricultural purposes, and one thereof shall have had
practical knowledge and experience in the use of water for mining pur-
poses, and one thereof shall have had practical knowledge and experience
in the use of water for municipal purposes. The executive member shall
be president of the commission. The executive member of said com-
mission shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of five
thousand dollars per annum. Each of the associate members of said
commission shall receive as compensation for his services fifteen dollars
per day while actually engaged in the duties of his office. All members
of the commission shall receive their actual and necessary traveling
expenses. No commissioner who is directly or indirectly interested in
any matter before the commission shall sit with the commission during
the hearing of such matter ; nor shall he be detailed by the commission
to investigate or report on any such matter; nor shall he take part in
any determination of any such matter. But the governor shall have the
power and authority, upon request of the commission, to appoint pro
tempore some disinterested person to sit and act in the place and stead
of such interested commissioner. Such pro tempore commissioner shall
have compensation for the time of service equal to the compensation of
a commi-ssioner during such service and shall have the power and
authority of the same, only in the matter for the investigation and
determination of which he shall have been appointed and his connection
with the commission shall cease and determine upon the completion of
the investigation and determination for which he was appointed. But
the commission in whose place and stead he sits shall have power, com-
pensation and authority in all other cases.
Executive member — duties.
It shall be the duty of the executive member of said commission to
co)isif1fr and net npon all appHr-atinric for permits to appropriate water
under the provisions of the water commission act and to do all things
required or proper relating to such applications and his acts and orders
in such matters shall be deemed the acts and orders of said commission ;
provided, however, that any person, firm, association, or corpora- <^o^
tion interested in any such application may appeal from any order ^ |,S
of said executive member granting or refusing to grant a permit ""aj-
or a license to appropriate by filing with said commission a notice f p S.
of appeal within thirty days after notice of such order is given as ^ ^^
provided in the water commission act. Such notice of appeal shall p " -■
be sufficient if it sets forth or refers to with reasonable certainty " § -o
the order appealed from and the grounds of dissatisfaction there- o^^g
with. Upon the filing of notice of appeal the said water commis- 3 8?
sion shall review all papers and proceedings in the matter in |?-"
which the order appealed from was made, take such additional | » m
evidence as it may deem proper, and enter its order in such matter '^ 5®
afiirming, reversing, or modifying in any way the order of said {tS5
executive member. (Stats. 1919, p. 1193.) ^*-"
Hearings upon applications.
Sec. la. The state water commission shall have authority to grant,
or to refuse to grant a permit and to reject any application, after hear-
ing; provided, however, that no hearing shall be necessary in order to
issue a permit upon an unprotested application or in order to
reject a defective application after notice as provided in section seven-
teen of this act, unless the state water commission elects to hold a hear-
ing; and provided, further, that upon failure of any party in interest
to appear at a hearing or show good cause within five days thereafter
for said failure, final action may be taken by said commission without
further hearing. In the conduct of hearings technical rules of evidence
need not be applied. Notice of hearing shall be given by mailing notice
not less than twentv days before the date of hearing. (Stats. 1923,
p. 161.)
Right to bring suit in superior court.
Sec. 1&. Any person, firm, association, or corporation interested in
any application for a permit to appropriate water or any party prot-
estant before the state water commission may within thirty days after
issuance of a permit or an order refusing to issue a permit and rejecting
an application bring an action in the superior court in and for the
county wherein the proposed point of diversion or a proposed point of
diversion lies. Said action shall be for a review of the order of the
state water commission. Said court shall review all correspondence,
maps, data and other records on file with the state water commission
which pertain to said application and all evidence taken before said
commission and take such additional evidence as it may require or as
may be submitted by the parties in interest or the state water commis-
sion and shall then render judgment affirming, reversing, or modifying
the action of the state water commission. The priority of right of an
applicant shall continue until final judgment is rendered. (Stats.
1923, p. 162.)
No other method of appropriating water subject to act.
Sec. Ic. No right to appropriate or use water which is subject to
the provisions of this act shall be initiated or acquired by any person,
firm, association, or corporation except upon compliance with the pro-
visions of this act. (Stats. 1923, p. 162.)
Some matters prerequisite to issuance of a permit.
Sec. Id. As prerequisite to the issuance by the state water com-
mission of a permit to appropriate water the following facts must exist:
there must be a person, firm, association, or corporation as party appli-
cant; the application must contain the matter and information pre-
scribed by this act and be in the form required by the state water
commission ; the application must be accompanied by such maps, draw-
ings, and other data as may be required by the state water commission ;
the intended use must be beneficial; there must be unappropriated
water available to supply the applicant ; and all fees due must be paid ;
but this enumeration of prerequisites shall not be interpreted to exclude
other matters, if any, made by this act prerequisite to the issuance of
a permit. (Stats. 1923, p. 163.)
Commission — vacancies and seal.
Sec. 2. Whenever a vacancy in the state water commission shall
occur, the governor shall forthwith appoint a qualified person to fill the
same for the unexpired term. The legislature, by a two-thirds vote of
all members elected to each house, or the governor, may remove any one
or more of the appointed commissioners from office. The commission
shall have. a seal bearing the following inscription: State water com-
mission of California. The seal shall be afiixed to all authentications of
copies of records and to such other instruments as the commission may
direct. All courts shall take judicial notice of said seal.
Commission — quorum.
Sec. 3. A majority of the appointed commissioners shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of any business, for the performance of
any duty, or for the exercise of any power of the commission. No
vacancy in the commission shall impair the right of the remaining
commissioners to exercise all the powers of the commission.
Commissioners — powers.
The act of a majority of the commissioners present, when in session as
a board, shall be deemed to be the act of the commission; but any
investigations, inquiry or hearing which the commission has power to
undertake or hold may be undertaken or held by or before any com-
missioners or commissioner designated for the purpose by the commis-
sion; and every finding, order, ascertainment or decision made by the
commissioners or the commissioner so designated pursuant to such
investigation, inquiry or hearing, when approved by the commission
and ordered filed in its office, shall be and be deemed to be the finding,
order, ascertainment or decision of the commission.
Sec. 4. (a) Each commissioner shall have power to administer
oaths, certify to all official acts, and to issue subpoenas for the attend-
ance of witnesses and the production of papers, books, maps, accounts,
documents and testimony in any inquiry, investigation, hearing, ascer-
tainment or proceeding ordered or undertaken by the commission in
any part of the state.
Witness fees, testimony, etc.
Each witness who shall appear by order of the commission or any
commissioners or a commissioner shall receive for his attendance the
same fees and mileage allowed by law to witnesses in civil cases, which
amount shall be paid by the party at whose request such witness is
subpoenaed. When any witness who has not been required to attend at
the request of any party shall be subpoenaed by the commission his fees
and mileage shall be paid from the funds appropriated for the use of
the commission in the same manner as other expenses of the commission
are paid. Any witness subpoenaed, except one whose fees and mileage
may be paid from the funds of the commission, may, at the time of
service, demand the fee to which he is entitled for travel to and from
the place at which he is required to appear and one day's attendance.
If such witness demands such fees at the time of service, and they are
not at the time paid or tendered, he shall not be required to attend
before the commission or commissioners as directed in the subpoena. All
fees and mileage to which any witness is entitled under the provisions
of this section may be collected by action therefor instituted by the
person to whom such fees are payable. But no witness shall be com-
pelled to attend as a witness before the water commission or any water
commissioner or water commissioners out of the county in which he
resides, unless the distance be less than thirty miles from his place of
residence to the place of hearing.
(&) The superior court of the county or city and county in which
any inquiry, investigation, hearing or proceedings may be held by the
commission or any commissioner or commissioners shall have the power
to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers,
maps, books, accounts, documents and testimony as required by any
subpoena issued by the commission or any commissioner or commis-
sioners. The commission, commissioners or commissioner before whom
the testimony is to be given or produced may, in case of the refusal of
any witness to attend or testify or produce any papers, maps, books,
accounts or documents required by such subpoena, report to the superior
court in and for the county or city and county in which the proceeding
is pending by petition, setting forth that due notice has been given of
the time and place of attendance of said witness, or for the production
of said papers, maps, books, accounts or documents and that the witness
has been summoned in the manner prescribed in this act, and that the
witness has failed and refused to attend or produce the papers, maps,
books, accounts or documents required by the subpoena before the com-
mission, commissioners, or commissioner in the cause or proceeding
named in the notice and subpoena, or has refused to answer questions
propounded to him in the course of such cause or proceetling, and ask
an order of said court, compelling the witness to attend, testify, and
produce said papers, maps, books, accounts or documents before the
commission, or commissioners, or commissioner. The court, upon the
petition of the commission or commissioners or commissioner, shall enter
an order directing the witness to appear before the court at a time and
place to be fixed by the court in such order, the time to be not more than
ten days from tlie date of the order, and then and there show cause, if
any he have, why he refused to obey said subpoena, or refused to answer
questions propounded to him by said commission, or any commissioners
or any commissioner, or neglected, failed or refused to produce before
said commission, or any commissioners or any commissioner the books,
papers, maps, accounts or documents called for in said subpoena. A
copy of said order and the petition therefor shall be served upon said
witness. If it shall appear to the court that said subpoena was regularly
issued by the commission or any commissioners or a commissioner, the
court shall thereupon enter an order that said witness appear before
the commission or commissioners or commissioner at the time and place
fixed in said order, and testify or produce the required papers, maps,
books, accounts or documents, or both testify and produce; and upon
failure to obey said order said witness shall be dealt with as for con-
tempt of court.
(c) The state water commission or any commissioners or commis-
sioner, or any party to a proceeding before the commission or any com-
missioners or any commissioner, may in any investigation or hearing
before the commission or any commissioners or any commissioner cause
the deposition of witnesses residing within or without the state to be
taken in the manner prescribed by law for depositions in civil actions in
the superior courts of this state.
(d) No person shall be excused from testifying or from producing
any book, map, document, paper or account in any investigation or
inquiry by or hearing before the commission or any commissioners or
commissioner upon the ground that the testimony or evidence, book,
map, document, paper or account required of him may tend to incrimi-
nate him or subject him to penalty or forfeiture. But no person shall
be prosecuted, punished or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or
on account of any act, transaction, matter or thin^ material to the
matter under investigation by said commission, or any commissioners,
or any commissioner concerning which he shall have been compelled to
testify or to produce documentary evidence ; provided, that no person so.
testifying or producing shall be exempt from prosecution and punish-
ment for any perjury committed by him in his testimony.
Minutes and record of testiqiony.
Sec. 5. A full and accurate record of business or acts performed
or of testimony taken by the commission or any member or members
thereof in pursuance of the provisions of this act shall be kept and be
placed on file in the office of said water commission.
Fees for copying and certification.
Sec. 6. The state water commission shall take, charge and collect
the following fees: for copies and records not required to be certified
or otherwise authenticated by the commission, ten cents for each folio;
for certified copies of official documents and orders filed in its office,
fifteen cents for each folio, and one dollar for every certificate under
seal affixed thereto; for certified copies of evidence and proceedings
before the commission, fifteen cents for each folio. The commission
may fix reasonable charges for publications issued under its authority.
All fees charged and collected under this section shall be paid, at least
once each week, accompanied by a detailed statement thereof, into the
treasury of the state.
Rules and regulations of staff.
Sec. 7. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act
the state water commission is authorized to pass such necessary rules
and regulations as it may from time to time deem advisable, to appoint
and remove at its pleasure a secretary or chief clerk who shall have
charge of its books and records, who shall have authority to certify
under the seal of said commission all copies of orders, applications,
permits, licenses, certificates or other records of said commisdon, who
shall have authority to attest under the seal of said commission all
records, transcripts, evidence, and other original documents which it is
necessary to so authenticate, who shall perform such other duties as
from time to time may be prescribed and whose salary shall be fixed by
the water commission ; and the state water commission may also employ
such expert, technical and clerical assistance, and upon such terms, as it
may deem proper, and may designate such of its emploj'ces as it may
deem advisable to be examiners who shall have power to act as referees
and to conduct hearings on behalf of said commission, to administer
oaths, examine witnesses, issue subpoenas and receive evidence, under
such rules and regulations as the commission mav from time to time
adopt. (Stats. 1925, p. 186.)
Appropriation 1913-15.
Sec. 8. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act
the sum of fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the fiscal
years 1913-1914 and 1914-1915 out of any money in the state treasury
not otherwise appropriated, and the state controller is hereby authorized
and directed to draw warrants upon such sum from time to time upon
the requisition of the state water commission approved by the state
board of control, and the state treasurer is hereby authorized and
directed to pay such warrants.
Sec. 9. All indebtedness incurred for salaries, and all necessary
costs in traveling and other expenses of said commission, and each of
its members and persons employed by it, while actually engaged in the
business of said commission, shall be paid by the state out of the funds
hereby appropriated, upon the sworn statement of the person or persons
incurring such indebtedness, and upon the requisition of the state water
commission, approved by tlie state board of control, and the state con-
troller is hereby authorized to draw warrants upon the state treasurer
for said indebtedness, salaries, costs and expenses, as provided by law
for the payment of similar costs and expenses and the drawing of
similar warrants.
Stream system investigations.
Sec. 10. The state water commission is hereby authorized and
empowered to investigate for the purpose of this act all streams, stream
systems, portions of stream systems, lakes, or other bodies of water, and
to take testimony in resrard to the rights to water or the use of water
thereon or therein, and to ascertain whether or not such water, or any
portion thereof, or the use of said water or any portion thereof, hereto-
fore filed upon or attempted to be appropriated by any person, firm,
association, or corporation, is appropriated under the laws of this state.
Investigate source and supervise distribution of water.
Sec. 10a. The state water commission is hereby authorized and
empowered to conduct investisrations of streams, stream systems, lakes
or other bodies of water or any portions of any streams, stream systems,
lakes, or other bodies of water; to investigate either or both surface
and underground water conditions; to collect records of diversion and
use of water; to supervise distribution of water in accordance with
agreements therefor ; and to do all or any of such work either independ-
ently or in cooperation with one or more persons, firms, associations,
corporations or other agencies, including county, state, and federal
agencies. (Stats. 1925, p. 586.)
Waters subject to appropriation.
Sec. 11. All water or the use of water which has never been appro-
priated, or which has been heretofore appropriated and which has not
been in process, from the date of the initial act of appropriation, of
being put, with due diligence in proportion to the magnitude of the
work necessary properly to utilize for the purpose of such appropria-
tion such water or the use of water, or which has not been put, or which
has ceased to be put to some useful or beneficial purpose, or which may
hereafter be appropriated and ceased to be put, to the useful or bene-
ficial purpose for which it was appropriated, or which in the future
may be appropriated and not be, in the process of being put, from the
date of the initial act of appropriation, to the useful or beneficial pur-
pose for which it was appropriated, with due diligence in proportion to
the magnitude of the work necessary properly to utilize for the purpose
of such appropriation such water or the use of water, is hereby declared
to be unappropriated. And all waters flowing in any river, stream,
canyon, ravine or other natural channel, excepting so far as such waters
have been or are being applied to useful and beneficial purposes upon,
or in so far as such waters are or may be rea.sonably needed for useful,
and beneficial purposes upon lands riparian thereto, or otherwise appro-
priated, is and are hereby declared to be public waters of the State of
California and subject to appropriation in accordance with the pro-
visions of this act.
Ten years nonuse upon riparian lands conclusive presumption water not
If any portion of the waters of any stream shall not be put to
a iLseful or l)eneficial purpose to or upon lands riparian to such
stream fur any continuous period of ten consecutive years after the
passage of this act, such nonapplication shall be deemed to be conclusive
presumption that the use of such portions of the waters of such stream
i";; not needed upon said riparian lands for any useful or beneficial pur-
pose; and such portion of the waters of any stream so nonapplied,
unless otherwise appropriated for a useful and beneficial purpose is
hereby declared to be in the use of the state and subject to appropria-
tion in accordance with the provisions of this act; provided, however,
that where there is pending any action or proceeding to condemn any
lands riparian to any stream or any rights, powers or privileges to use
the waters of any stream upon lands riparian to such stream or to
condemn rights essential to use the waters of any stream which action
or proceeding was commenced prior to the sixteenth day of June, 1913,
said period of ten consecutive years shall be exclusive of the period of
time during which such action or proceeding is pending; and provided,
further, that where riparian lands were under lease on the thirteenth
day of June, 1913, for a continuous term of one year or more thereafter,
under the terms of which lease no right was reserved to the lessor suffi-
cient to permit him to put the waters claimed to a useful or beneficial
purpose as hereinbefore provided, or sufficient to enable him to secure
the putting of the waters claimed to a useful or beneficial purpose as
hereinbefore provided, said period of ten consecutive years shall be
exclusive of the period of time during which such lease is operative.
Reservoir systems constituting single unit.
In any case where a reservoir or reservoirs have been or shall here-
after under the provisions of this act be constructed or surveyed, laid
out and proposed to be constructed for the storage of water for a system,
which water is to be used at one or more points under appropriations of
water heretofore or hereafter made, -which appropriations and rights
thereunder are now, or shall hereafter be held and owned by the person
or corporation owning such reservoir site or sites and constructing such
reservoir or reservoirs, such reservoir or reservoirs and appropriations
and rights shall, in the discretion of the state water commission, con-
stitute a single enterprise and unit, and work of constructing such
reservoir or reservoirs, or any of them, or work on any one of such
appropriations shall, in the discretion of said commission, be sufficient
to maintain and preserve all such applications for appropriations and
rights thereunder. (Stats. 1919, p. 513; Stats. 1923, p. 126.)
Perfecting uncompleted appropriations made under old law.
Sec. 12. The state water commission shall have authority to, and
may, for good cause shown, upon the application of any appropriator or
user of water under an appropriation made and maintained according
to law prior to the passage of this act, prescribe the time within which
the full amount of the water appropriated shall be applied to a useful
or beneficial purpose; provided, that said appropriator or user shall
have proceeded, with due diligence in proportion to the magnitude of
the project, to carry on the work necessary to put the water to a bene-
ficial use ; and in determining said time said commission shall grant a
reasonable time after the construction of the works or canal or ditch or
conduits or storage system used for the diversion, conveyance or storage
of water; and in doing so said commission shall also take into considera-
tion the cost of the application of such water to the useful or beneficial
purpose, the good faith of the appropriator, the market for water or
power to be supplied, the present demand therefor, and the income or
use tliat may be required to provide fair and reasonable returns upon
the investment and any other facts or matters pertinent to the inquiry.
Upon prescribing such time the state water commission shall issue a
certificate showing its determination of the matter. For good cause
shown, the state water commission may extend the time by granting
further certificates. And, for the time so prescribed or extended, the
said appropriator or user shall be deemed to be putting said water to a
beneficial use.
Joint occupancy and use of works may be permitted.
And if at any time it shall appear to the state water commission, after
a hearing of the parties interested and an investigation, that the full
capacity of the works built or constructed, or being built or constructed,
under an appropriation of water or the use thereof made under the
provisions of this act has not developed or can not develop the full
capacity of the stream at the point where said works have been or are
being built or constructed, and that the holder of the said appropriation
will not or can not, within a period deemed to be reasonable by the
commission, develop the said stream at said point to such a capacity as
the commission deems to be required by the public good, then and in
that case the said commission, in its discretion, may permit the joint
occupancy and use, with the holder of the appropriation, to the extent
necessary to develop the stream to its full capacity or to such portion
of said capacity as may appear to the state water commission to be
advisable, by any and all persons, firms, associations, or corporations
applying therefor, of any dam, tunnel, diversion works, ditch, or other
works or constructions already built or constructed or in process of being
built or constructed under this act ; provided, that said commission shall
take into consideration the reasonable cost of the original and new work,
the good faith of the applicant, the market for water or power to be
supplied by the original and the new work, and the income or use that
may be required to provide fair and reasonable returns upon such cost ;
provided, further, that the applicant or applicants shall be required to
pay to the party or parties owning said dam, tunnel, diversion works,
ditch, or other works or constructions a pro rata portion of the total
cost of the old and the new works, said pro rata portion to be based upon
the proportion of the water used by the original and the subsequent
users of said dam, tunnel, diversion works, ditch, or other works or
constructions, if the water is used or to be used for irrigation or
domestic purposes ; or, if the water is used or to be used for the genera-
tion of electricity or electrical or other power, the said pro rata portion
shall be based upon the relative amount of electricity or electrical or
other power capable of being developed by the original and the new
works ; or, if a portion of the water utilized under a .ioint occupancy of
any dam, tunnel, diversion works, ditch or other works or construction,
shall be used for the purpose of irrigation and another portion of said
water shall be used for the generation of electricity or electrical or
other power, then and in that case the applicant or applicants for joint
occupancy shall be required to pay to the party or parties owning said
dam, tunnel, diversion works, ditch, or other works or constructions a
pro rata portion of the total cost of the old and new works, said pro
rata portion to be based upon the proportion of the relative amount of
water used by each joint occupant and the income derived by each said
joint occupant from said joint occupancy ; or, if any of the waters used
under such joint occupancy shall be utilized for purposes other than
those specified above, then and in that case the applicant or applicants
for such joint occupancy shall be required to pay to the party or parties
owning said dam, tunnel, diversion works, ditch, or other works or con-
structions, such a pro rata portion of the total cost of the old and new
works as shall appear to the state water commission to be just and
equitable. Said applicant or applicants shall also be required to pay
a proper pro rata share, based as above, of the cost of maintaining said
dam, tunnel, diversion works, ditch or other works or constructions, on
and after beginning the occupancy and use thereof.
Enlargement by new applicant and joint occupancy permitted.
Furthermore, the state water commission if it appears to the said com-
mission that the full capacity of the works built or constructed, or being
built or constructed, under an appropriation of water or the use thereof
under this act, will not develop the full capacity of the stream at that
point, and it appears to the commission that the public good requires it,
and the commission specifically so finds after investigation and hearing
of the parties interested, may permit any person, firm, association or
corporation to repair, improve, add to, supplement, or enlarge, at his
or its proper cost, charge and expense, any dam, tunnel, diversion works,
ditch, or other Avorks or constructions already built or constructed or in
process of being built or constructed under the provisions of this act,
and to use the same jointly with the owners thereof; provided, that the
said repairing, improving, adding to, supplementing, or enlarging shall
not materially interfere with the proper use thereof by the owner of
said dam, tunnel, diversion works, ditch, or other works or constructions
or shall not materially injure said dam, tunnel, diversion works, ditch
or other works or constructions. And the state water commission shall
determine the pro rata and other costs provided for in this section.
Rights shall be determined as provided in act.
Sec. 13. All rights granted or declared by this act shall be ascer-
tained, adjudicated and determined in the manner and by the tribunals
as provided in this act.
No rights bestowed except as provided in act.
Sec. 14. This act shall not be held to bestow, except as expressly
provided in this act, upon any person, firm, association or corporation
any right where no such right existed prior to the time this act takes
Declaration of policy regarding action on applications.
Sec. 15. The state water commission shall allow, under the provi-
sions of this act, the appropriation for beneficial purposes of unappro-
priated water under sut'h terms and conditions as in the Judgment of
the commission will best develop, conserve and utilize in the public
Interest tlio water sought to be appropriated. It is hereby declared to
be the established policy of this state that the use of water for domestic
purposes is the highest use of water and that the next highest use is for
irrigation. In acting upon applications to appropriate water the com-
mission shall be guided by the above declaration of policy. The commis-
sion shall reject an application when in its judgment the proposed
appropriation would not best conserve the public interest. (Stats.
1917, p. 194; Stats. 1921, p. 443.)
Appropriations on interstate streams.
Sec. 15a. The state water commission shall allow the appropriation
of water in this state for beneficial use in another state only when,
under the laws of the latter, water may be lawfully diverted therein for
beneficial use in the State of California. Upon any stream flowing
across the state boundary a right of appropriation having the point of
diversion and the place of use in another state and recognized by the
laws of that state, shall have the same force and effect as if the point
of diversion and the place of use were in this state ; provided, that the
laws of that state give like force and effect to similar rights acquired in
this state. (Stats. 1917, p. 284.)
Applications to appropriate water.
Sec. 16. Every application for a permit to appropriate water shall
set forth the name and post-office address of the applicant, the source
of water supply, the nature and amount of the proposed use, the loca-
tion and description of the proposed headworks, ditch, canal and other
works; the proposed place of diversion and the place where it is
intended to use the water ; the time within which it is proposed to begin
construction, the time required for completion of the construction, and
the time for tlie complete application of the water to the proposed use.
If for agricultural purposes, the application shall, besides the above
general requirements, give the legal subdivisions of the land and the
acreage to be irrigated, as near as may be ; if for power purposes, it
shall give, besides the general requirements prescribed above, the nature
of the works by means of which the power is to be developed, the head
and amount of water to be utilized, and the use to which the power is
to be applied ; if for storage in a reservoir, it shall give, in addition to
the general requirements prescribed above, the height of dam, the
capacity of reservoir, and the use to be made of the impounded waters,
except, that for storage underground these additional requirements as
to height of dam and capacity of reservoir shall be given as near as
may be ; if for municipal water supply, it shall give, besides the general
requirements specified above, the present population to be served, and,
as near as may be, the future requirements of the city ; if for mining
purposes, it shall give, in addition to the general requirements pre-
scribed above, the nature and location of the mines to be served and the
methods of supplying and utilizing the water. All applications shall
be accompanied by as many copies of such maps, drawings, and other
data as may be prescribed or required by the state water commission,
and such maps, drawings, and other data shall be considered as part
of the application.
Notice of application.
As soon as practicable after the receipt of an application for a permit
to appropriate water the state water commission shall issue a notice of
the application which notice shall be in such form as it may prescribe
and shall specify the number of the application, the name and address
of the applicant, the date of filing, the source of supply, the amount
applied for, the diversion season named, the use to be made, the location
of the point of diversion, the location of the place of use, the date of
issuance thereof and such other information as the state water commis-
sion may deem necessary ; said notice shall state that protests against
the approval of said application may be filed within sixty days from the
date of issuance of said notice or within such further tiifte as the state
water commission may, for good cause shown, allow; and said notice
shall contain appropriate general information as to what protests
against the approval of said application shall contain in order to accord
with the requirements of law and the rules and regulations of the water
commission. Upon receipt of notice of an application applicant shall
forthwith cause same to be published as directed by the water com-
mission: said notice shall be published at the expense of the applicant
within fifteen days of the date of issuance of said notice and in a news-
paper having a general circulation and published within the county
where the point of diversion or a point of diversion lies but in ease
there is no newspaper published within the county then said publica-
tion of notice shall be made in a newspaper having a general circula-
tion within said county; and publication of said notice shall be made
at least once a week for three consecutive weeks and proof thereof shall
be filed by the applicant within sixty days from the date of issuance of
said notice and shall be by copy of the notice as published attached to
and made a part of the affidavit of the publisher or foreman of the
newspaper publishing same ; provided, however, that notice of an appli-
cation for three cubic feet per second or less or for two hundred acre
feet of storage per annum or less shall be given by posting and mailing.
Upon the date of issuance of notice of such an application the state
water commission shall mail three copies thereof to the applicant by
registered mail and shall also send a copy by registered mail to each
party who may be known to said commission and in its judgment inter-
ested in said application because of ownership or location within the
vicinity of said proposed appropriation. Applicant shall post notice
within fifteen days of the date of issuance thereof in at least two con-
spicuous places in the locality to be affected by said proposed appro-
priation. Notices given by mailing and posting shall state that protests
may be filed within forty days from date thereof or within such further
time as the state water commission may, for good cause shown, allow.
Proof of posting shall be by affidavit of the applicant or the party post-
ing notice on behalf of applicant and shall be filed within forty days
from date of issuance of notice.
Any person, firm, association, or corporation interested may within
the time allowed in the notice of application or within such further
time as may, for good cause shown, be allowed by said water commission
file with said commission a written protest against the approval of said
application, which protest shall state the name and address of the pro-
testant; shall be signed by the protestant, his agent or attorney; shall
clearly set forth the protestant 's objections to the approval of the appli-
cation ; and shall contain such other appropriate information and be in
such form as may be provided in the rules and resrulations of said
water commission.
Notice of hearing.
A notice of hearing upon a protested application shall be given by
mailing notice not less than twenty days before the date of hearing and
shall be mailed to both the applicant and protestant by registered mail
and shall state the names of parties applicant and protestant, the time
and place fixed for the hearing and such other appropriate information
as may be deemed advisable by the state water commission.
Change of point of diversion or place of use.
At any time after notice of an application is given as above provided,
if an applicant, permittee or licensee desires to change the point of
diversion or place of use from the point of diversion or place of use
specified in the application, permit or license, such change may be
made only upon the permission of the state water commission ; provided,
that before granting such permission, such petitioner must establish, to
the satisfaction of the state water commission, and such commission
must so find that such change in the point of diversion, or place of use
will not operate to the injury of any legal user of such waters before
permitting such change in the point of diversion or place of use. After
filing a petition for permission to make such a change, the petitioner,
in case the commission so requires, shall cause notice thereof to be given
or published in such manner as may be prescribed by the commission
and if at any time prior to the granting of such permission a protest is
filed with the state water commission against allowance of the proposed
change in point of diversion, or place of use, the state water commis-
sion shall fix a time and place for the hearing of said petition and of
the objections thereto, and upon such hearing the said commission
shall grant or refuse, as the facts shall warrant, such permission to
change the point of diversion or place of use. (Stats. 1921, p. 444;
Stats. 1925, p. 586.)
Permit. Priority right. Amended application.
Sec. 17. Any person, firm, association or corporation msiy apply
for and secure from the state water commission, in conformity with
this act and in conformity with reasonable rules and regulations
adopted from time to time by the state water commission, a permit for
any unappropriated water or for water which having been appropriated
or used flows back into a stream, lake or other body of water within
this state. And any application so made shall give to the applicant a
priority of right as of the date of said application to such water or the
use thereof until such application shall have been approved or rejected
by said commission ; provided, that such priority shall continue only so
long as the provisions of law and the rules and regulations of the water
commission shall be followed by the applicant. Upon the approval of
any application by the commission, said approval shall give priority of
right as of the date of said application and shall give the right to take
and use the amount of water specified in said approval until the issu-
ance by the state water commission of a license for the use of said
amount of water, or until the said commission refuses to issue said
license. But the approval of any application shall give the right to
take and use water only to the extent and for the purpose allowed in
said approval ; provided, that any defective application made in a bona
fide attempt to conform to the rules and regulations of the state water
commission and to the law shall secure to the applicant a priority of
right as of the date of said application ilntil he shall have been notified
by said commission in what respect his application is defective. And
said applicant shall be allowed sixty days after notice of such defect
in which to file an amended and perfected application. If, within said
sixty days, said applicant shall not file an amended and perfected
application, said application shall be rejected and cancelled, unless for
good cause shown the state water commission shall allow said applicant
to file a further amended and perfected application; provided, also,
that any priority of right secured under this section shall not be effec-
tive for more than thirty days after service of notice of such approval,
personally or by registered mail, on the applicant, unless within said
period of thirty days the fees due upon issuance of said approval or
permit as provided in this act are paid to the state water commission,
and unless said payment of fees shall have been made within said time
the state water commission shall forthwith revoke said approval or per-
mit and reject said application. (Stats. 1925, p. 586.)
Beginning of construction. Revocation of permit. Review of order.
Sec. 18. Actual construction work upon any project shall begin
within such time after the date of the approval of the application as
shall be specified in said approval, which time shall not be less than
sixty days from date of said approval, and the construction of the work
thereafter and the utilization of water for beneficial purposes shall be
prosecuted with due diligence in accordance with this act, the terms
of the approved application, and the rules and regulations of said com-
mission; and said work shall be completed and the water applied to
beneficial use in accordance with law, the rules and regulations of the
state water commission, and the terms of the approved application and
within a period specified in the permit ; but the period specified in the
pcmit for beginning construction work or the period specified in the
permit for completion of construction work, or the period specified in
the permit for application of the water to beneficial use or any or all of
these periods may, for good cause shown, be extended by the state water
Revocation of permit.
And if- such work be not so commenced, prosecuted and completed,
or the water applied to beneficial use as contemplated in the permit,
the water commission shall, after notice in writing and mailed in a
sealed, postage-prepaid and registered letter addressed to the applicant
at the address given in his application for a permit to appropriate
water, and a hearing before the commission, revoke its approval of the
application. But any applicant, the approval of whose application shall
liave been thus revoked, shall liave the right to bring an action in the
superior court of the county in wliich is situated the point of proposed
diversion of the water for a review of the order of the commission
revoking said approval of the application. And tliirty days after the
revocation of said permit all rights of the said permittee under said
permit shall cease and lapse, unless said permittee shall within said
thirty days after said revocation bring an action in the superior court
for a review of the order of revocation. The priority of right of any
permittee so bringing an action shall continue under said permit until
a final judgment is rendered as to the reasonableness of the revocation
of said permit. But until and unless the revocation of the permit shall
be finally decreed by such court, the permittee shall not take or use
any of the water the right to take and use which is granted by said
permit. (Stats. 1925, p. 586.)
Report of completion of works. License to take water. License may be
Sec. 19. Immediately upon completion, in accordance with law, the
rules and regulations of the state water commission, and the terms of
the permit, of the project under such application, the holder of a per-
mit for the right to appropriate water shall report said completion to
the state water commission. The said commission shall as soon as prac-
ticable thereafter cause to be made a full inspection and examination
of the works constructed and the use of water therefrom, and shall
determine whether the construction of said works and the use of water
therefrom is in conformity with law, the terms of the approved appli-
cation, the rules and regulations of the state water commission, and the
permit. The said water commission shall, if said determination is
favorable to the applicant, issue a license which shall give the right to
the diversion of such an amount of water as has been found by inspec-
tion to have been applied to beneficial use. Said license shall be in
such form and shall contain such terms as may be prescribed by the
state water commission under the provisions of this act.
Revocation of license.
But if the said commission shall find, upon inspection and examina-
tion of the works constructed and the use of water therefrom, that the
construction and condition of said works and the use of water therefrom
are not in conformity with the law, the rules and regulations of the
state water commission, the terms of the approved application and
the terms of the permit, then and in that case the said commission may,
after due notice in writing and in the manner provided in sections one
thousand eleven, one thousand twelve, and one thousand thirteen of
the Code of Civil Procedure to the applicant or the holder of the per-
mit, and a public hearing thereon, refuse to issue said license. And
thirty days after the refusal of said commission to issue said license all
rights of the applicant and the holder of the permit under said appli-
cation and permit shall lapse and cease. But the holder of any permit
to whom the said water commission may have refused to issue said
license, shall have the right to bring an action \dthin thirty days after
the said refusal, in the superior court to review said order and to obtain
a decree requiring the issuance of such license. And the rights of the
holder of any permit so bringing an action shall continue under said
permit until the decree in such action has been entered and become
final. But until the refusal of the commission to issue said license shall
be finally determined by the courts, the permittee shall not take or use
any of the water, the taking and using of which is granted to him by
said permit. And if the holder of any permit which has been revoked
by the state water commission shall not bring an action within said
thirty days in the superior court to determine the validity of said
revocation, then and in that case all rights of the applicant and of the
holder of said permit shall lapse and cease.
Filing of copy of license with county recorder.
In every case wherein a license for the appropriation of water shall
have been issued by the state water commission prior to September 1,
1925, it shall be the duty of said commission to file a true copy of said
license in the office of the county recorder of that certain county
wherein the point of diversion specified in said license lies or in ease
there are points of diversion lying in more than one county then in each
of those counties wherein a point of diversion lies and in case the place
or places of use specified in said license are in different counties than
the point or points of diversion then a true copy of said license shall
also be filed by the state water commission in the county or counties
wherein the place or places of use .lie. Also, as to those licenses issued
prior to September 1, 1925, it shall be the duty of the state water com-
mission to file with the respective county recorders true copies of all
orders allowing a change in point of diversion or place of use, revoking
a license, or otherwise affecting a license which may have been entered
by said commission prior to September 1, 1925.
As to licenses for the appropriation of water issued by the state water
commission on or after September 1, 1925, a true copy of each license
issued or of each order allowing a change in point of diversion or place
of use or otherwise modifying or changing a license shall within thirty
days after service of notice thereof upon the licensee, either personally
or by registered mail, be filed bj' said licensee in the office of the
recorder of that certain county wherein the point of diversion specified
in said license lies or in case there are points of diversion lying in more
than one county then in each of those counties wherein a point of diver-
sion lies and in case the place or places of use specified in said license
are in different counties than the point or points of diversion then a
true copy of said license or order shall also be filed by said licensee in
the county or counties wherein the place or places of use lie ; provided,
however, that whenever an order revoking a license in whole or in part
shall have become final a true copy of said order revoking said license
in whole or in part shall be filed promptly by the state water commission
in the office or offices wherein a copy of the license affected is on file
or in case the order of revocation shall have been modified by a court
the order as finally decreed by the court shall be filed as herein pro-
vided. Whenever a copy is to be filed by the licensee, a certificate of
such filing by the county recorder shall be filed with the state water
commission by or on behalf of said licensee within fifteen days after
said filing and if the filings herein provided for be not made by said
licensee or on his behalf as directed all rights of appropriation under
the license affected shall cease and determine and the state water com-
mission shall forthwith enter its order revoking said license. (Stats.
1925, p. 586.)
Conditions and limitations of permits and licenses. ,
Sec. 20. All permits and liienses for the appropriation of water
shall be under the terms and conditions of this act, and shall be effective
for such time as the water actually appropriated under such permits
and licenses shall actually be used for the useful and beneficial purpose
for which said water was appropriated, but no longer; and every such
permit or license shall include the enumeration of conditions therein
which in substance shall include all of the provisions of this section and
likewise the statement that any appropriator of water, to whom said
permit or license may be issued, shall take the same subject to such
conditions as therein expressed; provided, that at any time after the
expiration of twenty years after the granting of a license, the state or
any city, city and county, municipal water district, irrigation district,
lighting district, or any political subdivision of the state shall have the
right to purchase the works and property occupied and used under said
license and the works built or constructed for the enjoyment of the
rights granted under said license ; and in the event that the said state,
city, city and county, municipal water district, irrigation district, light-
ing district or political subdivision of the state so desiring to purchase
and the said owner of said works and property can not agree upon said
purchase price, said price shall be determined in such manner as is now
or may hereafter be determined in eminent domain proceedings.
Revocation of permit or license for failing or ceasing to put water to beneficial
use in accordance with terms thereof.
If it shall appear to the state water commission at any time after a
permit or license is issued as in this act provided that the permittee or
licensee, or the heirs, successors, or assigns, of said permittee or licensee,
has not put the water granted under said permit or license to the useful
or beneficial purpose for which the permit or license was granted, or
that the permittee or licensee, or the heirs, successors, or assigns of said
permittee or licensee, has ceased to put said water to such useful or
beneficial purpose, or that the permittee or licensee, or the heirs, suc-
cessors or assigns of said permittee or licensee, has failed to observe any
of the terms and conditions in the permit or license as issued, then and
in that case the said commission, after due notice to the permittee,
licensee, or the heirs, successors or assigns of such permittee or licensee,
and a hearing thereon, may revoke said permit or license and declare
the water to be unappropriated and open to further appropriation in
accordance with the terms of this act. The findings and declaration of
said commission shall be deemed to be prima facie correct until modified
or set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction; provided, that any
action brought so to modify or set aside such finding or declaration must
be commenced within thirty days after the service of notice of said
revocation on said permittee or licensee, his heirs, successors or assigns.
Value of rights limited to actual amount paid to state.
And every licensee or permittee under the provisions of this act if he
accepts such permit or license shall accept the same under the conditions
precedent that no value whatsoever in excess of the actual amount paid
to the state therefor shall at any time be assigned to or claimed for any
permit or license granted or issued under the provisions of this act, or
for any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this act, in
respect to the regulation by any competent public authority of the
services or the price of the services to be rendered by any permittee or
licensee, his heirs, successors or assigns or by the holder of any rights
granted or acquired under the provisions of this act, or in respect to
any valuation for purposes of sale to or purchase, whether through con-
demnation proceedings or otherwise, by the state or any city, city and
county, municipal water district, irrigation district, lighting district or
any political subdivision of the state, of the rights and property of any
permittee or licensee, or the possessor of any rights granted, issued or
acquired under the provisions of this act.
Applications by municipalities for domestic use.
The application for a permit by municipalities for the use of water
for said municipalities or the inhabitants thereof for domestic purposes
shall be considered first in right, irrespective of whether they are first
in time; provided, however, that such application for a permit or the
granting thereafter of permission to any municipality to appropriate
waters, shall not authorize the appropriation of any water for other
than municipal purposes; and providing, further, that where permis-
sion to appropriate is granted by the state water commission to any
municipality for any quantity of water in excess of the existing
municipal needs therefor, that pending the application of the entire
appropriation permitted, the state water commission shall have the
power to issue permits for the temporary appropriation of the excess
of such permitted appropriation over and above the quantity being
applied from time to time by such municipality ; and providing, further,
that in lieu of the granting of such temporary permits for appropria-
tion, the state water commission may authorize such municipality to
become as to such surplus a public utility, subject to the jurisdiction
and control of the railroad commission of the State of California for
such period or periods from and after the date of the issuance of such
permission to appropriate, as may be allowed for the application to
municipal uses of the entire appropriation permitted; and vrovided,
further, that when such municipality shall desire to use the additional
water granted in its said application it may do so upon making just
compensation for the facilities for taking, conveying and storing such
additional water rendered valueless for said purposes, to the person,
firm or corporation which constructed said facilities for the temporary
use of said excess waters, and which compensation, if not agreed upon
between the municipality and said person, firm or corporation, may be
determined in the manner provided by law for determining the value
of property taken by and through eminent domain proceedings. ( Stats.
1917, p. 746.)
Forfeiture of rights by three years non-use.
Sec. 20a. When the party entitled to the use of water fails to bene-
ficially use all or any part of the water claimed by him, for which a
right of use has vested, for the purpose for which it was appropriated or
adjudicated, for a period of three years, such unused water shall revert
to the public and shall be regarded as unappropriated public water.
(Stats. 1917, p. 746.)
Rights of state, etc., under eminent domain not limited by this act.
Sec. 21. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive the
state or any city, city and county, municipal water district, irrigation
district, lighting district or political subdivision of the state, or any
person, company or corporation of any rights which, under the law of
this state they may have, to acquire property by or through eminent
domain proceedings.
State has right to enforce license fees.
Sec. 22. Licenses hereafter granted for water or use of water shall
be subject to the right of the state to impose the fees and charges pro-
vided in this act.
Fees on applications.
Sec. 23. Every person, firm, association or corporation making
application for a permit to appropriate water or the use of water under
this act shall pay to the state water commission at the time of filing
said application a filing fee in the sum of five dollars.
Not later than five days after receipt of such an application the state
water commission shall notify the applicant by registered mail of the
further amount of fee, if any, due under the schedule of fees herein-
after stated, and if there is a further amount due and said amount is
not received within thirty days after the date of filing said application
in the ofiice of the state water commission said application shall be
The five dollar fee paid upon filing an application shall be a minimum
fee but shall be a credit to the extent of five dollars whenever the fee
due upon direct diversion or storage or both totals more than five dol-
lars under the schedule hereinafter provided and in such case the
further fee due shall be the total computed amount less five dollars.
After notice as above provided and within the time hereinabove pro-
vided, such further fee as may be due shall be paid in amount as
follows :
For each cubic foot per second or fractional cubic foot per second of
direct diversion from one cubic foot per second up to and including five
hundred cubic feet per second, at the rate of one dollar per cubic foot
per second.
For each cubic foot per second or fractional cubic foot per second
of direct diversion from five hundred cubic feet per second up to and
including two thousand cubic feet per second, at the rate of twenty-five
cents per cubic foot per second.
For each cubic foot per second or fractional cubic foot per second of
direct diversion over two thousand cubic feet per second, at the rate of
ten cents per cubic foot per second.
For each acre-foot or fractional acre-foot of storage up to and includ-
ing one hundred thousand acre-feet, at the rate of one-half cent per
For each acre-foot or fractional acre-foot of storage over one hundred
thousiand acre-feet, at the rate of one-tenth cent per acre-foot.
Also, all fees above provided for shall be paid as above provided upon
all applications filed under section twelve of this act. (Stats. 1917, p.
195; Stats. 1921, p. 442; Stats. 1923, p. 52.)
Fees on permits.
Sec. 23a. In addition to fees paid upon applications every person,
firm, association or corporation shall pay upon issuance of a permit, the
additional fee, if the purpose or use is for the generation of electricity
or electrical or other power, of ten cents for each theoretical horsepower
capable of being developed by the works up to and including one hun-
dred theoretical horsepower, of five cents for each horsepower in excess
of one hundred theoretical horsepower up to and including one thou-
sand theoretical horsepower, and of one cent for each theoretical horse-
power in excess of one thousand theoretical horsepower; also, if for
agricultural purposes, of five cents for each acre of land to be irrigated
by means of said appropriation to and including one hundred acres, of
three cents per acre for each acre in excess of one hundred acres up to
and including one thousand acres and of two cents for each acre over
one thousand acres ; provided, that only one fee shall be paid upon issu-
ance of two or more permits for the irrigation of the same land, whether
said permits be issued simultaneously or otherwise ;' and that only one
fee shall be paid upon issuance of two or more permits for water to be
applied to the same power generating machinery or appliance whether
said permits be issued simultaneously or otherwise, except, that when-
ever additional acreage may be irrigated or additional horsepower may
be developed as a result of another permit issued or by amendment of
a permit or by a supplemental permit, then a fee shall be paid for said
increase in acreage or horsepower. (Stats 1923, p. 52.)
Disposition of fees and exemptions therefrom.
Sec. 23&. All fees paid under the provisions of sections twenty-
three and twenty-three a of this act shall forthwith be paid into the
state treasury by the state water commission. No fee shall be required
from any person, firm, association, or corporation exempt by any law
of the State of California from the payment of such fee. (Stats.
1923, p. 53.)
Commission may act as referee.
Sec. 24. In case suit is brought in the superior court for determina-
tion of rights to water or the use of water, the case may, in the discre-
tion of the court, be transferred to the state water commission for
investigation, as referee. (Stats. 1917, p. 231.)
Initiation of adjudication procedure for determination of rights by appro-
Sec. 25. Upon its own initiative or upon petition signed by one or
more claimants to water or the use of water upon any stream, stream
system, lake, or other body of water, all of which sources of supply are
hereinafter referred to as "stream system," requesting the determina-
tion of rights, based upon prior appropriation, of the various claimants
to the water of that stream system, it shall be the duty of the state water
commission, if, upon investigation, it finds the facts and conditions are
such as to justify, to enter an order granting said petition and to make
proper arrangements to proceed with such determination. (Stats.
1917, p. 231.)
Notice of order.
Sec. 26. As soon as practicable after the state water commission
shall make and enter the order granting the said petition or selecting
the stream system upon which the determination of water rights by
appropriation is to begin, it shall prepare a notice setting forth the fact
of the entry of said order and of the pendency of the said proceedings,
the date when the state water commission shall begin said examination,
and that all claimants to rights by appropriation of the waters of said
stream system are required, as in this act provided, to make proof of
their claims. The notice shall be published for a period of four consecu-
tive weeks in one or more newspapers of general circulation published
in each countv in which any part of said stream system is situated.
(Stats. 1917, p. 231.)
Investigation of stream system.
Sec. 27. At the time set in said notice, the state water commission
shall begin an investigation of the flow of the stream system and of the
conduits diverting water, and of the lands irrigated or irrigable there-
from, and shall gather such other data and information as may be
essential to the proper determination of the water rights by appropria-
tion. It shall reduce its observation, data, information and measure-
ments to writing. It shall execute surveys and shall prepare maps from
tlie observations of such surveys in accordance with such uniform rules
and regulations as it may adopt; which surveys and maps shall show
with substantial accuracy the course of the stream or streams ; the loca-
tion of each conduit diverting water therefrom, land irrigated and
capable of being irrigated by each conduit, and the kind of culture upon
the irrigated land. The maps shall be prepared as the surveys and
observations progress, and, when completed, it [they] shall be filed and
made of record in the office of the state water commi-ssion. (Stats.
1917, p. 232.)
Notice of date of filing proofs.
Sec. 28. Upon the completion of such measurements and maps, and
the filing of said observations, data, information and measurements,
the state water commission shall prepare a notice setting forth the date,
prior to which the proofs, to be furnished by claimants upon forms
supplied by the state water commission and more specifically referred
to in the next section hereof, as to the rights by appropriation of the
waters of said stream system, shall be filed; provided, however, that the
date set, prior to which said proofs must be filed, shall not be less than
sixty days from the date of the last publication of said notice as herein-
after provided. The notice shall be deemed to be an order of the state
water commission as to its contents, and it shall be published by the
state water commission for a period of four consecutive weeks in one or
more newspapers of general circulation published in each county in
which any part of said stream system is situated. At or near the time
of the first publication of said notice it shall be the duty of the state
water commission to send by registered mail to each claimant to rights
by appropriation of the waters of said stream system, in so far as such
claimant can be reasonably ascertained at his last known place of
address, a notice equivalent in terms to the said published notice.
(Stats. 1917, p. 232.)
Forms of proof of appropriation.
Sec. 29. The state water commission shall, in addition, enclose with
the notice to be mailed as aforesaid, blank forms, proofs of appropria-
tion, upon which said claimant shall present in writing all particulars
necessary for the determination of his right by appropriation of the
waters of said stream system, the said statement to include the
following :
(a) The name and post-office address of the claimant.
(&) The nature of the right or use on which the claim for appropria-
tion is based.
(c) The date of the initiation of such right and a description of
works of diversion and distribution.
(d) The date of beginning of construction.
(e) The date when completed.
(/) The dates of beginning and completion of enlargements.
(g) The dimensions of the ditch as originally constructed and
(h) The date when water was first used for irrigation or other benefi-
cial purposes, and if used for irrigation, the amount of land irrigated
the first year, the amount in subsequent years, with the dates of irriga-
tion and the area and the location of the lands which are intended to be
(i) The character of the soil and the kind of crops cultivated, and
such other facts as will show the extent and nature of the right and a
compliance with the law in acquiring the same, as may be required by
the state water commission. Each claimant shall be required to certify
to his statements, under oath. (Stats. 1917, p. 232.)
Delay or failure in filing proofs.
Sec. 30, After the date fixed for the filing of proofs, no proofs shall
be received or filed with the state water commission ; provided, however y
that the state water commission may, for cause shown, in its discretion,
extend the time in which proofs may be filed. Upon neglect or refusal
of any person to make proof of his claim to rights by appropriation of
the waters of such stream system, as required by this act, prior to the
expiration of the period fixed by the state water commission, during
which proofs may be filed, the state water commission, shall determine
the right by appropriation of such person on such evidence as it may
obtain or may have on file in its office in the way of maps, plats, surveys
and transcripts; and exceptions to such determination may be filed in
court as hereinafter provided. (Stats. 1917, p. 233.)
Intervention of claimant without knowledge or notice.
Sec. 31. Any claimant of a right by appropriation of the water of
any stream system upon whom no service of notice shall have been had
of the pendency of proceedings for the determination of the rights by
appropriation of the waters of said stream system, and who shall have
had no actual knowledge or notice of the pendency of said proceedings,
may at any time prior to the expiration of three months after the entry
of the determination of the state water commission, as provided in
section thirteen of this act, file a petition to intervene in said proceed-
ings. Such petition shall be under oath and shall contain, among other
things, all matters required by this act of claimants who have been duly
served with notice of said proceedings, and also a statement that the
intervenor had no actual knowledge or notice of the pendency of said
proceedings. Upon the filing of said petition in intervention, the peti-
tioner shall be allowed to intervene and thereafter shall have all the
rights and be subject to all the duties of the claimants who have been
duly served. (Stats. 1917, p. 233.)
Fees for adjudication.
Sec. 32. At the time of submission of proof of appropriation, the
state water commission shall collect from such claimants, on the basis
of the statements in the proofs, a fee of five (5) dollars for each cubic
foot per second claimed for any purpose; the minimum fee, however,
for any claimant to be five (5) dollars. For all purposes of this section
three hundred fifty acre-feet of water claimed for storage shall be
deemed the equivalent of one cubic foot per second. As soon as prac-
ticable after the expiration of the period fixed in which proofs may be
filed, the state water commission shall compute the cost of surveys,
maps, reports and gathering of data and should the aggregate cost
thereof exceed the total amount received from claimants with their sub-
mission of proofs, the excess shall be apportioned among the claimants
in proportion to water claimed by them. Notice of the assessment of
said additional charges shall be sent by registered mail to each claimant,
such notice to include a statement of the total sum assessed and of the
sum assessed to claimant addressed. All assessments remaining unpaid
sixty days after the mailing of said notice shall bear interest at the rate
of seven per cent per annum from the end of said sixty day period, and
all assessments remaining unpaid at the time of entry of decree as pro-
vided in section thirty-six c of this act shall be taxed as costs against
the delinquent claimants and collected in the manner provided by law
for the collection of judgments. All fees charged and collected under
this section shall be paid, at least once each month, accompanied by a
detailed statement thereof, into the cash revolving fund of the state
water commission in the state treasury. (Stats. 1917, p. 234; Stats.
1921, p. 482.)
Abstract of inspection of proofs.
Sec. 33. As soon as practicable after the expiration of the period
fixed in which proofs may be filed, the state water commission shall
assemble all proofs which have been filed, and prepare and certify an
abstract of all of the said proofs, which shall be printed in the state
printing office. As soon as practicable the state water commission shall
prepare a notice fixing and setting a time and place, reasonably con-
venient to the claimants, when and where the evidence taken by or filed
with it shall be open to the inspection of all interested persons, said
period of inspection to be not less than ten (10) days, which notice shall
be deemed to be an order of the state water commission as to the matters
contained therein. A copy of said notice, together with a printed copy
of the said abstract of proofs, shall be sent by registered mail, at least
fifteen (15) days prior to the first day of such period of inspection, to
each claimant who has appeared and filed proof as herein provided. A
representative of the state water commission shall be present at the time
and place designated in said notice, and allow, during said period, any
person interested to inspect such evidence and proofs as have been filed
in accordance with this act. (Stats. 1917, p. 234.)
Contest of proofs.
Sec. 34. Should any claimant desire to contest any of the statements
and proofs of claims filed with the state water commission by any other
claimant to the waters of the stream system, he shall, within fifteen (15)
days after said evidence and proofs shall have been opened to public
inspection, or within such further time as for good cause shown may be
allowed by the state water commission upon application made prior to
the expiration of said fifteen (15) days, in writing, notify the state
water commission, stating with reasonable certainty the grounds of the
proposed contest, which statement shall be verified by the affidavit of
the contestant, his agent or attorney. The statements or proofs of the
person whose rights are contested and the verified statement of the
contestant shall be deemed sufficient to constitute a proper cause for
such contest. (Stats. 1917, p. 234.)
Hearings of contests.
Sec. 35. Within ten (10) days after the receipt of the notice of
contest the state water commission shall notify by registered mail the
contestant and the claimant whose rights are contested to appear before
it at a time and place specified in said notice, and that at said time and
place said contest will be heard; provided, that said time shall not be
less than fifteen (15) days nor more than sixty (60) days from the date
of the mailing of the notice of the commission. The state water com-
mission shall have power to adjourn hearings of contests from time to
time upon reasonable notice to all parties in interest, and to issue sub-
poenas for and compel the attendance of witnesses to testify before it
and to produce papers, books, maps, and other documents. The costs
of taking testimony at a hearing shall be borne by the parties thereto
as follows : each party shall pay for the direct examination of his own
witness and the cross-examination of opponent's witness and shall share
equally for that part of the examination directed by the representative
of the commission. One copy of the transcript of testimony taken at
the hearing shall be furnished to the commission and the cost thereof
borne equally by the parties. (Stats. 1917, p. 235.)
Order of determination.
Sec. 36. As soon as practicable after the hearing of contests, it shall
be the duty of the state water commission to make, and cause to be
entered of record in its office, an order determining and establishing the
Q^veral rights by appropriation of the waters of said stream ; provided,
however, that within sixty (60) days after the entry of an order estab-
lishing water rights, the state water commission may, for good cause
shown, reopen the proceedings and grant a rehearing. Such order and
determination shall be prepared, and after certification by the state
water commission, printed in the state printing office. A copy of said
order of determination shall be sent by registered mail to each person
who has filed proof of claim, and to each person who has become inter-
ested through intervention or as a contestant under the provisions of
section eight or section eleven of this act. (Stats. 1917, p. 235.)
Filing of order of determination and testimony with superior court and notice
of order of hearing.
Sec. 36a. As soon as practicable, after the entry of the order of
determination, a certified copy thereof, together with the original evi-
dence and transcript of testimony filed with, or taken before the state
water commission, as aforesaid, duly certified by it, shall be filed with
the clerk of the superior court of the county in which said stream
system, or any part thereof, is situated. Upon the filing of the certified
copy of said order, evidence, and transcript with the clerk of the court
in which the proceedings are to be had, the state water commission shall
procure an order from said court setting a time for hearing. The clerk
of such court shall immediately furnish the state water commission with
a certified copy of said order. It shall be the duty of the state water
commission immediately thereupon to mail a copy of such certified order
of the court, by registered mail, addressed to each known party in inter-
est at his last known place of residence, and to cause the same to be
published at least once a week for four consecutive weeks in some news-
paper of general circulation published in each county in which such
stream system or any part thereof is located, and the state water com-
mission shall file with the clerk of the court proof of such service by
registered mail and by publication. Such service by registered mail
and by publication shall be deemed full and sufficient notice to all
parties in interest of the date and purpose of such hearing. (Stats.
1917, p. 236.)
Court hearing and decree.
Sec. 366. At least ten days prior to the day set for hearing, all
parties in interest who are aggrieved or dissatisfied with the order of
determination of the state water commission shall file with the clerk of
said court notice of exceptions to the order of determination of the state
water commission, which notice shall state briefly the exceptions taken,
the reasons therefor, and the prayer for relief, and a copy thereof shall
be transmitted by registered mail at least ten (10) days prior to such
hearing, to the state water commission and to each claimant, who was
an adverse party to any contest wherein such exceptor was a party in
the proceedings. The order of determination by the state water com-
mission and the statements or claims of claimants and exceptions made
to the order of determination shall constitute the pleadings but the
court may allow such additional or amended pleadings as may be neces-
sary to a final determination of the proceeding. If no exceptions shall
have been filed with the clerk of the court as aforesaid, then on the day
set for the hearing, on motion of the state water commission, or its
attorney, the court shall enter a decree affirming said order of deter-
mination. On the day set for hearing all parties in interest who have
filed notices of exceptions as aforesaid shall appear in person, or by
counsel, and it shall be the duty of the court to hear the same or set the
time for hearing, until such exceptions are disposed of, and all proceed-
ings thereunder shall be as nearly as may be in accordance with the
rules governing civil actions. Whenever in the judgment of the court
the state is a necessary party to the action, the court shall make an order
to that effect and thereupon a copy of all pleadings and proceedings on
file with the court in said matter shall be served upon the attorney
general who shall represent the state therein. (Stats. 1917, p. 236.)
Decree determining the right of persons involved. Appeals.
Sec. 36c. For further information on any subject in controversy,
the court may employ one or more qualified persons to investigate and
report thereon under oath, subject to examination by any party in
interest as to his competency to give expert testimony thereon. The
court may take additional evidence on any issue and may, if necessary,
refer the case for such further evidence to be taken by the state water
commission as it may direct, and may require a further determination
by it. After the hearing, the court shall enter a decree determining the
right of all persons involved in such proceeding. Said decree shall in
every case declare as to the water right by appropriation adjudged to
each party, the extent, priority, amount, purpose of use, point of diver-
sion, and place of use of said water ; and as to water used for irrigation,
such decree shall also declare the specific tracts of land to which it shall
be appurtenant, together with such other conditions as may be necessary
to define the right and its priority. Upon the hearing the court may
assess and adjudge against any party such costs as it may deem just.
Appeals from such decree may be taken to the supreme court by the
state water commission or any party in interest, in the same manner and
with the same effect as in civil cases. (Stats. 1917, p. 236.)
Recording of decree and issuing of certificates.
Sec. 36d. A certified copy of the decree of the superior court shall
be prepared by the clerk thereof, without charge, and filed for record
in the office of the county recorder of each county in which any part of
the stream system is situated and also in the office of the state water
commission. It shall be the duty of the state water commission to issue
to each claimant represented in such determination a certificate to be
signed by the president of the state water commission, and attested
under seal of the secretary of said commission, setting forth the name
and post-office address of the owner of the right; the priority of the
date, extent and purpose of such right ; and, if such water be for irriga-
tion purposes, a description of the legal subdivisions of land to which
said water is appurtenant. (Stats. 1917, p. 236.)
Failure to file claim estops from subsequent assertion of right. Decree con-
clusive as to rights by appropriation.
Sec. 36e. Whenever proceedings shall be instituted for the deter-
mination of rights by appropriation of water, it shall be the duty of
all claimants interested therein and having notice thereof as in this
act provided, to appear and submit proof of their respective claims at
the time and in the manner required by law ; and any such claimant
who shall fail to appear in such proceedings and submit proof of his
claim shall be barred and estopped from subsequently asserting any
rights theretofore acquired upon, the stream system, embraced in such
proceedings, and shall be held to have forfeited all rights by appropria-
tion to said water theretofore claimed by him on such stream system,
unless entitled to relief under the laws of this state ; provided, that such
proceedings shall result in a determination by the state water commis-
sion and a decree by the superior court determining the rights on such
stream. Such decree shall be conclusive as to the rights by appropria-
tion of all existing claimants upon the stream system lawfully embraced
in the determination. (Stats. 1917, p. 236.)
Fixing time for completion of appropriations initiated prior to December 19,
1914, and issuing certificates thereon.
Sec. 36/. The state water commission shall have authority and power
in making a determination as to the rights by appropriation of the
waters of any stream system, to fix a time limit for the completion of all
appropriations of water from such stream, where such rights of appro-
priations were initiated prior to December 19, 1914, and since prosecuted
with reasonable diligence, and such appropriators having been duly
notified as provided in this act, must appear and submit their proofs of
claim, in accordance with section twenty-eight of this act, or they shall
be deemed and held to be in default, and to have abandoned or to have
no right, title or interest in or to the waters of such stream. In deter-
mining rights of such appropriators, the state water commission shall
prescribe such a reasonable time for the completion of such appropria-
tions, and the application of the water appropriated to a beneficial use,
as will enable such appropriators acting in good faith and with due
diligence to complete the same. The findings of the state water com-
mission shall provide for the submission of proof or evidence as to the
completion of such appropriation and the amount of water actually
applied to beneficial use upon the expiration of such time limit, and
shall, in- accordance with such proof, enter supplemental findings, estab-
lishing and determining such rights of appropriation, in so far as the
same shall have been completed ; and certificates of water right shall be
issued in accordance with such supplemental findings and order of
determination of said commission ; but this section shall not be construed
to confer any rights of appropriation upon parties who shall have aban-
doned their said appropriations or failed to use due diligence in the
application of the water to a beneficial use and in the completion of
their appropriations ; and all such appropriators, who shall fail to com-
plete their said appropriations within the limit of time fixed by the state
water commission in said findings, or such further time granted upon
application made prior to the expiration of such time limit, as the state
water commission shall find equitable and just, shall be deemed to have
abandoned their rights of appropriation, and rights acquired by virtue
thereof waived, and such appropriators shall be deemed and held to have
no right, title or interest in or to the waters of such stream by virtue of
their said appropriations. The findings and determination of the state
water commission made under the provisions of this section may be
reviewed in the manner prescribed bv section thirty-six & of this act.
(Stats. 1917, p. 236.)
Division of state into water districts.
Sec. 37. The state water commission shall divide the state into water
districts to be so constituted and adjusted as to insure the most practical
and economical supervision of the distribution of water on the part of
the state, and shall have authority to make such reasonable regulations
to secure distribution of water in accordance with the determined rights
as may be needed. Said water districts shall be created from time to
time as the claims to water shall be determined by adjudication of court
either under the procedure provided for in the water commission act,
or otherwise, and thereafter changed from time to time as convenience
of administration may require. (Stats. 1921, p. 543.)
Appointment, duties and powers of water masters.
Sec. 37a. Upon written request of the owners or governing bodies
of at least fifteen per cent of the conduits, ditches, pipe lines and other
means of diversion lawfully entitled to directly divert water from the
streams or other sources of water supply in any water district, the state
water commission may, if in its discretion necessity therefor exists,
appoint one or more water masters for such water district. The state
water commission may from time to time discontinue water master
service in any water district, if necessity therefor ceases, and revive the
same whenever and as frequently as necessity exists. The water master
shall be properly qualified and shall perform the duties imposed on him
by this act as an employee under the general supervision and control
of the state water commission. It shall be the duty of the water master
to divide the waters of the streams, or other sources of supply, among
the several conduits, ditches, pipe lines and other means of diversion (all
of which are hereafter referred to as conduits) and reservoirs taking
water therefrom, and so to adjust or close the headgates of conduits and
regulate the controlling works of reservoirs, as may be necessary to
insure a distribution of the water thereof among the water users entitled
to its use, according to the rights of such water users as determined by
court adjudication either under the procedure provided for in the water
commission act or otherwise and permits and licenses issued by the
state water commission after such adjudication; provided, that any
person who may be injured by the action of any water master, shall have
the right to appeal to the superior court of the county in which the
injury takes place, for an injunction ; such injunction to be issued only
in case it can be shown at the hearing that the water master has failed
to carry into effect decrees of the court or permits or licenses of the state
water commission as in this section provided. Whenever, in the pursu-
ance of his duties, the water master regulates a headgate to a conduit
or the controlling works of reservoirs, it shall be his duty to attach to
such headgate or controlling works a written notice properly dated
and signed setting forth the fact that such headgate or controlling
works has been properly regulated and is wholly under his control,
and such notice shall be a legal notice to all parties interested in the
diversion and distribution of the water of such conduit or reservoir.
(Stats. 1921, p. 544.)
Interference with headgate regulations of water masters a misdemeanor.
Sec. 376. Any person who shall wilfully and without authority
open, close, change or interfere with any headgate, water box or measur-
ing device while under the control of the water master, or who shall
wilfully take or use water which has been denied him by the water
master under the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor. The possession or use of water when the same shall have
been so denied him by the water master shall be prima facie evidence
of the guilt of the person using it. (Stats. 1921, p. 544.)
Installation and maintenance of headgate and measuring devices.
Sec. 37c. The owner of any conduit subject to regulation by a
water master as provided by section thirty-seven a of this act shall
construct and maintain to the satisfaction of the state water commission
a substantial and serviceable headgate or diversion works, at or near the
point where the water is diverted, which shall be of such construction
that it can be locked and kept closed by the water masters and such
owners shall construct and maintain, when required by the state water
commission, suitable measuring devices at such points along such ditch
as may be necessary for the purpose of assisting the water master in
determining the amount of water that is to be diverted into said con-
duit from the stream. Any and every owner or manager of a reservoir
located across or upon the bed of a natural stream or of a reservoir which
requires the use of a natural stream channel, subject to regulation by a
water master as provided by section thirty-seven a of this act shall con-
struct and maintain, when required by the state water commission, a
measuring device of a plan to be approved by the state water commission,
below such reservoir, and a measuring device above such reservoir on
each or every stream or source of supply discharging into such reservoir
for the purpose of assisting the state water commission or water master
in determining the amount of water to which appropriators are entitled
and thereafter diverting it for such appropriator 's use. If any such
owner or owners of water works shall refuse or neglect to construct and
put in such headgate or measuring devices after thirty days notice, the
water master may close such ditch, and the same shall not be opened
or any water diverted from the source of supply, under the penalties
prescribed by law for the opening of headgates lawfully closed until
the requirements of the state water commission as to such headgates
or mea.suring device have been complied with, and if any owner or man-
ager of a reservoir located across the bed of a natural stream, or of a
reservoir which requires the use of a natural stream channel, shall
neglect or refuse to put in such measuring devices after thirty days
notice by the state water commission, the water master may open the
sluice gate or outlet of such reservoir and the same shall not be closed,
except by order of the state water commission, under the penalties of
the law for changing or interfering with headgates, until the require-
ments of the state water commission as to such measuring devices are
complied with. (Stats. 1921, p. 545.)
Water master has power to arrest.
Sec. Z7d. The water master shall have the power to arrest any per-
son violating any of the provisions of sections thirty-seven h, and thirty-
seven c of this act, and to give him into the custody of the sheriff, or
other competent police officer within the county, and immediately
thereafter make complaint before a magistrate against the person so
arrested. (Stats. 1921, p. 545.)
Violation of provisions Sees. 37b and 37c misdemeanors. Penalties.
Sec. 37e. Any person violating any of the provisions of section
thirty-seven 6 and thirty-seven c of this act shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not
less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred fifty dollars,
or imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than
six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Stats. 1921,
p. 546.)
Diversion or use of water contrary to the act a trespass.
Sec. 38. The diversion or use of water subject to the provisions of
this act other than as it is in this act authorized is hereby declared to
be a trespass, and the state water commission is hereby authorized to
institute in the superior court in and for any county wherein such
diversion or use is attempted appropriate action to have such trespass
Water appropriated for specific purpose.
Sec. 39. Water or the use of water which shall hereafter be, or
which has heretofore been, appropriated under the provisions of this
act for one specific purpose, shall not be deemed to be appropriated or
acquired for any other or different purpose. Any person, firm, asso-
ciation or corporation applying to the state water commission for a
permit to appropriate water or the use of water shall state in the appli-
cation for said permit the specific purpose to which it is proposed to put
such water or the use thereof. Any applicant, permittee, or licensee
desiring to change purpose of use of water heretofore or hereafter
appropriated under the provisions of this act shall proceed as provided
in section sixteen of this act in the matter of petitions to change points
of diversion or places of use and changes in purpose of use shall be
subject to the provisions of law provided in section sixteen of this act
relative to changes in points of diversion and places of use. (Stats.
1925, p. 586.)
Investigation of storage and flood control projects.
Sec. 40. The state water commission is also authorized and empow-
ered to investigate any natural situation available for reservoirs or
reservoir systems for gathering and distributing flood or other waters
not under beneficial use in any stream, stream system or lake or other
body of water, and to ascertain the feasibility of such projects, includ-
ing the supply of water that may thereby be made available, the extent
and character of the areas that may be thereby irrigated, and make
estimate of the cost of such project.
Rights of municipalities not impaired by the act.
Sec. 41. Nothing in this act shall be construed as depriving any
city, city and county, municipal water district, irrigation district or
lighting district of the benefit of any law heretofore or hereafter passed
for their benefit in regard to the appropriation or acquisition of water
or the use of water ; and nothing in this act shall affect or limit in any
manner whatsoever the right or power of any municipality which has
heretofore appropriated or acquired water or the use of water for
municipal purposes, to use or to. sell or otherwise dispose of such water
or the use thereof, either within or without its limits for domestic,
irrigation or other purposes, in accordance with laws in effect at the
time of the passage of this act.
Sec. 42. The word * * water ' ' in this act shall be construed as embrac-
ing the term "or use of water"; and the term "or use of water" in
this act shall be construed as embracing the word "water." When-
ever the terms stream, stream system, lake or other body of water or
waters occurs in this act, such term shall be interpreted to refer only
to surface water, and to subterranean streams flowing through known
and definite channels. But nothing in this act shall be construed as
giving or confirming any right, or title, or interest to or in the corpus
of any water; provided, that the term "useful or beneficial purposes"
as used in this act shall not be construed to mean the use in any one
year of more than two and one-half acre-feet of water per acre in the
irrigation of uncultivated areas of land not devoted to cultivated crops.
Rights to appeal unabridged.
Sec. 43, Nothing in this act shall be construed as depriving any
person, firm, association or corporation of the right of appeal conferred
under the laws of this state.
Acts in conflict repealed.
Sec. 44. All acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby
Title of act.
Sec. 45. This act shall be known as the "water commission act."
Constitutionality of act.
Sec. 46. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this
act is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not
affect the validity of the remaining portions of this act. The legislature
hereby declares that it would have passed this act, and each section,
subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact
that any one or more other sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or
phrases be declared unconstitutional.
An act to provide for the consolidation of districts organized or exist-
ing under the California irrigation district act.
(Approved June 1. 1921, Stats. 1921, p. 1018; amended Stats. 1925. p. 802.)
Consolidation of districts.
Section 1. Two or more districts organized or existing under the
California irrigation district act may. be consolidated as in this act
provided and when so consolidated, the consolidated district shall pos-
sess all of the powers and be governed by and subject to all of the
provisions of the California irrigation district act, except as in this
act otherwise provided, as though originally organized under said act.
Sec. 2. "When in the judgment of the board of directors of an irri-
gation district it is for the best interest of such district that it be con-
solidated with one or more other districts organized or existing under
said California irrigation district act or when there is presented to
said board a petition signed by signers equal in numbers to and possess-
ing the qualifications required by said California irrigation district act
for a petition for the organization of a district, said board must pass
a resolution reciting such facts and declaring the advisability of such
consolidation and its willingness to consolidate and forward a copy
thereof to the state engineer.
Sec. 3. Upon the receipt of the certified copy of such resolution
adopted by two or more of such districts the state engineer shall forth-
with make or cause to be made such investigation as he may deem
If report is favorable.
Sec. 4. Upon the completion of such examination but not more than
ninety days after the receipt by him of a copy of the resolution from
the board last adopting the same, the state engineer shall submit to the
board of directors of each of said districts his report thereon.
In case said engineer shall consider the elimination of a portion of
the lands included in any of the original districts advisable, he shall
recommend the same in his said report, stating his reasons therefor.
He shall also set out the boundaries of the consolidated district recom-
mended and the divisions into which it is to be divided, the same
being five in number.
If any of said lands so eliminated have never received water from
the original district in which it was included, the owners thereof shall
be entitled to the return of all assessments theretofore paid upon same.
If any of said lands have theretofore received water, the said state
engineer shall recommend in his said report the portion, if any, of said
assessments to the return of which the respective owners are equitably
entitled. (Stats. 192;'). p. S()2.)
Sec. 5. Within ten days after receiving said report, if the state
engineer deems such consolidation desirable, the board of directors of
each of said districts must make an order calling a special election at
which shall be submitted to the electors of such district po.ssessing the
qualifications prescribed by the California irrigation district act the
question whether or not said consolidation shall be effected, which said
election shall be conducted and the returns canvassed so far as practi-
cable in accordance with the requirements for the general irrigation
district election provided for in said act. Notice of such election shall
be given for the time and in the manner provided for notice of special
elections for the issuance of bonds in said California irrigation district
act. The ballots shall contain the words "Consolidation — Yes" and
"Consolidation — No," or words equivalent thereto, and if a majority
of the votes cast in each district are "Consolidation — Yes," then such
districts shall be consolidated.
At such election there shall also be elected the directors and other
officers of the con.solidated district who shall be nominated and voted
for as provided for in the general election of an irrigation district.
(Stats. 1925, p. 802.)
If report unfavorable.
Sec. 6. After receiving said report, if the said engineer deems such
consolidation not desirable, or if no report is received from said engi-
neer within ninety (90) daj-s after the submission to him of said copy
of said resolution from the board last adopting the same, said boards
of directors, if they each shall determine and declare by resolution
that the proposed consolidation is desirable, shall each make an order
calling a special election in the same manner as provided in section
five^ hereof, wbich said election shall be conducted in the same nianner
and upon the same notice as provided therein.
Sec. 7. In the original resolution of consolidation the boards of
directors of the several districts shall specify the oflBces agreed upon for
the consolidated district and upon the voters of said districts con-
solidating said districts as herein provided, the directors and other
officers then elected shall thereupon become the officers of such consoli-
dated district and shall qualify and organize in the manner provided
for a newly organized district.
Apportionment of indebtedness.
Sec. 8. The report of the said engineer shall recommend the appor-
tionment to the lands of the respective districts any outstanding
'The act contains no section 5 ; reference evidently intended to apply to the fourth
and fifth paragraphs of section 4.
indebtedness as he deems equitable, and the board of directors of the
consolidated district, if such consolidation be made, shall within sixty
(60) days after such consolidation act upon such recommendation and
shall apportion to the lands of the said consolidated district any out-
standing indebtedness as it deems equitable.
Name and powers of district.
Sec. 9. In the original resolution of consolidation the said boards of
directors of th« several districts shall specify the name agreed upon for
the said consolidated district, and if such consolidation is adopted at
such election, then said consolidation shall be effective and such con-
solidated district, under the said name, shall succeed to all of the
rights, privileges and properties of all of the districts participating
in such consolidation and shall be subject to all of the indebtedness,
bonded and otherwise, thereof, as so respectively apportioned, and all
future assessments necessary shall be levied in accordance with such
Within ten days after said consolidation is made, the board of
directors of said consolidated district shall make an order declaring
such consolidation effective and setting out the date that same became
effective and the boundaries of said consolidated district. A copy of
said order, duly certified by the president and secretary thereof, shall
be forthwith filed for record in the oflBce of the county recorder of
each county in which any lands of said district are situate.
Sale of bonds.
Sec. 10. Any bonds of any irrigation district, or districts, partici-
pating in such consolidation pursuant to the provisions of this act,
which have been authorized by the electors of such district, or districts,
prior to such consolidation, but which have not been issued, may, by
order of the board of directors of the consolidated district, be sold or
disposed of in the manner provided in sections thirty-two and thirty-
two a, respectively, of the California irrigation district act, and the
proceeds thereof applied to the purpose for which such bonds were
authorized. (Stats. 1925, p. 802.)
Section la, added, by Statutes 1921, p. 1142, to the act of June 13,
1913, which provides for organization of water districts by county
boards of supervisors, authorizes "all or any part of lands embraced
within the boundaries of any irrigation district" to be included in
such a water district under certain conditions. Said section is printed
below. For the entire text of the act, see Stats. 1913, p. 815 ; amended
Stats. 1917, p. 1408; Stats. 1921, p. 1142. (Deering, Gen. Laws, Act
No. 4349a.)
Sec. la. All or any part of lands embraced within the boundaries
of any irrigation district now or hereafter organized under any law
or laws whatsoever of the State of California may be organized into or
included in a water district formed under the provisions of this act:
provided, that eighty per cent of the land within the boundaries of tho
proposed water district is not under irrigation at the time of the forma-
tion of the water district; provided, further, that no land within an
irrigation district which is also within the boundaries of a water district
formed under the provisions hereof shall be released from any of the
burdens, obligations, liabilities, or control of or under said irrigation
district by virtue of the formation of the water district and shall in
every respect continue to be a part of said irrigation district despite
the formation of said water district ; provided, further, that such water
district may not issue bonds in excess of such an amount as may be
authorized and designated by the irrigation district bond commission
created by the act entitled, "An act relating to bonds of irrigation
districts, providing under what circumstances such bonds shall be legal
investments for funds of banks, insurance companies and trust com-
panies, trust funds, state school funds and any money or funds which
may now or hereafter be invested in bonds of cities, cities and counties,
counties, school districts or municipalities, and providing under what
circumstances tlie use of bonds of irrigation districts as security for the
performance of any act may be authorized," approved June 13, 1913,
or such other state commission, department or agency that may super-
sede said commission or succeed to its functions. (Stats. 1921, p. 1143.)
An act to provide for cooperation in acquisition, canstructimi and
management of irrigation and drainage works hettveen irrigation
districts organized or existing under or by virtue of an act entitled
''An act to provide for organization and government of irrigation
districts and to provide for the acquisition thereby of works for the
irrigation of the lands embraced within such districts, and also to
provide for the distribution of water for irrigation purposes,"
approved March 31, 1897, and contiguous or adjoining districts in
or organized under the laws of other states.
(Approved May 23, 1917; Stats. 1917, p. 905.)
Cooperation with districts in adjoining states.
Section 1. It shall be lawful for irrigation districts organized or
existing under or by virtue of an act entitled "An act to provide for
the organization and government of irrigation districts, and to provide
for the acquisition or construction thereby of works for the irrigation
of the lands embraced within such districts, and also to provide for
the distribution of water for irrigation purposes," approved March 31,
1897, to enter into agreements with irrigation districts in adjoining
states for the joint construction, acquisition, management and control
of diverting, impounding or distributing works for irrigation or drain-
ing lands within the boundaries of their respective districts.
Sec. 2. Such agreements may be evidenced by written contracts
executed on behalf of their respective boards of directors or trustees,
or by resolutions entered upon their respective minutes. Such con-
tracts or certified copies thereof and certified copies of such resolutions
shall be recorded in the oflSce of the county recorder in each county in
which is situated any of the lands of said districts or any of the reser-
voir sites or other real property owned by said districts or acquired
under the provisions of this act.
Property interests.
Sec. 3. Such agreements may provide for joint or several owner-
ship or ownership in common of the property, necessary or convenient
for the purposes of this act and may provide for the terms and condi-
tions under which or the respective proportions in which such property
shall be held. Any rights or disputes arising out of or from said agree-
ments may be tried before and enforced by any court of competent
jurisdiction in the state.
Sec. 4. Any meeting of the board of directors of any such district,
held in conjunction with the board of directors of the cooperating dis-
trict, in such district in the adjoining state, if duly and regularly called
as required by law or if regularly adjourned to, shall be as lawful and
valid as if held at the office of the board of directors of such district
in this state.
Diversion of water.
Sec. 5. It shall be lawful, for the purposes of such cooperative
action to divert water from this state for impounding in the adjoining
state or otherwise for distribution to the lands of the cooperating dis-
tricts regardless of the state in which such lands are situated or to
divert water from such adjoining state for impounding or otherwise
for distribution to the lands of such cooperating districts in this or the
adjoining state.
Property outside state.
Sec. 6. So far as may be necessary for fully carrying out the pur-
poses of this act such cooperating district in the adjoining state may
hold title to property, in this state and sucli cooperating district in this
state may hold title to property in the adjoining state.
An act to authorize irrigation districts to cooperate and contract with
the United States under the provisions of the federal reclamation
laws for a icater supply, or the construction, operation or mainte-
nance of works, including drainage works, or for the assumption
by the district of indebtedness to the United States on account of
district land; and to provide the manner and method of payments
to the United States under such contract, and for the apportion-
ment of assessments, and levy thereof, upon tJie lands of the district
to secure revenue for such payments, and to provide for the judicial
review and determination of the validity of the proceedings in con-
nection with such contract.
(Approved May 5, 1917; Stats. 1917. p. 243.)
Contracts with United States — irrigation or drainage.
Section 1. In addition to the powers with which irrigation dis-
tricts have been vested under the act approved March 81, 1897, and
acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto and acts of or to
which said act is amendatory or supplementary, irrigation districts
heretofore or hereafter organized under said acts shall have the follow-
ing powers : To cooperate and contract wuth the United States under the
federal reclamation act of June 17, 1902, and all acts amendatory
thereof or supplementary thereto, or any other act of congress heretofore
or hereafter enacted authorizing or permitting such cooperation, for
purposes of construction of works, whether for irrigation or drainage,
or both, or for the acquisition, purchase, extension, operation or mainte-
nance of constructed works, or for a water supply, or for the assump-
tion as principal or guarantor of indebtedness to the United States on
account of district lands.
General powers of district.
Sec. 2. The board of directors shall generally perform all such
acts as shall be necessary to carry out the enlarged powers in this act
enumerated. Said board may enter into any obligation or contract
with the United States for the aforesaid purposes, and may provide
therein for the delivery and distribution of water for the lands of such
district under the aforesaid acts of congress and the rulcj and regula-
tions established thereunder. The contract may provide for the con-
veyance to the United States as partial consideration for the privileges
obtained by the district under said contract, of water rights or other
property of the district ; and in case contract has been or may hereafter
be made with the United States as herein provided, bond«; of the district
may be transferred to, or deposited with the United States, if so
provided by said contract and authorized as hereinafter set forth, at
not less than ninety-five per cent of their par value, to the amount to be
paid by the district to United States or any part thereof; the interest,
or principal, or both, on said bonds to be raised by assessment and
levy as hereinafter prescribed, and to be regularly paid to the United
States and applied as provided in said contract. Bonds transferred to
or deposited with the United States may call for the payment of such
interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, may be of such denomi-
nation, and may call for the repayment of the principal at such times
as may be agreed upon between the board and the secretary of the
interior. The contract with the United States may likewi<;e call for the
payment of the amount or amounts to be paid by the district to the
United States or any part thereof at such times and in such installments
and with such interest charges not exceeding the aforesaid rate as may
be agreed upon, and for assessment and levy therefor as hereinafter
provided. Moreover the board may accept on behalf of the district,
appointment of the district as fiscal agent of the United States, or
authorization of the district by the United States to make collection of
moneys for or on behalf of the United States in connection with any
federal reclamation project whereupon the district shall be authorized
so to act and to assume the duties and liabilities incident to such action,
and the said board shall have full power to do any and all things
required by the federal statutes now or hereafter enacted in connection
therewith, and all things required by the rules and regulations now or
that may hereafter be established by any department of the federal
government in regard thereto. Districts cooperating with the United
States may rent or lease water to private lands, entryraen, or munici-
palities in the neighborhood of the district, in pursuance of contract
with the United States.
Sec. 3. Any proposal to enter into a contract with the United
States for the repayment of construction moneys, the cost of a water
supply or the acquisition of property, and to issue bonds, if any be
proposed, shall be voted upon at an election wherein proceedings shall be
had in so far as applicable in the manner provided in the case of the
ordinary issuance of district bonds. Said proposal, with such plans
and estimates of cost as have been made in connection therewith, shall
be submitted to the state engineer for his examination and report, and
the proceedings in that regard shall be in accord with section thirty of
the act approved March 31, 1897, as amended, in so far as the same
may be applicable. Notice of the election herein provided for shall
contain in addition to the information required in the ii??e of ordinary
bond election a statement of the maximum amount of money to be
payable to the United States for construction purposes, cost of watei
supply and acquisition of property, exclusive of penalties and interest,
together with a general statement of the property, if any, to be con-
veyed by the district as hereinabove provided. The ballots at such
election shall contain a brief statement of the general purpose of said
contract and the amount of the obligation to be assumed, as aforesaid,
with the words "Contract — Yes" and "Contract — No," or "Contract
and bonds — Yes ' ' and ' ' Contract and bonds — ^No, ' ' as the case may be.
The board of directors may submit any such contract or proposed
contract and bond issue if any, to the superior court of the county
wherein is located the office of said board to determine the validity
thereof and the authority of the board to enter into such contract, and
the authority for and validity of the issuance and deposit or transfer
of said bonds; whereupon the same proceedings shall be had as in the
ordinary case of the judicial determination of the validity of bonds
and with like effect.
Distribution of water.
Sec. 4. All water, the right to the use of which is acquired by the
district under any contract with the United States shall be distributed
and apportioned by the district in accordance with the acts of congress
applicable thereto, the rules and regulations of the secretary of the
interior thereunder, and the provisions of said contract, and provision
may be made in the contract between the district and the United States
for the refusal of water service to any or all lands which may become
delinquent in the payment of any assessment levied for the purpose of
carrying out any contract between the district and the United States.
Rights of way.
Sec. 5. Any rights of way or other property owned or acquired
by the district may be conveyed by the board to the United States in so
far as the same may be needed for the construction, operation and
maintenance of \\Torks by the United States for the benefit of the district
under any contract that may be entered into with the United States
pursuant to this act.
Sec. 6. All payments due or to become due to the United States
under any contract between the district and the United States, includ-
ing such payments of interest and principal on bonds as may be required
in connection with a deposit or transfer thereof to the United States,
shall be paid, unless otherwise provided by contract, by revenue derived
from annual assessments, apportioned as hereinafter prescribed, and
levies thereof, upon such real property within the district as may be
assessable for district purposes under the laws of the state, and such
real property shall be and remain liable to be assessed and levied
upon for such payments as herein provided. It shall be the duty of the
board of directors annually to levy an assessment sufficient to raise the
money necessary to meet all payments when due as provided in the
contract. All money collected in pursuance of such contract by assess-
ments and levies, or otherwise, shall be paid into the district treasury
and held in a fund to be known as the "United States contract fund,"
to be used for payments due to the United States under any such con-
tract. Public lands of the United States within any district shall be
subject to assessment for all purposes of this act to the extent provided
for by the act of congress approved August 11', 1916, entitled "An act
to promote reclamation of arid lands," or any other law which may
hereafter be enacted by congress in the same relation, upon full com-
pliance therewith by the district. Nothing in this act contained shall
be construed to relieve the district from obligation to pay as a district
in case of default of any land, unless so provided by the said contract
between the district and the United States.
Assessments made for benefits.
Sec. 7. The assessment required in any year to meet the payment
due to the United States for all purposes under the contract as in this
act provided may be apportioned in accordance with the benefits, and in
the ascertainment of such benefits there shall be taken into account the
provisions of the contract between the United States and the district,
the federal laws applicable thereto, and the notices and regulations
issued in pursuance of said laws, and in case such contract is for the
assumption by the district as principal or guarantor of indebtedness to
the United States theretofore existing on account of district lands,
there shall be further taken into account the provisions of existing con-
tracts canying such indebtedness and the amounts of such liens as may
be released in pursuance of the contract between the United States and
the district.
Change in district boundaries.
Sec. 8. Where contract shall have been entered into between the
United States and any irrigation district the district shall not be
dissolved, nor shall the boundaries be changed, except upon written
consent of the secretary of the interior filed with the offi^nal records of
the district. If such consent be given and lands be excluded, the areas
excluded shall be free from all liens and charges for payments to become
due to the United States.
Saving clause.
Sec. 9. The provisions of the general irrigation district act,
approved INIarch 31, 1897, and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental
thereto, shall be and remain in force as regards irrigation districts in
this act referred to except in so far as herein modified expressly or by
necessary implication ; and nothing in this act shall be so construed as
to affect irrigation district operations not related to cooperation with
the United States. However, the provisions of section fifty-three of
said act, approved March 31, 1897, shall not apply in case of any con-
tract between an irrigation district and the United States.
An act authorizing and empoivering iirigation and reclamation districts
to enter into contracts with the United States reclamation service
for the reclamation of lands ivithin such districts under the provi-
sions of the so-called "twenty year extension act."
(Approved May 21, 1917; Stats. 1917, p. 781.)
Contracts with reclamation service.
Section 1. The board of trustees, or directors of any irrigation or
reclamation district now organized under the provisions of the laws of
the State of California, or of any irrigation or reclamation district
hereafter organized under the laws of the State of California, may, in
their discretion, whenever it is determined by such board that it is for
the best interests of such districts, enter into a contract with the proper
ofiScers of the United States Reclamation Service for the reclamation,
either by drainage or irrigation of lands within the boundaries of such
district, or by preventing high water from overflowing the same, under
the provisions of an act of congress approved August 13, 1914, entitled
"An act extending the period of payment under reclamation projects,
and for other purposes," which act is commonly known as the twenty
year extension act, and from and after the execution of such contract,
the amount of indebtedness created thereby shall be and become a
lien upon the lands to be benefited by such reclamation work.
Sec. 2. The board of trustees or directors of any irrigation or
reclamation district above mentioned, shall provide by a resolution duly
adopted at a regular meeting, or special meeting of such board called
for the purpose, for the payments of the amounts to become due under
the contract with the United States, according to the provisions of such
contract, by assessment upon the lands, in such district, which are to be
benefited by such work, such assessment to be collected by the tax col-
lector of the county within which such lands are situated, the same as
other taxes are collected, or by any other officer authorized by law to
collect assessments within said district.
f. ihstuk ts .may unite for i'ltoductiox of materials.
Political Code.
Cement plants, rock quarries, etc.
Sec. 4041e. Counties, cities and irrigation districts may jointly or
severally purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire, or operate, manage and
control rock quarries, rock plants, sand pits, cement plants, and other
works or projects for the extraction, manufacture, or preparation of
rock, sand, cement and other materials used by them in performing
county, city, or district functions. (Section added. Stats. 1921, p. 191.)
An act relating to the doing of public work by day's labor or force
account, except emergency and maintenance work and work costing
less than ten thousand dollars; requiring the state highway engi-
neer, state engineer, the state architect, county engineers, county
surveyors, city and county engineers, county highway engineers,
road comrnissioners, city engineers, commissioners of public works,
superintendents of streets, harbor engineers, flood control engin-
eers, and the engineers of any reclamation, irrigation or other dis-
tricts, political subdivisions or agencies of the state directing, super-
vising or superintending such work, or in charge of the engineering
for or in connection therewith, to keep the costs, prepare and file
plans, specifications and estimates of cost, and, upon completion,
prepare and file certificates of cost thereof; and providing for the
keeping of such plans, specifications and certificates as public rec-
(Approved June 21, 1923, Stats. 1923, p. 1053; amended Stats. 1925, p. 292.)
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the state highway engineer, the
state engineer, the state architect, and of every county engineer,
county surveyor, citj^ and county engineer, county highway engineer,
road commissioner, city engineer, commissioner of public works, super-
intendent of streets, harbor engineer, flood control engineer, the engi-
neer of any board or commission of the state, the engineer of any board
or commission of any city or city and county, and the engineer of any
reclamation, irrigation or other district, political subdivision or agency
of the state directing, supervising or superintending the construction,
or in charge of engineering work for or in connection with the con-
struction of any bridge, road, street, highway, ditch, canal, dam,
tunnel, excavation, building or structure within the state by day's
labor or force account, except maintenance work, work occasioned by
emergency and work costing less than five thousand dollars, to keep
an accurate account of the cost of such work ; to prepare and file in his
office, prior to the commencement of the work, full, complete and
accurate plans and specifications, and an estimate of the cost thereof,
except where other and adequate provision is made by law requiring
the preparation and filing of such plans, specifications and estimates
of cost by some other officer, or in some other office ; and within sixty
days from the completion of any such work, to prepare and file in the
office of the county clerk of the county in which the work is performed,
or if any such reclamation, irrigation or other district maintains an
office, then in the office of his own such district instead of the office of
the county clerk, a certificate in writing verified by him in the same
manner as complaints in civil actions, setting forth the estimate of
cost, names of bidders with prices bid, if bids there be, changes in
adopted or approved plans and specifications, that the work performed
has or has not been done in accordance with such plans and specifica-
tions, a list of any publicly owned equipment used in the work, and an
itemized statement of the actual cost of all labor, materials, rentals,
repairs, compensation and other insurance, transportation of labor,
equipment and materials, engineering or architectural services includ-
ing the services of public employees in connection with such work, and
any and all cost entering into the work performed, including a reason-
able amount for depreciation of publicly-owned equipment used in the
work and the costs of repairs thereon while so used. (Stats. 1925,
p. 292.)
Sec. 2. Such plans, specifications and certificates shall be open to
inspection and examination as a public record.
Sec. 3. Every such public officer or public employee mentioned in
section one of this act who wilfully violates any of the provisions of
this act is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Stats. 1925, p. 292.)
An act to secure the payment of claims of persons employed hy con-
tractors upon public works, and the claims of persons who furnish
materials, supplies, teams, implements or machinery used or con-
sumed hy such contractors in the performance of such works, and
prescribing the duties of certain public officers wiih respect thereto.
(Approved May 10. 1919, Stats. 1919. p. 487; amended Stats. 1925, p. 538.)
Section 1. Every contractor, person, company, or corporation, to
whom is awarded a contract for the improvement, erection or con-
struction of any building, road, bridge or other structure, excavating,
or other mechanical work for this state, or for any political subdivision
or agency of the state shall, before entering upon the performance of
such work, file with the commissioners, managers, trustees, officers,
board of supervisors, board of trustees, common council, or other body
by whom such contract was awarded, a good and sufficient bond, to
be approved by such contracting body, officers or board, in a sum not
less than one-half of the total amount paj-able by the terms of the
contract ; such bond shall be executed by either two or more good and
sufficient sureties or by corporate surety as provided by law, in an
amount not less than the sum specified in the bond, and must provide
that if the contractor, person, company, or corporation, or his or its
subcontractors, fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender
or other supplies, or teams, used in, upon, for or about the perform-
ance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon
of any kind, that the surety or sureties will pay for the same, in an
amount not exceeding the sum specified in the bond, and also, in case
suit is brought upon such bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be
fixed by the court. Such bond must by its terms inure to the benefit
of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file
claims under this act so as to give a right of action to them or their
assigns in any suit brought upon said bond. Unless such bond is filed
as herein provided, no claim in favor of the contractor arising under
such contract shall be audited, allowed, or paid by any public officer
of this state, or of any political subdivision or state agency, but persons
who have in good faith performed work upon such contract, or sup-
plied materials for the execution thereof, shall, upon giving the notice
prescribed in section two hereof, be entitled to receive payment of
their respective claims in the manner provided by sections one thousand
one hundred eighty-four, one thousand one hundred eighty-four a, one
thousand one hundred eighty-four h, and one thousand one hundred
eighty-four c of the Code of Civil Procedure. (Stats. 1925, p. 538.)
County of Sutter vs. Superior Court, 188 Cal. 292 ;
Burr vs. Gardella, 53 Cal. App. 377 ;
McMorrey et al vs. Superior Cojirt of Sutter County, 54 Cal. App. 76 ;
Evans vs. Shackelford, 64 Cal. App. 750.
Sec. 2. Any materialman, person, company or corporation furnish-
ing materials, provisions, provender or other supplies used in, upon,
for or about the performance of the work contracted to be executed
or performed, or any person, company or corporation renting or hiring
teams or implements or machinery for or contributing to said work to
be done, or any person who performed work or labor upon the same,
or any person who supplies both w^ork and materials, and whose claim
has not been paid by the contractor, company or corporation, to whom
the contract has been awarded, or by the subcontractors of said eon-
tractor, company, or corporation, may at any time prior to the expira-
tion of the period within which claims of lien must be filed for record
as prescribed by section one thousand one hundred eighty-seven of the
Code of Civil Procedure file Avith the commissioners, managers, trustees,
officers, board of supervisors, board of trustees, common council, or
other body by whom such contract was awarded, or with the con-
troller, auditor, or other public disbursing officer whose duty it is to
make payments under the provisions of such contract a verified state-
ment of such claims, together with a statement that the same have not
been paid. It shall be lawful for the state or any public board, com-
mission, or officer thereof, or any political subdivision thereof, within
ten days after the completion of any contract or structure, or work of
improvement, provided for in this act, or within ten days after there
has been a cessation from labor thereon for a period of thirty days, to
file for record in the office of the county recorder of the county or
counties where the property is situated, a notice setting forth the date
when the same was completed or on which cessation from labor occurred,
together with the name of the state or such public board, commission
or officer thereof, or such political subdivision thereof and a description
of the property or public work or structure sufficient for identification
and the name of the contractor or contractors, the names of the
sureties, if any, which notice shall be verified by some officer of the
state or some member of such board, commission or officer thereof,
or of such political subdivision thereof, and in case such notice be
not so filed, the failure to so file shall have the same effect as is
provided in section one thousand one hundred eighty-seven of the
Code of Civil Procedure with reference to the "owner." Actions
against the state, public board, commission, or officer thereof, or the
political subdivision of the state, or the disbursing officer whose duty
it is to make payments under the provisions of the contract for the
public improvement in question, brought by any claimant who has
filed claim under this act, or his assign, shall be governed by the pro-
visions of section one thousand one hundred eighty-four, one thousand
one hundred eighty-four a, one thousand one hundred eighty-four &.
and one thousand one hundred eighty-four c of the Code of Civil Pro-
cedure and the verified notice provided for in the said sections shall be
equivalent for all purposes to the verified claim provided for herein.
No assignment by the contractor of the whole or any part of the
money due him or to be due him under the contract, or for "extras"
in connection therewith, whether made before a verified claim is filed
as provided for herein or after .said claim is filed, shall be held to take
priority over claims filed under this section and such assignment shall
have no binding force in so far as the rights of the claimants who file
claims thereunder, or their a.ssigns, are concerned ; provided, that
nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the payment of
any money to the contractor or his assigns, so long as no verified claim
is on file before the disbursing officer shall have actually surrendered of the warrant, checks, bonds, or money or the payment to
said contractor or his assigns of any money due him or his as.signs
over and above the total amount of the claims filed at that time plus
such interest and court costs as might be reasonably anticipated in
connection with said claims.
Suit against the surety or sureties on the bond of the contractor
required under section one hereof, may be brought by any claimant,
or his assign, at any time after the claimant has ceased to perform
labor or furnish material or both and until the expiration of six
months after the period in which verified claims may be filed as pro-
vided herein. The filing of a verified claim shall not be a condition
precedent to the maintenance of such action against the surety or
sureties on the bond and an action on such bond may be maintained
separately from and without the filing of an action against the board,
commission, officer or other body hy whom such contract was awarded.
And upon the trial of any such action, the court shall award to the
prevailing party a reasonable attorney's fee, to be taxed as costs, and
to be included in the judgment therein rendered.
If the contractor, subcontractor or other person against whom any
claim is filed as provided in this act shall dispute the correctness or
validity of any claim so filed it shall be lawful for the controller, auditor
or other public disbursing officer whose duty it is to make payments
under the provisions of such contract or the commissioner, managers,
trustees, officers, board of supervisors, board of trustees, common
council or other body by whom the contract for the improvement was
awarded, in its or his discretion, to permit contractor to whom said
contract was awarded to deliver to such board, commission or officer a
bond executed by .some corporation authorized to issue surety bonds in
the State of California, in a penal sum etpial to one and one-fourth times
the amount of .said claim, which said bond shall guarantee the payment
of any sum which said claimant may recover on .said claim together with
his costs of suit in said action, if he .shall recover therein, and upon the
filing of said bond by and with the consent of .such board, commission or
officer, then such board, commission or officer sliall not withhold any
moneys from said contractor on account of .said claim. The sureties
upon said bond shall be jointly and severally liable to said claimant
with the sureties upon the bond given in accordance with section one
of this act.
County of Sutter vs. Superior Court, 188 Gal. 292 ;
Diamond Match Company vs. Aetna Casualty d Surety Company. 60 Cal.
App. 425 ;
Evans vs. Shackelford, 64 Cal. App. 750.
Sec. 3. The act entitled "An act to secure the payment of the
claims of materialmen, mechanics, or laborers, employed by contractors
upon .state, municipal, or other public work," approved March 27,
1897, and all acts amendatory thereof are hereby repealed; saving to
all persons, however, all rights which have accrued under the pro-
visions of said statutes, or any thereof.
An act to provide for the dissolution of irrigation districts, the ascer-
tainment and discharge of their indebtedness, and the distribution
of their property.
(Approved February 10, 1903, Stats. 1903, p. 3. Amended 1909, p. 139; 1911,
Rx. .Sess., p. 118; 1913. p. 39; 1915. p. 859.)
District may dissolve.
Section 1. Any irrigation district organized under the provisions
of an act entitled "An act to provide for the organization and govern-
ment of irrigation districts, and to provide for the acquisition of water
and other property, and for the distribution of water thereby for irri-
gation purposes," approved March 7, 1887, and all acts supplementary
thereto or amendatory thereof, including an act entitled "An act to
provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts,
and to provide for the acquisition or construction thereby of works
for the irrigation of lands embraced within such districts, and also,
to provide for the distribution of water for irrigation purposes,"
approved March 31, 1897, may be dissolved in the manner hereinafter
provided ; provided, that in case a contract authorized by law has been
made between the district and the United States for the construction,
operation and maintenance of the necessary works for the delivery of
water or for a water supply, no such district shall be dissolved and no
proceedings entertained by any court or otherwise looking to the dis-
solution of such district, until the written assent of the secretary of the
interior be given to such dissolution. (Stats. 1915, p. 859 )
Sec. 2. A majority in number of the holders of title, or evidence of
title, to real property in any irrigation district, and a majority in value
of said property according to the equalized assessment roll of said
district for the year last preceding upon which any assessment has
been made, may propose the dissolution of said district by a petition
signed by such majority, which petition shall set forth the amount of
the outstanding bonds, coupons, and other indebtedness, if such there
be, together with a general description of the same, and the holders,
so far as known, showing the amount of each description of indebted-
ness and the ownership, so far as known, of the same. Also the esti-
mated cost of the dissolution of said district. Said petition shall also
state the assets of said district, including irrigation system, if any,
dams, reservoirs, canals, franchises, water rights, a detailed statement
of all the lands sold to the district for assessments, and the amount of
the assessments on each parcel of land sold, also all assessments unpaid,
and the amount upon each lot or tract of land, and all other assets of
the district ; and in case any proposition has been made by the holders
of said indebtedness to settle the same, said proposition, together with
any plan proposed to carry the same into execution, shall be included
in said petition.
Eacondido Mut. Water Co. vs. Escondido, 169 Gal. 774 ;
Byington vs. Sec. Valley Westaide Canal Company, 170 Gal. 124.
'Sale or lease and operation of canal and works of dissolved district.
Sec. 2^. (Added, Stats. 1911, Ex. Sess., p. 118; probably super-
seded by Sec. 2o, added Stats. 1913, p. 39.)
Sec. 2a. In case an irrigation district has no indebtedness not
barred by the statute of limitations and no assets and has ceased to be
a going concern and has no irrigation system by which it conveys water
for irrigation or domestic purposes to any of the residents of such
district, the petition for dissolution mentioned in section two of said
act shall contain statements showing such facts and also that it is the
desire of the signers of such petition to have said district dissolved, and
such petition need not contain any other statement or allegation, and
such petition need only be signed by two-thirds of the qualified electors
residing in such district, and by the holders of title or evidence of title
representing at least fifty per cent of the acreage within said district
and not less than fifty per cent in value of all lands lying within the
exterior boundaries of said district, the value of said lands to be
determined by the last equalized assessment roll of said district, and
such petition so signed and containing such statements and allegations
shall be sufficient. In such case the plan of dissolution referred to in
section three of said act may be entirely omitted and it shall not be
necessary for the petitioners or persons signing such petition, or for the
board of directors of such district to propose any plan for the dissolu-
tion of such district or any plan for the liquidation of its indebtedness
or the distribution of its assets ; provided, that the petition shall further
recite the fact that an application will be made to the superior court
of the State of California in and for the county in which the office of
the board of directors of such district is required to be kept, for a decree
of dissolution of said district under the provisions of said act. And in
the case mentioned in this section, it shall not be necessary to obtain
the assent of any holder of any indebtedness or evidence of indebted-
ness of said district barred by any statute of limitations of this state
before the election provided for in said section three, shall be called.
Upon the filing of said petition with the board of directors of said dis-
trict said board shall call a special election at which shall be submitted
to the electors of such district the question whether or not said district
shall be dissolved. Notice of such election must be given by posting
notices in three public places in each election precinct in said district
for at least twenty days and also by publication of such notice in some
newspaper published in the county where the office of the board of
directors is required to be kept, once a week for at least three successive
weeks before such election. Such notices must specify the time of
holding the election, and the fact that it is proposed to dissolve the
district. Said election must be held and the result thereof determined
and declared in all respects as nearly as practicable in conformity with
provisions of law governing the election of officers in irrigation districts.
At such election the ballot shall contain the words "Dissolution of the
district — ^Yes" or "Dissolution of the district — No," or words equiva-
lent thereto. It shall not be necessary in winding up the affairs of
any district organized under the laws of this state to pay all or any
portion of any debt or obligation of such district, for the enforcement
of which debt or obligation a suit is barred by the laws of this state, nor
to pay any bond, coupon, warrant or other indebtedness, claim or
demand which shall be barred by the laws of this state prior to the
filing of the petition for dissolution with the board of directors of such
district. (Stats. 1913, p. 39.)
Dissolution of district.
Sec. 3. Upon the filing of said petition with the board of directors
of said district said board shall call a special election, at which shall be
submitted to the electors of such district the question whether or not
said district shall be dissolved, its indebtedness liquidated, and its
assets distributed in accordance with the plan so proposed, or in ease
no plan has been proposed, then in accordance with a plan which shall
be proposed by said board of directors in the notice of the election, but
no such election shall be called until the assent of all the known holders
of valid indebtedness against the district shall be obtained or provision
shall be made in said plan for the payment of such nonassenting
holders. Notice of such election must be given by posting notices in
three public places in each election precinct in said district for at least
twenty days, and also by publication of such notice in some newspaper
published in the county where the office of the board of directors is
required to be kept, once a week for at least three successive weeks
before such election. Such notices must specify the time of holding the
election, the fact that it is proposed to dissolve the district, and a brief
summary of the plan proposed for liquidating its indebtedness and
disposing of its assets. Said election shall be held and the result
thereof determined and declared in all respects as nearly as practicable
in conformity with the provisions governing the election of officers in
irrigation districts. At such election the ballot shall contain the words
"Dissolution of the district — ^Yes," or ''Dissolution of the district —
No," or words equivalent thereto.
Action in superior court.
Sec. 4. In case upon such canvass it is found and declared by said
board of directors that two-thirds of the votes cast at such election shall
be cast in favor of "Dissolution of the district — ^Yes," then the said
board of directors shall file a petition in the superior court of the
county wherein is located the office of such board to determine the
validity of the proceedings had and of the proposed plan for the dis-
solution of said district. Such action shall be in the nature of a pro-
ceeding in rem, and jurisdiction of all parties interested may be had
by publication of a notice of the pendency of the proceeding for at
least once a week for three weeks in some paper of general circulation
published in the county where the action is pending; provided, that
if the property of the district is situate in more than one county then
the publication shall be made in one paper in each county wherein the
same is situate, such paper or papers to be designated by the court
having jurisdiction of the proceeding; jurisdiction shall be complete in
thirty days after the completion of such notice in the manner herein
provided. Anyone interested may at any time before the expiration of
said thirty days appear and contest the validity of the proceedings
already had and of the plan proposed for the dissolution of said district,
or any portion thereof, including the validity of any portion of the
indebtedness set out in said petition, and the court may determine the
validity of any sales for assessments, and may determine the amount of
any assessment or assessments due upon the various parcels and lots
of real estate within said district, and may determine the amount of
any assessment or assessments theretofore paid upon the various parcels
and lots of real estate therein, and may in said proceeding adjust and
determine the rights and liabilities of all parties. Such action shall be
speedily tried and judgment rendered. Either party shall have the
right to appeal at any time within thirty days after the entering of
such judgment, and the appeal must be heard and determined within
three months after the taking of such appeal.
Procedural rules.
Sec. 5. Said petition to the superior court shall set forth the facts
required to be set forth in the petition to the board of directors and all
the proceedings therein, and at the hearing the court shall hear and
determine the regularity, legality, and correctness of all proceedings,
and in doing so shall disregard any error, irregularity, or omission
which does not affect the substantial rights of the parties. The rules
of pleading and practice in the Code of Civil Procedure not incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act are made applicable to the pro-
ceeding herein provided. The cost of any contest may be allowed and
proportioned between the parties or taxed to the losing party in the
discretion of the court, and no contest of any matter or thing herein
provided for shall be made other than in the time and manner herein
Assessment payer may bring action.
Sec. 6. If no such proceeding shall have been filed by the board of
directors within thirty days after the canvass of said vote, then any
district assessment payer may bring an action in the superior court of
the county wherein the office of the board of directors is located. The
board of directors shall be made parties defendant and notice shall be
served on the members of the board personally, if they can be found
in the state, if not, then service by publication as provided in section
4, shall be sufficient. Proceedings shall be. had in the same manner
and with the same effect as if brought by the board of directors.
Corporation may be organized to take over property.
Sec. 7. A corporation may be organized under general laws for
the purpose of acquiring the assets of said district, including the irri-
gation system, if any, dams, reservoirs, canals, franchises and water
rights, which corporation shall have all the powers, rights and
franchises of corporate bodies organized under general laws, and in
addition shall have such further powers as may be necessary to possess
and carry on said irrigation system and exercise such franchise and
water rights.
Discharge of debts and distribution of assets.
Sec. 8. The court in its decree shall have power to make the orders
necessary to carry out said proposition for the discharge of the indebt-
edness and distribution of the property of said district, including the
right to apportion any indebtedness found due, and to declare said
portions liens upon the various parcels and lots of land within the
district, and may decree a sale of its assets in such manner as may
effectuate said proposition and as the said court may judge best, either
in one lot or in such parcels as may be provided, and may provide for
conveyance of said irrigation system, including dams, reservoirs, canals,
franchises and water rights, and also of any other assets of the district,
including lands sold thereto and the assessments due it.
Assessment liens.
Sec. 9. The amounts of any assessment or assessments found due
upon the various parcels and lots of real estate within said district, and
the amounts for which sales have been made, which sales have been
determined to be valid by said court, together with legal interest from
the date of said sales and from the time when said assessments become
delinquent, shall be liens respectively on the lots and parcels affected
thereby, and tbe purchaser or purchasei*s at said sale may foreclose the
same by action in the superior court, and shall in said action join all
lots, assessments, and sales which may have been purchased by hira
and which remain unredeemed. A redemption maj' be made at any
time by payment of the amount due to the clerk of the court for the
use of the district if before sale, and for the use of the purchaser if
after sale, and the clerk shall thereupon enter a minute of said pay-
ment, which payment shall be in the discharge of said lien. Redemp-
tion from the lien created for any portion of the indebtedness can be
had in this manner.
Balance of funds apportioned.
Sec. 10. "Whenever all the property of such irrigation district shall
have been disposed of, and all the indebtedness and obligations thereof,
if any there be, shall have been discharged, the balance of the money
of said district shall be distributed to the as.sessment payers in said
district upon the last assessment-roll in the proportion in which each
has contributed to the total amount of said assessment, and the court
shall enter a final decree declaring said district to be dissolved.
Debts barred by statute of limitations.
Sec. 10^. In the petition mentioned in section 2 of this act it shall
not be necessary to include in the schedule of indebtedness any bond,
coupon, warrant or other indebtedness, claim or demand which shall
have been barred by the laws of this state prior to the filing of said
petition with the board of directors of said irrigation district, nor shall
it be necessary in winding up the affairs of any district organized
under the laws of this state to pay all or any portion of a debt or
obligation of such district, for the enforcement of which debt or obliga-
tion a suit is barred by the laws of this state. (New section approved
March 3, 1909. Stats. 1909, p. 139.)
Sec. 11. This act shall take effect immediately.
An act declaring the conditions upan ivhich an irrigation district may
he dissolved, prescribing the procedure therefor, and the winding
up of the affairs of the district when dissolved.
(Approved Maj- 19. 1919, Stats. 1919. p. 751 ; amended. Stats. 1925. p. 220.)
As to quo warranto proceedings under Sec. 803, of the Code of Civil Procedure, see:
People vs. Selma In: Dist., 98 Cal. 206 ;
People vs. Jefferds. 126 Cal. 296;
People vs. Perris Irr. Dist., 132 Cal. 289 :
Byington vs. Sac. Valley Westside Canal Company, 170 Cal. 124.
Conditions for.
Section 1. Section one of an act entitled "An act declaring the
conditions upon which an irrigation district may be dissolved, pre-
scribing the procedure therefor, and the winding up of the affairs of
the district when dissohed," approA^ed May 18, 1919, is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Section 1. Any irrigation district organized under any of the laws
of the State of California, providing for the organization of irrigation
districts, which
(a) Has been organized more than three years and has failed and
neglected to secure an adequate water supply and which does not have
a reasonable prospect of securing an adequate water supply for the
lands of the district without prohibitive cost, and has failed and
neglected to obtain the approval of the state water commission of
the water supply of said district and has failed and neglected to
obtain the approval of the state engineer of the plans of said dis-
trict, and has failed and neglected to construct or acquire a system
of works or the financing thereof, and has failed and neglected to
obtain the approval of the irrigation district bond commission ; or
(6) Has been organized for more than ten j-ears and for more than
five years after the construction or acquisition of a system of works has
failed and neglected to maintain such works, or for five years or more
after such works have been constructed or acquired has failed and
neglected to supply or make available, water for the irrigation of more
than ten per cent of the lands of the district;
May be dissolved and annulled by the superior court of the county
in which said district is located by proceedings in an action brought
by the attorney general in the name of the people of tlie State of
California, upon his own information. Before .such an action can be
commenced in the courts the attornej- general shall publish for two
consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the county in which
the greater portion of the district is located, a notice to all parties in
interest that it is his intention to begin such action for the dissolution
of said district. The rules of pleading and practice in the Code of
Civil Procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of this act are
made applicable to the proceedings herein provided. (Stats. 1925,
p. 220.)
Investigation by state engineer.
Sec. 2. Before the trial of the case the court may direct the state
engineer to investigate all the affairs of said district ; the water supply
that may be obtained without prohibitive cost; the feasibility and prac-
ticability of irrigating all or a reasonable amount of the lands of said
district ; and all other matters wliich the court may direct, or the state
engineer may deem pertinent as affecting the possible success or failure
of the district as an irrigation enterprise and which may be necessary
to enable the court to determine the question of dissolution.
For the purpose of making such investigation, the state engineer shall
have access to all the records of the district, and all oflficers and
employees and other persons in any manner connected with or
employed by said district shall furnish such information as he may
require which has already been obtained or determined, including
maps, plans, estimates, field notes, and other data.
The state engineer shall report his findings and conclusions to the
superior court as soon as practicable, but within ninety days unless a
longer time be granted him by the court, but in no case to extend
beyond the period of one hundred eighty days in all.
Dissolution and disposition of property.
Sec. 3. Upon final judgment of dissolution in such action, the dis-
trict in question shall be deemed dissolved and annulled. The court
shall determine the amount of indebtedness outstanding against said
district, including the costs of the court action herein provided for, and
thereafter the appropriate county officers shall act as ex officio officers
of the district; the records and papers of every kind belonging to the
district shall be turned over to the proper county officers. The county
treasurer sTiall perform the duties of the district treasiirer ; the county
tax collector shall perform the duties of the district tax collector; the
county a-ssessor .shall perform the duties of the district assessor; the
county clerk shall perform the duties of the secretary of the board of
directors; the board of supervisors shall perform the duties of the
board of directors; they shall proceed to levy and collect such addi-
tional taxes as may be necessary upon the lands embraced within such
district in the same manner and with the same procedure for non-
payment that county taxes are levied and collected for the purpose of
paying such outstanding indebtedness not provided for by previous
assessments. All property of every kind belonging to the district,
including lands .sold to the district for taxes, shall be sold as the court
may direct and the proceeds together with all money on hand shall be
used to pay off the indebtedness. All funds remaining after all out-
standing indebtedness has been paid shall be apportioned and be paid
to the assessment payers according to the last assessment roll.
Outstanding indebtedness no bar to dissolution.
Sec. 4. The outstanding indebtedness, whether of bonds, warrants,
or otherwise, of any irrigation district .shall not operate as a bar to
dissolution by the superior court when provision is made for the pay-
ment of such indebtedness in the manner provided in section three of
this act.
Alternative method.
Sec, 5. This act is designed to provide an alternative method for
the dissolution of irrigation districts and shall not be deemed to repeal
any other statute or statutes.
State Constitution, xVrticle IV, Sec. 31.
* * *; provided, further, that irrigation districts for the pur-
pose of acquiring the control of any entire international water system
necessary for its use and purposes, a part of which is situated in
the United States, and a part thereof in a foreign country, may in
the manner authorized by law, acquire the stock of any foreign cor-
poration which is the owner of, or which holds the title to the part of
such system situated in a foreign country. (Amendment adopted
November 3, 1914. Above provision unchanged hy amendment to this
section adopted November 7, 1922.)
State Constitution, Article XIII, Sec. If.
All bonds hereafter issued by the State of California, or by any
county, city and county, municipal corporation, or district (includ-
ing school, reclamation, and irrigation districts) within said state, shall
be free and exempt from taxation. (New section adopted November 4,
State Constitution, Article XI, Sec. 13|.
Any county, citj^ and county, city, town, municipality, irrigation
district, or other public corporation, issuing bonds under the laws
of the state, is hereby authorized and empowered to make said bonds
and the interest thereon payable at any place or places within or
outside of the United States, and in any money, domestic or foreign,
designated in said bonds. (Amendment adopted November 3, 1914.)
An act relating to hands of irrigation districts, providing under what
circumstances such bonds shall he legal investments for funds of
hanks, insurance companies and trust companies, trust funds, state
school funds and any money or funds tvhich may now or hereafter
he invested in honds of cities, cities and counties, counties, school
districts or municipalities, and providing under what ciraiimstances
the v^e of honds of irrigation districts as security for the perform-
ance of amy act may he authorized.
(Approved June 13, 1913; Stats. 1913, p. 778. Amended Stats., 1915, p. 692; 1917,
p. 582; 1919, p. 1207; 1921, p. 1198.)
Resolution declaring bonds available as legal investments.
Section 1. "Whenever the board of directors of any irrigation dis-
trict organized and existing under and pursuant to the laws of the State
of California shall by resolution declare that it deems it desirable that
any contemplated or outstanding bonds of said district, including any
of its bonds authorized but not sold, shall be made available for the
purposes provided for in section seven of this act, the said board of
directors shall thereupon file a certified copy of such resolution with
the commission hereinafter provided for.
Report of irrigation district bond commission.
Sbc. 2. Such commission, upon the receipt of a certified copy of such
resolution, shall, without delay, make or cause to be made an investiga-
tion of the affairs of the district and report in writing upon such mat-
ters as it may deem essential, and particularly upon the following
points :
(a) The supply of water available for the project and the right of
the district to so much water as may be needed.
(6) The nature of the soil as to its fertility and susceptibility to
irrigation, the probable amount of water needed for its irrigation and
the probable need of drainage.
(c) The feasibility of the district's irrigation system and of the
specific project for which the bonds under consideration are desired or
have been used, whether such system and project be constructed, pro-
jected or partially completed.
(d) The reasonable market value of the water, water rights, canals,
reservoirs, reservoir sites and irrigation works owned by such district
or to be acquired or constructed by it with the proceeds of any of such
(e) The reasonable market value of the lands included within the
boundaries of the district.
(f) Whether or not the aggregate amount of the bonds under con-
sideration and any other outstanding bonds of said district, including
bonds authorized but not sold, exceeds sixty per centum of the aggre-
gate market value of the lands within said district and of the water,
water rights, canal, reservoirs, reservoir sites, and irrigation works
owned, or to be acquired or constructed with the proceeds of any of
said bonds, by said district, as determined in accordance with para-
graphs (d) and (e) in this section.
(g) The numbers, date or dates of issue and denominations of the
bonds, if any, which the commission shall find are available for the pur-
poses provided for in section seven of this act, and, if the investigation
has covered contemplated bonds, the total amount of bonds which the
district can issue without exceeding the limitation expressed in para-
graph if) of this section.
Certification by state controller.
Sec. 3. The written report of the investigation herein provided for
shall be filed in the office of the state controller, and a copy of said
report shall by the commission be forwarded to the secretary of the
district for which the investigation shall have been made, and if said
commission shall have found, as set out in said report, that the irriga-
tion system of the district and the specific project for which the bonds
under consideration are desired or have been used, whether such project
be constructed, projected or partially completed, are feasible and that
the aggregate amount of the bonds under consideration and any other
outstanding bonds of said district, including bonds authorized but not
soW, does not exceed sixty per centum of the aggregate market value of
the lands within said district and of the water, water rights, canals,
reservoirs, reservoir sites, and irrigation works owned or to be acquired
or constructed with the proceeds of any of said bonds by said district,
the bonds of such irrigation district, as described and enumerated in
said report filed with the state controller, shall be certified by the state
controller, as hereinafter provided for. If the commission shall be
notified by the board of directors of any district whose irrigation system
has been found in such report to be feasible that the district has issued
bonds and the commission shall find that said bonds are for any project
or projects approved in such report and that the amount of said bonds
does not exceed the limitation stated in such report, the commission
shall prepare and file with the state controller a supplementary report
giving the numbers, date or dates of issue and denominations of said
bonds, which shall then be entitled to certification by the state con-
troller as hereinafter provided for. Subsequent issues of bonds may
be made available for the purposes specified in this act upon like pro-
ceedings by said district, but, after any of the bonds of an irrigation
district have been enumerated and described as entitled to certification
by the state controller as herein provided for, it shall be unlawful for
that district to issue bonds that will not be entitled to such certification.
It is hereby made the duty of *the state controller to provide for filing
and preserving the reports mentioned in this section and, also, to make,
keep and preserve a record of the bonds certified by him in accordance
with the provisions of section four of this act, including the date of
certification, the legal title of the district, the number of each bond, its
par value, the date of its issue and that of its maturity.
Provisions of section two directory.
Sec. 3a. The provisions of section two of this act as to the points
upon which said commission shall report are directory merely and the
board may authorize such certification when in their opinion, subject
to the provisions otherwise contained in this act, their findings justify
such action. (Stats. 1917, p. 583.)
No expenditures without consent of commission.
Sec. 3&. Whenever the bonds of any irrigation district have been
certified as provided in this act, no expenditures shall be made from the
proceeds of such bonds, nor shall any liability to ])e met from such
proceeds be incurred, until there shall have been filed with and approved
by said commission such a schedule of proposed expenditures of such
proceeds as may be necessary to set forth to the satisfaction of said
commission the plan proposed for carrying out the purposes for which
said bonds were authorized, or such of said purposes as the district
may, at the time of filing such schedule, desire to proceed with ; and no
expenditures from the proceeds of said bonds shall be made for any
purpose not specified in such approved schedule or for any approved
purpose in excess of the amount allowed therefor in such schedule
without the consent of said commission; nor shall any expense of any
kind be incurred in excess of money actually provided by levy of assess-
ment or otherwise except as provided in section fifty-nine of the Cali-
fornia irrigation district act. During the progress of any work tolje
paid for from the proceeds of any bond issue certified as in this act
provided, the department of engineeriui?, on behalf of the commission
herein authorized, shall make from time to time, at the expense of the
district, such inspection of the work as may be necessary to enable the
said department to know that the plans approved by the commission are
being carried out without material modification unless such modification
has been approved by said commission. (Stats. 1921, p. 1198.)
Certification of bonds as needed.
Sec. 3c. Whenever the survey, examinations, drawings and plans
of an irrigation district, and the estimate of cost based thereon, shall
provide that the works necessary' for a completed pro.iect shall be con-
structed progressively over a period of years in accordance with section
thirty of the California irrigation district act, and in accordance with
a plan or schedule adopted by resolution of the board of directors of
the district, it shall not be necessary for the commission to certify at
one time all of the bonds that have been voted for the said completed
project ; but such bonds may be certified from time to time as needed by
the district. If the commission shall certify all of the bonds necessary
for the said completed project, even if said project is to be constructed
progressively over a period of years in accordance with the aforesaid
resolution of the board of directors, the bonds so voted and certified
shall only be sold after prior written approval of the commission.
(Stats. 1919, p. 1207.)
Form of controller's certificate.
Sec. 4. Whenever any bond of an irrigation district organized and
existing as aforesaid, including any bond authorized in any such dis-
trict but not sold, which shall be eligible to certification by the state
controller under section three of this act, shall be presented to the state
controller, he shall cause to be attached thereto a certificate in sub-
stantially the following form:
Sacramento, Cal., (insert date).
I, , controller of the State of California,
do hereby certify that the within bond. No of issue No
of the irrigation district, issued
(insert date), is, in accordance with an act of the legislature of Cali-
fornia approved , a legal investment for all trust
funds and for the funds of all insurance companies, banks, both com-
mercial and savings, trust companies, the state school funds and any
funds which may be invested in county, municipal or school district
bonds, and it may be deposited as security for the performance of any
act whenever the bonds of any county, city, city and county, or school
district may be so deposited, it being entitled to such privileges by
virtue of an examination by the state engineer, the attorney general
and the superintendent of banks of the State of California in pursuance
of said act. The within bond may also, according to the constitution of
the State of California, be used as security for the deposit of public
money in banks in said state.
Controller of State of California.
In case of a change in the constitution or any of the laws of this
state relating to the bonds of irrigation districts, the state controller
shall, if necessary, modify the above certificate so that it shall conform
to the facts.
A facsimile of the controller's signature, printed or otherwise,
impressed upon said certificate shall be a sufficient signing thereof;
provided, that the imprint of the controller's seal thereon shall appear
upon both the certificate and the bond over and through the printed
signature. (Stats. 1915, p. 692.)
Irrigation district bond certification commission created.
Sec. 5. The attorney' general, the state engineer and the superin-
tendent of banks are hereby constituted the California bond certifica-
tion commission, being the commission herein provided for, and said
commission shall elect one of its members chairman and may employ
such clerks and assistants as may be necessarj' for the performance of
the duties herein imposed, and may fix the compensation to be paid to
such clerks and assistants. (Stats. 1921, p. 1199.)
Sec. 6. All necessary expenses incurred in making the investigation
and report in this act provided for shall be paid as the commission
may require by the irrigation district whose property has been investi-
gated and reported on by the said commission; provided, that the
benefit of any services that may have been performed and any data
that may have been obtained by any member of said commission or any
other public official in pursuance of the requirements of any law other
than this act, shall be available for the use of the commission herein
provided for without charge to the district whose affairs are under
Bonds certified legal investments for trust funds, etc.
Sec. 7. All bonds certified in accordance with the terms of this act
shall be legal investments for all trust funds, and for the funds of all
insurance companies, banks, both commercial and savings, and trust
companies, and for the state school funds, and whenever any money or
funds may, by law now or hereafter enacted, be invested in bonds
of cities, cities and counties, counties, school districts, or municipalities
in the State of California, such money or funds may be mvested in
the said bonds of irrigation districts, and whenever bonds of cities,
cities and counties, counties, school districts or municipalities may by
any law now or hereafter enacted be used as security for the perform-
ance of any act, bonds of irrigation districts under the limitations in
this act provided may be so used.^ This act is intended to be and shall
be considered the latest enactment upon the matters herein contained,
and any and all acts in conflict with the provisions hereof are hereby
"Irrigation" includes "water conservation."
Sec. 8. The words "irrigation districts" wherever used herein for
all purposes hereof shall be deemed to include water conservation dis-
tricts. (Stats. 1921, p. 1199.)
*For acts authorizing investments in irrigation district bonds, see Appendix,
An act to authorize irrigation districts to refv/nd outstanding bonded
(Approved May 25, 1919; Stats. 1919, p. 1004.)
Election on question of refunding indebtedness.
Section 1. The board of directors of any irrigation district organ-
ized or existing under or subject to the provisions of the California
irrigation district act approved March 31, 1897, as amended, providing
for the organization and government of irrigation districts, tliat has
an outstanding indebtedness evidenced by bonds lawfully issued prior
to January 1, 1913, may, by a majority vote of the members of the
board, submit to the electors of the irrigation district at any election
the proposition of the issuance of new bonds for the purpose of refund-
ing the bonds outstanding, as the same become due. Such election
shall be held, and the vote thereon shall be the same as provided by the
California irrigation district act for the issuance of other irrigation
district bonds; provided, no petition therefor need be circulated or
signed; and provided, further, that a majority of the votes of those
voting on said proposition shall be sufficient to carry the same. Such
bonds shall bear interest at a rate the same as or lower than the bonds
to be refunded and no refunding bond shall have a later date of
maturity than twenty years from the date of its issue.
Form of refunding bonds.
Sec. 2. The refunding bonds shall be issued in substantially the
maimer and in the form required by law for the issuance of other bonds
of the district. These bonds may be sold from time to time in the same
manner as other bonds of the district, or, if the directors of the district
and the holders of any of the bonds reaching maturity so elect, they
may be exchanged in payment of the bonds so maturing as such bonds
Assessment to pay interest and principal.
Sec. 3. The board of directors shall cause to be assessed and levied
each year upon the assessable property in the district, in addition to the
levy authorized for other purposes, a sufficient sum to pay the interest
on or any principal of such refunding bonds in the same manner as is
provided in the California irrigation district act in the case of other
An act to validate certain bonds of certain irrigation districts and all
proceedings relative thereto, and to provide for the levy and col-
lection of taxes to pay the principal and interest on such bonds.
(Approved May 19, 1925; Stats. 1925. p. 373.)
Section 1. Whenever prior to the taking effect of this act proceed-
ings have been taken by any irrigation district organized or purported
'See also "An act to provide for the issue and sale or exchange of funding bonds
of Irrigation districts organized under and in pursuance of an act of the legislature of
the State of California entitled 'An act to provide for the organization and government
of irrigation districts, and to provide for the acquisition of water and other property,
and for the distribution of water thereby for irrigation purposes,' approved March 7,
1887, to provide for the payment of such bonds, and for proceedings to test the validity
of the same," approved April 1, 1897, Stats. 1897, p. 394 ; amended Stats. 1901, p. 514.
to be organized under any law or laws of this state, for the issuing
and selling of bonds of such district for any purpose or purposes, all
the acts and proceedings of the board of trustees of such district and
all of the acts of the board of supervisors of the county or counties in
which such district or any part thereof is situated and all of the acts
of all public officers in connection therewith leading up to and includ-
ing the issuance of such bonds if they have hitherto been issued or sold,
and all such acts and proceedings heretofore had although the bonds
are not yet issued or sold, are hereby legalized, ratified, confirmed and
validated to all intents and purposes, and the power of such district
to issue such bonds is hereby acknowledged, granted, ratified, confirmed
and declared, and the bonds heretofore issued and sold and the bonds
heretofore authorized to be issued which may be hereafter issued and
sold are declared to be and shall be, the legal and binding obligations
of, and against the district having heretofore issued, or hereafter
issuing, such bonds, and the faith and credit of such district is hereby
pledged for the prompt payment and redemption of the principal and
interest of said bonds.
Sec. 2. For the purpose of paying the interest on such bonds as it
becomes due and the principal thereof at maturity, the board of
trustees of the district and the board of supervisors of the county or
counties in which such irrigation district or any part thereof lies, and
the various county officers of the respective counties who are charged
with duties in connection with the assessment, levy and collection of
taxes, shall have the same powers, and shall perform the same duties
as are provided by law relatiA^e to the assessment, levy and collection
of taxes, and custody of funds, for the payment of the principal and
interest of bonds of such districts, at the times and in the manner
respectively set forth in the respective law or laws authorizing or
purporting to authorize the incurring of bonded indebtedness or issu-
ance of bonds by such districts.
Sec. 3. This act shall not operate to legalize the sale hereafter of
any bonds of any such district at a price of less than par, nor to legalize
any bonds in cases where the question of issuing the same has been
submitted to the vote of the qualified electors or of the taxpayers, and
has failed to obtain the number of favorable votes required by the
particular statute under which the proceedings were taken.
An act to permit boards of directors of irngation districts organized or
existing under and hy virtue of an act of the leg^Mture, entitled
"All act to provide for the organization and government of irriga-
tion districts, and to provide for the acquisition or construction
thereby of works for tJic irrigation of the lands embraced within
such districts, and also to provide for the distribution of water for
irrigation purposes," approved March 31, 1897 ; to provide for the
payment in two instaXlments of the assessments levied under and in
accordance with the provisions of said act.
(Approved March 19, 1909; Stats. 1909, p. 415.)
Payment of assessments in two installments.
Section 1. It shall be lawful for boards of directors of irrigation
districts, organized or existing under or by virtue of an act of the legis-
lature, entitled "An act to provide for the organization ?ind govern-
ment of irrigation districts, and to provide for the acquisition or con-
struction thereby of works for the irrigation of lands embraced within
such districts and also, to provide for the distribution of water for
irrigation purposes"; approved March 31, 1897; to provide for the
payment of assessments levied in accordance with the provision of
said act, in two installments.
Resolution by directors.
Sec. 2. The directors of any such irrigation district may, whenever
they shall so determine, and must upon a petition in writing, signed
by a majority of the assessment payers within such district, pass a
resolution providing that thereafter all assessments, except special
assessments provided for by section thirty-four of said act of 1897,
shall be payable in two installments, and in said resolution shall specify
when such payments may be made.
Time of passing or rescinding resolution.
Sec. 3. Such resolution must be passed before the first Monday in
August, and can not be rescinded to take effect during any year after
the first Monday of March in that year.
When assessments become delinquent.
Sec. 4. Whenever the board of directors of such irrigation district
shall have so determined, thereafter one-half of the assessments levied
within such district shall become delinquent at six o'clock p.m. on the
last Monday of December, and one-half thereof shall become delinquent
at six p.m. on the last Monday of June next thereafter ; provided, that
where an assessment has been levied as provided in section 34 of said
act the whole of such assessment shall become delinquent on the last
^londay in December.
Effect of act.
Sec. 5. When provision is made, as herein provided, for the payment
of said assessments in two installments, the publication of the delinquent
list provided for in said act, shall not be made before the first day of
July, but must be made on or before the first day of August, and except
as otherwise herein provided all of the provisions of said irrigation act
or acts not inconsistent with this act relative to the assessment, pay-
ment and collection of assessments, notice of assessments, publication
of delinquent list, and sale for delinquent assessment, and all other
provisions relative to such assessments shall be applicable, and the only
effect of this act shall be to permit the payment of such assessments in
two installments, and to postpone the notice of sale and sale provided
for in said act until after the first day of July, and when sale is made
at the time herein specified it shall have the same effect as though made
at the time and in the manner specified in said act of 1897.
An act to promote the reclamation of arid land and to provide that
certain land belonging to the State of California, within the bound-
aries of an irrigation district shall he subject to tlie assessments
levied in said district.
(Approved May 25. 1917; Stats. 1917, p. 936.)
State lands in district to be assessed.
Section 1. "Whenever there shall be included in any irrigation dis-
trict organized and existing under the laws of this state, public lands
belonging to the state subject to entry, or which have been entered, and
for which no certificates of purchase have been issued, such lands are
hereby made and declared to be subject to all of the provisions of law
relating to the organization, government and regulation of irrigation
districts to the same extent and in the same manner in which the lands
of a like character held under private ownership are or may be subject
to such law ; provided, limvever, that nothing herein contained shall be
construed as creating any obligation against the State of California to
pay any of said charges, assessment or debt.
Notice served on surveyor general.
Sec. 2. All notices required by the act under which such district is
organized shall, as soon as such notices are issued, be served upon the
surveyor general of the State of California by mailing to his office a
copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid.
Assessment a lien.
Sec. 3. No public lands which were unentered at the time any
assessment was levied against the same by such irrigation district shall
be sold for such assessment, but such assessment shall be and continue
a lien upon such land, and no patent shall issue therefor until the
applicant shall present a certificate from the proper district officer
showing that no unpaid assessments or chaises are due and delinquent
against said land.
Political Code.
Cancellation of taxes erroneously or illegally assessed.
;}804o. Any uncollected tax, or assessment, or portion thereof, or
penalty or costs thereon, heretofore or hereafter assessed, charf?ed or
levied more than once, or erroneously or illegally, or upon that portion
of an asses.sment found to be in excess of the actual cash value of the
property assessed, by reason of a clerical error of the assessor, or upon
an assessment for improvements on land when such improvements did
not in fact exist at the time said tax or assessment became a lien, or
upon an assessment of property which after the time said tax or assess-
ment became a lien was acquired and oAvned by the state, or by anj^
county, city and county, municipal corporation, school district or other
political subdivision and which, because of such public ownership, is
not subject to sale for delinquent taxes, may, upon satisfactory proof
thereof, be canceled by the officer having custody of the record thereof
upon the order of the board of supervisors, or other governing board
with the written consent of the district attorney, city attorney or legal
advisor of said board ; provided, that no cancellation shall be made of
such charges on property exempt from taxation in event of failure to
comply with the provisions of law, if any, relative to the manner
of claiming such exemptions.
If real property has been sold to the state or other subdivision for
nonpayment of any tax levied as described in this section, and a cer-
tificate of sale or deed therefor has been issued to the state, or other
subdivision and the state or other subdivision has not disposed of the
property so sold, the order of the board shall also direct the officer
having custody of the record thereof to cancel the certificate of sale
or deed so issued.
In the city and county of San Francisco, the written consent of the
city attorney shall have the same effect as the written consent of the
district attorney. (Stats. 1925, p. 431.)
An act to appropriate maney to he expended hy and under the direc-
tion of the department of engineering for the purpose of rectifying
and improving the chatmels of tlie Sacramento, Son Joaquin and
Feather rivers and such other waters of the state as the department
of engineering may determine ; improving the navigability of such
waters and acquiring land for necessary rights of way therefor;
making surveys, investigations and report upon the feasibility of
carnalizing the rivers of the state and constructing canals for navi-
gation, and making surveys, investigations and plans for flood
control; the examination and supervision of dams; the investiga-
tion of rainfall, snowfall and runoff affecting navigation and flood
control; and giving the department of engineering antlwrity over
dams, making it unlawful to construct or maintain dams in a
dangerous condition and providing penalties for violations of the
act and directing who shall prosecute such violations.
(Approved May 14. 1917; Stats. 1917. p. 516.)
Sec. 2. (a) All dams in the State of California, other than those
for impounding mining debris constructed under the authority of the
California debris commission, or dams constructed by a municipal cor-
poration maintaining a department of engineering, shall be under the
authority of the state department of engineering, and the department
shall exercise supervision over any dam, the failure of which would
endanger life or property, and shall have power to prescribe and enforce
compliance with measures for making such dams safe against failure;
provided, that this section shall not apply to any dam which is part of
a ''water system" as defined in section two of the public utilities act
of this state, and nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the
jurisdiction of the railroad commission over such dams.
(6) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or district
to construct, maintain or operate any dam known to be unsafe, or
which if the destruction or failure thereof would endanger life or
property; or to construct, reconstruct, repair or improve, maintain or
operate any dam which is or would be ten feet or more in height or
which will impound water or other fluid to the amount of three million
gallons unless the plans, specifications and construction thereof shall
have been approved in writing by the state department of engineering.
(c) Any person, firm, corporation or district who shall violate the
provisions of this section is subject to a penalty of not less than five
hundred nor more than two thousand dollars for each and every
offense. Each day that such violation of the provisions of this section
shall continue shall be deemed and considered a separate and distinct
{d) Any person acting for himself as owner, or as director, officer,
agent or employee of any firm, corporation or district engaged in the
con.struction, reconstruction, improvement or repair of any dam, the
plans and specifications of which have been approved by the depart-
ment of engineering, or any contractor, or agent or employee of such
contractor, who shall knowingly permit work to be executed thereon
contrary to the plans and specifications approved as aforesaid, or any
inspector or employee of the department of engineering: who shall
have knowledge of such work being done and fail to immediately notify
the department of engineering thereof, is guilty of a felony and subject
to the penalty of confinement in the state penitentiary for not less
than one nor more than five years.
(e) Upon the complaint of the department of engineering any dis-
trict attorney is hereby authorized and directed to prosecute violations
of the provisions of this section.
17 — 40608
An act to provide for drainage hy irrigation districts.
(Approved March 18, 1907 ; Stats. 1907, p. 569.)
District may provide drainage.
Section 1. Any irrigation district heretofore organized or hereafter
to be organized under the laws relating to such districts may provide
for any and all drainage made necessary by the irrigation provided
for by such laws; and the officers, agents and employees of such dis-
tricts shall have the same powers, duties and liabilities respecting such
drainage, and the construction, repair, maintenance, management and
control thereof as they now have or may hereafter have respecting such
irrigation, and all laws respecting such irrigation or such irrigation
districts shall be so construed, applied and enforced as to apply to such
drainage as well as such irrigation.
Duty of directors to provide drainage.
Sec. 2. Whenever it appears necessary, or proper, or beneficial to
the lands affected thereby, to drain such lands or any portion thereof
on account of the irrigation which has been done, or which is intended
to be done under such laws, whether for the purpose of more benefic-
ially carrying on such irrigation, or to protect such districts from
liability by reason of such irrigation, whether the irrigation works have
already been constructed or not, it shall be the duty of the board of
directors to provide for such drainage, and said board and its officers,
agents and employees shall do all necessary and proper acts for the
construction, repair, maintenance and management of drainage work
for such purpose.
Effective, when.
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
An act to provide for the d&velopment of electrical power hy irrigation
(Approved May 21, 1919, Stats. 1919, p. 778; amended 1921, pp. 829, 1083; 1923,
p. 629.)
Irrigation district may develop power.
Section 1. Any irrigation district heretofore organized or hereafter
to be organized under the laws relating to such district may provide
for the construction, acquisition, operation, leasing and control of plants
for the generation, distribution, sale and lease of electrical energy
including sale to municipalities, corporations, public utility districts,
or individuals, of electrical power so generated ; and said district, sub-
ject, however, to the conditions in this section contained, may make
special appropriations of water for power purpases, as required by law ;
provided, however, that any use of water for generating such electrical
power or energy at any given time of the year, which use is in excess of
the water appropriated and beneficially used for irrigation purposes by
such district at said period of the year, shall be subject to all prior
existini? appropriations by any municipal corporation, who or which is
proceeding in good faith in the expenditure of money and the construc-
tion of works designed to divert the water appropriated. The officers,
agents and employees of such districts shall have the same powers,
duties and liabilities respecting such power and the construction,
acquisition, repair, maintenance, management and control thereof as
they now have or may hereafter have respecting such irrigation or such
irrigation districts. The California irrigation district act shall be so
construed, applied and enforced as to apply to such power as well as
such irrigation, except that nothing in said act shall be so construed as
to prevent the sale of power by any district for use outside of the
boundaries of such district or to require the distribution of such power
in accordance with any assessments levied by such district. (Stats.
1923, p. 629.)
Powers of board and officers.
Sec. 2. The board of directors of any irrigation district and its
officers, agents and employees, shall do all necessary and proper acts
for the construction, repair, maintenance, and management of such
electrical power works for such purposes.
Issuance of bonds.
Sec. 3 In case funds are not otherwise available an irrigation dis-
trict may issue bonds for such purpose and all of the provisions of the
California irrigation district act, relating to the issuance of bonds for
other purposes, and all other acts relative to bonds issued under the
California irrigation district act, in so far as the same are applicable
to said bonds shall apply. (Stats. 1921', p. 829.)
Sec. 4. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with any of the pro-
visions of this act are hereby repealed.
An act granting to irrigation districts of the State of California the
right to construct, operate and maintain electric light and power
lines along or upon any road, street, alley, avenue or highway, or
across any railway, canM, ditch or flume.
(Approved May 25, 1923; Stats. 1923, p. 449.)
Section 1. That there is granted to every irrigation district of the
State of California the right to construct, operate and maintain electric
light and electric power lines along or upon any road, street, alley,
avenue or highway, or across any railway, canal, ditch or flume which
the route of such work intersects, crosses or runs along in such manner
as to afford security for life and property, but the irrigation district
shall restore the road, street, alley, avenue, highway, railway, canal,
ditch or flume thus intersected to its former state of usefulness as near
as may be ; provided, however, that such irrigation district may not use
any street, alley, avenue or highway within any city for such purpose,
unless the right so to use the same is granted by a vote of the governing
body of such city which shall have the right to impose reasonable condi-
tions upon such use; provided, also, that such grant of authority shall
not be necessary in any case where the street, alley, avenue or highway,
or a portion thereof, proposed to be used for the purpose of construct-
ing, operating or maintaining any such works, or any part thereof, is a
necessary or convenient part of the route of such works and at the time
construction thereof was commenced, or the plans adopted therefor,
was located in territory not then within an organized city.
Penal Code.
Sec. 592. Every person who shall, without authority of the owner
or managing agent, and with intent to defraud, take water from any
canal, ditch, flume or reservoir used for the purpose of holding or
conveying water for manufacturing, agricultural, mining, irrigating
or generation of power, or domestic uses, or who shall without like
authority, raise, lower or otherwise disturb any gate or other apparatus
thereof, used for the control or measurement of water, or who shall
empty or place, or cause to be emptied or placed, into any such canal,
ditch, flume or reservoir, any rubbish, filth or obstruction to the free flow
of the water is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Sec. 607. Every person who willfully and maliciously cuts, breaks,
injures or destroys any bridge, dam, canal, flume, aqueduct, levee,
embankment, reservoir, or other structure erected to create hydraulic
poAver, or to drain or reclaim any swamp and overflowed tide or marsh
land, or to store or conduct water fof mining, manufacturing, reclama-
tion, or agricultural purposes, or for the supply of the inhabitants of
any city or town, or any embankment necessary to the same, or either of
them, or wilfully or maliciously makes, or causes to be made, any
aperture in such dam, canal, flume, aqueduct, reservoir, embankment,
levee, or structure, with intent to injure or destroy the same ; or draws
up, cuts, or injures any piles fixed in the ground for the purpose of
securing any sea-bank, or sea-walls, or any dock, quay, or jetty, lock, or
sea wall; or who, between the first day of October and the fifteenth
day of April of each year, plows up or loosens the soil in the bed or on
the sides of any natural water course or channel, without removing
such soil within twenty-four hours from such water course or channel;
or who, between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of October
of each year, shall plow up or loosen the soil in the bed or on the sides
of such natural water course or channel, and shall not remove therefrom
the soil so plowed up or loosened before the first day of October next
thereafter, is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, punishable
by a fine not less than one hundred dollars and not exceeding one
thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding
two years, or by both; provided, that nothing in this section shall be
construed so as to in any manner prohibit any person from digging or
removing soil from any such water course, or channel, for the purpose
of mining.
Political Code,
Sec. 2737. Whoever obstructs or injures any highway, or diverts
any watercourse thereon, or drains water from his land upon any
highway, to the injury thereof, by means of ditches or dams, is liable to
a penalty of ten dollars for each day such obstruction or injury remains,
and must be punished as provided in section five hundred and eighty-
eight of the Penal Code. Any person, persons, or corporation who
shall be storing or distributing water for any purpose, and shall permit
the water to overflow or saturate, by seepage, any highway, to the
injury thereof, shall, upon notification of the road commissioner of the
district where such overflow or seepage occurs, repair the damages
occasioned by such overflow or seepage ; and should such repair not be
made within a reasonable time by such person, persons, or corporation,
said road commissioner shall make such repairs," and recover the expense
thereof from such person, persons, or corporation, in an action at law.
All persons excavating irrigation, mining, or draining ditches across
public highways shall be required to bridge said ditches at such cross-
ings, and upon neglect to do so, the road commissioner for that road
district shall construct the same and recover the cost of constructing
said bridge or bridges of such persons by action, as provided in this
section ; provided, that the supervisors of any county may construct
and maintain bridges over any and all ditches used exclusively for
irrigation purposes, and which cross public highways in the county
over which they have authority, and may, with the consent of the
owners of such ditches, declare any and all such bridges to be public
property, and maintain and keep the same in repair at the expense of
such county. And whoever willfully injures any public bridge is
hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and is also liable for
actual damages for such injury, to be recovered by the county in a
civil action ; provided further, that every person who knowingly allows
the carcass of any dead animal (which animal belonged to him at the
time of its death) to be put or to remain within one hundred feet of any
street, alley, public highway, or road in common use, and every person
who puts the carcass of any dead animal within one hundred feet of
any street, alley, highway, or road in common use, or who shall deposit
on any highway any refuse or waste tin, sheet-iron, or broken glass, is
guilty of a misdemeanor. (Amended, Stats, 1897, p. 217.)
There are numerous laws on related subjects which are too voluminous to permit
of inclusion in this volume. Reference is hereby made to the Statutes where these
acts may be found.
Agricultural exi)ert.
Irrigation district may employ. Statutes 1913, p. 7.5.
Assessment book.
County assessor must furnish copy on request of district. Political Code, § 3653.
Funding bonds of districts organized under the Act of March 7, 1S87. Statutes
1897, p. 394 ; amended 1901, p. 514.
Imperial irrigation district, validation of. Statutes 1915, p. 18.
Registration of. Statutes 1913, p. 23.
Release of claims on bonds surrendered for cancellation. Statutes 1911, p. 14G0.
Security for deposit of county or city moneys, irrigation district bonds are.
Statutes 1923, p. 25.
Security for deposit of state moneys, irrigation district bonds are. Statutes 1923,
p. 21.
Bonds of irrigation districts are legal investments for:
Banks, Commercial. § 46, Bank Act, Statutes 1923, p. 54.
Savings. § 61, Bank Act, Statutes 1923, p. 54.
Trust companies. § 96, Bank Act, Statutes 1913, p. 179. § 105, Bank Act,
Statutes 1913, p. 183.
Insurance companies, in general. Civil Code, § 421.
Fire insurance, surplus and special reserve funds. § 2, Statutes 1917, p. 1379 ;
amended 1923, p. 177.
Fraternal benefit societies. § 10, Statutes 1911, p. 1323.
Mortgage insurance. Civil Code, § 453ee.
Mutual workmen's compensation. § 14, Statutes, 1913, p. 323.
School teachers' permanent fund. Statutes 1913, p. 1423; amended 1919, p. 500;
1921, pp. 1638 and 1639.
State compensation insurance fund. Statutes 1913, p. 304, § 45.
State school fund. Political Code, § 676.
California Irrigation Act. Statutes 1919, p. 671. (Unconstitutional, Mordecai vs.
Board of Supeivisors, 183 Cal. 434.)
Private right of way for. Political Code, § 2692.
Carey act commission act. Statutes 1915, p. 1140. See Political Code § 363e.
Colorado river.
Approval of Colorado River Compact. Statutes 1923, p. 1530.
California representation upon joint committee of western states and federal
government. Statutes 1921, p. 85.
Commission for controlling, etc. Statutes 1923. p. 194.
Committee to negotiate with committees of Arizona and Nevada. Statutes 1925,
Resolution, ch. 80.
Conservancy districts. Statutes 1919, p. 559; amended 1923, p. 13.
Highway crossing. Political Code, § 2694.
Joint owners share proportionally the cost of upkeep. Civil Code, §§ 842, 843.
When right to flow water is. Civil Code, § 552.
Eminent domain.
Injunction suit, defendant may convert into condemnation proceedings when
water rights involved. Code of Civil Procedure, § 534,
Power of by Irrigation Dists. Code of Civil Procedure, § 1238.
Rules of pleading and practice in. Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 1237-1201'.
Valuation bv railroad commission. Const. Art. XII, § 23a.
Public Utilities Act, § 47; Statutes 1917, p. 261.
Fishways, over or around dams. Penal Code, § 637.
Flood, protection by districts having area exceeding 500,000 acres. Statutes 1915,
p. 1.
Highways, protection from overflow of ditches. Political Code, § 2737.
Imperial irrigation district.
Bonds legalized. Statutes 1915, p. 18.
Flood protection authorized. Statutes 1915, p. 1.
Purchase of California Development Company authorized. Statutes 1915, p. 343.
Restraining sale of district or municipal bonds ; petitioner, if a competitor, pays
all costs if injunction finallpr denied. Code of Civil Procedure, § 526b.
To prevent diversion of water, when issuable. Code of Civil Procedure, I J 530,
i>3'2, 534.
Irrigation districts, county.
Validation of. ^statutes 1915, p. 48.
Ordering delivery of water for irrigation not stayed pending appeal. Code of
Civil Procedure, § 1110a.
Modesto irrigation district created. Statutes 1877-8, p. 820. (Obsolete.)
Municipal utility districts. Statutes 1021, p. 24.">.
Power pumpinjr districts, countv. Statutes li)15, p. 1483.
Public utility districts. Statutes 1013. p. 450. Statute* 1915, p. 866; amended
1921. p. 262. Statutes 1921, p. 906.
Public works, by day's labor. Statutes lOe.*?. p. 1053.
Riparian owners. Liability for cutting of banks. Political Code, §8 3486, 3487.
Santa Clara County irrigation district. Statutes 1921. p. 1523. (Not in effect;
district electors disapproved organization.) Amended 1923, p. 1215.
Underground storage of water. Statutes 1919, p. 826.
Validation of irrigation districts*.
'Special validating acts are apparently unconstitutional :
Miller tf Lux vs. Supervisors of Madera County, 189 Cal. 254.
Irrigation districts began in 1911 the practice of obtaining special legislative acts
of validation. FoUowine are statutory references to such acts:
Anderson-Cottonwood. Statutes 191.5, p. 74.
Banta-Carbona. Statutes 1921, p. 81.
Baxter Creek. Statutes 1917, p. 227.
Beaumont. Statutes 1921. p. 25.
Butte Vallev. Statutes 1921. p. 59.
Byron-Bethany. Statutes 1921. p. 30.
Carmichael. Statutes 1917. p. 12.
Crooks Canvon. Statutes 1921. p. 58.
Fair Oaks. Statutes 1919, p. 37.
Fall River Valle.v. Statutes 1923, p. 20.
Foothill. Statutes 1921. p. 73.
Fresno. Statutes 1921. p. 72.
Glenn-Colusa. Stntufes 1921. p. 64.
Grenada. Statutes 1921. p. 72.
Happy Valley. Statutes 1917, p. 906
Honcut-Yuba. Statutes 1921, p. 78.
Hot Spring Valley. Statutes 1921, p. 75.
Imperial. Statutes 1911 (extra session), p. 119.
.Tacinto. Statutes 1919. p. 32.
James. Statutes 1921. p. 76.
Kasson. Statutes 1921, p. 81.
Klamath-Shasta Valley. Statutes 1923 p. 193.
Knightsen. Statutes 1921, p. 71.
I^aguna. Statutes 1921. p. 75.
Lakeland. Statutes 1923, p. 437.
La, Lemon Grove and Snring Valley. Statutes 1915, p. 323.
T^moore. Statutes 1921. p. 73.
Lindsay-Strathmore. Statutes 1917, p. 15.
Madera. Statutes 1921, p. 76.
Medano. Statutes 1921. p. 77.
Mendota. Statutes 1923, p. 323.
Merced. Statutes 1921. p. 80.
Modesto. Statutes 1911, p. 262.
Mojave River. Statutes 1923, p. 20.
Naglee Burk. Statutes 1921 p. 73
Oakdale. Statutes 1911. p. 262: 1915, p. 56.
Oroville-Wvandotte. Statutes 1921. p. 78.
Owens Valley. Statutes 1923. p. 134.
Paradise. Statutes 1917, p. 13.
Princeton-Codora-Glenn. Statutes 1917, p. 228.
Red Rock Creek. Statutes 1919, p. 124; Statutes 1923, p. 300.
Riverdale. Statutes 1921. p. 75.
San Ysidro. Statutes 1913. p. 25.
Scott Valley. Statutes 1921. p. 59.
South San .Toaquin. Statutes 1911, p. 262,
Stinson. Statutes 1923. p. 196.
Stratford. Statutes 1917. p. 14.
Surprise Vallev. Statutes 1921, p. 59.
Terra Bella. Statutes 1917. p. 14.
Tracy-Clover. Statutes 1923, p. 440.
Tranquillity. Statutes 1919. p. 124.
Turiock. Statutes 1911. p. 261.
Waterford. Statutes 191.^, p. 1249.
West Side. Statutes 1917, p. 15.
West Stanislaus. Statutes 1921, p. 30.
Williams. Statutes 1921, p. 64.
Appropriation of. Civil Code, §§ 1410-1422; superseded, at least in part, bj
the Water Commission Act.
Contracts relating to sale and distribution. Statutes 1901, p. 331.
Lien of contract to furnish for irrigation. Statutes 1923, p. 716.
Miner's inch defined. Statutes 1901, p. 660.
Stealing of. Penal Code, § 490.
Water companies, cancellation of stock by. Statutes 1923, p. 757.
Water districts.
County water district act ; districts organized under prior to 1915 validated.
Statutes 1915, p. 48.
County water works districts. Statutes 1913, p. 785 ; amended 1915, p. 1188.
Bonds of. Statutes 1915, p. 1211.
Municipal water districts. Statutes 1911, p. 1290; amended Ex. Sess. 1911, p. 92;
1915, p. 921 ; supplemented 1917, p. 15S.
Municipal corporation may transfer works to. Statutes 1923, p. 316.
Water pipes.
Injury to. Penal Code, § 624.
Water resources of state.
Investigation of conditions and preparation of plans. Statutes 1921, p. 1685.
West Side irrigation district.
Created. Staftttes 1875-6, p. 885; 1877-8, p. 468. (Obsolete.)
Workmen's Compensation Act.
Irrigation district subject to provisions of § 7 ; Statutes 1919, p. 913.
Limitation of 64
Consolidation of 64
Re validity of bonds 63
AGREEMENTS. See Cooperation.
.ASSESSMENT BOOK. See atao Appendix.
Evidence of what j. 54
Time for completion of 44
Assessment a lien 254
Notice served on Surveyor General 254
State lands in district to be assessed 254
ASSESSMENTS. See also Taxes; Taxation.
Bond payments, for 42
Equalization of 44
Objections to 44
hearings on 44
Time of equalizing' 44
Assessments 253
delinquent when 253
Effect of act 253
Rescinding of 253
Resolution by directors 253
Election on question of 59
Rate of, how ascertained 59
Deputies of 44
Duty of 43
Bonds 246
available as legal Investments 24*
Certification by State Controller 247
of bonds as needed '. 249
Controller's certificate, form of 249
Expenditures not to be made without consent of commission 248
Expenses 250
Membership of 250
Report of 247
Water districts, supervision of 227
BONDS. See also Appendix : Indebtedness.
Annual assessment for payment of 42
Certified legal investments for trust funds 250
Denominations of 39
Election for sale at less than par 42
Exchange for plant, when 61
Exchange of, action to determine validity 62
Funding and refunding bonds 41
How payable 39
Interest on 39
payment of 54
Life of 39
Official 27
PajTnent, where 246
Redemption of 54
Sale of 41
Sinking fund for retirement » 45
Tax exemption 246
Validity of, action to determine 62
assessment payer may bring action to determine 63
rules of pleading 64
When payable 39
Election for 38
ballots, questions on 38
notice of 38
Improvements, estimate of money for 35
Irrigation District Bond Commission 36
estimate submitted to 36
Order determining amount of 37
Purposes for 35
Special election for 37
Assessment for payment of Interest and principal 251
Election on question of 251
Form of 251
266 INDEX.
Election 7S
notice of 75
Election on question of "J
Two-thirds majority required 75
BOUNDARIES, CHANGE OP. See Exclusion; Inclusion.
When district is under contract with United States 232
Effect on old districts, pending actions, etc 76
Citations, general 17, 77
Effect on prior acts and existing rights 76
Formation, outline of procedure 9
Time of taking effect 77
Title of act 77
Storage District Act 78
CANALS. -Sec al^o Appendix.
Injury to or theft of water from 260
Leasing of 25
Overflow of highway 261
Run at full capacity during high water 62
Assessment for 42
Election 225
Indebtedness, apportionment of 225
Investigation 224
Name of 226
Offices of 225
Petition 224
Powers of 226
Report of State Engineer 224
Construction, operation or maintenance of works 229
Adjoining states, with districts in 227
Stock, purchase by district 246
Ballot, form of 157
Bond election : 162
notice of 162
two-thirds vote necessary to carry — 164
Bonded indebtedness 162
Bonds, exempt from taxation 164
Deficit, tax levy to pay 165
District, admission of territory to 166
exclusion of territory from 167
Directors, election of 153
power to construct works -- 164
Election not to be invalidated by informality 160
General election laws to govern elections 159
Initiative 166
Nomination of officers 154
Nomination petition, form of 155
Officers appointment of 160
duties of 162
subject to recall 159
Ordinances. . 159
Organization of board 159
of district 151
Other acts not repealed , 167
Petition and election 151
Powers of district 160
Referendum 166
Tax, levy and collection of 166
to pay district 166
Water rates 165
Water rates to pay operating expenses 165
Who may organize district 151
Supervision of 256
Compensation of 58
Election of 20
General powers of 23
Not to be interested in contracts 58
Number of 32
Number of, how changed 32
Qualifications of 31
INDEX. 267
Duties and powers of 22
Meetings of 22
OrKiinization of __ 22, 28
Involuntary 244
conditions for 244
Investigation by State Engineer 244
property, disposition of 245
quo warranto 244
Voluntary 239
assessment liens on property within the district 243
assessment payer may bring action 242
corporation, organized to take over property 242
debts barred by statute of limitations 243
election to decide 240
funds, balance of, apportioned 243
petition for 239
procedural rules 242
superior court, action In 241
Cooperation with 227
Pow^ers and duties of 29
Change of 25
Ballots 29
Canvassing returns 30
Contest of 21
For sale of bonds at less than par 42
Manner of voting 29
Nominating: petitions 30
Notice of 29
Officers of 29
Result, statement of 31
Votes, canvass of 30
counting of 30
Voting, how conducted 31
If not held 28
Irrigation district officers to be elected 27
Official bonds 27
Qualifications of 21
Bonds may be issued for 259
Irrigation district board, powers of 259
Irrigation district may develop 258
Irrigation district officers, power of 259
Power lines, rights of way for 259
Irrigation a public use 11
Proceedings 10
Right of 62
Assent of bondholders 67
Boundaries, change of to be recorded 68
of district may be changed for 65
District, division of 68
Hearing on 66
Lands excluded not released from liabilities 69
Office of director of excluded division declared vacant 68
Organization not affected 68
Petition of owners for 65
Power of board 66
Publication of notice 66
Release from lien 69
Rights of guardian, administrator or executor 68
Court must disregard insubstantial 64
Cooperation with 228
Publication of 23
Canvass of votes 21
Information, furnished by State Engineer 18
Majority vote determines organization 21
Order declaring organization, filed with county recorder 21
Petition, form and contents of 14
genuineness and sufficiency of 19
supervisors' finding conclusive . 19
supervisors, to reaffirm conclusions 18
Petitioners, who may be 13
268 INDEX.
FUNDS. ^®*®
Creation of 63
Transfer of unexpended balance to general fund 63
Authority to purchase foreign corporation stock 246
Supervision of 2o6
Exempt from taxation *3
Boundaries of district, change in 69
election, notice of J'J
may be changed for 69
resolution describing 71
Condition precedent . 70
Election, majority vote to decide 72
Order of board to be recorded 72
Petition, hearing of 70
notice of filing of 7®
Petition to be recorded in minutes 73
Petitioners may be required to pay prior assessments <2
Procedure for 69
Redivision of district 73
Rights of guardians, executors and administrators '3
Bondholders, assent of 74
Election, notice of ; 73
on question of '- 73
Bonds, exchange of 60
validity of bonds determined 62
Irrigation works, directors may purchase 61
Power, restricted 60
Warrants when not paid to draw interest 60
INJUNCTION. See Appendix.
INVESTMENTS. Sec also Appendix; Bond Certification Commission.
District bonds become available for, when 246
Conservation districts included in term 250
Consolidation of 224
Enumeration of 7
Lands of. may be included in water district 226
Penalty for injury to 260
LANDS. See Excluson ; Inclusion.
MANDATE. See Appendix.
Manufactured by district 233
Bonds of 27
Compensation of 58
Consolidation of 20
Election of 20
canvass of votes 21
Penalty for violation of duty 66
Recall of 83
Tenure of office 22
Consolidation of 31
Term, when begins 28
Vacancies, how flUed 31
Complete upon filing of order 21
District 13
Election on 26
Rights of way for 259
Water dedicated to, when 10
Supervision of , 256
ROADS. See alito Highways , 261
Existing districts and riglit not affected _ _ 76
STATE ENGINEER. See also Water Stokagr Districts.
Jnvestisation re seuurily of bonds 246, 250
Supervision of dams 256
Water storage districts, powers respecting 80, 125
Cooperation with districts in 227
Manufactured by district 233
Bonds exempt from 246
Exemption from 62
Improvements exempt 43
Assessment becomes a lien, when 48
Assessment boolt evidence of wliat 54
Assessment for payment of Interest, principal and rentals 45
Assessment, improper, may be cancelled 49
Assessment of land omitted 48
Assessment, unpaid tolls part of 48
Assessments, delinquent, when 4a
due notice of 49
neglect to make 46
suit to collect 49
Deed of land sold 53
Delinquent notice, publication of 50
delinquent list 50
sale, date of 50
Delinquent, sale for 50
certificate of sale 51
district may purchase 51
record book of sales 52
resale in default of payment 5J
rights of owner of realty 51
Delinquent taxes not bar to dissolution 53
District attorney, duty of 47
Extension of time ., 47
Levy and collection of 45
deputies may be appointed 32
Misnomer does not invalidate sale of property 54
Redemption from sale 52
Secretary of board, duty of 46
Settlements between secretary and collector 54
Sinking fund 45
Tax deed evidence of what 53
TERRITORY. See Exclusion; Inclusion-.
Cooperation under 232
District cooperation under twenty year extension act 232
District cooperation w^lth reclamation service 232
WATER. See also Appendix.
Apportionment of 26, 62
Diversion to other states for cooperative uses 227
Public use, when 10
Rules and regulations for use of 26
Act rei)eals nothing 191
Apportionment of waters 189
Assessment, appeal from 177
roll of county may be adopted 191
Board, organization of 174
powers and duties of 174
Bond election _. 180
fund 185
Bonds, destruction of unused 184
form, etc. 181
issuance of additional 182
lawful investment for trust funds 183
redemption of 184
sale of 183
testing of validity 182
Boundaries, fixing of 171
Condemnation proceedings 188
County assessment roll may be adopted 191
Dissolution of district 190
District, by-laws of ,_ 172
dissolution of . 190
Division of county, effect on district 189
Election of oflficers, conduct of 186
270 INDEX.
WATER DISTRICT ACT — Continued. P^se
Election of offlcers, contest of 180
Fees, not to be collected by county officers 189
Lands, evidence of title to 170
of district 171
Legality of district determination 172
Offlcers of district 173
Organization of board 174
of district 170
Petition for organization 171
publication of 171
Plan of irrigation works 180
Right of way 188
Sale of water 191
Tax, additional in case of error 180
assessments ^ 17 5
delinquent notice 177
for preliminary expenses 172
lien ,- 177
rate 175
rate, hearings, etc. 176
sales 178
certificate of 178
redemption of property from 179
Voters 186
Water, apportionment of 189
of district, declared public use 188
sale of — 191
Applications for water by municipalities 210
for water, fees on 211
Applications for water 194
right to appeal 194
to appropriate water 203
notice of 203
protest of 204
Appropriation of water 199
fees for 214
Certification, fees for 197
Commission, creation of 193
may act as referee 212
powers 195
quorum 195
rules and regulations by 198
to supervise distribution of water ^ 199
vacancies on j._ 195
Construction of works 206
Decree of court, recording of 218
Distribution of water : 220
Expenditures 198
Fees, for copying and certification of 197
disposition of 212
Fees, for adjudication of water rights 215
on applications 211
on permits to appropriate water 212
witness 196
Hearings in court 217
of contests 216
Investigation of stream system 213
License to take water 207
conditions on 208
Municipalities, applications for water 210
Permit to anpropriate water 205
prerequisite to issuance of 195
fees on 212
Proof of appropriation, form of 214
notice of date of filing 213
Revocation of license to take water 207
of permit to appropriate water 206
Rights, appeal from decree determining 218
Stream system, investigation of 198, 213
Testimony, record of 197
Water, appropriation of I I_ 199
fees for 214
under earlier acts IIII__I__I 200
from interstate streams 203
revocation of 206
Water, appropriation of for a specified purpose 222
application to appropriate '. 203
notice of 203
protest of ~~ 204
conditions on license to take IZ 208
distribution of 220
forfeiture of right for nonuse Z 210
hoadgnte and mensuring devices 221
intervention of claimant for. without notice 215
license to take 207
INDEX. 271
masters 2120
permit to appropriate 205
priority of right 205
of usage 202
supervision of distribution 199
use upon riparian lands 199
Water riglits, fees for adjudication of 215
iiearing of contests concerning 216
not laestowed by act . 202
order of determination 217
presumption from nonuse 199
subject to the provisions of this act 193
Witness fees 196
Worics. lolnt occupancy of permitted 201
Assessments, apportionment of expense 145
bonds 145
estimate of expenses 146
Bonds, certification commission 146
certification of 145
issued by constituent districts 144
procedure of each unit to govern 135
Claims 146
Contracts 143
Debts , 147
Directors, assessments 144
compensation and meetings 132
contracts 143
election of 128
limitations on powers of 147
nomination of . 133
not to be interested in contracts '. 146
oath of office 133
organization of 132
powers and duties 141
records 148
secretary of * 132
treasurer 132
water and power survey 126
Election, on formation 128
Electrical power 141
Eminent domain , 142
Organization of district, election 128
hearing 125
notice of hearing 124
order establishing district 130
petition 128
power to organize 123
Property, title to 149
Records, etc., of district 148
State Irrigation Board.
created 122
officers and employees 123
order creating district 130
power to organize district 123
records, etc. 148
water and power survey 126
Tax exemption 147
Term "irrigation district" includes water conservation districts 250
Title of act 149
Vested rights, not impaired 149
Water power, apportionment of 1 127
survey by directors 126
WATER DISTRICT. Sec also Appendix.
Inrlu.«'nn of territory already part of an irrigation district 126
Authority of board to leass 74
Bond of lessee ; 7.5
Forfeiture of 75
T-iength of 75
Procedure, manner of 74
Proposals, opening of . 75
Rentals ^ 74
Actions, conduct of 119
consolidation of 119
Adju.stment board 90
Assessments 92
omission of land froirt ; I I 120
payment of, in full : 92
unpaid, collection of 92
Assessments, special 95
when and how made 95
Assessments, supplemental, manner of levying 94
272 INDEX.
Bonds, certification of 96
election for issuance of 96
form of 97
how issued 96
proceeds of 96
sale of 96
validation of 96
when issued 96
when payable 96
Claims, payment of 106
Commissioners, assessment of project by 89
Contest of elections 114
Directors, board of, compensation of 107
construction and maintenance of works i 105
dissolution of district 120
general powers 103
indebtedness, incurring of 107
meetings of 86
officers not to be interested in contracts 107
organization of 86
powers and duties of 103
provisions for defraying preliminary expenses 87
report of 87
report on project 87
reports to State Engineer of work done ^ , 106
right of way privileges, power to grant : 106
tenure of office 85
water, distribution of 107
Duty, neglect of official to perform 119
violation of, by officer, penalty for 120
Elections, general 108
ballots 109
canvass of votes 110
counting of votes 110
election officers, appointment of 109
powers and duties of 109
elections, special, provisions for 112
elections, when held 108
manner of voting ^_ 109
nominating petitions 109
notice of 109
officers to be elected 108
precincts, establishment of 108
proxy 85
results, statement of 111
voters, qualification of 108
voting . 108
Elections, special, how held 114
Electrical energy, distribution 104
Executive directors, appointment of 79
powers and duties of 79
General provisions 114
Land, value, determination of 115
ownership, determination of 115
Neglect of official to perform duty 119
Officers, recall of 112
terms of, beginning of 112
Official bonds 111
Organization of district 80
directors, election of 84
election for 84
canvass of votes 85
order on, filing of 85
voters, qualification of 84
petition for 80
hearing on 82
order on 83
who may propose , 80
Penalty for violation of duty by oflScer 120
Proceedings, record of 117
Property, disposition of . 117
exemption from taxes 119
title to ■ 117
Publication, how made 116
where made 116
Public use, declaration of 118
Report, favorable, election on 89
State Engineer, acting on adverse report 88
action on favorable report 89
additional duties of 116
commissioners, appointment of, by 89
powers and duties of 79
INDEX. 273
Taxation, property exempt from 119
Title of act , 120
Vacancy in office, how filled 111
Vested rights shall not be impaired 181
Warrants, interest on, unpaid 117
how drawn 117
payment of 117
Bids for 56
Claims, payment of -i 66
Improvements to be paid for, from construction fund — 67
Investigations by State Engineer 66
Reports to be forwarded to State Engineer , — ^- 56
Right of waj' 57
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