nia THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^opcxxivx^ ii^^avtcv^ anb ^axxu^cvipt^. @ifi? ofi*M«^^@ot)enfri?. H (Balenbar OF THE :fi5oohs. Charters, Xettere Ip^atent 2)eebs, IRolIe, Mrits, an6 otber Mritings, IN THE CASES AND DRAWERS OF THE NEW MUNIMENT-ROOM OF ST. MARY'S HALL, MADE AND EDITED FOR THE C0RP0F[AT10N OF THE CITY OF COVENTRY, BT JOHN CORDY JEAFFRESON, B.A. Oxott., Barrister-at-Law oj the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, and one of the Inspectors of Ancient Writings for Her Majesty's Cotmnissioners of Historical Manuscripts. 18 9 6 A.D. PRINTED AT THE HERALD OFFICE, 41, EARL STREET. 4)^ I» H^ E F" ^^ C E . I travelled to Coventry on 18th February, 1895, the day on which long and severe frost began to break, and I remained in the old city for thirteen consecutive weeks, working upon the archives of the Corjioration, — recovering them fi'om confusion, reducing them to chronological order, attaching descriptive labels to most of the books and the more important of the separate writings, moving the multifarious records to the beautiful New Muniment Room of St. Mary's Hall, and producing in rough draft the Catalogue, that after undergoing careful revision is now offered in print to general readers and special students. The work of re- ordering and cataloguing so large a body of writings would have occupied me for a much longer time, had not Mr. Browett, senior, the late Town Clerk of Coventry, a fine antiquary and Master of Manuscripts, expended much care some years since in classifying an enormous mass of old bills and miscellaneous papers, and binding them into volumes. But it may not be inferred that the present arrangement of the Coventry Muniments is in eveiy particular the same arrangement in which I left them on withdrawing from Warwickshire, or that I am the only person to be commended for what is meritorious in the present catalogue, albeit I am the only person to be censured for any defects that may be discovei'ed in its entries. Itesembling his immediate official precursor in possessing unusual aptitude for archteological research, and a knowledge of archaic penmanship, that is seldom possessed by custodians of municipal archives, Mr. Lewis Beard, B.A., of the University of Cambridge, the present Town Clerk of Coventry, has given several finishing touches to my work. Acting in every matter with my concurrence and cordial approval, he has modified my arrangement of the Books, and made one or two improvements in my disposition of the Letters Patent, that are displayed under glass lids. It was since I left Coventry that he caused the Drawers and Cases of the Muniment Room to he marked with the letters and numerals to which reference is made in the marginal columns of the printed Calendar. To realize how great a part the Town Clerk has taken in the preparation of the Catalogue, readers have only to take a cursory view of its pages, and in doing so to bear in mind that the literary work on the margms of the pages is the work of his hand. It is also my pleasant duty to acknowledge the careful vigilance for clerical slips, with which the Town Clerk studied the proofs of the Calendar as they came to his hands, and collated the printed entries with the words on the corresponding labels on the several documents and sets of documents. My estimate of the value of Mr. Beard's part in the production of the Calendar made me desirous that he would allow me the satisfaction of ainiouncing on the title-page, that the work had proceeded from hinvself and myself, as joint- editors ; but I failed to induce him to assent to the proposal. At this moment I am well pleased with his decision on the question of literary justice and propriety, as the presence of his name on the title-page would have deprived me of my present and fittest occasion for acknowledging with proper warmth the great advantage that came to me from his assistance. I venture also to express my grateful sense of obligation to the gentlemen of the Coventry Estates and Finance Committee — a committee consisting of Alderman Tomson, Chairman ; Alderman Banks, Vice-chairman ; The Mayor ; Aldermen Gulson, Hill, Read, Singer ; Councillors Andrews, Clements, Webb Fowler, Haywood, Horton, Owen, and Starley ; who, besides assigning me an admirable working-room, afforded me every facility and encouragement in their poAver for the performance of an equally laborious and interesting task. JOHN CORDY JEAFFRESON. CATALOG U E OP THE MANUSCRIPTS IN THE NEW MUNIMENT ROOM OF ST. MARY'S HALL, COVENTRY. The large collection of manuscripts that have been recently recovered from dirt and extreme confusion and been placed in good order in the new Muniment Room of St. Mary's Hall may for tlie purpose of this catalogue be divided into the following group, to wit, — A. Books, to the number of ... ... ... ... 188 volumes. B. Charters, Letters Patent under the Privy Seal or the signet, with or without the Sign Manual, and Indentures of Leases granted by Sovereigns, to the number of ... ... ... ... 89 writings. C. Deeds, to wit. Grants for ever, Quitclaims, Leases for Life or lives in Survivorship, Leases for terms of years. Agreements, Awards of Arbitrators, Testaments, Obligatory Bonds, Powers of Attorney, &c., &c., to the number of ... ... ... 626-5 writings. D. E.^emplifications of Curial Records, especially interesting Writs and Lettei's of Commission 7iot being Letters Patent dated by Sovereigns, to the number of ... ... ... ... 10 writings. E. Rolls and Files, to the number of ... ... ... ... 18 sets. F. Miscellaneous Matters, put away in ... ... ... 30 packets. As several of the largest books are only so many more collections of separate writings that were gathered together and bound into their respective covers in the middle of the present century — as a single tile holds no less than 118 Statute Merchant Rolls, and as several of the packets of " Miscellaneous Matters " contain in each packet from 50 to over 100 separate writings — the number of MSS. in the Muniment Rojm that still are, or were some ,50 or 60 years since, separate writings, may on a cautious and moderate computation be said to exceed 11,000. The ensuing catalogue of this lai-ge number of separate writings, and sets of writings, consists of six several chronologically ordered catalogues — a separate catalogue having been made of each of the already mentioned six groups of manuscrips, to wit, — (i.) A Catalogue of the Books, beginning on p. 1. (ii.) A Catalogue of the Charters and Letters Patent, &c., beginning on p. 17. (iii.) A Catalogue of the Deeds, beginning on p. 39. (iv.) A Catalogue of the Exemplifications of Records and especially interesting Writs, &c., beginning on p. 76. (v.) A Catalogue of the Rolls and Files, beginning on p. 79. and (vi.) A Catalogue of the Miscellaneous Matters, beginning on p. 82. INDEX. Acknowledgments ... C 217, E fi Alienate, Licence to ... ... B 8.3 " Alleysleje " ... ... ... C 136 Apprenticeship, Indentures of ... F 2 Arch.Tological Institute ... ... A 92 Arms, &c., Laws for provision of ... B 78 Array, Commissions of ... B 78, 80, 82 Assizes at Coventry ... ... E 3 Attelbergh, Property at ... ... C 127 Attorney, Power of ... C 145, 156 Bablake (Land and Clini-rh) B 12, 5:5, 73, 8-1, F 5 "Bagot Waste" ... ... ... D5 "Baylly" Lane, Property in C 187, 196, 207 " Benfirlond " (tenement) ... ... C 86 Bills ... ... ... ... A 56, 62 Bishop Street, Property in, C 42, 66, 67, 104, 160 188, 228. « Bobynhul," Property in 101, 103, F 5 " Boleford " Property at ... ... C 1.50 Bond Boundary Suit "Bradokes Wast" ... Bread, Assize of Bristowe, Wm., hia dispute w C 203. 204, D 1, 2, E9, F 3, 4 Broadgate, Property in and near, C 55, 72, 141, 202 Burton, Notes on Edward VI. 's Charter A 13 „ Collection of Records relating to Chancery Suit ... ... ... A 34 C 172 A 83, 84 C226 A 66 th the Corporation, " Cardinal's Hat " Inn Catherine Hall, Cambridge Cesterton, Property in Chamberlain, Office of (R. v. Banbury) F 23, 25 Chamberlains Books ... ... A 7 Chancery Suits, Papers in ... ... F 11 Charles, Prince, Action by against Corporation, A 34 Charities, various, A 12, 22, 67, 69. 74, 76, F 17 20, 23. Sir T. White's, A 12, 65, 74, 76, E 13 F 18 „ Bablake or Bond's, A 15, 59, 60, B 53 78, 83, C 222, F 27. „ Grey Friars or Pisford's ... A 38 „ Collin's ... ... ... A 58 „ .lesson's ... ... ... A 69 „ General ... ... ... A 75, 82 Chesterfield, Guild of St. Mary ... C 201 Cheylcsmore, Manor of, A 9, B 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 19. 21, 57, 64, 72, 81, C 181, 200, 212 E 13, 16, F 12, 20, 21 Cheylesmore Street or Lane, Property in, C 7, 62 84,98,99,100, 109, 110, 121, 125, 129 134, 143. " Chiltenfeld " ... ... ... C 184 Churchwardens and Overseers ... F 16 C 202 F24 28 Cloth Manufacture Committees' Reports, &c. Commons, Siu-vey of Companies — Carpenters' ... Cordwainers' Drapers' Mercers' Tailors' Concords Conduit, Agreement for Repair B 77, C 220 A 81, 8.5, 87, 88, 89 E 7 A 4, 5, 44, F 10 A 41 A 51 C 225 A 42, 50 F 1 C 227 Constables, Presentments A 33 „ Warrants F 19 Corley Moor C 221 Corporation Cl;arters aiul Letters Patent — RalpL, Earl of Chester B 1 Henry TI. ... B 2, F 26 Edwarilll. ... B 4 Isabella B 14 Edwanl III, ... B 7 ,ft. 11, 16, 17,21,22 Richard II, ... B 24, 31 Henry IV. ... B 35 „ V. ... B38 „ VI. ... B47, 48 Edward IV. ... B 50 Henry VII. ... B 52 Henry VIII. ... ... B 55,68 Edward VI. ... .. A13, 26, 28, 37 Charles II. ... ... B 87, 88 William IV. B89 Corporation Lands — Surveys an I Terriers .. A 24, 32, 64, E 14 Rentals ■ . A 29, 57, 61 Leases .. A 29, 57, 64. 71 Ledger of ... A 55, 57 Licences in Mortmain B 29, 39, 42, 45 Rents out of B 67 Council Minute Books A 14 Coventry, Fee Farm of B70 „ History of A 1 0, 37, 43, 48, F 8, 20 „ Court Books A 25 „ Rights and Privile 7, F 15. Cross Cheaping, Property in 2;es, A 26, C 181, D 6, C 165, 183 Crowenhull, Property in C 41 " Crown " Inn C 202 Cnndelinc, or Connduline {'. Coundon), Property in, C 20, 26, 27, 39, 41, 88, 113, 117, 124 126, 136, 156, 216, I ) 4. Currency B 54 Debts, &('.. A 8 Deeds, Registers of A 2, 45, 46 Deputy Lieuteuants D9, 10 "Dodemanswell," Property at ... C 136 Dog Lane, Property in ... ... C 160 " Drapery, the Groat " ... C 194, 195 Earl Street, Property in, B 74, C 21, 50, 59. 61 69 83, 90, 141, 144, 145, 151, 163, 161, 191. Eccleshale, Manor of ... ... B 81 Elizabeth, Queen, Address to ... F 9 '• Euedemedowe " ... ... ... C 12 " Erlesmyll Laue," Property in ... C 208 Eton (? Nuneaton), Property at ... C 127 E.Kchequer quietuses ... ... Ell Fair, Great ... ... ... B 21, 48 Fee Farm, Grants in, A 19, B 26, C 17, 18, 33, 42 138, 147, 164, 175. Fillongloy, Property in ... C 214, 215, 224 Fillongley Manor ... C 218, 223, 224, E 10 "Folewell" ... ... ... C 136 Foleshill (Foxhill), Land at ... B 81, C 182, D 4 Forms, Books of ... ... ... A 52, 72 Fountain Street, Property in, (? Well Street, see C 114), C 31,63, 114, Frankland Fellowship ... ... F 24 Frankpledge, View of ... B 21, C 20, E 5 Freedom of the City ... A 63, E 17, 18 "Frechbroke " the. Property near ... C 158 Frere Lane, (or Friar'.s Lane), Property in, C 108 135, 147. Gas Company ... ... ... A 90 Gosford Street, &c.. Property in and near, C 13, 16 33, 35, 46, 64, 80, lis, 120, 157, 176, 225 F22. Grey Friars' Hospital ... ... A 38 Guilds and Chantries, A 21, B 5, 35, 38, 40, 41 43, 47, 75, E 13, F 18. Corpus Christi, A 6, B 20, 25, 27, 75, C 177 178, 179, 206. Merchants ... ... ... B 6 St. John ... B 9. 12, C 159, 165 St. Kathorine ... ... ... B 10 Holy Trinity B 23 Holy Triiiily, 15. V. M. and S(, Joim Baplifl, B 28, 30, 32, 3;?, 36, 41, 19, o3, .56, 75 C 180, 182, 183, IS.J, 187, 188, 191, I9.J 196, 198, 201, 200, 207, 208, 210, E 8. St. Anne (unlicensed) St. George (do.) Nativity St. Nielioliis St. Mary •' Sclotoschaniitery " Gutters, Agreements for " Gylyard " The, Property in C 148, ... 1$ 10, 41 B 43 li 4(), 63, 76 C 206, 210 1.53, 1.59. 16-5 C 199 (J 11.5, 137 C 207 Harnall, Property at and near, C 4.5, o.*?, 60, 79, 92 128, 141. Hawksbury Coal Minos ... ... F 13, 14 Hinekley, Property at ... ... C 127 Ilonsc of Correction ... ... C 224 •• Hull " Street, Property in ... C 47, 184, 189 " Hylmylfeld," The ... ... C 197 Inquests post mortem Inquisitions — Gates and Bridges Miscellaneous Keresley, Property at A 1 B 31 B 71, 78, C 221 C 192, D 4 Lammas and Common Lands ... E 18 Leases, Registers, &c. A 19, 29, o7, 64, 71 Leet Books ... ... ... A3 Letters and Papers, Original ... ... A 79 Loans, Charitable ... ... ... A 12, 76 Loans to the King ... B 58, 59, 60, 85, F 5 Local Board of Health Minute Books ... A 86 ,, Inspector's Kcports A 91 '• Lodeloweslane," Property near ... C 131 Maintenance, Agreement for ... C 123 Market ... ... ... B 21 Market, Property iu the ... C 40, 52 Margaret, Couutcse of Richmond ... F 26 " Mcalu and Come " Mills Ministers' Kaic "Muryholt" (held) Murage Newgate, Land near New Pool, the Ubites, Agreement for Orehird, The Great and Little ... ... A 27 ... C 38, 68 111, E 1 ... A 40 C 184 A 39, B 42, 45, C 209 C 229 B 65 C210 lo B65 Palmer Lane, Property in ... ... C 170 Papers, Miscellaneous ... F 8, 20, 30 Park Street, Upper, ifec.. Property in, C 8, 17, 23 37, 43, 51, 57, 70, 73, 74, 76, 81, 91, 96 97, 102, 106, 107, 11.5, 119. 138, 139, 141 142, 146, 148, 153. 161, 169, 184, 19.3, 198 230, 232 Party Walls, Agreenient.s for C 115, 137 Payments, Book of ... ... A 16 Peter the Les.s, Property in the Street of C 132 Pinley, Property at ... ... C 128 Poddyeroft, Property in C 8.5, 219, E 1, F 21 Poor Inhabitants, Petition of ... F 26 Prints, Portfolio of ... ... F 29 Priory, B 3, 34, 37, G5, 66, C 20, 22, 26, 41, 56, 58 60,62,71,79,86,88, 116, 126, 158, 177 186, 190, 197, 209, 216, D 5, E 2, 12, F 5 Property, various, in Coventry, C 15, 18, 19, 25, 29, 44, 48, 54, 58, 78, 82, 85, 93, 103, 105 126, 127, 128, 131, 149, 152, 154, 157, 159, 162, 166, 167, 173, 174, 213, 231 D 4, E 1, F 5. " Pudiugcroftc," Little ... ... C 219 Radford, Property in, C 39, 95, 126, 128, 133, D 4 E 1. Receipts, Books of ... A 17, 18, 20 Rentals, &c., ... A 8, 11, 29, 57, 61, E 13 Retainers ... ••- ••• B 51 iv Riots A 49, B 62 „ (R. V. Goodall) F 23 Road Trustees A 73 "Ruydinges," The... D5 Rytou, Property at F Sacrament Certificates A 53, F 5 " Scbocherefeld," Property in C So School Lands, llentiils E13 Sessions of Peace ... ... A 47, E 4 Sheriff's Court A 54 Ship Money A 35, D 8 Smitliford Street, Property in, C 94, 123, 168, 185 199, 206. So we. Property at, B 3, C 9, 36, 112, 128, 190,E 2 Spon Street, &c.. Property in and near, C 2, 3, 5, 6 10, 11, 14, 30, 32, 36, 49, 62, 65, 87, 89 116, 122, 130, 136, 155, 156, 205. F 22. St. John's College, Oxford ... F 7 St. Michael, Vicar of, &c. ... ... C 26, F 5 St. Nicholas Street, Property in ... C 126 St. Nicholas Church, Property near C 171, 186 Statute Merchant Rolls ... ... E 6 .Statute Bonds, &c. ... ... A 68 vStoke, Laying out of Flats ... ... A 30, 31 Stoke, Property at C 4, 24, 25, 39, 75, 77, 128 Stoke, Manor of ... C 200, 222. D 5, E 15 Street Commissioners ... A 70, 77, 73 Slyvechali, Property at ... C 128, F 5 Surveys and Terriers of Corporation Lauds, A 34 32, 64, E 14. Surveys and Terriers of Stoke Lauds ... A 30 Survey of Zouch's Farm ... ... A 69 Swan's Pool, the ... ... B 65 Sword and Mace Riots ... ... A 49 Tallies ... ... ... ... F 27 Tithes ... ... A 2.3, C 216, 226 Towers ... .. C 219, 229 Treasurer's Bonks of Payments a'jd Receipts, A 17 18, 36. Troun;htou Drawings ... ... F 28 Voters, List of A 80 " Walbiuleye " (? Whoberley) C 124, 136, 156 Walls, City. (See also " Murage") C 219, 229 War Contributions B 18, 58, 59, 60, 61, 69, 86 " Wencbfeldcs " ... ... ... D5 West Orchard, Property in ... ... C 140 Whitefriars' Church ... ... F 6 Whitley, Property at ... ... C 34 Whitley Common, C 203, 204, D 1, 2, E 9, F -3, 4 Whitley Manor " Whytemor," Property at " Wbittawerescraft" " Wodenmilueleye " " Woodeude," Property at Wykeii, Property at " Wyndemilufeid " D3 C 22, 58, 7 1 C 184 CSS 1.50, D 5 C 88, 190, D 5 C 184 /. BOOKS. 27 Edward I. — 16 Elizabeth. Collection of Escheators' Inquests post-mortem, bound together into a cover, which is lettered at the back " Inq. Post Mortem." Henry IV. — Henry VIII. Chartulary and Deeds-Register : a vellum quarto in clog-cover, containing on the opening membranes a few matters of an earlier period Leet Booiv of Leet Books : — (a) 8 Henry V. — 1 and 2 Philip and Mary, the City of Coventre. (b) 30th Elizabeth— 1834. Leet Book of the City of Coventre : an extremely interesting book, for its exhibi- tion of matters, touching the condition, industries and manners of the city in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Temi^. Henry A^I. and Edvvai'd IV. Book of the Receipts and Payments of the Masters of the Company of the Craft of Carpenters in the City of Coventre 1478 — 1652. Another Book of the Receipts and Payments of successive Masters of the Company of the Ciaft of Carpenters in the City of Coventre. {Vide A 44 and A 67) 3 Henry VII. — 1 Mary. Yearly Accounts of successive Masters of the Guild of Corpus Christi and St. Nicholas of Coventre, closing with the account of Thomas Leche, bailiff of the possessions of the late Guild of Corpus Christi of Coventre, for one year, made on 24th November, 1 Mary. Defective in the later part, this bulky folio has been bound into a modern leather cover, lettered at the back " Corpus Christi and St. Nicholas Guild Accounts. 3rd Henry VII., A.D. 1488 to 1st Mary, A.D. 1553." 14 Henry VII — 9 Anne. Chamberlains' Books : — (a) 14 Henry VII.— 16 Elizabeth. Book of the Yearly Accounts of successive Chamberlains of the Corporation of the City of Coventre. No. of volumes No. of Volumes. Book Case Shelf No, 10 No. of volumes cai'ried over {b) 17 Elizabeth to 11 Charles I. (c) 12 Charles I. — 9 Anne. Book of the Yearly Accounts of successive Wardens and Chamberlains of the City of Coventry A 8. 1522 — 1697. Miscellaneous Writings, comprising Rentals and Bills of Debts, &c., bound together in chronological disorder in a modern leather cover, lettered at the back " Miscellaneous Papers. Vol. 1 : Book of Debts, &c." A 9. 1542 — 1561. Account Book of the Manor of Cheillesmore, having upon the opening leaf this statement of the book's contents, to wit, " Thys booke conteyneth aswell the receites of al sommes of money brought in and payd to the Chambre or treasorie of the Citie of Coven trie, as well by the Chamberleyns wardens and all other accomptauntes of the seid citie, as otherwise, yerlie ccmmyng and growing to the use of the commoinaltie or comen box ot the same citie, as also dyvers charities paymentes and deduccions owt of the same, and also what revenewes and profittes and yerlie imposicions and charges be to the citie for everie Meires tyme as hereafter in the same more plenlie may appere." A 10. 1543 — 1704. Book of Copies of miscellaneous writings, touching the History of Coventre, lettered at the back of its vellum cover, " MSS. City Affiairs." ... All. 37 Henry VIH — 1566 A.D. Several Rentals bound together in ■ leather cover, lettered at the back " Book of Rentals." A 12. 1551 — 1779. Books of Loans and Allowances : — (a) 1551 — 1704. Folio Register of payments made, by way of loan or allowance, out of various estates held by the Mayor and community of Coventre in Trust for charitable uses, to wit, the Charity Estates of Lady Spencer, Mr. Symon Parker, Mr. White of Bristowe, Mr. Willyngton, Mr. John Talente, Mr. Nethermyll, Mr. Hopkyns, Mr. Tompson, Mr. Over, Mr. Niccolls, Mr. Elkinton, Mrs. Elizabeth Sharratt, Mrs. Jane Picken, Mr. Wheatleye, Mr. Haddon, Mr. Sale, Mr. Davenport and others No. of volumes No. of Volumes. 10 Book Case Shelf No. 1 3 17 A 13 A 14. No. of volumes carried over (b) 19 ]£liz;abetli — 1625 A.D. Folio Register of Loans and Allowances of money made out of the estates held by the Mayor and community ot Coventre for charitable uses ... (c) 1736 — 1779. Book of Loans: Being "An Account of the Loan money of Sir Thomas White, which has been retained by the Corporation of Coventry since the pro- nouncing of the Decree dated the twentieth day of December in 1723." 6 Edwai'd VI. English Translation of r^etters Patent dated in the said year, in confirmation of the ancient Liberties, &c., of ihe Burgesses of Coventre, and of the Charters granting those liberties : Interleaved with Burton's Notes on the successive clauses of the said Letters Patent ... 1557—1858. Council Books :— («) 1557 — 1635. Council Book : Orders and Proceedings at Meetinf^s of the Town Council of Coventre ... o (b) 1635— 1G96. Ditto (c) 1696—1725. Ditto (d) 1698—1725. Ditto (e) 1702—1722. Ditto (/) 1722—1738. Ditto (g) 1738—1758. Ditto (h) 1758—1769. Ditto (J) 1769—1780. Ditto (k) 1780—1790. Ditto (I) 1790—1801. Ditto (m) 1801—1811. Ditto (n) 1812—1819. Ditto (o) 1818—1821. Ditto [Hiatus] ditto ditto ditto, bound in modern leather cover, lettered at back " Ordei-s of Council, &c 1698—1725" ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto No. of volumes l>"o. of Volumes. 17 Book Ciuie Shelf No. 1 24 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 42 • No. of volumes carried over ... Continuation of Council Books : — (p) 1826 — 1830. Council Book : Orders and Proceedings at Meetings of the Town Council (q) 1830—1833. Ditto (r) 1833—1835. Ditto (s) 1835—1841. (t) 1841—1848. («) 1848—1854. {c) 1855—1858. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto (tc) 1858—1864. (November) Ditto (.r) 1864—1869, (June) Ditto (w) 1869—1873. (August) Ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto A 15. 1561 — 1573. Separate Accounts of Overseers of the Bablake Hospital, bound together in modern leather cover, lettered at tlie back, "Bablake: Overseers' Accounts, 1561 — 1573." A 16. 1561 — 1653. Book of Payments out of the Municipal Treasury: the first leaf of the Book being headed with these words, to wit, " In this booke be mencioned and wrytten all and singuler summes of money whiche have been taken of the Tresourie of this citie and payed either in the aftayres and busynes of the citie or otherwise sithe the first day of November in the thiixl yeire of the Pteigne of our Sovereign Ladie Queue Elizabeth at whiche day Mr. Hugh Hervie was sworne and admitted into the office of Maior there — 1561." Lettered at the back of the modern leather cover, " City of Coventry. Book of Payments, 1561 — 1653." ... A 17. 1561 — 1653. Book of Payments into the Municipal Treasury, the first leaf of the Book being headed with these words, to wit, " In this booke be mencionede and wrytten all and singuler sommes of money growing and corny ng to the use of the Corporacion of the Citie of (yoventre as well by reason of eny accompantreceivour baillie or other accomptant of the same, as otherwise, whiche No. of volumes No. of I Book Case Volumes. 42 Shelf No. 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 44 No. of volumes carried over have been put into the Tresourie of the said citie sith the first day of November in the thirde yeire of the reigne of our Sovereign Ladie Queen Elizabeth, at which day Mr. Hugh Hei-vie was admytted and sworn Maior ther — 15G1." Lettered at the back of the modern leather cover, " City of Coventry. Book of lleceipts, 1561 — 1G53." A 1 8. Book of Receipts ; being a collection of separate acknowledgments by a large number of persons of the payments to them of moneys paid out of the Municipal Treasury, bound together in a modern leather cover, lettered at the back, " Receipts, 1561 — 1G81." ... A 19. 1562 — 1777. Register of Leases and of Grants in Fee-Farm ; inscribed on the outside of the vellum wrapper, " Mr. Birch's Lease Book, and an Account of Grants in Fee Farm." A 20. 1568 — 1678. Receipts for sums of money paid by a considerable number of persons ; bound into a modern leather cover, lettered at the back, " Receipts, 15G8 — 1678." A 21. 1573 — 1734. Books touching the Possessions of the Guilds and Chantries of Coventre : — (a) 15 Elizabeth— 19 Charles II. Large Folio of the Yearly Accounts of successive Bailiffs and Receivers of the rents and revenues of the lands and tenements, &c., formerly pertaining to the Guilds and Chantries in the City of Coventre. (b) 20 Charles 11—1698 A.D. Folio of the Yearly Accounts of successive Bailifis and Receivers of the rents and revenues from the lands and tenements, &c., formerly belonging to the Guilds and Chantries in the City of Coventre. (0) 1692—1701. Large Folio of yearly Accounts of successive Bailiffs and Receivers of the rents and revenues from the lands and tenements, &c., formerly belonging to the Guilds and Chantries in the City of Coventre. — N.B. This folio has lost its three opening leaves. (d) 1700 — 1701. Bookof Accounts of the Bailiff and Receiver of " the rents and revenues of the lands and tenements No. of volumes No. of Volumes. 44 Book Case Shelf No. No. of volumes carried over Continuation of books touching lands, &c., of Guilds and Chantries :— called the Guilds and Chantreys " : containing a compre- hensive Rental of the various lands, tenements and stocks in the hands of the Corporation of the City of Coventre for municipal and charitable uses. (e) 1728 — 1734. Book of Payments out of the estates formerly belonging to the Guilds and Chantries. A 22. 17 Elizabeth — 2 James II. Large Folio of the Yearly Accounts of successive Bailiffs and Receivers of the rents and revenues from lands and tenements, &c. , held by the Corporation of the City of Coventre for charitable uses. A 23. 1577— 1 830. Books of Tithe Accounts of the City of Coventre :— (a) 1577 — 1697. Tithe Accounts, bound together into a modern leather cover, lettered at the back, " City of Coventry. Tithe Accounts, 1577 — 1697." An imperfect collection. (J) 1608 — 1705. Tvi^enty-elght separate Tithe Account Books ofthe following years, 1608, 1609, 1611, 1614, 1615, 1616, 1617, 1619, 1622, 1675, 1679, 1684, 1685, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, ... (c) 1612. The Tythe Book anno 1612 ; bound into a modern cover, lettered at the back, " Tythe Book — 1612." {d) 1822—1830. Ledger of the City of Coventry Tithe- Accounts, lettered on one of the outer sides and at the back, " Corporation Tithe Accounts."... A. 24. 23 Elizabeth. Book of the Survey of all the lands and tenements of the Corporation of the City of Coventre, " Surveid by John Emerson, the BaUiffe of the lands late Yeldes and Chauntries in the said Cittie and Thomas Banester the Clarke to the Counsell of the same Cittie." A 25. 1585 — 1824. City of Coventre Court Books : — (a) 1585—1589. Rule Book. ... (b) 20 Elizabeth to 29 Elizabeth. 45 Elizabeth — 12 James I. 1 4 James I. — 4 Charles I. Court Book. Ditto Ditto No. of volumes No. of Volumes. 53 Book Case Shelf No. 31 1 15 101 No. of volumes carried over Continuation of Court Books ; — 6 Charles I. — 22 Charles II. Court Book. 21 Charles II. — 6 William and Mary. Ditto. 3 — 6 William and Mary Ditto. 10—12 William III. Ditto. 13 William III— 4 George I. Ditto. 1717—1737. Ditto 1815—1824. Ditto (c) Four Bail Books of the Court for the following terms of years, to wit, (l) 1646—1653, (2) 1653— 1659, (3) 1661— 1683, (3) 1683—1691. 30 Elizabeth. Collection of Matters touching the rights and privileges of the City of Coventre : including an English translation of the Letters Patent dated to the Mayor, Bailiffs and Community of Coventre by Edward VI. on November 25 th of his sixth regnal year ... 1596 — 1597. Book of "The Storehouse for Seals of Meale and Come" in Coventre. Temp. Elizabeth. English Translation of the Letters Patent, dated by Edward VI. in his 6th regnal year, in confirmation of Charters dated by former Kings of England to the Mayor, bailiffs and community of Coventre ... 1613 — 1808. Book of Rentals and Leases of Lands and tenements belonging to the Corporation of Coventre 1617. Book of a Survey of Lands in the Lordship of Stoke, display- ing at the head of its first page this statement, to wit, " The Survey of those severall landes in the Lordship of Stoke, which the freehoulders and tenants intend to lay in severall flatts, begonn the 26 dale of January 1617 and ended the of. " .. No. of volumes No. of Volumes. 101 I><,)oI< Caee Shelf No, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 106 A 31. A 30 and A 31 tied up togetlier. A 32. A 33. A 34. No. of volumes carried over 1617 — 1619. Booke of the laying forth of the Flattes in Stoke Common feildes and meadowes begonn March 12, 1617, and ended in September, 1619 : Which was done by the opinions and consent of the names of theise which follow, viz., Mr. Thomas Ligons for Loid Berkeley and Mr. Ralph English his tenant, Mr. Christofer Waryn freehoulder, Mr. Samuell Myles for the City of Coventey and for the Drapers being their tenant, Mr. John Hammond Doctor in Physick freehouldei', Mr. lieginald Home freehoulder, Mi\ Christopher Bowdell freehoulder, and John Sharman tenant to the City of Coventre 1625. A Terrier of all " the arable lands leyes and meadows" in the lordship of Gad.sby co. Leicester, belonging to the Mayor bailiffs and community of Coventre 1629 — 1742. A collection of Constables' Presentments bound into a leather cover, lettered at the back, " Constables' Presentments, 1629—1742." ... 10 Charles I. Burton's Book : a large folio described on the opening- leaf as "A collection of divers Records deeds evidences and proceedings concerning the great Suit in Chancerie brought against this Citie of Coventrie and others by Prince Charles for £98 6s. 8d. rent per annum as Cornewall, taken out of the Tower, and other places, and of certain Citie, &c." par cell of the Dutch ie of Augmentacion Office, Rolls Charters belonging to this 30. A 30. 1635 — 1677. Book of matters touching ship money: containing on the fly-leaf this explanatory note by the maker of the book, to wit, " This Booke touching ship money raised In Warwickshire sheweth the manner and proceedings thereabouts, and how that the Citie of Coventrey and the Countie thereof is to be rated, but at a fifteenth part of Warwickshire, in all levies assessments and taxaclons wherein the said Citie jolneth with the countie of Warwick, and that it is so ordered by the right honourable the Lords and others of his Majesties most honourable Privie Councell, for the future quietness of tliat City In all such services and assessments whatsoever." 1641 — 1733. Treasm-ers' Books of Payments and Receipts : (a) 1G41 — 1690. Treasurers' Book of Payments and Receipts (b) 1690—1733. Ditto ditto No. of volumes No. of Volumes. 106 Book Case Shelf No. 113 6 6 No. of I Book Case Volumes. ISIiulf No. No. of volumes carried over 1647. Compilation of Matters touching the History of Coveiitre, opening with an English Translation of the Letters Patent of 6 Edward VI. : Continued by another compiler from 1647 to 1747 1648. History of the Hospital or Almshouse in Gray Friar Lane, from the time of its foundation in the reign of Henry VIII 1650. The Murage Booke of the Citie of Coventre, of all tenements within the walls of tlie Citie 1652. Book of "The Rate and Assessment of all houses, shops, warehouses, cellars, stables and all other landes, tenementes and hereditaments in the said citie of Coventrie at eighteen pence in the pound per annum, and for everie ten shillings nyne-pence per annum, for raising of maintenannce for the Ministers in the said Citie by vertue of an Act of Parliament, dated the 21th of March 1650, intituled ' An Act for the more frequent preaching of the Gospell, and better maintenannce of the Ministers in the Citie of Coventry ' " ... ... ... 1653 — 1760. Book of an imperfect series of the Accounts of the Corvisors' or Curriers' Company : Lettered at the back of the Leather cover, " Cordwainers' Company, Accounts, 1653 — 1760." 1659 — 1660. Book of the Taylors and Clothworkers' Company, in the time of Henry Ashburne, Master. {Vide A 50.) ... Temp. Charles II. Compilation of matters touching the History of Coventry 1665 — 1840. Book of the Accounts of successive Masters of the Company of Carpenters in the City of Coventry. ( Vide A 4 & A 5) Index of Deeds, in handwriting of the later part of the seventeenth century : Lettered at back of its modern leather cover, "Citie of Coventre : Index of Deeds, &c." 113 6 6 6 6 6 6 Alphabetical Index to the Deeds and Evidences in the Treasury of the City of Coventry, made towards the close of the seventeenth century, and perfected from an Index made in September 1621, that was in Mr. Thomas Sharp's possession in May 1832 ... ... No. of volumes 1 123 A 47. 10 No. of volumes carried over 1689 — 1835. — Sessions of Peace Books : {(t) 1G89 — 1725. City of Coventre : Special Sessions' Book 1823—1835. Ditto ditto (of Highways) 1780—1787. Ditto ditto f Book of Petty Sessions held in the \ Mayor's Parlour ... Ditto ditto Ditto ditto A 48. A 49. A 50. (b) 1802—1807. 1816—1825. 1821—1830. (c) 1745—1752. (d) 1825—1831. {e) 1813—1821. 1830—1835. Sessions' Book of the Recognizances of Licensed Victuallers and their Sureties, for keeping good order and rule in the houses of the same victuallers Book of Orders and Proceedings of Justices of the Peace for Coventry, assembled at Court of Quarter Sessions and acting in pursuance of a Statute of 4 George IV., entitled " An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws relating to the build- ing, repairing and regulating of certain Gaols and Houses of Correction in England and Wales Adjourned Petty Sessions Book Ditto ditto 1703. "A Brief History of the City of Coventry from the most early accounts of it to this year in Annals." — A compilation that deserves consideration 1713. Papers touching a cause between the Attorney General plaintiff' and the Mayor bailiffs and community of the City of Coventry, defendants : Bound into a volume, lettered at the back of its cover, " Sword and Mace lliots 1713" 1728 — 1764. Papers of the Tailors' Company, put together in chronological disorder, and bound into a leatlier cover, lettered at the back, " Order Book — Tailors and Sheremen's Company 1728 " {Vide A 42.) No. of volumes No. of Volumes. 123 10 Book Ca&e Shelf No. 136 A 51. A 52. A 53. A 54. A 55. A 56. A 57. A 58. A 59. A GO. 11 No. of volumes carried over 1729. Abstract of the Deeds and Writings of Lands, &c., belonging to the Drapers' Company in the City of Coventry. Lettered at the back, " Deeds and Writings of Lands belonging to the Drapers' Company — in the City of Coventry" ., Temp. George I. and George IL Town Clerk's Book of Common Forms 1720 — 1730. Collection of Sacrament Certificates : bound together into a leather cover. Lettered at the back " Sacrament Certifi- cates 1720—1730." 1727—1730. 12 — 26 George IL Book of Sheriffs' Courts held in the Mayor's Parlour in the City of Coventry. Also, a similar Book of Sheriff's' Courts of the period 1769—1790 ... 1748 — 1775. Ledger of the Estates of the Corporation of Coventry 1750 — 1800. Collection of Old Bills and Receipts, bound into a leather cover. Lettered at the back, "Bills 1750—1800. Miscellaneous " 1752 — 1861. Ledger of the Estates of the Corporation of Coventry : Containing rentals and leases 1757 — 1781. Book of Receipts from and Payments out of Mr. CoUins's Charity Estate ... 1760 — 1778. Book of Bond's Charity : Lettered on one of the sides of its leather cover, " Bond's Hospital Accounts, Receipts and Payments" 1790. Printed Account of Bond's Charity, vsrith this title page, " An Authentic Account of Mr. Thomas Bond's Hospital in the City of Coventr}^ called Bablake Hospital : From its foundation in 1497 to the present year 1790. Published for the Information and Direction of the present Managers and Trustees of the said important Trust. Containing ...cts of several Decrees and Orders of the Court of Chancery, relating to that Charity : With the most eminent Lawyers' opinion taken on Mr. Bond's Will, and the proceedings of former Trustees in the faithful discharge of their duty. Published in the year M,DCC,XC. "... A 61. 1762—1770. Index to Bailiffs' Rentals No. of Volumes. 136 Book Cft38 «helf No. No. of volumes 1 1 149 2 6 6 2 2 6 12 No. of volumes carried over A 62. 1767 — 1785. Collection of Tavern Bills for dinners and horse-meat, and of Bills for Corporation Dinners, etc. ; bound together into a leather cover, lettered at the back, ''Bills, 1767 — 1785. Hotel and Dinner Bills." A 63. 1769. Report of the hearing before Lord Mansfield of the three causes of liiley v. Corporation of Coventry, Wagstaffe v. the same Corporation, and Bird v. the same Corporation, touching the Freedom of the City A 64. 1772 — 1823. Book of Terriers and Leases of farms belonging to the Corporation of the City of Coventry A 65. 1772 — 1775. Book of Orders and Proceedings at Meetings, held in the Mayor's Parlour, of the Committee appointed to take steps in consequence of the recent service upon the Corporation of a Writ, for the execution of a Decree made in the year 1723 in the Court of Chancery in a cause, then and there depending between the said Corporation as plaintiffs, and his Majesty's Attorney-General, the Masters and Wardens of the Merchant Taylors' Company and other defendants, relating to Sir Thomas White's Charity A 66. 1776 — 1798. Assizes of Bread Book ... A 67. 1777 — 1779. Book of Orders and Proceedings of a Committee, specially appointed "to manage and defend any Informations or Suits that may be commenced or prosecuted against this Corpoi'a- tion " of the City of Coventry " either respecting their Charities or otherwise." ... A 68. 1781 — 1831. Register of Statute Bonds, Mortgages and Assign- ments... A 69. 1782. Survey of Mr. Zouch's Farm in the Parish of Cliffbrd in the County of Gloucester, belonging to the Trustees of Mr. Thomas Jesson's Charity, taken in the year 1782 by Thomas Eagle A 70. 1790 — 1807. Streets' Commissioners' Book, to wit. Book of Orders made and Proceedings at meetings of the Commissioners appointed to execute the Act of Parliament " for the better paving cleansing lighting and watching the City of Coventry and the suburbs thereof, and removing and preventing nuisances and annoyances therein" No. of volumes No. of Volumes. 149 Book Case Shelf No. 1 158 13 No. of volumes caii'ied ovei' 1801 — 1805. Small Book of Orders of Council with respect to Leases, 19th Century. Book of Forms, Precedents and Directions for executing the office of an Under-Sheriff 1812 — 1832. Book of Receipts and Payments by the Trustees imder the Statute 52 George III., entitled "An Act for hnproving the public roads in and through Coventry " 1813. Eegister of the Charity Estates of the City of Coven tre, lettered at the back, " Charity Memorial Register " : opening with " a Memorial or Statement in pursuance of an Act of Parliament for the Registering and Securing of Charitable Donations," giving particulars of " the Charity Estate called Sir Thomas White's Charity " 1819 — 1845. Book of Charity Estates: Setting forth the Estates under the management of the Trustees of the General Charities of the City of Coventry, together with the names of the several Lessees thereof, the amount of rent to be paid by each of the said Lessees, the term of years for which each estate is let, and the date at which each term expires ... ... 1823 — 1833. Account-Book of the Loans received of Sir Thomas White's Charity and placed out by Messrs. Carter and Dewes, commencing with their Partnership on 1st May, 1823. ... 1823 — 1835. Book of Receipts of and Payments by the Commissioners for executing the Statute of 30 George III., " for the better paving cleansing lighting and watching the City of Coventry "... 1827 — 1836. Book of Orders made and Minutes of Proceedings at Meetings of the Commissioners for the better paving, cleansing, lighting and watching the City of Coventry 1834. Collection of Original Letters and Papers, beginnmg with a letter written in behalf of the Friars Minors of Coventre by Queen Isabella to the Mayor, bailiffs and commonalty of Coventre, and closing with the Indenture, dated 24th October, 1704, of the acknowledgment made by Samuel Billing, maior elect of the City of Coventry, of his receipt of the silver plate and other things of the Corporation, and of his promise to restore the same silver No. of volumes No. of Volumes. 158 Book Case Shelf Ko. 7 7 166 14 No, of iBook Case- Volumes. Shelf No.. No. of volumes carried over 166 plate and other things to the Treasury of the said City on tlie detennination of his Mayoralty : the Collection of Letters and other writings having been arranged and bound by the late Messrs. Thomas Sharp and George Eld into two large folios that are lettered at the back " Original Letters and Papers " A 80. 1835. City of Coventry, List of Voters of A 81. 1836 — 1858. Eeports to the Town Council by the Estates Com- mittee from October 1842 to December 1858, and Reports to the same Council by the Market Tolls Committee from May 1836 to July 1858 : Bound into a volume, lettered at the back " City of Coventry. Reports to Council : Estates Committee, 1 8 October, 1842 to December 1858. — Market Tolls Committee, 26 May, 1836, to 6 July, 1858" ... A 82. 1837. Abstract of the Leases of the several Estates under the management of the Trustees of the General Charities of the City of Coventry A 83. 1839, October 12th. Reports made by Mr. Stacey Grimaldi to Messrs. Troughton and Lea, solicitors of the Corporation of Coventry on the Territorial Extent of the town or city of Coventre, &c., after searching public and other records " in order to ascertain whether the Hamlets of Ansty, Exhall, Foleshill, Kere.sley, Sowe, Stivichall, Stoke and Wyken are or were antiently with the Town of Coventry or the jurisdiction of the same." Large Folio, lettered at the back, " City of Coventry. Reports as to the territorial extent of the City of Coventry and jurisdiction of the Corporation of Coventry over adjoining hamlets" 4 2 A 84. 1839—1842. Book of the Case for the City of Coventry, with Brief delivered to Council, in the cause in the Court of Exchequer between the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the City of Coventry, plaintiifs, against Edmund Lythall, William Wilson and seven others, defendants. — Lettered at the back of the leather cover, " City of Coventry. Boundary Case. Brief, &c.... A 85. 1846 — 1858. Reports by the Cemetery Committee to the Town Council of Coventry, bound into a leather cover, lettered at the back, " City of Coventr'. — Cemetery Committee Reports, 13 Jan., 1846 to 30 Nov., 1858" ... 2- No. of volumes 174 15 No. of volumes cairied over No. of [Book Case Volumes. IShelf No. 174 («) 1849- Book -1852. (6) 1852- -1859. (c) 1859- -1862. (d) 1862- -186S. (-) 1865- -1868. (/) 1868- -1872. iff) 1872. 1 849—1 872. Seven Local Board of Health Minute Books : Local Board (i.e. Board of Health) Minute ■•• ■•• ••• •»» ••• Ditto ditto Local Board of Health Minute Book Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto 1851 — 1858. Reports by the Baths Committee to the Town Council of the City of Coventry : Bound in leather cover, lettered at the back, " City of Coventry Baths Commit. Reports, 28 April, 1851 to 30 Nov., 1858" ... 1851 — 1858. Reports of various Committees 1858 — 1864. Report of General Works Committee 1855 — 1884. Coventry Gas Company Book : Lettered at the back of the leather cover, "Register of Mortgages or Bonds." — With a companion book for the legistration of Transfers : Lettered at the back " Transfei's of Mortgages and Bonds " ... 1859 — 1864. Reports by the Inspector of Nuisances to the Local Board of Health, under the Nuisances Act of 1855, for the City of Coventry : Bound into a volume, lettered at the back, " City of Coventry, Local Board of Health — Reports of Inspector of Nuisances, Jan. 1859 to Dec. 1864 " ] 864. Book touching the Visit of the Archaeological Institute to the City of Coventry on 28th July, 1864 ; containing signatures of the Visitors 7 7 7 No. of volumes 188 //. Charters^ Letters Patent, Letters under the Privy Seal or the Signet, with or without the Sign Manual ; and Indenttires of Leases by Sovereigns. B 1. B 2. B 3. Charter dated at Covintre {sic) by Ranulph (Ralph) Earl of Chester : Granting with other concessions to his burgesses of Covintre and their heirs, that they may hold in free burgage of him and his heirs more firmly and freely than they held in the time of the Earl's father and other ancestors ; with Grant to them of all the liberties and good laws enjoyed by the burgesses of Lincoln, and With Grant that they shall not be drawn in any matter to the Earl's Castle to plead, but shall have their own portmote, in which all pleas touching the Earl and them may be dealt with. Henry II. Charter dated by Henry II. " apud Merlebergam," of Confirmation to the burgesses of Covintre {sic) of the charter granted to them by Ralph, Earl of Chester ; With further con- cessions, for the greater security of the liberties, granted to the same burgesses by the Earl's charter. 31 Edward I, November 6th. — Letters Patent of Licence to Peter de Blockesley to give and assign for ever to the Prior and Convent of Coventre a messuage and two virgates of land with then- appurtenances in Sowe, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding. B 4. B 5. 17 Edward II., July 10th. — Charter of Inspeximus and Confirmation of Henry the Thu'd's Charter of Inspeximus and Confirmation of the Charter given by Henry II. to the Burgesses of Coventre, in Confirmation of the Charter of Concessions given by Ralph Earl of Chester to the burgesses of Coventre. 13 Edward III., January 17th. — Letters Patent (French), dated at Risyngs Castle by the Queen- Mother Isabella, of Licence to John de Holland chaplain, John Lemman, John le Porter, Richard de Stoke, William de Welneburghe and others to acquire and hold lands, tenements and rents, &c. to the yearly value of twenty pounds in the Queen's seigniory of Coventre, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, for the maintenance of a Chantry of six chaplains, to chant masses and other saci'ed services at the parochial churches of the Holy Trinity and St. Michael of Coventre Case for the good estate in this life of the said Queen, and of her son the King, and of the Duke of Cornewaille, and for their souls when they shall have died, and also for the souls of the Queen Isabella's Lord Edward the late King of England, and the same Queen's dear son John late Earl of Cornewaille. B G. 14 Edward III., May 20th. Letters Patent of Licence to the men of the town of Coveutre and their successors to have a Merchants' Guild and a fraternity of brethren and sisters of the same Guild in the said town, and a Master or Keeper of the same Guild, &c. B 7. ! 15 Edward III, May 10th. Charter of Inspeximus and Confirmation of the Charter of Inspeximus and Confii-mation dated by Edward II., of Inspeximus and Confii-mation of the Charter dated by Henry III., of Inspeximus and Confirmation of the Charter whereby Henry II. confirmed the Charter of liberties and laws, granted to the Burgesses of Coventre by Eanulf (Ealph) Earl of Chester ; With Inspeximus and Confirmation of a charter dated in former time by the aforesaid King Edward III., granting to the Merchants of Coventre and to their heirs and successors being merchants of the said town, that they should be exempt for ever from toll, pannage, pontage, murage, &c., in respect to their goods and merchandize throughout the King's realm and dominion ; With further con- cession to the burgesses and honest men of Coventre, that all Inquisitions made in the said town, before the King his heirs justices or ministers, or the justices or ministers of his heirs, respecting contracts agreements or trespasses made or to be made in the said town, or respecting lands and tenements within the same town, should and ought to be made by burgesses and men of the said town, and not by foreigners, so long as the matters to be enquired into touch neither the King nor the community of the said towm. 15 Edward III., May 10th. Charter, dated by Edward HI to the Burgesses of Coventre, Opening with Inspeximus and Confirmation of the Charter, dated to the burgesses of the same town by Edward II., of Inspeximus and Confirmation of a Charter dated by Henry III., of Inspeximus and Confirmation of a Charter by Henry II., granting and confirming to the Bui-gesses of Coventre all the liberties and free customs and good laws, &c. gxanted to them by Ealph Earl of Chester ; With a recitation of the con- cessions of the charter of the said Earl. B 9. 16 Edward III., October Gth. Letters Patent, dated by the said King, of Licence John Holand chaplain, John Lemman and four other persons to found and establish a fraternity and Guild in honour of B 8. Case 19 B 10. St. John the Baptist in Coventre, and to hold lands tenements and rents, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, for creating and maintaining chantries of six chaplains, to celebrate daily in the parish churches of the Holy Trinity and St. Michael divine rites and services for the souls of the said King's ancestors, and for the health of the said King, his mother Queen Isabella, his consort Queen Philippa and his childi^en and Walter de Chesthunt and William de Belgrave whilst they shall be living, and for their souls when they shall have been taken from this life, and for the welfare of the brethren and benefactors of the said Guild wliilst they shall be living, and for their souls when they shall have died, and for the soul of the King's brother John de Eltham late Earl of Cornewall, and for the souls of all who have died in the Faith. 17 Edward III., November 12th. Letters Patent of Licence granted by the said King to Thomas de Ichynton, Nicholas Pake, William de Tuttebury, William de Overton clerk, Peter Percy, Richard le Darkere, Simon Wareyn, John Vincent, and John de Pakynton to found a fraternity and Guild of themselves and others brethren and sisters in honour of St. Katherine at Coventre, and to find three chaplains who shall daily celebrate divine rites for the souls of the said King's progenitors, and for the welfare of the same King his mother the Queen Isabel and his consort the Queen Philippa and the children of the same King and Queen, and of Robert de Sadyngton, Master John de Thoresby, John de St. Paul, William de Thorp, Richard de Smetheton, and William de Burgh during their lives, and for the souls of the same persons when they shall have died, and for the aforesaid grantees and the brethren and sisters of the said Guild and their benefactors during then- lives, and for their souls when they shall have died and for the souls of all who have died in the faith, in the chapel of St. Katherine in the church of the hospital of St. John the Baptist Coventry ; With Licence to the brethren and sisters of the m B 11. 18 same Guild to assemble yearly, to elect a Master or Keeper of the same Guild and the aforesaid chaplains. Edward III., January 20th. Charter dated by the said King, at the instance and request of his mother Queen Isabella, to whom the Manor of Cheylesmore had been granted for life, and also m consideration of the King's first-born son the Prince of Wales to whose hands the manor would pass after the said Queen's death : Granting that the men of Coventre, tenants of the said manor, may elect annually from amongst themselves a Mayor and fit Bailiffs, and have cognizance of all pleas as well of trespasses, contracts and agreements as of other things arising within the Case 20 B 12. B 13. town, and may have in the said town a seal tor taking recogni- zances of debts, according to the form of the Statute for Merchants published ; and also Granting that the said town may have a prison for the correction of malefactors, and that the Mayor and bailiffs of the said town for the time being shall have the custody and charge of the same prison and of the prisoners committed to it. ... 18 Edward III., May 7th. Letters Patent (French) dated by the Queen Mother Isabella at Risyngs, Granting to the good people of the Guild of St. John the Baptist in the town of Coventre a piece of land called Babbelak in the said town, in order that they may there build a chapel in honour of God and St. John the Baptist, and have there two chaplains daily chanting masses and other divine sei'vices for the good estate of the said Queen's dear son the King, and of the said Queen Isabella, and of her dear daughter the Queen Philippa and of the Prince of Wales, during their lives, and for then* souls when they shall have died, and for the soul of the said Queen's dear Lord the late King of England, and for the soul of her dear son John the late Earl of Cornewaille, and for the lives and souls of the brethren of the same Guild, &c. 18 Edward III., August 23rd. Letters Patent ot Precept to Arch- bishops, bishops, abbots, earls, sheriffs and others : Declaring the King's will that his mother the Queen Isabella may have and enjoy for the whole of her life all the liberties and privileges in the Manor of Cheylesmore, heretofore granted to the said Queen for life, and set forth in the same Letters Patent. B 14. 18 Edward III., October 12th. Letters Patent (French) dated at Kenynghale by the Queen Mother Isabella, Queen of England, &c. ; Granting to her good people of the town of Coventre, during her pleasure and their good conduct, that they may elect from amongst themselves a bailiff, who may yearly render loyal account of the issues and profits arising to her from the same town. ... B 15. 19 Edward III., June 16th. Charter, dated by the said King at the Tower of London : Confirming to his mother the Queen Isabella and the King's first-born son the Prince of Wales the King's previous concessions touching the Manor of Cheilesmore, to wit, that she during her life and the said Prince and his heirs after her death may, either by their own stewards or by the Mayor and bailiffs for the time being of Coventre, have cognizance of all pleas arising within the liberty of the said town, as well those respect- ing lands tenements and rents as those respecting trespasses, agreements, contracts, &c., together with other privileges and Case 21 B 16. B 17. B 18. powers heretofore granted to the same Queen and Prince within the liberty of the said manor, in which Coventre is situated. 19 Edward III., December 3rd. Letters Patent dated by the said King in confirmation of the grant heretofore made by him, at the instance and request ot the Queen-Mother Isabella, Granting to the men of Coventre, being tenants of the Manor of Cheilesmore, that they may have and yearly elect from amongst themselves a fit Mayor and bailiffs for the said town, and in confirmation of divers other powers and privileges, heretofore granted by the same King to the men of Coventre and their successors. 19 Edward III., December 3rd. Letters Patent dated by the said King, at the instance and request of the Queen-Mother Isabella, to whom the Manor of Cheillesmore pertains for her life, in con- firmation of previous charters granted by him to the said Queen and the men of Coventre, tenants of the said Manor, to wit, (1) a charter granting, with other things, that the Men of Coventre may have a Mayor and bailifis, to be elected annually from amongst themselves, with cognizance of pleas, touching as well trespasses, contracts and agreements as other things, arising within the same town, and a seal, &c., (2) a charter granting to the said Queen View of Frankpledge of the said Manor and town, with Forfeitures of felons and fugitives within the said Manor &c , and (3) a charter granting to the said Queen and all the men of her said Manor freedom of pannage, passage, stallage, tollage &c., throughout the said King's whole realm, together with other con- cessions to same Queen and the men of her said manor of Cheillesmore. 20 Edward III., August 16th. Letters Patent of Acquittance and Discharge, made in consideration of a sum ot 50;^ paid by the men of the town of Coventre into the Receipt of the King's Exchequer, for the charges of fifteen armed men about to cross to parts beyond sea in the King's service : Acquitting and discharging the said town in respect to the said charges. B 19. 21 Edward III., June 14th. Letters Patent of a grant, for the time of the Grantor's life, dated by the Queen Mother Isabella at Risyngs Castle, of a rood of land with appurtenances in Coventre in her park of Cheylesmore to Peter de Stoke merchant of Coventre, at a yearly rent of five silver pence. B 20. 22 Edward III., May 26th. Letters Patent of a Grant by the said King of Licence to Robert Chaundos, John de Wynwyk clerk and seventeen other grantees, to found a guild to the honour of the Case 22 precious Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, with a chaplain to celebrate daily divine rites and services for the good estate of the said King and of the grantees and of the brethren and sisters of the same Guild during their lives, and for their souls when they shall have died : With Licence to the brethren and sisters of the same Guild to assemble yearly, in order to elect a Master and Chaplain for their said Guild. B 21. 22 Edward III., July 17th. Letters Patent, dated by the said King, of Inspeximus and Confirmation, of the Letters Patent, dated by the Prince of Wales on 12th March in the said year, of Inspeximus and Confii-mation of the Letters Patent dated by the Queen Mother Isabella at the Castle of Rysyng on 12th February of the same year, whereby the said Queen approved the Charter of liberties and privileges whereby her son Edward III. granted at her instance and request, together with other powers, to the men of Coventre, being tenants of the Manor of Cheilesmore, that they might elect yearly a Mayor and bailiffs from amongst themselves, and whereby the said Queen Isabella granted for her life to the same men of Coventre all the liberties &c. which the said King conceded they should enjoy after her death, and whereby the same Queen granted to the same men of Coventre, that they might have during her life a market, a fau-, and View of Frank- jDledge in the said town of Coventre : It being stipulated in the same last-mentioned Letters Patent that, in consideration of the concessions made to them in the same Letters by the said Queen, the Men of Coventre should during her life pay to her yearly the sum of 50£, in two equal portions at the feasts of Easter and St. Michael in each year. B 22. 36 Edward III., October 18th. Letter Patent (French) addressed by the said King to all justices, sheriffs, bailiffs and his other ministers, &c., who ai'e thereby instructed that the Commons of the town of Coventre should be in no way molested, contrary to the tenor of the King's Pardon to them. B 23. 38 Edward III., March 23rd. Letters Patent of Licence granted by the King to Henry Kele and Thomas Orme to found and create a fraternity and Guild to the honour of the Holy Trinity, and to acquire and hold lands, tenements and rents to the yearly value of ten marks within the liberty and lordship of Coventre, and to hold the same to themselves and the brethren and sisters of the said fraternity and Guild and their successors for ever, for the maintenance of two chaplains to celebrate divine rites daily in the church of the Holy Trinity in Coventre, for the good estate Case 4 23 of the said King and his consort Philippa Queen of England and their children so long as they shall live, and for their sonls, when they shall have died, and for the souls of all the brethren and sisters of the said Guild and their benefactors and for all who have died in the Faith, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding. B 24. 1 Richard II., March 4th. Charter of Tnspeximus and Confirmation of the Charter whereby Edward III. granted to the Merchants of Coventre and their successors, to be free of toll, pannage, pontage and murage, &c., for their goods and merchantable articles : "With Inspeximus and Confirmation of the Charter dated by Edward III. in confirmation of the Charter dated by Edward II., in confirma- tion of the Charter whereby Henry III. confirmed the Charter granted by Henry II., in confirmation of the Charter given by Ranulph (Ralph) Earl of Chester to his burgesses of Coventre : With Inspeximus and Confii-mation of other Charters dated by Edward III., conceding liberties and powers to the burgesses of Coventre B 25. 4 Richard II., April 4th. Letters Patent, dated by Richard II., of Inspeximus and Confirmation of the Letters Patent whereby Edvs^ard III., on 26th May in his 22nd regnal year, granted Licence to Robert Chaundos, John de Wynwyk clerk and seventeen other persons to found a fraternity and Guild of themselves and others brethren and sisters in honour of the precious Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ at Coventre, and to find a chaplain to celebrate divine rites daily for the welfare of the said King Edward III. and of the said Robert Chaundos and John de Wyn-wyk clerk and the seventeen other grantees, and the brethren and sisters of the said Guild, during their lives, and for their souls, when they shall have died, and for the souls of all who have died in the faith, &c. Case B 26. 8 Richard II., October 20th. Letters Patent, dated by the said King, in ratification of an indenture, whereby the Mayor bailiffs and chamberlains of Coventre on 26th December 2 Richard II. granted in fee-farm a piece of land in Coventre to Geoffrey Skartheburgh of Coventre and his wife Agnes, at a yearly rent of four shillings of silver B 27. 16 Richard II., June 28th. Letters Patent, dated by the King in consideration of 50£ paid to him by the Master brethren and sisters of the Guild of the precious Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in Coventre, of Licence to John Scardeburgh of Coventre, John de Wedon, Richard Marshall, Adam Deyster and 24 B 28. Nicholas Dudley of Coventry, to give and assign to the aforesaid Master brethren and sisters of the aforesaid Guild twenty-nine messuages, eight acres of land, eighteen denarates of rent and one half of a messuage in Coventre, to hold to themselves the said Master brethren and sisters of the said Guild, and their successors, the Statute of Mortmain nothwithstanding, in order to find a chaplain to celebrate divine rites daily for their benefit, and for doing certain other works of piety, at the ordinance of the said Master, brethren and sisters, for ever. 16 Richard II., June 30th. Letters Patent setting forth particulars of the foundation and privileges of the Guild of St. John the Baptist of Coventre, temp. Edward III. and the Guild of the Holy Trinity of Coventre founded in the same reign, and granting that the said two Guilds may be united and incorporated into one GuUd under the name of the Fraternity and Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary Virgin and St. John Baptist of Coventry, and granting that the same Guild may have power to hold within Coventre and elsewhere lands tenements and rents, &c., to the yearly value of £86 13s. 4d., the Statute of Mortmain notwith- standing. 16 Richard II., August 4th. Letters Patent of the concession, made by the King in consideration of 20£ paid to him by the Mayor bailiffs and community of Coventre, of Licence to William de Okham, John de Marton deyster, William Palmer and Thomas de Sutton, all four of the said city, to give six messuages with their appurtenances in Coventre to the aforesaid Mayor, bailiffs and community, and also of Licence to the same Mayor, bailiffs and community to receive and hold the same six messuages to themselves and their successors, in order to do and support certain works of piety at the ordinance of the said William, John, William and Thomas, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding. •" ^^- 16 Richard II., August 5th. Letters Patent, dated by the said King, of Licence to John Percy, William Wolfe, Rolland Damet, Richard Verdon, Henry Kele, Adam Keresley, John Wedon and others and their heirs, or the Master brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, St. Mary the Virgin and St. John the Baptist and their successors, to hold certain lands, tenements, rents, &c., for ever, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding : The said Licence being granted to give effect to the same King's previous Licence to the same Guild to acquire and hold lands and tenements, &c., to the yearly value " quater viginti et sex librarum tresdecim solidorum et quatuor denariorum." B 29. Case 25 B 31. 22 Richard II., November 13th. Letters Patent addressed by the said King to William Bage, stevvai-d of the King's Manor of Cheylesmore, and Guy Spyne the Escheator of Warwick ; appoint- ing them to enquire by the oaths of honest men, whether it wouhl be prejudicial to the King's interest or the interests of others, should he grant to the Mayor baihffs and community of tho town of Coventre and their successors all gates, bridges and profits within the following bounds, to wit, from Jabotsasshe to to the Mill called Nassyngton Mill to the corner ot the stone wall of the park of Cheilesmoi-e, and thence by the same wall and the palings of the same park to Baronueswell and thencr to the house of John Yate of Duderaanneswell, and thence to the church and cemetery of St. Nicholas of Coventre, and thence to Bottecrosse and thence to Harnhale Qwarele, and thence to Gosford Green. Case )y Henr}'' Prince lim by the Master B 32. 6 Henry IV., November 12th. Letters Patent dated of Wales, in consideration of 10£ paid to brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist in Cov^nitre, of Licence to John Preston of Coventre merchant and William Whitchurch of Coventre merchant, to grant foiu- messuages, one toft, one garden and eleven acres of land in Coventre, and also the remainder of a messuage in Coventre which Agnes, formerly the wife of Thomas Brone late of Coventre, holds for the term of her life, to the Master brethren and sisters of the aforesaid Guild, to have and hold the same to themselves and their successors, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, in aid of their livelihood and for the performance of certain works of piety according to the ordinance of the aforesaid John and William. B 33. 6 Henry IV., November 12th. Letters Patent, dated by the King in consideration of sixteen pounds paid to him by the Guild of the Holy Trinity and St. John the Baptist of Coventre, of Licence to John Preston of Coventre merchant and William Whitchurch of Coventre merchant, to give for ever four messuages, a toft, a garden and eleven acres of land with appurtenances, and also the remainder for ever of a messuage in Coventre on the death of Agnes, formerly the wife of Thomas Brone of Coventre deceased, who holds the said messuage for life, to the Master brethren and sisters of the said Guild, to hold the same messuages &c. to them and their successors of the said Guild for ever, in aid of the livelihood of the said Guild, and for the performance of pious works to be done by the same Guild, according to the direction of the said 26 John Preston and William Whitclmrch : With Licence to the same Guild to hold the aforesaid messuages, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding. B 34. fi Henry IV, November 24th. Letters Patent of Inspeximus and Exemplification of the Petition (French), exhibited to the King in his parliament held at Coventre by the Prior and Convent of the Cathedral Church of Coventre, Setting forth the pains and charges with which the petitioners and their predecessors have brought water by an underground aqueduct to their priory, — and Complaining of the injuries done to their said aqueduct by malicious persons, who also hinder the petitioners when they would survey and repair the same conduit, and who also corrupt the water of the Shirburn that runs to the petitioners' mills, — And Praying that henceforth no one shall be sufiered to injure the said conduit, or to hinder the petitioners from surveying and repairing it, or to corrupt the water of the Shirburn by throwing entrails of beasts, garbage or other filth into it, under a penalty of 10£ to the King and treble damages for injury done in those respects to the petitioners. B 35. 8 Henry IV., November 18th. Letters Patent, dated by the said King to the Mayor ballifis and community of the City of Coventre : Granting that no more or other Guilds than those at present existing in Coventre shall ever exist within the said city. B 3G. 10 Henry IV., February 16th. Letters Patent, dated by the King in consideration of fifty shillings paid to him by the Guild of the Holy Trinity, to William Broke parson of the Church of Lodbroke and his brother John Broke and John Barbour of Bysshopychynton, to give and assign for ever a messuage with appurtenances in Coventre to the Master brethren and sisters of the said Guild, With Licence to the same Master brethren and sisters and their successors, to hold the same messuage, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding. B 37. 13 Henry IV., December 1st. Letters Patent (French) dated by Henry Prince of Wales, in consideration of good service rendered and to be rendered, of a Grant for life to Thomas Porter valet of the said Prince's bedchamber, of a messuage of a himdred acres of arable land, twenty acres of meadow and an acre of wood with their appurtenances in Wodende called Ernesplace, which messuage of arable land, meadow and wood are held of the Prince and seized into his hands, because the Prior of Coventre puichased and appropriated them to Mortmain without the said Prince's licence. Case 8 27 B 38 1 Henry V., March 8th. Letters Patent of Inspeximus and (-onfirraa- tion of the Letters Patent whereby Henry IV. in his 8th regnal year ordained that henceforth there should be no more or other Guilds within Coventry than the Guilds at present existing within the said city. B 39. 6 Henry V., June 10th. Letters Patent, dated by the King in con- sideration of 40£ paid to him by the Mayor and community of Coventre, of Licence to John Leder, John Esterton, John Preston, Richard Southam, Lawrence Cook, and William Dilcok to give and grant for ever divers lands tenements and rents to the said Mayor and community, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding. B 40. 8 Henry V. (?), November 22nd. Letters of Mandate, addressed by the King to the Mayor and bailiffs of Coventre upon information that a number of young men, being "journemen" servants of tailors and other artificers of the said city, have assembled and held and continue to assemble and hold meetings within the Priory of the said city and the houses of the Brothers there under the name of the Fraternity of St. Anne, which action on their part may work to the injury of the Fraternities of the Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi within the same city : Requiring the said Mayor and bailiffs to make proclamations against the aforesaid unlawful assemblies, and to arrest all persons who shall disregard such proclamations, and to hold the offenders in safe custody, until the King shall make further orders in the matter, and to make return of the principal persons who have brought about the said unlawful assemblies. B 41. 1 Henry VI. _(?), March 8th. Letters of Mandate, addressed to the Mayor and bailiffs of Coventre, upon information that a number of young men, being journeymen tailors and other artificers of the said city, have held and continue to hold assemblies within the Priory of Coventre, and the houses of Brothers there, in order to maintain a Guild there under the name of St. Anne, to the discredit and prejudice of the Fraternities of the Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi, and to the injury of the whole community of the said city : Requiring the aforesaid Mayor and bailiffs to make procla- mations in the said city, prohibiting the said unlawful assemblies, and to arrest promptly all persons disregarding and disobeying the same proclamations, and to hold them in safe custody till the King shall have ordered their enlargement. B 42» 2 Henry VI., November 16th. Letters Patent of Licence to William Babyngton and William Botener, to give and assign for ever to the Mayor and community of Coventre a messuage with appur- Case 10 10 tenances in Coventre, yielding thii'teen sliillings and four pence per annum, to be held by the said Mayor and community in part satisfaction of a grant, made by the present King's father to the samr Mayor and Community, of Licence to acquire and hold for ever, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, lands, tenements, rents and services to the yearly value of 40£. within the said city and the precinct thereof, towards the support of the burdens of the same city, the aforementioned grant by Henry V. having been made in consideration of the heavy burdens sustained by the Mayor and community in respect to the min-age of their city, and also in consideration of the lact that the Mayor and community neither possessed nor ever had possessed any means for sustaining the murage and other burdeiis of their city, apart from collection imposed upon the poor folk of the same city to their manifest injury, ... ... ... v B 43, 3 Henry VI., February 14th. — Letters of Mandate, adch-essed by the King to the Mayor, Keepers of Peace and bailiffs of the City of Coventre, upon information that a number of youths and men being the servants of tailors and other artificers, working by the day and called " journeymen " of the said city, have combined and held meetings in the Chapel of St. George and elsewhere within the said city, and have presumed without the King's licence to make themselves into a Guild or Fraternity named the Fraternity of St. George of Coventre, and intend to maintain the same Fraternity with collections to be made amongst themselves, and have elected and maintain Masters, clerks and other officers, to the discredit and injury of the Guilds of the Holy Trinity and Coi-pus Christi, and to the injui-y of the whole community of the same City : — Requiring the aforesaid Mayor, Keepers of the Peace, and bailiffs of the same city to make proclamations and order the offenders to desist from holding such meetings, and from maintaining the same unauthorized Guild of St. George or any like fraternities, and to arrest promptly all persons who disregard the said proclamations, and return the names of the principal offenders into the King's Chancery, in order that they may be punished according to their demerits. B 44, 3 Henry VL, September 12th. — Letters Patent of a Pardon to William Dylcok the Master and the brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist of Coventre, of all offences committed by them before the 8th day of December last past. B 45, 5 Henry VI., May 11th. — Letters Patent, dated in consideration of the heavy burdens sustained by the Mayor and Community of Case 10 10 10 29 B 46. Coventre for maintaining the Murage of their city, of Licence to the said Mayor and Comminiity to acquire and hohl lands, tene- ments and lents, &c., to the yearly value of /iiO, in aid of the support of the said town. ... ... ... ... ( -ase 1 1 18 Henry VI., . Letters Patent of Licence to William Donyngton, John Michell and John Whityng chaplain, to grant to the Master and In-ethren of the Guild of our Lord Jesus Christ in the City of Coventre the reversion of four messuages, a mill and a piece of land whereon stands a chapel built in honour of St. George, of the yearly value of forty shillings, which John Cook and his wife Alice hold tor their lives in survivorship, and also of Licence to the Master and brethren of the said Guild to enter upon and hold the said messuages to themselves and their suc- cessors, on the deaths of the aforesaid Lawrence and Alice, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, the said Licence being gi'anted to the said Guild in part satisfaction of the grant, Avhereby Richard II. gave Licence to the Master and brethren of the same Guild to acquire and hold lands to the yearly value of eight marks, for finding a chaplain to celebrate divine rites daily for the souls of the Founders of the said Guild, and of all who have died in the faith. ... ,.. ... ... ... ... ,, 10 B 48. B 47 19 Henry VI., January 25th. — Letters Patent of Inspeximus and Confirmation of the Letters Patent, dated by Henry V. in the first year of his reign, in confirmation of the Letters Patent, whereby Henry IV. in his 8th regnal year granted to the Mayor, bailiffs and community of Coventre and their successors for ever, that no more or other Guilds than those at present existing in Coventre should ever be established or ordained within the said city. 23 Henry VI., July 7th. — Charter of Confirmation of Henry the Second's Charter to the Burgesses of Coventre : With further Grant by Henry VI. to the Mayor bailiffs and community of the town of Coventre, of Licence to hold yearly a fair in the said town for eight days, beginning "die Veneris" next following the Feast of Corpus Christi in each year, as freely and wholly as they have hitherto from ancient time held in the same town a yearly iair for one day, to wit, on the morrow of the Feast of Corpus Christi in each year. B 49. 25 Henry VI., October 21st. — General Pardon to the Master brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary Virgin, St. John the Baptist and St. Katherine the Virgin of Coventre, of all offences committed by them before the 9th day of April last past. 10 II 11 30 12 12 B 50. 12 Edward IV., June 20th — Letters Patent of a Special Pardon to the Mayor, bailiffs and community of the City of Coventre of all offences committed by them before the last day of September, in the said King's 11th regnal year. ... ... ... ... Case 11 B 51. 1 Heniy VII., January 31st. — Letters, under the Sign Manual and Privy Seal, by Henry the Seventh to the Mayor and Justices of the Peace of Coventre : Enjoining the said Mayor and Justices of the Peace to permit no citizen nor inhabitant of their city to be retained by any man, except as "dwellyng servant or his necessarie office accordyng to our lawes and statutes therfore made and ordered." B 52. 1 Henry VII., March 7th. — Letters Patent of General Pardon to the Mayor, bailiffs and community of the town of Coventre of all offences committed by them before November 7th of the said year, B 53. 23 Henry VII., March 3rd. — Letters Patent of Licence to the Master brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist, St. Katherine the Vu-gin of of Coventre, to hold lands, tenements and rents, &c., to the yearly value of 5 0£., the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding, for the support of a chaplain to perform sacred services, prayers and obsequies, and of twelve poor men and one woman, to offer prayers for the King's health so long as he shall be living, and for his soul when he shall have died, and for the good estate of the brethren and sisters of the aforesaid Guild while they shall be living, and for their souls when they shall have died, and especially for the soul of Thomas Bonde late of the City of Coventre, and for the souls of all who have died in the Faith, in a certain chapel and house in a certain place called Bablake in the aforesaid city, now newly built and constructed to the honour of the Holy Trinity. B 54. 23 Henry VII. (?), May 27th. — Letters Patent, addressed to the Sheriffs, of the City of Coventre, embodying a Proclamation to be published at divers places of the said City and County thereof, to inform the people of the differences between English " grotes and double plackes" which are so dipt, w^orn and diminished as not to be rated as good coin, and those " grotes and double plackes " which, although they be in some degree worn, defaced and diminished, are to be rated and accepted by the King's subjects, as good and lawful English money. ... ... ... ... ... Drawer 1. B 55. 1 Henry VIII. — Letters Patent of a General Pardon to the Mayor, baiUffs and community of all offences, committed by them before the 23rd day of April last past. ... ... ... ... Case 13 12 31 B 56. B 57. B 58. 1 Heniy VIII., May 21fct. — Letters Patent of a General Pardon to the Master brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, tlu^ Blessed Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist and St. Katherine the Virgin of Coventre, of all offences committed by the said Guild before the 23rd of April last past. ... 14 Henry VIII., July 11th.— Letters Patent of the Grant for life to the King's well-beloved and faithful Ralph Swillyngton esquire of the office of Steward of the King's lordship or manor of Cheiles- more in the county of the City of Coventre, and of all the King's manors, lands and tenements, &c., within the same county of the same city, and also of the office or offices of Master of the King's Park of Cheilesmore, and of the veneiy of the same park, and Keeper of the King's woods within the aforesaid lordships, manors and lands, &c. 14 Henry VIII., (October 3rd. — Letters dated under the Privy Seal, in which the King promises to repay to the lenders all the divers sums of money advanced to him by way of loan, for the main- tenance of his wars against France and Scotland, by persons of the City of Coventre whose names are set forth in an indented schedule, and whose contributions of money amoimt in the whole to " oone thowsand and nyne poundes thrytten shillinges four penys." B 59. 14 Henry VIII., November 17th. — Letters under the Privy Seal, whereby the said King promises to repay divers sums, amounting in the whole the sum of £'36 G 8, advanced by divers persons of Coventre (whose names are given in an annexed schedule) by way of loan to the said King, for the maintenance of his wars "agaynste Fraimce and Scotland." B 60. 15 Henry VIII., May 19th.— Letters under the Privy Seal, whereby the King promises to repay divers and numerous sums of money (amounting in all to ^150 11 0), advanced to him by way of loan by 194 persons of the City of Coventre, to Avit, persons " haveyng landes and tenementes frome the value of xx£. to the yearly value of xxs., and also that have moveable goodes frome the value of xx£. to the value of fyve powndes within the Cytte of Coventre and presyncte of the same"; the names of the several lenders and the various sums lent by them being set forth in t n annexed schedule. B 61. 16 Henry VIII., April 25th. — Blank Letters of Commission under the Great Seal, appointing some person or persons, whose names do not appear, to levy and gather the moneys granted by the King's Case 13 13 13 13 14 32 B 62. B 63. loving subjects in Coventry " towards the recovery of" the King's " crown and realme of Fraunce and dyvers other domynyons and possessions vyghtefully ajjperteigning within the same" to the said King. 17 Henry VIII., November 6th. — Letters Patent of Mandate, addi-essed to the Mayor and Sheriffs and all right-minded persons of every degi-ee and condition in Coventre to take measures for arresting and bringing to punishment the perverse and ill-disposed persons, who are set on renewing the riotous assemblies and disorderly routs in Coventre against the Mayor, Aldermen and burgesses of the said city, that were recently suppressed by the punishment and correction of divers persons, guilty of taking part in the same disturbances. 28 Henry VIII., May 10th. — Letters Patent of Inspeximus and Confirmation of a Chartei- (stated in the present Letters Patent to liave been dated by Henry V. in his seventeenth regnal year, whereas Henry V. reigned for no more than nine years, Jit'e months and eleven days), granting Licence to the Cutetrs and Fullers of the Guild founded to the honour of the Nativity of Jesus Christ of Coventry to acquire lands, tenements and rents to the yearly value of ten marks, to find a chaplain to celebrate divine rites daily for the souls of the founders of the said Guild and for the souls of all who have died in the faith ; it been stated in the said Charter that the King Henry, who granted the Letters of Licence, did so on the understanding that his progenitor Richard II. had in his time granted Licence to the same Guild, to acquire and hold lands, &c., to the yearly value of eight marks, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstandino-. The curious error as to the date of the original Grant of Licence to acquire and hold lands to the yearly value of ten marks reappears in the Letters Patent of Inspeximus and Confirmation of 8 Elizabeth, June 1st, that is noticed in a later page of this catalogue, and appears from the last named Letters Patent to have figured in the Letters Patent dated by Edward VI. as \\'ell as in the Letters Patent dated by Henry VIII. in confirmation the faulty charter. B 64. of Henry VIII., March 11th. — -Letters Patent, whereby the King- granted to his servant John Hygford, one of the dapifers of the same King's chamber, the office of bailiff of the Manor of Chellys- more in the county of the City of Coventre, and the Keepershij) of the said manor, and the place of Keeper of the park of Chellys- more, to have and enjoy the same offices with all the wages, fees Case 14 14 14 33 and perquisites pertaining to them for the term of his life, from the time when the same offices shall become vacant and revert to the King's hands by the death or retirement or forfeiture of John Dyngley, one of the dapifers of the aforesaid chamber, to whom the same offices were granted for life by Letters Patent, dated by the same King on 6th February in the 15th year of his reign. ... Case 14 B 65. 31 Henry VIII., February 20th. Lease for twenty-one years at a yearly rent of £4 14s. 4d., by the said King to Henry Over, of an orchard called " le greate Orchard " containing eight acres, lying without the precinct of the late Prioiy or Cathedral Church in Coventre recently dissolved, and another orchard called " le lytle orchard " containing two acres and a rood, late in the hands of the same Priory or Cathedral Church, and a piece of standing water called " the Swannes poole " and containing an acre, and another piece of still water called " Newe Poole " containing an acre, which orchards and pools formerly belonged to the said late Priory or Cathedral Church ; the Lease being granted on the advice of the Council of the Court of Augmentations of the Revenues of the Crown. 25 B 66. 33 Henry VIII., June 26th. Lease for twenty-one years, at a yearly rent of forty-one shillings and eight pence, of two tenements, two gardens, two orchards, two crofts of arable land and six acres of pasture in Stoke, Wyken and Biggen in the county of the city of Coventre, called Biggeucroft &c., late belonging to the now dissolved Priory or Cathedral Church of Coventre, by the said Lord the King Henry VIII. to " Hugh Wyatt of London mynsterell ; " the said lease being granted at the advice of the Council of the Court of Augmentations of the revenues of the King's Crown. B 67. 34 Henry VIII. , August 20th. Letters under the Privy Seal, by the said King to the " Chamberers," i.e. the Chamberlains of the City of Coventre : commanding them in vehement and strenuous terms to pay forthwith, under a penalty of 100£ in case of further remissness, the sum of twelve shillings of arrears of rent, issuing from a tenement in Wellestret in Coventre, to the Receiver of the " Revenues of thaugmentacions of our Crowne in our Countie of Warwick." Drawer 1 Case 14 B 68. 36 Henry VIIL, February 12th. General Pardon for all offences to the Mayor, sheriffs, bailiffs and community of the City of Coventry. 15 34 B 69. B70. B71. B72. B73. B 74. 38 Henry VIII., May 16th. Letters Patent of Commission, addressed to John Hertford mayor of the City of Coventre, Sir George Throgmarton (sic) knt., and Sir Fulke Grevyle knt. ; appointing the addressees to be commissioners to confer with the King's subjects in Coventre, and to take needful steps for raising in the said city a contribution towards the aid and reUef of the King, in his need to resist and repel his enemy, the King of the French. Henry VIII. Letters under the Privy Seal by the said King to the Sheriffs of the City of Coventre ; Requiring them, under a penalty of 500£. in case of remissness on their part, to appear forthwith personally before Sir Robert Southwell knt. and Bartholomew Westby one of the Barons of the said King's Exchequer at West- minster, as well to pay 200£ due to the same King for the fee- farm of the town of Coventre, as to account for the arrears of the same Henry VIII., July 9th. Letters of Mandate under the Privy Seal, addressed to certain persons, whose names do not appear in the letters : Requiring the said pereons to make enquiry touching the truth and justice of the complaint of William Coke against one Richard Marlowe, set forth in an accompanying Bill and Answer, and to certify the King and his Council of the truth of the matter. 1 Edward VI., May 8th. Letters Patent of a Lease for twenty-one years, at a yearly rent of forty-four shillings of lawful money of England, of the Little Park of Cheilsmore (" totum illud clausum terre nostrum vocatum the litle Fark .jacens et exlstens in comitatu Warr' ac parcellam manerii de Chelismore in eodem comitatu Warr', quodquidem manerium est parcella terrarum et possessionum ducatus nostri Cornubie,") by the said King to William Wightman gentleman 2 Edward VI., December 13th, Letters Patent of the Grant, to the Mayor bailiffs and community of the City of Coventre, of the church of Bablacke in the said city and the campanile and cemetery of the said church, to have and to hold the same of the said King his heirs and successors by the service of one penny yearly in free burgage : With further Grant to the same Mayor bailiffs and community of the issues, rents, revenues and profits of the same church, and of the bells, lead, iron, glass, jewels and ornaments belonging to the same church 6 Edward VI., March 10th. Lease for twenty-one years, dated by the said King, at a yearly rent of fifty-thi'ee shillings and four pence, of a messuage and tenement in Earl Strete, late in the Case 15 13 15 15 15 35 occupation of Alice Enderby, and now in the tenure of William Enderby, and another messuage or tenement in the tenure of William Herdy, to the said William Enderby. 6 Edward VI., September 18th. Letters Patent of a grant (made in consideration of a payment of £1,31.') 1 8) in fee-farm tor ever to the Mayor bailiffs and community of the City of Coventre and their successors, of a large number of messuages, lands, tenements and rents, &c., formerly belonging to the late Guilds of Corpus Christi and St. Trinity of Coventre, and messuages, tenements and rents, &c , formerly pertaining to divers Chantries in the same city, and of divers rents and moneys heretofore held in trust for the celebration of yearly Obites in Coventre or elsewhere, for 1 he souls of deceased persons : To be held by the aforesaid Mayor and bailiffs and community of the said King his heirs and successors as of the manor of Greenwich co. Kent, at a yearly rent of 90^. 1 Elizabeth, June 1st. Letters Patent of Inspeximus and Confirmation of Edward the Sixth's Letters Patent of Laspeximus of the Letters Patent, whereby Henry VIII. in his 28th year inspected and confirmed a Charter, giving Licence to the Cutters and Fullers of the Guild of the Nativity of Jesus Christ in Coventre, to hold lands and tenements and rents to the yearly value of ten marks, in order to find a chaplain, &c. — N.B. In these Letters Patent reappears the error of the draughtsman who, in Letters Patent of 10th March, 28 Henry VLIL, represented that the Charter of Licence was a Charter " Henrici Quinti," and was dated in the 17th I'egnal year of Henry v., who did not live to complete his 10th regnal year 10 Elizabeth, March 22nd. Letters Patent for the regulation and encouragement in Coventre of the manufacture of two sorts of woolen cloths commonly called Ulterfynes and Cromple Lysts, now usually made at Armentiers in Flaunders : It being granted, during pleasure, that no other person or persons than the Mayor bailiffs and community of Coventre, and such other persons in Coventre as are appointed by virtue of the same Letters Patent shall be allowed in England, or in any other of the Queen's dominions to make or cause to be made " any of the said sort of clothes called Ulterfynes or Croraplelystes or any other Wollen Clothes lyke thereunto." In connection with these Letters Patent, mention may be made of a remarkable Indenture (put away in the Muniment Room with the " Miscellaneous Matters " ) made on the same day between Queen Elizabeth of the one part and the Mayor bailiffs and community of Coventre of the other part, for the more Case 1 5 16 17 36 precise regulation of the manufacture of and trade In the same Ulterfyne or Utterfyne clothes and Cromple Lists : containing orders for the breadth, length, weight, and quality of the several pieces of the same cloths, and settling the penalties and punish- ments to be inflicted on manufacturers and dealers who disobey the same orders. B 78. 11 Elizabeth, July 18th. Letters Patent of Commission, addressed to Ambrose Earle of Warwlcke, Robert Earle of Leycester, Sir Robert Throkmorton knt.. Sir William Wlgston knt.. Sir Thomas Lucie knt., Sir William Devereux knt , and Clemente Throkmorton and John Fisher of Pakington esquires : Directing the addressees to associate the Mayor of the City of Coventre for the time being with themselves, for the execution of a commission to enquire respecting all ofiences, committed since the 5th of April last past against the laws for maynteynlng of horses and the provision of armour and weapons, and to take muster of the able men of Warwickshire. B 79 14 Elizabeth, July 12th. Letters patent, granted at the request of Robert Earl of Leicestre, for the reparation and maintenance of the Hospital of Bablake within the City of Coventrie, of Licence to the Mayor bailiffs and community of the said city to acquire and hold manors, messuages, lands and tenements to the yearly value of 100£, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstanding. B 80. 15 Elizabeth, April 24th. Letters Patent of Commission of Array, appointing Robert Earl of Leicestre, the Mayor of the City of Coventre for the time being. Sir Fulke Grevlll knt.. Sir William Wlgston knt., Edward Egllonby esq., Thomas Rylay, Edward Damperd, Thomas Dudley, Richard Smythe and Henry Kirden aldermen of the said city to be Commissioners of Array, To muster and drill all the men-at-arms above sixteen and under sixty years of age in the City of Coventre, as well horse as foot, archers and sclopetaril {i.e., soldiers armed with arquebuses or carbines) and to Instruct in military duty all the youths and men hitherto ignorant of military affairs in the said city. — Attached to this commission appears in English, " A dlreccion for the Commissioners for the musters in the Citle of Coventrie, howe they shall precede in the execution of the said Commission." B 81. 17 Elizabeth, June 22nd. Letters Patent of Inspeximus of certain Letters Patent, dated on 11th November 15 Elizabeth, of a Commission to Edwarde Holte esq., Humfrey Ferrers esq., Edward Egllonby esq. and Arthur Gregory gentleman, the Queen's feodary in the county of Warwick, Appointing them Case 1 7 18 17 18 37 to enquire and ascertain by the oaths of good and loyal men, of what lands and tenements John Nethermyll, late an alderman of the City of Coventre, held on the day of his death, and to return their inquisition into Chancery for the Queen's information ; with Inspeximus of the Inquisition, dated on 9th May, 17 Elizabeth, whereby the Commissioners certified that on the day of his death the said John Nethermyll was seised in his own demesne as of fee of and in the Manor of Eccleshale with its appurtenances in Eccleshale and Folleshill co. Coventre, and also of four messuages, three hundred acres of arable land, one hundred acres of meadow, two hundred acres ot pasture, four hundred acres of wood, and one hundred acres of scrub and briery, and of ten librates and six solidates of i-ent with their appurtenances in Eccleshale and FoUeshull aforesaid, and that the said manor, four messuages and other premises m Eccleshale and FolleshuU aforesaid are held and at the time of the said John Nethermylle's death were held of the Mayor bailiffs and community of the City of Coventre, as of the manor of Chellesmore, otherwise called their Manor of Coventre &c. B 82. 19 Elizabeth, May 31st. Letters Patent of Commission of Array addressed to Robert Earl of Leicestre, the Mayor of Coventre for the time being, Sir Fulke Greville knt., Sir William Wigston bart, Edward Egliambye (sic) esq., Thomas Ryley, Edward Damperde and Thomas Dudley aldermen of the said city to be Commissioners for mustering, arraying and inspecting and drilling all the men at arms, horse and foot, archers and sclopetarii (to wit, soldiers armed with arquebuses or carbines) and all other able men within the City of Coventre, &c. B 83. 40 Elizabeth, October 30th. Letters Patent of a Grant to Richard Butler, in consideration of thirty-three shillings and four pence paid by the grantee, of Licence to sell, alienate and convey to John Stapleton esq. for ever, a messuage with a dovecote, a garden, an orchard, acres of pasture, an acre of wood, two acres of arable land, &c., in the oity and county of the city of Coventre. B 84. 7 James I., July 15th. Letters Patent of a Grant for ever (made in consideration of a sum of 100£ paid to the King by the grantees) to Edward Stapleton esq., Henry Sewall of Coven trie draper and Hnmfrey Wightwick of the same city grocer and their heirs and assigns, of the Almeshouse in Bablacke built by Thomas Bonde and the chapel and chamber adjoining the same Almeshouse, and of a close of pasture called Hickfield in Goundou co. Warwick, and of lands tenements and x-ents &c. in Old Fillonghley, Newe Fillonghly, Corley, Alspade and Merelbrookes co. Warwick, and of Case 19 18 18 38 a messuage called the Moate House in Spoonestreete in Coventrie, and of divers other lands and tenements &c. in Coventrie and elsewhere. ... ... ... ... ... ... Case 1& B 85. 2 Charles I., October 11th. Letters Patent of a Commission, for raising a loan in the City and County of the City of Coventry ; Appointing WiUiam Ear] of Northampton, Robert Earl of Mon- mouth, Foulke Lord Brooke and the Mayor and aldermen of Coventry to be Commissioners for the said purpose. ... ... „ 19 B 86. 18 Charles I., April 4th. Letters Patent of Commission and Mandate, Appointing the Mayor of Coventre for the time being, and Henry Million, John Clarke, Thomas Ward, William Jetfyn and John Baker, aldermen of the said city, and John Hales and Richard Greene esquires and Thomas Basnett to be commissioners for levying a proportion, and Requiring them to levy the same proportion of the money voted by the present parliament by an annexed Statute, entitled " An Act for the raisemg and levyinge of moneyes for the necessary defence and great affaires of the kingdomes of England and Ireland and for the payment of debt undertaken by the Parliament," And further Requiring the sheriffs of the said city to aid in every way the said Commissioners to execute their commission. ... ... ... ... „ 20 B 87. 15 Charles II., July 6th. Letters Patent dated by King Charles the Second to the Mayor bailiffs and community of the city and county of the city of Coventre, for the reconstitution of the Corporation ; With Inspeximus and Confirmation of Charters dated by previous sovereigns, to wit, James I., Elizabeth, Mary, Edward VI., Henry VIIL, Henry VII., Edward IV., Henry VI., Henry IV., Richard II., Edward III., Edward II., Henry III., Henry II. ... ... ... ... ... ... „ 20 B 68. 35 Charles II., October 31st. Letters Patent of Concessions and Ordi- nances for the better government of the Borough and City of Coventre. ... ... ... ... ... ... „ 21 B 89. 6 William IV., March 7th. Letters Patent of a Grant to the Mayor aldermen and burgesses of the Borough of Coventry ; Granting that " a separate Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace shall henceforth continue to be holden in and for " the said " Borough according to the provisions " of an Act of Parliament passed in the said year of the said King's reign and entitled " An Act to ju'ovide for the regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales." ... ... ... ... ... ... ,, 22 ///. Deeds : — Grants for ever. Quitclaims, Leases for life or lives in Survivorship, Leases for terms of years, Agreements, Obligatoiy Bonds, Powers of Attorney, &c., &c. (a) LABELLED WRITINGS. C L C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. Deed of Sale and quitclaim by Vincent the son of Reginald Kempe to Robert the son of Roger de Cornlegh of a rent of twelve pence, which William Le Knave used to pay yearly to the said Vincent, from land which the Knave held of the same Vincent. Gift for ever of a yearly rent of four pence issuing from a shop in Coventre, and of a meadow in Spanne Field, at a yearly rent to the grantor and his heirs of a clove, by Adam Haldeyn to John de Lodelawe. Gift for ever of a pasture (pastura mea de Sponnd Commun) by John Le Flecher, with the assent of his wife Alice, to Philipp de Winchcumba. Gift for ever of a piece of land with the buildings upon it in Stoke, by Robert Stony of Stoke to Walter Hakon. Release and Quitclaim, in respect to a yearly rent of twelve pence issuing from a tenement in Sponn Street in Coventre, by Gerard de Allispack to Robert de Hanneley and his heirs. Gift for ever of a curtilage in Sponne Street in Coventre, with the houses thereon, by Thomas Hayldoyn to Robert de Kanneley of Coventre. Gift for ever, at a yearly rent of a pair of gloves " de precio unius oboli," by Walter the son of Atherard the Painter of Coventre to John the son of William the Painter " in liberum maritagium cum Wyinarkia filia Galfridi zonarii," of a piece of land in the street of Cheylismor in Coventre. Gift for ever of a messuage in the Upper Park Street (" in superiori vico parci de Coventre ") by Christiana de Milnehale in her virginity and lawful power to Geoffrey Le Luffe of Coventre. Case 23 Drawer 2 2 2 Case 22 Drawer 2 40 C 9. 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. C 18. 19. Gift in almoiae for ever of a meadow within and without the foss in the town of Sowe, by Walter the son of Symon the clerk of Sowe to William the Prior of Coventre and the monks serving God there. Quitclaim in respect to a messuage in Spanne Street in Coventre, by Agnes the daughter of Haylward the tanner to Hugh the son of Richard the son of Agnes. Gift for ever of a messuage in Spanne Street in Coventre by Walter le Marescal of Warewyk, with the consent of his wife Agnes, to Hugh the son of Richard the son of Agnes. ■ Gift for ever of a meadow called " Enedemedwe" by Robert le Busservile to John de Hwttele. Gift for ever of a piece of land in Goseforde Street in Coventre, by Henry the son of William Pie to Alexander de Gloverina. Gift by way of a marriage-portion, of a piece of land in Sponne Street in Coventre, to Matilda the daughter of Elias Le Waffrer and her affianced husband, Thomas the son of Thomas the mason of Coventre, and the heirs issuing from the same bride and bride-groom, by William the Chaplain (son of Roger Le Waffrer of Coventre) the uncle of the aforesaid Matilda. Gift of sixteen denarates of yearly rent, issuing from a croft in Coventre, by Godfrey the son of Alwin to William the son of Simon the Baker ; a yearly rent of four silver pence being reserved to the said Godfrey and his heirs. Grant by Adam de Kinesbure of one half of his curtilage without Gosford, at a yearly rent of four shillings, to Roger de Bulbenhall and his heirs. Grant in perpetual fee-farm, at a yearly rent of twelve silver pence, of a piece of land with a house upon it in Lesser Park Street outside the bar (extra barram), by to. Grant in perpetual fee-farm, at a yearly rent of five shillings of silver, of a curtilage with a garden in Coventre, by Alexander the Vintner of Coventre to Henry Oky and his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim, in respect to a piece of land in Coventre, by Matilda formerly the wife of Henry Beket in her pure widowhood to John de Wytele cook. Case 22 „ 22 „ 22 ., 22 .. 22 Drawer 1 41 C20. C 21. C22. Acknowledgment and undertaking by Symon Cliatel of Cundelin, that in consideration of a grant ot certain land in the town of Cundeline made to him and hia heirs or assigns by the Prior and Convent of Coventre, at a yearly rent of forty silver pence, that he and his heirs or assigns will make two journeys in each year to the church of same Prior and Convent, for view of Frankpledge. Sale and quitclaim of a curtilage with a barn in Earl's Street in Coventre, by Thomas the son of Ossebert Durdeut of Coventre to Peter Walence of the same place, to have and hold the same for ever of William de Bilney and his heirs, at a yearly rent of two shillings of silver. Grant in pure and perpetual almolne, for the health of the grantor's soul and of the souls of his grandfather Robert Scot and his father Ralph, of land in Aylwardesick near Whytemor and of land and rents in (/oventre, by William Le Scot to the Lord William the Prior of Coventre and the convent of the same place and their successors. Drawer 2 C 23. Quitclaim lor ever, made in consideration of a payment of twenty shillings sterling, by Roger de Burtigburi to Alexander the Vintner of Coventre, in respect to a messuage between " Littleparkstreth " on the one part and the land of Richard Le Coupe on the other part. C 24. Gift for ever of a yearly rent of twenty pence, issuing from a tenement in Stoke, by Richard de St. James in Coventre to Robert de Stoke and his heirs. C 25. C 26. C 27. Gift of seven selliones of land in Stoke " in le Hokemllfeld " and a yearly rent of eleven pence, issuing from a tenement and messuage in Coventre, by William Blauuchinal to Robert de Stokes and his heirs. Acknowledgment by Richard de Willowe, vicar of the Church of St. Michael of Coventre, that he and his successors have received of the Prior and Convent of Coventre a grant in fee-farm of a croft in Kunduline for ever, at a yearly rent of two silver shillings. Lease for life and for twenty years of lands and tenements in Counduline, by John the son of John de Canleye of Sty vechale to Symon Reynale, at a rent of four shillings. Case 22 42 C 28. C 29. C 30. C 31. C 32. C 33. C 34. C 35. C-36. C37. C 39. Quitclaim in respect to a messuage and a virgate of arable land in Cesterton by Robert Raysun to Gydon de Tyllelt. Gift for ever of twenty-two denarates of rent issuing out of two tenements in Coventre, by Margery the widow of Robert de Lodelowe to Robert de Stoke and his wife Joan. Gift of a toft and an acre of arable land in the territory of Sponn, by Alice the daughter of William de Sponn to Symon de Lymeseye and his heirs, and to any to whom he may assign the same " preterquam domui religiose." Sale and quitclaim for ever of land in Fountain Street by Hugh de Arraz to William Corduarius. Quitclaim by the widow Havyse, daughter of William the Palmer, to John de Kendale and his wife Isabella in respect to a messuage in Sponnestret in Coventre. Gift in fee-farm, at a yearly rent of twelve silver pence, of a piece of land lying outside Gosford, by Brunus Loccarius to Ralph de Grantham. Quitclaim, made in consideration of a payment of half-a-mark of silver, in respect to a messuage in Whitele and ten acres of arable land in the fields of Whitele, by Roger the son of Ormus to his 1 -roth er Adam and the heirs of the same Adam. Gift of a piece of land in Gosseford Street in Coventre by Pagan Pake to Henry the son of Henry le Guldineti'e and his heirs. Gift for ever of a curtilage in Spon Street in Coventre, by Osbert the son of Jordan the Miller to Symon King. Sale and quitclaim of certain land in Park Street in Covintre, by William Blod to Richard de Bluke, his heirs and assigns. — — — Gift for ever, at a yearly rent of a clove to the gi-antor and his heirs, of a meadow in Coventre near the mills, called the " the Altegeder Milnys " by Robert de Lodelowe to Alexander the vintner of Coventre and his heirs. Gift by Sir Thomas Arderne knt. " dominus de Rottel " of all his rents in Stoke, Radeford, Cundoline and Coventre, with all homages and services thereto appertaining, to Master Guy de Tyllebrok and his heirs. Case 22 Drawer 2 Case 22 Drawer 2 Case 22 Drawer 2 43 C 40. 41. C 42. C 43. C 44. 45. C 46. O 47. C 48. C 49. O 50. Deed of Gift for ever, by Robert de Eton to his daughter Felicia, of a piece of land with a building upon it in the Market of Coventre, where cloth is sold. Gift in pex'petual almoine of two solidates of yearly rent, issuing from lands in Cundeline and CrowenhuU, by Ilichard Burser of Coventre to William the Prior of Coventre and the monks there serving God, and especially to their Refectorarius. Gift in fee-farm, at a yearly rent of four pence, of a piece of land in Bishop's Street in Coventre by Amilia the daughter of Herbert, to Richard the son of " Hery de Fonte." Gift for ever of two solidates of yearly rent, issuing from a messuage in the Greater Park Street by Adam " le La toner " of Coventre to Geoffrey Le Lef of Coventre. Gift for ever of lands and tenements, rents and reversions, &c. in the town and fields of Coventre by Thomas de Leghtoun of Coventre to the Lady Agnes Hauberch of Schaldeforde. Gift for ever of a yearly rent of twenty-eight shillings, issuing from land in the territory of Harnhale, by Philipp Barbe of Averil to his brother Thomas. Gift of a piece of land in Gosford Street in Covintre, by Reginald de Calisby, burgess of Covintre, to his son Symon and the same Symon's heirs. Gift for ever of a curtilage in HuUe Street in Coventre, by William Seleth of Coventre clerk to John de Hales of Coventre dyer and his Margaret. Sale and quitclaim of certain land in Coventre, by Beterice the widow of William Bochart to William the son of Symon the Baker of Coventre. Gift for ever of land with a building upon it in Sponne Street in Coventre, by Henry the son of Thomas the weaver of Coventre to Beatrice the daughter of Adam de Kiderminster, the grantor's sister. Quitclaim in respect to certain land with houses upon it in Earl Street in Coventre, by Margery the widow of Ralph le Turner of Gloucestre to Henry the Baker and Adam Russel and their wives Agnes and Alice. Drawer 2 Case 22 22 Drawer 2 Case 22 44 C 51. C 52. C 53. C 54. C 55. C 5G. C 57. C 58. Gift for ever of a curtilage in Lesser Park Street in Co ventre and of rents issuing from tenements in the said town, by Basilia, the daughter of Nicholas Bokervile of Coventre, in her pure widowhood, to John the son of Walter Sweteman " le Combere." Gift of a stall with its appurtenances in the market of Drawer 2 Coventre, at a yearly rent of a clove to the grantor, and a rent of nine silver pence to be paid to the High Altar of the Blessed Mary ot Coventre, by Simon " le Botmonger " to Richard de Fonte. Gift of fifteen "seliones" of arable land in the town of Harnhale, at a yearly rent of eight pence, by William Underwode, formerly the son of Stephen Strownt of Harnhale, to William Huttyg of Coventre and his heirs. Gift by the widow Margery Pake, formerly the wife of Pagan Pake of Coventre, to her son William his heirs and assigns of certain tenements in Coventre, which descended to the said Margery by inheritance, after the death of her uncle Master Richard the Vintner. Grant of a piece of land near the Broad Gate, at a yearly rent of four silver shillings, by Hugh the son of Martin to Richard Meu and his heirs. Gift in perpetual almoine, for the health of the donor's soul and the welfare of the souls of his ancestors and heirs, ot a messuage and divers lands and tenements in Sowe with all things appertain- ing to them, by Peter de Blocksley clerk to God and the Church of the Blessed Mary of Coventre and to Henry the Prior of the said place, and the Monks there serving God. — Also, a duplicate deed of the same Grant. Release and Quitclaim for ever, made in consideration of a payment of twenty shillings of silver, in respect of one half of a certain messuage with appurtenances in Park Street (in vice parcl) in Coventre, by Hugh Le Bretun of Coventre to Thomas de Fakinham of Coventre. Gift for ever in pure almoine, for the welfare of the grantor's soul and the souls of his ancestors, of a messuage and piece of land outside the toAvn of Coventre, and a piece of land in the moor of Wytemor, by Peter the son of Gilbert de Blockeleye to God and the Blessed Mary of Coventre, and to Henry the Prior, and the Monks there serving God and their successors. Case 22 Drawer 2 45 C 59. — Gift by William the son of Hugh " locar' " of Coventre of two shops in Earl's Street towards Goseford to Symon Pymme upon his free marriage with the grantor's sister Alice (" in liberum maritagium cum Alicia sorore mea"); a yearly rent of twelve silver pence being reserved to the grantor and his heirs. C 60. — Quitclaim, made in her jrare widowhood by Alice formerly the wife of Roger Gardiner of Coventre to God and the Church of the Blessed Mary of Coventre, and to the Prior and Monks there serving God, in respect to her dower in lands in the territory of Harnhal formerly pertaining to her said husband, and also in respect to rents in Coventry which he sold to the said Prior and Monks. Drawer 2 C 61. Gift by Richard " le brochere " of Coventre of a piece of land with houses upon it in Earl's Street, which extends from the King's highway to the Castle Ditch (" extendit se a Via Regia usque ad fossatum quod vocatur le Casteldich) and a curtilage to Jolm de Rydewale on his free marriage with the grantor's daughter Margery, to have and hold the said land and curtilage to the same John and Margery and their lawfully begotten heirs from the body of the said Margery (" dictis Johanni et Margerie et heredibus a corpore dicte Margerie legitime procreatis "). C 62. Gift in pure and perpetual almolue, for the welfare of the soul of the gi'antor and the souls of his M'ife and ancestors and successors of a messuage at Spaini (" ad Spannam ") in Coventre, with its buildings, garden, dove-house and curtilage, and of a croft above the garden called " Statherscroft," and of another croft called " Cristescroft," extending from the aforementioned croft to " Dedelone," and of eight " seyliones " of arable land in the field of Spanne, and of five other " seyliones" in the same field, and of an enclosed meadow in the same field, and of the meadow which the gi-antor bought of William Payn, with an annexed place which the grantor had of the Prior of Coventre, and of the oven which the grantor bought of Richard de Wygorn' in " Cheilesmor Lone" with its buildings rents and appurtenances, by Philipp de Winclie- cumb to God and the church of the Blessed Mary of Coventre, and to William the Prior and the convent of the same place, and their successors. C 63. Henry III., 1239 A.D. Lease for twelve years of a piece of land with houses upon it in Fountain Street in Coventre, by Adam the son of Andrew of Coventre to Alexander de Ruton. Case 22 46 € 64. C 65. Henry III., 1240 A.D. Gift for ever of a piece of land beyond Gosseforde in the town of Coventre, by Philip le Aimer to Hugh Pipe. Henry III., 1256 A.D. Agreement made by Philip de Winchecumbe of the one part and John le Flecher of the other, For the determina- tion of their discord respecting certain common pasture m the fields of Sponn. C66. C 67. Henry III., 1257 A.D. Lease for five years of a piece of land in Bishop's Street in Coventre, by William the son of Piobert le Redeknave to Hawise the widow of Robert de Feugere of Coventre. C 68. C 69. C 70. C 71. € 72. 41 Henry III. Gift for ever by William the son of Robert le Redeknave of Coventre to Richard the son of William the Weaver of a piece of land with a house upon it in Bishop's street in Coventre, which land Hawisia, formerly the wife of Adam Le Redeknave, held of the grantor in the name of dower : The witnesses of the deed being Ricardus de Bokvill then bailiff " ex parte Comitis," William Lewin then bailiff " ex parte Prioris," John Lysner, Richard de Fonte, Roger Molendarius, Alexander de Gloveruia, John le Blund, John Yngeram, Hugh le Bretun clei k and others. 18 Edward I. Gift for ever of a mill in the manor of Shettle called the Bussete MUle with all easements &c. pertaining to the same mill, by Hugh de Vienna clerk to John de Langele and Richard de Nora merchants of Coventre. 19 Edward I. Release and quitclaim, in respect to a messuage in Earl's Street in Coventre, by Richard Le Bouldere and his wife Mary, daughter of Ralph de Stuvechale to Richard de la Muyre of Coventre merchant. 22 Edward I. Gift for ever of a tenement in the Greater Park Street, by Geoffrey Le Lek of Coventre to John Le Ken and Hugh de Meriton of Coventre merchants. 22 Edward I. Lease for six years, at a yearly rent of nine pence and one half-penny, of a part of the lessor's land towards Wyteraor, by Susan the widow of William Hornewod to the Prior of Coventre. 23 Edward I. Gift for ever by Henry Le Marchal of Coventre and his wife Matilda of a pai't of their tenement towards the Broad Gate in Coventre to Symon de Coleshul. Case 22 22 22 22 Drawer 2 47 C 73. 23 Edward I. Gift for ever of a yearly rent of eleven pence of silver, issuing i'rom a tenement in Greater l*ark Street, by William del Blaunchenal of Stoke and his wife Isabel to Robert de Stoke. Drawer 2 C 74. 25 Edward I. Gift for ever of two solidates of yearly rent, issuing from a messuage in Greater Park Street in Coventre, by Geoffrey le Lek to Adam le Latoner. C 75. 25 Edward I. Release and quitclaim, in respect to certain land in Stokes in Le Hokenylefelt, to wit, eighty " selliones " of land, by Isabel widow of William Blanchynal of Stokes to Robert de Stokes and his wife Joan. C 76. 25 Edward I. Gift for ever of a piece of land with its appurtenances in the Lesser Park Street in Coventre by John Holoway the miller to John le Wedon the Brewer ; the grantor's circular seal, attached to the deed, bearing on its margin the legend " IHS. Molendarius." C 77. 27 Edward I. Gift for ever of a virgate of a meadow in Stoke, by Geoffrey Scorchevile of Stoke to William Arthingworth of Coventre merchant. C 78. C 79. 27 P^dward I. Grant for lives in survivorship, by Joan formerly the wife of John Corvyn of Stokes to Robert de Stokes and his wife Joan, of rents and services issuing from tenements in Coventre, and also of all liberties commodities and easements which the grantor has, had or was able to have in Coventre after the deatli of her ancestor, PhilipjD of Barbedaueryl. 28 Edward I. Quitclaim for ever by Margery the daughter of Robert Herbert of Coventre in her pure widowhood to John de Hales of Coventre dyer and his wife Margaret, in respect to a piece of land lying near the highway leading from Coventre towards Harnhale " inter terram hospitalis Sancti Johannis de Coventre et terram Johannis le Gaunter ex una parte et terram domini Prioris et Conventus de Coventre que vocatur gardinerescroft." ... C 80. 1301. Gift by Ralph de Helgrave in Coventre to William de Shepeye of Coventre merchant, of a yearly rent of twelve pence, issuing from a messuage in Gosseforde Street. C 81. 30 Edward I. Gift for ever of a piece of land in the Greater Park Street of Coventre, by William le Glawrihte to Hugh de Meryton. Case 23 Drawer 2 Case 23 48 C82. 30 Edward I. Gift for ever by Matilda formerly the wife of William de Naylistone of Coventre, in her widowhood and full power, to Robert de Stokes and his wife Joan, of all the messuage land and rent, which the grantor recovered against them in the Court of the Lord the King " per breve de ingressu." CSS. C84. C85. C86. C 87. C8B. 31 Edward I. Gift for ever of a third part of a messuage in Earl's Street in Coventre, by John Pat and his wife Alice to William de Schepeye of Coventre merchant. 31 Edward I. Gift for ever of a curtilage in Cheylesmor Lane in Coventre, by John the son of William the Painter of Coventre to William de Metingham of Coventre merchant and his wife Matilda. 32 Edward I. Gift for ever of certain lands in the fields called Pody- croft and Schocherefeld in Coventre, and three yearly rents issuing from as many tenements in Coventre, by Alice formerly the wife of Henry de Alscote, in her pure widowhood, to John de Langbene and Henry de Raynyre of Coventre merchants. 1306. Quitclaim by Alice, the widow of John de Chylton of Coventre, to Henry the Prior and the Convent of Coventre, in respect to any right or claim she may have by way of dower in a tenement called " Benfirlond." 35 Edward I. Lease for life by Felicia Cause and her son Thomas de Dufton to Thomas le Wardur (?) of Coventre of a messuage in Sponne Street, at a yearly rent of four pence for ten years and afterwards at a yearly rent of six shillings. 35 Edward I. Gift in perpetual almoine of the donor's third part of WodenmUnebeye, with his meadow in Wykene, and his twelve denarates of yearly rent issuing from a virgate of land in the territory of Coventre towards Cunduline, by Peter de Blockele clerk to Henry the Prior and the Convent of the Church of St. Mary of Coventre, and especially to the Sacristan of the said Church. C89. C 90. — Release and quitclaim by Adam the son of Hugh Le Purser to Robert de Kenneleye, in respect to a piece of land in Spone Street in Coventre. 1307. Gift for ever of a yearly rent of ten shillings of silver issuing from a cellar in Eai'l's Street in Coventre by John the son of Adam Clerk to Henry the baker of Coventre. Drawer 2 49 C91. 92. 93. C94. C 95. C 96. C97 C 98. C 99. C 100. 2 Edward II. Quitclaim in respect to a yf^arly rent of twelve pence issuing from a tenement in the Greater Park Street in Coventre, by Alice the daughter of Benedict " le Cotiler" of Coventre, formerly the wife of John de Todenham, to John de Ricon. 2 Edward II. Agreement between Robert de Stoke and Henry Bagot, both of Coventre, for the conditional surrender by the said Robert to the said Henry of a yearly rent of four shillings and tenpence, part of a certain rent issuing from lands and tenements in the town of Harenhale near Coventre. ... ' 3 Edward II. Quitclaim for ever, by John the son of John le Bolyngere to Peter Barun of Coventre, in respect to a messuage in Coventre, lying " in vico ubi pulteria venditur versus portam Prioratus." . . . 5 Edward II. Gift for ever of a messuage in Smytheford-street in Coventre, by Alice the widow of Thomas Haldeyn of Coventre in her pure widowhood to Richard the Spicer and his wife Agnes. ... 7 Edward II. Lease for lives in survi%'orship, by John de Wyteley of Radeford to Richard le Couper of Coventre butcher and his wife Alice, of a place of pasture called Enedmere in the territory of Radeford, at a yearly rent of a rose for sixteen years, and after- wards at a yearly rent of forty shillings of silver. 9 Edward II. Gift for ever of a messuage in the Greater Park Street of Coventre, by Matilda formerly the wife of John Le Longe, of Coventre, in her pure widowhood to Roger Sweyn merchant. 9 Edward IT. Gift for ever of a messuage in the Greater Park Sti'eet, by William " Le Glasrugihe" of Coventre and Emma his wife to Roger de Bray of Coventre and his wife Emma. Edward II. Gift for ever of a tenement William de Metyngham of Coventre merchant. in Cheilesmorlane, by to Robert de Gartone Drawer 2 10 Edward 11. Quitclaim, by Felicia formerly the wife of Richard de Cundona of Coventry in her pure widowhood, to Robert de Garton merchant, of all her claim and title to a tenement in Cheilesmorlane in Coven ti'e. 10 Edward II. Agreement between Robert de London of Coventre chaplain, Roger Dayseye and his wife Matilda of the one part, and Walter de Norton of Coventre cook and his wife Amice and Richard the first-born son of the same Walter on the other part, whereby the said Robert, Roger and Matilda granted and Case 2 a Drawer 2 2- 50 ClOl. (;io2. C103. C104. CIO 0. C ] OG. C107. conveyed for life in survivorship to the said Walter, Amice and Richard an annual rent of ten shillings and sixpence issuing from a tenement in Cheilesmorlane in Coventre, and also granted and conveyed to the same Walter, A mice and Richard the same tene- ment for their lives in survivorship from and after the death of Richard de Wygorn' chaplain, who holds the same tenement for the term of his life. 10 Edward II. Lease for life of a croft in Bobynhul, lying between the highway and the garden of the rector of the church of Bobynhul, by Richard Quocus of Bobynhul to John de Lyndeseye of Bobynhul, to have and hold the said croft iree of rent for eight years, and on the expiration of the said term of eight years, at a yearly rental of forty shillings. 10 Edward II. Lease for life and for ten years of a messuage in the Greater Park Street of Coventre, by Henry de Meriton to Dionisia, formerly the wife of Philip de Barsham ot L-oventre, with a con- cession that, should the said Dionisia die within ten years, her heirs and assigns may have and hold the said messuage till the end of the said term of ten years. ... 11 Edward II. Lease for lives in survivorship of seven " seliones " of land, at a yearly rent of a rose flower to be paid at the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, by Richard the cook of Bobinhul to Matilda de Abinhale of Bobynhul and her three sons Richard, Robert and Laurence. 11 Edward II. Gift for ever of a messuage in Bishop's Street in Coventre by Warner de Hamslape and his wife Alice to Ralph de Staunton chaplain. 14 Edward TI. Gift for ever of four •'seliones" of arable land with one " forera " (" quatuor seliones terre cum una forera ") and a meadow by Henry the son of the whilom Richard Aiuieys of Coundelin to John de Edynghal of Coventry cook 17 Edward II of Coventry by Roger Coventry merchant. Gift for ever of a messuage in the Greater Le Bray to William de Park Street Leycestre of 17 Edward II. Quitclaim for ever, by William the son of William Gnape (?) of Coventre to William de Leycestre of Coventre merchant and his wife Matilda, in respect to two solidates of yearly rent, issuing from a tenement in the Greater Park Street of Coventre. Drawer 2 Case 23 Drawer 2 51 C 108. 17 Edward II. Gift for ever of lauds and tenements, rents and reversions In " le Frerelone in Coventre," lying between the King's way leading towards " Cheylesmor gi'ene " on the one part and the land that foiinerly belonged to Master Richard of the TTall on the other part, by liichard de St. James of Coventre to Adam Le Sadelere of Coventre and his wife Alice. C 109. 20 Edward II. Release and quitclaim, in resjiect to a tenement in Cheilesmorlane in Coventre, by John the son of the whilom William the Painter of Coventre to Walter Le Ken of Coventre and his wife Amice. Dici awer C 110. 20 Edward 11. Gift for ever of a tenement in Cheylesmorelane in Coventre by Robert de Garton to Walter le Ken and his wife Amice. C 111. C 112. C113. C 114. C Hi 1 Edward III. Gift for ever of ten solidates of yearly rent, issuing from the Mill which is called Erlesmilne in Coventre, by Henry Bagot of Coventre and his wife Katherine to William de Passingham clerk. 1 Edward III. Lease for lives in survivorship of an acre of waste land in the fields of Sowe, at a yearly rent of twelve pence, by Henry the Prior and the Convent of the Cathedral Church of Coventre to Thomas Bagot of Coventre, his wife Petronille and their daughters Katherine and Elizabet. ... 1329 A.D. Lease for twenty years ot lands and tenements in Counduline, by John the son of John de Canleye of Styvechale to Symon Reynold of Counduline. 3 Edward III. Gift for ever of three solidates of yearly rent issuing from a tenement in Fountain Street opposite the Hill Cross (" in vico fontis Coventre ex opposite Hulle Cros "), by Robert de Chilton of Coventre to Roger Oky of Coventre clerk. Edward III. Agreement made between Isolda formerly the wife of William de Grantham in her widowhood of the one part and Margery Tynal of Coventre in her vu-ginity of the other part, they being occupants and owners of adjoining tenements in the Lesser Pai'k Street in Coventre (" tenementa annexa et edificata in Minori Vico jDarci (-oventre"): By which agreement the said Margery undertook for herself and her heirs and assigns that she and they would at their costs and charges sustam the party-wall dividing the two tenements for ever, and the said Isolda Case 23 Drawer '2 52 C116. 0117. rii8. C119. C120. C121. Cl22. C123. vindertook for herself, her heirs and assigns, that she and they should put a sufficient gutter above the same wall and should for ever cleanse and repair the same gutter as occasion should require. 4 Edward III. Grant for ever of a piece of land in Sponne Street in Coventre, at a yearly rent of two shillings of silver, by Henry de licycestre Prior of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Mary of Coventre and of the Convent of the same place to Peter de Ruyton and Rowland de Bredon chaplains, about to celebi'ate divine services and rites in the Nave of the said Church. 5 Edward III. Gift and quitclaim for ever of certain lands and tene- ments in Coundiline, by John the son of John of Styvychale to Symond Reynald of Coundiline his heirs and assigns. ... 5 Edward III. Quitclaim for ever, in respect to a messuage in Gosford Street in Coventre, by William Page the son of the late Hugh Page of Coventre to Agnes formerly the wile of Simon Uttyng of Coventre and to Richard the son of the same Symon and Agnes. 5 Edward III. Gift for ever of a tenement in the Greater Park Street in Coventre, by Robert the son of Ralph de Trewe of Coventre to Roger le Hunte of Coventre. 5 Edward III. Lease for sixteen years and for life, at a yearly rent of forty shillings, of a tenement lying beyond the bridges of Gosford in Coventre (" extra pontes de Gosford in Coventre ") by Alice the daughter of the whilom Margaret, who was the wife of Richard Le Northerne of Coventre, in her widowhood (" Alicia filia quondam Margarete que fuit uxor Ricardi Le Northerne de Coventre in viduitate mea"), to Ralph Byllyng of Coventre. 5 Edward III. Gift for ever of four solidates of yearly rent, issuing from a tenement in Cheylesmorlane in Coventre, by Roger Dayseye of Coventre and his wife Matilda to Walter the Cook of Coventre and Amice his wife. 1332 A.D. Gift for ever of four cottages in Spannestrete in C'oventre, and six solidates of yearly rent issuing from a tenement in Spanne- strete aforesaid in the holding of Roger Bromcote, by Richard de Buyton of Boventre and his wife Alice and Thomas the son of the said Alice, to John Warde of Coventre merchant. 6 Edward III. Agreement, whereby Henry Le Spicer of Coventre and his wife Mary granted to Richard Le Spicer, father of the said Henry, a yearly rent of fifty shillings issuing from a tenement in Smytheford Street, and further gi-anted to the same ]lichai'd for Drawer 2 53 C124. C125. his life a sufticiency of meat and drink at his own table like that provided for the grantors, and a fit place for his bed in the same grantors' own tenement and fit clothes for the same bed, and a robe of fit cloth to be received by him yearly at St. Andrew's Feast of each year with fur fit for an over-tunic, and on evei-y second year a winter-coat with a cap and suitable fur at the Fe;ust of 8t. Michael, and a summer over-tunic at the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross, and also granted to him for life a yearly livery of two pairs of linen clothes and four pairs of list shoes and six pairs of shoes to be received every year. 1334 A.D. Gift for ever, by Roger de Walburleye of Allesleye to Richard de Cumba of Coventre butcher, of all the lands and tenements, rents and services, which the said Roger had in Walburleye and Coundulin of the gift and feoffament of Robeit Le Blake of Walburleye chaplain. 7 Edward III. Deed of Confirmation, dated by Agnes the daughter and heir of the whilom Roger Dayseye and his wife Matilda, after due inspection of the writings of Walter Norton of Coventre cook and his wife Amice and his son Richard, touching a messuage in Cheylesmorelane and a rent issuing therefrom : For the ratification of the concessions made by the same writings to the same Walter, Amice and Richard. C126. 1335 A.D. Agreement made between Henry the Prior Convent of the Cathedral Church of Coventre of the one Thomas de Radewey of Keresleye and his wife Alice, formerly the wile of Rogei' Locard, of the other part ; the said Thomas and Alice gave to the said Prior and and part the and who was Whereby Convent C127. and their successors, certain lands &c. in the towns and territories of Coventre, Coundeline and Radeford, and the said Prior and Convent granted to the said Alice for her life a corody in their said priory, therefrom to receive daily " unum panem album qui vocatur Michs et unam lagenam cerevisie conventualis " &c. and also granted to her a place of abode in a cottage with a curtilage in St. Nicholas Street. 10 Edward III. Final Concord, made in the King's Court at York in the Octave of St. Michael in 10 Edward III., in the presence of William de ShareshuU, John Inge, John de Shardelowe and Richard de Aldeburgh, Justices of the Lord King, between Henry de Geddyrig and Alice his wife plaintiffs and Henry son of John de L'Angele of Coventre deforciant, in respect to nine messuages, one mill, seventy-five acres of arable land, twenty-five acres of Drawer 2 54 meadow, one acre and half-an-acre of wood, forty solidates and two denarates of rent, and a rent of one pound of pepper, with appurtenances in Coventre, Eton and Attelbergh co. Warwick, and a messuage with appurtenances in Hinklaye co. Leicester. C 128. 9 Edward III. Lease for hfe of the grantor's manor of Stoke, and of his meadows, pastures, rents &c. in Stoke, Coventre, Sowe, Harenhal, Styvechal, Pinnele and Radefoixl, by Robert de Stoke to his motlier. Cl29. 13 Edward IIL Gift for ever of a messuage in Cheylesmorlane in Coventre, by Thomas E to Hugh de Lemyngton. C 130. 14 Edward III. Gift for ever of a messuage in Spannestrete in Coventre, by WiUiam de Kendale of Coventre sadelere to Dominus Richard de Somerby, rector of the church of Derkeswell. C 131. 14 Edward III. Lease for Hfe, at the yearly rent of a rose-flower, of a tenement near Lodeloweslane in Coventre, by Jordan de Shepei and Henry de Dodenliale to Tliomas de Merston the baker. C 132. 15 Edward III. Gift for ever of a piece of land lying in the Street of Peter the Less, by John Cox of Coventre to John Le Warde. Cl33. 17 Edward III. Lease for life of a piece of arable land lying in Redeford, by Richard Facham of Coventre to Roger Oky of Coventre clerk. Drawer 2 C134. C135. 17 Edward III. Gift for ever of a messuage in Cheillesmorlane in Coventre, by William de Happesford of Coventre merchant to Henry Le Clerk of Coventre merchant. 17 Edward HI. Quitclaim for ever, by Jordan de Shepye and Henry de Bodenhale of Coventre to Hugh the son of Nicholas le Masoun of Lemynton, in respect to twenty solidates of rent, issuing from a messuage in the Frerelane in Coventre. C 136. 17 Edward III. Gift for ever, by Alice formerly the wife of Thomas in le Hurne of ( 'oventre and by Thomas the son of the same Alice and by Emma the wife of the last mentioned Thomas to Thomas de Appach and William de Lalleford cha})lains and Philip del Pakes of Coventre, of a messuage with and adjacemt bakehouse in Spannestret in Coventre, and of a wood in Whalliurley near Coventre with eight acres of arable land, and a place called Folewell in the territory of the same town, and a separate croft lying near the highway which leads from Coventre towards 55 Alleysleye, and three selions of arable land lying in the territoiy of Condulin and an acre of meadow one half of which lies at Dodemanswell. C 137. 19 Edward III. Agreement made between William Galeys of the one pa;t and Robert de Bores s\-orth of Coventry merchant of the other part ; Whereby, upon consideration of the said WilHam's intention to build a-new his tenement and extend the same up to the tene- ment of the aforesaid Robert, it is agreed by the same Robert that the same William may construct sufficient gutters for carrying off the water from the roofs of the adjoinmg tenements, and the aforesaid William agrees that, so often as the walls and gutters between the same tenements shall be broken or out of repair to the injury of the said Robert's tenement, it shall be lawful for him the said Robert and his heirs and assigns to enter the said tene- ment of the said William Galeys, into whosever hands it may have come, and to distrain thereupon for the repair of the said walls and gutters between the two aforesaid tenements. Cl38. 19 Edward III. Gift for ever in fee-farm, at a yearly rent of ten shillings to the grantor and his heirs and assigns, of a messuage m the Greater Park Street of Coventre, by Roger Le Hunt to William Nokes of Coventry mercer. C 139. 20 Edward III. Gift for ever of a tenement in the Lesser Park Street of Coventre, by ... de Shejoeie to Jordan de Shepeie. ... Cl40. 21 Edward III. Gift for ever of a burgage with its appurtenances lying in Westorchard Street in Coventry, by Robert Fraunceys chaplain, Thomas de Burmyncham chaplain, Peter Percy and John de Pakynton, to Richard le Darkere, Henry de Clifton deyster, and Christina Austyn, Cl4l. 22 Edward III. Lease for three years, at a yearly rent of twenty pounds of silver, of two messuages in Earl's Street in Coventre, with Grant of the reversion of four shops and a cellar for a tavern, and further Grant of a bakehouse and two cottages in the Lesser Park Street of Coventre, and two solidates of yeai'ly rent issuing from shops in Earl's Street, and twelve denarates of yearly rent issuing from a tenement near the Broad Gate, and twelve denarates of yearly rent issuing from tenements in Harnhall, by William de Burbache chaplain and to Richard atte Grene of Coventre and his wife Margery. C 142. 22 Edward III. Gift for ever of a place of curtilage in the street of the Lesser Park (" in vico parcl miaoris "), by Isabella Forthwyne. Drawer 2 5G daughter ot Alice Forth wyne of Coventre, to Jolin Le Warde of Coventre merchant. C 143. 23 Edward III. Gift for ever of a messuage in Cheillesniore lane in Coventre, by Henry Le Clerk of Coventre merchant to Robert Le Cok of Coventre mercer. ... C 144. 23 Edward III. Lease for life, at a yearly rent of eight marks, of a messuage with cellars and a shop and other buildings with their curtilages and appurtenances in Earl's Street in Coventre, by John de Langeleye and Alice, formerly the wife of Thomas de Colleshull, to John de Deneforde. ... C145. 23 Edward III. Power of Attorney, dated at Coventry by Mabil Maunsel, formerly the wife of Robert Hegecote of Northampton, in her pure widowhood, appointing Robert Wushton chaplain her attorney to give and deliver seisin of a messuage with appurten- ances, lying in Earl's Street in Coventre, to Sewall de Bulkynton of Coventre, Nicholas de Baddesley chaplain, William Luffe and John de Taunton ot Coventre. C 146. 23 Edward III. Gift for ever of a tenement in the Lesser Park Street of Coventre, by Thomas de Shepeye of Coventre to Robert de Whushton chaplain and John de Taunton. C 147. 25 Edward III. Gift in fee-farm for ever of a piece of land lying in the lane ot the Friars Minors of Coventre, at a yearly rent of two silver pence, by Nicholas Percy the Mayor and the bailiffs of Coventre to Sewall de Bulkynton of Coventre, William Luffe senior of Coventre and Nicholas de Baddesley chaplain, their heirs and assigns. (/148. 27 Edward III. Lease for lives in survivorship, at a yearly rent of twenty-two shillings of silver, of a messuage in the Greater Pai-k Street by Walter le Whitwebbe of Coventre, Master of the Guild of the Blessed Mary of Coventre, with the assent of the said Guild, to Thomas Russel of Gretford "packare" in Coventre and his wife Matilda and their first-born son John. C 149. 27 Edward III. Lease for lives in survivorship of a tenement with shops in Coventre by Adam de Ichynton and William de Lawford to Gilbert de Pultenaye of Coventre and his wife Elena. (I ] 50. 27 Edward III. Gift for ever of a bridge with a course of water, which Robert the Miller formerly held and a piece of land at " le Boleford " and a curtilage at Woodende, by Sir John de Brocheford knt., lord of Arleye, to Richard Sherewynd. Dra^\•er 2 57 C 151. 28 Edward in. Quitclaim for ever, by Ilichard Beby of Leyccstre to Alice formerly the wife of John de Denford of Coveiitre and to the heirs and assigns of the said John, in i-espect to a yearly rent of six marks, issuing from a tenement in Earl's Street in Coventre, in which tenement t lie said Alice dwells. Drawer 1 C152. C 153. C154. C155. C156. 29 Edward III. Gift of two messuages in Coventre, by TlK)mas de Hynton merchant to Robert le Cook mercer and his wife Joan. 30 Edward III. Lease for lives in survivorshij), at a yearly rent of twenty -six shillings and eight pence, of a messuage in the Greater Park Street of Coventre by William Holme, Master of the Guild of the Blessed Mary of Coventre, with the consent of the said Guild, to William AUeyleye and his wife Amice. 30 Edward III. Grant for life in survivorship of a shillings and fonrpence, issuing from a messuage John de Stoke to William de Langham and his wife Christian. rent of thirteen Coventre, by m C157. C158. 30 Edward III. Gift for ever of a messuage in Spon Street in Coventre, by Richard de Horncastell of Coventre to Richard Le Chapman of Sharneford. 30 Edward III. PoAver of Attorney, dated by John de Neuby clerk, appointing his servant John de Palynton his attornov, to deliver seisin of certain lands, tenements and meadows, &c. in Condeline, Whaburleye and Sponn near Coventre to William Pasonhill and John de Holdenby of Coventre clerks. ... ... ... Case 30 Edward III. Gift for ever of a grange in Gosford Street bevuiid the bridge towards Gosford Asshe, and of the reversion (on the death of Richard Belers of Coventre merchant) of a messuage mid four fields in Coventre, by Nicholas be Baddesleye chaplain and Ilichard de Shepye of Coventre hosier to Richard the son of Ealph Billyng and his wife Alice. ... ... ... ... ,, 23 1360 A.D. Grant, made at the instance of John de Newby clerk, and in consideration of his payment of thirty shillings, by the Prior and Convent of the Cathedral Church of Coventre, of a yearly rent of 8^d., issuing from eight seliones and four virgates of aivable land, and of an adjoining meadow near the Frechbroke in the field of Coventre, to the Altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the said church, where a mass with a chant is celebrated dally to the laud of the Virgin, for all the benefactors living and dead of the grantors. ... ... ... ... ... ... Drawer 58 C 159. 1362 A.D. Lease to Geoffi-ey de Nortliefollke of Coventre mercer and his wife Joan, for their Uves in survivorship, by Jlenry Dilcok, Master of the Guild of the Blessed Mary and St. John the Baptist, of a messuage in Coventre, at a yearly rent of four pounds of silver. C 1 60. 37 Edward III. Gift for ever of a messuage in Bishop's Street in Coventre, and of a granary with a curtilage lying in Doglane, by Eichard de Filonghley of Coventre "flesshewer" and his wife Agnes to William Wolfe, John Luyk, Eichard de Teyntou and Adam de Keresley. C 161. 39 Edward III. Gift for lives in survivorship of a messuage with shops at the corner of the Lesser Park Street in Coventre, by Nicholas Baddesley chaplain and John Damas chaplain to Nicholas Michel of Coventre merchant and his wife Agnes. C 162. 45 Edward III. Gift for ever of a rent of one hundred marks sterling, to be had yearly out of all the lands and tenements in the town of Coventi-e, which the grantor had of the gift and feoffment of John de Thornton and Henry de Bisschopistone and William Walsshe- man, by Hugh de Brendesleye to William Walssman and his wife Beatrice. Cl63. 45 Edward III. Lease for lives in survivorship, by John de Shepeye clerk to Thomas Le Mareschall of Coventre smith and his wife Joan, of a messuage in Earl's Street in Coventre, at a yearly rent of twenty-six shillings and eight pence of silver. C 164. 46 Edward III. Grant in fee-farm for ever, at a yearly rent of four pounds in silver, of a messuage in Earl's Street in Coventre, by John de Papenham, John de Toftes, Ealph Palivere, John de Pounfret, Thomas de Bassyngton and William de Corby of Coventre merchants to Eobert de Canleye of Coventre. C 105. 46 Edward III. Lease for forty years, at a yearly rent of twenty shillings of silver, of a messuage in the Croschepyng ofCovenlre, by John de Toftes, Master of the Guild of the Blessed Mary, St. John and St. Catherine of Coventre, with the assent of the whole fraternity of the said Guild, to Edward Dedon of Coventre. (J 166. 47 Edward III. Grant for ever of seven messuages and four curtilages in Coventre by Henry-atte-Hay of Coventre girdler and William Stickneye of the same town to Adam Doton of Coventry merchant and his wife Margery, C 167. 48 Edward III. Eepairing Lease for forty years of two granges with a house and ten cottages and a curtilage in Coventry by John Drawer 2 2 2 59 C 168. C169. Botener and three others, merchants, to Ilobert dt; Berkindale of Coveiitre, wlio is lK)und by a separate obHgatory writing in the sum of 20£ sterhng to execute from time to time all needful repairs of the premises, williin twelve months of their bi^coming needful. 49 Edward III. Gift for ever of all the grantor's estate in a messuage lying beyond the bridge of Smythford, by John de Marton to John de Belton, William de Belton, William Suet and Henry de Bradley chaplains. 49 Edward III. Gift for ever of a messuage in the Greater Park Street of Coventre by Hugh de Seydon, vicar of the church of Merton, and William Suwet chaplain to John de Happesford of Coventre draper and his wife Agnes. C 170. 50 Edward III. Gift for ever of a messuage, with a house built upon it and a broad gate, lying in Palmerslane in Coventre, by Richard de Torke of Coventre clerk to John de Marton of Coventre dyer. C 171. 1 Bichard II. Lease for forty yeai's and for life of a field in Coventre, lying near the church of St. Nicholas of Coventre, at a yearly rent for the said forty years of a rose-flower, and after the said forty years, at a yearly rent to the grantor and his heirs of three shillings and four pence of silver, by Thomas Sty ward of Coventre to John Ingge of the same place. C 172. 1 Bichard II. Obligatory Bond of Thomas Sty ward of Coventre to Robert Ingge of Coventre in the sum of 10£, to be paid to the said John his heirs and executors, by the said Thomas his heirs or executors at the next Feast of the Nativity of our Lord. C 173. 1 Richard II. Lease for forty years of a field in Coventre, by Thomas Sty ward of Coventre to John Ingge of the same place. C 174. 1 Richard II. Gift for ever by Nicholas Michel of Coventre and Walter Whytewebbe of Coventre, merchants, to Adam Botener and John Percy and eleven others, of all the lauds and tenements, rents and reversions, meadows and pastures, &c., which the present grantors, in conjunction with Henry Clerk, Richard de Stoke and William de Bocheford had of the gift and feoffment of Henry Dodenhale. C 175, 2 Richard 11. Gift in fee-farm for ever, at a yearly rent of four silver shillings, of a piece of land in Coventre, by Adam Botener the Mayor and the bailiffs and chamberlains of Coventre to Geoftrey de Skardeburgh and his wife Agnes. Drawer 2 Case 24 DraAver 2 Case 24 23 Drawer 2 60 I C 176. 7 Richard II. Gift for ever of a messuage in Gosford Street in Coventre, by Robert de Canleye and Adam Walseman to Richard Dodenhale of Coventre merchant and his wife Beatrice. C 177. 16 Richard II. Licence to John Skardebiirgh, John Wedon, Richard Marchall, Adam Deyster and Nicholas Dudley, to give and assign i nine messuages and six acres of land to the Master brethren and j sisters of the Guild of the Precious Body and Blood of the Lord j Jesus Christ for pious uses, the Statute of Mortmain notwithstand- ing ; the said Licence being granted by the Prior and Convent of the Cathech-al Church of St. Mary of Coventre, of whom the said I nine messuages and six acres of land are immediately held. C 178. 16 Richard II. Gift and conveyance (made by authority of Letters Patent dated by the King on 28th June of the said year) [B. 27] of twenty-nine messuages, eight acres of arable land, eighteen denarates of rent and one half of a messuage, in Coventre, by John Scardeburgh and four others, to the Master, brethren and sisters of the Guild of the precious Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ of Coventre, to have and hold for ever, for finding a chaplain to celebrate divine services daily for the benefit of the said Master brethren and sisters and ior other works of piety. Cl79. 16 Richai'd II. Grant for ever by Master John de Shepeye, the Dean of Lincoln Cathedral, of Licence to John de Skardburgh, John de Wedon, Richard Marchall, Adam Deyster and Nicholas Dudley of Coventre, to give and assign for ever to the Master, brethren and sisters of the Guild of Corpus Christi of Coventre, a certain messuage of Coventre, Avhich is held immediately of the same Dean, to aid the said Guild in finding a chaplain to celebrate divine services : With Licence to the Master, brethren and sisters of the same Guild to receive and hold the same messuage. C180. 17 Richard II. Deed of Enfeoffinent of the lands, tenements, I'ents, services and reversions pertaining to the Master, brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. John the Baptist. Drawer 2 ClBl. C182. 6 Henry IV. Certified Co-pj of the Record of certain ii>\eiis, touching the Liberties &c. of Coventre and tlie Manor of (Jheilesmore, held in the said year in the Hall of the King's Houseliold at Warrewyk before the Steward and Marshal of the said Household. 6 Henry IV. Award (French) of Arbitrators — to wit, William Keresley of Coventre on behalf of Monsieur La Zouche, and 61 Thonias-atte-Cliirclie of Stoke on behalf of Thomas de Stoke — for I the determination of the discord and controversy between Sir William la Zouche Lord of Haryngwoith and John Stones of Eton of the one i^art and Rouland Damet of Coventre of the other part, respecting right and title in certain lands and tenements in FolkeshuU, to wit, three enclosed fields called Grendonfeld, Goldyfeld and Walkferlong, which the said John de Stones claims , to have for life, the reversion being to the said Sir William and his j heirs for ever, and of which the said llouland and Margaret claim one half ; It being directed by the said arbitrators that one part of the said tripartite indenture shall remain in the Treasury of the i Guild of the Trinity in Coventry for ever. ... ... ... ' C183, 8 Henry IV. Lease for a hundred years, at a yearly rent of twenty shillings of silver, of a shop with a chamber above it and with adjoining curtilages and garden, in the street of the Cross in Coventre, by the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist to Robert Shepley of Coventre merchant. O 184. ^ Henry IV. Quitclaim for ever by John, the son and heir ot Richard Clerk of Coventre merchant, to William Attilburgh, Richard Southam the elder, John Wymondeswold, John Unley, John Preston and John Happesford, of all the right which he, the said John Clerk, has or after his fathei''s death may have in all the messuages, tenements, rents, reversions &c., which formei-ly pertaining to John Grannie in the Greater Park Street of Coventre, and in a gi-ange with an adjoining garden, a cottage, two other cottages, one pageant-house (" uno Pagenthous ") in Hull Street occupied by the Masters of the " Whittawerescraft," two other cottages in the same street, a curtilage in the same street adjoining the land of Richard Bykenhull, a great field called Muryholt, another field called ('hiltenfeld, and another field called Wynde- railnfeld in Coventre. C 185. 10 Henry IV. Grant and Livery of a messuage called Byttereslane, lying in Smythforde Street in Coventre, by William Broke parson of the church of Lodbrok, his brother John Broke and John Barbour of Bysshoppesychynton to John Scardeburgh, Master of the Guild of the Holy Trinity of Coventre, and John de Preston and Robert Shippeley Ijrothers of the same (xuild and Margery Cookseye and Agnes the widow of Richard Clerk sisters of the same Guild, for the aid and sustentation of the same Guild ; the aforesaid grant and livery being made in accordance with the aforesaid King's grant of Licence to the aforesaid William Broke, John Broke and John Barbour for that purpose. Case 24 Drawer 2 2 62 C186. C187. C188. C189. 0190. C191. 1 Henry V. Lease for life, at a yearly rent ot ten pence, of a field called Bannepece, lying near the church of St. Nicholas of Coventre, by Richard Crossehy, Prior of the cathedral church of the Blessed Mary of Coventre, and the Cou^■ent of the same Place to John Whiteley chaplain of Coventre. 1417 A.D. Lease for twenty years, at a yearly rent of thirty-six shillings, of two shops in Bailey Lane with chambers over them and two chambers under them, by the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary and St John the Baptist of Coventre to John Hornby of Coventre girdler. 4 Henry V. Lease for 24 years of the cottages in Bishop's Street in Coventre at a yearly rent of six shillings, by John Gotle the Master and the brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Mary and St. John the Baptist to David Oswestre of Coventre carpenter, on condition that within two years the said David will rebuild the said cottages with fit timber and tiles. 8 Henry V. Lease for ten years, at a yearly rent of forty-six shillings and eight pence, of a croft and all the " tentoria " placed therein and three small houses in Hulle Street in Coventre by John Prentys chaplain to William and John Owtred and their assigns ; A condition of the lease being that the tenants " sustentabunt omnia dicta tentoria videliest in peciis meremii vocatis lates et clavis ferreis " and " omnia meremia dictis tentoiils incumbeucia exhibebunt et invenient." 1 Henry VI. Lease for lives in survivorship, at a yearly rent of fifty- three shillings and four pence, of a tenement in Attoxhale in Sowe with meadows and pastures in Buydynge Haylyll and other appurtenances in Sowe and Wykyn &c., by the Prior of the church of the Blessed Mary of Coventre and the Convent of the same place to Thomas Colyns and his wife. 2 Henry VL Deed of enfeoffment and lease for ever to the Mayor and Connnunity of the City of Coventre of a messuage in Erlstrete in Coventre, by William Babyngton, Chief Justice of the King's Common Bench and William Botener of Withibroke, feoffee of Agnes Whittecliirche widow of William Whittechirche late a citizen of Coventre, on condition that the said Mayor and CJom- munity celebrate yearly at a cost and In a maimer set forth in the deed the anniversary of the said William Whittechirche and William Palmer and the aforesaid Agnes Whittechirche in the church of St. Michael in the city of Coventre. Drawer 2^ Case 24 Draw rer 63 <Jl9i C193. €194. C195. C19G. C197. C198. C199. 3 Henry VT. Gift ibr ever of lands aiRl tenements, rents and services, meadows and ]);;stures See. in tlie town and fields of Keresley, by William Bynley of Coventry " passongei- " and his wife Alice. 4 Henry VI. Quitclaim for ever, in res])ect to a messuage with a tenement in Park Street in Coventre, hy John Clyfton of Coventre mercer to Thomas Swetlenham of Coventre draper. 4 Henry VI. Lease for thirty years of one half-bay in the Great Drapery of Coventre; (unam dimidiam haj^am in Magna Draperia Coventre), at a yearly rental of six shillings and eightpence, by John Leder the master and the brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary and St. John the Baptist of Coventre to John Willughby draper of Coventre. 1425 A.D. Lease to farm for thirty years of the one halt of a certain house In Coventre called the Drapery at a yearly rent of eight shillings, by the Master the brethren and the sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist, to William Cortenale of Coventre draper. 10 Henry VI. Lease for twenty years, at a yearly rent of five marks, of a messuage in Bayllylane in Coventre, by Laurence Cook the Master and the Ijrethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary Virgin and St. John the Baptist of Coventre to " John Alen of Coventre passenger." 1437 A.D. Lease for ninety-nine years, at a yearly rent of six pence, ot four " seliones" of land lying together in the field near Coventre called " le hylmylfeld " by Robert Schypeley, Bichard Beton and William lladeclyfi", feoffees of the lands and tenements of John Schypeley son of the aforesaid Robert Schypeley, to the Prior and Coirvent of the Cathedral Church of St. Mary of Coventre. 32 Henry VI. Lease for twelve years, at a yearly i-ent of fifty-three shillings and fourpence, of a messuage situated "in quodam vico vocato Mustheparkstrete inter tenementum Abbatis et Conventus ecclesie beate Marie de comba ex paiie una et terram WlUelml Betley ex alia parte," by Richard Boys the Master and the brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity of Coventre to Richard Nores of Coventre hosier. 33 Henry VI. Gift for ev^er of a messuage In Smythfoi-de Street in Coventre, lying between a tenement pertaining to the chantry called Seloteschauntery on the one part and the tenement of William Melody on the other part, by William Saundere of Case 24 Drawer 2 64 C200. C201. C202. Coventry deyster and his wife Agnes to Jolni Colchester, Robert Lawe clerk, Simon Byrches and John Broun lynendraper, their heirs and assigns. 9 Edwai'd IV. Certificate that Thomas Stokys holds the maiior of Stoke of the manor of Cheylesmore in socage and not by military service. 1471, January 2nd. Indenture of an Agreement between Richard Woode the Master of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary the Virgin, St. John the Baptist and St. Katherine of Coventry, and Richard Braytoft uuvl Jolni Pyncliebek brethren and Agnes Boys and Agneys Fyssher sistei's of the same Guild of the one part, and Rafe Calcrofte master John Thomson and John Swerde brethren and Alice Coke and Margery Carr sisters of the Guild of St. Mary of Chesterfelde of the other part ; For the yearly celebration of an obite in the church of Chesterfeld " for the soules of Master Thomas Chesterfeld, his fadir, hir modyr and John Braunston " and other deceased j^ersous. 11 Edward IV. Gift for ever, by Dame Isabella late the wife of Walter Langley esq. (" domina Isabella imper uxor Walteri Langley armigeri ") of her inn in Coventre called " Cardinalis Hat^," near the inn called " le Crown in platea vocata Brodeyatys" to her son John Langley. C-2un. ! 12 Edward IV., May 21st. Indenture, sealed with the seal of the Mayor and community of the City of Coventre, of the agreement whereby William Bristowe alias Briscowe of the one part and the said Mayor and community of the other part agreed " to abyde the rule ordinannce and jugement of John Cateby sei'geaunt of tlie lawe and William Cumberford arbitratours indiflerently chosen betwixt the said parties of and upon the title and possession of alle maner landes and comyn of pasture beyng in variaunce betwixt them," and also agreed " that the seid William Bristowe and one assigned for the seid Meir and cominalte shall ride to London at the VIIL'*"- of Trinlte next comyng to labur and desire the seid John Cateby and William Cumberford to take the labur of the premises upon them," &c. — N.B. It is worthy of remark that the official clerks who copied records and documents touching the owner of Wliltley Manor in the 15th century, spelt his sur- name in four different ways, to wit, Briscoe, Bripcowe, Bristue and Bristowe. The maker of this catalogue has adopted and adhered to the last spelling, alike on the labels affixed to docu- ments and in the entries of the catalogue. Drawer 2^ Case 2a Drawer 2 65 C204. 13 Edward IV., July 3rd. Award of Arbitrators for determining the variance and controversy between the Mayor and community of Coventre on the one part and William Bristowe of Whitley of the other part, respecting right and title in certain lands in Whitley, running in these words, to wit, — " This indenture made the thridde day of July the xiiith yer of King Edward the Fourth witnesseth that wher variaunce contravercie and debate was had moved and steryd betwene the Meir and cominalte of the Citee of Coventre on that on partie and William Bristowe on that othir partie for the right title and possession of certen lond lyeng in Whittley bitwene the water of Shirborne and the Skynners buttes in lenght on that on partie and on the othir partie from the same Skynners buttes unto a meadowe callid Medowmore on the othir partie and in brede bitwene the Kyngis park on the on partie and the highwey leying from Coventre toward London on that othir partie and Also for a parcelle of lond bitwene Alderfordpece and Whittleycros parcelle of the same lond, and also for comyn of pasture which the said William Bristowe claymeth to have with his bestis in alle the feldis on both sides of the seid wey from the said lond called Buggyngfeld upon Wridesden or Stokefeld upon Wridesden and Skynners buttes unto the towne of Coventre wherein the seid Meir and cominalte have used to have their comyn of pasture from the fest of Seynt Peter the Advincle (sic) called Lammas unto the fest of the Purificaclon of our Lady. Wherupon John Fissher of Coventre sherman and John Emmottes of the same capper be bounden in an obligacion of an huncketh mark to the said William Bristowe for the said Meir and cominalte upon condicion that the said Meir and cominalte shuld abide the arbitrement ordinaunce and dome of George Burneby esquier, John Hathewike, Thomas Cotes and Robert Otter arbitrours chosen indifferently bitwene the said parties, and the said William Bristowe was bounden in an nothir obligacion of an hundreth mark to the seid John Fissher and John Emmottis upon the same condicion, Wherupon the said arbitrours the dey and yer above- seid awarded ordeigned and demyd that aswell the seid William Bristowe as the seid Meir and cominalte shalbe nounsued in all suche accions as either partie have ayenst othir in eny of the Kyngis Courtis, and also the seid William Bristowe shalle relees an suertie of the peas ayed (?) ayenst John Wildenrise of Coventre, And also the seid arbitrours awarded ordeigned and demyd that the seid William Bristowe shall have and enjoye to hym his heirez and his assignez for evermore without eny interupcion of the seid Meir and cominalte ami their successours alle such lond lieing in Whittley from the water of Shii'borne unto Buggyngfeld upon Wridesden in Whittley aboveseid, which hath byn enclosed bifor G6 this tyme, And also the seid WilUam shalle have to hym his heirez and assignez for evermore withoute eny interupcion of the seid Meir and cominalte and their successours al!e such lond in Whittley caUid Buggyngfeld or Stokefeld upon Wrisdeden as is aboveseid lieng bitwene the seid lond enclosed and the seid Skynners buttes in lenght and in brede bitwene the said Kyngis park and the said highwey ledyng from Coventre toward London, with the forseid parcell of the same Buggyngfeld lyeng from Whittle- cros to Alderfordpece, savyng the right of alle olhir parsones pi'etendyng eny title in eny parcelle of the same lond if eny right they have, And farthermore the seid arbitrours awarded ordeigaed and demyd that the seid Meir and cominalte shall have only every yer comyn of pasture with their bestis from Lammas unto Caudel- mas in all the said lond if it be falowe or elhs unsowen and if it be sowen as sone as the corne is caried away. And also the said arbitrours awarded ordeyned and demyd that the said William Bristowe his heirs and his assignez shalle comyn and enti-e comyn with the said Meir and cominalte and their successours for evir- more withoute eny interuption of the same Meir and cominalte and their successours as is aforeseid in like wise and fourme in alle such lond and feldis as the said Meir and cominaltie have comyn in bitwene the said Skynners buttes and Buggungfeld upon Wridesden aforeseid and the towne of Coventre on both sydes the seid high wey aftir the rate of the seid lond lyeng bitwene the water of Shirborne aboveseid and the said Skynners buttes and feld aforseid And also aftir the rate of a feld callid Alderfordpece and after the rate of a parcel of lond lyeng from Alderfordpece to Whittleycros aboveseid, Also the said arbitrours awarded ordeigned and demyd that the said Meir and cominalte and everych of them shalbe quyte and discharged ayenst the said William Bristowe his heirez and his executours for alle maner of trespacez and offences doon hi theym or eny of theym to the said William Bristowe for eny interesse or occupacion of eny of the said lond afor the date of this present writyng. In wittnes wherof to this par tie of this Indenture remaynyng with the said William Bristowe the seid arbitrours have sette their sealis the day and yer aboveseid. — Attached to this writing on vellum is the Recognizance of John Fyssher and John Emottes, dated on 27th June, 13 Edward IV., whereby the same John and John acknowledge themselves to be bound to the said William Bristowe of Coventre in the sum of one hundred marks sterling to be paid to him or his attorney in the quindene of St. John the Baptist next to come. — Also the coimterpart of the same Indenture " remaynyng with the seid Meir " Drawer 1 67 €205. €206. C207. €208., C209. 16 Edward IV. Lease for twelve years, at a yearly rent of forty-six shillings and eight pence, of a messuage with a garden in Sponne Street in Coventre, by Richard Braytoft and the brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary, St. John the Baptist and St. Katherine of Coventre, to William Paynell of Coventre " whittewer." 20 Edward IV. Quitclaim and confirmation, by Henry Grey esquire, SOD of Edward Grey late Lord de Ferrars de Groby, and Hemy Boteler, feoffee of William Burgeys cousin and heir of Ralph Hunt, to Richard Colyns, in respect to a toft or piece of Land in Coventre, lying as to length in Smythfordstreete, and as to its breadth between the tenement of the Guild of Corpus Christi and St. Nicholas and the tenement of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist, and extending from the same street even to the Hall of the aforesaid Guild called St. Nicholas's Hall (" a vico predicto usque ad Aulam predicte Glide vocatam Seynt Nicholas Hall." 5 Henry VIL, June 20th. Lease for twenty years, at a yearly rent of fifty-five shillings, of two tenements in Coventre, the one being in Baylylane, and the other in the "Gylyard" within Baylylane, by Henry Kebull the Master of the Guild of the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John the Babtist of Coventre, with the assent of the brethren and sisters of the said Guild, to William Haddon of Coventre mercer. 11 Henry VIL Lease for twenty-one years, at a yearly rent of thirteen shillings and fourpence, of a tenement with appurtenances in Erlesmyll lane in Coventre, by Richard Colman the Master of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary the Virgin, St. John the Baptist and St. Katherine of Coventre, with the assent of the brethren and sisters of the said Guild, to Thomas Mooselle and Richard Booth " sherman." 14 Henry VII. Award of Arbitrators — to wit, of William by the grace of God Bishop of Lincolne and John by the same grace Bishop of Coventre and Lichfeld "and other of the Counsell lerned of Arthur the first begoten sonne of King Henry Vlltfi' Prince of Wales indifferently chosen and named betwen Richard Priour of the Monastery of Saint Mary in the Citie of Coventre and the Convent of the same place on the one partie and Thomas Bonde j\raire and Commoinaltie of the same Citie on the other partie " — for determining the discord and variance of the said parties respecting a yearly sum of 10£, which the said Mayor and community claimed of the said Prior and Convent for the Drawer 2 Case 25 Drawer 2 68 murage of the said city : It being ordained by the same Arbitrators that, from the date of the award " the said Priour and Convent and their successors shall here and pay ratably with the citesyns of the said Citie to the forseid murage and making of the saide walles about the said citie unto such tyme as the same walles be fully made up and accomplished, that is to say yearly xli. at the ffcst of all Sayntes, when the said citesens and all other having londes and tenementes within the same citie shall be proportionably charged after the rate of the quantite of their said londes and tenements to the same murage, provided alweys that, if any of the citisens or other persounes that have londes and tenementes within the same be hereafter rated and assessed to a lesse somme of money, than the said Priour and Convent and their successours shalbe in like forme lesse rated." Drawer 1 C2i0. 12 Henry VIII., October 6th. Indenture of an Agreement, made on the said day between Thomas White, Master of the Guild of Corpus C'hristi and St. Nicholas and the brethren and sisters of the same Guild of the first part, and Letyse the widow and executrix of the testament of John Saunders late of Coventre capper and alderman, and John Clerk grocer and Nicholas Heynes capper, overseers of the same testament of the second part, and John Bonde mayor and the comnmuity of the City of Coventre of the third part, and Thomas Waren the Master and the brethren and sisters of the Guild of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mary the Virgin, and St. John the Baptist and St. Katherine of Coventre of the fourth part : Whereby the said Master brethren and sisters of the aforesaid Guild covenanted that they Avould "yerely for ever on the second day of the moneth of August cause an Obite to be kept in the parishe church of Seint Mighell in the said Cite for the soules of the seid John Saunders and Letyse, Agnes and Alice his wiffes as is comenly usid for men of worshipe in the seid Cite with dirige over nyghte and masse of the morowe with x preistes iii clerks and ii children, every preiste to have iiic^., every clerke iirf. and every childe a peny " &c. C211. Also Counterpart of above indenture. C212. 21 Henry VIII., March 6th. Deed of Assignment to Roger Wigston and Thomas Try esquires by Elizabeth Swillyngton, widow and executrix of the late Rauf Swillyngton esq., of all her interest in the Manor or Lordship of Chillesmore in the county of the City of Coventre, under Letters Patent dated on 7th June, 16 Henry VIII., whereby the King granted for twenty-one years at a yearly rent of 15<£ the said manor and lordship (with exceptions and Case 25 Drawer 2 GO reservations) to Geffrey Whalley prior of the monastery of Uvescroft and to the convent of the same place, to the use of the said Rauf Swillyngton for twenty-one years heginniug at Michael- mas next after the date of the said Letters Patent ; it being stipulated in the said assignment that the said Elizabeth shall have and enjoy to herself and her assigns during all the said term " the Manor Place of Chellesmore with all mottes and waters on every side the said manor-place and all buyldings and gardynes and litle groundes within the same mottes, and the grounde without the mote on the southe side of the said manor-place within the said parke, that is to sey along tlie freers gardyne or orchard walle after the mote unto the Pynlok gate, as it hath of olde tyme bene dyched and severed, with hegebet from tyme to tyme to be taken within the said parke for the defence of the same grounde, and to enclose and kepe severall or otherwyse to use the same at the pleasure of the said Elizabeth during the said term, and also a litell close with all the grounde without the mote and est syde of the said manor place towards the citie, except only the course and recourse with cataill to the pynloke." O 213. 26 Henry VIII. Exemplification of the Final Concord made in the King's Court at Westminster between Hugh Lawton and Baldewin Porter Plaintiffs and Margaret Carpenter, widow, Katherine Carpenter, widow, and Richard Carpenter Son and heir apparent of the aforesaid Katherine, defo7'ciants, in respect to two messuages, one garden and two cottages with appurtenances in the City of Co ventre. C 214. 28 Henry VIIL, June 16th. Grant for ever by William Marler of the cite of Coventrie gentleman, son and heir of Richard Marler of the same city grocer, of all his messuages, lands and tenements &c. in Olde Fylonghley co. Warwick to William Holbache the Elder of Fylonghley co. Warwick yeoman and Thomas Holbache the Elder of Olde Filongley CO. Warwick yeoman. C215. 28 Henry VIII., November 26th. Mortgage-deed, made on the said- day between William Holbach the Elder and Thamas Holbach the Elder, both of Filongley co. Yv^arwick yeomen, of the one x>(i-rt, and William Marler of Coventre gentilman, son and heir of Richard Marler late of Coventre grocer deceased, of the other part : Whereby the said W^illiam Marler bargained and sold unto the said William and Thomas Holbache his messuage, lands and tenements &c. in Olde Filonghley co. Warwick, under condition that, if the said William Marler pay or cause to be paid unto the said William Holbache and Thomas Holbache or either of them Drawer 2 70 forty and six pounds of lawful money of England at any time before the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel in A.D. 1540, the said bargain and sale of the said messuage and lands &c. shall be void and of no force or effect. C 216. 30 Henry VIII., May 31st. Lease for fourscore years, at a yearly rent of £17 13 4, of a messuage with appurtenances in Goundou co. Warwick " called the Mothouse," with an orchard, a garden, a croft, a field, and divers closes and pieces of land, and also all " tythes of woole and lambe with all rightes, dutyes, proffyttes to them in the tytle and righte of tlie monasterie " of Coveutre " and of the churches of Herdewyke and Priores Marston in the countye of Warwick yerely growyng and renewyng and beyng within the parysshes of Herdwyke and Prioures Marston," by Thomas Camswell the Prior of the monastery of our Lady of Coventre and the Convent of the same place to Myghell Bolde of the said City yoman. C217. 2 and 3 Philip and Mary. Acknowledgment by Gyles Allejnie, son and heir of Ghistofer Alley ne deceased late of Littlebery co. Essex (merchant of the Staple at Callice and one of the executors of the testament of the same Christopher) and ])y Richard Barnerd (the other executor of the same testament), of their receipt from John Smith of Little Baddowe co. Essex esquire, son and heir of Sir Clement Smyth knt. deceased, of the sum of two hundred pounds paid to them " according to the forme and effecte of an indenture of defesants made betwene the said Gristofer AUeyne and John Smyth, bearing date the xiith day of Marche in the first and second years of " the King and Queen, Philip and Mary." C 218. 4 Elizabeth. Gift for ever of the gi'antor's half of the Manor of Olde Fillongley co. Warwick, by Barnaby Holbeche of Younge Fillongley CO. Warwick to his son William Holbeche. 219. 1 11 Elizabeth, October 10th. Deed of Sale and Assignment : Whereby Sir Edward Saunders of Weston-under-Wetherley co. Warwick knt., one of the King's (sic) Serjeants-at-Law and Recorder of Coventre assigned to Thomas Dudley of Coventre gentleman, Edward Damport of the same city pewterer and four other persons of the same city the remainder of a lease for eighty years of a Tower, standing in the south part of the wall of the said city, and also the remainder of a lease for ninety-six years of a close called Little Pudingcrofte adjoining the same south wall, which leases were both granted to the said Sir Edward Saunders by the Mayor bailiffs and community of Coventre. Drawer 2 Case 2& Draw .^er 71 € 220. C221. C222. C223. C224. 10 Elizabeth, March 22nd. Indenture of an Agreement, made between Queen EHzabeth of the one part and the Mayor bailiffs and commoinaltie of Coventre of the other part : For placing luider good goverment and conditions the manufacture of Cromple Lyste and Ulterfyne or Utterfyne cloths, recently introduced into Coventre from Armentiers in Flanders, and regulating the trade in the same cloths ^\■itll rules and penalties, in furtherance of the concessions made by Her Majesty to the people of Coventre, by Letters Patent of the same date. 1575, March 28th. Letters Testimonial under the seal of Thomas by divine permission Bishop of Lincoln : Certifying by the return of an Inquisition, made with examination of credible witnesses speaking upon oath, that William Tedde, late the rector of the parish-church of Gawdebye in the diocese of Lincoln, about the month of May 1552, journeyed towards the city of Coventre to visit his friends and that on his return journey in the following month of June he died, and that afcer the death of the said Richard Tedde a certain Otterburie clerk, in the following August of the same year, was instituted and inducted into the same church and there remained for the whole year next following. 30 Elizabeth, March 10th. Agreement, made between John Home of Stoke in the county of the city of Coventrey gentleman and his son and heir-apparent Reginald Home of the one part and the Mayor bailiffs and community of the city of Coventrey of the other part. Whereby, in consideration of the sum of 80£ paid to them, and for the relief of the poor of the said city, and for the repair and maintenance of a hosj^ital called Bablake within the same ci<-y, the said John Home and Reginald Home granted sold and conveyed for ever all the lordship and manor of Stoke aforesaid, with all the messuages, rights, privileges and appurtenances of the same manor to the aforesaid Mayor bailiffs and community : With an indented Schedule of " the Chiefe Rentes, parcel of the said Manor of Stoke, attached to the Indenture. 1591, September 15th. Gift and Confu-mation for ever by William Holbeche {sic) of Chadhunt (1) co. V/arwick yeoman to his son Francis Holbeache {sic) of Parham co. Suffolk, of his half of the Manor of Old Filonghly co. Warwick. 37 Elizabeth, August 13th. Deed of Sale and conveyance (made in consideration of a payment of forty marks), by Barnabie Holbache of Younge Fillonglie co. Warwick yeoman and William Holbache son of the said Barnabie, of the Manor of Olde Fillonglilie co. Drawer I 72 Warwick, and the common and waste grounds called the Chappell Greene and the Stange or Water-pond thereunto adjoining and Newhaie Greene, and thirty acres upon Coreley Moore &c. and divers Chief Rents to the Mayor bailiffs and community of Coventre, to have and hold the same to them and tlieir successors for ever " to and for the provision sustentacion and maintenaunce of the House of Connection in the said citie of Coventre and for stocks and stoores to the uses and according to the Statutes of the Eighteenth and Five-and-Thirtieth yeres " of the said Queen. Drawer 2 C 225. 44 Elizabeth, June 21st. Lease for sixty-one years, by Richard Butler, John Herringe, Michell Smithe and Ralfe Dunnington, masters and wardens of the Companie of Mercers of Coventre, of a messuage or tenement " lately being a pagent house " in Gosford Streete of the said city, to Richard Bankes of the same city yoman, his executoi'S and assigns, at a yearly rent of twenty-seven shillings. C 226. 3 James I., March 9th. Lease for twenty-one years, by the Mayor, bailiffs and commonalty of Coventre to Samuel of Stoke in the county of the city of Coventry gentleman, of all " ther tithes of corn, hey and herbage wood wooU lambe and all other titheable thinges growynge rene\'\ynge and cominge in all those groundes as they be now severed called and knowne by the name of Bradokes Wast lying and beynge within the titheable places of the Rectorie of St. Michaell and Trinitie within the city of Coventre," at a yearly rent of thirty-three shillings and four-pence. Case 26 C 227. 9 Charles I., August 20. Indenture of an Agreement made between Bartholomew Bewley " of Coventrey plummer" of the one part and the Mayor bailiffs and commonaltie of the said city of the other part, opening thus, " Whereas long and of ancient times there hath beene amongst others two conduits in the said citie whereof one is commonly called the Bull Conduit and the other is called Croscheaping C-onduit which conduits are and have beene usuallie served and fedd with water by a maine pij^jo of leade laid and placed from the spring or fountalne called Conduit head lying and being in the Countie of the said Citie unto the coiiduits aforesaid from and betweene which two conduits there is and hath bene anciently a pipe of lead laid and placed ni the ground for convey- ing and bringing of the said spring water from one conduit to the other, and Whereas by agreement made betweene the said parties the said Bartholomew Bewley did in August last undertake and promise at his owne charges to take up the said pipe of lead 73 betweene the said conduit called the Bull Conduit and the other conduit in the same citie called the Croscheaping Conduit and to cast and make such a sufficient and substantial new cast pipe of" lead of as great large and full a ])roportion as well for boare and thick- nesse and weight as should in every respect be answerable to one pece of cast pipe of leade then brought to remaine for a patterne in the Counsell House of the said city &c." By the indenture, which sets forth in these terms the source from which the two principal conduits of the city drew their chief supply of water, Bartholomew Bewley, besides undertaking to renew the pipe running between the same conduits, also undertook amongst other things, for a consideration and under conditions precisely set forth in the writing, to keep the conduits and public water- pipes of the city in repair for thirty-one years. — The historian of Coventry in the seventeenth century should look at this important agi-eement between the Corporation and its chief plumber. Drawer I <J228. 10 Charles I., December 18th. Deed of Sale and Conveyance, for a sum of seven pounds, of a yearly rent of ten shillings, issuing from a tenement in Bishopstrete in Coventre, by Ralph Walden of the said city haberdasher to the Mayor, bailiffs and community of the said city. Case 26 C 229. 22 Charles II., February Stli. Indenture of an Agi-eement between the Mayor bailiffs and community of the city of Coventry of the one part and Sir John Hales of the same city baronet o_f the other part ; Whereby the said Mayor bailiffs and community granted to the said Sir John Hales all the stone of the Lady Tower, formerly part of the Town Wall of the said city without Newgate, " which wall by the King's commannd was lately demolished," and also granted to the same Sir John Hales, his heirs and assigns, for a term of ninety-nine years, a parcell of ground lying under and adjoining the same Town Wall without Newgate, and also the ground where such part of the Town Wall stood ; the said Grant of stone and lease of ground being made by the Corporation in consideration of 5^ paid by way of a fine, and also in consideration of a yearly rent of five shillings to be paid by the grantee his heirs and assigns throughout the said term of ninety-nine years. Attached to this Indenture is "A Scheme of the demised premises." ... Drawer 1 C 230. 30 Charles II., July 16th. Deed of Sale and Conveyance of a messuage or tenement in Much Parke Street in the City of Coventry, by Robert Bedford, citizen and haberdasher of London to Anne 74 Bedford, Abigaell Bedford and Rebecca Bedford, of tlie city of Coventry, sisters of the aforesaid Robert Bedford, and their assigns. ... ... ... ... ... C231. 30 Charles II., May 10. Indenture of an Agreement between Sir William Dugdale, of Blyth Hall co. Warwick knt. George Pochin of London Citizen and Salter and Samuel Barron of London Citizen and Haberdasher of the first part and the Mayor and 10 aldermen (named) of Coventry, of the second part ; Where- by in consideration of ;^640 and for divers other considerations the parties of the first part granted and sold for ever to the parties of the second part divers messuages cottages lands and tenements &c. in Coventry. C232. 31 Charles II., September 9th. Deed of Sale of two messuages in Much Parke Street in Coventre, by Anne Bedford, Abigaell Bedford, and Rebecca Bedford, spinsters, daughters of Robert Bedford, of the said city, alderman, to the Mayor bailitts and community of the same city. Drawer 2 Case 27 (B) WRITINGS WITHOUT LABELS, Comprising 5,948 writings, the large body of deeds without labels, that are put together in packets, often writings to each perfect packet, in the order of the reigns in which the same wi-itings were respectively made, consists of the deeds set forth in the ensuing table, to wit : — Tad/e oj Deeds without Labels. (1) Dateless Deeds, temp. (2) Deeds with Dates, temp. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (n) (12) (13) temp, temp, temp, temp, temp, temp, temp, temp, temp, temp, temp. Henry HI. and Edward I. Edward I. ... Edward II Edward III. Richard II Henry IV. ... Henry V. ... Henry VI. ... Edward IV. Richard III. Henry VII. Henry VIII. Edward VI. No OP Deeds. 490 176 405 1,518 341 163 102 309 159 20 130 175 32 Drawer No. 3 4 5 6, 7, 8, 10 11 12 12, 13 13 13 14 15 15 75 No. OF Deeds. Drawer No. (14) Deeds with Dates, temp. Mary and Philip aiu 1 Mary 41 16 (15) , temp. EHzabeth . . . ... 278 16,17 (16) , temp. James I. 241 18, 19 (17) , temp. Charles I. ... 479 20, 21, 22 (18) , temp. Commonwealth 184 23 (19) , temp. Charles II. ... ... 268 24,25 (20) , temp. James II. ... 33 2G (21) , temp. William and Mary 48 26 (22) , temp. William III. 56 26 (23) , temp. Aune 63 27 (24) , temp. George I. ... 5 27 (25) , temp. George II. ... 22 27 (26) , temp. George III.... ... 166 28, 29 (27) , temp. George IV..., 6 29 (28) , temp. William IV. 20 30 (29) , temp. Victoria 23 30 Total number of the deeds put away in packets of ten deeds to each perfect packet... 5,953 To show the precise number of unlabelled deeds in the collection, the fifty- five Indentures of Apprentices, that are preserved in a single packet of the " Miscellaneous Matters," and twenty-five other unlabelled Deeds that are pre- served amongst the same " Matters," should be added to the aforewritten 5,953, which additions will bring the total number of unlabelled deeds up to 6,033. It follows that the total number of deeds in the muniment-room : — Labelled Deeds 232 Deeds without Labels ... ... 6,033 Total Number of Deeds ... 6,265 Some of the deeds to which labels have been attached may be seen under the glass lids of certain of the smaller cases in the Muniment-room. The other labelled deeds have been placed in one or the other of No. 1 and No. 2 drawers, immediately above the drawer in which the dateless deeds have been placed. It also should be observed at this point tliat in the arrangement of the un- labelled deeds up to the close of Queen Elizabeth's time the leases have been put away with the other deeds ; but in arranging the deeds of later time, the present writer withdrew the leases from the other deeds, and put them into packets (of ten writings to each packet) by themselves. 76 IV. Exemplifications of Curial Records, Exceptionally Interesting Writs, and Letters of Commission, not BEING " Letters Patent dated by Sovereigns'.' D L 14 Edward IV., November 18th. Exemplification of the em-olment of an Indenture made on 3rd July, 13 Edwai'd IV., between the Mayor and Community of Coventre of the one 'part and William Bristoe alias Briscoe of the other part, for ending controversy between the said parties, respecting right and title to certain land lying in Whittley between the water of Shirbourn and the Skynners' buttes ; With the award of Arbitrators for the settlement of the said dispute. ... ... ... ... Case 12 D 2. 15 Edward IV., November 28th. Exemplification of the IJecord (preserved amongst records of Pleas before the King at West- minster in Trinity Term of 15 Edward IV.) of proceedings in the cause of The Mayor and Community of the City of Coventre, V. William Bristowe of Coventre gentleman, closing with verdict of Jurors saying that the Mayor and Community of the said city unjustly and without judgment disseised the said William of twenty-eight acres of arable land and three acres of heath lying under the park of Cheldesmore from the buttes called the Skynners' Buttes to the water of Shirborn and that the said William did not enter with violence and arms on the said land called the " comengrownd " and did not disseise the said Mayor and community of the same land. — This Exemplification has been placed in No. 1 Drawer of the Muniment Room. Drawer 1 D 3. 21 Edward IV., October 26th. Exemplification, under the Seal of the Kings Bench, of the Record of the proceedings in ihe said Court in Easter Term of 33 Henry VI., when Elizabeth Bristowe, widow of the late John Bristowe sued William Braytoft, Richard Dene, Simon Byrches and Robert Lawe clerk for a third part of the Manor of Whitley as her dower of the said John, formerly her husband and recovered the same. ... ... ... Case 25 D 4. 5 Henry VIII., April 27th. Exemplification of the Record of the proceedings in a cause heard in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster in the Easter Term of 4 and 5 Hemy VIII. in which cause Thomas Forde, Richard Kemsey, Thomas Grene clerk, Robert Kemsey, William Tyllet and Hugh Mercer of Coventre impleaded Alexander Arnold and Alice his wife sued and demanded of them fifty messuages, twenty tofts, fifty gardens, four hundred 77 acres of arable land, one hundred acres of meadow, three hundred acres of pasture, tliree hundred acres of wood, twenty acres of marsh, three hundred acres of scrub and briery and })asture for one hundred oxen and five hundred sheep, and six librates of rent, with their appurtenances in Coventre, Keresley, Coundon, Foxhill and Radford. D 5. 36 Elizabeth, October 30th. Exemplification under the seal of the Exchequer of entries in a book, formerly belonging to the Priory of Coventre, and still remaining in the custody of the Remembrancer of the Exchequer ; Certifying that the Prior and Convent of Coventre had iu the "Wodende a tenement or messuage, and also had as appurtenances to the same messuage two fields called the Ruydinges, extending in one direction to the Waste of the lordship of Stoke, and had as an appurtenance to the same messuage a Waste called Bagot Waste lying between the Waste of Robert de Stoke and the way towards Leicestre, and had also a toft near the Wenchfeldes as an appurtenance to the said messuage, and another croft, as an appurtenance to the same messuage, lying in Wyken and called Wykyncroft ... D 6. 21 James I. Exemplification of the Record, preserved amongst the records of the Court of Exchequer of 20 James I., of the pi'oceedings in a cause of Quo Warranto by the King against the Mayor, bailifts, and community of the City of Coventre, closing with judgment for the said Mayor bailifts and community and their successors ... D 7. 13 Charles I. Exemplification of a similar record of proceedings in a cause of Quo Warranto by the King against the Mayor bailiffs and community of the City of Coventre, endorsed " The discharge in the Exchequer of the Quo Warranto, 1637." Drawer 1 Case 18 Drawer 35 34 D 8. 11 Charles I., August 4th. Writ running in the King's name, addressed to the Sheriff of the county of Warwick, the Mayor bailiffs and community of the City of Coventre, and the Sheriffs of the county of the same city, and the Bailiffs of the town of Brymingham and the Warden and society of the royal town of Sutton Coldfield co. Warwick, the Bailiff" aldermen and chief burgesses of Stratford-upon-Avon co. Warwick, and all the worthy men of the said city boroughs and members thereof, and in the county of the said city, and in the towns of Warwick, Alcester and Coleshill, and all the other towns, villages, hamlets and places in the said county ; Requiring them to provide at their own charges a ship of war of the freight of four hundred tons, manned with 78 one hundred and sixty able and expert seamen, and duly equipt with victuals, arms and munitions of war, and to cause the same ship, thus provided, manned, victualled, and equipt, to be brought this side the first day of next March to the port of Portsmouth, thence to proceed in the company of the said King's ships and the ships of others his faithful subjects in an expedition to fight and destroy the robbers and pirates of sea, Mahometan enemies of the Christian name and others, who are harassing and despoiling and plundering the ships, goods and merchandise of the king's subjects and friends, and have carried men of the same ships into most wretched captivity. — Also, three other writs for shipping of war for the same purpose, dated on August 12th of 12 Charles I., 19th September 13 Charles I., and 5th November 14 Charles I. — One of these four writs is displayed under the glass lid of one of the cases of the Muniment-room ; and the others are put away in a separate packet of the "Miscellaneous Matters," Case 20 Drawer 35 D 9. 35 Charles II., September 22nd. Letters of Commission signed and sealed on the said day by Robert Earl of Sunderland, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Warwick ; Appointing the Mayor of Coventry for the time being. Sir Thomas Norton hart., Sir Arthur Caley, Sir Robert Townesend knts., John Dugdale, Basil Fielding, Henry Greene esqrs., Nathaniel Harriman, "Thomas King, Henry Smith and Richard Heywood gentlemen, to be Deputy Lieutenants for and in the City of Coventry and the county of the said city. — Attached to these Letters of Commission is a copy of the Letters Patent, dated on 5th September of the same year, whereby Charles the Second appointed Robert Earl of Sunderland to be Lord Lieutenant of co. Warwick and of all cities and boroughs in the same county. D 10. 1 James II., June 20th. Letters of Commission, signed and sealed on the said day, by Robert, Earl of Sunderland, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Warwick ; Appointing the Mayor of Coventre for the time being and the gentlemen mentioned in the Earl's previous Letter of Commission, to be his Deputy Lieutenants in and for the City of Coventry and the county of the said city ; the Letters Patent, dated on 11th of April, 1 James II., whereby the said King appointed the said Earl to be Lord Lieutenant of the county of Warwick &c., being attached to the Earl's present Letter of Commission. 35 35 79 V. Rolls and Files. E 1. Detached membranes of two C^harter Rolls, to wit — (a) Roll of the Charters of the Mills of Hulle and Radeford, and (6) Roll of Charters touching lands at Podycroft, and other lands &c. in Coventre. E 2. Edward III. Detached membranes of a Court Roll (French and Latin) ; Comprising a copy of the Record of Proceedings in Robert de Morley's suit at York, 11 Edward III., against the Prior of Coventre, for the I'ecovery of a messuage of a thousand acres of arable land, ten acres of meadow, twenty acres of pasture and twelve acres of wood in Sowe. Drawer 31 31 E 3. E 4. 49 Edward III. Pleas taken at Assizes at Coventre Sheriff of Warwick and the Justice of Assize. With writs to the 50 Edward III. — 4 Richard IT. Seven remaining membranes of an attenuated Sessions of Peace and " Oyer and Terminer " Roll. — Also, a collection of " Broken Files " of Process and Indictments' Files of General Sessions of Peace temp. Charles I., Commonwealth, Charles II., William III., Anne and George I. — Also, Sessions of Peace Indictments' Files of the years 1775, 1777, 1786, 1818, 1819, 1822. ... „ 31 32 E 5. 4 Richard II. — James I. Frankpledge Rolls temp. Richaixl II., Henry VI., Edward IV., Henry VII., Henry VIII., Elizabeth and James I. : most of them being more or less fragmentaiy, whilst some of them would be properly described as " mere remnants " of rolls. ... E 6. 15 Richard II. — 3 Henry V. Remains of a Statute Merchant Roll for the acknowledgment and enrolment of Debts : the Clerk of the Statute throughout the considerable term of years, covered by the remaining membranes of an interesting Roll of Record, being John Ofchirch. — Also, four remaining membranes of another Statute Merchant Roll, for the 8th, 12th, 13th, and 34th years of the reign of Henry VI. — Also, detached membranes of similar rolls for the acknowledgment and enrolment of Debts, of the years 15 and 26 Henry VIII., 29, 31, 33 and 45 Elizabeth, 1 James I., 33, 34, 35, and 36 Charles II., and 1, 2 and 3 James II. — Also (26 Henry VIII.— 29 Charles II.), a heavy File of one huncbed and eighteen Statute Merchant Rolls, for the acknowledgment and enrolment of debts at Coventre, upon the same number of long » 32 80 E 7. E 8. E 9. E 10. E 11. E12. E 13. membranes, for four years of Henry VIII., two years of Edward VI., five years of Mary, thirth-six years of Elizabeth, twenty-two years of James I., twenty-three years of Charles I., eleven years of the Commonwealth Period and fifteen years of the actual reign of Charles II. — N.B. The membranes of this imperfect series of Statute Merchant Rolls appear to have been flattened out and filed by a comparatively modern worker upon the Coventre Recoi^ds. I Henry VI. Survey of the C/ommon lands lying around the City of Coventry. 20 Henry VI. Roll (a single indented membrane) of the Inventory of the tapestry, needlework, seats of estate, registers, silver and silver-gilt plate, napery (diapered and plain) and other chattels, belonging to the Guild of the Holy Trinity of Coventry, and in the custody of William Barynton, " ofticiarium dicte Guilde, custodientem jocalia dicte Gilde subscripta." — This interesting roll-inventory is displayed under the glass lid of one of the cases in the Muniment Room. ... II Edward IV. Copy ot the Record of Proceedings in the cause of William Pere v. William Bristowe (otherwise spelt Briscowe) of Coventry gentleman and William White of Whitley co. Coventre husbandman, charged by the said William Pere with assaulting him and breaking into his close &c. on 4th July, 10 Edward IV. 18 Edward IV. Roll (paper) of the Manor of Old Filongley. 3 Henry VIII. — 1829 A.D. Twenty-three Exchequer Quietuses of the following years, to wit, 3, 4, 6, 7, 14, and 37 Henry VIII., 1 Edward VI., 2 and 3 Philip and Mary, 11 James I., 35 Charles II., and 1783, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1811, 1824, 1827, 1829 A.D. ... 31 Henry VIII. Rental of the Prior's Lands. 1574 — 1725. Rentals of the Manor of Cheilesmore, School Lands, lands formerly belonging to Guilds and Chantries, and Sir Thomas White's Charity Estate : to wit. Thirteen Rentals of the years 1574, 1610, 1639, 1646, 1656, 1693, 1699, 1702, 1704, 1709, 1725. Drawer 3 1 32 Case 24 Drawer 31 » 32 32 '32 32 E 14. i 1581. Mutilated Paper Roll, in vellum wrapper, of a Survey of the pasture-grounds, meadows, closes and farms with their appurten- ances, belonging to the Corporation of the City of Coventre. 31 81 E 15. 9 James I. Court Baron Roll of the Manor of Stoke. Drawer 3 1 E 16. E 17. E 18. 14 James I. Roll-Schedule of Arrears of rent due to King from tenants of the Manor of Cheilesmoi-e, displaying at its foot a warrant, signed by Fulke Grevyli, for levying distresses for the ^Jfiyment of the same arrears, and also for arresting those tenants who refuse to pay the sums due from them. 1714 — 1722. Roll of Admissions of Freemen of the City of Covenhy. Also, another Roll, 1790 — 179G, of Admissions of Freemen. Petition (not dated, but shown by internal evidence to have been made in some year subsequent to 183fi) of Freemen of the several wards of the City of Coventry to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the said city : Praying that all moneys accruing from Lammas and Common Lands, over and above the necessary charges for management of those lands, may " be paid and appropriated to the Seniority Fund already instituted for the benefit of the most aged Freemen of this City. „ 32 31 .31 82 VI. Miscellaneous Matters. F 1. F 2 F 3. Edward III. — Charles II. Packet of eighty Final Concords temp. Edward III., Richard II., Henry IV., Henry V., Henry VI., Henry VI II., Edward VI., Philip and Mary, Elizabeth, James I., Charles I., Commonwealth, C'harles II. Richard II.— George III. Packet of fifty-five Indentures of Appren- ticeship : the earliest of them being the Latin Indenture, dated on 15th September, 8 Richard II., whereby Robert Wellis bound himself to serve John Thwening and Thomas Cawod, of Coventry, as an apprentice for six years, and in doing so promised that he would not haunt taverns or brothels, and would commit neither " fornicacionem nee adulterium cum uxore, fillia (sic), nee nutrice nee aliqua ancilla dictorum magistrorum infra domum nee extra." — The later indentui^es were sealed temi^. Charles I., Charles II., George II. or George III. 10 Edward IV. Large Vellum membrane, displaying on one of its sides copies of the five following matters : — («) The Bill of complaint and petition to the said King by Wilham Bristowe of Coventi'e, who describes himself as having been " seisyd of the manere of Whittley with the appurtenans withine the countie of" the "Cite of Coventry " : — Cumplaining against William Saunders mayor of the said city and William Pere and Robert Orly citizens of the same city for having in the said King's 9th regnal year " causeyd stered provokyd and commaundyd many and dyvers rotys personys of the Feid cite, that is for to sey Heiu-e Dabby carpenter, Nicolaus Kent sadeler, William Drew wolman and John Bordale Smyth, with many other jotys personeys of the said cite onto them acompeneyed to the number of Vc. personys and more to your seid besechere oonknown In manere of warre arrayed, that is to sey [with] byllys, launcegayes, jakkys, salettys, bowes, arroAves and with mattokys, spadeys, sholles and axes, which by ther commaundment ^^I'ovocaclon and sterying in souche riotis wyse came to the seid liii clcsseys of your seid besecher and the other landeys jiarcell of his seid maner and the same tyme caste downe his gatys and his dyches, cutte down his hegeys and his trees, the whiche dyches and hegeys have be ther continued and useyd tyme [out] of mynde and mony grete okeys beyng growyng in th(i hegeys and dycheys &c." : and Praying the Drawer 33 33 83 F 4. said Kinjjf to grant his Letters of Privy Scale to be directed to the said William Saunders late Mayor of Coventre and William Pere, commanding' them to appear before the Privy Council, to answer for the matters charged against them by the complainant. (b) The answere of William Saunders, William Pere and John Gauge, citizeimys ol the Citie of Coventre to the Bill sued ayeyns them by William Bristowe. (c) The Replicacion of William Bristowe to the answere of William Saunders, William Pere and John Gauge. (d) The Rejoindre of William Saunders, William Pere and John Gange to the Replicacion of William Bristowe. (e) The King's Writ of Mandate, dated Westminster on 18th July in his lOth regnal year, and directed to the Prior of Mastoke, Sir Richard Byngam knt., and Thomas Lyttelton : Requiring them to make enquiry and by the examination of trustworthy witnesses to ascertain the truth and justice of the matters in dispute .' s set forth in the said Bill, Answer, Replication and Rejoinder between the said William Bristowe and the City of Coventre, and to make a return under their conclusions respecting the same, together M ith the examinations of Witnesses to the King and his Council, in the quindene of St. Michael next coming. 12 Edward IV., May 24th. The Sworn Declaration of thirty men of various ages between 40 and 80 years inclusive, Protesting against the trouble William Bristowe of Whitley has caused and is causing the Mayor and community of tlie City of Coventre by " claymyng the common grounde that lieth betweixt Baronfelde without the newe yate under the Kynges Park stretchyng to Whitley broke called Shirburne afferming hit to be his own lande,"' and certifying that the said claim is " open wrong." In conclusion, the witnesses against William Brist^iwe's claim say that, in consideration of their seals being little known, they desired " the reverend fadirs John Abbot of Kenelworth, Alexander Abbot of Combe, Richard Abbot of Myryvale, John Abbot of Stonley, Symond Mountfort knyght, Robert Strelley knyght, and William Hugtbrd, in whose presence " they have sworn upon a book to the truth of their evidence " to sette their seals to these presents."- — This curious Affidavit, fringed at the bottom with strings of hanging seals, has been placed under the glass lid of one of the cases in the muniment-room. 35 Henry VIIL— 1716 A.D.— Parcel containing (a) 35 Henry Till, to 1609 A.D. Notes and Memoranda touching Synodal. 's aud Drawer 1 Case 25 84 Procurations tbi'merly paid by officers of the Prior of Coventry to the Bishop of Coventre and Lichfield. — (6) 4 Henry VIII. Proofs that Stycehall is parcel of the Rectory of St. Michael's Church, Coventre. — (c) Edward VI. Bill prepared for the King's Sign Manual by the Mayor and community of Coventre, praying for a grant of Bablake Church. — (d) 1593, April 22. Exemplification by the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield of divers records (touching Stlvichall, St. Michael's Church, Ruyton and Bubnel) preserved in the Liber Albus of the said Dean and Chapter. — (e) Charles L Book of the Subscribers, with their contributions, to a Loan for the King's use. — (fj 1698 A.D. Certificate that Lieutenant Lawrance Fox took the sacrament of the Lord's Supper in St. Michael's Church, Coventry, on Sunday 12th June, 1698. — (^r) 1716, May 14th. Exemplification of a Recovery made in the King's Bench in Easter Term, 2 George I., by Thomas Smith gentleman, of two houses and two gardens in Coventry. F 6. 4 and 5 Philip and Mary. Copy (certified to be " vera copia " by William Berners and Thomas Mildmay) of the original Warrant under the signet and sign manual, addressed by the said King and Queen to their Commissioners William Barnes, Thomas Mildemay and John Wyseman, for the acquittance and discharge of the Mayor aldermen and inhabitants of Coventrie, in respect to their action in taking and detaining the two bells and lead of " the late religious hous of White Friers in the said Citie of Coventrie," which house " at the tyme of the late dissolucion of Abbies, Priories, Monasteries, Chauntries and other religious houses within this I'ealme of Englande was suppressed and pulled downe to the great defacing of the said Citie," when " the tymber, tilles and other ornaments apperteynmg to the said church was (sic) sold to the said persones." F 7. 7 Elizabeth— 1681 A.D. File of yearly Reccii^ts from 7 Elizabeth to 1681 A.D., in acknowledgment of the payment of a sum of 40£, to to be paid yearly by the Mayor and community of the City of Coventre to the President and Fellows of the College of St. John the Baptist in Oxford. F 8. 1566 — 1779. Collection of multifarious writings (Certificates, Orders, Warrants, Declarations, Vouchers, &c.), some being signed by Mayors of Coventry, that seem to have been sorted and arranged by some manipulator of Coventre MSS , with a view to the production of another Volume of Materials for the use of local historians. — Together with some unarranged Avritings of no great interest. Drawer 33 \ Case 26 Drawer 33 33 85 F 9. 26 ElizuljL^lIi, November 14th. — DuplicuLo of the AddresR offerud to Queen F^lizabeth by 201 of her Majesty's loyal and faitliiul citizens of Coventre, who declare their abhorrence of the wicked desij^ns and ijracLiccs whereby certain of her enemies seek to deprive her of her crown and life, and who in fit terms of affectionate and reverential devotion inform Her Highness that they have formed themselves into an Association, each member of which is bound by his oath to do his utmost to frustrate the detestable elforts of her said enemies, to discover their plots, and to " pursue as well by force of arms as by all other means of revenge, warranted Ijy the laws of this realme alle manner of persones of what estate soever they shalbe, and their abetters, that shall attempt by any act, counsaile or consent, anything that shall tend to the harme of her Majesty's royall person." In the last line of the body of their address, the makers of this manifesto of loyal sentiment declare themselves " most reddie to accept and admitt any other hereafter to this our Societie and Association," for the safety of the Queen and the welfare of her kingdom ; The address being followed on the same parchment by the seals and signatures of the " ten scoore and one " members of the Society. F 10. 16th to 19tb Century. Collection of miscellaneous writings — to wit, Petitions to the Mayor of Coventre, Bonds, Uocquet Books, Freemen's Certificates, &c., including an Order of General Sessions of Peace respecting a colourable and fraudulent apprenticeship — formerly belonging to the Company of " the Craftes of Carpynters, Tilers and Pinnei's " of the City of Coventry. F 11. 1618 — 1717. Packet of writings relating to Chancery Suits : Described on old paper wrapper as " Papers in Chancery Suits." F 12. 1620 — 1642. Collection of acknowledgments by successive collectors of half-yearly payments of 33s., made by the Mayor bailiffs and comynaltie of the City of Coventre to the use of successive Receivers-General of the Duchy of Cornwall, by way of rent due half-yearly from the said Corporation, for the Mansion House, Park, Mill, &c., of the Manor of Cheilesmore. F 13. 1621—1664. Hawkesbury Coal Mines :— Large Packet of Leases, granted by the Mayor and Corporation of Coventry in the years 1621, 1631, 1633, 1664 of lands in and about Hawkesbury in the parish of Sowe to divers tenants, \\ho were empowered by their respective leases to dig raise and sell coals commonly called " ston- coale, sea-coale or joit-coale " from the " coale mynes, delphes and veynes of coale" in the said lande. These Indentures should be perused by any writei v. ho would })roduce a perfect history of the Mines of the Midland Counties. Case 26 Drawer 33 33 33 34 86 F 14. 1621 — 1664. Anotlier Packet of Leases of Hawkesbury Coal Mines. Drawer 34 F 15. 13 Cliarles I. Draft Plea upon a Quo Warranto, prepared for the City I of Coventry on 255 sheets, and "perused and approved" on 12th of February, 1637, by Thomas Denne "as good in lawe and a sufficient answer" ; With copy of the Quo Warranto. — Also in the same packet an Exemjilification of " The Discharge in the Exche- quer of the Quo Warranto, 1637." F 16. F 17. F 18. F 19. F 20. F21. F 22 1713 — 1751. Packet of Churchwardens' and Overseers' Papers ; touching official business of Chui-chwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parishes of St. Michael and the Holy Trinity of Coventry, and of other parishes more or less remote from Coventry. 1716 — 1829. Parcel of Writings (Pa-ntals, Accounts, Briefs to Counsel, Petitions, &c.) touching Coventry Charities. 11 George I. Writ running in tlie King's name, on eleven large membi'anes of thick parchment, for the Execution of a Decree, made by Lord Chancellor Macclesfield, ordering a reconveyance of Sir Thomas W^hite's Charity Estate to the Mayor bailiffs and commonaltv of the City of Coventry, together with all the said Corporation's right and interest in the said estate : — Opening with a statement of the particulars of the Grant of Guilds' and Chantries' lands tenements and rents &c., made to the Corporation on 19th July, 34 Henry VIII. ... ... • ... 1745 — 1759. Two Packets of Constables' Warrants and Vouchers : Comprising vouchers and warrants of 1745 and 174G, touching soldiers &c., that are of some slight historic interest. g Cheylesmore 1747 — 1780. A medley of Bills and Documents touchin Park, and Papers relating to Coventry Charities : Sorted and arranged by some person who probably designed to put them together in another bound Volume of Material for future Historians of Coventry. — Also, a few writings of no greater moment, though of a more remote period. ... ... ... ... 1758. Papers relating to a renewal of the lease of the Park and Podicrofts. 1760, May 24th. Conveyance of New Court in Gosford Street, and of a messuage and garden at Spon End, by Mrs. Vale and others to Edward Bibbins esq. Mayor, and others, Members of the Cospora- tion of Coventry. 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 87 F 23. F 24. F 2; F 2G. F 27, F 28. F 29. F 30. 1819 — 18.37. Packet containing (a) Papers — to wit, Affidavits and Briefs to Counsel, &c. — touching the ca ise of The King v. Jeremiah Goodall and others, in the King's Bench in 1810 ; (i) Copy of tlie Affidavit of Mr. John Carter, Town Clerk of the City of Coventry, in the cause of Rex v. Banbury, 1835 ; and (c) Papers touching matters in Chancery, respecting certain of the Coventry Charities. 1831. Briefs, Affidavits and other Papers, in the matter of the Frankland Fellowship at Catlierine Hall, Cambridge. ... 1834 — 5. Briefs, Affidavits and other Papers in tlie cause of Rex v. Banbury, in the Court of King's Bench : With a copy of the Order for the i.ssue of a Writ of Mandamus directed to Thomas Banbury, " Commanding him to take upon himself the Office of Chamberlain to the City of Coventry." Packet of Facsimiles of old writings, to wit, (a) Eight Facsimiles of Henry the Second's Charter of confirmation of Earl Ranulph's Charter to the men of Covintre ; (b) Eight Facsimiles of tlie Letter of Margaret, Countess of Richmond, Mother of Henr\r VII., to the Mayor of Coventre ; and (c) Three Facsimiles of the " Humble Petition to the King in behalf of the poore inhabitants of Coventry," dated in 1660." 1790 and 1791. Three Tallies (notched sticks) of the account of a baker of Coventry (one Thomas Parker), amounting to £1 7 Q for loaves of bread sent In to Bablake Hospital. — Of course, they are not manuscripts in any sense of the term ; but as numerous persons of Coventry take an interest In these wooden scores, and as they have for a long tarm of years been preserved amono-st the Corporation muniments, I notice them at the end of the Miscellaneous Matters of this catalogue, and have moreover placed them under the glass lid of one of the Cases of the Muniment Room. Trough ton Drawings Poi'tfolio of Prints, &c. Portfolio of Miscellaneous Old Papers 10 vols. 1 » 1 ,. Drawer 35 35 35 35 Case 27 Dr,38,39,40 Di-awer 37 » 37 THE END, \ University o( Caiilornia SOUTHERN REGiONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library trom which it was borrowed. Uni^ :^imm^