B 2 6 9 7 JC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRA IAY \ ] «|i! jl I 1 ^ 1 THE CYNIC'S RULES OF CONDUCT The Cynic's Rules of Conduct BY CHESTER FIELD, Jr. PHILADELPHIA HENRY ALTEMUS COMPANY Copyright, 1905, by Henry Altemus Entered at Stationers' Hall THE CYNIC'S RULES OF CONDUCT GO to the Aunt, thou sluggard, and offer her ten off on your legacy for spot cash. pHE difference between a bad break and a faux pas in- dicates the kind of society you are in. (7) 2067304 TH E CYNIC'S WHEN alone in Paris behave as if all the world were your mother-in-law. f 8) RULES OF CONDUCT REMEMBER, too, that perhaps you are not the sort of husband that Father used to make. *V7"OU may refer to her cheeks as roses, but the man who sends her American beauties will leave you at the post. (9) THE CYNIC'S A woman should dress to make men covetous and women envious. (IO) RULES OF CONDUCT EVEN Cupid crosses his fingers at what he hears by moonlight. AFTER marriage you may speak of her temper; but during courtship you had better refer to it as temperament. do THE CYNIC'S w HEN dinners entice thee consent thou not. (12) RULES OF CONDUCT THE position of the hostess should be at the doorway of the drawing-room to receive her guests. The position of her husband should be at his office desk making the money to pay for the blow-out. TT is safer to do business with jailbirds than with relatives. (13) THE CYNIC'S DISCUSS family scandals before the servants. We should always be kind to the lower classes. (14) RULES OF CONDUCT WHEN children paw a visitor's gown with their candied fingers the proper ob- servation for the mother to make is: "My children are so affectionate." DE PRIM AND your servants before your guests. It shows your authority. (15) THE CYNIC'S THE chief duty of the best man is to prevent the groom from escaping before the ceremony. (16) RULES OF CONDUCT IN marching up the aisle to the altar the bride carries either a bunch of flowers or a prayer book. Her father carries a bunch of money or a cheque book. (~)N returning from the altar be careful not to step on the bride's train. There's trouble enough ahead without that. (17) THE CYNIC'S DON'T blow your own horn when you can get some one else to blow it for you. ( 18 ) RULES OF CONDUCT KEEP your servants in good humor, if you can — but keep your servants. yOUR conduct in an elevator should be governed by cir- cumstances. Should the lady's husband remove his hat keep yours on. Should he fail to remove it, take your hat off. This will embarrass him. (19) THE CYNIC'S NEVER put in the collec- tion box less than ten per cent, of the amount you tip your waiter at luncheon. (20) RULES OF CONDUCT y^T afternoon funerals wear JLjL a frock coat and top hat. Should the funeral be your own, the hat may be dispensed with. TT is never in good taste to indulge in personal pleasant- ries, such as referring to a lady's artificial teeth as her collection of porcelains. (21) THE CYNIC'S BEWARE of the man who never buys a gold brick. The chances are that he sells them. (22) rt RULES OF CONDUCT INDORSE checks about two inches from the end. Don't indorse notes at all. T^TO house should be without its guest-chamber. Besides giving one's home an air of hospitality, it makes an admirable store-room for dilapidated furni- ture and unspeakable pictures. (23) THE CYNIC'S THERE is only one worse break than asking a woman her age: it is looking incred ulous when she tells it. (24) RULES OF CONDUCT IT is not good form to re- hearse your domestic diffi- culties in public, but it is mighty interesting to your auditors. T^TEVER leave a guest alone for a moment. Force your entertainment upon him even if you have to use chloroform. (35) THE CYNIC'S IF you would have a serene old age never woo a girl who keeps a diary. (»6) RULES OF CONDUCT WHEN you are inclined to be haughty, remember that a cook in the kitchen is worth two in the employment office. A chef is a cook who gets a L salary instead of wages. (37) THE CYNIC'S IT is better form for a bride to take her wedding journey with the groom than with the coachman. (28) RULES OF CONDUCT UNDER no circumstances associate with persons who wear detachable cuffs. Such men are usually trying to get rich at the expense of the washerwoman. TIT HEN crossing the Atlantic no gentleman will rock the boat. (39) THE CYNIC'S TAKE care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves. (3°) RULES OF CONDUCT THOSE who live in glass houses should be polite to reporters. "117* HEN in a hurry to get to the poor house, take the road that leads through the bucket shop and passes the race track. (3i) THE CYNIC'S c ONDENSED milk should be used in a small flat. 02) RULES OF CONDUCT TELL your rich relations how fast you are making money — your poor ones, how fast you are losing it. TN taking soup try not to give others the impression that the plumbing is out of order. (33) THE CYNIC'S ■WMHMDIiMWiMMIIHHMHBi WHEN giving a studio tea, remember that there should be soft lights and hard drinks. (34) RULES OF CONDUCT ESCHEW the race- track and the roulette table. Faro is a squarer game than either. 1JEWARE of indiscriminate charity. You will never get your name in the paper by giving a tramp the price of a meal. (35) THE CYNIC'S B EFORE marriage the fashionable tint for eye- g asses is rose ft alter marriage smoked glasses should be worn. (36) RULES OF CONDUCT IF you would make a lifelong friend of a man who lives in a hall bedroom, accuse him of leading a double life. ]VTO sportsman will shoot craps during the closed season. ( 37) THE CYNIC'S COMPLIMENTS paid a woman behind her back go farthest and are remembered longest. ( 38) RULES OF CONDUCT Avoid having business re- „ lations with a man whose I. O. U. is not as good as his note; but take his note by preference. TXTHEN playing poker, it is as bad form to wear a coat as it is to be shy. (») THE CYNIC'S THE father gives the bride away, but the small brother would like to. (40) RULES OF CONDUCT IN the best society it is con- sidered snobbish to wear a disguise when entertaining country cousins. Simply take them to places where you will not encounter your friends. AT the tables of the very wealthy, brook trout have given place to gold fish. (40 THE CYNIC'S TO get on in society a woman should cultivate repose — and a few prominent social leaders. (43 ) RULES OF CONDUCT WHEN angry count ten before you speak. When "touched" count one thousand before you lend. F N entering a crowded car, a lady should leave the door open. It is quite permissible for her to appropriate the seat of the man who gets up to close it. (43) THE CYNIC'S IF your friend asks you to lend him your evening clothes, hide your toothbrush without delay. (44) RULES OF CONDUCT NEVER leave the price tag on the present, unless it is a very expensive present. A T a formal dinner the hostess should see that raw oyster forks should be placed alongside the plates. If she hasn't any raw oyster forks she may use cooked ones. («> THE CYNIC'S YOU should bear in mind that to be kind to your employees, it is not absolutely essential that you kiss the stenographer every morning. I 4* RULES OF CONDUCT IF you would be thought a fool, play with a loaded pistol; if a knave, with loaded dice. ET the reign of your summer girl be no longer than her bathing suit. (47) THE CYNIC'S IT is coarse tor a divorcee to refer to her ex-husband as the late Mr. So-and-So. She should speak of him as, "My husband once removed." (48) RULES OF CONDUCT EVERY investor should have a ward. A ward's estate is a great convenience in unload- ing financial indiscretions. AVOID church fairs. It hurts less to be stung by the Scoffers than by the Faithful. (49) THE CYNIC'S PEOPLE who think that newspaper advertisements are not read should watch a man sitting in a street car where women are standing. (5°) RULES OF CONDUCT y^T a formal dinner, one jf" J^, may serve five different wines; but no indifferent ones. TXT'HEN in the street with a lady, a gentleman should not light a cigarette unless the lady does. (so THE CYNIC'S A man will let go his religion before he parts with his respectability. (sO RULES OF CONDUCT AN engagement ring should not be passed around like "the buck" in a poker game. "New girl, new ring," is the rule in select society. T^RESSES that look as if they had set the wearer's father back more than $100 should always be referred to as " frocks." (.S3) THE CYNIC'S IADIES should not wear j( garden hose except at garden parties. (54) RULES OF CONDUCT MEN will lose their reputa- tions as gay deceivers when women are less willing to be deceived. T XfHEN at a wedding break- fast try to remember that you will probably have other opportunities of drinking champagne. (55) THE CYNIC'S REMEMBER that your wife's wardrobe is the Bradstreet in which women look for your rating (56) RULES OF CONDUCT ONE of the joys of wealth is the right to preach the virtues of poverty. AT a wedding married women cry because they've been through it and unmarried women for fear they won't. (57) THE CYNIC'S i F a man's worth doing at all, he's worth doing well. (58) RULES OF CONDUCT WHEN you end a letter " Please Burn This," post it in the fireplace. "ll/HEN you start out to "do" Wall Street buy a return ticket. i 59 ) THE CYNIC'S NEVER refer to your in- disposition as mal de coeur when it is mal de liqueur. (fo) RULES OF CONDUCT CURE your wife of bargain- shopping and you will have more money for bucket-shopping. E^NCOURAGE your husband to go to his club. Other- wise, you will miss a lot of gossip that you can use in your business. (61) THE CYNIC'S THE mother-in-law joke was invented by a bache- lor. To the married man the mother-in-law is no loke. J RULES OF CONDUCT IT is not good form for a young girl to go to the theatre with a gentleman, un- accompanied by a chaperone. On the other hand, it is not good fun for her to go to the theatre with a chaperone, un- accompanied by a gentleman. (6 3 ) THE CYNIC'S NO gentleman will strut about his club with his hat on. There is no rule, how- ever, against his having a jag on. (64) RULES OF CONDUCT WHEN you step on a lady's toes make some off- hand remark about her feet being too small to be seen. This is older than the cave dwellers; but it still works. Tl rHEN organizing a friendly poker party, don't invite friends. (6 5 ) THE CYNIC'S flHHBHHHHHHHHHHHHBMHHHHHHHBHHHBHHHHHHH SETTLE an allowance on your wife and you'll always know where to borrow money. (66) RULES OF CONDUCT STRICT convention decrees that if a young girl accepts from a man any gift more valuable than sweets, flowers or tips on the races, she shall not mention the fact to her mother. A corkscrew is not the only symbol of hospitality. (67) THE CYNIC'S WHEN you catch your caller kissing the maid, remind her that the kitchen is the proper place to entertain her friends. (68) RULES OF CONDUCT DON'T forget to tell her that she's "not like other girls." It always works, whether you spring it on the belle of the village, the girl with a hare lip or the bearded lady at the circus. CPAGHETTI should be eaten only in the bath-tub. (eg) THE CYNIC'S i F you must have your hand held, go to a manicure. (70) RULES OF CONDUCT THE difference between bigamy and divorce is the difference between driving a double hitch and driving tandem. XJEVER tell secrets to women. If you must talk about them, buy a megaphone. (71) THE CYNIC'S DON'T tell a girl that she looks best when wearing a veil. She may not understand what you mean. (72) RULES OF CONDUCT TAKE your servants into your confidence. You'll always get a lot of interest- ing information about your neighbors. TT is a mistake to regard your linen as the leopard does his spots. (73) THE CYNIC'S SOME girls want a home wedding; most girls want a church wedding; all girls want a wedding. (74) RULES OF CONDUCT IF you use the same solitaire for the second engagement, don't refer to it as killing two birds with one stone. /CULTIVATE cheerfulness in your household; money makes the mere go. (75) THE CYNIC'S ^T Sunday night bridge iV parties no really nice girl will cheat. (76) RULES OF CONDUCT THE way to save doctor's bills is not to pay them. Only a specialist would think of suing you. TIT HEN you see a girl drown- ing, look before you leap. (77) THE CYNIC'S ON your way to the altar, do not wear the expres- sion of a man Mendelssohning into the jaws of death. Try to look as if your salary had just been raised. (78) RULES OF CONDUCT DEBUTANTES should never attend prize fights unchaperoned. fN paying your fare always take your time. It annoys the conductor. (79) THE CYNIC'S OYSTERS are served after cocktails, soup after oysters, game after decomposition sets in. (80) RULES OF CONDUCT WHEN choosing a wife shut your eyes; it's a sporting chance, because after all your wife is choosing you. "^HE man who buys a gold brick hates to feel lonesome. (81) THE CYNIC'S THE race is not always to the swift, though the smart set thinks it is. (83) RULES OF CONDUCT WHEN attending an after- noon tea or musicale do not forget to leave a card. The social standing of your hostess determines whether it shall be a face card or a twospot. ID ESIDES leaving a card, leave all the small articles of value that you may find lying about in the dressing room. (8 3 ) THE CYNIC'S IT is not necessary to throw rice at a departing bride and groom. The cab is already full of mush. (84) RULES OF CONDUCT IN proposing to a girl always refer to your own unworth- iness. She won't believe it at the time nor will you a few years later. OWEET are the uses of adversity to the gentlemen who conduct loan offices. (8 5 ) THE CYNIC'S WHEN matching dollars, remember that two heads are better than one. (86) RULES OF CONDUCT y^T automobile funerals, the X"^ chauffeurs should be di- rected to play the Dead March on the French tooters. The effect is very refined. ^\RUG store beauty isn't even skin-deep. ( 8 7 ) THE CYNIC'S DON'T enter into a gentle- man's agreement, if you're a gentleman. ( 88) RULES OF CONDUCT w ILD oats make poor breakfast-food. TT is always good form to talk about nausea when caused by seasickness; but never other- wise. (89) THE CYNIC'S WHEN your face is too full for utterance speak to her only with your eyes. (90; RULES OF CONDUCT SHOW kindness to your creditors, but not unremit- ting kindness. OUSPECT the man who wants only a small loan; a little touch is a dangerous thing. (91) THE CYNIC'S DON'T marry for money; but never let money stand between a girl and her happiness. (go RULES OF CONDUCT "CONSERVATIVE dressers," \^ as the tailors call them, have discarded the night -cap except for internal use. TITHEN in Rome do the Romans. (93) THE CYNIC'S DON'T buy for your daughter a Count that is likely to turn out a discount. (94) RULES OF CONDUCT EAT, drink and be merry, for to-morrow you may be married, TT is not good form to con- gratulate a girl friend upon her engagement. Simply remark, "So you landed him at last." (95) THE, CYNIC'S PAY no obvious compli- ments. A beautiful woman has her mirror. (96) RULES OF CONDUCT IF you can afford the right sort of lawyer you won't need any Rules of Conduct. 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