[CVou'ii Cojyyi'ight Itesei-ved.~\ DRAWINGS OF THE FLAGS IN USE AT THE PRESENT TIME BY VARIOUS NATIONS. ADMIRALTY. iSp ^uttjoritji). LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE liv EYRE ANii SPOTTISWOODE, Limited. East Hakdino Street, E.G.. PRINTERS TO THE KING'S MOST EXCEIJ.EST MAJESTY. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WVMAN AND SONS. Limited. 29, Breams Buildings, Fetter Lane. E.G., and 5+. St. Maky Street, Cardiff ; or H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish Brancu), 2.-i. Forth Street. Edinburgh; or E. POXSONBY, LiMiiED. 110. Grafton Street, Dceiin : or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNWIN, Limited, London, W.C. 1916. Price £1 Is. TABLE OF CONTENTS- PAGE I. — Index showing Names of Countries, &c., alphabetically arranged, with the Flags belonging thereto -------- l- II. — btatement of Dimensions of Flags used in the Royal Navy • • 13 III. — Memorandum relative to the origin of the Union Flag - - - 17 IV. — Memorandum as to Red, White, and Blue Ensigns - - . - 19 V. — Alphabetical List of Officers, &c., showing the Flags authorised to be flown by each --.----.-. 21 VI. — List of Flags, showing against each by whom and when used, and the authority ----------- 27 VII. — Extracts from the King's Regulations and Admiralty insti'uctions in regard to Flags - 32 Plates VIII.— Designs of Flags of all Nations I to 200 u (12)2921.") AVt 81."i.">— ;ilS 1.^,(10 4/10 E&S 2026060 INDEX. Name of Country, &c., and Plate. Name of Country, itc, and Plate. Description of Flag. Description of Flag. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. BELGIUM. - President's Standaed - 1 r. Standard, Royal - 66 Minister of Marine 55 Ensign J Naval Flags — Personal: Jack Admiral .... ~ Admiral I 56 Lieut.-Admiral - "Vice-Admiral - - - - Vice-Adrairal }■ 66 Reab-Admiral J Rear-Adniiral Captain 1 57 & Commodore Senior Officer's Flags and (57a Pendants. Naval Flags — Ships : Pilot 108 Ensi<,'n and Pendant - 66 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Merchant Flag and Pendant 66 Standard. Emperor 58 Pilot 199 Empress ] Archduke and 59 Archduchess. J BDLIVIA. Naval Flags- Personal: Field Marshal 1 63 Ensign }- Military General OfSeers Merchant .... Admiral . - - - ■ Vice-Admiral . 60 Rear-Admiral J BRAZIL. Commodore }« Senior Officer President -| National . . . - - I 68 Natal Flags — Ships : Minister op Marine Ensign ... - 61 Jack Pendant . - - - }- Naval Flags — Personal : Admiralty Flag - 1 69 Merchant .... 62 Admiral . - - . „ Flag of Honour, Red - }64 Vice-Admiral }70 ,, ,. ,, White Rear-Admiral Commodore Customs Flags 65 Senior Officer Adjutant-General of the Fleet ■ 71 Pilot 198 Naval Flags — Ships : Ensign and Pendant - }^' BAVARIA. Jack See German Empire. Flagship . - - . 70 Niimc uf Cduntry. l*cc., iiiul Plato. Name of Country, &c., and Vlate. Description of Flag. Description of Flag. BRAZIL — coniinned. Merchant Flag 71 BRITISH •E.WSIR'R— continued. Pilot 199 Vessels in Employ or Colo- nies, Public Departments, 10-40 BRITISH EMPIRE. &C. : Standards : Pilot 198 Royal .... Queen Mary 1 Signal Flags, Pendants, &c. : o Royal Naval Code 41-54 Queen Alexandra 3 Prince of Wales - •i BULGARIA. Duke and Duchess of Con- 1 naught. \ •'^ Royal Standard - 1 72 Prince Arthur of Conna\ight J Standard of Queen Members of Royal Family - 6 Standard of Crown Prince - }« Pendants National or Union Flag 7 Ministry of War - Flag of Officer commanding 74 National Flags — Personal : A Division. - 75 Lord High Admiral or 6 Flag of Officer commanding Admiralty. A Flotilla. J Admiral of the Fleet - "1 Admiral . . . - CHILI. Vice-Admiral Standard of President 76 Rear-Admiral - 7 Commodore, 1st Class Naval Flags — Personal : Commodore, 2ud Class Governors of Provinces Senior Officer Consuls and Governors of ■ 78 King's Harbour Master 8a Departments. Ministers .... 76 Naval Flags— Ships : Minister of Mai-ine •^ White Ensign -N Director General - 77 Blue ,. ... . 8 Vice-Admiral Red „ . . . Rear-Admiral _ Pendants, Masthead or Long J Commodore 1 Jack for Vessels in employ i) Senior Officer I 78 of Public Officer. Captain of the Port J Merchant .... Naval Flags — Ships : Ensign and Pendant - 76 Viceroys, Goveenoes, Diplo- Jack 78 matic, Military, and Con- sular Officers, &c. : — Merchant .... 76 Governor- General of Aus- -^ Pilot 199 tralia. I 10 Governor-General of India - Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland J CHINA: Lieutenants of Counties Minister of Marine 82 Diplomatic Officers }10 Governors of Colonies Naval Flags : High Commissioner of South 11 Ensign and Jack 78a Africa. Admiral .... 82 Rajah of Sarawak },. Vice-Admiral - Governor of Sabah Rear-Admiral - 83 Consuls, Consular Agents, kc. }" Ctommodore Military Authorities - Senior Naval Officer - - Name of Country, kc, anil riate. Xame of Country, &c.. and I'lati'. Description of Flag. Description of Flag. CHINA — continued. 1 EGYPT 93a China Merchant, S.N. Co. - , }« Eeligiotts Flag - - - ' PRANCE. COLOMBIA 8.5 President .... 94 CONGO FREE STATE 87 Naval Flags — Personal : Minister of Marine 94 COSTA RICA - - - - 86 Vice-Admiral Rear-Admiral ^ CUBA 88 Prefect Maritime Major General or . 9.5 Chief of Staff - DENMARK. Broad Pendant : — Independent Command - Standaed Royal 89 Not Independent Com- mand. . 90 Naval Flags — Personal : Triangular Flag, Senior Officer 96 Minister of Marine ^ Governors of Colonies 97 Admiral - - . . Vice- Admiral Rear-Admiral Naval Flags — Ships: Commodore's Pendant Ensign and Pendant - 94 Senior Officer's Pendant Sailing Flag 98 Commanding Officer of a Flag denoting presence of 97 Division. ■ 90 Submarines. Merchant 97 Naval Flag — Ships : Ensign and Pendant - Senior Officer of Merchant Ships. 98 Royal Mail Packets Harbour Police 96 Merchant Flag J Pilot . - - 199 Pilot 199 GERMAN EMPIRE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Admiral -| Standards : Ensign and Pendant • 91 Merchant - . . . Emperor - . . - 99 Empress .... jioo Crown Prince ECUADOR. Emperor's Pendant Empress's Broad Pendant - 99 100 National Ensign ■ 92 Naval Flags — Personal : Merchant .... Secretary of State for Im- -1 Naval Flags, Personal — 93 X^erial Naval Department. .104 Pendant. Gross Admiral Pilot 199 Inspector-General of the Navy - Xaiiiii u£ Couutry, &c., ami Plate. Name of Country, ice, and Plate. Description of Fla.c;. Description of Flag. GERMAN EWPlRVl—contintted. GrRETSiCE— continued. Naval Flags — Personal — Naval Flags — Personal — continued. continued. Admiral .... -| Vice-Admiral "■ Vice-Admiral Rear-Admii-al -10.5 Rear-Admiral Captain Commanding a Divi- ^113 Pendant Broad - _ sion. Chief of Naval Staff - 103 Senior Officers' Flags - - Naval Flags — Ships : Naval Flags— Ships : Ensign, Jack and Pendant - Transport .... jlOl Ensign and Pendant - Jack ----- }n. Flotilla Flag |l05 Divisional Flag - Merchant Flag 112 Public Departments, Colonies, Pilot 199 &C. : Imperial Service Flags 1 GUATEMALA. East Africa — Imperial Gover- [iw nor. \ Ensign ; 1 n , S.M.S. " Brandenburg " 102 Merchant .... ?■ Xl-* ■S.M.S. " Preussen " - 103 HAYTI. Merchant .... 101 Pilot ..... 199 Ensign ' ln5 Merchant - - . - j Maritime States - 111 HESSE (Grand Duke of). Confederate States : See German Empire. Bavaria, King of 109 Hesse, Grand Duke -| HONDURAS. Hesse, Grand Duchy - 1 110 Heir Apparent - Ensign and Pendant - ■ liic Merchant - - - -J Saxony, King of - 107 Saxony, Crown Prince 1 Saxony, Princes and Prin- U08 ITALY. cesses. J Saxe Cobiu'g and Gotha, Standard : Duke of. 1 107 Royal .... }"' Saxony .... Crown Prince Waldeck and Pyrmont, 109 Prince of. Naval Flags — Personal : Wiu'temberg, King of 110 Secretary of State for Navy Flag. Minister of Marine -> .119 GREECE. Admiral .... Vice-Admiral Standard, Royal - 112 Rear-Admiral - - - | ^ Senior Officer's Pendant - 120 Naval Flags — Personal: Broad Pendant of Command ' 119 Minister of Marine 112 Flag of Ambassador - - 118 Admiral . - - . 113 Governor of Eritrea - 121 Name of Country, &c., ami Plate Name of Country, .Sec., ami I'late. Description of Flag. Description of Flag. ITALY — continued. KOREA 115 Naval Flags — Ships : LIBERIA. Ettsign and Pendant - 121 Jack -| Ensign |128 Naval Hosjjital - > 1 '>0 Merchant . - - . Merchant Ships employed as AuxOiary Cruisers. ^ MALAY STATES - 128 & Merchant Fl.ag 121 129 Custom House Burgee - 121 MEXICO. Postal Flag - . . - 120 Standard, Ensign and Pen- dant. 130 Pilot 199 MONACO. JAPAN : Standaed, Royal - }l31 National .... Standards : Emperor .... -| MONTENEGRO. Empress ... - Prince Imperial - Imperial Princes and Prin- • 122 State Military Marine 132 cesses. J Naval Flags — Personal : MOROCCO. Minister of Marine 124 Standard .... -, Admiral }.. Ensign • 133 Vice-Admiral - - - | Merchant - . . . Rear.Admiral - - - i Commodore Senior Officer }>=' MUSCAT. Officer commanding Torpedo Flotilla. 126 Standard - - - - Ensign |l33 Naval Flags — Ships : NETHERLANDS. Ensign and Pendant - - | 124 Jack 1 125 Standard and Pendant : Re])air Ship |l27 Royal - - . . 134 Transport, Military Royal Arms 134 Transport, Naval |l25 Queen Mother Duty Blue Pendant • 135 Hospital Ship 126 White Pendant - Prince of the Netherlands - 137 Merchant .... 125 Princess Van Wied Princess Juliana of Orange, 136 Mail Vessels .... 126 Nassau. Niimc of Country, kc, ami Description of Flag. Name of Country, &c., and I'escription of Flag. Plate. NETHERLANDS— co« Crown Minister . -> Naval Flags — Ships : Minister of Marine Ensign .... 18.S Admiral Commaiider-in- Chief Pendant .... 184 Vice-Admiral and Vice- Fishery Inspection Pendant |l8.5 Admiral Subordinate. .178 Pilot „ „ - Rear- Admiral and Rear- Admiral Subordinate. Merchant .... 184 Captain General - Admiral Commander-in-Chief Pilot 200 at a Port. J Captain, 1st Class Pendant - 1 S'WITZERLAND. Senior Officer's Pendant 170 Other Officer's Pendant J Ensign 186 12 NAme of Country, i;c., and Description o£ Flag. TONGA. Pilot TUNIS. Standard, Royal - Ensign Merchant . . . . TEIPOLI. See Turkey. TURKEY. Standards . . . . Naval Flags — Personal Naval Flags — Ships Ensign and Merchant - Principalities, Provinces, &c. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Standard : President . - . - Naval Flags — Personal : Secretary of Navy Admiral Vice-Admiral - . . - I'late. 200 187 188 ISO 189 liio 191 192 193 Name of Couulrj', kc, and Description of Flag. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — continued. Naval Flags — Personai, — cont. Rear-Admii-al „ 2nd in Com- mand. ,, 3rd in Com- mand. Senior Officer's Pendant Consular .... Naval Flags — Ships: Ensign and Pendant - Jack - - - - - Revenue and Pendant Naval Convoy Naval Despatch - Military Officers Afloat Naval Militia Merchant .... Pilot URUGUAY. Ensign and Pendant Merchant Senior Officer's Flag Jack VENEZUELA. Standard Ensign Merchant "WALDECK. See German Empire. "WURTEMBERG. Sec German Empire. ZANZIBAR. Standard Ensign - - ' - Plate. k93 ■195 ■192 195 195a 194 192 200 -196 197 133 13 II. A Statement of the Dimensions of Flags generally, with certain exceptions. The practice has hceii, in regard to the dimensions of Flags generally, to make the length twice the breadth at the head. The following a^jpear to be exceptions to this rule : — BRITISH FLAGS. Description and Dimeusions. Admiral - Signal Flags and Pendants Length is IJ times breadth. See tables of dimensions on the Plates showing designs. For Foreign Flags, see the Plates showing designs. GENERALLY THE RROPORTIONS OF THE SEVERAL PARTS OF THE UNDERMENTIONED ENGLISH FLAGS WILL BE AS FOLLOW:— Descriptiok The Wi.lth of the several Crosses. Proportions generally in the Union Flag. Dimensions in a Uniim Flag of 10 Breadths, as an example (.4). Of Flags. Of Cross. UNION FLAGS St. Geoege's Ckoss. (a) The red of the St. George's Cross to be (6) The white bor- der to the St. George's Cross to be Uth the width of the 1 Flag. -| j\ih the width of 1 the Flag, or -Jrd f the red of the St. J George's Cross. ft. iu. • 1 6 I 6 Note {A).^A Flag of 10 Breadths measures 7 ft. 6 ins. in width by 15 feet in length. 14 Description Of Flags. Of Cross. UNION FLAGS (B) St. An- drew's AND St. Patrick's' Crosses. The \Vi,lth of thu several Crosses. Proportions generally in the Uuion Flag. (c) The red of the St. Patrick's Cross to be (d) The narrow white border of the St. Patrick's Cross to be (e) The broad white of the St. Andrew's Cross to be Dimensions in a Union Flag of 10 Breadths, as an example (.4). -i-gth the width of the Flag, or 4i'd the red of the St. George's Cross, ^th the width of the Flag, or ith the red of the St. George's Cross. "^ jSgth the width of the Flag, or 5 the red of St. George's Cross (or equal to the red of the St. Patrick's Cross, together with one of its naiTow white borders). ft. in. . 6 I 3 9 Description Proportions generally. Of Flag. Of Cross. ENSIGNS, WHITE ENSIGNS, RED AND- BLUE. ADMIRAL'S FLAGS - PENDANTS, BROAD - St. George's Cross to be - The widths of the Crosses in the Union to be The Union Flag to be The widths of the Crosses in the Union to be St. George's Cross to be - Ditto ditto j^jths the width of the Flag, r DeteiTttined by the propor- < tious given above for the L Union Flags. r In length half the length of < the Flag, and m width half L the width of the Flag. r Determined by the propor- ■ tions given above for the L Union Flags. ith the width of the Flag. ith the width of the Flag. Note (A). — A Flag of 10 Breadths measures 7 ft. 6 ins. in width by 15 feet in length. Note (B).^As the Breadths of the Red and Narrow White stripes of the St. Patrick's and St. Andi-ew's Crosses are together equal to the Broad Whit« of the St. Andi-ew's Cross, the centre line of these three pai-ts, which will lie one edge of the Red Cross, should form a diagonal to the Union Flag, observing that the Broad White should be on the upper part of the Cross in the quarters at the Head of the Union Flag, and on .the lower part of the Cross in the quarters at the Fly. 15 DIMENSIONS OF THESE FLAGS, DETERMINED FROM THE FOREGOING PROPORTIONS, TO BE AS FOLLOWS:— ENGLISH UNION FLAGS. Number o£ Breadth: 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 5 4 3 St. Geoiioe's Cross. Red. Whito. ft. ins. 2 C 3 2 1 9 1 6 1 1 9 n 6 44 ft. ins. (_) K.) 9 6 4i 3 24 2 14 St. Andkew'8 and St. Patbickl's C'eosses. Red. Narrow. White. Broad White. ft. ins. ft. ins. 10 5 9 4i 8 4 i 3^ (i 3 4i 2^ 3 1* 24 11 2 1 14 0^ ft. ins. 1 3 1 14 1 104 9 64 44 3^ 3 2i PENDANTS, MAST HEAD. Number Breadtli Red Cross. of Yards at long. Head. Length. Breadth. ft. ins. ft. ins. ft. ins. 20 4 4 6 14 18 4 4 6 14 16 4 4 14 14 4 3 6 14 12 4 3 14 10 4 3 14 8 4 2 6 14 6 4 2 6 14 4 24 2 1 3 24 1 6 1 ENSIGNS, ENGLISH WHITE. .St. GEOKGE't UNION. N umbcT Widtlis of Stripes in the Crosses. of Breadths. Cross in Ensign. For inserting St. George's Cross. St. Andrew's and St. Patrick's Crosses. in these Ensigns wiU be Red. White. Red. Narrow White. Broad White. as follow. ft. ins. ft. ins. ft. ins. ft. ins. ft. in.s. ft. ins. No. ofBdtbs. 22 2 3 1 44 .54 54 23 8i 94 20 2 1 1 3 5 5 24 74 84 18 1 10 1 1 4i 4i 2} 64 8 16 1 G 10.4 34 34 n 5J 7 14 1 6 9 3 3 14 44 6 12 1 3 74 24 24 U 3f 5 10 1 6 2 2 1 3 4 8 9 5 11 IJ Of 24 34 74 44 14 14 Of 21 24 .1 6 3.S U U 04 H 2 4 44 3 1 1 ! 04 14 If 3 4 24 Of OJ 04 U 14 16 ADMIRAL'S FLAGS. BROAD PENDANTS. N umber of Breulths. Width of Red Cross. ft. ins. 18 2 3 16 2 14 1 9 12 1 6 10 1 3 8 1 6 9 4 6 3 4 Number of I'.readths. Width of Red Cross. (Parallel.) Breadth of the Pendants at the Points of the Fly. Length of the Points at the Fly to the Crutch. 18 ft. ins. 2 3 ft. ins. 8 ft. ins. 9 16 2 7 1 8 14 1 9 6 3 7 12 1 6 5 4 C 10 1 3 4 6 5 8 1 3 7 4 6 9 2 9 3 5 74 2 3 2 C 4 6 1 10 2 3 4 1 4 1 6 FLAGS FOR MILITARY, DIPLOMATIC, AND CONSULAR OFFICERS GOVERNORS OF COLONIES, AND COLONIAL VESSELS, &c. The Badges for these Flags are to be of the following dimensions, viz. : — For a Flag 12 ft. X 6 ft., the diameter to be 2 ft. 8 ins., and for a Jaek 6 ft. x 6 ft. floAvu by Vessels belonging to Public Departments, the diameter to be 1 ft. 6 ins. III. Memorandum relative to the origin of the Union Flag in its present form. UNION FLAG. Tho original National Flag of England was tlie Banner of St. George (argent, a cross gules). To this the Banner of St. Andrew (azure, a saltire argent) was united, in pursuance of a Royal Proclamation, dated 12tli April, 1606, of which the following is an extract : — " Whereas some difference liatli arisen between Our Subjects of South " and North Britain, travelling l)_y seas, about the bearing of their flags : " for the avoiding of all such contentions hereafter. We liave, with the " advice of Our Council, ordered that from henceforth, all Our subjects " of this Isle and Kingdom of Great Britain, and the members thereof, " sliall bear in their maintops the Red Cross, commonly called Saint " George's Cross, and the White Cross, commonly called Saint Andrew's " Cross, joined together, according to a form made by Our Heralds, and " sent by us to Our Admii-al, to be pul^lished to Our said subjects : and " in their foretops Our subjects of South Britain shall wear the Red Cross " only, as they were wont : and Our subjects of North Britain in their " foretops the White Cross only, as tliey were accustomed." Union with Scotland. On the 17th March, 1706-7, the Lords of the Committee of the Pri\y Council ordered the Kings of Arms and the Heralds to consider of the alterations to be made in the Ensigns Armorial, and the conjoining the Crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, to be used in all Flags, Banners, Standards and Ensigns at sea and on land. On the 17th April, 1707, the Queen in Council, upon a report from the Lords of the Privy Council, pursuant to the Act for uniting the two Kingdoms, approved of the Flag, as shown in the following drawing marked A, in which the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew are conjoined. Union with Ireland. On the 5tli November, 1800, the King in Council approved the report of a Committee of the Privy Council, that the Union Flag should be altered as shown in the folloAving drawing marked B, in which the Cross of St. George is conjoined with the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. Patrick, * Note. — A Jack is a Flag to be flown only on the " Jack " staff, i.e., a staff on the bowsprit or forepart of the Ship. The word " Jack '" is probably a diminutive, distinguishing the small Union Flag on the bowsprit from the large one formerly flown at the topmast head. u 29215 C 18 and wliicli is thus described in the proclamation issued on the 1st January, 1801 :— " The Union Flag shall be azure, the Crosses saltires of St. Andrew " and Saint Patrick, quarterljr per saltire counterchanged argent and " gules ; the latter fimbriated of the second surmounted by the Cross of " St. George of the third fimbriated as the saltire." On the drawing marked C, which shows the formation of the Union Flao-, turn the Cross of St. George upwards, and that of St. Patrick down- wards, the banner of St. Andrew will then be uncovered ; place on this the Cross of St. George, and we have the National Flag of 1606 ; turn back the St. George, then place the Cross of St. Patrick on the blue field of the St. Andrew's banner (counterchanging the white of the Cross of St. Andrew with the red of that of St. Patrick), place tlie Cross of St. George over all, and we have the Union Flag of 1801 , and of the present time. Tho Width c.f the several Crosses. (a) The Red of the St. George's Cross to be - (6) The White Border to the St. George's Cross to be • (c) The Red of the St. Patrick's Cross to be - (d) The NaiTOw White Border of the St. Patrick's Cross to be (e) The Broad White of the St. Andrew's Cross to be - Proportion generally in the Union Flag. ■ ith the width of the Flag J^th the width of the Flag, or ird the Red of the St. George's Cross - . - Jjth the width of the Flag, or 5^rd the Red of the St. George's Cross - jLth the width of the Flag, or ith the Red of the St. George's Cross - Ygth the width of the Flag, ' or i the Red of the St. George's Cross, or equal to the Red of the St. Patrick's Cross, together with one of its Narrow White Borders - Precise Dimensions in a Union Flag of 10 Breadths.* ft. ins. 1 6 6 G 3 9 * Note.— A Breadth signifies a Bre.idtli of Bunting, viz., 9 inches, and thus a Flag of 10 Breadths measures l.j feet long by 7 feet 6 inches broad. 1 1 ^ 1 8srs/ O / 2 .1 ^ ScaJe of Feet . ISFtrl MaJbyASons.blii 19 IV. Memorandum as to Red, White, and Blue Ensigns. In 1687, an inquiry was made by Mr. Pepys, Secretary to the Admiralty, as to tlie Flags worn in the reign of Charles I. ; and in a manuscript in the British Museum, it is stated, that in the Duke of Buckingham's expedition to the Isle of Rhe, in 1627, the fleet was divided into the Red, Blue, and White Squadrons. The following is an extract f]om that manuscript : — " The Duke, now lying at Portsmouth, divided his Fleete into Squadrons. Himselfe Admirall and Generall in Chiefe went in y" Triumph bearing the Standard of England in y^ maine topp, and Admirall particular of the bloody colours. " The Earle of Lindsey was Vice-x\dmirall to the Fleete in the Rainbowe, bearing the King's usual colours in his fore topp, and a Blew Flag in his maine topp, and was Admirall of the blew colours. " The Lord Harvey was Rear Admirall in y'^' Repulse, bearing the King's usual colours in his mizen and a White Flag in the maine topji, and was Admirall of y® Squadron of white colours." There were two other Squadrons, one under the Earl of Danl)y with the St. George's Flag, the other under Captain Pennington (made Admiral of his Squadron), with the St. Andrew's Cross. It will be observed that in this instance the blue Flag took precedence of the white. In 1665, in the large Fleet commanded by the Duke of York in person, as Lord High Admiral, Prince Rupert was Admiral of the white Squadron, and Sir Thomas Allen of tlie blue ; and an old drawing shows the Three Divisions of the Fleet wearing Ensigns of their respective colours. But, although the large Fleets were thus divided. Admirals on Foreign Stations continued to wear the Union Flag at the main, fore, or mizen, according to their rank as FuU, Vice, or Rear-Admiral. Many instances are mentioned of the inconvenience arising from the use of the Royal Flag by private ships, and in 1660, the Duke of York gave an order that the Union Flag should be worn only by the King's ships. It is clear that the sole object for which the three colours were fonnerly used was to distinguish the divisions of the Fleet, which often numbered as many as 200 sail. A variety of Ensigns much increases the danger of confusion in action, and it may be observed that, in order to prevent that confusion, Lord Nelson, on going into action at " Trafalgar," ordered the whole of his fleet c. Tlif Crosft of Tfip Cross of Si Patrick Scale of Fet't, . o / -z X 4- i.il-\n Ma.lbvtSons.Lith- 20 to hoist the white ensign ; and it was under that flag, the " Old Banner of England," but with the Union in the upper corner, that the victory was gained. Latterly, owing to the comparatively small number of ships fonning a fleet, tlie distinctive colom-s became of nuich less importance, while the frequent change of flags on foreign stations was veiy puzzling to foreigners, often led to mistakes, and in many ways was inconvenient ; accordingly, on the 9th of July 1864, by Her Majesty's Order in Council of that date, it was directed that the classification of ships under the denominations of Red, White, and Blue Squadrons should be discontinued, and that in future the "White" ensign should be used by all of Her Majesty's ships of war in commission ; tiie Blue ensign by British mercliant ships com- manded by officers of the Royal Naval Reserve, after obtaining permission fi"om the Admiralty ; and the Red ensign by all other ships and vessels belonging to Her Majesty's subjects. 21 Alphabetical List of the Flags V. Officers, &c., showing against each authorised to be flown. By whom used. Description of Klag. Plate for Design Autliority, unless otherwise stated, is the Kini^'s Rcfrulations, page, A;c., of which arc shown below. Administrators of Colonies, &c. Admiralty . . . . Admiral of the Fleet Admirals . . . - African Company, British East .— Princip.al Representative when embarked in Boats or other Vessels. Armed Vessels, as a Jack - Merchant and Trading Vessels, whether armed or not. Anstralian Commonwealth : — Governor-General Government Vessels - Merchant Vessels British Colonies and Posses- sions Abroad. r Trustees of Bombay < L Consei-vators of British South Africa Com- pany : — Administrator when embarked in Boats or other Vessels of the Compiiny. Vessels (not being Trading Vessels) belonging to, or in the service of, the Company. Merchant Ships and Trading Vessels of the Company. See Colonies. Lord High Admiral's Flag. Union Flag St. George's Cross [Union Flag, with B.adge r Plate 19. Ensign, Blue, with Badge, Plate 19. Ensign, Red, with Badge, Plate 19. tJnion, with Badge, Plate 10 Ensign, Blue, Special „ Red, Special See Colonies and India. See India. Union Flag, with Badge, Plate 21. Ensign, Blue, with B.-vdge. Plate 21. Ensiun, Red, with I'.adge, Plate 21. 7 1.5 15 Page 3.J, Art. 101. Page 36, Art. 102. Page 36, Art. 103. I Admiralty Warrant, ,' 6tli March ISUO. Admiralty Letter, 11th ' Sept. 1902. , Admiralty Warrant. -■ 11th Nov. 1902. 22 By whom used. Description of Flag. Plate for Design Authority, unless otherwise stated, is the King's Regulations, page, kc, of which are shown below. Board of Trade Vessel employed as tender to Bahamas and Sombrero Liglitliouses. Borneo : — Saiuwak. Rajah of - North Bomeo Company : — Principal Representative when embarked in boats or other Vessels. Amied Vessels as a Jack ,. ,. and Principal Representative in his Yacht. Merchant and Trading Vessels Sabah, Governor of - - Captain of the Fleet - Chief Commissioner in India - Cinque Ports - Colonies and Possessions Abroad : — High Commissioner - Governor - - . Lieutenant-Governor Administrator - When em- barked iu Ships or Boats, Vessels provided, maintained, and used under Colonial Defence Act of 1SG5 :— Commissioned for War Not commissioned for War Merchant Vessels Blue Ensign, with Badge, Plate 33. Special Uniou Flag, with Badge. Plate 2.5. Ensign, Blue, with Badge, Plate 23. Ensign, Red, with Badge, Plate 25. Special . . - Pendant, Broad White See India. Special I Union Flag, with Badge, ( Plate 10. Pendant, Jlasthead, Blue - Ensign,Blue, with Badge, I Plates 15 to 32. ] Red Ensign 12 8 12 39 Admiralty Warrant, 20th July 1898. Admiralty Letter, 20th June 1884. Royal Charter, lut Nov. 1881. Adra'ralty Warrant, 5th Jan. 1882. Pase 36, Art. 107. ■ Page 87, Art. 114, par. c. Page 38, Art, 115. P.ige 40, Art. 122, par. a. Page 41, Art. 122, par. Ii, Page 42. Art. 127. No authority is known for the use of this Flag. 23 By wlium used. Description of Flag Plate for Design Authority, unless otherwise stated, is the King's Ref,'ulations, page, ice., oi: which are shown below. Commissioners forexecutingthe Office of Lord High Admiral. Commissioned Officers serving as Mail Agents. Commodoi-es - - - - Consular Officers afloat on shore Departments, Piililio Diplomatic Functionaries On Shore Afloat Fishery Board for Scotland, for their Cruisers. Generals, &c., commanding Stations. Governors of Colonies and Pos- sessions Abroad. Governor- General of India High Commissioners of Colonies and Possessions Abroad. Hired Surveying Vessels Hired Transports - Hunil)er Conservancy, on Board their Salvage Vessels. See Admiralty. See Mail Agents. Pendant, Broad White Ensign, Blue, with \ Badge, Plato 11. J Union Flag, with Badge, Plate 11. See Offices, Public. Union Flag, with^ Badge, Plate 10. J) >> »> j> )i )) Ensign, Blue, with Badge, Plato 31.. See Military Officers. See Colonies and India. See India. See Colonies. See Surveying Vessels, Hired. See Transports, Hired. Ensign, Red, with Badge, Plate 30. Page 3(>, Art. 106 and 108. r Page 38. Art. 114, < par. il. LPage 38, Art. 115. 'Foreign Office Let- ter, 21.th Sept. 1903. Admiralty Letter, 5th Oct. 1903. Foreign Office Let- ters, 19th Jan. and Ist April 1874. Admiralty Letter, 28th Jan. 1874. Page 38, Art. 114, par. b. Page 38, Art. 115. Admiralty Warrant of '2Gth March 188.5. Admiralty Warrant, 15th March 1911. 24 By whom used. Description of Flag. Plate for Design Authority, unless otherwise stated, ia the King's Regulations, page, kc, of which are shown below. India : — Gove rnor-General and Viceroy of "I ,1 or Lieutenant-Governor I Chief Commissioner or Political Officer. J IMariiie „ Local and Departments subordinate to them. "Abyssinia" and " Magdala," while firing shotted guns for exercise. Indian Marine as a Jack Trustees of Port of Bombay Conservators of Port of Bombay Commissioners for the Port of Calcutta. Ireland, Lord Lieutenant of Lieutenant-Governor of Colo- nies, &c. Lieutenants of Counties - Lord High Admiral or Commis- sioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Lloyd's Register, on board their Boats. Lloyd's Register, on board their Boats. Mail Agents. Commissioned Officers serving as Mail Vessels, Royal Union Flag, with Badge, Plate lu. Ensign, Blue,with Badge, Plate 25. Special .... Special .... Special - - . . Red Ensign, with Badge. Plate 14. Union Flag, with 1 Badge, Plate 10. J See Colonies and India. Union Flag with Badge, Plate 10. See Admiralty. Sec Ireland. Ensign, Blue. with Badge, Plate 36. Special Ensign, Blue ^ with I Badge, Pendant.Mast. [ Plate head. Blue. J 33. Special 13 13 14 I Page 19, Art. 68. Page 37, Art. HI, par. 2. Admiralty Warrant, 21st April 1884. Admiralty Warrant, 9th April 1884. Admiralty Letter, 30th July 1883. Admiralty Warrant, 21st April 1884. Admiralty Letter, 19th Aug. 1880. Admiralty Warrant, 1st Feb. 1896. rPage 37, Art. Ill, \ par. 2. L Page 37, Art. 113. Admiraltyi Letter, 11th March 1911. 39 Admiralty Warrant, 9th Sept. 1882. Admiralty Letter. 30th Oct. 189G. j- Page 41, Art. 126. Admiralty Letter, 26th April 1884, and 19thJuuel902. 25 P>v wljoiu useil. Marine, Indian Merchant Vessels commanded by Officers on Retired List or of R.N. Reserve. Merchant Vessels - Merchant Vessels, &c. Jlilitary Officers when embarked North Borneo Company - Noiih Sea Fishery : — Vessels eniijloj'cd un North Sea Fishcrii^s. Offices, Public, Vessels in the employ of. Offices. Public, Vessels in the employ of. Officers on Retired List or of R.N. Reserve commanding Merchant Vessels. See India. Ensij^n, Blue Ensign, Red Pilot Fhif,' - r Union Flag, with I Badge, Plate 11. See Borneo. Special Ensign, Blue, with Badge, Plates 33 to 40, Jack, with Badge, Plates 33 to 40. See Merchant Vessels. Prince of Wales, H.R H. The - Standard, Prince of Wales. Polit leal Officer of India, Chief- Sec India. Public Departments Royal Family, Members of Royal yacht Squadron - Sabah, Governor of Sarawak, Rajah of - Senior Officer - u 292 l.T See Offices, Public. Standards, Special White Ensign See Borneo. Pendant, Broad White 198 .sa Authority, unless otherwise i^tatc^d, is the King's Uefinlaliuns, page, iSc.i., (if which are shown below. 2 to 6 Page 41, Art. 126. Page 42, Art. 127. Page 42, Art. 128. Page 37. Art. 114, par. «. Page 38, Art. 115. Admiralty Ix'ttcr, 18tli September l'J02. Page 41, Art. 123. Page 41, Art. 123. Page 12, Art. 41, par. 3. Page 12, Art. 41, par. 4. Page 37, Art. Ill, L par. 2. Admiralty Warrant, Gth Juue 1829. Page 37, Art. 112. D 26 By whom Used. Ships in Commission, H. M. Sovereiirn. Tlie Sm-veyins; Vessels, Hired. Commanded by Officers of H.M. Navy. Thames Conservancy Transports, Hired - - - Transports. Hired, when in charge of Commissioned Officers. Trinity Bouse : — ■ Tlie Master - - . . V assets - . . - . „ as a Jack - „ „ Burgee „ fvvhen escorting Royal Yachts). Vessel employed in carrying mails aci'oss the Golden Horn to and from British Post Office at Constantinople. Viceroy of India Yacht Club, various Description of Flag. Plate for Design. f Union Flag Ensign, White - Pendant, Masthead, White. Pilot Flag Standard, Royal Lord High Admiral's Union Flag ("Ensign, Blue I Pendant, Masthead, L Blue. Special Ensign, Blue, with Badge, Plate 33. Pendant, Masthead, Blue, with Badge, Plate 33. Master's Flag - Ensign, Red, with Badge Special . . - - White Ens'gn - Blue Ensign, with Badge, Plate 34. Sec India. Blue Ensign, with Badges, various. 37 37 37 37 Authority, unless otherwise stated, is the Kius^'s Regulations, page, iic, of which are shown below. ■ Page 40, Art. 118. Page 40, Art. 119. Page 42, Art. 128. Page 11, Art. 40, Page 41, Art. 124. y* Admiralty Letter, 21st June 1891. Admiralty Letter, 18th January 1900. Various. No authority is known for the use of these Flags. 27 VI. List of Flags showing against each by whom and when used, and the authority. Designation. Plate for Kii g's Regulations. I'.y uiiom uscil. Design. Pag... Article. Para- gi-aph. Standard, Royal 1 The Sovereign 11 40 2 ,. 1 The Queen - - - - 12 41 1 „ Special 2 to 6 Memljers of Royal Family 12 41 4 „ (Prince of 4 H.R.H. Tlie Prince of Wales- 12 41 3 Wales') LoED High Admiral s G The Sovereign 11 40 2 J) »> »> 6 Lord High Admiral or Com- missioners f(jr execnting the office of Lord High Admiral. 35 101 — Union Flag 7 The Sovereign ... 11 40 2 »t )) 7 Admiral of the Fleet - 36 102 — )j ») ■ " 7 H.M. Ships in Commission - 40 118 — - - 7 Governor-General and Viceroy ■\ (ivith Badge, plate 10) of India. Union Flag 7 Governor or Lientenant- 19 68 — {With Badge, ylate 10) Goveruor in India. 37 111 2 Union Flag 7 Chief Commissioner or Politi- {With Badge, plate 10) cal Officer in India. 1 - •37 113 Union Flag 7 Lord Lieutenant of Ireland - {With Badge, -phite 10) 137 111 2 Union Flag 7 Governor- General of Australia 37 114 {With Badge, yhiie 10) Union Flag 7 General Officers commanding -| {With Badge, -pUte 11) Stations. Union Flag 7 H.M. Diplomatic Servant.s 37 114 a {With Badge, pUte 10) 38 115 Union Flag 7 Governors or High Commis- {With Badge, plate 10) sioners of Colonies and Possessions abroad, &c. 28 Designation. Plate for Design, By whom usi-d. King's Regulations. Page. Article. Para- graph. St. Geoege's Cross - Pendant,Bkoad,White Masthead, White. Masthead, Blue. (Willi 7?,((7!/6, plate 33) Pendant, Masthead, Blue. {With Badge, ylateSi) Ensign, White - „ Blue {Wiih Badqes, plates 33 to 40) Ensign, Blue (TF/f/iBa(i(/e, plate 33) Ensign, Blue ( WHh Badfje. plate 34) Ensign, Blue (Witli. Badges, plates 15 to 32) Admiral . - . . Vice-Admii'al . . . Rear-Admiral Commodores - - . - Senior Officer Captain of the Fleet H.M. Sliips in Commission Vessels of War maintained by any Colony under the Colonial Defence Act of 1865. Hired Surveying Vessels, commanded by Officers of H.M. Navy. Hired Transports in charge of Commissioned Officers. Commissioned Officers serving as Mail Agents. H.M. Ships in Commission - Hired Surveying Vessels, commanded by Officers of H.M. Navy. British Merchant Ships, com- manded by Officers of the Royal Navy on the Retired List or by Officers of R.N. Reserve. Public Offices, both as an Ensign and as a Jack. Hired Transports - Commissioned Officers serving as Mail Agents. Vessels of War maintained by any Colony under the Colonial Defence Act of 1865. ■ 36 36 37 36 38 40 41 41 124 41 126 40 118 41 125 41 41 41 41 40 103 106 & 108 112 107 119 122 125 126 123 124 126 122 29 Plate King's Kegulations. Design. Tjy whom used. Page. Article. Para- graph. Ensign, Blue ( With Badqes, plates ir, t,o'32) 8 Other Vessels maiutaiued by any Colony under the Colo- nial Defence Act of 18C5. 40 122 6 '38 115 c Ensign, Blue (With Badge. -pUtell) 8 Consul-Genei-als, Consuls, and Consular Agents. . 38 -.38 114 115 h &d a Ensign, Red 8 Merchant Vessels, &c. - 42 127 — Pilot Flag 198 198 H.M. Ships - - - - Merchant Ships - ■ 42 128 — Jack, for vessels in em- ploy of Public Offices. 8 Public Offices, on their vessels 41 123 — Designation. Plate for Design. By whom u.seil Authority. Date. Pendant, Special 39 Mail Steamers INDIA. Admiralty Letter. 19 June 1902. Ensign, Blue {With Badge, plate 25) 8 Indian Marine Admiralty Warrant. 21 April 1884. Ensign, Blue {With Badge, plate 25) 8 Local Indian Maritime Governments and De- partments subordinate to them. Admiralty Warrant. 9 April 1884. Ensign, Blue {With Badge, plate 25) 8 " Abyssinia " and ■' Mag- dala " while firing shotted guns for exer- cise. Admiralty Letter. 30 July 1883. Special - - - - T» - - - - 13 13 Indian Marine as Jack - Trustees of the Port of Bombay. Admiralty Warrant. 21 April 1884. - - - - 14 Conservators of the Port of Bomliay. Admiralty Letter. 19 Aug. 1880. „ - - - 14 Commissioners of the Port of Calcutta. J 30 Plate Designation. for De.sign. By Wlioiii used. Authority. Date. Africa. Imperial British East African Company. Union Fl^g - . 7 Principal Representative ( With Badr/e, lAate 19) when embarked in Ijoats or other vessels. Union Flag - - 7 Armed vessels as Jack - Admiralty WaiTant. 6 March (]Vith Baihje, plate Ensign, Blue 19) 8 Armed vessels 1890. ( With Badrje, plate 19) EN.SIGN, Red - 8 Merchant and Trading {With Badge, plate 19) Vessels, whether armed or not. Borneo. Special - 12 Sarawak, Rajah of - North Borneo Com- pany : — Admiralty Letter. 20 Oct. 1884. „ - - - - 12 Governor of Sabah Union Flag - _ 7 Principal representative {With Badge, plate 25) when embarked in Boats or other Vessels. Royal Charter. INov. 1881. Union Flag - - 7 Armed Vessels as a Jack ■ {With Badge, plate 25) Admiralty 5 Jan. Ensign, Blue - 8 Anned Vessels and Prin- Warrant. 1882. ( With Badge, plate 25) cipal Representative in his Yacht. Union Flag - . 7 H.M. Lieutenants of Admiralty 11 March ( With Badge, plate 10) Counties. Letter. 1911. Enstgn, Red - , 8 Merchant and Trading {With Badge, plate 25) Vessels. ' Foreign Office 24 Sept. 1903. Union Flag - . 7 Consular Officers on shore . Letter. {With Badge, plate 11) Admiralty 5 Oct. Letter. 1903. 'Admiralty Letter. . Foreign Office 28 Jan. Union Flag - {With Badge, plate 10) 7 Diplomatic Functionaries on shore. 1874. 19 Jan. 1874. Letter. 1 April 1874. Ensign, Red - - 8 South African Merchant Admiralty 28 Dec. (With Badge, plate 20) Vessels. Wan-ant. 1910. Ensign, White - 8 Royal Yacht Squadron - Admiralty Warrant. 6 June 1829. 31 Designation. Plate for Design. V>y WLiini usnl. Autlioiity. Date. Ensign, White Ensign, Blue {With Badges, various) Ensign, Blue ( With Badfje, plate 34) 8 8 8 Trinity Houso Vessels (when escorting Royal Yachts). Yacht Clubs (various) - Fishery Board for Scot- land for their Cruisers. Admiralty Letter. Vari Admiralty Warrant. 21 June 1894. ous. 26 Marcli 1885. Ensign, Blue {With Badge, plate 40) 8 Pacific Cable Board's Ships. Admiralty Warrant. 15 Oct. 1903. Ensign. Blue ( With Badge, plate 35) 8 Port of London Auth< irity Admiralty Warrant. 25 Nov. 1911. Ensign, Blue {With Badge, plate 36) 8 Mersey Docks and Har- bour Board. Admiralty Warrant. 14 Oct. 1912. Ensign. Blue {With Badge, plate 36) 8 Lloyd's, on Iioard theii- Boats. Admiralty Warrant. 9 Sept. 1882. Ensign, Special - 36 Lloyd's, on board their Boats as a Burgee. Trinity House. Admiralty Letter. 30 Oct. 1896. Master's Flag 37 The Master - "^ Ensign, Red - {With Badge, plate 37) 8 Vessels as an Ensign Special - - - - 37 Vessels as a Jack - ■* „ - - - - 37 „ Burgee St. George's Cross {With Badge, plate 36) — Thames Conservancy J Special - - - - 39 39 Royal Mail Vessels Cinipie Ports Admiralty Letter. * 26 April 1884. Ensign, Red - {With Badge, plate 36) Ensign, Red - {With Badge, plate 22) 8 8 Huraber Conservancy on board their Salvage Vessels. Canadian Merchant Ves- sels. Admiralty Warrant. Admiralty Warrant. 15 March 1911. 2 Feb. 1892. Ensign, Red - {With Badge, plate 23) 8 Nevr Zealand Merchant Vessels. Admiralty Warrant. 7 Feb. 1899. Ensign, Red - {With Badge, plate 15) 8 Austi'alian Merchant Vessels. Admiralty Warrant. 4 June 1903. No authority is known for the use of these Flags. 32 VII. Copies of Articles in the King's Regulations referred to on preceding Pages 28, 29, and 30, as the Authority for the Use of the Flags shown thereon. Page 11. Article 40. Paraghapii 2. Whenever the Sovereign shall go on board any Sliip of War the Royal Standard shall be hoisted at the main, the Flag of the Lord High Admiral at the fore, and the Union Flag at the mizen of such Ship, or, if on board a vessel with less than three masts they shall be hoisted in the most conspicuous parts of her ; a Royal Salute shall also be fired from such Ship or Vessel on the Sovereign going on board, and again on leaving her ; and every one of His Majesty's Ships present shall likewise fire a Royal Salute on the hoisting of those Flags, and such further Royal Salutes shall be fired on the Sovereign quitting the Ship or Vessel or passing in boats, or on such other occasions as may be directed. AliTICLE 40. R\nAGRAPlI 5. The Royal Standard, being the personal Flag of the Sovereign, is to he hoisted on board His Majesty's Ships, or ou official buildings, or in enclosures, only on occasions when His Majesty the King is actually present. Page 12. Article 41. When Her Majesty the Queen is embarked in any Ship or Vessel, her Standard shall be hoisted at the Main, and it shall be treated with the same respect and saluted in the same manner as the Flags denoting the presence of the Sovereign. 2. When Her Majesty Queen Alexandra is embarked in any Ship or Vessel, her Standard shall be hoisted at the Main, and it shall be treated with the same respect and saluted in the same manner as the Flags denoting the presence of the Sovereign. 3. When His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is embarked in any Ship or Vessel, his standard shall be hoisted at the Main, and it shall be treated with the same respect and saluted in the same manner as the Flags denoting the presence of the Sovereign. 4. When His Roj'al Highness' the Duke of Connaught or His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of Connaught, or other Members of the Royal Family are embarked in any Ship or Vessel, with neither of Their Majesties the King and Queen, Queen Alexandra, nor the Prince of Wales on board, the Standard appropriated for their Royal Highnesses' 33 use shall be hoisted at the Main of such Shiji, and it is to be saluted as directed in Art. 42. Her Royal Highness the I )uchess of Connaught will use the Standard of the Duke of Connaught. Page 13. Article 42. Paragraph 2. Whenever any member of the Royal P'amily shall go on board any of His Majesty's Ships, the Standard of His or Her Royal Highness shall be hoisted at the Main on board such Ship, and a Royal Salute shall be fired fi-oni her, on such member of the Royal Family going on board, and again upon leaving her. BRITISH EMPIRE. Page 14. Article 46. Whenever any of His Majesty's Ships meet, pass, or are passed by any Ship or Ships which are flying more than one Standard, or arrive at any port or place where more than one is flying, oi' when two or moi-e Standards are broken simultaneously, they are to fire Royal salutes in the following order, saluting the standards of : — I. — His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen, Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. II. — -The Sovereigns, Consorts, or Heirs Apparent of foreign nations, or the Presidents of the Republics. III. — Other Members of the British Royal Family. IV. — Other Members of Foreign Royal Families. 2. Under these circumstances only one salute is to be fired for the Standards of any one nation, no matter how many may be flying. Page 19. Article 68. The following Rules are established by the Government of India in respect to the hoisting of the Viceroy's Flag in Indian Waters : — A. When the Viceroy and Governor-General is on board, the Viceroy's Flag is to be hoisted at the main ; B. When a Governor or Lieutenant-Governor is on board, within the limits of his Government, or on duty elsewhere in Territories under the authority of the Government of India, the Viceroy's Flag is to be hoisted at the fore ; C. When a Chief Commissioner or Political Officer is on board within the limits of his jurisdiction, or on dutj' elsewhere in the Territories under the authority of the Government of India, the Viceroy's Flag is to be hoisted at the fore. 2. With reference to the foregoing rule (A), whenever the Viceroy and Governor-General shall be embarked on board one of His Majesty's Ships, his distinguishing Flag is to be hoisted at the main, and kept flying while the Viceroy is on board in Indian Waters. u 29216 K 34 3. With reference to rules (B) and (C), the Viceroy's Flag is to be hoisted at the fore, whenever any of the Functionaries referred to are Saluted on visiting the Ship. 4. Whenever a requisition is received for the embarkation or con- veyance of a Governor, Chief Commissioner, or Political Officer, the Senior Officer present may direct the Viceroy's Flag to be hoisted at the fore of the Ship in which he is embarked ; provided that the Senior Officer, after consultation with and on requisition from that Official, considers it for the benefit of the service about to be performed that such Flag should, within the prescribed limits, be hoisted. Should the Senior Officer consider it, in the circumstances, undesirable to hoist the Flag, he is to inform the Official of his reasons, and at once report the same to the Commander-in-Chief for the information of the Admiralty. 5. In the event of any such Fimctionary being detached on a Foreign Mission in his official capacity outside his particular jurisdiction, a special intimation will be given by the Government of India in each case as to the Flag being carried by the man-of-war in which he may be embarked ; in the absence of which the Senior Officer present is to exercise his discretion in consultation with the Official proceeding on the Mission. Page 35. Article 101. The Lord High Admiral's Flag is to be worn in Ships in which the Lord High Admiral or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral are embarked. Page 36. Article 102. The Union Flag is to be worn at the main by an Admiral of the Fleet as his proper Flag. Page 36. Article 103. The following Flags are to be worn by Flag Officers (except Captains of the Fleet) as their proper Flags : — Admiral. — A wliite Flag with the red St. George's Cross thereon. Viee-Admiral. — A white Flag with the red St. George's Cross thereon, with one red ball in the upper canton of the Flag next the staff. Bear-Admiral. — A white Flag with the red St. George's Cross thereon, with one red baU in tlie upper canton, and one in the lower canton next the staff. The diameter of the red ball is to be liaK the vertical depth of the white of the cantons next the staff, and the ball is to be in the centre of tlie canton. Page 36. Article 104. When Vice and Hear- Admirals have their Flags painted on their Boats, the same distinctive balls, at least two inches in diameter, are to be shown on the Flag. 35 Page 36. Article 106. A Commodore of the First Class shall wear a white broad pendant, with the Red St. George's Cross thereon. Page 36. Article 107. A Captain of the Fleet, if a Flag Officer, may wear in, and liave painted on, his Boat the Flag proper to his Rank ; if not a Flag Officer, he may wear in, and have painted on, his Boat a White Broad Pendant, Avhen not in the presence of a Senior Captain. Page 36. Article 108. A Commodore of the Second Class shall wear a white broad pendant with the red St. George's Cross, with a red ball in the upper canton of the broad pendant next the staff. The diameter of the red ball is to be half the vertical deptli of tlie white in the cantons next the staff, and the ball is to be in the centre of the canton. Page 37. Article 111. Paragraph 2. The Royal Standard, the Flag of the Viceroy of India, and the Flag of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, are, when indicating tlie presence on board of the personages entitled to hoist those Flags, the Sovereign excepted, to be always hoisted at the main, the Flag of an Admiral or the Broad Pendant of a Commodore, if necessary, being shifted to another mast or Ship, as the case may require ; except in the case provided for in Clause 1 of Art. 68 in regard to the Flag of the Viceroy of India. Page 37. Article 112. When two or more of His Majesty's Ships are present in a port or roadstead, a small broad white pendant, not exceeding five breadths, the length being twice the breadth at the head, with the St. George's Cross, is to be hoisted by the Senior Officer's Ship as a distinguishing flag in addition to the masthead pendant. When a Commodore, junior to the Senior Officer, is also present, the Senior Officer shall fly his broad pendant at the masthead in addition to his Captain's pendant. In all other cases the Senior Officer's broad pendant shall be flown from the starboard topsail yard-arm. Page 37. Article 113. The Flag of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland is to be hoisted on board any of His Majesty's Ships in which His Excellency shall embark, within the Irish waters or jn St. George's Channel. 36 Page 37. Article 114. Tlie Flags authorised by His Majesty to be displayed afloat are — a. by General Officers coiumanding stations,— The Union Flag bearing in the centre, as a distinguishing mark, the Royal initials, on a blue ground encircled by a garland, and surmounted bj^ the Crown ; b. by His Majesty's Diplomatic servants and Commissioners and Consuls-General — the Union Flag with the Royal Arms in the centre thereof, on a white ground encircled by a garland ; c. by the Governors or High Commissioners of His Majesty's Colonies and Possessions abroad, and by Lieutenant Governors or other officers administering the government, the Union Flag with tlie arms or badge of the Colony emblazoned in the centre thereof, on a white ground encircled by a garland ; d. by Consuls-General, Consuls, and Consular Agents, — the blue ensign, with the Royal Arms in the centre of the fly thereof, that is in the centre of that part between the Union and the end of the Flag. 2. No other distinguishing Flag or Flags are authorised to be worn afloat by any of these Functionaries. Page 38. Article 115. Whenever any of the Functionaries particularised in Articles 99 and 114 are embarked, — a. In a boat for the purpose of paying visits of ceremony or on other official occasions, — the proper distinguishing Flag, within the respective limits jDrescribed l)y the following Clause MI., may be hoisted at the bow, but when the boat belongs to one of His Majesty's Ships, she is to keep her White Ensign flying ; h. In one of His Majesty's Ships for passage, — I. If a Oeneral Officer Commanding a Station, — the proper distinguishing Flag, with the approval of the Senior Naval Officer, may be hoisted at the fore, and kept flying within the General Officer's command, provided he is proceeding on public military service : II. If a Diplomatic Functionary and in charge of a Missioii, — the proper distinguislxing Flag with the approval of the Senior Naval Officer, may be hoisted at the fore, and be kept flying within the limits of the mission, provided the Diplo- matic Functionary be proceeding on the public service : III. If a Governor or High Commissioner, or a Lieutenant-Governor, or other Officer administering the Goveimment, — the proper distinguishing Flag, with the approval of the Senior Naval Officer, may be hoisted at the fore, and kept flying within 37 the limits of his Government, or, in the case of a High Com- missioner within the limits of his commission, provided the Colonial Functionary or High Commissioner be proceeding on the public service : IV. The distinguishing Flag of Consular Authorities is to be hoisted in Boats only, and not in Ships, except when they are being Saluted ; c. In one of His Majesty's Ships on an occasion of an Official visit, — The distinguishing Flags are to be respectively hoisted at the fore whenever any of His Majesty's Military, Diplomatic, Colonial, or Consular Functionaries are receiving Salutes to which they are entitled ; d. In British Ships and Boats, other than those of His Majesty, these Functionaries, except Consular Officers as to Ships, are, with the sanction of the Owners or Masters, authorised to fly their proper distinguishing Flags on the same occasions, and within the same limits, and these regulations shall be deemed a sufficient warrant to the Master under the Merchant Shipping Act for so doing, but the permission to hoist such masthead Flags indicative of the presence on board of any of these Functionaries, in no way affects or alters the character or status of the Merchant Shi]) in time of peace or in time of war, whether His Majesty is belligerent or neutral. Page 40. Article 118. Ail His Majesty's Ships of War in Commission shall wear a white Ensign with the Red St. George's Cross, and the Union in the upper canton ; and when it shall be tliought proper to do so, they may display the Union Jack at the jackstaff end (see Art. 119, Masthead Fendaiit). Page 38. Article 119. All His Majesty's Ships in Connnission, when not bearing a Flag or Broad Pendant, are to wear at the Main masthead a Pendant, having a St. George's Cross on a white field in the part next to the mast, with a white fly. If necessary, in order to avoid fouling Wireless Telegraphy Gear, a shorter pendant may be worn, provided it can be easily seen at a short distance from the ship. Page 40. Article 122. The following are the regulations as to the Flags to be worn by any vessel maintained by any Colonv under the Colonial Defence Act of 1865 : — a. any vessel provided and used as a vessel of war shall wear the Blue Ensign with the Badge of the colony in the fly thereof, and a Blue Pendant ; 38 h. all vessels belonging to, or permanently in, the service of the Colonies, but not commissioned as vessels of war iinder the Act, shall wear a similar Blue Ensign, but no Pendant. Page 41. Article 123. Ships and Vessels employed in the service of any public office shall carry a Blue Ensign, and a small Blue Flag with a Union described in a canton at the upper corner thereof, next to the staff, as a Jack, but in the centre of the fly of such Ensign and'. Jack, that is in the centre of that part between the Union and the end of the Flag, shall be inserted the Badge of the Office to which they belong. Page 41. Article 124. Hired transports are to wear the Blue Ensign, with the yellow Admiralty anchor in the fly ; and when such Vessels are in charge of Commissioned Officers of the Royal Nax-y, they are, in addition, to carry Blue Pendants Avith the Admiralty Badge in the upper part next to the mast. Page 41. Article 125. Hired Vessels employed in the Surveying Service, when commanded by Officers in His Majesty's Navy, are to wear the Blue Ensign and Pendant. Page 41. Article 126. Commissioned Officers serving with the permission of the Admiralty as Mail Agents in contract Vessels, when in their Boats, may wear the Blue Pendant with the Admiralty Badge in the upper part next the mast, provided tliat the Boat at the same time shall carry a Blue Ensign with the Badge of the Office to which the Vessel belongs. Page 41. Article 126. British Merchant Ships commanded by Officers on the Retired List of the Royal Navy or Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve, which fulfil the following conditions, will be allowed to wear a Blue Ensign : — a. the Officer commanding the Ship must be an Officer on the Retired List of the Royal Navy or an Officer of the Royal Naval Reserve : h. ten of the crew must be Officers and men belonging to the Royal Naval Reserve, but Men belonging to the Royal Fleet Reserve, Naval Pensioners, and Men holding Royal Naval Reserve deferred pension certificates may be included in the number specified : c. before hoisting the Blue Ensign the Officer commanding the Ship must be provided with an Admiralty Warrant : d. the fact that the Commanding Officer holds a warrant authorising him to hoist the Blue Ensign must be noted on the Ship's Articles of Agreement. 39 2. Commanding Officers failing to fulfil the above conditions, unless such failure is due to death or other circumstances over which they have no control, will no longer be entitled to wear the Blue Ensign. 3. British Merchant Ships in receipt of Admiralty Subvention, will be allowed to fly the Blue Ensign, under Admiralty Warrant. ■4. In order to ascertain that the above conditions are strictly carried out, the Captain of one of His Majesty's Ships meeting a Ship flying the Blue Ensign may send on board an Officer, not below the rank of Lieutenant at any convenient opportunity. This restriction as to the rank of the Boarding Officer is in no way to limit or otherwise afTect the authority or the duties of Naval Officers either under the Merchant Shipping Acts or in time of war. 5. Applications for permission to wear the Blue Ensign on board British Merchant Ships in receipt of Admiralty subvention, should be made direct to the Admiralty by the owners ; for other Merchant Ships the applications should be made through the Registrar-General of Seamen. The Board of Trade will issue Regulations as to the mode of proceeding. Page 42. Article 127. In accordance with the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, all other Ships and Vessels which belong to His Majesty's subjects shall wear a Red Ensign free from any Badge or distinctive mark, with the Union in the upper canton next the staff ; except such Yachts or other Vessels as may have warrants from the Admiralty to display other Ensigns, Colours, or Pendants. 2. Colonial Merchant Vessels shall wear the Red Ensign as above, except those of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, which may by Admiralty Warrant wear the Red Ensign with the badge of the Colony in the fly thereof. - 3. Any Colonial Merchant Vessel may, however, carry a distinguishing Flag with the Badge of the Colony thereon, in addition to the Red Ensign, provided that such flag does not infringe the provisions of section 73 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. Page 42. Article 128. All Ships and Vessels shall use the British Union Flag, with a border of white of one-fifth of the flag, as a Pilot Flag, in all parts of the world. I— I H W H miH^ diss. 913 I500. 12. 15. i & C.ORAKAM LTB. LITH KJ, . 1*C.ORAHAM L'» LlTMO», <*.C.G»AMAH t'». LIT** ■ 4. g H P^ % M H h- ( P^ PP t * C ORAMAM L»o, IITM"", lOMDON S t BRITISH EMPIRE. Duke & Ducliess of Connaughl Standard.' Prince Arthur of Cormaught Standard. I^C.QPIAMAH LT». LITH%«. BRITISH EMPIRE. 6. Standard for other Memters of the Royal Faimily. I Lord High Admiral or Admirally Flag. t «> C ORAHAH L*». LITH*«. BRITISH EMPIRE. Note, The circle shewn hy dotted hne indica,tes thie position and proportions for the Badg;es (plates 10 lo 4-0) when they have to be inserted Union T'la.g . S^ Georges Cross. Note, This is flown hy Flag Officers as follows . Admiral, as shewTi. Vice -Admiral, With one red hall in the upper canton next to Stalf "Rear-Adnural With one red Lall in upper cantiin &- onft in lower canton next the Staff. Diameter of red ball to be one half vertical depth of '-vhite canton. 86 hall to he placed in centre of canton . 8. BRITISH EMPIKIO Pendant Blue Pendant White ^^ ^H 1^^ ^B "Note , The circle p'oportions for J she the wn by dotted Im Badges ^latesH Ensign e indicates the position and toMj when they have to he inserted. Blue. Note. The circle shewn by dotted line indicates the position and proportions for the Badges(plateslOtoV3when they have to be inserted Ensign Red. ^CGHAHAM L'». LIT 8^ of Kings Hart OTj.r Master. K.H.M Dia. of white iad^e to 1)6 lialf the depth of the Jack portion of the Pia|. I.A-C GRAHAM C'». L1TM"», ^ BRITISH EMPIRE Jack for Vessels m the employ of Public Offices . Flag of H M Laeutenants of Counties. * * C ORAHAH L»», I 10 BRITISH EMPIRE BADGES &c OF GOVERNORS OP COLONIES, DEPENDENCIES &c AND OF MILITARY, DIPLOMATIC AND CONSU1.AR OFFICERS "The white circles arenot to appear on the red and blue ensigns except "vAxere they are necessary to display the design, tg . where tiiebad^e "itself has a border of the same coloxir as the ensign "The vAute circles are |enerally to appear onthe llnion Fla^ , exi^ept "■•Aiere otherwise noted beneath the design." Diplomalic Offacei-s on sKore and Afloat Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Note - The v\iiite circle is not to appear on. £la£ Governor General of India The Badges of _ the respective Colonies for insertion herein Are ishewn a few pages hereafter. Governors of Colomes Afloat Governor General of the CommonYrealth of Australia H 4r C GRAHAM LTI 11. BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES or GOVERJ^ORS,MILnARTDIPLOMATIC ^CONSULAR OFFICERS At^^CoKi-) Consular Officers Afloat Note: The Anns are to he, inserted m Flag on a blue ground The wlate A-ouna 18 only to ensure istmctiiess of desi&i. Military A'ath.orities Afloat (General Officers Commanding only) •^./T.jnl.jL. S.Africa. Hi^h CoTmnissioner Consular Officers on Shore All otKer Military Services mcludinl Staff Officers i:2. BRITISH EMPIRE. GOVEIWORS,MILITAKy; DIPLOMATIC ficCONSULAR OFFICERS &(:.(CQ»r?) BndsK NortK Borneo Company Flag of Governor of Sabah. RajaK of Sarawak. < * C OttAMAH >-'», LITM •*, . 13 BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. Jdck for Vessels ot the Indian Maxme. S& Trustees of the Port of Bombay. iACGMAhAN l'.» LITM^«. 14 BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. &c. (Cqi^t^) Conservators of the Port of Bombay Enlarged drawing of Badge on Flag of Conservators of the Port of Bombay. Commissioners of the Port of Calcutta Commissioners of the Port, of Rangoon 15. BRITISH EMPIRE. ^USTRALTA MercTiant Flag of Corrunonwealth. QxieeTLs'iaiid New South- Wales. H J, C ORAHAM L'O. LlTM« BRITISH EMPIRE. AUSTRALIA. 16 Victoria . South Australia. "Western Austraiia. Tasmania British Residents in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Protectorate. /' Local In-diom. Maritime G-ovBmments and Departments subordinate to them. Indian Marine. •^r^sr,Sr»irJ'™"- Sarawalc Government Fla^. Note - The Cotnmercia) Fla^ is of similar design tut without tlie crown m centre Z6. BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF COLONIES, BE PENDENCIE S &c.CcoirrmuBD) MEDITERKANEA^' Gibraltar. Malta Cyprus High Cominissioner. H & C.ORAHAM tro, LITM«.«, Zl BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF COLONIES, DE PENDENCIE S &.c. (Cowthtoed) JiTORTH AMERICA &.WEST INDIES. Canada . Note -The Cro'wnis only used on the personal flag of the Governor General and the badge witfioul the Crovvn is used on fly of the flag of all vessels belonginglo the dominion Ontario. #4§ Wreath for Governor- Generals G-overnors of Provinces. Quetec Nova Scotia Nevr Brunswick. 26. BRITISH i:mimhi:. BADGES OF COLONIES, DEPENDENCIES &C. (< »Nnmn:n ) NOKTll AMJ^:iMCA A WEST INDIES Manitoba. Pruice ZcL-ward Island. Province of British Columbia Bajig,e oT Lieutenant-Governor Newfoundland < *■ C ORAHAM LTO, LI- ?s. BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF COLONIES, DEPENDENCIES &C. (contetoed) NORTH AMERICA & WEST INDIES Windward Islands. S^ Ijucia, G t>e n.a d a • S arba dos . M * C. Gb AHAM LTi 30. BRITISH EMPIRi:. BADGES OF COLONIES, DEPENDENCIES &(;. () NORTH AMERICA & WEST INDIES Bermuda BriUsh Guiana Brit-ish Honduras, Jamaica.. Bahama Islands. Turks and Caicos Islands. * A C ORAHAM L'". ■.-TM"*, 31. BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF COLONIES, DEPENDENCIES &c. (Cost'?) j;^ORTH AMERICA & WEST rNJ)JES. Leeward Isla-nas. Trinidad &. Tot ago. PACIFIC. Brit-ish Columbia. Western Pacific. Hi^ Commiasioner. SOUTH EAST COAST OF AMERICA. Falklajad Islands. MAC OMAhAH >'« LITMh^ 32. BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF COLONIES, DE PENDET^CIE S &.C. (CowTmuED ) MISCELLANEOUS. Isle of Man. Aldern ey. ;rsey Guernsey I «rC. GRAHAM t'». LtTM^", 1 BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES &c OF PUBLIC DEPAPiVKTMENTS &c. :i:i. Admiralty Board of Trade. Board of Trade vessel employed as Tender to Bahamas and Somtreroli^KLhouses. Gust oms. Comimssioners' Fla^- CusLotns. 34. BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. &c. (Ccjint^) Post Office. War Office, l^oyal Engineers War Office. Ordnance and Royal Artillery. FisKei'y Board for Scotland Ensign. For vessels l)elonAin4 "Lo the TvTava.! Ordnance DeparlTaent. Admiralty. 1 4 C Ol- « -' »M '-'O. Lll Port of London Authority (Flag) Port of London Authority (Badge on Blue Ensign/ MaJby*Sons.L(th BRITISH EMPIRE. BADGES OF PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. &c. 36 Xo^^^ Hiamter Conservancy Board. Lloyd's Lloyds Burgee for Boats Mersey Doclts S-Hario-or Board Thames Conservancy. 31. BRITISH EMPIKK. BADGES OF PUBLIC DEPARTMEIJ 1\S. &c. (coNrnmED) TiiiuLy House IVTasLer'a ^r^'iag. TWd ;7 Trinity House Ensign. 2i.._l Trinity House Jack ^=^1 Trinity House Burgee. 1 * C ORAHAH ,'i BRITISH KMPIKK. BADGES OF PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. XcfContinucd) 38. Bur4ee of vJominissioners of Insh Lights. Congested DisLncls Board Ireland. Note The white circle is not to appear on tliefla^,. Comirassioners of Irisli Lights . HouseFlrt^of CoiTimissioners of Irish Lights . COMMISSIONERS OF lSrORTIIE"RJSr LIGTHOTJSE S Commissioners' Fla^ k C. GR-iHAM LT» Lli II 3&. BRITISH EMPIRE. PUBLIC DEPARTME:NTS. &c. (Cqst^) Pendant for Vessels, employedin carrying His Majesty's Mails Distinguishing Flag of Vessels employed on NortK Sea Fisheries. Dimensions length. Breadfli at Head length Breadfli.of Head For Steam Vessels 11 0. 9'. 6. For Sailing Vessels 6'. 0" 5' 6" (as slio-wnxa Drawirig) (TKepomt of intersection of colors tote 3 .' 2)tfromHead) 40. BRITISH EMPIRi:. BADGES OF PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. &c DepartmerLt of Agriciilture Dublin. Pacific Gable Board. Powder Fla^s for use on the Tharaes Note , The Flags are made txl two Sizes. Viz. 6Ft » 6F^ & .4'F'-'^3Ft. H 4. C. ORAmAm , ^/. BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FJJ^GvS &PEEDANTS SUPPLIED TO BRITLSH VESSELS OF >YAR. Patt Size A B c 103 1 n'o" so" 3' 8* 203 2 9.o" y'.e' 3'.0" 303 3 i.B 6o" z'.e *03 '^ 5.6 3'. 9 I's" 503 5 a'6 3'4' l'4-" 603 e 2'b 2'o" 0'. 10 Patt Si^ze A B C D E F 105 1 11'. 0" a'.o" 4'.4'/z r.io" 2! 3" I'e" 20 5 2 9.0" i.e" 3'. 7" I'.e" i!io" o'9" 30 5 3 ze' 6.6 3: ft 0.11& i2'k o'.s" 4-05 A 5'.o" 3! 9" 2; ft O.l" 0.9 o.si 505 5 4.0 3.4 1.9 5 0.6 0.4 605 . 6 2.6 20" ( I.I 0'.3'|i 0.4 o'2yi; Patt Size A B C 1 1 z 1 u'.o" 6.6 3.0" 212 2 aio" i'.6 2.6 312 3 7.'6" 60 2'.o" 4 1 2 4 s'.o" 3' 9* \'.6 512 5 4'o" 3. 4-' {.\i 612 6 2'.g" 2.6 6.6 Patt Si7.fe A B C 1 07 1 n'o" g'.o" i!9/4 207 2 90" 1.6 r'.e" 307 3 7:6" e.6 1:2^ *07 4 5.0" 3.6 09" 507 5 4.0' 3U" o'.a" 607 6 2:6" 2.0'' 0.4*i Patt Size A B C D E F 132 1 n'o" g'o" 5.' 9" 1 ■ 39 2.i 2.fk 232 2 9!o" 7:6" 4!6" 3:0° 2.3 2.3 332 3 7! 6" e'.o" 3' 9* 2:3" I'lO^ i!io^ 432 4 50" 3.6 Z.6 I'e' r.3" {.iH 532 5 4.0' 3:4- 2'.o" i'.*" 1.0 I'o" 632 6 z.e' 2:0 t'.2" o'.s o'.e" o'.a' 1 * C ORAMAM nz. BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FLAGS &PE1SDANTS SUPPLIED TO BRITISH \T>SSKLS OF WAR. Patt. Size A B c E F 1+4- 1 22. O' 6.9" 3.0 5'.d 4.4' 2.6 2* + a 20. 0' ^.9- 3.0' 4.6 3'. 8" r. 6 ■ 34-4- 3 IS'.S" 4.S- 2.0" 3.6 3.0' l'.3 4-*4 4 9'.2' 3'.2" l'.3 2. r I'.SJi, tf.io 54-4 5 8.rf 2.3" I'.o' \.K r.o" O'. 6 644 6 53 l'.4' Q.TJi 0.9 0'.7' 0.4" [^- _-. c V B 1 ^ D V f <- _ A --^ Patt Size A B C D E F 120 1 ii.d 9'.6 5.9 3'.9 iii\ ZJJi 2 20 2 a'.o' 7. 6' 4.6' 3'.0" 2'. 3" 2.3 320 3 7'.^ e'.d 3'.9" 2.3 r.idi I.IOZi 420 4 5-.(?' 3.S 2'.^ r.6 r.3' l.lft 520 5 4'.0" 3.4' z'.o" r.4 r.o" 1' d 620 6 .. 2.0 i.i o'.s 0' 8 03 C--H C -^--C--K--C- > Patt Size A B C D E ia4 1 n'.d g'.d 2'.3' 4'.45i 3.4! 224 2 9.0 7.6" r.6 3'.9 3.0 324 3 7.6' 6'.d l'.6" 3.0 2.3* 424 4 5.0 3.9" d.7!4 2. a I'.a 524 5 4'.d 3'.4" o'.e' l'.9 I'.S S24 6 2' 6' 2.0' 6 A \.\ d.io Patt Siz.e A B C D E 140 1 15.0 n'.d 3'd 3.0 s'.e 240 2 ll'.O" s'.tf 2.9' 2'.9" 4.9" 340 3 9'. 6 7'. 6" iAh 2'.4'>i 3.9' 4 40 4 6'. a" 4. 7" r.3" /'.8" 2J» 540 5 s'.d s'.n' id r.4- r.iiA 640 6 2.9' z'.e" d-6 d-s' 1 1.3 Patt Size A B C 'd 122 1 n'.o" 9.0" 2'. 9' 2.3 222 2 90 7-.6' Z'.3" r.lM 322 3 7.6" e'.o" I'.idit, r.6' 422 4 s'.o" 3.8" l'.3' O'.ll'lh 522 5 4.0 3.4" i'.o" 0.10 622 6 z€ 2 o'' d.lh 0.6 'M BRITISH ]':mi>iki:. SIGNAL FLACKS & PENDANTS SUPPLIED TO IlIilTLSIl VIOSSKLS OF WAR. PatL, Size A B c D E F 162 1 iZ.O 6.9' 7'. G l'. g" 0.8 2'.0" zaz 2 zd.o 5 9" ri.o" l' 6 d.G r.6 362 3 15". 6' ♦'.9- ^.3)i r. r o'.s" r.3 4-62 4 9'. 2' 3 Z 3'. 1% o'. li 0-314 o'.io" 562 5 8.0' Z' 3* 3'.0' G 0'.2- 0'. 6 eez 6 5'.0" I' 4 1 104 0.4 O' 1/3 0'.*" Patb Size A B C D E 133 1 15.0" li.o" S'.3" 8. 9' s'.s' 233 2 11. o' 9.6 4.6" 6.6 4,3 333 3 3.6" 7'. 6 4'.0' 5. 6 3.9' 433 4 s'.s' 4. 7' 2.8 I'.O" Z'.ih 533 5 S'.O 3.11 2'.0* 3.0 { m 633 6 2 9' 2'. 6" l' o" I'.S' r.3' Patt. Size A B c D E F 147 / 22'.o' 6. 9 10. o' 12.0 I'.O' 2.0' 247 2 20. o' 5. 9' 9'.0" n'.o' O'.S i'.e" 347 3 15.6 4'. 9' 7'.0' 8. 6' 0.7)4 r.3 447 4 9-,2 3.Z' 4.3" 4.ll" 5 o'.io' 347 5 a'.d 2 3' 3.0" 5.0 3' 0.6 647 1 6 5'. J 4' i.m S'.lii 0.2 O' 4 i ■n ^ 1 i c — — 1 ] 1 t A - --> Patt Size A B c D 102 1 n'.o' g'.o' 3.8' 7' 4 202 2 3'.0" 7. 6' 3.0'je.o' 302 3 7'.6' 6.0" 2.6 j SO 40 2 4 s'.o" 3.9 l'.8 3.4 502 5 ♦'.o' 3.4 I*' 2.8' 602 i 1 6 2. 6' 2.0' 0.10 1 1,8' Patt Size 1 1 A ; B 1 1 c 127 1 n'.tfl 9'.d 4'^ 227 2 9'0j7:6' 3'. 9' 327 3 7'.^ Co- 3'.0- 4-27 4 s'.d 3'9 I.m 527 5 4'.0- 3.4" I'.S" S27 6 2.6" 2'.0' I'.o' 44. BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FLAGvS & PENDANTS SUI»PLIED TO BRITISH VESSELS OF WAR. Patt Size A B C D 150 1 Z2.d 6.9" 2.3" o'.a 250 2 2d.O" 5. 9' 1 .11 o'.s" 350 3 is'.e" 4.9" I'.f o'.s" 4-50 1- 9'.E- 3.2" 0. I2'i! o'.z'h 550 5 s'.o' 2. 3" 0'.9" 3'. 2" 650 e 5 d i'.4" 0'.5)4 O'. 1/} Patt Size A B c 130 1 ii'.d 9.0' 3'.B 230 2 9'.0' 7', 6 3.0" 330 3 i.6 6.0 2 6' 430 4- 5'.0" 3.9" r.s" 530 5 4.0" 3'.4" l'.4' 630 6 2-.^ 2'.0" o'.io' Patt Size A B c D E F 145 1 22.0 6. 9' 3 3" l'.6 0.8 14' . O" 245 2 20' O" 5. 9 3'.0' r.e" 0".6" 12.6 345 3 is" 6' 4'. 9' 2'. 3" i'. r 0.5 9'. if 445 4 9.2" s'.z' r.4A 0.7* 0'.3ft 5. 10 5-45 5 s'.o" 2 -3 I'.O" o'.s 0.2" 5.6 G45 e s'.o' \'.'C 0'7ft d.3k 0'.l» i.S'k Pat-t Size A B C 126 1 ii'.o' g'.o" 3'0" 226 2 9".o' 7.6' 2' 6' 326 3 1.6' s'.o" Z'O" 42G 4- s'.o 3'. 9" l'.3" 526 s 4.0' 3'.4 \'.\h 626 e 2'.6 20' 0.8 Patt. Size A B C D E F 109 1 ii.d' 9'.0 e'.e" 4.6" I'.e' d.g" 209 2 9.0' 7. 6" 4.6" 3.0" I.6- 0.9 309 3 7.6' 6.0 3.3' 2'. 3' r.1% 6.9 409 4 s'.o" 3.9 2.6' i.i 6-i'h O'.Tfe 509 . 5 4'.0' 3'.4 z'.o" \'A o'.e" 0.6" eo9 6 2.6' 2".0' i.z' o'.s" 0'4 0'4' BRITISH EMPIRE. ^^ SIGNAL FLAGS &PErNDANTS SUPPLIED TO BRITISH VESSELS OF V?AR. Patb SizR A B C 160 1 n'.o" 9:0" z. 3" 260 2 a'o" i& I'.e" 360 3 I'i 6-0" i'.g" 460 4 5. o" 3.9 0'.^'/2 560 5 4-!o" 3' 4" 0'. s" 660 « 2.6 2'.0 0'4" Patt Size A B C D E 138 1 is'.o 11! 0" 4'. 3" r.e' s's" 238 2 iro" s'.e" 3.dk I'a 4! 9" 338 3 s'e 7.' 6 2 6 i!o" s'.s" 438 4. s'.e" i^n Ml' o'?/. 2:3'/. 538 5 5'.o" 3:11" 1.5 o'.e" r.M/i G38 e aig" 2's" o'.sjj o'.s" I's" "EaJtt Size A B C 108 1 n'.o" 9'.0" 1' fe" 208 2 g'.o is I'a" 308 3 7.' 6° e'.d I'.o'/; 408 4 s'.o" 3.' a" O'T/, 508 5 4'.o" 3'4" O'.T/.' 608 6 2'.6" 2'.o" ^*z Patt. 1 Size A B c D 134- 1 15'. 0" m'o" 3'0* 4.0 234 2 n'o s'.g" 2'.3" 3'.7fc 334- 3 sie 7.'6" 2'.o' 2.9 434 4 6.8 4.7" r.a" I'a" 534 5 s'.o" 3.11 6.3 \'.l" 634- 6 2 '.9" 2'6" o'.e" \'o" Patb. Size A B 119 1 11.0 3.0 219 2 a'.o" t'g' 319 3 7.6 s'.o" 4-19 4 s'.o" 3'.9" 519 5 4'0* 3'. 4" 619 6 2's" /'o' kC.ORAHAM L'-". LITM«.«. 46 BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FJJ^GvS &PErNDANTS SUPPLIED TO BRITISH VESSELS OF V^AR. < c ^ Patt. Si'ie A B c 1 2S 1 no'. 9 O" 6 6' 228 2 90 7G- * 6' 3 26 3 7'6' e'-o' 3 9 ♦ 28 * so' 33' 2 6" 528 S 40 a 20" 628 6 2 g' 2'o' 1 3' Patt Si2.e A B C D c F 1 G ri6 1 n'o" 9 0' 4 4''J a'?' 2 3 r 10' I'e" 216 2 90' -i-i 3 i 30 r lo' l' 6' 09" 316 3 I'-e" 6-0 31^/i 2'6'i 12'^ o'ii'% o's" 4<6 4 so' 39 2 1 '4 l' 7" 0'9' 0'6 7 OB o'-s'i 04" 516 5 4 o" 3-4' l' 9 (■5"z 616 6 ie" 20' l' l" O'lO^ 04" 0'3'i o'2'4 <-— c - ► 1 C D ■ 1 D Patt Sue A B c D 125 1 11' 0' 90' 3 8 a'o' 225 2 90' 7' 6' 30" 2' 6' 325 3 7' 6* 60 2 6" 20 4Z5 4 SO 39' "' i r 3" 525 S 4 34' 1' 4" \ ■1 \ , A » Patt, Size A B c D 123 1 II. 9.0" 5.6' 4.6 223 2 8',0" i.e. 4:. 6 3.8" 323 3 vie' 6.0' 3.3" 3.0' 423 4- s'.o' i.9' 2.6" I'.O \ Vk Patt Size A 1 B c 159 1 ii' o' 90' S'.tf 258 2 a', tf 7. 6" 4.6" 353 3 7' 6 G'.O" 3.9' 459 4 5' 0' 3'. 9' i.€ 553 5 4'.0" 3'. 4' z'.o' 853 e 2'G- 2' 0" 1 l'.3" Patt, Size A B c D E 143 1 220' S 3 id. 3" 11.9 2.0" 243 2 20. 0' 5.9' 9.0" 11. d r.e 343 3 15.6 4. 9" 7.0' 8.6 \- 3' 443 4 ii 3'. 2" 4.3' 4. II o'. lo' 543 5 3'. 2- 3" 3 0' 5. O" O'. 6' 6 43 1 6 5 O' r 4-" 1 10* 3. Vh 0.4" H, Patt. Size A B 137 1 15 o" n'.o 237 2 1 r. 0' 9'. 6' 337 3 9'. 6' 7'. 6' 437 4 6. 8" 4' 7' 537 5 s'.o' 3' If 637 6 2'. 9" 2.6' < *■ C 0»AM*M L'». 1 49 BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FLAGS fePEEDANTS SUPPLIED TO BRITISH VT:SSELS OF TYAR. Patt Siie A B c D E F 149 1 22' O" 6 3 6.9 7.0 8.3 2.0 249 2 20'. o" 5 9" e'.o" 6.9 7.'3" I'.e" 349 3 15'. e' 4 9" 4.9" 5'. 0" S'.9" l'.3° 449 4. si. 2 3 2" 2:9%" 2'.ir 3.5'/; o.'io" 543 5 s'.o" 2 3" 2'.o" 2! 6" 3'.s" o'.e" 649 6 s'.o" 1 4" r.3" K7" 2! 2" 0.4 Tatt. Size A B c D E F G H Ill 1 ii'.o" 9.0 1 2 1 .6 0'. 5" 0'. 3" 0'. *" o'.i'li 211 2 9.0 7.6 1 .0 1 .2 o'a% 0' 3" o'.i:^ 0.3 o'.3'' 311 3 7.' 6" e'.o" 0'. g" o'.g' o!4'^ o!3 0'. 1% 411 A s'.o" 3:9" o'.ii d.ik 0'.3% o;2'^ o'.i'A 0'.2'/2 5)1 5 4'.o" 3'4'' o'.e' o.e o'.s" o'. 2" 0'. i" 0'.2'' 611 6 2'. 6 2'.o" 0'.4' 0'.4" 0'.2" oui d.oi o'i'/a Patt. Size A B C D 136 1 i5!o" m'.o' ♦'.s' r.e" 236 2 U'.o" s'.B 3:0/2 l'.3" 336 3 a'. 6" 7.' a" 2'. 8 r.o" 436 4 e'.s' 4.7 I'.n' o'.7^ 536 5 s'.o" 3.11 I'.s" o!e" 636 6 2! 9" a'.e" 0'.9lfc o'.s" Patt. 101 201 301 401 501 601 Patt, Size A B 129 1 11.0 9'.0" 229 2 g'.o" Tie" 329 3 7;6" e'.o" 429 4 5'.0* 3'.9' 529 5 4.0 3'.4 629 6 2'.e'' 2'.0'' Size i;.o 9 .0 7.6 5.0 4.0 9.0 7.6 6.0 3.9 34 2.6 20 0.10 3.8 3.0 2.6 1.8 I 4 1*C ORAHAM L*l». IITM.J, 50. BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FLAGS &PE]^DANTS SUPPLIED TO BRITISH VESSELS OF mR. '^ A -i> Patt Size A B c D E 155 1 22.0' 6',9" 10'. d 12.0 2.0 255 2 20.0' 5'.3' 9'.0' ll'.O' l'. 6" 355 3 is'. 6' 4.9 7'.0' 8' 6" r-3" 455 4- 3'. 2" 3 2' 4'.3" 4'.ir O'. 10" 555 S 8.0' 2'. 3" 3.0' 5'.0 o'-s" 655 6 s'.o" \a' r.ic* 3 rit 0.4' Patt. Size A B c D E F 146 1 22;.0 S'.9' t-'.O 4.6 6'.0 7.6 246 2 20 G 5.9" 3:9 V.e" 5.0 6.9" 348 3 IS. 6 4-'. 9" 2,16 3'. 2 4.3' 5'.3- 446 4- 9.2 3. 2' l'.8 I'.ioli 2.6 iJi 548 5 e'.o 21.3' r.^ I'.id 2.0" 2.6 648 G S'.d r.4" I'.o'* I'.Z r.3 r.6)t Patt Size A B 121 1 H.O' 9d 221 z 9'.d T.'e 32.1 .3 Y.i 6'd 421 4 s'.tf 5(9 521 5 4'.0' 3'.4' 621 e 2'.6' 2'.o" Patt. Size A B no 1 n'o" 9 210 2 9'.d /6- 310 3 1.6 6'.0" 410 4- S'.o" 3.9' 510 5 4.0' 3 4 610 6 2'. 6' 2'.d Size A B c D E F G 1 z 18' 0" 9'.0" o'.io'fe 0'.7' 0'.3i 0'. 7" r. 9" is'.o" re- 0'.9" o'.e' 0'. 3" 0-.6- 1 .6 3 12. 0' s'. 0" . eV 0'. 4>i 0'.2li 0'. 4^ r.i)4 4 re 3.9' o'.sV 0'. ill O'.lA 0'. Zli .7)4 5 e'.o' 3'. 0" oih 0'. 2/. 0' l/i' 0'. zi 0'. 7' < «< C.GRAHAM .J/. Biin isii i:Mi>iin-:. SIGNAL FLAGS &,PKI^I)ANTS SUPPLIKI) TO URITLSH N'ESSKLS OF WAR. Pact. Size A B c D E F 146 1 22 0" 6.3' 3.0 5.0' ^A- id 21-6 2 200 5.9 3.0' 4.6 3'. 8 1.6 346 3 15.6 4,9' 2'.0' 3.6 3.0 r.3 446 •^'■ 9.2 3.2" l'.3 2. r I'.si d.id 546 5 8:d 2:3"j I'.O' l'. 4 r. d.s 646 s s'.o' r. 4'j 0'.7« ds 6.1 0.4 Patt. Size A B c D 142 1 15 O' u'o' 0. 9 5:6 242 2 ll'.O' 9' 6 0.9 4'. 9' 34-2 3 8'.6- 7.B' o!9" 3.9' 4-42 4 e'.e 47' o's" 2.3ft 542 5 s'.o' 3. ll' o'.4' l'.ir/2 642 S 2.9" 2e' 2)i r. 3" Patt Size A B c D E F 157 1 22. 0" 6'. 9" 3'.o" 5.0' 4.4" 2.0" 257 2 26.0" 5: 9 3'.0" 4.6 3.8" 1.6 357 3 15. 6 4. 9" i.o" is" 3.0" l' 3 457 4 s'.f 3.2' i. 3" 2. r I'Sfi, 0.16 557 5 8.0' 2:3" i.o' 1'. 4' I'.o" 0'. 6 657 G 5.0 l'.4' 6.TA 0'. 9* 0'.7' oU- Patt. Size A B c D E F 13/ 1 lio' 9.0* 5'. 9' 3.9 2'.7y2 2.7.^ 231 2 9'o" 7.6 4'.S 3.0' 2. 3' Z3 331 3 7! 6 6.6 3r.3" 2 3 I'.ioi I'.KM 431 4 5.0 3' 9' 2. 6' i.e r.3' i.ii 531 5 4:0' 3 4 2!o' i.i I.o' i'.o' 631 6 2:6' 2. O' :: 2' 6.8 0.8 0.8' Patt, Size A B c 156 1 22. 0' 6. 9" 20' 256 2 20. 0' 5'.9- I'.e" 356 3 15. 6- ♦'9' r.3" 456 4 9. 2' 3'.Z' 0. 10" 556 5 8'. tf 2'.^ tf.6' 656 6 5; 0" r 4' 0.4' * * C GRAM ■> 5Z. BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FI^GS &PEM)ANTS SUPPLIED TO BRIllSH VESSELS OF VYAR. Patt Size A B c D E 115 1 ii'.o" 9.0 5.0 z'.o" 3.6 Zl5 2 9'.0' TG 4^0' r.9 z.e 315 3 7.6 6.0 3.4" l'.4 z.r 4IS 4 5.0 3.9 2.6" o'.Tft l'.3 515 5 4'.0" 3.4 z.o" 8 10 SI5 e 2'. 6" to \.i 0'.4 0',7 Pau. Size A B C D M3 1 ii'.o' 9.0- ^.6 l',6 ZI3 2 3.0 7'.6" 4.6" 3'.9' 313 3 7 6" 6.0' 3.3 3.0" 413 4 ^.0 3.9 2.6 I'.IO! 513 5 4.0 3 4" 20 \i 613 6 2.6 2 l'.3' i.O Patt. Size A B c D E F 141 1 15.0 ii'.o" 2.1^ i2& 3'.0' 4 7 241 2 II'.O* 9.6' 1.6 \.6 2'.0 4 0- 341 3 9.6- 7'. 6" I'.A (.5 r.if Z.\i 441 4 ^g 4'./ o'.iii o'.n'ji, r.3" i.A 541 5 s'.o- 3'.l|- 0'.8 o'.a oMd 2.0* 641 6 Z6 2'. 6" 0'.4° 0.4 0.6 i.\ Patt Size A B c D E 156 1 2216 6.9 10.3" 1 r.9" 2.0' 2S6 2 20. 0' S'.9" a'.o' 1 La- 1 .6' 358 3 I^.G 4.9 7.C( s', fe' 13' 456 4. g'.z" 31.2' 4.3' 4, if . lO" 556 5 80" 2.3 3-.0 5.0' o-e" £56 e 5.6 r.4 r.ioisj 3.& 0.4 Patt Size A B c D E 139 1 15.0" ll'.0" 6.3" 8'.9' 5.6' 239 2 II.O 9.6' 4.6" 6.6* 4.3 339 3 9'.S" 7.6" V.O- 5.6" a'.g- 439 4 6.8" 4.7- la" 4.0 Z3b 539 5 5 0* 3.11' 2.0' 3.0 1 .11& 639 ^ 2.9 2:.6 i.o" 1.9 1.3' 5:i. BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FLAGS &PEM1ANTS SUPPLIED TO BRITISH VESSELS OF WAR. Patt. Size k B C IS2 1 22' 0- es- lo- 253 2 20'0" 5 9- O'S" 352 3 ise- * 9- QT/i 452 4- 3-2- 32" 5 5S2 s 8 0" 2-3- 0'3" 652 e 5'0- l'4-" 0'2" Patt Size A B C D E F G IS + ' 2ZtT 69- 3'0" 1- 6- +■6 I'O-It'o- 254- z 2O'0- 59- 30- CO" 4'0- o-sTso- 35 + 454 3 4 IS'6" 92" 49- 2T- 0'9- 3' 2- OS- G-6- 3'2- r3" O'V^i y\o'i 0'5- 211- 554 5 8'0" 23 l'3" 0'6" (■9" Q'3- 2'9" 654 6 5'0- r4- 0-7'/» 0'3% ro- 0'2- 2 0- \ c I! c A — PaLlt. Size A B C D E 106 1 iro" 90- 10- ro- 30- 206 2 so- 7'S" I'D" 0-9- 0-8- 2-6 2 306 3 ys SO- 0'9" 4oe 4 so- 3 9' OTh. 0-4' 0-s- 0-4- 1- 3- 1-0- SOS 3 40' 34 eoe 6 2-6- 20 0-1)4 0-3- 9- I c Pa-tt j Size A B C 1 1* 214 1 2 II' 0- 9-0- 3'8" 9' 0" 7-6- 3-0- 314 3 7'S- 60- 2 6- *I4 514 614 4- 5-0- 39- rs- 5 4 0- 3-4- i-4- S IZ-6 2-0- lo' 1 M.AC (kRAHAM L*e. LITHKS. 54 BRITISH EMPIRE. SIGNAL FLA^GS &PKFmANTS SUPPLIED TO BRITISH VESSELS OF >VAR. PaLL^ Size A B c 163 1 9. Jl .0 r.s" 263 2 7'. e" 9'. O" o'.g" 363 3 6,0 7.' 6" o'. 9" 463 4- 3 '. 9" 5'.0" o's/i' 563 5 3 '.4" 4'. O" 0'4" 663 6 2'.o" 2'. 6" O'. I'll Patt Size A B C D E F G H J 165 1 22:0" 6:9" 2' 2" 2'4S 2:7" 2!io' 3:10' g'o)^ 2'0" 265 2 20.0 5'. 9" 2.0" 2:2" 2'.4" 2:6" 3 6' s'.e" 1:6" 365 3 15. 6" 4,3 r.s'/i lis" I'JO" Ijlfe" 2&iL 43" l'.3' 465 4 9.' 2" 3'. 2" o'.ii" i.o' 1 .1 1:2" 1.7" 2'6" O'lO" 565 5 8'.0" 2'3" O'.SjS O'.ltf/j Ollljii" 1:*" I'Afi 2'.2" o'.e' 0.4"' 665 6 5'0'' l!4" o'.s" o'eiJ! 0'.7' o!7fc" o'lolS i;4 Patt. Size A B C 164 1 9'. 0" 11' 0' r.6' 264 2 7'. 6" 9'. 0" O'.s" 364 3 6'.0" 7.' 6" 0'. 9" 464 4 3'. 9" 5'.0" 0'.5]fj 564 5 3'. 4' 4'.0* 0'.4" 1 664 6 2'.0" 2 '.6" 0'.2&" Patt Size A B c 166 1 22.0 6'. 9" 2'0" 266 2 200' 5'. 9" l!6" 366 3 is'.s' 4! 9' r.3" 466 4 9'. 2' 3:2" 0:10'' 566 5 e.o" 2:3- o'.e'' 666 6 5.0' il'.4" 0'.4* >'5. Ie ARGENTINE REPUBLIC , fe: Pe ndant Minister of Marine. H * C. ORAHAM I so. AUGEJ^TINE REPUBLIC. I Jack Proportions 5 4' -N. Admirals Flag. Vice Mmiral wifh independent comm axid;- asAdimrals Flag but wiL)i two stars only. Rear Admiral wiLli independent cOTntnand;- as Admirals Y\-a.g but witli one star only. ice Admiral mtn suL ordinate command. Rear „ as Vice Admiral but with one star H.* C.ORAKAM U" S7. AR GE^S^TIKE REPUBLIC. 1 / Captain's Flai ('Arhen m command of an mdepeTLdent force ) Ca.pia.ir.,w>ieRmcommaT\d of a division;- The half next t"he staff Wue.lhe other half white Senior Officer's PeRdant H * C SRAHAM L^< 579' ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Flag of Captain in. Command of Flotillas. Flag of a Captain in Command of a Flotilla. Flotilla Commander's Flag. Flag of a Leader of a Division, Flag of aLeader of a Subdivision < tw C GS*MA*« t.T» (.ITM«ft, /iS. AUSTRIA HUN OAKY Standard, Emperor's \ "w^^ml ^^^^ /, / \^^\^ ^^!^^^^HL JJi^Hi^^^!! ^^^.^K^ ^^B^^ ■^^n ^-:. ^.=^^m ^ffill pii^e^ H«ll^ 1 j^^K^^ S EVlf^W H^V^ ^3^ Sp w Enlarged drawing of A.rms ori Emperor's Standard **C GRAHAM LV>. L1TM««, 59 AUSTRIA HUNGARY. llandard. Empress. Standard, Archduke & Archduchess. * Ar C 0«AMAM L'O HTM GO AUSTRIA -HUNGARY I^ar- Admirals Fia^. 1* C OR*M*M L">, t-M ei AUSTRIA- HUNCxARY Ensign tC OBAHAM L*» LITM» 6',J AUSTRIA HUNGARY. * » Jack Pendant Merchant Flag. Prcpor Lions as 3^2 . t * C OBAWAIH L**. IITN 63 AUSTRIA -HUNGARY Field Marshal Military General Officers. l^ote, 1. diiy the two stars in. tKe "White Stnpe are s>iewn for a Lieut Field Marshal 2. The star in the Red Stripe is shewrvfor aMajor General k C- URAHAM ('. AUSTRIA HUNGARY. 64. Flag of Honour _ Red. Thfi inacription on the reverse only is ""Virilius unitiis" that OTLthe otverse is ^Fortitudini navali" Flag of Honour _ White The inscription on the reverse only is "Wib-us umtis" that on the otverse is Merito navali." AUSTRIA HUNGARY 65 Customs Pendant Austria. ^>V20G^ Customs Fla^ Hungary. , »C 0»«H»B tt.. 1.1TH-*. 66. BELGIUM E.oyal Stan.dard The saTn.e as the Standard except tkat bhe Coat oE Arms is omitted EnGign for Men- of- War. A square flag of same design as tlie Ensign witK &ie addition of White Balls placed one aiove another m the upper part of Blaclc Stripe 4> "WVute Balls for an Admiral or Lieu': Admiral 3 'i !•• '■■ a Vice Admiral. 2 " " >i a Rear AdTniral's Flag Pendant Mastlxead for Men- of- War. 1^ r Pendant Pendant Masthead for Mercliant Ships but the circumstances uader whioli allowed to ie flown axe not stated Same as the Ensign for Men- of -War. Ensign for MercKant Ships 61. BOLIVIA. Enlarged Drawing of Arras. B R A Z 1 1. ee. Pi-esidents Fla^. National Fla^. Minister of Marin.es Flag Uobe:- Flown at theMain. 4*C ORAMAM L*'. L«TM« fir) BRAZIL. Admiralty Flag. Admiral's Flag. MaJbyftSons.bth 70 BRAZIL. Admiral's Flag. A Rear -Admiral's Flag is similar to a Vice -Admiral's but has two stars only in the upper Canton. Flag flown in the bows of Flagships. Also flown by all warships on Sundays and Gala days. MaJby4Sons.Lit)i. 11. BRAZIL I il Pendant Note. FlovTn at the Main The pendant contains 21 stars. Pendant of Captain in command of a division, ranlcln^ with a Commodore second class. Note, Flownrvat the Mam ^ Senior Officer's Fla^. Note. Flo"wn at, L'he Mizen-^op-mast-head. Fla4 of Adjutant General of the Fleet. Same as the National Fla^. Ensign . Same as t,h e En s i ^n. ■ Merchant Pla^. H ^ c anAHAM 12 BULGARIA. Royal Standard i II Standard U3ed by Queen of Bulgaria. I * C OOANAM 73 BULGARIA. Standard of th.e Crown Prince. Royal Pendant. Queen's Pendant Crown Prince^ Pendarvt. iC OMANAM L'o LtTH*J>. 14 BULGARIA, Ministry of War. Note, National Mlitary Flag Kas no lion or cross . ,WHpiy Naval (War) Pendant. ^^ J'^Wt /SSn iiiiiirf^^ IKli^ii! Be N aval Flag. Note, National flag is same as Naval Flag ■with, the red square &.lion omitted & the plains crip es carriednglxt across. 1.* C OnKMAH L'.«,LITH%« 15 BULGARIA. r Flag of Officer CommaLndirL^ a Division Fla^ of Officer Cominanding a Flotilla. MAC OftAHAH L»». L'TM CHILI 16 1 65 m.- >, President of Republic. Same els Presiden-Cs Flag , except that the Arms are omitted. Ensign & Merclriant Flag Mmisters of State (except Minister of Marine) Diplomaiic Mmisters and Envoys Extraordinary. (Length- IS boireadfh as 3: 2.) « 4 C GRAHAM L'"*. LITM »>, 77 CHILL I Minister of Marine (Len^tKis botreadtK as 3:2.) Director G-eneral of the Navy (Len^tlxis Colireadth as 3- 2.) Same as the Minister of Marine's Flag, except that the follov/ing distinguishing marks are placed mthe centre of the Flag & the Anchor is o-mitted. vV N? 1 N° 2 N°l. for a Vice -Admiral. „ 2. „ a Rear- Admiral m Command. 2. on a red flag, for a Rear Admiral second m Command Adirarals' Flags. H. AC. GRAHAM LT9. LtTN**. 16 CHILI CoTranodore Flag. (Length IS Co iDreadtln. as 3 2) Commodore, "with, mdependent Command. Biie iield. TiDtwith " " Hed I' Semor Officers Flag. (Length xs to iread.th as 3:2) Jack. c ^ - -190m Captain of the Port's Flag . Governors of Provinces & Generals (Length IS tohreadth as 3 2.) Consuls & Governors of Departments (Length IS tohreadthais 3.2; (wC.SRAHAM Lr». LI- IS'f' CHINA. EnsigiT.. The length is to breadth as 4-3 The blue porticxiis * of the complete Fla^. Half the diameter of the sun is \ of the width of the blue portion, the length of the sun's r>ays is * of the diameter of the sun. Jack. Pennant CHINA. 79. Envoys Flag. Prince of P* Order. Badge emila-oiied onlhe Envoys Flag over l"he Dragon. (.in. lieu of tKose sKown in the drawing') for Envoys of other Rank. Prince of 2"^^ Order 80. CHINA. Badges emblazioned on the Envoys Flag over fhe Dragon. (ialieu. of those shownindus drawing) for Envoys of othjsrrank. Prince of 3'"'^ Order. Prince of 4*'^ Order. ^^^^''^^^ Dukes 1^' Class Civil, 1^' Class Mlitaiy. 1*C ORAMAM f«. L1TM"«, SJ CHINA. Badges emblazoTuedonthe Envoys Flag over cHe Dragon (mlieu of those sKownin the drawing ) for Envoys of other rank. Class Civil 2"^ Class Military. 3^* Class Civil . DTcL 3^"^ Class Military. Flag flown by a Civil Commandar in Chief above rank of Governor. also for highest inrank of passengers above Governors rank Proportions. !*'• Class, a square measurm.^ 11 feet 8 inches a side . 2^ " .• '• '• " ■ 3T^ 4,'> " - " 9 7 4- 4. 8 M^C.OBAMAM L'*. LITM^». s^ CHIT^A Flag of Minister of Marme. 409 Flag of Vice Minister of Marin.e Admirals Flag , C 0«AMAM L'W. LITM»A, 83 CHINA. Vice AdTniral'3 Flag. Commodore's Flag. Senior Officer's Flag. tdrC CKAHAM f» L|TH ■ 8^. CHINA. China Merchan-t Steam Navigation. C°'® Private Fla^ . Religious Flag,. Ilown 1^^ & IS* cf everymoon &: on 23^* of third moon, in honour of the Goddess of the Sea. Proportions. P* Class Length, 18 feet. 1 inches Breadth, 8 „ 9 .. 2*^Class Len^- 15 feet ZincKes Breadth 7 .. 3^'*-aa3S Length, 12 feet 10 inches. Breadth, 5 ,, 10 „ M.* CORA 88. REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. National Fla^ and Easign. Enlarged drawing of Bad^e oatlie abov«Fla4. \ Merchant Flag,. * * C ORAHAM L"> LlTH"*, 86 COSTA RICA Enlarged drawmg of Arms. Same as fKeEnsign excepi- the Bad^eis omitted Merckanc Flag k C GP AH AM lT", LII 81 C ON G O Congo Free State. 88. C UBA National Fla^. (Proportions as 3 to Z) Fla^ of flxe Head of the Navy. A A C OH*MAM 89. DEIVMARK. Royal Arms on.a'White Ground to be inserted over the centre of the Cross m tKe Ensign, for use as Stan-dard. TKe White Ground tote of sucK dimensions as will, when m position cover one fourth of the red in eacK of the sqiiares next th.e mast. Royal Startdard Note -Vessels in want of a Royal Standard may hoist tKe Ensign with. Pendant above. Meml) ers of the Royal Family, o tKe r than tKe S overeign , fly the Ensign witK a Crown on aWhite Ground inserted m the centre of tKe Cross, the design of tKe Crown hem^ as sKewnm above drawing. Pendant Note -Hoisted to m.dLcaCe tKat His Majesty is onboard but does not wisK to be saluced or received witK any ceremony. so DENMARK. Pendan-t Masthead. ** Z 3 Badges to ie shewn on the Ensign. Inserted on. Centre of Cross for Mnister of Marine. Inserted inupper canton & Sin lower canton for Admiral. Inserted in both -upper & lower cantons for ^ce Admiral " "upper canton only for Rear Admiral. Grown. &: Bugle m upper corner for Royal Mail Packet;t; . Pendant of Commanding Officer of a Division Same as tixfi Ensign except tihat the Flag is rectangular Merchant Fla^. H.*C.*nAMAM L'». LITM«», DOMINI CATIf REPUBLIC rji . %C^ Enlarged Drawing of Arms Same as Ae Ensi gn Vut -witHout the Armh Merchant Flag 92. EC UADOR Ensi^ for Ships of War & Fortresses Sajne as the Ensign except iTiat the Arms are oimtted National and Merchant Fla^. Enlarged drawing of Arms tA-C.ORANAM f* LtTM».». 83 ECUADOR. P The foUowuig designs are inserted m the above Flag arlieu of the Anchor for the Officers mentioned. 7^ ). Comman.darLt - GerLeral of the Navy. Vic e - Adnural. A i:t^ Hear Adrraral~vvith mdeperLdent comiaand Rear Admiral Secondm CommarLd. A similar Fla^ m-th He d groiond instead of Bine Cormnodore Coiranandin^ The Flag is swallow- tailed. C crmmo dore Secondm Oomraand. Asimilar swallo-w-- tailed Flag with. Redgroundinsteadof Blue. PerLdani: for Ships of Wax H a, C GRAHAM LT", LITH"« aj? J : (; Y p T Standard of Sultan of Egypt 94- FRANCE. Note the iisual proportion cfFla^s as usedmFrencK Navy IS approximately as follows, viz : length is to treadtK as 7is to 6 except the Ensign of whicK tke proportions are as 3 to 2. As regards colour the follcrwin^ are the proportions wliicli "WiU obtain m the various descriptions of Fia^s- Bke TOiite Hectan^ular Fla^s Percentage cf Fly 30 33 Pendants Persona). " " " 20 20 Broad Pendants &. ! Triangular | 37 GO 23-5 2G5 50 ErtSign, (Lengtlais to ireadtFi as 3 • 2 .j Same as the Ensign except that length is to breadth as 7 £ and that the initials of the ft-esident are m goldmthe centre of the white sinpe. The ^dld letters are t-ohe Roman and their height one third of the breadth of the Fla^. President's Flag. Worn at the Main. Same as the Ensi^ except that length is to breadth as 7; 6. Minister of Marine. Worn at the Main. H.* C. ONAH J9.5 FRANC E. Distin^uis'hing marks tobe used on a square Flag of thfi national colours on certain occasions i e. on Flag as for Minister of Marine. N° 1. N°2. N°3. N°4. N° 1. In Hue stripe for a Vice -Admiral. lin additicm. to (1) or (2)ml3lufi strip e . 2. 3. white ■VN^nfin's " T?ear -Admiral .' Vice -Admiral wlienPrefet Maritime . "Ttear-Admiral — ^(a) Major-Generalof aWaval Port, fb) Chief of Staff to aPrefet TVlaritime. (c) Temporarily carrying out duty of a Prefet Man - time. (d) h. command of a station or district, but lioldin^ 210 command afloat. 1 Vco or Rear - Admiral employed on an official mission or afloat ■without holding a command, unless the ship already fhes the flag of an officer of equal or superior xarik. These flags are f Icrwn - By a Vce -Admiral holding a Commission as Commander -in- Chief of the Fleet 'By other V.ce -Admirals _ _ _ _ "Aad by Rear- Admirals _ _ _ _ At the Mam At tke Fore At the Main or Mizen, according ats the Ship has 2 or 3 masts." FLa^ Officers commanding afloat (except a^ce -Admiral holding a Commission as Commander -in- Chief of the Fleet) whenmthe presence of another Fla^ Officer of equal or superior rank, have a number m blue upon the white stripe of their fla^s to denote their order of seniority." k C GRAHAM 96 FRANC E Pendant. Note; the usual proportion of the 3 Pendants sKewn telow as usedin Frencln. Navy IS as follows VIZ length IS to LreadtKas 2 is to 1. Broaid. Pendant Por Chef d.e Division also for Senior Naval Officer in temporary Command, if a Captain. Distmguishing marks to ie place don the Broad Pendant on certain occasions. ATOute Star mupper part of Blue stripe for Chef de Division in Independisnt Comraaad A Blue " " centre ^ White ■• " i. - " not n A Broad pendant similar to that shewn for Chef de Division but "all Hue IS flo'wn at the mam as die distinguishing flag of the "semor officer of two ormore ships temporarily in company. 'A triangular flag , all Hue, is flown ly a Capitaine de vaisseau or "Capitame de fre^ate commanding a group of vessels, e.g., a "flotilla, or commanding a district or station. This flag bears the "following distmguishing marlcs - "Two white stars if a Capitame de vaisseau. "One " star » " fregate ''The flags of Chefs de Division and of officers commanding groups "of vessels are flown at the mam, unless two ormore such officers "ai-e m company, hut not m the presence of a flag officer. In "that case the flag of the Senior Officer is flown at the mam and "the others at the fore T HarioTxr Police Ship Flag 1 & C OBAHAM Lt«. I 97 FRANC E Distin^uishirL^ Flag to denote presence of Submarines. WKenflownat Signal Stations on tKe Coasts of France, Turns, Algeria and Indo- China. indicates that Submarines are exercising submer^edintKe vicinity Asteamboat or torpedo -Loat escorting a submarine vessel submerged, carries this flag at the bo'w and at the stern, instead of the nationalfiag, a white ball. Whilst engagedin exercises, whether mharbour or at sea. submarine vessels carry this flag at the bow and the national fla^ at the stern. Governors of Colordes. T"lo"wn. belov/ tihe National Pendant - Same as the Ensign. MerclaanL Flag. M * C ai«>AHAH 98 FRANCE Note the usual proportions of Flags as usedmFrencKNavy is approximately aa follows.viz -. length is toLreadth as 7is to6. Semor Officer of Merchant Ships. Sailing Flag. rC GH*M*M LTO, LITH**, GERMA^nr. 99. SLandard Emperor Emperor's Broad PendaTat Note. Hoisted m place of the Imperial Standard upon the personal command of H.M. the Emperor, and m a vessel irisited Iry hun should he personally order it. wall tlie object of causing allinarks of hono\ir to be abstained from I^C-CHAHAM LT*. LITh*», 700. GERMANY. Standard. Empress Empress's EroadPendant. Note Hoisted at the command of Her Majesty ttie Empress msteaA of ll\e Empress's Staniai-d and with th.e otject of causm^ aUmarks oflumjom- to te abstained from.. Standard Crown Prince H »C GI.AHAM L— LITM 101. GERMANY Pendant Ensign Jack Same as t,Ke Jack except that clie Cross is omitted MercKant Flag Masters of German. MercKant Vessels who are also Naval Officers of the Reserve are allowei to cany the Iron Cross on SieMercliant Flag, the position of the cross heiag to the extreme lisft of the flag next the staff MAC GRAHAM 10Z GERMANY Pendant for leading sliip I'lag floTiTci aX. topmast S M S Branden"buxg Armorial flags foriise on sMps carrying ths Royal Standard and tKe Gro s s Admirals Fla.g . The Blue flag , wKen flown at half ■mast, sigrafi.e;3'His Majesty is iLot receivrng! The yellow fla^.vAusm. flown at half mast, signifies 'His Majesty is not onboard'. r C OHAHAM LT». LITM /C.3 GERMANY Fla^ fluwu at topmast of S.M.S."Preassen" Flag of the Chief of the Naval Staff Mo'.-. As bla^uueA above, if of Adimrals rank. With one or tv.o blackballs in Canton °^ Cantons next die staff if of Vice Admirals or Rear Admirals rank, as for the Admirals Fla^, Plate 87^ Is saluted, according to Sie rank f ^)^|°™'^^ laid down in the Iiilemational Scale of baiixtes. Malby&Sons.Lith KM GERMANY. Secretary of State for the Imperial NavalDepartment, Inspector General of the Navy. Aflag officer -who is also Inspector General of the "Navy -wi]l fly the flag of the Inspector General unless hsi* Gross Airural, mviiiiclivcase he-will fly the Gross Admoralis fla^ , i * C OHAHAM LTO, LITH««. Wl, GERMANY Admirals Flag Note - Flown at the niain For Admiral „ ,• .1 fore " ViceAdnnra] " •' xnizen .• RearAdmiral OneljLackl'allinupper cantonnext the staff for Vjce- Admiral mslups with one mast andrntoats. One tlack tall mupper and lower cantons next the staff for Rear Admiralm sliips witlt one and two masts andm Tjoats . For Flag Officers of the Second Squadron of the Battle Fleet the distinguishing "balls areredinstead of black. The 3iameter of the balls is equal to the extreme hreadth of the Hack fields of the cross of tlieFla^. Ifote - Flown without long Pendant at ihelfainfor Commodore Flo wmwith long Pendant &r Senior Officer. ASenior Officer who is at the same tone , anln^pector Cjeneral of the Navy Tnll fly theFlag of aninspector General, Divisicjnal Flag ^ C GRAHAM L*o LITM 106. GERMAN V Trnperial Service Flags Public Departments Flag of Department of Imperial Man ne To be ueedas follows - On Shore LightKouses and buddings incoimecnon witb- Uaval establisliments. Pilotage and seamarks. Adrrumstralion of Xiautscbou Government, Coast Guard. Observatories and Meteorological Station. Afloat. Ships chartered or attached to the Navy.and ships and boats of the Governmentnot audionsed to carry war flags" Vessels atidbuildmgs of the Pilot Adrramstration carry the red letters L V..tkose of tiie Customs, the redletters Z-Y.,iiose of the Fisliery Control the redletters F, A. onboth sid!es of the Yelow Anchor . The following are the distinguishing badges placed m the centre of the above flag for the imdjermentioned Departments ~ Poreign Office Also used with dusliadge far official buildmgs and vessels mGerman Protectorates (sKepi. Kiaaitschou) Imperial Post Office Other Administrative Departments flag of the Imperial Governor in East Africa and of the Governor of Eau-chaou lOl GERMANY. Standard of Duke of Saxe Coburg arui Golha. Standard of Saxony. MaJby&Sons.Lith- i06 GERMAIN^Y (coNT^ Standard of H.R.H. the Crown Prmce of Saxony. Standard of the Princes ^Princesses of the Royal House of Saxony. lOd ^ s ^jl^^ ^M^' mKHb ^Ji^\.^ KV ' s^ ^E^ '^' jskkil. ^^a ^ jKi ■^^^'^^^^%^'^m !^1 *' K*'5£ (SV ^if \m^S^^ 1^^^^ IS w^^ '»W{ apt^^^^JKoij.^ , y^ m-i Fa, k '^ 1^^*=^^'^^^ " ^A JNj ^ ^cV W^ . ^j|R^ (^ Ji Bavarian RoyaJ Standard G E RM AN Y. He i Members of Bavarian llflyal Family. Enlarged drawing of Arms onBavariam Flag. Standard of Prince of Walrieck & Pyrmont < «i C ONAMAM I 110. GERMANY I j State Fla^ of Grand Ducky "f Hesse ■ < , . , — ■ w ^ ■ ■ Grand Diike's Standard Grand Diicliess's Standard. Heir ap parent's Standard. Standard of King of Wurtemburg- Standardof Queen of "Vvurtembur|. similar to Kind's Startdard except that the crowrLat the top Ififtlianacorner Is replaced as indicatedlfydottedlmes.liy a square of white Llue and red HLordjer named, KorizontaTly arranged. tC GRAHAM l.»», IITH* //;. GERMANY J LAGS OF MARITIME STATES Used on Government Vessels and Offices controlling seagoing Ships CiS Thefoliowng are the distm^uishng "badges of the several states placed in the top left hand corner of the ahove flag - Prussia MeclclenTourg Oldenburg Lulieck flremen HaTnturg m. GREECE Enlarged drawing of Arms. Ensign, Same as tKe Standard excepb diat the Arms are omitted. Jaclc. Same as the Ensign except that the Crownis omitted MercTn.aTi b Flag. Same as the Ensign except that the Flag is made square Minister of Marines Flag, * ^ C 0»AM*#< LTO, LITM«» 113 GREE CE Admirals Plag^ ^ ' Note - When the above Flag carries a Crown in the centre of the Cross & it is hoisted at the Mam it indicates the presence onioardof theKing or othiernieTaber of the Royal Family Dislmguishmg mark placed on the Admira]s Flag In the upper & lower cantons next the staff for Vice Acimiral .. ,. lower canton " ■' •• " Rear Captain Commanding a Division Flag ■when Cap tain or Commander, 114. GUATEMAI^. . M- ■^♦l Enlarged drawing of Badge on the Ensign Same as the Ensign except t"h.at tlie Badge is omitted. Merchant Fla^. MaJby&Sons. Lith. 116. HAVTl. Ensign. Same a^ the Ensign except chaA the Badge is omitted Merchant, Flag. KOREA. Ensign Same a^ tlie Ensign shewn above MerclianL Flag. H*C 0»>*HAM L">. LITM",". 116. HONDURAS '^>t-*-K ¥ Enlarged drawing of Arms cf Ensign. National and Merchant Flag. fcC ORAH*M LT". LITH*.*, ITALY. Iv 117. Royal Standard Standard of Crown Prince H a. C . GRAHAM lT». LITM ^•. 118. ITALY. Enlarged Drawing of Badge on Royal &, Crown Prince's Standards. Flag of Amiassador. The same fla^ "with 2 hlue stars. Minister, 1^\ Class 1 -. star - 2^'i " 3 red scars. Gerieral 2 ii " Lieu-tenant General 1 •.' star. Major - General. 1 4. e. GRAHAM L^*. 119. ITy\LY. Minister of Marines Flag Note -UsuaJlymade square. Same as the Minister of Marine's Flag except that the yellow band is oinitted. Secretary of State for Navy's Flag. Admirals Flag. Note - 2 Yellow Stars (as m Admirals Fla^jfor Vice Admiral. 1 " .. " •■ .. •• •• Rear .. Broad Pendant of CoTnmand. 1 e>r c oRAttAM 120 ITALY. Senior Officers Pendant or Burpee. Jack. Carried on. bowsprits of Men-o-War Ha^ of Naval Hospital. Postal Flag . Mercliant Ships employed as Auxiliary Cruisers. H * C ORAMAM L'P LTTHI p IP 121. ITALY. ■ yiai of the Governor of Eritrea E risign. "Dimensions as 3 2 Same as the Ensign except thai the Crown is omitted Merchant Fla| Custom House Burpee. lAC GRAHAM L'O. tn J22. JAPAN Empress' Standard. Note Flown at the Mam Also used when the Dowager Empress or the Grandmother of the Emperor is present Prince liTtperiars Standard. Note FLowa at the Mam. Same as the Pnnce hnperial's Standard except that the red space encirclirv^ the Chrysanthemum is white Imperial Princes and Princesses' Standard. Note -Flown at the Main. 1 * C GRAHAM LT» LITH»*, ns. JAPAN. Admiral's Flag. Mote -Flown at the Main. Vice Adinirars Flag. Note -Flown at the Fore. Rear Admiral's Flag. Note - Flown at the Mizen. Ip- two masted ships at the Fore, H 4c C. GRAM 124. JAPAH Pendant for Man-of -War May also be flown Ly a slup.not a inaTi-of--war,if tmdfir the command of a Comnissioned Officer of the Navy, Minister of Marine's Fla^ tC ORAMAM t'« LITH >«. 125. JAPAN Commo dope's Broad Pendant. Note - Flown at the Maiix. Same as the CoTninodore's except that the Sun and Rays are white and the Ground red. Senior Officers Broad Pendant Mote - Flown at the Mizen.Intwomastedshipo at theFore. Duty Fla^ Same as the Duty Flag except that the Ground is white & the Stnpes dark blue. Naval Transport Flag. Same as Jack. Merchant Flag. 1 A- C CPAMAM LT« 126. JAPAN Pendant of Officer Commanding Torpedo Flotilla. Hospital Ship Flag. Flag for Ma.il Vessels. ^ S: C. GRAHAM m. JAPAN Flag for Fleet Aiixiliaries Note - Flown at, t,heMam, Military Transport Flag,. H,*C-OP*MAM LTW. LtTH" I^IBERIA.. i28. Ensign &. Merchant PI a^. FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Jack . To he flown at the^nw of ali Government Vessels. 1 ft- C ORAHAM 129. MALAY STATES. STATE OF PERAK. Ensign The presence of the Sultaa an any Government. Vessel IS denoted by theEnsi^ flown at the main. The presence oftheBnUshResident is denoted by a Burpee rf the same colours flown at the mam.. STATE OF SELANGOR. Ensign See notes above.under Ensign of State of Perak STATE OF TNEGRI-SEMBILAN. Ensi^. The presence cf the Yan^ di Pertuanis denoted by the Ensign flovm at the mam , ., Bntiah Resident ■ •> " a Burpee ofthe same colours flowaat the inaia. STATE OF PAHANG. Ensign. See notes under Ensign of State cf Perak. H «. C. GRAHAM 130. MEXICO Pendant. Ensign. Same as Ensign except that the f la^ is square President of tlie Republic Flown at the main Secretary for War " " " fore General Officer )_ Three stars placed vertic- commandin^ in chief J ally on ^reen field of flag Officer commanding \ _ i. „ o \- iwo stars as above, a squa.dron I _„„ ,. , ■, One star as ahove Officer command^n^ aj andredportonoffla^ Flot,lla or Squadron / cuL as swalWtaif Captain Comraandin^ a Flotilla or Division.. Same as ahove "but vntKout star. Captain of Frigate Coxmnandin^ a Division Sam.e as Ensign except thai Id adfee is omitted- Merchant Fla^. Sam.e as Merchant Flai.hut with, anchor onWhite Held. Customs Elag. Same as Merchant Fla^, hub with tine letters CM. in hlaclt in the centre of ihe white field . Vessels carryin* majls. MalbyiSois.Lith 131 MONAC O Standard, Enlarged drawing of Arms on Standard. National Flag. h^c.oramam LT»,LrrH*», MONTENEGRO 132. Military Flag. Marine Fla^. <* C GRAHAM w'l 133. MOROCCO (See also note.) St.andard. Same as the Standard. Ensign &L Merchant,. Note, This Standard ScEnsighis usedalso ly Muscat,, Zanzibar, &. several Independent Arab Colonies m Ma da|.ascar &> Grand Comoro. M»CGR*MAM L''o, LIT «4. ]^ETHERLA1^DS. Uoyal StaxicLara. Eraarged drawing of Arras on Royal Standard. Md C.OaAHAN l»». LlTB«». 135. NETHERLAT^DS. Standard of HM, t±ie Qneen Mother Bl"ae Pendant riown wKen. no Tnxmo-urs are required- White Pendant len^tli, Breadth = 3 1. flown. at the most visible place when.ro sabteis disired H.^CORAHAM L'^.LITM**. 136. netherla:nds Standard of H.RH Princess Juliana of Orange-Nassau Standard of HRH. the Princess van Wied. H.AC.ORAHAK L^*, LtTH**, NETHERLAT^DS 137. <^ Standard of H E H die Prince of die Ne tKerlands. H.AC. GRAHAM I.TP, LlTH« 138 NETHERLANDS. Broad Pendant Vlowrn by the Governor General of the Dutch Tnaies above the £nsign Note:- Ike GovarnoTof Surinam.of Curacao,of Celeies,&= (lies the Ensign With two w"hite balls onred stnpe near the Staff hut tvo Pendant Governors of Colonies etc. Distinguishing marks placed on the Ensign on the Red Stripe near the Staff. Note. MiTURter of Marine. The Ensign with, the Man of War Pendant atove at the Main AdTOiral Same as En3ign(hvt square) with Bad|e N°L at the Main Lieu' Admiral » , - r. .. 2 Vice ,, „..„.. ., .. .. .. 3 at the Fore Rear „ ,. .. , * .. ., WiT.ea wh»n ruit in command, the Tla^s of Lieutenant, Vice. » Rear -Admirals are ghaped like the £nsi||i. 139 NETHERLAl^DS jOmiTLO : oTrnnandini Mam. Senior Naval Officers Pendant Note, Senior llaval Officer Tiifi above Pendant at the Fore with Man of War Pendant above it instead of at theMaan. Dimensions as 3 ■ 2. Same as the Ensign. MercTianL Flag. 140 -^ ORWAl^ Royal Pendant . "Flown, in lieu, of the Starudard arLdnot salu-ted' ■■ w 1 M I^H 1 1 1 n 1 J ac k. 'H mm^ N^^^ \ ■I b J MercKc mt Flag. ,^^ Pendant for Man of War. ORAMAM L'O. LlTH *«. NORWAY HI (Dimensions 27:1G' Broad Pendant of Officer (of Capbairis or CommarLder's rank) commanding art independent division of sKipa or a naval district. Pendant of Officer (of Cap tarns or Commanders rank) commanding a subordinate division. Badges to form upper left Kan.d canton of ensign m fla^s of following, officers. Minister of Defence Commanding Admiral (the principal naval offic er m the naval adnriirustration ) Admiral ** Vice -Aximiral Bjeatr Admiral C2i Senior Officer's Pendant Commanding General (the principal military offic er in the military admunis i-ration) Pendant flown mlieu of ordinary pendant when commanding officer IS not of commissionedrank. 1*C ORAHAM LT», LITM "•, IS^ICARAGUA ^42. NaLiortal Fla^ and Ensigrv. E-nlargeddrawin^ of Qxe Badge o-athe Ensign. • a, c o»»»mam l'.". lith".". NICARAGUA j'j:i. Mercliant Flag PANAMA iSational Flag & Ensign. A » C OR^HAM 144 PARAGUAY PendanL Enlarged drawing cf Bad^e. irviroTit of Ensign. Enlarged drawing of Badge at tack of Ensign. Enlarged drawing of Badge mMercliant Flag. Admirals Flag. Sante as Ensign except that tke Circular Bad^e is placed m the White Stripe near th.e Staff. MercliarLt Fla^. t*C. GRAHAM LT» LITH"", 145. PERSIA. Imperial Standard. Pendant. Military Flag. Same as the Military Flag except that the Crown and Wreath are omitted Government Flag and Ensign. Same as the Military Flag except that the Crown Wreath, Lion and Sun are omitted National Flag. MaJbyASons.Litil yu: PERU. Ensign & President's B'lag. Same as th.e Ensign except that tke Arms are omitted- Merchant Flag. Same as tKe Ensign Lut square Minister of War Flag. Jacfe Peruvian Arms as sliown on. Ensign (patt 1Z3) to lie nxsertedmt'Ke centre of fhe wMte square. M 4. C ORAMAM L" 141 PERU. "Vice -Admirals Flag, Sams as Vice -Admirals, but witK only one sun. Rear -Admirals Fla^ "The following persons are entitled to fly a Rear Admirals Flag- "Prerects. "Territorial Commandant Generals. "Generals m Command of Brigades. "Bistuops of aDioceseV Captain commanding a Squadron Captain of th.e Bay. < * C ORAHAM L'», V'l Mfi PORTUGAL. Length : Breadth . 3^2 Green Red :: 5-8 Height of escutcheon &, sphere - 5 of breadth. Proportions of the Emblem. PORTUGAL . j'10 President of the Republic, A ^ Governor General, Governor of Province. Governor of District beyond the Seas Civil Governor. Height of escutcheon &: sphere • "7 of breadth. Width of green edge i of breadth. MalbyftSons.Lith ]60. PORTUGAL. Senior Admiral at Ministry of Marine. Vice Admiral, Commander in Chief. Rear Admiral, Commander in Chief. ^ o Rear Admiral, not a Commander in Chief. Captain Comm.anding a Division or Shore Station. Senior Naval Officer. Chief of a Maritime DeparLm.ent. Captain of the Port. MaJby&Sons.Lith w ROUMANIA /d"/. Royal SLandard. Royal Prince's Standard 15^ ROUMANIA. Enlarged drawiag of the Arms on Standard &. Ensign. J For Corrmiander -in.- dnef of the Navy 1 and Inspector- General of Manne. Same as TSfercKantFla^ (but squareJiwitK tine fbllo-wlng disdnguisHng marlcs in the ihie stripe ; Cross anchors surmDuntediy a star- Cross ancTrLOrs only Ditto (if not an Admiral) Two stars For Vice -Admiral. One st.ar ; For Rear -Admiral. AdrmraTs Flags. Coastguard vessels carry a distm^-uislung flag whicTn. corresponds with the ensign that the Arms are replace dty anch-or with, a CroTwn ahove . M.& CORAHAH !.»•, LI TM ■ • , LONOON.S C J63. I RUSSIA ^1 rij ^ ^ ■ 1 ^mk: & \mmm- ...^^^^^h Hf^^ ( w" ^ ^ ^^^ h Iinperial Standard, for us e oiv Shore Bim-ensions 3:2. Enlarged drawing of Eagle wliichappears on several flags on ttie folio-win^ pages 1 « C ORAMAM 154- . RUSSIA. Emperors' Pendant. Emperors' Standard Afloat. Same as the Emperors Pendant except thai ihel-ly IS Dar^Blue instead of White Empress Pendant. Empress' Standard. Dimensions of Ensi^Ti St SLandai ds 3 ; 2 . 1.->L RUS S \ A Czarevicli's Standard Same as th.e CzarevicKs Pendant except that the Fly is Darlt Blue instead of White. Czarevna's Pendant. Same as the CzareviclrLs' Standard except that tlie Fla| IB Tnade swallo-w tailed like the Empress' Standard Czarevnas' Standard. Pendant &. Standard of Czarevich if holding the title of General Admiral . 156 HU S S I A Grand Dukes Pendant I Grand Dukes' Standard. Same as the Grand Dulles Pendant except t"hat the Fly IS DarX B]ue instead of "White. Grand Ducliesses' Pendant Same as the Grand Dukes Standard except that the Fla^, IS raade swallow tailed like theEmpress Standard. Grand Duchesses' Standard. i Pendar.t & SLanoard of Prince of Imperial Blood \f holding the title of General Adrraral. <^ii> RUS S li^, 151. Anitassador Extraordinar Ministers & Resident's. C}iar^e d 'Affaires Flag . 158 P U SSIA Viceroy of the Far East. AdmiraHy Fla^. M*C GRAHAM L'^.LlTM* J59. RUS SIA Minister of Marines Flag. Minister of Marine's Pendant Assistant Minister of Marine's Pendant. This Officer hoists a flag of similar design without the fly. M,#,C.OhAMAM c'.» LtTH% 160. RUSSIA Minister of War. CoinraarLder in Chief o'i the Navy ( This app oiTLtmerLt is xaade only m time o£ -war ) mi. RUS S JA Pendant Man of War. Ensign & Admirals Flag The Admirals Flag is rriade shorter than the Ensign. Dimensions of Ensign 3 2 Vice Admirals' Flag . Same as the above except that Lhe Stripe at the bottom isRed instead of Blue . Rear Admirals' Flag . M*C CPAHAM L*0, LITM ".a. 162 RUS S [A This tad^e is inserted on the centre of tlie Cross of a Flag Officers fla^ when he & the crew of the ship in which he is eTubarked belong to the Equipage of the Guard. Distinguishing Marks to be placed on the Ensign With pendant of similar design with a wbite svjallow tailed fly, 1 . In the upper left hand comer occupying A of the flag 2.. 3.... 'VV^th pendant of srrrular design with a white swallow tailed fly, 4' On the Centre of the Cross. for the Chief of the Naval General Staff for the Chief of the Naval Headquarters Staff for a General (boatfla^ only not saluted). for a Military Commander in Chief having a Naval ■force Tinder his comraand for a Commander in Chief of a Port Boat flag only (afloat) but is also hoisted on C,inCs residence ashore this fla^ is not saluted. for a Commander of a Port (equivalent to an Admiral or Captain Superintendent, this flag is not saluted) . MaJby&Sons.Lith, 163 RUS S JA Broad Pendan-b. "ComTnodore " Similar to Commodore, bu.L Tlown in the ordinary manner. Senior Officer. " Similar to Commodore , "but, witli a red fly aTid Down in th.e ordinary manner- Officer Commanding division of destroyers, torpedo boats or submarines Guard Ship Flag Commander in Chief of Ports Pendant-. lAC.OHAHAM LTO. LITH ; f6f^. RUSSIA. Fla^ of Russian Volunbeer Fleet Pi Flag of Consul General, Consul & Vice Consul. I A. C CMAHAM LTO. t-ITH* 165. RUSSIA Auxiliaries. Manned by a Naval Cre-w & TJinder the command of a Naval Officer. FleeL Auxiliaries. Not manned by a Naval Cr>ew. & not, unden the command of a Naval Officer M * C anAMAM LT". LITM 166 RUSSIA. Broad Pendant of Officer Ccrmmanding Special Frontier Guard Corps. (i.e.Revervue Preventive Service] Vessels telon^in^ to this force fly arvEneign of" tKe above design omitting the fly & also anarrowilixe pendant with the rectangular areanext the staff tearing the design of the merchant fla^. Broad Pendant of Viceroy of Caucasus and G-overnors General BroadPendanL of Commander m Chief of Military District. Broad Pendant of Fla^ Captain to HIM. the Emperor of Russia. 167. RUSSIA. Pendant of Governors of Coast Fortresses. Merchant Flag. H*C GRAHAM L-i^o, LITH» SALVADOR PendarLt. 168 1 Ensign. Enlarged drawing of £aLd^e on the Ensign. Merctiant Flag H.«r C ORAhAI* L*». UITH "Ji, IflB SERVIA Royal Staudard. Ealai'ged drawing, of Arm? on Royal Standard March aiii Fia^. The Arms are sometimes inserLed on ihis fla/S Either design is correct. H * C ORAHAM LT». L(TM«A, no. SIAM R oya.1 Stan da.7:^ d Used only -when H.M. the King, is present,. Plown at the Mam. Enlarged drawing of Arms on Royal Standard. 4 & C CjRAH AH 111. SIAM. The Queen's Standard. Flo-mnat the Main, of the Vessel by whicK the Que en is travelling. Crown Prmce's Standard. Flown at the Mam of the Ve s s el m which, the Cro'wn Prince IS travellm^. \ A. C tRAHAM LTB. LITM 112. SI AM. Standard of the Royal Prmces For use of thosemeiriers of the Royal lanuly whose Eank entitles them to aRoyal Salute of iA Guias Flown at th.e Main Standardof the Royal Prmcesses. Admiralty Flag RowTLat the Mam, or at theFore.if the Royal Starudai-dis at the "Manx for use oftlte CommaTider in Chief of the Navy or his Deputy. /75 SIAM. Official FLa^. Seals of Office &.n.am.es of Governors of Erovmjces are inserted in the yfhite disc. ]S1°1. N°2. Badgea shfiwnin.he aiove flag in place of the white disc. N°l - for Diplomatic Flag . 2>r°2- " Consular Flag. ?74 SIAM. Ensign. Jack. Flown at the Main for an Adrrural " .. n Fore TOl3iaWhte'thaW'iwheel)]nijpper left liandcoTTiers for a'^ce-ArtTTural 11 11 11 Mzen " " >' 11 " .1 hoth upper slower left hand corners for a Rear -Admiral. (For drawing of'"Ghakr"see Seruor Officers Pendant.) 1 * C GRAHAM 115 SIAM. Cornraodores Broad Pendant. Senior Officers Pendant M.*C.GRAHAH L'O. nT iir, SIAM. Officers Pendant. Merchant Piag SPAIN PI Royal Standard As used ty ttie Km^ &. Queen. & iJie Priri-ce of Asturias. The Infante of Spain uses a fla^ of similar design Lut forlced, the position, of iad^e remaining unchanged. .-T-Tt Enlarged Drawing of Arms on the PvOyal Standard l»C.ORAH*M LT». LITH*^", 118. SPAIN. Pendant for Men of War & Mail Vessels Same as the Ensign eoccept that Ehe Flag is made square & ttus Crown. &. Shield are insertedm centre of Yellow Stripe Crown Ministers Flag, Badges placed an theTello-w stripe of tke Crown. Monsters Ha^, ]Sr° 1 to left of Crown &. Shield for "Minister of Marine at the Main. right.. left ■■ left .. right' " right " 2 on. each side •' Admiral Corrunander m Chief at the Main. "VLce Admiral '. .■ " » " Fore. - .. Subordinate at ths Fore. Baar Admiral CommarLder in Chief at the Mizen. " " Subordinate attiieMizen Captain General of a Department 1 -i -.r Adiniral Commander m-Chief at aPortf ^'^ "^^ ^^^ M * C ORANAM 119 SPAIJV tMnl^ Class commanding a Squadroris Pendant, (flown at the Mam.) Senior Officers' Pendant. [ flown at tKe Mam.] Pendant of all otUer Officers in Command of Vessels Mail Vessels Flag . fc CCIIAHAH lTo, LiTM ■*. JSO. SPA I N . The following 8 Flags are flown at. the Mam beneath Lhe Ensign. 1 Mjlilary Cominander in Chiefs Fla^. DisLinj^uishm^ Marks placed oTi the Yejlow stripe of the above Flagf * + T ,( |'|-jLr 'i ftfl N*^ 1 twice one above the other to the left of the Crown & Shield for ColoRiil Governors General- 2. to the left of the Crowa & Shield '~> ■ .1 ,. „ 4. , . „ „ 1. on each side of Che Crown s Shield 1. to the left ,. „ 1. , ri^?)t Cardinals & Pnn\ate of Spam. Knights of the Golden Fleece. Ambassadors. (LieijLeiiant Generals (a) of Districts ( ai 01^ the Coasts . & it; in command of Array Corps (Field Marshal Commanders (General of Provinces alon^ tloe Coast Brigadier Corriir.anders (jeneral of Provinces or Fortresses alon^the Coast, & Cominanders General of .Provinces alon^ the Coast. MerchatnL Fla^. I i C GRAHAM SWEDEN ife Royal Pendant 181. Royal Standard. Enlarged drawm^ of the Arms on the Royal Standard. . C CRAM AM LTD, LITH AS. LONUOX.S I J8'^ . S H 1 : I ) 1 : N . Staiidard of the other meiabers of tlie Royal Faxnily . Note. When this flag, & the roval pendant are lioisted (pendant on top) they form the Standard of H RH. the Crown Prince, but when the iVxg alone is Fio-.vn, it is the Standard of other members of the Royal Family. The Royal Standard is Flov/n by H.M the King, H.M. the Queen, & H.M the Qiieen-Dowager ■ Enlarged drawiri^ of Arms on Standard of the other Merahers of the Royal Family. MaJbyiSons.Lith- SWEDEN J83. Ensign, Badges forming the upper left hand caunton of Ensign to denote rank. Ministers of Marme Admiral. Vice Admiral. Rear Admiral. Cornmodores' Pendant. hC CB*MAM L'", UTM J84. SWEDEN Senior Officers Pendant. Pendant of an Officer m command of an independent division Pendant of an Officer in coTTimand. of a division. Man of War Pendant. H «■ Nati onal Flag. H.* C ftWAHAM L<^ SWEDEN 785. Fishery Inspection Pendant Pilot Flag. Pilot Inspection Pendant. t *- C CRaHAM k-.", tlTMH». 186. SWITZERLAND. Ensign . 182 TUJVIS C ^ C i> • * c Royal Standard Ensign. Same as the Ensign. Merchant Flag. ■ «■ C GR AMAM I • L : jp.d. TURKEY. (Proportions of Standards & Flags are as 5 ■ 44^ 3) Note--Hoisted on the mainmast of a royal vessel when His Majesty is on boatxi . 1^ ^M ^^ Imperial Standard. Nole:-Hoisted on the foremast of a royal vessel when His Majesty is on board (as a special sign that he is Commander in Chief of the land & sea forces] Standard of the Heir apparent . Standard of Other Members of the Imperial Family. Enlarged drawing of the Tougra or Imperial Cipher, on the Imperial Standard. Malby&Sons.Lith Ji:-0. TURKEY Flag of a Rear -Admiral . (Mir- Sewa) when in Command. Commodore's Flag Senior Officer's Pendant, Hoisted by the Ship of the Senior Officers present when several Ships are assembled in the same harbour Pendant Malb^&Sons.Utli I.'X). TURKEY (CONTP) Ensign & Merchant Flag. I Note -Hoisted on the Mizzen mast, the flagstaff (boom) &the boom of the bowsprit ofa royal vessel when His Majesty is on board . Flag of Minister of Marine Flag of Admiral of the Fleet CMuslur' ■when in Command. Flag of Admiral (Birindji Fenk) when in Command . \ Flag of Vice-Admiral (Fenk) when in Command. MaJbyiSons.Lith :? C ORXHAM .*•. LtTh )91. VEJ^EZTTELA S tandar d "UsedlDy the President & tli.e Ministers for- War &. Marine. Enlarged drawing of Arms on Staridard. Ensign. & Merchant Flag Sanae as Standard except that tKe Arms are omitted ■ C.ORAHAM L»», LITM»*. 1S8 PILOT FLAGS. There are for use. m daylight, two altemative si^nale for Pilots, viz; 1'^ The two Flags si^pifytng P. T.m die International Code, they are tha following ote-TluB Flag is usually made nearly square Tii. Length IS to Breadth as 11 is fo9 |Note- This Flag IS usually made nearly square.Tii; Lengmis to Breadth as His to 9. 2"^ The specialPilot Flag of certain Nations, when d\e Universal Pilot Signal shewn above is not ussd; they are the following . viz : Great Britain fFlown at the Fore) AuLstro Hiingary, H.*C.aMAHAH LT». L1TH«», PILOT Fl^GS. ;,9,9 9 Belgium, Brazil . fr Chih (I). Chih (n) '^ Denmark Ecuador German Empire i Greece iLaly dHKjJ^^^^^ Netherlands Norway ( Government Pilots) M.* C ORAHAM -^T*. LITH ■•. wo PILOT PLAGS. Norway (Coast Pilots, private but certificated) Portugal . Roumania Russia. Siarn.. Spain Uiubed States of America. The following coimtriesxise Flag "P' in. tius Ihternational Code as aPilotFlag - Chill, Hayti, Madagascar, Mexico & Uruguay, jn. the Persian Gulf, The British Pilot Flag is generally used hut occasionally the Russian. Pilot Flag is hoisted as a Pilot Flag tC.ORAHAM LTO, UTH»<", Uf. SOUTHERN fit ^1^'-/- ■•-■-'■•- D 000 014 918 7