A A^ ^= ^ A^ 00 _1. o = ^^^ — < = X n ^= "^^ ^ u = 4 — O 9 = t> ^^^ 1 — 3 = ^^^ 1 — ;;^= CD 3D 8 — 8 — ■ — >■ 9 = == <-) — ) ;^^ -< :;uE tn'jrj.i ^1 'SB i v'* •'•.j'.vti;structions to the Acquisi- tion of the Arts in England. Lond. 1775. 8vo. A Series of Etchings from his Original Paintings in the Great Room of the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, Adelphi. Load. 1808. folio. BARTOLO (Petro Sancti). Admiranda Roman arum Antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturse vestigia, anaglyphico Opere elaborata, ex marnioreis exemplaribus, qua^ Ronia3 adhuc extant. Notis Jo. Petri Bcllorii illustrata. Jlomce, IGd'i. oblong folio. BARTOLOMMEO (Era). Engravings from the Pictures of Era Bartolommeo. See Patch (Thojias). BARTSCH (Adam). Le Peintre-Graveur. 21 vols. Fienne, 180S-1S21. post 8vo. Vol. I. to V. Flemish and Dutch Schools. VI. to XI. The Early German School. XII. XIII. The Early Italian School. XIV. XV. Marc Antonio liaimondi and his School. XVI. to XXI. Continuation of the Italian School. BAUDICOUR (Prosper de). Le Peintre-Graveur Fran^ais continu('', ou Catalogue Raisonne des estampes graveos par les Peintres et les Dessinatcur.s de I'Ecole Francaise ncs dans Ic xviii* sieclc. Ouvrage faisant suite au Peintre-Graveur Fran(;ais dc M. Robert-Dumesnil. 2 vols, in 1. Park, 1859-61. 8vo. BEAUGUfi (Jkan de). Histoire de la Guerre d'Ecosse, pendant les Campagncs 1548 et 1549. Edln. 1830. 4to. (Maitland Club.) BELL (Sir Charles). Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting. Lo7id. 1806. 4to. The Hand, its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as evincing Design. (Bridge water Treatise.) Lond. I83i. 8vo. BELI.OEI (Jo. Petri). Adniiranda Eomanarum Antiquitatum. See Bartolo (Petro Sancti). BEWICK (Thomas). Memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself. Embellished by Wood Engravings, designed and engraved by the Author for a Work on British Fishes. Newcastle, 1862. 8vo. BIE (CORNELIS de). Het Gulden Cabinet van de edele vry Schilder-Const Ontsloten door den lanck ghewenschten Vrede tusschen de twee machtighe Croonen van Spaignieu en Vrancryck. (Portraits of Painters.) Anhverjpen, 1661. 4to. BILLINGS (Robert William). The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. 4 vols. Edin. 1848-52. 4to. The Power of Form apj^lied to Geometric Tracery, One Hundred Designs and their Foundations resulting from One Diagram. Udin. 1851. royal 8vo. BINNS (R. W.), F.S.A. A Century of Potting in the City of Worcester ; being the His- tory of the Royal Porcelain Works, from 1751 to 1851. To which is added a short account of the Celtic, Roman, and Mediaeval Pottery of Worcestershire. Illustrated. Land. 1865. 8vo. BLACK (C. C). Weapons of War. Translated. See Demmin (Auguste;. s BLAINE (D. Roberton), Barrister-at-Law. The Laws of Artistic Copyright, and their Defects. For the use of Artists, Sculptors, Engravers, etc. Loml. 1853. 8vo. BLAKE (William). The Grave : a Poem, by Robert Blair. Illustrated by Twelve Etch- ings, executed by Louis Schiavonetti, from the Original Designs of William Blake. Loud. 1813. 4to. Illustrations of the Book of Job. (Invented and engraved by William Blake.) Loud. 1826. folio. Life of William Blake, "Pictor Ignotus." With selections from his Poems and other Writings, by Alexander Gilchrist. Illustrated froni Blake's own Works, in facsimile, by W. J. Linton, and in Photolitho- graphy. With a few of Blake's Original Plates. 2 vols. Loud. ISQ3. royal 8vo. BONANXI (FiLiiTo). Ordinum Religiosorum in Ecclesia Militanti Catalogus, eorumque indumenta in Iconibus expressa. 3 vols. Ilomce, 1707-1712. 4to. Ordinum Equestrium et Militarium Catalogus in Imaguiibus expositus et cum brevi narratione. llomm, 1711. 4to. BONINGTON (R. P.). Scotch Sketches. Drawn on Stone. Lond. 1829. folio. BONNARD (Camille). Costumes Historiques des xii^ Xlii«, xiv% et xv^ Si6cles. See Mercuri (Paul). BOTHWELL (James Hepburn), Earl of. Las Affaires du Conte de Boduel (Earl of Both well), I'An 1568. Edin. 1829. 4to. (Bannatyne Club.) BOUTELL (Rev. Charles). Monumental Brasses and Slabs. An Historical and Descriptive Notice of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages. Illustrated. 1847. royal 8vo. 9 BOUTELL (Rev. Charles) — Cmtinued. Christian Monuments in England and Wales. An Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the various classes of Sepulchral Monuments wliich have been in use in this Country from about the era of the Norman Conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth. With Illustra- tions. Loml. 1854. royal 8vo. Heraldry, Historical and Popular. With Illustrations. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Land. 1864. 8vo. Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Also a Descriptive Notice of Modern Weapons. Translated from the French of M. P. Lacombe, and with a Preface, Notes, and one additional chapter on Arms and Armour in England. Illustrated, iowc?. 1869. 8vo. BOWYER (Robert). An Impartial Historical Narrative of those Momentous Events which have taken place in this Country during the Period from the year 1816 to 1823. Illustrated with Engravings by the First Artiste. Lond. 1823. folio. BOXHORNIUS (Marcus Zuerius). Monumenta illustrium Virorum et Elogia. Amstelodami, 1638. small folio. BRANCROFT (Edward), M.D. Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy of Permanent Colours, and the best means of producing them, by Dyeing, Calico- Printing, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1813. 8vo. BRAUN (A. Emilio). La Passione di Gesti Cristo nella Cattedrale di Siena dipintura di Duccio di Bino dell a Buoninsegna, ora pei disegni di Francesco von Rhoden, intagliata in rame da Bartolomeo Bartoccini. Eoma, 1847. folio. BRISBANE (John), M.D. The Anatomy of Painting, or a Short and Easy Introduction to Anatomy ; being a New Edition, on a smaller scale, of Six Tables of Albinus, Avith their Linear Figures, also a New Translation of Albinus's History of that Work, to which are added the Anatomy of Celsus, with Notes, and the Physiology of Cicero. Lond. 1769. folio. B 10 BRITISH GALLERY (The). British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, being a Series of Engi'avings of the most eminent persons now living or lately deceased, in Great Britain and Ireland, accompanied by short Biographical Notices. 2 vols. Loud. 1822. folio. BRITTON (John), F.S.A. Architectural Antiquities of Roslyn Chapel. Lond. 1810. 4to. The Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, exemplified by a Series of Illustrations, with descriptive accounts of the House and Galleries of John Soane. Lcmd. IS'27. 4to. BROMLEY (Rev. Robert Anthony). A Philosophical and Critical History of the Fine Arts, Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, with observations on the Progress of Engraving. 2 vols. Lond. 1793-95. 4to. BROWN (James). Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh, With an Introduction and Notes. Edin. 1867. post 8vo. BROWNE (Alexander). Ars Pictoria : or an Academy treating of Drawing, Painting, Limning, and Etching. Lond. 1669. small folio. ^& BRULLIOT (Francois). Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques figur^es, Lettres initiales, Noms abr^g^s, etc., avec lesquels les Peintres, Dessinateurs, Graveurs et Sculpteurs ont d6sign6 leurs noms. Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrig6e et augment6e d'un grand nombre d'articles. 3 vols. Munich, 1832-34. 4to. BRYAN (Michael). Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. See Dictionaries. BUCHANAN (William). Memoirs of Painting, with a Chronological History of the Importa- tion of Pictures by the Great Masters into England since the French Revolution. 2 vols. Lond. 1824. 8vo. 11 BUCKINGHAM (L. Stanhope F.). Memoirs of Mary Stuart. See Mary Stuart. BUNNETT (F. E.). History of Art. See Lubke (Wilhelm). History of Sculpture. See Lubke (Wilhelm). BURGMAIR (Hans). Der Weiss Kunig. Eine Erzehlung von den Tliaten Kaiser Maxi- milian des Ersten, von Marx Treitzsaurwein auf dessen Angeben zusammengetragen. Wien, 1775. folio. Le Triomphe de I'Empereur Maximilien I., en une suite de cent trente-cinq planches gravies en bois, d'apr^s les dessins de Hans Burg- mair, accompagn^es de I'ancienne description dictee par I'Empereur k son Secretaire Marc Treitzsaurwein. Vienne, 1796. oblong folio. The Triumphs of the Emperor Maximilian I. Edited by Alfred Aspland. 2 parts. Manchester and London, 1873. oblong folio. (Holbein Society's Facsimile Reprint.) BURNET (John), F.R.S. Practical Hints on Composition in Painting. Illustrated by Examples from the Great Masters of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. Lond. 1822. 4to. Practical Hints on Colour in Painting. Illustrated by Examples from the Works of the Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. Lond. 1828. 4to. The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Illustrated by Explanatory Notes and Plates, by John Burnet, F.R.S. Lond. 1842. 4to. Practical Essays on various branches of the Fine Arts, to which is added a Critical Inquiry into the Principles and Practice of Sir David Wilkie. Lond. 1848. 8vo. Landscape-Painting in Oil Colours, explained in Letters on the Theory and Practice of the Art. Illustrated by Examples from the several Schools. Lond. 1849. 4to. Rembrandt and his AVorks : comprising a short account of his Life, with a critical examination into his Principles and Practice of Design, Light, Shade, and Colour. Illustrated by Examples from the Etchings of Rembrandt. Lond.\^i^. 4to. 12 BUKNET (John), F.R.S.— C'wifi/merf. Practical Hints on Portrait-Painting. Illustrated by Examples from the Works of Vandyke and other Masters, Lund. 1850. -ito. Turner and his Works. Illustrated with Examples from his Pictures, and Critical Remarks on his Principles of Painting. By John Burnet, F.R.S. The Memoir by Peter Cunningham, F.S.A. Lond. 1852. 4to. The Progress of a Painter in the Nineteenth Century : containing Conversations and Remarks upon Art. Lond. 1854. post 8vo. BURT (Captain Edward). Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to his Friend in London, containing the Description of a Capital Town in that Northern Country, with an account of some uncommon Customs of the Inhabitants ; likewise an Account of the Highlands, with the Customs and Manners of the Highlanders. 2 vols. 1754. post Bvo, BURTIN (Francois Xavier). Trait6 Th6orique et Pratique des Connoissances qui sont n^cessaires a tout Amateur de Tableaux, et a tons ceux qui veulent apprendre a juger, appr6cier et conserver les productions de la Peinture ; suivi d'Observations sur les Collections publiques et particulieres, et de la Description les Tableaux que poss6de en ce moment I'Auteur. 2 vols. Bruxelles, 1808. 8vo. BURTON (John Hill). The History of Scotland from Agricola's Invasion to the Revolution of 1688. 7 vols. Edin. 1807-70. 8vo. BURTY (Philippe). Chefs-d'(Eu^To des Arts Industriels : C(!!ramique, Verrerie et Vitraux, £maux, M^taux, Orf(jvrerie et Bijouterie, Tapisserie. Paris, 1866. royal 8vo. Chefs-d'(Euvre of the Industrial Arts : Pottery and Porcelain, Glass, Enamel, Metal, Goldsmith's Work, Jewellery, and Tapestry. Edited by W. Chaffers, F.S.A. Lond. 1869. Svo. 13 CAMFEK (Petrus). The Works of Professor Camper on the Connection between the Science of Anatomy and the Arts of Drawuig, Painting, Statuary. Translated from the Dutch by T, Cogan, M.D. iMud. 1794. 4to CANONICAL HISTORIES and Apocryphal Legends relating to the New Testament, represented in Drawings, with a Latin Text. A Photo-lith Reproduction from an Ambrosian MS. Executed for James Gibson-Craig, Esq., by Angelo Delia Croce. With Preface and Notes by the Rev. A. M. Ceriani, CO, Milan, 1873. 4to. CANOVA (Antonio). Works in Sculpture and Modelling. Engraved in Outline by Henry Moses, with descriptions from the Italian of the Countess Albrizzi, and a Biographical Memoir by Count Cicognara. 2 vols. Lond. 1824. imp. 8vo. CANTERBURY. Twelve Perspective Views, etc., of the Metropolitical Church of Canterbury. See Wild (Charles). CARDONNEL (Ada^i de). Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland. Zo?id 1788. 8vo. CARDS. Jeux de Cartes Tarots et de Cartes Numerales du quatorzieme au dix-huitieme Sifecle, representees en cent planches d'apr^s les originaux, avec un precis historique et explicatif. Publies par la Societe des Bibliophiles Fran9ais. Paris, 1844. 4to. , CAREY (William). Desultory Exposition of an Anti-British System of Incendiary Publication, intended to sacrifice the honour and interests of the British Institution, the Royal Academy, etc. Respectfully addressed to the British Institution, the Artists and Amateurs of the United Kingdom. Lmd. 1819. 8vo. Ridolfi's Critical Letters on the Style of W. Etty, R.A. AVith additional Notices referring to the Royal Academy of London, the Scotch Academy, and the System of Hostile Criticism. Notlingham, 1833. 8vo. 14 CARLYLE (Alexandek), D.D. Autobiography of the Rev. Dr. Alexander Carlyle, Minister of Inveresk, containing IMemorials of the Men and Events of his Time. Edited by John Hill Burton. Edlii. 1860. 8vo. CARRUTHERS (Rev. James). The History of Scotland during the Life of Queen Mary, and until the Accession of her son James to the Crown of England. Edm. 1831. 8vo. CARTER (John), F.A.S. Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting now remaining in England, from thi^ Earliest Period to the Reign of Henry VIII. , con- sisting of Statues, Bas-Reliefs, Busts, Sculptures, Brasses, Monumental Effigies, Paintings on Glass, etc., designed to show the Rise and Progress of Sculpture and Painting in England. With Critical and Historical Illustrations by Francis Douce, Richard Gough, etc. New edition, arranged in Topographical order, and illustrated with Notes by DaAvson Turner, Sir Samuel R. Meyrick, John Britton, and others. Land. 1838. folio. CATALOGUES. Ajmes (Joseph), F.R.S. — Catalogue of English Heads, or an Account of about Two Thousand Prints, describing what is peculiar on each. Lond. 1748. 8vo. Biographical Catalogue of the principal Italian Painters. See FaRQUHAR (M.VRIA). Board of Manufactures. — Official Catalogue of the Exhibition of Industrial and Decorative Art. Edinburgh, 1861. 8vo. Boydell (J.) — Catalogue Raisonn6 d'un Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les plus beaux Tableaux qui soient en Angleterre. Les Planches sont dans la possession de Jean Boydell, et ont 6t6 grav6es par lui, et les meilleurs Artistes de Londres. Lo7id. 1779. 4to. Callot (Jacques). — Catalogue and Description of the Works of Jacques Callot, consisting of 1450 pieces. By J. H. Green. Lond. 1804. 12mo. Collections de San Donato. Objets d'Art, ordre des Ventos. Illustrated. 1870. royal 8vo. 15 CATALOGUES— CV/i^mwerf. Collections de San Donato. Tableaux, Mar])res, Dessins, A^iuarelles, et Miniatures. Illustrated. Paris, 1870. royal 8vo. Evans (Edward). — Catalogue of a Collection of Engraved Portraits, comprising nearly Twenty Thousand Portraits of Persons connected with the History and Literature of this Country, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Alphabetically arranged, with the names of the Painter and Engraver, the size of each Plate, and Price, by Edward Evans. 2 vols. Lond. (n.d.). Svo. Exposition Universelle des produits de ITndustrie de Toutes les Nations 1855. Catalogue Officiel public par ordre de la Commission Imperiale. Paris, 1855-8. 8vo. Fesch (Cardinal). — Catalogue des Tableaux de la Galerie de feu le Cardinal Fesch, ancien Arch^veque de Lyon, ou Catalogue raisonn6 des Tableaux de cette Galerie, etc., Supplement aux Italiennes, etc. 1 vol. Rome, 1844-45. 8vo. FouLis (Robert). — Catalogue of Pictures, chiefly by the most admired Masters of the Eoman, Florentine, Parman, Bologuese, Venetian, Flemish, and French Schools. Illustrated by Descriptions and Critical Remarks by Robert Foulis. Vols. I. II. Lond. 1776. 12mo. French (Gilbert J.). — Catalogue of Books on Heraldry, Archaeology, Mediaeval Art, and Miscellaneous Literature, in the Library of Gilbert J. French. Bolton, 1864. royal Svo. Galerie Electorale a Dresde. — Catalogue des Tableaux de la Galerie Electorale a Dresde. Dresde, 1765. 8vo. Galerie de Guillaume II. — Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens et Modernes, de diverses Ecoles, Dessins et Statues. Amsterdam, 1850. Svo. Gallery of Cleveland House. — Catalogue Raisonn6 of the Pictuies belonging to the Marquis of Stafford in the Gallery of Cleveland House. With Illustrative Anecdotes and Descriptive Accounts of the Execution, Composition, and Merits of the principal Paintings, by John Britton. Load. 1808. 8vo. 16 CATALOGUES— Cora^mwet^. Grosvenor House. — Catalogue of tlie Pictures at Grosvcnor House, London, with Etchings from the wliole Collection, accompanied hy Historical Notices of the principal Works, by John Young. Lond. 1820. 4to. Heemskerck (Martin). — Catalogue of the Prints which have been engraved after Martin Heemskerck, by Thomas Kerrich, M.A. Camhidge, 1829. 8vo. International Exhibitions. Chambers's Handy Guide to London, together Avith a mass of useful information relating to the International Exhibition of 1862. Descrip- tive Handbook to the Fine Art Collections in the International Exhibition of 1862, by Francis Turner Palgrave. Handbook of the Pictures in the International Exhibition of 1862, by Tom Taylor. (Bound in one volume.) Load. 1862. 12mo. International Exhibition, 1862. — Official Catalogue of the Industrial Department. Lond. 1862. 8vo. International Exliibition, 1862. — Official Catalogue of the Fine Art Department. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Universal Exhibition. — Illustrated Catalogue of the Universal Exhibition, published with the Art Journal. Lond. 1868. 4to. Art Journal Catalogue of the International Exhibition, 1871. Lond. 1871. 4to. Lawrence Gallery. — Catalogue of One Hundred Original Drawings by Sir P. P. Rubens, collected by Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. (First Exhibition.) Lond. 1835. 8vo. Mayor. — Chronological Description of a Collection of Original Drawings and Sketches, by the most celebrated Masters of the different Schools of Europe, from the 13th to the middle of the 18th Century, belonging to Mr. Mayor. Lond. 1871. 8vo. Mus6e des Thermes et de I'Hotel de Cluny. Catalogue et description des objects d'Art de I'Antiquit^ du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance, par E. Du Sommerard. Pam, 1866. 8vo. 17 CATALOGlJES^Cmtinued. National Gallery. — Descrii^tive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery. With Biographical Notices of the Painters by Ralph N. Wornum. Revised by Sir Charles Lock East- lake, P.R.A. British School and Foreign Schools. (Bound in one volume.) Loud. 1862. Phillip (John), R.A. — Catalogue of the Works of John Phillip, R.A., exhibited at the London International Exhibition 1873. Compiled by his Executor, Thomas Oldham Barlow, A.R.A. Lmd. 1873. small 4tQ. Royal Institution for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts IN Scotland. — Catalogues of the Exhibitions from 1819 to 1841. Edin. 1819-41. 4to. Salle des Fleuves. — Supplement a la notice des Antiques du Mus(^e, contenant I'indication des Monuments exposes dans la Salle des Fleuves. Pa^is, 1814. 12mo. Scott Exhibition, 1871. — Catalogue of the Exliibition held at Edinburgh in July and August 1871, on occasion of the commemora- tion of the Centenaiy of the Birth of Sir Walter Scott. Edin. 1872. 4to. Smith (John). — Catalogue Raisonn^ of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, in which is included a short Biographical Notice of the Artists, a description of their principal Pictures, the prices at which such Pictures have been sold, a reference to the Galleries and Private Collections in which a large portion are at present, and the names of the Artists by whom they have been Engraved, by John Smith. 8 vols. Lond. 1829-1842. 8vo. South Kensington Museum. — Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Works of Art of the Mediaeval, Renaissance, and more Recent Periods, on loan at the South Kensington Museum, June 1862. Edited by J. C. Robinson, F.S.A. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Strange (Sir Robert). — Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Pictures, selected from the Roman, Florentine, Lombard, Flemish, etc.. Schools, with Remarks on the principal Painters and their Works. Lo7id. 1769. 12mo. c 18 CATALOGUES— Cow^mwefZ. Wilkinson (R.).— Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, illustra- tive of the Works of Granger, Clarendon, Pennant, etc., published by R. Wilkinson. Lond. 1806. 4to. CATALOGUES OF BOOKS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, ETC., Sold by Auction. Bernal (R.vlph). — Catalogue of the Collection of Works of Art, from the Byzantine Period to that of Louis Seize, of that Collector Ralph Bernal, sold March 5, 1855, and Twenty-one following days. Illustrated with Plates. Loud. 1855. royal 8vo. Brucciani (D.). — Catalogue of Reproductions of Antique and Modern Sculpture on Sale at D. Brucciani's Galleria delle Belle Arti, Russell Street, Covent Garden. London. 12mo. Clerk (John), of Eldin. — Catalogue of the Library of the late John Clerk of Eldin, sold by Auction January 21, 1833, and nine following days. (Also bound in the same volume :) A concise and accurate Account of the Accident that occurred at the Sale of the late Lord Eldin's Pictures. Edin. 1833. 8vo. Mead (Dr.). — Catalogue of the Genuine, Entire, and Curious Collec- tion of Prints and Dra^\^ngs of the late Dr. Mead, sold 13th January 1755, and Thirteen following days. Lond. 1755. 8vo. NoRTHWiCK (Lord). — Catalogue of the late Lord Northwick's Collection of Ancient and Modern Pictures, Cabinet of Miniatures and Enamels, etc., at Thirlestane House, Cheltenham, sold 26th July 1859, and Twenty-one subsequent days. Lond. 1859. 8vo. Rogers (Sajmuel). — Catalogue of the very celebrated Collection of Works of Art, the property of Samuel Rogers, Esq., sold April 28, 1856, and Eighteen followmg days. Lond. 1856. 8vo. Rutherfurd (Lord). — Catalogue of the Library of the late Lord Rutherfurd, consisting of a Collection of Books in the Greek and Latin Classics, Literary History, Antiquities, Philology, English and Scottish History, French and Italian History, etc., sold March 22, 1855, and Ten following days. Edin. 1855. 8vo. 19 C AT ALOGVES— Cmtimied. Strawberry Hill. — Catalogue of the contents of Strawberry Hill. Collected by Horace AValpole, for sale on 25th April 1842, and Twenty- three following days : Names of Purchasers and the Prices to the Sale Catalogue, in 1 vol. 4to. Tyssen (Samuel). — Catalogiie of the Collection of English Portraits, etc., sold March 18, 1802, and Fourteen following days. 8vo. Vernon (Mr.). — Catalogue of a Collection of Prints, "from the earliest Period of Engraving," sold 17th May and Thirteen following days. Lond. 1813. small 4to. Wilson (Andrew). — Catalogue of Original Paintings, the Property of Andrew Wilson, purchased by him, and brought to England from Palaces at Genoa. Sold 6th May 1807. 4to. CAUMONT (A. de). Ab^cedaire ou Rudiments d'Arch6ologie. Third edition. 3 vols. Paris, 1854-62. 8vo. CAVALCASELLE (G. B.). See Crowe (J. A.). CENNINO CENNINI. Di Cennino Cennini Trattato della Pittura messo in luce la prima volta, con annotazioni dal Giuseppe Tambroni. Eoma, 1821. 8vo. CHALMERS (George). Life of Mary Queen of Scots. See Mary Stuart. CHAMBERS (Robert), LL.D. Traditions of Edinburgh. 2 vols. Edin. 1825. post 8vo. Domestic Annals of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Revolu- tion. 2 vols. Edin. 1858. 8vo. Domestic Annals of Scotland, from the Revolution to the Rebellion of 1745. Edin. 1861. 8vo. CHANTREY (Sir Francis), R.A. Sir Francis Chantrey, R.A. : Recollections of his Life, Practice, and Opinions. By George Jones, R.A. Lond. 1849. post 8vo. 20 CHEVIGNAIiD (E. Lechevallier). Costumes Historiques des XVI'^, XVli*", et XVIII*^ Si^cles, dessin^s par E. Lechevallier Chevignard, grav(^s par A, Didier, L. Flameng, F. Laguillermie, etc., avec un texte Historique et Descriptif par Georges Duplessis. 2 vols. Paris, 1867. 4to. CHEVREUL (Michel Eugene). The Laws of Contrast of Colour, and their application to the Arts of Painting, Decoration of Buildings, Mosaic Work, Tapestry and Carpet Weaving, Illuminating, etc. Translated from the French by John Spanton. New edition, with Illustrations printed in Colours. Lond. 1859. post 8vo. CHIFFLET (Jean Jacques). Anastasis Childerici Primi Francorum Regis, sive Thesaurus Sepul- chralis, (Plates.) Antverpke, 1655. 4to. CLEMENT (Charles). Michel-Ange, Leonard dc Yinci, Raphael, avec une Etude sur I'Art en Italie avant le XVF Si6cle, et des Catalogues Raisonn6s Historiques et Bibliographiques. Paris, 1861. post 8vo, CLERK (John), of Eldin. A Series of Etchings, chiefly of Views in Scotland, by John Clerk of Eldin, 1773-1779, with additional Etchings and Facsimiles from his Drawings. Edited by David Laing, LL.I). Edin. 1855. folio. (Bannatyne Club.) COCKBURN (Henry, Lord). Memorials of His Time, by Henry Cockburn. 3 vols. Edin. 1856, 1874. 8vo. COINDET (J.). Histoire de la Peinture en Italie. Paris, 1861. post 8vo. COLLIE (Jajies). The Royal Palace of Linlithgow. Illustrated. L(md.{nA.). large 4to. COLLINS (William), R.A. Memoirs of the Life of William Collins, R.A. With selections from his Journals and Correspondence. By W. AVilkie Collins. 2 vols. Lond. 1848. 8vo. 21 CONSTABLE (John), R.A. Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, R.A., composed cliiefly uf his Letters, by C. R Leslie, R.A. Lond. 1843. folio. COOK (Button). Art in England. Notes and Studies. Lond. 1869. post 8vo. COOKE (Edward Willimi). Views of the Old and New London Bridges; with Scientific and Historical Notices, and an Essay on Bridges, by George Rennie, F.R.S. Lmd. 1832. folio. CORNER (John). Portraits and Lives of Eminent Artists, with Medallion Illustrations of their best Works. Lond. (n.d.). 4to. COSMO HI. (Grand Duke of Tuscany). Travels of Cosmo the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany, through England, during the reign of King Charles II. (1669). Translated from the Italian Manuscript in the Laurentian Library at Florence, to which is prefixed a Memou* of his Life. Illustrated with a Portrait and Views. Lond. 1821. 4to. COSSACKS (The). Characteristic Portraits of the various Tribes of Cossacks attached to the Allied Armies in the Campaign of 1815, taken from Life at Paris, and accompanied by Historical Particulars and Authentic Descriptions of their Manners, Costume, etc. Lon.d. 1820. 4to. COSTUME. Chevignard (E. Lechevallier). — Costumes Historiques des xvi% xvii", et xrv^iir Si^cles, dessin6s par E. Lechevallier Chevignard, graves par A. Didier, L. Flameng, F. Laguillermie, etc., avec un texte Histor- ique et Descriptif par Georges Duplessis. 2 vols. Paris, 1867. 4to. CoTMAN (John Sell). — Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk, tending to Illustrate the Ecclesiastical, Military, and CivU Costume, as well as to preserve Memorials of Ancient Families of that County. With an Introductory Essay by Dawson Turner, F.R.S., and Notes by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, LL.D., Albert Way, and Sir Harris Nicolas. Second edition. With additional Plates. 2 vols. Lowress from the Earliest Period until tlie close of the Eighteenth Century. With an Illustrated Glossary of Terms for all articles of use or ornament Avorn about the Person. Illustrated with Engravings dra'\\'n on Wood by the Author. Second edition. Land. 1860. 8vo. Hetner-Alteneck (Jacob Heinrich von). — Costume du Moyen Age Chr«itien d'apres des monumens contemporains. 3 vols. Mann- Jieim, 1840-54. 4to. Hope (Thoj\la.s). — Costume of the Ancients. Second edition. Land. 1809. royal 8vo. Jacquemin (Raphael). — Iconographie G6n6rale et M6thodique du Costume du iv« au xix"= Si^cle (315-1815). 2 vols. Paris, 1871. folio. Knighthood. — The Insignia of the Orders of Knighthood of the United Kingdoms, and of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover, together with the Medals, Clasps, and Crosses, (n.d.) 4to, Lacroix (Paul). — Moeurs, Usages et Costumes au Moyen Age, ct a ]'6poque de la Renaissance. Ouvrage illustr6 de quiuze Planches Chromolithographiques par F. Kellerhoven. Paris, 1871. royal 8vo. Vie Militaire et Religieuse au Moyen Age et a I'^poque de la Renaissance. Ouvrage illustr^ de Chromolithographes ex^cutees par F. Kellerhoven, Regamey, et L. Allard. Gravies par Hyot pere et Ills. Paris, 1873. imp. 8vo. XVIII""" Sit!cle Institutions, Usages, et Costumes. France, 1700-17«9. Ouvrage illustre de Chromolithographies et de Gravures sur bois d'apres Watteau, Vanloo, Rigaud, Boucher, Lancret, J. Yernet, etc. Paris, 1876. imp. 8vo. Macleay (Kenneth), R.S.A. — Highlanders of Scotland : Portraits illustrative of the principal Clans and Followings, and the Retainers of the Royal Household at Balmoral, in the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. With Copious Notices from authentic sources. 2 vols. Lo7id. 1870. imi). folio. 23 COSTUME— Continued. Malliot (J.). — Recherches sur les Costumes, les Moeurs, les Usages Religieux, Civils et Militaires des Anciens Peuples d'aprSs les auteurs c6l6bres et les Monuments Antiques. 3 vols. Paris, 1804. 4to. Mercuri (Paul). — Costumes Historiques des xii^, xiir, xiv^ et xv* Siecles tir^s des Monuments les plus authentiques de Peinture et de Sculpture dessines et graves par Paul Mercuri, avec un Texte Histor- ique et Descriptif par Camille Bonnard. Nouvelle Edition, avec une Introduction par Charles Blanc. 3 vols. Paris, 1860-61. 4to. MoLiNET (Claude du). — Figures des differents Habits des Cha- noines Reguliers en ce Siecle, auec un Discours sur les Habits Anciens et Modemes des Chanoines tant Seculiers que Reguliers, Paris, 1666. 4to. Pauquet Freres. — Modes et Costumes Historiques, dessin6s et graves par Pauquet Freres d'apr^s les meilleurs Maitres de chaque 6poque et les documents les plus authentiques. (Paris, n.d.) 4to. Stuart (John Sobieski Stolberg, and Charles Edward). — The Costume of the Clans. With Observations upon the Literature, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce of the Highlands and AYesteru Islands during the Middle Ages, and on the Influence of the Sixteenth, Seven- teenth, and Eighteenth Centuries upon their present condition. Edin. 1845. folio. Vecellio (Cesare). — Costumes, Anciens et Modernes, precedes d'un Essai sur la Gravure sur bois, par M. Amb. Firmin Didot. 2 vols. 1859-60. 8vo. COTMAN (John Sell). Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk, tending to Illustrate the Ecclesiastical, Military, and Civil Costume, as well as to preserve Memorials of Ancient Families of that County. With an Introductory Essay by Dawson Turner, F.R.S., and Notes by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, LL.D., Albert Way, and Sir Hai-ris Nicolas. Second edition. With additional Plates. 2 vols. Lond. 1838-39. folio. cox (David). Memoir of the Life of David Cox. With Selections from his Correspondence, and some account of his Works, by N. Neal Solly. Illustrated with Photographs from Drawings. Lond. 1873. royal 8vo. CRESY (Mrs. Edward). Lives of Celebrated Architects. See MiLiziA (Francesco). CROCE (Angelo Della). Canonical Histories and Apocryphal Legends relating to the New Testament. See Canonical Histories. CROWE (J. A.), AND CAVALCASELLE (G. B.). The Early Flemish Painters : Notices of their Lives and Works. Loud. 1857. 8vo. A New History of Painting in Italy, from the Second to the Sixteenth Century, drawn up from fresh Materials and recent Re- searches in the Archives of Italy, as well as from Personal Inspection of the Works of Art scattered throughout Euro^je. 3 vols. Lond. 1864-66. 8vo. History of Painting in North Italy, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Ferrara, Milan, etc., from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuiy. With Illustrations. 2 vols. Lond.\^1\. 8vo. CUMBERLAND (George). Essay on the utility of collecting the Ijcst Works of the Ancient Engravers of the Italian School, accompanied by a Critical Catalogue of a Chronological Scries of rare and valuable Prints, from the earliest Practice of the Art in Italy to the year iviDXLix., now deposited in the British Museum and Royal Academy. Lond. 1827. 4to. CUMBERLAND (Richard). Anecdotes of Eminent Painters in Spain during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, with cursory Remarks upon the present statt^. of Arts in that Kingdom. Second edition. 2 vols, in L Lond. 1787. 12mo. 25 CUNNINGHAM (Allan). Life of Sir David Wilkie, with his Journals, Tours, and Critical Remarks on Works of Art ; and a selection from his Correspondence. 3 vols. Land. 1843. 8vo. The Lives of the most Eminent British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 6 vols. Lond. 1846-1854. 12mo. DALEN (CoRNELis van). Eigentlyke Afbeeldinge, van Hondert der Aldervermaerdste Statuen of Antique-Beelden staande binnen Romen. (Francesco Perrier.) Amsterdam (circa 1700). folio. D ALL AW AY (Rev. James), F.S.A. Anecdotes of the Arts in England, or Comparative Observations on Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, chiefly Illustrated by Specimens at Oxford. Lond. 1800. 8vo. Observations on English Architecture, Military, Ecclesiastical, and Civil, compared with similar buildings on the Continent, including a Critical Itinerary of Oxford and Cambridge, also Historical Notices of Stained Glass, Ornamental Gardening, etc. With Chronological Tables and Dimensions of Cathedral and Conventual Churches. Lond. 1806. 8vo. DALTON (Richard). A Series of Engravings, representing Views of Places, Buildings, etc., in Sicily, Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt. Lond. 1751. folio. DANCE OF DEATH. La Grande Danse Macabre des Hommes et des Femmes pr^c^d^e du diet des trois mors et des trois vifz, du d^bat du corps et de I'ame, et de la complaincte de I'ame dampn^e. Park (n.d.). 4to. Der Todten-Tantz der Stadt Basel. (Woodcuts.) Basel, \1%Q. 8vo. Holbein's Dance of Death. See Holbein (Hans). DANTE. See Dore (Gustave). DAVID (FRANgois Anne). Antiquit^s d'Herculanum graves par F. A. David avec leurs explica- tions par P. Sylvain Mar(^chal. 10 vols. 1780-1797. 4to. D 26 DA VIES (Edward). Life of Bartolom^ E. Murillo. See MuiiiLLO (Bartolome Esteban). DEER. The Book of Deer. Edited by John Stuart, LL.D. Edin. 1869. 4to. (Spalding Club.) DELESTRE (J. B.). De la Physiognomonie ; Texte, Dessin, Gravure. Pam, 1866. imp. 8vo. DEMMIN (AuGUSTE). Weapons of War, being a Hi.story of Arms and Armour, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Translated by C. C. Black. Illustrated. Loncl. 1870. 8vo. Guide de I'Amateur de Faiences et Porcelaines. Third edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1867. post 8vo. DENNISTOUN (James). Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange, Engraver, and of Andrew Lumis- den, Private Secretary to the Stuart Princes. 2 vols. Lond. 1855. 8vo. DESCAMPS (Jean Baptiste), and D'ARGENVILLE (Antoine, J. D.). Vie des Peintres Flamands et Hollandais, par Descamps, r^unies a celles des Peintres Italiens et rran9ais, par D'Argenville. 3 vols. Marseille, 1842. 8vo. DICTIONARIES. Dictionary of Artists of the English School : Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers, and Ornamentists ; with Notices of their Lives and Works, by Samuel Redgrave. Lond. 1874. 8vo. General and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Fine Arts, containing Explanations of the principal Terms used in the Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and Engraving, Historical Sketches of the Rise and Progress of the different Schools, Descrij^tive Accounts of the best Books and Treatises on the Fine Arts, etc., by James Elmes, M.R.I.A., Architect. Loml. 1826. 8vo. 27 DICTIONARIES— Cow/imfecZ. Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers ; with the Cyphers, Monograms, and Marks used by each Engraver. By Michael Bryan. New edition, revised, enlarged, and continued to the present time, by George Stanley. Lond. 1849. royal 8vo. Biographical and Critical Dictionary of recent and living Painters and Engravers ; forming a Supplement to Bryan's Dictionary, by Henry Ottley. Lond. 1866. royal 8vo. Dictionary of Dates and Universal Reference, relating to all Ages and Nations; by Joseph Haydn. Lond. 1851. 8vo. Dictionary of Painters from the Revival of the Art to the Present Period, by Rev. M. Pilkington. New edition, with Alterations, Additions, an Appendix and an Index, by Henry Fuseli, R.A. Lond. 1805. 4to. Dictionnaire des Peintres Espagnols, par F. Quilliet. Paris, 1816. 8vo. Dictionary of Terms in Art. Edited and Illustrated by F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A. With Engravings on Wood. Lond. (n.d.). post 8vo. Dictionnaire Raisonn6 de I'Architecture Fran9aise du xr au xvi^ Siecle. See Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Eivoianuel). Dictionnaire Raisonn6 du Mobilier Fran^ais de r(5poque Carlovin- gienne a la Renaissance. See Viollet-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, ChifFres, Lettres Initiales, etc., sous lesquels les plus c6lebres Peintres, Graveurs, et Dessinateurs ont dessin6 leurs Noms. Traduit de I'Allemand de M. Christ, et augmente de plusieurs Suppl6mens, par M. Sellins. Paris, 1762. 8vo. Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques figur^es, Lettres initiales, Noms abr^g^s, etc. See Brulliot (Francois). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. See Smith (William). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. See Smith (William). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. See Smith (Williajm). 28 DICTIONARIES— C^onimMec^. Dictionaries of Languages. Glossaria Linguarum Brasiliensium. Glossarius Je diversas Lingoas e Dialectos, que fallao os Indios no Imperio do Brazil. Wortersamm- lung Brasilianischer Sprachen, von Dr. Carl Friedr. Phil, von Martins. Erlangen, 1863. 8vo. Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster, LL.D. Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. New edition. IamcI. 186L 4to. Dictionary of the English, German, and French Languages, by Nicolas Esterhazy S. A. Hamilton. Lond. 1853. post 8vo. Dizionario Italiano ed Inglese, di Giuseppe Baretti. 2 vols. Firenze, 1832. 4to. A Concise Dictionary of the Italian, English, and French Languages, by Alfred Elwes. Lond. 1855. post 8vo. Dictionary of the Scottish Language by John Jamieson, D.D., abridged by John Johnston. Edin. 1846. 8vo. DIDOT (AaiBRoiSE Firmin). Essai Typographique et Bibliographique do la Gravure sur Bois, pour faire suite aux Costumes Anciens et Modemes de C^sar Vecellio. Paris, 1863. 8vo. DIDRON (Adolphe NAPOiiioN). Christian Iconography ; or the History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages. Translated by E. J. Millington. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) Lond. 1851. 12mo. DOLCE (LoDOVico). Dialogo della pittura, intitolato I'Aretino. Venezia, 1557, 12mo. Aretin : or a Dialogue on Painting, from the Italian of Lodovico Dolce. Glasgo'w, 1770. 12mo. DOMENICHINO (Domenico Zampieri, called). Vie et Qlluvre complete de Dominique Zampieri, dit le Dominiquin. Paris, 1803. 4to. 29 DOMINICI (Bernardo de). Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti Napoletani, Non mai date alia luce da Autore alcuno. 3 vols, in 2. Na;poli, 1742-43. 4to. DORfi (GUSTAVE). L'lnferno di Dante Alighieri, colle figure di G. Dor6. Parigi, 1861, folio. II Purgatorio e II Paradiso, di Dante Alighieri, colle figure di G. Dor6. Parigi, 1868. folio. DORIGNY (Sir Nicolaus). Pinacotheca Hamptoniana. (Engravings of the Cartoons by Raphael at Hampton Court.) (1715.) royal oblong folio. DROZ (Joseph). Etudes sur le Beau dans les Arts. Paris, 1815. 8vo. DRUMMOND (Henry). Histories of Noble British Families, with Biographical Notices of the most distinguished individuals in each. Illustrated by their Armorial Bearings, Portraits, Monuments, Seals, etc. 2 vols. Lond. ISiG. large folio. DRUMMOND (James), R.S.A., F.S.A. Scot. Scottish Market-Crosses. Edin. 1861. 4to. The Bluidy Banner of Drumclog and Bothwell Brig, with illustra- tions of a few others carried by the Covenanters on the same occasions. Edin. 1861. 4to. Highland Targets and other Shields. Ediii. 1873. 4to. Mediaeval Triumphs and Processions. Edin. 1874. 4to. The Portraits of John Knox and George Buchanan. Edin. 1875. 4to. Old Edinburgh. — A series of sketches executed between the years 1848 and 1867, of Picturesque Buildings then existing, by James Drummond, R.S.A., F.S.A. Scot., reproduced in Lithographic Facsimile from the originals now in the National Museum of the Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland. Edin. folio. 30 DliUMMOND ( WiLLLUi), of Haivthornden. The History of Scotland from the year 1423 until the year 1542, containing the Lives and Eeigns of James L, II., III., IV., V. With several Memorials of State during the Reigns of James VI. and Charles I. Lond. 1655. folio. DUCHESNE (Jean). See Reveil (Achille). DU FRESNOY (Charles Adolphonse). The Art of Painting, with Remarks. Translated into English, with an Original Preface, containing a Parallel between Painting and Poetry, by Mr. Dryden, also an Account of the most Eminent Painters, both Ancient and Modern, by R. G[raham]. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Lond. 1716. post 8vo. DUMESNIL (A. P. F. Robert). See Robert-Dumesnil (A. P. F.). DUPLESSIS (Georges). Costumes Historiques, des xvi", xviF, et XViW Siecles. See Chevi- gnard (E. Lechevallier). DUPPA (Richard), F.S.A. A Selection of Twelve Heads from the Last Judgment of Michael Angelo. Lond. 1801. Heads from the Fresco Pictures of Raffaello in the Vatican. Lond. 1802. in 1 vol. imp. folio. Life of RalFaello Sanzio da Urbino, by the Author of the Life of Michael Angelo, and the Characters of the most celebrated Painters of Italy, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in 1 volume. Lond. 1816. 8vo. DURER (Albrecut). Alberti Dureri clarissimi Pictoris et Geometrae de Symmetria partium in rectis formis humanorum corporum, Libri in Latinum conuersi. Norinbergce, 1534. folio. Albert Diirer a Venise et dans les Pays-Bas : Autobiographie, Lettres, Journal de Voyages, Papiers Divers. Traduits de TAllemand avec des Notes et une Introduction par Charles Narrey. Illustrated. Paris, 1864. royal 8vo. 31 DURER (Albrecht) — Continued. Albert Diirer : his Life and Works, including Autobiographical Papers and complete Catalogues, by William B. Scott. With Etchings by the Author, and other Illustrations. Loud. 1869. 8vo. The History of the Life of Albrecht Diirer of Niirnberg. With a Translation of his Letters and Journal, and some account of his Works, by Mrs. Charles Heaton. Land. 1870. royal 8vo. Critical Account of the Works of Albert Diirer. See Weale (John). DtJSSELDORFER KUNSTLER-ALBUM. Lusseld&rf, 1852-56. 4to. DUSSIEUX (Louis). Les Artistes Fran^ais a I'Etranger, recherches sur leurs travaux et sur leur influence en Europe, pr6c6d6es d'un Essai sur les origines et le d^veloppement des Arts en France. Paris, 1856. royal 8vo. DYCE (William), R.A., and WILSON (Charles H.), A.S.A. Letter to Lord Meadowbank, and the Committee of the Board of Trustees for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures, on the best means of ameliorating the Arts and Manufactures of Scotland in point of Taste. Edin. 1837. 8vo. EAGLES (Rev. John). The Sketcher. Edin. 1856. 8vo. EARLOM (Richard), and TURNER (Charles). Portraits of Characters illustrious in British History from the beginning of the Reign of Henry VIII. to the end of the Reign of James II. Engraved in Mezzotinto. Loud. (n.d.). folio. EASTLAKE (Sir Charles Lock), P.R.A. Materials for a History of Oil Painting. 2 vols. Lond. 1847, 1869. 8vo. Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Ai'ts. Second Series. With a Memoir compiled by Lady Eastlake. Lond. 1870. 8vo. 32 EASTLAICE (Sir Charles Lock), P.E.A. — Continued. A Handbook of the History of Painting. Translated. See Kugler (Dr. Franz). The Schools of Painting in Italy. Translated. See KuGLER (Dr. Franz). EASTLAKE (Charles L.), Architect A History of the Gothic Eevival : An attempt to show how the taste for Medipeval Architecture which lingered in England during the two last Centuries has since been encouraged and developed. Lond. 1872. royal 8vo. EDINBURGH. Charters and other Documents relating to the City of Edinburgh, A.D. 1143-1540. Edited by J. D. Marwick. Edin. \m\. 4to. (Scot- tish Burgh Records Society.) Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh. Edited by J. D. Marwick. Vol. I. 1403-1528. Vol. II. 1528-1557. Vol. III. 1557-1571. 3 vols. Edin. 1869-75. 4to. (Scottish Burgh Records Society.) Views in Edinburgh and its Vicinity. See Storer (J. and H. S.). Select Views in Edinburgh. See Gibson (Patrick). Old Edinburgh : A Series of Sketches. See Drummond (James). EDWARDS (Edward). Anecdotes of Painters who have resided or been born in England ; with Critical Remarks on their Productions, intended as a continuation to the Anecdotes of Painting by Horace Earl of Orf ord. Dmd. 1 808. 4to. The Fine Arts in England : their State and Prospects considered relatively to National Education. Lond. 1840. 8vo. EDWARDS (Edward). Libraries and Founders of Libraries. Xow^Z. 1864. 8vo. 33 ELGIN MARBLES (The). Memorandum on the subject of the Earl of Elgin's Pursuits in Greece. Edin. 1810. 4to. Letter from the Chevalier Antonio Canova : and two Memoirs read to the Royal Institute of France on the Sculptures in the Collection of the Earl of Elgin, by Chevalier E. Q. Visconti. Translated. Lond. 1816. 8vo. ELMES (James), Architect. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Christopher Wren, See Wren (Sir Christopher). Dictionary of the Fine Arts. See Dictionaries. EL WES (Alfred). Dictionary of the Italian, English, and French Languages. See Dictionaries. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANTIQUITIES. See Fosbroke (Rev. T. D.). ENCYCLOPfiDIE MfiTHODIQUE.— Arts Acad^miques, Equita- tion, Escrime, Danse, et Art de Nager. Paris, 1 786. 4to. ENGEL (Carl). The Music of the most Ancient Nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews, ^^^th special reference to recent Discoveries in Western Asia and in Egypt. Lond. 1864. 8vo. ENGELHARDT (Conrad). Denmark in the Early Iron Age. Illustrated by recent Discoveries in the Peat-Mosses of Slesvig. Land. 1866. imp. 4to. ENGLISH CONNOISSEUR (The).— Containing an Account of whatever is curious in Painting, Sculpture, etc., in the Palaces and Seats of the Nobility and Principal Gentry of England. 2 vols. Lond. 1766. 12mo. E ENGRAVING. Sculptura Historico-Technica : or the History and Art of En- graving. Extracted from Baldinucci, Florent le Comte, Faithorne, the Abecedario Pittorico, and other Authors. Lond. 1747. 12mo. Sculptura Historico-Technica : or the History and Art of In- graving. Fourth edition. Lond. 1770. 12mo. EPITAPHS AND Monumental Inscriptions in Greyfriars Church- yard. See Brown (James). ERSKINE (Captain David). James V. ; or the Warlike Days of Hab o' Hawick : an Historical Drama. Edin. 1830. 12mo. ESSAYS. Remarks on Modern Art, in a Series of Essays, by an Amateur. Edin. 1837. 8vo. ETCHING AND ETCHERS. See Haj^ierton (Philip Gilbert). Etchings of Ancient Engraved Gems. (33 Plates, forming part of the Le Gemme Antichi figurati. Roma, 1657. 4to.) — Mich. Majeri, M.D. Secreta Naturae Chymica, sive Scrutinium Chymicum, per Emblemata, Francofnrii, 1687. — Engravings of Flags of different Nations, numbered on to 81. (Bound in one volume.) 4to. ETTY (WiLLiAin), R.A. Life of William Etty, R.A., by Alexander Gilchrist. 2 vols. Lond. 1855. 8vo. EVELYN (John). Sculptura : or the History and Art of Chalcograjihy, and Engraving in Copper, with an ample Enumeration of the most renowned Masters and their Works. To which is annexed A New Manner of Engraving, or Mezzotinto, and Memoirs of the Author's Life. Lond. 1769. 8vo. An Idea of the Perfection of Painting. Tianslated. See Freart (Roland). 35 EYCK (Hubert and Jan van), Les trois Fr^res van Eyck, par Jean Hemling. Notes sur ces Artistes, Recueilb'es par I'Abb^ Cai'ton. Bruges, 1848. 4to. FAIRHOLT (Frederick Willi asi), F.S.A. Miscellanea Graphica : Representations of Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Remains in the possession of Lord Londesborough. Drawn, engraved, and described by F, W. Fairholt. The Historical Intro- duction by Thomas Wright. Lond. 1857. 4to. Costume in England. A History of Dress from the Earliest Period until the close of the Eighteenth Century. With an Illustrated Glossary of Terms for all articles of use or ornament worn about the Person. Illustrated with Engravings drawTi on Wood by the Author. Second edition. Lond. 1860. 8vo. Rambles of an Archaeologist among Old Books and in Old Places, being Pajjers on Art, in relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decora- tion, and Art-Manufacture. Illustrated with Wood Engravings. Lond. 1871. royal 8vo. History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages ; with illustrations from the Illuminations in Con- temporary Manuscripts. See Wright (Thomas). Dictionary of Terms in Art. See Dictionaries. FARQUHAR (Maria). Biographical Catalogue of the principal Italian Painters, with a Table of the Contemporary Schools of Italy, Edited by Ralph N. Wornum. Lond. 1855. post 8vo. F£n£LON (Bertrand de Salignac de la Mothe). Correspondance Diplomatique de Bertrand de Salignac de la Mothe F6n6lon, Ambassadeur de France en Angleterre, de 1568 a 1575. 7 vols. Paris et Londres, 1838-40. 8vo. FERGUSSON (James). Illustrations of the Rock-Cut Temples of India. Lond. \8A5. 8vo. History of the Modern Styles of Architecture, being a Sequel to the Handbook of Architecture. With Illustrations. Lond. 1862. 8vo. 36 FERGUSSON (James)— Cotitinued. History of Ai'chitecture in all Countries, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Vols. I. II. Lond. 1865-67. 8vo. History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. Illustrated. Lond. 1876. 8vo. FERRARIUS (OcTAVius). Octavii Ferrarii de Re Vestiaria Libri Septem. Quatuor postremi nunc primum prodcunt, reliqui emendatiores et auctiores. Patavii, 16f)4. small 4to. FETIS (IiIdouard). Les Artistes Beiges a I'Etranger. Etudes Biographiques, Historiques, et Critiques. 2 vols. Bnixelles, 1857-65. 8vo. FIALETTI (Odoardo). De gli habiti delle Religioni, con le Armi, e breve Descrittioni loro. (74 Etchings -with engraved descriptions.) Venetia, 1626. 8vo. FINDLAY (J. R.). Hatton House. Edin. 1875. 4to. FITTLER (James), A.R.A. Scotia Depicta ; or the Antiquities, Castles, Public Buildings, etc., of Scotland. Illustrated in a series of Etchings from Drawnngs made on the spot by John Claude Nattes. With Descriptions, Antiquarian, Historical, and Picturesque. Lond. 1804. oblong 4to. FLAXMAN (John), R.A. Classical Compositions from Homer, Hesiod, and ^schylus. Lond. 1805-31. folio. Compositions of the "Acts of Mercy," drawn by John Flaxman. Lond. 1831. oblong folio. Lectures on Sculpture, as delivered before the President and Members of the Royal Academy, with an Introductory Lecture, and two Addresses to the Royal Academy, on the death of Thomas Banks, and of Antonio Canova, and an Address on the death of Flaxman, by Sir Richard Westmacott. Second edition. Lond. 1838. royal 8vo. 37 FOCK (H. C. A. L.). Anatomie Canoniqiie, ou le Canon de Polyclete retrouv^. Utrecht, 1866. folio. FOREST (Alexandre). Tour de Babel, ou objcts d'Art, faux pris pour vrais et vice versa. Paris, 1868. 8vo. FOSBROKE (Rev. Thomas Dudley), F.S.A. Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, and Elements of Archseologj', Classical and Mediaeval. 2 vols. Loiul. 1825. 4to. FRANCE. Portraits des Membres de ITnstitut Royal de France. 2 vols. Paris, 1820, etc. imperial 4to. FREART (Roland), Sieur de Chambray. An Idea of the Perfection of Painting, demonstrated from the Prin- ciples of Art, and by Examples conformable to the observations which Pliny and Quintilian have made upon the most celebrated Pieces of the Antient Painters, parallel'd with some Works of the most famous Modern Painters, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Julio Romano, and N. Poussin, Avritten in French by Roland Freart, and rendered EngHsh by J. E[velyn]. London, in the Savoy, 1668, 12mo. A Parallel of the Antient Architecture Avith the Modern, in a Collec- tion of Ten Principal Authors who have Avritten upon the Five Orders, viz., Palladio and Scamozzi, Serlio and Vignola, D. Barbaro and Cataneo, L. B. Alberti and De Lorme ; to which is added, An Account of Architects and Architecture, in an Historical and Etymological Explanation of certain Terms particularly affected by Architects. With Leon Baptista Alberti's Treatise on Statues, by John Evelyn, and the Elements of Architecture collected by Sir Henry Wotton, Knt. • Third edition. Land. 1723. folio. FRENCH (Gilbert F.). Notes on the Nimbus. Bolton, 1854. post 8vo. 38 FUCHS (JoHANN Nepomuk von). On the Manufacture, Properties, and Application of Water-Glass (Soluble Alkaline Silicate), including a process of Stereochromic Pjiinting. (Translated from the German.) Lond. 1859. 8vo. FULCHER (George Williams). Life of Thomas Gainsborough, E. A. See Gainsborough (Thomas). FUSELI (John Henry), R.A. Reflections on the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks, with Instructions for the Connoisseur, and an Essay on Grace in Works of Art. Translated from the German of Abb6 Winkelmann. Lond. 1765. 8vo. Lectures on Painting, delivered at the Royal Academy, with addi- tional Observations and Notes. Lond. 1801. 4to. GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas), R.A. Collection of Prints illustrative of English Scenery, from the Draw- ings and Sketches of Thomas Gainsborough. Lond. 1819. folio. Life of Thomas Gainsborough, by George Williams Fulchor. Edited by his Son. Second edition. Lond. 1856. 8vo. GALLERIES OF PICTURES, DRAWINGS, Etc. DiJSSELDORF. La Galerie filectorale de DusseldorflT, ou Catalogue Raisonne et Figur6 do ses Tableaux, dans lequel on donne une counoissance exacte de cette fameuse Collection, et de son local, par des descriptions d6taill6es. Ouvragc compos6 dans un gout nouveau,'par Nicolas de Pigage. Basle, 1778. oblong folio. Farnesian/E Galerie. Galcrise Farnesianse Icones Romeo in ^dibus S. Ducis Parmensis ab Annil)ale Carracio, coloribus expressae cum ipsarum monocromatibus ot oruamentis, a Petro Aquila delineatce incisoe. Ilomcp. oblong folio. Florence. Galleria dell' Imperiale e Reale Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze. Pubblicata, con incisioni in rame, da una Society Artistica, ed illustrata da chiare, e intelligonti penne Italiane. Firenze, 1845. folio. 39 GALLERIES— Con/mwerf. Galerie des Peintres Flajiands, Hollandais, et Allemands; Planches gravies d'apr^s les meilleius Tableaux de ces Maitres, par les plus habiles Artistes de France, de Hollande, et d'AUemagne, avec un Texte par M. Lebrun. 3 vols in 2. Paris, 1792. folio. Houghton Gallery. A set of Prints, engraved after the most capital Paintings in the Collection of H.I.M. the Empress of Russia, lately in the possession of the Earl of Orford at Houghton in Norfolk. 2 vols, in 1. Lmid. 1788. large folio. ^des Waljiolianse : or a Description of the Collection of Pictures at Houghton Hall in Norfolk, the seat of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford. Thii'd edition. LonJ. 1767. 4to. Lawrence Gallery. A Series of Facsimiles of Original Drawings by Raffaelle da Urbino, selected from the Collection foimed by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Load. 1841. folio. A Series of Facsimiles of Original Drawings by M. Angelo Buona- rotti, selected from the Collection formed by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Lond. 1853. folio, (in one volume.) Luxembourg. La Galerie du Palais du Luxembourg. See Rubens (Peter Paul). Teniers Gallery. EngraAdugs after the Works of the Italian Masters at Antwerp. Brussels, 1660. folio. Torino. La Reale Galleria di Torino, illustrata da Roberto d'Azeglio. 4 vols. Torino, 1836-46. folio. GEDDES (Andrew), A.R.A. Etchings, with Biographical Sketches by David L'aing, F.S.A. Scot. See Wilkie (Sir David), R.A. GEIKIE (Walter), S. A. Studies from Nature. Drawn and Etched by AValter Geikie. (Proofs.) Edin. 1838. 4to. 40 GIANGIACOMO (Francesco). Le Pitture della Cappella di Nicolo V. See Angelico (Fra). GIBSON (John), RA. Life of John Gibson, R.A., Sculptor. Edited by Lady Eastlake. Lond. 1870. 8vo. GIBSON (Patrick). Select Views in Edinburgh, Etched by Patrick Gibson. With Historical and Explanatory Notices, Edin. 1818. large 4to. GILPIN (William). Three Essays ; on Picturesque Beauty, on Picturesque Travel, and on Sketching Landscape, to which is added a Poem on Landscape Paint- ing. Loi^. 1792. 8vo. GIOTTO (Ajvebrogio Bondone, called). Pictures of Giotto in the Church of the Carmelites at Florence. See Patch (Thomas). Description of the Chapel of the Annunziata deli' Ai'ena, or Giotto's Chapel in Padua, by Mrs. Callcott. Lond. 1835. 4to. Arena Chapel, Padua. See RusKiN (John). GLASGOW. Inventory of the Ornaments, Eeliques, Jewels, Vestments, Books, etc., belonging to the Cathedral Church of Glasgow, M.CCCC.XXXii. Glasgow, 18.31. 4to. (Maitland Club.) Burgh Records of the City of Glasgow, M.D.LXXiii.— M.D.LXXXI. Glasgow, 1832. 4to. (Maitland Club.) Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, a.d. 1573-1642. Edited by J. D. Marwick. Edin. 1876. 4to. (Scottish Burgh Records vSociety.) GLIDDON (Geo. R.). See Nott (J. C). GOLDSMITH (Oliver), and PARNELL. Poems. Wood Engravings by Messrs. Bewick. Lond. (Shakespeare Press), 1795. 4to. 41 GRAHAM (Maria). Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin. See PoussiN (Nicholas). GRANGER (Rev. James). Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution, consisting of Characters disposed in different Classes, and adapted to a Methodical Catalogue of Engraved British Heads, etc. Fourth edition, corrected. 4 vols. Lond. 1810. 8vo. Biographical History of England, from the Revolution to the end of George I.'s Reign, being a continuation of Rev. J. Granger's Work. The Materials being sujiplied by the Manuscripts left by Mr. Granger, and the Collections of Rev. Mark Noble. 3 vols. io/i^. 1806. 8vo, GREGORY (Donald). History of the Western Highlands and Isles of Scotland, from A.D. 1493 to A.D. 1625. With a brief Introductory Sketch from A.D. 80 to A.D. 1493. Edin. 1836. 8vo. GROTE (Mrs.). Memoir of Ary Scheffer. See ScHEFFER (Ary). GRUNER (Lewis). The Caryatides from the " Stanza dell' Eliodoro." See Raphael. The Mosaics of the Cupola in the " Cappella Chigiana." See Raphael. GUERANGER (Dom). Sainte C6cile et la Soci6t6 Romaine aux deux premiers Siecles. OuATage contenant Chromolithographes, Planches en Taille-douce, et Gravures sur bois. Paris, 1874. imp. 8vo. GUICCIARDINI (Lod.). Omnium Belgii sive Inferioris Germanise Regionum Descriptio. Arnhemii, 1616. oblong 4to. GULLICK (Thomas John), and TIMBS (John), F.S.A. Painting popularly Explained ; including Fresco, Oil, Tempera, Mosaic, Encaustic, Water-Colour, Miniature, Missal, Painting on Pottery, Porcelain, Enamel, etc. With Historical Sketches of the Progress of the Art. Lond. \%h^. 12mo. F 42 HACO. The Norwegian Account of Haco's Expedition against Scotland, A.D. MCCLXiii., now first published in the original Islandic, with a literal English version, by Rev. James Johnstone. 1782. 12mo. HAMERTON (Philip Gilbert). A Painter's Camp in the Highlands, and Thoughts about Art. 2 vols. Lond. 1862. 8vo. Etching and Etchers. Lmid. 1868. imp. 8vo. HAMILTON (Nicolas Esterhazy S. A.). Dictionary of the English, German, and French Languages. See Dictionaries. HAMILTON (Thomas), R.S.A. Report relative to proposed Improvements on the Earthen Mound. Edin. 1830. 4to. HARDING (George P.). Anti(juitics in Westminster Abbey : Ancient Oil Paintings and Sepulchral Brasses in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, AVestminster. Engraved from DraAvings by G. P. Harding, with a Historical, Biogra- phical, and Heraldic Description, by Thomas Moule. Lond. 1825. folio. Portraits of Illustrious Persons in English History. Dra^vvn by G. P. Harding, from Original Pictures. With Biographical and Historical Notices by Thomas Moule, F.S. A. i(wd 1869. folio. HARRIS (George), F.S.A. The Theory of the Arts : or Art in relation to Nature, Civilisation, and Man, comprising an Investigation, Analytical and Critical, into the Origin, Rise, Province, Principles, and Application of each of the Arts. 2 vols. Lond. 1869. 8vo. HARVEY (Sir George), P.R.S.A. Notes of the Early History of the Royal Scottish Academy, by George Harvey, Kt., P.R.S.A. Edin. 1870. 8vo. 43 HARVEY (Sir George), P.U.S.A.—Continmd. Notes of the Early History of the Royal Scottish Academy, by George Harvey, Kt., P.R.S.A. Second edition. Edin. 1873. 8vo. Selections from the Works of Sir George Harvey, described by the Rev. A. L. Simpson, F.S.A. Scot,, and Photographed by Thomas Annan. Edin. (n.d.). atlas folio. HASTINGS (Thomas). Etchings from the Works of Richard Wilson. With Memoir. See Wilson (Richard). HAY (D. R.), F.R.S.E. Tlie Geometric Beauty of the Human Figure defined, to which is prefixed a system of Esthetic Proportion applicable to Architecture and the other Formative Arts, Edin. 1851. 4to. HAY (Robert). Illustrations of Cairo. Drawn on Stone by J. C. Bourne. Lond. 1840. folio. HAYDON (Benjamin Robert). Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon, Historical Painter, from his Autobiography and Journals. Edited and compiled by Tom Taylor. 3 vols. Lond. 1853. post 8vo. HEATON (Mrs. Charles). A Concise History of Painting. With Illustrations in Permanent Photography. Lond. 1873. 8vo. History of the Life of Albrecht Diirer. See DtlRER (Albrecht). Life of Leonardo da Vinci. See Leonardo da Vinci. HEEMSKERCK (Martin). The Chief Victories of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. See Stirling- Max\\t;ll (Sir William), Bart. 44 HEFNER-ALTENECK (Jacob Heinrich von). Costume du Moyen Age Chretien, d'apriis cles monumens contem- porains. 3 vols. Manheim, 184:0-54. 4to. HENRARD (Paul). Histoire de rArtillerie en Belgique, depuis son origine jusqu'au Rtigne d'Albert et d'Isabelle. Bruxelles, 1865. 8vo. HERIOT'S HOSPITAL (George). Historical and Descriptive Account of George Heriot's Hospital, including a Memoir of the Founder. Edlii. 1827. 4to. HEWITT (John). Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe, from the Iron Period of the Northern Nations to the end of the Seventeenth Century. With Illustrations from contemporary Monuments. 3 vols. 1860. 8vo. HEYNS (Zacharias). Const-Thoonende luweel, by de loflijcke stadt Hacrlem, etc. (With folding plates of Processions.) Printed at Zwol, 1607. 4to. HILL (David Octavius), R.S.A. Sketches of Scenery in Perthshire. Drawn from Nature, and on Stone, by D. 0. Hill. Perth (n.d.). folio.- HILL (David Octavius), R.S.A., and AD AMSON (Robert). Collection of Calotypes (Portraits, Groups, Views, etc.). 5 vols. Edln. 1844. folio. HOARE (Prince). Epochs of the Arts : including Hints on the Use and Progress of Painting and Sculpture in Great Britain. Lond. \8\^. 8vo. HOGARTH (William). Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth, with a Catalogue of his Works, chronologically arranged, and occasional Remarks (by John Nichols). Second edition, enlarged. Lond. 1782. 8vo. 45 HOGARTH (\YiLhiAM.)—Contirmed. Graphic Illustrations of Hogartli from Pictures, Drawings, and scarce Prints in the possession of Samuel Ireland. 2 vols. Lmui. 1794. royal 8vo. Essays on William Hogarth. See Sala (George Augustus). HOGENBERG (Nicolas). The Procession of Pope Clement VII. and the Emperor Charles V. See Stirling-Maxwell (Sir William), Bart. HOLBEIN (Hans). Imitations of Original Drawings by Hans Holbein in the Collection of His Majesty, for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. With Biographical Tracts, by John Chamberlaine. Land. 1812. royal 4to. Holbein's Dance of Death exhibited in elegant Engravings on Wood, with a Dissertation on the several Representations of that Subject, by Francis Douce, F.S.A. ; also Holbein's Bible Cuts, consisting of ninety illustrations on Wood, with Introduction by Thomas Frognall Dibdin. (Bolin's Illustrated Library.) Lond. 1858. 12mo. Some Account of the Life and Works of Hans Holbein, Painter of Augsburg, by Ralph Nicholson Wornum. Lond. 1867. royal 8vo. Holbein and his Time, by Dr. Alfred Woltmann. Translated by F E. Bunnett. Lond. 1872. royal 8vo. Photographs from Holbein's Drawings of the Court of Henry VIII. imp. folio. HOLBEIN SOCIETY (THE) FACSIMILE REPRINTS. Les Simulaclires & Histori^es Faces de la Mort : commonly called " The Dance of Death." Translated and edited by Henry Green. 1869. 4to. Holbein's Icones Historiarum Veteris Testamenti. A Photo-lith. facsimile Reprint from the Lyons edition of 1547. 1869. 4to. 4G HOLBEIN SOCIETY (THE) FACSIMILE REPEINTS— Con^cZ. Andreae Alciati Emblematum Fontes Quatuor : an Account of the original Collection made at ISIilan, 1522, and Photo-lith. facsimiles of the editions, Augsburg 1531, Paris 1534, and Venice 1546. 1870. 4to. The JMirrour of Maiestie ; or the Badges of Honour conceitedly Emblazoned. A Photo-lith. facsimile Reprint from Mr. Corser's perfect cojdj, a.d. 1618. 1870. 4to. Andrew Alciati Emblematum Flumen abundans, or Alciat's Emblems in their full stream, being a Photo-lith. facsimile Reprint of the Lyons edition by Bonhomme 1551, and of Titles, etc., of similar editions, 1548-1551. 1871. 4to. Grimaldi's Funeral Oration, January 19, 1550, for iVndrea Alciati. With a Translation into English. 1871. 4to. The Theatre of Women. Designed by Jobst Ammon. 1872. 4to. The Four Evangelists, Arabic and Latin. With Woodcuts designed by Antonio Tempesta. 1873. 4to. Triumph of the Emperor Maximilian I. With Woodcuts designed by Hans Burgmair. 1875. 4to. The Fall of Man, by Albrecht Altdorfer. Edited by Alfred Aspland, "U'ith an Introduction by William Bell Scott. 1876. 4to. The Golden Legend : a Reproduction from a Copy in the Manchester Free Library, with an Introduction by Alfred Aspland, Editor. Lond. 1878. folio. HOLINSHED (Ralph). The Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande, Avith their De- scriptions. 2 vols. Lond. 1577. folio. HOLLAR (WiNCESLAUs). Characaturas by Leonardo da Vhici, from Drawings by Winceslaus Hollar. Sec Leonardo da Vinci. HOME (John). History of the Rebellion in the year 1745. Lmd. 1802. 4to. 47 HOXE (WILLIA3I). Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. See Strutt (Joseph). HONECOET (WiLARS de). Facsimile of the Sketch-Book of Wilars de Honecort, an Architect of the Tliirteenth Century. Illustrated by Commentaries and Descrip- tions, as arranged Avith various additions from the MSS. of J. B. A. Lassus. Translated, edited, and augmented with many ne^y Articles and Notes, and the Remarks of J. Quicherat, by Rev. Robert Willis. Lrnid. 1859. 4to. HOPE (Thomas). Costume of the Ancients. Second edition. Lond. 1809. royal 8vo. Storia dell' Architettura di Tomaso Hope. Opera tradotta dall' Ino-lese in Francese dall' A. Baron. Prima versione Italiana dell' Gaetano Imperatori. Milano, 1840. 8vo. HOUBRAKEN (Arnold). De Groote Schouburgh der Nederlantsche Konst-Schilders en Schil- deressen. Waar van 'er veele met hunne Beeltenissen ten Tooneel verschynen, en hun Levensgedrag en Konstwerken beschreven worden, zynde een vervolg op het Schilderbock van K. v. Mander. From 1466 to 1613. Second edition. 3 vols. 1753. 8vo. HOWELL (John). Essay on the War-Galleys of the Ancients. Edin. 1826. 8vo. HUBER (Michel). Notices Centrales des Graveurs divis^s par Nations, et des Peintres ranges par Ecoles. Pr6c6d6es de I'Histoire de la Gravure et de la Peinture depuis I'Origine de ces Arts jusqu'4 nos jours, et suivies d'un Catalogue Raisonn6 d'lme Collection choisie d'Estampes. 2 parts. Dresde, 1787. 8vo. 48 HUME (Sir David). A Diary of the Proceedings in the Parliament and PriA'y Council of Scotland, May 21, 1700— March 7, 1707, hy Sir David Hume of Crossrigg, one of the Senators of the College of Justice. Edin. 1828. 4to. (Bannatyne Club.) HUMPHREYS (Henry Noel). Ten Centuries of Art. Its Progress in Europe from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century. Loitd. 1852. royal 8vo. Histoiy of the Ai't of Printing, from its Invention to its widespread development in the middle of the Sixteenth Century. Preceded by a short Account of the Origin of the Alphabet, and of the successive methods of recording events before the Invention of Printing. Illus- trated by Facsimiles in Photo-lithography. Lojid. 1868. folio. HUNTER (John Kelso). The Retrospect of an Artist's Life : Memorials of West Country Men and Manners of the last Half Century. Greenock, 1868. 8vo. INGHIRAIMI (Francesco, Cavaliere). Description de I'lmp. et R. Palais Pitti et du R. Jardin de Boboli. PoUgrafia Fiesolana, 1832. 8vo. INNES (Cosmo). Scotland in the Middle Ages. Sketches of Early Scotch History and Social Progress. Edin. 1860. 8vo. Sketches of Early Scotch History and Social Progress, Church Organisation, the University, Home Life. Edin. 1861. 8vo. IRELAND (Samuel). Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth. See Hogarth (William). JACKSON (John) and CHATTO (W. A.). A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. With three hundred Illustrations engraved on Wood. Second edition, with a new chapter on the Artists of the Present Day, by Henry G. Bohn, and additional Wood Engravings. Loud. 1861. royal 8vo. 49 JACQUEMIN (Raphael). Iconograpliie Geu6rale et M6thodique du Costume du IV" au XIX'' Si6cle (315-1815). 2 vols. Paris, 1871. folio. JAMES (Rev. John Thot^ias), Bishop of Calcutta. The Italian Schools of Painting, with Observations on the Present State of the Art. Land. 1820. 8vo. The Flemish, Dutch, and German Schools of Painting. Lond. 1822. Svo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Sacred and Legendary Art, containing Legends of the Angels and Archangels, the Evangelists, the Apostles, St. Mary Magdalene, the Patron Saints, etc., as represented in the Fine Arts. Second edition. Lond. 1850. 8vo. Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented in the Fine Arts. Illustrated. Lond. 1850. Svo. Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the Fine Arts. Illus- trated by Etchings and Woodcuts. Second edition, corrected and en- larged. Lond. 1857. Svo, JAMESON (Mrs.) and EASTLAKE (Lady). The History of Our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art, with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other persons of the Old and New Testament. 2 vols. Lo7id. 1864. Svo. JARVES (James Jackson). Art Studies : the " Old Masters " of Italy : Painting. (With copper- plate illustrations.) 2 vols. New York, 1861. royal Svo. JERDAN (AViLLiAM), F.S.A. National Portrait Gallery of Illustrious and Eminent Personages of the Nineteenth Century. With Memoirs. 3 vols. Lo7id. 1830-32. imp. Svo. G 50 JERVIS (Lady Jervis White). Painting and Celebrated Painters, Ancient and Modern ; including Historical and Critical Notices of the Schools of Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. 2 vols. Lnnd. 1854. 8vo. JONES (George), R.A. Eecollections of Sir Francis Chantrey. See Chantrey (Sir Francis). JUNIUS (Franciscus). De Pictura Veterum, accedit Catalogus, adhuc ineditus, Architec- torum, Mechanicorum, sed prsecipue Pictorum, Statuariorum, Coela- torum, Tornatorum, aliorumque Artificum. Boterodami, 1694. folio. KAY (John). A Series of Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings. With Bio- graphical Sketches and Illustrative Anecdotes. 2 vols, in 4 parts. Udin. 1837-38. 4to. KNIGHT (Richard Payne). The Landscape : a Didactic Poem. Land. 1795. 4to. An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. Fourth edition. Lond. 1808. 8vo. KNIGHTHOOD. The Insignia of the Orders of Knighthood of the United Kingdoms, and of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover, together with the Medals, Clasps, and Crosses, (n.d.) 4to. KNOX (John). History of the Reformation in Scotland. See WoDROW So(!IETY. KNOX (John). VieAv of the British Empire, more esjiecially Scotland, with some proposals for the Improvement of that Country. Third edition. 2 vols. 1 785. 8vo. KNOX (Robert), M.D. Great Artists and Great Anatomists : a Biographical and Philosophi- cal Study. Loud. 1852. 8vo. 51 KRAFFT (Adam). Adam Krati't and his School, 1490-1507, being a collection of his Sculptures still extant in Nurembei'g and its vicinity. AVith Engrav- ings on Wood, accompanied by Text by F. Wanderer. Nuremberg (n.d.). large 4to. KUGLER (Dr. Franz). A Handbook of the History of Painting, from the Ago of Constan- tine the Great to the Present Time. Translated. Part I. The Italian Schools of Painting. Edited with Notes by C. L. Eastlake, R. A. Lond. 1842. post 8vo. The Schools of Painting in Italy. Translated from the German by a Lady. Edited with Notes by Sir Charles L. Eastlake. With Illus- trations. Second edition, revised. 2 vols. Land. 1851. post 8vo. LABANOFF (Prince Alexander). Letters of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. See Mary Stuart. LABARTE (Jules). Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as applied to the Decoration of Furniture, Arms, Jewels, etc. Translated. With Notes, and Illustrated. Lond. 1855. royal 8vo. LACROIX (Paul). Les Arts au Moyen Age, et a I'epoque de la Renaissance. Ou'^Tage illustr6 de Planches Chromolithographic|ues par F. Kellerhoven. Paris, 1869. imp. 8vo. Moeurs, Usages et Costumes au Moyen Age, et a I'epoque de la Re- naissance. Ouvrage illustr6 de quinze Planches Clu-omolithographiques par F. Kellerhoven. Paris, 1871. imp. 8vo. Vie Militaire et Religieuse au Moyen Age et a I'epoque de la Renaissance. Ouvrage illustr6 de Chromolithographies execut^es -pax F. Kellerhoven, Reganiey, et L. Allard. Gravies par Hyot p6re et fils. Paris, 1873, imp. 8vo. XVIIIme Si^cle Institutions, Usages, et Costumes, France, 1700-1789. Ou\Tage illustr^ de Chromolithographies et de Gra\Tires sur bois d'aj)res Watteau, Vanloo, Rigaud, Boucher, Lancret, J, Vernet, etc, Paris, 1875. imp. 8vo. 52 LACROIX {PAVh)—Cmtiuued. X Vllline Siecle Lettres, Sciences, et Aits, France. 1 700-1 789. Ouvrage illnstr6 de Chromolithographies et de Gravures sur bois d'apr^s Wat- teau, Vanloo, Largilli^re, Boucher, Lancret, Greuze, etc. Paris, 1878. imp. 8vo. Sciences et Lettres au Moyen Age et a I'^poque de la Renaissance. Ouvrage illustr6 de Chromolithographies ex6cut6es par Compere, Dau- mont, Pralon, et Werner. Paris, 1877. imperial 8vo. LAING (David), LL.D., F.S.A. Scot. Historical Description of the Altar-Piece painted in the Reign of King James the Third of Scotland, belonging to her Majesty, in the Palace of Holyrood. EcUn. 1857. folio. List of Members and the Rules, with a Catalogue of the Books printed for the Bannatyne Club since its Institution in 1823. Edin. 1867. 8vo. (Bannatyne Club.) Facsimiles of Designs from Engraved Copperplates illustrating Le Liure de la Ruyne des Nobles Hommes et Femmes, par Jehan Bocace de Certald. Imprim6 a Bruges par Colard Mansion, Anno M.CCCC.LXXVI., "\vith a preliminary notice by David Laing. Ed'ui. 1878. folio. Ai'chseological Tracts; including Excavations at Cambuskenneth Abbey, 1864. The "Missing School of Design in Edinburgh," 1869. The Forrester Monuments in the Church of Corstorphine, 1876. Inquiries respecting some of the Early Historical Writers of Scotland, 1878. LAING (Henry). Descriptive Catalogue of Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals, Royal, Baronial, Ecclesiastical, and Municipal, embracing a period from A.D. 1094 to the Commonwealth, taken from Original Charters and other Deeds preserved in Public and Private Archives. Edin. 1850. 4to. (Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs.) LALANNE (Maxime). Traits de la Gravure a I'Eau-forte. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 53 LANDSEER (John), R.A., Engraver. Lectures on the Art of Engraving, delivered at the Koyal Institution of Great Britain. Zond 1807. 8vo. Sabaean Researches, in a Series of Essays, including the substance of a course of Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, on the engraved Hieroglyphics of Chaldea, Egypt, and Canaan. Illustrated with Engravings of Babylonian Cylinders, and other inedi ted Monuments of Antiquity. Lond. 1823. 4to. LANZI (Abate Luigi). History of Painting in Italy from the period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Translated from the Original Italian by Thomas Roscoe. 6 vols. Lond. 1828. 8vo. LARWOOD (Jacob) and HOTTEN (John CAi^roEN). The History of Sign-boards, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. With Illustrations in Facsimile by F. Larwood. Land. ISQ6. 8vo. LASAULX (Eknst von). Philosophie der schonen Kiinste, Architektur, Sculptur, Malerei, Musik, Poesie, Prosa. Munclien, 1860. 8vo. LASSUS (J. B. A.). Facsimile of the Sketch-Book of Wilars de Honecort. See Honecort (WiLARS de). LAUDER (Sir John), Lord Fountainhall. Historical Observes of Memorable Occurrents in Church and State, from October 1680 to April 1686,. by Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall. [Edited by Adam Urquhart and David Laing.] Edin. 1840. 4to. (Bannatyne Club.) Historical Notices of Scottish Affairs. Selected from the Manu- scripts of Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall, Bart,, one of the Senators of the College of Justice. [Edited by David Laing.] Vol. L 1661-1683. Vol. II. 1683-1688. 2 vols. Ed'in. \%\8. 4to. (Bannatyne Club.) LAWRENCE GALLERY. See Galleries. 54 LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas), P.E.A. EngraWngs from the choicest Works of >Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.E.A. (.50 Plates, with Biographical and Critical Notices.) Load. 1841-46. folio. LAYARD (Sir Austen Henry), Bart. Nineveh and its Remains. With an Account of a Visit to the Chal- da?an Christians of Kurdistan and the Yezidis, or Devil-Worshippers, and an Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians. 2 vols. Lond. 1849. royal 8vo. The Monuments of Nineveh, from Drawings made on the spot. Illustrated in One Hundred Plates. Lond. 1849. folio. A Second Series of the Monuments of Nineveh, including Bas- Reliefs from the Palace of Sennacherib, and Bronzes from the Ruins of Nimroud, from Drawings made on the spot, during a Second Expedi- tion to Assyria. Lond. 1853. oblong folio. LEJEUNE (Theodore). Guide Theorique et Pratique de I'Amateur de Tableaux etudes sur les imitateurs et les copistes des Maitres de toutes les £coles dont les CEuvres forment la base ordinaire des galeries. 3 vols. Paris, 1863- 1865. royal 8vo. LEBRUN (Jean B. P.). See Galleries of Pictures. LEONARDO DA VINCL A Treatise on Painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Translated from the Italian, to which is added the Life of the Author. Lmid. 1796. 8vo. The Life of Leonardo da Vinci, with a Critical Account of his Works, by John William Brown. Lond. 1828. 8vo. A Treatise on Painting, by Leonardo da Vinci. Translated from the Italian by John Francis Rigaud. With a Life of the Author, and a Critical Account of his Works, by John William Brown. Land. 1835. 8vo. Leonardo da Vinci and his Works, consisting of a life of Leonardo da Vinci by Mrs. Charles W. Heaton, an Essay on his Scientific and Literary Works by Charles C. Black, and an Account of his most important Paintings. Lond. 1874. royal 8vo. 55 LEONARDO DA VINCI— Continued. Chciracaturas by Leonardo da Vinci, from Drawings by Winceslaus Hollar, out of the Portland Museum. Load. (n.d.). 4to. LESLIE (Charles Robert), R.A. A Handbook for Young Painters. AVith Illustrations. Lond. 1855. 8vo. Autobiographical Recollections. Edited, \vith an Essay on Leslie as an Artist, and selections from his Correspondence, by Tom Taylor. 2 vols. Lond. 1860. 8vo. Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, R.A. See Constable (John), R.A. Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds. See Reynolds (Sir Joshua). LESLIE (Forbes), Lleut.-Colonel. The Early Races of Scotland and their Monuments. 2 vols. Edin. 1866. 8vo. LICHFIELD. An Illustration of the Ai'chitecture of the Cathedral Church. See Wild (Charles). LINDSAY (Alexander William Crawford, Lord). Sketches of the History of Christian Art. 3 vols. io/?(Z. 1847. 8vo. LINLITHGOW. The Royal Palace of LinUthgow. See CoLLiE (James). LOCKER (Edward Hawke). Memoirs of Celebrated Naval Commanders. Illustrated by Engrav- ings from Original Pictures in the Naval Gallery of Greenwich Hospital. Lmd. 1832. 4to. LOMAZZO (Giovanni Paolo). Idea del tempio della Pittura. Nella quale egli discorre dell' origine, e fondamento delle cose contenute nel suo Trattato dell' Arte della Pittura. Second edition. Bologna, 1785. 8vo. 56 LOWNDES (WiLLiAsi Thomas). The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged, by Henry G. Bohn. 1 1 parts. Land. 1857-64. 12mo. LUBKE (Dr. Wilhelm). History of Art. Translated by F, E, Bunn^tt. 2 vols, Lond. 1868. royal 8vo. History of Sculpture from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Translated by F. E. Bunn^tt, with Illustrations. 2 vols. Lond. 1872. royal 8vo. Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages. Translated from the Fifth German edition by L. A. Wheatley. Illustrated. Edin. 1870. royal 8vo. LUMISDEN (Andrew). Eemarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its Environs, being a Classical and Topographical Survey of the Ruins of that City. Illustrated with Engravings. Second edition. Lond. 1812. 4to. Memoirs of Andrew Lumisden, Private Secretary to the Stuart Princes. See Dennistoun (James). MACCULLOCH (Horatio), R.S.A. Scottish Landscape. The Works of Horatio Macculloch. Photo- graphed by Thomas Annan. With a Sketch of his Life by Alexander Eraser, R.S.A. Edin. 1872. large 4to. MACDUFF (William). Artis Farrago. Illustrations of Human Life from Pictures. Edin. (1873). 4to. IMACKAY (Hugh), Major-General. Memoirs of the War carried on in Scotland and Ireland, m.dc.LXXXIX. — m.dc.xci., by Major-General Hugh Mackay, with an Appendix of Original Papers. Edin. 1833. 4to. (Maitland Club.) 57 MACKENZIE (Frederick). The Architectural Antiquities of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, the late House of Commons. Drawn from actual Survey and Admeasurements made by direction of the Commis- sioners of H.M. Woods and Works, accompanied by observations on the original and perfect state of the Building, and a description of the Plates. Lond. 1844. imp. folio. MACKIE (Charles). The Castles, Palaces, and Prisons of Mary of Scotland. Illustrated. Lond. 1849. royal 8vo. MACLEAY (Kenneth), R.S.A. Highlanders of Scotland : Portraits illustrative of the principal Clans and Followings, and the Retainers of the Royal Household at Balmoral, in the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. With copious Notices from authentic sources. 2 vols. Lond. 1870. imp. folio. MACLISE (Daniel), R.A. Memoir of Daniel Maclise, R.A,, by W. Justin O'DriscoU. Lond. 1871. 8vo. MAJOR (Thomas). The Ruins of Paestum, otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Grsecia. Lond. 1768. folio. MALCOLM (J. P.), F.S.A. Historical Sketch of the Art of Caricaturing. With Illustrations. Lmd. 1813. 4to. MALLIOT (J.). Recherches sur les Costumes, les Moeurs, les Usages ReUgieux, Civils et Militaires, des Anciens Peuples d'apr^s les auteurs c^lebres et les Monuments Antiques. 3 vols. Paris, 1804. 4to. MALONE (Edmond). Life and Writings of Sir Joshua Reynolds. See Reynolds (Sir Joshua). H MANDER (IUrel van). Leven der Nederlandsche on Hoogduitsche Schilders, door Jacobus de Joiigh. (Portraits.) 2 vols. Amsterdam, 1764. 8vo. MANTZ (Paul). Les Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Peinture Italienne, ouvrage contenant vingt Planches Chromolithographiques, ex6cut6es par F. Kellerhoven. Paris, 1870. folio. MAECHESE (Vincenzo). Memorie dei piu insigni Pittori, Scultori e Architetti Domenicani, con aggiunta di alcuni Scritti intorno le Belle Arti. 2 vols, in 1. Firenze, 1845-46. 8vo. MARY STUART (Queen of Scotland). Collections relating to the History of Mary Queen of Scotland, con- taining a number of original papers never before printed, also a few scarce pieces reprinted. With an Explanatory Index of the Obsolete Words, by James Anderson. 4 vols. Edi/i. 1727-28. 4to. An Inquiry, Historical and Critical, into the Evidence against Maiy Queen of Scots, and an Examination of the Histories of Dr. Robert- son and Mr. Hume with respect to that Evidence, by William Tytler. 2 vols. Land. 1790. 8vo. The Life of Mary Queen of Scots, drawn from the State Papers, with subsidiary Memoirs, by George Chalmers, Illustrated with Plates of Medals, Portraits, and Prospects. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. 3 vols. Lfmd. 1822. 8vo. Historical Memoirs of the Reign of IVIary Queen of Scots, and a portion of the Reign of King James the Sixth, by Lord Herries, edited by Robert Pitcairn. Edin. 1836. 4to. (Abbotsford Club.) Selections from unpublished Manuscripts in the College of Arms and the British Museum, illustrating the Reign of Mary Queen of Scotland, M.D.XLin. — M.D.LXViii. Glasfjow, 1837. 4to. (Maitland Club.) Memoirs of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, by L. Stanhope F. Buckingham. 2 vols. Lond. 1844. 8vo. 59 MARY ^TVAUT— Continued. Letters of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, selected from the " Recueil des Lettres de Marie Stuart," together with the Chronological Summary of Events during the Reign of the Queen of Scotland, by Prince Alexander Labanoff. Translated, with Notes and an Introduc- tion, by William Tumbull. Lond. 1845. 8vo. The History of Mary Queen of Scots, by F. A. Mignet. 2 vols. Lond. 1851. 8vo. The Castles, Palaces, and Prisons of Mary of Scotland. See Mackie (Charles). MASACCIO (Tommaso Guidi, called). Engravings from the Frescoes by Masaccio in the Church of the Carmelites at Florence. See Patch (Thomas). MfiNARD (Louis et Rene). Tableau Historique des Beaux-Arts depuis la Renaissance jusqu'a la fin du Dix-Huitieme Siecle. Paris, 1866. 8vo. MENGS (Anton Raphael). Works of Anthony Raphael Mengs, First Painter to his Catholic Majesty Charles III., by the Chev. Don. Joseph Nicholas D'Azara. Translated from the Italian. 2 vols. Lond. 1796. 8vo. MERCURI (Paul). Costumes Historiques des xii'', xiii', xiv*, et xv^ Siecles tir^s des Monuments les plus authentiques de Peinture et de Sculpture dessin^s et graves par Paul Mercuri, avec un Texte Historique et Descriptif par Camille Bonnard. Nouvelle Edition, avec une Introduc- tion par Charles Blanc. 3 vols. Paris, 1860-61. 4to. MERCURIALIS (Hieronymus). De Arte Gymnastica Libri Sex : Editio novissima, aucta, emendata, et figuris authenticis Christophori Coriolani exornata. Amstelodami, 1672. 4to. 60 METZ (Conrad Martin). Imitations of Ancient and Modern Drawings, from the Restoration of the Arts in Italy to the Present Time, together with a Chronological Account of the Artists (in English and French). Land. 1798. atlas folio. MEYEICK (Sir Samuel Eush). A Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II., with a Glossary of Military Terms of the Middle Ages. First edition. 3 vols. Lond. 1824. folio. Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms and Armour, from the Collection of Llewelyn Meyrick, Esq., at Goodrich Court, after the Drawings and with the Descriptions of Dr. Meyrick, by Joseph Skelton, F.S.A. 2 vols. Lmid. 1830. folio. MICHAEL ANGELO BUONARROTI. Leben Michelangelo's von Hennann Grimm. 2 vols. Hannover, 1860-63. 8vo. Life of Michael Angelo by Hermann Grimm. Translated by Fanny Elizabeth Bunn^tt. 2 vols. Lond. 1865. 8vo. Michael Angelo Buonarroti, Sculptor, Painter, Architect : The Story of his Life and Labours by Charles Christopher Black. Lond. 1875. royal 8vo. Life and Works of Michelangelo Buonarroti, by Charles Heath Wilson. The Life partly compiled from that by Aurelio Gotti. Lond. 1876. royal 8vo. Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. Facsimiles of Original Drawings, by J. Linnell. Lond. (n.d.). folio. Selection of Twelve Heads from the Last Judgment. See Duppa (Richard). Facsimiles of Original Drawings by Angelo Buonarotti. See Lawrence Gallery. Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Michel-Ange. See Quatke- MERE DE QUINCY (AnT. ChR.). 61 MICHEL (Francisque). Les ficosscoisen France, les Fran9ais en ficosi?e. 2 vols. Loncl. 1862. 4to. MICHIELS (Jos. Alfred Xavier). Histoire de la Peinture Flamande et Hollandaise. Second edition. 8 vols. Bruxelles, 1845-68. 8vo. Histoire de la Peinture Flamande, depuis ses debuts jusqu'en 1864. Second edition. 4 vols. Paris, 1865-66. 8vo. MIGNET (F. A.). History of Mary Queen of Scots. See Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. MILIZIA (Francesco). Lives of celebrated Architects, Ancient and Modern, with Historical and Critical Observations on their Works and on the Principles of the Art. Translated from the Italian. With Notes and additional Lives by Mrs. Edward Cresy. 2 vols. Lond. 1826. 8vo. MINIATURE PAINTING. The Art of Painting in Miniature. Teaching the speedy and perfect acquisition of that Art without a Master, containing — I. The difference between Painting iu Miniature and other kinds of Painting. II. The Management of Colours in Draperies, Lace, etc. III. The method of mixing Colours for Carnations, for Painting of Architecture, etc. IV. The Art of Painting all sorts of Flowers, etc. V. The various methods of Painting. Translated from the French. Fourth edition, iowt?. 1739. post 8vo. MISCELLANY OF THE ABBOTSFORD CLUB. Vol. I. Edin. 1837. 4to. (Abbotsford Club.) MOLINET (Claude du). Figures des differents Hal TQc un Discours sur les Ha tant Seculiers que Reguliers. (Plates.) Paris, 1666. 4to. Figures des differents Habits des Chanoines Reguliers en ce Siecle, avec un Discours sur les Habits Anciens et Modernes des Chanoines 62 MOLTZIIEIM (A. de). L'Aitillerie Fran^aise. Costumes — Uniformes — Matt'riel, depuis le Moyen Age jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1870. folio. MONIER (Pierre). The Histoiy of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Graving, and those who have Excell'd in them. With an Account of the most considerable Productions in aU Ages, and how to distinguish the true and regular Perfomumcos from those that are otherwise. Lond. 1699. post 8vo. MONTFAUCON (Bernard de). L' Antiquity Expliqu6e et Representee en Figures. Seconde edition, revue et corrigee. 10 vols. Paris, 1722. foHo. Supplement au Livre de I'Antiquitee Expliqu6e et Representee en Figures. 5 vols. Paris, 1724. folio. MORLAND (George). Memoirs of the Life of George Morland, with Critical and Descrip- tive Observations on the whole of his Works hitherto before the Public, by J. Hassell. Illustrated. Lond. 1806. 4to. MOSES (Henry). Collection of Antique Vases, Altars, Paterae, Tripods, Candelabra, Sarcophagi, etc., from various Museums and Collections, engraved on Plates by Henry Moses. With Historical Essays. Lond. 1814. 4to. Canova's Works. See Canova (Antonio). MOULE (Thomas.) Antiquities in Westminster Abbey. See Harding (George P.). Portraits of Illustrious Persons in English History. See Harding (George P.). MOURADGEA D'OHSSON (Ignace). Tableau General de I'Empire Othoman. Vol. I. Pai'is, 1787. folio. MOYEN AGE et la Renaissance. Select Examples of the Ornaments of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Period, by Ferdinand Sere. Paris, 1851. 4to. 63 MUm (T. S.). Characteristics of Old Church Architecture, etc., in the Mainland and Western Islands of Scotland. Edin. 1861. -Ito. MtJLLER (WiLLiAJi J.oiEs). Memoir of the Life of WiUiam James Midler, Landscape and Figure Painter, with Original Letters and an account of his Travels and of his principal Works, by N. Neal Solly. Illustrated with Photographs from Paintings and Sketches by the Artist's own Hand. Land. 1875. royal 8vo. MUNTZ (J. H.). Encaustic ; or Count Caylus's Method of Painting in the Manner of the Ancients, to which is added a sure and easy Method for Fixing of Crayons. Lo7id. 1760. post 8vo. MURILLO (Baktolome Esteban). Life of Bartolom^ E. Murillo, and the Style and Taste of the School of Seville, compiled from the Writings of various Authors, by Edward Davies. Lond. 1819. post 8vo. Murillo and the Spanish School of Painting. Fifteen Engravings on Steel and Nineteen on Wood, with an account of the School and its Great Masters. By William B. Scott. Lond. 1873. 4to. MURRAY'S HANDBOOKS. Handbook for Travellers in Spain. Second edition. Lond. 1847. 12mo. Handbook of the History of the Spanish and French Schools of Painting, by Sir Edmund Head, Bart. Lond. 1848. 12mo. Handbook for Travellers in Northern Italy, embracing the Conti- nental, States of Sardinia, Lombardy, and Venice, etc. Fourth edition. Lond. 1852. 12mo. Handbook for Travellers on the Continent, being a Guide to Holland, Belgium, Prussia, etc. Ninth edition. Lond. 1853. 12mo. Handbook for Travellers in Southern Germany, being a Guide to Wiirtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, etc. Sixth edition. Lond. 1853. 12mo. 64 MUSEES D'ALLEMAGNE. See Viardot (Louis). musEe bourbon. Description tie quelques Peiiitures Antiques qui existent au Cabinet du Royal Musee-Bourbon de Portici. Naples, 1825. 8vo. MUSfiES D'ESPAGNE. See Viardot (Louis). MUSfiES D'lTALIE. See Viardot (Louis). MUSEUM OF THE LOUVRE. Guide through the Galleries of Paintings of the Imperial Museum of the Louvre. Paris, 1855. 8vo. MUSEUM OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities of Stone, Earthen, and Vegetable Materials in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, by W. R. Wilde, M.R.LA. Duhlin, 1857. 8vo. Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities of Animal Materials and Bronze in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, by W. R. Wilde, M.D., M.R.I.A. Duhlin, 1861. 8vo. Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities of Gold in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, by AV. R. Wilde. Dublin, 1862. 8vo. NAPOLEON I. (L'Empereur). Fun6railles de I'Empereur Napoleon, par Ferogio et Girard. Paris, 1840. folio. NARDINI (Famiano). Roma Antica, con note ed Osservazioni Storico-Critiche. Roma, 1771. 4to. • NARREY (Charles). See Durer (Albert). NASH (Joseph). The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 4 vols. Lond. 1839-49. folio. NATTES (John Claude). Drawings for " Scotia Depicta." See Fittler (James). 65 NEWTON (WiLLmi). The Architecture of Vitruvius Pollio. Translated. See VlTRUVius PoLLio (IVIarcus). NICERON (Jean FRANgois). La Perspective Curieuse, avec I'Optique et la Catoptrique du P^re Mersenne. (Plates.) Paris, 1652. folio. NIEL (P. G. J.). Portraits des Personnages Fran9ais les plus illustres du xvi® Siecle, reproduits en Facsimile sur les Originaux dessin6s aux crayons de couleur, par divers Artistes contemporains. Premiere s^rie, Rois et Reines de France, Maitresses des Rois de France. Paris, 1848. folio. NIEUWENHUYS (C. J.). A Review of the Lives and Works of some of the most Eminent Painters. With Remarks on the opinions and statements of former Writers. Lond. 1834. 8vo. NOBLE (Rev. Mark). Biographical History of England. See Granger (Rev. J.). NORTHCOTE (James), R.A. Life of Titian. See Titian. NOTT (J. C.), M.D., and GLIDDON (Geo. R.). Indigenous Races of the Earth : or New Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry, including Monographs on special departments of Philology, Iconography, etc., contributed by Alfred Maury, Francis Pulszky, and J. Aitken Meigs, M.D. Pkiladelphia, 1857. royal 8vo. Types of Mankind : or Ethnological Researches based upon the Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races, and upon their Natural, Geographical, Philological, and Biblical History. Illustrated by selections from the papers of S. G. Morton, M.D., and contributions from Prof. Agassiz, W. Usher, M.D., and Prof. H. S. Patterson. Eighth edition. Philadeliihia, 1865. royal 8vo. I 6.6 NOVICE (George William). Frauds and Follies in Picture-dealing, etc. A Poem. Edin. 1859. 12mo. OLDFIELD (Edmund). Catalogue of Specimens of Ancient Ivory Casting.s. See Wyati' (Sir Matthew Digby). O'NEILL (Henry), A.R.A. The Fine Arts and Civilisation of Ancient Ireland. Illustrated with Lithographs and Woodcuts. Lond. 1863. royal 8vo. Lectures on Painting delivered at the Royal Academy, With additional Notes and Appendix. Lond. 1866. 8vo. OPIE (John), KA. Lectures on Painting, delivered at the Royal Academy of Arts. With a Memoir by Mrs. Opie. Lond. 1809. 4to. OTTLEY (Henry). Dictionary of Recent and Living Painters and Engravers. See Dictionaries. OTTLEY (William Young), F.S.A. An Inquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engi'aving upon Copper and in Wood. With an Account of Engravers and their Works, from the Invention of Chalcography by Maso Finiguerra to the Time of Marc Antonio Raimondi. 2 vols. Lo7id. 1816. 4to. OWEN (Rev. Edward Pryce), M.A. Etchings by Edward Pryce Owen, M.A., from his own Paintings. 1842. folio. P^STUM. The Ruins of Paestum, otherwise Posidonia. See Major (Thomas). PALGRAVE (Francis Turner). Essays on Art. Lond. 1866. post 8vo. 67 PALOMINO DE CASTRO Y VELASCO. An Account of the Lives and Works of the most eminent S^janish Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. Translated from the Mv.sceum P/c/ormm of Palomino Velasco. Lond. 1739. 12mo. PANMURE. Registrum de Panmure. Records of the Families of Maule, de Valoniis, Brechin, and Brechin-Barclay, united in the line of the Barons and Earls of Panmure. Compiled by the Hon. Harry Maule of Kelly, A.D. 1733. Edited by John Stuart, LL.D. 2 vols. i:dm. 1874. 4to. PARKER (John Henry). A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Fifth edition, enlarged. 3 vols. Oxford, 1850. 8vo. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England from Edward I. to Richard II. With notices of Foreign Examples, and illustrations of existing remains from Original Drawings. Oxfm'd, 1853. 8vo. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England from Richard II. to Henry VIII. With illustrations of existing remains from Original Drawings. 2 vols. Oxford, 1859. 8vo. PASSAVANT (JoHANN David). Tour of a German Artist in England, with Notices of Private Galleries, and Remarks on the state of Art. 2 vols. Lof)id. 1836. 8vo. Le Peintre-Graveur, contenant I'Histoire de la Gravure siu- bois, sur m^tal, et an burin jusque vers la fin du XVF Siecle. L'Histoire du Nielle avec complement de la partie descriptive de I'Essai sur les Nielles de Duchesne Ain6, et un Catalogue Suppl^mentaire aux Estampes du xv^ et xvie Siecle du Peintre-Graveur de Adam Bartsch. 6 vols, in 3. Taris, 1860-64. 8vo. Raphael of Urbino, and his father Giovanni Santi. See Raphael. PATCH (Thomas). Engravings of Giotto's Pictures in the Church of the Carmelites. Firenze, 1772. — Engravings from the Frescoes by Masaccio, in the Church of the Carmelites at Florence, 1772, — Engravings from the Pictures of Fra Bartolommeo, 1772. In one volume, folio. 68 PAUQUET Frj^res. Modes et Costumes Historiques dessin6s et graves par Pauquet Freres d'aprtjs les meilleurs Maitres de chaque 6poque et les documents les plus authentiques. Paris (n.d.). 4to. PEEBLES. Charters and Documents relating to the Burgh of Peebles, with Extracts from the Records of the Burgh, A.D. 1165-1710. Edited by William Chambers, LL.D. Edin. 1872, 4to. (Scottish Burgh Records Society.) PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. Annals of the Fine Arts. 4 vols. LoTic?. 1817-19. 8vo. Art (L') Pour Tous, Encyclopedic de I'Art Industriel et Decoratif. From the commencement in 1861 to 1877. 10 vols. Paris, 1861-77. folio. Art (L') Revue Hebdomadaire Illustr^e. From the commencement in 1875 to 1877. 9 vols. Paris, 1875-77. folio. Art Journal (The). From January 1852 to December 1877. 26 vols. Lond. 1852-77. 4to. Art Student (The). From February to December 1864. Vol. I. Lond. 1864. royal 8vo. Fine Arts Quarterly Review. Vol. I. May 1863, to Vol. III. January 1865. 3 vols. Lond. 1863-65. royal 8vo. Fine Arts Quarterly Review (New Series). Vols. I. and II. July 1866 to June 1867. 2 vols. Lond. 1866-67. royal 8vo. Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Courrier Europ6en de I'Art et de la Curiosity. From the commencement in the year 1859 to 1868. 25 vols. Paris, 1859-68. royal 8vo. Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Deuxi6me Periode. 1869 to 1877. 15 vols. Paris, 1869-77. royal 8vo. Illustrated London News (The). From January 1858 to June 1872. Vols. XXXII. to LX. 29 vols. Lo7id. 1858-72. folio. Illustration (L') : Journal Universel. From January 1859 to December 1861. 6 vols, in 3. Paw, 1859-61. folio. 69 PERIODICAL FVBLICATIO^S— Continued. Landscape Annual (The). From 1830 to 1839. 10 vols. Lond. 1830-39. 8vo. Library of the Fine Arts ; or, Repertory of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and Engraving. Vols. I. II. III. Lond. 1831-32. 8vo. Magazine of the Fine Arts, and Journal of Literature and Science. Vols. I. II. III. Lond. 1833-34. 8vo. Portfolio (The), an Artistic Periodical. Edited by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Lond. 1870-77. 8 vols. 4to. Punch, or the London Charivari. From January 1852 to December 1877. 27 vols. Lond. 1852-77. 4to. PERKINS (Charles C). Tuscan Sculptors ; their Lives, Works, and Times. With Illustrations from Original Dramngs, and Photographs. 2 vols. 1864. 4to. Italian Sculptors ; being a History of Sculpture in Northern, Southern, and Eastern Italy. With Etchings by the Author, and Engravings on Wood from Original Drawings and Photographs. Lond. 1868. 4to. PERRAULT (Charles). Les Hommes lUustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce Siecle, avec leurs Portraits au naturel. Vol. I. Paris, 1696. folio. PERTH. The Chronicle of Perth; a Register of Remarkable Occurrences chiefly connected with that City, from the year 1210 to 1668. Edin. 1831. 4to. (Maitland Club.) PHILLIPS (Thomas) R.A. Lectures on the History and Principles of Painting. Lond. 1833. 8vo. PICKERING (Charles), M.D. The Races of Man, and their Geographical Distribution, to which is prefixed, an Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man. By John Charles Hall, M.D. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) New edition. Lond. 1863. post 8vo. 70 PICTET (Adolphe). Nouvel Essai sur les Inscriptious Gauloises : Lettres address6es k M. le G6n6ral Creuly. Paris, 1867. 8vo. PILES (Roger de). Abr6g6 de la Vie des Peintres, avec des reflexions sur lours Ouvrages, (*t un Traiti^ du Peintre parfait, de la connoissauce des Desseins, et de 1 'utility des Estampcs. Faris, 1699. 8vo. The Princijjlcs of Painting, under the heads of Anatomy, Attitude, etc., in which is contained an Account of the Athenian, Roman, Vene- tian, and Flemish Schools, to which is added the Balance of Painters. Written originally in French by M. de Piles, and now first translated into Engliish by a Painter. Lund. 1743. 8vo. PILKINGTON (Matthew). Dictionary of Painters. See Dictionaries. PINKERTON (John). Iconographia Scotica ; or Portraits of Illustrious Persons of Scotland. Engraved from the most Authentic Paintings, etc. With Biogra})hical Notices. Lond. 1797. 4to. PIOT (Eugene). Le Cabinet de I'Amateur, 18G1 et 18G2. Paris, 18G3. royal 8vo. PISTOLESI (Erasmo). II Vaticano Descritto ed Illustrato, con disegni a contorni diretti dal pittore Camillo Guerra. 8 vols. Roma, 1829-38. folio. PLANCHE (Gustave). Etudes sur I'Ecole Fran^aise, Peinture et Sculpture. 2 vols. Parh, 18.55. 12mo. PLANTINUS (Chris.). Humana; Societatis Monumenta B. Arise Montani, cum tabulis. (n.p.), 1571. 4to. 71 POTTERY. A Century of Potting in the City of Worcester. See BiNNS (R. W.). P0USSI:N" (Nicolas). (Euvre du Poussin. Paris, 1803. 4to. Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin, by Maria Graham. Lmd. 1820. 8vo. PRICE (Sir Uvedale). A Letter to H. Repton, Esq., on the Application of the Practice as well as the Principles of Landscape-Painting to Landscape-Gardening ; intended as a Supplement to the Essay on the Picturesque. Lond. 1795. 8vo. PUNT (Jan). Representation of the Funeral Procession of H.S.H. William the Fourth, Prince of Orange and Nassau, February 1872. (Plates after the designs of P. Van Cuyk.) La Haye, 1755. oblong folio. Proportions du Corps Humain. See Wit (Jacob de). QUATREMERE DE QUINCY (AntoIxXE Che.). Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Raphael. Paris, 1835. 8vo. Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Michel-Ange BonaiToti. Paris, 1835. 8vo. QUEYROY (A.). Rues et Maisons du Vieux Blois. Pam, 1864. folio. QUILLIET (F.). Dictionnaire des Peintres Espagnols. See Dictionaries. RAEBURN (Sir Henry). Portraits by Sir Henry Raeburn. Photographed by Thomas Annan. With Biographical Sketches. Edin. (n.d.). 4to. 72 RAPHAEL SANZIO DA URBINO. Descrizione delle Immagiiii clipinte da RafFaelle d'Urbino nel Palazzo Vaticano e nella Farnesina alia Lungara. In questa nuova edizione accresciuta anche della Vita del medesimo Raffaelle, descritta da Giorgio Vasari. Ronui, 1751. folio. Vie et CEuvre complete de Raphael Sanzio. 3 vols. Paris, 1803. 4to. I Freschi della villa Magliana di RafFaelle d'Urbiuo, incisi ed edita da Ludo\'ico Gnmer. Land. 1847. oblong folio. The Mosaics of the Cupola in the " Capella Chigiana " of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome, designed by Raffaelle Sanzio d'Urbino. Engi-aved and edited by Lewis Gruner. Lond. 1850. atlas folio. Raphael d'Urbin et son Pere Giovanni Santi, par J. D. Passavant. Edition Fran^aise refaite, corrig^e et consid^rablement augnient6e par I'Auteur sur la traduction de Jules Lunteschutz, revue et annotee par Paul Lacroix. 2 vols. Paris, 1860. 8vo. Raphael of Urbino, and his father Giovanni Santi, by Johann David Passavant. Lond. 1872. imp. 8vo. The Caryatides from the " Stanza dell' Eliodoro " hi the Vatican, designed by RaS'aelle d'Urbino. Engraved and edited by LeAvis Gruner. Lond. 1852. folio. Essai sur les Fresques de Raphael au Vatican, par F. A. Gruyer, 2 vols. Paris, 1858-59. 8vo. Facsimiles of Drawings by Raffiielle. See Lawrence Gallery. Heads from Fresco Pictures in the Vatican. See Duppa (Richard), Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Raphael. See Quatremere DE QuiNCY (Ant. Chr.). Life of Raff'aello Sanzio da Urbino. See Duppa (Richard). Engravings of the Cartoons by Raphael at Hampton Court. See DoRiGNY (Sir Nicolaus). REDGRAVE (Richard), R.A., and REDGRAVE (Samuel). A Century of Painters of the English School ; with Critical Notices of their Works, and an Account of the Progress of Art in England. 2 vols, Lond. 1866. 8vo. 73 REDGRAVE (Samuel). Dictionary of Artists of the English School. See. Dictionaries. REIBISCH (Friedrich Martin von). Deutscher Rittersaal artistisch-historisch bearbeitet. Von F. M. von Reibisch. Dresden, 1836. oblong 4to. Der Rittersaal. Eiue Geschichte des Ritterthums, seines Entstehens und Fortgangs, seiner Gebrauche und Sitten. Stuttgart, 1842. oblong 4to. REMBRANDT. Catalogue Raisonn6 de toutes les pieces, qui forment I'CEuvre de Rembrandt, compost par feu M. Gersaint, et mis au jour, avec les Augmentations n^cessaires, par les Sieurs Helle et Glomy, Paris, 1751. 12mo. Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Rembrandt, and of his Scholars, Bol, Livens, and Van Vliet, compiled from the Original Etchings, and from the Catalogues of De Burgy, Gersaint, Helle, and Glomy, Marcus, and Yver, by Daniel Daulby. Liverpool, 1796. 4to. Rembrandt Harmens Van Rijn. Ses pr^curseurs et ses ann6es d'Apprentissage, par C. Vosmaer. La Haye, 1863. Svo. Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn, sa Vie et ses CEuvres, par C. Vosmaer. La Haye, 1868. Svo. L'CEuvre de Rembrandt, d^crit et comments par Charles Blanc. 2 vols, in 1. Paris, 1873. 4to. Rembrandt and his Works. See Burnet (John), F.R.S. RENNIE (George), F.R.S. Essay on Bridges. See Cooke (Edward William). REPORTS. Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, 1851. — Reports by the Juries of the Subjects in the Thirty Classes into which the Exhibition was divided. Lond. 1852. royal Svo. K u ItEPOKTS— Continued. Report from the Select Committee on the National Gallery, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, etc. Load. 1853. folio. Report from the Select Committee on Schools of Art, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, etc. Lond. 1864. folio. Compte-Rendu de la Commission Imp6riale Archeologique, pour I'annee 18G4. St. Petershaurg, 1865. 4to. RETHEL (Alfred). Ein Todtentanz aus dem Jahre 1848. (6 Lithographed Plates, with illustrative verses by Robert Heinick.) Leipzig, 1848. oblong 4to. REVEIL (Achille) and DUCHESNE (Jean). Mus6e de Peinture et de Sculpture, ou Recueil des Principaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Reliefs des Collections Publiques et Particu- litres de I'Europe. Dessin^ et grav6 a I'eau forte par Rtiveil ; avec des Notices Descriptives, Critiques et Historiques par Duchesne Ain6. (Text in French and English.) 17 vols. Pans, 1829-1833. post 8vo. REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua), P.R.A. Works, containing his Discourses, Idlers, a Journey to Flanders and Holland, and his Commentary on Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, to which is j>refixed an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Edmond Malone. Second edition, corrected. 3 vols. Land. 1798. 8vo. Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, containing his Discourses, Idlers, etc., by Edmond Malone. Fourth edition, corrected. 3 vols. Lond. 1809. 8vo. Engravings from the Pictures and Sketches painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, comprising the whole of his Works, by Samuel William Reynolds. 4 vols. Lond. 1820, folio. The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Illustrated by Explanatory Notes and Plates by John Burnet, F.R.S. Lond. 1842. 4to. Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds. With Notices of some of his Cotemporaries, commenced by Charles Robert Leslie, R.A., con- tinued by Tom Taylor. 2 vols. Lond. 1865. royal 8vo. 75 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua), F.'R.A.—Cmitinued. Sir Joshua Reynolds as a Portrait-Painter, an Essay by J. Churton Collins, B.A. Illustrated by a series of Portraits of distinguished Beauties of the Court of George III. Lond. 1874. folio. Catalogue Raisonn6 of the Engraved Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A., from 1755 to 1820, to which is added a short Biographical Sketch of each Engraver, by Edward Hamilton, M.D., F.L.S. Loiicl. 1874. royal 8vo. The Characters of the most celebrated Painters of Italy. See DuPPA (Richard). RHIND (A. Henry). Thebes : its Tombs and their Tenants, Ancient and Present, including a Record of Excavations in the Necropolis. Lond. 1862. royal 8vo. RICHARDSON (Jonathan). An Account of some of the Statues, Bas-reliefs, Drawings, and Pictures in Italy, etc. With Remarks by J. Richardson, Sen. and Jun, Lond, 1722. 8vo. Works, consisting of — I. The Theory of Painting. II. Essay on the Art of Criticism so far as it relates to Painting. III. The Science of a Connoisseur. Lond. 1773. 8vo. RICHTER (LuDWiG). Richter- Album. Eine Auswahl von Holzschnitten nach Zeichnungen von Ludwig Richter. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1855. 8vo. Fiirs Haus. Illustrated. Dresden, 1858. 4to. RIDINGER (JoHANN Elias). Representation et Description de toutes les lemons des Chevaux de Manage et de la Campagne, dans quelles occasions on s'en puisse servir. Augshourg, 1760. 4to. RIDOLFI (Carlo). Le Maraviglie dell' Arte, overo le Vite de gl' illustri Pittori Veneti, e dello Stato. Oue sono raccolte le opere Insigni, i Costumi, et i ritratti loro. Con la narratione delle Historie, delle Favole, e della Morality da quelli dipinte. Venefia, 1648. small 4to. n RIDOLFI (MicHi:LE). Critical Letters. See Carey (William). RIGAUD (John Francis). Treatise on Paintiug by Leonardo du Vinci. Translated. See Leonardo da Vinci. ROBERTS (David), R.A. The Life of David Roberts, R.A., compiled from his Journals and other sources, by James Ballantine, With Etchings and Facsimiles of Pen-and-ink Sketches by the Artist. Edin. 18G6. 4to. ROBERT-DUMESNIL (A. P. F.). Le Peintre-Graveur Fran9ais, ou Catalogue raisonn6 des estampes gravees par les Peintres et les Dessinateurs de I'ficole Fran^aise; Ouvrage faisant suite au Peintre-Graveur de M. Bartsch. 8 vols, in 4. Paris, 1835-50. 8vo. ROBERTSON (D. H.), M.D. The Sculptured Stones of Leith. With Historical and Antiquarian Notices. Leith, 1851. 4to. ROGERS (Charles), F.R.S. A Century of Prints from Drawings : A Collection of Prints in Imitation of Drawings, to which are annexed Lives of their Authors, with Explanatory and Critical Notes. 2 vols. Lond. 1778. folio. ROGERS (Samuel). Poems. (Woodcuts after T. Stothard, byL. Clennell.) Lmd. 1822. 12mo. ROME. Admiranda Romanarum Antiquitatum. See Bartolo (Petro Sancti). Roma Illustrata. See Samber (Robert). ROSCOE (Thomas). History of Painting in Italy. Translated. See Lanzi (Abate LuiGi). 77 ROSCOE (William). Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth, i vols. Liverpool, 1805. 4to. ROSSETTI (William Michael). Fine Art; chiefly Contemporary Notices reprinted, with Revisions. Loncl 1867. 8vo. RUBEJS (Jean-Baptiste de). Des Portraits on Traits pour saisir la Physionomie. Pari'i, 1809. 4to. RUBENS (Peter Paul). La Galerie du Palais du Luxembourg, peinte par Rubens, dessin^e par les Sieur Nattier, et grav^e par les plus illustr^s graveurs du temps. Paris, 1710. atlas folio. Catalogue of the Works of Art in the possession of Sir Peter Paul Rubens at the time of his decease, together with Two Letters from Sir Balthazar Gerbier, and a Facsimile of an original unpublished Letter from himself. Yarmouth, 1839. 8vo. Peter Paul Rubens : his Life and Genius. Translated from the German of Dr. Waagen by Robert R. Noel. Edited by Mrs. Jameson. Lond. 1840. 8vo. Original Unpublished Papers illustrative of the Life of Sir Peter Paul Rubens, as an Artist and a Diplomatist. Preserved in Her Majesty's State Paper Office. With an Appendix of Documents respecting the Arundelian Collection, the Earl of Somerset's Collection, etc. Collected and edited by W. Noel Sainsbury. Loiul. 1859. 8vo. RUNCIMAN (Alexander). Etchings by Alexander Runciman. 1770. folio. RUSKIN (John). Modem Painters. Vol. L 1846. Vol. H. 1851. Vol. III. 1856. Vol. IV. 1856. Vol. V. 1856. 5 vols. Lond. 1846-56. 8vo. 78 RUSKIN {Jou^)—Cmti?iu€d. The Stones of Venice. With Ilhistrations drawn by the Author. Vol. I. The Foundations. Vol. II. The Sea-Stories. Vol. III. TIk^ Fall. 3 vols. Loud. 1851, 1853. royal 8vo. Giotto and his Works in Padua, being an Explanatory Notice of the Series of Woodcuts executed for the Arundel Society, after the Frescoes in the Arena Chapel. Land. 1854. royal 8vo. (Arundel Society.) Notes on some of the principal Pictures exhibited in the rooms of the Royal Academy, 1855. Loud. 1855. 8vo. The Two Paths ; being Lectures on Art and its Ajiplication to Decoration and Manufacture, delivered in 1858-59. Lond. 1859. 8vo. Arena Chapel, Padua. A Series of Wood Engravings from the Frescoes of Giotto, illustrating the Lives of the Virgin and Our Saviour. Lond. 1860. oblong folio. (Arundel Society.) Lectures on Art delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary Term 1870. Oxford, 1870. royal 8vo. Aratra Pentelici. Six Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture, given before the University of Oxford in Michaelmas Term 1870. I^ond. 1872. 8vo. Notes by Mr. Ruskin on his Drawings by J. M. W. Turner, R.A., exhibited at the Fine Art Society's Galleries in 1878, with an Appendix containing a list of the Engraved Works of J. M. W. Turner exhibited at the same time. Loud. 1878. 8vo. ST. KATHERINE OF SIENNA. Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edin])urgum. Edited by James Maidment. Ld'm. 1841. 4to. (Abbotsford Club.) SALA (George Augustus). William Hogarth, Pamter, Engraver, and Philosopher. Essays on the Man, the Work, and the Time. Lo7id. 1866. 8vo. SALON. Salon (Le), 1865. Cinqiuinte Tableaux et Sculptures. Dessin^s par les Artistes exposants. Graves par M. Boetzel. Pam, 1865. oblong folio. L'Autographe au Salon 1864 et 1865. 2 vols. Paris, oblong folio. 79 SAMBER (Robert). Roma Illustrata; or a Description of the luost beautiful Pieces of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, Antique and Modern, at and near Rome. Lond. 1722. 12mo. SANDBY (William). History of the Royal Academy of Arts, from its Foundation in 1768 to the Present Time. With Biographical Notices of all the Members. 2 vols. Loml 1862. 8vo. SCHADOW (Dr. Gottfried). Polyclete, ou Th^orie des Mesures de THomme selon le sexe et I'age, avec indication des grandeurs rdelles d'apr^s le pied du Rhin. 2 vols. Berlin, 1866-67. folio and 8vo. SCHAYES (Antoine G. B.). Histoire de I'Architecture en Belgique, depuis les temps les plus recul^s jusqu'a I'^poque actuelle. Gra\Tires et vignettes sur bois. Second edition. 2 vols. Bruxelkfi, 1853. post 8vo. SCHEFFER (Ary). Memoir of the Life of Ary Scheffer, by Mrs. Grote. Loud. 1860. 8vo. SCHETKY (John Christian). Reminiscences of the Veterans of the Sea ; a series of Photographs illustrative of the British Navy of Bygone Times, from the Professional Works of J. C. Schetky. Lond. 1867. folio. Sketches from the Public and Private Career of John Christian Schetky, Marine Painter-in-Ordinary to Her Majesty. By his Daughter. Edin. 1877. 8vo. SCHNORR VON CAROLSFELD (Julius), and NEUREUTHER (Eugen). Der Nibelungen Noth, illustrirt mit Holzschnitten nacli Zeichnungen. Die Bearbeitung des Textes von Dr. Gustav Pfizer. Staitgart und Tubingen, 1843. 4to. 80 SCOTLAND. The Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King James I. and his Koyal Successors, Kings of Scotland. Collected and Extracted from the Public Kecords by Sir Thomas Murray of Glendook, Bart. 1681. folio. A Chronicle of the Kings of Scotland from Fergus the First to James the Sixth, in the year M.DC.xi. Edin. 183U. 4to. (Maitland Club.) A Diurnal of Remarkable Occurrents that have passed within the Country of Scotland since the Death of King James the Fourth till the year m.d.lxxv. From a Manuscript of the Sixteenth Century, in the possession of Sir John Maxwell of Pollock, Baronet. Edin. 1833. 4to. (Maitland Club.) Narrative of Charles Prince of Wales' Expedition to Scotland in the year 1745. By James Maxwell of Kirkconnell. Edin. 1841. 4 to. (Maitland Club.) Extracta e Variis Cronicis Scocie, from the Ancient Manuscript in the Advocates' Library at Edinburgh. Edited by W, B. D. D, Turn- bull. Edin. 1842. 4to. (Abbotsford Club.) Queen Victoria in Scotland, 1842. Glasgoic, 1842. folio. . vSculptured Stones of Scotland. Edited by John Stuart, LL.D. 2 vols. Edin. and Aberdeen, 1856, 1867. folio. (Spalding Club.) Facsimiles of National Manuscripts of Scotland. Selected under the direction of the Right Honourable Sir William Gibson-Craig, Bart., Lord Clerk Register of Scotland, and Photozincographed by command of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, by Sir Henry James, R.E. 3 parts. Sauthaw-pton, 1867, 1870, 1871. folio. • Ancient Laws and Customs of the Burghs of Scotland. Vol. T. A.D. 1124-1424. Edited by Cosmo Lmes. Edin. 1868. 4to. (Scot- tish Bui'gh Records Society.) The Book of Deer. Edited by John Stuart, TJ..D. Edin. 1869. 4to. (Spalding Club.) Iconographia Scotica ; or Portraits of Illustrious Persons of Scotland. See PiNKEKTON (John), F.S.A. 81 SCOTLAND— C&nfmued. Scotia Depicta; or the Antiquities, Castles, Public Buildings, etc. of Scotland. See Fittler (James), A.R.A. Theatruin Scotise, containing the Prospects of their Majesties' Castles, Palaces, etc. See Slezer (John). SCOTT (David), U.S.A. The Eime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Illustrated by Twenty-five Poetic and Dramatic Scenes, designed and etched by David Scott. Ediri. 1837. folio. British, French, and German Painting, being a reference to the grounds Avhich render the proposed Painting of the New Houses of Parliament important as a public measure, Edin. 1841. 8vo. Selections from the Works of David Scott, R.S.A. With a Memoir of his Life. Etched and written by his brother, W. B. Scott (Art Union of Glasgow). 1858. folio. The Pilgrim's Progress ; with Forty Illustrations by David Scott, R.S.A. ; a Life of Bunyan, by Rev. J. M. Wilson, and Explanatory Notes abridged from Rev. Thomas Scott. Lond. and Edin. (n.d.). royal 8vo. SCOTT (Sir Siebald David), Bart. The British Ai'my; its Origin, Progress, and Equipment. Illustrated. 2 vols. Lmd. 1868. 8vo. SCOTT (WilliaiM Bell). Corea Sancti Viti : or Steps in the Journey of Prince Legion. Twelve Designs by W. B. Scott. Lond. 1851. folio. Half-hour Lectures on the History and Practice of the Fine and Ornamental Arts. With Illustrations by the Author, engraved by W. J. Linton. Lond. 1861. 8vo. Half-hour Lectures on the History and Practice of the Fine and Ornamental Arts. Illustrations engraved by W. J. Linton. Lond. 1867. post 8vo. L 82 SCOTT (WiLLiAiM Bell)— Cmtinued. The British School of Sculpture. Illustrated by Twenty Engravings from the Finest "Works of deceased Masters of the Art, and Fifty Woodcuts. AYith a Preliminary Essay and Notices of the Ai'tists by AVilliam B. Scott. Lond. 1871, 4to. Gems of Modem German Ai-t, a series of Carbon-Photographs from the Pictures of eminent Modern Artists. With Remarks on the Works selected and an Essay on the Schools of Germany. Lond. 1873. 4to. Albert Diirer : his Life and Works. See DijRER (Albrecht), Murillo and the Spanish School of Painting. See MURILLO (Barto- lom6 Esteban). SCOTTISH AECHERS GUARD IN FRANCE. Papers relative to the Royal Guard of Scottish Archers in France. From Original Documents. Edin. 1835. 4to. (Maitland Club.) SCOTTISH BURGH RECORDS SOCIETY (Publications of the). 1868. Ancient Laws and Customs of the Burghs of Scotland. Vol. I. A.D. 1124-1424. >S'e Burgh of Edinburgh, A.D. 1528-1557. See Edinburgh. 1871. Charters and other Documents relating to the City of Edin- burgh, a.d. 1143-1540. ,S'e(? Edinburgh. 1871. Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, a.d. 1625-1642. Edited by John Stuart, LL.D. 1872. Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, A.D. 1643-1747. Edited by John Stuart, LL.D. 1872. Charters and Documents relating to the Burgh of Peebles. With Extracts from the Records of the Burgh, A.D. 1165-1710. See Peebles. 1875. Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, a.d. 1557-1571. iS^ee Edinburgh. 1876, Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, a.d. 1573-1642. 83 SEALS. The Great Seals of England, from the Time of Edward the Confessor to the Reign of His Majesty William the Fourth. Illustrated by Plates containing Facsimiles of the Seals in their jjresent condition. With Historical and Descriptive Notices. Loml. 1837. folio. Descriptive Catalogue of Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals. See Laing (Henry). SENEFELDEE (Alois). A Complete Course of Lithography, containing clear and explicit Instructions in all the different Branches and Manners of that Art, accompanied by illustrative Specimens of Dramngs, to which is prefixed a History of Lithography. With a Preface by Frederic von Schlich- tegroll. Translated from the German by A. S. Lontl. 1819. 4to. SEEE (Ferdinand). Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance. See Moyen Age. SERLIO (Sebastiano). Regole Generali di Architettura sopra le cinque maniere de gli- edifici. Venetia (n.d.). folio. SHAW (Henry), F.S.A. The Handbook of Medieval Alphabets and Devices. Lond. 1853. royal 8vo. SHEE (Sir Martin Archer), P.R.A. Elements of Art. A Poem in Six Cantos, with Notes and a Preface, including strictures on the state of the Arts, Criticism, Patronage, and Public Taste. Lond. 1809. 8vo. The Commemoration of Reynolds, and other Poems. Lond. 1814. 12mo. SILVESTRE (Theophile). Histoire des Artistes Vivants, Francjais et Etrangers. Jltudes d'apres nature. lUustr^e de Portraits pris au Daguerreotype et graves sur acier. Introduction et Catalogues, par L. De Virmond. Paris, 1856. royal 8vo. 84 SIMPSON (Sir James Y.), Bart., M.D. The Cat-Stane, Edinburghshire. Edin. 18G2. 4to. Archaic Sculpturings of Cups, Circles, etc., upon Stones and Rocks in Scotland, England, and other Countries. Edin. 1867. 4to. Account of some Ancient Sculptures on the Walls of Caves in Fife. Edin. 1867. 4to. Antiquarian Notices of Syj^hilis in Scotland. Edin. (n.d.). 4to. SKENE (James). Views, chiefly in Aberdeen, etched by or engraved from drawings by Mr. Skene to illustrate Spalding's History of the Troubles (1624- 1645), published by the Bannatyne Club, 1828-29. 4to. SLEZER (John). Theatrum Scotia? ; containing the Prospects of their Majesties' Castles and Palaces, together with those of the most considerable Towns and Colleges, the Ruins of many Ancient Abbeys, Churches, etc., with a Description of each place. Original edition. Lond. 169.3, folio, SMITH (Charles Roach). Tlhistrations of Roman London. Lond. 1859. 4to. SMITH (James Edward), M.D. Sketch of a Tour on the Continent. Second edition, with Additions and Corrections. .3 vols, Lond. 1807, 8vo. SMITH (WiLLiAin), LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Edited by William Smith, LL.D, Illustrated. 3 vols, Lond. 1868-69. royal 8vo. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Edited by William Smith, LL.D. Illustrated. 2 vols. Land. 1868-69, royal 8vo, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Edited by William Smith, LL.D. Illustrated. Second edition, improved and enlarged, Lond. 1869, royal 8vo. 85 SOANE (Sir John). Designs for Public and Private Buildings. Lorid. 1828. folio. Description of the House and Museum, the Residence of Sir John Soane. With Illustrations. Lmul. (n.d.). folio. Descriptive Accounts of the House and Galleries of John Soane. See Brixton (John). SOClfiTfi ROYALE DES ANTIQU AIRES DU NORD. Atlas de I'Archeologie du Nord, repr6sentant des fichantillons de I'Age de Bronze et de I'Age de Fer. Copenhague, 1857. folio. SOLLY (N. Neal). Memoir of the Life of David Cox. See Cox (David). Memoir of the Life of W. J. Miiller. See MuLLER (William James). STANLEY (George). A Classified Synopsis of the principal Painters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, their Scholars, Imitators, and Analogists, including an account of some of the Early German Masters. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) Land. 1855. 12mo. STATE TRIALS. Complete Collection of State Trials, from the Ninth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Second, 1163, to the First Year of George the Fourth, 1820. 33 vols. Lmid. 1809-1826. royal 8vo. STIRLING-MAXWELL (Sir William), Bart. Annals of the Artists of Spain, by William Stirling. 3 vols. Ijynd. 1848. 8vo. The Chief Victories of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. Designed by Martin Heemskerck in M.D.LV., and now illustrated with Portraits, Prints, and Notes, by Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, Bart. Land, and Edin. 1870. foHo. The Procession of Pope Clement ^^I. and the Emperor Charles V. after the Coronation at Bologna on the 24th February M.D.xxx. Designed and Engraved by Nicholas Hogenberg, and now reproduced in facsimile, with a Historical Introduction by Sir William Stirling- Maxwell, Bart. Edin. 1875. folio. 86 STOKER (James and H. S.). Views in Edinhurgh and its Vicinity, exhibiting Remains of Antiquity, Public Buildings, and Picturesque Scenery. 2 vols. Edin. 1820. royal 8vo. STOTHARD (Charles Alfred). The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, selected from our Cathedrals and Churches, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Henry VIII. Land. 1817. folio. STOTHARD (Thomas), R.A. Life of Thomas Stothard, R.A. With Personal Reminiscences by Mrs. Bray. With Illustrations from his Works. Lond. 1851. small 4 to. STRANGE